January 11, 1935

Page 1

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

• Entered as'Sceoilfi "Cl t: rosroKleo of.Umaha.:

In the Interests of the Jewish People

arter on;jnnunry "Jl, lO'/l, nt ,oWer the Act of-March 3,1879

t Pioneer W©meii Giving Monday ^ElisheyaJ^plah,^ in Palestine}'; will: be a /guest of "the local 'Pioneer .Women"next' Moriday">


Vol. X—No. 50

BarishRe-Mlected " Talmudr Torah Head

Palestine Diiring 19M

At the la,st_meeting _of t i e Talmud I Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agency)-^ Tcrah - board,- Max Barish was "reA" provisional "summary" of Jewish lee l e c t e d * p r e s i d e n t , ' - •'•:•;'••• . ' - - ' " • • gal' Immigration- into Palestine durv 'N.* S.: Yaffe and _M. ©, Brodkey are ing the year' 1934,- shdws^that' 42,000 rejected : td the' posts of'-'vice-pres^ b d 'entered -the country daringg .that '• l i i .whose Efenry-; Mon^y and Mrs] ftbra- .ident- and- treasurer," -respectively. p period,including -4,000 tourists oi£Volunteei-J -Max . Fromkin- *was elected permanent •; settlement' in : the codntry-j ' ^ e o r e t a r y " . "- •""-.•.- - ' ' • - - ' • " "• •'" '••••" ;jwas authorized by-the government.'^ || > Jewish-legal-' immigration intoCPal; February-3 has definitely been;set ; estine 'during: 1933- totaled f30,"327.~ jHenry" Mdiskyj 'representing ': the aside' as" the" date for" the banquet in Omaha fiar association, intf Mrs. Ju-jJ honor of- the SOth anniversary of the lips 7Al>ranaros6n|" president • "of; "the Talmud Torafi. *: -^ - ; : . . : . : Senior HadassaE, jare"dn the roster' of a tKe.' JJinety_and |?ine?'. volunteer of;es an~d ga^zatioir made" up' oftl alternates'-f^m'nin«typhine civic and fijaternal'org^nizatfons- "in Douglas fccunty.: ".""•.-' .' V .-." * " "'•" "They act-as "an^advisory auxiliaiy

Leeturein "thirteenth

\[.'~ \ J i i r o r " ; : a t : \ :;;•;•";

Arthur Garfield ~-Haye, eminent attorney- and lecturer, will epeak'be-' fore" the Community Forum on tha "Thirteenth Juror" next Wednesday January" 16, at" the Jewish' CommunMrsi";E^afiUs'., ope;of thrfee ;,dele-: ity: Center' in the 'second of a series gates septi ho' this^jcountry.. annually Steuer ;and. ;Kopejtsky.; c-f outstanding lectuies. "•'..•.-• • v istratfdri :arid" as Easiori officials -be: b the^j|^tradrutJi!|tjielabor 'orga'n: Numerous LClausus: for Hays" is rioted internationally for tween that" body and the membership i £aiesy^f[sffe."comes asva his work on behalf of the downtrod" ; -Jewish: Students'-*:. :of their respective "organizations and McCoranack Group-Ha§ Been Inden and oppressed. He has partir.i-: the pflblic-in'general. \ :; vestigating Subversive pa'te'd in some of the most famous ; New,-York (WNS).—Quotas for ra-' addressed the -iast meetr is ' af f |Ea|tWd: with j I the" 1 H f e t ^ l Activities 1 - - •. trials in recent" years. •' .' ' cial". and; religious,'groups,-"including of the ''Ninety and::Nine" TuesThis C^urich. :c6ncieri|g" itself with- the j j Jews, in American medical and law g He was active in the Scopes trial, problems^ hof „; the • livorkingv Tvonien, ' -Washington,- (JTA).—The McCofJews,. in. Aiaeiicaji-medicaland i a w | d a y . a t the-Foatetfelle,- giving a and was asked to be part of the dework. mack Committee i Investigating unr •who- hovi? j number S^OOO. - .;. . ~ ' schools,were_upheld and.ev.enurged [ ^ inspiring;jklklon.reHef a n d by. Max- D.' Steuer, -prominent' fense in the Scottsboro case. : "The, "Ninieety; suit Nine'| is the fiist b M D and-Dr. St -- A" program* will also be - presented American : activities- will . have .until Elisheva Kaplan. inal lawyer, Samuel J.tKopet- organization of As attorney for the Mixed Claim in Xhe country .at the" banquet Monday: Harry Dii zky, president; of the medicaj board and* has alr'eady.caijsed favorable .com- February 4 to make its report to Commission he received a fee of a Arthur G&rfield Hays. Boff wilL sing, accompanied'_by-.'_Escongress under. a resolution passed of Beth,Israel hospital, in addresses ment throughout tjhe.country.. million dollars. Yet, • he has fearless,ther. Leaff: Du Boff;- Myron ;Cohn last Friday. Representative McCorbefore Temple B'nai Jeshurun. • Mr. -They have an opportunity, qf learnly championed the poor. He is a will give several -violin: selections. Steuer declared himself in favor, of a ing at firstt hand the- aims and pur-mack, committee chairman, intropast president of the American \ .Mrs..- J.., Raznick; will lead ;.comquota in- every educational institution poses of."the- relief "administration and duced the bill himself. League for Civil Liberties and is now munity singing of Hebrew and JewMeanwhile five other congressman, general counsel for the league. .. rf I can" in consequent;, - and do, answer ish "Jolk songs; Mrs; Max. Fromkin • is During the Reichstag fire trial ha each class" was composed' of a certain ] the thousand ."and Hie- questions -that three of them non-Jews introduced chairman of; the program committee. watched the proceedings as an unof- ; percentage of each, creed. Dr. Kopet- arise" from -its rf ar- lung'^activities.. • • bills hitting subversive' activities in ' Mrs. J," Richlin is in charge of .. - ' . Twenty-sis past presidents of the zky said "quotas are necessary" and -The" "Ninety, anc • Nine"- invite con- this country. ficial observer. He has been a strong ; ticket sales for. the affair,-assisted Omaha Hebrew club, will be honored "all groups, no matter' what religion, Representative Emanuel Celler of opponent of Hitler and Nazism and and-keep -down destructive criticism by~Mrs.-Morris -Friedel, -Mrs.-Charles. Sunday, • January • 20, - on the occa- have a limit .set on them.", - / „ structive and malici >us -criticism. They, New York is seeking passage of two Jerusalem {WNS-Palcor Agency.) took part in the New York demonHermanson, Mrs. J. .Feldman, Mrs. sion of the forty-s.econd anniversary Dr. Kopetzky pointed out that, since build" up-and-maintain the^morals of resolutions. One would have the —Palestine's orange export trade, half stration against Hitlerism. Morris. Minkin, and Mrs. ~BL' Rothko- <>f- the"- organization; A banquet will the Jews are a smaller, group_J*w"by the workers and those who from ne- house protest Nazi1 anti-Semitism and of the economic life of the country, Hays has written a number of be..hejd for all members, and thejr should 'we* be 'given"inore "than any cessity are-recipients of rejief. vitz. . the other "would request the state de- was disastrously crippled, as the books. Among his works are "Let The greeting.. committee consists wives. other group, ©r enter more students -As taxpayers, this body I is inter- partment to call on the German gov- Holy Land was flooded by the heavi- Liberty Ring" and "Trial by Prejuof. Mrs. J. Raznick, Mrs. L Raznick, "The Omaha Hebrew club has than we represent "in ~ population? ested in Seeing^ t h | t only,absolutely ernment to cease denying the funda- est rains it has known in the last ten dice." and Mrs. Max Goldstein. weathered the depression in an ex- Even if Jewish student outranked oth- necessary expendih|res are made and mental and inalienable rights of years. The continuously heavy down-1 In addition to his manifold actiReservations, which- must be in not cellent manner," stated Ben Kazlow- er nationalities in study and scientific that oriy those-entitled to aid receive those who may "be" resident in Ger- pour inundated streets and houses in ! vities, Hays finds time to be presilater than Saturday evening, may besky, president, "now having a re- achievement; the public _ at large ft.- • . - • • . : , • • • many. Both, resolutions were referred the all-Jewish city of Tel "Aviv, ex- dent of Pi Lambda Phi fraternity. f ' - . • made with Mrs. H. Bondarin, Mi's. serve of approximately ' $12,0.00. and would still take a doctor of. its own Its members meet tie- second Tues- to the- Committee' oil Foreign Af- pelling scores . of inhabitants from This fraternity has a chapter at J. Feldman, Mrs. Max Goldstein, and a current account, of over .$1,000. Thekind.. We Jews are confronted . with day- of" each * months fairs. ~ • ' - - ' their homes and causing large prop- Creighton University, and the mem- " Mrs. J. Richlin; As the reservations members ' feel • especially grateful to fact,, net theory.- Our Christian 'neigh- It "has. just-issued a pamphlet tellRepresentative J. Will Taylor of erty damage. ; • " . bers and alumni of the chapter are will be limited, only a few more are the past presidents who have sat at! bors do not seek Jewish doctors—they ing of facts concerning-the-FERA.. Tennessee, a member of - the McCor- The entire plain of Sharon, the planning to entertain Hays during available. - . ' ~ the helm during-'the past forty-two,! Chmtian doctors and subdivide mack committee, intrduced a bill to area of Wadi Hawareth and the val-his stay in Omaha. Mrs. Kaplan will be a guest of the years i n d tender this -banquet as a | S^L • W " " - * ?.e*e B^ ^ 4 £? .<* ..«" make it a crime.to advocate, .encour- ley .of Jezreel were cut off from com- Judge Frank M. Dineen will prelocal Pioneer Women for three days. token of their appreciation:". . / . . valuation of realities. Only those, stuage or to otherwise ..promote, the over- munication with thfe cities", owing to side at the Forum meeting. Fred S. • John .Feldman, - - • -chainnari; -»••-.- • of.-the - .. idents .who' feel "the call and who. un- • Women's; Council. : . . . » •1-hrow or the destruction of the gov-the "impassable roads. Busses^were en* White is chairman of the Forum -difficulties of; ihe. work The Women'£ rCouncflj through its committee in charge, expects an-at{-ernment of- tiie United States __by able, to, move along the. highways; and c o m m i t t e e . - ' . ' "•••'•- -.'-'" - • ' • • , ' 1 five agrlr.nlturfii ' graining" seTinnlp, tendance:of five Jrandred.— force- <pr, violence.- -This; bill ;iwas re- those that had started ou$<were -left "An open forum'will follow the provides for the' integration of ^ the -ferred 1w» ^.e^J^ciajp- Committee. standing: in the. mud. Th^ impassibil- • d r e s s . " . ' '; '"' • • ' ' " " " ' ' . : • " • Jewish', women into -the 'pioneerHii? Jack '' ~' Representative \ Samuel Dickstein, iiy~o£_the roads hits ihe export trade l life of ' t i e . efialittwit^l Agency.) yice-chainnan of -the ^McCormack at.the height of the orange trans* /Charles ( ~I the ultimate goal, and.must learn the • "Jerusalem •(WNS^Palcor. trade*, and Jndu£tjda.l cpjursest.^to^ f if ards, Jacob;'Freed,:••-. h reductioh d t i h off the th mortgage t i Committee, introduced aV bill that port business, when crops are -packed -in" urge tb create'beauty and the differ- 44-^Thtf the ^^uiz^il'iilrn&^ia^'iiiljie cityi Barney Feltman,, N. S. Yaffe, Louis i ence between labor x>f necessity and terest rate : from'seven per -cent to provides for the forfeit of American and sent to Haifa for shipment to all : as well as,;the.night schools where Morgan, Albert Kaplan," S. , AltQuotas are neces- five per" cent - was announced here' by citizenship of" any citizen who left parts." of Europe. Such communities of-love the newcomer learns "Hebrew. It is schuler, Mark Polonsky,- p . Feldman, labor sary. They have never prevented, gen- Siegfried Hoofien, manager of; the this country for the purpose of vot- as Rf ar Saba, • Raanana, the latter also part of the work of the Council Goodman Meyerson». ius from succeeding. The entire ques- General Mortgage: Bank of Palestine,! ing in the plebiscite in the Saar re- composed mostly of American Jewish to provide suitable care for .children and who does vote there dur- colonists, and other settlements in tion is larger than the individual, and which was created by the Keren Hay-jgion ; V of working mothers, through a numplebiscite. T>U:_ This v:n bill — was re-that territory were in the midst of — ithe - -•-•-•-—•*. — the solution must be. intellectual and es'od and is now under the control of j ing Prof. Louis Finkelstein of the Jewber 6f, nursery schools. % ferred to the Committee on Immi- their most successful season* : the community's interest paramount the Anglo-Palestine bank. ish Theological seminary of America She brings to her audience an unwhen solving it." ; The announcement stated that, the gration and Naturalization of which -All of them'-are "now. unable to. dis-will be the • guest of the Conservaderstanding of the present, problems - Mr. Steuer declared that the quota bank would shortly issue £350,000 of Dickstein is chairman. He announced patch their consignments: to Haifa tive synagogue on Tuesday evening, in Palestine, enriched through her should be opposed only when it dis- new debentures at five per cent in- hat he plans to have his committee harbor. January 29. - • ; pioneering experiences in Palestine, At a meeting of the members and criminates. "Protests," he s a i d , terest, and promised that the bank meet at an early date o contsider the The Women's Auxiliary will give a her life in a co-operative settlement, stockholders of the Independent "should be made against either Jew would shortly reduce the general proposal. dinner in his honor at the J. C. C • and her work with the Hechalutz in Workmen's Loan Association, held or Gentile. The injustice of discrim- mortgage interest rate in" order to Representative Martin Dies of Mrs. Isadore Dansky's committee will Poland and Germany. be in charge of the dinner. m me SUUIHUIUUI of the Congrega- i ination against the Jews or any one f stimulate • a drop of interest rates Texas introduced a bill which proin the Mrs. Kaplan is a member of the tion of Israel Synagogue, 25th and j else can be overcome and done away j throughout the country. The study club of the synagogue vides, for the exclusion and expulkvutzah Gonia B. She recently "re- J streets, on the South Side, the fol-with, and there is no better place to The issuance of-the-new debentures sion of alien communists. It was rehas appropriated a sum sufficient to turned from Germany and Poland lowing" officers were elected for the start a crusade against discrimina- is an indication, of the intensive build- ferred to the Committee on Immicover the expense of bringing Profeswhere she did organization work ensuing year: Ueb Wolfson, presi- tion tjian in the synagogue or church." ing activity, in the country, ~"bf— the gration and Naturalization. The J. C. C. swimming pool was sor Finkelstein to Omaha. among the youth. dent; Ben Martin, vice-president; M. He urged, parents to .send their chil- soundness of the bank, and of the ex- Representative Malcolm C. Tarver accorded a rating of excellent by the Dr. Finkelstein is one of America's She voluntarily left her studies in Tatelman, secretary; Goodman Mey- dren to law schools only if they think tent of capital seeking outlets for of Georgia introduced a bill hitting United Laboratories after a test last outstanding Jewish scholars and thinkers. He won fame as the author a . Russian university to * help build erson, treasurer. The Board of Di- the children have the necessary quali- s o u n d investment. Mr. Hoofien's subversive activities. It was very j week. a Jewish homeland' in "Paelstine, rectors consist of Ben E. Kazlowsky, fications and moral courage to combat statement regarding the reduction of similar to that introduced by Repre- The official report was given as of several profound, historical studies. Among these is "Jewish Self-Govemwhen she was IS years old. . -. Harry Dworsky, Ben Garelick, Sam the temptation of easy money. Assert- mortgage interest rates' is bound up sentative Taylor. follows: ing that there is no discrimination with the recent loan obtained by the Residual chlorine—0.25 P. P. M. ment in the Middle Ages" and "A Kraft and A. Schlaifer. against Jews in the law at present, Study of the Pharisees." Standard plate count—2. The association announced a re- Mr. Steuer expressed the belief that Keren Hayesod, the; result of which Rabbi Finkelstein has also won reLactose fermentation—Negative. duction of interest in its loan rates ! entrance quotas might soon be estab- has been to ease the country's internown as a popular teacher and lecRating—Excellent.., est rate. : from 6 to 5 per cent, making it the I lished in American universities, and ; The J. C. C. swimming depart- turer. Hobfieh also declared that the lowest rates for borrowers of any urged their acceptance if the quotas' Rabbi David A.. Goldstein, who ment is happy to announce this inGeneral Mortgage bank now comlike association in the city. The sec-bases were computed fairly. mands the ' resources of the city, of The next youth forum sponsored teresting bit of news, since many studied under Prof. Finkelstein for retary of the association reports London, where a large bank, believed by the Round Table of Jewish Youth calls have been received daring, the four years at the Jewish Theological Maurice Samuel, famous . author, that the total business done in 1934 seminary, said: "I consider it a rare to be' Lloyd's, has offered to provide will be held at the J. C. C. Tuesday past few days by members who have privilege lecturer, Zionist and Jewish leader, exceeded $30,000. The stockholders for our congregation to welbeen wondering as to the purity of any amount of capital for building evening, January. 15, at 8 p. m. ,will be in Omaha to give a series, of passed a resolution to hold a bancome Dr. Finkelstein to Omaha. This activities in Palestine. Rabbi Uli. Miller will speak on the pool. three lectures on Saturday and Sun-quet, the time and place to be anmarks the first time that one of my The new debenture issue of the "Jewish nounced later. Education for Jewish day, February 16 and 17. teaches has come to one community. Max Krasne, 54, who lived in Mortgage.bank is actually a conver- Youth Today." His coming' is made possible I'm very happy at the prospect of Omaha until about three years' ago, sion of the previous seven, per cent This is the third of such meetings Interest Shown in through the combined efforts of the having our people meet one of the passed away in Los, Angeles, Sun- bonds into five per cent. The Mort- sponsored by the Round Table. Junior Auxiliary of the Vaad Ha'Ihr Hazomir Rehearsing scholars in American Jewry." Classes at Center finest day. Mr. Kfasne was a shoemaker gage bank is investing $50,000 in The preliminaries in the Round and the Junior Society of the ConDr. Finkelstein will arrive on Tuesfor Benefit Concert in Omaha for many years before Haifa Bay housing. Table debate tourney are over. In An increasing amonnt of interest is day morning, January 29, and will be servative Synagogue. going to Los Angeles to live. . the last preliminary -clash, the Al- being shown in the children's dancing the guest of Rabbi and Mrs. GoldThe lectures will be given at the pha Gamma Chi, represented by classes and clay modeling class being stein. B'nai • Israel synagogue, Eighteenth The members of the Hazomir, Sing- He is survived by a brother, and Chicago. The° evening "lectures jingsociety are rehearsing^for the ben- Henry, a daughter, Mrs. Lena ShaFanny Witkin and Bernice Perl- held at the Jewish Community Center. will be at 8 p. m., and the after- ~~* Mizrachi " ^ concert *" to be held Jan- fer, a son, Henry, all of Omaha, and meter, defeated the Phi Sigma Mu The beginners' dancing class meets J uary 27 at the Beth Hamedrosh Hag- janother son Marcus ,of Akron, Ohio. teon of Haskell Cohen -and Irvin Monday afternoon from 4:45 to 5:45,Jay Stoller Elected noon address at 3 p. m. synagogue. All proceeds will go The body will be brought to OmaWhite. The committees in charge of the and the special tap dancing class New Head of Psi Mu ha for burial. arrangements: For Junior society,! ^ ^ Palestinejfund of theaMizrachi Mrs. Rose Josephson, 64, mother meets on Wednesday afternoon.at the concert will include variety J of Sam Josephson, died January 2 same time. Miss Grace Levin is the The Psi Mu held a regular meetBert Whitelook, chairman, Ruth-Shy-; of " Jewish "" "" *" ~ religious folk songs and. Classes Open for ing Monday, January 7, at the Jewinstructor. Weizmann Honorary at her home in Los Angeles. She ken, Bess Goldberg, Sally Morgan; music. ish Community Center. Election of The clay modeling class meets on had been in failing health for two Junior Vaad, May Tucker, Ann The Hazomir is under the direction Jewish Matrons Wednesday from 4 to 5 p.tn. under officers was held. The new officers Citizen of Tel Aviv years. Hahn, and Lillian Friedman. of I Cantor A. Schwaczkin.-. Rehearsals are: President, Jay Stoller; viceSamuel has been in Omaha a num- are held Monday evenings at the B'nai Surviving are two other, sons, Lee Grossman announces t h a t the instruction of Mrs. Milton Abra- president, Iz Boggdanoff; treasurer,' Tel Aviv, Palestine (JTA). — Dr. hams. Archie of Los Angeles, and Reuben classes have opened for Jewish ma- j ber of times and is .noted here for Israel synagogue. Those interested in Jack Sadrofsky; secretary, Mannie his fiery eloquence and scholarly joining the group are asked to come Chaim Weizmann, former president of Kansas City. trons on Tuesday and Thursday af- Those interested may still join the Goldberg; parliamentarian, Sam : of the World Zionist Organization classes. knowledge. Funeral services were held in ternoons. The women will be on the to the next rehearsal. and chairman of the 8ionist commis- Kansas City, Sunday, January 6. Epstein; publicity director, Leo BerLast year he deeply; stirred his gym floor from 2 to 3 p.m., and in sion for settlement of German Jewman; sergeant-st-arms, Henry Ginslisteners at the initial gifts dinner the swimming pool from S to 4 p.m. Owe Thousand to Be ish refugees in Palestine, was last berg. of the Philanthropies, and the next Barish Will Distribute week unanimously elected, an honor- ICing' Leopold Endorses The class first met last week and evening held a packed audience spellMr. Grossman stated that a large in Jewish Olympics Dodges and Plymouths ary citizen of this all-Jewish city-by bound in the Forum series. Talmud Torah P. T. A. number of women reported and all Palestine Forest Plan the municipal council. • , ; ; were enthusiastic about the class. Meeting on- Tuesday Tel Aviv (WNS-Palcor Agency.)— Albany, . N . ; : Y ^ r w i n S t e i n g u t i M r . B e n Sanders, president of the Even the ^Revisionist members o: One thousand sportsmen, representassemblyman and democratic minor-! Hart - Sanders Motor Car Company, the council, who are bitterly opposed Brussels (JTA)—King Leopold las ing twenty countries, wiu take part The Omaha Hebrew school Parentity leader of the lower house of the announces the association of Mr. Max to Dr. Weizmani\, joined in the trib- week endorsed the campaign started $20,000 Legacy legislature tor the past r four' years, M. Barish with': the firm. : . Mr. Barish ute to the noted scientist who recent- by Belgian Jews to establish a forest Jerusalem—The Jewish National in the Maccabiad, world Jewish Olym- Teachers association will hold a regbecame the first democratic speaker ^yill -have complete charge of the ly celebrated his sixtieth birthday. in Palestine in honor of the late King Fund has received an anonymous do- pic games, to open in.Tel Aviv in ular meeting Tuesday evening, JanAlbert who was known as a sincere nation of $20,000 as a living legacy, April, it was announced here at a uary 15 at the Jewish community of the; assembly" since Alfred. E. Omaha distributorship of Dodges and friend of the Jews. Smith held that office in 1913, when Plymouths, and the company will be Real Estate Boom Quietens it has been announced by the head- press conference, at which Mayor center at 8 o'clock. Rabbi Uri Miller will speak on lie was named presiding. officer of known as Barish-Sanders Motors, Inc. Tel Aviv—The - movement* In city "I amtglad to see the gesture made quarters here of the national land- Meier Diezengoff presided. There will be eighteen different "Projects in Jewish Education" and that body at the first meeting of the They, will distribute the new. line .real estate . is .considerably quieter by the Jews," King Leopold stated. redemption agency. one hundred forty-eightn session of of passenger cars and - trucks for now," as a result of some' land bubbles Baron Empain has accepted the inIt was not indicated^ from what types of- athletic events and also a Mrs. Anna Shlaes will give several piano selections having been pricked. Dodge and Plymouth. world chess tournament. vitation to head the campaign, the New York State Legislature. country the gift was received.



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J. C. C. Swimming Pool Rates High






Clouds Hanging Over the Saar

tending the scope of the Jewish Ageiw Review by Dr. Cohn cy, I cannot see why it should not b* TWO UNDEFEATED IN PALESTINE LEADER •• Rabbi Frederick Cohn will review possible to expand and enlarge the at the Grove," the Atlantic scope of the Jewish Agency so that LEAGUE "Dusk prize novel by Samuel Rogers, be- jointly with other bodies iike the Joint ISSUES A14-POINT BASKETBALL AT LOCAL CENTER tion fore the Parent-Teachers' associa- Distribution Committee, the Agroof Council Bluffs, on Thursday, Joint, the ICA, the ORT and the Emig-


Direct, and through the medium of the. January 17. One tmdefeated contender fell by League of Natiois, where the Jewish the wayside in the J. C. C. Class A Agency i a s a voice, to embark upon a Gurion Declares Revisionists basketball. league, >last. week, with large and statesmanlike plan of JewMust Accept Sovereignty the defeat of the Xi, Lambdas by ish settlement in undeveloped terriBy Dr. of World Zionist Congress tiie Psi Mus, 23 to 11. The Psi Mus tories of the world! An international MOREDCAI M. KAPLAN and the Omaha Jobbers remain the Jewish loan, to be subscribed to not Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agency.) only two undefeated clubs m the Professor at the Jewish Theological only by wealthy Jews, but by the JewSeminary —Final and enduring peace between loop. ish masses, could provide the finanBy Bernard Postal t i e Zionist-Eevisionist party and the The Psi Mu-Xi Lambda tussle was The eyes of the worid will be nomic pressure and every other weap-i throughout the Saar, and l i e Jewish Executive of the World Zionist OrSo long as American Jews have no cial sinews for such an undertaking. turned to the Saar on January 13th on employed in Germany were ruth- Saarlanders have been/ hardly better ganization has not been completely easily the standout game of the past organized form of communal life, they The creation of Biro-Bidjan as an auwhen the people of that territory lessly used. Demonstrations, street off thantheir co-religionists/in Ger- achieved but is dependent on the ac- week, though the former team was are in no position to unite for thetonomous Jewish republic within the go to the polls under the protection fights, abductions, and even murder many* Because of Nazi persecution, ceptance by the Eevisionists of thenot hard pressed in its victory. The mere purpose of combatting anti-Sem- Soviet Union is an indication of what of the b»y<n*f•*-of an. international were the Nazis' means of winning the the League Commission has been absolute sovereignty of the World purple-jersied basketmen, breaking itism. People must have normal work- can be done along these lines. army to decide whether they want Saar. Open war was waged by theforced to open special schools for Zionist Congress and the abandon- fast and driving hard, gathered an aday interests in common before they A generation ago territorialism was to return to Germany or to .con- German (Nasi) Front against all an-Jewish children. Dr. Abraham Reulf, ment of separatist political activi- early lead and kept increasing it as can unite to fight a common enemy. bitterly opposed by Zionists who saw tinue the rule of the League of Na- ti-Nazis. In every European chancel- chief rabbi of the Saar, who has been ties, was the statement made here by the game wore on. The effective Hence the purpose of Jewish organ- in it a rival to Palestine. Today there tions. Mr. Postal presents an au- lory there were well-grounded fears one of the leaders of the anti-Nazi David Ben Gurion, membe rof theman-to-man defense as employed by ization must be introvert before it can are no longer any grounds for such thoritative picture of conditions in that Nazi hotheads, encouraged by movement, has already left the terri- Executive of the Jewish Agency for the Psi Mus, completely throttled the be extravert. So long as very little is fears because the present economio the Saar on the eye pf the pleb- their government, might anticipate tory: because he 13 one of those mark- Palestine, in an exclusive interview X. L. scoring attack which was kept being done to foster the economic, status of Palestine is so sound as to iscite and a .forecast of the. fate the plebiscite and take the Saar by ed for death after the plebiscite. Hun- with Palcor Agency on the status of to a new low for the season's play. cultural and spiritual forces within make it a preferential country, as that awaits the .Jews and other an- daring putsch. The anti-Nazis, led bydreds of Jews are seeking French cit- the Zionist movement. Denying ru- The Re-Ims came with an eye-Jewish life, it is futile to attempt to compared with any other territory ti-Nazis in the event that the pleb- militant workers and Catholics, as izenship. Others are trying vainly to mors of possible postponement of the lash of turning in their first victory mobilize them against our enemies. that might, be offered. Even the most well as the refugees from Germany, obtain American visas. iscite goes m Germany's favor. WorM Zionist Congress, Ben Gurion. of the season when they led the A. Given a normally functioning Jew- zealous Zionist now concedes that ex'•'•'."•• —The Editor. have been fighting desperately against - What is in store for the Jews of announced that insofar as the Execu- Z. A.'s by two points with but twoish community (not a hodge-podge of isting obstacles to Palestine immigraterrific odds to maintain the status the Saar after January 13th is no tive is concerned the Congress would minutes of playing remaining. At soul-less federations, aimless congre- tion make it Impossible to bring into '•While an international army of quo, since both the League of Na-secret. Nazi leaders have openly pro- be held as scheduled during the sum- this point, Bucky Rubin bucketed gations, end all manner of clubs, so- Palestine the millions of Jews suffer* from the side to knot the count and cieties, fraternal orders and lands- ing from anti-Semitism. : troops struggles to maintain peace tions .and France assured the Saar- claimed that they have a list of allmer of 1935. .."'•: /; (Copyright, 1935, by Seven Arts) ; and order amid Nazi rioting and hoo-Ianders that if the status quo is re-"traitors," that is, of all who won't He set forth a 14-point program with 45 seconds left to play, Art manschaften that have no more convote for Nazi Germany. I t is common nection with one another than with Feature Syndicate.) liganism, 800,000 residents of the tained, they will have an opportunity for the consideration, of the Actions Adier, Rubin's running mate at forSaar, including 32,000 Jews and thou- to vote again for return to Germany knowledge in the Saar that Nazi lead- Committee, on the basis of which the ward connected from his side of theinhabitants in Mars) and it would natsands of refugees from Germany, arewhen and if Hitler and his gang are ers have promised their followers in Zionist movement in Palestine could court to give the A. Z. A. Inds their urally seek ways and means of de- Austria Seeks Loan From the Saar twenty-four hours in which first win of the regular se»scr»% 23 fending itself against the lies and being swept by an uncontrollable pan- gone. Early in December, however, France to even up scores. Dr. Goebbels, re- enter upon a new era of constructive to 21. Sam Giller, of the Re Imscampaigns of anti-Semitism. It would Jewish Bank ic of fear and terror as the hour. ap-_ y , , and harmonious development. Amsterdam—The Fascist governwas the hottest man on the floor, as not even be daunted by the fact that preaches for the holding of the plebi- and Germany, the two most interest- fering to the anti-Nazis in the Saar Asked about negotiations with, re- he hit the hoop seven baskets, most anti-Semitism is rooted in the very ment of Austria is seeking to obtain said last May that "it is insolent proscite which, is to decide not .only the ed parties, reached an agreement to peace agreements between va- of which were sizzling "stringers" nature of the social order, so long as a substantial loan from the wellfuture of the Saar district, but thewhich not only completely altered the vocation that they should be allowed gard rious Zionist parties that have rethat order is based on the competitive known Jewish banking house of Mento speak, if they can work, make fate of thousands of men and women situation, but removed most of the cently taken place in London, Ben from past the center of the floor. delsohn & Co., one of the leading who have good cause to be alarmed dynamite from the plebiscite by rob-speeches and agitate under the pro-Gurion emphasized that "the agree- The Omaha Jobbers kept their profit system. banks of Holland. Because of negotiBy devoting most of its efforts to as to the morrow,! With violence and bing it of all political importance. By tection of the League of Nations ments do not solve all problems. Oneslate untarnished turning on the provocation by the Nazis.growing.in the terms of this Franco-German For the time being the German, gov- decisive question remains to be set-steam to down the Wardrobe Cloth- strengthening Jewish life, the Jewish ations in connection with this loan, of preventing community would afford the Jew sat- Europe is being flooded with rumors intensity, and the united forces of the agreement, which received the- bless- ernment has no means 1 tled, namely, the attitude of the Re- iers, 31 to 13. In the other game isfactions that would compensate him that the situation of Austrian Jewry this state of affairs. * Joseph Buerck; outnumbered anti-Nazis grimly deter- ing of the League of Nations, France visionists toward ' unity within the played last week, the Psi Mus won mined to resist the ^Hitlerite tide to abandoned her effort to maintain the el, Nazi commissioner for the Saar, Zoinist Organization and their unre- much as they pleased from the Refor what he has to endure as a mem- is improving. " ber of a minority group. But to make One Dutch newspaper. Die Tele-, the bitter end, the eve of the plebi- status quo in the Saar. In return, she declared that after, the plebiscite only served affiliation* oh the basis of com- Ims, 45to18. scite to be held on Sunday, January received Germany's promise to paysuch Jews as "shun anti-social spec- plete equality of rights and obliga- In next week's schedule on Jan-anti-Semitism the sole justification graaf, has gone so far as to report [ 13th, finds the Saar living in a fren- 900 million francs in cash and coal ulation and cultural practices" wQl betions with other members of the Zion- uary 15, the Psi Mus meet the Ward- for Jewish unity is to make being a that" Austrian Jewry is better off zied state of alarm and.tension,ex-for the Saar's mines, which were the allowed t o remain in the Saar. He ist Organization, the acceptance of robes, and the Omaha Jobbers play Jew synonymous with having a perse- now than under the Socialist regime. : pecting the worst and hoping for acrux of the Saar controversy. Since has promised that after re-incorpora- absolute sovereignty of the World the Re Ims. On January 17, the A.cution complex. I am therefore opmiracle. Today the Saar Basin, a France.had been financing and oth- tion the anti-Nazi elements "will re- Zionist Congress, and the discontinu- Z. A.'s meet the Pants Stores and posed to a world Jewish congress for the avowed aim of combatting anti: small state on. the frontier of Lor- erwise supporting the anti-Nazi move- ceive our attention." ance of all separatist political activi- the Wardrobes tackle the Xi Lamb- Semitism. ; raine and Germany, is like a city just ment in the Saar, the. agreement Bight now it is a race for time, ties outside the Jewish Agency for das. The problem of the economically ; before a siege. Those who can leave eliminated all doubt a s . to the: out-with thousands of anti-Nazis trying Palestine, which is the sole represenaoozned Jews of Eastern and Central i are utilizing every conceivable means come of the plebiscite. Only a politi- to escape from the Saar before the tative of the Jewish people within and Europe, and those of America, too, for of transportation to quit the territory cal upset of the first magnitude can territory falls into the hands of thewithout. "The Eevisionists," Ben Gu- Alien Jews Exempt from Jewish youth, in this country has no doomed to be overrun by Hitler's le- prevent the Saar from being returned Nazis. For : the Jews there are two al- rion continued, "must decide whether Belgian Law , economic future, demands radical gions^ Brussels—Alien Jews, including measures. A revival of territorialism, to Germany after January 13th, since ternatives —- the uncertainties of a they are an integral part of the Zionnew life abroad as refugees or deist organization or entirely outside of refugees from Germany, will not be seems to me, would be a solution. Vatican has given its conA mass exodus of those who know even the : gradation, persecution and concentra- it. Further vacillation and equivoca- affected by the new law curbing the it what to expect if the plebiscite favors sent. It should be entirely practical to esGermany is already in full-swing, According to the t e r m s of the tion camps in the Saar when the pleb- tion are inadmissible. The Zionist Ex- employment of foreigners, Hubert tablish a series of Jewish territorial ecutive will not tolerate any attempt Pierlot, Belgian minister of the inEvery road leading to Alsace-Lorraine Franco-German agreement, Germany iscite is over. units throughout the world with Paldestroy the main State-Building in- terior, announced. . and Luxembourg is jammed with long agrees to take no "reprisals or pro- (Copyright, 1935, by Seven Arts to estine as the central unit, in that it strument inherited/ from Theodor Feature Syndicate.) He also said that a recent ordin- would be the unifying force for holdlines of cars, trucks and .people on ceedings of any kind against any inHerzl, namely, the united and abso- ance imperiling the livelihood of 800 foot. All trains crossing the frontier habitants of the Saar, r regrdless of lutely sovereign World Zionist Organ- Jewish market men in Antwerp ing them all together by virtue of its are filled to capacity. The Jew.s in race, religion or political belief for historic significance for the Jew. would be repealed. ..— particular are feverishly and fran- one year after the plebiscite. AlSucli units could be created by exINSURED CABS 1 Mr. Ben Gurion offered the followtically packing their belongings and though e v e n this concession was ing 14-point program to serve as a preparing for.immediate flight. Every wrung frota GefmSny only1 after proplatform for uniofl. among all Zioninformed Saarlander_kaows that the tracted negotiations,, the value of day after the, referendtaa/will mark this guarantee to the refugees from Rome (WNS).—Deploring the par-ists: first, efforts to increase Jewish the beginning of a wave of .terror,^?^ Germany, those whom itvwas intend- ticipation by Jewish students in theimmigration into Palestine and to obtaliation and "persecution; against those ed to protect, is completely vitiated United States in the recent anti-Fas- tain legislation' thair would further who have resisted the' Nazis. Every by; another provision, defining-inhab- cist ' (Italani) demonstrations, the Jewish colonization; two, special acanti-Nazi,- every Jew is a marked taints as any persons who have lived Union of Jewish Communities of Italy tion to be taken to unify Jewish la•*• Where Omaha Shops With Confidence man, doomed to feel the brutal hand in the Saar-for at least three years has .made public a statement here bor and Jewish enterprises; three, to of the brown-shirted hordes as soon prior to January 13,'1935. Obviously, stressing the fundamental differences augment. Jewish, ^national land puras the results; of* the plebiscite are that specifically '. excludes / "the-: refu- between Nazism and Fascism and chases asiid ' to . combat speculation; known. gees of the Nazi terror from, protec- emphasizing that the latter has al-four, to strengthen the national funds, Ever rince the rise of Hitler to tion, since none of the refugees ar- ways rejected every distinction be- the Keren Hayesod and Keren Hayepower, January 13th has loomed as a rived in the Saar until March, 1933. tween races and religions. The Union's meth, and to renew Jewish colonizanightmare to the statesmen of Eu-The agreement further provides that statement called on all American Jews tion on a broad scale; five, to divert Jewish immigration toward; the agrirope who saw in this plebiscite all the Jewish and other inhabitants with to with sympathy the coinbustive material for a sensational cause to fear the Nazis.will be free titude of thej political explosion that might cata- to leave the Saar with all their prop- Italian government and the Fascist sevenj to create a -system of collective pult Europe into a catastrophic war. erty within oaie year after the pleb- regime toward the Jews." By the terms of the Treaty of Ver-iscite. Those who do not "come within The statement is the outcome of the agreements to regulate.*'labor_ relasailles, that hated document whose the definition of _ "inhabitants," as anti- Italian student demonstrations tions; eight, to assure the unity of provisions did^sb much to create^ Naz- laid down in the agreement, will be which occurred during the recent vis- Knesseth " Israel (tfre association of ism and bring it to power, therSaar's at the mercy of the Nazi regime, once it to the United States by a delega- Jewish, communities nn Palestine) and national discipline -with the Jewvaluable mines were.- given to.France theplebiscite, as" is expected, restores tion of Italian students.. ish population of Palestine" (the Yisha3 compensation for those destroyed the Saar to Germany.-In other words, by the German armies in northern some ten thousand Jews, and perhaps LQOW——The Jewish Agency for uv); nine, to guarantee the unity^ and • i * in Black and Navy integrity «f the j.jjabor,-, movement, France during the World War, andthrice that number of other antigy S eliminate competing i lal the territory, itself was converted into Nazis in. the JSaar are to be handed Palestine will receive 2,500 more im- which wculS; with White and New an independent political unit under over to whatever, fate, the Nazis migration certificates in addition to bor; organizations j - :ten,..establishing 7,500 already received fcr. the next the administration' of the League.'x>f choose principle .<tf. the ^quality of rights t provide^ id y? Spring Colors and six months, it was disclosed here by the Nations for fifteen years./At the.end jhEteii;to and obligations <>f. all members of the "those"whei Will •be" protected Eliahtt Dobkin, in charge of the Zionist of that'period a plebiscite was to be Organization;, eleven, "the u n Prints. held to determine whether the-. Saar- by, international .tre.aty>jaftef the pleb- Palestine offices which distributed conditional control:: of the Zionist landers wished to maintain the status iscitev however^ place little confidence the permits assigned by the Pales- movement by the: 55ioiiist Congress; quo, to.return to Germany or be an-in. the promises^ tif the iNazis. The tine executive to each country. twelvejihe- mass^organization o£ the nexed to France. Until the advent of worth; of Nazi- pledges Is known from The additional; 2,500 certificates, Jewisn people', Mfjiin the Zionist Hitlerism there, was no doubt as to bitter experience,, arid.the Saarlaridf Mr. Dobkin declared, will be issued movement;', thirteen, close co-operation the outcome of the plebiscite. The ers cannot believe: that victory in theon condition that the immigrants with Great Britain as the Mandatory Saar was German and its people plebiscite will transform Hitlerite rul- proceed not t o the cities but to thepower as "ihe~ guiding principle of would have voted almost unanimously ers into fair minded tolerate rulers. colonies, for Tural work. Mr. DobMn Jewish. efforts, on the basis of. the to return to Germany, despite the As for the politlcat"emigrants and made this statement while address- strongest defense of Jewish rightsj fact that economically the Saar's in- refugees /who; fled from: -.Germany, ing a conference of the Hanoar Hao- fourteen, fostering .•/mutual underterests re more French than German. they will t>e turned over, to the state's ved, 'the Jewish labor youth group of standing and co-operation with- the When Hitlerism was enthroned in attorney, if they are found within the Poland. I'.' Arabs. / . " " Matelasse and r o u g h Germany not quite two years ago the borders. of the .Saar after the plebcrepe in peplum effects entire picture changed radically. The iscite. . . . . . . '...•/. Saar became the last remaining, bit .Today unrestrained panic reigns in and new necklins with of German soil where -men might still the Saar among those who have no 1 . contrast touches of linenjoy the blessing of political liberty. hope for the future, under a Nazi regerie. Regular and half Thousands of Socialists, Jews _ and gime. While there, is, noway of knowother refugees from the Reich, found ing how many people" have left the sizes. asylum in the Saar. And the natives Saar in the past week, unofficial esof the Saar, overwhelmingly Catholic timates indicate that at least 50,000 "workers, began to doubt the wisdom Saaranderg are-prepared to; find safeThird floor f i ty in France and Luxembourg on of returning to German rule under January -3,4th. The Jews of-the Saar Hitlerism. have been ready for a mass exodus But the recovery of the Saar was since November. Although thousands Brighten Up Yotir the first objective of German diplo- of them have been settled in the Saar Winter Dresses With ' macy under the Third Eeich. Under for generations, they are all ready to " the direction of Propaganda Minister flee. In all the business sections o: COMPANY i Goebbels, a terrific campaign was Saarbruecke_n, B u r "b.a ch, Dillingen. launched to regain the Saar by fair Friedrichstal and other towns^ there] means or foul. No time was lost'in are hundreds of empty stores whose! , preparing the-Saar for absorption in- proprietors almost without exception OMAHA, NEBRASKA. : to the Nazi Eeich by the same mefth- had been Jews. The anti-Nazi' news. cds* of "persuasion" used/so''success- papers^ are crammed with advertisefully; in, Germany. Secretly and; ille- ments announcing^ forced sale's: "'Own. gaily,' several thousand- storm troops er going • out of. business.'.' All of i were organized in the Saar. These these advertisements refer -to Jewish j bands of brown shirts intimidated and stores. For months the Jews, have New crepes . ,:. new taffetas . c i new • harassed the .population by threats of been subjected to terrorraation, boylaces in new styles that will bring your ,| vengeance against "traitors," by boy-cott and actual physical violence. G. winter dress up to «ate. •[ cotts, secret denunciations and perse- G. Rnox, chairman of the League's • j 11. c-n'. j| cutions of Jews and by setting up in Governing ,Commissien,_warned the Main Floor ][ the Saar a clandestine administration League' of Nations as early as last ij .foocttonxog Jside by -side with xisaleJanuary against the. "insidious, boy1 it 'gal government of the-.League of. cotting and persecution of the'Jews." r-iions. Propaganda, terror, force, eco- Jew-baiting has been a dailv thing

Internal Reorganization





95 $ and



NECKWEAR $ 1.0() to $2.25




TRIPLE-HEADER W i l l Personalities in the News BE GIVENCAGEFANS Melvih P . : Levy The Group Theatre—that enterprisA basketball triple-header will be offered at the" Jewish Community ing and youthful theatrical group tlvat is almost completely Jewish In comCenter Sunday, January 13. . The feature attraction pits Lee plexion— has followed Its Pulitzer Grossman's undefeated men's varsity prize-winning play of last season, team against the Lincoln Jewish "Men In White," with "Gold Eagle Athletic club, in the first of the J. Guy." And in the process of introducC. C. team's "big games" with the ing an unknown to BroaSVay, it has Jewish institution teams from Lin- made him a figure of no small dimencoln, Kansas City, and Des Moines. sions. Melvin Levy, for that is the name of the author of "Gold Eagle Grossman will put his strongest Guy," ia followingin the footsteps of monetary requirements needed for combination on the floor in an ef- the group's new playwright of last fort to continue his string of vicsuch a movement can be met." year, the youthful and Jewish Sidney He thinks the Jew's future in farm- tories." At "the forwards will be the Kingsley. And while "Gold Eagle ing is brighter than his past, and is classy Iz Bogdonoff and the high- Guy" may, or may not, win the Pulitproud of the records many Jewish scoring Millard Sigal. At center, the zer prize, it certainly has revealed farmers have made. He estimates that smooth Jimmy Burroughs, will get Mr. Levy as a sensitive and theatrethey have done somewhat better than the call and the guards posts will be wise playwright, most emphatically the general farming public in hang- the well-nigh impregnable Max one of the happier discoveries of the ing onto their properties during the Turner and Abe Bergman. present theatrical season. depression. ."•'-• • The J.' C. C. varsity girls' team, - While admitting that the disparity also undefeated, will take the floor, in j The author of three novels and inbetween the percentage of. Jews en- another outstanding attraction against' numerable newspaper and magazine gaged- in rural and in urban pursuits the Fremont Orioles, one of the j articles, Mr. Levy has written a play constitutes a weakness in the make- strongest femme outfits in the mid- j that dashes boldly through forty years up "of the entire people, Mr. Davidson west. The Orioles are also undefeated ; of West coast history." Concerning itj self with an ever-changing personnel insists that "any change, must come and a great battle looms." - • about gradually. • " " ; In the opening game, beginning at of characters, it revolves principally "It is one thing to place a man on a 1:30 p.m., the Omaha Habonim, a jun- about an empire builder who added farm," he pointed out. "It is an en- ior team, will meet the Lincoln Tef- the seven seas to Uncei Sam's newly tirely "different matter to: keep him ereths, in the first junior contest of • acquired West coast. The "Gold Eagle there. He: may like the life, but he the year to be. played on the local j Guy" of Mr. Levy's is a blustering, bombastic and unscrupulous shipping may not.be up to its strenuous re- floor. magnate. Some have identified him as quirements. . the Robert Dollar of the steamship Questioned regarding the possibililine bearing that name; but whether ty of establishing an agricultural trathis is true or not, his composite dition within those Jewish families character bears some resembalnce to which recently have turned to cultivation of the : soil, Mr. Davidson ex- - The Junior Hadassah held their( that noted shipping king. regular meeting Thursday, January! But to return to Mr. Levy. He is a pressed optimism. '"It's true/' he admitted, "that many 3, at the Jewish Community Center. big, quiet, gentle-voiced young man, youths raised on the farm migrate to Professor James VaVerka, instruc- with a genuine passion for American cities after they reach maturity. This tor of chemistry at Creighton uni- history and a profound knowledge of happens among the non-Jewish as versity, - gave an interesting lecture it. He was born in Salt Lake City, well as the Jewish agricultural popu- en "Proper Diet Relative to the lived for a time in Colorado, and fiVitamins in the Chemistry of Foods." nally settled in Seattle. He attended lation. the University of Washington, re"But in many cases young men preceived a Master's degree there and fer to follow lie pursuit of their faeventually became a member of the thers, despite the fact that they see faculty, teaching English composition. One match was played in the J. C. j greater opportunities ' for ; acquiring wealth in the cities than in rural com- C. preseason singles handball tourna- j The life of a college professor was ment last week. Manny Goldberg, i not entirely to his taste, however, and munities. "Not everyone has the same con- runner-up last year, defeated Willie Iwhen he finished his first novel, "Matception of ' success," he" concluded. Bloom in a- second round enoounter, j rix," he packed his suitcase and set j out on a tramping trip which ended "Many men stay" in farming, you 21-11, 21-11. The tourney is running too slow to •,in New York; three days later after know, because they are happy in' a life of that sort, and not because they suit Lee Grossman, physical director,!1 his arrival he sold the novel, packed who may resort to drastic action in the suitcase again and set forth on a hope to grow wealthy at it." : ; order to speed up the tourney, he trip which carried him to Maine, stated. ; where he lived two weeks with a band

em By Milton Brown Many Jews who -have felt a strong urge to return to the soil have been prevented by lack of money in recent years, according to Gabriel Davidson, general manager of the Jewish Agricultural Society. . "More Jews than ever before will go back to farming," he said, *3>ut I don't look for .mass .movements." . Mr. Davidson is now. in the course of preparing the society's thirty-fifth annual report. He points out that in 1900, when the organization first began to function, there were only 216 Jewish 'families engages in farming in the United States.> : Today, he estimates; at least 15,000 families, comprising a total of 75,000 persons, support themselves in whole or in part "from agricultural pursuits in this country. .; "At least ninety per cent of this number originally was urban," he

up of persons who retain their own positions and live on farms. "In such cases," Mr. Davidson said, "there is more opportunity for a man to work into farming gradually. In the beginning, perhaps, he raises just enough food for his family. Meanwhile he is earning money at his regular job in the city. Eventually, after he has learned what farming means and has full realization of what its disadvantages are, he may quit his job and give all his time to agriculture." . . . . : . • The society's general manager declared that the forthcoming annual report ""will show that since its inception in • 1900 the organisation will have granted about 11,500 farm loans aggregating-, well over $7,000,000 T>y the end of the fiscal year. This money, he said, has been placed with Jewish farmers in forty states." said. .. - . ...'.• The society's activities are listed -Adaptation of persons to cultivat- under seven main headings, which it ing the land should be a gradual enumerates aa follows: farm settleprocess, Mr. Davidson feels. .There is ment, farm labor, farm credit, extenone reason why the Jewish Agricultu- sion service, sanitation, home and reral Society tries wherever possible to ligion, and social welfare. establish agro-industrial -groups made Besides its headquarters office in New York, the society has branches in Philadelphia, Chicago and Ellenville, Ulster county, N. Y., which Mr. Davidson describes as the center of the - densest - Jewish rural population in the United States. Jewish farmers, he said, naturally settle near where Jews live in the largest numbers in big cities. persons have come to him American Group To Help Inten- for"Fewer information duiing 1934 than in '•• sify Upbuilding of the past, he admitted. This he as• Homeland " cribed, to economic conditions. He favors placing the struggling, New York (JTA).—A non-Zionist displaced Jewish worker on the farm body to support the Jewish Agency when all the facts indicate that farmfor" Palestine will be established in the ing will offer him relief. In this co.nUnited States as a result of the three nection he explained that everyone day conference of the administrative is not physically and temperamentalof gypsies—to St. Paul, where he was committee cf the Jewish Agency. beaten and robbed by a thug in an ly fitted for agriculture. He decried Hebrew University Dormitory alley—to Chicago—to San Francisco— Hope for the creation of: "such, a the tendency of uninformed persons Jerusalem—A gift of §15,000 to- and eventually to Hollywood, where, body \ was expressed by Neville laski to hold forth ruralization as the most ward the erection of a dormitory through an .accident, he worked for in ah address concluding jthe'-"first desirable thing for all economically meeting in this "country of tne-com- maladjusted Jews. Paris (WNS). — Foreign Minister for students attending the Hebrew six weeks as a scenario writer. In mittee. Pierre Laval is reported to have given university in Jerusalem was an- 1927, his second novel, "Wedding," ap"Farming is a rigorous business,",^ p^r o m i s e to s u p rt &e * e s t s nounced here by Samuel Sobw, peared. In New York again, he organResolutions calling on the Jews to ! pointed out. "It requires endless made ,-„ oa ™«».. T W ^ I . or- j American citizen now residing in Tel ized the New York Committee for the maAa n«,^f,— v~ intensify their effort for the speedy in memorandum by Jewish upbuilding of a Jewish national home patience and even when it becomes ganizatdons to the cabinet regarding Aviv. Defense of Political Prisoners and ran in Palestine»;and-approvingtie-stand more :or Jess-successf ul, - the if financial the-contemplated deportation; of job. taken' by the Jewish Agency Execu- returns are seldom sensational." less aliens. The memorandum urges As for the probability of a large- that all foreign-born Jews, especially tive on the two problems of the proposed legislative council for Palestine scale return of Jews to the soil, Mr. those coming-from Eastern and Cenand Jewish immigration, were unan- Davidson doubts that stupendous t r ai Europe, shall be "regarded as poimously adopted at the concluding seslitical refugees without a fatherland. sion after several hputs of discussion. ITEDEM UAVECATh DAICEC Since the memorandum deals with Although the official communique fUjflEFl IliUEnSUll lifilOLJ stateless persons, who are regarded issued after the conclusion of the exas an international problem, the ecutive session made no direct referFrench government has submitted it ence .'to creation of a non-Zionist orto the" League of Nations. ganization to support ; the Jewish N e w Y o rk (WNS). — The '• Keren At the same time it became known Agency in this country, the statement Hayesod raised $25;690,000 from Jews that the parliamentary commission on of Mr. Laskumade public was taken throughout the world for Palestine civil ordinances is sympathetically into indicate that this had been the j reconstruction since April 1, 1931, it clined, toward the proposed ordinance cision of the administrative commit- was reported to the administrative submitted by ^the League for Human tee. This committee of the Jewish Agency for Eights and Jewish organizations. g Organization of the - non-Zionist Palestine by Leo Hermann, interna- ordinance provides that no alien shall constituency of the Jewish Agency, it tional secretary of the "Keren Hay- be deported without the approval of a has long been pointed out, would esod, the Agency's chief fund-raising special tribunal which shall'deal with strengthen &e role of non-Zionist irisfrumentality7 each case individually. A large num~\ ; leaders in the. Agency. : - Of - this sum,- American Jewry con- ber of radical deputies are pledged to Discussing non-Zionist participation tributed 112,460,000. support this measure. in the activities of the Jewish Agency, Mr. Hermann said that the. Keren Mr. Laski declared: " . ; "I; feel, that the enlarged -Jewish Hayesod's indebtedness, whicn was Warsaw—News that the Polish at Savings of Agency can achieve so much that we $2,750,000 in October, 1933, has been government had reduced the tariff on Palestine oranges by severity-five reduced by more than $500,000 in the must create a constituency for the per cent resulted in a flood of or" • .'• I . non-Zionists. It should be created and past year. -. In his report he said that the .Ker- ders .from Polish orange importers. steps of a vigorous character, I hope, will be taken, to create in America a en Hayesod had spent $5,000,000, or : Cables: - were - immediately disFrom constituency of lovers of Palestine nearly 20 per cent^of its budget, for patched, to Palestine urging shipwho shall devote something: of their education,'and $4,925,000, another 20 pers, to rush call consignments of Regular. thought and something of their means per cjent for urban colonization^ in- Palestine" oranges destined for PoLow. Prices land. - ~ i- - ~ - . " • ' • • . • to the object which has inspired your vestments and public works. ; presence here. all H a r t * mann a n d National " "You are "going to; have a strong, , . luggage with exception well-knitted entity and we will fol' . ,- • _ . . . - " . . . of a group of'Conti* low your example: We shall go hand nental stripe luggage. in band once more in our high and k common purpose." Reg. 8.75 National Wardrobe C a s e . . . . . . . $ 6 Speaking at the meeting, Berl Locker, Laborite member of the JewReg. 11.75 Hartmann Wardrobe Case.. 9*40 ish ' Agency Executive - in . London, Reg. 14.95 Hartmann Wardrobe Case.. 1 1 . 9 5 spoke on the wisdom of friendly coReg. 19.95 Hartmann Wardrobe Case.. 1 5 - 9 5 operation with the mandatory governReg. 22.50 Hartmann Wardrobe Case:. $ 1 8 ment of Palestine and a rapidly improving understanding between Arab Reg. 27.50 Hartmann Wardrobe Case. . 2 1 . 9 5 and Jewish residents of Palestine. Reg. 24.50 Hartmann Wardrobe Case. . 1 9 . 9 5 Dr. Maurice B. Hexter, American Reg. 16.50 National Tourobe . . . .13*20 member of the Jewish" Agency Executive in Jerusalem, who estimated that more than 60,000 Jews entered Palestine during 1934, made the chief address. In an extended report on progress made in Palestine, Dr. Hexter contrasted immigration figures for Exclusive With Brandeis! At Savings of 1929 with those of the past year, describing the latter as a "gratifying 20% Off Regular Prices advance."

Meeting" of Junior Hadassah Thursday


Handball Tourney

Laval to Aid Foreign Jews Now in France

it for two years until it becam* a power in our national life. The Pacific coast still possessed Ms mind. He wrote a third book called "The Last Pioneers," and a member of the Group read it, decided that here was a subject for an exciting play, spoke to Levy about it, and told the Group directors about it. Cheryl Crawford, one of the Group directors, sent | By the Service Life Insurance for him and suggested that he write Company, Omaha a play about the development of the West. Men start out in life full of hope


"I had never written a play be- and ambition and good intentions to fore," says Melvin Levy. "I had a se- do this or that for themselves and ries of long talks with the Group di- their families; the children will be rectors which ended with my writing educated, the home will be bought, 'Gold Eagel Guy1." there will always be money for the The chronicle drama that Melvin there will Levy wrote of the pioneer West, and savings in of one of its chief characters, is rich trips of in the color of its time. As a dramatist. Levy captured both the idion and •which they had dreamed. But things can happen to upset the attitude of mind of those days the plans of men. Death comes too when fortunes were built overnight and great robbers could be great men. soon, or perhaps, too late. Fortun"Gold Eagle Guy" is robust and row- ately, however, arrangements can dy; it is that strange mixture that is |be made to have life insurance step p both picturesque and repugnant arid into the picture, to educate the chilwhile it is romantic in its materials, dren, to lift the mortgages from it is cynical in its author's con- roofs sunk heavy with debt, to pay science. the recurring bills and to bring a The Group Theatre, under the direc- monthly letter from Daddy just as tion of Lee Strasberg and with such though he were still living. Life incompetent players as J. Edward surance can also step into the picBromberg, Stella Adler, Bob Lewis, ture when old age comes and money Morris Carnovsky, Luther Adler and is wanted to provide the comforts others, have combined to make "Gold and pleasures that should be a part Eagle Guy" one of the theatrical of old age. events of the season, an admirable Certainly life insurance is the play that has been further glorified greatest thing in the world, for by the group ensemble technique that surely it is the guarantor of men's is the stock and treds-nark of the good intentions.

organization presenting it. (Copyright, 1935, J. T. A.)

" In.Fighting Form

Joe Kaplan, the pugilistically inclined young Jewish battler, is rapidly getting in good shape for the WorldHerald Golden Gloves boxing tournament to be held in the near future. Kaplan will begin road work next Paris (JTA).-A central committee! KapUmwfll -T • v economic . experts . will .,, be . 1i ^ week, with Lee of• Jewish » Grossman promising tQrn Jewish economic experts will be £ * organized in the near future under j m o r n i n _ t o f ^ K G r o s s m a the joint auspices of the Committee \ . ^^dag a ^ teresfcfaKapp of JJewish Delegations and the Ex- lan's boxing career and the physicall g ecutive Committee for the World Jew- director expects great things from his sh Congress. little fist-thrower. The experts' committee will study the development of the economic conPatronize Our Advertisers. ditions of the Jews in relation to economic changes in the countries of the world, make the collective material available in objective form, and pre-i pare an economic program which thej Is engaged in the business of sellforthcoming World Jewish Congress ing all kinds o£ RELIGIOUS ARTICLES—Taleisim, Books, Jewish will be asked to adopt. Bibles in Hebrew and English. The headquarters of the new group Bes. COS So. 50th St. GL. 2972 will be in Paris,, but a branch office wlil be maintained in Warsaw.

Economists Will Study French Jewry's Status




January Clearance



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A Trek Backwards


devoted to Jewish interests which are his chief pastime. Has made a splenGEMS of the BIBLE did impression on American Jewry. Speaks and acts with restraint. Very and TALMUD well-informed on Jewish affairs. By O. O. DASHER Widely regarded as one of the most promising figures in world Jewry. (Copyright, 1935, by Seven Arts Fea- If ye thoroughly amend your ture Syndicate.) ways and your doings, if ye thoroughly execute justice between man and his neighbor, then I will cause Austria Bans Three you to dwell in this place in the land that I gave to your fathers, forAnti-Semitic Papers ever. Vienna (WNS). — Three notorious Therefore, pray not thou for thia Nazi and anti-Semitic newspapers people; neither lift up cry nor petihave been forced to suspend publica- tion for them; neither make intertion because the new Austrian press cession to Me, for I will not hear license law listed them among the thee. publications which are not to receive Oh, I wish that my head were walicenses because of their editorial pol- ter and mine eyes a fountain of icy. Newspapers lacking such licenses tears that I might weep day and cannot be published. night for the slain of my people. The papers suppressed are the Rundpost, the Wochenschau, and the TALMUD. Aryan Geseheftsweiser. All t h r e e Rabbi Joshua says: "Whoever were leaders in the anti-Jewish boymakes it his business to do charity cott. will be blessed with sons having wisdom and wealth and who will preach morality to the people." Janice Iifson, Jewish aquatic star, We are taught in a Baraitha: It who holds the metropolitan diving was said about Benjamin, the rightchampionship, was a member of the eous, who was treasurer of a charrelay team that set a new world's ity federation, that at one time durrecord for the 400-yard relay at Mi- ing a famine year a woman appearami last week . . . When the East ed before him asking him to feed met the West at San Francisco, Iziy her. And he told her: I swear there Weinstock of Pittsburgh was the out- is not a cent in the treasury of our standing player . . . When Alabama federation. clashed against Stanford in the Rose "But Rabbi," she rejoined, "If you Bowl classic, a substitute on the will not feed me you will find a Crimson Tide team covered himself woman with her seven children with glory . . . His name was Abra- dead." He then decided to feed her ham Goldberg . . . The Sugar Bowl from his own pocket. At a later grid game between Tulane and Tem- time he became sick and was almost ple, saw Dave Smukler, Jewish lad of dying when the ministering angels the Warner team, match yardage pleaded before the Holy One, saywith. Barney Mintz, Hebrew star of j ing: "Sovereign of the Universe, the southern university . . . Viktor,. Thou has declared that he who saves "Viki" Barna, a French Jew, is thej one soul of Israel is like unto him world's table tennis champion and; who has saved a whole world. And has held the title for four years . . . Benjamin the righteous who has He is touring the United States in saved a woman with her seven chilcompetition against America's best. dren, should he die in his prime of life?" Immediately the adverse decree was changed and twenty-two Jewish Press Advertisers Merit years were added to his life. Your Patronage.

It has been a long, hard trek from the gabardine of the ghetto to the cloak of modern freedom in civilized countries. All By GERTRUDE BERG, Published every Friday at Omaha* Nebraska, by the more ill-advised, therefore, appears the spectacular stateAuthor of THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY ments of two outstanding Jewish leaders in this country to the T h e Rise of the Goldbergs" Subscription Price, one year .• " * « • •*.•' $2.0(1 ~ effect that they approve of Jewish quotas for Jewish students Advertising rates furnished on application iii the lav? andffiedicalschools; Max D.Steuer, famous attorney, ' Experts tell us that the technical which we have come to take ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ i ^ ' ^ B i I s r a e l hospital, both of New progress IBditorial Office: 490 BrandeiB Theater Bulldlnjsr. • as a matter of course has greatly deSJoux City Office—Jewiah Community Center > <.-•'•:• Xoxk, }sd%y?&$k{xmfa susfe-pronouncements . . . pronouncements creased the amount of actual work reDAVID BLACKKB • ' . * - * - - Business and Managing Editor quired from each individual. And it is which jsdh^ftiejway»B^ to « ghetto life. . PRANK 8. ACKERMAN - - - - - - *• - - i> - - - i Editor. 1 believed that once the economic mudWe do !^ not enough RABBI UBI MILLER - - - - - - - - - Contributing; Editor dle has been straightened out the FANNIE! KATELMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent Jewish studenta in our universities seeking medical or legal deworkers of our country will have ANN PILL -"- - •••- - - ' • - - - Sioux City. Iowa, Corespondent,.... much more spare time than any pregrees. We have<main^^ ^itorlaDy that it would be wise if Print Shop; Address: 1307 Howard Street . ;r % ^ ^ ^ or as vious generation has known. artisans or in the trades. BuCtbia is to be accomplished only by But leisure can have harmful effects. The old adage about the misa process of education, not by quotas. A national program of Jew- chief which idle bands manage to get ishvocati6n^\gnidance woialdhelp; the overcrowded condition of Into still holds true. It is the task of the professions; are themselves a deterrent. But numerous clausus parents and teachers to educate our to an appreciation of the is dangerous. Not only is it difficult to find a basis for any quota youngsters value of leisure and of the joy of besystem, but such a system would form an entering wedge. If it ing able to employ spare time advanNext Forum Speaker is adopted in the professions, what is to prevent the quota system tageously. In other words, we must Arthur Garfield Hays is an outspoken opponent of the Nazis from spreading to business, trade, commerce, the arts, and all teach our children to cultivate hobDies from which they can derive inand has openly and strenuously fought Hitler and Hitlerism. Yet gainful occupations? tellectual and spiritual satisfaction. when a case came up in the east in which a Nazi group in this Just what the individual's hobby Brevities in Sports country was seeking the right to meet, Hays favored their side should be is, of course, a matter of personal choice. But it is the parents' of the argument under the Constitutional guarantees. This same Sigh of Relief The Jewish news-pot boils over too frequently with its mess job to guide their child to a hobby man received a million-dollar fee as attorney for the Mixed Claims suited to his temperament and abilicommission; yet, though he knows the luxury of wealth he de- of saddening experiences; it is therefore disconcerting to have ties. Whereas one boy may become an votes a goodly portion of his life to aiding the oppressed, in lift- bad news sent over the wires where such bad news does not exist. enthusiastic stamp collector for whom Thus, stories about Soviet Russia last week were disquiet- it is a supreme delight to sort and exing his eloquent voice in behalf of the downtrodden. A past presamine stamps by the hour, another ident of the American Civil Liberties group, he is one of the ing. It is bad enough that spiritually Jewish life is being crushed may find his pleasure in tinkering in the Soviet-—our comfort and solace was that at least phy- with discarded clocks or the vitals of most active of their advocates. that have outlived their useThese are but two interesting sidelights into a career full sically the Jews in Russia were absolutely not discriminated motors fulness. While one girl may love to -of romance and glamour. He has been invited to participate in against and that anti-Semitism in Russia was a capital crime. spend her afternoons over the kitchen practically eveiy important legal battle in recent times. He was Yet from Warsaw and Riga came a report that Moscow and Len- stove, concocting new delicacies to tickle- the family palate, her sister an unofficial observer at the Reichstag fire case, it being said ingrad had been the scene of some bloody anti-Jewish rioting, may prefer to give her spare time to that he was not molested because the Nazis thought he was there rivaling Czarist pogroms. the creation of new dress designs. Thankfully, these rumors from Baltic territory proved to be The difference between a hobby and in an official capacity. He is a famed author and lecturer; he has wit, charm and personality and among his many activities he nothing but false rumors. While none of the foreign correspond- an amusement lies chiefly in the mind finds time to be international head of the Pi Lambda Phi fra- ents actually in Moscow and Leningrad knew anything about it, of the individual. A hobby is taken seriously by its rider, while a mere ternity. His life is one you often read about in fiction books but Warsaw and Riga mongers "were in the know." The riots ex- amusement is considered but lightly. isted alright, but only in the imaginations of their creators. rarely meet in actuality. • Most of us regard bridge and the movies as simply a way of spending Such is the man who will be the next Forum speaker— time; but there are people for whom Arthur Garfield Hays—who will speak at the Jewish Community The Coming Change these amusements are hobbies, people Center Wednesday evening, January 16. To hear him will be a engage in bridge tournaments as The National Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare who if their very honor were at stake, peotreat. Funds at a New York conclave this past week touched many vital ple who view motion pictures with the enthusiasm of an art connoisseur and interesting problems facing the Jewish communities. But at a painting exhibit. Palestinian Emissary one such discussion that is particularly intriguing was that of It be the aim of the educaLast January 14 those Omahans who were interested in the Dr. Solomon Lowenstein, executive director of the Federation tion should we give our children to provide progress and ideology of Palestine, where the Jewish national for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York. them with a groundwork from which can grow and to guide them homeland is being built, had the pleasure of hearing Goldie MyerDr. Lowenstein made the observation that .the time is not a hobby the choice of their spare time acson, an ambassador of good will and friendliness from the holy far distant when American Jewry will be relieved of the burden in tivity. There is nothing more stultifyland. Those who heard her were impressed by this fine speci- of providing for its own sick, needy and under-privileged, stating ing than the occupation of one's leiwith matters In which one can men of womanhood deeply-rooted in Palestinian life. bis belief that the state would take over such work entirely. He sure see no actual value. We must teach This January 14, one year later to a day, another emissary predicted that in the future private philanthropy would be lim- our children that even economically of Palestinian womanhood will come to Omaha under the spon- ited to the direction of character-imilding agencies, such as com- unprofitable activities may have very real value and that it Is their feeling sorship of the Pioneer \ybmen. Elisheva Kaplan, representing munity .^enters; and Y-M..H. A/s and reli^ouj^dueaticmal in- of that value which makes a hobby a th'eTSistadrnth on a tour" of'.the United States, brings to her audi- stitutions, such as Talmud Torahs. desirable thins. Such a program seems in the offing, under the new deal in ences the message of the Jewish homeland as it is being built (Copyright, 1935. by Seven Arts by pioneers who sacrifice all for the sake of their land rebuilt. social welfare. A staggering burden will be removed from the Feature Syndicate.) Elisheva Kaplan well knows what it means to sacrifice in order shoulders of the Jewish communities in America. Without the to help build a land anew—she left the lap of luxury, her studies weight of these activities, the Jewish communities will be able in a Russian university, her previous home and friends, in order to direct their full attention to the more constructive and perto toil beside her sisters, in the work of the Chalutzos. Yet, we manent work of character-building and religious education. Such feel sure that she would be offended if we called this "sacrifice" a change is not going to happen tomorrow, but it seems likely on her part. We feel sure that to her it was a labor of love, some- in the none-too-distant future. thing far beyond money or material compensation. NEVILLE LASKI Mrs. Kaplan has recently been doing colonization work among Mr. Laskl, president of the Board CAN IT BE? of Deputies of British Jews, is now the Jewish youth in Central arid Eastern Europe. This, together in thia country for the first time, By RABBI URI MILLER with her Palestinian contact, equips her with a message which presiding over the meeting of the will undoubtedly prove most interesting to Omaha Jewry. Administrative Committee of the • The B'nai B'rith magazine in its January issue informs us Jewish Agency, of which he Is that an attack on the organized world boycott of German goods chairman, and conferring with leadONE GROUP The Saar Vote of American Jewry on problems featured the address of Judge Joseph M. Proskauer in a sympo- ers of concern to Jews throughout the Barring unforseen occurrences, the Saar plebiscite will be sium on anti-Semitism in America, held recently in New York. world.—The Editor. held this Sunday, in which the Saarlanders will be given the priv- "Since Hitler came into power," said the honorable judge, "I have ilege of voting whether they wish to be annexed to France, re- not bought five cents worth of German goods. That is my indiLASKI: Barrister, leader turn to Germany, or retain the status quo under the League of vidual right. But when I go out and ask for an organized boycott of NEVILLE his people and soldier. Born in Nations. which interferes with the commercial transactions of my coun- Manchester forty-four years ago. Son There seems to be little doubt but that the Saar people will try, I am letting my emotion as a Jew interfere with my duty of Nathan TA<M, prominent merchant and philanthropist, who was for many decide to once more become part of Germany, from which they as an American citizen." years treasurer of the Board of Depwere severed by the Versailles treaty. Ninety-five per cent of the uties. Younger brother of Harold Apparently the honorable judge has succeeded, after a great Laski, famous economist. Son-in-law Saarlanders are German—-and therefore you would come to the inner struggle, we presume, in suppressing his emotions as a Jew. of Dr. Moses Gaster, chief rabbi of logical conclusion that about ninety-five per cent of the votes Americanism, 100 per cent straight and undiluted, has triumphed. Spanish-Portuguese Synagogue of Every Pairwould favor a return to Germany. But the votes cast for Ger- But our heart aches for the honorable judge. Every adolescent London and head of Sephardic ComWorth many Sunday will fall far, far short of ninety-five per cent. The can inform him what happens when people suppress their emo- munity of England. Educated at Oxford where one of his daughters is answer is very simple—thousands of Saar residents are willing tions. A whole list of neurotic disorders may prey on the hon- now studying. Served with distinction Much to rejoin Germany, but not under Hitler and the Nazis. Hitler orable judge as the price of his sacrifice on the altar of exalted in British Army during war In France, More! will find that it is one thing to get 97 per cent of the votes in Americanism. Gallipoli and Sinai. Retired with rank of captain. Won distinction as bar* a German election in which his Nazi hench men stand with poised Many lasts and patterns in this Moreover, the worthy judge seems to impugn, the patriotism rister. Honored as King's Counsel. rifles,,so to speak,overthe vofer, but quite another thing to Affiliated with Board of Deputies for of everyone who is advocating the boycott. We must inform the great group. Black or brown get his 95 per cent of the votes in a Saar election in which inmany years before his election to the American. Federation ©f Labor and other organizations who had presidency two years ago. Succeeded calf, kid and grain leathers. ternational police safeguard a fair vote. no realization of the enormity of their sin. They thought they Osmond d'Avlgdor Goldsmid as chairThe questionSunday, therefore, is not so much who will were identifying themselves with forces against persecution, man of Jewish Agency's AdministraThey're Smart, win as how many votes will be cast against Hitler. The Catholic against fascism, against injustice. Behold, they were committing tive Committee. One of the younger of British Jewry. Has visited Good-Fitting Shoes stand against the Nazis has grown tremendously stronger in treason against our republic. And the anti-Semites who are seek- leaders leading Jewries of Europe studying for Street or recent weeks; the Nazi "purges" have done much to disquiet ing faults in the Jew can not quote the honorable judge, a leader conditions at first hand. Known as Dress Wear! Bound-thinking voters. With France definitely withdrawn from in Israel and high in the councils of that aristocratic, self-appoint- a realist in Jewish life. A vigorous of considered but effective the race practically every vote for the status quo is a direct blow ed Jewish cabinet, the American Jewish Committee, as implying exponent action. Like the leaders of the AmerShoes That by a free-voting German against the Hitlerite policies of blood that the.Jewish people, who are supporting and advocating the ican Jewish Committee, with which Will Give and iron. the British Jew,s have been cooperatYou Real organized boycott against Hitlerland, are derelict in their duty ing most actively, he shuns the limeService.' The league commission does not necessarily have to turn as American citizens. light. Prefers to act intelligently in the Saar over to Germany upon a favorable vote. This is more of Jewish civil and religious We feel that even the honorable judge has compromised his defense rights rather than to talk about them. or less a recommendation, a "straw in the wind." They may even hard worker and an able executive. parcel the Saar by fifteen districts, some remaining under the 100 per cent patriotism: He has bought no German goods and Is Never goes, off half-cocked." Repreproclaims the fact. Undoubtedly, hundreds of thousands looking League of Nations and; others returning to Germany. But, if the sents British Jewry on the advisory whole is turned over to Germany, January 13 does not mark the to him for leadership will follow his example. And the result is board of the League of Nations High for German Refugees. end of the Saar trouble. To begin with, Germany would have to a boycott, though it remains unlabeled. Moreover, as an individ- Commission Dashing. Tall, Tiandsome,: debonair. ual we owe a duty to our country. If an organized boycott is pay France for the mines—and has not the money. Also, from A" snappy dresseiv Very' British. thfje Jewish angle, though Germany has in a pact agreed to allow treason, so is an individual one. Is treason applicable only to or- Father of four children, two Iwys and Jewish Saarlanders equality for one year, any one with common ganizations? The honorable judge, from his point of view, should two girls. 'One of Ms daughters has before Court of S t James. Celesense knows that reprisals will be started immediately, not only make it his business to buy, publicly, German goods. Thus will bowed brated his forty-fourth birthday on. his emotions as a Jew be completely repressed and his duties as agiinst refugees in the Saar, but also against all anti-Nazi Saarboat taking, him to America and his a citizen stand triumphant.' CORRECT APPAREL FOR 4EEN AND WOMEN twentieth wedding anniversary while landers, be; they Jewish, Catholic or Protestant oa his first visit to this country. 1M / Even after the plebiscite, the Saar will remain a European an amateur bibliophile and philatelist. Walking is n!s only bobby. Sincerely gore spot. Patronize Our Advertisers.

The Week in Review

Your Choice Pairs





Bikur Cholim to Meet on Monday A regular meeting -of the Bilcur Cholim society will be held Monday, January 14, a t the Jewish ..Community Center. A very interesting program has been arranged and reports of the outstanding committees will be given. All members are urged to attend.

Hadassah's Rainbow Pi Lambda Phi Luncheon Wednesday To Honor Hays The ballroom of the Blackstone ho-

Vaad Men's Club Conservative Board To Meet on Tuesday to Meet Thursday

The Vaad Men's club will meet on The first meeting of the year of Arthur Garfield Hays, outstanding tel Tvill be a riot of color next-Wed- Thursday evening at 6:45 at its reg-the board of trustees of the Conrex of Pi Lambda Phi fraternity, nesday, January 16, when the Ha-ular monthly dinner meeting. servative Synagogue will be held "will he honored by the local chapter dassah Rainbow bridge luncheon will On tihe program will be an address Tuesday evening, January 15, at 8 of the fraternity at a luncheon take place. Novel decorations carried by Sal Michnick; several violin selec- p. sn. at the Jewish Community CenWednesday, January 1<5, at "the Hill out in the rainbow shades will be tions by Henry Perelman; a message ter. hotel. by Rabbi Uri Miller. Election of ofthe key-note of the affair. Every member is urged to attend He will also be the guest of hon- Hostesses will be distinguished by ficers will be held. as matters of vital importance to the or at a banquet to be given by Chithe following «olors a t their.tables: Reservations may be made by call- welfare of the congregation will be chapter of Pi Lambda Phi Wednes- Mesdames Philip Rosenblatt and Da-ing Harry Segal, Kenwood 7618, ordiscussed. FINKENSTEDMLUKEN day evening. vid B. Cohn, lilac; Reuben Brown Sidney Kateknan, Webster 0315. ENGAGEMENT Mr. Hays is to be the Forum, lecBRODKEY-WEISS MARRIAGE MAYER-ZEVIN WEDDING and Harry Rochman, American Word has been received by relaBoard Meeting* of Miss Lucille Weiss, - daughter of! Mrs. Sara K. Zevin announces the tives, here of the engagement of Mr.turor in the second of the series of beauty; David Bernstein and Reu-Daughters of Israel Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Weiss, was;marriage of her daughter, Sylvia, to Alex Finkenstein, son of Mr. D. S. ectures. ben Bordy, apricot; phineas WinWomen's Division married at 5:30 p. m. Saturday, Jan- Alfred S. Mayer, Thursday, Janu- Finkenstein of Los Angeles, CaL, troufe and Wm. Alberts, light blue; To Meet Tuesday J. M. Ennan and R. M. Shlaes, nary 5, to Harold B. Brodkey, son ary 10, at the Chieftain Hotel, Coun- formerly of Omaha, to Miss Helen Regular Meeting of The first regular board meeting of orangej Harry Braviroff and Allaan A regular meeting of the daugh- the Women's Division of the Jewish of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Brodkey, at cil Bluffs, la. Luken of Phoenix, Arizona, No deftte home of her parents. Rabbi Da- The couple left immediately after inite date has been set for the wed- South Side Auxiliary Kbhan, white; J. H. Kulakofsky and ters of Israel Aid society will be held Community Center and Welfare FedM. Barish, nHe green; A. D. Frank Tuesday, January 15, at the Old the ceremony for a trip to Wash- ding. vid A. Goldstein officiateO. The regular monthly meeting of the and Max Davis, purple; L Dansky, Peoples home at 2504 Charles street. eration was held Tuesday afternoon, The bride wore an olive bagheera, ington, D. C., New York and BerLadies' Auxiliary of Congregation of and M. Brodkey, shell pink; and Mrs.All members are urged to attend. January 8, at 2:30 at the J. C. C. mink-trimmed gown, the neckline of muda and will be at home after HONORED AT CONVENTION William Holzman and Jack Marer Israel, 25th and J streets, was well Election of officers for the coming spoke on the needs of the Center. /which was a shallow V-shape, caught February 1 ."at: the Paxton Hotel, Miss Rozaline Pizer, daughter of attended by the members, Monday, Mose Yousem, red. in front with a rhinestone and gold Omaha, Nebr. Anyone who has not purchased a year will be held. The board went on record as sponMr. and Mrs. Simon Pizer, was elect- January 7, at tiie club room. clip. With i t she wore a small hat ticket for this affair, may do so soring the next play to be given by ed national vice-president of Sigma Mrs. Nathan Perelman, program the Center Players Guild. Full reof brown grosgrain, also mink- MIROFF-FALK NUPTIALS Delta Tau sorority a t tike national chairman, arranged a very nice pro- from any of the hostesses. The pub-Council Child Study ports were heard from all committee trimmed. Her shoulder corsage was' Miss Mildred Falk, daughter of Mr.convention held at Buffalo, N. Y. Miss gram witih. Rabbi Uri Miller as prin- lic is cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Group Meets Tuesday chairmen. Mrs. Harold Farher was Arthur Cohn is general chairman. of orchids. and Mrs. Aaron Falk, became the bride Pizer is a graduate of the University cipal speaker. appointed chairman of the Jewish of Nebraska, and a member of the Proceeds of this affair will go to Mrs. Weiss wore a gown of black of Mr. Sol Miroff, son of Mr. and Miss Louise Nathan did a tap dance Community Center library and will Mrs. Ben Silver will entertain the the medical fund of the Hadassah. bagheera with a beaded yoke shad- Mrs. Benjamin Miroff, Sunday, Jan- Lincoln chapter of the sorority. and a few of her little pupils, Etta child study class of the Council of begin active work with her commiting from black to light gray and uary 6, a t 12:30 o'clock a t the home Garelick, Reva Ostravich, Rosaline , her flowers were Johanna HOI roses. of Rabbi David A. Goldstein, who per- VISITOR FROM CHICAGO The Hadassah cultural group will Jewish Women at their next meet- tee at once. Kaplan and Bessie Kaplan, also did ing, Tuesday, January 15, at her formed the ceremony in the presence Mrs. Brodkey was gowned in Mrs. Maurice Sachs of Chicago, tihe tap specialties. They were accom- meet next Monday, January 14 at of members of the immediate fam- former Libby Abramson, daughter of panied a t the piano by Miss Libby the Hill hotel, mezzanine floor. home. Mrs. J. A. Solomon will be coblack chiffon and also wore roses. Daughters of Zion Mir. and Mrs. J. Abramson of this Meyerson. Miss Marian Mayerowich Luncheon will be a t 12:45 and thehostess. A buffet dinner for 86 guests fol- ilies. A question box on child problems The bride wore a gold-threaded city, is visiting her parents. Mrs. played the saxophone, accompanied by program will start promptly at 1:45. will be conducted by the instructor, lowed tiie ceremony. Among the outMeeting Wednesday her sister, Rose. Rabbi David Wice will be the Mrs. Mary Fredericks of the board of of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs.white tunic over a long black skirt. Sachs will he here about ten days. Refreshments were served. guest speaker and his topic •will be education staff. M. H. Jacobs, of Chicago, brother-in- Her small black hat had a nose veil A meeting of the Daughters of "Women in Israel Today." Mrs. Max law and sister of the groom, and and her slippers were black crepe. BENEFIT BRIDGE Zion •will be held Wednesday afterShe wore a corsage of orchids. Miss Ruth Silver entertained twenFromktn \rill speak on "A Trip "The Transient Problem," what and ! noon, January 16, at the J. C C. at Mrs. Mose Buck, of Lufkin, Texas, Herman Bloom served Mr. Miroff ty-four guests at a benefit bridge Council Group to Through Palestine." Current events why it is and the care and facility I 2:30 p. m. sister of the bride. party at her home last Sunday afterbe given by Mrs. J. M. Erman will be explained by Stella H. Winn, The couple will make their home as best man. Meet on Monday •will noon. Proceeds will go to the Junior . A wedding reception for more than and Mr. Joseph Onak, tenor will social work supervisor for Nebraska, in Omaha, upon their return from two hundred guests was held at the Hadassah "Give or Get" fund. Re- Mrs. Jack Marer will be hostess to present several musical numbers ac- at the next meeting of the Council of a month's trip to Chicago. Fleishman & Soskin home of the bride's parents from two freshments were served. members of her committee at a meet- companied at the piano by Mrs. Jewish Women on Monday, January (Formerly in the employ of L. Hnrris) to six. Assisting were the Mesdames ing iihis afternoon at 3:30 at her Anna Shlaes. BASKAS-ROSENBERG 28, at the Jewish Community Center. H. Lapidus, Dave Shukert, Leo Weitz, VISITING HERE home, to make final arrangements Twelve years experience WEDDING Miss Winn has been in Omaha for Miss Dorothy Becker of St. JoInsurance with Reliable Companies for the annual Council of Jewish WoMr. and Mrs. H. Rosenberg of Eliz- and the Misses Gertrude Guss, Julia The Hadassah sewing circle will the past year supervising this work abeth, N. J., announce the marriage Zucker, and Pearl Monsky; also Miss" seph, Mo., is visiting here as the men bridge to be given at the Black- meet. next Monday at the Jewish and will present the problem of tran- Heal Estate . . • Property Blnnnsement guest of Miss Rose Slutsky. Miss stone hotel, Monday, February 11, at £15 So. 15th St. JA. 7311 of their daughter, Kay, to Mr. BenPearl Meyerson of Council Bluffs. community center and wil1 continue sient men and families in an interestSlutsky is planning to drive back 1 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Miroff will make their Raskas of Long Branch, N. J. ing manner. Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky is every Monday until the Linen Mr. and'Mrs. Rosenberg are former home at 123 North 36th Street, upon with Miss Becker and spend two Mrs. Maynard M. Greenberg is gen- Shower which will take place on in charge of the program arrangetheir return from a honeymoon to weeks in St. Joseph. Omahans. eral chairman, assisted by Mrs. Wednesday, January 30. ments. Kansas City. •Marer. A beard meeting will precede the IN CHICAGO More than 200 women are expected BETROTHAL ANNOUNCED Service Quality 2:30 program and an informal tea will Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Zucker an- ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Miss Lillian Koom spent eight to attend the bridge, which is to be follow. Mrs. Joe Jacobs and her comMr. and Mrs. Lester Lapidus an- days in Chicago. Several functions preceded by a dessert luncheon. nounce the engagement of their mittee •will be in charge. Next in Bridge Members of the committee inculde daughter, Florence Fanny to Sol nounce the birth of a son on Janu- were given in her honor. the Mesdames Lawrence Gross, Julius Series Monday Haifa—Contracts has been signed Berg of Sioux City, son of Mrs. ary 7 at the Methodist hospital. Abrahamson, John Faier, Morris KatOUTSTANDING BOY Edith Berg of that city. No definite The next of the series of bridge for building 130 houses, several Milton Robert Adler, son of Mr. leman, Joe Jacobs, ShroHy Goodman, date has been set for the wedding'. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Zoorwfll anJessons sponsored by the Temple roads and a water supply system for nounce the birth of a daughter, Sue and Mrs. Louis Adler, was one of >avid Cohen, Mickey Krupp, Hairy Israel Sisterhood will be held Mon- Kyryath Chaim, new colony on HaiTrustin, Harry Malashock, Ben Silver, WINTER IN TEXAS Rita, January 7 at the Methodist ,the two boys chosen from Monmouth fa Bay, named for the late Dr. Park school as the outstanding boy Ernest Nogg, Sol Novitsky, R. W. day, January 14, at 8 p. m., at the Cbaim Arlosoroff, laborite leader Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Weinsteiu left hospital. Temple. Rosenblatt, Manning Handler, Robert in that school. The Rotary club, Sunday for San Antonio, Tex,, to killed by assassins last year. sponsors of these honors, gave a iooper, Jules Newman, Manuel Gro- Rabbi David Wice will conduct his spend the winter as the guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Philip Handler an- luncheon in honor of the boys cho- dinsky, Simon Pizer, Sam Theodore, Bible study class, Tuesday, January More than §200,000 will be spent Phone AT-28I5 2815 JFaraam S t their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. nounce the birth of a daughter, DeBen Shapiro and Al Krasne of Coun- 15, at 2:30 p. m., at the home of for the work. The first group of setand Mrs. Joseph Rubin. tlers already is established there. cember 28 at the Methodist hospi- sen from the various schools, at the cil Bluffs. Mrs. J. Goetz. Fontenelle, January 9. tal.

Alice Goldberg Head *-" of M

THE C-2 CLUB CANDLE-LIGHT TEA C-2 club held a special meetThe Misses Sadie and Etta Tatel- ingThe at the Communify Center, man and Rose Sacks gave a candle- Thursday, Jewish January 3. Coming affairs The Junior Pioneers held a regular light tea Sunday, December 30, in meeting Tuesday, January 8, at the honor of Bertha Slntzkin, a bride-to- of the club were discussed. Jewish Community Center. Election be. The decorations were carried out of officers was held and the follow- in a color scheme of green and yel-FA-HON SORORITY Installation of officers of •the Faing elected: president, Alice Goldberg; low. Thirty-two guests attended. vice-president, Rose Novak; recording Prizes were won by the Misses Hon sorority was held at the. home secretary, Doris Brown; correspond- Edith Krounse, Goldie Fried, Ruth of Mrs. Morris Friedel, sponsor of the club, January 7. Speeches were • irig secretary, Goldye Fish; treasur- Shapiro and Ann Hahn. made by the outgoing and incoming er, Sylvia Parilman, and reporter, officers. A new membership drive Mollie Ackerman. Installation of ofwas discussed. Refreshments and ficers will be held at the home of Lincoln Chapter of Miss Lillian Epstein, sponsor of the S. A. M. Wins Honor cards followed the meeting. club. . DELTA KAPPA T&e Sigma Omicron chapter of Sig- The Delta Kappa club held an inOn Tuesday evening an open meeting of the three groups, the Senior ma Alpha Mu a t Lincoln, Neb., was itiation last Sunday a t the home of Pioneers, the Junior Pioneers and the awarded the Founders Day cup given Miss Pearl Bernstein. Genevieve Goldie Meyerson club, will be held a t annually to the most active chapter in White was the initiate. The Misses the Jewish Community Center. The the fraternity, at a recent convention Pauline Margolin and Marian WiesJunior Pioneers win introduce the held in New York City, December 28 man were in charge. speaker and will have charge of serv- to 31. Barry R. Rosenstein of Omaha was ing the refreshments. awarded the Exchequer Key, present- Omaha Men Win The Junior Pioneers will serve at ed to the best treasurer among the : " Fraternity Honors the banquet in honor of Elisheva chapters. • Harry B. Cohen of Omaha was reKaplan, Monday, January 14. elected regional advisor of the fra- Maurice Steinberg, rex of Chi chapternity. Those who attended included ter, of Pi Lambda Phi, international Harry B.'Cohen, Harry Rosenstein, social fraternity, returned Monday Alpha Pi Tau Joe Greenstone and Max Resnick Max Kramer and Art Romm of Oma- night from the thirty-ninth annual were voted into the Alpha.Pi Tau fra- ha and Harry Weinstein of New York. convention of the fraternity, held in ternity at a meeting of the organiza- William Flax, David Goldware and New York City from December 28 to tion recently. £ Irving Hill all have leads in the forth- January 1. His report to the active Two members of the club, Ernie coming production, "Yellow Jack," to chapter here at Creighton university Kogg and Al O*ach were given parts be presented next week by the Uni-was made at the weekly meeting held in the new attraction to be. presented versity Players of the University of Wednesday evening, January 9. It was announced from the floor by the Center Players Guild,"Torch- Nebraska. of the convention that Abe Katz of bearers." , Omaha was the winner of the Edward - A meeting of the club will be held Re-Im J. Melniker freshman scholarship next Sunday, January IS, at the JewA regular meeting of the Re-tn award, given annually to the outstandish Community Center. dub was held Tuesday, January 8, at ing freshman in the entire fraternity. the Jewish Community Center. Plans Morton Adler of Omaha received honfor the stag dinner for installation orable mention in the sophomore lists. of officers, to be held Tuesday, Jannary 15, at the Elks club, were com- Jewish Press Advertisers Merit By Your Patronage. pleted. Mrs. David M. Newman

At Last



COATS Reduced for Immediate Disposal to Only



Orange Cup Cakes. 4 level T. butter it cup sugar 8-3 cup milk 1 egg beaten & cup or more of flour ft teaspoon baking powder 1-8 teaspoon salt ' '• xine and juice of 1 orange. Cream butter'and sugar. Add egg and rine and juice of orange. Add dry ingredients alternately with milk. Bake in small cup cake pans for 25 minutes. . French Bread Podding.. Grate 1 cup dry bread crumbs. Cover with 1 p t scalded milk. Add butter size of. an egg. Let cool. Add yolks of 3 eggs beaten. Sugar to taste. Add few grains of salt and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Bake i n ' a moderate oyen, and cool slightly. .Then covet with raspberry jam. Beat the •whites of the eggs stiff. Add-3 TV eugar and pour over the'.Jani'.ranil return to oven to brown.

At last a SILENT washer! You don't know it's running unless you see it. Nothing can be beard but the "swish-swish" of the clothes, Has new G-E rubber-mounted motor . . . no oiling required at any time. Has the new type G-E "one-control" wringer. Save* time, work and expense.

Service for every i type of oil burner

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Sold on Easy Terms Come in and see this new G-E washer. Discuw

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TIME OUT FOR LUNCH—These witnesses for the prosecution in the trial of Bruno Hauptmann for the murder of the Lindbergh baby, take a bite of lunch between court sessions at Flemington, N. J Left to right: Mrs. Ollie Whateley, widow of the former Lindbergh butler; Miss Betty Gow, the baby's nurse, and Rita Walsh-

A HEADLINE WITNESS—Joseph P. Condon, the "Jafsie" who paid the ransom in the Lindbergh kidnaping case, is the cynosure of eyes whether he eats or testifies or merely talks _ to reporters. *'

C H A I R IN W H I C H LINDY SAT—Little Mary Jane Hickey of Morristown, N. J., gets a thrill of sitting upon the same chair that Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh sat during the t e s t i m o n y in the Hauptmann trial at Flemington, N. J.

THE "HAUPTMAN SPECIAL"—An enterprising restaurateur at Flemington, N. J., concocts a menu to catch the eye of those attending the Hauptmann trial. The menu offers such food as "Jafsie Chops", Writers' Cramp Soup'*, "Lindbergh Steak", "Hauptmann Beans", "Gow Goulash", "Jury Pie", "Reilly Pudding" and "Press Custard".


" ' -


SUNSHINE MODES—Wearing the newest beach attire in Miami Beach, Fla., these girls pose for the, photographer Left to right, MarjorieCarrell, in a white halter suit; Sylvia Smith/in a striped costume; Margaret Wiley, in a'dark knitted swimming suit, and Virginia King, in a pert sailor beach outfit

TELLS. BROWNIE NEWS—In a Chicago hospital, 14-year-old Charles Verba tells his dog Brownie of a $30,000 settlement following shooting of young Verba by a warehouse watchman. The dog's master was helping Brownie to find scraps of food along a railroad right of way when the, shooting occurred.

PRESIDENT'S SON PAYS—Fined ?10 and costs for 78 miles an hour on the Milford turnpike, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., son of the president, shakes hands with Joseph Cummings, arresting officer, .after paying the fine at Orange, Conn.

IN HAWAIIAN. NIGHT CLUB—Not in Hollywood, but in Hawaii, where night clubs seem to abound just as^in other parts of the United .States, here are pictured Ann Dvorak, the screen i her husband, LesUe Feritori, right, and Hamilton P. Agee, director of the United States sugar ex• ' \periment station in Honolulu. SCREEN'STAR




TEACHES CLASS BY RADIO—From a comfortable easy chair in Us home in Sheridan Square, New York City, Dr. C. C. Clark teaches his class at New York university via short wave radio. The project is experimental.

FIRST CITY IN TENNESSEE TO OBTAIN TVA POWER—Mayor W. R. Rackley throws a switch at the TVA sub-Station in.Pulaski, Tenn., connecting Pulaski with the transmission line from Wilson dam. Pulaski is the first city in Tennessee to obtain TVA Rower..

AMELIA PREPARES TO FLY—Exclusive picture shows Amelia Earhart, famous woman flyer, getting her plane ready at Whcctar Field, Hawaii, for inter-island flights with a transpacific flight t » the United States scheduled after that. '


Progressive Hebrew Meeting Is Planned

Palestine an 6 the Empi re

Strictly Confidential

Workmen Circle

Program Tonight

The Progressive Hebrew club will Workmen's Circle Branch 173 will hold its first social meeting of the By PHEtfEAS J . BEEOIf sponsor a lecture and musical proyear Thursday evening, January 17, An English Statesman Evaluates the Homeland's Importance to Britain gram this evening at 8:30 p.m. at the at 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. An entertaining program has FROM ABROAD ler in the 600-meter indoor run . . . Labor Lyceum. been arranged and refreshments will The cake—and make it toothsome, Milt, as you may have guessed, would There will be no admission charge, People with short-sighted political tae, I feel a sense of personal respon- stine of the Jewish National Home, be served by the Progressive Hebrew cook—goes to Hamilton Fish Arm- never be recognized by Hitler as a and the public is invited. Dr. Ben Slutsky will give the adclub auxiliary. This meeting is open strong, editor of Foreign Affairs, for German-American . . . The family of minds frequently assume that the sibility ;for the crue "exhibitions of rebuilt Palestine will not, in my dress. On the musical program will cole advantage of a rebuilt Palestine anti-Semitic passion that have recent- judgment, give to the Jews all the to members arid their friends. his charmingly ironic suggestion in the late Aaron Greenwald, City Col- be a piano solo by Esther Borwancher would be to bring to an end a great ly occurred."Who is injured and I benefits that they expect; but it will A regular meeting of the Progres- the New York Times that the 1934lege boy who was New York's only a violin solo by Rose Rosen, accomhistoric wrong to the Jewish people. am not injured?!! The Jew is injured satisfy a hunger of the soul; it will sive Hebrew club will' be held Sun- Nobel Prize be awarded to Adolf Hit- football fatality last year, is nearing panied by Betty Rosen, and a vocal day, January 14» a t 3 p. m. a t the the starvation point . . . ler . . . On the grounds that the horIt would indeed do that. Andit would in his body, his soul is unaffected: improve their status as a race, and solo by Miss Anette Bernstein. rible example set by the Reichsfuefarer thereby remove a thorn from the fleshbut the » Gentile. receives a deeper it will enable the Jewish people to Jewish Community Center. FOOTLIGHTS has done much toward bringing the of the Gentile world. But a rebuilt wound: he is hurt and debased as a develop their own cultural qualities European nations to their senses . . . KKO is planning a new film, enPalestine "would also do much more. spiritual being; he is the victim of a in a land rendered immortal by the Congratulations to author Valentine titled "They Also-Serve," -written by It would bring to a kaleidoscopic wrong done to his character which he prophetic genius of their forefathers. Workmen's Circle Branches 173 and ^ on the confiscation in Nazi- John Wesley, author of "The Last 258 will sponsor the appearance of world the strength and stability of a ought not to consent to endure. Mile" and nephew of Maurice" (SomeI have said that the moral responland of an issue of the London Daily new permanent and responsible poli- If "the ultimate problem of the ibility for the continuance of the the well-known New York trio of artTelegraph containing an article of his where in Hollywood) Schwartz . . . ists—A. Lutzky, Zelda Zlotkin and tical structure. It would establish! on world is how the different races persecution of the Jews and for the It's Arthur (Composer) Schwartz Vtho on "Germany under Hitler" . . . But Maxim Brodin—in a program of mua site of overwhelming geographical which inhabit it may live together in disadvantageous social position in we gather that the Rumanian royal together with Howard (LyTic-writer) sic and humor February 6, at 8:30 and strategical importance, a solid peace and harmony," the events of which many of them are now placed Dietz turns out four (count 'em — is not looking for congratulap.m., at the K. of "C. and responsible western nation, which recent years have both intensified it belongs to the Gentile world. The Prof. Jacob IL Marcus of the He- family on the rumored secret marriage four) new songs each "week for the would be rmi by an-experienced, vir- and., made • its solution more urgent. honor of humanity as a whole is brew Union .college has written a mo- tions Gibson Family radio skit . . . Helen between King Carol and auburnile, Industrious and. enduring people. On the practical side of civilisation grievously compromised by their con- mentous book, /"The Rise and Des- tressed Magda Lnpescu . . . Brazil, in Menken is one of the stars in Harry -. . A. Z. A. 100 tiny of the German Jews." Prof. MarAnd much more besides. much has already been.done. The dis- tinuance. But the Jews should not cus ventures a section on the future case you're interested, doesn't mind Moses' production of Zoe Akins' "The A. Z. A. 100 will hold a regular Consider first of all the geographi- advantages of distance between the nerely wait and pray for outside of Jewry if Hitler falls and if Hitler agricultural immigrants, but limits Gld Maid" Impressario S. Hurofe meeting and smoker Sunday at the cal significance of the territory. A separate, peoples of the earth have help. Those who would be free mus survives, .together with a discussion each nationality's entrants to two per is expecting to bring a troupe of for- home of Leo Eiscnstatt. Prospective rebuilt and politically reliable Pales- been greatly reduced and the way has be their own deliverers. on- the significance of Hitlerism for cent of the number of its representa- mer Moscow Art Theatre members to members will be guests. tine may be an essential condition of been prepared for that extra?nation- In the end the Jewish Palestine Jewry throughout the world. This tives resident there < during the past Broadway next month'.. . Dominating At the last meeting, Sara FriedBroadway these days is the huge elec- man, new president, announced his commercial freedom in the Mediterr- al unity which- the late Professor. Gra- problem is reduced to this simple yet will form 4he. basis of the sermon fifty years . . . •; tric sign of the screen version of E. committee appointments. anean and beyond. ^The Turks had to ham Wallas proudly ^called "the Great decisive test. Are the Jewish people' by^ Kabbi -David H. Wice at Temple Temple ThuTston's "The Wandering Meyer Rosenbaum was elected the be driven from the hills of Judea be- Society.? On the other hand, national so convinced of the necessity of the; Israel this evening at 8 p.m., his sub- AT HOME Jew" . . . S. K . (Playwright) Bebrman Chapter's delegate to the Waukegan cause from them they dominated arid prejudices and. racial antipathies have National Home that they will sacri- ject being, "The Future of German ; As we read the record, of York's Park /Commissioner'•'[ Robert confesses that the prototype of the district convention. Sam Friedman is endangered the Suez Canal,, which been revived, and they have been ac- fice leisure,'_ comfort _ and money in Jewry." then was and now i s the commercial companied by a renewal of anti-Sem- order to secure it? Will they during Services Saturday morning will be- Moses' achieveirient "• during 1S34 andGerman Jewish dramatic critic in his alternate. his plans for 1935 we caimot. help "Rain from Heaven" is Alfred Kerr, throat of both the Eastern arid West- itic persecution -—.one of the mos the next generation forego lesser gin at10:30 a.m< George ern worlds. Looked a t merely from cruel and discredited racial passions things and concentrate upon that? Tues.day afternoon, January 15, at wondering whether he may not be de- noted exile from Naziland riving more satisfaction from his Gershwin is just about finished with the standpoint of the British Empire, that history records., The Jewish people have many com- he home,, of- Mrs. -J. Goetzj 3534 present work ttian he could ever hope the score for his "Porgy" opera . . . the safety of the c IWhat; does the Gentile world pro- mendable qualities—they have ideals, Pine street. to find in the Governor's Mansion at Notable New Year's Eye celebrations .1-. to its communications with India, Aui- pose to.'do about i t ? Upon it the mo-courage, brains, racial discipline. If, Albany, to which he was aspiring last hereabouts included that of I. J. (FurThe study clalses will meet TuesA smoker will be given by the tralia, New Zealand and the F3r ral responsibility now rests. Is thi in addition, they have patience, unWe understand that the re- rier) Fox, who entertained 2,500 or- Junior Vaad Tuesday, January 15, year East. But there are additional advan- Jew not wanted in Germany, in Po- shakable resolve, the enthusiasm that day evening at%'p.m. phans, and that of the Louise Columnport of Congressman Adolph J. Satages to be derived from a rebuilt land, and elsewhere? Then let a por- endures, and the will that cannot be bath's special committee to investi- ist) Sobels, both of them in the hos- at the B'nai Israel synagogue, at and carefully organized Palestine. tion of the earth's surface be given diverted, they will, even in their own gate the real estate securities situa- J pital following a tax smash . . . Ther which time the program for the year be outlined. The canal wQl henceforth be even to him on which he may live in secu- time, see a rebuilt Palestine. "The Greatest Enemy of Judaism," tion contains a load of dynamite • • .; are both doing nicely, thank you, and will All members and their friends ars more vulnerable from the air than rity, peace and freedom. Are Jewi Louis is still pounding out his EveThe progress made during the past will be the sermon topic of Rabbi Un Whether or not you'll ever get a hitherto it has been from either land merely traders who buy and sell wha generation has .been remarkable, and Miller at the regular Friday evening chance to see the European film! ning Journal column, a' broken finger urged to be present as an interestor sea, and Palestine is territory es- other" .men produce and need ? The the work of the pioneers has won the services sponsored by the Vaad at the 'Ecstasy" depends on how a board of notwithstanding . . . Expected in this ing symposium on Zionism will be sential to its protection. Again, the give them land which they may till interest and the admiration of man- B'nai Israel synagogue. Cantor A. censors headed by Mrs. Henry (Treas- country ere long is Dr. Friedrich given. Those taking part are Sidney railway connecting: Irak and Mesopo- and sow and reap. The conscience of kind. The future of the experiment Schwaczkin and his choir will chant ury) Morgenthau thinks it will affect Wolf, German Jewish author of the Epstein, Joe Kriesfeld, Emanuel tamia with Haifa may make of that humanity cannot endure that the med rests with Jews alone, especially with the services as usual. your morals . . . The photography, Theatre Union's ""Sailors of Cattaro" Hartz, and Hask«ll Cohen. port the greatest trading center in ieval torture of a- people should bf Jewish youth. Let them once more liseveryone seems to agree, is excellent . . . Janet Fox, who plays Mrs. F. D. R. The regular.meeting will be held the Eastern Mediteranean. tolerated in our time.- A way,to em ten to the ancient voice: "Why call- The Junior Vaad Congregation will . . . Robert Nathan's new novel on the in "Fools Rush In," is a niece of Ed- Tuesday, January 22. It sometimes appears to me that it must be found, : and that, quickly. est thou unto Me? Speak unto the hold its regular meeting Saturday Jews "Road of Ages," is the Book- na Ferber . . . of-the-Month for February • • • We (Copyright, 1935, by Seven Arts the responsibility for the creation of The way has indeed been. f oun children of Israel, that they go for- morning. hope that by the time you read this . Feature Syndicate.) ' " the Jewish National Home has, by whereby the suffering of the Jew; am ward." some sort of settlement will have been recent events, been transferred from the responsibility of the Gentile.maj (Copyright, 1935, by Seven Arts reached in the case of 15-year-old the Jewish to the Gentile world. Writ- be modified and perhaps eride.d. Thai At services tonignt^Itabbi David A. Abraham Orbach, New York boy who Feature Syndicate.) ing, speaking and thinking as a Gen-way is by the establishment in Pal; Goldstein will.^peak on "The Life and ran away to Cleveland to study for The book review group of the Vaad Times of Moses. Montefiore." Auxiliary, will meet Tuesday, Januthe rabbinate at Hiz Yeshiva there... Tomorrow' morning services will be- It seems that his father set the police ary 15, at. the home of Mrs. Charles gin at 9 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Milton on his trail, demanding that the youth The cast fcr fiae second production Fellman, 4615 Davenport street, at 2 Mayper cordially invite the members return home and go to trade school bf the season for the Center Players of the- congregation and their friends . . . In New York to take charge of Guild, "The "Torchbearers," has been Rabbi Uri Miller will review "The Land Purchase Refusal to attend the Bar Mitzvah ceremonies the local American Jewish Congress chosen. Forty Days of Musa Dagh," by Franz . . . . Protested of their son, Stanley. A Kiddish in elections is Isaac Carmel, Cleveland Werfel; . . ' Included in the cast are Sylvan Jerusalem—Foreign consuls stahonor of Stanley^ iriil be held imme- Zionist,. . . Bacteria living in the in- Frankel, Donald Brodkey, Ernest All members of the Auxiliary are tioned in Palestine delivered a sharp diately-foil owing; the services. ' ' terior of rocks are the discovery of Nogg, Jcak Temin, ^Albert Oruch, invited to attend, protest to the Palestine government Next Friday evening, January 18, Prof. Charles B. Lipman, of the Uni-Harold Tuciiinan, Mrs. Helen Brcdkey, against the refusal to allow nonis Chamisha OieigB'Shevat. The day versity of California . New York's Martha . Himelsteht, Irene -Hirsch, British firms doing business in the has been proclaimed'Palestine Day, (formerly Montreal's) Dr. Maurice Fit^h, Lea Obermari and Reva and in honor of Palestine ^ country to buy land in the industrial : - Definite plans"havie been outlined Goldstein will. speeak on "Jewish Brodje has definitely announced that LIpsman. section near the newly-built Haifa his new infantile paralysis vaccine T h e play is a comedy arid satire for the balloon dance io be given by Dreams arid Realities in Palestine." harbor. After the", services, there will be a has proved one hundred per cent ef- on amateur theatricals by George the Junior Vaad auxiliary Saturday The protest pointed out that the special Palestine Oneg Shabbos. The fective in numerous experiments and Kelly. I t will be presented in.the J . evening, January 26, at the South Palestine Mandate specifically forhostesses will be : announced next can safely be used for immunization C."C. auditorium Tuesday evening. Omaha synagogue. This will be open bade making distinctions in favor of . . . And Prof. Reuben L. Eahn of the February 19.. ; - ; V . ' ' • to the public. week. any one country, but provides for University of Michigan comes forward The next meeting of the Junior equal facilities for alL to tell us that hay fever and other Chance generally favors ;the pru- Vaad . auxiliary will be held Febsuch allergic disorders are due to ex- dent.—Joubert. ;' '. ": • \ ruary 5.. . .' : . Colony for Masaryk The next Oneg Shabbos of the Con- cessive preparedness on the part of Praha—A - decision to build a servative Syriagdgue ~ Auxiliary -will the body to fight disease . » . In other colony in Palestine which will bear be held this Saturday afternoon at words, all you sneezers are just so the name of the Czechoslovakian the home of Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky. many Don Quixotes tilting at windpresident, Professor Thomas G. MasMrs. David Sherman will be co-host- mills . . . aryk, was acclaimed at the annual ess. FIRST FAMILIES conference; of - the Czechoslovakian The program will be a Chassidic Did you. get your copy of The Saint Zionists. one, -featuring a talk by Rabbi David Charles, the new Quarterly riairied afA. Goldstein on ''Rebbe Levi Yitzchok ter the vessel "which brought the first The colony will mark the occasion ol" BarditcTie'v."' 'Chassidic songs will sizeable batch of Jews to New York? of Masaryk's eighty-fifth birthday. bejsung! and there \all also be a cur- Lots of material there about the JewThe decision to establish it is a gesrent-events period. " •': ture to signify Jewish patriotism toish settlers of Colonial times, and ward the Czechoslovakian- republic their descendants . . . The Council of 2 where the Jews enjoy full equality the magazine" includes such, names as of rights. Sailing Prince Baruch, H. Pereira Merides,'Mrs/ Frederick Nathan: (who, - The annual supper of - the Chevra Jewish Crew inciaentfally, tame out quite ~well in TeTlem of -the B'riai Jacob Synagogue Tel Aviv—The Palestine Shipping was held at- the "synagogue*-January the Town Hall club's recent spellingcompany, which formerly had its 6. Preceding the supper, election of bee, until' the word .-."xylophone" headquarters in Hamburg, Germany, stumped her) and Myer £>olis-Gohen officers was held." Solomon Susman but is now operating from Sere, an. . . The editors, headed by Dr. "Walter M. Grossman and H. Gilinsky were nounced that the-company has a "cap- Did,you ever hear a "letter" talk- ain.a violin serenade. The senorita both re-elected as iirst and .second M. Krafts, include Drs. Cecil Roth and ital of $300,000 already subscribed. ing? • " - . ' < , speaks German, Spanish, French, president, _ respectively;." L -. Blacker David: de Sola- Pool,-an of whom, are The first 10,000-tori liner will/be Well,, they . have at the Municipal English, Russian arid Hebrew. 'represented in.-the" first issue- .' . . > named Tel Aviv. It willjcarry'a com- University o£ Omaha, where the talk- During his high school days, Sus- was elected secretary. Among, oiher things,- we" learned'from '. Those on ; the committee included . plete. Jewish crew from captain to ing letters are the newest' form of man-corresponded with more than 50 The Saint Charles that England's seccabin-boy and also will have-a train- correspondence carried on" by students persons in various parts of the world. Mr. and Mrs. B. Shaftori,. Mr., and ond Baron Aberdare married a lady ing school for Jewish sailors,. offi- of Dr. V. Boyce West's foreign lang- Now he only writes to six, because his Mrs. J. Abrarnson, Mr.' and Mr& R.•in whom the blood of Moses Iieyy; and Swap the discomforts of & northern w i n t e r uage department. .. ' school work and orchestra jobs take Jacobs,: Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker, Mrs, Jacob Franks, early eighteentbA;encials announced. . - , Rosenblatt, : Mrs. Goldware, Mr." L die snow-shoveling and furnace-stoking; the Not only are the. staidents. senSing up most of his time. Susman.is worktury Jewish immigrants to America, Jewish Population 307,312 in . talking letters to friends in foreign ing 'his way through school by play- Schwartz, and Mrs. A. Romm, pres- was mingled with that of the Andrew slippery pavements and skidding wheels . ; ; countries, but they are also mailing ing evenings with dance orchestras. ident of the auxiliary. Palestine The ladies auxiliary presented Mr. Hamilton who established the freedom He plays violin, saxaphone, and clarletters that sing and play music. Jerusalem—Palestine begins 1935 With t : i for the joys of the blithe, sunny southland—the in the colonies p ilinsky with a Taluth in apprecia- of the press with a Jewish population of 307,212 'Just as talking pictures have revolu- inet. the Tesult that the present Lord Abgolf, tennis, swimming, boating, fishing, riding, it was officially announced last week. tionized ..the screen, talking, letters Dr. West is much pleased with the tion of his. good work. The supper erdare, Viscount Newport, Lord Primwas prepared by the ladies. dancing and all the gay carefree activities of summer; Jewish Palestine constitutes twen- will change the world's correspond- talking letter idea, stating it just fits rose, Sir Robert Henry Abdy, Baroence methods, Municipal University in .with the foreign language departty-six per cent of the .total populaness Digby, the Countess of Bradford students, who are making;the tests, ment's program. He suggests - stuThe Two Ships tion of the country. IS Day 301 Day Season and the Countess of Rosebery are all "Two ships ^were once seen to be cousins of the Levys and the Franks Bargain Fares on the BurlingtonJJjSlt Limit Limit claim. ••; dents should send the • new letter - Polish Anti-Semite Arrested To Solomon Susman, 21-year-old 'talkies" in the language they are sailing near land. One of them was . . . There's much more along these Jacksonville....... $54.30 $66.70 $67.85 Warsaw—Josef Janowski, member pre-medical student, goes the honor of learning, arid the foreign correspon- going forth from the harbor, and the lines—but you'd better read it for 73.35 72.15 Dajton* Beach.**: 58.70 84.75 83.30 of the Nara anti-Semitic party was inventing talking letters. Because of dents should listen to the pronuncia- other was coming into the harbor. yourself . . . Hollywood........ €7.85 85.65 Miami.. ••••*••«••: 68.55 84.05 arrested as he was hoisting anti- his hobby of corresponding with coeds tion and general usage of the lang- Every one was cheering the outgoing 74.20 in foreign countries, Susman thoiight SPORT CHIT-CHAT 59.35 72.95 uage and then make suggestions on ship, and^every one was giving it a Orlando...•••••«»• Jewish and anti-government signs on 82.30 80.90 Palm Beach....?.. 65.90 of the idea of talking' letters In his how the senders could improve. hearty-sendoff. .But the incoming ship •\Vell, Champion Max Baer saved his the overhead trolley wires. 76.95 61.55 75.60, Sarasota » * , German class, where the language is "It will be of mutual educational was .scarcely noticed. title the other "night and established 69.70 55.75 68.60 ;< St. Augustine...... taught with the aid of a dictaphone value to the students on both sides of : A wise man was. looking at the some kind of record by being the first 75.95 Avukah Selects Harris Sc Petersburg,, . * . . 60.75 74.65 and a phonograph. 74.80 two ships,-and-he-said;-Tiejoice not man to knock out King Levinsky Tampa.......****; 59.85 73.55 the ocean," Dr. West said. Cleveland—Dr. Zelig Harris of the .54.15 over the ship that is setting out to But. lie* lost. 150,000, which he would New Orleans..***; 43.35 University of Pennsylvania was re- He priced a dictaphone cylinder 53.95 Gulfport......**!*! 43.20 ssa,-, for you know not what destiny have received for another battle with 53.75 elected national president of Avukah, with Dr. West recently, but after the Mobile. ••>•*..* #.i 43.05 awaits it, what storms i t may; encounthe Kingfish if that-Chicago bout had professor discovered, the student's rea53.95 student Zionist organization at the Biioxl..*.. , . . . . . . ^ Toferation - • ter, what.-dangers i t may have to un- turned cut fairly even" Eighteenconcluding session of its annual con- son in wanting a cylinder, Dr. West "An aged man, whom Abraham hos- dergo. Rejoice' rather over th« ship year-Hold Buddy, Baer. (Jacob to you) offered them to him free. This offer ( vention. y y, g point p ^ travel to the interAll signs to * ^ is open to other foreign language stu- pitably invited' to Jbis tent, refused to that h a s . reached- port safely and t vitlil annight join him in prayer to one spiritual celebrated that^ h l brought back all Its passengers In esting and healthful winter piaygrqnods; to^easant cruises over other of Ms firet-rottiid " kiiocls-euts dents too, with the condition that stu20 Nations to Send God. Learning that he.was a fire wor- peace.* . . Down-in ^Florida the fans are dents must dictate their talking.-letsammer seas;; .the darribeaa [s "i. through die canal. Athletes 4 the. way of the world, that looking forward to tne^ Barney. 5osstera in the-foreign language they are shipper, Abraham drove him from his Tel Aviv—Sport organizations studying. door. That night God' appeared t o when a' human being is born, all re- Frankie Klick fight, and contests are • • - •_ let osswsist you in m a ^ g y b ^ p l ^ -^«fl3 for an auspicious, .from twenty countries have to date Abraham in a vision and said: *I have joiceV bak-rwheit he dies,^all sorrow. also being arranged in t b« Sunny . Susman's first vocalized, letter will COfiifor»bie start, ride one of d»e BatHogtoa's crack flyers. sent in their applications to particiborne with that ignorant man fot sevgo to Mathilda da Capitolouto, of Lis- enty years; could you not have pa- Bather ought tite opposite to be the South for the Baer 'brothers,; though pate in the second Maccabiad. case. No one can tell what troubles the tw» of. tberii won't meet in the Ili. bon, Portugal. Although he has nev-tiently suffered him one night?" await the child on its journey into ring: r While, ex-champion \3iaxie er seen the Portugese teacher, he has manhood. But when man has lived and Eosenbloom appears to be left out In corresponded with her for the past dies in peace, all should rejoice, see- the cold . . . One ol tfle two individual Want of care does us more damage five years, meeting her by chance ing that he has completed Ms journey, national championships won by the Help boost the Jewish Press by through a chain letter, while they than want of knowledge.—Franklin. * 16th WM« Foraasi S s+ Omaha and is departing this world with the Gotham Germany-American. A. C last patronizing the firms and institutions both attended high school. His letVboa* Atlantic 6 8 3 ' Censure is the tax a man-pays to imperishable crown of a good name." year v&g brought in by Milton Sandthe public for being eminent.—^wift. ter to her will be in German and con- which advertise In the Jewish Press.

By Lord Snell, C. B.E.

Trio to Appear Here

Religious Sendees Teihple

Smoker by Junior Vaad Next Tuesday


Vaad Auxiliary Book Review Group to Meet



Cast Selected for Guild Plau

The Latest >> Letter Talks

Jr. Vaad Auxiliary

Oneg Shabbos

Chevra Telleidjof ^ I^nai Jacob jGfroup






Auxiliary-Meeting,. . Next Tuesday Night

day following a week's trip in ^Milwaukee, Chicago, and St. Louis.

Palestinian Scenes

The Acorn ...

*A Rabbi wa3 once passing through a field where he saw a very old man Messrs. Julias Rosenfeld and Leo planting an oak tree. "Why are you Ungar-left last Friday for Chicago, planting that-tree?' he asked. 'YouIllinois, to attend the National Amer- surely do - not. expect to live lonjj ican Furniture mart there. Mr. Un-GTuragh to see the acorn growing up gar j s expected home today while Mr. into an oak tree?' Bosenfeld will return home the early "'Ah,' replied the old man, 'my anpart of next week. cestors planted trees not for themaelveii, but for. us, in order"that w i , Mrs. Morris YudeUscn, acccropanicd might enjoy their shade or their fruit, z by her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. I am doing likewise for those who "will rand; Mrs. Milton Yadelson returned come after m e . ' " <•-. r . ; r home Tuesday followinng a week's visit; in Chicago. Mr. Morris YudelJACK w . MAKER, Attorney. son^ rwhordccompsnied them to Chi: ; Court House* ' ;*-i " cago,: is fexpfected.home.next Monday.

The Ladies Auxiliary of Shaara Zion- Synagogue will hold a joint r -meeting—with - the»men of—the ^coa? ^regation nextt Tuesday evening-; -M 8. o'clock in the synagogue ^spcial hall. ,, " . , , , ; .V~C^. . Mrs. H. M. Sherman .is. president of the" Auxiliary and., wiir preside over the meeting, with .Mrs.; Rubm Miller in charge, of,.,the; program.; Jack Merlin will be heard in a "group ;of songs, accompanied, at the' piano' by Libbie OlenskyI Miss $le^s~lcy; will also play a J piano sbloIrA yocSljiuet will b<T'offered, by Rachael Ginsberg The Junk>r Congregation: will hold INCORPORATED . Elisheva Kaplan of Palestine, a and Milton Mazie.'Shirley-Gutterr Final . plans for . the Federatjou Notice Is hereby given thnt .the under- s their regular-weekly services for chilrepresentative of . the Moatzah Ha«'!•< Pursuant the lnws of fh e State - Drive have been made, and the wprkman will present a groupTof. dances,; dren each,. Friday afternoon .at .4;30 i ot >el»niskn, haveto:forlhedH* • cars who will solicit the Jewish pppf Pqaleth, the Women^s ^ Council which accompanied, by Miss";Olson.'-.of 'tiie o!clock, and on Saturday morning at is a part of .the.Histadruth, the laItoroted' nnd Usprincipal place of DUSIolation.'. for., funds', will attend the Sioux City Music" School. » ' l' 11 o'clock.. Mr. J. Z.'Stadlan, who is iiess is in .the City of Omhhn, •-»oe«tt« £ f Rbbi H R R b i i Kick-off banquet, Monday evening," bor organization -. i n . Palestine,..will in " charge _ of the services, urges all Lountj-. Nel.rasUa. a;be objects for. which be the guest of honor_at .a .banquet Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz TffillV speak ring corporntioi) is formed are for r January 14." in the Jewish Commuchildren who can to attend. . ; . . pose of opejriirtiiE - retiiil nnd-«!«„., -! Sunday evening, January 13; in the est. on Current of Jewish'inter-. nity Center. ' "_ An openEvents discussion on ,;the sub^ inillinecy storfg^and to operate and At a meeting held, Tuesday eve-(Jewish. .Community. Center. ; Mrs. ject gage in, nt retail nnd at -wholesale, en-. t A d Begin/at; i i th rR?i b "Does Life *4p." . The Zionist Roll ...Call drive is be•;rnt merehnndise stores, and to pDfd nlng in the Community Center, 30;Kaplan will spend.two days in. Sioux freshments , and ^a social hour" will ing conducted in Council Bluffs by a lease, hold ni:d otherwise acquire real and captains- were' -appointed- t o " work City during which time-she will be follow the .meeting. proiwrty of every'kind; and de-^ ; - -\ - — : cointnittee'ccnsisting c.f ^lessrs. 'J'. &.personal scription uud to sell, dispose of, Jease, conwith "the Executive Committee""in? a guest of the.-Pjone~er .Women*-s 6r= vey ana mortgapt' niij and air of the said Stadlan, Heiman Meyerson, Sam property, to borrow nioney and to do aH > making-the drivefOver 100 inen anil (ganization . which-.-is sponsoring .-her Sacks and. P. Rodin. Among the tilings necessnry or. incident to the operawomen will assit in' canvassing the | visit..,:.:. ; : : . " : . : . .^c;;.: " . n tion of its business. The authorized "caul-" members who have been Tecently en- tal.stock is *10,W0.(» Mhich nbail be iuhy • city forfunds. - ~ " -: - ' -•-*- j r Three' organizations : will ^sponsor. ;;': Rabbi: Hi R.^Rabiiibwitz will corirolled are: Mr. and Mrs. Herman paid nnd non-a««essa|>le when issued and .which.:! i Ji itiiiue; his' ^sermon: Toi "Moses'-Tkla&te^ Every Jewish -man and. woman who the-banquet .Sunday, night, irmy be issued for casli,- pootfs, • wares "and ** Meyerson, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Krasne, merchandise, or both: With the assent in is employed-will be asked-to* Con- scheduled for 6:30. o'clock.«They are fiore^Jewish- Ambassador at -Large." writing of the hoMers of 00% of the out- • Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson, S. ShyThe.' Pioneer.. Women;-: Tfte ^ Poale Cantor. A^ PiislaiTjand'the synagogue'tribute to' the 'Drive for funds." Etanding stock purgunnt to the rotes Civ- * ken, Julius Katelman, Joe Passer, en in Tjerson or by proxy at a meeting » ' Mr. _ ~E. ' N." * Grueskin, '• "genef al Zion organization/ and. the. .National choir will xhant" the? services.' * . ; - 1 Morris" Passer, M. Marcus, M. Yudel- specialty called for that purpose o r a t an annual nieetingr," the Board of- Dlrectbra " chairman; of -the Drive,", said in an- Workers 'Association. -. Tomorrow^at. "JunioV Congregation son, J. Rodin, Barney Markovitz, M. shall have the power "nml mitliorityto sell, nouncing the plans for the -Drive, - Blrs. Kaplan "is one of - the : three Services!- IJavid^ KuiitzTwill : act as transfer and convey or otherwise Krasne, Nathan Richards, Stanley assign, dispose of the property: and assets'of the " "We hope~ that "every—Jewish man representatives.. of. the . Histedruth", fcantor andjCharles^Shindter will; act Passer, Morris Rodin, Ben Passer, corporntion as iin entirety-and going-con-., and woman -will deem it_ his duty to who came to the Unitecl States "froni as Reader, of the Law.Refreshments on pnch terms and conditions as to Abe Markovitz, H. Kutler, H. Kramer, cern the said Board shall seem fit nnd proper. ' assist in'this drive. Over 100 people Palestine. She." visited • Germany • in will be" dist&buted by; Mr., and Mrg Reuben Biown, A. Diamond, Dave The corporation shall commence business -will work diligently "to make the 1929 and in 1931 spent some time B. ,H."SnermaA," o n t h e occasion "of the filing of the Articles of IncorporaFox, Morris Grossman, Max Shostak, on tion In the office of the Couuty Clerk- of " drive a "success and raise the ne- w j t ]j the Pioneer women of Poland, their granddiild'sj birthday." The"a Douglas County, Nebraska. Its highest • Martin Gliickman, Harry Cohen, Herof indebtedness shall not exceed pessary• amount to ? maintain, . t h e r M r s ; - N - Elkin, who is genera tendance at " Junior ' ^Congregation man Marovitz, Dr. Julius Moskovitz, amount two-thirds of Its capital stock. The affairs Federation and Community Center) , 1 , aiVTV , an f o r t h e banquet arrange- last Saturday, was 102 children. " Mrs. Rose Kramer, Mrs. A. L. Cohen, of the corporntion shall be administered •. a Board of Directors of not less than will act as toastmaster. In Mrs. J. Brown, Mrs. Fanny Broun- by Flans have been completed for the three nor more than five members who BY P. B. K. ^ peoples.coyoperatxon in shall be elected at the annual meeting to . to Mrs." Kaplan's-. address, Third Annual Baccalaureate Service stein, George Krasne, Jay Cherniack, be held on the first Tuesday of Februarygiving, that the drive can be a sue- i Dr. Theodore N. Lewis Rabbi H. R. to be held for the Jewish' mid year Clyde Krasne, Sam Sacks, Barney of each' year. The Bpnrd shall from this K The Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah cess." number elect n president, vice-president, Gilinsky, Millard Krasne, B. Balahaii, | .Rabinowitz,. and representatives from graduates of Central High school, at secretary nnd treasurer. The articles • may will hold their regular monthly meetCharles Endelman, Herman Krasne, the synagogue next ^Friday evening. be amended at nny regular meeting-of. ing next Wednesday afternoon. Jar:and it is the hope of the executive stockholders or at nny special meetThe students will tafce their seats, Various Jewish Problems Dis- 16, at 2:30 o'clock at the Hotel Chief- Max Harris, Lawrence Krasne, B. the speak. .; ing cnlled for that purpose after ten days"committee to have all solicitations cussed by National Council notice of such proposed amendment In Reservations which are fifty cents wearing cap and^ gown, while the tain. Rabbi Uri Miller of Omaha will Saltsanan, • Morris Hoffman, Albert writing completed in one week's time. has been mniled to all stockholdof Federations Krasne, George Roffman, Joe F. may-be made with Mrs. S. Levin, synagogue choir sings "How Goodly ers and upon the affirmative vote of twobe the principal speaker and honored thirds of the capital stock. Gilinsky, Millard Krasne, B. Baiaban. are Thy Tents, Oh Jacob." Mr. E. Mrs. M. Leaff, Mrs. Elkin, Mrs. N. guest Rabbi Miller will show movNew York (WNS).-*ecause__of the ing pictures of Palestine. Mrs. Maxman, W. Weiner, J. J. Brown, George E. Baron will present the BaccalauSadoff or Mrs. S. Weiner. Dated nt Onuiha, Nebraska, December . In charge of the banquet prepar- reate address,- and. students of the.favorable attitude of the Soviet gov- Simon i s the piogram chairman in Steinberg, J. H. Jacobs, Abe Rosen- 14th, 1D34. . . : . MOI/L1E MILDER. ations are Mrs. Oscar .Gordon, Mrs.inid-year and June graduating class- ernment and the great wealth of the charge of this meeting. All members berg, H. Saltzman, Dr. O. H. GreenANNA GKEENBERO undeveloped natural resources of the berg, Charles Saltzman, L. S. BraunI J. . Shindler, Mrs. M. Levich and es will participate in the service. BELT.E GREEXBEKG, In the presence of Incorporators. country, Biro-Bidjan has,-in spite of are urged to attend. Mrs M : stein, Max Simcn, Tom Nelson, Ben JACK The Ladies Auxiliary of' Shaare' * . W. MARER. 1221-34—4t considerable difficulties, all the potenGershun, Louis Bernstein, D. A. Zion Synagogue have made plans' " Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Kaplan tial . possibilities of becoming a very: The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 [Woods, Sam Friedman, A. Wolf son, RAStACCIOTTI & ROBINSON ( for a forum of lectures' for this ^11 meet "with members of the Pioimportant center of immigration for of the Independent Orde rof the B'nai Sam Gross, Ben Harding, Hany REED, neer and EPHKAiM MAKKS, Attorneys ' spring and next" year. Encouraged > Women for adiscussion of their the Jewish working classes, although B'rith will hold the installation of Cherniss, Ben Kubby, H. Fried. 905-918 First Nationnl Bank Bide. by the enthusiastic reception of Dr. work.. Saturday evening, she will OMAHA "it must.be clearly understood that their new officers at a regular meetSachar, who was the first speaker of meet with the joint membership of Biro-Bidjan J s not being considered by ing to be hedl Monday evening, JanNOTICE BY FITBI.ICATION ON APM.Ithe forum, the Auxiliary- "-has-made t h e PioneerWomen, -Poale Zion, and Jewish Press Advertisers Merit CATIOJf FOK DECREE OF the Soviet government, as such, as a 14, at 8:30 o'clock at the Eagles Hall. : : HEIRSHIF Your Patronage. 'arrangements to bring Maurice Sani- j National .Worker's Alliance. - - " prospective. "homeland' for the Jews Dr. Julius Moskovitz will be installed In the County Conrt of Douglas County, uel.to Sioux City.for a.-lecture early I '•.•-'"•'- • • ' :: r- •'••' •' : ' ' ' Nebraska. • of, the world," Dr. Joseph Rosen, di- as the new president to succeed Mr. In the Matter of the Estate of AETHUR LEOX £ WHITE, Attorney* this spring. . .'.',..''• . . . I- . . . : - : :.'• •:•rector of the AgrprJoint, told five Nathan Nogg. Dr. Isaac Sternhill is VOIJCHECK, Decwistnl. City National Bank ISldg. Mr. A. W. Binder of New; York, an. hundred leaders of. Jewish social work All persons intereste«l in gfiid matter »re Vienna (JTA).—The economic con- and philanthropy gathered, .at the an:chakman in charge of the installation hereby .notified that on the 31st day of NOTICE OT INCORPORATION OF , authority on Jewish, music^ and the l»ecember, 1034, Uose Volcheck, ndmihis-, dition of the Jews in Harbin, as. de- nual conference of the relational Coun- of officers. All members are urged to rnsiTAx o n . co. "arranger of much" syna'gogue music, tratrix of the estate of Arthur Volcheck. Aotiee is ; hereby given that - a corpora- deceased, scribed in a communication received cil. of Jewishi Federations•.and Wel- attend. filed nn applicfltiou in said is also scheduled to speak in Sioux tion has been formed under the laws of County Court, praying that a decree of by Rabbi A. Kaminka, secretary fare. Purais. v. .-;•"-•••' •*? : : the state of Nebraska; City this" ye¥r under "th'e "auspices of be entered herein as to the InDavid "Tilevitz, -^on of . M r . and general of the Vienna Israelitische The name of the corporation is PURI- heirshlp' The Jewish National Fund held its r terest of said deceased in the following the Auxiliary. / Mrs.' Ai Tilevitz" wasFeleciecf presi- Allianz, has grown: worse, owing to William Shroder?ypresident of the semi-annual drive for collections in TAN OIXi CO., and the principal place for real-estate: ' Lots Ten (10) nnd Eleven (11), • ; The, Auxiiiary plans to bring 4 or dent of the Amorian Club, at their increasing Japanese influence^ iri^ that National Council; stressed the seem- the "Blue ' Boxes" Sunday morning, Block One (1), Hoffman Terrace, an annual election held/last! Sunday aft- a r e a . - ' - - r . •-.-• - ' . < . " ; ' ." '•' '^'•'""/'.' ing incapability of Jews for unifica- which proved very successful. All 5 outstanding speakers next year. addition to'the City of Omaha, in the : operated by the corporation is to purchase, ernoon" in -the • Jewish Community City of Omaha, Douglas County, Ne- Bell, convey, assign, release, mortgnge At present the" Jewish community tion,, but pointed oufethat an approach proceeds will go toward the Senior hold. and lease, real estate- ami personal prop- nndr"that a hearing will be had _on sail} Center. Bernard Rosenthal was elect to unity i a s been ;ieached in social Hadassah quota for the Jewish Nawherever situated; to buy, sell, own, ed vice-president;-Marvin^ Kline; sec- a t ' Harbin has abotit 10,000 members. work. As ;a : partial- result of this so- tional "Fund. The committee wishes erty assign, transfer and mortgage bonds, secu- application before said Court on the 26t& retary '• and. * treasurer• , Joe Maror., There were abotit 13,000 a few years cial unity, he said^;American Jewry to take this opportunity to thank rities and stock in-other corporations; to ,l,vy o£ January. A.D., Kr.i\ v.ixd that.if \»u. make, execute; accept, endorse ami fail to appear before said court on thepublicity • chairman; arid' Harold Lef- ago, but after a great flood in 1933had contributed to, American life "the everyone who helped make this drive ilraw. Issue promissory notes, rmortgages; drafts, said 26!h day of January, 193,N nt 9 many impoverished Jews left for othMr. and Mrs." Max Manakef, 1013 koyich, sergeant a t arms. bills of exchange and other negotiable in- o'clock .A.M., nnd contest said application, ' struments; to borrow money; to~bny and the court may grant the prayer ofsaM' er places. A number of the Harbin plan, of-.federating welfare.activities successful. 10th"street;; on' the occasion/.of .t sell at wholesale and retail and to ship The ' election marked the fourth for joint planning,, joint budgeting enter n decree of heirshlp as r Jews own. houses. Many play a leadand transport wood, coal, oil and fuel of application, fifteenth wedding^ anniveys^y, to the above-described renl estate, and e?m_pX thg^club.since, its organiza- ing role in the economic life of theand, joint money-raising." Dr. SoloThe Council Bluffs Agudas Achim every nature and description; to construct, make snch other and further orders, al' g guests at- a surprise p "party p y ~ j " y L tion. Chances for the Amorian raf- city, whereas others are members of mon Lpwenstein,-executive director of Society will hold a regular meeting purchase, lease and operate docks, yards rdwnnces and decrees, ns £o this court may and warehouses: to do anything incidental evening, given by; 28 friendsljDinner fle to be; held January 21, -are the Federation for. the; Support of next Thursday evening, Jan. 17, atto or necessary for the operation of a coal Beem proper. ^ ^ C R A W F O R D > professional occupations." ' was served at 6:30, and was fol-ing: Bold, in great. numbers. Funds l-4-35-3t County Judge. I and fuel business. Jewish Philanthropic • • Societies of Several Jews occupy leading posts New York, predicted that .the future 8:30 o'clock at the Eagles Hall. lowed by bridge and social evening. will go toward outfitting the AmorI The authorized capital stock of this cor| poration shall be $10,000.00 divided into 300 Mr. and Mrs. Manaker. were givbasketball team. A committee of among the Kussian officials of the of Jewish social and philanthropic acMrs. Nathan Nogg left last Thurs- shares of the par value of $100.00 each, to en a gift by the. guetsV . . ; : . '• ' '•- members under the supervisioa of Chinese Eastern Railway,. object of tivity would 'he in the -field of char- day for Tulsa, Okla., to spend a few be fully paid for iuid non-assessable when issned. Stock may be paid for in ^cask, Coach -Baumstein have selected the dissent between Russia and Japan. acter building and religious education notes or property, renl or personal, tan; Jews are also employed in the hos- because governmental, agencies would: weeks visiting relatives. " '"'' " gible or intangible, at the reasonable value • Mrs. Philip Sherman, 1704 Doug- siiitst That Sam* thereof. shares of the capital stock pitals and schools, which are distribgradually take over the work of car- Miss Dora Markovitz returned shall beTen. las street, has returned home after After.several weeks of idleness the paid for before the corporation visiting with relatives in Omaha.; Amorian Basketball quintet has re-uted along the 1,250 miles of the rail- ing for the sick, the needy and thehome Monday from Brooklyn, New shall commence business. The corporation shall commence business under-privileged and thus enable Jewiff you bev* your she** sumed practice a t Woodrow Wilson way. upon December 1, 1934, and continue for a 1 A number of the Jews formerly sit- ish institutions to set aside the bulk York, where she spent the past two period repaired «t th» Miss Margaret Shulkin has 'been Gymnasium, last Tuesday evening^ of fifty yenrs "from date thereof. weeks visiting at the home of Mr. The highest amount of indebtedness to spending the past two weeks, in Under: the supervision of CoacH uated at Harbin.now have.moved to of communal funds, to education and and Mrs. Ralph Castle. which this corporation shnll nt any time subject itself shall not exceed two-third of Minneapolis, visitiijg-. with..: friends Baumstein • the team has defeated Shanghai, Tientsin, Mukden and Dar-character development. Samuel A. "Tfeoe Repair Co. its capital stock. ien. . ' : . . . . . Goldsmith, director: of the Chicago and relatives. , the Basketball teams of the First Miss Ethel Cohen returned home The nffairs of this corporation shall be J. I . EKAOE, Prop. ' 161© Board of two directors. Presbyterian Church, the Mayflow-! The. Jewish community at Harbin Federation of Jewish Charities, cited Tuesday following a two weeks' visit conducted by aErHKAIM WKIXBEKG figures to prove that American Jews possesses two big synagogues, severFsrnsm Miss Esther-R. Lavine visited with er church in the XMCA Inter-church in Chicago, Illinois, where she was A. B. GEXDLER In presence nt: . friends in Omaha the past week. league, USatiirday ievening tiiey will al smaller praying rooms, a soup kit- were drifting away. Tttpm trade and the guest of Miss Libby Blacker. SAM J. LEON. commerce ^and, turning: toagriculture, chen; a bank, a home.for aged people, play; 12-21-34-4t y the team• .of* ;the•.,,Grace M. E. a hospital, a Talmud .Torah, a Jewish industry and the professions, but he ^ h h in i '' tthe"•< h " TfMCA' • at t '.© ' l k ! Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Katelman ©.- o'clock! ^church, warned-that %"the pttfblem-of maldisThe Amorian member* will check Women's d u b , a branch office of thetribution of occupations among the and children, Avrum and Harriet Th Ai Maxine, are expected home today wraps at the A. Z. A. dance Sunday. emigration organization ''Hicem" and Jews is far from solyed." Explore the World's Far Corners with James Boring's two Russian-Jewish . weekly papers, from St. Louis, Mo., where Mrs. one- of which follows the general Felix M. Warburg general chair- Katelman and children spent the past Zionist policies* whereas the other is man of the conference, touched upon few weeks while Mr. Katelman was in The B'nai Brith Lodge will hold a revisionistic. ''•••' " business- session - next Wednesday an.important point "When he empha- Hot Springs, Ark. Mr. Katelman James Boring's famous Small Party Cruises provide all the evening to complete plans for the One of the three European city sized that the,sphere.;.of.J.ewish. char- joined his family/in St. 'Louis Sunformal installation . of the •: newly ity federations lies: in America. Point- day .to accompany them..home. councillors is a Jew, also the vicefeatures of the big cruise but limited membership assures J 1 J ! elected officers. ••.;-• -":' .. presidentof the chamber of commerce, ing out that ' - - ~ " - - - --- ' — - ^ complete individual independence. Rates include Firest-Class A - pre-tournament dance will be and one of the presiding officers of | The meeting will be held in the ..Mrs. Leo Blank and sonj, Lane Buraccommodations on the finest steamers of the world's greatsponsored by the Athletic committee Jewish Community - Center. the.Commercial d u b . ,. ton, of Minneapolis, * Rlinn., left for of the Sioux City A. Z. A. chapter federations whfente "B?tid "that, "if, est fleets and the best hotels and automobiles ashore. Lately, the economic conditions of No. 12, Sunday, evening, January 13, the Jews has worsened. This has noth- developing an .infej^^;.humanitiarr, their home. Saturday night following a two weeks* visit' herefat the home a t the . Bellevue Apartment Ball ing to, do with ahfrSemitism, but has ian and educatio^J ^ b r k , , we can, Mr. Barney Room. Mu$ic will be furnished by been caused by the increasing influ- makeeven better *.c^^s r OTt J of the of. Mrs! Blank's:father, : ! Gilinsky;;. Mrs. J. E. Schlank of Des r Jack Beams and^his orchestra and ence of. the Japanese."'-' 'growing Jewish popwlation, -so - ttcat Moines;/- Iowai Jyhb • ^.is • "also visiting WEST BOUND South Sea Islands, Samoa, Fiji, i Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will re- a gala array of entertainment has The Russian White Guardists try our goveriim.elit" wIl^eeTJliat th^ere is her^father," Mr? Gilinsky, will return Hawaii, Japan, Philippines, Bali, New Zealand, Australia, Bali, view "Forty Days of Musa Dagh' been arranged by the committee in to foment feelings against the Jews, no more loyal groups of-citizens sup- t i her home Sunday. Numerous afJava, Angkor, Straits Settleporting its laws and appreciating the fairs have been given in honor of by Franz Werfel, a t the next meet- charge. Java, Straits Settlements, Angbqt ,their success is negligible. ments, Burma, India, Egypt, the privileges which ^'theyr-^iave acquired Several out of town chapters have ing" of the series of book reviews A number of Jewish doctors from with their eltizenshj^, *we 'will "have Mrs. Blank and Mrs.' Sqhlank during Mediterranean—S. S. PRESIkor, Philippines, China, Japan, this winter. The review will be given designated their intentions of driv- Germany, who were sent to Harbin by DENT HOOVER from San their visit. Hawaii—S. S. MAEIPOSA from achieved a glorious'goal.'** He .Added Francisco, December 28th (via in the synagogue social hall on Jan-ing to Sioux City to attend the the refugees committee, have' been San Francisco February 5tli — that "while'*e a*e:"4fee^'inteiK9t©d dance, S. S. PRESIDENT WILSON, nary 21. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gotsdiner, enterable to find a new livelihood there. in whatever'affects £hjis3iv«&-6f Jews 122 days—all-inclusive rate Sidney Baumstein is chairman of December 6th from New York) in other-parts of-tne^warldV o\ft duties tained the members of their Sunday —138 davs—all-inclusive rate. the dance' arrangements. Assisting $1975 and our, tasks lie •withittxihe Taotders Night Bridge Club at their home Jewish Press Advertisers Merit "• $2185 him are Abe Braverman and Milton Sunday night. of our «wn country."" ~ z - > Your Patronage. \ Dr. Theodore N. Lewis wQ] speak Grueskin. <c ';• - — = * — t - ^ this evening on "The Conquering Max Pirsch returned home WednesBEN E. KA2XOWSKY, Attorney | Jew — a Dangerous-Myth." Arabs^Se^k"Concessions -*' '"" EAST BOUND Insurance Building•I, The meeting^<j£ the Temple SisterJerasalem=-A-PalestinfeJArali comThe Mediterranean, Holy Land,. ibood, which !was scheduled^ for .fait NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, the Comity Court of Douglas County, mitted bas'tecfuested *%1te"~tmii "AbEgypt,' India, Ceylon, Straits week has been postponed'until this The Young Foale Zion group met InNebraska. dullalt>6f Transjbrda&ia^for.permisPeru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Recognized as •afternoon. The meeting and program Sunday afternoon - at the "Jewish In the Matter of the Estate of PHILIP sion ,to'«stablisli if" company fcr«*Settlements, Angkor, Java, Bali, Trinidad—S. S. SANTA MARIA also known OS PHlIi GOK'jiefll follow a.one,o'clock, luncheon. {Community Center with Miss Eudice GOKELICK, Philippines, China. Japan, HaTR\CTICAL MOHEL EL1CK, formerly known as EAJTOL ploit'lhe Jordan valley "on-a tlifrtyfrom New York January 5th— || The'Sisterhood Book'. •Circle will Stillman, acting chairman. The reg- GORELICK, Deceased. waii—S. S. AQUITANIA from -' „ - Phone 1059 All persons Interested in said estate •Ate one year' concession, at;-was reported 5& daysr—all-inelusiye rate. 'tneet next' Friday -afternoon at 2 j ular , 'meeting was preceded - by a hereby notified' that a petition has been from/Anunan. ' / - - r i ' ^ New York January Slst—131 •"-•;"Bluffs, Uu..,.-. . : . • ; • • \ - $ 1 0 7 $ '••" ' • ,'p'clock,- in the home -of Mrs. E. N. meeting of the Hebrew Study group, filed In said Court alleging that said dedays—all-inclusive rate $2185 The * « r roinpahy Is^to be capital' ceased died leaving no last will and prayan."Mrs. Charles H$ Hoyt .will} The first of a series of talks on in? for administration upon his estate, and .."Expression in America" byfhe^lffe and^worlcof Bialik, to T>e " ' a hearing will be had on said peti " " • snld i°a court on the th 2nd - - 3ay before of J^x^?p i Romirowsky, Febinary. radwfg- I^ewispljn and;•^"Connt; Secure complete information from 1D35., and that if if they fall to Conrt on the _ 2nd day of j whfch was scheduled for last Suo- appear at said tilas" by Hugh Walpole. , roary, 1935, at 9 o^dock A.M., -to con] The members of the h Sisterhood day was postponed .until the meet- test said petition, the Conrt may grant 'Omaha's.Most Bea^ifui Homo for Funerals" the same and grant administration of said are' holding a series of borne card ing this Sunday. -•_ estate to Adah GoreUck or some other 1307 Howard St. Tel: AT 8028 Omaha, Nebraska Funerais To Fit Any Purseparties this month, with the funds; The group- will assisf in serving suitable :pewon and proceed, .to a settlement thereof. Wfng toward the Sisterhood pro-, for the banquet, honoring Mrs. Eli••Arn-vv 122S Famam at T h i r t y - t h i r d BRTCH CRAV7I^>H», sheva Kaplan, Sunday evening. l-ll-35-3t County Jndcc


Corf 0ppndent



Council Bluffs News



Dave Tilevitz to Head Amorians

Shoe Comfort STANDARD



AiZiA^Pre-Tourney I, Dance Sim. Evening

Rabbi to Review New Werf el Book


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Mount Sinai.

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Rev. A. Diamond


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