Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
' In the interests of the Jewish People
8s Mnil Matter on Jninisiry.21'. 10-1. at SNebrtiskti.'"under llifr Ait of March 3. 1S7U
500 Draw Lots for 90 Palestine Permits
immigration Slows Up Since Quotas
Vol.-X—No. 49
ers Guild -Tryout Sunday
New York (WNS) — From July 1, .921, when the first immigration quoTry-outs for the second Center Warsaw (JTA) — When Agudath a became effective, until June 30, Israel came to, distribute its allot'layers " Guild production, "The 1934, a total of 276,699 Jewish aliens ment • of ninety certificates of en'orchbearers," will be held on Sunwere admitted to the United States, . . . trance to Palestine last week, if j $10,000,000 More Added to SurOmaha Delegate Named SecreWill Teach Class on "Jewish according to figures made public by . J e w i s h Group Acquires Land in found that there were no less than ra., at the Jewish Community Cenplus During Past Syria Bordering On Palestary at National Conclave; Isaac L. Asofsky, general manager of 500 Agudath \ Cbalutzim pioneers er. tind Philosophers*' the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Years tine Frontier on Executive Committee who wanted them. All interested are invited to tryStarting January 31 Aid Society. • To solve. the problem, officials ut. . Jerusalem (JTA)—Further proof of Of these, 236,084 entered as perJerusalem (JTA)—The immigration Rabbi Uri Miller, spiritual leader decided to follow the old Chassidie the Palestine economic boom is eviof the Union of Orthodox synagogues 'Dr. Victor E. Levine, a member of manent residents and 40,615 as stu- of ten thousand Jews from East Eurcustom of drawing lots. * Five hunopean countries into Syria was apdred slips of pap|r were placed i n 'fenced by the latest figures on govin Omaha, was honored at the eighthe faculty of: the Creighton uni- dents and visitors. proved officially by the French govteenth annual convention of the Mizversity school of medicine,'has been a skull cap, ninet 1 "* - „ „ marked, - - - - - iI e™ment income and expenditures of them hicn ernment after several months' delibindicate that a surplus of two rachi Organization of America held added to. the faculty of the College The, lucky ones i ceived the prec-' ^ • : million pounds (approximately $10,eration between the League for Dein Detroit, Mich., this past week, of Higher Jewish Education of Omaious certificates. nnnnnn\ -i, v JJ J ^ •.. fending Jewish Rights in East Eurwhen he was elected secretary of the 000,000) will be added to the governopean countries and the French govconvention and also was elected to ment treasury as a result of 1934 op; ernment ' . the executive committee. erations. This will bring the treasSimultaneously the Syrian press reThe Mizrachi is the orthodox wing '• ury surplus up to five million pounds. ports that the first twelve thousand During the six month period, April Famous Attorney to Give, Forum of the Zionist movement, and its aim imams of land for'Jews in Syria were is that Palestine be built as the JewUCDC to September, the surplus of actual Address Here on acquired by a group of Jews from revenue over actual expenditures was, ish homeland in accordance with January 16 ttfiliSl excluding extraordinary items, 1,061,Dr. Hutchinson Makes Prophecy Alsace... The. land - acquired.-'borders Jewish tradition. the Palestine, frontier and will be set After Return From The principal address at the conElisheva Kaplan ? of Palestine, a 191 pounds. With the extraordinary Pre-lecture indications point to anaside for establishment of the first representative of the Moatzath Ha- receipts and expenditures added, the vention was delivered by Rabbi Wolf Europe ther sell-out for the next number three Jewish colonies in Syria. surplus is.just under a million pounds Gold of New York, Mizrachi presiThe negotiations with the French noaleth, the W^asen v .Council which ^.976,191 pounds. These figures far in the Community Forum lecture dent. He stressed the program of the New York.— (JTA) —"Labor throughis "part of. the His$adruth—labor o r - | s t i r p a s s t h e reC ord breaking figures of ;eries—the address on "The Thirout the. world will within the next government, which holds the Mandate gahizatiqn in Palestine—will be 1 l a s t y e a r > movement and • teenth Juror" by Arthur Garfield back-to-Jerusalem few months take the lead in the anti- {«*£ Syria were c o n d u c ^ Senator S pointed to the steady growth of. the Hays at the Jewish Community CenW i t n t n e exception of land sales of Justin Godart, the president of - the honored by members of the local.PioJewish population in Palestine. Nazi boycott.". neer Women on.Monday, January 14. government there has been an inter on Wednesday, January 16. tne This prediction was made by Dr..League^orJJefending Jewish Rights Among those present at the sesA banquet will b t ill bej be held h l d att the th JewJ w crease in the revenue "from all deHays comes to Omaha with a world Paul Hutchinson. managing editor of Count De M a r t e . t h e French High ish Community sions was Dr. M. Nurock, president Cetiter, the evening partments, the total, being 2,379,590 fame for his defense of human liberthe Christian Century," who. has re- Commissioner for Syria, who only last of Januaryy 14, an dj ill b f l pounds, plus a Grant-In-Aid of 26,234 ties and civil rights, a fearless of the Mizrachi of Latvia and an inj; hi will be folopposed the settling of European turned here after an intensive survey l d by b an. address, dd by'Mrs, Kaplan. pounds and 382 pounds from the Colo- champion of the oppressed. He par- fluential member of the Latvian of Syria, has made lowed of labor conditions in England, # Mrs. Kaplan is |>ne of the three nial Development Fund. Customs ticipated in the noted Scopes trial, parliament for 12 years. to Senator Godart that as a France, Austria and Czechoslovakia. i th H i t d t h j jumped in the half year to 1,198,457 as representatives . off I the Histadruth Local Mizraehi. Dr. Hutchinson served .as one of th? result "of the "negotiations in Paris who came, to this "country; from] compared with 818,394 despite the fact was asked to participate in the with the French government""'he acScottsboro case, and was present as A meeting of the Omaha Mizrachi American delegates to the recent internatidnal boycott conference in Lon- cepts now, in principle, the admission Palestine this year."In"the work of that the government estimates provid- an unofficial observer in the Reich- will be held this Saturday evening, the. Women's Council she is associ- ed for a drop in customs revenue. stag trial in Germany. He has de- January 5, 8 p. m., at the B'nai I of of ten ten thousand thousand Jewish Jewish settlers settlers m m SySy- ated with Goldre Myerspn,- who was Expenditure has grown from 1,127,- nounced the Nazis most vehemently, Jacob synagogue, Twenty-fourth and "The election of William Green, jria and Lebanon. ! 846 to 1,318,176 pounds while extra- but at the same time he came out Nicholas streets. Eabbi Miller will ' The Jewish guest here.last January." J i h Telegraphic; Agency a The. president of the American-"Federation ! Th informed Pioneer Women group is ide- \ ordinary expeditures brings the total n favor of letting the Friends of report on the national Mizrachi conthat the fnrst Jewish of Labor, and Walter M. Citrine,! . ... , . . _ . .„ ologically connected with the Worn- {to 1,430,015. The latter includes 84,- New Germany hold regular meetings vention. A report will also be given Dr. Victor E. Lavir.a president of the International Federal &™*VS to be admitted into Syria willen's Council of the Histadruth, and|S81 on extraordinary public works. in this country under the Constitu- on progress for the Palestine Beneha, according'to "announcement mad< tion of Trade Unions, as vice-presi-| b * industrialists, engineers and Jew- the funds raised by its 4,000 mem- j and 20,195 on Posts and Telegraphs tional guarantees of right of free fit concert to be given January 27 dents of the World Non-Sectarian *sh artisans. They will have the right bers go for the upkeep of the in- Extraordinary. :• The biggest increase speech and assembly. by Dr. P. Sher, president. by the Hazomir under Mizrachi ausAnti-Nazi Council to' Champion Hu- j to settle throughout the entire coun- stitutions of the Women's Council. Dr. Levine is nationally noted is on miscellaneous, largely due to an He is a former president of the pices. • • • a nutrition expert and has received man Rights marked a giant stride in|tr>"Mrs. Kaplan is a member of the j increased payment to the Moslem American League for Civil Liberties, nation-wide recognition for his scien- bringing labor into active rather than j kvTitzah, Gonia. B. She came to Sharia Council in lieu of tithes from and is at present general counsel for tific work.. Last summer "he spent merely formal support of the BoyPalestine in;. 1920,- leaving the uni- Waqf, and the settlement for 1,000 of the league. As attorney for the several months on a scientific study cott," the editor said. versity in Eussia because of. the urge the claim for damage by earthquake Mixed Claims Commission he re"Citrine has already launched a vigof the-Eskimos in-.the Arctic to help build the homeland.. She did to the old Government House on Mt. ceived a fee of one million dollars. orous drive to enlist French and Britpioneering work recently in: Poland; Scopus. ^ The subject to» be taught by Dr. Hays is also an author, having Levine will be_ "Jewish Philosophy ish labor in "a strict embargo against and Germany, organizifig youth in j . ~ ~ " written among other books "Let German goods and • services. . and Philosophers." This, class; will j be Liberty Ring" a"nd "Trial by Preju"Labor has learned that the surheld on Thursday evenings only, Eeservations for the banquet will LWAvCHllFfi PU1S dice." vival of Hitlerism in Germany is a starting on January 31, and will be limited, so those wishing to makeHe is a "supreme rex" of Pi Lambthreat to unions in every land and meet ..fram_9;15_ta_9.:55_p. ,m—The v—. ~.~ „ da Phi, intercollegiate fraternity, Road Building Important in J)e* the anti-Nazi boyeott must be re- . The recently^elected-officers jof. the -reservations, are asked to do. so early class was formed because of popular that g&rdedas a domestic* care rather than.! Omaha 'Hebrew club will be installed by calling- the . Jewish Community J y and members and alumni of the lovelopsng Jewish Autonomdemand. It; is' hoped'that this addi- as meddling in German internal _af-| at a meeting of_ the_organizatibn to jFld M IH. IH vca Mrs. JJ.jFeldman, .Mrs. cal chapter of the fraternity arc : : : ous Region 'tkiis'','}---L. ''•.:-'.:'.' ."'• :V'~~"••'••'• .-c." "'f-~\"'';~ j be ;:held ^ Sunday, "afternoon; January Bondarin, - <sr - Mi«L Max Goldstein. planning to entertain for Mm. •- crowded condition of; the •institute's "Austria Is tire' focal" eause • of thls*h>; ~ar~3 p. m; at *tFe"^J:"C." C. Fired Ticket chairman is Mrs. J. Richlin. Jerusalem (JTA) — There will Judge Frank M. Dineen will pre- Moscow (JTA)—Road building and ' classes. r..;"; '-,. , ... shift m labor sentiment The inci- S. White " ™ ^ will -•" install -'--x-u the « officers. M:*,.,~ neither a "Blue Sunday", nor a "Blue side on January 16, according to an- the immediate development Of all A special program has been arRegular classes" of the institute", pient fascism there,--'whether of the Sabbath" in Palestine, it became notiricement by Fred S. White, i types of transport is the most im- ' which'meet at the Jewish Community native or German variety, has taught ranged. Refreshments will be served, known here when High Commissione Forum chairman. portant task in the building- up of the ~ Center Monday and' Thursday 'eve- the unions that their rights are the j Among those taking part in the Wauchope. declared he does not intend Jewish autonomous region of Bironings, will be resumed on January 1 first sacrifice of a reactionary regime , nrusical program will be Milton Robto legislate a compulsory resting da: Bidjan, Boris Sinelnikoff, engineer in at 8:15 p. m. William Wolfe, secre- and that fascism. means finish to i n s o n, Beatrice Robinson, Marian in the country. charge of transport in Biro Bidjan, tary of the college, states that those workers everywhere. ' Fiedler, Harriet Bernstein, Pearl MarThe high commissioner added tha declared here in an interview with the Tel Aviv, Palestine (WNS—Paleor taking courses should be present at cus and Evelyn Green. the municipalities will be empowered Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Agency)—Considerable extensions to the first sessions following the reBen Kaz-Iowsky, president of the the public conveniences of this all- to introduce local regular closing "Unfortunately," he said, "we must cess, in order not to break the "conHebrew club, has announced the fol- Jewish city in the world, whose pop- hours for stores and enforce observa The Jewish Community Center ath- the fact that in the matter of tinuity of study. lowing committee appointments for ulation has nearly trebled since the tion. The municipalities will also de letic department under the direction transport facilities, Biro-Bidjan is still the coming year: 1931 census reported it as 45,000, are cide on the question of a resting day. of Lee Grossman, will do its bit for in a primitive state. In order to win A reception is being, planned for I Membership committee—Nathan S. The difficulties in setting a definite now planned out of a $1,750,000 loan the near future for the members of this rich but sparsely settled counYaffe, chairman; Jack D. Gavenman, which has been raised by it from the day of rest in Palestine lie with the charity Sunday, January 6, when it try, the region must be linked with the faculty and the student body of offers all its facilities to the BeeMax Abraham- Phillips, 35, 3322 Meyerson, J. P r u d e n t i a l Assurance the institute. r Ltd., varied religions observed by the in News free shoe fund in order to the industrial centers of the Soviet North Thirtieth street, died of pneu- " ' habitants. While the Arab population Barney Feltman, M.l of Engalnd. Union. At present there are not even monia Tuesday at aa local would like to see Friday as their day stage one of the outstanding basket- good communications between the .uesaay ax ioca., "hospital " ^ « Bercovici, Louis Morgan, Sam Bloom, & The loan is to be repaid in 25 years after a brief" brief illness. He had been J,o ,h n _P e_l 'd m a n of rest, the Jews would insist on Sat ball events of the present season— centers in the Jewish region itself. August, 1934, at 4 3-4 per cent urday as their Sabbath day, and th the contest between two outstanding in the grocery business here since ( I n t e l l e c t u a l a d v a n c e m e n t commit- from interest, and other debts to be paid Christians would prefer that Sunday amateur cage squads of the city, the "The entire region," the engineering he came, from El Paso four years' tee—Hyman S. Shrier, chairman; Dr. off amount to $460,000. Altogether the chief said, "is cut through with a Psi Mus, the J. C. C. champions, and be the day set for rest. ago. 'A. A. Steinberg, Nathan S. Yaffe, Municipality will be paying off withdense network of rivers. The Amul the Brinn-Jensens, the Y. M. C. A. He is survived by his widow, Ii J n t n e n e x t few y e a r s something like river alone runs through the region to iE. Schwartz, " Sam Klaver, Irvin titleholders. one daughter, Rosalie; a son, «ui- , . a length of 350 kilometers, joining the ?20d,000 a year of indebtedness. n In addition to the Psi Mu-Brinn- Amur zone with Khavarovsk. and a sister, Mrs. S. Rosen~ ,^ committee—Jack D. : Gaven- The expansion scheduled out.of the man; P : Jensen conflict, the J. C. C. girls' London. (JTA)—Biro-Bidjan is not ^ The Tunguska and Bira rivers, •••&?• J ' S L S 2 S - S ± 3 -an, chairman; A. Richards, Barney new loan includes a new water instalvarsity cage crew will tangle with which are tributaries of the Amur are in competition with Palestine, Lord were- held at the Jewish Feltman, S. Altschuler, Jacob Freed. lation, a drainage system, a $200,000 the Lincoln Cardinals, a topnotch I. Soskin was chosen president of Marley told a.meeting at the home of home Wednesday afternoon.. also navigatle, but like other rivers Judiciary committee—Joe Tretiak, city hospital, cheap dwellings, new the Re-Im club at the election of offi- girls team from the Capitol City. The- in the Jewish autonomous area there Dr. Morris Sorsby. • / .; chairman; Albert Kaplan, Mendel town hall headquarters, a central ! cers held Wednesday. girls' game will commence at 1:30 "There 13 room for both and for is no regular shipping for transportmarket, and school buildings. The Blank. Other officers are Leon Gross, vice- o'clock, while the men's contest is ing passengers or freight. other territories, too-;" said the peer; Talmud Torah committee—Morris water supply alone will cost over half Joe Nitz, treasurer; Leon slated for 2:30. "Both ought to be tried out and prove As far as motor roads are concernPotach, Ben Handler, John Feldman. a million dollars, and both this and president; Fellman, recording secretary; Sam The J. C. C. will also furnish ed the situation is even worse. More themselves ~by their- accomplishI Eepresentatives to Jewish Welfare the drainage is necessary in view of Stern, corresponding secretary; Paul ments." :•'••'. .,.''• V ; j Federation board of governors—Ir- the great increase of population, Nerenberg, sergeant-at-arms; Leo gratis the referee, Lee Grossman and than 1,500 kilometers of motor roads~ Lord Marley described his visit, to have been built recently, but only Mr Jacob Singer, 54, died suddenly!^ u L e v i n , D r A. A. Steinberg, which is expected to grow still more Simon, reporter; Irving Rubin, par- Dave Chesnau. Biro-Bidjan, the. character "of the from a heart at^ck on Saturday [Nathan Yaffe, Sam Klavar. The money derived from the "gate" eight kilometers are of real economic during the coming year. liamentarian. country, its rich mineral; resources will all be turned over to the shoe value. About 481 are of district value, December 22, at his home,!I Budget and Finance committee— Elected to the executive committee fund, which furnishes shoes to poor, 156 of regional value and 725 of viland the possibilities of establishing a morning, g mg, were Jack Frieden, chairman; Morris needy youngsters. Admission for both lage value. 28 North Eighten jj Jack D. Gavenman, chairman; M. Jewish autonomous settlement there. 2028 North Eighteenth stret?Sax, Abe Sherman, Harry Lefkowitz. games is 25 cents. He said there is no. Jewish' question He is survivedd by two sons, Hy-i Bercovici, Charles Mann, John Feld"Most of the roads are only called b t The installation will be held Janin the Sdviet Union. However, the man and Sam, both of San Fran- man, A. Richards, Jacob Freed, Dan The audience will be entertained that because people travel on them Jews are demanding a seat on the cisco, Cal.; four daughters, Mrs. Schwartz, Barney Feltman, Nate uary 15 at a stag. between halves by two acts by W. whea they have no other alternative. Council of "Nationalities, a request Harry Cohen of Brooklyn, and Min- Yaffe, Louis Morgan, Albert Kaplan, Berlin (W.N.S.)—-Confiscation of O. W. artists. Actually it is not possible for even an which could not be complied with un- nette, Jeannette and Rose of Omaha; S. Altschuler, Mark Polonsky, D. property, imprisonment for five empty cary to travel over them. In less the Jews'first exist as a nation in one grand-daughter, Barbara Miriam Feldman, Goodman Meyerson. years and deportation as an undethe rainy season, people and horses a specif ied territory of -their own. Ways and means committee—Mark sirable alien ..are proposed as punishSinger of San Francisco. sink up to their necks in the road. For this reason the Jewish auton"It is impossible to develop the regBurial was in Golden Hill ceme- Polonsky, chairman; Harry Dworsky, ment for any Jew found guilty of omous region in the Far East is being tery. Mr. Singer had been a resident Friedlander, Jerusalem (WNS—Palcor Agency) ion with such roads. In 1935 there „ Marks Lorig, Harry having sexual relations with a GerT Organized, Lord;Marley exnlained. ••'•-, man Aryan woman, in a resolution —A summer resort with .handsome must be an energetic drive to build The speaker said Palestine^ has cer- of 'Omaha for the past thirty years, j Marcus, Joe Morgan. inside unanimously adopted at a conference villas and a woodland to be known as new roads and to put the old roads The Women's Division of the JewAppointees—S. Altschuler, tain definite advantages, but: in direcof National Socialist medical men at "Yaar Etzion" is planned on a site ish Community Center and Welfare in first class condition. guard. tions the balance is tipped in favor of Freuth, near Nuremberg. just off the Jerusalem-to-Hebron Federation will hold its first board Bureya. . ; The resolution was telegraphed to highway, at a height of about 3,000 meeting on Tuesday afternoon at "Bureya has the advantage of not . Minister of the Interior Frick to- feet above sea level. 2:30 p. m. at the J . C. C. having a native'population," he asFruit trees will be prominent among gether with a demand that it be At that time a full report will be serted. "It is an almost, uninhabited made the basis for a new law to pro- the saplings to be planted. Cfiattanobga, Tenn. (JTA).—Salvamade on all committees, and more country. There will be no clash with A public garden, recreation grounds definite plans will be outlined for tect the parity of the German: race. the Arabs. Also there is no British According to the resolution, the wo- and public buildings are being zoned, the future work of the organization. ; government to impede progress; Jaffa, Palestine (WNS — Palcor man in the would be sterilized and it is hoped that a number of hoMrs. Dave Greenberg, membership Agency)—A total sum of $50,000 is to "Palestine has a shortage of water. J L R'nnf' i f f Anti Defamation t h e S0™"111161* were invited last week and imprisoned in a concentration tels and convalescent homes will be chairman, has been busy completing be spent by the Palestine government, Bureya has too much water. . After the Bnai B n t h Anti-Defamation tQ g u b m j t a camp. The resolution suggested no erected. The newly-purchased area is COmplaints freely to drainage the land most fertile. League,, who tame from Chicago to. o f f i c J a l s < S p e a k m g at a meeting of punishment, however, in the case upwards of 1,200 acres, and new home plans to gain members among those by levying a 3-4 cent tax on every Turning to the question of the Com- address a large audience at a Unai ^ g o v e r n m e n t p rty D T i b M t _ of such relations between Aryan men makers will be able to get as low as who are not going to serve on com- case of citrus fruit shipped abroad, : ny*tormer ^ist/T' mittees. The organization hopes to for the purpose of advertising the ot j u s t i C e and and Jewish women. munist ideology, Lord Marley pointed B'nth Day celebration here. a quarter of an acre each. secure all the Jewish women in the fruit on the different markets. A total out that there are settlements in Pal"If Nazi Germany is to be brought now a member of parliament, declared Speakers at the conference, which estine built on socialist-communal to her knees and made to act like a that Premier Julius Goemboes and the Belfast—The government of North- city as members. Registration is only shipment of six million cases is exwas addressed by Julius Streicher, lines. civilized nation, if the declassing of reigning party -were determined to ern Ireland, which is separate from one dollar per year, and there are pected during the present season. The strongest party - in " Palestine Polish citizens is to stop, if a quar- "emphasize the traditional Hungarian Germany's chief anti-Semite, empha- that of the Irish Free State, has just no dues. Of the sxtm, $30,000 are to be spent looks forward to Palestine's becoming ter million Jews in Austria are to be spirit which knows no religious hat- sized that such relations between issued instructions forbidding all in"The Women's Division," stated in Great Britain on various forms of Jewish men and Aryan women cona socialist republic, he said. He spared a replica of the fate of their red." and the remainder will be surance companies doing business Mrs. Jeanette Arnstein, president, in quoted the recent reports presented <S *-man brothers, if the mistakes of "We recognize equal rights in re- stituted treason to the state. within its borders to refuse to write an appeal for one-himdred-percent devoted to European countries and by Drl Joseph Rosen and Dr. Jacob the red-headed Jewess, Magda Lu- turn for. equal duties," Dr. Szitvay policies because of the racial or re- membership, "desires the co-operation Scandinavia, including $10,606 earZegelnitzky and also spoke of the pescu, are not to be reflected on our -said, "therefore any Jewish complaint of all. Please call Mrs. Dave Green- marked for Germany, to be spen< Hollywood, Cal.—Robert Riskin was ligious origin of the applicants. prospects in .' Biro-Bidjan - for - Jews people in-unfortunate Rumania, it will will be dealt with in accordance with honored oy the Screen Writers' Guild This ruling will put an end to the berg, Kenwood 6063, if you have not when difficulties over sterling ex from Pqland. .and other countries be- be due entirely to the united voice of justice and equality for all citizens as the author of,film play anti-Semitic policy of certain insur- been ask«& to join. We. need your change in payment for the fruit ex sides Russia. _„ American Jewry" the speaker said, and Irrespective of religion." help. of the year. "It Happened One Night." ance companies. ports are straightened out.
Of ficra Elected By Re-Im Club
Jail, Deportation and Confiscation Proposed
Summer Resort in Judean Hills
Sees TJ. Si Jewry Salvation of Race Jewry in Hungary Assured of Rights
Palestine Oranges To Be Advertised
Jewish- Scene
nounced. Even in the countries of western Europe and the United States anti-Semitism have reached .proportions which can no longer be contempuously ignored, although in our own country the preachers of hate are, to my mind, not quite so dangerous as yet. Now it is true that-the Jewish problem throughout the world is today largely colored and aggravated by anti-Semitism.- But it would be a mis-, take to ascribe all Jewish troubles everywhere on a footing of absolute: equality, we would still have to face' problems well-nigh insoluble because of economic forces which have adversely affected all peoples and have worked havoc with the Jews. The Jews as a middle class engaged in trade and industry have prospered and still prosper where free competition has obtained. But free competition began to decline before the World War and was dealt a deathblow by the war. Today, it has been discarded in many countries, and state capitalism, concentration in commerce, industry and banking, in department stores and chain stores, the decline of international trade the growth of co-operatives and the resulting limited opportunities have deprived the Jewish small business man of his subsistence. Inflation in central and
Z?# Dr. Oscar L Janowsky In the .following article Dr. Janowy, assistant professor of history at the City College-ot New York, takes stack--;«$- .;the^.lnternaiianaJLJewish scene. ^ His -comprehensive; teneyr^t the wdridL Jewish .situation, his penetrating analysis of causes and bisTilluminaUng .remarks about the future are' particylarjyj iiiterestfiig as- vthe •wotld .'"cleteajateiviits; . s ; ^ftii^$epx©a sioh New Teaf.r-Editor.
When told that there was no this.humbiig.. We l a v e lieard these stupidities ° and slanders before, and, such chair in the German university, what is more, we have survived as a he was amazed. "What!" he exclaimpeople- while the Hitlers of the past ed,- ''you talk anti-Semitism day and are rotting in the dust. Present day night and have no one to teach it?" Germany has not,even improved upon "But," said the German, "why do you! the refinements of-cruelty in its at- need such a professor when you have' tacks upon the Jews. The brutal at- nb s Jews?" "We haven't," said the 44cks upon individual Jews, murder, Japanese, "but we hea that they are terror, denial of the right to work and coming, and we want to be prepared." !<eani a livelihood, and, the impoverish- -One would like to believe that even ;ent and pauperization of a whole those brutal • men, the present rulers jjfeople, bullying and harrassing of o? Germany, feel the sense of guilt The- international Jewish scene resembles the'generai^scene in which children in the schools—all these dia- that i s theirs, and seek to find vindilear,. distrust^ ,BelI-^eekliigir and .TtQ-bolical atrocities have been perpetrat- cation by converting others to their lerice, or the threat of violence, 'nave ed before in Tsarist, Russia and else- view; Otherwise, how can one explain where. "Why then do we cry out the fact that their propaganda outside stjfiiction-.' -".Never- in'v .mo8eriii*iimes against German persecution ^as never of "Germany concerns itself so largely nave the Jewa-faced so uncertain a before? Is' " i t .be'cause 'the 5600,000 with?»anti-Semitism. The widespread j future as at present. Old and power- German Jews react to pain differently propaganda and.the case with which' the wealth of the Jews to melt away from the 3 million PoIishr;Jews or the the gospel spread in Germany, creates ful Jewish centers are•> crumbling; g; one million Rumanian Jews? Is it be- in one the uncomfortable feeling that and disappear, because Jewish wealth homes aadlands which!; jew's^ h a e homes ,aad. lands which!; jew's^, have cause the German Jews were better- the^German disease might infest other did not consist of material objects but of money, mortgages, loans and the called- their "iwn for ^cent^ries' :haye jto-do while., .the Polish had been ac- peoples. '. V btfcome "inhospitable; andiproud.'.and customed to degradation and persecuBut Germany is not the entire Jew- likepowerful citizens; o?: only, a few years tion;.^ .-•- ] y ... ! _ •,: '_-• _•;•••. . Moreover the disillusionment, ecoi s n scene, all pervading that it i s . ago are now' helpless and/hopeless nomic impoverishment and intellectThere are several other preaching These are not the answers-to our fugitives to whom no. one r will Cgive problems which render Jewish life so ual and moral in stability which reBh'elter, fbr; whom 4; greedy and;cal- question, for suffering and cruelty mained as a legacy of the war, have precarious at'this moment. . .. lous world .can not^find! a,.haven jdf are not conditioned by race, nationalled peoples to draw in, freeze in, upon refoge. Wha]t symbol c a i ' ^portray, ity, or cTimateV They are damnable : Wholjas not read of violent out- themselves and to close their gates to breaks, against Jews in ^the French wherever they occur. But the •Gerbetter the homelessness.and' hopeless^ immigration. As a result, the means constitutes a threat and' North African colonies;,'in Polaid, Runess of the J European Jewsf Jhan"th.e mansituatio^ of escape which emigration once pro1 f : mania;'Yugoslovia,'Hungary,-Austria, menace" fto "K all Jews," everywhere spectacle of 300 odd' Jetisj^tidJfs&e vided has been cut off and the Jews knocked at the "gates of so many'Med- throughout the world; An;d Nazi Ger- and even-in Czechoslovakiai the most have been left to their own resources. civilizeS of the new states which the many crushes and tramples every ; iterranean countries, .only • - be Only American relief has stood beT turned away, .and who, : in ^despair, shred of liberty- and decency which the World War called into being. In prac- tween millions of pauperized Jews; tically, every inew and .enlarged state modern world has learned slowly and ; have; had to.:return ,tb ' the •coujnitry and starvation. , . from'-wbicj»"thjey sought t o flee. •".-• • painfully to cherish^ Germany points of southern and eastern JDurope we encQuJtter . economic discrimination ihe •fray; back to Medievalism and barYou will no doubt ask me w l a t is T in. the" International'. Jewish scene against.. Jews,, napyempnts * to boycott to be done. A simple answer is to . the" German situation is noted, first be-; barism; back to the jungle. cause it occupies the--center,of;the I liave said that Germany constitutes Jews and-Vdeprive them of 'their live- throw up one's hands and say "What stage. Hitl^and'his ophoits have ax> V threat to Jews throughout the world lihood, . civil inequalities, educational can be, done with an earquake?" We cused the* Jews of about everything because until recently persecution of disabilitiesi .and a general tendency to have no control over the economic evil and despicable that distorted ajid -Jews was associated with the> dark make-, tide Jew the scapegoat for debts^ forces which, appear to.have doomed ignorant minds have been" able^ Jo in? forces of humanity, with the back- droughs,-overproduction, and the oth- the present generation of Jewish vent The fantastic forgery entitled ward and brutalized peoples. It was er causes of privation and suffering" small business- men. Nor can we halt "The Protocols of the Learned Eld- the corrupty" decayed and medieval with which a crumbling civilization Is the .wave of hatred which is rolling ers of Zion" has""been disseminated Russia; of the Tsars which persecuted afflicting humanity, In Hussia, too, over the earth and engulfing the Jews. and where" ^mti-Semitism is ^discountenBut resignation and despair are not •widely and despite its palpablfeabsur-" Jews; it-was-uncivilized Rumania ; and sternly repressed, the Jews satisfying answers to any question, dity it has contributed to poison the half-civilized Poland which persecutno matter how staggering. We must ' minds of the- German people* , When ed the Jews.: The civilized, progres- have not escaped. you examine this strange, document, sive, and forward-looking countries of The socialization of trade and in- seek out the few constructive efforts you find neither date nor names of the the; West granted the Jews equal dustry has deprived the thousands up- to solve the problems of the Jew and Lqatned Elflers,\ox; of the lieutenants rights and discountenanced anti- on thousands of ^Jewish petty traders support them. Palestine is one such to .whom it wassupposed to have been Semitism. of their means oi: subsistence. I am effort; Biro-Bidjan another; and miaddressed. But it reveals a Jewish = The Gemans, however, have made convinced that the Russian •Govern- nority rights a ttiirdrthe maintenance so obliging"a" manner,,!as to anti-Semitism,: respectable evenr in the nient honestly desires to ".rehabilitate ' of: Jewish institutions and identif icasatisfy the least intelligent" of the ^West; they l a v e enabled the; Jew-hat- these unfortunate- beings, but more tion with the Jewish group are still morons" for" wlibm it was meant. It ers who-formerly preached their, gos- pressing problems "have "engaged the others. But let iis not become so has.the Jews o t the world^co-operat- pel skulkingly and 'in hushed wbis- attention of the Russians and vast fanatically devoted,jb one cause, one Ing to establish - a-super-government pers to come out into the open and numbers of the declassed, socially de- solution as to exclude all other atin :prder.both. t o destroy and? dominate brazenly face the • world. The Ger-: graded and pauperized Jewish traders tempts. The Jewish problem is large Gentile society. The means supposed- mans have been recognized as a cul- must become reconciled to the ruin enough to require all efforts and, I j ly employed by the Jews are ; even tured people, a people who have pro-, and-bitterness which appears to be assure you,, that i we , snail have V more fantastic than the aim. For the duced scholara, scientists and philoso- their fate. Moreover, sympathetic as troubles to spare even after Palestine Protocols iiaye the powerful capital- phers. When seemingly cultured men one might be with the heroic efforts and Biro-Bidjan have become realiists- working hand in glove with the' permit the persecutions of. Jews, hon- of "the Russians io build a new social ties. most extreme radicals. The Jews est people elsewhere might give cred- order, we must not forget that HeThee is another solution'. When we were to raise financial, power'i,and. t the forgeries and lies which brew culture i s condemned in Rusare attacked we roust strike back and create a universal crisis',,and at*the: are concocted to justify attacks which sia and' the entire" cultural heritage the boycott against goods made in same time encourage radicalism by can not otherwise Jbe justified. People of rrfhe : 'Jews' -. is ridiculed and deGermany is therefore an excellent urging workers J to -join, the socialists, do not stop to consider and. examine communists,, and; ^anarchists. They the causes of German insanity; they were to." confiscate property and e m - are apt to forget that the Nazi hate, pioy terror and then and there, to not only the Jews, but also the quote the Protocols, "The King of ^French, the Wales, the Russians, the Israel -will become the Pope of the Catholics, and others; that the mad Universe, the Patriarch, of the Inter- Nazi policies have brought Europe to national Church. ;•• the brink of war. People are apt to lorg'6t that the-Nsizis rose to power The German Jews, patriotic to a by. means of extravagant promises . fault, are made the scapegoats for which have not been fulfilled and TO Germany's defeat in the World War have maintained themselves in power and the mythical "World Jewry" Is through terror and gang rule. People saddled and responsibility for.all the, do not stop to analyze a situation. <:- woes* which have befallen Germany in. .They hear the mad ranting about the recent years. Even the Dawes plan-= Jews and are apt-to belieVe some of it. which actually reduced reparations, payments, made possible the restora.* The Nazis are a danger to all Jews tion of the Ruhr to Germany and al- because they have spread their antilowed the Germans a breathing spell, Semitic venom throughout the world. ill condemned Jn the vilest of terujs There is not a country or province, and declared to have been-a plot of no matter how God-forsaken, but has international Jewish bankers. One of been infected with the Nazi poison. these international bankers, mind you,* South America, Africa, the'Tar East, is J. P. Morgan whose real name,; we.- regions of the 'world k which -have not are told is Morganstern. And General known Jew-hatred or even Jews have Dawes, the Nazi newspaper reveals, now their influentia The last word in travel refinement. land noisy ifl not a General at all; nor is his An ^attractive lounge car, with'the preachers of hate. A story ia 'told of name Dawes. His real name, we are inviting informality o f s clnb. A a; Japanese-diplomat who' came to Berbuffet fof refreshment if and when assured, is Davidson and Dawes, pipe ilin and requested a German statesyon please. Perhaps a bite at mid* and all, is a full blooded Jew. * man to recommend a Professor of night. And radio, of c o a r s e . . . Lux* Now, there is nothing new In all {anti-Semitism "lot a Japanese univernrioas drawing r o o m s , compart* mcnts and roomy sleeping sections . . . Famous "North Western" meals* on the "select-your-price" plan . . . d e a n , comfortable c o a c h e s . . . and a perfect roadbed for smooth riding and u n t r o u b l e d s l u m b e r . T h e CORN KING, Westbound, to O m a h a a n d S i o u x Citjr, o f f e r s equally fine service. •
Signing a New Golf Pro
By the ^erv?ce Life Insurance ; Company, Omaha
Above is pictured A'oe Herzberg, president of the Highland Country club, putting the finishing touches
to the contract which brings Bill Schuchart to the Highland Country club as golf professional. Schuchart made his mark in niblick circles as assistant golf professional at the Happy Hollow club for the past seven years. Schuchart plans to give golf playing at the Highland a big boost policy. Normal people do not hush up attacks and slanders against them. They marshal their forces and strike back. And we are not alone in combating the dark forces of reaction and intolerance. There are liberal-minded and tolerant people throughout the world, who are our friends. "With them we must co-operate to make the world a better place to live in.
If you live as long as you have the* right to expect to live, and if your income continues unchanged from year to year, how much money will be yours eventually? ^ The moment a man'proves his ability to earn money, a new value comes into his life, a dollar-and-cents value" which represents wealth for him aa" truly as houses, farms, stocks and bonds' represent wealth. At all times, two dangers threaten to cheat a man and his family of his fortune which is scheduled to come to them. There is physical disability, which in. a moment wipes away future dollars; there is premature death, which cuts off the family from the fortune. The answer is life insurance. For life -insurance is a bonded financial system which protects income against death and disability years before a man has lived to earn it, thus assuring all the future dollars to a man and to his family. next season. Increases in competitive Through life insurance, earning events and free classes for women power overcomes the double threat of and children are being planned, and disability and premature -death. the nine-hsile course vri.ll be improved. During his stay at Happy Hollow, Illegal Entry Schuchart had considerable experiHaifa, Palestine—Marking a renewence as a golf teacher. He holds the ed drive by the Palestine government Happy Hollow course record of 65, to stop the increasing flow of underseven under par. He started his golf ground entry into Palestine, police stardom at Tech High, where he arrested five Jews and eleven Arabs played on the state championship at Safed and eighteen Arabs here on team his junior year and captained charges of entering the land illegally. the team his senior year. All of them have been put in prison, awaiting the decision of the courts profound truth uttered by an un- ordering their dportation from the known Jewish workman in Palestine. country When Dr. John Haynes Holmes visited Palestine, a Halutz pointed to a bleak and barren hilltop and prophesied that Jewish labor would render it fruitful. Dr. Holmes looked at the inspired laborer in amazement. "Why," said he, "you will have to carry soil in shovelfuls and handfuls to make that rocky hill beer fruit and that will take a hundred years." Undaunted, the Halutz answered, "What is a hundred years in the life of the Jews?"
Many will no doubt complain that I have found no solution of the Jewish problem which lies ready at hand and can be realized immediately. That I grant, and moreover maintain that there is no easy solution for so complex a problem. But when you Moscow.—Joseph Lieberberg, Soviet complain of the' element of time in- Jewish leader, was elected president volved in attempts to deal with the of the Biro-Bidjan Regional ExecuJewish problem, I refer you to the tive Committee.
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.Page 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1935 all women: in Congress. . Born in Salt and fought against harsh restrictive Lake City in 1869". First came to laws. Among the first to climb on Washington in 1898, when her hus-Roosevelt band wagon. Headed forband was elected to Congress. Served eign language division of Roosevelt as his secretary for twenty-six years. campaign. One of. the most reliable The J . C. C. athletic department Advocate of big army ana navy. Loves men of national stature in Democra- has just completed a very successful The holiday season put a crimp in politics. An able debater. One of tic party. Is a "dark horse"* candi- season in 1934, Lee Grossman, physibasketball play in the J . C. C. Class most beloved members of House. date for Speaker. Now engaged in in- cal director announced. A total of A cage league last week and only Witty and skilled a t repartee. Seldom vestigating real estate bondholders' 39,873 admissions were made in the two games were played on the Cenmakes long speeches. Fights fanners' reorganizations. Boasts of fewer en- physical department during 1934. ter handcourt. battles. Only woman member of pow- emies than any other man in public Grossman is planning a bigger and The Xi Lambdas had plenty of diferful Appropriations Committee. Was life. Never forgets a face or a name. better season in 19S5. ficulty in winning from the A. Z. one of few Republicans re-elected to Cares little for fame or money, but is A.'s in the feature encounter, 25 t o Congress from California last year. intensely interested in politics, at 22. Underdogs the entire route, the which he has few years. Once forgot 8. HERMAN P. KOPPLEMAN: DemA. Z. A. lads narrowed the X. L . ocrat Represents 1st Congressional how to adjourn House while presidlead to one point in the final minute, ing, although he is a veteran parlia- In these intimate if brief portraits senting 19th Congressional district of York state'kosher food laws. Immi- district of Connecticut On the eve mentarian. Plain spoken, sincere, of play. At this point, however, Max of his second term. Was first Jewish of the eleven Jewish members of the New York. Has been in Congress grants are his legislative hobbyj Won Turner, stellar guard, dropped in tactful and extremely friendly. If the Congressman from his state and sec74th Congress, .now -in session at since 1923, when he was elected to chairmanship of . House Immigration ond in history of New England. Born old rule that the senior member of another basket to sew up the contest Continuing their terrific display of Washington, Mr. Postal tells some seat left, vacant by sudden death of Committee by seniority. First Jew to in Russia in 1880. Educated in Hart- the House inherits the speakership for the X. L.'s. fascinating' and often little-known Representative-elect Samuel Marxl head that committee. Sponsored res- ford, where he built up prosperous were observed, he would become the scoring power, J . C. C. men's varsity j The Wardrobe Clothiers came crew walked all over the Omaha i authorizing Congressional business as publishers' representative. first Jew to preside over the House. facts about the personalities who are Born in Pekin, Illinois in.1870. Aban- olution Sokols last Sunday a t the Center j through with a surprise victory over American Jewry's contribution to the doned promising career as a journal- probe of Nazi activities. ".Refused Elected to city council in 1902. Be11. WILLIAM I. SIROYICH: DemoPants Stores, 26 to 17. The game national body of law-makers. — The ist in San Francisco to become thea- chairmanship of probe committee but came its president in 1909. Promoted c r a t Represents 14th Congressional -with a 62-to-22 -win. The girls' j the was nip-and-tuck until the last three varsity team won from the Sokol | trical promoter in Chicago. Directed serves as vice-president and chief in- to state assembly and later to state district of New York. Has been memEditor. • construction of the Midway Plaisance quisitor.. Is chief hate of Nazis and senate. Was called "the original Boy ber of House since 1927. Born in femmes in a preliminary encounter, j minutes of play, when Whalen, lanky Wardrobe center, uncorked four 18 to 12. When the 74th Congress was called at Chicago's World's Fair of 1893. hundred percenters. Has personal Scout" because of his readiness to York, Pennsylvania, in 1882. Was well sizzling long-shot baskets to put the With Sigal and Burroughs leading | Created nation-wide chain of music bodyguard because o f hundreds of to order on Thursday, January 3rd, do favors, even before he went to known physician and communal leadcontest in the cooler. there were eleven Jews answering the stores with headquarters in New threats. Was too occupied with poli- Congress from a strong Republican er when he was elected to Congress. the basket-making parade, the Cen- j Next week's schedule calls for a ter players had little difficulty in J York's Tin-Pan Alley. Extended intics to marry until " he".. was fortyHad been superintendent of an East roll call in the House of Representadistrict Atlhough a new member, he full program of four contests. On tives, but.none in the Senate, where terests to real estate and talking ma- seven. Then he married his secretary. managed to win a place on the key Side hospital, a member of the local chalking up their second straight win! Tuesday, January 8, the Xi Lambdas of the season. The team again I chine business. Is a great Joiner, Ms Snort, wiry, prematurely grey. Ambischool board and a popular orator. mere hasn't been a Jew since 1913. Banking and Currency Committee. meet the Psi Mus in what should be These eleven Jewish members of the weakness being fraternal orders. Be- tious and flamboyant Has host of Was first to propose direct Federal As is natural for Greenwich Tillage's flashed down the floor with the in- a great battle. In the second contest came a national figure when he was friends. His activity belies his fifty tricate passing formations which left Congressional representative, he is a lower house of the national legislaloans to industry. Sponsored bill far j that night, the Re Ims take on the ture represent the largest number of named chairman of the George Wash- years. investigation of milk industry by Fed- playwright. One of his works was the opposition bewildered. A. Z. A.'s. ington Bi-Centennial Committee. On defense, the stellar Center j 6. HENRY ELLENBOGEN: Demoactually seen on Broadway. He has Jews to sit in Congress at one time eral Trade Commission. Author of since the second session .of the 70th When the celebration was over Bloom c r a t Represents 33rd Congressional measure for tobacco production con- also been a newspaper columnist Is guards, Iz Mann, Abe Bergman, and! On Thursday, January 10, the Re Congress in 1927, when: there were was as well known as Washington. district of Pennsylvania. Born in Aus- trol. Refused to accept restoration of the author of a theme song for Con- Max Turner presented a barrier as Ims meet the Pants Stores and t h e twelve Jewish members. Seven of the H a s a knack of getting things done. tria thirty-four years ago. Educated Congressional salary c u t Turned his gress. Most oratorical of all Jewish impregnable as a stone wall as they Xi Lambdas tangle with the Omaha eleven Jews in the 74th Congress were Now" urging erection of a Hall of in Pittsburgh. Youngest of Jewish increase over to charities. Fought Congressman. Loves to make speeches turned back every scoring thrust the Jobbers. also members of the 70th Congress, States. Is ranking member of House members. Eelcted as Democrat in Representative McFadden's anti-Semi- Active in behalf of progressive copy- Sokols were able to make. Most of affairs committee. Two Re-1932 from traditional Republican dis- tic tirades in the House. Led effort right legislation. Member of Patents the Sokol points were accounted for all but three of the eleven having Athens—A strong movement was served two or more consecutive terms. publican presidents sent him abroad trict in Pittsburgh. Was political un- for adoption of Tydings resolution. Committee, Radio and Merchant Mar- from long distance. afoot here to invite Max Reinhardt, One is the dean of the House in point on important missions. A dynamic, known until he unhorsed Republican Regarded as one of the most promis- ine Committee and Chairman of Civil Though his team was unable to famous German Jewish theatrical proveteran in sensational upset Took ing of new members. Service Committee. of service, and another has been a restless and zestful personality. win by a large margin, Lee Gross- ducer now in exile from Germany, t o 3. EMANUEL CELLER: Democrat his seat only after long debate arising member for twenty years. The averman was quite enthuiastic over the become the director of the Greek Na-. (Copyright 1934, by Seven Arts 9. WILLIAM PEYSER: Democrat age age of. the eleven Jewish Con Represents 10th Congressional district from fact that he had not been a citivictory of the feminine cagers. Gross- tional Theatre. Feature Syndicate.) gressmen is fifty-four. The oldest is of New York. Born in Brooklyn in zen seven • years at time of his elec- Represents 17th Congressional district man believes his present outfit is the sixty-eight, and the youngest thirty- years ago. About to begin his sixth tion, as required by Constitution. Re- of New York. First elected in 1932 best girls' team to ever represent! four. Only one is a woman. Four are consecutive term. Was prominent elected by substantial margin in New to 73rd Congress. Unseated Mrs. the Center, and expects great things' naturalized citizens, two hailing from lawyer and Jewish communal leader Deal landslide last November. Re- Ruth Baker P r a t t socially prominent, of the team in later games. j Russia, one from'Austria and one before entering Congress. Gained dis- fused to be usual first-term member. millionaire Republican. Was once a The men's varsity will take to thej Is engaged in the business of sellnewsboy in Charleston, West Virginia, tinction by fighting to protect rights Pushed Important bills. Was one of from Szechoslovakia. road January 20, playing at Kansas ing all kinds of RELIGIOUS ARwhere he was born in 1873. Is wealthy TICLES—Taleisim, Books. Jewish The eleven Jewish Congressmen in- of civil service employes. Took ini- hardest workers. In 73rd Congress. insurance broker. Reputed to have City. On January 27, the team plays Bibles in Hebrew and English. tiative in raising trust fund for LiMember of Committees on District of clude five lawyers, three business sold thirty million dollar policies. Barney Guss will present the Louis a t Des Moines. lies. 609 No. SOtlj St. GL. 2972 men, one physician, one theatrical brary of Congress' Semitics Division. Columbia and Insular Affairs. Spon- Never active in politics before his The Lincoln Jewish Athletic club promoter and one civic worker. Five Author of bill providing for investiga- sored bill to give Federal aid to un- election. Prominent in social welfare Josephson players in a three-act will play on the local court January of them were elected" from districts in tion of bankruptcy laws and receiver- employed musicians and to allocate. work. Spent uneventful first term. Yiddish comedy, the "Greene Mela- 13. New York City; two from Connecticut, ship rackets. Member of Judiciary GWA funds to twelve alrge orches- Member of Military Affairs Commit- mud," at the K. of <?. auditorium Committee. Conservative, • thoughtful tras. Will introduce bill in 74th ConSunday evening, January 6, a t 8:30 and one each from New Jersey, Illi- and tee. Voted regularly for all New Deal hard working. Probably least nois, California and Pennsylvania. well-known of all veteran Jewish gress to appropriate another $3,000,- measures. Won endorsement of labor. p. m. New songs and dances •will feaNew York (JTA)—Imports of toys 000 for Home Owners Loan Corporature. ••• Only one of them was "born in the city members. into this country from Germany fell OIL BURNERS tion. Member of Progressive bloc in 10. ADOLPH J. SABATH. Demoor district they now represent in ConIncluded in the cast will be Louis off more than fifty per cent during gress. Two of them hold committee 4. WILLIAM CITRON: Democrat. the House. Still so little known in c r a t Represents 5th Congressional Josephson, Rose Josephson, Jerry 1934, it was said by H. D. Clark, aschairmanships. Six never held public Representative-at-large from Connect- Washington that some of his mail is district of Illinois. Dean of House of Josephson, Abe Burt and Sam Aruno- sistant director of the Toy Manufac2812 Leaveuwortb AT. 2360 office before being elected to Con- icut. Only Jewish newcomer in 74th often misdirected to another Ellen- Representatives, having served in vitz. turers of America. bogen holding office in the Capital. Congress since 1907. Born in Czechgress. Nine are Democrats and two Congress. Second Jew ever elected to 7. FLORENCE FRAG KAHN: Re- oslovakia in 1867. Arrived in Chicago Congress from Connecticut Born in are Republicans.. . . . . . Passing from statistics to personali- New Haven in 1897, but was raised in publican. Represents 4th Congres- when he was sixteen. Self-educated ties, let us meet, in alphabetical or- Middletown. Son of poor parents. sional district of California. Named to and self-made. Served with distincder, each of-the eleven Jews who will Struggled for an education. Worked fill out unexpired term of her husband tion as municipal judge for twelve Headed numerous special his way through Wesleyan university. in 1925. Has been re-elected in her' years. serve in the 74th Congress: Was ranking 1. ISAAC BACHARACH: Republic- Interrupted schooling to enlist in the own right five times. Is first and Soiise committees. an. Represents 2nd Congressional field artillery during World War. Af- only Jewess in Congress. Oldest of member " of Immigration Committee district of New Jersey. Has been in ter Armistice entered Harvard Law Congress since 3914. ' Born in Phil- School with fifteen cents in his pockadelphia in 1870. His family were e t Began law practice in Middletown first Jews in Atlantic City. Joined fourteen years ago. Elected to state his father in clothing business after legislature, in 1927. Became minority graduating from" nigh "school. Ex- leader of lower house. Led fight for panded business with the growth of social -welfare legislation. Was clerk - city. ' Interests spread into lumber, of state senate. Ran for Congress in real estate and banking. ' Elected to 1932 but was defeated by Yale profescity council in 1907. Member of state sor whom he finally unseated in 1934. PrOgressivelegislature from 1912 to 1914. In Con- Indefatigable worker. gress he got himself appointed to pow- minded and agressive. erful ways and. means committee. To^ ; 5. SAMUEL DICKSTEIN: Demogether with Garner of Texas and crat. Represents 12th Congressional Lbngworth of Ohio, he formed : the. district of New York. Born in Russia famous Congressional triumvirate of in 1885. Has "represented lower East "Ike, Jack and Nick," that played Side in Congress for twelve years. politics and poker. He helped elect Son of a rabbi. City college alumnus. Lbngworth speaker in 1925. "Was key Attained political eminence by his agman in putting over bonus in 1926.gressiveness and w i t Was deputy Is one of House's most skilled politi- state attorney general at twenty-six. cal traders. Has friends In both Became an alderman in 1917. Served parties. Rarely makes a speech and two terms in state legislature. Alprefers to do his work in the cloak ways known as champion of the unrooms. Washington regards him as derdog. Defended 30,000 tenants one of the ten men who really count against landlords. Author of New in the House. Has no political ambitions. Could have had a seat in the Senate when Senator Morrow died. Choose from wonderful quality Boncle Overcoats to Belt Back UlsterStill .a bachelor. Has gruff, sense of ettes. Choose from Harris Tweed Sports Suits and Bnsiness Suits to humor. Social life confined mostly to J > t m e protect y o u r interests . . . I single and doable-breasted Tuxedos. Thousands of amazing I N S U R A N C E of every description his Congressional cronies, especially write at $25. including L I F E , i n strong-, reliable comVice-President Garner. "Hard-boiled panies O N L T . . . Let's talk i t over. leader of G. O. P . old guard, and sharp City Finance & Insurance Co. critic of the New DeaL
39,873 Utilize Physical Department Facilities
umbnail Sketch Jewi osons
By Bernard Postal
Yiddish Show to Play This Sunday
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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska,-by
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that they could gain more the other way. When the Agudath Israel is willing to negotiate with the other Jewish deputies, it is with a note of desperation, an acknowledgment that they have given up hope of any help from the government group of which they were a part. Though the Jewish deputies banded together may not improve the situation of Poland's Jewry, nevertheless, there is some satisfaction in knowing that they are sticking together in a crisis.
Mamatalks By GERTRUDE BERG, Author of "The Rise of the Goldbergs"
hievementa of world influence in agricultural chemistry has been awarded the Chandler Medal. Widely acclaimed as one of the world's greatest agricultural scientists. (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)
Avoiding Trouble
Declare ye this in the house of Jacob; hear now this foolish people without a heart of understanding, that have eyes and see not, have ears and hear not.
One of the things which some fundamental instinct causes a child to By HAERY HATfSEN treasure is his privacy. And we moth(Eminent Critic) ers must learn to respect that privCementing the Ties No doubt, modern anti-Semitism is a acy. Far from the least of them, even A number of outstanding Jewish leaders are at present visit- Most of us are not able to give each by-product of economic disorder, unto the greatest of them, every one ing these shores. Brought here by meetings of the Jewish Agency child a room of his own. But all of which in turn revives racial envy and is greedy for gain and from the procan, if we think about it, realize religious prejudices. The Germans phet, even unto the priest every OM for Palestine, the Joint Distribution Committee and the Amer- us that a child's mind is his own and have always had an anti-Semitic dealeth falsely. ^ ican Jewish Committee, they will undoubtedly present to these that in it are some nooks which he streak, but in less difficult periods bodies a comprehensive picture of Jewish fife abroad. Included in does not want laid bare to the gaze of it manifested itself solely in carica- Thus saith the Lord: stand ye ia ture and ridicule. the ways and see and ask for the old this group are Dr. Bernard Kahn, Europaan director of the Joint others. This does not, of course, apply to I do not believe that the German paths, where is the good way, and Distribution Committee; Dr. Joseph Rosen, director of the Rus-the very young child. But as the type of race hatred can be trans- walk therein sian program of theJ. D. C ; Neville Laski, president of the Brit- youngster begins to approach what we planted to America. We do not go for your souls.and ye shall find rest ish Jewish Board of Deputies; Berl Locker and Maurice Hexter, may call the age of reason he becomes about hating our neighbors because of of thoughts too personal for similar action in Europe. If antiI have made thee a tower and a members of the Jewish Agency Executive, and Rabbi Nurok of conscious discussion, of phases in his life which Semitism becomes marked in Ameri- fortress among My people that thoa Problem of Homelessness Latvia. he wants to keep secret from his fam- can life there will be an American When the French government.gave approval to the admis- ' The presence of these six men in America at the same time ily. This is part of the process of basic for it. The transplantation goes mayest know and test their way . up, and must be reckoned on chiefly in Nazi groups, young Gersion of ten thousand East European Jews to Syria, they not only will vividly dramatize the needs of the Jewish people. Their being groTring Talmud with. who have come here since the There was a pious man to whom opened the gate to a new source of Jewish colonization, but they here will cement theties that bind us to our suffering co-religion- What to do to guard the adolescent mans war and who live in the large cities. spoke frequently, but after ha alsff shoved wider the door to a sharp Jewish swivel-chair discus- ists, and, it is to be hoped, will in some measure unify the direc- from evil in these privacies? Prying America is not likely to have a Elijah had built a gate to his courtyard preinto his secrets, spying into his activ- movement which confiscates the prop- venting sion. The approval given last week contained two provisos: one, tion of our activities. ti h poor from entering, Eliities, opening his mail and all that erty of one group of Americans, casts that the Jewish colonists settle in all parts of the country and not jah stopped speaking to him. sort of thing merely arouse a sense of their children out of schools and reonly in those sections o£ Syria bordering Palestine; and, two, that An Optimistic Note abuse and a spirit of defiance. Unless moves professional men from their Rabbi Juda. said: "If one says there are definite indications that Ms honest tasks. It will take a change 'Clothe no Jewish colonization be started- before a special organization is me,' he should be investigated^ Optimism never dies, though it may often sleep. The week's secrets are • of the undesirable sort in national thought and feeling to but if he says 'Feed me,' it must be organized for settling Jews on land. such practices should never be resort- make such injustice possible. On the complied with at once without any Non-Zionist elements have been negotiating for this coloniza- optimistic note was sounded, in Hungary, when Dr. Tibor Szistvay, ed to; and if this spying—there is no economic side, it is quite impossible tion project for many months* and since plans are already under former minister of Justice and now a member of the Goemboes other word for it—must be done, it to blame financial distress on "Jew- investigation." be done- with, that infinite tact ish, bankers," as is so often done in way for the formation of the desired land-settling agency, it is bloc in the Parliament, declared that the Premier and the reign- must There was a poor man who wa« and gentleness which every parent Europe. So long as there is business ing party were determined to "emphasize the traditional Hunbegging from house to house, and H. fairly certain that the transplanting of ten thousand Eastern Jews must cultivate. opportunity no one is going to start a paid no attention to him. R. will be an actuality. The leading spirits behind this latest move, garian spirit which knows no religious hatred. Werecognize equal On the whole, however, there is lit- campaign because one business "is en- Popa Samma said to him: "If the master rights in return for equal duties. Therefore, any Jewish complaint tle need to worry over a child who tirely in the hands of the Jews," or we understand, are not interested in building a national homeland pays no attention to him, then no ana has been brought up to know good in the hands of the Greeks or the will mind him and he may starve to in Palestine or in anyother corner of the globe; they are seeking will be dealt with in accordance with justice and equality for all from evil and to trust his parents. Italians. In agricultural regions the death." Said R. Popa: "Did not the new places for Jewish* iminigrationV regardless of where such citizens irrespective of religion." Such a child will not embark on evil Jew is not a competitor. Small-town Baraitha say that if a poor man begs, places may be. This must necessarily clash with the Zionist ideas. ; While supposed liberal countries in central and eastern course, for evil arouses misgivings animosities have to be reckoned with, from house to house, tbe congregation will lead him to bring his prob- but in the past the Negroes and the has nothing to do with him?" R. S* In fact, the movers in the Syrian colonization are already making Europe are blackening their hearts and drinking at the founts which lem before his parents and to accept Catholics have suffered with the Jews. said: "This means that he should not of racial hatred, Hungary is purging itself of its anti-Semitic plans for a campaign to cultivate areas in Syria distant from their guidance. And if he trusts them The Negroes have certainly suffered be given a big donation, but a small Palestine. Such a drwe for funds must inevitably clash with and garb. Hungary, be it remembered, was violently anti-Jewish. and has faith in their essential kind more. donation you must give him to buy he will not be afraid to tel come in direct competition with the Zionist fund raising projects. Again and again an anti-Semitic sore festered in Hungary. Goem- liness In. Germany the Jew was the logical food." them of the mistakes which, every hu As another complication in the situation, progress is being rapidly boes himself used to be unusually anti-Semitic in his leanings. man being makes at some time o: scapegoat. But from what I hear said around me, the scapegoat for mass in- Eabbi Elazar said: "The collector, made for settlement of colonies of Polish Jews in Biro Bidj an in Hungary—-an oasis in the midst of the desert—gives optimism other. dignation in America—if one is need- of charity is considered more virtue and hope for tomorrow. The important thing for us mother: ed—is likely to be the overfed rich ous. than the donor." Soviet Russia. to remember is that every human be- man. We have a long tradition of atClearly-cut, then, the question simmers down to whether we ing is not only entitled to make his tack upon predatory wealth. We are Rabbi Elazar said again: *fWhen tha should lend our every effort to the upbuilding of Palestine or Road of Peace own mistakes, but much more likel coming, more and more, to blame men Temple was in existence one gave hia to learn from them than from the ex- who put money above national health. shekel, and he was atoned. Now-* whether we shoulcT divert some of our energy toward arranging The peace iii Zionist ranks intimated a few weeks ago seems perience of others. Naturally I do no' People who have no jobs and no when the Temple is destroyed, if peo>r Jewish settlement in other lands.; Editorially, this paper has al-on the road toward actuality, with the breach between the Re- mean that a child should be give do not blame the Jews—they pie are worthy they will distribute ways boosted with all the eloquence, at its command the upbuild- visionists and the World Zionist Organization practically bridged free rein to gallop off in whatever di money blame tlie exploiters. their bread to the deserving poor." rections happens to strike his fancy. But isn't there entirely too much ing of a Jewish national Tiomeland in Palestine. A national home- through a second agreement made last week. ' But the reins must be loose, and th about anti-Semitism in America? Rabbi Isaac said: "He who disland there is essential tot the future well-being of the Jewish This latest pact between the Jabotinsky forces and the Zion- guidance must be based chiefly on thi Italk do not refer to discussings of Ger- penses charity in. secret is greater people. The experimenting in Palestine has proven most miracu- ist executive goes far toward smoothing out any difficulties which groundwork of character-building man persecution—that is logical. But than Moses, our teacher." lous, the pioneers there are a rejuvenated people. Our fife has may have existed between the two groups. With the Zionist bod- which is «Very mother's task during need we start looking for trouble over child's early years. Rabbi Isaac said again: "He who here? The attitude that "this cant been reborn in the Holy Land, and the model progress has been ies willing to battle common problems- instead of battling each, herSome one has said that the best at- happen in America" Is, it seems to me, gives a coin to a poor maa is rewardour prid and joy. Since the crisis in Germany> Palestine has hero- other, wecan look forward to improved Zionist improvement. titude of a mother to adopt is one o: good psychology. ed with six blessings; he, however,., judicious neglect. With the emphasis Don't misunderstand! me: I do not who encourages the poor man with ically shouldered more than its burden in alleviating a bad situaon the judicious. • tion. Palestine has without a doubt been the ray of sunshine on mean that the Jew should be resigned, comforting words is rewarded witlL, (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts acquiescent, letting others run over eleven blessings." the Jewish horizon, has become the center of Jewish civilization A Welcome Feature Syndicate.) him. Justice, said Dr. JEmil G. Hirsch. Another manifestation of the Mussolini liberality, with no and Jewish thought. But, facts must be faced; The facts are plain Is greater than resignation. "To forethat it would be many, many years—if ever—before Palestine discrimination in Italy between races and creeds, is to be observed go one's rights is an injustice and an injury, not to self alone but to the conld absorb the major part of oppressed Jewry the world over. in the text of the new Italian naturalization law. It will enable -world.* The Jew must fight for jusBefore this could possibly be accomplished, the downtrodden: Jews scores of German-Jewish refugees to become Italian citizens withtice, but in the right place, and withof Eastern Europe would be- broken beyond repair, their Kves out any difficulty. out too much talk of dire possibilities. This may be looked upon as a sharp rebuke by Mussolini upon (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts would be bent beyond straightening. TFheir imsery is so intense, Jerusalem (WNS—Palcor Agency> Feature Syndicate.) Hitler and his Nazi fascism. Italian fascism is the parent of the their suffering so acute that if there is any means at our disDr. Lipman has been awarded the •—A group of British excavators, headed by Professor John Garstang of the* posal to alleviate their pain; we must avail ourselves of those modern fascist idea, but as has been repeatedly noted, Mussolini Chandler Medal, an honor conferred "by Columbia university for University of Liverpool, have arrived means. If there is any colonization project which will open a has frowned upon the German brand of fascism as a "black sheep," annually conspiruous work t n the field o: in Palestine to continue the diggingsi haven of refuge, a field of endeavor for any of these dying am- and has especially emphasized his utter lack of sympathy with Chemistry, in recognition of his out on the site of ancient Jericho, scene of Joshua's great conquest when he. bers, then we must giyeoursupport. Palestine unquestionably racial discriminations. This is one inkling why the world at large, standing- achievements in agricultural ,th* children of Israel acrossKfar, Saba, Palestine (JTA)—One marched must continue to be bjnlt up as a, Jewish homeland, but im the though possibly disagreeing with the Italian fascism, admires chemistry. the Jordan up into tbe Promised Land men and women participated nearly. a thousand meantime we must ^!so help solve the problems of these homeless Mussolini, whiter it mistrusts and despises his poor imitation, Jacob Goodale Lipman: Agronomist, thousand years before the educator and scientist. Born in Lat- in' a festive celebration inspired fey Christian"/Era. The .pew expedition, Hitler. Jews wanderinffjDi(B®|(^siy.m the Diaspora: . i the discovery of water on ground to via sixty years ago. Educated by priwill explore deeper levels in search vate tutors in Germany and Russia be occupied by the Hakovesh group. of light upon the cultural developAs many of the celebrants as posCame to America lit 1887 when his ment of the Jordan valley in the earlfather bought a farm in South Jersey. sible were crowded into the dining iest phases of the Bronze Age, about In the Cold "It is true that we are at the cross-roads. We wiH either as Became a student in the Baron de hall, while the overflow surrounded Abraham's time, and in prehistoric As a result of an anti-alien drive conducted for several weeks a people trend the way of the auto-emancipation and co-operate Hirsch Agricultural School. Learned the building, standing for hours in times. in. France, the French foreign? pffice has issued an order forbid- with liberals iand Christians toward th6 creatic^ of thfe pjBiralist practical farming as a worker in his heavy mud to hear speeches and listen Spectacular testimony to the hismusic ding the extension of transit visas held by thousands of refugees, and pacifist state or be plunged for ages into chaos!1*—Eudwig father's fields. Entered Rutgers Uni- toThe story of the actual boring was torical accuracy of the Scriptures was' versity in 1894. Studied under Edward many being German. Jews ^ o 'fled Hitlerism. Mastf/expulsion is Lewisohn, revealed by Garst&ag several years Voorhees whom he later succeeded as dramatically told by one of the well- ago, when his diggings showed charfeared as a consequence. " v ' diggers, who related the discouragedirector of the" New Jersey State Agrired remains, preserved for 3,000 years, cultural Experiment Station. Was ments encountered by the workers be- ia the uncovered ruins of the old This order violates the tradition of hospitality which has fore water was finally struck at a [ REBUILDING ZION employed as assistant chemist in sta[town. Garstaag proved that the sapbeen symbolic of France. If vidiatesr the^assurances given only a tion upon graduation. Elected Sage depth of 162 meters. pers in Joshua's army of invasion, By RABBI UBI MILLER An orchestra played a number of week before by French offidals that Jewish refugees from Nazi Fellow in. chemistry at Cornell. Orbad undermined the walls of the fortistirring selections, some of which ganized New Jersey department off soil barbarism had nothing \o fear from possible expulsion from fied town following the reports of the Many are the pathways leading to Zion. chemistry and bacteriology in 1901.were the compositions of Yehndah two spies, and had placed them on France. It violates human decency andfeeling—for no other Sbertock, the directors. Singing, danPalestine is sought by the refugees, harried and harassed Took. over, direction, of New Jersey cing and other merry-making were props. , country will admit these refugees and their return to Germany in the Station in 1911. Named The sappers had set fire to the lands of the Exile. It is desired by the. economically op- Agricultural dean of College of Agriculture at Rut- freely indulged in and scenes of wild props so that the entire structure fell: -would be condemning them tojaJbor^tefate. ; :" pressed, hoping to create a new life based on nW fonnufee for in 1915. Helped organize Inter- enthusiasm were enacted. When BHtlerism started riding the crest in Germany and his social integration. It is the goal of many who find here their sole gers A cantata — "Spring up, oh, well! national Society of Soil Sciences of gr ye nata it!"—was sung1 and a Unknown Donor Gives S50,0ftO medievalism shocked the entire world, France sympathetically vestige and substitute for Judaism. And many, have found their which be was first president. Is air, also written, by Shertok. toZie&Fund ! opened her arms. But time has steeled the country against the way to Palestine oh the pathway of social activity and the me-founder and editor of magazine Soil picket was playe«L The orchestra was ac- Jerusalem ~ T h e . Jewish National Science. Represented the United '[ successive shocks of l^azl inquisition and their sympathetic under- chanics of social enhancement. All of them deserve blessings for States at many international scientific companied by a chorus. Fund, which, is devoted to the acquisition of land in Palestine for settle! standing is waning:« v* e; situation which James G. MacDonald, thus it is that the wastelands of Eretz Israel are being built up congresses. Honorary member of dozens of learned societies and academies He that increaseth knowledge In- ment toy Jews, received an anonymou* ; League of Nations Commissioner, for Refugees, has found to be and the desert made to bloom like a garden. . gift of $50,000. both here and abroad. Author of num- creasetk sorrow.—Ecd. general, since the various countries nave,not been, very co-operaerous scientific papers.. Was consulBut the old pathway leading out of Palestine in the days of ' tive in accepting refugees. But it seems to us that in a crisis such Destruction, to the. ordnance division of the wherein Israel wandered in its bitter years with ever- tant, U. S. army during the World War. i as this, petty views must give way to broader humanitarian out- backward glances filled with yearning for return, is stflr being Has made extremely valuable re'looks. Thousands of human fives are at stake, and we cannot help trod. This pathway has turned back to Palestine and is thronged searches on the utilization, of nitrogen but feel, that thel^reneb; offkaate win be persuaded to modify with those who are impelled by the sentiment which in every age by plants. His studies of peet and muck, deposits in New Jersey enabled ;their cruel order. -.',' "-_,..-., * . -. and dime has suffused Jewish hearts and kept intact Israel's that state to develop a large commermorale. The prayer for Zion redeemed which on every occasion cial humus industry. 13 now on the toward devising a means of killfound fervent expression is still on their lips. The tears for a land road Ing bugs by radio. His work on the \ I^We have toljen decrying thei lack of Jerosh unity;for a long forsaken which watered the transplanted flowers of Zion still well determination o£ the oatsre of the time, in this country, in Europe, in all parts of theworkfc Among up in their heart. But with it is combined active constructive work chemical action produced by bacteria ranking- both organic and inorganic #1$ many spots on the: gl^^rwhere Jewish disunity has-been in bringing to fruition Israel's dream and actualizing Israel's age- in components of soils available for r r : p l i a n t ; i s ' ' I n l a n d . ;f '^: :'':^-:'X:X / \ W " - . t / i C v . ' ^ ••;•'• ^; '.--'•' -/- old prayer . . . This is the Mizrachi, the orthodox wing in Zion- plant food has been recognized as of h! | | p i e could, therefore, come t^-a Ipgieal ^ c h i ^ o n that unr$t ism, meeting in Detroit in annual convention. great importance to. agriculture No. 1—38.40 Zero Disjgie®ng ^^^(^^^0^f^o^^^e0^i lak a iizppy evfenferBdH^' W I IH IK M I The Mizrachi is motivated by the religious urge—its pro- throughout ttoe world. l a the last tillate .__ 7c GaL two decades' he 'has accumulated a h|ojbrjtonat^^ No. 2—32.3S Zero Gas gram is to rebuild a holy fife on holy soil. But it combines mili- arge mass of data on the inventory Oil 6?4c GaL tant work with its prayers and constructive, far-flung activities of the plant-food resources of the No. 3—2&30 Zero Fuel i^bbi^ L M^ Lewiny hea4 <^ffi^^Agudaifii Israel deptrties nf with its tradition. Mizrachi chalutzim are working in the Emek, soils of the United States. Was reOil Sfte G L 2 111 • 2-1 f Z idj;Sha^ J announced that Me w ? ) ^ uego^tte mffiDr. Joshua its kvutsos are scattered through hill and valley; its schools-are cently appointed by President Roosevelt to work with the .National Re..^^IhielS^flfilie Jewish Deputies dub, for Unions ^U^^ found in every town and village. In the countries of the exile" its sources Board on an inventory and [j^^ath deputies had consistently preparatory farms and schools are widespread. Thus it is rebmld- balance - sheet of plant nutrients in nation's soil. Is prominently ing Palestine, Eretz Israel, returning Israel to Israel's land, there the Identified with the work of the Jewto folkng ~ ish Agricultural Society. For »**Editorial Office': 490 Brandels Theater Building. Sioux City Offlce-rJewiBh Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - i 5 ! .4 Business and Managing Editor FRANK R- &CKERMAN - - - -• - - - .-• Editor HABBI TIRI MILLER - - - - - - - - - Contributing Editor PANNife KATKLMAN- - . ? • . . - Council Bluffs,; Iowa, Correspondent ANN FILL - - " - » - - -..«.. Sioux City, Iowa. Correspondent Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street
The Week in Review
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; JANIJARX 4,1935
HOLIDAY GUEST Mrs Harry Kaplan and tEaughter, Shirley, of Denison, Ia^ spent the holiday season in Omaha at the home of" Mrs. Kaplan's mother, Mrs.Uarry I The Rainbow Bridge luncheon, The women's matron class, which A regular meeting of the Chesed Adelstein. She was_ extensively entefr vhdch will be given under the aus- meets on Monday, Wednesday, and Shel Emes will be held Monday afttamed during her itajv _ i",\ | pices of the Hadassah Medical Fund Friday mornings, will hold another ernoon at 2 p. m. at the Jewish Monday, December 31, Mrs., Kaplan at the Blackstone hotel on Wednes- party this morning at the Center. funeral home. and daughter were entertained by day, January 16, promises to be one The women will begin their morn- Definite plans of the building comTO RECEIVE FOR BAR MITZVAH Mrs. Samuel Reiss, who was assisted of the most outstanding affairs ever ing with their regular dose of vol- mittee will be presented at this time, Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Belmont, by the co-hostesses, Misses Anne staged by this organization. Tickets leyball play, then retire to lunch. Re- and all members are particularly 2885 California street, -will be -at Reiss and Sarah Epstein. can be procured from any of the turning from hmch, the women will orged to be present. home Sunday, January 6, from 3 to 5 twenty-four hostesses, from Mrs. Ar- watch the men's volleyball class, and 7 to 9 p. m. in honor of the Bar HOUSE GUESTS thur Cohen, general chairman of the and then will take part in more •volMr. and Mrs. Meyer Coren had as luncheon, or from Mrs. H. S. Novit- leyball festivities in the afternoon. Mitzvah of their son, Joseph Sheldon their house guests for a week, Mr. sky, chairman of the Hadassah Medi- The classes had a similar affair sevBelmont. BRODKEY-WEISS SMITH-PERLIS NUPTIALS and Mrs. C. H. Spiegal and Mr. and cal Fund. No invitations have been issued. eral weeks ago and it was found to NUPTIALS TOMORROW Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Perils anMrs. Isadore Stoller of Marion, Ind. be very successful. A meeting of the Deborah society Miss Lucille Weiss,, daughter of nounce the marriage, of their daugh- CELEBRATE EAR MTTZVABL The. guests, who ^otored here for the Four hundred guests are expected g will be held Tuesday afternoon at ter, Rosella, t a Mr. Arthur Smith, to attend and proceeds from this afb Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mayper.."will holidays, left Monday morning for Mr. and Mrs. A. Weiss, will become 2:30 p. m., at the J. C. C. Rabbi fair will go toward the Medical Fund the bride of Mr. Harold B. Brodkey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smith, celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of their home. David A. Goldstein will give the adat the home of the bride's parents on which helps to maintain health cenFriday evening Mr. and Mrs. Joe con of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Brodkey, Tuesday, January 1, at 11 a. m., in son, Stanley, on Saturday morning, dress. Saturday evening, Jaimary 5, 5:30 p. the presence of the immediate fami- January 3,2, a t the Conservative syn- Spiegal entertained for them at a sup- ters, hospitals and clinics in Palesper Saturday evening, the Corens en- tine. An intense interest in the up- Temple Israel Sisterhood will hold m. at the Weiss residence. Patronize Our Advertisers. lies, with Rabbi David A. Goldstein agogue. ,' . ' tertained at a buffet supper for for- building of a national homeland has its regular monthly meeting on Monbeen issued. -No invitations have KATSKEE-FOX ENGAGEMENT officiating. been aroused in the heart of Amerity members of the immediate family. day, January 7, at a 1 o'clock lunchMr. and Mrs. O. Fox announce the Miss Perlis attended the University All friends are invited. The evening was spent playing bridge. can Jewish women and they are eon. A board meeting will be held engagement of their daughter, Rath, of Nebraska, where she was a mem- ENTERTAIN FOR NEWLY-WEDS consecrating their best energies to to Mr. Sheff Katskee, son -of Mr. and ber of Sigma Delta Tau. Mr. Smith Mr. and Mrs. M. Firestone enter- VISITORS speed the work of this gigantic at 12. An interesting feature of the proMrs. A. Katskee. The wedding will attended Creighton University where tained for tweniy-five Sunday eve- Mrs. S. Levitan and daughter, building program by caring for the gram will be a roundtable discusbe held in the early spring. he was affiliated with. Pi Lambda Phi. ning at the Paxton in honor of Mr. Florence, are visiting with Mr. and health of the people of Palestine. Both"are graduates of the Univer- The young couple left for a two- and Mrs. Morris Roitstein, who were Mrs. M. Levy. They will spend two The Hadassah Sewing group will sion. Reservations may be made with sity of Nebraska, Miss Fox being a week trip through flie south. Upon recently wed. meet next Monday afternoon, Jan- Mrs. days in Villisca, Ia^ as the guests of Bergman or Mrs. member of the-Sigma Delta Tau so- their return they will be at home at nary 7, at the Jewish Community Archie Clarence Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kaiman. Jacobs. rority and Mr. Katskee a member of the Terrace Court apartments. Center. TO ATTEND WEDDING the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. Mrs. Lewis Asbyll left Tuesday MOTOR TO ST. JOSEPH FERENSTEDr-FORMAa; with her aunt, Mrs. A; D. Givot, and Merriaa and Charles Wiesman and Wauchope Reappointed Eabbi Frederick Cohn will speak on MIROFF-FALK WEDDING ENGAGEMENT Mrs. S. Babior for Chicago and Mil- Abe Slutsky motored to St. Joseph, Jerusalem — Sir Arthur Grenfell "Congress, the Saar, and the New NEXT SUNDAY The engagement of Miss Rose For- waukee. In Milwaukee they will atWauchope, whose term as High ComThe marriage of Miss Mildred Talk man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. tend the marriage of Miss Dallas Mo., Thursday to be the house guests missioner for Palestine expired Jan- World" before the current topics of Dorothy Becker and to attend the group of the Temple Sisterhood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Forman, to Mr. Harry Ferenstein, Lauffer to Mr. Morris Givot, formernary 1 ha3 been reappointed by the -which will meet next Tuesday morn- Phone AT-2S1& 2815 Farnam St. Falk, to Mr. Sol Miioff, son of Mr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Ferenstein ly of Omaha. Mrs. A. D. Givot, moth- Theta Beta Chi sorority dance. Colonial Office for another two-year ing at 10:30 ajn. at the Blackstone and Mrs. Benjamin Miroff, will take was announced at a New Year's eve er of the groom, came from Califorperiod, it is reported. hotel. VISITORS place Sunday, January 6, at the home party at the Fontenelle. nia to attend the ceremony. The Misses Esther and Cele Wolk of Rabbi David A. Goldstein. . N o definite date has been set for of Minneapolis, Minn., have been visA reception will be add from 2 to the wedding. Take Tnis OpporANNOUNCE BIRTHS We Take This OpporTear Sstisftctioa Ig Our Success iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 6 p.m. Sunday at t i e bride's home. No tnnlty t» Wish Ton • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Broscow an- Louis Wolk for the past two weeks. tunity to Wish Ton a invitations have been issued. Happy and FrosperouB nounce the birth of a daughter, EiBOITSTEIN-BER3LO 3IAEMAGE Happjr••••d Prosperous Sew Tear Following a short honeymoon, the The marriage of Miss Ann Berman leen Shirley, at the St. Joseph hospi' . - New Tear "• young couple wiE make their home in. to Mr. Morris Roitstein was solemn- tal, December 28. Omaha. ized at six o'clock Sunday, December 23, at the Birchwood club, with Rab- Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Bercovici anSHtKERT-GLOCHOWSKX bis Uri Miller and N. Feldman offi- nounce the birth of a daughter, De- At a regular meeting of the ConMiss Marion Glochtrwaky, daughter ciating. cember 23, at the Methodist hospital. servative Synagogue Auxiliary to be of Harry Glochowslry, was wed to Mr. The bride wore a white satin gown held next Wednesday, January 9. 2:30 Harry Shukert, son of Rev. and Mrs having a fan-shaped train. The cap Mr. and Mrs. S. j ! Plotkin announce p. m. at the J. C. C, Rabbi David H. J. Shukert on New Year's eve at the of the veil was made of lace and covthe birth of a son December 23 at the Wice of Temple Israel will deliver the home of Rabbi D. A. Goldstein. ered with seed pearls. Methodist hospital. main address. The ceremony was followed by a re- The maid of honor, Miss Sonia Featuring a short musical program ception at the home of the bride's Roitstein, of the groom, wore RETURN FROM VISIT will be vocal selections by Helen Allis, uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. a sky bluesister satin gown- Mr. Joe Roit- Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn re- accompanied by Lylyan Chadacoff. Block. stein served as best man. Mrs. Lou turned Wednesday evening from a A board meeting will be held at Wolf of Chicago, aunt of the bride, two-week visit with their son, Ralph 1:30 p. m. RUDNER-SOLOMONOW was matron of honor. The bridesmaids Frederick Cohn. at Dixon, 111., and MARRIAGE were Mollie Roitstein, Sonia Rosenson-m-law and daughter. Dr. An annual January Clearance Sale is traditional with Carman's. Each year at Gas time The wedding of Miss Sarah Sol- blitt and Evelyn Green. Ushers were their and Mrs. B. L. Herzberg at Chicago, we regroup, reprice and reduce our stocks of winter appareL No thought is ^takc" of omonow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fine, Lou Schwartz and Mil- HI. costs—reductions are made to effect immediate disposal and values are significant. W. Solomonow of Council Bluffs, to ton Robinson. Donald Green was ring(F«tmwly In the employ •* Z» Harris) Mr. Ben Rudner of St. Louis, M., bearer, and Betty Lou Schneider, VISIT IN OMAHA Twelve rear* experience Not in our history has a January clearance meant so mach to you. Su&tdttial savings took place in St. Louis Sunday after- flower girl. Insurance with Sellable Companies Dr. and Mrs. Irving J. Weiss of can be effected on hundreds of quality apparel items. Plan now to shop Carman s benoon, with Rabbi J. K Epstein offi- After the ceremony, dinner was Fort Rfley, Kansas, spent the New Real Estate . . • Property Stanacnnent ciating. fore you boy and youTl be amply repaid in money saved. S15 So. IStb St. JA. 73U served for 400 guests. This was fol- Year week-end visiting with relatives The bride wore a green gown with lowed by a dance.. J and friends in Omaha. •white accessories. Miss Frances Ja- - Among the out-of-town guests were eobson of Sioux City was maid, of Mr. and Mrs; H. Meyer of Chicago; honor. Mr. Harry Rudneiv brother of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Wolf anil son, Jethe groom, served asbestman..: ..' ' rome, of Chicago; Miss Sonia RosenThe bride's mother and Joseph Solomonow, brother of the bride, attend- & V of Philadelphia, Mr. Roitstein is a Creighton meded the wedding. ical student and is a member of Phi DrastitaBy Reduced to 147 Drastically Reduced to .GARROP-GILLER ENGAGEMENT Delta Epsflon. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron. Giller announced the engagement of their SORORITY WINTER FORMAL daughter, Rose, to Mr. Sam Garrop, -The first annual winter formal of son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Garrop, on the Alpha Gamma Chi sorority of $ Omaha University was held at the New Year's eve. : Chermot ballroom December 27. Two 4 4 DrastkaDy Eeduced to No date has been set for the wed- hundred and fifty couples attended. DrastJcafly Reduced: to ding. .;,:"'•. Beth Platt was chairman of the committee in charge. Included on the 8JLJL MOTHERS CLUB were Betty FeBman, presThe members:of the S. A. M. Moth- committee ent president, and Rose Snafer, past . ers club will meet next Wednesday president. $ afternoon, January 9, at the home o£ Mrs. Harry Nystrom, 2766 Chicago 7(5 Drastically Reduced to $ street .; ' SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. H. Delrogh celebrated their silver wedding anniversary on December"25; A""dinner'for forty guests was gives in observance of the occasion at, the Delrogh home, 4121 Harney' street.
Hadassah Rainbow Chesed Shel Ernes Another Party for Bridge Luncheon Meeting Monday Matron Gym Class
Deborah Society To Meet Tuesday
Sisterhood Luncheon Meeting on Monday
Current Topics
Conservative Auxiliary Meeting on Wednesday
Annual January
Fleishman & Soskin
Call The Lamp Wagon
30 36
Junior Society
National Fund Drive of Hadassah Success
The next meeting of the Junior sodety of the Conservative synagogue will beheld at'-the home of Mrs. Mrs. L Dansky, Hadassah chairDavid A. Goldstein on Tuesday eve- man of. the National Fond, and her •urged to be present at this impor- port.'. a successful drive having collected the sum of $325.50 from the tant business meeting. "blue "boxes." The following women assisted in the collection: Mesdaines Henry Belmont, Phineas Winthroub, T. A. Tully, Dave Stein, The bake sale to be given by the Paul Bernstein, J. Rosenberg, H. Goldie Myerson club will be held at Noddle, H. Rosenbloom, I. Elewitz, R. the Brandeis store this Saturday, Jan. M. Shlaes, H. Hahn, A. Rips, Harry 6, with all proceeds going -to aid the Silverman, Sam Theodore, J. Kaplan, Chalutzoth in Palestine. 0. C. Goldner, R. Bordy, Mark Leon, Pastries and delicacies to whet the H. Priesman, .George Strauss, M. F . appetite of all wiU be offered. Leverson, A. L Qulakofsky, Harry Malashock, M. Brodkey, Jack Kaufman, . J.. Goldware, William. Alberts, Phil Rosenblatt, Al Wohlner, Ruth Sterling, M. Friedell, Frank Krasne, George Stoller, Julius Stein, Loyal Kaylan was unanimously re- Abraham Eomm, J>. Silyerman, Sam elected president of the Alpha Pi Peltz> Dave Greenberg, Irvia Levin, Tau fraternity a t a meeting last Carl Riekes, Simon Pizer, Ben NewSunday at the Center. Other officers man, A. Theodore, J. J. Friedman, named were: Chuck Gendler, vice- J. M. Erman, Sam Davis, Dave Sherpresident; Ernie' Nogg, secretary; man, Phil'KIutznick, Charles Ross, Nate Cutler, treasurer; Phil Katz- R. Kooper, J.' Abrahamson, Dave jnan, sergeant-at-arms; Al Orach, Crotmse, Sol Lagman, Morris Katieman, Reuben Brown, Paul Wohlner, jeporter. The club also held its first annual Max Davis, A. Pradell and J. J. banquet last Sunday evening at Mary Frieden, and MlS3 Levey, Miss Bath, Etein's cafe. Reports of the various and Miss Dorothy Margolin. officers and committeemen revealed how the organization had grown from ten members to a strong, dosely knit group of young men. A note of sadness- was. added to the banquet when the members paid their tribute to Art Schlaifer/ member of the club, /wfap passed away during the past year. Lou Canar proposed a toast to the memory of the ieceased. ' T
Goldie Myerson Club Bake Sale Saturday
Loyal Kaplan Head of Alpha Pi
2 0 BrastieaUy Reduced to
When You Need Mazda Lamps!
Have Them Delivered Right- to Your Door Just call AT. 3100 and order as many lamps as you need. The Lamp Wagon will deliver them to you. Charge them on your Electric Service Bill. Wise housewives keep an extra carton of lamps on hand for emergencies. When one bums o u t . . . just go to the carton for another. To protect the eyesight of every member of the family... keep every socket filled.
A regular meeting of the Young Men's Vaad will be. held Tuesday evening at 8 p. m.-at the B'nai Israel synagogue. Joe Kricsfeld will, .review the book, "Mother.1*
121$ SO. 13 ST. JA. 9872
51 Drastically Reduced to $
Drastically Reduced to
\^JP ^ P
11 Drastically Reduced to
Junior, Misses' and Women's Sh January Clearance in Our
A Jteaaarj disposal of finer foandatios garments at drastically reduced prices
Girdles and Combinations. Values to $10
Girdles and Combinations. Values to 56^0
January Clearance of
Young Men's Vaad
37 Drastically Reduced to
A svperier coIlecUeo ©f styles, values and heai sites taken from onr better h&ts eni arasOoDy re. d n c e d .
Nebraska P®wer Co. Courtesy - Service - Low Rates
, . . • • • ; • • • .
One Group Reduced to
••' . "
One Group Seduced tft Carman's Seeftnd Floor
Fashions of the Fashionable
LILY PONS IN NEW TURBAN-Lily Pons, soprano of the Metropolitan opera, wears a new turban, suitable for cocktails and dinner. It is a painted feather headdress, designed by Mado, featuring the raised coin design on an over-all veiL NEWS TO ALL THE WORLD GOES FROM HERE-Flemington, N. J., becomes a news center of the first importance with the beginning of the trial of Richard Bruno Hauptmann, charged with slaying Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr. Upper photo shows main street; lower photo, news telegraph instruments.
NEW BUILDINGS IN CAPITAL-An aerial view shows some of the new and impressive buildings in Washington. At the bottom is the new Department of Justice building. Behind it is glimpsed the Internal Revenue building. The scaffolded structure extending from ,1 » l U e b u i l d i n * fa a n extension. Behind the extension is the old Postoffice Department building, with a towered top. In the center of ^he picture, with two semi-circular entrances is the new Postoffice Department building. At left, behind the Postoffice building-, is the structure housing the department of labor. At the back, run*' ning crosswise, is the Department of Commerce.
&.«*K; m, m
LEADS PARADE Miss L y n n e Farman, artist of Sierra M a d r e , Cal., leads Tournament of Roses parade in Pasadena, riding horse o w n e d by her mother.
OLDER THAN AMERICA—Margaret L; Moon, assistant curator of the University of-Pennsylvaniamuseum at Philadelphia, holds a mummy of a seven-year-old girl who lived in Egypt in Biblical days and was known as Tanious, daughter of Hermojjros.
WED DESPITE SUIT—Comte Louis De Brantes, young French nobleman, marches to the altar at Clonguish, Ireland, with his bride, Lady Moira Forbes, daughter of the Earl and Countess of Granard, despite a damage suit filed against De Brantes by Princess Nadejda Sherbatov, charging he is the father of her child. The Countess of Granard, mother of the bride, is a daughter of the late Ogden iMills, American millionaire, from whom she inherited more than $10,000,000.
TOMMIES MAKE FRIENDS-WITH LITTLE SAARLANDERS-These three Britiaa soldiers have formed fast friendships with smaU-residents of the Saar district. The Tommies are helping to police the district which is to vote. Jan, 13, whether it desires to join France or Germany.
BUXOM BELLS—Sound "your horn, big curves ahtad! These lassies are rehearsing for a Hollywood \tSght dub show, entitled "Buxom Bells". Left to right, Peggy Sullivan, 229 pounds; June Price, 219$ Chidrie Lewis, 225; Renane Young, 228; Nonna Milne, 235. and Jill Le Roy. 220.
Page 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1935 uiiiiinniriinimiiiiiiifiiiufiuntiiiitiiii'::
Training Future J« CX Q Basketball Stars
Harry DuBoff, accompanied by Esther Leaf DuBoff, will provide a musical interlude at the next book! review to be given by Eabbi David] A. Goldstein Monday evening, Jan- Eabbi David A. Goldstein •will uary 7, 8 p. m., at the J. C. C. speak on "Does Life Begin at 40?" He -will sing music '• interpretive at services at the Conservative synaof Sholom Asclfs novel, '"Salvation." gogue this evening. By the same author as "Three Tomorrow morning Joseph BelCities," this newer work by Asch has mont, son of Mr. -and Mrs. Kcnry been chosen one of the ten best books! Betaont,, will be' Bar 1 Mitevah and of the year in a list selected by thewill %£, called to the Tbrah. Members periodical, "The Nation." of the congregation and their friends are urged tt> attend the service, •which begins at & o'clock. •Next week Rabbi Goldstein •will deliver a sermon on "The Life and Times of Moses Montefiore."
^ Conservative
5 By PH1NEAS J. BIBOff 5 ^.miiumuiiuiumiiiiiiiuiimiiimniiirc LOOKING FORWARD Bob Reidt, prophet of Rockville Center, N. Y.r forecasts trouble* for Adolf Hitler in January; especially on the 21st . . . Ac; • for Washington's birthday—In the words of the prophet, "what a day for hhn!"-. . •» Seer Keidt goes on to explain that; the:; fieichsfuehrer's "friends, adviser^ who know him intimately will be:- at the height of their effort to^ruin him v;.'< The new "purge" now going on ' in Naziland and the'"very grave events1 said to be scheduled for the;latter part o£ January, after tb-e Saaf plebiscite, would seem to indicate that Mr. Heidt is,jiot far wrong . . .Turning from the future to the past, /we may be ; permitted to wonder whether. Addled Adolf, whom'his press bureau now describes as ,"the man who with a kiss awaSened'the sleeping soul of the German natfoi," remembers" that one of thefirst American/ writers to . 'Interview Mm In the old. Munich days . —when he had only; hopse-paint with which to tint the-town red^-was Isaac Marcosson .- .•.'.
Conservative .Men's. Club Plans Meeting*
The Conservative Synagogue Men's club will meet on January 9, at 6: SO p. in,, at toe J. C. C. . "Wise .Men,. Sorcerers and MagiThe speaker of the evening will be cians" will be the sermon topic of John A. Rine, chairman of the mu-j Rabbi David H, Wice at services at nicipal affairs committee of the Temple Israel this evening. Chamber of Commerce and also a Regular Saturday jriommg- serv« member of the planning board. His ices will be held tomorrow, starting subject will be "The Outlook for at 10 a. m. 1935." The Tuesday evening classes at the Special entertainment is being proTemple will be resumed January 8. vided, and door prizes will be given.
France Will Permit . Settlement in Syria
NAZI NOTES There's a story behind the Union City, N. Ji, injunction- restraining- the police and mayor - from , forbidding Nazi meetings . . .^Originally the city officials had forbidden' the meetings because of complaints received from various people, including -pome Jews . . . But when the case was brough into court not "a-single witness— not even a single Jew-fcould be>roonded up to testify against the Nazis, BO-that Vice Chancellor Fielder, himself deeply Opposed to all anti-Semitic agitation, could not help granting^ the proNazi injunction . . . Those of you who want to know whether Germany Is a good place to visit right now are referred to Miss Tsobel Steele, the American girl who now is home at last af ter some months in a Nazi jail But don't ask German Jews-—.they have no American consul behind them . . . Nazi Education Minister Rust, in. cidentally, reveals that of the 102,007 students attending German universities only sixteen are Jews". '•'.. An odd tale is that.of Mrs. Alfred S. Meyer, German girl whor recently married an American Jew and now is divorced because the young man's family was furious at bis marriage-to a German . . . W. W. declares that it was F.D.R. himself who thwarted that arrangement whereby American^ cotton would • have been bartered for German-made goods . . . -• -
INTERESTING A N D T R t E " ; Rex Tremlett, editor of the British Fascist' organ Black Shirt, assures us that the Sir Oswald Mosley brand, of Fascism does not include "anti-Semitism or racial discrimination . . Aid who are we to doubt the word of an English gentleman?... Paul Rbbesbn, dusky singer and actor," thinks the position of Negroes in the U. S/ is comparable to that of the Jews in Germany . . A parallel which, i t we are not mistaken, has been drawn before, by one Dolly Hitler . . Robesori is so impressed by Zionism, by the way, that he is dreaming of establishing in Africa a homeland which will be- for the Negroes what Palestine, is for the •. J e w s
. . .
'- " ' '
- •'
"• -
Leaving our shores next week is Dr. . Alexanders. Dushkin of Chicago, who is going to Jerusalem to head the new Department of Education at the Hebrew University there . . . Preparing to celebrate its fiftieth anniversary next March is the Hias (Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society to you) . . . 1936's first Sunday will see the formal organization of the Western Pennsylvania Regional Branch of the United Synagogue of America . . . The Free Synagogue House fs exhibiting pictures by a/ Rumanian boy, Moses Barasch, who has just entered his teens but already has some, fine drawings and remarkable writings to his credit. . .Jewish Scientist Clifton
It was a struggle, but at last we
Grossman, physical director of the Center and himself a star pfifformer in the cage sport, who taught the youngsters the fundamentals of the sport. Left to right in position to score are Carl Milder, Jack Safertice in the "Midget league which will stein and Israel Eatz.
did discover a Jewish angle to the celebration of Christmas . . . T h e r e are those reporters who almost broke their necks trying to get Professor Einstein's opinion on the Santa Claus question . . .-But all the Professor would vouchsafe was that, relativeljepeaking, Santa Claus is a personal thing . . . Then there is the lady willi the Jewish name, who -went down.-to Fourteenth Street to do some Christmas-shopping for her baby, found herself in the midst of a picketing riot, and landed in jail . . . ',.And, besides, there is our First Lady, who chose Hilgrim's, just off Fifth Avenue, as the source of the robe-de-style she wore at the/White .House Christmas £fe party . . \ .Which, reminds'us'>that Herman" Hilgrim makes many o't! firs. F. D. R-'s clothes—which perhaps accounts for-the fact that she was chosen as our best-dressed woman in public life by the fashion designers who selected, Fannie THurst as "the. writer with the,most beautiful gowns,.-w . 5
glass-shatterings,_for he is the young man who. some years ago narrowly escaped playing the tragic role of Bobby Franks in the notorious Leopold-Loeb
• The. Associated Press ; sports poll may have given Helen (Tennis: Queen) Jacobs only second place amqhV feminine athletic stars" of 193"4,' but-the list of outstanding women: compiled by Mary Margaret .McBfideV:tiE;;the NBA Service'citefi Helen ^'the"year*s sports ace among the fairer sex V> . Detroit's Tigers are providing a coreligionist for Hank Greenberg, we hear, in the. person of Isadore Goldstein, who also hails from the Bronx . . ,. It's whispered that the N. Y. Giants* . . . . . Wemtraub is keeping Jus job doesn't <*«?«* because the ball want to be charged with anti-Semitism , . . Fight. Manager Walter Friedman is congratulating himself on a gold mine in the person:d£ Jack Doyle, Irish heavyweight, who. not only fights but sings and acts also, and has a most interesting offer from Paramount. .. What do retired boxers do? . . . Well, lightweight ex-champion Al Singer is going into the restaurant business .. .Benny Leonard is raking in shekels in radio . .••.-'.Danny Ridge (ne Rosenblatt), a fine lightweight of the pre-war period, was one of the referees of the N. Y. State Athletic
down on the East Side they tell us to keep our orbs on Irving Eldridge, whose fans compare him to Sid Terris.
Quite a case Matador Sidney Frankiln seemed to be having against Columbia Pictures, from whom he was asking heavy damages because he was Annunciate Garrotte*; and Lawr- called a bull-thrower in a Columbia ence Powers, internationally famous release . . . . Until the smart Columbia opera stars, will open their 1935 lawyer, unearthed an ancient newsreel season by appearing on the Nebras- in which Sid himself referred to his ka Power company program over practice in "throwing the bull" WOW in Omaha, a t 9:30 p. m. onThe Max: Relnhafdt who can make four complete' backward head balance Monday, January ,7. . ...,.:•-•:'. Fresh from - a season of- triumphs jjimps in ^succession is not the Max all over the . United . States, these Reinhardt whose version-of "A Midtruly great artists have consented to summer Night's Dream" has just comlend their presence to the Nebraska pleted a brilliant Mid-V/estern tour Power company for this,; broadcast. . . . It was the Internal Revenue ColMiss Garrotto and Mr. Powers are lectorship~ of mid-Manhattan which famed for both their beauty of tone Sigmund Solomon, just appointed to a and their technical, ability, and areU. S. Assay Office job, really wanted, --•,"rapidly gaining more and more of we learn . . . -
Opera Stars On Local Program
Paris (W.N.S.)—France has agreed to allow -the settlement of 10,000 Jewish industrialists, technicians, specialists, artisans and agricultural workers in.Syria, which is under a French mandate, provided they are colonized on laKd which is not near the Palestine border. . • . The credit for this decision is said to be due "to the Committee for "De.Over fifty youngsters attended the play every Friday afternoon start- fending the Rights of East European classes regularly, absorbing knowl- ing next'Friday; ; ' Jewry whose chairman is Justin Goedge in pivoting," dribbling, passing, According- to Grossman, interest in dart, prominent statesman. shootings free throwing, stance, of- the junior; basketball school ran so fense and defense. The boys are nowhigh, that its sessions will be made ready to put their lessons into prac- a n gTiTitial event.
- Above are pictured the ^ q c h ^ a d three of the outstanding pupils of the basketball school for junior boys held at the^ Jewish Community Center on Friday afternoons for the past six •weeks. .•'." ~ ; Kneeling- in the picture is Lee
Harby Levy is sending but postals [ Commission, at athe time of his death carrying h i "Ten Constructive Com- N * ™ * *. • ' turned from boxing mandments," which should help many *° refeering after the war a gassing a recipient in the framing of his N e wlover; l ^ « r : m : F r a n c e f o r c m » «"* c h a n S e . . . To turn our gaze forward again, Year resolutions . . .
Music Interlude at Next Book Review
c a s e . . .
(Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)
Bernard Szold on Council Program Bernard Szold, director of the Community Playhouse, featured fhe program at the meeting of the* Council of Jewish Women held Monday at the J.- C. C.
Youthful Swimmers Eight youngsters have completed one mile in Al Oruch's mile-a-month swim meet, the J. G. C,'swimming instructor announced. The swimmers are: Ann Rosen, Lee- Jane Greenberg, Betty Nodgaard, Violet •' Siinderland, Virginia Weir, -Dorothy Thompson, Morton Margolin, :_and Don Zernosky. " " GraeH'•- announced that the y e a r 19S4.-was"oiie of the most suecessfnl in the history of swimming at the Jewish Community Center. •
Poland May Settle Jews in Liberia
Lincoln Chapter Wins Zeta Beta Tau Award The University of Nebraska chapter of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity was awarded the Edwin G.. Meissner trophy rat the annual national convention of the; fraternity, held in Kansas City, Mo./ last weele The trophy i s given to the'" chapter showing" the 7 greatest general improvement. "' "•.'" ' . .' .'," Herman S. Rosenblatt was the official delegate of the Lincoln chapter. Other Oinahans making the trip incladed Melviii Berkowitz, Harvey
• Warsaw (W.N.S.)—Announcement that the Polish government has been granted important colonisation concessions in the Negro Republic of Liberia, on the east coast of Africa, has given rise to unofficial reports that large numbers of Polish Jews may tre invited to settle in Liberia by the Polish authorities. • It is understood that Poland is planning to -establish, fifty Polish colonies in Liberia.. . .
'• "
•...' ;- "Vaiid
At Vaad services at the B*nai Israel synagogue this -evening, Rabbi Uri Miller will.deliver the sermon on the : subject of who is "Man of 1934?"—a "discussion of the greatest personality in the past year. An open forum will be held following the services.
Jr. Yaad Congregation The Junior Vaad congregation will meet as usual this Saturday morning at 10:30 a. m. Refreshments will be served. -.-'-•
Government Contract Qbtaihedby Mistadruth Jerusfilem (WNS—Palcor Agency> —The Histadruth Haovdim (Jewish .Federation of Labor) has been awarded a $175,000 public works contract by the Palestine government. The. contract covers various public enterprises in Jerusalem, but principally the installation of a water pipe line from the coast. The Histadruth will be in a position to employ one hundred Jewish laborers for the next six-month period in. carrying oat the projects under the
Excavating-,of .Ancient Palestinian Synagogue :Relatives'Held as '-;' Jerusalem;. (WNS).—UnSeT: the di-..-.:-Yemenite Hostages
gave n n u i i d a l l y g p stein^ r Bernard5' Chapman j Marvin rection of archaeologists from the He- •'; -Jerusalem (JTA) — Relatives of to -i&iQ young- Omaha poetess, Helehe Pizer, and Henry Greenberg. brew university, workmen have begun Jews who migrated from Yemen to Magaret, authoress of" "The Trumto excavate what remains of the Esh- Palestine as tourists will be taken as peting" Crane," terming'.her" a young temoa syR&gogxie,-' near; Hebron. Thishostages by the Yemen government genius. He spoke on-modern poetry, synagogue is saisJ to date from the in order to guarantee that the Jewish illustrating with excei^ts from pre-Christian era and the explorers tourists will retsirn to Yemen., it was ous works. :': - : - :expect their excavations to uncover announced here last week, according The date for the annual Council 140 Acres Will Be Prepared for important historical material regard- to information received from Sanas, bridge has been set ."for; the regular Settlement; By East Yemen. ing the forms of Jewish religious meeting date of .the Council, Monday, Europe Jews The hostages will not only he impractices in those days. January 29, a t 1 o'clock at the J. C. prisoned but their houses will be deC, " MTS. Maynard'' M. Greenberg, Paris (JTA)—A wide plan -for the •He that canlisve patience can have stroyed if the tourists do not return chairman, has announced, Mrs. drainage and amelioration of _ three from Palestine within a definite perwhat he will.—Franklin. Greenberg; hostess to thirty hundred thousand hectares; {approxi; iod of time. N e w York" CJTA). — Economic women at her home, 401 Nprth^.Thir- mately .740,000 acres). <jf; land in ..Syty-ninth street, on .-Friday, afternoon, ria to be used for Jewish colonization prosperity, healthy cultural developwhen plans for the y. affair will be was announced here in " conhection ment and a"" very hopeful mood" are completed. Mrs. Jack Marer is co- with the French government's sanc- the tendencies noted in Palestine by chairman. tion'of'the. admission* of East Euro- Leo Herrmann, secretary of the World pean Jews tolSyria;/.>- " • : .•:• - -.--.. Keren .Hayesod (Palestine Fo-cndation -Two meetings of council groups are ' ' •;" The ..plan was prepared by the Jew- Fund). scheduled for the coming week. "I have been through all our settleish " engineer Joseph Loewy. I t sugMrs. Moe Venger and Mrs. Iz Weiner will be co-hostesses to the gests'.draining^the :.Yailey; of Amouk ments," Mr. Herrmann said recently, child study group at Mrs. Venger's and. the Lake of Antioeh. It further "and all of them offer a very imhome, 104 South. Thirty-eighth street, suggests a direct flow, by; a- iunnfei pressive pIeture..Ecoiiomlc- prosperity, on Tuesday, January 8, 1 o'clock. through the. BeilaiL. Moon tain: of -the Health.': cultural developnVent ' and a Mrs. Mary. Frederick, educational waters of the Lake of Antioca and;the "very:hbpefiil .inobd are' the" signs' of into the Med-, these settlements.which not less than leader, will' continue her discussions draining of the' marshes : on cluld problems and psychology. ,.- iterranean..-..:'-; -:: :.'•-• : ' " '.' • ' . - before are the" centers of activity and Baron Alfred 'Gninzbautgr Senator The other meeting will also be r held at 1 o'clock Tuesday, January Justin Godart and Boris Goui*evitch; '"• "It is true that especially within 8, at/the home of Mrs. Joe Jacobs, general secretary of the committee the last year the increase of the urban 1102- South Thirty-fifth avenue, for the Defense of Jewish Rights in population, particularly in Haifa and Central and Eastern - Europe, are Tel Aviv, has been very spectacular, when Mrs. A. J. Mallinckrodt of the among the sponsors of this plan, it but everybody who knows the condiboard of education will speak to the was learned here.' tions of development in the Jewish international relations group on "So•Simultaneously,'further details were National Home is aware of the fact cial Insurance." made knownr regarding' the" intention that the agricultural settlements are of the Syrian government to assign a to remain the mainstay of our work." hundred fnousand hectares of cultiSince its inauguration, the Keren. vable land iirthe Valley "of Gab for Hayesod has collected $25,000,000, Al Soffer advanced into, the semi- Jewish agricultural settlement. It is Herrmann said.. fie . estimated the Once more Brandeis' White Sales "Are On! The sales that stated that Jewish colonization there finals of the J. C. C. preseason Fund willreceive afleast.$85,000 durhave been filling hope chests . . . replenishing linen closets singles handball tournament last can be envisaged with a modest in- ing the coming year. - . week, defeating Eph Marks in a vestment. ' • THRIFTILY for jears! South Africa, and Palestine, HerrOther territories-in Syria where torrid three-game struggle, 18-21", mann said, show marked increases in Jews will be permitted to settle were 21-14, 21-18. contributions. •••--• — With Soffer the only player as far also announced. They include large He predicted that-Hie*-aimaal imtracts of land north of the Republic as the semis, Lee Grossman is urging We plan these sales months in advance. We corral famous migration to Palestine will inountto that the remaining players jn. the of- Lebanon, -outside the' Palestine 40,000 within the next few years and. brands for you>. . . Cannon, Utica, Hope, Amoskeag, Peptourney hurry with their matches. frontier, and «erfaia tracts near the that the coWfciy wilr become increasAll second round encounters not com- Deir-cz-zor, on fhe upper Euphrates pereDI, Pequot, Fralt-of-the-Loont . . -. others. And we ingly prosperous. ••'•— • ' - •» 'pleted by "Wednesday, January 9» will 'and the Oronte. "The Keren Hayesod,*'Herrmann whittle the regular prices down much lower than ycu usual* be defaulted,' Grossman said. declared, "is destined'ta play an imIn first round matches played last ly find them! Result... portant role in the national colonizaweek, Sam Katzman defeated Satil tion program, both agricultural and Graetz, 21-5, 21-13 and Manny Goldurban,' of the next few years." berg won from Len Herman, 21-16, 21-13. Belgrade (J.T.A.)—Attempts of-an
For Years Ifs Been "To Brandeis in January . • •/or Quality White Goods '"' '".'.'.ATAPRICEr -
in Full:Swingl
Handball Tourney
Yugoslavians Uefcuke Czarists for libel
anti-Semitic Yugoslavian newspaper jrafcjished by- White Eussiansf to -&tfcribute' the murder of the late -King Alexander; to Jews brought .an ihii mediate • relbuke from1"Wards,- influJerusalem (JTA). — The-Gerinan In order) to -stir ttp'a bit more in- ential Yugoslav paper. consulate in Palestine last -week notiterest in handball "at the • Center,' Lee . ^'**In these historic days of intrigue, fied a number of German Jewish; reserrors and follies must, be' thrfttvn Grossman, physical director, is going idents that their German citizenship MAZEL-TOY DEPARTMENT to inaugurate a, handicap tourney, for overboard," "Warda insisted". "If tre has been cancelled on orders from the a foothold in the operatic world. Serbs remain masters' of our fed-_ . ._! central government in Berlinv Their numbers for this program To Joseph F. Cullman^ Sr., father singels and doubles players. have been chosen especially with the of the new Wall Street firm known as Believing that-interest is lagging ings, the same rule must apply to Those German Jews who have lost viewpoint of pleasing the ear, of Cullman Brothers, on the attainment due" to the inability, of any of the the' Russians living ia our midst. their citizenship rights will now beeverybody, said Miss Garrotto and of iiis-eightieth birthday . . . To the pTayers at the Center'to defeat either •"The Jews of Yugoslavia and thecome stateless until they are eitisens Mr. Powers. Dave (Radio Script) Freedmans, on Paul Grossman or Manny Goldberg, Jew3 of the /world had great friends of Palestine. According to existing Accompanying these two stars will the arrival of a baby girl . . . And to the two Center topnotchers, Lee in Serbia-^and in the Is'te'Mng. "What regulations, persons who" _came into be the Electric Service orchestra, and John E. Coleman of Chicago, who has Grossman is introducing-the handi- interest could the Jews have in de- the country legally may become citia group of entertainers with varied • eloped with Miss Marjorie Friedman cap plan in order td knock these two stroying- Yugoslavia -when it goe* so zens of Palestine after two years' restalents. well with them here?, John merits a couple of extra swatters off their high thrones. idence.
Handicap Tourney for Handball Enthusiasts
Eeich Revokes_Gitizen Rights of Settlers
Exceptional Savings on Wain and Taney Linens! Laee Cl^Iis. •. Sheets. V. Cases ... Wash Fabrics!
1 SiouxCity News
Report ?225,000 Paid for Colonies
Approve Limitation of Imports to Palestine
New Highway from Suez to Palestine
Jerusalem.—A price of $225,000 was paid by a Zionist group in France for Jerusalem (WNS)—Pal cor Agency) the purchase of the 12,000 dunams of Jaffa, Palestine (JTA)—Limitation land acquired in Lebanon, Syria, ac- —A new highway going through the of Palestine imports from any one cording to reports in the Arab press. Sinai desert, up to Suez and along country to three times the value of ANNA PILL, It is said that the Zionist group the Palestine frontier, will be built goods exported from Palestine was plans to establish three Jewish settle- soon., it has been decided by the Egypapproved here in principle at a meetj meats in the area, hoping eventually tian government, according to word ing of the Committee on Agricultural sons possessing not less than $5,000. I to build a highway that will lead | reaching here. Economy and Marketing. "• - •-. • •• Histadruth: to Construct Polish Chess Title straight to the Jewish colonies in The new project is intended to enEstablishment of a clearing Tiouse Watering Stations in Zion Warsaw—The Polish chess cham- Northern Galilee. Jerusalem (JTA)—-The Histadruth, courage motor traffic between Egypt for the control of this ratio of imports and Palestine. and exports was proposed by Heinrich the General Federation of Jewish Lab- pionship was won here by the young Earthly Treasures The choir of the Shaare Zion Syn- Cohen. The committee voted to rec-or in Palestine last week accepted a Jewish chess player Neudorf. ' Miss Sophie Raskin, daughter of agogue has been re-organized and ommend this measure fo the Palestine contract from the government for thePolish Jewry Seeks Fund "Alexander, the world conqueror, KEED, KAMACCIOTTI & KOBINSON construction of watering stations at and EPIIRAIM MARKS, Attorneys Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Raskin, died in will sing at the regular Friday eve- government. Warsaw.—Efforts are being made came across a simple people in Africa 805-818 First Notional Bank Bids. The group also proposed to the gov- Ramleh and Jerusalem. The projects, here to raise funds for the transpor- who knew not war. He lingered to x her home last Thursday morning, ning service of the synagogue hereOMAHA which will amount to $150,000 will ernment that it establish a Citrus following illness of several months. after. tation of two hundred German Jew- learn their ways. Two citizens apNOTICE BT PUBLICATION ON APPLIFuneral services were held Thursday The choir personnel consists of Ida Shipping Board to regulate the export provide work for 100 Jewish laborers ish families to Palestine. These fam- peared before their chief with this CATION FOB DECREE OF for six months. of Palestine's chief product. HEIKSHir ilies have already been assigned immi- point of dispute: One had bought a afternoon^ in the family residence, Heshelow, Ruth Wigodsky, Rose ShiIn the County Court of Douglas Connty, piece of land and discovered treasure gration certificates . 2908 Pierce street. loff, Tillie Shindler, Jack lipman, JS'ebrnskn. See Decrease in Official It is reported that the foundation in it;-he claimed that this belonged In the Matter of the Estate of ARTHUR Miss Raskin was 24 years old, Harry Kanovsky, Sovel Heshelow Viennese Anti-Semitism YOI-iCHECK, Deceased. sponsored by the Joint Distribution to the seller, and wished to return and had lived all her life in Sioux and George Shindler. All persons interested in said matter are Vienna (WNS)—A lessening of offi- Committee and ttie Jewish Coloniza- it. The seller, on the other hand, de- hereby notified that on the 31st dny of. City. She was a graduate of Cen- The choir is working on new mucial anti-Semitism here is seen in thetion Association has designated a clared that he sold the land with all December, J.934, Kose Volcheck, administral High School. She was an active sic for the forthcoming services. It tratrix of the estate of Arthur Volcheck, order issued by Mayor Schmite per- ?100,000 fund for the Jewish coopera- it might contain. So he refused to acdeceased, filed an application in said. member of the Junior Hadassah was re-organized; through the interBY F. R. K. mitting Jewish physicians dismissed tive banks of Poland. cept the treasure. The chief, turning County Court, praying that a decree of, chapter, and before her illness act- est and efforts of Mr. William Heshbe entered herein as to the in-. from posts in local hospitals to apto the buyer, said: 'Thou hast a son?' heirship terest of said -deceased in the following ed as membership chairman and vice- elow, member of the synagogue. KUDJNER-SOLOMONOW ply for restoral of their postiions. The $1,450,000 for Europe's 'Yes.' And addressing the seller, 'Thou real estate: president of the group. . . WEDDING mayor's action followed upon the pro- Jews Lots Ten (10) aud Eleven (11), . hast a daughter?' 'Yes.' 'Marry one . She is survived by her parents, Block One (1), Hoffman Terrnee, an Miss Sarah Solomonow, daughter of test of Municipal Councillor Ehrlich, Paris.—The American Joint Recon- to the other and make the treasure addition to the City of Omnhn, in the > five brothers, Harry, Saul, Arthur, Mr. and Mrs.. William Solomonow of a Jew, against the dismissal of thestruction Foundation Council, with their marriage portion.' They left conCity of Omaha, Douglas County, NeMorris and Morton; and four sisters, braska, Council Bluffs, became the bride of Jewish doctors. headquarters here, has assigned $1,- tent. In- my country,' said the sur-and thnt n hearing will be had On said, Elizabeth, Mary, Pauline and CaroMr. Ben Rudner, son of Mr. and Mrs. 450,000 for constructive relief among prised Alexander, 'the disputants application before snid Court on the 26th line. ; . :. «lay o£ m u a . j , A;JV.. j!)3 . ;... . .-..i ^ . • u Four Jews on "Nation" the Jews of Austria, Germany, Latvia, would have been imprisoned, and thefail to Jnppear D. Salkin was elected pres- Morris Rudner of S t Iiouis, Mo., onHonor Roll before said court on the • Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and Can- Mrs. Sunday evening, December 30, at the Lithuanian, Poland and Roumania. treasure confiscated for the king.' 'Is said 2G(h dny of January, 1035, at 8 tor A. Pliskin officiated at the fun-ident of- the Beth Abraham : Syna- home of the groom's; parents in St. New York (WNS)—The Honor Roll O'clock A.M., and contest said application,Sir Osmond E. d'Avigdor Goldsmid your country blessed by sun and court may grnnt the prayer of saidgogue Ladies Auxiliary, at their re- Louis. eral services. " • . !r ' • • '•• compiled for 1934 by The Nation, lib- was elected president of the Founda- rain?' asked the chief. 'Yes,' replied the application, enter n decree of heirship as. cent meeting. Mrs. J. Montrose was to the above-described real estate, and Miss , Frances Jacobsen of Sioux eral weekly, includes two Jews and tion and Viscount Edleigh and Emil elected vie-president; Mrs. B. Sha-City, la., served as maid-of-honor, and two dramatic achievements for which Oettlnger were made members of the Alexander. 'Does it contain cattle?' make such orher nnd further, orders, al-. 'Yes.' "Then it must be for the sake lownnces and decrees?, ns to this court may piro, .. secretary; Mrs. Frank Gor- Mr. Joseph '. Solomonow. of Council Jews are responsible. The individuals council. of these innocent animals that the seem proper. BEYCE CRAWFORD, chow recording secretary; and Mrs.Bluffs, brother of the bride, served as listed are John L. Spivak, for his exsun shines upon it; surely its people i-i-S5-3t. County Judge. J. Bird, treasurer. pose of anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda Stavsky and Rosenblatt best man. are unworthy of such blessing.'" The young couple will make their in the New Masses, and John Wech- Coming to America Eight • new members have been JACK W. MAKER, Attorney. sler, editor of the Columbia Spectator, home in St. Louis. Warsaw.—Abraham Stavsky, young Court House added to the membership of the. LaJoseph Solomonow returned home for his attack on. the reactionary ele- Revisionist who was sentenced to LEON & WHITE, Attorney* dies Auxiliary of-Shaare Zion SynCity National Bank Bide. NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORMore than 500 people attended the Wednesday from S t Louis. Mrs. Wil-ments in his university. The Group death for the murder of Dr. Chaim agogue, according to Mrs. Milton ATION OF ANNABELLK'S, Theatre is mentioned for its current Arlosoroff but was reprieved when the liam Solomonow, mother of the bride, annual Student Service held at NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF Mushkin, membership chairman of INCORPORATE!) FCKITAN Oil. CO. production of "Gold Eagle Guy," by Palestine court of appeals set aside who also attended the wedding, is exNotice is hereby given thnt the under-the Auxiliary. The new members in-, Shaare Zion synagogue, and heard Notice i s hereby given that a corporaMelvin P. Levy, and the Theatre Un- the death sentence, is planning to mi- tion has been formed under the laws of signed, pursuant to the laws of the State eluded Mesdames M. Taxer, J. Lass- Rabbi David Goldstein of Omaha pected home next week. of Nebraska, have formed it corporation, ion for its presentations of "Steve- grate to the United States, be said the state of Nebraska. the name of which is "Aiinnbelle's, Incorman, L. Pish, L. Montrose, M. Ster- speak on "The Plight of the Jewish The nnme of the corporation is PURInnd its principal place of busiThe Sisterhood of the Talmud To- dore," of - which George Sklar is co-here,' because he can't get work in TAN Oll^ CO-, and the principal place for porated" lin, Phil Goldblatt, Frank Fine and Minority." ness is in the City ol Omnha, Douglas author, and of "Sailors of Cattaro" by Palestine. Zvi Rosenblatt, Stavsky's the transaction of its business is the city County, Nebraska. The objects for which Following the regular service an rah Society held an interesting meetJ. Cohen. Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska. this corporation is formed are for the purFriedrich Wolf, German Jewish ex- co-defendant, intends to come to of The preuernl nature of the business to be pose of operating retail and wholesale The Oneg Shabbos group of theinformal reception was held in theing Wednesday afternoon at the syn-patriate. America for the same reason. operated by the corporation is to purchase, millinery stores and to operate nnd enAuxiliary met last Saturday in; the social hall, with members of the La-agogue. Mr. J. Z. Stadlan was in hold, sell, convey, assign, release, mortgage gage in, nt rptnil and at wholesale, gen-, and lease real estate mid personal prop- eral merchandise stores, and to purchase, home of Mrs. Eobert Sacks. Mrs. M;dies Auxiliary as hostesses. William charge of the Bible study, which was Prof. Harry A. Wolf son Demand Share of erty wherever situated; to buy, sell, own, lease, hold nr.d otherwise ncqiiire real and Mushkin reviewed "The Island With- Mo'sow, student at the University of conducted in Jewish. The next Bible assign, trausfer and mortgage bonds, secu- personal property of every kind and deGovernment Loan study class will be conducted in EngChosen President of. rities nnd stock In other corporations; to scription and to sell, dispose of, lease, conin" by Lewissohn. and Mrs. J. Saw- Iowa, acted as master of ceremonies. Amman, Transjordania.—A serious make, execute, accept, endorse anil vey and mortgage nny nnd nil of the said islak spoke on Jewish fictional char- Others who participated were Ber- lish. Jewish Research Group . .' government crisis was narrowly avert- draw, issue promissory notes, mortgages, drnfts, property, to borrow money and to do all bills of exchange and other negotiable in- things necessary or incident to the operaacters of Lewissohn. Rabbi David nard Lazriowich representing Ames; New York (WNS)—Professor Harry of its business. The authorized capiJewish National Fund box collec- i A. Wolf son of Harvard was elected ed when an emergency meeting of the struments: to borrow money; to bny and tion Goldstein of Omaha, guest at theHenry Ginsberg, Minnesota; Milton sell at •wholesale and retail and to ship tal stock is $10,000.00 which shall be fully cabinet acceded to the demands of the tions "will be held in Council Bluffs paid and non-assessable when issued nnd transport wood, coal, oil and fuel of meeting, led a discussion contrasting Barrent, Inez Leaff, George Kuntz, president of the American Academy tribal shieks to distribute the $500,- nnd every nature and description; to construct, mny be -issued for cash, goods, wares and next Sunday morning, January 6. All and Ed Miller, Iowa; Sylvia Abram, the' life and work of Jacob. Wasserof Jewish Research at the Academy's 000 loan granted to the Transjordan purchase, lease and operate docks, yards merchandise, or both. With the assent in South Dakota; Sam Kurtz, Alabama; of the proceeds will go toward the annual meeting, held at the Jewish government by the Palestine govern- and warehouses: to do anything incidental writing of the holders of (>07o of the outman with that of Lewissohn.. to or necessary for the operation of a coal standing stock pursuant to the rotes givRebecca Stillman, Morningside and Jewish National fund ,of the Council Theological Seminary here. en in person or by prosy nt a meeting Prof. ment among the agricultural villages. and fuel business. Bluffs Senior Hadassah for their specially called for thnt purpose or at an Miriam Sudow, Teacher's college at The authorized capital stock of this cor- annnnl Isaac.Rusik of the University of PennVirtually all the tribal sheiks of the meeting, the Bo:iril of Directors quota. Anyone who can donate either sylvania was chosen, aa vice president. poration shall lie $10,000.00 divided into 100 Khnll have the power ;>nd nuthority to ««1, Aberdeen. of the par value of $100.00 each, to assign, transfer and convey or otherwise a car or services for a short time - Announcement was also made that country had gathered before the resi- shares be fully paid for nnd non-assessable when of the property and assets of the Eabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak Sunday morning is requested to call the Repearch Fellow for 1935 would dence of the Premier to demand a issued. Stock may be paid for in cash, dispose corporation ns nn entirety nnd going conshare of the loan. notes or property, real or personal, tan- cern on SUCH terms nnd conditions as to this evening at Shaare Zion SynaMrs. Sam Meyerson, phone 1199, who be Prof. Guido Kisch of Halle, Gergible or intangible, at the reasonable value the said Board shnll seem fit nnd proper. gogue on "Moses Montefiore—Jewthereof. Ten shares of the capital stock The corporation shall commence business, Dr. Theodore .N. Lewis will speak is in charge of this drive; Mrs. Morris many, who is expected to arrive here shnll be paid for before the corporation on the filing of the Articles of Incorporaish Ambassador at Large." The serJoint Reconstruction this evening on "1934—An Even'.- Grossman, phone 3964, or Miss Fannie this month. shall commence business. tion in the office of the County Clerk" ot" mon will commemorate the Hundred Katelman, phone 4491. The corporation Ehnll commence business DonglaB County, Nebmskn. Its highest Foundation ful Year." The- service will begin at $875,000 Left to Charity by Decemher 1, 1D34, and continue for a amount of indebtedness shall not exceed and Fiftieth anniversary of MonteParis.—The sum of $1,450,000 has upon 8 o'clock. period of fifty years from date thereof. two-thirds of its capital stock.. The nffdiTS. Late Reuben M. Isaacs fiore. ; Members of the college set, who been appropriated for constructive reThe highest amount of indebtedness to of the corporation shnll be administered The following children of the ReNew York (WNS.^—?875,000 will be by a Board of Directors of not less than, which this corporation shut! at any timp , . At the Junior Congregation Servhave beeiv spending their winter valief among the Jews, of Germany, Po- subject itself shall not exceed two-thirtl of three nor more than five members w*» ice tomorrow morning, David Xuritz ligious School are on the honor.roll cation with their parents, are return- shared by sixteen Charitable organi- land, Austria, Lithuania, Rumania itn shall tfe elected at the annual meeting to capital stock. The affairs of this corporation Ehnll be be held on the first Tuesday of Februaryi will read the Law and- Charles for the month of December. They ing to their various colleges this week zations, Jewish, Protestant and Cath- and Latvia by the Joint Reconstrucof ench yenr. The Board shall from thi« conducted bv « ISonrrt of two rtirprtorK. were perfect in attendance, attend- to resume their studies. olic, by the will of. the late Reuben number elect a president, vice-presidont,. ' Shindler will act as Cantor. * EPHKATM VTEIXBEKG ed a t least one Friday evening, serv- Miss Gwendolyn Meyerson, who Mi Isaacs,- retired clothing manufac- tion Foundation, the central body repsecreiary nnii trensiircr. The «rticl<™ mny resenting the Jewish Colonization As- In presence of: A. B. GENDLKR The Bible Class will meet next ice and did excellent work -in the be amended nt nny regular meeting, of turer, it was learned when the will sociation and the Joint Distribution spent most of her vacation in Buffalo, the stockholders or nt any special meetTuesday afternoon, January 8, at Sunday School during the month: SAM 3. I,EON. was filed for probate. The beneficing called for that purpose nfter ten days 2:45 in the social hall of the syna- Harold Lefkovich, George Galinsky, N; Y., attending the national conven- iaries include the New York and Committee. notice -of such proposed amendment in. writing has been mailed to all Btockholtt-. Announcement of this appropriation gogue. The group consists of, 22 Arnold Rosenfeld, Betty. Marx, Jark tion of the Sigma .Delta Tau sorority, Brooklyn Federations, the Catholic A r G , WEBB. BEBER, K1UTZ- era nnd upon the nffirmative vote of twowomen who are studying the Book Krueger, Joy Dean Arkm, Enid Ruth arrived back in Council Bluffs for a Charities of the Archdiocese of Newwas made at a meeting of the Foun. NICK & KEI/LEY, Attorneys. thirds of the capital stock. C30 Oranha Xatl Bk. Bidg. few days at home. She will return to dation's board of directors at which of Genesis. York and tike Federation of Protestant Robinson, Albert Goldstein, Morton Dated nt Omnhn, Nebraska. December Plans are under -way for the an-Greenstone, Allen Goldberg, Harold Lincoln on Monday to resume her Welfare Agencies, each benefitting to Sir Osmond d'Avigdor Goldsmid was NOTICE BT PFBL.ICATION* OS PETI- 14th. 1034. studies,at the University of Nebraskaelected president and Emil Oettinger TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL nual Baccalaureate service to bs Rosenthal, Barbara Robinson, Dons M O I T I E m I n E R ANNA GKEENBERO Miss Rose Mendelson left Tuesday the extent of fifteen per cent of the and Viscount Erleigh members of the ADMINISTRATION ACCOCNT held in Shaare ZioiT synagogue on Pill, Bobby Slptsky, Samuel Heeger. BELLE GKEENBERG, residuary estate. Others of the charIn the County Court of Douglas County, for Des Moines, la., to resume her board. In the presence of Incorporators. January 18/rTionoring the . mid-year Nebraska. studies at Drake university. She hasities benefited include the Catholic 12-21-34—4t In the Matter of the Estate of LOUIS JACK W. MAKER. graduates of Central High .School. Jerusalem —The tenth anniversary Gnardian Society, the Association to SCHET7CH, sometimes known as I J E W I S been appoointed. organizing editor of An innovation in the program that SCHEUCH, Deceased: Aid Crippled Children, etc., etc., etc. of the installation of a Hebrew shortthe Drake Yearbook. AH persons interested in said matter are evening will be the participation. of hand system was marked here with The Sisterhood of Mount Sinai hereby notified that on the ISth dny of THE HEABTCT Miss Carolyn Rosenfeld returned to Belgian Jews Protest the graduates of the class of June. Temple will hold its regular meetgratitude but without ceremonies by December, 1034, Margaret A. Henry filed a Chicago, 111., where she attends the petition in said Cpnnty Court, praying Jack Merlin, June graduate, will act ing this afternoon in the-Annex of Anti-Peddling Bin Palestine business men, who paid that her final administration account filed That San* as cantor at the service. Isadore the Temple. The meeting and pro-Chicago.Academy of Fine Arts. Antwerp.(WNS)--A bill prohibiting tribute to David Maimon, Jerusalem herein he settled and allowed, and tbnt Among those who returned to Iowa she l)e discharged from her trust as adShindler will present greetings; gram will follow a one o'clock lunchministratrix and that a hearing will be City to resume their studies at thethe peddling of anything but fruit and clerk, who was the creator of the had'on said petition before said Court on .Perry Osnowitz, mid-year graduate, eon. . tf you have your shoM University of Iowa are Messers. Berr vegetables in the streets is arousing time-saving device. the 12th day of January, 193T>. and thnt will act as master of .ceremonies. if yon fail (o appear before said Court on Miss Rose Pill will speak on "Thenard Balaban, Jack Gordon, Yale Mey- the protests of tlie Jewish community repaired at th« the eaid 12th day of Jnnnary, 1035 at 0 Ethel Baron will give the invocation Jew in Modern Drama.'! The comMAX FKOMKIN, Attorney erson, Donald Rosenf eld, Collman Yu- here, 2000 of whose members will be o'clock a. m., and contest said petition, Insurance Building. put out of business by the new law, and Dorothy London, the Class mittee in., charge of the luncheon delson and Robert Rosenfeld.. the Court may grant the prayer of said !aee Kepsir Co. petition, enter & decree of heirship. and which has already; passed the Belgian Pledge. Jennie Shindler, will. give the r preparations is headed by Mrs. Moi*- Marvin Fitch and Jack Rosenfeld make such other and further orders, nlJ. L. KKAUI. Prop NOTICE OF INCOUPOKAT1ON OF Parliament and is awaiting the signavaledictory address. Sarah,. Wein- n s Weil and Mrs. A. J. Galinsky. lowhJiCGS and decrees, ns to this Court left for Ames, ia., where they are atTKEBOR KEALTI COMPANY 1619 may seem proper, to the end that all matture of the King. • stein, Sylvia Borshevsky, Bertha Farnarn The Sisterhood members will hold tending the Iowa State college. Notice is hereby given: . „ _ , , „ . - . ters pertaining to said estate may be finRaskin and Betty Osnowitz, will read a series of bridge'parties at various '. Edward Rosen is leaving today for That MAX FiloMKIN and KELSO A. ally settled and determined. MO1JOAN have formed a corporation, B11YCE CRAWFORB, portions of the ritual. Mr.-E.E. Ba- homes - this month, proceeds to be Minneapolis, Minn.,, to resume his Orphans Court Judge known the "IKEBOH KEALT1" COM- 12-21-34—ST Philadelphia—. Charles Klein, 34, l'ANY"as County Judge. with its priiiclpal place of busiron will give the baccalaureate ad- turned over to the Sisterhood. studies at the. University of Minnesota. deputy attorney general of Pennsyl- ness in Omaha, Douglns County, Nebrasdress. - - -•' .'..-.•••-• -,-'•'.. •• and purpose for which this vania, was appointed associate judge ka The object is organized, and the powers Mr. and Mrs. Dave Woods had asof the Orphans Court by Governor corporation it shall have are as follows: To acqmre by purchase o r ^Uieirwise, own, hold, ouy. Explore the World's Far Corners vrith James Boring's their house guests over New Year's . '-;.;• sell, convey, lease, mortgage or encumber The Young Poale Zion group met their cousin, Miss Ann Lippman of Gifford Pinchot. • real estate or other property, personal or • The new. judge .is the first Jew in Sunday afternoon at the Jewish Des. Mqines, la., and Mr. and Mrs. do, nuy and-aU things nethe history of Pennsylvania to occupy mixed.'nnd-to cessary and proper in connection with the Community Center. Miss Lillian Ro- Morris Lezek of Fort Dodge, l a . owning or operation of real estate and a position in the .'Pennsylvania Orpersonal property. The capital stock of James Boring's famous Small Party Cruises provide all the , Mr. and Mrs. Herman 'Levy will mirowsky led the Hebrew Stud;. phans. Court and the youngest appoin- this Corporation shall be Ten Thousand Group which met at 3:30, preceding Mrs. Sam Gross entertained twelve tee to the post. return to Sioux' City this week after Dollars <?10,000.00), divided into one hnnfeatures of the big cruise but limited membei'ship assures , ; dred (100) shares of common stock of the guests at a luncheon followed by a wedding trip to Chicago. Their the regular meeting. par value of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) complete individual independence. Rates include First-Class Miss Tillie Shindler acted as chair- bridge at the Hotel Chieftain last Fri- Palestine Entrants Brought marriage was an event of December man of the meeting. The program The existence of this corporation shall accommodations on the finest steamers of the world's great26, and took place in Omaha. Mrs. included a group of Hebrew, songs, day afternoon, in honor of Mrs. H.,$2>000,000 begin on the filing of a copy of its ArWest of Chicago, I1L, who has been ticles of Incorporation with the County Levy Is the former Sophie Roginsky and the first talk in a series on the est fleets and the best hotels and automobiles ashore. '/ Jerusalem—Not less than $2,000,000 Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, as. the house guest of Mrs. TMorris Chai' of Omaha. .-\.:.. ... ••••••.by law. and shnll continue for a life and works of Bialik. This se- kin. of Omaha. This luncheon, is thein new capital was brought by Jewish provided of fifty years, unless sooner disMr. and Mrs. Levy will make their ries of talks will be- presented by immigrants into Palestine during No- period by the unanimous vote of the isfirst of a; series being given by Mrs.vember, according to official figures solved j home' at 2018 Jones street. sued nnd outstanding common stock. The ; Miss Romirowsky. . Gross. ..' '.:.•" : : published in- the Palestine Gazette, amount of indebted uess to which this Corporation may at nny time subject WEST BOUND Miss Miriam Blank, 2324 Grandgovernment organ. .-•'•..•".: . : ; Itself, shall not exceed two-thirds of its South Sea Islands, Samoa, Fiji, 1 Mfs~ Saul Suvalsky and small son, Hawaii, Japan, Philippines, Bali, capital stork, but said restriction shall not view Boulevard, was hostess t o ' a The Gazette reports, that 4,838 Jews apply to mortgages plnced.on the said real New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Java, Angkor, Straits SettleRabbi H. R. Rabinowitz spoke be- Marvin, left 'Tuesday for Tucson, Ariz.; immigrated into Palestine in Novem- estate. The business of this Corporation group of. friends, Saturday evening, ments, Burma, India, Egypt, the Java, Straits Settlements, Angbe condnfted by H Board of two Diat a" formal dinner party, honoring fore the B'nai B'rith; lodge, Wednes- to join her other son, ^Selwyn Suval- ber. Three hundred and seventy-one shall rectors, to be selected from the stockMediterranean—S. S. PRESIsky, where they will spend the rekor, Philippines, Chinaj^Japani : of them landed on so-called capitalist holders at their rpgular annual meeting; - her .cousin, Miss Harriet Dizon, of day evening. He reviewed "The DENT HOOVER from San mainder of the winter. They made the the Directors from their number, shnil Hawaii—S. S. MARIPOSA from Years are-So Long." visas, which are issued only to perMadison, Wisconsin. Francisco, December 28th (via elect a President. Tire-President. Secretary and Treasurer. Any Director may Mr; Milton Bolsteiri presided at the trip by motor. San Francisco February 5th — S. S. PRESIDENT WILSON, hold one or more of the above offices in were made for a December 6th from New York) Mrs. L. Montrose has departed for meeting and plans 122 days—all-inclusive rate day f rom Ne. w York City, where he has the Corporation. : Harold Saks returned home Wed—138 days—all-inclusive rate. ' a:three week visit with relatives and formal -induction of the new; officers nesday from Chicago, 111., where he been visiting for the past two weeks. IN WITNESS WHEUEpF. we have $1975 set onr hands this lith fl?y of . . $2185 i friends in Chicago. While there she to take place this month. While there, he attended;the national hereunto. December. 1034. spent the past week-end and New MAX FBO3JK1N. will attend the wedding of her neice, convention of the Sigma Alpha Mu KEI-SO A. MORGAN, Berlin (J. T. A.)—A special Jew- Year's. While there, he attended the fraternity.' Miss Jeanette Briskin. 12-14-34—it Incorporators. national convention of the Phi Epsi' Dave B. Montroe returned recent- ish Women's Day has been pro- lon Pi fraternity. EAST BOUND claimed by the Berlin Jewish comMr. and Mrs. Leon Frankel of Lin, ly from Dallas, Texas. munity in connection with an exhibiThe Mediterranean, Holy Land, Mrs. Albert Krasne left Wednesday coln, Neb., visited over New Year's at Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, 1 Miss Dorothy Mushkin of Omaha tion of products and merchandise for Sioux City, la., _to .visit her par-the home of Mrs. Frankel's parents, Egypt, India, Ceylon, Straits Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyer?bn. Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Recognized as ! was a Sioux City this week. handled by Jewish firms, barred from ents for a few days.Settlements, Angkor, Java, Bali, German trade exhibitions. Trinidad—S. S. SANTA MARIA Philippines, China, Japan, HaPRACTICAL MOHEL Robert and Ben Jacobsen of St. A special fashion show' will also Alderman George S. Steinberg left i Miss Chamie Bernstein, of Minnefrom New York January 5th— waii—S. S. AQUITANIA from ; Phone 1059 spoils, is visiting in Sioux City with be organized at the Jewish commer- Monday evening for Washington, D. Louis, Mo., spent the past week-end 58 days—all-inclusive rate. New York January 31st—1S1 here, visiting at the home of Mr. and cial exhibition. i her sister, Mrs. Eli Robinow.—~ Council Bluffs, la. C, OQ official business. He is expected Mrs. Ben Seldin. $1075 days—all-inclusive rate $2185 The ' Jewish community also an- to return home next Monday. Miss, Rose Albert and Miss Jen- nounced four prizes for German Jewnie Shindler visited this week with ish composers, sculptors, painters and The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah Secure complete information from writers, who will submit work in society will hold- a regular meeting friends in Omaha. their fields picturing the life of Jew-next Monday night, January 7, at 8 'Omaha's Most .Beautiful'--Horne for Funerals" =| Mrs. - Philip Sherman, 1704^ Doug- ish women in present-day Germany. o'clock at the Cheyra B'nai Yisroel Funerals To Fit Any Purse* ,-r las street, has been visiting with rel1S07 Howard St. Tel: AT 8028 Omaha, Nebraska synagogue at. 613 Mynster street.. 5 :i';utives and friends in Omaha this . Jewish Press Advertisers Merit hone HArncy 12J26 Farnam at Thirty-third Your Patronage. Max Kramer is expected home Sun• jl, ireek.
Shaare Ziori Choir DEATH CLAIMS Being Reorganized i SOPHIE RASKIN
Council Bluffs News
Officers Elected By Beth Abraham
Eight New Members to Ladies Auxiliary
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Young Poale Zion
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Addresses B'nai B'rith
Rev. A. Diamond
' • • • ' :