Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Entered as Second Class i l'ostoffice of Omaha, Neb'
interests of the Jewish People
on January it, 1B21, ut der the Act of March 3.
Nazis Will Protect Jewish Yule Trade
Vol. X—No. 44
Berlin (J.T.A.)—Jewish merchants James G. McDonald, High Com, New York (W.KS-) —: A ?l&0,000 *»who sell or exhibit Christmas mermissioner for Refugees (Jewish and libel suit against Walter Kappe,- forTehsridise are to be immune from moothr) coming from Germany, will mer editor-of the German section of station by the Nazis. make a coast-to-coast report via the the Nazi organ, Deutsche - Zeitun?. . N o interference with business NBC radio network on Monday evewho resigned when.the paper .changSo enthusiastic has been the re- ed .its policy, has been dropped be- The accomplishments of the Tal- ning from 7:15 to 7:30 p. m. His Deep Historical Significance A "The Crisis in Germany" to Be j houses in this category -will ba tached to Holiday of broo'ked by the government, it was sponse to the College of Higher Jew- cause he.apologized for attacks, made mud Torah during the past year report will deal with the present Subject of Address on were reviewed at the annual meetChanakah announced here by the Keichsminisish Education being conducted at the status of the refugees now in varion Dr.- Kurt Resenfeld, -former PrusDecember 12 ter of Economics. The order was is- Jewish Community Center under the sian minister pf justice> and prom- ing held at the J. C. C. Monday ous parts of Europe. j night. One of the most -interesting of the ' Dorothy Thompson (Mrs. Sinclair sued in an effort to prevent the out- joint sponsorship of the Jewish Com- ised not to refer to Roosenfeld, in j Seven directors were elected as mem- According to advices received, the lesser holidays in the Jewish calenbroadcast will be carried over staLewis) will open the season of the break of- an anti-Jewish campaign in munity Center and the B'nai Brlth 'any derogatory manner." Kappe's -large to the Talmud Torah dar begins this year on Saturday Community Forum at the Jewish connection with trade before the hol- that.a "waiting list" has been estab- letter of apology -was written before board. They are M. M. Barish, N. S. evening, December 1, and lasts for tion WOW locally. the Deutsche Zeitung_ changed .its Community Center on Wednesday iday. lished for registrants. Yaffe, J. J. Greenberg, Mrs. Max eight days. It is known as Chanukah, policy. In a Deutevening, December 12; However, in courses not over- sche Beobachter, the new Nazi organ, Fromkin, N. Levinson, William Milder the Feast of Dedication, and is obHer lecture here will deal with crowded, as advanced Hebrew, those Kappe disclaimed any -_part in the and Abe Goldstein. served by special services in the "The Crisis in Germany." registering now may enter immedi- Deutsche, Zeitung action which was Max M. Barish, president of the home. Fred S. White is chairman of the ately. . The historical background of the the result - of a; compromise, that en- Talmud - Torah, gave the president's "committee in charge of the Forum. One hundred and fifty have regis- abled William McLaughlin, editor; of message. Aaron Katz, principal, read celebration is found in the fact that On the series in addition to Dorothy tered for a total of approximately the paper's Eng-lis section, to .escapa a paper on "Our Problems." in the year 165 B. C. E.. Judah MarccaThompson are Arthur Garfield Hays, 325 classes. Two sessions meet each a prison term for libel.. " • beus recaptured the city and re-dedi' Reports were given by Max FromScott Nearing and Ludwig Lewisohn. kin, chairman of the finance comMonday evening and Thursday evecated the temple at. Jerusalem after A fifth speaker will be chosen later. mittee; R. Lackow, chairman of the ning. A diploma will be awarded upi its pagan pollution. The Syrian king, Harry B. Cohen, ticket chairman, educational committee; Rabbi Uri 20,000 German Jews Already! Antiochus Epiphanes, had set up in on the completion of a two-year announces that season tickets are Report Tells of Impoverished course. Miller,' chairman of the enrollment Condition Aggravated by Settled in Homeland " 1 t h e t e m P l e a s h r i n e t o h i s heathen still available. They may be obtained committee; Dr. Philip Sher, chairThe only change in the announced i n Nazism at the J. C. C. gods. Just three years after this deman of the" Book of Life Committee; schedule is the shift of the classes secration, on the twenty-fifth day of Miss Thompson is one of the most William Milder, chairman of the transby L Morgenstern. His classes in • , ,—.,.,_,. „,, „ |the month of Kislev, the temple was, outstanding journalists of the pres- New York. (J.T.A.) — The impov- Yiddish language and literature have Vienna,. (J7T1 ..) •—Chancellor.Kurt portation committee; and Mrs. Max • _ New /iork, (WNS)—The German] fi d, and re-dedicated ent day. As a representative and erished -condition of Jews through- been changed from Monday" evening SchuschnigVs. *overnment, took anr Fromkin., president of the recently- Jewish refugees in Palestine are one r e c l a i m e 4 p u r i e special correspondent of :_ several out Germany and other countries of to Thursday evening, "at 8:15 and other, to t h e seryice o{ formed Talmud Torah Parent-Teachstep-last" Wednesday in. the di-i Around this festival culsler a of the most constructive elements of number leading dailies, as the Philadelphia Central and Eastern Europe, aggra- 9:10 p. m. rection of reveldng post-war Jewish ers association. of legends which have helped the population because they Ledger and the New York Evening vated by a perpendicular rise in the naturali2atioiis"Vrhen it" applied to the : The Deborah society was highly constitute only thirty per cent of thej In commenting upon the over-caPost, she became intimately familiar anti-Semitism of those sections, is pacity registration, Dr. Philip Sher, Austrian Supreme -"Court for revo- commended - for their constant help to s h < h e c h a r a c t e r o f t he that with _ European conditions. reflected, inthe -annual, report of-the president and founder of the college, cation of ~:ctt£sesship.'rights of" 410 and co-operation, as were the mem- Jewish immigration they have> con-j b r a t i o n > O n e sudh , n d ^ ^ ^ tributed forty-five per cent of the m - | o h l v a s i n ] e c r u s e o f u n p o ii u ted, She spent considerable time in American Jewish Joint Distribution stated: "The. enthusiastic Tesponse of naturalized Jews. bers of the.board. ' ' '. avaJlable when dustrial capital brought into the j sac"re(j oJ1 . Germany obtaining data for her lec- Committee, which shows an expendi- the community to the.. College of Orders-revokiag citizenship rights AnniTersary December 16. re-dedicated. country during 1933 and, hecause a j t e m * _ _ to be tures, and her articles in newspa- ture of $1,506,000 during 1933 and Higher Jewish Education has sur- of sevenEy-six naturalized Jews were Plans are being rapidly formulated greater proportion <20 per cent) o f j ordinarily "inadequate"," this T h o u g h the. early months of 1934. pers and magazines. passed all. our expectations. It con- issued "by-"the government on Novem- for the outstanding banquet and On August 25, 1934, she was ex- This is the largest sum expended clusively demonstrates the thirst for ber 7. The : cases wire immediately celebration on December 16, marking them are settling on the land than o i l miraC ulously p r o v e d to be sufficipelled from Germany for her alleged or allotted for relief work by the Jewish knowledge in the community appealed to the Supreme Court, the thirtieth anniversary of the Tal- any other group of immigrants. This I t f o r e i g h t "successive nights until was the word brought here by Dr. o t h e r ^ f i t f o r t h e • s e r v 5 c e m i g h t slurs against Hitler. Her version "of committee since 1929, when the to- and the need filled by an institution where .the decision now rests. . ' mud Torah in Omaha. George Landauer and Dr. Martin U . this reason, the : : this affair is that "My offense was tal distributed was more than $1,645, Both groups axe m danger of be- An elaborate program is being ar- Rosenblueth, secretaries of the Jeru- J c w sp r je p; ah rte dc a n dFl eosr i n their homes, in . \ . salem and London bureaus respecto say that* Hitler was just- an or- 000. It compares with an expenditure of this kind. held at the Jewish Community Censtateless, since the majority increasing numbers, for eight succes"We hope that the college will be coming of approximately $340,815 for 1932. dinary man." gave up citizenship in the countries ter. The entire; Jewish community is tively, of the Central bureau for the sive nights, one on the first night, able to greatly expand its activities Largely responsible for the sharp Settlement of German Jews in Pales- two on. the second, and so on. Her book, "I Saw Hitler," pubof their origin,- relying on. decrees invited to attend. tine. lished in 1932, pictures the Nazi dic- increase^ according to the report sub- by next year. making them-Austrian citizens issued The Feast of Dedication teaches In the course of an interview with l i k e w i s e t h e ]esSon of religious liberty tator as "a little man whose coun- mitted by Joseph C. Hyman, secre- : "Ako, the community owes a debt by the Diet of the Vienna municithe Worldwide News Service, they and tolerance. With the Maccabees tenance is a^caricature of a drummer tary, and released last week, was the of gratitude to the members of the pality. situation in Germany precipitated by faculty who took such a deep inter- News of the government's action declared that 20,000 German Jews the struggle was not a war for conboy risen too high." have already been settled in Pales- raest or dominion. The victory In her lecture here Miss Thompson the accession to power of the Nazi est .in the college: and are volun- in -appealing to the Supreme Court i h off the tarily contributing their_ valuable 6 act on-its'drastic revocation prowill relate her experiences -and ob- Party. tine, the largest number absorbed by I JJ ee ww ss w ^ a gs a ^ c tt oo rryy oof f the spirit, of "• As a result of the acute anti-Se- time." '•.-.. servations of present-day Germany. Bucharest (J.T.A.)—The 318 wan-any country since the flight of t h e | t h c r i g h t t o free dom of belief and gram ~ aroused lie greatest •- anxiety *: She is -Tqiowa t" Omaha audiences mitic problem created by the Hitler in Jewisii circles in Vienna.. ; :'. -: dering Jewish, emigrants who have refugees began. Of these, 12,000!w o r s h i p . T h e celebration of this At ;least 30,C and is a forceful and interesting foorces and giving rise to equally seJews "who "became been, on the high seas for the past came on labor certificates. The num-, e v e n t i s ^ a T l l m a i re-dedication to rious refugee problems in neighborAustrian^ <iit" speaker. . are" af- three "months without being permit- ber of German-Jews admitted to j th< ,se, ideals of religious liberty for after ing countries, the committee found fected by "the ive against the-post-; te <ito land anywhere, reached S*-V-'Palestine under the labor schedule 1 ^ ; ^ t h e j e w s have fought and sacit necessary to expand or - -allot for the ages:stanza last_ week on . a Roumanian represented war naturalized.' t d thirty-five thityfive per cent 'oft ' ori ffice(jj'through ' : " this- purpose -approximately - $1,000,steamer and were permitted to land the total labor schedule. Drs. Lan000,of the r total relief-fund. The rein. Rumania: on condition that they dauer and Rosenblueth r mainder: of'the sum went to'allevia- Paris (WJtS3^HJcem; iie~ joint CongratuUitionsef ,iliacoee^'\'iQUnedia^y'jto../their- native thatjhe German Jews are tion of the plight of Jews in Eastern Jewish -eirtigration committee • of- the in- the Yishub smoothly. countries, Poland and Czechoslovakia. tegrated g Forsaking tneir digEufied callings Europe and to "operating an adminis- Hias, lea and Emig-direct, Is now ex- Latvian Premier The Rumanian government, fol- They hare already contributed largea& bUsineBB men f or the evening, thir- trative expenses in the committee's ploring the possibilities. of extensive in Hebrew lowed an agreement with the autho- ly to an extension of western culture teen ^biauMful:' chorines from the foreign and New York offices. About Jewish emigration to Biro-Bidjan, --H rities, ordered the Rumanian steamer and to a highering of the standard Men's club of the Conservative syn- $340,000. was used in Eastern Eu- was revealed by Louis Oungre, gento meet the chartered of living, Drs. Landauer and Rosen-j Kiga <J.TJL)-A greeting in He- steamerCarol agogue will don abbreviated costumes i rope, while approximately $109,000 eral secretary of Hicem, in a -report i Warsaw {J.T.A.)—Concrete eviVelos m the Greek harbor blueth declared. • first of its kind -ever sent. , made public here. Oungre's report al- tirew, and grease paint for the revue, went to- administrative expenses. of Central dence of the eagerness of Polish Jews and to have the 318 young Pointing out that the dis- I of a The general tenor:of Mr. Hyman's so disclosed that from 1927 to 1934 by a! "Conservative Capers," to be given Jews transferred from the Velos, Bureau is expecting an annual imto migrate to Palestine was presentby 'the Women's Auxiliary of the report of the Jewish situation in for- Hicem enabled .75,000 Jews .to fiud patched Monday by Premier. Karlis which flies the British flag, to the migration of 20,000 German Jews toi e d last week in the form of two new -homes. During 1934 the Hicem TJlmains of Latvia to the congregasynagogue, Wednesday evening, De- eign nations was gloomy in the exvessel. The transfer to'J Palestine, the two colonization' offi-1 truck loads of applications for imhelped 4,416 Jewisn refugees from tion of the oldest Latvian synagogue Rumanian cember 5, at the Central High school treme. place under the watchful eyes of the cials announced feat for the period- migration certificates delivered by in the city of Mitau, celebrating its Greek police. "The tragedy of Jewish existence Germany to emigrate. auditorium. . from the summer of 1933 to the the post office to the office of the 150th anniversary. • Included in the number will be in Eastern Europe," Hyman declared, The permission to land in Rumania summer of 1935 the bureau has! Palestine bureau here, . "Mah tovu ohalevcho Yaacob," the Warsaw (W.N.S.)—Fallowing •- a Sam Cohen, Edward Brodkey, Sam "was overshadowed last year by the ends the roaming of the 318 young adopted a budget of $1,875,000, of i One truckload of the petitions was Theodore, L W. Kosenblatt, Bennett advent of the Hitler government in huge mass meeting- -in -Vflna, .Jewish message read. This passage is a par- Jews . from harbor to harbor in the which- ?750,000 has already been! from Jewish artisans and skilled laCohn, Sam Saltzman, William Ra- Germany and its unrelenting en- leaders- there organized—the -Polisih- agraph from Chapter 24 of the Num- Mediterranean and Black Seas, seek- raised. The budget represents an ir-! borers living, in. provincial towns, cusin, Leo Milder, Phineas Wintroub, forcement of the anti-Jewish, policy. Agro-Joint, an - organization - designed bers._in the "Bible, and reads in Eng^ ing entrance to different countries. reducible minimum to finance the. while the other represented persons Leon Graetz, Phil Kosenblatt, Abe Nineteen thirty-three brought no bet- to aid Polish Jews to emigrate to Bi- lish: "How goodly are thy tents, O Efforts to land were made by thesa bureau's program of training agri-j in the-city of Warsaw proper. Many Jacob!" -terment to the millions of Jews ro-Bidjan. '.••••".•••• Babior and Leo Nogg. wanderers in the ports of Palestine. cultural and labor workers, settling! of the applicants are persons whoTheir performance will be the cur- dwelling in Poland, Rumania, Latvia, Syria, Egypt, Turkey, Bulgaria and agricultural labor groups, colonizing! have some means of their own, it tain-raiser for the two-^scene and 19 Lithuania, Austria, Hungary and othGreece, but without success. middle class settlers, granting oans j was declared here, Carnival-Bazaar by act revue, directed by Milton Kieck, er lands.: For them, if anything, the Offieials Pick to manufacturers, artisans and small The fact that the Palestine office .proceeds, of which.-is.-to go to the crisis was stabilized for the worse. ; trades people, advising- immigrants is now considering the distribution Auxiliary This Sunday Kaiman to Feature "In addition, anti-Semitic policies Palestine Flag on all phases of economic . adjust- of the certificates allotted to Poland building fund of the synagogue. Mrs. made great headway, aggravated by B'nai B'rith Meeting ment, transporting children from by the immigration schedule Harold P. Farber is "chaperoning" A variety of entertainment, fea; the spread of National Socialist pro- Jerualem (J.TA.) — After much turing many interesting booths and Germany and settling them in Pales- public the previous week accounts in the chorus. Not to be surpassed by the men, paganda emanating from Germany. delay and cautious discussion, Pales- outstanding novelties, will headline An important meeting of the local tine, supporting institutions in Pale: large measure for the flood of mail the Women's Auxiliary will present This is constantly gaining ground to tine will now have a flag of its own, the program of the third annual car- lodge of the B'nai B'rith will be held tine for the placement of Jewish to the bureau. The dire straits of their own chorus, "Belles of the Gay the great detriment of the Jews and government officials have informed nival-bazaar to be presented by the Monday evening, December 3, at the scientists from Germany, furnishing much of the Polish Jewish population *30's," in which the' Mesdames Sam has developed most strongly, espe- the Executive of tiie Jewish Agency Ladies Auxiliary of the VaadHa Thr Jewish Community Center. social care for. the immigrants and and the recently imposed restrictions "•', at the city auditorium next Sunday The feature en the program obtaining and distributing Palestine' of both trade and skilled labor nave Stern, Irvin Levin, Al Pitler, Robert cially *" among • native youth groups for Palestine. ' ' Kooper, Charles Ross, Phil Rosen- and organizations in all these counThe emblem decided upon will be evening, December 2. This is the ma- according to Leo Abramson, presi- immigration certificates for the re- j greatly augmented the natural interest in Palestine as a Jewish homeblatt, Hyman Greenberg, I. L Solz- tries. the Union Jack, but it will have the jor fund-raising activity of the Aux- dent, will be a half-humorous and fugees. land and the demand for immigraman, M. A. Venger, William Eacuword "Palestine" inscribed on a cir- iliary for the year, and the general half-serious digest of current Jewish events by Abner Kaiman. This will tion certificates is constantly increassin, Nathan Nogg, A. A. Cohen, and cle in one corner of the flag. The public is invited to attend. ing. A similar interest is also being Moe Linsman, will appear. Mrs. Leo OmahaHebrew Club blue and white Zionist flag may be A fifteen-piece orchestra will furn- be followed by an open forum in Clay Modeling Class shown in the possibility that the SoBraviroff is this group's chaperon, Election This Sunday flown with it. ish music There will be a prize which, all members will discuss JewMeeting Regularly viet government may permit Polish and Mrs. Jay Malashock is accomThe question of designating an of- waltz. - Cards will he played. Free ish, topics and news. Jews to settle in Biro-Bidjan. panist. The semi-annual election of offi- ficial flag for Palestine has come up prizes will be distributed. interest has been evinced in A net total of 7,500 certificates A special, children's number m cers of the Omaha Hebrew Club will again -and again, most recently in One ticket admits a family. • To Observe Kattowitz theMuch clay modeling classes now meet- permitting immigration to Palestine which fifty youngstera are taking be held this Sunday afternoon, De- jconnection with .the shipping indus- -. Mrs.S. Brown is general chairman part in a Mother Goose fantasy, called cember 2, at 4 p. m. at the Jewish try. Ships of Jewisii companies in of the affair. Mrs. A. M. Green- Conclave Anniversary ing every Wednesday afternoon at will be available under the Palestine 4 p. m. at the J. C. C. under the di- government's schedule for the next "Cinderella's Wedding." Chaperones Community Center, according to an- Palestine, were at a. loss as to which baum is ticket chairman. rection of Mrs. Milton Abrahams. six months. The Jewish Agency for The fiftieth anniversary of the for this number are Mrs. A- A. Co- nouncement made by Ben JE. Kai- flag to fly^ that they might be proIn charge of the program are Mrs. hen, Charles Ross, M. F. Levenson, lowsky, president of the organization. perly registered as Palestinean. ^Mps N. Greenberg and Mrs. "William Mil- Kattowitz conference will be ob- The classes are now studying the Palestine had requested more than served at a regular meeting of the elementary principles of clay model- twice that number upon the strength T. A. Tully and David Cohen. Mrs. John Feldman heads the committee under the special navigation laws. der. Mizrachi, to be held Saturday eve- ing with the use of small animals of a survey of the labor market in William Eacusin is chaperoning ail in charge of arranging for the Omaning at 8 p. m. at the Twenty-fifth and figures. As they progress they Palestine. dramatic sketches; Mrs. John Beber. ha Hebrew Club banquet, which will will enlarge their activities to inand Seward street synagogue. musical sketches and Mrs. Nathan be held January 20. N. S. Yaffe is Turner and Mrs. Sam Theodore, the co-chairman, and others on the comThe program will include an ad- clude objects of their own design Nazis Prepared to Give dress on Dr. Leo Pinsker by Aaron and originality. mittee include Hy Shrie'r, Albert choruses. Katz and an address on Rabbi will be a repli- JeWTy Minority StatUS Kaplan, Jack Gavenman, Louis MorReservations Samuel Mohilever by Rabbi Uri Mil- ca of "Noah's Ark," in which all of | Reservation of tickets for the re- gan, Sam Klaver, Irvin Levin, Barler. These two personalities were the animals will be made by the Berlin {W.N.S.)—The Nazi regime vue will begin Sunday, December 2, ney Feltman, M. Bercovici, J. J. is prepared to grant the Jews of at the J. C. C. box office and will Friedman, Goodman Meyerson, H. An amateur presentation •which ri-| Sara Sekerman, Nate Sekerman, leaders of the history-making con- children. Any child through the age of 14 Germany the status of a minority continue until six o'clock Wednesday Dworsky, Dr. A. Steinberg:, M. P°" vals many a professional stage ef- Ralph Nogg, Irene Hirsch, Sal Mich- ference. group, according to the Voelkische will be served, and i may join these classes. • evening, the day of the show. The lpnsky. fort was produced before a large and nick, Martha Himelstein, Leo Bern- a Refreshments Keobachte.% Hitler's personal organ. program of songs presented. All! box office will be open each day stein, Selma Levin, Sylvan Frankel, appreciative audience Tuesday eveQuoting Albert Einstein's statemembers of the community are infrom 9 to 5 o'clock. Every seat i? Jewish National Fund ning at the J. C. C when the Cen- Beatrice Levin, Jack Temin. ment that the Jews are not merely vited. reserved.! ; '. ter Players Guild opened its season The sets were designed and executZionist Election of a religious group but a race and a "Tag Day" on Sunday with "Another Language." ed by Nate Sekerman. Haskell Cohen national entity, the Beobachter deOfficers on Tuesday Nazi Policy Bar to and Harry Kurs were stage managers. To praise the deserving members of clares that the Hitler goovernment is Matinee Dances at Jewish National Fund^Tag Day" the cast is to lavish praise upon all In charge of properties were Sylvia Schurz Aid The : election of officers will fea- I willing to give minority rigrhts to will be observed in Omaha Sunday, Silverman and Mamie Temin, while New York—Dr. Edwin B. A. SeligJ. C. € . on Sundays December 2, with the Junior ' Ha- of them, since the parts of all leads Lea Oberman andUna Gross took car man impliied that persecution of the ture the special meeting of the local the Jews. e and the character actors and actZionist organization, to be held on # The Psi Mu, in co-operation with dassah in charge. -Miss Anne Good- resses, were so excellently executed. of make-up. Mrs. Phiness Wintroub Jews under the regime of the Nazis Tuesday evening, December 4, at the I i n Saionica is the president of the Guild, and Edin Germany was a major factor in the Center, is holding regular mati- binder is chairman for the Junior Mrs. Stanley P. Levin and Sylvan Saionica—A gift of a thousand nee dances on Sunday afternoons at Hadassah and will arrange to have a Frankel portrayed the leading roles ward D. Brodkey is business manager. provoking his refusal to take part in Jewish Community Center. Morris drachmas to the Jewish school her* No sooner have the plaudits of Friedel is president of the group. group of cars at the Jewish Com- with an ability that moved the audithe work of the Carl Schurz Methe J. C. C. opening production died down morial foundation, made public in a In addition to the election, the new from the wife of Governor Genera! Door prizes and novelty entertain- munity Center Sunday morning at 9 ence. Jack Temin in the j uvenile their the Guild members are planning letter from him to the foundation in four-point program adopted by the lihallys was announced last week. ments are featured at these affairs. o'clock for all those "who wish to lead carried a difficult role with his- than try-outs for their next play, "Night Philadelphia. Zionist Organization of America will J Mme. Rhallys recently visited th( participate in the "Tag Day" drive. trionic talent At this Sunday's matinee dance, AusOver Taos." Try-outs will be held be discussed, and plans will laid for ' school and afterwards expresses Dr. Seligman is professor emeriAnyone who wishes to assist or The play showed the splendid ditin Bevens and his orchestra .will Sunday afternoon, December 16, at the Zionist activities during the com- much interest in it., praising tb< tus of political economy at Columbia rection" of Miss Helen Merritt. will lend a car for this worthy cause play. Henry Ginsberg is chairman in 'work of Jewish teachers. university. The members of the cast were 2:3D p. m. at the J. C. C. -« asked to call Miss Goodbinder. charge of the dances. year
Business Me R
Players Guild Scores 'Hitf in Opening Production
Chanukah Program by Junior Vaad Auxiliary
Meeting of LIFE INSURANCE— Cultural Workmen Circle 173 WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT DOES...
The Workmen Circle Branch 173 An interesting Chanukah program •will have its third educational meetThe Omaha Jobbers had a narrow has been arranged for the meeting ing Friday evening, November 30, 8:15 squeak in the J. C. C. preseason bas- of the Junior Vaad Auxiliary, to be p. m. at the Labor Lyceum, 22 and ketball league last week, when they held Tuesday evening, December 4, !lark street. Doctor D. Quigley will nosed out the Xi Lambda quint in at the B'nai Israel synagogue. All By the Service Life Insurance lecture on "Diets and Health." A proa thriller, 24 to 22. The win left the members are urged to attend. gram will also be presented. Alice The. dance, which was scheduled Company, Omaha Jobbers at the top of the . league By HENRY MOND, LORD MELCHETT Perelman will give a piano solo. Marstandings with ' five wins and no for this Tuesday, has been postponed tha Hertzog will give a reading. Harry country is actually being help up for to December 18. It will be for memlosses. Value Deserves Protection . In view of the recent granting of i people, but to the world as a whole. want of sufficient Jewish labor. Perelman will play several numbers bers of the Junior Vaad Auxiliary • I t Is said by our critics that, in With Millard Sigal playing one of an exceptionally large nmnber* of ceron the violin. A reading in Jewish Let me appeal to all those who tificates for Jewish immigrants - by doing this, injustice has resulted to have at heart the cause of Zionism his best games of the year, the Psi and Young Men's Vaad. Usually we think of capital as will be given by Louis Katz. the Arab population, and. also that Mus hung onto second place in the ! the Palestine Government this artiThe general public is welcomed; to do their best to make this posiThe Young Men's Vaad will meet money. But capital is not necessarily jde by Lord Meichett, prominent there has been too much concentra- tion clear, to use their reasonable league standings by swamping the Tuesday evening, December 4, at 8 money. there is no admission charge. tion on industrial development, and A. Z. A. No. l's 34 to 9. Sigal gathZionist and president of the World Suppose that when you got up this and moderate endeavor to persuado ered 15 points for his evening's ef- p. m. at the B'nai Israel synagogue. iMaeeabi Union, is particularly time- too little o nagricultural progress. morning you did not have a dollar The critics, in fact, confound them- those responsible for immigration in- forts, and was a tower of defense. i ly. Lord Melchett here explains why in the world. to Palestine to a somewhat broader Herbie Marks made the only cre, more Jewish workers are essential selves, for the Arabs had no serious view. Still you were right . in capital ditable showing for the losers. ; for Palestine, and points out that industries, so that the fact of induswhich makes it possible for you to In the long run the Jewish popuDue to the Thanksgiving holiday, | the immigration of additional Jew- trial development cannot possibly be lation, whether on account of immiwork. The Hazomir Singing society is the games scheduled for Thursday, ish labor would in no way interfere held to have done them any harm. gration or of natural increase, is Workmen's Circle Branch 258, fox Suppose that in crossing the street making plans for the benefit con; November 29 have been set for Sunwith the rights of the Arab populaIn fact, industries are as essential bound more and more to outstrip the twenty-five years active in South today you should be struck by a ma- cert to be held on Sunday, January tion.—The Editor. to the full economic life as agricul- Arab population in numbers. This is day, December 9. These games are Omaha, is transferring its activities chine. Weeks later you are carried 20, for the Mizrachi Palestine fund. ture, ana it is absurd to suggest that a tendency which cannot be avoided, the Omaha Jobbing Co.-A-Z.A. tilt The Hazomir society is directed and the Xi Lambda-Wardrobe Clo- to central Omaha. Meetings in the into a court room, and the jury, after A very interesting and important a highly intelligent people like the and it is therefore a mistake to. sup- thiers conflict. Another postponement future will he held at the J. C. C. pondering over "your worth" to by Cantor A. Schwaczkin. Charles ' development in regard to the re-es- Jews should be compelled to see pose that an increased Jewish immi- was the Re Im-Tork Battery contest, every first and third Wednesday of yourself, awards you $100,000. be- Mogul is president. cause the accident destroyed your New members are invited into the tablishment of the Jewish National their national home as nothing more gration will do anything more than scheduled for Tuesday, November 27 each month. capital, your ability to earn money. organization, and those interested in ! Hbme in Palestine has recently taken .than the habitation of a poverty- hasten an inevitable result. but set forward to Sunday, DecemAmong the benefits offered by place in England, and a good deal of stricken peasantry. Don't you think that if you hadsinging Jewish folk songs and meloRecently there has been, happily, ber 2, at 2:30 p. m. on account of Branch 258, Workmen's Circle, are In regard to : the position of tho very little dispute between Jews and the play at the Center last week. misapprehension as to Jewish aims in "your worth" in a single cash sum, dies are asked to come to the next sick benefit, insurance, consumption Arabs themselves, no one who hasArabs, and it would seem, therefore, Palestine has arisen. the money which your brain and meeting on Monday evening, DecemNext Tuesday, December 4, the benefit, funeral expenses. Those in: ,1 have reason to believe that simi- visited Palestine can have the slight- that now is the time tactfully to brawn actually represents, you would bers, at 8:30 p. m. at the B'nai terested in the organization are ; lar misconceptions have arisen else- est doubt of the value to them of the make such changes as I have sug- Boulevard Grocers play the Re Ims, go to every end possible to protect Israel synagogue. and the Psi Mus tackle the Tork asked to call S. Lerner. where,, and the moment seems appro- wonderful public services introduced gested. it? .••/-. The next meeting will be held at Batteries in one of the feature pro• priate to re-examine the Zionist at- into the country by the Jews— Life insurance is nothing more (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts grams of the season. On Thursday, the Center Wednesday, December 5 titnile" toward the settlement and- de- through irrigation and power schemes than a business-like way of protectFeature Syndicate.) December 6, the Wardrobes play the at 8 p. m. New members will be invelopment of Palestine as a Jewish for example, which have proved of : A. Z. A.'s, and the Re Ims take on stalled annd plans for a concert will ing your capital, your brain-power, enormous benefit to the Arab cultiNational Homel your ability. the Xi Lambdas. be discussed and formulated. KOSHER MARKET - This problem has during the last vators. If it is good business and good (Formerly Soskin's Meat Market) Again, it cannot possibly be urged two . years become one of extreme judgment to protect anything which 1552'Xo. 20th WE. 5450 that the Arab is being unfairly exurgency, principally because of the has value, then it is good business Reuben Greenbcrjr. back from Chifresh outburst" of persecution in cer- propriated, for in the places where An inter-club oratorical contest to protect the God-given power cago, invites yon to renew business tain European countries, the only es- Jewish success agriculturally has was discussed at a meeting of the acquaintanceship. man has which enables him to make Lee Grossman is making his first cape from which is offered either by been most marked there was practi- Habonim Monday. The subjects: values out of his life. call for boys interested in the 1935 Fifty couples attended the Re-Ira the assimilation of the persecuted cally no previous cultivation going "The Dietary Laws," "What th< Club's private dancing party given World-Herald Golden Gloves Boxing by friendly poowers, or by accelerat-1 on. Sabbath Means to Us," and "Wha at the J. C. C. last Sunday evening. tournament. Grossman would like to ed immigration into Palestine itself.^ It is my own view that the Arab Being a Jews Means to Us." have any young men who have any A buffet supper was served. "Unfortunately the acute unemploy- would settle down quite happily side Eabbi Uri Miller will give a prize Mrs. Sam liebowitz won a beauti- boxing ability at all to get in touch ment from which the friendly na- by side with the Jew but for the fact tions are suffering makes it: inad- that discontent is.deliberately stirred to -the winner. On Monday, Decem- ful compact as the ladies door prize, with him at once so that they will visable to attempt to increase by any up by people with "political axes to ber 3, Rabbi Miller will give a Cha- and Joe Nitz .won the men's prize. be in good shape when the tournanukah party for the Habonim mem- Each lady was presented with a fa- ment rolls around. considerable amount the number ol grind. bers at his home. The physical director added that vor. their Jewish inhabitants. The net efIt is only natural that settlement Three new members are Milton Jack Frieden was master of cere- new and additional boxing equipment fect of any such movement might on land bought through the Jewish including a punching bag, fifty pound easily be to provoke anti-Jewish feel- National Fund should be exclusively Bloom, Robert Gerelick, and Norman j monies. sand bag, and boxing gloves have ing1 where none - now exists. Conse- Jewish, for iuch- land is acquired by B. Rips. Try a Bag Today Three new members- have been adquently it is to Palestine that we the contributions of Jews for no oth- Last Sunday the Habonim were mitted to the club. They are Irving been secured for prospective -enthe guests of the American Club of Cohen, Ben Levine and Louis Fell- trants. must turn our eyes for a refuge er purpose. Sioux Cityr-The- Sioux Cityans won Grossman also stated that the club from persecution^ - - . " ' We must -be careful ourselves to a football game from the Habonim, man. or organzation with the greatest avoid exaggeration in stating our deMoreover, there is no reason why 20 to 0. A return engagement will be number of entrants and winners immigration into Palestine should mands, and while we should like to held "in Omaha" shortly. would be awarded a large trophy. see some steady increasa in the total not be permitted at an ever-increa'sing rate. For the economic develop- immigration permitted, the importThe second session of hee Grossment of the country under Jewish in- ant thing at the present time is to man's basket ball school for boys wluences is proceeding at such a allow a much more elastic adjustwill be held this afternoon at the pace that there is actually" a labor ment of the proportion of workers as Tel Aviv, Palestine (J.T.A.)—Phe- J. C. C , starting at 3:45 p. m. and Rome (J.T.A.)—Vivid interest in shortage, resulting in artificial con- compared with agriculturists. nomenal growth of this city, which acute Jewish problems in several lasting for one hour. •The natural growth of the towns, ditions the ultimate correction of has sent the population, up from countries was displayed by Premier which may easily give rise to seri- wnich is after all generally, benefi- 5^)00 in 1921 to more than 100,000 in i Fifty lads-were on hand for th"eMussolini, it was disclosed Monday first class last Friday. Grossman cial to the;; whole iiountry, aotomati-i ous internal difficulties. li)34, necessitates immediate expenafter a visit paid to H Duce by Chief;; Those who oppose any>considerab!s tally,, gives rise to the demand for diture-of a -350,000 pound loan- mado "urges" any bther"'K6y^dio. were* hot Rabbi Dr. Angelo .Saeer^oti of Italy on^and last Frida»a^t^(6rtV*^ay Store* industrial workers, and if this increase .fii'the immigrationVt>f Jews in- London on public improvements, ^and Dr. Nathan jQpldman of the: into Palestine base thieir arguments demand cannot be met by immigra- it was announced here. The city bud- The class is p ^ ^ ^ Committee of Jewish! Delegations. nori-members of the*Oenter^ JL6 years ption there is grave danger of workon one fundamental fallacy,-which *is-| get "is" over 250,000 pounds, but the Mussolini was especially interestthat the only purpose of Zionism is ers being attracted from the villages loan is in addition to the regular or under. There is no.; charge. led in those countries where internainto the towns in order to take adtb provide an. opportunity for a limSIXTEENTH AT FAENAM sums spent by the municipal governtional peace treaties^T provide,for's ited number of intellectual ranks to vantage of the artificially high-wage ment. Jewish Mussolini t Nay jrlghts. •-' . ..... " \ rate. Any such tendency is obyiousr:; abandon the security of their profes- ly undesirable. Enlarging and reorganizing .' gg g the Synagogue p e a d ^ sional positions in other countries in Manchester;jEpgla^d"— A. J.' Levy At the present moment there is no present water supply system of Tel looks. so much -Premier Mussolini of order to become a'kind of esthetic Aviv ivill cost 90,000 pounds, and an i peasantry on the soil that their fore- question of our wanting to force the additional 20,000 pounds will be spent Italy" "that" people aie commenting on rate of immigation faster tlian the t * t - me protect TOUT interests . . . I fathers once Cultivated. for a new water purifying system on the "resemblance,- many "of them call- write IXSCHAKCE of every description 1 Zionism has long since passed that absortive capacity of the, country- a site north of the city. Another 50,- ing'. Levy "the Jewish Mussolini." Including LIFE, In stranc. Tellable <romstage, and the Balfour Declaration justifies. At the present time our 000 pounds has been allotted for the But. he isn't a Fascist. He is the panlrs OXI/T . . . l>t*a talk It ever. w-as, and was meant to be, an under- country is able. without support to completion of the sewerage system. president of the Chevra Kadisha or- City Finance & Insurance Co. taking that the Jewa should be free absorb many more workers .with out New school buildings will cost 60,- ganization 'and'synagogue here, and 140a Farnara BU AT. 76C7 or tVA. JStSO W reestablish a Jewish nation with in any way interfering with the 000 pounds, while a new hospital for has heen for twenty^fiye years. • aj; full national; life in their historical existing Arab population." Tel-Aviv is expected to cost 100,000 Moreover, the development of the hpme. pounds, of which the Palestine gov, j i t has been' on that basis that deernment is to contribute 40,000 velopments, in Palestine have propounds.-" A new town hall is to be ceeded ever, since, and we have seen Awaken, Israel, and have faith in me. erected at a cost of 25,000 .pounds, gbow up out of a barren wilderness, Enough of wandering; I have hopes and a municipal garage will be built vihich has for centuries been allowed costing 10,000 pounds. t^ remain a practically uncultivated 7[^vu...- :; .; .:. . desert, a new nation, a well-balanced A voice is^heard callingnear, economic life of ever-increasing pros- I wiU-giiidethee, have! no fear. perity, and a new culture of inestimable benefit not only to the Jewish ! Vint V . Lift thy head ana wipe thy,tears, Additional I will save thee as m ; ancient years.
Hazomir Society To Meet Monday
Workmen Circle 258 To Meet at Center
Oratory Contest By Habonim Club Fifty Couples Attend Call for Entries in Boxing Tournament Re-Im Dancing Party
FAVORITE of Nebraska Women
Phenomenal Growth in All-Jewish Tel Aviv
Basketball Coaching for Junior Youths
—^ wonder
Mussolini Interested in Jewish Minority Rights
Mark Leon Says;. •
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Polish Liners i," "Batpry"
A ray, of light i s shining through. I will make thy dreams-.copie true. .'.
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Take thy Torah and thy_chiidrehV ! i han<L. I will lead thee to -the * Promised - .. Land. , .;", ' ' ~.::,..,.;• ' "*7
iThe Gdynia-America Line which maintains^ xegular v sailings - between New Yorfeand Halifax, and Gdynia,., the new; port of Poland,Ihas named itg two :i new, • luxus vlihers by the names ofiiTilsu<iski'?2a&dv"Batory." Awaken, Israel, and rejoice, Batory was. the great king g of Pol- God h a s spoken; hear His voice; ; —By Mrs. Elsie. Eeisnberg. d' Glden Er in the sixteenth and's Golden Era^ in the sixteenth •century, who aimed^tb; establish Ppland on ;'fhe Baltic Sea as a great maritime country. On' the other hand, marshal Pilsudski represents tho -present generation intent to realize the dreams o£. the bj^gone Polish King. -• The «PilsndsM":iind'<;lBatory>I are being built •. a t ilonyafcone by the same ship yards •'wh'icti ^turned out the famous .Conte di Sayoia. The first liner will be put _in_.service at. the end of next summer _to;.inaugurate the new Juxus service between New York and Gdynia ,jilirect_ in about eight or ninejlays, with "fast connections to, .Soviet Russia, Rumania, Czecho-Sloyakia . and other Eastern European;, countries
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but books, have shown a burning has enlisted world sympathy and supcourage to defend civilization. Once port, j convinced that "they could not live "Hitler," he said, "fears to bring in a world where such things can the church situation to an issue. In be" they have been; able to move the Saar plebiscite he needs the Gerheaven and-earth in the good cause. -tnan Catholic vote. He fears to side] At the next regular forum of the Innocent men arid women have been with the Nazi regime against the; Round Table Tuesday evening-," Desaved - from the stakes prepared by Catholics, and his failure in the Saar • cember- 11, Harold Saks will speak bigots; tyrants have been driven would mean the collapse of Hitler's | on "Jewish Youth in the Professionfrom their-seats of. power.". -prestige. i al and Economic World Today." This The power of religion may be on meeting is open to all Jewish youth. the' decline in - our ag3, as some The preliminaries of the Round would have us believe: poetry and Table debate totirnament are to end lyrics may. be on the wane; morality before December 21. Thus far, justice, democracy, sanctity of huThe book review group of the! twenty teams have signified their inTomorrow night . our [people .will. spirit, or anything that is non-Aryan." All the would-be moralists and social man life may be the ideas of the Vaad Auxiliary will meet Tuesday tention of • entering the tournament. again, as. they have for the last'two Like his ancient 'predecessor, the ethics people, who claim to hope ."beweak in the eyes of the Spenglers afternoon at 2 p. m. at the home of The debate *ubject for this year thousand years, light the "Chariukah Feuhrer,. armed to the hilt,' flourishes yond "all that" are only beasts of prey and their tribe, but the heroics of Mrs. David Denenberg, 210 South is "Resolved, that the Talmud Torah lichtlech" and celebrate' the festival the banner" of German Kultur and Ar- with their teeth broken, who hate oththe Maccabeans still inspire millions. Thirty-seventh street. | is an adequate means of providing which marks the victory of the he- yan superiority.and poses as the:sav- ers" on account of .the attacks -which The Chanukah lichtlech have never Mrs. N. H. Greenberg will i-eview j for the education of Jewish youth freedom-loving Maccabeans over ibr of civilization and attempts!-to they themselves are wise enough to before meant so much not, only to "The Folks," by Franz Werfel. j today." ' the mighty "armies "of "the" Syrian em- convert into ashes.. not only the avoid." it." " • " " • . " , . ' Jews but to non-Jews. Their lights Other books to be reviewed in the The Irvin Stalmaster cup will be peror, Antiochus. This AiitiocKus, like achievements and the creations-of-the And the' other, as symbolized by have never shed so much light • and near future include "The Permanent awarded to the winning team at the his modern-prototype in Germany, Maccabean, descendants, but also the Israel, which by its very existence and ; Historians may. not count the brilliancy in the spreading Brown Kcrizon," by Ludwig Lewisohn; "The Honor Night banquet to be held in who"is-acclaimed by liis "followe'rs as- best traditions and the loftiest-spirit- survival (and this is not said in a Battle of Emmaus in 165 B. . C. j Darkness as in our day and age. Forty Days of Musa Dagh," by the spring. . .. . . the Messialr of the third -Reich and ual values of mankind. - among . the great decisive battles of i lyrical strain or in the spirit of chauTheir message has never been so Franz Werfel; "Five Silver Daughwho is styled by. his enemies as the the world. Nevertheless, it deserves vibrant and fecund with universal ters," by Louis Goldirig. Not only" as .in .ancient times, tyr^ vinism),' exalting the wisdom of the "Matlman of ,Europe,"- was called byto-rank in their number, for it was significance.' Their" challenge has anny, the might of the sword, the di- book, the light and sweetness *as conAll members of the Vaad Auxil- Patronize Jewish Press advertisers. two ; names. By his flatterers he was this which saved humanity from the never before aroused so much the iary are invited to attend. vine power of- "the God visible" and ceived by a Matthew Arnold, the right; named Epiphanes—"the God visible" unquestioned victory, inevitably folwill to freedom and humanism. And the forced. unquestioning; submission of the weak and the.meek to their —and by. those who were" not "afraid lowed iy the tyranny of Hellenism never before have they been such of the weak and the ;meek:to'.the sa- own way of life, —the still and small of, referring, to his bad 'qualities, he The heroic struggles of the MaccaBerlin—There are now . 499,682 a tremendous stimulus and impetus preme-authority" of the mailed fist .is. voice of Jacob crying out against the : was styled Epimanes^-' the madman." beans saved Judaism—hence - the to "those" who ~but a short time ago, j Jews in Germany, according to of fithreatening to-spread over" the earth; hairy and mailed fist of Esau, against OIL BURNERS As the Savior of the. Dritte Reich was celebration of Chanukah. But it isi were indifferent and distant from I cial government figures showing.the, but also once more," European civil- "barbarism, political tyranny and intoi do two millehia later, Antioch'us not too much to add, that it saved; their spirit, to go and rediscover the ' distribution of various religious j ization is menaced by the barbarian. tellectual darkness and as of old prolearned the. art of. government in humanity. But for it, the triumph of! AT. 2360 2612 Leavcnwr.rth dramatic, noble and inspiring tradi- groups among the general populaAs when-it" was overwhelmed .by the claiming with the Psalmist: "What is Rqme and_there.formed the_ambitious Hellenism would have been complete,' tion. Man, that thou art mindful of-him? tions of the Maccabeans as on this tide of barbarism which 'poured from ideas of extending his . kingdom.. It and* its sway undisputed throughout j Chanukah. . . . . . . ' . - ' ' . the forests -of Thuringia and Fran- FOR THOU HAST MADE HIM A was in Rome,' too, that he -must have the Mediterranean. The synthesis,' conia and down to recent times in the LITTLE LOWER THAN GOD. And obtained a knowledge of how to which goes to make up modern civilfatal bid of the Hohenzollern empire hast crowned him with glory and trample on other people "and "despise ization, would have lacked one of its honor." " " . . • • • . , . for. worlds power, Germany is today their ways of life/ a knowledge which most important occupants—the leg-} [Not so long ago assimilationists the cradle of .barbaric forces which he was afterwards to use" with-such acy .of Israel with its moral and defy~~aiuL threaten the civilization of were asking rather scornfully why on SEAT CUSHIONS, Factory Rebuilt, ?1.QC' unhappy results t<T himself "and little ethical overtones and nuances. And Europe." . "' - . earth should the Jew survive, why The first revolt against Nazism Judea, -which- chose - to throw itself, the western world would have lain Including New Spring Units £«%/%$ each And what a tragic travesty and should the Jew so stubbornly hold on under the incubus of unchallenged has been on the part of "religion and against the imperial power of the to an ancient heritage. Now, thanks Your present Mattress remade into a $Q, *7 C a n d Syrian tyrant rather than to surren- farce! The barbarian, the Vandal, the •uniformity, which must have ended religionists, Dr. Frederick Cohn deto Hitler and his pure Aryans, the clared Tuesday before the current der its freedom of conscience and the orch - applier to civilization's treasby becoming an obsession. luxurious Innerspring Mattress — *J • I *J Up same persons and millions of Jews and events class sponsored by the SisterTight to carry on its own particular ure house, now poses as the savior of even non-Jews are asking along with Once the word of power, which hood. His subject was the "Church Try a large bottle of our Lustre Furniture i%!"lc civilization and the mind's sanity! way of life. Again we hear the marching bat- them why must the Jew survive. There came from Palestine, permeated the Situation in Germany." Polish—the best you ever used V " Soon the Feuhrer will be celebrattalions of Caesar, the hordes of Atil- are millions, who as never before, barbarian hordes and leavened their He contrasted the mighty protest Call WM. A. LETET, manager ing along with his subsidizers and folcling tenaciously to their Jewish herlives. Once Israel's lamp of learning from the spiritual leaders with the la, the battle cries of the chieftains lowers the second anniversary since of the Huns in the words of the lead- itage because it is theirs, regarding shed forth light into medieval dark- fact that professors, writers and men his ascent to power over the crushed ing^ theoretician of Junkerdum,_ Os- it (and rightfully so) as little short ness. Once the seed of Israel con- of affairs endured silence. He also German people, over the tortured-towald Spengler, in. his last book, "The of treacherous to surrender, in the tributed tinder towards the Renais- stated that the church opposition MA-21J4 482S Sonth 24tli Street death bodies of ^ his political oppa; Hour of Decision;" "As then," at the hundred and- first -generation, what sance and Reformation. -And now in nents, over the ash heaps of books of has successfully resisted the erosion j our day, by a rather queer and incommencement of. Imperium RomanFeuchtwanger, "Washerman, Einstein orum, the Roman Trnpire,-so today, of the prst hundred. The Jew has! explicable trick of history (let scofand others, over the smoldering ruins the form of- the-world is-being re-. served Ms- purpose," from the spiritual fers) .and skeptics say what they of democratic freedom and liberty and molded from its foundations, regard- point of view, by destroying the re- may, the Jew is again called upon ever-the ruined heaps of cultural inless of the-desires and intentions of. volting polytheism of former -days and to unfurl the banner raised - by his stitutions, the", painful"and .precious^ the.'majority' or-the number of vic- implanting the ideas of morality in Maccabean ancestors against tyranny creations of ..hundreds lof. years. No slavery of the conscience and subtims-demanded-by such-^decision . . . the world." doubt,-they will wax glorious at the But more, by his very survival, he mission to the God of might and. "The" primeval" barbarism- which "has extermination- 6r_-the. exiling of the lain hidden and-bound -for- centuries, has provided the "still, small voice of proclaim, anew, the message . of. the last remnants of the Hebraic spirit under ihe_form-rigpur _ of_ a rijie..Cul- skepicism" whitch in the end has un- Chanukah lichtlech—the clarion call Later, Because of the Christfrom theGelrmah soil," and cry out-asture, is ^awake again noyr. that the dermined the " foundations of the" 'to"action" against the barbarians and mas-Rash. We Will Be Unable did Dr. -Paul -Goehbels: 1^'Jewish iniJul1aife_XsJ.finished_and.the Civiliza- idol - of the moment, the - "God - visf- incendiaries of our age." Thunder tellectualism (Jewish, way of life) "isto Fill Monogramming Orders tion has set. in: that warlike, healthy ible" "of "the" hour * and the Feuhrer forth as in past ages:. "It. is wrong dead! The' German felk-soul ean;.again of the day, thus saving the .world to believe that nothing can" be" done. in one's own " strength which express itself. These flames (of burnscorns the literature-ridden age of ra- from the curse, first of uniformity In" all. times, ~ even the men with ed books) signal to the entire world tionalist thought, that -unbroken race and then of moral and intellectual white hands, used to holding nothing that the November criminals (repubinstinct, which desires a different life licans) have sunk to the earth and a from one spent under the weight of new spirit has arisen." . '' QUALITY books and bookish ideals." ? What is that new spirit? Of course, SERVICE And just ten days ago appeared the it isTiot that of a Goethe, Lessing or PRISE news report that Walter Darre, Nazi a Heine. And surely, this spjrit could minister "of agriculture, expounded .the have no tolerance or sympathy for theory that Germany is a.battlegroun,d anything that'smacks of the^ Hebraic between the Aryan and the., Jewish conceptions^of economics, and that the^ result of-, the*..- battle willL'dete'rmine
By Harry Mendelson
stagnation. "It is; this, the role "of the Eternal Protestant," according to Cecil Roth; "which has justified the Jewish existence for the past two thousand years." And no doubt will live- to • see the day .when his voice, along with those who at present suffer under the heels of tyr* anny, will drown out the v&ices-of the Aryan sword-rattlers and as well sse history turn unto dust and make into laughing stock such wisdom as expounded by Herr Doktor Hanstaengel: "Democracy is an institution of the weak. We. Germans are a strong people. Parliament, elections, justice and freedom are the ideas of weak people. . . We hate the French because they have bred the democratic idea." And again see confirmed "they who lift the sword shall perish by
Book Review Group of Vaad Auxiliary
KLEEN-HEET Olson Bros.
Dr. Cohn Commends German Religionists
. „ •
Upholstered Furniture Rebuilt-Mattresses Remade at Moderate Prices
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u Bradshaw Elected to -which^•wHlitriuioph- in the . Nebraska P^jwer Board It augurs well for. mankind
_; and;for tne^fut*irec.of_jcivilization that there De E. ;Bradshaw," ,presidentL.of the ire millions .of-men and women who Woodmen of . ith'e World, has' been still retain' a _ semblance"""6f ^inteffi1 elected .to the board ..of .directors! of gences to realize.immediately that not the Co.; it_was Anhe _Nebras&Jower* _ A two economic conceptions-are hvtheD i d "struggie, but two ways of-life,, as in nounced 1 Thursday .b>v "J. -E. David. s o n ,"president. .; ""- : ' • • : • • - • [ ancient'.times between"^ the -Macca~ Mr. Bradshaw, who.\ was born in beans and the tyranny of Antiochus, the .the Arkansas Ozarks "are in deadly combat—two ways of came to : 6maha' in 1916~ from'.Little life that involve the world and not Rock, Ark.," to becomer general "coun-' merely six hundred thousand Jews in sel for 'the JWoodmen;of the World, the Third Reich. _ •" a position he held until elected pres- 1 .One way of life ;that exalts, as ar-:: ident two years ago.: :' - ... ticulated by Spengler, the code Jof the "The Nebraska -PowerCo. is ^ jungle, the vandal way of: life that, • py to have' Mr?Bradshaw on ifs di-, destroys all that stand in its way to rectbfate/' said Mr".. Davidson. "For power. "Man is a beast of prey . . • years in'. Omaha he has been ,an active leader in civic affairs. His position as president, of the largest fraJOHN FELDMAN : ternal life insurance association ;ia Is engaged in the business of -sellthe world makes him one of the best ing, all kinds of RELIGIOUS AR-. known insurance men in the" United TICLES—Taleisim, Books, -Jewish States. •-"; ; •, ; - V Bibles in Hebrew and English. ""We are very glad-to have a- man of Mr.1 Bfadshaw's business enter- Ees. GOD Xo. 50th St. -" ~€SL.2972. prise and ability on our board."
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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year $2.00 Advertising rate3 furnished on application Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Stop Address: 1307 Howard Street
Chanukah—Feast of Lights . Chanukah, or the Feast of Lights, will be ushered in by world Jewry Saturday evening .Tiny tapers shedding their courageous light give new meaning to Jewish lif e and lend the proper atmosphere in which Jewish parents should tell their children of the Jewish heroism exemplif ied by the Maccabeans. This holiday commemorates the first martyrs to offer their lives for religious liberty. It is the equal of fiction to hear the stirring tale of how the Maccabees with undimmed fortitude and idealism fought an unequal battle to throw off the obnoxious yoke of paganism forced upon them by the Syrian conqueror, Antiochus . . . but though the fight was against tremendous odds, this brave band of warriors battled on until victory was theirs. We can visualize the king's officers holding forth the inducements of wealth and honor to Mattathias if he would obey the order of the monarch, and Mattathias in noble defiance replying: "Though all the nations that are under the king's dominion obey him, and fall away every one from the religion of their fathers, yet will I and my sons and my brethren walk in the covenant of our fathers." And, the Maccabeans "were ready either to live or die nobly/' Chanukah celebrates the victory of light over darkness, of right over evil, of the worship of one God over superstitious paganism. From the fiery zeal of the Maccabees the Jewry of today can gain inspiration, to fight anew in a different age so that once again the candles in the Menorah will signal the triumph of light over darkness. .
Jewish National Fund
Protestants and Jews to join forces in combating a common foe. Incidentally, the position of the Jewish people in Mexico is none too good. Discrimination has been rife in that land for, a long time. As we learned from Germany, where one group is discriminated against, it is but the opening wedge for discrimination against other minority groups.
Although the 9,700 labor immigration certificates granted the Jewish Agency for the six-month period ending next April will number considerably less than the amount requested, yet it is the largest number for an equivalent period in the history of the British mandate over the Jewish Homeland. This is an encouraging sign that the Palestinian government has embarked on a more constructive attitude toward the Jewish development in Palestine. The Zionist leaders have been constantly at odds with the colonial office because of the small number of immigration certificates issued, in spite of the known shortage of labor in Palestine and the increasing absorptive capacity of the country. This latest grant of a large number of certificates confirms the impression prevalent in many circles that the British government and its representatives in Palestine are steadily moving toward more positive co-operation with the Jewish Agency.
Abraham Lincoln would not be regarded so hot in Nazi Germany, because Lincoln was dark skinned and the Nazis know, of course, that it is only the blonds who are the real, superior folk. Neither would Daniel Webster stand in much esteem there, for he, too, was swarthy. The fact of the matter is, though, that there are quite as many blondes among Jews as brunettes. *
Lion taming was quite a sport in And they say that the younger genthe middle ages, and Marvin Lowen- eration in Palestine is blonde. thal in. "A World Passed By" chuckles * * at the fact that the Jews monopolized The granddaughter of Mark Twain, this profession. if she were living in Germany, would So it seems that we come by our probably emigrate to Palestine. Anybull-tamers —Sidney Franklins—legi- way, she would be regarded as not timately. Not surprising at all to me. much in Germany — because Nancy It was a Hebrew lad, Daniel, you re- Gabrilowitch is half-Jewish. member, who sat around with a bunch * * * of lions as though they were so many They say that Justice Brandeis— lodge members. for the first time—this year—did not The lions, it seems, are not anti- give any contribution to the Labor Semites. In fact, if I recall my Bible, Party's work in Palestine. Brandeis, the lion was the symbol of the tribe it is said, insisted that the Laborites of Judah. first explain to him some of the fight* * * ing which has been going on in PalMaurice Samuel, who will be in the estine. It is generally admitted that United States before yon see this col- the Laborites have been as responsiumn, has discovered mathematics. ble for some of the fighting as were In "Beyond Woman," one senses the Revisionists—and Brandeis wants the fact that this discovery is very them to tell him why. Only Monkeys clear but those who have been within * * * The Black Shirts of Britain are feeling blue these days, and the Samuel circle have known it for A niece of Theodor Herzl has openyears. the mixture of colors is not to the liking of Sir Oswald Mosley, several ed a "pension" in Palestine—in the Substantially, the theme of "Beleader of the English fascists. yond Woman" is that if you think It seems that some Nazi stole into the Regent Zoo in London there is no other thrill but that which and taught the monkeys the Hitlerite salute, and these monkeys revolves around woman and love, take your calculus and logarithms and are still greeting Zoo visitors with a perfect fascist salute. But, up you will see—that mathematics offers it ends with the monkeys. The Englishmen, recent reports de- pleasures equal to the erotic. clare, refuse to emulate the quadrumanous mammals (monkeys, I should like to see Mae West take we mean) and cannot be taken in by the Hiuer brand of prop- up geometry. * * * aganda. • -. The late Baron De Rothschild—who The British fascist leader, Mosley, speaks, but nobody wants recently died—was laughed at when to listen. Maybe it would tie a good idea for Mosley to change the he first interested himself in Jewish color of his men's shirts to blue, so as to blend more harmoniously colonization in Palestine. And the Baron, in turn, didn't think with their feelings. o much of Theodor Herzl, being afraid that "political" Zionism, which No. 1—38.40 Zero DisHerzl of course stressed, would entillate 7c GaL Thought of the Week danger the position of the Jews outNo. 2—32.36 Zero Gas "The Jew, the Catholic and the Protestant cannot wast« side of Palestine. Oil 6%c GaL * * * No. 3—2&30 Zero Pnel energy in fighting each other, when the deadly monster of unbeRipley it or not, but there was a Oil 6>/2c Gal. lief threatens to engulf them all."—The Christian Advocate. chap, named Beneditto Mussolini (the same name as II Dace), who as far back as the latter part of the nineHOW OBSERVE CHANUKAH? teenth century wrote an article urgBy RABBI URI MILLER ing the restoration of Jewish Palestine. And this Mussolini was—like The spread of Jewish education in this community will un- his namesake—an Italian non-Jew.
city of Tiberias, which like Tel Aviv, has a Jewish mayor. * * * Do you remember Dr. Pitkin, who wrote a book about life beginning at forty? Well, now comes Dr. Beran Wolf, the Jewish psychologist, who has written a book on the same idea for women. He says the women above forty or sso can have the best time of it, if they only knew. * * * In the last analysis, there will never be any solution of the Jewish problem until the economic problem is settled. I take it that anti-Semitism is primarily nothing but xenophobia— the dislike for the stranger—and this (Continued on Page 8.)
Dealer in Jewish Books and Otter Relieious Articles
2429 Decatur. We 3527
I just received a supply of Chanukah articles: Chanukah candles and candlesticks, very beautiful brass and silver plate. Also. Chanukah greeting cards. Anyone buying any of the above-mentioned articles will get a story of Chanukah in English and Jewish with Benedictions and Hymns of Chanukah. ABSOLUTELY FREE.
Service lor every
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As Philip Raskin, noted Anglo-Jewish poet, so aptly said in an interview while in Omaha last week, the Jewish problem is homelessness and landlesshess. Without a home or without a land, no people can obtain their fullest .stature, and Palestine is the golden ray of hope for a future solution of this problem. In the Jewish, homeland, being built in Palestine, the Jewish National Fund is doing heroic work in both making a home for doubtedly result in more work for the Rabbis. Not only have they as many Jewish people as possible and in bringing Jewish "luft- been elevated to the dignity of professorial capacities with all menschen" back t o the soil. The land bought by the J. N. F. is rights, privileges and obligations appertaining thereto, but they the perpetual property of the Jewish people, a truly national land- are training a community in the knowledge of facts and figures owning. Close to 350,000 dunams of land have been purchased, in Jewish life and culture. And a critical, audience will mean an and through this means the Chalutzim in Palestine are becoming end to misinterpretations of Jewish history andT to generaliza"rooted in the soil," part and parcel of the land they tilL It can tions which do not square with historical facts. ? > readily be seen that by this means economic stability is irrefutably A point of illustration is Chanukah, beginning-'this Sunday. givento Palestine. • K In other communities it will be possible to talk of the Maccabean The land and agricultural development of Palestine is in so struggle as a "war for religious liberty," a struggle for the freelarge a measure the financial work of thousands upon thousands dom of conscience. But in our community some scholar of the of Jewish people spread throughout the length and breadth of laity will undoubtedly point out that the Maccabeans—these same the world. Pennies, nickels, dimes—given at a sacrifice—have heroes of the free conscience—forcibly converted, the Edomites contributed much in the national upbuilding of the homeland to Judaism, which seems that they were not men interested in through the Jewish National Fund. But the work in Palestine is the principle as such at all. In some communities Rabbis may call by no means complete—the Jewish rehabilitation there is not Chanukah "our national holiday" and rapturize over the band of the work of one generation alone. Instead, it demands a zealous, heroes battling the mighty tyrant for country's sake. But an undeep and devoted continuation of the work "which has been in- convinced student may point out that for four hundred years itiated. Israel had humbly tolerated foreign rule and even flourished in Locally, the annual Jewish National Fund Flag Day will be certain periods. And the triumph in the narrow national sense held next Sunday. For this yearly event, no one is asked to drain was but short lived. his pocketbook; all that is requested is each Jewish individual's In the book of Maccabees we find (I Maccabees 1) "Antiochus contribution toward the continuance of the Jewish National Fund's wrote his whole kingdom that they should profane the Sabbath "labor of love for a people." In helping solve the homelessness and festival days"; In H Maccabees 7. the martyrdom of seven and landlessness of Jewry, we must give the activity of the Jew- brothers and their mother, illustrating the cause of the rebellion, ish National Fund hot only sympathy but also deserved financial reads: "Seven brothers and their mother were taken and comsupport. pelled by the King against the law to taste swine's flesh"—but one of them that spoke first said—"We are ready to die rather than transgress againit the laws of our fathers." It seems that Fighting for Their Rights Though the Jewish people in Austria are faced With grave the Maccabean wars were fought for such old-fashioned custms dangers through the policies of the Schuschnigg regime, yet we as the dietary laws and the Sabbath. This is the only possible conadmire the fact that they are not kowtowing in submissiveness clusion one comes to from reading the source material. Chanukah ought, therefore, to be a holiday the observance but instead are fighting for their rights as citizens. The praeof which is centered n the strengthening of Jewish custom—Jewsidium of the Vienna Jewish community announced that they ish custom not in a beautiful verbal eulogy, but in such troublewould not voluntarily resign their Austrian citizenship. some, inconvenient and outmoded facts as the dietary laws and the The statement of the community says Austrian Jewry are Sabbath. To many a layman who knows the facts it may be connot of the complaining kind but when the daily occurrences are sidered intellectually dishonest to utilize Chanukah :for some pursuch that make complaint justified, they will complain. They de- pose not squaring with historical data. •;. . mand living room for Austrian Jews. Stating that the Jews fulfill Perhaps we ought not to have too much Jewish education. equal duties as citizens, while being a national minority, they demand equality of rights as guaranteed under the constitution. I the first fruit in golden or silver [baskets and take the baskets back, "Force," the resolution stated, "may be exerted but we will never GEMS of the BIBLE I while the poor bring % in willow bassurrender one iota of our rights, as safeguarded under the peace ;kets and the baskets 'remain with the and TALMUD treaty of Versailles and the constitution of the country." 'rait for the priests." By O. 0. DASUEB
Roba said again unto Robba: "Wherefrom the following peor>!s's A Common Foe Cry aloud. Spare not. Lift up thy saying: 'Although t i e wine b-1 ngs Of late, the news from Mexico has been fraught with dis- voice like a horn and declare unto to the owner, thanks is nevertheless to the waiter.'* He answered: quieting reports of serious clashes between the Roman Catholic My people their transgression, and due From (Deut. 34.9) And Joshua was to the house of Jacob their sins. clergy and the government. ^The Calles regime has torn a leaf And if thou draw out thy soul to full of the spirit of -wisdom, for from the history of Hitlerism in Germany—in order to hide the the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted Moses had laid his hands upon him." (The whole credit is given to Moses emptiness and nullity of his program, Calles.has attempted to soul, then shall thy light rise in though he was commanded by_God). darkness and thy gloom be as the shift the attention of the masses to a. scapegoat/ tlie Catholic noon-day. Roba said again to Robba: Church. . . • ~ ;" None sueth in righteousness, and "Wherefrom the following saying: we were young we were The Jewish people realize the meaning of this through wit- none pleadeth in truth; they trust in •When vanity, and speak lies; they con- esteemed as men; now that we are nessing what occurred in Nazilahd; And jUst as-the events which ceive mischief, and bring forth in- old, we are considered as children." He replied: "In the, beginning it is transpired under Hitler was the concern of all right-thinking iquity. written (Ex. 13.21) And the Lord people, so too, the Mexican discrimination against the Catholic Their feet run to evil and they went before them, and thereafter make haste to shed innocent blood. Church is the concern of all right-thinking people. This Mexican Their thoughts are thoughts of in- (Exd. 23.30) Behold,,I send an angel struggle between church and state—developing along lines very iquity. Desolation and destruction are before thee, to keep thee by the similar to events which characterized Russia during the first in their paths. way. Roba said again to Robba, "WhereTALMUD years of the Communist regime—affects not only the residents Roba questioned Robba again from the following saying, "If you of Mexico but liberty-loving people everywhere. The enemies of "What is the origin of the following follow a rich nian you will become religion are growing. Religion is faced by Communism in many, people's saying: 'Poverty follows the rich yourself." H e ' replied: "For poor; the nor man is always under (Gen. 13.5) And Lot. also, who went parts of the world, by Nazism in Germany, by .Callesism in Mex- disadvantage.' He answered; "In the with Abranv had flocks, herdt and ico -by materialism everywhere^it is^ a time for all Catholics, following Mishnah: The rich bring tents." i. --'- ••-
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Page 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1934 DINNER PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Brown of Grand Island, Neb., entertained at a dinner party at their home last Sunday, the occasion being their first •wedding anniversary. Among those wlo motored to Grand Island to attend this affair were Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nachschoen, and also a number of friends from Omaha.
1 Chesed Shel Ernes Cast Announced in Hadassah Planning Rainbow Luncheon To Meet Monday Children's Theatre A regular meeting of the Chesed Shel Ernes will be held at the Jewish Funeral Home on Monday afternoon, December 3. A report of the recent dance will e rendered, and all those having money or tickets must turn them in at tbis meeting, All members are urged to attend.
To Speak
Kabbi Frederick Cohn will speak on Sunday afternoon, December 9, Mrs. H. S. Novitskv, chairman of at the Joslyn Memorial on Susan
The cast has been announced for the first production of the Children's pointed Mrs. Arthur Cohn to head Community Playhouse. Theatre of the Jewish Community the Eainbow luncheon to be given v e e k a t Center, "Snow White and the Seven at the Blackstone hotel on January Dwarfs," to be given Sunday after- 16. At a dessert luncheon last week noon, January 27. at the home of Mrs. Cohn, the fol-j Fleishman & Soskin Included in the cast: Eeva Gore- lowing hostesses were announced: | in the rmploy of L. Hnrris) lick, Snow White; Sylvia Silvennan, Mesdames Philip Eosenblatt, David! (Formerly TO CONVENTION Twelve years experience Queen Bragomar; Bernlce Silverman, B. Cohn, Reuben Brown, Harry i Ef FLOEIDA Insurance with Itrlial>l« Cumimnieg Elaine Lagman, Mildred Berkowitz, Eochman, David Bernstein, Eeuben i Ural Mr. Horace L. Eosenblum, editor Appoint Chairmen for Est:il<* . • Property AlnniiKrinpnt of the "Sovereign Visitor," national Annual Council Bridge Joy Yousem, Hallie Bialac, Genevieve Bordy, Phineas Wintroub, William S15 So. ISih St. J\- ''Hi FDTKEL-HUBWITZ 3EAREIAGE TO ENTERTAIN AT Stern, Beverly Mendelsohn, Esther Alberts, J. M. Erman, R. Schles, publication of the Woodmen of the Mr. and Mrs. I. Hurwitz announce AFTEKNOON COFFEE At a meeting of the Council of Milder, maids of honor: Milton j Harry Braviroff Allan Kohan, Henry the marriage of their daughter, Mar- Mrs. Jeanette Arnstein will enter- World, -will leave this evening by rail garet, to Mr. Al Finkel, son o£ Mr. and tain at her home at an afternoon for St. Petersburg, Fla., to attend Jewish Women held Monday at the Bloom, Sir Dandiprat Boinbos; Sal Belmont, Julius Stein, William MilMrs. J. C Finkel on Monday morning, coffee on Tuesday, December 4, for the mid-winter meeting of the Na- J. C. C , Mrs. Maynard M. Green- Michnick, Berthold; Harry Lithe, der, Harry Trustin, Simon Pizer, J. MARY STEIN November 26. the officers and chairmen of the tional Fraternal Congress of Amer- berg was named chairman of the an- Prince Florimond; Stanley Kohn and Rosenberg, J. H. Kulakofsky, A. PraGeraldme Shafer, pages; Ethel Kaica. dell, A. D. Frank, Max Davis, I. nual Council bridge. She will be asKosher Style Restaurant Rabbi Uri-Miller officiated. standing committees of the recently The meetings of the Congress will sisted by Mrs. Jack Marer, co-chair- dis, witch; Beryle Walters, Morris Dansky, M. D. Brodkey. organized Women's Division of the Complete Kosher Style SHIFF-TUCHMAN Jewish Community Center and Wei- be held in conjunction with the na- man, and a committee of twenty wo- Beck, Evelyn Goldware, Gertrude Two hundred women attended the S1ENU DAILI Kohn, Phyllis Wintroub, Harriet tional convention of State Insurance men. ENGAGEMENT fare Federation. annual membership luncheon TuesShafer, and Mildred Singer, dwarfs; Commissioners. The affair, which will be held on Mrs. ' Frank Tuchman announces 50c to 75c Mrs. Arnstein is president of the Mr. Rosenblum is vice-president February 12, is the only fund-raisins Harold Marer, Donna Lee Singer, day given by Hadassah Mrs. B. F. the engagement of lier daughter, women's division. LUXCHES Margolin, regional president, outlined of the Press section of the fraternal project undertaken by the Council and Pauline Newman, cats. Miss Dorothy Tuchman, to Mr. Marthe activities of Hadassah in Pales35c congress and also a member of its during the entire year. Close to two tin Shiff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lotus BAR MITZVAH tine and America. Private Dining Room for Parties. national publicity committee. hundred women are expected to atShiff of Minneapolis, Minn. The anMr. and Mrs. A. Kirshenbaum anand tap dances were given Clubs and Small Weddings tend. nouncement was made at a family nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Chanukah Luncheon by bySongs Philip Sokolof, accompanied at REASONABLE New appointments announced Mondinner party Thanksgiving Day at Max, on Saturday, December 1, at FOR THE WINTER Mrs. J. Adler left Omaha last day were Mrs. Joseph Jacobs as Conservative Auxiliary the piano by Mrs. Anne Schlaes. •the Tuchman home. the Adass Yeshuren synagogue, 25th 2406 Farnam JA. 9393 Community singing was led by Mrs. •Wednesday to spend the winter in hospitality chairman and Mrs. Henry No date has been set for the wed- and Seward streets. David Goldstein. San Antonio, Texas, visiting her sonShumow as a new director. A small gift is to be the ticket of ding yet. in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. The meeting- was devoted to a admission to the Chanukah dessert ENTEBTADfS FOR TWISTY Will S.Rips. peace program, when Mrs. Ben Sil- luncheon which will be given by the MIROFF-FALK ENGAGEMENT An afternoon party for twenty ver presented an original allegory, Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary «n Mr. and Mrs. A. FaHc announce guests was given by Miss Sonia BoitTOUT Satisfaction Is OUT Success "The Torch of Peace," in which ten Wednesday, December 12, to honor the engagement of their daughter, stein Sunday, November 25, at the IN NEW YORK Dr. Victor E. Levine has been in members of the international rela- fifty new members. Mildred, to Mr. Sol Miroff, son of Paxton hotel in honor of Miss Ann York City for the past week to tions group took part. A unique seating arrangement will Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Miroff.. Berman, future sister-in-law of Miss New make plans regarding his Alaskan be employed, and an entertaining proThe meeting was sponsored by the No date has been set for the wed- Hoitstein. Sharing honors were Miss OMAHA* OTU CSNTB . . . «*TH AND MMNCV international relations group, under gram will follow the luncheon. ding. Margaret Hurwitz, a bride, and Miss trip. the chairmanship of Mrs. David K. Sonia Rosenblitt of Philadelphia, Pa. IS OAKLAND Cohen. The next meeting of this ANNOUNCE BIRTH The table was set in a T-shape and After a motor trip through the group will be held December 18 at the Mr. and Mrs. Norman Korney an- a color scheme of orchid and green Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Green- home of Mrs. Julius Abraham&on. Pioneer Women nounce the birth of a daughter at was carried out. The afternoon was south, are now in Oakalnd, Calif., visit- Dr. Lyman Harris of the University Lord Lister hospital, Saturday, No- spent playing bunco. Prizes were won berg Plan for Bazaar ing their and daughter-in-law, Mr. of Nebraska will speak on "Condivember 24. Mrs. Korney is the for- by Miss Rose Levin, Miss Evelyn and Mrs.son Fur Trimmed Max Greenberg, and their tions in the Saar." Mrs. Max Goldstein, chairman of mer Gertrude Poster. Green and Miss Berman. son, Michael Lee. the annual Pioneer Women's bazaar, Teports that many valuable articles Literary Group of RECEPTION SIGMA DELTA TAU ALU1ENAE Winter Dance of for the affair have been contributed Mr. and Mrs. William Solomonow A meeting of the Alumnae League Daughters of Zion by Omaha merchants. These will be of Council Bluffs win entertain at a of Sigma Delta Tau was held at the Junior Society reception for all of their relatives home of Miss Ida Tennenbaum last The literary group of the Daugh- sold reasonably at the affair, which will be held at the Labor Lyceum The annual winter dance of the and friends on Sunday, December 2, Tuesday evening. Miss Rosaline Pizer ters of Zion met at the home of Mrs. Saturday evening and all day SunDecidedly Superior in Fabrics, from two until five o'clock and from S. Temin on November 24. Various will represent the Omaha alumnae at Junior Society of the Conservative day, December 8 and 9. * seven until ten o'clock at their home articles were read about the Jewish the national convention to be held in Workmanship and Furs Synagogue will be given on Sunday The bazaar will begin Saturday eveNational Fund work. evening, December 23, at the Fon- at 213 Stutsman street, Council Buffalo, N. T., December 24 to 26. At at meeting of the Daughters of ning, December 8, at 8 o'clock, with tenelle Hotel. Eandall's orchestra will Bluffs, in honor of their daughter, Miss Sarah Solomonow, who is leavZion last Wednesday it was reported an interesting program free to the ON BUYING TRIP play. December 13, for St. Louis, Mo., Miss Rae Borsky of a local store that the recent rummage sale and public At this time the drawing for Several cocktail parties and din- ing where her marriage to Mr. Ben Rud- will return Monday from a buying card party were very successfully the easy chair will be held and all ner parties preceding the dance are ner of St. Louis will take place the trip in New York. financially. Mrs. Venger has donated holders of tickets are asked to be being arranged by various groups. latter part of December. a dinner silver set to the Daugh- present. In charge of the ticket sale is a ters of Zion, prior to her trip to There will be a variety of booths, No cards are being issued. committee composed of Soph RosenBridge Tea Held by Florida. The organization will sell under the direction of members. «*f stein, Jeanette Levinson, and Soph tickets for a drawing on the set. It the Goldie Myerson club and the Goldie Myerson Club was also TISIIING HERE Handler. announced that Mrs. L. Junior Pioneers. Miss Sonia Rosenblitt of PhiladelMiss Claire Feldman will be hosEosenblatt had donated to the organLuxurious furs, quality fabThe Goldie Myerson Pioneer clu! tess to the Junior Society at her home, ihla, Pa., is visiting at the home of Jewish Press advertisers merit your ization in honor of her son's wedher uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. gave a bridge tea at Mrs. Stein's tearics and exquisite tailoring 609 North 50th street, on Monday patronage. rooms Sunday, November 25, pre- ding. evening, December 3, when further Roitstein. make these new Winter Coats liminary to a membership drive. plans for the dance will be comexceptional values. You need Fifty new members were inducted; pleted. Junior Hadassah not wait longer for a good into the organization. The afternoon' was spent playing bridge, and rewinter coat at a right price. Meeting Thursday freshments were served; Fa-Hori Sorority Prizes were awarded at each table. Junior Hadassah held a meet- Mrs. Social Meeting ingTheThursday Carman* Second Floor Eichlin, sponsor of the group, evening, November 22, gave J. (Are Strictly Handmade) an interesting talk, telling the A social meeting of the Fa-Hon at the J. C. C. Complete details were eorority and the drawing of the 22- given for the Thanksgiving dance. new members of the work of the piece bridge set of dishes was held Miss Mildred Grinspan of St. Joseph, Pioneer Women. The "CELESTE" Monday evening at the home of Miss Missouri, who is the house guest of Aa Ross Moskowitz. The dishes were won Miss Minnie Froom, local president, Ten Girls Report Vasnioned la bath bUufe «aa by Mr. Seltz. The drawing was fol- sang a group of songs, accompanied 12.50 brvwa Imported suede lowed by refreshments and cards. at the piano by Miss Gertrude for Cage Practice Other Styles 8.50 to 14S« On December 3 a Chanukah. party Oruch. Lee Grossman stated that ten girls | High-Fashion will be held at the home of Miss The next meeting will be held reported the initial practice of ! Sally Pollay; there will be an ex- Thursday evening, December 6, at the J. C.for girls varsity basketball j OUT Shawiac «f Wfnkrimar changing of gifts among the mem- 8 o'clock a t the J. C. C. A report of team, last C. Monday. The physical di- J Shoes la the same la an Its bers of the cub. the Thanksgiving dance will be rector was fairly pleased with the ( eompIeteBns as is found ia given. A Chanukah program will also first workout and said that pros-; WinkeUnaa Sbe-ps ia Sew Tork. be presented. pects for a successful season are, Officers Elected by fair. For Every Conceivable Fratority Club Alpha Pi Tau to Holiday Occasion SHOE &A3MTS At a recent meeting of Fxatority the following officers were elected: Initiate Newcomers Kalah Franklin, president; Helen Holzman, vice-president; Sylvia Plans are being formulated for the Hahn, secretary; Paul Sachs, treas- Initiation of new members into the COURT/ urer. Kalah Franklin and Maurice Alpha Pi Tau in. December. The initiBaumer were chosen Round Table ation will be climaxed by an initiarepresentatives. A dance was held at Peony park tion banquet and annual meeting on November 23, in honor of the club's December 30. first anniversary. A party is being A successful pledge party was held recently, with Herb Marks in planned. ; charge. New high shades and dark Phil Katzman is instructing memcolors, in smart, new styles ST. bers of the group in the art of howling, preparatory to forming a f o r t h e holiday events. JA. 1872 club team. ' Crepes, wools, velvets a n d By , Mrs. David M. Newman knitted dresses in sizes for misses and women. joyous jamboree far Quick Coffee Cake. everyone . . . * cup and 1 tablespoon of sugar; li Laughs, Romance, Mutic, and Giil*, Girls, Girlt! tablespoon butter; 1 egg; 3 teaspoon salt; 2 cups flour; 1 large teaspoon Carman's Second Floor baking powder; 5 teaspoon soda; cup sour milk; 1 cup raisins. Cream sugar, add butter and beaten egg. Add dry ingredients alternately with the milk, raisins, mixed with flour. Put in pan and cover with the following: 4 tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon flour, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Mix all together and sprinkle on top of cake. After melted butter has been put on, the butter will hold the abave mixture. Bake in a quick oven JOE P1NN 20 minutes or more. f
Phone AT-2813
2815 Farnam St.
Handsome, fine quality Northern S e a l Fur Coats, in trimmed and untrimzaed styles. Alluring collars and sleeves. S i z e s for misses and women. A genuine Carman value! Carman's Second Fioar
* >v,a
ARE YOU SHIVERING?—This chart show- how jou'n- point? to shiver this winter. Dr. A. M. Neilson of New York university is indicating on his weather chart that this winter will be the most severe in 10 years. The lower trend represents the winter of 1933-34, while upper shows what the 1934-35 winter may be like.
SCENE OF PRESIDENT'S VISIT—Viewed from the air, here is Norris dam, near the new town of Norris, Tenn., the vast TVA project visited by President Roosevelt This remarkable picture is one of the best ever taken of the dam and the surrounding country.
AT WOMEN'S CONVENTION—Mrs. Harvey WUey is chairman.of the National Women's convention in" New York City. At right it Mrs. Rebekah Greathouse.
ARTISTIC— -Though the~camp"aign for" discreetly covered shoulders, is winning, many adherents, the back-. less gown; at_ left is striking,in . eff e e t , with its -g-1-ea-ming-Wack cellophane l a c e . Delicate evening" 'creation at light is in dark pluni- colored velvet. THIS LEAVES THEM COLD—Wellesley students aren't a bit burned up by fire drill, it appears. Madeline Palmer, of Morestown, Pa., fire chief at the Wellesley, Mass., school, directs the drill. In the window, left to right, Barbara Eliot; Jean* Arrowsmith, Julia Masters, Virginia Gould, Janet Hilsinger and Jean Heath.
GEISHA GIRL GIVES CONNIE MACK, A DAINTY—Accepting a morsel on chopsticks handed to'him by. a; beautiful geisha girl-in Toltio, Japan,- Connie Mack, manager of the all-star American league barnstormers touringJJapan, doesn't look his 71 years. Mr.: Mack is reported as "saying he wants to continue as manager" of theThiladelphia Athletics until he is 80, spiking a rumor that Babe Ruth ..:.-. . would manage the club next year.
:'f - •
•WHERE FIRE DESTROYED 29 HOMES—Cuban soldiers searcb ffie tains of a home atJBaracoa after a disastrous fire which leveled 'to smoldering ruins 29 homes .in fte jJttjft residential section.
LA GUARDIAAT CONTROLS—Mayor' Fiorello H. La Guardia of New York City is a former war ace in the Italian army, so he's right at home at the controls of this Transcontinental and Western air liner at Floyd Bennett airport as the "Lindbergh line""shift* its eastern base from Newark to the New York airport.
"(CELEBRATED SCIENTISTS GATHER—Meeting in Clevdand, here are some of the world's most celebrated scientists, officers ofthe National Academy of Science. Left to right, Paul Brockett, secretary of the academy; Dr. Frederick E. Wright^ Washington, former president of the Optical Society of America; Dr. Arthur Keith, former president of the Geological Society of America, stodent of earthquakes; Dr. Ross G. Harrison, Yale university, former president «f the American Society of Zodlogisti and of the American Association of Anatomists; Dr. William Wallace Campbell, president of the society and president-emeritus of the University of California; Dr. Isaiah Bowman, president of the International Geographical Union; Dr. Roger Adams, head of the chemistry department. University of Illinois; Dr. Karl T. Compton, former president of the American Physical Society; Dr. James McKeea CattelL former president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
A.1" -*<.
Pool Will Be Closed The swimming pool a t t h e Jewish Community Center Will" be closed for a -week, -while necessary repairs a r e being made.
lish maximum rent figures throagiiout t h e city. A city ordinance has been passed to curb high rentals after April 1, 1935 when t i e existent rent law lapses. The council named a special committee of three to draft additiona l legislation which, will prevent rent increases and curt) land speculation.
Mamatalks By GERTRUDE BERG, Author of "The Rise of the Goldbergs*
jto ask a relative or a neighbor t o I watch the house while mother and dad go to the movies. I know that a mother feels diffident about asking a friend to watch the baby while she goes down the street to t h e grocery store. But what is such minor unpleas-
spouse . . . Abe Goldberg (the boxing judge, not the Zionist leader) i s ; a 8 w} cnthe C1 i i e of the By PHDJEAS J . BISON Ask any mother what her most cousin of Sir Jacob Epstein, modernprecious possession is," a n d w e l l , you child may be at .stake? Even assumist sculptor The feature of the' Ox Boycott in Poland Wins Anaesthesia Trophy j?'rance Ends Traditional ing that the mother is so sensitive a don't need_to_. ask h e r ; roll know it T Ridge Hounds and Hunters trials r e Warsaw—A--unanimous resolution Policy. ' 2v ew York—The silver trophy of is her child. And you naturally as- sou] that she hesitates to ask a THEY SAY cently held a t New Canaan, Conn., -txi. press the boycott- of German'goods the international ' Anaesthesia Re- sume that she surrounds that child favor which Paris—France's traditional open grudgWe understand there was consider- was won by. Mrs. Bernard F . (Depart- a n d services . in: all.; t i e branches of door, policy of hospitality to foreign- search society, a highly-sought after with all the needed safeguards. That! " ^ ^ r v ! r > " T f i t i v e n f s s h o " 1 d able consternation at JDG headquar- ment" Store) Gimbel i 1 You rememr economies'-was adopted a t .a"imeeting ters when it was discovered that Jo- ber t h e Hakoah soccer football 7 team of Jewish • wholesale merchants from ers . will replaced by award, has been won by Dr. Harry she gives him physical protection i P « v e n t her from taking the terrible 1 E e M. Seldin, New York Jewish dentist. stringent curbs' CSL aliens resident seph C. Hyman's annual report had that came here from Vienna ' nine every"part of .Poland. and takes every possible precaution | f f T . " * ^ ^questionably does r.•;•-.:• .;• i e r e and rigorous measures designed been published prematurely in a cer- years ago? ; . ; . Two of its members that his bodily and spiritual welfare I * ? k ! , l f *he l e a v e s ^ e r c h l 1 ^ a l o n , e : The resolution provides t h a t the to prevent "the entry of additional tain staid metropolitan daily . . . The are now playing with t h e New York shall not be endangered. jA ^ d « t h e r e + a n / ™ ^ e f ' n t h e , ^ r l . d : \ ' • reason? . . , A member of the com- Americans, one with the Brooktiattans boycott be a s comprehensive a s pos-immigrants. ." who does not feel that her child is -. . mittee to which the report was sub- and one with the Chicago Spartans sible. '•..'"•".•••. .-•;•••• Yet every so often we read in our i n f i n i t e h r m 0 1 . e p r e cious than a supPelley's Trial Postponed mitted is connected with the daily, and - We are glad to hear that Detroit's $5,000,000 to Palestine daily paper of one. of those hairrjus- j j o f? " groceries, or a game of Asheville, N . C.—The trial of Wilthought he'd give his paper a scoop Hank Green'berg, the baseball marvel ing instances of neglect in which an \ j 5 ridre' . liam Dudley Pelley, Silver Shirt . . ..We hear that a scholar of inter- who turned down a $750 vaudeville in Month Aits infant, or a sleeping older child, diesj .* • • - « , , . \. TJerusalem-—Over $5,000,000. in cash chieftain, and three of his associnational renown is now engaged in re- offer, plays basketball free of charge in a fire that breaks out when no (Copyng-ht, 1934, by Eeven Morris Bloom and Paul Grossman, w a s brought, inta^ Palestine daring ates, who a r e under indictment for Feature search on the origins" of the "notorious for" the Y. M. "H. A... . Syndicate.) - :; • the month of ^October, by Jewish im- •violation of the state's laws govern- favorites, advanced into the finals of jadult is about. I n a recent case of I "Protocols of t i e Elders of Zibn," and this sort the parents, who had been t the J. C. C. preseason doubles hand-1 Patronize Jewish Press advertisers. r&igrahts, .the, Palestine government ing stock sales, has been postponed that his testimony at the forthcoming POT-POURRI ^ :! : 2 announced: ball tournament last week,, by turn- playing b r i d g e n e a r b j , also died in j of fjdally. . ; until the first week in January. Berne libel suit is expectea to destroy Now thexrumar that after divorcing ing in two victories over formidable their efforts to rescue one of their that nefarious legend once and for James P , (banker-- and song^writer) opponents. i children from their blazing home. McDonald Wins -American Jewish Legionnaires Settled all . . . Sounds slightly over-optimis- Warbotirg, Kay Swift plans, to" marry tM TMC..Mg»gT OF Hebrew Medal . i ; sn Colony ;; •-.- • • . - . - They defeated the team of Manny 1 That tragedy, which left" one small tic to us . . .They say, also; that a George Gershwin . •...-. Gertrude Berg; boy the sole survivor of his family, ' New Yctfk—The 1934 American Jerusalem—With iunds made Goldberg and Jack Ban, considered number of prominent Jews axe coop- whose h " M t l k " •""• h ^d "Mamatalks" have ^ is a flagrant case in point. Another ^deerating with former .Ambassador lighting, you, will soon, give thei • NBC Hebrew medal for -distinguished serv- available from: a ?4O,00O bequest left j to be the second best combination in j is that of the mother who, after a James W. Gerard on the formation of network another, dramatic series that ice in promoting better understand- to t h e Zionist X>i^aaization of Amer- j the tourney, in a second-round en-j quarter hour's absence, returned | a Jewish anti-Communist. league, the will feature her motherly "philosophy ing between Christians and Jews Vrill ica bj* t h e late^Mr. Albert Zundelo- counter by the convincing scores ofj T home to find her babe suffocated by mere existence of which they envisage A new - playwright' has - s e t . l i e be presented t o James G. McDonald, | -wdtz.-of- WicKta Falls, Texas, t h e ! 21-14, 21-15, then moved into the! the smoke of a fire that practically league of Nations high commissioner; Jewish Agency: for Palestine has j finals by conquering Sam Katzmanas a powerful weapon against antiShe is-Lillian Hell- for German refugees. . ~ town talkingno property damage was done. . settled thirty- families • of American j and Len Herman, 21-11, 21-14. Bloom1j I know that it-is.hard for parents, Semitisin Have you noticed those man, whose "The Children's Hour'' and Grossman have.yet. to lose a publicity blurbs which proclaim that Herman Shumlin h a s produced 'most S y n a g o g u e . M e m b e r s h i p s : :*;. •;! Jewish veterans of the Jewish Legion i still young, to have t o . sit a t home the skippers of the S. S. Bremen and beautifully But don't let the title Decrease by. 60,090 in Xrerniahy in Avihail, a colony in the Calley of single game, and have not yielded! evening after evening to guard their more than 15 points in any one game.} Hepher. ; of the Graf Zeppelin a r e not in sym- mislead you into taking t h e younger : sleeping youngsters, t>r to have t ? Fifty more families will be settled | The other half of t h e bracket - de-1 take their . recreation separately. I pathy with the Nazi regime? . . .Song- generation to see it . . . Miss Hellman ^Berlin—i4 decrease ~ of "65,Q00 in synagogue membership in Germany veloped into a struggle-among sev-: in this colony which has been set; stress Lotte Lehman has been cordial- may be young, "but"her play is decidsince t h e advent of t h e Nazi regime eral - teams to determine the pair! know that it is not pleasant to have ly invited to stay out of Naziland, be- edly hot for. youngsters If you is reported the Beich ~ Bureau of aside for Jewish Legionnaires. which will be thrown up to Bloom j cause she refused to break her Vien- must take the kiddies to a show, Jet na contract to grace Hitler's town . ' . . 'em see Fleischer's "Krazy Kat" rand Statistics'.. in" a special study on' r e -Hear Mussolini Approves World and Grossman in the finals. Iz LevinJewish Congress .' j son and Phil Feldman, looked goodj Mme. Lehman, incidentally, i s .not Soglow's ' .'Tattle "King," where ani- ligious affiliation. . . . . The report declares that the num- " London—Reports received . here in outlasting Max Turner and Mor-j Jewish, though her husband is . . . mated cartoons held sway . . . They used to have a manikin sitting at the ber of Jews, in terms of religion, from Rome indicate that Benitoj ris Franklin in a torrid three-game 1 Mussolini is sympathetically inclined | contest, 21-16, 15-21, 21-17. grand piano in the Fifth Avenue win- decreased 11.5 per cent. I ABOUT PEOPLE toward a world Jewish congress. Now somebody has remembered that dow of Knabe's here in New York— New York School Sol Yaffe and Jack Sadofsky play II Duce expressed his opinion on a Dave Goldman and Phil Klutznick, way back in 1928 the late Otto H. but lately its place has been taken by world Jewish congress during an in- w i t h ' t h e winners to meet Feldman Kahn predicted the Wall Street crash Norma Shapiro, a seven-year-old who Statistics New York—Two out of every five terview he granted to Dr. Nahum and the coming of another Roosevelt just loves to watch the crowds collect residents of New York City a r e Jews Goldmann, chairman of the Commit- and Levinson for t h e right to comas she plays—and does she play! . , to the White House Which repete in the finals. " "' minds u s to tell you that the Convent While Samuel Baron," 99 years her and t h e ratio of Jewish to non-Jew- tee of Jewish Delegations, who is Entries for the annual J . C. C. ish public school pupils i s approximobilizing opinion in support of the of the Sacred Heart's ritzy* school is senior, celebrated his birthday at the preseason singles handball tournafirmly established by now in the Kahn Home of t h e Daughters of Jacob, mately t h e same, according to t h e congress. ment a r e now being taken. Play i s mansion on Fifth avenue . . . It's W.where he is the -oldest inmate, by Jewish Teachers' association b u t Tel Aviv (W.N.S.)—Because of the slated to get under way by DecemJewish teachers number less than "W. who points out that Governor Her- dancing a Russian dance . . . ' potentially dangerous real estate ber 5, and players who wish to comone-fifth of the total of 36,000 bert H. Lehman and Park Commis(Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts speculation which has boosted rents pete in this meet a r e urged to enter sioner Robert Moses, rival candidates Feature Syndicate.) Jugoslavia Recognizes Maccabis for residences and stores by three at once. in the recent N. T . elections, were as Champions Paul Grossman i s the defending and four hundred per cent in t h e both wealthy men of t h e same faith Belgrade—The Yugoslavian Box- past year, the municipal council of champion, with Manny Goldberg the with no political inclinations, until ing association this week officially Tel Aviv has taken steps t o establ- runner-up. Morning — Evening —- Midnight they met t h e late Mrs. Henry Moskorecognized t h e Maccabi club boxing witz, and she launched them on their team as champion of t h e Sava •" discareers . . . I t was Judge Joseph H. trict and a s contenders for first Proskauer who conceived the nominaplace for t h e boxing /championship tion speech which so eloquently adbr~ OmaW : ES5 am 6:K5 pm of the country. . .. ._: : •. < vocated the choice of Alfred E . Smith Ar. Kansas City 130 pm 11:15 pm 7:15 am at t h e Democratic National Conven" Ttiroiqh Sleepir^ C3T -on Midnight Train. Receives Appointment - Atr-Condifioned> Dinina-Parlor Cftssrvation Service on tion of 1932 . . . A cool million Will be . . . - snd Evenins Trains. Everything yeu wouH want in one of the finest rajlios on Rabbi Frederick Conn will deliver Washington, D v :C1—Benjamin V. the fee of Samuel Untermyer if he Comfortable Chair Cars »nd Coaches. brings to, a successful conclusion t h e the sermon n t Temple Israel- this Cohen, one of the'members of the sothe market. Yonr assurance of satisfaction is its name. It's a unification negotiations between t h e evening on jthe topic, " S o w Odd of called "Brain t x u ' s t ^ i s .the:.neW genCity of New Yoffcr^n3J1ffi&'Trl£^rnJtfl£ 1lo4»",.3he subject saggw&p.d b y _ t h e SjSecreway system . . . Not bad t o r a sep- title of .Lewis Browne's" tatest, book. Folicy Committee*," Lv. Omaha .£:CS are 6:00 pm 1359 pm tungenarian, eh, what? . . . Mrs. Annie Rabbi X)avid H . Wice will-address the taTy y Ickes is chairman. .. Ar. S t Louis ; 3:}S 1>ra 7 ^ 3 am 4:05 pm Nathan Meyer, the author, who has•congregation of Adath Joseph" in St. Former associate counsel of t h e - "Through Drawing Room Sleeper l e a v e s € •QQ -pm. Air-Conditroned Dining-Pariw Observation Service O long been a champion of justice for Joseph, this evening, a s p a r t of the PWA, Cohen helped draft t h e 1933 .-. Kansas. City-Kansas City-St. tfiuis. • fhe Negro and whose play "Black Union Totyr of Congregations in. con- and 1934 securities acts. nection with a nation-Vide movement Souls" is recognized as a powerful analysis of the race question, wants of t h e [Union- ot American, Hebrew i t clearly understood . that . she was. Congregations. Rail fares throughout the West and -Southwest have been, reduced &. never a suffragist—it's her sister, Mrs. Saturday morning services will be One way rates now as low as 2c per mile—round trip as low as 1 8c per held a t 10:30 a. m. Habbi Cohn's serFrederick Nathan, who supported the , •• •• mile. Tickets on sale daily.' Puliman surcharge abolished cause of votes for women in the far--mon topic will be "Joseph and His Brothers." off days when that was a cause . ' . , . TRAVEL IN COMFORT BY TRAIN —IT COSTS LESS Sol Rosenblatt, who was born A Chanukah entertainment for the and reared in Omaha, and who is Now it's whispered that Walter Lippman is planning to Tesign from his children will be held a t the Temple the son of Mrs. Molly Rosenblatt Herald-Tribune column in order to. Sunday morning. The parents a r e in- of this city, has just been appointTtdorft — Reservatiom - -, take over the editorship' of the At-vited t o attend. ed director of. code compliance for Travel Information The Sisterhood Bible class under lantic Monthly . . . the national Industrial Recovery J . U FISK. the direction of Eabbi "Wfce,will meet Administration, one of the most imGen. Agt., Pass. Dept. Tuesday afternoon a t 3 o'clock a t t b e 84 Rrrt N « n Bank Bide. TIDBITS portant positions in the New Deal. Dr. K. Vomberg of Newark informs home o r Mrs.' H a r r y " Wilinsky, 109 This sketch by the Seven Arts is CiTT TICKET OFFICE us that we were all wet when we call- South Fifty-fourth street. • 1 farnam StrMt most timely. .-••... The regular Tuesday evening ed Toscha Seidel's brother t h e only Phone Jackson 4543 Jew on the faculty of the Harvard De- lasses will be held a t - 8 and 9 p . m. SOL A. ROSENBLATT: Lawyer partment of Mathematics . . . I t seems SERVICE INSUTUTION' and New Dealer. Belongs to the Felix that S. Moseson, nephew of Dx. VornFrankfurter group of young liberals berg, has been an instructor there for whose spirit. of public service is so the last couple of years . . . Alice WR-30 — Four band dial; manifest in Washington. Studied unperformance with 7-tubes, •world-wide all-wave range Hughes, who has become one of GothServices of t h e "Vaad this, evening der Frankfurter, a t Harvard. Made a Superheterodyne, 10-inch 10-tubc Superheterodyne,; am's foremost fashion writers, presiddynamic speaker, beautiwith 12-inch full floating ed a t that luncheon at.which Fannie at t h e B'nai Israel synagogue will1 brilliant record as an attorney i n New_ fol bnrl walnut veueer coil concert-type dynamic lie devoted to t h e Jewish KeEgiouS York. W a s associated—with Nathan Hurst warned women that Fascism and maple burl cabinets. 1 speaker. r : School.Kabbi U r i Miller's sermon Bu'rkan, lawyer for-some of the :best -will send them back, tp.the kitchens topic will be "Ought t h e Sunday "known theatrical personalities. While . . . Which t h a t Mrs. Anna • WORLD-WIDE reception— with Burkan learned.all there was to Iu Rosenberg, N L Y . State NRA Com- School Be Abolisheai" After t h e eervice, there will be a be known about t h e amusement bushere's your opportunity to give pliance Director, not only knows how this joy to your family. Westingto cook, h u t occasionally; takes time, program i n which children of t h e iness. When the NBA, came-iiito beoff to exercise that t a l e n t . . -. .Nancy Religious School will discuss t h e ing he was the logical choiccfor adhouse—pioneer in radio—offers Letter, granddaughter', of Chicago's •various, aspects of Jewish education." ministrator of the Amusement Code. three amazing new console sets Every Telephone in the home i»as mncft to Next "-week t h e services of t h e Later became administrator of; Adverpioneer merchant, Levi Z. Leiter, used from which to choose. Superb fee tiwnkfa! fee beeatu>« file to have an awful time trying to live on Vaad "will pe conducted by members tising and Apparel Codes. Credited tone, sharp tuning, clear re-crea$5,000 a month, M t now that she is of t h e VoadtBIexL'i club. with being the most successful code others happy and thals c w tion of the voices, the music of eighteen and has received a birthday administrator in the entire NRA setgift of $1,300,000 you don't need to your favorites of the air—you up. Became front, page figure several worry about her any longer . . . If months ago -when h e denounced high get them all—plus short wave — «Jo vou heap t h a t rinrf you can imagine such a thing, Gersalaries paid' by Hollywood to its signals, police calls, airplane <»ifials fienty caltind honie% lon£ distance trude Stein (is a Stein is a Stein is a At services tonight, ~ Rabbi David movie mognls- a n d screen stars. Codes broadcasts. Beautiful cabinets. Stein) h a s called off a Chicago lec- A. Goldstein will speak on "What I t he administered-were among, t h e best He cant W T Come in . . . you'll be convinced ture because too big a crowd threat- Means to be a Rbthschild." enforced. Business men know him as ao [finer values can be found '« tel«|^ionin£ far Mother and all the It seems the laoy " After t h e service the congregation an extremely able; and "fair, official. ened to come anywhere. . objects t o addressing more than five will remain f o r ian Oneg Shabbos- Labor regards *Mm: a s a sympathetic t-est. —fliais a hundred people a t a time . ..... To'.Be- The feature of t h e program will b e and understanding friend. Wag inVisit by long Distance »lth tJiose missim lieve-It-or-Not Bipley.who wants to a reading by D r . L Dansky from vited to address.the last American know whether we ever saw a blind Sholonv AleicHeTa's.:"'*£ I -Were-Roths-: Federation of Labor convention; ...Is firoro ilie famiSy ^roup. R«tcs arc low / man smoking, we answer yes . . . H e child.": Hostesses /will ^include-the fearless, tactful, and well-informed.' is Rabbi Michael Anronsohn of Cin-Mesdames. J . Rosoff, O. Fox, Leon Does not hesitate to" tread • on t h e fcfrphnne cinnati, who lost his sight somewhere Graetz, -AT_Theodore," and: Samuel corns of. "big shots"" wheii he i s in in France back in 1918. But he isn't the right. Hia promotion-to the post ., ; / ; ;.:A particularly f o n d o f smokiiig^-if j o u T h e o d p r ^ : ^ . : / :; : : > of •, code; compliance; director-." makes " Next" ..js^8k>" 3labbi,?Gal(istein will will shut your eyeSiidxttinie^you puff Idih-ipne/ of: the- key : figures •"••in t h e : spfeat; p«; "Vfhgt ^Candles"; Tell Us," a i p/ f o r h i s new y gjd\>'placesidm D ^ k ^ , *hh y" ' at your cigar ybil'n"knpw Stew Deal i k J ' Stew Deal for-his new jd\>'placesAnd while we're on the s%bject?of J a l * | in t h e forefront of the NRA;1 Is exbis let us tell yoiiltftat-'KiQifci pected to push vigbrcrusly-a.dtive-'-'fpx J. (Hillel the Obse'r^er}'Scb^ei more effective • code" compliance and : ; resigned: from the^jHJTpit; heiJjjel3 -for The:; Junior' ' Cbrigregatidn enforcement-by co-operating with" i five years \H New Rocheilejr.ip % Saturday Tnoriiing -at 10:30 Department of Justice and the Fedan advertising executive >'"•>'; RADIOS and REFRIGERATION iu- TOi^et t h e B'nai Israel synagogue, eral" Trade Commission. Now directs Chicago. Refreshments will a personnel of 1,500 enforcement ofSPORT NOTES ; So Buddy Baer, young i t o t h e r o f b e Berved a t the conclusion of, the ficers in forty-eight"sfates-'At the age of thirty-four is one of t h e youngest Max, has again won a knocic-out in service. the first round . . . While Max him- The Junior congregation theatre and most promising personalities in self has a valet TV-ho once worked, for p a r t y will-be-held-this morning a t the Roosevelt administration. Official the Prince of Wales Maxie Rosen- 10 o'clock -at the Circle theatre. The Washington expects much from him bloom may have lost his light-heavy- Epstein Theatre corporation -will be His past record indicates that he wfl weight title, but he is planning to a s - hosts. The children of the Talmud not disappoint ; sume the title of benedict _as.' soon as Torah and the Vaad Religious School .(Copyright* 1934, by Seven Aria „. the girl-friend is free of her present have also been invited. . Feature Syndicate.)
* ?J
Trains Daily
Religious Services
Beauty -- Performance -Price
i SiCi-OyIS
Thankful 1I
Easy Payment Plan
vt%ad Congregation
24th amd Farnam
AT. 4485
Page 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1934 in the text of the Versailles treaty came to ask protection for the Jews dealing with the Saar, the Council has of -the- Sdar. The delegation pointed no right to impose such obligations. out that if the territory should re. The committee held that the Coun- vert to Germany fcllowin^ the plebcil can only make recommendations to | iscite, the Jews there would be subMr. Samuel Zahler, secretary of BY F . B.K. this effect and it must be left to the'ject to the persecution which is the the HeChelutz organization will visit state to decide whether it will under- lot of the German Jews. in Sioux City next Monday. He is Services' at the Chevra B'nai Yistake such obligations. The committee's ANNA PILL, making a tour of the mid-western Dr. Benes assured the delegation cities and wiir spend a day in Sioux roel synagogue at 618 Mynster street Jewish Question to Be One ofdecision was based , on purely legal that he and the Council would examCity. He will come here from Omaha. on Saturday morning, December 1, grounds, it was pointed out recently, ine carefully the entire problem of the Main Issues in and does not exclude a recommenda- Saar and that the League would firmDuring-his stay here, he will meet will be .chanted by Harold Hyman Saar tion being made by the Council in the ly adhere to its principles and obligawith the members of various Zion- Kaplan, fourteen-year-old son of Mr. ist organizations.'. ™ • ••- ' and Mrs. J. Kaplan, 2111 Nicholas Geneva (JTA).—Germany will have matter of guaranteeing minority tions. street," Omaha. This' will be the first to guarantee protection to the Jews rights. time that a boy so young will serve In League circles here it was felt IKVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney at "Chazan" at the local synagogue. of the Saar if she is to take posses- that the League will demand of GerA. Z. A. Chapter No. 1 2 will preGraham Horwitz, resident of Sioux 301 Electric Building sion of that region in the event the Everyone is cordially invited to corre Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will speak City for 13 years, died last Friday sent a Chanukah program, Sunday many assurances that full minorities January plebiscite favors her, it. was : LEGAL NOTICE and hear these services beginning at afternoon, December 2, at 2:30 morning in a local: hospital, follow- this evening on "Moses Montefiore-— revealed in. connection with the extra- rights will be accorded, the Jews in the In the District Court o£ -Douglns County, 8:30 o'clock Saturday morning. 150 Years "After His Birth." The ing a sudden heart attack. His home o'clock in the social hall of the ordinary session of the Council of the Saar and that their rights will not be Nebraska. l-'iiANK KO1SLING, whose place of Harold Kaplan, who is also an ac-League of Nations summoned to. deal abrogated cr curtailed by discrimina- Toresidence Shaare Zion Synagogue, commemor- was* at 2301 Summit Avenue, Funer- service will begin at 8 o'clock. is unknown and tinon whom Tuesday, afternoon, Dr. Lewis adal services were conducted by Rabbi complished violinist, is a member of ating the life of. Judas Maccabeus. personal service for summons cannot be tory laws effected in the Reich. with the Saar question. had, within the state of Nebraska, Dedressed the Student body of Central the senior orchestra at Tech High . The program is open to the puhlic H. Feder. The service was held in The Jewish Telegraphic Agency - Dr. Edouard Benes, Czechoslovakian fei.Uant: High school. the home of Michael Sacks. school in Omaha. Mr. A. H. Baron, local attorney and You are hereby notified that on the Oth l e a r n e d authoritatively that the foreign, minister and president of the day of November, 1SKJ4, Henrietta Kobliut; Relatives who survive Mr. Hor- Sunday, he, will be the principal an outstanding figure in the Jewish League Council, last week received a as plaintiff, League intends to make the Jewish i filed her petition against you communal activities, will deliver the witz include Mr. and Mrs. N . Maisel speaker at the Elks Memorial servdelegation of Zionist Revisionists, in the District Court of Douglns County, question one of the main issues inj Mr. and Mrs. "William Solomonow ice. being Docket 30S, i'age 40, the and Dr. J . N. Lande; of Sioux City, principal address. headed by Dr. Segal of Paris, which Nebraska, object and p;ayer of which petition is to Thursday morning he was the prin- will entertain at a reception for all considering the future • of the Saar i At this program, the second do- cousins; and two sisters in? Russia. obtain maintenance, support, nnd nlimony valley. Baron Pompeo Aloisi, of Italy, of their relatives and friends a t their cipal speaker a t the Union Service on the grounds that you have failed to • gree of initiation in the A. Z. A., home at 213 Stutsman street, Sun- will ask of Germany how she intends provide for her, and have been guilty of held in the First Baptist Church. ' the Judas Maccabeus degree, will be such nets nnd conduct which at law conday, December 2, from two until five to guarantee the rights of the Jews Miss Francos Emlein will speak on stitute extreme cruelty; nnd praying that presented. (Continued from Page 4.) o'clpck. and from seven . until ten in the Saar valley if the Saarland is all allowances by the Court be declared • "The Jewish Woman in Modern MuThe program .will be opened with o'clock, in honor of their daughter, turned over to the Reich as a result dislike, latent and inactive in good first lien against the property hereinafter sic" a t the regular monthly Sisterdescribed, ami that a receiver be chosen the invocation by Max Maron. Jack Mies Sarah Solomonow,,who is leav- of the January plebiscite. times, takes an acute form in times to take charge nnd possession of said During Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz' hood meeting to be" held next Friday ing December 13, for St. Louis, Mo., Merlin will light the Chanukah ; canproperty and to collect profits therefrom, Should Germany fail to pledge reand if need be. th:if snid property lie dles and recite the traditional bless- visit in'Omaha last; week,-he spokn afternoon. The Birthday group of the where her. marriage to Mr. Een Rud- spect of Jewish rights and should, her of economic distress. Sisterhood will present a skit. 'sold to satisfy the sums allowed plaintiff, * * * ing. The story of Chanukah.will be before four, different groups. His ner of,St. Louis will take place next interest, costs, nnd attorney's fee for plainpresented by Isadore Shindler. "The first address was on the Forum held " Mount Sinai Brotherhood will hold month. No invitations are being is- answer be considered unsatisfactory, - Jacob De Haas in his life of Theo- tiffs attorney, nnd that J." J. Slosburg, or it is learned, the League of Nations a meeting and smoker-on December dor Herzl, written many years ago, some other suitable person lie nppointed Maccabees" a Chanukah poem %ill under the asupices of the Vaad, with of said property legally described will then adopt a special resolution says that some German prince tckl receiver 10. Mr. Harry Horwitz newly elect- sued. ns follows, to-wit: , be given by Earl Himovitz. Lester Rabbi' Uri Miller in charge. ed president will preside. concerning the rights of the Saarland Herzl that he (the prince) would Lazriowich will present a group of Friday evening he addressed the Lot Ten (!0), Mock Nine (9), The .Sisterhood of the Talmud To- Jews with the added provision that if never consent to the Jews leaving Kpuntze'8 fourth subdivision, an addimusical numbers and Cantor R. Plis- congregation of the Conservative tion to the City of Omaha, nnd the Germany refused to accept this resoGermany because in times of economrah Society-will hold a regular meetkin will offer a vocal solo. Rudy Synagogue, in-the absence of Rabbi North Forty-two (42) feet of the South lution, she will have shown that she ic distress, the Jews furnished a dandy One Hundred and Thirty-six (130) feet ing next Wednesday afternoon, DeShindler will speak on the work of David Goldstein. "-.-..' and the West Thirty-five I3.'i) feet of The Oneg ShabLcs group of the cember 5, a t the synagogue at 61Scannot be trusted with control and scapegoat. the A. Z. A. The program will be Saturday morning he spoke before the North Twenty-eight (2S) feet of * * * Lot Two (2) In .niock'Nineteen (10) of closed with a group of Chanukah the Junior Congregation and Satur- Shaare Zion Synagogue will meet to- Mynster street. A special Bible Study administration of the Saar. morrow afternoon a t 2:45- i n the will be held from 2:30 until 3 o'clock S. E. Rogers, nn addition to the City The fate of 10,000 Saarland Jews The enrollment of the Hebrew uni- of'Omahn, "songs by Jack Merlin. day afternoon he addressed the Oneg home of Mrs. Victor Maiie. Mis.V surveyed, platted nnd reand the undetermined number of ref- versity, Jerusalem, last year was 240. corded In ns under the supervision of Mr. J. Z. Douglns Connty, Nebraska, Shabbos meeting of the Conservative Ida Heshelow will speak on "Hellenwbich property is more popularly ugees there from Germany proper has This year it is < ver 800. Stadlan, principal of the Talmud Tosynagogue. . known as 1040 South 10th Street, Omnism and Chanukah." Mrs. Milton rah. All members and non-members been a matter of deep concern, not hn, Nebraska; nnd the North One-Iinlf Mushkin will review "The Island alike are cordially invited to attend only to them and to the Jews in other (NJ4) of Lot Three (3) Summit Hill, The. translators have formed a situate in the County of Douglas. State Within." Mrs. J. Sawislak will speak the Bible Study. parts of the world, but to France and union in Palestine. What's the matter of " '; Nebrnska. on the work of Ludwig Lewisohn. A pretty home wedding will taka other powers which foresaw a new in- with the columnists? Are they redYou nre hereby required to answer snid Jewish current events, will -bepre-' place Sunday afternoon, December 2, flux of refugees from the Saar.val- headed step-children? Is it right that petition on or before the 24th rtny. of De10."4. or snid petition ngainst you sented by Mrs. Sain Davidson and : The Chevra. B'nai Yisroel Society ley as a result of extension of Nazi the keyhole makers should have a cember, when Miss Bess Harlow, daughter of will be taken ns true. w.ill hold ..a. regular meeting next domination • to this region. In view of Mrs. Reuben Miller will present Mr. and Mrs. John Harlow* becomes HEXRTKTTA ROHLING. A drive has been started for old union and not the keyhole peepers? riaintiff. the bride of; Henry Saitlin, of Pier- clothes for neady families, by'•the Longfellow's" poem, "Judas Macca- Wednesday evening, December 5, at prevailing economic conditions a new (Copyright, 1934, Jewish Telegraphic ll-16-34-4t. eight o'clock: at the Chevra B'nai refugee wave should spell serious son, Iowa, son of Mr. and Mrs.-Abe Jewish Community Center. Efforts beus." Agency, Inc.) Yisroel synagogue ; at 618.. Mynster problems for neighboring powers. FRADENBCRG, WEBB. BEBER, KXCTZSaitlin. are being made to get a large supply NICK & KELLEV, Attorneys street.. All members are urged to The marriage . .will be . solemnized of clothing, men's, women's and chilThe determination of the League to JACK TV. 3IARER. AUorney-at-Law 650 Omnha National Rank Bids', attend. '[ at 1 p. m., and will be followed by dren's, to take care of a number of ; Court Boose obttain guarantees for the' Jewish Omaha, NebrnsKn The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah minority, while in line with the sentia dinner party, for the bridal party needy families before extremely cold . The regular meeting of the Junior : NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCORPONOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF and relatives of the couple. Rabbi weather sets in. Hadassah will be held next Tuesday and Sunday school will present a ments of most members of the CounRATION "OT CAPITOI, DELIVERY "KEBR.-IOW.V MOTOR rHEIGHT B . R. Rabinowitz will-read the mar- MissDerir. Baron, of the Jewish evening,.December 4 in the J . C..C. Chanukah program on Sunday after- cil and of public opinion as voiced SERVICE, INC. TERMINAL" Notiw is htrefoy given thnt the uuderNotice is hereby given that the underriage lines.-A reception will be held Community Center has asked that Miss Rebecca Stillman will reyiew :noon, December 9,-"ct 2:"30 o'clock at here, is riot entirely in line with the signed, pursuant to the latrs vt the State | signed buve formed a corporation under from 2 to 6 p. m. The bride will be anyone having clothing that is wear- "Kiddush HaShem',' by.ShoIom Asch the synagogue at 618 Mj^nster street. view of the League's committee of of Nebraska,, hare- formed a-corporation Uhe laws of thp Suite o t NobraBkn. The name of tlie corporation shall be "NKBU.attired in. - a brown ensemble and able that- they wish to contribute, during the • evening's program. The .An entertaining-'and appropriate pro- jurists which recently informed the the name of which is "CAPITOL DELIV- IOWA MOTOR FREIGHT TERMINAL." ER* SKUVICE, INC." nnd its principal gram is being arranged. All children, will carry a bouquet of roses. of business is in the City of Omnha, with principal place of. business nt Omaha, either bring the clothing to the Cen-balance" of the program will be de-their parents, "and friends are invit- committee of three charged with car- place Nebraska. The general nnture of the busDouglas Conuty. Nebraska.* The objects Out of town guests at the wedding ter or phone the Community Center, voted to a Chanukah theme. rying out the Saar plebiscite that, for which this corporation is formed nro iness to be transacted shall be. to own, ed to attend. j lease, conduct and operate motor transport -will be Sam Saitlin of Armour, S. D., so .they may send for the clothing. owing to the fact that there are nofor the. purgose of onpaging in the genand warehouses; to eijuip and Miss Gwendolyn Meyerson, student specific minority protection provisions eral package delivery service and any andterminals Mrs. I. Harl'ojw "of Canton, S. D.; Mr. ; Children's; coats, dresses, and overby purchase, construction, lense all other delivery service; to purchase, maintain otherwise ImiliSings nnd equipment to at the University of Nebraska,, arand Mrs." Max Harlow, of Vermilliou, shoes, are needed to provide. a numlease,-hoM and otherwise acquire real and or '»e used as for truck terminals End personal property of every kind and de-•warehouses:, and rived ' home from -Lincoln WednesS. D.; Mr.' and Mrs. Henry Harlow- ber of 'children with: adequate clothto own, operate and conduct scription and to sell, dispose of, lease, truck lines for NOTICE OF INCORPORATION' the hauling anil shipping of day to spend Thanksgiving and the of Donbury, Iowa.; Mr.: and Mrs; Sol- ing" for cold' weather, .Men's clothconvey and mortgage any nnd nil of the freight, ivnd to do all things which may be week-end here with her parents, Mr. snid property, to. borrow, money and to do necessary and/or proper Bailin of Lennox, S. D.; Mr." and Mrs. ing,! overcoats, shirts, and shoes' are to carry out the Notice is herebv given that Articles of all things - Decessary or incident- to the | objects and purposes hereinnbove set forth. and Mrs.'Herman-Meyerson. Henry Bailin of Sioux Falls, ;S. D.,'also needed. Incorporatiou ol ttiu MIITLANU. SECURIoperation of its business. The authorized • • " . ; : ; " TIES COKl'OKATION were executed and capital stock is 530,000.00 which shall l>e I The authorized enpitnl stock shall be and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wigodsky !¥10,000.00 nnd all of said stock shall be filed [41 l i t office of the Secretary of State fully paid . and nou-assessnble wien isof Yankton, S - 1 > . > ~~ :.••: A : - \ ••-'••••, on October 27, 1934, stating its principal sued mid may be issued for cash, goods, common of the par value of $100.00 per Miss Carolyii-RIosenfeld, who Is at- place j'sunre and shall be fully pnid up nnd nonot, business to be Omaha. Nebrsisfca; find merchandise, or both. With, the assessable when issued. It shall commence, its business to be the conducting of a ceu- wares tending : the -CJucag© Academy of assent in writing of the holders of C O per Beriin (JTA).—A "report issued by eral Insurance agency, a general loan and cent of Jhe outstanding stock." pursuant to business upon filing ot its articles with Miss Elaine Rosenfeld, daughter of* finnuee business, riiul the ownership mid the votes given iri person or by proxy at the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nethe Central Committee for Jewish Fine Arts' in. C&tagp, arrived home dealing braska, and Flmll continue for a period of Mr. and Mrs. J . M . Rosenfeld, enters in real and.personal property; the Thursday morriirig to spend the Aid and Reconstruction that authorized capitai stoi-k to be .>"i"),00O., to a meetinK specially called for that pur- fifty years. The highest amount of indebttained fourteen friends Wednesday pose or at an annual meeting, the Board edness shall not exceed two-thirds ot its Thanksgiving week-end visiting her be issued on payment of money or Us of.. Jewish: prop evening. Dancing occupied .the" ;eve-: •Onei hundred and fifty, newsies at- about 15;000 equivalent; i t s existence -to:begin Octolier of Directors shall have the power and capital stock, but this restriction shall not parentsMr. ana-Mrs. Julian Rosen27, 1934, end terminate uluety,-u«ne .years authority to selU assign, trnnafer and con- include indebtedness secured by mortgage* ning hours- and a • late; supper was tended the annual Thanksgiving Ban- fessionals have been affectedd by the f e l c L - ' - - ••••• •'-••'- •'-• • • - • thereafter, the' highest amount of Indebt- vey ojr otherwise dispose of the .property or lions. The affairs shall be managed by edness not to exceed- two'thirds—of-'- the and assets of the corporation as nn en-a Bonrd of tMrectorn. of not loss than two served. • . ' . • • . • r • '•• '.•' ••' i - ' ^ v J ^ : - • . . . •;•.quet given by Sioux' City! business "Aryan, paragraph"- -since the Nazis pald-ap capital stock; the affairs of the tirety and going concern on such, terms members. Th* annual meeting shall be on ' men in -the -Jewish. Community Ceii- came into power.'' Nathan Noggiis spending the week corporation to be conducted by a Board of and conditions as to the said Board may the first Monday in January of each yeiir 1 Not'less than 90,000^Jews in GerDirectoi b MOI IPSB than two in number, seemfit nnd proper. The corporation sh;iil at which metling the stockholders shall •• Misses B e r t h a - a n d Ida> Heshelow teri yesterday afternoon^ in Excelsior • Springs, . and Kansa3 and a 1'resident, Vice-rresident, Secretary commence busine'ss" on the. fUiug of the elect a Board of Directors and the Board many have "applied through various visited w i t h friends:in Norfolk, 4 Mr. Fred C. Woolworth was! the C i t y , M o . - .'•• " • > • • - :••••• ' ' ' < and'Treasurer. --<• • •• Articles. of Incorporation in the office of shall elect a President, Vice-Prpsident, SecJewish institutions supported by the the County Cierfc of Douglas Connty. Ne- retary and Treasurer. Any two of said ofover t h e week end. : • •.' r --.: .speaker of the afternoon; 'Rabbi H. C. S. NELSON may be held by one and the same braska. Its' highest amount of indebted- fices Central Committee for relief and adP. A. HAVENS person These articles mny l>e amended rit R. Rabinowitz delivered the invocaness shall not exceed two-thirds of Us any Miss Rose Men'delson, student a t 11-9-34-4t. vice during . the preceding twelve regular or special -meeting- ot the Incorporators. capital .stock. The nffnirs of the corpbra- stockholders by Members'- of the Independent Fa- tion and H. N. Slotsky acted as Drake University lit Des Moines, armonths, the report says. : tioa shall be administered by a Bonrd of stnndinpr stock. t.wo-<hirds vote of the outrane held their annual banquet a t toastmaster. Following a varied proof ,:not less -than three nor more It establishes that 2,000 Jews who rived home.'Wednesday to spend the WEBB, BEBER, KIXTZ- Directors than five members who. shall be elected • the Jewish' Community. Center, Sun- gram the boys were guests of the were in state.and government Employ- Thanksgiving' week-end visiting her FBABEXBCBG, IN VTITNKSS WHEREOF, the parties KICK and KKLLEV, Attorneys at -the annual meeting to be held on the have hereunto .subscribed, thoir names this 630 Omaha National Hank Bids'. day evening. A program of address- Orpheum theater. :second Tuesday of February of each year. 31st Say of Octolter. 1034. ment have been forced out of their parents,' Mr. and* Mrs. J . Mendelson. The Board shall from - this number elect ' ej followed the' dinner.." r • , - : •',•.', El'WARD D. BKODKET, positions and have lost their liveli- Henry Mendelson spent' last weekNOTICE OF SXVE UNDER COliMa president, vice-president, secretary and LAWRENCE J. TOBIN, TIONAL SALES CONTRACT treasurer. The articles may lie amended nt In the presence of: • hood. end in Des Moines visiting his sister, Notice is hereby given that on-the 4tli any regular meeting of the stockholders J?HIL'tP-M. KhUTZSICK Among the newcomers in Sioux Similarly, 4,000 Jewish lawyers and and attende'd the-'Creighton-Draks day-of December, lt)3i, at 10:00 o'clock -in or at any Bpecial meeting called for that^ ll-» 34-4t. City is Dr. Milton M.; Jd^al, formerthe forenoon, in the warehouse of the State purpose .after teii days' nfctiee of such projudges are no longer-iri a position to football game. Furniture ' Company, Omaha,' •' Douglas posed amendment ; i n writing has been ly of Des MoineSs Dr! :Idzal wilt be practice. Four thousand Jewish docCounty, Nebraska, • the- undersigned will mailed to nil stockholders nnd upon the sell at" public auction to the highest bidder in 'charge 6f the Optict.1 'Department tors have been dismissed from the vote of two-thirds of the capThe Council Bluffs* Talmud Torah for cash all items of furniture covered by "affirmative ital stock. a t ; Brodkey and; ^ropdsites 'Jewelry * A detailed report of the member- sick funds, including 1,000 who lost Conditional Sales Contract in fawir; of tic; Society will "hold a regular meeting State Company, "which sales conBhip' drive" sponsojeed "by the ,local their\ positions in hospitals and kin-next Monday evening, December .o, tract Furniture store. Recognized a« is dated March 11, 1930, and signed Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, November B'nai iB'rith lodge will ba heard at dred" institutions. Two thousarid of at the synagogue.. All by Mrs. Charles E. Helm. Said sale is for 14, 1034. : . . . . b PR UT1CAI, MOHEL members are the purpose of foreclosing said contract, the next meeting for Wednesday eve- these!doctors'are in great distress, as urged to attend. :. ISADORE GOLDSTEIN costs and- accruing, costs, and satisfying Phone 1059 n i n g December: 5, in .tEe *J. C.*G.: Mr. their savings cannot last much longer. • PACIJ GOLDSTEIN i the amount now their due thereon, to-wit: : ARTHUR .GOLDSTEIN j ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FOUR' ftnd Of 800 "non-Aryan" university proEdwin ,W...Baron, chairman of the •Gonncil BlnffR, la. In the presence of: Incorporators. Yale Meyerson, student at the Uni90/100 (S144.90) Dollars, nnd interest. membership drive will make the re-fessors who lost their positions, Jnek W. March versity of Iowa a t Iowa City, spent ASTATE FDRNITUKE COMrANY, Plans for the coping-month; were port^ .A report of the nominating eighty-five per cent are Jews. Three By Edward D. BrOdkey, Day in Des Moines as ; outlined at; the"bbard."meeini^ of rtlie committee will also be a feature of hundred and fifty university profes- Thanksgiving r ll-16-34-3t •••.:••' the guest of Frank Sanders,-and'both Senior Hadassah chapter^ held in the' the. evening's, business meeting. Mr. sors were deprived of their pensions of them will arrive here today to BEN E. KAZI.OWSKX, Attorney i of M XH. R., R Rabttiowitz. b i i Th Milton Bolstein, president, will pre- iri October, -1933. About 1,200 Jewish Explore the World's Par Corners with James Boring's honie 703-704 Insurance Bide. newspaper men have been dismissed spend the week-end a t the home of Sioux City chapter, will be1 inscribed side. . :...." on account of the new press law. Two Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson. NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO in the Golden' Book'of the Jewish NaARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OI? thousand Jewish actors, stage directional Fund| by pledging $150. ;... JOE DOLAN TIRE & BRAKE CO. The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim ' Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting tors and musical conductors have James Boring's famous Small Party Cruises provide all the A Chanukah program will :be. pre: I society will hold'a regular meeting of the stockholders of JOE D O U K TIKE found themselves suddenly without sented during the month fx>T children, features of the big cruise but limited membership assures or t h e Light" will be work on account of the "Aryan para- next Thursday evening, December 6, & BUAKE COMPANY, of Omaha, Nebrasproceeds of which ^ i l l go. tbwardVthe ka, held in the City of Omaha, Nebraska, complete individual independence. Rates include First-Class p the subject of Rabbi H. R. Kabino at the Eagles Hall. graph." on the 11th dajrof October. 1934. Article I h F \ C\ of the Articles of Incorporation of said Penny Luncheon F ; und.. \ , : •• wi'tz'" sermon, '.^at . Shaare Zion synaaccommodations on the finest Steamers of the world's greatFor" all those affected by the "Arcorporation ' was amended to reaa as folgogue this, evening. Cantor A- PlisMrs. Zella Levitan h'is 'been n Mrs. A. Herzoff. of Sioux City, la., lows: • . ' • • est fleets and the best hotels and automobiles ashore. co-chairman of the Jewfah' National i i n - and " the' synagogue choir will yan paragraph," the various economic I : branches of the Central Committee who spent the past week here visit- . The Name OfARTICLE Fund to serve with Mrs.'Sam Baron. chant the ritual. this corporation shall be ing a t the home of her son-in-law provided relief, and wherever possible AUTO SAFETY CLINIC ISC. At the JunioT Congregation' service also employment. _ In Berlin alone and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Dated this 11th day of October, 1034. AUTO SAFETY CLINIC, INC. tomorrow morning candy will be work was. found for 200 unemployed Gilinsky, left Wednesday for; her President. WEST BOUND served to the children by Mr. amiJewish artists. The task of finding home, accompanied back by the GiBy PAUL JACOBSON. South Sea Islands, Samoa, Fiji, Hawaii, Japan, Philippines, Bali, Mrs. "John .Lansberg, in celebration • of work for unemployed Jews has been linskys who will spend Thanksgiv. Attest: IMMAKUEL TOUSEM,'. New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Java, Angkor, Straits Settleing Day in Sioux City. their wedding anniversary and in . - . • - • Secretary. Miss Rebecca.. Stillmari, I daughter honor of'their son Bill on the occa- carried out b y the"; Joint Central Ofments, Burma, India, Egypt, the Java, Straits Settlements, AngOf Mr. and; Mrar.Abe^ Stil|mari, was sion of his birthday. The reader of fice of'.the Jewish-Labor Exchange, Mediterranean—S. S. PRESIWEBB, BEBER, K1CTZkor, Philippines, China, Japan, The following pupils of the Talmud FKADEICBtTRG, which has twenty regional labor, exNICK. & KJKLLEV. Attorneys DENT HOOVEK from San highly commended by local critics for thei law will be Robert Pliskin. Hawaii—S. S. MARIPOSA from Torah were * outstanding in regular 650 Omaha National Bank BIdsr. ~ changes, approved by the government. Francisco, December 28th (via her charming performance in . the Omaha, Nebraska Children of the Sunday school will attendance and good work in HeSan Francisco February 5th — Unemployed, totaling 35,511 Jews, S. S. PRESIDENT WILSON, leading role in-'jHer Husbands Wife" NOTICE OF DISSOXCTION OF December 6th from New York) 122 days—all-inclusive rate this year's first production of the hoM -informal Chanukah prpgrams haveasked for assistance in the Ber- brew for the past three months: NEBRASKA - IOWA TRUCK TERMINAL, Sunday morning. The large Chanu- lin Jewish Labor Bureau during the Norman Cherniss, Stanley Krasne, Notice is hereby —138 days—all-inclusive rate. given that at a special $1975 i d C l l , D r a s t i c Club, M o ^ ^ g , s h ll $2185 last three months of 1933. Experts Edward Cherniss, Marvin Richards, meeting of all of the stockholders of NeTruck Terminal, held on Nogiven Thursday night a t the .college. the public will be presented Sunday have worked out numerous plans for Irwin Cherniss, and Philip Seldin. '• braska-Iowa vember 1st,-1934, at Omaha, Nebraska, the Mis3 Stillman is the first fresh- afternoon, December 9. The program the Central Committee how to adjust following resolution was unanimously a a adopted: man cored to have a lead in ™ 3or will include a play, skit, musical the Jews in new professions. At pres- ing universities later. " B B I T EESOLVED: That the NEBRASEAST BOUND production at Morningside. The Tri-numbers and recitations. Miss Mil- ent 6,859 Jews are being readjusted Special efforts have been made to KA-IOWA TRUCK TERMINAL be and the is hereby dissolved and that the ofbune critic wrote of Miss Stillman, dred Sirken is directing the flay; to new work; fifty per cent are trained uphold the economic security and in- same ficers of the Corporation be and they are The Mediterranean, Holy Land, "she brought to the part of the ever Mis3 ~ Lillian Romirowsky and artisans; twenty-seven per cent dependence of the Jewish artisans. hereby authorized' to file notice of said Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, Egypt,- India, Ceylon,- Straits with the Secretary of State at weeping "Irene". a spontaneous and Samson. Krupnick are in charge of are trained as farmers, and sixteen Jewish load banks have been created dissolution Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Lincoln, Nebraska, and to publish notice Settlements, Angkor, Java, Bali, with the assistance of the American of said dissolution i a the Jewish Press, at adjusted interpretation and in spite the singing, and Shulamis Dorenson per cent as gardeners. Trinidad—S. S. SANTA MARIA Philippines, China, Japan, HaOmaha, Joint. Reconstruction Fund and the <of the unsympathetic role, was al-is directing the skit. During the year in question the edW. E. GBOH, from New York Januarf 5th— waii—S. S. AQTHTANIA from President. ways charming." The Bible Class sponsored ami di-ucational department of the Reichs- American Joint Distribution CommitC. V. KBLSO, 58 days—all-inclusive rate. •4:1 tee.The capital of these loan banks New York January 31st—181 rected \ by Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz vertretnng der deutschen Juden has • Secretary, $1075 reaches now 1,125,000 marks. ll-9-34-4t. will hofd its next meeting Mondav set up a number of new schools and days—all-inclusive rate $2185 afternoon at ,3 o'clpck in the social expanded the activities of the existing The Junior Poale Zion group met Sunday afternoon in the home of hall of" the synagogue. A large num- Jewish educational institutions. About . Secure complete information from Miss Lucille Kronick, with Rebecca ber of women attend- this class. Tho one-third of all German Jewish. chilmeeting Monday will be the third dren—18,500 out of a total of 60,000 Stillman acting as chairman. •Omaha's Most Beautiful Nome for Funerals" —are a t present attending Jewish session. The program included current 1307 Howard St. Tel: AT 8028 Omaha, Nebraska Funerals To FitJAny PurSe' The Ladies. Auxiliary .of Shaare schools. There are today in Germany •y•i> events by Rudolph Shindler, "and-a ten .Jewish secondary schools, five of Zion have set December 12 a s the Phone HArncv 1226 F&rnam at Thirty-third f '." talk oon the work of Poale Zion by date for their "Gay Nineties Frolic." which prepare' their pupils" for eriter' Mr. Abe Stillman.
Hechelutz Secretary. ~to Visif in Sioux City
Mount Sinai
Delivers Series of Addresses in Omaha
Oneg Shabbos
Society News j
Old Clothes Needed At Jewish Federation
Junior Hadassah
15Q ftewsies !, Annual Banquet
To Give Report on B'nai B'rith Drive
Rev. A. Diamond
Hadassah Board Outlines Plans
Shaare Zion
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Around the World I Around the Pacific
Morniri&sideStuaeni Scores"Hi?]"inPlay
Around the World
Around South America
Junior Poale Zion
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