February 1, 1935

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Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

In the Interests of the Jfewishi "People

Entered as Second Class Mall Matter on January 21, 1921, a t PoatoHIeo at Omaho. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1879



Winter Relief Funds In lerusalem


Vol. X—No. 51.

London Temple Places Ban on Money e Lenders


"London, (JTA)—Membership in the Jewish synagogue on St. Jerusalem,. (JTA)—The long John's Wood Road is forbidden to arm of the Nazi regime in Gerr money lenders, • it was learned many has reached into Palestine Public Invited to Affair for here. The congregation has 1,600 in the hope of extracting funds "Europe in 1935," to Be Faculty and Student members. or its winter relief program. No efforts are made to prohiBody Subject of Lecture by At Sarona, German colony bit a .money lender from atnear Tel Aviv, all-Jewish city, • The reception for the • faculty tending services, but membership Economist the local branch of the Nazi or- and student body of the College and holding office in tbe synaganization has started . a cam- of Higher Education will be held gogue are forbidden, officials depaign on behalf of the German at the Jewish Community Cen- clared. Scott Rearing, •world-famous Winter Relief Fund. '-*.,.' .economist and sociologist, -will be ter on Monday evening, February "Usury is a flagrant violation the third speaker on the Com4, at 9:30 p. m. The affaii is be- of'the Jewish code," Rabbi MatBerlin, (WNS)—The worldmunity Forum program next ing given by the B'nai s-Brith and tuck said. "I am categorically wide anti-Nazi boycott cut Ger.," '*"**• A -oTuesday evening, February 5, at J. C. C , sponsors of the college. opposed to money lending." man exports almost in half 8 p. m., at the Jewish ComSam Beber will be chairman. since the advent of the Nazi re. Celebrating 30th Anniversary munity Center. The committee includes Mrs. A. gime two years ago, it was reNearing recently returned from Four veteran workers whoa Greenberg, I. F. Goodman, Leo vealed here with the publication a trip abroad to gather new maAbramson, Harry DuBoff," Dr. P. of Germany's trade figures for have worked unceasingly in the When the Omaha Hebrew Ziori «• , < terial, and will have the latest Sher, Jack Marer, Max Barish, 1934. interests of the City Talmud school vras founded on May 25, facts at his command to discuss Sol Michnick, Eugene Blazer, These figures show that the Torah in Omaha will be especial- 1904, Ravitz vras elected presihis subject, of the evening, Harry Silverman, Ruth Allen, and Reich had an unfavorable bal- ly honored at the thirtieth an- dent. He served in this capacity Ashville, N. C, (JTA)—Found William Wolfe. . "Europe i n 1935.". While spendance of 285,000,000 marks (?69,- niversary banquet of the He-during the time the Talmud guilty late last week of two • ing several months in Europe this The purpose of the affair is to 825,000) tor the year just"ended, brew school next Sunday, Febr- Torah was housed in the B'na! counts in an indictment charging acquaint the public with the prolast trip he made extensive obIsrael synagogue, and up to the compared with a favorable bal- uary 3, at the J. C. Cf., 6:30 them with violation of the North gram of the college. servations " and studies of the Much interest is being shown ance of 667,000,000 time the building at 21st anfi marks Scott Nearitg. Carolina "Blue sky" laws, Wilpresent political and economic All members of the faculty in the community in the series of (5163,415,00.0) in 1933. In the p. in. Burt was bought in 1917. He liam Dudley Pelley,; anti-Semitic will be introduced, as well as Dr. lectures to be given by Maurice set-up of. Europe. He has been to Those to be honored: also served as president of the last two years Germany's total Silver Shirt leader, and Robert C. Sher, president, and short re- Samuel at the B'nai Israel synaEurope a number of times. Talmud Torah for several terms Dr. Philip Sher Summerville, one of his aides are marks wiU be made by them. gogue February 16 and 17, under volume of exports declined 1,The speaker is known to Omaafter the consolidation of the two 572,000,000 m a r k s ($385,Sam Bavitz enjoying: temporary liberty un- Harry DuBoff will render.several the joint auspices of the Junior ha audiences, having spoken here schools. Always active in Hebrew 140,000). In 1931, the volume of N. S. Yaffe der bonds of $2,500 each. ^ vocal selections. on a'Forum program about six Vaad Auxiliary and tbe Junior exports school work, he was instrumental totaled 9,599,000,000 Mrs. K. Tatle Sentence will not be passed un- . Members of the faculty are: A. society of.the Beth-El. According marks ($2,351,755,000). years ago. He made a hit with in having tliie Talmud Torah sub' til "February 18, Judge Wilson I. Arielli, Rabbi ^Frederick Conn, to ticket sales, between 500 and his Omaha audience, being an exsidized by the Jewish PhilanthroThese four will be presented Germany's exports in 1934 "Library- patronage has In- Warlick. announced. The pair Rabbi David Goldstein, A. J^atz, 600 people will attend. cellent speaker and "^highly pies and in having the school with testimonials at the banwere less than half the 1931 creased over 100 per cent over face imprisonment for as long as Dr. Victor Levine, Rabbi Uri scholarly. The subjects of his addresses: maximum figure, totaling but 4,- quet, which open to the public. moved to the J. C. C. His fame as a lecturer and au- previous years," stated. Miss Ruth five years on .each count/ or fines Miller, L. Morgenstern, Mrs. J. Saturday evening, February Ravitz has also been active to (|l,020,Frogram Stadlan, Rabbi David H. Wice, 16, at 8 p. m., "Fascism and 167,000,000 m a r k s , thor is world-wide, and many con- Allen, educational, director of the of $1,000, or both. B'nai Israel activities since Its 915,000). A third co-defendant, Don D. and Judah Wolfson. Rabbi Saul Silber of Chica- founding, serving as president a ' alder him the outstanding spokes- Jewish Community Center, in Communism, their Meaning for a While the foreign trade of , go, spiritual leader of the number of-''years. One of the giving the 1934 annual report of Kellogg, wa3 free ct all. counts, man fpr the new social order. The public is invited to attend. Jew," Sunday afternoon, Febwhile Summerville and- Pelley Nearing received his Ph. D. de- the library. . ruary 17, at 3 p. m., "Changing other countries, notably the Anshe Sholoin congregation of builders-^of its present building, were acquitted of the seventh A growth. In the use of the gree from Temple university. He Standards of Life, .within and United States and England, has Chicago, president of the He- he has played a largo role in its has served as secretary of the library as a reference room was count In the indictment. without the Jewish. Field," Sun- been recovering- from the low brew Theological college, and fund-raising activities. He helped In the first count the two Pennsylvania Child Labor com- noted, as a result of the stimulus day evening, February 17, at 8 levels of the last two. years, Ger- outstanding in the national in the organization of the Free mittee; was on the faculty of supplied - by the" Jewish college. guilty defendants were charged -p. m., "Palestine, Mirror of. the many's exports took another drop Biizrachi, will address the as- Loan, and was one of the foundof 704,000,000 marks (?172,- sembly in Yiddish. Swarthmore college; was dean of Reference works of the Judaica with offering stock for sale World." ers of the Old Peoples Home. 480,000). sections, In addition through an advertisement in the Philip Klutznick -will give an For 17 years he was president the college of arts and sciences at and Yiddish^ Geneva (WNS).—Acting on Samuel has had a brilliant, in: address in English. Toledo university; and was chair- to the general reference and magazine Liberation, a Pelley en- the French recommendation that teresting career. He spends half of the Federation of Jewish man of the Peoples'Council of periodical departments, shared in terprise. The second' count ac- the Tefugees from the.Saar be of his time in Palestine and the The invocation will be given by jc h a r i t i e s _ . H e i s a t p r e s c n t presthe increase of circulation and cused them of misrepresenting cared for through funds pro- the other half traveling and lecAmerica* . .. • Rabbi David A. Goldstein, and j i d e n t o £ t h e l o c a l M i z r a c h i a n d the financial condition of Gala- vided by the League of Nations, turing. -. Thus far pn the Forum series, use." the benediction by Rabbi Uri Mil- ja m e m b e r ot t h e national Mizcoppany the Council of the League tacitly "Club members, students, visi- had Press, holding ler Dorothy Thompson and Arthur His eloquence on the speaking * | rachi executive. Thirty years ago Garfield Hays have been well-re- tors,-young and old have been which owned Liberation, ,f or^ the shouldered, moral and financial platform is equalled only by the Max M. Barish, president of . h e n e a c l e d the local Zionist group, ceived, large audiences packing using the Center library for a purpose 6f selling stock. responsibility for the Saar ref i- lucidity- of his writing style. His the Talmud Torah, will introduce , H e i s a l s o 8 p a s t president of the Pelley, Summerville, Kellogg gees when, it instructed its rap- latest book is "Beyond Woman." the auditorium of the Jewish study room as never before," Harry A. Wolf, who will act as A Wolf as j j j b lb club. Community;Center to hear each said Miss Allen. "T.he Center is and H. M. Hardwicke originally porteur on refugees to submit Other best-sellers include "Jews toastmaster for the evening. very glad it.can fill this need." were indicted on sixteen counts, definite proposals at. its next ses- da Approval," "What Happened lecture.. .<;/- .. Henry Monsfey will present the x In addition to the referencede- thirteen of which were dismissed sion in May. testimonials to the four honorees. o f t-h eS. Yaffe is a past president . . ' :• Fred S. White is chairman of in Palestine," "I, the Jew," "On Rome, '(JTA)—The Vatican is Talmud Torah and is n o r against the. first two defendants partment, the library operates a, ^>_Imme.dlate.I.-itcfloa"'*pa. League tbxr Bizn. of the Wilderness,". and protesting obligatory .-use in They will give a short response. the Forum series. Harry B. Cohen f •'Aaron Katz, principal, will [ Tice-presMent. A' participant ".in public rental-section"'of OVCT^SO l ^ t ? ' W " i d ^ ' ' h i l ' * - f l f t e f e f f aid for the refugees was deferred others. ""is"ticket chairman. ' *' Prussian schools of an anti-Semi- read" historical data on the de-1 a I 1 £Tevnsh activities, he has beers recent books/ renting for 3 cents were dismissed against Kellogg. when Joseph Avenol, secretarytic handbook by the late Theodor velopment of the City Talmud ! active for the Talmud lorah for At the same time Hardwicke was general of the League, told the per day.. " "•' Fritsch, the Illustrazione Vati- Torah. j twenty-five years and has been a Works of Ludwig Lewisohn exonerated of all charges." Council that the League's budget cane states, reproaching the Ger- Short talks will be given by!b o a r d member all that time. He The seventh count of the inand "The Torch of Life," have had exhausted all available funds man government for its breach, Rabbi Frederick Cohnand Rabbi !h a s always beer, content to work the chief hold on borrowers' dictment, of which Pelley and for this purpose and that no adof the terms of its concordat with Summerville were freed last popularity at present. N. Feldman. Remarks will also [ behind the scenes without glory ditional funds could be voted unthe Vatican. v Proceeds from the rental de- night, concerned sale of stock in til the League's Assembly meets be made by two veteran Talmud o r reward, The Pope last week gave an Galahad Press to Bertha Allar of He has been active in various partment are-used partly to purj Torah teachers, E. Bloch and again in January, 1936. audience to Chief Rabbi Hevesy communal endeavors. For five chase new. books and partly to Cleveland. The action of the Council was Berlin, „ (JTA)—A move by of Hungary. The chief rabbi com- Judah Wolfson. ; help finance free-loan scholarA musical program will be pre- terms he w^s president of tbe the -result of a French memoran- Nazis to divorce Hitlerism from plained of the aggravated Jewish ships given by the Omaha Council dum -which said that France the extreme anti-Semitism o£ situation in Central Europe re- sented by Lawrence Finkel vo- Omaha Hebrew club. He is now of Jewish, Women, co-sponsors of Sees Zionism Aiding would provide homes for the ref- Julius Streicher in Franconia sulting from the increased agita- calist, accompanied by Harry chairman of the board of comSchuschnigg also Declares All the J. C. C. rental library. ugees and care for the needy, but was seen here in the campaign of tion for race hatred which he Braviroff. Finkel Is a student of missioners of the B'nai Israel Religions Groups to Be . Greeks to Find Jobs that The .library is located on the she was unable •"to leave the the Nazi press against German described as contrary to the Madame Thea Moeller Herms. synagogue. Treated Equally second floor, west, at the Center, Mrs. K. Tatle. Salonica, (JTA)—The Zionist door open to emigration Into her Jewish papers which quote Strei- moral doctrines^ upheld by the Piano selections will be given by and is open 'evenings and SunMrs. K. Tatle lias been a memterritory if. she cannot count on i cher frequently. Pope and the teachings of Chris- Mrs. Anna Sfclaes,.artist pupil of ber of the Talmud Torah board movement is of value to Greece Vienna, (JTA)—The Catholic day. . ••••: the effective co-operation of the • Led . by. Propaganda Minister A3 Finkel. tianity. from the strictly national viewreligion takes first place in Ausfor thirty years. For the past ten , • " Goebbels' . Angriff, the entire Pope Pius referred to his own ored have been tireless in their years she has served as president point because it takes the Jews League." tria, Chancellor Kurt SchuschNazi press in chorus accuses the work for the Talmud Torais. friendly association with Jewish out of the country and opens new nigg asserted at a private meetof the Deborah society, WomJews of quoting Streicher's ex- scholars and in concluding the sources of employment to Greeks, ing to which a specially picked Dr. Sher. en's Auxiliary of the Talmud tremist phraseology in order to Nazis Ban Memorial to ,.. audience expressed his wishes for the Phoni Ton Ipirotou, new audience had been invited, It was Dr. Sher, dean of the annivers- Torah. Always active in 'its do""organize an anti-German cam- peace for the Jewish people. Greek paper in Jannina, declares officially announced. ary celebration, was one of the ings, ehe has made the Talmud Haber, Famous Chemist paign by the use of cunning The chancellor qualified his original founders of the Talmud Torah "her hobby." Ephraim L. Marks was elected In its first issue. ' methods." Editorially commenting on the assertion, however, by. stating president of the Men's club'of the Torah thirty years ago. He lias Berlin, (WNS)—All officials Mrs. Tatle has been, and still Even the. ultra-orthodox Jewthat the position of the Catholic Vaad Ha'Ihr at a meeting held anti-Zoinist agitation conducted and teachers of German universibeen outstanding in all communal is, active in the work of the Old ish paper, Israelit, is attacked by Worried by Circulation church was due to the fact that last Thursday, January 24. He by a number of Grveek newspa- ties have been forbidden by the endeavors, but has been particu- Peoples Home and in Hadassah. the ^'overwhelming . majority of succeeds* Morris; Burstein, who pers, the paper declares that ministry, of education to attend the Angriff for having quoted larly active in Jewish education. Losses of Nazi Papers Just recently Officers and Teacbcrs. the population belonged to that has served as president Bince the Zionism does not harm the coun- the memorial, services to the late Streicher in order to "furnish he founded the ColThe present officers of the faith." . . ' • . • • lege of Higher Jewish educainception of the group a little try but the Jews themselves. ? Professor Fritz Haber, Nobel .German foes abroad with atrocity Berlin, (JTA)—Alarmed by stories and to increase anti-GerTalmud Torah are: Max M. BarDr. Schuschnigg . also declared over a year ago. prize winner whose invention of man feeling in foreign countries." the rapid and steady decline in tion and is president of the col- ish edged the rights of all religious Other officers are Max Chasen, synthetic nitrate during the war The press campaign appears to the daily circulation of the Nazi lege. In 1916 he founded tbe > President; N. S. Yaffe, vicegroups to eaual treatment. He vice-president; Sidney Katleman, Dutch Seek to^ Boost Sunday school at the Beth Hame- President; M. D. Brodfcey, treasprevented "the early collapse of have the. full backing of the gov- party papers, leaders announced i Sunday urer; Mrs. Max Fromkin, secrethanked the Austrian Jews for secretary; and Sol Lagman, treasthe German armies. The service ernment, since the press depart- a drive, to last one week, for the drosh Hagodol synagogue. t ary. Business with Palestine had been arranged by the Kaiser the stand taken in condemning urer. Dr. Sher is honorary president ment of the German foreign of- benefit of the leading Nazi paThe- teaching staff: A. Kats, the "exaggerations of InternaMembership in the Vaad Men's Wilhelm Institute of Physical fice informed newspapermen that pers. of the Talmud Torah for life. For principal; A. L. Arielli, E. Bl<>?h> Amsterdam, (JTA)—Intensive tional public opinion." club is open t o . members - of:' the Chemistry, the German Chemical That the Nazis have cause to more than twenty-five years he There has' been no abatement Vaad only.; The group carries on a efforts will be made to increase society and the German Society "it is inadvisable to quote Streiworry is shown by their own of- was chairman of the board of I Mrs. J. Stadlan, and cher and the Stuermer as evitrade between The Netherlands of the conditions affecting the social and cultural program. Dinof Physics, but the ministry of ficial figures, showing that the education of the. Talmud Torah Wolfson. Jews in Austria and no anti-Jew- ners are held; every .third Thurs- and Palestine, the committee for education opposes the service be- dence that the government supFor Sunday's banquet. Mrs. L", circulation of the Voelkischer and promoted the board activiports his extreme anti-Semitism, the Increase of trade between the ish measures have been with- day .: of, the -month, and; all-Vaad. cause Haber. was a Jew. • . Neveleff is chairman vi the banties. When the B'nai Jacob HeBeobachter, No. 1 Nazi paper, since Germany is not identical two countries announced. . drawn as a result of Finance members.are urged to join. brew Zion school were joined in quet committee. Mrs. Arthur dropped from 359,766 to 336,537 with Franconia, where -the antiThe Netherlands is fourth In Minister Buresch's promises to Semitism was widespread before since September, 1§S4. The An- 1917, Dr. Slier' was elected first Colin is chairman of the reservathe list of countries which Im- Enter Palestine London bankers, the Jewish Telegriff, mouthpiece of Propaganda president. He was verr active in I tions committee The brnquet is the advent of Hitler." port most Palestine products. Funeral Services for Jerusalem.—-Only 14 per cent graphic Agency ascertained from Minister Geobbels, has only the fund-raisisg efforts to ob- open to the general public, and The committee stated that plans of the 5,040 immigrants who enmost reliable Jewish circles.. Shear Held on Sunday 53,000 out of its former 100,000 tain the money to purchase the j reservations to date indicate % are under way to Interest imporNew York.—Hebrew will be tenered Palestine in the year. Despite assurances given by the Zalman Shear, 73, who had tant Dutch, -firms In importing 1934, were workers, the Pales- taught in the School of Educa- readers. In the last two months building at 21st and Burt, where I capacity attendance. Austrian government and rethe Talmud Torah was housed j the paper lost 15,000 readers. been in business in Omaha for 24' goods from Palestine. tine Gazette officially declared. tion of New York University. peated protests from Jewish paruntil it moved into the Jewish j years, died last week. He is sur¥rsb ents in Vienna, the ghetto school Community Center building in j system inaugurated in Septem- vived by his wife; two sons, M Here Next Wednesday; 1931. Dr. Sher was also acti\'e ber of 1934 is still in force, H.' Shear, of/Salt Lake City, in affecting this latter transfer of Neue Welt, Austrian Jewish Zayol of. Omaha, and four daughThe Workmen's Circle, branches quarters, and was instrumental in newspaper edited .by Robert ters, Mrs. Mollle Goodman, Mrs having the Jewish Philanthropies 17S and 2tiS will jointly sponsor, Rose Albert and Betty and MinStrieker, revealed. I the appearance of the famous subsidize the Talmud Torah, At the same time the paper dls- nie Shear, all living In Los AnN \ geles. Ordained a rabbi at the age of I «w York trio composed of. A. elosed that the Austrian Jewish i The funerai was held Sunday IS, in 1883, Dr. Sher received his I Lutzky, Selda Elathi and Maxim : People's Union not only protestM. D. degree from Baltimore uni-1 Brodin, at the Knights of Columed to the government against the at the Jewish funeral home at versity in 1802. He was active In j bus hall Wednesday February creation of the ghetto school sys- 19 th and Cuming. He was buried the J. C. C. building activities,! 6, at 8:SO p. m, This is a yearly tem, but demanded the creation In the cemetery in South Omaha. i and founded the social service! event. These artists give a perof a public Jewish educational \ \ commlttee. In 1917, he was local) formance of music and humor .system.V - " •# . ••.--'"" - • - Postpone J. N. F. Meeting \ chairman of the national million- i that their audiences enjoy fully, In submitting the demand to The meeting of the Nationa dollar, drive for Palestine and j They have " .been. given Ire* \ the Austrian-government, the or- Fund Council, which was to have contributed ten per cent of the i Joy- They hare been giwn tre« ganization pointed out that "a been held Tuesday, February 5 total amount raised here that i mendous ovations wherever they school ghetto has been set up has been postponed to February year. During the war relief drives have appeared. Tickets are 60 violating the constitutional 12, -because of the Scott Nearing \"—**£>% he served as local treasurer. Ac- <*ats aDcf m a y i,e bought from * equality of Austrian Jewish citi- lecture. The meeting will be held tive in" many Jewish organizamembers of the Workmen's zens and failing to satisfy na- at the J/ C. C. tions, as the Hebrew club, he is s. Circle, tional and religious Jewish repast president of the B'nai Britb. quirements." Vienna—Dr. Julius Brauntal, Fe is also active in medical cir- Rotterdam.—"Winding up the The Jewish People's Union social democrat . and formerly i cles. work of the lobal committee for p also stressed the fact that the editor of leading Socialist dailies, teachers in ghetto schools have as was released from a concentraS. Ravitz. German-Jewish Fugitives*, Leo I«, t t their aim " a German Christian tion camp last' week on condiS. Ravitz has also been ac- [ Akfcer, treasurer, reported that t . education." The appointment of tion that he obtain a Palestine tive in Talmud Torsi work for more than 45,000 Dutch guilder \ ^'JJL^K, Jewish teachers In the schooKwas visa and leave for Palestine imthirty years. He is at present (about $30,000) were expended demanded by the organization. honorary vice-president for life, j on behalf of the refugees. mediately. " 7 Dr. S. Karitz. 3f. S. Yaffe. Sher. Mrs. K. Tatle.


Boycott Effects Testimonials to.be Presented to Show in Germany R Sher, S.Rayitz, N- S* Yaffe


.. and Mrs* IC Tatle



-v T ; -


League to Help Saar's Refugees **— :~ —

Relcl lazis Act to


Ephralm Marks to

To. Be .Honored By '.Talmud Torah Sunday






» 1





Eddie Cantor Denounced by Mosley's Paper in Englan


1, 1935


hopeful. tlve rather than competitive society in the land of our fathers. They fere demanding guaraned chairman of a Jewish cointees. other structure resting upon the Promises and expectations of London (JTA).—Eddie Cansands of injustice and Inequality. •what the future holds for them tor, American-Jewish comedian, Its purpose is to appraise ecoare not enough. It is not 80 is the target of an attack in Th< nomic endeavor by the rule of much what it costs today as what Blackshirt, official organ of Si service to the community rather it will be worth tomorrow that Oswald Mosley's party, for his than private profit. It seeks to statement to newspapermen that 341 Members o£ Central Con- secure a decent living standard By the Service Life Insurance counts. The public is life insurance he did not go to Germany durfor all workers. It underlines the ference of American Rabbis Company, • Omaha wise today. ing his recent visit to Europe beimportance of the welfare of the in Epochal Statement It has been brought home time cause his trip "embraced only many rather than the luxury, of The upheaval In business and and again that life insurance conthe civilized parts of Europe." New York, (WNS)—Reform the few. It stands upon the prin- the zigzag course of the rise and tracts deliver the goods, not only : Emulating the Hitler press, Judaism, once the principal anti- ciple of the right of labor to fall of investments of widely The Blackshirt, spokesman for Zionist bulwark in this country, bargain collectively. It opposes varied character have forced men part of the tin»e, or most of the 4 British Fascism, calls for a boy- made a complete about face in those who would destroy the to compare their life Insurance time, but all of the time. Secretary of the Interior of the United States cott of Cantor's films in Engi the form of a statement enthusi- very foundation of the Yishub by purchases with their other supWe present herewith the fall have wanted to possess a land for political and religious freedom land. astically endorsing the Palestine using cheap labor and exploiting posedly secure and carefully ee- Bialifc Icstitcte Balled fey text of Secretary Ickes r histori themselves, have gone forth with the ancient land of his fathers. labor movement and expressing it, rather than paying a living lected holdings. Hebrew Press in 'Palestine utterance for Palestine in Wash' spear and sword to accomplish The Jews have contributed sympathy with the rehabilitation wage to fellow Jews. It is enington. Tn view of Mr. Iickes' of- that purpose.- They have cori- notably toward the advancement Being disappointed in the dayJerusalem (WNS — P a l c o r of .Palestine as the Jewish home- engaged in the effort to widen to-day market value of bonds ficial position in the Roosevelt quered the coveted land by the of the human race. They have land signed ' in their individual the entry into Palestine for labor, heretofore either at or above Agency).—The Hebrew press administration ana the develop- might of their arms. The Jew Is generously aided every noble capacities by 241 of the'350 ac- and to rehabilitate the middle par— published supplements devoted to ment of a' Jewish Homeland in repossessing Palestine by an in- cause the world over. Their litertive members of the Central class and direct it toward fundathe Bialik Institute, which was Palestine must be inevitably jre telligent use of the arts of peace, ary, artistic a n d scientific Having seen wealth sunk In recently established by the ZionConference of American Rabbis. mentally productive channels of A new battle cry has been regartled as. an official expression Amity is overcoming passion and achievements have been outstandwork. It Is endeavoring to foster stocks literally drowned over- ist Executive to foster the deof the present administration in reason is conquering prejudice. ing. Wherever they have dwelt sounding from the lips of the The statement, made public by a communal consciousness and Rabbi Edward L. Israel of Baltivelopment of Hebrew literature, members of Lee Grossman's J. C Washington on the Jewish Home- Peace is proving itself to be not they have given unstlntlngly of communal unity among the Jews Not having enjoyed the thrills science and language. The Kerland and the Jewish nationalist only more desirable than war butthemselves for the development C. Varsity basketball team. It's: more, former chairman of the of Palestine. And, finally, it is "Wait 'till we get them in social justice commission of the resisting the many who would offered for the real estate pur- en Hayesod contributed ?25,000 ideology. . , i better adapted to achieve the re-of civilization. As the world conference and head of a comchases made a few years ago to make the Institute possible. sult sought.. What the Jew hasgrows smaller, through being Omaha!" THE EDITOR. make Jewish Palestine only an- would bring them— mittee of reform rabbis under The "them" are the members already achieved in Palestine and more closely knit by ties of The articles commenting on The effort to rebuild .the, Jew-, what he will still do would of It- speedy communication, the artis- of the B'nai B'rith team of Des whose auspices it was circulated, other land for the exploitation of All these things have caused the establishment of the Institute the weak, for the building up of "the prophetic ish homeland not only holds pur self entitle him to a glowing tic, spiritual and Intellectual con- Moines, who last Sunday defeat- declared that men to CHERISH and PRIZE as characterize.. it as the most fitsympathetic interest, it appeals page in history even if he had nottributions of the Jews to the ed the Omaha cagers, 27 to 25 In ideals espoused by Liberal Juda- a society based upon economic never before THEIR LIFE IN- ting monument to the memory ism are especially compatible injustice. mightily to our imagination. In already emblazoned his high ac- world's culture become ever more the Iowa capitol. SURANCE CONTRACTS. of Chaim Nachmsn Bialik and with those of the labor movement repossessing-, despite every dis- complishments there. /'This program of the Hista important and vitalizing. It is It's not so much the losing the Men today are not only dis- emphasize the part that it can n Palestine." ejjaiiragement, the historic land in druth in Palestine, and the satisfied, they are unsatisfied. play in extending >he scope of Much that is being done In not too much to expect that if game that Is irking the local which they evolved and mainThe signatories include three League for Labor Palestine in They want to feel secure, not just the Hebrew Renaissance. Palestine, protected from prejucagers to such an extent They've tained a civilization of a high Palestine today is already fa- dice, safe from persecution and been beaten before, though not past presidents of the conference America, seems to us to be at one order before a single window had miliar to us frOm our own experi- unharassed-by devastating wars, so many times, at that. It's the —David Lefkowitz, Dallas, Tex.; with the essential principles of been^pened into the spirit of ences. There, as here, the pio-is left free to develop its ownmanner in which the game was Joseph Stolz, Chicago; and prophetic idealism. Many of its , those who dwelt in Europe, the neers lead the-way, building in culture, the Jews will make even lost! Abrain Simon, Washington—and economic aims are part of the i ^ places, inducing the Jews have thrown into bold re- barren more signal contributions to our Completely outplaying the DesDr. Juliu3 Morgenstern, presi- social justice program of the \ ft lief that outstanding quality of ground to produce its fruits, call- common civilization than they Moines team as revealed by the dent of the Hebrew Union col- Central Conference of American j fy theirs which has distinguished ing upon science to aid in re- have in the past. There, in a box score which shows 10 "baskets ege, the reform rabbinical semi- Rabbis. We conclude, therefore, \fi them among all the peoples of the- capturing the wealth of the soil, land that, while ancient, is again to their opponents' eight, the la- nary.. Virtually every important with the declaration that, as we world. Throughout history the relying upon engineering experts young with renewed youth, with cal b&sketeers found victory member of the reform rabbinate, see it, Liberal Judaism, ia adto save and put to use every drop •••' Jew has been true to hi3 faith all the world of business- and snatched away from them by with the notable exception of Dr. dition to its general sympa. hy of precious water—all efforts In S. Wise and Dr. Louis with the rehabilitation of Palesand steadfast to his ideals, refusthe direction of developing to the science and art to draw from for what they call "poor decisions" .tephen Newman, both veteran Zionists tine as the Jewish homeland, ing to be swerved from the path its perfect rebuilding, it cannot on the part of ttu officials. full the resources, of that famous opponents of the labor move- should feel an especial enthusiupon which his feet had been set The Omaha boys played well, but land. Just as the pioneers here be doubted that an experiment is ment, signed the statement. asm for labor Palestine. We comfrom the dayp of Abraham. Disin the making that may well set probably turning in one of their Among the had to mark out the path of more prominent sig- mand to our colleague's and to persed to the far corners of the new Intellectual and spiritual best performances of the year. progress, so Jewish pioneers in natories are Barnett H. Brickner, our followers hearty support for earth; persecuted; harassed; dePalestine are blazing trails for standard for the whole world. Box score: leveland; Louis Binstock, New the Histadruth and the League '•" nied in many countries for long those who will follow. fg. ft. f. Orleans; Henry Cohen, Galves- for Labor Palestine." America has nothing but good OMAHA intervals rights that were ac2 4 4 on, Texas; William H. FinesfcriOur ancestors were led to lay will for the reborn Jewish na- Bogdonoff f .:..., corded as a matter of course to 1 Franklin f . ... 0 0 2 ber, Philadelphia; Sydney S. the foundations for a new nation, tionalism . But America will alother racial stocks; forced to .... 4 0 oldstein, an associate of Dr. live under intolerable conditions here by an unquenchable thirst ways continue .to cherish its ownSadofsky f 3 1 Wise, New York; James G. Helin areas that came to be stig- for freedom and liberty and thecitizens of Jewish descent. It will Burroughs c „.:„ 0 0 er, Cincinnati; Philip S. Bernmatized Ghettos; the object of a right to live a full life, economic- never forget Justice Brandeis, a Bergman g _.., Nevr York (WNS)—The antially, socially, politically and Turner g —.. 1 0 Liincolnesque figure too near our stein, Rochester; Edward I.. Nasi boycott is the "ons thing the racial and religious hate; the vicsrael, Baltimore; Morris S. Lasa.- Geraian gorernraent lass felt," . tint of the blood lust of sadistic spiritually. The men and women own day for us to realize his 10 5 19 ron, Baltimore; Emil W. Leip- Mayor Fiorallo La Giiardis, deTotals persecutors; a sacrificial offering who are laboring to establish a noble greatness. Jews are an infg. ft. f. iger, New Orleans; Harry Lev!, clared in an address before the available to be thrown to the mob new commonwealth in the Holy tegral part of our economic, so- DES MOIRES 2 4 2 Boston; Felix A. Levy, Chicago; NoaSectarian Anti-Nazi leagne at when a dynasty was threatened— Land are urged' on by that same cial- and political structure. They Lazarus f are colorful strands in the tapes- A. Winner f . 0 0 0 Harry S. Margolis, St. Paul; Mor- a diansr given in Iionor of Mrs. teachings and ideals. Now he spirit. 0 5 ris Newfield, Birmingham, Ala- Hark Harris, chairman, of the who wishes to do so can return The similarity of the attitudes, try of American history which is Levine f 0 0 bama; Tobias Schanfarber, Chi- ^cmsn's division. and help rebuild a land that be- desires and attainments of these on the loom of time and which B. Winner f ago; Abba Hillel Silver, Cleve3 0 longed to his remote fathers at modern Jewish pioneers and of tells the story of a great achieve- Azarch, c _.. Mayor La G-cardia added that Spaider c . iand; Samuel Wohl, Cincinnati; the time when Palestine was one our own people Is striking. Each ment in civilization: 1 0 t'as Germans "cannot expect of the great powers of the earth, Is working for a »ew deal. We in 0 0 What the Jews have helped Hershberg g Abralii;.ffi J". Feldman, Hartford, eitlasr our friendship or our symFiotolph Coffee, San 0 2 ' with Jerusalem^ its cultured capi- the United States are struggling America and other nations to Markman g -.«.„.. one.: pathy as long as they will tolerate K©.; Alexander L y o n s , to improve the general welfare of 0 2 tal city, the spearhead of a more achieve they- can do even more Williams g Fran>, i5 :™ r as a Samuel Thurman, this sort of government." general and more widely diffused our people,: just as those who are thoroughly, and. satisfactorily for Brooi::: Largest Exclusive Furniture Store on One Floor in striving for.the-advance of Pales- themBelyes; Palestine cannot fail, .Totals _ . 8 II 14 t. X.",; civilization that was to come. the United States It is better to be alone than In Referee—J. C. James. Truly it may be said that the tine are doing so in order to im- for it-is being^buftt up by a ;peoof the statement fol- bad corapaay. j the position of the Jews ple whose character- is wbven of ows: spirit of the great Jewish "pro"We IQ undersigned rabbis phets has -possessed and inspired there. Both of- us are /trying to purpose, and will ;and faith. : sss»jssis«s«e$s3ssis«s«SKSs»^^ holding embershlp In the Centhese indomitable p e o p l e prepare the way :for- those ral Conference of American Rabthroughout all the- centuries! of will come after as, to assure; Betis, but stating our views In this their wanderings. The position of ter opportunities to otir. children Tel Aviv, (WNS—Pa 1 c o r esolution as individuals', desire the Jew in the world today, espe- and their children, thereby conAgency) —The most monumental o express our agreement with cially as symbolized by the peace- tributing our share, toward makenterprise In the history of mod- the principles and ideals of the ful reconquest of. Palestine, Is In- ing the world a better place In ern Hebrew literature was of- Palestine labor movement. We . controvertible proof - that man which to live. „ Manny Goldberg got over a ficially . welcomed here, with the believe r Here we are getting away from the prophetic Ideals .-: ha^eyer been great and unconInx last Monday that had been publication of the first of twelve espous•<•" ~z liberal the narrow and selfish concept Judaism are querable in the • degree in which n railing him for two years. The itible with those j he has possessed spiritual quali- which glorified the aggrandize- jinx was Paul Grossman, and volumes of the first general En- especi: cyclopedia in Hebrew' over pub- Of tllL. ment of the few at the expense of 3'":uent in Eretz | ties of a high order. the many,, the laissez-faire; sys- Manny "got over-the hump" by lished. The Encyclopedia is be- Israel ) " 2:: society of i Be; it Said to the credit of our tem that has resulted in periods defeating Paul in the finals of ing issued by the Masada com. . . lo buy a Fur Cost at $49.00 . . . In fact, we sell a 1 - r.'o difficult' country that the United States of desperate depression In a land the J. C. C. preseason singles pany which is . an enterprise our €' , •: * JUC the . good Fur Cost fit $56.00 . . . but, if you want to make a from the beginning has had a of rich and abundant resources. handball tournament by the formed by Hebrew writers living to sanclc really sound i n v e s t m e n t . . . if you. want the lasting satis-' friendly and understanding .atti- Formerly we lived from day to scores of 21-10, 11-21, 21-20. It in Palestine. tipac tude toward the aspiration of the day-without planning for the fu- was the first time in three enfaction of The chief editor ia Prof. Jo, Jew to re-establish" himself In ture or for. any other purpose ex- gagements " tfcat Goldberg has seph Klausner, professor of He- only . z the land where, his forefathers cept to make as much money as been able to win from Grossman brew literature at • the Hebrew us c , . "1. , achieved Buch a spiritual-domin- we could in as short a,time as in the finals of a J. C. C. tourna- •University of Jerusalem. Writmeet. i ion pv.er the merely physical as to possible. A major disaster result- ment. ' ten in Hebrew, the Encyclopedia


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Goldberg Wins Handball Title

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enable him not only .to endure ing -from' bur -own •foolishness It was-a ; thrilling victory for will cover, all subjects included in but actually to overcome' trials and shortsightedness has brought Manny, found.things most to such, publications as the Encycloand .vicissitudes of a sort to us with a. short turn t o t h e pain- his ownwho liking the first game pedia Britannica. which other lesser peoples, with- ul realization that if the future when he " yieldedinbut It was. felt by the. publishers 10 points. in a comparatively short period, is to yield a fuller and richer life that, ths3 continually increasing •rossman turned in;the second have yielded. The feeling of our t must he planned for and use of Hebrew as the sole lanpeople on this subject is well worked for. So in the America of and copped easily with the loss of guage of communication among nly 11 markers. The third known. Originally expressed by oday the planner Is DO longer Grossman Jews in Palestine justified thr, one of the greatest of our pres- derided as a dreamer. He is being game made history. project. It Is believed that the idents, "Woodrow Wilson, It has listened to with respect as he en-was away like a flash, and It Hebrew Encyclopedia would perwasn't long before he needed but been restated and re-emphasized :ouragingly maps out the future. one point for Tictory at 20-16. form an unparalleled service In by practically all of his succesTours would not" be a hopefully Here Goldberg demonstrated re- the secularization of the Hebrew sors. It may be recalled that the developing Palestine today, the courage ' to hang- In language. " congress of the United States in ride of every Jew in the world, markable there and win out 21-20. 1922 gave its cordial approval to f you had not planned and Romanian Anti-Semitic the movement to establish this You have found that it National Home for the Jewish worked. Group Dissolved I am told that while most KING GHAZI OPENS people in Palestine. And my own fays. Bucharest—An order for the rest of the civilized World HAIFA OIL PIPE LINE immediate dissolution .department of the interior sent hasthebeen of the antigoing through the ita pre-eminent reclamation ex- lough of economic despond, the Semitic youth organization Rodpert, Dr. Elwood Mead, to PalesJerusalem, (JTA)—The huge na has been issued by the minisof Palestine, more fortine to demonstrate how to make citizens Mosul oil pipeline, the largest oil try of the interior. have not known want or a desert once mare flow, with unate,; line in the, world, which was a irivatlon. There has been prosmilk and honey. erity In Palestine, the right matter of dispute between the From time to time there may kind of prosperity, which Is the United States, Great Britain and have been discreditable attempts irosperity, not of the few, but of France, was opened officially at Klrkuk by King Ghazl of Iraq in on the part of small scattered he average. the presence of many guests from and Isolated groups in America I would like to think that to raise a barrier of prejudice America has made some contri- European 'and Asiatic countries. against the Jew, but I think it bution to the political ideals that The pipeline terminates in will be conceded that, generally Inspired those who are building Haifa, Palestine. It will enable speaking, the Jew has had in up a new Jewish state in the an- American, British and this land opportunities equal to cient land of the Jew. And yet Dutch . oil French, companies to obtain all others. We have welcomed ;he desire for freedomj the belief him and we are glad to have In justice, the craving for not less than 4,000,000 tons of him. On more than one occasion equality of opportunity are not oil from Mosul through Palestine he has been called upon to serve confined to this America of, ours. annually, and It wil^also convert America in high political office. As the Jew has trod the long- and the Haifa harbor In Palestine into He has contributed in large meas- seemingly interminable road that one of the most important com-i ure to our economic advance; un- ed from Jerusalem to Jerusalem mercial centers of the World. der the flag he has fought shoul- there has never ceased to burn in •der to shoulder with sons de- his heart the fierce desire to be scended from 'different racial allowed to live his own life in stocks; he has put us under* an his own way; to enjoy full liberty unforgettable obligation for the f action and of conscience, subwarmth of his nature and for the ect only to the rights of others - vision and the Idealism that he iqually to live their own lives In has generously shared with UB. heir own way and likewise to en' In view of all these thinga wo joy full liberty of action and of ! could not do less than cheer on conscience. I .suspect that it was 'an enterprise that represents an- his will to liberty, Btrongly butCitSHfiVilt© £©. other outstanding and unique tressed as it was by his unquenchcontribution that' "the Jew has able religious faith, that has susmade' to our civilization. Hereto- tained the faltering step of the Thone Qft.4626 fore other peoples, when they "ew until now,again he treads In

of aj>, • aspec but • witil i ; tlno u .


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1, 1935

basket effort after receiving a Wardrobes •won from the Re Ims, i Junior Boys Swimming , | beautiful pass from across the 19 to 16. Pairings Announced On Tuesday, February 5, the floor from Abe Bergman.. After Al Orucli will launch his J. C. Xi Lambdas meet the A. 2. A.'s, that it was too bad for the Job- and the WarSrobes play the Pairings in the J. C, C. regu- C. junior boys' swimming team bers, who strove vainly to catch Pants Stores. On Thursday, the lar season doubles handball in its first regular competitive .The Psi Mus stood all by them- the flying Psi Mas, but it was Jobbers play the Wardrobes, and tournament have been announced event, February £3 s t S o'clock selves at the top of the J. C. C just too bad. They didn't have a the Re Ims tackle the Psi Mus. as follows: in the local pool, the J. C. C, basketball league after last Paul Grossman and Morrie swimming instructor announced. week's games as the purpleIn the second half,-the Jobbers Three Games at Center Bloom drew a, bye; P. T\"introi;b jersied fraternity men won from The opposition will be furnand Dave Cohn vs. Saul Grae:z ished by the junior swimming the Oinaha Jobbers in the out- were better, hitting the hoop Gym Sunday Afternoon and Ephraim Marks; I-Ierbie team of th<? Lincoln T. M. C. A. standing game of the present from afar with better than averMarks and Leo Blacker vs. Mil-Ail boys interested in n place nv. campaign, 30 to 22. It was the age success. At one stage of the After tasting defeat at the first defeat for the. Jobbers in 12 contest, the losers trailed by but hands of intercity foes on the lard Sisal and Xate Cutler: Len Oruch's team are asked ip see the Herman and Sammy Katzman games at the Jewish Community five points, but that was as close two successive Sundays, Lee vs. Earl Siegel and Sam Epstein: swimming instn.icf.or at once. Center. Grossman's J. *C. C. varsity crewAn impregnable man-to-man as they ever got. will attempt to break the jinx Morrie Franklin and George There were other good games defense that limited the Jobbers this Sunday at the Center when Shapiro vs. Morrie Adler and and Jack Sndofsky drew a bye. Bloom and Grossman, midto four points in the first half on last week's card, with the A. it meets Siocx City in. the fea- Raymie Shapiro: Sam Garrop and was the main cause of the Psi Z. A.-Wardrobe extra-period con- ture game of a basketball triple- Art Lipp vs. Phil Klutznick and western A, A. T. champions find Mu triumph. For the first eight test almost taking the spot away j header which will be offered the Dave Goldman; "Jack Adler and winners of the preseason cionHes minutes, the Jobbers were unable from the Psi Mu-Jobber game.,'; public at an admission charge of | Max Turner vs. Sam Horwich aoid title, and Sttdofsky and Goldberg Saul Levey; Manny Goldberg are the seeded team;;. to make a marker, then after the The A. Z. A. kids were way out in fifteen cents. second quarter opened Abe Katz front most of the way, but ai In the first game, the undebroke the ice with a free throw. spirited rally by the Wardrobes j feated J. C. C. Girls' Varsity team I Katz made another gratis toss a knotted the count at the final will take on the tough Russell j moment later, then Burroughs whistle. In the extra period, the Sports, at 2:15 o'clock. Folconnected from past the center of A. Z. A.'s peppered away at the lowing this will come the Omahathe floor for the Jobbers only hoop for five points to cinch the tSioux City clash. The program victory. . j basket in the first half. fcs brought to a close with The Pants Store won their j the professional Storz Brewen In the meantime the Psi Mus were breaking hard and fighting first game of the season and like- team taking on a pickup team of with all their might to gather an wise turned in an outstanding up- local Jewish stars in an exhibieight-point lead in the first quar- set of the season by defeating the tion contest. The Storz team ter, which lengthened to 13 Xi Lambdas, 2 S to 24 in a well-j includes such stars at Cornie Col points as the half came to a close. played exhibition. Benny Abrams lin and Phil Gerelick. Millard Sigal, Psi Mu high-scor- stole the show for the winners ing center, opened the point- with 14 points. The reputation of the master making by making a nice underIn the other game played, the reveals that of the servant.


By Adrian J. Berkowitz

one of ttie most serious crisis in he was referring to the entire been insulted by the government, their history, and here in. Ameri- building, "Human beings are as they have been by Hitler. ca, •which contains the most im- so small and they build places Their t o n e r has not been attackportant Jewish community in the so big. Such a place is all right ed. Their right to live as Jews has not been questioned. There world and to which Jews all over for giants, not for men." is no,'Aryan' clause there. There the .world turn with hope, what On the way out he stopped to each1 other. You play petty poli- look at a mysterious dial indica- has been no official charge that tics; You argue over who shall be tor, which resembled a big com-they are an inferior race." your leaders, It's terrih|e pass except that it had two mov- By this time the author and tragedy." ing hands instead of one. the dogged reporter had reached This was Sholom Asch, beloved Twentieth street. Suddenly Sho"What is^that?" he asked. Yiddish novelist who has won The reporter inquired and lom Asch grew tired of being inuniversal respect and renown learned that it was an instrument terviewed and began to do some during his prolific years of liter- for measuring the velocity and interviewing of his own. ary productivity, speaking! "Tell me about "His Hauptdirection of the wind. The hands The reporter, meeting the, nov- now showed a fifty-mile "breeze" mann case," he said* "He killed the child, didn't he?" elist at the offices of P'utnams, coming, from the northwest. his publishers, conducted a runThe reporter explained >that the Sholom Asch was weary of the ning interview with his prey as Empire , State, building by now. mills of justice are now grinding he escorted the visitor from the Outt.'he and the reporter went in Flemington, N. J., to deterforty-fifth street publishing of- again onto Fifth'avenue. Oh for mine whether or not this is true. f i c e to his New York , hotel, the a taxi. But Sholom Asch persisted: Brevoort, a good two mile walk But the great author was in a "He killed the baby, though, down Fifth avenue on a cold, walking motfd. In the lower Thir- didn't he?" he asked again. wintery afternoon. ties he saw something which "They found him with the money. It was not the reporter who caused his face to light up. It He spent some of it. He didn't willed this type of interview. He was David Pinski, his fellow Yid- tell them where to look for the would have much preferred the dish literateur, coming from the rest of the money, as he would warm and cozy Putnam office, opposite direction. • have done if he had come by it But Asch, tired after a day of The two writers, stopped, re- innocently." consultation with his publishers," moved their bats, shook hands Like all gotf3~American citiwas eager for the air and the and then kissed each other, in zens, Sholom Asch had his restfulness of his room. It was the European manner. Pinski's opinions in the Lindbergh kideither a iike-—or a postponed eyes were rheumy with the cold. naping case, and he wanted to interview. His face was lighted in a pleas- air them. So for the next few Thereupon the writer donned ant smile, but tears trickled down blocks the conversation centered his huge coat—one of those coats his cheeks. It was an incongruous around the intriguing and revoltwith fur lining and collar, arid sight. ing crime. ; loops of braided thr.ead instead of On Fifth avenue at Ninth The two men chatted in Yidbuttonholes—jammed his floppy dish for a while, virtually ignor- street, just across from the Brevelour hat onto his head, and ing the reporter, • who cowered spoken young man approached swung his silver-trimmed cane within his overcoat and dream- the writer with a panhandling aponto his arm. Garbed in his en- ily contemplated the joys of a peal. semble, which for some reason fireplace and a hot toddy. "Listen, friend," the panhandseems to constitute the uniform "No," the author said in reply ler said, "I'm hungry. I haven't of the man of Yiddish letters, to a question, "I didn't come here •eaten all day. Could you spare a this big, portly, vigorous man especially to see my publishers. few cents. grabbed the reporter by the armAll arrangements were made with Sholom Asch looked at the -' Resignedly the reporter trotted them long ago. man uncertainly for a moment. •.'••• along at the author's side, hoping "I came here to see New York Then he reached into his pocket vaguely but, as it turned out, again. I'm an American citizen, and extracted a quarter, which futilely that Sholom Asch would you know." There was joy in his he gave the beggar. tire somewhere between Forty"Do such things go on in this voice as he said this. "These days fifth and Eighth streets and hail country?" he said in wide-eyed it's a great thing for a Jew to be a cab. • an American. All Jews deserve it. surprise. "Do respectable people As they walked, Cutting their "In Europe conditions are like that go hungry?" heads into the marrow-freezing terrible". We are at war with Ger"But he probably isn't respect: wind, the writer talked. many. None of us ought to be able," the reporter said. "He's "What has happened to the incognito in this war, if . you probably in the business of begdays of Louis Marshall?" he la- know what I mean. . ging and keeps himself looking mented. "Where is American But conditions are . changing well so as to excite more symJewry's real leadership? How canthere every day, I believe, Hit- pathy. He probably makes a good anything be accomplished when ler's importance and his popu- living at it." • you spend all your time fighting larity are waning. The Saar pleAt the hotel portal the reporter .•each other?" biscite was no victory for him.strode forward to accompany the He went on in this vein, ex- It simply means the return of a author into the warmth of the plaining'that he had come "to this traditional German territory to lobby, -and perhaps up to his room" • : country for no particular reason Germany. But Sholom Asch slapped him and for no determined period, but I don't think things can con-on the shoulder and pumped his that he hoped while here to do tinue much longer in Germany right hand in a farewell greetsome missionary work for unity ; within the body of American as they have been. No one caning. Jewry. He thought he would re- tell me the German people are "Thank you very much," he turn to Europe and his home at solidly behind- Hitler. I know said, pushing the reporter gently from personal experience that Nice, in sunny southern France, but firmly away from the hotel the intellectuals are not: in three or four weeks. entrance. "I have to go upstairs "In the book I'm writing now and sleep now. Goodbye." I couldn't have picked a worse He strode through the doortime to come here," he said rue- I shall tell about the post-war fully, pulling his fur collar period of inflation in Germany. way and was gone. around his ears. "It's warm in I shall show how Germany sub"Taxi!" shouted the reporter. Nice now. You can go around sisted in the; flow of American "And make sure it's heated!" gold into the country for a long ^ 1935, Jewish Telegraphic without a coat." Agency, Inc.) time, and how when that ceased, He was interested in the fact Hitler came." that many American Jewry's Are Jews as badly off in Po' leaders were to gather in Wash- land as they -are in Germany? ington the following Sunday for "This is a foolish question if the National Conference for you'll excuse my saying so, Games in the J. C. C. midget Palestine. He would attend the Sholom Asch Baid. "True the league this afternoon at the CenSunday session himself, he. said. Polish Jews are in a terrible ter'are as follows: First, though, he wanted to com- economic state—much worse than "Milders vs. the Trojans. municate with some of his in Germany, where the numbers Omaha .Jobbers, Jrs. vs. friends, among those leaders here are much smaller, and where, aft- Ramblers. In New York. He hadn't had an er all, Jews mostly have been Shukerts drew a bye. opportunity to speak with any of prosperous in the past. The first contest is slated for them during his less than a day "But in Poland they have not 4 o'clock. in this city. . .& "Everyone knows my books in this country," he said proudly. "Not only Jews. Jews aren't in•t terested in .my book 'Salvation/ t a book abdut the very heart and iffl soul of the Jews, a really Jewish N m 9 book. W1 "You have to knock the Jews down to make them interested. If Hg you write that Jews aro money (RUSSIA) lenders, traders, middlemen, they praise you for being a great artist, a great realist. If you do a constructive piece of work, if you Send o Torgsin Order to show how our ancestors were your relatives and friends in forced into money lending and the Soviet Union and enable trading, if, you tell of the wonthem to buy at the Torgsin derful contributions to civilizaStores located in every larger tion Jews have made—then they city of the U. S. S. R. aren't intergsted." These stores cany obbut There were a few book shops on Fifth avenue, along the route. 15,000 different domestic and At each Sholom Asch stopped, imported articles of high qualVpeered through the window, apity; clothing, shoes, underwear; parently searching for something flour, sugar, dried and canned he didn't find, then moved on. vegetables, coffee and other At the Empire State building food stuffs; household goods, the writer came to a sudden halt, tehaseeystc. tie TTurnea ills neaii tsa.y wiuur To places where there aro grinned. • no Torgsin Stores, the merch"So this is the tallest building andise is mailed promptly by in the world!" he exclaimed. parcel post. "Come, let's go into the lobby." There was no Empire State building when he was last In this Prices compare favorably country, four y e a ^ ago. The xewith those in America porter thought he"*might like to go up into the tower and gaze Service in oil stores of ths down upon the metropolitan area Torgsin chain is efficient, up-tofrom that majestic height. date and courteous. But Sholom Asch was content to stroll about the prententious lobby, examining the decorations asking questions. General Representative In U.S.A Wer Tesgs&a erfiew sss y e s * at AMTORG, £61 Fifth Ave., N.Y. local bsnls er aatbsrissd egest "Isn't this silly?" he said 11nally, waving his hand with a sweeping motion to indicate that


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I am happy to announce to my manv friends that I have become an associate of the ab$ve concern and am in K position to take care of yon with a line = ot actoisoDues, commercial cars; and trucks on which I am willing to "stake my reputation, and what good will 1 have been fortunate enough to acquire for myself while in Omaha, For your pleasure cars, tracks and service, permit me to figure with yom before yos buy. MAX BAKISH



their religious observances. If Anti-Semite Propaganda Flayed one group wants to sit all day Philadelphia—la a report and pray that Is their business, which declares that "it is the The Jewish Daily Bulletin has had the nerve — the chuz and if another group wants to duty of every constituent depah — to take issue with the Histadruth concerning its annua" By GERTRUDE BERG, Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by . play ball all day, that is their nomination of the Home Missions THE MAN WHO CAME BACK fund-raising drives. It has questioned the justification of the ap : Author of business. THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Council to oppose un-Christian fstdor Kresel peal and has pointed out that funds collected from all Jewry are "The Rise of the Goldbergs" I would like to ask Mizrachi attitudes towards the Jews" the Mr. Kresel, one- of the connused to maintain anti-religious schools and strengthen the party since when they have held the Joint Department of Co-operat- try's greatest lawyers, bounced Subscription Price, one year - -..--• - - - $2.00 It has had the audacity to demand through its editorial depart Hollywood is gradually becom- World Zionist Executive responsi- ing Boards on the Christian ApAdvertising rates furnished on application.. ment an accounting. f ing^, overrun with youngsters ble for the actions and religious proach to the Jews placed on recVork Swte Suprcme court We give praise to the Bulletin, not so much for the specific whose parents, fired by the mo- observances of the labor groups o r a its "unalterable opposition to | r e v c r g e d h i s conviction on a . Editorial Office: 500 Brandels Theater Building. details of the charges, though we believe they are essentially tlon picture success of little Shir- in Palestine? Did the Mivrachi s u c 1 l COISa.uct as a denial o£ the ' charge of having misapplied his Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center correct—but we are thrilled at the idea of an Anglo-Jewish news ley Temple, have departed from ever demand from any previous fundamental principles of 1 .j funds of a subsidiary of the <leDAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor paper having the courage to criticize an American-Jewish organ their homes to seek fame and World Zionist Executives this Christian faith," and called upon £jmct Bank of the United States, FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - Editor jurisdiction or responsibility? Or fortune on the Coast. ization. . Christians "to retmke anti-Semit- for which lie was counsel, and RABBI URI MILLER - - - - - Contributing Editor Now I would be the last to ad- do they believe that prior to this ism in every form," . If ever there was a collection of insipid, sweet nothings, i ordered the dismissal of the inFANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent executive all persons in ASTN PILL - .-• - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent tUstment which had Wasted the is the editoriala of the Anglo-Jewish Press. Every organization vocate the elimination of all present Palestine were observant of the career of a man at the pinnacle Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street is wonderful and a constructive force in American Judaism, and child-talent from the 'stage or Orthodox religion and only be- Jew Heads screen. The exceptionally kifted of success. THE EDITOR. Naval Building cultural and religious Judaism is constantly being saved by thi child most decidedly should have cause of the advent of the presISIDOR KRESBL: Lawyer, tremendous positive labors of hundreds of Jewish agencies. J the opportunity for artistic ex- ent executive have they all beBorne—General Umberto Pugreader of the editorial columns alone would have a picture of thi pression. And for the exception- come sinners? Does the Mizrachi liese, Italian* Jewish soldier who j civic reformer and foe of politlrose to high command in the en- | j corruption.. Came to America The Talmud Torah will celebrate its thirtieth anniversary first Jewish group Israel has ever seen in all its history, of th< ally gifted child an early oppor- demand strict observances of the gineering corps of the Italian c a forty-six years ago as an elevenreligious laws from all her memin the city of Omaha next Sunday with an appropriate banquet greatest scholars and the finest self-sacrificing altruistic laity tunity to express himself is a real army, was appointed head of the year- old imigrant lad from Ausbers who, thousands of them, and program. . .;'. marking three decades of Service to the ideal The truth that knowledge of matters Jewish has reached an all' necessity providing, as it does, a their business on Satur- state commission for naval build- tria. Worked his way through c time low that abuses have multiplied as never before in Ameri certain background of experience conduct of Jewish education. school and helped support his which many of our greatest act- day? We can' only come to the ipg. On the hillsides of eternity have been inscribed the lessons can Jewish organizations is scrupulously kept out of every news ors and actresses have found conclusion that this whole matGeneral Pugliese formerly was widowed mother who was a sweat of Hebrw education and learning. The ages wore away all signs paper. Newspapers have to make money, and truth is damned i most valuable in their later ca- ter is merely a blind, this sub- head cf the state-directed ship- shop operator. Won scholarship ject of religion is merely an ex- building and wharf-building or- to Columbia. Taught civics for of the oppressors of Israel, but the indelible impress made by it gets in the way. . reers. several years before being adSo we praise the Jewish Daily Bulletin. Long life and much Hebrew learning withstood the vicissitudes of time. The weapon But it la unfortunately true cuse for the true reason, as I ganization. He distingt-us'hed himself in the ! mitted to the bar. First became of the Israelites in the piaspore, in the ghetto, it is also/needed strength to its refreshing editorial columns. Perhaps its exampl that a certain proportion of the previously stated, the Mizrachi will put backbone in the Anglo-Jewish press. war and was decorated'for j prominent more than thirty parents who are bringing their cannot stand the leadership of world to ward off the dangers in emancipation. working people and the greater bravery by the Italian govern-j yenrs ago as a young prosecutor —By URI MILLER. children to Hollywood are motiMany decry the disputed statement that Jewish learning is I on the staff of the famous disvated not by consideration of the portion of the present executive ment. at a new low ebb. It may not be at a new low, but it is all too trict attorney William Travers needs of their youngsters, but by which has accomplished is 18 Propose Orthodox KeHillsh Jerome, Won the soubriquet of evident that our Jewish educational system could be much healthmonths much more than any, vanity and the hope of a large in"the ferret." Made powerful eneier than at present. New life, new blood must be injected into the The Detroit community center has as one of its agencies an come. In times like these the pros- previous executives from the time j for ftiBW Y©rk New York—A proposal that ] mies in helping Jerome smash arteries of Jewish leaning. . . . in Omaha the percentage of Jew- employment bureau. This bureau, in existence for years, has been pect of a weekly income running of Herzl to this time, are from ish children attending the Talmud Torah is far too low. The Tal- instrumental in easing the terror of unemployment in .the Jewish Into four figures is tempting, to the labor group. Immediately New York should have an Ortho- j Tammany. LeCt district attorney's hud Torah is doing all it can to pump life-stimulatingf vigor into community. It has received the co-operation of both Jewish and say the least. And there are par- after this executive was organ- dox Kefcillab. (communal associ- |-office after eight years to enter Frequently the Mizrachi and the R.e- ation) which would be in* charge ! private practice. ther Jewish community by giving the Jewish, leaders of tomorrow non-Jewish employers. It has succeeded in offsetting somewha ents who are not above sacrific- ized, visionists boycoted all the Zion- of the city's Talmud Toralis ana I abandoned his practice to fight ing the welfare of their children a thorough Hebraic education. But the Talmud Torah cannot in- the discrimination against the Jew in the economic field, by plao on the chance that such an in- ists funds. By this action they Yeshivas and would take part in the public's battles. Was chief still that education, if the children do not attend the school. It is ing a centralized organized effort at finding employment at his come may become theirs. hoped that the executive would Kashruth regulation has been aide in 1811 to Charles Evans up to the parents to take the lead in seeing that their children service. It receives, in the words of Louis Sobel, director of th Hughes in the insurance investiFor it is certainly harmful for be a failure and must then be made. become enrolled in the Talmud Torah. gation which made Hughes govDetroit Jewish center, "the unqualified endorsement of'the Jew- a young child to be uprooted dissolved. Then, of course, the ernor. Served as counsel lor New '.' At the crossroads of time, when the City Talmud Torah is ish community." from from his accustomed envir- Mizrachi would gloat and say New Hen! Biography "now look, you wanted an execuYork state in the impeachment Vienna—A new and definitive celebrating its tbirteieth anniversary, we have an excellent moWe bring this example of a functioning employment bureau onment, to have his schooling inbiography of Dr. Theodor Herzl j proceedings against Governor the working tive composed of terrupted and his friendships! ment to think over the significance of Talmud Torah in Jewish as an agency of the Jewish community center to the attention of classes, you have it; now see by the Jewish scholar Dr. Alex- \ Sulzer. During Wilson's adminihistory and to resolve that our children.—• if no others — are to our Federation. It is a service that is needed here as elsewhere, broken, in pursuit of what usual- what happened." However, in ander Bain "will be published j stration he was named special U. ly turns out to be a chimera. The become acquainted with the rich heritage which is rightfully Its practicability has been tested. It is in line with the most pro failure which necessarily results spite of all the obstacles placed shortly, the Fhebo Publishing | S. attorney to investigate packtheirs as Jews. ' . . gressive thought in communial organization and functioning. And in a large number ^>f cases also in their path by these two or- company announced. j ers' trust. In same capacity also it would serve to exalt the welfare Federation in the eyes of the serves to embitter' the child,j ganizations, the executive has! The book is a full-dress bio- ; ferreted out workings of cement Knowledge cannot be obtained by inheritance — it must be Jewish community, whose mandate the Federation officials bear whose first high hopes of unllm-! accomplished wonders. They have j graphy of the life and career of i trust in 1921. Broke ambulanceas a stewardship of service. ited servings of ice dream, or even reduced the deficit left by! Dr. Herzl in 6 40 pages and with j chasing legal ring in New York. acquired. • Became chief counsel to Samuel whatever else his little heart isj the previous executive by the j ninety illustrations. . • . . —By URI MILLER. Misery and remorse are the children of revenge. j Seabury in inquiry into links beset upon, soon give way to a sum of $500,000. They have arftween police and New York vice boundless despair. Nor does th< ranged and made possible for the To .Succor EcrcpeEH Jews To deserve mercy, practice mercy. Paris—The Economic Central j ring. WOE enmity of Max D. disappointment of the parents im entrance of 50,-000 Jews into prove the situation — indeed Palestine. They have had much commission, termed by the Com-: Stener in several cases. It was A new freakish phenomenon has appeared in the political their attitude toward the child political success. In face of this mittee of Jewish Delegations and IBank of United States case. Frail life of America — McFaddenism. Louis T v McFadden, as live an once it is clear that he does u.o' record, what could the Mizrachi Executive of the World Jewish I of build. Is less than five feet in . 5695—1935 exponent of bigotry and intolerance asv ever trod the Congress represent an easy road to, fortune attack? They searched and CongTess to investigate and re- j height. Weighs less than one hunRosh Hodesh Shebat ..... „ Sat, Jan. 5 sional floors, was defeated for re-election to the House of Repremay well change so radically thai searched and finally found a port on the economic status of j dred pounds. Thin and emaciatedHamisha Asar B'Shebat ,.™ ..Sat., Jan. 19 the little one's disillusionment as question that has been buried for Jews in various countries, held looking. Has penetrating blfvck sentatives last fall by his Pennsylvania constituency despite the *Rosh Hodesh Adar . ;•-...__ J&ion., Feb. 4 to the essential goodness of the more than 300 years. This same its first meeting tinder the chair- { eyes. Still retains his youthful fact that he* had served for twenty years as a Pennsylvania question that satisfied the worst inanship of I. Yefroikin. world becomes complete. rigor but his fight to rehabilitate *Rosh Hodesh Adar Sheni .....Wed., Mar. 6 congressman. Nothing daunted, McFadden has determined "to inquisitors of Spain. liis reputation has almost broken ...~~Tues., Mar. 19 Purim . ...„ save the United States." He has announced his candidacy for the If only the families now lead I leave this Question to the his health. Speaks Yiddish, Po...Thurs., Apr. 4 Rosh Hodesli Nisan . „. presidency of the United States in 1936. And, for the first time Ing'a happy, if humble life in Oldenburg, Germany—T h e Omaha Mizrachi. Is the means French, German. Russian some obscure town would realize .Thurs., Apr. 18 in the history of the United States in 1936. And, for the first Passover, 1st day ... ... Oldentnrgische State Journal re-!E n d Italian. Hag many powerful that it takes more than the win you are using honorable or not? ports time in the history of this country, the doctrine of anti-Semitism Sat, May 4 Rosh Hodesh Iyar .„„.. the arrest of vsndais who \ friends who helped him win ning of a local newspaper-spon- I close with a few words to the desecrated will be put forward as a national political issue. ...Tues., May 21 Lag B'Omer ..... the Jewish cemetery j back his reputation for probity, leader of the Omaha Mizrachi, sored beauty contest to make Rosh Hodesh Sivan ...........— Sun., June 2 One of the four platforms of the McFadden for President Expects to begin his activities Rabbi Miller. I well recall at- of Ocwelgoenne here. child star. And if onlysuch parShabuot.i..............™.: ._ . _ . _..Fri., June 7 They are boys of 14 and 12 a,nd where he left off when, In the tending a meeting some eight movement is an uncpmpromisijag anti-Jewishness reminiscent of ents would, before packing up of the supreme court, Rosh Hqdesh Tammuz —; —Tues., July 2 that fellow-bigot, Herr Hitler. McFadden has started his camand entraining for Hollywood months ago when you stated em- are not connected with any sec- words "wicked perversion of justice" phatically that you were in symtion of the National Socialist Shiba Asar B'Tammuz _.. .....Thurs., July 17 paign in earnest, sending but,reams of material written to apstudy their own inner motives to nearly wrecked his life. Has no Rosh Hodesh Ab ...—... ...Wed., July 31 peal to anyone with even a spark of antiSemitism lurking in his determine whether their primary pathy with the revisionist poli- party. interest in Jewish affairs. Tisha B'Ab ............ - . . _ — _ . . . . . ,~.l..Thurs., Aug. 8 bosom. His stationery reads that "Over. 40,000,000 Christian-Ceninterest lies in the development cies. In all honesty, why don't Hebrew Wires by Phons (Copyright, 1935. by Severs Arts Fedtur« you rename this Mizrachi organof a great talent or whether (they Syndicated tiles won't be wrong in 19361", and his attacks on the Jews: tee"Rosh Hodesh Elul . .—~ _„_„„JFTL, Aug. 30 London.—The transmission of ization for what it really is, are merely succumbing to the ter between damning, them as incorrigible Communists and grasp: --.i 5696—1935 telegrams in Hebrew within Pal- j will-o-the-wisp lure of "easy namely, a revisionist organiza- estine ing capitalists. He hammers away at any who would read that if Rosh- Hashanah .„.._„-...—„.....„....; —;—Sat, Sept 28 to League is entire!/ by telephone, tion? You owe it to your raeznmoney." If all parents would thus this country, i$ to be saved from the Jews, then McFadden must Fast of Gedaliah ~.^..~ ^-~.~_ ... -Mon., Sept 30 Genera—Boris Rosenblum, of bers to bring to light the true aim with no Morse alphabet used, the analyze their own motives before be elected. . ' the economic section of the Yom Kippur ~«Mon., Oct 7 arousing false ambitions Jn a of this organization and the Jews ] postmaster general of Great Bri- Soviet Foreign office, lias been Sukkot, 1st day ..Sat, Oct 12 The easiest way to handle this latest McFadden outburst is child whose pretty, curl-wreathed of Omaha are entitled to know tain disclosed. appointed by the council of the Simhat Torah „„.„. to ignore it, Surely, it deserves no other treatment. But, to ig.Sun., Oct. 20 face might look well on the where their leaders stand. m. The postmaster general had L e a e o f MORRIS MINKIN,- askeT the "pristine " government I ^ Nations as a member nore it will not change the significance of the movement. We Rosh Hodesh Heshvan < —.—Mon., Oct 28 screen there would be fewer brofor a copv of the Morse alphabet o£ t h e League's economic com1811 Maple street, Omaha. ken little hearts in Hollywood. know well that though this group calls itself the Independent Rosh Hodesh ./Kjbslev ... ..Wed., Nov. 27 in Hebrew and was informed there ' mittee. Republican party, the regular republicans will have nothing to Hanukah, 1st day ... „.„ »__......Sat, Dec 21 Copyrigrht. 1935, by Seven Arts Feature as. well as Syndicate.) was none. Hisof appointment, do^with it. Yet, it has ample funds. And someone is supplying Rosh Hodesh Tebet „.„.„.., —..FrL, Dec. 27 Growers Ask f that another Soviet representhose funds. In other words, there is someone or some group of to the League financial for Moll Workers The true basis of happiness is tative individuals who are willing to pay out tremendous sums of money committee, has been bitterly opmin were permitted to interposed by the latter body. in order to' spread anti-Semitism of McFadden in a presidential Jerusalem, (JTA)-—Quick and a work that one loves. with other tribes." GEMS OF THE BIBLE marry persistent action to obtain more campaign. Who is willing to spend this money and why -7- these Rabbi Ishamel said, "If one immigration visas for Jewish' wishes to become wise, he shall To the Editor: are questions the answers to-which should be ferreted out. . AND TALMUD laborites was demanded from the occupy himself with the study of Whoever is backing McFadden knows that bp. has no chance In this open letter I want to executive of the Jewish Agency By O. O. DASHER Nezi Kin (civil law) for there Is speak about the World Zionist by association of Jewish farmers j of winning the 1936 presidency. But McFadden's backers unquesno richer section of wisdom In Executive. Rabbi Miller recently and Industrialists, in view of the tionably feel that the seeds of hatred to the Jews sewn during the The sin of Judah is written the entire Law than in the Nezi campaign will reajs their harvest of weeds on public opinion. They with a pen of iron and.; •with the Kin which is like a natural foun- reported that the Mizrachi con- danger existing for Palestine invention had resolved to ignore dustry and agriculture due to the must: also have been encouraged by-the fact that in poe major point of a diamond. tain and those who wish to study the World Zionist Executive as lack of labor bands. country— Germany — a party swept into power on the basis of civil law may take lessons of It is grown upon the tablets most of the executive is composed The associations pointed cut an anti-Semitic platform. Further, these politicians are possibly of their* hearts and upon the Rabbi Simon. of the'Histradruth and the His- that many works started cannot taking a long shot on the New Deal f ailing, and are preparing to corners of their'altars. xadruth does not observe the be finished due to the acute make the Jew the scapegoat. To scheming politicians seeking Cursed Is the man that trustiosher laws nor those of the shertage of labor, and that othnr powerful slogans, right and/wrong mean nothing— they care not eth in man. Blessed is the man Greek Agitator Given iabbath. enterprises cannot be started at who is sacrificed on the altar of their ambitions. Whatever evil ef- that trusteth in the Lord. First the Jewish periodicals all. Especially handicapped are As the patrldge that broodeth Tail Term for Attack read this resolution as follows: the orange groves, where thrre fect comes from the McFadden candidacy, a subtle undermining over young which hath not of the Jewish position in America will be a prime ambition. Salonica, (JTA)—The notori- 'We ignore the Zionist 'World are not sufficient hands to pick brought forth, so is lie thatgetous Greek anti-Semitic agitator, Ixecutive because not all groups the fruit, was stated. teth riches not by right, in the of Zionism are represented in this midst of hs days he shall leave Fardfs, editor of Makedonia, most xecutlve." Everyone knows that violent antl-Jewish paper in them, and at his end he shall be Greece, was sentenced to serve he only groups not represented Jew-baiting has been a popular sport in Rumania for some] a fool. four months in jail for having n the executive are the Mizrachi Shall evil be recompensed for time, as the Iron Guardists found time to inject anfi-Semitism written a series. of anti-Jewish and the Revisionists. The MIzinto their usual run of terroristic acts. All the more credit, there- good? for they have digged a pit articles in a new paper, Eleph- achi were not represented before, is 'due to the present Rumanian government for fearlessly lor my soul, remember how; I teros. ause -the Revisionists were not Massolioi Displaces Ijisg Rome—Signor Guido Jung, epresented and the Revisionists taking active and forceful steps to eliminate the canker of .anti- stood before Thee to speak good TJnder his editorship Make- were not represented for them. Italy's minister of finance, and a for the reaJewish activity from the bounds of the opuntry. donia, ;Organ of the Venizelist Talmud on that they did not want to prominent member of the OrthoV' A Bucharest order has, commanded the disbanding of the It was taught in a Baraetha group, constantly incited the )Ind themselves to the rules of dox Jewish community, whom population of Salonica against the Macedonian anti-Semitic youth organization. This is another act that the majority of children are he congress. Therefore, the Miz- Mussolini sent to the United by which the Rumanian government is compelling its Nazi-mind- simitar to the brothers of their Jews. On several occasions Make- •achi leaders found a better rea- States in May, 1933, as his pered citizens to realize that it means its threats to exterminate ra- mother, so one who is about to donia succeeded in .arousing a on. The old crowd bait of re- sonal representative to confer cial bias. Members of previous Rumanian governments encour- marry should investigate the bro- virtual progrom sentiment in igion, because they knew that with President Roosevelt on the Salonica, necessitating posting of eve of the London Economic conaged or winked their eyes at manifestations of anti-Semitism, thers^ of his prospective bride. heavy guards around the Jewish he old bait of religion is strong- ference, was one of the ministers ^ o b said to Cohe.na "Flay a and the result was detrimental to the best interests of the r than all the Krupp guns. That carcass in the street and earn ar quarter. Superb equipment country. the reason the American MIz- replaced by II Duce in a sweepFardis was accused of having sachi ing governmental shakeup. living if you are in need, and leaders changed the wordLuxurious appointments The rest of central and Eastern Europe can profit by paying say not I am a noble priest anfl instigated the brutal pogrom of Jung's elimination from the closer attention to the action of Rumania and Hungary in an it does not befit me." 1931, which led to the burning ing arid the meaning of the reso-j cabinet, together with five others, In every way the AK-SAR-BEN anticipates th* utioh. .about-face of their previous anti-Jewish policy. does not mean that Jung Is no Rabbi Simon said, '"'Never of the entire Jewish quarter by Let us take a look into this requirements ofihe most discriminating traveiw. were there any more joyous fes- anti-Semites. He was later re- uestlon of religion and the His- onger In Mussolini's good graces. leased for lack of evidence. It is rather part of Mussolini's tivals In Israel than the fifteenth Matched Pullmans Subsequent to his release, Far- adruth. The Histadruth is an policy of shifting his ministers day of the month Ab, and the rganizntlon of 70,000 members, Roller bearing* dis offered to give one of the around to give all Fascists an opHistory has some queer throwbacks. The Nazi government Day of Atonement, for on them Leave Omehe • 8:30 pm Lounging car omposed of members of differSalonica Jewish, newspapers the Salon—bed roem car in Germany used a strong nationalism to,high-pressure its news- the maidens of Jerusalem would names of all those who took part ent thoughts and ideals. 4,000 portunity for service. Arrive Chicago 8:30 am JSuffe i ervice papers into using sterotyped, Hitlerizednews, forcing it down the go forth dressed In white gar- in the actual .v pogrom on pay- members of the Histadruth are Dining c«r for breakfat ments—borrowed ones, in order "Medical Maml" Dies of the Mizrachi labor groups. .Germans' throats. The Jewish papers in Germany, oa the other Valet ment of 1,000 drachmas. not to cause sh .me to those who This group Is strictly Ortngjiox. Radio hand, were thrown outside the pale' of German journalism. had none of their, own.. It Is Th« Ak-Se?-B«n the* Salonica—-Gracla Allolouf, 110, There are many leaders of the Now, the Nazi newspapers, particularly those owned or op- readily understood why .the day oldest Jewish woman in Greece Histadruth coBcerns itself enerated by Nazi officials, show a marked decrease in circulation. of Atonement should be a day of Babbi Heads Community other tirely with economic and nation- and one of the oldest in the counIn fact, "the situation became so bad that the Nazi have desig- rejoicing, because that is a day Berlin.—For the first time in al questions and affairs. The try, died here last Monday. She Urn fine trains nated a campaign to instill new strength into the tottering legs of forgiveness, and' on that day the receat history of German establishments which belong to was regarded as a medical marOmaha of Nazi journalism. In direct contrast, those ostracized German- the second tablets of the Law Jewry, a rabbi has been appoint- the Histadruth are known to be vel by physicians, since she grew ARISTOCRAT ...7:15 am 7:15 pm Jewish papers are enjoying the best circulation in their history. . were given to Moses, but why ed chairman of a Jewish com- strictly religious. The offices and a complete set of,, new teeth in FAST MAIL 6:15 pm 7:05 em There is one Jewish paper for every 8,000 Jews in Germany, shculd • the fifteenth day of the munity in Germany. Rabbi pr. work carried on by the Histad- her last years. * She left instructions that there whereas the average circulation of all German papers in propor- month Ab, be a day of rejoic- Cruenwald of Mannheim bas ruth. are all closed on Saturday, 16th & Fornom, Omaha Rabbi Jochanan said, "On been unanimously elected as but the Histadruth cannot dictate was to bs no mourning at her tion was one paper to 21,000 people last year, and one to-13,000 ing?" i. W. SHARPE, Gtmn! Agtnt the fifteenth day of Ab, the president of the community for to the individuals, nor has the funeral, bat that nil present two years ago. . - Mien* Atiantie 683! members of the tribe of Benja- a period of two yearB. Histadruth any Jurisdiction over were to Blag and dance.


Needed — Backbone


Fountain of Education

A Suggestion

• , . ' . '












Hebrew Calendar

Letters to the Editor

An About Face



A Queer Throwback



DOUBLE CELEBRATION Virginia Korp, Lumil Malimanek,! /"" *. A , , J Luncheon Meeting by In celebration of the silver Allen Miller. Haskell Morris, L>apaClty /itteildlanCe Women's Division M'Laveh Malkeh to wedding anniversary of Mr. andHarry Perelman, Rosaline Rosen, Be Held on Satus '£>£.*" Sisterhood on Monday Mrs. T. Richards and also on theLawrence Sweska and Helen The "Torch-Bearers," nest A regular JI'Lavch Me-lkr) occasion of the announcement of Washka from the studio of Frank The Temple Israel Sisterhood Guild production t o be presented the local Mizrachi will be the marriage of their daughter, Mach, violinist. A capacity crowd of over 400 will hold its regular monthly;at the Center Auditorium on i Saturday everting at. 5 p. m. a.' Betty to Mr. Ab'e Teldman, of women attended the annual Ha- meeting at a 1 o'clock luncheon j Tuesdav evening, February IP, I B'nai Israel rynagojrue, l«Sth Sioux-'City, a, dinner for over 70 dassah linen shower Wednesday Chioag:o streets. Monday, February 4, at the Ternj gives promise of being an outVaad Auxiliary Boarcl Will guests was given at the Richards afternoon, January SO, at the e The traditional fepst. wi1,': P^ j standing hit, according to Mrs. home. Meet Tuesday February 4 J. C. C. held, s n d fin interesting pros-' A valuable door prise will b e : S a m T h e o d o r e , chairman of the Rabbi Theodore Lewis of given. Following Silver baskets were presented F l l i th l h t h e luncheon, ! D r ^ m a t 1 c "committee 'of "the Worn-' P ^ e n t e d , including tradiil »*__ TTT.IIS— T--.-I ..„ speak , on : Sabbr.th eve and rales.'; to each guest as souvenirs. A Mrs. L. Neveleff, -president of Mount Sinai Temple of Sioux City Mrs. William Feiler will en's division of the Jewish. Com' ; huge wedding cake and silver the Vaad Auxiliary, has an- was the guest speaker. A playlet "The Jews' Contribution to the innnity Center and Welfare candles - were used as center- nounced the appointment of the "Hadassah on Trial" was given. World Through Literature." Plans for the future M^rrr.j., pieces. following additional board mem- Mr. Alfred Thompson gave severThe board will meet at 12 ;eration, who p.re sponsoring this activities will bo discusser!. «'>•'• i pi ayBridge and bunco were played bers: Mesdames S. Lagman, A. al vocal selections accompanied o'clock. p.U mrmbo-s of She T.iizrp.eM *>•»'£ GOLDSTEIS'-COHEN WEDDING HORWITZ-MENDELSOX at the piano by Mrs. Anna Shlaes. after the dinner. Prizes were won Cutler, L. Turkel, Meyer KatzMrs. I. Rosenthal, WA09 9 9, is their friends a r e invited to •••> Miss Ruth Cohen, daughter of NUPTIALS ! Mrs. A. Greenberp. chairman tend. Mrs. J. Blank was chairman of taking reservations. by Mrs. J V M. Baker, Miss Reva mj>n, S. Epstein, J. Birnstein, D. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cohen, became of the Social Committee and her linen shower. Tea was served The Tv'fc'rtrhi concrrt. pi ••-'•» the bride of Arthur H. Goldstein, The marriage of Miss Ida Goldenbers, Mrs. Wintroub, and Deaenberg, J. Lippet, M. Pap- the co-workers will act as hostesses Sunday evening. J a n u a r y r.T. •*•"-'•'• eray, Howard Milder, H. J. Mil- after the program by Mrs. I. W. son of Mr. and Mrs. I . Goldstein, Mendelson, daughter of Mr. andMrs. Hollander. at the reception to be civen by \aitcnded by COO people. 'MJ.I.' Sisterhood Party to Be Out-of-to*n guests presentwere der, H. Goldstein, N. Wilfson, j Rosenblatt and her committee. at a beautiful ceremony at the Mrs. C. D. Mendelson, to Mr. the B'nai B'rith and Collere of new members were obtpined. Mrs. L. Kaplan raffled off a Birchwood club, Sunday, January Henry Horwitz, of Chicago, son Miss Jennie Cohn and Beverly N. Levinson, S. Fish, L. MendelHeld Later This Month Jewish Studies in honor of the j A pleasant p.ncl excellent TI~\-~ 27, at 2 o'clock. Rabbis David of Mr. M. Horwitz, also of that Goldberg of Kansas City, Mo.; A. son, William Milder, H. Marcus, quilt which was won by Mrs. faculty and students of the Col- ! pram v;as pn"en by t h e llnv'^it'-i* Harry Fladerman. • j Wice and Uri Miller officiated. city, will be solemnized at the Feldman, Miss Ruth Gruiskin, A. Katz and Sara Weisman. The Temple Israel Sisterhood lege Monday evening:, February Sincing society, under t h e C-*'-'^ affair was a huge success The first board meeting of the | The bride wore a white lace Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol syna- Mr. and Mrs. Knox of Sioux City; classes. ' tion of Csntor A. Scliwpr.pL U both from the standpoint of linen is making plans for a gala party, | 4 £ t t h e C e E t e r f o l i o w i r , Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Council year will .be held Tuesday, Febgogue Sunday, February 3, at 2 gown with a matching cap from a Junta Mesicana, which in Mesi- I gifts secured and money taken in Bluffs, and Miss Lillian Shine Rabbi 1'ri Slillnr delivered an *>.'••• ruary 4, at the B'nai Israel synawhich the veil fell to shoulder o'clock. Rabbi Uri Miller will ofcan means, "Get Together," for j and attendance. and Mrs. Shine of Lincoln. dress on t h e work of T«li~,rn;*lii. gogue at 1 p. m. ficiate. length at the sides and graduated February 2 7, at S o'clock. :| i Goldstein Book S. Rpvits is president oJ •'=< Mrs. M. Burnstein will repreto waist in back. She carried a Miss Lillian Sachs, of Chicago, Mrs. Julius E. Solomon, chairj The book review group of Halocal orpsr ; i"ri*ion. sent the auxiliary at the annibouquet of Johanna Hill roses. cousin of the bride, will bo maid GOES TO HOLLYWOOD, man of arrangements, announces Review on Wednesday versary service Friday, February dassah, which was formed last that the committee is planning Miss Tobie Goldstein, Bister of of honor and Henry Mendelson, FLORIDA 8. The reception following the j week will meet at the home of an evening of cards, entertainMiss Frances Lee Kort, daughthe groom, was bridesmaid and also a cousin of the bride, will The next lecture in the series ter of Mr. and Mrs. Nate Kort, service will be in charge of .the Mrs. David Krantz, Nottingham ment, plenty of food and the of book reviews by Rabbi D a T l d , Mr. Paul Grossman, cousin of the be best man. apartments, Wednesday, F e b A left last week for Hollywood, Mesdames D. Denenberg, S. groom, was best 'man. lively atmosphere of Mexico. Goldstein will be £;ven! Regular Meeting Monr&v Brown, L. Mendelson, A. Katz, ruary 6, at a 1 o'clock dessertFlorida, where she will be the The wedding music was played Tickets may be secured from j rcediiesday,' February C. Rabbi! MARRIAGE luncheon. Mrs. Abe Goldenberg S. Katleman, A. Schwaczkin, I. by Miss Sophie Newman at the Mrs. Solomon or from the mem- Goldstein 'will discuss the rtito- J The marriage of Miss Bertha guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. act as co-hostess. A regular meeting of .1 violin and Miss Ida Newman at Slutzkln, daughter of Mr. andand Mrs. J. D. Stine, until late Morgenstern and N. H. Green- will bers of her committee. Mesdames biography of Lincoln Steffens. j Anyone wishing to join this Che Shel Ernes will be lu-ld V-v berg. the piano. Mrs. William Slutzkln, to Mr.spring. group, call Mrs. Perry Silver- Milton Abrahams, Paul Blotcky, j T h i s biography has already be- i day. Februnry 4. at the Chf>" Messrs. Morton Richards, Jack Samuel Shiff took , place Sunday, Leo Chaiken, Louis Lipp, Ben j come a classic. It tells the story j Shel Ernes building nt IPih. i;: man. Newman and Hubert Sommers January 20 at 12:30 at the Con-ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF SON Mrs. David Brodkey will lead Silvers, Saunders Steinbach and | of a California bey, Tho was a i C urning:. were ushers. j horse trainer, studied in Euro- \ gregation B'nai Israel synagogue. Mr. and Mrs. David Rosenberg the discussion on current events. Bud Wolf. A reception for friends was Rabbi David A. Goldstein offi- announce the birth of a son Janj pean universities, edited a New ' Mrs. M. F. Levenson will preside. held after the ceremony, from 3 ciated at the ceremony which uary 23 at the Covenant hospital. ' York newspaper, and became one € . F. Magaret Will Speak ! of America's greatest reporters. \ • Fleishman $k Soskin to 6. Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein left took place in the presence of the The Council of Jewish Womes . immediately after the reception family only. to Women's Council Gnrap i In this book, Lincoln Steff^ns : dessert bridge will be held MODMeeting 01 College Glib for a short trip. They will be at The bride wore a gown of VISITS.IX CHICAGO | presents p. fine desjription of Insiiranro wiih E\fHn54e Miss Monette Merritt left Sun- day, February 11, at the Blackhome temporarily at the Logan ivory satin made with a high ! Theodore Roosevelt and TCoodto Be Held on Sunday! Mrs. L. V. Feinstein, Roosevelt (."ompantcs day for a three-week visit in Chistone hotel. Additional patronapartment hotel. | row Wilson, both of whom he ' cowl neckline and long sleeves, cago. esses for the affair are the fol- The regular meeting of the apartments, will be hostess to the : knew intimately. Ken] T>iRf^—PropertT Mw'rfifi-rf^n* full above the elbow and very lowing Mesdames: Charles College club will be held Sunday Legislative and International Re!1S Po. 15th f«l. J.4. -. SETS WEDDING DATE tight to the wrist. Her veil was IN MIAMI BEACH lations study group of the Couni Miss Mary Cutler, daughter of hip length and fell from a cap of Miss Nettie Abrams left for Schimmel, Julius Abrahamson, M. afternoon, February 3, at 4:30 of Jewish Women, TVednes- \ Mrs. R.. Cutler, has set Sunday, the tulle made with a rim of Miami Beach, Fla., where she F. Levenson, Sol Novitsfev and A. at Temple Israel. day, February 6, at 1 o'clock, at j Alpha GaOlIHa Chi D. Frank and Miss Fanny GroelinFebruary 24, as the date of her shirred ivory satin. The bride's will remain the duration of the A splendid program has been j aa dessert dessert coffee, coffee. ! T •." .* r> c ^ sky. marriage to Mr. Ralph Nogg, son slippers were also ivory satin. winter. arranged. The Center Players* Mrs. Maynard Greonberg is Guild of the Jewish Community The speaker will be Mr. E. F . ! Initiation banquet Sunaay of Mr. and Mrs. S. Nogg. The She carried a boq.uet of roses and chairman of the bridge an<l Mrs. Center will present a scene from Magaret, who is affiliated with ceremony will be performed in sweet peas. Jack Marer is co-chairrrsan. T h e Alpha Gamma Chi sorority the presence of the immediate .Miss Mabel Slutzkin, sister of STAGS FOR FRATERNITY their next play, "The Torch- the NRA Trade Practice office. 16th mi FARNAM Members of Beta Tau Kappa, members families only. Bearers." Adele TVilinsky will He will speak on NRA codes. Mr. I of the Omahanew university held this inthe bride was her only attendant. Municipal University of Omaha New Under Personal i t 5BSt ation read a paper on "Brahmanism." Helene Omaha,ofpoetess. week-enc. Miss Esther SilMagaret Magaret, Is the father Miss I| P °" Mr. Harry Freed served Mr. Shlff social fraternity, were entertain- Congregation of Israel fc of vermac was in charge of the ir>All are invited to attend. SURPRISE PARTY as best man. Auxiliary Meet Monday ed at two stag parties during the forms,! initiation -which took place I Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bernstein A dinner for the family folSaturday evening at the; were honored at a surprise, party lowed the ceremony, and a re- past week. On Friday, FebruMrs. Goldstein to Review last A regular monthly meeting of home of Miss Geraldine Strauss. I evening, given by Mr. and Mrs.ception for friends was held from ary 25, they were guests at a Progressive Hebrew Kosher Style Foot! surprise party given by Mr. andthe Ladies Auxiliary of the Con' Book for Junior Society The formal initiation and ban-1 H. Fried, in celebration of the 5 to 9. gregation of Israel, will be held Sandwiches find Lunches Mrs. S. Tarnoff to celebrate the qnet vras held Sunday evening at; Club Meeting Held fifteenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Shlff are making the Bernsteins. Coders were laid their home temporarily at the twentieth birthday of their son, Monday, February 4, at 2 p. m., The Junior society of the Beth- the Paston hotel, with the Misses ; —ALSO— Myron, an officer of the fratern- in the assembly room of the synafor twenty-five guests. Bridge Slutzkin home. A regular meeting of the Pro- El congregation will hold its bi- Rose Fisher and Janet Graetz in • Harailtoss Cafe ity. Joseph Greenstone, pres- gogue at 25th and J street. was the evening's diversion. gressive Hebrew club was held monthly meeting at the home of charge. Miss Betty Fellman vas ! ident, spoke on behalf of the ac- A program has been arranged Sunday, January 27, at the j Bess Goldberg, 10 35 No. S2d, toastmistress at the banquet. TO MVE IN MIAMI BEACH tives and presented a silver key and refreshments will be served. J. C. C. Those initiated are the Kisses Tuesday, February 5. Lunches - - - - - - - 3 5 . : Mrs. Edward Rosenthal and chain to Tarnoff. All members are urged to attend. . Mrs. David Goldstein will re- j Fannie Wirl^n, Bertha Siutsky, j Plans are being made for a son Herschel, who have been Dinsers - - - 50c t o 75c view "Beyond Woman," one of J Rosa Kirschenbatim and Silvia; Purim celebration to take the The regular monthly smoker visiting Mrs. l.osenthal'H father, the works of Maurice Samuel, | Gilbert of Omaha, and Miss Fior-^ Happiness is rarely absent; it place of the social meeting. This Private Dining Room fov Abram Singer, and her sister, was held on Sunday, February is that we know not of its pres- will be under the joint Eponscr- who will conduct a series of lec-!ence Steinberg of Council Bluffs. 27, at the home of Art Weiner. Parties, Clubs and Small Mrs. Nate Kort, have left for ship of the Men's club and thejtures here February 16 and 17. I Plans were made for a lunch-;i Mrs. Arthur Cohn, chairman Miami Beach, Florida, where ence. Weddings Ladies auxiliary. jeon and theater party to be given j j of the dance to be given by the intend tqjmake their home. RECITAL Beth-El™ synagogua=sasiHsry==ea irrEtop^InCTtlcaSaturday, February 9, at the Fax- go to visit another sisteT, Mrs. vited to attend a recital at the exercise is to the bod-y. ton, reports that. arrangements Henry Horwich and Mr. Horwlch. Hospe auditorium on Tuesday are progressing well. evening, February 5, at 8 o'clock. The Mesdames Max Davis, Those taking pare include: Harry Trustin, Arthur Cohn and Marian Bremers, Virginia CosBible Class Jack W. Marer will be hostesses Rabbi David Wice will conduct tanzo, Elinor Cohen, Paul Gibson, at dinner parties preceding the his Bible .-study class Tuesday, Rose Goldstein, Doris Huie, Mary affair. Many others are arranging February 5, at 1 o'clock at the Imolati, J a c k Jacobberger, dinners or cocktail parties. home of Mrs. Benjamin Fried- Daniel Katzman, Sylvia Katzman, Arthur Jonssen, Ethelyn Lashinman. sky, Donna Mason, Marian Meyerson, Esthryn Milder, Pete Milder, Psi Mil Esther Morris, Alice Perelman, The Psi Mu fraternity is makPhi Sigma Mu CHARGE PURCHASES ing plans, for the sixth annual Louis J . Riklin was elected Bobby Ruser, Eugene Rush, WILL BE BILLED T O Psi Mu day program which will legal fraternity of Omaha uni- Margaret Sigler, Joy Yousem be held Sunday, March 3. Defin- secretary of the Phi Sigma Mu from the studio of Harry BravirYOU MARCH 1ST ite announcement as to the pro-versity night law school, at a off, pianist, and Myron Cohen, Kathleen Dvorak, Blanche Erca, gram will be made later. A Mighty Value Demonstration meeting held last week. President Sal Michnick appointed Ralph Nogg, chairman and Sam White and Louis J. Rik- Mark Leon Says • - Habonim ., A a meeting of the Habonim lin as the committee to plan the Let me protect yonr Interest*. . , write INSTJKANCE of every desSunday, afternoon, It was decided initiation banquet to be held in Icription inclndlnc LIFE, in strong. the near future. Initiates of the reliable companies ON"XT. . . Lefs to hold debates every other meettalk It over. fraternity are Sam Epstein, ing Instead of other entertainJames Burroughs and Irving City Finance & Insurance Co. ment. . -.'. /' • In the first debate, Paul White. I4O9 rarnam. AT 7607 or TV.» 5150 Ralph Nogg delivered a legal Green and Dave Richards will meet Morris Kirshenbaum and essay to the members of the group. Norman Gendler. ' The organization will hold a pool tournament, with prizes to Beta Tau Kappa the winners. All games will be OIL BUENERS played at the J. C. C. Three members, of Beta Tau The basketball team has played Kappa, Municipal university of two games thus far, winning one Omaha social fraternity, were 2613 Leavenworth AT 2360 and losing one. honored In the appointments to Four new officers were chosen. the Gateway, official student They are: Charles Stein, secre- newspaper, w h*i.c h were antary; Iz Katz and Richard Ho- nounced at the university this ~~— berman, sergeants-at-arms; Nor- w e e k . .'••'. Service Quality Joseph Greenstone, president man Gendler, reporter. of the fraternity, was named sports editor, MorriB Fisher was Sizes 5 to 8 Sizes 3§ to 3 re-appointed business manager and Macy Baum was chosen news The Nebraska's value supreme offerBy Mrs. David Newman. editor. ing of Children's Shoes is your, real Another member of the fraGinger Ale Cocktail. ternity, Sylvan J. Frankel, who money saving opportunity. % cup sugar. has played* leading roles in re2 cups water. cent productions of< the Center Shoes for dress or school wear. % cup lemon Juice. Players Guild, has been outstandStraps, oxfords and shoes, lit 1 cup grape fruit juice. ing In dramatics work at the AT-2815 2815 Farasm St. : black'or'brown elk. Also patent 1 cup pineapple juice. university. '-.••.'.' leather. Serviceable leather soles (v 4 cups ginger ale. and rubber heels. • Boll sugar and water for 5 minutes. Cool. Add fruit juices and chill thoroughly. Just before Every pair a good fitting last and the serving, add the ginger ale. patterns are smartly styled. See these New Dresses „ . . *m»rt 24 Hoar Salad. under your winter coat, Sow 2 eggs, beaten. unusual shoe values for the kiddies. and p e r f e c t when 4 tablespoons sugar. s p r i n t i actually Bft« 14 to 20 here! D r e s s e s with 2 cups white cherries, halved. X-Ray Fitting Service 38 to 50 floppy sleeves, lots ef 2 oranges,. cut in pieces. shirring, taffeta «nd 1 cup whipped cream. lingerie accents! Hslf Sizes 4 tablespoons vinegar. ttoet—;Mala Floor • • 2 tablespoons butter. W/2 Spring Prints 2 cups pineapple, diced. 24i/2 Print Combinations 2 cups marshm'allows, quartered. Navy Blue$ Put eggs in double boiler, add Peacock Blues vinegat v and sugar, beating until WOKSN COBSSCT APPAPJI. TOIL 2SE21 thick .and smooth. Remove from Black and White fire. Add butter. CooL Fold In whipped cream and fruit mixture. PIH MCfrjEY SHOP Top "with green and red cherries. SIXTH FLOOR Turn Into a mold and put In refrigerator for 24 hours. . ^

at Hadassah Affair

Dessert Bridge of Council February 11

Mrs. Cohn Heads Dance Committee





300 Nev, Fashions




Polish Rabbis to the co-operation of the new and Austria Spurring Jews Officiate in Palestine old members in the coining year's activities. to Deny Disabilities Warsaw.—Twenty-three Polish Rabbis received permits from A musical program was preRabbi H. B. Rabinowitz will set-led by Milton Mazie and Ra- speak this evening at Shaare Zion Praha, (JTA)—Austrian gov- British consular officials which ebael Ginsberg in a song duet, synagogue on the subject "Is ernment officials have renewed will enable chem to officiate in London (JTA).—Eddie Cantor pathos cannot last, and for cen- their pressure on non-Catholic Palestine. MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent and Libbie Olensky, Jennie Shin- Communal Work a Privilege or a dler and Gisela Pill, in a group Drudgery." Cantor Pliskin and took this city by storm on his re-turies the Jews have suffered. leaders In Austria, partieu^ly HimirairaminmiinniiimuiniiniiraiuniuimiininiiiiiiiumiHmuuiiuiiiHiinuiiiiiHniii cent visit here. With crowds They have been weak, oppressed, of string trio numbers. the choir will chant the service. greeting him from the moment harassed. They have had to dis- the Jews, to cable abroad im- Reprisals also were threatened mediately denying that the Jews The dinner was served by Tuesday evening, Rabbi Rabinstepped ashore and wherever semble or die, to smile when they of Austria have been harmed or against foreign newspapers permembers of the Senior Hadassah owitz attended the dinner given he went, Eddie, his wife and have felt rage, laugh, when their that they are sufferinf from any manently stationed in Vienna. and the Hebrew Mothers Club. in the Beth-el Synagogue in Oma- he three of his daughters saw what hearts have been breaking. acts of the regime headed by An Omaha delegation, expected ha honoring Rabbi Louis Finkel- they could MONSKY, GKODINSKY, MAKER ft of London through a "And for the same reason they Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg. to attend the banquet were un- stein. COHEN protective screen of burly police- are good musicians. They have The date for the annual Fed- able to be in Sioux City for the Attorneys, 137 Oronha Nat'l Bank Bid* Following revelations in EuroA large number of people men shielding him from his ad- found in music an outlet. In pean eration Banquet which was sche- occasion. NOTICE OF~Amn>'ISTR.VnO3? and American newspapers heard the book review given by mirers. duled for February 11, has been song or with the violin, they have regarding the anti-Semitic cam- In the County Court of Cousins County, Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz Monday Nebraska. . changed and will be held instead To representatives of the Lon- been able to pour out personal paign now being waged by tbe In the Hatter of the Estate or evening on "Forty Days of Musa on February 26. Mr. Jake Kalin Junior Poale Zion grief,, give expression to age-old don press, the famed comedian JOSEPH r . COHN, r»enease<5. LIFE LONG DREAM AND Austrian government and the eco- All persons interested in gaid estRte Dagh." The next review is whose latest picture is "Kid Mil- racial sorrows. general chairman of the ban— — — s HOPE TO BE BEALIZED is nomic discrimination against the are hereby notified that a petition lias quet The annual Federation filed in said Court, praying for The Junior Poale Zlon club scheduled for Monday evening, lions," expressed his views on a "It is not the hand that guidess Jews, officials denied the truth been probate o£ a certain instrument meeting will follow the banquet. met Sunday afternoon ., in the February 11. Rabbi Rabinowitz number of subjects. About Ger- the bow of our great violinists; of the stories and asked leading the now on file in said Court, purporting When the SS Aquitania sails be the last will and testament of Jewish Community Center with will review "Salvation," by Sho- many, he said: it is the heart. That is why so Jewish citizens to issue denials to said deceased, and that a hearing will from the Harbor of New York on Miss Dora Kurtz acting as chair- Iom Asch. / • • "Why should I send my films many Jews are great." be had on said petition before said for the benefit of the foreign Court March 4, It will carry among its on the 23r<l day of February^ man. Roll call was answered to Germany and make people press. 1935, and that if they fail to appea^ 'passengers, four Sioux Cityans, with Jewish current events, and said Court on the said 23rd day of laugh who make my people cry?" Members of the Austrian gov- i at Mrs. Joseph Aizenberg and her February, 1935, at. 9 o'clock A. M., to the balance of the program was Of Mussolini, with whom he ernment also threatened to take i contest the probate oX said -will, the three children—bound for their devoted to the celebrating of Court may allow- pod probate said will had an audience in Rome, he severe measures against all citi- I and future home in Palestine, to fulsrrant administration of eaid estate Chamisha Oser B'shvat. RosaFollowing a steady round, of said: "He is the policeman of zens guilty "of issuing state- j to •VVillam Grodliipliy or some other fill a lifelong hope and Ideal. belle Wigodsky spoke on, how the | suitable person, enter a degree of helrEurope." ments to foreign newspapers." ! ship, and When Joseph Aizenberg was a committee meetings in prepara- holiday is celebrated in Palesproceed to a settlement tion for the Regional A. Z. A. Asked why he can make so thereof. lad of ten, learning Hebrew at tine and a general discussion in BKTCE CRAWFORD, BY F. R. K. many people laugh—probably a.Yeshivah in Russia, he dream- tournament to' which the Sioux which the club participated, fol2-l-35-3t. County 3ud»e. •LOUIS E. XJPP City A. Z. A. chapter No. 12 will more than anybody else in hisAttorney, 504 City National • Bank Blclg. ed of one day going to Palestine KEED, KAMACCIOTTI & ROBINSON lowed. The decision was made and EPHRAIM I,. ItiAJiKS to live. Sixteen years later when act as hosts next week, February by the club to plant a tree in NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The Talmud Torah society will tory, one interview said—Cantor Attorneys, W)5-D]g .First Nat Bank Bid. 8, 9, and 10. Martin Kosberg, said: In the County Court of Douglas County, ne married Rose Merlin in RoPalestine in the name of the entertain at a Social gathering Jerusalem, (JTA)—The flow InNebrask*: "I guess its a superiority comNOTICE TO NON RESIDENT chester, New York, they prom- general chairman of the tourna- Junior Poale Zion. The meeting on Monday evening, February 4, the Matter of the Estate of WILof capital from abroad seeking LIAM DEFESDAST ment announced that plans are EOXE, Deceased. plex. You've got to make the ised each other that some day at 8 o'clock at the Chevra B'nai persons interested in said estate In the Municipal Court of the City of was closed with the singing of investment in Jerusalem exceeds areAllhereby fellow in the audience think Omaha. Douplap County, Nebraska. notified that a petition has they would make their home in now completed for the tourna- Palestinian songs. Yisroel synagogue at 618 Mynster been filed in said Court alleging that To JAMES CHIX, also known as you're a fool and he's smart. Sev- the demand, the chairman of the eaid the Holy,, Land. Three years ment which the chapter expects street, for all the fathers of the JAMES CHAN, non-resident defenddeceased died leaving: no last will board of directors of the Palesant: • praying for administration upon ago, at the early age of 37, Jos-to be one of the finest. children who attend the Talmud enty-five per cent of it lies in tine Mortgage Bank said at a and You are hereby notified that on Jan. his estate, and that a. hearing vriU lie Every committee chairman has eph Aizenberg died; but when Tora-h. A special and appropriate putting yourself in the place of press conference held at Tel had on said petition before said Court 10, 1935, United Loan Co., .Jnc, as the "3rd day of February, 13S5. and plaintiff filed Us petition in the abovethe SS Aquitania leaves the each detail' worked out. Al Brotherhood Meeting program will be presented. A re-somebody the man In the audi- Aviv, in announcing the conver- on that if they fail to appear at said Court named court. Docket V-7, Number 181!, ence knows. When he turns to shores of New York, Mrs. Aizen- Herzoff is assisting Martin Koson the said 23rd day o£ February. the object and prayer of •which are lo port of the activities of the Talto Be Held Monday mud Torah and Sunday School his wife and says 'isn't that like sion of 33,000 pounds worth of 1P35, at 9 o'clock A. JI. to contest said recover the sum of $:u.5S. with interest berg will be on her way toward berg as co-chairman. Earl Himpetition, the Court may grant the same and costE; that on January 10, 1935. seven per cent debentures of the owitz is handling the publicity' so-and-so!' then you've got him.-" and grant administration of said estate property and credits in tbe hands of making this lifelong dream a be given by the officers. Mr. to Lazar Kaplan] or some other suitable receiver. Union State Bank, Omaha. Reverend Oliver Keve, minis- will reality for herself and her chil- and invitations to the tournaTo the question why Jews bank. O. Hochman will show stereoptiperson and proceed to a settlement Nebraska •were attached End parnished The rate of interest has fallen, thereof. ment. Sam Sadoff is planning ter of the Grace Methodist cal slides relative to the history make such good comedians, Edin eaid action on the pround that you \ dren. %) are a iion-resklent of the State of NeBKTCE CEAWFORD. the banquet • to be held Sunday church, will be the guest speaker of the Jewish people. Refresh- die had this explanation to offer: he asserted, and the number of thst .=aid cause has been con2-l-35-3t. County Judge. braska; With her three children, Mor- evening, in addition to arranging at the dinner meeting of the persons desirous of buying the tinued until the 6th Oar of March, A. "The comedian who lacks shares of the bank has increased. ris, 14 years old, Nonna, aged for the skits. Sid Baumstinn Mount Sinai Temple • Brotherhood ments will be served. All fathers D., 1935. ai 9:00 o'clock A. M., a.t I.O17IS E. LJPP which time you are required to appear 11, and Josephine 2, Mrs. Aizen- and Milton Grueskin have ar- to be held next Monday evening are cordially invited to attend. and answer in said cause, or judgment During the year just ended Attorney, 504 City Nat'l Bank win be taken against you in accordberg left Sioux City last Sunday ranged for gymnasiums and the in the Martin Hotel. The proshares were sold to the amount The Sisterhood of the Talmud ance with the pralyer of the petition. night. Before sailing she will best officials for the basketball gram will follow a 6:30 dinner. is hereby Riven that all existUNITED IXMN CO.. INC., Plaintiff of 700,00 pounds, the total value ing-Xotice Torah will hold their regular debts of MEDICAL CREDIT By Ephraim Lt Marks. Its Attorney, visit with relatives in Chicago competition. of s h a r e s reached 850,000 BUREAU, INC., a Corporation, on the l-25-35-3t Reverend Keve will speak on monthly meeting next Wednesand New York, and spend two 30th. day of January. 1935, amounted pounds, and tbe capital of the Norman Satin is working with his recent trip to Palestine. A day afternoon, February 6, at to tlie sum of $3.779.00. weeks in Rochester, New York, MEDICAL CRBDIT BUREAU, INC., IKAUKMHKU, »1S1!H, BKBISK, bank is 200,000 pounds. ; t>.e hostesses on the dating and social hour will follow the din-2:30 o'clock. Mr. J. Z. Stadlan K1XTZNICK * KEIXKT visiting with Mr. Aizenberg's bro650 Omaha Natl. Bank Bids'. The bank is preserving a fixed By DANIEL LAXGFELD, : President. ther. When they reach Pales- tiouseparties, which will be given ner and program. Harry Hor- will conduct a class of Bible proportion of one to five between I' BT BEATRICE LANGFELD,Secretary. NOTICE OF AMF.NmiRNT IN ARtine, they will go to the colony by eight hostesses, selected from witz, president of the brother- study, and all members are TICXES OF INCORPORATION OF NEits own money and the value of I DANIEL LANGFELD hood, is in charge of the arrangeeach Jewish girls club in the urged to attend the meeting. The BRASKA CHAMBERS OPTICAL. CO. of Renana, where they will make I BEATRICE LANGFELD the shares which it issues. The ments. . Notice is hereby given that at a specity. Bible Study class is proving very Being a. Majority o£ the their home. The colony is locial meeting- of the stockholders of the Anglo-Palestine Bank h o l d s Board of Directors. 2-1-35-lt. Nebraska Twelve Relations and "Warm, Rudolph Schindler is in charge popular, and is open to the pubChambers Optical Oo., held cated'about 9 miles from Tel 51,000 of the 88,000 votes of at the officer of the Company In OmaPersonal Friends" Sign lic. Tea will be served. , Aviv. Many of the residents of of the preparations of the TourAmorian Club ha. Nebraska, on October 15, 1934, Artons E. UPP shareholders. ticle III o£ the Articles of Incorporation on Protest the colony are former Americans, nament Book which will contain Plans are nearing completion 504-510 City N'at'l Bank of eaid corporation -was amended so The capital situation in the Attorney, who have taken up permanent complete details of the tournaNOTIC5E OF INDEBTEDNESS that the same would read as follows, Mrs. Sam Cohen. 107 Stewart for the annual benefit bridge is hereby given that all existNew York, (JTA)—Relatives world market does not justify ingNotice residence there and are engaged ment. Herman Rubin is arrang- Avenue, was announced as < party to be given by Mrs. Sam debts of Grace Mayer Company, a to-wit: general -nature of the business the bank in raising the rate of ing the housing facilities. Abe Corporation, on the 1st day of January, to "The in agricultural work. Renana be transacted and thfc object and on Thursday evening, and "warm, personal friends" of winner of the modernistic table Gross 1935. amounted, to the sum o£ $15,-purpose for which this corporation Is has several schools and Morris Braverman and Morris Leubowitz lamp, raffled off Sunday after- February 14, in the ballroom at Carl Schurz, German-American interest, the chairman of the 894.67. organized and established, is -*t> conGRACE MATER COMPANY, and Norma win enroll immedi- are in charge of the transporta- noon at the Amorian meeting in the Chieftain hotel. Tickets are patriot of the nineteenth century, board declared, adding that those duct and operate optical and optomeBT ALFRED S. MATER, tricai stores, office or offices, departately upon : their arrival in the tion. Cars will be rented for the the Jewish Community Center. 'now on sale for fifty cents per have as yet received no reply who believe that Palestine is President. ment or departments in stores or officonvenience of the visiting chapET MRS. THEODORE MATER, ces from Wilbur K. Thomas, secre- blessed with a high rate of incolony. (owned end operated by other*? > 400 tickets were sold for, the raf- person. All proceeds from this tary terest forever are making a misters. Secretary. with one or more branches and in the of the Carl Schurz Memorial affair will go to the Talmud Joseph' Aizenberg will always fle, netting the club $40. ALFRED S. MATER conduct of same to hire, engafre, use. take. Perry Osnowitz and Marvin MBS. THEODORE MATER furnish and employ oculists and reguTorah fund. Prizes will be award- Foundation In Philadelphia, to be remembered by Sioux City At the meeting, Sam Sadoff, The bank has decided to con Being: a Majority of the larly registered optometrists who are to Jewry as a Hebrew scholar, ar- Klass have planned the debate^ chairman of the A. Z. A. tourna- ed at each table and refreshments their protest against the use ofvert not only the new shares ba Board of Directors. I-l-35-lt. examine eyes and prescribe, furnish and : Carl Schurz's name by the Foundand oratorical Tounds. They fit spectacles BVUI eyep!ass«s or. eyewill be served. Advance reservaj&nt Zionist, and idealist. The ment banquet asked for the asalso the old shares from seven Attorney, 504-510 City Nat'I Bank mag. glass requirements for the improvement ^memory of his work, in Sioux have secured competent; judges sistance of the Amorian Club in tions may be made by calling ation. or correction of visual defects or deThe protest, signed by twelve per cent to five per cent. The ficiencies by the use of merhandcal City in the Zionist" and education- and officials for.this phase of checking wraps during -the tour- Mrs. Gross at the Chieftain hotel, NOTICE OF IN»EBTE»NES$ value of the seven per cent shares means or correctional appliances, «.nd persons, including Oswald GarNotice 1ft hereby frfven that all ex- who are al fields will be an incentive to the tournament. Max Levin is nament. -'V; to render any andjor such _ - . - phone 93 2. is 333,000 pounds. isting debts of FRANK MARTIN, INC., in charge of the financing; Max other service or services as may be nerison Villard and Professor E. R. Sioux City Jews for many years a Corporation, on the Slst day of Janu- cessary Irving.. Widesky who returned ana incidental thereto: to buy, The previous high rate of inWord,has been received here A. Seligman, charges that the ary, 1935, amounted to the sum of $2,- sell, manufacture to come. The National Workers Zeligson is in charge of the dance to the club after an absence1 frames and grind 1S9.00. terest is opposed to economic to be held In the Bellevue Bali of the birth of a son to Mr. and lenses and prisms; to design, manufacFoundation "continues to aid Alliance of which he was a memFRANK MARTIX, INC., caused by a serious illness, was ture, assemble, buy and sell spectacles, sanity, the bank official contendBT DANIEL LANGFELD, Mrs. Abe Bear of Leavenworth, German universities and otherber has been, named after him, Room. eyeglasses lorsmettes, opera accorded a welcome by Max Zel- Kansas, on Monday, January 28, wise President. monocles, ed. In order to insure the success plaasies, field glasses, marine glasses, Every A. Z. A. chapter invited with the despotism BT BEATRICE LANGFELD. and'the Talmud Torah where he igson, advisor of the club. Mor- in Leavenworth. Mrs. Bear is the which deal tele&copes microscopes, photographic of this operation, the bank has Secretary. so far, has expressed its Intention has succeeded the Republic and other lenses, scientific instruments. was an instructor holds his memDANIBL LANGFELD ris Aizenberg -who left Sunday daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius of Weimar." made arrangements with the BEATRICE and apparatus made wholly or partly of being represented.In each form LANGFELD ory as an unfailing example of evening for New York from Katelman of Council Bluffs. from glass, together with all part's of bank of Benson and company of Being- a Majority of th* of competition-, in addition, to Other signers are Marie J. or accessories to any of the foregoing." true Hebrew scholarship. Beard of Directors. S-l-ST-lt. where he will sail for Palestine J. L. CHAMBERS. Monroe, Wilhelmine Schiffer, London, which will supply whatMrs. Aizenberg has dedicated bringing several visitors. Among %o make his home, exchanged Dr. and Mrs. Oscar Greenberg President. ever funds are needed for the reSASTCEr.. ZACHARIA, Attorney the chapters to be represented Nannie J. Lackner and AntoinGOLDIE CHAMBER* her life to; the fulfillment of farewells .with the club members. entertained the members of their "68 Brnndeis Theater E l d c demption of the old shares and are Lincoln, Nebraska; Des Secretary, ette Hyde, nieces, and Jean J. these idealSi by taking the courAnother victory has been ad- Evening club at their home on Anderson, grandniece of Carl will receive the rest of the series l-25-35-4t. NOTICE QT ADMINISTRATION ageous step of rebuilding, a "life Moines, Iowa; Omaha, Nebraska; ded to the Amorian basketball Sunday evening. the County Court of Doug-las County, of new shares (about 350,000) In Nebraska: Tri-cities and Milwaukee. Schurz; and Frederic Bancroft, and a home for herself and her In the matter of the estate of MART Mr. and Mrs. H. Fried enter- Worthington C. Ford and Harold which fail of sale in Palestine. Hostesses for the occasion are team when they won the game Deceased. children in'the land7of Israel." played Saturday evening with tained twenty-five guests at a G. Villard. The bank has decided to re- WINER, All persons interested in said estate Jean Shindler, Myna Slotsky, LibUpon leaving Sioux" City, Mrs. the team of the First Baptist are herehy notified that a petition has party last Wednesday Use of the patriot's name in duce the interest on mortgages been filed in said Court alleging that Aizenberg said "It is with mixed bie Dervin, Sarah Rocklin, Tillie church. The score was 23 to 14.suprise to an appreciable extent—by said deceased died^ leiax'in^ no last -will evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Shindler, Ruth Friedman, Fern feeling of joy and regret that we and praying for 'administration upon Coach Baumstein scrimmaged the Dave Bernstein of Omaha, the oc- connection with the Carl Schurz more than one per cent and pos- his Wolf son and Margaret Kozberg. estate, "and that a hearing- win be Verelnigung In Berlin, which aTe going to Palestine. It Is team Tuesday evening in the on said petition before said court being their fifteenth wed- "has been taken over by the Hit-sibly by two per cent. It is in- had on the 23rd day of February, 1835. and hard to leave our many friends A complete and detailed schedule Woodrow Wilson Gym, getting casion tended to xaake it possible for that if they ding anniversary. The affair was of the tournament will appear i n fail to appear at said Court ler state," is also attacked. here, and yet it is with great them Into shape for the game toon the said "3rd day of February, 193S, the owners of old mortgages to at the Bernstein, home at "Nothing could be more pro- benefit from the reduction, of in- at 9 o'clock A. M. to contest said petijoy that we anticipate reaching a forthcoming Issue of "The .Jew- morrow evening with the team of given 1507 North 52d street, and the tion, the Court may grant the same, ish Press. our new home in Renana." the Swedish Tabernacle. The honored guests were the recipi- tesque," the protest declares, terest, but the details are not and grant administration of said estate to Philip Greenberg- or some rniit"than the use of the name of v Amorian squad plans to go to ents of a number of lovely gifts. yet fixed. able person and proceed to a settlement Carl Schurz in any such connecOmaha Sunday to play the Ha-Mrs. Bernstein Is a sister to Mr. The speakers said it was neces- thereof. Workmen Circle Will BRTCE CRAWFORD, tion. He was a rebel against the bonim team. . ' - . - ' " County Judge. Fried. Bridge was the evening's despotism of the King of Bavaria sary ' to stress that la Palestine 2-1-35—3t Sponsor Concert Tuesday diversion, followed by a midnight and the King of Prussia, took up the proportion of obligations to BKN KAZTLOTTSKT & CESAIJ) E. supper. LA TIOLETTB, Attorneys his sword against them and capital is as five to six, while in Members of the Workmen Cir- Hadassah Linen Shower Word has been received here other countries it is as seventeen • PROBATE NOTICE escaped with his life only by a of the marriage of Miss Eva cle will sponsor a concert to be Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lincoln ento twenty-five. In the Matter of the Estate of ERNEST miracle. In America he was one HIM3IELMAX, Held Last Tuesday DvoTkin, daughter of Mr. and presented by three New York tertained the members of their As a consequence, the relative Notice is hereby Deceased. given that the -creaMrs. S. Dvorkin of this city, to Artists, next Tuesday evening, A great number of Sioux City Sunday Night Bridge club at of our greatest democrats, to the wealth of the bank has increased, tors of said deceased will meet the adend of his days unswervingly opministrator of said estate, before me. February 5. They are A. LutzRaymond Friedman.'- of Los AnCotmty Judge of "Douglas County, Neattended the Annual Lin- their home on Sunday night. posed to anything smacking of while tbe value of the shares and braska, geles, California. The wedding ky, Zelda Zlatkin and Maxine women at the County Room, in mortgages is less, which has id County, on the 9thCourt Mrs. Nathan Nogg returned despotism. . . en Shower sponsored by the day of March, took place Saturday evening, Brodine. caused the great difference behome Sunday following a three 3 935 and on the 9th day of May, 1935, Hadassah Chapter, Tues"A friend to many Jews, he 9 o'clock A. 3,1., each day, for th© January 12, in Los Angeles, with They will present a program Senior weeks' visit with relatives in never failed to denounce anti- tween the rate of interest on at day afternoon, In the Jewish purpose of presenting: their claims for Rabbi Edelstein of that city offi- of Yiddish songs, recitations, and Community Center. examination, adjustment and allowTulsa, Oklahoma City, and Kan- Semitism. A distinguished veter- shares and that of mortgages. ance. Three months ere allowed for ciating. draMatizations. Proceeds will the creditors to present tneir claims, Mrs. Celia R. Margolin of sas City. an of many battlefields, he abMr. Friedman is a former go toward the work" of the Work- Omaha, from the 9th <ia.y of February, 1J35. president of the Senior Donald Rosenfeld, student at horred from the depths of his BRTCE CRAWFORD. Sioux-Cityan, and Mrs. Friedman men Circle. l-18-35-3t. County Judge. il of Lwow Dissolved Hadassah Midwest Region spoke soul every manifestation of railithe University of Iowa at Iowa left Sioux City for Los Angeles The program Is scheduled for during the afternoon. She told tarism, every militaristic regiCity; has been appointed as asSIONS&Y, tiKOOlNSKV, MAKES & early in January. -PriSr to her 8:15 at the Jewish Community of the work of Hadassah in the CX)HEN Lwow (JTA).—The council ol departure for California, Bhe was Center and the tickets are on United States and Palestine. sistant fraternity editor on the mentation, every effort to uni- the Lwow Jewish community, an Attorneys, 7S" Omaha NBt'l Bank Bldg. the staff of the Hawkeye, the form and goose-step the youth of feted at a number of parties. sale for thirty-five cents each. BT PrBUCATION ON FKTIofficial body, was dissolved by NOTICE Guests brought linens which will student year book at the uni-the nation. . . FOB SE7TTXEMKNT OF FTNAX, Among her hostesses were Mrs. the government authorities and a TIONADMINISTRATION end the Centetf too be sent to Palestine, to be used ACCOUNT. versity. He is the son of Mr. and "Justice to this man, to his M. Levitan, Mrs. J. Abrahams, In the County Court of Douglas County, government commisar T,-as imin the hospitals there. A musMrs. Joseph Rosenfeld. life and his noble teachings, The 46 Story Nebraska. Miss Sadie Greenbaum and Miss ical' program was. presented by the Matter of the Estate of CATHmakes it impossible for us to mediately appointed to supervise In ERINE Edith Feinberg. Miss Miriam Saks, student at BOTNTON BELT, Deceased: Jennie Shindler and Libbie Olenwithhold the most vigorous and the Jewish community. All persons interested in said matter The bride was attended by sky. Tea and a social hour con- the Abraham Lincoln H i g h outspoken protest against the The commissar will be assisted are hereby notified that on the 22nd day of January, 18S5, Dennis O. Belt Miss Sylvia Friedman, maid of school, and Floyd Yudelson and cluded the afternoon. use of his name In connection by an advisory board consisting 'iled a petition in said,County Court, honor.'. Sam Friedman acted as Norman llosenthal, students at with praying that his final administration More than 250 people attendof 11 assimilationist Jews, rethe societies we have cited. filed herein be settled and albest man. She was gowned in ed the Installation Banquet of the Thomas Jefferson High We earnestly garded as pro-government, and account lowed, end that he be discharg-ed from ask that it be immi Qsrtc Streets •white satin. A dinner for 17 the B'nai Brith lodge Wednesday school, spent the past week-end mediately discontinued." his trust as executor and that a hearfive Zionist members. ing -will be had cm said petition before couples followed the ceremony. evening in the JewishTCommunin Fremont, Nebraska, where Court on the 23rd day of FebruThe council was dissolved on said fo efi the place* Among the guests at the wedding ity Center. Frank Margolin was ary, 1935, and that if you fall to apthey represented their schools at the ground that the terms of the pear before B&id Court on the said 23rfi you want to reach, ye! farDr. Theodore N. Lewis will were Mrs. M. E. Friedman and Installed as president; Lester Dathe Midland college debate tournday of February. 1935, at 9 o'clock A. members had expired. thest from street ooises, your M., and contest said petition, the Conrt children of Sioux City who arevidson, vice-president; Dr. Louis speak this evening at Mount ament. The Thomas Jefferson ma.y grant the prayer of said petition, Weizmann Disapproves of room ©n en upper floor ot visiting In Los Angeles. enter a. decree of helrshlp, end make J. Dimsdale, recording secretary; Sinai Temple on "The" Jew in High school team won second the Morrison is only e few euch other and further orders, allowSovietRussia." place in the debate finals, and Dr. Frank Epstein, corresponding Palestinian Immigrants nces and decrees, as to this Court Palestine Imports from seconds by elevator from th« The Sisterhood of Mount Sinalso received more awards than may seem proper, to the end that ell The Alpha Gamma Epsilon So- secretary, and Barney" Baron, Joe pertaining to said estate may center of downtown Chicago. Bulgaria Growing Larger matters ai Temple will meet this after- any other school participating. rority met Wednesday evening In Slate and Max Falk, trustees. Jerusalem (JTA/ —Dissatisfacbe finally settled and determines. BRTCE CRAWFORD. the home of Miss Sadie Burnett. tion with the types of Jewish imIn the absence of Barney Bar- noon in the Temple Annex, folThe Agudas Achim society County Juflg-p. Sofia (WNS).—The economic 2,1_J5-St, The program included a review on who was scheduled to act as lowing a one o'clock luncheon. migrants .- flocking into Palestine will, hold a regular meeting next importance of Palestine to Bulof the life and works of Ludwig master of xjoremonies, A. H. BarThursday evening, February 7, at was expressed here by Dr. Chaim garia is stressed by the BulgarLewisohn. OP, introduced the speakers. 8:30 o'clock at the Eagles hall. Weizmann, noted Zionist leader, in ian press, which points out that with Servicfor end Heads Honor Society A social hour followed the an interview in Doar Hayom, HeRabbi H. R. PabJnowitz gave Circulating Ice-Wafer Floyd YudelBon, student at ;he 9,000 Bulgarian Jews living meeting. the principal address of the eveat Central High School the Thomas Jefferson H i g h brew daily. ,;; Recognized! as Dr. Weizmann described the im- in Palestine imported $250,000 ning. He spoke en the work of Hbm* of &« PRACTICAL MOHEXJ • , Mrs. J. Jacobson, 810 Tenth tbe B'nai Brith lodge and its im- Bernard Marks, son of Mr. and school, has been appointed as migrants as "Oriental" and worth of Bulgarian goods last TERRACE GARDEN Phone 1059 street, departed Monday evening portance in Jewish life." Milton Mrs. Meyer A. Marks, 27 Black- managing editor of the Signal, "ghettoistic," and at the same year, although Bulgaria did not Bluffs, IR. for Chicago, where she will visit Bo'stein, retiring president, gave stone Avenue, was elected pres- the school paper. He is the son of time noted that they'"are west- Ifcuy.a dollar's worth of good* BOSTON OySTER HOUSE with relatives. While there she a resume of the past years work ident of the Central High School Mr. and Mrs. Morris Yudelson. erners in the sense that they are from Palestine. will attend.the engagement par- of the lodge" and stressed the Honor Society at their recent HICKS, Mmmlim Mmtat The Cultural Group of the fond of town life and easy profty of her nephew, Jack Alpert. success of the recent membership election. Among those who were Senior Hadassah met Monday at its." ; •.'' • •' •• . :•'-. ' '• . , : campaign, Joe Levin was In admitted to tbe Honor society at the home of Mrs. Leo Meyerson. "I regret extremely," he said, Miss Bettle. ' Feinberg enter- charge of the Initiation of twenty the close of- this semester were1 The Chevra B'nai Yisroel So- "the disproportionate -urbanization %0f^§§§^S^^BffSMWl tained twelve guests Saturday new members in the lodge. E. Libbie Olensky, Jack Merlin, ciety will hold a meeting next of Palestine at a time when Indusevening on the occasion of her N. Grueekin instiled the new Margaret Kosberg, Philip Silver- Wednesday evening, February 6, trialization is dependant on the de-birthday. A late supper con- officers. Frank Margolin, Incom- berg, Sadie Taxes, David Wigod- at the synagogue at 618 Myns- velopment ' of the Palestine marcluded the evening. ter street. ing president, spoke, asking for sky and Hazel Kantrovlch.

Shaare Zion

Sioux City News


Date for Federation Mrs.Mzenberg . Banquet Is Chan and CSoIdrento Go to Palestine

Plans Ready for A, Z.A. Tourney

Surfeit of Foreign Investprs Bringing Jerusalem Capital

Schurz Relatives Protesting Use of Name of Patriots

Install Margolin/As Head of B'nai B'rith

Mount Sinai


Rev. A. Diamond




S. Kaufman's and Moss Hart's satire, while Jo Mielziner is the creator of the settings, the best we have seen for a long time in any theater. . . A few streets south from where the Mielziner boys display their gifts electric lights blaze forth the name of Libby Holman; still regarded as America's most unique torchsinger. . . And a few blocks away Harry Richman, another Cincinnati product, packs 'em in nightly to listen to his rendition of popular songs. . . And then, of course, as we have often mentioned before, there are Mrs. Harry Moses, the producer, Pearl Besuner, Metropolitan Opera soprato, and a score of other glittering Broadway figures. . . These may not be representatives of culture in the Einsteihian sense, but they surely monopolize the headlines on the theatrical pages of the metropolis. . . #

By Bertram Jonas Louis Wiley, business manager of the New York Times, will be guest of honor at the 36th annual dinner of the Society of the Genesee in New York on February 4th, an occasion which coincides with the 50th anniversary of the beginning of Mr. WIeiy's career in American journalism. Mr. Jones - tells in this human narrative the story of the loyal and able lieutenant of Adolph S. Ochs, publisher of the Times.—The Editor.

Charles A. Dana and William M. he came from Rochester to New Laffan. The next year, still seek- York City, with the idea of keeping the star to which finally to ing warm the friendships of those hitch the Wiley wagon, found who came from upstate New York him seeking out Adolph S. Ochs. and of keeping alive their 'I sought and fought to'join interest'in their neighbors of the the New York Times in 1896," Genesee Valley. He served one Louis Wiley recalled many years term as president. Throughout later, "and I hitched my wagon the years, the Society, grown to a star. Time and the Times great, has honored many. Always have proved that thi3 star is the he has refused the honor him- WASHINGTON SNAPSHOTS mightiest in the journalistic heav- self, an innate modesty and the Bernard S. Deutsch, all smiles, dictates of his profession making greeting as long-lost brothers ens." On the occasion of Rochester's him prefer anonymity. newspaper boys who so cruelly This year, however, his pro- attacked him a short time ago. public dinner for Mr. Wiley, Mr. : Journalism is the most anony- Ochs described his first meeting tests overridden, the Society hon. . . Judge Julian W. Mack, dozmous of the professions. When with him In these words: ors him at its thirty-sixth annual ing off during the most "impresfame visits its votaries, it is more "Shortly after I had rescued dinner. Louis Wiley, a dynamo speeches, but always waklikely to place laurels on the brow the Times, when a derelict about that rarely pauses, may find it sive" ing up to applaud . . . of some humble reporter than on a to sink with a gallant crew of hard to sit still long enough to Stephen inS.time Wise, looking much business manager.. The men who able seamen, a sprightly young hear all. the praises and tributes thinner and laughing less fre•; work ceaselessly through days and man, still In his twenties, called fashioned for him on the occa- quently, but still the dominating nights mixing the straw and" mor- on me and sought a position with sion. He will feel that there is figure wherever he happens to tar from which are made the the organization. He h a d work to be done that he should be. . . Alfred M. Cohen, rosy• bricks that build great newspapers had some newspaper experience, be up and doing. Tomorrow is an- cheeked, exuding good health and ; are the most unhonored and un- notably at Rochester, and had other day. It may hold another belying with every step and gessung of a calling that sings the come to New York City to seek miracle. And you can wager that ture his seventy-five years. . . . praises of many less deserving. In a larger field for the develop- Louis Wiley won't be caught Shalom Asch, the author, impecthat profession, Louis Wiley has ment of his ambition. He had napping. He'll be there, with a cably dressed in his tuxedo, lookgained a lasting fame. made a survey of the newspaper quip and a smile and the counsel ing the perfect English-Jwish Possessed of tireless energy and situation, and was so impressed born of wisdom and experience. diplomat until he began speaking by Seven Arts Feature in his broad Polish-Yiddish. . ." . an engaging personality, the years with what he thought were my (Copyright, 1D35. Syndicate.) Louis Lipsky, pale, carelessly have merely enlarged and Increas- prospects with the New York dressed, yet still the most comed Louis Wiley's activities.) For Times that he declined more lumanding platform speaker of the twenty-eight years business man- crative offers and presented himconference. . . . Morris Rothenager of the New York Times, he self to me for employment in any berg, waistline increasing, with has participated in the realization position so long as he might bemore self-assurance and poise of one of the miracles of modern- come attached to the business and less theatrical gesturing than times. It has not dulled his capa- organization. ever before. . . . Jacob- Fishman, from city for life or living. He contin"I was of necessity moving Morning Journal editor, unas•. ues to regard each new day with cautiously in adding to the staff, suming, a little Ironic smile curious and hopeful wonder. because of the expense, and was around his lips, passing comLouis Wiley's circle of acquain- not very receptive to his overments that stamp him the By PHINEAS J. BIBON tances is large and embraces tures., But the talent that he has Jewish Will Rogers. . . Maurice since developed to a pre-eminent many fields — politics, diplomacy, Samuel, Meyer W. Weisgal, Joe journalism, literature, business, degree • asserted itself and, a s usBrainin, looking very middleual, what he went after he sefinance, the stage, the screen. QUOTATION MABKS aged but still as. if unWherever he goes, his keen sense cured. He accepted a. modest po"We regard the Invitation ex- der the illusionbehaving that they repreof news is always with him. He sition and a modest salary. It was tended to Rabbi A. H. Silver to sent flaming youth. . . Mrs. Irma has never lost his early instinct as one of the best trades I ever address the National Conference Lindheim, without a reporter, the. field which first made. for Palestine at Washington as a pretense togray-haired, elegance, a most knew his talented touch. From "In that important and ever- direct affront and insult not only change from %he former every affair or interview fie comes growing field of honest advertis- to the Cleveland Zionist group amazing society lady to the present Chaaway with tips on news stories ing, he stands conspicuous; and but also to the dignity and self- lutzah. . . . Israel Matz, Ex-Lax and other valuable information. in the contest for newspaper cir- respect of the Zionist organiza- king, whose face looks exceedingLouis Wiley came into this culation, the ever-increasing fig- tion of America and its govern- ly like that of Lord Reading. . . Rabbi Silver's Judge William M. Lewis of Philaworld at Hornell, N. Y.,. on May ures of the New York Times — ing council. views, publicly expressed in print gained without premiums, prizes 31,1869, the son of Benjamin and who tells us that the otherwise, even during, recent delphia, Ernestine Brickner Wiley. His fa- or guessing matches — are the and Jews flock to the Mayflower hoadmiration of the newspaper months, regarding Palestinian tel because they missed the boat ther was a merchant of Hornell world.? Jewry, Jewish education, Jewish after which it was named. . . . •"'-"•'?•.' " and Mount Sterling. It was 1884, intellectuallsm and Jewish naTen years after he associated Montor, publicity genius, while on his way to school one tionalism are an' insult to Zionist Henry himself with Mr. Ochs and the attending, with an imperturbable day, that he dropped into the ofIntelligence and an open violaYork Times, Louis Wiley face, to the legion of newspaper fice of The Democrat, a weekly of New was business manager. To this tion of Zionist principles and correspondents from all over the Mount Sterling. He was immedi- task ethics. . . We feel very keenly has devoted himself country, and giving each one, the ately engaged to gather news withouthestint. He has distinguish- that Rabbi Silver's public appear- feeling that he's getting a special "items." himself, to use Mr. Ochs* char- ance at the conference at Wash- scoop. Shortly afterward, the family ed acterization, as one of the most ji-"ton in the face of all the foreremoved to Fort Wayne, Ind., and "loyal and able lieutenants" of ' s-.ng would completely demoralLouis Wiley continued his career the man whose genius prac-- ize Zionist life and leadership in ABOUT PEOPLE in journalism by engaging as a re- tical the constructive made Those of you who enjoy the Cleveland and in this entire newspaper porter for the Fort Wayne Pour- devoted to "all the news that's state" . . . It was as a result of acting of Mitzl Green,, nownal and the Gazette. The elder Wi- fit to print" and who, in 1896, this letter, signed by all the of- grown-up flicker child prodigy, ley died in 1886, the family re- opened the era of modern jour- ficers of the Cleveland district of must give a vote of thanks to moved to Rochester, N. Y. There It was his sympathetic the Zionist organization of Amer- Jack Lait, veteran newspaperman at the age of seventeen, Louis Wi- nalism. understanding of Mr. Ochs' fun- ica, that President Morris Roth- . . . At least, he claims that it ley went to work as a reporter for damental idea, that the main bus- e'nberg was compelled to with- was he who introduced her dadthe Union and Advertiser. " iness of a newspaper is to publish draw the Invitation extended to to-be to her ma-to-be. . . . LilHe was not long with the Union the news, completely, without Rabbi Silver to be one of the lian Hellman, author of Broadand Advertiser. Louis Wiley had fear or ' bias, accurately, prompt- speakers at the famous Palestine way's finest play. "The Chilbeen impressed with the import- ly and reliably, that made Louis conference. . . One Palestine Day dren's Hour," has gone back to ance of character and quality in Wiley so effective a lieutenant. Rabbi Silver addressed a Jewish Hollywood, to work for the newspapers. Soon, feeling that the Few business managers have so meeting in Cleveland, at which he movies again. . . . But her salary, experience would be valuable and keen a realization of the fact labeled the Cleveland Zionist dis- last year $35 a week, has been the opportunities . greater, he that on a newspaper all else, how- trict leaders as "cheap racke- multiplied nearly thirty-fold. . . . went over to the Post-Express. ever important, is still subordin- teers" . . . So, Iadie3 and gentle- Herman Shumlin, producer of Those were days when newspaper ate to' the main job of getting men, the fight is on, with the ad- the play, dreams of a permanent editors were receiving salaries of and publishing the news. vantage thus far definitely on the acting company for New York. . . about $16 a week, but Louis. Wiside of the Zionist district. . . Litvinova, wife of the Soviet ForConcentration of his energies . ley's" $6 a -week, even in those eign Minister, is heading a moveon business and advertising has days, was no munificent sunk-'As a CINCINNATI ITEMS ment to teach Basic English to not caused Louis Wiley to lose reporter he worked hard, covering As far as we are concerned the Red Army, and to prove the any of his acute sense for news. police court or reporting a baseCincinnati is the fountain-head of potentialities of that proposed inball game or serving as dramatic He is the author of several not- Jewish Broadway. . . More artists ternational tongue uses it in the critic. Soon he was earning $10 a able newspaper stories. On his of picturesque qualities and col- writing of' articles both intelligiweek, and before many more travels abroad he- has sent back orful personality have sprung ble and intelligent. . . . New to the Times interviews with such from the Queen City than from years, ?18. .-.-•_'.. ' . leaders as former President Por- any other place we can readily York's congressman Sol Bloom, Louis Wiley had been In Ro- tes Gil of Mexico, Premier Musso- think of. . . This was brought we learn, is an accomplished chester a year and was only eigh- lini of Italy, former King Alfon- home to use once more the other prestidigitator and Iike3 to enteen when he launched his week- so of Spain and the late King evening when we marveled at the tertain official "Washington with ly, the Tidings, an eight-vage pub- Alexander of Yugoslavia. He was achievements of the two Mielzin- parlor magic . . Back from Paris lication devoted to Jewish affairs the first to obtain an interview er boys, whose grandfather Dr. for A visit to the U. S. is Jo of that section of the state. It with Alexander when that mon- Mose3 Mielziner, long served on Davidson, the sculptor, whose was an immediate success, and he arch took over the dictatorship of the faculty of the Hebrew Union once-black beard is now streaked carried it on from 1887 until his country, the interview setting college and for some years was with white, which adds to its 1893. In that year, becoming forth to the world for the first its president. . . They're the impressiveness. . . Another receat Business Manager of the Post Ex- time the principles and policies whole show of New York's most arrival to these shores is Eric intended to fol- successful play, "Merrily We Boll Goldberg, noted German Jewish press, he was forced to relin- that Alexander low. •.•;•.• • ;• .-. '" •. '..••/ Along" . . . Leo Mielziner, jr., painter, who w?K spend ths next quish any other work., . Louis Wiley's professional In- who now calls himself Kenneth couple of years in Montreal, with Even as a hard-working youth, pressed for time, he was able to terests have naturally prompted McKenna, is the star -of George ah occasional look-in in New devote himself to the* civic acti- activity and leadership in -newsvities about him. He was One of paper and publishing groups. He the organizers of the Rochester has received numerous foreign Press Club in 1888, and presided decorations and honorary univerat the first dinner with such un- sity degrees. Of all the groups and associausual tact that one newspaper editor found himself genially pre- tions to which he has given his senting an enemy for the talk of the one closest to him, doubtless the evening. It was in Rochester the Society of the Genesee. This *^» \ v \ x* -% r-, — that Louis Wiley began a career he founded in-1898, shortly after ->- V •* of public speaking that has deV ^ • i • • lighted and amused many with 1 his quick wit and his ready humor. In 1929, on the occasion "of his sixtieth birthday, the Rochester Press Club sponsored a public dinner honoring him. It No. 1—53.10 Zero D-sbrought tributes from leading ti'latc 7c G.il. No, 2—32.36 Zero Gm men and women throughout the Oil L_..6f£cGal. world. No. 3—28^0 Zero Fad Two years , as Business manftil . fl?4c Gal. ager of the Post Express, and the ambitious Louis Wiley, was / - _ , „•>'-' ready for bigger fields- Where but New York? The year 1895 found him In the metropolis •working on the Sun under

TID-BITS Everywhere


1, 1935

York. . . Did you ever hear a girl singing bass? . . . If you want to have this very interesting experience—and her voice is a fine one, we wouli have you know— tune in on ML;s Alice Stewart some time. . - tfht has been very popular with southern, stat'.oa".. and is making her metropolitan debut over WOK with .Bid • Dudley on February 1. . . No, she's not Jewish, but since she began her vo<al career as soloist in a Virginia,'church we're telling you about her by way of reniin.iinu: you of the coming of natioml BroU erhooa Day. . .


1 Junior Hadassah to Plan ! Refugees to Re~sci.t!c | George Washington Parly I Colony Now Abandon." .e


Writes Book New York.—Dr. Israel Herbert Levinthal, rabbi of the Brooklyn Jewish. Center, has written a new book, entitled "Judaism—An Analysis and an Interpretation," which will be published by Funk and Wagnalls.

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The Omaha chapter of the • J e r u s a l e m , ( J T A — T h e cn'i.i.' Junior Hadassah will hold an im- ' o f T e l H n i in G;-!;!ee. esl.^h!isb:<;. portant meeting next Thursday b;- t h e P I C A . vriU lie iVFPiUr.-l !/• evening, February 7, at S o'clock, I G e r m a n J e w i s h y o u t h . T h e buiU'promptly, at the J. C. C. i ings h a v e not. beon u s e d siii.'r Plans will be made for a J . P I P . Avhen J n s p p h Triniuioicn:"George Washington Birthday v-ntl h\f- I'oinracios ('Jen (ieUMH.ii;^ Party" to be given, on Saturday Tel Hni r??:;unsi P e t l o u n i P . evening, February 2 3. All memTUe IF.ncl liicfuivhilr 1 \\UK Iif.-ir. bers are urged to attend. cultivated by {lip neifl-iboriiii.

This evening Rabbi David A. Wice will speak on Huey Locg at Temple Israel, Saturday morning, services will start at 10:30. The College club will meet Sunday afternoon at 4:30. The study class will meet Tuesday colony of Kt'ar (lildi, v.ineh v.i-.: evening at 8 o'clock. a s s i s t tl'.c new c o i n e r s , expe.'. ^:. The Bible class will meet Tuesh e r e s h o r t l y . T h r v i l l a g o wiii li.day at 1 o'clock at the home of j Ernest Wintroub Is New u u d o r u i e r a r e of t h r Burefiu /•>•• SPORT NOTES Mrs. B. T. Friedman, 769 No. of Gornipr. ,T< vw The New York university bas- 5Sth street. President of Ronoh Club Set.tlemeiH. w h i c h h a s sipneil a t w e n t y - ; - v v ketball team, composed excluThe Ronoh club held a meet- 1 y e a r l e a s e wiili i!ie PICA im<! ••• sively of young Jewish, gentleVaad ing Sunday, January 2 7 s.t the spnding- f l l . o c n for l.uiiUlin.c •-•.'• men, celebrated its twenty-Iiftli Rabbi TJri Miller's sermon home of Ernest Wintroub raid consecutive victory the other day. and is being hailed as the great- topic for this evening will be elected the following officers for est basketball outfit of all time. "What's Wrong with Jewish the coming year: Ernest Win- Junior Vaad Auxiliary . . . Which reminds us ttat Rabbi Education?" Rabbi Miller chose troub, president; Ervin Sherman, f to Meet Next Tiicsi-k.Ferdinand Issermann of St. his topic as being especially vice-president; Edward Colin, Louis was a crackerjack basket- timely during this week, when the treasurer; Jerome Marcus, secreA rccular inoeiirF of •l | .' ball player in his college days. Talmud Torah is celebrating its tary; James Lipsey, correspond- J u n i o r A'and A u x i l i n r y win. hr ing secretary. . . . Evidence is accumulating that thirtieth anniversary. h e l d T u e s d a y tvoniuE:. I^eiirr.:,-. : Cantor Schw&czkin and the Wintroub was a member of the • 5, the German Olympic Committee Ii'nai Israel ^yiiasoi.r;-, duo that won the Midland debate i F u ratth et rh e ]>!;u;s doesn't take its promise to Mr. choir will chant the services. for i]n- y.n\,-, \.<t Next Friday everting, February tournament last week. Brundage very seriously. . . Ger : S a m u e l l e c T u r e x.vi!I b e d i s c u s ^ f . ; . man Jewish athletes are ruthless- 8, the third anniversary service i A n i n t e r e s t i n g projvrruii l i a s '><r-:r ly eliminated from all Olympic of the Vaad will be held. Repre• a.rranged. tryouts. . . There "ain't going to sentatives of every Vaad group be" an all-Jewish heavyweight will participate in the after-serv- Regular Re-Irh Meeting; The J u n i o r Vaad will ho]i"- •title bout, Art Lasky having de- ice progTam. The cantor and his Will Be Held Tuesday r e g u l a r mt'en'r.g Tuesdny. !"•"!• cided that he can pick up more choir will sing special numbers. ruary fl. i\i the P.'ur.i Is:-:;-; money fighting Germans or Irish- The Ladies Auxiliary will be A regular meeting of the Resynagogue. All members ••••-: men rather than Max Baer. . . . hostesses at a reception after the Im club -was held at the J. C. C. u r g e d to a'terul. services. Everyone is cordially inRita Golden is going to be the Tuesday, January 2 9. big noise in the big swimming vited to attend. Bill Kaiman was elected chair- Arabs Launch Journal competitions this summer. . . Her man of the executive board. Jerusalem.—The Arab l;>n:-breast-stroke style reminds one A very entertaining program omic J o u r n a l , a now period';-:•• i . Betii-EI of the very best. . . Mrs. William In honor of the thirtieth an- followed the meeting and refresh- in Arabic devoted to ihr- ec.-nRandolph Hearst has signed up niversary celebration of the Tal- ments were served. omic d e v e l o p m e n t of l:Xypt. IV. ••• Maxie Baer to defend his title for A vsry' important meeting of estine, Traiis.iordan, fc^yrio. '• •"mud Torah, Rabbi David A. Goldher free milk fund for bahies. . . the club will be held next TuesJudge Emil Fnchs of Boston is steiu will speak tonight on "Is day, February 5 at the J. C. C. b a n o u . Iracj. Saudi and Vemr-ii a Talmud Torah Education Inand oilier p a r t s of ilic Aral; peifighting to retain control of the All members are urged to at- insula, is being- published hero. Boston National League baseball dispensable to Jewish Character tend. club, and those who kuow him Building?" Nest veek, Rabbi Goldstein's j Patronize the Jewish Press .••;• do not doubt that he will succeed sermon •will discuss two articles Solow Gift of Dormitory i vertisers. . . . Elizabeth Bergner's only sport is skating and taking her j which have appeared in current lor Hebrew University two dogs for a walk every morn- periodicals. One, the Harpers and ing. . . Dog-walking is also a the second "We Jews" by George DIAMOND New York, (YVXS)—A sturegular morning rite of Treasury Sokolsky in the January Amerident's dormitory and social _hall Sec. Henry Morgentb.au. . . Just can. similar to the Harvard Union plain walking is one of the favorwill soon be a realitr for the ite occupations of Bernard M. Hebrew university at Jerusalem Junior Baruch, who enjoys the reputa* '2 Karat ' The Junior Congregation of .the because of the $15,0 00 gift of tion of being one of Manhattan's champion walkers. . . A kosher Vaad will hold regular Saturday Samuel Solow, it has been anBSee-White \ nounced by Dr. A. S. W. Rosenrestaurant on Thirty-first street morning services at 10:SO. bach, president of the American Mr. and Mrs. David Ravitz will has a Chinese chef and is the $50.00 j favorite eating-place of Jack be hosts to the congregation in j Friends of the Hebrew university. i Mr. Solow, a former New Yorker Dempsey whenever he comes to honor of the birth of their son. Beautiful j now living at Tel Aviv, has by New York. . . Raymond Rubinow, his gift raised the construction PLAT. DIAMOND f who got an important job on the fund for such a students' hoste] Engagement labor advisory board at Washing- Einstein Accepts Post over one to a sum sufficient to make posKarat ton, is the son of Dr. I. M. Rubion Maimonides Group sible definite plans for its erecnow of B'Nai Brith fame. . . $195.00 tion. New York, <JTA)—Professor (Copyright, 1935, by &even Arts Feature Syndicate.) Albert Einstein has accepted the No man is such a conqueror j honorary chairmanship o£ the as the man who has defeated j j committee sponsoring the nation- himself. ' Century Chapter A. Z. A. wide observance of the eight j hundredth armiversary of the to Enter District Tourney birth of Rabbi Moses Maimonides. At a regular meeting of A. Z. This announcement was made by A. No. 100 held last Sunday at Henry S. Hecdricks, chairman of the J. C. C. the delegates to the the committee, following a meetSioux City convention were an- ing of Its administrative group. vH nounced. The basket ball team will have Mandel Simon, Harvey Jacobow, Aieph Zadik Aleph No. 1 Jack Bronsteln, Harry For, NorPre-Toumament Smoker man Bordy, Al Monovitz, Dick Hurwitz, Joe Guss, manager of pre-tournament smoker -will the team and Max Turner, coach. be Agiven the mother chapter of Those on the debate team are A. Z. A. lay Sunday, February. S, at George Shafer and Jacob Weis- the J. C. C. Elaborate plans have man. The representative for the been made to honor participants oratorical contest has not yet in the regional tournament -srhich definitely been chosen. is to tie held in Sioux City, lo-sva, February 8, 9 and 10. The program Trill include Ann 1100 in One Week Nieman, radio blues singer, and Warsaw.—More than 1,100 Gary Gross, "who •will be featured Polish- Jews left for Palestine in a radio act. A. Z. A. songs •will last week setting an all-time re- be sung. Refreshments will be cord for Immigration figures. served. Thousands of others are besiegAdvisors and alumna! of the ing the Palestine offices begging organization "will attend. for certificates which will enable them to emigrate from Poland.

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. ICING FOR^CROWN OF GOVERNMENT--The.flylnglcamera looks down on the capitol in Washington if r ) . and sees "the crown of government'topped with winter's picturesque icings' -JJAR3INGER OF SPRING—FIcrerce R>zc. fhr pisyer, displays hat popular t? southern resorts, vl ith ^:*c-£bij" ''nil be seen -north] m the bpr:n~. - Shaped like s sugar Josf, ;i is of braided silk, t?ppedj ; with curled feal!ie"s, . •-

SISKS GALLOWS BY; SECOND TRIAL—Major Charles'A. Shepard, retired,army medical officer, charged with.first degree murder in connection with the poison death of his second wife, risks the galloWB-.by, gaining a'second trial. $ He had been convicted and lentenced to life imprisonment by a-federal grand jury in Kansas Btjr,'Kas£:four yeWago, but was granted a new trial by the United A RARL SlGliT—u.;s now of ice being harvested at West States Etfpreme. court.fg Photo above, taken at scene of new trial, bury, Mis ro»r rpston, ss a rare sight these times.f More GUARD LOUISIANA CAPITOL^-National guardsmen encamp on the grounds of the Louisiana cap^ " "" sHows.Major Shepard, left,'-'and.C^.LuKagey>jchietllo.ooo .tors have, been cut from Charles

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