Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Entered as Kecou fostofflce of
In the Interests of the Jewish People
i matter on juuuary. ;a,rmxi, ut ska, under the Act of Matcb 3. 1879
2, 1934
PearlsUen Honored at Farewell Dinner
Cohen-Will Present To Two ^Week Golden Dr. A.Z.A. Patents Sunday
Jacob S. Pearistien was honored Tuesday /evening i t a farewell dinner given "at the edical Arts Tearooms-by y the Om Social Workers l h club, of which.-he Is president. Announcement & made last .week of Fearistien*s tlon-from his position as: executwe' director of the Jewish" Center and Welfare Federation,; In prder; to enter private business I it| Detroit. _ Thoughlthe tion -is effective Januaryil,' ,„5, Pearistien . was granted an exteadiil leave of absence and left Wednesdajr for Detroit. ', A number of-boa^d members of the deration were . a!so present -at
Vol. X—No. 40
B'nai B'rithHonored Guest WEEK-ED SACHAR iSTITUTE IS WEIL RECEIVED LOCALLY Scenes in Jewish History Dramatically Presented by Sachar.
Graphic word-pictures, giving intimate, fascinating- glimpses into the The" Hon. "Alfred M. Cohen, Intertreasure-house of Jewish history, were national jjresidenFoftfie B'nai B'rith, painted by Dr. Abram Leon Sachar, will address the members- of the A. national director of the Hillel FounZ. A. chapters. No. 1 and 100 at a dations, during the Institute of Jewijoint meeting" to be held at .the J. ish History he conducted at the J. ;",, A dinner-dance Sunday eye-. trip to- Columbus and out |of the C/ C. Sunday, afternoon. '.. C. C. last week-end. i1 • j ; ning ^it the; i Jewish Community* ten' Jewish men there obtained nine .Dr..;Cohen.' will: present, member- T u e s d a y ' s f a r e w e l l . ' d i n n e r by. t h e s o Standing room only was available ship ' patents "arid insignia" to. the class c i a l w o r k e r s ! • ' ]'• 1 i> Center iwitti Hon. Alfred ML Co- members for the order*- - ; at the Center auditorium, as overflow:. .'''. •--,..of -new..A, .Z. A.*, members initiated ing crowds kept returning for the va* hen—international president of Now, in qusst of further member- in his honor.-'.1 . •• '. • rious numbers on the series, which the B'nai B'rith — as guest of ship gams7"this~6utstaH3ih"g two-man The ".members • of - A. Z. _ A. and were held under the auspices of the honor, will climax-the two-week team is heading for Hastings, Grand -dates will be admitted to the Study Club of the Conservative Syn-' golden anniversary jubilee cele- Island and Beatricer with high hopes their B'nai Brith dance" Sunday evening a agegue. bration of the Omaha lodge of of keeping their percentage Intact. ;9:30 p. m.._-wlthfini_ charge upon The week-end Institute started Fti4he B'nai B'rith. In commenting on this, Kazlowsky presentation -of .their . membership day evening and concluded Sunday Dr. _ Cohen recently. _ observed his said: "It is highly gratifying to caid at the door. •- • afternoon. sovsnty-fifth birthday, and a nation- view the resurgence of Jewish!, con"Seven Who Built the New Land" wide campavjn for 75,000 nsw B'nai sciousness that is taking hold in the was the subject of the.concluding lecB'rith members was dedicated to him, rural communities. It augurs' well Omaha's "College of Higher Jewish ture, in which Dr. Sachar enveloped one thousand members for each year for the future of. Jewry.-In Omaha Education, to be held at the-J. C. C. the development of Palestine in a of his life. . it will serve as a new bond,batween under tha joint sponsorship of the spirit of optimism. The-Omaha lodge is participating us and_^our co-religionists, of neighJewish Community; Center and the The seven personalities described in this national drive. . I . Payid, Wertheim, national r secre- B'nai B'rith,. "will open Monday,- Noboring communities." by Di\ Sachar and the outstanding The local campaigners are nearing. tary' of .the. Ppale Zion, a two- vember 19. • * . - : characteristic of each: the. two-hundred _maik,, jtccprding. to Pageant, J10ne.Jor-.All'-'day guest of "the,Ppale Zion organi- --From .the enthusiasm..with .which Theodor Herzl, representing the will Ben E, Kazlowsky, ganeral chairman - Rehearsals -•have -been-held regu- zation, the Jewish, National Workers it has been . rsceiyed by the adult of Zicn, the will to live, to survive as u of the jubilee activities. larly in preparation for the pagsanty Alliance,* "and__the~ Women's Pioneer population," ajarge, enrollment is bea separate people in a separate land; The ne\? members will be known - ^Orie: f or "Alt" The "members of the groups in Omaha Thursday and Fri- ing predicted. '•; „ .'_ ... ." Ben Yehuda, a 'sublime fanatic' who as the "Alfred M. Cohen class" cast . include:. Martin ^ Freidlander day, November S "and 9. .; '" Registration is new being taken at built the Hebrew language into a livand bs'pfeaented to.ths B'nai Herbert Forbes,; Oscar Diamond, Ban - Thursday evening,.^November S, at the Jewish Community,Canter. Quting tongue; Achad Ha'Am, who B'rith bead at the banquet Sunday. Lefitz,' Jack Bronsteh}; Hy Temin/ the Jewish Community Center^at 8:30 s j d e o f the one dollar registration brought .a new interpretation into the h will ill speak'on" peak'on" the problems rblems j e, there is no tuition "charged. i According to Leo Abramson, presi- Yale Halpeiin, Dan Miller, Ray Scha- p. m. he meaning of Palestine — a home not dent of the Omaha B'nai B'rith lodge, pird, 'Aaron Corenman, Richard Hur- of 'lie" Jews "throughout' the world.) In the beginning classes j*fili bs so much for Jews as for Judaism; the dinner-dance Sunday will ba one witz, Ernest >Nogg, Martha HimslAbraham D. Gordon, who propounded i E Mh i l There will no- admission charge and held two .evenings I a week, .Mondays of the most outstanding affairs in stein, Louise Fitch, . J a c k Temin, no collection taken. The gerieral.pnb- aid Thursdays," "with two-hour'sesr the philosophy of a return to the_Boil HON. ALFRED M. COHEN local B'nai Brith histoiy: ~ George Shafer, Harold! Cooperman, lie is invited to attend. . •„ -=. sions. Diplomas-will be gives to those and, the end of the luftmensch; Pin-' - - Banquet* , • • and'Dr. I. Dansky. " - ' "" . Mr. ;W«rtheim - has just. returned who: complete the t|ro-year. course. chas Ruttenberg. who . exerap$fie£_ International president of theB'-jsai B'rith, who honThe banquet will begin at 6:30 .There are six episodes to the pa- from an e^nave^tourvof.gropeairl The enrolling st^ents will-have a ored fttadinnfer-dance^SaHday^eTmliig at the Jewish Commianity scientific technique brought to Pales-, p. m. Sunday. - A i tine; Trumpeldor, who represents the cHdKeTbf two* courses eafib/.wefE .'".' Centeu~ " - ' •" ' :::;;.•', geant,: -The, Urst, m, bins&eime. s ^ ^ t tforid Jewish,Gongress.. 'spixit~xyf-.ihe pioneer with the "will to t ; t e Birthday-V cake*fc-^ ^'^ The subjects tdVclioose front-" and e fight and die for their land; HenriHon. Alfred M. Cohen. During the ban- „•„,„ the six Infitructois on the faculty: ttf picts tho the ffounding of WiVnWte? the order in in mnA^ etta Szold, who symbolizes the Jew*, quet, soft music vrl\\ be played by a 1843: ••--•--•=-- :-..Modern Jewish - Life and Current ish spirit of compassion, not onty trio,, a cellolat, violinist and pianist, pvesi Topics—Rabbi David BL Wice. •with the heart but with the mind. under the direction of Al Finkel. Literature—Rabbi Uri Miller. first work ofrB?nai B'rith in 1845, The program will be opened by when'they assisted.Sqlomon By .fusing these personalities, be Bible—Rabbi Miller. Wolf, an introductory rema.ks by lodge -presi- emigrant who was without funds or declared, the spirit of modern PalesJew'sh Personalities—Rabbi dent Leo Abramson. He will also friends in New York City. The third tine is obtained. ' Concentrated rehearsals under the Frederick Cohn. introduce ths toastmaster of the eve- is a conversation in 1904 between able direction of Miss Helen Merritt Saturday he gave a complete and Hebrew—A Katz. The -open forum program for Jew- extensive analysis of the force? beA junior dramatics program is bening, Sam Beber, who is a msmber Morris Wolf, son of Solomon Wolf, are being held at the J. C. C. in preSurvey Course in Jewish History— ing mapped out at the Jewish Com- ish youta to be sponsored by the hind anti-Semitism. He told of how of the executive committee of the and the son of Morris Wolf, in which paration for the first presentation of Rabbi Cohn international order' arid is president the two discuss the achievements of the season by the Center Players Jewish Customs and Ceremonials— munity Center, aiming to give a | Round Table at the Community Cen- economic forces brought • about antimeans of self-expression to the great- ter is rapidly taking shape. of the Supreme Advisory Council of B'nai Brith during the. civil war'as Guild, "Another Language," which Rabbi Wice. Semitism. In his analysis of Fascist est number of juniors possible. the Junior B'nai Brith (A^ Z. A.); well • as the work in Russia and Ru- will be produced November 27. ' ' The first forum meeting will be hostility to the Jewish people, he Palestine in the Life of the Jew— he Children up to the age of 15 will W Tuesday, November 13. A sympo- went behind the scenes and showed '. A feature presentation' will be the mania. The fourth .in .1914, dap_icts "Another Languafre" is a sparkling Rabbi David A. Goldstein. pageant,- "One for All," which de- the work of the B'nai Brith during three-act drama by Rose Franken'and 1 Yiddish LaegrHage and Literature— be eligible. Miss Grace Levin will be siran will be presented on "The Need how the simple device of Jew-baiting picts the aims, and progress of .B.'nai 1;he war, • and - the accomplishments experienced -• a successful run on L "Morgenstern. the director of these 'activities. -The for Religion in the Life of Youth To- was- used by big industrial magnates ' fi 38'rith during the 91 years of its .ex- in the hospitals'and orphanages."-Ths Broadway. -While Omaha is a pioneer in this production of a series of plays of in- »y " and. will be led by Rabbi Fred- to divert popular attention erick Cohn, Father George Dagelman, themselves to the scapegoat, t h e istencs. This will be given by mem- fifth episode takes place in 1918 Miss Merritt declares that the char- field of Jewish education, colleges of terest to children is planned. bers of the local A. Z. A. chapters, and depicts the additional work done acters are well cast, and that the in- this type have bsen tried with-great The first meeting will be held Sun- and Rev. Walter Traub. Jew. Other forums to bear on the adand is being directed by Mrs. Dave during the war and the growth of terest and enthusiasm . among the success in several large cities of the day, November 11, at 4 p. m. at the He declared that the Jews should justment cf Jewish youth to modern align themselves with the progresBrodkey. the order throughout the world. The Guild members as well as the fine re- country. The fiist college of Jewish J. C. C. Miss Levin has had much experi- life: sive and liberal forces. •Following the pageant, . Henry concluding episode depicts • the work hearsals indicated a marked success. education was started several years December—"Jewish. Youth in the ago in Detroit, and proved highly ence in dramatics. She was connected Monsky, a member of the interna- of B'nai B'rith in 1934, with emSeason tickets for the three Guild Jewish Education. Professional and Economic World Totional executive committee of the phasis on the youth movements. productions are now on sale. They successful under the leadership of with the Community Playhouse for day." In his first address, "By tha Rabbi Fran. Cincinnati also, has a several years, played sixteen weeks B'nai Brith and outstanding in the may be obtained at the J, C. C. January—"Jewish Youth Organiza- Breath of School Children," on FriThe Pageant was written by Elma Jewish college vith a large number with the Brandeis Theater stock comorder's activities, will present the tions and the Part They Play in the day evening, Dr. Sachai- declared of . courses offered. Recently the pany, and had one of the leads in the class of new members to Dr. Cohen. Ehrlich Levinger, wife of Rabbi New York.—Vladimir Jabotinsky, that "The answer to the question of He will introduce Dr. Cohen, who Levinger, dii'ector of. the Ohio State leader, of world Revisionist move- movement spread to Denver; where a 1934 Ak show, "Girl in Three Bar American-Jewish Life." February—Debate finals of the why the Jewish people survive every • more or less informal "lecture Ranch." will make a brief address. Hillel Foundation. She also wrote ment, is coming to the United States obstacle and every persecution is to Round Table. course" college exists. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will give the the. prize novel, "Grapes of Canaan." this winter. March—"Jewish Education for Jew- be found in Jewish education. By the invocation at the banquet, and Rabbi Some of the courses which will ish Youth."" " • breath of school children, Jewry are David A. Goldstein will give, the be offered by the Omaha college are April—"Conventions a n d Social an eternal people." benediction. now being tauglit at the University Standards of Jewish Youth in a He deplored the "internal hemmor- . After the banquet, there will be of Chicago, with regular university Changing Social Order." hage in Jewish life" and the present lounges and ca:d- tables in the lodge credit given. A special meeting of the Round tendency to take Jewish survival for room. There will be dancing in the The members of the faculty, who The Brotherhood of Temple Israel two "layman's services" I Table of Jewish Youth will be held granted and emphasizad the need for gymnasium until the auditorium is are offering their services voluntarily j next Friday evening. I at the Center Monday evening, No- concrete action to have a more, incleared, and then the dance will be are enthusiastic about the college. Tonight the services will be read by vember 5. Plans will be presented for tensive Jewish education for the chilcontinued, in .the main auditorium. Some of ther comments: "The Jewish people in this counti y William I.. Holzman and Eugene Blaz- the debate tournament, the forum se- dren. Julius Bisno is . chairman' of -the. have less to fear from campaigns of Rabbi Cohn—"I think it is an ex- er. Morris Jacobs, president of the ries, and several social functions. "Jewry has outlived and will concommittee in charge of arrangements anti-Semitism and business discrimcellent^dea It seems to be the vogue B r o t b e r l i o o d ( w i l l - s p W briefly and tinue to outlive such men of the hour -' for the banquet. throughout t h r ug h t the country and should ination under liberal and progressive totroduce Julius Roseilfeld, as a Hitler, an Antiochus, a Titus; There will be a special table re- democratic ideals than under hideprove itself of great benefit to those will preach the sermon on the subject, •we have no fear from external served for delegations from outstate. bound, conservative, reactionary leadwho enroll." "What a Congregation Expects of Its causes but from internal causes. Our The Community Center will be ership," declared Sol A. Rosenblatt, Rabbi Goldstein—"A college will Rabbi." great danger lies from •within.*' ., \ specially. decorated for the occasion. administrator of 147 NRA codes, who be interesting as well as educational. Next week Rabbi David H. Wice will In addition to the deterioration of Reservations ' must-be made im- spent a few days this past week in Those who can find time should not speak on "What a Rabbi Expects of Jewish education, the speaker listed Dancing classes for children «p mediately with Isadore Abramson, Omaha. miss the opportunity." His Congregation." Next week an open to-the age of 14 will be added to the four other menaces to Jewish sur854 Brandeis Theatre building. The A. Katz—"I am very optimistic Rosenblatt was born and reared in forum on the questions will be held, vival. They are: escapism, by which public is 'invited, both "men arid Omaha. He attended Central High, about the College of Higher Jewish with all members of the congregation program of the Jewish Commutiity many seek to escape the burdens of Center. w o m e n - • .• • . . Education." invited to participate. where he was active in debate work, Miss Grace Levin will be instructor their Jewishness; .economic pressure, Rabbi Wice—"It is a good moveedited the school paper, and was a Membership Drive Successful. for the classes, in Intepretive, acro- by which many turn from their Jewment. I feel that it is a step in the The membership campaign by fif- captain in the regiment. He continishness through the circumstances batic and tap dancing. right direction." teen two-men teams has been ex- ued his education at Harvard, obwhich enable them to make a better The classes, which begin on MonRabbi Miller—"Regular evening ceedingly fruitful. The' final report taining his A. B. and then his L. L. B. day, November 12, •will be held on livelihood;. class consciousness, by courses should give those who have luncheon of all workers in the drive After graduating, he began his Monday and Wednesday afternoons which Jewish labor aligns itself the true desire to learn more about will be held this noon. legal practice in New York arid soon from 4:45 to 5:45 p. ro. Registration with its labo? groups and turn from Judaism a chance. The college should "Never has a community respond- became attorney for theatrical interMembers of A. Z. A. 100 will sponis now open at the Community Cen- Jewishness because of their idea'thst" clear up the confusion of ideas that ed so- wholeheartetf'y to a- cause,"' de- ests. He' was, first brought into the the'""pillars of the synagogue and sor services, under the direction of ter. one gets by irregular education." clared Chairman Kazlowsky,* "as has NRA as administrator of the amusetemple" are "the same individuals Rabbi Uri Miller, at the B'nai Israel I. Morgenstern—^"Education must synagogue this evening, with all the been demonstrated d.uring the course ment industry's, code.' Later the preswho are exploiting them;" scientific have system. The college proposed by offices, and duties being, taken over ident used .his -boundless energy and| of this campaign." ' ~ materialism. th«- B*nat B'rith and Jewish Com- by the youths. The highlight of the all-envelop- ability in various other codes, and " .• munity Center will supply the muching campaign of the B'nai Ifrith he now spends. hia entire time ad-1 Leo Isenstatt -will speak on *?The needed system to Omaha Jewry's Greatness of the Bible;" Sam Friedj lodge for n e w members as part of ministering to the codes. Sol A. Rosenblatt A clay modeling class under the education. Surely it cannot help but man on "The Disintegration of the direction of Mrs. Milton Abrahams Rosenblatt was high in bis praise the golden jnbilee celebration is the work of Simon Pizer and Simon of President Roosevelt. In regard to tures, in which battle Catholic, Prot- succeed." Jewish Y'outh in America," and will be held at the Jewish Community the many Jewish appointees under estant and Jewish, groups have joined Bordy. Nathan C o u n s e on "Definitions of Center on Thursdays from 4 to 5:30 " A special meeting of the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization will be This hard-working, energetic Roosevelt, Rosenblatt declared that forces, Rosenblatt commented: "I am J«rusalem.—In the month of Sep- Judaism.*" William Rosenbama /will p. m., beginning November 15. held on Tuesday afternoon, November two-man team on their own initia- the "capability of the man involved" in favor of moral- pictures but am tember, 4,535 Jewish immigrants en- be acting rabbi. Isadore Mittleman This class is open to all children 6, 2 p. m.> at the J. C. C. Y tive took a motor trip to Norfolk is the only question, "arid any other against" censorship.-One calls for in- tered - Palestine, according to offi- -will act as cantor, assisted i»y the up to the age of 14. Mr. William Holzman has an imand out of the nine Jewish men consideration is out." dustrial self-regulation by irdustry; cial government figures. Mrs. Abrahams has had wide exB'nai Israel <;hoir. portant message for the members, and there obtained eight as members of In regard to the battle being the other, for government interfer- Of the total, 459 families entered perience modeling and sculptoring. In charge g are Iz Mittleman,, chairall are urged to attend. the B-uni B'rftli.* waged: by the Legion of Decency to ence. I prefer Industrial self-regula- in the capitalist category, while 1,15S l G Shf A board meeting of the organization man; Harold Finkel, George Shafer, | Registrations are now being taken From there they took a flying "cjeanse the movies" of immoral plc- tion." families came as workers at the J. C. C for music tenons. will be held at 1 p. m. and Albert Monovitz.
t :' of
Registration Open for Irist tuieof er iducation
Hold Rehearsals for *Another Language*
Rosenblatt, District NRA Administrator, Visits Here
Two 'Laymen Services' to Be Held at Temple
Century Chapter to Sponsor Services
Clay Modeling Class at Community Center Jewish Women's.
'':':••- Welfare Meeting
• i
NOVEMBER; 2,. 1934
BASKETBALL LOOP ENDS Activities:.<oO.7CE C. FffiSf ROTO©OF PlAY Athletic Department
Goldie Myerson S|eeting
wood 5338. The date of the next -ineeting will be: anripunceS m ths Jewish Press.
The annual Fathers : and Sons ban* At a-mieeting of the^Goidie MyerMrs. Joseph Goldware was elected <itiet,-at the J. C. G.i under, the spoo* The first round of play in the J. Isadore Novak, former Tech High H. S O S S M A N son club held-last, Thursday evening, athlete, will teach the junior boys the president for a second term a t the SOr ship of the Bocial• service -commit- C O . - pre-season senior basket ball at the J. C. "p., Judah;'Wolf son ad1 art of self-defense in the gym classes meeting of ther.-Ladiet-r,Auxiliary oftee of the^ Jewish Community Center league has baen completed. dressed the.;inemtiBrsj telling of the on Tuesday afternoogs at. 4 p. m., i t Congregation Jof>IsK£lJ£^th..and J and the B'nai B'rith will be.held at Last week the Toi-k Battery five pioneer work Ibein^: done' in Paiest'na \ 25th and heavenworth Sts. I streets, Monday, the Center, Sunday,; November 18. it defeated the Boulevard Grocery, 23 is announced by Lee 'Grossman, ^ ^ the Service Life Insurance with t h e r e t o :.,oi such organizatians i / Atlantic 2574 f physical director. , . **y Othef, officers?' rrT was announced by Dr. Philip Slier, to.. 12, and t h e : A. Z. A. 1 quintet as this group. Company, Omaha . _ .;:. With cooler weatfier in sight, the bested the Xi Lambda fraternity, 25 vice-president'; chairman. ; Mrs. J. RicHiri, who attended the handball committee of the Center . -. . secretary; Mrs. Sam Broristeln, treas- Reservations may be made at the to 18. Pioneer Women's national'convention expects many more entries for the urer. The board of directors include J. C. C. at 60 cents per plate. Last Tuesday the • Psi Mo, last in Chicago a s an official dsbgate the Mesdames Leo Ostravich, Dave year's champions, brushed aside the years the.J. •C.. (X pre-season doubles touma-J The* greatest economic asset men from Omaha- reported on the happenmen are only 15 teams enhave i s their rvalue as producers of 1n. . ^ . . upholstered u|nivu»<.icu furniture luiuiiure made maae to! la 1 New Flanchek, Moiris Lipsman, A l CutRe-Im team, 33 to 8, and the fast- t e r e*d! your individual taste. No extra cost I to date. Play will start Mon-; come, Successful men, .capitalise this ings of the conclave. ler, Henry Leibovici. stepping Omaha h Jobbing outfit out- tered A membarshlp drive i s being in- \ to have yoor furniture made to fit I jlifeyalue in pome perjrtaTjent form by day, November 12. ' Chairmen of committees are Mrs. shot the Wardrobes, 37 to 12. augurated by the organization. Any- ) your home. Ca!t AT-2574 and Mr. I The following have been assigned adopting a fixed financial program; a Sam Gorelick, ways and means; Mrs. Games in the . ssnior loop are Sussman will call and make s u e - ! is asked to call the \/ testions. definite duties to perform during the program that will accomplish every , one interested I Nathan—Bexelman,p g in a •brief and unscheduled appear- played Tuesday and Thursday evesecretary, Mrs. Harry Bush, KenHarry Fladerman, publicity. nings, startins at 7:30 p. m. No adfall season about the Center physical'desired objective regardless of what ance before the Omaha Council of department by Director Lee Gross-happens. They realise that they.mnst Organized on November 21, 1933, Jewish Women at the Canxmunity mission fee i s |have, as a foundation, a safety factor man. this group has dose to one hundred Center Monday afternoon, Sol A , j_rv .j _nw o- that will eventually guarantee' the esThey are: Nate Cutler, members. Tre next meeting will be Rosenblatt, Omahan who is now disSternhill, Paul Teplitsky, Ray Scha-i ta t3 ;tt^i^ s > to build, held at the synagogue November 26. trict NBA administrator, praised the piro, Dave Richards, Max M^rrism,! I4fe> Insurance is the only invest•work of the National Council of Jeweffectively guarantees a Bucky Reuben, "Mo-fis Franklin, Pauli ish Woijien Jp congressional activisum during life ar>d after Bogdonoff, Dan . Greenfield, Simon! ties. Describing it a s "a real force ten accented points workhiff tr,wa-d i c:n$t«etiV3"erid." : The Junior Hadassah held a large Comar, Isadora N o v ^ v Butch Novak,1 used to test t v e vrltte of a inxneatlns last Thursday evening at the Joe Kirschenbaum, Morris KircichenHe urged the women as. mothers J. C C. Dr. L Dansky gave a; group baulfi. • " , vestment, ?n-! l'-'e insurance stands up The annual rummage sale of HaiThe boys wOl act'as'a^istants fa.'™*" everyone. dassah will be held November 13 and 14; Those whbi have^fcano*fesare the department and ( will serve a s asked to have them ready not later leaders and helpers. than November 12 and to call Mrs. ^ — T-i -. * — ; T 4istribti|^d by The business girla* classes t V tions would, ose Jha influence, of thsir L Grossman or Mrs. D. Eprtein. Miss Rose Abramscn, ticket chairman. meet on the irym'' flibr' at "6 p.m. Rational r^r^filaitiVea^to'" 6rin» Mrs. Irvin Stein "will ettieftain. at The College Club> orchestra has beou Mondays and Wednesdays are grow; a children's party in ftonoi1, of theabout hishejf staadards. engaged ] to. furnish, "the music for In|g rapidly^ Over 50 "young ladies' At the last meeting o l the Fhi Sig: Motions pictu:«3r taken on his rethird birthday of her daughter, Rona dancing. , of n"'a Mu, Jewish legal trateraity .of the d are Tegula:ly taking advantage : cent Alaskaii trip, were;-shown by Dr. Joan, on Sunday afternoon; Novemv Delegates elected to represent the the Center facilities on. _these University Nisat. L"w school. . . . eve. . Omaha . ber 4, at her home, 1522 South 56th,: Victor E. LevineV who dScrib&i somi local chapter ct ths Bcuthwestern re- nin^s. In this class votlsybali i s prov- d r e e new pledges,. Jim Eurrou^Sis, from 3 to 9 p. m. Little San Lt Eona asks of the interestifc* experiences of his jfional convention to be held at Des i Epstein, and Irving White, were that each little guest foiflgv twenty- 18 thousand i£&&\ expedition, and Moices, Iowa on NovenYbrr 1Q and ing quite popular ar j a tournam:nt is being staged with three teams formally initiated by the pledrremasfive cents instead of a birthday gift told of his plaw forvanother c e s t N o v e m b w u w e T e fce Misses Sara Esther ' Siegel, •»,» ten. Louis J. Riklin. so that she may contribute this summer when, rmanceoV by federal, G e r m a n F a n n i e ' and Jean- participating. Spar, and Vesta S=ott are captans.i ^ fat=rni.y,-the only Jewisa lemoney to the infant welfare fund funds, he hopes to,check the spread nette Resnick. Miss Rose Dolrtoff was Last week's result: Setgels d v - s l Maternity i^ the^^ middlejre^. i* and help carry on the health eru- of tuberculosis! ainon^ ; tfe Eskimo. chosen as alternate. Ofter delegates feated the Spars, 15-7, 10-15, sponsored by Judge Irrit &tal15^. ^ sade. Mrs. Harry 0 ; ^iSts^Ie -presented a are Mi3S Ida Fine, who is second vice maSilCr M l l t o n & The Scotts drew a bye. j ' Abraham*. a*d Jack 1 Mrs. Dave Stein announces the fol- musical program^ acbompankd byi Hnmie of the rs-icnrThe men are reminded that there, lowing contributions to the Hadassah Mrs. Harvey; Mflaikakiv and; a tea Frohm; local president, ard Tflss Dora is a special healttvi-bjody-burdin^ c I S 3 * • healttvi-bbdy-burdin^ cl"ss! gift fond: Mr. and Mrs. Max Davis, concluded the stftefnooii's meeting. Freshman, *locnl vice president, who at 6:15 p. m.;to.*7 p, m. every Tues- i M l Z r a C - 1 1 in honor of the confirmation of their More than ens hundred woman at- are board members of t v e day and Thursday. son, Leslie; Mr... and Mrs.. Julias tended the.'•;• opening1 pro*rram, and About forty m?mt?-s from the by Mrs. 3. H. Kulakof- Omaha chapter plan to attend the Abrahamson; in'honor .of the confirmation of "the'r daughter, ZeU;' Mr. convention.- -^ - . _ . - A regular meeting of the Marachi and" Mrs. Paul Wohlneiy. in honor of fhe last Jfcndav" of ea-h mont'i a s will be held Saturday evsnin^ at 8 1 the confirmation of their son, Irvin; Council Day. * An intensive membero'clock at the B2A Hamedrosb HagoMrs. H. Friedland2r, in memory of ship campaign is plann-d, and an indol sjTiatosuo, 19 ih and Buvt. T'tero her mother, Mrs. R. Fried; Mr.., andteresting program has baen arranged The alephs of A. 2 . A. 100 he'd a w n j t,e refreshments in the form of Mis. E. Meyer, in memory o f their for the yearj ons of the features of successful Halloween dance at T.v-the traditional II'Lave M^I!:Eh f e s s t granddaughter, Sora Miriam Blank; which will be a social.half hour at ington, Neb., Wednesday. Al M:no- There will also be s.-n-rs and inMexico City, (WNS).—With Abe- vitz was chairman. the sisters and brother of Mrs. J.the conclusion of each meetins. teresting talks. The public i s invited. Blank, in memory of Sora Miriam Among announcements for group laidb Rodrijjuez, prnnidont-of Msxica. A regular meeting was held at ths ¥ •Blank; Mr. Meyer FriedeT, in memo.ry meetings- Iyere .those r of the sewing as a witness, jfnx S*iein, JJW S)» doll J. C. C. Sunday afternoon. and -child study groups.; The first manufacturer and formsr rssi^ent pf of his wife, Mrs, Rose Rriedel. The Hadassah' Sawing .group, will will : meet each Tuesday from 10 a. m. New York, was marrfcd." to Sondrlta < J i ^ C Maria Amparo Vlderiqus, sister-inmeet Monday, November.;?, at. the o 4 ;p.^ n v 4 t thev<2Dmmuniiy-Center SLXTEENTH AT FARNAM rome of Mrs. R. Bordy, 5640 Leaven- o sew fo*"^eidWsititts Nurses' as- law of the-president at Chaputta-ec At a meeting cf the Alpha Pi Tan iociation. Members of t i e ehild study 1{Palace, the prcKdentinl mansion, The worth. • Where Omaha Shops With Confidence -^—\ fraternity to be held at the J. C. C. A large crowd attended wtb& meefe; groupfor the first time bride i s the sister of 1 i The regular meeting of the Mount;Sunday aftern:on, November 4, Rev. ing of Hadassah held We^ftesSay, at November .6> the home of Mrs.gue»r who w a s hostess at fefc wadd"n> the J. C. C. •'"• : : v ^ ?.i v Howard M3d3r,f49S7 Cumings, chair- dinner. Prinio Villa MicTiel, minister Sinai auxiliary was postponed and;Walter H. Traub, pastor of the • • A. feature was the report :ea the man, at 1:30 o'cloik. T h e topic to be of -economics, was the othar witness will be held Wednesday aftemoou, i Kountae Memorial Lutheran church, national Hadassab conclave by Mrs. discussed will be 'Child t o Adole- for the bride.^SSeln's w'tnosses- wcrre November 14. • will be guest speaker. B. P. Marjjolin, cent" There will be two coursas of Joseph Yr-^ovlfos, and Girson Pappo. H Rabbi Uri adx Jectures each, Mis. Milder has Shein,••> who - -baa-»lived~insince 1925y is -widely, -known in tha hignlignts-bt his fennounifeed. i ^ ul?/u,. Jewish community. He has been a Palcstino -last Burame?^ G-aito^;'' A. liberal 6^nW'W7ewish~tlnsttei»rohs Schwacikih sang, accompa^a^ ;ji& J^e and-is an active msmbsf-of-Bfriai piano by Mrs. .R.; BE; SMaiK-ifrftowBrith. • " -'••-••'ing the program, ja'•.f'tea; ^ a i ] Si.elcl,with Mrs. L' W.-Rosenblatt ;atfi her committee in charge; ; ^ n , - * ; 1], "?-.'" 1A concer^fed dxivfe i&ibeuigmade to American to Head Education " "• J ring: thd ^iGounty Manager*' plan to Department New Tork—Appointment o f : Dt. Among the advantages pointed out Alexander. Dushkin, "former h e a i f f n iy the proponents, .ara definlt^plac^ the. Bureau o f .Jewish. EiuMition t ment•••of xesponsibllity resulting H Chicago, as director _of the nsw de-I. I." Gordeeff, representative- of Hebrew public interest. and economy; sspaia- partment of education at-the -Wfth the exclusive "SIGNAL BEACON" and walnut and : Torgsin in U. S. A., declares: .tion of policy and admtnistzatiye university, "was"" ahnbu^iced by Chanrosewood cabinet offered to you at this conservative price. "It has come to my notice that" sev- functions;- selection, of employees on cellor Judah L. .Magnes. • - _ • „ _ eral organizations are- circulating- ru- merit : rather . than- ,political .basis; mors that Torgsin is discontinuing4t» tty aiid;cohesion between. the : sevoperations fai the S i t U i ^ Q eral departments V7ith - co-onsration the basis of this i idea they, suggest. in-use of employees j savings due to to Americans who have ;beaff sending "WORK THAT SATISFIES" money to relatives or friends hi-the purchasing by one party of supplies U. S. S, R. through Torgsin, that the and materials; frequent financial Oriental and Domestics business be transferiei to them ..and statements' and analysis of its condiWalnut 5002 as "a lure, they quote a ftntastitirate tion; ensuring of a short ballot; a 5116 Hilitarj Ate. perspective by the County Manager of exchange abojw ttej^ seejog -the- county as a- whole—one "In regard to Jtltesef department i s proper relation to I wish to state. - •; "1. Torgsin is not discontinuing; it Others. • I J i; is steadily increasing 'aiia - --- ~'— fixed fo?i^llegal and unauthorized exits services. In the interest ing the' service throughout.. "Hulicireds of leading banks and tire chain of hundreds of y^ G stores, a. few uneconomic «BJ£s in agencies!5 'throughout' the United small places have been d!scox&|&ued S^tes'i liandle the' transmission of this year. The recipient; of a '**——-•- Torgsm 'money', orders to & e XT. S7 S^rsR. Th&"recipients can either exorder hi -;ia p place ord residing" r g no Torgsin store may have merchan- changei the "foreign currency at the dise up ;to the amoun|.vo£ ther^oxder official banks or obtain biigh: quality: in t6e Torgsin stores at; sent to him quickly and .cheaply by merchandise 1 parcel post from the nearest TSranchv 'prices^ on the general level of those "2. Organizations ipjetsndipgr, to prevailing in the TJ. S." 2 handle money ordsrs and to secure for the recipient rubles? at above'the legal exchange rate have. ;nof connection with Torgsin or with U, S. S. R. The exchange rate i& fixed" under established governmentat,. procedure and penalties (including confiscation of the amount involved)'" are
WHAT rr w
Upholstering Co. IS
) Furniture Repairing, *I" itefinishing and Upholstering
Rosenblatt Speaks at Council Meeting
Junior Hadassah Meeting Held
Varied Activities. of Local Hadassah
MThree Pledged by
Saturday Evening
Head's^lister Wed to American Jew
A. Z. A. 100 Holds Hallowe^en Dance
Mt. Sinai Ansiliary Meeting Postponed
Alpha Pi Tau to Meet Nest Sunday
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• All the best styles—fingertip or hip length. Metallic trims? Stunning ones in collars, dashing bows, and metalHc threaded details? Fabrics? The new cloky and matelasse crepes. Colors? Even Manchu green, gold, Czar red, raspberry red, brown, rust and black. Sizes for everyone — Misses, women and half sizes.
Third Floor
JJilWIStti^RESS, FfUDAY, KOVEl^EK, 2, 19S4 Von...^by,: Miss— Helen . jGreenberg, Monthly Meeting of dressed as a Russian . maid, and Che&edrShel Ernes "Miss" Mel Li Sommer, dressed as a -Ball Being Planned Sisterhood on Monday Service girL Thej award for the "worst costume" was captured" by Ben Shrier. The Chesed -Shel Emes is making Temple Israel Sisterhood will hoia [The pledges of the fraternity last arrangements for an - outstanding jits regular monthly meeting on Monweek Selected,. David D. .Weinberjr .of ball, to be ggiven at the Jewish Com-1 day, November 5, at a one o'clock desSt. Joseph, Mo., the pledge president munitv Center auditorium on Sun-sert luncheon at the Temple. day, November 11, Originally, the Mrs. Julius Solomon is -chairman T>I affair .was .to. have: been' held at the the group in charge of the luncheon. HOUSE-WARMING Pili Bsta: Epsilon, Creighton social .city auditorium, but . has • been j -An .interesting talk will be given by fraternity, will welcome parents and changed to the Community Center. .. Mrs. David Wice on "Feats of Clay," members at a" "house-warming" at All proceeds will go to the build- illustrated with slides. the Fraternity, apartment, 33d anding- of the Jewish Funeral - Home, The board will meet at 12 o'clock. Califoinia streets, th-s com'njj San- helping repair and maintain the Phone AT-2815 day afternoon, Novembsr 4, from 3 building. Jewish Press advertisers merit your to 5 o'clock. The apartment has re-j Mrs. H. R. Milder is chairman of patronage. cently been completely refurnished. the ball, and urged the entire com• - . Thursday, November 1, the fra- munity to support it. ternity is having an early morning "Hike Outin."1." The committee in Chesed Shel Emes charge consists of Bernard Fox and Meeting" on Monday Harold Bloch. .
Direct* Pageant
GR0S8MAN-ZWEIBACK _ ..._ j ANNOUNCE BIRTH MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Neveleff anMiss Anne Zweiback, daughter of ncunce the birth of a son, Lcuis Mr. and Mrs. Max Zweiback, became • Harry, October 21 at the Covenant the bride of Mr. Arthur Grossman, hospital. son of Mr. andMrs. B. Grossman, Sunday evening. The ceremony was ROSENBLATT-BRODKEY performed at the Zweiback home, WEDDING with Rabbi Uri Miller officiating. Miss Freeda" Brbdkey, daughter of An important maeting of the Arthur Goldstein played the wedding!Mr. and Mrs. Dave Riseman, and Mr. First Book Review Chesed Shel Emes will be held MonMrs. Dave Brodkey. marches. ,John Rosenblatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. day afternoon, November 5, at the Wednesday Evening Ctesed Following the ceremony, the bride's Louis Rosenblatt, were wed at a Above is shown Mr3. Dave BredShel Emes building. parents were hcsts at a reception, home csremony Sunday afternoon, key, who is directing the pasecnt, All members are reminded to be Mrs. D. V/. Frank,^ Mrs?, Samuel Zwei- with Rabbi David A. Goldstein offi- "One for AIL" which will be pre- "With more than 250 tickets already sure to attend. sold and the sale, reported as continback and Mrs. Jo'seph Zweiback as- ciating. sented at t!:e B'nai B*rith dinner sisting. •-.••-. Mr. and Mrs. Riseman received two da^ce Sunday evening at the uing briskly, a capacity'attendance is expected at Rabbi David A. Gold- Book Review Group Among the out-of-town guests at- hundred guests in hcnor of the cou- J.C.C. stein's opening1 book rev;ew Wednestending were MrT, and Mrs. Joseph ple. • Mrs. Brodkey has hrtd considerof Vaad Auxiliary Bordsn of Sioux Falls, S. D., Mrs. Among the out-of-town guests were able dramatic expeii^nce. S'.ie day evening. November 7, at the J. Lester Heeler and family of Sioux Mr. and Mrs. Max Brodkey of Sioux taught elocution in Sioax City f=r C. C , at 8:15 p. m. • Mrs. Irvin Levin, chairman, re- The book review group of the City; Mr. and Mrs. Max Frank of -City; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Riseman four years, and studied at the Ladiis Vaad Auxiliary will meet at Malvern, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Meyer of Lincoln; rnd Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goodman Art Theatre in C"iic3ga. ports a gratifying" demand for tick- the home of Mrs. Samuel Brown, ets, which are for sale to members Frank and family of Valley; Mrs. Ben Riseman of Ottumwa, la. She also worked with sto;k c?m3715 Dodge street, next Tuesday aftDiamond of St. Louis; Mrs. Esther After a honeymoon trip to Excel- panies in SJoui City for two years. for one dollar for the series of ei^ht ernoon at 2 o'clock. reviews. Non-members maybuy tickGrossman of St. Louis, and Miss Bee sior Springs, the couple will be at All members of the Vaad Auxiliary ets for one dollar and fifty cents. Liberman of Sioux City. home "at the Austin apartments. are invited to attend. Rabbi Miller RETURNS FROM TRIP . p-bbi Goldstein opens his reviews After a short honevmoon trip by Miss Betty Radman, daughter o5 with, the Pulitzer prize winner for will review the "Hasidic Anthology" motor, the couple will make their RIFKIN-KAPLAN MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. A. Radman, returnad 1P34, Caroline Miller's "Lamb in Hisby Dr. Lewis I. Newman. home in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. G. Kaplan announce Friday, 26, from a five Bosom." the marriage of the?r daughter, months' October trip to Toronto, Ontario, Mrs. J. J. Greenberg is co-chairman. BIRTHDAY PARTY Rose, to Mr. Morris Rifkin on Thiirs- Canada, where Fleishman & Soskin Mrs. Harry Saltzman . entertained i day evening, Octobei . 25, at tire Miss Ida Kohn.she. was the gusst of <Forrarrly in the employ of I* Harria) thirty children Sunday afternoon' in Chevra'. B'nai Yisroel synagogue ini Culture* Meeting Twelve years experience honor of the fourth birthday of her Council Bluffs. \ j From Canada she jouneyed .. by boat to Niagara Falls and Buffalo, Insurance with Udiable Companies of Pi*w*?r Women son, Paul. -. Harold.-. Kaplan, brother of the lira! Estate . . . Property Managraient N . Y : . : .• . bride, played ths wedding march. SIS .So. 15th St. JA. Till of the The couple will make their, home En route home, she visitr.d with The first cultural meeting 0 : ANNOUNCE BIRTES. for the "Errne'?YJon -' vr Uhe relatives and -friends in Chicago and| at 3017 Emmet street in Omaha. (held at the home of Mrs. J. Raznick, Mr. and Mrs. Barney B. Kean of Detroit.. 3?"4 Hamilton street; Saturday afterColorado Springs, Colo., formerly of PEERLESS noon. ; ; . Omaha, announc3 the birth of a son, HONORED AT DINNER VISITOR FROM DETROIT _ Mrs. "Ethel- Tucker honored .her O-i this occasion a r>report will be Norman Alan, October 14. :• -Miss Rose Gelfand of Detroit, daughter, , Sarah, - at a dinner. for 'Drese'nt^d on the B?t^ '^'vl co-we^ti—~i fortv guests at her home Sunday. iMicW-an., is in Omaha for an exana *i"ld Inst month. Mrs. Max Fromkin is DRY -Miss - Tucker rec3ntly announced chairman of the educational commitCLEANING friends her engawemsnt to Mr.. Lou Lewis, tee. ' i;"si Inctive M-Hlen**-Iy Priced son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lewis. A. lar?e attendance was present at " Oiit^of-town ' guests ih-dudrd Mr. VISIT HERE © KE-1500 M. L. Mozer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corrective shampoo treatments lor Grossman and family, M~. and Mrs.ter, It was decided to Jiold the annual ; brittle, dandruff and 'falling Max Mozer, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan sas, a*e visiting here with Mr. andbaraar on Dfcetn^sr 9. The me'-bsrs hair : $1,00 A sospless oil shainiioo treatment Mozer, and Messrs. Chohcy, Sam andMrs. Nathan Horwich. are selling tickets "for an eisv chiir, for very dry scalp, a cleansing Says... which will be civet sv^sw onttsr<*r?c- M a r k L e o n agent 35c Joe Mozer, and Mrs. Jenny Turkel I # t m e protect y o u r i n i e r e sts . . . I A plain shampoo and finger TO RESIDE IN OMAHA Mrs. Max -Goldstein is chair- tvr;te rNSlHIAJfCE of evrry <le»cription and sons, of Linjoln, Neb.; Dr. and wave : 75c inrlnd nsr L I F E , i n s t r o n s . reliable rorabazaar. Mrs. J. Milton Margolin and dau^h-j Mr. and Mrs. Moey Mokofsky and moll o f t b e baza Arch and manicure _ ~ :75c ter,' of Periy,' la.; Mr; and Mrs.json, Larry, of Kansas City, Mo.,| T v ? r ^ - ^ - 3 sale held last week p^.nips OXI.T . . . T/»;'s talk it over. MILDRED WEBB Nathan Dorbin and Mr. a^.d Mrs. Sol!have moved to Omaha, where they y^s a hu^re success, Mrs. William Gty Finance & Insurance Co. 18th au'" Bodge JAckson 63S8 1409 Farnam St. AT. 7C3T or \\\. 5130 KuWin, chairman, reported. will make their future home. Mystrofs of St. Joseph, Mo. •iNo data ha^ bCTniset for the wed- Mr: Mckbfsky isT local distrHrator Patronize JewislrPreyy-advertisers. for* the Mama Cookies. Mrs. Mokofding. slry was formerly Miss Gartrude Goldberg of this city. . ENTERTAIN QUALITY Mr. and Mrs. Jack Levey enterained at a supper and bunco party COSTUME PARTY cRvie Sunday evening. Mrs. Sam Schwartz •\ The annual costume party of Pi and Mr. Max Breslow won the Lambda Phi, national social fraPRICE irizes. -T ternity at Creighton university, was held at the chapter house Saturday SHOES evening. HALLOWEEN PARTY Misses Doris and Evelyn Pinkovitz Prizss for the best costumas ware inteitained • for twenty-four guests aturday evening at a bsautifullyThe"Theda" appoirited Halloween party. MARY STEIN Many picturesque costumes ware Kosher Style Restaurant worn by those attending,, the outComplete Kosher Style . standing "being the "Siamese twin" costumes worn by Arthur PInkovits SLESV DAILI and Sidney Riseman. Appropriate 50c to 75c color schemes were carried out, and many novel games were played. LURCHES Prizes were won " by; . Ethelyn Lashinsky and Zelda •Weisman. Private Dining Room for Parties, CWbs and Small Weddings NO-HOSTESS PARTY REASONABLE A no-hostess Halloween party was JA. S393 2406 Farnam given by the Begalapta sorority Saturday night a t the home of Dsna
2815 Farnam St.
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Lectures Wffl Snrvey Current Jewish life
Junior Vaad Groups
when sach a things happened t» you d High-priest?" H i h i t ? " The Young Men's Vaad aad the Jun•who art a K King and •What shall I do," rejoined ior Vaad Auxiliary will meet Tuesday jldng. I f thou woxddst take rayi^^^ N o v e m b e r «, ^ the B*nai Isadvice, have them crashed." "But, j ^ g i synagogue, By O. O. DASHEB Published every Friday at Omaha. Nebraska, by The five events on the Jewish Lecthe king remarked, "what •will be- Rabbi Uri Miller will review "Salvature series sponsored by die Junior THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY come of the Torah If all the scholars t l o n , b _ ghelom Asch. Vaad groups have been so selected as will be crushed?" "Why* let the j : Hearken unto Me, ye. stout-hearted, to effect a survey of Jewish life and ! Torah be rolled up and lie in the Subscription Price, one year -; - — - : : - : $2.00 that are far from righteousness. 1 current Jewish events, Rabbi TJri Advertising rates furbished on application will bring near My righteousness; it 1 right place. Whoever wishes to Miller points oat. ' FOR RENT study it may come and do so," was Features will be a symposium on shall not be far off. the response. Comfortable room—well furnis'hed. Editorial OffIco: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Jewish life and an address by Dr. 1648 Victor Avenue. Walking disWho art thou, that thou art afraid Immediately Sadduceeism came over Sioux City Office-—Jowlsh Community Center Jong on "Dynamic Judaism.' 1115 SO. 13ST. tance. Phone Webster 4986. ' DAVID BLACKKK • • - • - - Business and Managing Editor Season tickets are available at the JA.1871 might apply to the Scripture, PRANK R. ACKKUMAN - - - - - - - - - • - - « Editor B'nal Israel synagogue or from any man, that withereth as grass, but how about the Talmud (which FANNIK KATKLMAN « - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent hast forgotten the Lord thy Maker. member of the Junior Vaad. ANN PILL • • - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent is studied orally)." Instantly the king followed the advice of Elazar Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street TALMUD killed the sa-es of IsiaeL The taught that it , world appeared devastated until Ben with King Jannai, who had gone to «stored Kuchlith in the wilderness and con-| The Community Forum series has made an indelible impress The semi-annual meeting of the quered sixty cities. On his return: again as of yore. ATTEND THE GREAT AK-SAR-BEN SHOW upon the cultural life of our community. This year the brilliant Vaad will bs held on Monday eve-j there was great rejoicing, and the November 12, at 8 o'clock at; King invited the sa^es of Israel to speakers who will appear on the rostrum at the Jewish Com- ning, the B'nal Israel synagogue. - la feast. At the entertainment he munity Center for the Forum program even surpass the excellent Election to the board of governors^said: "Our ancestors ate herbs of the j desert (because of their poverty) lecturers of the past, adding to the prestige which has always been will be held. Grey Iron, Alnminom and Reports will be given on the vari-jwhile they built the Temple. We Bronze fastings associated with this project during its six years of existence. ous Vaad activities, and several ad-:shall also eat them in memory of Wood and Metal Patterns From the same platform, we will, during the approaching season, dresses will be made concerning the our ancestors." Thereupon, herbs of MJ 2614 Martha St. HA. 552S hear Dorothy Thompson (Mrs. Sinclair Lewis), dynamic news- present-day problems confronting j the desert were served in golden J5an»o«MK>«aB» dishes. There was among those prespaparwoman and correspondent who has endeared herself to pre-Jewry. At the conclusion of the meeting a base and frivolous parson with vicus Omaha audiences with her charm, knowledge and indepen- refreshments will be served. The pub-,aent contemptible heart. His name was dent thinking; Arthur Garfield Hays, scintillating attorney, who lic is invited. Elazar ben Pue:a. He said to the king: "O King, the Pharisees are has won world fame through his inspired defenses of the rights secretly against thee; try them by of the underprivileged and downtrodden; Scott Nearinfj, renowned clothing thyself with the priestly writer, author, traveler and economist who is in Europe now breastplate." gathering the latest available data; Ludwig Lewisohn, whose poThe king followed his advice, when etic writing and lucid style are by-words in the realm of literature. Rabbi David H. Wice will begin his an old man by the name of Juda ben The high cultural and intellectual standard of the Community Bible class study group on Tuesday, j Greida arose and said: 'O King, be 6, at 2:30 p. m. at the home satisfied with the kingly crown and Forum series has magnetically attracted overflow attendances, November of Mrs. Max Holzman. president of;leave the crown of priesthood to showing that in this community we appreciate the high merit of the Temple Isrrel Sisterhood. (other descendants of Aa:on," for it the lecturers presented. While the Forum is non-partisan and has This class will meet at the homes of '• was a rumor that his mither was prisoner of war in Modin. Immedibeen supported by the rion-Jewish, as well as Jewish thinking ele- members everyy first and third Tues- aately an investigation was ordarad day of the month. ments, yet we can take pride in it as a distinct contribution by and when the rumor could not be our Center to the civic life of the community, an invaluable asset, verified the King dismissed the sa^es in anger. Elazar ben Puera then serving the community at large. said: *O King, if such wau'd have " Fj:om .the response to the ticket sales to date, the people here happened against an ordinary perare eager to grasp the opportunity to attend such a series of lec- "Goodies to tickie your palate" are son, what would be the result of the being offered at the bake, snle by the great insult? How much more so tures, vibrant with lasting values. At the low price of season women of the.Conservative Synagogue tickets, no one should miss this healthy program which broadens Auxiliary on Tuesday. November 13, the community outlook and stimulates interest in the problems of at the Brandeis Store from 9 a. 'm. to p. m. the day. It is indeed vitalizing to communal life to be able to look 5:30 Among the delicacies are apple struforward to.such a palatable cultural diet. ;. , del. luscious chocolate roll, cinnamon rolls, 'pecan- rolls', butter kichel. coffee cake, cheese rolls, poppy seed rolls, tarts.-jellyrolls, cookies, c.kes, CUTJ 1 ; ; caUes, home made bread, borne made
Semi-Annual Meeting of Vaad to Be Held
Cultural Impress
Paston Mitchell Co.
Bible Class Group to Meet Tuesday
Sound Teeth and Sound Health are Sound Economy
Ask for
Bake Sale Will Be Held by Auxiliary
Everybody Is Invited to Attend NEBRASKA CLOTHINGGO.
Greek Currents'.....
• •;; z
-7:'^;:;'^;s' :•'.;
d i e s . ••..••••;"•-"'•• Many changes can be wrought on the page6 of time*in the h o oMrs? I, =W. Rosenblatt is chairman. course of a week. It was only seven days ago that there appeared Orders •'may, ba phoned to her or any here!an editorial telling of the magnificent victory scored by the !^£ .he5 co"™itt^e.: Mrs. Rosenblatt, Jewish people in Greece thi-ough the abolition of the separate e!ectorarcollcgo foi the Greek Jewry. This was a signal triumph over walnut 4784: Mrs. H . RO8enblum, Harney 2756; Mrs. J. Bloch, the party.;of Vexuzelos, whohad turned'anti-Semitic. But we rejoiced all too soon, not counting on the intrigue Harney 7084. which peWadiey European politics. President Zaimis, after signing the bill, changed his mind and rescinded the law. This action Propcressivie Hebrew Club Planning Play was dictated by his desire for re-election. When the two houses of parliament met in joint session to elect a president, Zaimis dis- The Progressive Hsbrsw club and j j covered thatihe lacked a majority. In order to retain the presi- their Ladies Auxiliary are spon-sorin^ ] dency, possible only with the support of a certain number of Ven- a Jewish play at thV J. C. C. D>1 2 in behalf of the relief off) izelist senators] Zaimis agreed to repeal the law abolishing the cember the Jewish schorl children of Po'ard j separata Jewish electoral college. In exchange, seventeen Venizel- Presidant J. RiWn has appoin'eil ists Voted for Zaimis and he was re-elected. tre fell rwing committee for t&e afThus, by a stroke of the pen the Jewry of Greece have seen a fair: Sim Cayman, gensral chairHyman Goo-'bi-dar, Chirles great victory turn to stunning defeat under their very eyes. But man; Can'ield, Morris Teplitsky, L^u!s the significance of this deal between the government party and Wolk, Harry" Ab-amson, W!Uiam the Venizelists noes beyond the electoral college law. I t means Manowitz, N. Resn'ek. ; Mrs. Dave Densnbs g. pres'dsnt of that the Greek Jews are now without political support. For nearly the auxiliary, h-s epnsinted the .foltwo they had enjoyed, the backing of the Royalists against lowing: Mrs. Mrs. H. Glhkn, Glhk-n; &aiman; the combined forces of the Venizelists and the Nazis. When Zaimis Mesdames William Manowitz, J. Hahn, needed Jewish votes to obtain a parliamentary majority against 6 . Janoff. ] Mrs. J. Raznick will have ths lead. Venizelos he found a way to enable the Jews to vote in the reg- 9ther % loads will be taken by J.-Razular balloting and promised to wipe out the Jewish electoral list. aick and Louis Wolk.-.-" - - - • As a result the Jews voted overwhelmingly for Tsaldariaj and Zaimis. How their promise- was kept is now another sad chapter Carnival-Bazaar in the history of Greek Jewry, •
by Vaad Auxiliary
. A ca~nivat-V::"'.?.r wi'l be given by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Vaad on Decsmber 2, the first Sunday in Just as the Nazis are suffering setbacks in their home terri- Chanukah. This will b3 the main fund-raising event of the year for tory, so too, has cold water been thrown upon the Nazi movement the auxiliary and will be open to the in this country. . entire Jewish community. The DAWA convention held in Chicago was a fiasco, adding There will be dancing, draw'n»s, to the convincing proof that therd Is no interest at all in pro- cards and door piizes, as well a s a 'grand prize."
CoH Water
Hitlerism among Germans; other than in New York and demonstrating to the Nazi boosters of this country that their hopes of a German-American counter boycott organization to spread Rehearsals Start for 'Conservative Capers* throughout the country must definitely be a dream of the past. With reservations for six hundred persons at the Hotel Stevens, Rehearsals are under way and the is almost completed for the ttnly the small number of forty appeared. And when the convea- casting; road shov?, "Csnservative Capsrs," to - tion got under way there were only seventy-five persons present. be presented December 5 a t the Central High auditorium under the au: As for the speakers, most of them did not even show up. of the Conservative Auxiliary. As another direct blow to the American Nazi movement, in spices Over 100 have already been east by Cincinnati the Friends of Truth, a society of Americans of Ger- Milton Keick, director, and Mrs. man origin, printed a pamphlet, "The Menace of Nazism: As Sober Phineas Wintroub, eo-direetor. Another try-out for a dramatic German-Americans View Hitlerism." As its name implies, it is a sketch will be held Monday evening burning indictment of the present German regime and was com- at 9:30 p. m. at the J. C. C. w piled, in the words of its introduction, by Cincinnatians of Ger- Many features are being planned. man extraction and one of its' purposes is to bring home to all Tickets are now on sale and may be from memb-rs of the board, Cincinnatians of German origin that their first duty at present is obtained or from Mrs. Irvin Stal master, ticket to co-operate actively in-keeping ont of this country the malicious- chairman, or Mrs. A. D. Frank, cochairman. ness and unsavoriness of Nazi propaganda." .• -^ -. - - Also, m New York the Metropolitan chapter of the American Association of Teachers.of German, succeeded in banning Voltaire Young Circle "Das Deutsche Echo" from the school system. This ten^page Club Plans Card Party leaflet edited and printed in Germany and filled with ^open ^pro- A regular meeting of the Voltaire Hitler propaganda" had been given tentative approval by District Young Circle d o b was held October Superintendent Herman Wright; but was barred through the ef- 25 at the home of Sophie Halperin. final plans were made for the card j forts of the German teachers. . . party which will lie given November i Fortunately, the Nazis in this country are finding the Amer- 14 a t the Labor Lyceum. Door piizes; and table prizes will be awarded.-Be-|v ican ideals unfertile soil for their poisonous bigotries and insidious freshments will be serve*; hatred.
Great osition and ' rhty Value Offering
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raun cxXi ASVEYI
PUBLICAN PARTY and its Candidates Offer Youl The Republican party, through its candidates, offers a return to sound government and sound administration. American institutions and American principles are today in grave danger... beaurocracy, encroachment upon the individual liberties, and violation of Constitutional privileges threaten the inalienable rights of the people. It is imperative that we protect the political and economic liberties of the individual, and preserve Constitutional government By voting for the Republican candidates, you are casting a ballot for the Constitution of the United States . . . our guaranty of continued religious liberty, free speech, a free press, the right of individual property, reward of private initiative and equal opportunity for all citizens.
;Cast Yvur 1' Vote Against Beaurocracy
Retain the American Principle of Individual Liberty
For CmtBty Assessor Sam K. Greenleaf has served the people well for many years. Bis public career began when he entered the office of the City Clerk in Omaha in 1901, •where he served six years. He then entered the office of the Treasurer of I>ouglns County in 1907 and served in that office continually for 18 years, serving under five different Treasurers, three Republicans and two Democrats. In 1925 he became County Assessor and has served in that capacity for ten years.
• ROBT. G. SIMMONS For V. S. SENATOE Bobert G. Simmons, Republican candidate for United States Senator, is a native Nebraskan. He was born 43 yeais ago in a Bod house in ScottshluS County. He i s a graduate of the University of Nebraska, College of Law, and began the practice of law in Scottsbloff in 1015. Early in 1017 be enlisted in the World -War and served for almost two years. He is a former Commander of the Aroericinr-I*sion. He Js mnrrird and has three children. - S i s . home in now in Lincoln. Mr. Simmons was elected County Attorney of Scottsbluff County after his return from the "World "War, but reBigned that office when elected to Congress, -where he served his aistriet for 10 consecutive years. His record in Congress wns that of a progressive' independent congressman, with Bympnthrtic understanding of the needs and desires of the people of Nebraska.-His experience in Congress, combined with bis knowledge of NebraBta, gained from residence in both the western and eastem parts of the state, makes him unusually -well equipped to represent the best interests of the people of Nebraska in the United States Senate.
• W. H. (Bill) DORRANCE
HERBERT RHOADES Tor CO5TGRESS Nebraska needs Congressmen " know Nebraska—know its. people and .their prplaenLai-CQugressmen wbqjjeill truly represent-'the stated— -who-will :speak for,it and fight Its battles in Washington. '":, v'-NebrnskanB WJU have just such a representative in Judge Herbert Khpodes, Republican candidate for Congress^; Herbert Bhondes practiced t h e l a w profession in southwestern. Kansas: for four years, and later in Tekamah. CNeb-, for 14 years. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention in 1920,= ana served as County Attorney of Eurt County. >.: in 1027 Herbert Bhoades was appointed Judge of the- IMstriet Court of *he Fourth Judicial district of Nebraska; was elected in 1928 and re-elected In 1932. He has served with especial-distinction as presiding judge of the. Domestic Relations and Juvenile Court of Douglas County. He has also, by i p uointroent. sat fit a judge Oi the 8Hr
For Sheriff
SIDNEY J. GOTTNEID For Clerk of the District Court Sidney "J "~GcrtSntia, Cfiterf p s Clerk of the District Court, is, by training, experience and general knowledrre of the work, qualified to continue the splendid, efficient service now had in this important office. His endorsement by hundreds of attorneys in Omaha and Douglas County, regardless of party affiliation, is evidence of the esteem in Which he iB held by those who have clos~ contact with the District Clerk's office. Mr. Gottneid was born in Omaha and educated in our public schools. Studying law at night, he passed the State Bar examination, and WPB admitted to practice tn State and Federal Conrts in November, 1920. He is married and has two children. He servea in the army during the World "War.
• FRANK L. FROST For County Attorney Frank L. Frost Is 30 years of age, marrird. has two children, is a Domeowner, and haB been actively ensn^ed in the general practice of law for nearly 11 years, bavin™ hnd « well-balanced business career prior to that. Nothing but praise can bp said as to his character, reputation and ability as a lawyer. He is free from any and all connections that would hamper him la als duties as comity attorney. M-^ber «f the £ac]f"B, Odd FV'ows and a 32nd Degree Mason. Tlii father Is English
and a country blacksmith.
prune Court.
• GRACE BERGER For County Clerk Miss Grace Berger, present County Clerk, has proven her value in public office by a record of honesty, efficiency, economy and service. Miss Berger has been a friend to every citizen In Douglas: County ana has rendered prompt, courteous service to all alike. In her capacity as n member of the Board of Equalization she has protected the rights of the small iome-owner. . • As ex-offielo County Auditor,* she has saved the taxpayers thousands of dollars by the rejection of dishonest claims. Miss Berjrei is tie only woman who has served Douglas County as an elected public official. She ia thoroughly qualified.
1'. 'I
• WILLIAM BRUETT For County Treasurer
Mr. Brttett wnB born and -raised in Omaha and educated In the public schools of thlB city; He baa been connected with financial institutions since 1S0G. having had ample training as bookkeeper,; auditor, bank teller and department mnnngpr. Mr. Bruett is a World War veteran and saw active service oyerseaB in.the air s»rvk"er He Is a Past Commander of Omaha Pest No. 3, "American- I>s'o-<, -ana i s -vety active :ln a "number of civic and patriotic organizations.
"Lou" Adams, as he is so widely known among the citizens and business concemsof HouRlas County, haB fa'thfully and efficiently sprved the pnhlie as County Surveyor and Highway Cammlss'oner for 20 jpars, Omnhn has been his home for 50 years. ~ • His engineering experience covers -W_ years. "His earlier training as enginenr with the Union Pacific Railroad, sur•veypr of public lands in this country and Mexico, arid as construction superh-tendrat with the Barber Asphalt Company, together with his wide experience in the planning, construction and maintenance at.-our-440>mflf highway ir-rtem, are a most vnlnnble asset to the taxpayers of this county.
For County Surveyor
For County Conrmissioner, First District Frank C. Best is a candidate for County Commissioner in the First District. Be is married, Itaa tw* c IIIWHIII, •»«|... la » Iwme-swner. At present: b» to i a the real estate business. Bora on an Iowa farm, he has been active tn Omaha bns'nres and civic life tor the farty year* he haa lived, here. Bert Ja a former r»nnij- comm>R".»-er •ad l a s also served in the state lesla> latttre. - -•
W. H. Dorrance, known to his many friends as "Bill." was T>orn on a farm near Tobias, FiUmore County, Nebraska. Finished grammar grrades in country School at the age of 14 years. Graduated from Tobias High School at the ag-e of IS years. "Worked his wcy through college. Formed partnership in present tmsiness in 1901 with Ed Brailev. Successful in business and active in civic affairs. May be trusted with the office of Sheriff. A conservative business man, wit* broad knowledge and a thorough understanding of the necessities of crime prevention in Douglas County. A resident of Omaha for 36 years. Free from sinister control and influence.
• JOSEPH F . STEIGER For Connty Coraadssioner, Second District Joseph P. Steiger, 43 years of age, has been a resident of Omaha all his life. He is married, has one child and is a A civil engineer, Stviger has. among «ttorr projects, wtrrk«-d on projects for the Onion Pacific and thp Bnrlinpttm railroads, trad also worked on the Dodge Strw* pn»Jpct. He is pledged to a sooitd management of the county's business.
The election of l>wigbt Griswold as Governor will bring to tbnt office a man -who lws the qualities fff leadership that Nebraskn needs tod:iy. HiB record proves has ontstnudhig -ability, and his background an* experience pives him n knowledge of Nebrnsfcn's needs tQnt is possessed by tew men. Pwip-ht Griswold wns born in 1K03. in Sioux. County, whore his parents were pioneer homesteaders, nrrtvin;* there before the railroad. Out in that western part of the state, he wns raised, and Rtill lives. Coming from tlw» WeBt, lie has brought to Nebraska politics the spirit, of the "West—a bigger, broader, cleaner tyi>e. Mr. GriswoW is editor of the Gordon Journal, one ol Nebraska's outstanding newspapers. Three years ajro, he wns president of the Nebraska . Press Ar=ocintiexn. He has served one term in the House or Representatives and three terms in tlie State Sennte. Jn hie lnst legislative race, in 1D2H, BP received the largest majority his district has pver friven anyone. Dwight Grlewold Is a AYorld Var veteran, nn»S pust SState Commander of the American Leg'.^u U'hcse hish honors provw t*«t he !s a leader, who ban the con-fldfflw*-of those who know him -best, awl nle esp'flfhuiiWB nave given him a knowledge vtt Nebraska's needs, which well fits bim to «er*e as Governor. He is a graduate of the Stnte University, is ranrrt^d ami has two cWl-lren, a daughter 12, a aoa 8 yeare old.
• HAROLD B. EfTER For County Commissioner, Fourth District Harold B. Etter. candidate for County Commissioner from the fourth district. Is 35 years of age, viarried, bne one son, and. i s a home-owne*. Mr. Btter was born nnd ralwd in d a a k * . He is a competent and effieieat dH giu He worked for the city for -fifteen yenra on xond improvements. He tea*. been acttoe civicatiy and is an active member <rf the Odd FelkrwS.
Sam Beber P. M. Klutznick Harry Silverman David €ri-eenb«irg Dave Colin Henry Monsky: JackMarer Sam J.Leon Fred White J. J. Greenberg
Max Barish L W. Rosenblatt Lester Lapidus IrvinStalmaster Leo Marks B. J. Moskovitz Louis Stalmaster S. H. Singer X Feiler Stern Dr. J. M. Erman
Abner Kaiman Harry Malashock Dr, A. Greenberg Nathan Green Jack Alberts Dr. Samuel Z. Stern A. J. Jacobson Sam Wienzwig M. S. Alperin : I. Levinson
Chas. Cohen Jacob V. Rosenblum Chas. Stern Louis Fellman M. Turner Morris Potash David Soref Jake Rosen Morris Stern JakeFalk
Nathan Wlesman I. M. Wintroub Harry Bolgoff Hans Dansky Hyman Gerber Bsa MinMn Morris Snecter Roy Hoffman Max Fox Ben Eisenberg
Ben Iindenbaum Max Kirshenbaum Isaac Falkovitch David Silverman Fhi^p Greenberg Nathan Perelman SamT^rnoff Louis feduziner Morris Linsman Sam Geif man
Ben Newman Julius Rayroan Chas. H. Riseman Joseph Tretiak Oscar Fox Hyman Richards I. Goldstein Bernard Gross Max Kaplan DavM Potash
Page6—THE JEWISH PPvESSr FRIDAY,- NOVEMBER 2, 1934 forum on the .questions, will be-held, ident;; Hersfcel Magzamin, reporter; with all-membenTof tSe congregation Ben-Kntler "arid Norman Rips, serinvited to take part geants-at-arma. This Saturday morning services will start at 10:30 a.m.
Father-Son Banquet
Junior Congregation
Services for the Vaad at the B'nai fsraeli synagogue this evening: will bs conducted by the member S of A- Z. A.'. 100.' Fpljowing the services, refreshments will be served. Tire public is invited.
The Junior Congregation will meet Saturday morning at the B'nai Israel synagogue at 9;15 a. in. They will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Epstein, who are observing their twenty-fifth wedding anniveisary. All youngsters are urged to attend.
Habonim Celebrate First Anniversary
"Damaged Souls" will be the title of theisermon to be delivered this evening by Rabbi David A. Goldstein at The Habonim celebrated their first services of the Conservative Synaanniversary with a special program at gogue; Next week he will speak on "Who the B'nai Israel synagogue Sunday. Rabbi Uri Miller gave the main adIs theVWickedest Man:'Alive?" — an dress, complimenting the boys on Armistice Day sermon. their unity : ot effort Cantor A, Schwaczkin sang several selections. Also on the program: piano selecA novel theme will feature the serv- tions, Bernice Robinson, -"Habonim ices of Temple Israel this evening • and Jewish Culture," Abe Raben; "6anext Friday. The services will be con- bonim and Sports." Mort Solref ;• "Haducted by laymen, under the sponsor- bonim and Religion," Charles Stein; greetings by Mrs. L. Neveleff of the Bhipl of the Brotherhood. Tonight the services will be read by Vaad Auxiliary, Mr. Soref of the,Men's 'William L. Holzman and Eugene Blaz- Vaad, Nathan Fine of the Young ivfen'ser. Morris Jacobs, president of the Vaad, and Cel Lipsman of Kadlmah;Brotherhood, will speak briefly and ! violin selections by Norman Rips. Carl will Introduce Julius Rosenfeld, who Fredericks was chairman. ;." will preach the sermon on "What a An election of officers was held OcCongregation expects of Its Rabbi." tober 29. with the following-chosen: Next week Rabbi David H. Wice will Paul; Green, president; Carl Fred^ speak on "What a Rabbi Expects of ericks. secretary; Dave Zwiebleman, His Congregation." Next week an open treasurer; M. Kirshenbaum, vice-pres-
The Ypung Men's Vaad Father and Son banquet lias been- scheduled for November 18. ' A n interesting program is being arranged. More details will appear next week." ' LEON &. WHITE, Attorneys City National Bonk Bids. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OK , CITS' 1?INANCE CO. Notice is hereby civen that a corporation lias been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation is CITY FINANCE CO. The principal place for the transaction of its business is the city of Omaha, Dojiglas County, Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be transacted by the corporation is to purchase, hold, sell, convey, assign, release, mortgage and' lease real estnte and personal property wherever situated; to buy, sell, own, assign, transfer mid mortgage bonds, securities, promissory notes, conditional sates contract^,--chattel mortgages n>d stock In otfier corporations; to draw, make, execute, accepC;endorse and Issue promissory notes, mortga.Bos, drafts, bills of ex-. chnpge and other..negotiable Instruments; to bor.row money;"to ; t o buy, buy, sell, sell, and. and. dlsdls; ot bHUand other evidenc -and ..other of countt notes. bHU-and o t h r evidences v th .business bi lli debt; to. off selling, d t carry. _t>a: the fire, lightning tornado, wind, hail, life and other Insurance; and to-do anything incidental to or necessary for the operation of a finance "business. *:•,*..,' T i e -authorised cnoifaj stock of this corporation shall be ?10.000.00 divided into 100 8Uares-of t-hepnr value of $100.00, each t a
Douglas -County. Nebraska; cuj shall contin-u-c- -for a period of fifty years from said-(late. The highest-amount of Jts-indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds cf its capital stock. The affairs of this corporation shall be managed l>y a Board of Directors of not less thau two nor more than five members. The annual meeting shall be on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of January of each year, at which meetiug the stockholders shall elect a Board of Directors and thereupon the Board shall elect a President, a Vice-President. Secretary and Treasurer. Any two of said offices may be held by one and the same person. These articles may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the stockholders by two-thirds vote of the outstanding stock. IN WITNESS WHEKEOP, the parties have hereunto subscribed their names this :24th day of October, 1934. BEN NEWMAN JACK MELCHER In the presence of: U. J. HOLDSBEEG 10-26-34-4t.
be fully paid .for And. .non-assessable when- place of residence, at-the time of Uia death Issued. Said capital-stock jhhy De.paid-.for wns~Omahn, Nebraska; that at the time of In cash, notes or property, real or per- his death, he was the owner of the folsonal, tangible or intangible, at the reason- •JOWIUR described real estate eltuate in able rate thereof. The shares of the capital Uouclns County, Nebraska: stock of this corporation shall lie paid for Lot Fifteen (15). Ernest Sweet's eecbefore tho corporation shall commence busrond addition to the city of Omaha; iness. ' _ j -J - • ' ' (hnt the petitioner is one of his sons and TJie corporation shall commence business the petitioner prnyB for a determination npon the filing of n copy of its-Articles of of the time of the death of decedent, a Incorporation with the ~ County1 Clerk of detetrr.Jnatioti of the heirs of deceased, a Douglas Countj% Nebraska, and shall eontlnue for a period of fifty years from date decrve of kinship, and the rlsrhfc of descent of the tval property belonging! to deceased, hereof. , . ;• ,Tho highest amount of indebtedness to and sheh other and further orders in the whtcfc this 'corporation may nt any- time : premises as may be just and proper. DAVID T.OLKER, subject itself, shall not exceed two-thirds -Cy Wear, Garrotto & Bolnnd, of its capital stock. , ' Attorneys for Petitioner. The affairs of this corporation shall be 10-J0-34-3t. conducted by a Board of Directors. LOUIS E. LIPP liAZAK KAPLAN FKADKNBVKC, WEBB, BEBEK, KLCTZIn presence of: NICK* & KELLEV, Attorneys S. J. LEON. 650 Omaha National Bank Bids. Omaha, Nebraska WEAK, GAKROTTO & BOLAN1> NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF Attorneys "BEN NEWMAN. INC." Union State Bank Bide* Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned have formed a corporation uider , _ , InNebraska. the County Court of Douglas Connty, the laws of the State of Nebraska, 'i he name of the corporation shnll be "BKN In the Matter of the Estate of JOSEPH NEWMAN,- INC.", with t^e principal place BOLKEU. Deceased. „ - „ „ of business nt Omnha, Nebraska. The genTo All Creditors and Heirs of JOSEPH eral nature of the business io be transBOLKElt. Deceased. acted shnll be the buying, selling and dealYou arc hereby notified that on the Cth ing generally at retail ~in nil kinds of food day of October, 1934. David Bolker filed products, including groceries, meats, clnir;. his petition In the County Court of Doug- and bakery products and sundries: to own. las County, Nebraska, the object and prny- hold, buy, sell, lease and mortgage or other of which Is to obtain ..a determination erwise deal in or-acquire nny and all kinds Of kinship and of heirs and of the time of real estate and personal property, and of death and of the right of descent of to;do any and all other things, and to exthe real -property- of Joseph Bolker< de- ercise any and sll other powers necessary ceased: ' ,, or appropriate to the mnin purposes of Its ' That a hearing will be. hnd on said peThe authorized capital stork shall tition on the 10th day of Novemlier. 1034, existence. be $10X0000 and all of said stork shell be In the Court Room of the County Judge common nnd of the par value of ¥100.00 per ot Douglas County, Nebraska, located at share and shall be fully puid and nonOmaha. Nebraska assessable. It shnll commence doing bus- That said petition alleges that Joseph iness upon the filing of Its articles of inBolker died on May 27th, 1918; that his corporation with the Connty Clerk of POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVEKTIPK3IKKT
Vote for
COUNTY CLERK In the past three years Grace Berger, County Clerk, has steered the financial ship of Douglas County through a stormy season; saved the taxpayers thousands of dollars through honest auditing of accounts; protected the rights of the home owners; gave 100 per cent service in the office.
For a New Deal in the County Commission. Vote for
County Commissioner
Frank C, Best Harold B. Etter J oseph ¥• Steiger
FEBST DISTBICT 15 l e a n Resident of Douglas Connty
' In Recognition,of Services HONESTLY and COMPETENTLY RENDERED
Your Next
Sam. K. Greenleaf
County Clerk
i i
• ' ' - . . V ' - t- '"for Be-iElection •
. / • :
- , • • .
. -
Swedish Progressive Club; "80" Club—South Side; Douglas Connty. "IJnion" Voters League; United G. L Club%South Side; Citizens and Tax Payers League; North Side; d u b ; North West. Club; Economy Voters League; Loyal Club; All Nations Club—South Side; Resueglio Italo Americano Society; "700" Club—Leavenworth Street; Colored—Non-Partison Voters League; Italian Social Club; South Omaha Utilities Club; Home Owners and Citizens League. AH People and Parties can Vote for Sam E. Greenleaf as the Logical Man for the Office Intelligent Voters never vote for a man whose main qualifications ate to "Sling Mud." Ignore the circular now in the making and soon to be distributed attacking Mr. Greenleaf and one of bis employees.
Democrat For
County Attorney
The County Attorney's office is important in the welfare of this community. James T. English has every qualification needed for the office. 0APABLE and HONEST FEARLESS and EXPERIENCED
James T. English FOR
County Attorney
Economical Business *like Government
BOOTLEGGERS • X F Nebraska remains dry it will be a roost ing place for gangsters, hoodlums and racketeers.
And not only that YOU MAY LOSE YOUR • • • •
If REPEAL does not carry, there is a great possibility that the 3.2 Beer Law will be held unconstitutional AND YOU WILL LOSE YOUR BEER, TOO! Let's be sure to keep BEER in Nebraska. Give the TAXES to Nebraska instead of to bootleggers.
C 0
M P E T E N.
t When you cast your ballot VOTE FOR
County Surveyor
They will continue to make big profits from their illicit liquor dealings. These undesirables will also deprive the state of a tremendous amount of TAXES which rightfully belong to Nebraska. Too, it will cost untold sums of money to enforce the dry law, due to the fact that our sister states are WET!
James T.English
J0i •:•••-Pledged
"^ •
County Assessor
Democratic Candidate for
Has Been: Endorsed for ; •' *
NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT In the Matter of the Estate of MILDRED LKVV HOLZMAN, Deceased. All persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the lWh dny ot October. 1034, Max L. Holzman filed a petition in snid County Court, praying that his final administration account filed herein be settled nnd allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as executor and that a hearing will be had on said petition before snid Court on the 10th day of November, 1934. and that if you fail to appear before snid Court on the said 10th day of November. 1934, at 9 o'clock A.M.. and contest said petition, the Court may grant the all matters pertninini; to said estate may be finally settled nnd determined. BRTCE CRAWFORD, 10-19-34-St County Judge.
(For 10 Years City Clerk of Omaha)
gHOIWEIX, MONSKV) CROUUfSKI A VANCE, Attorneys 18t Omaha National Bank Bid*.
Lou" Adams has 40 years* engineering experience. His earlier training as an engineer with the Union Pacific railroad, surveyor of public lands in this country and Mexico, together with his wide experience in planning, construction and maintenance of our 640-mile highway system, are a most valuable asset to the taxpayers of this county.
BEN K. KAZLOWSKY, Attorney IRYIN C. XETIS, Attorney. numofectnred «nd dealt In by thOBe en•' P O t m C A l . ADTTCRTTSEMENT " 702-7W Insurance Bide SOI Electric Bide. gaged in ;&• etmhnr.' Jftie of business: iufd NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO to do all other things and engage In allNotice is hereby giren that'at -a meeting oQier •jnterprise'B neeeHsary, "convenient or of the stockholders of JOE DOLAN TIKK i ncidentalto the rights, "powers ana prir- OTICE B r JCBIJCATION OK PETITION FOE SETTLEMENT OF FINAI. & UKAKE COMPANY, of Omaha, Nebras- leses herein specified. ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT— ka, held In the City of Omaha. Nebraska, The total authorized-capital stock ,«f on the 11th day of October, 1934. Article I he corporation shall be $200,000.00 divided In the County Court of. Douglas County, of the Articles of Incorporation of said into, two; thousand (2,000) shares, •of which Nebraska. corporation "was amended to read as fol- one thousand" (1,000) shares shall be comof Hiegnmnfl HirBchbere, deceased:' lows: mon stock of the par value «f $100.00 each In the Matter of the Estate of SEEUMUND ARTICLE I •.;-? ana one thoueacd (1.000) shares shall be WIRSCHBKUG, Lteceased. preferred, stock or the par valne of 5100.0U Ail persons interested in said matter ARTICLES OF INCOUPOBATION OX* - each. Said preferred .stock shall draw dlvl- are iKueby noticed that<m the 29th day JOB DOLAN TIi:E & BRAKE CO. dends at the rate of 0 per cent pet annum, of October, 1934, Hose Hirschberg filed a The Nome of this corporation shall lie said dividends being payable on the 1st ctition in said County Court, praying AUTO SAFETY CUNIC, INC. flay of January nnd the 1st day of July of that her final administration a-count filed Court may seem proper, to the-end that eachVyear. The first dividend on said pre- herein be settled and allowed, gmd that prayer of said petition, enter a decree of ferred *toek shall be due on-July-1, 1933. she be discharged from her trnst as ex» heirship, and make iBn^A other and further The dividends on the preferred stock shall ecntrix and that a hearing will be -had on orders, allowances .and decrees, as-to this be cumulative and shall be payable before said. petition before said Court on the day of November, 1934, and that if Sated this 11th day of October, 1034. any dividend on the common stock Khali be 2ita fail to appear before said Conrt on AUTO SAFETX ClilNIC; INC.- paid or set apart BO that if in any year yon the snid day of KoTember, 1934. at 9 dividends amounting to 6 per cent an the o'clock a.24th • President and contest said - petition, preferred stock shall not hirte be»n pa'd tht> Court m., By PAUL JACOBSON. may prayer of said the deficiency Khali be payable before any t y grant the py Attest: XUMAKUEL YOTTSEM, enter a of heirshin, and 10-19-34-4t. Secretary. dividend shall be paid upon or set apart petition, make for the common stock. k snchh other thar.d further th orders, d all XEON & WBSTE, Attorneys lowances and decrees, as to this Court City National Bank Bide. Whenever all, cmnulntive dividends on may seem nroper. to the end that all matthe preferred stock ehnll have been paid, ters pertnining to said p~t!>te may be the -Board of Directors may declare divi- finally settled avU determined. dends on the common stock out of any BETCB CRATTPOBI), NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF remaining surplus or net profits. In the U-2-34-3t Connty Judge. XEWIS PACKING CO. ; ,», event of any liquidation or dissolution or Kotlce is hereby given that a corpora- Winding up, •whether -voluntary or othertion has been formed under the laws of wise -of the corporation, the holders of the POUTICAt, the State of Nebraska. The nnme of the preferred stock, -before any amount shall i corporation is LEWIS PACKING CO. Its be paid to the holders of the common ENDOHSEMENTSprincipal place of business is Omaha sto»"k, shall be entitled to be paid in fnl Lar^e and small political and civic Douglas Connty, Nebraska. both the paramount of their shares and the The general nature of the business of unpaid dividends accrued Caereon, and af- dabs have endorsed a slate of canthe corporation Is to buy, purchase, own, ter- such payment is made, the remaining didates. Among tliose wno have inada hold, lease, exchange, assign, mortgage and assets and funds shall be divided among transfer real estate nnd personal property and paid to the holders of the common endorsements ta date are: •wliereTer situated; to boy, sen, own, hold, stock pro rata according to their respecSwedish ProTress've ctub, The ? 5 assign, mortgage and transfer bonds, sec- tive shares; : urities, debentures and stock in other corclubs —S South Siflejj Douglas }=* "SO bs The preferred stock, at the option of thi porations ; to draw, make, execute, accept, ^TJnion" Voters leajpie, endorse ana issue promissory notes, mort- Board of Directors, shall be subject to re- Comity , it • - gnEes, drafts, bills of exchange and-other demption in whole o r in -port at par vaiu< United G. I. club, South Side; Citiplus accrued dividends thereon on any div K. < ' I negotiable instruments; to borrow money; zens and Taxpayers 1-aTue, N?rth to slaughter, render, bay. 'sen and deal in Mend doe date. nogs, sheep, cattle .'and all dosses and de- .The capita) stock of this corporatism shall Side club, North. West club, "Economy Li " l i l •>"*""t scription of liTcistock: ±o pack, rare, ren- be fullj pa!d'for and ",non-asi><-3sable when s-r?<**.fK - * der, refine anfi-dpal itx meats nnfl meat SEncd. Said capital stock.may be paid for Voters league, Loyal club, AH N a productB and to mannfi-cture, produce nnd in cash,'notes, -or proppr^f. xeiil or tions d u b , South SiSs; K^nr-gMb generally deal in hides, oil, glue, animal aonal. tangible or Intangible, at the rea Italio Americano society, the "700" fertilizers and oil other articles made from sonable value thereof. Twenty-*ive sharei carcasses of animals, nnd also In connec- of the capital stock of this eorporatio club—Leavenworth street, Colored— tion therewith to establish, buy, lease or shall be paid for before the eorporatio Nan-Partisan Voters League, Italian otherwise acquire, own, maintain, operate ahnll commence business. and dispose of stock yards, slaughter The corporation shall commence business Social club, S^uth- Omaha UtFities houses, packing, rendering, refining, cur- npon the filing of a ropy of its articles of ing and cold storage plants nnd houses incorporation with the County Clerk of chab. Home Owners and Ctiz^ns • and all other facilities and structures nee-: [_~ is Connty, Nebraska, and shall con- league. essary or expedient for such purposes, to tinue for a period of fifty Tears from the The one outstanding feature is t h a t ! manufacture and deal in such other goods, date hereof. wares and merchandise as are usually The highest amount of indebtedness to Sam K. Greenleaf has b2en endorsed) -Which this'corporation, may at any time in every instance. In two cases, he subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds POUTICAX, ADVERTISEMENT was the only republican to receive of its capital stock. _•*<£»-. The affairs of this Corporation shall be the endorsement, and in three others conducted by a Board of Directors con- only three republicans received this sistingg of not less than two nor more than honor. The assessor's office is a five members. SAM J. XEON trouble department but by the looks KAPLAN of this Sam must be pretty well liked In the presence of: FRED S. WHITE after alL 3 6 POUTTCAI* ADTEBTISEMKNX POXITICAX APTEBTISFIIKNT
Vote for Qrisw 1
• * . '4
Otto J.
SAMPLE BALLOT General Election, November 6, 1934
•WATCH FOR THIS SEPARATE BALLOT Vote fx] "YES" <m the County Manager form of government, which means better connty government for less money. "'""
m m m
The American tegion elected DWIOIT GRISW<H.D its state camrender m 1928!; "„ . • The editors of Nebraska elected DWIGHT GMSW€LD president ol fUfx Nebraska Press Association in 1931. nWJOHT GRISWOLD'S own community elected him three times to t^e State Senate, once to the House. In 1932 the people of Nebraska went Democratic "by'157*000 majority but—DWIGHT GRISWOLD was beaten by only 35,000!
ISWOtDis G RIS WOLD is Broad GRISWOLD is Liberal IS % Experience ^Efficiency
• Economy
Vote for
•IS •9
Republican Candidate for
U. S. Senator s Born in a sod house—in Scotts Blulf County, 1891. Educated in Scottsbluff schools, Hastings college, graduated -with bonora from University of Nebraska College of Law, 1915. County Attorney of Scotts Bluff County, 1916. Resigned to enlist and served 14 monthstoWorld War. State Commander of American Legion, 1S20-. 1921.. President of University of Nebraska Alumni Association, 1922. I Elected to Congress from Big Sixth'District of Nebraska t a 1922, I and served continuously lor 10 years. Now practicing la-w in Lincoln.
I I •
David Lawrence, the nationally known Washington correspondent; said recently: - - ,
"Out in Nebraska^ the Republicans
j former Representative Bob Simmons, as able a man as
Charles F. MCLAUGHLIN Democrat to
Vote for tfee BEST man for the job! _.
Robert G. Simmons
Take Sol Rosenblatt's Advice • . . —and Stand by President -Boosevelt
Dorff fetAe Democrats (who are now panicky) mislead you by wild, Jflct-minute brainstorms circulated as handbills and cloaked in anonymity! ,
I has been in Congress in many years. He is not a standI pat Republican, but an independent, far more in sympathy | with the Senator Norris type of repubBcanism than tae I
eastern species."
Page &—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1934 IKVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney MONSKT. OftODIN^KV of San Francisco, a classmate at Ver- t children .'at .her liome at -11$ ,Vine 8HOTWEIX,. 801 Electric Bide. TANCE and HAKKT B. COHKJf million. street Sunday-afternoon in-honor of Attoraeys TROllATE NOTICE the second birthday of "her son, Allen. ?3T Omaha National ISnnk Among the many Sioux Cityans In the Matter of* the Estate of SAM MARGames were the afternoon's diversion, who spent last week end in Iowa City GOLIN, licensed. followed by refreshments, carried out Notice is hereby Riven thnt the creditors NOTICE OP. PBOBATE OF WILL for the Homecoming at the Univerof will meet the administraBY F. B . S . in orange and black color scheme. • In the County Court of Douglas County, trixsaidofdeceased sity were the following: Sarettak said estate, before me. County Nebraska. of Douglas County, Nebraska, at The Chevra B'nai Yisroel Society In the Matter of the Estote of SAMUEL I Judge Ktigsten,' Sophie Fish.TSaraii Kuntz, Miss ANNA.. PILI? Correspondent the County Court Eoom, in said County, Berths Berger, Lawrence- and Eph- . The Sisterhood of the Talmud Tor* will hold a meeting next Wednesday A. COEKEER, Deceased. I on the 10th day of December, 1034, and on All persons itterested 5n Enid estate arc ' the 11th day of February, 193S. at 9 o'clock raim Baron," Mr. "arid Mrs. Barney. rah will give a luncheon at the Chev- evening, November 7, at eight o'clock hereby notified that a petition has been A.M., each dny, for the purpose of present- . C ra B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618; at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagoBarony MrsI; J. H. Mosow, Rosegene filed In said Court, prayinp for the pro-ing their claims for examination, adjustMynster Street next Wednesday aft j bate of a certain • instrument now on file ment and allowance. Three months are ill-' T gue at 618 Mynster street. Passman, .ATfreav Albert, Rogie . Kosin said Court, purporting to be the last lowed for the creditors to present their ernoon, November 7th, at one o'clock! j berg, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kutcher, Marand testament of the deceased, and oinims. from the 10(h day of November, Mr. and Mrs. H. Saltzman returned will that a hearing will be had on said peti- 1934. cella Levich, Tom LasneskyV Edward Rabbi Uri Miller of Omaha will be <home Sunday following a week's visit tion before said Court on the 17th day of BRYCE CRAWFORD, Baron, Harry Finsod, Mr. and Mrs. J. the guest speaker. Mrs. Abe "Gilin-iin Auburn, Nebraska, where they November, 1034, and that if they fail to .County Judge. sky, who has served as president of, • appear at said Conrt on the snid 17th dny10-19-34-3t. Kutcher. November, 1934, at » o'clock A. M., to the organization for the past ten were the guests of their son-in-law of . ..'.:' ; -. . ,j Nineteen directors of Shaare Zion the probate of said will, the Court years, will be the honored guest. [and daughter, Mr; and Mrs. Abe Mar- contest may allow and probate said will and g rfln t Mote than a thousand, people at- 'Synagogue were elected-at the annual cus. administration of said estate to C'ara CorMrs. Morris Yudelson, will be in-. tended the Jewish Carnival Wednes- dinner meeting of the congregation Former Sioux City Rev. A. Diamond : neer or some other suitable person, enter Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lincoln enterstalled as the new president, succeed-j ! a decree of heirship, and proceed to a day night in the city auditorium, mak- held recently in the" synagogue social Student Wins Honor Recognized as settlement thereof. tained the members of their Sunday ing Mrs. Gilinsfey. Reservations for, ing this united effort of the local halL Those elected include Sam Da- Norman .Rosenthai, former student Night Bridge Club at their home Sunthe luncheon may be made with eithi JOHN F. MEKICI.K, PRUTICAL MOHEL Jewish organizations a - sensational vidson, Lecn Dobrofsky, Dr. Frank cf West Junior High School in Sioux 10-26-34-3t. Acting County Judge. success. The carnival sponsored by 29Epstein, M. Hattoff, Henry Sherman, City, has received the honor of hav- er Mrs. Yudelson, phone 5645, or Mrs.' day night. Phone 1059 Gilinsky, phone 1797 J. This affair is I The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah Jewish organizations eliminated, the j Sam Snovsky, A. Slutsky, E. Chesen, ing his essay on "Safety" selected the open Conncil Bluffs, In. and non-mem-; Sunday School are showing Stereop- Jewish Press advertisers merit your necessity of numerous small drives, Sovel Krueger, H. Levin, Morey Lip- best of the Boady Junior High School bers. to all members patronage. . . : . • • . | ordinarily held to. raise the quota • of shutz, A. Mazie, H. Miller, N. Sad-in Brooklyn, N. Y. Norman is a pupil tical pictures each Sunday morning. The Council Bluffs Lodge,No, 688 Next Sunday morning, pictures will off, M. Satin. M. Seff, Abe Silver- at this school which has ah enrollthe respective groups. ': Dancing, awarding of large quan- j bergy Ben Fish andJ/LSam Weiner. The ment of 2,200 pupils/ This essay with of the Independent Order of the B'nai be shown of the "Call of Abraham" 1 1 meeting of the newly elected " - - -* ~ ~ - --*—' others chosen as- the best of .the oth- Brith wilt hold an open meeting and ; titjes of merchandise and other, en- *•"—*• tsrtainment occupied the evening boaTd "will be held next Monday eve- er junior High Schools will be'judged initiation of new members on Mon-and "the meeting of Isaac and Rebechoars. The winner of the car raffled ning in the synagogue. by the Chamber of Commerce of New- day eyening, November 12', at theca." There is a large attendance at Hall. Mr. O. gen r , the Sunday School, but more children off•'•will be announced in..a.forthcomTlie principal speaker of the eve-York City to determine the winning Eagles. eral chairman in charge of this a£ : ' are welcome. The pictures are being ing issue of the Press. Mayor W. D.ning was Sabbi Uri Miller of Oma- one. NormaiV'is - ai son of ;Mri and Mrs. SOLVE YOUR TTRE NEEDS Hayes, Congressman Guy M. Gillette, ha. Rabbi Miller spoke' on his recent A. Rosenthali'former Sioux" Cityans. fair, and is being assisted by O. Hochman. RegistraIsaac Sternhill and Messrs. Louis H. Councilman D. A. Murphy and Coun- trip to Palestine and showed several tions for classes may still be made Katelman, Sam Sacks, Nathan Nogg, cilman H..C Kuhlman were in charge reels of moving pictures taken on the Abe. Katelman, and Nathan Gilinsky; with Mr. J. Z. Stadlan, principal. of"_ this award. Members of the raffle trip." members and their friends are! committee were Dr. H.-'M: Leviny The meeting opened, with an. ed- Rabbi H. JR. Rabinowitz w^lj con- All Headquarters for ADVERTISEMENT invited: to attend. ' I tinued his "sermonjon The Dreyfus case chairman; Jack Robinson and -Mrs.dress of welcome by John Lansberg, Jake KcJin. .•• -• .•'.-'. president. He emphasized its growth at., the services in ^S^aare*Zion -this . The Council. Bluffs Talmud To rah ' Mr. Jack Goldsmith was in charge during the past year. A financial re- evening.; fentor |AA; Plfekin4 and the Society will, hold a regular meeting of the arrangements for the carnival, port was given by Eli Robinow, sec- Synagogue choir -will chant the ritual. next Monday; evening, November 6, Refreshments ^'ill;be cerved: to"the at eight o'clock at the "Ghevra B'nai and acted as general chairman^ ^ retary. A. Mazie, treasurer, also preV morn- ^Yisroel synagogue at .618 Mynster Organizations participating in thesented a report of the past year. A Junior^ Congregation" tdmojroV, : carnival included the following: Adas traveling bag was presented to by•; Mrs^ = g^. Baxei& and ;Mrs. M. street. at Prices You Can Mrs. Max Pirsch entertained ten Yeshuren Synagogue, A. Z. A., B'nai Robinow by the congregation in; recB'rith, Community Center Building ognition of his ten, years service to -" Rabbi Raomowlts! Started the seAfford to Pay POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Fund, Beth Abraham Synagogue, the synagogue as secretary. Cantor ries of book reviews last Monday with Beth Abraham Auxiliary, Jewish Bus- A. Pliskin," accompanied by Libbie a review on "Of Human Bondage." The next review will be held on iness Girls Club; .Chevra Kadisha, Hensky, sang a group of songs. Rabbi Vote for November 12. when Ra'Hbi Rabinowitz Hebrew Mothers Association, Ivre Rabinowife spoke briefly. will review "Lamb in His; Bosom.'.' Club, Junior Hadassah Kadima, LaBattery Service dies Auxiliary of Workmen's Circle, Road Service Ladies "Auxiliary- cf Shaare Zion SynJ\% £-J* i \ » agogue, , Mount Sinai Brotherhood, Climaxing a probationary period of Iowa State Tire Repairing Mount Sinai Sisterhood, Mount Sinai Republican Ticket Temple, National "Workers Alliance Mrs. Ben Davidson of New York six weeks, which culminated in- their *"•• Gasoline and Oil and Poale Zion; 'Jewish National City, who is a guest in the Leon Da- being elected into "the A. Z. A/chapGovernment - ' " F O R ' . •""Fund CGUncil,.Pioneer Women, Shaare vidson home has been the inspiration ter, ten pledges will receive their Zion Synagogue,; Sioux City .Indepen- fcr a number of parties this -week. first .decree work on Wednesday evedent Farane Senior Hadassah, Sioux Mrs. Dave Davidson was hostess to ning. The.. installation -will be : preCity Auxiliary of Independent Farane, a group of friends Monday noon "at sented in the presence of the memTephereth Israel Auxiliary, Tipher- a one o'clock luncheon. Autumn ap- bers of the B'nai B'rith. _ ' ' \ eth Israel Synagogue, •Workmen's pointments graced the luncheon ta815 No. 18th St. AT. 4550 : Circle and Zionists. ble'and guests spent the" afternoon Have Been Jnnipr Pb?1.e Zion hours at contract bridge. .- .•• The Junior-Poale Zion group will Mrs. Ben Schulein and Mrs. Emil meet,Sunday | ADVERTISEMENT at 4 o'clock in. the J~ C. POLITICAL AUTERTISUMENT Toiir Vote will be appreciated. Reduced Rosenstock presided jointly at a C. Current events, a talk by =Rudy breakfast ana bridge.Tuesday morn- Rhindler, and > a tall? on Weizman -by ing in the-Martin hotel compliment- Sularaith Bereskin. The program will ing; Mrs. Davidson." •.-•" ^^^^^^j^^_ be followed by an important business Mrs.. H. FishgaH .will entertain for meeting. * David Wertheim, national secretary Mrs. Davidson at .a family dinner POLITICAL of the Poale' Zicn organization will next Tuesday. speak in Sioux City at the J. C. Q. Young Judeans Wednesday evening, November. 7, unNineteen .new members w.ere> inifgr der the auspices of the local Poale Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Baron honored tiated into the Young Judean grotip Zion Branch of the .National Work- Dr< ;?achar laX a reception. in... their at their meeting last; week- The nieet'evening, following his ers Alliance. His subject will be, "T3le home • Sunday ; ing next, Wednesday; will ^be^ devotedWorld Jewish Congress." . \ " " v.lecture in: the iSynago^ue. A number to a program on Half oar." of those who heard :the,lecture met Mn Wertheim is a conspicuous, figf i DEMOCRATIC COUNTY ute in Zionism both in America and Dr. Sachar a t the Baron home. ! • ; B'nai BMth Europe. He is an attorney by pro-: Mrs.'.Charles-Raskin, 716 TwentyOfficials lurre sared Pottawattamie The regular bi-monthly meeting.of fession aa well as a journalist iriTYid? third street departed Wednesday evedish and English fields. He recently ning • County taxpayers more than i •for N e^^ York City, from where the B'nai B'rith will be held next returned* from Europe where he at-she will' sailfJNfo'vember 8 for Russia. Wednesday evening at the Commutended -.the conference at Geneva.for Mrs. Raskin j plans to spend three nity Center. Milton Bolstein, presithe World Conference. months in Moscow, Kiev, and other dent, will preside. $50,000 per year i C U R T I S . Attorney cities visiting with friends and relaSOI Electric Bid?. tives. .. Pottawattamie Connrj. &KGAI, NOTICE Miss Cohen, 912 12th Street In the. Iiisfrict Vote DEMOCRATIC Court of Douglas County. s in New York -City, visiting ^with - Nebraska. REPUBLICAN TICKET To T^VZAUUS GARDNER, whose place of : November 6th friends and relatives. residence is unknown and u p o n whom personal service of summons cannot be Misses Ruth and Eva Orlikoff re- had, defendant; A . canacity - audience heard Dr. turned COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA • recently from Chicago-where You irre*herel>y notified tiiat on the 4th tova Support Will be Appreciated* Abram,Sachar speak Sunday evening they visited dny of • February, 1933, Bernire Gardner with friends.. filed her petition against you In the P l s on'."The Ifs of Jewish ^History." TellCourt of Douelus County, Nebraskn, ing hia audience that in spite of the The Debra Club honored their new trlct liocket 291. Pnpre 1S3, th« oM<*rt and prayBoecvtlative element in Jewish history members at a party Monday evening er of which petition is" to obtain a decree absolute divorce from you on the . the Jewa maintained their integrity in the Sioux Tea Shop. The evening of grounds of extreme 'cruelty. as a nation, and continued to live spent at Court Whist and a late You are required to answer finid petiExplore the World's Par Corners with James Boring's tion on or before the 17th day of Decemas good Jews as if no other answer luncheon followed. ber, 1934, or naid petition agninst you •will could be given to the hazards that SMALL PARTY CRUISES Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jacobson enter- be taken as true. BEUNICK GAUnNER. fate placed in the path of the Jew. ll-2-»4-4t . Plaintiff. . tained twelve friends at a dinner and Mrs. H. M. Sherman introduced \he .theater party Sunday evening, in celJames Boring'^ famous-Small Party Cruises provide all the speaker. features of the big cruise but limited membership assures ebration of tha fifth, wedding anniversary. The dinner was served at Vote for complete individual independence. Rates include First-Class Scribbins Maplelawn. Joint Junior-Senior accommodations on the finest steamers of the world's greatHimoyitz, a medical student Hadassah Meeting at Henry est fleets and the best hotels and automobiles ashore. -he University of South Dakota The :Sehior Hadassah, Junior:Ha- spent last week end-in -Sioux City da^sah, and Ycung Judean chapters with his parents. Accompanying him Around the World Around the Pacific will join Monday evening, November to. Sioux City was Arnold Arnowitz WEST BOUND 5 for Joint meeting in the J. C. C. -. South Sea IslandSj Samoa, Fiji, ' POMTICAt ADTERTISEMENT Hawaii, Japan, Philippines, Bali, Mns.'R, H. EmVin, nTes'.dent of the • New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Java, Angkor, Straits SettleSenior Hadassah, Rosalie. Sacks, memJava, Straits Settlements,, Angments, Burma, India, Egypt, the ber of the Junior Hadassah, and Jack D. Gavenmari Recommends :-^Mediterranean—S. S. PRESIkor, Philippines, China, Japan, Frances Jacobaon, sponsor of <<t DENT HOOVER from San Hawaii—S. S. MARIPOSA from ; . TOTE FOR Young Judeans. will speak.-Two^,w Francisco, December 28th (via San Francisco February 5th — be presented, with the following;.takS. S. PRESIDENT WILSON, LEON.SWANSON 122 days—all-inclusive rate . ing p^rt in the first: Elizabeth PassDecember 6th from New York) —138 days-^all-inclusive rate. m^n, Ruth Wigodskv, Sonia Rich, By- ' $1975 $2185 bil Merlin, Dorothy Merlin."Rose Shiloff, Sadie Shulkin and Frances Jar Commissioner of Public Lands A torgsin Order will Around South cobson. Taking part in the second Around the World be highly appreciated by and Buildings skit will be Sovel Heshelow, Sam ' youi' reldHves in the SoBAST BOUND America Eoste'n, Rosena Sacks, Ruth Jacobyiet Union. son, Florence Lohrmann, Siilamis Dojv The Mediterranean, Holy Land, POLITICAL ADVEUTIBEMENT Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, Torgsin offers 15,000 enion. Rose Finsod and Milton.Mazie:. Egypt, India, Ceylon, Straits different domestic and Pezu, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Members of the Young :Jodean -Settlements, Angkor, Java, Ball, imported articles of high Trinidad—S^ S. SANTA MARIA Group who will participate in the pro- j Philippines, China, Japan, HaCHARLES E. Endors&t bg quality. Clothing, shoes, from New York January 5th— gram are Bertha Snovskv, Esther and waii—S. S. AQUITANIA from foodstuffs and other mer68 days—all-inclusive rate. Panline Friedman, Elaine Schlaiffir, New York January Slat—131 chandise are for sale. Rebecca Dimsdale, Vebna Beechem, $1075 days—all-ihcluaiv© rate $2185 David R. Gohen " San\ J. M.*ir»rarpt Kosberg and Miriam Blank. Prices compare fa~ »«.•«.*»«,<••*,.••<•••*••*•«•• The'Board of Directors of,the Jun-_ Dr. J. M. Erman Hynwwi vorably tvitb those ior and Senior Hadassah ^haptptsiwiil Secure complete information from in the United States Dave JHoberman R, M» SWtes ^ w I*, Sbem be hostesses at a.- social h6ur which^ DE8HM3BATIC CANDIDATE will follow the program,, s ordan VALJ. PETER TRAVEL BUREAU Max Arbitm&n . Dr. 1. Da«»ky . For fM y w r local tank er Omaha, Nebraska 1307 Howard St. -Ttlt AT 8028
Council Bluffs News
Sioux City News
U. S. Tempered Rubber Tires
Society News
Carl Riekes Tire Service
$3,173,175.40 by the New peal
Caoacity Audience Hears Dr. Sachar
Frank L.
• • • - -
s '
rI: k:.
• • " • • •
Classes to Begin' _ at Center Sunday
Children "who registered'for classes and cluba at the" Jewish-Community Center will start "tfieir" respective groups next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Registration is still open and children wishing to attend the clubs and classes may stffl__enroll.
Commissioner appreciate your support on TfoTember Cth.
HULSE & I*IEPEN tative In U.S.A Fifth AVB.. N.Y.
"Omaha's Mobt Beautiful rilomc for Funerals" Funprals To Fit 4ny Purse Phone HArn^V 1226 Fafnarn \st Thirty-thif
Stanley S. Feiler Jnlswa R^yi^Hn Dr. A. A. Steinbei*g Paul Wohlner J. Feiler Stern Dr. & 2L Stem Irvin Stalmaster Joe Turner Sara Rosenblum Joe Morgratii
Nath^a Max Mosltowits Herman FHcdlander I sad we PMkln
C, S,