November 23, 1934

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Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

Entered as Second l'OBtoffice of Omaha,

In the Interests of the Jewish People

Matter on January 21, 15KO, at 1 » ' " l c r t h e Act of-March 3.


Center Players Guild in Debut Next Tuesday

Vol. X—No. 43

NOVEMBER 23, 1934

™ Earlier Deadline -.••;.NestWeek; ; :

"American Jewry Lacks • Synchronization^— • ' ' 'Raskin


. Became a£ - the Thanksgiving holiday- :.<&^Thursday,' November 29, all:' ivetra articles'-and social items for- next week's issue' must •• "American Jewry suffers from a : « ^ ^ ^ Ot of J*Hh ! f " ! ^ 1 " Histrionics as developed in the labv 1 reach th« J&wisb Press, office not ilack-of-synchronisation between ideas j believe," he stated, "that tl V Election Wffl Be Held and the Next Moiidajy;; Is, Final Day for oratory of-the Center Players Guild • l a t e r t h i n =5 ~p."; m . T u e s d a y N o of. Palestoe is not dependant "" activities, ' between movements Annual Reports Registration in ' will be given its first" presentation vember" 2 2 . '•"• ••}. •••••• jand organizations," declared- Philip upon, booms and collapses." Rendered after a lapse of several years, with Institute Raskin, noted Ajiglo-Jewish poet and - Raskin loves poetry and loves to the production of "Another Langlecturer who' was a guest in Omaha write poetry. He has become faThe annual meeting of the City The College of Higher Jewish edu- uage" at the' Community Center last week-end. Raskin came to Oma- mous for his lyrical writings. And Talmud Torah. held Monday cation being conducted a t the Jew- Tuesday evening, November 27, at he feels that Jewish art; which has ha in the interests of the Jewish been kept in abeyance through the! evenin g> November 26, at the Jewish 5sh . Community,_ Center, under , the ,8~;15~p. .mV National Fund. ' . Mrs. Stanley F. Xevin, known to centuries of Golus will find new ex- Community Center. Every contributor joint auspices of the J. - C. C. and "We have big organizations with pression in Palestine, "because art to the Jewish Philanthropies cam? the local . B'nai? B'rith was maugu-. radio audiences as "Bc~. Baxter," w ill small ideas," he continued. "We make J>lay_the_feminirie this three_with_a_ c can only flourish in freedom of paign is welcomed and Behuge engines to crack nuts. The dif- thought." • tend and to participate in the votr act comedy drama. city attendance. .._.., ference between the Zionist organiz_ ' . . . . . . . . ing. ' . ' • ' • • • • . Registration for the various classThe male lead will be played by ation and "many other organizations The annual Jewish National Fund] • Seven members at large will be es "will be definitely closed next Mon- -Sylvan Frankel, and the juvenile is that while the other organizations "Flag Day" will be observed in elected to the board of the Talmud day evening, November 26. Starting lead by Jack Temin. Starred among Outstanding Deal b£ Company have tens of thousands dabbling in Omaha on Sunday, December 2. T"01^1 a t t h i s meeting. The officers from this ;datc,. -the classes will, be: the character actors is Martha Himtrivialities, we have a few thousand Headed by John A. * "~ ; The local National Fund" Council; of the Talmud Torah are elected by, held every; Monday and- Thursday; elstein. building a country.".. ,. . F^b have charge of the "Flag Day." j the board members when the list is evening. The ; closing date for; one: Helen Merritt is director of the Raskin opined that the Jewish section is April 29 and for the other Guild activities. Council requests Omaha Jewry An »encouraging^baromeier- .of busi- problem in the_ Diaspora will never to hospitably receive the committees. annual reports of the Talmud May 9. • Nightly rehearsals of the cast give be solved, that the real problem will ness conditions iaj general and Omaba Torah will be rendered at this time. Approximately 137 have register- promise of an outstanding producreal estate investment .in particular is be solved in Palestine. "One must, Included among these will be the roed to date, signing up for 215 tion, according to Miss Merritt. Edto be found in;thgjannouncement that [have a home somewhere," he de: ports by Max M. Barish, president, courses. ward D. Brodkey is chairman of the Mrs. Stanley Levin,* the Service Life -Insurance Company j clared. "The Jewish problem i s and Aaron Katz, principal. Dr. Philip Sher is president of the ticket sales. Who plays the lead in "Another has purchased-the "Wead building at homelessness and landlessness, and Other reports will be given by IL institute and William Wolfe is sec- "Another Language," written by Language." 18th and "Farnam streets, to house the nothing _else.". Lackow, chairman of the educational retary. Rose Franken, had a successful run i The Jewish. National Fund' has Iheadquartefs. jsommittee; liabbi Uri Miller, chairThe schedule of classes and the on Broadway. I t is an excellent pic- Himelstein, Grace Hallam; Leo Bern- company's John A. JTarber, president of the i been steadily and selectively buying man of the enrollment committee; teachers: : ture of family life i n the average stein, Paul Hallam; Selma Levin, Et- Service "life, by this purchase, gave 'land in Palestine in the name of the Max Fjromkin, chairman of the fiMonday evenings, from 8:15 to 9American home today. It is full of ta Hallam; Sylvan Frankel,. Victor j concrete evidence of faith in the city's Jewish people. There are now benance committee; Dr. Philip Sher, p. m.—"Palestine in the life of the humor, tense moments and poignant Hallam; tween 345,000 and ' 348,000 . dunams Unusual Interest Displayed in chairman of tlie book of life comMrs. Stanley Levin, Stella economic, tutors. . •.'•.. Jew," Rabbi David A. Goldstein; scenes. ... • • Hallam;' Jack Temin, Jerry Hallam. .. "I believe'," Farber declared, "Ithat or about 1,100 square miles of Jewmittee; and William Milder, chairSixth Annual Community "Great Jewish Personalities/' "Rabbi The complete cast: Sara Sekerman, Many of .the .cast have, a good Omahabas a rosy future,! itg..growth ish "soil in Palestine. man of the transportation commitForum Program Frederick Cohn; elementary Hebrew, Mrs. Hallain; Nate Sekerman, Mr. background, as. amateur actors and in the-past ,be$ag- an. indicator of how In Palestine, Raskin stated, the tee. Arielli; intermediate " Hebrew, A. Hallam; Ralph Nogg, Harry Hallam; actresses; having been connected;with it will flourish, in the -days"ahead "of German Jews who fled from Nazi Anniversary Banquet. Katz; advanced-Hebrew, JudahWolf- Irene Hirsch, Helen Hallam; Sal the Community Playhouse, radio ana us. , An example of the "growth of persecution - are now assimilating Hie well-balanced program which The committees are still working ; aon. will be presented from the rostrum Michnick, "Walter - Hallam; Martha Center Playe - in the past. - - - - Omaha mav. be jjotieed in The tact that with .Jewish Palestine and' are of out the details for the thirty year Monday evenings, from 9:10 to in 1906 this rproperty was "purchased inestimable value in. their contribu- of the Jewish Community Center this anniversary banquet and celebration 9:55 — combined ^course of modern from' the-SUprenie Foregt ""Woodmen tions -toward the upbuilding of the season by the Gommunity Forum has of the Talmud Torah, to be held on been ' enthusiastically received by Jewish life, current topics and Jewcircle fox $53,«M». At that time it was l a n d . ' * . ". . ' . •..".' December 16. ish customs and ceremonials, Rabbi a bank of earth, with two.old buildings In praising the Jewish pioneers of both the Jewish and non-Jewish pop- Sunday, Invitation cards are being mailed ulace, if the brisk sale of tickets is David H. Wice; survey course of on it which didTiot even nave modern the land, Raskin said: "The Chalutout this coming week. The Talmud an indicator. Jewish history, Rabbi. Cohn. . . . __ conveniences.'* . •'..'• zim with their spirit of "a people committee urges Omaha JewWith the opening number on -the Torali .The purchase of the Wead building reborn desire to free themselves from Thursday evenings, from 8:15 to t o set de this date for the anis reported to be approximately a continued .subirdssiyehess to oppres- eries less than three weeks away, ! *? 9 — Yiddish language and Yiddish niversary observance. a concentrated drive is bsing made $200,000 deal and is the first in downliterature, I. Morgenstern; the Bible, sive forces, to rid the Jewish people Active work by the "recently-ortown real estate tjransactions of any of an inferiority complex obtained o widen the community's participaRabbi TJri Miller,; elementary. He- ganized Women's Division T of the tion in the Forum program. brew, Ariellij; intermediate Hebrew, Jewish Community Center and Welin the.Golus." The annual Community Chest cam- consequence "in several years. It involves a. trade of theTlife insurKatz; advanced "Hebrew, Wolf son. He paid little heed to" possibilities Fred S. White, chairman of the fare Federation will get under way paign is -continuing in the effort, to ance company's building In* Lincoln committee, points out that inimmediately, with the appointment of raise th& ?554^0O-qu©ta-which is the and its. present "headquarters at--2055 of an economic collapse in Palestine Forum terest is high in-the program beminimum needed for-the twenty-eight the committee 'chairmen by Mrs. street.- -X • cause of. the ability and repute «? charity, and welfare agencies ; Ior Harney Jeanette Arnstein, president^: •The purchase also is a compliment the speakers obtained. ' The chairmen of this: official aux- which' federal relief does not make to the phenomenal progress and adThe four secured to date are Dorr iliary to the Center and Federation: provision v— - care - of 'crippled chil- vancement of the |3erTice Life Insurothy Thompson {Mrs. Sinclair Lewdren, support "of aged, nursing. of Mrs. W. A. Milder, iiotor corps; ance. Go.,. •.., .;:.. ---.- • -••--• is), noted correspondent and author; Mrs. J . Blank, clothing committee; ". At- the -end ot 1S[23 the assets of tne Arthur Garfield Hays, famed trial Mrs. Max - Fromkin was elected ; The drive oMciaUjf opened ManMrs. Sam Wolf, ritizenshipi_Mrs. *-• company aniotsrtiii ,.to , Soss, 67, f lawyerand fearless -defender t>f t:! president of the Omaha Hebrew Neveleff, house; Mrs. A. Greeiiberg day morning at an "early-bird" wnile by January, 1934. , these assets in Los- Angeles, of a heart attack, yil liberties; Scott- Nearing, i an au- School Parent-Teachers Association and Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, co-chair- breakfast. """Henry Monsky, former had grown to $5,221,485.00.. The insur- suffered Saturday evening. , . thoritative spokesman concerning the at 'the organization meeting held a t "Tb\e 8aaiT.%iil vote to return to men of the social committee; Mrs. president of the Chest and a member ance in force -at the end of 1923 was the Jewish Community Center TuesHis brother, Henry Rosenthal, left new social order and well-known auGermany in the . forthcoming ple- Harry Trustin, building committee; of the board, who has delivered the $196,000.00, while at the end of 193S it for Los Angeles Sunday night to es- thor, lecturer and economist; and day evening. biscite: January 13 because the Saar- Mrs. Dave Greenberg, library; Mrs. main address opening the campaign was $28,030,750.00. All parents and teachers of ths cort the body to Omaha for burial. Ludwig Lewisohn, outstanding writer landers,. predominantly German, Harry Wolf, family welfare; Mrs. for twelve years, eloquently urged "Constant growth of the Service Life City Talmud Torah are eligible to Details of the funeral will be anwho is recognized as one of the "have never been under Nazi rule Jeannette Arnstein, child welfare; the workers to lend every effort to- Insurance Co.," Farber stated, "re- nounced when Mr. Rosentha! returns great thinkers and authors of the affiliate with the group. and hear only the Hitlerite fanfare Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, dramatics; wardr making the drive go "over ths quires plans for large home , office Saturday evening. Other officers chosen are: day. The fifth on the series will bs quarters, and the acquisition of this and noise," declared Dr. Bruno Ro- Mrs. Harry Silverman, community top.' William Milder, first vice-presiSurviving are his son, Howard, of chosen at.a later date. selli, student of international affairs, co-operation; Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld, Monsky stated that of the money, property at this time indicates our New York; four brothers, Henry Dorothy Thompson, who will speak dent; J. J. Friedman, second viceh Saar bbefore f who spoke about the program; Mrs. M. L. Cohn, junior raised by the Chest, sixty-one per confidence in the future." Rosenthal, of Omaha; Max Rosenthal here December 12, has been heard president; E. Bloch, third vice-presipg cent goes for direct relief. The Service Life will occupy the of Los Angeles; Albert Rosenthal of the Ad-Sell Monday evening. "They t clubs; Mrs. Irvin I i S l t educad Stalmaster, by capacity audiences during her dent; Mrs. H. Belmont, recording sechave been shown the outside, the tion; Mrs. Irvin C. Levin, publicity. As Monsky pointed out, there are building at the expiration of present New York; and Adolph, of Balti- latest tour. Her subject here will be retary; Mrs. Sam Peltz, financial sec^ now approximately 11,500 . families, tenancies, probably in about a year. retary; Mrs. M. Margolin, treasurer. circus elements of Nazism without a more. The organization will function and about 40 thousand persons, on The Crisis in Germany." glimpse of the interior, and do not through these committees. Elected as board members were Born in Baltimore, Mr. Ross came Lndwig Lewisohn has also attractrelief in Douglas county. Of these, realize what Nazi rule means." . to Omaha in 1887. He founded the ed unusual interest on his tour, his Mrs. William Milder, Mrs. J. J . about ten per cent, or 1,100 families,; Dr. Rpselli^ has been a professor People's store at 16th and Califor- first in ten years. His subject will Greenberg, _ Mrs. David Greenberg,. are ineligible for the government's at Vassar. He is no longer teaching, nia. He later founded the Union Out- be "The Spirit of America in Its Lit- Mrs. B. F. Margolin, Mrs. Charles unemployment relief. These 1,100 but is f active as a nauthor and lecfitting company, and then merged erature." - Ross,; Mrs. E. Konecky, and Mrs. J . families look to the Chest for aid. poldware. turer. Every Eummer he makes a the People's store with the Union Dr. Nearing will Teturn shortly Meyer Klein, 65, resident of Oma- Outfitting, of which he was presi>The Chest," he declared, -"is the visit to Europe, Asia and part of ,'. At this meeting the constitution from Europe, where he studied firstha for 44 years, passed away last efficient, and humane way to meet Africa. : . and by-laws of the organization were dent. He has .been inactive in "busihand information for his subject, the social' needs of the community. Friday at his home, as a result of ness for a number of years. The lecturer pointed out that it adopted. Meetings will be held once "Europe in 1935." The subject of the a heart ailment. "is enough to make the? German peb- The annual father and: son banquet I do not like direct relief. I t strikes Besides his wife, Nettie, he is suraddress by Hays will be "Thirteenth a month, on the third Tuesday night pl» foam at the mouth' to be-at the at the Jewish Community Center me as too much like the old way of vived by a son, Irving, of Chicago; of every month. • Juror." • Weizmann Observes disadvantage of having" in the coun- Sunday under the sponsorship of the easting alms to the beggar. How a daughter, Mrs. Louis Mayer, of It was also decided that this new Harry B. Cohen is in charge of try "seven different kinds of.marks social service committee of the Jew- much better to put our money into Kansas City; three brothers, Dave organization will affiliate itself with ticket sales. Sixtieth Birthday that cost seven different prices;" ish Community Center and the B'nai the Chest, to be given to a needy and Ike of Omaha, and Sol of Mithe Omaha Council of Parent-TeachHe described what the German peo- B'rith was well-attended, with about person wedo not know and have nev- ni; and one sister, Mrs. Simon ers Associations. er, seen, to" be .received .by a person B'nai B'rith Class ple are going through as "strangu- three -hundred and_ fifty present. Mrs. Fromkin, the first president David Goldman spoke for the fath- who does not know who Ms benefac- Burger of Omaha. of the new organization, has been lation." Initiated on Monday Funeral services were held Monthe Saar, Dr. ers on "A Father's Responsibilities." tor is." That is the way to meet the active local Parent-Teachers cirThe declared, situation in. with Rabbi Frederick Cohn ofThe "Alfred M. Cohen" class of cles forin Roselli is full of dynamite. He. urged the fathers to take the obligation to society we have hecaase day, several years. At the present Interment was in Pleasant 215 new members of the local lodge time she is secretary By the Versailles treaty the French responsibility of properly rearing we have" greater privileges; that is ficiating. the PareatHill cemetery. of the B'nai Brith was initiated into Teachei's Association atofHenry have the coal mines, but if the ple- their sons to be community leaders the way_*tp. do justice to our lessYatea He was born in Alsace-Lorraine, the order at a meeting held at the school and is also treasurer of biscite is in favor of Germany the and civic-minded citizens. He also re- privileged fellow-men." the coming to this country in 1885. AftJ. C. C. Monday. Among the initiGermans may purchase the mines minded the sons that a father canOmaha Council of Parent-Teachers er living at Atlantic, la., for five ates were delegations -from Norfolk for three hundred million gold marks. not lead his son along the successAssociations. years, he moved to Omaha. and Columbus, Neb. This is impossible because of the ful path unless the boy does his Fisher Confers with He was a member of .Temple IsLeo Abramson, president of the ..; •. low gold coverage which now exists. share. Local Zionist Heads rael and the B'nai B'rith. He had lodge, presided. L F . Goodman was | Morton Margolin; son of Dr. and There is grave danger," Roselli served as treasurer of the democratic chairman of the initiating committee, i stated, that the Saar may cause an Mrs. M. Margolin, responded ior the Mendel Fisher/new field secretary He was assisted by Sam Beber, Dr. sons, speaking on "As Your Son Sees of the Zionist organization of Ameri- central committee and committeeman outbreak. and was a colonel or former GoverA. Greenberg, Abner Kaiman, Jay In his opinion, the French and Yon." He used i airplane for a si-: ca, conferred "with "local Zionist nor Morehead's staff. He was presiMalashock, and Harry Silverman. mile, saying the father must act as leaders in Omaha last Friday, preGermans will compromise on the dent of the Metropolitan Finance Reports were rendered by Sam Rahbi H. R. Rabinowitz of Sioux the propeller which motivates the price of the coal mines," France -acparatory to launching the national company. Beber and Dr. A. Greenberg on the City opened the Jewish lecture series cepting a much smaller figure than son; as the rudder which guides flie four-point Zionist program in this district executive meeting held in sponsored tby the Junior Vaad organ: youth; and as the wings which sush designated in the treaty. i f territory. -.. ~ . • Chicago Sunday. In addition to Be-1Ci az a te i o nas tv itte a talk-on the "Dreyfus* B nai Israel When Germany obtains control of tain him in his flight through life. '. • . The local "Zionist organization will Court Allows HiHler ber and Greenbexg, Henry Monsky j ! " a l a r g e ' a u d i e synagogue, Philip M. IQutinick was toastmas- hold its' election of officers at the the Saar, he said, then as many of to Become attended the meeting. " ^^^ nce, Wednesday the Jewish inhabitants as can will ter." Carl Milder, son of Mr. and Jewish Community Center on TuesBen Kazlowsky, chairman of the evening. OS. CHABt WEIZMANK Mrs. William Milder, gave the invo- day evening, December 4, according "Hilton" leave that territory. successful campaign, declares that Rabbi Eabinowitz took the place of cation, and William L. Holzman, to announcement made by Morris Dr. Chaim Weizmann, noted Zionthe membership drive will continue. Dr. Victor E. Levine, the scheduled president of the Federation, gave the Friedel, president. New York (WJT.S.).—"HitUer" is ist leader, will celebrate his sixtieth Each of the newly-inducted members speaker, who was suddenly called to benediction; not a proper name for a Jew, Su- birthday next Tuesday. He will head York. Abner Kaiman led community singpreme Court Judge Peter P. Smith the chemistry research institute at has pledged to obtain one new addi- New The speaker. gave an eloquent presGerman-Jewish Firms tional member, and it is hoped, to ing, with Mrs. Jay Malashock as acadmitted when he granted permis- Rehoboth, Palestine. ;entation of the historical drama concompanist Rabbi Frederick Cohn sion to Morris HittiLer of Brooklyn From 1921 to 1929 Weizmann was initiate another large class before the Able to Sue Aryans w i th the famons case, L Mor. first of the year. spoke for the Community Chest. Mato change his name to Hilton. On president of the World Zionist, or-, j^enstern was chairman. Introductory A series of lectures in Yiddish on gical tricks were presented by Herr after December 14, Mr. HitUer ganizatlon. He created the extended Berlin, (WNS).T-Jewish. firms are and ; _ j remarks were made by Dora Freshthe classical Yiddish Writers—-Sholom may legally call himself Hilton. bert Fischer. : •-'..,_ . ; Jewish Agency in '29. entitled .to-sue for damages against League to Fight Anti-Semitism iman. president of the Junior Vaad Asch,7 Sholom Aleichem, Peretz, and Dr. Philip Sher was chairman of' slandering by Aryan competitors, the In his petition HitUer declared that Paris. — P l a n s for co-ordinating j Auxiliary. others^-is being plannedI for the win- the social service committee •which : German supreme, court has ruled. he "is a member of the Jewish f aith world-wide to combat Nazi [ •— ter month's.'.;--; .-';• '\'.'••'•'' ':''••.'•'•••• was in ,charge of: the banquet. Mrs. In State Legislature anti-Semitismefforts and it is desirable for yonr petitioner are being drafted by Hebrew Club to Honor L^otgensfcern^ and other Yiddish L. Nevileff was in charge of ar- This- -Important Terdict was handed to change his name for the reason schdiaTS-^haye ^ejepressed their, will- ranging' Ior -the'-dinner, r :'.-: " '. down in the case of a Jewish rub- that because of his present name Harry Pizer of North Plstte, son t h e International League, Against of Mrs. Julins Pizer, was elected to Anti-Semitism which is holding a con- All Former Presidents ber manufacturer -who sought damingiiess to serve as lecturers and disages front an Aryan competitor ~wno your petitioner has been, and con- the Nebraska House of Representa- gress here. Delegates from England. cussants. The classes will be formed tinually is, subjected to scorn, ridi- tives in the recent electionFrance, Egypt, Switzerland, Czecho- All living ex-presidents of ,the only if twenty or more signify^their In Conservative Pulpit in letters and verbal statements had cule and embarrassment.".. He is a nephew of Simon Pizer slovakia and Belgium are conferring: Omaha Hebrew club will be spedenounced the Jewish firm and tried desire tp attend. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz ot Sionx of Omaha. He attended the Uni- on details. cially honored at a banquet, it was Individuals or organizations inter- City will occupy the'pulpit "at the'Con- to interfere withits husiness by tellversity of Nebraska, is a. •world war The congress intends to co-operate {'decided at a special meeting of the ing customers that it should not deal Tel Aviv Anti-Noise Campaign ested and desirous of more informa- servative Synagogue this evening.' and is. interested in farm with all existing anti-Nazi groups organization. The date will be set tion may communicate ~vith Harry Batobi Bavid A. Goldstein will speak with a "firm run by Czechoslovakian Tel AviiP—An anti-noise campaign veteran, lands and real estate iualdi&gs in j and to strengthen their activities and J soon. All members and their wives will is one of the newest wrinkles in thi* Mendelson, who .is, sponsoring- the- at Lincoln Defore the Tephereth Is- Jews whose business a that of the North Platt*. jcEtend them on a worM-wide scale. • be in town. 'dirty Jewish rabble." invited to attend without cost. rael congregation." project, by calling Harney 05S2.


Women's Division Chairmen Named Bv Mrs. Arnstein








Series of Lectures in Yiddish Offered


'-r- < '-"'IS' r .«



Handball Tournament Reaches Second Round

Over 105,000 Reside in FAST TUTS PLAYED IN Tel Aviv ^ Anti'Semitism Thrown for Tel Aviv—This all-Jewish city now BASKETBALL LEAGUE inhabitants,'it Loss in Semite-less Army has more than 105,000 v

With . Morrie Bloom and Paul •was announced here. Grossman, the favorites, revealing The Omaha Jobbers maintained championship form, the J. C. C. their roost at the top of the J. C. C. Bogota, Colombia (JTA).—There is would bear false witness against Os- From October, 1933, to October, nary a Jewish, soldier in the . entire. pina. 1934, building pen 'ts were issued woman magistrate, Jeanette G. Brill, doubles handball tournament moved preseason basketball league, tnis Colombian armyi yet the ugly demon HEROIC ADOLF So the "Jew" won for once. Colonel for 19,175 rooms and 375 stores covweek, by turning back the Boulevard into its second round of play. is expecting to take her. B. S. at N. Y. Thanks to Walter Winchel] for the of anti-Semitism has already been seen Mosquera lost his military career by ering an area of 444,805 square mie-1 following bit: In his speech atNurem- U. next June, by way of keeping up •••• Bloom and Grossman, reigningGrocers, 23 to 13. Abe Katz and there, but has been speedily ousted. beating up an "unhappy Jew," andtres. Jimmy Burroughs led the way for burg recently Hitler enchanted his au- with her daughter, Helen, who is'get- mid-western A. A. U. titleholders, walks the streeets in mufti. the victors. A provincial regiment at Neiva does breezed through the team of Millard dience with a resume of his achieve- ting her B. A. at Adelphi college at As for anti-Semitism in an army The Psi Mus and the Tork Bat- boast a sergeant who has decided he the end of the current school year. . . Sigal and Nate Cutler in their initial ments .••.' . Nothingwhere there are no Jews: it is no g he had ventured The is of Jewish origin. Jose Ignacio Osencounter, 21-15, 21-11. teries remained deadlocked for secGreat, Mighty Atom, whom his hhad failed, lie orated Germany ond place, r game, behind the flying pina, as the sergeant is known, says more. was blessed indeed to have him as neighbors know. as Joe Greenstein, Remainder of the first round re- Jobbers, by turning in easy victories. that bis forbears, who came here sults is a follows: Yaffe-Sadofsky head man . It was a rapturous can pull a motor car by his hair—p fraternity boys downed the Xi along with the first conquistadors monologue of "look what I've done" but he broke a rib the other day defeated Richards-Marks, 21-8, 21-The Lambdas, 28 to 19, and the Tork from Spain, were Jewish. So Ospina 15; Goldman-Klutznick defeated Bari . . A fellow on a train from Larch- while liftingg a dumbbell . . . Elmer Batteries put on a second half scor- delves deeply into Jewish theological ! mont read through the.boastful speech Rice's "Between Two Worlds," the! ish-Mayerowich, 21-2, 21-16; Levin- ing splurge that buried the Ward-[questions, studies Yiddish, and seeks Bucharest (W. N. S.) — Documsnand, turning to his companion, said: star of which will be Joseph Schild-| son-Feldman defeated Garrop-Lipp, robe Clothiers under a S3 to 18 j the company of Jews wherever he tary evidence showing a definite 21-10, 21-13; Turner-Franklin dekraut, will include in its case six "This Hitler is just a hero-worshiper, "alumni" of "Cbunsellor-at-Law," the feated Mulnick-Blacker, 21-18, 21-17; count. In the other contest of the goes. He even has a prayer-shawl, ink between the anti-Semitic Chrisisn't he?" Bice hit of a couple of seasons ago Katzman-Herman defeated Epstein- week, the A. Z. A. No. 1 quint provad given to him by a Jew. tian National league of Professor This devotion to Jewishness has .-.'. Until last week-end Dorothy Arz- Siegel, 21-9, 21-12; Ban-Goldberg de- too powerful for the Re-Ims and ATHLETIC SHORTS sa and anti-Semitic parties in walked off w'Ji a 29 to 13 verdict. brought a series of troubles down other countries is no* in the possesIt looks as if the New York Giants ner was Hollywood's only woman di- feated Cohn-Horwich by default. Next week's card calls for the upon Ospina's head. The first came sion of the Rumanian government are developing another Jewish draw- rector • . .Now, by the terms of her Second round pairings: ing-card, in the person of red-haired new contract with Columbia, she is Yaffe-Sadofsky vs. Goldman-Klutz- Omaha Jotners vo protect their lead five years ago, when he was a high as the result of a surprise raid Sam Solomon . . . Red is only eigh- (the only woman associate producer of nick; Levinson-Feldman vs. Turner- against the A. Z. A.'s on Thurscn-.y, official in a government institution. staged by the Bucharest police on illd A advance d l off Franklin; Katzman-Herman vs. Ad-November. ,2i>. In the second game The governor of the state came to Cuza's headquarters. teen, but he expects to go south with ffilmland An seat sale INSURED CABS the. Giants for the spring training $100,000 for Molly Picon's Yiddish ler'-Graetz; Ban-Goldberg vs. Gross- on tnat day, the Xi Lambdas meet visit Ospina one day. Ospina had a book in his hand. the Wardrobe Clothiers. On Tuesseason, .and perhaps—who knows ?— musical comedy down on Second Ave- man-Bloom. day, November 27* the Wardrobes "What language is that?" the govwill make.nis bow at the Polo Grounds nue has madeL the rest of the Jewish take on the ever improving Boule- ernor inquired. next year . . . Have we ever rec- Great White Way a sickish green vards, and the Re-Ims will attempt ommended Palestine trips to all you. . . Belle Bakerfs Broadway friends to win their first game of the sea- "Yiddish," Ospina replied. people who are interested in sports ? are delighted to hear that she's makThe next day he was without a job. son against the Tork Batteries. . . . We're "referring," of course, t a ing 'em sit up and listen over in LonLater, when he had become a favorthe Second Maccabiad, the interna- don Max Rabinoff, who quite a ite sergeant in the army, Ospina contional Jewish athletic meet to be held Dumber of years ago took America's tinued to indulge his interest in Jewat Tel Aviv next April . . . The barn breath away when he introduced Pavish affairs. Several weeks ago his .-inu.whkh; Paraniount-made its first lova to these shores, ^ is now packing New York (WNS) — If chosen to colonel, Jose Mosquera, came upon flicker, ever so many years ago, has \ m in a t the Hippodrome with truly represent the United States in the Ospina as he pursued Nuestra Trib1936 Olympic games, Jack Shea, 1932 now been converted into a gymnasium 'grand opera at popular prices, una, a periodical devoted to Jewish Olympic speed skating champion, who Paris (WNS).—Although Dr. Hjaland Max Baer is using it as training is a non-Jew, will not complete if the mar Schacht, Nazi minister of finance, interests. HIGH BROW quarters as he prepares for hisnext p N New York's East Sid Side Dr. Julius Lempert, one of Broad- games are held in Germany,- he in- announced some time ago that no more From that day onward the colonel picture will become hockey-conscious this win- way's best-loved physicians, is an au- formed the American Jewish Con- government funds would be expended harassed Ospina despite all his pro. for Nazi propaganda abroad, the well- testations to the effect that he was ter, when the Toronto Rangers come thority on not only mastoids but gress, down to Madison Square Garden with girlie-girlie shows as well . . . Pro- Mr. Shea's statement, spontaneous- informed Pariser Tageblatt reveals not a Jew. This state of affairs conAlex Levinsky as a major attraction ducer A. C. Blumenthal seldom goes ly elicited by the decision of the that the Nazi propaganda bureau is tinued until en July 10 Mosquera beat ; . -. Aaron Bergstein, Easton, Pa.'s to bed before midnight, but gets up American Olympic committee to ac- still spending large sums on spread- Ospina and cursed him as a "Judeo prosperous pants manufacturer, has at six o'clock regularly every morn- cept Germany's invitation to the Olym- ing anti-Semitism in the Orient and infelice," an unfortunate Jew. the Near East. become the manager of featherweight ing . . . Benny Davis, who wrote pics, said: "I would be proud and happy to be The Parisers Tageblatt reports that a Jew," Ospina said with dignity. Allie Todesco, whom he hopes to see "Margie" and innumerable other song "If I were one of those chosen to in the championship class in a short hits, has published twenty-two songs represent my country in the fourth Germany is spending 3,600,000 marks "Unfortunately, however, I am not a ' lime . . . It is Lieutenant Commander jthat sold over a million copies each winter Olympic games, I would not annually in French North Africa, Pal- Jew and the Jews will not recognize ~ • - • * ace pilot " " of•Ad* . . Jesse (Movie Mogul) Lasky once for a m:ment consider going to Ger-estine, Syria and Egypt in order to me as such- As far as being 'unforIsaac Schlossbach, miral Byrd's crew, wno'has the dan-played the cornet in vaudeville togeth- many where my brother Jew is con- arouse the Islamic world against the tunate' goes, I am that. For I have no trade and must suffer in the ranks of gerous job of flying supplies from the er with his sister And some old- sidered as lower than human. I rep- Jews. I t is also said that Goebbels meets the army." base camp to the wandering Antarc- timers still remember Jack Kranz, a resented my country as a member of Broadway tango artist seventeen years the speed skating team in the Olym- regularly with the chieftains assigntic explorers. Having delivered a piece of his ago and Ricardo Cortez to you today pic games in Lake Placid in 1932 and ed to direct this propaganda. mind to the colonel, Ospina brought One of the members of the sis-won the 500 and 1,500-metre skating It is significant that anti-Semitic charges against him, describing the WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS TRJLIN SMALL TALK ter team in the Ziegf eld "Follies" of races for the United States. But in outbreaks have recently occurred in whole case to the Minister of War. wife of Jack Mary Livingston, Benny and his sidekick on those NBC a quarter of a century ago was Rose the face of such a condition, irrespec- those districts where these funds are Commencing Sunday, Nov.. n , tb* Zephyr will be ia regular daily Both men were called before a tribradio broadcasts, was a buyer for a Green, now known to you as Mitzi tive of promises for courtesy to the heing expended. unal. Mosquerasought to establish (avenger service. Never before has a streamlined.. .Diesel -pow* Los Angeles store before her mar-Green's mother . . . Jack (radio com- Jews by the Nazis, if I were chosen his defense with the aid of some of ered . . . air-cooditiooed . , . roller-bearing-equipped train been in edian) Benny, nee Kubelsky, once and in the mind of competing again riage . . . A week or so ago Samthe other soldiers, but failed. Not one uel Untermyer, anti-Nazi boycott played the violin in a vaudeville act. in the Olympic competition, I would service on the American continent. refuse curtly to do so as a friendly champion, celebrated the twenty-fifth The Zepbyr is a gleaming shaft of stainless steel. . . SBperbly anniversary of his winning of a horti- SHADOWLAND and sympathetic gesture toward the Anne and Sally, sisters of the late appointed throughout, from the electric buffet- grill vsp ahead to the cultural exhibit prize with a chrysanJews of the United States." Prague (W. N. S.)—Nazism broke themum that had over a thousand Sime (Variety) Silver man, have opened luxurious parlor-solarium in tbe rear. Radio in all passenger com* the usual calm and cloistered atmosa ;studio-: tat. impoverished musicians OIL BURNERS phere of the annual International flowers Handsome Francis Led- in memory partments . . . meals brought to your chair. of their brother . . . The erer, Hollywood hero, was able to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Philosophical Congress when Profssmoguls are tryspeak English fluently exactly six ing bard to forgive themselves: sp^/WJlly- .Hel?| vOf;, Heidelberg North and We* for their East and Sooth Readuc AT. 2360 weeks after he started studying it blunder of several years agcrwhen tJnrrersIfy. arouse I Read down ie ire of K s col- .2612 LeaTenwortb Schedule of The £*fM they . .. ,rGeorge W,;Atterburyj prejrfde«| had a, chance to sign Elizabeth Berg- Moscow (J. T. A.—A mass move- leagues with, a thinly-veiled attempt 7:55 pm 7:30 am Lv. _ _JLinco!n ..Ar. of the Pennsylvania; RSlrbaH, crantep rier at a? ridiculously low figure—and ment of Jewish colonists • from the to defend anti-Semitism. 7:00 pm 8:25 am Ar.-™. Oma ha «_—_ Lv. drarges of anti-Semitic bias with )& turneid hpr i3owji! •...^.Elizabeth is in Kalinindorf region in the Ukraine to Hellpach created a stir at the con6:30 pm 9:00 am JLv...™. _..Omaha ___Ar. 6:12 pm reminder that Mrs. Atterbury is Jew- Vienna their former homes in the towns and 9;I0am Lv.-. Council Bluffs—JVr. gress when he criticised those phitand her^next picture, we 3:55 pm ish . . . Irving Berh'n, whose songs believe, now, 11:29 am Ar St loseph _-.Lv. will be "Forsake Me Never" villages, is repotted here. It is esti- o s o p h e r s who are "prejudiced" 2:30 pm 1*0 pm Ar.. ' Kansas City— _...Lv. the nation sings as vociferously as . . . What inated that about 400 families, already against the, "facvf .that favorable or is considered the Diggest ever, likes to sit in a barber's chair" plum ; in the have deserted the Kalinindorf region cross«iree;dlng also apvaudeville world —the The Zephyr is limited in its equipment and will receive passengers for his hair brushing- . . . Herbert personal appearances of Dizzy and because of poor living conditions plies ^to the human race. Got Your Cuts and g Only up to the extent ot its seating capacity. ' ' ' '• Bayard Swop" of the late New York Daffy Dean, world series stars—has there. Late the c t o e it became Later in the World,, likes This situation is in contrast to that known that Professor" Weyr of Bruo -comfort to the ex-been plucked by Fanchon & Marco, : Reservations and Tickets: tent of weaiif soft silk collars with the well known stage show outfit, of reported by - Jewish colonists in the enn, Czechoslovakia, refused to atCrimea, who in letters to their old tend because of the threat that the €HGRRVinG CO. which Mr; Marco is the head, while I. W SBAKI'E; (ienerat Agent his dinner jacket . . .Milton Berle, 16th & Parnam Sts. Phone Atlantic 6831 Casino de"'Paree's master of cere- Ms sister is the Fanchon of the firm. homes have expressed pleasure with German delegates would remain away Thofie Qi.4626 monies, started his career at the age (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts conditions there and have urged other if the congress invited Professor Omaha. Neb. members of their families to join Hans Kelsen, a leading Republican Feature Syndicate.) bfXsix, i#< those John Bunny comedies who is now an exile from Germany. them. ari& ^Perjls of Pauline" flicker serials of-a-$eore'of years ago . : . A chip off=;f&»-old -block; Is young John Shuberf^son'bf^producer J. J., from 'whom great contributions to the theater may ii Sale That Annually Provides beriexpecied " . ! . ; • "Goddaughter of Warsaw, , (WNS>.—Settlement of Thousands of Gifts for Omaha Women *? iis' wEat Italy's soTdier-piet foreign Jewsti in Bir<*-Bidjan is posAD'Aimunzio calls Vera sible if such migration is financed by Bloom; daughter, of Representative foreign Jewish "organizations, it was Soli >;'••. ^. Professor, Albert Einstein, announced by Dr. Pecker, chairman who tried^mth; no r outstanding suc- of the executive of the Polish-Jewish cesii~tp: teach the theory of relativity Emigration" Union, on his return to '^ioJiniB^Toischa. Seidel last year, from^ Moscow, (where he conferred •will be interested to hear that Tos- with 'offrclals of the Comzet and the cha's brothsriB the only Jew on the Ozet regarding Jewish settlement in faculty of the Harvard Department Soviet Russia. of Mathematics. At the same time it is learned that in 1935 there will be an extensive BEHIND MAKE-UP It is interesting to note that at the emigration of Polish Jews to Russia. opening of the Housing Exhibition of the city of New York, at the Museun Frankfort-Ain-Maln. — Desecration of Modern Art, the city of Frankfurt- of the Jewish cemetery "near Hamam-Main, Germany, was represented berg . tjs described as "barbarous" by Brooklyn's only a local Nazi paper. by Ernst Kahn By PH1NEAS J. BIBON

Cuzists Linked With Foreign Anti-Semites




Nazi Defense Arouses Philosophy Congress


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By ARNOLD ZWEIG, Noted Author Let none doubt that in very many European" countries the nationalists •would bring about the expulsion ana extermination of the Jews if this could be-done without fear of intervention, or retribution. Let us. therefore, boldly ask: Can manMnd," the white race, afford to lose entirely one of its clans, one .that has given birth to so much.creative force? Are we, a generation in .extreme peril, under any obligation. to justify, that instinct of self-preservation which bids us face every danger fearlessij' 1 Why exactly do Jews still exist, and why do we foist ourselves on the Mature ages "instead of silently giving lip the ghost under the heels of tfco herd-like "sovereign nations?"

Trotzky . believes that the enslavement of Central Europe can be prevented only by an uprising of the desperate workers and disappointed middle classes, after ysars of serious paralysis. What element between the Rhine and the Vistula'-would then bs capable of transmitting the achievements and values of modern civilization, plus the great blessing of a more just social order, without which the future does not seem worth liv-. ing? Let us resist the temptation to ask further questions. Let us simply attempt to formulate the Jewish question.

strate to all the. world that the era of arbitrary treatment of this minority has come to ;a close." We are not" overestimating either the influence or the: actions of the League. But the" success of the chauvinists has shown propaganda to be. a terrible weapon in politics. Let the champions of a good cause learn at last from those who fight for evil. Politics is a matter of the masses, where the Jews are concerned too. An appal to the masses of the nations can be effective only if it is adapted to their powers of comprehension; to their demand for obviousness in the course of events. Uncertainty stands before us and about us, and human nature still is ruled by mass impulses and passions. A survey of the unreasoning aspects of the political world, without regard

who would let .man be dethroned by the machine in oitier to give rise to an endless cycles of. ruling castes and enslaved masses. If the upheaval of fresh" catastrophes is required to liberate the : masses from - unreasoning production'. — . "then these catastrophes will not fail to occur.' ."And. among tha forces that will bring about this better reconstruction of mankind,, that will free the group mind of poisons and cause it to work toward the creative process as it is now working for the powers of destruction — among these forces will be the genius of the Jewish people, working side by side with the genius of. other nations; or else the Jewish spirit will be dead. We take as our own the cry of Carlyle; "Work and despair not! Having gone through the great war of the white . nations we do not want to surrender to its consequences. We shall continue to do our duty, to fight on the Left and to. augment th elegions of those who feel that all the creative spirits of mankind stand behind them while only chaos lie. ahead.-To transform this chaos into, a cosmos probably is the inner reason for the remarkable fact that the ;plan2t Earth gave risa to no curious a phenomenon, as tlis hurrian race, vesssl of reason. ; (Copyright, 19-34, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)

Father, Son Banquet Study Class UFE INSURANCE- BibleTuesday Afternoon of Young Men's Vaad WHAT IT IS AND WHAT FT DOES... Rabbi David H. Wice will conduct his Bible study class on Tuesday afternoon, November 27, at S p. m. at the home "of' Mrs. Louis "Kulakofsky.

By the Service Life Insurance Company, Omaha : ^Current

Topics Class To Meet on Tuesday

Next Sunday evening the second annual father's and son's banquet under the auspice? of the Young Men's Vaad will be held at the B'nai Israel synagogue., starting "at Gr?>0 p. m. The main address will be delivered by Sidney Epstein, Ben Kazlowsky will be chairman. William Milder will give the address for the fathers, •and the response will be made by Leonard Goldstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. "I. Goldstein. Sam Hahn is chairman of the committee in charge. An interesting program will be presented. Reservations may be made by calling Atlantic 5534.

i "The Church Struggle in GerChange Destroys Values The upheaval in business and.the many" will be the subject of Eabbi zigzag course ol the rise and fall of Frederick Cohn before the current investments of vridelr varied charac- topics class sponsored by the Sisterter have forced men to compare their hood, to be held at the Blackstone life insurance purchases with their hotel Tuesday morning. other supposedly secure and carefully Tickets may be purchased at the selected holdings. lecture. Being disappointed in the day-to-day market value of bonds heretofore either at or above par Having seen wealth sunk in stocks A'regular meeting of the Voltaire literally drowned overnight At their regular Miave Malkeh Young Circle club was held NovemNot having enjoyed the thrills that of the Mizrachi December 1, the ber 15 at the home of Dorothy Zlotoffers for the real estate purchases niembers will observe the fiftieth an- kin. Plans were formulated for celemade' a few years ago would bring niversary of the Katlowitz confer- brating the group's first anniversary. them—•— Heretofore the Jewish question has | ence, one of the first efforts at reAll these .things have caused men to building Palestine. been incorrectly put. In a society of CHERISH and PRIZE as never before States that arose through violence One of the leaders of this conT H E I R LIFE INSURANCE CON- ference was • Rabbi Samuel MohileWhat questions! Mankind needs' the and conquest the Jws lived as a TRACTS. - : : Jews. It needs us as an outlet for its formless group •_ unrecognized civilly wer, who is considered the spiritual Is engaged in the business of sellMen today are not only dissatisfied predecessor of the present-day Miz- ing all kinds of RELIGIOUS ARevil impulses. It needs us in order to or - legally. • Their emancipation was TICLES— Talcisim, Books. Jewish they, are .unsatisfied. They want to feel rachi. show how mature or immature it the result of the proclamation of the Bibles in Hebrew and English. grettable fact that ever again recursecure, not just hopeful. really is — the reality behind the (rights of man by the French revoluThe meeting will be held at the GT,. 29"2 • They, are demanding guarantees. phrases. The German, -for example, tion, an outgrowth of the generous rent catastrophes interrupt the tamB'nai Jacob synagogue, Twenty-fifth Res. 609 Xo. oOth St. ing of barbaric man, halt the subPromises and expectations of what "has shown his real- self in his con- confidence of a few statesmen of the and Nicholas. the future holds for them are not duct toward the Jew: let all heed this calibre of Mirabeau and Lesskisr. jection of herd-like and horde-like enough. It is not so much what it •- -'"To Begin warning. In the struggle against the These predicted that the Jews, if re- primitive beings to the wise laws of temptation to .assault us any nation lieved of oppression -and of their ex- cultural development. If we take as First practice for the Jewish Cam- costs today as what it will be worth may experience its hour of defeat cr optional stataT™>ul«r provTto "be ' o u r criterion the rational maturity of j munity Center varsity girls basket- tomorrow that counts. The public is life insurance wise tovictory; our weakness measures the good citizens and useful members of j ^ e ^ ^ develops^^individual ^ jball team will be held Monday night, true maturity. and strength of the society. Today, a hundred and fifty cannot but concede that a long road | November 26, at 7:30 o'clockj Physi- day. It has been brought home time and others. . SEAT CUSHIONS, Factory Rebuilt, $•% years later, this prophecy stands re- must be traveled before all the world cal Director Lee Grossman " an- again that life insurance contracts deshall have reached true civilization. Including New Spring Units JL • As for ourselves — in our stand alized. Yet a great State in the cen- Then we recognise that the conflicts nounced. Grossman, who will personally liver the goods, not only part of the toward the Arabs in Palestine we can ter of Europe has dene away with between group passions and group time, or most of the time, out all of Your present Mattress remade into a $ £| T C determine whether we ourselves are these blessings of 1789, and a similar heason, the ever recurrent setting coach the group, stated that practi- the time. . luxurious Innerspring Matti ess * / i i O Up immune to the disease which attacks evil spirit is perceptible in many of aside of reason in times of economic cally everyone of last year's players will be on hand to start practice. "ttfe others. In our stand toward the the nations that are its neighbors. Try a large bottle of our Lustre Furniture decline, are consequences of fear for The following are expected to reoppressed and exploited of the world But an emancipation which can so the group life and for the future port: Esther Siegel, Flo Brookstein, Polish—the best you ever used —'- the colored races here included — easily be endangered by difficult liv- generations; such fear is inevitable, Barney Guss will present the JoCaU WTW. A. L11VEY, Manager •we" find our answer to the problems ing conditions and economic crisis for the present, under such circum- Margaret Heed, Ida Bausfield; Rae sephson company in a Jewish show Spar, Miriam Greenberger; Minnie of today, tomorrow and the day aft- cannot have been very deepseated. stances. Some nations, like many innext Sunday evening at the K. oI'C. er. In our stand toward the truly gi- This must be taken as evidence of a dividuals, fear life more than death. Yaffe, Bertha Guss, Marjorie Miller, The players will give three one-act gantic stupidity of spendthrift waste fault in our social structure. Our con- Afraid to trust in their own genius, and Louella English. plays. •A-2174 45)23 South 24lh Street and inextricable confusion we should tention is that the emancipation was they fall prey to violence. Badly conThe members.of the cast "will broadbear in mind that we helped bring granted not to Jewry as an entity structed social edifices are made percast' over WOW this evening irom reason and rationality into many but to individual Jews, and this not manent in order that the common 10:20 to 10:45 p. nu : " •;.-. :'-.-; : ; spheres of life because of their Jewishness but des- good be sacrificed a "little longer to -The members of the Junior DeThe world needs Jews. We should pite their Jewishness. Hopes could be the selfishness of short-sighted rul- bating League will have charge of • Lite begrets like the world over.not be concerned about the hostility placed in them although they were ing castes. the Friday evening service at "• the' Alcott. . of our foes. The .very extent of their Jews, the" leading spirits of those, old But the road which mankind has B'nai Israel synagogue November 30. triumph signifies how /dreadfully days held. Today the" Jews every- traveled so" far cannot end in'a blind The - participants and their, subthey have been defeated. Never have where have "proved that their eman- alley. If the .white peoples _do not jects:- "Eeligious School and -Jewish; we seen more .clearly", the, terrible cipation was., a good thing because come to -see reason, reason, vnll'go'to. History,", Irving _ White; "Rsligious poisoning of' a great and gifted na- they are Jews. For because of their othersiAs we" lose irom a medieval 'School andjthe Bible," Leonard MorXOSHEK MAKKET tion by lack of courage to face the blood and their' heritage, their des- culture into our rational age^ of tech- geristern; /'Customs'".toi3 -Ceremoni" (Formerly Joskin's Meat Market) truth, especially about itself. Does not tiny and their creative . power,- they nical progress, which could so-easily als,". Jake Teplitsky; "Folk Songs," 1552 So. 20th WE. 5450 Europe' see" that"a. new. German" have" teen of seFvice to'mankind and bring lighf and Eappiness,~leistfre,anaV Sarah -Wolfson;.- "Club. Activities," Iteu'brii Grecnberc, back from Chi-, irienace -confrents it? Will its civili- can continue to be of such service; creative joy t o . all, so mankind will Harold Nesselson; "The Synagogue/' casro, invites you to renew business acquaintanceship. . . zation survive the horror and destruc- that is . why they must be "accepted not consent to give over this techhi- Anne -PoHay. The chairman is Elition inevitable is gaswarfare ? Is fully in "the society of nations—their cal advance into the hands of those 'nor'Cohen.~ ; there a - third -alternative beyond the "status must "be legitimatized after this two which the aggressive spirit" of long period of tacit OT explicit illethe German State places before tha gitimacy. Without depriving them of continent ? In 19l& we started on a any of their civil rights recognition fearful road — in 1919 we did not must be given a nation, in retrace our steps. The" peace-seeking ^consideration of their extraordinary 1 governments of the' Weimar "coali- social and national structure; and"Y tion met with no encouragement, wherever they' demand it they mustj only rebuEfs which"finally: gave them. be given the status of a national -nuinto the power of their embittered nority and of. independent -. member'foes in "their own country. Now the ship in the society of nations. black, red and gold ''Jewish banner" The League of Geneva has been torn flown definitely^: In its; has brought hitter disappointment to" . place flutters the anti-Jewish "flag of all; those who expected^'it to become TRY FffiST violence, flaunting the swaltika.*- Will what its founder,. Wobdrow Wilson, Europe be strong "enough to"' isolate hoped it would be. It has halted all it? Will it be^possible to "prevent its too timorously before the sovereignty , uncivilized savagery.-from crossing of its members, and has dissipated its the present borders of the Eeich, and moral strength by not creating an'-' An Exceptional Value! . When a famous corset maker who, at the same time to save the German thoritative means to coordinate and Jews from total annihilation ? Or are organize-Europe and to bring to their until now, has made only high-priced these to be driven out v — and are senses, through, economic and politigarments decides to make a garment the spiritual values, of Europe to find cal measures, those who would dis. at this price ; . . you're assured someasylum i a Palestine, in analogy to turb the' harmony. which wisdom ditthe case of the Byzantine htunanists 4ates. "Now at -last-it should" take ds.thing special in cut, fit and fabric after the fairol"Constantinople?:~"~S. tasive - steps- on~the Jewish question, Two models sketched. Friedrich Nittzsche prophesied a if on nothing else. It should accept century of great wars for Europe; sn representatives of the Jewish people " astute and significant ^statesman as l a s such, and "solemnly act to demon-

JMizrachiWill Observe Conclave Anniversary

Young- Circle Club


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Brsndeis—Thirfi floor


Page 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRn>AY, NOVEMBER 23, 19S4 to a peculiar glory, but he added, Victoria Memorial to cratic precedents, set up a representative international commisMagda was always a bit queer. sion, charged to speak and act in defense of Jewish rights? But, Monash, War Hero THIS AND THAT the resolutions of the American Jewish Congress go further. If Dr. D. S. Schoenfield, the Jewish those now opposed to a world Jewish congress agree to co-operLondon (JTA).—"Much interest has Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by psychiatrist, consulted by the Hearst been aroused," the Newcastle Journal THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY \ ate in the establishment of a permanent commission for Jewry papers two years ago, on the Lindbergh kidnapping notes, gave a list reports, "in art circles at the deciand accept membership on it, the American Jewish Congress is • Subscription Price, one year $2.00 of findings then which has been cor- sion of the Government of Victoria to By DAVID SCHWARTZ prepared to submit the date of the world Jewish congress to this roborated in almost every respect. He hold a competition open to all British Advertising rates furnished on application commission. If the negotiations fail, the American Jewish Con said the child was dead, that the kid- sculptors for an equestrian statue of Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. napper was German, was a carpen- the late General Sir John Monash who A SAINTLY RABBI gress will act independently. commanded the Australian corps toSioux City Office—Jewish Community Center ter and lived in. the Bronx. I was just reading- an old work. If the above explanation sounds, muddled, it is because the ward the end of the war. DAVID BLACKISH - - - - Business and Managing Editor read it today. It is the Memoirs report of the administrative committee of the American Jewish Few PRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - Editor "Those who met Sir John Monash Maurice Samuel's just appearing of Sir Moses Montefiore. And in it FANNIE KATEkMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent Congress is muddled. In one place the report speaks of a world "Beyond Woman" is being highly during the war will recall his tall, im' came across a beautiful story. ANN PILL - - ' - - . - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent figure and the circumstance congress, as yet non-existent, setting up a permanent commis- Sir Moses tells how on entering the praised. If it makes good, it will be posing Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street a new sensation for Samuel. Hither- that although he was of Jewish birth own of Safed, Palestine, he attemptsion. And then it offers to leave the selection of a date for the ed to do special honor to the rabbi to, his fiction has not fared well. he had no pronounced Hebrew features. He was one of the most sucworld congress to this permanent commission, provided the oppothere. And he explains why. He reOn Thanksgiving cessful commanders in the war, and And now a French paper is saynents of the world congress help create the permanent commis- lates that shortly before his visit a Next Thursday the Jewry of America, in common with all sion. The logical question to ask is: Which comes first, the world robber band of Druses had seized Ing that Hitler has his Lupescu—a it is no secret that it was Sir John other citizens, will celebrate the observance of Thanksgiving Day. congress or the permanent commission? this Rabbi, had tied his hands and Jewess by the name of Lina Freu- whom Mr. Lloyd George had in mind when he wrote in his memoirs that 'eet and then brandishing a knife, densfeldd. As we prepare for this annual observance, we cannot help but only one British general was fitted The best thing to deduce from the entire matter is that it is threatened to cut him to pieces unthink back to that November day of 1621 when the Pilgrims first to assume command of the Allied Albert Einstein in his new book, less the rabbi obtained a certain eum now highly improbable that a world Jewish congress will be held "The World As I See It" becomes armies." gave thanks to their God for His bounty. of money for them. personal. He goes into the quesThe Pilgrims came to this country to escape oppression and next year. The heads of the American Jewish Congress evidently The rabbi - replied that he «ould very tion of the fuss made about him and have come to the realization that without a unified American not get the money. tyranny, to be able to worship as they saw fit, to live in righteous"Then you must die," said the remarks that he can't at all underness and justice, with equality to all. They endured untold hard- Jewry behind the movement, it is unwise to carry through as Druses. stand why people are so interested ships for their ideals. We can rightly be proud that in so ably planned, and it is hoped that the olive branch offered will be "Then I have only one request to in him. Dealer in Jewish Books and Other Religious Articles make. Please grant it." helping to lay the foundation for the most glorious country in the to effect a unity of thought and action. You hear all kinds of stories of "What is i t ? " asked the Druses. world these Pilgrim Fathers—founders of the Thanksgiving holi"Please give me a little water, people making good with orange 2429 Decatur. We 3527 day we prepare to celebrate—were devotees of the Old Testament Denouement of Libel Suit I just received a supply of Chanuthat I may wash my hands and re- groves in Palestine, but those that kah articles: Cbanukah candles say that you can do just as and the Hebraic influence was strong in their daily lives. In fact, The Deutsche Zeitung of New York, chief Nazi organ in this cite a pray on the justice of God inknow and candlesticks, very beautiful well raising vegetables as you can they even borrowed the idea of the thanksgiving feast from the country, has made an "about-face." William L. McLaughlin, editor all his ways." raise three «rops of vegetables a brass and silver plate. Also, ChanThe Druses, Sir Moses relates, year ukah greeting cards. Anyone buycustoms of the ancient Hebrews. there. of the English section, was sentenced to one year in prison for were so taken back at this saintliness ing any of the above-mentioned arJames Truslow Adams, the great New England historian, having criminally libelled former Judge Joseph Goldstein and the that they released the rabbi. ticles will get a story of ChanuJulian Leavitt, chief cataloguer of kah in English and Jewish with declared in this regard: "Christ did, indeed, occupy a place in Jewish people as a whole. His sentence was suspended, however, the Library of Congress was once Benedictions and Hymns of ChanuFINE MAN their (the Pilgrims'> theology, but in spirit they may be consid- through the pleas of Samuel Untermyer, Samuel Leibowitz and AThe other day I was reading a sur- offered the.job of systematizing the kah ABSOLUTELY FREE. ered as Jews, not Christians. Their God was the God of the OldRabbi Louis D. Gross of Brooklyn. In his plea for leniency, Unter- vey of American Zionism made by the Vatican library. Testament, their laws were the laws of the Old Testament, their myer, who was counsel for Judge Goldstein, said: "I am here in late Dr. Arlosoroff, the Palestine labor and written some ten years ago guides to conduct were the characters of the Old Testament." a sense for the entire Jewish people, who are constantly libelled. leader, on his visit to the United States. Another noted historian, Fisk, declared that in the commonwealth There was hardly a paragraph in this editorial that did not con- It was eye opening to me that Dr. of the Pilgrims there was "the same ethical impulse which ani- tain libel. But this defendant has been contrite and has made a Arlosoroff could have judged so well Service f©r every in the short space of time he was mates the glowing pages of the Hebrew poets and prophets, and sweeping apology. The policy of this paper has been changed. The here. most of all, I was surtype of ail burner which has given to the history and literature of Israel their com- Jews are not a vindictive people. Over the years they have suf- prised But at some of his evaluation. For manding influence in the world." Not only was Hebrew taught fered much, but are patient. In view of this man's repentance and instance, he criticizes very severely among these: first settlers, but the Mosaic code was made the law.also of the changed attitude of this paper, I feel that the ends of some of the leaders of American Zionism, but strangely enough, he -•4 The span of time, bridging over many gaps and many coun- justice will be met by a suspended sentence." seems to have high regard for Jatries, links Thanksgiving with the Hebraic philosophy. But time Untermyer spoke in true Jewish fashion. We bear malice to cob de Haas for his outspokenness. has also reverted us to the unpleasant reality of once again wit- no one, and are not vindictive. On November 17, McLaughlin made And the peculiar part of it is that de Haas, with Revisionist leanings, nessing mass exoduses to escape the iron heel of intolerant oppres- an apology and retraction on the front page of his paper. Mc- was one of those most active in sion and bigoted dictatorship. The spirit of the Pilgrims is woe- Laughlin started by saying that "We cannot believe that any fair- America recently in working up senNo. 1—38.40 Zero Distillate 7c GaL fully lacking today. And when we give thanks for our bounty and minded reader will think the less of us if in a spirit of sincerity timent for the release of Stavsky, charged with the murder of Dr. ArNo. 2—32.36 Zero Gas for the fact that—due to the ideals of religious liberty, freedom and self-respect we make public confession of a very serious losoroff. Oil 6%c Gal. and equality upon which this country was founded—the statue of blunder we have committed." His paper then declares that "we But the point I want to emphasize No. 3—28.30 Zero Fuel ©a 614 c Gal. liberty is still symbolical of the United States, let us give thought freely acknowledge that our attack upon this gentleman and here is that Arlosoroff, despite his to those less fortunate. And in our own country, as we give through him upon the Jewish people was unwarranted, uncon- own political sympathies, despite his own personal likes, cut through all thanks, let us remember that as members of society we are duty scionable and unfounded." He also says that Judge Goldstein re- this and looked to see the character bound to work unceasingly to prevent the continuation or repeti- fused to accept monetary damages for "our unfortunate utter- of the man. tion of the tragedies witnessed within the past few years. With ance , . . because he believed that this situation was entirely a This is what I call a man. wise leaders chosen to direct the way, we must all co-operate to moral issue which could not be expressed in terms of money and ARLOSOROFF AND MAGDA the fullest in the worthy task of raising humanity from the depths that the wiWg which had been done, really concerned the Jewish .Speaking of Arlsoroff, this column to a higher, pleasanter, deeper level. mention some time ago that community, rather than himself individually. We^/are happy to amade girl chum of Arlosoroff was the acknowledge that this attitude of Judge Goldstein is" a well-known wife of Dr. Goebells, the rabid Nazi : trait of Jewry which has our profound respect. We also crave the anti-Semite. Chaim Weizmann at Sixty This girl, Magda, it will be reChaim Weizmann will celebrate his sixtieth birthday next forgiveness of the reading public and particularly of the Jewish called further, was adopted by a Jew people, who, we sincerely trust, in keeping with their splendid Tuesday by assuming his duties as head of the chemistry research as his own child, and she did not traditions and precepts, of forgiveness which permits them to learn until she was grown into young institute at-Rehoboth, Palestine. . womanhood that she was not JewToday, Chaim Weizmann is no longer president of the Zionist harbor no vindictive feelings, will find it possible to overlook our ish. And when she learned the news, Organization. But he is still one of the greatest leaders Jewry has transgression." she came crying to Arlsoroff, and he calmed her, by asking what difproduced. He has made his impress upon the pages of history, did it make. has altered the map of the world. His self-sacrificing devotion ANTI-SEMITISM—PAST AND PRESENT ference But what I wanted to add was that to the. cause of Zionism and Palestine has been of inestimable By RABBI URI MILLER Arlosoroff wrote about" this on his value in building the homeland; his political genius and statesThe resurgence of anti-Semitism in our country is a real visit to Germany, shortly before his manship had concrete results in forwarding Jewish aspirations problem but it has been exaggerated and over-emphasized. It has assassination. He wrote to a friend in Palestine that "Magda" had come in Palestine, making Zionism feasible and practical. lent itself to commercialization by institutions and causes, and has Lloyd George declared often that Weizmann's ability as re- therefore been hammered into the consciousness .of American search worker in the British War Ministry underlay the issu- Jewry out of all proportion to its true historical significance. InGEMS of the BIBLE ance of the Balfour Declaration. Whether or not this is true, it is cidents that in calmer times would have caused laughter and scorn true that through the stature of his ability he was able to make have been seized upon and so colorfully amplified as to seem inand TALMUD Englishmen in high official positions realize what the Zionist dicative of an imminent "hitlerization" of our own country. And By 0. O. DASHEB Ideals and hopes really were. By March, 1918, Weizmann was the result has been a panic-psychosis in many Jewish communirecognized throughout the world as the leader of the Zionist ties. Yea, they are greedy like dogs. The Hot World Under One Roof Movement and went to Palestine to act as liaison officer between Equally deplorable are the cures so graphically presented to They know not when they have Requires a Complete Great Britain and Palestinian Jewry. From that time on, the life American Israel and so eagerly and gullibly gobbled up by a thor- enough, and even their leaders cannot understand them; they all turn of Weizmann was the history of Zionism and phenomenal Pales- oughly frightened people. Subscriptions to a Jewish magazine will to their own ways, each one to his Showing of tinian development. not save American Jewry from German Jewry's fate, no matter own gains, one and all. For the benefit of the Jewish people Chaim Weizmann how convincing a salesmanship talk the solicitor may present. And brought to statesmanship the patience and skill of his chemical education, even systematically and statistically dispensed, is futile The wicked are like the troubled laboratory. By his efforts on our behalf/Weizmann has impressed except in isolated and unimportant instances. For anti-Semitism, sea, for it cannot rest and its waters up mire and dirt. There is no himself upon the consciousness of the Jewish people. The Jew-in the strict sense, has no cure that can be specifically applied. A cast peace for the wicked. ish people the world over do honor to him on the occasion of his prejudice bringing primitive emotions into play and induced by —And Only The Nebraska TALMUD Fealures Knox Halt sixtieth birthday, letting him know that "his sacrifices are ap-economic jealousies cannot be solved by proving the Jew has no Although the defendant pays the in Omaha! preciated, his achievements acclaimed, and his work is crowned devil's horns and uses the proper fork. Recital of Jewish contri- pecuniary damage the case is not with honor." butions to the nation's progress but increases that envy and does settled until he begs forgiveness of the plaintiff for the injury to his considerable harm. Certainly, the fact that anti-Semitism is pres- feelings. O U ' R E sure of the ent in universities, that its leaders on the continent are professors, The World Congress Muddle r i g h t hat at The The background of the proposed World Jewish Congress for and that it has been.dignified into a philosophy ought to prove Said Roba to Bobba: Whence do Nebraska. Here's careful, deduce the following people's say1935 became even more hazy this past week with the announce- the absurdity of blaming ignorance and putting our trust in en- we ing; "With the thorn the cabbage is personal service to insure ment by the administrative committee of the American Jewish lightenment. smitten (the good suffer with the you individuality in h a t The cure for anti-Semitism, if cure there be, will be found in bad.?' The reply was: I deduce it Congress that a committee of seven is to negotiate with the B'nai from the following: '(Ex. 16.28) How selection. B'rith, the American Jewish Committee, the National Jewish La- the general economic improvement. A people well-fed and satisfied long refuse ye to keep My commandbor Committee, and other organizations in an effort to reach a are poor prospects for anti-Semitic absurdities. And such a solu- ments and laws"—includes Moses and Aaron. mutual understanding which will unite all in a program of ac- tion is obviously not in our own power to actualize. Knox Hats - - $6 and $7 This we can and must do—rwe must take an historical pertivity. ' . -'... Mallory Hats - $4- and $5 Roba questioned Robba again: On the surface this seems an excellent plan to end disrup- spective of the situation. Prejudice and persecution are not new"What is the origin of the following Stetson Hats • $6 to $15 tion in Jewish life and bring about a unite front in the solution to the few. In the words of the Hagaddah: "In every generation people's saying—"What.'fault there fiorsalino Imported Hats $10 of the problems of American and world Jewry—seeking to con-they arise, seeking to destroy us." Historically, it is the normal be in thee, be the first to tell it." He replied: "From (Gen. 24.34) 'And Other Fall Hats $2.85 to $8 ciliate divergent groups of Jewish opinion in order to permit of consequence of an abnormal condition. Hence, why the panic? he said: "I am Abraham's servant."* Why the fear and trembling? And why the commercializing of their co-operation in the national democratic elections which the Yes . . . The Hat World Under Roba said again to Robba: "WhereJewish Congress has scheduled for April, 1935, and in the estab- Jewish fear and.its unnecessary aggravation? from the following saying, 'Do not One Roof for Your Satisfaction! Israel has met prejudice and persecution in the past with thou dirt in the well from which you lishment of a World Jewish Congress. Previously, the Congress poise and dignity. It has weathered each storm—and they were bad expressed its determination to proceed with plans for a World drank water.'" "From Deut. 23:8) Hats—Main Floor Jewish Congress, but now it wisely off ers to submit the question real, not publicity-made—with character unbroken and, morale un- "Thou fihalt not abhor an Egyptian thou wast a stranger in his to the electorate in the April balloting, i n t h e form of a.refer- shattered. 'in his synagogue, in the symbolism of Jewish home because land.'" endum. Two questions, it was agreed, should be put to the voters: and religious tradition, he has found inspiration and strength to (1) Shall there be one representative national body to speak on sustain him as he journeyed through the valley of the shadow. Roba said again to Robba: Wherefrom the following people's saying, behalf of American Jewry in the protection of-Jewish rights and His faith in the destiny of Israel has been a rod and a staff, com- "Birds CORRECT ATPAKEI. FOR MEN AND WOMEN of a feather flock together." the safeguarding of general Jewish interests? (2) Shall a World forting him and giving him the courage that conquers death. "From (Gen. 38.9) 'Every fowl as-r , We need more of-this old-fashioned prescription. But, above Bociates with it* kind and man wifli Jewish Congress, or assembly, composed of delegates elected by Its edual" poiseli^t'paiiiir;; h^rqismj h^rqismjTiothysterres ' the ; Jewish'people of each land in accordance with its best demo- all;; poise,




Quick Service,Day or Night I

Knox Hats Y


Page B—tSE JfEWISH PRESS,:FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1934 TO ENTEETAIN-.I'QR CART Dr. Cohn Speaks Sisterhood Luncheon Another Trg-ont for Miss Helen Merritt, director of theThanksgiving Dance Eabbi Frederick Cohn addressed a To Be Held Monday large- gathering Center Players Guild, is entertaining of Junior Hadassah Child Actors Sunday at the Methodist the members of fhe cast and the stage Church Tuesday evening, discussing crew of ."Another Language" at her Miss Kalah Franklin is general Enheartended fey the splendid The regular monthly luncheon of home on Saturday evening, Novem- chairman, of the annual Thanksgiv- turnout at the first try-out Sunday the Sisterhood of Temple Israel will Samuel Roger's Atlantic prize novel, "Dusk at the Grove." ber 24. ing dance of Junior Hadassah, which for "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs," be held next Monday, December S, Wednesday evening Dr. Cohn Included among these 'will be Mrs.will be held next Thursday evening, the members of the Junior Drama- at the Temple at 1 o'clock. Stanley; Levin, Mrs; Sara Sekerman, November. 29, at the Hotel Fonte- tics group at the J. C. C. are plan- Reservations may be made with spoke before the Hi-Y at the Y. M. C. A. on the social movement. "Do Martha Himelstein, Grace Levin, Irene nelle. ning for a successful season. Mrs. Dave Rosenstock, Walnut 7546. We Need Revolution?" Hirseh, Nate Sekerman, Sylvan Fran- She is assisted by Miss Rose AbramAnother try-out win be held tins Next Monday, November 26, from kel, Jack Temin, Sal Michniek, Leo san, ticket chairman, and Miss Fannie Sunday afternoon, November 25, at 4 to 4:15 p. ra. Rabbi Cohn will Bernstein, Ealph Nogg, Hascall Co- Katehnan, publicity chairman. Miss 3 p . m . All children through the ageAuxiliary of South speak over radio station WOW for hen, Irving Stemhill, Sylvia Silver- Minnie Frohm is president of the of 14 who are interested are invited Side Meets Monday the Nebraska Daughters of the man, Mamie Temin, Edward Brodkey local chapter, and Mrs. FromMn is to attend. American Revolution on "Merchants and Ruth Allen. PLEASE NOTE — Due to the Grace Levin is director. sponsor. Parties for of Death," the spectacular book by Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, The Ladies Auxiliary of the ConThe College Gob orchestra will November 29, all articles and social gregation of Israel will hold its regu- Hanighen. play. Gary Gross, who recently reConservative Revue Carnival-Bazaar by items for next week's issue most lar meeting on Monday, November turned from a five-year engagement Council Meeting reach the Jewish Press office, not 26 at 2 p. m. in the assembly ball Patronize Jewish Press Advertisers. in New York City, will be featured Auxiliary of Vaad Numerous parties are being Monday Afternoon of the synagogue at Twenty-fifth later than 5 p. m. on Tuesday af- planned for the revue, "Conservative Many interesting booths and varied as guest artist with the orchestra. and J streets. ternoon, November 27. Capers," which the Conservative attractions will feature the third an- He was featured vocalist with JohnSynagogue Auxiliary is presenting nual carnival-bazaar to be held at nie Johnson's band in the Pensyl- The Council of Jewish Women wiD All members are urged to attend. LEVIN-CHUDACOFF at the Central high auditorium, De- the city auditorium Sunday evening, vania Hotel and Paradise Restaura- devote this month's meeting to a Mark Leon Says . . . ENGAGEMENT cember 5. One of the leading Oma- December 2, under the sponsorship ant in New York City, and has also peace program when the organization, Let m e protect y o n * Interest B . . . I write tNSCKAN'CE at every description meets Monday, November 26, at theMt. Sinai Auxiliary Mrs. Bessie Chudacoff announces ha hotels is planning a special danc- of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Vaad broadcasted. inclmlinc L I T E , i a s t r e n e . reliable ctwnA number of visitors from neigh- J. C. C. The legislative and interONI/T . Let's talk It over the engagement of her xianghter, Lyl- ing party following the final curtain. Ha'Ihr. Meeting Wednesday yan, to Mr. Hyman Levin, son of Mr. Milton Rieck, well known dramatic Mrs. S. Brown is general chairman, »Ting chapters wiH be here for the, national relations study group anCity Finance & Insurance Co. nually sponsors this program, and A regular meeting of the Mount 1*09 Fanum St. AT. "667 or B'A. 5130 and Mrs. Samuel Levin, of this city. producer is in charge, and is being and Mrs. A. M. Greenbaum is ticket affair. an invitation is extended all Jewish Sinai Auxiliary mil be held next Miss Chudacoff is a graduate of ably assisted by Mrs. Phineas Win- chairman. women of the city. Central High, school and is prominent troub and Mrs. Sam Theodore. Mrs. Mrs. N. Greenberg and Mrs. W. Wednesday afternoon, November 28, "The Torch of Peace," a short i at 2 p. m. at the Adass Teshnren in Omaha musical circles. She is a William Alberts and her committee Milder are in charge of the program. Membership Luncheon imder the direction of Mrs. Bensynagoeue, Twenty-fifth and Seward. member of the musical department at are hard at work on the costumes, of Hadassah Tuesday play, Silver, will be presented by the folCentral High. Mr» Levin is a graduate and tickets are going rapidly, Mrs. lowing members: Mesdames Paul of the Creig-hton university school of A. D. Frank, ticket chairman, has The annual membership luncheon Blotky, Abraham Solomon, Sam Ladies Labor Lyceum announced. law. of Hadassah will be held Tuesday,|.Wolf, M. A. Venger,"Jules Newman, No date has been set for the •wed- A special program is being pubSPECIALS FOE TOOt FALL Concert This Sunday November 27, at the J. C. C , with't pMUp Levey, Nathan Green, Henry TEEMAXESTS lished for the evening, listing all ding. 6J» Wella Oil or Tredr (\(\ [ Newman, D. K. Cohen, H. J. Shu19 acts in the revue, as well as the Hadassah Sabbath will be observed new members as honored guests. The Ladies Labor Lyceum club *Tic Vita-tenic O.W The program, arranged by Mrs.t ow, Iz Weiner, Julius Abraiamsaa, m 150 people who are taking part. ReROSENBAUM-BERNSTEIN this evening at Temple Israel and present their first concert of the 5.00 Standard Cro«iuisTi»le p hearsals are underway daily, and the B'nai Israel synagogue. Last Fri- Dave Brodkey, •will include a sketch,' Manuel Grodinsky, Louis Sogolo-w, MARRIAGE DAY SET d N «• Spiral "Hadassah on a Spree," given by M. F. Levenson. Myron Cohen, viof*\] season this Sunday, November progress is gratifying, Mr. Rieck Miss Eeva Bernstein, daughter of day, it was observed at the ConserHave TOUT eyes made beautiful with members of Junior Hadassah; a innst, and Mrs. David Goldstein at 25, at 8:20 p. m. at the Labor LyLouise Ferris Safe Eye- -| (jfj Mr. and Mrs. I. Bernstein, has setsays. vative synagogue. brow ami I w h I>ye i.VV Thanksgiving Day for her marriage In all, it will be a tuneful, color- A short talk on Hadassah will be reading on "The Life of Heine," by. the piano, will provide the musical ceaxn. building, Twenty-second and MILDRED WEBB to Mrl Myer Eosenbaum, son of Mr.ful, and lively production, embrac- given at the Temple tonight by Mrs.Miss Margaret Abramson; songs by I accompaniment. Mrs. Nathan Green Clark. 18tn an-' Dodge JAckson C.%S and Mrs. Dave Eosenbaum. ing dramatic sketches, musical re- B. F. Margolin, regional president Master Philip Sokolof, accompanied -win ^ the soloist, at the piano by Mrs. R. M. Shlaes. A dessert luncheon at 1:15 preInvitations have been issued for a vues, dances, choruses, solo numbers, of Hadassah. Psi Mu Matinee as well as an unusually lovely off er- At the B'nai Israel synagogue, Preparation of the luncheon will be cedes the program, when Mrs. J. H. reception to follow the ceremony." Dance at J. C. G; ing by the Conservative Synagogue Rabbi Uri Miller, who visited in Pal- in. charge of Mrs. Sam Cohen, assist- Shumow and Mrs. Joseph Jacobs ed by Mrs. Horace Eosenbloom and:-Brill be hostesses. A board meeting choir. TWENTY-FIFTH WEDDING estine last summer, will speak on Service Quality Tie Psi Ma will hold their weekly ANNIVERSARY •Hadassah: An Interpretation." Mrs. Mrs. Harry Belmont. Additional new j-frill be held at 12:30. Sunday matinee dance in the J. C. C. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rkhlin -were ANNOUNCE BIRTH M. F. Levenson will speak on "Ha-members whose names did not apanditornma Sunday afternoon at honored by members of the local Pio- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rosenberg of dassah in America." MITB. B. F . Mar-pear before are Mrs. Leo Marcus Mrs. A. J. Solomon, Adelaide 3:30 p. m. and Mrs. Jack Bramson. apartments, Forty-ninth and Dodge Austin, Minn., announce the birth of neer Women at a surprise parly Mongolin will speak on "Hadassah in streets, will be hostess to the next Austin Bevans and his orchestra day evening on the occasion, of their a son. Mrs. H. Friedel of Omaha, Palestine." Following the Vaad servplay. According to Henry Ginsmother of Mrs. Rosenberg, is now vis- ices, Mrs. D. Epstein and Mrs. Sam Mrs. Julius Abrahamson, president Child Study group meeting Tuesday, wiH twenty-fifth "wedding- anniversary. berg, chairman, door prizes will November 27, at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Dave Epstein will serve tea. of t i e local Hadassah chapter, enThe Pioneer Women presented the iting hvAustin. again, be awarded. The annual popuwiH be co-hostess. Mrs. tertained the members of the culRichlins with a gift and will also Frederick will continue a larity contest wiH start in two tural group at her home Saturday plant trees in Palestine in their hon- ON EXTENDED TRIP weeks. Cultural Meeting Mrs. Reuben Eulakofsky left Wedor. Mrs. Eichlin has been a member afternoon at a beautifully-appointed This Sundays dance is being dediby an informal discussion. of the organization since the local nesday on an extended trip, during tea. eated to the Fa Hon sorority. Last of Pioneer Women which she will visit in Houston, San branch was formed. Philip EasHn, noted poet, was Jewish Press advertisers merit, and week's dance was in honor of the Phone AT-2815 2S15 Farnam St. Antonio, El Paso, Los Angeles and guest of honor and spoke. Mrs. R. deserve your patronage. Junior Hadassah. A cultural meeting of the PionSan Jose. SURPRISE PARTY er Women wiH be held Saturday M. Shlaes entertained with a musical Mr. and Mrs. J. Chorney were hon_ ^ afternoon, November 24, a t 2 p. m.program. at the home of Mrs. H. Rothkovitz, Tentative plans were made for a ored by relatives and friends at a surTO NEW YORK prise party, November 16, on the oc- Miss Sylvia Idpsman recently left 2105 Grant street. series of meetings to be held once a for New Yorfc, where she intends to casion of their fifteenth wedding anmonth under the leadership of Mrs. Mrs. Max Goldstein, chairman of make her homeniversary. Cards were played. the carnival bazaar announces that Max FromMn, educational chairman. all plans have been completed for Anyone interested in joining this TO DES MOKES ANNOUNCE BIRTHS the affair on December 9. AH friends Hadassah cultural group is asked to Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Cutler an- Mr. and Mrs- M.I*. Harwich, nave of the organization are requested to call Mrs. Fromkin,. Harney 2671. to Des Moines, la., for a tennounce the birth of a daughter, Octo- motored day visit with relatives and friends. keep that date open. ber 21. Mrs. H. S. Novitsky, chairman of the Medical Fund, announces the adFIELD DIRECTOR ON VISIT ditional names of women who have Mr. Mendel Fisher, who was re-Conservative Oneg their quotas for the Give-orJunior Vaad Auxiliary cently appointed field secretary of the Shabbos Saturday raised Get luncheon, as follows: The MesZionist Organization .of America, was Plans Chanukah Dance in Omaha last Friday to confer with The women of the Conservative dames David Firikel, Sam Stern, J. Max Fromkin, Ben Newman, L local Zionist leaders. Synagogue Auxiliary will hold an Leib, At a meeting of the Junior Vaad Grossman, Theodore, A- TanenOn eg Shabbos Saturday afternoon, batnn, Jack A. Auxiliary held Tuesday evening, a SUPPER-DANCE PARTY Kaufman, Sam Davis, H. November 24, at the iome of Mrs. favorable report was given of the Plans for a supper-dance party Samuel H. Stern, 342. North Thirty- Osoff, Paul Woblner, and Irvin. sale of Jewish lecture series tickets were completed at a meeting of the avenue. Mrs. Irvia Levin will Stein, and Miss Blanche Zinvman. by Miss Ruth. Marks, ticket chair- Beta Rho sorority held a t the home fifth be co-hostess. of Miss Phyllis Soref. man. gave a talk on The affair wiD be given at the FonSidney Epstein 'For the Connoisseur "The Education of the Jewish Child," tenelle Hotel on December 8. Latvia Recognizes Trio followed by an open forum. PEERLESS Riga, Latvia—Samuel and Joseph Plans were formulated for a Cha- TO NEW YOKE Hope and Simon Malettks, Jews who DisfincfiTe DRY CLEAIOJiG nukah dance to be given at the Mr. and Mrs. Sam Feldman are in fought in the Latvian war of indeETery Time! South Omaha synagogue December 4, New York City, where they went to pendence, have been awarded the KE. 1500 following a business session. Paid- attend a wedding of a relative. While highest order of l i e Latvian govern•OBe-FiTe-Hundred" up members of the Junior Vaad there they are staying with Mr. andment; Auxiliary and Young Men's Vaad Mrs. S. Sidman. will be eligible to attend. After a short stay in New York, they will visit in several cities on the eastern coast.


Beauty Shop


Kadimah Delegates to Youths* Round Table

FROM SIOUX CITY Miss Jean Shindler of Sioux City is a house guest of Miss Helen Bloom. At a meeting of the Kadimah Club While here, several members of the held at the home of Mrs. Leon Men- younger set feted her at parties. delson, Gertrude Platt and Betty Tarnoff were chosen representatives to BEAD SPANISH CLUB the Round Table. Among the officers elected by the On the program, wiflr Dorothy Tat- Spanish a t Central High are elman in charge, was a "nonsensical Norman club Bolker, president; Leonard tale" by Elaine Xagman. An extemporaneous debate was held on whether the Leon, vice-president, and Irving Yaffe, . Kadimah and the Habonim dabs sergeant-at-arms^ should be united. The negative, consisting of Eleanor Cohn, Sarah Resnick and Edith Gateman, won over HOUSE FOR RENT! fhe affirmative team of Ann Pollay, Rose Kirshenbaum and Noime Wolf- Davenport, 2861—-¥ewly decorated 7 rooms, new furnace, garage. son. Celia Upsman gave *a talk on JJear schools. Reasonably priced, the late Baron Edmund Rothschild. 525, . Mrs. Mendelson served tea. •

Informal Party by Phi Sigma Mu The first informal party of Phi Sigma Mu, Jewish legal fraternity of Omaha university night law school, was held last Sunday evening. Ralph Nogg led the group in a: mock trial ceremony. At the regular meeting Wednesday, November 28, Jack W.-.-Marer, an adviser, will speak.

Officers Elected by Begalapta Sorority

Fleishman & Soskin


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At a rneeting of the Begalapta 50c to 75c sorority Held Sunday afternoon, November 18, the following officers LUKCHES were elected. . ; '•'•:' 35c Bernice Gorelick, president; Gertr rude Platt, secretary; Dena Brody, Private Dining Room for Parties, treasurer; Sylvia Leibin, reporter*;; * Clubs -and Small Weadings RfiASOHABLB New members are Lois Gerlisky and Helen Holzman. The g r o u p i s JA. 9393 2406 Farnam sponsored by Mamie Brody. ~_^ ~ :-

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Babyland—fifth ROOT



PACK MY BAG!—Pretty Marion Sayres, one "of the beautiful sun bathers at St. Petersburg, Fla., invites you to "come on in, the sunshine's fine."

INSULL TELLS HIS STORY-After three days on the stand in federal court in Chicago, Samuel InSr., former utilities magnate, leaves with-his son, Samuel Insull, Jr., and (left) Louis Callahan, a ^ guard. Insull, tried for fraud after the collapse of his financial empire, has reviewed his life as part of the testimony in his defense. '


BOMB RIPS ^ ^ g ^ ^ ^ , , ^ anune the elevator of the Hotel P ^ e n t e irHavanaCuba where a bomb, beheved P ^ t e d by terronst^caused damages of $5,000. The hotel is American-owned.

Fashions of the Fashionable





.Vtf FATHER"WITH"SON AT MURDER TRIAL—Charles H.Doke sits with his son, Judson 1^ Dote as the latter is'tried at "Woodland", Cal., for the slaying of .Lamar.HoJling'shead, young university studeht'arid poet, said to have written verses to. Doke's wife, 2 6-year-old TIelen . • : ... Louise Doke.

WHERE 18 ALIEN CHINESE WERE CAPTURED BY "FEDS"—The Henry estate at Keyport, N. J.,' and the subcellar that was the hiding place of 18 alien Chinese who had been smuggled into the United States only to be captured by department of justice agents, are pictured. The raid was the first move against a New Jersey smuggling ring with which the name of a prominent politician is said to be linked. 1>J ! t -




GOWN OF GOLD—This glittering cocktail gown of gold net is worn by Margaret Lindsay, of the movies.

CHILDREN STRICKEN. IN P.OISQN MYSTERY—Discovering "one-of their^^ daughters dead in a bathtub, another daughter seriously stricken and three sons, sufferings Mr. and. JJrs.'Albert Corkish tell District Attorney Ray Fowler, at Fairport, N. Y., of. finding the tragedy upon their return from a shopping trip.. An autopsy revealed-that Florence, seven-year-old'daughter, had. died from poison used as a' ';',... . . garden spray. " • ';




PARENTS OF THREE CONSECUTIVE SETSOF TWINS—Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Brady of Salt Lake City believe they have some Trind of a world record.' They are parents of three consecutive sets of twins each pair consisting of a boy and a girl. The oldest, Ralph and Raeola are pictured at either end - -above Melvin and Mclba are seven, and Calvin and Carol, near their parents, are three.,;

DEDICATE RFC-BRIDGE PROJECT—Untying a ribbon to open .the new Robert E. Lee bridge across the James nver at Richmond, Va., Misses Katherine Richardson Wicker, right, and Mary Ruid Sowers assist in the dedication of the first Richmond RFC project to be completed. Six bridges at Richmond are included in the pr»*ecte. cost of which is climated at $2,000,000.

MRS. ROOSEVELT HOST TO BOY PRODIGY—Telling Mm. Franklin D. Roosevelt about his two dogs and his fiddle, Ruggiero -««Uo prodigy, visits the first lady a* *ne Roosevelt town .*" in New York Cit*







Mamatalks By GEKTETOE BERG, Author of "The Rise of the Goldbergs"

jbegin at 10:30" a. m. j The College club will meet a t the j Temple Sunday afterngon at 4:15 | P. m. Tuesday morning the current will meet at the Black| stone under the direction of Rabbi j Frederick Cohn. Rabbi H. R. Rahinowitz of Sioux ! Tuesday afternoon the Bible class City will occupy the pulpit at the j will meet at the home of Mrs. Louis Conservative Synagogue tonight. Mr. j Kulakofsky, under the direction of Irvin C. Levin will read the service. I Rabbi Wice. Rabbi David Goldstein will be in Tuesday evening the regular study Lincoln, where he will preach the sermon to the Tephereth Israel con- j classes will be -held a t the Temple, gregation. Next Friday evening Habbi Goldstein -will speak on the theme "What it Means to be a Rothschild." The Hadassah "Sabbath will be observed sermon will deal with the life and at the regular Friday evening servworks of the late Baron Edmund de ices at the B'nai Israel synagogue Bothschild. this evening. After next Friday's services the i Rabbi Uri Miller's sermon subject •women of the Auxiliary will con- | will be "Hadassah: AnInterpretaduct the Oneg Shabbos. Hostesses j tion." Mrs. M. F . Levenson will will be Mrs. J. Eosoff, Mrs. M. D. j speak on "Hadassah in America." Brodkey, and Mrs. O. Fox. The fea- Mrs. B. F. Margolin, Hadassah reture of the. program will be a read- gional president, will speak on "Haing of Sholom Aleichem's "If I Were dassah in Palestine." Esthschfld*1 toy Dr. Isadore Dansky. Following the services, Mrs. "D. There will be special Jewish folk Epstein and Mrs. Sam Epstein music serve tea.

Religious Services

The first session of- Lee Grossman's basketball coaching school for Jewish- youths under the age of 16 .will be held this afternoon at the London (JTA).—Against those who The child fs'dead—long live the J. C. C. gym at 3:45 o'clock. The now accuse Jewish Palestine of being King-. Tire day before, Peter.-played class will continue until 4:45 o'clock. nothing but a heaven for the ge£rich-. rugby at school in England. He was .Grossman is expecting a turnout quick, and as such deserving of _ no a. happy; youngster, jolly, and care- of 50 or GO boys to be on hand for sn?i/cr/oN 'afihe -fanoasmmY special consideration in its efforts to free. The" morning after the' Mar- the coaching which will consist of raise its economic level above that of seilles assassination he was a king, all the fundamentals of the game, the Arab fellaheen, Lord Melchett, in and the boyish spirit died. They passing, pivoting, dribbling, and basthe Daily Herald, reaffirms t i e incame to tell him that he was a-pawn ket shootin tellectual character of the Jewish imof destiny. The crown replaced trej Grossman will be aided by the folmigration its cultural significance. rugby helmet for all time. L . • , , , .„ "There is a tendency," Lord Mel-, Sr, , . , ., . , ., lowing experienced plavers, who will j serve as demonstrators: Phil Kntler, There's an important lesson for all' _ ^ _ X *„'*-__' ™L-, ~w,._ chett believes, "to turn round and say of us in little Peter's succession to Max Merriam, Davie Richards, and that the colonization of Palestine lias the throne of the late King Alexbecome nothing more -than an ecoander. We normal folk have long Irving Gendler. nomic racket, -dreamed of palaces and tings. Their "It "was only to be expected that, as splendor and color tell us that heaven the Tesult of Jewish efforts, territory is not far off. Well, maybe in the in Palestine would become more •valgolden days of Cinderella and Prinze uable . . . a n d that the efficiency of Charming kings lived a royal life. the Jews "would be to their own ecoToday it is only a dog's Jife. The son nomic advantage. of, a storekeeper may never -wear a GOV. HERBERT H. LEHMAN crown, but he will-be .able- to play "What, however, the whole "world baseball, cheer at « " football ,game, seems to fall to realize a t the moHERBERT H. LEHMAN: Governor, ment is that the Jewish colonization run--and jump without. hankeT ^ p n n a n t h r . p i s t . Bom in of Palestine has given rise to a great array escort at his beds, without up- N e w York 56 years ago to wealth and new working class culture, produced ~ ~ . - ? t h e history .^f Europe. ' Isocial position. Inherited traditional by -those whose talents were being wonder they are often embit-; l o v e & r -mdlvidn;a free dom from his Will blood be shed on January IS? stamped out and stifled in the ghettos and cnieL No wonder they do j fethw ^ ,wag a ^ ^f r o m B a _ the world is engrossed in its • Services of the Junior Congreganot understand the people they rule. of Europe and wbose abilities were own problems, history is being made tion will start Saturday morning at We 'think that. fhexare tyrannical- be- varian political persecutions of the Saar region. What will be the 10:15 a. m. Mrs. Penenberg -will be openly reviled in so-called civilized cause they' consider 'themselves supe- ; Identified himself with work of Hen- result of the January plebiscite? hostess to the congregation in obcountries . . . " Street Settlement after graduation rior. Actually, they feel the lack of a servance of her son's birthday. ToEconomic success, Lord Melchett frcm college. In social work Rabbi David H. Wice will discuss morrow tickets will be distributed for normal life so keenly that the milk of insists, is merely the basis for a widethis timely question at the services human kindness turns sour within activity he met many men destined to at Temple Israel this evening. the free theater party for members spread, deeply pervasive working-class their breasts and makes them curse be important" in American life. Be- •Mrs. B. F. Margolin, regional Ha- of the junior congregation, to be held culture, of which the Ohle Players, the day they were bom to rule. It is a ! came an important industrial and finext Friday morning. recently performing in London, were terrible handicap .» be a king these nancial figure through his member- dassah president, will speak briefly an — SCVCM ART* FEATURE SYNDICATE enormously impressive tolten. on TTarfagga?^ if) observance of Hadays. Poor little Peter knows that now. ship in Lehman Bros., banteng firm. "To have witnessed the card playJewish Press advertisers merit and (Copyright 1934 by Seven First became active in politics as one dassah Sabbath. ing scene in Maxim Gorki's play, The Saturday, morning services will, deserve your patronage. Feature Syndicate.) of close advisers of Governor Alfred Lower Depths,' was to have realized E. Smith, Latter prevailed upon him that the new development in Palesto accept treasurership of Democratic tine represents the outcropping, after state committee. Helped Smith develcenturies of suppression, of an artis-' op his famous social welfare program. tic ability and power of fundamentally Became a disciple of Smith. Entered greater value than anything which political arena as mature man of fifty has taken place in Palestine since the when he was elected lieutenant govDispersion." he said. ernor in 1928, the year Franklin D. But there are groups, even among j Roosevelt became governor. As New liberals, "trying to whittle down the Adviser of European ! Nine German-Jewish Boys York's No. 2 man he was equipped sense of obligation^ to the Jews"; and Population Try & Bag Today ; Into American Homes Detroit (WNS).-Taking cognizance ! b ? education, training and experience these attack the working class, augHarbin.—Emperor Pu "Si, the; New York.—Under the direction of mented by many returning to i t of youthful Tuler of'. Manchukuo; is so Sim Mth O! repora their own will as providing an un- anxious to obtain the good-will of; the recently created German-Jewish resorted to anti^Seaiitic language in Slems. Was re-elected in 1930 with a desirable type of immigrant. This the western powers that he has ap- Children's Aid Society,' nine Jewish radio addresses, the Rev. Charles E. larger plurality than any other candiclass, in Lord "Melchetfs opinion, i s pointed Jacob Kabalfrm, a Harbin boys, the first of a group: of 250 Coughlin, Detroit's xadio priest, open- date on the democratic ticket. As act"imbued with, ideals that can be par- Jewish, business man, -as official1 ad- German-Jewish youngsters who _ will ed his new series b£ "radio talks by ing governor he revealed himself to alleled by no other -working class in viser on all questions relating, to: the be brought here within the next completely disavowing anti-Semitism be a new type of public servant. He j showed himself a skilled negotiator, three months, have been placed in and condemning" Hitlerism. the world." . '"'""•' l i European population.private homes in various parts of Asserting that he plans to chart a stern realist, man of decision,. tact "And it would be a tragedy;" Lore the country. course "safely distant from the de- and forfhrightness with unusually Melchett concludes, "if at this stage, Jewish Lord Mayors jtiondon.—Whitechapel" and • Finsstructive shoals of racial, of religious broad grasp of budget and finance.: the prejudices of those -who fail t o two of the municipalities with-' P r e s s A t t a c k and of national bigotry," Father Elected governor in 1932 by greatest" : Tealize our high spiritual jrarposeare London,-iiow. hare Jewish"] Tokyo.—N.E.B. Ezra, editor of Coughlin said, "I make mention of majority ever given gubernatorial' ~ allowed in any way to check what we fcirid mayors, ' / : ••--•••••••*]lsrael's n g l o - J e w i s h this because those who are hired to candidate in his state.' As chief" ex*]lsrael's Messenger, Messenger, A Anglo-Jewish ;; are doing in our homeland." el w e e k l y o f Shanghai, made "a flying defend the tainted interests of the ex- ecutive he.attained most of'the "mais xrayOT of Whitechapel 1 ast Sio^ Lpndon's "East Side"* and ^"Simons here to.acquaint the Japanese ploiting class, both by innuendo and jor goals he set for himself when he ; o f : '3!SntHinrv- .'» government "wife^Ske; situation con- by. malicious suggestion, have endeav- took office. Wrung from lobby conresidential an3 TmsmessVdbniniunity. fronting the Jewish colony in Harbin, ored at one time/tG^tum against me, trolled legislature vital -utility rewhere a persistent ^anti-Semitic "press tor instance, the good-will of the Po- forms. Followed the social reform campaign is being ^conducted by the lish people, and at another time to traditions of Smith--and Roosevelt. .White Russians. ; arouse resentment in the hearts of Lost some favor, however, with Liberthe Jewish people because of imagin- als and Jews. Brought the same state'. i Bnchareit." iS?TW-Jewish istudeiits- ; "He was received by M. Shigemitsu, Bealizing that prejudice is cften the fidm fee' University .erf Jassey have" vice-minister of foreign affairs, who ary slanders supposed to hare orig- craft that made him successful as govinated over this microphone. result of. ignorance and misunder- been sentenced to prison terms rang- told him the government was aware ; " I n passing, may I remark that if ernor and lieutenant Jewish affairs. Shuns emotionalism and standing, readers of this journal are ing from one month to one year and of the situation" and assured him that Invited to send in questions regarding ordered to pay heavy fines for alleg- steps would be taken against the in- there is anti-Jewish propaganda being shallow dramatics. Is not a Zionist maliciously circulated, it jsrill never but believes heartily in reconstruction the Protestant, Catholic OT Jewish edly having precipitated the anti- citers. "'"'". .". ~ " find support from a Catholic pulpit. of Palestine. Actively -interested in Semitic riot at the university in May,, faiths. These questions may touch iAn4f&e'it recorded for the benefit of work of Russian colonization. Was upon any aspects of these faiths or 1933. Four other Jewish students Mayor of Capetown j the:Slanderers -of^the Jew, that to my formerly vice chairman of JDC. Gives were acquitted. \ , * their relations. Questions will be anJ-. Capetown—Louis Gradner, widely j knowledge not many Jews of any im- liberally of his fortune. Sincerely deswered in this column as promptly as ; The court ignored the defense's plea known Jewish leader, was overwhelm- portance.; h e l i office in Washington voted to problem of educating Jewish possible and should be addressed to that the real cause cf the disorder ingly re-elected "mayor of Capetown,' during the period of the past twenty youth to its traditions and responsithis-journal or to the National Con- was the anti-Semitic activity of Prowhich was recently character- bilities. Is slight, nervous, small sta-. •"•.'-, the second largest city of South Afference of Jews and Christians, 289 fessor SMmvuanu. ized "• as the "period of conspiracy tured. Speaks with a southern drawl. Fourth Avenue, New York City. '" aeainst the poor.' On. the other hand. Almost completely bald. Extremely rica. Goldstein Again Heads I admire the majority of our Jewisn democratic Has ideal family life. ReAmerican J N F : -.-,;... :•/; Q. Is bolshevism a Jewish Five Poles Sentenced people' for- withholding their support elected governor' in the' recent eleci New York—VnanpSQXis-. re^eledion meat? . ; Warsaw — Five ^eighteen-year-old from' the frenzied" few who clamored tions, Liehmah stands as a of Dr. Israel Jo; A. No. Some Jews have been active orembargoes against Germany where symbol of the new American Jew youths who were arrested of Dwor several months ago in the bolshevist movement and. be- dency of th« Protestant and Catholic citizens are public service. ...... Fund cause Jews were oppressed in Russia, the^ Jewish Ing Jews in the streets and stoning suffering at the 'hands of Hitler, a often Jews were found in revolution- nounced following a meeting"; iaf; the Jewish houses were sentenced to six religious' persecution surpassed only (Copyright, 19B4, by Seven Arts ary movements. But the leaders of the organization's-executive boatdl^T' ;? nionths in prison each*on a charge by the Communists of Russia and Feature Syndicate.)" bolshevist bolshevi movement who were non- i Dr. Goldstein reported a forty per of disturbing the peace. Mexico. Jews far .away far and and a y outnumbered the 1 cent increase in the funds raised byJJews. Probably Pbbl th reason why why the the 11 the the JNF JNF during during the the past past year. year' Tripoli. — Italo Balbo, governor- Convert 447 Vienna Jews Crippling Youth Activities the Vienna—The Jesuit Pater Bichlimpression has become widespread Goering Seen Frowning On (Berlin.—Curbs effectively restrict- general of Tripoli, has turned over mair publishes here figures concernto the Jewish community here a large that Jews are bolshevists is due to Streicher apid;Stuermer . ing the major part T>f the activities ing Catholic conversiomst activity in two facts: (1) the-propaganda of antiof all Jewish, youth "organizations in tract of unoccupied land for the don- Vienna, showing that from January,' Nuremberg. -— Suppression ^ ble purpose of establishing, a traing Semitism; (2) when the bolshevists Germany have been issued by the ^ by b the th Gestapo, Ge Nazi se- ministry of the interior .and Admiral ing farm for Tripolitan chalutzim and 1928, ; till June, 1984, there. Vere, assumed power in Russia. and., were Stuermer^; developing the machinery of their re- cret police headedi by Premier Her- Levetzow, police chief of Berlin. to settle a number of poor Jewish about 1,000 conversions in. Vienna, 447 of which were from Judaism, gime, "they found among Jews a" great- mann WSfaelm; -Goering of Prussia, families. „ : The restrictions forbid Jewish youth er trained intelligence and so placed was • regarded.; here . 'as - an indicaticn groups to wear uniforms of any kind, many Jews in' subsidiary positions. of that : Goerihg himself; approves- the stage marches, parades or other pubresponsibility. This' gave rise to the campaign against Streicher. This "3s lic functions,•'. carry banner:;, live to^ belief that the movement was dom- the ihird lime: in recent' weeks that gether or • publish periodicals. .".-.inantly Jewish. • - the anti-Semitic ^weekly has been supInsofar as communist activity in the pressed; " - - ' : ; - . , - • " - - • •-•_••-;• Hiking,^excursions, physical exerpermitted United States is concerned, the Amer- Added -reason1or .inferring, the dis- cises and walks are. stHl :?i ican Hebrew recently published the approval of 'Goering'/.was. seen. to be but only ;if they: are kept within results of an investigation it has been in the'fact that v he w^'cpnspicuously small circles and avoid any demon:': making concerning the. common asser- aosent. when the' Nazr hosts paraded strative character.""; " • tion that a large part of our com- through Nuremberg, led by-" Herr Nazis Reject Modern munist movement is Jewish. Accord- S t r e i c h e r . •. ••.-•••.- _•;-.--.; V - ,:•• Culture as ^Jewish** ing to this investigation less than ':.' Berlin.—-la an exposition of the three percent of American commun- Social and Religious /Research. ists are Jews. Moreover, the survey' that: two-thirds of _- the clergy and basis for the new- Nazi koltar, "Dr. shows that out of two million Jews in laity favor some form 'of /Christian Alfred RosenbeTgy head of the Nazi New York. City there are only two unity and that the Federal CSotmeil of Foreign Office, tcld" the Nazi Cultuthousand enrolled in the communist the <3rarches -of Christ represent - a Tal Sodety that the Third "Reich reparty. I t is also pointed out that the natural. way of moving to larger _uni- jects the culture of the 19th century outstanding leaders 'of the party in ty. The. "Universal Christian Council and the first decades of the 20th as this country, such/as "Earl -Browder, o£ Life and Work : rn. Geneva reveals "perverse, sensataonal and foreign, Clarence Hathaway and William Z. the same treruL. Denominaiional mer- fall -of INegro sons and dominated/by1 Foster are all con-Jewish. . gers progress, the latest being that of Jews who traded in art like a stock Q. What is a Eacharistic Congress? the Eefarmed. iChxtreh i t . t h e ^United exchange." • , ' A. A Eucharistic" Congress" is "an States anA: the; Evangelical. Sjnod of • The "new Nazi foiltur, he international assembly ' of Catholics, N o r t h A m e r i c a . •_•••• . . -:: / . ; : . . . : . . . would be "a new Greek renaissance lay and clerical j'summoned from time' ; While; the movement -ipxC organic because the Greeks- were brothers v£ g to time for the;. purpose of •fostering' unity i jrepreaented t d by b fi'rWia C . Con- t&e Germans." ;'. . . devotion to Jesus'-in the Eucharist. ference; oniPaith and . The first such ••congress was. held at p setback; ana p^riencedia an although';the Bars Down ^ r c i Lille, France, in- 1881. In 1926 the depresaoa has l ' r i led' i i t i b l ^ f '•: Santiago, Chile.—As a. xesult of the only Eucharistic,Congress held'in this ficlals to decrease Bupport of co-opera- visit of a Jewish flelegation to A-rturo country toot • place at Chicago, HI. tive, bodies and ^ive themselves/to Allessandri Palma, president of Chile, Buenos Aires will he host" to the next their particular organization, needs and Luis Salas Romo, foreign miniscongress. and • interest, nevertheless the larger ter, Jews in Chile no longer encounQ. I s there a trend toward rrot- visioned leaders see more clearly than ter certain difficulties they formerly ever that unity is essential to selfestant church unity at the present faced in becoming citizens or la Bendtime? . . "'""' preservataonj both for the denomina: ing for relatives. A. A survey by the Institute of tions and the church »i large.




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An Incident From Land of Nazis

CJroll Becomes Ontario

Minister of Labor f-r \ DEL JFfieodore N.'jjewis will speak Toronto.—Two portfolios in the thfeevening on "jjiloviea and Morals." cabinet of Prime Minister Hepburn Thfr'service will begin at 8 o'clock. of the' province of are now The Board of Directors of the Temheld by David Croll, one-time WindBerlin, (WNS).—The case of a ple will hold a meeting immediately German servant .gitl who committed sor Jewish newsboy who rose to the following the service. The Council Bluffs Senior- Hadassah ANNA PILL, suicide because unwittingly she hadmaporalty of his city and who won ; Thursday; morning ~;(Thanksgiving entertained seven\y-five guests at a ! the distinction of being the first day) Dr. Lewis will be the- speaker beautifully appointed tea at the Hotel TeUs League of -Deliberate De- betrayed her Jewish mistress to theJewish cabinet officer in Canada. ! 5 Nazis is. causing much comment here. ! ! : at the- Union Service' held iri theChieftain. Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. lays "on Part of Nazi Croll, who was appointed minister On her return from a visit abroad First Baptist church. The public is Herman' Marowitz was chairman in Government. of . welfare and municipal affairs the Jewish .mistress told her servant charge.of this .affair, and^\ras.aBsisted invited to attend this service. . / that the trip hail "been exceedingly when the liberals took control of byf Mesdames Max Simon, Ike'Krasne, London, (WNS).—The German enjoyable because she. did not have the Ontario government, has now Because the print shop will be Philip Carp, L. Cherfliack, JHarry Cor government is deliberately blocking closed next Thursday,~all news for', to face Nazi blown srirts. Without been named minister of. labor. hen, W^' SoloihoiioW and. itax 1 Stein; Several •. Jiunfaed^ representative the Sioux City section most reach . Because of, the absence of Rabbi berg. ". _'. , • :'r: y- :....-: ••:..' :'/. ' , / ;tlie work of- the League of Nations realizing it, the servant girl repeated Jewish' men and. women .attended'.the,' : the 1 Sioux City correspondent by H. R. Rabinowitz from the .city, the Mrs. Ben JMargalin : of! Omaha, who high commissions for. German refu- these words to some other servant LEON & WHITE, Attorney* : City National Hank UUljg. gees by withholding funds - and memorial' iheeting Tuesday: evening, Monday . evening of • next week. date - of the. Oneg Shabbath meeeting is president of the Southwestern Re- property = owned by the exiles and ^irls who are Nazis. They reported he^d^in 3iQnor.sof Baron Epthschild, Please phone news tor Ann Pill, has . been. changed from November gion of the Senior Hadassah,\was the NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF the incident to Nazi headquarters and FINANCE CO. who died this^ month in Paris!.,'. , i>Kone 88453''or mail it to 171024. to December 1. The, meeting- will guest speaker. Mrs. Margolin, gave an by refusing to issue passports to the Jewish woman was immediately Notice isCITY hereby riven that a corporation has been formed under the laws of the ^ ; . . . - . . ;. • •.be held in.the home of Mrs. Victor inspiring re'port of .the .National Sen- them, High Commissioner James G. arrested and sent to jail. Principal : speakeirs of the' eveniug. " Douglas street. State of Nebraska. McDonald charged in a report prewere Mendel Fisher, 'field director, of Mazie. '. : '.- . '-., .- . .;", / ior'•'• Hadassah convention, 'which she sented to the governing board of The mime of the corporation" ig C1T1 FINANCE CO. The principal place for the the Zionist organization, and Philip attended recently inWashington^ D. C. ' On the program_wHI be.Rabbi RaPatronize Jewish Press advertisers, : the Commissions. .. . transaction of its business is the city of Raskin, Hebrew "poet. Mr. Kshqr. binowitz, Miss Ida Heshelow, Mrs. Miss Edith Fiickinger gave a group of Opiaha, Douglas Comity, Nebraska. The deserve your patronage. genwitl nature of I he business to be transspoke" onT'. the'life'..of Rothschild, aiul "M. Mushkin, Mrs., S.-• Davidson and piano solos. A vocal solo was given by \ Mr. McDonald asserted that "when acted by the corporation is to purchase, Mr. Raskin-spoke,;inrKiddish,on the; Mfss-Ellen McKenzie, a n d a flute solo the high commission was,established Mrs. Ruben Miller. -v hold, sell, convey, assign, release, mortBEN E. KAZLOWSKT, Attorney gage and lease real estnte nnd personal work, the great, ptiijahthrpp'ist'; did in. was rendered by Miss Marie'Rasmus- it was- hoped that the-German gov102-704 Insurance Building. property wherever situnted; to buy, sell, Palestine. .; •._.:•,,: . r ' t ; .,'. ' / ' ' " ernment would co-operate in finding own,-assign, transfer mid mortgage-bonds, NOTICE TO" NON-KESIUENT ; •More" than 300' people attended • the securities, promissory notes, conditional a'; Solution for the pro*blem created " j ^ i i i BEFKNDANT sales conintcis, chattel mortgages and • Mrs.' Morris Grossman', local presi1 l Father, and Son banquet, givLouis S. Goldberg, local attorney Zionist: organization,; presided.' Can! by it,* at- least^to theextent of allow- In the Mii' Court for Omnbn, Doug- stock iu other corporations; to draw, make, las County, Nebraska. dent, presented Mrs/ Herman" Maror en_. Monday evening .in, the . Shaare execute, -accept, endorse and issue promising . its citizens - to •'._ ;withd i aw their SUI«E1UUR,JOI$BING COMPANY, nonand accoiinta.ntr. addressed..theVB'nai tor A.- 'Pliskiifcchanted \ the traditional sory notes, mortgages, drafts, bills of exwitz, retiring president;'with a:"','Pres- property or part of 'Jt gradually from Toresident :: Zion ^Synagogue by :the congregation, defendant":, ... ' • B'rith lodge at their .meeting .Wed-: ^Bjank" and other negotiable instruments; . memorial>prayer; memorial->prayer;Mis^l Mis^l 3/firiam' 3/firiam' ^B hereby notified that ou the pth rhaiige i t was the seventh annual affair of its nesday evening in the J. C. C. HisidenCs Pin,"' the gift- of the chapter borrow money; to buy. seH, and disGermany and so be able to estab- dayYouofare : October, 1834, Harry Marcus, doing to i presented: a reading, "I Am a Jew." kind in the congregation. count notes, and other evidences of for her faithful services.' • r • • • lish tiiemselves in iiew' homes. Save business nnder the name of Bee Hive debt;" to' carrybills on the business of selling • A chorus of girls of the-, Junior Ha- | Morey Lipshutz acted as general subject was "The Iowa State Income Cleaners, as plaintiff, filed his petition fire, lightning, tornndo. hail, life and for i certain arrangements made for in the Municipal Court lu the City of Oma- other insurance; and townitf, '' ' ". The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of <lo anything incidassah; rsarig; 'a'_. group >fpf. .Hebrew chairman and "Frank Margolin was. Milton Bolstein presided a t t h e the' Independent Order of the B'na!the benefit of Jewish emigrants to ha. .Douglus County, Nebraska. Docket S-7, dental to or necessary'for the operation' of • songs.-The 'chojriis included Elizabeth toastmaster of the evening. Talks in meeting. - • - • - • l'age 2C, the object and prayer of which a finance business. *.o rWiover the sum of $30.00, "with iuB'rith, will. hold a regular; meeting Palestine, there has been no-sign of lire i Passman,i Dorothy" Merlin,:Ruth Wi- behalf of the fathers were given by The 'authorized capital stork of this coraud the costs of this action; that next-Monday evening,'November 26, at any such co-operation by-Germany. terest money, credits or chattels in the hands' of poration shall be $10,000:00 divided into 100 godsky,.. Sybil': Merlhv Sonia. Rich, Mike Grueskin and Joe Shindler, In fact, its attitude has progressively the Kailway Express Ajtfency, Inc.. have shares of the par value of ?ll!0.0O, each to 8:30 o'clock, at the Eagles hall. Mary Eozofsky and Frances Jacob- while Marvin Klass and Arnold Safully paid lor and non-assessable when aggravated the difficulties of settle- !>een attnehed in said action, and ordered be paid into oourt, on the ground th;tt you issued. Said capital stock "may be paid for son. > A trio "composed-of Gisela. Fill, wislak responded in behalf of the ment elsewhere. Restrictions on the in oisli, notes or -property, real or perare a non-resiilont of the State of NebrasJack Wiener, of tlie United States 'cellist;: Libbie Olensky,'-.pianist,•• and sons. The invocation, was given by sonal, tangible or intangible, nt the reasonwithdrawal of their own property ka; thai said cause has been continued able-rate Na w thereof. The shares of the Capital Miss Bess Harlow/wha has chosen"! yJV. lu> has spent the past three from Germany by the emigrants, until thf 21st day of December. 1034, at Jennie r'Shindler/ violinist;-played "a Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz. Jack Mero'clock 1'. M., at which time you arestock of this corporation shall lie paid for traditional Yiddish folk song. Mr." A. lin presented several musical num-; December 2 as the date for her mar- j y e a r s *" China, spent a few days this whether in the form of capital or 2:00 before the corporal ion shall commence busrequired *o appear and answer in said ' -. • - M. Davis read a group of 'resolutions bers with the choir boys of the syn- riage to Henry Saitlin, has been the w e e * h e r e - ^siting at the home of his income,' have been steadily intensi- cause, or judgment will be taken against iness. you in accordance with the prayer of the The corporation shall commence business adopted by the meetings - _ . . . . agogue and * Joe Goldstein offered inspiration for a number of lovely j ^ o t h e r M na n d petition. : upon the filing of a copy of its Articles of fied. In the meantime, propaganda Incorporation with the County Clerk of Organizations sponsoring the meet- "Just Folks," by Edgar Guest. Til- parties during the past few weeks. .Mrs.-Robert H. Wiener, en' route to participated in by Germans in many HAltKV MARCUS, g Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall conNew York City. Mr. Wiener is expecting included Zionists,-Jewish-Nation- lie Shindler and Samson Kruphiek Doing business as Bee Hive Cleaners, tinue for a period of fifty years from date Among her hostesses have been ed back in Council' Bluffs at the end'parts of the world against Jewish Plaintiff. hereof. • al * Fund Council, Junior Hadassah, presented a humorous skit "Mayerke By BEN E. KAZLOWSKI, and other refugees has made the Mrs. Lena Harlow, Miss Libbie KuThe highest amount of Indebtedness to of the month for a.longer visit with; His Attorney. Senior Hadassah, Young : Judeana, My Son." Another skit directed by which this corporation may at any time position of the refugees more uncer- ll-9-54-3t. • binstein, Miss Connie Saitlin, Miss his brother. .. _ itself, shiill not exceed two-thlrd» Poale Zion, Junior Poale Zion and Mr. Aaron Tabai included in Its cast tain in some countiies and their ad- FBiDEXBl'BG, WKBB. BKBER, KI.LTZ- subject of its capital, stqek. Fannie Cohen, Mrs, Hannah Slotsky, Pioner Women. •••... Charles Shindler, Ida -Shindler, Da- Miss Rose Sperling and Missr Aiiue ,The affairs of this corporation shall: be mission more difficult in others." BTICK and KELUSY, Attorneys Louis H. Katelman is confined at conducted by a Board of two Dlrectora. 6S» Omaha National Rank Bid*. vid Pliskin, David-Kuntz and Marvin Coheril J.OUIS B. 1APP the Mercy hospitalVWhere he is now Emphasising that the "latest step LAZAlt KAPLAN and .Esther Weiner. Special music for NOTICE OF SALE. UNDER CONDIconvalescing. ' • ; - _'~ . .'in that policy, which deprives the Iu presence of: . . TIONAL SALES CONTRACT the occasion was written "by Mrs. S. Miss Elaine" Mushkin entertained Notice is hereby given that on the 4thS. 3. LEON. refugees of any income from their day tH.'Shulkin; '. . . ' member^ of the Debra Club at a dinof Decemlier, 1934, at 1(1:00 o'clock in Sam ' Gross, "who - Is spending the German property, has imposed a fur- the forenoon, in the warehouse of the State - Mrs. Sam Mosow and', Mrs. Benner Thursday, evening, "celebrating week at Rochester; Minn., is expected ther-burden that neither the govern- Furniture Company, Omaha, Douglas FRADENBCRG, WEBI1, UEBER, KLTJTXNICK & KEtLEV, Attornej-a . her birthday."." • ' • . . : ' County, Nebraska, the undersigned will ments nor communities in the coun- sell at public-auction-to the highest bidder 850 Omaha Nai IOJIUI Bank Bldjr. Mr. F . C. Wdolworth, director fof Shindler .were in charge of-.the menu; ; Following .the. dinner, the guests to return home today. Omaha, Nebraska for cash all items of furniture covered-bitries of refuge can readily shoiVder," conditional Sales Contract in favor of the the Boy Scouts. of Sioux •City, will Mrs. Louis Shindler and Mrs. Maxadjourned'to bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Grossman and Bergen were in charge of the dinMr. McDonald declared that some speak to Sioux City newsies, ThanksState Furniture Company, which sales conNOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF family\of Lincoln, Neb"., spent the past' form of international action is" re-tract is dated March 11, 15)30. ami signed, "NEBR.-IOWA MOTOR FREIGHT' giving noon, following. their Thanks-: ner. Forty eight guests were seated by Mrs." Charles E. Helm. Snid sale is for TERMINAL" Miss .Rozena" Kosberg entertained week-end here, visiting at the home of at the Three Generation table. quited, since the new German regugiving dinner in the Jewish .Compurpose of foreclosing said contract, Notice is hereby given tliat the under12 friends Saturday evening at a Mr. and Mrs.; Morris Grossman. Mrs. lations are not a purely domestic the costs and accruing costs, null satisfying signed huve formed u corporation under munity Center. The .dinner, which is the amount now their due thereon, to-wit; the laws of the State of Nebraska. Tlie party, on the occasion of her birth- Grossman installed: the new officers concern but directly affect the ONE an annual one, will be served through HUNDRED FORTY-FOflt and name of the corporation shall be '" Dancing occupied the evening of the V, F. W. Auxiliary and Mr.economic position of foreign coun- 90/100 ($144 SK>) -Dollars, and. interest. IOWA MOTOR FREIGHT TERMINAL," the generosity of Sioux City busihours and a late lunch was served. - STATE Fl'IiNITUKK COMPANY. with principal place of business at Omaha, Grossman was the principal speaker. tries. ness men who have contributed for By Edward 1>. Brodkey. Nebraska. The general uature of the busll-10-34-2t. Its Attorney. iness to be transacted shall be to own, it. Newsies of all races and nationallease, conduct and operate motor transport Misses Rose. Bashefkin and Rosa- Mrs. M. L. Marks has returned home ities are invited to'attend. terminals-nnd warehouses; to equip and NOTICE OF INCORPORATION gene Passman were hostesses Wed- from Chicago, 111., where' she spent the maintain by purchase, construction, lease BEN E. KAZLOVTSKY, Attorney Elaborate plans have been com- nesday evening a t a benefit party for past several weeks,, visiting at the or otherwise buildings and equipment to eMr. A. M..Davis, president of/.the ' 703-704 Insurance BlOg. •>e used as and tor truck terminals and Notice is hereby glveni that Artlcies of l i ' by r Mount Sinai Temple the .Young" Judean Give or Get proj- home of her. son-inrlaw and daughter, Incorporation Federation of Jewish Social service pleted' warehouses; to own, operate nnd conduct of the MIDLAND SECUUINOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO will speak briefly. Mr. Herman N. 3isterhood for their annual; Cabaret ect. Court. Whist occupied the eve-Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rosenberg. truck lines for the hauling and shipping of TIES COItl'OUATION were executed nud ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF freight, and to do all things which may be filed iu iht; office of the, Secretary of State Slotsky will act as tbastmaster. Dance, which; is-; scheduled' for next ning hours, after which a late lunch " JOE UOXAK TIRE & BRAKE CO. .necessary and/or proper to curry out the on October 27, 1934, stating Its principal Rabbi H; R. Rabinowitz wHK deliver Wednesday evening -(-Thanksgiving was': served. " " place of business tft be Omaha, Nebraska; Notice is herebv given that at n meeting objects and purposes hereinnbove set forth, Mrs. George Steinberg has returned Ms j The authorized capital stock shnl! be bnsim-ss V> be the conducting of n genof the stockholders of JOE DOLAN TIKE the invocation. ), in the ball room of the Warhome, following a :flve weeks' stay at eral Insurance agency, a general loan and & BRAKE COMPAN1". of Omaha. Nebras- ($10,000.00 and all of said stock shall lie r I common of the par value of $100.00 per Entertainment will be furnished rior hotel. ; ' " : ' . .'":'•• finance" business, ami, the ownership mill ka, held in the City of Omaha, .Nebraska, "''.-' lExcelsior Springs,,3tfo. dealing in real and persona! property: the on the 11th day of October. 1034-. Article 1 jshare ami shall be fully paid up and nonby members of Miss Jean Wells Small tables will ibe arranged - -Miss - Jennia . Shindler returned t assessable when Issued. It snail commence authorized, capital stock 10 \w. ?2">,000, to of the Articles of Incorporation of said j business upon filing of its nrtieles with be issued oil payment of money or its corporation was amended to read as folschool of dancing. Following the, din- around the dance floor and: on thehornet Monday, after speeding several Dr. and Mrs.- Oscar H. Greenberg equivalent; the County Clerk of Douglas County, Neexistence to begin October lows : ner, the newsies will be the guests Mezzanine floor of the hotel. John- days visiting with friends in Omaha. entertained the members of their Eve- 27, 1034. iiiulitsterminate braska, and shnll continue for a period of ninety-nine years fifty years. The highest amount o£ indebtthereafter, the highest amount of IndebtARTICLE I of Mickey Gross at the matinee per- nie Koch and his orchestra will furning their; homer "Thursday edness not to exceed two-thirds of the The Name of this corporation shall be edness shall not exceed two-thirds of its formance in the Orpheum theater. nish music, and an entertaining floor : Rozena Sacks and Herman Sachs evening. capital stock, but this restriction shall not paid-tip oapi;al stock: the affairs of the include indebtedness secured by mortgages corporation to be conducted by a Board of AUTO "SAFETY CLINIC, INC. Mrs. M. Mushkin is in charge [ of shovv will be presented by Jean. Wells were among the Morningside '• stuor itoiis. The nffnirs shall be managed by Dated this 11th day of October, lf>34. Directoib not less than two in numlter. the dinner" preparations. ,'.,.'..' •.'. '.' • and, her company of. dancers. Cigar- dents who attended the Fourth AnAUTO SAFETY CLINIC. INC. ,n 13onr<l of Directors, of not less than two Mr. and Mrs. Morris Yudelson left and a President, Vice-President. Secretary • , President. (members. Th" annual'meeting shall be on ette girls will be dressed, in cos-nual Convention, of International Re- Tuesday night for-Chicago, 111., to "be and Treasurer. the first Uomlay in January of each year By PAUL JACOBSON, C. S. NELSON at which men ing the stockholders shall tume. ' • • . ' • .: ,.-. ;...- . . -... -..-, ; lations Clubs. The convention was gone for one week.-*r . Attest: IMMANUEL YOUSEXI. elect a Board of Directors nud the Board P. A. HAVENS A number of large parties have held at Grinnell, Iow.a.... . ll-!)-S4-4t. • Incorporators. shall elect a-President, Vice-Prpsident, SecSecretary. retary and Trensurer. Any two of Raid ofbeen made up by Sioux- Cityans for Plans are being made by the Sisterfices may be held by one nnd the same the dance/ and a large number of Mr. and Mrs. H.. Zeplain of New hood of the Talmud Tarah Society for IRVIN C. LEVIN, "Attorney FBADENBCR«, WEBB, BEBER, RLITZ- person These articles msiy he amended nt 301 Electric Bid . NICK & KEI.LEV, AttorneyB any regular or special meeting of the The Hahonim Club of Omaha were out-of-town guests plan to be in the York City announce the birth of a a Bible study to be held at their next 65t Omaha National Bank Bide. stockholders by Hvo-Hiirds vote of the outmeeting on Wednesday: afternoon, Decity for the event. Many Omahaa3 daughter, Mrs. Zeplain was.formerly Omaha, Nebraska '/uests of the Amorian Club • her a standing stork. NOTICE. last Sunday afternoon and evening. have signified their intentions to Miss Ida Kaplan of Sioux City, and cember 5, at the Chevra/B'nai Yisroel In the District Court-of Douglas County. IN WITNESS WHBItEOF, the parties . NOTICE OF DISSOJLCTIOX OF is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.: J. synagogue at £18.Mynster street. The To-Nebraska. hereunto subscribed their names this During the afternoon, the football drive to Sioux City for the dance. LAZAKUS GAKDNEU, whose place of NEBRASKA - IOWA TRUCK TEKMlXAt. ' have 31st dav of October, 15)34. Bible study will be conducted by Mr. • residence is unknown and upon whom teams met in a game at Gil man TerMrs. Louis Agranoff and Mrs. E. Kaplan. Mrs. Kaplan is in New York Notice is hereby Riven thnt at a special EMWARD D. BRODKET, J. Z. Stadlan, principal of the locaj personal service of summons cannot be meeting of nil of the stockholders of NeLAWRENCE J. TOBIN, race. The Sioux City Amprians win- N. Grueskin are general chairmen for now visiting vith her daughter. had, defendant: <• . •Ujraska-Icwa Truck Terminal, held on No-In the presence of: Talmud Torah. , You are hereby notified that on the 4th vember ,1st, 1934, at Omaha, Nebraska, the PHILIP M."KLUTZN1CK ning, 20 to 0. The field -made, wet he affair. Assisting them on the comday' iof February, 1033, Beruice Gardner following resolution wns unanimously ll-0S4-4t. and sloppy by rain provided'.spills mittees are Mesdames Ji Greenberg, fiiedVher petition against you in the DisJACK TV. MARKK, Attotney-at-taw ' trict Court of Douglas County, • Nebraska, adopted: ;and thrills for spectators and play- Wm. Lazere, A. A. Weiner, J. Rob"BE IT 11ESOLVED: Thnt the NEBHASCourt Hogse • " pocket 201, Page 183, the object and prayTHUCK TERMINAL be nnd the inson, E. J. Fribourg, J. Rosenfeld, ers. '• ,."'•; - . . . . , • ' •. • -.,-• er of which petition is to obtain a decree KA-10WA same hejeby. dissolved and that the ofNOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCORPO- of absolute, divorce from you on theficers is A. M. Davis and E. Rosenstock, and of the Corporation be and they are - Following the-game^ the ^ i RATION OF CAPITOL DEMVEBY grounds of extreme cruelty. hereby authorized to file notice of said :, tendered .a parity to the visiting. club Messrs A...M.. Davis and E. N. Grue8EBVICK. INC. , i • i !. . ; *You are required' to answer said peti- dissolution .with.the Secretary of State at Recognized as ; . Notice.Is hereby given that the under- tion on or before the 17th. day of Decem- Lincoln, Nebraska, and to publish notice \ a t the J. C* C. 'Dancing "and "refresh- skin. . . signed, pnrsnant ta the' laws of the State ber, 3034, or said petition against you will of said dissolution 1n the Jewish Tress, at PRUTICAL MOHEL ments . occupied the evening hours. 1 of Nebrn'ska, have formed a corporation be'taken as true. ' .'. Omaha, Nebraska." . BERNICE GARDNER, W. E. GROH, 1: the name of which is "CAPITOL DELIV- ; Phone 1059 EKY SERVICE, IXC." and Us principal President. . Plaintiff. place of businp88 is in the City of Omnha, ll-2-34-4t C. V. KELSO, Council Bluffs, la. Mr. Samson Krtipnick, member: of IXwgltfs County, Nebraska. Tbe, objects Secretary. Moscow. (W.N.S.).—An additional IRVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney the Hebrew School Faculty will .oc- 7,000,000 rubles for the development for. which this corporation Is formed are , . ; 301 Electric Building the purpose of engaging "in. the gencupy the pulpit of Shaart Zion Syn-' of Biro-Bidjanj the autonomous Jew- for eral package delivery service and any and : • I ? ' . " ' ' - - ; LEGAL NOTICE - - "this evening, speaking on ish region, is appropriated in a de- all. other delivery service; to purchase, In the District Court of Douglas County, The Daughterhood' of Tephereth agogue 1 lease, hold and.otherwise"'acquire real and. "The Chassidic: Movement" personal property of every kind ami de- Nebraska. Israel Synagogue has set Sunday,: cree issued by the Council of Peo- scription Explore the World's Par Corners with James Boring's To; FUAXK ROB LINO, whose place, of and to sell, .dispose.; of,, lease, Rabbi Rabinowitz will speak - in ple's Commissars, the Soviet cabiDecember 9, as the date for its-sixth residence is - unknown and upon whom convey and mortgage any-and all of the service for summons cannot "be annual anniversary banquet; Plans, Omaha: this evening. Tomorrow aft- net. The decree, authorizes the settle- said property, to-borrow money and to <lo personal ' things necessary or incident ;to the had,: within the • State of Nebraska, .Dehave been started for the dinner and ernoon he will speak before the Om-ment of 4,000 Jewish families at all fendant: - . operation of Hi business. The authorized : You are hereby notified that oil'the Sth James Boring's famous Small Party Cruises provide all the for a program to follow/ Mrs. M.aha Qneg Shabbos meeting. B,iro-BIdjah this year and starts a capita] stock is $10,000.00 which shall be day 61 November, 1034, Henrietta Rowing Candy'will be _giyen to the chilpaid and non-nssessable -when isLazriQwich is the president of the drive to" speed; "up the" work "of con- fully as plaintiff, filed her petition against you sued and may be issued for fash, goods, features of the big cruise but limited membership assures dren of the Junior Cpngregation to- struction at Biro-Bidjaii. Instructions wares and merchandise, 'or 1>btbl With the in the tJistrict Court of Douglas County". Daughterhood of. the synagogue. morrow byiMr. and Mrs. Joe Himo-have been issued to prepare 5,000 assent in writing; of the holders' of CO per Nebraska, being Docket 308, Page 4ft: the complete individual independence. Rates include First-Class of the outstanding stock pnrsnant to object-and prayer of which . petition is to vi^ahd Mrl and-Mrs. John Lansberg. hectares of land this year and 10,000 cent accommodations on the finest steamers of the world's greatthe votes given in person" or by proxy 4t obtain- inaintenance, support, and alimony Ne«f readers of the law in the Jun-more r.ext year. a meeting specially: called/for" that pur- on the'grounds that you hare .tatted to provide, for her, and have been guilty of est, fleets and the best hotels and automobiles ashore. pose or at an annual meeting, the Board ior congregation are Howard- Sacks, of Directors shall•' hnye' the, power and such-acts and conduct -which at law conCecil Pill, Morris Ginsberg and Ro-: Plans for a series of new agricul- authority stitute. :extreme_ cruelty:: nnd praying that to sell, assign, transfer and con-; tural and 'industrial -enterprises to vey or otherwise dispose, .of: the property all'allowances by the Court be-declared a bert Pliskin. ". • • • ' • • • • " lieu acninst the property ^hereinafter The annual banquet given by the be completed before January 1, 1935/' and - assets Of the corporation as an en first e Tgoin Of the corporation ashan «nd t en described,, and 4hat: a reoelveri be chosen members of the Chevra- Kadisha wil' have also been announced."These in- tirety tirety «nd Tgoing concern on such terms to take charge and possession of eitid 1 WEST BOUND be held Sunday evening in the J. C. clude a new machine, tractor station, arid conditions as to the said Board may property and to collect prof its* therefrom, South Sea Islands, Samoa, Fiji, seem fit nnd proper. The corporation shall and if need be. that said property be Hawaii,. Japan, Philippines, Bali, C. A program of addresses will folPhilip' Raskin, Jfewish poet,. who a clothing -factory to' employ . 2,000 commence business on the filing of thesold to satisfy the sums allowed plaintiff, New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Java, ' Angkor, Straits Settlelow the dinner. Amon<j the speakers \asited Sioux City this week, was the- workers, shoe, machine,.printing, -tex- Articles of Incorporation"In the office of interest; costs,' anil, attorney's fee' for.plainJava, Straits Settlements, Angment^ Burma, India, Egypt, the County Clerk of Douglas County,-Ne- tiffs attorney,'and that J. J, SlosbarK, or will be, pabbl H. R. Rabinowitz. guest at" the meeting of the Ladies tile and bricks, plants.. New houses the braska. Its 'highest nmouht of. Indebted- some other suitable person be an-pointed .Mediterranean—S. S. PEESIkor, Philippines, China, Japan, Mr. Sam Lipman is in*charge of the Auxiliary of the Shaare Zion Syna- are. already. in the course of con-ness shall •. not exceed two-thirds., of its receiver bf said property legally described •0ENT- HOOVER from San as follows,.to-witr i " ' ; capital stock. The affairs of the coTporaHawaii—S. S. MARIPOSA from : arrangements. gogue, and spoke before the meeting struction. Work is' already under wray tlori snail be ndmlnlsterejl -Francisco, December 28th (via by n Board of . L o t Ten .(10), Block Nine (»), ; San Francisco February Sth — Kountze's fourth subdivision, an addion "The Accompl}shments of Jewish on a. new arid improved railroad sta- Directors of- not less thsn three nor more S. S.-PRESIDENT WILSON, tion-to the City of. Omaha, and the than fire members who shall be elected 122 days—all-inclusive rate tion to accommodate the' expected in- at December 6th from New York) Women in Palestine." ' . the annual meeting to held on the North Forty-two (42) feet of the South —138 days—all-inclusive rate. $1975 Thelma Shindler presented a reci- flux /of.. settlers. A hospital, talking second Tuesday of February of each year. One Hundred and Thirty-six (13<S) feet and the West Thirty-five (35) feet-of $2185 Six new members were "elected iriti tation. Mrs. H. M. Sherman presided picture theater and an institute for The Board shall from this number elect the North Twenty-eight (2S) feet of . it president, vice-president secretary and the Bialik Chapter of the Junio at the meeting. mining and - metallurgy are also, be- treasurer. The articles' maybe amendpd at Lot Two (2) in Block Nineteen (19) of E. Rogers, an addition to the City . Poale Zion group at their meeting ing planned. Two new kindergartens, .any regular meeting of the stockholders S. of.Omaha, as surveyed, platted and reor at any special meeting called for that Sunday afternoon. They are Tillif seven .elementary schools and .onepnrpose corded in .Ikwglas County, Nebraska, afte'r ten days' notice of such proEAST BOUND high'school,'in all of which the lan- posed amendment- In - writing has been •which property Is • more popularly • : Franklin, -Sophie' Franklin,;Esthe 1 known as 1949 South 10th Street;. Omamailed to nil stockholders ana upon the Children of the Talmud Torah are' ; guage of instruction will be Yid-affirmative vote of two-thirds of the cap- ha, Nebraska i nnd. the North One half : Fishgpld, Dora Kurz, Mary R3skin *the Mediterranean, Holy Land, Panama, . Columbia, Ecuador, '(N%) of Lot Three (S) Summit Hill; ital stock. . ' .• ,' , and Harryi 8hulman. Lucille Kronic preparing a Chanukah 'program dish, are to be ..opened .shortly. Egypt, India, Ceylon, Straits sitnnte.rh the Cotmty of Douglas. State : Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, November Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brasal, which they will present before ttieir cted as chairm a •acted as chairman of tha m a t i n g The government also' expects to of Nebraska.. .. : ' .Settlements, Angkor, Java, Bali, Trinidad—S. S. SANTA MARIA You are hereby reqnlrea to answer sniff The meeting liext Sunday after- parents and friends Sunday after- appoint within, the immediate'future 14, 1034. it S ISADORE GOLDSTEIN Philippines, China, Japan, Hapetition on or before the 24th day of DeDecember 9. The program will from New York January 5th— PAUL GOLDSTEIN noon will beheld in the home of Lu-noon, cember, 1P34. or said petition against you waii—S. S. AQUITAN1A, from include plays, musical .numbers and the first Jewish governor of BiroARTHUR' GOLDSTEIN will be taken nH trmu 58 days—all-inclusive rate. • Bidjan. M. Liberberg, director of the cille KTonick. .. In the presence of: Incorpo rotors. New York January 31st—131 _ recitations. •i HENRIETTA ROBLINQ,Jack \\~. Mftrer. $1075 Jewish Academy of Sciences' at Kiev, : ll-16rS4r-4t. Plaintiff. days—all-inclusive rate $2185 is considered' the most likely ap- 11-23-34-4r. pointee. At the next all-Union Soviet •3^The^thjrflyyatr|h| keries of!biok KSecure complete information from '; iriews^giyen by ! ^ b b j iiBL|B;:Rabiua- Twenty people have joined the Bi-Congress, Biro-Bidjan will be reprewitz will be held rnext Monday eyc- ble class formed recently by Rabbi sented by a delegate for the first • ' O m a h a ' s Most|JBeautifui Hofrie f o r Funerals' ^ning],?;Nov:etob^;2^ iin5 ;ttie;asocial H. R. Rabinowitz. Two sessions have time. He will officially introduce been held so far,, and the third ses- Biro-Bidjan. into the governmental Omaha, Nebraska h a l l ^ tfae:synagrd^el^H 1307 Howard St. Tel: AT 8028 ••'•."•••• Funerals To F i t Any P u r s e " sion .is, scheduled" for' Monday after- counsels of the Soviet Union. ; Phone HArncy 1226 Farnim at Thirty-thir* ' ?two *years i in: 1^e'.;^^t^'-;Hpus^^by, noon, -December 3, in the social hall - Patronise Jewish Press advertisers. of the ( :;:: :






Qtieg Shabbos, 7



Addresses B'nai B'rith


Society News



Elaborate Plans for Thanksgiving Dance

Omaha Group Guests of Amorian Club

Date Set for Annual . Anniversary -Banquet

Shaare Zion


Rev. A. Diamond


Chevra Kadisha Will HaldJBariqiiei

Raskin Address ;

Around the World

Around the Pacific

Around the World

Around South America

Junior Poale Zion



Chanukah Program

- ^^; Bo^fc B e d e w


M. • •

^Ike Hoover? : ' :^.---f' v^- ''::^ ^'.''^S-*":'''

Bible Class



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