. Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Entered as Heconfl Clnsa 1'oBtoUice ot Omaha, Nebr
In the Interests of the Jewish People
.er OH January 21, 1921, at er the Act of Mnrch S.-1S79
uman Wants
Nightly Rehearsals for Players Guild Rehearsals by the Center Players Guild.are being--held nightly at tlie Jewish". Community. 'Center- in "preparation "for" the opening production of the seaspnj^^Another jCanguage," which, will be presented at the Center November 27., ". " "" " Miss Helen Merritt, 'director, " is" highly Tpleasedlwith, both Jhe-castin? and the .rehearsBjg-iand-is predicting a - highly _ successful • presentation; Guests:arp invited to watch the.rchearsals. ~~ . '\ ..•'....,..;•_ * Season1 tickets for the three plays 6y; the Guildmajr still be ^obtained, at the Center. Edward; D^Brodkey, is in charge of ticket sales. " ' .. "Arioth'er ^Language," which had a long run^ on Broadway^ is a threeact Tlrama by Rose" Franken. ~ : -.
Jewish "Workers Take Active Part in Drive if or : -$554800! "A'volunteef"army _o£' campaigners of all faces* ' colors ^ and creeds will: launch the twelfth'annual Community Chest campaign next week. A; total'of ~$554',800 is being sought for 28:agencies,'iwhich' bairy on.welfare and fcMef'work unbared for by the ^federai^government. 1U . The Jewish; members of the community are .taking- ari _active, part in helping put the drive'"over the top." Henry Monsky : and William L Holzman are ; members ) of the board of directors ;6f;.the Community. Chest Those;otf 'the initial igiffcs committee} which' { ;| started its | ^preliminary work tMs; I past • week.i 'include - John A. Father* Harry B.;Zirojnan, Henry Monskyj William L. HoKman, H; A. Wolf, Abe: Goldstein, Henry Rosenthal andhJrHarry Kulakofsky. . In last week's Jewish Press were listed the- many Jewish ...women who
Vol. X—No. 42
Form Women's Division For Jewish Federation
Mrs. Jeanette Amstein has been elected president of the Enrollment Nearing Hundred Women's Division of the Jewish Mark as Registration Community Center and Welfare Continues ; Federation-—a new organization which- will- materially and sub- The registration for the College stantially aid in the work of the of Higher Jewish education which will open in Omaha at the Jewish Federation.
Community Center on Monday evening, November 19, is nearing the hundred mark, according tD announcement made by Dr. Philip Sher, president of the institute. Registrations will continue at the J. C. C, up to Monday evening, when Other officers: the informal opening will be held. Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, vice- Much enthusiasm has been exhibited • president; Mrs. Irvin Levin, sec- for the college, which is being retary ; Mrs. A. Greenberg, jointly sponsored by the Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federatreasurer. • All of the officers have for years tion and the Omaha lodge of B'nai been '• active in ' the civic and com- B'rith. The officers and members of imxnal. life of the community and the executive committee of the FedMrs. Jeanette Arnstein have proven their capacity for lead- eration and B'nai B'rith are invited to attend the opening ceremonies. ' President of;the newly-organized ership. •• ' Classes will be held Monday and Women's Division. Mrs. Arnstein is It is hoped that this women's di- Thursday evenings, two periods bea former, president ,of the Council j, v i s i o n ) a s t h e ofiiciaLauxiliary of the ing taught each of these nights. The Outstanding Program Being Ar- of Jewish Women, haaded the worn- C e n t e r - and Federation, will be! first period is from 8:15 to 9 p. m., en's .division of the Jewish- P-hilan: "the;.women's organization which will! range^ for Annual Afir_the divisional chairmanship-• of thropies two campaigns, was presi- officially - and actually represent the] and the second from 9:10 to 9:55 : fair at J. C. C. Mrs. Jj ^H.sliry.JKuiakofjky. Her madent, of- the local Wellesley" club,.and Jewish women of "Omaha in" the or- p. m. jors include— the _ MeS^ames _ Iryin There is a registration fee of one secretary of the American -Associa- ganization of "the "women's division Levin, Philip Levey, Sain: Gilinsky, dollar, but no tuition fee. The' annual 'Father and Son ban- tion of University Women. of the Jewish Philanthropies cam- Classes are being offered in • HeA. D. Fraiik, and -Hi {'$; Novitsky, quet _sponsored_ by the social service paign, and such other projects where brew, modern Jewish life and curMrs. Reuben Kuakof sky; is; one of the committee of the Jewish Community the combined' efforts of all Jewish rent topics, literature, Bible, great three members of tb,e executive comCenter "and "Welfare Federation and women are required for a' commii-' Jewish personalities, survey course in mittee of the women's division. the B;nai B'rith will be held at the nity-wide social service program." Jewish history, Jewish •"customs and The men are also assuming an acCenter -next Sunday- evening,; NovemThe organization will function ceremonials, Palestine in the life of tive role, i Included on the speakers ber 18, starting at 6:15 p. "m. through- committees, with an annual! the Jew, and the Yiddish "language bureau are Sam Beber, Rabbi FredAs~ reservations- will be limited to meeting held once a year. Every and Yiddish literature. erick Cohn, Rabbi David A. Gold350, reservations "should be made at Jewish woman-• in Omaha will be The faculty consists of Rabbi stein, William L. Holzman, Dr. Viconce at the Community Center. asked, to become a member and each Frederick Cohn, Rabbi David A. tor E. : Levine, Rabbi Uri Miller, An outstanding program is" being member will be asked to serve on Goldstein, A. Katz, Rabbi Uri MilHenry i Monsky, I." Morgenstern, arranged for:.the affair.' Philip M. The "recently-formed Parent-Teach- some, committee.' . • ler, I. Morgenstern, and Rabbi David Henry Rosenthal, Irvin Morgenstern, Klutznick, will be chairman and er "association of the _City' Tahnud H. Wice. Harry Trustin, Fred White, Rabbi toastmaster. David Goldman will de- Torah - will. hjjfd' its first annual ; . Program Planned. David H.: Wice, H. A. Wolf, and William Wolfe is secretary of th< liver , the address for the fathers, meeting.-he?t- Tuesday evening, No- -Included on . the planned program Judah Wolfson.^ ^ - ; institute. and Morton Margolin, son of Dr. and of the women's division "will be work On the publicity committee is Mrs. Morris Margolin, will respond vember 20", 8 p . m . at the J. C. C. . The acting chairman is Mrs. Max i in the field of family welfare, child Charles jSchlaifer. for the sons. Fromkin. Officers _ will be elected care, and the development of the soJack W; Marer is- a major in "the Carl Milder, son. of Mr. and Mrs. cial - facilities and program of the business' division. Aiding this group William Milder, will give theinvoca- Tuesday, and a constitution formally J. C. C. adopted.- The, aims.-and' purposes, of are Simon Pizer, Irvin Stalinaster, ' Try-outs for_ the first children's tion, while William L. Holzman, the- organisation will be clarified at ta -family" welfare work, it -is Sam. Beber, PhiUpvr-Klutznick? Dr. ; ^-<ti- •'• the' '•' Jevasht^Comraunity president of the Federation will give planned ' 'to " organize au effective • . / - • :.\" •: -\ Maynard iGreenberg.s. Ehiljp - J. Feldj|he benediction. . - - . - » the-meeting/V ;.-. clothing committee to", gather new ^ 3 ^ ; j ^ p man, Beit Danbaupi, < SiDSoiv Bordy, A • vi Ananal Meeting. ., . and used clothings—to. xenovate them; e. held at t i e Center next commur. Robert HI^Kbdper^-"Harry "Silverman, p Sunday afternoon, November 18, On Monday evening, November 26, and to help in the distribution of nity singing. A mavis will be shown WeH-Knbwn Writer Sfceak at 3 pi m. David*: Coheh; Dave Greenberg, Joe through the courtesy of-. Phiheas the annual Tahnud Torah meeting the clothing in co-operation with the' Three Times This All children through the age of Wintroub. Included on the program will be held and seven' members will Federation's case worker. They will I McFadden, Anti-Sfemite lit Con-, Week-Ehd t 1 Harry Cohen is a7 captain in: the 14 are invited to try out. Miss will be musical selections and num- be elected to the Talmud Torah also effect the organization of a mo-1 gress, Defeated for Re-Elecbusiness' division. 'Plant.' captains, intion in Pennsylvania Grace Levin is director. bers by a magician. board. The seven elected choose the tor corps for the regular transportaA week-end of activity, has. been dustrial division, include: M. L. This will be the first of a series Mrs. L. Neveleff will be in charge officers from among their number. tion of the sick to and from clinics Cohn, N. Perlis, Bernard Schimmel, arranged for Philip Raskin, noted t>f plays through which it is of preparing the dinner. Reservations New York — A recapitulation of All contributors to the Philanthro-j a n d hospitals, Harold Farber, Bert Moskowitz,' Bess Anglo-Jewish poet and lecturer,, who hoped to develop a "Children's are 60 cents per plate. the results of last week's countrythe projected child pies are invited to attend arid vote Included on Horwich, L. Graetz, Philip Green- will visit in Omaha today, Saturday Theatre" at the Center. Dr. Philip Sher is chairman of the care program is the finding of suit- wide elections shows that the next berg, Harry Zimman, Harry Kula- and Sunday in the interests of the committee in charge. Others on the in the election. able foster h o m e s for dependent Congress will include eleven Jews. kofsky, W. L. Holzman, - M. Klein, Jewish National Fund and the Kfar Several repot to will be rendered, children who are now either in OmaTen of these were re-elected, ihe committee include: Isadore Abram• Sam Cohen, Louis 'Somberg Louis Ussishkin. son, Leo Abramson, Max Barish, Eu- including reports by Max M. Barish, ha or in institutions outside of Oma- one new Jewish Congressman- beintr Sommer, Paul Blotcky. A mass meeting will be held at gene Blazer, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, president, and Aaron Katz, principal. ha. "Big sister" work and social William Citron of Connecticut. Those Other reports will be given by R. service citizenship are also planned. re-elected: Samuel Dickstein, EmanWhile the workers' -lists; were still; g p - m . - Saturday evening at the J. Rabbi David A. Goldstein, William incomplete l t Tuesday, Tuesday among the lieulieu i the speaker. Dr. O C. with Raskin O. L. Holzman, Mrs. J. Malashock, Rab- Lackow, chairman of the educational A social committee of the organiz- uel Celler, Dr. William I. Sirovicli, • tenants . for _.the . campaign were Ed Bloom and Theodore A. Peyser bi Uri Miller, Mrs. L. Neveleff, Leo committee; Rabbi Uri Miller, chair- ation will co-operate with the- ; J. C. Sol : Brodkey, i Don .. Brodkey, Ben_ Civin, Rosenthal, Rabbi David H. Wice. man of the enrollment committee; C. in the supervision of social func- of "New York; Isaac Bacharach of David Greenberg. •Max Fromkin, chairman of the fi- tions in • the - Center, • as' dances, New Jersey; Mrs. Florence P. Kahn nance committee ;• -Dr. Philip Sher, father and son banquets, etc. .; ' ";. of California; Adolph J. Sabath of chairman of the book of life comAmong other-work this women's Chicago; H. P. Koppelman of Hartmittee, and William Milder, chair- division will undertake in aiding' the ford, Conn.; and Henry Ellenbogen Fifth Lecture on Program Kept man of the finance committee. Federation • will be the supervision o£ Pittsburgh, Penn. Open; Choice to Be Congressman ' Sabath, the Dean of of the kitchen and sponsoring the Anniversary Celebration. Made Later. the House, returns to the legislatura Sunday, December 16, has been' catering at luncheon and dinners; for his fifteenth term. the cleaning and caring Popular acclaim is being accorded The first forum for the Jewish youth chosen as the date for the thirty-! fsupervising Herbert L. Lehman, in being reor The memory of the late Baron EdCenter equipment; promoting of elected governor of New York, rethe selection of speakers for the an- of Omaha, under the auspices of the year Tahnud Torah anniversary as a Center membership; sponsoring a ceived a plurality of 800,000, the /nond de Rothschild, noted European nual Community Forum series. Round Table of. Jewish Youth, at- community institution. junior club program; developing the largest «ver recorded by a New Yorkphilanthropist^ who gave"over twenty Four out of the five lectures on tracted a large attendance at the Committees are at work arranging million dollars for the upbuilding of the program have been selected.' The J. C. C. Tuesday evening. for an elaborate celebration, includ- Center library; sponsoring and de- gubernatorial candidate. veloping the dramatic department of Palestine,-was honored at a memorial fifth date is being kept open so that Governor Julius Meier of Oregon The theme of the forum discussion ing a dinner at which the most acmeeting held Tuesday -evening at the the committee might hare leeway in was the need for religion in the life tive and oldest Talmud Torah the J. C. C ; undertaking a summer was not a candidate to succeed himB'nai Israel synagogue,; 18th and Chiplay school. making the choice, depending upon of youth today. workers will be honored. self and thus will retire from office cago streets, under the auspices of The organization also plans. to this January. With the retirement of circumstances and conditions. The discussion was led by Father take an active part in furthering Governor Meier, there will be but ; t h e MizrachL ".•'•';• Dorothy Thompson, Mrs. Sinclair Deglman, on the f a c u l t y of the Jewish education for children and two Jewish state executives, Lehman The Speakers were. Judah Wolfson, Lewis in private life, will open the College of Arts and Sciences at adults. • ' • ' ' of New York and Homer of Illinois, ; Rabbi David A. Goldstein, and Rabbi series with an address on contempor- Creighton, who spoke of the philosoUri Miller. EHhu Bloch presided. Canary Germany. She is being brought phy of religion and its need by youth; For a year or so, until the death of tor A. Schwaczk:n chanted the traback as a speaker on the Forum by and by Rabbi Frederick Cohn, who Governor Seligman of New Mexico, ditional memorial prayer, El Maleh general request there were four Jewish governors laid particular stress on the need for Rachamim. In January, Arthur Garfield Hays religion in the life of Jewish youth. throughout the country. The Omaha chapter of theT Junior The theme of the speakers was an will speak on "Thirteenth Juror." He An open forum followed. Louis T. McFadden, arch anti-Se-" Hadassah sent the largest ^visiting interpretation of the work of Baron is a noted trial lawyer, a fearless An audition for the new,-enlarged mite, was defeated in his PennsylThis was the first of a series of delegation to the Southwestern ReVc ! Philip Raskin Rot ch 1d, his contribntions to the champion. of civil liberties. these forums on the general topic of gional convention of the Junior Ha- choir at Temple Israel will be held vania district. Congressman McFadJewish people, and a call to loyalty to The February speaker will be Jewish youth in a changing world. dassah held in Des Moines, Fa., last Sunday afternoon, November 18, at den had long attacked the Jews and S. Belzer, chairman of the local JewPalestine snd its rebuilding. ish National Fund Council, states Scott Nearing, economist and writer. The next forum will be on December week-end, when about fifty members 2 p. m. in the vestry room of the was known to have had correspondence and dealings with such anti-Sethat everyone interested in the work Dr. Nearing is in Europe now study- 11, when the discussion will center on attended. About two hundred visitors Temple. ing conditions, and will speak here mites as Gulden, Pelley, the Silver The choir is under the supervision Jewish youth in the professional and of the National Fund is welcome to were present, representing -Kansas attend. The J. N. F. is one of the on the rostrum in March. His sub- economic world today. City, Lincoln, Omaha, Sioux City, of Lee Green. All interested are Shirts and the Nazis. ject will be "The Spirit of America The write-in candidacy of John F. Counil Bluffs, Mason City, Cedar Ra- asked to attend. beneficiaries of the Omaha Jewish in Its Literature." . Hylan for the New York governorpids, St. Joseph and Waterloo. Philanthropies. Fred S. White, chairman of the ship, which was sponsored by Nazi Carl Weil, 52, banker of Lincoln, This evening, Raskin will speak Forum committee, declares that the Miss Ethel Adler of Omaha was organizations, was a complete flop, Ncbr., died at an Omaha hospital from the pulpit of the B'nai Israel advance ticket sale has been above the only member in this region who he receiving less than 10,000 votes. last Sunday, following a long 111- synagogue, Eighteenth and Chicago. expectations. had won her fellowship award, it It revealed the weakness of the Naii David Lazarus, Omaha's "golden On Saturday afternoon he will ness. Harry B. Cohen is head of the voiced baritone," has just- signed was announced. organizations and is expected to Fnneral services were held Tues- talk before the Hadassah cultural ticket-selling committee. All tickets The official delegates in the OmaThe Jewish lecture series being sound the death-knell of the leaderday in Lincoln, with Rabbi J. J. Ogle group. are - interchangeable. Season tickets with Max Reinhardt to play in "Midr ha contingent were the Misses Min- sponsored at the B'nai Israel syna- ship in German-American circles in summer's Night Dream," according officiating. Raskin's poetic talent showed at may. be obtained at the Community nie Frohm, Ida Fine, Dora Fresh- gogue by the Junior Vaad groups will New York of Louis T. Zahne, chairto word received here. He is survived by his father, JL- an early age, for when 12 years old Center. man, Fannie Katelman, Jeanette Resman of the German-American IndeWeil; his widow, and a son, Alexan- some of his poems were already pubLazarus will play the role of nick, and Sarah German. Mrs. -Max start next Wednesday evening, No- pendent Voters League. vember 21, at 8 p. m. with an adder. Theseus, duke of Athens, in the pro- Fromkin, local sponsor, chaperoned lished. His works have been written duction which will be presented for the Omaha, delegation. Mrs. Fromkin dress by Dr; Victor E. Levine of the in both English and Yiddish, includtwo weeks at the Chicago auditorium was also active in the business ses- Creighton University School of, Meding prose as well as lyrics. icine on Ms "Alaskan Experiences." opera house, starting yesterday. sions. He has been' an ardent Zionist New material and hitherto untold an' The dancing classes for juniors From there, the production will go Miss Minnie Frohm, local president ecdotes will be given at this time. since youth" and has been a delegate are under way at the Jewish. Com- on a tour which will include Kansas Lazar Kaplan was named presiThe lecture will begin at 8:30 p.m. Lee Grossman is issuing the first' to' a number bi world Zionist con- munity Center, under the direction City, St. Louis, Washington, and was elected as a board member of dent of the College club at the electhe region. gresses. to enable these who wish to also atcall for candidates for the 1934-35 and instruction of Miss Grace Levin. Philadelphia, and ill reach h New program included tion held Sunday at Temple Israel. The convention tend Rabbi Goldstein's book review At the. fifth Zionist congress, edition'of the .J. Cv C. girls basketThe first classes this past week were York about the" first of the year. a buffetsupper, a ,road show, a Other officers chosen: Adele Wilthat evening to do so. ball squad. All girls who are inter- Raskin proposed a resolution intro- well attended. luncheon, a banquet and a dance, in David goes' under: the •name of insky, vice-president; Janet Graetz, • Season tickets at a nominal sum ducing the National Fund's Land ested, in tryipg out for thi3 season's Registration, however, is still open, "Lawrence" on the stage. addition to the business sessions. secretary-treasurer. -.•••• for the series of five numbers are squad are asked to give their .names Donation which was destined to be-" and all children are invited to join Rabbid David Wice will lead the Miss Sadie Friedson of still available. Included on the four to'Mr.- Grossman .during next_ week. come one of the, most popular forms The classes are held Monday and Last week he sang-for the Rotary Practice will get' under i^ay after next of .contribution jto tlje Jewish: Jlaiion- Wednesday afternoons,-from 4:45 to club at Long Beach, Cal. Among those City was chosen as regional presi- other events is a symposium by all open discussion at the next meeting, to be held Sunday, November 25. Omasa rabbis present was Governor-elect Merriam. dent. week. . ' .. • 5:45 p. m. The organization was formed by the wives of the members of , the executive' committee of the Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation and the" -women" members of that committee. •
Junior Dramatics
Choir Next Sunday
Lazarus Has Role in Reinhardt Production
Call Is Issued
for Girl Cagers
Dancing Classes Start at J. C. C.
Lazar Kaplan Elected to Head College Club
Philip" N . Easkin, internationally Conservative Men's Council of Jewish famous Jewish author and poet, who Club Dinner Meeting Women's Activities will be the honored guest at a tea
Lessons Under Jr. Vaad Auxiliary LIFE INSURANCE— Bridge Sisterhood Auspices To Meet on Tuesday WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT DOES...
Saturday afternoon a t the home of The international relations study Mrs. Julius Abrahamson, 2521 North Many tickets are being, sold for The next meeting of the Junior A dinner meeting of the Men's Jake Adler and Saul Graetz, a pajr group of the Council of Jewish Wom- Fifty-third street. There will also Club of the Conservative Synagogue the course of six bridge lessons VaaJ Auxiliary will be held at the D£ chance partners in the. J. C. C.en are sponsoring the next open be a musical program presented by will be held next Tuesday evening, which Mrs. Irving Allison is to give B'nai Israel synagogue, Eighteenth doubles handball tournament, had the meeting of. the Council, on Monday, Mrs. H. M. Schlaes, ona of Omaha's November 20, at 6:30 p. m. at the and Chicago streets, on Tuesday eveat Temple'-Israel beginning- Monday ning, November. 20, at 8 p. m. talented pianists. Mrs. Max Promkin, J. C. C. honor of opening play last vreek hy Norrember 26, a t the J. C. C. By the Service Life insurance evening, November 19, at 8 o'clock An interesting program is planned, turning in a nice three-game victory This group annually sponsors the educational chairman and sponsor of An Interesting program will be Companjv Omaha - in the vestry room of the "Temple and Dr. J. M. Erman will be the over the seasoned veterans, Fhittea& November meeting, whieh is devoted the cultural groups, will be co-hos- presented. Francis TtfcDennott will Under normal conditions, if a man's Wintroub and Ephraim Marks, ^1-1 to the theme of peace. . tess. An interesting afternoon is in speak onJ."Money and will continue weekly through guest speaker, 'discussing a, topic «f and Inflation." 19-21, 21-7, - : : ^ interest. ^ Mrs. Ben Silver will present an al- store for Hadassah members and Featured'in entertainment will be estate is found to be not entirely ade- January 14. The remainder of the pairings Is legory, "The Torah of Peace," in their friends, who are cordially in- several numbers from fee forthcom- quate to meet the needs of his family, Mrs. Allison will use slides to ilas follows: ' . which the following members of thevited. Those who plan to attend are ing "Conservative Capers" road it is not very difficult for his wife or lustrate the Tarions bridge hands. Patronize Jewish Press advertiser*. any of his children who are old asked to call Mrs. Fromkin, at HarRichards-U..Marks, vs. Yaffe-Sa- group- will take part: the Mesdame^ show. She will also answer questions on enough to get some sort of employdoisky;. Goldman-Kintodck vs. Bar-Paul Blotcky,' Abe Solomon, Sam ney 2671Reservations may be made for the ment which, would enable them to supbridge playing. ish-Mayerowich; Levfesm-Feldman Wolf, M. A. Venger, Jules Newman, The Hadassah Sewing group will vs. tiarrbpp-Lipp; Turner-Franklin Philip Levey, Nathan, Green, Henry meet Monday afternoon, November dinner by calling the Community plement the income from his property] An even atrount of tickets will be vs. Mulnick-BIacker; Kateman-Her- NtKvmanr Di, R. Cohen, H. J. Shu- L9, a t the home of Mrs. Sam Gold- Center, on Bon Theodore, or Arthur with their earnings and make ends sold so that single seat holders will OIL BURNERS Cohn, GL 3486. meet. Under present conditions It be seated at tables of four. Tickets man vs. * Spstein-E.. Siegel; Cohnr- nMw.Iz; Werner, Julias Abranamsoa, ware, 302 South Fiftieth avenue. would be almost impossible for them may be secured from Mrs. Julius SolHorwicb. vs Goldberg-Ban;. Cdtler- Hanuel Grodinsky, Louis Sogolow, M. This evening, N o v e m b e r 16, Olson Bros. to do this. omon, Walnut 4939, or from memSigal vs. Grossman-Bloom. P. Levenson. at the Conservative Synagogue, Rab- Vaad Will Observe 2G12 Leaven worth AT. 2360 When many experienced* persons bers of her circle. A. very poor draw placed the two ' Myron Cohen will play a violin se- bi David A. Goldstein will speak in 1 are unemployed It is extremely diffioutstanding teams in the tourna- lection, accompanied by Mrs. David observance of Hadassah Sabbath. Third Anniversary cult for anuntrained person to secure ment, . - Grossman, and: Bloom, an«t Goldstein. Rabbi Goldstein has visited Palestine any kind of job at all. It is. therefore, Goldberg and Ban, it) a position A dessert luncheon wifi be pre-and has personally become acquaint- The third; anniversary of the found- much more important for a man to THE where they meet in the second roanik sented a t 1:15, with. Mrs. H. J. Shu-ed with, the colossal task Hadassah ing of the Vaad will be observed leave his family adequately provided On the- other, hand, the teams in themow and Mrs. Joe Jacobs, in charge. tor the for if he should die this year than it week. upper bracket, do not come near the AH Jewish -women of the city are has get for herself in would be in a year of better business alSber of the teams in the- lower half, , conditions. Ing worked out by a committee inLee- Grossiaan;; physical tdirectorr, without persistent effort on the part H. - Marcus, chairman; Ben of Nebraska Women stated' that all -first-round matches . Mrs. Jack Marer and Mrs. 1L of Hadassah chapters in America. cluding mast be completed by .Monday* .No- Krupinsky will be co-hostesses at the Rabbi Goldstein has a message of Kazlowsky* and Ephraim Marks, co- Junior Hadassah to Try a Bag Today vember 19, or-both teams will be de-next. meeting of the/child stndy particular- interest to Hadassah chairmen. Meet Next Thursday In commenting on the anniversary group to be held Tuesdays November members. faulted. An important meeting of the observance Mr. Marcus stated: "We 20, at the home of Mrs. Marer, Act. unior Hadassah will be held next want to rhalte' this the occasion for 14, Venetian Court* 11& Sow 31st Ave. hursday evening, November 22, at an educational campaign to familiarA dessert coffee precedes/the talk Father, Son Banquet Century Chapter p. m. at the J. C. C. iza Omaha Jewry witii the purpose to-be-given by Mrs. Mary.Frederick, A report of the regional convenof the Vaad. Though Meeting, Smoker vocational director for the board of By Young Men's Vaad and functions tion will be given. Final reports will three years old, there education, who is conducting the seare we are A smoker'and meeting were held ries. : . ' . ' - . ' . . The second annual Father and Son many •. . of our people who are unfa- also be given for the Thanksgiving last Sunday, by A. Z. A. 100. Twenty-four attended the meeting banquet held under the auspices of miliar with our organizations and its lance, to ba held at the Fontenelle Al Fiedler, president of the Round this week at the home of Mrs. Louis the Young Men's Vaad will be given activities. The Vaad has combined November 29. Miss Rose Abramson Table, spoke on " the Community Alberts. Sunday evening, November 25, at modern thought and activities with s in charge of tickets, Miss Kalah • Chest. Maurice Tatelman gave sev6:30 p. m. at the B*nai Israel syna- traditional Judaism. Without sur- ranklin ads, and Miss Fannie eral saxophone selections. gogue. rendering any of Israel's hallowed 'atelman publicity. The College club Two representatives of the Sioux Membership Luncheon Sam Hahn Is chairman of the com- traditions or violating any of us irchestra will play. City chapter visited the" chapter Suncommandments, we have created a in charge. for Local Hadassah mittee day and spoke of the district tourney Ben Kazlowsky will be chairman, series of functional organisations in to be held in Sioux City in Feb- As a' climax to the membership William Milder will speak for thecomplete harmony with modern life campaign conducted by Hadassah, the fathers, and Leonard Goldstein, son and tendencies." ruary. . ." Many of the members are planning annual membership luncheon will be of Mr. and Mrs. I. Goldstein, will reto enroll in the College of Jewish held Tuesday, November 27, at the spond for the sons. The main address tional Law" at a meeting Wednesday. J.. C. C. Mrs. Joseph. Goldware will be given by Sidney Epstein, Education. The fraternity is sponsoring a le• Several new. members will be initi- headed the drive. A comedian and a magician will bs gal essay contest for students of the ' Aninteresting program, arranged -k Where Omaha Shops With Confidence ated next, Sunday. -' • included on the program." Reservaby Mrs. Dave Brodkeyr will include tions, which will be limited, may be night law school. a- sketch entitled, "Hadassah on a made by calling Atlantic 5534. A. Z. A. Committees Spree," to be given by members of Hadassah. Prepare Programs Junior Miss Margaret Abramson of Fort Phi Sisma Mu Dodge, la., will give a reading of Various committees of A. Z. A- uThe Return of the Meshumid." MasParty on Sunday 1 are working out programs to be ter Philip Sokolof will sing accompresented by the Mother chapter in panied a t the piano by Mrs. Rich- A party for members, alumni and the near future. advisors, will be given by Phi SigSchlaes. A Chanukah party is being ardInM. Mn, Jewish legal fraternity" of of the luncheon will be ma the Omaha University Night Law planned for the members on Sun-Mrs. charge Bairi Cohen, assisted by Mrs. day, December 2. In charge are SolHorace Rosenbloom and Mrs. Harry school, will be held next Sunday evening. ; Susman, chairman; Ernie Nogg, and Belmont. ' Morton Friedlander., Milton Abrahams, one of the spon; The new members who will be sors of ^he ffraternity, spoke-r on ; Dan Miller was I "appointed chair- nonoied guests a t ihe^ luncheon are: man of S the irjaligious committee; the Mesdames J. LorMa. Charles Pol- "The Various. Aspects of Constita-c Louis Hnrwitz, social service; Robert lick, -Phil Jackson, M. Rosenstein Smith, good and welfare. Irving A. Greenbaum, B. Perelman, William Cbhn was recently initiated. Alberts, Morris Freiden, Sam Gate-
-J-. wonder
the Radio thatlis
Ben Blatt was elected manr, Eli Zalkin, Sam ager of the,basket ball team. Wolf, J.- M. Werner, Lawrence Finkle, 'According to t . o i i i s j . Riklin Leon FeUman, H. Leibovici, D. DenAleph Godol, the Mother chapter has enberg, S- Canar, William Herzoff, the largest membership, it has en-I. Fiedler, Harold Pollock, Sam joyed in the past three years and Fried, Joe .Rice, M. Gitlin, J . Himthe committees are functioning ex- melstein, 1>. P. Krantz, S. Feldman, cellently. H. Richards, S. Bropstein, Arthur Cohen, J. Bernstein, Harry Cohen, A. Levine, Jack Marer, Morris Segal, Tuberculosis Seal Harry - Frieden, Sidney Katleman, Pageant on Tuesday Sarah. Rrasne, Jake Rosoff, J-Neesimoj^ ^
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A Tuberculosis-Seal Pageant, beau- . Reservations will be taken by Mrs. tiful in effect and staged by promt- Rubnitz. . > . ' nent maids and matrons of Omaha, will be given Tuesday evening No^ "The women of Hadassah will have vember 20, at Central High school the extreme pleasure of hearing Mr. auditorium by members of. the Woman's Auxiliary to , the •- Omaha-Douglas County Medical' society. * Miss Mary Lauer, reigning, queen of Ak-Sar-Ben win model her coronation gown, and Miss Peggy Doarly, last year's queen will also; model. The costumes In the styje.revue, which will" be a part of -this enter-. tainment, will depict the 'style of iress from 1907, the year the first Seal was sold, unto the present time. Meyer-Hodek, official Ak-Sar-Ben trchestra, will have charge of the entire musical score. This entertainment is free, tci the public. I t is not necessary to have a ticket for entrance. . . , INSURBIXCABS
a major fashion event.......
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Outof By RICHARD L. NEUBERGER (Reprinted from "Opinion") Mr. Justice Brandeis and former Fascism _ are lying about America,' they / have joined his emergency Justice Holmes have agreed: "Those and he has placed the vigilante so- leagues ' in large, numbers. In" filling who ..wan. our independence -by, revolu- cieties in this category. Liberal out. " the membership blanks, . t h e tion were not cowards. They.did not magazines have viewed with alarm prospective "law and o'der" enforcer fear" political change. They did not the armed mobs forming on the Pa- must tell of his experience with fireexalt order a t the cost of liberty." cific coast. One even titled a recent arms, gas' bombs and" give simialr The exalation of "order on the Pa- editorial, 'Hitlerism by the Golden delightful, information. 'They /even cific coast has created a situation Gate." have pistol practice. which every Jew in the United States These vigilante activities, symbol Several weeks • ago General Mcshould watch. As by-products of the of strife between capital and labor, Alexander journeyed to Corvallis, longshoremen's stiike, groups of are of paramount importance to the Oregon, and momentarily stopped his vigilantes and other r self-appointed Jews of the nation. Events indicate la~bor-haiting and revolution-predictpolicemen have sprung up from the that America soon must choose be- ing to enter the realm of religion. Mexican border to Puget Sound. tween the forks of the right and the He was quoted in the Gazzette-Times Ostensibly ; organized to "aid in main- left' on t h e ' highroad of history. The of Corvallis as saying, "And I have taining "law and ordar," the groups' same choice will fall t o the Jews. come to the conclusion that the Jews real purpose seems to be the pre- A minority .group, their destiny may and the Irish have more deviltry in servation of the "old deal;" surpress- be unalterably affected by the choice them than any other nationalities in ing labor, protecting capital, and gag- between liberalism and reaction." The the world." ging the . dissenters who lift their question becomes all the- more vital This, then, is the man largely rewhen we consider that'since the early sponsible for the organization of law voices in protest. Included in the membership of days of the republic Jews have been and order and property defense these organizations are a numbsr of among the fearless insurgents who leagues throughout the state. In the prominent .Jews, the majority of i valued liberty above all else. Jews groups founded by him are a conthem business leaders and manufac-1 helped finance the American revolu- siderable number of Jews. They turers. -.T-_i Most persons accept this asjtion. Jews fought slavery in 1865. should at least be slightly interested J...: pi'ima facie evidence that the vigi-1 Today countless brilliant Jews are in the attitude of the state's No. 1 y lante groups of the coast nevsr will lending their skill to the attempt to labor-baiter. Although not militantly adopt the anti-Semitic tactics of tre end industrial autocracy. To a peo- anti-Semitic, General McAlexander Brown-shirted ruffians who ten ple, whose^ keenest minds have been has voiced an opinion which should years ago set out to-crush liberalism active in the advancement of liberal- warn every Jew in the northwest of ism, the choice between the right the latent danger in such o: ganizaand labor in Germany. And yet, and yet—I remember, as and the left, in this hour of dacision tions as he has formed. He has clearly as though it were yesterday, for the world, is of momentous im- shown that a tinge of anti-Semitism Jews in Germany who tearfully told portance. exists on the surface. How much my uncle and myself that they had To evaluate properly the conten- seethes underground ? contributed funds to Hitler's coffers tions of both extremes, one can do The Gazette-Times, mentioned so that the Nazis might suppress no better than to consider specific above, is without a doubt one of the radicalism and the rising, surge of conditions. Cases .prove points, and nation's most- reactionary newspaGerman labor. I recall Jews who doe- Oregon, one of the union's most pers. It openly calls liberals "skunks" fully said to my uncle, "Commander toleiant states, is an appropriate ci- and vilifies such Americans with the Neuberger, we thought Hitler might tation. It is a commonwealth with a vilest, of epithets. The Gazettehelp. "We thought he would drive great liberal tradition. The valiant Times is partially to blame for the out the communists. And now look— argonauts who founded Oregon be- anti-Semitism existing in Oregon's •we are worse off than anyone in the lieved in freedom and democracy. higher educational institutions, the Reich. Labor has bean chained, libsr- Jefferson, who sent Lewis and Clark state college being located in Coralism has been crushed—but we, we to the vast northwest country, was vallis. It supported General McAlexa r e being slowly destroyed." the father of religious libsrty in ander for governor of Oregon in the To date the "law and order" or- America. Oregon is the cradle of thejj,j a y primaries and thoroughly anganizations in western . American initiative and referendum and other! athematized the Rev. John Haynes have shown no definite .religious progressive innovations. When - Ore- Holmes when the latter delivered a tendencies. George Soule has pointed gon's minimum hour laws were be- militant and- scholarly speech at the out that the raw materials for fore the United States supreme court state college last year. It also has a quarter of a century ago, Louis D. continually denounced Julius L. Brandeis was counsel for the state. Meier, Jewish governor of Oregon. At present Oregon has a Jewish gov- The Gazette-Times clearly illuernor. strates that from extreme reaction Yet Oregon, in which fundamental to Fascism to anti-Semitism are not impossible steps. Here are a few That "big time" radio programs social legislation was cradled in the early days of the American west ,this can be successfully produced and properly presented in cities of aver- year has given birth to various soage population has been' demonstrat- cieties. Fascist in implication if not ed by the public reception of the in fact. These ' l a w and i>rder" soweekly program of the Nebraska cieties have indicated their true naPower Company, in the opinion or ture by innuendo-disparagement of Harold Fair, head of the radio de- the liberal gestures of the new deal; partment of Bozell and Jacobs, Tnc, in" their radio broadcasts they have the power oompany's advertising defended the old order with quotaNovember 27,1934 tions from B. C. Forbes, drum-major agency. of big business' loudest brass band. "When the power company con- ' Chief organizer of Oregon's vigisidered a radio program," Fair, said, lantes has been General U. G. Mc."our first task was that of finding Alexander; known in the history, of February 19, 1935 the right sort of talent in Omaha to the world war as the "Rock of the stage the sort. of. entertainment. de- Marne."" He "sees "revolution behind manded. The fine response of .xhe every telephone p ole,: a bomb-thrower v people shows that we were success-, in" every labor "union, and has made 1935 ful in obtaining the talent," . Fair l i h Jh several speeches declaring that said. "In this connection it demonstrates a more important fact "and" American Federation -of- Labor sseks ..' To Be Presented b j the that is, that in jcities of similar size control of the United States" govthroughout the country the same fine ernment. General- McAlexander natalent is available. It's merely a turally has done no good for the question of looking ~ for' it and" then property- owners*- peace .of mind and assembling the various individuals at the into a flexible organization. ;• "For instance, in the power company's orchestra we have drawn musicians from half a dozen Omaha ;or- Suitable location for auto parts and chestras. We are happy over the .pub- jnni yarS. "Write" Ben Cohen, Harlic: reaction to the power" company's lan,
relatively recent " declarations from "only revolution, can end • the misery which seis off ens raca or faith in Chamber of Commerce. After assailits columns: of the -workers." ing grange and labor leaders, he con- • the community against another. Here is a situation which should "The anti-Hitler stuff we. get is eluded thus, "The leadership of Commostly Jewish propaganda: The daily interest every-lover of leligious free- Already the super-nationalism of munism has always been Jewish. For metropolitan press if. not. owned and I dom and liberalism in America. The- the Corvalis newspaper is reaping an example, there have been Karl Marx, controlled by Jews, caters to its Jew-] founder of- Oregon's vigilantes is: ominous harvest in Oregon. Several Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin. It is the ish "advertisers. I t is therefore im-i mildly anti-Semitic; his chief news- weeks ago the Rev. Frank Matthews, purpose of these people to weaken possible to get the -truth. j paper protagonist vehemently so. one of the town's most widely-known pastors; journeyed to a nearby city of the Gentiles by inter-marriage with "The Jews have no ri~tit to_ ask us I They also vilify labor and are mildly 20,000 inhabitants to speak before its (Continued on Page 8.) against the Catholics. to intervene. There is. no Jewish na- j tioru .We trust the new: administ:a-| With super-patriots suih as Me-1 tron will mind its own business in the; Alexander in the saddle, . the Jewsj Jewish matter. . . . . 1 must 5watch cautiously any "law and "It is none cu our business if cGr- order societies organized 'in Amermany chooses to kill- off all the ica. Anti-Semitism was not the incipient cause of Hitlerlsm. It was an Jews. auxiliary war-cry tacked o n t o the "Frankfurter hopes someday to-sit Nazi platform to. popularize Adolf'i baside that -other great socialist, Fascist rantings. Mr. .William T. ltd/ / / JACK BEHKY Judge Brandeis, on the supreme . . . Evjue, in. the Wisconsin Progressive, Charles E. Wizanski, • who we would has said: "Hitler rose to -power in judge is a racial relation of Doctor Germany by frightening the German Frankfurter."- .....--• And we're ell here on a people against the menace of comThe following appsared aftar John munism. Today every labor union in merry-go-round of mystery, Haynes Holmes,1 a guest in the west Germany is smashed, all - forms of mirth and melody! . . . of Rabbi .Henry J. Berkowits of democracy have been crushed, and The Showboat of the Seal Portland, had made a stirring ad- Germany today is in the grip of big dress at the state college commence- industrialists - who control and domiment ceremonies last year: nate the country. - • ."As one can get all that kind of The history of the NRA and the rot and anti-Americanism he can events of recent strikes in t h i s nadigest in the daily papsrs, we guess R A D I O <SANG we didn't miss much, especially as! tion indicate that many - American we heard the ''Rev." gentleman on industrialists would like to see duplithe radio with Rabbi Bekowitz who cated in this country the destruction is responsible for getting Holmes j of labor attained by Hitler. To out here. Holmes won the grand' achieve their purposes the German prize from the American Jewish or- industrialists selected the Jews as ganization this year for having done "goats," thus adding popularity to the most for Jewry of any organiza- the Hitler' battalions. The statetion in America. We believe this is ments of General McAlexandsr and the first time, a "Christian" ever has his newspaper protagonist indicate PffTSY KELLY • NflNCY GRRROLL received it. Holmes' outstanding feat, that there are business interests in GETIE RRYMOND- MiTZY GREEN seems to have been the defense of; America who would not hesitate to RALPH MORGAN -SID SILVERSall sorts of radical activities . . . adopt similar tactics. The Jews must Rabbi Wise, formerly of" Portland, eye with never-ceasing vigilance a n d THE BOSWELL SISTERS Hror the Sons Hits: is also active in many kinds of radi- every group organized in the name I F I HAD A MHXIOK I>OIXABS" "SWEET OF YOU" cal activities . . . Mr. Holmes is also of "law and order," every group cne of the editors of the World Tomorrow, a radical socialist magazine . . . Mr. Holmes is an avowed enemy of Hitler and has denounced him all over tre country . . . Maybe that's where he got his Jewish m:dal. Hitler's fight is not on the Jews as A two-story frame Colonial. Has 4 such, but on their communistic ideas. rooms on .first floor. 3 large bedrooms, Hitler has fired all the communists and tile bath—2nd floor. Finished room on 3rd floor. Plenty of closet space. out of public office and as most of Canvassed walls throughont. Hot water them are Jews, they have disguised beat. Oil burner. Owner has purchased larger home and is anxious to Ken. the real reason for their- expulsion aA decided bargain at $5,900. Terms. Call by a claim that it was "race preju- Mr. Nelson for appointment to inspect. dice." I t got so bad that Clara Zetkin, a Jewess communist active in Red activities for many years, actually opened the Reichstag, howling,
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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year . • Advertising rates furnished on application
Editorial Office: 490 Brandeia Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center QAVID BLACKER - - - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - — - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street
that considering the events of that country, we could no longer believe Schuschnigg's assurances. Since then, t h e proof has once again been supplied that Schuschnigg h a s had h i s fingers crossed when he spoke of equality for Austrian Jews. To climax the ghettoizing of school children and t h e wholesale discrimination against Jewish employes and professionals, t h e Austrian government this last week deprived seventy-six naturalized Austrian-Jewish citizens of their citizenship rights. This move is expected to affect at least 30,000 Jews who became citizens in Austria after 1919. I t also means that henceforth no Jew can become an Austrian citizen. Also, thousands of Jews will lose their jobs as they lose their citizenship. While t h e Austrian government blandly told the world of Jewish equality in Austria, they took t h e most drastic step in modern civilization. Not even Czarist Russia, not even Hitler Germany dared revoke the citizenship of Jews in t h e country. Energetic protest by the world powers made Austria retreat when she attempted to ghettoize Jewish school children, and similar action should be taken a t once if the Schuschnigg regime is to be brought to its senses.
We Jews in Palestine set out to solve a peculiar racial or national problem—the Jewish problem. But what has developed? I don't think there can be any question but that Jewish Palestine is helping to solve that problem. But what has happened has been more than that —It seems to me that while solving the Jewish problem—we have shown how the economic problem of the world can be solved. Palestine has prosperity. All right, you will tell me that there is not a car in every garage in Palestine, nor Human Needs a chicken in every P°t- But the fact remains nevertheless, that fn spite of Human needs—human wants—searing t h e soul of the "syman immigration of 50,000 last year, pathetic . . . stir us on the eve of the twelfth annual Community For All Interested in Palestine there is a shortage of workers In PalChest campaign for $554,800, which constitutes t h e community "Lashonah Haboh BTTerushalayim" as a phrase has become estine—at a time of world depression.
The Week in Review
tions: "It is the reserve army of the Palestine because Palestine was an unemployed which makes possible empty land. And I answer you that capitalistic exploitation of labor. Palestine was never quite as empty as large stretches of Texas, New Mexico, RETURN TO QUESTION Vermont, Maine or even sections of If my argument fails to convince New York state. you that the solution of the world's Think it over, and then when you •conomic problem is free immigration have arrived at an opinion agreeing and free land—then I return again with mine, run for Congress on an with my original question "How do American Zionist platform. What is you explain Palestine's prosperity?" being done in Palestine can be done Your answer perhaps, that it was here. It's the program that is impossible to achieve this prosperity in portant.
fund for twenty-eight separate institutions. An erroneous impression has been created among many that federal relief has obliviated any necessity for such agencies as benefit from the campaign. On the contrary, t h e necessary welfare work to be assumed by such agencies has increased. The care of dependent and crippled children, the aged, youth building, and the needy and unfortunate looking t o these twentyeight institutions call forth our maximum liberality. Food must be supplied for the soul as well as t h e body. The citizenry must carry their responsibility, for upon their generosity depends the rebuilding of lives and the alleviation of infinite and untold suffering. •All citizens of all races and all creeds from all walks of life must unite in putting this campaign across. I t is a sacred obligation upon which we cannot and must not default Our traditional liberality thrwarts misery and want.
reverent in historical intensity. Though that phrase has echoed ZIONISM FOR THE and re-echoed through Jewish hearts and minds for centuries, WORLD it was more of a'dream than even a hope, until concrete steps We have all heard these stories, we say it proves that Zionism is were taken for i t s translation into a Jewish National Homeland aandgood thing for the Jew. But it in Palestine. Zionism offered a solution when the first World seems to me time to go beyond this. Zionist Congress met in 1897; t h e Balfour Declaration was the It seems to me time that we proclaim Zionism as a possible solution for the turning point in Palestinian development. world's economic problem. But much water has passed under the bridge since Pales- There are at present three types of organization: Democracy, tinian upbuilding has become a reality. And in that time Zionism economic Communism and Fascism. I propose itself has undergone vast transformations. No longer can Zion- that we add to that Zionism. ists agree even on the aims of Zionism, let alone on the methods Zionism, mind you, not for the solution of the Jewish problem alone; to be pursued in best upbuilding a Jewish homeland. Wisely, but a broader Zionism—an economic therefore, the Zionists have taken a sound course in calling upon Zionism for the various nations of all Jewish people in the various communities—regardless of their the world. outlook upon Palestine—to support t h e National Conference on I POINT TO PALESTINE Palestine, to be held January 20 in Washington. This all-Jewish My thesis is that Communism, Fasconference, it is hoped, will find a common platform upon which cism, and even democracy have been found wanting from the economic all the Jewish people may join in building a stronger Jewish home- standpoint. In an economic Zionism, The Guild Returns land. Morris Rothenberg, president of t h e Zionist Organization of I see the solution for the economic of the world. In saying The past few years we have missed the wholesome and re- America, declares that his group is launching a most concentrated problems that, I think I am standing on inconfreshing amateur productions which were annually presented by campaign to harness into the services of upbuilding Palestine the testible ground. The condition to Palestine testifies for itself. the Center Players Guild on the Jewish Community Center stage. great body, of Jewish public opinion in the United States. It is well to bear in mind t h e truth of his statement that if Now, in olden days, one would hare The youthful enthusiasm of the actors and actresses, their fresaid that Palestine prosperity was due quent approach to near-professional histrionics, their evident en- Palestine can absorb only tens of thousands now instead of huiv- to the fact that Palestine is a holy joyment a t t h e opportunity for self-expression—all created an at- dfeds of thousands, it is not t h e fault of t h e Jewish National land—a land in which the sun once mosphere about the Guild which placed it high on the Center Homeland—it is the fault of the Jews of the Diaspora who fail to stood still—a land in which the laws of nature were suspended and miraprogram. give the support necessary to develop the maximum opportunity cles were a matter of course. The Guild has evidently been missed by many, for this year for Jewish settlement in Palestine. And it was only last week that Palestinians today, however, claim to work no miracles so that if this it is being revived with more enthusiasm than ever. I t is not con- James C. McDonald made it clear at the meeting of the Refugee phenomenal thing of prosperity has fining its activities to play-producing, but goes further afield High Commission of the League that Palestine is, the only coun- occurred there. It merely means that the economic program embraced in in providing the chance for creative self-expression in art, scenic try where Jews can be permanently settled in large numbers. Zionism is one that will lead to prosdesigning, costuming, and allied subjects — molding for itself Rothenberg challenges American Jewry tojdemonstrate that perity. ^ - - - -.-«„•-•--.-.:•.•-.-..-**•;. a workshop or laboratory for the study of the stage in all its they are prepared to give a mighty impetus t o " n e t w o r k s of PalZIONISM branches; Three plays will be presented a t nominal charge -— estine reconstruction—"latent sympathies must b ^ converted into ECONOMIC Now. if this Is so^ bur next step "Another Language," ' T h e Golem," and "Night Over Taos." Such concrete support; indirect assistance must now be transformed should be to find out just what the economic program of Zionism is. a program is ideal, for its does not attempt to encompass too many into direct co-operation." I think everyone will agree with productions, i t provides splendid entertainment, and a t the same me, that the two principal points of time not only stresses the legitimatei drama in English but also the Zionist economic program have PREJUDICE IS DIMINISHING been the opening of the doors of the helps keep alive t h e Jewish stage by its presentation of drama By Booth Tarkington, Famous Novelist. country to immigration and the land taken from Jewish life. All—young or old—are welcome to parApparently the resurgence of political anti-Semitism is not program of the Jewish National Fund. ticipate in the Guild's activities a t the Jewish Community; Center, If we consider that the ideal of the purely the product of a world's disordered economy. True, we Jewish National Fund is that the land a project which merits the whole-hearted suppbrjt of t h e comhave a world of disordered economy; but political anti-Semitism belongs to the whole people, we may munity^ ••.".•..-'• is certainly older than t h e present disorder. History records say—that the ideals of economic Zionism are: immigration and free land. many, political anti-Semitic movements in the past and they have A Defeat for Bigotry AN ECONOMIC hot always been in evidence in times of economical disorder. LABORATORY As the smoke'screens clear from the ejection battlefields of I do not believe that there i s any possibility in America of In other words, Palestine has been last week, several significant events stand forth from the Jewish transplanting the kind of race hatred that exists today in Ger- an. economic laboratory, In which at v i e w p o i n t . V • ;; - • - ' ; v ' : '.." • ' > . ".;.•.';. : V ; • ; - . . ; . . - • "•'•[•...•} many ; though when I say this I ought to explain that I don't a t a time of universal depression, it has Of prime significance was the crushing defeat of Representa- all understand this particular race hatred, so-called. I don't be- been proven that free immigration and lani can bring prosperity. tive Louis T. McFadden of Canton, Pa., an avowed anti-Semite lieve-that the German people, as a people, hate Germans of Jew- accessible : If we look back to our early Amerwho has aligned himself with the Silver Shirts, Royal Scott Gul- ish descent and Hebrew faith. Ill-treatment of Jews in Germany ican history," we will see that it was combination indeed, which den, the Nazi agents in t h e United States and other anti-Jewish seem| to me to be part of t h e present dictatorship's political pol- this brought prosperity to early America. movements. He had served in the House for twenty consecutive icy and not the manifestation of a universal racial passion; though When the doors of the country were years. During the last session of/Congress^ McFadden was par- doubtless t h e dictatorship maintains itself largely by its appeal opened, to" all,-and when there was not a frontier to which the landless ticularly vitriolicin his anti-Jewish^addresses, charging that, the to the egoist fundament that is the base of racial passion. man could go and stake himself to exploded and fabricated Protocols were true and claiming an "in- ; Race hatred in this country seems to me to be sporadic and some land, America spelled opportunternational Jewish conspiracy." His defeat in Pennsylvania em- local. As I can't imagine the prevalence of anything that might ity But when the frontier was phasizes that the American.people will not tolerate such bigotry be called a reign of such hatreds, I therefore can't imagine a pro- gone through land monopolization and the doors of the country were closed and racial prejudice as marked the shameful public career of gram that would avert this unimaginable reign. —Prosperity disappeared in thin air. McFadden. Racial prejudices exist among us, of course; just as religious APPEAL TO COMMON Another important sidelight in the elections comes from New prejudices still do, here and there. But the prejudices amount to SENSE York, where Governor Herbert'H. Lehman was re-elected by the hatreds with eccentric individuals only, and more and more di- Does this sound very theoretical? largest plurality ever recorded by a New York gubernatorial On the contrary, I think the program minish as the years pass by. of economic Zionism is so simple that candidate. The Nazis in New York had come out strongly for it would occur to the most ordinary (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.) John F . Hylan, independent candidate. The Nazi leaders had mortal. Take your most elementary sort of claimed that they had welded German-American voters into a human, and to reduce the problem to remove stones from premises not besingle toting unit, yet only a total of 10,000 wrote in the name longing to thee unto thy. own prem- a grasp which will not stagger him, of Hylan, despite the Nazi claims and boasts and exhortations. GEMS of the BIBLE ises?" He laughed a t the pious man. say to him: Here in the town of MidBest of all, in YorkviJIe, the center of Nazi propaganda, Hylai) At a later <L;te the man was com-dletown, there are three hundred peoand TALMUD pelled to sell his land, and while ple who are unemployed. What shall only received 220 votes. This indicates that while a few Nazi By O. O. DASHES walking on the public • highway in we do with them? Do you think we leaders were making a lot of noise, their din was greater than coin some new money? Do you front of bis former land, he stumbled should their strength. Actually, they had no real power and politically Let the wicked forsake his way, and over the very stones he had once think we should put them on the dole And what would his answer be? He they a r e negligible . . . a strong blow to the Nazi movement in the man of iniquity his thoughts, and piled up. He then exclaimed: "O, howwould say, "Well, why dont you put let him returnunto the Lord, and He right that pious man was." them on the land lying on the outthis country. will have compassion upon him. skirts of Middletown. There they , To top i t off, the "voters of the country, elected eleven Jewish For My thoughts are not your Rabbi Ami and Rabbi Assi were could raise food for themselves and sitting before Rabbi Isaac Napcha. have very cheap rent That much candidates to Congress, the largest number in t h e history of the thoughts; neither are your ways My One was asking him to say some traoccur to the most simple inways. For as the heavens are higher country. All in all, the ballot box last week registered a devastat- than the earth, so are My ways and ditional law, and the other requested would dividual.** him to say some Agada (story). When But perhaps what he wouldn't realing punch to the solar plexus of bigotry and intolerance in the My thoughts higher than yours. : he began to say some traditional law, ize is that this reform In its effects, United States. • he was interrupted by the one desir-
In the Open
I t has long been apparent to t h e observer Of the Jewish scene in continental Europe that the Austrian government under Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg was definitely anti-Semitic in unofficial policy though very conciliatory officially, in order to avpid repercussions which would alienate world sympathy. Only last week in these columns, discussing t h e Chancellor's latest pronouncement of equality for the Jewry of Austria, we stated
would go much further. For as any For ye shall go out with joy, and led forth with peace, the mountains ing Agada, and when he started to good economist will tell you, as soon and the hills shall break forth before tell a story, he was interrupted by the as the hundred unemployed were takother. He then said: "I will tell you en away from Middletown, 13ie wages you into singing. a parable. It is like unto a man whoof those remaining In Middletown has two wives—one old and a young would immediately rise. For as these TALMUD one. The young one picks his gray economists will tell you, an unemOur Rabbis were taught: One shall hair because she": wants him to look ployed" man is not only unhappy In not remove stones from Ms own prem- young and the old one picks his black himself, but his presence is the ise's to public places. It happened once hair in order that;-he may look old. means by which, even the wages.of that one did so, and a pious man who The result is that he becomes bald- those employed as-kept down. Or as was passing by at the time said to headed. So it fc with me—I am not Karl Marc nimself once put it, wtth-i oot, I believe, seeing the full Implicahim: "Thou ignoramus, why dost thou able to say anything.
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.16, ISM perman, ZRGSE 3>olgoff,Z£diSi ZEpstein, 3 £ l h y f l i f ftrfpp SKtnick, TifiTfe™ Gareiick, -Gertrude GUSE, ZRasella ZHannler, Aim» ZKuznit, The J . C C.-Psi J i u ZHatinee dances ZBess Z^OrEhenbaum, Sara ZSIara "TTnf3a}y ZfLiuunier, rgarah ZLevine,
of Israel A Tegular meeting of the Daugb-
3Heven ineniiieTS "w«ne elected t o terB nf Israel Aifi «Bociety -will "be held Qie ^Board of GOTETHOTS X£ &B T a a d Tuesday, jfsovember 20, at £ p. in. lulu ti 'welU-attEnded ZffialashocZk, ZJesnnettE ZMoskovitz, Soa t "the s£ini-anrinal .iraeeting j a t "the Jewisli DM ^Peoples 'Hairre, | These Tbmr<f*si -roll rnntiiiitp Olanfi, Goldie lielii ISonday EVEning a t iiie "B'nsi 2o04 Charles street. flay .afternoons. Special miveliies ZCrJesmaii, Zlsdbel -Rosenblatt, ZRn£h SSAll members are •urged to sttena. ct Tall ieatune "the Bynagogue. aase: IS. 'Bm&Usht, Zfairs, acanuing to ZHEnry Sinsberg, -ver, ZRose Sacks, Goldie Seidman, ZRose TheeZteven ZEifif, ZBeas Swaxtz, ZFreda Buffer, S a - ZO* vlrounse, S . « ^^ITIHTIJ ^VI die Tatelman, ZBettyE Tuchman, ZpopnlaT lEuuest i h e ZBay A . Sshwanzkni, ZB. ZEazlowsKy, Sam •pators "will Tqraiyi burnish "fop , -J. Shyken, ZE. ZBloch, M . ZPo3ffixt ZSunday. ZDonr ^prizes a n d Iffaram "Wsinberg and Julia Zukor. lash and JEL TtT ladies "Labor Xyceum club v.'ill i u r e d :**n i^r^^iiii'HiP'iii*. TjctH J3fi iorAt "£he ranclusian of meeting next pxugram, hold an Important xmporta! nished. "WETE
Ladies ILabor .Lyceum
On the occasion of OUT first annir;- in business, TTB wish to exDUr deep curfi heartfelt tlianta to our mac?" friends and patrons for their co-operation and confidence. "We xejiledge ourselves to serve -your hest interests.
32NGAEEBIENT AmiDUiiC ment "was made ihis -week Tuesday evening, Jlovemher 2D, at 5 Sigma 3hr. una "Mrs. D. "<C. Golaner tan-; of "the Engagement and approaching p. m All memberE are urpred to atEETCENS TROM amnnce ihe engagement nof i l i B i r of Tfftgg ZZEbyllis ZBIae tend, as the f orthcotning concert will Alplm M B fraternity .Baughter, "Miss TVfarfan Gnianex, ±o nfF ZSEW "York, daughter of "MT. ;anfl IVTisr? Matrianne Coxenman be discussed. ^efrEEnmentE •will be ZBIr. ZRobert ZRosenthal, son of air. ami ZJirs. PaTnTtqi Tulin uf ZfiaTtfnrd, donn., lutned :from M i3rrsermmr& stay in Jack E. llpstein -was one of fee 12 servefl. Meet on Monday City, ~whsre The org-anizatiori xomounceE that ±o ZKr. ZDavifl ZSher, :san of ZDr. and IIET students ±D be elected to IBeta GamJirother-in-larw and -lister, the iirst concert of tlie fall season date i a s Zbeen set -fnr tfhe -weu-^ 33!T£. ZEhlLip !Shsr xif Omaha.. A Tegular meeting of ±be ladies' ma Sigma, Imnraxy national Inuis 3ELats. •roll be held Sunday Evening, Novemding. i s a social HEES administration -Iraiernity, xm the Taad Ansiiiary -will be 5sM Mawi&y in -NEW ZXnrk, is a gxauuate Uehraska xmrrarsity campus a± lia- afternomi, "Kovember I S , at 2 p . an. Jaer 25, at E 33. m. at the Xabor Xy: "WAFFLE PAETT Smifli's An address Ijy Hr. Olga Btastasy fpnTti buiiding, 22nd and Clark. 'COUCK-6BEENBLATIE coin. A diversified pro-nam naE been ZMr. Shsr, ^wio graduated i r o m Cen- Miss Irra lindennan EnteTtained at Irving X Hfll and Jack G. Epstein on ""The "Woman a t -40" anfl m ZENGAGZEMENT g jirsparefl anfl s. beautiful door prize "Mr. a n d TVTTS. TfnT-ry iP-rwriift^trH-. ^jn- t r a l ZHigb. Bcfajool 3n Omaha, obtained a -waffle party at i s r iame morous Trading " f a y 3irs. M. J i S i ^ '3mvB JsaiSng narts in ^ I E ann'will "be given away. IDveryone is in-«»tign»Pnn»wf. ing jjroauction, "Wednesday Child,"" "will iestuxe tns :fheir nls ZbachsIoT tS. science and legal Se3>y Admissitm is twenty-five xxms. 3>oraihy Prizes ^reES s t ZHarvard Tmlveraity, graduflaughter,, "Hiss Tfarrmfc •Grpgrfl)1*rtt,) rtD presented l?y ifae University Players Tlans s r e progressing -fchs Chodak. attng '.wlQi cum lauflc -honors iJdth ZSIr.IHarry Colick,sannfIJSr.antlZMis. of "Nebraska. Qiird armnal carnival-bazaar, "to be of tunes. B e is n o w counsel ZCui" General Xldlick. Arnold ZLevine nf ZEosalie, Z3Seb.,jsp by ihe auxiliary Sunday Junior Society to DKPEOGEAM ZHr. Gblick iis 1a graduate .of Crelgh- 3HotnrB in 3Jew l o r l u and "Henry ZEiekes of Omahay~werej evening, December 2, st i t e city The Haeobsnn .Sisters' .aripsareii -will take nplaceZNi ton university. ~He 3B -affiliated p Meet Kext Monday initiated into His fraternity ZMonasy, jaudituriiaii. ZErs. B, ZBruwn -is general
. , Heal Estate Vonopement
on a ^program in Washington, D. C , 32. i cfaainnan, and "MTS. 32L Bynagngtre ZRabbi ZStephen B. ZWise last -week with Dr. "Will Durant, -sefifc-. •November Benny ZMeroff and ihe jnembers of jiaum is ticket chairman, ne Zlield a t the home of ZMiss "Esther ja£ficiating. £r and pnilosopher. ZKAZHLAN-GROSS ZENGAGEHENT his orchestra "were dinner guests atj ZMrs. ZN. Greenberg and "UTTR. "W. 102S Mercei- boulevard, !HIE 3acobson sisters, 3na, "violiniat; Hie Jlraternrty Zitause. IMr. Henry Gross annmincEs ~&nz eniZMilder are in diarge uf iifae JJTO;y evening. ZNovember IS. Bara Jacobson Erstein, comEtist, and .sagement of Tiis daughter, Helen, "to 'Several ^nembers of ihe Sigma AZr- j gy Ijeen -pia H n iouse i>lari to attend the Ue- j Uanths Tsrill i e attracthfely iixed j mll p pianist, lave freguentiy ZHr. ZHaxtin iEaiman, ison iff ZMr. xmfl 1INGAEEHENT Zhas Zbeen : ieard in i Dmaha, h their hi :native city. Mrs. I I . Tvaimnn of Glenwnoa, 3 a . t XatciEnce -nest Sat- Ujp ^ Q - ^ E xtffair, and "caxied Errteivi- ; •&£ nf IMisB Gertrude Tiey arE now residing in ifce capital. nrdayA-mrmg iiese axe Arnold Xfi- tainment will i e offered ±0 those atZLtss J&ngeleB iao ZMr. J.arvis vine, Senry Swnriz, Irvmg ^HilL tending. UEWIS-DOLGgEF of ZZHr. 5an'd Mxs. 3 1 . ZTNTEKNE^G iEreiden, 3?i Xanihrla ZFHi
MAEY STEIN Style Eestanrsnt Complete Enshor Style BMLI
75c MTNCEES (Private "Dininp Ilocrm far Parties. Clobe and Small W«ddinj!s REASONABLE
ZDr. ZZDavZul "Victor yv^ri'TimniTn nf Barry "Weinstein and Xarl iBraver- ThB book review group of the axxxniary will meet a t -fee hamE of DtLrs. j Goi'rectivn ^hanrjroo trcatmentK ftrr and JiLrs. 12. S . DolgnH Ereioen, formerly nf Dmana, Chicago, Zffi., a graduatti uf & e TMHL ^UTKtein, 2907^ J o f l j e street,] motmce the engagement cff :&elr farittle, dandrnS: and fallinj: in lusineas in^aPaso.lEex. "versrty uf ng a t ihe 3B • hair Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. 'dsaghter, ^ElizafaeSi, ijo 3ir. TTmry The -wedding -will "take ;pTase Port;on A BoaplesJ; oil shampoo treatment ang-liters «f Zion ZZftabbi U T I ZMiller -will Teview "The 1«wiB, BOH of 3Hr. and Tffrs. ^,. TLercis, ly after Ihe ^Qrst uf &B -.tor ^very tlry scnlp, c ciennsinj; t HS Jewish "Woman," the iiiird ^volume in xcf iihis city. ELAK 3>ANCE A plain shampoo and WednesSay iiffi Jewish Ziibrary series composed date i a s "been set i o r Cominittees are -at m n t TD CAEIFOENIA _ aneeting of ife ZDaughters nf by ZDr. ZLeo Jung. -AH rmembers rf ifiar the ^annual dance tS ihe ZMr. land ZMrs. Gail ZMargrilm, ZHILDEED TTEBB ZZinn will be ifilfi "Wednesday after- p » "^aad .Auxiliary are ZZMrs. ZZLouis ZMargolin, ZMr. ZHarold Society nf iiie Thmm AT-281S HJNEN SHOWER ZDofige JAckson 63S6 moon -at i&e 3 . C. C. at 2:30 jx milaTgnlin of TTimgirf: City, and ZMr. and gngue, to be ield on Sunday, Iffiis. J. GoldwarE entertained iifty -will be "preceded by a board 3Pa±ronEffi JewMi ZEress advertisers. .A. ZB. ZErieaman XJ£ Sions City ber :23, at i i e Txmtenelle "iiotel Iball;Eue«ts at a linen shower :at l e r luane jneeting at Zl:30 p. m. a t 3BD125o. 27th street, last TTnesoay A Tepurt -will Ire xenaered on the attend a ^national iice laitenrnnon, 'in lioncir of Hiss Baxah xummage sale and "fee card JJ«LTI>>. xortvEntion iin J3an 5!rancisco. ^olnmonov:, a Ttecember irridBrto-be. ^Erom^fherEiiey-will go to Xos i & ATI members of the urbanization BATISFACTIOTs 15 DI3E SUCCESS Mrs. Irving Pazoff entertainEa a t -a geles, Torflana and Seattle. "They will Hffi ViSJNXiUN are urged i o attend ihe adcteess hy -A largfi 'Omana Ofilsgaiiun, Ikitchen shower Saturuay aiigit 3or i e gone labout & month. ZPhilip ZBaskni, nntsd ZKational ZFund tmeu Ijy TVTrs. 3Hax 2-ianOdn, local -svarker, ±o be given a± the ZB'nai JB-; Solomonow. spansax, "attended i i e Junior Badassynagosue this evening. Tgih BDutrrwestsm xegional oanvsntum Offices ield in IDes IliomeB last ~week-ena. IHxs. X U. 2Ziegman JE atiamfi iram delegates of the Omaha JDr. -Ben iShitzky has urmounced The St. Joseph linspital recovering rfhe opening of offices 3ar ihe prac'For the "WEre ihe chapter an appendectomyOMAHA? STTLZ CSNTrf, U1H ANT ZKn ZEine, ZDora ZEresfaman, i d i l A a t 627 Heidical _Arts tice
at Becreaiifinal Center
3Eannie ZHJatelman, Jeannette Z^esnick,
Ur. Slutzky ^scenily xetumen to and Sarah German. after ^spending ionr yeaxs iin • Among others attending i h e ennnreution "were i h e ZMisses ZROSE Airram-
Bon, Betty ZBurstein, ZEOSE ZBan, Bess Ilnngs, iin mew "York City. Bernstein, ZZeZtSa Charney, Sybil COBE "fa^w ^ifeen apuointed a ZZH.ZH. Sogdlow, formerZ51rysical Tli-: -lector trf the Jewish ^|<H*'^^****ty Cen— nf ihe faculty JDI ins medical school at ier in Omaha, Zis ZDirectar;<af ihe Creightmi 'Council ZHouse, a. -neiBhTHirhDoB i e >nreational center modeled after Bull ZBanse xrf Chicago and Bponsoreu Zby Jack 3Senny Stars i n dthe fit. ZLouis section nf ihe Council nf Jewish "Women. jRetnre •Cnxmcil ^Fouse Zhas a memnershni •tS. E00 children Tanging ±rmn itoe 3aek Itomy (nee Subels^y), ages of 6 to 18, and Is staffed Ijy 75 camedian ol stagE ana xadio, is "volunteer workers drawn entirely playing "with IUE "iradio sang" at ±faE •frmn i:hf> Senior and Junior Council iitcatsr f "Women. The Senior Council alanc, Transatlantic 3Kerry-GoTRnuna." "33ie xansists of 700 ^members ^anfl JB DUEHIjTi^mrl iny> 0C3St i o r of ihe most active and "highly ires- dudes 3»atsy EeCy, 3»e=ted womeri'fi clubs in ihe city xsf Gene Saymonfl. 31itzy Green, J3L Xouis. ISIctrsan, Sin Silvers anfl. ihe 3OSWE11 Since September Zl, ZSogblow "has isters. Temodeled and Egurpped a "buildmg, _Also jm ihE pTograni i s s. coniEuy ,and has orsanized. a jiruaram nf ^B- featuring E l IBrendel, xssatianal and .social activities lor Jeaturette -with "Rear Grange. 2 Droia Tabs EDO children. The institution xonsists; nf a rplaygrounn, game Tooms, club arooms, music rioom, a r t Tooms *mfl ZH— Bnscness Zbrary. Although activitiEs ZhavE Zbeen in ZMaurice Z3E. ZFlfiishman T'T'S ATHM*. TCT. iull Bwhig .a month ur morE, a ZZfor- Soskin :ar£ •jhm -wsek xftraendng "fiffi 3nal city wide npenhig will take rplacE ZfirstauniveTsary i n Tmstness nESbeisZnZNovember ^lst and will continue iiar and Soskin, aealing Zin insurance, BBE week. JTTflfflTty TTt'r'IHHa*''""'-111-
BistmctiTe aXET CLEASESB Trrery 3!ime: ICE. 1500
Goodbye Drudgery! Hello Happy Mondays!
240fi Famam
2815 ramam St.:
*y ~at Ctmumis xmd Save, in "November
le! Finer Rirlil v Fur Tr i
Black Fax
ly 69.5O DWB Otis TThnr 'OnmritTiui.utri j 'The jnoBel aalinvE ^ the wantsn Cohttoental
Stdcfiy Banfl-THafle iEvery 3pa5r Df ^irifcEQman jnacea 3B low ^ B ^S5D *D §ia.aD
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;, Only $5 Down BBJOBCS £csy Terms
Nebraska Power Co
H e uniBt esguiatE -wookn Mmcf s^led In anfl sbqily yMjtpiry iw^i lasmiaas far—«a^i «yle masss* taken iram amr raoi asgolar ^ r a f e ^
s f c rf feaar nguaKty isnmrranmeS coals.
Fashions of the Fashionable
*• •i s
FOR THE STREET — Ultra smart is this fall street dress of soft wool with its long bib of black galyak. The bib, fastened to the dress with t w o rhinestone clips, is detachable. Beautiful Thelraa Todd of the m o v i e s wearing it.
PRESIDENT DONS ACADEMIC ROBES—Crowds which gathered in Williamsburg, Va.t for the presentation to President Roosevelt of the degree of doctor of laws by William and Mary college, are pictured, with an inset of the president receiving his academic robes. The occasion marked inauguration of John Stewart Bryan as nineteenth president of the college.
TOOT-TOOT FOR LEGION—Sarah Griffin, pretty Miami, Fla., bathing girl, overhauls the whistle of a French-type engine, so familiar to overseas veterans, which was built especially for the parade ' during the American Legion convention in Miami week of Oct. 22.
< " r
FATHER'S AWAY — Unaware that his father, Bruno Hauptmann, is in jail at Flemington, N. J., to be tried for the murder of the Lindbergh baby, little-Mannfried : Hauptmann plays his toy piano in the Hauptmann home in the Bronx, New York.
'" -e
% • I
i in PILGRIMS AT EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS—Assembled in Palermo park, Buenos Aires, Argentina, some of the 500,000 Catholic pilgrims attending the thirty-second Eucharistic congress are shown with the giant white cross which formed the center for the colorful gathering. Catholics from all parts of '•• the world attended the congress.
"KID" IS GROWNUP NOW—Mary Kornman, who once .played juvenile roles in "Oar Gang" comedies, is member of a new gang now— of two members. She is pictured in Honolulu honeymooning with her husband, Leo Tover, movie cameraman. SPEED HIGHWAY—Part of the new 27-mile, three-lane high-speed boulevard from Pittsburgh to Butler, Pa., is pictured. Dedication of the road was set for Oct. 27. There are no traffic lights or grade crossings on the new road.
\±\ ,
,*< r
"I 1M
• u-'
FTVB THOUSAND BOY SCOUTS PILGRIMS TQ "TEDDY'S" GRAVE—At the grave of the late President Theodore Roosevelt at Oyster Bay, Long Island, thousands of Boy Scouts are shown massed colorfully during the annual pilgrimage 'of the young New York, New Jer,, sey and.New England "troopers". Dan "Beard, head of the organization in America is receiving a wreath from Indian Scouts during the '
memorial ceiemony-
P a g e ^ - T H E JEWISH PRESS, KUDAY, NOVEMBER 16,1984 ^^"Tl
Bridge Tea Planned CLOSE MATCHES IN BASKETBALL LOOP By Goldie Myersons
Council Bluffs News
Rabbi Goldstein Book Review on Wednesday
of Rabbi Wice will meet at the home of Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky.
The Goldie Myerson Pioneers will The second book in a series of The reign of the Psl Mu basket- give an afternoon bridge tea on SunBY F. R. K. eight will be reviewed by Eabbi fcall team at the top of the J. C. C day, November 25. David A. Goldstein Wednesday, Nopre-season cage league came to an Cta the interesting program • being B0SE5THAL-GARBEE vember 21, at the J. C. C, when be Vaad abrupt end Tuesday night as the arranged •will, be two ten-minute ENGAGEMENT will speak on Albert Halper's "The j purple-jersied fraternity men -went talks on the need of such an or- Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Garber of Min- Foundry," a story of the daily exist-1 Philip Raskin, Jewish poet and worker for Zion, will occupy the puldown before the inspired play of the ganization of Jewish young married neapolis, Minn., announce the engage- ence of the factory workers. pit at the B'nai Israel cynagogue Omaha Jobbing quint, 19 to 16. ment of their daughter, Miss Hazel A capacity audience heard his first "this evening. He is an excellent •women. The contest was easily the feature Those interested,in joining the or- Garber, to Mr. Boy Kosenthal of Gay- review, "Lamb in His Bosom,** two of the 1934-35 cage season. With ganization are asked to communicate lord, Minn., son of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. weeks ago. Season tickets are still speaker and a large crowd is exboth outfits batUing fiercely, the Psl with the.secretary, Mrs. Harry Bush, Bosenthal of Council Bluffs. The en- available from Mrs. Irvin Levin, pected. Mus gathered a slim 10 to 9 margin Kenwood 5338. gagement was announced at a dance chairman. Individual lecture tickets Conservative in the first half, mainly through the and reception given by Mr. and Mrs.]may be secured at the door before efforts of their star forward, Iz BogThis Sabbath has been set aside as Garber Monday night at the Hotel each review.donoff. The second half, was mainly Basketball Class Hadassah Sabbath at the ConservaRaddison in Minneapolis. I' • -•• ; a defensive duel, -with the quints tive SmEtoTre. Women of Hadasthose from Council Bluffs < P b for Youngsters whoAmong moving cautiously. With 30 seconds sah are especially urged to attend attended t h e engagement party remaining to play and with the crowd services evening. Rabbi David A. Club Planning Show Goldsteinthis Here's some good news for bas- were M r s . J o e Scharf a n d daughter, in a state of hysteria, the Jobbers w3l on "The Modern Miss Marian S c h a r f , Miss Ruth The play "Yonkel the Balagola," Jewish Womenspeak •were in front by one point, 17 to 16. ketball-minded Jewish lads under the Krasne, and Her Problems." Miss Pauline Bernstein, Louis• wfll be presented by the Progressive Next week Rabbi Harry The Psi Mus shot frantically for the age of 16. Beginning one week from Rosentnal Jolt of and Martin Gluckman. ; j Hebrew club at the J. CL C. Sunday Lincoln will occupy the Conservative hoop, with no success, and -with four today, Friday, November 23, Physical i No -wedding date has been set as evening, December 2, at 8 p. m., ac- Synagogue polpit while Rabbi Goldseconds to play, Jim Burroughs slip- Director liee Grossman" mil inaugur- yet.cording to announcement made by J. stein will occupy the pulnit of the ped in another basket to cinch the ate his basketball class for all Jewish boys of the city,. whether or not they "Rflrim, president. victory for the Jobbers. Burroughs Tephereth Israel congregation in Lin; was easily the outstanding player of are members of the Jewish Commun- The Council Bluffs Senior 'Hadassah All proceeds will go to the bene- coln. •' . ' • . . - • ity Center. will entertain at a tea next Wednes- fit of Jewish saiiool children in Pothe day, making nine'points. The class will get under way i t day afternoon, November 21, at 2:30 land. * Temple Close battles marked the rest of 3:30 p. m. and win continue until o'clock at the Hotel Chieftain. Mrs. . The actors and actresses are rethe play in the league, and the Quints 5 p. m. Grossman plans to hold the Herman Marowitz is chairman in hearsing regularly in preparation At services at Temple Israel this settled down to more.-pi^janizad team- class every Friday during the entire charge of this affair and is being as- for the .affair._: \ ; .. evening -starting at 8 p. in. .Rabbi work after the opening games of the basketball season, and urges all Jew- sisted by the Mesdames Max SteinFrederick Cohn will preach, the serseason. The Boulevard;Grocery team ish youths to put in their appear- berg, Harry Cohen, Ike Krasne, Philip The loan group pf the organiza- mon on -"The Challenge." after leading the. S3 Lambdas for ances. All phases of the game, In- Carp, W. Solomonow and L. Cherniak. •: Mr. Harry Disbrow -will sing a solo. three' periods, faltered in the final cluding' passing, dribbling, basket Mrs. Ben F. Margolin, "Who is afternoon. Officers ^if the loan sub- Saturday morning services will quarter, and the X. K's ioxged ahead shooting-, team work, offense aiid president of the s o u t h w e s t e rn sidiary will be elected. start at 10:30 a. m. Dr. Cohn -will to edge out a 23^ topi?'..win. The defense will be taken up. Tegion of the Senior Hadassah, will be Those who have bought shares are speak on "The Dream of Blessing." Wardrobes experienced unexpected the honored guest and principal urged to come. Those wishing to pur- This evening Rabbi David H. Wife opposition, from thel3?e-Ims, bat speaker. The program will also in- chase shares should come shortly be- vriH occupy fee pu'pit of Temple managed to come in with a .25 to 23 Reports Presentect to Emanuel" in Denver, Colo., as part elude dance solos by little Mary Lou fore the meeting starts. win. In the other contest, the power- Conservative Auxiliary Gilinsky, vocal solo by Miss Ellen Mcof the Union Tour of Congregations ful Tork Battery five took -the measKenzie, and a flute solo by Miss Marie The Ladies Auxiliary of the Pro- in connection with a nation-wide will sponsor a movement of the Union of American ure of the scrappy Aj Z. A. No. 1 ag- Reports on the. various activities Basmussen, accompanied at the piano gressive Hebrew club social meeting on : Tuesday, Novem- -Hebrew Congregations. The theme oi gregation, 19 to 11. conducted by the groups of the Con- by Miss Edith Flazinger. ber 20, at 8 p. m. at the J. C. C. the meetings this-year -will be '"The Next week's card, calls, for the servative Synagogue Auxiliary indiEabbi David H. Wice will speak. Necessity for Religious Recovery" leading Omaha Jobbers to meet the cate a highly successful financial The actors in tfte play, "Yonkel, alongside of the -efforts "that are beBoulevards on Tuesday, NoVember and social season as they -were pre- A large crowd attended the open 20. Also on that day, the Wardrobes sented by chairmen at the regular meeting and initiation of new mem- the Balagola," will present a sketch. ing put forward toward economic rebers by the Council Bluffs Lodge No. Refreshments will be served free. covery. play the Tork Battery team. meeting Wednesday at the Jewish 688 of the Independent Order of the Members and their friends are inOn Thursday, Novembsr 22, the Community Center. B'nai B'rith Monday evening at the vited. On Tuesday afternoon at 3:15 p. Psi Mus take on the A. Z. A.'s, and With reports on the bake sale, and Eagles halL Mr. O. Hochman was the the Xi Lambdas tangle with the Om- book series complete, and a promise chairman in charge of this affair and aha Jobbers. that toe revue, "Conservative Ca- gave an illustrated lecture -with spepers," will be as successful' as its cial stereoptieon slides showing B'nai sponsors hope, all will contribute B'rith activities/Fifteen new members Chesed Shel Emes substantially to the Auxiliary's "year- were" initiated into the Alfred M. Coly financial goal, chairmen believe. hen class. Among those in charge of Ball Successful All proceeds from the revue will s° the initiation with Mr. Hochman were to the building fund of the congre- Dr. Isaac Sternhill and the Messrs. The Chesed Shel Emes ball Jheld at gation. Nathan Nogg, Louis H. Katelman, Nathe J. C. C. last Sunday was a huge than Gilinsky, Sam Sacks, Abe L. KatNew members" announced by Mrs. success, both financially and socially. elman and Sam Shyken. Short talks Mrs. H. B. Milder-was chairman of the Harry Trustin, membership chair- were also given "by Dr. Abe Greenman, are the following: Mesdames H. affair, and she and her committee berg, Phil Klutznick and Max Barish. have expressed their appreciation to Isenstatt, Harry Duboff, Julius' Altman, R. Noddle/H. A. Reznick, Joall.who donated. •_ - ' seph Cohn, Reuben Vann, Jake Res- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gotsdiner -enterAssisting Mrs. Milder on her com- nick and A. Walpa. Plans are, al- tained the members of their Sunday mittee were the Mesdames S. Weinzveg, J. Goldberg, S. Fish, J. Sher- ready made for a welcome to'all new- Night Bridge club at an Armistice Day man, J. Milder, W. Milder, M: Turner, members at the December meeting, dinner party at their home Sunday J. Finkel, M. Cohen, H. Delrough, B. when a dessert luhchebn and: Chanur evening. The evening's diversion was Hoffner, and A. Paperny. kah party is to be given id. their bridge. Several men ably assisted thie wo- honor. -month3? -plans rs-|—]sif|- £ o i men in making 'tSe' 'evert^a^succesiu r Included Included among these were H. Siegel, an evening Onegl Shabbos, to" be held left-Saturday^nigSt'forteJc nome, folAbe Siegel, B. Hoffner, Leo Milder Friday night, November 30, follow- lowing a two months': visit per&^i. the and Howard Milder.: . ingg the regular service. Rabbi David home of her sorwnriais; iand daU|iife:, Mr. and Mrs. Lopis H. kateiman. Goldstein is to speak on p and Abraham (Doc) Dansky, Dr. Conn Predicts give a reading on "What tl Would Do Miss Helen Steinberg spentjthe past with Rothschild's Millions^" A social week-end visiting in Lincoln, Neb^, Social Progress hour -will follow mth women of the where she' attended the NebraskaAuxiliary as hostesses. On Novem- Pittsburgh football game Saturday. I "We are headed for the promised ber 24, at the regular bi-monthly land of social ideals," Eabbi Freder- Oneg Shabbos, Rabbi Harry Jolt of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen enterick Cohn declared Tuesday in his Iiincobi is to be the guest and tained the members, of their. Evening lecture on "The Changes of the New speaker. Bridge club at their home Tuesday Deal" before the current events r Rabbi Uri Miller of the United evening. . •', : ; class sponsored by the Sisterhood of Orthodox Synagogues, spoke to the Temple Israel. . •women on his -recent trip to Pales- The winds are always on the side-| of the ablest navigators.—Gibbon. •• He stated that America is under- tine. going a, revolution, even though it is bloodless. Greater social legislation, he opined, will be passed in the near Upholstered Furniture Rebuilt^H^tfresses future. Remade at Moderate Prices "Human society," said Dr. Cohn, "should have a social vision. Social SEAT CUSHIONS, Factory Rebuilt, $< security is the slogan of the day— Including New Spring Units a decent, heppy society with no war, no fascism, no revolution." Your present Mattress remade into a
Eabbi Cohn spoke last Monday evening at Columbus, Nebraska. He discussed "The Merchants of Death" by Hanighen before a large audience of the Federated church, the address being- under the auspices v£ the Columbus Women's club. Next Tuesday before a group of the First Methodist church, Rabbi Cohn will review "Dusk at the Grove" by Samuel Rogers, the Atlantic prize novel, and also "Captain Nicholas" by Hugh Waipole.
Junior Congregation Mr. and Mrs. A. Schwaczkin will be hosts to the members of the Junior Congregation this Saturday morning, in observance of their -wedding anniversary. The Junior Congregation meets Saturday morning at 10:15 a. m. at the B'nai Israel synagogue. Flans are proceeding for a theater party, to be given for the members of the Junior Congregation on Friday morning, November SO. Law is not law, if it violates the principles of eternal justice.—Child.
Arrange for Monthly Sisterhood Luncheon The regular monthly Sisterhood luncheon will be held Monday, December S, at Temple Israel at 1 o'clock. Those wishing to make reservations are asked to phone Mrs, Dave Rosenstock, Walnut 7546.
junior Vaad to Conduct Forum The Junior Vaad will hav« charga of the forum after services at the B'nai Israel synagogue Friday. The subject to be discussed will be: *T.esolved, that every Jew Ought to Go to Palestine." The general public ia invited. At a drawing held by the Junior Vaad Tuesday, first prize was a ton of coal and second an automobile battery.
Mark Leon Says ,.. \jft me protect ynnr interests . . . 1 write INSDRANCE of every dcwetiptlan ino!-:<3ine CIFE. in strensr. rcjiabi* compauirs OXLY . Let's talk It over
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$5.98 Values
Re-Im Planning for Private Dance Party The Re-Im dub is making arrangement for a private dancing party, to be given in the near future. The dub held a big pep rally at the last meeting! Featured on tbe program of entertainment was Jack Prieden. Isadora Soskin and Charles Slotkin made talks.
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luxurious Innerspring Mattress Try a large bottle of our Lustre Furniture Polish—the best you ever used-
Call TTM. A. LETET, Manager
Conservative ''Revue" Perfecting Its Acts With less than three weeks left in which to perfect performance, and to costume and stage the revue, "Conservative Capers," the. sponsors, tbe women of the Conservative Synagogue, are working tirelessly to finish their individual tasks. The revue ia to be given.the night of December 5, at the Central High school auditorium, "with a cast of 150 adults and children. Milton Rieck is directing it. ' -• That staid business men are turning chorus girls,- arid some of Oma» ha's most prominent Jewish matrons are to be "belles of the Gay '90's'" are only a few of the many surprises in store for the audience that will see the curtain rise on this production. One of the highlights of the production is to be the -finale of the first act into which- this 19-scena revue is divided. It will be presented by 50 children, all Mother Ginse characters in the ^cene "Cinderella's Wedding." . : I Mrs. A. D. Prank is ticket chairman, assisted by Mrs^. Irvin Stalmaster and Mrs. Harry Maloshock. '
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W H A T an Opportunity This I s . . . Hunk of i t . , . but don't think too l o n g . . i because hundreds of women will be literally running to our Nelly Don shop for these great values! You know Nelly Don Quality • *. and Nelly Don fashion . , . so you can imagine what a near riot it will be when 400 dresses from our regular stock are of-£eyed at such low prices! Nelly Dons for Street, Business, Sport, School and Afternoon Wear. Sizes 12 to 44
Warning to Jewry : Newsies to Have Out of the West Thanksgiving Feed :
Jabotinsky to Join World Congress Executive Paris, (WNS) — Vladimir Jabotinsky,'leader of the Zionist Revisionists, is epected to become a member of the eecutive of the World Jewtwo Jewish state executives, Lehman ganized shortlv. ; . .,
Through the generosity of Sioux (Continued from-Page 3.) New York, (W.N.S.)—Confronted Vienna (J. T. A.).-r-Seyenty:six naCity business men and the efforts in i colored races; destruction of governwith heavy losses because Orthodox turalized Austrian Jewish citizens collectihg the fund, by Mr. A. M. 1 ment and -similar acts, to the end of Jew* are observing the rabbinical lost their citizenship, when the AusMiss ANNA PILL, Correspondent Davis, president of the Federation of establishing a greater Jewish empire ban on all poultry not bearing tii2 1 trian government ordered the revo: Jewish Social Service ; 125 newsboys than Abraham ever heard of." q—B»« iiliiiii e g of. label of the Kashruth Association, BMHM»< will again have their annual Thanks- Kev. received cation of their papers. Rev. Matthews' remarks recei more than half of the 132 poultry •This is the first time that the longI-KOX & 1VR/TE, Attorney* giving dinner in the Jewish Commu- considerable attention", yet "surprismarkets in New York have bowed t.o City National Bank Bldg. standing threats to cancel the citinity Center. ingly few newspapers contested the zenship papers of Jews naturalized the rabbinical ultimatum and signed The dinner,-which will include tur- validity and authenticity of his statethe World War have actually agreements with the Association NOTICE OF INCOKPOUAT1ON OF key, pumpkin pie, and all the trim- ments.; The old aphorism that "It isafter LEVTIS TACKINO CO. pledging themselves to accspt rabbibeen carried out. Orders making: mings that go with Thanksgiving wili easy to be militant in Oshkosh, dif- them citizens were approved by thenieal supervision of kashruth and to Notice is hereby given that a corporaShaare Zion Congregation will be served to all newsies of the city, ficult to be even passive on Main has been formed under the laws of • place the special labels of the Asso- I -on State of Nebraska. The name of the * honor the fathers and sons of theregardless of race or religion. A pro- street" holds deplorably true among Vienna Diet prior to the Fascist as- ciation on all kosher slaughtered rlie corporation is LEWIS PACKING CO.-Its ^ synagogue, Monday evening, Novem- gram will follow th€j dinner. . . - - most of the west's publications; "They sumption of -power. prinoipnl • pliicv of business is Omahn. . The government move, which was poultry. Douglas County, Nebraska. " ' ber 19, in the social hall of the syndeplore Fascism", in "Germany and Widespread picketing of recalci- The genernl nature of the business of " not unexpected in view of Chancellor Jtaly, but say distressingly little Sioux City Jewry •will meet at the agogue. Elaborate plans have been markets by Orthodox Jews, the corporation is to liny, purchase, own, Mount Sinai about It in Oregon, Washington and Kurt Schuschnigg's known desire to trant Jewish Community Center next Tues- completed for an entertaining prorabbinical students and Chassidim i> hold, lease, exchange, nasign, mortgage nnd deprive post-war naturalizsd Jews of .Eugene Sherman, son of Mr. and California. They denounce Hitlerand day evening November 20 to honor gram. This annual affair of Shaare roai estate and personal property • reported to be forcing the market tr:iii8fer wherever situated'; to buy. wll, own, hold, " the. memory of .Baron Edmond fie Zion attracts a capacity attendance Mrs. Philip Sherman, '1704 Douglas vilify Mussolini, yet turn the other at least part of their rights, is ex-men into line. • assign, mortgage nnd transfer bonds sec- " Rothschild of Paris, whose recent and tne committees in charge are street will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah way when a bigoted. minister or pected" to effect at least 30,000 Jews unties, delH-nhires and stock in other cor- • porntions; to draw, make, execute, accept, death, leaves so great a void in making arrangements to, provide for at "Mount Sinai Temple this evening sword-rattling army officer attempts who became citizens of Austria after 1EON & WHITE, Attorneys endorse and issue promissory notes, mort- City Nut.onal Bank Bldg. world Jewry. Sioux City Zionist or- an unusually large number next at the regular Friday, night service. to duplicate the fanaticism of the Eu- 1919. Rages, drafts, liills of exchange nnd other Dr. "Theodore N. Lewis will speak on ropean dictators in this country. It negotiable instruments; to borrow money; " ganizations ar3 sponsoring this" ma3s Monday." NOTICE OF INCOKPOKATION OF to slaughter, render, buy. sell and deal in the subject "Is Religion an ^Opiate." IKVIK C. 1ETIN, Attorney only serves as an additional illustramemorial . meeting, which will un- ' Mr. Morey Lipshutz is chairman of CITY FINANCE CO. and nil classes de-iv«.» t h i t u rnrmirnHnn " " *hogs, " • o " < ^ sheep, l ' . «Ml l i erattle m i u 1111 CinSSeB U n a ( l e and SOI .Electric Bids. Notice IS that it is squarely, up to the Jews doubtedly attract the representative the committee in charge of the ar- "Dr. Lewis has been asked to give tion n o f liv B ot k: t o pn<k has"bien-furm,Ml under the 1, w S ' ot he ^ af<ripti(> ' , ,if - c u r e - *«•• : ?r rpfl n i l df f State vt Nebraska. ' "<" deal > meats and meat Jewish men and women of the com- rangements." Mr. John C. Levin" is in the principal address at the Union to fight this-battle to*make the moLEGAL NOTICE. The- name of the corporation is CITY products mid to niaimfictiire, produce "n nil munity. The general public is invited charge of :the reservations, which/are Service to be held in the. First In the Plstrict Court of Douglas County. FINANCE frenprallj- «lonl in hides, oil, glue, animal CO. The principal place for the m ou Nebraska. ^e ! to attend. Baron Rothschild was fa-85c for each person. Women of thetist Church on. Thanskgiving morn- ooff/ the" transaction of its business is the city of fertilizers nnd nil othpr articles made from and the rigfit themselves, To LAZAIcUS GAUDNEK. i l nnimals, nnd also in connecmous through the Jewish world ar. Auxiliary will -serve - the dinner. • * ing. A number of local congregations not* to left' residence is unknown ai tion therewith to establish, buy. lease or depend upon a sadly commerwill participate in this service. otherwise acquire, own, maintain, operate the philanthropist who gave nearly Mr. Frank Margolin will act as 1 cialized press and radio to carry the h o l d , sell, c o n v e y , a s s i g n , release, luort- nnd dispose of stock ynrds, slaughter $20,000,000 for the reconstruction in chairman for the banquet and proYou are hereby notified that ou the 4tu houses. put-Icing, rendering, refining, curu d l eliei sa<s> e r real t!lte a a nn d d personal Jews'. standard, wjth |any degree of d - . v o f ' F c b r u a r v V T 1 n V r n i i - P r i r d i i , . r : s >ro " S e aauil ' " a l e sestnte Personal Palestine.. He, died in his home in gram. Philip Goldblatt will lead the filed h e r p ' t U i o n ' a - n i ^ s t v o u In t h€ e I s - l l >( -' rt - v . w h e r e v e r . -sitUHted: t o • b u y . sell, ing niui cold storage plant R nnd houses bravery and tenacity. " and all other fiicilities nnd structures nee- '. fjEj Court r - " JP „• ° S ' " , .County, * ? . ? , . Nebraska, v..., L.,l,'.?. own. nss.su, transfer -mid mortgage bonds. Paris-aCthe age of 89 ot ,L Douglas singing. Special songs have been securities, promissory notes, conditional I essary or expedient for such purposes, to Fascism is no mushroom growth trict Docket 291, Page 1S3, the object nnd prayDDfiTUCDUAAn contracts, chattel mortgages' nnd I manufacture and denl in such other goods, The program Tuesday evening will written for the occasion by Mrs. J3. of which petition is to obtain n decree sales DKultimvnUUU that "grips" a nation between, dawn er i-k in other corporations; to draw, make, wares mid merchandise as are usually of ' absolute divorce from you ou the i execute, open with the invocation by Rabbi H. Shulkin. divorce from a.cept. endorse and issue proi.i.s- mnnufi-.t-ttired and dealt in bv those encute, and dusk. The dictatorships of. Italy grounds of extreme cruelty. sory ex- •in a simil.ir line of- business; . •. H. K. Rabinowitz. Next on the pro- Mr. Mike Krueskin and Mr. Joe nnd .. ' ,. --."I....V . ! , . , . . . . . . sory notes, notes, mortgages, mortgages, drafts, dniits, bills mils of or exand Germany werenot. ephemeral \ o u on . are required answer saidDeceui petl- change and other neiothible instruments; to do nil other things nnd engage in nil gram will be the traditional Hebrew- Shindler will speak in behalf of the ' A t their annual election held Tues- processes. Social, economic and poli- tion or before t h etol»th day of memorial chant by Cantor A. Plis- fathers. Marvin Klass will respond in day evening, _ Harry - Horwitz -was tical forces in play for years are rekin. Mr. Mendel Fisher of St. Louis, behalf of the sons, and Arnold Saw- elected president of the Mount Sinai sponsible for "Hitter and "Mussolini. who is a field director for the Zion- islak will speak in behalf of tlie Temple. Brotherhood. Mr. Horwits The Jews in- America must not follow dental to or nci:;-~sury for ii:e oporation of lh;» corporntion shall'he ?2OO.(KX)0O divided has' been a member and director: of: ist organization will speat on thegrandsons. i into two thousand (2,(K)0) shares, of which FRADESBCRC, WEBB, BEBE1J, KI.CTZ- a finance business." their unfortunate German brethren the volunteer choir. ;-.".:. biography of Baron Rothschild. The authorized rnpitnl sto-k of this cor- one thousand (1.00O) shares shnll'lie comNICK & KELL.EY. Attorneys The- program will also include a into supporting the factions which poration shall be $10,000.00 divided into 100 | m o n stock of (ho pnr value of J10000 each Other Brotherhood officers elected 650 Omaha Kai OT-1 n^nk Bid A chorus composed of Junior" Ha- number of original and entertaining shares of the jiar value of flCO.(M), each to and one. thousar.d (1.000) shares shall be Omaha, Nebraska eventually, . m a y accomplish their be fully paid for and noii-»ssers:;ble when "preferred stock of the p:ir value of $100.00 dassah members will sing a group of stunts, musical numbers and humor- include : Si Kruger, vice-president; downfall. Oregon is a warning. There, issued. Said capital stock may be paid for each. Said preferred stock shall draw diviNOTICE OF IUSSOIXTION OF . in Hebrew songs. A string trio com- ous skits. Tillie. Shindler and Samson Sam Cohen, Secretary and Louis Ag- Jews belong to • organizations found^ cash, notes or property, real or per-dendsat the rntc of (! per cent per annum, RASKA-- IOWA TUIJCK TERMINAL sonal, tangible or intangible, at the reasonrandff, treasurer.. TheBoard of di-' posed of Tillie Shindler, Gisela Pill, Krupnick will, present'a musical skit. dividends lK'ing payable on the 1st Notice is hereby given thnt nt a able rate thereof. The shares of the capital said ed by a militarist-who openly assails of nil of the stockholders day of January and the 1st day of July-ot and Libbie Olensky, will play two LeRoy Goldblatt will appear as a sol- rectors . elected include Ben. Sekt, the Jews, supported by a newspaper his corporation shall be paid for [own Truck Terminal, held ou Nocorporal ion shall commence bus- each year. The first dividend on said preHebrew melodies. Mr. Philip M* Ras- oist. A skit by Mr. Aaron Tabai will Morris Weiner, Joe Levin, Morris which condemns cur greatest Jews, lst, 1934. at Omaha, Nebraska, the ferred stork slmll lie due on July 1, 103.1 following resolution was . unanimously iness. kin, Jewish.poet, will speak at this be presented by Charles Shindler, Pill, Abe Agranoff, -M. ^ . Skalovsky, 1 adopted : ' ' commends our most deadly enemies. meeting. A recitation, written by David Kunta, Morton and Esther and JoeSlate. "BE IT RESOLVED: Thnt the NEBRASThe following members of the -Surely Jews have received no more KA-IOWA TUUCK TERMINAL be nnd the Samuel-Davenport, a Sioux Cityan, Weiner, and Ida Shindler. Norman S S S ? dividends amounting to (! per cent on the and entitled "I Am a Jew" will be Satin "will offer a humorous presen- Temple congregation were elected to preferred stock shnll not have been paid the Temple Board of Directors at theawaj from reaction,and towards lib-i h f c r e b y .. nilthorissed t o f l l c n o t l c e o f ^iA hereof. presented by Miss Miriam Blank. The tation. . The highest amount of indebtedness to the deficiency shnll be pnynble before any d'ssolution with the Secretary of State nt w_ nhhil .ic ,h , ,.,.-{_ dividend shnll be paid upon or set apart eralism. ion may :tt thi i ti u l n l s time meeting will close with the beneLincoln. Nebraska, nml to publish notice The dinner will be served *at 6:4o congregational meeting held the same for the common stotk. not. of snid dlssolut'on in the Jewish Tress, at ; f it r n n ttni diction by Dr. Theodore N. Lewis, o'clock. evenings J. Hi Bolstein, Lawrence . ' ' Oniahn, Nebraska." j of its rnn.tal Whenever all cumulative dividends on I The affairs of t-his corporation shnli be Davidson, A. J. Galihsky, Mik'e SkaAT. E. OROH. and the singing of Hatikvoh by the the preferred stock shnll have been paid, BEN E. KAZLOWSKY, Atlompjl conducted by B Board of two Directors. President. lovsky and E. N. Grueskin. the Board of Directors mny declare* divi702-701 Insurance Building J.OUIS R. I.IPI' assembly. C. V. KELSO. dends on the common stock out of nny LAZAU KAPLAN A social hour followed the elec• Secretary. Dr. H. M. Levin, president of the remaining surplus or net profits. In the NOTICE TO NON-llKSIDENT In presence of: Il-0-Si-4t. . . ' . - • • . . - . . , . . event of nny liquidation or dissolution or tion. . UEFfcNOANT S. J. LEON. local Zionist chapter is in charge o't. winding up. whether voluntary or otherIn the Municipal Court.fox Omaha, Dougthe arrangements. Assisting him are Ait»«ney wise of the corporntion, the holders of the IKVIX C. las County, Nebraska. The Jewish Community Center was preferred stock, before any amount shnll rRADENTJCKG, WEBB. BEBEIt, KI.CTZi > SUl'EltlOU JOU1J1NO COMPANY, nonMrs. Zella Levitan and Mrs. H. M. Many Attend Sr. be paid to the holders of the common resident defendant: NICK < t KELI.ET, Attorneys the scene of the wedding Sunday aftLevin in the publicity. s t c k . shnll be entitled to be paid in full You are hereby notified that on the 5th X.EUAX. NO'ilCE 650 Omaha National Bank Bide. both the paramount of their shnres nnd the day of October, 1934, -Harry .Marcus, Uoiug In. the Distrif-t court of lwuglas Connty, Omaha, Nebraska Organizations sponsoring the meet- ernoon of Miss Bess Zeligson, daughHadassah Bridge unpaid dividends nrented Vjoreon, nnd nfbusiness under thename of Dee Hive Nebraska. ing include Zionists, Senior Hadas- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Zeligson, C19 ter such pnymri't is made. HIP remaining Cleaners, as plaintiff, filed his petition Vo JtA.ii^iC KOBLING, -whose place of : NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF Center street, to Sam A. Greenberg, In the Municipal Court in the City ot Omaassets nnd funds shnll be divided among A large attendance at the annual residence is iinfcnowu and npoii. whom :; sah. Junior Hadassah, Young Ju"BEN NEWMAN. INC." ha, Douglas County, Nebraska, Docket S-7, and paid to the holders of the common so|r of Mr. and Mrs. M. Greenberg, personal service tor summons t.aunot be Seniors Hadassah Card. party, Weddeans, Senior Poale Zion Chapterr, Page 232. the object 'and prayer of which Notice is hori'liy given that- the under- stock pro rata according to their respechad, withiu the state of Nebraska, DeOmaha. Rabbi H;. E. Rabinowitz nesday evening, made' this affair a are to recover the sum of ?30.00, with in insigned hare formed a corporation in dcr tive shnn'S. . 0 , with Junior Poale Zion, Pioneer Women, of • feiidant: " "• terest au<J the costs.of action; that the laws of the State' of Nebraska, 'ihe Cantor A. Pliskin read the. mar- most successful one. Mrs. M. A. You are hereby notified that on the 9th The meeting will begin promptly at and di or chattels in the money, credits h bands h d off day of November, ism, .Henrietta Uobhng name of the corporation shall be "BEX The prererred stock, nt the option of the riage lines in the presence of 125 Marks was in; charge of the arrange- the Railway Express..,Agency, Inc., hnye as "plaintiff, filed her petition against you NKWMAN; INC.", with tS.'e principal place j Hoard of Directors, shall be subject to re 8:15 o'clock in the.Auditorium of the guests., attached, in said'jiiction, and otdored •.' ' -'" gen- I demplion in whole or in part nt par vnluo ments for the! party -which, was held been the District Court o£ Doupias County, of business at Omaha. Nebraska. The g Jewish Community"Csnter. ' . '•'[•' paid into court, on tfib gronud thnt you in plus accrued dividends thereon on nny div" eral nature of the business io lie transNebraska, being Doctet 308, I'nge 40, the in the ball room of the Bellevui are a non-resident; Oft^e. State of Nebras^ Mrs. Dave Shulkin, Miss Bertha objext jind piayer of which-petition is to acted shall be the buying, selling nnd deal- idend due ilate. ka; thai enid cause lias -been continued ] Heshelow- and Uliss Jean Shindler apartments. -matntenance, support, and alimony ing generally at retail, in all kinds ot food The capitnl stock of this corporntion shull until tho 21st day of-I^ecember, 3!)34, at obtain the grounds that you. have failed to products,' including groceries, meats, dairy be fullj paid for mid non-«s*.;-3snble when provided. the musical setting. Attend- Refreshments, pretty table appoint- 2.-O0 o'clock P. M.,rtt.'which, time you areon provide for her, and liave been guilty of nnd bakery products and sundries; to own. •?sued.*S*iiil capital stock mny be paid for required «o njipefar "and answer in said ants were Miss Ida Plotkin, brides- ments, and attractive prizes were cause, hold, buy, sell, lease and mortgage or oth-j ;„ Cnsh. notos. or property," real or peror judgment will be taken against such acts and conduct -whith at law con-erwise deal in or acquire any and all kinds •jonal, tangible or intangible, nt the renextreme cruelty; ai:d praying that maid and Sam Greenberg, grooms- features making the evening an in-you in accordance witk the prayer of the stitute of real estate and personal property, and -onalile vnlne (hereof. • Twenty-'ive shnres all allowances by the Court I>e declared a petition. ; .' ,.- ' • . t o man. Numerous out-of-town guests teresting one. ; . first Hen against the property hereinafter d° any-and a" other things, nnd to cx- of the capital sios'k of this corporntion ; HlKllY MARCOS. described. and that a receiver be chosen 1 w i s e any and nil Other powers necessary. shall be paid for before the corporation attended the ceremony and reception Dcing business as Uec'Ulyu Cleaners', or appropriate to the main purposes of its shall commence business. Miss Lillian Romirowsky and Mr.which followed. to tate charge and possession of said Plaintiff. The authorized capital stock shall property and to collect profits therefrom, existence. The corporation shnll commence business By BEN E. KAZT-OWSKY, Samson Krupnickj newly appointed Auxiliary Meeting 11-9-34-St. ' and if need be. that said property be be $10,000.00 and all of smd stock shnll be upon the filing of a copy of its articles of HiB Attorney. Mr. and Mrs. Greenberg will make common nnd of the par vnlne of JIOO.OO per incorporation with the County Clerk of Hebrew teachers ;in the Talmud To- their sold to-satisfy the sums allowed plaintiff, The regular meeting of the Ladies home in Omaha. Interest, costs, and attorney's fee for plain- share nnd shnll l>e fully puid and non- Doujjlns County. Nebraska, nnd shnll conrah were guests of honor at a lunchIHVIN C. JaJVIN, Attorney. Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Synagogue t i f f s attorney,, and thnt J. J. Slosburrr, or assessable. It sh.iH commence doing bus- tinue for n period of fifty years from the SOI Electric BUI g. eon given Tuesday noon in the sosome other suitable person be appointed iness upon the filing of its articles of inwill bs held next^Tuesday afternoon, with the County p y Cleik of | receiver of said property- legally described corporation cial hall of the Shaare Zion syna- Committee Named for November 20, in the social hall of The of to Douglas County, Nebraska. Pt.d shall conThe highest highest amount amo of indebtedness inde ns follows, to-wit:. . . . - . • • NOTICE BV riTBUCATION ON PETItinue for a period of fifty years from which this corporation mny nt nny nny ti time gogue, given-by the Mothers Club. Lot Ten (10), Block Nine (0), : TION FOB SETTLESIENT OF FIXAL f ll d t t h i d , Thanksgiving Dance subject itself sliall not exceed two-thirds sa d date. The highest amount of its inBoth teachers addressed the audiKountze's fourth subdivision, an addiAimiNISTKATIOJJ ACCOUNT— Jewish poet who will visit ia Sioux debtedness shnll not exceed two-thirds of of its capital stock. tion to the City of Omahn. nnd the ence during' the coursa of the proIn the Couuty Court vf Uouslns County. its capital stock. The affairs of this corThe nffairs of this Corporation shnll be City next week, will be the guest North Forty-two (42) feet of the South •.-<•. poration shall be managed by a Board of conducted by a Hoard of Directors congram, and urged the parents to su- Mrs. Louis Agranoff arid Mrs. E.speaker. The meeting will begin at Nebraska. One Hundred and Thirty-six (130) feet of Siegmund Hirscliberg, deccnse<l: Directors of not less thai, two nor more sisting of not less thnn two nor more than Grueskin, chairman of t h e nnd the West Thirty-five (3o)_ feot of pervise their childrens regular at- N. the Matter of the Estate of SIEUilUN*U thnn five members. The annual meeting five members. 2:30'an.d Mrs. H. M. Sherman, pres- InHlKSCHIJKItG, theNorth Twenty-eight <2S> f<et of . Thanksgiving Cabaret Dance, which Deceased. shall, be_on the first Tuesday after, the tendance at Hebrev/ School. Both SAM J. I/EON Lot Two (2) in Block Nineteen (10) of ident of the Auxiliary, will preside. AH persons interested in said matter first Monday of Jannnry of each year, nt LAZAR KAPLAN S. E. Rogers, an addition -to the-City teachers also stressed the importance is to hz given in the ball room of the- Included on the program will bo a are hereby notified that on the 20th day which meeting the stockholders shnll elect of Omaha, ns surveyed, platted and reIn the presence of: October, 1034, Kose Hirschberg filed a a Board of Directors and thereupon the of, the mother's influence on theWarrior Hotel on November 28, have musical skit by Tillte Shindler and of rtmlerl in. Douglas Connty, Neb'esVa, petition in said County Court, prayins Board shall elect a l'resident, a Vice-Pres- FKED S WHITE •which property is more popnlarly child's education. . named the following women who will Samson Krupnick, and 'tha recitation that her final administration arcoiint filed ident, Sern-tary and Treasurer. Any two ll>-2G-34-4t. known as 1949 South ICth Street. Ornaar,3*st on the sale of tickets for the be settled nnd allowed, and that of said offices" mny be held by one and Rabbi H. R.Habiaowitz spoke on dance. Nebraska; nnd the North One-1'.Tf of a poem by Raskin, which will ba herein she be discharged from-her trust ns ex- te, the same person. "These articles may be <N%V.of Tjot Three (3) Summit Hill, Jewish education. Gisela Pill, 'cellist ecutrir-aml that a hearing will be had on £itii»f<> amended nt any reg'jla* or special meetgiven by Thelma Shindler. Jn the County of Douglas, State Mrs. Jake Kalin and Mrs. •said petition before said Court on the ing' of the stockholders by two-thirds vote played several Hebrew "melodies; acof Nrhxaska. Rev. A. Diamond 24th day of November, 1934, and that if of the outstanding stock. companied at the piano by Miss Opal Fishgall have been named chairmen you fail to appear Wfore said Court on Yon are hereby required to answer snId IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of the ticket committee. Assisting Recognized as ; the said 24th day of November. 1934. at 9 p^t'tion on or hefore the ?4th day of: P e - have hereunto subscrilwd their names this Senior Dramatic Club o'clock Bollard. The program was concluded n. m., and contest said petition, CPT"her,' 1934. or "said petition Jigainst you 24th day of October, 1934. them are Mesdames Jack Robinson, The senior .Dramatis club, organ- the Court .may grant, the prayer of. said will-be taken T S true. PBUTKAI MOHEL with the singing; of Hatikvoh. Mr. BEN NEWMAN petition, enter a deoree of heirshlp, and; HENRIETTA BOTU.IX.G. Jack London, president of the Hv>J. M. Rosenfeld, M. Weiner, J. Green- ized under the supervision of Miss make Phone 1059 JACK MELCHEU such other and further orders, alPlaintiff. - brew School Board of Directors spoka berg, Sam Greenstone, William La- Florence Coates, has started its meet- lowances and decrees, as to this Court ll-16-S4-4t. In the presence of: zere, E. J. Fribourg and Abe Pill. Conncil Bluffs, la. may seem proper, to the end that all mutings at the Jewish Community Cen- ters v and Mrs. Ben Sherman, president of R. J. HOI.DSr.ERG pertaining to said estate may be fKADENBVRG, WEBB. BE1IEU, KLCTZ- 10-2G-54-4t. • Johnnie Koch and his 10-piece orter arid will choose casts for plays the - Hebrew Mothers Club presided NICK & KK1AKY, Artornej-s determined. chestra will furnish the music for in the near future. Over 20 are en-finally settled and £5U, Oirmha Nu..oaul Hank at the program. BKYCE CRAWFORD, ' ' Omaha, dancing. Mr. E. N. Grueskin and Mr.rolled in the club now. County Judge. 11-2-34-St A. M. Davis will be in charge of the Membership in the group is still NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF Explore the World's Far Corners with James Boring's "NEBB.-1OWA HOVOR FREIGHT entertainment. DEN E. KAZtOWSKT, Attorney open to those interested. Anyone • . TERMINAL," A. Z. A. 102-704 Insurance Bids. Notice is hereuy given that the underwishing.to join the group may do so • • SMALL PARTY CRUISES The advisory council and represensigned have formed a corporation under NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO. the: laws -of the. State of Nebraska.- 'ihe tatives of the Executive Committee of Sioux Cityans Honored by calling at the Center office. name of the corporation shall be "NISUll.ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF James Boring's famous Small Party Cruises provide all the the Sioux City A. Z. A. chapter No. 12 IOW"A MOTOU FKEIUHT TEUMINAL," JOE DOLAN TIKE & BRAKE CO. at Regional Meet principal place of business at Omnha, returned home Monday morning after Notice is hereby "given that at n nioetiiiB with features of the big cruise but limited membership assures Nebrasku, The general nature of the busShaare Zion of the stockholders of .fOE POLAN TIKE iness to be transacted shall be to own, attending an A, Z. A. advisors' confer& DRAKE COMPANY; of Otnabn. NebrasTwo Sioux City young women, both complete individual independence. Rates include First-Class lease, conduct and operate motor transport Rabbi H. R.^Rabino./itz will speak ka, held in the City of Omaha. Nebraska, ence in Omaha, Sunday. terminals and warehouses; to equip and members. of the local Junior. Hadasthis evening at the Friday-services on the 11th day of October. 1034. Article I accommodations on the finest steamers of the world's greatThe discussions -we're carried on at maintain by purchase, construction, lease chapter, were honored at the Re-in Shaare Zion synagogue on the life of the Articles of Incorporation of said or otherwise buildings and equipment to the meeting from 10 a. m. until late sah corporation ivas nmendfd to read as fol- '>e used as and for trnck terminals and est fleets and the best hotels and automobiles ashore. Convention of Junior Hadas- of Baron Edmund de Rothschild. Can- lows: ' .. Sunday afternoon> andxovered every gional warehouses; to own, operate and conduct sah held last week, end in Des Moincs truck lines for tht> hauling and shipping of ) tor A. Pliskin and the synagogue r phase of the problems of A. Z. A when they were elected to the Board ARTICI-E I ; freight, and to do all "thiugs whidi may be•; The Name of this corporation shall be ;!>ecessary nnd/or proper to carry out the • devoting a great portion of the time of directors of the Southwest Region choir will sing the ritual. CLINIC. INC. • . objects and purposes hereinabove set forth. ' Around the World J Around the Pacific Children of tho Junior Congrega- AUTO SAFETY to plans for the regional conference of Junior Hadassah. 11th dav of Octoiter. ,1934. The authorized capital stock shall be j tion'will be treated to refreshments Dated this WEST BOUND $10,000.00 and all of said stock shnll b e , to be held in Sioux City this year. AUTO SAKETX CLINIC,.INC. South Sea Islands, Samoa, Fiji, common of the par-vnlue of $100.00 per Miss Margaret Shulkin was named tomorrow, morning by Mr. "and Mrs. President. Hawaii, Japan, Philippines, Bali, Mr. M. Baumstein, Leon Dobrofsky share and.shall be fully paid up nnd nonNew Zealand, Australia, Bali, " By PAUL JACOCSOX, > treasurer of the region and Miss Java, Angkor, Straits SettleI. Menin. . . . assessable when issued. It shall commence and Sam Epstein, representing the Attest: IMMANCEt. TOUREM, Java, Straits Settlements, Angbusiness upon filing of Its articles with ments, Burma, India, Egypt, the Mary Hozofsky was named member 4 • S advisory cpuncilof the A. Z. A. chapthe County Clerk ot Douglas County, NeMediterranean*—S. S. PRESIkor, Philippines, China, Japan, of the. board of directors. Over 35 braska, and shnll continue for a period of j ter of Sioux City* and Rudolph ShindJewish Agency Debts DENT HOOVER from San fifty years. The highest amount of intle1)tmembers of the local chapter attendHawaii-S. S. MARIPOSA from ler, Al Herzoff, Martin Kosbcrg and I ' l U D E S B l B C , WJEBB, BEHEK, KLUT2- cdjiess shall not exceed two-thirds of its Francisco, December 28th (via Reduced •NICK nnd KELUiY, Attorneys capital stock, but this restriction shall not San Francisco February 5th — , Eali Himovitz representing 1 1 e ed the meet in Des Moines. S. S. PRESIDENT WILSON, 6S0 Omrha National- Bank Bids. Include indebtedness secured by mortgages Jerusalem—Debts owed by - the Sioux City chapters executive com122 days—all-inclusive rate December 6th from New York) or liens. The affairs shall be managed hy Jewish,-Agency Executive and {he NOTICE OF- 8AtE»r*TDEK COXDI- a Board of Directors-', of not less thnn two mittee attended ;tne meetings: Leon•—138 days—all-inclusive rate. ?1975 Federation Board Keren Hayesod were reduced by 101,TIQNAIi SALES COSTKACT 1 members. TB°. annual meeting shall be on $2185 trd Leubowitz and Joe Goldstein. - Notice is hereby given that on the 4tli the first Monday, in January of each year 1 119 during, the eleven' months from The first meeting of the Board of day'of IJeceralfet , I1KJJ, at 10:00 o'clock in which metiing the stockholders "shall Eudolph Shindler and Earl Himo- Directors of the Jewish Federation October 1933 to September 1, 1934. the forenoon, In the .tvnrehouse of the State at elect a. Board of Directors and the Board Kurniture Company. Omnhn, Douglas Fhall elect a President, Vice-President. Seer Around South fitz also attended the meetings of ofi the ; season . was held Thursday Around the World County, .Nebrnskn^ the . undeMlsned will retary and Treasurer. Any two of-said ofthe Omaha A. £. A. chapters 1 and evening in the Jewish Community sell at public auction to the hlehest Didder fices may be held by one and £he Kjime NOTICE OF INCORPORATION EAST BOUND America for cash nil items of furulmre covered by person These articles may be amended nt j 100, While in Omaha, and. extended Center 'with' Mr. A. M. Davis preSales Contract in favor of theany regular or special' meeting- of the Notice is hereby given thnt Articles of Conditional them invitations' to the conference. The Mediterranean, Holy Land, State Purniliire Company, which sales con stockholders by two-thirds vote of the outPanama, Columbia, Ecuador, siding.) A program for the year's ac- Incorporation of the MIDLAND SECURI- tract dated March if, U)30, and slsne Standing stock. Egypt, India, Ceylon, Straits COIU'OltATION were executed and I I J M KIs tivities was. outlined, and various TIES . Charlea-E. Helm. -Said sale is for Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, filed Iu the office of .the Secretary of State purpose of ..foreclosing said contract, IN WITNESS WTIEUEOP, the parties Settlements, Angkor, Java, Bali, committee! chairmen' reports -were on October 27, 1034-, stating - i t s principal .the" Trinidad—S. S. SANTA MARIA h t u b i b d ' " costs rnad accrnintr '•cosfK, and satisfying ihave hereunto subscribed'their nnmea this place ot business to be Omaha, Nebraska; the amount now- their due "theroon. to-wit • ^«* «'if Philippines, *3hina, Japan, Haday of of OrtoiiPf. Ot'tolier. 1934. ixu j its business to be the conducting of n gen'^ONH HUNDKED I^OKTY-VOUB nnd from New York January 5th— ' The.; next' meeting 'Pf ..the Oneg heard,,,,..:, . E1>WAIU> I>. BKOJ.»KEY, eral insurance ngency. a general lonn nhd CO/100 (S144DO) Dollars, nnd interest. waii—S. S. AQUITANIA from • *•!"" * i * * liAWREXCE J. TOBIN, • 58 days—all-inclusive rate. BhabbO3 sgr9up of tiie - Shaare Zion finance business,. and the ownership nnd In the presence o f : • ,• ; STATE PUUNnORE COMPANY, New York January Slst—181 dealingiu real and personal property; the iynago'gne- will meet' November,24 - »* BOOK Review PHILIP »»- KLUTZXlCK $1075 By E«lwnrd I>. Brodkey, authorized capital stock .to to b *2T000t authorized capital .stock UP. $2Ti,000,-to. .. days—all-inclusive rate $2185 Its Att Attorney:'l 1-0 34-4t. , •* l(;-"3l2r " ; " ' • ' • ' * It hi the home -of -Mrs; -Victor'Mazie. be Issued on payment of money or Us' The next book review to b'e pre-equivalent; i t s -existence to begin October" Jligs Ida Hesh§low^. will r speak on sented by Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz in 27, 1JKJ4, cud terminate ninety-nlnp year* 1 Hellenism and.Chanukah. Mrs. .Mil- his series is scheduled for Monday thereafter, the highest amount o t indebl-, Secure complete information from ednesss not to exceed two-thirds of- thiSon Mushkin will review "The Island pald-nii capital stock;'the affairs' of-«he " evening, November 2G. The book he to be conduetrd by n Jtoanl nt Within" by •LewisoHn.~1Vfrs. Sam-Da- has chosen for tho review is "Forty- corporation a's Wldst B^autifulUprne for Funers!s ?> Directoi» not. less than two in numlx'!Vldaon 'will offer Jewish currenl two-Years in_the White House." and. a President, Vice-1'resldent, Secretary ' 1307 Howard St. Tel: AT 8028 r Omaha, Nebraska •; •':' Fune|rals;To Fit^A'h'y Purse' •' g Rabbi Ra- and Treasurer. events.^ Mrs. Rueben Miller will preLast Monday evening, T : C. S. NELSON 1 in His " sent the'poem "Judas Maccabeus" by binowitz reviewed •Phoh iri/Vrn.eyii22e.V . , Farnam -at-Thirty-third IV-A. HAVENS. . i id " ** b i Hi -11-0-34-4*. Ineorporators.Bosom." tobgfellow- -
awlftroTiS Sft^ rb & ^ « o i S !?M £ S F
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