November 9, 1934

Page 1

Dedicated . fo ffee Ideals of Judaism

Entered a s 1'oBloKtde o r On


In the Interests of the Jewish People

|% Mail Matter'OH January SI, 1921, a t |i.:giraBka, under the Act of .March 3 . 18TO


Round Table Open RID COHEN W BY LOCAL Forum on Tuesday LODGE

'ederation Asks or Old r lothes

Vol. X—o. 41

JewishWomen Active In Community Chest Drive

The first open forum of the seaThe familr ^welfare department of son under the auspices of the Round Table of Jewish Youth-will be held the • Jewish Welfare Federation reThe Jewish women of the cemmu-' Cohn, Al Gilinsky, Ben Danbattni, Tuesday evening, November -13, a t quests that anyone having old clothes nity. will be active participants in the Louis Hiller. they can spare please call the Jewish twelfth annual campaign for the Captain, Mrs. Archie Jacobs; Mes- Omaha Mizrachi Will Sponsor tha Himmelstein, Louise Fitch, J a c k 8i30 p . m. a t the J. C. C.-All Jewish Jommunity Center. -• • ; Meeting at B'nai Israel Community Chest, which will be con- d a m e s Clarence Bergman; J a r Temin, George Shafer, Harold Coop- youth in the city are invited to atMore contributions are required f OT ducted in Omaha November 19 to 28.Wright, Phil Gilinsty, Louis Sogolow, Synagogue. erman, a n d D r . I . Dansky. Between tend. : ; ; • r John Rosenblatt. The topic to be discussed will be the needy. each of t h e s i x episodes M a r g a r e t Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky is one of Special memorial services for the Captain, Mrs.- Bert Hene; MesBelman s a n g t h e songs popular i n "The Place of Religion in the Life the three members of the executive late Baron Edmund de Rothschild, dames A. Herzberg, Harry Eubeneach period. T h e -episodes : cleverly of Youth Today." committee of the women's division, depicted t h e founding of t h e order, The discussants are Rabbi Frederhaving charge of all women's clubs stein, Al Wohlner, Morris Levey, noted philanthropist who passed away last week, will be held under the Leo Waxenburg. the work of B*nai? B'rith i n aiding icks Cohn, Father George Dagelman and .church auxiliaries. ; Captain, Mrs. Jules Newman; Mes- ) auspices of the Omaha Mizrachi on i m m i g r a n t s , .defending; Jthe Jewish and Rev. Frank Smith. Mrs. J. Harry Kulakof sky is a diviTwo hundred and fifteen initiates name :the world: over,- t h e help t o t h e The open forum will follow. sional chairman in the approaching dames Albert Newman, Henry New- j Tuesday evening, November 13, at 8 of the local lodge of the B'nai sick a n d t h e -needy,; t h e anti-defamThe Eound Table has' chosen as : drive, heading division "E". The five man, M. Grodinsky, Louis Feinstein, p. m. at the B'nai Israel synagogue, B'ritht—the' largest class in local a t i o n work, a n d t h e youth move- the subject for its debate tournament 18th and Chicago. majors assisting her are the Mes-Harry Shumcw. An "A. Z. A. "Advisors' Conference" B'nai B'rith. bistory-^-were presented m e n t s . . - • ' • . ? • ' . The speakers include Judah WoK• - •• this year: "Resolved, that the Tal-will be held in Ojnaha this Sunday, dames Irvin Levin, Philip Levey, Sam as the "Alfred M. Cohen" class perllajor, Mrs. A. D. Trank. son, Rabbi David A. Goldstein and mud Torali Does Not Meet the~Je"wisli .Ben K a z l o w s k y , c h a i r m a n of t h e Gilinsky, A. D. Frank, and H. S. No: November I I , a t | t h e Jewish Com-, onally to the Bon. Alfred M. Cohen, Ctpain, Mrs. M. F . Levenson; Mes- Eabbi Uri Miller. Elihu Bloch, secreNeed O f Today." The membership •• campaign, . announces vitsky. monity Center, I international president of the order, dames David Goldstein, Abe Solomon, Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky's division Abe Pradell, Sam Cohen, Paul Wohl- tary of the Mizrachi, will preside. Advisors of, the JA. Z.'A- chapters at a dinner-dance given at the J . C.t h a t t h e class; of 215 n e w . members contest wilUje held in December. Over The general public is invited to 25 clubs have entered the tourney. in Omaha, Council |Bla£fs, Sioux City, was the first to report its complete ner. C. Sunday evening," in honor of thewill b e installed a t . a meeting t o b e participate in the memorial meeting. held a t t h e J . C. C. Monday evening, list of workers. She entertained at Des Moines.and'lSincoln will attend seventy-fifth birthdav of the B'nai Captain, Mrs. J. J. Greenberg; November 19. ..... . the two. sessions,^the first of which her home yesterday for her five ma- Mesdames Frank Krasne, Lawrence j B'rith head. Paris (WNS).—The last, surviving "Such a gratifying, response.. a s jors. 3 begins a t 10 "&. n*' The dinner-dance also climaxed ° ^ -r, , -r- i i * i J T j G r o s s , S a m B e r k o w i t z , D a v i d G r e e n - ! ] i k b e t w e e n t h poriE-inai M a v e r 215 new members," declared ChairMrs. Eeuben Kulakof sky declares!, viax^A Cnhn • i T , T f v-v! original Mayer Sam Beber, president of the suthe fiftieth golden jubilee annivers- man Kazlowsky, " i s high t r i b u t e t o the fa•!,-• a n special c ^ i , ! -ffnH-. « being hpinir made ™»fl»to tn «*!?' P * " 4 ^ 0 ™ ; ^ . , . „ . s c h e l Rothschild, founder of th effort is preme -advisory cpuncil of Ai Z. A.that Captain, Mrs. I. Stalmaster; Mes- j ary celebration of the local lodge. the Jewish bankers and magniSce.nt work being a c have all of the Jewish women's clubs will preside. ". 'AlFour hundred and fifty attended, tha complished b y t h e B'nai B'lith, a n d the ibis is one of fwenty similar condinner, while over a hundred were demonstrates clearly that- t h e people , ,, . , Harry Ferer, Maynard Greenberg,! size, to show their s&m - ^ ^ claves being1 help throughout the tion-, , regardless g turned away- because - of lack of appreciate t h e order's efforts o n b e schilds, was broken when the venerUnited States during October and No- moral support in the campaign for room. Captain, Mrs. Sam Stern; Mes- !aabi ble an and Baron Edmond p , & bbeloved Baon d half of J e w r y . " vember. ; ' $554300, which constitutes the com-dames Sam Peltz, Harry Rochman, j j The main address of the evening d Rothschild, a grandson o£ a r a e s e Courses to Open at the Jewish The purpose of jthe conferences is munity fund for twenty-eight separ- William Alberts, Isadore Abramson, Mayer Amschel, passed away in his was • delivered by Dr. Cohen: A feaCommunity Center on to bring about atoore thorough un- ate institutions. Meyer Stern. ture of the evening wa3 the: prefamous museuin-like castle in the PaNovember 19. derstanding of youth work in general The majors, captains, and lieutenCaptain, Mrs. B. A. Simon; Mes-j r i s i a i l suburb of Boulogne-sur-Seine, sentation of ths pageant, "One for and A.. Z. 'A.'. work in particular on ants in Mrs.' J. H. Kulakofsky's divi- dames Dave Finkel, J. Lorkis, A. surrounded by scores of kinsmen. BarAll," depicting the work and aims of Everything is in readiness for the the part of aduXt^JJ'nal B'rith lead- sion: Greenbaum, D. Bernstein, J.' Luttbeg. 'on Edmond was 89 years old and his B'nai B'rith from its inception Major, Mrs. L Levin. launching of the College of Highe ers interested ' in .the youth service I death was attributed to the infirmininety-one years . ago to; 1934. . ; 1 Jewish Edncation, which will department of B'nai B'rith activiMajor, Mrs. H. S. I w « ^ . • Captain, Mrs. Dave Stein; Mesdo fo U Henry Monsky, a member of the Captain, Mrs^ Arthur Cohn; Mes-j B a r o n E d m o n d J a m e s d e Rot h PC hild, ties. .. •'•\ : „ . / • ' ' dames Sam Steinberg, Jack Kauf• ©rdei's executive committee and first The basis -of the discussions a t Sun- man, T. A. Tally, Dave Bernstein, dames Harry Trustm, Jack Bramson, ! w h o ^ f a m o u s t h r o u g h o u t l l l e j e w • Omahari t o be. president of the Dis1 Max Barish, Harry Sflverman, Sami. n w o r W a g fte p r m c e l y p W i a n t h r o day's conference.will be the advisor's Frank Brookstein. trict Grand Lodge, presented the ! p i s t w h o g a v e a w a y n e a r l y $«o,000,000 Laborites and Revisionists Come manual recently published by the loI.class of initiates to Dr. Cohen and] Captain, Mrs. J. Goldware; Mes- Theodore; Jeanette Arnstein. Captain, Mrs. David R. Cohen; , f o r t h e r e c o n s t ruction of Palestine, cal A. Z. A. .headquarters.' to Terms to End Interintroduced Dr. Cohen. Monsky, in dames Aaron Rips, M. Fox,. M. RudMesdames Joe Jacobs, Sara Zlotckj-, | w a R t h e8 O n o f 3ames Rothschild, the Party "War." •commenting on the highly successdy, Harry Fried, George Strauss. • Omaha's College of Higher JewJohn Faier, A. Greenspan, Max Da- f i f t h B O n o f M a y e r Ainschel, and of ful celebration completed, praised Captain, Mrs. L. Mendelson; Mesish Education, under the joint; Betty Eothschild, daughter of Solothe work of Ben JKazlowsky, general dames I. Sokolof, I. Elewitz, I. Fied- vis. London, (JTA).—The following i s sponsorship of the Jewish ComCaptain, Mrs. Max Fromkin; Mes- | m o n Rothschild, another son of Maychairman of the jubilee celebration the text of the agreement signed by munity Center and the B'nai ler, M. Burstein, Sam Davis. and the membeiship. campaign;, Leo David Ben-Gurion, representing the B'rith, will open Monday evening, Captain, Mrs. P. Wintroub; Mes- dames J. M. Erman, R. Schlaes, J. J. je r > - ^ Q founded the Vienna branch of i e , Leo Marcus,, Leo Green. j ^ g family. Baron Edmond's Edmonds mother Abramson, president of the Omaha World Zionist Executive, and Vlaiji- November 19. dames Dave Fonnan, L Bernstein, Frieden, Captain, Mrs. Morris Katleman; j ^ protectoress and patroness w a s e lodge; Julius Bisno, chairman, of ar- inir"~Jabotinsky, head of the revisionHarry Green, I. W. Rosenblatt, JoClasses will be held Monday and Mesdames S. Pizer, A. Romm, Dave :o £ Heinrich Heine during the poet's rangements for the _dinner-dance. seph Freeman. . . ist organization, to end inter-party Thursday evenings, with a varied Philip M. Saskin, -well-known AnCaptain, Mrs. David B. Cohn; Mes- Sherman, R. Brown, Robert Kooper. | e x i i e in Paris. Sam Beber, a ^member., of -the ex- strife in- Palestine and elsewhere: - curriculum offered. All those wish- glo-Jewish poet, will be i n Omaha Captain, Mrs. J. Stein;. Mesdames ! Born in 1845 when his father -was dames J. Levey, Sam Roehman, Without. infringing upon the freeecutive committee of" the order- and ing to enroll are urged to sign reg- next week-end in ~the-interests^ of the J. Abrahamson, J . J. Friedman, I. j already one of the richest men in Eu? president of the Supreme Advisory dom of discussions and criticism istration blanks at the 1 Jewish Jewish National. Eund, according .to Harry Cooper, Lee Barish, William Dansky, A. S. Rubnitz, R. Bordy, j JO pe, Baron TSdmond inherited a large Herzoff.' ' , ;. Council' of A." •' Z.." A.;; (Junior B'nai within the Zionist * movement, - all Community Center immediately. announcement "by |Dr. "O. *S." Belzer, share of the fabulous RothscJnld forCharles Ross. parties undertake to refrain from B'ritn),' acted, as 'toastmaster. chairman of the Iqeal National Fund tune with its far-nujtgT ifc&W?rtril% Major, Mrs. Philip means of-party, warfare which are President Abramson made the banking »nd commercial interest^. UnCaptain,-Mrs. M. Lihsmari; MesNovem- CounciiT troductbry remarks and ; introduced outside .the., limits' of political ideo- sessiona on Monday evening, til be "was 48 he devoted himselE «x...The-Jewish^' :/: sriies IHugo Heyn, "V; ^Mt5anz, S. I. ':-/-' ^' '-:'•'-• '•-• :; ^ s p g Toastmaster Bebier. IrvingHflt spoke logical- discassioir a n d ~ are•-• • liot in b e r i a ••••'•"•' elusively to the liethseljilfi Bank, oC eficiary •i Begistratioa is now being, taken a t fi h > . nj9r>L L i principles i l Salzman, lifestsr -Shepaera, J . xonformity wafijf tha. nj9r> p p which he was president, -In I88S i » becampaign. i d d conduct. tiie Jewish Community Center. The - Next Friday, .Raskin, who is re- Captain, Mrs. Julius Newman; Mesgave("thei invocation and Rabbi David of Zionism and of civilized. came interested in Zionism aad tottflfl; 1 classes will be held Monday and. dames Sam - Singer, Abe Sombferg, f ^ Q & benediction^ ' A ; ^oVafis^Q•&& ed the Palestine Jewish ColonliatioS puted to be. an eloquent speaker in Forbid All Acts of Terror. Thursday evenings, the first period Abe Goldstein, M. 3E. Gordon, M. A. i I n ,his j a^idireBS^&ri'Cohen compared Association (PICA), through which he both Yiddish and English, will speak Venger. invested 120,000,000. His son, James hditifcla J75 and 50 years ago with Secondly, all parties shall issue ap- being from 8:15 to 9 p. m., and the at the B'nai Israel synagogue. to 350 from 9;10 to 9:55 p. m. i Captain, Mrs. Sam Appleman; Mes- Reservations will be limited those of the present and explained d peals to their members forbidding, second *T,A c n n ^DTI- ide Rothschild, a member of the BritSaturday afternoon, November 17 : in any At a meeting Tuesday of the cx»mthe work of B'nai B'rith. ..'••_• acts of terror or violence 7 he will address the Hadassah cultur- dames Ben Friedman, Max Chapman, quet given at the Jewish Community ' i House of Commons, is the head of Leon Weiss, Sam Robinson and Miss "Science and the ingenuity of theshape' or form, under all tircnm- mittee in charge of the College, Dr. al group. Center under the auspices of the so- I the PICA. It was Baron Edmond who Blanche Zimman. human mind during the past seventy- stances, in Palestine or the diaspora. Philip Sher, founder of the college, 'established Palestine's wine industry, Sunday morning, November 18, a 1 Captain, Mrs. E. Nogg; Mesdames cial service committee of the J . C. C. five years have brought the people Every party shall apply the most rig- and chairman of the committee on meeting of all National Fund workj founded Rishon le Zion, Kosh Pina and the B'nai B'rith. L. Kulakof sky, Milton Abrahams, Leo of the world much closer-together orous means to eradicate - such acts, •arrangements, was. named president- ers will be held at the Center. ] and Zichron Tacob, the first of the The affair will be held Sunday, No- modern Jewish colonies in Palestine. Chaikin, Harold Farber, Julius Soloin the matter oi communication; yet This prohibition applies equally to William Wolfe was chosen secretary. vember 18. mon. we have grown apart" in good-will, the advocacy of terror or - violent .There is no tuition for the instiHe was, never active in the political Chairman for th- banquet program phases of Zionism, contenting himself Captain, Mrs. A. Milder; Mesdames friendship and better understand- acts ar«d to the justification of such tute. Only a registration fee of one . . * • • - . • ' dollar is being charged. William Milder, I. B. Ziegman, Phil will be Philip p M. Klutznick. The ad- j ^ ^ ggiving consistently ing,'' declared Dr. Cohen." "I am acts. i v i n g llavishly a T i s W y aand n d consistently Hebrew will be taught two periods, Klutznick, John Beber, Sam Swartz. dress for the fathers made by ; o f h i s T a s t f o r t i m e t 0 t h e c a l l s e o t : proud of the B'nai B'rith's services Thirdly, all parties undertake to David Goldman. Morton Margolin, jP a l e s t i n e . I n M 3 0 > v h e a t h e Pa ssfield S in the promotion of. better friend- employ all meansf at their disposal and all other subjects one period. The Major, Mrs. Sam Gilinsky. to prevent any breach of infringe- other subjects.from which those regson of Dr. and Mrs. Morns Margolin, i - ^ ^ P a p e r a n d t b eS i m p s o n report ship and under standing." Edward Treller, 63, passed away Captain, Mrs. M. L. Cohn; Mesi threatened the entire Zionist strucDr. Cohen pointed ont how the ment of the agreement undertaken to istering may choose include: Modern last Saturday in Los Angeles, where dames Harry Rosenfeld, Sam Wolf, will respond for the sons. The invocation will be given by ture in Palestine, he broke his silence first duty assumed by the, B'nai bring abont among the workers and Jewish life and current topics, liter- he .went about a month-ago for hisMorton Hiller, Joe Weinberg, -Ronald Carl Milder, son of Mr. and Mrs.and issued his first public statement B'rith 'was to aid in providing im- organizations of Palestine, for theature, Bible, great Jewish personali- health. He was stricken with a heart Gladstone. • migrants with a means pf livelihood, purpose of" establishing relations of ties, survey course- in Jewish -history, attack Saturday evening in a Los Captain, Mrs. Fred Rosenstock; William Milder, and the benediction on Palestine. In a letter to Dr. Chaim comradeship, equitable distribution Jewish customs and ceremonials, Pal- Angeles theater and died In the then president of tb» by William L. Holzman, president of j vreizm and to help the suffering, the orMesdames Dave Rosenstock, Loyal the Jewish Community Center and j of work among all seeking employOrganization, the aged estine in the life of the Jew and the j Worl| phans, the aged, the sick, and to emergency hospital "there. Mrs. TrelWelfare Federation. Baron associated himself with the acquaint the newcomers with the ment, and to safeguard fair condi- Yiddish language and Yiddsh litera- ler was with him at the end. ture. " •• • ; In charge of preparing the dinner JWOrld-wide protests and repudiated spirit of the institutions of their tions of labor. His son, Marvin, left • Sunday The faculty consists of Eabbi Fred7 morning to meet the body in Salt will be Mrs. L. Neveleff, president of \t-he p r a i S e given in the White Paper country. He further told how the Outlaw Libel. False News Spread Fourthly, all parties undertake to erick - Cohn, Rabbi David, A. Gold- Lake City. The funeral was held in the Jewish Women's. Welfare Organ- t o t he PICA. When the Jewish Agency B'nai B'rith "has for years been deization. I for Palestine was created he was fending the Jewish name ^ against use vigorous means to prevent any stein, A. Eatz,1 Eabbi Uri i Miller, I. Omaha Wednesday, with burial in Morgenstern, and Rabbi David H. Pleasant Hill cemetery. Reservations at sixty cents per j unanimously chosen honorary presicalumny and slander and discrimin- rmfnir act in party strife, such as Detroit (JTA). — Harold L- Ickes, plate must be made by November ; ; b 15. 5 dent ation, as well as quietly but effec- libel, slander, insult to individuals Wice. Rabbis Frederick Cohn and David Dr. Philip. Sher is chairman of the He was always a retiring and retiSecretary.of the Interior, addressing tively taking care of anti-defama- or groups, the spreading of false Wice officiated. committee in charge of the banquet, cent figure about whom innumerable news, denunciations, or insults t o the tion. Mr. Treller was a first president the Men's club oi Temple Beth El here He is assisted by Isadore Abramson, j legends grew up during the years* He particularly emphasized the ed- symbols, flags or uniforms of the of the Highland Country - club. Later J condemned religious and^ « « e Leo Abramson, Max Barish, Eugene | but the halo of veneration and love ucational activities of B'nai B'rith, opponents. he was successively treasurer and dice and pointed out tbat the wnt- Blazer, Kabbi Frederick Cohn, Rab- I that enshrouded his name and pereonf as exemplified by .the BTHlel Found- Fifthly, in countries where govs i r e S r y , and last i n * was elected t u t i - of t h e ^ t e d ^ a t e ^ w d Willi L ality never obscured the personality bi David A. Goldstein, William L. ernments ban or view with disfavor The semi-annual meeting of theto the joint office ations and the A. Z. A. ff f secretary and d ten. as a bulwark for minorities. of any Zionist faction, no group o r i n - Vaad HaThr will be held Monday, treasurer. He was a charter member "Minority - groups in this country Holzman, Mrs. J. Malashock, Rabbi of the man who was unquestionably the best loved Jew of his day. To the •••:•.; P a g e a n t . . . dividnsi will be allowed to combat November 12, a t 8 p / m . a t the B^oai have been victims of. a crass racial TJri Miller, Mrs.L. Neveleff, Leo Ro- millions he gave to Palestine, be addThe pageant^ "One for AH," was the opponent with the aid of theIsrael synagogue,; 18th and Chicago. of the Omaha Athletic-club and prejudice," he stated. "Men Have been j senthal, Rabbi David H. Wice. served as president of the Temple ed millions more for art, Bcience, literwritten by' Elma Ehrlich Levmger.government, either tlireetly or indiImportant -matters: concerning the Israel congregation. He was also a cUscriminated against on account of ature and medicine. He gave 15,000,000 Its local presentation was enthus- rectly: I t is also forbidden t o cite Vaad and its problems wfll be dis-member of the B'nai Brith, the the color of their skins or because of trancs for an institute of physicoiastically received by the audience. the opponent' party or ita.members cussed. A program has also been ^ Scottish Rites' and .the Shrine, and their religion. In the final analysis chemical "biology, ten million francs apt to endan- ranged, and refreshments will be of the "Elks. It was directed by Mrs. Dave Brod- under titles which are the Constitution was set up by those jfor an art museum, and innumerable ger its existence i n ; those countries. s e r v e d . - , - • key. • , . . • ' • . '• • •;• • • ' • • --r . '. • : . . who wrote it as a bulwark for minorother millions to hundreds of private Sixthly, parties or their individual The cast included: Martin Freidities. It is the minority that needs proElection of ten inembers of fe and never publicized charities. For lander, Herbert Forbes, Oscar Dia- members are in no case and under Board of Governors will take place. tection from the mob spirit of the ma- Unusual interest is being shown years he privately subsidized scores mond, Ben Lefitz, Jack Bronotein, no circumstances to be permitted to jority." art students. His art colin the Junior Dramatics program of penurious ^ Hy Temin, Yale Halperin, Dan Mil- break up or disturb meetings of the planned at the Jewish Community j i ttoTX, which includes some of tbe ec ler, Kay Shapiro, Aaron Corenman, opposing party. Center under the direction of Miss finest known plates and originals by Registrations are now being taken Richard Hurwitz, Ernest Nogg, MarGrace Levin. Rembrandt, was his hobby. He spent at the Jewish Community Center for Fines, Expulsion Provided as the junior clay modeling class for This project provides dramatic ex- a lifetime gathering it, and it is recPenalties. The opening number on the Jew- those through the age of 14. Mrs. pression to all children through the ognized as one of the richest in the Seventhly, all parties undertake to ish lecture series sponsored by the age of 14. The year's program pro-i world. I n recognition of his numerMilton R. Abrahams will give the inimpose upon their members who will Here's an interesting bit cf infor- vides for not only a study of drama- j ous contributions to art and literaJunior Vaad organizations will be struction. have broken any of the. aforesaid mation. Lee Grossman reports that tics but also the presentation of sev- j ture he was honored with membership New York (WNS)-—-^ppo*11*111611*o f provisions, as soon as such breach held Wednesday evening, November Registrations are also being taken 3,935 individuals used the facilities 21, a t 8 p. m. at the B'nai Israel synMendel N. Fisher of S t Louis, Mo., as becomes known to them directly or now at the Center for those wishing of the J. C. C athletic department eral plavs of special interest to chil- j in the Legion of Honor, the Institute j of France and L'Academie des Beaux naUonal field director of the Zionist through the medium of a member p: agogue. to enroll in the music school during the month of October. This, dren as well as adults. Organization of America, has been an- the affected party, one of the. fol- Dr. Victor E. Levine of the CreighAll children are invited to attend l^'^^^^f, according to Grossman, is a record Jewally helped hundreds of nounced by Morris Rotheriberg, presi- lowing penalties: Censure, fine, tem- ton •university Medical school will the first meeting, which will be held attendance for that month, and asth g, ish refugees to settle in Palestine. dent, simultaneously with the launch- porary suspension of membership or speak on Ms Alaskan experiences. sures an active winter for the Cen- next Sunday, November 11, at 4 p.During the last few years of his life ing of a nationwide drive t o raise permanent expulsion from i2ie ZionPour other interesting numbers, inter Athletic department. he also devoted much time to the m. at the J. C. C. $100,000. from among organizations ist organization. If the party fails cluding a symposium in which the Registrations for the class are now B t u d y o f •&<> Talmud. An open formu on "What the Saband individuals lor a Zionist exten- to punish offending members or if Omaha rabbis will participate, Ql : He is survived "by two sons, James bi Expecta of His Congregation and Eion fund..'* Berlin, — Carrying out the recent being taken at the Center. the affected party is not satisfied be given. and Maurice, the latter a member of What the Congregation Expects of decree of Rudolf H e s s , minister The fund is to be used for the pub- with the punishment imposed that Its Habbf will follow ihe regular without portfolio, forbidding Nazis to Enrollment is also being taken at I the Frcncli Senate, and a daughter, lication of literature and periodicals, party is entitled to appeal before the South Africa Oatlaws services at Temple Israel this eve- have any social relations with Jews, the Jewish Community Center for the j Miriam. the promotion of youth activities, the interparty court to be set up in Nazi Group ning. fostering of Hebrew and Hebrew lita Nazi member " of the Workers' school of dancing, which will be under j Rome.—With the approval of Last week Julius Rosenfeld spoke Council of Confidence publicly op- Miss Levin's direction. erature and to bring the Palestine every country when it is required, Johannesburg (J.TJL.)—Determinwhile in Palestine and Poland such ed to bring a final end to organized mier Benito Mussolini, Louis Unterfrom the pulpit'on "What a. Congreideal Bearer to American Jewry. Classes will be given by her in inbraided Nazi employes of" WerthMr. Fisher, who has been given a courts are to be set up immediately. racial incitement, the government gation Expects of Its Eabbi" and this eim's, Berlin's biggest department terpretative, tap and acrobatic danc- meyer, American poet, has been leave of absence from the United Jew- A person thus expelled from the here on Monday declared the Nazi evening the sermon topic of Rabbi store, for presenting a fellow Jewish ing. The classes will be held on Mon- awarded a special gold medal for ish Appeal, has been associated, with jEionist organization "will have the Grey Shirt party in southeast Africa David H. Wice will be "What a Rab- worker with a bouquet of flowers t,n days and Wednesdays, from 4:45 tothe best literary work desciiblnjr the beauties of Italy. the American Palestine campaign for right to appeal to the court of honor illegal., under '. an. .ordinance in thev bi .Expects of His^Congregation." 5:45 p. m. the occasion of her birt&day. i 1 code - • •>f the Zionist organization. otnven years. The public is invited.

Dinner-Dance Sunday Climax to Jubilee




Enrollment Open for Jewish College




Semi-Annual Meeting of Vaad on Monday


Dr. Levine to Open Jewish Lecture Series

Registration Open for Clay Modeling Class

A Record for Use of J.C.C. Gym

Fisher Named Field Director of Zionists

Open Forum at Temple Tonight



Page 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1934 hands of the Xi Lambdas. The two has named the following individual! from the earthy aroma of the soil, teams ended the third period of play in addition to himself to serve on thii to a fanatical conviction that Shivath with the count knotted at 14-all. At season's handball committee: Phi Zion, Return to Zion, was not mere this point, the X. L/s put on a scor- Feldnaan, Iz Levinson, and Phinea immigration to,the Holy Land, but ing parade that easily netted them Wintroub. that the act was to be complete only the victory. Max Turner, stellar X. This group will conduct all handwhen Jews in large numbers attached L. guard, featured the play. ball tournaments under the direction' themselves to the tilling of a soil which Jewish hands had not plowed A free throw in. the last, minutes of the J. C. C. athletic department. for Iwo thousand years. The spirit of play by Jake Temin enabled the of the Shomer, the,' Zionist guard, the By the Service Life Insurance Boulevard Grocery five to defeat the soul of the Great Chalutz, Trump'elCompany, Omaha favored A. Z. A. No. 1 crew by a 17 By HARRY MENDELSON dor, the fighter who parted ways to 16 count. The A. Z. A.'s led up to with the submissive, yellow-livered, "Spend the Rest" -•'.••,-• the last minute of play, when the The week-end before Jaat the Jewish sensitive and accurate instruments (great heart to ever warm and in- bent-backed "mah yoffis" Ghetto den- A; point which appeals to men who Grocery boys banged away at the Lee Grossman, physical director at vigorate the new born. -May our lecof a profound modern historian 1" community had the pleasure and rare izen to proclaim and exalt through take the responsibility for providing hoop for victory. , the J. C. C. urges that more indivitreat, thanks to the efforts of the And yet this label does not entirely turer be preserved to a hundred and his dynamic, or life and heroic death for their own futures and the futures duals attend the calesthenics class Next week's J. C. C. preseassn twenty years 1 This allegory no Jess encompass Dr. Sachar., Perhaps the C o n s e r v a t i v e Study Club, to the new Jew,~the robust, virile, of their families in a serious way is for men on Tuesdays and Thursdays listen to a scholar* in whom is com* expression the humanlzer, the popu- applies to him in some measure, for brawny Jew of the New Age. And that life insurance plans actually set basketball league schedule calls for beginning at 6:30 p. m. the Psi Mas, defending champions, even without tearing out his great lizer, the dramatizer of Jewish hisbined the spirit and power of, the old coming down to Our age he has Jewish heart, without "aureisen zein brought closer to home the colorful money free to be spent here and to play two opponents. On Tuesday, maggld with the scientific historic tory is much more appropriate. the titleholders meet the Omaha Jobequipment of a gifted student' of the Too often lectures,- books and hartz quellendig mit Eiden eeber die personality and creative work of now— Money, which, if there were no life bing in the battle to decide the unTbrah," he has left a part of his Jewish past in the person of Dr. classes in Jewish history and culture Pinchas Ruttenberg, the builder of insurance, would have to be saved. disputed league leadership, and on Abram Sachar, National Director of have reminded one very much of the great Jewish heart, intellect and pas- the Jordon power plant, a man who Unless he wishes to do so, the Th u r s < j a y the fraternity men tackle the B*Nai Brith- Hillel Foundation; Dismal Science, a stigma, once borne sionate "" love ' for •*—••«-the characters -••- *—~ he who is protected by adequate the ever-tough Xi Lambdas. After listening to.. his lecture not by political economy. . Too frequent- has exhumed from the catcombs.and j»» become-the. hvmg symbol of the man life insurance does not need to eave; In the other Tuesday game, the historic making impact of western .tens but hundreds of men and women ly they have been dry, abstract, un- made them again live, throb, create, the simple act of putting a contract Ee-Ims meet the Wardrobe Clothiers, went away with a fervor and inspir- dramatic, unadventurous presenta- inspire and move for many hearts science and technology upon a land in force often releases for spending and in the remaining Thursday fray, that wasi but a short time ago, reekation seldom experienced, with an tions of Jewish experiences, tragedies and minds within our midst who aroused curiosity and determination and achievements. And here comes have grown cold, indifferent and ing with malaria, infested with tra- many more dollars than are required the A. Z. A.'s meet the Re-Ims. choma producing cacti and sunk in to keep the contract in force. Athletic Director Lee Grossman to delve further into the dynamics within our midst a man, virtually a apathetic "Buy life insurance and spend the wishes to remind the public that adof Jewish life and discover ever new wonder worker, and through his deep He has done no less for Jewish feudal backwardness. And last, but fountains of inspiration and wisdom knowledge and dramatic ability blows history as far as tens of thousands not least he has brought to a better rest," for with the future protected mission to the preseason games is focus the soul of and inspiring there is no reason why the man who therefrom. • . a new life and clothes in colorful of Jews are concerned than what achievements of the outstanding Jew- desires to do so need not spend "all free and urges more spectators be on hand to view the contests. Opening •During his last, lecture I was both, garments and awakens our love and Proust has done in his brilliant work ish woman of our generation, Hen- the rest" upon anything his heart game on each night begins at 7:30 reminded of the activities of a Billy admiration for;personalities and cre- "Recapturing the Past" for the French. rietta Szold, who through her great desires. p. m., with the second contest slated He has recaptured for many young and compassion, intensely realistic intelSunday more than a decade ago and ators of past,;generations. to get under way immediately folthe few lectures I heard delivered by "If you would be a success, by all old the spirits and messages of the lect and passion for the New Life lowing the first. outstanding Jewish personalities of Bialik, greatest Hebrew poet since Ha- means add romance to your salesin Palestine, has captured the imaglerf, whose death was recently, mourn-, manship J" is the bit of advice once the last century who once moved, in- ination and contributions of hundreds ed by Jews the world over at Nahallal, given to your writer by a high class spired and called forth the best in of thousands for the highly practical Palestine in;. '26 or '27. Bialak salesman when soliciting advertising our fathers and grandfathers and of and indispensible labors of the Hadspoke then, to the peasants of Nahalnumber of years ago for a local some contemporaries who in our day assah. The Psi Mu and the Omaha Joblal on. the Hebrew Renaissance' and weekly. It seems that our lecturer and age marshal! the energies, en- Dr. Sachar, the maggid-historian, bing quintets are tied for the lead in the return to the cultural legacy of and" always welcome visitor fulfilled thusiasm and imagination of Jews with the soul of a poet, has left for the J. C. C preseason basketball There will be a J. C. C. preseason the past for renewed inspiration. The unknowingly to a dot this counsel in the Diaspora. fields of activity with the Hillel league, results of last week's games doubles handball tournament. This effects of his talks upon his listeners or by adding a full measure of ro- Our historian has distilled for his David R. Cohen fact was verified by Lee Grossman, Foundation, he can surely feel revealed. were in some ways similar to -those mance to what appears to many as many through his last and most bril- assured thatbut who after twice postponing the startThe Psi Mus led by Millard Sigal, his efforts at recapRepresenting the generated by a powerful evangelist dry and uninteresting information ilant and scintillating lecture on The turing the heroics of past genera- who tallied 14 points from the flttor, ing date for the annual tourney, this of the Billy Sunday type^ And yet has left an irascible impress upon Seven Who Built the Land, the will tions for his auditors and admirers week stated that entries will close tedefeated the Wardrobes f what vast differences stood out. Here undreds of our fellow.citizens whose has kindled in many, who but a short their second victory of the season, 34 day, November 9, and that play will and determination of the folk ego to "was a man, a national poet and time ago were either far from the to 16. The Omaha Jobbing quint had everberations will reach far out. live and create on its own soil as begin, Monday, November 12. lingual scholar who combined or source or entirely indifferent, little trouble in downing the Ea-Im Sixteen teams have signified their rather perfectly synthesized the in- And I can't resist employing the personified by Theodore Herzl. The Jewish PhoM AT. 7168 urge and the passion to go and aggregation, 28 to 15. intentions of competing. While the tellectual, the factual with the emo- eautiful allegory Dr. Sachar himself fanatic zeal and almost maniacal de- the Home, WA. 1923 rediscover for themselves the ever used as applicable to the heroic Upsets also found their place in field is extremely small, the caliber termination to create the key with tional, the aesthetic and the dramatic new, dramatic and pulsating in the chievements of Dr. Theodore HerzL the results of last wesk. The Tork which to unlock the rich and colorful of the players assures a fast tournaNon-Cancellable in the. long and kaleidoscopic panoand the unexplored. And nil Batteries, with an all-star outfit, ment. Health and Accident rama of Jewish life. ••-.-... ..-.;' There was once a giant, who lived treasure trove of Jewish genius of old life Insurance n" a sun-coveredmountain, who after the past concretized by the life, wil they In turn through living and were knocked out of the undefeated Far he it from me to allude to Dr. repeated attempts to get the people struggles and sacrifices of Eliezer transmitting that by which the per- class by a 24-to-14 defeat at the Athletic Director Lee Grossman Sachar as being of the Billy Sunday in the valley below him, who lived in Ben Yehudah, the creator of modern sonalities and creators in the Jewish type, but in. observing the reactions! onstant; darkness, shadows and mis- Hebrew. The profound and moving Pantheon lived and died will leaven and enthusiasm generated by his -lec-| ery, to come up with him to the top philosophy and messages of an Achad the many that are still indifferent tures in many friends and acquaint- f the mountain and enjoy the life- H'Am, who inflamed the hearts and and apathetic. ances I could not help but feel that giving rays of the sun, tears out, in minds of tens of thousands of the with his scintillating method .of pre- esperation at their indifference and best Jewish minds all over the world May his labors continue to bear senting too little known personalities pathy, his heart and throws it at with the lofty and prophetic vision fruits in ever greater abundance! of the rich Jewish Pantheon he had them. It is caught by one whose of Palestine as the cultural center Vienna (J. T. A.)—Austria's hightouched something deep in the souls own calloused, phlegmatic heart and and reservoir of inspiration to those est award, the Cross of Merit, was -k Where Omaha Shops with Confidence and minds of many of his listeners mind is immediately warmed by this in the Diaspora. The burning pas- presented by President Wilhelm Mikthat would invigorate and continae great and throbbing heart. Quickly sion for tilling the soil in Palestine las on Monday to Ferdinand Blochto move them deeply for months and t is passed from one pair of hands of an Abraham D. Gordon, who stir- Bauer, a Jewish industrialist. months. o another" till;the^whole-multitude: is red very, deeply a"'people who for two The recipient is chairman of the I am sure that many in the audi- infected' with "the 'vision of the .dead thousand years; -because of no fault Austro-Czechosloyakian chamber of of their bwh,-bad been at a distance commerce. ences on listening to Dr. Sachar ex- giant and 77 en masse moVfe oyer>his i f hy perienced sensations and a sort of heightening of the spirit simitar to orpse to ]&e jniew life on"r the moun-. those experienced by themselves, or tain. And^they continue to use his" by their parents^ on listening to a colorful maggid in some Lithuanian, Polish or Russian town a generation The formal opening of the J. P. or two ago. Here stood before us Jrounse grocery at 1314 No. 24th St., but a few days ago a Jxue maggid, formerly located at 924 N. 16, will a maggid not in the derogatory be held on Thursday, November 16. sense, but in the sense of exhibiting all the old fire, fervor, sincerity, jand passionate lovefor Jewish ; lore, > in the sense ofJ. the lyrical and the j3rainatic which the outstanding mag. . . In Youthful Styles Easily Obtained in gidim of past generations employed in their sermonizing, moralizing and Small Sizes . . . at Goldstein-Chapmans » . . Yes! Gottbw Cuts and inspiring in the Pales. And on top* J1W\ of all these emotional and aesthetic Specialists in youthful weapons came armed with a rich and half-size dresses for daymany sided; knowledge of the Jewish time and afternoon wear past and of general world history. cnoRfivinG co. One was tempted to exclaim: "Here Specialists in youthful *omoHR*. .. is a powerful evangelist with the half-size dress coats . . . /Phone Qi.4626 trimmed with luxurious furs.



Caiisthenics Class


Handball Tourney


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Formal Opening



Reuben Greenberg to Open Meat Market

Mr. Reuben Greenberg, who had . been in the kosher meat business here lor twenty-five years:-ana who has just returned to Omaha,.has purchased the interest of Mr. H. Soskin in Soskin's Kosher Meat Market, located at 1552 No. 20th Street. : " The market will be" •Known as "Greenberg's Kosber ' Meat1""Market," Btarting Sunday, November *il. Associated with Mr. Reuben Greenberg will be Mr. Meyer Greenberg. The general public is invited to inspect the new market, and meet-Mr Greenberg. •


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JEWISH PRESS; JFSIOAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1934 publication of. the "Protocols" was a once widely known French and. SpanReferring to M. Joly's "Dialogue," against his regime, and also to predirect cause of the Russian Revolu- ish dancers, Saharet and Otero, were he said "falsification betrays .the vent the Czar's introducing reforms tion, since as a result of it, the Czar brought - into the case as plaintiffs' hand of the unscrupulous plagarist demanded by the people." was. induced to redouble measures of counsel presented photographic copies who took not the slightest pains to Congress Stenographers Testify oppression and withhold adoption of of Moscow archives showing, they remove the traces of his apocryphal Two Basle stenographers who rea constitution for Russia. contented, that - the allegdiy spuri- theft" ported the famed Zionist congress Further details of forgery of theous protocols were published • under . Since . the . downfall of the -Russian held there -in 189-7-today •-testified documents .were recited to the'court "the direction ;of the:Russian writer imperial regime, -M. Loosli- continued, that there . was no question during by. Vladimir Burtzev, famous Russian Nilus. M. Nilus was described in tes- the protocols have been used to con- that meeting of the protocols. Dele-journalist, and Boris - Nikolajewsky, timony yesterday as imbued with the vince public opinion in all countries gates merely discussed the Jewish noted historian and a leader in thespirit of anti-Christ. •• that "Judaism has a secret execu- national home in Palestine, they said. Russian Menshevik movement, who . Sergius Swatikow, Russian official tive head aspiring- to world supremDr. Marlais Ehrenpreis, Grand (Reprinted from The Philadelphia Jewish Exponent) recently concluded an investigation of under the Kerensky - regime, testified acy by whatever means, even the Rabbi of Stockholm, submitted to the 1 court an original official record of Herewith is printed the happenings libel suit were Dr. A. Zander, editor- authentic or forged as a series'of •many years into the activities of thej the archives showed M. Nilus wanted worst. notorious Csarist spy"Aseff. the "Basle proceedings which was ] to include references to Sarah Bernat the first sessions of the widely- in-chief of the Swiss. Nazi organ, •witnesses-testified today."Those accusations are so mon(Continued on Page K.) • heralded suit by members of the Eiserne Besen.(Iron Broom) who pub- 2—Whether .they are- a plagarism, Much amusement was caused in the hardt, Saharet and Otero in his book- strous," he asserted, "that one might. burly Fischer and ? dealing with the protocols. Censor. Swiss Jewish • community to once and lished articles affirming the truth of- as today s witnesses contended. .his associates representing the de-ship of the old imperial regime pre- even conceive : that those writing for all definitely prove the falsity the ."Protocols"; Theodore Fritsch, 3-—Whether they constitute scurri- fense when they asked the witnesses vented, however, M. Swatikow said. them believed them well founded." . _ and fabrication of^ the oft-exploded German anti-Semite and publisher of lous and defamatory literature the KLEEN-HEET He declared further that there was and malicious "Protocols of the El-anti-German book; and Colonel Muel- distribution cf which is forbidden in whether they were Jewish. The dePurpose in Including1 Actress proof that the protocols published in fense attorneys were unable to make OIL BURNERS ders of Zion." The judge, with the ler von Hansen, a retired German of- Switzerland by law. M. Nilus, presumably inspired by the French language were fabricated any headway in cross examination of - consent; of the plaintiffs, agreed to ficer, -who published a. book, "Secrets A series of witnesses took the stan^i the Russian secret agent Rachowsky, in Paris by the Russian secret police Olson Bros. postpone the trial-for one.month on of the Elders of Zion" under the pen throughout the day and recounted, in the witnesses. M. Swatikow said, wanted to depict in 1905, with the object of proving- 700 Copies Seized 2C12 Leavenwortta AT. 23C0 the "request"of the Nazi deff idants.— name of Gottfried ziir'Beek. The last detail, how the so-called "Protocols" The plaintiffs, whose action already Mme. Bernhardt as a great Jewish to the Czar Lhat "Jews conspired -Editor. two named defendants have died since had "been manufactured in France by actress who would "charm Chrishas resulted in sequestration of 700 the inception of the suit. Dr. Zander Czarist agents. , copies of the "Protocols," are seeking tians." The purpose, it was indicated With Switzerland as the- scene of is, therefore, the only defendant. Dr. Chaim Weizmann, former pres- confiscation -of the volumes and pen- was to create belief that world Jewry action and the whole world as curious • Says "Protocols" Are True. wanted to make use of the actress to ident of "the. World Zionist Organionlooker, .the. age-old drama, which In an article published en June 9, zation and a leader in the Zionist alties fcr publication and distribution advance Israel's "domination." of the libels in Switzerland. for" want of a better name, might be 1933, the Eiserne Be'sen declared that movement since its organization, took The summary of M. Loosli's report, Secnnd Day of the Trial called the Jew versus his detractors, Jews were contesting the truth of the the stand in the afternoon to deny "Expert" testimony and sharp de- made public by the attorneys for. the is now being re-enacted in the beau- "Protocols" because it revealed :the*r "firmly and positively that the. f irot secret designs on the rulership of the Zionist congress as Basle in 1879 ever nials by outstanding leaders in world plaintiffs, described the protocols as tiful city, cf Berne..".-•:' were the features • of'the'sec- calculated to 'incite readers to bruLacking in new implements of libel world, and cited von Hansell arid took secret action, as asserted in the Jewry ond day of the trial." The pa<res of tality, to swerve them from morality Fritsch as evidence of the truth of and deceit these detractors have "Protocols," to establish Jewish dom- Jewish history were turned back hun- and right, to drug their modesty and resurrected- one- oftheir old -poison the allegations contained in the "Pro- ination of the world. dreds of years to show that at no conscience to the point of inciting arrows — the Protocols of the Elders tocols." In the face of the obvious impa- time in Israel's long and checkered them to illegal acts." of Zion—in the hope that it is still "The Jewish and Jewish-controlled tience of the defense attorney, Theo- career did he dream of world dominaM. Loosli declared an examination capable of performing its dastardly press may rave and yell as they dore Fischer, Swiss-German Nazi tion. The Talmud, the Codes, other duty. And the Jewish people, still please, the truth of the 'Protocols of leader, Dr| Weizmann expounded the books of Jewish life and Jewish lore proved the protocols -were based on having "recourse. to the law, have in- the Elders of Zion' is obvious to all," aims of the Zionist movement and were thumbed to prove the falsity, the famed essay written in 1864 by Maurice Joly, French author, called voked it to check the enemy in histhe article concluded. denounced the "Protocols" as "ab-the absurdity of the charge. "A Dialogue in Hades Between MaAssociated with the Swiss Jewish surd legends." Efforts by defense atmad fush" of Jewish annihilation. did the detractors sit idly by chiavelli and Montesquieu," asserting Farcical though it seems, it is a leaders in pressing the libel charge is torneys to trap him into relating his andNor on. Realizing the hopeless- that no fewer than 170 passages were fact nevertheless: World Jewry is onDr. Ehrenpreis, who was drawn into present activities in behalf of theness look cf their case, they resorted to exact copies. trial. The charge this time is notthe affair when the Swiss Nazi pa- Palestine movement with the "plans" various legal subterfuge — request? He indicated as a supplementary per, in attempting to prove the verity ritual murder, or poisoning of wells outlined in the "Protocol" only suc- for postponement, pleas for more or any one of the other canards in of the "Protocols," alleged that "a ceeded in drawing laughter from the time to assemble their witnesses, etc source the novel "Biarritz," written the past invented as weapons of secret Jewish world government was spectators, who filled every seat in —in order "to delay the pronounce- by an author named Goedsehe, also called Sir John Retcliff, whom M. Jewish destruction, forsooth world organized in Basle, Switzerland, in the courtroom. ment of the final verdict. Loosli termed an anti-Semite. The 1897 at the first "World Zionist Condomination; and the Jew must Denies Unity . An expert appointed by the court chapter headed "A Jewish Cemetery prove that he harbors no such gro- gress called by Dr. Theodor-Herzl, He denied that the Jewish people examine the documents denounced in Prague" was cited especially as a tesque ambitions. So a courtroom in founder of modern "Zionism." The Ei- acted as a unit and pointed out that to the notorious "protocols of the elders source. Berne has focused upon it the eyes serne Besen quoted an article written they were divided on issues just as of Zion," as "apocryphal."by Dr. Ehrenpreis many years ago on of the whole world. Beporters and any other group. C.'A. Loosli, Berne author and the The expert declared that Zicnist commentators have traveled thou- the beginnings of modern Zionism to -G. Haller, a Nazi,. testifying for- court's expert, declared in his report leaders never entertained the idea of sands of miles, coming from virtually prove the fact; that such, a world su- the" defense, unwittingly drew the that the protocols, which previous engaging in revolutionary activities every part of • the globe, to witness per-government had been organized lines of argument advanced by thewitnesses for the plaintiffs have de- and political intrigues- in countries this tragic-comic spectacle . and to at the Basle Zionist Congress and plaintiffs when he asserted that the clared forgeries, belonged to the cat- where, dispersed Jews lived. He said describe it for a furious if not for a called attention to the .fact that both whole- -Nazi 'campaign against the egory of "scandalous literature of thei he believed the Zionist Congress held at Basle in 1897, alleged to have been dubious - world. - Having somehow von Hansen and Fritsch had used the Jews is based.on the "Protocols." " worst species." caught the fancy of the average mind, same article. The story of how a/ pamphlet, "A Earlier the crowded courtroom the origin of the protocols, -was enthe press is generous, all too gener- Dr. -Elirenpfeis indignantly denied Dialogue in .Hades Between Ma'chia- heard celebrated names mentioned in tirely dedicated to the project of a ous, in the space it is allotting to the that anything he had ever written had velli and Montesquieu," written by a testimony for the plaintiffs. Sarah national home for Jews in Palestine. "details, treating in all seriousness, dealt with such a fantastic subject or French lawyer, Maurice Joly, in 1864, Bernhardt, famed actress and the even as the court in Berne is treat- that the Basle Congress had ever con- was found in the French National l i ing in all seriousness, the charges and sidered "world domination." He also brary by Czarist agents years later 'Tune In on KOIL at 10:30 A. M. for Brandch Radio Hour3 pointed out that since the death of and converted into a vicious attack of course, the denials. To prove their case, namely, that Dr. Herzl, he had disagreed with the on the Jews, was graphically recountthey are not plotting the overthrow Zicnist leaders and was no longer ac- ed during the day by a series of witof kingdoms and governments so that tive in.the Zionist movement. nesses. Allege Damage Sound Teeth they might establish their alleged suTells of Origin. per-government over the v/hole world, The Jewish complainants declare Sergius Swatikow, who was viceand Sound Health Resctatraties outstanding Jewish leaders were, of they have suffered personal damage, governor of Petrograd during the KeNo. Jft-lOS necessity, indeed as a matter of Jew- since the "Protocols" are an attack rensky regime, testified _ that the 1H4 are Souna"Economy ish Iself-defense, compelled to attend en the integrity of the Jewish com- "Protocols" had been fabricated in thiB trial and to assure the court munity, to which they belong. Paris at the orders of General RaschIn - a preliminary investigation, kovsky, there is not and never was the slighthead of the Ochrana, the r. v • - • " which involved confiscation of some est vestige of truth in the allegation; Czar's secret police. He "declared that that it was and still is the machina- !700 copies of the "Protocols," Dr. a man named Gelensky prepared the tion of those who have been-and still Zander expressed himself as willing forgery from the Joly pamphlet. to withdraw the statement that Dr. " Count du Ch'ajla, a Frenchman who are ..plotting- Jewish destruction. Strange as it may seem, there are Shrenpreis himself had proven au- has spent much time in Russia, tesalways;, those who "fal? for such thenticity of the "Protocols." The at-tified he had seen the manuscript things." The spread of this libel in torney for the plaintiffs, "however, re- written in French" by Nilus, a monk, the past has. cost the comfort, the fused to assent unless the court de; in .1909. Nilus, he said, doubted, the happiness, indeed the lives of large clared the "Protocols" were a forgery authenticity "of the document, but benumbers of our people. Hate and po- and the books of von. Hansen ana lieved it was nevertheless true. We expect its acceptance to groms have followed in its wake. Such Fritsch deliberate incitement against The witness declared his "belief that be phenomenal! The white . . . is its sinister effect. Even in this-day the Jewish people. _.._... . interiors simplify ^their The major portion of the first day of sophistication, not to say enlightcleansing,- while the shiningof the trial—Monday—was given over enment, 'there are large numbers of black exterior is made by a people who are willing to believe and, to various preliminary details. The new process increasing the believing are ready to view with Swiss court called upon the experts . wearing- resistance. Mail, Phone Orders Filled alarm, "this fantastic, usurpation, of to submit, evidence on the principal -world control by the-Jewish people. points raised regarding the spuriousThat is why the Jew must always take ness of the documents. The court it seriously, must always combat it," ordered the^ experts"to "answer three must keep on'denying it—a hateful, a specific questions. These questions : '. Your Chc-icc, Each detestable role in which heroustap-were: pear^ ... .. _ „.. _ . •'.- . . ;': 1—Whether the "Protocols" are Complainants in the case are: Dr. J. Dreyfus-Brodezky, president of the / F orvth es:C on n 6 i sseu r | Swiss Federation of Jewish." Commun-: ities and head of the Basle Jewish PEERLESS community; Dr. Marcus Cohen," pres£ l-Qt. Lipped Sauce Pan Distinctive DBX CLEA5TNG dent of the Zionist Federation of Every Time! 214<Q(. Lipped Sauce Pan Switzerland; arid Dr. Marcos. Ehren2~Qi. Lipited Sauce Pan KE. 1500 preis of Stockholm, Chief -Rabbi of "One-Fivc-Hundred" Sweden. 101^x71/2 Oblong Utility DUh Defendants in the original criminal U Roasting Pan

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Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year Advertising rates furnished on application


Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. \ Sioux City Office^Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKBRMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - - - - - :- Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street

The "Protocols" Trial

seat to risk the church battle. Secondly, the evident success obtained by the churchmen thus far will undoubtedly lend courage to those forces in Germany which are seeking to battle Hitlerism for the sake of the principles of liberty and freedom they cherish . . . this may serve as an opening wedge for more direct hostility. In this regard, any illusions that the German masses may have still retained concerning those luscious promises of the Nazis when they first gained control were rudely smashed when none other than Robert Ley, a leading Nazi and the reich's trade union commissioner, told three thousand workers and their wives in Munich that Germans must renounce hope of prosperity for at least twenty years, for, as he declared, "Germany is entering upon a period of severe material privation." This, certainly, is not the sweet fruit promised the German people in return for their surrender of the rights and liberties to the Nazi "iron heel."

Anti-Semitism is the real defendant in the "Protocols" 'trial Armistice Day being held in Switzerland. Sunday will mark the sixteenth anniversary of the signing of Criminal libel proceedings have been brought at Berne, Switzthe Armistice. Sixteen years ago, when the war clouds were puncerland, by the Swiss Jewish community in the person of three tured, the people of the world joyously looked at a horizon from plaintiffs, against the leaders of the Swiss Nazis and the editor of their official organ. The reason for the action was the publica- which the horrors of warfare had been supposedly banished, the tion by the Nazis of articles upholding the authenticity of the dream of peace had displaced the nightmare of strife. That peace was a dream. It may be simple for orators to "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." A thirty-day postponement was stir our emotions with sonorous platitudes of brotherhood on granted the defense after the preliminary testimony had concluArmistice Day, but realistically we must admit that the danger sively demonstrated what intelligent, thinking people have known all the time, that, as C. A. Loosi, Berne writer and expert for the of war is ever hanging over the world's head. Armaments incourt, declared the "protocols" belonged to the category of "scan- crease, distrust grows, hatred and hostility flourish like weeds. Israel's mission is peace and good-will. As we think of the dalous literature of the worst species." Scholars, court experts, broken hearts, tortured souls, crippled bodies, bereaved loved ones, government officials—a distinguished and brilliant array of witnesses all testified to the falsity of the forged protocols, and it Armistice Day should make us strive ever onward — though the was the overwhelming tide of evidence that caused the Nazis to goal wg seek seems to be receding. The real "war" is against war. seek a delay. The attorneys for the Jewish plaintiffs wisely made no objection to the delay—since this has become a cause celebre, The Schuschnigg Whirligig it is well that the anti-Semites have no excuse given them. From bitter experience the Jewish people have learned that The "Protocols" has been the bible of the anti-Semites—once the word of Chancellor Schuschnigg of Austria is only as good and for all. the world will definitely learn of its fabrication and as his actions. malicious origin, so that the "Protocols" may be interred forever. At a lengthy conference with representatives of the Jewish This shameful forgery was the work of a Russian reactionary, Community the week before, Chancellor Schuschnigg gave assurNilus, who—to help the Czarist government and the "Black Hun- ance that all Austrian citizens would be treated as equals, redreds" in their anti-Semitic campaign—concocted the work on the gardless of race or creed. At the same time the Vienna municipalbasis of plagiarisms of an essay written by a French lawyer as a ity discharged eighty Jewish civil service employes, and twelve satirical attack on the Napoleon HI dictatorship. The book was were removed from their positions in the municipal health sanitranslated in many languages. Jewry protested everywhere that tarium . . . a process which has gone on uninterruptedly in the Protocols were a ridiculous forgery, but the anti-Semites con- Austria for some months. tinued to spread the lie. In 1921, the London Times, leading BritThis reminds us that Schuschnigg made a similar pledge of ish paper, published an expose completely disproving the Proto- equality to Jewish leaders in Geneva, where he represented Auscols and showing in detail how the book was forged. But still the tria at the sessions of the League of Nations. A day later, howProtocols was anti-Semitic gospel. Now, through the efforts of ever, came Austria's announcement of the ghetto segregation of ' these Swiss plaintiffs, the world is learning of the fabrication— the country's Jewish school children. the forgery is being proven beyond the shadow of any doubt, conclusively and unequivocally. While the Berne proceedings will not ... The Chancellor's latest statement, reliable sources indicate, effect a cure of anti-Semitism, its enlightening educational value was caused by the flood of protests to the Austrian government from abroad condemning the anti-Semitic policy of the governwill be highly beneficial. ment. Austrian diplomatic representatives abroad, particularly in Great Britain and the United States, have been instrumental in inducing the head of the government to issue the statement diThe Last of His Generation ^ Ha-Nodiz Ha-Yaduah — the Well-Known Giver — has passed rectly to the Vienna Jewish community. • But such merei words will fail *to placate-^l^blic opinion, so away. Baron Edmond de Rothschild was known the world over for his philanthropy, and though in recent years the infirmities long as Schuschnigg has his tongue in his cheelLwhen he speaks. of old age had compelled him to live in retirement, the fame of He cannot parade clothed in the skin of the lamb of equality, his good works and his liberal heart has always remained alive which hides underneath the wplf of Nazism. Deeds, not words, are the barometers by which the world will jud£e. and always shall. , Ironically, death came to Baron Rothschild at the time when his admirers throughout the world were drafting plans for a uni- Neighborly Spirit t versal celebration of his ninetieth birthday, on August 19, 1935. In our neighboring state of Iowa,, in Eagle Grove, last week, Not only was he the founder and pioneer of practical Zionism, there met a convention representing five Lutheran Church bodies. having given over $20,000,000 for the colonization of Jewish pioWe are pleased to note their appeal to the Christian press neers in Palestine, but he was also renowned for his contributions and to Protestant ministers to combat all forms of anti-Semitism. to charities in his native France and throughout Europe as well In no unmincing words the conclave passed a special resolution as for his patronage of the fine arts and'of science. Nor was his condemning "these un-Christian and un-American tactics against philanthropy limited to Jewish causes—every worth-while cause a law-abiding and peaceful people," and declaring, "We note with found him not only willing but actually eager to give. feeling of deep regret, mingled With pain, that among the leaders It is no wonder that throughout the Jewish world he has long of the Jew-baiting organizations are to be found leaders, who, been known as Ha-Nodiz Ha-Yaduah. His was a fame which is under the guise of Christian fundamentalism, are peddling the eternal, as it was based on unselfish service in the interests of notorious forgery known as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, others. making them the basis of their ridiculous, cruel and untruthful charges against the Jewish people of this country."


HEBREW FOR BEGINNERS Sometime ago this department urged that some application of the idea of Basic English be made to the teaching of Hebrew; Well, proving the perspicacity of our mental processes, we hear that this very thing is to be done shortly in Palestine by Ha-aretz, one of the leading Hebrew dailies there. Haaretz we hear, is to shortly begin the issue of one edition of its paper daily, which will not employ more than one thousand different words. In other words, once you learn this comparatively small vocabulary, you will be able to begin reading a Hebrew paper in Palestine. We do not presume to say that Haaretz got the idea from us, yet the fact that it is to be done shows how good we are—ho hum!

A HEBREW STORY They were drinking at the home of a good Hebrew friend the other day. Chayim took one drink fiom out of his host's bottle of wine and said, 'Here's to Israel, one and undivided." He drank it down. Then he took hold of the bottle again and poured in two drinks. "Here's to Moses and Aaron," and drank down the two glasses" of wine. Then he took hold of the bottle and poured out three more drinks: "Here,' he said, "is to the thzee mothers of Israel." At that, the host took away the bottle. "You can't tell," he said, "he may soon drink to the 60,000 founding fathers in Israel."

REVERSING IT Speaking of Hebrew stories, here are several new Palestinian ones. The first one deals with a young settler in Palestine, who approached a Shadchan. "I have a fine match for you," said the Shadchen. "The girl is somewhat old, it is true, but she has a young Pardess (orange grove)." "Nothing doing," said the settler. 1 want a young girl with an old Pardess."


How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger of A prophecy made in these columns many months ago is good tidings that announceth peace harbinger of good tidings that coming true in Naziland. The church problem has grown to goiter the announceth salvation. .' _

A Nazi Retreat


dimensions, stuck in the Hitlerite throat and unable to be swallowed whole. In righteousness shalt thou be esLabor, liberals, intellectuals, professors, scientists, all cata- tablished; be thou far from opresfor thou shalt not fear; and Rabbi Nehoral says: I will put pulted before the Nazi onslaught, but the church in Germany has sion, far from ruin, for it shall hot come aside all the worldly occupations and to date accomplished .the first major internal victory over the near thee. • I'll teach my son only the Torah, Nazi program, which sought to unify all Protestant churches unfor all other occupations are good No weapon that is formed against: for a man only during his younger der the Nazi banner in which, as it has been put, "Hitler came thee shall prosper, and every tongue first, and then God, providing the latter would give the 'Heil Hit- that shall rise against thee in judg~ days, but when he becomes^ old he unable to secure a position and ler' salute." Last week witnessed the resignation of Dr. August ment thou shalt condemn. •-.-•- ' is starves; while the Torah is not so Jaeger, Nazi commissioner for Prussia's Protestant churches, and Talmud. ; ; —she stands with the man when he was followed by discontinuance of police surveillance he ordered Rabbi Maier says: A man shall is young, and gives him a good and teach his child a clean and lasting hope in his old age." for Bishop Hans Meister of Bavaria, spearhead of the resistance always easy, occupation, and he should at to the Nazification of the church. Karl Koch, head of the synod the, same time pray for mercy to opposing the "dummy" Nazi group, ordered that the church flag whom all the richness and wealth- Abba Buryon says: A man shall belongs, for there is not a not ttain his son in the following: ocbe flown, and Protestant churches flew their white and purple iness single trade in which both the rich cupations: A driver, a shepherd or flair for the first time in two and a half months. and the poor are not to be found, a storekeeper, because it is hard for This retreat is significant. First, it shows that Hitler by hence neither richness nor poverty them to make a living in an honest the results^of trade, but it de- way. The best doctors are going to changing his mind about officially receiving Mueller, the man he are pends upon the merits of the man. hell (because there is a great ideplaced in charge of Wasification of the Protestant churches must mand for good doctors there). The feel that he is not strongly enough .entrenched in- his dictators Rabbi Simon says:- Since ray early best batcher is * partner to Amwafe

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And then there is the one of the American Jew, who was asked how he liktd the Temple Wailing WaU. Responded the American Jew: "It is just like us Jews. When we do have a fine thing, we stick it right in the dirtiest section where the Aiabs live. Why wasn't it put in Tel Aviv on the Beach. And if we had to have it in Jerusalem, the least we could have done would be to put it On Jaffa Street!"


THEY HAVE THEM SEPARATE And then there is the story of the Diezengoff of Tel Aviv if they had any sky-scrapars in Tel Aviv. "Certainly," replied Diez^ngoff, "but we have them sepa.ately. The sky separate and the scrapers separate."


Peace Pact in Zionism

days I have not seen that a deer should dry figs in a field, a lion should carry bundles, or a fox should be a" store-keeper; nevertheless they support themselves without any trouble, although they were only created to seive me. I who was created to serve the Great Creator, how much more should I be able to ".. support myself without any trouble? But I have caused all this trouble through my evil deeds, and therefore my sustenance has been affected.

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And there is the story of the German Jew who settled in Palestine. "How goes it," an acquaintance asked. "Fine. I can't complain. One of my sons, you know, is a City Counsellor in Vienna." "You don't say!" said the friend. The dove with an olive branch is heading Palestine-ward as "It is interesting to note that the attitude of our State De- "Yes; and that isnt all'. Another a result of the peace pact between the Zionist Executive and the partment toward the Nazis is quite different from that of the of my sons occupies a chemical poin Lemberg." Revisionists negotiated by Ben Gurion and Jabotinsky. Now that American Olympic Committee. ' Its policy, for example, has been sition "You don't say," continued the these two groups of radically different views have smoked the most hostile to Germany. Our Secretary of State has rebuffed, friend, "Your family has certainly pipe of peace, it is expected that all Zionist factions will find a time and again, the German Ambassador in his requests for con- risen. - I suppose they provide well common platform in working for the rehabilitation of the Jewish sideration in the Administration's tariff reciprocity program."— for you."1 "WelV said the man, "both of homeland. Congressman Samuel Celler. these sons and myself are supported

The strife which has been going on internally in the Palestinian Jewish ranks has been costly-to the interests of a Jewish Homeland. Co-operation is going far-more beneficial than pulling in opposite directions, has long been known that the struggles within the Holy Land—like the Laborites and the Revisionists—has been gnawing at the very vitals of Palestine.

by a third, unemployed son, who estine named after him. * And what could be a more beautiful street to lives in Tel Aviv." attach his name to—than this RothI believe I am the only one who schild Boulevard? ever gave a Palestine street an So your present columnist, put on American name. And even my name a new caption to the picture, labelled did not seem to get over in Pales- thusly: "Wilson Boulevard, named tine. But how it got over in Ameri- after the President of the United ca! The naming was one of the sins States. for which I must answer to my God And with tremor and trepidation, and to my conscience. he awited the returns. The returns It happened this way. It was years were not slow in coming. Hundreds ago—and I was in the publicity de- of clippings from newspapers were partment of the Zionist Organization. received showing this Wilson BouOne day, we got in a very beauti- levard." Only the other day, the New ful picture of Rothschild Boulevard York Herald Tribune dug it up to in Tel Aviv. It is a beautiful street illustrate an article. with lanes of trees and a' that and So the tremor still remains. My a' that. I thought the picture would conscience bothers me. At night, surely get over in the rotagravures, when I lay me down, I ask God for and I made haste to send copies of forgiveness, for having under the it out. high Zionist auspices, perpetrated But twice alack and alas,—there such a forgery. was not a bite. But I trust that some day my forBut your little columnist was not gery will be rinsed clean by the city going to see his dream blasted, his of Tel Aviv actually naming a street hope dissipated thus. No sir, not if after Wilson. He deserves it. you know your little columnist. So what does he do!! This is what he does. He reminds 5,600 Immigrant in October himself that President Wilson had Jerusalem.—The greatest number done so much to obtain the League of Jewish immigrants in any one of Nations Declaration for Palestine. month of Palestine's recent history Surely, so good a Christian Zionist arrived during the month of October as Wilson deserves a street in Pal- when 5,600 were admitted.

Announcing. The Opening of



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1934 Betty Fellman is president of the actives. Marks Lorig was re-elected presiMiss Esther Silverman representdent of the South Omaha Merchants' ed the sorority as princess in the A regualr meeting of the Bikur association at the annual election held homecoming activities of Omaha Uni- Cholim Society will be held on MonA regular meeting of the Mount by the group Wednesday night at the versity last week. day afternoon, November 12, at 2:30 About 40 members of the local1 Sinai Auxiliary will be held next South Side city hall. p. m. a t the J. C. C. All members are chapter of the Junior Hadassah will Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at TREASURE HUNT AND STUDIO requested to attend. attend the Southwestern Regional the Adass Yeshuren synagogue, 25th PARTY A report will be given at the meet- Convention at Des Moines, Iowa, and Seward. Kappa Tau of Central High school ing on the hospital. this Saturday and Sunday. The building of the chapel at the gave a combined treasure hunt and Mrs. Max Fromkin, local sponsor, cemetery has already been begun by studio party Saturday, November 3. will chaperone the delegation. Dele- the auxiliary. Chairman of the affair was Miss gates to the convention are the Jean Beber. Corrective shampoo treatments foi Misses Ida Fine, Dora Freshman and brittle, dnndruff and f;illinc The prize winners of the treasure Minnie Frohman, regional hoard memhnir — . —« $1.00 A regular meeting of the Deborah A soaplesK oil shnmpoo treatment hunt were Phyllis Eoddy, Loyal Kap- Society will be held next Tuesday af- bers; and the Misses Sara German,! for very flry scalp, • demising lan, Joel Cherniss, and Babe Sterl- ternoon, November 13, at 2:30 p. m. at Fannie Katelman and Jeannette Resagent "5o ing. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will adA plain ehampoo and finer nick. the J. C. C. wave .«• ...»._—.-_._.75c Twenty couples attended. The afAn interesting program has been arRepresentatives from Kansas City, dress the Woman's Club of ColumArch and manicure "5c bus, Nebr., on Monday evening, Nofair ended at the Midnight Frolic. ranged. All members are urged to at- St. Joseph, St. Louis, Denver, Tulsa, A ball open to all of Omaha Jewry MILDRED WEBB tend. Wichita, Lincoln, Waterloo, Sioux vember 12. Dr. Cohn will review will be sponsored by the Chesed Shel SUPPER-DANCE PARTY 18th a n ' Dodge JAckson 6388 Hanigan's book, "The Merchants of City, Council Bluffs and Omaha vrill Ernes at the J. C. C. auditorium SunDeath." Plans for a supper-dance party at be guests of the Des Moines chapday evening, November 11, starting the Fontenelle were discussed at a ter, with headquarters a t the Hotel at 8:30 p. m. meeting of the Beta Rho sorority NoThe Psi Mu fraternity will start Fort Des Moines. All proceeds from this affair will vember 1 at the home of Miss Eva Miss Ida Fine, who is vice-presigo to building-fund of the Jewish* Marcus. Miss Reva Bernstein was ad- its fourth annual matinee dance season next Sunday, November 11, at dent of the region, is in charge of Funeral Home, helping repair and mitted to membership. the local delegation and all members 3:30 p. m. in the J. C. C. ballroom. maintain the building. SEAT CUSHIONS, Factory Rebuilt, ?-| Ag During the past few years these must make their reservations with Mrs. H. S . Milder is in charge of BUNCO CLUB her. Special busses are being charIncluding New Spring Units JL * « ? O each the affair. The Young Girls Bunco dub held Sunday afternoon dances have at- tered for the Omaha delegation. Your present Mattress remade into a $ Q •ygand their meeting Saturday, November 3, tracted hundreds of young men and Miss Minnie Frohm, local presiANNOUNCE BIRTHS at the home of Miss Esther Win- women to each dance. It is planned dent, will extend an invitation to all luxurious Innerspring Mattress « / • ! v Up to have special entertainment from Mr. and Mrs. D. David Nefsky of troub. members at the convention to atTry a large bottle of oor Lustre Furniture |»Aoutstanding local talent at the variLincoln, Nebr., announce the birth of tend the Omaha chapter annual ous dances. Polish—the best you ever used v ll*' a daughter on Saturday, November 3. WITH HERZBERGS Thanksgiving dance which will be Henry Ginsburg is chairman in Mrs. Nefsky was.. formerly Miss Miss Ellyn Schall, formerly with Call WK. A. liETEY, Manager held at the Hotel Fontenelle on NoHelen Sherman, daughter of Mr. and the Krasne. Beauty Shop, is now as- charge of arrangements, assisted by vember 29. • Jack Sadofsky and Morris Falk. Mrs. David Sherman. sociated with Herzbergs Beauty A leading orchestra will play for salon. the first dance Sunday. Two door There is no time in life when books MA-2174 4923 Sonth 24th Street Mr. and Mrs. Louis Abramson ando not influence a man.—Besant. prizes will be given away. With Brandeis nounce the birth of a son, November Bon Theodore, artist, formerly with 7 at the Methodist hospital. the Bee-News, is now associated with Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Rimerman Brandeis Stores in the advertising deYour Satisfaction Is Our Success announce the birth of a son, Marvin' Partment, where he will take charge of theart Howard, on November 3 a t the department Methodist hospital. 1 _ _ —

Bikur Cholim Society Omahans to Junior Mt Sinai Auxiliary Heads South Omahans Meeting Next Monday Hadassah Conclave Meeting Wednesday

Deborah Society Meeting Tuesday

WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Louis Epstein were honored Sunday on the occasion of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary at a dinner at the B'nai Israel synagogue attended by 125 people.

\Chesed Shel Ernes Ball Sunday Evening

BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Klaiman honored their daughter, Gertrude Lorraine, with a birthday party for 12 children Sunday, November 4, on the occasion of her fifth birthday. Prizes were won by Annette Forbes and Sidney Ruderman. TO BE HOSTESS Miss Irene Hirsch will be hostess to members of the cast of "Another Language" at her home Saturday evening. RETURNS FROM CALIFORNIA VISIT Mrs. A. H. Brodkey returned last week from a month's visit in California. GUEST FROM LINCOLN. Miss Esther Rosenberg of Lincoln was a guest at the home of Miss Janet Graetz last week-end.

MORRIS Beauty Shop

Rabbi Cohn to Speak at Columbus Monday

Matinee Dances at J.C.C. Begin Sunday

Upholstered Furniture Rebuilt—Mattresses Remade at Moderate Prices


Banquet in Honor of David Wertheim

WEEK-END IN LINCOLN Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosenbaum of The Misses Sara and Dorothy KapChicago announce the birth of a lan spent the week-end in Lincoln, Neb., as the guests of Miss Leona daughter on Sunday, October 21. Mrs. Rosenbaum is the former Rose The Pioneer Women will honor DaSchneider. Bezman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. vid Wertheim, national secretary of A- Bezman of this city. the Poale Zion, at a banquet this evening a t the home of Mrs. J. Kaplan, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Borison an- 2234 Miami. The affair is open to the nounce the birth of a son a t the Lord j public, and all those wishing to atLister hospital November 2. tend should phone their reservations Homemade delicacies lor •which to Mrs. Kaplan at Webster 5454. their makers are noted will be a feaThe members of the Goldie MyerTO CONVENTION IN DETROIT ture of the Bake Sale to be given by son Pioneers will serve as hostesses Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cohn are moMrs. I. W. Rosenblatt's group of the for the evening. toring to Detroit, Mich., where they Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary all Mr. Wertheim has just returned day Tuesday, November 13, a t the will attend the annual convention of from an extensive tour of European the Used and New Auto Parts DealBrandeis stores. Orders for such countries and represented this countempting - items as apple shtrudel, ers association of America. try a t Geneva at'the sessions of the From there they expect to motor kipfel, homemade coffee cakes, bread, Jewish Congress. He is the guest in to New York and Canada. cakes, cookies, doughnuts, chocolate Omaha of the Poale Zion organizarolls, are being taken by the chairtion, the Jewish National Worker? man, Mrs. Rosenblatt, Webster 1198, TO WEW YORK Alliance and the Pioneer Women. Miss Ethel Epstein left Sunday for and the co-chairman, Mrs. Reuben New York City for an extended visit Brown, Walnut 3381. A cultural meeting of the local PiThe apple shtrudel is being pre- with relatives. oneer Women was held Saturday aftpared b y ^ r s i - Abfe Sombergr S&s. J.entoon a t the home of Mrs. J* RazSherman is baking the bread, Mrs. A. TO HONOR ACTIVES nick. • Pledges of Alpha Gamma Chi, so- A full report was given on the naTheodore and Mrs. H. Rochm'an will make the noodles, while Mrs. I. "Ber- cial sorority a t Omaha University, tional convention held last month in kowitz and Mrs. Trilling the kipfel. are honoring the actives a t a party Chicago. Mrs. J. TTeldman the offiMembers of the group assisting to he given Saturday evening, No- cial delegate of the local group, are the Mesdamea Morris Arkin, vember 10, at the home of Miss Syl- served on the cultural committee of Louis Alberts, I. Berkowitz, J. Bloch, via Gilbert. the conclave. The report was enthuM. Brodkey, Max Barish, M. D. Brod- . Pledge officers are Miss Fanny siastically received. key, Harry Belmont, H. E.~ Belmont, WitMn, president, and Miss Bertha Mrs. Max Goldstein, chairman of Paul Bernstein, Simon Bordy, David Slutzky, secretary-treasurer. . Miss the carnival-bazaar to be held DecemB. Cohen, Morris Cohen, Sane. Cohn, ber 9, reported that the committees Herman Dansky, H. Dansky, M. Fox, are working hard for the affair. O. Fox, Joe Freeman, Phil Greenberg, Leon Graetz, H. Hirschmann, Sam Kaplan, A. Katz, J. Luttbeg, H. Malashock, J. Malashock, M. Margolin, The Hashochar chapter of the JnSam Newman, I . Osheroff, Simon nior Pioneers will sponsor a benefit The Temple Israel Sisterhood is Pizer, Dave Potash, H. Price- bridge Wednesday evening, Novemsponsoring a course of six bridge lesman; L. Raduziner, Phil Rosen- ber 21, a t the K. ol C. blatt, Harry Reuben, H. RochMiss Alice Goldberg is chairman, sons to be given by Mrs. Irving Alman, J. M. Resnick, H. Sommers, assisted by Leona Letwin as co-chair- lison. These lessons will be held ea<*h Ruth Sterling, A. Theodore, T. Trill- man, Rose Novak, Esther Richman, ing, Joe Rice, Carl Riekes, H. Rossn- Florence Sklar, Doris Brown, Edith Monday evening at 8 o'clock in the blum, L Riseman, Carl Leeser, A. I. Epstein, Libbie Burstein, and Nancy vestry rooms of the Temp'e beginning November 19 and continuing Kulakofsky, Louis Kulakofsky. Soiref. There will be prizes at each table, through January 14. Tickets may be purchased from refreshments and entertainment. ProMrs. Julius Solomon, chairman, or ceeds will be sent to Palestine. any of the members of her circle. The Re-Im club held a social meeting and "election returns" party instead of a business meeting Tuesday evening.

Bake Sale to Be Held Next Tuesday

Benefit Bridge by Junior Pioneers Bridsre Course by Temple Sisterhood


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F O R DANCING —Thiswhite: satin gown "a" la C a r i o c a " is a graceful d a n c e frock.. It is worn by Ann" Dvorak " of the" films.

LYNX AND LEOPARD FOR PRESIDENT—Gifts to President Roosevelt, the baby lynx and leopard cub, are taken to the White House by Benjamin Lopow, left, of New York City, who captured them in Somaliland, and Dr. William Mann, of the National zoo at Washington. The president gave the babies to the zoo.

ROSE BOWL? SURE!—Louisiana's Senator Huey P. Long, center, inarches at the head of his victorious football legions from Louisiana State university in Nashville, Tenn.,-after the State eleven beat Vanderbilt. Asked if Louisiana State is going to play in the Rose Bowl New Year's Day> Senator Long replied, "Oh, sure!"


! «

BANKER BORROWS FOR CAB BILL—After visiting President Roosevelt, here are three executives of the American Bankers' association leaving the White House. Left to right, Francis M. Law, Houston, Tex., retiring;president; Rudolf Hecht, New Orleans, new president, and Tom K. Smith, second vice president. The story tha$ Law borrowed from a correspondentito pay a taxicab,bill caused President Roosevelt to accuse the banker jokingly of "begging on the White House steps'V

LEGION LEADERS—Commander Frank N. Belgrano, Jr., new chief of the American Legion, extends congratulations to Mrs. A. C. Carlson of Wilmar, Minn., new president of the Legion auxiliary, after the Legion convention in Miami, Fla.




FROM ONE ROOSEVELT TO ANOTHER—As part of Navy Day ceremonies, Brig. Gen. William E. Cole places upon the grave of Theodore Roosevelt "a wreath from President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The ceremony took place-at Young's Memorial cemetery at Oyster Bay, Long Island.

MARK TWAIN WOULD NEVER KNOW OLD BOAT NOW—Mark Twain, wit and river man, wouldn't know the Mississippi boats today.- Top is a paddle-wheeler of Twain's day, and below is the Peace, most modern of towboats, at Memphis on her way from Pittsburgh to New Orleans on the 123rd anniversary of introduction of power craft in the midwest. The Peace is all steel, Diesel-powered, with twin screws.





STARVING BRIDE-One of the "starving brides" of Blackpool, England, sleeps in her cabinet as a crowd gazes at her public fasting place. British showmen launched the idea as a publicity stunt whereby brides-to-be earned substantial sums by fasting publicly.

• % . •

INS* f' I1. I-1 - X-r-

MOTORIST IN A TIGHT SQUEEZE—Pinned in the wreckage of his automobile which was smashed between two street cars, William Greendorfer of San Francisco is pictured in a "tight squeeze". After police and firemen pried him out, he-stood up and declared himself unhurt. The wreckage, before rescuers reached Greendorfer, is at richt

"BARNACLE BERTHAS"—Barnacle Bill has nothing on these Girl Sea Scouts of Boston, pictured on the 4«cht, Roaring Bessie, giving a demonstration of their sailing prowess. The stunt was part of the Scouts' national convention oroeram.





j?age 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1934 ^Illllllliminilllllllilllllillllimiiiltilll^' of kashruth, tof vrinch some" bf the Jewishritew Dealers adhere most re* Omaha ligionsly.

TID-BITS 1 __ from = for Century 1 Everywhere 1Smoker Chapter Next Sunday

Hadassah "Peace Program" for Legislative Study Membership Drive Meeting of Auxiliary <*roup of Council


Religious Servicess r

This evening at Conservative Synagogue services Rabbi David A. Goldstein . will speak on "Who Is the Wickedest Man in the World?" Next week will be Hadassah Sabbath. Women of Hadassah are invited to attend. Rabbi Goldstein will preach the sermon.

The Hadassah membership camA program centering aBout~~the TEe legislative "ana~IntefliatlOHal paign which Mrs. Joseph Goldware, subject of "Peace," will feature the Relations study group of the Cormchairman, has successfully conduct- November meeting of the Conserva- -dlr of -Jewish Women - will meet -at ed for the past few months, -will close tive Synagogue auxiliary, Wednes- the home of Miss Fanny Grodinsky, Temple with a luncheon on Tuesday, Novem- day, November 14, at 2:30 at the 2S39 Davenport street, Tuesday, NoE By PHDTE AS 3. BffiOH = _ A anoker for the members of A* Z. ber 20, at the J. C. C. J. G. C. A board meeting will be held vember 13, at 1:15 p. m. A dessert Rabbi David H. Wice will preach r.llIllllHlilHllUUIUIilllllllilllllJllllllIi^ A. 100-wp. be lield Sunday evening This tiff air -will honor the newat 1:30. • • , -. luncheon will be served. the sermon on "What -a Rabbi-Ex; at the home of Sam Friedman. Sun- members who have joined the ranks The group will sponsor the open pects of His Congregation," at sen- "Sef er Hazlchoron" MONEY TALKS Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, program chairman, has arranged a sketch, meeting of the Council, to be held We herewith call the attention of day afternoon an important meeting of Hadassah. at Temple Israel this evening. On Friday evening, November 16, "Hearts Enduring,*1 in which Hyman •November 26, which -will be observed ices by Vsad Affiliates anti-Nazi boycott leaders to the acThis -will be the second of a series, : •At-a joint- meeting- of A. Z. A. 1 at the Conservative Synagogue Rabbi Shrier and Mayme Temin, are-to as "international Good-Will Day.** tivities of the f oreigh department of Julius Rosenfeld spoke last FriA peace program -will be arranged as New York's Chase National bank, with A..;Z. A. 100 Sunday at the J. David A. Goldstein will apeak in ob- have roles. An address by Rabbi Uri day on "What a Congregation ExThe Vaad Ha'Ihr and Its affiliated •which is taking pains to advise im- <3. C. in honor of Hon. Alfred M. servance .of Hadassah Sabbath. This Miller of the-United Orthodox syna- in the form of a pageant or play, pects of Its Rabbi." At the conclu- organizations are sponsoring a comporters that the Nazi government is Cohen, international president of the irill be a week prior to the day setgogue, will conclude the program. He under the direction of Mrs. Ben Sil-sion of the service this evening, an munal record book, to be called "Se"willing to permit American firms to B'nai B'rith,. the following seven aside as Hadassah Sabbath due tois to speak on his recent Palestinian ver. open forum will be held on the sub- fer Hazichoron," or "Book of Re- •use Registered Marks to the extent members were admitted to member- the absence of Rabbi Goldstein from trip. ject. The public is invited. membrance." the city at that time. Announcement is also made of the The child study group of the Oma-• Saturday morning services begin st of about 50 per cent in making pay- ship in the Mother chapter: This book, beautifully bound, will On Saturday afternoon, November next Oneg Shabbos to be held Sat-|h.a Council of Jewish Women opened 10:30 a. m. Sam Reznick, Mex Falk, Herbert ments for certain German-made, merserve as a communal record for all chandise . . . The merchandise in- Wiritrcrab, Reuben Idppett, Philip 17, at 2 p. m., Mrs. Julius Abraham- urday, November 10 at the home of! a series of six lectures Tuesday at major occurrences in the life of Vaad The College Club will meet at the cludes various categories, ranging Kutler, Elliott Reuben, and Elmer son and Mrs. Max Fromkin will be Mrs. Nathan Simon, Fifty-sixth and the home of Mrs; Howard Milder. Temple Sunday a t 4:15 p. m. members and their friends. There joint hostesses at a tea- at the home Pierce streets, with. Mrs. Jack Lrut- Mrs. Mary Frederick, vocational di- .The study classes meet regularly will be special from artificial flowers to certain ma- Rimerman. sections for births, Bf;r of Mrs. Abrahamson. rector for the board of education, Tuesday evenings. teg, co-hostess. chinery, with emphasis . on German-1 Mitzvahs, •weddings, anniversaries, This tea will-mark the opening of will conduct each class. products for which substitutes could recovery from illness, in memoriam, the cultural group series and plans The group will meet hereafter at easily be found in other lands . , . etc. Membership Drive by will be made for a number of pro1:15 ea:h Tuesday for the next six Vaad Lest you miss the full significance of grams rich in cultural and educaGoldie Myerson Club weeks at the homes of members of this proposal, let us point out. that : tional value. the class. Mrs. Louis Alberts, 611 Kadimah' Eegistered Marks cost approximately BY V. B. K. * . "Every Man Has His I^ce—-IThat' Mr. Philip Raskin, noted Jewish A membership drive was discussed South Thirty-second avenue, is to The new officers of t i e Kadimah 35 per cent less than the regular Ger1s Yours?" trill be .thesubject of the and poet, will be the honored at "a special meeting of the Goldie be the next hostess. club were installed at a supper held man marks . . . In other words, the The Council Bluffs lodge No.-€88 author sermon to l»e ilelivered by ^EaHai Uri guest. Anyone wishing to join the Myerson Pioneers held Tuesday eveNazi government is offering a very Miller- at .re&Tilar Friday evening. October 25. Rabbi Uri Miller installed considerable premium to those will- B'rith will hold an. open meeting and Abrahamson, WAlnut 400J, or. Mrs. ning at the J. C. C. The organization "Ladies' Night" for services of the Vaad Haihr this eve- the officers. Mrs. L. Mendel son is ing to help increase German exports. initiation of new members on Monday Fromkin, HArney 2671. Mrs. Maxis planning a rush tea for the near ning at the B'nai Israel synagogue. sponsor. future. Vaad Men's Club evening, November 12th, at 8 o'clock The after-service forum will be be- Patronize Jewish Press £<lvertisers. PROS AND CONS is chairman of this group. The next meeting of the group will at the Eagles hall, in celebration of Fromkin "Ladies Night" will be observed by gun again a t the conclusion of toThe sewing circle met last Monday be held at the J. C. C. on Tuesday, the Men's Club of the Vaad at their For some reason or other the long- the seventy-tilth birthday of Hon. Alnight's services. This forum is conheralded exhibition of merchandise fred M. Cohen, international president at the home of Mrs. R. Bordy.More November 13, at 8 o'clock. next dinner meeting, to be held NoCultural meetings for members will vember 15. All members are urged ducted by the Junior Vaad organizasponsored by the boycott committee and founder of the B'nai B'rith. An workers are needed to enlist -their HOUSE FOR KENT! tion and is a free discussion of a of the American Jewish Congress, illustrated lecture on the symbolism services in this important branch c Z be held regularly. to bring their wives. present-day interesting problem. Bavenport, 2S61—Newly decorated "which was supposed to show import- of the initiation ceremony will be Hadassah work. Those wishing to do Included on the interesting program Next week Philip KasTdn, Jewish 7 rooms. Kew lumace. Gara&e. ers what to buy instead of German- given by Mr. O. Hochman, who is so will be welcomed into the group Committees Named planned will be a presentation by poet and worker for Zion, will ocmade goods, has been called off, forchairman in charge of this affair. by Mrs. A. Theodore, chairman of the Near schools. Reasonably priced. Fitch and musical numbers. cupy the pulpit. He is an excellent for Carnival-Bazaar Mrs.Reservations the time being, at least . . . We areAssisting will be Dr. Isaac Sternhm, sewing circle. at sixty cents per speaker. . The rummage sale takes place on again getting complaints about violin- Nathan Nogg, Louis H.* Katelman, plate should be made early by calling The third annual carnival-bazaar H. Segall, KEnwood 7618, or Sidney ist Fritz Kreisler, who seems to find Sam Sacks, Abe L. Katelman, &am Tuesday and Wednesday, November 13 and 14. Members still have time to to be sponsored by the Ladies Auxiit impossible to wean himself away Shyken, and Nathan Gilinsky. Fifteen Katleman, WEbster 0135. liary of the Vaad will be held Sunfrom the German steamship lines . . . new members will be initiated as part get their hundies ready. day evening, December 2, at the city Jr. Vaad Auxiliary Perhaps you'll find consolation in theof a national campaign for new mem- j auditorium. fact that the Hindenburg theater, in hers for the B'nai B'rith throughout tft New York's theater district, -was re-the country. An interesting and en- j _ Mrs. S. Brown has been appointed Hears Book Review cently forced to shut" down because tertaining program is being arranged. | C ' l H T e i l t general chairman, and Mrs. A. LI. At a meeting of the Junior Vaad cash customers refused to go there to All members, • their families and Greenbaum has been named ticket Auxiliary Tuesday evening, Rabbi Uri chairman. friends are cordially invited to attend. Miller reviewed "Salvation," by ShoRabbi Frederick Cohn will give the see German films Now the house •More than one hundred guests at- second of a series of lectures on cur- Following are those in charge of lom Asch. has reopened, with a new name A report was given of the sale of a Yiddish show And we learn tended the luncheon given by the Sis- rent events Tuesday,' November 13, the various booths: apron booth, Mrs. that of the three movie houses which terhood of the Talmud Torah Wednes- at 10:30 a. m. at the Blackstone Ho- D. Crounse, Mrs. M. Burstein, and tickets for the Jevdsh lecture series, Mrs. H. Singer; fish pond, Mrs. D- and indications point to a success"UFA, German flicker concern,, had in day afternoon, November 7, at the tel. Budapest, not so long ago, two have Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue in The subject will be "The Challenge Denenberg; candy wheel, Mrs. L. Ep- ful program. stein; cake, Mrs. H. Turkel and Mrs. Four new members were voted in. had to be sold on account of insuffi- honor of Mrs. Abe Gilinsky, who hasof the New Deal." s.erve'd as president of the organizaH. Singer; drinks, Mrs. H. Lippett A special meeting cf the Junior cient business. These lectures are sponsored by the tion for the past ten years. Mrs. Gil-Temple Israel Sisterhood and areand Mrs. S . Marks; sandwiches, Mrs. Vaad will be held Tuesday at 8 p. m. BELIEVE IT OR NOT given on the second and fourth Tues- D. Flanchek, Mrs. H. Marcus, and at the B'nai Israel synagogue. Mrs. I. Hurwitz; grocery wheel, Mrs. The fact that Bruno Richard Haupt- gift from the club for her faithful days of each month. M. Katzman and Mrs. P. Katzman. mann, at this moment on trial in con-services. Tickets may be purchased from THE Rabbi Uri Miller of Omaha was Mrs. Samuel Gilinsky, Harney 7088, - Mrs. N. Greenberg and Mrs. W.Ladies' Labor Lyceum nection with the Lindbergh kidnap- sriest Milder are in charge of the program. Club Opening Program •ping, is a full-blooded Teuton, was a speaker. His subject was about or at the lectures. terrible blow to the Nazis That Palestine and the need of Jewish eduThe opening program of the fall cation. Mrs. Morris Yudelson was ini s why such vigorous efforts were season ,by the Ladies Labor Lyceum Young Merfs Vaad stalled, as the new president to sucmade to drag the Jew, Isidor Fiscb, ceed Mrs. Gilinsky. Mrs. Morris Stastny to Speak club-will be held Sunday evening, Noof Nebraska Women Father-Son Dinner vember 25, at 8 p. m. at the Labor into the case When that petered installed Mrs. Yudelson as to Vaad Auxiliary out,, Yorkville, Gotham's .German Grossman .Lyceum, 22nd and Clark. ppresident, and: the following.'other ofTry & Bag Today quarter, proceeded to create alterna- ficers: THe" secon'i ann^l fatner and son • A door prize will be awarded to The regular meeting of the Ladies' Mrs. Phil Saks, vice president ^ ^ i f th tive legends in J "" """'"' ~ "'"'' . of the banquet* the header- of -the winning ticket •- LVaad-Auxiliary will be held Monday^ mann's innocence <-6f' the crimes with man ;Krause,"- recording"secretary; afternoon, November 19, at 2 p. m. Young ^ ^ ^ cents each. which he is charged . - 1 One of these Mrs. Abe Gilinsky, financial secre- -''A program of unusual interest is day evening, Novejaijel: 25, at 6:30 legends has it that Lindbergh, himself tary; Mrs. Abe Gilinsky, financial being planned, in which Dr. Olga p. my," at. the B'naiilsrael synagogue. a Jew, killed his own :baby and then secretary, and Mesdames -Herman Stastny will give a talk on "The - Gliainnan of Ore committee * in arranged to have a Nazi-charged with Meyerson, Max Cohn, O. Hocfaman, '.I* Woman at 40," and a humorous read- charge is Sanx Halm. The toastmasAt a business meeting held at the the murder—this, of course, to arouse1 Ghemiack, Harry Cohen, and.: t>ave ing will be given by Mrs. M, Ruddy. ter •svill be Ben Eazlowskyj William home! of Miss" Pearl Lerman, memanti-Nazi sentiment ". > -. Another jox, as board members. .. '.:..•• The book review group of the Vaad "Doc" Milder vdll speak for the fath- bers of the Fa-Hon discussed the names Charles Levine, first trans- •• Among the out-of-town guests Auxiliary has started the season suc- ers, and Leonard _ "Buddy" Gold- drawing for a 22-piece set of dishes, Atlantic flight passenger, as the kid- attended the luncheon party were Mrs. cessfully. stein, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gold- to be held at the J. C. C the latter . napper—presumably in a fit of pro-Philip Sherman of Sioux City and.Mrs. Books reviewed by Rabbi Uri Miller stein, vdll respond for,the sons. part -of November. The proceeds will fessional jealousy of.Lindy . . . NoLeland " G o l d b e r g of Shenandoah, include "Salvation," and "Hasidic AnThe main address " given hy be given to some charitable" instituwonder Charlie is going in for box-daughters, of Mrs. .Gilinsky;,Mrs. Na- thology." Sidney Epstein. Aerogram -will also tion. ing lessons in a big way, than Grossman and Mrs. Ban Hill of Refreshments "were served at the Members interested in joining are be held. Lincoln;. Mrs. JackBurnstein of Chi- urged to call Mrs. N. H. Greenberg, Reservations, at- fifty cents per conclusion of the business meeting, THAT'S NEWS cago, and Mrs. Henry Maduff of Anita, Walnut 9227. • . plate, may be made iiy calling AT and the remainder of the evening was The National Mobilization Council, 5534. . spent in "playing cards. which is intended to co-ordinate all The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim Jewish fund-raising efforts in the U.society will hold.a meeting next Thurs- Rummage Sale of S., will hot include the Zionist organ- day . evening,- November ; 15, at • the Daughters of Zion ization of America among its partici- E a g l e s h a l l . . . . ., •.-..•• • - - . . . . .-.. pating groups, we l e a r n , . . . The Z. Rev. A. Diamond spent the past Although they have just completed For This Complete Lcmneirf'EcfsiipmenfO. A. has officially decided to stay week-end in Omaha, where he .served out of the council, it. appears, because as "Mohel" for the "Brith" of t i e in-a successful rummage sale, .the. latof that old Zionist fear, of anti-Zion- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert "Stein- ter part of last month, the Daughters ist influence . . . . A couple of-years berg of Omaha, whieh took place-Sat~- of Zion under the presidency of Mrs. L. Morgan.are already laying plans ago, shortly before Hitler's ascent to urday at the Immanuel hospital. power, $150,000 collected in the United Plans, are being made by the Coun- for their next one. They ask their to States, was sent to the Deutsche Dis- cil Bluffs Senior Hadassah for a Tea friends to save-th^ir bundles and to call Mrs. Joe Tuchman, AT .7552; konto Gesellschaft of Berlin for theto be held at the home of Mrs. Phil account of the Jewish Agency there Saks, November 21. Further details Mrs. Greenberg, HA 1687; Mrs. E. Weinberg, GL 1354; or Mrs. L. Mor. . . This money,.intended for work will be announced next week. gan, AT 9054. in Palestine, still lies in the Berlin Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyerson and The Daughters of Zion has exbank—for Herr Hitler has not seen fit daughters, Pearl and Florence, spent to release it-. . . One of the reasons Sunday in Lincoln, Nebraska, where pressed its appreciation to those who why the relatively numerous Jewish they visited Mr. and Mrs. Leon Fran- helped make their recent card party a success, particularly to, the combrain trusters are upsetting the social kel. ; equilibrium of the capital is that Mrs. Jack Burnstein of Chicago, 111., mittee who donated refreshments, Washington hostesses have not as yet arrived here last Thursday for a visit Mrs. Max Arbitman and Mrs. L. MorMorning —Eyening—Midnight learned to reckon with the principles at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max gan. The cakes were donated by Jewish bakers of Omaha, and Mrs. S. Cohn. Miss Toby Katelman spent the past Fellman gave the sugar.. : • Of®AHA-- KANSAS CITY week-end visiting in Lincoln, Neb.' Stringent Ruling on Li. Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 : 0 5 a n 6.-001>m 1159 pia Miss Marian Scharf returned home Ar. Kana* CiJy . » . : . . . . 1 3 0 p a 11:15 pm 7:T5 am Return Merchandise Wednesday from Des Molnes, la., Mark Leon Says * . . Through Sleeping Car on Miflni#it Train. : * where she visited at the home of her Iiet m e protect TOOT Interests . . . I Aif-Conditioned, Oinirg-Parlor Cfeservation Service on Momit® • and Evsning Trains. It is quite apparent that the buying fiance's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. •write DfSCKAITCE-tJf every description Camfortable Chair Cats and Coaches. Iwludinc U F E , in strons. reliable compublic does not appreciate the amount Bookey. ' " panto; ONI/tf . > . Let's talk i t over. of money wasted in the unjustifiable j Mrs. Keith Peltz and-small daughreturn of merchandise and because of ter, Lorraine, spent the past week vis- City Finance & Insurance Co. OI¥1AHA~- S t . LOUIS certain wholesale manufacturing code iting her brother-in-law and sister, 1409 Farnam S t . A T . 7C67 or TVA. 3150 Lv. Omaha ; . . . . . . . . , . . . S . - C S a s s 6^)0 pm t1:59 pra restrictions the Associated Retailers Mr. and Mrs^ Ben Cohen" in Harlan, Ar. St. Loals . . . . . . . . . . . 9:15 ppm 7-B am 4d35 pm of Omaha have been forced to set anla. , _ TJ«?^> Drawing* toon Sleeps Leaves 6:00 pm. absolute time limit as to when merAir-Conditionel Dining-Parior CSssernrtiw* Service Omahachandise may be returned. Kansas City-Kansas City-St. Louis. J. P. CROUNSE If, for any reason, merchandise Daily Rehearsals Are GROCERY must be returned to a store, it must Conducted for Revue BARGAIN RAIL FARES EVERY DAY be accompanied by the original sales Formerly of 924 Ko. 16th S t Raii fares throigkiiit teWest arrf Soutfwest have been reduced Vt check and in the same condition as Rehearsals for the revue, "ConserOrw way rates now«s tewis 2c per mile—round .trip as kw as 1.8c per : when purchased, providing the pur-vative Capers," to be staged by the Will have their •'••'••'• 2 -Drain;....... miie.^Tickets en sale daily. Pullman surcharge abolished •. chaser lives in Omaha or Council' Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary on Formal Opening at Bluffs and seven days allowed for cus- December .5 at the Central High audiWhat a bargain! Surely now every woman will equip IH ^JMFORT BY TRAIN — I T COSTS LESS tomers outside of the two cities. Gar-, torium for the benefit of the building her laundry with this wondefful THOR COMBINAthe New Location ments that have been worn will not fund, are being held daily at the J. TION machine. Besides .the" washer, ironer, and _ be accepted for exchange or refund. C. C. under the direction of Milton 1314 Noi 24th Sf. wringer you get 2 DRAIN TUBS . . . . all included e Re^vaHa If customers insist upon returning Rieck.. .-- in fins one price, $69.50. HURRY . . . they're : • . ' .'•- o n ' " : " i ' ' Travel Information merchandise after the prescribed time More than 150 people, including 50 going fast. • '... \ • THURDSAY, NOV. 15 limit, every effort will be made to youngsters, have been cast for the 19 G o . A ^ . , Past. Dept. Pay'Only'.$5 .-Down -• Free Souvenirs make them see the error of their way scenes. Featured will be a children's tk* ton Eaak B ® We wffl tarry a full line but if this fails suit will be promptly sketch, "Cinderella's Wedding," a pony • Balance Easy 'Terms C3TV TICKET XJFFICE filed against any offender of this kind, j chorus, Floradora sextet, a collegiate of Groceries and Fresh Fish Iffil Foman S M s t This rule went into effect Septem- number, sketches and choruses, and Jewish Delicatessens. ber, 1934, and already one case has Mrs. William Alberts is in charge Special Prices on FISH on been brought to trial and judgment of costuming, with Mrs. Robert Kooopening day. Free delivery. A SIRVIC1 INSTITUTION" rendered in favor o£ the retail mer- per, co-chairman." Mrs.- Phineasr WinJA-3478 : : Cesrfesy - Service- %MW Rotes ; chant and we' expect this practice to troub Is general xsjuiager, and Mrs.-3. : continue. ' H. Kulakofsky is.,nnsJness manager.

Council Bluffs News- .



l a .




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Trains Daily


Nebraska Power Co.

Fage &—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER $, 19S4 IIIVIN C. LEV IS, Attorney. Basle Congress. He denied that t i e Attorneys for the Jewish complainR01 Electric BIrtg. ants refused to accept the withdrawal gathering had concerned itself with anything but the settlement of Jews unless the court definitely labeled the NOTICE BY PVBIilCATION OK PETIFOR SETTLEMENT OF F1NAI. in Palestine" and.jthe_.upbuilding of "Protocols" as false and the state- TION ADSIINISTKATiON ACCOVNT— .. (Continued f roin" Page 3.) _ ments in the Eiserne Besen a delib- In the the Zionist movement. • '-- County Court of Douglas County, At a meeting of the board of di-found'to harmonize. With records exerate incitement against the Jews. „ Farbstein'a Statement . Nebraska. of Siegmiind deceased: rectors held this week, Mr* John isting in .the Berne Library. . Farbstein also termed the .."Proto- The four defendants, among them In the Mutter ofHirsehberR, the Estate of SIEUMUND ANNA PILL, "The •protocol's "are not only falsi- cols" a rank forgery; Lansberg was re-elected president of IHESCHBEKG, Itecensed. the Swiss Nazi leader, Theodore the. Shaare Zion synagogue. Mr. cations: 'of " the Basle congress," he ^Dr. Ehrenpreis was drawn into the Fischer, who also is serving as at- All persons interefted in salil matter ! are hereby notified that on the 29th day Lansberg has served in this capacity said, "bui they constitute falsifica- trial when • Zander declared iri" historney for the defense, brought forth of October, 1034, Kose Hlrschberg filed • tion- and calumny of all Jewish peo-' paper that the writings of the Swe- as a witness Alfred Zander, of Basle, petition in said County Court, praying for several years. . . • • . _ . . , . ^ j t i that her ftnnl ntlminictration account filed Other officers elected w e r e : M. pie and their history of 3,000 years. dish Chief Rabbi on Zionism con- another Nazi who JS a defendant in a i i, e r e i U be settled mid • nilowcd, and that This Berne accusation (the suit) is separate case at Basle growing out she be dischnrced from her trust ns^ exSatin and M. Seff, vice-presidents; firmed the truth" of the statement eciitrix and that n hearing Will be had on Dr. Frank Epstein, recording secre- really an accusation brought by mil- that a "Jewish world supergovern- of the protocols. said petition bofore said Court, on the tary; Eli Robinow, financial secre- lions of Jews throughout the world ment had been organized at the Basle 2-ttlt clny of November, 1034, and thnt if you fail to appear before said Court on against detractors who have sullied The members of the Senior HadasMembers of the Hebrew Mothers tary, and A. Mazie, treasurer. Congress." the said 24tU rtny of November, 1034. at 9 sah chapter will hold their annual :lub will honor the two newly apReports of the committees and of- Jewish honor." LEON & WBiTE, Attornpy* At the preliminary investigation, o'clock a. m., and contest said petition, City National Bank uCourt may.grant the prnyer of enid The Swedish chief rabbi also an- Dr. Zander offered to withdraw the card-party next Wednesday, Novem- ointed Hebrew teachers at a lunch- ficers of the past year were heard petition," enter n decree of heirship, and swered a number of questions put to statement, declaring that he was conber 14, in the ball room of the Belle- son next Tuesday afternoon, Novem- at the meeting. make such othor and further orders, allowances and decrees, ns to this Court NOTICE OF INCOKFORATION OF him by experts on both sides as to vinced that the assertion was false. er 13, in the social hall of the vue- apartments. . may seem proper, to the end thnt all mutLEWIS PACKING CO. the nature of the Talmud, the SchulAccording to the reports of- theShaare Zion Synagogue. pertnihing to: said -pstnte may be Notice is hereby given thnt a corpora- ters finally settled nnd determined. -. chan Aruch (Jewish code of laws) ticket committee for the affair, ac- The teachers, Miss Lillian RomigHOTWELI, MOXSKT, GKODINSKY & tion has been formed under, the laws of BHXCE CRAWFORD, the State of Nebraska. The name of the and the Cabala book of Jewish mysVANCE and HARRY B. COHEN commodations 'will be made for a rowsky and Mr. Samson • Krupnick, the Speaking on his version of County Judge. corporation is LKWIS l'ACKING CO. Itsll-2-34-3t Attorneys ome to Sioux City from Chicago, Hartzell Case, Mr. D. C. Browning, tical writings. capacity attendance. : • . • principal place of business is Omnhn, 737 Omaha National Bank BEN E. KAZtOWSKt, Attorney Douglas County, Nebraska. • Sliosberg, pre-war Russian Jewish Attractive card - prizes and a door where they both graduated from the assistant United States attorney, ad• 702-704 Insurance Bid*. The general nature of the business of prize- will • be awarded during the College of Jewish Studies. JBoth are dressed the bi-monthly meeting of leader and legal expert, outlined in N O T I C E OV A M E N D M E N T T O the corporation is to buy, purchase, own. NOTICE OF PROBATE OF .ES O F INCORPORATION O F evening and refreshments will be unusually well versed in modern the B'nai Brith lodge, Wednesday an impressive fashion, the-Jewish In the County Court of Douglas County, hold,.le»se,-excht>UK«, assign, mortgage and A UJTOI EC I IMVCAN T I K E & B R A K E CO." transfer real estate and personal property situation in Russia during the Czar- Nebraska. edagogy as - well as <. Hebrew litera- evening. Berved. wherever situnted; to buy, sell, own, hold, Notice is hereby given thnt at n meeting ist regime and the mentality of the ture, culture, and language. In the Matter of the Estate of SAMUEL of the party will be assign, mortgage and transfer bonds, sec- of the .stockholders vi JOE DOtAN TIRB Proceeds Mr. Milton Bolstein, president of urities, debentures and stock in other cor- & BRAKE COMPANY, of Omaha. NebraaCzarist governing class, which made A. COUNEEB, Deceased.' turned over to,~the Palestinian ;Funds The' luncheon will be. served at 1 the lodge, presided. porations; to draw, make, execute, accept, kn," 'held in the City of Omaha. Nebraska, All persons irterested in said estate are 7 it an easy prey to anti-Semitism. of the Hadassah. ''clock.' -Mr.'. Jack London, president hereby notified that a petition has -been endorse and issue promissory notes, mort- on the 11th day of Octoher. 1!)34, Article I Miliukoff Testifies gages, drafts,'bills of exchange nnd other of the Articles of Incorporation of said filed in Baid Court, praying for the proI .the Hebtew school board of direcbale of a certain instrument now on file negotiable instruments; to borrow money; corporation wns amended to read as folProfessor Paul " Miliukoff, noted tors wilt! speak. Mr. Krupnick and in said Court, purporting to be thel last to slaughter, reiuler, buy, sell and denl in lows: .-.•..' •...-,_ and testament • of the deceased, nnd hogs, Sheep,-cattle and nil classes nnd deMiss : Roinirpwsky will; also speak. Rabbi H. R, ,, Rabinowitz'' has' been Russian historian and* Minister of will ARTICLE I scription of. live stock; to pack, cure, renthat n hearing vrill be had on said petiUra. Ben' I Sherman, president of theinvited to address the Professional Foreign Affairs under Alexander tion before said Court on-the 17th day of der, refine'and. ideal in 1 meats and meat The Name of this corporation shall be : Kerensky, declared under oath that products nnd to manufacture, produce nnd November, 1034, nnd that if they fail to AUTO SAFETY CONIC, INC. Hebrew i Mother's dub will preside Men's club at their luncheon meetappear at said Court on the Bald 17th day generally deal in hides, oil, glue, animal Dated this 11th dny of Octolwr, 1034. uring tHe luncheon, and program. ing this noon. He will speak on "The the "Protocols" were "a vile forgery of November. 1934. at 9 o'clock A. M., tofertilizers and nil other articles made from AUTO SAFETY CLINIC, INC. and could not be taken seriously even carcasses of animals, nnd also in conneccontest the probate of said will, the Court President .More than 175 people attended the -Reservations are 50 cents. Mrs. Dreyfus Case." tion therewith to establish, buy, lease or may allow and probate said will and grant By PAUL JACOBSON, Tuesday morning, he will speak by semi-educated men." administration of said estate to Cnra Cor otherwise acquire, own, maintain, operate Joint- - meeting • of the Junior Hadas- Ben Sherman and Mrs. S. GreenYOUSEM. Ebner/a delegate to theneer or some other suitable/person, enter and dispose of stock yards, slaughter 10-10-34-4t.Attest: IMMAKUEL Secretary. sah, arid ; Young Judean ' chapters tone are in charge- of reservations. before the student body of Morning-1 f i r sSenator • t a decree of heirship, and proceed to a houses, packing, rendering, refining, curEveryone' interested in the Talmud side college on "Jewish Festivals." Zionist Congress at Basle, outing and cold itornge plants and houses settlement thereof. Monday evening in the;; Jewisji .Com; lined the course 'of evients^ at the and all other facilities and structures necSHOTWELt, MONSKV, ORODINSKT £ munity Center^ ' . . , .' ' "'orakis'urged to attend the lunchJOHN F. MEIUCLE, essary or expedient for Eiich purposes, to VANCE. Attorneys ' ' .. • 10-26-34-31-. Acting County Judge. manufacture and denl in such other goods, A musical skit entitled ,'The, Cha- i o n . • !•'-! - : '. 737 Omaha National Bank Bide. wares nnd merchandise as are nsunlly B E S K . KAZLOWSKY, Attorney lutzos" was presented under, the/dimanufactured and dealt in by those enTKi-lOl lusunuice B i l U IUVIN C. I.EVIN. Attorney gaged in a similar; line of business; and NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETIrection of :JIiss Elizabeth . Passtnan. SOI Electric Bld to do all other things and engage in all TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL KOXICE TO Members of the Young Judeans preother ='jterprises necessary, convenient or ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT Incidental to the rights, powers and priv- In the M.-itter of the Estate of MILDRED eented a typical program.. Participat. , In the presence of over 200 friends In the Municipal L'o.m tor Omaha, DougLEGAL NOTICE. County^ .Vebra^ka. In the District Court of Douglas County. ileges herein specified. ing were Velma BeechenVElaine and relatives, Miss Bess Zeligson, TalasSCt'liUioH LEVY HOLZMAN. Deeensed. COMPANY, nouNebraska. Shlafer, Esther and Pauline Fried- Plans to give a free.luncheon for daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Zeligson realUvnt d e f e nrfU^uxAti All persons interested in said matter are dant:.:.-. . . . The .total "authorized capital stock of hereby To LAZAKtTS GARDNER, whose place of notified that on the 15th day ©t on theppth . residence is unknown nnd upon whom the corporation shall be ?200,0(i0.00 divided man, Marcella Levich, Miriam Blank all paid up members of the auxiliary, will become the bride of Sam Green- 'i'ou axe x hereby r notified i that 1934, Max I,. Holzman filed a pe- ' f uctober, b ' ll i personal service of summons cannot be into two thousand (2,000) shares, of which October, of and Hazel Kantrovich. A. ak}t "What were made at the board meeting of berg, son. of- Mr. ana M.s. mornsj bday tition. ih Said County Court, praying, that weeuoiug jaarry of llumus, ( l g i n e s s UJlUer t n e name one thousand (1,000) shares shall be com his final administration had, defendant: account filed hereOmaha, Nebraska. The cleaners, as plaintiff, filed his petitioa You are hereby notified that on the 4thmon stock of the par value of $100.00 each Price Hadassah" was presented, under the; Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Greenberg, 6 I in lie settled nnd allowed, and thnt he be • ,-7I . . . „ - j . , . m tUe M u u i c i p n l (.uurt i n t h e City o f U m a p . r Nt b ei ky t s 7 day of February. 1933, Bernice " Gardner and one thousand (1,000) shares shall be discharged from the direction-of Eozena sacksand;inr iynagogue. The board meeting was ceremony will take place Sunday ajt-ji ue M liis trust executor nnd i c her petition against you in.the Dis- preferred stock of the par value of ?100.00 that a hearing will be had ns u<jugias county, Nebraska,-ijocket s-7. filed on snid petition eluded the-following in the cast: eld in t h e home of the president, trict Conrt of Douglas County, Nebraska, each. Said preferred stock shall draw divi- before .November 11, at ihe said Court on the 10th of No: N bCenter.11Kat>Dl t^ H. J :. K. terestand the costs of this aciIon; that Docket 291. I'age 183, the object arid pray- dends nt the rate of C per cent per nnnum. vember, 1934, and that if yon fnilday Sevel fleshelow, Sam Epstein, Milton Mrs. -H.--M.. Sherman. An elaborate Community to appear ' j ; er of which petition is to obtain a decree said dividends beiug payable on the 1stbefore said Court on the said 10th day ol , Mazie, Florence Lohrman, Ruth rogram wilt be planned for the pro- Rabinowitz and Cantor A. Pliskin > jnoney, credits or chattels iu tile hands of of absolute divorce "from yon on the day of J.inunry nnd the 1st day of July of November, 1034, nt !) o'clock A.M., and coneach year. The first dividend on said pre- test I the Kailway Inc., y Krpiosg Agency. Jacobsen, Rose Finsod, Bozena Sacks, gram. gy. , have grounds of extreme cruelty. said petition, the Court may grant • will read the marriage lines. I b& t t c h d hi h id t i o d d d Tou are required .to answer said peti ferred stock shall be due on July 1, li>3T>. prayer of said petition, enter a decree the attached of action,. and ordered tion on or before the 17th day of Decem- The dividends on the preferred stock shall heirshtp. nnd make surh other nnd further Plans were also begun for an aux- The stage of the social hall at Sulamis Dorenson. ber,. 1934, or said petition against you will be cumnlative and shall be payable before orders, allowances and decrees, ns to this a; -that- Kud cnustr has-been continued be taken as true. Refreshments and a social: hour iliary show to be presented in theCommunity Genter Will be Da any dividend on the common stock shall be Court may seem proper, to the end that t i i ^ ^ • d j r « ^ ^ b i ^ t paid or set apart so that if in any year BERNICE GARDNER. social hall of the synagogue on with ferns, forfaing. a W y . s e t t i n g j ^ n ^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ concluded the evening., matters pertaining to said estate may dividends nmounting to (i per cent on thenil H-2-34-4t Plaintiff. March 20. for the ceremony, The bride, wearing reunlred to appear and answer in said preferred stock shall not have been paid be finally settled nnd determined.

Sioux City News Miss

Again the Forged Lansberg Elected Protocols of Zion Synagogue Head




B'nai B'rith

Two Addresses


Auxiliary Luncheon For All M e m b e r s

Shaare Zion Father !abaret Dance Son Banquet November 28


a .rust and brown W f r ^ d ^ ^ £ « U e {ES^ff'gg FKADEXBCRG,

the deficiency shall be payable before any dividend shall be paid upon or set apart


WEBB, BEBER, KLCTZ10-10-34-St. County Judge. carrying a shower bouquet of Talis- petition.for the common stock. NICK. & KELLEY, Attorneys HARItT MARCXS, 650 Omaha National Bank Bldg. man roses and baby breath, will be Doing business as Bee lilve tJleaners. •Whenever all cumulative dividends on Omaha, Nebraska 1'laintiff. attended by Miss Mildred Plotkin. the preferred stock shall have beea pnid, By BEX a KAZLOV>Sivi, the Board of Directors may declare diviMiss Plotkin will wear a. green frock ll-9-34-3t. ' His Attorney. Shaare Zion Synagogue will honor NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF dends on the common stock out of nny A cabaret dance, sponsored by theand will carry a bouquet of Johanna remaining surplus or: net profits. In the "BEN NEWMAN. INC.fathers and sons of the congregation Sisterhood of Mount Sinai SisterNOTICE O f INCORPORATION of., any liquidation or dissolution or . Notice is hereby given that the under- event at an annual, banquet scheduled for hood, is scheduled for • Wednesday Hill roses. Mr. Sam Greenberg, couwinding upv whether ^voluntary or . otherNotice is hereby gHen that 'Articles of signed have formed a corpo.-ation ucder wise of the corporation,.the .holders of the sin of the bridegroom will act as November 19, in the synagogue social evening, November 28. .The dance icorporatioa of "the MIDLAND SECUKI- the laws of the Stnte of Nebraska. The preferred stock,- before jiny amount shall attendants will .- j . ^IKK best man. CO 111*0KAT1ON - were- executed anil n.-imc of the corporation shall be "BENbe paid to the .holders of the common hall. Mr. Morey Lipshutz is general ; will begin at 10 o'clock.; Art elaborand; filed iu the office of the Secretary of State NEWMAN. INC.", with fue principal place sto^k, shall l>e eatitled 49 be .paid in full Mr. and Mrs. Pml chairman and Frank 'Margolin will , qViotTnaTi • •"•' " I »!» Octolwr 27, 10CJ4, stating—its principal of business at Omaha, Nebraska. The gen- both the paramount of .their shares and the ate floor show has been planned for ,-..;•... *r*" r l ". • , .'place of trislness to be Omalia. Nebraska; eral nature of the business 10 be trnns : unpaid dividends accrued vhereon, and nfact as toast • master. ,-'.'-. the affair. ' •:. ; ' T h e • ceremony ';WHA b e preceded; irs. business Co be the^conductnig of a gen- ncted shall be the buying, selling and deal- ter such: payment is jnade, the remaining Fathers' who will " speak on the v."v « ^^-.TiiVUtioi AinWa-n "nt +>IP Cnrri-' eral insurance ngencj>;a gene»al loan and ing generally at retail in all kinds of food and funds shall be divided among by. a prenuptial dinner a t t n e tom•. flU ance business, atiS. the ownership and product's. Including groceries, meats, dairy assets program will include - lilike Grueskin and paid - to the holders of the common ••*—, Center,, to.-which .125 g u e s t s !«lealing in real and4personal.rproperty.; the and bakery products and sundries; to own, stock-pro'rata according to their respecand Joe Shindler. Arnold, Sawislak hold.'buy, sell, lease and mortgage-or oth\ o{ tnoney money or its b e n invited.. y , Following g .the.,.,, ^ Jj ss ss nn (( . dd 01 itserwise deal,in or acquire any and all kinds tive. shares," O l^ l ^jit&it Payiiu?ift of will represent the sons. JueRoy_Gold- .-The 6econd-~book review otf the have been ; ceremony • w i l l b e a reception and. equivalent; its existence to begin October of real estate and personal property, and The preferred stock, at the option of the blatt will,appear on the program... r series presented by Rabbi H. R. j"vii« -»«•_-. -r\l.\,ia QKnTlrin * wriii cmw '-'• 1934, and tcrmiiiiite ninety-Jiine years to do any and nil other, things, and to e i - Board of Directors, shall be subject to rey Mrs, Dave ercise any and all other powers necessary demption in. whole part nt par value n ;lIl ' LYre!Jft ^ r . t h e JJ An entertaining program, of or- Rabinowitz wjll be ijeld; Monday ^«ve- dance. dance. Mrs, M , Dave Snulkin wiii- sjj . ;sl ;lIl ^ rr tt'hte h S g h ^ t a mm onnnn tt ooff mdebt or, appropriate to the main purposes of its plus accrued dividends thereon on any div. I l L 'YYre!Jft i r e ! J f t ^not' "I Love You Truly" arid the wedding ;;<Hiness to ^xceeff two-thirds tit the existence. The. authorized capital stock shall Idend chestral numbers and sktys has" been nihg, November 12, at 8:30 in the : a due date. .'.'..',.' ™,,»,,v, in^j .^a==;,vnol TTT 11 ^ r > T»Tav«ll' ^-Ui) capital 8toc£; the atfatrs" O f the be $10,000.00 and all of said stock shall be planned for. the evening." [ social hall of the synagogue. Rabbi m a r c h ' a n d - ^ C e s s i o n a l W,H «>e piayeq [•JOrpOr,Jlt!oii to be cohAucttd by n Board of common and of the par value of $100.00 per iThe capital -stock of this corporation shnll be fully pa,!d for and non-ass,," ssable when ; y Bertha• Heshlow a t t h e piano and iDirectois not less than two in number, Share and. shall be fully paid and non Rabinowitz will speak on the- book bfl«^r« _ Shindler, . Treasure*. s l , ; n f l i o ; _yiolin. vn'Alin • land a I'resident.VicenTesident, Secretary assessable. It shall commence doing bus issued; -Said capital stock may be paid for 'Lamb in His Bosom.''•••••-. . incss upon the filing of-its articles of in- in, cash, notes, o r 3wop«-rty, real or per* C. S. NELSON* . Cueists from away will include Mr., ; corporation with . the County. Clerk.' of sonal, tangible or intangible, «t the rea- r . A. HAVENS The reviews are open to the pub- and Mrs. Philip Greenberg, HtnryLj,,,^ A Torgsin:-Order >.. ' Douglas County, Nebraska, n&J shall con- sonable value thereof. Twentr-'ive shares 4t Incorporators. At their meeting Sunday after- lic. Tickets.; for* 'single admission" or tinue for a period of fifty years from, of the capital stock, of: this corporation be highly appreciated by and Sam Greenberg, Mr. Morns noon, the Junior-.Pbaie- Zion cultural season tickets- may- be secured from WEIMi, BEBER, KLUTZ- said dnte. The highest amount of it» .in-, shall: ,b5 .paid for, before the corporation your relatives in:the:SoGreenberg, MrC and Mrs. Sam-Bailiri, FRABENBUKG, T debtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of shall commence business. - : . committee was re-organized • to in- flie synagogue. JflCK & KJSI>X."EY, Attorneys ' • It8 capital ^stock. The affairs of this corBess Bailtn, Julius Hornstein, Mr. viet -Union. - ".•The-corporation shall commence business clude the following merhbergT Rosa630 Omaha National Bank Bide. poration shall be wanaRett by a Board of upon the filing of a copy of its articles of and Mrs. Sam Leubowitz, Frankie Omaha, "Nebraska Directors of not less than two nor more incorporation bell "Wigbdsky, chairman; Rubin Torgsin offers 15,000 with the County Clerk of than, five member*. The.annual meeting Douglas County, Goodman, Mr. and M;s. Dave RolNOTICE OF DISSOLETIOS OF nnd shall conBatner, Tillie. Franklin, Harry Shuldifferent domestic and shall he on the first Tuesday after the tinue for R periodNebraska, of fifty years from the , , , „ w -I TW«m4o T , m f l v XEBUASKA-1OWA TRUCK TEBMIXAI. first Monday of. January of. each year, at man. ' : sr imported articles of high Exemplifying the first degree of which meeting the stockholders shall elect date hereof. • . . Mr.- M. . Wemer, Mamie Brody, j NoWee hereby glreu tUatat a special i8 a XT The club .i wall hold an. open meet- the A. Z. A. work, Rudy Shindler, ker, e g The highest nmount of indebtedness to quality. Clothing, shoes, a Board of Directors nnd thereupon thi N a t e - W o l k and Harry Raznick, all'meeting of all of the'stockholders of • o f ! brnska-Iowa-Truck-Terminal, held.on V. , -.'*.', - ^t Truck.Terminal, held, onNoing next Sunday afternoon at 4 Martin Kosberg, Max Maron, Nor- , x i Ofr -ben.' t .Vi hrnaka.-Iowa e m l ) e r l s t > 1934, at Omaha, Nebraska, the Board shall elect a -President, a Vice-Pres which this corporation, may at any time foodstuffs and other merof Omaha; Doloressubject itself shall not exceed two-thirds resolution was un i i Ident, Secretary ana Treasurer. Any two o'clock, when Rubin Ratner will act man Satin and Eail Himovitz pre- Paul, Minnesota; and -Mr. and d Mrs. M Jj following f l l i lti . . .. . . of said offices May be. held by one andof its enpitnl stock. chondise are for sale.. . J. Zeligson of Tulsa, Oklahoma. !* "BE IT RESOLVED: That the NEBUASas chairman.. The program will in- sented the - formal initiation to a the same person. These articles mny be The.affairs of this Corporation shall be After a short wedding' trip Mr.- KA'iowA TUUCK TKUMINAI, i>e and the amended at any regular or special meet- conducted by a Board of Directors conclude current events, _by Rudy Shind- group of A. Z. A. candidates comPrices compare fasame is hereby dissolved and that the of- ing of the stockholders by two-thirds vote sisting of not. less than two i$or more than ; ler and ''A-'Pa^e from Jewish His- posed of Dart Lebbwitz, Joseph Greenberg and his bride will of the outstanding stock. f i c e r s o { t n c Corporation be and they are five members. vorably tviih those hereby authorized to file notice of said tory" by' Rosabeir Wigpdsky,_; - . . Rosenblum, Leonard Lebowitz, Isa- their home in Omaha. ; SAM J. LEON !dissolution with the Secretary of State at IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties in the United States LAZAR KAPLAN At their .meeting; the- Junior Poale dore Shindler, Perry Osonowitz, Isa. .. . l i tt Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, Nebraska, find find to to pnblish pnblish notice notice hereunto subscribed their names this : of Bid dissolutin in the Jewish Tress at have, In the presence of;' 24th day of October, 1934. Far Zion voted t o ; send greetings to-the dore Maron, Jack Zeligson, Henry Members' of ' the Ivre club held of Baid dissolution in the Jewish Tress, at PKED S. WHITE BEN NEWMAN Vanguard, the officiarpublicatiori of Greenberg,:" Lester La^i iowich and their, regular meeting in theJewisb O m a h a - «*»««:--..-. . _ TV. GROIT, • E. President. JACK MELCHER the Poale . Zion,'•.which has;Ire.sumed Sidney Kalin. ...;••;.•._. Community Center, Tuesday evening. C. V. KELSO, • In the presence of: .. publication. The = club. also, Bobsciibed -.The- initiation was presented.,be- The business session v.-as followed by Secretary. R. J. HOLDSBERG 11-0-31-41. 10-2G-34-4t . to the paper for its membership. , fore the B'nai Brith lodge Wednest a smoker and social hour. day evening and was dedicated to FRADENBCRCi, WEBB. BEBER, KLUTZ1EON ft WHITE, Attarntj* NICK-& KELLKY. Attorneys Alfred M. Cohen, national B'nai Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Chudacoff, of City National Bank Bide. 65S Omnha National Bank Bide. Wagner, .South Dakota announce. the Recognized aa Brith president on the occasion of ' Omaha, Ncbrasiia Honoring their newiyr elected, mem his seventy-fifth birthday^ birth of a son. . NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF PR \CTICAL MOHEL NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF bers, the .Alpha Gamma" IJSpsilon CITY FINANCE CO. "NEBK.-IOW.V MOTOR FREIGHT General Representative In U.S.A Phone 1059 Mr." "and Mrs. A. M. Grueskin ansorority gave, a dinner ^.Wednesday Notice is hereby civen that a corporation TERMINAL" at AMTORG, 261 Fifth Ave., N.V. been formed under the laws of the evening in the . H k s T club! . Miss nounce the birth of a x son on No- Notice is hereby, given that the under- has Council Bluffs, la. sigued have formed n corporation under State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation is CITI Rosena Sacks, president', pt~ the sq- Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will speak the laws of the Stnte of Nebraska. The FINANCE CO. The principal place for the name of the corporation shall be "NEBR.rority, Mary Edelmah ; and Dorothy on "Merchants of Death" at the Ternof its business is the city of '•"•»*'• A \'n"c o . l ^ ' T o w n o 9 nrl r-tiJl' WWA MOTOK FKEIOHT TEUM1NAL," transaction Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. The Mailin, were in charge ; of.: the ar- pie services thi3 evening. general nature of the business to be trans-; ^ „„.„ . •; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lavine andchil vvitu p r l n c , p a l p l a c e o f business at Omaha, acted by the corporation rangements. -, _j . . : ; . - ' , „...„. is to purchase, Th H R l l f:6 t lUuenttKU w a n uc % u « n j i , hold, sell,' convey; assign,, release, mortThe Honor Roll of the Sunday dren. and Miss Esther R. Lavine and N^raska The »««<£ » g a « g the busMrs. D. L. Rodin and Miss. Release, conduct and operate motor trnnsport gage and lease real estate and personal y : becca Stillman were recently initi : school,-as announced in the Bulletin «- -'»"-« ir««-.4-^v«.r«ti,rn«d-frt«n terminals !««?«-.^ ** .transacted . B h to a i i equip ^ j o own, and wnrehouses; and property-wherever situated;'to buy, sell, i p , Omajia, Neb., where they visited with maintain by purchase,, construction, lease own, assign, transfer and' mortgage bonds, nted into the sorority. of the Temple, includes the followor otherwise buildings and equipment to securities, promissory notes, conditional ing, children: Bernard Silverberg, relatives. " ' be -used as and .for .track terminals and sales'" contracts, chattel mortgages-and Helen Levin, Barbara Davis, ;Joy ' * . ' ' ' . '••"/' '—, •". • • , . - ' v ••'•' • -f_-- wwarehouses: a r e h o u s e s ; ttoo-o w n , ooperate perate a n d conduct c o n d u c t stock In •other corporations; to drawymake,own, and .; Junior;, Hadassalv . members. - wno truck lines for the hauling and shipping.of execute; accept, endorse and issue, promisDean Arkin, Enid Ruth Robinson, will':' leave tonight for Des Momes'rfreight, and to do- all things which may .be sory notes, mortgages; drafts, bills- of ex"'• Vi " J J • " V 1 • j? •'•• •••••1-neeessary and/or, proper to .carry out .the change arid -other negotiable -instruments; Plans for a raffle-W<ti.eijaponsorec Bernard Weiner, Bobby PiD, Sammy to attendrthe regional.conference are,objects andj>urjases hereinabove eet forth. •to-borrow money; to buy, sell, and disby the Amotian; club - yr&ejdiscussed Heeger,- Betty Silverberg, Billy Pru- Ida Cohen, Fannie Cohens Ann Shul- •The authorized —"-- - - capital — Btock. shall -be count notes,, bills and other evidences of siner, Sibley. Newman, George GUin?10,000.00 and all of said Btock (shall be debt; to carry on the business of selling at the meeting Sunday afternoon: i kin, Margaret Shulkin, Lottie Feinconimou of th'« par-Taloe of 5100.00 per fire, lightning, tornado, wind, hail, life nud the Jewish Community ^ Center. Th sky> Arnold Rosenfeld, Betty Marx berg, Rpse. Finsod, Connie Saitlin, share nnd shall-be fully paid-np and non- other insurance; and to do anything inciand Marion Fishgall. assessable when issued. It shall commenca dental to or necessary for the operation of raffje will be held withjp; the ^ g, p ffj ill be held withjp the ^nex ! R e Re^nk Mary Greenbaum Lil y ««^^p..v», *••*»«. j ^-* «*-*.««—-«,. **.business" \ipoh filing of its articles with a finance business three weeks and proceeds will be Rose1 Re^nekv Lil- $% County Clerk- of Douglass County, Ne- The authorized capital stock of this corSinger, : Mary Ruth Greenbaum,. Jacobson, Sybil use4 to outfit the dub football team braska, mi _ _ . poration shall b<; $10,000.00 divided into 100 H ^ SiDorothy. Rth J bMary RosofSbil Merliri, Merlin, fifty years. The highest amount of indebtshares of the pur value of ?100.O0, each to New members will .be elected, to' th shall not exceed two-thirds of: its be folly pnid for and non-assessnble When Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will con- sky, Anna Pill, Beatrice Pill, Rose edness capital stock, but this restriction shall not issued. Said capital stock may be paid for club on November 18-.-: ihi indebtedness secured-by mortgages in cash, notes - or property, real or perto join are asked to get in touch wit) clude his sermon on "The Dreyfus Pill, Eva and Ruth Orlikoff, Tillie include or HPIIS. The affalrs'Bhall be managed by sonal, tangible or intangible, at the reasonp/ .Sadie aa BBoo aa rr dd - o r i ) ^ f i f-if nnoot t l leess88 t ht h5 5n nt w o able rate thereof. The shares of the capital Bernard Rosenthal,, chairman of •tin Case" at the services this evening, Franklin,, Bess. _Lipschutz,* of this corporation shall be paid for speaking on Dreyfus' third trial and Shulkin, Elizabeth Raskin, Rosena 'members. The annuall meeting be onelocfc membership; committee. : :,- •; .• b t i g shall shall be before the corporation shall commence bus-: year final exoneration. Cantor A. Pliskin Sacks, Kate Kaplan, '^^^^^^^S^d^SSS^S^ £ £ iness. 'TJie program Sunday was * E .- elect a Board of Directors and the Board The corporation shall commence business sented by the squad under the. lead and the choir will chant the service. koff, Bluma Olensky, elect a President, Vice-President, Sec- npon t i e filing "of a copy of its Articles of Mrs.- A. Goodsite will serve re- sky, Janet Broches, Lucille Rubin- shnll retary and Treasurer. Any. two of BaidofIncorporation with the Co\inty Clerk of ership of David Tilevitz. Two book freshments to children of the Junior stein, Ruth Rifkin, Dorothy Epstein, , .. . . . . flees mny be held by one and the same Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall conreviews were presented by • David congregation tinue for a period of fifty years from date Rose Snerlinz Person. These articles may be amended at i tomorrow morning, xsose operung, n n y r e R U l n r o r , B p e r ial meeting • of* the h e r e o f . -' ••-•-.Tilevitz and Joe Maron. The first honoring' her grand-daughter Helen Ida and Ruth Feldman, Ruth Grue- stockholders by two-thirds vote of the out- The highest amount of indebtedness to was "Falcons of France", and the which this corporation may at any time stock. , •• .'. Battery Service Levin on the occasion of her birth- skin, Jessie Slutsky, Delia Shiloff. standing IN WITNKSS WHBBBOF, the parties subject - itself, shall not exceed two-thirds second "Master Sky . Lark." David day. Next "Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. - ..-. Ann Cohen will stop in Des Moines have hereunto subscribed their names this of its capital stock. -. Road Service The affairs of this corporation slintl be Tilevitz presented football news. li)3i. •• A. M. Grueskin will serve the re-for the convention on her. return 31st day of October. conducted by a Board of two "Directors. EDWARD D. BRODKET* Tire Repairing LOUIS E. LIPP freshments. - - - - ' ' * LA-SVltENCE J. TOBIN, from New York City, where she has LAZAR KAPLAN Gasoline and Oil New members of the Shaare Zion been spending her vacation the past In presence of: S. J. LEON. three weeks. synago'gue -include Mike Grueskin, 11-0 s:-:t. The meetings of Boy Scout Troop Sioux Cityans who spent Saturday No.' 22 have been changea from Sat- Nathan Widesky, Mark Sabel and Joe" Himpvitz. in Vermillion South Dakota, attendurday evening to Monday evening. t h e Vermillion-Morningside A retaining wall on the south side i n g The meetings will begin at 7:30 each game, included Fern ^Wolfson, Ben 'of'the synagogue is being built un"Omaha's Mbst Beautiful Home for Funerals" Monday, and will be held, in the der the supervision of Max Ginsberg, Lewis and Eail Himovitz. Jewish Community Center. Funerals To Fit Any PurseH. M v Singer, and,Max Palk. All boys of- scout age, .wishing-to ' Better a blush, in. the face than a Phone HArnc-y 1226 Farnam at Thirty-thirc^ join the ' troop .are asked" to ^attend 1 r Patronize Jewish Press advertisers.- blot in the heart.—Cervantes. the meeting Monday.' ' * -- 1 *

Book Review Monday

Junior Poale Zion


Rev. A; Diamond


Mount Sinai




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Shaare Zion


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