February 15, 1935

Page 1


•Entered :ss £scmia data S'osttSSiec nl Oniahn,

-SlattET DH Janiiiiry 21; 33m. a t

XI.—NO, 1.

15, -1935.. •W% ^ s -



High'Scholastic Honors

Ifees '-^TT tn ll^Tj



Abraham :Daiisliy, son of E r . and JSITB. Herman DasBky, 3ian the distinction of Iming the only stndent a t Central Sigh -school ix> ever receive isix and one-half JL'-s. jnnior, Jhe achieved this KRhoV rtic .record last -semester. Abraham as vsry actrre in the school, /being a ansmbEr of the



» JtHwiWi^w

"Fsrcss ^ Wile"

. W-

Gertrnfls Hotfctqp. 2 0 , t s r or :Kr. E U S MTB. S a r r r !, TTB.E ETn,flXJEtES. "FelrTEETTJ J7 -^rom xiie CreiglittTE. CoUeEe o*j I CoiaEnrrce T^itfc cinE lanfle i n n o r s , I t a e Duly girl t o e r e r i s r r s TeeerrcS j EEm lEHfle a t tiie cnnnaerce cdl~


. Sstber Sengis, "who is visit- j BucnarEsx (JTA) — The anti-•; legs, v Hiss iS.oii.fcDp £EE been act ith Irienfis in Omaha, i s s ; Ssniitic movEiasEt 'in UnmEnia re-1 : ; craxsiiiErable attention ns-j :eivea smother setback "when th e; the CSTEPEE, hurir^ bacn s. y Tilth her hook, "I Am a'|1 .statement fist .the revival D* thE ; Commerce, Lnncrcr nrgimi

-., %*»*,,

-TyTrirrr TTrmnr EDniety, Ai'CiSpells choir, jF^rexich club *and cmxtrbl. S^e i s 32, ^xxnwsr nf i h e Spanish clnb. i n 1S3-J Ab-i _raiijEm -won t h e Susan -Psztrm latin j awarci. "ttp. "was a 3nsaibsr ol t h e j Sengis, who occupied cast i n the school opera.

31DtscL :1BC—

inrer, sutiinr and "traveler, "will givB a. -WBst-siiii ^scries ol "three itectuYes s t ' tiiB 3'TTH 1 TRraal synagogue, "ISih .anS Chicago,


'*:.of the oppasitian arainst Hing Ca-;T€iar, GErtriiile -waEj-DteS the c o r . "ixoL - • I popular girl at tiie't'Eiveriiity. THE fhs Conservative .EjnagoSxie 2nr a I This statement is ths result of [ contest vrzs EpsnEnrea £y zx. iniEryear i n 3.9.29, when i t "was iomided. Bllowing his stay .in Omaha, S&b• hl J3engis •was called i o -BirniinEj nam, Ala., l u i two years ago he j suffered -a nervous brealkXixywix to p n t i i s 'jiarty on recnrii u s fie- JL_'IJ •,,,^a,,rT.,, 1 "which has JEiade i i m s n invalijl.Siinfling restrintianE l o r t h e Sevrs or S m n a n i a . T h e efxarts of T a i S a J yt I j ! S e HDW lives i n 2vew T o r t . «t«J «l * I .I«&st Jail 3Irs. Sengls besan TDevoti "were coimtEracteS by D r . ("writing hEr'boofe, had i t publishes Mania, head" of t h e Isatixnial P e a s -

SanuiEl .is "Vniiu.1 ii ~to Ora&Tha £2xtiiB2ic£s, -b-B -having thxHlsd -+>IO-ITI 3, rmmxber of Tames previously with 13s elDtjnence 3tn9 plat2orm charm.- 2Es cappssrEnce liEre

" ^ finn

."o'lfJ- r"

^ . ^

3s -being sponsoreB by the Jmnor Taad auziliaTy and the Junlnr society off the I3eth-El synagogue. The ismDis -wiiter devoteB Ibis time -between America,1 ISUTQPE Bale. :Bi.B 25 iixrw •ira. v fciiair, Palsstine. Among 3"s "bEtter fhe country to sen life : s n fle "boDis are "Beyond ~Winnihook. J?oliry .SESE. : Since XSUS -wlxHa t h e an," "Jews on Approval," ' 1 , the The l o o t lias Teceivea favorable •Peasants P a r t y l e d by D r . "Ma; Tdaxaice Samuel. U. C. ' . (TTSB.) — •Jew," "On the itim of t h s ~WHacriticE. ansted t h e iiberalE from pov, Confirming DSiciaHy -what hafl al- j •sraess," and mmry ethers. teTB fl ""Vienna (3TA) — The ii.iistriEE S i s program: % "j'-'n "iimsjct is TLDV Btufiying all : znsnts, xhE irEtum o* xhs liiixig.. 1 'resiaEni Soosevelt ]iliDusB "with ^acilitiEs Xor Saturday, -February 16, at Ti 3fc.yt; IsEsec Tecsntly ix. crusr t n j« severe e c a n o s i c End Missus thSt the .am p. m., "-Fascism and Communism 1 t h s opsn litETsry 3ESI xevise c r eliiniEEte clBUTfes vriiint ; crisis. Tx}&sryt iixDixvh. "the iatrc barter pact -—•thEir HVIeanlng lor a JETS:,1" with I n maSitimi t o 3H£ixy ; c f S.inriEius.'E 17,500.0 00 ini:? Irvin BtalmaEtar, pXEsiiims; SnnVllTWE In BbWUJJapETB, ' •tsatB :is l e s s "thai! iialt "that i n : Ten:, ;My EfternDon, Telinmrv 17, .at 3 ±JlS p. m., "Changing Jjumflarfis nf T.ifA, "Within ana "Without .fhEj^^a ; J ^trest, -wiD celehmts -theix i. 3 ^^ _ ^ ^ a s -well as i n cmitrsveii- j ^ ^ Q. ^m ^l i o i i a n > . i M V ^ J e w i s h ; r a E = p l l ^ e " - T l 7 " - I T ^ ^ ^ Eismrt ro.'OOO. PDUT-fiJtEB c l t h e : Jtrwish J!ieM," •with E j i t a x U m . i ^ j ^ ^ a smxiverBsry -with a i * 1 0 2 °f internsiirmal ^ S ^ e ^ s ^ i ^ e a a j j j ^ . nfil iiafks jxTfiBitling; Snniiay EVS- SEfcrar JnbileB festival, Smutey, jimtlawing flinnpiiiEr of -gaoOB 3n -^^ stenium S. Wise calls It ainhabitants a r e -prEoticElxj E5l*-^

I t , ' — f • f I J"'-


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J . r -V... - .->x*u ^ ' - > u n i

aiing, IPehruary 27, at B p . 3n^ 3*etajary -17, *t--8 p . m. An at- I Am^ican ana lormsii » « » . W ^ S n s Etory nf a trilex part EETpoTtixi's: pEEssnts, -EStl msxy or' the TEnminfiEr cmiia gr? "bad: to -AliltonsrTi tfh.e President did -not j . , T "jRalestinfi, Jlirror ol the 'Worifl," j^-aotiTe rDrgxam -lias "been "ET•the isbnisate d a Tp.r,T> ^riio is 3IOP •with JBan y F ? 1 irwRlry prssiding. a :tire land. ates^. Kate Pearlmsn, { 3n. Epealiing oJ Tria llscture j^ii'ii^rirm rhntrmtm ol t h s XiaaiES! ^oTEnment's

AuxUiaxy. •'."'




i i r s t 3 ^fleal "with the S a b h l T~rt ISiHeT "wfll deliver t h e | -BvolntiDn. "which i a s an €he sppaxisrifly 3nbe toEHtiaastex. , .aJieiaxEtivB oi Cnni11118



3£ ^

« trfimenamiB •

the PTDHB-,

. , . J-.lii ft TJffilJimraaixBiiibErETiIthB'Aiisi-! conntry, BUICE the signing til assikt Trtth t h e ainnsr. i B n c a i ^ asreement -wonia l E v e j ; b o o i k t h s i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - the sates t o lSxEB_QTnmtx-|IjDIlis ^ _ N e T O a n . . D j j -ior last Unly, J u t of German —

. Jewish lite ±tx niTnilar of ^choice in' ihe past. The lecture is ^grriTi ihistorical s s 4&S . -p ffyrnX——it

ci .jETisi ptys; the Eovsmsisrt-Eujv -,,-.._ - ' s .level ""wiiuli ylsioB s moSerats.'porteii -sink iTstEni t o 'Ibe inrafiacer i a s .shDimixaDtivatfid i-y

DI ths Tjniiaing, Ain tiefcefs BQlii 3rrB-! slv, -rrJir IJB toaarsa Sungay. ^



wuria, 3n ±hs 'lytrf. rtrwo fhoixsanil .•vearji> -im3 Jewish change snfl. stability -in "the aZ them. Only t h e t h i r a 'lactnre 3B immeaiate a n a acimal, "with. little Idstoric


~pr~ r :

T£23.QiiEbly EQO3 results.. I s p.rlfiitiQU, tlie pEasants HISD ixs.& rheir •; a e d re£ .that -SlinisteT cf the IxtilEljts T£tLuEs2 i)y 'hnlT a m i 2H£X1E . terii r.2senstE2t— Scssrixisr "was re. ^ K.'.-;.x.xv -fcO -*ix »^ .



jt^x ± i . 4~xiL2ix . . . > i . s i .

. H i . .ijci—x-SiT j i x t M I - l w i ' -xJ-L* VV

• M i i. • .

* - . . *

jJgyTmtTi logeffesr -with isssibers xS *WEITS a ^yisir .^.gs, "^riisix '^T^^'3—^"TT>| t h e J g y i s h ..gaic I;I t;-r»'jty CEJH itafl ia~

tyfive p e r 'cent oi the "valus. nf a DO-, ODD Isales of American cotton and a contract providing 2or m Exchange of German "fnryn^YPCtrn^fi rgoods i o r t h e T^xjTnrrJTTTnjy isevsnty— I HvE per esni. . SscauEe AmErican importers announced that thfiwrDnld be ramble to sell the German The Entire community is es-tD he sschgngefl lor American cotjpectEa to set aside MonaEy sve- t a r in any -way except hy Tiolation 3iing, ZFfiljrauTy 2 5 , i o r t h s a.TTTimn ol the anti-ainixping sgreemenlE, meeting of the Jerwisli Community the ^entire aeal TVEB scrappea, fhe Center ana TFelfaPinsfcy, HDtea author ana! Since the iPsaeration is the limb j a loremDSt JewiEh dramatist, -will} of Js-wiEh activity in the cnmmnn- J dEliver a lectuTs TneBday, IFfihrn- ity. this .annual Junction is B.-"TBd i sry S5, a t B:SB p . 3n. a t the J.CC. llEttET aay" on ths Jewish ctnnSiETnibjsct^will 'be of cultural and j inimnl ealendax. r 'Uterary-value. I PlanB are tbeing anads lor an Mr. Pinslry's -plays 3IEVB l>een ;-oirtstaiining-meeting, "Torfc, CWNS)—Ths sreat proaucea i n Amsrica by fhs The- j vrin IJE annonncEa "next economic meed of the Jews in etsr Gniia. TT-g symbolical play, Goiaman i s chairman 'OfiEurope is not thEir paramount •Gabrii" playea In Serlin somfi the Eommittee in charge. • nesd, becausE i h s political need is time tagD, Tmaer t h e personal Mi- | much more "vital, Sholom Asch, Tection of theTtmDW.iiea3flaxS.einanDus Je"wish author, -declared iaTBt. -'...' at a TEception in "his lionor given

^ Pedeiafaon eefang Is to Be


lias bses


modest .way 3s snrnsthiiig vt m i Anti-Semitic propiE.1 as is pra ; The surprlEhig rsvsrsal of t l dassic."' • !Ai2EtriE.xi Eovernniiint policy ; 'rally prbhibitea. now f Salibi Abba HiHel SUver cf t>xi£Xixxg xT6V7i= f r d n a x l pxinlic p 'the country. .Ant.-Jewish develana ssys^ "Mrs. BeEgiB* ; by: sitions aufi txisnvcrwEl of auti-S is being spread in the is so Snll -Hi "wisdom and iniTpfff-gm eoixtE-iiLBS i n . D r . j-r£~CY~ig : hara-i.it crsSiturs., n r tsnSing, so ITEE ' ol "bitterness


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. -V ' I v.r* - ' r*c"_T*"ixirr vz*

•"erra^'G.53 £ 1** S'^'S 3

, ennit coEtmctorE ari5

so utterly csnSid that I am the result cf the nntEVDrEble pubol opposition parties, j SUTE that .no one can reaa i t -witlithe TaalssntEiitE ..are all licity TEceivEfi 'fey AusrriE abroExi. . 3Iost j-out ising gratelnl and -uplifted." L Tecsnt attSxZ.pt. xy the Ausj .Dr. Solomon 3 . JYeehoJ ol Pitts- too reaay to attributs thsir troc-;: blss to the political Eysten. t h e trian Minister of Finat-CE to obtair. "buxgh iialls i t " a service ID ennSUTErnEEUt of t h e . &zy,. the pre-' a "Joan in "liDnSs's Ended in fan ere tEmparary Jewish history,' dominance of t h e Jews in businesB and a blent rebuts fron: E3ir Ottr


xaare eneryatic of themal- "vrho accuseii the .Acstrians or

portrayal .of .a struggle lor ideals.*' contEnts i n all dasses costiEiie to i open' an-tS-5Brn itisai ESC. ol vioiat. "WMle-in. Ctmaha, mils. 3snsis is HVr an "the TETifcB of t h e sstrsuss • 1115 tire 'Treaty "ol Ssunt-c-fmsEiri,

the liotrsB guest Dl Ms. und Sirs. Julius Stein.


rights anxi e-xtr£3ae lefts. Ths EIHS- . bar of adhereixtF to -these SIDVB- ; or -ments is difficult to estimate, since the Iron Gusrfi, thE Extreme right anti-5eniitie party, as ^vrell as


r*"p; r zr t ~m\

r r f


ihs .Extreine I E X , • II&TE 'ijeen EXIT-

The Sit. Sinai Auxiliary an:2y recDsnisea as official political; that the chapel at the "thEt it has -sngsgefi "in ccEstiDEbodies. Mount Sinai csmetery lias Ibeen ablE polixical activities, the Pc'lisr Mr. Pinsfey i s presiaent nf the j ijy the AmErican Jerrish Con- cranpletsa. The auxiliary -vrill be vt: r r EDvemmEiit .closeix the iieadriuaTfraternal oraer at Jerosh Kational gress. Declaring "that "the Jfi-wish, host a t a free Sinner to all those "terB :&nd all provincial izcxnchEF Workers Affiance. I n Omaha 2ie 5 prDhlEms at this time ,are mnre contributed tD this project, The Tenrna-ry 20ili Jewish lec- of Agro-Tid, tiie organization xe-srill lie the guest n t fhe "Wozker'B political than ^matErial," IIE aslrsa , Branch Ixa. 54, ana Df "of "wliat. avail is ths TEUSI "WE tm.-Snnfiay, Ffihrnary 17,-.Bt 5::SD:ture series has bBsn postponed. .cently EStablishsti to foster the PiD3iBsr"Wnmen*B urganization. give thsm "wiEn that TElief is not P. m., -at the Adass Teshursn ; The nest" nnniher en -fhe lecture iinmisn-tion zl Polish -?€TTE i r p - ~ F 5™^^: s a t 25fh ..and Se-warS • seriEs -vrill be an aSSress :by XJr. 3iro-3icjES. protectea "by political AH organizationE are Teaufistea rrp"ti™ *_' r.**"!. v r r George Trupp, a s clever a little streets.. All thoss "Wl lonatsd ;'3ioHes .Jung ol "QUE Uxiversity ol tses?" to leave this date STEE, BO that | amateur "boxer as Tr.'H -stitiTffl icllcTT-eS a ssirroli Tj~L\ \ *— j ETE'invited t o attend. i Iowa, End Twill "be irivsn 'March 13.. evsryons ansy snjoy "Mr. Piniiky'B JH iing, 'hrought new IEUTBIS to the DEplDring the lack- of

George Tmpp Wins

1 1LI


Jswish -Comnrunlty Center athlsfic Toganizational Tinity, Asch said dEpartment last -week hy -winning "we must iave a dignified authe • • 3J2 B~p Dund- championship inthoritative TBpresEntatian iarfhs



eiaiQn !


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mating in the




before His lieadgnarterE V^ETE K I . - f ; j , , . dose3, D r . "2E. Bnrits, nne cX A s - J=>2ril{L ~ ~ ~ TO-Tid's sntrrisg Epiriu; Tesisnssci _'"^""Z "" Sttrits T0csnt2y TEtcnien irnu: t i , . T.-nr.C Tiloscr'w., "where 2ie fiiscusssfi "vriifc -?„*. -T.,. r .

the annual Golden XSloves losing.! Jewish peoplE, so that "both the tDimiirmHiit, a t the city' .^icQitBir-!'JETT1S1I TeoplB snB thB ia iran ; to-..-Bpeak in ths -name anothET w w ^ . i IsentatiVE -"Toey Saplan, o!thB'CentEr,~wasl>satsn of the Jews." 3fisnm Ddhen, son ol 3ir. and .Asting lor .an End to.-what lie in ihE iSnals after putting on Tine Goodman Cohen, and Etudent caHed the "free-Ior-aH Jewish ol the grsatest displEys of Ot j^SeSSDT "WHS Jn "the tournaniEnt. ISiaplan, "leaasrship," Asch declarea that

Violin C

v TU'


Srriet officials .a .plsx. lor th* set- ^"-.n, Z,^ ZaHUlHIlt of P b l i s l l ^ E^TB 2TL -l-sITO- -^" , p _ -^ SiSjcji, -tal since Hasn the Soviet m nr , - i S t J fir

Dr. Philip Bhsr fo^a Ijssn 33a- ' to xsecive tfcis year's "Outstanding jEwiiHi dtiirsix" xnmnl, given -annually unflsr t h s

only national discipline tD "which the Entire Jewisn


S E " ^ 'UPttinr

tD 3 s "vrlir.

- - ^ - . . _ ->,


music contsst lisia a t Pern Tsachers CDHSSB, Peru, -Neb-

SityxDn l a a prEVibusly been jEupsrior rating i n the Sis•anil Htats contsst. ATI old Jrxsnch violin playEd "by Jcfyxon is t h s propBrry ol J3x. Chris 78. SlExSon.


of J

Trupp snts

Irom ihrse oppDn\% Ihis ETDTm. I n t h e



AgiiciiltiiraEst to Paksiine Bersl

Last TBirr the recipient tsl t h e 1 Errar-a TTES SEnry 3Ionsk3-. JU.3 t i p • year Tjeiore "^TiHiam X. SoIzsixxS s EBle .The .iTTnira Trill Tie QlIi2is3Iy preCOT j t a s t s. InrrorJ Ijiaguat io t £

"by .hanging 'up a technical (TVIS—-Pal out Ticiorv over Shanty 15Hynn, an Agency)—•Trant StncMalE, aBri-ihsia si. HSB Jctrirli Omaha Dataer. Trupp-will-rEprssentthe J. C. C.cultural adviser of- ths jSritish ICentEr s n TTeSnHsScy. TsirKir^y GusBts nf htrnxxr TiH Ss Dr. in t h e national Golden Gloves Colonial DffiEB, is coming to Incr•ease ttrnrnEmEnt.tDDsIbEldln Chicast), PalestinB s t the xegnsst of fhe iShersuS ^overnment, i t r,25



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-1TO1H . _ T'S3Hx?

. •'


CW373)—Although P r e «i~^ J>, Tp-jj-iti. fin"' Jiere, in urder to inspect the xgeasissittsB sn. selBCtioa. is^Mussolini i s nn xecord sis racultnTal aEVElupment ol the !Eol.ory, Trill 'Ire psrmitt jgyjujutOtBtic TSith of Bsvgril country. JSETFB SEtsrr2s-r ES iii5? Ssi Ssibbstli in Palestine, It is expected that lie Trill "he ixxstians; S •jinstBBfi of Btaitlsy, i s j a, t h e -Eascist paTty's Isadto-mals a report that mzy j airactor x i the J. C. C : Hi,LhJ jths voices concern a t the lurfhEr EDVEnxmeiit zM l^rsilariciz Cnlai s i ITesaplo JETCSI; ,4i' i:Tapid increase i n the -Uewish i5rogrEm. nf intsnsifying jtsia of S i c populstion TSI PalEStinB. Palestine's HaiiM The paper points vnt t h a t i l asBDciatlon Tsrill- TJB nf iiz TcaS S fhs incraaBe Eaaatiaires a t i t s itay evHnins, IFebrusry 1B3 at xee ct—A gnota nl ?iC.DDO jIL JacfcErasts, oilier zl-Lts Zz~ tempo l o r ^a flecsfiB xhs 3. C. C. a t 8 to be -cDUBCtBd Jn t h e next few jprsas; anil "Hsixry ^icnclrr, 1 TTJH "bBcnmB a. ansjurlty 3n 32r. Jrvin Stalmaster "win "be "wesis 3or -£hB ralicT ol Palish Euasi. £i. P-alsstfaiB snii, HhsTEforE, fhs .BBBaker and .Master JJOUIB | JETT^TT, -was irptai at a The f s Ti nms|sts XJZ ES ESI- j;»-trr Italian statesman i o Jiasp sn. student at the Talmiid mssdng of x2is tasnnnlGBB ol 1DB jaJcaiEi x x j -nn Jfhe flevBlopmesEt of m S E W Tnrah, "Will givs a Titlfilsh rsaa- chrosn to dirEct Polish Jewish ' xXt er t h r ?£Tii.r a i n the seise-. inS-m fite INSST 33ast. Cnr.SJan®£ en Tags r









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VAAD MEN'S CLUB Rabbi Cohn Gives TO MEET THURSDAY Number of Talks




The Men's Health club volleyball team of the J. C. C. went to the finals last week in the MidAt the annual Vaad dinnerwest class B volleyball tourne- j meeting Sunday, three new comment at the city auditorium. ! srdssioners were elected: David After defeating the Norfolk ! Croutipe, Abe G-reenbaum and Mor"Y" team earlier in the day, the BurBtein. Center epikers succumbed to the risThe annual message was deliv,n t h e finalSp N o r f o l k men | ered by Rabbi Uri Miller, in which he extolled the achievements of the Vaad in the past year and Criticize JohllSOn for « « * « more intensive work in .Jewish Appointments; the« •future. Philadelphia, <WNS>—Gener-I I- Morgenrtera was tOMtmaster. al Hugh S, Johnson, former head! ^ntor A. Schwacxkin and Al Finof the NRA, was criticised for | ^el were featured on the musical allegedly appointing too many! program. H was chairman of the Jews to important positions during NRA, program committee and L. Epstein ing the the time time he he beaded beaded the the NRA, the fiery general reveals in an I chairman of the nomination cornarticle in the Saturday Evening! mittee. Mrs. A. Schwaczkin wag i in charge of the dinner. He points out that Donald R. j Representatives of the various Richberg, Iorganizations affiliated with the g, labor attorney torny is-hom i Johnson NRA as j Vaad gave short addresses. general brought counsel into and the who later succeeded Johnson, "was cited Re-Im . • egainst me on that score too. Just for the sake of the record, The Re-Im club held a regular Mr. Richberg is not £ Jew. If he meeting Tuesday evening, Febhad been, it -would have made no rwkry IZ, at the J. C. C. After a difference to me. I tried to get I short business meeting, the club the best staff I could persuade to enjoyed some entertainment serve, and I did not stop to In- given by the members. quire whether they were Jews or Mas Breslo-vr and Harry EpGentiles. I had several able Jews, stein were admitted to memberbut they were a very scanty mi- ship in the club. nority aad every single one ofj A meeting of great importance them did En outstanding job. Not | to all members will be held at one was either disloyal or self- i the J. C, C. Tuesday, February seeking." x°

The Vaad Men's club regular Rabbi Frederick Cohn will admeeting will be held Thursday evening, February 21, at 6:45 dress the Junior Hadassah on p. m. at the B'nai Israel syna- "Women of the Bible," at the Hill gogue. John K. Chapel, W. O. W. hotel, Tuesday, February 19. On _ ~~~. ZT77 , ____, announcer will, be the guest Wednesday, February 20, he will Service Life Insurance speaker. He will speak on "Jews go to Central City, Neb.,, to de? By theCompany, Ofioaha liver an address at the annual proin Russia." By PHILIP RUBIN The new officers of the organ- gram of the National Honor SoThe life insurance highway to ization are Ephralm Marks, pres- ciety at the High school there. financial success has been built ; [Woodbine Is the only Jewish I figures on that subject) Jewish I any other American village corn- ident; Sol Lagmanj vice-presiSunday, February 17, Rabbi for you—thousands of men and village in America, Is Wood- farm families now in the borough munity would get nowadays. dent; Sidney Katelman, secre- Cohn will speak before the Young women are using it. Woodbine has two synagogues, tary, and Max Chasen, treasurer. Men's Society of the First Baptist bine a success? Do Jews want of Woodbine, and at least an Straight and direct, without to; stay on the land? Do the equal number of non-Jewish two rabbis, a. small Hebrew church, on the subject of Jewish barrier or detour, it runs. people of "Woodbine take ad- farmers. This means that about .school with only "one teacher, a Customs anS Ceremonies. Enjoy the ride through, life as vantage ot their opportunity 150 Jews in the borough make Zionist district and a branch of The Baptist Ministers Union well as the destination. a 100 per cent Jew- their living from the soil. On the the Arbeiter Ring'. On all Jewish heard Dr. Cohn last Monday when You are not a road-builder, but ish atmosphere in a com- other hand, there are five factor- holidays its schools are closed. he spoke on "Prophesy." Tuesday, a business man or teacher or a munity. Mr. Rubin, observing ies in Woodbine—three clothing, Its high school offers no course February 12, he spoke before doctor. Why not spend your life newspaperman was sent to one hat and one rubber-heel fac- in the Hebrew language^ as it South Omaha Women's club on doing the things you want to do, Woodbine with the assign- tory^-e m p 1 o y i ng altogether could if it wished. It has a village Frank Hanlghen's book, "The Mer- the things for which you have library, which contains no Jewish ment: "Go there—look around around six hundred 'persjbns,- of A scrapping bunch of Ward- chants of Death." Rabbi Cohn been trained, instead of trying -—and tell us all about it." whom perhaps a third are Jews. books, as it also could if it robe- Clothing Co. cagers rose to on Wednesday, February 13, dis- to build a road to financial" sucSome of the -officials of the Until very recently a couple: of wished. ' glorious heights last week an the women of the Ply- cess. A good road has been built Baron de Hirsch. Fond, Back- these factories were shut down. From the foregoing facts the consequently tossed a bombshel cussed.jfor ing. Woodbine, will object to Now they have re-opened.) This, reader may get the impression among the teams in the J. C. C mouth Congregational Church, FOR you. To save every spare dollar with. Mr. Rubin's conclusion. But together with the fact that nearly that more things are right in the basketball league by defeatin "The Birth of a World." life Insurance is a sign of fihem are his notes and whether all the stores in the village ar,e Woodbine of today than are the Omaha Jobbers, 23 to 17. nancial wisdom. you agree or disagree with " owned by Jews, and that the pro- wrong. I do not wish to convey One of the outstanding upsets City Handball Tourney The world is filled with fine them—they are .of unusual in- fessional and civil service peo- that, impression. The main thing ever-played in the history of bas things waiting to be enjoyed— to Start February 23 terest. —THE EDITOR" ple in town are pra'ctlcally all that Is wrong about present-day ketball at the Center, the resuli why waste your time, money and I came to Woodbine, one Jews, shows that the number- of Woodbine is, I believe, the -lack practically assures, the pace-setThe annual city handball energy "building & road o£ your frosty, •winter evening, 1 saw the Jews in' Woodbine who make a of enthusiasm among, its Jewish ting PsiMus of another chamonly' Jewish Tillage In America; living from occupations other population for the work that they pionship. The latter team now tournament, to be held at the otfn?" and I was not unduly disappoint- than farming is much larger than are doing, the enthusiasm that has a full two-game.lead over the Jewish Community Center courts, ed. I found that while Woodbine the number of Jewish agricul- we find today among the Jewish Jobbers, and only a miracl will get under way Saturday evePsiMuDay is dbwh-at-the-heels and sick, it turists. pioneers, the Chalutzim, In Pales- seems to separate the Psi "Mu ning, February 23, Lee Grossman, Psi Mu day will be celebrated in charge of the tournament, anis not sick that it 1s ready to The total population of the tine, or even .in the New the title. Sunday, March 3, at the J. C. C nounced. give up the ghost and allow' some borough of Woodbine; as given to state of Biro-BIdjan, Soviet Rus- from Strengthened by the service; Play will be held first in the Earl Siegel is general chairman great* leader in Israel from New me by Mayor Rosenfeld,- Is now sia, Woodbine, of course, Is not Iz Novak and Pep Bogdonoff doubles meet, after which the of the arrangements for the day, York or Philadelphia'to recite a Tthout-2,700 (a borough-includes in Palestine or In Biro-Bidjan; it of the Wardrobes presented as singles affair will get under way. The program and ticket commit funeral, oration over it>-;or some not;; only a village*.. butTaia'or the is an American village, and quite formidable a lineup as can be Play will be governed by A. A. U. tee consists ot Leo Brown and learned Jewish' historian from surrounding farms), of - which rightfully regards itself as such. boastedby of the othe rules. Entry blanks - may be se- Morris Falk; the ad committee one of thes"e great cities to write Jews are about 1,600, a clear ma- But if Woodbiners would remem- quints in the any league. Trailing 12 cured from Grossman, and all en- of Iz Tretiak and Barney Abrams ItB obituary- There are stilt quite jority of the population. When ber that theirs is the only Jewish- to 14 at half time, the Wardrobes tries must be in by February 20, and the athletic committee of a tew people left in Woodbine, if Woodbine was first founded Jews American village, that theirs is held Jobbers to a mere three at 8 p. m. There is no entrance Jack Sadofsky and Morris Bloom not out of "ft,'who want the: town constitutes nearly •the whole" an experiment in'healthier and pointsthe in the second stanza, while fee. to live arid grow, to retain its population. • Other nationalities saner living for American Jewry, Whalen was away a A Center committee composed Jewish character and' to become a that make.up a considerable part that the eyes ot all American the hoop withpeppering a great success to t Phil Feldman, Iz Levinson Scot By-Product of model'for many another Jewish of -Woodbine's population are Jews may soon be focused upon Ice the game. • and Phineas Wintroub, wll Medical Numerus village that may be established Poles and Italians, isfhq, in.l^te them as a Way out, should antiProbably the only other event handle the meet. In-AAerica In the near future. Semitism in this 'country assume years have-, erected •.av.Catbolic Clausus ; more serious proportions, they of note in last week's competition among these people, I am glad village. Thi?jie .are .itoj^feal; Yan- would was the score run up by the A. Z appreciate more' the Imto-Teitor't^ is the energetic thirty-; kees (or ^ngio-AnVeri.cans, • as portance of the work they are do- A.'s in winning from the Re-Ims St. Andrews, Scotland, (WNS) threeHyear-old Jewish- mayor of Ludwlg Lewlsohn, would-say); in ing and would feel more enthusi- 55 to 12. Herbie Marks went hog—A curious by-product of the Woodbine, Nat Rosenfeia,.grand- the village, which'hasn't a single numerous clausus against Jewwild as he chalked up 11 baskets son ofJ one"; of the pioneers who Protestant church. The mayor, astic about it. ish students in American medimost of them from under the came to Woodbine forty-five the members ••of/..-.the"* borough (Copyright, 1935. by Seven Arts Feature hoop. Art Adler did plenty of cal schools was disclosed at the Syndicate.) years ago, during my stay in the council and of - the school board graduation exercises of the medifeeding. • •. London (JTA) — More tha cal college of St. Andrews uni•rtllage I was his guest. Rosen- of Woodbine are all Jews. So are The Psi Mus won a pair of vic- 2,000 naturalized German Jewis' versity, when seven American feld is full of ideas about reviv- the chief of police, the two contories, trouncing the Re-Ims, 66 citizens of Berlin have been seri Jews were granted degrees. ing and strengthening the old stables, the two marshals, the to 7, in a very poor contest, and ously affected a new Nazi driv pioneer spirit of Woodbine, which postmaster -and nearly all of the winning from the Xi Lambdas, 3.3 to deprive all by The graduating class comprised naturalized Jews o backed by the f unds' of Baron elementary and high.schoolteachto 26, in- a better display of bas- their citizenship, no matter eleven. Six of the seven Amerihow Maurice de Hirsch, and the. Jew- ers, the school principal being a ketball. . cans were from the New York ong ago obtained, the London ish Agriculturla society, which, Gentile. area. Games on Tuesday, February Daily Telegraph reported. the Baron established was to Next year the bonded indebted19, match the Psi Mus with the Come in and let us demonstrate to you Even the dead are not exempt, mean so much for the establish- ness of the borough will be wiped Rio de Janiero (JTA) — While Wardrobes, and the Re-Ims with the Telegraph reported, statini ment in America of a Jewish life out, according to Mayor Rosen- League of Nations High. Commis- the Omaha Jobbers. On Thursday, what we think is the best automobile buy British Probe Source o! healthier'and saner than that feld, who also told'me that dur- sioner for German Refugees James1 February 21, the A. Z. A-'s meet hat descendants of Jews who ob on the market today - - which the Jewahad been leading ing the past few years of depres- G. McDonald was preparing to the Pants Stores: and the Ward- ained citizenship generations ago Swastikas en Army Tanks are diligently sought out and dein the old world.. .Mayor Rosen- sionWoodbine was able to pay leave Geneva for South America, a robes tackle the Xi Lambdas., prived of their rights. feld's youthful ardor is, I think, its teachers' salaries regularly new law; certain to have an adLondon, (WNS}—The British Those deprived ot citizenship war office has opened an invesone of the most hopeful things and on time—which, is a lot more verse effect on Jewish immigraare In a tragic position, the Tele- tigation to determine who is rewhich; shine out of the present than hundreds of other non-Jew- tion to Brazil went into effect last Beta Tau Kappa raph stated, since the Nazi re Eponsibla for the appearance of gloom; and depression of Wood- ish-Amerlcan villages can boast week, . bine. of. True, the teachers were often The law, introduced six months Joe^ Greenstone, president ot gime ordered them deported, bu swastika, emblems on the new Beta Tau Kappa, University of no other country Is willing to ac- tanks assigned to the fourth batFirst, some facts about Wood- paid in scrip Instead of cash, but ago and passed. substantially as Omaha social fraternity, became ept new refugees. The Jews are tery of the royal artillery. that was because the .great state proposed provides that Immigrants bine. The borough of Woodbine Is 256! of the first athletes to earn therefore, fined heavily and even Members of the battery discovlocated in Cape May county, New of New Jersey actually owed the to Brazil be admitted on the basis aoneminor sports letter: at th& unimprisoned for remaining in Ger borough money, which it could ered the swastikas when the of two per cent of the.total numJersey, the' part of New Jersey Distributors for last week when he was many. ts.aks arrived, and refused to which Is farthest away from New pay to the borough in no other ber of Immigrants from each coun- versity awarded an "O" monogram for DODGE - PLYMOUTH - DODGE COMMERCIAL Approximately 10,000 natural- handle the tanks until the swastry In 1920. York City, which is surrounded form.' his tennis activity. Greenstone zed German Jews, mostly from tikas were removed, lest they be Mayor Rosenfeld Is planning a on three of its sides by the waWould-be Jewish immigrants was the group of ten stu- Eastern Europe, have been de regarded as Nazis. ters ot the Atlantic ocean and municipally-owned power plant are hard bit by the law, since Jew- dentsamong were awarded minor Tived of their citizenship in the DODGE TRUCKS Deleware bay, which extends as and- also the erection of about ish emigration from Russia, Po- sports who letters for the first time ;wo years since the Nazis came far south as Maryland, and which, fifty low-cost homes in Woodbine, land, Rumania and Germany was in the history Patronize Our Advertisers. of the school. nto power. The roster of citizens because of Its maritime Burround- for which purposes he .expects—: particularly small that year. He was a member of the tennis was combed by the Nazis and al as. do. all American tpwns now-aings, has a rather mild climate, While the law makes no men- squad which had an undefeated naturalised after the world both winter and summer. Though days—to get money from Wash- tion of concessions for refugees record again Nebraska colleges in iVar were deprived of their rights a bit I remote from New York ington. Rosenfeld, who is presi- driven from their homes by pollf 1934 and was holder of the uni- md departed. From time to time (which may not be such an awful dent of the Association of Cape tical or religious persecution, it is disadvantage), Woodbine- Is; .only May County Mayors, is a demo- thought here that High Commis- versity singles championship, ne Nazi government haa announcalso the fra- d figures on revocation of naturtwenty-Beven miles from Atlantic crat (this Is his second term as sioner McDonald's scheme for set- Greenstone •*• Where Qszshz Shcps With Confidence City and fifty-seven miles from mayor of Woodbine), a friend of tling German Jewish refugees in ternity's candidate. In the recent lizations. Philadelphia. When the Baron de United States Senator Barbour of appreciable numbers In South Am- boys' popularity contest at the Hirsch Fund established Wood- New Jersey, and altogether quite erica has received a serious blow. school. Young Men's Vaad The fraternity decided to hold bine nearly half a century ago, popular and influential In the That the High Commissioner's visThe Young Men's Vaad wll' it was1 meant to be primarily a county, and therefore .able to ob- it will bring about any marked a spring dance this year In place Jewish! farmers' colony, though a tain for Woodbine at least as change ie held doubtful here. ' of the regular winter formal, and hold, a regular meeting Tuesday Tuesday, April 16, has been se- evening, February 19, at 8 o'clock Clothing factory was also estab- much . help from Washington as The cew immigration law has lected as thei date. Additional ar- ,t the B'nai Israel synagogue. lished to help increase.the farmnot altogether smooth sailing. rangements will be made by a ers' .Income. Today, however,, Courle du Mania, influential Bra- committee to be appointed at the ^oodbine Is just the opposlfc&^lt btllan newspaper rediculed the regular meeting on Sunday. , v is primarily an industrial 'comproject, pointing out that Brazil munity, while farming, though needs Immigrants, • particularly imporfane, plays a 'secondary role. skilled workers of all types, and Vienna Boy Prodigy • There are about twenty-five or that using any" given year as a Helsingfors, Finland.—The enBY NATE CUTLERthirty-five - (I was given various We've been told that the loss of yardstick wa3 unfair. "We" must tire Finnish press is excited by SUITS--SUITS--SUITS--Handthe Omaha A. Z. A. No. 1 team at notfollcw the bad example set us the extradMsnary talent displaythe' tournament fa Sioux City last by North America," the paper con- ed, by Ossle RenardI, -, youthful Jewish violin prodigy from Vi- \ week was due to some rough cluded. picked to Suit Every Mood and Just enna." •'• •'" • ^"^V^--"' :• ,,-i breaks. . . . . Jimmy Burroughs, 'The 13 -year-old boy' has.; apsolemn-faced Omaha Jobbing comf About Every Budget, Too - ~ peared In a series\ pt~concerts pany center, was' found at the J. Financiers Study Colony here and has "bees -hailed, bythe C. C. gym at a late hour, recently Jerusalem.—Led by an Amerlooking for his basket eye, which ican Journalist residing in Pales- press as the iequal; of any, adult violinist now on the he seems to have lost. . T h e tine, a group of Jewish financiers European concert slate.'/ >.:,- •—- -•: • IKSUKED CABS reached Alezandretta, Lebanon, most Improved player in the J.C.C. For the first time In the his- league Is Chuck Gendier, the tall, last week to survey large stretches tory' oC the automobile industry, scrapipng center of the? :Pants of land which have been offered U manufacturer losing leadership Stores. . ..-, Iz Bogdonoff, .darling for Jewish colonization. during the first six months of the of the Psi Mu team, gets-our vote The local government is beyear, regained it during the final as the best dresser In.'the league. lieved ready to grant attractive six months of • the year. The . ... And why;shouldn't-jie be? . .;. concessions to the Jewish finanChevrolet accomplished this un- Herbie Marks,.A. Z. A. jumper, is ciers. • usual fete in 1934. the most sprightly young man in Eight out of twelve months the loop , . ,-• Herbie is also In a Profit $7,000 during I last year, Chevrolet led close race; with. Millard Sigal and Jerusalem Jerusalem—The the" entire Industry, and in six of Jack Adler for the title of the of Jerusalem had a municipality clear profit the last eight years they did the darkest man in the league. . . I.- of over ?7,000 last year, •r»...-^riV-'-«^--k^V»*S"V!fA''i.% it was same thing, according to the R. Max Turner, who is four-fifths of announced here" last week. -—* L. Follt, official figures on pas- tho XI Lambda quint, almost goes Revenue for the year was 80,Tweeds, Wools, Crepes and JfcveKSes in senger ;and truck registrations. up to the rafters to knock down 390 pounds sterling, a3 against •'- It was further disclosed In the opponents' shots. sizes for- ^tmlor Misses, - Misses What local 78,847 pounds sterling in exFolk record of registrations that basketball player found that a ci- penditures. Women. Chevrolet manufactured and gar did things to him? It was shipped 728,120 passenger cars the thfrd he had ever smoked! .... and trucks in 1934, which was a Joe NItz, the Re Im family, Is the s, Dresssubstantial 2 9.1 increase over the widest man in the Center cage cirprevious year. cuit. . . . Sam LeibowitZj of the mesker Typ®$, Fur-Trimmed Styles, WcriChevrolet dealers all over the same outfit, Is the tallest. . . . country are proud of their rec- Bucky Rubin, formerly with the whe Sazf*, Shared'• Beck Types, BlSwmg ord of regaining that lost lead- A. Z. A.'s, has been absorbed by ership In ttie- last six months, the Pants Stores. . . . Also George - Moddi, $mg!e~Btemtei, B&mUt-Breestespecially-proud since 65 per cent Trupp, the Bcrapper, who was with ' of the | total automobile sales the Jobbers. Any day now, come during the first six months we're expecting to pick up the pa* of the year, and their 'splendid per, and read that either Babe HOOT. record was made during the final Ruth or Max Baer has been apsix months called the "off sea- pointed football coach at Crelghson" among automobile dealers. ton university.

Big Upset Record in Center League

Latest Mas Drive to Oust Citizens


Brazilians Curb Entry of Jews


Says —



I Stunning Advance Fashions Await You Here • • • j



• ! •

11: •



to 59-75




lumbia River-. Highway System- of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. AcknowlJimmy Burroughs at center, and Never active in. politics until he edged as America Jewry's most Abe Bergman and Max Turner at won Republican nomination - for outstanding.-'pMlanthropist." Has the guard posts. Des MoineE will X governor in" 1930. Elected ' by given awayI millions for domestic have Lazurus and- Levine s t the overwhelming majority. Retired charities", , east European relief forwards, Azarch or Spslder at The "Workmen's Circle, last year. Was one of the honor- and Palestine reconstruction. Has center, and Williams and MarkITS, Y-iU celebrp-te the ary national chairmen of 1933 b'eenr.pt'esldent^ofr. Federation of man at guard. fjfth BRnirerpRry of the Joint Distribution Committee's Support" of -Jewish Philanthropic The/Daughters o* Zion have an- • In the evening, at the Center meti's Circ^.p pprntnrwm. campaign. Is president of Con- societies of New York. One of nounced, s complete change of pro- a-uditoriurn, beginnig e.t f:?0 m Liberty, X-. T,, with p, i gregation Beth Israel, Portland, founders" of- Jewish Welfare sram; Slaving decided to become a p. in., s, dance will be held in profrraTp to hp f i r m tonipJU. *>• an office he accepted while .'gov- board.. Awarded Gottheil medal women's Klzrachi group &nu to af- honor ot the members, coaches' the Labor Iiyrrnm, "?fl pnd C1P"» ernor. Member of executive com- In 1930. Was chairman of Joint filiate with the MizracM Women's and managers of both teams. streets, p.t f:Sf> p, m, mittee of American Jewish Com- Distribution committee and Jew- organization with national headA piano solo will Ire riven fcv Admission tor both the basketmittee. ' ' ish Agency for Palestine. Serves. quarters in New York. -. ball games in the afternoon snd Edflie Butler; e viplln polo I:'" r The Big Three — the Amer- Sow its first vice-president. Has agency business. Hose from office D. Perlxnan. , . . . on Board of Governors of Hebrew '•-.During their 12 years of exist- the dance in the evening is 75 Myron Cohen sccompfiBled h ; ican Jewish Congress, t h e been vice-president of" Omaha boy • to presidency of Lord, Nathan university. Helped organize Wei1 ence, the Daughters of Zion bare Betty Felimfin. sue! e. r cents per couple. Tickets may still Born In Poland forty-eight American Jewish Committee Jewish Community C e n t'e r . Thomas & Logan. Prominently years ago. Was special deputy.; at- fare Council of New York. Liber- talsed-kcd remitted thousands of be purchased from members of the by Kenneth Golden, aec and the B'nai B'rith, are res- Served as president" of 'Nebraska identified with communal and torney-general ; of New. York in al donor.to educational, religiotis dollaris'to Palestine. These funds Round Table of Jewish Youth, by Eddie Butler. ponsible for whatever organ- Conference of Social Work. Ap- philanthropic activities in Chi- charge of prosecuting violations and : art institutions. Leader In haveiifeen given to the Jewish Na- Single admission for the basket- • The principal spepker on b?-ized action American Jewry pointed to Omaha board of wel- cago. Donated $1,000,000 for of Pure Food Law. Served in Newwork of Jewish Theological Semi- tional fund and fcave been used in ball games will be 25 cents. half* of the .sanitarium will ht has undertaken to "protect Jew- fare in 1926. Held official posi- cancer research clinic at Univer- York State Assembly from 1914 nary. Member, of executive com- buying land and helping rehabiliFanny VTiikin.' Katherine 'Stonr : ish rights in foreign lands. tions in all Joint Distribution sity of Chicago. Leader in Chica- to 1917. Was\-member of legisla- mittee" of American Jewish com- tate the country. will deliver &n oration entitlai. This article by Bernard Postal Committee drives. Was national go Jewish Charities. Headed Unit- tive commission, that investigated mittee. . "this' EeV program, the program "The Wandering' Jew." K School presents a matter of fact who's chairman of B'nai B'rlth's $2,- ed States Shipping Board from New York City finances. Elected Dr.-Stephen S. Wise. of the'Women's Mizraefci, includes Warsaw—The first training- merits will be-sel'-VecI.:' . who of the twenty-ono men 000-000 Wider Scope Campaign. 1921 to 1923. Is nephew of Ed- to Congress in 1920. Served in It is open to the public. Born In Hungary 61 years ago. the" Naffocal Fund as & major as- center for young Jewish pioneers who are at the helm of the Big Noted lawyer. Is former- president ward Lasker, one of the founders 66th, 67th, 68th and 69th'-.Con-. One of founders <o£Zionist organ- pect- of- ihe activities. Also in- who want to study agriculture beThree. Included in Mr. Postal's of District No. 6, B'nai B'rith. of German Liberal Party. Now gresses. As member of; Judiciary ization' pfj America. Held pulpit cluded, - "liowever, are the Epecific fore leaving for Palestine WSB "Who's Who" is Henry Mon- Has long been a member; of B'nai member of executive committee Committee wrote report qn\ bill in Portland) Ore./ where he was women's Mizraehi projects, such as formally opened by the Hechalutz B'rith's executive committee. of American Jewish Congress. sky of Omaha.—The Editor. now known as .Federal Arbitra- first vlce-presiaeht of Oregon the school for-Chalutzos in Jeru- Kaleumi. The training center was Bernard S. Deutsch. . Salonica—.-The X&zi .organisation Law.; Was grand master of State Conference ;of Charities and salem -and the new school being named Heftmania in honor of the Judge Irving Lehman. In the course of American Jewtion EEE maintains 1the most Born in Baltimore fifty-one Born in.New York fifty-nine Independent .Order B'rith Abra- commissioner, . of - child labor. built? at-. Tel Aviv. The women's Jewish writer Joseph I-Ieftnian. ry's two-year fight against Hlt- years ago. Was president of years ago. Son of Confederate' ham, largest Jewish fraternaL.br- Founded'free: synagogue in 180S. organization also participates in . Each Zionist part3" in Poland friendly relations- with the •' Ntusi lerism in Germany and its allies Bronx County Bar Association. veteran and older brother of der in America, from 1930 .to Succeeded-LoiiisD. Brandels a s the-KereSt Mizrachi fujjds and the maintains its cwn training camps Propaganda Ministry In Berlin, ii in this country, thousands of Named by Governor Smith to Governor Lehman. Elected to 1932. Trustee of Federation lor chairman of; Provisional Execu- work of the Poale Mizrachi, which for its adherents. was openjr . admitted here by Jews who had previously held State Municipal Court Commis- New York State Supreme Court Support of Jewish Philanthropic tive committee; for;. General Zion- is the labor section of the Miirechi leaders of the foiti-Semitic group aloof for one reason or another s I o n. Investigated ambulance in 1908 after distinguished legal Societies. Now vice-president and Straus in~, 1924 ' as president of party: ' ' to a Jewish -Telegraph'Sc AgencvJewish licer from Jewish communal affairs chasing racket. Is former vice- career. Reelected on both Repub- chairman of-: administrative com- American - I'J^e'w-i's h Congress. iH-the near future it is planned Lisbon, Portugal—Portuguese correspondent. became aware for the first time president of Bronx Y. M. H. A. lican and Democratic tickets in mittee of American Jewish Con- F o u n d e r ; of •,„Jewish In- to'.h.arVan elaborate function at Jewry The Nazi leaclerp-. boasted they turned out in large numof the activities of the American Vice-president of Bronx division 1922. Elected to Court of Appeals gress. •. . stitute of Religion. Has been which the official charter will be bers Saturday to give a tumultu- receive their inetr.uctione from Jewish. Committee, the American of Federation for Support of Jew- in 1924 on Jji-partisan ticket. Has Joseph" M. Proskauer. chairman "of, city affairs commit- given to the gronp. A membership ous welcome to the S. S. Tel Aviv, Dr. Goebbels* office by regular Jewish Congress and >the B'nai ish Philanthropic Societies. Was been president of 92nd Street Y. tee^ Headed - Unite'd Jewish Ap- campaign will be started at that Jlies the Blue and White mail end that speci&I instrucB'rith because these three organ- independent candidate for Su- M. H. A. Is now president of Jew- Born in: Mobile,. Alabama, fif- peal* in .1925 ",and ;1926. Served time and"... will' culminate with a which Zionist flag and carries a Jewish tions are seal them -by courier ty-eight years, ago. Made brilliant izations have shouldered the bur- preme Court. Elected president of ish Welfare Board. Identified on Council, of.-National Defense.. luncheon at -the Community Cencrew from captain to cabin bey. from Berlin. den of combating Nazism in the the New York City board of al- with Temple Emanu-EI, New record as lawyer. Served-as. coun- Was - member; of "V- Committee of ter. Details" will be announced sel to extraordinary grand jury United States. Yet there are still dermen on Fusion ticket in 1933. York, of which he is a president, Jewish Delegations- to Paris soon. large numbers of American Jews Heads- Bronx branch of League Jewish Theological Seminary and convened to investigate corrup- Peace .Conference.' Has' been' vice- : .'.Present officers include: Mrs. to whom the men who lead these of Nations Non-Partisan Associa- Committee on Better Understand- tion in New York City govern- chairman, of i- the .Zionist Actions Morgan, president; Mrs. M. organizations are almost un- tion. Has been president of ing. Now vice-president of Amer- ment In 1919. Managed Governor committee. Now honorary presi- J. Brodkey, vice-president; Mrs. A. Smith's gubernatorial campaigns known. American Jewish Congress since ican Jewish committee. in 1920 and.1922. Elected to New dent American 'Jewish Congress. S&afton, recording secretary; Mrs. 1929. Sigmund Livingston. In these three organizations b r Seven Arts Feature Max Arbitmart, corresponding secYork State Supreme Court in (Copyright, 19S5". Syndicate.) there are twenty-one key men, retary; Mrs. I. KuSakofsky, treasAbram I.,ElIrus. Born in Germany sixty-two 1923. Retired in 1930. Has been ten in the American Jewish Comurer. Born in New York sixty-eight years ago. Founded B'nai B'rith's president of 92nd- Street Y. M. H. mittee, six in the American Jew- years ago. An"outstanding lawyer. Anti-Defamation League twenty- A. and of Federation for Support ish Congress and five in the B'nai Member of New York board of re- two years ago. Served as member of Jewish Philanthropic Societies B'rith, who determine policies gents from 1911 to 1919. United of B'nai B'rith Court of Appeals. of New York. Leader in Joint and .carry them out. Who . are States ambassador to Turkey from Is prominent Chicago attorney. Is Consultative Council. Now memthese men? Ten of them are law- 1916 to 1919. Decorated byEng- now chairman of B'nai B'rith An- ber of the executive committee, of If low time marks--were all that yers. Three are business men and land and France. Judge of New ti-Defamation League Commis- American Jewish Committee. were needed in'. chalking up two are bankers. They also in- York Court of Appeals. Was sion. Author of famous brief up- Isaac M. Rnbinow. swimming meet /Factories, the J. . For the past three weeks Lee clude two religious leaders, a League of Nations- Commissioner on right of one nation to interC. C. junior tank EQuad would Grossman has been acting in the Born in Russia sixty years ago. physician, an economist, a jour- in the Aaland Island dispute. vene in internal affairs of friendhave a cinch in> its forthcoming role of watchmaker as he carefully Served as American correspondnalist, ' and an educator. Eleven Headed New. York State Recon- ly power in behalf of persecuted dual affair with the junior boy oiled, repaired and adjusted his ent for Russian papers. Practiced of them hold or have held nation- struction Commission. Together minorities. medicine. Was examiner on U.' S. swimmers from Lincoln, Feb- J. C. C. Men's Varsity basketball al, state or municipal public of- with Max J. Kohler, his legal team, as intricate a piece of maCivil Service Commission. Served ruary 23,' in-the: Center pool. Dr. Samuel Margoshes. fice. Their average age is fifty- work' in behalf of the immiBut, Al«OruchV the swimming chinery as in the most expensive Born in Poland forty-eight as economist on Bureau of Staseven. The oldest is seventy-five grant established legal precedents knows, sad-to relate, that of time pieces. and the youngest is forty-five. of the utmost importance. Trus- years ago. Frequent contributor tistics of U. S. Department of Ag- coach,. swim meets are won only by deEND o Torgslr. Ordgf. t© yo«r r*ktwe« This Sunday, at 3 o'clock in the : Twelve were born in the United tee of the Baron de Hirsch Fund. to Yiddish and Hebrew press. Is riculture. Has been executive-sec- feating opponents in each indiafternoon in the Jewish Communretary of Social Insurance Coman ordained xabbi. Was on staff friend? in ' th$ Scvict Uiskm . end States, four in Germany, three in Leader of the B'nai B'rith. Memevent,: regardless of ' how ity-Center gymnasium, Grossman them t® buy ef the Torpit? StereiPoland, .one in-Russia and one in ber of the executive committee of of department of text-books and mission of American Medical' as- Tidual fast the time may. be. So, even •will set that piece of machinery in every larger city cf the i t S. S, R. • Hungary. -Thirteen are residents the American Jewish Committee curricula of Bureau of Jewish sociation. • Pioneer advocate of -so- though Oruch. reports that he has Into operation against the B'nai cial insurance. -Headed New York Education. Member of board of of New York, two each of Chica- for many years. Now. honorary a group of youngsters who can B'rith team of Des Moines in a These stores ccrry eboni: 15,(100 iiffevmt - : .-•• go and; Cincinnati and one each of vice-president of the Committee. governors of Zionist Organiza- bureau of social statistics. Served really, paddle, in the water, still supreme effort to avezge a 27 to as director of American Zionist tion of America. Served on execudomestic end imported articles ef -high • • • • Philadelphia, Omaha, Boston and Louis Fabricant. . ; : the meet-is looked upon as very 25 defeat recently handed the loMedical Unit in Palestine from tive committee of Federation of quality; ^CLOTHING, SHOES, ntb&m,Portland, Oregon. Seven are or Born in New York forty-seven Galician and Bukowinean Jews of 1919 to 1922. Was also director uncertain, for reports emanating cals by the Iowans.oa. the letters' • skirls, underwear, hosiery; FLOUR* . sugdr, ' •" : have been heads of national Jew- years-ago 1 . Served as assistant dis- America. -Editor of national Jew- of Philadelphia^ Jswish Welfare fro© the Capitol City, are that floor. dried end canned vegetables, butter, coffee, ish organizations-: or. institutions trict attorney from 1910 to 1915.: ish daily. The Day, since 1925. society and -executive director^ of the. visltiag. swimmers are also The Omaha-Des Koines .cage other than the- American Jewish Was Chief counsel end other FOOD STUFFS; household . . ' ;i*. for eight years Organizer of the 1933 anti-Hit- United Palestine Appeal. Is mem- plenty speedy. conflict is the highlight of a full Committee, the American Jewish of Voluntary Defenders goods, tobaccos, etc. ' ; .". >• Commit- ler parade in New York. Vice- ber of Ohio;' Unemployment • In- Admission will be free for this day of sensational events which is Congress or the B'nai B'rith. tee. One of founders of German president of the American Jew- surance Commission. Served ; as dual meeV and~the public is in- considered the peak of the local T O PLACES WHERE THERE-• A W N Q • ' - • - " \ The omission of Louis Lipsky, Jewish Children's Aid Society. ish Congress. president of "National Conference vited. ' athletic season. Sponsored by the T O RGSIN STORES, T H E MERCHANMSC'-'IS'•' B. C. Vladeck, Morris Rothen- Former director of HIAS. Repre- George Z. Medalie. succeeded Boris Bogen as secreRound Table of Jewish Youth. berg, Paul Baerwald, David A. sents B'nai B'rith on Joint ConMAILED PROMPTLY 1Y TARCEL-POST. " . ' ' fans will -first witness a prelimiBorn in New York fifty-two tary of B'nai Brith. Brown and other Jewish leaders sultative Council. Member of exPeasant Party nary basketball game between" the of that calibre from the scope of ecutive committee of B'nai years ago. Served as assistant Sol Stroock. Omaha A. Z. A. No. 1 chapter, and Trices •compare, favorably tvitb those in"-'Americs district attorney of New York this article is due to the fact that B'rith. Born in New York" sixty-one Defeats •- Aati-Seisitic More : Bucharest—-Alexander Vaida- the Des Moines A. Z.; A. team, r .-from 1910 to 1915. Was United years ago. Eminent . physician. they are not affiliated in an ex^ Dr. Horace Kallen. •yoevod, former premier, ex-min- which just last week won the disStates District Attorney f o r Author of. numerous novels' and ecutive capacity with any of the trict tournament in Sioux City. Born in Germany • fifty-three Southern District of New York three organizations dealt with years volumes of short stories. Repre- ister of: "the interior and well- These two teams are easily the ago. Has been lecturer at known anti-Semitic, suffered a from 1930 to 1933. Republican sented east European Jewry on here. best two A. Z. A. aggregations in Harvard, Princeton and 'Oxford. Below are given brief biogra- Has taught at Wisconsin, Clark candidate for United States Sen- Committee of Jewish Delegations major, political setback when a the midwest, and the Sunday congeneral party meeting of the Naphical sketches of the twenty-one College and New School for So- ate in 1932. Former vice-presi- at Versailles Peace Conference. test -takes on added significance key men in the American Jewish cial Research. Author of numer- dent of New York Zionist Region. Member of national executive tional Peasants Party voted down due- to the fact that the Des his attempt to add an anti-Jew: Committee, the American Jewish ous scholarly and philosophical Member of administrative com- committee of Zionist Organizamittee of American Jewish Con- tion of America. Now chairman ish plank:, to the, party's platform. Moines team yrqn Its title after de- g Congress and the B'nai B'rith. works. One of' original members gress. Veteran member of B'nai Vaida-Voevod, who was pre- feating Omaha. This game starts | g Dr. Cyrus Adier . : • ': j § of faculty of New School. Mem- B'rith, which he represents .on of executive committee of Ameri- mier during the pogroms of 1930, at 2 p. m. ' Born in Arkansas seventy-one ber of numerous learned socie- Joint Consultative Council. Is can Jewish Congress.' demanded the introduction of the j Following this game is the Des i g years ago of Orthodox parents. ties. Lectured widely on philos- president of Jewish Board of Felix 31. Warburg. numerous clauses in all second- Molnes-Omaha. conflict. Grossman • g Was associate professor of Semi- ophy and psychology. Was mem-Guardians. Born in Germany sixty-four ary and higher institutions of will probably begin the game with j §§ Trustee of Federation • tics at Johns Hopkins. Served as ber of labor commission of Coun- of Jewish Charities. Past presi- years ago. Son-in-law of Jacob H. learning as well • as in the legal Iz Bogdonoff and Millard Sigal or! H assistant librarian of Smithson- cil of National! Defense. Now coJack Sadofsky at the forwards, | §| of Washington Heights Y. Schiff. Partner in banking house and medical professions. ian Institute. A founder of Amer- chairman of committee for dem- dent M. H. A. Leader in B'nai B'rith ican Jewish Historical Society ocratic elections of American Scope campaign. Now and American Jewish Committee. Jewish Congress and member of Wider member of executive committee Succeeded Solomon Schechter as Congress" administrative ' c o m - of American Jewish Committee. president of Jewish Theological mittee. . . ' ' ' - . -' Seminary of America. Has been Louis Kir stein. , Julius Meier. president of Dropsie College since Born in Portland, Oregon, sixThe 1935 Smart Styles Born in Rochester, N. Y., six1908. Prominently identified with ty-eight years ago. Was promin- ty-one years ago. Son of an OreCome to work of Jewish Publication So- ent merchant in that city until gon pioneer. Took over father's ciety, United Synagogue and Jew- 1911, when he became vice-presi- store and made one of leading ish Welfare Board. Member of dent of Wm. Fllene-'s;:JSons in Bos- mercantile institutions of Pacific Philadelphia board of education ton. One of -epnntry's outstanding Coast. Studied law but remained and chairman-of Philadelphia li- merchants. Pioneered in better a merchant. Headed Oregon Libbrary commission. Louis Mar- business, bureaus "and progressive erty Loan drives. Fostered Coshall's right hand man in task of business organization. Twice presobtaining inclusion of- minority ident, of Associated Jewish philrights in Versailles Treaty. Suc- anthropies of Boston. Donated liceeded Marshall as president of brary building to Boston. Headed American Jewish committee. Has New England division of United Is engaged in the business also been chairman of Jewish Palestine Appeal.. Former viceAgency's Administrative Com- president of selling all kinds of RENational Conference of mittee. Author of biography of Jewish Social Service and TrainLIGIOUS ARTICLES — Jacob H. Schiff and numerous ing School for Jewish Social Jewish music — wine for scholarly works, Workers. Member of NRA Indussacramental purposes — Alfred M. Cohen. trial Advisory Board and PresiBorn in Cincinnati seventy-five d e n t ' s Industrial Mediation matzos and pasover aryears ago. Studied under Isaac M. Board. Now vice-president of Manhattan &p.eciaIIy deticles. ; Wise. Organized one of first Y. American Jewish Committee. signed patterns, found only M. H. A'a. Later headed National A l b e r t L a s k e r ••• •-••-•-••'• ; ] • ' ' in Manhattan Shirts. WovKes. 609 N. 50 GL 2972 Y. M. H. A movement. Was sec- Bprn in Germany fifty-five en madras and woven brosdretary of his congregation when years ago. Pioneer of•: advertising doth. Now ready for your he was twenty-five. Joined B'nai selection at the Shirt Store B'rith in 1890 and rose to presidency of District No. 2. Elected of Omaha. international, president in 1925. Was Democratic candidate for. Other Nevy M&nhstiza THE 56-PIECE The Iace-lil£«;: quality -off tte" ©mmayor of Cincinnati thirty-five SET I N C I J U B E S : Shirts $2JO to bosslisg . . .- Bsd its milk;* wblte years ago. Served two terms in luster gives this china m ws»rt 8 S'-eactsps and saucers Ohio State senate.' Thrice a presi8 Fyslfc sancers dential elector. Is chairman of Eaglsh look. . . . Svt&t ©se of the the board of governors of the HeBread &atl bratter rms®n& why this serrie® is exii 8 Times brew Union College. Active in ceptionsl nt srceft » tow pries. An work of Union of American HePlates brew Congregations. Heads joint Famous Mansco Athletic Shirts and Shorts . . . op®s stock pattern fOF s 10-yesicouncil of B'nai B'rith, American Manhattan production . , , style and quality 1 Platter period. Jewish Committee and American v^^exore at this low price, each—• i Oral vegetable dish Jewish Congress on unemploy1 Bound v egetab!e m e n t discrimination against slish Jews. Prominent lawyer. Heads 32-Pkce Silt•'•—.. 4JS 1 Sagar and creamer largest lay Jewish international 1 Pickie dish fraternity in the world. $t*$ ..„ 10;?S boat Henry Jkfonsy. •; Born in Omaha forty-five years Eldridge Section — FourUi Floor ago. Organized Omaha Welfare Federation Community Chest.

Daughters of Zion to/Affiliate with. • • -.''-Women's Mizrachi!


BOOK DUAL SWIM MEET;WITH LINCOLN J. C. C. Cagers - Des Moines Sunday

In Stock, Again!

John Feldman


THE JEWISH PRESS, FEBRUARY 15, 1935. take by speaking of establishing direct contact with the Palestine Government for the purpose of assuring for its members plantation workers who will stay permanently on the land once they enter the country. If the farm workers who came to Palestine fired with Zioiiistic* zeal are leaving the land lured by higher pay in the cities, then surely the newcomers will not pass up the chance to work in the cities for more money. What the Farmers Union should do is to raise the scale of wages for land workers, and thus they would be able to keep Jewish labor on the land. To solve the general problem, there must be more labor immigration into the country* The wage scales on farm and in cities should be evened. But above all, nothing should be done to weaken the fundamental Jewish position, in Eretz Israel—r based on agriculture and a back-to-soil ideal.

of the Chaldees to the banks of the Jordan. But he has blazed feis own trails, too. He is prob&bly the By GERTRUDE BERG, only literary man in England or Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by By O. 0, I>ASKER Author of America who has made a living THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY "The Rise of the Goldbergs". by turning a barrel-organ in the I spoke unto tfcee in thy streets of Corinth, in Greece. He prosperity, but tliou eaidst I will Subscription Price, one year - - - - • -•••••' ?2.00 The temptation to keep tip with is probably alone in having trav- not hear, this hath been thy manAdvertising rates furnished on application. the Joneses is one "which even eled steerage in a tramp steam- ner from thy youth, not to listen the best of us cannot always reer through the Ionian Islands to Kt3r voice. Editorial Office: 600 Brandeis Theater Building. sist. And this is especially true with En Albanian murderer who Woe unto the leaders that deSioux City Office—Jewish Community Center . •where our dreams lor our chilvolunteered to commit any mur- stroy and divide my people, thereDAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor dren are concerned. der for him that he desired. And from, s&ith the Lord, ye hare PRANK H- ACKERMAN - - - • " - . - - . - - Editor One of the finest aspects of there are not many literary men divided my flock and driven them RABBI TJRI MILLER - - - - - Contributing Editor parental lore is the revelation it in Europe who have been offered FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent brings of the individual's capacity the pick of Ms tecoodrate wives ^ t h e m > x w m ^ ^ ^ y<m ANN PILL • - - - Sioux City, Iowa,-Correspondent to subordinate his own interests by a Moroccan sheik. Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street evil of your doings. and ambitions to those of others. But the strangest thing is that And seek the peace of the city In order to give his children a the further afield he hag trav- whither I have caused yon to b% better chance in life many a fatheled, and the stranger the people er has sacrificed a career of brilhe.has met, the more he travels j carried away captive, and pr»y r liance and uncertainty for a humback to the industrial city of his , ' Your Jewish consciousness will be thrilled to read this story, When the committee under the auspices of the Phi Beta Epsithereof sha11 y e h a v e peace drum but secure existence; many childhood, which has been the In- ! lon fraternity selected Dr. Philip Sher for the award as the aut- reprinted from Georg Bernhard's "Pariser Tageblatt," concern."- a mother has given up comforts LOUIS GOLDING Let not your prophets and dispiration of his most serious and viners that are in the midst of standing Jewish citizen in Omaha for 1934, they honored a man ing Max Warburg, head of the German house of that famous and impaired her health in order The short, thick-set, blackiyou, mislead you, -neither hearken her children might have lux- haired dark-complexioned young successful work. who has not only done much for Omaha Jewry the past twelve- family, who—• with the late Albert Ballin — was the man re- that The Doomington" section of uries "which she herself never en- man "whose name is Louis GoldManchester has been the locale j ye to your dreams. month but also one who has done great good communally for the sponsible for the eminent position held by the German merchant Joyed. We consider It quite nat- ing TniinnS. is represented on the boot of his "Forward from Babj-Ion," ' ural for a father to desire his son Btalls again "with a new title, past three decades. He had.tiine and energy for every worth-while marine. The story: We are taught in 8 Baraitha. "Magnolia Street," and "The to be a greater doctor, & finer "This Wanderer." In it, a colleccommunal effort. Not content with merely doing necessary work, "Adolph Hitler felt the Jew, Warburg, as the head of this musician, Five Silver Daughters," the nov- It was the custom of the purea better business man people of Jerusalem not he initiated many projects, taking the lead in fostering a better- great fleet, a thorn in his flesh. Word was sent to Hamburg that than he himself ever was, for a tion of short stories, the very els •upon which the foundation o£ minded to sign any documents unless Jewish-minded Golding wanders, his reputation rests. constituted Jewish community. he be removed. The painfulness of this task was so keenly felt mother to "want her daughter to for the most part, from the Jews (Copyright, 1935, Jewish Telegraphic they were aw&re who were to Agency, Inc.) sign with them. They also would Dr.i Sher's outstanding achievement during the past year was by his co-directors that it was decided to give a banquet in his outshine her in every respect. of Doomington that he knows so not undertake to act as fudges, But sometimes parents are well, among whom he was the founding of the College of Higher Jewish Education. It was honor •— the idea being to act as if now, in his old age, his task unless they were aware who were overxealous for their children. against great odds that he fought to establish this institute, but being completed, Warburg would be thanked for his great serv- Suppose, for example, that Betty brought up. to be their colleagues. They also Only three of the stories in his its success and growth even in its brief span of life has proven ice and would retire. would not go to a banquet ttnlesa Jones next door is an aecomp- jnew collection concern Jews, they were aware who were inits worth. Honorary president of the Jewish Community Center [only one of them—the title story "Assembled at the banquet table were the heads of Ger• * • vited with them. own little Margaret is, to be en- — is set in Doomington.. For the • • • and Welfare Federation and also honorary president of the City many's great shipping industry and government marine officials. tirely truthful, just about as Rabbi Chiya and Rabbi Simon rest, the locales of his story LOUIS LIPSKY Talmud Torah, he finds time to take care of manifold duties. His jThey were assembled to witness the downfall of the great old graceful as the traditional ox. comprises a Cook's Tour ot the vreut to intercalate a year la A national committee of dis- Asia and they were met by Resh Aren't you going to try to per- universe Himself an inveterate work as head of the social service committee of the Federation man of the House of Warburg. suade Margaret to go to dancing traveller, Golding has written tinguished «Fe\rish leaders in Lakish who joined them Baying, and B'nai B'rith has earned him the frequent title of dean of our "At the beginning of the banquet Mr. Warburg asked if he school also, and aren't you going with great charm about a num- every walk of life is now being "I "will go "with them to see how social workers. It was only two weeks ago that he was dean of might say a few words. Surprise and dismay were to be seen on to make the poor child's life mis- ber of outlying sections of the formed to sponsor a testimo- they do it." In the meantime he Jiial dinner to be tendered Mr. saw a man Tho "was ploughing the Talmud Torah thirtieth anniversary celebration, at which he the faces of the official speakers, but Mr. Warburg being the erable by your constant praising world. Lipsky on May 14, in celebra- in the Sabbatical year and he of the grace and talent of Betty? But this is not a book review was honored for thirty years service to Jewish education. guest of honor, his request could not be refused. If you can honestly answer these —other than mentioning the fact tion of his fifth anniversary as said to them. "This man ia a president of the Eastern Life priest and tills in the Sabbatical From leading in philanthropic campaigns to helping found "Mr. Warburg arose, scanned the faces of those about him and questions in the negative you are that Golding has written in his Insurance Company. a most exceptional mother. year." They answered. "He may the Free Loan, from organizing a Sunday school to writing the with a smile ironical and contemptuous said: usual imaginative fluency — Innumerable little boys and rather, it is a brief recital of the say, 'I am merely an imperial weekly VGems of the Bible" in the Jewish Press, Dr. Sher has 'Gentlemen, when I look about me, I find, kindly excuse my girls suffer a daily half hour of career of this talented writer. Louis Lipsky: Zionist, editor, servant In the estate.' He again exerted, his every effort for the good of his community. He fully frankness, not a.single man who has done anything of import- torture at the piano because Billy critic and playwright. Born in saw a man Vvbo trimmed his vineNearing forty years of age, Rochester fifty-eight years ago. yard and he said. "He is a priest deserves whateve honor the committee chosen by Phi Beta 33psi- ance for the German shipping industry. The great and mighty Jones is the town's infant piano Golding was born in Manchester, Established an Anglo - Jewish and trims his vineyard in the prodigy. Hundreds of children are lon has chosen to confer upon him. shipping industry is primarily the work of two Jews. The one is dragged off to elocution lessons England, on November 19, 1895. weekly in Rochester in 1SSS. Sabbatical year." They answered. man who was hailed by the Named managing editor of the "He may say, 'I need the twigs the deceased' Albert Ballin; the other is the man who has the once or twice a week Bimply be- The lata Israel ZangweK as "the American Hebrew the following to make a bale for the press.' cause Teddy Jones can recite honor of standing before you. Hamlet's soliloquy as if he meant greatest poet our race has yet year. Collaborated with Dr. Jo- Whereupon Resh. Lakish rein England" was edu- seph Jacobs in editorship of the I t is not' my habit to speak about myself, but as I know that it. Countless dozens of youngsters produced The heart Knowi marked. A bill directing the Secretary of State in this country not to hate the sight of Ella Jones be- cated at the elementary school American Hebrew. Frequent con- whether It is done for a legitienter into any reciprocal trade agreements with any nation en- you want to.tell me something and are perhaps ashamed to say cause she has graduated from col- he so vividly described in his first tributor to newspaper feature mate purpose or out of perverselege at an age which sees her novel, "Forward from Babylon." sections. Was dramatic critic of ness." They then said. "He is a gaging in religious or racial persecution is being considered by it, I shall allow myself to help you.' At the age of eleven, he won New York Telegraph for two erstwhile playmates still in high "A deadly,silence prevailed. Then Mr. Warburg continued: troublesome person." When they Congress. If passed, this bill would prevent the United States school — and they never hear a scholarship in one of the most years. Edited Maccabean Month- came to their place, they ascendfamous old schools In England — If you were here in my place and I in yours, I would say: the end of it. from making any new commercial treaties with such countries as ly, predecessor of the New Palthe Manchester Grammar school, estine. After the reorganisation ed to the attic and removed the "My dear Mr. Warburg, it is difficult for us to part from a man Truly, the Jones family is a which was founded in 1575. Germany and Mexico. ladder that Resh Lakish should the Federation of American not be able to join them. Resh While it is highly problematical whether this bill will be- who together with Mr. Albert Ballin created and made great our meoace. All of us parents of or- Ever since then, he has always of Zionists In 191$ as the Zionist Lakish then came to Rabbi dinary sons and daughters must come law, it nevertheless again opens up before Congress the corporation, The Hamburg-American Line. I t is difficult for us fight against the constant temp- made his own way in the world Organization of America, he be- Jochsnan and questioned. "Men question of whether the United States will continue to uphold to lose in you a citizen who, in the war, made such great sacri- tation of comparing them, audi- —either by scholarships or by came president and held that ofare trying to justify the writing. The pressure at one pe- fice until 1930. Was vice-presi-«transgression of the Sabbatical precedents and reassert its traditional policy of intercession in fices and rendered such service. And in addition we cannot forget bly and invidiously, with our own riod of his schooldays was so dent of the Zionist Congress of i year are they fit to intercalate offspring. behalf of oppressed racial or religious minorities in foreign that at the'end of the war it was you and you alone who, out of iCopTTight, 1SJ5. by Sev*n Art» Feature pinching that he was nearly 1823. Has been a member of the ja year?" Rabbi Jochanan said to forced to forego his education for World Zionist Actions Commit-J Resh Lakish. "Yes, we can deSyndicate.) countries. . only ruins, recreated with your energy and your money the Gera factory job at ten shillings a tee. Is now the American member pend on them, the trouble is that -The barbarous acts of Nazi Germany have been occurring man shipping industry. And if we — new people here — must week. of the World Zionist Executive. you don't understand them." for some time, but the immediate cause of wsirm discussion on separate ourselves from our old co-worker, then it is our fault The cloud, fortunately, passed National chairman of the Amerby- and at the age of seventeen ican Palestine Campaign and one this problem is the flood of protests concerning the persecution and not yours." Golding found himself in Oxford, of the co-chairmen of the Unitof Catholics in Mexico. When a year ago the Tydings resolution This is what I would say if I were in your place. However, at Queen's College, en a scholar- ed Jewish Appeal. As a boy he was introduced requesting the government to officially protest the situation being what it is, you must now permit me to withship. Famous for its prose styl- worked as a cigar maker. Might (Continued from Page One.) ists of the past — Addion and have been one of the great writto Germany about the Hitler tactics, against the Jewish people, draw and bid you farewell, until such time when you will once the honor conferred and a gold Walter Pater — Queen's College ers of his day had he not abanthere was much hullabaloo about religious and racial equality, again need me.'" "Mogen David" key Inscribed with madded. Golding in their image doned journalism for a career BE Jerusalem, (WNS—P a 1 c o r but the resolution was pigeon-holed without ever seeing the light the designation ot the award. The He has always been known for a Jewish leader. Drama, from | Agency)—The board of directors presentation will be made by Na- the sheer beauty of his writing. playwrighting to the last detail of the Hachsharath Hayishuv, the of day. But Mexico is closer to home, and we can view in better than Gilinsky, former Phi Beta Development While at Queen's College, of production; Interests him in- Palestine L a n d focus the ugly and rotten fruits of persecution and discriminaEpsilon president. A response will Golding edited a college miscel- tensely. Still considers his years company, has decided to propose The mushroom growth of Nazism In South Africa — with tion.' :•- • ' • ' • * " . . • *• ... • ' ,' be made by Dr. Sher. Joe Solo- lany in which some of the earl- as dramatic critic as the happiest to the forthcoming general meetits planks of anti-Semitism'— was given a decided setback last will act as toastmaster. iest works of such writers Ed- of his life. Until recently carried ing of the stockholders that the It would be nothing new for the United States, through, its week when Harry Victor Inch, leader of the South Africa Grey monow Max Resnick is in charge of ar- mund Blunden and Alan Porter around a pet project for the es- company increase its capital to representatives abroad, to intercede in behalf of an oppressed Shirts, was given a six-year prison sentence for having testified rangements. was included. He was one of the tablishment of a Yiddish people's 250,000 pounds, which will enOutstanding Citizen minority. Such intercessions in years gone by have been occa- to the genuineness of a forged document defaming the Jewish exciting group of young novelists theater to be subsidised by Jew- able it to enlarge its operations. Dr. Sher has been outstanding who dominated Oxford at the I The board also announced sioned in the main by persecution of Jews, largely because the people. • in social, civic and philanthropic time — L. A. G. Stiong, Robert ish organizations so as to provide ! that the year's operations had the best drama on the Yiddish 1 ,. Jews have been the.most universally persecuted people. One of People who think, know that the so-called Protocols of the endeavors. Just two weeks ago the Graves, Robert Nicholls, A. E. stage. Is gaunt, white-haired and | b r 0 l ^ M ** a profit of 66,000 the early protests made by the United Stats was in 1840, when Torah honored him on the Coppard, Richard Hughes, Roy Elders of Zion and other foolish writings about Jewish conspir- Talmud tall. His name epitomizes heated ^ u ^ _ A ? . ! ? f ' ! ° ° > occasion of their thirtieth anni- Campbell and I. P. Hartley. be distributed to shareholders In Damascus Jewry were being persecuted/In 1850, the United acies are rank forgeries, but many gullible people who let dema- versary, he being the dean ot the He organized a society called conferences, pitilessly logical ed- the form of a six per cent diviStates acted against discrimination of Jews in Switzerland; this itorials, cutting rebukes. In prigogues do their thinking for them are ready to believe anything, celebration. He Is often referred "The Jolly Teetotaller," which vate, his person suggests brilliant dend and a special bonus of finally resulted in a treaty between the two countries, and evenas the "dean of social workers." used to sit on the floor of an atshares to stockholders for even though it foists a calumny upon an innocent people. The to ^ , ^ , the He founded and is still head of tic In an old oak panelled inn, conversation and a fine sense o£ J e arB ^ tually, in 1874, the adoption of a new constitution by the Swiss _whlch they had re^ outcome of the legal test in South Africa will do much to halt the social service committee of the reading from Shakespearian and humor. Has been charged recent- | c"e l.v e d during no which accorded full liberties to all religious groups. And so runs with leaning too much towards <^idends the activities of praters who make a living off of their anti-Jew- Federation and B'nai B'rith. He Jacobean dramatists by the light ly The control of the P. L. D. C. the l i s t . . , . including official protests by this government to Rusis honorary president of the Jew- of candles stuck into beer bot- the policy of Palestine Labor. As is held by the Keren Hayesod and ishness professionalism. a matter of fact he has always ish Community Center and Wel- tles. The fare was beer and sia, Rumania, Germany and other countries. The United States the Keren Kayemeih. fare Federation and Is also honor- cheese. There was no knives and advocated a policy of national Dr. Arthur Ruppin, chairman has also been alert to intercede in behalf of other sects as well. capital and national land purary president of the Talmud Tor- forks. Among the honored guests of the Jewish Agency Executive, chase in Palestine. In Europe he In 1870, this country interceded in behalf of Christian missionah. One of the founders of toe of the society, sitting on the is also chairman oi the P. L. D. is regarded as one of the very few Free Loan and the Center, he has aries in Hawaii. In 1882 action was taken in behalf of the Amerwith great fistfuls of cheese, neutral General Zionists w h o C. board, and Dr. Jacob Thon is There have come rumors to us of people, honorable, respect- devoted his time to communal floor Golding vividly remembers John have held fast to Weizmann's pol- general manager. Among the ican Bible Society-in Russia. In 1919 through the- Treaty of St. able people, who say "There is too much Jewish activity in our service. Masefield, W. B. Teats and.Rob- icies. Ranks as "perhaps the frank- other directors are Joshua ChanGermain, the United State3 insisted upon stipulations guarancommunity. We have heard enough lectures, attended enough cul- This past year he founded the ert Bridges. Two Poet Laureates est and sincerest personality on kin and Moses Smilansky. teeing the righte of religious minorities following the EWorld College of Higher Jewish educa- of England, he reminisces, is not the American Jewish scene. Is tural evenings. We are satiated." tion, of which he is the president. bad for an undergraduate socie- the ablest non-rabbinical Zionist War. The most recent intercession occurred in 1933, when PresOne can but sympathize with these people whose delicate, He has been active in philan- ty. Jewish. Press advertisers merit ident Roosevelt secured pledges from Soviet Russia guaranteeing speaker. Although not the presiTwo other societies, widely anagainst discriminations in respect to passport visas and religious fragile cultural digestive systems have broken dowk Who knows i>has headed many local institutions. tithetic, also occupied him at Ox- dent of the Eionist of America, an your patronage. office he relinquished of his own to what tragedy this superfluity of Jewishnes3 may lead? Who ford. By day he was a member of free will, is still regarded by the liberties of our nationals. can estimate the number of tired, worn-out men and women lathe Bolshevik Society, being also rank and file as Zionist leader The United States in its position as a leader in world affairs boring under the burden of a top-heavy Jewish cultural program literary editor of its organ, the number one in this country. Bfohel Specialist New Oxford and by night he Copyright, I5S5, by Seven Arts Feature could do much to alleviate oppression in foreign lands through and lacking the time to find surcease in bridge and poker. "Is Recommended by Many Doctor* threw in his force with the RoySyndicate.) well-placed diplomatic action. Religious or racial discrimination this Jerusalem" they demand righteously "that we should conResidence Phone WStatar M3S alists, the ultra > Catholics and are repugnant to the American sense of right. When a foreign stantly be called upon to patronize these Jewish affairs? We Business Phone WHbster Ri60 Jacobeans and burned tapers beJohannesburg, (WNS)—Con1422 X. 20th SW Omaha, Neb, country so abuses minorities within its borders as in Germany heard a Jewish lecturer last month. Must we hear another one victed of forging documents villi- fore the portrait of the blessed Patronize the Jewish Press adand Mexico, then the situation is so menacing to the hard-won this month? Judaism is a fine thing and we're proud to be Jews fying the Jewish race and testify- Saint and martyr, King Charles vertisers. ing under oath that those docu- the First. liberties, of mankind that it becomes the concern of the whole and all that but there should be a limit." ments were genuine, Harry Victor The war interrupted Golding's world — it threatens the very pillars of our civilization. OffendInch, leader of the South African scholastic career, which he was It is a far cry from the example of our fathers of but two Grey Shirts, a counterpart of the never to resume, but it began his ing countries like Germany and Mexico should be told in no un;enerations ago, when Jewishness was a daily diet and the Jew- Nasis, was sentenced to six years career as a traveler. His Maj'es- • certain terms just what the American attitude in toward flaty's army took him as: far afield ish mart remained unglutted. It is a marked contrast with the tra- and three months In prison. grant oppression of minority groups. Inch's conviction grew out of as Salonika and Masopotaiaia and ditional standard of the "people of the Book" that there Bhould be the sensational case at Grahams- implanted In him his love for re- . any difficulty in financing and promoting Jewish cultural events. town when the, South African su- mote and inaccessible places, preme court granted Rabbi passion very noticeable in his The Omaha Jewish, community deserves congratulations and Abraham Levy of the Port Eliza- stories in "This Wandered." . The shortage of labor in Palestine such an oddity in a the help of every intelligent individual in maintaining its cultural beth synagogue a civil judgment Among the more spectacular of time of almost universal unemployment — is a testimonial to standard. Away from the large cities, off the beaten path of Jew- of 58,900 against Inch and two his journies is the trip he took other Grey Shirt leaders. Rabbi across Spain and all the way to the phenomenal growth experienced in the Holy Land through ish,-life, it maintains a" standard of Jewish cultural intensity that Levy had sued Inch, Johannes Le Panteau in Greece in the footJewish initiative..Buti the shortage of labor in Palestine has now deserves emulation by larger cities. Straus von Moltke and David steps of Don Quixote and CerOlivier for libel after vantes, his creator. He has also grown to the stage where it threatens to harm Palestinian interWithin the next month there will be in Omaha, Maurice Sam- Hermanus they had published a document traversed the whole course o£ the ests. School children leave the classrooms to work; stevedores uel in a series of lectures, on February 16 and 17; David Pinsky allegedly stolen from Rabbt Odyssey and known..what it Is to leave their ships to work in Palestine; and, most important of all, in an address, February 26; Npach Nachbush in dramatic read- Levy's congregation and waicb hear the syrens singing sad to Jewish' farm hands are leaving the land settlements to go to the ings, March' 3; Celia Adler, dramatic performance, March 12; purported to reveal the details of see tfa.e lovers ©f Circe converted world-wide Jewish plot. After iato swine. He. lotas In cities. Industrial activities in urban centers and the resulting de- Ludwig Lewisohn in a lecture, March 6; Dr. Moseg Jung in an ad- amore than two weeks of hearings the Land of the Lotus Eaters, the mand for more and more labor have driven wage scales up to dress, March 13; All of them deserve the wholehearted and un- and four weeks of deliberation, modern, same of which is Djerba, the court handed down a 130- off the coast of Tunisia. And he such a point that the Jewish farmers are deserting the soil. stinted support of the entire Jewish community. page opinion which, declared that h&s followed ia the footsteps of Meanwhile, .the Palestine Farmers' Union is making a mis- * the so-called document was an Abraham the. Patriarch from Ur , _ —By URI MILLER.


Honor Deserved


obvious forgery and that Inch's testimony "was false. Strauss and Von Moltke, together "with Inch, are still under Indictment on other charges growing out of this case "which elicited tremendous Interest in South Africa because the contents of the forged document were made the basis for au intensive anti-Semitic campaign. The outcome of the case and Inch's conviction have given Fascism and anti-Semitism in South Africa a terrific blow from which they may not recover,


Personalities in the* News * *

Heroic Utterance

The Voice of America

Fraternity 'Citizen Award* toDr. Sher

to Enlarge Its Capital

Bad Roots

Delicate Cultural Digestive System

South Africa Nazi Given Prison Term

Service for every type of oil burner

Palestine Labor

THE JEWISH PRESS, FEBRUARY 15, 1935. SURPRISE DINNER ' Dr. and Mrs. M. Margolin honored Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dvosin, upon the occasion of their fifteenth wedding anniversary, with a surprise dinner at the Margolin home,, January 25.

MARRIAGE The marriage of Miss Bessie Sailen, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. L. Bailen, to Mr. Julius Hornstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam HornBtein, will be solemnized at the. home of the groom, Sunday, Tehruary 17, at 3 p. m. Rabbi Feldman will officiate. The ceremony will talie place in the presence of the immediate family and closest friends only. Mrs. Sol Ashkenazy, sister of the bride, will be matron of honor Isidore Hornstein, cousin of the groom, will be best man. A buffet lunch will be served the guests immediately after the sereinony. A reception for friends will be held Sunday from 5 to 9, after which the couple will leave ' for a bhbrt wedding trip. No invitations to the reception have been iBsued. All friends are invited. The bride-to-be has been extensively entertained. Among her hostesses have been the following: Mrs. Sam Hornstein, mother of the groom, entertained at a linen shower for 32 guests Wednesday, February 6; Mrs. Jake Brookstein, aunt of the bride, was hostess at a surprise handkerchief Bhower, Saturday afternoon, February 9; Miss Dorothy Zollotuchen gave a miscellaneous shower Saturday evening, February 9; Sunday, February 10, Mrs. Paul Nerenberg, aunt of the groom, had a 1 o'clock luncheon and kitchen shower.


ROSS-GITTLE WEDDING The marriage of Miss Helen Gittle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gittle of Council Bluffs, to Mr. Ernest Ross, son of Mrs. Rae Rosa of Council Bluffs, will take place Sunday afternoon, February 17, at It o'clock, at the home of the groom's mother. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will perform the ceremony in the presence of members of the immediate families. A reception will be held at the Ross' home at 306 Georgia avenue, Council Bluffs, on Sunday afternoon from 3 until 5 o'clock, and Sunday evening, from 7: to 9 o'clock. All relatives and friends are cordially inyited to attend. No invitations are being issued. ANNIVERSARY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Jack-Levey entertained at a dinner and bridge on the occasion of their third wedding anniversary, at their home Saturday evening. Mrs. I. Rubin won first prize and Mrs. Simon Green, second prize. ATTENDS CONVENTION Dr. Ben Goldware, chiropodist, attended the convention of the Midwest association of chiropodists, held at Lincoln Sunday, February 10. RECUPERATING Mr. Joe Sandel, who recently underwent' an operation at the Veteran's hospital in Lincoln, is now convalescing.

Book Review Groups of Hadassah to Meet

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bloom announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen, to Mr. Maurice Roginsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. The Hadassah Book Review Aaron Roginsky. No date has group No. 2 will meet next Wedbeen set for the wedding. nesday, February 20, at the home of Mrs. George Strauss, 3052 So. DAUGHTER TO RINGIES 32 street, with Mrs. Peter GreenMr. and Mrs. Philip Ringle/an- berg as co-hostess. jiounce the birth of a daughter at Theer will be a dessert luncheon the ClarkBon hospital, February at one o'clock, followed by a re10. view of Louis Adamie's "The Native's Return," to be given by Mrs. Herman Auerbach. Mrs. Ula Alberts Goldenberg will discuss current events. Mrs. Julius Stein, captain of a Five men were informally initi- "Give or Get" group, will sponsor ated this week by Phi Beta Epsl- a book review on April 3 at the lon, Creighton social fraternity. Blackstone hotel. Further details They are: Meyer Raben, William will be published later. Rosenbaum, William Gray, Sam Weinstein and Iz Mittleman. WilCultural Meeting liam Gray led the group in Rabbi Frederick Conn will be scholarship, with a semester averthe guest speaker at the next age of 95 3-lGths. cultural group meeting which Max Resnick led the junior class of the college of commerce will be held on Tuesday, FebIn scholastic* averages for the ruary 19, at the Hill hotel. His past semester, according to an- topic will be "Women of the nouncements , made on the cam- Bible." Mrs. Julius Abrahamson will disscuss current events and pus this week. . Speaking on "Benjamin Car- Mrs. Max Fromkin will give the doza, Phjlosopher-at-Iaw," Maur- second of a series of descriptions ice NathanBon qualified Tuesday called, "A Trip Through Palesfor the finals of the all-uni- tine." A luncheon at 12:45 will / versity oratorical contest.' Last precede the program. Mrs. Max year's competition was won by E. Fromkin, . educational chairman, Joseph Solomonow, president of is taking reservations. Phi Beta Epsilon.


Give or Get

Pioneer Women The Pioneer Women will hold a special meeting at the J. C. C. Monday afternoon, February 18, at 2 p. m. Important business will be discussed, and all members are urged to attend.

Goldie Myerson Club The Goldie Myerson club will have a regular meeting at the J. C. C. Wednesday at 8:30 p. m.

Crowds like Ballads Sung by Sydney Mann Miss Sydney Mann, the charmIng and vivacious - songstress whose repertoire includes Russian, Spanish, Italian and Tiddish numbers, is making a hit this week a t the l o g Cabin. Originally booked for a three-day engagement, she was requested to remain for another week because of the popularity of her appealing song ballads. Miss Mann has "been featured In some of the most prominent hotels in the country. In radio •work, this light opera songstress is known as the "Sunshine Cruise" girl, on the programs by the Canard line. Her engagement here ends Saturday night.

Mrs. H. S. Novitsky, chairman of the Hadassah Medical Fund, reports that the "Give or Get" donations have been coming in very gratifyingly. More and more women are becoming interested fiPthe* welfare of our pecple In Palestine. Additional names * of women who have raised their quotas are the Mesdames A. S. Rubnitz, Sam Kaplan, Dave Epstein, Sara Frohm, Jules Newman, Phil Rosenblatt, Reuben Brown, Harry Rochman, David Bernstein, Phineas Wintroub, J. M. Erman, R. M. Shlaes, Allan Kohan, Henry E. Belmont, Libby Rosenthal, William Milder, Harry Trustin, Simon Pizer, Joseph Rosenberg, Max Davis, I. Dansky, M. Brodkey, Mose Yousem, Louis Margolin^ Harry Ferer, J. H. Kulakofsky, M. Barish, J. Jjipsey, Gail Margolin, Herman Cohen, John Freiden, Sam Brown, J. Bernstein.

GIVES TEA Mrs. H. A. Resnick gave a tea for her daughter, Sunday, February 10. Miss Resnick is recuperating from an appendectomy. Valentine decorations were carried out. The color scheme was red and white. Misses Merrian Weisman and Julia Hertzberg assisted. Fortyfive girls were present. ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE Mrs. Ben Fineman, of Chicago, was guest of honor at a bridge given by Miss Esther Wolfe. Prizes were won by the Misses Sylvia Lindenbaum and Ethel Stoller. DINNER AND BRIDGE Miss Marilyn Glazer entertained at a dinner and bridge in honor of Mrs. B. Fineman of Chicago, formerly Miss Sybil Adler of Omaha, Wednesday evening. TO ATTEND CLINIC Dr. M. I. Gordon is leaving Saturday night to attend the annual midwinter clinic of the Chicago Dental society. He will return the 23d of February.

INFORMAL C-S PARTY The C-2 club gave an informal party at the Sharlee tea room, Saturday evening, February 9. As part of the entertainment a king and queen were chosen by the guests. Irving Sternhill and Freda Soffer were so elected. SIGMA ALPHA MTJ NEWS FROM LINCOLN Oscar Carp of Omaha was initiated into Theta Nu, honorary pre•med fraternity at the University of Nebraska. I. Irving Hill of Lincoln is chairman of the JuniorSenior Prom, to be held March 8. Hill has also been devoting his time to the University Players, his latest success being, "The Return of Peter Grimm." Arnold Levine of Rosalie has been appointed news editor of the Daily Nebraskan, a university publication. In recent competition, Sam Fleishman of Omaha, was named among the varsity rifle team

uanta Mexicans to • Be Held at Temple


The Vaad Auxiliary 'will meet I The uanta Kexicana to be held Funeral services for Vi&x Buvat the B'nai Israel synagogue Monday, February IS, at 2:30. Im-;at Temple Israel, February 21, kenrop.d, 73 year? old. 113 Souffr portant business will be discussed. > promises its guest;; an enjoyable 5 0th street, will be held this aftThere will be a program and tea' evening of cards, delightful enter- ernoon'at 1 p. m. from the Fitrfc will be served by Mrs. H. R. \ tainment and delicious food. and McEachron mortuary. Tut foMilder and her committee. j Tickets can be secured from ment will be fit the Pleasant Tin:; IBIrs. Julius E. Solomon, chsirnmn cemetery with Rabbi David Wic? j of arrangements or from her com- and Rabbi Frederick Colin officijmittee, the Mesclames Milton Ab- ating. rahams, Bud Wolf, Saunders I\!r. Eurkeni'Gad died MoiuIiiT es Steinbacb., Paul Blotky, Leo Cliai- evening at P:4.5 following a iinge"kin, Louis E. Lip. and Ben Silver. ing illness o£ five months, Desk??.*, The Ladies Labor Lyceum his widow, Clara, he is eui'viver". celebrate its fourteenth annibv two sons, Leslie Burkenrosi'* versary, Sunday, February 17, at l 6:SO p. in. with a supper and prov of San Tvlateo, Csl. He is plsf? gram to be given at the Labor LO£H survived by a- brovtlie? Will Bnr* | Lyceum at 22d and Clark streets. The Ladies' Free Loan society ' kenroad .of San Mateo, CaL, R?U.: ;A11 those who reserved plates for will give a fourteenth anniversary three sifters, Sadie Burfeenroau. I this dinner are asked" to please jubilee dinner at the J. C. C. Feb- ;J.Irs. Louis Schurek, ami Mrs, • come on ruary 24, at 6:50 -p. m. Those, Frank Wjlcox, n\l vl KPW *> wishing reservations are asked to , leans. ' Making Plans for call Mrs, J. Miller, AT 77£S. j A fine Bikur Cholim Bazaar ranged.

Mrs. Helen Brodkey -will p l a y , the lead a s Mrs. Paula Ritter in . "The Torch-Bearers," second production of the Center Players' Guild t o be presented at the ; Jewish Community Center audi- \ torium, Tuesday evening, F e b - ; ruary 1 9 , at 8 : 3 0 . • j The play concerns Itself "with \ a young husband (Sylvan Frankel) w h o returns home to find his wife starred in -an amateur theatrical performance. H o w he meets the situation, w h a t takes : place back stage the night of the play and the humorous situations expressed throughout make this one of the best loved comedies of the American stage. The play was originally produced in New York with Mary Boland and Alison Skipworth in the leading roles, and is now being filmed in Holly.-! MRS. HELEN ERODKEY The annual Bikur Cholim wood with Will Rogers as the bazaar will be held Sunday, husband. BamgMers ©f Israel Aid March 3, at the Labor Lyceum, at The cast of characters for A regular meeting: of the 1 Jerusalem, (JTA)—The pc>v Tuesday evening's performance 22nd and Clark streets. j Daughters of Israel Aid society! rural property tax, which h,'u There will be cards and a very j Trill be held-Tuesday, February! been bitterly fought by JewSsl:; is: interesting and entertaining pro- i i s , at the Old People's Home at ; leaders, will go into effect f>iMr. Frederick Ritter—Sylvan ' | April 1, the government officiallv Frankel. The Round Table dance, hon-, gram. , .Door. prizes . _ will ,be . given . . i, 2504 Charles street. Mr. Huxley Hossefrosse—Don- oring the Des Moines and Omaha a n d refreshments served. Admis- j All members are urged to at- announced. The snnouncemer•'». ald Brodkey. Jewish Community Center teams, sion is free. Everj-one is invited tend. stated, however, that en excepMr. Spindler—Ernest Nogg. will be hsld at the Center audi- to attend. All members and : tion would be made in the cast* Mr. Ralph Twiller—Jack Te- torium on Sunday evening, Feb- friends are asked to keep this :of the Eecrsheba district, wbiclBible .Study Class ! date in mind and to attend the ; min. ruary 17, at 9:30 p. m. Rabbi David Wice will conduct has suffered from bad crops. affair. Teddy Spearing—Albert Oruch. Plans have been made to make his Bible study class on Tuesd&y, j The new tax bears hepvily or. Mr. Stage Manager—Harold this one of the outstanding afFebruary IP, at 1 p. m., at. the j land used for citrus growing a-vfTuchman. fairs of the season. Music will be home of Mrs, Sam Gilinsky. ptJts only slight taxes on lanrZ Council Study Groups Mrs. Paula Ritter—Helen furnished by the College Club orused for general farming. • Brodkey. The Legislative and Internai chestra featuring Ann Nieman, Mrs. J. Buro Pampinelli— and novelty stunts have been ar- tional Relations study group of j Martha Himelstein. the Council of Jewish Women j With the largest delegation o ranged. will meet at the lioine of Mrs. ' any of the visiting' chapters psr- | Mrs. Nelly Fell—Irene Hirsch. Press advertisers merit The tickets for this affair may our Miss Florence McCrickett— be obtained from members of the avenue, Wednesday, February 2 0. ticipating in the Mid-west.': Adele Wilinsky. trict 6 A. Z. A. tournament, the \ Round Table. The ticket entitles O . c 3 o c k iessBT\ cof£ee Mrs. Clara Sheppard—Lea be mother chapter was ably repre- • a couple to both the game and ! E e r y e <}. Obennan. sentpd in all everts of the tourna- ' dance. i ' Jenny—Reva Lipsman. meet at Sioux City last •week. : The committee in charge is! Miss Helen Merritt i s director The debate, team con-prised of! Insnrance with Reliable |of t h e Guild. Mrs. Sam Theodore- Loyal Kaplan, chairman; Joe \ ITajsA Raolr Ernie jPriesman -end. Massie is chairman of the "Women's Di- Goldware, Jean Beber, Ann Green i and Max Resnick. They are asMeeting on Tuesday Valley A. Z. A. chainpionship for ' vision of t h e Jewish Community sisted by Ernest Priesman, Macy R?n! Kstat*'—Property Center and Welfare Federation, two years, were upset" in the 515 So. ISili St. Baum, Fannie Witkin, Sarah Rif.JA 73U The Taad book review group sponsors of the play. finals of live tciimey by the Sioux , ^<



To Honor Basketball Players Nest Sunday

A. Z. A. 1

kin, Sylvia Silverman, Haskell j -vrill meet Tuesday afternoon, City A. Z. A. team. j Cohen, Betty Fellman and Kalah ! February 19, at the home of Mrs. Ernie. Xogg, representative in Franklin. Leon Mendelson at 2-pi m. the oratorical contest, was 1 Rabbi Uri Miller will review awarded ra piace. 1 "From Wolozin to Jerusalem." by Rabbi Meier Berlin. All nacm- I The basketball team was elimHonor David IL t e\ ." . *• TTT i I bers of the Ladies' auxiliary are inated by the strong Des ' Moines five, the wieners of the touraa-

for Outstanding Work -R-eicome.


3-es rresli

'Bak<srj Goods

David R. Cohen was honored at a banquet at the Fontenelie hotel, To Meet Wednesday Jerusalem—The Nir, co-operagiven him oy the Pacific Mutual The Daughters of Zion, who | . Ask Your Grecer Insurance company, for outstand- j E a their n tine to the ing production. Women's MizracM organization Federation of Labor;, hap entered suit for. libel sjfsanst sjfsanst the ReMr. Cohen was presented with j of Omaha, will have a regular | -vision daily, Hayarder. which ! FORKi5 lASilwG CO a beautiful engraved watch in ap- j meeting * Wednesday, February j had charged that the Jsir had \ 2711 Ko. 2Mh St. WE 640C preciation of his achievement. He j 20, at the J. C. C. at 2 p. xa. All j ., . , ., . t won nineteenth place in the en- j members are asked to be present j s o l g itseu to private capitalists. tire, country, for the number ofjas very important matters, will be discussed. policies sold In his company.



MEASURE in a New

in a New



Are you troubled -with eyestrain? D*) yoivcvcr have headaches? If so, you may need the services of an «}?•£ specialist. And » . . you probably have Improper lighting. Not one home in .ten is adequately lighted. And . ... there is jast one sure way to find out whether your family is provided with proper lighting. Call us up and ask for an expert to come out and check your lights.


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AT 2360

Gift Fund

Mrs- DaVe Stein, chairman of Mark Leon Says - - the Gift Fund-, announces the l*t me protect yonr interests. . . following recent contributions: C write IKbTKAyCE of every desIncluding UTFE, In strong, Mrs. O. C. Goldner, in honor of cription reliable companies ONI.T. . . Let's the marriage of her daughter, talk It over. Marian; Mrs. Sam Freed, in honor of the birthday of her daugh- City finance & Insurance Co. ter and the marriage ol her U03 farnam. AT 7607 or W « 51D0 brother, Sam Schiff; Mrs. * J. J. Freidea in memory of Shirley Plotkin; Mrs. H. Fran&Hn, in memory of her husband, Herman Franklin; Mrs. Davp Epstein to Mrs. Neveleft chairman of the honor of the confirmation of her house committee, and i e r associ- son, Bernard. ates are very active in caring for the catering of the Jewish Community Center and aiding, the orBake Sale ganizations -with, their plans for Those who are planning dindinners and banquets. , ners, luncheons or social affairs Mrs. I. Levenson, chairman of "Of. any kind, can be supplied with the athletic committee, has been anything in • the line of baked busily organizing her committee. goods by calling Mrs. F. H. She asks that those interested Roddy. HA 5908, chairman of the Phesm AT-2§15 2315 gamaia SL nail her at AT 5817. administration committee.

Women's Division

Vaad Auxiliary to Meet Next Mon.

'Torch-Bearers' to Be

BROTHER-SISTER PARTY Invitations are being issued this week for the Brother-Sister party to be given by the Junior Hadassah on Saturday evening, February 23,»at the Jewish Community Center. A George Washington motif will be carried out in the decorations. Miss Ida Fine is chairman in charge of this affair, and is being assisted by the Misses Freda Soffer, Rosella Handler, Rose Ban, Lillian Kushner, Jeannette Moskovitz, Isobel Rosenblatt, Una Gross and Miriam Greenberger. Reservations may be made with any member of the above committee, or at the next meeting to be held next Thursday eve- members. This is his third year In ning, February 21, at S o'clock, active competition, last year he was high man in the all-uniat the J. C. C. versity rifle meet. Jacob G. Epstein of Omaha, PLEDGING AT TEA was head of the committee of the The Alpha Gamma Chi social sorority of Omaha university held inter-fraternity • council- which its formal pledging Sunday, Feb- dealt with arrangements of the ruary 10, at a tea at the home of inter-fraternity ball, held last Miss Rose Shafer. The new Saturday. Maurice Gordon was pledges are the Misses Dorothy the artist in charge of the decorations for the ball. Camel and Pearl Lazarus. Max Canar of Omaha has reA luncheon was Tield Thursday, turned to school to complete his February 14, at the home of Miss Dorothy Camel in honor of the junior year. Misses Bernice Pearlmeter and Fannie Witkin, winners of the Jetvish Press advertisers merit Round Table debate tournament. your patronage. S. A. M. MOTHERS CLUB The next regular monthly meeting of the S. A. M. Mothers club will be held at the home of Mrs. H. Nystrom, 2766 Chicago street, Fehruary, 20. The last meeting wa3 held at the residence of Mrs. Julius Chait.




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GRANDMOTHER — M r s . Dwight W. Morrow, mother of Mrs. Lindbergh and grandmother of the murdered Lindbergh baby, whom the State planned to call as a rebuttal witness. I t was expected she would t e s t i f y that Viofet Sharpe, a maid who later committed suicide, was in the Morrow home in Englewood at the time defense witnesses said they saw her on a Hudson ferry or in a Yonkers restaurant with a baby.

SPEED KING'S WIFE—A new portrait of lovely Lady Campbell, wife of Sir Malcolm Campbell, noted automobile racer. Lady Campbell's husband is now at Daytona Beach, Fla., where be planned to raise his world speed mark of 272.1 miles per hour to 300 miles an hour or better. f

WODIN—Here is a snow statue of none other than Wodin himself, ancient chief of the Norse gods, as he sits in state in the center of the Dartmouth College campus at Hanover, N. H. He was sculptured by college students to preside over the annual Whiter carnival. Obviousiy he is a fearful being, with a heart of ice, though a warm spell might soon send him to a watery Valhalla.

AUTOGIE.O CSASHES IN CKOWD—Crowds gathered at the aviation fete in Barcelona, Spain, watched with ewe as this birdlike machine settled down from the sky almost at their feet. But when the pilot of the autogiro, Lieutenant Guitian, attempted to take it up again it suddenly crashed into the micjst of them. Here is the wreck of the machine, in which only the pilot was slightly injured.

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HEBUTTAL W1TNESSKS—-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jung, called by the State as rebuttal witnesses to the Hauptmann trial at Flemington, N. J., who testified that Isidor Pisch, who died in Germany, was at their house in New "Xprk from. 8 until 12 o'clock 'the night the Lindbergh baby was kidnaped. ~"

DEFENDS — Brevoort Boimar, a filling station proprietor on the Hopewell, N, J., read, who identified the kidnap ladder in the Hauptmann trial as one he saw carried in an automobile on the night of the kidnaping. H J testified the man in the car with a woman was not Hauptma: ~ • -

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ARTIST OF THE STEEL BLADES—This is Sonja Henie, Norwegian queen of the ice and,world's champion fanc£ skater, as she executed a difficult step that thrilled spectators at St. Moritz, Switzerland. She has been at the famed winter resort for" several weeks preparing to defend her title.

RINGER—Blah- Nunnamaker, five times world's champion horseshoe pitcher, In training at Miami, Fla. He tosses blindfolded, blows out a candle and lights matches with his rings. He is training for the 1935 tournament.

SCEET THE "EXPOS1TIONETTES"—This corps of pretty San Diego, Cal., high school and junior college girls was formed to take an active part in-civic-events preparatory to the opening of the California-Pacific International Exposition, to be held in San Diego beginning May 29. '

HOSIE FROM PHILIPPINES—^Members of the Senatorial Commission who have been studying problems in the Philippine Islands for the past three months incidental to independence of the islands. Left to right are: Senators Ernest W. Gibson, Vermont; Kenneth D. McKellar, Tennessee. and Millard W. Tydings, Maryland, as they arrived in New York.


YOUNG CHINA GREETS NEW TEAR — According: to the Chliiese calendar this is the year 4639 and Chinese celebrations were country-wide. Los Angeles, however, has been threatened with.'; tong disturbances and the older generation was cautious. But here are Mable Kwong and her brother Elgin as they were pictured in the Western city getting ready to do their best in the way of celebrations.

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JUNIOR LEAGUE LEADERS—Junior League officers who met in New York to discuss future policies.for the 137 Leagues throughout the United States, Mexico, Hawaii and Canada. Left to right are: Elizabeth F. Taylor, Little Rock, president: Helen W-. Leovy, Pittsburgh, treasurer; Abigail von Schlegell, Pasadena, vice president; Mrs. Peter L. Harvie, Troy, secretary, and Mrs. DeForest Van Slyck, executive secretary.

. CONTENDER—•,This is Jack Doyle, Ireland's threat for the world's heavyweight boxing championship, as he arrived in New York for an extended fighting and theatrical tour of the country. Ke is 21 years old, 6 feet 4 inches tall and weighs more thas 20$ pounds. He hopes to lilt the title from Max Baer.

PJTCHEB SATS AH-H-H! — Joe Cascarella, pitcher for the • Philadelphia Athletics baseball team,'as he msAe Ms radiodebut at a Philadelphia station. 22e formerly • Uved ia Jersey City, N. J. He is 2S years old. •



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Hebrew Accepted Commissar litvinofft Brother Polish New York, (JTA)—-Candidates Rabbi

best performances ever seen "•I!Brazil Law to hereabouts. . . . And at the risk of being called a. chauvitiis we igious Incitement will coafess S e a n O'Casey's "Within the Gates," the play that Rio De Jeneiro (JTA) —A lav.was prohibited in Boston, is one prohibiting incitement of on*' Ellis "Weitzman, the author mind, but also from a heart senof those things that you enjoy part of the population against o£ this well-written and Sip- . sitive to the finest shades of hu- 'or the post of assistant director London, (JTA)—While Soviet because you're always waiting for calling for pealing story, is a graduate man experience. Human pain was >f foreign languages, now open At services tonight Rabbi Psvid ! mother n the New York City school sysForeign Commissioner Maxim the final point — which, never " student in psychology, Creigh- to him unbearable. The sight of A. Goldstein -will Epeak on 'Tp-j . . . incite against reh|>-> "ton University. His stories have tears, of suffering in any form, tem, are being permitted to of- iitvinoff Is living in "luxury and comes. . . . In other words, it Sevdsh Investments Tfeere l a stream to the Island Within'' er a knowledge of Hebrew topower in the Kremlin," his isn't much of a show, if you know was introduced «*"-• Estimated at Fifty -appeared a number of times in would upset him for days on end. ard satisfaction of the require- brother, Rabbi Jacob Wallash of sermon interpreting Ludwig 1* ... what we mean. And this we MiHioa Dollars the university, literary journal, Weltschmertz, the anguish of all ments for the position. sohn's major works in acticipa-j parliament. The pew measure Lodz Poland, deeply grieved by must tell you even if Mr. Barcreation, seemed to rest always tion Ci Ms visit to Omaha. j the "Godlessness" of the commisAspirants ate expected to be rows, the amiable press represenIPTO5R l i r S I U . Jerusalem (JTA) — on his shoulders. His one prayer Nest week Rebbi Goldstein wi'3 j sar, is praying and fasting, hopdoes not like it. . . . Insufficient time has lapsed for a be in St. Joseph. Me, where he j Jews it" Brazil I'RTP PU$\ ' Through 'the .wet streets b£ was that some day pain and sor- lamiliar with no less than, six ing for his return to the true tative, (Copyright, 1935. by Seven Arte Feature compilation of complete figures an Divrah -walked a. tall, thin-man. row would vanish from off the anguages, excluding English, and faith, the London Daily Express ' .. Syndicate.) address the local congrega particularly from t-, violent iccording to officials .at the board c.ani ifiicn cfirripfl on face of the earth. • estimate based on reliable surreys j _ in his absence, Mr. Irvin- Semitic Absorbed by; . h i s / thoughts, he ticm t h e X a z i s am OI1E >f education offices, this is the reported Sunday in a sensationand reports reveal that Jews in-! t the service and j ^ , the oermnr L e T i n w j n COBs3llc stepped carelessly into puddles of :"I can see yet," continued the ally featured story. immigrant population. The vested approximately '$60,000,000 jM n J a c f e muddy water, paying no heed old man in a voice tremulous Irst time that the ancient Jewish "» Commenting editorially on the , law, it is felt, will' end NREI in whatever to where he was going, with age," " t h e tortured express ongue has been ruled acceptable report, the Express asks the rhein Palestine during 19S4. • :t c e * congregation. n applications for a language i citements once and for all. or the nature of his. surroundings. slon on his face the day someone Comparisons with previous pe-j torical question as to which of , .Occasionally, he xould mutter a rushed breathlessly Into this very supervisory post. riods made it clear that the year Associate Superintendent of the two one .would rather be. Hebrew phrase into a short, black room with the news that the Czar juEt past -was one of true boom . By DR. I. M. BUBINOW. Schools Jacob Greenberg in- Commissar Litvinoff's name was beard. His.'laco had the lean, had' entered war against proportions. For Instance, there Thomas M originally Wallach, but he as•was an-increase of 1S5 $ev cent j great epi ^mandated look to be. seen on many. His quiet, gentle • heart formed a reporter for the Jewish sumed .the name Litvinoff as a •It is In contemplating the magthe faces- of' the hungry timber seemed to -break : as he listened Telegraphic Agency that the new "nom de guerre" when he ea- nitude and importance of this over 1932, and of ICO per cent j in his. bo •wolves that" silently paced the to the story of war and slaughter. eparture is an outgrowth of the tered ; the Russian revolutionary task that the failure of achieving over" 193S, in industries and!Brothers." Tils will be discussed by Rabbi DavI3 Wice Friday eve-; Borne, -forest on the outskirts of Divrah,' This new, earthly burden of mis- eaching of-Hebrew in the city's movement early in the 1900's. complete unity of effort among crafts. Building showed a gain of ning, at S p. m. at Temple Israel.) should curta?! the number ofjrr Eike those of . t h e ' wolves, his ery seemed to crush, him to the igh. schools on an equal footing 246 per cent over 1832 and eighty Jewish leadership is most obvious with other foreign languages. There will be regular services \ migration viea? allotted eyeB were sharp and hungry. Yet very depths of despair. . and most distressing. No re- per cent over 19 33. in Palestine. the Courses in Hebrew have been Ho Baa en Zionist Activities Building which comprised the Saturday morning, at 10 the hunger jof Jhe man's face was "But this blow was as nothing given here for the last three sources are too large to be de"•The college club will meet Sun-1 Romano, official organ of the : not for food of ;the stomach. The-to the shock he underwent when Riga, Latvia—Reports that the voted to this purpose. No brain largest single item in the total of Vatican declares. yearning mirrored here was, rath- it was made known to him that ears, he said. Latvian government had banned trust' need be too proud to de- $50,000,000 Jewish investment in j day afternoon and will continue In ar. article on the growl Is *~>\ tho Holy Land in 1934, reached a jits series on the Religions of the er, an intense longing after truth he was one of those who had been Asked what proportion of the the activities of Latvian Zionist vote itself to it. There is need In j World. Because cf the Round ralestine'E population, the OFsr.rand beauty, a lust" for the deep drafted for military service in the ieven persons seeking the posi- and collections for the Jewish that -brain trust of Jewish and peak figure of $26,500,000. Further -nalysis of this sum I Table basketball game Sunday vatore Romano voices concern **> knowledge by which the- soul is Czar's army,. None of us could tion offered Hebrew, Mr. Green- National Fund are untrue, the Gentile brains alike. Its task is showed that in Tel Aviv, Jerusa- i afternoon at the Center, the group the rapid increase of the Jewish' berg said that three of the geven Jewish Telegraphic Agency ascerunderstand it. It was beyond the much more complicated than the lem and. Haifa (including Haifa I ^UI meet at E o'clock instead of population which it. bold I; "if- con" Casting aside Ills thoughts, the grasp of our conceptions that this interviewed by the board of su- tained. Earlier stories on the mere effort at trary to the rights of '{he nativemere eiiort a t ccounter-propaoucier-propa- _ • _. — .Z. r* •>• I •»>!«» l i d - - 1 ! t - i r - r z - ? r man stopped short.. He became kindest and gentlest of men could ierlntendents had seized the op-ban on Zionism were the result born residents of $22,-1 The Tuesday evening Study I ™ ~ ^ ^ aware of the steady, drizzling in any way be connected with lortunity to introduce their grasp of a misunderstanding, it was ganda. It Is *et merely to clear £ j ' £ 5 £ £ 2 S o'vt ^ ;ruc-igroup will not meet February IP. learned. rain that formed in dirty little murder and bloodshed.. In the f the Biblical tongue. up the story historicofdetails of the not dis- J°f Merkas Micnsri), Ing over 5 DCt torted crucifixion, $4,001),-j ^"HI bare Its nest meeting!. tion, while the pools at bis feet. The drab gray wildest flights of our fancy, we merely „•«„, to deny„» the^Mfi-n™ idiotic charges +^<ox -nn+ 500,000 was spent for const OOff'was expended in the colonies. I February 26 at 8 p. rn. j T o R&lSe !"UTld? t o r pf the sky began to darken with could not picture the gentle. Menof the blood accusation, of the In t i e g general field of agTicul-i The Sisterhood Bible class, lefl I J?;n:i:pv Priori the deeper gray of night. Evident- del bent upon an errand of death,g world conspiracy. It must create Wice, will meet ly- , a stranger* the man looked with a weapon of slaughter upon an entirely new attitude of man tcre it is estimated was that invested, approxi-i.kT mately $S,250,C00 jsfteraooa at 1 o'clock st the home j •• • • around as if lost. His dark and a shoulder which had hitherto to man, impressing itself in re- Analysis of this figure shows that! of -Mrs. SEES Gilinsky, 604 So. £ 1 | Paris. <T\1N"P)—A p-omlnen-: burning eyes brightened, as he been bent forward only over member ol the Ffrje .le-wjpfc cowthis country can even extend, her. lations of group to group. It can- It went into the following chan-j Street. I munity IF prepa-ing to pc to i>-r-. ECHOES saw someone approaching from books of holy writ. not limit itself-to apologizing for . . Buddy Baer, baby brother of acrosB the square. Morris Rothenberg, President United State? to linciertfilce ic Jewish cultural traits or esplain- nel's: Orange groves which bad not j "Yet such was the will of God. ;. Something in the manner "of And Mendel one day set out with of the Zionist Organization of the heavyweight champion, is the ing them away. It must not yet Jborne fruit at t i e outset of ise a fund oi P5,COO,000 to f5 future boxing heavyweight cham$4,250,000; groves which j tonight, Kabbi TM j ^.noe R large 8calV'immijrrF.tioR this approaching person frighten- the troops for the front. But he America, objects to the wording A t EerTices teach more condescending tolered him. The new arrival in the bore love, not" hatred, in his no-of our item about Rabbi Silver. pion of the world, Maxie having ance. It must give to:the majority are yet to be planted, $3,750,000; J will give a sermonic lee- i 0 jit jEnrpppPn JPVS iv Birr. Mr. Rothenberg writes us: "I doped out a system whereby be an understanding and apprecia- and mixed farming (including j square would walk a few paces ble heart, and there was a volume on a great character in i j / n , acrording to f- repor!. JT? with his hands behind his back of the Holy Book hidden beneath did not withdraw the Invitation will donate his title to Buddy tion of cultural values contrib- loans by the Keren Hayesod andj t H r e history. "A Saint in :the Paris Haint, Yiddir-K daily, A few uted by minority groups, no mat-PICA for water installation; col- Israel" will be the title of Rabbi j The H&int e&ys that th?p Jewand face bent forward almost to his uniform of war." The nar- o Rabbi Silver. The decision not when the time comes. the ground, staring ferociously at rator stopped to check back emo- to attend the Washington Confer- columns ago we pointed to Kitty ter how small. It must boldly onization witn private capital; ana Miller's address. j ish leader hopes to oblpin tliethe cobblestones as if in search tion occasioned by the sadness of ence was entirely of Dr.. Silver's Klein, 19-year-old skating cham- disclose the reactionary charac- investments ol old settlers for. exCantor SchwscEkic £nc the support of Prominent Aitiei'jcnr.. own making and not due to any pion of Buffalo, as the coming ter of every" dictatorial effort at pansion), .$1,250,000. of some minute object. At every his. tale. choir will chant the evening'. Jews End Dr. Albert Einstein. Investment:, in industries End services. few steps, he would raise high his Mr. ice-wonder of the world, and the domination of one culture over \ "The hardships of war," re-request on my part.' trj.nsportation Involved a total ol head, throw his hands up into the sumed the patriarch, "were noth- Rothenberg's correction reminds other day in Chicago, at the another. > " . air, and whisper Boftly to the ing to Mendel, Lack.of food was us of the fellow who told us that American Olympic Fund skating Unless we : are willing to as- $7,500,000. Of this the so-called Jr. CcngregsEitas dark sky. Frozen in MB tracks, to liim a thing of long custom. X gave him a hundred dollars carnival, she came through with sume the fatalistic polst of view "Big Three".— the Palestine ElecThe Jcnior Congregation trill j the tall stranger kept his gaze Hi3 own feelings, concerned him and then added, Incidentally, that sensational victories in the quar- that not only as individuals, but tric Corporation, Palestine. Potash, fixed on the approaching man. not at allr Only the hate in the he had had to knock the donor ter and three-quarter mile events. as 3 race, we humans are merely and the Nesher Cement Works — meet at 10:50 in the morning. At j When he was directly In front of hearts of men made him to suf- down three times before he could puppets in the hands of blind put in the nelgi.borb.ood cf $1,-the last election of the Jimior j the. stranger, the man looked fer, obtain the gift. . .Maurice Samuel, ABOUT PEOPLE chance or mechanical forces, un- 500,000 into the extension of was elected president and j their undertakings. New industries straight into his face with wild, now on a lecture tour through "There came a time, however, Ernest Lubltsch has been ap- less we insist upon minimizing launched during the past year, ac- Ephraini Gersbater, rice-p?esi-1 yet tearful eyes, then again lift- when Mendel found himself in the West, objects to being called the Influence of mind and reason ' I ed his head and arms to - thethe heat of a great battle." Here middle-aged, Bia Increasing walst- pointed the big production chief into nothingness, teen education, cording to the American Economic dent. • for Paramount, replacing EmanBoard on In.estments, totalled an cloud-filled heavens, and -whis- the old man began to tell his ine notwithstanding. Mr. uel Cohn. -. Arthur Brisbane true education, must remain a outlay cf mo less than $2,250,000. Geneva—Lewlsh L. pered: "Shmah YisToel,—-" story with greater feeling, with Abe Goldberg, the Zionist, feels devoted an editorial to Elizabeth component part: of. any proposed A further euro, of about $ 1,25 V appointed the new economic ad-j 'A shiwer passed down the spine the excitement and vigor of that we should mention that he Bergner as the greatest contemp- program for meeting any social of the Btranger. In a trembling youth. "Fear of death entered his is the editor-publisher of a Yid- orary actress, and insists that problem, the Jewish problem in- 000 was invested in enlargement viser to tbe Interns t'ctr I Lfi-ov of existing enterprises other thsn Office t t the or; voice, he asked: "Where is the soul. It was a. question of killing dish weekly entitled The Voice. she is not permitted to appear on cluded. Yeshivah?" And, speaking of Zionism, the stage In Germany, "her own One may truthfully say that the aforementioned "Big Tbree." eion here, is one vZ or, being killed. And Mendel in The man one pointed a crooked this' time of great terror chose to Mendel Fischer of St. Louis country, because her ancestors the problem of education—re-ed- Investment in transportation, ln- Am^ricsn econonafcr. pri- j finger towards a low building in his everlasting disgrace the ^ thinks that he's entitled to be happen to have been Jews.". . . ucation if you will—of the eatire plctJing pnrchase of pub mentioned as moving, with his Brisbane then goes on to com-people, the sdnlt as well as the vate rsotor vehicles, reaches ca j ^ . , . &i corner * of the squarer' looked of killer. jig pathetically at the stranger and "A German ruBhed' upon him family and household goods, to ment as follows: "When you seechild, is a gigantic task. But esttaawd total of $2,500,000. In addition to the figures given whispered mysteriously, "Shmah with murder in his eyes. Sum- New York, and becoming perman- this actress, whose ability is of equally gigantic is the problem Yisroel—.' moning up the strength of fear, ently attached to Zionist head- the highest order, you will un- which the achievement of this above, the ESSD cf $6,750,000 wss : Too terrified to look back, the Mendel thrust his bayonet into quarters here. . . . derstand why It is that nations task can hope to solve. The Jew- invested in pnrchaces of lands tall stranger muttered beneath the breast of the German. As the that have oppressed Jews or ex- ish problem for thousands of his-from Ars.bs, In public works in cihis breath, "May the Evil Eye be German fell -forward in the last ODDITIES pelled them have invariably suf- torical reasons has Its many spe- ties and towns, and in the trades, Absent!" Quickly, he passed in- agonies, he gasped: "Shmah Yisand specially difficult available surveys Indicated. The cover of the New Republic fered deterioration, as shown in cial ; This last Enocnt, added to to the synagogue. aspects. Nevertheless • it is bet the history of Portugal and roel." He died before he could for January 30, featnred "Jews T Once there, he felt safe. Here, finish the death words of a pious out of Germany," an editorial, Spain." . . . The joke of it is that one aspect of the entire problem those previously listed, concerning more esact aosi detailed init was warm. The chill of fear Jew. : . ' but the issue itself did not con-the ^publicity department- of the of group relations. formation was obtainable, brought and cold began to leave his bones. "Realization of his deed was tain the article In question. . . . Theater Guild, under whose ausThere is a great deal of lip There was- comfort -in-the sight beyond... the strength of Mendel's Believe it or , not, according to pices Elizabeth Bergner is ap- service rendered to the necessity Jewish Investments n Palestine of old Jews" bent studiously over mind' to- bear. From- that day to those in the know none of the pearing in. New York, Insists that of education as a method of solv- during 1934 approximate the dimly lit bench. There was this, he repeats only the words Jewish names popularly accepted La Divine Bergner was never ex- ing the Jewish problem in this grand total of $50,000,000. comfort in the ancient volumes that passed the lips of-the dying as representing _ the greatest pelled from Germany and that country, and some efforts in that on the shelves, in-the eternal man. God in his infinite mercy •wealth are included in the list of to refer, to her as a refugee Is all direction are being made, but the light over the holy ark that con- has seen fit to protect the .soul the ten richest men of this coun- wrong. . . . London cables report weakness and futility of these eftained the Holy Torah, in the of Mendel with the cloak of mad- try in a recent check-upl . . . Wethat David Sarnoff, I. Schoenberg forts, individually and collectivechanting of. the patriarchB at ness. find the name of Modie J / Spie- and Isldor Ostrer will reap huge ly, Is pathetic. An occasional By Mrs. D&Tid If. Newman prayer. The -warmth and peace of "Far better Is it to die," con- gel heading the Jewish contin- fortunes when television is placed pamphlet now and then, somethings familiar and everlasting cluded the patriarch, "than to gent, and confess that -we've nev- on the open market.. . .Attorney times published largely for tee entered the soul of the stranger. take the life of a pious man.' er beard of him before. . . . Ed- General Wilentz of Hauptmann purpose of establishing the claim Gfeger Bread with FhllsdeSphia === Creasa Cheese FiUiag "How good the temple of God" "The way of the Almighty Is ward G. Robinson,. Public Enemy trial fame Is cautioning his of this or that organization to do%' cup sugar he thought. ' : ever just and preeminent," said No. ± on the screen, has finally friends not to start any political ing something, or perhaps pub4 tablespoons better -;He took a seat heside an old the stranger. "May It reign to the been cast in a. pure comedy part boom for him as a result of his lished under non-Jewish 1 egg man who shook with the palsy of end of Timel" by Warner Brothers,- in- their growing popularity. His" slo- with the naive timidity of admit-4 teaspoon salt age, a Jew who core an - antique ting the Jewish sources, a few forthcoming film "The Whole gan is: "I'm not in politics". Cinnamon air, like the timeworn volume of lectures by rabbis, politicians, Town Is Talking" . . . Princess % teaspoon cloves the Talmud, before.him. Age and Moslems Will Seek Jewish and non-Jewish, and Catherine Radzrwill, In Liberty, HDBUS 1 teaspoon soda Its fruits of wisdom shone In the "reveals" that Baron von RothLudwig Lewisohn, the author, pathetic grabbing of every Wad % cup Bour railfc infinite calm of. his countenance. Abrogation of word said of Jews by -prominent schild made a deal with Hitler when asked how come that he is % cup molasses . "You are a Btranger to Div- Mandates before the Fuehrer became Chan- seeking a divorce from his first non-Jews— these are all methods 1% cap floor rah," said "the patriarch. : to advertising some cellor, and we understand that wife after having been married to adapted p 1 teaspoon ginger ; "Yes," was the answer. London. (WNS)—An all-Mos- the lady Is being asked to furnish "Whence-do you come? What lem - congress of Arabs from evidence as to -which Baron von bia second wife for eleven years, ware, but not to change the car- % teaspoon allspice answered that he Is seeking a rent thinking and feeling of a "% teaspoon nutmeg Is it you seek In Divrah 1" Palestine, Syria and Transjor- Rothschild she is referring to. . . second divorce from his first great people. In this task of edu1% teaspoon baking powder. "What -matter whence I come?'1 danla to take steps to cancel the wife because the rabbinical dl- cation and re-education one must Cream ecgar snfi batter, add asfced the i stranger. " W e a i r English " and French mandates vorce he obtained In Poland la admit that the methods of t i e beaten" egg, &fid sour milk and come front-out-'the hand-of God. over these countries is to be held HISTORY National Conference of Jews and molasses alternately with, dry ia-' That which.I seek, here or else- shortly, according to Near Eas Sam Shipman once wrote a 1924 has been questioned. ; Christians,, sometimes, so super- gredients, sifted' together. Ponr • Lewisohn, who Is one of the most play called "The Unwritten Chapwhere,- Is-knowledge."'"-./; referred "to ambas\ns. in a greased and floured shallow j "••" "Perhaps'I can-contribute some and : India,' Colonial organ. Al- ter," based on the life of Haym eorame-II-faut and conventional ciliously are : much • more dignified, much pan and "bake SO to 45 nlnntes though the congress is already ever met, added, gentlemen we Salomon. . . . One of the scenes little grain to' your' store'of wismore direct and, one xasy hope, being planned, the Syrian Mosdom. Is' tUere" some question I portrayed Salomon's court mar- referring to his second wife: m ' o r e e f f i c i e n t . . • • ' " • • in moderate oven. ' Tv'ben cool,; might answer?" •'.: lems wil'•' have nothing to do tial by the British Generals Clin- 'Our social standing is, unim- {Cops-right. JSS5. i3T--EETen.Art3 F e a t u r e trim edges' of cafce. " Split In two with it until the Palestine Arab layers and pet "together- with a ;: "Yes," said the stranger. "Who create a ' uniteVi' front, which ii ton and Howe for having set.fire peachabfe." . . V And if you, would Sndicate) generous fflling ct Philadelphia is the odd creature I met In'the Sot' yet* In evidence. A confer to foodstuffs, intended for the know' Lewisohn personally you cream cheese softened with a ] j g square, the .mad one who repeats ence of Palestine Arabs to elect English army, Salomon having would not doubt his. statement acted under instructions from for a second. ." . . . Speaking oV small smo'nnt of • cream. Spread j §j|to the skies, .the-"Hear, Oh Israel" rightly used only in the a r.ew presiden' of the Arab Ex- George Washington. . 'the softened cheese over the top i ^ s The Lewisohn reminds us* that Edna face of great" danger or"death?"- ecutive to fill the place left va- hero's role was assigned to Louis May, Broadway star who went and between the layers.in tb.ejf||| cant by the death of the Iat( 1 same manner as Scfeg. Serve £-t j §§§ the pat" Mtiza Kazim Pasha, is also ex Mann, and the court martial abroad 23 years ago,, has just re.''Your.question/ once, exit in E35ife.reB. scene was the climax of the play. turned for a visit to New-York riarch, "is. well. chosen.. He of pected. . . . i t ran for twelve perform- and is still being feted.as one of •whom you~speato-r-'May God', deGlager .Ale-Grapefroit Sala-S ances. . ~ ,• . After the opening the most beautiful women. .. . . ' Jerosalem," ' (JTA)—Kavenues liver his" soul from: torment I* —' •1 psckag© leiaos Jello •was once a student of high; and Orthodox Protest Over night Lee Shubeft decided it She Is the widow, of Oscar Lewi- of the Palestine"" government for % cup grapefruit Juice nohle quality. His tame and good-, should riot run any longer.'V. sohn, and, if you have to know, the fiscal year 'of IS35-36 are 1 cap ginger ale cess spread for miles, around.; ; Disregard of Sabbath "I," Lee exclaimed, "should is 55. years old. Sidney Wal- estiiaated - by - government of f Iis S maraschino cherries • spend ?40,000 to prove that, the lach, In a private conversation. clals at §25,000,000-with a pos• "He studied here In this same :ea sible expenditure cf 117,500,000 Insisted that by the end of March i£ cup boiling water Tel Aviv)' (JTA)-—Orthodox first great Jew in America was Yeshivah' ^for-years; • content to or early In April the political sit- leaving a surplus of .$10,000,000 • % cup sugar ' fast his T>qdy in order to enrich Jews have caused several disturb- afirebug??2" . . . uation in Nazi Germany will be to-be added'"to'the prcsent.Eur•2 csps grspeircit sectioss his spirit.. Kind „and gentle,' his ances here In-their determination Kcrzbergs spring showing is famous for .all experiencing an earthguake... •. . plas oi-approximately SO-million- . Mayonnaise firessisg was a talent to .become a. great to enforce observance of the-Sab- SFOSTY -,: -•;•• ' dollars. . _ • • : ' . these' suit fashions. Sniifs with fitted lines, Dissolve Jello in boiling water. {§__ teacher of.the. deathless.words of bath. . - • • . Dr. Art Stern has been handCitrus esports for 1924 are. S,- Add sagar, stir -esta cissolveS. |fg§ God and. the'sages. .Yet the. Lord At the conclusion of .service's ball champion of the Los Angelea MJOTMGHTS swagger lines, fiRrcd or caped! Suits.in .-" " ' •-."•.. In his ' almighty "and righteous members .of a synagogue on Y. M. C. A. for Bixteen years. . Navjr and Tweed. . . . that }'on should We did ilnally see "Accent o s §5S,S00 boxes, as compared with CooL Add -giEger ale- acfi -fruit •wisdom saTv. ;fit. that his days Rothschild Boulevard gathered in Phil Weintraub, of the New York Yoath," the .new comedy by .Saxs- 2,565,000 in.1933,.officials of the jsics. . Poor into molds, inciivMwear nou* iindex vo;ir winter coat! •' should end in-madness. "May the a prote3t meeting before an Engel Giants baseball team, wants to son Kaphaelson: (yes, • he's the Palestine -goverjira*n.t annoaaced. BJS.1 : or large. . A.<3a grzpe fruit •w,fll of. Gdd reJgn supreme to "the street building where Jewish get a better contract, or the New gny. who Some years ago debated sections. Chill cstil firm. Serve end of .Timel." sighed the. pat-laborers were working. Joined b York National league team will with "The Jaza Stager"), staged Mayor Payi Jews Tr&ete with mayonnaise, garnished with riarch Into his long white heard. worshippers from the nearby find itself minus the services of by Benn "W. Levy, with setting New -York" —-A1 tribnte to toe-cherries. "Mendel, for that was the Mizrachi congregation the group the Jewish outfielder. . .V Helena designed by J o MielzlEer. . »-..• Jews of Kew York. City for their Mayer,; Germany's fencing qaeea, No wonder Paramount paid over generosity in .giviig liberally to name of .the young man, -was of eventually was dispersed by j who's on these shores because 60,000 smacfeeri for It. . . . It's a all philanthropic causes wss id 1,580 to Attend an intellect deep and penetrat- British constable. Cisciasat! —The tfcirty-foartls ing. He saw clearly Into the Another crowd tore down s Herr Hitler floes not believe la play that has everything - — hu- by Mayor Fiorello H. G meaning of the obscurest. reli- iaxicab drivers' sign and at- Semitic champions, Is so good mor, pathos, brilliant dialcgsc who spoke at the. anaasl meeting Ccaseil ol the Uxiiea of American gious passages. jHis brilliance re-, tempted to attack the chauffuen that she's going to asS Beaa Levj^s trlfe/'Coaotftace •of the'Federation lor-tie 'Bappott Hebre-w 'Co&greg&tiocs -will be held ia W^Magtos, B. C , from salted not only from a clever who fled. No womss in CnmmlngB, who givea oae oj the of Jewish Philanthropic Societies. March 22 to 26, it -was against men.



Forecas! 'by .estae

How W S You Hove'Ybuis .«., • *




Grueskm Head of Inter-club Council

15, 1935.


KOT1CI3 OF • AMUWTUWKNT • OF ABTICIJB.* <>F ISCORPORATIOJT OF AtTOMOTIVJB EWH'MEJfT CO. Notice IB hereby g'ivtn that s t a. ape| ciiil jnectirip o£ the «tockh.old«r« ot A\ioAt the annual election of offi? rnotlve Equipment - Co.. • a corporation, held «t Oroaha. Nebraska, on the 4th MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent BX F. R. K. cers> E. N. Grueskin was elected flfty -of • Feb-uery, 1B3S, an amendment a t adopted to the e.rti«le« of Incorpresident of the Inter-Club Counfrom vporation Philadelphia, (JTA)—Proles- appeals for ' assistance by which Articles 'I and IV of ! cil. The council Is composed of brethren'In otber parts-: 3 its article's «f incorporation were enhe stricken .-. sor Albert Einstein is sorry The marriage of Miss Hazel 1 tireij- stricken out and the following: arrepresentatives of each Jewish orof the world. i tiden were substituted «s Articles I and (JTA)—"Grave as are i doesn't know Yiddish better. ganization in Sioux City. Mr. Garber of Minneapolis, daughter theLondon ! IV of the article* o£ incorporation of evils and formidable the dan- Speaking at a dinner which of Mr. and Mrs. G. Garber of I Automotive Equipment Co. Grueskin succeeds Morey Lipgers which confront mankind to- opened a campaign to raise ! . . A R T i e i * 1. " -•OF INDEBTEDNESS. that city, to' Mr. Roy Rosenthal, shutz, retiring president. Other Ail . existing debts of the Na<i> , i "The name of this eof'oration shall b» The Ladies' Auxiliary of Shaare officers elected were Morey Lip- of Gaylord, 'Minn., son o r Mr. day,- this is not the moment to lose $25,000 for the Bikur Chollm Stores Corporation, & corporation, >."^1 MAJOR APPMANCB CO." 4 j hospital and home for Incurables the 31«t day "f r>ecernber._ l»34, ' I ARTICLE -IV. Zion Synagogue will meet next shutz, vice-president, and Hyman and Mrs. S. M. Rosenthal of hearl." amounted to th« «urn of £l,2£3.'i5. ' ji "The object* for which this corpora. This was the message which Sir in Jerusalem, the noted savant Council Bluffs, took place at the NATIONAL STORKS: CORPORATION. i Tuesday afternoon, February 19, Fishgall, treasurer. • ; By J, M Marks, President. [ home of the bride's parents, Feb- Herbert Samuel, leader of the Lib- deplored his weak grip on. the in<a.) To buy, sell,.-manufacture, repair at 1:30 o'clock. A dessert lunchJ. M. lldrkB. . . , A board of directors of nine ruary 3: i and distribute, at. wholesale or retail, eral party, gave to the audience ternational Jewish language. C. T. Marks. • • , eon, will be followed by an after- members was also elected and in'all arti«'les of every kind and descripProfessor Eiusteln said the Beinp «. majority of the boart. or t i o n which p.re known in the. automobile A capacity audience is expected noon of cards. Attractive prizes Mr. and Mrs. Rosenthal' are now which heard his presidential ad• . • i trade RB automobile accessories, cludes the following: Morey Llpdress before the British Institute persecution of the Jews in Ger-rectors, to hear .Maurice Samuel, when he will be awarded for bridge. AdIn Council Bluffs, visiting Mr. j •• -<b.) To buy, ceil, manufacture, repair jraany and other countries has, land .distribute, 'ft wholesale or retail, speaks next Monday evening, Feb- mission will be 10 cents a person. shutz, I.;Singer, H. Fishgall, A. Rosenthal's parents. While they of Philosophy, OF INDEBTEDNESS. , . j refriperetore, racHos, t".-a«hlng-' machines. Sir Herbert, who is also a lead- greatly strengthened the Jewish j AU debts of the National, ruary 18, at the Shaare Zion Syna- Msr. H. M. Sherman will preside. Stillman, Barney Baron, E. N. are here, they are being exten• £ . s'i«t; Ironingother c , *-i* f-i-.y- am", allcrlption i fcg machines, corporate^ . . every kir-d er of British Jewry, said the na-feeling of unity. gogue. Sioux City Jewry has The meeting will be held in the Grueskin, Mrs. Louis Agranoff, A. sively entertained. .mouVted U j «niclc» ot i day ot l a m which are known as household appliM. Davis, and 31 Krueger. ™ " w h i c h -are known as evinced great interest in the lec-social hall of the synagogue. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bernstein, tions of Europe are "covering" be- • "These times also have brought " " N A T I O N A L "INCORPORATED. I ances.. The .meeting was held at the (c.) To borrotr money and t o . lssu« fore a snake which does not exist. back to us a younger generation ture, laccording to those In charge By J. M. Marks, president uncle and aunt .of the groom, | notes, bonds, mortgages, stock OT : other Jewish Community Center. J. M. Marks. " I t Is high time to cease the that had almost entirely lost the of fche arrangements, and the tic-: j obligations for that t>ui*pow«; to hol<X entertained at a reception for 75 C. T. Marks. of fii- ! *t<K'k ' " other corporation?: To buy, sell, ketr fcale Indicates an eager enBeing a majority of relatives, at their home Sunday, talk of a fatality which is bring- feeling of Jewish spiritual unity rectors. \ awn. hold, RBsfg-n, morigra-gre and transfer ! bonds, securities, trust receipts,. condithusiasm. - February 10. Among the out-of- ing us all to disaster," he assert- and common faith," he said in ' tionaS sales contracts, promissory notes, ed, "fatality which is irrestible, his address. He was the guest of Maurice Samuel is being brought town guests at this reception, SfOTTCE OF IJr»EBTE3BXESS. jnortsraires, drafts biliB ot exchange, Committees have been named All existing debts • of the Fashion contracts, and accounts .receivable, strive as we may. honor at the dinner. to Sioux City by the Ladles Auxifor the formal dance to be given were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Baron, of Center. Incorporated, a ,corporation,* on (d.) To do'.any and all things necea"An occasion such as this th« Slst day of December, 1534, *ary "The notion is the merest suliary of Shaare Zion Synagogue. and requisite to accomplish any of Baruch 'Zukerman, outstanding by the Debrah Club, March 17, in Sioux City, la., brother-in-law He objects or. incidental to or In Any shows that the Jewish people are I jtfg™*** perstition, without foundation or He .will speak on the subject, "The leader in the Poale Zion organiza- the Sioux Ball Room. The dance and sister of the groom. I FASHION CENTER, INCORPORATED. mariner pertaining to* the carrying on By J. M. Mftrhe, president. substance, but a superstition of holding on to , their tradition of! Jew Between. Two Fires." -of fifeid business." tion of America, will be in Sioux will be an invitation affair. 1 MAJOR AFPMATSCE CO.. Samuel Is the author of a num- City Thursday, February 21, and Fern "Woolfson, Pearl Olensky, The Council Bluffs Senior Ha- a pestilent and dangerous kind. . . maKing sacrifices," lie asserted. . J. T. Ml Br SI. fi. lylving-ston, President, majority of the board of di- ATTEST: Being ber' on books. Among them is "Ber. will speak at the Jewish Commun- and Hose Bashefkin are in charge dassah-will hold its annual linen Let us not put too high the evils The famous exile fr6m G e r - j rectors. £. 'White, secretary. " and d ity - Center, Thursday evening vat of.the arrangements. Sylvia Herz- shower next Wednesday after- and the dangers, real as they are, many praised the generosity o I. the Jew" yyofltt• .. • *-S-3S—it of our times." American Jewry is responding to! &AZAK KAPLAS, 8:1& o'clock. •"..•".. r. .;... noon at 2:30 at the Chieftain off and Rose Albert will be in "You Gentiles." He is an Oxford City Nat!' Bfc. • Bidg. Sir Herbert said that, in spite hotel. There will be bridge and Zukerman, a disciple of Dr. Syr- charge of dating. graduate and was at one time litAttorney, MH. CHr. ?.«ti«n«l Bank Bldf. ef the saber-rattUng and destitu-


Auxiliary Meeting Is to Be Held Tuesday

Banich Zukerman Speaks Thursday


ken, one of the founders of- the Bob Mentor and his orchestra refreshments will be served. All OF TOgsoMmox o r • XOT1VE OF' A B M I K I S T R ' A T I O V 11»;P8 IJEESS CO., A COBPCBAT1O3* Poale Zton organization, is known will furnish the music for dancing. members and their friends are tion, the countries in which miliKotlce is hereby .ffiVen that at the In the County Court of Douglas County, cordially Invited. Reservations tarism i s supreme are still a small for his writings as well as his eloKeb-faska: . . . . > . • annual meeting of the BtockiioWerB of Philipps Dress Co., a,' corporetien. ' held In • the -Matter of the Estate oJ-Vfll^. may be made with Mrs. Maxminority, whereas the standard of quence In speaking. He has.lived T.IAM BOXE, Deceased. at Omaha,. Nebraska,'on the 22nd day Simon, chairman of this -affair. living, taking mankind as a whole in Palestine for a number of years of January, 19S5, the following- resoluAli persons'interested in aaid «»tat« has been higher in modern times tion of dissolution was adopted: are hereby notified that a petition has and will speak on the work of the The Young Poale Zion club met ••RESOLVED,- That two-thirds of the been filed in unid Court • alleging th«t in' meeting duly a efeid , deceased died leaving -no last will Warsaw (JTA)—A crisis •? workers i n . Palestine. , Admission Tuesday evening at the Jewish . Mrs. Ralph Castle and small than ever before in the course of ana praying " for administration upon to the lecture will he 25 cents for Community Center. The program daughter, Phyllis of Brooklyn, N. history. created in the Agro-Yid, Poliah \ thev"stocithoTaeW the his estate, ami' that a hearing will t>» toe terminated end that accord- had • or- ! Religion he declared has been Jewish organization for the col-business •petition before Bald Court two people. Zukerman will speak included current events and theY., arrived here Tuesday, to h SSJB ingly the company 3rd, any of February, 1035, and reading of a paper written by Bothe chief agent in promoting morunder the auspices of the Poale onization of Jews in Biro-Bidjan, visit Mrs. Castle's mother, Mrs. hey fail te appear at said.'Court K&i& J3rtl day of February. Zion and the' Pioneer Women's rochov and entitled, "National E. Gliinsky, who Is seriously ill. ality, but at the present time this when it became known that OZET, jto w PHIL.IPPS DRESS CO. ] S o'clock A. M. to contest said Helplessness and - National SelfPbUipps, president, and eecre- • force has been weakening. organizations. official Soviet Jewish colonization 1 ? y the Crmrt may grant the Bam« Help.". The paper was presented i« jand if rant administration, of ts.\6. estate "Wherever we look," he said, group, had issued a statement &s- tary. r, IR.»5 M. Bernstein returned home to"" " ' | to I-asar Kaplan or some other suitable by Sulamith Bereskin. ———— person and : proceed to a settlement day from Des Moines, where he we see a growing divorce be- daring Polish Jewish immigration WEBB, EEEEK, 1 thereof, The meeting next week will be spent several dWs attending the tween religion and daily life. The [ to Biro-Bidjan is "unfeasible at KIXTZXtCK A KELIA", Attorney*. | ERTCE CKAWFORD. i devoted to the life and work of state hardware convention. hold of the creeds upon conduct {the present moment." .Several —, "-1-35-St. County Judg*. Trumpledor. has been loosening." j readers of the Agro-Yid immedl©5« Omaha. KationsJ Eb. Bids.T ~" Kotice is hereby" Elveu that on the r Sir Herbert then eaid that the ately resigned their posts. A. Z. A. tournament held ROSS-GITTXE WEDDING Eth day of Fel?ru«n% 1193S, the -HfirtIC * KEUET' Mrs. Jack Levitsky Is in Omaha r» itotors, & Nebraska, corporation, Se Hagelian doctrine of the reality «&e Oratihe >att. Bank Bide. In Sioux City last.week-end was The marriage of Miss Helen After an interview -with Pres-1. its principal place of transacting this week, visiting with, her sister, and supremacy of the state Is the concluded "With a banquet Sunday K a l i n i n Of t h e SOV-.| business a t Omaha, Nebra.<«ka, adopted i SOTICE ' ©F . A\TE>'T»MEKT I S AWThe Young Judean Club met Gittle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ' an amendment to Its 'Articles of Incor- ) TICLKS OJT ISCOBHUMTION OF NEevening in the Jewish Community Mrs. Harry Belmdnt. She will. be Wednesday evening at the Jewish J. Gittle, of Council Bluffs, to Mr. root of much of the evil of these iet Union, Dr. Surifz, lesder of as follows: EliASKA CHAMBKRS OPTICAL CO. times. Maintaining that the doc-Agro-Yid, recently announced that !i a.iaenfied to read Center, when decisions of the de-away 10 days. Ernest Ross, son of Mrs. Rae ARTICLE -I. . I Kotice in hereby given that at a wptCommunity Center. The program I The name ot thl« corpor&tioE shall I cla! meetinp o£ the stockhoMere of the bate and oratorical divisions were Ross of Council Bluffs, will take trine rests upon a delusion, he the Soviet government j be Barich-Sanders Motors. Nebraska Chambers Optical Co, held Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailin and included skits and current events. place Sunday afternoon, February stated that in made, and awards distributed. I Dated at Omaha. Nebraska, this 5th | R t the offices ot the Company in OmaBrtt&la j ably disposed toward the settlePlans were made for the celebra' ci Februar;-, 19SS: • j ha, Nebraska, on October 15," 1S34, ArSioux City's debate team, com- daughter departed for their home tion of Young Judean month 17, at 1 o'clock at the home of thought had moved along other ment of Polish Jews in Biro-BidBen -Sanders, president. I tide " " III — o? th* Articles of! Incorporation in Atkinson, Nebt, after visiting " N X . M. Barish. secretary, ' the groom's mother. Rabbi David lines. of «aid corporation f a s amended «o posed of Perry Osnowltz and Rudy jan. He stated that 1,500 Polish which will be held in March. • Ed-H-erd D. Brodke3-, its attorney. ; that the same would read as follow*, A. Goldstein will perform the He then told of Professor Albert Jews and their families wonld Shindler, won -in the finals over with Mrs. Bailin's father, Mr. J. to-wit: H. Bolstein. "The g-enerftl nature of the business ceremony In the presence of Einstein, remarking once that the leave for Biro-Bidjan beginning the Omaha Chapter No. 1 team. SAHXEE. ZACHAKIA, Attorney te ..be trtifi«ac«esi and the object and Mrs. Johanna Marx, 1610 Jackmembers of the Immediate fami- present troubles of the world have!March 1. <68 BrscCeis T h ' t Bid In the basketbali tourney, Des purpose for which this corporation 1* orgr&ni^eci and *etp.b3iphed( if? to conlies. resulted from the fact that science OFMolnes beat Sioux City in the fi-son street, departed this week for Owing to the severe economic In NOTICE CcTuntv. duct and operate optical and optomethe County Court of Chicago^ where she will visit with has been advancing more rapidly trfct.1 stores, office or offices, departnals on Sunday afternoon. A reception will be held at the poverty of Polish Jewry and the | ^ Nebraska? In the matter of the estate of KAKT I rnent or departments in stores or offiM.I 1 w a u i ee's representative, friends. than morals. W*ben morals caught Ross' home at 306 Georgia aveces (0-wnea en<5 opera ted by others) impossibility of emigrating to Pal- WINER. Deceased. 'Lt> n d o n, (W N S—Palcor Charles Peckarsky, was victorious Agency)—Taking Issue with the nue, Council Bluffs oh Sunday up with science, Dr. Einstein said, estine, many Polish Jews have ex- All persons Interested- In said estate with one or more branches and In th« Miss Bess Lipshutz has returned Revisionist point of view with re- evening, from 7 to 9 o'clock. All happier times would arrive. in the oratorical contest, with pressed the desire to go to BiroSioux City's representative, Max home • after' a two-months visit gard to discipline i nthe Zionist relatives and friends are cordiBidjan. Plans of the leaders called and prescribe, furnish and t Maron, second, and Ernest Nogg, with friends in New York City, speetaelee and eyetjiBiWB or eyemovement, the Haolom, Hebrew ally invited to attend. No invitafor the settlement of 100,000 spe- his estate, and that a hearing- yfiri be •J l !&s l>a$ on *aid petition before tsaiS conrt i S » reqvisretnetitB for the impTcement representing Omaha Chapter No. Aratbs Score organ of the World. Zionist or- tions are being Issued. cially selected Polish Jews la the on the 13rd day of February, 1S3S, and ! or correction of visual defects or deMiss Marcella Marsh of Madi- ganization, whose chief editor is 1, third place. The winning Des tljat if they fail to appear at eaid Court! fi^lRticiefi t>3' the ti<"> of" mecTiRMcEl autonomous Jewish area. . . . on t!he said 23rd day or February, 1935, ; me»n» or correctional mppiianoes. Policy and MolneB baBkettmH team was com- son, S. D., visited in Sioux City- Nahum Sokolow. World Zionist at % o^eiock A. J£. to eoctftBt Kaid peti- \ vli-o fete to render fcny alidjor «\5cU jaIfa-r-A bitter protest against posed r of; Jack Asarchy Paul last week-end with her grand7 president, publishes. an official ti<53i, the Court rnsy crant -lh« « s n e f other service or service* a« roe.r be neArab leaders and national Arab and gr-ant adrninistration' oS smid ew- [ eessar^ and fncldenta.! thereto: to buy, Weiner, Julius Epstein, Joe. Ru- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Marsh- reply to the Revisionist argutate to Fhtlip Greenberg or some euit- \ sell, manufacture framen and irrinfl groups which do nothing about binson, Al Bice and Raymond able- person find proceed to a, settlement BTICI prisms; to <$<»><!Kn, ment and declares that disciplino the sale of land to Jews was thereof. ture, etwembie, buy and Bell epectaclew, Chremen. [ The Sioux City team Among the young women who Is. fundamental to the existence voiced by Al Tslamia, Arab newsERTCK CRAVFOKD. morjocles. erefe'iaases lorgnettes, oper» was composed of Sid Baumsteln, visited in Sioux City last week- of the Zionist movement. The 223 Yemenite Jews County Jud{re< s t field glasses, marine paper. h Sid Bergen,1 Abe Braverman, Mil- end at the A. Z. -A. convention Haolont declares that the Zionist Admitted , Warsaw, (JTA)—Fifty young p BEX 15. KAZI>Gir8KTf Attorney, According to the paper, two and other I^nBes, scientific infitrumente, 633 Insurance E3d ton Grugakin, Rudy Shindler, Max were Esther Richman, Rose Bau- organization will not abandon the - Jaffa, Palestine ~ - A group of Jews will be accepted for trainend ftppanKtus mafle wtioU}' Wf partly Marqn^nd Leonard Hall. mer, Rhoda Galinsky, Evelyn Spie- principles of discipline and unify 223 Yemenite Jews landed here parcels ot valuable land in the ing in artisanship by the central from PrlRSs, togetfier frith »T> parts ot . PROBATE NOTICE. or accessories tc an? o? th# foregoing-" • . Over 250 attended the final gel, Janet Muskowitz, Helen of political action. It announces Monday and was admitted on 100 neighborhood •< o t Sarafend were administration of the Polish IN THE-MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF J. Lr. CHAMBERS. banquet Sunday evening. Morey Smith, Isobel Rosenblatt, and Eve- that the shekel ireceips to be is- immigration certificates s e n t recently sold .to Jewish buyers at Jewish artisans schools^ associ- PHILIP GOREUCK, Rise known RB PHIt,- GORDUCK. formerly known »E a price o f 1165,000. GOL.DIE . CHAMBERS, Lipschutz acted as master of cere- lyn Blumenthal,. of Omaha, GOSELICK, Deceased. ated with the Jewish Coloniza- RAFOL sued for. the Nineteenth World them by the Jewish Agency for NOTICE IS KfiSEBT GIVEK-. monies, and Frank Margolin, tion association. Zionist congress.. contains the Palestine, The certificates were That the creditors of said d«oease<5 president of the B'nal B'ritti. was •will meet, the .administratrix of s»1d The youth will emerge after estate, wording of the resolution on dis- issued to individuals and fami- Benes Endorses Jewish before me. County Judge ot DOUR- ' : the principal speaker. Rahbl Raone year of schooling as lock- las County,County N«br«B»B Nf-braste. .« « the th C . cipline adopted at the Eighteenth lies. Countv Conference r R the lit congress. . blnoWltz delivered the invocation smiths, mechanics, carpenters, j day Of iprii.: The Yemenite Jews told stories 1st Paris-—Foreign Minister Eduof June, 1S35, at 9 o'clock a. m., each and Dr. Lewis the benediction. These resolutions declare, in of the incredible ^hardships they ard Benes of Czechoslovakia; Dr. weavers, house painters and deco- day, for the parpoae of presentlnp their rators. .Representatives of-each chapter r had experienced before reaching claims for examination, afijust-ment end Dr. Ellas Margolis of Mount part: Three months are snowed fo> The agricultural t r a i n i n g aJIowancf. attending spoke in behalf of their Palestine. .In Yemen the Jews are Jean Politis, Greek diplomat, and the creditorB to present their claims . "1. The adhesion to the ZionProfessor Salvador de Madriaga, school maintained by the OUT in from the let day of March, 1935 chapters. Martin Kosberg, chair- Vernon, N. Y., has been invited to ist severely persecuted, they related. C organization pre-supposes Spanish representative at the Sioux City to address, the tenth ? ? ? ^ CBAWFCBC, County Juagre. Lithuania will accept thirty German of the tournament, welcomed The group was compelled to make subordination to its laws and the League " of' Nations, contributed anniversary celebration, of Shaare man Jewish boys as students In the guests. A. M. Davis, president resolutions of its government a very long Journey because the tiKODtNSKl' of the Jewish Federation, greeted Zion Synagogue, which I s sched- bodies. 2. External political ne- British territory of Aden refuses articles to the latest number of February for one year of trainCOHEN" the visiting delegations in behalf uled for. early March, Dr. Max-gotiations with governments and to allow Yemenites to enter the Cahiers" Juifs expressing "sym- ing. Atiomeys, 7S" Omoba. Xati 23«BSC Bid of the Federation. Max Baer t>f golis Is regarded by many as one the League of Nations may be port even on a ship bound for pathy with the idea of calling NOTICE BT N- ON FETIinto session a world Jewish conOmaha presented the awards to of the most popular rabbis in the conducted by Zionists and Zionist Palestine. ference. east He Is president of the Rab'the winning chapters. Mayor _the County groups only with the approval of County, Hayes' and Rudy Shindler spoke binical assembly and is on the the executive. 3. The adhesion Nazis Seize Property Matter of the Estate f KATH- ' executive board of the National briefly. Denies Yiddish Penciled of personB and bodies to the ZionTel Aviv, (WNS—Palcor |j ' Zionist Organisation^ •• person* interested! 1B said (ratter . ; ; More than-200 attended .the ist questions the duty of discip- of Weis* •Tel Aviv—A denial that Yid- Agency)—^At a conference here it areA*!hereby notified that on the E2nd Berlin — All property in Gerday of 1S55,- Dennis O. Belt ' "dan*ce given in the Bellevue Ball line in regard, to the Zionist ordish is persecuted in Palestine was decided-to devote a certain filed a January, petition in said Countj- Court, many belonging to Dr. Bernhard v Room and a -capacity audience ganization must take precedence praying: that his final administration was made here by the Tel Aviv number of days to Chairn Nachheard the oratorical contest Friover tthe duty of discipline In Weiss, former vice-president of Kehillah in reply to a protest maa- Bialik during the Maccabiad, account filed herein be' settled and althe Berlin police, who was the day evening in. the Shaare Zion executor and that a. hearJ>J« trust Rabbi H. R. Rablnowit? will regard to any other, organiza- moat implacable foe of the Nazis registered by the Warsaw Kehil- which is to be held here in. April. I ing: -will be had on paid petition before Synagogue. tion.". lah It is intended, in memory of the speak this evening at Shaare Zion said Court on the 23rd day of Febru: before they came to power, has " In the basket ball tourney Des Synagogue on "The Problem of ary, 1935, and that. If you fail to apA statement on the subject de- Jewish poet, that a cultural note pear before said on the «ai<J 23rd been confiscated by order of the clared that reports abroad of de- be given to the International day of February, C»Brt ' Molriea beat Omaha Chapter No. Dress—Over and Under." The SS35, at S o'clock A. government. "Weiss, who -managed M., and contest saia petition, the Court 1; Milwaukee • drew a bye; Sioux synagogue choir and cantor A. Hebrew Week in March liberate suppression of Yiddish Jewish tournament. may grant the prayer of said petition, City won over Tri-Citles team and Pliskin will chant the ritual.. ' New York, (WNS)—Hebrew to escape from Germany two activities were e n t i r e l y un- • Mayor Meier Diezengoff and M. enter a. decree of heirship, and make such, other- and further orders, allowyears ago, spent more than a year founded. Lincoln won over Omaha .Chapter „ M. Ussishkin were named chair- ances Knd decrees, a« to this Court At the Junior Congregation Week will he celebrated throughmay seera.: proper, to the «nd that al! •No. 100. In the second series of service tomorrow morning, Milton out the United States at the end In China training the Shanghai men of the special committee that matters pertaining- to 6».!fl. estate rosy * games Des Molnes won ovec> Mil- Mazie ; will act as cantor ,an.d:.Dayid of March under the auspices of police. He is now living in Paris. be finally settled &r»d determiner!. will arrange the program. Kashrath Qcarrel BRYCE CRAWFORD, waukee and Sioux City beat the Kuntzi^reader of t h e l a w . ..--•/• the Histadruth Ivrith, it was an2-1-35-St. • , . County Judsre. «ontinued Warsaw—Because Lincoln team. nounced, here .by Abe Goldberg, Boycott Hurts Nazi Pact The next'of the series of book bickering among Jews responsible Italy Opens Jewish In the debates Omaha. Chapter reviews^by Rabbi Rabinowitz will executive: chairman of the HistaLondon — The wool barter arSfOJfSKT, • GRODIKSKX, SEAEEK & TOKEN . No. 100 beat Lincoln; Des Molnes be held on Monday, evening, Feb- druthi' Ivrith. Hebrew week in thia rangement whereby Germany was for the control of Schechita in Marine Seise©! Attorns?*, TJ7. OmaW X a t l Bank Bids-. CGtiler, too • Warsaw has not only boosted the was victorious over Tri-Cities; ruary 25. He- will review. "The country will coincide with tho to take 112,500,000 worth of Rome — A new Jewish marine X0TICE OF AOaSXKISTRATIQN I Omaha No. 100 won over Milwau- Mauritius Case," by Jacob Washer- world congress of the 'B'rlth Iv- South African wool In exchange price of kosher meat but also The 46 Story In th?i County Court o£ TDouglas Count*-, kee and Sioux City drew a bye.man. rith in Palestine and the begin- for an equal amount of German that of non-kosher meat, the school at Clvita Vecchia, the first ICebraska.. • *• ' .. ;••-,. ,' • .t ._, ; of its kind in Italy, has been forIn the Matter -o£ the Estate of i n the'second series Omaha No. 1 'Next' Monday -morning. Rabbi ning of the celebrations marking goods is on the verge of break- Warsaw municipal officials have JOSEPH "P. COHN. r>«ceasea. '• mally opened. All persons lntefeet^d., In 8ej<3 estntp I 'won the decision over TriCIties; -Rablaowltz wll^ ^addresa. the stu-the eight hundredth anniversary down the London. Morning Post taken over the schechita organare hereby' notified that a petition hap ' Sioux'City won over Omaha Nov dent body of Mbrnlrigsfde' College, ot the birth of Moses Malmonides. reported in a dispatch from Jo- isation and made it a sort of pubbeen fileU in eaicl Court, preying for I lic utility. the probate of a certain instrument 100 and In the finals Sioux City speaking on "Recent Jewish Prohannesburg, South Africa. : I wish to thank all my now., on flie in said . Court, purporting I won over Omaha No. 1. to be tti« Sa»t -wiU and teBt&meirt oS' i Owing to the anti-German boygress in Palestine.'^ * Appeals to Roosevelt • friends.for their sympathy and said deceasea, and that a hearfng. vi![ Tuesday afternoon, he will .Warsaw—An appeal was ad- cott in that country, buyers can- Decoration Eight Years Late kindness in the bereavement be had on aaid petition before said Court on. the 23ra day of February, speak at the Book Review Club dressed to President Roosevelt not be found for the German pro- : Warsaw—M. Wislitski, one of of my beloved sister. . 19S5, • ana that if they fan to appear %y lor* ducts, the Morning Post reported. at said on the said 83rd day of I of the Women's Club on-. "The last -week by Zadok Mendelsohn. the . Jewish members of the PoMRS. DORA -TtJCHMAN. February.Court 1835. at S o'clock A. II., to I . ftwst fr&m rtrwgf m>ls#8 year f Mauritizius Case." ' a- Polish legionnaire, .asking the lish parliament, has finally accontest the probate of saia vllh the I Court may allow:, and probate eaia vr'Ul i itppmr flioter at American president to instruct Aroused in Bulgaria cepted-a decoration conferred upFlaiis have been made for the a erant 8.amini»trHtion of saia estate ! few the United States consul in,Waron him eight. years ago by the to Wiliam GrodfnsUyor some other j Senior! Hadassah Give-or-Get TSofia—-Rodna Zashtfta, ono of person, .enter a degree of heir- I saw to grant him an American Bulgaria's anti-Semitic^ tsr:orist Rumanian government. We wish to thank our many suitable luncheon and a number of the ship, ana proceed ; to . » settlement i •• • • At the time of the award he friends for the kindness and thsrso-f, - members have pledged.their five . Dr. Theodore N, Lewis will re- v i s a . . ' '• - .• • • " . . • ' • • • • organizations, has been outlawed ERTCE CKATTFORD, j The appeal points out „ that by the new government of Pre- refused to accept it, as a protest sympathy shown- to us in the S-l-SS-3t. ' dollars, which will entitle them to view "The Forty Days of Musa . • .County J t Mendelsohn's ' four brothers are against the anti-Semitic characbereavement of our beloved attendee affair In .May. mier Zlateff. Dagh" at the regular Friday eveAmong the.members who have ning services tonight at Mo'Unt in America and are willing to AU of its property has been or- ter .of the Rumanian government. mother. guarantee his maintenance. "Tho dered confiscated, and its-leaders . pledged eo far include Mesdames Sinai Temple. HARRY OSHEBOFF. Pro-Yiddish . J, Jacobson, Dave Rodin, Jack The sisterhood book review cir- Polish government has granted face arrest. NATHAN OSHE'ROFF. Warsaw — A protest condemn- 'WILLIAM OSHEROFFi Robinson, M. A. Weiner, Philip cle will meet this afternoon in the me a free foreign passport but the American consul in Warsaw ing the drive against the Yiddish Sherman, Ben Fill, Max Brodkey, home of Mrs. I. Miller. PKAGTICAi ERWIN OSHEKOFF. refusing me a visa," the ap-High Cost of Bread language la Palestine was adoptM. Baron, L. Baron, R. H. Emleln, MRS..LUCILLE ARLIN. . T E R R A C E ...GTA-RD'EH Tel ATIV—The municipal coun- ed here at a. session of the Jewpeal says. J. L. Levitt, W o . C. Slbtsky, A. : MRS STELLA GREBNBEBG. Council Bluffs, l a . cil of this all-Jewish city hs.u ap-ish community council. Agranoff, Wm. Lazere, Meyer Das®DSTOM O « T E S : HOUSE New York A campaign to pointed a. special commissioner Ijovsky, E. N. Grueskin, Joe Levin, to investigate , the unreasonably A. Gobdsite, M. Hellgman, E. E. A drive for members has been raise $500,000 in the United M5©ti*g© HICKS, •Zionist Actions Body - '. Baron, iE. R. Davis, L- Goldberg, started by the Girl Scout Troop of States during 1935 to be used in high price of bread and to deterJerusalem.—Tbe next session mine a -method for reducing the the Jewish Community Center, the acquisition and reclamation B. Courshon, Harry . Levin, Joe of the Actions Committee of the fcawlslak, C. C. Raskin; A. L. Ga-and all girls over the age of 10 of land in Palestine aa national price of bread. The community has been flood- Wcrld Zionist Organization will llnsky,' M. Seff, A. W. Kaplan, who wish to Join are asked to Jewish possessions was inauguratSam Slotsky, Max Mushkin, B. communicate with the Center of- ed' by the Jewish National Fund ed with -complaints- of high prices ba held in Jerusalem, the Jewish Mias' Rose Berman Is the of America at a Palestine Land prevailing, particularly for es- Telegraphic Agency learned here Baron,! R. Kutcher, and J. Lans- fice. leader of the troop. Redemption dinner. sential foodstuffs. this week. ing. erary editor of the New Palestine magazine; He has traveled through Eur6pe\snd Is an authority on Jewish problems and subjects In the Diaspora and Palestine. TilQ lecture will begin promptly at S: 15 o'clock and will be held in the^inain auditorium, of the synagogue"; Tickets may be secured through members of the Ladles Auxiliary of the synagogue.

Successful Tournament


Young Poale Zion

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Polish Jews 50 German Youths


Maccabiad to Honor


Senior Hadassah Plan Give-or-Get Luncheon

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