Dedicated to the ideals of Judaism
In the Interests of the Jewish People
. .Entered as Second Class Mail Matter l'ostofflce of Omaha. Nebraska, under
XS J2X. 1921; a t « t March S. 1B7»
Maurice Samuel to .' Give Lecture Series
Maurice Samuel, lecturer, writer and traveler, who has frequently thrilled Omaha audiences with his owerful orations, will come to Omaha for a series of three lectures Fifteen Hundred to Be Trans- on Saturday evening, Sunday afterported to Jewish Republic ioon and Sunday evening, February 16 and 17, it was announced this in February. week. Further details will be an• : Moscow (JTA).—Transportation of nounced later.
Tryouts. for Players Guild Sunday
Vol. X—No. 47
Girl Cagers Display PLAN FOR NEXT Pre-Setzson Promise FORUM LECTURE
If early season strength is any indication of success, than the 1934-35 With the opening lecture by Doro- edition of the J. C. C. Girls Varsity : Continuing its work toward aiding thy Thompson a .huge success, the! basketball team in going to be a in vital communal activities, • the Community Forum committee under •':world-beater." newly-formed Women's Division of the Jewish Community Center 'and the chairmanship of Fred White met I Last Monday, the sharp-shooting Membership of Omaha Lodge Reaches New Peak Welfare Federation is now concen„,— *__ evening Tuesday _.__. to , lay •> plans , » ., Jewish, damsels won from Bellevue of 650 trating on citizenship.- • ' . second number on. the iorunj pro- by a most convincing score of 56 tc gram, the address by Arthur Gar- 1. The team passed beautifully, scorMrs. Samuel Wolf and a committee Max M. Earish was chosen presifield Hays .on . "The Thirteenth j ing at will. Flo Brookstein was the of twenty-five women. are already at Juror" on Wednesday, evening, Jan-t scoring star, though the fine team- dent of Omaha lodge No. 354 of the fifteen hundred Jews from Poland to work'in" helping non-citizens become ua'ry 16. Negotiations were also {work by all the girls was the out- B'nai B'rith at. the semi-annual elecBiro-Bidjan will start in February as citizens. Their, survey.; shows "that tion of officers held at the J. C. C commencement of an organized imstarted for the April lecturer, and! standing feature of the contest. approximately 400 Jewish men and migration of Polish Jews into Soviet the selection will be announced women h a-v « - not - completed their Bissia, it was officially announced. citizenship, and all non-citizens wi,ll shortly. "Thepermission, for Polish., Jews .to be called on. by the' committee*-•: - Hays participated' in the Scopes j 1 migrate to Biro-Bidjanwas obtained trial in Tennessee and1 was invited! Those who are unable'to-pay the as |a result of negotiations" between to aid in the Scottsboro trial. He \ fees necessary for citizenship papers Soviet authorities and Dr. M. Suritz, will also be aided by the committee. gained international fame as attorrepresentative; of AgrtnYid, "Jewish The women will also help in the ney for the Mixed Claims CommisdrganizaMon in Poland established for Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agency). civics training preliminary to citizension. . . t t e "purpose of aiding the-migration —The sum of $5,300,000 is the: total ship examination. The debate torarnament at the Jew- He. was an unofficial observer atjj "of Polish—Jews^to-Biro-Bidjan Dr.. amount-raised by Jews throughout the All those wishing information con- ish Community Center * tinder the the Pveichstag g trial in Germany, y, and!! Dayton, .,__„„ Ohio . . _ .—Indicative Suritz, who" tipon~his-arrival-at-Mos- world for the relief of German Jews cerning the citizenship" project may S i e Round Table -of was one off the h promoters off themockj h k j <rfUa£?n'£**? Sponsorship of t i cow was received Jby President Kali- since ,the_ Hitler regime started in Ger- call Mrs. Wolf or the Jewish Com- Jewish YoutbrisTinder^way,- with sixJewish Youtn^der^with sis - ^ ^ N a z i s * ^ ^ J l £ TL nin, will organize the migration of many, it"was reported by the Central munity Center office. -teen teams competing for th» Irvin the first group to the autonomous Bureau for the Settlement of German Stahnaster trophjr. Jewish region. ' * ' \ ' "'" " Jews in - Palestine, which was estab. T e a m s ;iepr^afang the following! Tickets for the remaining lectares ]s t a t e m e n t s m a d e b y s p e a k e r s a t t n e lished by the Jewish Agency for PalPrior to seeing President Kalinin groups are entered: Phi Sigma Mu. ^nich -include addresses • by Scott; b i e n n i a l m e e ting of the Federal CounDr. Suritz paid a visit to the Polish estine to aid German Jews. Alpha. .Gamma-Cii, Xi. Lambda,. Al- Nearmg and Ludwig Lewisohn, may] ^ ^ Church which closed here reambassador in Moscow. Dr. Suritz.inOf the total amount, the sum of pha Pi Tau, Phi Beta Epsilon, A. Z._be obtained at the Jewish Community; c e n tly. ' formed the envoy, lie came to the So- $1,450,000, or 27 per cent, was allo: A. 100, Kappa Tak, Junior Pioneers, Center. . •Speaking of the relationship of the viet to submit a memorandum-to the cated for settlement and employment Fratority," A. - Z. JL 1, Delta Kappa, j - : :—: churches towards the social order, government asking permission for Po- of German Jews in Palestine. The balO. B. D.. ;Sojrori,ty, Young. M e n ' s _ « | T D i n 7 V C O A I I T C ! Frank A. Home of New York, promlish Jews to migrate to Russia. ance of, 73 per cent was spent by vaVaad, Pi Lambda Phi, Beta Tau 5 U t i f M 5 i l U W 5 inent Methodist layman, asserted that In the course of hiiT conversation rious ' organizations, American and Kappa, and the Cardoza club in seeking the establishment of- a with the Polish ambassador. Dr. Sur- European, for aid and training of The first" clash in the tourney more equitable social order the church itz pointed out that not less than ten Jews to their country of origin, and A gala day for followers of bas- took " place, last Sunday -afternoon, should follow the teachings of the thousand skilled Polish Jews, who are for refugees in various-lands. ketball at the Jewish Community when the' Beta. Tau of W. Barisli major Protestant, Catholic and Jewonly too willing to do any sort of The number of;German Jews who Center will be offered Sunday with Massie Baum and Hjrnan 'Finkelish religious bodies. "The church as a Monday evening. He succeeds Leo •work in Poland, have no other re- entered Palestine during "this period the opening of the J. C. C. regular stein won-the decision frenja the Car•whole must choose to follow the great course than to migrate to Biro-Bidjan from Germany and refugee countries Abramson. doza club, represented by Morris! i religious bodies of our country, inbecause' of the destitution of the Po- totaled 20,000,-12,000-of whom .were season cage league. Other officers named were: Ben With seven teams " reported to "be Nathensok'and David D.'.WeinbergJ Berlin (WNS).-^The first authorita- ! eluding the Federal Council of lish-Jewish population. There are now people without means. E.azlowsky,_ vice-president; Samuel t i T e "rarin* to go," the league this year The winners japlield the the" negative of survey of the position of German j Churches off Christt in America,, the more than a million Jews in Poland The Central Bureau for the SettleH. Green, secretary; Harry Fried:Jewi promises to be the most interesting question ^Eesolved T u^der Hitlerism is presented in I National Catholic Welfare Conference, Conference the question, ^Eesolved* that Jewish who would be glad to migrate to any men of German Jews received a total man, treasurer; Stanley F. Levin, a - Central Conference of American of con- 1 the country in order to earn even the of §950,000 from the amounts,raised i in the history of J. C. C. basketball. social fraternities and sororities a r e ' detailed and factual guardian; Edward Brodkey,- warden. f l i t i o n s c o n t a i n e Competition, too, promises to be "of desirable in. American colleges." H a r j d in the sober report j Rabbis, and the Tarious pronouncepoorest livelihood, since this seems in various countries. The major con-j Trustees elected were Frank Ackerr flrst O I t n e n r s t tudee-'wilh r^&T's activities activities or of tthe ments of of practically practically all the Protestant impossible for them in their own land. tributions came ^rom England, $423,- the highest" order, as evidenced by old Saks acted ks fudge/ with 'Alfred ° ^ 3^""'*' i e jjments man, Dr. A. Steinberg, and Morton the preseason league,-in which all the i Reich Representation for German ] denomination," he declared. Piedler. as jchsirmfn. 000; United States, $260,000; South Soviet Envoy Enthusiastic. Richards. . . . e rs games were' hard fought. The remaining ebates in the pre-H * ' the central oody representing; The co-operation between the CathMoscow.—Alexander Troyanovsky Africa, $70,500; Italy, $32,000; Egypt, Elected to the executive committee all Jewish philanthropic, cultural and j olic and Protestant denominations in Added spice for the coming season liminary contest will be completed by Scviet' ambassador to the United $60,000. These sums do not include economic agencies, which organized in j Germany in the face- of the common were Dr. Samuel Stern, George GiStates,: returned hereMast Thursday amounts received by other organiza- was made evident' by the defeat of December'28. the summer of 1933. By figures citing- j threat to the structure of both was vot, Ephraim Marks, Sam Epstein, tions for settlement of Jews from oththe Psi Mus, perennial champions i of after a visit to Biro-Bidjan,-where h the number of Jews who have left the | described by Dr. Henry S. Leiper, ex- Simon Pizer, and I>r. Morris Brodinspected the Jewish, enterprises, in er countries in Palestine. the preseason loop. The Omaha Jobconntry, who have been ousted from | ecutive secretary of the American sec- key. cluding the first Jewish collective bing company quint was the team The work accomplished by the Centheir professions, who have "been put j tion of the Universal Christian "CcnmThose chosen as delegates to the farm; Waldheim, and the Jewish the- tral Bureau with its funds included that turned the trick, but the Psi out of business and forced to appeal j c g for Ljfe a l l ( i Work in a discus- district convention next year wera atre. \ ) _ ; ; the placement of 20 per cent; of the Mus have sworn vengeance; and a for charity, and hy a factual analysis j s j o n o n t h e relation of the church and Dr. A. Greenberg, Philip Klutznick, In a statement to the Jewish Teleg immigrants on land; providing hous- great 'battle looms when these two j of the work of self-help and relief j state. \ . . . Leo Abramson; Harry Trustin, Irvin ; raphijc JAgenc^,; ^Qyanovsky express- ing for 2,800, special training lor bitter, rivals- tangle in the Tegular Stalmaster,' I. F. Goodman, Isadore {from abroad, the report succeeds in' -.Further evidence of -inter-faith coed his; admiration -for the achieve- 1,000; agricultural settlements for season;. •' . being the most comprehensive record i operation was witnessed in a plan Abramson,.' Dr. P.- Sherf *a"nd *L«Q '1,000-> workers': and 400 middle class ments reached in Biro-Bidjan. The Xi Lambdas, another strong Hartford, COBILv (JTA)>—Governor of the efforts of German Jewry to sur- jj adopted by the National Conference 'Bdsentnal. ~ -Max Barish ' and Abner famfliesr the transfer M 5Q0-;German bunch, -were- augmented during the Wilbur L. Crass^&iaer flean oijQie " ' creation of dh -*r*T« srnrt ^.T.- Qmrcaes and Work] Peace, Kaiman arc alternates. sad nt of w«--«i«B»aiB«-raAt-ViiTi its~eafIeria»^rai*»rKaEi mcus- region, in the Far.East lias, pro- Jewish children without their parents past week by the return to active graduate school of Tale university, " ^ S e m i t i c legislation. i m e e t i n g coincident with the sessions Three Om&hans—Sam Beber, Sain scored the treatment ot the Jews in voked great interest in America" the and the extension of icredits. competition of Herman" Babtch, elonT h e J. 'L'eon and Henry . following are some of the more ]i o.f the Federal The plan ambassador stated. ''However, what I lae literature literature of ot the ine middle nuaaie aees ages and «uio m,,»,;«-+i^».*>,4:r.«^ , . Council. ., » * „calls ,l, gated star center. A scoring ; center the c.. en nnn n o ™ ^ ffluminating statistics: 60,000 German i for a r01in<3 table conference of the automatically delegates to the conhave seen now with was all the X. L. boys needed to be Elizabethan era in an address before Jews and 25,000 Jewish civil service : three faiths to a consideration of the vention by virtue of their having Society of Emanuel synthis Tegion has made a tremendous a lot tougher during the preseason the Literary employes have been dismissed; 4,000 ! s of war and. their elimination. served as presidents of the district agogue. impression upon me. The work of deplay. ; Jewish lawyers Tiave been barred from ; grand lodge. veloping the region is7 only starting. Connecticut's scholar - governor reOther teams in the league are the practicing; 4,000 Jewish physicians The entertainment at the meeting Jewish' pioneers ]are fertilizing the ferred with special scorn to Marlowe's A. Z. A. No. l's, the Pants Store, have been forbidden to engage in their j was featured by George Givot, with waste and unpopulated territory." handling of the Jew in his "The Jew Wardrobe Clothiers and the Re-Ims. professions; 800 Jewish professors Abner Kaiman as master of cereof Malta" and said Shakespeare outThrough the efforts of the J. C. C. have been ousted and 350 denied govJerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agency).— monies. Gh'ot, known throughout the did other Elizabethan playwrights in ernment pensions; 1,200 Jewish writA budget of $3,500,000 for Jewish col- Athletic committee, spectators will be championing the Jew. radio and screen worlds as "The ers and journalists have been expelled j Funeral services were held last offered the opportunity to view a full onization activities in Palestine during Governor Cross recalled a paper from their positions and forbidden to j jpriday- no'on for Meyer E. Marowiti, Greek Ambassador," is a member of the 'coming" year has been adopted by season of play for the cost of only, which he wrote fifty years ago, as a the Omaha lodge and was elected to ! publish their works; 2,900 Jewish act- j 39 Omaha, world war -veteran, who the Jewish Agency, according to an one dollar. This includes "42 nights student, in which he declared: the executive committee. On the proors other arfasts of thrilling basketball." Single addied December 12 at the Veterans' gTam were also imitations by Benny ' sinSers Mrs. L. Neveleff was re-elected announcement by Eliezer Kaplan, a in The Mer- I "The only mission remains at 15 cents per perdue to injuries Falk. •president of the Ladies" V-aad Auxil- member of the Agency Executive. chant of and m the ^ businegs m gg. flfl This amount is to be obtained from son per evening. end Shylock is the only real charac- s ttag Reports were rendered by Max iary .at the election of officers, held shopkeepers have applied for relief to ,w a s h e M a t t h e B a f l e y a n d D o r r a n c e Season tickets may be purchased ter." the two world-wide national collection Barish on finance; Ben Kazlowsky, Monday afternoon. charity bureaus; S5.000 Jewish white . c h T - ^ . ^ b u r i a l fit p l e a s a n t Hiil agencies for Palestine rebuilding, the at the Center office, basket room, The speaker said Disraeli might on membership; and Dr. Philip Sher Other officers: collar employes applied for work from _ on the social service committee and Mrs. L. Epstein, Mrs. H.'B.-Milder, Palestine Foundation Fund (Keren Dave Smith's Lunch Counter, and have been as great a figure in litera- Jewish employment agencies in the j c e m € j _ R a b b i D a v i d R > W i e e of ficiate( ture as Thackeray or Dickens If the the College of Jewish Education. The and Mrs. J. Kirshenbaum, vice-pres- Hayesod) and the Jewish National from the players. last three months of 1933 alone." j ^ S u r r i v i n Ms m o t n e r > M r s # The pairings for Sunday after- Victorian prime minister "hadn't gone membership of the lodg'e is now at idents; Mrs. D.-B/Epstein, financial Fund. The sum of $2,000,000 was The report also cites numerous imj _^jj na . Los three a new peak of €50. into politics." secretary; Mrs. M. Burstein, record- raised. by both of - those institutions noon: portant facts and figures concerning brothers, Re-Im vs. Xi Lambda; Pants Store Herman, Council Bluffs; "Politics are always fatal to literaing secretary; Mrs. I. Elewitz, cor- during the past year, Mr. Kaplan disthe heroic work of rehabilitating Gerclosed.• ' . . . vs. Omaha Jobbers; Psi Mu vs. A. Arthur, Los Angeles; Sydney, Omature," the governor asserted. responding secretary; Mrs. Dave man Jewry. To care for Jewish ; The establishment of a. new nation- Z. A. 1; Wardrobes drew bye J. Waller, He credited George Eliot with writ- man Jewry. 10 care i o r J e ^ n v m x Crounse, treasurer. al, agricultural colonization company dren expelled from state schools, the wHonolulu, ' , , _ ,J. T ' and. ' Mrs. „Sam ing the most sympathetic book hy a Reports of the various Auxiliary Reich Representation for German > Gentile about the Jews in "Daniel De- Jews has had to provide for 60,000 Omaha. projects were rendered. After the and a new. housing company under the ronda." meeting, Rabbi .Uri Miller reviewed auspices of the Jewish Agency for the children in. Jewish schools; fifty bupurpose of erecting dwellings for laReference to a recent meeting with xeaus " throughout the country are "Judgment Day" by Elmer Rice. Ed Weir, noted gridiron star, borers was also announced. The largProfessor Albert Einstein, Governor helping Jews under thirty-five years show pictures of all the games er fund to be raised next year will Cross said the scientist has the "mod- of age to train themselves as farmers played by the University of Nebrasalso be used to settle a minimum of esty of the truly great." and artisans; 6,000 Jews are being ka football team last season at an 1,000 families in agricultural settleDanzig (JTA).—An important step trained for these trades* a training open meeting to be sponsored by the ments. This activity is apart from the to guarante freedom of Jewish trade Mr. and Mrs. A. Block recently farm for Jews who want to go to PalPsi Mu at the J. C. C. Wednesday program planned for the absorption of in Danzig, which is now dominated by celebrated • their fifty-seventh wedestine is maintained near Berlin;; 30;German Jewish refugees. evening, December 26, at 7:30 p. nu Nazis, was taken when a new.treaty Borne (WNS).—Eddie .Cantor, who 000 reonests have been received for ding anniversary, with a family re- He will also give a talk on bodyMr. Kaplan pointed out that" the In- was signed between Poland' and the union marking the occasion. has made millions laugh by his'antics' emigration visas to Palestine; an alcreased receipts for the Jewish na- Senate of the Free City of Danzig. It was in 1877 that Mr. and Mrs. building and good sportsmanship. on the screen and his .witty remarks lotment of 3,000 labor immigration tional • rebuilding funds during the The treaty contains a special proviA short talk will also be delivered Paul Grossman and Morrie: Bloom, certificates were obtained from fhe i Block were wed in Vinton, la. They over'the radio, found'that his reputapast year was particularly noteworthy sion protecting Jewish trade interests by William L. Holzman. midwestern A. A. A. handball dou- Palestine government: 400 Jews are made their home in Atlantic, tion had preceded him to Italy, when in view of the economic distress which in the Danzig territory. The general public is invited, bnt he sought to keep an appointment at bles champions, added the J. C. C. leaving the country each month; 20,000 where Mr. Block was in business for obtains among Jews in many lands. The Jews of Danzig were somewhat preseason doubles title to iheir cola special invitation is being extended Venezia PaTace "With Premier Musso-^ 32 years. •-. relieved when the news of the new lection, last week, defeating Jack Polish, Rumanian, Hungarian and to the children of the Talmud Torah. linl, without having his. passport or a century ago the A quarter of treaty was made public. Much hope is, Sadofsky, and Sol- Yaffe, 21-10, Czech Jews have been helped to re- Blocks moved to Omaha, the city in There will be no admission charge. ticket pi admission with him. turn to their native lands. however, not being laid on this treaty 21-20. Earl Siegel will speak briefly for Laughter in th« Venezia Palace is which Mrs. Block was born, and the in view of the fact that the Jewish the Psi Mu. Jay Stoller is in charge seldom neard and the palace guards As the scores indicate there wasn't family i a s lived here ever since. Mr. population ol Danzig has teen greatly are stolid Italians who rarely smile. much choice between the two teams, Block was born in France and came of arrangements. deluded by similar treaties In the When the inimitable Eddie reached Grossman and .Bloom simply had the to this- country in 1872. He lived in. Omaha delegates of the Mizrachi past. the palace gates the guard asked him knack of getting that twenty-first New York for a little over a year, The Senate of Danzig, according to for his entry card. 'T forgot it at my will leave next week for the national point, which is the pay-off in handand then came west. All the other 1 convention of the Mizrachi Organithe treaty, is obliged to see to it that The Hebrew Club M. W. A. {Mod- members of his family stOl reside in hotel," Cantor said, adding, "but I'm ball matches. zation of America, to be held in Deno limitations are placed against the ern Woodmen) held the annual elecEddie Cantor," and he began to roll France. In winning the title, Grossman and Jews in Danzig so far as commercial tion of officers December 12, with a his eyes in the inimitable Cantor man- troit, Mich, . Snow, snowmen and snowballs will Bloom failed to lose a single game Attending the family reunion in Local delegates include Rabbi Uri transactions are concerned. large attendance present. ner. Cantor's antics broke down the in four matches. celebration of the Blocks' annivers- form part of the novel atmosphere The new treaty is a result of negoMiller, M. Xaserowitz, and Cantor A. The following were re-elected: S. guard's resistance and he burst into ary were iheir son Maurice and his and decorative scheme at the Junior tiations lasting several weeks. Nazi ;..'•...' M. dayman, consul; Harry Weiner, hearty laughter; but i e insisted: on Schwaczkin. wife, of Moline, HI.; their son, Sam Society annual "winter dance" which members of the Danzig Senate have Plans are progressing for the secworthy advisor; Sol Rosenberg, secseeing Eddie's passport. But Eddie will be held Sunday evening, Decemond annual Palestinian benefit con- agreed to the special provision guarretary; Barney Feltman, banker; A. and Ms wife and son, of Denver, had left tiiat at the hotel, too. Colo.; their son, Dr. Max Block and ber 23, at the Fontenelle hotel. anteeing freedom for Jews; in comcert of the Mizrachi to be given on d escort: A. L Kosenbere, While the guard continued to gufUnusual entertainment is being . merce, in view of the tact that even faw at Cantor's witty remarks, John January 27 by the Hazomir Singing provided, according to Soph Rosenin Nazi Germany the Jews are offiMembers of .A. Z.. A. L. McBride, attache ot the American Society. stein and Ida Tenenbaum, co-chair* of Omaha. cially not molested in commerce. It and 100 jointly celebrated A. Z. consulate, arrived with the necessary was newly elected a trustee. men, who plan to make this informal was also taken Into consideration that day last Sunday flocuments and Cantor was admitted Catholic Sees Jews Cooperating —... . ••. i . . . 1 the conclusion of the l i e business busine At the affair "one of the most outstanding the interests ot Danzig harbor might Irving Hill of &mcoln, i n t e n s i o n - t S e s s i o J l f refreshments! wsm served. to II Duce's presence to discuss with in Boycott p G i v ^ $500 to of the season." Art Randall's orchesgreatly suffer if it became known that him a plan for. producing films in New York-—Belief that Jewish or- the Danzig Senate had refused to con- al president of the order, was the. tra will play. Jewish Children's Society main speaker at a breakfast heldj . • •• ~ : Italy with the help of American cap- ganizations and the Jewish press will On the dance committee _• are: sider the commercial interests, ot the Sunday morning at the Hamilton U n d e r F i r e Jerusalem. — Sir Arthur Grenfell ital. co-operate in a boycott of Mexican Jews living In Danzig. Claire Feldman and Dorothy KosenWauehope, High Commissioner of cafe. William Wolfe presided. Mem-j Berlin.—The city administration of goods- being considered by American bers of the Supreme Advisory Coun- Ludwigshaven is wider fixe tey t i e Palestine, is so enthused about the tb&L arrangements; Soph Bosenstein, Catholics as protest against t i e perDanzig Jews Flee City Nazi press of the vicinity for having work of Meier Sbefyah, the Jewish Ida Tenenbaum and Jeanette LevinJerusalem.—The Palestine govern-|cil "were guests. Danzig. —• A mass emigration of secution of Catholics in Mexico is exIn the afternoon the two chapters decorated the grave of its late Jew- children's colony maintained here by son, tickets; UUyan Chudacoff and Jews from Danzig- has started .as a pressed" by Patrick J. Scanlon, man- menthad a surplus of £3,€54^80 (apJonisch, decorations; Soph the Junior Hadassai, that he has con- Ann proximately $18,000,000) on October engaged in a basketball game, the ish commissioner of buildings. result of the" growing"1sfazi "control!aging"editor of the Tablet, Catholic Handler, publicity. tributed $500 toward iti wpport. Sternlieb is buried in JewitSi grossd. 1 Mother chapter winning. weekly. 31. it wax officially announced. <F;'tfce~Free City. Tryouts for tihe second play of the season by ithe Center Players : Guild; '."Night Over Taos," will be. held ibis coming Sunday afternoon, December 23, .at 2:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. . ; . The general ppblic is invited to try out. • . |
lr£s TL cL£
^ ^^ ^ ^ ^
Grid Pictees io Be
Eddie Cantor 'Rolls Those Eyes' in Italy
of Mr. and Mrs. Block
S. M. d a y m a n Head of Woodmen Group
A. Z. A. Day Observed By Local Chapters
<'?%• ' "
,- ' * i
Snowy" Atmosphere for "Winter Dance
Page 2—THE JEWISH PKESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1934 its fold just after the first of tho capital but is also planning an invesSwim Marathon Boys Basketball new year. tigation of the ticket speculation anThe four teams are: A. Z. A. 100, gle of the Army-Navy football game. Nineteen boys and girls have been Landmans, School at Center taking A. Z. A. 100 Nubbins, and part in~ Al Orach's Mile-aPOT-POURRI Lee Grossman will take up the fol- Month Swim Marathon, the J. C. the Habonim. The games will probably be played on Tuesday evenings Here we'd been thinking that Rulowing fundamentals of basketball C. swimming instructor announced. mania's King Carol had ditched Redwith his Boys' Basketball School, The present marathon is a warm- though nothing definite has been dehead Lupescu for good — and now it which convenes again this afternoon up affair for another marathon cided. annual scholarship ea- develops that not only has he been YOU SHOULD KNOW seals in Ithe J. C. C.gym at 2:30 p.m".: which will get under way in about Prom the Middle West we get re- abling the winner to spend several telephoning regular to her Paris re- By the Service l i f e Insurance individual defense, dribbling and pi- three months. ports of the latest anti-Semitic pam.-1 months in Palestine has been created treat, but officials of the telephone voting. phlet, "The Plan.itt Action," authored by the Lena Lena. Socqlo Socqlow Palestine ScholMark Leon Says... Company, Omaha company have been listening in on P reside Between 45 and 50 lads have been -by one "Earnest —Sincere," published - • rship fund for young l * t me protect yonr Interests . . . I Next time you the conversations! write INSURANCE of every deitortptiaa residents, of bite into an:inhabited apple be con-i The man who boys a life Insurance turning out for Coach Grossman's inthe algeHandball Tourney by the Brandt Publishing Company of Greaterfund Inrlitdmir LIFE, In strong, reliable comNew for Yorkyoung To Much progress has been panies ONLY I,efn tnlk It «vex Elgin, 111., and containing a rehash braic-nmnbered Jewish prodigies "K" soled by the knowledge that H. B. contract and retakes the first premium structions. shown by many of the boys, Gross- Miliard Sigal turned in the out- City Finance & Insurance Co. of the "Protocols of the Elders of j and "X* who have beenbursting into Weiss, chief of the New Jersey Bu- deposit, sometimes finds to his sur- man said. fmdmg the te h e ^ ^ reau of Plant Industry, is one of the prise that when, the time for the secZion." . . . It's saidd to be finding standing victory in the J. C. C. pre- 1409 Farnam St. AT. 7667 or W*. 5150 entomologists who are trying to solve ond deposit is due, money seems espeA Western cor- \ osity we shooM like ta«M ^M^ many readers season singles handball tournament respondent suggests that now that:harI^st^'fa,'^sfe-y^-^ild'noto»st of the pproblem of the Codling Moth, pa- cially: scarce and expenses to be unlast week by defeating Saul Levpy ; In Charity Game Off for a ~Europ~ Samuel Untermyer has returned from i Syracuse, and "E," nme-yearHOld high pa off the worm usually heavy. in a first-round encounter, 21-14, the London anti-Nazi conference he! school junior of Houstojl . . . Notto ean tour is Eddie Cantor . . . Ex- This is not a rare phenomena and 21-18. give some of his attention to Jewish j mention the " "Y%"'yoaagmnsiaans W yuang^nn^ mnsiaans pected back on the air is Jack Pearl practically every man who is persist- The Psi Ma basketball team will Paul Grossman, the defending '"" ' th clash with the Brinn-Jensen quintet —same old accent, but no longer the ing with his life insurance deposits nanera with pro-Nazi of whom, you IiaYe ofte» beard. advertisers in papers was given a great strugBaron . . . George Gershwin-is will- over ten, fifteen, or twenty years, will at the J C. C. on January 6 at 2:30 champion, and anti-Semitic leanings, such as the MAZEMOV •Mfc Additional V* XDa Hj gle by Georgie Shapiro, before the p. in., all proceeds to go to the Beeing to write the score for a musical testify to the fact that never is it parWashington Staatszeitung of _ Seattle {latter went down, 21-16, 21-19. In One of the ticularly easy to make the deposit. News shoe fund. . . . Another gentleman wants to."know To the city: of Philadelplhia, on. the film—for $125,000 match, Ephraim Marks camr whether the Joint Consultative Coun- first anniversary of its Regional La- characters in Melvin Levy's "Gold There always will be business un- In the curtain-raiser, the J. C. C. another through as expected with a 21-15.. dl of the B'nai B'rith, the Ameri- bor Board, aa occasion ^on which Eagle Guy," a current Broadway of- certainties, always will be unknown girl cagers will meet the Lincoln 21-20 victory over M. Franklin. ean Jewish committee and the Amer-jChairmaaJacoVBiMikopf of the Board fering, is Adah Isaacs Menken, noted expenses. It always will be somewhat Ramblers •••• icah Jewish, Congress was consulted was presented with ft-silver pitcher actress of seventy years ago, who was of an effort to meet the deposits. by the Congress before that body sub-'and platter to match and was toasted the first woman to wear tights.on an. So that If a man really is In earnest PHQN1 Junior Cage Loop mitted a memorandum on anti-Semit- \ as "industrial .peacemaker extxaofdi- American stage and in so doing cre- about the job of making sure that he Teheran, Persia.—The sum of $175,000 has been spent here by the Perism in Austria to that country's Min- nary" . . . To Dr. Carl Koller of sted quite a rumpus. and his family are protected, he must sian government to renovate the tomb Lee Grossman, J. C C. physical diister in Washington, and sent a dele- New York's Mount Sinai Hospital, on be willing to face the problem each the unique experience of celebrating SPORT TIDBITS Queen Esther and to build a spe- rector, has organized a J. C. C. Class gation to confer with him year of t&aking the necessary sacri- of cial residence near it with a fine li- B Junior basketball league, which hear that the University ofChicago, the fiftieth anniversary of a major Bert Stand, secretary of the New fice. i well as It is never particularly easy to do brary. is investigating charges that a quota-; medical ^diseovery of Ms Own —that York will begin play with four teams in INSURED CABS tion from Dolly Hitler's ••Mein of cocaine as a local anesthetic in f Tammany Hall, is known amrc anything worth while, and the job of ,ad in need local fisi-.o . Kampf" is included in the Genoa* ex-! surgery . . . To Otto Sussman, presahead financially is no excepamination which all candidates for the: ident of:: tie: American; Metal Com- who will fix up everything from getting tion to this rule. degree of Pb.D. are required to take' pany, on his election as chairman of'leak in the plumbing to that gap be. . . The Reichsfuehrer's-debut in the that concern's board, to succeed thejtween two ends refusing- to m e e t . . . 1935 British"Who's Who'7 recalls that late L^dwig yogelstem . . . To the That tnrl in whom Max Kosenbloom is Varsity Cagers Will prophecy of the French lady astrolo- Bernard F« (Department Store) Gim- interested is a member of the "Merger, who a year ago predicted that Ibels, on the engagement of their rily We Roll Along" cast, we hear Open Season Tuesday Where Omaha Shops With Confidence 1935 would see the end of his pow-'daughter, Caral, accomplished horse- . . . Among visiting notables in New _ er . . .Of course, we don't want to •' woman and painter to Edward Las- York is Capt. Jefferscn Davis Cohn, J. C. C basketball enthusiasts are raise false hopes^-but the story goes^ker, son of the former chairman of j British-French race horse owner asked to reserve next Tuesday afterthat this very lady predicted the the U. S. Shipping Board . . . To Benny Leonard, whose sonorous title noon as one of the feature JbasketEonrad (Author) Bercovid, on the en- is Retired Undefeated World Light- ball dates of the 1934-35 season. For World War in January, 1914. gagement of Ms daughter, Marjorie, weight Champion, has bought a quar3 p. in. on that day, fans will get to Leonard Traube of The Billboard ter interest in the New York Jewels, at FROM THE PRESS their first glimpse of the J. C. C. one of the finest of our professional By the time yoti read this you will i .> .- To: Second {East Side) Avenue, men's varsity squad. The opposition be able to order from your favorite: on the formation of the Second Ave- basket ball teams . . . It was Ber- will be furnished by Fremont Y. M. nard M. Baruch who, as a loyal alumbook store Professor Jacob R. Mar- hue Association, largely through the A., a pereniaEfy strong outfit. Adcus' volume on "The Rise and Desr ;efforts^ of. Aaron <Lawyer) Fishman nus, covered that $2;000 deficit, which H. tiny of the German Jews" and a n . . . .To Leo, Wolfson, on his appoint- otherwise would have had to be paid mission is ten cents. English translation of Benjamin Se-\ meat to the job of directing the demo- out of the salary of Benny Friedman, The J. C. C. squad has been working out for two weeks, and accordgel's expose of the "Protocols of the' cratic elections which the American C. C. N. Y. football coach. Elders of Zion", about which the Jewish Congress is planning for the {Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts ing to Lee Grossman, coach, the Center will be represented by another Berne libel suit centers . . . The | springs Feature Syndicate.) strong quint. World Almanac and Walter Lippmann GOWNS Grossman also stated that games in "The U. S. in World Affairs" both ABOUT PEOPLE have been tentatively scheduled with quote the American Jewish Commit- Where literary critics nave retreatSLIPS tee's book "Jews in Nazi Germany" ed the Journal of the American Med- Public calamity is a mighty level- Lincoln, Des Moines, and Kansas City. as the standard work on the subject ical Association now advances, with a ler.—Burfie. DANCE SETS A regular digest of news and ed- diagnosis of the case of Gertrude itorial opinion culled from the Jewish Stein .-. . According to the learned press is being edited by Joshua Gold- doctors Gertie may be suffering from STEP-INS berg, executive director of the Amer- palflalia, verbal perseveration, echoican Jewish Congress, and is being,lalia or verbigeration . . . What disCHEMISES distributed among the members of the i ease will they attribute to those fashCorigress Administrative committee i ionabies who are now decorating their . . . Plans are also being made, we rooms with wall-paper featuring pigunderstand, for reviving the late'eons on the; grass alas plus Gertie's 'Congress Courier" . . . Among de- John Hancock? We learn that funct publications we must now class, the secretary of the Earl of Listowel alas, the Jewish Examiner of Dallas, is a Czech-named Katz, while a simiTexas, whose editor fpiel3 that the-jta- lar position with Alfred ~E. Smith is per-;might -well^have^^ survived if-^he'helds by an Eskimo f'<we presume) wealthy Jewish" advertisers >of -tis]named Isra'el . I . (Park Commissiontown had cared to co-operate . . . A er-)-Robert Moses, who during the repaper which has taken a new lease-cent New York gubernatorial camon life is The New Palestine,,tile Zjpaign exchanged compliments with The pure dye crepes and sat0. A. weekly, which in its enlarged.j Governor Lehman, his successful rival, ins in these unusual specie Is format and under the managing-edi-jisnow^erigayging in similar repartee are ordinarily found only in torship of Meyer F. Steinglass has be-! with Sidney Solomon, owner of the lingerie at much higher prices come a regular newspaper . . . For "a! Central Park Casino, on whose toes . . . every piece is smart, well while, incidentally, the hew N.Y.! Tie has been^ stepping . . . F o r the Nazi sheet, the Deutsche Beobachter, I title of the world's oldest policeman made, with Alencon l i k e was printed in the same plant where! we nominate Clarence Levy of Charlaces, embroideries, pipings The New Palestine and the Brooklyn leston, S. C, an octogenarian who has or appliques. T,..~'_I. -a.—ii _- _i- t-.-__ i^en jn service since I8T7 . . .Best Jewish Examiner come ;into being. Misses' and Women's Sizes. wishes for a speedy recovery to Mrs. THIS AND THAT Boris Skvirsky, wife of the counselor Main Floor The annual Christmas sale of the/to the Soviet Embassy at Washington, New York State Commission for the whom illness is temporarily preventBlind having opened with Jewish Day, ing from returning to our shores from under the chairmanship of Mrs. David her visit to the U. S. S» R. EnE. Goldfarb, we are reminded to re- gertic Congressman Sol Bloom is not mind you to buy your quota of the only drafting a biH for the" erection Sale • • • Antd-Tuberculosis League's Christmas of a Hall of States in the national Fine, sheer linen handwork . . . b r l l l m t prints . . . dainty white styles . . .
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give an organizing purpose _to life, material interests nor our self-res- r become an agency for the advance- ]mote efficiency- does not necessarily to release "Bpontaneou's emotion and j jpect'can peiinit us to be content with I ment of civilization. That Federation imply the ability to envisage a socreative energy through play and the a situation that means hunger in has not envisaged this problem, fun- cially and culturally interacting comarts, to afford a sense of consecra- times of plenty. Clearly, the course damental as it is to community liv- j munity. The one fallacy which is unis evident in the exclusion of jdermining American Jewish life is tion to high purposes, to establish of prudence and of decent self-res- j ing, i social justice and remove the yoke of pect is for the Jewish community to the synagogue from direct participa- that Judaism is nothing more than a oppression and exploitation — all j -utilize such economic power as it tion in Federation, in the very lim- religious denomination. In the Prothese are ' necessary objectives . of a; possesses for the extension of eco- ited support" given by Federations to ceedings of the last General Assem! genuine. community life. The com- nomic opportunity to its members j Jewish education, and in the inaif-j bly of the National Council of JewJmon cultural heritage of our people, j on as wide and just a basis as pos-i ference of Federations to the Zion-1 ish. Federations, a reformist rabbi j their sense of kinship with one an- sible. So long as Jews are socially! ist project, the most comprehensive! is quoted as saying that he saw danother and their awareness of com-! and economically handicapped by the |experiment at establishing a com-' ger in the idea that the Federation men. interests imposed upon them by mere reason of their being Jews, our j plete and vital Jewish community j should assume the leadership of all the hostility of "others, make the j Federations, as the most comprehen-; life that can be found anywhere in Jewish life. "That," he said, "seems (Reprinted from "Opinion") Jewish community a logical agency ] sive organs of Jewish community life ' the world today. (Continued on Page 7.) V ^ The word "crisis" is derived from agine they will manage to evade the osophic, social, or religious ques- for affording to Jews these needadj have the responsibility for doing their These, in brief, are the lines of utmost to mitigate, if not wholly to activity that necessarily follow from ' ; a Greek root which means to decide; issue of Jewish survival versus as- tions; if he be a member of the opportunities. A A crisis in human affairs implies similation by directing attention to Jewish community he must be made | 2. The removal of handicaps, phy- overcome this handicap. the conception of an organically con^ '^": that the hour of decision has arrived, the machinery" of mobilization, col- aware that in a number of ways hisj gjeal, mental, and social, seems to be { „. . stituted Jewish community. The Fed- j 3. iIn the ceffort to Uorient the„„„ Jew' i4 ^ l i U i l , vv/ i , W i V „,„ the hour when to vacillate . or to lection, and other phases of mechan- connection with the grorp helps him j that function of Jewish communal j to his natural and social environ- \ erations which represent at the presIs engaged in the business of sellequivocate is to invite disaster. "We! ical efficiency, ing all kinds of RELIGIOUS AR~~ j, they — . , are sadly , mis- j achieve fuller and richer personality.' personality., life to which cur Federations devote J ment, our Federations have done 1''ent time the form of Jewish organTICLES—Taleisim, Books, Jewish American Jews are living through taken. The sources of Jewish giving This is no new ideal in Israel. It their major effort. The. care of the.verv little. They have so far steered ization most productive of concrete Bibles in Hebrew and English. such a. period. But, unfortunately, in- unless fed by the Jewish will-tb-live^ J is essentially that implied in the con-j sick, the aged,.the blind, and others' clear of positive interest in re-j results are as different from such stead ;of answering the challenge of will dry up, and no amount of bal-cept of Kenesset Yisrael, the "con-1 prevented by physical handicaps from • ligion, which is the human activity community as a. pile of bricks is Ees. 609 Jfo. 50th St. GL. 2972 Unlike the j caring for themselves receives due. that best answers this need foT ori- from a well-built house. What a pre-.".•": the times "emphatically" and decisive- lynching will produce funds. The gregation of Israel." ly, we talk in ev&sive circumlocu- continued existence of Jewish agen- state, which is concerned primarily; consideration: Individual social mal- j entation. No social order that ever vents the Federations from becoming tions. Some months ago, a number cies, depends upon the Jew's willing-j with the negative task of preserving I adjustments receive, the attention of; existed could afford, nor can any} communities is the lack of proper of. lay and professional leaders of ness to submit to taxation.No group law and order and preventing the in- the case-worker and are in many in- j new order guarantee, freedom from' ideological blueprints. jr f the most influential Federations and can tax its members unless it does vasion of personal rights and liber- stances mitigated, if not remedied, j all social injustice, and certainly not' Such blueprints are precluded by a j ck JL) Welfare Funds assembled in Chica- something for them. . The Jewish i ties, the community is concerned j Yet even in this field our Federa- j from a ]i physical ills. But the human fallacy which more than any other j OIL BURNEKS *_„ through ±,_ trie ^ _ -r,^__ : go for the purpose of reconsidering group represented Feder- \wi^ t ^ e positive task of enabling the tions have not realized the full meas- spirit can bear up under these evils, has paralyzed the capacity of the; their policies and activities in the ation must do something not only for individual to make the most of what- ure of Jewish communal responsibil- if m en can be made to feel that their American Jew to think and plan in j light -of recent developments. The the beneficiaries of the tax it im- ever freedom and opportunity socie-, ity. Jews are socially handicapped in; ethical aspirations are not illusory,! communal terms. Merging institu2612 I h AT. 2SG0 questions scheduled for discussion j poses, but for the taxpayer himself. ty affords in the fullfillment of his our American life not merely by ac-.J that human personality is capable of jtions to avoid duplication and to proevinced an appreciation of the social, Giving charity through the medium own personal needs and aspirations.; cidental circumstances and personal j triumphant growth and expansion,' changes which have rendered the old [of efficient agencies has lost its gla- The idea of the religiously and ethic-! maladjustments but by virtue of their, a^j that nature, far from thwarting procedures obsolete, and which call mor, especially when government can ally y motivated community is one of beins:: Jews. There is an inescapable • man's aspirations, p , affords all the ne^»joaa)^^ ifi ibi f d i d t i ' for radical changes in the structure, do it so much better and on an in- the most significant contributions of trend in modern times, and - particn-' c e s s a r v m e ans for their fulfillment, scope, and functioning of the insti- finitely vaster scale. Much more di-, the Jewish people to civilization, for larly in times of widespread eco-jxhis sense of the worth of the hututionalized aspect of Jewish life. irect satisfactions are demanded by j It is the idea en which all of the'nomk misery such as those through; man soul, of man's at-homensss in The discussions,, however," which took j the taxpayer, satisfactions in terms j great religious bodies ^ of the world -which we are passing, to exclude, the world, of his responsibility as a place were irritatingly inadequate.and j of social and cultural values which j are built. They" are all of them or-1 the Jew altogether-from participa-; "partner in the woik of creation," disappointing. They showed a decided he himself can enjoy. Without these [ganizations of society designed to ef- tion in the; economic life of the o f the validity of his ethical in-. failure to come to grips with basic no voluntary system of taxation can feet the "salvation" of the individual; • country. We all know what has hap-; sights as prophetic of the possibahand what is this salvation if not self- j pened "to the Jews of Germany de-; ties of human achievement — is of and vital issues. Each question .was last very long. their whole-hearted political j the essence of religion, and is entaken up as though it were a lesson . There is only one way in which, realization, the fulfillment , of _. all j. spite which had to be covered within a spe- Jewish life can be made to v i e l d ' t h o s e bopes, desires, and longings, • a ^ cultural identification with its hanced and developed through pubcified time. Thus was a great"oppor- to a l l ' who share it the manifold the frustration of which" lies at the national life. Without permitting,that lic worship, through religious educafact to throw us into a morbid hys- tion, and through the ceremonial and tunity missed. I mention this because, satisfactions of which it is capable, heart of all human misery? if the discussions of subsequent and that is by being moulded into an A Jewish community, that is de-jteria, we must also envisage the ritual of the religious home. Any gatherings under the auspices of the organic community. Today we have j signed to assure to the individual j growing tendency in our country to j community that conforms to the qualNational Council of Jewish Federa- no Jewish community. What is more | Jew the maximum of personal self- j discriminate against Jews in the dis-j ifications of a community as we tions will be carried on in that spir- we do not even know what it is, so, fulfillment and self-realization, must j tribution of economic opportunity. i nave formulated them must supply it, the promise of a great good for that we in no wise suspect what such an an orientation. orientation. what we we! endeavor to render the following j W e m u s t -^ o n gaaj-a against the j such American Israel latent in the very miss. We labor under the illusion services to its component members: j shallow optimism which regards this But a Jewish community must do organization of the National Council that we are continuing the Jewish first, it must provide them with the: condition as a necessarily passing more. It must orient the Individual will remain -unfulfilled. What hap- life of the. past, in modified form to opportunity for utilizing their abili- j p h a s e o f ^ economic depression. To not merely as a human being but as pened at the Chicago Assembly gives be sure, but continuing it. We are-ties. Second, it must remove in an expanding economy, a Jew. It must give him faith in the point to the modern Hebrew word for told that f'the Federation is B j «~.. e w . I -handicaps, . . - and , . so-• - physical, - . - . .- mental,. ,j ^~.w may wedge himself in. capacities of the Jewish people for crisis —- mashber — which means deeply rooted in ancient Jewish rial, that prevent the full exercise \TbeTe axe m a n V t however, who earn- playing an important role in human fne act of parturition, since" it war- practice." The fact is, however, that of their powers. Third, it must so e s t l y d o u b t Aether we shall ever civilization. It must bring him into rants the lament of the ancient Jew- Federation is much like the orient tthe individual .to,.his. natural | aa~iin ^ ^ 3 3 BUch expan- contact with the sources of inspira— - : — : ~ J - expan g a i n -•'BUch-•«- economic ish king who cried out, "This is a Jewish community of the past as the and social environment -that he shall sion undei capitalism a s the country tion to be found in Jewish tradition, day of distress, and of disruption, j household furnitureln a moving .van feel serene and at home m the. experienced after the degressions depressions of and mobilize his powers in projects ^IA— -~™ to +„ birth, w * . and no n o . i s l O t e the furnished home before it w o r l d . children come " - . - • " • - : the past. In any case, neither our by which the Jewish community can strength in the mother." was taken apart -r- not to mention 1. The need for providing oppor1 What was "fundamentally wrong the fact that many of the most beau- tunities for utilizing one's' powers with • the Assembly of :: Federations tiful pieces have been smashed up in must be tragically evident to any and Welfare Funds which took place the course of the moving.' The vari- one who knows, from experience or in Chicago? One constantly comes ous institutions that constitute F.edr observation, the psychological reac"His" Gift De Luxe! across -the insistence upon a state- sembled in conformity with a general tion, of men to unemployment It i s t ment of aims- and principles-as im- e'ration"must, as it" were,- be re-as- not merely, nor primarily, the prim-! _ perative in the Federation move- plan and purpose if .they are to' pos- itive_fear of hunger that haunts the, ment. There was even a resolution sess that beauty of form andutility- unemployed. Adventurers in deserts j . The - _ _. - iH to the effect that the activities of of function which we associate with or. in the polar regions experience! "Appointment. _ 1|§ the Federation should be directed to a creative communal life. much more intensely the pangs of; I wish" to the welfare of the Jewish group as.a all my< What we need is to reinstate the iunger but often bear up under them j whole ' t o assure its welfaire needs, with remarkable fortitude, courage,^ acquainteS^S my ori<rtnal meaning of pommunity. Com•whether these be economic, social: and hope. The misery, of the unempersonal " isqritatioa political or cultural." But' beneath munity as it functioned in the ^.past ployed arises more from the sense was. that organization of V society to visit our7«now-i the placid surface of .polite discusof futility, of- being superfluous, of rooms. Also, feel free sion could be heard' tiie rumblings which, .gave every individual in it "a being frustrated, in the exercise of sense of belonging to a "gtoup "that f l i t between b t w e n ^iametricany diametrically opto call me for a demoff conflict op-| ^ " c •«* Q i 1 u ? i "^ s f ^ J", " J 4 * ^ . "•"«- those powers through which' they had j onstratfon j r a oja r hoped to win the respect of others, .p6sed:ideals concerning tiie future o^^&ffi-*?%r££ A^T ^ n new Dodge.or Plytte Jewish group in America. There f ? ^ m e - ^ ^ % ? erB0 , n '- A , J e ^ s ^ and thereby achieve self-respect. But: as a member were those who ^presented-the^ideal I C 0 1 n m W t y would accordnigly be such not only the unemployed feel this, mouth. -7- Leariard .L. The TFXEDO ENSEMBLE an organization of. Jews as. would! frustration. Employment at tiresome of-their of a permanent future' for' American' Klein. make every, individual Jew feel .that tasks that" yield no compensating inCJomes Packed Complete in Jewish life, and there were those who Sales Staff fe belongs to. a group which is ac- come of experiences rich in emotionLeonard L. Klein represented .the _: ideal of : the.. ultir tively concerned in enabling.him to al content, the wear^and tear of the mate liquidation of the ..Jewish' group. " .ttain ' the - maximum of - personal economic struggle in the rapid, temWhen one of the participants • inno• • ' : . ' • • ' • ' • • • • elf-realization. It matters .not wheth- po of our industrial civilization. — cently, insisted upon 7 a definite pror the - individual be ricib.- or poor, these, too, lead to a devastating nouncement as to which ideal wa3 to earned or" unlearned, or" whether ne sense cf .futility and emptiness. To govern the 'deliberations; he was put iolds one opinion or another on philoff with the kind of answer that is given to a* child who rnakes^ a nnisRead This list and Realance of hiniseK "by asking botherize This Startling Offer: some V . questions." * - Judge Harry M. Fisher- came to-the rescue- of the questioner by makmg what, I. consider the most. significant * statement of-the entife discussion when he said . **! have no quarrel with . the : main •who stands out and out for assimiWE. 0900 26th and Farnam lation; I t is his right. But I do think 4hat those men who are not interested in all of the Jewish problems iand who. are not interested in the development. of the Jewish comMV BCJV«» IVE PLENTY OF munity as a- group, Tjcith definite PRESENTS IN MV PACKTJ4AT purposes and objectives, ought not to attempt lead .it or- stand, in - the YOU MIGHT SEND •••BUT IF position of leadership." Bat .even YOU WANT TO MAKE THE/A Judge Fisher could not get the AsEXTRA HAPPY-** AND YOURSELF 1 sembly to commit itself on the quesTOO • ««CALL T«EM BY tion" whether the goal was Jewish LONG DISTANCE DURING survival or assimilation.
By Mordecai 3VL Kaplan
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1 Tuxedo Suit 1 Tuxedo Vest 1 Etress Shirt 1 Tuxedo Tie 1 Dress Collar 1 Pair Dress Oxfords 1 Pair SUk Hose 1 Tuxedo -Jewelry Set 2 Collar Buttons 1 Wardrobox
As the discussion of other problems proceeded, a voice _ here and there!was lifted in desperate affirmation of the belief in the perman. ence'pf a Jewish community as the only'.reasonable basis for reconstruction." But to jap avail. .DiC BejT.Selekman, in summing up the discussion, , expressed what"he~designated-as"his own bias in contrast to- the general spirit; of,.the debate. j_He saidV'To summarize my own bias: Given these financial facts, c ;giyen vthese new problems of a Jewjsh-nature, given our whole"position of jeopardy a s ' a Jewish" group7 wevmusir plati" naturally^ hi itbei. dire.ctibn_npt^only: of changing the Federation so it becomes more flexible,T more representatiye of the" community, , but" we must, change it for thejreason ,tha'i we i want to direct our work Jmto Jewish : chamiels, - into'-the -strength" ening of Jewish life and Jewish mo • ^
- . ; - / . . : ; - ' : . r
} ' - - : • • ' ' . " . " - • •
V I t i s absolutely useless :for thi leaders of the" Federation moyemen to continae^^ their* rebates>; concerning Jewish communal welfare, Tib I e^ss they jare prepared openly to d^' avow the ultimate^liquidation^bi Jew ish group life and t o accept ite permanence and -inner strengmening as the basic iassuniption isl\ all their vtsf forts. Thejime for jins^-fpoting is ; «Ter-:J*5t*e=^^era1ioi5i^iere '""""
(Includes Wishbone Hanger and Cellophane Suit Cover)
. .
The Tuxedo outfit you've -wanted him to have, all packed complete in The Wardrobox at a price imbelievaWy lore. Read-above list again, emphatically it's The Gift De Luxe!
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Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year . Advertising ratea furnished on application
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Editorial Office: 490 Brandela Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVTD B L A C K K K . - - - - • Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. &OKKKMAN - - - - - - - - ' " ' . ' ' ' ^LtOr -RABBI URI MILLER - - - - - - - - Contributing Editor FANNIE KATblLMAN - - - Council Bluffs. Iowa, Correspondent - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street
The Ray of Hope
no lack of audacity, I assure you. It part of the great social message of the prophets of our faith that got so that I became one of the salvation can be achieved only through the salvation of society chief declaimers of Confederate speeches in my town. It was an awas a whole. It is therefore incumbent upon all men to study the ful long time after the Civil War, By GERTRUDE BERG, ills of the existing order and to form intelligent opinions on the but we didn't know it in my town— Author of subject of social reconstruction . . . Machinery and industry exand with my orations of Henry W. "The Rise of the Goldbergs" ist for man and not man for t h e m ' . . . In the stewardship of the Grady on Bobert E. Lee, Benjamin H. Hill and other Southern "rebs," I By DAVID SCHWABT2 earth, society must guarantee each of its members the chance to helped prevent the knowledge of the We usually associate childhood labor and to earn a living wage. Such a wage must be considered end of the war from leaking in there. with cuteness, brightness and somethe first charge upon any industry . . . The right to work is a (Editor's Note: David Schwartz, for '. And now here — this exponent of times precociousness—never with ma* past five years conductor of the the beauty and glory of the Southern ture intelligence. When a child disspiritual necessity. Unemployment not only breeds poverty; it tiie plays an extraordinary amount of popular "By the Way" column ap- confederacy is going to Palestine. is the source of moral disintegration from which every man and >earing in this paper, sailed for Palintelligence parents and teachers I can't help sensing the enormous! have all they can do to avert the his family must be protected. We record our endorsement of pen- estine last Friday on the S. S. Conte gap between the Southern Confedtragedy of wrecking his life. God sions for old age which give the worker dignity in age and rid di Savoia. His present contribution eracy and Zionism. and nature have seemingly ordained be the last to appear under the him of the fear of ultimate pauperism and the poorhouse after •will that only a small amount of light familiar "By the Way" heading. a life of labor; of sickness and disability insurance which will Ihortly after his arrival in Palestine, NOT MUCH AT SONG should seep through the human skull never was much good at music over a period of years. And most of protect the worker from poverty in event of accident or illness; Mr. Schwartz -will resume his writ- ToI this day, I can't tell the differhave to work hard enough to harof mother's pension, which will prevent the separation of chil- ing raider a new heading, in keeping ence between a symphony by Bach us ness that light to thought. with its new point of origin. Mr. dren of poor widows from their natural guardian and protect the Ichwartz goes to Palestine in behalf and Beethoven. But there are many But along comes a little boy of ? integrity of the home; of special protection of the worker from of a specific, but unnamed, project songs that keep a singing themselves known to us only a "K.," a cold inme — songs like "Old Black dex report in an educational clinic, 1 industrial dangers and diseases, and of the rehabilitation, of in- of the Zionist Organization of Amer- within Joe' lazy Southern songs, nigger and complains that the teacher in his ica. In his own words, the duration of songs, the sounds dustrial cripples under the direction of the state." of the negroes in class wastes too much time on the his stay is "entirely indefinite.")
When Dorothy Thompson addressed the Community Forum in Omaha last week, she gave her listeners hope for sunshine to pierce the black night now enveloping Nazi Germany when she declared that "the most hopeful thing I saw in Germany last summer was the way the anti-Semitic program of the Nazis was the fields and even as they worked number 2. He is bored with the being sabotaged by the German people." She stated that the I tern. At night he discusses the FM OFF TO PALESTINE streets of the city, these songs move German people in the main were not in sympathy with the anti- A Patched Picture That old song of the American me enormously, and I can't help but come tax and politics with his fathJewish part of the Hitlerite program; that, in fact, they were forty-niners stirs my mind — as I sense the enormous gap between them er, who, poor fellow, having had no The American people, rooted in democracy and liberty, con- get more than a high school education, ready to leave for Palestine: ashamed of it and secretly avoided its tenets and implications. and the refrain of Shorn Ba-erew can hardly keep up with his brilliant tinuing to hold dear their ideals for law and order, had learned O Susanna don't you cry for me, Confirmation of this view is contained in the week's news. much of Nazi methods by long distance. Closer to home, they had I'm off to Californy -with a wash- that I shall hear in Eretz Israel. offspring. Master K. is said to have Despite the known tightness of censorship, a sensation was cre-heard of Hitlerite theories which were distinctly un-American. an I. Q. of 196. Einstein's is 205. bowl on my knee. A TYPICAL CASE ated in Germany when the Frankfurter Zeitung, one of the few But this week they were treated "in the flesh" to honest-to-goodWhat are apparently ordinary parTo be sure, I'm not going with any I mention my own case, because ents to do with a child of such unpapers to retain some semblance of independence, opened a strong ness typical strong-arm methods of Nazi foreigners who take washbowl on my knee. I do not ex- of course, it is typical of thousands usual mental calibre? In all other campaign against anti-Semitism as conducted by Julius Streicher, advantage of United States hospitality. pect to do any gold-grubbing there, of others at the present time. Indeed, aspects he is normal. He enjoys the who is self-described as "the outstanding anti-Semite in Gerthe washbowl was to aid in that mine is a fairly mild one. The case same games other youngsters of his In Yorkville was held a minor "putsch." A faction of the and purpose. But that is a mere detail. of any American going to Palestine age play and joins them with seemmany." It was decidedly unusual to see in print in Nazi Germany Nazi Friends of New Germany, headed by Anton Haegele—disI'm one of the many crossing the is a fairly mild one. ing pleasure. But what if his friends an article bitterly denouncing "Streicherism," as the Zeitung satisfied with the "diluted" gangsterism displayed by the ruling ocean in what is as great an adven- Consider the cases of the hun- should be made to realize his adterms his policy, and the attempt by Streicher to extend anti- Schnuch clique—emulated the best Hitler traditions by having ture, indeed, a far greater one, than dreds of thousands of Germans for vanced mental age? Semitism from his stronghold in Franconia to other parts of his henchmen take forcible possession of the printing plant of that which like a magnetic iron drew instance. I've been told that at least The professors who examined Masthousands from all parts of the world 70 per cent of the German Jewish ter K. did well to keep his identity Germany. Calling his anti-Semitism "monstrous," the paper says the Deutscher Beobachter. We have a situation where two hos-in the middle of the nineteenth cen- population has been in correspondhis policy would make a solution of the "non-Aryan" problem tile, warring factions of un-Americans are seeking the upper hand tury to California. I'm off to Pales- ence with, the Palestine Amt relative a secret. The problem of adjusting a youngster of his genius to an ordinimpossible, adding that "a solution of this problem is unavoid- in cashing in on their un-Americanism. The place where the Beo- tine. This is the last of the columns to their going to Palestine. ary environment is difficult enough able in view of the fact that hundreds of thousands of 'non- bachter makes its headquarters was a bitterly disputed fortress, that I shall write under the caption Probably 50 per cent of those Ger- without the additional irritant of man Jews were far less Jewish than publicity and tabloid keyhole curithe Way." Aryans' remain in Germany despite the unbearable conditions." with the Haegele forces controlling the printing plant and the of I "By shall colmun under a different I am. osity. Too often are child prodigies But the Frankfurter Zeitung waxes even bolder. It continues: Schnuch followers in command of the news and business depart- caption hereafter — and from a difmade to live in glass houses, and too "This is no solution for the Jewish question. The only solution ments and with a locked door between the two. The two entrances ferent locale — Palestine. ANOTHER SIDE often are their lives shattered because they are looked upon as freaks. will come when the Jews and 'non-Aryans* are guaranteed living to the building were under twenty-four hour guard by two anOF THE CASE A REMINISCENCE I have described one aspect of the Genius is, no doubt, a freak of room in Germany, granted rights and pel-mission to participate tagonistic groups who narrowly scrutinized each would-be entrant. I remember some years ago, I was emotions that begin to agitate tfcy nature. But the best way in which in certain fields of endeavor." And to add complications to an already-complicated situation, doing publicity for the Zionist Or- mind as I ready myself to leave — we can make both the child and huSince the brunt of this attack is directed at the foul-penned the Steuben ganization, and I took an organiza- the aspect concerned with the know- manity benefit from his extraordincomposed of American citizens of German tion release to the now defunct New ledge that one, so to speak, is leav- ary mental development is to nurStreicher, it is worthy of comment that this notorious Jew-baiter origin, after Society, seemingly renouncing Nazism, went over to HitlerYork — to its Sunday Editor. ing his roots. But there are of course ture it scientifically and give it the seems to be losing caste. At first it was thought that he was being ism, lock, stock and barrel after hearing the report of a personal The"World Sunday Editor happened to other aspects with differing emo- kindness and understanding which a promoted when offered the governorship of Silesia, but he refused tour of Germany by their national chairman, Theodor Hoffmann be a Jew — one with a furious artis- tional effects. delicate situation of this sort dethe position. The reason is that in Franconia he is overlord and But the Steuben leaders continue their hostility to the Nazi lead- tic temper, and a couple of other For remember, when' a Jew goes mands. Personally I can never get can say anything he pleases in his disgusting, revolting anti-Jew- ers in this country in order to keep control of their organization failings. When I gave him the re- to Palestine, it is something differ- away from a certain feeling of pity lease, he unleashed his artistic tem- ent than a Jew going elsewhere. for a prodigy. For almost always he ish tirades. But in Silesia he would not be firmly entrenched, is in their own hands. per at me. There are roots and roots, immediate is deprived of his youth and robbed comparatively unknown, and would be bound by the minority "If you are a Zionist," he scream- individual roots and eternal, race of the beautiful fairyland chapter in This is the patched picture of Nazism in New York today, ed at me, "why don't you go to Pal- roots, and my race roots are in Pal- the growth of the child. treaty provisions guaranteeing equal rights to the Jewish resiestine." estine. dents in Silesia. In refusing the post, Streicher openly charged And I replied to him then, "I sup- Radio scientists tell us that when that the Nazi kingpins were trying to muzzle him. However, ad- Mounting Surplus pose if I were to bring you a rescience of radio is 'perfected, we The Palestinian surplus, already an "eighth wonder," con- lease of the Tuberculosis Society, you the vices from Germany say that he may be compelled to accept the shall be able to tone in to anything tinues to mount. The surplus in the treasury, by official figures, is would demand that I spit blood." appointment despite his wishes on the matter. that was ever said on this earth. — that time, I thought I had made and when television is perfect — I Whether newspapers or individuals say so openly or feel it now equal to the government's entire budget for one year, amount- a At pretty good answer. should imagine, to any sight that was in their breasts, many, many people in Germany have retained ing to three million three hundred and fifty^-Jour thousand ever seen on this earth. \ their sanity and balance. In them lies the hope of future Germany. pounds. WAS HE RIGHT? So that if it -were perfected today, But maybe, after all, the editor was Maybe a good Zionist Be of them that are persecuted, not of them that persecute shouldright. Enigma of Biro-Bidjan go to Palestine. Anyway, here I am going. Biro-Bidjan, where the Russian government has set up an I confess I feel rather strange autonomous Jewish republic and which officially became part of "A CHALLENGE TO JEWISH about it. Back there is Georgia —• the Soviet council Tuesday, has become a center of attraction in where I was born FEDERATIONS" I remember that as a school boy, I was considJewish circles. ered something of a boy orator. I Much as Jewish individuals the world over dislike the idea By RABBI URI MILLER haven't got the temerity to make a of having destitute Jews from oppressing countries migrate into "A Challenge to Jewish Federations" by Dri Mordecai M. two minute speech now, but then I the Soviet, they are nevertheless watching with interest the ex- Kaplan (which appears in this week's issue of The Jewish Press could gyrate, and gesticulate and periment by which the first colony of Polish Jews .will move into and is reprinted from the magazine "Opinion") is indeed a chal- ventilate my lungs like a young De— with nothing but very the undeveloped territory of Biro-Bidjan. Fifteen hundred young lenge. It deserves the careful, discriminating attention of our com mosthenes mediocre ability to be sure, but with
from the Palestine screen, they would be able to show yours and my great great ancestors, as they led -their sheep in pasture, bathed in the Jordan, followed David in his wars, gathered around the forums as Isaac and Amos called the people to righteousness and Elijah denounced the corrupt Baal worshippers.
Well, television hasn't been perfected to that extent, and yet there is something of that feeling that most communicate itself to anyone and skilled laborers will leave Poland for Biro-Bidjan in Febru- munity, and its projected plans deserve immediate and intelligent going to Palestine. The feeling that ary. The Agro-Yid, organization to aid the economically disfran- thought and application to our own problems. he is not merely making an alteration in geography, bat as it were chised Polish Jewry to find new homes, has agreed to contribute We, in Omaha, must break definitely and completely with GEMS of the BIBLE achieving something of a fourth di$150 for each Polish Jew entering Biro-Bidjan on condition the the concept that tt lethargic coma in communal interest is synmensional effect. Something is hapand TALMUD Soviet government provides the emigrants with houses, cattle onymous with blessed peace. The fear of communal conflict must pening to the time element. SomeBy O. O. DASHER thing like that picture presented in and provisions. not deter us from altering the status quo—when it deserves and Berkeley Square where two different Whether or not we look with askance at a large Jewish mi- requires alteration. We must realize that what passes for comcenturies meet with one another. gration there, a new chapter in Jewish history is being started munal solidarity is the atrophy of Jewish interest and the nega- And their seed shall be known And perhaps it is something of this the pations, and their offby the dedication of Biro-Bidjan. Perhaps Biro-Bidjan will never tion of democratic participation in an active communal organ- among spring among the peoples; all that that was understood by the rabbinic become a haven of refuge for harassed Jews in Eastern and Cen- ization. The "sha-sha" program of Jewish activity befits a cem- see them shall acknowledge them, saying, that the air of Eretz-Israel one wise. How can. one walktral Europe, but it is significant that the Agro-Joint thought the etery where reverence is due the dead; not a vital and vigorous that are the seed which the Lord makes ing and dwelling among the scenes hath blessed. prospects important enough to send a delegation to study Biro- awakened Jewish community. In all their affliction He was af- where the majestic epic of Israel's ancient history was written — an Bidjan. • Communal organization using charity work as its total ful- flicted, and the angel of His presence • epic so profound that it has become J saved them; in His love and His pity fillment is obsolete and of minor significance. The gradual acpart of the saga of almost every ci-j redeemed them. ceptance by the government of the complete burden of caring heAnd Religion and Social Stability we are all become as one that vilized people — fail to be lifted; | Religious beliefs are not apart from economic and social for the casualties of our economic system dooms it eventually to is unclean, and all our righteousness byI it? spoke before of how the South-1 are as a polluted garment and we stability, according to the opinion of U. S. Secretary of-Agricul- total extinction. Shall there, at that not distant time, be no ser- all do fade as a leaf and our in- ern darky songs touched me — andj ture Henry A. Wallace, high in the councils of the New DeaL In vice for a Jewish communal organization such as our Welfare iquities like the wind take as away. how I would sometimes long to hear them, but even those — what were a recent address he pointed out that "in the economic world there Federation, whatsoever? When B. Chanina and B, Chiya they mostly about It marks a forward step—and a vitally needed one—when the were quarreling with ea,ch other, R. Nothing is remarkable identity of social creed on the part of the Protesbut Zionist songs, after would say: "Are you quar- all. Just songs about the Jordan! j tants, Jews and Catholics," and he expressed the belief that it is Jewish communal organization relegates casualty casfis to a minor Chanina reling with me? I am able to renew 1 time that the threereHgious groups join hands "in an endeavor aspect on its agenda and assumes the burden of positive construc- the Torah by means of my discus- Lebitraot Be-artzenu! to find the broadestpossible religious platform on; which all can tive work in the field of self-realization for the normal individ- sion if it should be forgotten." R. Chiya would answer: co-operate in a fervor for the common good without giving up uals of the community. Helping our young people obtain eco- Whereupon "Are you quarreling with me, who any of that individual flavor which each group so highly prizes." nomic fulfillment-—not only those who thereby preclude the have caused that the Torah should Secretary Wallace declares that the objectives recognized by families receiving charity, but all of them—-becomes a communal not be forgotten in Israel? I did I have sown flax, prepared nets the New Deal "are not only those of the Christian religion but duty. For the Jew is discriminated against in the economic field thus. from it, caught deers, the meat I also of Judaism and other sincere faiths" recognizing the Father- and the Jewish community, without in any way acquiescing to fed to orphans and of their skins I hood of God and the Brotherhood of Man." The supreme challenge economic segregation, should offset that discrimination. If there made parchment. I wrote on the parchment the five books of the Pento the Christian and Jewish conscience of this nation are em- be communists amongst our youth in the large cities, it is the tateuch, each on a separate roll and bodied in whether or not the influential or wealthy members and result of despair and the weakened morale resulting from con- used to go to a city taking five boys, adherents of the various faiths are willing to recognize as a sub- tinued economic maladjustment. The Jewish communal organiza- instructing each of them in one of above books until each knew the stitute for enlightened self-interest, a community of responsibility tion should step in and help every individual belonging to the the contents by heart. I also took six to the economic world, and a recognition in the religious world Jewish community to be fitted in a scientifically adjusted eco- other boys, and instructed each in a No. 1—384© Z e n Disthat man believes that economic laws must be made the servants nomic plan. If professions are overcrowded, there can be advice, different section of the Mishnah,1 tillate _ 7c GaL saying to the boys: TJntil I return, persuasion and help in entering less-crowded fields. But there of the higher impulses of man. These higher impulses which operNo, 2—313S Zero Gas each of you shall teach the others OU ~SKc Gal. ate in true science, art and literature, as well as religion, must must be the plan—and .the Welfare Federation is the logical or- the book'which is known to each of No. 3—28.36 Zero Fuel ' master and give the reason for economic activities. ': ganization to execute it. you and not to the other!' And^so.I, Oil 6%c GaL Other aspects of this interesting article deserve our attention, have caused the Torah not to be for• '" Recently, Wallace had occasion to cite the social creeds of in Israel." And this is why various religions to show their similarity. The definite social plat- but obviously we need not repeat them. The message should be gotten Robbi exclaimed, "O, how great are form of the, religions are to a large extent embodied in the prin- studied—studied and applied. Its basis is a democratic Welfare the acts of R. Chiya!" ciples surrounding the New Deal. In Wallace's citation he quoted Federation, which our community needs. Its purpose is activity Rabbi Elazar said: "The righteous ainong others these selections from the Declaration of Social Prin- in keeping Israel and its -tradition alive-^-ihe *nost -vital purpose promise little and do much, but the. wicked promise much and do little-" ."/. It is confronting: us.'
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5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1934 WINS SCHOLARSHIP Thorpeian New Year Maurice Steinberg to Mt, Sinai Auxiliary Word has been Teceived that Isa- Highland Plans Gala Meeting Wednesday New Year Eve Affair Party Being Planned Fraternity Convention dore "Richlin has been awarded a tuition scholarship for outstanding work A regular meeting of the Mount at the University of Chicago, where A gala affair is being planned by The Thorpeians have announced Maurice Steinberg, president of he is a student. the Highland Country club for New their annual New Tear's party for the Creighton •university chapter of Sinai Auxiliary will be held WednesRichlin will arrive in Omaha Sat- Year's eve at the Paxton hotel. Con- members and friends to be staged at Pi Lambda Phi, will leave Saturday day afternoon, December 26, 2 p. m. at the Adass Yeshuren synagogue, urday to spend ten days with his fetti, favwrs, and all the holiday the Elks ballroom. "trimmin's™ will help make the in- A cabaret style dinner and dance, evening for New York City, where Twenty-fifth and Seward streets. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Richlin. vitation affair outstanding. Art Ran- with specialty numbers by guest art- he will represent t i e local chapter at FORMAL DANCE dall's orchestra will furnish the mu- ists, are on the program. the national Pi Lambda Phi conven- Buffoonery is often want of wit. The mus^c will be furnished by an tion. —Bruyere. Two hundred and fifty bids have sic. •been issued for the Alpha Gamma Reservations may be made with all-star 8-piece band of local artists. A smoker was held in his honor Keserrations may be mad© by callChi formal dance, -which will be held Lazar Kaplan, Highland secretary. at the chapter house last Friday. An at the Chermot ballroom Thursday, Les Burkenroad and Dave Feder ing any of the following: Mrs. Irvin open forum led by Frank Ackerman Art Grossman Says ENTERTAINS Levin, Gl. 2515; Mrs. D. B. Cobn, Wa. December 27. are in charge of arrangements. was held on the Jewish problems of Call me when sending your 1313; Mrs. Leon Mendelson, We. S363; Mrs. , Leo Fox entertained for Miss Lois Barish, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Pearl Weber and Mrs. David i next cleaning, laundry or Mrs. Samuel H. Stern, Ha. 6050; Mrs. the day. twenty-eight guests December 12, H. Wice are sponsors of the soroiity. tailoring order, I. Elewitz, Ke. 6821; Mrs. David Fin- It was anndunced at the smoker j honoring four brides-to-be: Miss Ana and Mrs. Max M. Barish, underwent d Hadassah Meeting Patrons and patronesses of the afkle, Ke. 4019; Mrs. Harry Z. Bernstein, that three members of the chapter^ Berman, Miss Hermine Green, Miss an appendectomy and is convalescing fair include Mr. and Mrs. Irvin StalThis afl worth 25e on We. 6034; Sirs. Max Rosen, At. 4748. had captured scholastic honors in the j Order of $1.00 Jennie Goldberg, and Miss Betty at the Methodist hospital. Next Wednesday master, Rabbi and Mrs. David GoldBichards. quarterly grades. Abe Katz led the stein, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trustin, sophomores class with a 94 average;) The -next meeting of the Omaha TO NEW YORK . Dr. Edgar A. Holt, and Mr. and chapter of Hadassah will be held Pleasant Hill Society Maurice Dansky was second with aj TO NEW YORK Dr. Milton Roger Himelstein has Mrs. Milton Abrahams. Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Klutznick left for New York, where he will inArt Randall's orchestra will furn- Wednesday afternoon, December 26, A meeting of the Pleasant Hill so- S3; and Morton Adler was secona in! the junior class with a 94 average. at the J. C C. The meeting will be are leaving today for New York city. terne at one of the hospitals there. ish the music LAFXBEY devoted to the Jewish National Fund, ciety will be held on Thursday after- At present a house bridge tournaThey will return in three weeks. noon, December 27, 2 p. m., at the and Mrs. L Dansky, chairman, will 403 So. 33rd JA. 280S NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY FROM PHILADELPHIA synagogue at Twenty-fourth and ment and a ping-pong tournament give a report on box collections. TO NEW YORK CONVENTION are in progress. Phi Beta Epsilon fraternity of Herman Goldstein, son of Mr. and Nicholas. All members are requested Abraham Riemer and Leonard Ja- Mrs. Abe Goldstein, will arrive to- Creighton University will be hosts to A feature will be an address on to attend, as important matters will goda, senior students at the Creigh- day from Philadelphia, where he is a actives, pledges and alumni members the National Fund by Massie Baum, be discussed. ton University School of Medicine, student at the University of Pennsyl- on New Year's eve. The ballroom of who won a four-year scholarship at left Wednesday evening for Newvania. the Hotel Chieftain in Council Bluffs the University of Omaha and is known London—Sir William Rothenstein, York city, where they will attend the win be decorated in a novel man- for his debating activities. head of the Royal College of Art, annual convention of the Phi Delta ner. Approximately thirty-five cou- A program of Jewish music will be will retire soon upon the expiration FOR HOLIDAY VACATION presented by Miss Harriet Bernstein, , Epsilon fraternity at the WaldorfMiss Bluma Ueveleff, a senior at ples will attend the supper dance. accompanied at the piano by Mrs. of fifteen years of service in that • Astoria hotel. A Special Strength Holiday Beer Alumni members are expected post. Fontbonne college at St. Louis, Mo., David A. Goldstein. from Sioux City, Chicago, Kansas will return this morning to spend TO LOS ANGELES City, Lincoln, and St. Joseph, Mo. Miss Dorothy Rbsenthal is leaving the holiday vacation here. Harold Bloch and Bernard Fox are Mrs. A. Eomm and Mrs. Joseph MARY STEIN Saturday for Los Angeles for a co-chairmen of the committee in Rosenberg will be cohostesses next Saturday afternoon, December 22, at three-week visit. FOR VACATION Kosher Style Restaurant charge. the home of Mrs. Romm at the first Miss Betty Segal, a student at the Complete Kosher Style of a series of book reviews and curBRIDGE PARTY University of Nebraska in Lincoln FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE MEND DAILT rent topics meetings which are being A bridge party was given by Mrs. will return this evening to spend the The Psi Mu fraternity is planning H. Sorine in honor of Mrs. Harry holiday vacation with her parents, a New Year's eve affair to be held at organized by Mrs. M. F . Levenson. 50c to 75c Mrs. David A. Goldstein will be the Goldberg of California, with twenty- Mr. and Mrs. M. SegaL the Castle Hotel. The event is open guest speaker tUSCHES five attending. Prizes were won hy to the public by invitation. 35c Mrs. Levenson has chosen as asMrs. J . M. Baker, Mrs. F. Lagman RETURNS FROM ST. LOUIS Special entertainment and New sistants the following committee: the Private Dining Room for Parties, and Mrs. M. Eimmerman. Miss Ann Hahn arrived home Fri- Year novelties are being planned. Irv dobs and Small Weddings day, December 14, after spending two Pazoff is chairman, assisted by Leo Mesdames Joseph Rosenberg, L Dansky, Simon Pizer, A. Romm, and A. FOR WEEK-END weeks with relatives and friends in Berman and Henry Ginsburg. REASONABLE Katz. Miss Ann Lintzman is spending1 the St. Louis and Kansas City, Mo. JA. 9393 2406 Farnam Hadassah members and their Week-end with her parents, Mr. and friends are cordially invited to atMrs. J. Lintzman. She came from FOR SHORT VISIT Re-Im Plans New tend. Wayne, Neb., where she is doing relief David Lazarus, baritone, arrived work for the federal government, to from St. Louis to spend a few days Year's Eve Affair Tie with her mother, who is recuper- with his parents before returning to The Re-Im club has completed pre- Mrs. Henry Marks of Alexandria, Service Quality ating from a recent automobile acci- continue with "Mid-Summer Night's parations for its jamboree New formerly of Omaha, has sent a dent. donation to the Omaha Hadassah Dream." Year's eve celebration. The dance is gift fund in loving memory of a dear Order one of these festive new eartonc of the World's an invitation affair and will be held friend, Mrs. Nellie Ginsberg. Champion Beer (24 pints). Be prepared when friends at the Odd Fellows hall. Reservations FROM DALLAS Sigma Delta Tan "drop in" during the holiday*. Mr. Sam Ciller of Dallas, Texas, at one dollar and a half per couple, The Hadassah sewing group will may be made with Joe Nitz, AtlanMembers Active formerly of Omaha, is now visiting next Monday afternoon, Decem7855. Jack Frieden, chairman, meet STORZ TRIUMPH BEER Members of Theta chapter of with his family, Mr. and Mrs. N. Gil- tic ber 24, the J. C C. Volunteers are promises an excellent orchestra and needed at Sigma Delta Tan at the University ler, during the holidays. to help the group complete several novelty attractions. of Nebraska a t Lincoln have been garments in time Jor the linen Leon G r o s s was appointed as the actively engaged in campus activities. "WINTER DANCE'' SUNDAY shower. manager of the club basket ball Among those who •will arrive in Sunday night, December 23, will at the last meeting. EntertainOmaha today to spend the holiday find a large group; of Omaha- people term That which is everybody's business Phone AT-2S15 2S15 Farnara St. was furnished by Bill vacation are: Rose Steinberg, daugh- at the Fontenelle Hotel attending the ment is nobody's business.—Walton. ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Steinberg, annual Winter Dance of the Junior Jack Frieden and Phil Smith. •who "win have as her guests Florence Society of the Conservative* SynaSmeerin of Woodbine and Frances gogue. The dance is to be an inforof Sioux City; Esther Stein, mal one, tickets $1.25 per couple. of "Mr. and- Mm. Dave Music is by Art Randall's orchestra. Stein, -who -will have as her guests A number of no-host parties have been Muriel Krasne of Fremont and Her- planned, and many are etertaining at mineRositzky of St. Joseph, Mo.; dinner and cocktail parties preceding Betty Segal, daughter of Mr. and the dance. Mrs. M. Segal, and Sylvia Wiesman, The following is an additional daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P . Wies- group of people who will .attend the man. affair: Gwendolyn Meyerson, president of Rabbi and Mrs. David A. Goldthe chapter, -will also arrive today to stein; Rabbi Maurice S. Kleinberg of spend the holidays with her parents, Benton Harbor, Michigan; Messrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. Meyerson of Coun- and Mesdames Charles Fellman, Joe cil Bluffs. Rice, Nathan Horwich, L W. RosenMuriel Krasne of Fremont and blatt, Bert Moskovitz, Phineas WinSylvia Wiesman of Omaha recently troub, Lou Wintroub, Lou Asbyl, Phil won first prize for the funniest cos- Friedman, Harry Silver-man, Samuel tume at the annual Cornhusker cos- Green, Emanuel Ruddy, John Faier, tume party given for all girls at the Abe Coin, Art Robinson, Joe Freeuniversity. man, Ernest Nogg, Herman Babbich, Florence Smeerin of Woodbine, la., Messrs. Hy Shrier, Pha Feldman, took part in the last University Ben Kazlowsky, Marks Lorig. Players production. She is now working in the Children's Theatre production of "Tom Sawyer." Betty 'Segal of Omaha was chairman of arrangements for the annual KOSHEB MARKET journalism dinner sponsored by Theta Sigma Phi, honorary and pro(Formerly Boskln'g Meat Market) fessional sorority for women in 1552 So. 20th WE. 5450 journalism. Braben Creenlwax, back from ChlFrances Kalin of Sioux City has caee, ijrrltea yon to renew business * QUALITY CERTIFIED BY TEST OF acquaintanceship. l>een actively identified with Y. W. C. A. work on the campus, being one BETTER FABRICS TESTING BUREAU of those in charge of the finance drive. * SEALED P ! TRANSPARENT WRAP Hermine Rositzky of St. Joseph, TO KEEP IT FRESH, UN HANDLED Mo., was on a committee for a tea given for all sociology majors in the •university. .""'.• Rose Steinberg, piano student with Herbert Schmidt, participated in a student recital last Thursday.
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comfort charm of
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Fleishman & Soskin (Formerly in the employ or L. Harris) Twelve years experience Insurance with Reliable Companies Itcal Estate . . . Property Wanns«neni SIS So. 15th St. JA- TSU
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•This way you're sore of the loveliest of gifts. Stockings of a new ond finer quality... embodying improvements just developed by Holeproof. More beautiful. Longer wearing. Sheer » ; . d e a r . . . shadowless. And sealed in transparent w r a p . . . unhandled, undisturbed from the moment of ihelr final inspection. SpedaS~ ;
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I i " ' f
W i f ••Sored Don-
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At Costume Party in White House I1
it -
'ii.. I;
i -
FLEET'S HERE!—San Francisco once more welcomes the U. S. Pacific fleet. It is a remarkable sight to see ships andplanes come through the Golden Gate together.
AS INDIAN MATRON—Mrs. Harold Ickes, wife of the secretary of the interior, is pictured as a Zurii Indian matron, at White House custume party given by Mrs. Wives*. tended the Gridiron dinner (for men only).
AS "NEW DEAL"—Mrs. Donald resents the "New Deal" in White House costume party.
costume is more than 100 years old.
. . i-
t it if
BLAME ™%*«™g£»3*£?
£ 2£X£E;%£?£Z£r*
°™ •" JACK FROST AT HK BEST-Ni^ M, - — » winUr habiliments early this year.
AND NOBODY HURT—Twelve persons were sleeping soundly when rall of apartTOnt hoose Norfolk V a as shown. Not one was injured.
*. * *
,- a., c.T, p,ed
r-i i
SANTA CAME ANYWAY J-^-The City of Cleveland did not enoughmoney to .erect the annual Christmas tree in the Public j|g this year. Handreds..of thousands of children -WEre doomed T h e n * depaTtmentrstore^doiiateda tree and «U
its decorations—provided the city could afford a fire track to erect it. At left, -we see the foe track putting it Into place; at right, -m -see the decorated tree. Hie store erected ~a :Sania Claus to stand
WHICH ONE?—One of these girls will be the queen of-the Toanuuhent of Roses, Passe sOt* ethen t»2l be to her court. Th The committee always basdiffical&deciding. i
ge I js \
(Continued from Page 3.) to me a very dangeroos thing; . « The unit of Jewish life has always been the congregation. Everything the Federation represents came out of the synagogue. I t came out of the congregation as l i e unit, of Jewish life . . . yon may leave, tne inte?rration of the Jewish, community to that unit of Jewish life, the 'cangre^s-
BONORROliW TMPIf The Jionor roll of the Temple Israel Sunday School "has been announced this week. The pupils on. the honor roll and the teacher of each class: Grade X, Miss Heka Beeson, teacber: Howard Jtossaberg an$ Bobbie Levine; Grade H* Miss Ida Newman, teacb£Ei. Anna j Knlakafsky, Joan. Tiff , R o b e r t Gilinsjcy; Gnuie HI, Mas- Eita Maatel, Dorothy teacherj
Religious Services Temple
"Can We Be Happy in 19S5?" be tiie sermon topic of Rabbi David H. Wice at services a t Temple Israel this evening. Saturday morning services begin a t 10:S0 a. m. Philip Bernstein and Ruth Bosenstock of tite Gonfirnjatsan class trill read selections in the service. GoXdner, and Harriet Parker; Grade The College club wiH meet at the IV, Miss L&Vezne Fehiowitz, teach- Temple Sunday afternoon a t eri Arthur Kulakofsky, Jimmy Rotnn— p. m.
cation of that Horizontal stratiflca-j directorates of our Federations, "we tion in American Jewish life. Tite I camot escape the fact that frequenttinderlying allegiances of the DUBC of: ly the one conflicts -with Hie other. Jewish leadership as a t present con-[ Doubtless it is this which provides stituted are not with the Jewish • the key to the anomalous situation group as against aU opposing1 forces, that many men who accept positions t u t are generally to their own eco-'of lesponsibility and leadership in Edward -C3jensis% Stuart Frannomle interests: This accounts fox the t i e Federations "would prefer to see Erael; Grade V failure of Jewislileadership to enlist, the Jews become absorbed* into the kel, XXbdmass partidpatSOT and support in its {general _ population. I t is to Be noted teacher; Mor-
tion." The essential critique of that efforts to deal with Jewish, problems, i that such leaders always operate j ton GOinsky, Janet Boseastock, and ---
Talmud Torali P. I . A.
Vaad A special Student Sabbath service
-- — -' • - - very s•'-•' * - ' - those ^' >-----_- no _ matter —*i-_ ,now . -— _-XT. the x*.. idea .*__ of — charity, .,.._•,_ which -t.-.-L can— 'Lucille PerelntBHj Grade "VL Miss will be sponsored by t i e Vaad a t T»osition WJ«I stated t a - • for efforts, sin-[.with
At a meeting of the Omaha Hebrew School Parent-Teachers association held Tuesday evening' at the J. C C Mrs. Irwin A. Hammer, president of the Omaha Council of Parent-Teachers associations, was the guest speaker, her address being on "Tfee Value of Parent - Teacher Work." Mrs. Max Fromkin, president, ansetsiced the following' caranrittee chairmen;. Mrs. Eva Honecky, publicity and pabKcstionsj William. Jaolder progTEjn; Mrs. Chsifes Eoss, membership; Mrs. J . Goldware, hospitality and social; Mrs. William Milder, finance; Mrs. J. J. Greenftezg; student aid; E. Bloch, adult edacation; Mrs. David Greenberg, school activities; Mrs. M. M. Barish, communitj? co-operatioiL A social hoEr foUoired.
ProgressiTe Hebrew Club Meeting1 Tuesday Rabbi David A. Goldstein will b» the speaker at an educational meeting of the Progressive Hebrew club next Tuesday evening at S p. m. jit the J. C. C. There will also be a musical program. The public is invited; there is no admission charge. The organization' is planning it membership drive the first »f the year, hoping. to increase their membership to SOQ.
Local Council of Jewish Women A board meeting at 1:30 p. m. will precede the program on which Bernard Szold of the Community Playhouse is to give a reading1, for taa Omaha Council of Jewish Women os Monday, December 31, at the J. C. C Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky is in of the program
ply by D c Jacob Gcrab when, in re- cere and TEcH-intentloned, have been not supply the proper Ideological Bess Weinstein,'; teacher: Franc**s regular Friday evening; services toply, he remarked that " t h e word colored in their techniques by the j basis of Jewish comrm«nai life. If Rttbessteln, Eteaor Hene, Frank night at the B'nai Israel synagtjgue. 'congregation' never meant ' a Byna- economic interests of the.. group I Federation •were put on the ideolo- Wolf, Hawiet- iKewman, Ben Rein- Rabbi Uri MiBer will speak on "An gogue but means a commtmrty.The witich directs them. I t follows from | gical basis implied in the true meait- Eckreiber, Barbara. Am stein; Grade Indictment of the Jewish Student." fact is that a > synaspoKUe group is this that Jewish social/service should.) ing of community, such, leadership v m , « i s s Heles Sommer, teacher: -Following- the services, a program nothing more than a Hevra, a reft- seek reorganization, along horizontal | •would no longer be tolerated. Fed- Lyie Beinsehreiber, Ertth Rosenstock, will be presented in which representatives of various fraternities will gious club or society; and when i t tatftpr than ;i?ertjeal' Jjnes: For ns asjeration would be reorganized on dem- and Philip Bernstein- " participate. Those taking- part and affixes to its name the initials R K. practitioners ..this, implies recognition! ocratie lines and would be reprethe fraternities they represent: Mas which stand forr KebHIa Keaosha, of, the. f a c t t i a t our interests are the; sentative not alone of boards of Prepsxatioss are betsg' made by sie Baum, Beta Tau Kappa; Joe holy con«jre^aticn. ft i s committing same as those.of all wotters.** [charitable institutions bat also of the local Piaaeer Wssx^n for the en-j At an election of officers held bytha Solomonow, PM Beta Epslkmj BasThere is somethinj? ominrins in. the synagogues and of iniDortant local an act of usurpation. se! Bhnnenthal, Pi Lambda Phi; Al- tertaiiSBeirt of Elisheva Eaplsn of Fte-Hbn Monday evening:, Mrs. I. TretCertainly Federation comes nearer »ote of sullen revolt expressed in Jewish, organizations that include the " ^eho- will visit the Omahajiak was elected president; Marian Certainly Federation comes nearer The first aanaal bake sale to be fred Fiedler, Sigma Alpha Mu. group os Monday, January 14. to etennsing: the fon<*hms of a com- these lines, and even more so in their labor element and represent its Chairman will be Earl Boss. banquet at the Jewish CkKnmunity Greenberg:, secretary; Sally Foliar, the class struggle •views. ->re rcuM still, no doubt, sponsored by the Ladies Vaad Auximnlication iiiunily than any srnTTe The program will be followed by a Crater is planned, •with Mrs. J. treasurer; Rose Moskowitz, reporter; policy that follow iliary will be held Wednesday, Janconflicts of does, or even than any loo-e federa- aeeni a s -raruauy TO rentier• be oe eonuieis 01 po "Leah Biegel, parliamentarian; Esther 7 reception under the spansorship of; Richlin ticket chairman. tion of synagogues" cculd. The syna- ^ co-operation between the classes t lines of social and economic e eav- uary 9, at Brandeis stores. i?iegel and Rose Moskowitz, program the Ladies Vaad Auxiliary. Mrs. K&plsn -will also be enteras there are to-day in the Z;on- The women" wiH offer every Mnd committee. go«mes cannot coT^tute a basis'of "within the frame-work of the Jewish Next Friday evening the pulpitj 1 Refreshments and cards followed tnron or integration bemuse they community impossible. If s o c i a l ist Organization, foi example, but of "goodies, * -mcluding calces, rolls, will be occupied by Dr. Victor E. tained fey the auxiliary Pioneer groups, the Goldie Myerson club and [the meeting/ which was held at the themselves exnress the'fundamental workers can-.have as little faith in all points of view world nave an OTJ- shtrudels, and pastries, as well as Levine of "Creighton university. the Junior -Pioneers. (home of Mrs. Tretiak. The installadivisions in TeK«Hous and social' out- « e ssrvices of our Federations as is porbmity for influencin? policy. The home-made lyr*"^ tion of officers will be held on Janplay of social forces witMn the comThose ia charge of the bake sale loot feat esdst amonjr our people I t fcnpjfed J i ^ l n e ^ o r e ^ i n f f quotation, p g gv q juary T at the hofhe of the Sponso? munity would have a bro<>f!«ning and are Mrs. Harry Singer and Mrs. i s precisely bec?use d'fftvfnt "protrris •*10W c a n w e" expect "~* them •* *~ contri*~ to 'Mrs. Morris Friedel. deepening effect en Judaism, d i and d _ to the development of a. healthy Meyer Katzman. amtwsr our people cannot find it satAt services tonight, Rabbi David in the comrounal spirit? If they lack faith wo^ld nvrrre it nf ths parochialism At a special meeting of the Kadifactory to wo'-sVn A. Goldstein will speak on /^What and b*>bbitry that are among its . f in ".Federation, i t is because Federama}! dab held; last Sunday, plans o same way that the Do We Owe to Aged Parents?" vitfa K«visionists Meet' never came to- them with a so- worst features today. so: many svnago"<nies has become Tie- tion . reference to the novel, "Years Are were discussed for a New Year's eve idealfain higher party. Another meeting will be held Paris. — The world conference of The collapse of many economic and cessary. How then can the^e synar- «*al- philosophy So Long," by J. Lawrence. next •week to complete arrangements. the Zionist Revisionist groups ana the social institutions in OUT day has gctrues be made't^e basis of union than that of charity, which is Next week the services will be cont > regarded a s a teehnioue j confronted us with a new situation Mrs. Arthur A. Cohn is chairman, ducted by members of the local A. At a recent nesting a talk on Cha- British TrompeMor, Revisionist youth and integration? A " Jfvwish eonirnn- '™S'-- < was gfrea fcy Marian Klay- •organization, wiH be held in Krakow, or "con«>TP<*ati>'n"* in' t^e'ori*- f or ; postnomng a more radical solu-i that cannot be met by inherited or and M.TS. Harry Trustin is co-chair- Z. A. chapters 1 and 100. A symPoland, beginning January 6, 1935. I traditional - procedures. This applies man for the in»I sense of fbe trrm, cor»ld con- " j n o f the tjroblera of pov&tty. February danc- posium on Jewish world events of While the attitude of the social [ to the situation in which our Federaing party to be given by the •womexfs the past year will be Ben ceivablv afford f^ciTTties f c t s for waity wy ent type of .Tew? to worshm: in wotkers toward Federation as at tions find themselves. Economic auxiliary of the Conservative Syna- Shrier, Massie Baum and Ed Rosen• NO; ASH—NO WASTE tbfirr own way and to V-ra«r U^J t\eir present constituted is understandable foiees not within the control of our gogue Auxiliary at the Paxton hotel baum. Each of these young men will children according to t^eir cwn ide^s the fact remains that it is based on Federations have imposed on govern- j on Saturday night, February 9. Mrs. present in torn the events of ijnportPLENTY OF HEAT %0 * W * snice this wonlfl be consistent wrtb a fallacy. I t is the very common fal- ment the assumption of the major John Faier is ticket chairman. ance in Palestine, Germany and east responsibility for economic relief i ' I'rrv rt t>* do-t^naire; that of an the Tturpose cf the commun't^ Others assisting with arrange- ern Europe, is t o afford to every incl'yi-drjal, pver-sirm>liSed statement of a situa- •which had previously been left to ments are the following: Mesdames nxsr opinions u^^.v-^^. may — j be,, the —- tion •which excludes considerations sectarian institutions operating on WiHiani Alberts, David Bernstein, whatever his oppnrt-i"Jty' for self-reali-|~that are not relevant to that aspect,1 a denominatorial or philanthropic ba- Jack Bramson, Max Davis, Harold Services of the Junior Vaad eonj Farber, Leon Feliman, A. D. Fran zation. •Rut, to reverse tfie process and. to tnterested. If one is so absorbed in j l i e contributors to charity, together Maynard Greenberg, Hyman Green- gre^ation will be held Saturday Good Earning—MCSTJ Gray Color S, or the the economic^aspect of life see, with the loss of prestige of these berg, Nathan Harwich, Morris Katie- morning at 10:30 a. m. Eefreshexnect fhe synai?qg"e T 1 so-c?!<d cori»^re^a;nE, to e?tab- in human natore and human civili- j institutions incident upon the height- man, Eobert Kooper, Jack Kaufman, ments will be served.' so-c? !< d "cori»^re^ah*;nE, lisb the comnrnnitv is to run conntpr Ration only that "wnich expresses eco- ening of class-antagonisms, should Philip Levey, Jack Luttbeg, Hyman As €ood as Coffeyrille h vitall of natm-e. Tn aomic interests,. tfien_ ft is very easy count .with Federations as a practi- .Milder, Jack Melcher, David Miller, to the organs, to the doctrine of.. (feconom- cal problem of first magnitude. The Nathan Noggr _ Sol Novitsky, Sam Tis»ture the bodv develn^s o g a n s , but too adhere h p g • J A . 0115 ~. separate organs do vnot form fhem-!.ic.determinism. The'other aspects of j rising tide of anti-Semitism has at Newman, Ben ~ f fh!icdeterminism David Pot-. - - . - a_ bod'. t . . j _ "Hie rn.n -r^-r^^t. c^r^ ^^.'TnirmsiT» nsrinm'-ann .the oUier :BarinffSt the social springst tlie the smne't.fTne same time eTtmhasize<i emphasized the A lecture and moving pictures of into Manuel l i lisolation ofhthe J Jew and d th the need d f forash, William tie world war by Dr. J. M. Erman mun'tv is the yiHI' .KP*S>JP'S&I 'tfet 9% human behavior, are simply, over-; Sam Stern, Buddy, Sam 1 develops organs as jfunttioiial iietdV.Ioolced "*as ; irreleyant. - Similariy, if communi^ solidarity, net merely as Irvin Stalioksfei^ Sana Theodore, featured the meeting of the Jvtnior 1 ; a a Yaad; Auxiliary held Tuesday eveTcaoirfis; in i t ^ t ^ i r r J E B . , i j ^ 5 i f e j ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ S H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ " 4 defense against encroachment on Phineas Wii and ng.'" "•"". " '"*• - y , ' ' ; - . .. er»y from which a1i.'itte.'"oKWnsraie?ri'-;dalpitt '£jboza;:a; pa-els' j6cottoijSc'ai^Jei JewisK^ ri^ts,' But as" a ~compensa- Jack' Maref. ; Various committee reports were rive t^pir own vitBlitv. To be; snre, .and seefe» in analyHngfek,behavior tion for the exclusion of the Jew given. Plans are being formulated for the Ff*rfp-ation does not yet csheti^of, JSTJS. *"TIV eeonaniiC; znotiyes^ itjfrom a share in the community Kfe tnte snch not .diEficulfc. to come to the con-j of tii^ Gentile world. The problem Chief Rabti Composes a "balloon daniie" to be given at .the soch a cqBjrre^atj'Ti conprrewatT'Ti or com7nt^iis=^ commti^aiS" *" uitv. Rot, at ieast»it has come in^ : wisiptt;.reaehfid by the report just;of fandamental Weolosy can no NH y South Oraalia synagogue in January. existence in,response$o the need f^t^qud f^t-^quoted.- • .-.-. ;. . .. |longer be ade-tracked as impraetiThis affair will be open to the pub.. Jernsalem. — A new Jewish nationcal nnity and and not, not as as is is 77 the the case^ case^ -with! -with! JBut JBut is is sacb sacb an an attitude attitude psychologpsycholog-T< al interference with the orderly al hynm along the same lines as the lic for a nominal admission fee. nnity functioning of the organization me- "HatJkvah" has bees composed by ? Granted, that on The nest meeting- trill be held Janthe svna»o5^ies," in. . . . . . .maH&aift . »' reTnpnse _ _ _ _ i .to _ the *i.™ -T^<il1*r CtTn-nifiA. t h a t o n i m s n a o u e poxtant p i I need for diversity. If the ^maWo^ue economic issues the • dass- chanism because that orderly func- Chief Babbi A. L' HaCohen Kook, it uary 8, when new officers es rfse to a ccaiscious Jewish; capitalist. is likely tioning has in large measure ceased. was annoonced here. elected. ^ couM brofder and higher conception^ of to react after d e ppattern of his class This is, to be sure, a dangerous ftls t merely, eely a capcap situation. If _the right answer to the of: responsibilily for extending to Jewish ccmnnrntty da W i v neverfteless', ntty life • than. the. the. da , not J t problem is not found the very^sur-i e v e i y ^ _ mamiluuul UJ,OibUi_, one, -to - a concentton. itaKst but a Jew^ and ttii s Jew-cona emicivil- saousneas sjdousness annuu«ii» «mdftk>ns ma his ucuo.i^ vrval of the-Jewosh group, may be f o r s o d a l ^ c a l t a i a j s e j f _ € x p r e s s i o n The bi-monthly meeting of the which reco.^nizes JfrfaifrTn as a Omega Delta Delta sorority was held featTon. they "w^uTd only' enhance quite as geninnery as his class-con- {jeopardized,- or what is even worse, ^ f l seH-developmsnt; second, the Sunday at the home of Miss Rosa ^t--- J—JT-—--' -ci_ +%,„„ and self-respect ^ ^ A r a | .' ayr their influenced For thev •^' would „«•(not «ir^nncne<K. I / H W before h e h a d any- fits digmty » . . may-be . • . - ! mmoral or, ^gg***?, mitigation ftfof physical, Fox of Council Bluffs. The Misses f*>en submit to being left out of the thing to d& \nih the solution of any; impaired. It •wholesome is. in the L ^ ^ a n 3 got^} handicapfiv espec- Rose Cohen and Grace Dansky gave Federations as" they are TIOW, a n i to economic TirobTems, it may be in his' permanently, hope of contributing. to._a being cut eff from direct particiTiar early chUdhood; he cool4 hardly have reconstruction of our institutional ac- ially the. handicap of anti-Jewish interesting talks on social work and tion in guiding the vital econqnrc, escaped all awateness of helomjing tivities, and in the faith that its economic dlseriminatkBs; third, the the Federal Telief program. Eggs the way the whole social and cultural activities of <the to a jeople that Js^ an oh|ect of hos- achievement is possible, that I. have I orientation of the Jewish individual The pledges held an election of offamily likes them. And and t i e J e w ^ g r o o p through Jewish community. ''' Itility. He may also have been condisuggest the ' * * • - - • religious and - educational -activities. ficers under the supervision of their convenient, t o o. Cook bycertam, more affirmative p b n OS ophjr which could guide the pledge-master, Miss Ann. FeUnaan. There them right on the breakTo carry <jat s» comprehensivie a prol n e r e iiss aanother n o t n e r aangle n g l e ifrom x u i u which W U J U I ]; - r - — - . - . » . . . . . . h • .,. faf f hi re-.: " g'rakt rr- .sta'd *we-,cscrB»fe waive -any Miss Sjlvia Jonlsch was elected : in utilizing i their fast table, A fine gift is necessary' to view the need for f - loyalties based on the assooafaonof 'Federatioiis xederation to reconstruct its ideol-\^ e Jewish,-people wrth a family..te- "Sources to best advantage,, and to p 1 of it if %€"wish to be true to president and Miss Marjorie Kaplan for toother. f ojry before proceeding with plans for 3rh°n * a t had been conveyed to him point out some of its implications the ideal of community — involves secretary. • . meeting mTI be held Sunmobilization ana the reorganization to parents or grandparents, whose for Federation work. the inclusion of synagogue groups To recapitulate: The imperative! and other Jewish organizations that day afternoon, January 6*. of its fiscal activities. I refer to the memory he loves and reveres. He has aattitude of the social workers. If-one had his respansibuity. p y for the wel- need of the hour in American Jewish serve any of the above aims within Teads between the lines of the recent t3** of his feUowsTews drilled into life is the achievement of organic; fhe framework, of Federation, and the discussions at the National Confer-; *&s mind by the mass-suggestion of community. This implies that the tti f d i " , l ence of Jewish Social "Service, one drives and campaigns, the propagan- Jews should constitute themselves a setting up . of.-diSaQCratic.:". controls; d a over Federation-policy.-•"••,• ' can hardly escape the impression that machinery of which was directed! group bound together for the purThis is no-<a$isritaski but it is -not many of the professional workers & t i m "with all the more force and pose of assuring every one of its tfce gosi Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agency).— employed by the Federations are so concentration because of his influ- members the fullest measure of self- an Mpessibler-oaecCerfeMy; : : is one.. &at,: :ipi'vsny: !^sm. gified Striking^ testimony "to the prosperous impressed with the ideology of class '*&*&& social and economic standing,realization and self-fulfillment. The condition • of tte Jeifs "who^ bare al•witt even a B d ^ ^ C i responsibility for the attainment of •warfare as to be' skeptical of the role; Toassume therefore, that m^his re^ 3 ? most- paiiis- ready "settled" in Palestine is given by that Federation can Dlay in imp-ov-' lation to the problems of Federation with the Federa- taking effort She most^patient per- the Jewish * Agency," wnlca " reveals 3^1*? ia the same way tions because they already.. embrace severaB^ v 'and'i'tie"'''iiogt eelfd in«? the social situation of the 3 ^ 1 ? reacts precisely p that Palestine Jewry sends'a 3 masses in America. ThefollowT T th th members of the capitalcapital more of the functions of a. commu- ing devjfrtion..K:is hard for tisi to psci of $125,030 a month for the support ish The"follow-T* the other is ' unwarranted. nity than any other Jewish institu- ture.;what."a,-bkssing:"it''naust M"to of Jews in Eastern Europe. f ing statement is made in the Report((**& **& d a s s i s unwarranted of the Case-Workers Section of the) Jewish philanthropists have shown tion. But before they can act as the live"'as a memfer .of sucb a^'contmuor komeh This figure -was derived by an exNational Conference: As social work- a a active interest in the welfare of organizing force of Jewish commu- nityr:feeEng: a t every, junportant j#ae Jaustive inquiry among banks and vaera, •we must Tecospize for our- • Jews in other lands where their con- nal- life, the Federations must dis- ture of bur-' lifejtfcuit 'ewp yfr&izi& aad rious institutions 'representing nai3onselves and our profession the impli-! tributions could not possible have card many of. the false ideas with fhe'.needs.x>£.'-iaae pe^cmalify -are.'-f&e al groirpsAn. "PatesHne.: . : . • KationsUy - K n o w s ' been. b s us eful f l in delaying economic rere which they have been operating and vital_ conceitt-ieff &el .BETTER- SIGHT & whote,h t Jewislil ••' The funds sent out of the country combat false coneeptiojisr that impede volt ^in America; They have helped I.&MF, SoSt -lor *are "for. relief purposes to aid ."needy communiir* tiifc i n . Jews, a r e bopid psrposff • «'• by cagiwith their funds, to establish. Com- their, assumption of communal, re- together in 'a;_co-operative effort to relatives; and friends in such .counsponsibility. They must reject the r Beers VAQ tmow the The Storz Brewing combany, cre- munistic settlements In Palestine de- fallacy that the Jews are merely a make Mrfe Vuaaffe. :ik€anmgM,_ rIchar tries, as Poland, Kumania and stir'in3ne'-f>f eyeebnserspite their " own abhorrence of Comp rtmnding lands. ators of Store TriumTsh Beer,; largi Ides!, gilt religious denomination with the syn- in worthwhile expertesce. B«es; tMs est selling beer in Nebraskarxeports nranisrn. Their, interest in the "wel- agogue as the natural, basic unit of sound to" trtopiatt^ Jt'^was. -itie aeteal fare of KussJan Jews was such as to situation .in " ^ i greatly increased demand due to the lead to .co-operation with Russian organization. This notion would de- before approach of the holidays. —: •<. g This fine old beer is now being [ govextrtnent. projects for. their, relief mand! their surrendering- to the state though packed: in special holiday cases, at at a time when the Soviet Union was most- of their economic, social apd j secution'stee tfa;$eir feature? in Jew- J (JTA) .^-Daring the Jewtractiyely decorated, and selling ct anathema to aH their class. They recreational functions, and to the jig^ life, it'ti^only ;&-recent times islliyear 5694, &e JJewish population -M&w-Toaster groTips all of their re- that the same price as" the regular stand- have done these things because they their Judaism to of Palestine contributed thirty thouwiere 'Jews "anS felt a community* of sponsibility for spiritual 'orientation. be a mMoitoie; tlata- the emanci- sand- pounds (approximately $150,ard case of 24 pints. det;tM# new electric interest with their fello-w Sews of all They must reject the idea that the pation, , -no matter in what to the Keren Kayesieii, tbe toaster end tag it lands and 'alt-classes., To assume.oth- practice ' of charity constitutes their sqnaKd g ^ bs lived,, felt it a p priv- Jewish National Fund, far the rec•TST'CSC Home.* I t erwise is to shut, one's eyes to facts. raison d'etre, and stress the normal h iM g to be; jt Jew, fd fdt Ihai Ms asso- lamation of Palestine • land, Collecis & gHt tbat mil ssr Booths for the sale of tuberculosis The critiane .of Federation, how- and healthy functioning of the. Jew- ciation *ife'ftfiie Jewish pp people con- taons took: ;; p p in ISO centers. Twen"Merry Cfcxis£n323* ever,'from the point of view" of community and the prevention tributed «to seals are open a t the postoffice. to' ife • dignity, dignity has maral thja^aiid pounds were received ^ a year i labor position, though nntrhe i of . - social ' evils rather than their worth asdj:his These seals may also be obtained at directly at: thllcentral office for Pal£ Kving.. We-, -^ its extreme implications, must not j^ure. They must counteract the no- not the Brandeis or Kilpatrick stationery-, estine, tiree ?'Hiousaiid pounds from i i / g tb ghetto bit counters. jbe lightly' dismissed.:'7It contains"--anj'tion of an unbridgeable chasm, be- we •want to felild upf a Jewish. tne Aiios^rpff - Memorial campaign, Included in the health program _ i •of ^^_x,_ 'that •"•-' --*•*»"• is of' the i tween classes within Jew- munity: life that- shall afford "valnes and two; thousand pooiris from tise i». trath Eupported by the.1fun.ds:from- these' mtf3t>^^importance for the -fntore of ry not merely by words but by such to the modbfflcnAmericaii. Jew; g campaign for relief of German Jews, seals are a *_». tuberculosis i-_,_ nurse for,federation. a conflict of in a reorganization of their own struc- alent to those which the community conducted in Palestine. Omaha, nutrition'V-and the privileged and ture, and activities as would insure life of the ghetto afforded, to his pro-jterests The sources of the direct income grams in the schools, chest clinicsj the uiider-privaegecL -One's economic a democratic share in policy-making fathers. The oppertnity and the re- were a certain fixed "percentage of all for needy children, and a children's interests are likely to determine one's to every Jewish interest and every sponsibility for the achievement of individual incomes and salaries, perhealth camp where poor children'attitude on economic questions. Al- Jewish opinion, this goal rest primarily -with the sonal quotas* the mill contribution threatened with tuberculosis are | though "we grant Jew-consciousness Such program would involve: l Federations. Wffl the? rise to their from banks,, theatres and cinemas and given an eight-week vacation." las'class-conscicusness ta the first, the a«eptetnee by Federation a contributions from children.
Palestine IJeader to Visit Pioneer Women Fa-Hon Election Held" on Monday
Bake Sale Planned By Vaad Auxiliary
Women of Airaliary Plan Dancingr Party
Jr. Vaad Gongre^cation
Southern P e t Med. Lp. Coke PONCA CITY LUMP "COKE—-.
......$12.00 $12.75
Beaumont Texas Large Lp. Coke _ $14.50
Junior Vaad Auxiliary Hears Dr. J. M. Erman
OmegB Delta Delta
Palestine Jews Send $125,000 Monthly hi Needy ;-.
For Holiday Parties
Palestine Donates to Jewish National Fund
Fighting Tuberculosis
Sioux City News j
Over 200 Attend Auxiliary Dinner
Council Bluffs News
ents, 31 r. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson; dren at her home Sunday afternoon Council Bluffs; one sister, Mrs. Ab« Jack Gordon, to visit his parents, Mr. in honor of the tenth birthday of her Friedman, of Harlan, la.; four brothand Mrs. M. Gordon; Collman Yudel- daughter, Shirley. The afternoon was ers, Herman, of Peoria, 111.; Louis, of son, to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. spent playing games, followed by re-Burlington, la.; George, of Galeaburg, .Morris Yudelson; and Donald and freshments. 111., and Sam Gross, of Milwaukee, Robert Rosenfeld are spending their Wis., and three grandchildren, Harholiday vacation visiting their par- Mr. Sam Schaefer of Denver, Colo., lan Gross, of S t Louis; Avrum Katelents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Rosen- spent the week here in conjunction man, and Harriet Maxine Katelman, of feld. with the local drive for the National Council Bluffs. Marvin Fitch, student at the Iowa Jewish hospital of Denver; While here, Mr. and Mrs. Katelman were at his State' college at Ames, la., arrived he was the house guest of Dr. andbedside with other members of the imhome Tuesday to spend the holiday Mrs. Isaac Sternhill. . mediate family at the time of hie vacation with his parents, Mr. and death. Mrs. Leo Fitch. Norman Rosenthal and Floyd YudelThe body was taken to Burlington, Edward Rosen, who is attending the son, students at the Thomas Jefferson Ia.,_ where funeral services were held University of Minnesota at Minneapo- high school, spent the past week-end Thursday afternoon. lis, Minn., is expected home the first in Creston and Winterset, la., where part of next week to visit his parents, they represented their school in deMr." and Mrs. Joe Rosen. bate tournaments. Patronize Jewish Press advertisers.
More than 200 attended the Sixth BY F. B. K. Annual Banquet of the Daughterhood of the Tiphereth Israel Synagogue JEWISH held recently in the social hall -of the Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent HOSPITAL DMTE. synagogue. Rabbi J. D. Maron acted as toast- The" annual drivel foK the National master, and speakers on the program Jewish Hospital of. Denver was held in included Rabbi M. Braver, Dr. Theo- Council Bluffs, with generous response dore N. Lewis and Mr. H. Lazrio- from the community. Mr. Herman wich. Cantor A. Pliskin sang a group Krasne. was general' chairman in of Jewish folk songs and a group of charge of this drive and was assisted Mr. Louis Bernstein, vice-chairman, A large audience witnessed the selections by a coronet trio composed by Dr. Isaac Sternhill, Dr. Julius M. Mosof Mr. J. Herman, Verner Herman ceremonies of the National A. Z. A. kovitz, Harry Cherniss. Leo Fitch, NaElaborate plans- have teen com- Day presented by the local chapter and Lester Lazriowich. than Gilinsky, Martin Gluckman, Sam pleted for the annual Junior Hadas- last Sunday afternoon in. the Jewish Mrs. Morris Lazriowich, president Gross, L. H. Katelman, Ben Kubby, sah Cabaret Dance, which "will be Community Center. Mr. Louis Lipp, of the Daughterhood spoke of the Sam Meyerson, Nathan Nogg, Sain The Sisterhood of the Talmud Torah JACK W. M . 1 K J ; K , Attorney. The Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah held this Sunday evening, December Omaha attorney, and a charter mem- work of the organization and thanked Shyken. Simon Steinberg and Ben I. Society held a successful benefit card Court HOUR*" S3, in the ball room of the Warrior ber of the first A. Z. A. chapter the various committees and members Seldin. Mr. Samuel Schaefer of Den- party last Thursday evening at the held an interesting meeting Wednesday afternoon at the Hotel Chieftain, spoke on the work and progress of for their H:o-operation during the past ver, executive of the National Jewish hotel.. •• OF ARTICLES O F INCORpon Eagles hall, with a large crowd at- Mrs. Max Simon was chairman in NOTICE ATION O F ANNABELLE'S, year. • The advance ticket sale, accord- the A. Z. A. INCORPORATED hospital, assisted the local committee tending. The committee who served charge of the meeting and was assistNotice i s hereby given that the undering to the committees in charge, in- Invocation and benediction were ofin conducting the drive this week. as hostesses for; this affair were the ed by the following committee, all of signed, pursuant t o the l a w s of the st»h» dicates that an unusually large num- fered by Max Maron; address, Ru- Auxiliary Honors Contributions may still be made with Mesdames Sam Meyerson, chairman, whom participated in a skit fOT Jew-of Nebraska, have formed a corporation dolph Shindler, president; presentathe name of which is " A n n a b e l l e C Incorber ot. people are planning to attend any member of the above committee. Max Simon, Morris Yudelson, George ish National Fund, including Mes- porated and its principal place of busition of the A. Z. A. Day class, by the .affair. New Members A fifteen-minute motion picture with Roffman, Herman Meyerson, Sam dames Albert Krasne, Ben Kubby, Ben ness is in the City of Omaha, Douglat Milton Bolstein,"pre'sident; of the Bnai Connty, Nebraska. The objects , A floor- show that promises to be taken in the hospital, were Gross, Nathan Richards and SamTelpner.IiOuis London, Harry Kubby, this corporation i s formed are forforthewhich at Luncheon sound, nurdifferent and-entertaining,: will be a Erith; . musical selections by Lester posp of operating retail and wholesale shown by Mr. Schaefer at the Strand Sacks. Prizes were awarded at each Richard ".Gordon, Mrs. L. Bernstein millinery stores and to operate and enfeature of the evening's p'rogram. The Lazriowich; and community singing.. gage in, at retail and at wholesale cpn. New membersr of the Ladies Aux- theater Monday noon to inaugurate table. Refreshments were" served. and Mrs. Sam Sacks. A group of Jew- eral dance floor will be surrounded by Messages- were read from Sam Be- iliary stores, and to purcliaBe : of Shaare Zion Synagogue the drive locally.. ish songs were rendered by Mrs. Ben lease,merchandise hold and otherwise acquire real and small tables, and tables yrill be ber, founder"of- the A. Z. A. and IrvIMr. and .Mrs. Morris Gilinsky and Telpner, assisted by . Miss Sylvia personal property of every kind and deplaced on the mezzanine floor to pro- ing Hill,-Grand president of the Fra- were honored guests at a luncheon scription and to seil, dispose of, lease condaughter, Jean, of Milwaukee, Wis.j Steiman at tlie ^piano. The box col-r vey and mortgage any and an of the said vide ample space for dancing i n the ternity. Refreshments concluded the given • Tuesday; afjternpon in the: so-(COLLEGE SET are expected to arrive here Tuesday property, t o borrow money and to do all iections for the Jewish National Fund things necessary ; : -A-number. of the younger set who ball room. Jack Reams and his orch- afternoon program. The committee in cial, hall of the-Synagogue. or incident to the onerato visit Mr. Gilinsky's parents, "Mi*; will be held here on January 6. tion of i t s bnsiness. The authorized can!estra will provide the music; for charge included Irvin Maron and . Mrs. H. M. Sherman, president of have been attending various colleges and "Mrs. Abe Gilinsky. . tal stock is $10,000.00 which shall be fullv dancing. ' ,;-.;, Perry Osnowich, with Max Zeligson, the Auxiliary presided, and Miss Lil- are coming home "this week to spend paid and non-assessable when issued and lian Romirowsky spoke .- on -"Thetheir winter vacation visiting their Word has been received here of the may be issued for cash, goods, wares and • . .' '. College students who will be in c h a i r m a n . ' . • •'••• Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H, Katelman death of Mr. Sol Gross of St. Lonis, merchandise, or both. With the assent in '. . I - . " . - * . . . writing of the holders of 60% of the outthe city -for the winter holidays will In. the evening, the members and Duties of the Jewish Woman-to the parents. entertained the members of their Evestock pursuant to the votes givattend and a number-of out-of-town prospective members were" guests at Synagogue." Cantor A. Pliskin sang Miss Carolyn Rosenfeld,. student at ning Bridge club at their home, Sun- Mo., on Tuesday .afternoon, at the Jew- standing en in person or by proxy at a meetine ish hospital in St. Louis, following an a group of songs, accompanied by the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts, arspecially called for thnt purpose or at an guests will be present., . - a- stag smoker. Mr. - J.- H. Godtfring, day evening. annual meeting, the Board of Directors auto accident. - The Junior Hadassah annual dance Y. M. C. A. secretary addressed the Miss Bertha Heshelow at the piano. rived home Wednesday to visit her shall have the power nnd authority to sell, The next meeting of the Oneg parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Julius Rosen- Miss Dora Markovitz is leaving to- He is survived by_ his widow; one assign, transfer arid convey or otherwise has in the .past earned a reputation group. . son, Matthew Gross, of St. Louis; one dispose of the property and assets of th» Shabbos group of the Auxiliary is feld. Her brother. Jack Rosenfeld, who day for being, one. of the highlights of for Brooklyn, N. Y., and New York daughter, Mrs. Louis H. Katelman, of corporation as an entirety nnd going conis attending the Iowa State college at scheduled for Saturday afternoon, cern on such terms and conditions as to the ;winter's:social season, and this City, for a two weeks' visit. While the said Board shall seem fit nnd proper. December 29, when Rabbi David Ames, la,, is expected home today for there, she will be the house guest of year's affair will attract many. The corporation shall commence business his two weeks vacation. LEON & WHITE, Attj-B. on the filing of the Articles of IncorporaGoldstein will be the guest speaker. Miss Dorothy Merlin "and Miss EliMr. and Mrs. Ralph Castle. CM City Natl. Bk. Bids. tion in the office of the Comity Cierk of Mis3 Gwendolyn Meyerson, student Douglas County, Nebraska. Its highest. zabeth Passman are chairmen of the at the University of Nebraska at Linamount of indebtedness shall not exceed NOTICK BT PUBLICATION ON PETIarrangements. The entire Junior Hatwo-thirds of i t s capital stock. The affairs Officers Elected by coln, arrived home today to spend the Mrs. B. Balaban entertained 10 chil- TION FOK SETTLEMENT OF FINAL or the corporation shnll 1H> administered Plans have been started for a citydassah membership is assisting in ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT holidays visiting her parents, Mr. and by a Board of Directors of not leas than Synagogue Auxiliary wide campaign for funds for the the ticket sales. - . . - . . In the County Court ot Douglas County, 8HOTWEL1, MONSKT, G ROD IN SKY & three nor more than five members who Mrs. Herman Meyerson. Nebraska. shall be elected at the annual meeting to TANCJS, and HARRY B. COHEN, Attys. Proceeds will go toward the Pales- Federation of-. Jewish Social" Service,In the Matter of the Estate of JAKE be held ou the first Tuesday of February Miss Rose Mendelson, who i3 attend337 Omaha Natl Bk. B i d e Mrs. Dave Salkin was elected presFEREU, also known as J. FEKER and of each year. The Board shall from this tinian fund of the Junior Hadassah. and Mr; E. N. Grueskin has been ing Drake university at Des Moines, ISAAC FEUEK, Deceased: number elect n president, vice-president, This fund supports a - children's vil- named general chairman of the cam- ident of the Auxiliary of the Beth la;, PROBATE NOTICE. All persons interested in Bnid matter are secretary ami treasurer. The articles may is expected home today to visit In the matter vt the estate of SAMUEL hereby notified that on the eth day of De- lie amended at any regular meeting of lage, a village for German refugee paign. A survey of the entire Jewish Abraham Synagogue, at their elec- her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jake Men- A. CORNEER. Deceased. cember, 1934. Jennie Ferer filed a petition the stockholders or at any special meetchildren, and a nurses training school population in Sioux City has been tion held recently following a din- delson. Notice Is hereby given: in County Court, praying- that her final i n g called for that purpose after ten days' That the creditors of said deceased will administration account filed herein be set- notice of Btich proposed amendment in all located in Palestine. made, preparatory to the ^solicitation ner. Mrs. J. Montrose was elected -From the University of Iowa at Iovra meet the executrix of said estate, before tled nnd allowed, and thnt she be dis- writing has been mailed to all stockholdfor funds. This is the first time in Vice-president; Mrs. Joe Shapiro,, City will come Bernard Balafcan to me. County Judge of Douglas County, charged from her trust as administratrix ers nnd upon the affirmative vote of twoNebraska, at the County Court Room, in and that a hearing will be had on said thirds of the capital stock. John Bird, treasurer; several years that a thorough cam- secretary, Mrs. ; visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Balsaid County, on the nth day of February, petition before said Court on the 5th day paign for funds for the Federation Mrs. Frank Gorchow, recording sec- aban; Yale Meyerson; to visit his par- 3935, and on the 5th day of April, 1935, at of January. 1935, and that if you fail to Dated at Omaha. Nebraska, December 0 o'clock a. m., each day, for the purpose appear before said Court on the said 5th retary. - • has_ been made. of presenting their claims for examination, day of Jannarj-, 1833, at 0 o'clock a.m., and 14th, li»34. MOT,T,IE MIT.PER. Assisting in the arrangements for adjustment and allowance. Three months contest said petition, the Court may grant The drive will be conducted along ANNA 'UREKXBKUG are allowed for the creditors to present the prayer of said petition, enter a decree the same plan as the city Community the dinner were the" Mesdames J. tomorrow- for vacation. Bernice Ga- their BEI.LTC GRKENBEKG, claims, from the 5th day of January, of heirship, and mnfce snen other and IncorporntorK. further orders, allowances and decrees, as In the presence of The annual Father -and Son Ban-Chest drive. Mr. E. E. Baron and Mr. Montrose, S. MirWn, Paul Kaplan, lirisky will arrive here. Sunday from 1P35. 12-21-34—4t to this Court may seem proper, to the end JACK "VV. M.VKGK. Champaign, 111., where she in enBRTCE CRAWFORD. Dave Barricks, M. Shulman, M. HaSi. Krueger have been named generquet of the Mount - Sinai Temple that all matters pertaining: to said estate 12'14-54—3t County Judge. rolled. • .'..• nin,. Dave Ginsberg* and Joe Gormay be final)}nettled and determined. Brotherhood will be .held next Wed- als.of- the campaign. Mrs. E. E. BaFRADEMJTKG, TVEBB, BEBER,-KIXTZ, , „ , ... BUTCE CRAWFOUIV Mrs. Ben Schulein, 2604 Jackson 8HOTWBXI, MO.VSKT, GRODINSKY & „12-14-04—3* NICK & KELIJEY. Attorneys. liesday evening,-December-26, in the ron and-Mrs. Rueben Miller are "col- ChOAV. County Judge, 65Q Omaha Natl Bk. Bide. street returned from Chicago this VANCE, and HARRY B. €OHEX, Attys. Annex of the Temple. onels- of the Women's division and 737 Omaha Nat'! Bk. BIdff. week, where she has: been visiting Mr. Morey Lipshutz, A. M. Davis and. LEON & -VrHlTK, Attorneys Mr. E._. .N,:•• Grjrcskin. will ,act as NOTICE B T PUBLICATION ON PETIShaare Zion City National Bank BI with her daughters, "Mrs. Preston TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL toastmasterLand Mr. Si Krueger is Jack Robinson, colonels of the men's .NOTICE BY PCBUCAT1OX OK PETIADMINISTRATION AOCOl N'T Heller and Mrs.- Ellie Bottigheimer. TION FOB SETTLEMENT OT FINAL --•"'the general chairman. . • -•--.• division. ; , NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF In the County Court of Douglas County, Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak PCRITAN OIL CO. ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT Nebraska. „ Mr. Lawrence Davidson and Mr- The campaign will be. directed by this evening on "The Curse of Im. Notice is hereby given that a corporn- In the Matter of the Estate of LOT'IS ••••«. VBtKC, WEBB UEBKK, KIXTZ- In the County Court of Douglas County, Uoir has been formed under the laws of W. C. Slotskj'.will speak in behalf .theJexeeutive committee' of the- drive pulsive Acting." Cantor A. Plisldn i Nebraska. •-• -. . . . . . . SCHKUCH. sometimes known as LEWIW K1CK& KBIiJiKY, Attyn. of Nebraska. In the Matter of th P Estate of CHARLES the state SCHECCH, Deceased: 6S0 Omaha Xatl Bk. B i d e of the fathers. Bernard ,Skalovsky and the first Tneetings .to plan the will chant the service. " m7?. e ^5; m S^°^ t h e corporation is rt'RlF. SLINUERLAXD, Deceased: All persons interested in sai<? matter are and Bobby Pill will-respond in be-drive have been held. All persons -interested-'in said matter TAN OIL CO., and the principal place for hereby notified that on the 38th day of , Tomorrow morning, the Junior ConPROBATE. >fOMCE. of its business is the city December, 1034,- Margaret A. Henry filed a . are hereby notified that on the 1st day the transaction half of the sons. ' : •; ; The funds of the Federation are gregation will ;be served refresh- In the matter of thftr,«State of JACOB of December, 193*. Toward H. Sagert filed n ° m a h a ' Don Bl f >s -county, Nebraska petition in Bnid County Court, praying Mr. Harry Horwitz will lead the allocated among the charity needs, ments hy Mr. and Mrs.. Joe Levin in BEKNSTEIN, l>eceasea. The(general nature of the business to be that her final administration account filed , a petition in said County Court, praying i s hereby-glT?« n voY -i' *,i that his final administration account fllert operated^by Ihe corporation is to purchase, herein be settled and allowed, and thnt community, singing. The Shrine quar- upkeep of .the. Center* out-oWown honor of the-fbirthday. of' their son Notice 'That the creditors of Tgald deceased will herein be settled and allowed, and that hold, sell, convey, assign, release, mortKape she be discharged from her trust as adtet will also sing a group of songs. institutions, and Talmud Torah. . meet the administrator "6T said estate, be- he be discharged from his trust as admin- and lease real estate and personal prop- ministratrix and that a hearing will DC D a v i d . , ^ -.- • ' :-;•• ' '•'••".' me. County JBdgft-tff Douglas Coun- istrator, and that a hearing will be had erty Trherevw sitnnted; to buy. sell, own had on said petition before said Court: on A skit, directed. by Miss Euth ; Next" Friday evening, the' Annual fore ty, Nebraska, at the; Cofcafy Court Boom, •on said, petition before said Court on-the assign, transfer and mortgage, bonds, secu- the 12th day of January, W3.\ and that rities and stock -in other corporations; to if von fail t o appear brfoi-c said.t-onrt on Marx will be presented, and will inStudent's "Service" will be" held- with in Said County, on the'5th aay of Febru- •J)th day of December, 1934, and that if draw, make, execute, accept, endorse' nnd ary, 1933 and on the 5th day of April, yon fail to appear before said Court on the said 12th • day of January.-10*>nt V clude the following-children in the Senior Hadassah Rabbi David Goldstein tif Omaha, the issue promissory notes, mortgages, drafts i935. at 9 o'clock a. m.. each day. for the the Taid 28th day of December, 1934. nt 9 hills of exchange and other negotiable in- o'clock n. m.. and contest said petition, cast: Henry Greenberg, Sammy Heepurpose ot.presenting their .claims for ex- o'clock. A. M., and contest said petition', principal'speaker. A reception for the the Court may grnut the prayer of said to Give Program students will bejgiven^hy the Ladies nmluation, ndjnstmenf, and. nllowance. the" court may grant the prayer of said struments: to borrow moner; to buy and petition, eater a decree of heirehlp, nnd ger, Betty Marx, Doris Marx, George Three months ate allVVwed'ior the x-redl- petition, enter a- decree, of heirship. jind sell at wholesale and retail nnd to shin make such other nnd further orders, altransport wood, coal, oil nnd fuel ©f Galirisky, Raymond Greenberg and The Senior Hadassah will "present Auxiliary,-following the' service. 7 torg to preseat their'Clateis,.from the 5th make such other and further orders, al- and lowances and decrees, ns to this Conrt every nature and description; to construct Robert Cohen. - r , lowances and "decrees, as to this Court purchase^ lease nnd operate docks, yards mav seem proper, to the end thnt all mat a program foir children, Sunday aft- The next Book ^Review, to be; given day 0* J ^ « ^ . B 1 ^ E C R A W F O R D . ^County Judge. may seem proper, to the end that all mat- nnd -warehouses; to do anything incidental ters pertaining tol 1 snid estate may be finMr. Louis Agranoff isin charge of ernoon, December 30, in the.Jewish by Habbi Rabinowitz will be- held on" ters pertaining to said estate may bo fin- to or necessary for the operation of a coal ally settled » « B R ^ 7 . K W F 0 B n , ally settled and determined. l">-21-3i—3T County Judge. the reservations. Women of the Sis^Community Center, as a means of Monday evening, January 7, when oe and fuel bnsiness. NttrRO, WEBB, BEBEB, K U T Z BRTCE CRAWFORD, terhood will be in charge-of the din-swelling the funds • of " t h e ' Penny will review "Experiment in AutobiXICK & K E L U T , Attys. The authorised capital stock of this cor12-7-34—3t - • . . County Judge. «50 Omaha NaU Bk. B i d e poration shall be ?1©.«XM» dirided into 100 ner. Included in the committee are Lunches. The program will be de-ography," by H. G. Wells. ' ;";" " shares of the par value of $100.00 each, to Mrs. Sam Cohen, Mrs. I. Miller, Mrs. voted - to' • the entertainment of the The Bible Study group of thesyr.-" be fully paid for and non-assessable when SHOTWEIX, MONSKY, OROnrXSKY ..t»g TMg NOTICE OF ADMINISTB-%TlON. issued. Stock may be paid for in cash, VANCE and HARRY B. COHEN W. C. Slotsky, Mrs. Si Krueger, TMrs. children. the.County Court of Douglas County, agogue met last Monday afternoon I nNebraska. notes or property, real or personal, tanAttorneys gible or T Intangible, at the reasonable value M. Mushkin, Mrs. Wm. Lazere-,. Mrs; The - Senior Hadassah will meet with 20 women attending. The next In the matter of the estate ol LEON S. - 737 Omaha National Bank Bids:. That Sams T£?°K en Bhares of the capital stocfc Philip Sherman, Mrs. Meyer A. Monday, December 24, in the Jewish meeting will take place-Tuesday'affc- /"KOrAI.D, Deceased. - .:. • bhall be paid for before the corporation ; All persons interested In said estate are shall commence business. ' • Marks, and Mrs.- William - Galinsky, Community Center, when the elec- ernbbn, January 8. Shoe Comfort .' hereby notified that a petition has been NOTICE BY PI7BWCATION ON HSTIThe corporation shall commence bnsiness Mrs. Harry Horwitz and Mrs. M. E. tion of board of directors will take filed in said-Court alleging that . TlOrS FOB SETTLEMENT OF FI»AX If yaa liav» ypur *hoo npon December 1, 1934, and continue for a ADMINISTRATION AOCOCNT ceased;died leaving no last win aud prayrepaired «t the Skalovsky. place.. ' • • • • . - ' In the Connty'Court of Douglas County, P»*iod of fifty years from date thereof.
Book Review
ing for administration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be had on said -petition before said court on the 5th day of January. 1835. and-that if they fail to appear at said Coort on the said Dth dny of -January, 1933, at 9 o'clock" a. nu, to contest «aid petition, the Court may grant the same ar.d grant administration, of said estate ,to Theresa Kopnld or' some other suit-. aTjler person -and proceed; to a Settlement t ereof. BKTCE CRAWFORD. 12-i4-34_5i;. • • - • . County Jndgev
y ? h e s t "mount of indebtedness to Nebraska. • • In the Matter of the.Estate of ALICE X. « o r J ) O r n t i o n 8 n n 1 1 «t <"iy time SLIXGERLAND. Deceased: All persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that tm the 1st day of December, 1034, Edward H. Sagert" filed EPHRAIM WEINBERG a petition in Eald County Court, praying that his final administration account filed In presence ofA* GEND^U herein be settled and allowed, and that he SAM J. L.12ON. be dischnrged from his trust ns administrator and that a hearing will be had on a344r "said petition before said Court on the 29th day of December, 1834,- and that if you fail to appear before said Court on MAX the said 29th day of December, 1934 at 9 o'clock a. m., and contest said petition; In>uranco the Court may grant the prayer of said enter a decree of heirship, nnd BTOTICB OF -INCOltPOBATION OF petition, make such other and further orders, al. TKEBOR SEAX/CY COMPANY lowances and decrees, as to this Court Notice is hereby: given :V • may seem proper, to the end that all matThat MAX PROMKIN, »nfl KELSO A. ters pertaining to snid estate may be Sioux City's social circles; will be MQllOAN • have farmed.-a corporation,1 finally settled and determined. - -.known as the "TKEpOR REALTT COMgay and enlivened during t h e next PANY,!' BRXCE CRAWFORD. With its Principal, Pln<* -of'busiweek, with a great number of young ness in Omaha, Douglaa County. Nebras- 12-7-34—3t " • County Judge. ka.-The'object and purpose for which this people home" from colleges and Corporation is organized, and the powers GERALD E. LaTIOUSTTE and schools for; their mid- winter vaca- it Bball • have are- as • follows: To acquire BEN KAZLOWSRY, Attys. by purchase or otherwise, own. hold, bay, tion. •• • Insurance BnUdlng. sell,"convey,"lease, mortgage or encumber estate or other property, personal, or David Levitt, son of Mr. and Mrs.reaj mixed,' and to do any and all things, neNOTICE OK 'ADMINISTRATION J. -L. Levitt returned -to Sioux City cessary and proper in connection with the In- •the County Court of Douglas County, ,or operation of real estate and from Boulder, .Colorado, where he is owning Nebraska: personal property. The capital stock of In the mctfer of the estate of ERNEST a student a t the University of Colo- this* Corporation Bball be Ten Thousand HIMMELMAS. Deceased. - ,. • ($10,000.00), divided into one hunrado. ' ' • ' ' ' '. -' Dollars All persons interested in said estate are dred (100) shares of common stock of the hereby notified that a petition been Arnold Baron, son 6f Mrs.. L. A. par value of One Hundred Dollars (1100.00) filed in -said Court alleging that has said de," -„ . ": •••- ceased died leaving no last .will and prayBaron arrived in the city from .Min- each, The existence of this corporation, shall iag tor' administration npon his estate, neapolis where he is a student a t the begin on the-filing ot a copy of its Ar- and. that a hearing, will be had on said ticles of Incorporation with the Connty petition before said court on the 5th dny University' of Minnesota; Bill Lans- -Clerk at Douglas County, Nebraska, - .as of January.' 1035. nnd that if they fall to berg also a - student- a t - Minnesota .provided'by law, and-shall continue for a appear, at Bald Court on the said Cth day period ot fifty years, unless sooner dis* of January, 193H, at S> o'clock a. m., to conwill spend his vacation here with his solved by the unanimous vote of the is- test' said petition, the Court may grant parents, Mr. and -Mrs. John Lans- sued and outstanding common Block. The the same and grant administration of said amount of indebtedness' to which -this estate to Gerald E. LnViolette or some othberg. Corporation xnay at any time ..subject er suitable person and-proceed to a settleJack Greenberg, a student a t itself, shall "not exceed two-thirds of its ment-thereof. • _ • capital stock, but said restriction shall not BRTCE CRAWFORD. Madison Wisconsin will spend his apply to mortgages placed on the said real ."• • County Judge. vacation in the city with his par-estate.-The bnsiness of this Corporation shnll be conducted by a Board of two Dients, M r - and Mrs. A. Greenberg. rectors, to be selected frost tbe stockFrom Lincoln, Neb., will come Jer- holders at their regular annual meeting; the Directors from-their number, shall ald' Cohen and i Frances Kalin, stu- elect a President, Ylce-Preaident. Secredents a t the University of Nebraska. tary" and Treasurer. • Any Director" may hold- one or more of the above offices in Morris Lefkovich and Aba Epstein, the Corporation: .. . students a t : Northwestern tuiiversity IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we lave iereunto Bet OUT hands - thi» • 11th. day ol will arrive in t h e city this week. D e c e m b e r . 1034. " . ' . >•••.•' MAX FKOMKIX, From Iowa City the following stuKELSO A. MORGAN. dents will arrive f o r vacations: 12-14-34—4t ^corporators.
Sisterhood Card Party Same Night. The Book: Review Circle: of the • The Women, of the Temple Sister^ Temple Sisterhood will hold its first hood will' have a card party in the meeting next Friday afternoon, DeSioux Apartments the" same "evehir.gcember 28,/.in the home of Mrs. Joe as the Father and Son Banquet. In Levin.' Mrs. C. H. Hoyt will review charge of thi3 affair are Mrs. J. N, Mrs. Elizabeth Kaplan, internation- two books. Mrs. E. N. Grueskin is Rosenfeld, Mrs. Philip Kalin and ally known Chalutzos leader will ar- the chairman of the" book "review cirMrs. Xouis S. Goldberg. rive in Sioux City, January 12, tocle. The group will meet'at 2 o'clock. spend two days -here with the women of the Pioneer Women's organizaYoung Poale Zion tion. On the evening of January 13, the to Give Luncheon Pioneer Women will give a banquet Members of the,Biajik Chapter of in . the Jewish'. Community Center, the Junior Poale' Zion" will sponsor honoring Mrs. Kaplan. The commita benefit Cafeteria .luncheon, Thurs- tees in charge of the banquet arday noon, December 27i in the Jew-rangements are urging everyone to ish Community Center. The proceeds keep this' date open and plan to atwill go toward the Sioux City's quo la tend the banquet, when Mrs. Kaplan of the Young Poale Zion Yugeh Cam- will speak. paign. Mrs. Kaplan was educated in Luncheon will be served at the Minsk, Russia, going from there to Community Center from 11 until 2 Palestine, where she and a group of o'clock and plans have been made to women, among whom were Rachael accommodate over 300 people. Rubashov, Goldie Meyerson and HanMiss Sulamith Bereskin is in nah Chisick, opened and established charge of the arrangements. Assist- an agricultural school for'girls and ing her are Lucille charge women. of the menu; Mary Raskin, menu In charge of the banquet arrangepreparations; Rosabelle Wigodsky, ments for the 13th are the Mesdames tickets; Rudolph Shindler, food pur- N. Elkin, O. Gordon, J. Shindler, J. chases. . ' Cohen, M. Levlch, M. Dervin, and J. The club met last Sunday and Montrose. plans .were completed for a Hebrew class which will be open to young men and women over the age of 16.Samuel Will Speak The class will be taught by Miss Lil ' Here in February lian Romirowsky. Maurice Samuel,' internationally known Jewish historian, novelist and translator, will speak in Sioux City Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will speak on February 18. He will appear here this evening on "The Report of theunder the Auspices of the Ladie3 Joint Distribution Committee." Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Synagogue - Next Friday""evening, the temple as the second speaker of their speak. • Loyal Kier, Irvin.. Lunin, George WiU hold its annual Student's wel- ers program. come service. An out of town speaker Maurice Samuel is known as anKuntz, E d Miller, Dave'Kaplan, Mr. eloquent and forceful speaker. Be'is and Mrs, Louis Hurwitz, Billy Mowill address the congregation. Children of the Temple ' Sunday the- author of many books and ansow, Dena Baron, Milton Barent,! school gave their charity collection authority on , a "number of Jewish Dorothy Gelson, Inez Leaff, and N a : j ' . •j of last Sunday and, will contribute subjects. He recently returned to theomf Sacks.. . - , 'next .Sunday collection to the drive United. States .after' a trip through Lillian; Magaziner ' a student. a t ;1 Palestine and European countries. ' Aim Arbor will arrive i & Sioux City for funds for, the "German Jews. ;
Ghalutzah Leader To Visit Sioux City
Mount Sinai
• -it
ft: '*?-
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