Interest? ©f t i t
Entereil JIB Second Class Hsil flatter on January JH. 2921, .at nl Omaha, tNebmska. nnfler the -Act of ~aiirrch 3. 3S7S
JNF Tree-Plantings Number 19473,CQ!
Stems from ews
(JTA)—Since its y years ago, t h e ! i Jewish KEtional ~Fvn& "has planted |l,47'3,O0D trees in PalesthiE, olJerusalem,
Athens C^NS) — ^Former mier Eleutherins TenizDlos, lead-V* INew "York, (WK5)—€os,tnrnt» er Df the Xoberal Party, which reJack W. .Mirer Gsseisl ing their unltea Ximfi-raMEg' ef-j Baring the Jewish year 5 SB 4, cently mafle common cause the antl-Semltii: groups in Greece jlorts "Which .last year raised uver j lich -ended in September, IBS-4, finds Tii-mcplf 3n an extremely §2,000,ODO, ths Joint Distribution ; e iund -plantefi 3.3 D, SE2 trees embarrassing position as the re-j committee ana the American j compared with 11S,S£O in the •Giaid Try-outs to suit ol the nnflenied disclosure j P a l e s t i n e csmpiu£n, IIETE | year- Trees were planted A concentrated three-day camthat 1 E stems from Jews. The re-j launched a new nation-widE t^nn-1p r i l n B r i j T -m ^and wid i is .not Be Held Hex! paign for active and senior male velation DI "Venizelos' Jewish an-;paign to raise $2,250,000 ilurizis jEditable lor agriculture, i n i a olmemberships tD the JewiSh Comcestry was axmae by his own con-1 J.SS5 for the relief ol t h s munity Center -win Segin WsdnesEuropean i Try-CTitE for the next profiucsin who i s writing the Gresk of~ Germany and . other . . — T, Tinder the general chainnsncountries and lor the settlsTacat | tion ol the Center PlEyerE statesman's •biography in a series of Jack. W. jtfarer. ': DM •RT*ti^^** ^ ITT one ol Jews in Palestine. •GuilS, "Tae Trent Pssre," will j J JBiHlton H. Abrahams and IrvPalis M. Warburg was s£=L=d j of t h e leading papers of . "be neli mt the Jewisn Com- { ing C. Levin are -vice-chairmen ^n national chairman of the tzm- J TScnity Center issxt TircrBagy 5 the campaign, -while "William 3IIJpaign -which will again be eOe5 I e-rening, Fesrcsry 5B, at 7:50 » tl-E: in cation- of tlir comniKin fler is chairman of general sothe United Jewish Appeal Be-1 p. in. -i LttEBC BOl OHly hOCEHPt Ol licitations. Iscted as national co-cixiriniLii! T i e peueral Tublic is inriteS j Eiun&l £uir In; i. ruoc hee&.u A group of one -hundred men are Bahbi Jonah S . "Wise and j to try out. Anccrdrng -to K:ii5E j 11K will participate in the arive. Their William 2 . .Hosenwald ior Hie j Sslea • ^'erritt, Sirerxor, EX \ goal is a minimum of 2~5Q new distribution committee, anS Louis j '_ A£- eispecially large "TnrLljBr vZ 3E"E1« j n'inE:, Tf%rvu~ members. Lipsiy and Jlorris Sisttsmsst BctorsTlIl l?e xteecea for t i i s I for the A-mprjpnn PalEStine Meeting TTnesflny. •prsS'ECtJC'E., wfcich ~wsss -vrrittes | paign. A meeting ol all "the -WDTiere try 352. Secirt snfi CU&rles K c - { The ^honorary chairmen in this, arive TVXQ lie ield TEEBTacle of Jewish The London, (JTA)—Sights flay when plans win "be formuTonth will IIDH its .first oratorical Ite. Cyrus Acler, Governor Hsr- Enteefi to national xiinorit lated. Com»n»n.tt7 contest on Uonday evening, hfiri 2L Lehman, Judges Julias ^o^and "under the X*ss-gue i E.ttenc The fl-mrnni iee far an "activE March .25, a t the Jewish Commun- TV. ISack, Joseph M. ProskEcer, tirms "win 2jsrie to be oir. • Jack mEmbership" is $25. This Is a xier -will "be itelc in t h e a ity Center, l i will be open to and Ur. StephEn E. Wise. Oikex ori\fO lamlly membErshrp, entitling "the exbort-Jnc; iuxi. Etarting s.t ti: ?• C T-- ^si- ^sf members of all Jfiwish youth or- ..campaign olficsrs are l^&Qmn i, £,. Straus, treasurer., Joseph bolder: to the "benefits ol -fhs er^siiosF! for t i e Sinner at Tr ganizations in the city. physical -departniBnt for the i u s cents p e r T5iE.t€ IHET l>e s The Tales ±or the contest are Syman, hnnorary -secretary, 1 * ~ jiaiaister d iorsign a~air ris C. Troper, controller, !^ ^ j clsred in the h.cuse cf enm: liand, wife, and flependent chUcalling t h e JewiFt ~CTiinrr,;z as lollows: Sobert snverman and Is "iJiSr | ThefieclETEtiniicsias as flren nnder 21 Irrespective of the X.' Only members in good Conns, mumber 01 ehflctren in the family. . p l y to ES ini ? Is An evening Df dramatic pTEsen- stsnains within the organisation The fee for senior mule ! i' u_y may tatitmB, Jewasi, BongB "bsrsnips JB 5X5 per year. inmor iions will contimiB their _!garfi to xhe than one is scheduled lor the Jewish Com- have moreentries * . -Bar- ICew lor the contest \ cf James G. McDonald, Leagu* .f\* i GTE cf t i e Federation EILC. the i Polish x^DTeign JfeiinistST Seek ] RT>£. in laying t h e foundation for fhe munity Center on Iilarch 3 when must be filed with fhe educational Nations liigh eommissinner, lor 1 mafie before the League of. Ka- jfansErs 1 in the unite £ States, Bfiisr of brief reports 5ry it.? maxs-sea t c hol£ their own cur. 2?oah 2><achbuEh, wsIl-"knDwn Jewdirector a t the Jewish Community Eermsn TESugess. campaign next "week, speakers I tions an Geneva 'last Autumn that j IJIT" XSS-^ ^.es^^-t^ tit?: con-tinTIBS. eaiiE of t h e FefierEXlnx. eiTislDEE•will addrEss t h e -various congre- ish dramatic - artist, -win l>e prE-Center "before Tuesday, March 5. ! Poland woalfi I D longer t-s sgTjiraltirral -crisis, the thirty- i UE. the affiliatec prcanisationB. sented. Mr. 2sachhush is a memNo entriss may "bEmade alter that gations this evening, talking ' by ths minority treaties. fDurth anx.EE.1 Tepnrt of the Jew- i Hurry A. TTDII'. et&irmEii ot; P.IK; about Jewish Commimity Center TJET of ihs renowned "Vllna troupe. date. "The entire matter cf P ish. Agricultural society T -He has played in most of the on?orations must he arlgimsmbSTBhin. ' act of repudiation cf ths zz. •pressnt iii 3£. Abrahama -WU1 speak countries .,, of- Europe -anti the ^ J ^nQ thTee three copies copes oJ each xrraat Temple Israel; 3 e n larger -cities in this -country. In tion nJUBt .be i n the office of the sky a t t h e TaaS, e n d Jack lEarsr Omaha 2ie'is lieins" sponsored .'by b Scjcuel, xtstsi r b It i s -planned XD nold ibi :*SEd;. 3&a. m s y l s :heia isElcre final -.contsst.' JOB -of anS -anther, hsH jbis raveler Uri JSller, -. Mr. L ign for aditional :tnsm- Sabbi. Xal>MlTri 3iH 4.. All orations.sre 310& to exa campaign enter l ; last e ssaisnees • EpeH-bounfl stern and ,SIr.. J,'"WollEDn. 1 ceed 10 minutes in length (apherships for senior womEn. TTcVInre ri>v.e"E.tiDE " week-end-B-hen 2se fiElivsrea a"Ee- \*>*t we consider it clear xksttne A, Cahan,'-of the Jewish Uafly jproximately 1,251>-3.,OD0 iafi uerrr. the Sinne 0 E E "DETI^ P I S sky. notec as _^ In EcplEHBtjai: cf : 'tis, the reForward sayB the following con- ) 5. The subject is tD T>e confined Ties '-of thrse aadresses at the ! ^ ? f ^ minority rig aost or t h e the foremoEt JewiEb. r TJ. ^. ] J ^ " ' ' ' Out jlii^t cerning Kachbush: to some topic Telating to the gen- , League Kations s s^ ™ m il™» „* +H»J u rr^rr-sm! tnB Leagueofol ^ a u o n sisis ces D j ±hB i i i D T T E-Tuafl a f l j the will "be pressi.tpfl ir: B Iectir~f- T^xf. lorce m 5 WIEII-CWIIES farriih ETSI themE, /"JEwish Youth To"Who can evET forget Kach- eral theme/'Jewish Youth To-| |BTrrm andcannot cannot be be mofijfiid i y Junior Society !| f TuesfiEy ^Tening, Pc-brtsKry *f>- ; rt of bush's entry and «xit? WhD canday." PossiblE BUggEstions are: ! of the Beth-El synagogue.. ' unilateral T a.ctinn on the is. a., great help is. diFpaEinE of at J>:EO p. m. E-t the JewjEb Com- ; (a) Jewish Toufh and his reforget • the Gemorah intonation In his first address Saturday s y Etate. Sana jrrofiuce. Or the ether TTunity -Center. He bat? also TP- t h e mestinj .ligion,, Cb) Jewish" youth and the evening with - which ,.he -uttered Samuel exhorted t h e Jew- Sir John also enijli&sizeS that ths .number cf .Jews trying tD set-cEirefi consifierEble mention at .tx. ! Gorelick -wxQ i)lay tne lach's mysterious words? Who pew deal, (c) Jewish Touth and ish people to succumb to neither the position .of the British \ fle en iarms has sharply fie- author. regard to X part of the princess, Snow-'W-hlte, can forget the whole enigmatic [the professions, (d) Jewish Touth fascism -nor communism, but to S, on!y..ii " " " f f ths national miin the Children's Theater nroduc- figure -which hovered on the ] and Palestine, (e) Jewish Tonth steer a -"middle of the way" j renunciation oA need in this country ^y the :K&r rreS by nther tion of the same name u.t~the Jew- stags?- Nnehhush is foIklorE, lint leaders. course. He declared thai bDtb. las- i=nrity rights is 7h«EtEr Guiifl, Ore r,Z tie bep-;G. The orations win "be judged cism and communism attempt to ..gcvemments reprEsenteS in ths ish Community Center Sunday indiviauBJiBtiC Be huildE a anasplayB, "Ganri/" -W»E pro- ; fh reser.1 fficers for composition and Thetoric, 40 deal -a death clow to Jewish cul- ! council of the League EftemoDn, Pebruary 24, at 2:3D- sive iorm with his playing." Ccri.e m:-S pe" cent, and for delivery, 60 per The lilay 3s an adaptation of an tore and that ths Jews should inns. .iirection ol tl>e WCTJU- • Tickets -will-be on sale for 50 ncltuls: old and familiar legend. Amidst cents at the Jewish •Community cent. stay away from "both fires." Irstate o* Kew T X.. Eolirma-ii scenes of -splendor and dancing Centex. The program will Tie -previn Btalmaster presided. t-r l i i i f c -iii *..-iijCiiS-i. -a- ^.i-it^Jl..^ > J;.-.-'. i. •S Ccamectisiit. sequences the story of the little sented at the Center, Jflsrch 3, at In Ids BBCDna lecture, Sm Berlin — The long orawn-DDt Beher, »«;•..->!>• During: 1SS4 -Princess Snow-;Wlp;te, -H-3ID is mis- 3 o'clock. . Taattle of liberal ^jrofesHors a t the afternoon, S a m u e l ' -• tDtalins :TTDrfcErs; AIliEE.ce, hr&B treated by her stepmother, the University of Prankfort-am-Main "Changing Standards •"- cf -the Pinneer TTpnae1 sh 'ErmerE, as i t-4- a: nueen, enfolds itself. She 3s to prevent establishment of a TVithin and "Without the Jewish I Pinslry is preEJaEr,.t of the « 5 with ijpT loans tota" A'be driven to the forest where ^he ish 2\£tiDSEl TTcrkers- A3 HE chair of xacial science a t the nn-I Field." He indicated the Tie •wanderE into the lome Df the -versiiy was lost when the gov- plete change in the concept Jewisli wtsrkerB rsceiv- He is also president of the .7e flwExis. It is i e r e she finds ihap- /HUGE::" ' the changing lor -electing delegates Ernment announced that such a i family, Culture Bocistr el America, jiinesB -with the little dwarfs, Irat chair would TJB cstablishEd with-[ideals morally, TEligiously and j UTET ssssion of 'the American Jew- j lETrfbeT of i t s s.fcTriit.istrEtfve x iug 2S.E4 totaled only 1ET E , i:; tn the End is Teunited Trlfh i n r Jernsalem (JTA) — Establish- in the coming semester. ipolitically in the western -world jirti DDUgresB and for .hDlSizg the)snirp£rea with TS2 five ys&r£ ago.; cni court and the •prince charming, ment of • a mew cemsnt , factory The TJnivsrsity of Prankfoxt-j during the past two thousand proposed TSfersnaum en t h e j This fiecllre is attributes . io v1fe-pre«>t: Km. End .all BVB iappily fiTET after. with a capital of ?1,200,00D was am-Main, -which is one of the his-years. S e jsointsd out the effect world Jewish ccngTEES w21 -iefi.s-j tjj S -fifipresslDii, whici has ir-rcec 'The lecr.1 e nest Tr.psd&T IB • ^ ' The cast for the ?lay i s : Snow- announced -liere "by a group of toric Tiniversities of Germany, of these chEEges on the Jew, anfl ;ciSea a t .an .esiraordinarT :ESSsi.on I jgn-ish farmerE to p y -OT56H t D t h e enErsJ. public. • aeij.1 TVnite, .^Eera GorBlick; Piflish-Snssian Jews. Teligion the "ecstatic Teac-! of the Cougress caHsd by th-s aS-| their ciilSrsn a n i other t;rnr i --i was EStahlishEd and practically called T 3!Uorimond, Jerry IHaTcus; Qusen siinistrE.t3ve cmsmittse for ThE announcement states that 1 maintained -by money from Jews. tion. ' ^Ephraim Marks in relsrEEce to Dirtsifie T-cr SilTerman,; 3,000 5unams ol land itave'been Brang^max, 2n the fins! lecture-on Sunday ]lS£h and 17th i n J g t i e variDus type? cf -A. large number of jprofessors Serthpld, the SuntEman, T". ~ " " T-~~ acguired by. the group .as a Bite -were systematicaHy dismissed hy evening his .subject was ""Pales- j Xielegates to this special seEEios J ssskJns fjerm wcirk last TTZT -i^crc Ji^ankel; Sir Dandepirat, She for the factory^ The--managErtif ths Uasis flnring the last two tine, Mirror ol the World." S e will he all accredited- aalegEtEs to]jaa xabb'i, rabbi, aa lawyer, lawyer, n ptarrv Court Chamberlajn, Sal j fhs conTpany:as:3JrocEening t o Po-years, TJUI fhs tmiversity Etill TB- .indicated-fhat in Palsstine .are oc- the last T •session of :*3IB } - siotiiss mstatifacti the maids ;of lonor, Joy land to complete t h e final ar- mained pro-Jewish, :in Tisw of its inirring in eoncEntrated form the CDagrssB in la .lisy, j man-Icwisi. EtuSeat, "PI C-crirn.r nr*" r ""'r m!tte? BaHie IBialac, Generiere Stein, rangements. •. present aisturbuscss ol the world. .ISS3,, as well such EUJStitn-i jerish Sector of 3ibsml traditions. P — , ! r •'F ha» Jn»t 'iri Lee "White, 2Haine liagman, 3IHThe three crises- in •world history j tinns and sdfiitians as will "befle-j • pwnr " : , - • ••• Sred 3erkowitz, 2afea SahK • —the breaking np of xhe Homan jj cidea Tipon. ., r «<-•' \ . pi um rif vH ir r 3»ages, jDonna X<ee Singer, Baruld h f i "f ~ t empire, the xti ths , I s cr.lliBg this special Eessicn, HLBXET; dwarfs, .Horns Peck, iliddle Ages, and the hrealdrg up , the administration ,-f.r i - v f j . ;;>», Fio.IT T" n " r! F Beryle TCalter, Gertrude TTnTrn, r it rook took thi action •of the fiennomic Bystsjn—a3 CEH ^iS that it .-j 1 — * tit. n w '•! *n. - g « ^ * ^ Sarriet Shafter, Evelyn Goldtraced to or connectea Trtth _n!iLle ths TxmEiItEEztE of ,> / r i f • t .r ft r i i •A*. V ^ ^^'Sfe*' if rffc^*,"* Traxe, Mildred .Singer, Phyllis HB ur^efl I t s Ccc^ets t o casirsrE their T! Palestine, he • I T , I «'•!>• r? \- r\ -•*"Wintroufr; "Witch Sex, Ethel S a r\ T) v - i...' "W ^ -«_•, -^ * ^ ^ ^_ - ™ , ~ . ^ 'Jewish -people ±0 Tebuild Pales-] on the electoral plan * crms - ttii •*• •"" TTT' dis; dukes, Leonard ^riedsl, Slany a laugh and chncHe tept J. Dnro PammneHL irenB Sirsch, j ^ g E S a itcmelBai on the isEis Try t i e ^cticma "bnsrf trf ^ , ^ r - , , i, 1 1 - . . 'i • -n. Stanley Mayper, BoTs Surwitz, ths capacity audience in a happy -who shDWBd Euch best in the of the Sionist ideals, Gu.t "herein ' tiens, wiiich rrcTi£ss for the.; 3 's 'Bob Cohen" onenesses, Lois 3ar- mood continually fluxing the 3>EX- lirHt production nf fhe season, rir; ; i us sx.& rzz.^ • lay the BolTatisn EI the Jewish i.r:laiE5 tif the regular Electicns' dsh, Dnrothy Chart., 3eth SulaTrof- formance o f ' T h s Torchbearers" continued her ^excellent character people. Sen j^aslDW3ty T i e r -TZTZI tc a., on AT-~H 2Vz r j. , by the CBnter PteyerB Guild at sky, Pauline Sothkop. -—) *~ Ti • ' f • • J the J . C. C. auSitorium Tuesday poTtrayals as Sirs. Ivelly PelL 3n| Grace Levin -3s director. f * » r , - . V ' •* !. 1 iact,' -nil Dl ths actors fiid -well j J£»-Igr. ^ £ ^ ^ 2 ? ' d _ r t " " ^ . ~ evening. ca cf .Lit r ^ l T rT> P «•• fit tf The plot uealt with an amateur within the limits of the roles **•***—*••* ""*" •«»»>-^r >. - w- ^ , -,( •:» r uotf SivEn. Seva Llpssian "was the theatrical production, with the p i ii rf P r* •* p, - ^ T t m r ',-, , 1-T-T v" maid; Adels Viilincky, Donald ; ~i.-i nusband of " fhs feminine • *Ji . g., r. ix s.-urp^.r<^. 2lcza_, { London—-A. SsnisI that Sir -wildly upsEt "because Df Ms -wife's BroSkey, Albert Orach and Jack .f rnjr.n. If. ~"<- s. ( * r Oswald S l Ey's Britidb. -nui d i t i c s til ~nf.rv.prs. histrionic ambitions. The rehear- TetEin "were Eupporting aetcrs in Fascists * *. fcvi •", - •% ;n',]ff r PP F.B1E T -was csti-Sssiidc •was tur^risg tram thE amEtsur prodaction; sal of ths ranateurs and ths backifilped with fhs I E D D T ; Sol mafls t y A . The Ladles' JTES Loan society stage action provided many Isrni- Tnchman was the stage managsr, cial of 52ie cr • " c r rti •will celebrate their fourteenth cal situations, -wl&tt.^lent thsmLeah Dbsman was a society ter t o the T7EStcrn annivErsary Sunday, PebrnEry 24, selvss to comedy. Sarnasm and sctrens. ald. with s. 5-3 D dinner at the Jewish irony also had a Isig play. "cirrr 'rrrztT UBrriti TTSS fiirecThe feminine ster, Sirs. Selen tor. Community Center. Urs. 31. G. jisirg mctiratri i^ ti.2 _i.=t tl=.t Cohn is chairman of the affair. Srodksy, in i e r lirst appBarance yrr The play -res pnsancsa ixzdsr First Tivo "I--"IF on an Omaha stage, brought a the direction of the "Winn-en's anusical, program Ti? ft C A. -vsry rr r*t' lias "bean arrangBfl. ThOBe taking new Etar to the •Senter Guild pro- vision ol the Jewish Comsamity duction by i e r splendid acting as Center :mtL "Welfcr part are JSr. 33. Seliz, who tlis irrrr crrlrr 3 r urenfler s "rocal solo, accompanies the wife. .Sylvan SxHnkel played with the "l-ensriB {TTZ\3)—Ti "fey his flaushler, sod 2»J, "Harry opposite liET-ss thE iroBbana and l?y lira, Sam TiBoSore two JEWS clsstcfl to Hie T, T^raixpzn, Tdio will "5»Tay a Tidlin tuTnea in snotier Df those tmtr: T " solo, accompanied Ijy his Bister, ntanulisg performances lor -wkich , Ivcie DatlEr anfl »cili ss ^ he is becoming noted. Jkline. s t a g e auciia- tic: tr C- 1. U Uri Iffmer "Will sire -a SimElstsin, an old ±1IB show. PrtspertiEs his Jahtui CETE~, ^*~. iTbrT X"' •short talk t o the members and Brite -with t h s crowa, ctrpplieS cored f o r "by S=ra Irian ds. most DI t h e spark IBT t h e i a m n r and iiEinie Tsmiru l l a r y Louise j tTiie ^.can g t i e CecsUc to ae s xx£cr ca£.i«sa» Mrs. S. ZBTnoTBfcv is the :prs- in tie irilli 3isr most able DJ Dr. In Wnrris 2- l i e a.asi>i32T &2 Is xi Tsr x. cssaztiti ee cl of the -role s i Sirs. Leah CiberaiEn -ras promoter. | l e r "Tiih ths Z$r~3 1; !t2 Jewisli ipS: on r
| i | . PAGE .TWO.
against Jews in the mediWith the facts In "mind,7 as pre- ble Jewish organization should ation patently unfair to raise a hulaba than 1,500 individual Jewish apcal field. It.. IB strictly a Jewish prepare ..studies and charts, simisented In this little survey, the loo about medical college discrim plicants. problem, one that shouldn't be lar to ones recently prepared by fair-minded. non-fanatical Jew Ination with the true facts a "Of the total 4,789 applicaneglected. The American Jewish hand. If Jewry must rally around tions, 524 or 9.IS per cfeat were will readily understand that Rabbi Morris Lassuon. revealing Committee, B'E£i B'rith or the the number of Internships' open J«wry has no cause for complaint the banner of discrimination, if successful, of whom 226, or 43 American Jewish Congress might wo must belligerently seek the per cent .of those. admitted, were at its treatment by'the ^-medical to young Jewish, doctors and; indi- well consider the possibility of cating the density of the overschools of this country. He will absolute freedom that is our con Jewish. Since the Jews form less undertaking gome such thorough stitutlonal right, there are many than 30 per cent of the total pop- see that a production of too many crowding of the Jewish medical and • comprehensive survey. It field In various American cities Jewish doctors is* an evil Jewry more fields other than medicine ulation In New York City, the fact would be a really constructive The ksowledre that Baltimore, where a better case can be made that over 43 per cent of all thecan well do without. survey. It would be a really conwith a Jewish population of $ per For one thing,.an over-producfreshmen admitted to medical And further, in the defense of structive piecfc of work, somethe medical . schools there are schools In New York City were tion wbald -tend tola loweriugj.of cent ot the municipality** ..-total, thing that ar.y organization might has 18.2" per cent of the doctors standards ainong Jewish doctors Jewish is the best possible evisome special problems, peculiar to •weH be proud of having done. the medical profession, that can dence of the absence of racial or and consequent injury to the in the city is estremely valuable (Copyright, 1S35, Jewluli TeJe»r«phlc and should keep the youcg Jewish race as a whole, which alreligious prejudice in the selecbe enumerated as further testiAgency. Inc.) mony as to the good-will and de- tion of candidates for admission ways suffers for the deeds of In- Jch doctor — except- In dividual Jews. For another thing, to medical schools in Greater New and particular cases — out of a cent motivation of the regulatory insistence on larger representa- city where there is ftlrettdy- oct? standards set tor admission into York. gTOEES "Assuming that there were tion in the medical schools than Jewish physician to every 224 The problem of diacrlmlna> clans results in an increase in un- • As the situation stands today, medical school. THROUGHOUT THE already large representation Jews. On the other hand Harttioh against Jews by the Med- ethical practices among them. All -we must not overlook the essenAlready mentioned is the fact only 1,500 individual Jewish ap- the would be playing iato the hands .CITY SEFJL lord, which e s s a Jewish populaical Schools of this country and doctors. Gentile and Jewish, agree tial fact that every Jewish stu- that Jewish physicians, for theplicants In New York City, of of some ppssible future American tKe correlated problem of over- on this point. Such has always dent of proper competence and most part, are limited to Jewish whom only 226, or 15 per cent of demagog | e who might easily tion of 17 i-er cent, according to crowding of the profession by been the history of medicine and talent can . eventually succeed in patients and thus to avoid an the total number of Jewish appli* make a case against Jewry by Rabbi Labaroj's figures, and a Jt%a Is a most significant one. the American Medical Association entering the doors of almost any overcrowding of the field, limi- cants, were accepted iu the med- Jewry's pursuance of such a pol- Jewish mejicel proportion of only 8.43 per cent would seem a ical schools, it is not difficult to Irf the following article it i s has consistently sought to do medical school in the country. tations must be made. icy. better opportunity for the young understand the natural conclusion Undeniably, Jewish applicants away with overcrowding in the d?3cnssed by Or. Bongy, who There is also the fact that the of rejected Jewish applicants that Jewish doctor who seeks to avoid must exert greater effort and perOn the other hand, Jewry tfils month'assumed the post of field as a whole. medical schools have a duty to . Ask 1W . Grectr Chief of Gynecology at the The February, 1934, "issue of severance than the non-Jews. But the particular states and districts they were discriminated against should never — so long as It has overcrowding. unfairly. They cannot ,be expected such has been the story of Jewany power of resistance at all — This vocational guidance, both Hospital for Joint Diseases, one the American Medical Associathat support them. Thus, when a o f the largest New York intrtl- tion Bulletin reports an address: ish success all through the ages. Jewish student from New York to realize that, taking the coun- stand for a numerus clausus in in the limiting of Jewish medical A second factor that will keep City seeks admission to the Uni try as a whole, any given appli- medicine, or in any other field. students and the guidance of t&ns. Dr. Bongy, a fellow of "The Social Dangers of An Overthe American College of Snr- supply of Physicians" by Dr. the total of Jewish physicians versity of Georgia medical school tlon has only a little less than one Such an action would be the most young Jewish doctors; is the ans- 2711 No. 244M St. WE 8400 geons; is also attending gyne- Walter £>. Bierring which was down to a reasonable., level is thethe University has a valid right chance in two of being accepted, dangerous of all possible prece- wer to the problem of discrimincologist at the lebanou hospi- read before the annual confer'' regulatory provisions adapted by tor not accepting him — a man or that In New York City any giv- dents; It would inevitably lead t a l He i has written extensively ence of Secretaries of constitu- the medical schools In their ad- who will undoubtedly not prac- en application has only a trifle to the unhappy minority problem 6n -medical subjects, having ent state Medical associations. mission of- students. The v e r y tice in Georgia —• if a Georgian, over nine chances In a hundred, which is troubling the, Jewry of over a hundred medical papers One particularly pertinent sen- thing that has been challenged as or Borne southerner trom a near- as compared with the 6.2 suc-Poland, which is being forced updiscrimination results In higher by: state without a medical school cessful chances per hundred for on the Jews of Germany and to his credit, and he is thor- tence follows: Jewish applicants. In other words which threatens the Jews of Ausstandards of Jewish medical stu- seeks admission. oughly : conversant with, Jewish "There Is a tendency on thedents, a thing to be desired by they do not realize that apart tria. '].• affairs,* having been a founder Questioned as to their rules for from the question of discriminaoJfl the American Jewish Con- part of some who have been li- the Jews of America. American Jewry must realize censed to practice to assume the : If the point be made that- this admission, the Dean of the Med- tion, admission to a recognized that gr^ss^—Editor. the . problem of the Jewish responsibility of an operation la a discrimination in favor of ical school of the University of medical school in the United medical student Is Its own, not when not properly prepared or States is a difficult achievement, an American problem. Because of Jewish students, the only Georgia quite. frankly ..said: The question of discrimination equipped to do good surgical wealthy that can be made Is that "Our students, are selected with and that the competition for a the overcrowding of the field,' ana against Jew* in the medical col- work, particularly.if last month's answer a Blmllar situation exists among' reference to the highest scholas- strictly limited number of places its consequent dangers, Jewish legeis of this country has come to office-rent is not paid." - . 2 Gentiles. Dr. Walter E. Vest, in tic standing, preference being i3 very keen, particularly in New parents must be made to realize the fore again. First there was York City, and operates against Bread and butter, the medical the discussion following the readthe letter of the president of profession' admits is - important ing of Dr. Bierrlng's paper, al- iven to bonafide residents of the chances tor admission of all that for the time being, at least, they must not encourage their Georgia." .Wesleyaa. University, Dr. James even to those-who take the oath ready previously quoted, said: applicants and not simply Jewish children to study medicine. They The Dean of the medical school I/. McConaughy, in which he of Hippocrates. And though, the applicants. The chances of anymust be impressed that from a "Begardless of how we. may at Emory University, even more application -"jrarntd twelve prospective Jew- world may not be particularly being accepted in & i s h medical students that they concerned about lowering stand- feel about it, it seems to me that candid, said: "While there is noNew York City school are less purely economic viewpoint the fatfe a. "rather difficult situation" ards in' other fields, it is in med- the medical profession of : this discrimination against Jewish ap- than one-quarter the chances in study of medicine is unsound busin the pursuit of their profesBion- icine. Public health' la a matter of country is drifting more' and plicants to the medical school, we the country at large. However, iness except for the exceptionably personable and gifted student. more into the hands.of the chil- do make a practice of selecting al ambitions." . -, public concern. • > dren of well-to^o parents. The students from our own section of the application of a Jewish stuAnd In this self-imposed limit. A Gentile had spoken frankly. dent in New York City has only Few Important Points:..;.'........ cost of medical education is such the country." • ation of Jewish medical students An! honorable and respected edu- A Dr. two-thirds as good a chance as all Bierring, in proving his that a financially poor student ••"Says--t might not be out of place—as cator laid himself:• open to thecontention From this point of view, it is applications in the metropolis." there Is an over- does not stand much of a chance doubtful whether any fair mindDr. Byplns has suggester—that a charge of anti-Semitism by a production that American physi- getting through a m e d i c a l ed person could make a valid Concluding, Dr. Rypins says: representative society of Jewish statement which most Jews in cians, furtherofstates: January's business was great - - - February's • school." v, 'To construe this, however, as ev- physicians "have a standing com: the\ir hearts, fenew to be only too charge of discrimination against 1. That during a ten-year pethus far is just as good - - - We diask you for true. The Professor,, noting the these out-of town schools. The idence of racial or religious pre- mittee o n medical education, - Test of Motivation. judice not only overlooks the fact which might serve not only to adrecords of his pre-med students. riod the number of.medical gradDean of the Medical Schools of In the entire matter of disyour confidence in us and our automobiles Immediately saw that some of his uates greatly exceeded the num-crimination, Jewry must use the West Virginia university, who already stated, that over 43 pervise individual students la referber of deaths In the profession. cent of the applicants admitted ence to the entire, situation of Jewish students were having difof motivation. The question said that "we have never refused 2. That according to the final test ficulties in obtaining entrance to to admit a Jewish student whose to medical schools In New York medical education, licensure and is not whether Jews are effected medical, Schools because of their report of the Commission on Med- unduly by regulatorr practices home Is in West Virginia," admir- City are Jewish, but leaves out of practice, but also to serve as an Jewishness. Knowing the case his- ical Education, the United States used in medical, school admissions ably sums of the problem of theaccount the peculiar distribution unofficial body to weed out the tories of the students, he knew has more physicians per unit of but whether the medical schools out of New York medical school. of the Jewish population, which promising applicants. If such a n my opinion is the determining committee were to do its work that their religion was the basis population than any other coun- attempt to be fair in their ad"Since abput 1922," he said, factor in the whole situation." conscientiously, I believe its efof their difficulties. Honorable try, in'the •wprldritwiceas many, aa mission of Jewish students. (fonaerly Hart-Sanders) "we have had an increasing numAnd further, Dr. Ryplna states: forts would be very - much weland above board," he-warned his the leadlng-l'couhtries of Europe.' In Germany^ under Hitler, the ber of Jewish students,. making " 2561 FARKAM" Jewish!, students ' of ' what -was With a -tot^iof 156,44* licensed motivation of anti-Jewish legis- application tor admission into "While;I am the first t o admit comed by the various medical ahead of them. '.-,;.,-.\.,-i--r•"-"/-.'. '""•;,:physicians In the Ilniled States at lation and regulation Is obviously our School of Medicino, and atthat historically and temperamen- chool authorities and that its Distributors for - - A number "of Jewfy'8*fcrofes- th©-present tim^y^theTB is jone for unfair. In this country,, in thefirst'we were able to take quite a tally the Jews are somewhat bet- recommendation of Jewish, applievery 7 ^ ' ""*-^-*^"-'- ter material for professional cants,", for admission, to medical number. It is our policy to accept COMMERCIAL case. of [ medical schools, it , Is DODGE - PLYMOUTH one *DCI»^ doubtful whether this, same view- all West. Virginians, who complete training, including the profession schools would carry greaj;. deal ly arq.U8^^'^^Va^£6&^•'*f|j9':'wt&S£i>£ France; ole'pee. 1,69d, 1 ;: point can be held, ••^"l "*;:; '''•'/" our requirements^ as this. Is a of medicine, only the -most tans-' b f ^ w g right, lot;try the keep Jewish stu$: . . ; _ /. . . '. . .• ^^; . i '; ; TRUCKS State University, and for this rea- ticaL .Jewish advocate would afcr dents' from their chosen fields if Carrying this self-regulation Thft cry. of .discrimination, can : • f£.Wat-Ji|>has beenli|»t}i^atJe|; son we give first advantage to bur tempt to support the claim that one step further, some responsiamackBd of anti-Semitism. ''0l& thsf* not be fairly and . sincerely, a:- -feitfohably compl^fe"y^i6dS: on the average there are between ers admitted the truth of the. Bit- icai'care'.can" charged against American medi- itizens. be provided-in'thS* providedvln nation and, less publicly, made "Of the great number cf..out- our and five times as many dor cal schools in a country where, the point-that -vocational guid- country on the;1jasls.; of:; one J )f-8tate students making applica- Irable Jewish as non-Jewish canwith a Jewish population that agance among Jews was the sola-: sician to--about ^ i f 200 iper^ohs. gregates 3 *& per cent pf.the total, ions, the greater number come didates for the Btudy of medicine tion. The'topic received, wide- "Which ine'ans'that we"Bhouldhave Jews are represented by between from the New York'City area. I per unit of population. They simspread attention- from rabbinical 120,000 physicians: and ^ there "are five.and six times their ratio, per- would say-that about.ninety per- ply show that an accident conat present an approximate Surplus centration .of a disproportionatepulpits. ': : » . ::«- centage among the medical stu- cent are Jews and the others are ly large Jewish population in New of 35,000 •physicians.* * practically all Italians." It was from one of these; pul•*• Where Omtha Shops With Confidence ^ body. With this score, can York and the unusual ambition That at the present rate of dent pits that Dr. Samuel J. Kopetzky we intelligently impugn the libNew York Situation. of Jewish students to study mediformer president of the 27ew York supply, the number of excess phy- eral attitude of the admission And now what is the situation cine has created a problem in County Medical Society, .made a sicians — figured by actuarial boards. In New York City? Dr. Harold Ry- medical education to which there calculations — Is on the increase. statement startling in its admisThere is undeniably a measure plns," secretary of the New York is no solution. sion and sensational in its im-That by 1940, there will be oneof discrimination against Jewish Itate Board of Medical Examinphysician per 760 persons; by For example, If every medical plications. : Dr. kopetaky delivered students desirous of, entering the es, himself a Jew, made a sura defense of racial and religious 196 0 about one1every 7 3 0 and in medical schools. But for the most vey of the situation in the metro- school in New York City accepted Jewish applicants only, there quotas in American schools. * He 1980, one every 690. Thus the problem of overcrowd- part, the worthiest of Jewish ap- polis in 1930. Recently, in an ad- would etill be facilities for the Bald, in effect, that Jewish mediplicants finally gain admittance. dress at a New York synagogue, training of not more than onecal students should'be limited .in ing is applicable to the entire It can be safely said, without he reviewed the facts ascertained third of the Jewish applicants. I profession, not only to the Jews number to! the proportion of"Jews any great fear of contradiction, then. leave to your Imagination the to the American population. In in it. But.with a Jewish popula- that whatever discrimination is "In 1930," he said, "the five happy experience for. the deans tion in this country that doesn't fewer, and' more Ill-sounding practiced by American medical schools in New York City and faculties of these schools In jtrords, he advocated a numerous increase appreciably, it is Quite schools is against the individual medical had a total of 924 places for selecting the fortunate one-third obvious that a twenty per cent "elausus foe Jewish medical stuJew as an individual. Certainly, freshman medical s t u d e n t s , and Boothing the ruffled views of registration of Jews in the medidents. . \ \ -. s cal schools will bring the ratio both from the figures at hand mounting to .8.7 per cent of allthe rejected two-thirds of the K No less sincere,* in'all likelihood, of Jewish doctors to Jews in Am- the• personal:expressions ;he •places, in'- Ainerfcaii medical Jewish applicants, none of whom than Professor McConaughy, Dr. erica even more out of proportion of the medical deans of the coun- schools,'although the population could claim anti-Semitic prejuKopetzky elaborated the. former's try, .there is no evidence to sup- ;h New York City Is only 5.7 per dice." than it is now. Ideas to a point where many Jews port a charge of group discrimin- :ent of the total population of the eannot" see fact to-face with him In* suggesting ,a limitation, of ation. * country. In other words, New 'although they do recognize the Jewish medical students, Dr. KoYork City has somewhat more It Is also well to consider that •(ralldity of. the# Wesleyan presfc petzky is trying to avoid further lia/^proportionate share of in all the hue and cry of anti-Sejdent'B original statement. -'..: overcrowding with-the-consequent mitism leveled by disappointed than the country's facilities for mediMcConaughy recognized dis- lowering of standards that the would-be medical students and laT education. Brlmination against Jewish medl- profession knows vis inevitable in their disgruntled parents there* is "The total number of applicaieal students. He urged nothing such an Instance. Any intelligent the^very great probability that a tions received during 1930 tor further than'that Jewish students Jew, knowing that Jews are dis-^ largfe measure of it originated fehould be aware of it. Dr. l£opet- criminated against on the basis from instances In.which there was admission jto New York City medfeiy noted the discrimination and of what the weakest individual no prlma facie case of dlscrimln'' ical schools iwas 4,789, of which 3',(?40 of 7<Tper cent were from Bald there should be more of it, Jew does, realizes ^that a high atlon. Students who knew they ews. It was impossible to ascerthat it should be formalized, that standard among American-Jewish had) been for valid and ain how many of these applicaft should be given legal recogni- physicians is a,' matter-of' grave necessary barred reasons were * them- tana were multiple, but it is tion. importance to American Jewry. selves misled by hearBa.y, Tobable that these 3,640 Jewish When p. Jew comes out for It is- thus not- on 'the - Question vindicatlvely resorted to tand h e applications represented not more Jewish. discrimination, ' that'. is of limitation of • Jewish ^medical plaint of anti-Semitism. Anti»ewH. The newspapers, bbtti geri-' students that we differ-with Dr*- Semitism, as is well known, can «ral and Jewish, did as would be Kopetzky. ,W«-'differ with his furnish a defensive alibi as well teipected. A world, already too oc- methods. In allowing a numerus as an inferiority complex. One cupied with racial and religious clausuB jtor Jewish • medical stu- may. possess a thousand faults discriminations, h ad another dents, Jewry would * be1 tanta- Justifying criticism, and yet proproblem on its hands; mount to-recognizing-a minority claim that the faults are but mistatus for Jews • I-: this- country. rages In the eyes of the "antis," if Too Many Jewish Doctors. ID fairness to Dr. Kopetzky, In a very short time, the prece- that one happens to be a weakfend other adherents of the num- dent allowed In the field of med- natu'red fool. eruu clausus philosophy, it is icine would spread, The very es. Viewed "Relatively. . only "right that the reader should sentials, of:y American freedom of The Jew, like the little boy and have a realization of the thoughts religion are opposed to any such behind his statement. Predicated limitations of the rights of thehis sheep, cannot afford to continually cry "wolf," Discriminaon the belief that the Jewish Jew to study medicine. tion, must be viewed relatively. physician', must rely, upon - the How Controlled. Jewish patient' for his clientele. The question Is then, what And with this In mind. It seems Dr. Kopetsky .feared that, too now? Prom the • proofs already many young:Jewifih .'doctors were given, it is obvious that a too .betas graduated .from'the medi- high percentage of Jewish phycal acTiools.Of. late-fears', all sur- sicians Is bad for Jewry as a A group of two end veys, indicate", seventeen "to" twen- 'whole. How can thla situation be three - piece kcltted ty per 4ent\ot triedlcal school reg- controlled? dresses th&t. &t® reistration 'has been,Jewish; * - ' •.' For one thinjr," vocational gqld'fre*hiBgly different An otJVhiebf: lesdB "up" to1 the anca CM be gjven to young Jews and distinctly .fine. obvious stateiaifent'tflst there* are desirous of studying medicine. E»ch. item a ffesfeSon too many ^©jflan-jdociors?7 that They should be impressed with •econpliehmest « t with a clientele 'Itoifed^ through the difficulties that He before this price. no fault of. their'own, the econ- them. No one need be forbidden omics of medical practice were the study of medicine. But those Floor. becomiag increasing ".y.; difficult Study medicine with .for Jewish bhyuiclans. To blurt It s o really definite convictions right out, it -means that ft too high about their so doing should be state of competition-among pbyel- turned'to other fields.
By DR. A. J. RONGY (in collaboration with Henry W.Levy)
Forbes • Fresh
'•'• • •
Featuring Thursday in the Better Dress Section*Third Floor
At a Special Price
Handball Tournament. . - Reaches Semi-Finals
Truj>p to Represent ' '".Center in Tournament
I fLJ iVlr1 r1 I
. Morris" Bloom aid Millard Sigal A squad of 10 junior swimmers ' George Trupp' •will represent win meet .Earl' Siegei and Sam the • Jewish Community Center. in has been selected by Al Orueh, Epstein anil George" Shapiro and A determined band of Jewish the National Golden Gloves box- J._C. C. swimming instructor, to M. Franklin -will" play.- Manny Community Center • Varsity bas- ing tournament to be held in Chi- meet the junior swimming team GoIdbeTg and Jack •'Sadofsky in ketball players turned in their cago, 1 February £5, 26 and £7. of Lincoln in & dual meet which the semifinal matches of tie J.-C. outstanding victory' of. the season Trupp-won the 126-pound ch&in- will be . held Saturday night, at £ ' jgy ffjp S«r*rice Liip C. doubles handball tournament. last Sunday on the Center court in the World-Herald p. m. in the Center pool. AdmisBloom and Sigal advanced last by defeating the Des Moines B'nai tourney; recently. sion will be free £.nd spectators week by winning from Phineas B'rith five; 44 to 19. Lee-Grossman was to accom-.jare urged to be on hand to see Life insurance docs nol.p!7«Wintroub and Dave Cohen, 21-15, Playing; like whirlwinds, the ] pany.-'Er.Jttpp to Chicago, but the the first dual swimming affair of ; simply a policy, .but protecUnr. 21-2, Shapiro and Franklin de- Omaha boys completely anni- ] J. C.._C.;. G.'.,physical director will be the season. ; feated Phil Klutznick and Dave hilated their Iowa foes who had unable:!^) make the journey, he The Omaha boys to swim* are: snd security for the •present. *>m" Goldman, 21-15, 21-18, and GoldLouis Blumkin, Norman Eordy. Iz & guarantee of happiness and if;' just three -weeks previously made by laying down the governing the , latent sentiment ,for_ religiThis . article points to the 'i * berg and Sadofsky won, from Max Katz, Leo Chodak, Ed Cohn, Ar- for the future. off with a 27 to 25 win over the great debt of gratitude Tchlch ous liberty and equality. In' fos- principles for the future of- inThe policy and the plan !>«;?!• m&nd Gilinsky, Iz Kraft, Norman all liberals owe to the Father tering this sentiment Washing- ter-faith relationships In Amer- i Turner and Jack Adler, £1-4, locals at Des Homes. From the of it. is fi perform! gURrante*' <*• 2 1 1 3 . '• ••* '.. , • " " . . Polonsky, Sam Novak -and Jack start when Jimmy Burroughs •?%• & • x%« of our country for his valiant ton played a role second to none. ica. happiness for the mar. himw'i. -»• Saferstein. Finals, will be played next popped one from the side,-the Des It. was shortly after the signand undaunted fight for reThat Washington was prepared ! happiness the. circle of which i*. Anton Zuk&s, who won the midw e e k . ''..'.'. . . . • . Moines gang had as little chance Plans'hare been formulated for ligions and spiritual freedom. ing, of the Declaration of. Inde- to fight against any legislation\ to -win as a wcisp of smoke., on a a .big A. Z. A. 100 spring frolic i -vrestern A. A. U. diving cham- completed by HIP fcncvledEe thiv: pendence that Washington, . as designed ~ to restrict : religious The Editor. . . ', windy day. Commander-in-chief of the ; con- liberty was made clear in his re- ' dance. Efforts are being made to pionship while attending Iowa should he not be here on "fnv« With the first quarter closing mafee-tnis dance the "biggest af- •university, will serve BS judge for tlinK day." the money• -vrii] secure tinental army, first grew public ply to the concern expressed by It was a happy thought that evidence of his views on religi1 at 8 to •*, the Omahans quickly fair of'the year. The proceeds of the meet. Zukss will also prob- food. clothinE. and • shelter tn- . prompted the National Confer- ous -equality.^ Pne of the paraT the United Baptist churches of ran their . margin up as Bur- the daEce are to be usefi to build ably give a fancy diving exhibi- those -whoTP. he- lovep. better ' himself. ence of JewB an Christians to mount objectives of the revolu- Virginia. When the Virginia Baproughs continued his inspired a playground for the Talmud tion. link the observance of the sec*, tionary leaders was to win civer tists called bis attention to the j "Present projection nn«3 play, to a 21-10 count at the half. Torah at the J. C. G. fact that the* absence of religious ond annual Brother day _ Dayton I cririty" mesnr. : tt!Pt R mar. The second half must have been The dance will be' held at the February 24, with the celebration Canada, t h e n predominately liberty guarantees in the constino lonprr contemplate . thp The J. C. C basketball league a nightmare for the visitors, who Paxton hotel, Saturday, April 6. of the birthday _of George Wash- Catholic. Having in mind the tution might prejudice their! compressed the' punch and- ex- were able to score but nine points that hi? vrife knui At the first regular meeting ington, February 22, for Wash- deepseated prejudice between rrights, he "wrote them as follows: citement of the usual'four.-gaxaes while the Center players were after the convention, A. Z. A. 100 fpee In CSFP- • h'fr eprnSny At the last meeting: of the Ka'If I could now conceive that the ington was nottonly rthie. fathfer of the*•'" Protestant ^majority, in the ip t'er'rpfivpt.pfi,'" PR 1 i t Tnf,*. running amuck to boost their toscheduled through" the week, into fiimali clul) Kebbi Url J'iller regave pins to the men: who were his country but one of the, fathers; American colonies a n d, t h e general government might ever just '-two- contests*' last :w,eek, as tal to 44 points as the game initiated into the chapter jest be- viewed "Salvation." Kabbi Miller j he, before he hrts Rpvert. P. piir,*iCatho-lics, be so administered as to render ! of religious freedom in America. P r e n c h-Canadian' play In the circuit moved into its ended. will be host to the members of cient sum of. mone?", fore the Sioux City tuornament. the liberty of conscience Insecure, Washington wrote, a fatnous.'.letIn. these times, whenr pernicious Hnalvstagfes.. Two* of the games Every one of the Omaha ladg The century chapter basket b&H the club at a party Saturday eve- I 'Trotectionaiitl .Kpcinitj'," '7irpropagandists, under the gqise'bf ter ."-to" the .Inhabitants rif Quebec' I beg you will be persuadfed that were postponed on account of the played about the best game of his team has entered the Class B bas- | ning at the Schwaczkin residence. j ture happinesE and jaj^r^-wiifir,_'"'*! pseudo-patriotism,' are exploiting in which" he said "we ar6' too well no one would' be more zealous stage production in the Center life. Bogdonoff was particularly ket ball tourney at the J. C. C. The Kadimah club is making iman is able to enjoy these twf.. disturbed economic and -political acquainted with the liberality of than myself to establish effectual auditorium Tuesday. plans for its first annual banquet, I evidences of success, then:he l»«-»effective as he dashed helterconditions to break down the- tra-! sentimehts", distinguishing your barriers against the horrors of | arrived at Ihe' moment: to wMsfc.j to be held in April. Outstanding of the two Vgam«s skelter screaming for ball at the ditional American, hatred of re- nation to imagine that, differences spiritual tyranny --and every spe- played was - :the ,- victory of the top of his voice, and at the same Women's Mizrachi I he hap been looking forward. *.«; cies of religious persecution." of" religion will prejudice .you ligious and racial prejudice. In j his life. •Pants' Stores over the: Wardrobes, tmie shooting baskets and feedorder to achieve their own Binis- against '•&.'hearty unity with -us. The Women's Mizrachi organ- j Jaffa Police Searching Like Jefferson and Madison, 31 to 30, in an extra-period con- ing his mates with uncanny acj The life insurance plRn Oif*'^* ter and. un-American purposes, It Ybuj know that the transcendent Washington held that religious flict, achieved after the game had curacy. Sadofsky, too, was all ization will give a benefit movie that "moment" now—not' B.r»«" motive' of freedom elevates ithose is pertinent to recall Washing-, • Citizens to Halt Crime twenty or'thirty yearp of sa.vSnj;", liberty was a human right and actually "ended. In the other bit over the floor gliding about like at the Circle theater, Thursday ton's services in setting the who Tinitein, her .cause above all not merely a matter of toleration. of dynamite produced last -week; wax. And Abfe Bergman and Max evening, March 14. Two very ininfirmities." In writing to .the Quakers he course of America, on. the road such •-: low-minded Jcffa (JTA)—The increase in: Jewish Tress aiivertisere the Xl Lambdas knocked: off the Turner were almost Impregnable teresting pictures will be shown. toward religious equality. • .. When the; French-Canaiilans 4eT said: "Government, being among previously Invincible Omaha Jo5>~ on defense.. How could the team The tickets will be 20 cents, snd violent Arab attacks in which • your patronage. , clined ;to join the, Americans; may be secured from any mem- knives and revolvers have been i Although Washington,, l i k e Washington:turned his efforts,to" other purposes, instituted to pro- bers, 26" to i'2.<It was the-third hate lost? • bers of the organization. Mrs. Sol James Madison, Thomas Jeffer- rooting; out anti^CathoIic preju- tect, the persons and consciences defeat of the season for the JobThe Girl's varsity team made Handler is chairman of this af- used recently led the police to; son and George Mason, .rendered dice among his q.wii followers. On of men from oppression, it cer- bers. the day complete for the Jewish fair. She will be assisted by Mrs. search pedestrian? for firearms and other weapons. ; signal services in the great cam- Novemfber .5, 1775 ; he. severely tainly is the .duty of the rulersGoing into the extra stanza Community Center by trouncing Cars and carriages were also paign for religiour liberty, his condemned & threatened .. antU not only to abstain from it them- with the count knotted at 26-all. the Harkert's Hamburger Girls in Sam' Felicias. Proceeds of this Is engaged in the b part in incorporating the guaran- Catholic demonstration in* the selves, but according to their Sta- the Pants Store quickly garnered a preliminary, 40 to 9. The girls' performance will go to the Miz- stopped by t*e police who search-; of selling all kinds of REed ?le passengers. The police be-, tees of absolute religious ,, free- army, wh^ch he described aa "that tions, to prevent It in others. The ttro baskets to appear headed for team plays at Fremont next Wed- rachi fend. LIGIOUS ARTICLES — lieve that this hunt for criminals •S" f*t L' dom in the constitution is a rediculous and /childish custom: of liberty enjoyed by the people of easy victory. The Wardrobes came nesday. _ will tend to decrease crime in' phase of his life that, has not buring, the effigy, of .the ' pope." these states of worshipping Al- back though as Whalen dropped Taleisim and prayorlwofcn* LtTQ LlW i Palestine. been stressed sufficiently. Presi- Noveiiber '5,, was . annually. eele-f mighty God, agreeable to their in a long one, then came within a Jewish music — wine for An inforiaal gathering of the dent Roosevelt, in endorsing brated^in New England at. the end consciences, Is not only among point of another tie, as the same BASKETBALL TOURNEY Zero.elitb was held at the home sacrament&l purposes —the choicest of their blessings, Brotherhood Bay, emphasized of the-eighteenth; century; as Pope Several teams have already ca- of Lou, Canar, 2206 X street, player made a free throw. With I Oa Asdics Block 1 this when he said that "its associ- Day, when an effigy of the.'pope but also of their rights."' tered the Jewish Comraunity CenMatsos the seconds ticking, Pep BogdonFebruary 21. Sophie Halperin ation with the birthday j>t our was" dragged in mockery' through This same p'ointwas emphasized off put the Clothiers out in front ter open basketball tournament spoke' on" ,the late Chaini Nach- j Amsterdam—The famous Por- \ ges library, one of the most noted i es first president will remind our the streets' 'of, Boston' and; other is his famous letter to.the Jewish With a long basket from the mid- which will be held on the Center inan Bialik. collection ol Judaica in the world, j people of his broad and tolerant New ;Eagland,towns and th'en congregation of Newport in which dle. Then in a mad flurry under floor, March 4, 5 and 7, Lee Ees. 60S As membership to the organi- will be pet up tor auction here • spirit and his consistent support burned.; on; i the common. But he said: "AH possess alike, liberty the Wardrobe basket, Liizor Sei- Grossman announced. zation is limited, new applicants by the Heineryck firm. i of the principles of religious Washington,;.who had met the of conscience and immunities, of ner, Pants Store barricader, was .Among the clubs in Class A are will not" be considered until April liberty and freedom . of. . con- French and Polish Roman Cath-' citizenship. It Is now no more hacked by Munro while in the act the Tork Batteries, the Psi Mus, 1. • science." olic soldiers in his army and .who' that toleration is spoken of, as of attempting a :basket—just as and the Omaha Jobbers. The entry list closes February 2 8, and At the beginning of the revoluif it was by the indulgence of one the game ended, tion America was far removed |knew. of their heroism, put a stop class of people, that another enthe three dollar fee must accomXi With the large crowd hushed, to this practice.and thus gave a pany the application of the team from resognizlng absolute religijoyed the exercise. of their Inherand with . an air of excitement ous liberty, either on its statute practical demonstration of' inter- ent natural rights. For happily prevailing, Seiner stepped non- to have it officially entered. Play Xi Lambda fraternity held a religious amity. ' books or in practice. Congregathe ..government, of. the United chalantly to the foul line and will be held in two classes, A and meeting at the Morris apartmentWhile Washington >was' battling tionalism was the established re- j States, which gives to bigotry no dropped both- efforts neatly B,' with the membership to Class j hotel,.-. Wednesday evening and ligion"' In ""Massachusetts, "New jthe.Britlsh^n-.New.T^rk^and.New sanction,, to persecution no assist- through that darn iron ring to ac- A. limited to^ eight teams. Gold ! elected the. following officers*. Hampshire and Connecticut; the Jersey in 1176,r the .first- consti- ance, requires only that' they_ who medals will be awarder the _win- Herman. Babich, president; Art • • ' tutional;. establishment; of .relifir live under Its protection .should count -for brie -of- the most thrill- ners in each class. Church of England was the state LJpp, vice-president; Bill Sofcoing victories In' J; C. C * basketreligion in all the southern'colo- ous .liberty . in.•"": America; "wasdemean themselves as good citi- ball./ • ; The Center committee in loff,- treasurer, and Harold Barnies and In parts of New York Achieved./with. • th"e adoption-,.'ol zens, in giving it on all occasions AS'for the other contest—well, charge consists of Irving. Levin, ish,- eecretary. constitiition. their effectual support." and New Jersey.. Protestantism Virginia's . llj-s't: „' it was just too bad for the Job- Art Cohen, Dr. Steinberg, Harry had a similar.position in Rhode Since thl$ means the 'disestablishDuring all the years' that he bers who seem to have lost every- Trustia, J. Malashock and Earl Island, Pennsylvania and Dela- ment , of-the .church of V!irgin&, was president, Washington plead- thing they had at the beginning Siegei. ware. There were -. also. large the 'clergy, .made/ ed that "the conscientious scru- of the season, except their coure €©I@sEies numbers of Quakers, Hugenots forts to .continue .assessments, .for ples of all men should be treated age. 'Bat it takes more than courMany Attractioas '. and free thinkers, 18;00 Catho- religious purposes.. On ^November with great delicacy and. tender.Tel Aviv (JTA) — A new road 11, -1784,' a. resolution lit favor1 of. ness." In this spirit he wrote to age to win cage games, and with lics and about 3,000 Jews .in .hi Ammal Psi eleven 'kilometers long will be the XI Lambdas'putting up their in" various . colonies. Virtually : every public assessments .-.for -Christian the" Catholics of America in 1789 best -showing of the season, the built from the American Colony colony barred Catholics, • Jews religious. - purposes was -carried' in that" "as mankind becomes more fraternity men had little trouble Many attractions have been j Kaa.JsaEa to other Jewish colon: and free thinkers from holding the. V1 r-gi-n.i.a^assembly by a liberal, they will be more apt to copping the- verdict. planned for Psi Mu day, Sunday, i ies ia the Sharon plain, it was anpublic office, while most colonies vote of 4 7.' tb 3 2 over, the 'rigorous allow, that alLthose who conduct I END e Torgsis Order to y©yr « l March 3. Among them is a. girls! nounced by the Palestine GovernSeven -games next week will had laws prohibiting Catholics opposition of, Jefferson,- Madison themselves as' worthy members wind up the season's play. ; On basketball game at 2:30 p. in.-, im e n t T h e sum of ?1S5,000 was -hwm&$ \n the • Soviet ilnhn - ®m£ from holding public religious and Mason., :Although : there.: is of the community, are equally en- Sunday, February 24, one of the and then a feature game between j ap-prtiiVecf" by the government to them tc buy cst ttst Terf in some .evidence that Washington titled to the protection of civil, services. ",.-•-. the Psi Mus and the champions i cover "'.tbe cost of building this m every lergu ei!y ©f *h« U. S, S, R. outstanding programs of the sea-. The revolution, however,, was at, first favored this resolution, government. I hope ever to see son will be offered-with the Pants of the Knights of Columbus at! road. -*f-';. Jj his innate -sense of. justice uili> r an- important factor* in. bringing These stores cerry shout 15,000 America among the foremost na- Stores playing the Psi Mus at 3:30, after, which there will be.{ Tlte/construction contract has men of all creeds - together for mately., brought him ,.t.o espouse tions in examples • of justice and 2:30 and , the - Omaha Jobbers a dance in the main auditorium | been awarded by the government domestic end imported articles of Mgh the first time. The concerted ac- Madison's view-> J3ur,ing .the-, strug-. liberality." • ; quality; CLOTHING, SHOES, rubbers, meeting the A. Z." A.'s at 3:30 of the J. C. C , with music by the to the" contracting office of the tion made necessary by the revo- gle io prevent final, enactment of "Important as were these ex- p. m. Tuesday, February-2 6, calls Creightonians. To close the pro- Jewish .Labor Corporation. Arabs rfinrh, underwent, hosiery; FLOUR, sugar, this' bill Washington's great preslution contributed in large measpressions in furthering equal tor three, games, with the Xi gram of the day, there vill be a will have, to be employed on. the ' dried end canned vegetables, buiisr, co§eef, ure to the establishment ,ot-bet- tige was swung of justice to . all religious groups, Lambdas playing the Pants crew banquet for members of the Psi "construction work as well as Jews end other FOOD STUFFS; household itsopponents. On, October. 3, ; ter relations between the various Washington went even further In at 7:30,the A. Z.. A: 's. meeting the Mu after the afternoon dance. -.- the contract provides. is, tobaccos, etc. sects and religions. The leaders 1785, he wrote to Mason, tiat.the. enunciating his ideal of religious Wardrobes .at 8:15, and the Psi proposed assessment.. should, be came to know each other .better equality when.-in a note accom- Mus tangling with the Jobbers at TO PLACES WHERE THERE ARE-HO and to appreciate and esteem dropped .and . declared r that. '.'no panying the treaties of peace and 9 p. m. - , . ; . • • _-.. -31 \ : TORGSIN STORES,; THE MERCHANDISE IS man's ^sentiments one another regardless, of religimore -.op-. amity with Tripoli and Tunis in Final games of ;the season ..will MAILED rROMPTLY IY FARCEL POST. ' " ous action uultimately stimulated posed to any kind , of restraint 1796 and 1797, he specifically be played Thursday, Februarys28, upon .religious principles . than: stated "the government of the with the Psi -Mus • playing the in 'Am*ries mine are." L . , . ..L ; Prices, compare fwctcbW vsfb Notwithstanding, the efforts of United States of'America is in no Wardrobes, and Xi Lambdas tak• v?« %*• Washington,..Madison .and J.effer- sense founded on the .'Christian ing on the AiZ. A.'s.. - ; *H son, when the Constitutional Con- religion. The United States is not a Christian-nation any more than vention .of 1787 met,i New, York rf'iM'fii^i &nd Virginia' were'.the only, states.; it is a Jewish or a Mohammedan iww nation." By NATE CU53LEB : - - that had .no; laws containing ' These views of Washington on The Pants Store - Wardrobe either some form of discrimina-r A regular meeting, of the ,HaClothier game last week was one tory, religious'. test for JpuWlc ot- religious . freedom were ajpt d re- bonim "was ,Held Monday, evening. main authoritative expositions of Thevbuying.-of'cluJb pins was disof the most thrilling we/"have fice, preference,, to BeHeve-rt-o'r- ligious. sect of express, establish-: fundamental American principles. cussed,-and a- cqmmittee was apever witnessed not, the result of the-contest was ment fo' some deriomln"atjoh.: That they have been ignored or pointed'to-select the "plus.-•; ; actually, decided * after- the game'' Deeply impressed" by .the, results forgotten, on some occasions by " The Bubject for the debate to 'Wash-^ many Americans does not, how- be given next week ••will be,""Rehad ended . . . Henry Ginsbufg; of the Virginia; campaign, ; ever, obscure ' the fact ' that the ington,; as chairman., of the|';Ckm-. the Per Mu around-the-tqwner', sblved," that 'Maimonides "was a j claims that,he has not missed r a stltiitional \. Convention,, becaine \ a' ideals of religious equality and greater -man .than'Spinoza."- The Psi Mu basketball 'game :"in; the strong supporter of the •move, to freedom enunciated by the found- affirmative speakers will be Paul .That's a'lot "of prohibit any, Religious tests in the ing fathers and clearly expressed Green and -Dave Richards; , ; tke past six yeara by Washington v are as 'basic to games, HenTy . - . . Iz Mann, the constitution. In the convention he. "American • "democracy today as negative will'be upheld by~Morreliable Omaha Jobbing Co. also,advocated the early adoption] they -were when the United States ris 'Kirshenbaum, and N o r a a n \ guard, still refuses to shoot at of a federal'bill of rights, includGendler". first embarked on its career of ing a religious liberty clause but the - basket unless :he.' is directly The 'Habonini boys • are driving The New Arrivals underneath it . . .'Mtfrrle Adler, he, was overruled and the consti- nationhood. to Sioux City Tuesday to play the tution, as finally submitted to the (Copyright, IS3S. by Seven Arts Feature the A. Z. A. guard, is trying to 'in Smartly Styled ; -Syndicate.) ' Sioux City Amorian club. There | steal some of "Abe Bergman's states, contained only a ban on will be a return gameat the J. \ religious tests for .federal office stuff with his mou'thiness.. . Patronize Our Advertisers. C. C. In Omaha, Sunday, March 3.1 Morrie, by the way, made his but no adequate guarantee of refirst basket of the season, just ligjous liberty. When the consticame . before the states last week . . . We're missii tution many protests were •• registered, Benny Rosen, of • the Psi -Mus; against the absenco-of a religious TWO yG&£AT UKES of Cars i n who last year ' was regarded * aa liberty clause." After' the first conone dramatic family. Packed ^H about one of the classiest Jewish gress under the constitution was cagers in town . . . . Willie Smlthi elected, Washington threw the with news. Exciting' to look *fe:|? who went so great with the full weight of his influence back, f at. Thrilling: to drive. Now IJipS •••Ypu re-snre of the right MaJlory' Marks Market last year, but who of' the move Jor the adoption* of here for you to see and try. i^HH was laid up on account of an op- a religious. liberty clause -in the : eration this year, may. still play bin of rights.. It Is no exaggera• store"of Omaha. ball with the Omaha Jobbers'. , tion, to say that without his supHarry Lipp, of, the XI Lambdas, port congress would not have apyNeuf Colorings—New BI®del$ is surprising us with his fine proved the first amendment to brand of play . . . So la Sam Gar- the constitution.. Etsts—S£si» F3&;? rop, of the same outfit . . . BaySoon after he became president, mie Shapiro,-the A. Z... A- youngster, has great possibilities of de- almost'every. religious'. sect and many individual congregations veloping into a star Catching Glenn Cunningham) the throughout the country presented Kansas traveler, in a foot race, is addresses of felicitation to Washlike shagging after Sir Caap- ington. > Anxious to promote the 14th s a i laekson Streets bell's Bluebird' auto- with a tin cause of .religious liberty in th© country, he answered' them lizzie. i.
John Feidoiaii
C4IB\SLtBS «)B{1935
i a t for your personality at 'th|
22, 1935.
nounced before the jury brought in its verdict Guilty. Acquittal, or Disagreement — . no matter • • • what —- Wilentz was tired End • • • By GEBTBUDE BERG, sought relief from the great MAX LQSBEBMAKN By O. O. BASHER every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by Author of strain Imposed upon him. THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY In making the late Max liie"The Rise of the Goldbergs" But he didn't regret his part in bermmn, Germany's great paintA voice is heard 5E Ramah lathe prosecution. In an after trial mentation and bitter weeping. Subscription Pricey one year - • - - - - $2.00 Should a mother kiss her baby? statement he said that it had er, this week's profile, we Rachel weeping for her children, Advertising rates tarnished on application. break the rule of including What a silly question! cries the been hoped society would be she refuseth to be comforted for' chorus of grandmothers. Who served by his efforts and those of only living people among the her children because they are headliners. We' do this because Editorial Office: 600 Brandels Theater Building. ever heard of a mother not kiss- his associates. by a strange coincidence liSe- gone. The Lord saith, refrain thy Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center ing her baby? Kissing and cud- To.the jury, he paid tribute: berrciaiiR's profile was r e a l - voice from weeping, and thine dling is, as necessary for a baby DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor "The nation is indebted to eyes from tears, because thy chilas its daily Quota of milk and these courageous men and wo- tor this week fai connection j dren will return back to their PRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - Editor with & celebration his friends orange juice. And for the mother men." RABBI URI MILLER - - - - - Contributing Editor were preparing for Mm. Un- I own border. too. Why do childless women Like the man he prosecuted, der the cireisjnstances we feel j Set thee up waymarks, make FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent lavish so much affection on pe Wilentz is not a native born ANN PILL - ;-•.'.-• - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent dogs or eats, if not because they American. Forty years old, he thjei his inclusion in the gal- I thee guide-posts, set thy heart Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 2.4th Street need some small creature to cad- came here from Russia as an in- lery of heafilinerc Is justified. i towards the highway, even the ! way by which them wentest, redie and kiss? fant in his mother's arms. They —The Editor. . . | turn, O Israel, return, return to Wait a minute! interrupts the settled In Perth Amboy, New Jer• these thy cities. MAX LIEBERMANN: Painter, erudite aunt. This business of the sey, where he has , lived ever The annual meeting ; 'of the Jewish Community Center and etcher and master of the brush. j In these days they shall say no pet jdogs and cats is all very wel since. Born in Berlin eighty-seven j more. The fathers have eaten •—&ut an innocent child shouldn't Welfare Federation will be held next Monday evening in the The story of his success is that years ago. Son of wealthy par-, I sour grapes and the children's be made to suffer simply, because well worn one, the Jewish young- eats. Turned to art while a uni- I teeth are set on edge, but every Urn Kjm \sf ' . • ' " In the long calendar of special days we never find it neces Its mother needs some outlet for ster of foreign born parents who versity student. Learned to paint I one shall die for bis own iniSince the Federation is the hub of Jewish activity in this her emotions. The* fact that she worked his way through college community, the dynamo supplying the energy for our communal sary to recall our belief in the law of gravity. But on Sunday, needs It proves that she herself and earned success by reason of under tutelage of a famous ECI- : quliy, every men that eateth the needs, its interests should be paramount in the minds of the February 24, communities throughout the nation will observe has been brought up -wrongly; it his own talents. He commuted to mal painter. Studied in Paris, j sour grapes, his teeth shall be set is no excuse for giving the same Brussels and Amsterdam, Be- i on edge. Jewry who live here. Last year's meeting was fairly well attend- I Brotherhood Day, finding it needful to be reminded of a relation- wrong upbringing to her baby New York to study law and the came enamored of the fields of j I will cause a shoot of rightwhile earned bis living by writed, but many, many more should have been present •— those that ship which should be the first and most sacred law of the ages — Babies cannot only live but ing sports for local Perth Amboy Holland and the ghetto of Aras- [ eousness to grow up unto David thrive -without demonstrations of papers. He thus qualifies as one terdara. Was greatly influenced • s n d he shall execute justice and have the welfare of their Jewish community deeply at heart the law of human brotherhood. affection—countless experiments of that well known fraternity: "I by the Barbizon school in Paris, j righteousness in the land. Certainly we need this ceremonial of remembrance. It is should make whatever slight sacrifice is necessary to attend. have shown that. Rabbi Meir said, ""It is a merlused to be a newspaperman, once Had achieved fame in France and The annual meeting is a time for inventory* for stock-taking significant that the day is proposed by the National Conference Belgium when he was forty. Re- torius act for one to support his Yes, reply the grandmothers, myself." turned to Berlin after thirteen on our lachievements the past twelvemonths and our wants dur- of Jews and Christians, aimed to mobilize the good will of all we've seen babies raised accordThe World War halted Wil- years abroad. His native land re- daughters, and BO much the more his sons, who occupy themselves ing to those theories. Yes, they persons of all faiths for the common tasks of civic well being. entt's legal beginnings for some ing thei coming twelve months. In the addresses and discussions were healthy and had excellent months. But immediately after garded him as a rebel and a with the study of the Torah." at the meeting the community is given a word-picture of the bat- We of this nation have it in our power to discover and demon- tempers-—but a- sadder-faced lot revolutionary. Only young artRabbi Samuel said, "He who his return to Perth Amboy, he tles being waged along the communal front, the battles against strate to the whole world a new spiritual quality, an as yet un- of youngsters we never did see. launched the career that was to ists rallied, around him. Founded teaches the Torsh tc^ the son of the Secessionist school, which de- his neighbor, the Scripture consocial misery and for educational and social progress and better-, named substance of social solidarity as much greater than toler- There wasn't any real joy in make him one of the outstanding them. Did you ever see a child's attorneys of Middlesex co&nty. fied official school of painting, siders him as if he begot him.' ment Social service work, recreational activities, educational purV ance as the sun's rays exceed the light of a candle. Where shall face light up when its mother reAt the same time he entered pol- Booes greeted his first exhibition \ Rabbi Ipaac said, "Why does in Berlin. The Kaiser never |n o t the Scripture explain the reasuits, citizenship aid, and the various other endeavors which we look for belief in the principle of brotherhood if not in those turns after a brief absence? But itics. to these children their mothers recognized him and boycotted Ms jg o n for its laws? Because the companies of men and women who stake their lives on the spiriwhen pieced together form the composite picture which repreFrom 1922 to 1826 he served were only another familiar face. expositions. But princes of the ; reason of two laws were explaintual nature of the universe f Tolerance is a parlor virtue, a con- When-you see one of these babies as City Attorney. The meanwhile sents the Federation's accomplishments. royal family were among his p a t - ! e d E n d K i n p : gnomon, one of the he developed his private practice Monday's gathering should be looked upon as a communal versational device of those who wish to be known as "large- look at its mother you just know and earned reputation as a result rous. Finally won recognition world's great men, stumbled over there's something missing. challenge, to probe how deeply we feel on the Federation's prob- | minded." The times are too strenuous to be helped much, by broadof his ability to convert seeming- throughout Germany, where re- them." Nonsense, retorts the erudite ly hopeless cases Into successes. productions of his scenes in Ger- Rabbi Nechemfsh said, "Thus minded table-talkers. In the mobilization of citizens around the lems. To function properly, the Federation must receive the wholeaunt. The only thing these chil- In the political field he built up man, beer gardens and factories was the custom of the pure-mindhearted: support of the entire Jewish community. It is one of the sober business of relief and character building nothing less than dren miss is the series of com- a youthful organization of Dem- are the favorite pictures. WEEed judges in Jerusalem. They let plexes brought on by the tradi- ocrats in & Republican county. In elected president of Prussian the parties enter, listened to cardinal responsibilities of being a member of the community, and the practice of the art of brotherhood will suffice* tional kissing and cuddling. the Democratic landslide of last academy of arts after the world their claims, end thereafter let In the observance of Brotherhood Day on February 24, we each and every one of us must assume his just share in the comLogically speaking, there's neithwar. E.e-elected annually, until witness enter, listened to may be able to get behind the stage business of organizing large er any need nor any excuse tor year, his county turned in a 25,- 1833, when he resigned &E a p r o - i the munity's burdens. t n e ] r testimony and then told all 000 plurality for his party. H« meetings of groups top little accustomed to meet together. All It. In the course of the years became Attorney General last test against the Nazi regime. Re-, 0 { them t0 r o c n t before they fused to leave Germany although; discussed the matter.' • this is merely a first step, usually a necessary first step in com- the child learns to know that his February. his pictures were removed from mother lores him e -en if she isn't There was a fiiacipte who stu-, Dapper, affable, and democra- all the museums. Never intermunities which for generations have been proud of their differ- forever picking him up and kissdied In the college of Rabbi Ami tic, Wilentz has come to be The; Jewish Community Center will initiate a concentrated ences. But we need to go on to the more prosaic tasks which, for ing him. And he will grow up free ested in Jewish affairs. Always for twenty-two years, who was known as the "Jlmmie Walker" j membership campaign next week, and should have no difficulty the doing, wait for some community leader of imagination and ot all those neuroses which the of New. Jersey. His snappy clothes declined to contribute to specific-1 c a u g h t a j 8 C i 0 8 , n g a s e c r e t w h j c h psychologists trace back to the ally Jewish undertakings. Related t i n c o i l e g e . R&m Aml increasing the Center membership rosters considerably. faith; who dares to assume that groups long separated by differ mother's kiss. In this matter-of- were a source of much copy for by marriage to family of Moses jwas it ea du g n him from the college espel the harassed reporters during The community is now prone to take our Community Cen- ences in religious, belief and practice can be united in projects of fact world ot ours it's better for Mendelssohn. Never married. Was;E n d E B n o u n c e d , "This man is a a, child to start out with matter- their long period of servitude in noted horseman in bis younger j r e v e £ l e r o f g e c r e t s . » ter for granted, forgetting that a live, active membership is tbe community betterment. Flemington. Even Women's Wear of-fact relation* from the very days. Horses were his hobby. Re-1 life blood which gives vigor and strength to the community proMerer observance of Brotherhood Day, however, is not beginning, with his own mother. organ 'of the cloak and suit in talned his rare sense of humor dustry, last week did an article gram carried on ;within the Center^ walls. Without members, the enough. The message, of inter-faith amity and cooperation must Yet it seems to me that.there On Wilenfct' very decided views to the very end. Decorated by! Hlndenbcrg. His eightieth birthCenter's;program is wasted; without members, all the activity be carried forward throughout the year. The National Conference is more to be said for the grand- on clothing style. day was a national event in Germother's point of view than for being generated by those who have Omaha Jewry's, interests at of Jews and Christians is engaged in a year-round effort to acAn orator of great virtuosity, the aunt's. Of course kissing and as was proven by his final sum many. Lived to be not only heart is jwithout proper effect. . complish this aim. Through seminars, round table discussions, ed- cuddling shouldn't be exaggerfounder of a new school of paintThe'Jewish community win demonstrate its estimate of the ucational projects, etc., it seeks to break down the misunder- ated; but modern mothers are nation to the jury, Wilentz is ing but to be the dean of Gernevertheless soft spoken. His per-man painters. Abroad he was concrete; | results being achieved in the COTunjunity Center by. re^ standings and hostilities between citizens of "various 'faiths. It such busy, people that there is sonable voice lends itself to the known as the German Rembrandt very little danger of excessive sponding; generously to the membership drive ' • New York (WNS) — The myth does not seek to merge religions, to promote common worship, to demonstrations of affection. The histrionics he employs before a because his subjects and color jury and he raises and lowers his were like those of the great mas- that Jews control finance and fact remains, moreover, that discredit any faith or culture but to unite those of various faiths voice, changes inflections in a every one, even an erudite aunt, manner that suggests that he ter. Wrote a number of books business and that their interests in programs of common, social, civic and communal interest. an Intimate are sot as diverse ae those of the likes to have lore demonstrated. would hare made good on Broad- which revealed knowledge of the proletariat. Is population generally is exploded And you and I know that a baby, | At the present time, when the economic depression intensifies Today we in America celebrate George Washington's birth* way if he hdan't chosen the law. now recognized in the art world by a* survey published in the who naturally lacks all erudition, Already a political boom has as modern Germany's greatest American Habrew showing that day. On this day it is well to call attention once more to the fact group hostilities and breaks down the normal resistance of peo- is particularly apt to thrive in an been started for Wllenti by some contribution to painting. ple to propaganda seeking to arouse intolerance, this program only 8,826 or 4,7 per cent of the environment where, people aren't of his friends and well wishers. that in tlie stormy days when the father of our country was at the by Seven Arts Feature S 0,000 names in the Directory of helm Jewish mortar helped in the foundation of the nation and ! calls for the active support of all citizens. Brotherhood should not afraid to show by an occasional Wilenti, however, has asked that (Copjright, isss. Syndicate.) Directors of American corpora| only be practiced one day in the calendar year but in the every- kiss, or hug that they love him this be stopped. He, nevertheless, Jewish roots are firmly embedded in Amercian garden. tions Ere Jews, The survey points and want him to love them. Js one of the most promising figout that collectively these 3,825 When Washington was inaugurated in 1789 as the first pres- day life of all people; Only by this means can the best interests <Coj>jrrlf*t, 19IS, y>T S«T«n ArU Fe»tur» ures in the Democratic party of Jews hold S,650 directorships, or ident of the United States, a Jewish minister participated offi- of the country and of civilization be served. New Jersey. That he has a rich 2 \i each., whiie the general list political future ahead of him is cially in the ceremonial. It was at the express invitation of Washof 60,000 holds about 210,000 dialmost piatltudeness to assert. ] rectorships, or elightly over 2 % ington himself that Rabbi Gershon Mendes Sexias, spiritual head (Copyright, U3S. Jewish Telegraphic Jerusalem (JTA) — A system j e s c n . of the Spanish and Portuguese synagogue, was represented on Agency, Inc.) of overtaxation will be introduced In refutation of the notion that that historic occasion. One of the trends most encouraged in Jewish circles today Is in Palestine- oc new orange Jews axe engaged chiefly in fiDAVID T. WILENTZ groves for several years, the nance, the survey cites figures In a noted expression of good-will, equality and fraternity, the back-to-the-soil movement, by which Jewish people— for Jewish Telegraphic Agency learn- which prove that the corporations Washington said, shortly after he assumed the presidency, to the centuries disinherited from their original agricultural pursuits — Handling the prosecution ot By JOSEPH BEADfIN • ed from a reliable cource. in which Jews hold directorships The silly revalations by John L. Newport: synagogue: "The citizens of the United States have a would in ever growing numbers return closer to nature and the Brunei Hauptmann for the State This drastic measure will be in- a r e thirty-three per cent indugof New Jersey was Attorney GenSpivak in the New Masses about right to applaud themselves for having given to mankind' exam- benefits of farming. The National Farm School in Philadelphia, troduced by the government in!trial, forty per cent financial, eral David T. Wilentx. Unknown the Fascist policies of Mr. Felix ples of an enlarged and liberal policy — a/policy worthy of imi- praised in these columns quite frequently, is doing outstanding to headlines, except within his M. Warburg snd the American crder altogether to Btop or limit eighteen per cent mercantile and the planting of new orange tation — all possess alike, liberty of conscience and immunities work in creating scientific Jewish fanners iii this country. Mr. own state, this forty-year old Jewish Committee look rather groves in Palestine. The measure over eight per cent miscellaneous. It is significant that few of citizenship . . . I t is now no more that toleration is spoken of M. Weil, president of the National Bank of Commerce in Lin- Jewish attorney is now a national sick today in the face of Jasies la proposed by the High COBIE3E- Jewish names appear as directors figure by reason of the skill dis- Marshall's brilliant interview re- Biouer himself. as if it were by the indulgence of one class/of people that another coln, Nebraska, an outstanding leader of his community and a of light &nd power, telegraph, telplayed in his successful prosecu- cently published in the New York "The government should not ephone, insurance (not agents). enjoy the exercises of their inherent natural right; for happily vice-president of, the National Farm School, has extended an in- tion of the Lindbergh baby mur- Wo.rld Telegram. Jeraes Marshall interfere with private Initiative." shipping, shipbuilding, coal minsee& the relentless and Inevitable is the opinion of the Jewish ing, actonaobiJe manwiacturing, the government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no, vitation through the editor of this paperfor our readers to visit derer. Strangely enough, it was the advance. of Fascism in America Agency. Leaders cf the banking h mber, dairy products, railroads sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that those the National Farm School whenever they are in the neighborhood U flrBt time he served as the prose- understands the And with institutions in Palestine are also and newspaper corporations. ; who live under its protection should demean themselves as good of Philadelphia. cutor in a murder case and, you he Incontrovertible logic of a opposed to the projected restricThe American Hebrew's survey have Wilentj's own word for it; tralned mind reinforced by the tions which, the government concitizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support." Mr; Weil'8 letter ia worth quoting: makes epecJel note of the fact he will never again prosecute a Marshall tradition, James Mar- templates in the citrus industry. That Washington" should express himself so volublyin bethat while there are about 2,700 "The meeting held in Philadelphia honoring seven members murderer. The man who called shall points to a fact which, few In view of the fact that the Sunday newspapers half of the Jews in^ a day when persecution was rampant throughof the Board of Trustees of the National Farm School, offers, I Hauptmann "World Public Ene- of our Jewish, leaders are willing measures against the develop-! daily average circulation my Number One." and who told out the old world is more understandable when it is realized that to recognise, namely that fascism believe, a splendid approach to bringing the actual work of the twelve men and .women., of the whether in the form of Kitleri&m, meat of new plantations may also, Of 42,000,000, Jewish interests affect the Jewish banting system the general had many pleasant contacts with Jewish-people durSchool before your readers. jury that New Jersey would only Hugenbergism, Mussolisism or n Palestine. Hr. HoofSen, direc- are Important i n only thirty of them with a felly circulation of ing the days of the revolution. His aid-de-camp was Colonel Isaac "These seven men served the first Board of 1806 when the be satisfied with, one verdict: what have'you, is fundamentally tor ol the Acglo-Palestice Back loss than four million. murder In the first degree with and per se anti-Semitic, although was one of those present at the Franks, and it was at the home of Franks that Washington made National Farm . School, a non-sectarian institution supported no recommendation of clemency, the anti-Semitism does not necesshis headquarters two months during which the yellow fever epiconference which t h e Jewish mainly by Jewish contributions, was organized by the late Rabbi doesn't like this business of arily express itself directly or Agency held,in an effort to coundemic raged in Philadelphia. Haym Solomon, a Polish Jew, rensnuffing out another's life. violently. Joseph. Krauskopf, originally of Kansas City and who finished teract the government plan. Mr. dered invaluable aid financially. And of course, many Jewish solAs the jury filed into the Says James Marshall, very Molie] Specialist H. ViteleE; director of the Cestfal his labors in Philadelphia. Flemingtott courtroom last Weo- lucidly: "Merely because a large Cooperative Bank, and Mr, TolReeommenasfl toy Many Doeton diers were associated in various capacities with Washington- dur"The idea was taking city boys and giving them a thorough nesday evening. WiUnts was vis-proportion of JCWE are middle bowskl, director o! one of the ReBi(Senc*i Phon* TTEbSter (135 ing the struggle of the colonies for independence. Business Phone WEtrater S46O scientific education in agriculture.' The 122 acres situated 26 ibly nervous. He. showed plainly class merchants and manufactur- largest orange shipping compawhy he had vowed never again to ers and professional men, they nies, * i s o participated in the conJews were among the earliest of American settlers and as N. 20th St., Omaha, Neb. miles north of Philadelphia has grown in the past 39 years to prosecute a. "murder case. must not permit themselves to be ference. ' true pioneers contributed to the development of the colonies under 1,300 acres; from an enrollment of 14 students attendance has His defense opponent, Edward lured Into the Fascist movement, King George. When their liberties were menaced, they fought in increased to 135. The school graduated last year almost sixty j . Reilly, veteran of many pre- They cannot hope to buy the Balthe revolution. When peace and freedom came, Jews settled down Jewish farmers. I have frequently visited this school and it is vloue murder trials, was superb- vatioa of their fellow Jews . . . ly calm. Bjoth tnea met In the' Not only must Jews cot be drawn to the difficult task of building a new country. And now, when a really worth while to see the work that is carried on and how senter of the cleared space before Into Fascist movements such as world-rocking depression has shaken loose many foundations, the well it has been managed. ihe bench. Both men knew the the National Liberty League and Jewish citizens of the United States, in keeping with their herd-, The work done by the Farm School has earned the commen-' verdict of the Jury; it was appar- America First merely because as tage in this country, are shouldering their share in helping build ent on their faces as soon at they uBiaess and professional men dation of every president since Harding. Ex-governor Alfred E. filed into the courtroom. they are oppressed by taxation anew for] a greater America. Smith, of New York, said, "It gives me great pleasure to testify Wilents turned to chat with his and labor coats, but they must • j ' o to the value of such The National Farm School. I am elder and vanquished rival, one »ot let themselves be brought. In of the most successful criminal merely to show that they are not familiar with its record and have come in contact with some of attorneys in the country. His Sommunists." -Thellsmoldering embers on the battlefield of the laborite the graduates of the School. We can sever hope as a nation to forced noncha-anes was apparent, I like young ; Marshall's stand Zionist Executive and the "Revisionists have flared up once more, succeed, if we forget that our true basis lies in our great fields, He tried to chat with Reilly, but gainst the N&tloaal Liberty got no further than, "Well. Ed. League and America First. It i« our great Western wheat plains, our dairy industries and the . , . He finally turned embar- In the spirit of his father, the to throw's smoke screen over the Zionist scene. Vladimir Jabotinsky, World Revisionist leader who is now thousand and one other forms of agricultural pursuits. Your rassed, and Reilly turned also. ate Louis Marshall, and ft ex<3es the legead of Fascism in in this country, has issued a statement charging the World Zion- school is doing splendid work in its encouragement of young men Wilentis had do&<* a difficult the Americas Jewish committee, job, and dona it well. Now that it ist Executive with "deliberate infringement both in spirit and to enter this field." o f which, incidentally, James is over, he wants to forget' it* letter" of the peace pact recently signed by himself and Ben-GuTo see our undergraduates at work, at study, and in athletic Florida beckoned. And after that, Marshall is ene of the most &«tira rion, laborite member of the executive. Iq urging a round table contests, would make every Jewish person in the United States a he said, his private practice — leaders. (Copyrleht, lttS, by B«vea Arts Fentar* Eyed ice tc> j conference of ail Zionist parties, he said that further negotiations staunch supporter of the institution. I extend a hearty invitation negleeted since the beginning-of the Hauptmaan trial —- needed with the-present Zionist executive "would be futile," to your readers to visit the Farm School campus whenever they bis attention^ He was- through Jewish fress advertisers merit . In answering, Ben-Gurion did. not enter into the specific are in the neighborhood of Philadelphia." with the ease; that much he an- your patronage.
Federation Meeting Monday
eharges made by Jabotinsky, but the important thing is that he agreed with the Revisionist leader that further peace negotiations are futile. He declared that the resolution recently adopted by the Revisionists at their convention in Krakow — upholding, the right of separate political action by the Revisionist organization, which is against the discipline of the Zionist organization — "automatically ended" peace negotiations. The meaning of these statements is a new declaration of war between the Laborites and the Revisionists. From the tenor of Ben-Gurion's remarks, the Revisionists face ejection from the Zionist party unless they accept discipline. It begins to look like Jewry faces the prospect of two Zionist parties. Already "Der Judenstaat," Zionist Revisionist organ in Czechoslovakia, states that the Revisionists will not attend the next Zionist congress. And in this lack of unified effort lies great danger for the future of Palestine. We need more than a unity of trouble to achieve progress and advancement.
Brotherhood Day
The Center's Life Blood
Surrey Explodes Myth of Jewish Finance Control
Reminiscencing on Washington
An Invitation from Mr. WeO
Curb on Oranges
Personalities in tne News
Marshall Spirit
Service for every type
Battle Is On Again
Hadassah Meeting Next Wednesday
Tri-City Conclave Being Planned by Auxiliaries
Rabbi Wice to Talk to Council Meeting
Fourteenth Anniversary of Ladies Labor Lyceum
"Jiranta Mexicana" Wednesday Evening
Beth-El synagogue auxiliary The Ladies Labor Lyceum club Melvin L. Sommer was The regular meeting of the members will be guests of the i Final plans have been com- president of the Creighton univercelebrated "their fourteenth anni| Rabbi David EL Wlce of TemOmaha chapter of Hadassah will Shaare Zion auxiliary of Sioux versary with a dinner held at the pleted for the "Juanita Mexi- sity chapter of Pi Lambda. Phi, be held Wednesday, February 27 City, at the annual tri-city meet- jple Israel is to address the Coun- Lyceum Sunday, February 17. can*," to be held at Temple Is- national soci&l fraternity, at Hie | cil of Jewish Women at their next at the J. C. C. Mrs. David Brod- ing in which Omaha, Lincoln, and The affair" was a isBge success, rael in the vestry room Wednes- election of officers held last WPPK, key, program chairman, has ar- S i o u x C i t y participate, on meeting Monday, February 25, at every member being present. day evening, February 27. He succeeds Maurice Stelrberp. 2:30 p. m., a t the Jewish Comranged a program of interest, in Wednesday, April S. Mrs. David Many non-members also helped to This is to be a gala affair with Other officers include: Ben V, eluding a report on the Jewish Sherman, president of the local munity Center. celebrate. T h e organ isstios Mexican atmosphere and colorful Smith, rice-president; Ben B. He is to speak on "The Book congress which was recently held group has announced. A number wishes to express its gratitude to setting. Special entertainment Shrier, treasurer; Morris Dansky, i& Washington, D. C, to be given of Omahans are planning to make of Esther," and he will ponder all those who aided ia the pro-will be provided, offering two secretary; Abe Kate, frater corthe question as to whether or not by Mrs. Morris Grossman, presi- the trip in addition to the elected prominent End gifted j'oxmg ar- respondent. the modern mother would want gram. dent of the Council Bluffs, la. delegates. NOCKS-CUTLER WEDDING FREKKEL-RICHMAX There will be a. regular meet- tists, Kiss Helen Holts, vrho her, Members of the fr&ierniiT" her daughter to be an Esther. • The marriage of Miss Mary Word has been received here of chapter. The auxiliary is also announc- The Biblical. story is the one re-ing of the Ladies Labor Lyceum studied in Spain, EJSCI is a pupil scored high scholastic honor? lar-i; Mrs. Emanuel Ruddy will pre- ing plans for a big Purlni cele- told in connection with the ob- Wednesday afternoon, February of Annette Riklin Silverman, ac- semester.8 Morton Adlor led Chr Cutler, daughter of Mrs. Hose the marriage of Miss Monya RichCutler, to Mr. Ralph Nogg, son of man, of Woodslde, New York, to sent a humorous reading in Yid- bration, in which all groups o servance of the Purim festival, 27, at 2 p. m. at the Lyceum. All pacied by Marie Palian; also junior class with ,an average oZ Mr. and Mrs. Sol Nogg, -will be Mr. Gus Frenkel, also of Wood- dish and Miss Lorraine Fregger the synagogue will take part, to celebrated this year on March 19. members are urged to be present. Thelma Gaspar, a talented young" 96.5. Abe Kstz led the popfif" solemnised Sunday, February 24, side, February 10. Mr. and Mrs.will sing, accompanied at the be held Wednesday evening, OnmhEE, who will dfcnce and play mores •with & $5, with Morris A musical number on the proat 1 o'clock at the- home of the Frenkel are spending their honey- piano by Miss Silverman. March 13, at the J. C. C. the violin, accompanied by EVCITE Dansky second with n, P4, gram will be the presentation of groom. Rabbi David A. Goldstein moon in Toronto, Canada, and upSmith. The next Ones Shabbos is to be Thelma Gaspar, Technical High The Cultural group met Tues- held Saturday afternoon, March school concert master, and accom.Will officiate. The ceremony will on their return, will make their Bridge, keno and ether games day, February 19, at the Hill 2, at the home of Mrs. A. B. Al-plished violinist. She will be actake place in the presence of the home In Woodslde. with a s attractive door prize will Doctors Greenbcrg and immediate family only. Mrs. Frenkel is a sister of Mrs. hotel, with Rabbi Frederick Cohn pirin, with Mrs. Sam Newman as companied by Miss Evelyn Smith, also be features of the evening. Brodkev Move Offices After the ceremony, a reception Frank Fishberg, of Omaha, and as guest speaker. Rabbi Cohn co-hostess. . pianist. Mscy Baum, a member of Bets. Refreshments will be served. Mrs. in honor of the couple will he is w^ell-known here, having often spoke on "Women of the Bible.' A board meeting at 1:30 p. m., Tau Kappa, Omaha •cEiversity Jalins Solomon &nfi her commitDr. A. Greetsberg end Dr. MorCurrent events were given by held at 4156 Chicago street, the visited here. precedes the afternoon program. Jewish fraternity, made a record tee ere in charge of arrangeris H. Brodkey announce the re~ Mrs. Julius Abrahamson, and a home of the groom, from 2 to 5 Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky, rice pres- of 16 " A ' E " during the first se- ments. moval of their offices to 'BUI**? talk on "A Trip Through Palesand from 7 to 9. No invitations ANNOUNCE BIRTH ident, will preside. Following the mester of 1SS4-S5 to lead scholasSCO, Medical Arts building, on program, the members of Mrs. tic ratings in the freshman class have been issued. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milder tine" was given by Mrs. Max Purim Affair Planned February 2 6. They will retain Fromkin. Joe Jacobs* committee •will serve and the arts college. HSs record Those assisting at the reception announce the birth of a daughter Over .two hundred people attheir same phone number. was second highest ia the uniwill be the Mesdames Harry Hay- February 18 at the Clarkson hostended the twenty-fifth anniver- an informal tea. by Auxiliary of Vaad Dr. Brockey recently returned Mrs. F. H. Roddy, chairman of sary celebration of the CongreAnnouncement is made of the versity. kin, Leon Nogg, and Ernie Nogg, pital. from his interne work at Kielmel administration, has chosen Mrs. gation of Israel synagogue, 25th meeting of the council's child Harold Kort, junior, was electand the Misses Helen Garber, LilPlsns are going forvrerd for the Reese hospital in Chicago, vrjiere Jake Blank and Mrs. Henry E. and J street, February 17. study group on Tuesday, Febru- ed secretary of the fraternity at gala Pcrim affair to be given by lian Jonisch, and Sylvia Jonisch. DAUGHTER TO ROSNERS he spent the past two uao f> half Dr. and Mrs. Henry Rosner of Belmont to head her committee A beautifully appointed dinner ary 26, a t 1 o'clock a t the home the last meeting to sneceed Art the Vaad auxiliary, March 18, et years" specialising in internal of the following women: Mesof Mrs. Leo Chaiken. Mrs. Mary Weiner, who has resigned. NorKAIMAX-KAPIiAN MARRIAGE Brooklyn, N . Y., announce the was served and a fine musical 1 the Jewish Community Center. medicine and X-ray. .; The marriage of Miss Reva birth of a daughter, Devora Sue, dames M. F. Levenson, Irvin Le- program was given by some of Fredericks, leader, will begin a man Wohlner, Tabor, Ia., jenior, I This irii2 be open only to memDr. Green berg will confine !i!»: Kaplan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. February IB. Mrs. Rosner is the vin, H. Hirshman, B. A. Simon, I. the young Jewish folks of South six-weeks' course on "Personality and Sylvan Fraukel, sophomore, | bers to the Vaad End its affiliated and Mental Hygiene," which is have been awarded leafilzxg roles | groups. A rich End varied pro- work to eurgery and obstetrics, George Kaplan, to Jack Kaiman, former T o b y e Steinberg of Grossman, Mose Yousem, S. Omaha, while Dr. Brodkey will confine Davis, Harry Rachman, A D. open to all council members. in Edna Mae Ferber's "The EldOmaha. son of Mrs. Herman Kaiman, took Among the speakers were: ! gram is being planned in which his work to diagnosis End internal Frank, Joseph Llpsey, Joseph est," to be presented scon by the the spirit of this joyous holifiay place Sunday, February 17, at Rabbi Uri Miller, Rabbi David A. medicine. Goldware, Sam Peltz, Max Kap-Goldstein, and Rabbi Harry Jolt university dramatics department. wiil predominate. the Chevra B'nai Yisroel syna- ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF SON lan, David Finkle, David P. Cohn, Formal ' initiation of pledges gogue in Council Bluffs with Rev. of Lincoln and Judge Irvin StalMr. and Mrs. Max Magid anMrs, ' William Milder 5s in will be held a t a banquet Sunday charge of this program and Is Abraham Diamond officiating. nounce the birth of a son, Febru- and Anna Romm. master. Also some of the pioneer Pleasant Hill Society These women are prepared at members of the synagogue who evening, March S. Harold Kaplan, brother of the ary 14, at the Methodist hospiIking active steps to put on a There will be a meeting of tlie all times to furnish anyone with were present at its dedication. bride, played the wedding march. tal. -." ••• •. • . ••'• . successful affair. Pleasant Rill society, Tuesday, whatever Is needed for the dinBen E. Kazlowsky was toastMrB. Kaiman is a graduate of February 2C,. at 2:30 p. m. at the Rabbi David A. Goldstein will 1 ner party, tea or luncheon, such master. Technical High school and Mr.CHOW MEIN PARTY For Confirmation B'nai Jacob synagogue at £4tfc give the seventh of the series of Mount Sinai Auxiliary as cakes, pies, rolls, cookies, Mrs. Joe Goldware, president book evenings next "Wednesday, Kaiman graduated from the Mrs. Julius E. Solomon and and Nicholas streets. All member*. The Mount Sinai auxiliary" will I Creighton college of pharmacy. Mrs. Paul Blotcky were co-host- Etrudel, etc., which will be pre- of the Ladies auxiliary, was February 27. He will discuss Mrs. Julius Newman, Sisterplease attend. pared by excellent and wellhold E regular meeting nest TTedj iiighly praised for the wonderful "Forty Days of Musa Dagfi," the hood chairjsaa of Temple Israel The couple will temporarily esses at a chow mein party, Wedmake their home with the bride's nesday, February 13. This was known cooks. Money from these work her organization has done great novel by Franz Werfel. Sunday school, called a meeting nesday, February 27, t.i 2 p, in. j at the-AdasE Tcshurin synagogue, j parents. one of a group of parties given sales will go to the administra- in the two short years it has been This book, during the last ten at her home, F r i d ^ afternoon, at 25th and Scward streets. tion fund. This committee can be in existence. Sisterhood evening, which was weeks, has sold more copies than February 15, for the mothers of called at any time and orders will FORMER OMAHAN ENGAGED under the sponsorship of Temple be filled at once. Mrs. Roddy reany book of the current year. It the 1SS5 coafirxa&siis of the Temcriptton iaelndint; I.JTK, in Mr. and Mrs. Jarohm Kulakof- Israel Sisterhood. is a thrilling story of the heroic ple Sunday scfcjQoL Sisterhood Sponsors ports that orders are coming in Pioneer Women to Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky was apsky of Chicago announce the enresistance of 5,000 Armenians, rapidly, and the women are enLessor.s in Cooking! talk it « « F . gagement of their daughter. Hose SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY joying the /work. Meet Tomorrow men and women, against the pointed mother chairman. ArCity Finance & fRgmr»8© Co. Miss Mildred Whitman enterSpiegal, to Mr. Harry Rosenblum Turks during the massacres of rangements were begun for the A T TG l*0» The Hadassah sewing circle Tbe Temple Israel Sisterhood j The Pioneer Woman will hold 1915. The book is much more confirmation which, this year, of Chicago. The marriage will tained eighteen guests at a surwill meet Monday, February 25, prise party Monday evening in another "get-together" Saturday, than just a story of Armenians will be held a t the Temple Sun- is sponsoring a series of lessons j be an event of early spring. in cooking with Mrs, Mahammittj honor of Miss Fannie Katelman a t t h e J . C . C . February 23, at the home of Mrs. who courageously fought the day mcrnicg, June 2. as iBeiructor. Classes will be helfi of Council Bluffs in celebration M. Minkln, IS 13 Maple street. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Turks. It has universal applicaat the Temple on Monday afterMrs. Max Goldstein will deliver tion. It tells the story of any Mr. and Mrs. Max'(Levine an- of her birthday anniversary. The CHICAGO VISITOR Rabbi Frederick Colia noon s a d Thursday morning ol party was given at the home of the second lecture on political weak minority struggling against nounce the engagement of their Miss Frances Nowitz of ChicaStyle each. week. the oppression of a strong madaughter, Sara, to Philip Ostra- Miss Whitman's sister, Mrs. H. go, Is the house guest of her Zionism. to Give Book Review Harris, 1921 Spencer street. jority. vich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo cousin, Mrs. Frank Ackerman. Anyone wishing any informaOstravich. No date has been set Bridge was the evening's diverFranz Werfel is a German-Jew Tuesday afternoon, February CURRENT EVENTS sion, followed by a midnight sup- RETURNS FROM LOS ANGELES tion about tha David Plnsky lecfor the wedding. " and he must have had in mind 26, Rabbi Cofcn will reriew "Dusk ssfi per. Elisabeth Neveleff returned ture to be given February 26, canthe Jewish situation in. Germany at fhe Grore," the Atlantic Frederick Colin will glre j Prizes at bridge were won byfromXos Angeles where she spent get it by calling Mrs. S. Okun, when he write the book. Monthly prize aorel, by Samuel bis next lecture oa current event* j *A 9393 Miss Una Gross, Miss Rose Dol- the early winter, and is now stay- WE. 1462. Rogers, at a benefit affair to be Tuesday, February 2€, a t 10:SC j Zeta Beta Tau goff, and Miss Sarah Fistiman. log with, her parents, Mr." and igiTen by the • Omaha, Sadler anfi a. ra. a t the Biackstone. Kie sub- i Lunches Two members of. Zeta Beta Tau Arrest Mrs. J . B . M a r k s ; • -•••" ' " Go33£r'tf' chapters of the DaughJSOc t o 7 5 c Dinners have been especially-active in de- ENTJE2BTAINS CAST ~'. "" " Wilno—-Several Jewish stu- ters, o* the American RerolctioE, ject will be "Ger.jns.nT, America, j bate work at the University of 'Russia find t h e New Order," v i t a { Miss Helen Merritt entertained dents were arrested on charges at the Woodmen's circle bEllding. Nebraska during the past semes- the members. of the cast and LEFT FOB CHEYENNE to Italy Sufi Ethiopia. of leading a demonstration be?iTo.- Abe Cohen left - for ter. The two men, Herbert Z. stage crew of "The Torch-Bearfore the offices of the Jewish f XT 3 Kaplan and Albert H. Stein, are jers" at her home last Saturday Cheyenne, Wyo., and Denver, Colo., to visit with friends and Jerusalem (JTA) — Birth con- community, demanding that the both members of the varsity de- ! evening. Jr. Vssa • trol is gaining ground among the community pay tuition for Jewish bate squad, and have been doing - The dramatic committee of the relatives there. The Jcnior Vaad A-Gslliary held students in "Wihio university, Jewish population in Palestine considerable traveling during the Women's division of the Jewish figures made public here indi- from which numerous Jewish stu- a regular meeting Wednesday, CONFINED TO BED past month on forensic trips. Community Center, with Mrs. dents had been ousted for the February 20, at the South Onsaba cate. Mr. Julius Sherman Is confined synagogue. After the meeting Sam Theodore as chairman, en- to his bed at homo as a result of The figures disclose that the non-payment of fees. the members Seld & dance. tertained the cast of "The Torch- afalL Phi Sigma Jewish birth rate in Palestine deBearers" at a backstage party on creased from twenty-five per The Phi Sigma Mu, Jewish le- Tuesday evening following the BROTHER-SISTER PARTY |r thousand in 1924 to nineteen in gal fraternity of Omaha univer- performance. Plans have been completed for 1932. This drop in the birth rate sity night law school, initiated the annual brother-sister party to is causing grave concern among three new members at, a formal BUNCO PARTY be given by the Omaha chapter Jewish institutions which are inInitiation held at the Paxton hoMrs. S. Epstein gave a bunco of the' Junior Hadassah Saturday terested In seeing the Jewish tel, Wednesday evening, February party in honor of her daughter, night, February 23, at the Jewish population i n Palestine grow, in 20. Ida, who celebrated her birthday, Community Center. the same proportion that the Louis j . Riklin, pledgemaster, February 17. There were twelve An orchestra has been engaged Arab population does. installed James Burroughs, Sam guests present. • to furnish the music for dancing, The birth control movement Epstein, and Irving White. Prizes were won by Libbie and a prize waits and Virginia has shown further increase since The speakers were District Meyerson, Pauline Schwartz, and reel will be featured. A number 1933 with the arrival of Jews Judge Arthur C. Thomsen, Her- Hannah Meyerson. of novelty stunts are also being from Germany, it is asserted bert Fischer, secretary of the arranged by the committee In here. Local Jewish doctors assert school; and Judge Irvin Stalmascharge of this affair. George that the birth rate is especially Round Table Dance ter, sponsor of the group. Washington decorations will be low in the kvutzoth where GerMilton R. Abrahams and Jack Held Last Sunday featured. man Jews have been settled. W. Marer, sponsors, were preMiss Ida Fine Is chairman In sented with fraternity keys in apThe Round -Table of Jewish charge of this affair. Miss Minpreciation of their aid to the fra-Youth staged a highly successful nie Froom ia president of the or- Warsaw — That Jews may be ternity, in their capacity as spon- dance. at which the Des Moines ganization, and Mrs. Max From- eliminated from livestock and fowl trading in Poland was held sors." .,.'•-•' . • •.; • ' . and Omaha basket ball teams kin is local sponsor. likely whe n the government an, Ralph Nogg and Sam White were honored on Sunday evening, nounced a project to control were in charge of arrangements. February 17. The dance was held meat industries by the initiation in the Center auditorium and feaof special licenses which will tured the College Club orchestra. probably be issued through the Fa-Hoii The next Round Table dance industrial chambers. will be held on Sunday evening, " The Fa-Hon sorority held an March-10, and will be in honor important business meeting Mon- of the Kansas City and Omaha New York, (WNS)—Through day evening at the home of Miss Community Center basket ball Leah Siegel. Final plans for theteams who play here on that the generosity of Miss Mattie Devarnia Brice, a non-Jewish OIL BUBNEES benefit card party, which is to be afternoon. over of Zion from Memphis, held at the J. C. C. March 20, Texas, the name of Fannie Brice, OLSON BROS. were formulated. A new memberworld-famous Jewish actress, has 2313 Leaveoworth ship in the club. An Italian Spa- Meeting of Elisheva AT £SSO been inscribed in the golden book ghetti dinner " was served and * 5" Kaplan Group Held of the Jewish National Fund. then the guests played cards. The non-Jewish Miss Brice was The second*meeting of the Eli-negotiating for the sale of two sheva Kaplan chapter of the pieces of land she owned in Pioneer Women organization of Migdal, Palestine, when she read Omaha was held Sunday, Feb- in Leviticus 25:23: "The land ruary 17, at the J. C. C. shall not be sold forever, for the .' The new Women's Mizrachi orThe various committees selectganization of Omaha, have ac- ed are as follows: Entertainment, land Is Mine.'? ' •'<• cepted as their name the "Bnos Sylvia Epstein and Shirley1 Ep- This biblical passage decided her Mizrachi." In English the name stein; cultural, Reva Mann; not to make the soil of Palestine will be the Women's Mizrachi of membership, Shirley Goldberg-, a subject for barter and she transferred it as a sift to the Omaha. Janette Marks, Gertrude Magza- Jewish National Fund. Informed A whole new series of affairs min; courtesy, Harrietts Sals- that her gift entitled her to two are being planned, the culminate man. insertions in the golden book «f with the acceptance of the charVogue dict&tes: <!Be cfeannisg, Milady." And HereCharter membership will be the fund, since the land Is worth ter at an open city-wide banquet. open until after the next inset- 1200, Miss Brice aoked that "In bergs psesest dresses that assure your success! s s According to present plans the' Ing which field Sunday, each Instance the noai>? be conJackets, BMrrisgs, tucMngs, Ecgency details, taf- ^ banquet will be held March 31 at March 3 , at 2:30 p. m. at the J. ferred upon your great actrees, , bows . . . &re & few of the new caprices that sss the Jewish. Community Center. C. C. All girls of high school age Fanny Brice." accent YOUR charm . . . whether you favor H» This will also be In the nature of interested,' please be present at Navy with dusty pink. Striking Prints or a "Chai" banquet, celebrating the the next meeting or call HA 2991 Piayad Vp m Vogsie! Welcomed Patronise tha Jewish Press adLscy Knit! eighteenth anniversary • of the for further information. by Smart; Wcraeni Featured is vertisers. Mizrachi Organization of America. Our Suit Shop, in a Big W«y . . . The BnoB Mizrachi are especially Tw«s Pneed........... interested in the new home for Chalutzos for which-laod h a s just' Don't let yourself fee elbowed out ©f fee Spring picGroup* been acquired from the National \ ture 1 Get yourself a Sssit.... asd tsks-yoar rigb'tfcl place smons.the fasMoaables! You've plenty of lee$ fund In Tel Aviv. This is & Worn- j Moving md Storage Sb.ce 1913 t o $984MS way as to.what kind: The m r d r e b e suit, with Its C h e n ' s MizracM project and the lo- j useful estra coat. The jaunty jacket salt. Or tha Serske The I1A cal organization, hopes to be able! Sixth Floor dressier type. to fulfill its quota' for its com- j J A G2S3 f t e » JiT-iSIi MIS Fssaaa Si. HOT-BOWABD pletfon. . : - . . -
Macy Baum High in Scholarships Ratings
Book Evening by Rabbi Goldstein
Mark Le^s Sap -
BirthRate in 'Palestine Drops
Fanny Brice's Name in JNF Golden Book
Br®ncii©d In Fresh««. Radiant H . . . New
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DEATH CHAMBER—The death chamber at the New Jersey State Prison at Trenton, where it has been ordered that Bruno Richard Hauptmann, convicted of the murder of the Lindbergh baby, shall be put to death. The electric chair in Much Hauptmann will be strapped is seen in the center, while at the side are chairs for the witnesses.
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FpR FRIENDSHIP AMONG THE AMERICAS—Here is a route map of the Inter-America Highway extending from Laredo, Texas, as far south as Buenos Aires, for part of which Congress, to link up Panama City by way of Costa Rica, Nicaraugua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico, appropriated $1,000,000. The part already completed, from Laredo to Mexico City, will be opened by the Mexican Government this Summer, and when the entire high-way is finished in about five years, stronger friendship among the Americas is expected to ensue. Inset shows Nelson Rounsevell, publisher of the Panama American, an ardent worker for the proposed route.
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TO ALLOCATE $#,880,©OC,CO©—How would you like to have $4,880,000,000 to spend? At right is General Robert E. Wood, head of Sears, Roebuck & Co., who has been selected, to head, a special advisory committee to allocate President Roosevelt'5 work-relief fund. With, him is Secretary of Commerce Roper.
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BRITISHER ARRIVES—This is Pat Desmond, delightful English-actress,; who has come to this country to take-part in a new play by A, E. Mathew. She is shown as she arrived in New York from her native country, . x
EARL—The Earl of Warwick, who occupies Warwick Castle in England, famous Saxon fortress, as he arrived in New York to join his wife in Florida. The Earl, who is much interested in farming, said that where formerly English farmers received poor prices for their crops, they are now getting good returns.
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WOULD YOU BEIiIE^m IT?—The little girl on the right is Anna May Wong, often called screendom's most sophisticated star, as a Califomian baby. Her mother, center, Mrs. Wong Sam Sing, is &e&&. Left, Ying Wong, Anna's sister, an actress. CELL BLOCK—In one of these the death house at the Trenton, N. J., State Prison,. Bruno Richard Hauptmann, convicted of the murder of the Lindbergh baby, will be held until his execution. Two tiers of cells are shown. It was expected Hauptmann would occupy one of the lower, guarded day and night and with lights burning continuously.
Photo by E. M. Newman.
SCREEN'S YOUNGER SET HAS PARTY—Some of Hollywood's younger set seen at a birthday party for Charles Wesley Ruggles, Jr. Arline Judge, his mother, is holding the Crosby twins, Dennis Michael and Phillip Lang. Standing, left to right, are Gary Crosby and Charles Wesley Ruggles, Jr. Seated is Susan Ann Gilbert, daughter of Virginia Bruce.
SOLDIER—An Ethiopian soldier of the type of the 30,000 reported massing on the Abyssinian frontier, following clashes between fanatical tribesmen and Italian soldiers in Africa.
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SPORTSMEN CONFER—Left to right are: Vance'Lee, Paradise, Arizona, guide; King Levinsky, heavyweight boxer; Dave Newell, author and big game hunter, at'd Paul Waner, Pittsburgh Pirates, National League batting cUampion, as they discussed the merits of deep-sea fishing gear during > a vacation
at Sarasota, Fla.
AUTHOR—Hilaire Belloc, British author who said he had written between 70 and 80 books and was tired of it, as he arrived In New York from England for a visit In this country. He said he had no time to read either his own or other authors' books because he was too occupied with his work. He recently completed a book on Milton.
GUN THAT SLEW LINCOLN—Still retained as exhibits In the ' Judge Advocate General s oScs in Washington are 'these fa-' FROM COLD TO HOT—Announcement that France has decided to reinforce her troops in. French Somaliland, in view of border warfare between Abyssinian tribesmen and Italian troops in Italian Somaliland, may effect these French soldiers seen above in Alpine maneuvers. * pygr
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caznTsodation, is • t© fes erected 1E Nahlath Isaac, off the relr t-T;t><: rah road. | The cornerstone has already j ; been laid. The ©bjset of the i building is to raise the arc l o£ hoseewiJcry is the At Bcrricrs tonight, and te reverse the prevalent *t- Darid "Wice will .npeRk on "2SO titade towards this Important Tears of Jewiflh lAie In field cf feminine activity. There vill be regular Eighty per ecEt cZ tbe gradu- seirices Sii.t.nrdp.y nt XC5:PC, ates of the school, sow housed The adult class -will mppt in • temporary premises In Tel the Terople TtJesdsj* at 5? p. m. AVIT, £.re living is agrjctltura] ffits is the country.
Jew who is to live ia what Mas Nsrdau called the "Nachtasyl" Berlia, (WNS)—Toe New York (JTA) — Charging . . . Prepar&tioaa are beizs raade by faaatia tati-Ssaites to ccthe World Zionist Executive with to receive Pierre vaa P&assfa la law tae nse ot rarioss vBecises, deliberate infringement both in Jerusalem oa Pesaea.. . We leara xaediclaes asd thsrspestlc devices -,. Brotherhood Day, instituted by message of goodwill and civic co- pirit and in letter" of the peace that van Paassen will be in Biro- iserely becaasa.they .^ere Ssvestthe National. Conference- o£ Jews '•operation through the country. pact signed between himself and Bidjaa later la the . year—aad ed er fiiscaTereS tj Jew* ETS a and Christians to "mobilize the Six national broadcasts from New David Ben Gurlon in London. back ia the IT. S. A. &s<! Caas4a senses to taa health'ef-the Gergoodwill of people and: their York on or near Brotherhood Day Vladimir Jabotinsky, leader of next winter T*ith "tfea dope" . . . nssa people, FrcisiEeat Gens&ss natural friendliness and co-opera-- will be devoted to the same cause. the Zionist Revisionist party, anNazi propaganda abroad is to be jaedicai officials declsrs-d 5a s tiveness against, the f omen tors of In Baltimore, twenty-eight clergy- nounced "any further peace nelatcasified, aad the French peo- letter cf protest to CMceellor group hatreds," will be observed men and laymen of the Protes- gotiations with tha present Zionple are being told to- get rid cf Hitler. as now appears, In more than five tant, Catholic and Jewish faiths, st Executive alone would be futheir "completely Judaised" govhundred communities across the are broadcasting a special pro- tile." Mr. Jabotinslcy demands in The Keich health office, the I IeT Vasfi nerrlcec t-i!l t>e ernment by Julius EtreScher la a state-health eommissioaers cf Ba- ff country on Sunday, February 24. gram every week which will 'be his statement that a round table I held this Friday e^ersln,; at the lics©r k&ok recent issue of Der Stuenaer. . . It is appropriately associated concluded on Brotherhood Day. A conference of all Zionist parties varia, Bades, Easoar, TbariEsiE B'nst Ir-rael p'-BRpofrn.p vUh Car-with the : birthday of George ilmilar radio program is beiDg be called. Otherwise, he warns, truth ia the statement, as will cot Heisrlch Ma&n reports that dis- aad Wuerttesiberg s-Eii Dr. Ger- Some—David Ephrato, chief tor A. Schvacskln and the E'nai rabbi of Alexandria, Egj-pt, IIlusJoaiaeBt witL the Nasi regime "Washington -who, as President woadcast from cities on the Pa- peace within Zionism is in ountenancs making euch headhard Wagaer, preEideat el the formerly of Fioresce, •TEE awarc- Israel choir chanting the, pervices. is "tremendous" ia Gcraaa caiRoosevelt in a letter to the na- Ific coast. Rabbi Uri Miller Trill Gj>eaU on greater danger than ever before." quarters at the Mayflower" • •. • versities. . . Leoa Trotsky is &t Geriaaa • Medical society, • EigBe-d ed the title cf Gracfi Officer of tional conference endorsing the the letter which csjphaticfcllr fieMrs. Thelma Ludwig Lswlsoha Not a One-Day Gesture. "A Modern Interpretation ol the the Order of the Italiaa crowc br •work oa a book dealing with tae The charges of the executive's is in New York, eager to get on observance this year declares, aouaces all attesptE to do away It is not intended that Broth•Golden Cs-lf," Thin vril! include •was distinguished for "his broad erhood Day shall be a one day breach of faith are founded oh the radio. . . Thelma has a fine Jewish qaestioa. . . Trotsky is re- with- vacciae-tios &ad Bernms the Italian government. Rebbi a critJQuc oJ the modern cubsti- • Ephrsto was the leafier of the ported to be anxious to tttead the and tolerant "spirit and his con- gesture no matter how maglfi- Jabotinsky's contention that ob- voice, and It seems to us that as made by Jews. tutee for traditional ,^PT..ish CKIsistent support of the principles cent. The National Conference of stacles are still being placed in Mrs. Ludwig Lewisohn sbe com-Sloaist congress this year, bat it's The letter approves of "the Jewish National ia Italy. turc. Lasssr Otrcvc, s. JcwisSi indusdoubtful whether the Swiss govof religious liberty and freedom ews and Christians Is prepared the path of Revisionists who seek mands quite a, good share of the fight against J u d a i s m bet of confidence." Washington as- to Implement the good-will, cre- mmigration certificates to Pales- spotlight. . . So here's a hint for ernment will let alia la. . . Der wsras that the tactics o£ Julius trialiEt vras awarded a gold medal serted that ""of all the animosi- ated by this observance In con- tine.'Mr. Jabotinsky also con- an enterprising sponsor.. . It may Stuersier charges that Pope Pius Streieher asd other vioJeat aati- by the government in recogu'tier ties -which have existed among crete workB. It is. extending Its tends that the warning recently bo old stuff to you, but it was XI is of Jewish desceat &&S th&t Sesiites. *'gravely endanger the of his contributions in the Sielfi Mr. Irvin Levin VlU conduct, mankind, those which are caused permanent interfaith committees issued by the Executive against news to us when we heard, the his real same is Keama&a. . . developaeat ©f £ healthy, effici- of education. j services tonigbt, and Mr, J&ck W. by a difference of sentiment in which serve as clearing-houses for supporting the Tel Hai' fund other day, that Mrs. Otto H. Kahn Kurt Hiller, the pacifist writer, ent, asd • therefore ra&rtis!| Jdarcr vill give ihe esrmoB. j religion appear to be the most in- local incidents making for preju- which the Revisionists have es- Is a daughter of the banker Wolff who just escaped from a K&sl nsaa people," . JK»bb5 David A, Goldstein viH be cassp, reports 'that "the most veterate and distressing, and dice. It is prepared to establish tablished Is j violation ot tho who financed all of the Jata WalWarsaw — Sheeting for food, j in St. Joseph, ATo., to Rfldresp *• A n o t h e r ther Rathenau's big industrial un- fiendish punishment Is reserved ought most to, be deprecated." more round-tables and seminars London agreement. huadredB ol Jefrtete unemployed local congregation. charge which Mr. Jabotinsky dertakings. . . And did you know for Jews—and not CocsiacaiEts" How far our first president ih* offices of the Jev.iBfe Nest v-eek EtbbS GoldHtein will where" the larger Bociai causes of in. advance of his own times in group discord may be analyzed makes is that the Zionist Execu- that although Gerhardt Haupt- . . . We nnderstsad' that Pierre y cf Warsaw, fieiaaEd- {speak on "Crime sfid vaa Paassea is seeking to brlssj? this regard. Is indicated by the and interpreted in terms of local tive Intends to change the printed mann and his two brothers marns that its -leadere save tfc«as j—the Jev-isb, Ti&w." He y:V>l succession of divisive movements, situations. The conference makes text of the "shekolim." The rea-ried, many years ago, three sis- Helmuth voa GerlscSs to AmeriEfi tbeir fBaallies from fcxegcr. j CUBE what Judaism h&e to ear the "Know Nothings" of the available its : authentic material son for this projected change, J ters of pure Aryan stock, Ger- ca next year. . . Her voa Gcrtaca The attracted l&rge 1 about the trestn\er<t o the crSm185O's, the;Ku-Klux Klan of the on Sunday school textbooks, pub- botinsky asserts, is to convert the hardt's second wife was a Jew- is a xonaer Germany secretary d crowd! ct foreJgnera »ad cou- linrd frncl capita! pirn!? 1860's, the A. P. A. of the later lic school histories and refer- shekel into a narrow partisan ess? . . . If you are looking for state, exiled by Hitler, ead &ow Warsaw — Boo&feeepiEg rec- Jcws. Ths Escct're oJ the Jevicfc I he will compare the Jewish years of the nineteenth century ence "works which have harbored membership and thus make Revi- a Job as an editor ol a "new He- aSnssa of the League for tae ords feept ia TiSfiish are speclfiEEnoimced th&t the ! with thr modern conception and the revived klan and various- poisonous seed beds of hate. It sionist participation in the next brew-American (what's that?) Bights c£ Maa (Genssa sectica) cally excluded from the legs! recn u B y was ccmpellefi to close . - - . ly colored shirt movements of the offers not merely negative criti- Zionist Congress impossible. publication," Bead your qualifi- ia Paris. . . . ogaitioa accorded fcy the POIJEE Ste free titcheni for Jack of early years of the present cen- cisms of benighted attitudes but cations to the New York Times, courts to Each records fcept is 'The Junior CongrcgRtioii tury\ Which have aroused racial constructive techniques whereby Box A. A. 471. . . We can't jidvjse THE FOUETH ESTATE the laEgtsages of tae various ssimeet at iC:£C in tbe and /religious animosities since desirable educational goals can The City College pspens hlat nority peoples Ss Pol&ad., you, for we haven't the slightest ] RefreBhaaente v"i2I be served. The his "day.•. ". idea as to who and what this He- that Presideat Frederick B. TliJs piece o£ fiiscrisiaatios Trials mi tnisskfef. be attained without recourse to brew-American publication is . . . Robiasoa Ia at the Hearst estate will create treaesdoss diJJicslprejudiced sources. The conferBBfiapesst — The economic j»e>- following . officers! li&ve t>«©a. The hard time3 through'-which ence realizes that the faith of in California, drinklas ia wisdom ties for. Jewish fcasiacss s e a eiticn of.Eunparitn Jewish jontfc elected: Bernard Woisti, v>r«9i« we have been passing have inten- Brotherhood must be made real at the foaataiahesd of American •whose booklceepiag' records are is extremely tragic, Baron Ber- dent, mtic Ephraf.ra CHOICE BITS. sified cultural strains. Pearl S. by good works- ' •pice-presifiemt. If you have .wondered what Fascism. .. . Which reaiads os in Tiddisa, - whea -they hsve ©c- tfcold KfitTsny, vice-presifiect cf Buck, newly appointed chairman that Beajaaiia Be C&sseres, who casloa to -seek redress ia the the HcEgsriitc Pr©Palestine Barney Ross, the fighter, does A competent observer has lateof the Woman's Advisory CounLessee, asserted et & meeting of with all the dough he makes It is •writing eoae of the aoet viol- courts. ' • • cil of the national conference, has ly said in the public press: "One Kccfsriss. EloEfets. ; may interest you to know that he ent &sti-Coamu&ist edSteri&ls for , recently said: "We are going to hundred and three American or- Dr. Tho; Leails Jewish that although Hissis investing most o: it ia a Chi- the Hearst papers, h&s Jest eca•"•,*• have a harder time In inter-group ganizations were participating Against Present >s WEE free cf ancago jewelry firm . . . Hollywood claded a cospUatioa o£ c.ce>tsBocharest—Vi/hether the prest relations. The goodwill generated last" fall In reviving race and tions froia Friedrlch Nietsseae's Government the goverami has funny ideas. . . In order to creed hatred. There may be more ent Rsssasi&s geveraiaeEt- wishes in good times has held oveT these overcome the Hitler baa on Amer- collected trorhs to prove that the It or not it -will be forced to in- Crienfily te the Jews, the BE.: first five" years of the depression, or less .obw. Some men use this Warsaw, (JTA)—Putting Into ican films in which noa-Aryans alleged father of the theory ct troduce a scsaer&sis C1S.EEUS- for mlS. that.econotElc c n ^ ^ r n r c of prejudice and fear as but now .we have used up this stirring the record the feeling ot indig- are employed the American Jilra Nerdie sttperiorJty h»t«<4 Ger- Jews ia t i e fleMs ef ediseatios Efed tjr the war t c £ Crtrt'ct fa a means to political power. They F reserve .and Inter-group differnation and embitterment that Is distributors will change Jewish many, loved the Jews aad ad- &sd iadestry, - the Ccreatcl,' aa- CSt'dOWQ 1 say, in effect: ^Hitler made It cnces are'.becoming accentuatedgrowing among the Jewish popu- names of cast xnember3 to full- mired France. . . Bersard l»osta!, Respecting Other Groups. . pay. Why can't weT*" If this Is lation agalnstthe government for fledged Anglo-Saxon' handles. . . otsr ca. c , has'just bees appointed tioaalist . Kecaaaisa 'dsilr. PreV The population of the United true, It Is evidence enough of the ousting the Jews' from every For Instance, Harry Green will be New York resldeat eorrespondes-t dicted last Saadaj-. Frellstel The paper criticises the NationStates is composed . of various need ot renewed "effort at this sphere of public life, Dr. Joshua called—rke Imaginer—Bill Hac- of the newly established'Assfotime to combat all effojts-to fosJ al Peasant party for rejecting the self conscious, cultural groups, Thon, president of the Jewish Kensie. . . But what about Jewisa paper eJ Lcadoa," The 'tve '• each "With its cherished traditions, ter diclslve instincts, and .Id pro-parliamentary club, announced Harry's nose? . . . Are they going Jewish Daily Post. . . Iycsiwig proposal ©1 ex-Mlssister Vsidafor tv/entr Imprtecnce' ArEbs for mote every effort tor create an Jews Voevod. one o£ its leaders, to inconvictions and modes of befrom the platform of the Polish to Anglicize that too? . . . David Lewisoha spoke the other £a.y s.t corporate asti-Jewish paragraphs In" the' FElestlae' atmosphere In "which intolerance havior. Inevitably there will be parliament that the Jewish mem- Garowits ot Montreal, where he &Zioaist fusctios In seme Texas f£f, Ia Trtilch m&ST c£ competition of a sort between and prejudice will wither and die.bers wilt not vote for the budget is a wholesale fruit dealer, is a town—gratis, ot coarse-—aad vrtts Into its progxasa aad fiess&ad the ssasssered fcr Arsfc liaitatioa oJ Jews la costsaeree Jewa es> zaoved .by "tae local rat>t2's apthese groups because -of the difwhich the government has sub- recent winner of popular acclaim predicted tn the Heaad i s schools. ferences • that distinguish them, mitted for the approval of par- in one of Major Bowes' radio peal tor fttnds that &e sa&de s brew press hers. but this shtraia' not disturb us so liament. amateur nights, . . He slags. . . cash coBtribotloa, thes becosiag The Eranestr vrlll be dgclsrefi long as it 'is conducte" on the This demonstrative announce- At last the famous Dioane qula- the only iaes>ber-oS the s-uS'esco on the occacica of tbe s:3vcr Jc- : g Viati fcgh plane-vof-Justice and fair ment by-JDr-rThon was followed tupleta 'have developed a Jewish wfeo paid for-|jSs es>e©ch. .. ..-Jrvof the King cf Ecglaafi. Warsaw—Tha v^it cf Geaenil pjay. M'dBeW^BUchT^c by a significant statement in angle. . .-. His name is Max Hal-iag Brody, 'New' Jersey's a«® po- G'oerlnjr to PcJaEd -has sot -cnly with the iEtsEtioii of promstisg I iaay he altogether wholesome which ha accused the Polish gor- perin, and he is the manager of litical writer sad • the asaa • gca,cs •-between Jcvrg s a * Arabs, • to a. chases In tha Gerxaaoand constructive, and stimulateminent of leading the 3,500,000 the tour which Mamma and Papa erally credited Tvlih hsviag had Pollsh relatiosB but teas -resulted ing In its results-.A frank recogJews of Poland into a catastro- D'ionne are making in our fair tsost to do with the electlea ef fa German deputies 5n the Polish nition of the equal rights of every phic situation. The statement de- land. . . At the end ot the first A. Hsnr Moore ES governor o£ group to its own loyalties and a EfcDonald Says League of Na- scribed specific discriminations week of the tour Max was be- New Jersey ia 1SS1, has quit the parilsrseat Toting for tbe first ^ * ^ , ^ ^ ^ T* r . " f- ^ ^ tions Most Finance tlsae ia favor eJ the budget. respect on the part of each for practiced by -the government moaniag his fate, being consider- daily newspaper field-'to edit Tia This startling charge in the Resettlement , against the Jews. It emphasized ably in the red, one of tho most Shield, New Jersey's first civil the reverences of others Is esNw, «t «* V , V- 4. *~ »• fc. attitude of the German deputies servle© ecaployes' patpcr. . -. • sential tcr the amity and concord the systematic ejection of jewa striking items on his expense bill : London, (WNS)—Responsibilihas caused lauch cossraeat in the without which a wholesome comfrom Poland's economic system. being several hundred berries for New Jersey's -first .civil cerrlee political circles sere, i&'view cf munity life Is impossible. There ty, for financing the resettling of It accused the government of put- food. . . Max Band, the Parisian employes' paper. . . • the fact that the represcsts-tlTes are points at which differing con- the German refugees rests with ting obstacles in the way of ef- painter who did a portrait of "i m^w ci npiT' f f ^ » n ^ I " F""^ f ^ - i J*"? of tbe Gerssa snlaorily la "Polaad. victions, and habits make co-op- the League ot Nations which must forts to productivize the,Jewish President Roosevelt in tea Whits care always eration Impossible, but there . is take this work under Its direct masses in the country. House last winter, is opening a roted Egsinst the budget a wide Tealm of common inter- supervision, James Cf. McDonald "We are vitally disturbed and studio in Jerusalem "this spring. e"re? it caiae "05 for a 'rcte la est and concern in which all League of Nations high commis, . . Band is & nephew of Schra&rgroups can work together. Prot- sioner for German refugees, told hit by the fact that the govern' yahu Levin and of the late Herestants, Catholics and Jews to- the governing council of. the ment is not making even the man Conbelm. . . His "Enfant (W N 8—P & I.e ©' r commission. Mr. McDonald, whose slightest endeavor to ease the gether accept the- social ideals of views were seconded by Lord Ce- fate of the Jewish population Prophete" was the hit ot the of- Ageacy}—-Palestine's • caergsace LosSs, Polaafi—A cew - &ctj the great prophets.of the Hebrew cil, chairman of the governing Dr. Thon declared In his state- ficial season this year. as a competitor ia the world people and recognize the social council, pointed a black picture ment, made from the parliamentcheafeal nsarket was eoBfirsaed Seaitic crganisatiOB, ?s.ttera» Implications of the creeds to of the future of the refogees and ary tribune. "The government be- THOSE BBBLDT OLYMPICS here with the acaouacetsest that after the Nasis and calling Itself •which they severally adhere. In cited the difficulties they stU haves towards the Jews it not What happened to our good the Palestise Potash-eoapaay, es- the ^Tousg Gernian party, hac every project making for human face. He pointed out that in with complete hostility at least friend Paul Galileo, who Just re- ploitlag the zaiaeral _ deposits '• ©£ xn&de its apstearanee here. The betterment they can co-operate many countries refugees granted with a great measure of ill will." turned from a trip to Berlin? . . . the Dead Ssai wt!l: sSscrtly • start group, which la headed by Dr. and as citizens of the one coun- temporary residence permits are Dr. Thon then pointed out that Only a few weeks ago hs wrote s oa a'prcgraia of-'cspaBEioa fey Ss- M. Giasel, a recent'arrival, from try they can -work together for now being forced to leave, while while the government Is not per- strong piece Ia his Daily News aulEs additioaal shares to the Berlin, aas nsade great ' strides among tae large Gencaa pcpula,„ -worthy political ends. in other countries the police are mitting violence against the Jews, column pointing to the consistent valae of 51,750,000. The Palestine Potash eospaay, tioo o£ the city. The Nature of Mass Prejadice. expelling refugees in violation o it disregards the disgraceful in- and uncompromising discriminaiieabers oJ tbe party wear whose board of directors is -headsults and calumnies which the tion of the Hitlerite sports auagreements with the League o. Dorothy-.Canfieid Fisher In a white shirts and black ties. Only ed by the Earl, of Lyttoa who Ia Jews are now compelled to face thorities against Jewish candirecent article ably defined the Nations. Christlaas are eligible to rsexs1 sow ia the United States,' bes&a on many sides in Poland. dates for the Berlin Olympics of The high commissioner.: also evil -which- Brotherhood Day alms "It Is the conviction of the 1936. . . But listen to what ho eperatloas ca January 1, 1S30, bersiiip and pledge thcme-elres to to uproot: "Mass. prejudice," she declared that the growing inJewish population," Dr. Thon say today. . . . We have to with a capital of 400,000 pcaads fcaTs "nothiag to do witb Jews, ability of the refugees to obtain said, "is^the unjust, non-fair-play who have EOtbisg 5a coinmoa attitude Vhieh delivers a-sealed work permits, the German gov- states, "that tbe^government de- quote it in full, because it is the oa a 75-year concession. But tag exploitation c£ t&e rScs with t i e Gerssanic race." secret verdict agrlnst a human ernment's policy of depriving sires to eliminate the last ves- most amazing reveres! we've ever sUaeral .Tesources E*cret©d i s tae come across. . . being bscause of his race, reli- G e r m a n citizens naturalized tiges of the Jewish autonomy fassed Dead Sea. has derelepsd e$guaranteed to the Jewish com after November 1918 of their "The menace of anti-Semitism gion or nation, without hearing Tel Aviv—A domestic ssieace any of the.evidence he may have citizenship and the Reich's re- munltles under the Polish con- seemo to b© considerably exagger- rapidly that the- capital- lias proved inadequate to saeet tSse school fcuSldSae with instructional stitution. At present the governfusal to renew the German pass-, ated, at least so far as sport to bring to. show that he is innocent of the accusation thus made. ports of the refugees are increas- ment is planning to unjustifiably concerned. . . Jewish athletes dexaaads ia Palestiae itselt aad facilities for. ^5 pupils, cf whom •••-.It is the door slammed ruthlessly, ing the difficulties. He paid trib- liquidate the administrations of have beea selected for trial and -abroad. The sew capital will, b© csed to relentlessly In the face of indi- ute to the United States which the Jewish communities through- training by some of the scouts vidual merit and worth. has placed no handicaps in the out Poland, though no one is able who are collecting Olympic ma- build aew chemical, works to the to understand the motive behind terial. . . Some have been found south of the Dead ^e&, »ora cr and our own sense of decency way of German refugees.* . .The governing council dis- this consideration." wanting in skill and have beea less ia • the niddl® - of. the desert. jealously guard the right of the Emphasizing that, the . Polish dismissed. . . Others have made The presest works are $itt2Sted at most brutal criminala to defend closed that there ^are now 77,000 1";!? themselves, to prove that an ac- German refugees^ not Including government hinders rather than good and have beea retained. . . KaliSa to the aorta cf tbe ir Dea4 Sea. O£ -the'addlttssa! shares, assists the extension of the Jew Jewish sport clubs flourish. cusation brought against them is Saarlandera. Of this numbe ",'*?"* v . false. But in everyday .conversa- 26,000 are still unabsorbed, ish school system Dr, Tbon de- By nest year the .Gerraaas • will 91.260,000; will fee offered' for tion we near, many times a day, while 28,000 have been settled clared- that the Jewish popula- be. inora than «sger to give' a sals ia Esglaad'asd $56fl,0©0 ta . . . . . . a slur against a man or woman outside of Europe, including tion is being crushed under.the crack Jewi3h athlete '&• placa' ca Palestine.' • • _ The. terms of--the eosesssiea reweight of heavy taxes. Intimately Palestine, 6,000 in western the Olympic: team.,. . TJsa -vicebecause . of race, religion, which ci C is an accusation brought -without Europe .and 18,000 repatriated to bound to the state, the Jews have president of- the Olympic -games is quire that-a eeftaia sSmre -el the giving any opportunity for de- central and eastern Europe. Of a right to claim full rights and hlfflself Jewish. .. -• And ccrtalaly, capital be .acquired - by Pfclestioe fense. If mass prejudice is ap- the 600 professors and educators protection from the government, the .Geraaas - will not • ba • JoassS cittseas. Tha gliires :w.ili bsa? tlv® ono-half f r e e s t interest. :.-'.".' wantiagr la hospitality and frieadplied to any member of our own ousted from'Germany, 525 have Dr. Tbon said. . / . : . "I wish to placehere on record liacsss to - Jewish - athletes family we are In a rage of tedig already found places, 2t)0 of them nation—and rightly. It is then being permanently;situated. This that in. every step and in every trateers of visltiag our responsibility to see that i achievement was mado possibl' sphere of. public. life "the. Jews B-sebarest-r"! e s . s s t as cseM Cest?©! P«sd does not have free play In talk by the §1,000,000 raised by vari are .being treated by the govern- ACEOSS TME -POKB mj cf the Jewa. -I s a ealy •esslsst f with IS f t e e s i s i g around ns without our checking pus academic committees. Thi ment like as step-child. It is there- - The yoaag French thoso. JEWS whs esme f r o a Gaiift fr '4*.' council approved Mr. Mc.Douald' fore no wonder, that with such a Julisu- Bernard,, wh it." _ . &rtd from "Entasis," Chairmen of local committees plan to visit South America in state of affairs the feeling of is- cred wlth.hb small-ba&d'ot TatafescB, -feret|j«r tit the Tfe«Wmst Q m t for. , a n d emblttermeat teea soldiers \>y a raeb.sf: 1,000 las premier, ^tslass-fi.. . . , . on Brotherhood Day, In most in March Jto study the posslbiiitie dignatlon feeepst lista, Paotey 1st wis stances composed of Protestants, of settling large numbers of the grows among the Jewish popula- howl las savages ia French - Soraa,etc, i d M. Tstatsssue, :^tu>" Is tfec tion, generating a. condition of lilanij and'whose exploit fs ?eek' Sesfie? cf lisa Esasalsa Kesls, dstew Ireszlag r Catholics and Jews, are preparing refugees there. programs to reach all; sections o Figures laid before the council hopeless despair," Dr. Thon con- cued' ansosgEt the most g!o?!©aa »!s€ that fee !s .it® .author cf- tbe la French military. senate, &M their communities; and are em- showed that the difficulties of cluded. Iltsr&tsr® goao oat to Istercopt a. thoge interests and placing the unabsorbed refuge! dlstfi&cted raidiag earavsa. . . He was a dis- tha projects which all citizens, re- continue to increase and that flsads Bxi&la tant relative.of Sarah gardless of race and creed, have many ot them are lacing acute the, great Fraaco Jswlsh in common. Radio broadcasts distress, especially 4,000 destifrom local stations, civic mas tute exiles in Paris. Privets or — A flsaasd that FsLondon — Sir Robert Head, dlcaae. . . JelSea Beraard<at ©a® I meetings, c h u r c h , programs, ganisatlons sra still carrying th one of the leading Jewish ia<3uss- time studied f or .the rabbinate,.. itself of all Its Jews was j|_yDung people's observances, pro- bulk of che burden but thel? work trjallste ia Sagland, vr&a electedTS10 lioadoa T1&68'reports to« poSntsasnt tt Dr. B. S. grams In women's and service !s handicapped by., the obstacles president o r t h s Joint Keprcsi hj Dr. clubs, and In patriotic and fra- placed in their way by govern- tative Council for tho Boycott cf to the post ©t chiet jastlco ot lesdsr cf tbe
Although the publicity material sent out by ex-Con gressraaa McFadden specifies the Mayflower hotel in Washington as the official headquarters of his campaign for the presidency, Mr. B, L. Pullio, manager of the Mayflower hotel, claims no knowledge of any such headquarters ia his hostelry. . . Mr. Pullio writes: We would appreciate it if you would supply us with more .intimate information which will lead us to find out if there is any
Editor, N. C. J. C. Hews Service
.ternal societies will carry the meats.
German Goods,
. , Th©y©,.at least, .is ©sstlonal B&siocfatie party,
Theater Guild Tryouts Monday
Fascist Danger Heal Says Congress
'Exrcommunicatibn. .. .. -Threat' Employed
formed the first Netitrological and Psychiatric association. Living In Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, end Tiberias, these specialists come into close touch with the mental patients of! the land, End they find that the most urgent problem is lack of adequate asylum accommodation for the
Tryouts for membership in the Munich, (JTA)—A threat 'of BY F . R. K. , § Jewish Community Center Thea- | ex-communication by the Cathotre Guild will be held next Mon- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Washington, D. C. (WNS) — country their homeland and be-lic church, was the answer last day evening, beginning at 7:30 Unquestionable attempts to es- cause they "believe in the rights Sunday of Cardinal Michael von o'clock. The gr^oup will be organ- BOSS-GITTLE WEDDING Miss Helen Gittle, d a u g h t e r of tablish a Fascist organization in of equality granted under our Faulhaber to the new semi-offiized under the leadership of a German Jewish doctors are form of government." cial campaign to get rid of Cathotrained director and will present Mr. a n d Mrs. J . Gittle, became t h e the United States were discussed, lic and Protestant schools In Ba- among them, bringing their proTo deal with the Fascist menbride of E r n e s t Ross, son of M r s . a number of plays and programs found kno-wiedge o£ conditions planned and might have been and Nazi propaganda, the varia. throughdut the year; Any young Rae E . Ross, a t t h e h o m e of t h e carried out when and if the fi- ace and treatment abroad to help in Committee recommended the folg r o o m ' s m o t h e r a t 1 o'clock S u n The fearless. cardinal, who has man or woman over 18 years is nancial backers deemed it expe- lowing: reforming methods here. : day afternoon, F e b r u a r y 1 7 . R a b many times jublicly opposed Hiteligible to try put for membership bi David A. Goldstein of Omaha dient, the .House of- Representa1. A statute requiring all pub-ler and the Nazi regime, in a in the Guild. performed t h e ceremony i n t h e tives was informed In the official licity, propaganda, or public re- slashing sermon against the new Rome — Israel, Italy's oldest The group will also be avail- presence of only m e m b e r s of t h e reports of its special Committee lations agents or other agents or school policy urged, all conscientiAnnual Reports and Addresses An unusual treat will Tie given Jewish publication, is now celeable, after its organization, for to Investigate Nazi and Other Un- agencies who represent in this ous Catholics, to continue sending Sioux City Jewry next Sunday two families. of Federation to brating its 60th anniversary. club programs and entertainAmerican Propaganda, of which evening, February 24, when the country any foreign government their children to Catholic schools. T h e bride w a s lovely In a b e a u •"' Be Given This paper, -which is strongly Inter-Club C o u n c i l presents ments. The tryouts will be held tiful w h i t e satin gown fashioned Representative John McCormack or a foreign political party or for- . "Whoever passes laws against Zionist, is also one of the oldest in the Jewish Community Center. was chairman and Representative Noach Nachbush, noted Jewish eign industrial or commercial or- the freedom of the church," he on princess lines w i t h h i g h neck-' The • annual Federation banquet artist, in a program of dramatic Samuel Dickstein, vice-chairman. ganlzatipn, to register with the declared, "is liable to ex-commun- periodicals Sn Italy. line, long sleeves, puffed above and meeting will be held at the readings. Although admitting that it had Secretary of State of the United ication." program is the the elbow and tight to the wrist. found Jewish Community Center, Tues- first of itsThis no evidence linking this ef- States, and to state name and lo- Asking what guarantees existed WKITK, kind to be sponsored The floor-length skirt fell softly fort with day evening, February 2 6, at 6:3 0 by the Inter-Club Council which City .National Bank any Fascist movement into a three-yard train. Over this of • any European country, the cation ' of such foreign employer, that the single German school i'clock. Keports of the past year's is composed of a • representation fell a filmsy lace-bdrdered veil the character of the service to be for which Bavarian Nazis were JfOTICF OF AMENDMENT OF AB- • activities will be made by the su-of every Jewish organization in Maurice Samuel, lecturer and of tulle from a cap of lace and Committee emphatically stated rendered, and the amount of so warmly campaigning would XTCI,F8 OF INCORPORATION Ot perintendent, Miss Bena Baron, the city. The program is open to writer,AUTOMOTIVE £QUiI'MJBNT CO. renewed assurances tulle caught at the sides with that it had authenticated the sen-compensation paid or to be paid not be a path to a single German Notice iB hereby given that at a «peand a financial report will be the public and there will be no of hope gave for a Palestine where so- orange blossoms and worn in sational charges made by General therefore; 2. a statute confer- church, the cardinal expressed cial meeting- p£ the stockholders of Auoglren by the treasurer. •motive Ecuipment Co., a corporation, admission charge or no solicita- cial justice shall be a reality and coronet effect. Instead of a bou-Smedley Butler that Wall street ring upon the Secretary of Labor great suspicion and distrust of the held at Omaha, Nebraska, on the <th '••:• Dr. H. M. Levin will act as tions j day or February. 1WS, an amendment not a shattered dream In his lec-quet she carried a white Bible Interests had offered him commade. wan adopted to the articles of Incortoastmaster. Rabbi H. R. Rablauthority to shorten or terminate Nazi regime. mand of a proposed Fascist army ture, -"The Jew Between Two poration by which Articles I and IV of Nachbush appeared in Sioux froin which fell white satin rib- which was to stage a coup d'etat the stay In this country of any nowlts and Dr. Theodore N. Lewis "The split in Germany today," articles of Incorporation were enFires," Monday evening in the bons tied with white sweet peas. 3t and the following fol will Bpeak on the importance and City a number of years ago in a*Shaare visitor admitted here under tem- t h e Cardinal d e c l a r e d , " i s EOt SS II tirely stricken out and the «rin Washington. Zion synagogue. The two Helen v;eT$ substituted as Article* I ana A reception for two hundred •work ol the Federation of Jewish leading role of "The Dybukk," fires to which. he referred were porary visa, whenever in the Nazi reformers say between IV" of the article* of Incorporation or which was presented by the.Vilna guests was held during the late Apart from the Butler revela- judgment of the Secretary euch Catholics and Protestants but be- Automotive Equipment Co. .. Social Service. ARTICLE I. Art troupe. He is recognized as fascism and communism, both afternoon and early evening. In tions, the Committee found that visitor shall engage In the pro- t-ween the new heathenism - Mr; A. M. Davis, president of outstanding "The name o? this cororation (ball b« dangerous to the Jew. Fascism the receiving line with the young there were numerous nativist artist In the Jewish JiAJOE. APPLIANCE CO." motion or dissemination of pro- both of our churches," the Federation, will present the theater and has evoked most fa- he declared, was dangreous beARTICLE IV. couple, were their parents, and Fascist and anti-Semitic organiza"The ob,1ectfl for which this corporapresident's report of the past vorable comment wherever he cause the Jew may absorb and paganda or engage in political ac-i tion is formed are: Mr. and Mrs. George Roffman, tions, such as the Order of '76,tivity in the United States; 3. | year. Mr. E. N. Grueskin will has imitate its deceptive flag-waving, (a.) To buy, sell, manufacture, repair appeared. C r i t i c s have and Miss Sylvia Ross, sister of the Silver Shirts and the Ameri- negotiation, by the State Depart-j j and distribute, Bt wholesale or retail, give a report of the building fund. praised loud shouting patriotism and the groom. his programs with superj all articles o£ every kind and descripcan Vigilante Intelligence FederElection of 18 new members to ment, In collaboration with the tion which ere known in the automobile phrases and he has thrilled other of its false values. ComJerusalem, (W N S—P a 1 c o r trade ation, which are linked to the Department of li&bor, of treaties ew RVitomobUi?: accessories, the board of directors will take lative munism, he said, allowed the Jew The young couple left Sunday his audiences with his programs. Agency)—With a view to remedy- I <b.) To buy, »eli, manufacture, repair Nazi propaganda machine a n d Jplace after the dinner. and distribute, at \sh0le9aIe or retail, and agreements with foreign naprogram will be given at to remain Jewish insofar as it did night on a short honeymoon trip. which "are breeding places of raing the scanty hospitalization refrigerators. radios, washing machines. * Mr. J / Kalln is the general theThe tions by which such nations shall not interfere with communistic After March first, they will be in Ironing machines, any am"! all other Community Center fet available lor mentally deranged articles of every and kind e.nd description chairman • lor the , banquet. Mrs. 8:15.Jewish back any persons progress. Safety for the Jew, he Manning, Jowa, where they will clal and religious intolerance" agree to receive In charge • of the arrangewhich are known es household appliand whose "financial statements entering this5 country from such people, by securing government ances. Sam Mosow Is in charge of the •• for the entertainment are told his audience, lay in building reside. and public support, and organizshow them to be petty rackets." xne'nu. Mrs. M. E. Skalovsky will ments (c.) To "borrow money and to Issue foreign nation at any time such Palestine upon the original plans Among the out-of-town guests T b e - Committee characterised Barney Baron, I. Singer, A. Stilling the professional character of bonds, mortgages, etock or other act as dining room chairman; man, Max Brodkey, Rabbi, H. R. with the Zionist ideals of social at the wedding and reception immigrant shall become subject their activity here, thirty-one notes, oblipBtiojis for that purpose; to hold these organizations as "distinctatock in corporations: To buy, sell, Tickets and reservations are In Rabinowitz and Dr. Theodore N. justice as a foundation and a re- were Leo Friedman of Union ly and dangerously un-American" to deportation under our laws; 4. neurologists a n d psychiatrists oT.-n, hold,other assign, mortgage anil transfer charge of Mrs. J. Kalin and Mrs.LewiB. bonds, securities, trust receipt*; conditurn to the real values which the City, New Jersey, and Mr. and legislation to make it tional sales contracts. promiBgory notes, .'William Lazere. Milton Bolstein Jew has carried with him through Mrs. Keith Peltz of Manning, and denounced "without qualifi- advise, counsel or urge any mem-practicing in Palestine, anfi in- mortB-ag-es. drafts, bllie of exchange, eluding many newcomers, have and Bena Baron are in. charge, of cation any attempt, from any contracts, and accounts receivable. the centuries. ber of the military or naval forcIowa. <(5.) To do any and all thing* necespublicity. Mr. Morey Lipshutz is source, to stir up hatreds and sary and requisite to accomplish any of The Council Bluffs Lodge No. prejudices, against any one or es of the United States to disobey Mr. Samuels has a charm which in charge of the program. IRVTX C. 1EVI>\ Attorney Us objects or incidental to or In any the laws or regulatios governing 3C1 Electric Bol!«Sin|t won his audience quickly. His 688 of the Independent Order of more groups of our people bemanner pertaining: to the carrying- on ~ Every Jewish man and woman such forces; 5. legislation enabof «aid business.>r B'nai Brith will hold a regular profound analysis of his subject, XOTICE OF CKATTE1, MOBTGAGE cause of either race, color or ling the United States attorneys MAJOR APPLIANCE CO., is urged to save this date and athis subtle and delightful sense of meeting next Monday evening, By M. s. Xiivinerston, President. SA1J3 tend the annual banquet, since it outside of the District of Colum- Notice is herebv ^iven that on fh€ ATTEST: The Young Judean club met humor, his sincerity and idealistic February 25, at 8:30 o'clock at creed." . . . at 10 A. M . Fred S. TVhite, secretary. is\ an unusually fine opportunity Wednesday evening at the Jewish With regard to Nazi propagan- bia to proceed against witnesses 15tht hday or March,. 1935, e Omaha Garage, 1517 North 24th 2-8-35—It to acquaint themselves with the Community Center for their reg- views contributed to give the the Eagles hall. da, the Committee'^ report de- who refuse to answer questions,! atStreet, Omaha. Nebraska, the underaudience an delightful and inspirA large crowd attended the signed wil! seil at public auction to the {splendid work of the Federation ular meeting. Plans were made clared that it had amassed eviX-AZAR , Attorney, bidder for cash: 1 For<i Sedan, benefit bridge party given by Mrs. dence proving "that all kinds of or refuse to produce documents, highest and the Community Center. Let- for a joint cultural meeting next ing evening. City Katl Bk. Bldg. Hodel 1920, color blue, Motor No. and records, or refuse to appear Mr. Samuel's appearnace was Sam Gross last Thursday night efforts and influence, short of 1341S51, se«jred by chattel mortgage in ters have been sent to each Jew- week with the A. Z. A. laxor of the undersipned; said mort- XOTK7E OF ©ISSOIXTIOV OF sponsored by the Ladies' auxiliary, at the Hotel Chieftain in the main violence and force, were used to or who in any other manner hold sage bearing: date of April 13. 1SS4, ish family in the city, -with cards i r P S DKESS CO., A CORPORATION in contempt the authority of any The club.has started plans for and filed in., the office of the County ball room. The entire proceeds o b t a i n it3 desired objective, Kotlce is hereby Riven that »t thefor reservations, and everyone is a tea dance to be given the first of Shaare Zion synagogue. Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, on annual meeting: of the stockholders of Congressional committee vested from this affair wilL go to the Tal- which was to'consolidate persons May IS, 1934. Said sale will be for the Fhillpps Dress Co.. a corporation, held urged'to mail his or her> reserva- part of March. mud Torah fund, and approxi- of German birth or descent, If with the powers herein described, purpose of foreclosing said mortgage at Omaha, Kebraeka, on the 22nd day tion immediately. January. 3 835. the following- resolumately one hundred and twenty possible, into one group, subject at any time during the official | and for the purpose o? satisfying the of tion of dissolution Vt'np adopted: . A musical program -will be preamount now due, to-wit: $26.61, and. life of the committee; 6. legislaMiss Frances Jacobson will en"RESOLVED. That two-thirds of the dollars was raised by Mrs. Gross. Social Workers of sented, by Esther and Pauline to dictation from abroad." The tion making it unlawful for anythat no suit .or other proceedings at lew stockholders in meetingduly assembled tertain a group of intimate Prizes were awarded for the high have been instituted to recover said concurring that it is in the" interest <if -Friedman, and a group of tradiCommittee found, however,' that person to advocate changes In a debt or any part thereof. City Entertained the stockholders that the company'a friends tomorrow evening, comscore at each table, and refreshtional Hebrew melodies -will be while the Nazi movement had Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 20th business be terminated and tlmt accordments were served. .This affair made considerable headway when manner that incites to the over- flay o£ February, 1S35. ingly the company be end hereby In offered by a trio composed of plimenting Mrs. E.. N. Alpert of 2-22-3S-3U J. R. KATZ Fifty-five social workers ct dissolved nnc! that the officers proceed Libble Oleneky, pianist, Gisela Chicago, a guest in the city. Mrs. Sioux City's social agencies were proved a huge success, both so- the investigation began and hadthrow or destruction by force and to wind up HF affairs forthwith." GKODENSKT. MAKER PHILIPPS DRESS CO. Pill, 'cellist, and Jean Shindler, Alpert is the former Eve Lipton. guests at a dinner Tuesday eve- cially and financially. created a disturbing situation be- violence of the government of the MONSKT. ft COHEN, Attorney*. By Paul Philippe, president and eecre» United States, or of the form of The evening hours will be spent 787 Omaha Kafl JSonk Bldr. tary. tlollniBt. cause of the intolerance features Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rosenthal of government guaranteed to the £-15-35—44. at bridge and a late supper; will ning in the Jewish Community Gaylord, XOT1CE OF t Minneapolis, left Sun- of its efforts and activities, "the several states by article IV of the Center. The workers meet each be served. , .•,'•./.. Notice i« hereby jpven that on the disclosures-made by he Commitday for their home following a FKADEXBCBG, WETTB, RKI3EK. month at a different agency. 3rd day of January. 1S35. the total outConstitution of the United States. sanding KtrTZNICK *• REM..XV Attnmpyc, inflebedness of E. D. Goldberr week's visit with Mr. Rosenthal's tee not only stopped their progCSO Omnh« TfRtioniSj JBb. BMg-. Theatres Corporation, . a N>bra«ka corMrs. J. M. Baker and Mrs. Sam Mr. A. M. D^yls, president of .parents, and -Mrs. S. M. ress and caused the activities of poration, vlth its principal place of SPT1CE OF AMENDMENT TO Novak of Omaha were guests of the Federation, greeted the work- Rosenthal.Mr. business in Omaha, Nebraska, was certain German accredited repreMrs. Rosenthal was ARXICIJES OF CNCOBFORATio?? 56 600.00. [honor at a bridge party given ers In" behalf of the. Community formerly Miss Kotice is hereby given that on the sentatives to this country to >r. Sher to Gree R. D. GOt/DBEItG, President. Hazel Garber of Center. Miss Alice Hopper, ma5th. il&y of February, 1935, the HartR. D. GOLDBERG, Elaborate plans have been Saturday evening in the home of tron of the Boys' and Girls' home, Minneapolis, prior to her mar-cease, but a disintegration of the Sanders Motors, e. Nebraska corporation, I* P. WELLS, Mrs. J. Knox.. with its principal place of transacting Prize for Tolerance • Essay has and is taking I^ajorltv of Directors. made by the Junior Poale Zion buBinesB at Omaha, Nebraska, adopted spoke briefly, . and Mr. Allen, riage on February 3. Numerous movement Attest: I* P. Wells, Secretary. S-22-lt place." an amendment to Its Articles oC Iucorgroup to celebrate the first annioverseer of the poor, spoke on affairs were given In their honor amended to read se follows; (Continued Irom Page One.) The Beta Chi sorority held it3 MON'SKT, GRODIXSKT, MAKER ~ versary of the club's organization, during their visit on their honeyARTICLE I. the Brookings bill. A- COHEN, Attorneys. In a concise but comprehensive to be able to say when my time The mine of this corporation shall tfuring the month of March. A meeting at the home of Miss moon trip. , ?3J Omaha, V&fl Bank Eldg. be Barish-Snnders Motors. review of the development of the comes to leave this world, as our Frances Bucoffe, 916 34th street, Tadio program will be offered r>Rtpd Rt Omaha. Nebraska, tills Etft • Mrs. .Abe Gilinsky spent a few Nazi movement in America the great sage, Robbi said, as td!d in NOTICE OF IXBEBTE33XESS over KSCJ during the afternoon last Sautrday evening. Election Notice is hereby glverl that on thf (Jay o£ February, 1935. days in Sioux City, Iowa, where Ben Sanders, president. Committee made the following our Talmud. Before Robbi died, 10th day of JanuRry. 1S35, the totel of March 17. A special publica- and Installation of sorority offiM. M. Barish, secretary. she visited at .the home .of her points: that "there is ample evi- he outstanding indebtedness of jCrystfil By Edward D. Brodkey, its uttmwv. raised his ten fingers towards Candy Co., Inc., a. Nebraska corporation will be issued by the group cers were held. The'evening was son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and dence showing a dual allegiance S15 tion with, its principal place of businefee heaven and said, 'Sovereign of the in describing the- achievements of spent socially and refreshments Omaha. Nebraska, was 14,114.96. Mrs. Philip Sherman. to this country anc". to Germany were served. MITCHELL GIANNCU, President. the Poale Zion. Rudy Schindler Jack Lincoln, son of Mr. andon the part of those Interested In universe, it ic known and rePETER GIANXOXJ, vealed to Thee that I have laband Sulamitb. Bereskin are in MITCHELL GIANXOTT, Sam Lincoln, who recently this movement"; that "this moveof Diretcors. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Baron, Jerusalem, ( W N S—P a 1 c o r Mrs. ored during my life with all inyAttest: Peter Majority charge of the radio program with underwent an appendectomy. at Giannou, Sec'y. 2-22-it Rosabella "Wigodsky In charge of 1810 Grandview, were at home to Agency)—The discovery of a new the Mercy hospital, returned ment in the -United States is in- ten fingers to advance the study consistent with our principles of E. KASLOWSKY. Attorney. of the Torah and welfare of my BEX CSS Insurance Bl&g. the publication. An open meeting their friends, honoring Mr. Maur- fertilizer which will revolutionize home Sunday, where he is now government';; that "It was for fellowmen, and did not enjoy any is scheduled for the month, with ice Samuel Monday evening, fol- farming in,Palestine and free this convalescing. all practical purposes, if not in material profit as much as my country's farmers from the necesSophie Franklin in charge. An lowing his lecture. PROBATE NOTICE. B. Balaban returned home fact, the American section of thelittle finger.' For thirty-one years IX THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF sity of large imports from Geranniversary dance will be held PHILIP GORELICK. also known a many was reported by the Pales- Tuesday following a week's busi- Nazi movement of Germany, de- I have given the best there is in PHIL GORBLICK, formerly known aeB March 24 with Lucille Kronick RAFOL GOKELTCK, Deceased. ness trip to Chicago, Illinois. signed to influence, if necessary me for the welfare of our comtine Potash company, which opacting as chairman. . IS HEREBY GIVEN: While in Chicago, he visited with and possible, our governmental munity, and I have not enjoy any NOTICE That the creditors of said deceased erate the concession to exploit the Several new chairmen, were will meet the adminietratrii o£ said his sisters. policies"; that "certain German material profit, directly or indi- estate, before me. County Judge o€ DougDr. Theodore N. Lewis Will mineral deposits of the Bead Sea. elected at the meeting last SunMrs. Ben Baron and son, Arconsuls in this country, with all las NebraBtoa, at the County rectly, and I want to continue my CourtCounty, The new product, which will day afternoon. Among them are speak this evening on "Values of Room, in Bald County, on the 1st nold of Sioux City, Iowa, returned the appurtenances of diplomatic work in the same way, the rest of day of April. 1935. ana on the 1st day shortly be placed on, the market, Julia. Bereskln, "Rosh Sniv"; Democracy." The service will beof June, 1835, at S o'clock a. rn.. each is a potassic fertilizor, -which is a to their home Sunday following a immunity,, violated the pledges my life. But. out of respect to myday. for the purpose oj presenting: their Rosabelle Wigodsky, recording gin at 8 o'clock. ten-day visit here at the home of and proprieties of diplomatic staclaims for examination, adjustment and secretary; and Ruben Ratner, Next Friday afternoon the Sis-chemical compound of potassium Mrs. Baron's parents, Mr. andtus and engaged in vicious and honorable judges, and the mem-allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims bers of the Phi Beta Epsilon, my treasurer. terhood of Mount Sinai Temple sulphate and calcium sulphate, Mrs. S. M. Rosenthal. un-American, propaganda activi- modern Maccabees, I am going to from the 1st day of March, 1835. particularly suited to the soil ' /The program next Sunday will will hold Its regular meeting. InBRTCH CKAWFCEO, County J Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gross, ac- ties, paying for it in cash, In thesuppress my spiritual emotion 2-8-35—3t. commemorate Trumpledor, one of stead of its usual one o'clock conditions in Palestine, especially hope that it could not be traced"; companied by their daughter, and accept this well-intentioned the first Jews to be slain in a luncheon, the Sisterhood will for citrus crops. U M A X I.EVIX Attorney. Patterson Hitherto, the Bead Sea Chemi- Mrs. Max Shostak, left Tuesday that "one of the transactions In testimonial." ?iot in Palestine. Participating in meet at 1:30 for a dessert bridge. for Excelsion Springs, Missouri, cal Works have produced potasthe program will be Tillie and Mrs. J. Kalin and Mrs. J. H. OF ADMINISTRATION question goes to the Ger- The committee on selection inthe County «& of Douglas County, sium chloride which is used for to be gone for a couple of weeks. man embassy itself, and until re- cluded Mrs. L. Neveleff, president InNebraska: Sophie ; Franklin, Bora Kurz, Greenberg are in charge.«T of the «tetate of fertilizer in the most countries They made the trip by motor. Rudy Shindler, Julia and Sulacently no effort was made to stop of several Jewish women's organ- In the OSHEROFV, Deceased. except Palestine. This country mith Bereskin. The Council Bluffs Senior Ha- such practices"; and that "sever- izations; Ruth Allen, educational AllBESSIE persons interested\ln us Id estate hereby< notified thatxa petition has has had to import sulphate from dassah held its annual- linen al American firms and American director at the J. C. C ; Rabbi are filed in said Court\ alleging that abroad, principally from Ger- shower at the Hotel Chieftain citizens as individuals ( C a r l Frederick Cohn of Temple Israel; been, Stey et tfec Center said deceased died leaving no laat will and prayingfor adminietreYion upon her many, to the value of $100,000 Wednesday afternoon, February Byoir & Associates, Ivy Lee-T. J. Rabbi David A. Goldstein of the estate, and that a hearing* will be had i —the "The Jewish Share in America" anually, because the local farm- 20, with a large crowd attending Ross, and Carl Dickey, etc.) sold Beth-El synagogue; Rabbi Uri on eaid petition before stvd coart on will be the subject of Rabbi H. B.. ers prefer sulphate. the 16th day of March, 193V. end that Mrs. Max Simon was chairman of their services for express propa- Miller of the Vaad Ha'Ihr; Frank if . they fail to appear at »nt<5 Court Rabinowitz' sermon at Shaare on the said 16th day of MaftsLwMSS, The Potash company's discov- this affair and was assisted by ganda purposes, making their R. Ackerman, editor of the Jew-at A. M. to contest eaifl petiZion synagogue this evening. ery of a new process will make the Mesdames J. J. Brown, Max contracts with and accepting com- ish Press; and Henry Konsky, tion,9 o'clock the pourt may grant the same Cantor A. Pllskin and the synaand grant administration of said eetete ' ,. The/annual election of the gogue choir will chant the ritual, potassium sulphate available lo- Cohn, George Roffman, Phil pensation from business firms." 1934 recipient. to Harry • Oshero'f or gome other BUKcally from available raw materi- Saks, and -'; M o r r i s Yudelson. Vigorously condemning "the es- The following Phi Beta Epsilon ablu person and proceed to a settlement board of directors will take place morning at the Jun- als. It was revealed that patents Bridge was the afternoon's di- tablishment and the. propaganda alumni and active saembers as- thereof. at the Senior Hadassah meeting, iorTomorrow EHTCE CRAWFORD, Congregation Herman have already been taken out In version, followed by refresh- of the Nazi principles- in this sisted the committee in the selec- S-22-St. next Tuesday afternoon, Febru- Barlsh will act service, County Judge, as cantor, and ments, which was served by the England, Palestine and Europe. country" and expressing unalter- tion: Nathan Gilinsky, Philip ary 26, In the Jewish Community Martin Weiner, the reader of the committee. Prizes at bridge were able opposition "to any indivi- Kiatznick, Dr. L e o Fellman, Center. Following the election, law. Candy will be-given to the awarded for the high score at dual or any group of individuals Aaron Perlis, Joe Solomonow, Mrs. Theodore N. Lewis will children by Mr. and Mrs. H. M. each table. More than fifty mem- seeking to bring about discord Morris Koom, and Max Resnick.' speak on Jewish current events. Sherman In honor of the birthw bers and friends attended this af- among the people of this country Nathan Gilinsky, past presiThe annual Purim bazaar to be with Servlder etnd fair, bringing numerous gifts of either as a reprisal or as a means dent of the fraternity, made the given by the Hadassah is sched- day of their son, Edwin. PRACTICAL BfOMEL The Bible group, composed of Circulating fct»wetcr linen which will go to the Pales- of changing our. form of govern- presentation. J o e Soiomonow, uled for March 19. Mrs. William Pisone 1050 twenty women of the congregatinian hospitals. Mrs. Morris ment," the Committee paid trib- present president, was toastmasLazere and Mrs. Jack Robinson Paris (JTA) — A credit bank Bluffs, Ea. are co-chairmen for the bazaar. tion, will meet next Monday after- for Jewish refugees from Ger- Grossman Is president of the local ute to the 20,000,000 Americans ter. Max Resnick was in charge of noon at 2:45 o'clock. chapter. many now stranded in France oZ German birth or descent "who arrangements. Assisting: them are Mrs. M. Levitan and I Mrs. L. S. Goldberg in ' Last Friday afternoon, Rabbi will be opened in Paris by the .-'• Mrs, Louis Marcus, and daugh- havs • refused. to participate in the spoke at Morningside Nazi movement and propaganda charge o£ the dining room; Mrs. Rabinowitz Tel AVIT — A special fund to on 'Recent Progress in American Joint Reconstruction ter, Miss Margaret Marcus, left in this country, which the evi-take care of delinquent children M. Lazriowich, pastries; Mrs. Sam college Foundation, it was announced Saturday night for Los Angeles, Palestine." Greenstone and Mrs. Abe Pill, here last week. The purpose of California, for an extended visit. dence 'plainly - shows have been j la Tel ATiv will be established miscellaneous; and. Mrs. Sam the bank is to assist Jewish refufounded, in the main, on racial under the name of Keren HayeShulkin, ,cateteria lunch and supgees in establishing themselves as and religious prejudices. T h i s sodr it was announced here by Oneg Shabbos per, i small traders or artisans. ' Committee has had evidence to the municipality. ' The Oneg Shabbos group of the The American Joint Bistribu-Trade.. School show the strenuous efforts made About one thousand donors to Ladies' auxiliary of Shaare Zion ticn Committee and the Jewish Tel Aviv — The first munici- to enlist these 20-odd million this fund are expected to contriwill be held tomorrow afternoon Colonization Association a r e pal trade school in Tel Aviv will persons. This Committee has evi-bute sixty dollars each. rii at 2:45 in the home of Mrs. Mil-equally represented In the foun- be established with special funds dence to show the wiles end The fund will be under the suThe A, Z. A. chapter hold toa Mushkin, 1915 Heights. The dation sponsoring the bank. blandishments that were emdonated by a Russian Jew named pervision of the municipal coun& stag smoker next Thursday eve- life and works of Solomon Ibn The announcement that such a Pernikoff, according to a decision ployed, and when these failed, cil. • •• • ning, February 28, in the Jewish Gabirol will be discussed by Mrs. bank to be established has adopted by the municipality. the scurrilous attacks that wer^ Community Center. Marvin Bee- A. Taxer. Jewish current events stirred isnew hopes among the Mr. Pernikoff, now a resident utilized in an effort to brinfj *' chen is in charge of the arrange- will be presented by Mrs. Eli hundreds of Jewish refugees from of Paris, has notified the munici- them into the Nasl program. Thi° [ i. ments.' Robinow. A report on the condi- Germany who are now suffering " Six guests -will present a BTO-tions in Russia will be given by unemployment and starvation in pr.lity that he will cover the cost Committee compliments in the J - - -• gram of varied, entertainment Mrs. Charles H. Raskin, who re-various parts of France. The pro- of building such a school as a highest terms those people who! daring the evening, Refresh- turned recently from a visit In ject Is highly praised by all memorial to his father. He will havs adhered to the American!1 LSOKAlfe MICKS, also aid in the maintenance of principles and American ideals. Russia. inents will be served. French Jer/Ish leaders. the school. because they care made this
Society News
New Fertilizer to Help Palestinians
Mount Sinai
Hadassah Election p\~ to Be Held Tuesday
Shaare Zion
V . -KfriM tr