December 28, 1934

Page 1

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

Entered as Second Class Mail l'osi office of Omaha.-Nebraska!

In the interests of the Jewish People

Janunry 21, W&, at a Act of March S. 1819

GET %ift Announced by Jewish Free Loan OF $2,500,000 FOK PAUSTINE JEWRl

f s Omaha Jewish Free Loan So' '-\was enriched by one liun&red. <' J as a gift from Mr. Jonas S. ed, father of Mrs. Max Holzman, in honor of the birth of a son, William Weil. Holzman, to Mr. and Mrs. Max L. - Holzman. Announcement of the contribution was made by Harry A. Wolf, president of the Free Loan Society. • The Jewish.Free Loan Fund is a permanent revolving fund, constantly doing some good to people who are in temporary distress. It ,Is becoming increasingly popular for Omahans to celebrate happy events by contributing to this :fund.


Prices ust Eradicate 'Jewisfr :T Fix Bread Even in Tel Aviv : Anti-Semitism " - Stern

Vol. X—No. 48

Palestinian Claims a Record as Blood Donor


Tel Aviv- (W.N.S.—Palcor Agency) I —^Price fixing and ticket speculation j Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agency) "No army honeycombed by , trai- and- religious'minojritaes they are also are not peculiar to the United States j tors and made, impotent by cowards destroying- themselves economically the municipality of Tel Aviv showed —A record as the world's greatFirst National Loan Granted at ever won a battle. And the Jews will through - the operation of' the prin- when it took vigorous action with est blood philanthropist is claimed Next Local F o r u m Speaker Heads Fraternity Giving Four Per Cent for Fifregard to both. Contending that the here for Moses Diskin of this city, never.'" succeed in their struggle ciple of "caveat vendor." Medal against anti-Semitism, either here or "The" plight TE>f I large sections 'of rise in the price of bread is unjusti- who has just given his blood for teen Years abroad, so long as they make the fa- European Jewry Requites Immediate fied, the .municipal council ordered the 32nd blood transfusion in two Arthur Garfield Hays, who will be tal mistake of harboring within their action. In Poland, [Bomsnia, Austria, that the rate must be reduced imme- years. Jerusalem (W.N.S.—Palcor AgenA poor patient at one of the lo- the next speaker before the Commu-v ey)—The first national loan obtained ranks many" who refuse to stand up and elsewhere in - central'-ati'd eastern diately from fourteen to twelve mils cal hospitals was the recipient of nity Forum in Omaha, announced ' fcy the Jews of Palestine since the and be counted as Jews," is the pro- Europe there are] millions." of 'Jews (a mil Is a half cent) per loaf. Ms latest generosity. who "are doairietl economically" and • in this week in New York that James disestablishment of the Jewish State nouncement of J. David Stern, noted , The bakers had contended that the Diskin, BOW one of the well- G. McDonald, High Commissioner "• more • than. two: thousand years ago newspaper ^executive and publisher constant - daftgfer fphysically. -There price of flour had increased by be a jjambeif of "countries' and ty-five percent recently in Palestina known-figures of Jeiusalem, makes for Refugees of Germany, -will be the lias Just been granted to the" extent of the New York Post. "Anti-Semi- mayy recipient of the annual award fcr •of" ?2i500,000- by Lloyd's Bank of perhaps wet- vchereas the increase -was. only ten no charge for giving his blood. tism "among Jews themselves,. or, if territories"vriaA tolerance given by the intercollegi-' •London, it :v?as -.announced here by come" substantial numbersof "Jewish' per cent in ths rest of the world. . you - "wish, Jewish anti-Semitism, ate fraternity, Pi Lambda Phi, of -the- Palestine - Foundation Fund, the p«»v|ded- thej?- ;were Th'e- growth of theater ticket specmust first be ruthlessly eradicated.- immigrants : which Hays is supreme rex. fiscal and colonization branch of the In its place must come a forthright properly equipped |and - in^ a- position ulation also earned the wrath of the • '. McDonald was" chosen for tha Jewish • Agency lor" Palestine:- "Nine and. open. avowal. of loyalty to the to contiibute to the material -wellbe- municipal authorities when- they is-.. medal because he had "most con-' -tentijs1i*as":advaricea by Lloyd's and ing of such coadtri^s. Penniless refucause of- Judaism." , , • '• sued warning to the public.that it is •vincingly achieved world-wide' recog-^ one tenthi t y -the •Ariglc*-Palesnpe gees can expect ati best only a temIn"continuing -his • discussion of illegal, to offer;tickets for sale at.a nition as a true exponent of toler; Bank.-The £500i000 'lo"an: is ta"beprethis Jewish" problem^ "Mr. Stern * de- porary welcsmer O|dy price higher than that marked on ance." paid jn iifteen yedrs. at an interest can help to-wrard $ie industrial clares: . them.- .;••••-• .- .• -rate of- four per cent, arid was grantcommercial developtaeniTof a cq-oritry There is a Pi Lambda Phi. chapter I use" the term Jewish" anti-Semit• Fines of $25 each have been, imed on' collateral; constituted by "the are regarded as national assets, at Creightorf TJniversity, and irienK ism advisedly. Jewish backsliders, arid : network of-land possessions,-colonh bers and alumni of the group_ are Thete is no d ob e t ^ tthata-g great posed -on ten of tha first offenders, Jews who shirk their responsibility ies and other institutions, established Berlin fJ.T.A.)—An official inves- planning a special entertainment for. to the Jewish" people must be re- many of the^ de3t(txrt«- and econom- in imposing sentenca, the municipal ••"by " the - Palestine" "Foundation -Fund garded as enemies of the Jews." Only ically • hripoverislred! Jews of tastsrn court warned ihat in the future more tigation by the German government Hays when he comes here January The quarterfinals have.been reachsince it started, operations in. i921 if if.he does not try to soft .pedal and central" Etiropi could'be settled -drastic punishment would be meted- into the claims made by the Reich 16 for his lecture. ; . " . '. • as the international agency of . the ed in the inter-club debate tourna- or. ,subordinate' his interest Jin and in new and -pennanent homes if o u t , - • " - '. : League of Jewish. Front Soldiers that "Thirteenth Juror" will be the subJewish people for the reconstruction ment being sponsored, by "the Round association with his race will the •world Jewish "leadership', were "to 12,000 Jews were killed while fightject of the Forum talk. A •world] of the Jewish National Home;in ac- Table of Jewish Youth at the Jew- Jew in America, "and everywhere rouse- itself tea really great action. ing for Germany has resulted in vin- famous attorney and noted for "his ish. Community Center. • 'c'ordance with" the ternis of ths Baldication for the ' league's statistics. •activities "with" the American Civil1 else, find his .position- more -secure. • I -am firmly--«mvi&ced it- is within The organizations and their repref our Declaration issued by Great BriThe investigation was demanded by Liberties league. Hays has been presFor that reason I am militantly- in the Teatm•" of - possiinity -to create" a sentatives still in the" tourney aret tain ia 1917: ~ " the -league itself when the figures ent at the roost noted trials of the last Jewish emigration iorporatTOn-•which avor of the anti-Nazi boycott. The r r Al Oruch and Ernie Nogg, Alpha l*i It Es the first large long-term loan Tau; Max Resnick arid J o e . Solo- boycott is the heavy" artillery "of "the would-be-a"ble tb -float aa ihternstioncontained in its memorial book to decade. It is stated that as attorney 1 for the Mixed Claims Commission he" ~anjr institution 'connected* with~~ the monow, Phi Beta Epsilon; Florence fight, against" Hitlerism.. The .-tre- al Jewish -loan fcy means of athe war dead were contested. • colonization "work" in' Palestine "has Mqsher and. Frances Bordy, Kappa mendous effectiveness of the econom-. $100,000,000. "fend 'issue."The proAnnouncemervt of the findings of received a million dollar fee. He is also the author of several ^ transacted. The $2,500,000 will Tau; Lou Riklin and Ernie Priesman. c cannonading of the-.Nazi trenches ceeds of- such--a loan could ' easily Gommittea Headed by Mrs. Harry the investigation "-^-ere made here by outstanding books, anmg them "Lfet be used for the conversion, of all out- A. Z. A. 1; Ben Shrier and Morton s the iest answer to those timid finance an extensive. Jewish reEabiliTnmin to Have Charge of PhyDr. Leo Loewenstein, president. of Liberty Ring" and "Trial by Prejustanding debts of the Jewish Agency Adler,. Pi -Lambda Phi; Massie Baum souls who refuse to face the fire- .of tation "program." The beneficiaries sical Maintenance The inquiry, Dr. Lowenstein de: for Palestine that accumulated dur- and Hyman Finkelstein, Beta Tau anti-Semitism by" denying / and' for- such an. .undertaking vrould ' event-" clared, established the fact that 80.2 dice." His address in Omaha will ually be in .pps^tipn to repay the loan, deal with trial by prejudice. ing the past fourteen years in. ike. Kappa; Sara Bifkin and Sylvia Jon- getting their race. . -, Mrs. Harry Trustin, chairman of per cent of 8,200 names selected at Tickets for the Hays lecture as course of. the extended colonization isch, O. D. D. sorority jBernice PerlRevolutionary economic changes while the bonsiholders -would have the Building committee of the newly- random by the authorities were with well as the remaining Forum numand rehabilitation program. All ob- meter and . Fanny. _ Witkin, Alpha have made it impossible for ope contributed to'at least a partial and f orined Women's Division of th out question Jewish war dead. ligations will be consolidated and ail Gamma _ Chi; William Wolfe and country to ignore the feelings of the practical s&istios of the present. sit- Jewisli" Community Center and Wei- j This result, the league's president bers may "be obtained at the Jewish '. _ short term commitments converted Haskell1 Cohen, Phi Sigma Mu. rest of the world without paying for uation. (Seven Arts.) fare Federation, has a n n o u n c e d maintained, is an effective repudia- Community Center. . into one long term debenture. At the - At "the next regular forum of the it* Opponents of the boycott as a that beginning -with the first of the tion of the allegation that non-Jews same time, with funds made avail- Round Table on- Tuesday, January weapon to. tring tyrannical governyear her committee will • take charge were included . in the list. able from the loan, the Jewish col- 15, Rabbi Uxi Miller -will speak on "This official announcement,' Dr. of the physical maintenance of the ments and bigoted rulers to their onies created since the. end of the the subject,. "Jewish Education for senses forget, that there is an inJewish Community Center building. Lowenstein stated, ** confirms in a World War wlU be "^finitely\consol- Jewish Youth Today." creasing tendency 6n~ the • part of Plans for this -work were formu- sense the memorial statistics conidated . and jri^de independent,. of .'.. There will important meet- world public opinion to utilize' on a lated.-at a meeting of the committee tained in our book. So far as the further -contributions ' for -mainten- ing, of .the representatives to ths large scale the. principle of '-'caveat • The Workmen's Circle, Branch No. held at" the J. C. C. last week. Jack other 9.8 per cent are concerned- the ance. The colonizing .actmtjr of the Round Table on. Wednesday evening, vendor." Recognition, of the fact that 1-73; elected-tile following officers -at: Marer, chairman of the Center corn- examination states thai in six per Jack W. Marer, deputy county Jewish Agency^ will be concentrated January 2, at the Jewish Community the general, prosperity of .a country, a meeting JastFrMay: cent of - these cases; sufficient evi- tomey' under Henry Beal,: has ' - ' ~ . " mi ttee, addressed the' group.- • on new settlements from iow on, and Center. i immeasurably' damaged by. the.op; -: Sam: Steirivi finance secrfetaryr .L. - All ' reconimendatioiis. • for neees- dence lias not been obtained ~of the: reappbirited by J6mes~~P. * Eni ".." ,"•• ; :an enlarged prograjn^^or the estab! 'rreeording: I seae£ax$.; rlPanl. ssiry j repairs" by--iHe -ctMrusiittes- T?nll religion to which the war flsad' be- niswly-eleelid -coumty attorae>%. essftnr of -any. saiTone element of pfessftnr one .element, of, its lishment of new- Jewish colonies-will . gani Radenrigav be?-iubniitted to %he ^Cerit^ execu- longed. lopulation is "slo^rly permsatin^.^: ^ V At the same time, announcement "Since we,- "however, carefully ex- was made that Marer will be associ.Consistent ^lecbnbiaic:'T*ressure,hospitaler.' On,4&e secotsre commit- tive.-'- :;'- ' :\ ; _.. ;-• — at once be inaugurated. The receipts tee are L. Gitlin, Sam Ztssman, ABe against those .countries that.'refuse of the •Palestine Toundafiop since :Its John Farber heads a sub- amined every case on the basis of ated with i&e newly-forn'ISfl-i&#~ft^Si? M Formari, Max Selieow; Max Crbunsa, to "treat ^ e i r . minorities * in a' -=— la.]Mching;itt-^21\ittta)^.3nDi?;Jthan: . B l F O committee which will • take - care • of membership of the -Jewish religious of Monfeky, Grocfinsky, Mir«r«ttB't$-'and L Swaotz.-. - . : ized -manner can: have a unique- edu- Louis -Raben, the ladies1 lounge and rest room, - A community, and the official inves- hesv with offices at 737 Omaha Ka-": THs1 eveniftg,, December' .28, • the member of "her committee will -be tigation could not prove the con- iional Sank" building. The memberg of cational • value__and : do. much_jtp. pro-: 000,000. The Jews'in t b i tJaited States] cf. New York tect the jninority Tights of Jews WorkmeiiV Circle will 'Celebrate its : there' every weekday afternoon from trary, we count ninety-seven per cent this firm are Henry Monsky, Willifim* contributed -$12,50a",000 $12,5ti,00 - - to_: tills|. Prof. Charles amount.-These ~ funds- were f e n d e d J. ioT1 will speak in-English on r"Biro .Bid- abroad. The lunacy of "persecuting twentyrseVenth -anniversaryi at -. the 3:30 to 5:30 p. m. - of all ihe names we listed as defi- Grodirisky, Jack Marer and Harry • • ;-actiyities x»f• of jan -as *"' °a. TJewish; ^ - * AutonomousA™*™*™,™* T?«. minorities -will ultimatelj become ap- iabbr-Lry.ceumon the the following major activities Mrs. Harry Malashock neads an- nitely belonging to the Jewish re- Cohen. Associates will be Lloyd Dort ••• '. . and Harold J. Saks. > national settlement: agriculturaLcoK i " at the Labor Lyceum," 22nd liarerit to all peoples .when they find -A musical-progiam will be present- other sub-committee, which plans to ligion. . . . - • • • • • . oniaation, 1^540,000 pounds;, educa- and' Clark streets,-this, evening* De- that in. attempting to destroy racial ed. Included on the program will be install ^a monitor system in' the vari- ,"The other three per -cent will not Marer, who will be in charge of Abraham" Dansky, pianist; Thelma cus classes and corridors. enter into discussion about, because" civil and :tax work in the county at-: tion; 353,000 pounds; urban coloniza- -ceinberv 28," at.4->p. m. Gaspar,v violinist; Kenneth -Golden, statistically it does not vitally af-- torney's office,-will not office at theA' technical advisor in the uption, investments and" public works, vocalist; Martha: Herzog, recitation. feet the point of issue. The total of court house but with the new firm.: 998,000.pounds; immigration, 45T.O00 Jmilding of Biro Bidjany Prof: Konts The installing officer will be M. Seli12,000 of Jewish war dead contained, Maret's appointment was given tha •. ' pounds; public health and sanitation, has been to this Russian territory cow. Free refreshments win be served. in our list must be assumed to be indorsement of the democratic county, 324,000 pounds; religious and com- several times, staying there for two The arrangements committee condefinitely proved, when we take in*o central committee, ; despite the fact munal institutions, 306,000 pounds; years during his last visit. sists of S." Lrpp, chairnsari;'AT Forconsideration that our list was com- that he is a republican. County Attor- political activities, security adminis- .The address will be under the ausman and S. Zusman.; '''.'." piled ten years after the war, and Hey English stated that Marer was. pices of the local Icor. Chairman for tration, etc, 322,000 pounds. the communities of the occupied appointed to the post because of his, '•' "' The Jewish Agency for Palestine the evening will be Philip Ginsberg Jerusalem (J.TJL)—German Jews areas were no longer to be reached. experience and qualifications in handwill save large sums in interest pay- An open forum will follow the talk. who emigrated to Palestine since the "To go from the figures in the ling work of this special character. London (W.N.S.)—Opposing a ments and debt charges as a result Hitlerite persecutions began, broaght book to the spirit of the book, the move for the adoption of a resolution of obtaining theloan, it was declared with them $50,000,000 in capital, "Dr. protesting against the recent League spirit is that which -animated the by officials of the Executive in deArthur Euppin and Werner Senator, "of Nations' report on the Saar, Ne- German Jews of the front, and it is scribing the benefits of the loan. The of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, Afeency and the Keren Hayesod will Their span of- years ending almost ville . Laski, president of the Board the task now of the Reich League of informed newspapermen* at a press simultaneously, Mr. and Mrs.. John of Deputies of British Jews, told th? Jewish Front Soldiers to hold fast "save 20,000 pounds ($100,000) anna' . ': Corby, both 60, died last week and fortnightly meeting of the Board to this soldierly spirit and to hand ally in interest by reducing the debt Jerusalem (W.N.S.)—Arabs com- conference. New York (JTA).—Ninety per cent The Jewish Agency officials de- their bodies lay side by side in Golden that Jews cannot expect the Jewish it down to the Jewish youth -of Kleriharges 50,00 pounds annually, prise 43 i>er cent of all the workers of the members of the state legisla1 many today." clared that, in 1933, and 1934, 15,042 question to take precedence in world thereby lifting a burden from the on 78 per cent of the 123,000 dunams Hill cemetery. ture from Brooklyn have pledged their Zionist budget, and making possible of orange plantations owned by Jews German Jewish immigrants entered Last Thursday Mrs. Corby passed diplomacy when _ the peace of Eusupport to legislation which would dethe country. Twenty-four per cent of an expansion of.-the national colon- according to a study of the citrus away at a local hospital, •nnaware that rope hangs by a thread. prive colleges exercising "quota sysization activities. Eliezer Kaplan and industry, by the Jewish Agency.The the total Jewish immigration during husband had died at the same hosHe expressed the world because cf tems" in their registration from en- that period was from Germany. Israel Sieff, who carried out the loan report, based on figures for 98,000 pital the Sunday before. Conscious to the Jewish problem which they rejoying the benefits of tax exemption,.: More than 600 German Jewisa the end, Mrs. Corby blessed her gard as only one of the many contransaction in cooperation-with the dunams of the total area under citaccording to Samuel. S. Leibowitz, directors of the Anglo-Palestine rus cultivation, shows that 3,746 children .came into Palestine during daughter, Mrs. T. Tully, her son-in-; fronting, them. Various speakers inpresident of the Brooklyn Jewisli De- . Rome (WNS).—With the approval bank, secured more favorable' terms (43 per cent) of the 8,700 hired la- that period, 132 are-to arrive short- law, and her two grandchildren, Allan, sisted that the board take soine acand blessing of Premier Benito Mus- mocracy, Inc. on the loan than many governments borers employed in the orange groves ly and the Palestine government has 5, and Stuart, 3. tion to obtain additional concessions solini, Italian Jewry has launched a At the same time, Leibowitz anobtain. Austria, for example, is pay- are Ajabs, and 4,955 (57 per cent) given permission for 350 more to enMr. and Mrs. Corby were-natives for the Jews of the Saar and took drive for $1,000,00 for German-Jewish nounced that the organization, at a ing 5 3-4 per cent for its loaa, in are Jews. ter in 1935, the Agency officials of Bucharest, Rumania. Mr. Coiby sharp issue with LaskTs position on relief. Announcement of Mussolini's meeting last Tuesday night, had ad contrast to the four per cent charged Further emphasizing the extent to stated. came to this country 47 years ago,- his Austrian Jewry, he having declared interest in the campaign was made at opted a resolution calling upon the to" the Keren Hayesod. which. Arab labor is employed in More than 300 German Jewish bride-to-fre coming here the following on the authority of an unidentified the opening conference of the drive by legislative body to amend the tax law • Jewish enterprises, the report gives families were placed on land in Pal- year. They were married in Omaha 45 but important personage that the Signor Fellici, head of the Federation so as to take away from non-sectarianthe following. figures for individual estine since the advent of Hitlerism. years ago. Austrian government was making ef- of Jewish Communities, who was a educational institutions the privileges Jewish colonies: Petach Tikvah/ 684 Approximately seventy of the colonof tax exemption if they restrict regforts to remove all causes for Jew- friend of Dr. HerzL Arabs, 251 Jews; Eehoboth, 578 Jews ists were German Jewish physicians istration, according to race, color or ish complaint. Fellici asserted that n Duee had 530:Arabs;. Hedera, 550 Arabs, 242 and lawyerscreed. The Board, however, tabled furth- personally endorsed the drive and exJews; Ness Ziona, 389 Arabs, 330 er action on both issues. In the pressed a keen interest in the work of Jews; Eishon le Zino, 403 Arabs, 189 Chelsea, Mass. (JTA).—Because the course of a lengthy address. Laski German-Jewish relief. According to . community regarded them with sus- Jews. drew a black picture of the situation Felliee, Mussolini also said that the In other words these five colonies picion, the Swastika club ql the Mount Jerusalem, (WNS)—Wage in- of the Jews of Germany, Poland and Italian government is ready to support ^Bellingham church changed its name. employ 2,604 Arabs and 1,542 Jews. creases, additional industrial enter- the Baltic lands and defended him- the case of the refugees before the The organization, an active charitable prises and a substantial growth in self against charges that he was an League of Nations. Sam Friedman was chosen presiA young people's night will be sponand religious group, has been in exthe number of industrial workers for assimilationist. He also warned the dent of the Sam Beber chapter No. sored by the College club at Temple istence for many years. 100 of the A. Z. A. at a recent elecIsrael this evening, December 28, with the sis-month period ending Novem- Baltic nations that their discriminaLearning of the connection- with tion. He succeeds Meyer Rosenbaum. members of the organization partici- ber are cited by the Jewish Agency tion against Jews would cost them Hitlerism and the persecution of the as practical, evidence" of Palestine's heavy economic losses. Other officers: Al Monovitz, vicepating in the services. Jews, the members decided to alter progress. president; Nathan Crounse, secreWashington (JTA).—Legislation to Lazar Kaplan will read the service. the name of the club at once. Two Omahans, Eabbi Uri Miller tary; George Shafer, treasurer; Max curb Nazi, Communistic and similar The kaddish will be read by William " Industrial activities . increased 21 and M. Laserowitz, will attend the Novak, senior sergeant-at-arms; Joe subversive propaganda activities in L. Holzman; Short sermonettes will per cent, industrial establishments national convention of the Mizrachl Guss, junior sergeant-at-arms; Leo the United States, as well as to make be given by E. Leo Nogg and Melvin increased from 1,056 to 1,140, the organization of America, which will Eisenstatt, reporter; Irving Ivaiman, punishable any conspiracies to over- Sommei. A musical selection will be number of workers from 11,848 to Members of A. Z- A. chapters 1 be held in Detroit, Mich., for four chaplain. throw the government, may be sub-1 given by the Misses Julia Zucker, Es- 14,302 and wages by ten fo fifteen per cent. The textile, wood, food sup- ana 100 will be in charge of services days starting today. The new officers will be installed mitted to Congress, this winter by the j ther Silverman arid Janet Graetz.: All organizations interested in the McCormack investigating committee, next Sunday. After the service, the Temple Israel ply, leather and metal industries re- at the Conservative Synagogue this work o£ the Jewish National Fund it was indicated here by Eepresenta- Sisterhood will assist the College dab ported the greatest expansion. Vienna—Austrian Jewish publishevening. which have not yet chosen delegates tive Dickstein. The Jewish Agency also reported Isadore Mittleman and Julian Na- ers and editors last Friday became Physics Award at a social gathering in the vestry to the local J. N. F. Council are inThis statement was made after the rooms. Students home for the holidays the following •wage scales: Metal than will read the services. Ben a target for the Schuschnigg govern-! Amsterdam (JTA). — Professor J vited to do so before the next'meet- second day of the open hearing on will attend. Donald Brodkey, Adele trade mechanics, $1.50 to $2.25 per Shrier, Edward Sosenbaura and Mas- ment when a decree was issued re- W. deHaas of Leyden, prominen' ing of. the Council on Tuesday eve- Communistic activities, brought addi- Wilinsky and Harold Abrahams -will day; weavers, $1.50 to |2.00 per day sie Baum will present a symposium quiring special licenses for all news- Dutch Jewish physicist, was awardei ning, January 8, 8:30 p. m. at l i e tional pressure for such legislation act as greeters. All young people are carpenters, $255 to $3.25' per day on European Jewry today. They wifl papers. The new licenses require all the Eumford medal of the Royal So J. C. C^, according to Joe Eadinow- from a numberof organizations, in- invited to attend. bakers, $40 per month; expert ma- discuss the Jewish situation ia. Ger- publishers to state their religiion. ciety of London. ski, president. cluding the Benevolent and ProtecAll newspapers in the country, The award, a prized distinction ii Officers of the College club are La- chinists, $2^5 per day; printers, ?45 many, Poland, Eussia an2 Palestine. All delegates. are expected to at>. tive Order of Elks, the War and Navy zar Kaplan, president; Adele Wilin- per month; unskilled building work- Eabbi Goldstein "will be ia Sioux even those in existence for many the world of physics and chemiBtry tend the meeting, as plans for the departments, the American Legion sky, vice-president, and Janet Graetz, ers, $1.75 to $2 per day; and sk3ied City, where he will occupy ths pul- years, must now obtain special was given for researches in the propcoming year will be formulated. and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. building workers, $2 to $5 per day. pit of Eabbi Rahiaowitz. secretary-treasureii licenses. erties of bodies at low temperatures.










Broohlykites Prepare [ to Halt College Bias

Mussolini in Back of German-Jewish Relief

"Swastika Club" Makes Quick Change in Name

Youth Service at Temple Tonight

Concrete Evidence of Palestine Boom

Sam Friedman to Head A. Z. A. 100

Legislate Against Un-American Agitation

Delegates to National Fund Council to Meet

Omahans to Attend MizracM Convention

A. Z. A. Members to Conduct Services


Hungary Rules Nazi Firm Pay Damages

national and historic center. Only in. Semite and publisher of the Stuermerv this center can" the Jews and Juda- When Minister of Economics ordered ism develope freely and naturally, in the withdrawal of pickets from. Jewspirit with their historic potentiali- ish shops, l i e public, apparently not ties and peculiarities, which received agreeing, with the anti-Semitic fanat- ?• Budapest (J.T.A.)—The Hungarian new features and content through ics who placed the pickets, flocked Supreme Court has handed down a firms in the cultural cross-fertilization with into the JeVish shops to make their ruling ordering German ? purchases. .. - , Hungary -who • had dismissed their humanityy at large in the last generg Jewish employees - under the Nazi ations ^tMessence of ations. In In briefs briefs .^tM-essence of "the "the "Aryan paragraph" to pay damages^ By the Service Life Insurance will to National: Renaissance -must FFA, well-known German film Company, Omaha be the living passion for the unity company which dismissed its Hunof the Folk, to its regeneration and. garian Jewish -workers, was ordered The upheaval in business and the its free and uninhibited- development to pay damages. The judges ruled zigzag course of the rise and tall of and growth in spirit-with its own that the "Aryan paragraph" could investments of widely varied characBy Harry Mendelson past, built "upon Tmmanistic and culnot be held to apply in Hungai-y. ter have forced men to compare their tural foundations." Warsaw, (JTA).-^-By means of "a The competence of the courts in deal- life •'Neri Thursday, the 29 of Tebeth, luminary, the authentic spokesman can It become a center of imitation purchases with their Practical Zionism, with its frelarge territory able to take in the ing with the matter was upheld, de- otherinsurance marks the eighth Tahrzeit of Achad Uf the Jewish past. Were one to for the rest of Jewry. supposedly secure and carefully quent diplomatic and political mawhole of Jewry" the anti-Jewish Though essentially a man of the claims of German attorneys to selected holdings. Ha-Axn, the father of Cultural Zion- evoke other great figures of the past and constant concern world union formed at Belinzona, spite the contrarywith whom to compare him, one book, of the idea, of the spirit ex- neuverings ism.—H.; ,M., Being disappointed In the day-toabout the every day problems of re- Switzerland, during a recent secret would, immediately be reminded of alted above that of immediate ma- habilitation, day market value of bonds heretofore may have frequently in congress of , representatives of antiAs we look back at Jewish life in a Billet* a Saadya Gaon or a'Maitu- terial achievements, yet he never the last generation eclipsed the mes-Semitic organizations in twenty-seven either at or above par remained indifferent or u n c o n Europe of the last two generations onides. sages, challenges and rebuking polHaving Been wealth sunk in stocks countries, will eeek to solve the we discover two streams of thought, • Our fathers and grandfathers, who cerned about the practical ways and emics of "This is not the way!'' of "burning Jewish problem of freeing literally drowned overnight means and the physical efforts netwo Weltaanschaungen,, two ap- were close to Zionism must have reAchad Ha-Am; much of what he the nations of the Jewish parasites," Not having enjoyed the thrills that proaches to the 'burning issues of acted very much like Levin: "1 am xessary to realize in flesh and blood wrote may have become outmoded; a report by the Catholic Press offers for the real estate purchases the ideal of Eretz ha-bnooyah, a ReRio de Janeiro (J.T.A.)—There is that day, at times running parallel faced with a riddle: What was it nevertheless the- voice of the great Agency reveals. made a few years ago would bring built Palestine, and of geoolath haa definite need for immigrants in that drew me and held me to Herzl?" to each other, at other times mergsage and the guiding spirit of the (them—The congress which, according to ing into each other and at still oth- Why was it that he became and hasoomah, a renascent people. His,life sober and sensitive critic always general information Was to have been Brazil, particularly of such as can was far frorii that of ah impractical, All these things have caused men to follow agricultural pursuits, the iner ' times abruptly parting*. One remained in My eyes the hero, while calling to spiritual stock-taking, are held in Belgium, lasted four days. and PRIZE as never before stream of', thought o r i g i n a t e d Achad Ha-Am is only the teacher T idle, dreamer-or that of a, scholar, no less meaningful and no less vi- The world union -which it created will fluential Correlo de Manha (Morning CHERISH THJEIR UFE INSURANCE CONfar from the burning issues of the Post) declared recently in a special : with the amazing deeds and achieve- I was a contemporary of both men. brant in the New Palestine than in have a central bureau composed of TRACTS. ments of Theodore Hers], which ran . . .In the spiritual field Achad Ha-' market-place,,-who is absorbed in the days of the B'nai Moses anr representatives vfr"otn England, Hol- article. Men today are sot only dissatisfied, Sharp criticism of the country's from its very start La torrents. And Am was for me the personification perusing ancient tomes or in exhum- Choveve" Zion. land, France; Germany, Switzerland, immigration policy is also contained they are unsatisfied. They, want to feel the other, .whose sources was Achad .of all that is ^deepest and richest in ing hoary manuscripts. On the conHungary, Turkey and Poland, the re- in the same article. Particular objec- secure, not just hopeful. Ha-Am, flowed quietly and slowly the Jewish world. Herzl was the per- trary from the. very moment his first port states. It does not indicate tion is made to the recently adopted They are demanding guarantees. near .its. source, but kept.gaining sonification of polished Europeanism. articles appeared and his founding where this bureau will have its headPromises and expectations of what the B'Nai Moses, a.sort of esoteric law -which limits entry to twu per tempo and power" as it flowed oh, In a word, they were for me the quarters but says this will be in one cent of the number of persons of the future holds for them are not group of priests, who were to guard East an<i the West. But I, by nature and at times even eclipsing- or addof the states belonging-, to the union. each nationality in Brazil according enough. It is not so much what it ing^to in its rumblings and reverba- and inclination and training am of and preserve .the spirit and aspiracosts today as what it will be worth As its first step the union an- to the census of 1920. lons of Chibath Zion, there stands the East rather than,of the West. tions the Sturm und Drang generattomorrow that counts. nounced to all the nations that it out the close and strong connection Calling attention to the fact that ed by Herd's appearance in the Jew- . . . Achad Ha-Am was not a mysThe public is life insurance wise towould convoke an anti-Jewish world between the -will and the deed, the census figures for the past are very tery to me." . ish world.' congress for settling the Jewish ques- incomplete, the newspaper also indi- day. Idea and its realization. The star of Herzl rose suddenly The storm winds which blew upon It has been brought home time and tion, "a menace to world peace," in cates that geographic distribution For Achad Ha-Am the dynamics and unexpectedly, like a meteor. Out Europe during the nineteenth cenagain that life insurance contracts deaccordance with the suggested prodiffers gTeatly today from what it o£ the charming and vivacious city of tury 'failed not to. penetrate Jewish of Jewish nationalism was to be the liondon (JTA). — Further evidence gram of Jewish settlement. liver the goods, not only part of the was thirty years ago. Vienna, there came a voice of thun- life. We find the final collapse of •people" and not diplomacy and po- that the economic screw is being Many parts of the country are still time, or most of the time, but all of der, calling the Jewish people to •the Ghetto walls, the birth of the itical maneuverings. Nationalism is tightened against German Jewry by uncultivated and require agricultural the time. the exclusion of "non-Aryans" from a self-liberation. A man, v?ho was alien- Haskal (Enlightenment^ the spread he " I " of the people. And as the workers, the article says. In concluto his people —- or. ratner, on?..••who. of Biblical; criticism and scientific 'I" of the individual is "the sum to- number of professions is presented by sion, it urged that Brazil should not Patronize Our Advertisers. had -become alienated front,It, like" jjudaica, the swift penetration of tal of his memories and his will," the London Times in a column-long follow the example set by the United article dated from Berlin. the synthesis of impressions and most of the best intellectuals—turned western culture into the Pale. Also Asserting that"10,000 Jews have re- Moscow (JTA).—The circulation of States in shutting ou immigrants, suddenly bacL, and; the firstr •words: the growth of. bitter aversion for the memories of the past with desires cently been deprived of the chance to the Soviet Jewish Press is growing, characterizing the practice as one Mark Leon Says... and hopes for the future; so it is he uttered were those of the <ies- j<3hettp way of life, a burning hatred earn a livelihood in Germany, the ar- the number of Yiddish books printed which "would bring no good to Bra- I,et me protect your Interests . . . I tined leader. An- electric shock ran for the_ mores of the past, .increasing with the nation: memories and im- tide points out that the recent tend- j is increasing, but the Jewish town- zil. write INSURANCE of every dercrlptioa pressions on the one hand and hopes through the Jewish '.people. ' ' attacks upon the folk-ways of the liIFE, In strong:, reliable comency to assume that the effects of the j ship and the Jewish cultural workers The article is considered an indi- including panies ONLT . . . IM'n talk It orer. And Asher Ginzberg, better known Pale. Family dissensions over theolo- and desires on the other. The na- anti-Semitic legislation of the Nazis evince no great desire to spread Jewas Achad Ha-Am, how differently he gical matters, sporadic assimilation tional renaissance cannot come ex- have been exaggerated (the assump- ish books, declaring that the Jewish cation that Brazil will find it diffi- City Finance & Insurance Co. appeared 'in ' the Yiddish' Gass! tendencies and fears for the reli- cept through the spiritual and moral tion being based on the fact that Dr. youth does not wish to learn Yiddish. cult to maintain the recently adopt- 1409 ramam St. AT. 7667 or WA. 6150 ed restricted immigration policy. regeneration of the Jewish Folk. Wheras Herzl came into the orbit of gious laxness of the Maskilrm. Hjalmar Schacht, Minister of Eco- "It is better to learn a European And realizing that that is a long Jewish life not only with the unexBut it was more the bloody ornomics, discourages interference with language," declares a school teacher pectedness, but also with the myste- ganized violence of Alexander III and arduous process he insisted that Jews in commerce) is misleading. Dr. in the Jewish township of Kublichi, riousness of a comet and his appear- that weaned many Maskilim from he work in Palestine alone will not Schacht's measures, the article de- Ukraine. "Though I belong to the ance and life took on the character contempt for;the Jewish past to deep be sufficient. Also in the Diaspora clares, were taken,merely to prevent Jewish race I nevertheless regard myof a legend, Ginsberg appeared as concern and passion for national re- Judaism must be prepared for the disturbances of the economic life of self as an internationalist, and I have Jerusalem (W.N.S.)—Because of the still, small voice" with an idea habilitation and the Hebrew Renais- inevitable political arid spiritual Germany. practically forgotten the Yiddish lan- governmental measures against illicit that finally captures the hearts and sance. Herzl thought he could ac- transformations that would follow Despite these measures, the article guage." Jewish immigration, only sixteen per especially the minds of a generation. complish the Jewish emancipation D7 the rebuilding of the homeland. We continues, it is now apparent that the cent of the Jewish tourists who came He came into the Pale _ as Achad Ha- diplomacy and clever political ma- must elevate the people to a high pressure is continuously increasing, to Palestine during the first nine Austria Bans Book Am, one of the people, as a, self-de- nipulations. I suppose it never and intellectual and moral level, to especially against the Jewish profesmonths of 1934 remained, as comVienna.—The Austrian government facing, unassuming, anonymous wri- dawned upon him to ask: "Mee cleanse it of the many defects, dis- sional and small trader. Propaganda has issued an order forbidding the pared with forty per cent in 1933. ortions and cripplings which be- Minister Goebbels' Chamber of Culter, who ascends the literary stage, oomee. .aa-holcheem 1" Who will or distribution of the book During this year the government only when he is impelled to expre?s us in the march into the promised came rooted deeply in the Jewish or- ture is ruthlessly-applying the "Ar- publication containing blood libel chargss against ruled that all tourists must deposit an opinion that may bring some t m - land? • ; ;anism through- the Ghetto life and yan" principle,^ iretf only to artists, as the Jews. The book .was being issued a $300.00 guarantee to assure that efit to his people. His was to be the But Achad Ha-Am, the voice of the persecutions and discriminations. was recently reported, but also to "by Dr.'Stepan, former head of the they do not overstay their legal time. Education and literature he insist- persons through whom their works Patriotic Front The Jewish commu- ' The number 6f tourists entering •voice -of -the-'Eale,^tjf the long Jew- the Polk, well realized that there ish past, of : Judaism, of- the ages could he no political salvation with- ed be the methods by; which are sold. Thus 2j000 Jewish families nity had instituted legal action against the country in the first nine months of their\livelir him. struggling to", renew itself in the out -being' preceded by a spiritual |o realize the raising of a nem_ gen- have been deprived of this year was 74,703 as compared ; INSURED CABS £. •;..-.. ;•...•' New Europe and the New Palestine. regeneration of Israel.'His was the eration and the renewal of the Peo- hood. with 53,831 last year. 1 By the samelmethod. The Times His was the -will to build upon the voice of the will to liberation in the ple. These two need to/tear out with old structures while that of Herzl, Altneuland which was tempered with the roots not only the assimilationist says, the Chamber of Plastic Aits has " who almost entirely ignorant of .th.2 a deep knowledge and appreciation tendencies of the Jewish intelligent- succeeded in ousting 500 Jewish artr old legacy, - was the-, iron will and of the evil effects of hundreds of sia but also the social and individual ists and their families, and thousands stubborn 'determination of the fa- years of Ghetto existence, passion aberrations with which the nation of Jews connected with the press have natic new convert to build from the for national rehabilitation and the became infected in an unhealthy mi- been deprived of their means of making a living by Goebbels' press chamground up without incorporating in- urge to syntheske the best in Juda- lieu. According" to him Zionism is not ber. to* the new structure the most valu- ism with the^ essence of the finest in a part of Judaism and not an accrer * Where Omaha Shops with Confidence Only where Schacht's edict is enable and indispensable stones of the European life and thought. At ail tion to it, but Judaism, in its entire- forced is the lot ot the "non-Aryan" times did -he exalt quality above ty, except for the shift in its Cvnter somewhat eased, the article says in Of gravity. Zionism is the concentraconclusion, citing as an example an To many Herri's appearance was a quantity in action and thought. Out mystery. "No one knew what path of:the Eretz Yisrael was to • come tion of the spirit of the nation in the instance in Brunswick where recent-something unique that would serve will to existence and its spiritual and ly Schacht intervened to stop the antihe had traversed till then, and no not only" as a model and "center of moral regeneration, which is possi- Jewish boycott arranged there after a one could forecast bis trajectory. He imitation" for the Diaspora, but for ble only through* the creation of a visit of Julius Streicher, arch anti-' was a portent. One haif of the Jew-all- of mankind, he visioned the ish/ world watched him with amaze- ancient homelandforagain as of old ment and joy, the other half with the incubus of a new"world of power 'Charge Purchases Payable in February dread and suspicion,": according to and moral grandeur, "where the imShmarya Levin. But the. appearance pact of western culture upon a land of Achad Ha-Am, while It produced mellowed in historic and legendaryJust Arrived! A Gay Group of 100 far-reaching reverbations, did not associations would bring forth- a FOR THIS YEAR-END produce the sensation of the myste- message and challenge as lofty as SATiE • • • rious, the exotic, the legendary, for that of the ancient prophets. the future teacher,/philosopher, spir- ; Palestine was not to be just anitual guide spoke the language, ex- other state modeled along the newly pressed the hopes, aspirations and emerged states of his day, a place of thoroughly understood the joys "and refuge fro'in violence, discrimination, sorrpws, the past: sufferings and" sup- but a center of influence, a contapressions and* the burning passion gious virus innoculating . the Diasfor self-liberation of the Pale. pora with the will to intellectual and Unlike Herzl, the European aes- moral regeneration. But rbefore that thete, who immediately: captured the is possible, he insisted that ai new Pale with his brilliancy and scintil- generation must be raised in the Fresh and New lating personality, he became to the Galuth with the will and moral stafor New Year's! best Jewish minds of the age* the mina to self-liberation. ; Only then Beautifully sritical voice, the leading intellectual




• .





WHAT IT D p . . .





Russian Youth Refuse To Use Yiddish Idiom

Jewish Tourists to Palestine Increase







• - '











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<Page &—THE JEWISHI31ESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28,1934 America, but became, the first Jew to hold the championship- in this; the most" popular division _ of . boxing. Cocky, dramatic, egotistic and aggressive, Baer is a new.kind of champion. The final meeting of Lee GrossFavorites continue to win in the There have been other Jewish boxing Favorites came through victorious- man's basketball school for young- J. C. C. preseason singles handball champions—Leonard, - Singer, Eosen- ly in the opening -games of the J. C sters will be held this afternoon at tournament, results of last week rebloom, Berg, Welsh, etc -— but none C. regular season basketball league, the Center at 2 pjn. vealed. had Baers unique personality. He last Sunday, bat two of the quints Team offense will bear the burden Jack Sadofsky tiiumphed over Jack :may not be as great a fighter as just barely squeezed under the wire of the discussion this afternoon, Ban in the outstanding match of the Dempsey, but he has a certain charm by the; narrowest of margins. Grossman announced. Following the tourney thus far in a three-game enand attractiveness that place him in lecture, the boys will be given an op- counter, 18-21, 21-10 and 21-9. SadofThe Omaha Jobbers, preseason a class by himself. Until Greenberg champions, proved just one point bei- portunity to show what they have sky, despite a painfully injured fincame along, Baer was the undisputed ter than the Pants Store aggrega- learned, as Grossman is planning to ger, which he received in the first idol of all Jewish sportsmen. Today, game, proved to have too much stama newcomer to the regular sea- hold extensive scrimmage sessions. he is still a hero and unquestionably tion, ina for the fast-tiring Ban, and won A midget league will be formed son, edging oat a 21 to 20 win. The In this sorrey of the Jewish per- sky, Eothenberg, etc. — maintained, -the governorship of New York by one of the most interesting of 1934's Jobbers led all the way, but the from the lads who have been attend- much as he pleased in the final two _ .Banalities who emerged from com- their firm grip. New Jeadei^ were Herbert H. Lehman, is no stranger new Jewish faces. Pants Store boys were close on their ing the school. The league will get games. parative obscurity to fame daring conspicuous by their absence. In another three-game affair, Willie to the front page, but it was not un- No question has occupied public heels at all times. Jake Adler, Pants under way the second week in Janthe past year, Mr. Postal offers Neville Laski, the new and aggres- till 1934 that he gained entrance to! interest more iin 1934 tlian that of Store guard, had the opportunity to uary and will consist of four to six Bloom came back after losing the first ' some novel and timely observations sive president of the Board of Depu- that Select circle -which is here re^jhow to prevent -war. In the fight to tie the count in the last five seconds teams. The games will be played on contest to snaie a victory over Earl on the development of Jewish lead- ties of British Jews, and Dr. Nahum ferred to as new Jewish faces. Prior shovr up -war as a racket in -which of play with a free throw, but the Friday afternoons. Seigal, 17-21, 21-16 and 21-18. Al ership.—The Editor. Soffer defeated Nate Cutler, 21-14, Goldmann, chairman of the executive to his nomination; Moses was not munitions makers are the chief par- ball rolled off the hoop. 21-17 in the only other match played. committee for the world Jewish con- known as a Jew. When he got the ticipants, World Peaceways, Inc., has The Psi Mus, defending champions * * * Lee Grossman urges all players to One of the primary axioms of jour- gress, were almost the only other im- G.O.P. designation, his lack of Jew- been the dominating factor, and be- likewise •were hard pressed in winThe annual Workmen's Circle con- j hurry up with their matches. The secnalism is that names make news; the portant newcomers to. Jewish leader- ish affiliation made him the subject hind World Peaceways is Mrs. Es- ning from the A. Z. A. No. l's, 25 bigger the name the bigger the news. ship. In his second term as president of a despicable whispering campaign. telle M. Sternberg-er. She is no stran- to 21. The A. Z. A. kids were out in cert by the trio of artists, A Lutzky,; ond round must be completed by JanI t is, of course, not uncommon for of the Board. of .Deputies, LasM re- Although he was badly, beaten, Moses' ger to Jewish life. Generally recog- front most of the way, and only hnt Maxine Brody and Miss Zelda Zlot- nary 4, he states. in, will be held Wednesday, Februmen and women who are not so-called vealed splendid qualities of courage- vigorous campaign stamped him as a nized as the most widely known Jewwork on the part of Millard ary 6. "big names" to make big news. Hard- ous and wise leadership. A younger man of unusual attainments and one ess in America, she has been identi- "basket and Iz Bogdonoff, kept the ly a day passes without some hither- man than any of his. predecessors, lie from whom the public service will fied with almost every Jewish com- SigalMus on the win side of the ledg- Warsaw.—The government party .to obscure person flashing into head- revitalized the board and turned its gain much. For twenty years he de- munal activity in tlais country for a Psi er. Sigal Bogdonoff made all nominated seven Jews on its ticket line prominence almost overnight by activities in the direction of more pos- voted himself to civic and public af- | generation. But she didn't really their team'sand OIL BUHNERS points, Sigal accounting; of thirty-six for posts on the War•virtue of one event, deed or word, or itive activities. "Under his direction fairs and won the reputation as a | make the front page until she turned for 14, and Bogdonoff for 11. saw municipal council. series of them. A great many of the Board of Deputies won a new man who was above politics. As park her talents to mobilizing public opinOut of a total population of 1,The Xi Lambdas after floundering those momentarily catapulted to fame place in contemporary Jewish life and commissioner of New York, he made ion against war. It was Mrs. Stern2612 Leaven wnrtte AT. 2S00 about for a full quarter, finally got 200,000 in Warsaw, 310,000 are Jews. or notoriety are quickly forgotten as Laski is pressing the old-time Jewish the parks of Gotham something to be berger who induced Senator Nye to under way in the second period and their contribution to the news of the magnificos for the official leadership proud of. During 1934 Moses' name undertake the job of heading the easilv outdistanced the Re Ims, 28 -day hecomes a newspaper clipping and of British Jewry. on the front page almost every Senate munitions inquiry. Behind the to 10. is buried away in newspaper morgues. Dr. Goldmann, a veteran in Jewish was No games will be played by the A certain proportion of these, how- activity, won a new place in the Jew- day. His record of public service which sensational revelations disclosed by ever, remain in the glare of publicity - ~ . . . . . j , ..^»» >* »»„»> £.u»>.<~ iii *ix*, « t i . - . he climaxed by his aggressive cam- this inquiry is the figure of Mrs. league, Tuesday, New Year's day. ish sun by his vigorous efforts to | paign, brought him into the ranks of Sternberger who has opened a new Next Thursday's schedule finds the • and by retaining their hold on public rally Jewry to the support of a world i new Jewish faces of 1934. chapter in her extremely fascinating Omaha Jobbers battling the Wardinterest become "great names" in the Jewish congress. Previously known The phenomenal political, career of career by leading the fight against robe Clothiers, and the Re Ims meetsense of having important value. Any only in limited Jewish circles, Gold- David A. Croll, Russian-born Jewish that super-racket, war. newspaper reader can list several doz- mann's resounding speeches and or- newsboy and bootblack, who, at 34 This limited number of new Jew- ing the Psi Mus. J. C. C. basketball fans are reen people whose names were front ganizational activities and his consis- years of age became the first Canadipersonalities, new Jewish figures minded that season tickets for the page figures. In view of the fact that tent pleading for a world Jewish con- an cabinet minister of the Jewish ish whom the Jewish people can look regular cage season are still on sale 1934 was studded with events of ma- gress lifted him to a new eminence in faith, brought Croll into public prom- to for leadership and guidance, indi- at the Center, at Smith's Lunch jor import to the Jewish people, it the Jewish -world. for the first time, especially cates that the inspiration offered counter, at the basketroom, and by would not be_ amiss to have a glance Notwithstanding the feverish pace inence among Jews. After serving as mayor by new faces and new leaders was various players of the teams. at what the outgoing year has yielded Jewish communal life in America, of Windsor for four years, a position again denied Jevrry. A restrospect of These tickets are selling for one in.the way of Jewish newcomers to of 1934 was distinguished by its failure in "which his distinguished achieve- the Jewish scene for 1934 is convinc- dollar and entities the holder to take the front page. to produce successors to the men who ments won him a national reputation ing proof that the famine of nevr Looking back over the history of have been carrying the burden of in Canada, Croll embarked on a new and aggressive Jewish leaders is still in all the games of the J. C. C. regular basketball season. Over 40 games the past year forces one to the con- Jewish leadership in this country for chapter of his life when he was ap* with us. are on the year's schedule, more than clusion that while • the color of the more than a generation. A few young- pointed minister of labor and public (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts ever before in the history of Center Jewish scene changed from a lower- er men made feeble efforts to climb •welfare in the cabinet of Premier Synidcate.) basketball. This is due to the fact ing gray to an ominous black, its dom- to a position of leadership, but by Hepburn of Ontario Province. His apthat there are seven teams in this inating personalities for the most part and larga, the same faces continued pointment shattered a long- precedent year's league, whereas previously remained unchanged. During the past to hold sway. An exception to this because Croll was the first Jew to win there had always been but six. twelve months many ."new Jewish trend was Sol Stroock, the new chair- a cabinet office in Canada. Already Teams which have signified their Single admission for each evening names made the headlines, but only a man of the executive committee of there is talk that if the Liberals win handful of them made a lasting im- the American Jewish Committee, Al- the next national election, Croll will intentions of playing in the J. C. C. of play remains at 15 cents. pression. Not many new figures arose though hardly what might be called a become a member of the national cab- Class B Junior league are asked to have all contracts and fees turned in ; to challenge the prestige of the old novice in Jewish affairs, Stroock as- inet. to Lee Grossman by Thursday, Jannames that have made Jewish and sumed new importance during 1934 The most colorful new Jewish faces nary 10. world history for a generation or because of his able direction of the The league, a four-team affair, will Is engaged in the business of sellmore. In virtually, every "walk of life American Jewish Committee's unob- of the year were in the world of ing all kinds of BELIG1OUS AEthe Jews who were recognized as trusive but extremely effective and sports. For years the idols of Jewish begin play January 6. The Junior TICLES—Taleisim, Books, Jewish "greats" in 1933 retained their magic intensive campaign for promoting en- sport fans were Benny Leonard, Ben- games will be played as preliminaTies Bibles in Hebrew and English. in 1934. Few of them were overshad- lightenment regarding the Jews of ny Friedman and Nat Holman. This to the Senior league games, one juntrio had a monopoly on the affections Bes. 609 So. 50th St. GL. 2972 ior game preceding the two senior owed by younger or more brilliant ri- America and Germany. A man of wide of Jewish athletic followers. But in games on Tuesday and Thursday. * valsw Generally speaking, Jewish his- experience and unusual t a l e n t s , 1934, two newcomers, Henry Greentory in 1934 was made by almost the Stroock's new role as the number berg and Max Baer, weaned Jewish same, set of people that "made it in two man of the American Jewish interest away from Leonard, FriedCommittee stamped him as a likely man and Holman. Professional Jewish In a year of unprecedented Jewish candidate for the future leadership of baseball players are no longer a novtragedy, it is surprising to iind that that organization. elty, but never before in the history no really dynamic and- colorful Jew- In.the field of statecraft and public of big league baseball has any Jewish personality emerged as a leader of affairs, the number of new Jewish ish player captured the imagination his people. Within the limited bounds faces was somewhat more encourag- of the Jewish arid general public as of Jewish,life itself there were no new ing. The most notable of these isi^M Greenberg. ~ Only in his second Louis Marshalls, Theodor Herzls, Jacob Suritz, of the most success- year as a big league player,- GreenFeizmanns, Arlosoroffs or .Melchetts. ful of; the "newone school of Soviet diplo- berg developed into one of the stars In the broader fields of .activity, too, j mats. A veteran Bolshevik, Suritz cli- of the national pastime. He "hit home the old names continued to hold sway. maxed a brilliant career in the Soviet runs like a Babe Ruth, and afield he The following, however; is the list of diplomatic service by being appointed handled himself like a veteran. Much those Jews "who by -virtue of their to the delicate position of Soviet am- of the credit for Detroit's phenomachievements during 1934 have been bassador to Germany. The appoint- enal climb to the American League recognized as the new Jewish faces, ment of. a Jew to this post focused championship was given to Greenof 1934: . . ' world attention on Suritz; Duringhis berg. And when he stayed, away from Moses Shertok, nead of the political brief tenure of office Suritz succeed- the ball field on Yom Kippur despite department of the Jewish Agency; ed in allaying a good deal, of the thVfact that "Detroit was in the midst Neville Laski, president of the Board smoldering, hostility .1 between Nazi of a torrid pennant fight, he'clinched of Deputies of British Jews; David Germany, and. Bolshevik Russia. His his position as the new hero of JewCroll, minister of labor and public record: and present eminence make, ish sport fans. welfare of the Province of Ontario; him one of the key figures in the When Max Baer; knocked out the Robert Moses, Republican candidate Soviet regime. for goverhor.of New York and park Robert Moses, who was defeated.for. hulking Primo Camera, he not only Hisses' and Women's Sixes—Fourth Floor brought the heavyweight title back to commissioner of New York City; Jlenry Greenberg, star -of, t h e ' Detroit baseball team; Max Baer, world's heavyweight champion; Sol Rosenblatt, " director of code compliance of the NBA; Jacob- Suritz, Soviet ambassador to Germany; Sol Stroock, chairman'of the executive committee of the "American Jewish committee; Let Us Demonstrate to You "William •Citron," congressman-at-large from Connecticut; Dr. Nahum Goldthe New mann, chairman of the executive committee for the •world Jewish congress; • Mrs. Estelle M. Sternberger, execu- tive director of World Peaceways, Inc. • Perhaps the outstanding addition to the ranks of Jewish leaders during 1934 was the youthful Moses. Shertok, head of the political department of the Jewish Agency Executive and the youngest member of that important body. Until his election to the Executive, few outside of Palestine and the inner Zionist circle knew of Shertok. Behind the scenes, however, Complete with KCA he has long been a key figure. He was Micrn-SensitiTe Tubes assistant to the late Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, whom he succeeded on the Executive, and a leading figure in ZionYou will marvel at its perf ormist political negotiations. During the ance, its life-like tone quality past year he revealed unusual diplo•will thrill you—It i s radio recepmatic and - executive talents " which •were skilfully employed in , dealing tion at its best and the price "with the Palestine administration. range is within the reach of ali Government approval of the transfer of, the Huleh land concession to Jewish ownership and .the grant of the larger' number of. immigration cer(RU1SIA) tificates in Zionist history are two of his better known - achievements. He will enable your relatives in the Prices compare favorably also played a decisive role in the setith those r» America U.&S.R. Jo buy. heavy clothing, tlement of thousands of German JewFee Tergsia Ocden tee yaar local ish refugees in Palestine. In Shertok, shoes, underwear, foodstuffs, teak «r jntfeoa&xcd agent. the Zionist movement and the Yishub household utensils, tobaccos have found a real personality from end countless other domestic EADIOS and BEFKIGERATION •whom" much is expected. Apart from or imported articles. These Shertok, the Zionist movement, which ' has produced some' of Jewry's most gifts will be doubly valued with notable leaders, -was sterile this past the oncoming of the long HusFrench Koem—Sixth Floor year so far as new and virile leadGeneral Representative, in U.S.A. Jit sion winter. -er=hin was concerned. The veterans— AMTORG. 261 Firth A««, M.Y. S.-!T~1OW, "Weizmamv Brodetzky, lip-

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Editorial Office; 490" Brandeis T h e a t e r Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - - - Business a n d Managing Editor PRANK R. ACKEHMAN - - - - - - - - - * " ' f^1.*01' RABBI U R I MILLER - - - - - - - - - Contributing Editor FANN1B KATBLMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN P I L L - • . - • ' - • > - - • - - Sioux City. Iowa, Correspondent P r i n t Shop Address: 1307 Howard S t r e e t

Economic Compliment

On the New Year for more visas to Jewish laborers so that the Haifa harbor work would not be hampered. The government constantly falls back on We've learned of disillusion the same pretext—the economic absorptive capacity. We've felt of grim despair, Man exploits man—all life's a farce, Last week the Palestine government granted 150 immigration By GERTRUDE BERG, Where are we going—where? Author of certificates to Arabs from Egypt and Syria to enter Palestine for "The Rise of the Goldbergs" permanent settlement. The granting of this small number is in I wonder who ordains for us itself insignificant—hut what it may portend is vital. This preThe passing years of time, cedent opens the doors for Arabs from the countries surrounding This week, when resolutions are The planetary cycle, Each drastic change of clime? in order, I should like Palestine to enter the country legally, adding their numbers to traditionally to suggest a list of resolutions for those who are coming in illegally. I t has been again and again mothers. Actually, of course, each I wonder who takes hold our hearts reported that many Arabs are swarming over the borders into mother should make New Year reso- And makes them bitter black Palestine to take advantage of the superior economic conditions lutions of her own, for each mother With greed and selfish envy Each year, as we look back? best where she has failed in existing there—economic benefits which result solely and only be- knows the past year and where greater efcause of Jewish manpower, Jewish initiative, Jewish brains and fort is needed. But some resolutions I wonder who the painter is Showing this picture now are so necessary for most of that Jewish capital. As man kills man — and wrecks his I feel justified in mentioning them The government is practically violating their pet principle of specifically. home absorptive capacity by admitting Arabs from Syria and Egypt If you who read this feel that any Nor reasons why—nor how? for permanent settling in Palestine. If more labor is needed for of these resolutions are unnecessary construction and building work in Palestine, why shouldn't more for you, it will of course be proper I wonder will the molder you to ignore them. And if any! Of our destined helpless fates labor visas be granted to Jewish immigrants? If Palestine can for of your feel that you need make'Begin for ns this New Year absorb Arabs from Egypt and Syria-r-which have no connection none of these resolutions—then I By ™~ burying > — wall - " our - » -hates? w*«? with the Palestine Mandate—why cannot the country absorb more congratulate you and your families. Jews—for whose admission the Mandate under the League of Na- Here, then, are some resolutions I wonder, will the powers that be for the year 1935: I P ? ? tions provides ? 1 I will give my child the best of Rebuild at last man's brotherhood The deduction is inescapable that the reason for such action physical care, for a sound body is a| More strongly than e'er before? py on the part of the Palestine government is that they are carefully necessary basis for a hhappy lif life. planning for the future so that they can prevent the Jewish peo- 2. I will instill into my child's mind wonder will we yet be blest ideals that ^e_tr_easures_of^a_world^peace? With wholesome joy down here, ple from becoming a majority of the population in Palestine. Is- he willthat groware up worth-while, to become a so worthy, Estrangement from all fear? suing immigration certificates to Syrians and Egyptians while member of society. ,_ u i_ putting a damper on Jewish immigration can leave no other inter- 3. I will give my child every edu- o n l cational advantage possible, that he * y hope—as men should hope, pretation. The Jewish Agency and the Zionist organization must may Afl e be the better prepared for his , *'a new. 1S,°orn , . .. watch this procedure with zealous action, so as to prevent the work in life and for the enjoyment Tonight—as the old year slowly dies And the new rides in at dawn. of his leisure. fruition of such a plan by the Mandatory government. —Leo Edward Schottland.

A new milestone in Palestinian economic prestige was reached when Lloyd's Bank of London, known the world over, granted a loan of $2,500,000 to the Keren Hayesod, the chief financial instrument of the Jewish Agency. This is the first national loan obtained by the Jewish people in Palestine since the end of the Jewish state twenty centuries ago. Such a loan by one of the world's leading banks speaks volumes for the economic soundness of Palestine. It is one thing for Jewish people, eager to rebuild their homeland, to sing paeans of praise concerning their efforts, but it is wholly another thing for hard-headed, unsentimental bankers like Lloyd's to put their official stamp of approval on Palestine's development to the tune of $2,500,000, accepting as collateral for the fifteen-year loan land possessions and institutions established by the Keren Hayesod, at an interest rate of only four per cent. This is on more favorable terms than many governments obtain, Austria, for example, paying 5 3-4 per cent for its loan. As a precedent, it will pave the way toward floating larger and more loans for Jewish reconstruction work. It will also lend encouragement to the donors to the Palestinian funds. Further, it will allow the Jewish Agency to save $100,000 a year in interest charges by converting all of its short term loans into one long-term debenture. With the proceeds of the two and a half million dollar long-term loan, the Jewish Agency will be in a position to consolidate the existing Jewish colonies and make them independent of further Keren Hayesod contribution. This, in turn, will leave the Jewish Agency free to concentrate on an-enlarged program of new settlements. The completion of this loan adds a bright touch of security to the rebuilding program of the Jewish National Homeland. Our work, it tells us, has not been in vain.

Food for Thought






For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living water, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water. Thy way and thy doings have procured these things unto thee. This is thy wickedness; yea, it is bitter; yea, it reacheth unto thy heart. For My people are foolish. They know Me not. They have no understanding; they are wise to do evil, but to do -good they have no knowledge. Run ye to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem and seek in the broad places thereof; if ye can find any man that doeth justly, that seeketh truth, I will pardon him. TALMUD. • Rabbi Tonchum said: "A man should never conduct himself differently than the custom of that place where he abides, for Moses, when he ascended to heaven, did not eat, and the angels of heaven, when they descended to earth, ate and drank." Rabbi Elazar said: One may decline an offer from a person inferior to himself, but not from a superior one. Robbi opened his storehouse of grain in the years of famine, and announced that admission would be given only to those who had studied 4. I will guard against infecting the Torah, but no admission would my child with any unreasonable be given to ignorant men. Rabbi prejudices with which I may be afThe Year Ahead Jonathan squeezed himself through flicted, whether the object of these and went in disguised and said: The new secular year comes riding in on the billows of omin- prejudices be persons or groups or "Robbi, feed me." 'My son, hast thou ous clouds; behind us is a twelve-month of tragedy and sorrow. nations. studied the Torah?" Robbi asked. Yet, the Jewish people look to the sunshine behind the clouds, the 5. I will make every effort to gave "No," came the reply. "Then why bright rays which must inevitably follow, the storm. A people my child a sense of the dignity of I should I feed thee?" J. DAVID STERN, whether the labor be that of I "Feed me," Rabbi Jonathan aplike the sons of Israel who disdain the present but look steadily labor, the ditch-digger gg or of the college g pro-)J At the end of o his firstt year off pealed to him, "as people feed a dog to the future with hope eternal are themselves eternal. fessor, so that when he has grown publishing the New York Evening or a raven." He did so. After the It is therefore with optimism and not despair that we look up he will not be "ashamed" of any Post, the oldest newspaper in New man went out, Robbi felt sorry, saywork. ;York, Mr. Stern has boosted the cir- ing: "Woe is me; that I have given forward to the year before us. The trials and tribulations of our honest 6. I will teach my chfld the joy culation of the paper to the highest my bread to an ignorant man." R. present day recall that in our honored history we have flourished of labor, so that when he has grown mark it has enjoyed in 133 years Simon, his son, said to him: "Per> despite the Babylonians, the Romans, the Crusades, the Inquisi- up he will not feel that work is and has made it the outstanding lib- haps, father, this man was your disdrudgery to be avoided whenever ral paper in the country, e tion, and the Czarists; that Hainan too had Hitlerite ideas; that ciple, Jonathan, who never in his life ibl j David Stern: Publisher and Edi- desires any benefit from the dignity it is better to be among the persecuted than among the persecu- possible. 7. I will teach my child to think Youthful, two-fisted, aggressive of the Torah." It was investigated, tors; that in every historic test we have emerged stronger and for himself, so that in later years ator# n d hard-fighting journalist. Owns and they finally found that it was


. • Tom-toms beating a steady tattoo will necessarily attract more numerous. On the new year, however, it would not be amiss for us to attention, but not always favorable attention. Much food for give a little thought to our Jewish outlook for the months ahead. thought may be obtained in a news story from Copenhagen. The item: "Leaders of the four political parties in Denmark, who were We can take a keener interest in Jewish affairs and can sacrifice invited to address a Jewish meeting last week on anti-Semitism, our own personal opinions for the sake of the common good. We united in expressing surprise that Danish Jews should even con- must remember that the weal and woe of Israel is in the hands sider the subject, pointing out that there is no anti-Semitism in of the individual Jews. Also, it is not sufficient that we lend our moral approval to Jewish philanthropy and Jewish communal enthe country and that its introduction is unthinkable." As we read this item, the thought is inescapable that per- deavors. Complacency which is satisfied in verbal acquiescence time and haps we in this country take many small incidents of supposed and negative approval is not enough; we must giyfactual > work toward a better community, deepening the Jwish consciousanti-Jewishness too seriously. Perhaps, because of the occurrences in-Nazi Germany we have become over-sensitive and place a mist ness of ourselves and our families. of anti-Semitism about happenings that we would ordinarily overlook. In this respect, Claris Edwin Silcox and Galen M. Fisher, * writing on "Catholics, Jews and Protestants," assert that "by and Too Much Opposition Any hopes which may have been held for the possibility of large there does not seem to be much political opposition to the Jews. The-Silver "Shirts may decry the presence of many Jews in a world Jewish Congress next year representing the opinion of strategic1 administrative positions in the government and affirm all Jews—as a world Jewish congress should naturally do—have their intention to ; keep 'Jewish mentality' out of America, but been dispelled by the restated opposition of large and influential the greater danger is that American Jews themselves will take Jewish groups in America. Though fifteen national organizations have demonstrated these Silver Shirts too seriously. The anti-Nazi activities of a certheir willingness to co-operate in such^a congress by accepting tain Jewish congressman will probably do more to make antithe invitation of the American Jewish Congress to join a national Semites than all the Silver Shirts could accomplish by themselves in a millenium. It is the candid opinion of the writer—given on board of elections to supervise the nation-wide .voting April 28, his own responsibility for what it is worth—that the somewhat 1935, by the Jewish Congress, their united front becomes meanunemotional approach $f the American Jewish Committee to the ingless with the expressed opposition of the National Jewish Labpresent situation has saved America from an outbreak of anti- or Committee, the B'nai B'rith, the American Jewish Committee, Semitism which the fulminations of the American Jewish Con- and the Council of Jewish Women, among others. When a considerable element of the Jewishj population regress would have eventually produced." Whether it be in Denmark or in the United States, it is pos- fuses to join in a worldJewish congress, then the entire purpose sible that the Jewish people can" unduly and unnecessarily alarm of such a congress must fs31 of its own weight. themselves by taking such demagogical movements as the Silver Shirts—which thrive on publicity—too seriously.

With a Reverse Twist


Religious Monopolies and Communal Supervision

he will be able to exercise fully his ^ P h i l a d e l p h i a ^ Camden re "My duties and privileges as a member New York. Has published papers in) h li be ©pen to everyone, without s a of a democratic community. 1 Illinois and worked on papers in New exception." Robbi's previous act, how8. I will always let my child know y Philadelphia and Porty y o rrkk> B oo sst t£omn> P h i l a d e l p h i a ^ P o r t . ever, was in accordance with his that it is a jjoy y to help him and ll aa nn dd ^ O O rr & & B B o o m m ^ P P hh nn aa dd ee ll pp U U aa 4 48 8 theory that all the trouble we have that it it is is his his right right to to ask ask help help from from y e a r s that o f German-Jewish parent- in this world is due to ignorance. me; 0T { m ; civilwa war vet£?2: I f• \ aa ««ee--HH ii ss f af at ht he er r ^ s aa civil d h can a child turn when he is in need Both f M s u come of help?

* £? 2:

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9. Above all, I will always remem- DUt he has a healthy hate for anyber that it is I who am responsible o n e w ho makes a distinction between for the child, his ^well-being and his Russian and German Jews. Started future, and that ihis responsibility o u t a s a lawyer but switched to cannot be shifted to anyone else; journalism in 1908 when he became that it is the child's right to be cared a reporter on the Philadelphia Ledgfor and helped and loved by me, and e r . Left th a t p a p e r to publish his that in return I can expect nothing ovm p a p ers in Illinois, and New bat the love which he gives so freely. Brunswick where he broke up a po(Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts litical machine. In 1919 he came into Feature Syndicate.) } Camden, New Jersey and bought the Record. Within a decade his paper was the dominating force in the life of the city. Six years ago he invaded Philadelphia and took over the moribund Record. Under his editorship it .became a crusading paper which If you touch pitch, it will stick to smashed the Vare machine. He

From the Talmud

your fingers; even so, if you associ- fought the milk and utility trusts. ate with evil companions, you will ac- The Record was the only Philadelphia paper with courage enough to quire their vices. back Smith in 1928. It's circulation grew by leaps and bounds. Today it First correct thyself, then correct is one of the leading papers in the others. country. Stern was among the first Atend no auctions if thou hast no to suggest Roosevelt for president. He was a pioneer supporter of the money. •" "•: new deal. A year ago he took over Ignorance and conceit go hand in the decadent New York Post. From a conservative sheet living on its hand. reputation he converted it into the most aggressive and liberal paper in Charity is the salt of riches. the country. He scored scoop after As a tree is known by its fruit, so scoop. He made enemies but his friends outnumbered his foes. The a man by his works. fight was hard but the Post is now On the upgrade. The publisher who The noWest of all charities is in en- made history in Philaabling the poor to earn a livelihood. delphiajournalistic and Camden is doing it again New York. Short, bespectacled and Who is rich? He who is satisfied in sort of stocky. Has an extremely with his lot. friendly personality. Likes to meet all kinds of people. Speaks frankly. The camel wanted to have horns, Makes no bones about his Jewishand they took away his ears. ness. Is a vigorous supporter of the boycott and his paper fights Nazism, One bird tied is better than a hun- Fascism and anti-Semitism tooth and dred flying. nail. Was once active in Zangwill's territorialist movement. Believes a The egg of. today is better than the revival of territoriaiism could solve hen of tomorrow. the Jewish problem. Holds that Jews One loose cord loosens many.

By Rabbi Uri Miller Another myth has exploded in the faces of the anti-Semites, The problem of Jewish .communal organization is intriguing. who have been mdismminatingly making allegations that the It remains, in spite of all progress, the most fertile field for Jewish financiers brought on'the^world wary in order to profits. A Senate committee during a complex and prolonged in- achievement in the Jewish sphere. Its deficiencies are the causes vestigation into, the munitions industry was the unwitting pin that for that chaos which - characterizes American Jewish life and pricked this latest bubble—in making public the names of the which our intimate familiarity and absorption in Jewish Me Americans who earned a million dollars or more during the years causes us to overlook. of the great struggle.. The list of 181 war-time millionaires inTake the problem of Jewish monopolies. In rn^ny fields Jewcluded only five Jews., ish law and custom have created a monopoly more rigid than a But, in the final analysis, such deductions are valueless. For, Utility. Kosher meat, funeral arrangements, circumcision, many right-thinking people never did give'credence to*such absurdities, of the aspects of Jewish Me contain elements of a religious mofulminations invented in the minds of fanatics or self-seeking nopoly. Occasionally the service may be rendered by several with demagogues. And wrong-thinking people cannot be straightened competitive prices and advantages. More often, especially of late Dignity does not consist in a silk out by such trifles" as facts and proof. years, there are agreements which tighten and confirm the mo-dress. What cuts even deener is the knowledge that the opposite of nopoly. And where there is unregulated monopoly, there is inwhat these anti-Semites charge is the true state. The Jewish variably found abuses. The American custom of "racketeering" people in Central and Eastern Europe are even unto this day suf- has to our sorrow entered the field of religious economics, as any- King Helps Jew Remain in Palestine fering as the result of the world war. The crises resulting from one at all familiar with Jewish life can all too well point out. the bloody butchery have directly caused misery and woe, and There are communities where Kosher meat is priced far too Warsaw (WNS).—A Polish Jew destitution among Jewish populations—instead of the profits for high, where sanitary conditions could be improved upon and even by the name of Shedletzki, who entered Palestine as an illegal imwhich they were supposedly generated. kashrus itself, lacking adequate supervision, can be questioned. migrant, and who was about to be There are recorded instances where packing houses, knowing of deported, has been permitted to rethe monopoly, have taken advantage of it. In many communities, inain in Palestine because King A TworJFciced Principle George of England personally in-' "Thef iectonoihic-absorptive capacity" principle has for a long shochtim are imposed upon by; the nieat market fawners and in tervened at the request of Shedtime been,riijging jii the ears of the leaders seeking to increase turn impose upon the consumer. In all!cases, & e Jewish consum- lefcjki's ;wife. 'i Informed of her husband's plight, Jewish immigration into Palestine. The .British government, ing public pays, for the Jewish community that slibuld represent Mrs. ShedletzM wrote a letter to Which has the mandate over the Jewish National Homeland, has him is in actuality non-existant as a functioning entity. King George asking that in honor The Omaha Jewish community-has, considering its lack of of the marriage of the Duke of always restricted the number of Jewish immigrants allowed into Kent he extend royal clemency to communal supervision, a niinimum ot^abuses in these fields. the country because the officials feared to let more people in than her husband. The fine communal spirit existing in our community has in flae country could absorb economically. Word has now been received here ; - In vain have the Jewish leaders pointed out with eloquence itself acted as a factor for the amelioration of these; malpractices. that Shedlettki is to be allowed to and logic that building projects in Palestine are suffering be- But room for improvement remains. Communal supervision is a remain in Palestine. eattse ol a shortage of labor. In Vain did the Jewish. Agency ask requisite of all Jewish communities. Omaha is no exception.

Did You Know T h a t ? . . .

The bicycle was invented by a French Jew 249 years ago. . . . The first gymnasium was established in Jerusalem in 174 B. C and became a famous training ground for Jewish The world champion athletes. weight lifter, Haas, is Jewish. . . . Jack Abrahams, the man who captained the Cambridge University track team for several years won the 100 meters sprint in the 1924 Paris Olympics. . . . At present he is a member of the English Olympic Committee. . . . An American Jew captained the 1928 fencing team to Kurt the Amsterdam Olympics. Weiss, is considered the best hockey Sammy player in Germany. Eothschild was the first Jewish player to represent New York in the big time hockey loop. . . . Max Ka rainsky and Alex Levinsky are making good in professional hockey this season. . . . Max is a star forward for the Boston Bruins and Alex is a defense man for the New York Rangers. . . . One of the favorite sports in Palestine is placing two scorpions in a saucer and then betting on the outcome of the inevitable fight. . . . Phil Weintraub left the Nashville Vol in the middle of the season to yet his play with the Giants batting average of .401 percent is the highest in the Grapefruit league for 1934.

can expect to face anti-Semitism so long as they deny their people. Has no use for cowardly and weakkneed Jews. Is one of the few publishers aware that the world does change. Was first newspaper owner to recognize Newspaper Guild and to sign a contract with his employes. Believes wholeheartedly in the new deal and supports it consistently. Ie well on the way to becoming one of the most important figures in American newspaperdom.

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Festive New Year Progress By Cast Party by Highland for "Snow White


Jf ay Start Class Szold to Present for Matron Women Reading to Council

VISITING HERE Miss SMrley Barish, a student at 1 1 the University of Illinois at Champaign, 111.,, is spending tlie holiday vacation with her parents, Mr. and Eernard Szold of the Omaha ComA gay and festive welcome to the Lee Grossman, J. C. C. physical diThe cast of "Snow White," the munity Playhouse will present a readMrs. Max M. Barish. New Year will be given by members first rector, is making an effort to inaugproduction of the Children's ing hefore the Omaha Council of Jewof the Highland Country club at Theater urate a Jewish women's mation class, of the Jewish Community their New Year's eve party at the Center, is making excellent progress ish Women at a meeting to be held to meet on Tuesday and Thursday RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL Monday, December 31, at 2:30 Paxton. afternoons from 2:15 to 4 p.m. Mr. Harry Gross is now convalescaccording to their director, Grace at the J. a a A large number of reservations All Jewish women interested in Levin. ing at home after being in the Lord On the program will be the sketch, such a class are asked to communilister hospital for "torn weeks as a have already been made, according .to This story of an old and well"Merrily We Roll Along," written by result of injuries received when Lazar Kaplan, club secretary, who is loved fairy tale Trill be enacted by Kaufman and Ryskind, Pulitzer prize cate with Mr. •Grossman at once. in charge of reservations. struck by an automobile. a large cast of youngsters ranging A buffet supper will be served. in ages from 6 to 14, as well as sev- winners and the authors of "Of Thee TO BE GUEST HERE I Sing," hit musical show of two sea- will begin lien. The class is again Miss Frances Rosen of Des Moines Randall's orchestra will furnish the eral/adults, on Sunday afternoon, sons ago. It is a story of a play- •open to any who may care to attend. fiOSElNTHAL-GOLDXEE KLEINBEEG-TENENBAUM will be a New Year guest at the music for the dancing. Elaborate de- January 27, at the J. C. C. wright written in an unusual fashion. New members arc asked to call Mrs. KUPTIALS ENGAGEMENT home of Mr. and Mrs. Fhineas Win- corations, novelty arrangements and Those having roles include Reva Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, program Venger. Miss Marian Goldner, daughter of Mr.- and Mrs. William Tenenbaum troub. The engagement of Miss Ro- all the accessories for a gala New Gorelick, Sylvia Silverman, Bernice has announced that due to Dr. and Mrs. 0. C. Goldner, became announce the engagement of their sen to Mrs. Wintroub's brother, Mr. Year party are being provided. Dave Sflverman, Elaine Lagman, Mildred chairman, the fact that the meeting falls on the The international relations grouj the bride of Robert Rosenthal, son of daughter, Miss Ida Zoe Tenenbaum, to James Corenman, was announced Feder and Les Burkearoad are i n Berkowitz, J&y Yousem, Hallie Bia- day before New Year's, the program meets on Tuesday, January 8, at charge. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rosentbal Tues- Rabbi Maurice S. Kleinberg of Ben- last Sunday. Iac, Genevieve Stein, Helen Kohn, will end early' and no tea will be also 1 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Jot day afternoon at the Goldner home, ton Harbor, Mich., son of Mr. and Lee White, Sal Michnick, Jerry Mar- served. Jacobs, 1102 South 35th Avenue. Mrs. •with Habbi David H. Wice officiating. Mrs. Oscar Kleinberg of Louisville, cus, Stanley Kohn, Geraldme Shafer, A. J. Mallinckrodt of the board oi TO CHICAGO Miss Rae Bernstein was maid of Ethel Kadis, Harold Marer, Pauline education will speak on social insurMiss Lflliak Gelfand hag left for Plans are under way for the anhonor, and Julius Goldner, brother of No wedding date has been set. Newman, Donna Lee Singer, Beryle ance. Chicago for a monfli's stay. While nual February .bridt party of the the bride, acted as best man. Walters, Morris Peck, Evelyn Goldthere she will act as a bridesmaid at A reception in honor of the young CORENMAN-ROSEN ware, Gertrude Kohn, Phyllis Wrn- Council, of which Mrs." Maynard All committees are completing the wedding of a cousin, Miss Elsie Greenberg is chairman and Mrs. Jack couple was held from 7 to 10 p. m. ENGAGEMENT plans for the banquet to be given by troub, Harriet Shafer and Mildred Marer is co-chairman. in the evening. Assisting during the The engagement of Miss Prances Gelfand. Singer. the Pioneer Women on January 14 evening were Mrs. Milton Abrahams, Rosen, i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Announcement was also made that at the J. C. C. in honor of Mrs. EliMiss Jane Appleman, Miss Hazel De- Max Rosen, of Des Moines, la., to ENTERTAIN AT the child study classes of the Council (Formerly in the employ of L. Harris) sheva Kaplan of Palestine who wilt gen, Mrs. Morton Degen, Miss Helen Mr. James Corenman, son of Mr. DANCING FORMAL Twelve yemr* experience will resume their meeting on Tuesbe a guest here. Insurance with Bdlable Companies Kohn, Mrs. Joseph Linsman, Mrs. and Mrs. Samuel Corenman, of this Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alberts enterday, January 8, at the home of Mrs. Ernest Nogg, Miss Frances Rosenfeld, city, was announced At a family din- tained at a formal dancing party at Mrs. J. Kaplan is chairman of the Moe Venger, -when Mrs. Iz Weiner Real Estate . . . Property Mnnnemient SIS So. l « b St. JA. 1311 Miss Bernice Sherman, and Miss Lu- ner held at the Rosen home in Des the Birchwood club December 24 in committee in charge of preparing (•will be co-hostess. dinner. Mrs. Max Fromkin, procille Weiss. honor of their daughter, Rosalie Al- the The end half of the twelve lectures The local Goldie Meyerson club is Moines last Sunday, December 23. gram chairman, announces that inThe young couple have departed for No date has been set for the wed- >erts, and her guest from Minnea- cluded on the program will be a Pal- making plans for a bake sale, to be a month's trip to the west coast. Be- ding. polis, Miss Ruth Brin. held at the Biandeis store Saturday, estinian playlet and music fore returning to Omaha, they plan to 5. All proceeds will go to aid Mrs. J. Richlin, "ticket chairman, January stop off in Chicago. Chalutzos in Paletsine. WINTER FORMAL TWENTIETH WEDDING states that a large number of re- theDelicacies of all Mnds, including The Kappa Tau sorority of Cen- servations have already been reANNIVERSARY pies, cakes and shtrudels, will be sold. TO HOLD RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Shumow tral High school gave their annual ceived. Anyone wishing to place an order is OUAHKi » U ONIH^.. MM Mm MMHR Miss Una Gross will receive at her celebrated their twentieth wedding winter formal Monday evening at asked to call Mrs. A. Walters, Harney home, 2043 No. 53 St., on Sunday, anniversary Tuesday, December 25. the Chermot ballroom. The College 6592; Mrs. M. Friedel, Atlantic 0966, December 30, from 2 to 6 p. m., hon- About seventy-five attended an Club orchestra played. Two hundred or Mrs. S. Friedel, Atlantic SS84. oring Miss Lorraine Gross and Mr. "open house" at the Shumow home. and fifty bids were issued. and Mrs. Ben Bean, popular members of Seattle's younger set. KULLY-GREENBERG FORMAL DANCE Eabbi David H. Wice of Temple Assisting will be Mrs. Joe Roth- ENGAGEMENT The winter formal of the U. T. Israel will be the principal speaker kop and Mrs. Jay Malashock and the Mr. and Mrs. Max Greenberg of club was held Wednesday evening at Misses Rose and Fannie Dnhno/f. Grand Island announce the engage- the Paxton, with the Misses Pearl before the next meeting of the ConThe Ladies' Auxiliary of the ConFriends and relatives are Invited ment of their daughter, Louise, to Osoff' and Peggy Friedman in servative Synagogue Auxiliary on to attend. No invitations have been Mr. Stanley Kully of McCook, Neb., charge. About two hundred invita- Wednesday, January 9, at 2:30 p.m.gregation of Israel in South Omaha A short musical program will be will hold a meeting Monday afterson. of Mr. and Mrs. L. Kully, of tions were issued. issued. presented by Helen Allis, soprano, ac- noon, January 7, at 2 pjn., in the Hastings, Neb. companied by Miss Lylyan Chudacoff. newly-remodeled assembly hall of the No date has been set for the wedENTERTAINS FOR GUEST Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky will give the synagogue at 25th ana J streets. Mrs. S. M. dayman entertained ding. final report on- the recent road show. An interesting program has been for twenty women at a bridge party A board meeting at 1:30 p.m. will arranged. Rabbi "Uri Miller will give ANNOUNCE EDITHS December 20 hi honor of Mrs. Hyprecede the afternoon program. the main address. Refreshments will Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Richards of man Wolf of Chicago, -who was forA regular meeting of the Omaha be served. San Jose, Calif., announce the birth merly of Omaha. The Auxiliary contributed toward iff a. son. Mrs. Richards is the chapter of Hadassah was held Wednesday, December 26, at the J. C. C the remodeling in the synagogue. A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Kulanew stage was ouilt and a new heatMrs. L Dansky, chairman of the kbfsky of this city. ing plant installed. Jewish National Fund committee, Jerusalem (WNS-Palear Agency)— Mr. and Mrs. Harry Belmont an- gave a report on. the drive. Massie Cernauia, Rumania (JTA).—Every By Eounce the birth of a son December Baum, student at Omaha Univer- The income of the Keren Hayesod in Rumanian citizen is the equal of every sity, spoke on the Origin and acti- 5694 was in excess of $1,000,000 it 11 at the Lutheran hospital. Mrs. David M. Newman vities of the National Fund. was announced here by the board of other, whether he be racially a Rumanian, a Jew, & Ukrainian, a Pole Miss Harriet Bernstein, vocalist, directors of the Keren Hayesod. TO ENTEETAHJ Chocolate Marble Cake or anything else, according to Dr. Nis- \ accompanied atthe piano by Mrs. This amount represents an increase Mrs. M. A. Mokofsky, Mrs. I. i cup butter. pro- of $155,000 over the receipts of the tor, a member of the government, who David Goldstein, presented Here are Dress, Coat and Fur Values that repreBernstein, and Miss Belle Goldberg 1 cup sugar. spoke at Storzynetz, Bukowina. fund in the previous year. wiH entertain at an informal tea at gram of Jewish folk songs. sent drastic markdowns oa our regular stock of 3 cup milk. the home of Mrs. Bernstein, 1020 Sue quality merchandise. Come Thursday pre2 cups pastry flour. No. 41st St., on Sunday, December pared to enjoy substantial savings. $ teaspoon. salt. • 30, between 2 and 5 p. m. to honor " 3 teaspoons baking powder. their sister, Miss Esther Goldberg, 3 egg whites. r and Miss Lillian Mokofsky, a sister1 teaspoon vanilla. in-law of Mrs. Mokofsky, of Kansas 1 tablespoon flour. 1 square of chocolate or 3 table- City, Mo. Reduced to No invitations will be issued. spoons cocoa. Cream butter' and add sugar. Add the milk alternately with the 2 cups BETURN TO CHICAGO flour sifted with the baking powder Mr. and Mrs. Burton Gordon Feldand salt. Add whites of eggs beaten manof Chicago returned home Tuesday after visiting here for a few Reduced to stiff, and vanilla. To 1/3 of the mixture add melted days with Mrs. Feldman's parents, chocolate or dissolved cocoa. Butter a Mr. and Mrs. J. Tretiak. deep pan. Put in mixtures alternately ,by spoonfuls and bake in a moderate oven of 350 degrees for 50 minutes. Reduced to When cool cover -with chocolate icing. Quick Spice Cake The Hazomir Singing Society is 5 tablespoons soft butter. n in need of several soprano IS cup brown sugar. voices. Those interested are asked to 2 eggs. Reduced to apply at a meeting of the society i cup cold -water. The group meets Monday evening at IS cups flour. 8:30 p. m. at the B'nai Israel syna"3 teaspoons baking powder. gogue, 18th and Chicago streets. i teaspoon salt. The Hazomir are planning a con3 teaspoon cinnamon. i teaspoon each cloves and nutmeg. cert tour of the nearby cities in the near future. 1 cup chopped walnuts. Reduced to Cream butter. To the sugar, add teaten eggs, dry ingredients alternately with water, spices, and walThe Omaha chapter of the Junio nuts. Bake in moderate oven for 30 Hadassah will hold an importani minutes. meeting next Thursday evening, January 3, at 8 o'colck promptly at the Reduced to . J. C. C. All members are urged to attend.

Pioneer Women to Honor Palestinian

Fleishman & Soskin

Goldie Myerson Club

Wice Will Speak Before Conservative Auxiliary

Women's Auxiliary of Congregation of Israel



Hadassah Meeting" Held Wednesday


Keren Hayesod Income in 5694 Over Million




:t , I)

Hazomir Group in Need of Voices

Bight Now When Many Men Are Buying New Clothes for a New Year of Active Effort in the Good Old U. S. A.




Thousands of Suberb New

Jr. Hadassah





Phone AT-2815

2815 Farnam S t

A large turnout was present at the last meeting of the year for the Re-Im, Wednesday at the J. C C. Final arrangements were made for the big New Year's eve jamboree to be held at the Odd Fellows hall. An election of officers will feature the next meeting of the organization on Wednesday evening, January 2, at the Center. The new officers will be installed s t a stag banquet early in January.

Suits and Overcoats -Offering VALUES that justify every man in coming direct to The Nebraska! —Offering SELECTIONS unequaled by any store within hundreds of miles of The Nebraska! —Of ferinir QUALITY in clothes that is the outstanding achievementin clothes making history! —Offering FAMOUS MAKERS clothes in a combined showing that only The Nebraska features!


FAVORITE of Nebraska Women

mar u/onder

COATS Reduced to

COATS Reduced to

FURS Reduced to









30 36

Reduced to

» • • In justice to Yourself buy only when you've seen The Nebradta'a Unequaled Showing of Clothes Values

Try a Bag Today



# Has the Clothes! # Has the Values! # Has the Utmost Money's Worth!



Reduced to Charge Purchtuet



Fashions of the Fashionable

- I

THREE SETS OF TWINS HOSPITAL GUESTS—Physicians and nurses at Lutheran hospital in Cleveland are beginning to believe babies come only by pairs. Three sets of twins are guests at the same time. Left to right the babies are Donald and Dianne Mayer, Arthur Charles and George Roger Cawrse, and Barbara and Belinda Harding.


LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER GOES HOME 'ha rock five hours' journey from the port of Bermerhaven. Germany. , is a lonely lighthouse called Red Sand. The keeper is pictured being lowered to a boat VELVET BATHING SUIT—One of the smart southern beach fashions is a three-piece bathing suit of bright blue washable velvet, as modeled above.



ROAD? IT'S ROUGH TODAY—There must be a detour nearby, says the motorist. Huge rocks are washed, down on Foothill boulevard in Montrosc. Cal., by a rainstorm which swept Southern California.

SIB OLIVER LODGE MAKES UP—The World-famous Sir Oliver iodge, British scientist, is made up for his debut in films. Sir Oliver is 83 years old.

COWBOY CARVES—Herb Anderson, former Colorado cowpunchcr, is a gifted caricaturist, and his whittlings are in demand in Hollywood studios and other film centers.

ICE THREATENS SEA WALL—Crushed by the impact of an ice jam, damage to the concrete and brick river wall and railway track at Davenport, la., is pictured. Two barges were sunk by the jam.


r i

^CHILLY?—Joseph Barrett-is bashful Arrested as one of the suspects captured in the roundup of the Mais gang in Philadelphia, he . retires into his Overcoat from the camera's gaze.

LITTLE TOWN MAKES PAGE ONE TWICE IN DAY-Two stories from Elmsford, N. Y., make page one the same day. The village is near the scene of Grace Budd's murder and burial, and is visited by a fire which destroyed a wax plant and threatened to wipe out the town. Fifty were made homeless.

TRAGEDY—Judge Green, Chicago, is shown conversing with Jane Emery Newton, former University of Michigan co-ed, now directed to take a mentality test. Mrs. Newton is the daughter of a former national commander of the American Legion. Her last of three marriages was to a negro, who is the father of her year-old baby. When the Newtons were evicted from their flat, sympathizers moved them back—whereupon police said Mrs. Newton violated a parole granted following arrest for Communist activities previously. She la 36. She denounced the order for a osychiatqr test

t '


With the German-Jewish Refugees




"Considerable progress has been made in solving the refugee problem. — '- . •-• ••••-•'.".•"

- - • • • ^ • ^ > . ; • :7.;G : V . ; • ; . . . •


— J A M E S

G . M c D O N A L D


TRUE STORY Midnight in the emergency ward of one of New York's Jewish liospitals . . . Enter an accident case, as pretty a compound fracture as you could imagine . ~. .' patient demands private doctor—as opposed to interne—and. is assigned a young Jewiish s h bonesetter, who thereupon is iis hauledd out of bed tod do -Ids stuff . . . By morning patient is resting comfortably! telling doctor haw much i e appreciates .everytiiing, flirting with: good-looking- nurse . . . In the afternoon the doctor, coming to check up on patient, iinds him among the missing . . . Nurse reports that patient suddenly demanded removal to another - hospital,- -insisted on ambulance service and got i t . . . He gave no explanation, but did say that a message for the docotr v a s in & matchbox lying on the table Business of doctor opening match box . . . Empty . . . But on the bottom, in pencil is scribbled—you guessed it: Heil Hitler.

Varsity Quintets to Play at J. C. C. Sunday m

Religions Services

'Belgium Aetioit on Race Attacks Brussels

(J.T.A.)—Brastk meas-

Another t i g day for J. C. C. basures were taken by government auketball fans -will be offered Sunday, thorities- to suppress an anti-SemiDecember 30, at the Center, with both tic campaign begun by a part of the varsity Quints moving into action. Belgian press against Minister of The -men's varsity will tangle with, Tfr. Victor E. Levine of the Finance Gutt'. because he is a Jew. the Omaha Sokols, one of the leading Creighton University School of MedAll newspapers participating in the amateur teams in the city, at 3 B-m., icine will occupy the pulpit a t servwhile the girls* varsity will meet the "tces of the Vaad this evening at the campaign were warned by the State police to cease attacks based an the t>raalia Sokal girls' team a t 2 pjat. B*nai Israel synagogue. His subject -.With. twth .varsity teams undefeat- will be "Stable Elements in the fact ifaat the Minister is JFewish, •while the premises of the nationalised so far, a record crowd is expected Changing World." tic newspaper Renovation were raifito view Sunday** contests. l a order Nathan Fine -will lead the service. that everyone may get a chance to Cantor A. Schwaezldn and the choir ed ^and the edition oa the presses at the time confiscated. view the contests., Lee Grossman, phy- will chant the prayers. sical director, said that admission for Uri Miller is in Detroit, atthe two games will be but 10 cents.!.- ^ f a b l Un aimer is in i^etro: Children will be admitted free of j t e n d m S a M^ritchi convention, charge it accompanied by parents. '* * * The services of the Conservative Demonstrating remarkable scoring Haifa <I.T.A.).;—A new milestone synagogue this evening will Le inin the development of the Near East power, the J . C. C. varsity basketball team made its debwi before the pub- charge representatives of both Q_ of was reached when, for the first time, lic last Sunday by defeating the tough A. ZT.A. chapters 1 and 100. ^ oil from, the rich Mosul oilfields in Y. M. H. A. aggregation from FreIsadore Mittleman and Julian Na Northern Iraq flowed: into this city mont, on £he Center floor, by the than will read the services. Ben through the gigantic 1,200-mSe pipe''score of 64 to 15. Shrier, Edward' Rosenbaum, and line across the desert wastes from Massie Baum will present a sympo- Exrkuk. sium on European Jewry today. The oil will be stored here in huge Tfiey will speak on the situation of reservoirs constructed oa Acre Bay the Jewish people in Germany, Pobetween this city a»d the towa of land", Russia and Palestine. Acre, until the end- of the month Jerusalem ( (Wlf.S.) —M More than ) Rabbi David A. Goldstein w l bewhen shipments abroad to the marh b brought into So0,000,000 has been in Sioux City, where he will occupy Palestine by Jews in the form of the pulpit of Rabbi H. R. Rabino- kets of the world will commence. Ten huge oil tanks are now under capital investments, according to the witz. construction on the Acre Bay tract statistical bureau of the Jewish Next week Rabbi. Goldstein will agency. This figure does not include speak on "Does Life Begin at 40?" to store the oil pumped across the desert from the Mosul fields to this money invested in trade and comMediterranean terminus. Another merce. Sixty-five per cent of this branch of the pipeline connects the sum is represented by building unoilfields with the Mediterranean at dertakings and land purchases, twenThe services this — - —~:----— evening ; = will be a, the citv of Tripoli, in the Lebanese ty-five per cent by agricultural deb ^ < ^ (Svria), which is under velopments and ten per cent by In-young people s e r v i ci e sponsoredd by x the. College club. Lazar Kaplan will ^ • ' dustrial enterprises. French protectorate. The great pipeline, one of t»e longIndicative of the phenomenal de- read part of • the service. William L. . m^ world, was "built by the velopment of the country "is the fact Holzman "will read the adoration and Petroleum Company, Ltd., a that Jewish capital investments were kaddish. Seimonettes will be delivered, Q in which British, Dutch, only $10,000,000 in 1930 and $15,000,- by E. Leo Nogg and Melvin Sommer. \ ^ > r m p i Following the service, the Temple ' . _, interests 000 in 1932. Israel Sisterhood will assist the Coland which has exploilege club at a social gathering in the , to the Mesopotamian vestry rooms. is -which are believed to be The Tuesday evening classes will the meet again on January 8. There will be no Sunday School classes at Temple Israel this Sunday morning.




Jewish Investments in Palestine Mount

INTERNATIONAL NEWS Upton Sinclair, California's Epic author, reveals that he had his trou bles with, among others, a promin ent coast democrat who was utterly convinced of the veracity of the "Proctocols of the Elders of Ziion" . „ . Which reminds u s that the new year will bring a new book T»y Herman Bernstein, editor and diplomat, who exposes the fraudulence of the "Protocols of t h e ; Elders of Zion" a crimp in their dissemination . . . Hopeful also is Prince Hubertus Lowenstein, who is not of the-^aith but who has published, in England, a tome optimistically entitled "After Hitler's Fall" ..*•.. In Italy theatregoers are registering their dissatisfaction with the Nazi brand of Fascism by giving "an overwhelming welcome to George ArlissV "House of Bothschild" . . . And Eddie Cantor, of course, is panicking 'em ~with his goo-goo eyes . . . But in New York a certain newly arrived Englishman



is being finger-pointed as an emissary of London's Black . Shirt Sir Oswald Mosley, who apparently aims to start an anti-Semitic Fascist

. 7,500 Visas Granted by British

Jr. Vaad.Congregation

Jerusalem (JTA). — The Executive New York (JTA).—A slashing inof the Jewish Agency issued a etateThe Junior Vaad congregation -will dictment of land speculation in Palment recently amending the report estine coupled with a warning that meet as usual Saturday morning at that 9,700 immigration certificates 10:30 a, m. Refreshments, will be the Jews of the world are becoming were granted by the Palestine governtoo complacent about Palestine as a served. ment to the Jewish Agency for the result of prosperity stories, was coming six months. stressed by Louis lipsky, American Only 7,500 certificates were grantmember of the World Zionist execued, the statement of the Jewisii Agentive,, in an address before the Jewish cy says. I t explains that the PalesNational Fund council of Greater New tinian government, estimates that York. The veteran Zionist .also es9,700 immigration visas could be ispoused the labor movement as the Jerusalem (JTA). <—The growing sued to Jews In accordance with the cash surplus of the Palestine governJew's greatest contribution to Pales-4 ment continues to,.reflect, the prosper- -absorption capacity of the country, tine and 3ae hailed the Jewish Na-1 ous condition of public finances. The but it actually granted not more than ticnal .Fund as the foundaTiion of the : surplus on Ju]y 81 was £3,214,777, 7,500. Zionist movement and "the most dem- equal to a full year's income. ocratic aspect of it." Berlin (JTA) .—Under official anDuring the first four months of the In one casual reference to the prothorizatian, & Jewish Association of current fiscal year, up to July SI, the I current f s a y , p y , ij j posed legislative council 'which Jewry Arts and Sciences has been organized £1667838 d ii | has so universally opposed, Mr. l i p - actual revenue was £1,667,838 and ex- in Hamburg. penditures were £962,993, Jea\ing a sky, to t* 5 tune of a thundering ovaIt will arrange concerts and lecss | tion, said "it seems to "be lost in the net excess of £603,845. At this rate, tures. Its membership -will be conthe total excess "which may be exS I ocean somewhere between London and pected by March . 31, 1935, is about fined to Jews, "non-Aryans" and ''Ar| Palestine." yan" wives and husbands of non-

Palestine Cash Balance Higher

m o v e m e n t h e r e a b o u t s . . . ••'.

WASHINGTON FLASHES You have to hand i t to Congress1 man Sol Bloom . . . He's, already worrying about celebrating the four hundred fiftieth anniversary of the discovery of America, which falls in 1942 . . . Incidentally, the Washing- At N. Y. U. they've had to issue ton postoffice recently received a tickets for Dr. Marie Pichel Warncard addressed to George Washing- er's course on ser hygiene, so big ton—and promptly forwarded i t to are "the. crowds that have been turnSl B d M hji h i ing out for her lectures..', Bernard M.; B Baruchji chairSol

XJniud J e»iih Appeal.

man of the committee whose job i t is to make war profiteer-proof, FOOTLIGHTS Speaking of the Palestine boom, £2,500,000, bringing the total surplus Aryans. "Wants it known- that he is not a : The East Side got a thrill the Mr. Lipsky stated that "Palestine is to about five million pounds. member of the American Liberty Other night when Boris ThomashefIts entertainment season will open building itself up and has all t i e The bulk of. receipts continues to witti a concert by the orchestra of the League . . . The diplomatic coterie sky, Yiddish stage veteran, and.his lerland, the Deutscher Israelitischex symptoms of a boom." He said that eoiae from levies on customs and mais preparing a rousing welcome for ex-spouse Bessie made their first Lipman Wins Chandler Medal Cultural League of German Jews. Jorine duties. The general ffi Boris Skvirskyr Soviet charge d'af- joint' appearance in twenty-three New York,—For "his outstanding Landwehrverein, oldest German Jew- the same seph Eosenstock, musical director of _.i.r.—„„,.+„ 4~ +v t\^A f noTiwl-iish ish society society in in the the United "United States, States, last last faires, returning from the U. S, S. R. years v: • . Another Jewish pageant, aehievements in theo field nof agriculprofiteers _. the league, will conduct. the four months. Sunday changed its name to Deuttural ^chemistry," Dr. Jacob Goodale some American together with Mine Skvirsky, ndw jthis UL1S time Llxus featuring icavuiiug .fi/Auv* » ****w* . ^W.^J^J, Bronx during the building boom are sche Judischer Maenerbund. fully recovered from her recent ifr- Jewish history, was presented a t the [Lipman, dean of agriculture a t Eutnow to be seen on the streets of Tel aess . . . $3,000,000,000 more for the ~~«,, last week, the B ' t .. theatre h t week for the j gers'" university, has been awarded Aviv and other industrial centers in Home Owners; Loan corporation Is benefit of New York's Federation Chandler medal in chemistry for Polish Anti-Semite Sentenced Palestine. Jewry should be concerned, the present aim of Pittsburgh's Con- *;.;. Now that Commissiioner of Li-1934. 34. W aisaw—Vladislav CieslinsM, he said, over this situation. gressman EUenbogen ., .^.' r iie state censes Paul Moss is requesting Dr. Lipman was recently appoanted Nara anti-Semite.guilty of assaultHe pointed out that land bought by department lias discovered that: the tickets for all local dress rehearsals by President Roosevelt to work with ing Rabbis Silberstein, Urf anger and speculators migit be lost as a result reason for the added embon point the producing tribe is •wondering the National Resources Board on an Reinman, was sentenced to serve of mortgages. Stating that money, currently enjoyed by Magda Lupescu whether he merely wants to see the .Inventory and balance sheetof plant three days in JaiL and outward signs of prosperity, are is that she is collecting commissions shows or -whether there's a whiff of nutrients in the nation's soiL - • ' not the way to buSd a Jewish Nafrom American firms doing "business censorship in the air , , . Helen Hentional Home, the speaker made a plea Dr. Honor Named to Chicago of the stars in the King Carol Gives $1,000 to in King Carol's territory . . . The ken will be one of for the Jewish National Fund as a war department, remembering that Harry Moses Moses production production of Zoe Board Bucharest KehiDah fundamental necessity of true pros• • " • The Harry Liebeskind of Waterbury, *~~~~ "The The Old Maid Maid" .. . Bucharest—The Jewish community Chicago. — The Chicago Board of perity in Palestine. Caam., displayed..extraordinary' hero-; synchronization of canned and fresh of Bucharest has just received a gift Jewish Education announces the elec"The Jewish National Fund," he ism in action in France in the sum- music, brought before the public eye of 10,000 lei (?1,000) from King tion of Dr. Leo L. Honor to the post said, *is the one thing that brings us mer of 1918, has awarded, him anby Vladimir Shavitch's, London pro- Carol to' be applied to i t s various of executive director, made vacant by back to the fundamentals of Zionism. oakleaf cluster for the Distinguished duction of "Faust," had its first trial charitable undertakin-gs. the resignation of T>r. Alexander EE. Make it a thing not that drags in fee Service Cross. . . right here in Gotham a couple of Dushkiii, who has accepted the chair street Tbut something that serves as years ago, with Conductor Shaviteh Canadians Importing More in education at Hebrew University in an ideal for the purpose it was crePOT-POURRI presenting "Carmen" - under - the Jerusalem. ated. Adler, Palestine Fnnt Prosperity is with us again, Indi .sponsorship of Benjamin Mr. Lipsky called the National Ottawa, On.t. — Canadian, imports " - •• - - • TEiectrJc) broker and brother of concert pianist of Palestine oranges are increasing, No Rabbinical Garb in Public cate Gerard- • • - (General Fund "the most democratic aspect of Swope and "Walter P. (Motors) Clarence. . » it was reported -by .the Department • Istanbul.—Eabbis will henceforth be the Zionist movement" and made a forbidden to appear in public clothed "plea for soldiers for the Jewish Na^ Chrysler as they cast their, eyes over (Copyrighti 1934, by Seven Arts of Commerce. . Feature Syndicate.)., in rabbinical garb a s the result of a tional Fund. The most important thing 3934 records and advance orders • for ; decree issued by the Turkish govern- of this conference," he said, "is- not 1935 . . . David (FCA) Sarhoff Hehrew Hymns Forbidden heads the men's division .of the comBerlin—The " singing'•/-of Hebrew ment forbidding clergymen of all to get into the press a report of the: mittee that is trying to raise hymns and melodies a t Je-vosh cul- sects to wear their clerical attire out- resolutions adopted here but to in-$400,000 for needy^ musicians . ; . . . tural meetings 3ias been forbidden side of their churches, synagogues or spire a large number of active workers for the fund. The Jewish National mosques. Now New York's Park Commissionin Germany. Fund has too long been taken for er Robert Moses has the local' hotel granted by Zionists. The simplest and association on his: neck on account Denies De Valera Opposition The new G-E Monitor Top i* the Jewish Labor Committee most fundamental proposition of the of the popular-priced Taverri-6n-the- Haifa, (JTA).—"Work. began here finest refeigerator General Electric Is Anti-Semitic Zionist movement, it regularly rein England • *TIke most housewives ever built. Distinguished new Green in Central Park, where even this month on the construction of a London—The opposition to Presi; ceives the "worst" treatment. I t has Tve always wanted »a stviing; frecsee more ice faster; Hie unaffluent can • wine and dine factory for the manufacture of glass, London-—A new national Jewish dent Eaman. de Valera of Ireland is been struggling.'; very much in the electric fefrlgerstorl uses less current; sil-steeicsbinet; and^ dance . . ; . la.Brooklyn tiiey're Lthe first of its Mnfl in the entire Near organization was created in England not anti-Semitic, Senator Blythe, a manner of a most. Beloved son.** stainless steel Ereezet; «M the modAfter shopping arotuid, when fifty-six delegates from Jewish whispering that JSamuel (Criminal leader of the anti-de Valera forces, 1 em convenience featares; pitts 5 comparing values s a d Mr. Lipsky, speaking like a footlabor groups met to found a repreYears Protection against failure Lawyer) Leibowitzis aspiring to the The plant, which will employ 120 declared in a statement denying that teSting to srrcrsl of ocr ban coach delivering ~a-pep talk to a of the ses!ed-so-steei nsedsaoism is located "in Emet Zebu- sentative Jewish labor body modeled his party has engaged in anti-Jewish district attorney^ office . . . Izzy workers, friend* vriiolsaveGeneraf : losing team between• halves, made an for oaly $5—fhe stut&nl 1 fax Kaplan, Daily-Mirror staff photog- lum on'land owned by the'Jewish Na- after the National Jewish Labor propaganda. Electrics, JOB and I natuwsrtft&ty c»d 4 mote fears ptoeffort to inspire "his bearers into great rapher and Manhattan's best-known jtionalFund. A group of, German and Committee in the United States. rally jiecXded * G-E was tectioa for only $1« year (vhkh ftnia raising efforts. The $52,000 colThe new organization will fight the refrigerator for as.. lens-snapper, counts among his feats Dutch Jews are sponsoring the projis induced in the ptke). lected for the Jewish National Fsmi Fascism, and anti-Semitism, support Bat yoo inow how jneB the feeding of. a hot dog to the late ect The factory - will -manufacture in ^New York last year^ Mr. Lipsky SEE A l t THREfl are-ilie waatftd to wait— King Albert of Belgium . » . But not window glass- and -mil. be known as the anti-Nazi boycott and devote itindicated, was far from adequate. Tke self to general problems affecting Mo&ltor Top, Fist-top, Hftop ontill convinced bins witb even Izzy could have fed Albeit- a i Phoenicia, Ltd. . • \ models—$11 Genes*! E2cctrfc»—• new quota of $125,000 was more t o Jewish labor. - 1 peacB sad paper fhsst die : ham sandwich, for that monarch Specialists, engineers and-'skilled 4S-E refrigcnitor for every faose his liking. ~ te&igermtot would easily never ate any form" and iocome—-see -diem all in oar workers have been engaged abroad save eaoegh on food bills Speaking about private Isad acquiAntwerp (WNS).—King Leopold of (Now watch thev genealogists get and will. teach the. trade, to local Throwing a l^rtnua. displeyfoomssxuitakeyoaTdtGacel and other expenses, both sitioii as compares with land acquisi: Berlin-^-Because he i e a Jew the Belgium; has created something of a r liusy) . . , Congratulations to I_ __ i [workers. The directors of thtPconcern ; : •wimct »ad CBxatnei, to H. J . Horowitz bf;*Galveston on the are" experienced manufacturers Xrom National Zeitung: of- E5cen objects; to stir- among his- subjects by becoming tion hyjffie FAmd, Mr. Lipslcy said: redemption of the soil il may just jt appointment of his daughter Shirley Europe who have been selling their the award iiof the Czecho^ovakian a member of a Jewish society which "The as likely not THS achieved by the psiMinistry of Education and Fine Atts provides financial relief for .indigent to the post of a stenographer in the products in the Near East for many vate "purchase' of land. Land owners state attorney general's office—she's years. Sponsors' of the plan are in- of the state prize for literature in mourners. The King joined the society ieave Palestine and*the land may pass under somewhat dramatic «ircamthe German language to Ludwig the first JJewish get such an e w h girl g to g vesting ?156,000 in the necessary Czechoslovakian writer. stahces. He received the president of from 1fhe "hands of the Jews. The Jewappointment in Texas . . . New plant and equipment. the society in an official audience and ish National Fund means that every York's newly appointed Judge Jacob asked him what the society does. acre of Iski purchased is owned !>y Changes Names as Protest P k l t dto t a judicial jdiil J?anken, once elected the Jews a s sn everlssiaag possession Where' there is no vision, the peo- . New York—As a protest against When lie was told, he insisted that of an everlasting people,** post on ike socialist ticket, is, among • 3 : he be allowed to become a. member. other Jthiigs, ;"»• Hebr^Wc.schojiarl. aple.::perish^--P:rov;:-..-. ..'-. .:.". : .'. ' -..-.,; j the persecution of the Jews in Hitv l u ( u

.-that-General Electric







• ' ' ' - • ; • • • • ' • " - -

; ' ; • ; / " • • -




. /


Belgium's Kingr Joins Jewish Society

Nebraska Power Co.


Sioux City News

Banquet to Honor Chalutzah Leader

Council Bluffs

Good News for Tourists Library in Milan ARABS REPORT JEWS Files Rare Papers —No Tips in Jerusalem BUY HUGE TRACTS Jerusalem (WNS). — The perplexRome (JTA). — The collection of ' Jerusalem (JTA)—Large purchases 122 rare Jewish manuscripts in the ing question, to tip or not to tip, has of land by Jews in various parts of famed Catholic Abrosian library in finally been solved in Jerusalem as northern Palestine are unaer negotia- Milan is now being catalogued and the result of an understanding betion, according to reports in the Arab arranged by library officials. This is tween th& restaurant and cafe owners press, which alleged that Jewish the library of which the present pope, and the hotel and restaurant workers' groups are about to acquire 400,000 Pius XI, was for many years chief union which forbids tipping. dunams of new land as a result of librarian. During his stay at the li- To make up for the loss of tips, these negotiations. brary, the Pope did considerable re- the restaurant owners have agreed to The Arab paper, Al Rifaa, declares search in connection with these man- add a 10 per cent service charge to that the Jews are now acquiring un- uscripts in collaboration with his patrons' bills, the charge to be shared der purchase or leasehold not less friend, Professor Alessandro Faho, by the workers. tban-300,000 dunams of the Bteikha the chief rabbi of Milan. lands, which are on the Syrian-Pales- The Jewish items in the library's SACK W. MAKER, Attorney, tine frontier. Similarly, they are to collection date back to the early sevCourt Houxe acquire 100,000 dunams in the Huleh enteenth century, when Cardinal Fredmarsh area, while in the central coast- erico Borromeo commissioned GiamOF AKTICMC8 OF INCORPORal plain the Jews are to acquire 11,000 paolo Eustachio, a baptized Jew, toNOTICE ATION OF ANNABKIXE>8, INCORPORATED dunams in the WadiKubani section. make a collection of rare Jewish manNotice Jg hereby giren that the underThe vendors are wealthy and out-uscripts. Eustachio was instructed to signed, pursuant to the laws of tbe State standing Christian Arabs of Syria of Nebraska, have formed n corporation • name of which is "Annabelie'g, Oncorwho ''care for nothing else save their get originals from the various neigh- the -and- its principal place of busiboring libraries, and where the orig- poratetf" own pockets," the paper informs. ness Is in the City of Omaha, Douglas inals could not be obtained, to have County, Nebraska. The objects for which Another Arab paper, Al Jamia al copies made. this corporation Is formed are for the r>urpose of operating retail nnd wholesale Isjamia, reports that the Jews have millinery stores and to operate and en"acquired the concession over the Hugage in, nt retail nnd at wholesale, geniEOIf & WHITE, Attorneys em! merchandise stores,: and to purchase' leh plain /for ?800,000. Experts and ' City National Bank Bids. lease, hold and otherwise acqnire real and personal, property of every kind and deengineers are already mapping out scription and to seli, dispose of, lease, con35OTICK OP IJTCOKPORATION OF the irrigation and the development vey and mortgage any nnd nil of the enid rtBITAN OIL CO. methods of the area, the paper says. Notice is hereby given that a corpora- property, to borrow money nnd to do air

Plans are-under way for the banquet to be given by ,the Pioneer Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent Women's" club, Sunday evening, Jan- The Sisterhood of the Talmud Touary 13, honoring Mrs. Elizabeth rah society will hold their regular Kaplan, a leader of the National monthly meeting next Wednesday afPioneer Women's association. Mrs. ternoon, January 2, at the Cttevra Kaplan, who has lived in Palestine B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618 Mynfor a number of years will stop for ster street. A Bible study conducted two days in Siioux City, while mak- by Mr. J, Z. Stadlan will be held from ing a tour of this country. She will 2:30 until 3 o'clock, preceding the The Senior.Hadassah chapter will be the principal speaker at the ban-regular' meeting. All members are urged to attend. 'I1 Frank Margolin, local attorney and sponsor a children's program and en-quet on January 13. tertainment next Sunday afternoon, Mrs. N. Elkin, who is general active "worker in all, Jewish communRev. A. Diamond spent Monday in j'al activities, was elected president of December 30, in the Jewish Com- chairman of the banquet arrange- Lincoln, Neb., where he served as munity: Center. The program will bements will act as toastmaster a t the •the B'nai Brith lodge at their an"Mohel" at the "B'ritn" of the infant gin a t 2:30 o'clock. Adults as well as dinner. Reservations may be made |nual election, held recently in the son of Mr. and.Mrs. C. Baiser of Linchildren are welcome to attend. The with Mrs.. S. Levin, Mrs. M. Leaff, ; Jewish Community Center. coln. proceeds.: of the program will be Mrs.N. Elkin, Mrs. N. Sadoff or ••' - Mr. Lester Davidson was elected . ; ' Vice-president? Dr. L. J. Dimsdale, turned over to the Hadassah Penny Mrs. M. Weiner. 'recording secretary; Dr. Frank Ep- Luncheon . Fund, which provides The .committee in charge of the The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim stein, corresponding secretary, and lunches for the undernourished chil- banquet preparations are Mrs. J. society will hold the installation of dren in Palestine., , Shindler, Mrs., Oscar Gordon, Mrs. their newly-elected officers at their ' Morris- E. Skalovsky. " , - Plans will be made at the next Miss Ida Greehberg is directing a M. Levich arid Mrs. M» Dervin. The next meeting, to be held next, Thursj meeting-for the official installation play which will be a. feature of the banquet. will be' held in the Jewish day evening, January 3, at the Eagles hall. : of the officers. Mr, Milton. Bolstein, afternoon's program.'Includedefn the Community Center. •: cast will be pettyMpsoV; Blossom president of-the lodge, presided-at Miss Gwendolyn Meyerson left Satthe election. '•' Kaiin; Lucille Burnett, Ruth Weiner, urday night for Buffalo, N. Y., to atLeEoy Goidblatt, Alvui Sacks, Helen Levin,; ^Eileen \ Sherman, , Marjorie The. eighth annual • Studeints Serv- tend the national convention of the necessnry-or incident to the opern-tion has been formed under the laws of things tion of its business. The nuthorized capi^Florence" LeyiUui,* Pauline ice at; Shaare Ziori, Synagogue, will Sigma Delta Tau sorority. Miss Mey^ ^ ^ y the state of Nebraska. " ta! stock is $10,000.00 which shall be fullr The name of the corporation Is PURI- paid Raskin, - Lorraine Raskin Raskin, Wallace be .held, this - evieriirig. at 8r o'clock. erson. who is a junior at the Univer- Received b y Mussolini and non-assessable .when'-lgsued anil TAN Oil/ CO., and the principal place for may be issued for cash", goods, wares and. FnedmanVr Theftaa' Shindler., : Arnold Rabbi ; David': Goldstein of Omaha sity of Nebraska, is president of the the transaction of its'business is <the city merchandise, or both. With the assent in Sawislak, Seymour Robinson. '.'*"''•; will rbe -the principal, speaker of the Sigma Delta Tau chapter in Lincoln. Rome—When the institute Benito of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska. writing of the holders -of/00% of'the outMussolini opened here, II Duce" reThe genern.1 nature of the business to be standing stock pursuant to the votes giv* The second play will be~ given' by evening and:, a.;, great number; of stu- She will "visit in Chicago before reby the corporation is to purchase, en In person or by proxy at a meeting ceived Dr. Lydia Rabinowitsch-Kemp- operated The first of the executive meetings the following: children: . Earl^ Grue> dents, 'home; for; tbe; winter holiday turning home after New Year's. hold, sell, convey, assign, release, mortgage specially called for tblit purpose or-at an 1 ner, the former director of the bac-and lease real estate and personal prop- annual meeting, the Board of Directors for-the Campaign for the Jewish skin, ."Allen Arkin;- Charles Shulkin, "expected- -to attend. The. front ; erty wherever situated; to buy, sell, own, shnll h«vc the power and authority to sell, institute in the famous assign, ; Federation, has'been held, and twen- Sally Krueger» Bob Levin, Barbara are Misses Toby and Marian Katelman transfer and mortgage bonds, secu- assign, transfer and convey or otherwise of: the synagogue has been returned home Wednesday after spend- teriological Moabit hospital in Germany. She is rities and stock in other corporations; to dispose-of the property nnd assets of the ty captains for the teams who will iTribourg, Jean "Agranoff, Jean Go- section' reserved for the students.^ ; draw, make, execute, accept, endorse nnd corporation as nn entirety nnd .going consolicit funds, have been named. Fif- linsky, jeaii.-Harrison, "arid Eileen -Following Ithfe regular service, the ing several days . in I*avenworth, a Jewess. lBSue promissory notes, mortgages, drafts, cern on such terms nnd conditions as to teen more captains will be named Sherman. Kans., where they visited at tlie home bills of exchange and other negotiable in- the said Bonrtf shall seem fit and proper. __' " _ to liorrow money; to buy p.ndThe corporation shall commence business , within the next week by the execu- "Lucille Mushkin, Caroline Raskin Ladies Auxiliary will tender a Te- of their, brother-in-law and sister, Mr. SHOTWEIX. MONSKT, GRODIKSKX & struments:, the filing of the Articles of Incorporaception honoring the .students in. the and Jtfis. Abe Bear, They visited in VANCE, and HAltKV I*. COKES, Attys. soli at wholesale and retail and to ship on , tive' committee. and transport wood, coal, oil and fuel of tion in the office of the County Clerk of and Jack Schwartz will be seen in social hall of the synagogue. Wil- Kansas City, Mo.", also, where they at1 v 737 Omaha Natl Bk. Bid*. Douglas County, • Nebraska. Its highest every nntnre and description; to construct, - The preliminary work of planning dance' numbers. of indebtedness shnll not exceed purchase, lease and operate docks, yards amount Mosow will act as chairman and tended a formal dinner-dance at the two-thirds of its capital stock. The affair! the drive for funds has been started, A recitation will be given by Ruth liam and warehouses: to do nnything incidental PROBATE NOTICK. master of ceremonies at the recep- President hotel. Sinlday night, which In the matter of the estate of SAMUEL to or necessary for the operation of a coal of the corporal ion shall lie administered according to Mr.E. N. Grueskin "who Kutcher.* Doris Rae Pill will give a tion. by a Board -of Directors of not less than nnd fuel business. Students who will participate, 'was given in honor of-Miss Selma Ka- ' A. COKNEEK. Oecensed. three nor" more five members who is -in charge of ^the drive.' A census pianno solo and . Morton Greenstone The anthorizrd capital stock of this corNotice is hereby given: shnll be-ejected ntthc annual meeting to That the creditors of said deceased will poration shall l>e $10,000.00 divided into 300 be held has' been taken of the entire local will act as announcer of the program and the schools they will represent mei of Kansas* City •and her fiance, meet on the first Tuesday of February shares of the par value of $100.00 each, to the executrix of said estate, before are <as follows:, Milton Barrent and Mr. Herman Cohen of Lawrence, Kan- me. County Judge of UOURIJIS County, be fully paid for nnd non-nssessahle when of.each year. The Board shall from this Jewish population and every family Refreshments will be served to all number, a president,, vice-president, Ine& Leaff, Iowa 'University; Henry sas. Nebraska, lit the County Court Room, in issued. Stock may be paid for in cash, secretary elect . • will be solicited, for funds. and treasurer. The nrtielea may said County, on the ISth day of February, notes or property, real or personal, tan- be amended children who attend. Mrs. Sam Ginsberg, -Minnesota; - David Levitt, at any regular meeting of The budget committee for the Greenstone and Mrs. Abe Pill are in ana on the 5th day of April,. 1935. at gible, or intangible, at the reasonable value stockholders or at nny- special .meetof Colorado; Archie'Kan- Lester New of Los Angeles, Cal 9103.",, o'cJocfc a. m., each day, for the purpose thereof. Ten shares of the capital stock the ing called for that purpose after ten days' Federation is at work to determine charge of the arrangements for the University of presenting their claims for examination, shall be paid for before the corporation notice of such tor, Northwestern; Rebecca Stillman, left today for "his home, following a adjustment: proposed amendment in the-amount needed for the Federa- program. and allownrtce. Three months shall commence business. writing has been mailed to all stockholdMorningside; Jack Greenberg, Wisare allowed for the creditors to present ^ visit here sit the home of his The corporation shall commence business ers nnd upon the affirmative vote of twotion. The captains and their respectheir clnims, from the 5th day of January, upon Dewmher 1, 1934. and continue for a thirds of the capital stock. consin ; Gerald Cohen, Nebraska; an d ri sister, Mr. and1935. brother-in-law arid ' tive teams "will be announced in a period of fifty years from date thereof. HenryHhnowi tz> South Dakota. ReBRYCB CRAWFORD, Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld. The highest nmonnt of indebtedness to forthcoming issue of The Jewish Dated nt Omahn, Nebraska, December 12-14-3*—3t County Judge. which this corporation shnll nt any time freshments will be served by the Press. - The campaign will be held miTiject itself shall not exceed two-third of 14th, 1034. Auxiliary. MOI,T,IE MILDER, Mrs. Leo Blank arid son, Lane Burits citpifnl stock. during the month of January. ANNA GRKENBKRO MAX FUOMKIX, Attorney The affairs of this corporation shall he Rabbi .David: Goldstein will be thetori, of Minneapolis, Minn., arrived BELLE GREENBERG, Insurance Building. conducted by a Bonrrt of two dirf-torK. gupst-speaker at the--services of the here Saturday for a' two -weeks' visit Ire the presence of .Incorporators. EPHRAIM WEINBERG JACK W. MARER. 12-21-34-4t A. B. GEXDLEB Junior Congregation tomorrow mornat the home of Mrs. Blank's father, XjDTICK OF INCORPORATION OF At a recent meeting of the DaughIn presence of: THEBOK REALTY COMEANY Mr. Barney at ,10:30 o'clock. Max Weiner SAM J. LEON. terhood of the Tiphereth Israel SynaNptlce fs hereby giveni read the Law and William DimsThat MAX PKOMKIN and KEfcSO A. 12-21-34-4t. gogue,^ the fpllowing officers were willdale will act .as Cantor. MOKUAN have formed a corporation, , WEBB, BEBKK. KLCTZMrs. Wijliam Solomonow left Thurs- known as the "TUEBOK KEALTY COMejected for the coming year: Mrs. '" Plans have been made by t h e NICK & KEIXEV, Attorneys. XEON 4 WHITE, Attys. PANY," with its principal place of busi.' «56 Omaha NBU Bk. Bide. Miss- Frances Jacobson wilL leave M- Lazriowich, president; Mrs. J. D. Third Annual Baccalaureate Service day "for S t Louis, Mo., to attend the ness .504' CHy/Natl. Bfe. Bidgv in Omaha, Hougtas County* NebrasSaturday 1evening for St.. Louis, Maron, vice-president; * Mrs. Ed for mid year graduates., The services marriage oflier daughter. Miss Sarah ka." The • object and purpose for which this Solomonowy to Mr; Ben Rudner of that Corporation is organized." and the powers NOTICE BtT PJJBI.ICATION OS PETIwhere she will attend" the • wedding Shafton, financial* secretary; Mrs. G. will be held Friday evening, Janhave are as"follows: To. acquire KOTlCK-BTi: •FCELlCATIOJi OK PETI- TION TOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAt city, which" witt take- place Sunday itby"shall of Miss Sarah Solomonow of Council C. Levich, recording secretary; anc uary 18. purchase or otherwise; own, hold, buy, TION POK • SETTIJEMKXT OF FIN AX. ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT - " evening. Joseph.-Solomonow is leaving sell, convey, lease, mortgage or encumber ADMIXISTKAT1ON ACCOCST In the County Court of Douglas County, Bluffs, Iowa, to* Ben Rudner. Miss Mrs. M. Shulkin,' treasurer. " • • -real' estate or other • property, personal or ' Nebraska. • The, next of the series of book rethe Cctinty Court; of Douglas County, Jacobson will .be Miss Solonomow's Mrs. Lazriowich has been elected views by. Rabbi Rabinowitz is sched- Saturday nignt for St. Louis to attend mixed, and to do :n.y nnd nil things .ne- InNebraska. " "•": . V in the Matter of the Estate of LOUIS bis sisters weddin© ^., . 7 cessary and proper In connection with: the maid of honor.. the Matter of the Estate of JAKE SCHEUCH, sometimes known as LEWIS president for the third consecutive uled for Monday evening January 7. owning or operation -of - real estate nnd In FEKEJl. nlso known ns'J. PEBEE and SCHEUCH, Deceased : • •••.--. personal property.' Tbe capital stock .ef . ISAAC, - Miss Florence Lohrman spent last term PEUEU,. D o u s e d ; "" " " The Synagogue 6ible class will Mr.- and Mrs. Nathan Adler enter- this Corporation shall, be Ten Thousand All persons interested tn snid maiter are All jjersons interested In snifl matterare herebv notified that on the. 18th of week-end in Omaha, visiting with Dollars <flO.OCO.00>,-divided into- one hun-hereby notified that on the f>tk day of De- l>ecemtoer, 1»34, Margaret A. Henry day hold its next meeting Tuesday, affer- tained the members-of their Sunday dred filed a 010O> sKares of common stock of• the cember, 1934, Jennie Ferer filed o petition petition in - said County Court, praying relatives'and friends, . noon, January 8 in the synagogue so- night bridge club a t their home, Sun- par value of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) In County Court, praying that her final that her final administration account filed Mr. J. H. Bolstein and Milton. BoU each.-- • - : • • • - • -..- - • • - .-cial hall. administration account filed herein l>c set- here4n be settled »nd allowed, nnd.thnt day night. >;;: -'..":>;;'\:^'-.'', stein spent Tuesday in Atkinson, The oidstencc of thig corporation shall tled and allowed, and that she be dis- she be: rtlgcharged from her trust -as adbegin ou the filing' of a copy" of Its Ar- charged from her tirust ag administratrix ministratrix and that a tearing will ; be Nebraska, in the home of -the formof Incorporation with the County and that- a*henring will be had on snid had on Baid petition Iteforc snid Court on Mrs. Herman Meyarson was hostess ticles i er*s son-in-law and- daughter, Mr. and A large number of people attended Clerfc of Douglas County; Nebraska, as petition ftefore-said Court o«-the 5th day the 12th day of Jnnunry, iflSn, and - that f to,the members of her afternoon club provided by law, and shnll continue-for a of Janoary; T935, '«nd -that It you fall to if you: foil to appear before said Court on • Mrs." Harry Bailin ." •- the .Cabaret clance,'" given, "By the of fifty- years,' unless sooner dis- appear before said Court on the said 5th the said 12th day of January, 193T. nt 8 z1 at luncheon at her «hotne, Wednesday period The Oneg Shabbos group of the Mrs. Louis Baron, 606 Virginia Jnnipr JEtadassah 'chapter^ Sunday BiJJred by the unanimous -vote of the is- day of January, 1835, tit 9 o-'clock a.m., nn«T o'clock a. ni., and contest snid- peHtioni sued nnd outstanding common stock. The contest Baid.'petltion, the Court-may grnnt the Court may grant the prayer of aattt • ;v street, is in Chicago, visiting with evening in. the- Warrior hotel ball- Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion afternoon. amounr of indebtedness to - which this the ptnyer of said petition, enter * decree petition, enter a decree of heirship, and synagogue will meet tomorrow afterher" son-in-law and "daughter, "MT. room.' , Corporation may at ' any time. subject of heirship, and make : such - other and make such other and further orders, al. "chair not exceed two-thirds of its further orders, allowances and decrees, as lowances and decrees, ns to this Court noon- at the home -of Mrs. Robert Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gllinsky and Itself, And Mrs.- Irving Goldstein, capital stork, but said restriction shnll not to this Court may seem proper, to the end may seem proper, to the end that an matJack Reams and his orchestra, supSacks; 3315 Jones street.. .daughter, Jean; of Milwaukee, Wis., npply to mortgages placed on the said real that *li matters pertaining, to said tstate ters pertaining to sold estate may be fin' Mr. Max Goldman departed for Jus music for dancing, and a floor Rabbi David Goldstein of Omaha, are leaving for their" home today after estate. "The business of'this Corporation may be finally settled nnd determined. ally settled and determined. home in Kansas City, Tuesday eve- plied shnll be conducted by a ISotird of two DiBKTCK CRAWFORD. BKreE CJRAWFORP. show-was presented. Proceeds will be will bethe guest speaker of the aftsending a, ievr.jAa.fs here, visiting at rectors. ;to .be 'i«elected .from the stockning after spending the week-end turned over to the Palestinian Fund 12-21-34—3T County Judge. 12-14-34—St . Connty Judge. holders at their rpgular. annual meeting: ernoon. Mrs. Milton Mushkin will re- the home" of Mr/ Gilinsky's parents, the Directors from their number, shall visiting with relatives and', ,fciends of the Hads'ssah organization. • view "The Island Within," and Mrs.Mr. and Mrs. Abe GUtusKy. They made elect a 1'resident. ,Vi<>e-President. Secret FKADENBritG, WEBB, BEBEK. K1.CTZhere. . " tary and Treasurer. Any Director may NICK & KELIJSY, AftyS.J. Sawislak will speak on the life the trip by motor. - Mrs. A. H. Baron and' daughter , 650 Omaha Natl Bt. Bide. hold one or more of the above offices in andworks, of Lewisohn. Mrs. Philip the Corporation. . . Beverly are visiting -with the- fontf- IN WITNESS WHEREOK, we have . rEOBATJE NOTICE. . , . , er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. "S. Weis- The annual Students Welcome Sherman will present current events The Cheyra B'nisJ Ylsroel society hereunto set our hands this illh day of That of Jewish-interest. In the matter of the estate o j JACOB December; 1934. will hold a regular meeting next Wedberg, in Minneapolis. - > •. * ' Service will be held a t Mount Sinai BEIINSTEIN. Deceased. . . MAX FROMKIN, nesday "evening, January 2, at 8 o'clock Ephriam Baron left for Chicago Temple, this evening, when students Notice i s hereby given: KELSO A. MQKX1AN, That the creditors of snjd deceased "will at" the synagogue : a t - 618 Mynster "12-14-34—4t - " . . - . . _- .Incorporators. meet Tuesday evening, where- he will visit home from universities and colleges If j»©e have your sh««* the administrator of said estate, bestreet. , 1 with friends and" attend the Phi Epwill participate. fore- me. County Judge of Douglas Counr«i»3r«d at the GERALD K. I>aVlOLETTE and ty. Nebraska, nt the County Court Koom, convention^ • The guest speaker will be Rabbi BEN KAZIOWSKY, Attys. " in said Connty,. on the 5th day of FebruInsurance Building. ary,- 1035 nnd on the 5th: d a y of April, M Rcpaif Co. Dorothy London and Perry Osno- Philip W. Jaffa orCinclnnati. Rabbi 1035, at 0 o'clock a, m.. pnch day, for the U SBAUS. Prop. witz, seniors,at Central High school J f f a is: the regional director of the purpose of presenting their' claims for e s NOTICK OF ADMINISTRATION nmination. ndjustmput and allowance. have been chosen to- play the leads Union of American Hebrew Con- London, (WNS)—Because of the 1610 In the County Court of Douglas County, Three. months • nre allowed for the crediNebraska: _ . . hi the mid-year graduation play.-The gregations in 'Cincinnati. He will Sudden and unexpected opposition of tors, to present, from the 5th In the mutter of the estate of ERNEST day of January, .1935. . . play "The Swan" will be presented speak on "Judaism and Modern the _Arabs, the .proposed legislative HIMMELMAN, Deceased. BftTCE CRAWFORD. All persons interested In said estate are •' • os January 22 and 23. Youth.", *' " " . County Judge. council for Palestine wilt not be crehereby notified that. a- petition has been ,, jSjtuderits ' who will participate in ated for .some time to' come, accordfiled in said Court alleging that said dedied leaving no hist will and prayk the* service include Frances Kalin, ing to Near East and India, the Montreal,- Que. (JTA).;—The Gen- ceased ing for administration npon his estate, Nebraska U.; Bernice Galinsky, Illi- quasi-official organ' of the Colonial eral Synod of the Anglican Church, and that-, a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 5th day Explore the WorlcPs Far Corners with James Boring's nois U.; Naomi Sacks, Iowa uni- Office. meeting1 here, adopted a resolution of'January.•1035. and that if-they fall to : sin U.; Naomi Sacks, Iowa -uni- Near East and India points out deprecating persecution of J e w s ?n>pear jit aaid Court on the said nth day :: of January, l!Kfc">, at ii o'clock a. rn., to con: versity; Melvin Rosenfeld and RozMore than 150 fathers and sons' of that the Arabs have decided to op- throughout the world: Although, the test said petition, the Court may grant the same- and gront administration ef said Mount Sinai Congregation attended ena Sacks, Morningside. poW the council at the last moment country was not'"specifically named estate' to Gerald E. isiViolette or some othJames Boring's famous Small Party Cruises provide all the the annual father and son banquet The. Sisterhood of Mount Sinai because they learned that it will not In"'. the ^resolution, it jwas taken for er 6-uita.Tile person and proceed to a settlement thereof. . features of the big cruise but limited membership assures Temple will nieet next Friday aftheld Wednesday evening in the tembe empowered to take up the ques- granted that Germany:was the"nation BRYCE CRAWFORD, complete individual independence. Rates include First-Glass . County Judge. ple annex.' Mr. Si Kruger was in ernoon. The program will be pre- tions of Jewish immigration and land chiefly in- the minds" of-those- who 12-14-34—St . : . charge of the arrangements for the ceded by a 1 o'clock luncheon. Miss purchase. Another reason for post- framed the "resolutiori. - •-;; - ^ - . accommodations on the finest steamers of the world's greatWEBB, BEBEK, KX.CTZbanquet and Mr.* E. N. GrueskinRose Till will speak on the "The Jew poning ,the council is the unexpected ^'About'oBe-fourth' oV the- delegates FKADENBCRG. NICK & KETL.IBY, Attys. est fleets and the best hotels and automobiles ashoi'e,, , . in: Modern; Drama;" the resolution, exacted as toastmaster. -: 650 Omaha Natl Bk. Bldp. defeat of Ragheb Bey" Nashashibi, opposed passage ©f 1 mayor of Jerusalem, who failed to plaining that- their - attitude • was riot Speaking in behalf of the fathers NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. win re-election as a. member of the due to a lack of sympathy for the -per- In the were Mr." Lawrence Davidson and County Court of Douglas County, secuted Jews, but that they were re- • N e b r a s k a . • •• city council. Mr. W. C' Slotsky; in behalf of the In the matter of the estate of LEON S, sons, Bernard Skalovsky and Bobby The Amorian club met at the Jew- The government had counted luctant to have the Synod comment- KOVALD,. WEST BOUND Deceased. SoWth Sea Islands, Samoa. Fiji, Pill. Community singing was led byish Community Center last Sunday heavily on the support of Nasha- ing on the affairs of foreign countries. All persons interested in said estate are Hawaii, Japan, Philippines, Bali, hereby notified that a petition has been New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Harry Horwitz and the Shrine quar- afternoon for" its regular weekly shibi's group but his followers have ' The" resolution as adopted recently, filed in said Court alleging that said deJava, Angkor, Straits Settlemeeting. The committee in charge of turned against the council because reads' in "partf ceased died leaving no last will and prayJava, Straits Settlements, Ang-: ments, Burma, India, Egypt, the tette offered a group of songs. for administration upon - his estate, the raffle announced - that the raffle of their-leader's.defeat. Mediterranean—S/ S. PRESI"The General Synod of the Church ing kor* Philippines, China, Japan, A skit directed by Miss Ruth Marx was aud that a hearing will be had on snld pemeeting with unusal success and DENT HOOVER from San of England and Canada extend to the tition before said court oh the 5th day -of was presented by Henry Greenberg, more- tickets were being printed. ProHawaii—S. S. MARIPOSA from , January.3935, nnd that, if they fail to apFrancisco, December 28th (via Jewish people throughout the world pear at said Court on the said 5th day of Sammy Heeger, Betty Max, Doris ceeds will be used to outfit the basSan Francisco February 5th — S. S. PRESIDENT WILSON, 1035, at 9 o'clock a. m., to conits profound sympathy in view of the January, Marx, George Galinsky, Raymond ketball team. test said petition, the Court may grant the December 6th from New York) 122 days—all-inclusive rate present world situation^ respecting an same and grnnt administration of said es, Greenberg and Robert Cohen. —138 days—all-inclasive rate. A discussion concerning the limit$1975 tate to Theresa Kopald or some other suitancient race." $2185 able person aud proceed to a settlement ing of the Amorian membership to After adding that the world owes thereof. 25 was held and definite steps will Harrisburg, Pa. (WNS). — Thethe Jewish people a great debt for BRTCE CRAWFORD, County Judge. .taken at a later date. The annual Pennsylvania Council of Churches has their contribution to human knowledge 12-14-34—St The luncheon served at the Jew-be election of officers is scheduled for before it a suggestion from the the realms of science, literature and t > fehv • .Community Center yesterday January. The Amorian basketball Dr. Charles D. Brodhead, of BethleEAST BOUND ",' soon by the Young Poale Zion or- team emerged victorious in the Y. M. hem that in 1935 the day of Yomreligion, the resolution concludes' that The Mediterranean, Holy Land, Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, .' ' ganization attracted' over 250 people, C. A. Interchurch league, by defeat- Kippur should be proclaimed and ob-the Synod "deprecates as being a deEgypt, India, Ceylon, Straits " '! and ,was a financial success. The ing the Mayflower church team, 27 served as a national day of prayer nial of the principles of Christianity Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Recognized as Settlements, Angkor, Java, Bali, and therefore abhorrent to Christian i Inncheon w»s served cafeteria" style, to 5. The team is coached by Leonard and humiliation. Trinidad—S. S. SANTA MARIA PR\CTICAL MOHEL Philippines, China, Japan, Haj and the proceeds were turned over Baumstein. Explaining his unique suggestion, people the-ill treatment of Jews or from New York January Bth— any other people by.nations, commuPhone 1059 waii—S. S. AQUITANIA from . Vj; to the Young Poale Zion Yugen CamDr. Brodhead said that "the Day of 68 days^—all-inclusive rate. New York January Slst—1S1 i,"-: paign. ^Thiyrwas" the "first money Atonement is the logical day for such nities or individuals on account of ConncQ Bluffs, la. $1075 race or religion." days—all-inclusive rate $2185 vffi a day of national prayer and humili?.'•. making project undertaken by this '";! group. - --'• .The first of the series of book re- ation. It has the advantage of being : •-=• • Assisting in the arrangements for views to be sponsored by the Sister- the most solemn day in the Jewish Secure complete information from '''\i,> the luncheon were the following:hood of Mount. Sinai Temple will be calendar. It will be another witness to our common religious bond with 't'KiSxB, N . Elkin, Dora Kurz, Irvin held this afternoon in the-home of •"Omaha"s-Mo4t'BoautJfuS .Hprne/fbr'Funerals"; : II - "Lunin, Bernard Lazriowich, Sulamith Mrs. Joe Levin.-Mrs. C. H. Hoyt will the Jew in tfiis day of anti-Semitic ; ; 15 " ' Bereakin, Lucille Kronick, Mary Ras- review two books of current interest. pressure. It will be a mutual project ••-'•'•"'• >FynG!r3ls T o F i t A b y P u r s e ' :•• .. 1307 Howard St. Tel: AT 8028 Omaha, Nebraska Wigodsky and Budblph : Mrs.,E, N. Grueskin is the Sister- to meet 1a situation that we all share! P.hone H A . r n e y , | t 2 2 6 / • ; F a r ^ a m a t T h i r t y t h i r d together; * '• hood chairman for the reviews. : - Shindler.


: Shaare Zion




Officers for Daughterhood of Tiphereth Israel

Society News

Large Attendance at Carbaret Dance

. . OnegShabbos


Mount Sinai

Shoe €®infort



Many Attend Father and Son Banquet


Amorian Club

Around tlie World 1 Around the Pacific

Suggests Yom Kippur National Day of Prayer

Young Poale Zion

Around the World

Rev. A. Diamond

Around South America


Book Review


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