January 18, 1935

Page 1

.Dedicated to the Ideals of . Judaism

In the Interests of the Jewish People !

Butered as Second Class I'oatotXiceot Omaha. N


on January "i. lU-i. nt ,er the Art; or Mnrrb 3. 1879



Report S00M2 ; WOMEN TO ATTEND Jews in Palestine "Palestine PEACE CONFERENCE

Vol. X—No. 51

Women Share


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In Bujkling Up The Land"

Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor; Agency)— At a meeting of the board of trus,_ A group of Omaha women, headed There were 300,312 Jews in Palestine tees of the Conservative synagogue, j* -i?\%Mrs..J. H. Kulakofsky, program on January first of this year, it was it . was unanimously decided to i The women of Palestine share an man refugees," Mrs. Kaplan de- change the name of the synagogue. for the Council of Jewish officially estimated here. The Jews are now more than twenlal,part -with the:men in the up- clared. "The Women's Council and Henceforth the Conservative syna•fWomen, and Mr. A. D. Frank, exty-five per cent of the general settled building of the land/* Mrs. Elisheva kindred labor groups are doing gogue is to be known as the Beth- Elaborate Program Being Arecutive vice-president, expect to at4-Bay Ckmclave on Jewish Wel- tend the Peace Group conference, to population of the Holy Land, doubling Kaplan, an executive member-of the everything in their power to combat El synagogue of Omaha. ranged for Celebration fare Held Under Auspices be held in Kansas City, Mo., Febru- the ratio since 1922, when the 'League Moatzat Hapoaleth,; declared in an such tendencies." She further showed Februarys ary 4 to 6. All organizations that in- of Nations Mandate for Palestine was interview Wednesday.. A Palestinian j how t h e labor groups in Palestine of National Council officially awarded to Great Britain. clude peace groups will be represented woman leader, Mrs.^ K a p l a n - is now were t r y i n g to build t h e home land Elaborate plans are being made to . Sam. Beber was re-elected ,to the at this conference. touring, t h e United States in t h e in-[ on a basis dose to the soil with appropriately observe the thirtieth executive.committee at the four-day Interesting to Omahans is the fact terest of t h e . Histadruth, Palestine sound principles of social justice." anniversary of the Talmud Torah in labor group.. National Conference on Jewish Wei- that Mrs. Thomas Lavitt, sister of J. $.?:'_'. .: N o t only a r e t h e women organized Omaha on February 3. "There are now £ 22,000 working in agricultural p u r s u i t s i n t h e Holy fare,-held in New York last week EL Kulakofsky, is general chairman A banquet will feature the day's women Organize*! under) the auspices of. the National for the conference. Any Omaha wom- J ..in *- .the Women's . . .. b u t "they a r e also organized in program, and at this time those who Council in .Pal Council o£ Jewish Federations and en interested in" attending the sessions * she continued. ( t h e cities. Technical n i g h t schools have worked diligently in the inter* are asked to communicate with either Welfare Funds. "These are worker; In all. branches a r e maintained and various branches ests of the Talmud Torah at various . Nineteen prominent Jewish lead- Mrs. Kulakofsky or Mrs. Frank. of i n d u s t r y - a s ' w e l l f i t s land-cultiva- of; industry are taught. Even the do- Noted Attorney Makes Brilliant periods will be honored. * ers .from various parts of the countion,", .;..._•,..-•.;!--:,'. .',.: [,',-_ mestic helper in considered an imporPlea for Justice in AdMuch romance has been intertry were named to compose this In portraying, $ H | important p a r t tant member of the women's organdress at J. C. C. woven into the thirty years of hisOmaha's "Outstanding Jewish Citi- played. by ; t h e Palestinian woman-'in ization. ,. - executive" committee." William J. . tory of the Talmud Torah since the zen for 1934" will be named early in developing iheu&pinj»ltod,.Mrs. KapShroder of Cincinnati was. named When ^questioned as to what is A clear challenge to the American humble founding of E communal HeFebruary by a committee "of sev- land /poi^tedloat tfaktthree .hundred"done with children when both par- people was flung by Arthur Garfield president. eral'Omaha Jews, according to an an- wonferi "are;,gradjia^d annually from j ents are working, Mrs. Kaplan re- Hays, liberal attorney and author, in brew school in Omaha. The fconference, under the general Three decades ago the Roumanian nouncement by PfiF Beta Epsilou, theagricultttnil '-Befools sponsored hy "" chairmanship of Felix M. Warburg, plied- that competent day nurseries an address to a capacity audience at hall on Harney street was rented to Creightoh social fraternity. was *nbjfcable for its array of, brilth Mfa^t ~ ' "" "' ' '"' are maintained, where the children the Jewish Community Center Wed- house the Hebrew Zion school which Henry Monsky was last year's reliant 'speakers*-and the variety of The Moatzat affili- are well; taken * care of and where at sesday evening, in the second Com- had just been founded. This was the cipient of the award made annually ated with.the-^ viewpoints presented by them. Women organ- an. early age they are taught the munity Forum lecture of the season. first Omaha communal activity in under the sponsorship of Phj Beta ration. It was und«r th§l,auspices*qf "dignity-of labor.' As; an example of the divergent "It is time that we true Americans the Jewish educational field. > views presented, Professor Morris Banquet at J. C. C. Sunday to Epsilon fraternity. In 1932 the award the lacbl ^iooeei^omen .group that "Here. in our homeland," she said, take the duty of defending victims Shortly thereafter this school was was presented to William L. Holz-; Mrs. Kaplan Celebrate Organization's Cohen, philosopher, of the City col~tOh ''"'" "as nowhere else, is the woman an of prejudice from the shoulders of moved to the B'nai Israel synagogue. man. 42nd Anniversary lege of New York, delivered a. plea "The P&Ies^ g y opp equal of her mate . and walks with the Communists, Socialists, and oth- And, it was not long before the ^iana1 are. strongly A committee composed of the fol- posed to. tibe land for Jews to live as people, not parnd speculation" s p e l t i " brougat b t him hand" in hand up the steps of er radicals,", the brilliant speaker B'nai Jacob congregation founded ticularly as Jews. Dr. HordeCai Kap- •More than five hundred reserva- lowing people has been selected by into the cotmtr^.b^r«>me of the Ger- progress ahd achievement." said. "It is sad to observe that the its Hebrew school. In 1917, both, Ian, rabbi of the "Society for"the Ad- tions have been made by the mem- the fraternity to aid in choosing the bulk of the work in preserving our schools were consolidated into one, ; . , Banquet. vancement of Judaism and dean of bers of wives' and members of the individual: Mrs. L. Neveleff, head American liberties has been left to known as the Omaha City Talmud Over, three hundred attended the the Teacher's Institute of the Jew- Omaha Hebrew "Club for the ban- of several Jewish Women's organizaorganizations classed as "anti-social" Torah. banquet given Monday at the "J. C- C. ish1 Theological Seminary,^expressed quet, that, is to_be_ held this coming tions; Miss Ruth Allen, 'educational and "un-American." It was at this time that the buildin honor of Elisheva Kaplan. a diametrically opposed line of Sunday evening at the Jewish Com- director of the Jewish Community Case after case of national and ing at Seventeenth and Burt streets In an address following the banCenter; Rabbi David A. Goldstein, of thought.* Stating that the "federa- munity Center, at 6:30 p. m. quet,, Mrs.- Kaplan spoke on the ac- international importance was re- was bought to house the Talmud The. banquet is being tendered to the Beth-El "synagogue; Rabbi. Uri tion movement represented by centricomplishments in Palestine and said viewed by Mr. Hays before the huge Torah. Here all classes were held fugal forces in Jewish life making all the members of the Omaha He- Miller; of the Vaad HaTto; Frank she sees a. great future: for Palestine audience. In each case, the veteran until 1931, when the Talmud Torah for Jewish survival" is the] future brew Club without cost, as a.ges- R. AckerinanJ editor of. the Jewish as. .the . Jewish .national homeland. defense lawyer showed where preju- was moved to the Jewish Community hope of American Jewry. He deaied ture in celebration of' the trioute Press;- Rabbi Frederick Cohn of dice, the Thirteenth Juror (the title Center. that anything like a -ghetto' would that is being paid to the past presi- Temple Israel; arid Henry Monsky, of Mr. Hays' address), played the To Be Honored. 1933- recipient. dents of the club." emerge,from this philosophy. . . . - - . . , state 1 in Palestine leading role in convicting- men not At the banquet on February 3, To cooperate with the above ad- Is Incbnipatible; wifth the*«cope* of t h e Palestine last year, 20,000 being guilty of anything but being "differ- thirty-five men and women who At the speakers' table will be Joseph Schlossberg, secretary of German refugees. the Amalgamated Clothing Workers seated the twenty living past pres- yisory .committee/ the ' following Mandate for.Palestine issued to Great have at various periods during the Rabbi David ' A. Goldstein also ent" of America> accused—Jewish em- idents of-the organization who now group of alumni"aud active members.\ B r i t a i n ' b y t h e i League of_ Nations, the The Reichstag building" fire trial past thirty years been active in Talspoke. Mrs. J. Richlin was chairman of the fraternity has been named: Mandate Commission of t h e ' League ployers ' of an "economic anti-Semi- reside in Omaha, and each will be was described as having been carried mud Torah work will be honored. , presented with an acknowledgement Nate Gilinsky, president of the alum- nas ruled, i t was revealed n e r e with and toastmaster. on "in an atmosphere of lies, under tism." The memory of sixteen deceased . .Representatives from the various ni chapter, Joseph Solomohow,' PhilBriefly, summarized are some. of for their efforts in "the development ip Klutznick, Dr. Leon-Fellman, Aaron the: publication of t h e minutes of t h e Zionist organizations in Omaha were a prosecution of cruelty, and pre- persons who were active in the Talrecent meeting o r the commission. The the thoughts expressed by other and advancement of • the work o ' judiced .verdict." .•• • ipud Torah work will also be comPerlis, Max Kesnick and Morris Koom. decision of t h e Permanent Mandates present. the- organisation.speakers at "the conference; At the Scottsboro trial, still pendmemorated at this time. ; Tuesday Afternoon Tea. include Herman H. " Formal presentation of ".the''- award" Commission was t i n reply id a - p e t i Dr. Cyrus Adler, president of the • These jwill ing, the "defense" labored under cirwill.take place at a banquet which 1 Board of Directors, , ; American, Jewish committee presid- Auerbach, Mendel Blank, Harry A. will • be held early in February,, at tion presented by t h e Zionist-Revision- . Tues.day ,. afternoon Mrs. Kaplan cumstances which, 'dealt'.not only with ing at a session dedicated to the de-* Wolf, Nathan S. Yaffe, Abe Kat- which members of the committee and ist Organization, headed, by Vladimir- was, honored at a tea by the Galdie the alleged.crime .but'with the neces- The officers of the TAlmud Tp^ah, ' ""' ' " ''" . velopment of Jewish cultural activi- skee, Ben' Handler, Jacob J. Irried- "Outstanding'Jewish.Citizen" will Le Jabotlnsky, who. cad asked, the League Myerson club at the home of Mrs. sity of abolishing prejudice . agaijsst a r e : • • • ' ' • - • . . . . . .. - - ties in -the' 'United States warned man, Dr. Abe Greenberg, Arthur Ko- guests of-the fraternity. '~A% that of Nations tojdlirpct <Jreat-Britain as S. Nite. color, against '&»•:Jf orShern - attorney E M7" :Baris&\ president; Dr. -Tuesday afternoon sha spoke at an fW that the Jewish ,xeligioin^ .cannot senbium, Dr.' Nathan'• Dahsky, Max time ..an -embossed certificate, syro- the mandatory mm%t t o ' t s j a c f l i l t i i P ^ t e ta open meetinir of the Senior .Pioneer torney's .religious affiliation-Judaism. Philip Sher, .honorary president; N, maintain itself, jon an. emotional basis TWmWn,«Tred St White,- Marks= LaJew- "Women, the Junior Pioneers,^sfei.t alone. He asked that every Jewish ng, SamJEJ. Klaveri Irvin C. Levin, bolic of the honor conferred, and a to the early establisktoent of the "We are far too complacent1* con-~ S-/Ysfie,, • vice-president; ,"S.; R&vit*, : M ; ' d ^ ish state. •••••.-•• *. .;; " i ; . • .•. . " . gold engraved.^Icey triff be presented Goldie Myerson, club. Sylvia Magsachild-be. informed on the history and Hymen S. Shrier, Henry Monsky, _S. duded JMr. Hays'**iit is time to see honorary vis*-'president|. : key,; treasurer? • " Mrs. -. Ma*"' ^ i min presided. . . . _..- ,-. teachings of his faith "so that he Ravitz, Dr. A.. A* Steinberg andTCarl to the individual chosen. thut united action toust be "taken in secretary. -Aaron' Katz is -principal without the consent, or. approyal. .of may become a self, respecting Jew." C. Katleman. .- • - • , " . , , . , these cases, where ' the '.Thirteenth J of the Talmud Torah. thei ^xecutiYe of the Jewish" Agency Williant J. $hroder, .the -re-elected The' Omaha Hebrew "club has "been Juror^ ..prejudice/ delivers' the verThe. list-of board of directors, anfolr'Palestrae,.whicn is .officially recpresident of the organization, Hailed in existence for rforty-two years, durdiet." nounced this week by President Bai>. ogriiied by, the League as; the supreme 5 the national council as a clearing ing all of which -time it has served '. An"-open forum was conducted im- ish, includes: ' Jewish, representative ^body, had' dehouse for the ultimate solution, of in the capacity of an insurance' benmediately : after the lecture, anij the \ Milton • Abrahams, Frank Acker-manded radical revision of the Adminthe welfare, problem. He said the efit organization paying liberal audience was. given the opportunity man," M. M. Barish, Mrs. M. Barish, istration "of Palestine aid change p t organization had. no desire t o become amounts -to the constituent membei-s to ask questions, of the evening. Sam Beber, Dr. O. C. Belzer, Mrs1. -many of the. state ordinances to'com"a "super-body in any. sense control- for sjck- benefits, and death "benefits J. Bernstein, Ruben Bordy, M. D. Fred S. White introduced the chairply with their '.iaterpretatidn of the ling .the national or -international to- the widows of the' members. In Rabbi The next address in the Jewish - The newly-formed Women's" Divi- man for the evening, District- Judge Brodkey, Mrs. Dave Cohn, , }:.-"'.::'• : agencies or the local communities. It -addition, the club has contributed lecture series will be made by Dr. Palestine mandate. Frederick Cohn, D. Crounse, John John W. Yeager, who introduced Arsion 'of the Jewish -Community Center The Executive of the Jewish Ageijscy offered its help r without the least many "thousands of dollars to chari- Moses Jung, head of.the department Feldman, Rabbi N. Feldman, Mrs. J. arid Welfare Federation will sponsor thur Hays.- , - . • - ' . implication of supervision to any re- table and benevolent' purposes. The of Jewish'Religion at,the university haid' never jitself. appiiet Jorpr desired the second Center Players Guild-proFinkel, Mrs. J. J. : Friedman, Mrs. Earlier in the day, Mr. Hays was gional, national or international officers. of ;the • club,. are - especially of Iowa, who wuT speak on "A Plea a legal definitipnJ; pf*tii<£Stem; ''Jewish v ductioiv -"The Torchbearers," to be guest of honor at- a luncheon- given Sarah Frohm, Max Frotnkin, - Mrs, agency. ]| proud of the. "splendid fashion' in for Dynamic Judaism." This aduress NafloiraT H6me/' wteli :is'- the pfirase presented ^t the Community Center by the Creighton University chapter M. Fromkin, Abe Goldstein, Rabbi "used u d in. the mandate, "and whichV the Felix M. Warburg in an address which the Club has weathered. the is the third in the Jewish lecture se- Revisionists evening, February 19. of Pi-Lambda Phi, of which the Fo- David A. Goldstein, I. Goldstein, Dr, \%B4 equivalent equialent Tuesday ts dec^je^C ^ ^ C \%4 equiva ; The. cast, which emphasized the importance for Amer- last few years .of the depression, the ries and is scheduled for Wednes- to'' ".4ewlsn rfetate/*' 'This * U the includesMartha Tum speaker is national president. A. Greenberg, Mrs. Dave Greenberg, h fi first J. J. Greenberg, Mrs. J. J» Greenican Jews to concentrate on. Jewish financial standing. of the organiza- day, January 30, at 8 p. m . a t the time rthat the Ijeague • of' Nations' has" Hinielstien, Sylvan Frankel, Donald Louis E. Lipp was in charge. problems in. this country. He , said: tion showing a substantial cash re- synagogue at 18th and Chicago Issued any form'aT Intirpfetationiy' *• Brodkey, Mrs.-: David Brodkey, - Adele -Mrs. Hays accompanied- her hus- berg, B. Handler, William Holzman, M. Katzman, Ben Kaalowsky, Ben ? While we are deeply, interested in serve at this time, and a large Sur- streets. ' Wilinsky, Jack Temin, Irene Hirsch, band to Omaha. whatever affects the lives of Jews plus on hand. According to Ben E. Kirsheribaum, Phil Klutznick, Mrs. Ernest Nogg, - Albert Oruch, Reva Dr. Jung; Is a former director if fo other parts of, the world, our Kazlowsky, president" of the organ- the' Hillel Foundation at the UniL. Kneeter, R. Lackow, Mrs. M. F. Iipsman, Lea Oberman and Harold 1 •duties and our tasks lie- within. the ization,- fifteen new members have versity of Wisconsin and an editor Levenson N, Levinson, Harry MalaTuchman, is making excellent progborders of our own country."shock, H. Marcus, .Tack W. Marer, ress, according to the director, Miss already been initiated in'the last fcw.oof the Jewish encyclopedia. He reDr. M. Margolin, Mrs. M. Margolin, M e r r i ' t t •.. • -. • • \ • ;.''.. Neville Laski, British leader, re- weeks, with an intensive' member- ceived his training at the London William Milder Mrs. William Milder, ported on the pathetic conditions of ship drive being planned "for the sec- university,: Cambridge, and at the The play is a hilarious comedy and The Hazomir ' Singing •• Society : is Rabbi Uri Miller, I. Morgenstern, the Jews of-Poland and asserted he ond week -in February^- ' ; ". universities in Vienna and Berlin. "" actively carrying :on ^rehearsals for satire on amateur .theatricals by one Simon Pizer, M. Potash, S. Ravitz, felt himself .under, obligation, to rouse Hymen Shrier- has" Wen, appointed Tickets for the individual lecture the; benefit-concert *t» 'bergiven - Sun- of America's leading playwrights, the Jews of England to greater ef- toastmaster/or the;banquet and- will are fifty cents and ' tickets for. the day, January 27, at the Beth Hame- George Kelly. It has enjoyed a sucCharles Uoss, Mrs. A, The joint committees of the Junior Mrs. forts in behalf of their Polish co- present < a varied array of talent for remainder of the. series can still be drosh ^Hagpdol synagogue, :19th ;ahd cessful season on Broadway and lias Vaad Auxiliary and of. the Junior Schwaczkin, Dr. Philip Sher, Mrs. religionists. "I have- never yet seen the-entertainment of the members procured through members 6f the Burt street. This concert is- spon- been very popular with Little Thea- Society of the Conservative synago- K. Tatle, Joe Tretiak, A. G. ! that misery could be so widespread," of the .Omaha Hebrew Club and their Junior Vaad. :••'• :: gue have completed arrangements stein, Mrs. Sarah Weissman, Rabbi ' .'' ' sored by the Omaha Mizrachi -and ter groups throughout the country. he said, speaking about. Poland. all the* proceeds wiH go to Palestiitc. ..Mrs. Sam Theodore is..chairman of for the series of lectures .to be given D. H. Wice, H. Willinsky, Mrs. A." wives. The following will take part Dr. Joseph Rosen, Agro-Joint di : in the program: Myron Cohn, Cecil The Hazomir Singing : Society was the committee in charge. Edward D. by Maurice Samuel on. February 16 Wolf, and N. S. Yaffe. manager of the and 17. Tickets will, be put on sale lector, in this country, to confer with Berryman, Cantor Selz, Dorothy, Caorganized-five years ago through; the Brodkey is business : •Jewish leaders, said that "Biro-Bi- mel, Lottie Rips, Harriet Bernstein, next week. They will be 75 cents for effort of Cantor A. Scliwaczkin. Its group. djan possessed all the -potential pos- Evelyn Green, Pearl Marcus, Ruth the series, or 50 cents for a single purpose is to spread • Jewish -music sibilities" of becoming a -very im- Meyers, Milton Robinson and Goldic admission. and lolk-songs among. Jewish youth. portant center of immigration "for Freed. Maurice Samuel is one of the best The -Hazomir has approximately SS • •• the Jewish working classes." . . Members of the Beth-El synagogue members, having both voice and orknown of contemporary Jewish writJohn Feldman is chairman of the The College club of Temple Israel James G. McDonald, League of committee in charge, the remaining and their friends are looking forward chestral accompaniments. It is : iJie ers and lecturers. He has- just pub- will begin a new series of discusto the coming of Dr. Louis FinkelNations high commissioner for Ger- members being! Jack Gavenman, M. counterpart, of Jewish singing socie- -The next book review in the series lished a best seller novel called "Beman refugees, received the annual Bercovici, Charles Mann, A. Rich- stein, professor of Talmud at the ties thai» are found in all Jewish by Babbi Goldstein, will take place yond Woman." However,- i t ' is not sions on the "Great Religions of the " ' -medal of the American Hebrew at a ards, Jacob Freed, Dan Schwartz, Jewish Theological seminary of Amer- communities throughout ,thq worldi •., Monday, January 21, at the Jewish as a novelist that he has won fame World." A meeting will be held Sunday, dinner jointly sponsored by the con- Barney Feltman, Nate Yafe, Louis ica. Dr. Finkelstein comes to Omaha among Jews. His devotion to Zion- January 20, at 4:15 p, m. One of Cantor'. Schwaczkin, who" organiked Community Center. •••'-. ference and the magazine. Speaking Morgan, Albert Kaplan, S. Altshuler, under the auspices of the Study club and leads the Hazomir ' Singing 'soRabbi Goldstein has changed the ism is well known. Because of this on tolefance^—the medal he received Mark Polonsky, D. Feldman, Good- of the synagogue." The Women's Aux- ciety, has- Ian extensive background subject of the review. Instead of dis- devotion, he lives in Palestine with the members of the club will lead the first discussion. iliary will give a dinner in "his honor in. musical experiencei He studied in being for the promotion of better man Meyerson. cussing "The World's Illusion," by his family for six months out of Tuesday, January 29. understanding between Jews and the. Venezia- Musical 'Conservatory, Wassermann, he will lecture on "Rus- every year, spending the remaining Dr. Finkelstein is making a tour and the.Kie_y School' of Music, and sia's Iron Age," by Chamberlain. Mr. six months in America and other Christians—the commissioner said.no of the middle-west at this time. He was, also, fiistructed by .the- cele- Chamberlain has .written by far the countries, traveling and lecturing. form of intolerance was "more concombines in himself th.© Jewish schol- brated Vinkelman, of the Austrian In next week's Jewish Press, the (Continued on Page 8) arship of the. old-fashioned European Imperial Opera. He has occupied the finest recent book on Russia. He gives committee will announce the suba fair, unbiased objective account of scholars and the mastery of the Amer- position of Cantor in Pressburg, in London (WNS).—The plight of the , the actual achievements and failures jects to be discussed by Samuel. ican and European culture. He is a German Jews and of the refugees Is The Bikur Cholim held a regular fascinating speaker and always draws Philadelphia^ and has been here the of the Soviets. His book, has stirred up so great that it must take precedence much controversy and much, praise. meeting Monday, January 14, at the a large crowd wherever he is sched- last eight years. over all other Jewish jproblerns, Leon-' : Jewish Community Center. Election uled to speak. : An interesting program of Reli. are! Montefiore, president of the Anof officers was held. gious and Folk-song music has been The B'nai B'rith will hold a meetglo-Jewish Association, told that orplanned for'the coming concert. '': [ Mrs. L. Neveleff was re-elected ing Monday, January 21, at 8:30 p.m. ganization's council. Haifa (JTA). — Happy to escape president;, Mrs. S. Fish, Mrs. J. Fin* The entire proceeds Tsrill go to the at the Jewish Community Center. from Yemen, Arabia, where Jews are Montefiore said that the Polish nd Mrs. N. Katzman were elected Palestine Fund of the Mizrachi. Eugene D. O'SulIivan, Omaha lawyer, ^ severely persecuted, S25 Yemenite Jews are facing a tragedy, but when vice-presidents; Mrs. J. Miller, rewill be the speaker of the -evening.'" The Daughters of Israel Aid so- Wilno.—The oae hundredth anniverBuenos Aires (WNS).—Immediate Jews arrived here to settle to Pales- it comes to a Question of which comes . He, will speak on the Townsend Plan, cording secretary; Mrs. I. Pitlor, fifirst, the German Jews must take ' which is the old age pension rplan call- nancial secretary; Mrs. Leon Mendel- ciety elected the following officers sary of the birth of the "granfifatJier withdrawal of Ferd.inand Bruckner's tine. The entire group was admitted on precedence because they are not only son, corresponding secretary and Mrs. at their last meeting: Mrs. A. Wolf, anti-Nazi play, "Races," as a "tissue o£ Yiddish literature," Mendele ing for payment of $200.00 per month re-elected president; Mrs. M. Brod- Moicher Sforim (S» J. Abramovitca), of lies and slanders directed insidious- certificates sect them by the Jewish ruined economically but politically, for every person over the age of 65. C. Rose, treasurer. key, first vice-president; Mrs. S. will be officially celebrated next De- ly to discredit the National Socialist Agency for Palestine, which included too. His statement was in reply to a • There will be a period of open discussion after the talk. Warsaw.—Embittered because he Olander, -second vice-president; Mrs. cember, the Yiddish Scientific In- regime" was demanded of £he Argen- them in its immigration schedule. One demand that a special fund be organtine government in an official pro- family consisting of eighteen members ized to furnish relief for Polish Jews. " Max Barish, president will an- had been unable to obtain an Immi- J. Finkle, third vice-president; Mrs. stitute has announced here. Montefiore insisted that every penny nounce the committees for the ensuing gration visa to Palestine, a Polish K. Tatle,-treasurer; Mrs. L Kulakof- The statement of the . Institute test lodged with the foreign ministry came in on a single certificate. The immigrants told of persecution that can be raised must be used for term, and othqx important business Jew tossed a bomb into the yard of .sky and Mrs. Max Kaplan, financial comes in connection with various as- by .the German ambassador. The note ! will !be daicusgddi An -members are the British embassy here. , secretaries, ahd Mrs. A. MaiseL re- sertions that the anniversary falls on contained the signatures of 175 Ger- in Yemen and of the many difficulties the relief of German Jews <and of the. urged to attend-; « • " . • • ; cording secretary.. •-.-..:. December of 1935. : -' -.: ["• ' ' man organizations in the Argentine. they were forced to surmount before refugees from the Reich. • The bomb failed to explode. they finally reached their goal. .





Conservative Synagog Changed to"Beth-EF










Temple College Club' , -,. Begins New Discussion

Rabbi Will Review "Russia's Iron Age"

Says Nazi Situation Most Vital Problem'


B'nai B'rith Meeting Will Be Held Monday

Mrs. A. Wolf Heads Daughters of Israel

Germany Demands Ban Anti-Nazi Play

325 Yemen Jews . Reach Holy -Land


Problem of Jewish Medical Students By Dr. Leo Baumann

individual suffers a loss if the latter is deprived of his opportunity to function according to the best of his ability." Dr. Kopetiky, on t i e other hand, is of the opinion that quotas are necessary. because "all groups, no matter what religion, have a limit set on them." He holds that the Jews as a smaller group, cannot expect to enter more . students in medical schools than they* represent in the population. It is Ms feeling tisa* "even if Jewish students outranked other nationalities in study tmd scientific achievement, the public at large would still take a1 doctor of its own kind. Our rflTPTt"" neighbors do not seek Jewish doctors — they call Christian doctors." Those -who differ with this point of view maintain that the law of supply and demand should operate in the medical profession without regard to race or religion. There is also a marked difference of opinion as to th J actual amount of discrimination. In a recent study of the entire question, Dr. Harold Rypins, secretary of the New York State Board of Medical Examiners, found that throughout the country as a whole seventeen per cent of all the medical students are Jewish. On the basis of these figures, he declared that since the Jews "form only 3.5 per cent of the country's population, the fact that they are -selected to fill seventeen per cent of the openings in medical schools speaks very well for the quality of the-Jewish applicants, but it is also evidence against the common allegation ot religious and racial discrimination." -Dr. Rypins also pointed out that £ue accidental concentration, of a disproportionately large Jewish, population in New York <Sty is the determining factor in .the whole problem and added that *only tthe most fanatical Jewish advocate would attempt to support the claim that on the average there are between four and five times as nmay desirable Jewish candidates for the study of medicine per unit of population." -


Last Sunday afternoon the J. C. C. athletic varsity squads won a double header victory when the Center Girls defeated the strong Fremont Oriole sextet by the score of 23 to 18. Flo Brootetein, Reva Goldenberg, Min Yaffe, forwards played good offensive ball while Miriam Greenberger and Esther Siegel held thu opposing forwards in check at their guard positions. The J. C C Men's Varsity defeated the LmeoJn Puritans, a Jewish team from the Capitolt city by the score of 19 to 15. Ix * Murphy" Bogdaneff was high scorer for the Center cagers with, three baskets and three free throws for a total of nine points. Both teams displayed an airtight defense with Turner, Bergman and Burroughs shining at the sentinel posts for the victors. This Sunday the Varsity will play the strong. Kansas City center varsity in Kayee with a returning game to be played here March 10. The K. C. dub is "undefeated and is leading the league in the Greater Kansas City basketball circuit.

J. C. C Sport Notes

The J. C. C. regular season haub*ball doubles tourney entries close this Sunday. Boxing class to be held every Tuesday and Thursday, starting next Tuesday, January 22, Purpose of dass is to teach the art of self-defense and to find good prospects to represent the center in the1 WorldHerald Golden Glove boxing tournament. The dass will be under the direction of Lee Grossman and Joe Kaplan, the latter was the former Golden Glove champion in 1930 and will compete again this year.

The reasons many men believe they are not in the market for life insurance are the very reasons why •Bo American medical schools have such a contingency must be recog- of limiting the percentage of Jewish they need it. The man who because applicants admitted. We accept Jewa policy of limiting the percentage nized." of conditions has extended his credit of Jewish applicants admitted? What •Dr. Frank R. lallie, Dean of the ish students as freely as any ether far beyond normal, who has seen his do the Deans of "the important medi- TJniversity of Chicago M e d i c a l group from our own., territory or good assets "freeze" and who needs .state, but since we are a state incal colleges think of a Jewish quota School- . The Midget league basketball every cent of cash to enable him to ""In round numbers about one-third stitution -vrith limited facilities we in their schools? started last Friday with Miiders and hang on nntil the tide turns, is the must give preference to applications Omaha Jobbing Junior teams vktor3 very man for whom life insurance The Seven Arts Feature Syndicate of "the students in our medical school from bona fide- residents from our over the Shukerts and Trojans. can do the most. has submitted these questions to the are at least partially Jewish. The own state and we have practically no heads of American medical schools. proportion in tils year's freshman room for non-residents. The "business man "under such cirit hap"We present the answers, and the clas3 is somewhat smaller than it was pens that we have ToomWhen cumstances says: "Give me time and Fascist Ideals for any nonin last year's. Our committee -on adconclusions drawn from them by one I'll see this thing through." That is Home.—An appeal to American Jewresidents our preference, is always •who has studied the problem.—The missions is forced ix> -reject about for exactly what life insurance will do, ry not to confuse Italian Fascism some one from a western state four fifths of the qualified appliEditor. give him Hme to win; for if death with the Nazism of Germany has been cants owing to'oar limitation., of the or territory In which there is no -doesnt give him time, life insurance issued here by the Union of Jewish number of students, and every effort -medical school. Of some three hunpromises to pay bis family the same Communities in Italy after learning Are too many Jewish students is made to avoid any unjust discrim- dred non-resident applications we estate that would have come to them that some young Jewish students in have each year or that we cunnot seeking a d m i s s i o n to medical ination either on the basis of race had he lived and won. America had committeed themselves consider, over one hundred are from schools? Should medical schools con- or .aex." to inconsiderate: manifestations upon The stormier the ocean, the greatNew York City or its, environs. To sider the racial or .religious antece- Dr. IL^eihel, Dean of the Univerthe arrival of a group o£ Fascist stuer becomes the need for extra care judge from names, I should say that dents of applicants for admission? sity of Texas Medical School: dents from Italy to America. regarding life boats. It is the time -to ninety per cent arrs Do American medical schools have a "We accept Jewish students from seventy-five to make sure that there are enough The Psi Mu fraternity five outJewish. I think it is undesirable that = policy of limiting' the percentage of the State of Texas only." of the.m to do the job they may at did the Wardrobe Clothiers in evtoo large a proportion of the prosJewish applicants admitted? Is it d ^ Dr. William A. Pearson, Dean of pective physicians should be Jews. any minute be called upon to do. erything in their basketball tilt in .Sizable that too large a proportion of the Bahnemann Medical College of With certain exceptions that are obthe Senior class A league and won i&e prospective physicians of thi3 Philadelphia: easily by the count of 45 to 14. Morvious the Jewish doctor must pretty Women's Division country should be Jews? These ques- "Kara year there are approximate- well look to his own race for his rie Bloom was the hot shot for the tions have become the subject of an- ly twice the number of well-prepared patrons. This will mean that there The Women's Division announces winners, ringing in sir field goals. imated discussion throughout the applicants to our medical schools will soon be an oversupply of physithat Mrs. William Milder has com- In the other tilt, last Tuesday night country as a result of the sensation- than can be admitted and each, in- cians in many cities, districts -and pleted her motor corps committee for the youthful and scrappy A. Z. A. stitution has the responsibility ot the organization. Mrs. Milder has, No. 1 crew outbaitled the Pants al, defense of racial and religious selecting students deemed xnost de- quarters. I noticed an article l>y a been chauffeuring Miss Cohn of the j Store, five to win 20 to 18. The quotas in medical schools made by sirable. Personally, Jewish doctor two or three yeare am of the opinwelfare department whenever shet score was knotted at 18 all with less Dr. Samuel J. Kopetzky, president of ion that it is unfairI to ago, abstracted in the Literary Diadmit a dishas had to make a case calL The, than 30 seconds to play when Art the medical board of Beth Israel proportionate number of Jewish stu- gest, discussing this point. Oversupcommittee •will be at the disposal ofj Adler sneaked away for a dose-in Hospital in New York, on the -heels dents. Soinoe " of my i^pst brilliant ply and particularly with this group the welfare department at any time. speeper shot. Herb Marks, center, of a letter by Dr. James medical friends are Jews andl.'ad- and in certain quarters cannot fall Mrs. Jeanette Arnstein, president, was high scorer with 8 points for to lead to -unethical actions in" pracangfay, president of > Wesleyan Uni-i i t h ^ ' --•"• announces the appointment of Mrs. the Aleph lads. tice and competition, as well as an versity, to twelve Jewish pre-mediINSURED CABS Dr. J. H. Upham, Dean" of the Ohio -unfortunate economic condition for Isadore Levinson as chairman of the : "them thai tfiey State students University M^Val School: • all concerned. Only one of quite a Women's Division committee on the face a "rather difficult situation" if "5n selecting students far. the athletic hoard. Mrs. Levinson asks number of Jewish s*i dents from the they plan." t o ' seek admission to a freshman class of the College of Throughj the various deans dis- that any woman wishing to join a east that began their medicine with, m e d i c a l schooL . •: ;• •- -. iltwimfno of the Ohio State Univer- us years ago when we had more count the possibility of discrimina- gym class, get in touch with her. In view of the fact that many. sity the matter of race or religion room has even come to the state to tion against Jews* in their colleges, . Jews have regarded prejudice against •is sot considered. I am inclined -to practice." there is no doubt that, a definite atthe-admission of Jewish students t o think that the injection of this; subtempt is being vnf]a to limit the Million Was Given American medical colleges as. one.of ject into the public mind is unforTo appreciate the significance oi number of Jewish Applicants for a the principal manifestations of anti- j , Fund in Palestine reactions, it is essential to bear medical education. The establishment -jo2nd rather more than produce Semitism in this country, the editor tunate ill-feeling any in mind certain facts. Every one.con- of special Jewish, medical schools has Jerusalem (JTA).—Keren Hayesod Of the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate gjt-jgfff^CTy sohition. Left^ 'alone it cedes that the medical profession is been discussed in..the past, but. re-Submitted the above questions to the will work out more or less satisfac- overcrowded. The medical profession sponsible leaders of American Jew- (Palestine Foundation Fond) receipts for the year 5694 amounted to £201,deans of forty of the leading medi- torily eventually." itself has been making every effort ry have rejected-it as a dangerous O00 (over $1,000,000) of which - . ot High Grmde Furniture cal schools in the United "States. Re- Dr.-M*nrice BL .Bees,; Dean-of the to discourage the tremendous number precedent. There, is no question but £3,000 was contributed by the Arlosplies were Teceived from twelve head University of ..Coloiaio Medical applying for a medical education, that, from a purely sociological or oroff memorial fund and £5,000 raised medical schools affiliated with col- School: since aspirants far exceed the capa- ethical point of view, the only ten- fcy special drives. In addition, the sum :..-... : . . . . . . j / leges or universities in eleven difcity of the schools. One of the prin- able view is that :t>f Professor Mor- of £33,000 was forwarded for German ferent states representing every sec- The University of Colorado School cipal means of doing this has been ris Raphael Cohen, who maintains Jewish settlement by the United Paltion of the country and having .a. to-, of Medicine is a state-snpported in- to .abandon scholarship as the sole that ability should be the only cri- estine Appeal in' America. Excluding tal student population of $25,000, o | stitution. Therefore, iit cannot jnake basis of admision*. Applicants for terion employed in selecting .students. the latter sum, receipts "have grown nip y n i l e lnmtzQfr ft"TrnQpypm^ on*--the* about ten per cent of the entire nurri medical education are now selected Yet it cannot be denied that Ameri- since the previous year by £31,000. h of college ll her students. Tfieir ;^eac^ basis ofr ancestry or religion. Our ^ad- as much on the basis of personality, can, public opinion VTiews with anyThe fund, the Teport just issued tion to these questions is both iilu- missions are iased oiC sdioloxship^ social background, extra-curricular thing but favor"th«-over-profession- states, received £7;2S0 from self-rmpersonality, nttitntip and citizenship." niinating and significant and may be activities, recommendations and the alization and- -excessive ambition posed taxation from 15,000 Palestin^ Dindrant,l)ean of the regarded as an authoritative Sampimpression made by the applicant in which characterize "the Jews in this Institutions gave £1,500. The deling of opinion on this important is- University of Oregon Medical Schooh a personal interview as on scholastic country. In many respects this is bat ians. duction of one penny per pound by "At the University of Oregon Medsue. a repetition of the situation in Gerical School we have not considered achievements. Dr. Frederick B. Rob- many, where, as it will be remem- banks and theatres to aid the fund Dr. Willard Cole Bappleye, Dean the matter of racial or religious inson, president of the College of the produced £2,400. The Golden Book of the College of Physicians and Sur- qualifications at all,. and I do not City of New York, told two hundred bered, it was one of the first of the and school collections each netted geon's of Columbia University; ' * •,; • -know how many Jewish students of his own pre-medical students, the Nazis* actions to &row Jewish doc- £1,000. " W e take the best men we can seek ^admission to .medical schools majority of them Jews, that they tors and lawyers out of their posifind, regardless of race, creed or col- nor what proportion of prospective were not sufficiently "fortunate in tions, to make room for their Aryan Warns of Land Speculation or. I believe this method of selec- physicians are Jews. I have been told personality and social prestige," to competitors. seek admission to American medical Tel Aviv.—A warning that increastion by merit is the only one used It is not for this writer to suggest lave a. schools. He admitted frankly that that some Wepm&ms f&r Fine Fur&itmre ing land speculation is endangering in other medical schools." a remedy. It would, nowever, be both policy of limiting the percentage of r Dr. John Wyckoff, Dean of Beile- Jewish applicants, but I am not sure 'medical schools look to see who dishonorable and cn5dish to close the economic stability of Palestine was vue Hospital Medical College of New that it is true. With me, personally, would be the most gracious practi- one's eyes to the gravity of the sit- sounded here by Siegfried Hooflen, general manager of the Anglo-Palestioner of medicine. They look for af-* uation. York University: it makes no difference what one's fability tine Bank, at the annual meeting of and appearance.. In spite of Copyright, 1935;' by Seven Aria !"in most medical schools there is race or religion is so long as be does the increasingly prohibitive scholasLargest Esdudve Furniture Store on One Floor in the U. S. the Tel Aviv Chamber of Commerce, > , tic standards, more and more stuFeature Syndicate. no prejudice any longer" against the what he sets about welL" of which he is president. Jews, although- most of the schools, Dr. Dudley S. <3onley, Dean of the dents are-trying to get into- meditry to have a relationship between "University of Missouri School of cine." - • .• : . . .-: - .• ...:*; the racial group populace in the Medicine?' "There are many Jews Tvho 'believe \ school and the population content of. University of Missouri Sehool •"'the- university. At New York Univer- of .Medicine gives only "the first and that the policy of subordinating: schosity, where Jews[number sixty per, second yearsr of medicine. Our. own larship to social prestige and per4»nt of the student body in the med- policy, due to our limited enroll- sonality in malting admissions to ical school, medical students are ac- ment, is to show preference to bona medical schools is merely a device * Where Omaha Shops With Confidence Bound Table of Jewidi Youth cepted purely on scholarship,, person- fide citizens of the state of Missouri for limiting the number of Jews ad- will honor Hie Jewish Cummuaily Cenality land character." "without Tegard to any -religious dis- mitted. Professor Morris Raphael Co- ter yarsity basketitell-team and the .• ' hen, expressed the sentiments of this Des '•: Moines Basketball team at a Dr. E. P. Lyon, Dean of the Uhi- cri»iiTHl+imi "> •yertdty of Minnesota Medical School: Dr. l*aul S. MeKibben, Dean of the school -of thought when he aid that dancjb: in the Center auditorium on . "So one Tecognizing the": univer- University of Southern California "as Americans as well as Jews, we Sunday evening, February 17, * t $z&0. sality of science, the spread of abil-; Medical-School: Elaborate .plans are being made i» must not -abandon t*"; principle of ity among the .population,'or the ab- ""There are far too mauy appli- the opening of opportunity to each order' to have this one of the outstract rights of individuals, can & cants of all races, nationalities and individual according to his -ability." standing affairs of the season. fend the Irmitation of opportunity for religions, insny of them unqualified Professor Cohen'holds, and there -are A iumher of acts ?*"^ special nnraeducation, on any basis of race, na- Bcholastically and personally f o r t h e mitny who agree1, that "the- commu- bers have been arranged for l i e evetional' origin, color, sex or financial study and practice .of anedrrine. nity as a whole is entitled to the ning; . Btatus. This school is administered While an applicant's scholastic abil- best doctor, and if the best, judged Loyal Kaplan is chairman of the committee. He will be assisted by Max strictly in accord with this principle, ity may be -of ;very _great importance . • . they're te wear under jour coat and we are more concerned just now we beKeve that inheritance, charac- by any fair test, happens to be a Resrack, Jean Bebex, Joe Goidware BOW, aa<I later, without i t . . . about ability without •frnntn'iyi back- ter and personality are of equal im- Jew, the. community as well as the and Ann. Green. • . . they're man-tailored and very ing than any other quality of the j portance; I can only speak far this special 61 the price . . . above'list. If replies were made from institution, where the number: "of the standpoint of- what I conceive" to ! Jewish, applicants is not linnted and: x « A doaljlc-fcreasted, bi-swing. halfhe the best interests of the group where there are no quotas for Jewbetfed eait in lierringbone or diagonal . concerned, my answers would be ish cr other applicants. I t is undetsreed... gray, tan, brown or b l u e . . . quite: different and probably as fol- sirable that' too large 'a proportion . . . a ssngle-treafited fitted gait, with lows: There are too many Jews andl of •&& prospective physicians should »o fcelt, in flannel, grav, osford or too marry of all kinds seeking admis- be .Jews. It might appear that ; too ,! eion ; to medical schools; ^frorn .the large a -proportion of Jewish- Anglobrown . . . principle stated above i'; is my opin- Saxon, Italian, Negro or female phyion that the only Answer to the ques- sicians might be considered unwise. . . . notice the beautifully roHed" retion whether medical schools should Not .all Jewish applicants, students vets, the perfectly finished sleeves, ivconsider the racial or religious ante- or physicians are alike. There are as the Stile 1935 slits in the skirts. cedents of applicants for admission many- variations in Oils .group as in Is 'Jsfo.' I do not know whether metfi- any other group. The good ones are Earl-glo lined—Szes 12 te 20 v'*;cal. schools in this country•"> have a; good and' the bad ones are lad.' We 3rd Floor . Ipolicy of _ limiting the'percentage of do not have, too many, good students •COMPANY .Jewish applicants admitted. Tliis or physicians no matter what their school has no such policy. As soon as race, .nationality, or religion." ; ••.iijwo put "too Jarge"into the; question Dr. H. 33. French, Dean of the UniJANUARY CLEARANCE OP :r;wheEher it is desirable that too large versity of North Dakota School of NEBKA: CLOTH COATS !•- a>jirbportion of the' prespective phy- Medicine: HiBlcM^Khould be Jews you make the $ Srosps <d Decided Savings "There are "too many. Jewish stu:'•:4plyijjoksible answer, 'undesirable'— dents seeking admission . to medical : "".i l>at. iffhat-• is.-. 'too largeV Seriously, schools. In general, medical schools : fpoaij|iny standpoint, no, number of should not consider the racial or reK(floctb|3Bfof any racial :gtotip is in it- ligious Antecedents mcjapplicants for " ^^iindesiranle. It, that is too many admission, -and" BO far as students Third Flaw vdo&^im^Jsadrto -a waste ofhtt- from our jown state are concerned, SliaaB:lifforti to frnstratioa and. falfe -We make.no distinctions, but I xaa ures,- perhaps to- a • lowered.stsudard inclined to think that a situation ? cf Medical ^racticer^If -you; pntr> Ne^ arisen iiri»hic1i 4be "school should da ^ifero^insfcfiia"?=rt£ Hew'into yourJiqueffi sa./JL<2a -not knew -whiefljer medical wj^nsi^yottiWOTjWaave ^» <oafe0B that! ' schools a£ this country iave a. policy


In Collaboration with the Beans of Twelve American Medical Colleges


Clearance Safe






i S M ; i N ^ # w ? ^ % ^ : ^ : ' , - : - : •'?•• *;:*- :.r-'":

Page a—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1935 sheep - rolling down, t i e hills and spread out over the length and breadth of the fields. And iow—all is covered with a green carpet, with a rug all woven of stripes of grain, vegetables and all kinds of vegetation. '\ - '.' And sparks of hope fill the heart, and I say: Were coins of gold rolling in the streets of the Diaspora, or what value are they in comparison with the chunks of earth which have been plowed up with mine own hands."

Personalities in the News

ingly difficult for people with radi- of the entire affair. He has edited a cal ideas to express themselves. This book of legal opinions of Supreme is particularly true because they are Court Justice Louis D. Brrndeis, enOsmond K. Fraenkel Sometime in the next few weeks, seldom accused on the basis of hold- title d"The Curse of Bigness," Mr. nine elderly gentlemen wearing ju- ing those ideas, but of advocating Fraenkel is a frequent contributor dicial robes will walk into a court- force and violence instead. This is to law magazines and reviews, chiefroom in Washington. .With a rustling merely wish fulfilment. It is also ly on constitutional questions. Mr. Fraenkel is a member of the Translated by Harry Mendelson from the Hebrew* Written by Leah Adelstein of silken robes, the judges of. the true that the violence is.usually used against the radicals rather than by visiting committee of the Columbia United States Supreme Court will This translation from the Hebrew to the toiling Hebrew people winch noises made by the ears of grain settle in their places; lawyers and them. California and Pennsylvania, Law School and a member of the is dedicated to the youngsters grow* brings forth its bread with the sweat which have bent their heads before spectators will take their seats, and which are already reactionary strong- Municipal Court Commission of the ing up near the soil in the new of the brow. Everything here pos- the west wind, which blows daily in r the fate of the nine Scottsboro boys, holds, furnish ample evidence of this Bar Association. Palestine. \ sesses a flavor andfeature unique un- tKfe Emek. Just now I-was torn away Copyright, 1935, Jewish Telegraphic hapless figures in the cause celebre nature." This essay was written in 1929 to itself—the fragrance and scent of from the enchanted cords that bound Agency, Inc. Nurtured pa. the democratic tradi1 which has had repercussions in prac••' for a national contest by a little the fatherland rises up from it. In the me to the field of soomsameen (seed tion, the liberal lawyer comes by his tically every part of the world, will girl in the eighth grade of Bal- summer and in the winter, in the day- used for the production of a kind of fondness for unpopular causes nathang in the balance once again. < fonria school, in the valley of Jez- time and at night, in the house and Mazola) which I planted with my own urally. Mr. Fraenkel, is of German Osmond K. Fraenkel, mild-manreel, where I spent three years as in the field I breathe an air' that is hands. I still feel within me the early nered and scholarly, who says that Jewish ancestry and his people came a farmer. I knew her family quite unique—the air of Palestine. warm sun-rays which threw themto the United States with the first well, having learned my first lesThe cast of "Snow White," first his clients range :.ll the way from And a l l — the mountains and theselves upon me this morning from Jerusalem (JTA). — The developsons in modern agriculture from her valleys, the hills and the dales, the over Givath Hamoreh (Mount Hamo- production of the Children's Theater "ultra-conservative Wall Street ban- wave of German emigrants who fled father, one of the first pioneers in rocks and the brooks—all are tinted reh, at the foot of which stands the at the Jewish Community Center, is kers to Communists," will be one of to the United States when the revo- ment of the Jewish newspapers in Palestine during the last seventy the valley. "In the Fatherland," was with the bright colors of our land of famous children's village and repub- making excellent progress, according the two attorneys who will argue the lution of 1848 proved abortive. He was bom and raised in Newyears will be traced in an exhibition the title of her literary effort. The our ancestors. The flowers of the lic). I still can touch with my ten fin-to the director, Miss Grace Levin. constitutional status of the case for York City, "of sound bourgeois now being prepared for display in confine sentiments expressed in it I field, the ears of grain, the birds of gers the clouds of dew which covered The play, an adaptation of an oldthe International Labor Defense be- stock," as he puts it. He attended junction with the second Maccabiad consider particularly appropriate the heavens, and the domestic fowls— the mountains bordering on the Emek. and familiar legend, will be pre-fore the learned judges of the SuHorace Mann High School, City Col- in Tel Aviv next spring. A feature of for Chamisha Gser B'Shevat, Jewish all together burst forth here in theI still feel the caresses of the cooling sented at the center Sunday, Feb- preme Court. lege and was graduated from Colum- the exhibition will be a collection of wittd t h a t Arbor Day, which falls on the19th song of the land, the song of renais- I It is nothing unusual for the blew from the lofty Mount ruary 24. ' , bia Law School "i 1911. 2,000 articles written in numerous of January.—H. M. stocky little man with the bushy eyesance and freedom. And in their sym- ! Carmel. Even at a distance I can The cast is headed by Sylvan countries and languages about Chainl Since then he has practiced law ma brows and the frank, open face to phony can be Tieard the singing of my k e out here and there some of the Frankel, Sal Michnick and Sylvia Nachman Bialik after his death. Bia« in the city with various partners and find himself, championing an unpoph h follows the h plow in the local farmers at their different tasks Silverman. Others in the cast arej " I am a native of the land. The suf- b Mother who lik had been chairman of the exhibifering of the Goluth I have not known. I heat, of the day. His head is lifted up, \ ™ the .fields. It seems w though but Eeva Garelick, Berniee Silverman, | ular cause and to place himself the practice, he said "included every- tion committee. thing under the sun." Pogroms, decrees and proscriptions « sleeves are rolled up, his shirt is; * minute ^ago I let go of the plow- Joy Yousem, Hallie Bialac, Genevievej quietly but none the less firmly in t h c.mn 4- *,^} +t.n. A«T.«„« «-p i»?e* i Handle a n n - t n e s e e d - i n n n p l ? s e e m s hnr A deep interest in socialogy in his The exhibition will be arranged by . my lot. * . Nor -».. . . «,;«-!* were not have I— been a |iwn te tf ™ sweat and the echoes of his | handle and-the seed-funnel; seems but Stein, Helen Kahn, Lee While, Jerry \ the path of those bent on exacting a college days and a deeply rooted oe- Salman Pewsner. The members of the victim of shame and insults. There-1 voice merge with the multitude of, minute ago that I sowed the soom- Marcus, Stanley • Kahn, Geraldine vengeance on representatives of dislief in democracy gave an impetus committee are Mayor Dizengoff, chairfore, it will be rather hard for me to voices and become a divine symphony sameen seeds in the furrows of our Shafer, Ethel Kadis, Harold Marer, like minorities. man; Dr. David Yellin, Prof. Heinrim field, and a covenant of peace was A record of his legal activities to his desire to fight for the op-Lowe and David Judelowicz. Donna Lee Singer, Pauline Newman, really appreciate the> difference be- —the symphony of the Fatherland: who sow in tears shall reap in sealed between us. But. a short time Beryle Walters, Morris Peck, "Eve- since graduation from Columbia Law pressed and underprivileged which tween the life in the fatherland and ago sent greetings to all my friends lyn Goldware, Gertrude Kohn, Phyl- School reads like a history of liberal he has followed ever since. 0 that of dor persecuted brothers in j J T^1 s His activities have, however, been and acquaintances who are spread out lis Wintroub, Harriet Shafer andj movements of this generation. Mr. tells of past gentheir their Diaspora. Diaspora. However, However, iny my ear ear has has 1 ^ " symphony yp g all over the Emek and • hastened to Mildred Singer. Fraenkel has represented the Amer- confined entirely to his own profescaught faint echoes of their lives in ! erations, of the independent life in the my second task, a holy task—study. sion. Mr. Fraenkel has never taken Is engaged in the business of sellTickets may be obtained from any ican Civil .liberties Union; argued distant lands: From the mouths of im- \ fatherland, of men and women who active part in politics, but has always ing all kinds of RKUGIOUS ARthe status of the Soviet government •And in the Bible, which is my first sa nder member of the cast or at the Jewish migrant friends, from the conversa-j * u their own grape vines and TICLES—Taieisim, Books, Jewish before the Court of Appeals, long remained in the legal arena. tions with friends and the stories and; fi & trees. It sings of the martyrdom lesson, I read with special devotion: Community Center. • - • • • Bibles in Hebrew and English. before the Soviet was recognized; agonies as as well well as as of of "And the Lord shall give you of the He is the author of a widely knovra tales and our :ja " a ™e " ^ y agonies l of f mothers h d father%jn f t h j Ees. C09 So. 50£h St. GL. 2072 the ancestors who sacrificed them-, dew of the heaven and of the fat of championed numerous labor unions volume. "The Sacco-Vanzetti Case" village. seives upon the altar of the nation. the land." I read and understand that in their conflicts with the employa scholarly review and condensation And one picture revealed itself to And^par^ticularly sweet and striking these words have a special charm and ers; represented rent strikers against it the multitude of voices is that of ] unique meaning in our section, in this landlords; fought for academic freeWJ-JI tne s s m o i .an^rxist: •***"»**:j the Jewish farmer who has plowed j atmosphere of work in our fatherland, dom in the courts, and represented ^, o «,^ • +T,,« rt;,? tions, the calling of Znid, insults and j ^ . ^ v ; e ! nmi nln^ Mr m no, v, oeHd +1 - ^n ^ ™ , tte. r, ,•„„ s t oT n,eQ_. SjTI^s + tk h«e™ r> e a Warsaw (JTA).—No attempt will be teacher's unions. curses on all sides, the hard 'life and • ^ ^ d cleared his field Turn your eyes to your right and made to interfere in the killing of cat- "I am convinced of the utter in^ ou can see the entire chapter.of the tle in accordance with the Jewish ritnted nocence of nine Negro boys," Mr. and assaults., tha' objects from the trees and from [ battle in which participated Deborah, ual, the Minister of the Interior in- Fraenkel declaredd. "It must be obu e r that such,a hard and bitAnd f u VI /knew T " ^ - u T t C ^ ! * pother Earth. All-of that farmer's I Barak, the son of Avinoam, and Jaei formed a group of leading Warsaw vious to everyone that the State of ter life was the result of the lack [ ___.__*.„ devotion-and j i: . J ( ithoughts, x ^ _n i.-& your eyes !„„ *_ *u, all!j our j»_ dear-one.-Lift to the of soil under their feet • ' ; ' . . - • : : his holidays and-days of festivity, all I left and you. will^see Givath Hamoreh, rabbis who interviewed him. He as-Alabama has literally stopped at And I here ? .Only two things have his hopes"and future—all, all is bound =.• and you will be reminded-of* Gideon, sured the delegation- that it would be nothing to send these nine innocents I known—virork and study,' two twin up and merged with the-soil of the! our-judge, and_of his battle against consulted on matters affecting schech- to the electric chair." ita and that its decision would be fi- Although not an alarmist, the libtasks have I on the ancestral soil. fatherland. ' ' the Medianites. And now, if you look nal. eral attorney was frankly pessimisAnd wherever my feet tread I feel The delegation called attention of tic as to the immediate future of the" power of the soil which; belongs -And I — I listen every day to the | toward . Mount. Gilboa,. you will feel reverberations of these voices.: Day in all the warmth of your heart the curse the Ministerto the action of the War- civil liberties in the United States. and day out I" become in the early of our beloved King Davidf the. Mes-saw-municipal authorities in charge ."The stress of the last few years," hours of- the morning as one with the siah of Israel. Everything stands- re- of the abbatoir in discharging quali- he declared, "has mad 3 it increassoiL Every season and its particular vealed and exposed before you as fied " schochtim,. ritual slaughterers, work, every day ; and its particular though it were, spread put upon your placed there by the rabbinate. aroma of the field. And now, as I am palm. Everything- is-distinct and selfThey also pointed out that the preswriting this, my ear catches the evident. All you have to do is read, ent situation might compel them to in the Bible.and then point out with forbid Orthodox Jews to use meat pre"The Clothing Corner your finger. pared at the municipal slaughter of Omaha" Only here, do I understand the es- I bouses and that this step would insenca of the prophecies, the power of volve heavy losses for Polish peasCollective Farms and Villages the prophetic, visions.and the meaning an try. of the terrible catastrophe that came Endure Many Hardships upon /us with the destruction of our - An .infallible characteristic • of Past Four Years ' Jand. Can <one live without a father- meanness is cruelty.—•Johnson. How great the joy to see every | Moseow (JTA).—The Soviets of the Jerusalem (JTA).—Barter transact;•;« tions amounting to 18 million marks j. i spot plowed up by the Jewish j three Jewish regions of the Ukraine, —$4,500,000—were concluded during toiler of\the soil MHow great will be . Kalinindorf, ' Stalindorf, and New Zlabur appreciation for every foot and Xrt me protect your Interests . . . I 1934- between Germany and Palestine ^"~ * " " " is redeemed by our write INSL'R.WOE of r\ery description : tapol, and tne Freidorf Jewish region yard of soil that na tne ivreiaori jewisn region I T , 7, . . ' ", in the reliable com* dear and precious institution'—tie Incltidinc MFE,-.In. strong:, Crimea have "their Let's talk It over. conference which tookconcluded place soon af- I1 ^ d e r the existing transfer arranger Ltd.,last organization meht,by it Haavara, was announced Wednes- Jewish National Fund! ter the' first conference of fthe' Jewish day City Finance & Insurance Co. I remember our coming to the vfl- UW Famam St. AT. 7G67 orffA,SIM autonomous region (Bureya). The deK which supervises the transfer-operaegates, mostly leaders of collective tions. lage: Desolation all around, herds o f " « The announcement issued by Haafarms and village. Soviets, spoke of the- many-hardships, which each of the vara istates, that 6,000,000 marks of . collectives and the regions as a whole the above amount have been paid out have gone through, especially during in Palestine to individual Jews who. the.last four years.- •-:"••- . - - - - emigrated from Germany. The an. Most of these hardships have now nouncement also emphasizes that the been overcome, they reported, and Jewish National Fund has received much has been accomplished. The set- 2,500,000 marks under the transfer tlers feel themselves, at home. They agreement. no longer possess the Idea with which During the year, the announcement they came that they had to be depend- states, transfer arrangements have faent and assisted. They have learned cilitated the saying of the capital of iow to work, they use the complex agricultural machinery, they have about 1,250 families from Germany, grown to love agricultural work, and representing about 5,000 souls. "The fact that payment on the Haathey consider the collective farm system seriouesly. The old Jewish collec- vara accounts are constantly increastive farmers and the new settlers ing illustrates the alarming distress have now bees consolidated in oneof German Jewry," the announcement economic system, the conference was continues. "These payments reached, last October, the sum of approximatetold. '•; ly one million American dollars, which The cultural work in the Jewish ^is more than twice the average payregions has also developed consider- ments made in previous months." ably, I t was reported. Scores of new schools have been established during the last few years. These'include pedagogic, cultural and veterinary high schools. Clubs, hospitals, librariers and reading rooms have beec established. In recent months, a Yiddish theater was built in Stalindorf. This theater compares favqrably with theaters in the larger cities. This also applies to the new hospital there. You saw it pictured. on thd At the same time, the delegates said there are still hostile elements in trademark pages of January inany of the collective farms engaging Good Housekeeping. • . end in sabotage. They kill horses and cattle and do much other damage. These OVERCOATS --- Fancy pattern overcoats. 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THE JEWISH PRESS Published overy Friday at Oro^*»Nel>ra|fea,ly

The interesting fact was that he was entirely unknown and had a deep aversion to publicity. Throughout his lifetime he shunned organization activity and when he wrote a cheque for philanthropic purposes he made sure that no one knew about it«

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year ^ • ^ V ,H" "'*' Advertising rates tarnished en application


Sound Principle

Mamatalks By GERTRUDE BERG, Author of "The Rise of the Goldbergs"

life. Can look back upon a lifetime of unostentatious and untheai<rical service in behalf of human welfare and his brother Jews. (Copyright, 1935, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)

Hebrew Books to


Their tongue is a shai-pened arrow,

it speaketh deceit. One speaketh Austria has been fHrting continuously with the Nasi prin- Because of one mother's foolishness, peaceably to his neighbor with his Be Sold bySoviet mouth, ciples concerning -violation of the rights of Jewish citizens. How- another is nursing a boy with a brokEditorial Office: 490 Brandels Theater BtBfflng. but in his heart he layeth in en leg. ever, Austria has been careful that her flirtations were not open The first mother has a pretty fourwait for him. Shall I not punish Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center (WNS-Pakor Agency)— them for this thing? BAVTD BLACKER - - - - - Business and Managing Editor officially, the country is still committed to a policy of treating teen-year-old daughter, whom we may TheJerusalem Soviet government is prepared to Eight wouldst Thou be O Lord, N call Betty. Mother objected to boy- sell 500 thousand Hebrew books in its equally. S VSS^ " " ' V"""•'<£&££ C afl citizens I to contend with Thee, yet friends for Betty, and, being the Last week the Austrian government received a shock. When strict, old-fashioned type of parent, I reason with Thee, wherefor S S E D i -Print r ^ TShop r - -Address: - - - 1307 SiouxHoward Oty* Iswa. rahs, or Scrolls of the Law, it was doth the way of the wicked people. the London bankers were applied to for a loan, ihe bankers made «nployed force to obtain obedience. revealed Street here with the receipt by the Thou hast forsaken my house. I <me of the conditions for an Austrian loan equality for the Jews lieit she found that forbidding Betty National Library of the Hebrew Uni- have cast eff my heritage. I have t» entertain boys in the parlor caused versity of Jerusalem of a bid to purin the country. given the dearly beloved of my soul Palestine Day Sunday the girl to meet them outside the chase the sacred volumes. a demand, was not made because of high moral prin- house, she locked Betty into her room. This is believed to be the largest into the hands of her enemies. Palestine Day wffl be observed in this country oa Sunday. ciplesSuch TALMUD. on the part of the London bankers. We would like to think But dM that discourage Betty? Far collection of Hebrew books ever gathAs a a feitee feitee of of the the observance, As observan, a National OmfcreBce oa PaJes- so, but know that such is not the case. The reason for laying* down from it. Every girl craves the admir- ered by the Soviet government since Rabbi Jochanan said "What doe3 the passage (Ruth 11) And it came fere -w51 be held in Washington, unfler Hie srasjriceB of fli* Zkra- such an ultimatum is that sound banking practice dictates that a ation of members of the opposite sex, it was established. An inquiry as to to pass in the days when the judges and when that admiration, is cut off whether it was interested in the books ? 1st organization. The avowed purpose .«£ the eoadara ind Pales- country with an aggressive anti-Jewish program is not a safe By some external agency she may take judged me'. It is a generation that was addressed to the National Library i tme JDay is to interest non-Zionists m -fee work <*£ ti»e Jewish financial investment. steps in the matter. by Simon A. Neuhausen, a Jewish judged its judges. If the judge said Betty waited till her mother was bookseller of Baltimore, who had been to a person, "Remove the mote from 1 people in rebtoMrng the "holy land. out of the house. Then she signaled offered the books by the Soviet gov- * h y e y e ' *}e «"wwered, "Take the y * Palestine is the symbol of nope in Jewish life today. It stands bbeam e a m out f thine own eyes.' to heT friends and they climbed into ernment at Moscow. °" f nof """- """ —"" Worthy, B u t . . . for J«wry Jiberated, Jewry free from the oppression ana persecuher room, the window of which was To Rabbi Simon Rabbi's son, a The bookseller informed the library A nearby Jewish community is to dedicate a Jewish. Old Peo- not hard to reach from the roof next that the Soviet government had sent, daughter was born, and he became •I tion which marks the life <rf the sons of Israel in the diaspora. together with its offer to sell the depressed. His father said to him. i I t symbofizes the achievement of 'Jewish hands aad minds, t&e ple's Home in the very neiar future. Up to several weeks ago there door. Right here Betty's mother reaped books, two documents, one of them "Thy baby daughter brought you were no inmates for the home and a .frantic''*search was taking [ acccanpishmesnts of Jewish initiative and enterprise. I t is a monthe first undesirable harvest; for none by nineteen rabbis and the oth- good luck." Bar Kopara said to him. place throughout the state in ah effort to find a dependent old will deny that it is definitely inadvis- ersigned it to modern Jewish genras. signed by twenty-one rabbis, cer- "Your father offered you a vain j Within a decade and a hah* afcarren,marshy, smkealtny eoun- person. How can one dedicate as empty Old Peoples Home ? And able for a fourteen-year-old girl to tifying that the books had not been consolation for we are taught in a a number of boys—or, for stolen or expropriated by the govern- Baraitha. The world cannot exist I try, •decaying and fruitless, was made to btossom. Witfe * jHoneer- Iiow wili the organization whose business it will become to con- entertain that matter, a single boy—in. a locked ment but represented a collection without male and female. However, I Big "spirit which would accept nothing tot victory, flie Jewish vass the community for funds, justify its fund-raising? One can room. But probably somebody had told made legitimately. The rabbis also happy is he whose children are lOaa&rtzim re-established themselves ©a soil haXkmed by tradi- but sympathize with this communal tragedy—an Old People's Betty that Juliet was only fourteen at certified that the Soviet government males and not females. time of the famous affair with had in most instances paid nominal Rabbi Juda said, "The name of Host Social idealism was a f oundatton Tock ia thefetrildmgof the Home, and no one to occupy i t Perhaps the Omaha Jewish com- the Romeo—and anyway, what else could sums to the owners of the books. Joshua Ben Gamla will be rememmunity could lend one of its old people for the occasion. •! new JaameiaHd; ihe sympathy and support of the "world was given Betty do if she wanted to see the At the present time, the laws of bered for blessing, for were it not ' in a motile enterprise. This incident symbolizes to our mind the chaos in Jewish boys? Soviet Russia forbid th'e shipment out for him, Israel would have forgoty givea the world a daaooe to review what has communal organizations existent today. With no central plan- Be that as it may, after a while of Russia of any Hebrew books. Only ten the Torah, because in former Betty's mother came home, heard the the Soviet government itself has the times the child who had a father t p e d in Palestine. We know that Palestine cannot now solve ning, with anarchy prevailing, real needs are neglected while cer- sounds of revelry in the girl's room ranspi was instructed by him, but the one tiie problem of thousands upon thousands of homeless, helpless tain aspects of philanthropic activity are twer-exploited. Pious and went up to investigate. And when authority to do so. that had no father who could teach Jews in Eastern Europe. We know that immigrafidaa is restarted. good-intentioned women—-and men, too, proceed in creating com- the youngsters heard her inserting did not study the Torah at all. Then the key into the lock they made a Yishub Acts to came Joshua Ben Gamla, who enBat on the other hand we also know that what has been achieved munal institutions with no realization of the needs of the com-dive for the window — with the reacted a_ law that schools with' prigives a ray of hope to flae Jewish people Halt Speculation mary j is Palestine g munity. And once created, every institution becomes a vested sult that one boy missed his footing, teachers would be established fell and broke his leg. in all provinces, and small towns, .; the wcnM. I t renews their faith in Zioa and it gives fbsm strength interest and can no longer be abolished. There is, of course, a moral to this Jerusalem (JTA).—The first practi- and the children to be sent to school to go on. It is the fountain of spiritual vigor, the center and resIn Omaha there is a rumor of an organization about to in- story. A moral pointed not at the boy cal step to combat land speculation in at the age of 6 years. Palestine was taken Friday by the Tel ; erroir of Jewish inspiration. stitute a hospital ward for Jewish charity cases. The assumption who was hurt, nor at his comrades in i Aviv Reb said to the school master, municipality in collaboration clandestine calling, nor at Betty—but Palestme Day Sunday should bring every Jewish individual is that many charity cases are sent to the county hospital; that 'Don't accept pupils under the age of | with the Jewish Agency Executive Betty's mother. And at all moth:, but when the child reaches •; to the realization that whether or not he is a Zionist or "believes the Jewish community ought to recognize its obligation to its at era with daughters who are popular • and with the headquarters of the Jewe of 6, enroll him and feed ish National Fund by establishing a j ^ I in Zionist principles, he should lend his efforts to help the modern charity sick and that a ward supported by Jewish funds will with boys. knowledge as much as he It is simply that friendships be- special bureau to collect and distrib- can assimilate. rebirth of the Jewish homeland. realize this obligation. The motivation of this project is the high- tween ute information on real estate. youngsters of opposite sexes— est idealism and we honor those who have willingly taken upon even as all children's friendships— A demand that the Palestine govshould be not only permitted but en- ernment reduce taxation and customs Citrus Fruit World Congress Impossible themselves the healing of Israel's sick. and that the necessary guid- duties was voiced recently at a meet] Ifcose who favor the holding of a world Jewish congress this Bat—does the Omaha Jewish community need a ciarity couraged, ance and supervision should be car- ing of the Tel Aviv Chamber of ComExports Grow year are dreaming fantasies if they still believe, that it is now ward? Statistics furnished by the Family Welfare Committee of ried on unobtrusively and at a dis- merce by S. Hoofien of the Anglo- Jerusalem (JTA).—The export of Palestine bank. I possible to assemble such a congress which would even approach the Welfare Federation indicate that there were 36 charity hos- creet distance. AH of this, of course, The Chamber of Commerce also citrus fruit from Palestine this seatakes skill and tact and patience— son is taking a bold stride ahead of j representing world Jewry. , pital cases last year—that of this sum, 31 were placed in private but, then, these are supposed to be adopted a resolution to urge the Pal- last year's figures. From the begin[ Regardless of out views on the feasibility or advisability of hospitals and only five in the county hospital. The five cases in the attributes of all mother^ aren't estine government to issue another of the export season until Deloan for major works in the city of "" 16,1934, there was an increase \ holding a Jewish world congress, the barrkades against it keep the county hospital were long-time cases, three of them mental. they? Tel Aviv. g of 17,757 boxes over last season's (Copyright, 1934, by Seven-Arts i mounting higher and higher. At t i e recently-concluded annual. JJnder,. the^cirj^umstances^unless it M^fnfyrf t"jr 1" these .figures shipment. • - *•••'• •• Feature ^Syndicate.)' . meeting of the American Jewish committee, Neville LasM, presi- are uncorrect, it seems that the community is taking care of its The total to date is—915,631, of Loan Societies in Poland ! dent of the Board of. Deputies of Britidi Jews, presented evidence hospital sick. New York.—The sum of 595.00& has which 157,500 were grapefruit; 21,750 been assigned by the American Joint lemons; 130 other citrus fruits, and \ against a world Jewish congressLwhich only strengthened the preMoreover a charity ward is objectionable because it publicReconstructtoa Foundation as an in- the remainder oranges. .iious view of the members against participating, in the congress. izes to the world the fact that the inmates are charity cases. We itial credit for Jewish free loan so- From December 10 to 16, the total The way the lineup stands at the moment, among the organiza- are attempting wherever possible to give charity with dignity. cieties and cooperatives in Poland, it of boxes shipped was 150,848. Of this was announced by Dr. Bernard Kahn, number 120,871 "were sent from Jaffa, Jaons which have come out against the world congress are included As long- as a stigma remains attached to receiving charity, every The twenty-eighth annual meeting European director of the Joint Dis- 27,453 from Haifa and 2,524 through -American Jewish committee, the B'naiB"rith, the Council of attempt should be made to keep it a professional secret A char- of the American Jewish Committee tribution Committee. Port Said. Jewish Women, and the Jewish Labor committee. Whether you ity ward would reveal this secret and would be. contrary to Iserael's re-elected Dr. Adler president of that important body for the sixth consecuwish to call these groups the most important Jewish bodies in tradition and the present trend in social work. tive term. THE EDITORAmerica or not, the fact is undeniable that collectively they repThe only justification we can find for a Jewish hospital is CYRUS ADLER: Educator, scholar resent a mighty potent and powerful public opinion in the "United that it furnishes facilities for Jewish doctors and Kashrus for and communal leader. Born of OrthoStates. But, add to this that responsible organizations in Great Jewish patients. The first of these two reasons will not at all be dox parents seventy years ago in Britain, France, Holland and Belgium will not participate; that affected by the Jewish charity ward. The Kashrus problem is Arkansas. Demonstrated fondness for Jewish studies as a boy. His inthe Jewry <£ Germany could not take part if they wanted to and not related to charity cases, and the creation of a charity ward clinations in this direction were enhave officially declined; that Russian Jewry is out of the picture; will not facilitate its solution. couraged by the great Sabato Morais influenced him during his stuthat Rumanian Jews have expressed opposition; that the CanaWhat will happen is a new drain on the Jewish community. who dent days at the University of Penndian Jewish Congress will only send an observer, also wife lim- Additional funds will have to be raised—from the same commun- sylvania. Pursued Semitic studies at itations. ity. And unless there is a definite need for, a project, it is ex- Johns Hopkins, where he later beUnder such a situation, we deem it foolhardy for the Amer- ceedingly unfair to saddle the community with new obligations.— came an associate professor. Became librarian of Smithsonian Institute in ican Jewish Congress to proceed with its plans for a Jewish world By Uri Miller. 1892. Later served as an assistant No. 1—38.40 Zero Discongress. They may'call a congress, they may call"it a world Jewsecretary. Was one _of the founders tillate .7c GaL ish congress—but anyone who knows anything abovb the facts No. 2—32.36 Zero Gas of the American J e w i s h HistoriOil 6%c Gal. cal society. Also one of the founders of the situation will ridicule it as not "being representative of world Apropos the World Congress No. 3—28JO Zero Fuel of the American Jewish Committee Jewry. The American Jewish Committee through its president, of whose executive board he is now OB Gl/2c Gal. Cyrus Adler, has recently clarified its stand on the world Jewish the oldest living member. Succeeded Congress. That statement is in our opinion, as unfortunate a step Solomon Schechter as president of Saar Result the Jewish Theological Seminary of in statesmanship as we have had occasion to observe in the past America. As was expected, Germany won the Saar plebiscite vote last Became president of Dropsie college in 1908. Labored long and Sunday. The ten per cent of the population which voted against several years. The A. J. C. seeking reasons to justify its position, proceeds hard in behalf of east European returning the territory to Germany is placed in a precarious sitto call all congress participants disloyal to their country. Anti- J e w i s h immigrants. Prominently uation, since the Nazis have sworn vengeance against those who identified with work of Jewish Pub-j opposed them in the voting. As & matter of fact, Bacaua, leader semites will now be able to quote the committee and its exalted lication society, United Synagogue of the anti-Nazi front, declared that d e v o t e was a farce as far leadership in confirming their anti-semitic charges of treason on and Jewish Welfare. Served as right hand man of Louis Marshall in the as. guaranteeing freedom of choice because of the intimidation the part of Israel to its land of adoption.: This resort to cries of enormous task of obtaining inclusion ''treason" is dangerous. Were an anti-Semite to have composed and threats made by the Nazi terrorists. of minority rights in Versailles : treaty. Stood shoulder to shoulder Ajinouncementl It is to be assumed that every Jewish individual eligible to that part of the statement, he could nothave done better. Marshall in creation of Jewish Moreover the fact of international co-operation implying lack vote in the district cast a ballot against Hitler. The Jews are in Agency. Succeeded Marshall as presgreater danger than .any of the other* because o£ the especial fury of national, patriotism is obsolete; We^ have the B'nai B'rith, an ident of American Jewish Committee. Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. loosed against them by the Nazi pogroms. The day before ifcefdeb- international organization,"speaking in the name of all the Jews,"* Has. also been chairman of Jewish ;has wired the following statement administrative committee. Is iarite the Nazis in the Saar were wsraSng g *foee Jewish Jwish residents residents to to yet we hear no cries of treason. The Zionist organization is in- Agency to the local officer a strictly observant Jew. .Doesn't ternational^ yet even the blue bloods of the American Jewish Comttake k a trip, t i to t G Germany before thev&mg began and to came back travel on the. Sabbath. Much conafter the voting with documentary proof that they stayed m Ger mittee faare resigned themselves to its international congress. cerned with oppression of religion "On and after January 19, Why this sudden awakening of patriotic fervor? anywhere. Seldom reaches quick demany during the voting, or else it would fare badly with them. cisions but once his mind is made. 1935, the company win withThe A. J. C. attack on the democratic aspect of the world JewAccording to reports, the Jews of the Saar are already flee op fie is adamant. Action taken andj ing the territory. The future.of the Saar remains in toe hands ish congress is as preposterous a line of reasoning as one can correspondence written by him faij draw the sale of and cease isimagine. We are told that direct voting is.a method "which has connection with Jewish problems i of the League, and if they will be guided by their com suing the life indemnity form, create a sensation in Jewish: then they will assuredly set.apart a portion of the Saar to remain been employed up to this time by Jews, like our American citi- would life if made pubBc Author of the of non-canceflahje health and Under League gnTflance .and xule so a s to insure as asylum of zens, for the purpose of ejecting their representatives in Congress, scholarly biography of Jacob H. ^pressing their preference for president and vice-president in the Is one of Philadelphia's leadatnd safet *»*• *»* those th btaire b d courageous d accident insurance." 'r "• g s ffifleriteB who f ought electoral college «nd choosing their state, county and municipal Schiff. ing citizens. Heads the public libll against the Nazis, though knowing that their cause heroically David R. Cohen rary. Serves on the board of educaofficials." The implication of this lesson in the ABC of civics is was hopeless and their stand fraught -with danger. tion. A leader in the Boy.«Scout iiaat -direct voting would be contaniinated were it applied to Amer- movement, Has remarkable zest and CALL ican Jewish leadership and that the American citizen would be- vigor. Approaches every- Jewisk true Philanthropy come enraged at the very idea of the Jew daring to employ direct problem with studied reasoning. Not j|' | _ - Jewish philanthropy is proverbial, hart far more valuable Tbting for the purpose of «tablishiag a representative body. Per- easily swayed by passipn or emotion.! Hates the limelight. Has often been} it'in jfood-will snd 3astlnsr benefit for nuddnd is tfee pmlanfhropy :haps lias in^y fcecame a new reason for anti-semitism. nasfnigod and misunderstood be-j At his office Friday ox Saturday for an appointment of the late Jftenben M. Isaacs <rf CSiicrnnaft, Kassss 'City, RochesThere is anrmchtobesaid for and against a world Jewish con- cause he does not resort to type ofi Ij'ter and New York. Whm his D?iDTOBread, it was found tfc&t gress. But the fact that the American Jewish -Committee op- eadership that attracts the masses.! Telephone AT. 7168 past the biblical. three' I this retired clothing mararfactarer few! feft afoot ^375,000 out- poses it, practically proves that it is a c score and ten lie remains one 'of the| ligjkt 4»«actefitt<C«thti4icf Jewish iuri^ratestaat welfare; im/wamati m outstanding personalities in Jewish: M£e


Service fur every type of ©a burner


Service,Day or Night f




Hadassah Rainbow- Highland to Honor Herzberg at Stag Bridge Luncheon

College of Higher Jewish Education "The World Court," will be the subject of Rabbi Frederick Cohn's next To Hold Reception Current Events

Pi Tau Pi Election Sigma Rho chapter of Pi Tau Pi elected the following officers at a meeting held Sunday: Meyer Goldner, president; Edwin Sommer, vice-president; Bob Singer, treasurer; Edward Rosen, secretary; Bob Singer, chapter editor.

talk: on current events, Tuesday mornThe Hadassah Rainbow bridge ing-,-January 22, .at 10:30 a.m. at the The College of Higher Jewish Eduluncheon which waa held last Blackstone hotel. cation is planning a reception, to be Wednesday at the Blackstone hotel, held February 4, for members of the was spectacular in its array of color faculty and executive committee of variatiansi the B'nai B'rith and J. C. C. A large; rainbow, multi-colored The committee in charge includes candles^, flowers- and crepe- paper in Mrs. A. Greenberg, L F. Goodman, Jewish Women will meet at the home pastel Ishades were: used as decoraLeo Abramson, Harry DuBoff, Sam of Mrs. Henry Newman Tuesday, A.'Ladies'-Vaad Auxiliary regular tions. In! v the . national, room; the monthly, ^meeting- will be held Mon- Beber, Dr. P. Sher, Jack Marer, Max January 22,1 at 1 o'clock for their colors of. .tedv'. white: and: blue were day, January: 21, a t 2 o'clock. Reports Barish, Sol Michnick, Eugene Blazer, next meeting . Miss Helen Cobel of carriei out.: i n -an appropriate manon. ihe.various activities will be given. Harry Silverman, Ruth Allan and the Nebraska conference of social TO TUCSON, ARIZ.'!. SHIFF-TUCHMAN WEEDING ner. TMa:.^was;.one of the largest work, will give a tentative outline New officers-will .be installed. A mu- Yv'illiam Wolfe. The marriage ofn Miss.;: Dorothy rsivSam: He-tehfiirgrjleffc; lask week affairs: Hadassah. has. given, with an sicaL.prograni.i'will be given and will • Tea will be served following the re- for a state department of public welTuchman, daughtererof.-,:Mfc&. .Frank o r - a .threfe;mQnllur.visibi.in'r,Tafisonf attendance-of over 400. fare. Mrs. David R. Cohen is chairbe-€oHQive& by>a tea- in honor of the ception. Tuchman, to Martms Shllf,: son.^of Ariz.-.-. She. ewiH: Ubebe joined? iby1: Mr! The ancateyT raised: a t the luncheon new officers. All members are urged The «lass by Dr. Victor E. Levine man. Mr. and Mrs. LauiaL-Shiff;f.o£ Min- Herzherg latery:fof. a ashortr^stay Will. ber> contributed., to the medical to'ici. present:on ''Jewish Philosophy and Philosoneapolis, Minn., ..willivtake.;-place- a t Cali£oraiaj vandi<thfr.«etanr-.tripi hcane. fnnd, pf .which rMr&H.: S. Novitsky phers", will begin January 31 and will the Tuchman resM&ncey.-5432'. WebThe council's child study group is* chaitmanir.Hbstesses will be given PltesAre-going forward for the an- be held from 9:10 to 9:55 p.m. ster St., Sundair.yJanuary :20»'; Kafabi GOES .TO CHICAGQO also meets Tuesday at 1 o'clock at the cjcedit for. the =Give o r <Jet luncheon nuals dinner-meeting' ,of ihe. Vaad, to David A. Goldstein;rwilL.officiate.MiS& Helen. JahgeiyxJatightJerLof Mi: totibe held: dn.-the'i spring. home of Mrs. I. I. Solzman, with berield. Sunday,- February 10. At this A receptionnwilinbeLheld, after, the and: Mrs. J.;JahgeiV'i,eft: last; week'far *: The tnames .sof; the ^following: hosMrs. L F. Goodman as co-hostess. time.n«lection of officers wilL take M ceremony. Mrfe JPtfchrimTV iwili receive Chicago to berwitfc her Mrs. Mary Frederick of the board of tesses .were-omitted last -week: The place. iEepnrts; will be read. Members and Hafcry Jahgere:from 3 to 6 p.;m.-r.. education staff, will discuss "Child Mfefedames Henry: E.-Behnont, Julius of; the.Vaad are: asked to reserve this Training." Stfiin, .Simon ; Pizer,: Joseph -Rosendate:ATTENDED CONFERENCE "The Transient Problem" and bow Mrs. Arthur Brinn of Minneapolis, ANNOUNCEJmBTHOTHAL i berg, William - Milder and Harry Ida ^Tfustin. The Misses Nebraska is handling it, is to be dis-president of the national Council of Mr. and MfcS; s3. J Shapiror announce Abe -Herabergi: cussed by Stella H. Winn, social Jewish Women, recently chosen as the engagements-.ofJ• their .daughter, Newman^ J and work superviser for the state, before one of the ten most outstanding ^ Helen, - to: Mil .-Herman^ -Wigonitzt of Lazar.i Kaplan andi Jlrsr.-Julhis.: New-" The. Highland iCfcuntry-; club will the ..Council of Jewish Women at women of the nation, is to give a Madison, "WS^-NiK-definite; date; has man,. of the. TempleUlsrael* Su&day hold: a stag ;on• .Wednesday.- evening-,; school, attended^a i-religiQuaw school their next meeting, Monday, January radio talk Friday at 3 o'clock over been set for >±he.wedding;,; January: 23, afe the.Paxton hoteLAbe conference « V 28, at the Jewish Community Cen- the WEAF network on "How We Herzbergv president f o r eigh,tiyearsjr A regular... meeting of the Junior cember 30i:. ^'' of- f the. • Conservative syna- ter. MARRIAGE 3»BANS Can Obtain Peace." She was a guest The <cultaraL;gronp: of the Hadasr will be honoredjat the.affairiPlans wilL.be discussed foriniprps?-. held; next Tuesday, eveMiss Winn who has been in OmaThe marriage; of^MisssEutii Cohen, of the Omaha council at a large sah heldi a-meeting-;Monday at the ] HOLLYWOOD: ing ..the. Highland.: Among: ^tha-. pray,'January:- 22,1 a t the..home of ha, for the past year supervising this meeting a year age. A number of daughter of MiiandiMts..Sam:Cohen, jected^plans-arera ,: swimming ;-posi> ;- Anne Greenberg,. 3401 Webster work will present the problem of Omahans are planning to hear her to Arthur H3Goldstein;: son.:t>f an-.outdoor dance pavilimi .and. dm?; street •.. and Mrs! L Gold&emi:.will;talc&: place. transient men and families from her talk. proved locker roomrand. tennis;eoarts. • '..Ths-.. Society. • met- last-.Tuesday at own experiences, accounting- for the Sunday, Januai^;27v7iiu.the;i.presence They; will !be^gojm;\a month. Current-, events-were given, by Mrs.of the members; >of:<:th6. immediate the:*home of Rabhi'and. Mrs.. David problem, and why it exists. Mrs. J. Berlin.—"The Gold Rush," one of J« M. Efaan.: M R -Joseph. Onak>pufamilies only. INLINCGLN A.i.Gold&teinj-.-and. final, reports on H. Kulakof sky will introduce the the most famous Charlie Chaplin l of.-PatricferO'NeiH,: sang-, accomA reception Thfr.- Misses5:,Ev6iyn^ r.Spiegsleanni Jpanie<fc:atiihe'--piano'.by Mrs.--Anna the-, "dance-. •: held:'.December 23. were speaker. films, is now officially ''verboten" in given by Mr. and iMisSw-.Cohen a t the Rodda:i>. Gelinskyc;• are. c visitangi- their giyen i>y-;the. committees. A board meeting will be h d d a t Germany because Chaplin is a Jew. 'SMaese* Birchwood dub from.:3 to: 6 •p.ni;;.Nd uncle: d i l s Sal. Tc^ethex^. with the. Junior Vaad 1 p.- m., and an informal tea of :! FroxnHii :gave the: first cards have been issned^.Afl.i'frfend .They; will. of a series of descriptioiis, • entitled Auxiliary! •-- the. Junior - Society will which Mrs. Joe Jacobs- will be in and relatives are invitedc-<to attend;: be therer>a weefck The.Daughters-of Zibn>met a t t M sponsor a series of three lectures by charge,-will follow the program. "A Trip: ;ThEongh. Palestine." Matoke Samuel* to be given .Saturhome «f Mrs; M .^^ d k E Thi^Lgri>upi will: meetmonthly a SURPRISE DINNER-PARTY V day^ -.evening-, _ Sunday, afternoon, and Among those who will serve as\ (Formrriy in the employ or .L. Harris) CHICAGO' JanuaryrlO, at-a business: meeting-. the HmiHoleL.-. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Twelve ypfirti oxperiwiee lUi Freeoaan-iand son- Dickie The regular: meetkigj ,^bicfr n^as- to Sunday: evening*,:: February • 16. :andpatronesses for the annual Council ; : Insnrann with HHinble Companies surprised at their home by a gr^rap ofc Chicagqpr,arertthEh' guests' beheld Januaury-lfir,'.wa«:.^)Qstpnned-; l7.:. A--committee-composed of Bert of • 'Jewish Women's bridge to be Hadaisah: B o o k Review group IEn»l Estate . . . Property Slnnngrement of their friends on Friday, evening; -and?.Mis:*j.. i - Mrs; Freeman numbert d 'will:finest Saturday, Janu- till January: 23. because of: the Hadah- WMtebQok,.:chaimian, Bess Goldberg-, given Monday, February 11, at 1 815 So. IStb St. JA. 1311 January 11, with:r» uHriner!?party;;in i s : a sah< luncheon. amr- -Kuth- Shyken was appointed to o'clock*at the Blackstone hotel are aryr 19i--at.the -homeM>f -Mrs. Aaron honor of theiir: fifteenth. : All members are urged to. be. pres- meet*-with, the.-Vaad committee to the i following: ^ street niversary. THeyt werei presented.' with: TO TOUR PALESTINE K ent: Election- «f- officers will-"be- voted Mesdames Theodore- Mayer; Sam :- A s January ,20th .has-been • desig- on -and there--will be many important formulate plans. a beautiful gi^C'of a large^ silver., plat- ANDEOEQPBV Gilihsky, Phil Gilinsky, Max S. Kapnated nationally as "Palestine Day," ter. problems discussed.' Jane Rosenstock;:- daughtarr-.-ofi' Mri lan, Harry A. Wolf, Henry Pollack, and Mrs. Fred! Rosenstock,- is sailing a -program..appropriate..to> the •occaDavid Goldman, L Chapman, Isadore BRIDGE-LUNCHEON tomorrow on the.^CQnla.tDe Savoia, sion:- has'-beea-arranged. U Ziegler, Louis Somberg,, Max HolzMrs. L. m - . N ^ f f - a n d - i M r s ^ - S •for a siximonththtomrrof-..Palestine: |; Current ^events; will: be given by man and Irvin Stahnaster. Schneider entertained: :at;-a -bridged- and.:Europe.«.Mhls.-=>Rd*enstocfc:=cisi.a Mrs A»". Romrn.-and .Mrs: - Herman The .semi-annual stag-.of the Re- Three hundred tickets: have bean luncheon TISirsdayiy January 10, Im- club was:held Tuesday evening at distributed by a committee o£ SO student, at' CentraLihifeii ischnolj land, 'GdhEn-,naini!^a talk;.on early Zionist the home of?M£sr.N0gg^;in: honor Elks, J dub, with, an -. enjoyable plans j-to'.. resoinewhert f stadidsvneocfc lfeadersr.will:.be given by Mrs; Joseph Rosenbergs-Mr.;;-Edwin- Maypep. will The: Progressive -Hebrew-clubj'ield^'program: presented for the members. women: who are assisting the chairMrs. V. We?nep:upan= .the: occasion Septembert-.- "" speak 4n-Yiddish-on "Revisionism or its social, meeting-;vat:- thtt.. Jemste A ' Jeatore:--of •• *he stag was the in- man, . ,Mrs. Maynard- M. Greenberg, of her 17tfcb wedding-., anniversary Community Centerir.TEuxsdayi • Jait- stailatian:: of .i;he newly-elected-offi- and co-chairman, Mr& Jack Micrer. Why I Arix;^ Revisionist." There were d<5; •guestst present;. AWARDED cers;-- Special entertainment was A ' dessert-coffee will precede the The;* meeting-,; w3i: ' be ° concludea uary-17.~ bridge, proceeds of which will go to >r of: :witfi: Palestmiair-songs; led .by Mrs; Eakr. Goodbinder :wa*; relected": I •giyen. Diidd cflLVGdldsfemi. porter"r of •' t h e - organizatiani.-. T S t " Ans.rexecB±ive.- meeting-.of the or- the rooncil's scholarship fund. Mr. and ItQSj.SanirBailen'annonince awardeda.-imfdal-i!fott, udiibcssixip^ -ganiz3ti<sn->.will:be held: this evening t h e birth- ofbia ;sottrJanuary-.><>. "ThePhone AT-2815 2815 Faruam St. honorsr• ami Hariassah: Book-: Review, group. *Hgura±ed is--stili ori'^nsi-. -wiili:feon- -at'.the--frame-«£:-L J . Soskin, €lft No. TBe legislative and international baby has beea named-Haixld.Noi-maiiJ relations group of the Council of first.: made: a t . a banquet* :heldl ' i ^ jatathBi&dme. of..-Mr& .Sam-Stein-Mr. and berg;, 355>3tfd;vTEirtyvfifax- street, on; nounce the birthihjf.a -daiighterjWednesdayv;• Jahuaryr,23,!; witfr Mrs. day,: January:-13;o at.-4her.<;Glairkson HOMB:FHOM>HGSEPiaii hospital. -Br&fc£.H&bebrmai£-.-wa£---£or r. and 'LlEleveitz vwill' give- currents events; MitJkey? Br&raroff£&n>no merly Miss Pa^lme.Sdkblsi^.-of SiOux H :Bfkvax6f£i!i3i and]a bdcfc^eview-t»n Steinberg's "In." City. V TBoie: DajESt'ogrilL Del given, by > Mrs. A. D I Frank: MOTHEESrKCt.lIBlMBEEy: Tea ;,will be? served. Visitors are Theregular monthly! meeting*, of thfe 'welcome.-

Vaad Auxiliary To Meet on Monday

Council Group To Hear Stella Winn

Junior Society to \. Meet on Tuesday

Hadassah? Cultural Group Holds Meeting

Daughters to

Fleishman & Soskin

SemiyAnimal: JSiagrGiven by Re-sIm





Buy This Hew

Louis Lippi to; Speak Bef ovetM Zl A*

the - iiomft. o Louis E. ;. L i.p p, -. attorney* and 4211i Califdrniai.-SfcV.Tnursaay, Jahalumnus of -fthte-. ^Mother^chapter; of u a r y ; ; 1 7 1 . : - : , - - . ; ' A - '; •.'..•... ' '• " the A. Z. A4.wiU:laddress.-thBigronp at its meeting;-Sunday;.at 3 p. : in;ON r BUYING TED? V at the Jewisfi:-: Community- Center. : Messrs.:--MiltiJtt):MaSq?er His subject wUL.be "Youth: -and. Pres- Goldstein. of i'Mayper*s*,v:jef t: f or .• the-: ent Day Relgjian." east on a buying:Ltripi;.TBey: .will be The social;.'committee • is planninf gone twa • weeks; :-. a pre-tournament smoker :for. Sun day, February* ;3.. C-2 MEETING' The new •committee--heads-chosen A.regular meeting-, b t the>C-2-t;lHb at the last meetings.are: asu .follows:: was held at the:hdmeiof Rose Sacks; Religious, Iridng: White; social,.Jack -Tuesday,; January,-; 8.-V Temin; athletic, Julian Nathan: and Sam WoBc as. ^ co-chairman; , Boy MOVES STUDIO J Scout, . Max..: Marcus, and_. Aaron. . Mr. Harry BiayirAff;.piano instrucCorenman as- • co-chairman; social tor, moved his stmlio;.fr6m the Wead service, Louis. Hurwitz, and Irving buildmg-to-208'Lyric building, at 19th Yaffe as .corchairman^i cultural, and. Farnam.... Louis Eikliri;r.and. telephone, -Mom Fine. w ; ;

i&Tzag tor Efemain Chief Ribb Ireland .-r-Dt Jsaac Herzog, chief rabbilof Ireland, will not accept the position: ofi chief rabbi of the Orthodox JelFRishs Community pf Paris it became kflosro-.wb.en the.Community indicated that it:.could; not meet, the -conditions laldidown by Dr. Herzog. He had. been insrited^to: succeed his father, the late Hatabi Jofel Herzog.:




Olson Bros.

2812 Leavenworth

AT. 2360

• rJThe Surplus Stock of SevemLi Makers and Reduced MUfflers ftom Oiat; Own Stack, Saturday!

475$j>eciaHyPikcb^sed: Mdffl^rs S/4E^PRICEd at v

Meeting ?of Junior oniTiiesday A-regular -meeting .of .the-Junior 1

Vaad will beb-held. Tuesday; .eveningat 8 o'clock afcthe -Brhaj.:lsrael- synagogue. The diScnssion xm Zionism willcontinue. Sidney Epstein^ announced the: following comnritteemenr Nate Fine; Sam White, Stanley- Shapiro^-Eihanr tzel Hartz, PhiKp: Schwartz, Sam, Shyken and Sam fiahn. .

«94* Reg. 39 K«g.-?4 Quality- > . . .

Harry Mendelson gave a i t interestr ing talk on Palestiner: at the- smokerheld last Tuesday.; An open discussion followed.: Refreshments'..were-, served; f

Jr. VaaddAuxiliary The JuniorosVaad Auxiliary - wilL , hold a fegulas:meeting Tuesday, Janr •nary 22. Professor C. C. Charvat' ofCreighton ajni»eTHrty,' .will, speak -on the subject, "How to- Read." . The ballooroidahce^plannedby-the auxiliary williibe held? at-thfe.'Soixth. Omaha synagogue Saturday* evening) • January' 26. Almost enjoyable eve* .ning has beeHt»planned by..the. com• mittee. Babe-tNewnTan.r.is-.-^chainaan and Rose Sofefr-.-co-chairnian.'.of: "the affair.


86 108 Beg.

TSTTS a Their-fiiendsihaKe teiephtineg... ^it f s easyito ra-lt. a n d asfcj tbohatoc?fc6nije«veii'ti'iraitjtt^e,-to getaogethetv.America^. has. inoret«tele|rfaottescithdn>rali:thd fc

it ±ex»t .. •

This is the Study Lamp that is approved by the Illuminating Engineering Society. It gives a insrvelouv shadowless, glareless light . . . t h e ideal light fc3r reading or studying or doing any close work. There is absolutely no eyestrain. Bay yours now and save your family's eyesight.

Better:Iight--- Better Sfght

Vaad ReMgjouss School PiiEtr The Vaad E51igiou»'scbool"of^bath'* Omaha and Sdnlk. .Ommha ^:branche» will have a CHamisiiaiJOa£reB'Shevat party, Sunday.jmarning^t lLo'dock^ Refreshments"characteristic of "the holiday will be served


Qy .03. Qttttlltf. t2a3QL

:: BELL.TECEPHOHH nta-m •uxltitties as int Europe




Nebraska Power Coy C««H«sy - Servlc« - Low Rof*s

oOfie Fashions of the Fashionable

FOR EVENING —Barbara Stanwyck, screen star, displays an evening gown whoso sophisticated effect is obtained from silver sequins, smart n e c k l i n e and s a b l e trim on short sleeves.

AMELIA EARHART'S SISTER—Mrs. Albert Morrissey, of Medford, Mass., sister of Amelia Earhart Putnam, and her two children, Amy, 3, and David, 5, anxiously follow on radio the flights of the noted aviatrix. "AMELIA VISITS MOTHER—Amelia Earhart Putnam, fresh from an epochal flight over the Pacific from Hawaii" to Oakland, Cal., takes off again after only 24 hours' rest, stopping off en route east at Hollywood to visit mother.

KING AND QUEEN IN ALPINE SNOWS—King Leopold and Queen Astrid of "the Belgians enjoy a vacation inSwiss Alps at St. Moriti.


WHAT A SPREAD!—That's a sable bedspread said to be valued at $3,000 on which Peggy Fears, of the movies, is reclining. The gift is.from Peggy's estranged husband, A- C. Blumenthal, New York real " . •'.'.' estate broker.

" r

MBS. PALL AND ^ „CHILDREN . - , - - . AT ^ PAGEANT—This ^ , latest , . photo Cti Dll d h f P i d R l t d h




At»rin> i m r v v i r v vPATt^

The Panama canal is in the throes of a

SHIRLEY GOES TO SCHOOL—The highest paid child actor of the movies has to study, too, as this picture of Shirley Temple with her teacher proves.

HOW DRUGS ARE SMUGGLED IN—Sheriff William J. Fitzgerald of San Francisco shows how contraband drugs are smuggled into

7—331E J

The Revenue of a

':IS, 1935

Palestine Planning First Race Track I

•<•* i


. . ,. Vlien the -aporte jxe&tobexs ed up the gangplank to intervisw him he smiled and gm-e them each a vial of perfume.


CHIT-CHAT Jerusalem, i gy Few people know that Fritzi 'M&s—Psflesthre - *BhtrnM fcrw i t s tfirst saxyt Europe's ,gi®3StESfc 3nnfiic&I com-. xace-courae n n April 15, i f Hie plans _ edy star and widow of the late Max of mnmhoit! &£ the - Palestine Polo S i By 5 : Pallenberg, wlio was Tcillea m sn air- ^National tDoimcil H«ars Denundub a r e •aiaruifiii oat. plane crash last summer, is in New ndfid an 11982k t h e J>«ue chib has. ciation of "Jewish EeoYork, unzfijle t o ' jnafce up her mmfi some twenly - .playing, memterfi,.- r e nomic Anti-Semitism7' j whether *o aCTept rnmm ef "the -very cruited tfrom t t e jm V AKhongh' fhe election madunerj attracfrro <cff&rs-.maae-to l e r . . . . New York (WNS)—Joseph fichlossstationed in 1^1 eflfcirat, t h e police .and "fuss about J u s kindly Telieve-yoxtr wife several .laymen. Xbe jtlayrng JSeM *at csf .'the American Jewish Coi^reas i s AncrtSrer -'QsrnssDrJewish Tefugee of The Author of this story, L. A. Or-who Trever berg, .general xreeretary ol the Amal."loff-Arielli, a teacher in the Talmud son, betook hmraTf.f.nirmeTiby. atone aof Jier bundle imd carry i t -on yrarr Sansfand being thoroughly oiled and will soon international lauier Kurt Bois, Ger- gamateu Clothing "Workers oT Amerih tii to -fiie town of Tiberias, a •walk"o is a 'Cantor:, :te -stayfeig ' a t ca, created a sensational stir when in using will ibe ipdt ander cultiraction hit on all- eight, xylinders^ .there are many's -hrrrrr g W l Tt was a horrible hnnriliatron, .fiction sv^rifcar whose -stories appeared a.lot JOI. skeptics, wha rl«Tm that ±~ae •Qie - Ambassador 'in ^iew York aiMresss before the closing session JU9T&-*thsn~a • self-respectingT-vzl*aiii&, - ^ ^ , r t ^ ^.*R^i-~ J,f,*>.-^.w*. .«+. world Jewish congress will not take and 'trying to n- other, Pates- Beset b y . the Slackest ^BrosSway. . . . of tbe conference of the National Quarters. .TSe dub, as. weir a s in-.fhe with the specter, of a Jiideons s n n - husband -toreld -bear -and allow. In fixe place in 1935. The other day It -was %e who- told us ^fhat -trre TES- Council of Jewish Federations and last York:- weekly, "Hanaar:"1 Most less cripple 1o\3hiingr. helots _ .nis; A-rabV %and glittered a knife, tart •fore,r -*-y»^ ".new. grounds nbe James N. Rosenberg, vice-chairman son • why Berim i s experiencing a Welfare Funds he charged that Jewama^'Allah Karlm* mind's eye,, Jonathan •suditerity'--raised, fof the Joint •Distribution Committee, shwrtagc -of •srfapeiy dress models is ish etaployers -are boycotting Jewiisb. poii/Luig ' a t ' him •which would combine dor ;&> I invited a -select few Jewish journal- thai? Jewish girls are barred rrurn workers, ^ t h e ^heroic epic, "Haggsdath his head inincxessed dismay—"Law- ^Browning, dictated: .and a. j ists" to a. luncheon t o .listen t o reports this profession. . . . ArSiomrh BerHamaveth, "How I ^Became anrAnti- hen rayich,, TaTmaffi , JCWJuSier • —You • better - .put* the Jcnrfe back "There is a n economic boycott by Dr. Joseph Rosen and Dr. Ber-nard Barnch spent --about ^390,600 against Jewish workers -which -should Bemite." A 'perusal of the following thou 3ewX)-r->the voice was a n y o u r telt, .you may-need i t -some-; wuuld jrermit i b e iVifeni TiTy af the nard Kahn:— not -for puhBcaticn. tale will] .gjve the reader an insight self indulging, 'sarcastic, malicious. :fones for"-. peeling sabboxs (cactus| for the Tnazrftenance of the Willianis- be the concern -of eveij Je-w wlio iB polo ground Colonel R 0. -Curtis, 3xxe not - betraying and intriguing style. On the wfaitCj tbuturng-Toafl isiflre Into ins town -Political trretftute h e refuses t,o honest with JiimBelf," SchlosBbecg deBales-}* " nwever, - when we tell y-ou put up one cent to help the play- clared. "I am speaking of the boycott —Editor. him Jonathan realized the hostile Very.- slowly- and very, very re-: tine, was -elected of -tie that Dx. Rccszn i s a grsart iseliever wrrghting career of his nephew Ddu- of Jewish employers against J>ewish face of Abu-Abdallah, a jniddle-aged, luctantly,' but "thprougliry,. all his or-dub. ; : in t h e - possibilities of-: Biro-Bidjan, aM Baruch, whose new play, '"The workers. I don't -know how well you thick set Arab from a neighboring .ders .were a t last •carried "out,- and "the gffiflTtl *gfc Lake of Genesareth, the gem of [village, Tiding a •.donkey in,.-oriental sight-/ was - ghastly indeed: A" virile -the Eing's JBirtimay -Cup. GajneB Jnotaso amtcar i o r t h e Jews -of "Soviet Little iShott,* may malce him inde- know this burning problem. To u* Calilee—the>-fascinstrng Tnysteries of lordliness, with' Ms.. wlfer , a. "big- sbsnd ' so utterly ' debased as rto of Polish pendent of his rich uncle. . . . AndJewish workers, it is a most serious the TZohar ace interwoven . in i t s voluminous "basket, on . "her. head,xarry his'^wife's bundle on his whose "fate seems hopeless in Mrs. Efrem Zimba'Iist, wife of thematter. There is, in effect, an -econom; anan, STranyoridsn, Zerka, Samakh inrveB -and fare whispered by every trudging in _ red, ,shabby ^andala at ther face of their economic" plight. fiddle virtuoso, is devoting all her ic anti-Semitism among Jewish •emone-of fita. overhanging cliffs. th her. master's side. Otherwise the Jonathan turn "his; and . > ..-. One waiter, .listening1 in t o -thespare time to selling paintings by ployers .in this country." 1 3 To -catch, a glimpse of-its marvel^ v a s opy.pt*^^ -" >. back than the woman speedily alightEnglish speech of -Dr. Bernard Kahn SEtitte at. $10 per The clothing industries, he said, ous, ieauty ^yon .seals the steep, tortu- Jonathan.. .in.. Jus. .^ in always been considered as Jew*d' 'Trout her seat and resumed "€be on that occasion, spread the .news canvas. . . . ' Mitai fireen writes in ous;.path,-.a<pebble :gives -way a-rofl- d .not have ^thne JIOT 39ttrden--of-fhe bundle to appease-her, thafc Jack: Pearl's understudy was lamenting her .growing old and the ish industries. That is true in the ing -under yourdoot, the same .pebble reply. The Arab,, lowever, took it "wrath. Jonathan hurriedly deavering a radio talk. :. . ^ News j to ±rsr«l trying- 4b sense that almost all employers a r e that'.witnessed the jjlory of D s has reached this country that Dr. become a grawn-op ;EX3SEn-.stax.:.-. - Jews and that tbe largest .groups of as., a personal -offense. Be - descended ireturned to them to enforce his -will.' and Solomon. Alined -Kerr,. who hef ore H i # e r i .ad- Slitzi i s .sixteETj now and -disccvEEFd Jewish .workers are in these indusfrom his. beast and, planting Mm- To make his deigned fury. more conYet •the. jigns of new limes are Vent - was : Germany's George Jean one morning that ^she i s too old for tries. But tbe number of Jewish workin .front;! of the- youth. vincing he even pulled a few rags self.. hard to detect. The last trucks and barred bis . WJQL Nafhaa, Alexander Woollcott and JL. child• parts snd -too -young :for grown- ers is steadily diminishing, partly, beout .of ?the bundle and threatened to autas . of t h e victorious,British, who —H'an dinak! (Be cursed,. 1iiy sthrow-' them i n the bake. The poor LI •' Mencken: .all in one-arid ups. - .. . But lier TEcent portrayal in cause' of technological development, partly because ihe Jewish clothing have just wrung the country from •faith!), so that's how arrogant and fcouple abode by his decrees until he Vienna (WJJSh—Ko -oae in maling more than 10fl,*0f) "!Transatbintic worker prefers, when be can afford it, the Turks are vanishing in the year, is having a strenuous.time suphaughty you have become, sons, of "passed out of their sight. 4B Buffering fn -perspn ijr ^ipsithra -±iieiniteiy stamps 3iar as'-ioae of the south-and a team of Jewish pioneers Shartan (Satan) J—rhe ^growled ^with . -Of course it.-was rather regrettable cause tit afffflBtion -wilti -any iracial o r porting, his wife . and ebUdxen in most- -talented juvtiifleB ^in OUT land. to teach his children professions.' has Tbeen contracted "by the govern- his eyes. bloodshot '.under his .-white lfchat-sa .dozen of young, fair-eyed religious iriinority,- Utereign .:IiKnis1>er Earis. . . . . Random .House i s ready . „ - Pffla Ifegri tTKJOgh fnat tbe best a .much mere important cause is the ment to. iuild a smooth, modern Toad to issue an JEngli sh edition of Merc's way to kill definitely all • ru-moTB determined opposition of Jewish •-RTKr y n ^ "*****£* Junxa-^ rragettes were not the*e to witnesB j-rthe beautiful lake, for Pales- r fascinating new book . on Rathe&au about \faer JewishneHS -was t o sadl ~o ufaclurfirs to the .employment of Jew• i t :OUAVII • •fihe developments and to acclaim -the foreign <carreBifon6eHte tit' a press <senxtaaw tine jeturning. into its peaceful,;. T 'his eyes.—Listen, saheb tprovided Ljidwig . Lewisohn under- Gerniany on the Naza ship Bremun ish labor. But for the protection .-given victor. However, Jonathan snriled ference bere. .. ' newed own.. the translation of the author's —she is under contract with the Ufa by the union, which includes both •contentedly a s would • a -Greek Cod Intimsttng rOrnt -enenrfes - cf Anstriia implored t h e • Jad::-^au can: see, - my Now;, ,on"that jdazzKng, sultry Ihighly individualistic -style. . . . In and -will not 'be back for -some time. Jewish and non-Jewish members, *he arm. i s injured, . sHrinusly- •toBy- s m after a /. draught - of ambrosia,: Qris WJETB wspBajsiiae for ieparte «tf antinumber of Jewish workers in clothing marning,. one of those so freqiient hurrying ^to the> •'disctar, TK> tirii« --to licensed "beverage of -the iirrmortals. ; Semitic pereewitioa aattd view - of Lexrisoiin's, ether, 'literary factories would be smaller. It is most commitmeHts. it. would, be ,a sacrifice and so^ drying i n this Jordan valley, lnse, please let nne .go. TIB-BITS TJie iieaaty of 'Gralillee TeciprbcHtedj iitm, a© *old . difficult, if not impossible, to find A for him to undertake this transla-, i t jwas_ the- ill :fate-of:.the bhickGeargie Breakston, fee -elta-en£be ihis smile. Bnartiy Jew worker in .an open shop. The open tion, but here's hoping that he tack.year-old •curlea Johafiian .Yerusbahni, one of T h c Arab, howewcr,- had -some solid 'No Greater star of —-Translated -from Hebrew Tigorous mEasarres to\pxaiish*tba8e reshop is dosed against the Jew. Of les the jalv for. KBIT'S sake. . . , Glory" feme, whose Teesnt portrayal by H. S. N. iBpnnsibte l o r ^such xepoicts. Charles T .pvir^ the guard assigned of the M s h bey in "Mxs. Wiggs cf course, not all Jewish employers conThe Fare%n iEaigterTs the Cabbage Patch" placed him atdemn Jewish workers to starvation iby .chip t h a t flew-'astray from a was a direct, mutuuxig <xff reports psib- to .Aauptrnn.nn's .cell, is non-Aryan. rock-exploded .by • the- road builders. villagers could-not forget the .govflbe 'very top of iiis prolessioai, has denying them employment, making lished abroad that anti-Semitism i s i>ethem unemployables because they are ernment contract .granted to the The estnrzly, tall fellow became linen a Jewish ^afeex, and i s "the nephew Jews, but enough of them do so to -officially: -encouraged • iere. The TDU SHCHJLD SKOW white in face-:at the sight of theJewish workers. Then, , in ^iew of ^effect of tbe foreign SfinisteT's rt*nrt^i Same =of our rolleagues ansisfr that of fhe noted Chicago .Jewish pay-si- make this a serious problem." crushed:-bones protruding.: from the the youth's invalid 'arm, there was. •was virtual^ nuliified, mwraver,}.- ,by iFelix rranfcfurter h a s somstbing t o cian, Dr. Breakstnn. Geargie"s the wolfs attitude toward" fhe Jielp-: Support of private nhilanthropy tornr bfeteding , shreds, of flesh. A tthe nufalica±inn at a. -memorandum do with t h e ahxmni agrtatisn m o f e r i s 3RrBnrih, ana «.Khoogh sbe Jess lamb. ••""."'•' " V. sentiment queer-".and big swooped tfrom Dr. Conaiantiae . Dumba, Aus- Dr. Frederick JRoliiason, preshfent of spea%s a -fluent YiaSrsh deroes any throush groups that have emerged And t h e y.--upon.tria!a pre-war aninistex i o the United New York City College, and Dr. Semitic -traces in a»er snsectry. -. . . and organized out of the • whole ««my p him, .in; i t s light g ne. Tehemently in his-wxilfTfi , namely business associations, y States, complaining liitterly that saw himself an .owner of arms. and. Henry Moscowitz-has-been entrusted Gecrgie is fhe little - Sell&w -whom labor and professional and other mid<peatedly slappedt h e yaufhJs'. iace,•Semitic actfKities • toteiaatsd 'by fhe. nothing "else. No doctors here a t the »with an investigation of the situa- Max Seinharat picjsea tor tbe role of Schuschnigg ^government were creat- tion .. - . . N.. Y. U.'B Hall of Fame, iPnckin Ihis Chicago, ISHwardree ann tile .class groupings, was urged by -Jocanrp,'.no telephonss and "tiie mnles went through all his: pockets and Services of ^the Vaad~wiIL T>e seph Willen^ director of. the Business evening at 8 p.m,\ Cantor iog anti-Austrian TeeTing ahroaS.' working xm t h e remotest bend of the fished out for hinaseifi ;fi£teen for inclusion in which one must be St. l^juis productrons of Shakes- Ttfen's Council of the Federation jfor Scbwatzkm and the "choir will chant "Dr. Kumba; who nresented nls mem-; an American deceased a t least a speare'g "A Hffiosinnrner iake.rPamrwas intolerable, time WSB "tecs "all t^be .tuns Support of Jewish PhilaBthrapic F *tbe-'services. •oranfinjn to Chancellor Sctmsclmigg quarter of a century, includes aot aDrwm.^. . . . Which -penrinds nndeastoctd i ta be - utterly;. precious; Societies ofLNew York. m Rabbi XTri Miller's .sermon topic eTf, cited Tiurnerons -instances of single Jew,, though Isaac M." Wise! Max ReinhaTdt tjor»id^rr-f*aul Muni, Jnnatitan:. Tan •. into t h e tent, asked (family: - He reeemmenfied replacing tbe pol. -.-opu:^.^,'. . . : •wiH > e ' "Who is a Good Jew ?" A; Jew-baiting publications, anti-Jewish his inend .Naftali- to bandagMth and Uret Harte have been runnecs- formerly Muni Weisenfreund of the •—J3e -cursed thy father, thy,? simple -test t h a t «v«iy*peTson can ap-! ^boycott agitation and dismissals of up in the £lections.Vjs . . . Of the .1,03:Yiddish theater, .Americas** .greatest icy of complete dependence upon -the •generous impulaes of a small number tpTjrffcef JihnaefctTOH,be -outlinedV l Jfewish oTficialB, 'w5*fe3t are being members of the present Board of stage and screen actor. , thy y the--medirine ckesj^ajad,i,xatner than, V Meyer of wealthy individuals or upon <emerp wait Jarrthe -^nules, t i e rugged boy Tien, t o irtnm i f e eacphors, Efermrs i o r t h e Hall . of. Fame W. Weisgal, who haS fhe honor to he? the services there" will be an open iforuin discussion .under t h e sponsor— ^He iold t h e -damoettor atBEtnot -onry1 Adolph S. Ochs and Walter Iipp- present the Reinhardi production:-on jgeney high. pressure -appeals by sysfilled t h e wrnteh's TpocfcBfe ^witb tematic and permanent eup-port by alof the Junior Vaad and jocks picked ;?up/froni -the gimind a r e these actions barjnful So Austria We tour,, insists •&& Ifew T o r i will see Teady organized groups. William Shroand laughing loudly « n a irjurophantabroad but they -constitute violations msun ace t h e only Jews. — RemhaTdt's production of Trans. ly to his wrfe a t iJonatlianfe futile 01 the Austrian constttution and lows. don't quite jgxasp-the significance of Werfel's "RoaS. oT I»romis£" this: der, president- of tbe Council, in iris ; annual report, announced a .merger the following, but we are informed efforts to extract -tb*^«Eyy-lc^S on :from Washington that .of the eleven corning' ¥alL . . . . Harry Jiloses' pxo- for one yeax of the -Council and tbe the side -of %is;-cPtt&eft^rnT -be•< in- At services tonight the dti f ^Z iGi "TJse Old d Biireau of -Jewish Social Research. Jewish Representatives in the House dnction of ^Zoe ^i flicted upon bint 'a "final synagogue will celebrate Chamisha Maid" got a raw deal from the criAmerican Jews have contributed seven presented a total of fifty-two snarling Dsor BTShvat. This sabbath is Palestics, although, its cast includes J u ?ll(L000,000 to Palestine reconstruc-—Go! go to Gehenna- (HeH)y "you- tine .day in Jimerican -Jewry: .Rabbi new- bills in the first few days of dith Anderson and Helen Menken,' tion since 1S22, Morris Rothenbecg, contemptible son-.of JShsiian-! ihs-current -session of Congress. . . . David JA.. Goldstein will. speak briefly; president of the Zionist Organization The youth reeled -and . tattered on "Jewish .Dreams a n d Realities i n Paris i(JTA^>.—A. .new world cogan-i Is .Speaker W. G. Roseirhaom of t h e America's two .greatest actresses. •(TEA).—An appeal .to >\] Congratulations t o Hutk .Slencynski, of America, said during tbe Palestine miserably away. -He had not t o go Arhrona House of Re-presentatives ization ±o jixomote Jewish emigzationj Palestine." Jews of the world for."brotherly help" child prodigy .of the juano, who i ssession of the Council. J21hanan Jilaypez^ who has just and colonization was . .founded here I one of-ours ? . . . .Henry ISIoTgenthau back in this country for a concert TOT Polish. Jewry in'the "most fatal far in the -search -of. -the inferno. I t Etr. Cyrus Adler, president of ihe was blazing right here in his 'breast. is functioning as defender of public under ithe name, JEMCOL, Association come t to JVmeiica from. Lithnani&j epic jjfdttt.^history'' wasiiesued here .Jewish Theological Seriiinary, sounded tour and who calebr&ted her tenth One morning, about nine m o n t h s will-speak-on "What Palestine Means) for Jewish lEmigration and Coloniza- Tnorals as part of "his Treasury duby thftr erteaordlnaTy conference of birthday last Tuesday. „ . . JM-G-M- a spaxn-ing that "if W do not care tor v later, Jonathan was strolling..-along tion. • • . . • ; ties, and the other day decided that to^the Jews of Eastern -Europe." PolisB Jewish leaders.- •'' .-.•.'.•"••' have definitely ^decided to present the conduct and the -character and tbe A .group -of resolotiansr-were passed the same' road, b u t ./everything naw After the services the -.-members «o£ Ihr."Leo.Bramaon,"Hr; JuliusSiaxtz- the works>of Mrs. Margaret"Sanger Maurice Schwartz in his .-persouaHy; spirituality of the Jewish boys was so ': shall he harrad.fr.Qm the toails.-, -. . kus and D r . 3iave been stroking rtho'.grave pMght^oi -Jews in the Beth-El .synagogue are inrafeed; girls in the -United States, the Jewish this country jand importuning 'incrsas- gave .as much a s a Heefing .£ ta attend, an Oneg Shabbos. Hos- elected do the directorate ol t h e .new Was.JUtcs. JQenry's .face red. . . _ people wiH soon find iheni&elvee & chant of Vemoe," wSaich picture -wif! to his arm: T o r t h e last fine ed helgp from-abroad,: ( .' ^" : tesffies-dforrthe affair a r e t Mesdames association, wlaich i s sunjrorted by the in. h e r pre-*f£icial days -she society of old men and women." He dscidfid the screen future of the Sums granted to; Polish Jewry last he h a d been participating - i n . the Henry Behnont, Henry. Dansky, Reu- DRT, the OZE and fiie "Ermgdirekt, roach aid and comfort in New Yxsrk while »tar *f ~a» SiMdish. also stressed the need for Jewish .eduptmtn -to the efforts of the iurtii ^coixyear, a .rCTolutitm states, .drives work..on t h e road ^v^vnnut* tH<viKliprt\t> ben Boasly, Simon Piaar, .Mark .Leon xentralJewish "boSies. cational -work in .the universities and Copyright,; 1SS5, by 'Sewa est uneasiness. I t : was early spring: 13ie ^MCOL will TOSBB. a ihoroogh trol : pioneer. . . . CongSBSswoman in other i caontiJieBiaiot only "wisre inand Julius Altman. colleges. Dr. Samson Beriderlv, direcFeature' Syndicate. *stu3y -eff *£he psrofcteii^ of"Jewish emi-1 Folrence Kahn, .asked .for her; reacadequate" sto meet the needs-occasioned although winter is nothing, else in tor of the Bureau of Jewish. Education, gration" in "drHFerent tion to the gloves worn in the House by Its plightibut atecJfwere jipt in pro-r made a i>lea for greater efficiency and p | by y -hernew colleague, g , Mrs. Caroline Of ficsal Ifezi % portion to the-total amount raised by of Genesareth's dark-blue -ci better co-ordination of the systems Berlin.—As A result of "racial polwill-also study, the possiinirSes -of jO'i)ay., xammenfed that the work of the American Jewish "Joint Distribu- smile Jonathan *thanght^£h&t of Jewish (education in this country. .), Seform JEa: yeare ago icy,"" « 4 S Jews i y tin 1S33, tion committee's campaign for EuroE- •be go.grtfttfyiqg-to h*sa poetifardiris daismin ,-wjrote i t s "Consii-. -settling, needy Jews-in-new territories. | Congress is best done wr& bare Vthere has ieen "& marked ,de-! special' 'occsaiion -.Tinborder "to ;<si SiiPnillUBly -with fee formation Ihands. . . . • .-^ ". • tution""in the Pittsburgh «reiaee,-5n-German. Jewish population "fire 'UMCDL, AnotberTesdration ^states that every: praises TI What changes have «. r«^M*.tr i ii«fci|r:ca u a i c XUAUC rtHft\.H*L ifiLIIBr in ;22Bi;*t-:£ae': Itozi sovemmeat ,offi- King Victor Emanuel Pi-esents and iin >GennB3i "edifnja^ -d&form of. large-scale social aid work Medal > r i xvoted to iherprobJem-nsf Jewish.migra_ of St. Loiiis ewer cHBratodlhere• bj Hews$3movr on' Msx Jjevrm The Hague.—Dr. H. M. HiTsrtrteW, ;Therear*-488,^2 Jews remaining fhe brink of coHrtpBeann-fliaturphanvtion sand irHadJcstraeni, iaagan its JOB- faused 4ixe ^rfiier /day in Rip ley's 3aegrffl3Br- and humili- nrng-st Temple Israel, i DirBctor-OeneTal of Commerce and InandtCbey constitute «even^IBBBE.- The Ttahtirittkm is! lieve-It-or-Xot • cartoon.as ***** *« ages, professional T3chbwls/«aucation- atoT-Abu-AMaIbih:-Tn-TJerson! Again in* "Has -Judaism TDearancE of one per .cent volthe' jpopu- flm?try at the Department of Economic lienouveau ^md i s Edited ijy D . vdia took fonly one putt on ea^h '<rf ol institutions and medical services the Axab, in the haughtiness f; son-inJuwtof KrofesHor Al- sisiieen holes - in: one ; routtd. .. ". ;.lation, the government. jatSciah? 'stat- Affairs, was honored -'by King Victor are TmBbTe^tO'^catTyyon; hi^ •theaigbt Unman, was ^ailvtuitang Tm his"jdcrnltey Jot Italy with the Oraer Services- Saturday jnoxning 'begin ^t- 3>ert Einstem. to Pxilia^Bwryfe^nrre'ptweirty.,-unless Helen Jacobs' dream has finally -came ed, adSins .that fine-JMcfl cof the Ger- the CroAva of Italy. man Jews rexMe jjx • Berlin. article true. . . . She -.has-been listed as aflsistanoe;iB.^iveh ifrom aoutside. The . publication'* her eternal ba"Sieinj'her:-head:and Dr. ItiFsrahfeld is -an The *College club -will meet Sunday Tpoints out fliat In opening the session, Chief Rabb ^boring hard t o ' keep up. with t h e unnst anrte America's Ufa, J. Tacquet figure -in political economy. For many Jewish Bights i)oiriSra»ea .^axe Ihe -jre- hmi i b e pbsasure of turnhnj Omm a h leanB .in -Jewish lr£e Bnbenstein- of' WSnb, <stresBed the animal. ^JIne right of the Jew-years -be has been cbairnmn aof "the Ji ' arftthg pa-affis- offer rof $20$IBO t o .turn ^nrnf gf jmmp ppint that GernranJuJfiwiyfe"calamity throbbed -n««pnitj»tirifl ish National TxrnA t o l a n d which I t Dutch aelegstion Jor transactions tmfi i sional .CIRSBES .and inkjratinn. must not^be allowed to overshadow youth's heart very alluringly. B u t a Moe Berg, one of iihe ifeW: Jew- has acguired in the vichirty of '"'Na- cojBrftsercial agreemeritE between Holra the PiSish Jewish catnaCTopne.r•-* •-BnhmaertiaBl.iBfa m a j o r leaguers in baseball, wul halal was confirmea here ,by the second l a t e r h e asked lihnself: "'*Wftat? land and other countries. "ihickflight" fg p p j a i l JI. ido i o ^ ^ m i Thev Junior ^Congregation will £7*S!g\ *e seen in a aeveland uniform Court "of Appears, which aTHrmea. fhe ; B TRubenstein i said Give him B . fcm(g2: lish Jewry, RabBL Rotterdam R«Kef Committee this coming season, as he TVIII be t judgment prevronsly 3SSUE3 by the i. "Saturday "morning. 5Ir. 6uisna. Jewish fnjroijEfarnitiEs i Giat 'tone ififth of • world: Jewrjy Tes- flat,-what lack..of candrtiosally released. . . . Berg, as Court a t Nazareth. liquidated . . . . . Sam Brown'-wjll be hosts to Qffi are also- d d iaent-in; Poland, i s on the verge of u n i t a t r w of thB- methodE of' The offices of the Beyou TpTdbaiily didnt lenow, can speak Junior *Congrfigation.. : The 'Court dismissed the. claim to collapse.!' ••;'- ',-":'.•'.•-•'"•' /•••": " ' miserable, 'And eight languages- and h a s taken sev- grazing rights advanced by the Arab lief Committee far Jewish Refugees will be a Chamisha Oser Raphaeli SzereszewsTci, PoTish-Jew- what, after all, is there p g eral university "degrees", but doesn't villagers ana tribesmen near .Nahalal. from Germany were licraidated in JRotparty f or- the members Sun-: ish philairairopiEt, stated that 150,000 about a lidkmg? "• Bui^-a-. quick - hu-; terdam because of lack of -funds. like • to have his • erudition talked day afternoon at 2:3G a t the synaJewish families i n Poland are living morous fKdeerfjn.r3iis eye—-and "Jie The work .of aiding the refugees Left Germany about . . . Max Baer i s so disgnstea gogue a t 18th" and* Chicago streets. '' on charity ••anaflosn funds -created "by henceforth be carried on by the grabbed ifae^jidnke^'s; bfnile. i Berlin.—Nearly ^iOOO" Jews'left Gert h e • booing he received a t TJeOnly members are invited. the American -Jewish Joint JJistrlbnLonaon 1 w-eil-known Slontefldre Relief Organimany during the first mine months of —Get down-, .you .heap of • lilfhi— troint recently fluring an ejehibitioa After the party, new officers will tion committee. nrent of 'all Jews an ^Sernrany €s 1934, according to dficiai iignreB zation. Jonathan ordered severely:—Look -j, e ^elected, bent that he is seriDiisiy" considering r D "'Polish Jewry,", he said, "is straindieted jfty the l&rfm made public here. The exact numing to the. utmost the existence of my •antr -is -now i n 'good-shape. Pogrom Averted ' ber was 4325.. • . . ..'.•..•• The Arab's complexion slightly these institutions, but "even so f inanSaloniki.-'—A bloody pogrom in the no Jigures are changed its color—he--recognized :his cSal help from the United - States is reports that Dr. for the last quarter of *3xe •year,- pre- neighbor ing.city of Kastoria was narformer victim, -but' remained sitting utterly inadequate.. •of the interior, in an interview with yer, was tme of tliose nrMdle-aged liminary -estimates .indicate - that the rowly averted when gendarmes disin the saddle. amateur sportsmen who.got up at 6 Deputy! Wislicki declared it was a n "Cast Prussian ^newspaper,: declared a inob of Greek Na2ris "who were emigration of Jews dnring mnstiUEgent'to re-^estttDlish.thfe-cen- When a. repetition vi Hiis order was, tfeat Trot xmly Jews : bat sBgo ihose who a.': m. every Tnorning if or physical TC- declined.'.- .[1 . . . ' attacking Jewish pedestrians. 4 not deeded Jonathan seized the Arab 'Conditioning in Central Park . . '. . tral Juanfevior .Jewish co-opeTdttves In Jerusalem (JTA).—The"'project of 3mve one - or snore" Tsm~&xywi \graiid-' A, nninber of Jews, incluolng the y iftis; is;f ost lS/ lliSS/i - wiQi' ione one--vigorous vigorous g order rta /enablo them' to' 'Obtaml ;gOT- by constructing-a road to'link Egypt, S I sodn"be 'deprived t h i T3ut know " that the " doctors have chief rabhi, suffered minor; injuries Pond •warned nim against this'late stMetic emmept credits. Relations wit|i'..the jerk * pW»i'Uiptf alertly 'out of "hisPalestine and Syria -is being consid•when the hooligans raced through the up. s .The t jwdhuiu.Ibegan .to -scxaanr ered by the Egyptian.government, the Joint Foundation Council iri^|ParLs fervor he is concentrating on Iris streets shouting, "Jews jtauBt'. leave by; t h e Jewish w a s r ously ttlikfc a *tdrrrfffid *tdrrfffid chicfen' Arab press reports. I t is proposed that umst be improved before this - Can be vociferously ..Etsnsp • c.allecting-as his only,;^sor±«»TTtp%a»iiwwV 'Llut'l ^Slfi ;, ;. ; •. ^ iayemBtij % A i m . •.Greece/ 1 . 1 It seemed'to the-AicahiKn. couple. the road slronld -pass -firroiigh Suez, against, non-Aryans i s to be eifftrrmi 'di&exsinn. . » , And, believe it.or inot, Alfiance:;IsraeTite Univeraene toward accomplished, he said.' -Rabbi Dr. Joshua as if the yxnmg-"JCBhndi!' -decided -to linking the Sinai desert to" fhe Egyj>-, on -aixbxSance wifh ,pantgxaph-jimr axf "he 3iev«r looked better i n h ^ s irfe. tbii craat^m of'•'£ settlemsSt naanedaf. . . M. Pierre Wertheimer, "wjie ssame -ter •Chartes T>Jett«r. Unon sent a messag urging the con-rob them of their beast. How greatly tianrPaTestine frontier. -•:-.. ference to "direct the'-eyes of "world "were they .Bnrjnased when yBHis.-ago- made all the :frant "pages LibowB&a, a maid I f is. point out that .sach a road states fhai uritr zmzmbsss aaf ' 3 s 1 Jewry- to" the - Polish . Jewish situa-< •' as the owner of Europe's fastest race in ~the employ of Cbaim -would ;do jiwny "with t h e Hin*i^;i^?j^g Oownca t e fiare fhjn, since-3,500;000 Polish Jews sve —"SOT, Ya-S2fa.'CLady>—3» said -of desert exoasings by car which often horse, JEpinErd, is-visiting New York, was sentenced to tbrne i e w • ••."." verge- of the abyss." to the iwoman;—!gBi*.np.on ihe saddle Tesuitsin t h e -dnvuia -alia nontirs -tn prison for ha.v lug s hut-tins tame i e ' s interested exdoToronto, Ontp—Ctafly one IFcwish • Babbi Dr. M. Schorr, presided at theand install yourself, comfortably, and srwiy.in.ths saie of perfume, wiiich Alderman JN. TMTBps, -will BrltaiHAi, -alleging that be bafl parhb manufactures back in Fanne. "Hicipated .in -a ""I'H'ual in the city council this rear. •an

§~ Everywhere


L. A. Arielli




Plan Highway toLink _. Palestine and Egypt



Page 8—THE JEWISH BESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 193i» has assisted in the formation of a new Jerusalem motors trading concern to further export of German motors, • equipment and manufactured goods to Palestin.e The annual linen shower and tea The new concern is capitalized at sponsored by the Senior Hadassah chapter is scheduled for Tuesday aftinstead of permitting his memory to $1^50,000. (WNS —Palcor be dishonored by the conduct of Gerernoon, January 29, in the J. C. C. ANNA Dr. Julius M. Moskovitz was in- J e r u s a l e m , Drain Lands for Bedouins Jewish women of the city will bring stalled a s the new president of theAgency)—Forty-nine Jewish settle- man anti-Semites. iments in Palestine, established by the Jerusalem—The Palestine governlinens to the meeting, and these linens ' Council Bluffs Lodge* No. 688 of the ment decided to drain 500 dunams of will be sent to Palestine through Ha-I Independent Order of the B'nai BrithI Keren Hayesod since 1921, are nowAdrianople Merchants Feeling Affects land in the Bassa swamp area on dassah for use in the hospitals.there. ! at a meeting held Monday evening, [completely self-supporting and are Mrs. Celia R. Margolin, of Omaha,' January 14, at the Eagles Hall. He earning a profit, it was revealed Salonica.—The anti-Jewish boycott which Bedouins from the Beisen rewith the publication of a financial in Adrianople has become complete, gion will be settled. president of theJSouthwest Region of succeeds Mr. Nathan Nogg. «„..._. ^Hadassah T.J....^ _ , „be *__ the ^ j Senior will and no Turk now buys articles of the the installed were Na- report on the colonies. speaker on that occasion. slightest value in a Jewish shop, it This is the first time that all the .than Gilinsky, vice president; Millard NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Funeral services for Mrs. Mary T. Mrs. Jack Robinson and Mrs. M ";Krasne, recording secretary; Albert labor settlements have ended the was reported- last Friday in Action, . „—, •„ v • ™. *xv tan Lansburg, SO, a resident of Sioux City T Notice is hereby given thnt on the lrt Jewish newspaper published in Sal85 Men and Women Workers for 25 years were held Wednerday at Levitan are in charge of the arrange-; F o x > f i n a n c i a l ^^u^. -Louis ' H. - year "with such a successful report. onica. No Turkish shop is willing to day of January, 1935, the total outstand| All of these colonies had to receive ing Indebtedness of WERTHEIMEK & ments. Katelman, treasurer; Nathan Nogg, Attend Kickoff Banquet 2 pan. in the home of a son, John DEGEX FEED YAKDS, INC., a Nebraska sell anything to a Jew, the paper adds. corporation, maintenance contributions in previmonitor; Dr. Isaac-Sternhill, assistant with its principal place of Monday Lansburg, at 2707 Jones, and at 2:30 business in Omabn, Nebraska, wag none. monitor; Abe Lc Katelman, guardian; ous years, firstly, because they were Consul General p.m. in Shaare Zion synagogue. Rabbi SAM WEKTHEIMEK, Kaunas.—Dr. Rachmilewitz, former and Messrs Herman Meyerson, S. non-self-supporting, and, secondly be• Eighty - five men and women who H. R. Rablnowitz and Cantor A. PlisPresident. cause they had not received full Lithuanian "Vice-Minister of Finance, Attest: Shyken, and Sam Sacks as trustees. 1 Are taking active part in the raising kin officiated. J. J. KEGAN, Secretary. hi i ! equipment because of the lack of re-was appointed Lithuanian Consul in Dr." Isaac Sternhill was chairman of funds for the Federation drive atSAM WERTHEIMER Interment was in the Jewish plot of sources of the Keren Hayesod. As a General for Palestine. SOI., I>. I>EGEN cc h a r g ee o f t h e the new tended the kickoff banquet held last in Floyd cemetery. Mrs. Lansburg died The January meeting of tiie Junior | " " e * F. P. Tl'LEK result of the $2,500,000 loan received Monday evening in the Jewish Com- Tuesday afternoon after a lingering Hadassah chapter will take place on, 0 ™ c e r s * 1-18-35-lt. Majority of Director*. Curbs Employment of by the Keren Hayesod, $320,000 is Dr. Moskovitz announced the folmunity Center. Pep • talks were given illness. . •. : ' . I Monday evening-, January 21 at the l,o w i .D .„••.. ^ , . , „ being used to finish the capital in- Refugees by the colonels of the drive. Mr.E. BEN KAZLOVTSKT & GERALD E. Born in Russia, Mrs. Lansburg came Jewish Community Center. Following * committees to serve for^the vestments in the colonies, so that Prague.—Some two thousand JewLAVIOLETTE, Attorneys N. Grueskin, chairman of the drive, to Sioux City in 1910. Surviving are the th« business tasin*.,* meeting, m^tfn^. aa^program r o m n , o»\Z cele- , ensuing year: membership^ Nathan they will be completely • equipped. Insnrance Hide. _ ish refugees from Germany, as well as acted as toastmaster. Other speakers two sons, Max Ginsberg and ; John brating the holiday Chamisha Oser! Gihnsky, .^chairman; Louis Bernstein, several hundred other political refuPROBATK NOTICE were Mr. Max Brodkey and Mrs. Bar- Lansburg. Virtually all of these colonies are B'Shvat (Jewish ArboriDay) will b e Nathan ^ o g g , Ben L Seldin,; Sam the Matter of the Estate of ERNEST gees from Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, InHIMMELMAK, ney Baron. ; engaged in mixed farming. Deceased. presented by members of the chapter.} G r o s s " ^^r: Isaac Sternhill. Is hereby given that the creditor* • The workers began solicitation- for. Intellectual "advancement: Abe" L. Their ability to reach a self-su- Jugoslavia and Russia, who have been of Notice A party. an.d refreshments will condeceased will meet the administragiven asylum here are faced with the tor snid funds from every Jewish man and staining basis is particularly notable of said estate, lx>fore me, ^County Judge Katelman,; chairman; Leo Pitch, Herclude the evenings program. alternatives of giving up whatever of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the Counwoman who • is. employed, Tuesday man Meyersohj Richard Gordon, and because their population was inty Court Room, in snid County, on the morning. The first report meeting was, creased by fiftean per cent during jobs they have or leaving the country Oth day of March, 3935 and oh the Otb day Herman Krause,. as the resutl of instructions issued by of Slay, 1935, at D o'clock A.M., eacfr day, held Wednesday. Plans were made to ; the past year and a half, much of Hochman, chairResolutions* 6 . the Czechoslovak government barring J for the purpose of presenting their clniuis concentrate all the work of soliciting The gift of 24 new books to the pubfor examination, adjustment and allowman; Herman Krasne, and Max Har-it consisting of German Jewish employment to political refugees. in one week and to bring the drive to lic ^library by the B'nai B'rith llodge ance. Three months are allowed for the settlers. . x ris. . . " . ' ' •. ' . to present their claims, from the This action is designed to protect creditors a close on January 22. ;.:i . has.been announced by Miss Mildred 9th day of February, 11)35. • Publicity; Sam Meyerson, _ chairCzechoslovak citizens who have been • Men and women who are working Pike, librarian, and the books are now .Tickets, for, the lecture of Ludwig BKYCE CRAWTOBD, and Sai complaining that the refugees are de-l-18-35-3t. County Judge. on the drive include the following: /, available to the public. Lewjssohn, author and lecturer, who I maA! Dr. Isaac Sternpriving them of positions rightfully " E. N. Grueskin, general, chairman; The gift of the B'nai B'rith is espe- is. scheduled to speak in Sioux City on j .M. Krasne, Max. Cohn, Xieo Untheirs. BEX E. KAZLOH SKY, Attorney E. E. Baron and Si Kruger, generals; cially, welcomed. Miss Pike said, be- March 17, will ^go on saie ( next week, I ' Morris .Hoffman.^ . Insurance Hildl Mrs. E. E. Baron, Mrs. Rueben Miller, cause the .reduced budget of the li-according to Mrs.. E . E. Baron, <bair>! ^ ^ Entertainment: Simon Steinberg, 24-Hour Work-Day Tax Overload Mr. A. M. Davis, Morey Lipshutz and brary, does. not. permit the buying of man of the lecture arrangements. j NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Haifa.—In- order to cope with the chairman; Sam Rosenthal, Charles Warsaw.—-Finding it~ impossible to In the County Court of Douglas County, Jack Robinson, colonels _ ; all books needed to supply readers Mr. Lewissohn will be brought t o . heavy traffic in Haifa Harbor, auth; pay the heavy license tax imposed on Nebraska. Working with Mrs. E-E^ Baron, who with necessary reference and reading Sioux City by the Sisterhood of Mount | ! orities have instituted a twenty-four the Mnttpr of the Estate of PH11.IP Is a colonel in the drive, are Mrs! JHer- material. Sinai Temple, and .will speak in ^ g i Cleveland Orphan Homer Moses 1 hour work day, the men working in them by the polish government, num- In<;OKKMCK, also Known as I'HII.. OOUBernstein, chairman; Ben Kubby and erous Jewish shops in the Jewish disTitles' of, the books are: "In theOrpheum theater.. man Miller, captain; Mesdames Si ELICK, formiTiy known as KAKOXi three shifts. Harry Chemiss. trict closed their doors. GOREMCK. 1 K>re.i8ed. JCrueger, Sam Cohen, Harry Horwitz Name of God" by Cllnchy; "Louis D. All persons-Interested "in snid estate «re Up to now ships loaded with goods National Jewish • hospital of DenThe license tax also affected petty Brandeis" by DeHaas; "A Jewish and J: Greenberg; . ' . " . *'' hereby notified that a petition has been ver: Phil Saks, chairman; George and immigrants have bad to wait Jewish merchants who display their filed in snid. Court nllvtriiig that said" de- Mrs. J. Krigsten,' captain; Mesdames View- of Jesus" by Enelow; "Hear Ye : died leaving no last will iiiid praytheir turn at the docks, causing num., Roffman and Sam Sacks.. • • wares in stalls on the street. They, «-eaw>d J. Levin, Sam Davidson,, Phil Sher-? Sons" by Fineman; "The Jewish Anin? tor mlmlTiistriitlon upon bffe estate, and The Oneg Shabbos group of erous complaints from shipping comthat n. hearing will !»e had on said petitoo, found it impossible to pay the .,; Leo N. Levi Memorial hospital of than, Moe Lazere and Meyer D&skov- thology'-' by Fleg;"Why I am a Jew" before said court on the 2nd day of panies and passengers. " fees and were forbidden to occupy tion by Fleg; ''Hitler Over Europe" by February. 1035,nnd that If they fall to i k y . ' .'. • " "•• • • • " ' • ' _ ; '-.; . , • " •': Government officials, it was. learned their stalls. appear at miirt Court on the 2nd day of ;'•" Mrs. A. M. Davis,' captain; Mes- Herz; "Palestine, Today and Tomor- of Mrs. H. M. Sherman. Mrs, J. Saw- •Joe Scharf"and Dave Woods. February, 1035, at !» oVioek A.M., to contest said . petition, the Court may-grant Finance: .Louis Hi" Katelman, chair- also hope to centralize control over all daWes Sam Greenstone, Meyer Marks row" 'by. Holmes; "The Young Cham- islak will speak on the life of Rabbi the snrne n.i>d pnint admiuistratiou of snid llnd Hyman Fisbgall. ' , ., . pion" by" Isaacs; "Jew'ish Pioneers Akiba. Miss Lillian Romirowsky will Martin Troutfelf, Nathan Nogg, immigrants at "Haifa, which ; will in- Greece Aids Refugees ostnte to Adah (lOrWirk or some other Salonica.-—The Greek government suitable p<»rsou~iind proceed to a settle;• Fox, and Robert sure effective supervision. '• Mra. Louis Agranoff, captain; Mes- in America" by.Lapeson; ."The Golden review "I,: The Jew" by Maurice Sam. •• : on Monday assigned 5,000,000 drach- ment thereof. dames. Jack Robinson1, Morris Weiner, Mountain" by Levin;' "A History of eel.-Mrs. Philip Sherman will present Wiener. \ ' '' : • BitrCE CRAWFORD, Berlin Clinics May Reemploy s mas (approximately $50,000) for a the Jewish in the United States" by l-ll-35-3t. • • • : . County Judge. and Abe Agranoff. Jewish current events.. Mr. Samson i Initiation: _ Dr. Isaac Sternhill, Ousted Jews housing project for Christians and ' r:-Mrs. Joe Levin,, captain; -Mesdames Levinger; "The Story of the Jew", by Krupnick will lead in the Berlin.—Clinics and other institu- Jews, excluding only the Jewish refu- EEED. RAMACCIOTTI & ROBINSON Levinger; ''The Rise and Destiny of Joe Kutcher and Ben Baron. ' Memorial: O. Hochman, chairman; and EPHRAIM MAHKW. Attorney, number of Palestinian songs, com- j tions maintained by sick benefit or' Working with Colonel Mrs. Rueben. the German Jew" by Marcus; "The meliorating the observance of Cham- Louis H. Katelman and Nathan Nogg. ganizations in the . municipality of gees who fled recently from Turkey. - 905-B1H First National Bank Bide. OMAHA Governor General Pericles, Rhallis Miller are Mrs. J. Sawislak, captain, Story, of Bible Translations" by Mar- isa Oser B'Shavat, -Mrs. A. H. Baron Berlin will henceforth be permitted declared that the project would prove NOTICE B¥ PUBLICATION ON APPLI. golis; "Let the Day Perish" by Padand Mrs. Hy Lazere; ••-. • CATION FOR DECREE OF will preside. Plans are,J*eing made by Mrs. Sam to readmit to practice Jewish doctors, a boon, sines- "one-fourth of the JewHEIKSHIP : • Mrs. Abe' Pill* captain; Mesdames over; *«A History of .the Marranos" by Gross for.a Benefit Bridge Party to dentists and deatal_workers previousIn the County Court of Douglas County, ish, population was...without shelter alSam- PickusV Al J. Galinsky and'A^Bf. Roth; ".Modern Palestine" by SampNebraBka. * at eH in their employ, it became known ter the catastrophe of 1918 and 1934." In the Matter of the Estate of ARTHUR MbUnt Sihai |& &?* % ^ [ Chieftain oa ly.- Baron.v.. •'" ? vC ;'"v ' :: :" 'Vi\ i-'^'-i-'" ler; "The Plough Woman" by Samhere. . .. VO1.CHECK, I>e^«i8«d. , 4 \u&; "Swastika" by'Wise; "Dreamers "Mrs. William; I^ere,-caphiih," and The children of the Religious School ^ J ^ I ^ ^ L ^ T ^ J ^ " "' The permission isl the result of a To Aid Germany AH persong interested in snid mutter are . : of the Ghetto" by ZangwiH.and ."The hereby notified that on tjie 33st day of &rs."PhU Goidblatt. ';]-\ "; " * ^v will present a special musical serv-l decision, adopted,by. a plenary; confer- . L o n d o n . — Jewish, Re-rSettlements, lteccmber. 19*4, Rose Volcheck, ndminisi ' |Irs. Milton Mushkin, captain; Mes- Voice of Jerusalem" by Zangwill, icfe at the regular services i n Mount ? dratrix of the, estate of Arthur Volcheck, ence , of _sick . benefit • organizations Limited, a new,organization to extend deceased, filed ** an application In said dainfes Tke^ j^vn*»'; BEen'ry Shernian; Sinai Temple this evening. They will j , . shortly before New Year's. > A num- relief to German Jewish refugees, has County Court, praying that a decree of Max' Rubin and Abe Berkpwitz, 'r '• be; accompanied at the piano by;Miss ; p n o n e helrship l»e entered herein as to the Inber of Jewish doctors i n d dentists been incorporated here by a group -of terest of said •deeeas<»d in the. following Frances/ Emlein.1, The songs songs'"will be ;",- .lirs." Zelia'Tievitan^ captain; Mesreal estate; -. Dr. and • M r i Isaac Sternhill an- have already been reengaged,-it was prominent Jewish leaders. dames- Julius I^ehman^, Leon, Shulkin traditional Hebrew melodies. Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (U). .:i ; : - . »T ,The board of directors of the organBlock One (1), Hoffman Terrace, aa D n ^Theodore N / liewis%ill' speak 'nouncgithe birth_6f a daughter,- born learned^. . a n o ~ H e r m a n S h h b f f - ''•"'•••'..'':'''•:-.'-''- ; - . ? ization includes Sir Herbert Waley addition to the City of Omaha, in the [on '"Hie Jewish Problem" during the Sunday morning/January 13, at theC h a r g e N a i a a l)es*ecrated .' Mrs. W.; C.-- Slo'tsky, captain;. MeaCity of Omaha, Douglas County, Ne: Cohen, vice-president of the United braska. . •- • ~ The Amorian Basket'Ball team will • service. daiiies. E. R; Davis, Sam' Slo?siy-and | Mercy G r a v e •'-'." .. _;i_._; _ ' j _ - . -.-•.' ;.- Synagogue; Leonard , G. Monteflore, nnd' that a hearing- Will be.had on said H . ! M . L e v i n . ! : : : "' : : '-'•• : ~' - • • " - i ' : i '• ? : * * - go to Omaha Sunday to play the Ha- | The- Temple Brotherhood will bold application -before said Court on the 20tU ' Jerusalem.-j-Chargirig that the Nazis -'• Working /with Colonel A;. M.;Davis: bonim team Sunday afternoon. Those ' its- regular monthly meeting next i .Mr,- and Sirs, ^orris Grossman left had desecrated the grave "of Abraham president. of the. Angol-Jewish Asso- •lay of January. -\.U.. !!>:>•. ami that if yn.« ciation; Otto Schiff, president of the 1 fail to appear before-said conrt on the are, IHilton Bolstein» ^aptaln'l -Ldtils who will go to Omaha are Leonard Monday evening, January 21. Tuesday night for New York' City on Mapu, first great, modern; Hebrew Jewish "Temporary Shelter and of the nald 2Gth xlay of January, 1935,-nt 9 Strongin, Jake Kalin, captain; Harry B&umstein, coach;. Max Zeligson, adA.M., and contest said application, a baying ..trip.?; They, will visit in ^writer, who i s buried in_Koenigsberg, Jewish Refugees Committee, and Han- o'clock the. court • may • grirnt the prayer Of said jlibrwitf,>raptain1; J\ iiJ^Leviii; Ben visor; Charles' Shindler, Sr.; David Washingtonj .D.^C. also, before fe- dermany, the /Writers Association of nah. F; Cohen,- president of the Jewish application, enter a decree of heirshlp as Sekt, "Jack* Goldsmith, captain. ' •'Tiftevitz/ Philip Zeligson,, Bernard Eoto the abo%-e-descrlbed real estate, and o'f next month. Palestine h a s . submitted. a petition.,to B o a r d - o f : G u a r d i a n s . •'••..•• •;•, ••.,-. i . • make such other and further orders, alKab'bi H. R. Rabin'owitz wiU review turning "Working With Colonel M. Lipshutz senthal, Sam Edelman, Marvin Kline, the Jewish Agency for Palestine urglowances -and-decrees, us to this court may at ithe are Captain Barney Baron, Abe David_ inext'of^the' series of bookPreviews. The-i Frank Erasne^^ of* Los Angeles, Cal- ing that t h e ' remains of _the. famous Reicii Law Curbs College :..';'..:'.-':" seem pi-ope* g i i r C E CRAWFORP, " team has won_ three consecutive^ vie" [review is scheduled ;for-Mbnday eye- jifornia" arrivfed' "h'ere * last - Thursday novelist b e brought t o Palestine at Teachers . son" Mr. .R.".H. Emlein, Mrs. R. H. Emlein, Bill Galinsky andfSovel Krue- tories in the Inter-Church leagued. Berlin.—Any possibility that a Jew»nirig,' January : 2 l at~ S:30'in Shaare to visit his patents," Mr. and Mrs. M. once. At the Amorian meeting Sunday '~" *.».• ? ' • - - • - • - • • • • - • • • - * • • • • • • • • • * • •• ' f o a s n e ; H e ispent a few "days ish scholar will henceforth attain the Mapu, Who wrote the first Hebrew synagogue. . ^Captain Frank Margolin, ;J. Sawis- afternoon, newly" elected officers pre- j . week I visiting -in Chicago; - and . will romantic novel, called "Ahavath Zion" rank of professor or even present his • • . lak;" Captain Sam Davidson, Bte Le^sented the program and spoke,for the [ remain here/ for' the remainder of ("Love' of ••JSion") died in 1868, having candidacy , for "professorship in Gervin and Dr. Frank-EBstein; Captain' members.- The • rafffe, scheduled for ; j . Cj*i«£U*~» many has been removed by a new orthe month. Mr. and Mrs. Hymie. KrasOOCl€Vy •.:'Afi*"--.PiiV. A. J, Galinsky, Nate Gbr- January 21,.has been, postppned until 11 dinance issued by . Bernhard Rust, ne of Kansas' City, Ma, are expect. chow;, Rueben '';MUIer, Morris Satin, January 27. Reich Minister of Education. ed tq spend tiie week-end Berjs' visitMorris, Raskin, was named, assistant i; Miss-Sadie- Iiangsam, daughter, of 1 Mr. Krasne's" parents," Mr. and SIBO® Abe Baron; Captain Max Dervin, CapThe ordinance, already in force in" talil.;. Singer. MiyJ.^Victbr, M. Shi-secretary to fill the position created. Mr. arid Mrs.*; K i Langsam, tof Eastthroughout Germany, provides that IE. Squad leaders elected at the meeting St. Lonis,i Ilh, and Mr.5 Louis Skalovloff, i ifar Cjiisberg, captain. professorships and lectureships are " Wbrking /with Colonel Jack ^Robin- were Verono Montrose, Charles Shirid- sky; son-of :Mr.^ and Mrs. E. Skalovopen only to such as may be state of(Continued-from Page 1) J • -Mendeison,, son of Mr. and «on" are Louis %gi«ao{f, Mortis Weih- ler, "Sr.jL Arnold Rosenfeld. ficers. ' '• V ' ' .' '- :...••• ' ' .' skyf r4J5j .Cfeorgef street,; teve chosen' temptible than that which roots itself ,ke Mendelson; has -been aper and;M."fe. Sk^Iqvsky, captatas; A. FebruisJry 10, ! as SMT date- of-"iheir wed-1 ; ted as /oSejiior Associate Editor in race or "religion." • 'B"." lisenskj^," SamGjreenstphev ".f Reich Bankers Back Palestine ding. --TJhei?--^engagenipnt.. jwas; - an-*»; ''the Blue" iay,; at the Creighton 1 Dr. Bernard 'Kahn, European di- Motors Firm '.'.;' WC..LazrioT^lch, capSiinT1 ii; Reznick; nounced-ihi* *eek by-the- bride-elecfs ; : JoeGdrch'ow; DrV H. Lazere;" ca,Pfem; The. HebrjBwr Study, group; o l 'the ^parents',;-ITifjW€)dd^!g|wjll take placerector of .the joint distribution com- 'Berlin.—The Japhet banking house, Mike Gini^skinr Alfred' Albeft and fedmittee! reported that 65,000 Jewish a-welirknown German banking.firm,' Tpbn^\.^bai^ZfOQfmeik\;Snnday.~:^tiir^.:in East-^t.^LouisiiTiLii!-]> ~ U'* ,. - -] win W. Baron. . -Mr. and MW Sam Gross, returned refugees have left Germany. Of this vAbh at 4 o'clock The regular; me46n> f i ;'^'.-..:- >, . ^: , I..'. ,, . .- ,.-.' . . . '""'---'' * " ""- --"-- "'Ti week-end number, he" said, 20,000 went to of ...the club .followed'vit.:5 : withOfiis.3 U MrArJFalce; =Shulkir» of i o s \ Angeles, Iowa. Palestine a i d almost" as many •went Sophie-Fjrariklfe acting a's:_ chairman; fhasarrived iii'Sioux.Cityvfor.an'exExplore the World's Far Corners with James Boring's to countries . whence they 1 or. their The. first of a serjLesLLof talks on. the '.tended k^isit jn.-tha home of,her: brofii-The Cultura)" Glass of the Senior parents originated. Between J, 10,000 lif e and. work xif .Chaim Bialik, was '. er and. dster-in-Jiaw, J3r, and -Mrs. - S. presented J by Was'. Lillian Rpmirow- ;H. Shulkin, gS14 J|Iej»aska. - . (Hadassah will;, meet next Monday arid .12,000 exiles are in France out of the 20^000 who originally went sky.. Following^^ the meeting; the^^mem-| Mrs.; .Shulkin.: j s . ar sister, of ~r\T 'evening, January. y , 21, at the home of James Boring's famous Small Party Cruises provide all the there. Six thousand have been abMrs. Abe , Celebrating the holiday ot Cbamisha bers held a round' table ' discussion ,:Shulkin, -Mrs. # . Krigsten i n d Gilinsky, 725 Mynster features of the big\ cruise but limited membership assures sorbed by South American countries, ~> i street. Oser,' B'Shevat (Palestinian - Arbor wife Mrs.-Elisheva Kajlan-Thf mem-1 Sol Shulkin.; 3,000 each by England and Czechocomplete individual independence. Rates include First-Class. Day) the annual Talmud Toran ban- berV served at the banquet given Surislovakia; 1.200 by Spain, arid 1,500 , Mrs. , Abe ,_ TDavidson . ._. ,._..Her-Histadruth jRef erendum quet will r be held Sunday evening, day in Mrs. Kaplan's honor. and Mrs. accommodations on the finest steamers of the world's greatby the Netherlands. The. United January 20. The banquet i will ; be held Doi^ Knrtzwfli_act as chairman of, man Slptsky, Bellevue apartments. Jernsalemi-^The' ratification of theStates est fleets and the best hotels and automobiles ashore. had 'absorbed, according to in the Jewish Community Center- at tLe meeting next.Sunday. I have returned home after a ten-day peace pact involving labor '"relation's Kahn "an' appreciable" number alwith"the' Zionist Revisionists will be 6:30 and all-parents are urged to at- The program *will carry out thestay in Chicago... left'to a referendum among all mem-though he revealed no figures. theme of the Chamisha Oser B'shvat tend the affair. Professor Joseph Chamberlain of Jack London, president of the board holiday. Sophie Franklin will speuk of Celebrating the first birthday anni-. bers of the Histadruth' (General FedColumbia university, chairman of the of directors of the Talmud Torah, will the significance of the day. Rosabelle [versary of their daughter Sally Ann, eration of Jewish' Labor), it was deWEST BOUND South Sea Islands, Samoa, Fiji, speak. Others, who will speak, are Wigodsky will talk on how Chamisha Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wiscott, 1211 Villa cided at the final session of the Mapay national co-ordinating committee for Hawaii, Japan, Philippines, Bali, New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Oser B'Shvat is celebrated in Pales- Avenue, entertained 16, guests at aCouncil (Miflaget Poale Eretz Israel), refugees, spoke of the loyalty of the Java; Angkor, Straits Settle; Rabbi H. R. Rablnowitz, Miss Lillian tine.. Julia Bereskin will give a Jewthe Workers-Party of Palestine. , Java, Straits Settlements, Angments, Burma, India, Egypt, the German refugees to German culture Bomirowsky... instructor, Mrs. Ben dinner in the Elks club. Mediterranean—S, S. PRESIand customs. This loyalty of Jewish kor, Philippines, China, Japan, Sherman, .president of the Hebrew ish -story and the singing of Hebrew DENT HOOVER from San refugees refugees from Germany, he Mothers' association, and Mr. Samson songs will be led by Miss Lillian KoMrs. Pave Davidson departed this Austria Terms Discrimination Hawaii—S. S. MARIPOSA from Francisco, December 28th (via mirowisky. saidy has made it "most difficult for Krupnick, instructor at the Hebrew week for southern and eastern trip. "Malicious Lies' San Francisco February 5th — S. S. PRESIDENT WILSON, -that non-CathoVienna.—Charges theTii to adjust themselves in exile." She will return to Sioux City in April. school. December 6th from New York) 122 days—all-inclusive rate lics no-longer enjoy equal rights in He j said the. problem, is not so much The banquet will be served by mem—138 days—all-inclusive rate. $1975 Mrs. Louis Baron, 606 Virginia Austria were condemned as "malicious of mass migration but of dispensing bers of the Hebrew. Mothers ..club. $2185 The third annual baccalaureate inventions?'-here b y Egon Bergeradvice and aid to individual problems. street, has returned home after spendChildren of the Hebrew school will present a program of Hebrew songs, service will take place at the regular ing 'the past month visiting with her W a l d e n e g g , M i n i s t e r o f F o r e i g n A f Friday evening services in Shaare son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. f a i r s . •:-.-•'••• "-.- " '•'•'• • • ' . ' • . ' skits and recitations. Zion synagogue. At 8 o'clock the grad- Irving Goldstein, id Chicago. EAST BOUND Staff Additions uates will march to their seats in cap The Mediterranean, Holy Land; and gown, accompanied by the singMr. and Mrs. Sam Bailen announce3 • Jerusalem, — The reorganization of Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, Egypt, India, Ceylon, Straits Bikur Cholim, oldest. Jewish hospital ing of, the choir. JackMerli . will act the birth of' a son. Pern, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Recognized as A gynlnashim class for Jewish as cantor and Perry Osnowitz as Masin Palestine, is now under way. ProSettlements, Angkor* Java, Bali, Trinidad—S. S. SANTA MARIA young women has been formed at the ter of, ceremonies., Isadore Shindler, fessor Herman Zondek, formerly of PRACTICAL B1OHEL Philippines, China, Japan, HaY. .W. C WA.' and, meets every Monday June graduate; -will greet the gradu- Kaufman Director of National Berlin, expert on Internal diseases, from'New York January 5th— waii—S. S. AQUITANIA from Phone 1659 evening/ Th6 class will be held'next ates in Behalf of his class. Others who Jewish Hospital . • - • and Dr.. Tugendrelch, noted roenten58 days—all-inclusive rate. New York . January 31st—131 Council Bluffs, l a . Monday from 7 to 8 o'clock to enable will participate in the service axe Denver, Colo.—Dr. Charles J. Kauf- genologist, also of Berlin, have been v $1075 days—all-inclusive rate $2185 the members to attend the Junior Ha- Ethel -Baron, Dorothy London, Sara man, nationally known expert On tub* engaged* L dassah meeting at the Center at 8Weinstein, Betty Osnowitz, Bertha erculosis,. is the new medical direo o'clock. Ordinarily the class meets on Raskin, Sylvia Uorshevsky and Jennie tor of the National Jewish Hospital,Secure complete information from Monday evening from 8 to 9. The gym Shindler. sneeeding to the post left vacant by •class-is followed by a plunge period Saturday, morning the Junior Con- the late Dr. I. D. Bronf in. 'Omaha's Most Beautiful':Hpm| for Funerals'^ gregation will meet at its regular U the Y. W. C* A. pool. Dr. Kaufman, who is. thirty-eight; Is 1307 Howard St. Tel: AT 8028 Omaha, Nebraska .Anyone desiring to join the class is time. Bernard Weiner will be the can- a native of. New York and a graduate 'Funerals To Fit Any .Purse r asked to call 88704 or 83251 after 6 to? and Howard Sacks,-reader of the of City- College and Cornell! Medical •''••>-, r--, Mii..-r.r : v 1 2 2 6 FarriamS at Thirty-third > p.. m. to make arrangements. • - . r LW School. . . . " • -, — - r

Sioux City News Miss

come from Lithuania to Koenigsberg FORTY-NINE JEWISH for medical attention. Writers Association declared PALESTINE COLONIES thatTheZion should harbor the remains of the man who contributed so greatNOW SELF-SUSTAINING ly to the modern Hebrew Renaissance

Senior Hadassah Plans To Hold Linen Shower



Junior Hadassah Meeting Monday

Books Donated by B'nai B'rith in Library

Tickets for Lewisohn Lecture Go on Sale



Onepr Shabbos





Amorian Team Play in Omaha

Book Review Monday ,

V 4 - 3 5 - 3 t .


g e r . ,


. ' • . , ' / ;

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C o u n t y

J u d g e .

' • . . "





Young Poale Zion



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Shaare Zion

Gym Class Formed

Rev. A. Diamond



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