.. Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Entered as Second CIABS 1'DBtoHico :of OmaliB, K
In the Interests of the Jewish People
tter on January 2t, 1KO, at nfler the Act of March E. 1879
Sanhedrin Revival WOMEN'S DIVISION Suggested by Rabbi
Vol. X—No. 45
Change Talmud Torah Joe Radmowski to Head Nataal Fund Council Celebration to January
The thirtieth anniversary celebraMontreal, Que. (JTA).—Revival of - Joe Radinowski was_ chosen presi- tion of the Omaha Talmud Torah, Jewish Sanhedrin, ancient high dent of the local National Fund Coun- originally scheduled for December 16, as a means of solving pressing cil at- the election of officers held has been postponed because of unroblems,: was suggested here last Tuesday _eyeHhtg at the J. C. C. He avoidable circumstances. Samuel Untennyer Heads Non- •eek by :Rabbi Julius Berger. ; , Appeal Made for. Old But Wear- succeeds Dr. 0 . S. Belzer. The observances will; instead be Rabbi.Berger urged ;the. immediate able _Ch)th|ng for ' ; Other- qfCcets elected: -M. Minkin held some time in January; the exact Sectarian Body With Head- convocation and Mrs. Jr fiichlin, vice^pres.idents; date will be announced in next week's of such a .body.- to.. study . Needy Mrs. Sam :Friedel, secretary; i.""Mor- issue. quarterg in London anew, religions ."problems,.. laws. and traditions,: which hive been .accumu- ;The. functional .duties of the vari- geastern, treaeorer. London-(JTA). —. Samuel IJnter- lating since the beginning of the sec- ous committees of. the •. recentiyHjr-: A report^ was made Tuesday on the Dorothy Thompson, known in primyer, president: of: the Non-Sectarian >nd century. Thus modern.Jews would ganized Women's - Division of _ the "Tag.^pay":neld for the_ Jewish Navate life as Mrs. Sinclair Lewis, will tional-Fund" last Sunday. . . •. • )e enabled to take a definite stand. Anti-Nazi Boycott. League qf;Ame.riJewish. Community Center .arid: -Wei-" open the Community Forum program "Are Jews a creed," a" race or a na- fare": Federation .were-"outlined at ca, was unanimously elected president Wednesday evening, December 12, 8 tion? This would be" the^most imporof-the .World- iNon^Sectarian -Antiah afternoon coffee held Tuesday a t p. m., when she will speak from the l Nazi ilGouhcil- toH Champion. Buman. tant 1 question a modern Sanhedrin the home of Mr. Jeariette Arnstein, Jewish Community Center rostrum would have to answer," -Rabbi; Berger president.- - ' . ". . " Rights,; "founded 'fnete as a result of on "The Crisis in Germany." The : The activities of the- Women's dithe [world -Tioycoii jj>iirley.~ Aa a. result declared. f'The Sanhedrin. "would" also address will be followed by questions be asked t o p i a n . a course of action vision, will be carriedjout through .fifv. of these'* conferences; the Anti-Nazi from the audience. , However, All Who. Come Must boycfyHwill "undoubtedly be strength- and a solution for the vexing prob- teen.- committees,; and all committee Miss Thompson is a noted news:ms;which_ confront the Jew-in a : groups were completed Tuesday. One Renounce Zionism and ; e n e d f H ' . • '••--• ~ p - n \!•• :•• i * . ---.paperwoman, author and lecturer. additional ~ chairman: to "those'. previr ,* The'iion-sectariaji. world office will ihanging world." •: Employ Native Labor Last August she was expelled from -Rabbi Berger. made his proposal becusly named was announced:— Mrs. opeii permanent :headguarters in LonGermany because the Nazi authorifore.-the combined Jewish studentorDave Greenberg. will head the' mem- -New York."<JTA).-^The Deutsche doni'Its' ;prograin! 5s .announced in a Beirut, Syria (JTA).^—Envious of ties thought she did not show enough ganization in McG^U.university, where bership committee. * . . : five-ppint resolutions adopted by the Zeitung, .which* for several . months the millions of dollars which Jews are respect for Hitler in her writings. he-teaches in the department of Se: •-Registration-fee for the organiza- stirred ^up- a • hornet's nest of agita- bringing into Palestine and appreconference, which] decTared: ; An authority on Germany and mitics; : •;• . . • tion is one dollar. -It is'hoped to en- tion with its pro-JIitler and" anti-Se- hensive le'st^develppment oi Palestine r ' l i i. I We will; vigorously prosecute Russia, Miss Thompson is acclaimed list at least five hundred neve mem- mitic articlfis,_an^ounced_last * week commerce weaken Syria's influence in and enforce economic sanctions against by many as the most distinguished bers before the first of the year. The that -it -decided to suspend .publica- Near Eastern trade, the government : Germany-in. ieverji. country until Hitwoman journalist of her time, due to Porothy Thompson members of the organization will aid tion. last week announced that it will wel. i lerism has been driven from power by her success as foreign correspondent come Jewish immigration into Syria. in the manifold work being done by Stripped of its prejudicial effectivethe force of world opinions, as es> for some of the foremost. American the Center and Federation. The welcome, however, it was made ness by .a. libel suit which f orced "W. pressed - in - economic - isolation or -until newspapers, including the New York clear, is applicable only to such Jews L.—MekaagMin, its ananaging editor the Hitler regime has- restored to Evening Post and the Philadelphia ..-• Federation Needs Clothing. who can bring into Syria sufficient German labor all .the rights taken Public Ledger. " The Women's Division; is starting and part-pisb]islieri to abandon his ti- capital to-buiid; factories and other against the: Jews rather than from" it by the Nazis. She spent three years in Vienna a campaign to obtain old clothes .-for rades spend a-year-in jail t the-newspaper enterprises in. the country. Furtheras correspondent of the Curtis pathe.; needy, under the chairmanship more, they must obligate themselves 2 . TJntil the Hitler regime has lost its" reason "for existence Iwhen the pers and three years in Berlin as :..:.. Friends of- New Germany disowned it to employ native labor only." Ben' E. Kazlowsky :was re-elected of Mrs. J: Blank..-..'. . : * abandoned attempts to interfere by r chief of the Central European state authority or to destroy the president of the Omaha Hebrew club I ' -Old ~ but wearable clothing -of: all as the official- Nazi "mouthpiece "in this Jews admitted to Syria under this Bureau of the New York Evening Catholic and Protestant churches, or at the"semi-annual" election of.: offi-| kinds—for men; women and children country. . . . . . . . . law "will be required to prove that they The second youth's forum under Post, the first woman to hold such —are needed by- the Federation, beto discard or repudiate the Old Test,% held last Sunday. Its successor in the racial discrim- are not Zionists or, if they have Zion- the sponsorship of the Round Table a position for the American press. fore "the extremely cold weather sets ination field -is the Deutscher .Beo- ist ideals, they must officially reament or parts of the" New. Other officers are: Miss Thompson also spent several • •• • - . ; . Jack D. Gavenman, vice-president; in. . bachter,. pnbl^ae<| by the "Friends nounce them. A concentration of Jews of Jewish Youth will be. held at the years on independent newspaper 3 . Until the - Hitler government Jewish Community Center on TuesThose having clothing which they will not be permitted in Syria, it was illy -by. ex-members has repealed _aU recent laws and deday evening, December 11, at 8:30 work in England, France, Italy and wish; to donate, are -asked-;ta but indicated, in order not to encourage f," who crees' against its Jewish citizens" "and Russia. ' . - • " • . any "aims for eventually uniting Syria p . m . - • • ' nicate, with Mrs. Blank, Harney -7 resid^pts and cease's %o persecute and During her present, lecture tour, Harold' Saks will lead the discuswithPalestine.? or with Miss-Mae Tucker at -£ Jrit: h ! made . The purchase of land near the -Pal- skm; speaking on "Jewish Youth in Miss • Thompson has been attracting' of. libelous* staten^ents. helha.d discriminate against -the Jews .in.an Community Center,' and tb against " former . Magistrate " Joseph estine-Syrian'" attempt to exterminate them.unusually large audiences. border ~"vriH~ be prohibwill be called for. 'The •F.edera.tionris Goldstein "and-announced, the : entire ited to the immigrants, the announce- the Professional and Economic World During her stay in Omaha, Miss 4 . Until the property, and,rights Today.? He has done extensive repolicy, cf the .Zeitung would be alThompson will be entertained by search work on this, subject. ' ' ' of the Masonic lodges have been redresses and overshoes. 1 ; : : tered. ment fiedareE. Any land transaction members of the Omaha Press club.. This .is part of. a series of forum stored. • between Jews and Arabs in Syria will T h e Beobachter news staff, Dr. Hu, •_ ' . • S e w i n g . / . ..• ; / discussion's on problems vital "to the j_'Fred S. White is chairman of the O. Until womanhood in Germany The clothing committee" is also j bert. Schnuch,- natiojoal president of not be registered by the governmeiit's of . today. : The Round Forum committee. Harry B. Cohen ffewish 'youth y land department if the territory pur: the Friends;.declared, isito be^headed has jbepn reinstSted: .and-full ."rights 'sewing, garments, "and" fifty, women is in charge of tickets. Cohen states" and "privileges restored as in pre-Hithave .enlisted. to aid in, this .work. j by Adolf -Haag, ionner^Deptsche" ?ei- chased is located near Palestine. On Table 'is.composed of representatives that there are Btill a few season of. the. various Jewish' youth organthe other hand," Jews~v?ill be.permitctiiiig reporter, and one-time."member lerite Germany. ^ There, .is; ".plenty of_" -material, on izations" in this city. Members of the] tickets available and iriay be cb"hand,, and i l l those\"wishing, to j. of--the/lorce Vof tiie Staats„ , ^. . . - teil to 3>uy land, near the Iraq frontier, cqistituent groups" as /welp as aHitairied at the Jewish CommunityCen«" Other resolutions adopted by the h ~ distant from Palestine. conference fixed- the ^composition o : asked to come "to" tae">Haag'wiH."bear the titieof- 'iresponJewiEVyouth 4re"invited t p r ' " ' '**' --•••" * ** Vyouth in cthe the city 4re."invited the local groups in ^every •country .Center^W«Uiesflays, ^le.'.eSitdrJV - . - -,•--to'^atTteiur these • " ' • • ' j u o % a£T. • provided fbr'LbndonJheadquarters and •Every Anin" from for. iaiittng-jL,_preliminary__sum .of 1 'tluBt'wb'rk."""'Vr*'"-.'""••"? "T . ..j Nazi" Germany «nd, farmer. Prussian $150,000 to" carry oft :the "work." Some each ' All the women's organizations in Minister of .Justice,:; €vok,ed' many §10,000 iatJ -already, been' subscribed dent-•of-the Boond Table.i-"—.: • the city havealso been requested to ' : chuckles because he hadxoiced scathto tttls Tund. * ' ^ a Lavish preparations are under waj .jdebate tour»ament":-"<>f--"the aid the clothing committee. " ' ™ criticism ™^«™ ^ TW<.T.»n»l,li»,'R "lart Tlie Jewish sectiott of ~thc internanot to be -cemnected to make^an outstanding affair of tiie is now 'usde^-'-'wa-yV w-ith of courage," istional boycott conference, jnet sepannual father and son banquet to be l f t h d b t t b ifor tihe preliminaries with, the Beobachter, Sehirach said. arately. The delegates decided to form held at - Temple Israel on Tuesday, set Jforrl>eceii>ber 21." ^h»L -various a Jewish world boycott organization December 11, at 6 p. m. " .'• . teams" are'competing "for'the Irvin for the purpose of carrying on propBen £. Kazlowsky. William L. Hclzman will preside Stalmaster cup, which will be awardOmaha, Neb.—Over 175 active aganda for the anti-Nazi "boycott as toastmaster. Lazar Kaplan will ed the winners at tlie annual Honor! of the Aleph Zadik Aleph among;, Jewish people. It voted to usi Sol Rosenberg, secretary; John Feldspeak for the sons, and Harry Coo- Night banquet. i of -t B'rith throughout the man, treasurer; Louis Morgan, A. •fully"the facilities offered the non per, chief of the U. S. secret service j The subject of the debate tourney | United States and Canada will cele Richards, and Barney Peltman, sectarian world organization. in Omaha, will respond for • the is: "Resolved, that the Talmud: International A. Z. A. day on trustees. , ._ . . . Capetown (WNS).—A body blow-to fathers. m o Torah is an adequate means of pro- December 16. Elected to the executive;board ^Jerusalem (WNS).-The opening of .Semitic propaganda in South Afanti "London (WJ?.S.)—Transfer agreeHarry Malashock is general pror viding for the education of Jewish p three large On this day the members of the g scale industrial enter-1 rr kk aa ^ administered by the South administ?re ments between Palestine and Ger- were N; S. Yaffe, Dr. A. Steinberg, i dh youth today." gram chairman, and has prepared an fraternity rededicate themselves to and Hyman Shrier. : pnses within one week is the latest, g it anA f r k a n 0 T e r n m e i l t p many were excluded from 'the resounusual bill, including a glass and their five-fold program of activities indication of of Palestine Palestine .ss steady steady mdus-i ^ tthat it had h t ^ h d outlawed the Nazi Plans are progressing rapidly for j indication mduslution ^condemning aH commercial an fire-eating act from the world's fair, —Religions, Hocial service, cultural, party of southwest Africa.because-it the Omaha Hebrew club banquet, toj trial progress. The new undertakings financial deals; with Nazi ; Germany a brewery, the first in Palestine, had no loyalty - "te - any-authority or a magician and an impersonator. social and athletic, and to the seven which • was adopted by the steering be held January 20. John Feldman!! a glassbworks, and th the f i Palestine t i P l Wire tie Singing will be. under the leaderCardinal Virtues of the order—Juthe committee" in is chairman of community other than the German nacommittee of Qie international" boyship of Ben- Stiefler. Favors have company. daism, patriotism, filial love, charity, tion." cott conference, it l>ecame Tcnown charge, with N. S. Yaffe co-chairbeen prepared for the sons attending The brewery, organized by French purity, conduct, fraternity. man. action followed the. recent This here as plans were!pushed for open .industrialists headed by Gaston Drey- raids oh the party's headquarters. this stag banquet, and Troop . 82 of The local programs will be marked Joseph Margolin, 82, passed away at ing central headquarters ' for the fus, intends to open a plant at Rishori- These raids disclosed that the party the Boy Scouts have been invited as a local hospital Wednesday evening. by open meetings, featuring out-ofWorld Anti-Nazi Courieir to' Chamle-Zion as a result of the decrease in Was planning a coup against t i e gov- guests. Funeral services will be held tnis town speakers furnished by the Supion Human Rights,7 Hihe' new worldPreparation of the meal will be the excise tax from twenty to eight ernment-and that it was linked to the morning, December 7, at 10 a.m. from jpreme Advisory Council religious wide boycott agency created by th mills per litre. ' services conducted by the members, widespread anti-Semitic propaganda. under the direction of Harry Willin- the Jewish T^neral Home. conference.. M. Horowitz, Englisi The glass works, already employing Southwest Africa is a former Ger- sky. Tickets may be reserved at the He is survived by his widow, Bes- banquets, socials and radio broadZionist, and honorary secretary oi fourteen skilled workers brought from man colony which is now administered temple. sie; sis sons, Louis Margolin, Gail casts. The occasion will also bo the Council, vrill direct the /Lonao: The .next number on the Jewish Poland, will shortly increase its staff i a mandate by the Union of y initiation into the order Margolin, t>r. M. Margolin, Benjamin j marked by bureau.' Palestine is; not mentionec lecture series being sponsored T)y the to fifty to speed up production of J Margolin, Dr. Milton Margolin of ] of classes of new members in honor South Africa. by name in the resolutioori but wher Junior Vaad groups will be held decorative glassware, bottles and Perry, Iau, and Abner Margolin; five of the seventy-fifth birthday of the it was presented to the plenary ses Wednesday evening, December 19, 8 lamps. daughters, Mrs. L Hurwitz, Mrs. N. 1 Honorable Alfred M. Cohen, interBioh of the conference, it was clear- p. m., at the B'nai Israel synagogue, i The "wire works, founded by A. RoS. Yaffe, Mrs. Max Moser of Lincoln,' national president of the B'nai B'rith, ly understood that Palestine rwas ex- when Rabbi Uri Miller will speak on senberg and A. Broide, German JewThe A. Z. A. is now in the midst American rural life in Iowa dur- Mrs. J. Mirviss of Minneapolis, and cluded from ' it's terms betause the "The Scapegoat of Europe." ish engineers, with a capital of $125,Mrs. Minnie Cutler. of a nationwide membership enrolling the last generation is pictured in transfer agreements are not regardThis address will be based on per- 000, has begun to turn out a great ment, which is expected to double the Ruth Suckow's best-selling novel, ed as violating the hoycott. sonal; observations and data obtained variety of electrical products. membership of the order. Since SepSan Francisco (WNS). — How the "The Folks," which Rabbi David A. Creation- of groups fo be called from interviews by Rabbi -Miller this tember 1, approximately 800 new anti-Nazi boycott was instrumental in Goldstein will review as the third Anti-Nazi Action in colleges, school?, past summer when he visited France, members have been given the First helping the priests of a Japanese book in his series of reviews, Montrade unions, churches and indus- Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Degree initiation and new groups temple complete-its repairs in time to day evening, December 10, at the trial establishments to take direct or Czechoslovakia, Austria, England have been installed in Los Angeles, celebrate the 600th anniversary of the Jewish Community Center. indirect action in support, of the anti- and Italy. A symposium on the economic sys- Cal.; San Pedro, Cal.; Savannah, Ga.; ' saint to whose memory it was dediAccording to this reviewer, the Nazi boycott was decided.upon at tod f e a t u r e t he meet- Pautucket, R. I.; Shreveport, La.; There are three additional numThe Progressive Hebrew d u b bcated was revealed in a speech here novel presents an excellent picture of ing ofo f the the concluding session of.the confer- bers remaining on the lecture course. College club next Sunday, East Chicago, Ind.; Gary, Ind.; Readbenefit play for the Jewish school i y Hiroshi Saito, Japanese ambassathe rapid changes and disintegration December 9, at Temple Israel. ence which merged all boycott com- Single admissions are fifty cents per ddor tto t the h ing, Pa.; Huntingdon, W. Va.; Flint, "United U i t d SStates. tte that has taken place in the past demittees into !the World Council. The lecture, and .season tiekets for the children in Poland, "Yonkel the BoloThe topics of the symposium and Mich., and Saginaw, Mich. Julius BisAmbassador Saito explained that cade in middlewestern life. gula," will be presented on Decemconference also provided foor the or- rest of the talks are $1.25. their discussants: "Capitalism," Donber 9, at 8:30 p. m. at the Jewish the priests were unable to raise the More than three hundred persons ald Brodkey; "Communism," Adele no, executive secretary, is now on an ganization of -a world-wide Antieast to as•Community Center. The play was money needed to pay for the priests hold season tickets for this lecture Wilinsky; "Socialism," Harold Saks;: extended tripg athrough the Nazi Youth Movement to be estabsist i n tlie or n i z a t i o n o f n e w units. originally scheduled for December 2.1 when the advent of Hitler in Ger- series, and attendance at both prelished as part of the Anti-Nazi Youth On November 26, Mr. Bisno addressThose who have not obtained tick-! many came to their rescue. Jewish ceding reviews have been excellent. and "Fascism," Janet Graetz. Movement to* be established as part members will participate in ed the Boy Guidance department of manufacturers in New York, Single admissions are obtainable atj ets may do so the day of the play of the" Anti-Nazi; Action. The youth to place large orders in Ger- the door, according to Mrs. Irvin the University of Notre Dame, which OT)en forum at the J. C. C, according to S M. w h o movement and the Anti-Nazi Action 3 e s has recog-nized the A. Z. A. as a dayman, chairman. Those wishing! f ? ^ **%*** ^f* b ^ s .to fac- Levin, chairman. are designed to be the shock troops The fortieth anniversary of ihe tories m O s a k a h e said i model youth group. of the World Council. -. further information may call Mrs.! J***** attowitz conference was observed David Denenberg, president of the!' The demand for Japanese pencils ! Aleph Zadik Aleph was founded in Notwithstanding his reluctance to at a meeting of the Mizrachi held women's auxiliary. May, 1924, at Omaha, by Sam Beber i became so great that the Osaka fac- Rosenwald Kin Wins accept the office, the World Council Saturday evening at the Adass Yes-; as a medium for organizing Jewish -. {tories exhausted their supply of wood. Design Prize elected Samuel IJntennyer, head of huren synagogue. Chicago. — Ernest A. Grunsfeld, A driveway on the acre recently youth in model fraternal groups de—~" ~~~-. ! i The nearest available supply -was A. Katz spoke on Leo Pinsker and the American delegation, president. tne nephew of the late Julius Rosenwald, added to the Beth Hamedrosh Hago- voted to building Jewish character. yp l cryptomeria trees in one of the won^ first prize .^of $2,500 in a compe- dol cemetery Vice-presidents chosen were Walter Babbi Uri Miller spoke on Samuel S i d n e y E p s t e i n H e a d s has just been completed. In 1925 the fraternity was adopted temple groves. So the factories Citrine, president of the Internation- MoMlever. tition to design and decorate the inThe new road was built at a cost by B'nai B'rith. Since that time i t has bought them and with the money thus al Federation of Trade Unions; MaiThe following delegates for the apterior of a theatre to be incorporated of $1,100 through the joint efforts 1 achieved remarkable growth and it tre Vincent de Moro^Giafferi, French proaching Mizrachi convention in De- Sidney Epstein, was chosen presi- obtained the temple was repaired, all in the new building being erected for of the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol as A America's foremost j * ttoday d ri' f t because of the anti-Nazi boycott. attorney; and Dr. Paul Hutchinson, troit, December 29, were elected: dent of the Young Men's Vaad for WGN, Chicago Tribune radio station. agogue, the Cemetery Auxiliary, and j yowth organization. editor of the Christian Century. The Babbi Miller, A. Schwaczkin, S. R- the ensuing term at the election Belgrade—Jugoslavian Jewry the Chevra Kadisha. The additional seven members of the Council's ex- Eaviiz, and H. Marcus. Tuesday. Other officers: Sam White, breathed a sigh of Telief as four | Mayor Retires acre to the cemetery was purchased a ; G i v e W a v t o P r e s s u r e •• : ecutive committee are: Frank RogDelegates to the Jewish National vice-president;/ Arthur Cohen, secre- hundred Austrian Nazis, g j Cornwal, O n t Retirement of i year ago, then improved, and then tne \ Berlin.—Acting upon the vigorous refugees ] Cornwall, O n t — Retirement ers, British labor leader; Dr. Hutch- Fund are: E. Weinberg, E.-B16ch, tary; Rudy Mittleman, treasurer: from their homeland since the abor-l Aaron Horovitz after five years as road was built. j protests submitted by several foreign inson; M. H. Davis, leader of the ab- A. Katz. •;•'-• Louis Cohen, sergeant-at-arms, and tive putsch of last July, boarded a^Mavor of Cornwall was indicated at j corialates, German government ausorbed Jewish Representative CounThe Mizrachi are perfecting plans Stanley Shapiro, reporter. steamer on their- way to Germany. the municipal nomination meeting Baltimore—Simon E . Sobeloff has: ihorities have ruled that Jewish tradcil of England; H. Peart of Leeds; for the benefit concert to be held The^ after-the-ineetmg dance, in During the stay in Jugoslavia, the he proposed the nomination of been appointed by Governor-elect ers who are citizens ol foreign counM. Klangor, of France; M. Sluyer, January 27. The date was changed conjunction with the -• Junior. Vaad Nazi refugees did everything" possible when a colleague for the mayoralty in 1935. Harry W. Nice a s head of a com- tries are to be permitted to display of Holland; and M. .Koussevitzky, of from January 20 £0 accommodate" the Auxiliary, will-be held Tuesday,. De- to .spread anti-Semitism in this coun- Mr. Horovitz was the firEt Jew to be mittee t o draft unemployment in- their wares a t the annual Poland. " = •'•'.'' . - ; . Omaha Hebrew club. ' autumn • try. cember 18. surance legislation for Maryland. elected mayor of an Ontario city. fair a t ©ranionberg.
Will Speak About the Crisis in Ger-
THREE NEW FACTORIES W PAffiSTiNEATFKT South Africa Puts , -Man Upon Nazi Party TO
Boycott Rebuilds Japanese Temple
Progressive Club Play Sunday
Rabbi Goldstein Book Review Next Monday
By College Club
Kattowitz Anniversary Observed by Mizrachi
New Road for Beth Hamedrosli Cemetery
Young Men's Yaad
Page 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7,1534 Bis stars is Manhattan's Ernest Kuhn, don© away with the Yiddishism ten: who has "unofficially" developed Mardencies, always identified with the co Hecbt, Junior Seligson and Marvin *Nazional-EadicaIe S c h u l e " and Kantrowitz, among others . . . A dozen Drought in a new ideology based on years ago, mdidentalry, Kuhn himself religion and Torah with the Hebraic held the national junior indoor singles By PH1KEAS J . BEROX background. (8) We have installed ( championship and half the national our own transportation system, by where Postmaster General Farley]Junior doubles title . . . All of which whifh all p?j>m of fflr distant neighYOU SHOULD KNOW hails from, the sun of.prosperity is brings us to-the announcement that borhoods are brought to the Talmud Terse comment on a phase of the Torah. and back .home,. and ho Jew- "By the Service life Insurance American Jewish situation i s implicit alreadyy breaking through, thanks to ! Molly (Yiddish comedienne) Picon is an expert on the i i t rt th courts t ish - chfliircaii' stay away from Talin the.Time {news T^ekly) story Company, Omaha ^ ) y on the efforts of an industrial promoting ^ M. nind Torah oh account of far disthe debut of Conductor Alfred Hertz finn whoso representative, one Jack CURRENT EXCITEMENTS has As R. Rosenberg, expects to put 2,000 j New York's dress models, who have It Is certainly unnecessary to.urge bet; of pupllfl in .the Talmud Torah. tance. (9) Although our budget, with the San Francisco opera ! . work __^ within _ , ^ i _ the *i. next _* couple ' - ' t e e n having their troubles with dethe acknowledgement.of theiact that namely 168 (a year later this num- been considerably increased, up till Ldfo insurance helps a young man follows: "Jew Hertz lost his Sym-men to our Talmud Torah. has saccessfujly ber has decreased to 187) is inade- now we have managed to .cover all set up his financial objectives in a phony pob in 1930 when fashionable sol months on a non-profit-making butante competition, now have an engentiles had their own ideas about venture in which local business men ergetic champion in MTS. Nate B. (Coemerged from its chaotic and dete- quate to fte proportion of the Jew- our expenses—and I hope we shall definite way. continue to do so also in the future. Life insurance substitutes a definite J the San Francisco orchestra. B u t . . . are cooperating;. . . Prosperity is *lso lumbia Pictures) Springold, who as riorating condition in -which, it exist- ish, population of Omaha; and (7) ed for many years prior to its reor« that aU this la caused by the lack of And shall I add the delightful fact, sum ot money as the financial objec- jSan Franciscans generally came to expected by two ladies -who—succes- Mme. Frances has long been an authganization two and a half years ago. capable directorship that can guide that due to this remaking of the tive—it converts. "some money" into j realize that he was as fine a German sively—were married to the late Sir ority on women's clothes, and who at If we want to picture to • ourselvas, the Talmud Torah ia its educational whole Talmud Torah structure*ihe $1<M>00 or $25,000 or-$50,900 or f 100,- i conductor as they had ever known" Mortimer Davis, Canadian tobacco the moment is busy moving into the '* . . . At any rate, it is consolation to king, litigation over whose estate is remodeled mansion once occupied by trend of public opinion has consid- 000. the exact standing of our instiga- and financial aspects. It is almost impossible to plan to ! know that Zona Gale? the noted auth- gradually Hearing an end . . . And if the much-headlined Gloria Morgan tion at that time, we only have to When we refresh all this in our erably changed in favor of Jewish that estate is only $30,000,000 instead recall the historical fact that four memory, we can easily understand education in general and of our in accomplish anything unless we know or, does not believe that America will of $150,000,000, as it was originally Vanderbilt. . . Down on the East Side be permanently tainted by anti-Semi(exactly what we wish to accomplish. the comedy "In-Lavrs" Is the center years ago the Jewish Community of the reluctance with which. I met the stitution in particular. estimated—so what? . . . "Them that Omaha had invited Dr. Alexander urgent request of our deceased, unI want, however, to point out to 1 N o t only does life insurance reduce tism, which, of eourse, she agrees. has, gits" is an old saw which was of a heated controversy, local radicals Dushkin of Chicago, the most noted forgetable Omaha's Jewish leader, you, that our institution is like a new 1 t h 6 w I * h f o r impendence and. finan- does not represent American thought aptly illustrated wfeea I. J. (million- being incensed at the manner in which Jewish educator throughout t h e Harry Lapidus olov-Hasholoum of born child, who has to "develop ment- c i a l s a c c e s a t o * definite and an at- .or feeling, and cannot survive . . aire furrier) Pox won a Thanksgiving Communist characters are portrayed country, for surveying the Jewish three years ago, that I accept nom- ally and and physically until he grows toi toi > t a i n a b l e s u m ' b n t ft P«> tects against And that N. Y. Supreme Court Jus turkey In a raffle instituted by Prom- in the play . . . While up on Broadway 6 h h aa zz aa rr dd ss m m oo ss tt Uc ce e A A rr tt h hu u rr S S ,..._ Gaumont British office is jubilant educational field in our city and ination for president of the Talmud boyhood b h d and d manhood. h d Our O T l d ! * 1 1116 **&t0t0 bb rr ee aa kk dd oo ww nn U Tompkins is is so so fir Talmud!* **& "inter-religious Tompkins a believer in goodfirm will a-Sandwich-to-a-Natiorial Institution o v e r a recent ruling of Domestic Rethe plan. guiding us with his recommendations Toiah. I was hesitant in accepting Torah is only at the beginning. 1 p l a n T " !' that he brought a Sefer Torah to the Reuben's. lations Judge Samuel D. Levy, who based on his knowledge and wide ex- it, because I realized the tremen- stages development—and I sin-1 Even though present resources may synagogue of the Jewish Home for of "sentenced" a warring couple to see ATHLETES ALL perience in reshaping and reorganis- dous difficulty of reshaping a cr.~:i Although a certain press agent has the B. G. picture, "Little Friend," ing' our Jewish _ educational . ativi- munal learning institution, which for and our devoted work we shall build ; which a life Insurance structure em- Convalescents . . . been glorifying Dave Smukler, sensa- which tells of the heartache of a child ties here. The mere fact that Omaha 30 years has developed a certain up a strong and good Talmzi Torah; bodying a worthwhile, sum of money DONT MISS THIS be providing the young has. felt the need o£ Jsuryeying this ideology, tradition and conception. I that will have in its classrooms'"ail^^-^ «.*. More power to Mrs. Sidonie M. tional sopliomore football star of •whose parents cant agree . •* . to" build before it is too Gruenberg, director of the Child Philly's Temple College, as part : InfielcLshows clearly:- that • our commu- was aware of -the great; responsibil- the Jewish children of Omaha, a Tal- man Dave, who bids fair to land on nity had comprehended that our. Jew- ity that the presidency will put jipon mud Torah that -will give Omaha late. Study Association of America, who ish educational sysiem w i s nbt.func-; i me in this case. I was afraid of generations of enlightened Jews, It is seldom that plans are greater voices the thoughts of (we hope) mil- the All-American team, is actually all suc- lions of parents when she objects to Jewish, and the son of a Bayonne, N. g , ^ ^ ccapacity. tioning properly,; that -our Talmud stand-patters in our coommunity, a p a c ity. Personal financial suc Torah,'using the "words of Dr. Dush- who would hinder any attempt to Jewishly educated and fortified i n ; c e s s i s m o r e a matter ot starting soon many of the current radio programs J., merchant . . . The Indian angle deKOSHEB MABKET kin,' has deteriorated considerably, their beliefs in God and his Torah1 enough and sticking to it than the for children because they "convey rives from the fact that coach "Pop" (Formerly Soskin's Meat Market) possession, of unusual ability to make false ideals or misleading sentimen- Warner first gained his reputation as both in the effectiveness ,of--its work adopt a new orientation in our Jew-! and in the future of Israel, ish Educational endeavors. And fin-1 1552 So. 20th WE. 5450 money. talities, or because they murder the directing genius of the Carlisle Inand in its community standing. . King's English or play too recklessly dians . . . Put ditto marks on our item Greenbere. back from Chi* Dr., Dushkin* had found: (l) that ally, I was not sure of accomplishcago, invites yen to renew business with children's fears and horrors"... of last week regarding a first-round our school buiidiiig on 21st and Burt ments. However, I was "persuaded to acPerhaps Mrs. Gruenberg could start knockout by Buddy Baer, brother of street ,is absolutely inadequate -for a movement—with you and you andthe champ . . . The 'Lasky-lievinsky school purposes and creates an at- cept, the presidency nomination, and A boxing class for anyone inter-; you falling in line—to teach some of bout over in Chicago may have ended titude' of disrespect and • even hatre ? jwas elected to gather with a Board ested will be held at the J. C. C. on] these sponsors what sort- of pro- In a draw—but the Kingfish didn't towards Jewish "studies on the pan of Directors, consisting of devoted Tuesdays and Thursdays of each grams would be both attractive and have a single cut or bruise after the of children; (2).. that the teaching Jewish leaders of all shades of reli- week, starting at 5:30 p. m., Lee staff -with ;a; f()w exceptions is not gious and cultural opinion. The man- Grossman announced. Those of you ten rounds, while Art Lasky was con-, Z*»t me protect .Tonr Interests . • • 1 good for children staff, -with a; f w exceptions, is not date given vO us -was: go ahead and Paris <WNS).—French public opin- •who are teachers will be Interested in siderably banged up as early as the writ* IXKCKANCE of «v*ry desrrlptisn The purpose of the class is to deof lhe;type that'makes an Americah reorganize the Talmud Torah in ac- velop any talent for the annual Gol- ion is greatly aroused over the sen-The Social Frontier, new educational fourth . . . You may think Jewish foot- inrl«d;nc LITE, in strong, rrltaMr roiitpani'H OM.V lA-y* talk it f Jewish' School a success and, there- cordance with ~ the reccommendations den Gloves Boxing Tournament, sational report that the Arab pog- monthly which has been hailed as the ball stars are a recent development of Dr. Dushkinj_ which were as folCity. Finance & Insuraftce Co. fore, unable to make Jewish learnGrossman .-stated.; The t;.urney will roms against the Jews of Constantine, most promising of our generation... —tout thirty-eight years ago one Jacob ing attractive to the Jewish Amerir lows: (1). that, the, -Talmud Toorah be held February 11 and 12 this- year. Algeria, last July were necessary in It is edited by George S. Counts, with Rosenthal played left guard on the i*09 Faraam St. AT. fWTJ «r \VA. 5150 Center be ;;movalia"tiiefC^dmunity can child; (3) that the curriculum be l ,,ia"tiief ^ m n y Center' .' Joey Kaplan, who won the mid- the interests of France. This report Mordecai Grossman and Norman Woel- Notre Dame team . . . A maker of tenconsists of a hodge,podge of influ- builaingV (2> that a professional ed- western, A. A. U. flyweight title in comes from the special commission fel as associate editors . . . ences of past leaders, each of whoni ucator should be brought to Omani 1930, will be one of the leading Jewish appointed by the French government tried to impose his particular ideas to take charge, of .the Talmud Torah, contenders who will start working to investigate the real causes of the LITERATI Maurice Samuel, lecturer. Zionist upon the school without intelligently and if necessary of other educational. out. Kaplan is reported in good con- pogrom. leader and author, whose new novel. relating these to the rest of school institutions in the city; (3) that the dition, and appears on the trail of According to the commission re- . I B e y o n d woman," is creating a Talmud Tora£ classes be reorganized - work. The Talmud Torah" has been sponsible persons m Algeria declared s a t i o n t ^ y e a r > ^ returned from another" championship. trying to please everybody by teach- and each teacher should teach three under oath-that it was essential to jP a l e s t i n e , where he spends several ing what the parents are assumed to classes a day during four hours; (4) allow the Arabs free rein m order to i tnonthK^bnt of every twelve, and where want, with the result that the school that the present teaching staff with distract their attention from gnev- h i s f a m i l y l i v e s permanenUy . . . work satisfies nobody. In some class- same exceptions be replaced by other ances against the French admimstra- Caught just as he stepped off the es, -the language of instruction is able'teachers who know the Amerition. gangplank, he refused to comment on English and in some Yiddish and ia can child~ and American Jewish The report asserts by intimation Hitler, Revisionism or the World others ii potpourri of both. The school methods and technique; (5) * "Where Omaha Shops with Confidence** that the pogroms forestalled a {Jewish Congress, being too busy lis' methods of teaching are based on that,, a definite, curriculum followed. sible Arab uprising against ^ e tening to the sweet figures his pubGhettoi ideas^ahd-practices, wasteful by other good American Jewish V Jerusalem (JTA).—Important eco- French. lisher was whispering into his e a r . . . and of no.ieffect; .(4) that there are schools be worked out and modern nomic achievements and the extension On the heeb of the report the Those of you who read German must no extra curricular activities in the methods of 4nsjxucti6n be applied; of activity in most centers were re- French colonial ministry ordered the get "Flucht in den Norden" by Klaus school such as are found in other <6) "that the school -population 1~o£ corded in 1933-34 by the Jewish set- immediate removal of the secretary of Mann, youthful edito* of the Amstergood^ Jewish, ^schools, namely, school the Talmud Torah be considerably in- tlements, according to a report made the C o n s.t.a nting^munidpality on dam-published Sammlung and son of ..'.'. • clubs, festival entertainments, a Ju- creased. public *by the Agricultural Coloniza- charges of neglect of duty during t&e NohelrPxis^-wtnner ^homas..... Klaus, * whose opus critics are hailing as a nior Congregation with an endeavor Three years have elapsed since tion department of the Jewish Agency. July pogroms. to have ^ services attractive and valu- that mandate;, was issued to us, and The achievement, the report points masterpiece, has a Jewish mother, you able in the lives of the children; (5) wo are ,no^ in apposition to ^give to out, is all the greater because the knbw . . . From Dr. George Bernthat there--are no reliable records in ourselves -and: to the Jewish Conv bulk of the settlements had not rehard's Pariser Tageblatt, organ of this school either of. Educational or munity of Omaha at large a definite ceived the full budget planned for Twelve players have signed up for'German exiles, -we-leam that a new Financial nature: (6) that the num-answer to the question: were we suc- them by the Jewish Agency. It re- the JJ. C; C preseason s'ngles hand-!"book by Alfred Kerr is about to be l It will be cessful in,our endeavors to give the futes, the report states, the predic- ball tournament, which is slated to published in Brussels Talmud Torah a new deal, and what tions of experts who predicted the get under way December 9. The play- called "Die Diktatur des Hausknechts' did we accomplish? Our answer to settlements -would show si^^ns of fail- ers are Nate Cutler," Jack Adler, -which, if you know your German, is A REVIEW this question is: yes, we were suc- ure as soon as Keren Hayesod ap- Earl Siegel, Ephraim Marks, Saul a good line . . .Columnist Louis Socessful, and here are the accomplish, propriations were "withheld - from Graetz, George Shapiro, Al Soffer, bol's varied career has included starrOF " • • • , " • ' • Willie Bloom, Leo Hamilton Berman, ing movie shorts . . . Which remim ments. (1) We have taken out the them. l The twenty-seventh, 'annual - tuberMID-SEASON us that novelist "Thyra" Samter WinThe explanation set forth for the Art iapp, Sam Ratzman, and Milculosis seal Campaign of the.Nebras- Talmud Torah from the, Burt street slow is now located in Hollywood, a OFFERINGS ka Tuberculosis association is now in inadequate for school purposes home healthy • condition of the- settlements lard Sigal. town that seems to have a fatal fasLee Grossman urges all handball were the good use made by the rural h d i the h magnificent it in "fpll swing through Omaha and the andd housed cination for writers. ' state. Funds from this sale are the building of the J. C. O. (2) We have centers of prosperous conditions - in players to turn in their, names at In the town of Haverstra-w, N. T., once so as to be in on this annual the country, the strengthening of sole support -of this association, as brought here to Omaha a noted proThe fuR-skirled pici t is not a member of the Omaha fessional educator in tHe person of their co-operative buying and-selling tournament. ture dress gtdns favor. Mr. A. Katz-who is in charge of the organizations ("Thenuva" and "HamCommunity, Chest. , '.. .. ashbir"). the extension of cattle raisJerusalem—Palestine's o r a n g e The clinging Prinees* The seal funds support a large nstitation in all its aspects — silhouette with fullness health progranj-'in Omaha from which cational and financial. "Through his ing, poultoy bree'dinfr and grainfarm- growing industry, the country's basic toward bottom impor* every citizen in this community- bene- tireless. activeness (8) We have en- ing activities and the higher degree industry, received-..a terrific -blow when thevJaffa'' Orange • Exporters fits. This includes a tuberculosis nurse larged the enrollment up to 312 pu- of productivity in many fields. taut. association was informed from Bsrfor Omaha, nutrition and health. pro-r pils; divided into 13 classes and'the .the; German government .will The horizontal tucked Moslem 'Defense Party' grams in.the schools, chest clintcs for. trend is upward and not; downward, g 1 or flounced Dress with Jaffa. — Under the leadership of restrict , orange - importations- from; needy children, and ^.children's health (4) We have brought to the Ta : train is taking a promcamp located, in Omaha- at SeVenty- Torah two excellent Hpb"rew. teach- Eagheb Bey Nashashibi, deposed may- Palestine to 250,000 cases this year eighth and Center streets. . '..".; ers, Mr. \ArieHi- and Mis. 'Stadlah, or of Jerusalem, the opposition Mos- as; compared with 1,300,000 cases in inent place. This year's seal is of special .In- who, JXL conjunction with Sir. Wqlf- lem faction, has organized-itself un- 1933. " Slit skirts and tunic efterest, for on it is pictured the first son and Mr. Bloch, and ivith Mr. der the name, "The National Defense The significance >of this to Palesfects continue and taf•' • ••• • - : . : - • " " ;•_ tuberculosis sanatorium built in th$ Katz, "comprise . the Talmud teaching P a r t y / ' . - tine's economy becomes apparent Two thousand pounds has been col- when it is recalled that "fifty per feta continues to be United% States. This -was a onVroam: staff. (5) We . have " established a cottage, built by Dr. Edward Livings^ bigh school department where grad- lected and pledged for the party and eent o f ' , Pklestine'aA exports;. are the most important of ton Triideus " in" 'the r' Adirondac3t "Hates of the Talmud Torah cover a 3 will be expended-on running a daily oranges and that Palestine's second the many fabrics fea> mountains fifty years ago. From this years' course of higher Jewish stu- newspaper, and for'other propaganda. best customer Is Germany. INSURED CABS lured. Email cottage has'grown. 600 tuber- dies. (6) We have worked out a defculosis sanatoria in this country with inite 5 years' curriculum, followed a total capacity of 86,000 beds for by the better type of Hebrew Schools the treatment of tuberculosis pati-: in America and installed modern enta. ^methods of teaching. (7) We have
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Page,3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1934 five spectacular •baskets. Swimming Pool to out Jewish living Jewish education with Sam Giller Heads must remain formal and sterile. Against the hustling Ee Im quint. I .believe; that.the. only remedy to Benny Abrams played stellar ball Re-Im Cage Team Reopen on Monday this evil, talking in terms of the fu- for the .Boulevards as the Grocers ture, is stressing Jewish education for chalked op a 26 to 13 -triumph. The J. C. C. swimming pool, which The Ee-Im club of young married men are making preparations for an girls.--We must not and cannot be Abrams made nine points and turn- has been undergoing redecoration, eluded with the old fashioned concep- ed in a great floor performance. be opened nest Monf1 \y, Lee invitation New Year's eve affair. A tion of "One who teaches Torah to his In another game played last week, Grossman, physical director • an- buffet luncheon and special entertainment are included on the pvo~ daughter teaches her foolishness," if the Tork Batteries won over the Renounced. we want to avoid a collapse of the Inis, 37 to 17. The losers put up a Repair work consists of plastering gram. whole, structure of our Jewish educa- great fight in the first half but defective spots in the walls, and re- Sam Giller was elected captain of jtional system. The young girl of to- wilted before the greater play of painting the walls. The pool itself the Re-Im basketball team at a day is the mother of tomorrow, and their opponents in the last half. was also given a thorough going- meeting Tuesday. she is destined to re-Judaize the Jew- Next week winds up play in the over and scrubbing. ish home. We must, therefore, have preseason loop," with four contests By AarbiriKatz, Principal of the Omaha Talmud Torah in our Talmud Torahs not less, if not being scheduled. . - • . KLEEN-HEET ' The problem of Jewish ana Hebrew is due to the Talmud Torah that: has type of school, that has come .into be- more, girls than boys. A special ef- On Sunday, December 9, in a pair OIL BURNERS education is in the forefront in the progressed _ during, the past two de-.ing in recent years, and making them fort has to be made by the commun- of postponed contests, the Omaha Basketball Managers thoughts of the progressive Ainerican cades, although only between 1Q and understand, that modern methods of ity to provide Jewish education for Jobbers play the A. Z. A.'s, and the Olson Bros., Jewish community. -The Omaha TaK 15 per cent of Jewish children-have instruction, that trained educators, as many girls as possible. This will Xi Lambdas m e e t the Wardrobe A very important meeting for save the Jewish home of tomorrow. mnd Torah is preparing to commen- been attending.it. 2612 Leavenworth AT. 2860 . : that sanitary conditions and.esthetic Clothiers." On Tuesday, December 11, managers of teams which are going . Burately. celebrate its thirtieth anni- But American Jewish education has surroundings have transformed the Indeed, our Jewish educational ac- the Psi Mus play the Boulevards, to play in the J. C. C. regular basthis next month,, and so o tthis h s now reached a.new stage. The. com- old cheder .into a modern school, tivity must be based on a faith in the and the Torks will tackle the Omaha ketball league will be held in Physiarticle on the-Talnind Torah problems munal Talmud Torah or Hebrew where American children love to pur- possibilities of American Jewish life; Jobbers. cal Director Lee Grossman's office, - by ;Aaron Kate, principal, is partic- school has to fight its battle for-life, sue their Jewish studies. On the oth- on the conviction that "the -American JOHN FELDMAN Sunday afternoon at one o'clock. Jewish community will live for many , itlarly timelyr-^The Editor. Is engaged in the business of Bellbrought about by two major problems er hand, we must always strive to imAll of the teams in the present ing all kinds of RELIGIOUS ARconfronting it. which unless solved, prove our curriculum and methods of generations, that it will'grow and de-Volleyball League preseason league are expected to en- TICLES—Taleisim, Books, Jewish "teaching. If" this "be done, we may roll for the regular season circuit. Bibles in Hebrew and For two .decades and more Jewish threaten the whole structure of com- succeed in making the communal thought, of deed and of aspiration to English. for Sunday Morning The Boulevard Grocery team, howeducators hare,been carrying on their munal Jewish education. The first Jewish School—the Talmud Torah, if the annals of Jewish history.Bes. 609 No. 50th St. GL. 2872 and foremost problem facing the Talever, will change to the Pants Store, struggle with two objectives;*to make you please—fashionable, and the parAll- men interested in forming a keeping the same players. the' American Hebrew School conform mud Torah is the tack of- hinterland. ents who are themselves products of Sunday morning volley ball league ' to American ^"educational standards The American privately - endowed the diluted Sunday school may comare requested to get in touch with and to secure communal- responsibil- schools, both elementary and of high- prehend, that for the sake of their Lee Grossman as soon as possible. er learning, depend for their main " ity' and supervision for Jewish educaown children, they have to enroll them If twelve men will signify their tion^ In this struggle they hare been support, upon their alumni. Men who in the Talmud Torah, and so their off. intentions of playing and being on SERVICE on the offensive. I t was clear, and have gone through a helpful course of springs will not be cut off from, the The Psi Mus took undisputed posj training value its continued • transh a n ( j a t JO:3O a. m. every Sunday PRICE comparatively easy to demonstrate house of Israel, but will share in our session of second place in the J. C. morning, a four-team league can • that'Jewish1 school work in America mission. We, unfortunately, have no sacred herritage—our Torah.' preseason basketball league, last easily be formed. Grossman expects must meet the standards of twentieth such hinterland. We have no genera- This message to the parents must C. : to get the league started December century education rather than those tion that i a s benefited from an ade-be conveyed by our rabbinate and by week by defeating the Tork Batteries The 16 if there is enough interest. that prevailed in the Ghetto. And as quate Jewish education. • Rather have all. enlightened laymen who comprise in a hard tussle, 19 to 10.games The league will afford an excellent for communal responsibility, the chal- we men and women who look upon our board of directors. This, I think, Omaha Jobbers, who hadno lenge of the. educator was equally their former connection with the Jew- is the primal duty of every member on scheduled, lead the league with five opportunity for many men to accompany their children to Sunday school, -' strong and simple. Unless the com-ish school as an experience of doubt- our board and of every enlightened victories, and no defeats. . One of the largest crowds of the Grossman stated, as well as giving - munity as a. whole is interested in ful value. Jewish citizen who takes some part in present season : view'ed1 the • Psi Mn- the players a good workout and a -r" the education of its children, the work The average young American Jew,- the Jewish life of our community. Tork Battery contest. The two quints good deal of pleasure. of the-individual is bound to be chao- himself the product of an old "Ched- The problem confronting us played, cautiously the first half, tic and wasteful. Without community er," or of a weak Sunday school, has i is the second assumption that the breaking' slowly and preferring to supervision, no systematic develop- little enthusiasm for the communal Talmudgeneral Patronize Our Advertisers. Torah has to assume the func- hold onto the ball wait;n£j for an school program. His Jewish educa- xnent in Jewish- education is possible. tions of the home, as far as practic- opening rather than gamble for aj tion, he feels, has contributed little of And, indeed, despite professional ing of religion and Jewish ethics are kickers and lamenters who view Jew- worth to the development of his ownconcerned. It is a fact, that the Jew- basket. The fraternity team led 7j to 5 at the end of the first'Half. j personality. If he attended a Cheder, I ish-American life through the binocle ish home- is gradually ceasing to The second stanza produced the; ..of East-European conceptions of the he will recall the carping "rabbi", the function. What are we to do? Are ghetto-molded intellectual, the Tal- squalor and the indignity of the sur-we to ignore this factor, or are we to fireworks. The Psi Mus began- open- • mud Torah in. America have for the roundings, and the constant compul- accept it and bow before it? To those ing up, speeding up play to gathe: - last two decades • made remarkable sion which a distressed father was ob- of us who have been at work on this a five-point lead. The Torks rallied progress and fulfilled an indispen- liged to exercise. If he is. a Sunday problem for so long a period, it is a bit, arid the third quarter found They were and areSchool conformant he will confess to clear that any Jewish educational the Psi Mus leading, 12 to 9. In the ; sable function. . the only means for communicating vague recollection of some Bible structure that we may build up will final quarter, Jack Sadofsky found] . whatever modicum of Hebraic knowl- myths and to otherwise; general inno- very soon collapse if the Jewish home the hoop for two quirk baskets from. ^ edge American Jewry can transmit to cence of Jewish knowledge. His par-: does not constitute its foundation. No the center of "the floor, and Morriej its young. For several generations ents befriended Jewish education be- school has ever succeeded in assum- Bloom" counted with another long! .American Judaism was dependent up- cause that education actually served ing the functions of the home. This range effort to. ice the contest for the. . ! on- Europe even for. elementary pro- them. Aside from their having re- Is true even when the school and the Psi Mus. . fessional Jewish leadership. Today, ceived from Cheder whatever worldly home are an outgrowth of the same - The Boulevard Grocers continued j thanks-mainly to the Talmud Torah,- knowledge they possessed, they, lived environment; how much more so of their improved play last week toj - we are-serving our own religious and their religious life in such intimate; the * Hebrew" school. * The Hebrew hang up a pair of. victories to run i professional' needs in a measure.- Were interrelation with all their preoccupa-; school can neither replace the mother their season's total to three wins, j , it 'not for the Talmud Torah, the He-tions that they would.have been help- in the home, nor can it counteract the With elongated Chuck Gendler lead- > brew language, the.most concrete liv- less without their Jewish school prep- mother and the home if they are not ing the. way the Boulevards turned l ing bond between the scattered world aration. As for the son, on the other Jewish. And we know the truth, that back the Wardrobe Clothiers, SO to i Jewries, would practically cease to hand, the few stray facts which the study alone is not sufficient. , With- 17. Gendler. accounted for ten points' function among us. It is the Talmud school' sought .to impart have long Torah that has given us young Amer- since been dismissed' from mind. ican ' Rabbis, many of them brilliant, Hence4*"heruiiLWillingnete:>o£;the ma. talented and true leaders in Israel. jority of "American-born"Jewish parItHs the Talmud Torah that has pro- ents to enroll their children at the Satin Dasche duced gifted Jewish educators who Talmud Torah. Hence, the ;sad fact that only lg;per cent of the.Jewish made Jewish teaching a profession Slips, Only and Jewish education a field of, "com- children's -population attend Talmud munal activity. " Were it not for theTorahs and Hebrew schpols,* despite Talmud Torah, Jewish life in, Ameri- their impressive record .of achieve- j the last few. years. ca would not exist how after immigra- ment during Satin Dasche tion to this land of ours was stopped How is.: this problem to • be • solved ? j entirely. If we see some Jewish liv- I believe-that-a part-solution to it Gowns, Only ing in America, if we see "JewisH" com- could be found, firstly, in an unceasmunal activities, and in some com- ing campaign among the Jewish popmunities'very intensive.activities .—' it ulation, telling parents of the new
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Rowdy Outburst Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year -. » ,. • Advertising ratea furnished on application
Editorial,Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - "-. - - - - - " - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL -•'.-'•- - - . - . - • • - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street
The Week in Review Non-SectarianWorldBoycott The furrows marking the worried frown on Herr Hitler's face must have deepened considerably as he became acquainted with the happenings at this world boycott parley held in London. Many Nazi leaders had been sincere in deluding their followers that the anti-Nazi boycott was an all-Jewish affair, but the World Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi Boycott Council dispelled any doubts on that score.
The two hundred delegates from twelve countries who came to the parley were in the main non-Jewish. Samuel Untermyer, who had to be persuaded to accept the presidency of the new worictjboycott organization, was the only Jewish individual who played a dominant role in the conference. Organized labor and spokesmen for the Christian churches were the spokesmen who demonstrated the depth of feeling against the menace of Nazism and the efficiency of the boycott as a weapon. I t is significant that British labor has joined American labor in the fight to the finish with Nazism, the British laborists being officially represented at the conclave. The parley held in London did much to clarify the boycott atmosphere. The liquidation of the individual Jewish boycott organizations in various countries, another indication of the growing non-sectarian character of the movement, is an example of the centralization of the boycott activities into one body. Organized effort directed by non-sectarian agencies will be the method employed. Rash statements and sensational, hysterical publicity will give way to concerted efforts marked by dignity and harmony.
may be sure will provoke the interest of the "goyish" press to say nothing of the Jewish. This much may be said of Jabotinsky at any rate—that if he is a Fasj cist leader, he is the most cultured of any—from II Duce, Hitler down to Foo-ey Long.
The Czechoslovakian government is known for its liberaland TALMUD ness and it would be churlish to hold them responsible for the By 0 . O. DASHEB rioting in Praha in which forty Jews and non-Jews were injured and many Jewish stores damaged. Indeed,.the quickness with The way of peace they know not, which the authorities acted to suppress' the outbreak is added By DAVID SCHWARTZ and there is no right in their goCHANGING NAMES ings. They have made them crooked evidence, if needed, that they were in no way responsible for an It appears that the first thing a paths; whosoever goeth therein doth incident beyond their control. Jewish immigrant who settles in Pal- not know peace. IN TEL AVIV President Masaryk of Czechoslovakia has amply demon- Here is another story out o£ Pal- estine does is to discard his Galuth Therefore i.3 justice far from us. name and adopt the Hebrew equiva- Neither doth a righteousness overstrated his deep-rooted sense of justice and equality for all, re- estine. Chayim was doing a little panhand- lent. I think I have noted in this take us; we look for light, but begardless of race or religion. His attitude on the Jewish question ling in Tel Aviv. To tine Jew, whom column before the fact that recently, darkness for brightness, but we has been a model for all European rulers to follow. Dr. Benes, the he met, he told a sad story of histhe Palestine Gazette officially noted hold walk in gloom. no less than 200 such Hebraizations foreign minister, has repeatedly taken a stand for Jewish rights lack of food, clothing, etc. The Jew gave Chayim a few cents of name during a three month period. We grope for the.wall like blind; in questions arising before the League of Nations. We can trust and told him there was a business Mr. Glassman for instance in Pales- yea, as they that have no eyes do tine became Mr. Zagagi, the Hebrew that the Czech government will deal properly with those extrem- man on that very street who was we grope. We stumble at noonday as equivalent for glazier. looking for workers. ist rowdies who caused the disturbance. iu the twilight, we are in dark places "Thank you very much for the like the dead. THE CASE OF warning," said Chayim. MR. DAMROSCH From the Headlines And nations shall walk at thy I should like to start a similar BERLIN • .„ . The news headlines during the past week, when accumulated, INThis light, and kings at the brightness of movement for the Jews in America. is a story straight from BerWhy wait till you go to Palestine? In thy rising. show definite setbacks suffered by Nazism, Fascism and anti- lin. here and there, certain individSemitism. At Cambridge, Harvard University, following the ex- "Why Is It?" asks Hans, "that in fact, Rabbi Jochana said: "He to whom Germany one never says Good Morn- uals long ago did it in America and ample of the HanfstaengI incident, rejected a German scholar- ing any longer, hut only Heil Hitler." always, it seemed to me with profit. his f a t h e r bequeathed too much ship offered by the pro-Hitlerite nephew of Andrew W. Mellon. And Fritz replies: "Because there Thus, Mr. Spindleman long ago be-money and desires to get rid of it quickly, he shall dress himself in In Boston, a jury from which Jews were deliberately eliminated are no longer any good mornings in came Mr. Ish-Kishor. Germany." Perhaps the best known illustra- expensive linens, shall use cut glass found the anti-Semitic Industrial Defense Association and its tion of the practice was the case of utensils, and shall hire laborers and secretary, Edward Hunter, guilty of libeling the Artkino Guild. IN MUNICH the elder Damrosch, father of Walter leave them without superintending." And here is one from Munich — Damrosch. It will be recalled that his In New York a Supreme Court judge continued to put off theanother fortress of Nazidom. was originally Blutkoff—and to Eabbi Isaac said: "A man shall alrequest of the Friends of the New Germany for a state charter. In A group of Germans were gathered name Americanize it, he Hebracised it into ways divide his money in three parts. New York, Major John Prout, an official of the New York City round. Dam-Rosch which of course means One-third he shall invest in real esOne was sighing. Another was the same thing as Blut-kopf. tate; one-third in business, and the government, resigned as consul of the American Concentration, sighing more deeply. A third was balance he shall have on hand ready Inc., a brand-new Fascist movement, because he found the or- groaning. HEBREW MORE for quick profitable transactions." ganization was different than it had represented itself. Walter A fourth called out: Why don't you DIGNIFIED Now I don't know why it is, but it Kappe, former editor of the Deutsche Zeitung, apologized for his people quit talking politics? Rabbi Jochanan said: "Cheating in seems to iae that in all of these in- words is more rigorous than cheatanti-Semitic insults to Dr. Kurt Rosenfeld, former Prussian min- IN WARSAW stances, the Hebrew name sounds in money, because money can be ister of justice- The public opinion aroused by the Butler dis- In England's capital city, a brother much better than the Galuth name. It ing of General Goering has opened a sounds to me far more dignified — returned but annoyoance of words closures concerning a Wall Street attempt to get him to lead a branch of his incinerator business. cannot." in every sense. Fascist march on Washington did much to set Fascism in this Well, General Goering ought to bebetter But I appeal for the change not Rabbi Chelba said: "One should alcountry back several notches. When accumulated, these incidents able to make enough dirt to keep his only on grounds of aural aesthetics, ways be careful to honor hiB wife, brother busy. but on the practical ground — that for the blessing in the house usually point the way the wind is blowing. most of the Galuth names of Jews are comes for the sake of the wife; and IN JERUSALEM German—and if we are really going
An Old Story
They say this happened at the beginning of the German immigration into Palestine, when the German Jewish knowledge of Hebrew was, of course, very limited. A Russian Jew in Jerusalem said something in Hebrew to a German Jew and wound up with: "Ataw mavien?" (You understand) The German replied. Lo. Ani maBerlin. "No, I am from Berlin." The German thought he had been asked whether he came from Vienna, which in German is pronounced "Vien."
if thy wife is little, bow thyself and to boycott Nazi Germany, we should listen to her advice." boycott the German names as well. You remember what happened durRabbi Nathan says: "Do not reing the war with Germany. We did not call it sour kraut any more. We proach thy neighbor with a fault which is also thine own." And this called it Liberty Cabbage. is what people say: "To him who has had a hanged one in his famI START A MOVEMENT In the case of the names of persons, ily, do not even mention 'hang up a fish.'" (Continued on Page 8.)
The revelations brought out byan'investigating commission regarding the Constantine riota of last summer are enlightening, though revolting. The commission discovers an old, old story— the administration was so beset that they were glad to let the feelings of the Moslems veer against the Jews so as to stop possible attacks against the government The report plainly states that the riots against the Jewish inhabitants were chosen by the An Empty Offer administration in preference to a revolt against the government. The French government, which has the mandate over Syria, Being the scapegoat is no new experience for the Jewish has made a most "magnanimous" offer to the Jewish people. They people. will admit to Syria any Jewishcapitalistswho are willing to Use GREENBERG GETS A BID Mr. Jacob De Haas is a gentleman, their money for the development of industries and factories in anyway. When he issued the invita' Syria, provided these capitalists are also willing to renounce Zion- Thought of the Week tions to prominent American Jews to ism and harbor no hopes of bringing together the Syrian and Pal- - "The spirit of suspicion and animosity;Jknown as anti-Semit- Join in. the sponsorship of the forthestinian froneiers. As an added "attraction," they insist that on ism, which exhibits itself in racial persecution, is quite unassoci- coming lectures by Jabotinsky, the Revisionist chieftain, De Haas also all projects by this Jewish capital, no Jewish labor may be used. atedd with questions of color jmd has but slight connection with sent an invitation to Chaim Green^ injuries and grievances and the fear ^reprisals ^ igbniJEa^t in berg, editor of Der Kaempfer, official It is at^rifle difficult todEathont*why the• Frpich^wottld injagine that t h ^ Jewish people would in: any measure accept such a finance and politics have produced continually recurrent reactions. organ of the Histadruth group in opponent of everything proposition^ I t is another of those fifty-fifty mergers, in which It is a sordid tale of injustice springing out of fear and spite.' America—and that Jabotinsky stands for. 1 you give fifty and the other fellow takes the other fifty. I t is an —From a report presented to the World Baptist Congress in By the way, my predication is that No. 1—38.40 Zero Disinsult to Jewish idealism and intelligence to even voice the offer, Berlin. Jabotinsky is going to cut quite a figtillate 7c GaL and no compliment ito the mental cahdlepower of the framers of ure on his arrival here. No. 2—32^6 Zero Gas Oil— 6Mc G&L such a proposail : ^ • . L > - _ "The enemies of the world today are hate and propaganda. . He is picturesque and his coming No. 3—28.30 Zero Fuel i l l to America at this time will probably The obvious purpose of such unbending is that the French We need to present all editors and writers and reporters with 'new attract a great deal of newspaper atOil 6'/JC Gal. fear for Syrian prestige in _that sector of the globe. The advance pens and fresh ink."-—F. Rockschiess, Germany, at the World tention. The fact that he is accused of being in Palestine has been so rapid under Jewish initiative and capital Baptist Congress. '. a Jewish Fascist leader, though of that thei Holy Land-is quickly becoming the center of all activity course Jabotinsky denies that' Revisin the Near East, and the French have cast jealous, covetous eyes ionism is the same as Fascism, comTHE COLLEGE OF JEWISH STUDIES bined with his general dramatic makein the direction of that growing affluence. Hence, the Syrian offer up, presents a combination that we By RABBI URI MILLER % for capitalists. The further restrictions enumerated show that the French fear that without such safeguards, in time the Jewish The ability of a Jewish community to sponsor and execute a people would become a power in Syria and would—for practical project such as the College of Jewish Studies, as a community purposes—remove the barriers that separate Palestine and Syria. endeavor, is an indication of its religious decadence. But the French must learn in Syria, and elsewhere, that you can— This startling statement finds easy confirmation when one not expect to get something for nothing j that for a successful but attempts, to transpose the situation to the Christian commuproject you,must give as well as receive* nity. Would it be possible for Catholics and Pro^tjuits; to sponsor a school jointly in which the Protestant ministeij-teachers Fund-RaisingUnity ^ : ; would ridicule the Catholic point of view and the Catholics utilRuirior is rife that many of the officers of the Joint^distribu- ize their position to seek converts? And would a Catholic hiertion Committee and the American Palestine Campaign want sep- archy participate in sponsoring a school in which some modernarate drives for nextyear, instead of the unified United Jewish istic minister taught Bible criticism with all its faith-destroying Appeal which is now coming to a dose the country over. ,J ; embellishments? Yet, in the Jewish community it is considered Locally, such rumors are not of paramount importance,lsince proper, indeed, a positive achievement, for Orthodox, Conservawe conduct the one all-ccmm writycampaign, the Jewish Philan- tive and Reform to join in sponsoring a school which cannot thropies. But considering the project objectively, we cannot help help but contact religious aspects of Jewish life and studies. And but feel that a decision to' conduct two .nation-wide campaigns the distinction between Orthodoxy and Reformed Judaism is a t by these two agencies would be decicedly unhealthy to the com- least as great as that between Catholicism and Protestantism. munal life of American Jewry. The Jewish communities in this The recurrent claim that Jewish studies can. be taught with country need the plan as carried out in Omaha—a unification of no reference to the religious conviction of the instructor is an fund-raising effort. The American Jewish communities have nei- indication of the profound ignorance that a school ought to seek ther the strength nor the resources nor the available leadership to dissipate. Customs and ceremonies are obviously religious symA MODERN STYLE FOR to carry on two such strong campaigns for the Palestinian efforts bols. When a Reformed rabbi, with, the added prestige of his MODERN MEN I and the work on behalf of the German Jewry. professorial position, teaches that they are based on primitive The work of the groups is allied and their fund-raising en- superstititions, and thus undermines the belief in their divine oriBostonian Homespuns fit into the picture with the deavors should be kept in the form of the United Jewish Appeal. gin claimed by traditional Jews, he is undermining Orthodoxy. smart new textures in men's suits and overcoats. The Bible can be taught from the, traditional poin| of view or Discord is like a leak in a cistern, Drop by drop all the water from the critical point of view. To use both,.with fairness is conBostonian Homespuns are soft, flexible grains deescapes. -J'-''•• fusing and to an individual with personal convictions impossible. signed for comfort . . . so different from the usual Even a subject such as history has its reformed and traditional grain leather shoe. Special Flexlated Innersoles to interpretation. Was-the destruction of the Temple and the disMotor-Minded Palestine insure foot ease. The Jewish'homeland in Palestine is becoming motor-minded. persion a blessing as the Reformed claim, or a tragedy as the traWING TIPS STRAIGHT TIPS DAMP-PROOF SOLES A report .by^-the U. S. Department of Commerce in Washington ditional Jew has always considered it? Is Palestine but another country of refuge as the Reformed claim, or is it our hope for points out that "ih'e genettd prosperity of Palestine continues to national and religious salvation? Was the ghetto an unmitigated make it t h e best IStear East market for automotive products." Bostonian De Luxe The estimate of imports of automobiles in Palestine is on the mrse, or, did it serve to preserve Jewish life and have elements Homespun Grains increase. There is a large demand for trucks as well as passenger tf beauty in its social and religious set-up? In every phase of i, \ cars busses-and even motorcycles. The reason? Because the ma- Fewish history there, are differences of interpretation and of Flo turity of m&ny a^res of orange groves has led to an urgent de- irphasis. We cin think only of the mechanics of language as '! he subject upon which all might agree. , • Boand for.rapid transportation, which can be met only by motor .., > This much seems certain to us^—highly-controversial subjects s. • • • - - • -_• • • " • / ' • , ' . : . ," as t r' u c k The Department of Commerce reports that American trucks such" as customs and ceremonies, ought to be definitely excluded , nredominate, those of smaller capacities finding readysale. Amer- from the curriculum. Let each Rabbi teach his interpretation to CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND . San small-sized and medium-sized busses are also being used be- *iis own congregation within the framework of his own organization. Thus alone can the semblance of a community-sponsored '"- cause they are well suited for the mountainous roads of Palestine. I; These busses.account:for eighty-seven per cent of those in —
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Deborah Sodety to Pioneer Women Tuneful, Colorful Revue Is Meet Next Tuesday Carnival-Bazaar Enjoyed By Capacity Crowd Ae regular meeting of the Deborah society will be held Tuesday afternoon, December 11, at 2:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. The election of officers vcill feature the meeting and all members are urged to attend.
The seventh annual carnivalA panorama of varied entertain- production. The two outstanding bazaar of the Pioneer Vomen will ment in nineteen acts "won t i e en- scenes were the "Gypsy Caravan" and get under way at the Labor Lyceum thusiastic applause of the capacity the Trogressional." In the gypsy Saturday evening, December 8, at crowd which attended the "Conserva- number, Thelma Gaspar deeply stirred 7:30 p. m., and will continue all day tive Capers," held at the Central her listeners with a. most masterful Sunday. High school auditorium Wednesday violin playing, which showed real 3£rs. Max Goldstein is chairman genius. Annette Eieilin Silrerman gave Bikur Cholim to evening. of the affair, assisted by the mema gypsy dance which displayed well The revne showed some hitherto bers of the Goldie Myerson club and undiscovered Mstrionie talent among her professional perfection in terpsiMeet on Monday the Junior Pioneers. All proceeds chore, and Harry DuBoff sang a gypthe men and •women of the comMAYER-ZEVIN ENGAGEMENT • 40TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY sy song which blended in most e i - A regular meeting of the Biknr go for the Chalutzos in Palestine. munity, as -well a s the children. One Cholim Society will be held next Mrs. Sara K. Zevin of Council Mr. and Mrs. Joseph HayKn are Jcellently. An outstanding program has Hundred and fifty took part. Monday afternoon at the J. C C Bluffs announces the engagement of being honored at a reception on the been arranged for the event. AdIn the "Progressionay the choir It was a "tuneful, colorfnl and Irrely A special program has been arher daughter, Miss Sylvia Zevin, t o occasion of their fortieth vredding and fhe silhouetting of living models ranged, and all members are urged mission is free, and the general pubproduction, e m b r a c i n g dramatic Mr. Alfred S. Mayer, son of Mrs. anniversary on Sunday, December 9, lic is invited. Fun and entertainsketches, musical revues, -dances, cho- on a screen created a touching back- to attend. Theodore Mayer, of this city. from 3 t o 6 and 8 to 10 p. m. at the ment have been promised, and ground lor the featured song, a Yidruses, solos and specialty numbers. No definite date has been set for home of their son-in-law and daughvaluable articles will be sold at readish folk song, rendered most beau- "COCKTAIL PARTY" Hany ot fhe numbers brought dethe "wedding. ter, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Stem, tifully and feelingly by Larry FinkeL sonable prices. There will be Arrangements for the "Cocktail served thunderous ovations and would 342 No. 135th avenue. N o invitations have been a credit to any professional Little Phillip Sotolor won the hearts Party" to be held Saturday evening drawings. KRASJOE-GEEES ENGAGEMENT are being issued. of Ms audience with his tap dancing at the Hotel Chieftain in honor of A variety of booths will add Mr. and Mrs. David L. Green of this Mr. and Mrs. Haykin have lived in and songs, his ability irresistible catch- new pledges were completed at a color to the affair. Refreshments FOR HOLIDAY VACATION city announce the engagement ol their Omaha over twenty-five years. They ing the spotlight. The tap dance numof the Omega Delta Delta will be served. Miss Selma Ber&owite, art student ber by Dorothy Camel and Lottie Rips meeting daughter, Miss Hennine M a r i a n have four children: David J. Haykin sorority held Monday evening at the at'the Chicago Art Institute, will re- also won the crowd's' plaudits. Green, to Mr. Joseph A. Krasne* son of Washington, D. C.j Harry J. Hayhome of Miss Ann Fellman. turn home Sunday for a three-week A very artistic effort of great talent The pledges: Elizabeth Kavich, of Mr. and Mrs. Ike Krasne of Coun- Irin and Mrs. Samuel H. Stern of Jewish Press Advertisers Merit vacation with her parents, Mr. andwas the smooth, charming dance by Marjorie Kaplan, Sylvia Joniseh, cil Bluffs. The wedding -will take place Omaha; and Mrs. Lester J. Goldman Your Patronage. Mrs. Sam Berkowitz. this winter. of Des Moines; and five grandchilRosalie Alberts, assisted by Billy Pan- Mary Cutler, La Verne Feblowitz, Miss Green is a graduate of Central dren. gle. The singing of Margarette Bel- and Sarah Malashock. Lazar Kaplan. FORMAL SUPPER-DANCE High school. Mr. Krasne attended the man in a number of scenes was also The new officers for this year are: University of Nebraska and the UniLazar Kaplan has been appointed Opening its winter season Decem- outstanding. "Musical Interlude," a Miriam Kirschenba'nm, president-; MARY STEIN RETURN FROM CALIFORNIA versity of Southern California. secretary of the Highland Country ber 7, Phi Beta EpsHon, Creigfaton piano duet by Mrs. David JL Goldstein Sarah Eifkm, vice-president; Dena Kosher Style Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Mose Yousem reClub, according to announcement social fraternity, vrill present a for- and Mr. Harry Braviroff, was of the Levey, secretary; Skmia Saks, treasturned last week from California. Complete Kosher Style mal supper-dance h o n o r i n g its BRODINSKY-LERNER caliber of concert pianists. urer; Ann Fellman, reporter and Their daughter, Bernice, is i n Los made by the board of directors. pledges. MARRIAGE MEMJ DAILY No review o£ the performance Wed- pledge master. Mr. and Mrs. S. Lerner, 2512 Cald- Angeles, where she is attending- the Kaplan graduated from the Creigh- The main dining room of t i e Hotel nesday can give all the credit where ton University law college, after Fontenelle will be colorfully decorat50c to 75c •well street, announce the marriage University of California. taking Ms pre-legal •work at the Uni- ed to provide the background for "A eifller £ince of their daughter, Jann Fannie, to LUNCHES versity of Iowa. He is affiliated with Nigfrt In Harlem," featuring TJoyd the emotions of the audience or added Mr. Ben Brodinsky, son of Mr. andSOSENBATJM-BERNSTEIN Fleishman & Soskin 35c comic touches which brought forth the Phi Epsflon Pi fraternity. For Hunter's. Serenaders, thirteen-pi<>ce Mrs. J. Brodinsky, of Wilmington, MARRIAGE In Hw emplejr «f I* Harris) Private Dining Room for Parties, chuckles. lie past two years he has been asDel. The marriage took" place on No- Miss Eeva Bernstein became the negro orchestra. There are also many The revue was produced by Milton Twelve years experience Clubs and Small Weddings vember 24 at Washington, D. C-, bride of Mr. Uyer W. Rosenbaum on sociated with the law firm of Leon specialty acts planned, including A. Xieck, Mrs. Phlneas Wintroub was I m m s r t Trith Srlisbie and "White. . REASONABLE where Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brodinsky Thanksgiving Day a t the bride's numbers by >figg Evelyn Nations, general chairman, and Mrs. J. H. Kn: are residing. home. A Thanksgiving dinner for The Highland is -maVi-ng plans for piano-accordion artist. JA.S393 2406 Faraam OS S«L ISfb S t SA. 73U akofsky, business manager. Mrs. Brodinsky is a 1928 graduate members of the immediate families an attractive New Year's eve party Besides the active members and —(By F. R. A.) at the Paxton Hotel for members alarani, a number, of out-of-town of Central high school, •where she followed the ceremony. was active in journalism and music. A reception for three hundred and their friends. guests are expected to attend. Mas Mr. Brodinsky is a graduate of the guests was held in the evening. Asis general chairman of the University of Pennsylvania, "where sisting were the Misses Pauline Ro- RETURNS FROM committee in charge, assisted by he received his M. A. degree in ed- senbaum, Phyllis Soref, Ubhie Bur- EXTENDED VACATION Maurice Nathanson. ucation. He is now associate editor stein and Etta CameL Mrs. Abe Cohen has just returned Out-of-town guests included Mr. from a five-week vacation in the CHANUKAH DANCE of the United States Daily News. and Mr& Jack Falk and Mr. and Mrs. east. She visited in Chicago, Toledo, The Vaad Religions School teachMax Falk of Sioux City; Mr. andCleveland, Boston, New York^ and ers entertained at a Channkah dance FREIBERG-LEVY MARRIAGE Word has been received of the Mrs. Myer Lederman of Waterloo, Washington, D. C. Saturday evening, December 1, at marriage of Miss Mildred Levy to la.; Mr. and Mrs. Simon Bernstein While in New York, Mrs. Cohen the Strand Theater Ball room in Mr. Sam Freiberg, both now of New of Des Moines, la.; Miss Rose Burn- visited her brother-in-law and sister- Council Bluffs. stein and Mrs. Jack Burnstein of in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Co- Thirty couples attended the bid afYork and formerly of Omaha. hen. While in Washington, she vis-fair Saturday. The marriage took place last Fri- Chicago. ited two former Omahans, Tobye day, November 30, in New York City Flax and Esther Faier. where the couple -will make their BAR MTTZVAH FELLOWSHIP APPOINTMENT Mr. and Mrs. R. Ratner announce home. Dr. Henry H. Eiilin has been given the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Lculs ENTERTAINS a. three-year fellowship in surgery at Ratner, on Monday, December 10, a t Mrs. Jack Savich of 2105 N street the St. Louis University group of Postpone Bridge the B*nai Jacob synagogue, 24th and entertained six couples at her home hospitals, including the Firmin Des Nicholas. last Thursday evening in honor of Loge and St. Mary's nospitaL Luncheon Series Mr. and Mrs. David Wine. Mr. Jan- Dr. Rildin has completed one year The fourth of a series of bridge APARTMENT AT BLACKSTONE off won the prize at bridge. Dinner of general internesMp at the St. Louis city hospital and has served luncheons given by Mrs. Irving Alli- Mrs. Ed Treller and son, Marvin,' was served the guests. eighteen mouths in ,£he medical deson at Templ^;IsraelV'wilV, be josfc- have taken 'an apartment at the poned from December" 10 t » the fol-Blacfcstone rtment of "the C(x£ RETURNS HOME lowing Monday evening, December 17. Mrs. I*. Ackerman returned home RETURN FROM '*-US' Thanksgiving day from a two-month EXTENSIVE TRIP Jewish Press Advertisers Merit Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cohn of 305 visit in the east. Yoor Patronage. Sigma Alpha Mu So. 53rd street have returned from an extended trip through; the east. CHANUKAH PARTY Dance on Saturday They visited friends in Canada, A Chaxrukah party was held by at the home of Miss The Sigma Omkron chapter of New Tork, Detroit, Toledo, Cleve- fie Fa-Hon -••» Pollay Monday evening. Service Quality Sigma Alpha Mu at the University land, Chicago and Des Moines. Mr. Sally a short meeting, gifts of Nebraska -will open the formal Cohn attended the convention of the Following exchanged by the members. season with a dance a t the Cornhus- Used and New Auto Parts Dealers were The proceeds of the recent drawing, ker Hotel Saturday evening, Decem- in Detroit. with Mrs. Selma Tretiak in charge, ber 8. Approximately 300 conples are were used for charity. The next enFOR "WEEK-EHD expected to attend. The BeckrJungplanned is a bake saie in bluth orchestra will play. : . . Miss Ann Untxman spent the terprise January. week-end visiting here with her parThose in charge of arrangements are Jerry Cohn, Irving Hill, and "Wil- ents, TVTT. and Mrs. J. Xantzman. Shs returned Monday t o Wayne, Neb-, HOUSE GUEST liam Flax. When Herzbergs Better Dresses reach these low prices . . . it's time to harry Harry Rosenstein has been chosen where she is doing reHef work. She Miss Anne Herman of Sioux (Sty down for that really GOOD Dress you've had in mind. Dresses for EVERY the delegate of the chapter to the S. wiQ return to Omaha for a visit the was the house guest of Miss Naomi Ffcooe AT-2815 2815 Farnaia SL occasion . . . sizes 12 to 46. latter part of the month. Kovitz during the Thanksgiving weekA. M. national convention in New end. Tork City December 29, 30, and 3L Values to $25 . . . . . . . . . . . .Now Harry Weinstein is alternate dele WEEK-END GUEST gate. The alumni representative wilj Dr. Boris Karpinos of the University of Iowa spent the week-end here be Sam Goldberg of New York. "Values to $39.75 . . . . . . . . . . . . .Now Jack G. Epstein has been selected as the guest of Miss Adele Epstein, chairman of the committee in charge at home of Tier brother-in-law and of the music for the inter-fraternity sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jtf.. SegaL •• Values to $59.75 . . . . . . . . . . . . .Now ball/. SIXTE3ENTH AND HOWARD STREETS
Now...Share the Savings fn ffciir Annual
Junior Society Plans Annual Winter Dance
FOB ST; LOUIS ' Mrs. Hannah Hahn and Miss Anna Halm left for St. Louis where they wBl spend two weeks. While there, they win attend the wedding of their
A b e Tfrrif'ji-Tnq-n.
The annual -winter dance of the1 ^ on Junior Society, of the Conservaliva her way home a s the guest of Miss Synagogue is to be given, at the Fon-i Fannie Berman. - ' / • tenelle Hotel, Sunday evening, December 23, from 9:30 to l2:3<L;Art Randall and; his boys wM furnish S»e opoiiBc «f . . . KOBE BEATJTX SHOP • the music. Admission is ?1.25 per K h the constant request of many couple, and; tickets may be pur- Tofo nmy friends for beauty service, I chased from any member of tfce or- have opened a small beauty shop to xenaer this service. My motto i s . . . ganization or at the door. "Small toflay and bis tomorrow.? Came The dance is to be an informal: af- sna see "me. Letmecare tor yarn hair, most moderate. fair and plans for dinner parties and skbr and nails. Prices —HOSE ULKSKX. cocktail parties immediately precedROSE BEAUTY SHOP ing the affair are being1 made by a XB-679C number of groups who .are expecting SXtB VemSitb I n n t to attend. : /
FAVORITE of Nebraska Women try a Bag Today
O .!•>*-• .»* . - . -
Dretxe$—Sixth Floor
55 Great Values! 3995 to 9900
. . . Herzbergs richly fur-trimmed "Winter Coats ... . go tlown in price! Make your selection early from these value groups. Sizes 32 to 46. Group I . . .Reduced to
Group I I . . .Reduced t o . . - . ' < . . . . . . . . . Group m . . .Reduced t o . . . . . . . . . . . C«S*—Fourth Floor
Hue Fur Coats Here's a Typical Value
4-Piece Modern Living Room Suite Chair, Davenport, 2 End Tables—TEN-POINT Quality Construction Compare with Suites ONE-THIRD Higher
Coats Reduced!
The Book Case ends are finished either bone ivory or walnut. The Davenport itself and the Chair are upholstered in a choice of .tapestries with legs to match the book cases. YotfUflnd the davenport comfortable -with loose cushion seat sad a soft, springy' tack. EXCEPTIONAL VAICE at. ..._....
® Northern Seeds ® Blocked Lapins Snperior pelts and fine -workmanship make these the most exceptional Costs yoa've ever seen at anywhere near this price! If you're had aJFur Coat in mind at all . . . don't miss this gronpi Fourth
Values to
Nelly NeDy Don Wools, Chatties, Crepes und Sheers onr regular stock. Sizes 12 to 4 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fifth
Ermine Striped Lapins
Fashions of the Fashionable
KIDNAP VICTIM IN SCHOOL NEAR ALLEGED ABDUCTOR'S HOME—The Tucson, Ariz., home of Oscar H. Robson, indicated by arrow, is shown near the Immaculate Heart academy, at left, where June Robles, kidnap victim of last spring, is pictured studying, while Robson is under arrest accused of the crime. June is in the foreground.
FILM STAR WEDS SURGEON—Wedding bells ring out in Santa Barbara, Cal., for Evalyn Knapp, blonde motion picture star, and - Dr.-George Albert Snyder, Hollywood surgeon. Here they are. -
O U T DOORS— This snappy outd o o r s costume p e r m i t s brisk w a l k i n g . The skirt is of Scotch plaid and harmonizes with the hip-length leather jacket.
-f .fit
-AT TOMB OF UNKNOWN SOLDIER—President Roosevelt stands at attention during observances on Armistice Day at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Washington. The president's head is bared as the military men salute.
DEGREE, FOR DAMROSCH—Walter Damrosch, famous symphony orchestra conductor, leaves church- at Washington,- Pa.,- with Presi'dent R. R. Hutchison, of Washington & Jefferson university, after exercises conferring upon Damrosch a degree of doctor of laws.
GIRLS IN EIGHT-DAY VELOCIPEDE DERBY—Girls competing in a unique eight-day relay velocipede derby at Santa Monica, Cal, are pictured beginning their long grind. Each girl races 12 minutes at a speed of about 12 miles an hour. There are 10 teams, of five girls each.
ROOSEVELT SECRETARY ON VACATION—Marvin H. Mclntyre, secretary to President Roosevelt, with his wife and son, Kennedy, enjoy a vacation at Asheville, N. C, while the president is away from the White House.
Mr. ::jt,:-
^ *&
SSi«?iiEi#Uli6AD (JOtLISION ^ u r t d ' # a^wreck near A y e r , ^ & , ^ ^ f ^ i^gj^twatrains cbllidedtead om- ^TW^fid^;'e^i!P*w*^^ ^S||^|^^e : T>a^nger^ightrtK^?^^
•FIND RANSOM—Recovery of 1 $5,460 of the $200,000 ransom jpaid to kidnapers of -Charles F. jUrschel, Oklahoma millionaire, led. 'to the arrest at-Medford, Ore.,•pf Alvin Scott,'inset, alleged gang ipal of "Machine Gun" Kelly, and Margaret. Hurtienne, also reputed housekeeper for the jcused conspirators. ^Ehev money wai found buried in fruit 5&M on - the premises .^ietured- bere.
IS YOUR GIRL EXPENSIVE?—Testing girls according to the chen»Ical values of chemicals in their bodies, and paying admission to * dance accordingly, students at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, at Cambridge, are pictured with the machine which fixed tfef admission fee, ranging all the way from 50 cents to a dollar.
Conservative Auxiliary Large Crowd at Carnival-Bazaar Luncheon- Wednesday
A large crowd attended the third annnal carnival-bazaar of "the Vaad Auxiliary Sunday evening, despite the inclement weather. A Taried program of entertainment "was provided for those who filled the city auditorium for the affair. Interesting booths, dancing to a fifteen-piece orchestra, cards, and drawings featured the affair. Mrs. S. Brown was general chairman, and Mrs. A. H . Greenbaum ticket chairman. In charge of the program were Mrs. N. Greenberg and Mrs. William Milder.
An exchange of small gifts will Ck ddessert Chanukah feature the luncheon to be given by the Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary, Wednesday, a t liSO p. as., a t the Jewish At the regular Friday evening Community Center, to welcome fifty services of the Vaaa this evening at new members of the group. the B'nai Israel synagogue, Rabbi Exchange of gifts is a traditional Uri MUler will speak on "Chanukah part of the holiday observance, sad —Yesterday and Today." in this instance they Tsrill be the only These services will be sponsored ticket of admittance required, Mrs. by the Vaad Men's Club. Mr. M. BarDavid Sherman, president, has an- stein, president, and I. Morgensteru nounced. A board meeting a t 12:15 will speak on the after-service prop. nx* will precede the afternoon gram. , . • business meeting and program. Next week the services will be Luncheon tables will be arranged sponsored by the Youngs Man's Vaad. to represent the Menorah, the seven- David Slobodinsky will officiate as branch candlestick used during ob- cantor and Nathan Fine as rabbi. servance of the holiday, one addition- Addresses will be given by Haskell al candle being lighted each evening Cohen, Sam White, and Rudy Mitthroughout the week. In a short tleman. After the services there will sketch, written.by Mrs. Ben Shapiro, be a symposium by members of the each of the candles will speak hu- Junior Vaad Auxiliary. The speakers induce. Itose Soffer, Goidie morously on its part in the projects sponsored this year by the Auxiliary. Woifson and -Mae Tucker.
Hazomir Planning Benefit Drawing The Hazomir Singing Society is making plans for a benefit drawing, to be held soon. Plans are also progressing for the benefit concert for the Mizrachi Palestine fund. This concert will be held January 27 at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, 19th and BurtThe Hazomir is still in need of several voices to complete the organization. Those wishing to joia are invited to attend the meeting next Monday evening at the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago. Cantor A. Schwactkin is directoir of the Society.
The post-war era has been dom- and defenseless minority, left to the Golden Age—in no time. And hardinated by the idea of state corporate-; I mercies and the moods of dictators or pressed men a r e easily beguiled. They t surrender their charters of Bess to a n amazing degree. The j their underlings.. power and authority of the state Liberalism and democracy in the liberty. They even condone a t first have been augmented even i n those 19th and early 20th centuries gave the terroristic. means which .dictators countries where no actual dictator- us the opportunity in the western employ to achieve ^tbe promised goaL ship exists. Everywhere the State is world to live free lives and to ad- But somehow .the" promised goal Is stepping in to check the power and vance to new positions of equality in never achieved. They, never behold scope of the individual. The demo- all fields of human endeavor. The re- that. But the' means they do behold cratic apparatus which middle class cent tendency towards state absolu- a n d - experience-T-all the. brutalities individualism advanced .to safeguard tism with its mystic yearnings to- and oppressions which ' devastate '.'.""• • its rights i s . being pushed aside or wards "coordination," "Gie^chshal- their lives. " * * • .' discarded. There a r e no areas -which tung" and the "monolithic' society" Mrs. N . Greenberg reviewed "The Liberals seem to have forgotten are exempt from control and inter- has begun to play havoc with our A regular meeting of the Mount ference. The individual is. steadily people both materially and spiritu- that liberalism is a s much a matter Folks" for the members of the book Sinai Auxiliary will be held .next review group of t h e Ladies Vaad of means as of ends. Liberalism is being deprived of his "inalienable ally. Wednesday, December 12, at 2 o'clock decidedly a matter, of, method and Auxiliary a t the home of Mrs, D. rights." T h e ' state i s beginning to -at the Adass Yeshuren synagogue. technique. If the methods are those iDenenberg, last week. dominate not 6nly ; jthe politicalj|6i> Those Jews who sing the praises 2o£h and Sewaxd. The next review will be held at the tunes of its peoplei>ut their• ecopotaiic of state control are, of course, think- of democratic justice,' fairness, toler- home 6 1 Mrs. I. Elewitz on Tuasday, ance and freedom, then human life is fortunes a s -well—-£nd their cultural ing exclusively in terms of the Ruswill December 18, "Beyond Woman" by Rabbion "What David Candles A. •-Goldstein and spiritual ilvesijtoo. "??;••.'•:-• sian'; model. They should bear in enriched in l i e very process of at- Maurice Samuel "Will be the book respeak Tell U s . — taining the far off goaL. But if the 7 1 The slogan of ^ t a t e Control' ! h a s mind, however,-that long before the A Chanukah' Sermon" at services cf viewed. Mrs. Harold Pollack and Mrs. become popular in recent yearsj,-^spe- Russian model- will become the domi- methods are those of tyrannic force, the Conservative Synagogue this eveAll members of the Vaad Auxili- Shapiro will be co-hostesses at Mrs. cially among those sections of 1 Tcur nant form in the world (if ever) oppression and intolerance, then hu- a r y i r e invited to 3 acn this group. ning. At a meeting of the Junior Vaad Shapiro's home in the Venetian population who dislike to use ,the the other, form of maximum state man life becomes brutalized in the At services next Week Rabbi Goldprocecs and the goal becomes incourt-to members of the child siudy stein will talk on the theme, "Can Auxiliary held Tuesday, talks intermore forthright and definitive"; jterm control—:the Fascist and the Nazi— group of the Omaha Council of Jew- An Irreligious Man Be a Good Jew 7 " preting Chanukah were given by "Socialism." Young Jews are""espe- will,.iunless it is strenuously opposed, creasingly more difficult of approxiRabbi Uri Miller anl Dora Freshish Women, Tuesday, a t 1 p . m. cially captivated by it. But few of come to. master the countries of the mation. Liberals undermined their man. An interesting program was The meeting marks the conclusion them have taken the trouble id 1 in- earth. And Fascist state - control is own position in "the world because a presented, including selections by of a sis-week course in t i e study quire what a maximum state control everywhere anti-Jewish. If Italian great hope prompted them to sancThe Ladies Labor Lyceum club will of child problems conduc'.ed by M-s. A' Chairukah.'service" ..will be held Cantor A, Schwaczkin. would mean to a minority group, like Fascism,. on the face of it, seems to tion the sacrifice of means to ends, The next meeting will be held ours. In Russia it has destroyed-the be a n exception, i t is only because leading them into the tragic intel- hold a1 social meeting Wednesday Mary Frederick, vocational director «t Temple Israel this even_n- Harry Jewish group culturally and rel"gi- the. Jewish group in Italy is numeric- lectual morass of endorsing and c:m- evening , December 12, a t 8 p. m. at for the board of education. A second! DaBoff will of fixate, .at the lighting Tuesday, December 8. ously. In Germany it is destroying ally negligible. Everywhere elss, F a s - donins. illiberal .and dictatorial meth- the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark. course of six additional lectures be-,of_the^Chanukah-lights the benedictions. . Eabbi David H. gins after the first of the year. it politically, socialy and economic- cism is avowedly and detenninately ods and practices in one part of t h e Refreshments wiU'be served. Jewish Press Advertisers Merit world and of. condemning the selfAll. members with.tickets for the The next meeting of the interna- Wice win deliver the sermon on the ally. In Poland, whenever a govern- anti-Semitic. Your Patronage. same methods and practices in an- recent concert outstanding are asked tional relations group of the Council topic, "Why Should I Keep Chament monopoly is ertablished over a State absolution may be inevitable other. . nukah?" to bring the tickets to this meeting. takes place December 16, at the trade or a n industry, the Jew is al- but what reason is there for Jews They were taken to an exceeding- All members are urged to attend. home of Mrs. Julius Abrahamson,! Saturday morning services begin most always squeezed out. to -welcome it with hallelujahs? . . . FOR RENT ly high mountain and shown all the when Dr. Lyman Harris of the Mu- I s t 10:30 a. m. - In all Fascist lands, side by side "Desirable two-family bouse, nl! moflkingdoms of "the world and thair rn. TreQ bnthrooniBj. 2 kitchens, etc. nicipal University is to speak an. Sunday afternoon the College cluh As a free individual, secure in his with the absolute totalitarian state glory and—they succumbed, to the Ca« -also bo UM<1 »s *epnrnt* 4-room p.m. "OUBC tmct S-rpora ajmrtinent. Separate ^ ^ a* 4:15 P-m. constitutional rights, in an open, runs the doctrine of militant and ag- great temptation. . . . The Goldie Myerson club will hald "Conditions in -tie Saar Valley." Rabbi Frederick Cohn will conduct 3Dtranees. Tkmble enrage. EensonaUlf competitive market, the Jewish busi- gressive : nationalism which always rent to reliable pnrty. a regular meeting at the J. C. C. Jewish liberals, with so much "fee "rurrent ^topics course • Tuesday ness man and working man cculd fi^jma as its first victim the Jewish more a t stake, seem to be commit- Wednesday evening, December 12. 1544 Ko. 18th St. K&-12«0, morning at 10:30 a. m. at the Blackhold his own -with the non-Jew. But group. Fascist nationalism auto- ting the same folly. •stone; matically, makes, the " Jew'sh group where government in a capitalistic country controls and determines its suspect and tends to ghettotize and] (Reprinted from The Jewish Daily Final arrangements for the Eaineconomic life, i t will represent, as a disfranchise i t anew. For state ccn-1 Bulletin.> bow luncheon by Hadassah will be matter of course, the preferences trol, carried to its logical concluCantor Krasnopolsky of Jerusalem completed a t a ttest:ng of the twenand prejudices of the majority, and sions,: does not stop a t economics. I t By GERTRUDE BERG, ty-four hostesses next Mondav, £>e-_ will chant the services Friday evethe Jewish minority group wiU al- is omnivorous and insatiable. ning, Saturday and Sunday evening Author <»f Shoe €®inf®ii ways be disfavored. Our political and "The Rise of the Goldbergs" « In Germany, Fascist nationalism is economic security in .the last censtreet, No. 16. The luncheon will be ; The international situation on the O n at t u r y lay in constitutional guarantees, still further narrowed by the con-; given a t the Blackstone hotel Jan- j in charters of fundamental human cept of race. Nationalism is made eve of 1935 will be discussed by I , e i«s of the most difficult things in uary 16. Eabbi Frederick Cohn in Ms next ^ *> adjust oneself to a new sitliberties, in the doctrine of man^s in- synonymous with .racialism. Only Through an error, the name of The Junior Congregation wiU meet We are creatures of habit — Eepair Co alienable rights to "life, libsrty; and those belonging to the racial stock of talk on current events "Tuesday »*»"»• which means that once we are used to Mrs. Max Barish, one of the hos- •Saturday morning a t 9:15 a. m. at I. 1* KKAOK W morning, December 11, at 10:30 a. m. the pursuit of happiness." When the dominant majority; are recognized tesses, was inadvertently omitted last a certain mode of existence we find teie the B'nai Israel synagogue. The these liberal doctrines are discarded, as citizens. I t is clear that in a state a t the Blackstone hotel. hard to conceive of living differ; week. members will be the guests of Mr. Famwa and all constitutional guarantees a r e where race becomes the crjtsrion and „ ,,. - ^ MI i. *»,•» o,,«^o« «ntly. And woile tMs undoubtedly! A drawing on two articles. dear and Mrs. William Milder, in, honor.of Rabbi Cohn this . ^ L ^ v . v T ^ ^ . ^ ^ v^=«>^fD * scrapped, we become an unprotected prerequisite for rights and preferments^ — -will .speak . . . Sunday ... m _ V o t , . „ , «-,««•- «„ I for stability- in Iranian society | to t h e heart of every housewife, a ' t h e Bar Mitzvah of their sen, Carl. the Jew is sacrificed. I t is no longer afternoon, December 9, at the Joslyn makes it is also tbecauge oTmuch suffer-] Sunbeam Mix-Master, and a Sunbeam a, question of personal character or Memorial on Susan Glaspell and her ing. • _ hostessjtray and toaster, will be J -* - l i f i - i—J. -> T.^_J-.I.__;' fatalism*--©lay, "The Inheritors,"-which, .will,be '. I.am^ culaflf of moth- ; by ' Mrs^T M. F . fJevSison and~lier produced next week at the CommuOne's claim-..to equality can no. longer •ers.-- They spend-a score or so of j committee to rafee their quotas for be based upon consitutr.qn~al .rights' or nity Playhouse. years" "in rearing their families — and the Give or Get luncheon. upon a shared liuman destiny or upthen, more OT less suddenly, are left Tickets may be purchased from on worth or merit but upon, a factor; alone in the nest whence their young J l r s . Levenson or the following coil-, which is beyond, the individual's conhave flo'wn. No longer the central mittee: Mesdames William Alberts, trol—ancestry. . .star in their db.ildren's heaven, no Morris Franklin, A. I. Kulakofsky, The Jew "would do well not to perlonger the bulwark" against all evil, Debate teams were. chosen at t r y - they fall prey to-1 a depression" born ! Sidney Katelman, and Morris MarNew York (WNS>.—A bitter strug- mit himself to be beguiled in his golin. gle for control of the German-Amer- quest for social justicerby the millen- puts held at the meeting of the J u - of the belief that they can no longer ican element in this country between nial promises . of state messianism. nior Debating League Sunday, De- fulfil a useful function. Yet such a reaction can be preventthe Steuben Society and the Friends All dictators promise so much and cember 2, at the B'nai Israel synaed so easily! Simply by making some of the New Germany is under way. achieve so little. They ask men to gogue. Pollay, spiritual provision against what we Smolderin? hostility between the surrender all their rights and liber- Those chosen were: Anna ±-ouay, Steubeh Society and the Friends came ties on the glowing promise of Norman Gendler and Carl Fredncks. ijaay csji old^age^—fhough most moth"Kingdom Come"—the captain, composing one team; and e r s JQ the situation I "have outlined into the open when Joseph Schuster, achieving • Display of Paul Crdunse, Sarah Woifson, and j ^ g gyu comparatively young women. head cf the eastern section of the Elmer Cohen, captain, composing the (Financial provision for the time when Friends, denounced the Steuben Sociother team. Irvin White, Harold Nes- ]^re ca^ n o longer work for our living ety as "too cowardly to fit with the selson, a n d Leonard Morgenstern jis a concept familiar to all of us. ideal of the Hitler movement." were chosen as alternates. 'Wliy, therefore, should not we xnothBitterly' attacking" the Steuben SoThe teams plan to debate various jers act while ~vre~ are still young to cietv because' a school i t • maintains clubs in the city and some outstate provide ourselves with something to in Pittsburgh allegedly employs two do when our families no longer need teams. Jewish teachers, Schuster warned that Adolph J . Sahath: Lawyer, jurist FAMOUS MAKES at the | t'-e Friends "would s^ow the United .The problem is merely the general States that love of Fatherland and and congressman. Born in CzechosloLOWEST PRICES in years 1* modern one of Tiaaing occupation for hrtred of Jvdaism and Communism vakia 68 years ago. A self-made man. the. leisure "which technical developIs an immigrant lad who made his are in the heart cf every GermanIment has given to most of us. When American." Will'vn T^eier. New Jer- own way i n . the world. Became a municipal court judge .in Chicago A n interesting program hasbean the children are still small, sev leader of the Friends, • declared three, years after he - was admitted prepared for the women's volley ball clinging little hands constantly clutcli that the "Steuben Society has done to the bar in 1892. Made a brilliant nothing for the German people, but record during the 12 years l e was on class starting today, Lee Grossman*'at us, the tendency is to occupy the ~" relatively small period of leisure with has degenerated into a pocial drpran- the- bench. First elected to Congress announced. The class, which meets every Mon-, bridge, the movies and the • like. - But rwtion." Warnin" the Steubpit Soci- in 1892. Has-been re-elected reguif we looK to^rard the future v e see ety not to meddle in t^e a ^ : * s of larly since. Is, now the ^oldest mem- day,' Wednesday and Friday! will t h a t such purely frivolous oceupahave itsregular volley; ball 'play in the Friends "or else there will be a ber of House iri- point of 'service, fi~ht,M Meier said "we are not weak- having served 15" consecutive terms the morning until noon, a t which valuable energy. For when our chilI Winter & 0o..... lir~s content WdrTik beer. We have and was elected for his 16th ,this time the group will have lunch. At dren, grown, have left us—as all adult / 1:30, the women will play bridge. ©t^* *r ti^Tii^s t o -QO- ' • . .. I Qeorge P. Bessi . . . $ 2 2 5 I November.. Is a hard worker. "Has children should ; leave"their mothers— -The Nazi assault on the Steuben headed immerous - Congress commit- Following this, they will return to we cannot, if we:are healthy and inThere's a delightful luxuriousness about reading in bed. | Stcry6CIark....$215| S-ciety was in reply to a veiled attack tees. Now presides "over- the select the gym for some more volley ball. telligent women, spend all onr vastly If you are one of those people, who like to do so . . . Competitive play will be-held in both on the Nizis by Gustave Weibolt, committee named to probe leal esIncreased leisure' with such amusebe sure that your posture is right and that you have Stsuben Society leader, at a rally tate bondholders' reorganisations. the volley ball and bridge events. • ments. Not, that is, -without rapidly correct light . . . or you Trtll trjffer from eyestraln. of the United German Societies. Wei- Has prodigious memory; Never forI Gesrge Sieck . . . .S295 | and prematurely dying of sheer boreOoat read toy a lamp that w&s bought Just because It trolt was quote'd as having said that .gets a face,. a fact which accounts dom. ' has a pretty shade. i Hfeickermg . . — S S 7 5 f " a certrJn society would do better to forr - h i s • tremendous popularity. The moral is plain. Every Woman, cease its un-American activities and Boasts of fewer enemies than any TIO matter ho/w~lTUsy-at her daily tasks Ko where else in the middle | | model itself after the elder societies." other man in public life. Calm, tactsfaduia devote a little time to' some west can one see eacii a J5 Plans for the coming season -were satisfying interest that lies outside The declaration of war against the fuljrjesQurcefui. I s regarded as a great array of beautifnlly M Steuben Society coincided with "the dari: horse" candidate for Speak- outlined a t a meeting of t h e C-2 d u b the household routine.- Just What that toned apartment size nprfg^t S disappearance of the Deutsche Zei- er. Western Democrats, prefer him held Tuesday evening at the home of interest may be is of little importpianos in gorgeous •proods, ^ tnn>», former Nazi organ which repu- to the two leading candidates who the Misses Sadie and Etta Tatelman. ance, as long as the woman herself and artistic case designs— g diated the Nazis and endorsed the are both from the South. If old rule Last" Wednesday, the group held a is convinced that her work on it is of and a t such remarkably low | j anti-Nazi boycott when one of its edi that senior member of- House in- dinner a t the. Fox Hunt club. . definite value to either herself or othtors,"William McLau^hlin, was found Jierits the Speakership were observed prices. « ers. I am not speaking of gainful ocguilty of libeling a Jew and given a Sahath would be. the next Speaker. cupations; the woman who engage in GFtfjf Pay Only SI.5G Per Week | suspended "sentence of one- year in Close, to President Roosevelt in them usually fio so because "of ecoprison on condition "that'he "apologize whose pre-nomination campaign he A report on.-the recent benefit nomic rather than spiritual need. I Extra iCowance for your old « and change l i e policy of the paper. was an important factorl Headed the bridge given, by the Junior Pioneers nreto-"worl£ waicli, while" Irons the piano. < All purchase con- g Now the Deutsche Zeiturig has sus- foreign* language division" of- the at the K. C- November 21 shows that practical It 'may tracts are neM hj SES end not S pended publication and the Deutsche Roosevelt election . campaign. ' Had the affair .-was successful financially utterly U5eless;*till.occupies.not only Eere'e a lamp that gives absolutely transferred to a finance com- g Heohachter has become-the official good Jewish education. Can read He- and socially. Alice ' Goldberg was time but attention and still. correct light for studying and readpany.) * § Nazi sheet At the same meeting brew. Intensely interested in Jewish the • chairman of the committee in I t is every woman's duty to herself teg. It was designed especially for •where t i e ' Steuben Society was "at- education ; to which he has devoted charge. to find something beyond her regular Select Your Piano Mew tlj£t*. Tfcere are no diadcws . . . tacked, McLauRhlih; was. denounced a much time. Any poor Jew in iieed routine which, she can do, and then &sr« is ws glare. It combineE flla traitor to 1 the Nazi .cause. Meier of 1 help or advice' is. received Austrian Jews Sue Publisher, to -do it. To work at it, and become reet llglit _mXh soft diffused Indirect Iigtt . « • said ''you can't trust an Irishman any reaaily as a wealthy magnate. 'Has of Blood Libel BO proficient. To be able to do someeyestraia. EeaS f w feours to-«awsfort. ' more than a Jew.". ; - - --..,;.:. : transferred his Talmudic training to Vienna—On., the basis of a para r thing well—thougn it be only the • In annotmcing the merger of th his public career. Held in wide re- graph in the new Austrian constitu- painting of a rosebud on a china cup New York Staats-Zeitungr.and.-. tbi spect as._ one of the most reliable tion forbidding attacks an recognised —is tae best protection against boreNew Yorker. Herold and the_..publica' m e n o f j a t l o n a l stature in the demo- religions, the Vienna tehiHah has dom. More, it is a n achievement, and . tion of a new rotogravure^German- cratic party. Cares little for fame or instituted legal action against the therefore a prop. to the self-esteem language, tabloid,. Deutsche Amerika, money. Believes in Brandeis' dictum publishing firm of D r . Stefan be- that totters "when" the admiration of Bernard, Victor and Joseph Eidder. of f'simpleJiving and, high thinking," cause of a book containing blood little children no longer is Qtere to declared s that :tpi^t-»ews ..pub^catioi] fi "Srapiffly"; doming1 into -the national ritual Jibeis against the J«ws. support it, •-•.= .« Sen?ke not be dismbuted wifh "paper: ublitical limelight. ' . . • < ' """-'- kehiflah— i s demanding" the (OopyrlgM,-1984; %y Seven Arts 1 of allxouiis df tioe ho&. Feature''Svnflif that had Nazi leanings.
Book Review Group of Vaad Auxiliary
Council Child Study Group Meets Tuesday
Wit Sinai Auxiliary Meeting: Wednesday
Junior Yaad Auxiliary Meeting Held Tuesday
Ladies Labor Lyceum Club Social Meeting
Goldie Myerson Club
Hadassah Arranging Rainbow Luncheon
Current Events Talk By Dr. Cohn Tuesday
Cantor Here
Jr." Congregation '. •
If You Read in Bed
Jr. Debating Teams Chosen at Try-Outs
IprigM .-Pianos I'
Varied Program for WomenVolleybdllers
You "Have Correct Light
Dinner Held for Members of C-2
Junior Pioneers
Hebraska P@wer' Co.
Sioux City News
Junior Hadassah Party Wednesday
Council Bluffs
Steuben Society toFight Nazi Un*American Activities
Jews' Lauded by Reich Protestants . New York (JTA).—Dr. Paul Til-
T h e J u n i o r H a d a s s a h will give a lich, formerly of Frankfort university p a r t y f o r paid u p m e m b e r s n e x t and now visiting lecturer at Union New York, (WNS)—Accepting the hibition of foreign politics on our! Wednesday evening, December 5, i n Theological seminary here, declared challenge of the Friends of the New shores, which can have no other ANNA PILL, the W e s t Hotel. A dinner will p r e - CHANUKAH PBOJGBAM; TO BE that the Protestant churches of. Gerresult than to create a feeling of Germany, for the "leadership of the HELD STODATT cede a varied p r o g r a m . • many have a friendly feeling for AT CHETBl B»3fAI SYNAGOGUE German-Americans in this country," hostility against those who represent) "those Jews who really are Jews." He P l a n s for t h e a n n u a l H a d a s s a h it and the country which they claim] Gustave -W. M. Wieboldt, state chairCabaret Dance . were•> made" a t • the* The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah man of the Steuben . society, an- to represent. .. . . delivered a lecture at the seminary on meeting Tuesday^ T h e dance will b e Sunday School will present a Chanu"Immigrants and guests of this "The Present Struggle in the Gernounced the determination of his orman Church.'' • -! held" December 2 3 , i n t h e W a r r i o r kah program Sunday afternoon, Deganization "to unify German-Ameri- country must learn to consider and hotel. Miss Dorothy Merlin a n d Miss cember 9, at 2:30 o'clock, at the CnevThe anti-Semitism of the Nazis, Dr.study all questions and problems,' can societies on American principles" Elizabeth P a s s m a n h a v e been named ra B'nai Yisroel synagogue, at 618 Tillich asserted, is directed primarily despite attacks and threats by thefrom the American perspective andi against "intellectuals, politicians and ,. Sioux City chapter of the A. Z. A.corchairmen f o r t h e affair. •• '• Mynster. street Children's Chanukah 'Friends. I n taking up the defy none other. The societies which. com-| financiers" of the Jewish faith. Since services will be given under, the suwill celebrate International A. Z. A. Miss Bluma Merlin w a s elected a s prise the German-American peoples, the advent of Hitler, he added, the" Day Sunday afternoon, December 16, t r e a s u r e r t o succeed Miss -Anne Co- pervision' of Mr", " j . ;Z. Stadlan,' prin- jhurled a t the Steuben society by the, cipal of the Sunday School. RecitaFriends, Mr. Wieboldt enunciated the j be they cultural, athletic, musical, number of Jews converted to Chriswith an appropriate program and hen w h o h a s moved t o N e w Y o r k A shelf of Jewish books have been open - meeting.-. At the same time, City t o m a k e h e r h o m e . A Chanukah tions will be given in Hebrew, Jewish following American principles which political or what not, are divided tianity lias fallen off sharply and nu-' and English. A violin duet will be he will urge upon German-Ameri-j into two classes today. donated by the local B'nai B'rith chapters in a.great number,of cities p r o g r a m followed t h e meeting. merous proselytes have reverted to ;
: rendered b y ' I g a l a n d Emanuel Stad- can gp groups: Lodge to the Public . Library of in the United States and'Canada, will "One class is known as the old-their former religion. ' ' lan, and a violin solo will be given-by Sioux City, and plans have been com- hold similar meetings and celebra"In this country we have repre- time societies, made up of the GerIgal Stadlan. The story of Chanukah sentations of all races and nationali- man-Americans who have been here pleted by the lodge, to add volumes tions. • ' SHOTWELL, MOKKKI, GRODINSKY £ VANCE and HARRY B. COHEN at regular intervals. The - books will 'Max Zeligson has ~ been named A Chanukah program presented'by will be told by Irwin Cherniss. A ties of the world.within our borders, i'for a great number of years or Attorneys be "selected "by a 'committee appoint- chairman-: of . t h e committee on ar-members of t h e Confirmation Class group of Chanukah songs •will be. sung and we have, a right to demand of whose ancestors came over here years IS" Omaha National Bank Bids'ed by the B'nai B'rith and consist- rangements for this important event. will be a feature of tonight's, serv- by the Sunday School pupils, accom- them when they leave their respec- ago. The other class is the newly ing of Rabbi H.-R. Eabinowitz; Dr. Assisting "him. will, be Herman Rubin, ice: • at.; Mount Sinai" Ten?pl e. Child-- panied at the piano by Miss Ruth. Shy- tive countries that they also leave organized societies,- those- -societies NOTICE BT FrBLlCATIOX OS PKTI. FOR SETTLEMENT OJF FI^Al, Theodore N. Lewis • and Barney - Ba- Morris, Leubowitz and Irving Maron. reri who .Will participated in the pro- ken. Mr. O. Hochman will preside as behind t h e differences which separ- organized within the last few years. TION AbMINrSTllATION ACCOINT ron. The books wiir be placed in theThe committee met Sunday afternoon gram are --; Dorothy . Davis, Rozena chairman for ttie program. Refresh- ated them a t home. We would de-r "The persons who comprise the In the County Court of Douglas County, . t downtown:library at.Sixth and Jack- to draw up plans for this program. Kosberg, Sibley Newman, Elaine ments will be served. Everyone is cor-r precate and disapprove of any exmembership • of these new societies In Nebraska. the Matter of the Estate of ALICE h: son and will be ready for'circulation It is" planned to. bring an out :of town Brodkey,,-. Lawrence Slotsky,} Arnold dially invited to attend this program. are of an active enthusiastic type, SL1XGEKLAND, Deceased: ; AH persons interested in said matter are t h i s m o n t h : ; " ~ - ' ~ ---—••• - . easily aroused, so that they are hereby speaker for .the occasion. \'-: • — . '• Eosenfeld, Harold \ Lefkovidi ; andBENEFIT CARD PABTY notified thnt on the 1st day of : swayed by passion and emotion. But December, 1034, Edward -H. Sagert filed In' addition to donating the funds George Galinsky. H ^: V ' : NEXT THURSDAY a petition in said County Court, praying dictatorship, threats and cajolery acto 'purchase this first allottment of Dr.; Theodore\N. LewisT will /speak that his final administration account filed The Sisterhood of the Talmud Torah complish nothing. Let them rememJewish books, 'the B'nai B'rith has herein be settled and allowed, and that he on thei 'Meaning of Chaiia'kah;L'-;t -.]''• will hold, a benefit bridge party next ber "• that German • immigrants have be discharged from • his trust as adminismade definite - and-concrete plans to ^Next i iFriday:: evening rDr." ?Lewis Thursday ' evening, December 13, at trator and that a hearing-will l)c hail on given much to this country. Let-no] snid a d d - a certain number of books at Wtition before said Court on' the and fiafabi Jacob Ogle of Liihcoln i the Eagles hall. Mrs. Sam Meyerson one smirch that heritage. And, if thej 29th dny of December, 1034, and that if regular, intervals. Among the vol- Funeral services for Frank iSlot- exchange pulpits i "in the. interest; oi is general chairman" in charge of this you fail to appear before said Court on shoe fits, let Mr. Schuster of- thethe Baid 29th umes selected by the committee for sky, 71 years old, who died i n Losthe Union of -Ataerican Hebrew -Con- affair and is" being assisted by the dny of December, 1834 at 9 1 o'clock a. m., and contest paid petition, Friends of New Germany wear it." the beginning : of. the shelf are theAngeles, were, held in MounV Sinai gregations. Dr." Lewis; will speak Mesdames Sam Gross, Max Simon, j ~ . the Court may grant the prayer of said •works of -Ludwig Lewisohn, 'Israel Temple," Sunday afternoon, with Dr. from 'the pulpit of the Temple in Morris Yudelson, Herman Meyerson. j Berlin (JTA).—The Jewish Wornpetition,-enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, al.. Zangwill,'. Shalom AleichemJ Sholoni Theodore N. Lewis officiating. Mr. Lincoln,' arid Rabbi Ogle-will -speak Nathan Richards, George Hoffman and j en's League of Germany issued an IKTIK' C. LEVIN, Attorney lownnces and decrees, as to this Court Asch, and other prominent Jewish Slotsky left Sioux City several years before the congregation of Mount Sam Sacks.. 301 Electric Bnildinc appeal to all Jewish parents to abmay seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to snid estate mny be authors.. . : -.: -•'•• ago, going . to California' for hisSinai- Temple. -'..'••' . Tickets for 75 cents per couple are stain from sending their children to IJ2OAI. NOTICE finally settled nnd determined. This project of the B'nai B'rith'is health.; He died after a n illness of now on sale and may be purchased the German schools on the days when In the District' Court of Douglas County, ERTCE CUAWFORD, 12-17-34—3t County Judge. a definite-step ahead-in- the cultural several r months.. Mrs.. Slotsky. accomfrom any member of. the above com- state political instruction is given .n ToNebraska. FKAMv KOBLING, whose place of , »nd educational life of Sioux City panied the body to Sioux .City where mittee or at the Eagles hall, next the classrooms. -residence- -is unknown - and - upon whom JACK W. SAKER, AHornpy-at-Ijm personal service for summons cannot be . Piano pupils of Miss Bertha Hesh- Thursday evening. Prizes will be "givThe German government has made had, Jewry, since i t will make available burial was^ held. ; .. . ' . Court House within the state o£ Kebrasku, De: elow will be heard in a recital next it clear that Jewish children who. do volumes^ of vital-interest, to the Jew. fendant: He'had: been a resident- of Sioux Wednesday evening a t , 8 o'clock a t . en for the high score at each table NOTICE OF AKTICI.KS OF IXCORPO. Yon are hereby notified thnt on the 9th not wish to attend the classes in state and refreshments will be served. -•-At- the meeting • Wednesday eve- City for. 40 years .before going to KATIOX OF CAriTOI, DEtlVERX day of November, 1934, Henrietta Kobling Youngberg's studio. . Appearing on SERVICE, INC. ning, announcement was.made of the Los. Angeles. ' ' , \, This affair is open to the public and i political instruction may stay away, aS jplaiiitiff, filed her petition against you Notice is hereby given that the underthe. program will be David Yaiicej;, in the -District. Court of Uouglas County, volumes selected 1>y the -conimitteo. Surviving, are...bis. widow; three Dickie Eckert, Teddy Sinykin/ Eu- everyone ~is~ urged "to" make plans now! The course of political instruction givsigned, pursuant to the laws of the Start Dr.. Theodore Lewis reviewed.. "Sal- sons," Samuel of .Dallas and Joseph e n to t h e c h i l d r e n c b n s i s t s o f n u m e r o u s \ g g g of' Nebraska,-have formed a corporation tb attend this affair. a n t l - J e w i s h Charges Which would < oobtain malnteuance. support, and nlimony the name of which is "CAPITOL DELIVvation," by Sholom Asch, and Cantor and Benjamin of Lbsv*Angeles; and gene Matlin, Diana Yaricey, Sally n ERY .SERVICE, INC." nnd Its principal m a k e i t v e r y unpleasant f o r Jewish tJie grounds that you hare failed to A- Pliskin. offered a group of Rus- three daughters, Mrs. Isadore Bor- Levin, Irving Pliskin, "Helen Rodin, , The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688, . , . • , f of bnsiness is in the City of Omaha, . . ,, • ,provide for her, and have been guilty of place NancyRich,' Dorothy Dikel, JoseI>oug;las County. Nebraska. The objects sian songs. • • '.-•' ... .,'.-• •••- •shevsky, of Sioux City, Mrs. Ben of the Independent.Order of the B'nai children to be present in the class-' 'such' acts and conduct which at-law con- for : wbicli this corporntlon is formed are phine -Rosenfeld, Barbara Fribourg, stitute extreme cruelty; and praying that for the purpose of engaging in the -genPass of Duluth, and Mrs: Eugene Rachel Ginsberg,- Milton Mazie, Anna B'rith will hold an election of officers room when the anti-Semitic' allega- all allowances by the Court be declared a eral package delivery. servJce anvl any and first lien against the property hereinafter all other delivery Cooper of _CWcagc>._^_ ? Gordon, Betty__Bain» Helen Levine, next-Monday-evening.-Deeember KV,- at tions are made. service; to -purchase, the .Eagles hall'. -All members are '.'.. The Reichsvertretung; the -supreme deserilied, • and that tr receiver-be-chosen lease, hold and otherwise acquire real and to take charge and possession "of said j personal -property of-every, Afline" Heslop; Glada '-Heslbp/~Jud- urged* to •atten'd this meeting. . kind nn&vde-; and to collect profits therefrom, scription mid to sell, dispose representative body of German Jewry, property "of,"lensei : son Jenkins,"Raymond'Jenkins, Mad-; and if need be, thnt , said property be ...i. Shaare Zion •••.-, elin Arndti Nanette Arndt; Ray Bar-; also issued an, appeaLsaying that Jew- sold to satisfy the sums allowed plaintiff, convey and mortgage any nnd nil of the .Word - has been received" by .;• Mr. said property, to borrow money and to do Mr. land.Mrs.' William, Solomonow ish -parents .should- obtain the. release interest, costs, and nttorney'e fee for plainRabbiJEL -R/ Rabinowitz will; con-" rbn-and Celia-Barron. - •••: - all things necessary or incident to' the and'Mrs. M a x H . Bergen,-2315 Dougtiffs attorney; and that J . J. Slosburpc, or entertained' about ' one" hundred and of their children ..from school attend- some other suitable person be appointed operation of its business. The authorised ' las j3treet_ of the' engagement, of their tinue'•-, his sermon- on Baron RothA set of rhythm"driHs. will be p r e - fifty guests at a reception at their ance .stock is ?10,0QO.OO which shall be c , on"i Saturdays, y, y receiver of said 'property legally described capital these • i - i _ rt since -i tdays i iver o i s a i u i>r fully paid and non-as«essnble when Isdaughter Ethel. BergW,:-io i,Alvia schild, a t the service tonight in .the' sented ' by a'. chorus"" of, girls and a;home-Sunday in honor of their daugh- are devotedi in the. German schools tol jrae sc e follows, to-wit: Shaare Zion Synagogue. . ••-.-• sued and • mny l>e issued for cash, goods, th h l t L6we,^of-PlainfieW,-N."J;; Miss:BerLot Ten* (10). Block Nine (0), wjires and merchandise, or both. With the TomorrpW-jaorjjjong^ Philip Kan tor vocal duet' will -be presented\by'-Rii- ter, Miss, SaraTi - Solomonow, who - is the anti-Semitic curriculum exclusive- Kountze's fourth subdivision, an-ndiJiassent in writing of the holders of CO per gen has been-making heir home.in leaving;next week for St. Louis, Mo., tion to the City of Omahn. and* the cent of the oul standing stock pursuant to ..ot!-Mra^;Mary;/-Kantor,;.wiIl cele-" chael Ginsberg and MHton Mazie. New York City for-the" past• .few i ' .to t Mr. M Ben B R d ly"-«Ou r Jewish school youth,'-' the ap- North Forty-two (42) feet of the South the where her, marriage Rud-! votes given in person or by.proxy at brate/his JBar. Mitzvati. "Mrs. Kantdr. One Hundred and Thirty-six (130) feet a meeting speciaHj- called for that.puryears. She- is a graduate,of,. Central- yriH ser^^refreshinents. to the chilV ner of that .city.will, take take place J p e a i . o f ; t h e Reichsvertretung says, and the West' Thtrfy^f-ife (3.") feet of pose «r nt an" annunl meeting, the Board High: school. No Vdate -has ;beei»j'S.et dren at |ne'-Chariuk^h ^prpgrain SunDecember 30. Assisting hostesses were i "have now been given an opportunity • the 'North Tweniy-eiglit (28) feet of of Directors shall have the power nnd ; 'Lot Two" (2) fri BloViNineteen (19) of authority to soil, assign, transfer nnd con^ for" the wedding. ;• '..' -• "i;••.-^iVn;- day, and pres|nted ^5iQp. to the 'Junthe ; Mesdames Sam-.Meyerson, Ben] o f having"the Sabbath hours to themS. EL Rogers; an addition to the City yey or otherwise dispose of the property ... (Continued-from Page 4:). : , . Gershun.; and , H, Fried of : Council j lves. Jewish pupils can obtain reof Omaha, ns surveyed, platted nnd re- hn'd assets of the corporation as. an.en^^ se ior "Cqngf egatioji ;.tre&'suxy; honoring the reason Jtor. a change-is far" better in I>onglns County, Nebraska, tirety and going concern on - such - term* Important, "on" the' social calendar h e f . s o i i . ; ' . . .••...''. ( ''--"v-- : ") " V - " ' -'—"' !•• '-''•'' grounded ..than";.the, "change of,the Bluffs.and Mrs.;"Dav% Finkel.of Oma- lease-from schools on .Saturdays upon corded which" property-- is more popularly and conditions as to ihe snid Board-may ha. .Assisting in;-^serving -were Mrs. The Cha'nulEah" program' prepared of r this week is' -the formal' dinner known as IMS South IGth Street. Omnseeni fii imd "proper. "The Coi"porntl0n-8lnUl names of edibles" or commodities - ^ Leo Meyerson. a n d : ' t h e . Misses. :Rae the application ; of their parents or 1 hn; -Xelrrasrka;-nnd tbp Korth One-half commence on -the-.filing of the guardians. The work done' on.Satur- • (NJi) ofitot Three" (3) Summit Hill,, Articles ofbusiness party-to-be-given <by-the--Tiew> mem-, •by children'of'the "Synagogue-Siin- such as rsburkraut. "Ji-.. .' ~i'r ; • Incorporation in the office of Wolfson, June MeyereoD, Shirley .GerIdays'in^the'schbols is now arranged be'rs ,of the Alpha Gamma' Epsilon day School and the'Talmud Torah the County Cierk of Douglas County,.Nesituate in the County of Douglas, Stnte • P.or the name of a person ought to shRn.-Leona;Frie^ f and Lorraine Mey- [ according to the state poUtical -jnbraska. Its highest nmount of indebtedof Nebraska. -...''• Sorority, for the "charter members classes, will .be presented'^unday a.fi- express his personality. . Arid n6 GerTon nre hereby Tdiuircd to answer said ness shall not exceed two-thirds of -it« J of the group. The dinner will be giv- ernoon, ' December'] 9»:",ai" 3 o'clock. man name can express the Jewish per- erson. ---•-"'• t . ^ • i K . •-.. , j struction curriculum. There is no in- petition on- -or before .the 24th day of De- capital stock. The nffnirs of the corporakn in the-home,of-Miss iyances' ; Ja^ Songs, recitations, a'skit ; and; a play sonality.. F o r instance, My owii'last ^. Among th^.out-of-town, guests were s t r u c tion_ in educational subjects on cemfcer, 1934. «r B«td .petition against you tion «hall be administered by a Board of Directors of not less thnn three nor more •will be taken:as true. •• : Mrs, Jack; Burstem'OlChicagp: Miss,j SSaturdays c o b s o n . -."; - ' • • • • - , ' • " • ' •'•' • "•"•"••;" :"'a t u r d a y s ffor o r ppupils u p i i s i n t h e f i f t h to than five members who shall he" elected • . HENRIETTA EOBLINd. will be 'aa, ^the.. pr.ogram. Directing name' would be much more indicative, Frances; Jacbbsenf of -Sioux City, and J 6 b f S C t a d : at the annual meeting to be held on the . • Tlaintiff. . Appointments and flowers of thethe program wifl,be Miss Lillian Ro- of 'me—if • it .were. the Hebrew fShathe eighth school year. - • :- ll-16-S4-4t. • second Tuesday-of February of each year. sorority colors -will grace the dinner niirqwsky,;,: 'ijixv , 'iSamson,,, !Krupnik^ hor" (Hebrew for Black) rather than. Miss Yetta -Woifpskyi : p i S f Joseph, : ''The' •" Reichsvertretung has now. T.he Bonn! shall from this number elect 8HOTTFE1J., MOKSKV, OIJOttlNSKT .& M O W ^ T V ' ^ • ^ L ^ ' • • '•-•••• : .table, and a social liourvwill follow. Rfiss ^Shulanj^^.Dqreisbh and Miss Schwartz. ( been in contact .with, the Jewish com- VANCE, • and" HABRT: b . COHEN, Attys. a president, vice-president, secretary and • • • . .J treasurer. The nrticles mny be amended at ?37 Omaha J.at'l Blc Bldff. .munities throughout the country and any regular meeting nf the stockholders Mi)d>ed Sir^etu. ", , ' . „ . . ; ., If Phil <Slomovitz and a few others Marvin FitchJ student at the Iowa efforts are being made to shape the or at any special meeting cnlled fot that i Mr. and. Mrs. Mark E . Jacobsyof '.," Eecent•! dbriors, of' iRefreshments. to will agree to join with me a change State college, ^retiirned to Ames, la., 3.OT1CK BV..' VVBl.TCA'riOX.. OX. purpose after ten days' notice of snch pror Omaha, Nebraska, spent several ine cftildfen of" the; Junior n Congrfr- of name compact; I ain" ready to "be- jilpnday, followirif a visit here with Sabbath day for our youth in such a TJON FOR SETIXEMENT OF nosed amendment in .-writing has. been A r rK A T O : » ACCOCKT . mailed to nil si ocklfolders nnd UP*"1^™ days" in Sioux. City < last -week,; -as gation are Mr. and: Mrs. Philip gin this movement-for the'Hebraiza- his parents, .Mr. and' Mrs. Leo Fitch, .way that .they .will again learn .how to In the County Conrt of Douglas County, nffirmative vote of two-thirds of the capkeep the Sabbath. A^ solemn and rest- Nebraska. guest? of Mr. and Mrs.;-Sam Pickusj Sherman, in honor of their son E u rtion of Jewish names in America to for Thanksgiving a i d the week-end. ive Sabbath will fortify their'joy in In the Matter of the Estate of CHARLES 3319 Jackson street. A cocktail par- gene's Bar Mitzyah; and Mr. and their Hebrew equivalent:—and we can Ck P.: SUNGEHI-AND. Deceased : ty and dinner party iwere- given by Mrs. L. Shindler in honor of their start by changing our names first.' Mr. and Mrs. ' Henrj\_ Maduff and Judaism. We count upon. all Jewish . AH persons interested in paid matter " DnteS. at Omnha, Nebrnska, November The change, I am confident -will re- sons, Sidney and Irving, 6f Anita, la:, -parents to take advantage of this op- ^re liereb.v notified that, on the 1st day ISADORE GOT.PST Mr. and Mrs. Pickus honoring their daughter Edith Lorraine. «f December. 1034. Edward H. Sagert filed PAUL GOLPSTEIN portunity," the appeal says. ' guests. • ' - . ' • • - . . -.,'..•. •-. - v -_--.--..—-. a .petition-in .said County-Court, prayinc The Synagogue Bible Class for sult in a vast enhancement of the dig- and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Marcus and ARTHUR GOLDSTEIN nity of Jewry. . Have I any takers ?. that his final administration account filed children:of Aibahi, Neb., spent the In the presence of: Incorporator*. Adults met last - Monday afternoon herein be settled nnd allowed, nnd that , Miss May Lipton of Chicago spent in the social hall with 20 women atThanksgiving week-end here visiting Plan New Colony he be discharged from his trust as admin- Jack W. Marer. istrator and that n hearing will be had last week end visiting -witlr-faerTpar- tending. The group meets every oth- Polish Anti-Semitic Lawyers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. rf. SaltzJerusalem.—Dr. Herman Badt, for- on said petition before said Court on thell-23^34-4t. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lipton, 1713 er-Monday. Receive Rebuke ~ • ; .-, i 3Jth day of December, 1934, and that if •••••". • '•' mer assistant minister" of' the interior you' fail to appear Itefore said Conrt on Jones street. „ „,,.., .- ... ,, Warsaw^—Endek anti-Semitic lawof Prussia and the only Jewish pas- the said 29th day of December, 1934 at » yers suffered a crushing defeat here Mr. and Mrs.Will.am Greenstem o'clock A. - M., and contest said petition, Graf Zeppelin's first court may -grant the prayer of said y Arnold.^of Mr. and, Mrs. Fred, Fpreman, ,of when the Warsaw chamber of attor- and Recognized as is the head of a the petition, enter a decree of heirship, and here Sunday $ 3 7 5 Sioux Falls, spent .Thanksgiving-! day The regular, monthly meeting of neys elected a new executive group Greenville, "company ~ founded here to make snch other -and further' orders, alPRUTICAL MOHEL : in Sioux City visiting with, relatives. Mount Sinai Sisterhood will take consisting of three pro - government for a visit at ttie 'hoine: of Mrs. Green^- 1 create a new colony of German Jew- lowances and decrees, as to this Court . seem proper, to the eml thnt all matPhone 1059 place this iioon.in the Annex of . t h e attorneys and two Jews", including stein's brother-la-iaw and sister,-Mr, ,ish refugees. ters pertaining to salct estate niay be fin_ • ally settled' and_ determined._ ' Council Blnffs, I s . Misses Jennie Shindler:,and.. Fern Temple, following a .one o'clock Apolinari Maximillian- Hartglas, ad- and Mrs. Jake'-Mfenclelson. - - • Located -on the eastern bank of the BRTCE CKAWFORD, Woolfson visited last week end with luncheon.: Miss Frances Emlein will vocate of a militant Jewish policy in Tiberias sea, the settlement comprises 12-17-34--3t County Judge. friends in Omaha. .. speak., on, "Women in Modern Mu- Poland. Only one;Endek attorney was . Miss Yetta Wotinsky of S t Joseph, 5,500 acres and will accommodate "250 Mo ..left;. Tuesday: for her home, folM sic.", ^ i s s , Miriam Blank -.will pre- elected to the, new, fixe^utijFe. families. lowing a week's visit here at the hb'rne ; Because of its extreme fertility and Miss Chamie Bernstein of Minne- sent-a reading... . :.- -..•-' - . Explore the World's Far Corners with James Boring's of her hrotheiMn-law and sister, Mr. Palestine's extensive use of vegeapolis was a guest last week in the In: charge of the luncheon will bs Veteran Given Italian Order and Mrs. I*o; Meyerson. home of her sister, Mrs. Eli Rohi- Mrs. R. H. Emlein and Mrs. Max tables, "eighty per cent of which are 1 Rome. —'As a'reward for bravery novv. . . . ... • Brodkey. : imported, the new settlers will devote the battlefield during the World War Mrs. M. Bernstein entertained themselves exclusively to vegetable James Boring's famous Small Party Cruises provide all the and for his outstanding patriotic ser- teen gue3ts at- a miscellaneous shower Bgrowing. Mr. and Mrs., Max Cohen accomi at. her home,Tuesday afternoonj in, features of the big- cruise but limited membership assures viees in t h e Italian war veterans^ panied by their daughter, Eunice, ^ movement, Arturo de Minerbi, engin- honor lo'fj Miss S^rali Solomonow, a • Yugoslav Regent Asks 1720 Jones street, spent Thanksgivcomplete individual independence. Rates include First-Class eer, chairman of-the Jewish Cultural December brideitbfibe. ing day in Omaha, where they met Jewish Data v accommodations on the finest steamers of the world's greattheir son. Jerald,, who" is a student . .Belgrade.—Comprehensive informaMonday evening, December 10, th^ Circle" of Eome and" vice-chairman of A cultural class of the Senior Haest fleets and the best hotels and automobiles ashore. , 1 Rome, has ... , «c«iSiI « o^-»— at the University, of Nebraska. u w u . uon u T, UC .Jewish U1™ tion the world Brotherhood of' Mount Sinai Temple the Zionist Federation'cf ; will • holfl- their * first meeting and received the high order of Command- dassah . met Monaay. evening at the {a n d t h e p r o g r e s s in building Paleswas/Tec(a - requestedof Mrs. Herman Krause. Mes-j i n e WSLS <iste&-byby Prince Paul, smoker under the newly elected of- er of the Cross of the Italian Crown, home dames Martin, Troutfelt, Leo Fitch tYugoslavian-regent, in a recent interficers. • Reports of-the various comand Sain BubbVere in charge of this view, Chief Habbi M. Alkalay remittee chairmen. will be made, and WEST BOUND Paris—A report t h a t . Theodore South Sea Islands, Samoa, FijL .yealed. plans for the Father. and Son .ban- Wolf, former editor and publisher of meeting. Hawaii, Japan, Philippines, Bali, New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Java, Angkor, Straits Settlequet to-be. held December 26 will the Berlinger T,ageblatt, had asked Mrs. Oscar Gfeenberg entertained Says Nazi Funds Finance Java, Straits Settlements, Angments, Burma, India, Egypt, the " =• • > _•.••'•• Hitler's permission to. return' to Gar-the members of '"tier Afternoon' Club at Iron Guai'dists 3£abbi David Goldstein of Qmaha 'be discussed. Mediterranean—S. S. PRESIkor, Philippines, China, Japan, Mr. Harry Horwitz, president will many and had promised, to abstain j her hoftio Wednesday afternoon, will be the guest speaker a t the London.-^-Although Nazi funds are DENT HOOVER from San Hawaii—S. S. MARIPOSA from next Oneg Shabbos meeting of thepreside. Rabbi Lewis will speak on from journalistic activity is. heatedly Francisco, December 28th (via financing the Iron Guardists of. RuSan Francisco February 5th — S. S. PRESIDENT WILSON, STiaare Zion Synagogue,: •which is current events- of Jewish interest. denied here by WolfI mania, there is little likelihood that December 6th from New York) 122 days—all-inclusive rate * scheduled- for this month- The meet- A social hour and refreshments will American Jew£ Exempt the Iron Guardists will obtain control Greeks Using Nazi Swastika —138 days—all-inclusive rate. ing, will be held in the home of Mrs. follow the program. of Rumania, according to a special $1975 .. __ $2185 Salonica—Greek- anti-Semites have from Alien Ban Robert Sacks. Others who will parresumed their campaign against the empt Saloiiki—American Bucharest to the ^Manfrom the i-ecent Jews decreeare f o rjsc-j b i d -djjcSlpatciTfrom iester ticipate in the program are Mrs. Jews with posters containing anti- ding foreigners to land in Gre?ce .•-•. > ' • - . , , . Milton Mushkin, Mrs. J . Sawislak, Jewish slogans and signed with the without-a special permit from the T h e a t r e N a m e d f o r and Mrs. Phil Sherman. Nazi swastika, which were pasted on foreign minister, .it was: announced S t r a u s EAST BOUND ' The- group met last Saturday in many public and private buildings a t the foreign office. The decree .is .,. Jerusalem.—The Nathania Seashore The sixth annual banquet of thethroughout the city. The Mediterranean, Holy Land, the home of Mrs. Victor Mazie. On Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, intended to prevent the smuggling of Development company has begun • t h e program were Ida Heshelow, Daughterhood of Tephereth Israel Egypt, India, Ceylon, Straits Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Jewish immigrants-into Palestine be-j work on the erection of a theatre to • Mrs. Sam Davidson and Mrs. Ruben will be held next Sunday evening, Nazism in Disfavor ' Settlements, Angkor, Java, Bali, cause* smugglers have been using be named after the late Nathan Trinidad—S. S. SANTA MARIA December 9, in the social hall of the Cincinnati, O.—What is believed to Greece as a base" of operations.' The; Straus. Seating 1,000 people and costPhilippines, China, Japan, Ha, .Miller. ' , . from New York January 6th— Synagogue - at - Sixth •• and Siou>; be the first occasion on which the foreign 'office announced that the. ing.$35,000, the theatre is ^eing; built waii—S. S. AQUITAN1A from 58 days—all-inclusive rate. streets. 'An elaborate* and interesting question of Nazi sympathies was decree refers only-to Jews from east- in the colony of Nathania, which is New York January 31st—131 ; program,-has -been -planned to follow raised " a t a naturalization hearing $1075 v after Straus. days—all-inclusive rate $2185 e: n arid central arose here when Examiner Walter A. - Tlie"-fourth of the'series of Book tne'-dinher: ~ Mrs, J . .Seigel and Mrs. M. Levich Kiefer a s i t e d prospective citizens reviews offered thia winter, by. Rab'oj are' in""charge of "the" menu; Mrs. A, whether they were in'sympathy'with Secure complete information from H'"ii. •Babiriowit-B will be' held next the Friejids of New Germany. Monday evening, December 10, atBain.",and'Mrs.-;Ed Shafton are in Of the sixty-five aliens who were charge of the dining room. Reserva^ Most Beautiful Nbme for F 8-SO in the social hall of the syna- tions are in ^charge of Mrs. M. Laz- seeking American citizenship, twentyOmaha, Nebraska ^ Howard § t . Teh 8028 Fu|»erals To Fit j^ny Purse; eoeue. Babbi Rabinowitz will review ripwichs and Mrs.; K. Levich, and nine-were Germans. All denied affilM l r s AVe'So' Long." Ah open fo- Mrst-"Mose" Iiaiere-is in charge of iation or sympathy with the Nazi rn«!y 1226 Farnamat Thi Phone HArn«! nand discussion wffl' folio?" thethe program- "., ; cause."
Mount Sinai
Frank JSlotsky, Long Time Resident^ Dies
In Recital
•By the Way
Eev. A. Diamond
Brotherhood Smoker Monday Evening
Guest Speaker at Next Qiieg Shabbos
Anniversary Dinner of Daughterhood Sunday
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.'. Book Review