January 25, 1935

Page 1

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

In the Interests of the Jewish People

Kntered as Second UIABS Mail Matter oa. January 2U 1021. ut. ' tWofflrdoT Omaha, ttshrnskn.-nufler "the Act pf March 3. 1379 \


Dr. Finkelstein to Be Omaha Guest


Federation's Annual Meeting February 25

Vol. X—No. 52

Mussolini Opposes Four Talmud SCOTTNEARMG Race Hatred TO SPEAK ON • Tora.h Workers; FORUM SERIES To Be Honored

The date for the annual meeting of the Jewish JJommnnity Center and Welfare Federation,, was set for Monday evening, February 25, at an executive^ meeting tblring the past week. William 'L. ifiolpnan, president of ''Europe the Federation.-iasfnamed David Goldman chairman lbje| the meeting.

Budapest (JTA)—In an interview granted Chief Rabbi Hevesi of Hungary, Premier Benito Mussolini agreed with the rabbi's contention in 1935" to Be Subject that it was necessary for European Testimonials to Be Presented a t Organization Celebrates FortyProfessor-at-Jewish Th\* statesmen to fight race hatred and Anniversary Banquet of Address on Second Anniversary with Seminary to Be Gue" intolerance as a menace to humanity February 3 February 5 Banquet :-..-• ,..••-: ofBeth-E! ^ and civilization, Nyolcorai - Usjag, Four members of the Jewish comScott Nearing, nationally known Hungarian government newspaper, Although the thermometer read Rabbi Louis FinkeTstein, professor' munitj' who have devoted much time economist and sociologist, will be thereported in a dispatch from Rome. twelve below zero, over four hundred | ,of. theology at.the Jewish Theological] The ' Premier- and the Hungarian and effort to the work of the Omaha third .; speaker on the Community people packed the Jewish Community • Seminary of America, will be a guest i Forum ^series at the Jewish Com- Chief Rabbi discussed the wild anti- Talmud Torah will be publicly honCenter Auditorium, lasty Sunday eve-: .of.the Beth-El.congregation on Tues-j -munity: Center on Tuesday evening, Semitism in certain European coun- ored at the thirtieth anniversary banning, January 20 a t th%:Ofpiaha He-! day evening, January 29. ' 1 February 5, a t 8 p . m. His subject tries, aiming at the destruction of quet of the Hebrew School, February brew Club banquet. This banquet was j : The ^Women's - Auxiliary - -of_^ the % is "Europe in 1935." . .. - . . Jewish emancipation and- ahnibHatioii 3, at the Jewish Community Center. held in honor of the past presidents, : Beth-El congregation will honor" him They are: who served the club during jthe fortyJ Nearing i s . one. of the most able of Jewish " rights • and liberties at a dinner that evening. I Dr. Philip Slier—Dean of the celeachieved by two centuries of two years of iis exist&eei-. _ I spokesmen of the new social order. ; - Dn Finkelstein is-one of* America's' bration, who is honorary president of : He received his Ph. D. from Temple Ben- Kazlowsky, president; \ deliv-. H u n d r e d s Leaiing- as Hitler outstanding Jewish scholars and ;le, the' government paper reportedd. the "City Talmud Torah, for life. H"e university, and has served as" secreered art address and • presented certi[ ~ teachers.'He was born in Cincinnati,' II Duce, according to the report, Forces Inifiate Reign tary of the .Pennsylvania Child La- agreed that statesmen must use love was one of the original founders of ficates of honor to the past \ presi-' ; Obi6, in'1895, aitd received bis higher of Terror : bor committee, professor. of econom- and justice to -'counteract religions the local Hebrew School and has dents. . . ' - " ' • .;... • I : education at Columbia, from which worked diligently in the interests of ics and social sciences at Swarthmore hate. Henry Monsky gave his reminis-j Saarbruecken, S#ar Basin Terri.: h^receiveiilris Ph. D. degree in 1916. ' - •. Talmud Torah for thirty years, still college; was dean of college of arts censes of the early days of theorgan•I'He was ordained as rabbi in 1918.by _ F e ^ fOr "activi: and sciences of Toledo university and being active. ization and its efforts' in behalf of: | the- Jewish Theological" Seminary and Sam Rftvitz—Also a veteran worker Rabbi Louis Finkelstein. chairman of the People's Council of j in the'same year he became an irifor the Talmud Torah, and now America. ; Above is pictured Rabbi Louis Fin-j his:'• structor in his alma mater.' materialized when the Nazis' honorary vice-president of the City .Mr. Nearing has made extensive kelstein, professor of theology at the tory of the Omaha Hebrew Clubf •: • In 1925 he was made professor of Talmud Torah. One of the founders of study, of the European political situ• theology. Amon* Among^ the many ppositions osit^ ^ /J&lS the Hebrew school, he has remained hhe r ations. He spent 1931 in Europe * Td of communal influence he holds are 1*1*** ? Tuesday evening at a d din- Nathan S . Y a ^ spok^ofthefright far active for the thirty yearg of its existwhid? vv e nn r r the Women's present and future prospects'for t i e ! studying conditions there before comee rr 1 88 W V h i on the h B'nai B iB ' i t h | "« J^? ^ i " ™>™ ^ ^°? the-Women's present and future prospects for t h e L MS-' meir>-rship B'rith "V ence. piling his book on. world economy. . club-and its members. " ".-'"'"' j \ ^illel Foundation Commission, execu- > Auxiliary of Beth-EL >". S. Tfiffc—A • past president and ; Sol Rosenberg/ secretary gave a fi- [ - He. has just returned from Europe tive committee of the Council of t h e , now serving as vice-president of the \± ^ places, r e s u g nancial report. Hymen Shrier was 1 the past month and will discuss in Jerusalem (WNS)—Pelcer Agency) United- Synagogue, and .a past presi- ]." ****& «S*»t Jewish his lecture here .the economic and so-—More than 100,000 Jews in varioup Talmud Torahi He has been constanttoastmaster for the occasion. John ,'" ***** dent of the Rabbinical Assembly. J j ly active in Talmud Torah work for F e l d m a n w a s c h a i r m a n o f a r r a n g e - merchants, and Jewish children are -eial conditions as well as the politi- parts of ^Europe have made demands *" He~is~~the author of a number, of more than twenty years." m e n t s . : •-r* J-••••"-f ----- • ; - '- : - being shunned i s the Saar schools. _ cal-set-up of. Europe as he saw it. . upon the Jewish '• Agency for " Pal/ books, notably "Jewish Self-Governestine "for immediate entry into Pal- Mrs. K. Talile—For many years she .The-program was introduced-by a • Despite pleas from'iaiportant* fig; ment in the Middle Ages." Mei contriures* in the Saar" to fcemafa, iiundreds estine,' it was reported here by Dr.has served as president of the court.-scenein which John Feldman, ..; butes regularly^to English, Hebrew of . anti-Naps have -already. fled Isaac Gruenbaum, member of the borah Society, the women's auxiliary J. J..Friedman, riedman, Jacob Fried, I t MorMftr v , . . . -j French and German 'periodicals.' Executive * of the Jewish Agency,' of the Talmud Torah; and is now head gan,.^. Eichards and Hymen Shrier across, the border, sod many others >'.-••..' Dr. Finkel3tein's coming to -Omaha speaking at an official press confer- of the organization. She, too, has been participafcEd. 1 -- • I*™ preparing,to.leave. '" is made possible by the Study Club bf ence. Dr. Gruenbaum announced that active for more than two decades. Bnm6 Wjsil, prjEsidfat of Che. Union Berryman , arid Miss Goidie ^ f ' B W | l i d -In an: address be- : Geneva . t h e Beth-El synagogue. ••.*-';-' r 'all the 7,500 Immigration certificates At the banquet the four will be preThe Vaad Auxiliary held a regular •fore l i e Council of: the League of J^ied-.presented a piano duet, r.:."v.In, Vonor.of Professor;-uikelstein, for the current period have been com- sented with testimonials for their Mr Jewish populatipa^oflthe. Saar.to remeeting Monday/January 2i. Election Rabbis Cohn, Wice. and Miller of Qm-1 Nations, Pierre Laval, French foreign J - Berryman a piano solo. years of active service. main Fathx,*«nph asized: +»-«• tot ^sponsilS . h rin,the f ^ . ^Basjta ^ . ^and ^ ^'iin ^ ^the -IW . of officers took place and those elect- pletely distributed: . ; aha have been'. invited -to attend the ' minister,-. 1—«-"» ~<~—•: I - C a n t o r E . i S e f c ^ ^ ^ ' . w Max M. Barish is now president of d Declaring that the immigration faed for the ensuing term are Mrs. L. ? ;S: ^ ! t ^ ^g£ dinner Tuerdav night. Rabbi H. B. Ra-Jbility for „ _ ,r „f refug , . . , . ^protection o ees \^5^*&J*L?5gi* 1 ^ !, 1? ; x o—, cilities granted to the Jewsh' Agency the Talmud Torah. Aaron Katz is Neveleff, president; Mrs.L. Epstein; Geoffrey Knox,-; 'chairman of the binowitz of Sioux City and Rabbi from the Saar lies -exclusivelywith was ^ompanied^by ^ d a u g h t off e r .the League : Myron Cohen gave selections of Naik>n» .Governing Cpm- first vice-president; Mrs. H. R. Mild- are entirely out of proportion with principal. Harry Jolt of Lincoln will come here the League, . ^ i ^ » - - j * T „ 'violin, accompanied on the piano by mission, issued r a• guarantee of\.pro- er, second vice - president; Mrs. J.the demands made upon it by the Dis- Those in charge of the affair Feb- for the occasion. spirit, said La- Miss ^ ^ Betty ~ ^ PFellman. «_ rrHarriet and --Sfaaii Naii sookesmen eljman_ Mi a —- et tection, tection, ..and spokesmen ^ner« Kirschenbaum,- third vice-president; apora, Dr. Gruenbaum said that 100,- rnsrj S want to make the event as : Miss ; ••-.-; - 'Program. told the Jews that they ueediiave no Mrs. M. Burstein, recording secretary; 000 European Jews are ready to gocomplete as possible. Therefore, they . •-, Featured on the musical program i :: . . . request that all who hnre been ac- • f fear. Jewish Ji 'lelsders, ' l put Mrs. ,1. Elewitz, corresponding, secre- to Palestine. Tuesday evening will be .a group of coming from the tire in Talmud Torah work at a n y . tary; Mrs. Dave Epstein, financial sec. Discussing the preparations being little-trust-in.-these assurances, since songs sung by Lawrence Firikel," acretary; .Mrs.~Dave Crounse, treasurer. made by these Jews. for Palestine time during the past thirty years . ton Robinson made a hit with their | Eerman Roechlingt Nazi boss of • the companied by Harry Braviroff. problem of the Saar refugees is inwith the Talmud To* * Those chosen as chairmen of the va- immigration. Dr. Gruenbaum reportSaar, -announced, ^that fhe Nail ieThe program includes a. one-act I . Rabbis David Goldstein, Uri Miller gime has promised jnot to do "the rious committees" are: Mrs. A. Green- ed that 35,000 young men and women nsh office 1B the Jewish Community comedy, "A Thursday Evening," ar- League to solve." . '. . y and tneans, with Mrs. S.are now in agricultural training Center. and N. Fellman were guest-: of honor- anti-Nazis "any ha>rn|,"bot camps, and that 25,000 others are arranged by Mrs. Fhineas Wintrorib. Although the council has received Bnnqnet. * * *_ JS&tleman as. co-chairman';_ Mrs.'. A. extensive membership campaign not promised~ toaziy good. Those taking part include: -Bertha s memorandum from the Committee' Schwacsfciu, batwjuet itsd dinners; tisans who are-receiring cultural "At the banquet, Harry A. Wolf will planned for- the month of They will be treated like training to prepare them for adjnis- be " toastmaster. Philip M. KluUnick^ Guss, Lea Hoberman, Irene Hirsch, of Jewish Delegations Sfrs. Ida Levin, "motor corps; Mrs. X. Aaron Cqreman. Piano selections will against ^ { g l j ^ , Fiedler,* courtesyf*WJ"Sr«. Brawn1, hos- •slon inteof will deliver t i e principal sddress.'Tfe* " Hitler promises were "confirmed" pitality; Mrs. S. Katlefeari, publicity; applications from other, types oC work- fell program will be announced next be "rendered" by Abraham" Dawlcy; " - (Jews face andur^ing' that^thfr Gterwhen -Nazis immediately started to Mrs. I. Morgenstern, telephone; Mrs. ers have also been received by Pal-wefefc. Reservations are being taken by man pledga of one year of protection round up the 1Z0 police officers, who H. Smith anfl .Mrs; H. Singer, mem- estine, immigration offices. Almost Mrs. L. Keveleff is chairman of the Mrs, Hatold ^Fjaxber, Walnut 4375, for all anti-Nazis be made permanent, WGre considered anti-NazL . iThirty bership; Mrs. M. Rirshenbaum, enter- 20,000 applications for JmMgraton ban«cet committee. Mrs. Arthur Cofia and Mrs. William Alberts, GlendiU> there appears to be small chance that Oil iave already been jailed. Socialists, taining and serving religious school; certificates have been submitted "to Is chairman of -the reservations com-" 3428. the League will'press for additional also, have been the victims" of'Hitler. -' J. Hahn. sick visiting; Mrs. N.the Jewish Agency by Palestine resi- mittee. guarantees for Jewish and other miThe new course by Dr. Victor E. Le-j terrorisin since the plebiscite.-, f t GreenBerg; cultural; Mrs. H. R.dents on behalf of their relative overThe banquet is open to the publicCIID TCFTQ AC O A ROTTCr norities in. the Saar. vine on "Jewish Philosophy and Phil-(Socialist-Welfare Center, reminiscent Milder, hostess. ' ; seas. Dr. Gruenbaum declared that and to -date reservations have been uUJjJJ&li) Ui1 bAlUUCL Belgium to Raise Question. • will start at the College of | of Vienna's Karl Marx Hof, was After the meeting; tea was served the possibilities for granting these coming in rapidly, in large numbers.'^ nigner Education-which meets ^twice practically a-besieged building as by Mrs. H. Rl Milder and her coin- various demands are very limited, dee problem oftheJewsta U week at the J. C."Cr^m Thursday SociaHst: refugees sought protection raJttee. spite the steady rise in {migration. '• . That a vigorous -drive is under way from Nazi retribution. A f ine' example bf communal co- council by. Belgium,. also,- Paul HyThose wishing to" register" for the to compel new immigrants to go to operation-is being/shown by the ac- mans;, foreign, minister, assured, a class may still do so. The problem of where the antithe farms instead bf to the cities was tivity of the Junior Vaad | Auxiliary Jewish delegation in '811158618. Prom-, Nazis who have already fled.", and .Elaborate preparations are being seen when Dr. Gruenbaum announced *rid the Junior Society of the Beth- ising to call on the council ,to provide mad|8; for tthe .reception for the faculty those who are preparing to leave that the strictest instructions have The next number in the Jewish lee-T : El synagogue in the sponsorship"'of for protection for the Saar ininorities, arid students of the college on Mon-the Saar,basin can g& is a' weiglify been issued obligating labor immi-jture series will be given by Rabbi U r i : the appearance of Maurice Samuel in .Hymans asked the delegation .tp f^~' day,: Febroajy ^4, followiner the classes. question since France has closed, its grants to learn Hebrew and to enter | Miller, who will speak on the subject,a series of tiiree lectures to be given nish him7 with facts regarding the On that evening, the classes will start borders against the rush of refugees. Jerusalem "(WNS-Palcor Agency) agricultural, colonies when they ar- "Palestine—Will It'-Solve the Jewish' February 16 and 17. No - SaaTlanders can now cross into —A compulsory rest day for Mos-rive in Palestine. This foreshadows Problem"" The lecture will be given •" j e w s . ' . ' - ' . . . • ' : '• •• . ; • , . . • ; at' S o'dk^k instead of 8:15- p.m. Miss1 Ann Halm and Miss Bert Alsace Lorraine" without a special lems • on Friday, Jews "on" Saturday a ruling that beginning with: 1936 Wednesday, January SO, at 8 j>.m. a,t ; Aska Jewish Farm Settlements. Whiteboblr,- -joint chairmen for the .The possibility...of. settling Jewish permit from the French consul gen- and Christians on Sunday is "how be- all prospective immigrants will be re- j the B'nai Israel synagogue at 18th • • eral in Saarbruecken. -••••ing- prepared in the form of legisla- qured to undergo a thorough Hebrew and Chicago streets. lecture series,. announce today "that'"and"'other refugees from the Saaras a andot g e s fr the sabje^t"? sabje^t"? r.t r.t Sa< Sa< -rol's -rol's lectiires/vTilljfaj^iers lectiires/vTilljfaj^iers in in •• southerh southerh arid* arid* eastern easter Forty-four Jewish : families from tion to be issued by the Palestins examination before their applications Rabbi Miller spent a month this;;; b fll Sd" i j France was suggested in Paris by *he—Saar- arrived in Warsaw/ Some Government, it was announced here. for admisson into Palestine will be summer in P a l e s t i n e , . traveling . , bt as follows:. Saturday" evening, obtained "permits and are now resid- The new legislation will mark the accepted. February t6 at 8 p . n t ; "Fascism and. Anatole de Monzie, former member j throughout the country, living with - • ing in France. Many German Jews first attempt in the Holy Land to Cor^Vttn's! -Their- Mcani^rr- for a'ofithe French^^ cabineefc^ Dri'Monzie's Chalutzim and interviewing those m of the Saar have found safety in: force the three great religious "comJew"; Sunday afternoon, February 17 ^plan-envisages the creation, of a spethe forefront of Jewish interests^ New . 1 munities to observe their own Sab, '."Changing . g g Standards ofiC jjji j j ^ y under the direction' dre Hollandd, Belgium and Luxembourg . at 3 p p.' m., of the iC material thus gathered help answer Tel Aviv (WNS-Paicor Agrency)— -" life, to place the l i f within ithi and d without^the i t h ^ t h Jewish J i h jji^ a gue of.-Nations l h reff The real exodus from the Saar, bath.: this all-important question.: : v ugees in* agricultural He j Responding to widespread protest^ however, is not expected until late Fieki"; Sund->v evpning. February 17 uTOes'Tn aericuitural settlements.. sett As a prelude to the forthcoming This lecture, originally scheduled at 8 p. ; m., "Palestine, Mirror of thealso proposed that the refugees be-ac- against ths" p prohibitive rise in land in February, just before the Basin legislation for a compulsory day of for February, has been advanced in World." '• . . French „ ^ citizenship. ^—JI_.-_ • values in in this this all-Jewish allJewish boom boom city, city officially passes into the hands of rest, the Palestine government has corded values Plans for the Round Table dance order to make it possible Tickets are now on sale at seventyissued provisions for the early closthe Municipal Council of Tel Aviv Hitler. 80 V ^ ' - v * ° 1S t o , . " five-cents for the series or fifty cents ing of shops in Palestine" within mu- in honor of the visiting Des -Moinesjn e * unanimously decided to establish an xt lecture : for, the single lecture, and may be basketball team and • the J . C. f ' nicipal areas. . ' . ' 4-nti-Speculation Bureau, under the purchased' from members of either chairmanship ^of Mayor Diezengoff. The legislation now being preparthe JV"1T-Vaad PP^iliprv.of~*he Ji'nThe' function "of the Bureau will b^ ed would empower municipal '•' counnior Society of the Beth-El synato combat land speculation in an- orcils to close shops for the whole t)f gogue. their respective Sabbaths, and is "re-The Hazomir Singing society elected ganized .form, both through the.cnr T i c k e t s f o r t h e three remaining the following new officers for the;en-; actment. of, legislation and through ; Xpridqn (WNS) — The curious-m- garded a s a . forerunner of general to Loyal Kaplan, chairman of the f xioveity acts Observance - enactments, suing term: Leo Bernstein, president; warnings' to individuals, believed inor that the late Georges Clemen- Sabbath numbers have been planned for thei ual lectures are 50.cents. Morris Teplitsky, vise-president? Har- guilty of spurring real estate values feaii favored giving the mandate which may follow at a later date. over to Belgium, instead of to Engaffair, and the College Club orchesriet " Bernstein, secretary; Liberty. through fictitious means. land, is confirmed by a report In tra featuring Ann Nieman will fur• All" Jewish national institutions in Cooper, treasurer. nish the music The Hazomir Singing society are Palestine will also be represented on the London Post. According to the Post, the late King Albert and Gen, Those assisting Loyal Kaplan on Petach Tikvah, Palestine (WNS— giving a Mizrachi benefit concert, on j Tel Aviv's Anti-Speculation Bureau, eral Merrier were very anxious to the committee are: Joe Goldware, Sunday and are planning a concert in so that, any effort t o play off one Palcor Agency) — The thousandobtain the Mandate and had won The Highland stag at the Paxton Max Resnick, Jean Beber and Ann family colonization program, -which Des Moines, la., in the near future* prospective ., land-purchaser against Clemenceau over, demenceau had An outstanding committee of the • Meetings, are held Monday evenings another will be averted. At the same Wednesday evening was a huge suc- Green. it being financed largely by. the Pal? Women's Division of the J. C. C. and ' gone so far as to discuss the matter estine Emergency Fund and the Pal-at 8:30 at the 18th and Chicago street tirne^ it was revealed-that the Jewish with Lord Balfour arid Lloyd George cess, with a large turnout of the memWelfare Federation 5s the co-operaestine Economic - Corporation of synagogue. All those interested are Agency for Palestine, supreme Jew- and was planning to go even furth- bers enjoying an entertaining evening. tion committee headed by Mre. Harry • America, took another step forward asked to come to the next meeting. ish representative in the rebuflding er, when the entire plan collapsed Abe Herzberg, president of the Silverman. • of the . country, is now creating a Highland for eight years, was honored Vrith the laying here of the cornerMrs. Silverman, with her committee, Central Bureau to combat land spec- as a result of Clemenceau's "failure at the stag. He was presented with a stone of a new settlement named will co-operate with all major organulation, whose chief function will be to win election as president of testimonial and gift. Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agency) izations in. the city in arranging for Behadragah, which means "gradually France. to answer inquiries from abroad and It was reported, that the Highland is —A sharp upswing in Palestine's or- dates for" organizational affoirs and In , onward." to prevent exploitation of. imminow in. the best financial condition in ange exports, which constitute half helping to clear the J. C. C. calendar. This marks the opening of the grants who arrive in the country and Us history- Plans for the coming sea- of. the country's export values, wasShe asks that all clubs co-operate with ninth village in the thousand-famare eager land-purchasers. son .were discussed. revealed with the publication by theher in this. ily plan, which is under the direction Orange Export association of figures This Central Bureau is expected to - Dallas, Texas (WNS)-r-Stuof Dr. Maurice Hexter, member bf showing that up to January 13, Mrs. David Greenberg, registration begin its Operations within a few the medical school of the Jewish Agency , Executive. Bedents in 2,045,122 cases of oranges had been chairman, announces that the enrollBaylor university, a Baptist in- weeks.badragah will house seventy-four Bucharest (JTA).—Rumanian antiexported this season. ment of new workers ' has Increased Semitic organizations,, including the families, all of them contributing' to • stitution, will learn their psycholThe number for the same period satisfactorily. She asks that all those Macadonian youth group and •• the exthe cost of colonization from their • ogy and psychiatry from a pro-Seize Property of Einstein's interested in becoming affiliated with New York (WNS).—Each year as last, year was 1,849,069 cases. tremely nationalistic Radna organizaown savings and obtaining the bal- fessor who as an Orthodox rabbi, Daughters the Women's Division, get in touch long as he lives, Maurice Levin, prestion, were ordered to disband iit>a deas a result of the appointment of Berlin.—The estates of Prof. Albert ance from loans. with her. Authority on History of ident of the Hearn Department cree issued by the Minister of the InRabbi Henry Raphael Gold to Einstein's two married daughters, lisa The Palestine- Economic Corporastores, will contribute $2,500 for Austrian Jews Dies terior. • Kayer and Margot Marianoff, were the chair of neurology and psytion finances the housing "construcRiga. — The municipality has asVienna. — Dr. Bernard Wachstein, ordered confiscated last week by the The action of tha authoritaes fol- land purchase in Palestine through chiatry,tion and water supply, the Palestine signed $10,000 as a subsidy to be dithe Jewish National Fund, he an67, Jewish historian and authority on German government. Gold, who recently relowed sharp protests by leaders of Workers' Plantation .Company ' exRabbi the history of the Jews in Austria, vided among a number of Jewish orceived his doctor's degree, is a The estates are located at Caputh. Jewish organizations, who complained nounced here. tends credit for the development of ganizations in Riga. died here last week. Mr. Levin's annual gift will enof the terror atmosphere created by Property owned by Prof. Einstein brother of Rabbi Wolf Gold of citrus proves, and the Jewish NaThe sum of ? 1,600 was set aside Dr. Wachstein was librarian of the able the J N F to buy one handrecE the organizations in the districts in New ,York, president, of Mizrachi was confiscated by the government tional Fund supplies ten dunams of for the Yiddish theater. Vienna Jewish community. dunams of land every year. Organization of America. j shortly after the Nazis came to power. I which they were strong. (and for each family.







Course by Dr. Levine




Compulsory Rest Day in Palestine





Favored Palestinian Mandate to Belgium

Berzberg Honored at Highland Stag

Orthodox Rabbi to Teach at Baptist University


Palestine Orange Export in Upswing

Rumania Disbands Terrorist Groups $2,500 Given Yearly to National Fund




, rxixx/Ai, JAISUAJM zo,

J. C. C. Fisticuffs Artists Work Out


a comfortable number of Jews already at work at this task because they have followed the direction of their -interest as human beings under the compulsion of social forces, assisted by an understanding derived that this implies splitting the J e w s | f r o m t h e of a man of Jewish asunder as a group, but I contend j origin!

nation of the national background of the family name!—brings a certain coherence. I do not wish to seem to dodge issues. I understand perfectly well

With the date for the World-Herald Golden Gloves Boxing tournament rapidly approaching, the Jewish Community Center's two entries, Joey that this has already been done by No, I cannot find much to say to Kaplan and George Trupp, buckled the operation of economic forces. It Jews as members of a discreet and By the Service Life Insurance down to harder, worfc is those economic forces which are labelled group, but there is a very Company, Omaha Kaplan and Trupp, both considered today vexing the so-called Jewish great deal to be said, both by me and leading contenders in their respective problem, as they y are vexing g the jjjy others "who who can can state the the case classes, are working out dailj in the A man may invest his money as p , man problem. Mr. James W. Gerard | d e c e n t l y , to Jews as members m o r e gym and putting in work on the -ad he sees fit as long as he lives. It is (Editor Worldwide News Service) his money. He is boss. He controls the has advised the Jews to support t h e ; o f ihe soci&i o r d e r o f w n j c v w e a r e when the weather permits. Gentile conservatives and stamp out a l i p a r t—as human beings "engaged Next week will mark Adolf Hit- Storm Troopg never, materialized. which the government's anti-Semitic The tourney Is set for February 11 care of the money. But when he dies the Communist Jews by way ofin the great enterprise of social his supervision stops. Other people ler's second anniversary as the ruler Hitler's industrial barons, who were policy is moving. and 12. demonstrating their loyalty to theliving. supposedly ready to turn on him, These events included such humilicontrol-the money. Others direct that of Germany. This is an authoritathis or that shall be done with It. status quo. He might just as well (Copyright, 1935, by Seven Aits tive sober review and interpreta- withheld their hand. On every side ating actions as requiring Jewish This is true in every case, unless the have addressed himself in the same ( Feature Syndicate.) tion of outstanding developments of Hitler proved himself stronger than students at universities to procure man is able, before bis death, to pre-terms to the Negroes, the Mexicans j the German. Jewish situation in all the forces supposedly operating registration cards of a special color; invest bis. holdings in a permanent or any other of the "minority"! to unhorse him. On the eve of hislegalizing the cancellation by pubNaziland. THE EDITOR. form. When he pre-invests in a per- gixraps. The direction of social evolu-i 1 I s t e n b u L Seven months ago it looked as if third year in power, Hitler and hislishers of contracts with Jewish auan invitation to to tthe he^ ~ The Romanian vessel manent form, then he nirnself has tion makes this an thors; prohibiting Jewish doctors and Hitler's star were definitely setting regime seem fixtures in Germany. Daci2 ' c a f r r £ n + f * * * Jewish £Menmade all the arrangements which Jews to commit suicide along with The perennial rumors that Hitler dentists, in cities of 100,000 or over, and that he would be an ex-dictator ever need to be made concerning that the class of which Mr. Gerard is so ^ r s most of them girk, from Poland by January 30, the second annivers- was on his way out were paralleled without excepting war veterans, from Moving down the track with evergaudy an ornament An alliance with " d LLatvia, a t v i a was was; refused refused permission permission to to ary of his appointment to the chan- by sensational reports that the Nazi employment by health panels; prohi- increasing- speed, the Psi Mns and the particular money. enter Istanbul harbor. the conservatives won't save the You may order the life insurance cellorship. The blood purge of the regime might stretch out a concilia- biting Jewish students from serving Omaha Jobbers, the two "teams to T h eD i a c a m e h from »«™«j Storm Troops on June 30, Hinden- tory hand toward Jewish public the apprenticeship required of all beat" in the J. C. C. regular basket- company to distribute your insurance Jews as a total group. It will only S<,j n a w hf e r e t h e %* ' authorities refused Gullible Jews and nonapplicants for admissiion to the bar; ball season, will clash to the outstand- money for you, over the years, in the save those whose interests are theto let burg's seemingly determined support opinion. her passengers land for fear of Von Papen, the fiasco of the Nazi Jews were led to believe that since discharging all Jewish employes, of ing game of the campaign next Tues- amounts and under the plans you de- same as the Gentile conservatives. they might try to smuggle themselves sire. Or you may direct the company putsch .in Austria, with its subse- the purge had eliminated a number the railroad administration; exclud- day in the battle to determine the sole And not all of them! For if we caninto Palestine. quent change in the Italian attitude of the most notorious anti-Semitic ing Jewish medical students from holder of first place In the standings. to invest the money for your bene- forecast on the basis of European ficiaries, sending them in the income toward Germany, the Reich's politi- Storm Troop commanders, Hitler clinics; introducing a numerous Both these outfits maintained their in the form of a monthly check. Your experience, there will be American would make some gesture in the didausus for Jews in art schools and cal isolation and the increasingly I conservatives who will jettison all, untarnished records by turning in vicexacerbated internal economic crisisj rection of improving the status of schools of music, pedagogy and social tories in last week's play. The purple- wishes will be carried out to the last Jews if the sea becomes too rough,! seemed to presage Hitler's end. Butj the Jews. The gradual cessation of service; forcing Jewish children to jerseyed Psi Mus, revealing a terrific detail. Thus under life insurance you arguing that only by throwing themj anti-Semitic violence give the Hitler salute when teach- scoring punch, mowed down the Pants may pre-invest your estate. Der Fuehrer proved himself a skil- irresponsible overboard can the ship be saved, j created the false impression that the ers enter or leave the calssroons; Store crew, 43 to 22. Iz Bogdonoff, the ful politician. Not only did he surWhen that moment comes, the con-1 vive the upheavals which followed third reich might yet f i n d some permitting employers to dismiss em- fast-stepping forward, pushed six basservative Jews will have two courses • the purge, but he emerged from them face-saving means o f quietly' drop- ployes solely on the ground that they kets through the mesh to lead In the open: (1) to follow the G2rmanj even more strongly entrenched. The ping most of its an ti-Jewish pro- are Jews; abolishing pensions for matter of point making, but it was the Jews of conservative persuasion in. j death of Hindenberg, the "loyalty of-j gram. Obviously inspired reports retired rabbis; raiding and closing grand floor play and stellar -passing By C. HARTLEY GRATTAN vainly hoping for a reversion to the! the Eeichswehr and the meekness of came out of Germany of negotia- headquarters of Jewish organiza- of Abe Bergman that accounted for (Literary Critic and Editor) good old days, or (2) capitulating! the repudiated Storm Troops, the tions between influential Jewish for- tions; forcing Jewish high school a majority of the markers.! to the inevitable, and passively or! farcical August plebiscite, the. inabili- eigners and ;Nazi officials, for restor- students to attend lectures on "racial} The Jobbers, trying to keep up the It is impossible to write about the actively assisting in the birth of a; ty or unwillingness of the League of ation of Jews in Germany to some- science" which teaches the inferiority pace set by the Psi Mus, also sent their contemporary situation of the Jews new and more equitable economic or- j Nations and the great powers" to-curb thing like their old'status in return of Jews; forbiding Jewish youth or- score soaring as they snowed the Re-as a problem in vacuo, for it is der which will give social security,! Nazi' re"-'arming, the' stocism of the for suspensiion of the anti-Nazi ganizations to wear any kind of uni- ims under by a 41-to-17 count. Sol rooted in the socio-economic condi- and stability, the indispensable pre- j German people in- the face • of boycott In Germany, and abroad forms; circulating song books for Yaffe set the house afire with seven tions of our time. As is true of allrequisites to tolerance. They will find i ENSURED CABS steadily worsened economic ; condi- there were actually many Jews who I Jewish children containing anti-Jew- baskets, most Of which were propelled peoples who find themselves part of tions, and now thei triumph in the expected a newvdeal for the German | ish slogans. These harassing restric- to the basket under the power of only the American population, the Jews Saar enabled Hitler to withstand the Jews as a-result, of probabls changes tions apply chiefly to Jews in pro-one hand. Jim Burroughs was also ef- are divisible not only into classes enmity of the World and the out- in the complexion of the Nazi regime. fession and academic fields. But fective in the matter of making bas- but also into various groups within croppings of domestic opposition. There' are, of course, some Nazi Jews engaged In business were also kets. the several classes. For this reason With the race narrowed definitely a statement to or about the Jews There were, and still are, of course, officials who have from the first maltreated and abused. This was Tumblings of dissent and opposition recognized the folly and stupidity, shown by the many appeals, from down to the Psi Mus and the Omaha as a whole is apt to be pernicious as the totalitarian Naarstate:went from the point of view of Germany^ Hitler down, instructing their follow- Jobbers, the remainder of the games nonsense. In order that I may avoid forward with the regimentation . of own interests, of the government's ers not to interfere with business en- took on an appearance of just "fill- this error I should like to say that, work, play, study, speech, religion, attitude toward the Jews. But these terprises in the hands of Jews and ins" with interest at a low ebb. How* first and foremost, the Jews should thought and property rights. Nazi men are admittedly without influence to suspend the anti-Jewish boycott. ever, good contests were turned in take note of their own internal inTry a Bag Today policies failed to allay unemploy- on Nazi policy. Those who could From the fact that these appeals •with, the "Wardrobes playing a magni- coherence as a group and recognize ment, the catastrophic decline in reverse that' policy are not only went largely unheeded and that snch ficent game in holding the highly- that they can solve nothing as Jews. foreign trade, the widespread misery adamant but refuse even to discuss fanatic Jew-baiters as Julius Streich- touted Xi Lambdas to a 29-to-22 vic- They must rather ally themselves, as and the growing hostility of the the question. The Jewish position in er and Alfred Rosenberg continued tory. In another game, the "Wardrobes, their interests dictate, with those this time augmented with the splendid world. Men high in 'the Naii coun- Germany is now definitely fixed by to find the Jews fair game, it is groups within the general population talent of Iz Novak and Pep Bogdonoff, law and the numerous regulations declear that the more rabid Nazis still cils were removed and shuffled. eked out a 19-to-16 triumph over the whose programs best promise to Others,took their places a s Hitler signed to carry out this legislation have the upper hand in this respect solve their problems as members of napless Re-Ims. turned now left, now right. But. he are rigorously enforced. It is true because the government cannot efthe social order, taking the same Though the Psi Mu-Omaha Jobbing always managed to stay on top de-that no additional anti-Semitic laws fectivey check it, even if it were so position as the Italians, the Irish, the spite rumors and counter-rumors. were ^decreed during the past year, inclined, without embarking upon a Co. contest is grabbing every bit of Germans, or any of the other naThe widely-advertised coup of the but contrary to all the rumors, there policy which would be in direct op- next week's spotlight, another good tionalities to "which an active or pasgame is carded.. with the A. Z. A-'s Eeichswehr failed to* come off. Re- has been absolutely no improvement position to a tremendous number of sive memory of a common culture— taking on the ^Yardrobes. The second ported "uprisings by.. the liquidated in the-situation of the German Jews. its supporters, who had been prefrequently nothing more than recogThe events of the past twelve months pared for such anti-Jewish tactics round of play "gets under way next Thursday wiOijja swell program of show that the Nazipleaders were re- by thirteen years: of persistent agita> lentlessly going ahead "with their ail- tion. This agitation has not abated. tljree. cpn.testslljrn, .the first, the Renoonced policy 'of -^degrading, disj- It is indulged in by both the "rank ims meet the- X L.*s, with the Pants franchising and eliminating the Jews and file and by the heads of the gov- Store clashing' with the Omaha Jobbers in the second, the'Psi Mus windfrom every sphere of activity. The ernment." ing up the evening's basketfare against failure to add to the anti-Jewisn deIt must how be obvious to every- the A. Z. A-'s. The proverb that all good-things crees during Hitler's second year is one that the political soothsayers must some day end became the sad re- no indication 'of --Nazi yielding to alization' of Lee Grossman and hieeconomic .pressure or circumstances who blandly predicted that Hitler * Where Omaha Shops With Confidence J. C. C. varsity basketball team, when hut rather a shrewd official desire and his regime would not and could not last a year stand exposed as the local lads went down in defeat be- not to farther, antagonize the world fore the imore experienced play of the during- the economic crisis and pend- false prophets guilty of political Kansas City Y. M. H. A. quint in Kan- ing the completion of the Saar ple- myopia and wishful thinking. Hitler Jerusalem (^NS-Palcor Agency) sas City; last Sunday, by the score Of biscite. To interpret the present state will begin his third year with en- :—A reduction of eighty per cent in . . . to buy a Fur Coat at $49.00 . . . I n fact, we sell a hanced prestige as a result of the 40 to'24.; •- • ' ; of quienseence as foreshadowing any overwhelming victory in the Saar. the orange import duty from Palesgood Fur Coat at $56.00 . . . b u t , if yon want to make a It wasi a valiant- but-vain struggle change for the better would be a deBy regaining the Saar, Hitler has tine to Poland, was ofilcially anreally sound i n v e s t m e n t . . . if you want the lasting satis* _ that the; players of Grossman put uplusion. strengthened his position both at nounced here by the Press Bureau of against .their greater foes who. played faction of the Palestine government. Since the last anti-Semitic laws home and abroad. The great powers almost invincible basketball, .ijut' even. This action opens up for Palestine so. It was a struggle all the way, and were enacted in 1933, there have are even now ready to legalize Ger- the potentially richest market in Eueven when in the dying moments the been many judicial decisions and ad- many's illegal re-arming in defiance rope, which is Poland. Hereafter, the cause of | the Omahans was practically ministrative regulations which indi- of the Treaty of Versailles and are moving to win the Reich back to the duty will be forty-four instead of hopeless, the players*battled on, con-cate that the edicts now on Ger220 slotys per Ipndred kilograms. necting ;jCor several baskets, hr the. last many's statute books are regarded League of Nations. Hitler's newfew plays. -f ':.{A< * .?* ; by the courts and the administra- found successes abroad will seriously Patronize Our Advertisers. Only tivice were the jT-'-C. O.'eagers tive authorities as so many general weaken' his opposition at home and able to lead their opponents, and both suggestions whose application is left leave him free to turn his attention these instances came In the early.mo- entirely to the resourcefulness arid once more t& Austria and the Baltics ments of?the game. -Max Turner, Oma- ingenuity of the. local judicial and and to complete the crushing of all ha guard', opened the scoring by cash- executive officials. Events of the past internal opposition. ing In oiva free throw, but Kansas City year show more vividly that any gen- The .events of, the. past year have moved into the lead on a basket by eral-description, the direction in demonstrated the futility of making Levy, the great guard. Jim Burroughs predictions with regard to future dethen camo'throu'gh with- a beautiful GetYbu** Cuts and velopments iif the third reich. But shot to make it) 3 to ; 2; but that was unless all external signs are wrong, the last time the local quint enjoyed a Nebraska has one more mayor to- January 30, 1936, will still find lead. ?Tbe rest of the way at was a day. He is seventeen-year-old Tony Eeichsfuehrer Hitler and his poliThat is outstandingly superior! matter of the Omahans chasing the Villone and he is the mayor of Boys cies in absolute control" of Germany, flying Kansas Cityans on. kiddie cars, Goldstein-Chapman's feature Northeven if there should be further inwhile their foes fled on motorcycles. Town. o m f l H A *'• ern* Bonded Seals (Dved Coney), Boys Town, you will remember, is ternal upheavals and radical changes Broadtail, Caracul, Marmink. French 1>honc OL4626 Jack Sadofsky, with a great floor in the complexion of those who pull Father Flanagan's Boys' home just performance, was easily the outstandBeaver (Dyed Coney), Muskrat, outside of Omaha. When the federal the strings in the third reich. ing player for Omaha, while Levy was Mendoza Beaver, Nubian Seals (Holthe whole show for the winners. Mll- government chartered a postoffice lander Dyed Coney), in three feature there recently, Father Flanagan conJard Sigal led the scorers "for his team groups. ceived the idea of a Boys Town city •with six points. commission, since the home will now Local fans will get an opportunity appear- on forthgovernraent maps as to view this great Kansas City club, "Boys Towns, Nebraska." It -would when it Journeys to Omaha, March 10, be an aid, he believed, in making for a return game. The Omaha varthe boys better citizens by giving alt;y continues its road ventures, makink the trip to Des Moines next Sun- them practical experience with govFULL LENGTH AND SWAGGER MODELS day for the second of its big games. ernmental machinery'and in inculcating in them a greater sense of civic Every Coat Has Been Made According to responsibility. So, following weeksof Rigid Goldstein-Chapman Specifications preparation, candidates were nominated, an interval given them for platform-making and campaigning, and vote-taking machinery set up; Ford Hovey, in charge of tine sale faithful in every detail to regulation of jreduced price advance tickets for election routine and procedure.

By Joseph Salmark


Not as Jews . • .


FAVORITE of Nebraska Women





Poland Reduces Imports on Duty

It's No Trick-

An Exceptionally Fine


Fine Fur



Boys Town Mayor



68 *88 98


National Flower 1 and Garden Show


the National Flower and Garden show to be held in Omaha at Ak-Sarberi coliseum starting March 30, has announced divisionj chairmen to aid hin> in the ticket campaign. They; are: W. O. Swanson, retail anil wholesale division; W . p . Cozad, financial;, Alvin F. Johnsbn, South Omaha;! Ford Bates, public service; Harley Conant, hotels; R. F. Myers, Council Bluffs, and Glen B. Eastburn, Missouri -Valley territory, '.Fifty-thousand of the advance tickets will go on sale starting February 1', Whert?these are all gone, the admission price will then be raised to, 65 cehtsrfof the duration of the show.

jfs Urn-form Richness



- - <h -on- Advantage , ipr Baby '


Ask for

Roberts Milk

Deferred Payments May Be Arranged

(1) Every skin in the Nubian Seal Coats at $98.00 bears the stamp of excellence illustrated above. Only full furred skins are used . . . no stretched skins . . . which means more ekins to the coat. (3) Every lining is made of pure dye silk. X4) Every coat ia full cut * . . with a generous lap-over. i- : Third Floor





vance toward the goal of Zionism is a source of happy augury to me of the future of mankind. For I know the goal of Zionism that it is not concerned with creating The Progressive Hebrew club held in Palestine a new chauvinistic na- a social and .business meeting at the tional- state, which; when established, J. C. C. Thursday, January 17, with will seek to grow - strong at the ex^ 250 present. Kefreshments symbolic pense of others. Were it so, I would of Chamisha Oser B'Shvat were be an enemy of Zionism, as I am served. the enemy of every imperialism. An entertaining program was arZionism is not striving to capture ranged by Mrs. Herman Janoff. material welfare for the Jewish peo-| Those on the program were Miss Few people know that Pierre Tan vealed a lack of insight in the his- giri to think likewise? We have been pie at the cost of the welfare of Marian Mayerowich, who gave a Paasen, noted journalist and author torical reality. too .impatient in the- past. We have others. Yes, Zionism, too, if you will, saxophone solo, accompanied at the •was .at one time a member ©i the The millenium is not at hand expected the messianic era right then is a national egoism. But it is a na- piano by Rose Mayerowich; Mr. J. Catholic clergy. In this article he every time the earth trembles, as and there, the Kingdom of Heaven, tional egoism which strives to have Savich, a mandolin solo, accompanied pauses to pronounce a few pregaant our. forefathers imagined, especially the golden century, the time of en- the Jewish people be itself, not to at the piano by his daughter; Masobserrations on the philosophical at moments when the quakes were lightenment and goodness always and possess a great deal, but to be a ter Eugene Janoff, songs; Harriet aspect of the. Jewish Kenaissance. accompanied by violent crisis in so- again at the end of this or that dark great deaL That egoism manifests Eifkin, piano solo; Maxine Eifkin, the morrow of the National ConiVr- .ciety. The earth is always trembling) hour. We must lengthen our per- itself in the need to surpass others recitation; Pauline Eifkin, who sang in knowledge, in art, in science and Jewish songs. A . beautiful article, significant on at one point or other. We must spective. spective... the morrow of the national confer purify our look upon history and An address to the ladies was deOur hope is not to be centered in a sense of justice. This striving, enco on Palestine just concluded at ! definitely abandon the practice of I know, will ultimately benefit the livered by Mrs. Denenberg, president upon the next day after the revoluWashington. I drawing parallels between the course tion. We must not again become vic- whole human community. For that of the ladies auxiliary. Hyman GoodTHE EDITOR. of an individual life and the evolu- tims of an anticipation of violence. egoism will not lead to exploitation binder, secretary of the club, spoke. and the enslavement of others, (for Hyman Goodbinder presided at the Once more the evolution of history tion of culture. We must learn to Nothing good can result from an ap- that it will never have- the means) meeting. It is planned to make this look away from the past for our plication of the weapons of the barenters upon a transition period which and therefore from a curse which it is marked by disorder in every do- guidance. For this is precisely ther barians—distatorship, terror, censor- always was in the past, this national a monthly affair. main . of life. Like every previous meanmg of our transition era that-skjp, espionage, torture, bureaucracy, egoism will become a blessing. transition period, the present era man is about to take another step army, navy and air force. For these j stands in the token of violent dis- in the direction of9 building his cul- methods our goal, our vision is too] Like St. Christopher, who, when location and of an anxious, not to ture in a conscious manner, whereas sacred. We must place our hope in j the weight of the child he carried say frantic, search for direction. Ele- in the past he built like the bees that awareness of responsibility! over the river at grown to an alments of a new order are now visibly built their cells or, as Luther said,. w}Jjci1 j s awakening among men in most insupportable burden, so that -- of- — it made him stagger and gasp for present in the old society, but old he was led, not knowing where, like! spite all. and new still confront each other in a blind horse by its master. ThroughIn science the century of material-! air, realized that he had been carryWarsaw (JTA) — An instance of a. bewildering and seeming-ly inex- out history there is a discernible one ism lies behind. Since Einstain espe- ing the meaning of the world, so official discrimination against Jews gigantic evolution, a world-revolutricable confusion. In one direction cially, everything is being brought Zionists, are forging the stream in in commerce was revealed when it tlon g o e s ir0 a black night of hopelessness and we catch a glimpse of the new o r d e r ! '^^ . ™ «»e. nnconsei- back to inner, to spiritual values. became known that the government of things peeping through the tat-1 This - means that those who are to despair. But they are forging ahead. salt monopoly had granted a concesfearful domination by-the elementary There lies the hope for. all of us. set the tone in the course of the next teis of the old, elsewhere the prosion to the widow of the Polish air cess of transformation is hidden,,forces to an . active domination of life generations, will honcr man accord- They are advancing. They are com hero, Zwirfco, on the sole condition of being the ing within sight of the hither shore. m a n r o m oy man; t o h i s real value. A t t h e s a m e from our viiew by massive dark! h& ' irom * . a* leeiing or Being tne r that she refrained from trading with storm-clouds. Yet even our ears may e l P l e s s playbal, the victjm of blind! t i m e fte interdependence, the inter- In holding on to the task, in fhe the Jews.. or midst of this universal tension, they at times detect the grating sound as L supernatural forces, to a sure, p e n e t r a t i o i v inter-relations, and inThe widow, having no experience not only fulfill their own eternal of badly-oiled machinery t 3 remind I ^ ^ e e ^ f being guided by known| ter^omprehensions of peoples and. and whatever in business, wanted to form destiny, but the Jewish people exerus, as it were, of the fact that thej established laws. The road tra-j r a c e s a r e ^ w i n g b e f o r e o u r e y e s . ver a partnership with Jewish specialists cise an unlimited influence by excrisis in society is not confined to 5ed^has been long and arduous effaced. Continents are! Bistances are :iety slowly man ad- opened. World-statistics are made j ample. No energy, we know, is lost in order to exploit the concession she any circumscribed area-or to the af- vancesNevertheless, the mastery of his own available. Technically, a new life on in the universe. Sometimes our voices had been given for the district of fairs of any single state or nation destiny, to by mastering the conditions earth is possible. And everywhere— seem .to echo idly in the void. De- Nowogxoke. Permission was refused but that it is universal. For no-] enot by the government bureau in charge to unintentionally often—r-the founda- pend upon it; somewhere, perhaps of the salt monopoly. where do we see stability or fixity ?? - himself to his environment, more and on the other end of the world, the tions are being laid for-one, all inof- purpose. Everything appears in The Central Association of Jewish more he forces his environment into meaning of those words is underclusive human society. flux, in dissolution. Millions of merchants has announced its intenWhlCh h e h i m s d f 3udgGS O p Every historical culture needs first stood. Thus communion becomes a tion of submitting a memorandum man beings are ruthlessly uprooted fj^l* ' tangible reality. Thus the consciousof all a civilization in order to] and declassed by the crisis. New sysIf we continue to think in minutes, emerge and to continue, said Ziegler. ness of responsibility to and for to the government asking that the tems and economic plans shoot up principle of equal economic rights in days or years, yes then the situaWell, that civilization has come and others grows, and the time will yet for Jews and Gentiles be strictly enlike toadstools after rain, whilst in- tion looks indeed desperate. There is come when man shall deal with his the culture can now make a comstitutions and ideas which were but no. doubt that we stand only at the forced. Modern psychology fellow as a brother. Zionism is shapyesterday deemed unshakable and of beginning of ,.a transition era and mencement. ing ' the conditions for a rekindling teaches already that a human cometernal value are " withering away) fl the T?- o r «x generataons muniity, in the full sense of the word of the lamps on Zion's hill. We are Loan .to Florida into dust and ashes or found evapor- j Jacksonville, Fla.—Henry Epstein, "pass through a series of only have sense, if everyone, longing,to see that light! a ting into thin smoke. - ' • ' . ' * ' \ mendous. crisis. But if to the God of I according to his own character, can (Copyright, 1935, by Seven Arts solicitor-general of the state of New In order to 'understand our time \ York, is being loaned by New York • Feature Syndicate.) unfold'and deploy freely. In short: and to place the Hebraic Kenaissance to the state of Florida at the request could be as one day, is it not-time Thepr ofoundest sense of "life- apin "its true historical light, it seems of the Florida state board of public that we humans out of the'spirit of pears more and more to lie in auto me that we must first of all liberwelfare which wants him to conduct whose fellows that Gad was born, betarchy, that is to say in deciding ate", ourselves from misleading suga survey of the state's social welfare one's own destiny and directing one's gestions proceeding from those primiLee Grossman is making an effort laws. own destiny. tive considerations of history, which to check in sales of the regular cage are inspired by antiquated astrologiDare to be oneself, for the individ- season basketball tickets. All persons cal rhythms and certain conceptions ual and for the nation, that is the of the vegetative processes. Even as By Prof. Morris Raphael Cohen task. This^means for the philosopher; j who have not turned in either money £«t tan |»rote<* jrotir Intermits . . . I we had to free purminds from, many -.-^(Prominent-Educator and ~ -ta recognize that there are different or unsold tickets, are Requested to write IN.sriSAN'CE of errry description co-operate and get in touch .with Mr. including solemn mythological and eschatologicurrents of human thought, Chinese, LIFE, In sfronjr, reliable comPhilosopher) Grossman immediately. panies ONLY . , . Let's talk it over. cal traditions—which are nevertheJewish, Anglo-Saxon, etc. For the • • * less of distinct cultural and philoso- j City Finance & Insurance Co. , , ' • vV""• politician; to transfer attention from b a d e phical valued-even so. must -we get! Self-control is self-completion."— 1409 Fanuun St. AT. *CC7 or VTA. £150 | ^ 0 ? r t n b ? i parliament and government to sohas and government to so- Lytton. emerged from the eco- cparliament ' rid of those highly-learned or;quasi-; ety d e political debris-of- Europej fi n ™ * P^ple. And for the naprofound biological curves, which the Jews of the twentieth ' tates *° < of _*? ^its own ! ^ national ! ^ *!conscience. J ^ f ' being applied, -quite j century that there was more than The: great historic vindication of Zionism in my estimation lies in* the the historical, "vicious circles." ^ now clearly demonstrated," that ^ must lengthenour view • JVer have.all , ^ ^ last century g ^ Romans * y a*-.the . y it p ^ : fe f e persecution persecution T Th he e Romans Euffered m the past of a ' curtailed jsent t h e i r ; l e g i o n s t o destroy Judaea.' c e i v e d t h e r ; > a d t o Jevnsh freedom historical perspective. True enough, j - j ^ . - p i o i i g • .y;• thV"Middle" Ages;'V.*»*«l in this direction of nathis testified to a passionate longing • j e £ t [^eir hearths to save the Holy'! otional autonomy. The emancipation, by n o for. a.better world,, but it also remand from being-polluted by oar an-1 f w hhi d ? * d o - ' b means belittle b ld b l bil : '-• ~ '" ~ cestors. Spain repaid our cultural con- ! t h e significance, and which still holds^ tributions.with the Inquisition. And so many of our Hberal Jews 1 in its I>«I«-J and « ^ J Eussia T>«^^_ have u . t._j Poland had _; more. i 'thrall,', and even more liber" nonthan their day in liquidating the Jews. Jewish friends of Israel, rests upon With so much experience as the vic- one fundamental error; the road to tims of violent, hatred, we ought to full and equal participation of Israel approach the new anti-Semitic dispen- in. world culture does not proceed jsation by-Hitler with more thought by the integration of individual Jews in'the. general life, but must go ,via jand less hysteria. • In our desperate fears we not only the nation. Therein alone lies the reLondon (JTA) — The order of the exaggerate the dangers of the anti- demption of Israel as a people. British administration in Cyprus, Semitic virus but the hopes for find-1 We look, with reverence upon the prohibiting Jews to buy land there ing an effective antidote. Being too! unfoldment of the new Jewish life in unless by special permission of the sanguine in our attempt to cope with {PalestiHe; and in the Diaspora under. British - authorities, .has been with- a problem' is frequently the greater' tfig ]aegis of^Zionism. For at last we drawn. - _ -: • evfl. . ' ; - v / : r1siee thatjthe'Jewish people too have Personally, I do not believe that 'begun ^to frame the conditions for At the same time it was learned here that a number of rich Jews, there is very .much we can [dojabduti, their.-own national development. Oh, When a group of Herzbergs higher priced fur trimmed have just bought in Larnaca, Cy- anti-Semitism. It is a hurdle: which-I~know therevis a great deal that is .... i [.block the path of the^••;Jews as awkward. iit the undertaking as it prus, large stretches of land for -th's -«oats reach $30 . . . it's h»gh time to select the one you've purpose of erecting a large factory jl° n S as there are Jews, for it is; a goes on. at present; there is failure had in mind! Dont' delay! and 150 houses for workers. form of insanity against which we here^ friction, and strife elsewhere, Another group of Jews acquired in are absolutely helpless. Kacial preju-J but taken altogether and in spite of Cyprus large tracts of land to be cul- ^ ^ i s too irrational a phenomenon j all, there is unquestionable advance, tivated as orange plantations. The ! t o b e combatted successfully. Many j So much of what takes place in the land is located between Larnaca and panaceas have b^enjiroposed but none; Jewishi World seems ta me protohave supplied a remedy. typical and indicative of what is to Famagusta. • I do not believe that the World follow- in the universe at large that A report from Cyprus relates that Jews are displaying great activity Jewish . . Congress , , ,which - is ,being j or. | J t holds me with ineluctible fascina3 in Limassol, where several thousand {Z *™* }°, enable. Jews to^ devise tion: Every set-back of the Jewish acres of land have been bough, for m e a n s . o f feeting the present emer- n a t ional cause is like a personal hl l acc0 developing citrus groves. &*<*.m 3l™ anything that*t cannot™ l_ be ?P}^ achieved *»«• « ° ^ <>th« hand every adthat through co-operation between existing has already been invested agencies. It may, in fact, do consid-j by the Jewish financial group which erable harm by calling attention t o ' . . . , , . ^ , . . ierable harm by calling attention to Nothing reserved . . . choice of the Moliel Specialist is .interested in the colonization t h e i n e r a d k a b l e differences among house of EVERY better coat! One of Recommended by Many Doctorsaround Limassol. The aim of this J e w s > O n i y h o m o g e n e o u s pe o p i e can! a kind . . . luxurious models at ... group is to parcel the land and to afford the luxury of congresses. The! Residence Phone WElisfer ,"C3o settle Jewish families in the coastal J e w s a r e n o t a homO geneous people-1 Business Phone WEbster TAZO Fourth Floor • belt, where the sou is fit for mtenOmalin, Xebr. (Copyright, 1935, by Seven Arts "f 1422 North 20th St. sive agriculture. Feature Syndicate.) ' According to Near East and lu.lia, semi-official organ of the British Colonial Office, the projected, bill prohibiting Jews from acquiring land in Cyprus without the permission of the British authorities there was only a move to test the reaction abroad. Quality Fur Coats Now in Clearance! A great deal of correspondence has These Low Prices Say 'Buy N o w ! . . . . resulted between the government and interested" parties. The powers given •"•tar by the proposed law were meant to Good Burning—Heavy Gray Color—No Clinkers—Plenty of Heat •"h be used only in case of an emergency, such- as wholesale immigration and the sale of the land of CyBurns as Good as Coffeyrille—The Best Is the Cheapest priot peasants. Fnrs—Fonrth Floor In any case, it is not likely that the law will be passed in its present form if- it ever comes- up again. . -

Progressive Hebrew Club Meeting Held

By Pierre Van Paassen


AMERICANS NOT TO BE EXEMPT FROM TENANT ORDINANCE Jerusalem (JTA) — Americans are not exempt from the Landlords and Tenants Ordinance of 1934, the District Court of Jaffa has ruled, rejecting the plea of an American who maintained that the ordinance was a violation of the Anglo-American agreement which preceded th>3 designation of Great Britain as the mandatory power over Palestine. The American's contention was that the ordinance, in limiting rentals to not more than $12.50 per room per month, violated the provision of the agreement which dsclared that the property of Americans in Palestine is not to be interfered with und^r the mandate. The court held the -ordinance not a violation, stating that "all legislation interferes with established rights of somebody, but that is no reason for saying it is invalid." The case was generally consitWed a test of whether or not Amerianj having investments in Palestine are subject to the laws of that country.

Grossman-GoldbergHandball Finalists It'll be Paul Grossman vs. MannyGoldberg again in the finals of the J. C. C. preseason singles handball tournament. This was determined last week, when Grossman advanced into the finals with an easy 21-10, 21-9 win over Al Soffer, while Goldberg made the final round through a default victory. Entries for the regular season doubles tourtlament are still coining int but too slowly to suit Lee Grossman. Play will probably not get under way for some .ime, Grossman announced.

Sabbath Violations Cause Riots Tel Aviv.—Two riots in different parts of this all-Jewish city occurred when crowds of Orthodox Jews leaving synagogues became so enraged at violations of the Sabbath that they attacked the offenders.


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ftige 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1935 the workers now leading the proces-j clothes, ready wit and political aptision. (tude. Is a hard worker. Has an unToward the emancipation of the canny memory for names and faces. Opponents of a boycott of Nazi goods and sevices have again Jews. I never had even suspected that Affable arid democratic. Known for and again pointed out that the Jewish people were overemphatic they would distort facts and figures ( his histrionic court tactics. Employs Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by By GERTRUDE BERG, in their denunciation of the Nazi government; that after a revoluto the extent they now attempt to do. j none of the usual legal tactics. THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Author of Let us see for ourselves the truth and < Youngish, lean, saturnine and darktion such as occurred in Germany it is only natural that large "The Rise of the Goldbergs" the actual facts concerning the Chule haired. Has an agreeable and calm bodies of citizenery would suffer; and that in a short time the Subscription Price, o n e y e a r $2,00 Concession. The Chule Concession, it voice. Is shrewd, direct and frank. Advertising r a t e s t a r n i s h e d o n application Jewish situation would be straightened out to the satisfaction of What right have parents to inter- must be remembered, had aroused the Plays an excellent game of bridge and all. Men sympathetic to the German regime locally expressed the fere with their child's choice of a vo- j admiration and joy from the entire poker. Looks something like the late Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis T h e a t e r Building. Zionist World with the exception of Rudolph Valentino. Was virtually unopinion in interviews that within a short time the Nazi govern- cation? Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center the revisionists and the Mizrachi known outside of his own state until Some may say that the very fact DAVID BLACKER - - - - - - Business a n d Managing Editor ment would remove most of the restrictions against the Jewish of parenthood confers the authority J groups. Chule has a big meaning for the present trial. Regarded as one of FRANK R A<KKRMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - Editor people, that it was merely a matter of time. to direct the child's life. Which, to a;the real Jesvs, political, economic and the m-st promising figures in the HABBI UBI MILLER - - - - - - - - Contributing Editor FANN1K KATKLMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent Time has elapsed—time in which the Hitler government could certain extent, is true. But the di-1 strategic. ;?rom the economic stand-: Democratic party of New Jersey. ANN P I L L - • - - - - ' - - - " Sioux City. Iowa, Correspondent instead of 15,000 dunem as Rab-' (Copyright, K"o, by Se^en Arts gracefully and without damage to prestige gradually lift the rection must be much more subtle Ppint, P r i n t S h o p Address: 1307 H o w a r d S t r e e t >i Miller would have the people bethan an outspoken command, 4 Featr»-e Syndic.-' >.) oppressing weight of anti-Jewish discrimination. Schacht, minis- musi t~ke into CT • - rat'on he '«v^> t^*1* are more '.Lau •JT.-JC du-| ter of economics, has given hope by his decrees that Jewish busi- chiiJ's owr- Inclinations and abilities-.,'nem clear of water and available for however, parents fre- settlement by the Jews. In addition, nesses be in no way molested. But this was offset by Nazi orders Unfortunately, quently regard the child merely as around the Chule Concession, there is to their followers to disregard such decrees. Hope for the future a projection of their own personal!-, m o r e than 100,000 dunem of land that was borne on optimistic billows by the fact that whereas actually ties. And when nature, in her love.?* can and will get. This land will offer By O. O. DASHES to more than 100,00 the Jewish residents of Germany were second-class citizens, tech' fer variety, fails to make the child J e w s » Flivelihood rom the the exact rcplicia of the more standpoint of strafenically and constitutionally they were not so classed. dominant parent, there is liable to 87 is the fact that the Chule conces-j Can the Ethiopain change his skin sion offers the possibility of bringing But, this week we have witnessed a straw in the wind, indicat- be trouble. "All dressed up and no place to go" is a humorously popular or the leapard his spots? Then may an^ Galleal , . . . , . , . back to life the upper Galle phrase. But in Europe it is neither humorous nor popular to think ing in which direction the next action may blow. In a published in- Father may be a hard-headed b u s i - j Z v a g a { h a_t h a v e b e e n d o r m^ a n t «»o far y e a ^ s o ^° Soo<* t n a ^ a r e accustomed d o ev ess man man who who feels feels nothing nothing but but con-; con- J ~ ™^ JewsTeVconcernedTipurther- S a£> ? - ° Thou hope of Israel, the of the many Jewish oppressed who are all packed up but have no terview, Dr. Wilhelm Frick declared that there was a strong pos- ness vior tempt for Mother's Cousin James,' ^ on thereof in time of m C h u ] e c o n c e s s i o n b o r d e r s tempt for Mother's Cousin J a n — ° * * *-•-•••— - ^trouble. . . . Let » . sibility that the Nazi government, in accordance with article four place to go. t0 m m e eeyes y e s Tan ddown o w n with tears night — * "mine run who once r a n away from home t h e southern side of the other side of ( of the original program of the Nazi program, is considering disenMore than 100,000 Jews in various parts of Europe have made study art in Paris and ever since the Jordan, The settlement and the and day and let them not cease for demands upon the Jewish Agency for Palestine for immediate en- franchising the Jewish citizens of Germany. has made a precarious sort of living colonization of the Chule concession my people is broken with a great Our suggestion to Herr Hitler is that he had better think by doingg commercial illustrations. offers us the possibilities of breach, with a very grievous blow. try into Palestine, Dr. Isaac Gruenbaum, a* member of the execuWoe is me my mother, that thou p y ppy Jope^g uup p ffor o r ihe ews th e o other ther That James is perfectly happy the J Jews the tive of the Jewish Agency, declared this week. And only 7,500 im- thrice before taking such a step. Once taken, his bridges are spite his py poverty and that the work!& nee ooff ^^ee Jordan. Jordan. Politically Politically they * i a s t borne me a man of strife and a &n p they does satisfies satisfies him him is is totally in1 protested t d h high i migration certificates for the current, period were given the burned behind him. And if he would realize what public opinion the he he does totally in-1 to the commissioner man man of of contention contention to to the the whole whole world world, v e n o t lent n e i t h e r hay agency. An outstanding Jewish problem of the Diaspora remains world over already thinks of him, he would not drag himself deep- comprehensible to father. Art is all;This w o r t h y gentlemen answered this lt oh ame ' e m e n lfint e t v e r y oone n e o of f t them hem doth the topnotches top-notchers, says says h he, i h t ffor the e 'p r o t e s t by telling the Arabs that they t o m e> *' *' e t eevery the resettlement of thousands upon thousands of Jewish families er in the mire by taking an action which would be universally con- right ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ w - i • • • • > ' -.1 but to do odd jobs of illustration is< h a d h a d c o n t r o l o f this concession for a n d my" w o u n d whose lot is one of misery and oppressionTand who seek a place in demned in no unmincing terms. more or less like going from door *" tojover 20 years"and had not advanced s incurable? I will de— - - "le'll "" see to ' it "' J the fertility of the land nor developed liver thee out of the hand of the •which to attempt to re-unite the threads of their lives. door selling pencils. He'll that Johnny gets over these silly no-,ft in any way. Now, he said, "Let us wicked, and I will redeem thee out of Palestine cannot possibly absorb at this time all those who tions and goes into the dry goods see what the Jews can do with i t " , the hand of the terrible. seek to enter there. Yet, it is interesting to note that all of these Jewish circles have been expecting the appointment of a Jew- business his grandfather founded. Now about the price. According to j people appear to be making preparations for settlement in PalesTALMUD. Rabbi Miller, our children's children! But consider Johnny. Like Cousin Ran ish mayor of Jerusalem, hub of activity in Palestine. However, James, tine. Dr. Gruenbaum states that 35,000 young men and women are he is hardly a genius, and, I-will never be able to pay for it. What' Rabbi Dimi said, "If there are two at 16, is old enough to realize the i s this terrifying amount The entire teachers, one who is well versed in now in agricultural training camps, and that 25,000 others are ar- High Commissioner Wauchope has named Dr. Hussein Khaldi, fact. But there is no doubt that he j concession was purchased for 200,000 t n e Bible but is not exact, while the Moslem Arab, as the new mayor of Jerusalem, thus disappointing tisans who are receiving cultural training to prepare them for adcan paint quite well—much better pounds, or approximately one million other one is exact, but is not well mission into Palestine. Thousands of applications from other the pro-Jewish advocates. than James, indeed—and that event-! dollars. I ask you, Rabbi Miller, is this versed in the Bible, the one who is • The selection of Khaldi is not to be taken as a set-back to Jew- ually he would be able to support'such a terrifying sum for a nation? I e *act should be appointed, because types of workers have also been received by Palestine immigration by his brush. To him, more-'could go on and give you much more an error impressed upon the mind of authorities. What to do with these uprooted souls is.a problem ish interests in Jerusalem. On the contrary, it is a move which himself over, the dry goods business is : information about the Chule Conces- a child remains forever." may reap a rich harvest. In the development of the Jewish homeof world-wide scope, a problem which cannot be conveniently merely, as he succinctly expresses ' sion, its possibilities and its value to ^ *s written in the book of Ben sira land in Palestine, one of the necessary ingredients of the future it, a pain in the neck. Of course it's the Jews, but of course, I am limited - * h a v e weighed every thing on shelved until another day. must be co-operation between the Arab and Jewish residents. too bad that he's the only son. If, as to time and space. Let me end this *^ e s c a ' e and did not find a thing to The two branches of the Semitic peoples must live side by side in sister were a brother dad could have however, with the statement. It is ** lighter than bran, how ever, a own boy in the business and not worthy of the local leaders of the groom who resides in the house of his the years to come—neither can benefit from the friction or hos- his Johnny himself might have more of. Mizrachi to so distort the facts con- father-in-law is lig-hter than bran, and stiJ1 than he, is a guest, who Dr. Bruno Weil, vice-president of the Central Union of Ger- tility. In this respect Dr. Khaldi is an excellent choice. The Grand a chance to get paternal permission J cerning such an important event in brin slighter wit for his art studies. For that mat-;the life of our Jewish people and it Mufti of Jerusalem has for a long time been a thorn in the side of ff h him an uninvited compaman citizens of the Jewish faith, who made a special trip to the 7 can't sister go into the (would be a manly thing for them to ^on, and still lighter is the one who ter, why _ _ Saar after the plebiscite showed an overwhelming victory for the Arab-Jewish good will. He has deliberately and intentionally fos- store? She'd like it much better than!publicly retract their erroneous state- a T l s w e r s before he has heard thoroughNazis, advised "the Jews in the Saar who were born and bred here tered a spirit of ill-will in order to gain politically. Dr. Khaldi be- haaging around the house all day—jments. ly the question as it is said (Prov. 18, one j I shall also attempt to Tefwte the er- i 1 3 )- when g i v e * an answer belike their predecessors for many generations not to migrate, but longs to the party which is oppdsed to the Grand Mufti and is she's told him so. fore h e among those Arabs who wish to obtain a better understanding Father, however, won't hear of^neous statements made about the , heareth the question, is folly to stay at home. I am certain," he said, "that the time is coming t h a t Sister can go to college if s h e1!"z 'i o n i•r t• executive • in • a letter to the and shame unto him. with the Jews. A former head of the Palestine Government mediwhen the position of the Jews will be eased." week. Rabbi Mari s£d. "The one who is likes, but into the store—never. Since !• " ^ s s next next week MORRIS MINKIN. proud is not tolerated even among his Nevertheless, the Jewish residents are none too optimistic cal service, Khaldi enjoys the confidence of the Jewish people be- she doesn't want to go to college? St household." she can stay home, help mother enthat the "time when the position of the Jews will be eased is in cause of his friendly relations. Rabbi Juda said. "An ordinary comtertain her friends, play bridge with As mayor of Jerusalem, Khaldi will have^n excellent opporthe near future, for they are fleeing the territory in large nummoner trho dissru'sss h!~it?e1f in the the girls or go dancing with the garment of a scholar will hot he able bers. One hundred have left for Palestine to become Chalutzim, tunity to heal the wounds caused by the Mufti and to allay the boys; but no ^daughter of his is goto enter the habitation of the Holy - -•*. -r ing into the store—that's a man's and three hundred more have already emigrated to France. The f eeling of mistrust. One. job, Johnny's job. total Jewish population of the Saar numbers about 5,000, and reJust what will hapen with Johnny ports indicate that practically all of the Jewish business men in depends on the boy himself. Mother; the region are liquidating their businesses as quickly as possible Vladimir Jabotinsky, the firebrand Revisionist leader, is a can't help him—she's completely; DAVID T. WILENTZ at any sacrifice. They seek to obtain as much cash as possible, "bogeyman" to most of the conservative Zionists. His aggressive- overshadowed by father, and can only beg Johnny to be "reasonable." Mr. Wileatz has been catapulted because when the Saar is officially turned over to Germany by the ness and "fascist" ideas have been battled on many fronts, and If " he is, if he goes into the dry goods ' into the isteraational Iimehght be- i Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agency) League of Nations on March 1, the inhabitants will be forbidden because of his belligerency he has been looked upon by most Zion- business, he is extremely unlikely to cause, by virtue of his position as ! —A loan for the Jewish National j by the Nazis to take any money abroad with them. become one of the town's outstanding | attorney-general of the state of i Fund even larger than the $2,500,ists as far too radical. 000 obtained recently by the Keren New Jersey, he is the chief prosemerchants or to find any pleasure in} Of course, the Jewish residents of the Saar are not the only When Jabotinsky was re-elected president of the World Re- his work. But if his artistic urge is cutor of Bruno Richard Haaptmann, ! Hayesod was predicted here by Isones leaving the territory. The anti-Nazi exodus from the Saar visionist Union at its sixth world conference in Krakow last week, strong enough he will soon run away the man accused of the murder and i rael Sieff, London Zionist leader makes more acute zn already painful situation regarding refugees. undoubtedly a good many Jewish followers of the Zionist scene felt from home to study painting—and kidnaping of the Lindbergh baby. ] and philanthropist, who had a mai jor share in the Keren Hayesod loan The Editor. The bordering countries cannot absorb any more refugees and disappointed because such an extremist would head a powerful both father's and mother's hearts I negotiations with Lloyds Bank of * * * will be broken. have taken steps to evict some of those already within their bor- Zionist group again. But those who thought that Jabotinsky repre- And who will be to blame? ' London. DAVID T. WILENTZ: Lawyer and, ders.The vexing question, then, is: Where are those fleeing Nazi sented the acme of Zionist Revisionism will be surprised to learn (Copyright, 1935, by Seven Arts rising Speaking at a reception given by political leader. Born in Russia Agency in honor of his Feature Syndicate.) terrorism in the Saar.to go? France has informed the League that Jabotinsky captured the presidency of Revisionism by scoring just forty years ago. Came to Amer^ himself, Mr. Sieff declared ica as an infant.^Family settled in Council that the refugees should be cared for by the League and a victory over the more extremist of the Zionist Revisionists. Perth Amboy, New Jersev. Son of a horlt s that the League should finance their rehabilitation. France furmanufacturer. Attended home t o w n \ *f f f f responsible for tha freedo u b u l l d i n ther demands that the League of Nations afford protection for schools. Worked his way through law P £ o f Palestine the freedom a n d t o crolve a s stem of the Jews and other people who opposed the Nazis in the plebisschool by.writing sporting news for* *,. y coordination that would bring the oordmat:ol Jewish emigration and colonization continue to hold promthe local papers. Commuted to New i cactivities i that would bring cite. Organizations the world over are asking that the League take of the Keren Hayesod, the the York nightly to continue his studies. inent places in the world spotlight. Keren Kayemeth and the Anglosteps to safeguard anti-Hitlerites before the territory is turned Professional rise inwas Bank under the direction Two new organizations wei*e formed for such purposes during several months themeteoric. army, heAfter re- oPalestine over to Germany. f t h e Jewis!l turned to resume law practice. Quick-• Agency for Palestine, H e ad<ied In our opinion, the world powers have not given enough seri- the past week. In England, a group led by Sir Robert Waley Cohen ly became one of outstanding lawyers ' that the credit of Zionous thought to the obvious fact that refugees fleeing oppression formed a corporation known as Jewish Resettlements Company, TO THE EDITOR: in Middlesex County. Had a way of ist work was never higher than it is the present time. snagging decisions out from under the are not the problem of one country or of the bordering countries— to aid refugees to rehabilitate themselves. In Paris, a new world A N OPEN LETTER T O noses of his hoary old contenders. organization, EMOCOL, Association for Jewish Emigration and T" ". r'T\H-\ »!•/>;**THI: but a deep-seated problem of the civilized world. If civilization ia T ^ C l t T a «°niey from 1922 to J a b o t i n s k y May Visit On the evening of January 6th, I Colonization, was established to promote the ends designated in to be more than a sham, if its escutcheon is not to be blotted by a - T<">* °™r leadership of county j Palestine was invited to your meeting upon t its'name. . Jabotinsky, Zion^ ft a time when ! Paris.—Vladimir P bloody stain in this decade, a fair solution must be agreed upon which occasion Rabbi Miller presentlddIesexwasoTerwheImin Russian Biro-Bidjan, South America, parts of Africa, and, ed his report of tht national M i z r a c M ' , ¥ E l y K e p u b - : ist Revisionist leader, who until reby the powers of the world in solemn meeting assembled. Bu t n naturally, the, Jewish homeland in Palestine—all offer some op- Convention. While I was listening to »?**• ? P organization of young «ntly had not been permitted to enthis report, I was greatly tempted to Democrats which enabled him to make ter Palestine, may proceed to the portunities for settlement of Jewish homeless wanderers. But, it offer a few remarks; however, the g e . c o u n t y Democratic by 25,000. Hob" Land after concluding his visit takes huge sums of money to colonize and settle the emigres Mizrachi meetings seemingly do not Made no promses of jobs. Became to America, it was stated here in wealthy through civil cases. Accepted Zionist Revisionist circles. For some time we have been issuing warnings in this column even after a suitable place is found. The rest of the Jewish people, allow open discussions. It is impos- atterney-generaTs position last Feb- j It is understood that the High Comsible to allow some of the statements that the speculative fever in Palestine must be cooled down if a better situated than their unfortunate brethren, are seeing the of Rabbi Miller to go entirely unan- rnary on condition that he would have ; missioner of Palestine has informed no political obligations. In New Jer- the Colonial office in London that he severe collapse is to be averted. Jewish leaders in many parts of necessity for lending the aid necessary to transplant whole bodies swered. I refer especially to the ques- sey they caQ him "Jimmy Walker of ;has no objection to Mr. Jabotinsky's of people into new homes, a task which is extremely difficult but tion of the Chule Concession and the the world have realized this necessity, and concrete action in this New Jersey" because of his snappy j visiting Palestine. Zionist World Executive. direction was started last week when the municipal council of Tel which must be accomplished. About the Chule Executive concesAviy and the Jewish Agency for Palestine took steps to establish sion, Eabbi Miller reported that the special bureaus to combat real estate speculation. entire concession consists of 60,000 dunem land of which 30,000 dunem is "No group which practices intolerance when it is strong and, Palestine must be rebuilt on the Chalutz basis of soil. In the under water; 15,000 of the remainder clamors for tolerance when it is weak can make any convincing! Jewish homeland the Jewish people are returning to the soil. With must be, returned to the Arabs and their hands, with their labor and sweat, the Chalutzim are laying claim to the possession of a tolerant spirit." — Winfred Ernest this according to Rabbi Miller leaves but 15,000 dunem land to the Jews. a foundation for a homeland which will belong to the people and Garrison in "Intolerance," Round Table.Press, New York. He further reported that our children's not the speculators. It was disquieting when the speculators m i l Q children will never be able to pay for swarmed in and started a real estate boom. A particular spot of •I ney &ay • •• • • .. this concession, so exhorbitant a price





The Week in Review


Amity in Sight

Not So Optimistic

Extreme Extremists





| Predicts Large Loan j for National Fund

Letters to the Editor

Cooling the Fever

Thought of the


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such speculation was Tel Aviv, where the land boom reached Nazis had to repudiate the fundamental and; was paid1T1for the few dunem of land. p men scripture p alarming proportions. ethical feeling of the western world in the development of the He Tvoi d up this report with the statement that if these 15,000 dunem The correct attitude is being taken by the officials in trying tendency to arrogance which led totalitarian leaders "to seek scape- land were any good at all, the Arabs to stop a menacing situation through organized action and legis- goats for the national wrath."—Ludwig Lewisohn. would have protested to the authori- ] lation. ties and we would have never gotten HEBREW CALENDAR I nad always been aware that the Rosh Chodesh Adar_ _... Monday, February 4 (Mizrachi leaders, especially the leadTolerance Shehi j Wednesday, March 6 e r s o f t h e Omaha Mizrachi, were op; Broad-minded views in the most praiseworthy sense are ex- *Adar /vf TPefU^i. * ** J w v. ^o posed to the World Zionist executive, emplified by the naming of Dr. Henry B. Gold, an Orthodox rabbi, of Esther _..JIonday, March 18 g ^ ^ i t is-c o m p o s e d of a majorit? to the chair of neurology and psychiatry at a Baptist institution, ..Tuesday, March 19 of the labor groups. The Mizrachi Baylor University, in Dallas, Texas. Rabbi Gold will teach the Rosh Chodesh Nisan Thursday, April 4 leaders have been reared with the Baptist students psychology and psychiatry. 1st Day of Passover .. .Thursday, April 18 _ *Rosh Chodesh Jyar , ; Saturday, May 4 ^ the x^u-."Thqr'eaarao«"standVsee

No. 1—38.40 Zero Dis..7c GaL tillate No. 2—32.36 Zero Gas OU GaL So. 3—2&30 Zero Foe! OH J&Yzc Gal.

OIL CD JACKSON 2111 - 2 1 1 2

Quick Service^Pay or Nig&t f

rf'age 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25,193S SA2IE BIRTHDAY Golden Hill Society Dr. Cohn Addresses Annual Hadassah A son born to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Making Preparations Kavitz, January 17 at the Methodist for Council Bridge Shenandoah Women Will Meet Tuesday "Linen Shower" hospital, will celebrate bis birthday with his father and uncle Harry, Additional patronesses for the Rabbi Frederick Cohn spoke before A very important meeting of the twirs, who were also bom on Janu- Council of Jewish Women's annual The sixteenth annual Hadassali Lin- Ladies Golden Hill society will be the Women's Club of Shenandoah, la. en Shower will be held Wednesday, ary 17. bridge to be given Monday, February January 30, at the J. C. C. At this held at the home of Mrs. M. Horn, last night on "The Merchants of


11, at 1 o'clock, at the Blackstone, time, linens are collected and sent to ! 621 Lincoln boulevard, Tuesday, Jan- Death." include: Mesdames Sam Appleman, Palestine for distribution among the \ uary 29, at 2:80 p. m. All members Last Tuesday morning1 Dr. Cohn spoke before the current topics secPhilip Levey, Fi deride Cohn, A. D. social welfare organizations in addi- j are urged to attend, Frank, and Morri- Levey, and Miss tion to Hadassah institutions. There | tion of the Sisterhood on the "World Blanche Zimman. Court.", advocating America's speedy is a great need for these things and entrance into the court. Reservations arc being made for sheets and blankets are especially 200 women to attend the dessert asked for. luncheon, Mrs. Maynard Greenberg, The guest speaker will be Dr. TheBETROTHAL ANNOUNCEMENT chairman, has announced. Mrs. Jack odore Lewis of Mount Sinai Temple The Workmen's Circle, branches Mr. and Mrs. Sol Handler announce Marer, co-chairman, is being assisted in Sioux City. His subject will be, i 173 and 258 will jointly sponsor the HOSTESS TO CLUB the engagement of their daughter, All Vaad Auxiliary members and by thirty members of the ticket- "The Significance of Palestine on Jew- ! appearance of the famous New York Sophia to Ben E. Kazlowsky, son of Mrs. M. Brodkey was hostess to the ( s e l l i n g committee, and as this is the ish Life." A playlet, "Hadassah on trio composed of A. Lutzky, Zelda friends are asked to save all old Mrs. Anna Kazlowsky. The wedding "Opening Leads" -mil be the sub- Daughters of Zion at her borne. She only fund-raising affair sponsored Trial," will be presented with the fol- Zlatin and Maxim Brodin, at the clothes for a rummage sale to be held will^ take place late m Spring, ject of Mrs. Irving Allison's last was assisted by her daughter Mrs. I. by the council, general support is' lowing cast: Mesdames Max Fromkin, Knights of Columbus hall Wednes- in the near future. Those having bunMiss Handler was graduated from lecture in the bridge series spon- Dansky. sought Door prizes will be awarded. J. J. - Friedman, L Dansky, Julius day, February 6, at 8:30 p. m. This dles, please call Mrs. A, Schwaczkin, Stein, Phineas Wintroub, J. M. Er-; is a yearly event. These artists give Atlantic 5534, or Mrs. I. Fiedler, HarTechmcal high school and Mr. Kazlow- sored by the Temple Israel Sisterman, Julius Abrahamson and H. S. j a performance of music and humor ney 3003. sky frorii South high school and from hood. The lecture will be given MonIt-'. •. • . • I f =» •• - Mr. Al-I that everyone will be sure to enjoy. the Creighton college of law. At the j day, January 28, at 8 p. m. at Ternlatter school he was affiliated with Pi j pj e Israel. fred Thompson, accompanied at the Tickets are 50 cents and may be v A Lambda Phi, social .fraternity, and bought from any member of the Mrs. Allison will include a review The next meeting of the child I p i ?M3 r0 hJ? M^f- A n ? a S . hl . aes _ . Workmen's Circle. of the informative and defensive The Vaad Auxiliary book review study group of the Council of Jewish L (Formerly in the employ ©t I* Harris) \ - Blank is chairman of the orary forensic fraternity. He received double, and also the correct playing group will meet at the home of Mrs. Women will be held Tuesday at the' 1 ™ 611 s ^ v e r ' ™ f M ^ - Ben Brodkey Twelve years experience both an A. B. and LL.B degree. Mr. of hands. Sidney Katleman, 2035 No. 19th street, home of Mrs. Ronald Gladstone, with if 3 ^-chairman. Assisting are the fol- Denmark Insurance with Krlialile Companies l m Kazlowsky is president of the Omaha Heal foitute . . • Property Management Mrs. D. A. Brown acting as co-hos-! ™ f Mesdames: Joseph Goldware, Single admissions of 35 cents will Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. The first mention of Denmark in s Hebrew club and vice-president of the be taken at the door. 815 So. 15th St. J.\. 7311 Mrs. N. H. Greenberg "will review ^gg Charles Ross, Gail Margolin, Jack Jewish literature appears to have local lodge of B'nai B'rith. "The Golden Vanity." This is considTW;« •nr»Qv'c •*,„„<.• S J.X J J Kaufman, J. Kaplan, Sam Cohen, Joe been made in 547. Block Da st in ered a response to the theme of "Be- fcv £ ^ M.f%y! T *, ?t? Bro > ™ e > L. Alberts, Sam' KRASNE-GBEEN I •' l ? ™ 5 * ' ? « ' / ^ I A ™' Morton Ehrenreich, Paul WohlWEDDING RECEPTION yond Women," by Maurice Samuel. £ ™ £"}? S ° th + eboard ner, J. Rosoff, Max Kaplan, A. I. KuMiss Hermine Green, daughter of All members of the auxiliary 'are Tf Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cohen will reof education, an honored guest. I-_,/-_ „ . - , _ _ . ,- v c*:' •• ?n • . : h'z Mr. and Mrs. David L. Green, be-J invited to attend, came the bride of Mr. Joseph A. «»oo ^;ii v J J °? f ^ ' « ^ i **• Wright, Horace Rosenbloom, Jumarriage to Arthur H. Goldstein, son uary 28, will be addressed by Ruth l i u s j ^ a n a n d Mose Yousem. of Mr. and Mrs. I. Goldstein, at the' Krasne, son of Mv. and Mrs. I. Howard, head of the family welfare. Tea will be served after the proBirchwood club Sunday, January 27 i Krasne, of Council Bluffs, last TuesDelegates will be chosen to the reda by Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt and f rora 3 to 6 p. m. ! y evening at the Paxton. Rabbi gional conference sponsored by the far committee. Hadassah members Those who will assist at the recep- Frederick Cohn officiated at the national commission on the causes, their friends are cordially in*tion are the Misses Ida Newman, ceremony, which was attended only Mrs. M. F. Levenson, in charge of and cure of war, which will _meet The ticket of admission is a Sally Morgan, Esther Morgan, Ruth j by members of the two families. book review groups for the local: Kansas City February 5 and 6. T h e ! - ^ o f "linen1" or Rasnick, Marian Frieden, and thej Following the ceremony, a family chapter of Hadassah, announces the states to be represented at the con-.'bep gratefully gratefully ac< accepted and everyone Mesdames Paul Goldstein, Arthur dinner was held. The couple left for organization of a new group,! clave are Missouri, Kansas, Kansas. Okla-'; c welcome u-oWmn to t«.attend. at Grossman, Morton Richards, David! a wedding trip to Chicago. Upon Wednesday, January 23 at the home homa, Nebraska and Arkansas. The Cohen, I. Sherman, George Krasne, I. ] their return they will make their of Mrs. Samuel Steinberg. Mrs. Mil- council is one of eleven women's orGrossman, Philip Grossman and Jack home here. ton Yudelson acted as co-hostess. ganiartions to be included in this congnia Frieden. | . Mrs. O. C. Belzer and Mrs. Irvin ference. No invitations have' been issued. All BERG-ZUCKER WEDDING Levin gave a very interesting disA sister of J. H. Kulakofsky, Mrs. the friends and relatives of the famThe marriage of Miss Florence cussion on current events. Mrs. A. Thomas I. Levitt, is the conference ily are invited to attend. The Ladies Labor Lyceum club Fanny Zucker, daughter of Mr. and D. Frank reviewed "In Those Days" chairman. Among the speakers will will hold a special meeting Tuesday, Mrs. N. Zucker to Sol Berg, son of' by Steinberg. j be Dr. Mary E. Woolley, president Mrs. Edith Berg of Sioux City, tookj The committee in charge includes! of Mount Holyoke college, appointed January 29, at 2 p. m., at the Labor place in Chicago, Tuesday, January > Mrs. Perry Silverman, secretary of, by former-president Hoover as theLyceum at Twenty-second and Clark streets. Every member should be 15. The couple will make their home the group, and Mesdames Samuel only to represent y woman delegate g p e s t the t present, as important business for in Sioux City. j Steinberg, Peter Greenberg, Sam u . S. at the world disarmament con- the good of the organization will be bride wore an ensemble cf gray Stern, I. Sokoloff. i-ference in 1932. In addition to the An important business meeting of a n The d accessories. Her corsage The next Tneeting will be held delegates, a number of Omahans discussed. the Fa-Hon sorority was held at w a s matching of Refreshments will be served. the home of Rose Moskowitz Monday gardenias. Miss Dorothy Zuck- Wednesday, February 6 at the home plan to attend. evening. The club plans a bridge er> sister of the bride and Miss Bess of Mrs. David Krantz with Mrs. Ula 'At the council meating, an informer of the Alberts Goldenberg as co-hostess. party to be given at the J. C. C. Ber S» 4s i s tthe S100111 attended. al tea. will follow the program. March 20. Leah Segal will lead the A* "" ceremony, there was a f * a* * h e Atlantic donation committee aided by Pearl * n n « f o r *« hoteL Lerman and Ethel Stoler. Sally Pol-; lay will be in charge of the tickets.' ' The Daughters of Zion held'an imMiss Esther Segal will serve as gen- ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT A regular meeting of the Mount portant meeting Wednesday, January The Sigma Delta Tau sorority at I M Mrs. R Rose Falk F l k announces the en- the University of Nebraska at Lin-j Sinai auxiliary will be held next 23. Rabbi Uri Miller gave an intereral chairman. A discussion upon the feasibility gagement of her daughter, Bernice, to coin is continuing to be active en the Wednesday, January 30, at 2 p. m., esting talk on the work of the Mizof organizing other chapters of the Mr. Ruddy J. Mittleman, son of Mr. campus. The chapter was awarded at the synagogue at Twenty-fifth and racbi. | Largest Exclusive Furniture Store on One Floor in the V. S. The club's election of officers has Fa-Hon out-state ..^ held. Refresh- t *nd Mrs. M. Mittleman, . . . . , . . of _ Detroit, third place in scholarship at the na- Seward. All members are urged to ,• • ,. been postponed. ments were served and the rest of. Mich., formerly of Omaha. No date tional convention held at Buffalo, New attend. the: evening was spent, in playing has been set for the wedding, York, recently. - Betty Segal has been appointed cards. managing editor for the March isC-2 CLUB A regular meeting of *he C-2 club sue of the "Awgwan," campus humor Tour Satisfaction Is Our Success was held at the home Frieda Soffer magazine, which Theta Sigma Phi, national honorary and professional Tuesday, January 22. WOLFSON-LEVIN .,. _, Miss Beatrice Levin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Levin of St. Joseph, Mr., was wed to Mr. Max Wolfson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lieb Wolfson of Omaha Sunday in St. Joseph. After a short honeymoon, tne cou« pie will make their home in Omaha.

Noted New York Trio To Appear Here Feb. 6

Vaad Auxiliary

Book Review of Child Study Group Vaad Auxiliary of Council to Meet .

Fleishman 8z Soskin


New Hadassah Book Review Group Formed


of High Grade Furniture

Ladies Labor Lyceum Meeting on Tuesday


Fa-Hon Club Holds Business Meeting

Daughters of Zion Meeting Wednesday Sigma Delta Tau Mount Sinai Auxiliary Members Active Will Meet Wednesday

Junior Pioneers Name Committee Chairmen

At a meeting of the Junior Pioneers the following committee heads were appointed: courtesy, Sis Katskee; cultural, Goldye Fish; membership, Ann SkFar; social and program, Rose Novak, with Merriam Lieb, co-chairman; council, Edith Epstein. Plans were discussed for the celebration of the first anniversary. At the open meeting held last week to honor Elisheva Kaplan, the members of the Junior Pioneers served. Merriam Lieb was in charge of refreshments, aided by Ann Sklar and Mollie Ackerman.

Junior Vaad Balloon Dance Saturday Eve

Meet on Sunday A regular meeting of the organization will be held Sunday afternoon, at 2 p-m., at the B'nai Israel synagogue. A representative of the Round Table of Jewish Youth will address the group. All members are urged to be present, because an interesting and varied p wi'l be Present officers: Celia Lipsman, president; Dorothy Tatelman, vicepresident; Lillian Perelman, secretary; Charlotte Sklar, treasurer; Charlotte Sacks, reporter; Eleanor Cohen, sergeant-at-anns. The sponsor is Mrs. Leon Mendelson.

A meeting of the Junior Vaad auxiliary was held Tuesday evening, at which time a report on the Balloon Dance, Which is to be held Saturday night, January 26, at the synagogue at Twenty-fifth and J street, was given. From indications given by the chairman of the ticket committee, the affair will be well attended. Babe Newman is general chairman of the affair, assisted by Lucille Kaplan and Rose Soffer as co-chairmen. Tickets for the Maurice Samuel lecture to be held in the near future, •were distributed. -~~ ' Professor James W. VaVerka of Creighton university gave an inter,esting and entertaining talk on the Chemistry of'Foods.


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Inlaid Linoleums Gay new prints, as colorfnl and cheerful as spring flow* erg... fascinating details of styling... varied and versatile crepes.. .all just out of their tissue wrappings! Come in and let ns show you how exciting spring can t e !

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Alpha Pi Tau New chairmen for the various committees were appointed by Loyal Kaplan, president of the Alpha Pi Tau fraternity, at a meeting held last Sunday at the Jewish Community Center. The committees were as follows: Entertainment: Al Oruch and Sam Colick; cultural, Herb Marks and Lou Canar; -.Acetic, Ben I.»f;tz and Chuck Goldberg; social, Ben Katzman. After the meeting the club held a bov;l;r.<r tournament at the Elks alleys^ Phil Katzman, one of the star keglers in the city, walked off with the meet winning from Chuck Gendler in the finals.

journalistic sorority is putting out. Gwendolyn Meyerson has been selected for a part in the next University Players production "The Return of. Peter Grimm."


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HAUPTMANN IN A SERIOUS MOOD—As his trial for murder of the-Lindbergh baby reaches a climax, Bruno Richard Hauptmann appears in a serious mood in Flemington, N. J., court.

BRIDGE OF ICE AT NIAGARA —The first ice bridge of 1935 at Niagara Falls spans the lower river (in foreground). Photo also shows American and Horseshoe falls.

Fashions of the Fashionable

HEAVY! —How would you like to t o t e around a "fashion c r e a t i o n " weighing 59l.i p o u n d s ? That is what Peggy Fears of the Broadway stage and now of the movies has to do in her n e w e s t Hollywood p r o d u c t i o n . The gown is made of genuine b u g l e beads, every one sewed on to a heavy silk foundation by hand. The dress is insured for $3,500.

_ IT'S NOT A SWISS CHEESE BUT A WIND TUNNEL—This huge te PICTURESQUE PEAKS IN WINTER DRESS—Charming contrasts * * ""*" ***** ' ~'- ~~— ' ' JKS^^SSESBBBUt^RESSUKSSESSSS^Ii wind tunnel in Paris looks like a monster Swiss cheese. In the comare presented in an unusual photograph" of Lincoln peaks. Glacier TONY IS A SMART PONY—Frank Keenan of Augusta, Ga., has trained Tony, his pony, to take a P l e t e d tunnel planes will be tested under conditions approximating lum National park, touched by the hand of King Winter. P o f sugar »n the reclining position pictured. Tony is not only smart, says Frank, but a little bit lazy. t h o s e encountered in actual flight. The holes are the aspiration tubes with supports for motors and propellers.





DOES FAN DANCE IN CHURCH—Miss Aleta Ray, attired not quite SNOW QTJEEN!—Dimpled brunette Katharine McCarthy, of Ana-, WEST VIRGINIA FEOOD CONTROL PROJECT—One hundred and fifty men are working on this ex- a la Sally Rand, is pictured in the costume worn when she pet* ' cbnda, Mont, is snow queen of 1935. She wigns at Montana snow, tensive flood• eeatnTpro|eet:uriaer construcUon at Grafto^W. V..- Agefaexal view olworKla»ictured. *«™ed her fan dance m the Th.rd Rehgious Society Unitarian cai>niuo« . • ' " . * « . . . ._ ,. * • - - .. church. Minton,-Mas»


Page 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1935 William Randolph Hearst is an antiSemite . . . His argument runs along the following, lines: "Look at the feature page of the New York AmeriThe next meeting of the Bible ~ from — can, Mr. Hearst's pet paper . . . Bernard A. Bergman is the editor'. . . study class of Temple Israel, conSoskin the book reviewer . . . Ludducted by Rabbi David Wice, will wig Lewisohn, Emil Ludwig, Bruno be held Tuesday, January 29, at 1 are featured there almost o'clock, a t the home of Mrs, Harry | By FH1ITEAS J. BIBOH | Lessing daily . , . Not to mention "myself" Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agency) Malashock. ^ilHlllllllllllIlltlllllllllillllUlillltimilil? Ben apparently forgot that Herr Hu- —What is regarded by local archgenberg, Germany's Hearst, who aeologists as the most remarkable WE'RE TELLING YOU owns a chain of newspapers, motion It may interest you to know that "picture studios and radio stations, be- find in many years is the discovery The Reconstructionist, Rabbi Morde- lieved so much in Jewish brains (al- of six-thousand-year-old graves rejcai M. Kaplan's new publication, is though he was and is a rabid anti- vealing- the architecture and customs of the people of that ancient time, The Pioneer Women will celebrate j strongly in favor of Jewish settle';%A<Bfferent slant on Jewish prob- [a majority of which concerned Jewish annual meetings, by support from a IChamisha Oser B'Shevat at a meet-': ments in Biro-Bidjan . . . The same Semite) that he was the only one who which was announced here by Dr. refused to obey Hitler's decree to oust Eleazar Sukenik, professor of archlems and how to solve them is exall Jewish employes . . . And, believe aeology of the Hebrew university who pressed in this tinlely interview it or not, the Hugenberg enterprises conducted the expedition. with Sol Stroock, chairman of the are still employing more Jews than executive committee of the AmeriThe ancient graves, which shed any other undertaking in Germany light can Jewish Committee, who is one on remote burial customs and . . . Which reminds us that Anton of the really outstanding leaders of building construction, were uncovKaufman, publisher of the Newark ered at Givat American Jewry although he is Biiu near the YemenJewish Chronicle, is also the publishlargely unknown to the Jewish get that knowledge." stant growth in activities and in mem- . and important business discussed. All long-expected nuptials of Hiss Carol er of Die Neue Freie Jersey Zeitung, ite settlement of Xahliel and adjoinmasses because he shuns the limeGimbel and Edward Lasker, son of Newark's o n l y German - language ing Hedera. The existence of a large He smiled, and I knew right then ; bership. members are urged to be present. lights—The Editor. Mrs. and Mrs. Albert D. Lasker of newspaper . . . Kaufman, incidentally, population in the "Plain of Sharon, that I might learn a good deal about | Bearing in mind the bibliographical Chicago . . . They will be married is one of the most picturesque men hitherto unsuspected, is shown by the "American Jewish committee but i information that although Mr. Stroock * * * at the Gimbel country place at Port- in the publishing game . . . Three the soundings which revealed a There are some men who engage •' mighty, little about Sol Stroock. "It's ! is "a native New Yorker his paternal chester, N. Y., and Dr. Samuel H. years ago he lost his sight, which, small necropolis, where skeletons in welfare activities only because it >s a i tribute to the Jewish press," he ! ancestors have been prominent rabbis Goldenson of Temple Ernanu-El will however, does not prevent him from were interred. throws upon them the full glare of i u dt ' "ih-"-t they should w-nt to find in Germany for several generations, The Omaha chapter of the Junior be master of ceremonies It would directing his large printing and pub- The clay ossuaries containing the the public limelight. Every newspaper , ° about events^ and people rather I interrupted my notetaking to aek, "What about conditions in Germany?" skeletons throw light 011 burial cusHadassah held a meeting last Thursseem that Bernard M. Baruch and lishing- enterprise personally. man has met such individuals,* who I than take them for granted. My exAnother man holding the position day evening, January 17, at the Jew- Supreme Court Justice Benjamin N. toms hitherto unknown in the hiscarefully pepper their conversations ' perience has been that most people POT-POURRI and statements with the first personal j assume that if a Jewish organiza- j the Jewish community that he does ish Community Center, with a large | Cardozo are not too deeply concerned ! "The Wandering Jew," the British tory of Palestine. The largest !>avt id as closely identified with work of the ossuaries and the walls wera about emphasizing their rather long attendance. pronoun and who are glib in identify- ntion does not talk about itself it is . picture which prominent members of in such a condition that the condefending Jewish rights might genealogies At least, we've been ing contemporary Jewish history with | ° t achieving' anything. In private of d< entitled "Help Wantthat question by a long , ed"A playlette was presented by the little informed that both these gentlemen the New York rabbinate tried to sup- tents were found almost completely their own ambitions and personalities, .life, of course/our standards are dif- |have answered t press, is doing a bang-up business, Others again are content to carr>- on Cerent. We turn with repugnance from dissertation. The answer, however,. Misses Shirlee Alberts," Jean Bruce, fc^ve <i?e7'rad th? o — n r » - ' ' v *-> -",-3the audiences being: almost one hun- decayed. It is possible, however, to their work without in any way bid- ! the boastful individual." was brief and characteristic^ "I won't | and Helen Alberts. A reading enti- financial support to the Saint Charles, dred per cent Jewish . . . Figure that reconstruct from the fragments the new quarterly devoted to records out . . . James G. McDonald, High different typos of ossuaries, the mading for popular acclaim. Among the 1 "But it is important," I ventured, undertake to make predictions,' he tied "Pals" was given by Shirlee Al- the of letter there is to be counted Sol M. • "that. the Jewish community should , said "There.has been nc.improvement berts. Plans were made for a parry ] those American Jewish families Commissioner for German Refugees, jority of which are elongated and ln to be given for paid-up members on j resident on this continent in the ei^h- missed the chance of a lifetime to domed. One more carefully preservkept informed." informed. Stroock, who has just been re-elected ai i. _ v . v— .•..-.*. i. -i—^j be'True kept the German We ed ossuary that lias been brought to enough," he told me. "The,l11 ! the factsituation there isofevery evidenceJews. that February 23rd. Miss Ida Fine has teenth century or. earlier to the office of chairman of the Exechave his office mean something when Jerusalem was put together and was were all wet when we told you, last i h rommittep dnpc ini the Nazi regime is pursuing its anbeen chosen as chairman in charge American committee uoes in-|( *& . ,, .. - , • , ., utive Committee of the American, f o r -. r .. , he neglected to act in connection with week, that Maurice Schwartz has fifound to have Been made in the d policy l off completely ltl dd of this affair. Jewish Committee, a post that he first' m its members and the public at?110 "™**! degradnally been given an. assignment by the anti-Nazi refugees of the Saar form of a house originally, with a ln occupied a year ago. | large of its activities. We print and : &» disfranchising and eliminating district . . . These would-be refugees Ibis Hollywood bosses . . . t h e sad door on one side and windows in the Mr. Stroock is hardly what might distribute ah'annual report, something i the Jews from every field of human i truth of the Schwartz tribulations in are trapped between France and Gcr- other walls, all of them colored. The be called a newcomer in Jewish af- •' that -I- am told no similar Jewish or- i activity." However, unlike many othir"a'"v. exposed to FHler's revenue, yet I j Hollywood is that the Yiddish star- : excavators found" clay vessels, such fairs. His ties with the American I ganization in America does. We don'tj e r Jewish spokesmen in this country, _, director is on his way back to New nothing has been done to propose an as braziers, bowls, with horizontal Jewish committee, with the Federa- ! approve, of, or want mere blatant pub- i Mr. Stroock had only praise for the avenue of escape . . . Elmer Rice is Jl York, a richer but also wiser man and vertical loop handles. The finds tion for the Support of Jewish Phil- Uicity. Besides, we cannot conscien- i courageous efforts being made by the '"" ! with no more illusions about thesaid to have -dropped a half million include the earliest primitive hu.dollars sponsoring his own plays this anthropic Societies of New York, of ;tionsly make large expenditures for a i within Germanthe Jews to reorientate their lives movies. framework of the intolerseason . . . The Marx Brothers are man head hitherto discovered in Palwhich he is a past president, with the j publicity - department when so much able conditions forced upon them. AROUT PEOPLE offering a new Marxian theory to estine, with vessels belonging to the Young Men's Hebrew Association,'i must f be done of a-constructive naJTe w s "With nn p^tn^'shiPT frr>nkne~s for a or At services tonight, Rabbi Goldboth in this counthe effect that, since they are now earliest types of known pottery. j Whenever you open a box of La with the Jewish Theological Seminary, ' ' '^' *--**- ^ will speak on the and abroad.: Conscientious Jews, Jewish leader, he stated that, "in spite stein Others'See" Us." He w7n subject, VefeVln"As hisj£ a . l i n a ^igars > and gaze at a; rather only three because of Zeppo's leaving Judging from the pottery and the and other Jewish organizations have try those who are really and deeply in- ! of earnest efforts the situation reOriental - looking woman in Spanish the quartet to devote himself to busi- necropolis, Dr. Sukenik believes that been too numerous to permit Ms com- terested p in our problems have ample ! mains extremely difficult." Express- sermon especially to a book just pub- costume who adorns the inside cover, ness, they are entitled to a raise . . . the great archaeological find dates lished called, "Catholics, Jews and j plete escape from public • attention. material and plenty of opportunity to} ™g neither optimism nor pessimism, your eyes are resting on the wife of the fourth' niillenium B. C. ParDuring the past year he became, one acquaint themselves with the past he made it plain that both his policy Protestants," which .is an excellent! S~-T. Ppifv, fa/'T"!r Of W^'i-".-"! S. , A bouquet to Everybody's Weekly, from" ticular value attaches to the ossuary .London magazine, for the following study of the relationships of these of the key men in American Jewish history and present activities of the i and that of the-American Jewish comPaley, of Columbia Broadcasting Sysshaped in the form of a house, bejitem, published the other day: "Adolf 1 life because of his able direction-'of mittee is to take only such action as groups. tem fame . . . Magistrate Jonah J. Hitler, we read, said there have been cause it shows the type of dwelling the American Jewish committee's ^un- committee." Next week in recognition of the will directly or indirectly help the is a great friend of Gov- times when starvation, was staring svhirh existed in that remote period. obtrusive but extremely effective and \ "But you know how much misun- Jews in Germany and elsewhere, and j Talmud Torah's thirtieth anniversary (Goldstein Lehman, and did as much as him in the face . . . It couldn't have intensive campaigns for promoting en- Iderstanding exists," I observed. celebration, Rabbi Goldstein will, which will increase and strengthen else to help the Colonel to 1 been very pleasant for either of lightenment regarding the Jews of 1 "Of course I do," he replied. "But!-, .. ... . , speak on "Is Talmud Torah Educa-j^Pf T second terms as gov- rthem." America and Germany. He isofonethe of ,cause • shall others we godo? in for mudslinging be-j the capacity of. American Jewry to tion Indispensable to JewisI- Charac- ernor of the Empire State . . . Everythe outstanding members There is disharmony , ... . , . , . . (Copyright, 1935, by Seven Arts ter Building?" t h aassistance, t as v a l u eto l e savoid s or extend such body in the know expected the GovAmerican bar, chairman of the Legal \ enough. We do not want todih add to the ! f«*ctit™ J l l t h e r and Feature Syndicate.) o rove a e "^^ Kk^y .tojjrove a boomerang. g _ ernor to fill the first important jucommittee of the Bar Association of [discord in Jewish life. When; people P ridical, vacancy by elevating Jonah ; Tbis brought the city of New York, a member of j gossip about the committee because !(S I Jewish. Congress.meIt tois the no World secret New York (WNS)—An epoch in ffrom the municipal to a higher court the Judiciary committee, and chairT j they have not taken the trouble tbj ?where the American Jewish commitJewish philanthropy ended here with man of the committee on Character. acquaint, " "' themselves " " ' " "" * """ • tee. stands on this question, and Mr. A questionnaire^- sent -,6ut by ;the . . . When, a short time ago, Judge with the announcement that the old Bayon [ bv the {""^el- we /can only hope that in time better Stroock, as chairman, of- the organ- National Federation of Temple Broth-, Corrigan of the Court of General Sesand Fit-i<"=s de Hirsch Trade School, established '^f& ths' :l-o. v •.•in's-'sions died, liberal newspapers erboc,, e?»o.r^f&tif. ths:lo.v .inssions ded, the p p feeling will'prevail. When rumors cir? erboc-',, e?»o•.• of New ization's'-executive-,committee, minced late of theonstate in 1891 with a $2,500,000 trust fund York,division which passes the qualifier- [cnlate; abput/ 'autocracy? a i attitude toward thi^BSeform synagogue nrged Governor Lehraaru to appoint "vleiina—Two 'large' Gerrifan firms from the estate of Baron Maurice «ie ;.'Sorae''or^^'fino^n^!!lure1m'b£ir'^oiiah,';who' has made sueh a tions of applicants~fog~adm^9ion -t^-we^raar oMyji^er^Hhe lepjtai and will^be discussed by record as a judge . . . But Lehman doing business in Austria, who had Hirsch, has been taken over by the the bar. But although*his role as the Itive'dhiarscter of our organir"*1"" c American AiuuiMu f| He xie "paused yausxxifor i m »a moment. mvui^.,. j ^ ^ ^ ;fo^. : ^orld congress. Mr. Stroock < this evening at 8 plm. at appointed former Assistant District discharged all their Jewish employee boaTd of education and will be connumber two man of the Jewish committee stamps him as a know," he continued, "that the Am'e^-Plored. the fact that the P ^ t a ^ ^ s t s J T w l V ^ i t ^ " ! . . ^ ^ speak on Attorney Jamss Garrett Wallace, and a month ag-o, last week reinstated verted into an annex of the building likely candidate for the future lead-,, ican Jewish committee holds- annual [<>£* the World Jewish Congress, in- „ , _ • ^ - T - ^ ^ ^ J - fty that on the very day when the Ap- the dismissed workers. trades continuation school. ' jpellate Court criticized Wallace very. The firms, Odol, tooth paste manership of a large section of American elections of representatives by secret J stead*;;pf presenting a definite I . „- * Service." -a Founded to provide instruction in Jews, he has consistently fled from, 'ballot"t of [,.-, gram,v tresorted °* •"">"• Do *-"s you •»•»- know ~ ~ ^ tihat -~-& — scorei — •: .,to persorial , ,, • I Services Saturday morning will be sharply for his crosscution of Isidor ufacturers, and Eggti, manufacturers trades to the children of Jewish imrather than courted, the great god- "organizations from one end" '"" " UponJhe '~'~ •"-" sincerity ~ '•'— of. the -and even the mV IKresel . . . Eddie Cantor is back of shoe polish, feared a boycott by migrants, the school became a nonfae]d a t 1 0 : 3 0 . r sectarian institution after the United Jews in Austria. dess—publicity. country to tne ocner, wim iuemuex-j -^B*."J'.-«"~~\.:"'~ " — ~ " ~ \ rae mwe class win meet Tuesday irom his ms European ^uruyecm trip m P smmng aiu.-t^sthe U E country to the other, with member^{tegn^. of those _^ho _dared^ to jip-j T f a e B i b k d a s s w i l l m e e t T u e s d a y from The Companies not only restored States closed its doors to immigraat the home of Mrs. Harry praises of Mussolini as Europe's After much persuasion, he consent- ships of scores of thousands of Jewsj pose the establishment of such^^a con-Ja t j ed to an interview in the private of- art affiliated with us? Do people who j gress For ^himself, Mr. Stroodf {Malashock, 520S : Eamam street. igreatest man . . . His greatest thrill the Jewish workers to their jobs, but tion. Non-Jewish students, however, fices of his law firm on lower-Broad- speak glibly of democracy realize that stated that he gave credit for snfl Th e a d a l t class will meet Tuesday was listening to "himself" speaking called in a correspondent of the Jew- never exceeded twenty per cent of Italian in the Italian version of one ish Telegraphic Agency to show that the total. Since its founding the way. Interrupted by telephone calls, by annual elections, annual reports, cerity of purpose to some leaders1e v e n i n - a t g of the congress movement who are of his movies . . . Th& invasion of they were back at work. school has trained 10,000 Jevrish his personal friends, but he conGermany's great box-office names of The dismissals attracted a great boys. demns the course that they are Pjurpre-Hitler days is continuing, the lat- deal of attention abroad after Jewsiimg:~ as inimica tlo --Jews est arrival being Elizabeth Bergner, ish Telegraphic Agency dispatches ^ ^ .; Mr. ; Stroock expressed /the Rabbi Miller's sermon topic at Vaad- Who J s b e i n p r e s € n t e d b v ^ had described the sudden and unjust E n I i s h OTC. prilosophy of the anti-world congres- .Tvic^'tins. evenmg will^ be "Can a t r e G u i M ^ h e r tified discharge of the Jews emne Be-.-Jewish..W.thout Eehgion?" , «E ver." y and aptly by renkrk-,One Be. Jewish .Without Religion ? csss> s c a p e Me Ne sites-r^siaiply remarkployed by the concerns. useless at best; and dan- C^tor S^wacddxl and choir will j MOSES OF MIOADWAY When Hon. James G. McDonald, is- that exercised agaihst ;l.^op u s ' a t worst, because while it,chant t h e services.^ Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agency) is-that of ¥a4ei- U , h e after-t!»"-S£rt»>e forun will be High Commissioner for Refugees whose only "crime is Kobert Moses, New York's park I To Bar Illegal Immigrants —All tourists entering- Palestine are //being! TThe att«rth"sr > religion — a crime in. which son>e of ;couldao nothing not already commissioner, who is the target of the from Germany, was honored recentconducted by Miss Minnie Froom. the greatest figures, in world history done by existing voluntary J i h \ Plans are going forward for the 'Roosevelt administration and whose j Jerusalem.—The Palestine govern- now required to obtain an admission ly in New York by being presented have shared and a crime of which no agencies various , coun service to be observed ^Pending remova, as a member of •i ment, in co-operation with the High I card on which will be affixed their the Pi Lambda Phi annual award for one is penitent : the . ';: ' 8. An elaborate after-serv-; Triborough Bridge Authority is Commissioner's Resident in Transjor- latest photograph. 'Tolerance," Arthur Garfield Hays, "When the assembly of the League of-the Jews in the countries Th6 purpose of the new ruling isice program is being planned. Re-jP 1 " 0 ^ 111 ^ newspaper senber, with lots Jdan. is undertaking strong measures who spoke here a week ago Wednes- of Nations in October, 1933 was im- they are citizens. A world rngress sued by the Palestine Government to halt the flow of illegal immigrants j will be served copy, is not the most interesting iay—presented tne award as president pelled to appoint a High Commis- can raise false hopes Jewish Moses in the metropolitan district j from Syria and Iraq who traverse j Immigration Department is to cirsioner to deal with the situation "cre- hearts and sow doubts in e minds . . . We prefer Harry Moses, the jTransjordan en route to Palestine, it cumvent attempts at illegal stay in of the fraternity. non-Jews. This has bee attacked theatrical producer, who for the last j was reported here from Amman, the country beyond the period alIn presenting this award, Mr. ated by the fact that a large number of ; lowed in tourist visas, it is believed. philosophy, it it indifew seasons is setting the pace as j TransJordan. Hays stated that Pi Lambda Phi of persons, Jewish and other, Conu*ng Fas-a."timid^ K -~*-" a- reliance • " on public opinion Junior Congregation services at!America's most selective and original was founded at Yale. University in from Germany,/ have in recent cates 1895, as an example of tolerance months taken refqgein;-several coun- that no one can afford to disregard." 10:30 a.m. at the B'nai Israel syna- jimpresaria . . .To refresh your memI brought r the interview/ to an end gogue. Mrs. Silverman mil*'be"host-1ory, he followed up his "Grand Hoamong student bodies on coliege cam- tries," , they y -turned; for tjjeir chpice tel" production with "The Warrior's t America A i d cenitired itired tipon a' ioan puses and has striven to promulgate to and tipon a' ioa by asking, "What axe your basic poli- ess to the Junior Congregation. Husband," "Dangerous Corner," Gerthis ideal through its 40 years of who won fame; for^ ^tiy)^bitit cies?" -He paused to draw at his trude Stein's "Four Saints in Three' cigarette. "Basic policies]? All legitigrowth. by his successful ^leadership ?of the Acts" and, now, with the moving Zoe "Thus we feel that among the col- Foreign Policy association. Tfie work mate methods •• for preserving the Akins play, "The Old Maid" . . . In rights of Jews. We do^'t apologize. lege youth of this country, we carry done by the -High ..Commissioner in between he discovered Katherine a beacon light which shows the way the period since his' appointment, in Conditions in every country. are "difand, last but not least, toward . proper respect for the ideal the face of calamitous economic con- ferent and must be. taken into con- Amsterdam (JTA)—The govern- Hepburn brought to the fore Elsa Lazareff, isideration. We use every legitimate on which American institutions were ditions and of national jealousies, ment of the Netherlands is consid- who in our opinion is America's most: means of approaching our governfounded. Since this general principle has been well nigh miraculous. Some of educating t i e public and ering the. introduction of new legis- amazing casting director an'd who of tolerance and equality distinguish- sixty thousands of people, refugees ment, of consulting other organiza- lation to check the growing anti- promises to astonish us with one of es us from most Greek letter college from the Hitler terror, scattered over tions. There haswith not been a year "that Semitic movement, Minister of Jus- her directorial achievements before * fraternities, we feel it peculiarly fit- the earth — Jews, Catholic priests we have not .had an/ officerthe tice Dr. J. R. H. van Schaik told long . . . In private life Elsa is the ting that we as a fraternity pay tri- and Protestant pastors, Communists, committee in Europe /studying of condi- the Jewish deputy Henry Pollak, wife of Harry Moses, but in business bute in.some fitting and public man- Democrats, moderate, Socialists, pac- tions and consulting as to best who questioned him in parliament. she is his play reader, casting direcner to those who in the woria at ifists, liberals and Journalists — owe methods of actions o^en.to us. Hard- Pollak asked the government to tor, production expert and general large, by character and act, make to him more than to; any other man, ly a "(lay passes without our meeting prosecute the Dutch Nasi. publishers In the current Moses living and vital those principles and the small uneausre of ' security and with representatives / of other organ- and leaders who are slandering the factotum play she even fills in as the voice well-being that they have today. As ideals which form the cornerstone of Jews and spreading ritual murder heard singing from backstage,during he. has said, "From ' the very begin- izations for possible I joint action. our policy. : the second act . . . And you may like stories all over the country. GREAT LINES of C3TS in "It is a matter of gratification to ning world opinion has made the "We do whatever will help. We In his answer* Dr. van Schaik de- to know that she is the sister of Miss avoid doing everything that "is likely us and of honor to you, Mr. McDon- mistake of considering the problem one dramatic family. Packed Leah Eosenthal, prominent social plored the fact* that existing laws do ald, that the initial award, that for as a Jewish one. It is only partly to be harmful' or/ that is simply not o v e r t h e worker of Cincinnati who has the inwith news. Exciting to look wasted energy. Yoi..may;notrecaflj c *ype o f slander, and that. The victims are of many friends % the year 1934, evoked neither doubt -- - the - committee' carried on the libel of which the Jewish deputy troduction of j>exmy lunches in that that and of various racial strains. The at. Thrilling to drive. Now nor discussion. Outstanding as a was • complaining, b a t ' promised the city's schools to her credit. ' here for you to see and try. world figure in the most crucial fight principles involved are as broad as greatest series'" of pemonstratioiis in introduction of new laws, ' . , NAZIS AND OTHERS Jewish history, atf the timej of the of today on behalf of the declassed^ humanity itself." i ;Holland, l|ke j all. the; other; comi- Joe Brain in, who has returned to we could have made no choice other "I present to yon on behalf of.Pi abrogation of the| treaty ynth Rus- trSfes- adjoiiing Naia,.: Germany, has New York from a cross-country tour sia—because ^e had a direct ^object than yourself. You have fought to Lambda Phi fraternity this gold mebecome a- centerl for spreading .Nazi during which he spent, some time in preserve the elemental right of res- dal — the first of our awards— as —action by the | congress of the propaganda'against. the !Je\ra parti- midwestem towns with.a iarge GerUnited States.'••Every step we- take idence' and opportunity, the humani- a tribute to your achievements " cularly;: against the -refugees who man population, tells us that the Nazi tarian right of asylum for Jew and in recognition of tfce fact that in the is judged as a means to a desirabe fied; to'Holland.; - . ; propaganda machine is making very . . . Gentile, for radical and conservative, year 1934 you have proved to be the end. We do not approve of demagogy little progress , , . Most of the Geror other publicity devices. ..We .want for pacifists, intellectuals and peo- outstanding world figure in the age man papers are strictly neutral on the ple of every variety of kind and eld battle for tolerance, understand- to limit our efforts to those steps Egyptian Exchange Nazi question and German and Jewmost likely to get results." view, who have in common only the ing and human- brotherhood. ish business men get along without Jerusalem.—Justice Frumkin, memnecessity of flight from the cruellest "Mr. McDonald in accepting Uiis (Copyright, 193o, by Seven Arts ber of the Palestine High Court and any" friction There may, after Feature/ Syndicate.) award, responded, complimenting the despotism, of modern times. president of the Palestine Friends of -all, he nothing to S. X.. Mencken's ^j 14th and Jackson Streets Established 66 Years "A large proportion of the victims fraternity on its principle of tolerthe Hebrew University, has left for theory that there's too much shouting are Jews. Most of us are Jews. We ancjs ajs embodied iff its charter" and A living dog ii better than a dead rEgypt to conduct a campaign for by -professional Jews Benjamin J Hon.—Ecd. feel that the meanest discrimination constitution." funds on behalf of tbe University. DeCasseres pooh-poohs the idea that

Intimate I nterview With Bernard Postal

Temple Bible Class Will Meet Tuesday


| TID-BITS 1 |


Everywhere §

Pioneer Women to Meet on Tuesday

Meeting of Junior Hadassah Thursday

Religious Services Beth-El



Vienna Firms Reinstate Jews in Boycott Fear

Hay s Presents A ward t o L GL

Tourists Have to Show Photographs

Jr. Cangregation

Holland Studies Laws to Halt Anti-Semitism




Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent ,

>• •




Iirfif\»iTir l ^I\ A IF


-^ brisk ticket sale fc* the lecture

Maccabiad on Parade

Street^ has returned toj Sioux City. Mrs. - Raskin* spent | more than a month in Europe, visiting with relatives' a good portion of this time in Kiev, Russia. r T| In speaking of her (trip, Mrs. Raskin said that tourists through Russia are shown only the things that will give 'them the most Jfajvorable impression and have no real opportunity, to learn of flfe real'situation iri Russia.

IIlVI W r I l i v r . N l f A Y I by Maurice Samuel has been reported V l l IF LiLPWLaJVn 1 b y ^ J o h n C / L e v i u and Mrs. Rob-

Council Bluffs News _• • • • B T F . R j t

Vanishing Swastika Mystery in Haifa Haifa (WNS—Palcor Agency)— Police officials of Haifa harbor are confronted with an insoluble mystery because the Nazi swastika ensign on the masthead of the German-Levant Line steamer, Amrnon, was stolen under the very eyes of the crew as the vessel berthed at the dock here. The. captain of the German boat, ignoring the fact that Palestine is considered the J e w i s h National Home, immediately hoisted another swastika ensign, mounting a guard to protect, the banner.


. : .' . :

$200,000 BUILDING CONTRACT AWARDED Haifa, Palestine, (WNS—Palcor Agency) —A contract i n v o l v i n g $200,000 for the immediate building of 130 houses, the making of roads and the furnishing of a water supply of Kiriat Haim in Haifa Bay was awarded to the Palestine Building Syndicate by the Haifa Workers Council, under whose auspices the workers' quarters are being constructed. Kiriat Haim, which is named in honor of the late Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, will eventually contain nine hundred houses, it was stated. The general project is under the auspices of the Department for Schchunoth Ovdim, which superintends the erection of workers' quarters. The firstfunds for Kiriat Haim were provided from the savings of the workers themselves. Additional funds have been made available from a loan issued by the workers' insurance company, Hanaseh, and German Jews are .Jjejng settled there by the Central Bureau T of Dr. Woizmann.

ert Sacks, chairman of the arrangeThe Council Bluffs Lodge No. 68S The annual installation banauet of ments for the lecture. The tickets the B'nai B'rith lodge -will be held went on sale this week, and the com- of the! Independent Order of the B'nai next Wednesday evening; January 30, mittees selling tickets are meeting B'rifh will hold a regular meeting . The Maccabiads, the World Jewish Athletic games, have become popular when Mr. Philip Klutznick of Oma- with good success. -\ . . . . next Monday evening January 2S, at among Jewish athletes the world over. • ha will be the guest speaker. The ban- The lecture is scheduled for Mon- the.Eagles hall. Vienna (JTA)—A delegation, comquet will be held in the Jewish Com- day evening, February 18, in the main . . The games are held in Palestine every three years, the second to be held posed of some of the most prominent Mrs. Sam Gross wall hold her an• munity Center. auditorium of the Shaare Zion synanext spring. ' • • ' " . • . .. orthodox Jews of this city called upnual benefit card party on ^ Mr. Klutznick is well known in gogue. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the evening,: February 14, at' the. Hotel . Above is shown the; first Maccabiad on parade. on the head of the Vienna Jewish synagogue is bringing Mr. Samuel • Sioux City, having spoken before vacommunity and protested against the Chieftain. All proceeds -from this afrious groups here. He is a prominent to Sioux City. attempts "of a few extravagant orfair will go to thel Talmud Torah. Many. Sioux Cityans heard Mr. Sam•" figure in Jewish' communal activities thodox Jews to split the Jfc«-ish Tickets' are now on sa_Ie and may be > iu Omaha. . . uel's address over the radio last Sun- purchased from Mrs. Gross at the ranks." day evening, when he spoke at WashMr. Barney Baron will act as toastHotelChieftain. Prizes will be awardThe delegation declared that the master of the banquet. Mr. Milton Bol- ington, D. C , before i the Zionist con- ed for the high scojro at each table prime task of the moment was to ference. The subject of his.lecture in " stein, outgoing president of the lodge, and'refreshments will be served. Jerusalem (JTA) —"All hopes of preserve the unity of the Jewish • will speak and-Mr. Frank Margolin, Sioux City will be "The Jew—Between community in view of the crisis af- KEEIJ KAMACCIOTTI & KOBrSSON Two Fires." > having a Jew for mayor of Jerusaand EPHKAI3I L. MARKS - newly elected president, will also A social gathering for all the fafecting all Austrian Jewry. Jerusalem (JTA').— Delving into Attorneys, 005-918 Firet Katl Bank Bldff' speak. Other officers who will (be inthers of the children who attend the caves, which were the;Thomes of men. 'em were ended by the news that Dr. -The visit followed the action of the - stalled at this affair are Lester DavHebrew school will.be held on Monday who lived 200 thousand years ago,: Mussein Fakri El Khaldi nas noin- Schiff Schul, extreme orthodox eleNOTICE TO S O S RESIDENT idson, vice-president; Dr. Louis J. MFEXDAST evening, February 4 at 8 o'clock, at members of an expedition sent t o ' inated for mayor of Jersalem by ment, in approving the course of the In the Municipal Court of the City Of • Dimsdale, recording secretary; Dr. the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue at Mount Camel by the British "School j High Commissioner Sir Arthur Gren* government of Chancellor Kurt Omaha. Doujrlns County, Nebraska. • Frank Epstein, corresponding secreCHIX, also knowji as JAMES 618 Myrister street". The committee in of Archaeology in Jerusalem and t h e ' fell Wauchope. Dr. Kh Khaldi, defeated Schuschnigg in setting up ghetto ToI MJAMES A . I . ..•,'!> •.-. ...il. . -l nr: tary; Barney Baron, Joe Slate and Max charge of arrangements are Herman American School of Prehistoric ReRagheb Bey Nashashibi, present inschools and asking for the establishTon ore hereby notified that on Jan. Falk, trustees, and Rabbi R . H . Rab- The executive committee of the Fed- Meyerson, president S. Shyken and search have made remarkable discov- cumbent, for the office of municipal 1035, ' United Loan Co., Inc., as plainment of a separate orthodox com- 30. tiff filp«l its petition in the nbove-naihed - inowitz and Dr. Theodore N.;Lewis, eration drjve . for funds, expressed" Joe. Passer. In connection with ac eries concerning1 prehistoric man. . \ councillor in one of the Arab ward3. munity. court, I>ocbet V-T, Number 183, the object great satisfaction over the Jesuits of • honorary trustees. '• . of which are to recover the The rich finds made in the caverns According to reports, Haim Solomon, Austrian authorities used this ac- and prnyer the drive at a report meeting. held appropriate prograia, very, interesting of $31.58, with interest *nd coeta; , A class of 20 new members will be Tuesday evening.in the Jewish Com- stereoptlcon Slides-relative to**ne his- of Mount Carmel are. termed a new, former Jewish vice-mayor, was re- tion, in demonstrating to foreign pub- mini that on January 10. 1!13.% . property lujd initiated into the lodge at this meet- munity Center. tory- of the ' Jewish" people' "will be chapter in the evolution of roan. Of appointed to the post together with lic opinion that even Austrian Jew3 creditB in. the hands of IJecelver, Union L , Bank, Omnha, Nebraska were at- ing. This initiation will, terminate the " At this meeting, it was" announced Bbown by. Mr. Ojkoehman. Refresh- these Christian these' discoveries the most important; Jacob J b Farraj, F j C h i i AArab, b approved of the ghetto schools. tached on.-i paroisbed in Kaiti action on -membership drive -which has been in that 300 new pledges had been ^re- ments will be served. Hie ground that you are n, non-resident vt" the State of Nebrsskn; that said ennse has - progress this month, i : . ; ceived by the workers of the. caml>een continued'until the 4>th -day of 5J*rch,-Increase Liners A. D., 183.1, at 9 XX) o'clock A. M.. at whlcli : A musical program.' -will be pre- paign. Raises over last year's, pledges The Afternoon Cultural class of the Going to Palestine time yon nre required to appear and tinif- sented by a string trio, composed'"of have amounted'to 20 per cent and Senior- Hadassah Diet Wednesday afTrieste,' Italy.—As a result of the Ver i n said 'cause, -or Judjnnent will Ue • Libbie Olensky. Gisele Pill and Jen-very, substantial • increases .from old ternoon at the ho^ne of • Mrs'. Harry tremendous increase in immigration ^ S T & ^ t o ^ ^ ^ ' * * nie Shindler. Milton Mazie and Rachel subscribers have been. - noted by the Kubby. UXITEK LOAN CO^ INC.,"Plaintiff" mayor to Palestine through this port, Italian•• Ginsberg will "be heard in a vocal workers^ .' ' ' .;'. : shippingcompanies announced that' i . ^ ^ - S t h r a i m ^ M a r k s > l t s A t t o r n e J '- r y City. p duet. An orchestra will furnish the ".- Over.75 men and women participated Mr. and Mrs. Fnd Blum and dauga- thousand years. y music during the dinner, hour. in the soliciting of. funds for the Fed- ier, Marjorie, of Kansas City, Mo.", who .-Primitive flints and pottery of the' Jewish representatives stubbornly additional steamers were being added The dir.uer .•will" be served by mem- eration. Mr. E. N. Grueskitf was gen- spent-tbe^past we k-end here, visfting; Bronze Age and the Age of Solomon held out for the appointment «/ a to the Holy Land run to do away with j FRADEXBCRO, WEBB. ISMBEK, KMTTZ™?&£?f£$?~ at the-home: of r. and Mrs. -Morrl-'j and David, divided in terms of time' Jewish mayor, but finally compro- the -crowding on Palestuie-bound i bers of the Senior Hadassah and the eral chairman of the drive. TTOTICK OF AMICNUSTESTT IN AKT1CUES > Vudelson, left Tue for their home. by scores.of thousands of years, were mised on the appointment of a Jew- Ships. Hebrew Mothers'J association. 'Any OE INCOBJ OBATI<)N OF. NEBRASKA A new liner, "Palestine," which will ; CHAXIJKKIS o n i c a co. . ish. vice-mayor, with larger preroalso found by the scientists. profits realized from th'e';dinner will trip to Palestine in four is hereby triven Hat nt n special The. Junior..Corigregation will hold gatives than are now enjoyed by the -be turned over to a fund' to> purchase of the BtockhiililpTB of the Netheir weekly Sabbath Services on eachi •rnska. Chnm5>frs Opfie.'il Co., held at the • equipment for the Community 'Center incumbent of that # office. The ffiga S T « S S 3 ^ ^ ^ * '*** I offiws of the Company In Omnhn, XebmsFriday^ afternoon at 4130 o'clock- and .kitchen. ; • ' " ~" .:''' . ' •Oommissioaer^ it is understood, inlea, on OctolK-r IS, 1034. Article III of thfe on Saturday morning, at-10 o'clock at . 1 Articles of Incorporation of said corporasisted on the appointment of a ChrisThe annual linen shower, given by TII A..;»-' A _ . _ . , ( , t l,«»^cf««o Hon" wns amended so that the same would tian as vice-mayor in order not to the^Senior Hadassah chapter to col- the Chevra B'nai :Yisroel .synagogue v n . — A memorial headstone read ns fouows, to-wit: offend the Christian Arab popula- willl e ibeAplaced lect Iinen8 for the hospitals in- Pales- at_61S Mynster stteet. All children are over Chaim Nachman • "The general jmtiire of the business to •• tion. tine, will beheld next Tuesday after- invited to attend!, these services.Tel Aviv, Palestine; (WNS)— PalRinli1r'<! era™ hv tho mnni/>inalifv n.f l > e transacted nn<l the ohji'ct anil pHt-poge ..established, is to conduct, and p e , noon at the- Jewish Community Cen-' is-organ**?-.' cor "Agency) —The; first ocean-going Six Jewish councilmen were elect- u i a n i c s g r a \ e DJ the municipality o i rand or which h i g cor p O rntion optical tand optometricnl stores, office ter. The> program -will, begin at : 2>30 The; drive for |the "Zionist Iroll call liner to bear " a Hebrew name will ed in the municipal election of last Tel Aviv, it was decided at a meet- ate or * offices, department or departtnents ia is still being continued and i? proving stores or offices (owned and operated, by Addressing 300 -people' who~ attended o'clock and will :befollowed by recarry the"'name 'of' this all-Jewish September, including Daniel Auster, ing of the municipal counciL "_ others) with one or more branches and In rery successful. Anyone .who has not freshments, and a soclar hour. BEN KAZtOffSKV * GERALD E. the annual Talmud Torah banquet, city of Tel Aviv, which means Hill Isaac Ben Zvi, Abraham Elmalah, the conduct of same to hire, ejijmRe. use; 1>A VIGIJETTE, Attorarys furnish and emplay oculists and regularly Mr. Jack London, president of the Mrs...Celia R. Margolin of Omaha, oeen-enrolled arid who wishes to join of Spring, 'it 'was 'announcedt here at Samuel Edin, J.: Hachmashvilli and Insurance Bid registered optometrists who are to exam? Should call Mr. J . Z. Stadian. • T president of the Senior Hadaasan,MidTalmud Torah board .of directors, a reception '^iven'^y^ the/Palestine Haim Solomon. ... ."•'•'• 5ne eyes nlid prescrilie, furnish and fit ftpectacles and eyeglasses or eyeglass .urged the parents to co-operate with west Region, will jgive-the principal p g y g s rePROBATE NOTICE Shipping company; which formerly; The surprise inthe election was l t f h improvement t or coiy the &fa<ter of the'Kstnte •julrements for t the h e of ERXEST j p i the school by sending their children, to address, on the--program. A musical '•; "Chaniisha Oser-J^Sheyat" sras ap- had its headquarters in Hamburg the' defeat of Ragheb Ben by Dr. ini illilMfelNLVN l r c t i n f i u l d f t d f i i n c i s bjr V , l ) e c e a s e t l . I ruction of visual defects or deficiencies propriately observed at the Chevra .program of-Hebrew folksongs will h Hebrew^ school regularly and by takNotice/to hereby jriven that the creditors *^e use of jnechanicnl means or correcgermany. "" .\ '' Khaldi. Nashashibi had been in of6'na.i Yisroel synagogue last Saturday ot said decea.Heil Vill meet the ndmiuistra- j tforial appliances, nnd who are. to render ing an active interest in the welfare also be included on the program.- Mrs. The comp&rty is associated with of said estate, before me. County Judge J any nnd/or sm-h other service or services j i andworkof thV school: v ' ^ ; / . , Robinson and Mrs. M.Leritan morning. Mr. J.fZi Stadlan gave an in- the-Arnold Bernstein'" lines and has a fice for many years and counted tor ay be neceshry d iincidental ident there Douglas Connty. Nebraskn,, at (he Conn- • us may necesshry a and thereg y. heavily on the support of the British of: teresting talk in,' celebration of this sell, t Coort C t Koom. K i said id County, C t on the th *«' to to >»nj\ > ll mnnnfncttire n f t t i r frames and are in.charge of the arrangements. ty in : Other speakers on the program were capital of $SOd,00Or The "Tel;Aviv," d l d i di off Marrii. tiny , grind lenses and prisms: to design, manuauthorities in Palestine. Dr. Khaldi » b day holiday. d M k 19S."i 193T and don the th Wh d of May, 10X>, at 9 o'clock A.M.. ench day, ' f.'tetiire. nssomhlo. buy nnd Rell spt'ctacles, Lillian Romirowsky- and Mr.- Samson a 10,000 ton ship, will have a corn- was head of the municipal health for the i>«rpoBe of presentinir their claims! inonpcles, cyeelnRSOK, lorgnettes, opera Krupnjck. instructors in. the -school; ' - Mrs. • Isaac ;5ternhill and infant pletely Jewish crew.' Its route will he services, but was a newcomer to Jor cx.-uniuation. ndiustment and allow-- j glasses, field glnsses, marine classes, telThree months -nre nllowed for the; osconcs, microscopes. photffKrahic and othMr. A. M. Davis, president fof the Feddaughter, Freda, returned to between Trieste- and Haifa every politics. He is a descendant of a no- ance. credltdrs to pn-sent thelrciaiins, from the fr lenses. Rfientific instrtinjents, n n d a p eration of Jewish Social Service,, and fourteen days, carrying only one p.tratns mnde wholly or rfiirtiy from plnns, their home from the Mercy hospital, 9th day el Fehrnary, 1A33. ble Arabic family. ttfi with nil parts of or accessories to Mr. Sam Lipman; v:<o v^'L/!*\'/>''*BRTCE CRAWfORP. class, with all modern acco'mmoda\ Wednesday afternoon. , The annual Federation banquet' has of the foregoing." l-lS-3T.-3t, County Judge. tions. Others who.; appeared on the pro-been scheduled, for Monday, February J. L. CHAMBERS, , gram included RachaeiVGinj-s&urg, Da- •11, at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Ben Kubby. and .son, Robert, The c o m p a n y ' . o KE35 E. KAZtOWSKT, GOLDIE CHAMUKUS,. £ 2 Steinkopf Made a Innursnc* DuUdiae vid Kuntz, Max Weine'r, Cecil Pill. At this time the annual reports of the are leaving today for. Chicago. 111., to it -would estabiish a-" for JewSecretary. 1-2^-35—«.King's Counsel Jrlax Rich, I._ Feinberg,' E. Matlin, H. Federation treasurer and superintend- visit relatives for about three weeks. ish sailors.; • > Z, • r w \r p, . . - .-•* " SJOTJCE OF AJIMtXlSTRATXOK W i . n f n o . Weinsteinj Esther Weiner, Ida Shin- ent will be heard, and the new board ninnipeg, can.—Max Steinkopf is rn the r«.onty court of t»oug]HS Comity, Jler, Herman Weinstein, Jack.Mospw, of directors will be elected. . • of tin- Ksfate of I'HtUI' one of eight barristers-at-Iaw appoint- * - N>|>rnsk«. .'and the H^pHw.iSchooI f<hiphv Pecora Successor? , jilso known as'l'HII/ COUe "Mr. Jake Kalin has been appointed The Heart Ennobles Any ed.as Kingr's Counsel and entitled to ' f«r»M>rly known nR KAFO1'A short play wAs pres;eated^by^ Tti'glr chairman of .this banquet. ; Washingrton. — Benjamin V. Cohen, wear the silk robes and insignia which T Calling 1 6 0 w l t h this ma Shindler/ Irving' Friedman,5 Shirhonor. All Jiertons intpn'ste<i i« Kiiiii estute are "Rabbf Baroka, « saintly mystic, PWA lawyer who helped write the", I r e b y . nottfiwt tb:it a i>et3<io!i has lieen ley Lazere, 'Annabeile"' 'Satin; BuHon. Stock Exchange Control Act, has been 1 one day as "He was walking through filed" In *fS<l Vovrt «Ui-clng thiit sniil. deLipshtfti,' 'Jacfc MbsbwV Margin" MaJzel, put. forward by liberals in the adminrt xii(H\ h>«vlnff n o ihft will and prsiythe crowdedmarket-place of his towni Teddy Stalking EL ~ Mbnltosi, Bernard for nrtniiuiRlnilioii open bis PBtntc, n»d istration and ".congress for memberhat a'hPJtrinp will"T»e 3M*»1 on said ivtiHaligman, Sadie; Schvid, Tobey Nadler The" regular meeting of ".the' Oneg met ,Elijah,f he wandering spirit of ship on the Securities and Exchange Finland Jews to Mark : : tinn iMVfdre "«rfitl rdert « n f W inil ilny of h i J F i h l ' h Maimonides Anniversary; and Betty Bain; ;••!;•:-•'-' ;';;.:- .•/*••--" Shabbos.'group of the Ladies' Auxil- prophecy in Jewish lore. .'Who of all „ - . . l->l>r«»ry. 1«Ci, and.tBat If tJjey fnil to Ferdinand this multitude has; the best claim to Commission, nd elsingfor .-Th> 80Qth anniversary , The dinner wagi ?«rr.£a? by' 'members iary of Shaare Zion was held last Satjipp«'ar at' sit id Coiirt on (lie 2nd day of H S ecoTa flPSS. "at ti oVloi-k A.M.. to con_ ,, of the birth of of the Hebrew" Mbtneri club. • r - ' urday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Heaven V asKed the Babbi of his spirit {^ C o h e-n of Mafmoifides, Jewish Fclirnarr. Mafmonldes, Jewisii test snid! fH'tHlon. the Court may f r o n t t Pecora's closest philosopher and physician^ companion, "fhe prophet pointed to a 1 u H. M. Sherman. will be the SJlJn<; mid cWiiit.uiJmiiilstTatifHi of snidi ht for for effertive ^ "** the fight effective ! celebrated to 'Sdah ' Oon-lirk or some other by all the Jewish communiMiss Lillian Romjrowsky reviewed disreputable jw«ird looking creature, a r«»«aa«»-fe-' stocfc a ^ and. prowed to a settleexchange controllegislation." ties of'Finland, it was stated here. ment thereof. "I, the Jew" by Maurice Samuel. Mrs.. turnkey. ..'That man yonder, because BKVCE n U W T O R P , and County Judge. , J. Sawislak spoke/on the life and he-is.consirferate to his pprisoners, - Dr: Theodore- N. Lewis-will speak teachings of Rabbi Akiba. Mr. "Sam-refrains from all unnecessary cruelty. Poland Seizes poetry KEED, BAMACCIOTTI & ROIMNSOV •M-EPHKAIM'MA1tK8, Aftcrilpy. this'evening on. "The Houee of Roths- son Krnpnick led the;singing of Pal- In that miniature hell over. which he ' Warsaw.—Authoritiep here confis90J-918 Vint National tank B U r . child—An Asset o r Liability?" • estinian 'songs appropriate for the cel-pre.sides .he has suppressed many a cated a book of poems ,'.*I>ecay" by the horror.' ' A n^ - Explore the World's F i r Corners with James Boring's who else is here sure of Jewish poet, Yitzchok 'Perlow on the The.meeting of the Temple Broth- ebration of Chamisha Oser B'Shevat BY TOBtlCATIOy OX APIXI. erhood, which was scheduled for last Rabbi H. R, Rabinowitz spoke on Jew- efcrnal life ' continued the Rabbi, ground that the book was "blasphem- NOTICE CATIOX FOB DECREE OJP Elijah then pointed, to two motley ous, and. showed radical sympathies." Monday, has been-postponed until ish Current events. HEIIJSHir next Monday evening. The meeting - The next meeting will be held at dressed fellows, clowns, who Were supIn the Connty Conrt of Douglas ' Coiintv. ; Nebraska. . . - • . . . . J" James Bering's famous Small Party Cruises provide all the r will be held in t&e Tenipteiannex. Dr. the home of Mrs. Milton Mushkin on plying amusement to the - bystanders. In fh The Man and His Three e Matter of the Estate of ASTHCR The Rabbi's astonishment knew no Theodore N. Lewis will speak ou Jew- the third Saturday, In February. features of the big cruise but limited membership .assures VOIiCHKCK, necease<l. All persons interested in said matter are bounds. 'Scbm them not,' explained ish current events.'.'"••."*•'•->:"rI-••"•••. Friends '" complete individual independence. Elates include First-Class notified that, en the 31st dny of the-prophett-'it-is always their habit, i"A certain man had three friends, hereliy l>ecember. 1034, Eose Tolcheck, admiifisThe Sisterhood of the Temple will : secommodations on the finest steamers of the world's greattratrix of the estate ot Arthur .VoJchwk. even when not-performing for hire, to meet next Friday afternoon; foll6w-; ,Among the charming newcomers to two of whom he loved dearly, but the decensed, tiled, nu application i a said . est fleets and the best hotels and automobiles ashore. infe a> one' o'clock' Iiindneon. :Mr*s. M.; Sioux City is Mrs. Ernest Franklin, cheer the' depressed and -the sorrow- other he lightly esteemed. It" hap- County Court, pmying that «' decree of. heirship be'entered herein as to J tie in11. Wefsberg will1 present ?a group- 6£ who prior to her marriage this win- fuL Whenever they see a sufferer pened one day that the king com- terest of said deceased in the followinc readings- on the program? and Mrs.] ter was Miss Theresa Goldberg of they join him,; and by- merry talk manded his; presence at court,' atJwbich: renl estate: , cause him to forget his grief.' Lots Ten (10) and Eleven, (11), Louis Goldberg will give Jewish news' Coyington, Ky. he was greatly alarmed, and wished Block One (1), jUottmnn Termci,' -Jin '?The hejTt ennobles any calling. A toi procure^ari^ advocate. Accordingly addition to the flashes. ; r ;: - :U ' ; : , ; > . - : . . ; , . [ City of Omnhn, In the = WEST BOUND - Dr,. Theodore.N. Lewis spoke Wed- Miss Ann Raskin is in Sioux City turnkey may leave the saintly behind he went to the' two friend? whom he City, of Omaba. Douglas County, "Ser •' i Hawaii, Japan, Philippines, Bali, South Sea Islands, Samoa, Fi|i» liraskn, .. > . ; !: 7 nesday • evening ; before the ; Parent- visiting with her, parents, after an in true merit of life; and a jester loved; one flatly refused toi accompany and th.it a benrinfr will be hnd .on , add. New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Java, Angkor, Straits SettleTeachers association at the Bryant extended stay in Oklahoma City and may be first in the kingdom of heav- him, the other offered'to go with him application before said Court on the 20th ments, Burma, India, Egypt, the Java, Straits Settlements, Angof Jnuuary, A.U., 1J»3."'. nnrt. tlmt'lf you xhool. ,. .....,, • •Kansas City. en, if-.•"disinterestedly he has dimin- as far as the king's gate, but no far- 4ay Mediterranean—S. S. PRESIfail to nppertr before said court on the kor, Philippines, China, Japan, eaid 2Gth day of January. 1935, at 9 ished the sadness of human lives.'? DENT HOOVER from San ther. In his extremity he called upon o'clock A.M., and contest said application, Hawaii—S. S. MARIPOSA from Francisco, December 28th <\*ia the. third friends, whom he least es- the court may grant the prnyer of said •', Miss Betty Rosenstock, 2211 JackSan Francisco February 5th '•— Application, enter a decree of heirsblp as S. S. PRESIDENT WILSON, teemed, and .-henotonly went willson street entertained 25 guests at to the above-described rcnl . estate, and December 6th from New York) 60,000 Warsaw Jews 122 days—all-inclusive rate ingly with him but so. ably defended mate soch other and further orders, ala tea Wednesday afternoon. and decrees, as to this court may 13g days—all-inclusive rate. $1975 Ask for Fuel Aid him before the king that he wa3 ac- lowances i Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will conseem proper. • ' - •• tinue his sermon on "Moses Monte- • Mrs. M. M. Weisberg has returned Warsaw.—-Between 60 and 70 thpu- quitted. BETCE CRAWFOnn. In like manner, every inan has three l-4-35-3t. ';•-., . County Judge. tiore—Jewish Ambassador at Large," to Sioiix City after visiting with sand Jew j, one-fifth of the Jews in the Wars iw metropolitan area, have friends when Death; suininbns- him to •ills evening at Shaare Zion syna- ^relatives in Detroit. appealed ';o the Jewish community for appear before his jCrtatoiy His first gogue. Cantor JL Pliskin and the synEAST BOUND agogue choir will' charit; the service. i After-a: months visit with Mr. and coal to 'heat; their homes during the friend, whom; he" loves nwst, namely, cold which now grips Poland. his money,;cannot go ^"sinThe Mediterranean, Holy Land, Max Weiner will $ct as cantor,at Mrs; . Philip-Weiner and Mrs. J intense g with:him : . Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, gle step; and p; Jiis": J 1 : secpnd';relationa secpnd^;relat Egypt, India, Ceylon, Straits the Junior congregation services? to- Mitchell;; of Toledo,: Ohio, their par- When the cold began, the offices of g secpnd^';relationa and Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, ihb can ; : only accompany him to Recognized as morrow morning at iff: 45. Robert Plis- hnts, Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Mitchell the Jewish community, were besieged neighbors, Settlements, Angkor, Java, Bali, : by thousands of poverty-stricken famTrinidad—S. S. SANTA MARIA the grave,jbut cannot, "defend1 him be\in will read the" LawV * - '• \ '••• have returned to Sioux City and are PBACTICAL MC)ttEL Philippines, China, Japan, Hailies begging for coalJ, fore the Judge; whil^his tiurd friend; from New York January 5th— The Bible class, led. by Rabbi IL'R. residing at the Warrior hote. waii—S. S. AQUITANIA from ••:.! Phone 1059 . Fifty irloads were distributed dur- whonr he^does not Bighly. 58 days—all-inclusive rate. Rabinowitz, Will jneet next Monday gy esteem— New York January S 1st—131 Conncil Blnffs, I s . hi d works^igoiefl;5?ith' w k ^ i i t h ' hiin hii J»f J f ore r few days. iftenoon In the " synagogue at 2:45 •; Mrs. Philip" Sherman is visiting ing the $1075 his good days—all-inclusive rate 52185 j'clock, ; ' ' •: the King" and obtains iii" acquittal.1* ivith friends_in Cleyeland, Ohio.

Orthodox Protest Vienna Jewish Rift



Sr. Hadassah Linen ; Shower Tuesday



Banauet Date Set for "Federation

Oneg Shabbos








; • • • ! - = •














Around the World




$ 2 1 8 5



• • - • • •

Around the World




To Speak in Oniaha














Theodore N. Lewie, will be the Afterft;trip ; to Eurdpe, ^ principal speaker at - the Hadassah cluded stops in Paris, Warsaw; Poland, linen shower next Wednesday in Onra- Copenhagen, and various'cities in Rus* jilxtL. Charles <Eaakia- 716 23rd fu\. Neb. (Dr.

Wam^of Confusion on $15,00W for Students' Quarters

v* Tel AViv^-A gift of ?J5,000. for establishmisntof a students' home In Jerusalem for Hebrew university students was announced b y Samuel fiolov, well-iknown'pnaanthropist.









Around the Pacific

Around South America

A. Diamond





• O m a h a ' s M o s t BGasJTifu! H o m e fc^r F u n e r a l s ^ ' F u n e r a l s Tfc F i t A n y Pudse; 5 hono .A A r - c v 1226' ' Farnam at T h i r t y - t h i r d

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