Dedicated to the Ideals of
Entered ao Second Class Na.ll Matter on January 21. 1»21. at Poatofflcc of Omaha, Nebraska, trader the Act of March 3, 1879
VOL. X.—NO. 52,
Outstanding Federation i SAMUEL LECTURE Meeting Planned for PROGRAM BEGINS February 25
An outstanding annual meeting for the Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation Noted Traveler and Lecturer to of Is being planned for Monday eveSays Not Enough FalcsflSpeak Here Over ning, February 25. ni&ns IK Agrieoliisre Week-Ead David Goldman, chairman In charge of arrangements, is being Jerusalem (JTA) — Only -"•A week from Saturday night, assisted by Milton Abrahams, February 16, Maurice Samuel will teen per cent of the entire ,T*iv<Mrs. Jeannette Arnstein, Robert deliver the first of a series of three i'ish population in Palestine in *>'•Kooper, William Milder, Mrs. L.lectures on "Present Day Jewish j gaped In agriculture, Dr, .A--vl;i.Neveleff, and Harry Trustin. Ruppln. member of the "f?niso>'-'"* Life and Problems." His appearFinal details for the program ance here is being sponsored of the Jewish Ag:em*> for P a l a The finals of the Round Table will be worked out at a meeting jointly by the Junior Vaad auxiltine, told newspapermen «x * debate tournament will be held of the committee this coming iary, and the Junior Society of the press conference. on Tuesday evening, February week. Beth-El synagogue. It is expected "We must fuiEinenf: flite ?'•*"•*' Philip M. Klutznick, a veter- but have, instead, multiplied.' 12, at 8 p. m. at the Jewish Comthat the B'nai Israel synagogue centage," Dr. Kuppin rieeiR'/Wi an campaigner, has been, chos_ Jjast Year., ' - • munity Center."will be crowded to capacity for "and during the coming yesr S'f'f the lectures. •;«•$,:to head the 1985 Jewish The workers last year fell a The four teams now remaining I Jewish families will be placer! r>r| the land in the Watii Isavs^'I.-J.. Philanthropies drive by the ex- trifle short of the $40,500 goal, in the contest are Fanny Witkin Miss Dora Freshman, president Bernice Perimeter, repre|More than 5,000 young" pion^".'* of the Junior Vaad auxiliary, and ecutive committee of the Jew-but they did establish an all-time and senting Alpha Gamma Chi; Joe ] have finished their training 'n. Miss Ida Tennenbaura, president ish. Commimity Center and record, for the Omaha . Jewish Solomonow and Max Resnick, j agriculture and are walling1 io • >"• of the Junior society, announce communitywhen they obtained Welfare Federation'. representing Phi Beta Epsilon; 'placed on the lend." that the program of lectures will Though, the sixth annual Phi- 2,913 pledges. Included in these Morton Adler and Ben Shrler, be as follows: Saturday, February Leib Jp.ife End Eliezer K'p.Ttlf.r lanthropies campaign -will not for- figures were 746 new contrib- representing Pi Lambda Phi; and 16, at 8 p. m., "Fascism and Comtlso spoke ct the* pvefe COJI^V-utors. Ernest Priesman and Lou Rick- 1,500 Peasants Begin to Adhere munism—their Meaning for a mally get under way for several j ence. to Jewish Laws An army of almost four hun- lin, representing A. Z. A. No. 1. Jew," with Irvin Stalmaster, months, probably In May, Klutzj Mr. Kaplan reporter! an imThese finals will be the climax presiding; Sunday afternoon, Febnick "was appointed now so that dred workers thoroughly canprovement in the financial pif'-i^ WARSAW (JTA).—A peculiar ruary 17, at 3 p. m., "Changing the" campaign machinery could-be vassed the Jewish community, and of a highly successful debate j of the Jewish. Agencr. pffiHiu effectively organized without any they were met with an enthusi- tournament for the Round Table pro-Jewish religious movement Standards of Life, within and ] that the loan recently prfsn'-f.".* of Jewish Youth. Sixteen teams among the peasants of Polesia, without the Jewish Field," with last-minute rush. j the Jewish Apency in Iiondors "!• «=.•-' astic response. All work was originally entered the tourna- the Polish district adjoining the E p h r a i m Marks, presiding; I "opened P. new Inrern.Rtionfil r e The variouB division heads who volunteered. Soviet border, is puzzling gov- Sunday evening, February 17, at spective." will serve with Chairman Klntz- No radical departures from the ment. ernment officials. The Irvin Stalmaster trophy S p. m., "Palestine, Mirror of the nlck are being selected by. him, He "voiced the belie? tlsaf t>, w-'Under the leadership of a Pol- World," with Ben Kazlowsky, with the approval of the execu- technique' of the campaigns of the will "be awarded to the winning oncl. loan could he raifwl furfb«r past are contemplated by Chair- team at that time. The judges ish, peasant woman, Olga Kri- presiding. tive committee. | to finance HIP work of the • ' « ' • man Klutznick, because of the for the evening's debate are Ir- litchuck, more than 1,500 peasTickets may be obtained from | i'r.h Agency. Experienced. success enjoyed by the Philanthro- vin Stalmaster, Philip Klutznick ants of the district have begun the members of the -two societies | ?»Tr. .Taffe, director oC ihe .?>v'Jewish Philanthropies drives are pies heretofore^ and Ben Kazlowsky. to observe the Jewish Sabbath, or by calling Miss May Tucker, j ish FoundPtion Fund, pSp.ted ;?">*.. not new to Klutinick, he having The public is invited to at- adhere strictly to the Jewish di- at the J. C. C. 'without the work of pion?>?'"a. Fifth Anniversary. been active in the campaigns since etary laws and their preachers PHILIP M. KLETZXICK tend. I ai-f the first combined drive was held The campaign next spring will predict a speedy end to Jewish I aided by Jewish national mark the fifth" anniversary of -kto 1930. In addition to serving tribulations. through the arrival Philip M. Klutznick was * named by t h e . executive * corsiaittee | the development of i n pels. 5mposstMe as a leading worker in each cam- Philanthropies drives as now conof the Messiah. The "new Jew" of the Jewish Conmuiaty Center and Welfare Federation tc be ! would would never TKpaign, he has acted as chairman stituted ;fn the local Jewish comalso observe other Jewish religthe general chairman cf the 1935 Omaha Jewish Philanthropies j, been cour.try an asylum tor hundreds of the general solicitations divi- munity, wherein one combined ious regulations. Several of their caxspaign, which will be held in the spring. jI thousands of .T&ws. sion as well as other "executive" campaign Is made for funds for members recently visited a War| "Jewish national capital." posts. In the first Philanthropies •thirty local, national and intersaw synagogue to see In. what fMiv Jntfee, "i«s .paved ih«> Special Services this Evening and .f ashipn_, J§Hi*. o.b.serye_tJ|.C-^|)l^ 1 ^ J m L. ,HoIzmaii' will... be campaign, he was chairman of the national Jewish agencies. vhers Do ! for private snUiatire, Tlie F "•Prior; to-then,- the-memiTars •©£ • —Climer Meeting Sunday "to youth' 'division. - • ./ bath. : - - . . . " • ' oae'oFthree^Nebfsskaas wiio will | dation Pond hae be awarded "silver beavers" at the community were harrassed by Marli Celebration. Government officials express . Active in numerous communal -$196,000, |ed ?S,000.P00 in Palestine, bn? complete bewilderment at the the silver anniversary meeting of activities, Klutznick Is & past pres- separate campaigns by each of the ! from now on our principal wort, the Covered Wagon council of agencies. The ^marked ImproveThe third anniversary celebraBusiness, readiness of these peasants to ident of the Omaha lodge of B'nai Iwlll be in agriculture." Brith and the local Zionist district, ment of a single combined drive tion of the Vaad will be observed identify themelves with an un- the Boy Scouts at Columbus, New York (WNS)—The reIs chairman of the for all the agencies met with I n - tonight a t services at the. B'nai popular and persecuted minority; Nebr., today. ^ Israel synagogue. Rabbi Ur,I Mil- While this peasant group is More than two hundred Omatai! kosher butchers in the mittee of the Supreme Advisory stantaneous approval. ler will deliver the anniversary hans will go by special train to United." States do an annual Council of the A. Z. A., and is a unique, movements toward JudaThen, the after a survey report . "la Warsaw, in Vienna, in Ber"business of ~?1S6,000,000. it is member of the "executive commit- by the Bureau of Social Research sermon, his- theme being "How ism on the part of the Russian the Columbus meeting. Mr. Holzman has been active lis, and ia other capitals of Eu- revealed in a surrey published tee of the Zionist Organization of of New York, the entire Jewish much Judaism Is possible In Amer- peasant population were fairly Retail Kosher Meat America and the American Jewish community was co-ordinated and ica?" Cantor A. Schwaczkin and common in Czarist Russia. Just in Boy Scout work for 11 years rope the JeTnsh people are sub- by the jected to severe persecutions— Code1 Authority of the NKA in Congress. unified; The Philanthropies, until the B'nal Israel choir will chant before the World War, the Sab-as council member, executive primarily racial, not religions. ] anticipation of the first na- i NEW YORK (JTA}.—-Despite .special selections. batarian movement by peasants board member and court of honIn assuming the chairmanship then a separate organization, was An Interesting after service pro- who In Russia, they are treated lite J tional kosher butchers* con- ] the present apparent prosperity ors committee member. He has insisted on observing Saturof the forthcoming drive, Klntz- made a subsidiary of the Jewish gram will follow. On the program day instead of Sunday as a day been commodore of the Sea everyone - else," -. Scott^ Nearing, | vention on March S and 4.' I in Palestine, the entire Jewi«l«. nlcir stressed two points—the Community Center and Welfare will be I. Goldstein, representing of rest grew to such proportions Scouts for a number of years noted economist, declared TuesThe survey shews that there i work there may -'ace a terriMr need for paying the old pledges Federation, under, whose direction the Vaad, Mrs. M. Burstein, the that the Russian authorities be- and donated the land on. which day evening from the rostrum of are. 9,S SO "kosher butchers in I catastrophe If the Mandatory • in full, and the dire plight of it is today.. the Sea Scout base is built. Ladies Vaad Auxiliary, Sidney came alarmed. the Jewish Coraraticity Center, the Tnited States, RE. increase | Power does not open Transjo;*. the beneficiaries of the camKatleman, the Men's club; Miss •where he gave a Community For.of 2,830 since 1P2E. In that i dan for Jewish, settlement, i£ K paign. Dora Freshman, the Junior Vaad um lecture on "Europe -in 1S3 5." year they did an annual busi- j continues Its policy of restrict bit: Auxiliary; Sidney Epstein, the ""Russia," he said, "is the one ness of $140,000,000. • Help Now. More i Jewish immigration, end it II Young Men's Vaad; Robert Gerecountry in the world today where "The success of the next, camthan half, or'5,2.56 of these ' hampers the export oC Pales'*.ii'*: lick, the Habonim, and Eleanor there is no racial discrimination "tosher shops are In New York i products. paign," he 'declared, "depends to Cohn the Kadimah. Chairman for as regards the Jews "or anyone j state. Only'five states—-Neva- i This warning wag sounded fc'--' & large measure upon the manthe evening will be Henry Magelse. . • . • I da, .Montana, North and South | Vladimir Jahotinsky, world Ziot-ner In which the pledges of the zamin. 'Dakota End -' Idaho—oo not j ist Revisionist leader, addressing last campaign are honored. Every "In terms of church and re-j After the program the Ladles have any kosher butchers. I an enthusiastic audience of 4,000 donor who has not paid his pledge ligion—the church organizations! BERLIN (JTA).—An agreej persons at Mecca Temple. The states with the largest lax until the percentage of Jewin full should make a determined ment between the Joint Distribu- Auxiliary will serve. The hostesses quartet of veteran workers are very drastic reg- | Mesdames D. Denenberg, in Athe ish children receiving a Talmud ulations and. restrictions. Sub- numbers of . kosher butcher I The address, in. -which J«.bneffort to clean up the balance tion Committee and: the Zionist Include interests of the local TalBrown, L. Mendleson, A. Katz, Torah education is considerably ject to these restrictions, the peo- shops ' are Pennsylvania, 78 0; i tinsfcy explained Kevisionism s-p now. The local, national and "in- Organization of America, to carry S. S. Katleman, A. Schwaczkin, I. mud Torah—Dr.. Philip Sher, raised. j an attempt at a "New Deal IK ternational Jewish agencies which otit jointly V the present year's Morganstern, and N..H. Greenberg. Sam Ravitz, N. S. Yaffe, and Mrs. ple are allowed to go to church." 'New Jersey, 575; Massachus• Zionism." marked hie first pubUr. e t t s , 575;-•Illinois, 550: Ohio, Wolf Toastmaster benefit from the. campaign depend drive for funds under the TJnited He added, ho-wever, that the SoThH Sunday evening the third K. Tatle—were publicly honored StRt*w Harry A. Wolf was toastmaster viet campaign has been success- '340;' California, 250; Connec- | appearance in the X'fiUed upon our payments, and we are in Jewish Appeal, has been reached annual dinner meeting of the Vaad and presented with testimonials flatter an int.erva.1 of.1 nine years, ticut, 240, and chairman of the evening. He ful and that few in Russia today grave -need of the funds with by these two institutions, it was will take place. -A musical program of appreciation for their faithful __? j He left Moncley afternoon on *. was introduced by Mas M. Bar- are religiously inclined. . which to meet our obligations. disclosed • here by Dr. George featuring Cantor A. Schwaczkin service during the past three ish, j nationwide speaking ton.r to ex-> president of the Talmud In his address proper bearing "Also," he continued, "in pre- Landauer, secretary of the Jew- and Al Finkle will be given. I. decades, at the thirtieth anni- Torah. | plain Revision ism . to Americas, stressed the value cf "planned paring for the drive next spring, ish Agency's office for the setT: Morganstern will be toastmaster. versary banquet of the Hebrew j Jewry in all parts of the country. Mr. Wolf gave a general sur! Emphasizing' that the Revisionwe must bear in .mini that a tlement of German Jews in Pal- Reports of all affiliated groups, school Sunday at the J. C C A vey of Talmud Torah activities economy" as practiced in the Soestine who reached Berlin on his I 1st demand for reoopnissfng rale». greater effort than ever before way to Palestine from America. election of officers and installa- capacity attendance heard the during the past thirty years. He viet. He intimated that the rest tion, and the annual message of four unstintingly praised lor also appealed to the audience to of the •world Tronld capitulate to | t5ne as *, Jewish State Is must be exerted by our comDr. Landauer also disclosed the the Russian idea of "socialized, | but a minimum cleinancl munity, since the Jewish needs fact that the allocations commit- the Rabbi will be features of the their unselfish efforts. support the Talmud Torali Book planned, scientific production." f 1 j tinsky gave a two-hour tvll-around everywhere have- not decreased tee of the United Jewish Appeal gvening. Rabbi Saul Silber, of Chicago, of Life. II. Marcus Is chairman of the president The lecturer, Trio just re,2 % i analysis or the present political of the Hebrew Theoin America has fixed the sum of program committee, and Mr. L. Mossky Slakes Presentations turned from another of his many and economic situation there, antl 5 $250,000 for settling German Epstein Is chairman of the nomi- logical college, gave the main adHenry Monsky made the pres- trips to Europe, was high, in his ! I made .it clear tliet the cviestlon, dress, in Yiddish. He pointed out Jews In Palestine. . entation to the four specially praise of the advance being made nation committee. Members wishMoscow (JTA) — Tfee Soviet j ot .Jewish colonization Is actu&Uy " T h e purpose of my visit to ing to make reservations are asked the difference between informa- honored, giving each a gold in Russia.- He divided- Europe governicent ;has . opened cegotSa-! a question of internal and foreigR tive education and formative edumedal on which was inscribed a into three parts: 'Democratic America," D"r. /Landauer stated, to call Mrs. A. Schwaczkin AT "was to negotiate with the allo- 5534, or Mrs. I. Morganstern, JA cation. "The Talmud Torah," he testimonial to faithful service capitalist", countries as •exempli- tions with Poland t? permit Jews marketing:. "The Ebf:<orptn-e csppcity of •oia that country to cross the The Temple Israel Sisterhood cations committee of the United 4746. Mrs. A. Schwaczkin Is in said, "belongs to the formative rendered. Monsky lauded the exland depends OTS the atnour.t r>T fied _fcy Prance • and England; j ^ i r and settle In the R n s s 5 a f r o n t e orges each of its members to set Jewish Appeal with regard to the charge-of the dinner, assisted by type, not giving the child science cellent work of all four. "fascist t i the settlers are eb3e tt'fascist capitalist" countries . as j j"^J V reeion off BI v i si lhl antonomona BIaside Wednesday evening, Febru- participation in the work of set- Mesdames S. Weisman, J. Hahn, or technique, but sentiment, feelEach of the four made a brief exemplified* by Germany • and jrn_T5,!,^s.T1.. • sell at home and abroad." ing and comprehension of and for ary. 13, which has been desig- tling German Jews in Palestine. D. Epstein, H. Marcus, LJbby Kapresponse, stressing that everyand the socialist state ol Plans-were laid out for clevel-i explained. nated "Sisterhood Evening." Mrs. Secondly, to conclude an agree- lan, D. Crounse, L. Epstein,' L. Judaism and its mission and thing they had ^ clone was not for Italy; Russia. The Revisionist leafier opicg the work of building roads j Sam Josephson, chairman of the ment with regard to a new drive, Turkel, Dave Silverman and A. ideals." the sake of glorj but because of t Witt entertainment committee, has an- and thirdly, to report to the Ad- Katz. He stressed that the Hebrew love for and devotion to the Tal- The figures he quoted shoved in • the Blro-BidJEn territory and i f _ l g tO p."!." w * of i sufficient the first two classifications to be ! fQj the • establishment nounced this to be a social eve- ministrative Committee of Vthe language is "the soul of the Jewmud Torah Meal. Each also All the orthodox synagogues of market econ- h a r g e citv- OE ; the-banks of the] tion to tlie ning for the Sisterhood and its Jewish Agency on the progress Omaha and South Omaha belong ish people" and must ba taught pledged his future services to suffering from "stagnant 1 with placing acuities in thfomy." He stated that "Eussiaa iBIra -River. * * • I friends. Instead of the one large and the results of the settlement to the Vaad. With a membership to the .children, as it leads to the Talmud Torah work. wey of €-"po-! r&lestiae goods. production was advancing steaflw i t h " Biro-BIdjsn officially| affair which has formerly been work in Palestine." scriptures and the whole Hebraic close to 1,000 the yaad has been ily and very rapidly. • jpro cla:nied last month as an P,U- i He pointed out: that "the growth. Bean of Celebration given each year, small groups Dr. Landauer's present visit to carrying on Intensive activity In literature. He also criticized of imports into Palestine is fc. will gather together on this eve- Berlin is in connection with a cultural and religious affairs. N. American Jewry at large for ne- • In his.'response, Dr. Philip Declaring that the . United, i'tonomous Jewish region sneer a |j «aad race while exports tetnRtn Sher, dean of the celebration, States is In a much better tech] practically all-Jewish adiKinistraning at the various members' number of technical details relat- Levinson Is head of 4he Vaad; glecting to give the Jewish chili Etationsry." This, he said, to1 homes." The Sisterhood feels this ing to the settlement of German Mrs. L. Neveleff Is president of dren a proper Jewish education; said. In part: "The reward of a .sed j tion, Interest in this territory getiter with the other obstructive to be a novel form of entertain- Jews in different parts of Pales- the Ladies Vaad Auxiliary; Miss and appealed that this evil be good deed is the divine pleasure we now larger ^proportions j p 0 l I c i e g o £ t f e e M a u d a t ( > P y •which you experience when you seriously tmaertoois: to p; ment, at the same time creating tine. our Dora Freshman and Sidney Ep- cared. S " may lead to* a eata*» an even greater sociality among "German Jewish immigrants stein are presidents of the Junior Philip M. Kltitsnick gave the performed the deed. . . . I dedi- ecoEoxaic life, Tre'-would be able a n d n the. Ukraine. Kar,y yonng j teTnmen , r o p h e f o r the mtiTe fuits members. are adapting themselves very Vaad Auxiliary and the Young main address In English. -Term- cate myself to do welfare work, to .fill the .plan .within one or especially members of the | ture. "Many hare already arranged easily to the new environment in Men's Vaad, respectively; Ephraim ing, the* celebration Sunday as. a especially for the; Talmud Torah, two per cent. , . . t!.t:nist- party, Ere maldEgj "Kever since 1917 h&a the to be hostesses and have invited Palestine," Dr. Landauer de- Marks is president of the Men's link between the past and the: because -this is*':tlie,-"'daly thing the fact that west-} preparations to -leave for Eire *| Jewish people been a group to. their home on this clared. "The distribution of Ger- club; Celia Llpsman heads the present, he pointed out the many' which Trill preserve Judaism. If eraHe^fiepiored Europe is going backward to & danger, as . apw, date. There will be a small man immigrants in Palestine as Kadimah, a group of high school thorns. on the path of the past,: our Talmud Torahs-would be de- hand industry and hand agricul- Bidjan in future. The visit -which the Nazi min- \ declared. "If the present era of charge of 50 cents for each guest. between the land and the .town girls, and Paul Green the Habo- an arduous .path which the foar stroyed, In less tSjaa. one hundred tare, resulting in a lowered peering.- paid to Poland I prosperity ends; tea crash, we ister Be a hostess, but If you cannot Is more favorable thaa with any nim, a group of high school boys. honored individuals had-to trav- years ' Judaism and the Jewish standard cf living, aroused great interest among the I shall pay very lisavily not only race* would be a thing of the.past. Invite friends to your home, find other group of immigrants. Of erse in maintaining', effective TalFred S. "White, chairman of the j Jewish population in White Rus-11in economic losses but also P<Jare our life- Community someone who ia entertaining a the twenty thousand who came The Hague—Eight Jews have mud Torah standards. -Although' Tije Talmud "Torahs Forum, introduced : group and participate in the fun into Palestine during the past been honored by Queen Wilhel-. the present -.Talmud Torah pros- savers, . and every ':3evr "who "wants the chairiaah .of the evening,1 Su- sia and In the Ukraine, in view j.IitieaHy, The Mandatory St of .-the- fact that the Soviet press jj be warned about it, of the evening," the "Sisterhood year, eight thousand have set- mina, according to the list of an- pects are brighter, he empha- to lire: and- preserve .Judaism gese Blazer, Blazer introduced interpreted the ...visit . a s .& clear {must be aware of the fact that Evening" announcement says. ' tled in villages and colonies." nual honors. sized, :Jewry mast; sot rest or re• (Continued - on Page S.) Nearing". indication-'of .-& .-possible war • {we-shall blame her for -it,'*
Finals of Round Table Tourney Tuesday Evening
• u , '"f-T niinrrriiM rr*ri> iii"nil*"-ii' i
Boy Scouts to Honor Holzman
IJAPOnilTlES P/dJ>:il)iECB
'Sisterhood Evening to Be onWednesday
Mosley Used Setup "Torchbearers" to Be Gven t y Guild ..' Hitler F©n»
Louis Weifcberg, 9 3 , Passed Away Sunday
Lcmis Welnberg, £3, resident London, < JTA)—Sir Oswald Moving forward with sevenof the GM People's home, died Advance ticket sales and the Mosley borrowed another page league boot strides, the J. C. C. Sunday at e local hospital. unusual enthusiasm shown in the from Adolf Hitler last week, EEVarsity basketball team again Mr. Weinberg ha* been a resientered the win column by easily play, point the-way to a highly oouscicg that lie- would form • & dent of Omaha, for more than 50 defeating Sioux City, last Sunday successful performance of the Black Shirt corps on the lines of By the Service Life" Insraranea "Torchbearers" on Tuesday eve- the German chencelfor'B Scfestz years. He is survived by three on the Center court, 41 to 17. csEg-feters, Mrs. Clarence BergCompany, Omaha With Mlllard Sigal, who has ning, February 19, at 8:30 at the Staffel aefi a eeparet© political man, of Omaha; Mrs. Jay Mulbeen so aptly termed the "Crooncorps. Jewish Community Ceater audihauser, &Ed Mrs. C. Stoddard, Life insurance gives mogt peo- torium by the Ceater Players' ing Athlete" by Omaha newsTbe Mosley Black SMrts will of LOB Angeles; &n& a son, Harry, paper scribes, leading the way ple' exactly what they need—a Guild. wear tsEiforms s.nd badges scfi of Miami, Florida. with a total of 16 points, the systematic form of thrift which is By Heniy W. Levy. The play, briefly, concerns itself according to the British Fascist Funeral services were held self-imposed and gently compulsOmaha' aggregation found things Jews who must continue to -live terms. He says of himself: most their owh way during the ory; If it had no other benefits with a young husband who un- chieftain, will preserve "the MoEfisy &t 1 o'clock from the . STEFAN ZWEIG'S ©REAM except its thrift angle alone, it expectedly returns, home frojn a pure, immutable, fine flame of Old. People's home. Burial was "I can only write positive entire struggle. ., Stating that anything he might in the country. business trip to find his vrife the original movement." at. the Belli HamefiroBh Hagodel The gentle, scholarly man who things; I can't attack. All my say. against the present German It wasn't all Sigal, however. would still be worth while. The starred in an amateur theatrical The politics! branch will cre- cemetery. moment a man can think of his artistic strength come from posiregime would be interpreted aa would reside: in an ivory tower— Everyone of Lee Grossman's caghaving been said against Ger- as far as the world of politics tive things, I cannot write from ers performed in expert fashion, life insurance as being an Ideal, production. What happens when ate electoral machinery with the many itself, Stefan Zweig, exiled Is concerned—said: "I would hate; neither can I write with- being especially effective on de- helpful and systematic thrift plan, he sees her perform for the first j assistance of propaganda by the Patronise Our Advertisers. he is ready to think of more in- time and the' scenes backstage ] Black Shirts. German-Jewish author, declined never speak against Germany. I out perspective.". fense. The Sioux City cagers had 1 surance as being nothing more the night of the play, forms the would never speak against any That undoubtedly is the inner to comment on Germany, Nazism; plenty of difficulty -getting a or Hitler a t a press conference. country. .Emake no distinctions. explanation of Dr. Zwelg's silence shot at the hoop, let alone mak- than saving more money—saving background for one ot the most .1 &•&»£ on present day affairs in Ger- ing the ball drop through. Iz it under'a plan which will remind hilarious and enterairtiag coxaeHe did, however, following his dies on the American stage today. EHTS PALESTINE many. He says if such failure is Bogdonoff and Jimmy Burroughs him of the deposits as they become Seneral press-interview, reveal to The cast Includes Martha'Hia sign of weakness, he is afraid were particularly Impressive in due, and which will keep in touch this reporter, that he i s . keenly NATIONALISM Nevertheless Dr. Zweig has his he must accept such stigma. with him through all the years nielstein, Mrs. David -Brodkey, this defensive display. conscious of t h e Nazi persecution Sylvan Frankel, Donald, Brodkey, of Jewa and that his; two week fsars about Palestine, fears that All was not so rosy with the ahead. Irene Hirsca, Jack Texnin, AdeJe visit to this country was in be- he expressed In the statement CITIZEN OP THE "WORLD The story of many saving sysJ. C. C. Varsity teams, however, But to get back to Dr. Zweig's that he is very much afraid that Wilinsky, Al Oruch, Ernest Nogg, i a l f of an international Jewish tems is the story of enthusiastic "Palestine is displaying a tend- positive philosophy despite its for the Girls' team lost its first beginnings ' and quick endings. Reva Lipssnan, Harold . Tuchxaan literary project., game of the season to the Rusency to become a dangerous na- apparent defeatism. He explains sell Sports In a thrilling en- The story of life insurance thrift and Lea Obennan. Zweig Internation- tionalist moveinent." it quite succinctly. Mfss Helen Merritt Is director. is a wonderful story of perseveral Literary Review which /will "I don't think the Inner liberty counter, 34 to 28. Questioned, after this stateMrs. Sain Theodore is chairman I ance which carries on until the Staging an uphill battle most publish ^the works ot contempor- ment about his early literary as- of a man can be destroyed. In the of the dramatic committee of the ary Jewish ^.writers, scientists and sociation' with Dr. Herzl and last analysis nothing can be sup- of the way, the J. C. C. girls goal has been reached. women's division, sponsor ot the e Terfsii? Order to other creative artists. Without other pioneer Zionists', Dr. Zweig pressed, No book in a .thousand came •within one basket of knot- • "You are not going to stop sav- play. Tickets may' be obtained your reiotiyes tmi friends in ^polemics'-—-and Dr. Zweig was jsald that he "had never been a years has really been banned ting the count when they trailed ing money, are you? Think ol life from any of those inentfosed Ac Smitt Union end enable very emphatic on thiB ppintrjit *eal..ZionIst. I hate all kinds of Book sales can be banned, play by 28 to 30 with less than a min- Jnsurance as a plan which will above. them t© buy ot the Torgsin would be a roundup ot Jewijsh Rationalism. I: wouldn't want the royalties halted;- but a creative ute to play. Here two shots by help you save money, because..." the J. C. C. forwards, Brookstein month by month cultural achieve- rjews-to ;become nationalists." Srorts focefed in eveiy lorjtr artist's works live on." and Wallace, rolled heart-breakment. It, undoubtedly. Is his; an- '.'•-He,^however, expressed a syra* city of f Sic U. S. S. R. Certainly Stefan Zweig, the swer to the Nazi . charge. ;of pathy: tor' the Zionist movement artist, is a citizen of the world ingly off the hoop. After the secTfesst stores ceny ebont "Aryan" superiority. • .' ';• y-,i:•:-'• i-r.£d^pointed; out that he devoutly by his own definition. His works ond shot had failed, the ball was SSJS3Q ilihrvnt domestic ond hustled down the other end of Subtle in that it would. incJiuae hoped^ihat d^ih iitho h h l d would have been translated from their the homeland Issported articles ©f high qualfloor, and Nolan, star Rusno defense of Jews other t h a n t h e \becolbe'u nationalist move- original German Into twenty-two Mrs, Bessie Osheroff. 60, died sfj'; clpfhifif, shoes, underwear; high value of its content} the ; pjib-' ment : becanse all nationalist languages, including the Chinese, sell shot-maker, counted with In Los Angeles," Tuesday mornffonr two quick baskets as the contest r s«sor, 4mi end conned London (WNS-Palcor Agency) lication would be a reflection jof movements were dangerous. Yiddish, Catalan and the ever closed. ing. She was a former Oiaalsaa. vffiggfebies, coffee end other Dr. Julius Becker, at one time P r . Zwelg's creative ; -•'- He=afdn't:always seem to catch present Scandinavian. Fifty four Services will be held here, Suneditor of the Berlin Zeltung-aiafmi stuffs; household goods, A special demonstration of -which holds that t i e the meaning of the questions di- years old, Zweig, who has forty day, February 10, from the Chetsbacces, e t c •place Is with his boo.ksi^not jin rected at nim in English. Wheth- published works to his credit, has Just why Cornie Collin Is about Mittag and of other newspapers sed Sfeel. Ernes. Burial will be the hurly burly of -the /larger, e r .thls^-^as because he didn't now practically completed a bi- the best basketball player in issued by the TJllstein firm, has in Golden Hill cemetery. Te places where there are arena of world politics- and'lead- -want "to" answer all t h e questions ography of Mary. Stuart, which these parts was given as a special been appointed representative to us Terfsk Stores, the merchMrs. Osaeroff is survived by ership. -'.:.-•.-_ . j '••: ^^theTmanner they were put to he calls a companion piece to attraction to Sunday's games, the League of Nations at Geneva four sons, William of Los Aneniha h meiltzd. promptfr bj of the Jewish Agency for Pales: A s : yet, the review is only; W hiia is hard t o say. I n his an "Mariei Antoinette." A novel Is when Collin playing with the percel post. geles, Harry of Omaha, Irving snappy Storz Brewing Co. cagers tine. dream, the vision of a man. who1swers, though, h e spoke in what next on the schedule. and Nathan of Chicago; two Dr. Becker, regarded as one of •would light t h e materialism of may be described as a good Eng"I have had enough 01 blo& chalked up 17 points as his club Prices eoixfcre favorably defeated the Wardrobes of the the best-informed journalists and daughters, Mrs. Harold CJrlin dictatorships on a plane so high lish in that particular German raphy," he said. and Mrs. Stella Greeaberg of Chin with those in America they wou!4 't • quite understand accent that is characterized by But Mr. Huebsch of Viking, re- J. C. C. Class A league, 34 to political writers in Europe, Is at cago; three brothers, Nathan and it. B u t Dr. Zweig, while editing use of the phrase " z e " for "the." membering the sales figures on 24. Coliln was in all his glory the present time in Shanghai, Louis Orloff of Chicago, Joseph h ell stores of the a contemporary review, would be Zweig biographies, smiled a as he pranced about before the where he has been for the past Orloff of Russia; two sisters, editing It for t h e future. I t is HIS PHILOSOPHY Torasir. dis'm k mtfkknt, np-teknowing "no." Not ii he can help large crowd, making baskets in two years. He succeeds Dr. Vic-Mrs. Mary Lifscfauts of Los Anspectacular fashion with either tor Jacobson, the Zionist Ambasclear, from, his views, that he beAllowing him to talk for him. 7 hand, and at the same time miss- sador at Geneva, who died sev- geles, &nd Mrs. Joseph Tachaa&a lieves that each a project wosld self, Dr. Zwelg's philosophic (Copyright, 1915, Jewish Telegraphic ing plenty of "easy shots when he eral months ago, &cd whose inti- of Omaha; and five grs.sidcsillive while t h e published day- to feelings can best be described a s :: Asency, Inc.) was using both hands. Iz Novak, mate friend he w&s. Before the dren in Chicago. day polemics and argumentive follows: Mrs. Osheroff vras a member playing with the Wardrobes, was War, Dr. Becker was the editor discourses of the current German "Intellectuals . shouldn't asGOLDEN GLOVES not far behind the former Creigh- of the Judische Rundschau, or- here of the Bikur Choliin, Chesed and world scene change and lose sume leadership in world affairs tpn star In" the matter of flashi- gan of the German Zionist Or- Shel Ernes, Daughters of Zios, their values almost before they because t h e responsibility is too ness, when he made six baskets ganization. During the War he and Golden Hill Society. achieve, print. great and no intellectual has executed various missions in Turever,. In the history of the world, With the date of the-Golden and handled the oval in profes" I t is three years since I W v e been- properly equipped for the slonal fashion. It was a great key designed to safeguard the been in Germany," said Dr. needs of popular leadership. The Gloves tournament, February 11 lives of Jewa la Palestine and show. and 12, rapidly, approaching, the Zweig t o our question. intellectual can only give advice.. Jewish Community Center's two other Turkish territories. "But you followed'events, you He should remain close to h i s Whipping their energies to the A German Jew of fifty, he Is entries, .Joey, yDujoLe^Kap.lan, and Have spoken with people^ who books, that is bis sphere of utmost, Lee Grossman's J. C. C; one of the veterans of the Zionhave come out ef Germany/* we greatest influence. That was t h e George Trupp, are tapering off Men's Varsity cagers, settled ist movement. For many years he their long period of drilling with pressed. secret of Rousseau's influence oa lighter workouts. down to their- most • intensive was the representative in Gene"But people visiting Germany the French." '•; In the best of shape, both" these drills of the year, as the return va of the Ullstein Publishing for a fortnight • or: so," the au- The reaon Dr. Zweig T)elieve8 dandy little fighting men are pre- game in Omaha -with Des Moiaes, House, Germany's biggest lira, thor protested "can't know what that t h e Intellectual, should stay pared to "shoot the works" when Sunday, February 17, draws near. which was -dissolved by the Hitis really going on. Sow can they out of politics is that success in the tourney rolls around...".J. C. C. Anxious for revenge after los- ler regime because of the Jewish judge the state of mind of the -that field is possible only through boxing enthusiasts' are asked to ng to their Iowa opponents in ownership. Germans? How do they know parties and the true intellectual lend their support to these two the first encounter two weeks Given one of the most importwhat new alliance will develop la never a good party'man. battlers when they, take the ring ago i s Des Monies by a 27-25 ant positions in the Zionist more* the neit day to alter the entire count, the Omaha boys are going ment, Dr. Becker will maintain "Justice," he says, "is not pos- for.their fights. situation? sible if you Join a party. Joining Lee Grossman will serve as one about their duties with set jaws relations on behalf of the Jewish "I have/' he said, "been In a party you must overlook all t h e of "the judges. and determination in their eyes. Agency for Palestine with the America only a fortnight and aft- Injustices of the party and you There is nothing the locals would Mandates Commission of the er that brief visit* I couldn't say must sacrifice personal freedom, like better than to send the League and the International Lawhether the people are. satisfied too great a sacrifice for the a r t Iowans back home with a defeat bor Office. tacked onto their record. with President Roosevelt. iste . •;• "," - ', ' ••• :. ... •• 1 "As i for' Germany, prophecies "To be Intellectual," he conKhaldi Relents are impossible. Every prophecy tinues, "is to be too just, to unJerusalem—Dr. Hussein Khalalready uttefed has' been dis- derstand the opponent and thus dl rv Arab mayor of Jerusalem, is Jr. Boys Swimming proved. Every single one has been weaken your own convictions of Reval, Estonia (JTA) — The now ready to share municipal Estonian " government was thank•wrong. I will make no prophecy." your own righteousness. work with Daniel Auster, Jewish Al Oruch reports that his Jun-vice-mayor, as soon as the PalesThe Jew in him spoke when ha "The writer must stand aloof. ed last week by Jewish represensaid that to berate Germany He may fight in a spiritual sense tatives for the just treatment ac- ior Boys' swimming team IB com-tine government makes provision , would only be to further make but the great writers and artists corded Jews in the country and ng along; great for,Its forthcom- for such division of work. difficult t h e life of the 600,000 have never been good politicians, for giving them the opportunity ng dual meet with Lincoln JunPreviously Dr. KhaWi not only they have always been diverted of' organizing autonomously to ior swimmers, February 23, in had refused to allow Mr. Auster to share in municipal duties, but by some abstract judgement— participate in the constructive the.Center pool. The J. C. C. swimming Instruc- even had refused to, assign him they have always failed. •" •'•••'" work of the state. The rote of thanks was ex- tor is discovering some real sn office in the city hall. It Is impossible to be a good _; • By NATE tuJ'I'JLEB pressed at the congress of Esto- speedy talent as he selects his politician without lying. T h e artist who believes in Justice can nian municipalities which opened boys for the various events. . g h a t ' s been impressing us never fascinate the masses nor here last week and at which remost at; the J. C. C. basketball give them Blogans t o rally round; presentatives of national minori- $135,000 Contract league games, is the large numSpeaking specifically about t h e ties were present. Jerusalem-r-fThe Palestine govber: of femme observers amongst current world^ situation, Dr. Dr. Klompus, representing the irnment has approved the conthe fans. . . . Can it be that the Zweig says that leadership Jewish cultural autonomous ad- struction of a highway linking gala are going in for the court doesn't seem possible without mlnlstration in Estonia, delivered Herzlia to the railway at Raanasport in; a big way, or is it the violence. And the intellectual, he a lengthy address at the congress, na. The contract was awarded to young men who are playing that said, "should never indulge in In which rhe pointed out the faci- the Histadruth: as a contractor i^s* causing their presence? . . ' . violence or appeal to violent lities given by the government hrough the mediation of the ©ur vo$e for the best played measures." for Jewish cultural work and the ewlsh Agency for Palestine. The game o£ the present season waB Not a single one of the present feelings of patriotism and grati- w a g e biil will amount {o the recent Psi Mu-Omaha Jobber world dictators. Dr. Zweig points tude which the Jews of Estonia 135,000, which .will be contribclash in which the latter quint out, have the slightest academic maintain toward their govern- uted to the government program went down in its first defeat in or intellectual background. ment. y'the Jewish settlements. 13 contests at the Center. . . . "The masses at the moment," The* lads played like big-leaguers he said, "distrust the intellectual. . . . add they fought like be- They seek leadership from within Rules Yarmelkes Not leaguered tigers. . . . Ask Abe themselves, the masses. It Is so Necessary. in Latvia Bergman, of the Psi Mus, or with Mussolini, Hitler, Stalen, Mose Franklin, of the XI Lamb-, the late Dollfuss and now, in Riga, (WNS)—Students in the das, what pretty young lady from France, with Laval." Jewish schools of Latvia need not seme near-by Nebraska town, wear yarmelkes (skull caps) unviewed ghe games at the Center, LIMITATIONS OP less they want to, the minister recently.; . . . The 62 markers INTELLECTUALS Dr. Zweig explains that he of education has ruled. made bjr the XI Lambdas last The' minister's order was in week against the Re Ims, was a wrote "Erasmus of Rotterdam," sew record for the season, and his latest American published response to a protest made by also ona of the highest point to- work, to show that violence is not Jewish parents against the Agutals eet pp by any team in J. C. C. particular to these times. He dath Israel schools whose authorleague competition. . . . It is ru- wrote it to show that the intel- ities have ordered the students mored tmat Sam Glller, the main- lectual writer has no influence to wear yarmelkes in the classes. stay of]: the Re Im quint, is outside of his books. Erasmus, switching to the Pants Store ia public life, failed in every quint. . i, . Art AdJer of the A. crisis. The Intellectual, Zweig Z. A.'e ifl getting quite.a reputa- holds, always will fail and always tion as a! handler of the b a l l . . . . has. That is why he shouldn't Wfaalen of the Wardrobes Is still leave the cloistered protection of rated of the -best shots his works. The influence of critic?," he .from the! center of the floor in the leagiie. . . . We're e little pointed out, "is greater than late with; this, but W y e finally ever, but aot In politics." Sound out the -reason forthe phe- Intellectual*'pro t e s t , even nomenal: .'successes • of' the Dean though It be world-wide as in the Brothers,} 1 the great -Cardinal cas© of Sacco and Vanzetti,. he pitchers. I . . I t ' s thioV They tops stated'is always doomed to failin bed. ,:L . Oh my, bring oa the ure, % But Dr. Zweig Is far from a desods; • t -. . " .featist. He thinks. , In positive INSUEHJ C&BS
Editor Selected Zion Ambassador
Estonian Jews Voice Thanks for Autonomy
]. d C- Cage Chatter
Mrs. Oskeroff, 60, Dies in Los Angeles j
8, 1935.
were on-the" scene marshalling the delegates and making deals.with unpledged delegations. Ditterihoefer, Jonas, Pinner; •pernbltz and Kaufman .were-! among ithB. dele^-. gates and they labored!ceaselessThe Psi Mus maintained their ly In Lincoln's \ behalf. - The Lin- roost at the top of the J. C. C. coln backers; figured that if the. basketball league last week by nomination, could be delayed un- turning in a'well-played victory til the third or fourth ballot the. over the bustling A. Z. A. quintet, strength of the leading candidates 24 to 18. At the same time, the would weaken and-:fhe delegates Omaha Jobbers remained right at would turn to Lincoln. With key the heels of the unbeaten Psi men- in most; of th'e delegations Mus, by taking a hard-fought .24 pledged to Soward and: Chase, the to 17 verdict from .the Pants Lincoln men were hopeful of vic- Store five, in the only other game tory. On the first- ballot Seward on the program. received 173% votes, • Lincoln Both games were great defen102, Cameron 5076," Chase 49 j sive battles up until the final moand Bates,- 48. "On the second T>al- | ments of play. At this point, the lot Seward g o t 184% and Lincoln winning teams each put on sen181. The New York delegation, sational spurts that carried the prodded by Kaufman, Dittenhoe- ball game out of the questionable fer and Greeley, had sensed Sew- stage. ard's defeat,- and turned to LinPlay in the league was discoln. When the third: ballot be- rupted last week due to the cangan, Lincoln". was ' gpttfrig votes celling of Tuesday's games on acfrom every delegation. The tally count of a lecture in the building. for the third ballot!gave Lincoln One of Tuesday's games will be 231• % and Seward 180'../Needing played Sunday afternoon with only two and a half 'votes- to win. the Pants Stores meeting the Lincoln clinched the nomination Wardrobes at 2:30 p. m. in the when Missouri shifted from' Bates afternoon. At 3:30, the Psi Mus to Lincoln. play the Re Ims. The A. Z. A.The rest wasieasy^ The split in Xi Lambda contest is being postthe Democratic, Party-, over-! the poned on account of the A. Z. A. question of'seeessjon Virtually En- tournaments in Sioux City. On Tuesday, February 12, a sured Lincoln's--" election!- After the election and-the'beginning of good program is being offered the Civil War' the little group of •with the two great rival fraterunselfish- : frieridi and advisers nity teams, the Psi Mus and the vvho had labored'i:-with' untiring Xi Lambdas meeting in the first zeal to push Lincoln " Into' the contest at-7:30 p. in. In-the secWhite House gradually disappear- ond game on that day, the Re : ed from the public eye.- Only Me- Ims play the A. Z. A.'s. dill and Judge Davis are known Thursday, February 14, finds to students • of American' history. the Pants Stores going up agaijist The other friends of Lincoln, the Re Ims in the opening conJews and non-Jews, who mar- flict, and the Omaha Jobbers and shalled the delegates, -whipped up the Xi; Lambdas winding up the public sentiment and gave freely evening's activities. . . • of their time and money to elect Lincoln are the forgotten men of the Lincoln saga.
Psi Mu Leading in Basketball League
By BERTRAM' JONAS; On the occasion of. the 128th | spoken editorial, attacks on Dougcommemoration of 'Abraham Lin- las and other ^Democratic leaders coln's birthday, the author .of this who wanted to. compromise "with article Sketches for the first time slavery/: was appointed chairman the story of Abraham Lincoln's of \ the - xorsolutibn8 .committee Jewish supporters: for the presi- which drafted"* proclamation calldency. 'Little has been written ing for a ne.w pSirty; Before leavabout the selfless Jewish friends ing Springfield,. Schneider conof the Great Emancipator. This ferred with .-Lincoln who • was article tells a most interesting ep- counted on • to : help rally Illinois isode, of Lincoln, the " for the newrparty. On his return candidate" and the men who. put to Chicago, Schneider convened a him over.—The editor. mass meeting which: organized the
Women's Division
Progressive Hebrew Club Tourney Starts
The Progressive Hebrew eUil will hold-a regular meeting TUP*1 Dave Goldman and Phil Klutz- day, February 10, fit the J. C, Cnick turned in the outstanding- at 2 p. m. All members ere IWPPJvictory as play in the J. C. C. to come as thie will be a very in; doubles handball tournament got portact meeting. under vra.y last -week. This veteran team of pillswatters do-wned Sam Garrop and Art Lipp in a ding-dong battle, Rabbi Frederick CoJm a 21-19, 21-17. In other matches, I the Young Business Men's Georgie Shapiro and Franklin tion at the Elks c.lnb. T won from Morrie Adler and Kay noon, February 7. Kis subject VB* Shapiro, while Earl Siegel and the World.Court. Sammy Epstein advanced via the On February 11 at S p, m., >T default route over Leu Herman •will speak to the Omaha BapfJcand Sam KatEmac. Ministers' Union, on "Fropheey." The South' -Omaha Women's e'ist will hear;!*!'. CohE on Tnesdii; , Volleyball Artists February 1-2;'at 7. p. m., on Frsr.l The J. C. C. Ken's health club Kanig-hcn's hook, "Merchants n:. volleyball teEin practiced last Death." Wednesday and Thursday evenings Rahbi Colin vrlll speak before. * in preparation for the volleyball group of v/omeE from the riynvtournament to be held at the city j oisth Cong:ref-ation church OR auditorium tomorrow afternoon irtiary IS, fit £ p. m. Hie and evening. Teams from Lincoln, ' will be "Tiie Birth of a W Hastings, Norfolk, Council Bluffs, Bearer Crossing and Clarinda, la., Amman—The Transjordati gov•vrill compete against the J. C. C. ernment is reported placing Elisheva Kaplan Group of volley artists. stronger p&trole on the road*; on the center sestet s r e : and additional inspectors on Pioneer Women Organized AbeMen - Brodfeey, Les Bcrkenroad, trains as 'measures to apprehend illegal immigrants from Syria ami The first meeting of the Eli- Gilmsky, Rudy Anthony, Paul Iraa wliopass through Transjo?Steinberg, C. B. Schoppe and Dr. sheva Kaplan chapter of the Piodan en route to Palestine. neer Women organisation of Paul Ellis. Omaha was held Sunday, February 3, at the J. C. C. Temporary officers elected are: President, Isobelle Rothholtz; vice-president, Anne Pollay; recording secretary, Bernica Rothholtz; corresponding secretary, Reva Mann; treasurer, Sylvia Epstein; reporter, Shirley Goldberg. Miss Sylvia Magsainin is sponsor of the group. ' All gL-ls of high school age interested in joining are Invited to come to the next meeting to be held February 17, at 2: SO at the J. C. C. or to call Ha. 2891 for any information. Mrs. Blank, chairman of the Clothing Committee of the Women's Division of the Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation, Esks that all those who have clothing to be donated get in toucb with her at Ha. 7SS2, or liliss Tucker at tlie Center, Ja. 1366. * * *. . Mrs. Maynard Greenberg and her committee are busily engaged in making new garments at the Center each Wednesday afternoon. She asks that any woman interested get in touch vith her at At. 2546. Arrangements can be made to sew on days other than Wednesday. • * * Mrs. Harold Farber, chairman of the Library Committee, and her co-workers are making plans to assist the Center librarian and extend its privileges to a larger reading public.
Kluz Klan. Although Jonas was not a delegate to the 1856 convention, he bustled around trying to stir up interest in Lincoln as a candidate. Realizing that Lincoln was still Six unknown Quantity to the rank and file, Jonas and Lincoln's. other Intimate friends contented themselves with rounding up 110 votes for Lincoln as Fremont's running mate. Although he did not get the nomination, he had made his bow at a Republican National Convention. Republican Party In . that city. American political nomencla- Among those ^rho signed the ap- Jonas then went back to Illinois ture has produced the term '.'dark peal for tne^mt^ting|>?ere-Adolph to campaign for Fremont and tohorse candidates" for those men Loeb, Julius; Rosjgntnal and ,Leo-; gether with Lincoln was chosen P who emerged' from virtual na- pold Mayers This, meeting unsittf presidential elector on the Fretional! political obscurity to win imonsly ^eleCtedsSchn'ejder a del- mont ticket by the Illinois State Republica Convention at Bloomthe presidential nomination of egate to* the r n a b ington. one of the two great political parh i h t b i ties. The history of the presidency which offaB tbsiMet-lil: PhiladelThe Philadelphia convention records a number of instances in phia ' i n ^ 8: 5 # * V ^ V - > \ • ''adjourned with" no serious hope Similar meetings'• were .held at which provinlcal politicians or of electing Fremont bat the party other men almost unknown to the Jackson^ liic^ifan^ jDetroit, St; leaders confideatly expected to Louis,"-' Cedar'3^ipfds;> Louisville electorate succeeded in getting win In 1860. Although the Repubthe.', Democratic or Republican and' Kan'saT? ijCity. ^ t . the Detroit licans worked hard for Lincoln, meeting wereS| Edw"ardKanter meeting; ^.wereS.| Edw"ard. Kanter, presidential: nominations. T h e their eyes were looking ahead to phenomenon, of "dark horse can- Louis- MizSer^ Moses Salonion and 1860. Favorite son candidates didates" for ' the presidency, Meyer; Osti-ander.'whb 'were elect- were already in evidence; Wil-which' from time to time has ele- ed defegafes to~. the estate ccnven-_ liam H. Sew.ard of New.York, Edvated comparative newcomers to tion.:..^S©i6m(jn 'ijess "represented ward Bates of Missouri, Salmon public life to the highest office Johnston , Cbunt^'^at the organi- P. Chase of Ohio and Simon Camin the land, has been regarded as sation lot the 'Republican Party In eron of Pennsylvania. Only Lina striking tribute to the'funda- Iowa; and^irfOuia JJembJtz,- long % coln's intimates gave any thought mental . democracy of .the Ameri- promiient 'Kentucky abolitionist, to him as a possible candidate. can people, notwithstanding the was one of! the leaders, of the During the Fremont campaign fact that the,business of winning Louisville meeting of 1856. An- Jonas, Judge David and . Medill the nomination for' such candi- other fighting. Republican', editor met leaders of the new party from dates aiways Involves .long years was- ?Jorltz ''Pinner, • ;Who - had •!1 parts of the country and of shrewd political maneuvering founded.the Kansas Post,"a -Ger- sounded them out with regard to (Copyright, I'95S. by-Seven Arts Feature and. trading by both politicians man weekly in ! Kansas City " in supporting Lincoln in 1860. It Syndicate.) and the devoted friends, and sup- 1853. Realizing that a : new party must be remembered that at this porters of the prospective candi- was only a- matter of. time. Pin- time Lincoln wes still unknown Cincinnati, Onio, (WNS)—The Urges Three Faiths to ner, ivith. the help of his militant in the East and the South al- Pre-Tonniament Smoker date. tenth in the chain of Hillel paper,- concentrated on organiz- though in the middle West he had One of the most notable exam- ing•'. all of the • Germans .in MisBattle for Religion Held by A. Z. A. Chapter Foundations, Jewish student orples of a "dark horse candidate" souri •*• into • a "solid anti-slavery become popular by a famous anganizations maintained and supNewark,;'New Jersey, (WNS) — who not only won the nomination bloc. In the North «nd- the Bast ti-slavery speech in 1854. In the The entrants in oratoTy, debate ported in American colleges by but the election as well was Abra- few Jews of ^prominence ; held -meantime Pinner, -who had been and basketball for A. Z. A. No. the B'nai Brith, is to be estab- Citing tne growing tendency of ays - - -. • ': ham Lincoln. As late as 1850, aloof -• from the new party.- Moses greatly impressed with- Lincoln 1 were honored at a pre-tourna- lished next autumn at Pennsyl- many cations to control religion Lincoln was a defeated candidate Drop'sie, a •'prominent Whig, pol- with whom. he had toured Illi- ment smoker held at the J. C. C. vania State college, it was an- and expressing fear that this ex- ] If you boy a car before permitting us to demfor Congress and even in 18S8, itician and founder- of Dropsie nois and Missouri during the Fre- lodge room, Sunday,-February 3. nounced at the close of the an-. ample may spread even to the j United : States, Dr. Cyras Adler, j two years before he was elected College, was one' of the pioneer mont campaign, undertook to win onstrate Ao you the new Dodge or Plymouth, Commissioner Harry Trustin, an nual meeting of the B'nai Brith over the Missouri Republicans. president, he was unable to wrest Republicans o f Philadelphia. In 1858 Lincoln ran for United advisor of. the Mother chapter, Hillel Foundation Commission. , president of the Jewish Theologi"you sre doing yourself sa injustice." ' a seat in the United States Sen- Moses Naar helped;found the Respoke. Ann Nieman and Gary, There are nearly four hundred cal Seminary of America and ef ate from Stephen A. Douglas. On publican Party' in New Jersey, and States Senator against Stephen A. Gro'ss, accompanied by Ernie Jewish students at Penn State, the American Jewish Committee, the eve of the Republican Na- SIglsmund Kaufman,: Abram J. Douglas, the great Democratic Priesman, gave several songs. I. which has a total student body of issued a plea for unity among tional Convention of 1860 Lin- Dittenhofer .'and Philip ;I)orshel- leader and the legical Democratic (Doc) • Dansky entertained with five thousand. The new Hillel Protestants, Catholics and Jews coln was -what we now call a "fa- mer, * from New York",. Maier candidate for president in. 1860. jokes and readings in Yiddish. A. Foundation of Temple Sister- to prevent the appearance in this vorite t son candidate,'^ that Is he Hlrsch^of Oregon .arid-Abraham .The famous Lincoln-Douglas de- Z. A. songs were sung and re-< hoods, which in the past has been country of a' religions situation had. the, Bupport of the delegates Arnold- of Baltimore "were others bates made Lincoln a national freshments were served. supporting a local Jewish student similar to that prevailing in Mexfigure and he was invited to speak of his own state and of those from who. took active parts -in ' organization on the campus. Pens ico. - Members who -will represent some I at-Ohe. neighboring" 'states. Ing-the nesr parity.9. 7;.- I.-' - Uv:,W.. in New.Yor.k and-New England. the Mother- chapter • are: "Ernie State Is located in- a small town Horace '•Greeley, editor of the Tfie ^public;-; hoyre&exi- didr-ndt >Tewhere Jewish students have few Appoint Haifa Town Clerk When the "first Republican Na.- New York Tribune, who hated Nogg, oratory; Massie Baum and if any Jewish contacts. gard Lincoln as a. serious1 candiErnie Priesman, debate; and Art Distributors for - - • Haifa —• In accordance with its date for the nomination.. How he tionai.: Convention met in -Pbila-r! Seward, the leading' Republican Adler, Herb Marks, Max FriedThe Foundation will supply the announced policy of appointing candidate, was brought into the 1856 there were twelve obtained the nomination-, is one man, Ray Shapiro, Morris Adler, 7 of the. most intriguing stories in Jewish. delegates! and alternates Lincoln camp by Kaufman and Harold Garber,. and . Dave Rich- long felt need for a rabbi, Jewish trained administrators as town cultural and social center and an clerks of Palestinian municipaliDittenhoefer. In Kentucky; Demin-.attendance;;, Joseph •Bernays American politics. Here,, /however, ards, basketball. Coach Art Grosswe are concerned only with that and :" Pinner from . Missourl,\ Ar- blitz , "was working to mobilize man, and manager Sam Wolk, will organization to represent Jewish ties the government has appointsmall, andobscure band of Jews nold from-Maryland, Kanter from Lincoln sentiment while the faith- accompany th!e team to the'tourna- students of all opinions. Other. ed Julius Khouri as town clerk of ; who In their individual capacities Michigan, 'Rabbi-Edward Levy ful Jonas, under the direction of ment, which will be held in Sioux Hillel Foundations exist at the Haifa. Universities of Illinois, Wisconhelped to win for Lincoln the Re- from" Pennsylvania, Dembitz from Davis, Judd and Palmer, organ- City, February. 8, 9 and 10. sin, Ohio State, Michigan, Corpublican nomination, - and' later Kentucky,- Schneider - from Illi- ized the drive for Lincoln delenell, Texas, California, Alabama nois^ Kaufman,•Dorschheimer and gates in Illinois, Tennessee, Iowa, the presidency itself. -. and Northwestern. • Patronize Our Advertisers. When the. Republican Party pittenhoefer from.: New York,_ and Indiana. For two years this little band of friends wrote letHirsch. fromOregon •."andNaar ; came into; being in 185± there were about 175,000 Jews In the from-New Jersev. Schneider, serv- ters, made speeches, arranged inUnited States. Thousands of them ed ;as; one of the' convention, sec- terviews and held conferences in had oniy recently arrived from retaries and Rabbi Levy deliver- the interest of Lincoln's candifled after the abortive'revolution.7 ed, -the • invocation^.-' The logical dacy. The task of building up Linof :i84 8. Imbued with a deep-sea/t> caqdid.ate was : : JJohn;; Fremont -oil coln was seriously handicapped J h ' p l o i t on o the when Douglas defeated him for whose 'exploits, ed love o f liberty, and hatred of N e y ^Jersey slavery, these Jewish. newcpmers' Pacific Coast had-made him a-na- the Senate but his oratorical were still, without political affil- tional hero. Only a small group, Jousts with the noted Senator had iations but their social and poli- of;devoted friends had. ye.t given done much to popularize him. TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST. • | | tical ;outlook~ inclined . them to- any: "to- -Lincoln. This Both parties recognized that in j ward' any party that stood for: lib- group comprised 'Judge David Da- Lincoln the Republicans had pro| Completely Kfciemizei From Top'to Bottom H eralism. In those days .the Demo-; vis of Illinois, -Joseph Medill, duced a new figure. pubiiBher.: of -the Chicago; Tribune,. cratic Party- was controlled-by the | Entrances: l$th, Dodge md Douglas Sis. |i§ On the eve of the historic Chislave-holding aristocracy of the Norman B. Judd, .chairman of the cago convention of 1860, Lincoln "* South and In. the urban centers of• Illinois! State 'Republican Commit- was a real "dark horse" candithe North attracted.only the new- tee,; John Palmer and Abraham; date. He had only a handful of ly-arrived Irish. The Whigs were Jonas,.; an o l d political .'associate, delegates pledged to him. The moribund and their program held of Lincoln". It was Jonas; who first majority were bound to support out no Inducement to the liberty- suggested * Lincoln's availability Seward, Cameron or Chase. But loving German-Jews. It was na- for the, presidency. the politicians had reckoned The Lost Word in tural, therefore, for many of these Jonas had* lived: in .'Kentucky, without the Jonas-Davis-PinnerJews to xast in their lot with the for twenty'years and had been a Judd combination. They counted new. Republican-party. member' of- the state lgeislature on a deadlocked convention. On •Although the Republican Party and .Grand Master of t h e . Ma- this theory they strove to get delwon the presidency and both sons." In 1836 he moved to Quincy egates pledged to Lincoln as a houses of Congress Bix years aft- Illinois? about 100 miles from second choice. This was the strater it entered the national politi- Springfield. As s member of the egy employed-by Pinner In the cal arena, the G.."O. P.:was not bar ; he < often met- Lincoln with Missouri Republican convention, ~~the result of an- inspired political whom be served in the "Illinois where the Bates followers sought uprising. It had its inception -In lecislature in 1842.' When Lin-1 to bind the delegates to vote for a - carefully nurtured movement coln'ran -*for Congress -'in-1842 on him to the bitter end, but Pinner Ecu which began In 18 4 0, when the the Whig ticket, Jonas.campaign- succeeded in having the delegafirst anti-slavery ; parties ap- ed for. him." Three years later tion-instructed to switch to Linpeared. Men opposed: to slavery Congressman'Lincoln was instru- coln if it should become apparent who were either Whigs or Demo- mental in having bis friend Jonas that Bates could not be nominYouil -want one of these crats gradually drew together. As appointed postmaster' of Quincy. ated. Ultimately it was these delsnappy skirts to wear with a the inevitable conflict between After Lincoln had been - nomin- egates who led the band-wagon We think we've "scaled a mountain" in value-giving in new sweater or bloose/ Choice North and South approached far- ated for the presidency he wrote rush to Lincoln. of tweeds esd plain shades in this • February sale. Reductions? We've made generous sighted politicians saw that the to Jonas asking him! to deny a runavy, black, red, tan, green crystallization of all the anti-slav- mor that Lincoln had been a When the convention opened, ones. Special purchases? By the score . . . and we're" and gray. BcUon, pleated ery elements in the existing par- member of the "Kho-ftr Nothing Lincoln remained In Springfield, and kick pleat styles. passing the benefits to you. Bat price is not the sole-atties would ultimately produce a Party, u forerunner of , the Ku but Jonas, Davis, Pinner and Judd new party. The first steps in cretraction! The QUALITY of the new furniture . • . the ating the Republican Party were —Flattering taken * by anti-slavery Democrats way it's scaled just right... designed just right for mod-' in s t Louis, Detroit and Chica—Youthful ern living . . As equally impressive! Think what new'furgo, "where large numbers of the German Jews had settled. And niture will mean in Y O U R H O M E . . . then buy durmany of them took an active part ing Brandeis February Sale! in the campaigns preceding the actual birth of the party. In 1854 there-was, held';a^convention of • anti-islavery ' leaders Bey CE Brmieis •-' - •[ ', from the Middle West in SpringEasy Payment Plan! . -'• . ,.--, field, Illinois, where ; Abrahanv Lincoln; • wa$; practicing Ufw. Lincoin was then a 'member of the The new, eofs necklines .of At Whig Party but already;'aia aboliSpring BloS&e creations edd tionist. Anibngthe participants, in dsle sm& therm. -Banes of BCW pastel evades "sad plaids. Long this convention ;wW George7;SeJi8is<$ short eleeve styled ia cizes Seventh neider^ editor of;;; the Chicago 32 $» « . Floor ^ Staats iZeitung* and * a^'prominent •- member*.of the; Jewish •coinmuEeydeift Second Flee nityi Schneider, who was already : well-known as a fearleBs anti-Ne-WWffiftW^ . braska ;man; because of MB •"*-
B ill
Hi ill
New Spoftiiig Things for Spring
WeVe Humbled Re Made Special
ar Price • Tag«!
table euccegs he achieved with onslaughts of racial or religious bia3 and to work together for the committee, GEMS OF THE BIBLE the best interests of our country. Brotherhood Day marshalls In an answering efiflress, the country's sentiment for understanding and co-operation beScnceideriDEn than&ed his friends By GERTRUDE BERG, for this demonstration of esteem. By O. O. DASHER -- '• Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by tween all faiths and all citizens. It is the organization of the maAuthor of HARRY SCHNEIDERMAN And later, in the few words test THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY jority to let the shameful bigoted minority know the true feelings "The Rise of the Goldbergs" A grateful ward of the Hebrew had to jiass for an. interview, lie Cursed foe iiie day -when, I w«* of Americans. expressed his satisfaction with born, the day wherein my mother Orphan Asylum wanted to repay Subscription Price, one year • " - - - ' - - • ?2.00 his work. It's not easy to be the parents his debt to society by becoming bore me. Let not be blessed, Advertising rates furnished on application, By such endorsements as given by President Roosevelt the "I am not sorry," he said, cursed t>e the man who brought of young people today. Never be- teacher. He molded his life to breadth and scope of Brotherhood Day is enlarged and its value fore have high school and college that manner of thinking and n "that I'm not a tescher." tidings to roj father, a male-child Editorial Office: 500 Brandeia Theater Building. enhanced. Its full purpose as stated by the National Conference graduates had such difficulty in other work ever occurred to hiia Thus the matter rests, unanim- is born unto thee, making him ; Sioux City Off ice—Jewish Community Center very happy. is: "Brotherhood Day aims not only to wipe dut aB discords that finding their place in the world When he achieved the age of 2 ous. of adult workers; never before his aspiration seemed certain o Schneiderman, born in Russian DAVH> BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor Weep not Tor the dead, neither may still derive from religious differences,but also to emphasize FRANK R. ACKBRMAN - - - - - - - - Editor have so many parents, weary -with fulfillment when he was appointe Poland, came to this country bemoan him, t u t weep sore tor RABBI URI MILIiER - - - - - Contributing Editor the great constructive tasks which all Americans of every faith years of laboring to support their a teacher in the religious schoo with his parents at the age o: him that goetn sway, for he shall PANNXE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent have in common. It aims to mobilize the goodwill of people, and families, been faced with th of the orphanage. Soon, h< five. Three years later he became return EO more, nor see hio naANN PILL - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent of having to continue to thought, he was- to become a "ward of the Hebrew Orphan tive country. their natural friendliness and cooperativeness against fomentors prospect Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street support grown-up children fo teacher in the New York ednca Asylum. He was appointed to his Woe xiEto him that buildeth his of group hatreds. Especially in these times, when distressing what seems an Indefinite period. tiosal system. present post in 1912. house b;.r unrighteousness, and his In many cases both the parent economic conditions break down the normal resistance of good He has •written. numerotSB ar- chambers by Injustice, that.n«eth But being little more than a and the boys and girls are be five-footer, an sll wise man from ticles on Jewish subjects, wa« for his neighbor'*; service without folk to pernicious propaganda, Brotherhood Day is a call to arms coming discouraged. The young the Board of Education ruled many years a member of the edi- wages, aid givetb. him not hi* A community's gratitude to four veteran workers was ex- for members of every faith to stand by their belief in human fel- sters because they feel superflu- that he couldn't become a teach torial staff of the Jewish 'Tripressed by the Talmud Torah Sunday evening at the thirtieth lowship. ous, the parents because of th< er, that his physical limitation bune, and is known for his en- hire. ,. . the cause of the He and judged despondency they see groiriag in precluded the maintenance o cyclopedical knowledge of Jew- poor, anniversary celebration, when testimonials were presented to Dr. needy then It was Well. the hearts of their sons and class. room discipline. Quit* ish affairs. P. Sher, S. Ravitz; k S. Yaffe, and Mrs. K. Tatle. Tuinrafi. daughters, tor there Is no great- heartbroken by this frustration o In 1817 he married Antoinette The quartet of workers are to be especially commended beer pain tor parents than to havi a boyhood ambition, the youn, Sayia&n who sat beside him &t Rabbi Simon said, "If two apto stand by helplessly while thei man—for he was twenty-tare the luncheon as he celebrated his pear with a case before you, prior cause they did their work in the interests of Jewish education; The Christian Conservator of Indiana, weekly organ of the children suffer. years ond then—was, however fiftieth birthday to the plaudits to the hearlsg of their claim*, their time and their efforts were generously donatec to the Tal- United Brethren in Christ, has added its voice to the growing But fortunately the problem o crushed. A position in the cffic of leasers ot American Jewry. &nd even thereafter, tout before mud Torah, with no motive for self-gain or glory. ; number of Christian denominations and denominational organs preventing that discouragement of the American Jewish Commit- (Copyright, 1935, Jewish Telegraphic you answer vrhicli way the JudgAgency, Inc.) and despondency is not beyond tee, as assistant to the secretary ment will iEcline, you may say Though it is only human for them to feel pleased at the pub- condemning anti-Semitism. solution. Let me tell you how on to them, 'Go and arbitrate be•was found for him. lic honor given them, we feel sure that the good work accomSays the Conservator in part: "What this world needs is a boy solved it. t^eec yourselves,' but after you Last Wednesday on the occa plished in Jewish learning was to them a far greater reward than Christianity that understands and appreciates the brotherhood have heard their case and are When Bob graduated from high slon of his fiftieth birthday, lead aware which way the judgment public appreciation. Therein lies the true incentive for public of nationalities and races. Perhaps among Anglo-Saxon peoples school a year and & half ago he ers of American Jewry paid trib inclines, you. must not advise service. A communal job well-done with the resultant good this spirit is more nearly approached than among any other peo- confidently expected to find i ute to Harry Schaelderman—for i • * • them to go out and arbitrate." job that would help supplemen was he who wanted to become a achieved is its own compensation; in unselfish self-satisfaction Rabbi Jonathan said, "A judge ples. Yet we have no great cause to congratulate ourselves upon the family income. His father, i teacher—and praised the un SHOLOMASCHlies one's payment. paid clerk, could not at known Board of Education exthat decides the law in accordthis matter, for it is altogether conceivable that, in the not too poorly Sholom Asch, the distin- ance -with the equity of truth, Those who seek to aid the Jewish cause can find no better distant future, an anti-Semitic sentiment might break forth in ford to send the boy to college, aminer who was responsible fo and could very well hare used a blessing the American Jewis guished, and world • famous causes the Shichina to dwell in medium than Jewish education. The shield and sword, the for- our midst; witness the Ku Klux Elan! We need much the culti- supplementary income, however Committee with its tireless, val Yiddish novelist and drama- Israel." tification and the army of Jewish survival has been Jewish ed- vation of the brotherhood spirit and the development of proper small, in the support of his fam- ued and modest assistant secre- tist, is now Tisiting this counRabbi Ashi said, "If one apIny of four, of whom Bob Is the tary. try for the first time in almost points a judge who is not fit to ucation; there is a woeful lack of Jewish learning among our Christian attitudes towards other nationalities and races." oldest. The father, of course, be in a place where many scholfifty intimate associate: a decade. youth today. For our future betterment, we should take the-exknew that finding work would b< of Some ars can be found, to occupy such • • * It is encouraging to us to witness the steadily growing number Schneiderman gathered at th ample of the Talmud Torah workers and lend our efforts toward very difficult in these times, bu Hotel a position, his deed is considered SHOLOM ASCH: Novelist, Vanderbilt at a luncheon improving the Hebraic knowledge of our children. Unless if we of champions of racial and religious understanding among the even he had not imagined that a given in his honor. Among those playright and short-story writer. as if he would put an idol at the of tramping the streets in were Professor Morri A native of Poland. Is just past sltar." give proper nourishment to> Jewish learning in the future, the Christian denominations. While it is an all too fearful truth that year search of a job would leave Bob present We are taught in a Baraitha. an anti-Semitic sentiment may break forth, as mentioned by the Raphael Cohen of City college, fifty. Self-educated. Outside o£ work of such communally-minded individuals as the four honored still unemployed. The boy grew who presided; In n. city which the following ten the village chedor was never in Dr. Solomon LowConservator, under the instigation of professional Jewbaiters, more and more gloomy, and his Sunday will have been in vain. enstein, executive director fo any institution of learning. First things do not exist, E scholar 1B the likelihood- of such a blot on the American escutcheon dimin frame of mind influenced the en- the Jewish Federation of New became prominent thirty years not permittee to reside there. A home atmosphere. .Not that Professor Alexander Marx ago Then his short stories on coisrt with all necessary persons ishes more with each additional spokesman like the Christian tire the parents blamed Bob; they York; of the Jewish Theological Semi Jewish, ghetto life 3n Poland cre- to execute it. A treasure of charConservator. knew It wasn't his fault that he nary; Jacob Landau, publisher ated a literary sensation. Mi- ity which is coSlected t?y two and couldn't find. work. But you can The annual Jewish Philanthropies campaign in Omaha repthe Jewish Daily Bulletin and grated to Berlin to imbibe Eu- fiistritmtea by three. A synaunderstand that it doesn't mat of managing director of the Jew opean culture. Has lived in Paris gogue. A bath-house. A sewer. resents a mountain of work. Executive leadership, detail work, orfor cheerfulness in the home ish. Telegraphic Isaai and New York, but never assi- A physician. A scribe. A teacher when the oldest son comes home Asofsky, executiveAgency; ganization and allocation mean that busy men and women voldirector o milated himself to the literary for children and a barber. The London Daily Express records the following character- night after night, more and more HIAS; Dr. Robert Ashworth, edu salons of any city in •which he unteer'their time and their mental stature toward achieving what wearily, to report that he has not cation secretary of the National lived and worked. Always reistic fact from Germany: has become a community necessity. yet found any place where he is Conference of Jews and Chris mained a primitive, elementary Urge Jews to Ssae With the appointment of Philip M. Elutznick as general Nazis stopped the showing in Munich of a film featuring Ar- wanted. tl&ns; David A. Brown, publisher and creative talent. Over a quarchairman of the forthcoming drive, the groundwork for the cam- thur Riscoe, the Yorkshire comedian. It wasn't until early summer, of the American Hebrew; Her ter of E century ago Max ReinStrcichcr lor libel when bis more fortunate class- man Bernstein, former U. S. hardt produced his famous play, paign has started. Our contribution to the welfare of approxiThe Reading lady of the film, "A Girl from Vienna"—made mates came home from college for Minister to Albania; Dr. Mordeca "God of Vengeance" with the Berlin, (WNS)—The Juedische mately thirty local, national and international agencies will de- at Elstree — is Magda Schneider, the German actress. their vacations, that Bob hit up- Soltes of the Jewish Welfare late Rudolph ScMldkraut in the Rvrndschaii, German Zionist orpend upon the co-operation the Jewry of Omaha give to the camon the solution to his problem Board; Rabbi J. Max WeSs of the stellar role. Was bitterly at- gan, created a sensation here There are love scenes between her and Riscoe. Jewish leaders with an article entiling on the The college students told him of American Jewish Committee; tacked by German paign machine which is in the process.of being organized. The 1 their work; and their enthusias- Sidney Wallach, George Britt and for exposing to the non-Jewish Jewish Representative Council Hissing and booing broke out . . . because the Nazis in the ability of the leaders is not sufficient to insure the success of world in this opus the immorai to Institute libel proceedings tic descriptions of campus life led others. any drive — a general, however skillful and talented, can do audience mistook Riscoe for a Jew. aspect of Jewish life in Poland. against Julius Streicher, N*«I Bob to ask himself the Question Further testimony of Mr. He insisted on freedom of expres- overlord of Franconia and the T h e Nazis lined up in the gangways and howled out "Leave which changed his whole outlook Schneiderman's next to nothing unless he has an army behind him. The army in place in Ameri- sion for artists. Last year, how- most notorious anti-Semite in the the cinema, Germans!" and "It is scandalous that a Jew should on life; "Why shouldn't I study can-Jewish affairs is afforded by ever, the Philanthropies is you and L , refused Rumanian theatre Reich, for making false charges too, instead of wasting time lookmessages of congratulations production rights to "God of Ven- against The point which should attract our attention at the moment flirt with a German girl/' ing for a Job that I can't find any- the the Jews in the form of received by the luncheon com- geance," fearing an. increase in a new "feature" appearing In hia The show was abruptly stopped, the management were com- way?" is not what we will do as our share next May . *. but how can mittee. anti-Seinitism would result. Dur- paper, Ber SttsermeT. Well, Boh couldn't go to colsuperior, one ing the last ten years Europeans we help in February. The back of next spring's campaign is al- pelled to end the performance, and the audience had to leave. This new "feature" comprises lege. But there was a good pub- of Sehneiaerman's the titular leaders of Ameri- have taken notice of him. Kis public ready bent from .carrying a terrific load — the unpaid pledges announcements allegedly lic library in town — and Bob can Jewry, Dr. Cyrus Afiler, pres- works have been translated into mafie fcy Jews, but which are with the advice of one of the col- ident of the American Jewish from last year. That load must be lifted by the time the next drive German (not now, of course), actually Eis.nufact.Bred by Stretlege students, mapped out for gets under way. We made inviolate promises to pay a stipulated himself a course of serious read- Committee, in his message to Swedish, Russian, French and cher. Playing politics in its usual successful manner, friends of ing. And in the past halt year he Rabbi Wise explaining his In- Norwegian. His best known sum and we are honor-bound to pay what we owe immediately. Typical of these ennounceability to attend the luncheon, Not only Is the- amount of unpaid balances a mighty handicap, the Histadruth released a pronouncement on the very day Vlad- has covered quite a deal of summed up. the feelings of those works in America are "Three m e n t E are the following: lities," "Salvation" and "God of "Wanted, blonde Aryan girl tor in the fields of English but it also means that Jewish agencies, depending upon the imir Jabotinsky, world famous Jewish leader, arrived in America ground Vengeance." Tall, healthy-look- Jewish young man sexually maliterature, history and general present when he said: pledges of Jewish people, must disappoint the needy and the suf- for a speaking tour, in which 241 Reform Rabbis, members of science, and has made a good be- "I do not recall anybody, who, ing and plumpish. Has thick ture," and "For s&le, Jewish over the same period of years, rop of graying hair. Looks wine raised with Christian fering because they were not given the funds so solemnly prom- the Central conference of American-Rabbis, indorsed the social ginning at learning Spanish, has progressively and untiringly something like Stalin. Is excertain series of radio lessons beblood.' ised. To keep faith with ourselves and with our beneficiary agen- justice program of the Histadruth. The effect of such a pro- ing very helpful to him in the served the cause of the. Jewish tremely energetic and prolific. nouncement, according to all the rules of Machivelian politics, is last-named eubje^t. people as he has and I want you Has written scores of. novels, cies, let's clean up our old Philanthropies accounts. to sabotage any results that the revisionist leader's tour might , • Whether or not Bob acquires to wish him, in my name, many short stories and plays. Re- Poland Notes Increase the equivalent of a college educa- more years of health and garded as outstanding contemhave achieved. porary Jewish writer. Kis enetion in the next few years, or strength." of Palestine Oranges What strikes us as significant is the general impression that whether the knowledge he ab- Other messages were received mies claim he has been the most from Arthur Hays, Sulzberger of Warsaw, (JTA)—Importation A Salonica newspaper carries a report that a number of a social justice program is characteristic of the Histadruth alone. sorbs proves of any direct practi- the New York Times, David M. practically-minded Yiddish writer of oranges from Palestine to Powho has made the most of his cal value In his later life, is berich Jewish families in this Greek city are sending their children This prevailing concept is false, utterly completely false. Every side the point. The point is this: Bressler, Morris D. W&idman, opportunities, although authors land has doubled during the last to the local German Nazi school. The German school in Salonica party in Zionism, even the revisionist party subscribes to a social That now Bob had discovered a Jacob L. Billkopf, James Mar- of the calibre of Peretz Hirsch- lew months since Poland reduced has alts curriculum based on the educational program now in justice program. All parties in Zionism support the National satisfying activity which keeps up shall, Henry Ittleson, Colonel bein, Sholcm Aleichem, I. It. the duty on Palestinian oranges, F. Berman of Cincin PeretE and Mendele Moicher. Se- it wag revealed here. force in Germany. The curriculum includes anti-Jewish racial Fund, whose ideological basis is the social justice program. All his morale during the difficult Benjamin nati, Benjamin Stolz of Syra- phorim had more claim to interFifteen hunfirefi additional period through which he is passteaching, from which Jewish children in Germany are permitted parties decry the exploitation characteristic of the economic set- ing. And when he does find a job cuse and others. national fame than he. His tons of oranges were imported to be excused.. The message from Dr. Billi- hobby is collecting paintings and since the reduction was pror up in so many countries. "Zion redeemed in justice" is Jewish —for he stfll is looking, though kopf, son-in-law of the late bronze synagogual objects, His claimed tofi&y'B ajcmotmcement We do not know how much reliance we can place on this tradition, not anew laborite plank. The working man is exalted not with the desperation which Louis a Marshall, with whom son, Nathan, lives in America states. Their sale is growing daily characterized his search last year report, although the great excitement it caused in the Salonica by all parties, not by the Histadruth alone. The chalutzim belong —J am sure that he will continue Schneiderman bad long closely and writes in English. The in view of the low prices now Jewish community caused by the paper's revelations might in- to all parties. There is no monopoly on sacrifices for Zion. to give some of his spare time to worked when Mr. Marshall was ounger Asch belongs to the charged for them, which have president of the American Jew- ultra-radical school of writers converted the fruit from a luxhis studies. dicate some verity. However that may be, it is an unfortunate ury to E normal commodity. What is true is that the Histadruth has grafted to its Vy Sevan Arts Feature memories of that Prince of Israel. and is the complete antithesis of truth that the story as published in Salonica is indicative of a justice program, ideological elements which are foreign to Juda (Copyright, 1S35, "With the reduced duty, it Is Syndicate.) ' 'My father-in-law," read the his father's viewpoint on literadeplorable trend in many Jewish" circles. In Rumania, in Austria, ism and to which the 241 Reform Rabbis would never subscribe. m e s s a ge to Schneiderman, ture and world questions. Al- cow possible to sell the oranges "would have been delighted to though not a Zionist, Asch has at about three cents apiece. in Germany, in Hungary, and even in the United States, facts The concept of class-warfare is repugnant to Reform Rabbis and New Public library Books take part in the dinner to be managed to keep in the good have been unearthed which tend to show that some rich Jews to most Jews. The Histadruth leaders and the Histadruth schools given to you on your birthday. graces of all Jewish parties. Has Patronize Our Advertisers. contribute financial backing to political parties which have anti- are definitely anti-religious, and no Rabbi would support the po- Offered to Jewish Readers You have certainly rendered won- no sense for any other language derful service and without blare but Yiddish. Although he has Semitism as one of their planks. Such revelations make us The Public library has recently of sition of an Histadruth: leader who refused to take an oath on the spent many years in America trumpets. ashamed of those contributors, ashamed that we have to include purchased some new books. finds difficulty in talking in RABBI Z. BAMAKOW Bible in a Palestinian court because he did not believe in i t It is Among them are many which In his introductory remarks them in the Jewish family. They are the black sheep, and the Mohel Specialist English. Ludwig Lewisohn conwould be especially interesting to Professor Cohen, who stated he siders Hecommenflea by Many Doctors sooner we can rid ourselves of their number, the richer will be these elements that receive the support the Reform Rabbit meant Jewish him one of the greatest qualified for the post of toastmasreaders. Following is & Residence Phone "WEbBter 6635 the Jewish name. The only solace is the knowledge that the Jews for social justice alone. No wonder many have retracted their list of some of these books: ter because he is a former in- ligures in contemporary world Business Phone "H'Ebster 5450 signatures and others are hastening to do likewise. iterature. His friends are prostructor of Schneiderman said, Heaven High, Hell Deep, by who act so selfishly are very few in .number and though large in osiug him for the Nobel Prize 1423 N. 20th St., Omaha, Neb. My heart goes out to the man The Histadruth would do much better if it set its own house Archibald; Artists in Uniform, by who money and disloyalty. . . in literature. does his work day in and Eastman; Facts and Theories of in order and spent less time carrying on a campaign of propa- Psychoanalysis, by Hendrick; To- day out," Further, he paid tribganda. News reports from Palestine tell us that Histadruth mem- bacco Road, by Klrkland; An- ute to Schneiderman's work as bers are constantly leaving the colonies for the cities, where other Caesar, by Neumann; An- editor of the American Jewish Gide, by Pierre-Quint; My Yearbook which he said, "speaks President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in endorsing Brotherhood wages are higher, so much so, that 40% Arab labor has to be dre Shadow as I Pass, by Ryall; Lit- for itself." Day, to be observed by Protestants, Catholics and Jews through- employed in the colonies, and the Association of Jewish Farmers tle Era in Old Russia, by Skaria- Dr. Ashworth, bringing a mesout the country oh Sunday, February 24, writes: "I am pleased to in Palestine have issued a warning they will no longer negotiate tlna; -Heaven's My Destination, sage from Dr. Everett Clinctsi, Wilder; and Erasmus of Rot- director of the National Confernote that Brotherhood Day, instituted last year by the National with the Jewish Agency Executive for labor certificates, but will by ence of Jews and Christians, paid terdam, by Zweig. Conference of Jews and Christians, was very widely celebrated. initiate negotiations directly with the Palestine government tribute to Schneiderman's clear thinking. Explaining that the Its observance this year on February 24th offers an opportu- Leaving the farms for the cities because of higher wages is a form two groups often worked together Bars 'Chrisiiaa' ss nity to mobilize the forces of good will across the country and of speculation. It indicates the Histadruth practices are based not on projects, he said. to promote common effort on the part of religious groups in all so much on idealism as on selfish interests. It makes Arab labor Antoaym of 'JewiA* "The aims and ideals of the — The administration that makes for human welfare and good citizenship. Its associa- inevitable and is more treasonable to the Homeland than the ac- of Berlin National Conference of Jews and the city of Nuremberg has istion with the birthday of our first President will remind our peo- tion of the landowner who hires Arabs because there are no will- sued an order repeating its pre- Christians and the American Ne. I—S8.40 tes B .Committee are similar in tillat* ple of his broad and tolerant spirit and his consistent support of ing Jewish laborers. The Histadruth would do well to inspire its vious exhortation against use of Jewish many regards. And, in "ear work, No. 2—S2.SS Zero the term "Christian" to distingthe principles of religious liberty and freedom of conscience." own.members with some of the idealism it has been peddling so uish* between Jewish and non- we have learned to place high a oa the opinions of. Mr. Some may scoff at good-will movements as non-entities. Yet, freely and profusely in other countires. Jewish business and professional Schaeiderman." h e Xsraslitisches the fact is that in every instance where racial or religious bigotry And to the Reform Rabbis, a word of advice from our Sages, enter prlass, traports. Dr.' Lowenstein, the mas' who prevailed, it was the work of a small, vociferous, shouting min- "The wise should be extrmeely cautious in their pronounce- Familienblatt The word "German," and not placed Schneider man with the ority. Such' movements as Brotherhood Day help cement the ties ments." / ' the word "Christian," is the cor- AJC, ree&lisd hie early disaprect antonym of "Jewish," the pointment, at sot beisg placed as that bind all Americans in their determination to withstand the —By URI MILLER. teacher tad reviewed th« noorder states.
Personalities in the News
For Understanding
Keeping Faith
Brotherhood of All
every type of oil burner
THE Jewish audiences, having sung in various programs here. Mr. Finkei was one of the principals in the Conservative Capers given last year. "Boccacio" is a comic . opera based on the life of the famous fourteenth century poet Bocacclo, and the scenes are laid in Italy of that period. - T&s composer is Von Suppe. Madame Thea Moeller-Herms will direct.
USES SHOWER FOR BRIDE Miss Sally Slporin -was hostess- Reception Given by College at a linen shower at the Clover of Higher Jewish Leaf club, Sunday afternoon, to twenty girls, in honor $f Mrs. Sol Education Ben:, tormerly Miss Florence Over 400 people attended the Zncker. ' Bridge and banco were played. reception given in honor of the Prizes were won by the Misses students and faculty of the Eleanor Schohoa, Bess Schwartz, College of Higher Jewish EduElaine Zncker, Alice Alexander cation, by the B'nai Brith and the Jewish Community Cenand Mrs. A-'Yossem. Mrs. Berg, a recei.t bride, will ter, at the Center Monday , eveuing, February 4. make her home in Sioux City. Sam Beber was chairman of the affair. Short speeches were deKITCHEN SHOWER livered by Dr. Philip Sher, presiFOR BRIDE Mrs. A. A. Yossem gave a dent of the college; William kitchen shower for 35 girls in Wolfe, secretary; and Miss Pearl honor of MrB. Sol Berg, formerly Wolf, a student. Miss Betty FellFlorence Zufcer, a recent bride. man gave a piano solo. Dr. Sher complimented the The guests played bridge and members of the faculty for their bunco. Prizes were won by the Misses G e r t r u d e Guss,, Bess Interest in the college and their Schwartz, Mildred Berg,) Ruth donation of time to it. He pre« Silver and the Mesdames A. Sher- sented the faculty members to the man, L. Pinkovitz. and A. Coo- audience. Mrs. A. Greenberg was in charge per. Mrs. Edith Berg of Sioux of the refreshments which were City was an out-of-town guest. served. > " ' . VISITS WITH PARENTS HONORED Mr. Edward Levenson, son of NEWLY-WEDS Mrs. Ben Silver was hostess at Mr. and Mrs. H. Levenson, who a dinner party at the Paxton hois a scenario writer ia Holly- tel Saturday for four wood, California, is visiting here young couples, evening recently married. with his parents. He will be here The guests of honor. were Mr. about six weefcs. and Mrs. Al Mayer, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosenthal, and Mr. Current Events and Mrs.. Joe Krasne. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will give ANNOUNCE BIRTH his next talk on current events on Tuesday, February 12, at 10:30 a. m. at the Blackstone hotel. His BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William Levy ansubject will be "America at the nounce the birth of a daughter Crossroads." at the Clarkson hospital, January 26.
Ben Ravitz New -: Head of Compeers
Mr* and Mrs. Harris Sirinsky of Chicago announce the birth of a son. Mrs. Sirinsky is the Ben Ravitz was elected presi- former Shirley Ruback, of dent at the last meeting of the Omaha. Compeer chapter of Ivre club. Other officers elected are: Mr. and Mrs. David Potash anVice-president^ Reuben Brown; nounce the birth of a daughter, -secretary-treasurer, " Phil Feld- at the Clarkson hospital, Januman. ary 30. The organization is planning a number of affairs for the spring Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Winer season. " of Kansas City, formerly of Omaha, announce the birth of a son, Monday, January 28 at the Menorah hospital. The baby has been named Franklin lierriam. Mrs. Winer is the former Lillian Goodman. .The Round Table dance in honor of the Des Moines and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Roffman, of Omaha Community Center teams Council Bluffs, announce the gives promise of being one of the birth of a son, Wednesday afteroutstanding youth dances of the noon, January 30 at the Clarkson season, according to Loyal Kap- hospital. lan, chairman of the dance committee. The dance will be held CONVALESCING in the Center auditorium on SunMr. Archie Jacobs is convalesday evening, February 17, at cing from an operation at the 9:30 p. m. Clarkson hospital. A splendid program has been arranged, with music by the Col- SUNDAY VISITORS Mrs. Leo Schlaifer and son, lege club orchestra, which feaHoward, of Sioux City, were visitures Ann Nieman. The patrons list for the affair tors here last Sunday. will consist of members of the executive, athletic and Center GOES TO NEW YORK committees, and will be anMiss Rae Borsky left for New nounced in the next edition. York City on a buying trip. She will return next week.
Arrangements for Round Table Dance
Dance Chairman
Because of Ely Culbertson's additional new bridge rules, Mrs. Irving Allison is adding one more lesson to the series which she has been giving at the Temple Israel for the purpose of explaining these rules. This lesson -Mil be given Monday, February 11, at 8 p. m., in the vestry room of the temple. Experienced as well as inexperienced players wil: benefit and are urged to attend. Tickets are 25 cents and may be purchased at the lesson.
C-2 CLUB SPECIAL MEETING The C-2 club held a special meeting Tuesday, January 29, at the home of the Misses Ruth and Pearl Shapiro. Plans for a party, to be held in the near future, were discussed.
Hadassah Book Review Group Meets Saturday
Council Bridge to Be Held Monday
Hadassah Book Review group Reservations have already been No. 1 will meet Saturday aftermade by more than 175 women noon, February 9, at the home for the annual Council of Jewish of Mrs. Herman Cohen, 101 Women's dessert and bridge to South 53 St., with Mrr. Joseph be given Monday in the BlackRosenberg presiding. Mrs. A. stone hotel ballroom at 1 o'clock. Romm will speak on "Aehad There will be keno, auction, and Ha'Am" and current events will Mrs. Arthur Cohn contract tables, according to Mrs. be discussed by Mrs. R. M. Maynard M. Greenberg and Mrs. A number of social affairs are Shlaes and Mrs. Herman Cohen. Jack Marer, co-chairman, who ex- planned to precede the dance to The afternoon will be concluded pect 200 women to attend the be given by the Beth-El syna- with a tea. An invitation Is exaffair. gogue auxiliary, February 9 at tended to all Hadassah members This is the Council's only fund the Paxton hotel. Mrs. Arthur and their friends. raising project during: its entire Cohn Is chairman of the affair. * * * year, and proceeds from the Novel decorations are being Mrs. F. H. Roddy, chairman of bridge are used for the Council's planned and everything is being the Administration fund, held a scholarship fund. Twenty-five di- done to make this one of the out- luncheon meeting at her home, rectors, board members, and In- standing social events of the win- Tuesday, February 5, for her terested Council members will ter season. committee, at which it was deserve as patronesses. cided to conduct a bake sale the Among those who have already latter part of April. Mrs. Roddy Child Study Group of made reservations for tables are is prepared to fill orders for the following: Mesdames Sam GiCouncil Meets Tuesday luncheons, parties and teas, as linsky, A. D. Frank, Max Holz-> regards all kinds of baked goods, man, Theodore Mayer, Sam Kap- The child study group of the such as cakes, pies, cookies, rolls, lan, Harold Pollack, David Wice, Council of Jewish Women will noodles, or anything -a hostess Nathan Turner, Isador Weiner, have their next meeting on Tues- may wish. These orders will be Ben Shapiro, Phil Gilinsky, Sam day, February 12, at the home filled by women who are well Wolf, Ben Silver, Harry Trustin, of Mrs. William Alberts, with known for their culinary ability. H. P. Milder, William Bushman, Mrs. Paul Bernstein as co-host- Mrs. Roddy asks that anyone inManning Handler, Jules Newman, ess. terested, please call her at Ha. John Faier, Julius Abrahamson, This meeting concludes a 12- 5908. Sol Novltsky. • • • weeks* course of Instruction preOthers who are arranging four- sented by Mrs. Mary Fredericks The Hadassah sewing circle somes are Mrs. David Cohen, Joe of the special staff of the Omaha will meet Monday, February 11, Jacobs, Morris' Milder, A. A. board of education. A second at the J. C. C. Anyone wishing Greenberg, Philip Levey, Morris course in "Personality and Men- to join this group, will be heartLevey, Paul Bernstein, David tal Hygiene" begins the follow- ily welcomed. Goldman, I. Chapman, Louis ing Tuesday to continue for an • • • Somberg, I. Stalmaster, Sam Ap- additional six weeks. Mrs. FredThe meeting the cultural pelman, J. H. Kulakofsky, Law- ericks will also conduct this group has been of postponed from rence Gross, Morris Katleman, course, enrollment in which is February 11 to the 19. Cultural Joe Rice, Shrolly Goodman, Sam open to all Council members. group meetings are held at the Green, Milton Abrahams, Ernest Hill hotel, following luncheon. Nogg, Robert Kooper, Manuel Mrs. Max Fromkin, chairman, is Grodinsky, Harry Malashock, and Vaad Book Review arranging an interesting program Al Krasne. Meeting Postponed and members are asked to keep the date in mind. The book review group of the South Side Congregation Vaad Hartford, Conn. — A Rabbiniwhich was supposed to hold to Observe Anniversary a meeting Tuesday, February 12, cal Court, believed to be the first have postponed the meeting a convened in this state with SuThe B'nai Israel synagogue of week, and will meet February 19, perior Court approval, has found South Omaha is celebrating its at the home of Mrs. Leon Mendel- Noah Seymon, Bristol businessthirtieth anniversary with a din- son. man, guilty of "assault under ner to be held at the synagogue, Rabbi Uri Miller will review provocation" on Rabbi Morris UnFebruary 17. A very lovely pro- Rabbi Berlin's autobiography, gar, formerly of the Beth Israel gram has been arranged for the called "From Wolozin to Jeru- Synagogue in Bristol, but disevening. All members and friends salem." The meeting will start missed & charge and counterare asked to come. charge of slander. promptly at 2 p. m.
What's New in
Junior Vaad Auxiliary
IN OPERA David Slobodinsky and Lawrence Finkei are two of the principals in the cast of the light opera, "Boccacio," which is to be given at the Central High schoof auditorium, February 20 and 21, under the auspices of the South High school music department and the Omaha Association of Kadimah Gub to Meet Opera in English. with Sponsor Sunday Both Mr. Slobodinsky and Mr. Finkei are members of the assoAn important meeting of the ciation, and aTe well known to Kadimah club is to be held at the home of Mrs. Leon Mendelson, Sunday, February 10. Rabbi Uri Miller will present a book review.
The Junior Vaad auxiliary held & regular meeting at the B'nai'Israel synagogue, Tuesday, February 5. Mrs. N. Greenberg .reviewed "Beyond Woman" by Maurice Samuel and "Four Generations" by Neoma Jacobs.
Zero Club The Installation of the officers of the Zero was held Thursday, February 7, at the home of Mis? Dorothy Zlotkin. -The following officers were installed: Morris Katz, president; Louis Canar, vice-president; Sophie ; Halperin* secretary; Dorothy Zlotkin, treasurer; William Ldpsman, publicity chairman. Milton "Walman spoke on "Freud." ,-:"'.;,;- ':. '.' .-.:
2612 Xieavenwortbi
AT 8800
Additional Bridge Lesson at Temple
Beth-El Auxiliary to Honor Brides
Jewish National Fani Meeting Next
Jtraitor Pioneers Plan
Anniversary Par*1*"
The Jewish National Fund counThe Junior Pioneers will e Brides of the year are to be cil will hold & meeting at the J. brate their first anniversary honored at the February meeting C. C Tuesday, February 12, at & party to be given Saturday, of the Beth-El auxiliary, on Wed- 8:30 p. m. All delegates are re- ruary IS, at the home ol Mi«i nesday, February 13, when a pro- Quested to be present. Any one Ann Skiar. Those in charge ol £.*>* gram dedicated to the composer interested or desiring any infor- affair are the Misses Ann St!«-".. of the wedding march, Mendels- mation, may call Joe Radinowski, Rose Novak, Merriam Xjieb; Eptlwsohn, is to be presented. His WE 1642. ' Richman, Alta Elkin and T-or-i"songs without words," will be Baumer. given in an "Illustrated Versioa With Words," arranged by Mrs. Pioneer "Get-Together** David A. Goldstein. to Be Held Saturday Deborah Society l o Esther Leaf DuBolf will preMeet Next; Toesckr sent five of Mendelssohn's most The Pioneer Women will have popular compositions at the j>i- a "Get Together" at the home o* The Deborah society fill hnk*: ano, while Mrs. Goldstein, will Mrs. S. Ofccn, 1434 North Eigh- & regular meeting Tuesday, F**J«read the lines that she has writ- teenth street, Saturday afternoon, ruary 12, at £ p. in. at the J. C. -'-, ten especially for the occasion. February 8. j Rabbi Uri Miller will add raw It will provide a contrast of the The first lecture on Political ] the meeting. All members fc?fbrides of 100 years agro and to- Zionism (which was written 8.nd day, and as the lines are read & prepared by the nations! genera! urged to attend. group of young women will office) will be read by Mrs. J. model wedding gowns worn by Richlim. AH members an*i friends Hcisbmass Omaha matrons more than half are invited to attend. ft S-. a century ago. The Pioneer Women tre going <F<*rmt'i-tT i n fhp Among those taking part in the to bring David Pinsky, noted JewInsurance wit!) sketch are the following: Mes- ish dramatist, to Omaha, February Companies dames Moe Veneer, H. L. Etein- 26. The subject of the lecture and yef*T zig, Jack Orlikoff, I. I. Solzman, further details will be published KesI Twelve SA 5S Jay Wright, Donald Fisher, Man- in &. later issue of the Jewish HS So.Esi»t««—Property 15fh Si. uel Buddy, and Nathau Pitlor. Press. An old-fashioned bos lunch social will precede the afternoon program, another feature of which Ladies Labor Lyceum is to be a short presentation of 'u the bu*in*!S£i of eeHlns Meeting on Tuesday Isfili enprag-ed kinds ./ KEt-JGFOUE ARTICLE.1 the life of Israel Zangwill, writer, whose birthday, as MendelsKnplipli. J e w i s h mU!«!O—^ The Ladies I^abor Lyceum club K e b r ^ - . fend pa P]-o Ti'PTl f B1 rUFl1^?1^;, !>1Si'> i sohn's, falls this month. Mrs. will hold & reg-clar meeting Tues- rr^ • j,r ' ant?for PRPorer flrticief. Phineas Wintroub will give one day, February 12, at £ p. XQ. st 0 X . ?s of his Ghetto comedies, "The Tug the Jj&bor Lyceum Bt 2"tic! and of Lcve." Mrs. M. F. Levenson Clark streets. Refreshments Til! will give a sketch of Sangwill's be served. life, and Mrs. Hyman Greenberg The chib is planning 3 fourwill speak of Mendelssohn's lite. teenth anniversary celebration for SERVES Sunday. February IT, at S p. m. Style Fo*Kte, at the I/abor Lyceum. All are invited to attend.
Meeting of Biknr Cholim on Monday
^-'s Luncheonette AJITISCS
IRth and
Jerusalem — Sir Felix Pole, Bikur Cholim vrill hold a regHamilton Gsfe British railroad expert, who re- 2406 Farasm ular meeting Monday, February £A 936E 11, at the J. C. C. at 2 p. m., at cently completed a railways sur- Lunches „.. S.V •which time installation of offi- vey for Palestine, advised the gov- Dinners . . . , . . . , . . 5 0 c t o «"."*•• ernment to remove the junction cers •will be held. Private IKnine 3R««im for the Jerusalem-Haifa line from Rabbi Uri Miller -will install of Parties, Clutw and Wedding;*. Lydda to Tel Aviv. the officers. A very fine musical program has been arranged. The i ",'.i;;!:;,r,!!!.h,': v i ; 'i :•;, ,;;„•; •: r, T r I " n v " i r • •••':: • •• new officers •will be hostesses at a tea -which will follcw the meeting. Final plans for the bazaar -will be made, and s report en the j building •will be given. This j meeting Is open to the public.
Forbes Fresh Bakery Goods Ask
Fosir Greco?
FORBES BAKING CO 2711 No. 24& St. WE 6400
. Copes, «l@eW@fs, Floppy Sleeves. Deislbl® Cellars, Ticking, Lets of Msvy, Prints, Cemblsaflois, Pastels!
: ;.
See These Special Saturday Group$!
300 Pin Money Frocks Jast arrived la' tiiao for Saturday . . . sad ea new as tomorrow . . . are thes-s smart Pia Money fashions for street, sport, afternoon sad dinner wear! Try oa spring's flattering: &ew fashions . . . in this exceptional value groap! Shies 14 to SO... 38 to 46 Sim * . . to
Mark Leon Says - - e
^ t c t y
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t write INSURANCE «sf every description Including JSFE, to strong,
reliable companies ONLT. . . Vet'a talk It ore*.
City Finance & Insurance Co. 14DO Taxtuaa. A T ?C07 or W-» 5150
New French Room Modes Sofcesmtifally mafia aad m esdtingly fiifferest . . . you'll want to try ©a first ©ae "and then another! Quality matelasses and crepes . . . with lingerie and Taffeta' trimming! "You'll know "pride'of possession" wken you ©TO one of these. Sims 14 to £0 . . . S3 to 46
AT-2S18•,-• '• 2815 F a i a a m E t
This isn't gossip . . . we got it straight from Paris . « * and Paris knows! It's sjnsrt to suit yourself . , . this spring be trim ana sporting' in strictly tailored men's wear fabrics If you •wisft . . . . or give way to that racetrack urge sna splash about in great toig checked twee<3s . . . or wear s, ttujt for the BWOOBing' mood Spring fever bringrs on . . . «3i soft lines and dropped Shoulder® and big- bell sleei'e* to make yoxsr hands look
fragile End seductive! „» , aad Carmaa'* have tfa* «4vaae® tibowiag ready! €®rmm*s Second flour
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INVOLVED — Isidore Pisch, who died in Germany about a year ago, said by Edward J. Reilly, chief defense counsel for Hauptmann, not only to have received the Lindbergh ransom money but to have "had a large part in the kidnaping." Mr. Reilly said if intimidation would cease, he could bring witnesses from the United Stares and Canada to testify to that effect.
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EXPLOSION — A police sergeant and a ni^ht -Ratchman were killed and a doncn pclicemtn and c:\Jicns were injured when- a terrific blast occurred In a Brooklyn, N. Y., furniture store. The explosion, in early morning before the store was opened, was believed to have been caused by accumulated illuminating gas. Above shews how a window and a were torn away.
JURY CUSTODIANS—Here, are the two persons charged with the custody of the Hauptmann trial jurors when they are not in the courtroom. Mrs. F. C. Robinson has charge of the four •women jurors and Oden Baggstrom is given custody of the eight men.
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A STUDY CF CdLCXEL LIXZZL7tC:i —- L^cL t ^3 i,,, Llic Kauptinann trial in Flemington, N. J., now on its second month, Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh is a keen listener, for it was his infant son with whose murder Hauptmann is charged. Here is ja study of Colonel Lindbergh taken during the trial. t c
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WRITING EXPERTS FOR DEFENSE—Three handwriting experts for the defense of Bruno Richard Hauptmann at his trial in Flemington, N. J. Left to right: C. F. Goodspeed of Brooklyn, N. Y.; J. M. Trendley of East St. Louis, .HI., and Frau Hilda Braeunlich Jaenglein of Germany. Mr. Trendley had already testifled the ransom notes were not Hauptmann's.
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POLA ARRIVES IN BERLIN—Pola Negri, famous screen star, is shown as shs arrived in Berlin, Germany, to take the lead in a new German film. She was greeted by Willy Forst, above, who will direct the picture.
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FISST WOMAN K. C.—Miss Helen Kinnear of Toronto, Canada's first woman King's Counsel, after she presented her patent to Justice Henderson of the Supreme Court. She is believed the only woman so honored throughout the Empire.
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IN OLD MADRID—Anna May Wong, noted screen star, went quite Chinese in old Madrid with her Mandarin hat. She is shown in the ancient Spanish city where she has been spending a vacation and where Spanish film fans received her with much approbation. -
SPORT STARS MUST EAT—Among the stars of the diamond, gridiron and ice at the AilAmerican banquet of the Detroit, Mich., Yacht Club, were these three leaders. Left to right are: Frankie Frisch, manager of the,world champion St. Louis Cardinals baseball team; Pug Lund, Minnesota's football back, and Dixie Howell, Alabama grid hero of the Rose Bowl.
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ii • CEfcANESE F O R MELADY'S SUIT—Among t n e latest styles displayed a t a Detroit, Mich., fashion show were these bathing
ARMY CHIEF—After General Weygand retired as h e a d of t h e French army, because of t h e age limit imposed by t h e n a tion's statutes, General M a u rice Gustave Gamelin, above, was appointed his successor, t o
and"novelty tricot; center, White celanese trimmed "in black, • " a " " * « « « i « " » « « ^ " » r and, right, beaca' pajama of French aqua celanese with Pukkah ^ reported now to have the largest army in the world. crepe.
GIANT BRIDGE CREEPS ACROSS BAT—Rivet by rivet, girder by gitder,.span by span the giant San Francisco-Oakland, Cal, bridge creeps across the bay. Here,is a^ view through the fabrication, progress. When the section in forefabricatn, takenn from m Yerba Euena E u e a Island, nd, showingg recent e pg ground connects with that in the distance, the East side will be complete.
BEfSTEB'S' CHA1S — Police and feemen hacking into the •Bronx, N. Y., beauty shop of \£rs. Fanneite Hivkin, found.-her bound and gagged on the'Soar and this chair sSre. She told a hs'stericai story of a disguised man who put her there to prevent her from testifying in the Hauptmann case, though she rolled .out- of It when lie left, Both prosecution ana flefense declined interest In lier. Copyright Uisltefi Newspietoms
imiisiinsnsiBSsmiuiMiiniEinaiiinininn^ T7*
N e w Y o r k , (W N S)—To strengthen the financial position of the Jewish agricultural collectives in the Crimea and the Ukraine, the Soviet government has written off $6,000,000 in debts due from these collectives, it was announced here by James N. Rosenberg, chairman of the American Jewish Joint Agricultural Corporation, and Dr. Joseph A. Rosen, president. This action was taken in a government decree releasing all agricultural collectives from their Indebtedness which amounts to 435,000,000 rubles. Mr. Rosenberg pointed out that the $6,000,000 represents advances made to the Jewish colonists by the Agro-Joint and the Comset. ; These organizations have been reimbursed by the government.
- Dr. Arthur Ruppin member «: sthals (he's the son of Hugo von tbe Executive and foremost »•-«Hoftaanasthal, Austrian Jewish dal economist, declared. »t «';r poet, and she the only daughter conference that "'•R-itliont the r<*>~ of t!*s late John Jacob Astor) are! tional funds the development tu. preparing the bassinet for immeprivate enterprise would ht-vt. diate occupancy. . . . Ernest Lubeen impossible." Emphasising bitsch is now Staatealos, having Vaad that alter a seven years intcvi-'ibeen deprived by Hitler of his naAt services cf the Vaad this the cclonisatloR progr&m is ^^turalized Prussian citizenship. . . evening at the B'nai Israel synaHe was born in Poland. . . . The gogue the third anniversary of (TTNS-P&lcor Apen-iing1 restarted, he said that S,f first Mrs. Ludwig Lewisohn Is the local Vaad Ha'Ihr will be icy) ready to accept a divorce, which celebrated. Rabbi Uri Miller will I get Ludwig has beea offering her un- deliver the anniversary sermon, i SEjosnt successfulyy £<&• the last fifteen speaking on "How Much Judaannounced here by ElIeEeri' years. . . ' . Congratulations!. . . . ism. Is Possible la America:" Kaplan, treassrer of the Jewish j lotion rcust be increased to Bumped, the other day, into Cantor A. Schvracskin and ills Agency Ar-onrv V.Tf>ci;tlTF- st.t at ee finr.ffir-i cocJer- t h i r d Of t h e T i s h u b , If: Vraa f. Hugo Weisgral, talented son of B'nai Israel chcir will chant spe- •ence forEsecutive, -representatives of the i announced tlirt tbe Jevifih Baltimore's cantor de luse. . , . cial selections. !Palest3n5an and world press. Att-jer 5s establishing- P. ccmppny Hugo is a musical prodigy, asd to A program will be held follow- !er a lapse of seven .-ears the Ke-i further colontM-tJon sctivi.-. believe his uncle, Meyer W. Weis- ing the services, with representa- jren Hayesod v-ill restart E Urge- \ Through tbe rJsccTery of w* gal, with whom he was lunching tives of each of the organizations {scale program of colonization, It j resources, 260,000 dunnme at the Algonquin, In New York, is affiliated with the Vaad giving s was anBOiinced. Sisty per cent, i land Elready in JcwJph the coming great composer of short address. At the conclusion tfcp largest amount erer set aside j c&n be opened for new America. of the meeting members of the for that purpose, of the budgel \ colonization provifiiBg for 12,«nr VaacI Auxiliary will serve re- will be dedicated to colonization | frmilies. it TTEE Elated. Vast t:ra-v> freshments. ADVANCE SCOOPS' Ectivities, Mr. Kaplan stated. The j of desert soil in the coutb of V*~'Sunday evening the third an- nevr colonsEation will open a new! estine are exploitable if the •*-»•. Max Reinhardt. is 'trying to convince Greta Gaxbo that she neal dinner dance will be held. err., in the historv of tbe Jewish j ter IF available, Dr. R—>pin poit'.'should gl&y for him In his productAgenc3', he EQded, pointing out j ed out. It is, therefore, inSenfl^: tion, this summer, for the CaliforI that the ability of the Executive i to create & central IftpUtutlott fnr Beth-El nia Festival Association. . V • One to dedicate so large a share of! the Investigation of mater pro?" services tonight, Rabbi of the best-known ublications in A.AtGoldstein j its expenditures to colonization is ! lems. will speak on "Are this country will suspend publi- there Saperior and Inferior I due to the success of the Esccu- { —>—cation before the warm weather Races?" jtlve's financial policy^ which had j , sets in. . . . Elizabeth Bergner Next week, Rabbi Goldstein will j succeeded in reducing debts hy j rejected fabulous offers from Hol- speak on "Upstream to the Island jover 100,000 pounds End obtain-j j!Alywood and is going back to Eng- Within." | teg the first external loan tvt j Mr. Lufiwig Lewisohn. land after her New fork engage- who comes to Omaha on March i more farorable terms than are! ment with the Theater Guild. .-. 6 as part of the Community forum, obtained by the great established j Kev.; York; (JTA>~ Maurice Samuel is h a l f w a y has become one of the foremost nations. j raid, thirtr-one-oli yoenpthrough with his new novel, but leaders of American Jewry. He has Tbe settlers who were enabled son of the late Julius Kogr.ris keeping the title a • deep se- a message of .positive Jewish to go on the land through, loans ;est wale, is xoUovring in the iYfrf.'cret. . . . Boris Thoraashevsky has value. This will be discussed criti- extended by the Keren Kayesodition of his family. signed a contract for an English cally in the sermon.. are now beginning to repay those j JH B mOst recent acquisition Aspeaking movie which will be C loans, it ^as revealed. This had | important philanthropic 6u'a«»produced by the Sov-Axa. Film also been helpful In settling; a | revealed -rhen Paw! r«erw R )tl i Corporation and directed by j considerable number of new im- j cfeairtaan of the Araorican jtfl'",e Henry Lynn, one-time Hebrew Rabbi David Wice's sermon ItaigrantB, especially G e r m a E \ Distribution C c m m i t t e e , wteacher. . . . There's going to be a big shake-up in the Gaunjont topic tosight at 8 o'clock at Tem- i Jexrs. Lieib Jaffe, director of the. nour.ced his election British picture corporation be- ple Israel, trill be ""Without £ Keren Hayesofi, emphasijed that j t,e- of tfte boarc of directors there had been general progress, executive oomirdt.tee of tl»e r« cause the results in America have Tower." ' • There will be regular serriees j in obtaisiBg f resc -water resocrc- j not come up to expectations. . . . The American Mercury will inau- Saturday morning at 10:SO. Mr. Koaecwalfi EIEC is «. clirscKcviewins: the last decade of Tuesday morning at 10:SO at jes. gurate a drastic change in its edijits activity, he said that the Ke-jicr of the Federation o£ torial policy when Lawrence E. the Blackstone hotel, RabM Fred- ]res Hayesod bad invested 1.600,-| C h a r l t i w o f . rhi j a delpht6. anfi Spivak takes over the publication erick Cohn ccntin-ces his current J000 pounds In Palestinian aeri-1 t n i B t e e 0 ; t h e j n l , u s " s from Alfred A. Knopf with the topics discussion. gra^uete of MaPsaeh j culture. The population • of .the The Tuesday evening afinlt I Keren Hayesod settlement HUE- F l J E d 4 April issue; there are raaors that the article attacking Governor classes will meet at S p. xa. ibers 12,000 today'in comparison P t { e r c l ( ? e Harrarcj 'KnivmzKr f Lehman, publisher some months jwith S,000 in 1S24. ago in tho Mercury, has something The progress saaae by tfcese j The Vaad Junior Congregation settlemeats JE indicated by the J to do with the change el ownerservices will be held Saturday j fact that the railt productior inship. norning at 10:SO, at the B'nai creased from EO'O.COC JStrer- in Isrs«l synagogTis. Bdr. s.nd Krs. 1824 to 10,000,000 toQEr. immiABOUT PEOPLE | Ira A. Hirjacarsf.TSTi, one of the Dave Deisesberg \rill be hosts to gration, Industry snfl youngest of New York's depart- the congregation ia.o'bEervaace of lactlvitieE tad been EBSteted by! ment store executives - he'^ only the birthday c£ their da the Keren Hayesod &t the PF.TOR| thirty-two - who has just been Ann. j time, Jaffe pointed OEL It h&& I elected vice-president of Saks j also established; the Genera!: I Fifth Avenue, is very much inter- league hockey. . . . Ks is now a j Mortgage Bank vhich distributed j ested in the Biro-Bidjan experi- member of the Chicago Black iover 1,000,000 p-oiiEds cp toi ment. . . . His hobly is nusic, and Hawks, although he bails from J1SS5. Reporting further on thej his business genias Is said to lie New York. . . . Kiltos Sasdler j Influence exerted by the Stereu in new ideas in retailing through •was selected for the All-Ameri- lHayesod, Jaffe stated that fortyadvertising of a new, imaginative caa track ssd -field tesia for his ! fire labor settlemcats had feecr kind. . . Dempsey's father reveal- pro-sress as a 600-iaeter ri:naer, established in twenty-four colon-J ed the other day that Jack's great- —hile Sain Kolpstoct, the Stan- ies -providing for 5,500 workers. gTaistaa was a lady fcy the name ford high hurdler, -sras eiosec on of Rachel Solomon, born in Jeru- the all-college tessa. Bill salem, and who, to use the elder den lias offered s, professional , Dempsey's own words, "traced contract to Dr. "Walter Prenc. ' *-S ft §J|! vs.-i her ancestry back to King Solo- Genaan Jewish - tensis •wizard. P I E,,< W , „ ill mon." . . . Alex Levinsky is said •crhom Hitler has retired from, into be the only Jew in major- ternational competition.
A startling sltlcle by the noted | by his answers, of what a gro- out. of the fogs of the Baltic orelgn. correspondent on a per* tesaue buffoon the great German shores, we gave humanity the sonage that is gaining a sad no- people have been the victims. Mosaic code. toriety thronghont the world as That day will come too. Depend "Did .Hitler's men at least upon it! It is nearer than many spare you. and your followers in i Hitler's HofJade.—The Editor, of us think! , he anti-Jewish boycott?" the '..; Paris: The most, bitter antiThis was Mas Naumann's an- French reporter asked Naumann. Semites b£ modern times, >we "were swer to that question of the "Why should they spare us?" reminded by Helmuth von- Ger- French reporter: "What you say came back Naumann. "O, how . lach the other day in Paris, have is not true, at least not quite as we have suffered! But we sufall had their "Hofjuden." The you expressed it. We would have ,'ered a? German patriots. The - celebrated Pastor Stoecker in the considered it a national disaster patriotism of the Nazis turned to last century had a claque of Jews for Germany and lor the German- hate. With us (German National accompany him on his anti-Se- national Jews, who belong to the Jews) It turned to pride, pride . mltic lecture-tours, to verify his best o£ Germans, if Hitler had h that we were deemed worthy • allegations about Judaism being not taken Germany's destiny in to suffer for Geimany. I am sure - one of the strongest de-Christian- hand. Hitler is our fate. None we gained even - Hitler's secret Halt Real Estate Evils ring influences in the "world. Ed- other but he will be able to solve admiration!" . . . Tel Aviv — A central bureau Secret admiration? By crawl- for collection and distribution of .. ouard Drumont, -who did his stuff the Jewish question. We consider in Paris at the time of the Drey- him an honest German to .the Ing? Herr Naumann here makes information concerning l a n d fus Affaire, had a Jew, it is Baid, point of fanaticism, and on this another miscalculation. The re- transactions Is under considera•assist him in the compilation of important point we are entirely action on Hitler's part was an- tion here, following a meeting that Bible of the ^anti-Semites, one with him. What appears Im- other kick In the pants for Herr of the Tel Aviv Council at which ."La France Juive," wherein is portant to us Is that Hitler is the Naumann. He deprived him and misrepresentations in advertising listed an almost endless series of champion of ideas which we also his friends :of the right to wear a and other evil practices in con- Nazi shirt. sadistic and other crimes com- cherish." . , nection with the sale of realty by Seven Arts Feature were discussed. . mitted" by leering Jews In the A good many Jews will agree Copyright, I93E. Syndicate.) course of a thousand years of with Herr Naumann, especially "' French history. That boot, inci- the Jews in the hell-holes of Dadentally, which is almost forgot- chau and "Oranishburg, that Hitten in. France today, has proved ler is their fate. The many coma godsend, I notice, to Julius placent self-satisfied Jews in . Streicher of the "Stuermer" and America, who still feel that they other noble tacticians in the war are high and dry "above the bat- AMBITIOUS PLAN niest part of It is that somebody •against world-Jewry which the tle" and who are so prompt with Stefan Zweig, who returned to w i t h a calculating machine "leaders of the Third Reich have their facile accusations of "hys- Salzburg, Austria, last week, aft- checked up on Sol and discovered . undertaken. terical" to any one (as they did er staying in our country for ten that he.was right, as usual. . . . 1 And now Adolf Hitler, too, has in the case of this writer) ..who days, revealed that his mission to One government employe who his Hofjude, even if Hitler is but warns them of a coming wave of the U. S. was to make arrange- Isn't kicking at the five per ceat ' d i m l y aware of him. His name is j Jew-hatred all Over the world, ments for the publication of an pay cut is Sidney Hillman, presiMax Naumann and he is the pres- ' must be told again and again international literary - scientific dent of the Amalgamated Gar"ident of the "Vereln der nation- that the Fascist terror, wherever review. . . . The review would be ment Workers and a member of aldeutschen Jaden." This man it invokes the so convenient Jew- published here in the English the NBA board. . . . For .having Naumann is one of Hitler's most ish Issue, preceeds from the and German languages, and also declined with thanks the $12,000 ardent apologists and defenders. I standpoint of blood and race and print poetry in the original annual salary attached to his job, •^ It was he who publicly repudiated is therefore no respecter of per- languages, of composition, 1. Hillman doesn't care if they do -'the actions of the preparatory sons, or of the incidental fact e., Bialik in Hebrew, Spire deduct a nickel from the dollar• commission tor a world Jewish that a Jew belongs to the temple in French, etc. . . . Zweig a-year which he accepts from the congress in Gteneva last summer or the Shul, that he lives on the will be the literary editor and -and who made that the occasion hill or in the slum or that he is Einstein the scientific editor. . . . government. . . . One of the canfor a. declaration of love and loy- a' member of the conservative The journal would take no stand didates for nomination in the : alty to the Fuehrer. It is he also, party or of the labor union. That on the Jewish question, eliminate forthcoming Chicago mayoralty and the members of his organiza- fact alone singles him out for all polemical material, and just primaries is hairpin king Sol K. tion — and hot the Revisionists •persecution—first. We will come aim to present the best contem- Goldberg. . . . •—I learn from authentic sources, afterwards, we non-Jewish liber- porary Jewish creative intellecUFVJJK' OF who are In the habit of denounc- als and pacifists, if the Facists tual effort... . .Zweig, a rather Forty years ago Charles Horoing the Zionist organization to the have their way. But you Jews naive individual, does not believe brown authorities as a camou- come first—always. that the financial backing of this witz was a famous lyric writer, flaged Marxist organization. To return to Herr Naumann. enterprise will present any diffi- supplying all the great Broadway .• This Max Naumann, w h o That descendant of the prophets culties. . .••••.' Dr. Stephen S. Wise stars with hit songs. . . . Today, agreed with Hitler long before and sages of Israel proposes that and others have promised support seventy-two years old, he lives the Fuehrer came . into power, Hitler proceed to a solution of and the author of some of the with his memories behind the conthat the pbstrwar influx of Ost- the Jewish question In Germany best biographies ever written is fining walls of the Home of the ,7; Juden, Jnto;.the jEeich constituted In the following mannerr-lf'Oiflis now oa-the Kfelr Beas,~rery happy Daughters of Jacob, which ehela grave _ danger- to German econ- 450,000 Jews remaining in Ger- in the thought that he has put rets destitute old men and women. omy, to the purity of the German many only 150,000 are capable of over something big lor the Jew- . . . The other night we were invited to a cocktail party given by spirit and to the German race, delivering a proof of staunch ish people. . • • .. Maurice Chalom, French Jewish has recently come but with an an- patriotism, he said. "For that "• •••••. artist, and his wife, Hilda, for the nouncement that Hitler is the reason it is they, and they alone, BALONEY .; of anouncing to all their best friend the Jewish people who should be tully integrated in John L. Splvak's- "revelations" purpose friends their forthcoming divorce ever had, Naumann made this de- the German national community. about Jewish support of the Fasclaration in Berlin to a repre- The other 300,000 should be cist movement-in this country are . . . A good time was had by all. sentative of the - Parisian Catho- treated as aliens, that is to say, a lot of bunk. • . . They are, in . .--. The Raimund von Hofmannlic daily "La Croix." It may be a beginning should be made with many instances, so childish that well toTemark here that the pub- depriving .them of German citi- they make us doubt the authenlication ^of^ the interview with zenship. They should have a right ticity-of his previous series on anHerr Naumann happened to coin- to do business in Germany, but ti-Semitism In this country. . . . cide In Paris with the dreadful the least attempt on their part to Splvak's "discovery" that Felix revelations by Kurt" Hiller. of his mix in the political life of Ger- M. Warburg Is the great masterexperiences as a prisoner, of the many should be followed by Im- mind -who directed the proceedJTazis in. the sinister Columbia mediate expulsion, as this would ings of the Dicksteln investigaHouse.- In Hlller's sober recital oc- constitute a grave offense against tion committee, pulls all wires in curs this phrase: "the most fiend- the laws of hospitality." the work of the American Jewish ish punishments, I soon became A fine.-program! I don't know Committee and is working hand aware, -were" reserved for Jews what Herr Naumann's' great In hand with J. P. Morgan for the .and pacifists". , . . Hiller is both. friend^—the 'friendship Is unila- establishment of a Fascist gov= The- representative of * 'La teral,' as the. diplomats '" say— ernment •and army — this canCroix" did not mince words when thinkB about it, but this is cer- not even be called yellow jourlie came to Mas Naumann for an tain. Herr Hitler and his col- nalism. . . . It's just baloney, and Interview. "Yon, Herr Naumann," leagues base their hostility to the the sooner The New Masses, will so began the reporter, "have an Jews on the question of blood stop printing such wild stories the • . extremely bad' reputation. Tou! and blood only. How can it be sooner will that weekly regain its are said to be a traitor to the proven to the Fuehrer that the standing as a serious-minded, jucause of "your co-religionists, and fifty thousand members of the diciously class-conscious publica11 that •were not bad enough-, it Herr Naumann's "Vereln" and tion. . . . IB also said that you cover "with its alleged hundred thousand feissea the hand of him -who beats sympathizers. have undergone a JEWS GET ApVICE the Jews.' You 77111 -understand physiological •transformation the A recently established when I say that'"we in France moment they lined up with Nau- zation is the Association for Betiare somewhat astonished, at your mann? There Is" the difficulty! ter citizenship, and to the dlspel"Herr Naumann is a jurist," cated to the advancement of bet• 'conduct." This is a., French Catti^olic speaking, I want to remind remarked von Gerlach recently. ter cltibenship, and t othe dispelyou, and bis "words are ;rinted in' "If he is bereft of human senti- ling of ignorance, misusderstand•-.ia great daily in Paris.-Now Nau- ments, has he any at least juridi- iug, superstition and prejudice. -manii is one of those he-man fel- cal left?" To deprive 30Q.OOO .-.. Its president is Alpheus Geer, lows Trio use<l to strut around in, people of their citizenship means who was tho founder of the Mara Sanr Browne belt until Hitler that they become VStantenlos." shall Stillman movement for the ^prohibited "this monkey-bnsi- A -!Staatenlos" individual, if he reclamation of incorrigible boys. ' .ness" ~ - amongst Jews. Naumann Is expelled, cannot find a refuge . . . The sponsors of the AssociaziB always ready with his mouth at elsewhere. •;' Naumann wants to tion for Better Citizenship include " :any r a t e — to deal out blows, to create a quarter million "Staaten- many prominent • personalities, ;Tight and left among the enemies, los" at one blow. For what rea- both Christian and Jewish, among "^and we might have,,expected son? ' Because these people are the latter being such notables' as • "therefore that this inverted Mac- not Germany, ' something which CoL Julius Ochs Adler ot the New : rcq.bee would have sent the French. can•' scarcely be - imputed as a York Times.. . . W h a t we wonder "•reporter out on his ear after that crime. In Rumania.the Jews were Is: Do these Jewish sponsors re-•Jquestion. Nothing of the ' sort. once ' • Staatenlose-, The whole alize that President Geer of the •Herr JJanmann," It is dear; has world, Bismarck at the bead, Association only recently publish• /grown Quite used: to -swallowing forced an end to this scandal. But ed an article In which, t e called • ^Insults and" ^humiliations '; In the Naumann would force his Ger- upon all ti.o Jews to become •three years of servitude to Hit- man fatherland, into a scandalous Christians and then to lead tha ..;•.•••;:.-•••• -MEISI! The Nebraska System' of Utmost iriler and the brown-mnraer-Tegime. position which even- Hitjer, who world back to the laeala of Jesus ,tl have nothing against the thou- has smeared the German same the Jew? . . . •" - Value Giving Brings.Y<iu Meme-Town&r Shoes! . . :' :\ i;;:sands of Jews in the Reich -who with blood and mire, hesitates to fOttXfCAL NOTES . - ' ; , Outwardly conform; -to the Hitler enforce. "HiixiHire4s of pdirs of;men*s and. young men's smart oxfords. i~niania by raising-- their bands in Never in the course of: Jewish Representative Sol Bloom, try-••the streetswhenaswastika pass- history lias• there been seen seen ing to.; convey to a certain TalGrain.-.leather,..calfskin, kid leathers.- Every pair has «scep.:-:"-";'es or "Who stand respectfully to an instance "of such "base and' ab- mudlBt toe magnitude of the Pres• tloaal fitting "qualities to insure comfort. Hotne-Townsrs arc •' /.attention — w-henV the ^souteneur ject self-effacement. I pity Nan- ident's flve-blllion-d6llar approconstructed to.-.give service and satisfaction at this low .price! '.•Wessels* iymn blares forth. Lna- man. I pity' the Jewish people, priation for relief and public l derstand their impotence ; and for such a .mentality as Nau- works, is said to have it this way: j their fear in a land run, by gang- mann's can only be the result of "If somebody at the time of ths •; "•....'. .-.'• .'X-JRA'Y F I T T I N G S E E V I C E ' ' ' .• • •'jsters anil seething, with an 6ffi- ages of crawling in the dust, of fall of Solomon's Temple had fcsicially-fanned hostility against licking tha boot3 of' alien over- gun paying out money at the rats •;them..And I win gladly see them lords, p£ falsa pretension to in- of S3.50 a minute, and had paid 'J-agaln aid 'shake -their- hand, as feriority, Naumann knows better. It at that rate steadily from that flrieads and coiapanloas fla route Naumann Snows as well as I do time down to tha present moment, t j on the day when the. brown ma- that if Mussolini can say: When the task of paylajr out §4,380,,';rauders of humanity are overpow- ths ancestors of these Nasisc 000,000' would not yet be comered aad tha man with the fool- wore deerskins and roamod tha pleted. . . .There's! still be encash isn little moustache is brought foreat, wo had Cicoro and Csto, money unpaid to cover tha cost COSSLT3CT W02OEST ; fcefors a courtot Sostlce to estab- the Jews can say: Before the an- of that proposed enlargement ol lish there, before all the world, cestors of these Naais staggered tho Pj&saESS. Czz.z\" . . . Ths fun iai
"•'. f f '
" .m* fastJbe&tfesg stet i n s e r t — a l l
Jr. Hadassah Holds Palestinian Party
Scientists Defy Ban on Honoring Haber
Local Talmud Torah Bill Bars Trade with Persecutors Publicly Honors Four
EJEON * WHITE, Att«™w>. City Notional Bank BulMin*.
NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OT AH. T l A BS OF INCOHFOKATKM* OF AVTOUOTiXk Eqiill'MISNT CO. Notice Is hereby given t h i t at » speOne hundred members and cial meeting of the stockholders of Auotnotlve Equipment Co., a corporation, Washington, D. C. (WNS) — (Continued from Page 1) friends of the Junior Hadassah held Bt Omaha, Nebraska, on the 4th BY F. R. K. A bill directing the Secretary of must take RE interest in the Tal-day ot February, 1935, an amendment chapter attended an open meeting •waE adopted to. the articles of incorBerlin (WNS)—Defying an of-State not to enter into any reci- mud Toraa." iiiiiiTHniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiffloniiiiiiniiiioiiiiiiniimiiB?. and Palestinian party, Monday poration by which Articles 1 and IV of Its articles of incorporation were enficial government ban, Germany's procal trade agreements or unevening In the social hall of Other Addresses Benefit Bridge Party Next tirely stricken out and the follovrinK' arMilton Grueskln and Lester Laz- Shaare Zion synagogue. most eminent scientists paid tri- derstandings with anj nation enwere subHtituted as Articles-1 and William L. Holzaaan, president ticles Thursday Slight riowich will play alternate at the IV *»£ the articles of incororation of/ in religious or ra :lai per- cf the J. C. C. and Welfare Fed- Automotive bute here to tbe memory of tho Children of the Hebrew school Equipment Co. post. The team is well trained Mrs. Sam Gross will give a late Dr. Fritz Haber, world-fa- secution is on the calendar of theeration, spoke briefly, stressing ARTICLE I. since they have been under the presented skits and recitations. A benefit "The name of this cot-oration shall be Senate Foreign Relations Combridge party next Thursmous German Jewish chemist and trio composed of Libbie Olensky, the Talmud Torah is a bene- MAJOR APPLIANCE CO." tutelage of Sam Epstein who waB mittee. The author ot the meas- that day evening, February 14, at 8 Nobel Prize winner, on the occap.anist; Biesla Pill, 'cellist: and ARTICLE IV. ficiary of the Jewish Philan- "The objects for which state guard at East High and also this corporaure is Senator Wa-.-en K. Brtr- thropies o'clock at the Hotel Chieftain sion of the first anniversary of Jean Shindler, violinist; played J is effectively supported, tion is formed are: a regular performer at Iowa U in bour of New Jersey. All proceeds from this affair will his death. group of traditional Hebrew melo To buy,- Be'l, TYi&nufacture, repair 1928 and 1829. the Talmud Torah "would suffer. and<a.>distribute, at wholesale or retail, dies. Miss Lillian Romirowskr go to the Talmud Torah fund Haber, whose Invention of the If the bill Is passed it would A. Katz, principal of the Talall ertiflCE oS every kind RJifl descrip(By Earl Hiznowitz and Sid Baum 6j>ok9 Tickets are now on sale and may on the significance of Cha artificial nitrate process during prevent the United States from tion which are. known Jn the automobile Tine lirat annual district con- stein.) mud Torah, spoke, attributing trade af= automobile accessories. be purchased from Mrs. Gross at misha Oser B'shvat. the World War helped Germany making any new commercial treavention o£ District No. 6 ol A. Z the intensity ol Jewish life in (b.) To buy, sell, rn's?iufBCture, repair* Place-cards. in the form of the Chieftain hotel. The. main maintain Itself, was exiled by theties with such countries as Ger-Omaha and "distribute, at wholesale or retail, A. opened today in Siorfx City with to the Talmud Torah ac- refrigerators, radios, washing- achines, ballroom has been engaged for miniature palm trees graced the Nazis who forced him to resign as many and Mexico. > Ironing and any ami all other the registration of contestants and tivities. Tnllro -ororp &1<?O e i r e n b v ' a r t i c l e machines, tables, and Palestinian fruits were this affair and the advance sale head of the Kaiser Wilhelm Instiof every kind and description In a statement accompanying
MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent
I.; A. Regional ^Tourney; Starts
200; Young Meii to Attend Sessions In Sionx City
Committees for Federation Banquet
visitors at the Martin hotel, with talfcs -were aisoand given D> vMch included in the refreshments of tickets indicate that a large tute. B r e k n o w n a B household appnthe Introduction of his bill, Sen- Rabbi Frederick Cohn Rabbi Martin Kozberg, general chairman ances. crowd Is expected. Prizes will be which followed the program. It was at the Institute that (c.) To fcorro-sT money and to Issue ator Barbour said: "A growing N. Feldman, as well as by two in charge. A steady stream of bonds, mortgages, stock ot- other awarded at each table. Refresh- Professor Max Planck, Haber's wave of religious and racial per- veteran Talmud Torafe teachers, notes, boys tiled into the registration Plans are going forward for the obligations for t h s t purpose; to hold, ments will be served. Table res- successor, and other leading Ger- secution repugnant to the AmeriBtock in other corporations; o buy, sell, Wolfson £.n& B. Blocfi. . rooms to present their credentials annual federation banquet, schedown, hold, assifrn, mortgage and-transfer Amorian Club ervations may be made by calling man scientists, honored the mem- can sense of justice and common Judan honde, securities, trust receipts,. condiThe invocation was given hj and fees for the three-day conven- uled for February 2G at the JewThe Amorlan club held a short Mrs. Gross, phone 932. This ory of Haber and recalled his decency In the affairs of men isRabbi David A. Goldstein, End tional sales contracts promifleory notes, tion; lasting today, Saturday and ish Community Center, and several mortgages, drafts,. Mils of exchange, meeting Sunday afternoon in thecard party is open to the public great scientific contributions to making itself manifest in many the benediction by Rabbi Uri contracts. flniJ accounts receivable. Sunday. committees have been named by Jewish Community Center to dis-and everyone is urged to make the country that had hounded parts (d.) To do aTiy and RTI thtnire necesof the world. Miller. sary and requisite to accomplish any of Welcomes, introductions, and Mr. J. Kalln, general chairman of cuss plans for the basketball team. their plans now to attend this him out of his native land. its objects or incidental to or In any While It is not the duty of the laughter permeated the atmos- the- affair. manner pertaining to the carrying on affair. The game scheduled for last SatUnited States of America to medof said business." phere o* the hotel as boys from Mrs. Sam Mosow has been urday with the team of the SwedMA.TOB APPLIANCE CO., • • • dle in the internal affairs of oth-Hi® De Milwaukee, Omaha, Lincoln, Tri- named chairman of the menu com- ish Tabernacle has been postponed g By M. S. I,iving-»on, President. The Council Bluffs lodge No. er nations, and to dictate what citle0, Des Molnes and Sioux City mittee; Mrs. Hy Lazere and Mrs.until tomorrow evening at 6 Rio De Janeiro — Dr. M. Mal-ATTEST: their moral and religious stand- amund, young Jewish leader, •was Fred S. "Whit*; secretary. met old friends and were intro- Morris E. Skalovsky are in charge o'clock In the Y. M. C. A. gym-688 of the Independent Order of 1-8-85—tt. ards should be, the situation has appointed a judge In a decree isduced to new ones. Abe Braver- of tho dining Toom. Mrs. 'William nasium. The teams basketball the B'nal B'rith will hold a meeting next Monday evening, FebrulOCIS E. M P P assumed so wide a scope and issued this week by the governman: and Morris Lebowitz, chair- Lazere and Mrs. J.. Kalin are insuits have arrived and will be Attorney, «'« City ?VpJional Bank Bid*. ary 11, at 8:30 o'clock at the so menacing in its threat to the! meat. i men of transportation escorted the charge of the reservations and worn at, the next game. Eagles hall. All members are Educators of Hebrew Union En- bard-won liberties of mankind j Dr. Kalarnnd is the first Jew NOTICE OF-ADMINISTRATION visitors to housing facilities, sup- ticket sales. . urged to attend. plied: by Herman Rubin, housing The annual meeting of the fedthat It has become a direct con-1 to be appointed to a judicial post IE the County Court o£ Douglas County, vision Correspondence Ic the Matter ot the Estate of "WII*Mr. and Mrs. Sam Roffman chairman. cera to the people of every land j in. Brazil. Young Poale Zion eration will follow the banquet, Coarse in Religion X.TAJI BONE, Deceased. announce the birth of a son, born whose pillars rest upon the prera-| • All persons interested in eaid estate Tournament competition began and reports of the president, The meeting of the Young Poale January 30, at the Clarkson hosare hereby notified that a petition has ise that all roen are created eqtm! at 10 a. m. this morning when treasurer.and superintendent will Zion club, scheduled for last Sun 6AMCEI ZACUAtSSA, Attorney been filed in said Court alleging that CINCINNATI (JTA).—A corpital in Omaha. Rev. A. Diamond ii Theater BUI said deceased died leaving- no last -will 7 < S S B end that they aie and should be Des Molnes No. 4 and Omaha No. be heard. The banquet is largely day, was. postponed until next course in religion is and praying- for administration upon of Council Bluffs performed the respondence endowed witn the inalienabel 1 engaged In the first round of attended each year and a capacity Sunday. KOTICE O r ADMIXHSTRATIO3T hfg estate, and that K liehrinfr will be being considered by the ceremony as Mohel at the B'rith now the County Court ol Dougri&s County, had or said petition before aaid Court right to worship God as they see InHrt>r&sks,: the basketball games. The second attendance is expected this year. commission on Jewish Education The program for that meeting which, on the 23rd day o£ Fehruarj-, 10H5, and was held "Wednesday noon, of the Union of American He- fit." game will be played at 11 o. m. In the matter of the estate of 3IARY that if ther fail to appear at said Court will include current events; and February on the said 23rd. day of February. •WII»ER» Deceased. 6, at the Clarkson hosbetween Sioux City and the Tribrew Congregations. In this a paper on "National Helplessness pital. All p?r«om interested In said estate I 1F3S, at 9 o'clock A. ar. to contest said j petition, the Court may grant the same are herebr notified that a petition has Cities. The third game will be manner it is hoped that the probaud National Self Help" by Sulabeets filed in said Court alieclne that • and grant administration of said estate Messrs. Yale Meyerson, Coil- lem of providing religious in- DISCOVERY OF GOLD •aid played by Lincoln and Omaha No. deceaiwcJ flied leaving no last will to Lssat" Kapisrs or some other suitable mith Bereskln. proceed to a settlement Yudelson and Robert Rosen- struction for Jewish children in aud pra3'ins for administration upon j p4>rnfyana n 100 at 12 o'clock noon. Milwau^ club will begin plans at man IN PALESTINE LAND his ectate. and that a hearing will be j thereof feld, students at the University scattered and isolated districts A recent charming addition to theThe Icee drew a bye therefore going had on #a?a petition before saicl court ^ * meeting for a celebration of BETCE CRAWFORD, on the 22rd day of February, 19S5. and into the semi-final round auto- the younger married set is Mr.the organizations first annivers- of Iowa at Iowa City, spent the •will be solved. County Judge. NablUS, Palestine, (WNS Pali t h « it they fail to appear at" said Court matically! They will play the win-and Mrs. Sampson Krupnick. Mrs. ary, scheduled for March 11. Miss past week-end here visiting their Though no formal course of , , Agency)—Engineers A,.~..,.,,-V -c-_.-___ foo the nald E3rd day February, cor are at S o'clock A. M. to of contest said 1535, petiner ' of the • Omaha-Dea Mdlnea Krupnick, before her marriage Mary Raskin will act as chairman parents. tion, the Court may ETant the same study or plan has been issued by . ' * KEIAEY The Council Bluffs Talmud the commission, it has watched investigating further the discov- and grant administration of eaid esOnrnhR .Nail. Bnnfc Bldf. game; when competition is re-last Sunday was Miss Lillian MI- of the meeting.. ery of gold ore on land near tate to Philip Greenbere or some i ronsky of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Torah society entertained about with keen interest local, attempts sumed at 3 p. m. today. The sec£nd KOTICE OF AMENDMENT IN AR*>roceeii t0a settlement TICM5S 60 guests at a social gathering in this direction made by seven here, as the Moslem peasant own-i {^e jperson ond eeml-final game will be held Krupnick will make their home in OF »N«»IMt«lATIO?f OF WKBRTCE CRAWFORD, BRA8KA CHAMEEUS OPTICAL. CO. ers begged that the news be kept the Swanson apartments. He is an for all the fathers of the children large congregations. Five of at 4 pi m. Buzz Brown and George Inter-club Council County Judge. Notice is hereby griven that at a »peI-1-S5—3t Boring for water sources cfa! meetinp of the (stockholders of tho Gieshir will officiate at the games instructor in the local Talmud The Inter Club Council metwho attend the Talmud Torah the attempts were made in theainsecret. BEX K. KAZLOTTSKY, Attorney. Nebraska Chambers Critical Co., held order to furnish a larger supTorah. Monday evening at the Chevra which, will be played at the 53J Insurance Bldg. at the offices of the Company in OrnaWednesday evening in the Jewish South, one on the Northwest ply to this town and its adjacent , ha, ^-'ebraflka, on October 15, 1934, ATArmory. Sid Baumstein and Milton Mrs. E. Skalovsky, Miss Edith Community Center with Morey B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618coast and one in the Middlewest. | tide III <jf the Articles of Incorporation villages, engineers came across FEOEATE 3TOT1CE. GruoaKIn are chairmen of the bas- Skalovsky. and Lou Skalovsky de- Llpshutz, - president presiding, Mynster street. The program inealfi corporation TVHS amended «o IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF of One ol the most interesting traces of gold ore in the soil. the »ame Trould r«at5 as follows ketball tournament. PHILIP GOEELICK, also Known as that parted today for 'St.' Louis where every Jewish organization In thecluded stereoptical slides, por- and successful ot these experito-wlt: PHIL GORBUCK. iormerlv known a« The land on which the ore was traying historical pictures, which "The penerF.I nature of the buslnm All jvlsitors and contestants will the latter will be married Sun- cltr Is represented on the council. ments has been conducted by found is in dispute, and the own-RAFOIJ GOREMCK, Deceased. to be transacted aiicl the object and were shown by Mr. O. Hochman. day to Miss sadle Langsam, KOTICE IS HEBEBT GIVEN: purpose tot which this corporation is be Invited to private homes for Refreshments were served. A Rabbi Harry S. Margolis of theers urged the engineers to sup- That the creditors of eaid deceased organized aiid established, is to condinner tonight, from -where they daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Mt. Zion Temple, St. Paul. As will meet the • administratrix of said j duct and operate optical and optomepress their findings. Another similar affair is being planned estae, before me. Courcy Judpe of Doug- trical stores, office or office*, departwill go to services at Shaare Zion Langsam of E^st St. Louis, 111. las County, Nebraska. s.t the County ment or departments in stores or offito be given In the near future part of the program of thefamily claimed the ground as Court synagogue where the oratory tour- Miss SkaloVsky will be an attendin said County, on the 1st ces (owned and operated by others) Northwest religious district, a their own and the people in pos-day ofRoom, for all the mothers of the chilant In the ceremony. April, 1S35, and on the 1st day with one or more branches and in the ney will be held. Following the unit of the Union of American of June, 1935, a t 9 o'clock . m., eac"h conduct of snme to hire, engag-e, use, session wanted to come to an dren who attend the Talmud After & wedding trip, Mr. Skaservices the contestants and visiday, for the purpose of presenting their furnish, and employ oculists and reguHebrew Congregations, Dr. Maragreement before the news Torah and Sunday school. claims for examination, adjustment and larly registered optometrists who are to tors 'will be guests at the several IovBky and his bride will make golis has put into action several leaked out. But, by grapevine allowance. Three months ere allowed for examine ?res and prescribe, furnish and creditors to resent their claims, from fit Bpectacles end eyesrliussee or eyehouse parties to be held by thetheir home in Sioux City. Miss Louise Fitc,h left Saturday resolutions adopted at various methods, the other disputants had the the 1st <3ay of March. 1S35. glase requirements for the improvement Miss Rose Singer lias departed convention hostesses. Myna Slotnight for New York City for a neighborhood meetings in North word of the lucky strike. And BRTCE CRAWFORD, County Suage. or correction of visual defect? or de2-S-S5 St. ficiencies by the upe of mechandcal sky and Margaret Kosberg will for her home In St. Paul, Minn., month's visit with relatives and Dakota, Wisconsin and Michigan. they refuse to settle. means OF correctional appliances, ain! preside jointly at the Slotsky after a ten-day visit -with her par-New Bools Irrefutably Proves friends. Sne will visit also in who ere to render ery e.nd[or such In general, Rabbi Margolis It now remains to find out COKES home, 712 34th street. Jean Shind- ents here. Niagara Falls and Washington, has followed the curriculum of whether it was actually gold that Attorneys, 7S" Omaha Tn'Bt'I Back Untruth of the Ritual eessary and incidental thereto: to buy. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Rodin, have ler and Fern Wolfsen will be hosD. C , before returning home. the Mt. Zion religious school was struck. If it was, it would manufacture frames end grind Murder Accusation BT W7BMCATI0X ON PETI- • sell, tesses at the former's home, 1934 departed for New York City where Mr. and Mrs. Julius Katelman which he directs. His procedure have surprised the ancient in- NOTICE TIOS FOR SKTTM3MKXT OF YTSAT* lenses and prisms; to desipn, .mRnufac! ture, assemble, buy and sell (spectacles, McDonald street. Sarah Rocklin they will spend two weeks visiting AD3EIXISTKATIOX ACCOUNT eyegriapses lorgnettes, opera London (JTA) — A final and and Bon, Maurice, motored to calls for the parents and the child habitants of this land. Solomon In the County Court of Douglas County. monocles, and Tillie Shindler will be hos-with friends. Rlasses, field plasses, marine glasses, Leavenworth, Kan., Sunday to coming to St. Paul for a personal Nebraska. ^ had to send to Egypt and distant incontrovertible refutation of the microscopes, photographic In the Matter of the Estate of RATH- telescopes tesses at Miss Shindler's home, EOTNTON BELT, Deceased: Rnd other lenses, ecieciific instruments, hideous. Ritual Murder accusa- visit Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear and interview at which time the rabbi countries for gold to be used in ERINE 1715 Nebraska street; Ruth Friedand apparatnB made wholly or partly All persons interested in said n-.atter family and attend the B'rith of ascertains what the child already building the temple. tion,, which .has ^caused untold are hereby notified that on the SIndt from eiass,. tORether wfth all parts of man and Libby Dervin will*prethe Infant son of Mr.' and Mrs. knows, If anything, about Jewish day of January, IS35. Dennis O. Belt or accessoriefi to anjof the foregoing." side as hostesses at the Friedman Dr. Theodore N. Lewis I will misery to the Jewish people from Bear, which was held Monday at history, ceremonials, etc. With filed B. petition in saifl County Court, J. L. CHAMBERS, prayingr that his final administration rresldent. homev^b? Otoe. speak this evening at Mount Sinai the twelfth century even to thethe St. John's hospital. Mr. Ka-this knowledge, the rabbi is able account filed herein be nettled and E!GOLDIE CHAMBERS. present day, is contained in. a lowefl, and that he be discharged from Tournament competition will be Temple on the subject "Yearning newly-published telman and son have returned to choose a course of study most Secretary. hie trust as executor and that & hearbook. resumed Saturday morning, when for a Messiah." home, while Mrs^. Katelman will conducive to the child's progress. ing will he had on said petition before l-25-S5-4t. said Court on the 2Sra day of FebruThis libel is based upon the hyThe Book Review Circle of the debate competition 10 remain in Leavenworth for about A textbook is then prescribed* and ary. 1635, and that if you fait to apa. m. in the Martin hotel. Two de- Temple Sisterhood will meet next pothesis that the Jews require two weeks. pear before said Court on the said '3rd Jerusalem, (WNS—P a l c o r an outline based on the subject day of February, 1S35, at 9 o'cloclt A. bates will be held-at 11 a. m. andFriday afternoon, February 15, in and employ blood for religious Agency)—The Jeyrs of Palestine matter of the book is given to M., arra contest eaid petition, the Court Plans are being made for the may prant the prayer of said petition, the semi-finals : will follow the the home of Mrs. I. Miller. Mrs. observances in connection with Council Bluffs senior Hadassah he child. will send to Spain, a land which enter a decree of heirship, and make theater; party which Is scheduled O. H. Hoyt will review "Stephen the Passover rites; and that, in annual linen shower to be held excluded Jews for five centuries, euch. other and further orders. aHo-wAfter the completion of the and in. order to obtain such blood, on Wednesday afternoon, Febru- outlined course of study, the a representative delegation in ances and decrees, as to this Court for 2 p. m. Pairings for the de-Escott" by Ludwig Lewisohn 11 may seem proper, to the ert3 that ill! bates will be announced immedi- European Journey by Philip they do not scruple to commit ary 20. Bridge will be the after- child takes an examination with connection with the celebration matter* pertaining- to said estate may be finally settled and determiner! murder. ately ,jpreceding debates. Perry Gibbs. noon's diversion. Mrs. Max Si-questions prepared by the rabbi. being fostered by the Spanish BRTCE CRAWFORD. The honor roll of the Temple Osnovrttz, MaTVin Klass and Sari The first Instance known to mon is chairman of this affair. The examination, or study-ques- government of the eight hun- .id-I-35-St. County JTudg-e. Himowltz will be chairmen of theReligious Bchool, for the month Western history of the grotesque AH members and their friends tionnaire, is then returned to the dredth, anniversary of the death I SiGNSKT, GKODIN8RT. MAKES * of January as announced in theallegation occurred on Eastern are' urged to save this date. debates. rabbi, who grades it and makes of Moses SJaimonides, foremost COKES Attornsys, 725 Omaha Nni'l Bank Blag:. Saturday evening, the beautiful Temple Bulletin, includes the fol-Eve. 1144, when the body of a corrections and suggestions for Jewish philosopher, who was Messrs. Sam Gross and Morris lowing children who have done exball Toom of the Bellevuo apartyoung skinner's apprentice was improvement. He then writes to born in Cordoba. This was de- NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION' the County Court of Douglas County ments will be the scene of the big cellent work, had perfect attend- found in a wood near Norwich. Yudelson returned home today both parent and child concern- cided by the Jewish National In Nebraska. convention dance. Max Zellgson is ance, and attended Friday evening Modern theorists have concluded from Rochester, Minn., where ing the work already done and Council of Palestine, as part of In the Matter of the Estate of P. COHN, Deceased. chairman of this event Norman services at least once during the that the boy had a cataleptic fit they spent several days. They suggests another personal inter- its program to commemorate the JOSEPH All persons Interested in ssifl estate man who is regarded by many ere hereby notified that a petition has Satin Is in charge of dating for month: Jack Krueger, Doris Grue- and was prematurely buried by made the trip by motor. view at which additional work filed • in said Court, praying for skln, Bernard Weiner, Robert Pill, his family, but it was rumored The Sisterhood of the Talmud may be outlined. as the greatest Jewish philoso- been the dance. the probate of a. certain instrument now on file in' said Court, purporting Sunday morning an advisors Sam Heeger, Hubert Friedman, at the time that he had been en- Torah held a meeting Wednesday The plans call for personal pher of all time. to be the la-st trill and testament of meeting will be held at 10:30 inBilly Prusiner, Doris Pill, Jose- ticed away by the Jews and cru-afternoon, February 6, at theconferences with the rabbi, or a The Vaad Leumi also decided said deceased, and that a bearing wii) had OB said petition before said the Martin hotel. The meeting •will phine Rosenfeld, Charles Grue- cified. In consequence a wave of Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue member of his teaching staff, at to mark the occasion by estab- be Court on the S3rd day of Pebruarv be followed by a luncheon for!the akin, George Gallnsky, Rbzena religious frenzy swept the city. a- 618 Mynster street, with a least four times a month. This lishing a Maimonides Institute of 193E, ana that if they fail to appear at eaid Court, on the said 23rd day of Kozberg and Harold Letkovich. The Jews barely escaped being large attendance gathered. A Bi-provides "a check on the aptitude Learning at Tiberias, Palestine, February, advisors. . j 1935, at 9 o'clock A. M.", to ble study class was held, concontest the probate of said will, the Finals of the '• basketball games On February 12, Dr. Lewis will massacred. of the student and allows for where the twelfth century philos- Court may allow and probate saUS -will and debate competition will be address the student body of West Upwards of one-hundred and ducted by Mr. J. Z. Stadlan, prin- adaptation • of the curriculum to opher . died. It will also sponsor and grant administration of said estate to Wlliam Grotlinsky or some other cipal of the Talmud Torah. His held Sunday afternoon. The debate Junior High school at their as- fifty episodes of the sort have the personal needs of the child. an exhibition of Bambam, so- suitable person, enter a degree of heirsubject was taken from the chapcalled because those are the Hefinals will be held in the annex of sembly. ship, and been recorded since that date, The plan also includes having proceed to a settlement thereof. ters of Abraham. Following the Mount Sinai Temple. and, in almost every case, the acthe child come to St. Paul from brew initials of his name. Stey lit tfec Center BKTCE CRAWFORD, Palestine Jewry intends to S-l-SE-3t County Jud^re The-•highlight and closing event cusation has been followed by business meeting, a social hour time to time during the year cf Downtown — tt»c of the convention will be the banwholesale arrests, by spoliation, followed. Refreshments w e r e when special functions are being centralize all Jewish observance KEE35, HAMAVCIOTTI « SOSINSON and EPKKAIM ]U KAKIiS quet Sunday evening, at the Jewand ghastly miscarriage of jus-served. held in the school, such as Inof the Maimonides anniversary ish Community Center where all The A. Z. A. oratorical contest tice. connection with Chanukah, Pu- in Jerusalem and will invite Attoraej-B, PB3-E28 First Nat Bank Bid. Jewish communities throughput NOTICE TO NON F.3ESIKENT tournament winners will be an-will take place at the regular Fri- In a book, entitled "The Ritual rim and Passover. DEFENDANT the world to send delegations In the Municipal nounced and awards given to theday evening services of Shaare Murder Libel and the Jew," Mr.Laborers Get Jobs in ^ Several of the students taking Court of the City of here during Passover, when the Ctcaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, winning chapters. An entertaining Zion synagogue tonight and will Cecil Roth claims that the adthe course attended the recent To JAME3 CKIN. also known as Haifa After Landing hanukah program of Mt. Zion ceremonies will be held. It was JAMES CHAN, non-resident program by Sam Sadoff, banquet take the place of the sermon by vance of civilization has not defendRabbi RablnowiU!. Eight contestalso decided to issue a new edi- ant: chairman. Morey Lipschutz, patron Sunday school. Aside from the brought about the disappearance You are. hereby notified th&t on Haifa, (JTA)—-So great is element or reward attached to tion of the works of Maimon- 10, If35, United Loan Co., Inc., Jan. and friend of the local A. Z. A.ants are scheduled to speak. Can- of the preposterous idea. as tor A. Pliskin and' the synagogue plaintiff fllea its petition in the abovechapter '•will act • as toastmaster at "Hardly a year passes," he the lack of laborers in the Haifa a trip to the big city, the exer- ides. named court. Docket V-7, Number 18.1, choir will chant the ritual. A famous physician of his time, the object end prayer of which ere to the banquet. Frank Margolin, writes, "but the loss or acciden- port that a number of stevedores cises were a complete revelation the sum of $31.58, with interest . prominent l<ical attorney and pres- Saturday, morning;at the serv- tal death of some child leads to who arrived from Salonica were to the children from the outly- Maimonides was best known for recover and costs; that on January 10, 1835, property and credit* in the bands of ident of the B'narBrith. lodge will ices of the Junior Congregation, .a recurrence of the libel, wit%snatched up for employment in ing districts as it was the first trying to achieve a synthesis be- receiver. Union State Bank, Omaha, • with SerWder and -.. be tho principal speaker. Many Bernard Weiner- will act as cantor more or less serious results, the harbor area as soon as they time any of them had seen a tween the philosophy of Aristotle Nebraska were attached »nd {Tarnished in eaid action on the ground that vou and Howard Sucks will read the had landed. Clrctcfafifig'.fee •water and Judaism. skits as well as a surprise number Chanukah play or had witnessed are a non-resident of the State of Nelaw. Candy will be distributed to somewhere in' Eastern Europe. that «sW caose has been conDespite the fact that 2,000 His most important Jewish braska; iwll entertain the vlaitors. Chanukah service. That serious attention should be tinued until the 6th day o2 March, A Stadias D., 1S"5, at 8:00 o'clock A. M., a t •Rudolph Shindler and Perry the children by Mr. and Mrs. M.devoted to the allegation today, men are now working at the port •- Rabbi Margolis has thus far work was "The Guide to the whicli time you are required to appear Hendlyn. in honor of their grandthere is still' a labor "scarcity. Osnowitz will represent Sioux City concerned h i m s e l f •with, twoPerplexed." when by all logical criteria it and answer in said cense, or Judgment There are 300 Jews among the courses, namely, in Jewish hisin debate events, while Max Ma-child's birthday. ll be taken against you in accordshould be no more than an antiTuesday afternoon, Rabbi Raance with the prayer of the petition ron will give the oration. The baBquarian diversion, is not a waste workers, but most of the laborers tory and in Jewish ceremonials. Issae SoM UNITED LOAN CO., INC., PiaintiJf binowltz addressed the sociology ketball team is .composed of Milof time; fOT at any moment It are Arabs from Syria. Among He keeps a Tecord of the ^rork Tel Aviv—Th-3 S50.000 pound By Ephr&im 1* Marfes, Its otn Graeskin, Sid Baumstein, Ru- class at Morningslde college, may become grim reality, imper- them are numerous children. completed by the students m a t - five per cent bonds issued by thel-2S-35-St dolph Schindler, AboBraverman, speaking on "The,Political Situa- illing the credit of a whole peo- The stevedores work In, day ing them eligible to receive a General Mortgage bant is a coaand night shifts and yet find it certificate from the school. The Sid Bergen,'Lester Lazriowich and tion In France in 1894." Monday afternoon, February 11, ple, the well-being of entire com- impossible to keep pace with the children also become eligible Jor •version scheme was an instanMax Matron. munities, and the safety of thoutaneous success, all tLe debenvolume of work. Another twenty confirmation in theTemple at tures being sold within : Sid .; Bergen, after being at at 2:45 the regular meeting of the sands of lives." stipusynagogue social hall. school-at Nebraska university, re* Mr. Roth's book is' dedicated Jewish laborers are expected to the proper time. ated period. PRACTICAL MGHEL arrive from Poland this month. tamed'last fall to occupy a forto the memory of Lorenzo GangA n e w issue Is expected Vhone i©50 ward berth opposite Sid BaumBook Review anelli (Pope Clement XIV), on shortly. stein. ; These two boys form a The nest In the series of book the 160th anniversary of hismost remarkable, broad-minded Kreislsr Bass German Council smooth, machine in the front line. reviews given by Rabbi H. R.death. The latter was a Francis- and humane documents in the Patronise Our Advertisers. Abo Braverman has entered the Rabinowite will be held next Mon- can of vast learning who was in-history of the Catholic Church" London — Fritz Kreisler, notfraternity and will continue to oc-day evening, February 11, in thestructed in 17SS, to make a de-—3s now published in full, both ed violinist,, 'who appeared here, cupy oho of the guard berths. The social, hall of the synagogue. Rab- tailed report on a series of in Italian and in English. It in concerts, told his friends feact-1 • It •'. other guard post is creating a bat- bi Rabinowltz will review "Salva- shocking incidents which had ta-shows' that the calumny lacks all stage that he had refused to play! tle between Rudy Shindler and tion" by Sholom Ash. ken place in Poland, following basis in fact, a conclusion that is in Germany as long as the per-1 .". 'f&! r?\>m •"*'* -1 • " Max Maron, The center post has "Salvation" has been rated byfresh repetitions of the Blood Li- fully borne out by all others who secution of the Jews continued, \ '-' •" r ' i-.-wi"" -- >.*» J?T* created, a hole in-the lneligibility critics aa one of the outstanding bel. nave examined t h e question he London Dally Express reSSH^l^lS^^^iN^ff^ of Leonard Hall, stellar pivot man. books of 1934. fairly. That report — "one of the ported. *•• %• h.-«wt u • ) _ * « u i •* MI"
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