Dedicated to the Meals of Judaism
In Interests of t£e Jewish' Peepls
Entered i s Second Cla^s Mail Matter on January 21. 1921. at Fostofficc of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act ot March .3, 1879
New Building Program . Started in Jerusalem
Prospects to Be Thoroughly Canvassed During
The campaign for 250 new members to the Jewish Community Center got off to a flying start Wednesday morning, with the leaders in the drive optimistic of reaching their goal. According to Jack W. Marer, general chairman of the campaign, the d r i v e—originally scheduled to last only three days —will continue until all prospects hare been thoroughly canvassed. Forty men laid plans for the campaign at a dinner-meeting held Tuesday evening at the Jewish Community Center. A total of 250 prospect cards were distributed. A report meeting of all workers In the drive will be held at the Jewish Community Center next Sunday morning, March 3. All •workers are expected to be present. Head Campaign. Assisting "Marer in the drive are Milton R. Abrahams and Irvin C. Levin, vice-chairmen. William "Doc" Milder heads the general solicitations. "A membership in the Community Center," declared Chairman Marer; "is more than a comminml-~dnty:~-it is -a-, source.of. benefit to every member of the Jewish community. "The institution we have so carefully erected at such great sacrifice cannot continue to do its work without members; moral support is insufficient. "By o belonging to tho Center and participating in its physical activities, the members of our community can help themselves, their families and their community." • Active and Senior Male Memberships. During the present drive, only active and senior male memberships are being sought. Memberships for women will be sought in a future campaign. .The annual fee for an "active membership" is $25. This is a family membership, entitling the holder to the benefits of the physical department for the husband, wife, and dependent children under 21, irrespective of the number of children In the-family. The fee for senior male memberships is §15 per year , Preparatory to " the campaign, speakers addressed the various congregations in the city last Friday evening.
To Plan Observance of Maimonides Anniversary A meeting of representatives of the various Jewish organizations in the city will be held next Monday evening at 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center to arrange for an appropriate observance locally of the eight hundredth anniversary of Moses Maimonides, great Jewish philosopher, writer and physician of the middle ages. Communities the world over the celebrating "his anniversary. The meeting is being called under the auspices of the College of Jewish Studies. The heads'of the various organizations have been sent invitations to attend or send representatives. Dr. P. Sher, president ot the college, states that no organisation was intentionally overlooked, and requests that any organization which did not receive an invitation should also send representatives.
To Probe Riots Paris—Marcel Hegnier, French Minister of Interior, - will shortly proceed to Algeria to conduct a first-hand investigation of the anti-Jewish riots which took place there recently, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency learned here.
Oratory Entries All entries for the Round Table of Jewish Youth oratorical contest must be in the office of the educational director at the Jewish Community Center not later than Tuesday, March 6. Entry blanks and rules for the contestant may be obtained at the Jewish Community Center. The contest is open to members of • any Jewish Youth organization in the city, whether a Round Table member or not.
Sdiacht Urges . 'Nazis to Ease B e r l i n , (JTA)—The recent statement by President Roosevelt in which he announced the death of a proposed barter pact between the United States and Germany may lead to a decrease in antiJewish propaganda in the Reich, it was learned here last week. Backed by a number of influential exporters • and merchants affected by the foreign boycott of German goods, Dr; Hjalmar Schacht econbsilc dictator ot Germany, has faced Nazi party leaders with the question of whfether it is not high time to discontinue the Jew-baiting propaganda in the tierman Press. Dr.. Schacht is of the opinion that this propaganda Is more harmful to Germany's economic interests than to the Jews in Germany. Dr. Schacht's proposal is now under discussion here at a. series of conferences of Nazi leaders being held in Berlin. A number of Nazi leaders are supporting Dr. Schacht's stand.- They argue that anti-Jewish paragraphs of the Nazi program - have long been accomplished with the ousting of Jews from all state, municipal and public positions. Present regulations against the Jews have made Germany safe from Jewish influence, they assert. Opposition to this viewpoint, however, is expected by other Nazi leaders who warn that if the anti-Semitic propaganda in the German press should decrease, the Jews would again eventually obtain the same Influence In German life which they exercised before Hitler came to power.
Jerusalem, (W N S—P a 1 c o r Agency)—An extensive building program in Jerusalem Involving the expenditure of 54,000,000 on Jewish works alone was well on the way to launching here as details of the plan were made public. This sum does not include sums to be spent on public works by the government or by Arabs In building enterprises of their own. It is expected that a much larger number of Jewish laborers will be required in order to carry out the heavy building schedule.
Hebrew Clufi to The question whether "The nations should agree to permit the international shipment of arms and munitions" will be debated at an Omaha Hebrew club meeting Sunday, March 3, at the Jewish Community Center at 3:30 p. m. Creighton university will uphold the affirmative and Hastings college of Hastings, Neb., the negative of the proposition. The Creightori university team will be represented by Gene Fitzgerald and Robert Adams. Cantor E. Sellz will sing new songs for the entertainment of the debate audience. The program committee is composed of Hymen Shrier, chairman; John Feldman, Nathan Yaffe. Ben Kazlowsky Is president of the Omaha Hebrew club.
DR. JUNG TO TALK 0 1 JEf^ISH SEEIES The;date for the fourth number of the Jewish lecture series has been set as March 24. This lecture, which as the preceding ones, takes place at the B'nai Israel synagogue, will be given by Dr. Moses Jung of the University of Iowa. Dr. Jung who Is an outstanding Jewish personality in university life, will speak on "A Plea f o r Dynamic Judaism." Chairman of the lecture will be Mr. N. S. Yaffe. Tickets for this lecture and the final lecture which will be held April 10 and which will consist of a symposium on the Jewish scene in which all local Rabbis will participate are 75 cents. Tickets for the single lecture are 50 cents. Tickets can be procured through members of the Junior Vaad or by calling JA 0887.
10th Anniversary New York — The tenth anniversary of the Mizrachi Women's Organization of America will be celebrated throughout the country on June 4.
Dramatic• Loncertby on Sunday The dramatic concert of Noach Nachbush of the famed Vilna troupe will take place this Sunday evening, March 3, at 8:30 p. m. at the J. C. C. An artist of note, Nachbush has played in most of the countries of Europe and In the larger cities In this country. He gave a dramatic performjance for the B'nai Brith recently, I and those who saw and heard , him pronounce him an artist of I the first rank. His InterpretaI tlons of Jewish life are of a high order—in s o n g B, pantomine, monologues and all phases of dramatic art. An entirely new program with new scenes will be presented Sunday, including a scene as "Meshulach" in the Dybbuk. From everywhere—from neighboring cities as well as from foreign centers—the critics write that they are "thrilled" and "enXoach Nachbnsh. thralled" by the rare artistry and personal charm of Nachbush. Ping Pong King He i3 called "one of the greatest London — "Victor Barna, the living Jewish performers." He Jewish table tennis champion of was one of the founders of the Europe retained his crown for the famous Vilna troupe. fifth successive year when he deMr. and Mrs. Al Finkel willfeated the contender Szabados In assist on the program, including a hotly contested Bingle3 match. piano solos. Later in the tournament Barna Tickets for the presentation and Szabados paired to capture may be obtained at the Jewish the doubles title. . Community Center. :
Bronstein Wins Third In International Contest
Noted Dramatist Declares Yiddish Literature Bates High Jewish literature rates very high in the literary constellation of the nations, David Pinsky, x>ne of the foremost Jewish dramatists and authors, told a large audience at the Jewish Community Center Tuesday evening., He spoke in Yiddish on "The History of Jewish literature." Yiddish literature, he sild. dates back six hundred years. The first known Yiddish writer went under the pen name of Mendele Machesworen, his real name being Yacob Avromovitch. However, he explained, modern Jewish literature is* only fifty years old. Pinsky ranks with the greatest of the modern Yiddish writers. He named as the outstanding Yiddish contemporaries Sholom Alelchem, Dinnoosson, Sholom Asch and Peretz. Pinsky declared that it was "little short of miraculous" that the Jewish people should produce such a rich Jewish literature in the comparatively short spaa of half a century, particularly in lien of the handicaps, without Yiddish universities and other aids. "The literary world in general," he opined, "pays great tribute to Jewish writers and Jewish literature. They are particularly effective In producing distinctive characters and types." He said that Yiddish literature is translated into 26 languages. He gave a reading from' Ms own works..-...——_ ,.„, , - - ti-j. . ;• Pinsky was the guest in Omaha of the Jewish National Workers Alliance and the Pioneer Women. He is president of the national Alliance. He is also president of the Jewish Culture Society of America. and a . member of 'the administrative committee of the American Jewish Congress.
Asbeville, N. C , (JTA)—William Dudley Pelley, Silver Shirt leader who was convicted in Buncombe countey superior court last month on charge of violating the "blue sky" laws of the state of North Carolina, was sentenced by Juige Wilson Warlick last Monday morning to serve one to two years in state's prison. Robert C. Summerville, convicted with Pelley, also was sentenced to serve one to two years In state's prison, but sentence in both cases was to be suspended on conditions enumerated by Judge Warlick. With regard to Pelley these included the payment of a ' ?l,000 fine, court costs, and other stipulations. • Pelley's attorneys, before 1 o'clock in the afternoon paid to the bookkeeper in the office of the clerk of the superior court, the fine of $1,000 and trial costs, amounting to $719.50. No costs were assessed against Summerville. Upon payment of the fine Pelley's prison term was suspended for five years, on condition that he continue in good behavior during the period, that he not publish or distribute in North Carolina any periodicals, and particularly anything that has to do with stock sale transactions or reports of corporations. Summerville'a sentence was suspended on similar conditions. As court opened, Judge Warlick asked the attorneys for the state if they had any comment to make on the case. Solicitor Zeb V. Nettles replied that Pelley has b e e n making "some drastic charges" against state's attorneys. ''As for me," the solicitor continued, "I have the skin of an elephants These things merely drop off without piercing the skin." But the other - prosecuting attorneys, he said, "may not feel that way." , The remark was understood to be a reference to Robert R. Williams and Thomas J. Harkins, both of whom appeared as attorneys for t h e state. "'....•
Jack Bronstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Eronsteln, a senior at South High school, recently was awarded third place in an international advertising contest for high school students conducted by Quill and Scroll, national honorary journalism group. Bronstein is business manager of the South High "Tooter." He won his award on a submitted ad entitled "The Tip-Off," an advertisement for a South High basket ball game.
W'1 t i l * w W iii C^
William L. HolEman was un- : evening showed that the animously re-eleeted president! and Federation lind1 of the Jewish. Community* Cen-; during tb.e past ypfii dPRpitf <^r many difficulties which have hrter and Welfare Federation at; set such institutions. the anmial meeting held Mori- •• ID. his presidential mepsKr-i day evening at the J. C. C. ! Holztnan pointed out that *•"•"•All the other officers, were; SOS people had used the «Te-v.-$<;J.. unanimously re-elected, in ep- iCommunity Center during 1 v.r- <•:. preciatioa of their capable and; and that. 1,117 meetings *>"•'• efficient service to the Feaera- ' been held in. the bmlclmg' civ'~its the year. He also urged ih»* •''tion. I commur.ity get behind the ins"1The entire list of officers for: bersb.ip campaign being; con^t-.--.-| the coining year: : efi now for the JewSsli C''i"-
of German Jewry A graphic, first-hand story of the Jewish position in Germany will be presented to the members of the local B'nai B'rith lodge Monday evening, March 4, at the Jewish Community Center. • The Jewish situation under Hitler will be described by a young German - Jewish student whose name cannot be revealed but who has recently arrived from naziland. This outstanding cultural event is being presented pursuant to the recent policy adopted by the lodge. "As long as the membership Till co-operate in attending these meetings," declared Ben Kazlowsky, chairman of the intellectual advancement committee, "the lodge will strive to provide the highest type of cultural programs possible." Preceding the program there wHl be a business meeting. Max Barish, president of " the lodge, haa several Important announcements "lie will make st this" time.
eat f §
mucity Center.
William L. Holzman.
J William L. EEoizsnan, president.:' In the report or ihp* j Henry Monsky, first vtee-pres- j weifsre committee, by Mrs. K. AWol*. chairman, Mrs. YVoIf
j Sam Beber, second vice-press- ; that the family velfsre <ieT«i".vMilder Family ment vns caileS upor< ie i: s service and more relief tes;i to Gi¥e Torah .'Mrs. I* NereMf, third TICS-. more year than in auy preee;Uti» Ur
year. This department <!«"!ii» Announcement is being made j Marry Sllvcrcnan, secrcfery, i.?!P'x took cfire o). i'fV: .t.f^.TvuHnj of a Siyum Ha Sefer to take place j Abe . Goldstein, treasurer. RUG S6? iixGividiTals, rot. inrliw; at the " B'nai Israel synagogue, Honorary Members,, ing children's cH**es, trariPieiv'f, ;>; ISth and Chicago streets, on Sunthe care of the sped. Dr. Philip Slier, honorary prcsday, March 17. This ceremony trill be combined •vrith the Purlin 1 In mating his report: on •*u' E, Zamraac, concert given by Cantor A. : Jewisb CoiTirniiOit.r Cfmtpv. .Ts.-l. Schwaczkia and the B'nai Israel : choir. ~ - " ' J&s- : Morris The Torah is 1)61115 presented vice-president, 'and the comiixg. year cut-, J<by the Slilder f am illy. Preceeding Sirs. Marry H. Lapidrasf honor- '. viewed optimistically ii the FIMthe ceremony of completing the ary vice-president. ; oC £S0 new membprs is ai{«:ii?u.. Sefer Torah, a dinner Trill be ; in the drive now being cotnivi^^i. Reports Given. given by the B'nai Israel synaj In a detailed account o£ •'*' Reports were given by the gogue in the social hall of the heads of the various federation • manifold Jiciivities in the ,1evi«i. synagogue. Geneva, (JTA)—Supported by functional committees and the af- Community Center, ii was r e p l i The ceremony proper will be ed that on many occssione it v.-u the League of Nations, the Nanfiliated agencies. The year's pasen office which takes care of performed according to tradition. norama of activities WEE por- impossible to liowFe pome of iht projected activities because <")-' people "without a country," has Details concerning the awarding trayed by the reports. lack of facilities. sent out a recommendation to the of the various honors are beiEg Preceding the open meeting, a Special mention WHB eh"en •<• members of the Leagtse of Na- (•worked out. dinner was held. On the program the CotnTmvnity T'oniTR, the Cartions that different governments were vocal selections by Harry ter Players, the Collepe ot. ."is-vgrant special credits to enable the U. S. JEWRY GAVE Duboff, accompanied at the piano ish Studies, the Koimd TaMc- t*'; Nansen office to settle stateless $190,000 TO IMF by Mrs. Duboff. | Jewish. Youth, the junior prfJews and other refugees from David Goldman was chairman gram, the physical departing!:;,, Russia and Germany wherever Jerusalem. (JTA) — The sum of the committee in charge o£ ar- anfi the library. Ruth Allen \"«Jpossible. of flSO.000 -was contributed by rangements. He was assisted by commended for her work RP e^t.-The recommendation will be received by all taose governments the Je-ws in the United States to a committee which Includes Mil- cational director. Dr. rfcillp Slier. clifJrtnra:: •'>'. which are affiliated with the the Keren Kayeiseth last year, ton Abrahams, Mrs. Jeanette League of Nations. Dependent up- the Jewish National Fund in Pal- Arnstein, Robert Kooper, William the social service dion their reply will be the decision estine it was announced here by Milder, Mrs. L. Neveleff and vided the work oJ fcie group ir•.:.:Harry Trustin. three' parts: Coisstrnctivc, T»*vras to whether the league should the headquarters of the fund. The sum also includes donaT h e nominating committee ventlve and curative. Through t'1*actively undertake the settling of stateless persons on a large scale. tions in land made by American which reported was headed br activities of this committee, «iV James G. McDonald, high com- Jews to the fund. It is 130,000 Harry A. Wolf and included Irvin juvenile delinquencies fire vmi. missioner for refugees, has shown less than the sum. contributed Stalmaster. Dr. A. Greenberg. taken care of. Ke reported, that Jewipti ;;lij>^ great Interest in. the recommenda- during the same year by the Jews Harry Ivulakoisky, Philip Klutztion of the Nansen office. His of Great Britain. It is only ?9,OO0 nick, David Goldman and Jack dren in Omaha coustituted only about one-half of one per ceni *»•" stay in New York will be brief, more than the sum contributed by Marer. The reports presented. Monday the juvenile court rtelincmeTi.".*-, since he must proceed to South the Jews of Poland. The report on thp Jewish America, to investigate the posPhilanthropies waff giver; 5;' sibilities o f settling1 German Kerry Pilverman, who WBE gen^"*refugees In South American &1 chairman of tlie drive h;.u: countries. c rear. He strcc-pecl the ms,Tvplin^: \ co-operation given by both •!>? ! worters f;B.d. the contributors. ! In E report on the Ludwig Lewisohn, world faj Council r>t Jewish. Fe mous author and literary critic, rnd. Welfare Funds. IChilip K'ni?The Psi" Ma fraternity -will cele- will speak here^ on Wednesday rick toirt of the service the coi'**brate its seventh annual "Psi Ma evening, Mareh 6, at the Jew»r1: cil is doing: toward effecting:," Sunday, March S, at. the Comniunity Center at S p. HI., en vniforni standards of Jewish J'«J. C. C.,'"with an all-day program. the Community Foraia series. , rial service tlii'or.ghorit 11- tAt 2:30 p. m. there will be a A devoted American and a £e"Tciteci Slates. The ccnucii ffprwi women's basketball game between vont Jew, Mr. Lewisohn is rep,s a nieciiiTO oC exchange lor rp.j>the J. C. C. girls and the turning from Europe to deliver rration ideas in functions! fissU'ih, Kinkeads, champions ol Omaha. his first lecture series here in The feature ball game will be be- some ten years. Reports were ftlsc rendered ov, tween the Psi Ma team, champs Born in Berlin, at the age of local apencies afiilip.ted with i-htrof the Center, and the Blissards, 8 Mr. Lewisohn came with his 1 'ederation. Pr. Phor. honorfeir champs of the Knights of Colum- parents to South Carolina, and rresident of: the Talmud Tortih. bus. This game will be played at except for his European visits he '-emBrked on the deeper 3:30. After the games there will has lived his life in .America. oiistiess felt conceruing be a dance in the maia ball room. After receiving a degree at Cooducatioik. The classes fit Special entertainment has ' been lumbia, he tongtt German at two "^alnnul Torah liavp bcea secured to make this a gala af- midwestern universities. eel and the stnff Rtigsjienf.ed. fair. Music will be furnished by Ke later entered the field el Harry A. TV'oH', ebtfiirman the Creightonians. As the closing literary criticism, as dramatic • he Jewish Free Loan society, feature of the program, there editor of the Nation, editor in r rortPfi that. d«Tl'n.g IPS4 1lje will be a banquet for the mem- publishing house, contributor to ( ietj* had matte 4& loaas bers of the fraternity. taasy periodicals, he soon este.b'ing tc $6.185.00. Since -its lished" himsell as a powerful littion. the Free J..oo.n lias erary figure. 1,588 loans ammmting to fl,40,« Britain Grants Flyers He began his novel writing in 440.T.>, The capital of this r e v o l t Furloughs lor Holy Paris in 1923. With a knowledge ing, perpetual loan • fund hna of both. Hebrew and Aramaic, he grown from its original $1,000' t^ London, (JTA)-—T&« recom- saturated himself, is Jewish his- "The Last Days of Shylock," and 826, S86,19, Judaism "The Case of Mrs. Crump." mendation that Eoyal Air. Force tory snd literature. j He Ertced the public to contrib* In Ills lecture here, "The Ex- | ute to the loan fund, either Je officers and - men of tits Jewish came as a release from the prejufaith be granted leave on certsis dices, the source of a spiritual re- pression of America in Its Litera- j wemcrr oi t, dear departed OHP ture," he will bring to the plat- or in retebratiou of a holy days this year was published birth. here in Air" Ministry Orders. As a result of this new awak- form not only his remarkable The occasions are Passover ening he wrote "Israel," A report on the V; p - knowledge and experience of life Pentecost, the New Year, the Day stream" and the "Island Within." and literature, but also the deep formed •women's division of *h* of Atonement and the Feast of Other novels of his are equally as convictions of a man with a Jewish Community Center Tal>ernaeles. • well 'known &s "Mid-CfeE-nnel," mission. (Continued on Page S,>
League for Aiding
FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1935.
Progressive Hebrew Club Letter Received COMMUNITY CENTER Mizrachi toMeet Progressive Choir The Progressive Hebrew club CAGERS WILL MEET hold a smoker and stag banquet on Utility B0I Saturday Evening Wednesday, to Give Concert KANSAS CITY SUNDAY March 6. 8 p. m. at the J. C. There will be speakers
extensions or for lack of adequate at home and abroad." No company in the Electric financial resoar es. This state of affairs atd the attendant bene- Bend and ghare group, It Is defits to millionr of people through- clared, tnsBlpclfitep eecurities; the out the country is by no means a undistributed earoinga of submere happening. It Is the result sidiary companies have never of SO years of hard, intelligent been taken Into the books of the work and planning by an orh o l d i n g companies; dividends ganization of experienced, finan- hare never been paid except out cial, technical, economic, account- of earning*. ing, rate and new business »ntf The Electric Bond Snare Cornother experts, most of whom have patsy is controlled by 143,000 bad their training in actual stockholders, no one of whom has operating and managerial work &E much ae 1-14 per cent of the in tee field operating companies of the company.
Omaha stockholders of the The regular monthly meeting The Progressive Choir Is busy The basketball fever which of the Mizrachi organization of entertainment and refreshments, Electric Bind and Share Company rehearsing for the benefit confree to members and friends. were vitally interested in a letter cert to be given Sunday, March gripped the Jewish Community Omaha will be held this Saturday The Progressive Hebrew club they received calling attention to 10, at the congregation of Israel Center.two weeks ago at theevening, 8 o'clock", at the Beth will hold a regular meeting Sun- the seriousness of proposed utility r Finis yraa -written to the 193 4- on 25th and J street. 'The pro- Omaha ' varsity-DesMolnes conHamedrosh Hagodol, 19th andday at 3 p. m., at the J. C. C.holding company legislation, now 35 Jewish. Community Center bas- ceeds will be used to decorate flict is returning Sunday, March This is to be a very Important being considered by Congress. Burt street. ketball league in an intensive the auditorium, which has re10, with the invasion here of the The meeting opens with a tra- meeting and all members are "This legislation is grossly unurged to attend. •week of play "which. saw the Fst cently been added to the congre- classy Kansa3 City Y. M. H. A. fair and unjust and, If enacted inditional M'Laveth Malta feast to law, may render valueless the • Mils tie.up the championship in gation. crew. and Includes Palestinian a n d Investment of millions of security The play, "Mantchaen," written a sailor's knot A tale of prowess such as Chasidlc melodies. C a n t o r s by the well-known Jewish humorholders who invested their savpossessed by a college team was It *BB fitting that the league ist, Sholem Aleichem,-is directed Mrs. H. Rosenfeld, program ings in public utility securities," Schwaczkin and Sells are in should conje to a close with the fiy Mr. Ben Martin, and has a castbrought back from Kansas City chairman for the Women's Di- stfcted the letter, jointly signed by Lee Grossman, and the incharge of the songs. two outstanding Quints, the Fsiof ten people. vision, announced that she will by C. E. Groesbeck, chairman, dividual members of the Omaha On the program will be a dis- make arrangements for all pro-and S. R. Inch, president. MUB and the Omaha Jobbers, After the play, a group of varsity. The K. C. lads handed winners of the pre-Beason title, twenty members, under the direc- the locals a sound shellacking in cussion led by Mr. A. Katz. His grams for the Center and FederRegulation, not destruction, staging a glorious contest which tion of Mr. Sam Yaffe, will sing their engagement in the Missouri subject is "Evolution in Zionism." ation, this spring. Mrs. Rosenfeld should be the aim of legislation, Important business, including is interested in discovering new had a large crowd in practical Jewish and Russian songs. city several weeks ago. the final plans for the Chat ban- talent for these programs. Any- it was stated. The Progressive Choir was orReferring to competition with hysterics. The Pal J$as won the Grossman used high superla- quet will be considered at this one Interested either in being a game, 36 to 33, bat the greater ganized last year; it now consists tives as be spoke of the play of meeting and all members are member of her committee, or inoperating companies by the Gov> of thirty members. The main purthrough "yardstick" amount of the glory went to the pose of this club is to give enter- Iz Vile, Hy Jacobsen, and Sammy urged to be present. taking part la such work, call ernment government plants, and through battling Jobbers who were Btrlv- tainment to Jewish organizations. Levy, the Kansas City demons. GL 0400. lending Federal monies to muning In one last supreme effort to Anyone desiring tickets Is They pass, relates Grosaman, like Mrs. Pave Greenberg, chairman icipalities, the letter $ayu: they had a string tied onto the regain some of the prestige they asked to call Sam Kenyon, HA of. the membership committee, an"When government superimbad gathered in pre-season play. 3997, or Julius Schneider, HAball. nounce that the organization now poses competition upon regulaLee has been drilling his boys has 250 members. Mrs. Green- tion and at the same time decrees Playing brilliantly at the out- 3548. bard for the conflict which will set, the Jobbers took a good lead A new club has. been organized berg's goal is 600 members by that Its own operations shall be officially close the Omaha J. the J. C. C. under the spon- June 1. In the first quarter, only to see C. Varsity schedule. There'll be sorship of Haskell Cohen. This Mrs. Maynard Greenberg, in free of the regulations it imposes their margin wiped away by the some secret practice sessions next club is for Jewish boys between charge of sewing for the Center, on private business it does somedriving play of Bogdonoff and thing essentially unfair and anweek, he stated. • Sadofsky.* Then early in the. secthe ages of 14 and 16, and Is call- asks that any woman who desires American. Now it would go even This game, like the Des ond period, Gesman left the con- The deck is being cleared for ed the "Young Israels." It Is to sew on Wednesday, shall call further. It proposes not only to test for excessive fouling, and the the annual J. C. C. open basket- Molnes affair, will be sponsored planned to get enough members her at AT 2546. Says — • continue regulation to which it Jobbern continued with four play- ball tournament which gets under by the Round Table of Jewteb to join this group so that it may does not Itself submit; to engage ers not having any substitutes. way March 4 at the Center floor. Youth Organization, and will be b e c o m e affiliated with the in competition, free from many Everybody in Omaha is talking about the Amazing as it deems, the under- ' Already many of the outstand- followed in the evening by a national organization of the same expenses, cuch as taxes, which It dog Jobbers kept matching the ing teams in the city and outstate dance in honor of the members of name. A. Z. A. 100 is making plans makes private business bear; but number of new Dodges snd PIJTOOUIHS on Psi Mua basket for basket until have filed their entries with Lee the two teams: Temporary officers elected are: for Its "spring frolic," which Is by the enactment of the proposthe middle of the fourth period Grossman, director of the tournathe street - - come in and let us tell you why. Morton Margolin, president; Rob- scheduled to be held at the Pax-ed holding company legislation to when the Fsl Mus took a 34-to-27 ment Included in the entrants ert RImmerman, secretary-treas- ton on Saturday, April 6. The force the dismemberment and dislead. Here Gerlellch left the Job- are the Thallas Hatters, winners Ernie Priesman, Aleph Godol urer; Robert Batt, sergeant-at- College club orchestra has been solution of your Company and of ber lineup for too many fouls, of the Class A title last. year. engaged. others like It." of the Mother chapter of A. Z. A., arms. and the red shirts fought on with Play will be held in. two classes, Pointing out that since Januhas been elected delegate to dis- Anyone interested in joining, is Proceeds will be used to help three players. Undaunted, they asked to get in touch with Has- construct a playground around ary, 1929, customer savings from played sensationally to send three A and B, and. will continue trict No. 6 convention which is kell Cohen or one of the officers. the J. C. C. for the Talmud Torah rate reductions by companies in baskets: in to come within one through March 7. No competi- to be held at Waukegan, 111., children. tion will be held March 6.on ac(formerly Marl-Sasdcrs) the Electric Bond and Share point of a tie. Here Morrle Bloom March 15. 16, and 17* Harold FInkel Is dance chair- group in this country alone have slipped down the floor for ancount of a lecture In the audiThe chapter basketball team 25SI FAEMAM man. . aggregated over 185,000,000, it easy underbaaket shot to lee the torium. defeated the Jobbers In a game Business and professional men continues: contest for the Psl Mas. played Thursday evening. members of the J. C. C athletic Distributors for - • • "No criticism Is directed ^ There will be a regular meet- department are asked to be onNew Temple | The Psi Mas also played the against any of the companies in Ing of the club Sunday at 3 p. m. Nancy, France — Ex-minister major role in another of the feaDODGE - PLYMOUTH - DODGE COMMERCIAL the lookout for an announcement Electric Bond asd Share Comat the J. C. C. ture games of last week, when in next Friday's Press which will Louis Marin officiated at the in- the pany group alleging service, inthey downed the Pants Stores by mean a great deal in the preserv- auguration ceremonies last week adequate DODGE TEUCKS facilities, failure to rea, 27-to-25 margin. The Pants Norman Bordy was the star or a new synagogue just completing or regaining of health. spond to legitimate demands for quint led the fraternity team splasher as the Jewish Com- At a meeting of the Zero last Physical Director Lee Gross-ed here. most of the way, but faltered In munity Center junior team won Thursday at the home of Rose man Is mapping out an Intensive the closing stages and with 30 from the Lincoln junior swim- Levine, a discussion was held on program for male members of the seconds to play, the count was mers in a dual meet In the Cen-a dinner-dance to be held in theCenter which be believes will go tied at 25-alI. Here Bogdonoff ter pool last Saturday by a score near future. Rose Flanchek will a long way in putting them in the was fouled while shooting,-and of 45 to 82. be In charge, assisted by Alice pink and also in relieving their Boggy, who can drop In those Bordy's specialty was the fancy Zusman and Fannie Witkln. minds from a great deal of busipeculiar overhand free throws event, in which he easily William LIpsman spoke on ness stress. with his eyes shut, opened them walked off with the honors. "Animal Husbandry." Watch for this, men. to be cure they'd both go in. They did, and the Psi Mus came out on top. It was the closest the Psl Mus had come to defeat in the entire regular season, tj^^y Other results were a» follows: i i - \ * * JP%nts Store-19, A. Z. A. 38; * Where Omaha Shops With Confidence Wardrobes SO, Lambdas 19; A. Z. A. 37. Omaha Jobbers 88; Fanta Store 25, XI Lambdas 17 (this game went to the X. L,'s by forfeit on account of Ineligible ASSETS men used by the Pants Store); Wardrobes 27, A. Z. A. 20. t Mnnldpal Bonds . . . . . . . . 24.25% $1,278,123.23 1. Legal B@sem> tal tWwWwt of Otto. Ceastfcf. nlutfilMrM wfcaut* lkS**i MMI ateed PfftTttttu «*"n»rt»«by av £ Vaad Religious School ./.i M I U N DwMMl 2. Government Bonds 5.23% 275.62S.45 Plans Purim Program Sine* «ad/«r tally rnnatcea abUn2. ECSCJT© for ClsJms Awsltlns Proofs.. JUSW1 ttoM «t ft* C«lte4 State* « 4 Can*Cloa Quvimmatti, B w » to «•*•*• «JJ wtfwrtwS claims The Vaad Religious school Is Ptetat pmetc hem art resets** tkc < planning a Purim program and 130,774.34 3. Otfees* Boads 2.60% 16^56.60 party, Sunday. March 17, at 2: SO B*STW4 Ctaitr. M>4 atber bends. 3. Reserve for Taxes, e t e . . . . . at th$ B'nal Israel synagogue, S a a a m to «a*er accree^ taarw. asptmsea. ««•. 1,845,671.07 4 First Mortgage L o a n s . . . . 25.53% A Purim program and a disb w M tap»Te4 U n a «ad ctty S340&85 4. Dividends PEjxbla to Polle^noldsrs... play of some of the various acprvpcftte*. earuJui earaJao«tofeee*tetrt|p«tet to peBayhaMan. tivities of the religious school 6®,80LO0 5. Stocks .... . . . | * . . . 1.14% will be held. After the program, 5. Extra Eeserr© 70»773J» M v b t vaiM «f dfvMea* p Purim delicacies will be served. ei (Bcerufsl ceiperatknM. Thlf antaoat aat a.waj' far p»wu««t >r ipafliil Hawa Parents and friends are urged to tm inasrpenitM I* Mine twltetm 187,000.00 6. Home Office P r o p e r t y . . . . 8.55% save this date and plan to be 6. Unesrre^ Isterest sad Premlisms.... present.; S
Women's Division
A. Z. A. 100
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VLW,eOGGlKS,A$ttttmtSecmmr am „;,___,. D. S. FAIRCHUJ3, 4u't Seermrr mi Chief Uoitmrim W. F. PATE, Director
W . D). CALE, Jaiftld* -
Palestinian Cradle Song :
An Absorbing Story by L A. ARIELLI, Teacher in Omaha Talmud. Torah
though he knew that it was her habit often to lock up the child for an\ hour or two until she would" return from the market. "Locked up? Not with a neighbor?" His low sobs gave way to a paroxysm of grief. The nurse near-by forbid the continuance of the conversation. Walking up to a reddish brown stool in a corner, she began to search for the key in.Eva's dress. When Joseph saw his wife's blouse torn in that tender place stained with blood —this blouse which gave to her the charming simplicity; of the goodly housewife, he burst out in a loud bitter wail. "Nurse, what did they do to her? What did they do to my good Eva?" ' His agonized voice that was heard through every corridor; brought the; nurse to him again. She grabbed his arm and speedily led him out into the hall. With the keys in his hand, his knees staggering and his body intoxicated with anguish, he went down the stairs into the yard. Repeating fronf time to time the name of his child, he started on his way home' through-the . empty street.. r He walked in the middle of the street which stood out in. light relief to the darkness :of the night; In- his dazed, pain benumbed state, he totally forgot that.the city was that evening declared under martial law, and that- there was issued the coinmand to shoot anyone who appeared on the streets after 1 o'clock. He was even for a short moment surprised that the streets were so deserted. Only the command "halt!" that thundered like a gun's report in his ears, reminded him of the situation. In front of him" stood a. patrol of six Arabian policemen, headed by an English officer. Before Joseph had time sufficiently to recover from his trance of sorrow, he was surrounded from every side, and one of the many hands stretched out to search him, pulled from his pocket his "Browning." He mechanically followed them • to the nearby police station, neither knowing nor caring where they led him. It's a pity that they bother him with such trifles when he is hurrying to Yga'el. . In the police quarters at a table .illuminated by a green shaded • lamp sat a stern, steeleyed English officer about 37 years of age. He smoked'his pipe,
\ Towards evening, all ; thought but the footsteps of death pur- Ing safety diffused through her that the rioting was over; when suing them. And then came and, indeed, one of the hairy the wounded were lying, washed stretchers that carried heaps of arms withdrew its grip; but at and dressed each on his cot, and flesh torn and flowing with blood. the same time, before her eyes, the dead were brought to their Eva.looked 'at every stretcher and lllstened the shino of steel and temporary resting place in their something thin, cold, smooth and dark musty basement of the hos- her heart within her shrank from cruel, cruel, was thrust into her abject feari lest she find among pital; when the heart-rending right breast. She collapsed. All cries of the relatives of the slain these.: heaps of 1flesh the features the fibers of her body pleaded were beginning to subside—then of a face known and dear to her. from her darkened conscience to In one stretcher lay a man with that smooth, cruel thing: the massacre broke out iwithrejnewed vigor, this time in the New ower jaw torn off and hanging "What do you want? What Market, where; stood the shop of oosely on his breast. His entire have you to do with this spot— Joseph Elkin, the locksmith. His face was so'; butchered and muti- the spot wife, Eva, unaware of the tur- ated that it lost all resemblance my love?"designated for Yaga'el, moil, was sitting at-home on a and expression of a human face. Darkness covered her. low stool near the; cradle and Only'two inflamed, horror-strickShe awoke In the hospital, in peacefully nursing her first bom en eyes were staring on this valchild, Yga'el, a sturdy infant of ley of blood.: that spread under the beginning it seemed to her six months. Here, in the suburb, them. With darts of despair that a dirty pup was sucking at they were unacquainted with the Quivering. In- her every limb, she her breast, and from his sharp events of the city, and Eva knew piercjed,'.with her glance this face teeth she felt this gnawing pain. less than anyone. When-Joseph r—the .handiwork of hell's artists, 'How superstitious are these was leaving home for his work in asking, "Joseph, you?" But her rromen of the old generation! the morning, he tried to belittle composure returned when, she They bring" her an unclean pup and wave aside as naught" the saw the long beard w h i c h that he may suck off the overstreamed .down in little clotted abundance of her milk. He barks impending events. ; from the blood of the and draws, and chases away from The young mother put her cicles, oose hanging "No, no, Jo- her her poor famished Yga'el." whole being into the glance of seph Is always jaw. smoothly shaven." But after these feverish imagininfinite devotion and attachment there came to her ears someThe day was submerging into ings, she bestowed on her child. From thing like the lowered voice of time to time, she interrupted her night, and in the entrances of the Joseph. She opened her eyes and old city where Eva came in: on concentrated gaze with cooing became aware of all that had syllables. "Agoo-geli; agoo-gel- her /way to the New Market it happened to her. gel-geli." Whenever she fed her was already dark. Here and there Joseph stood at the foot of her • son, a^ sentiment of mysterious a spot of gray light fell obliquely bed, stricken by the great disasthrough a hole of the arched roof wondering attached itself to her ter, and asked in a-whisper about deep love. She had not yet ceased above; and again dense darkness. the condition.of his wife. His tall Eva walked haunted by fear, her to look upon her child other robust form was outlined in a than as a wondrous phenomenon. feet .staggering and stumbling on slouching posture on the backThis little man who came forth fezes, strlinels - (headgear worn ground of the window. It seemed from the depths of her being— by Arab and Jewish men) and as if the young husband was bowthis little lover who came to slippers scattered here and there ing imploring the kindly little share with the elder admirer the upon the pavement, and stepping nurse not to kill him with her charms of her body, and this ad- occasionally into black slimy reply. The nurse did not deny miration of the two lovers which puddles—her intimidated soul Eva's condition was very serious, had no touch, of jealousy and suspected the nature of these pud- but of course hope must not filled her with "an ineffable dles, and in the dense darkness be forsaken, sweetness, this was to her an of the thoroughfare shadows and stifled sobs: Joseph cried with ever new amazing riddle, the shadows impregnated with terror "Eva, Eva my girlie. What greatest of creation's wonders. movedrhere and there. Eva could came over you? To leave the child not decide whether they apBut the thread of her tender —to go—to look for me—to proproached , her on receded from thoughts was suddenly broken by tect me—-I—I Do I need your the terrifying rumor that spread her. .But; the great terror that protection?" emanated from these shadows apfrom behind the open window; 'I could not—I could hot, JoSuch and such a number proached nearer and nearer to seph," muttered her dry scorched her, embraced her more closely killed! Such and such a number lips. "How good that you are of the Holy Scrolls profaned! The from moment . to moment. And alive—-and Yga'el—he's there. then the' earth trembled under New Market! her feet ~. .';.:A great: multitude Take the key—In my dress— Eva turned deathly pale and of men, women and: children ran bring the child—bring quickly. shivered as if with ague. 'For a towards her ;wlth cries which rent I'll feed him." moment she stood as one petri- the air. Yells • of the rioters who Did you lock him up?" asked fied, but this feeling immediately pursued: them were heard close Joseph, aghast with fright, algave way to a sudden determina- behind them.; '.. tion.. She tore the child from her "Joseph!" That poignant cry, hreast and threw him into the cradle Then, snatching her brown so full of despair,- burst forth shawl, she hastily threw it over from Eva's breast :with an inher shoulders and locked the door tensity, that drowned all other cries. The waves of the running behMd her. ,;; The child passed his eyes slow- mob swept her along. "Joseph! 'V she start out ly and vaguely around him, then began to cry. The mother heard to look lor him? Will she return his cries, while leaving him far- home without him? This, dismal thought split* lead of hesitation ther and farther behind. "Well," thought she, "never intor her feet. She slackened her mind; he'll cry a little and stop— pace and remained among the last I haven't time with him now— of the pursued. .Very, close: to her, around the corner of the street, hungry he is hot" "/heard, shots, the breaking of As if pursued by someone, she she window panes and the fall of -waited with breathless speed to heavy stones. One' of' the escapthe -New Market The thorough- ing refugees, while defares of the suburbs were devoid clared that; the riotersfleeing, have been of people and the silence of*a checked by.a small detachment of graveyard reigned in them. .From the Jewish- Self Defense. Sponbehind every curtain stood a taneously: with the news • flashed frozen question: "When will it through Eva's mind the thought all be over? Will it Teach here that .Joseph is also in this detachtoo?" Behind every gate and ment of, Self Defense. through every crevice breathed Yes, ryes! She knows him. She the deep agony of the mute ex- knows ';well.: Is he- such a pectation of horrors. Eva barely lover ofhim money to go to work on escaped from these dead and such aday? So? If so, whither? ghastly thoroughfares. fall here? Oh, who knows whether he is LetA him shadow stealthily emerged still alive, the father of her little a narrow. pass between ;two Yga'el? Her soul was filled with from,It's one of the most natural things in l i e world for stores. Two .strong, sweating, apprehension. The,New Market— hairy arms the youth of America to telephone. They are fuHjof grabbed and .dragged the shop in the center of it Eva back into' the. darkness of life, inquisitive, sociable, eagerfor good times... and Their life together had been so pass:.: She felt upon her cheek ttie telephone fits Happily into their scheme of fivins fortunate—such an understand- the a passion • inflamed breath;.rshe Americans young and old use the telephone more, ing relationship existed between panting mutters of a than, people of any other country. It takes a telethem. A wave of cold fright heard.the burning in:a flame .of? dephone system of%reat size to provide quick, reliable passed over her body. She found breast : : sire— ••-•-— ' . -. •/. .;. •...•;• herself thinking of her life and service to a great nation. Ik She is lost!—"Joseph!".From home as things of the past. - the, corner hurried; to her NORTHWESTERN BELL T&LBPHOHB 'CQ*lli'J»ltr Is this an unconscious forebod- around ;shadows. Through the ing? Is he still alive, her Joseph three/ the silhouettes of the More tiiqn 85O,OOO men and women have inthe friend of her soul, the lord of darkness skull, caps loomed before her. vested (hair savings in the ©ell Telephone System. .. her youth" Merely at the possi- These are Jews from the Self Debility of such a thought, her heart fense!-A .warm flow of approachbeats congealed within1 her. She reproached herself for allowing Joseph to leave the house in the morning. He tried to calm her that "there will be nothing/ Knowing how unpleasant a day o! inactivity .would be for him if nothing really happened, and afraid' that Joseph would be lowered in his own estimation if he mammrw vim smw remained, she allowed him to go. And now—oh, if she had only known! „ As- she approached' the main streets, her ears discerned a great ©f the highest qoalltej is a" timelg buzz, as of a gigantic beetle^—a kind of noise that rose and fell "gift for tb® spppoac^mg holiday . and violently broke with: a clash Send a Torgsin Order to your relatives ond friends in the as waves dashing against a cliff. Soviet Union and enable them to buy at the Torgsin Stores Was It the noise of automobiles, aeroplanes, or was it the noise, of located in every larger city in the U.S.S.R. rioting people? She had neither These stores carry about 15,000 different domestic and the time nor the necessary conimported articles; CLOTHING, SHOES, underwear; centration to distinguish It. Cries FLOUR, dried and canned vegetables, coffee, and other of dismay reached her ears. jA.t FOOD STUFFS; household goods, tobaccos, etc. the instant, she encountered sporadic refugees fleeing one by VUlk???* WHERE THERE ARE NO TORGSIN STORES, THE MERCHANDISE IS MAILED PROMPTLY BY PARCEL POST. one from the valley of slaughter. A dishevelled woman-with a child JFrices compare favorably in her arms; an old man with a -with those in America dirty pillow under his arm. "Didn't you see Joseph Elkin— gunsmith—In the New Market?' asked Bhe them. They did not even et ASSTORB.' 2si n;tii AV*» n. r. notice her. It. seemed that their eyes, widened by terror, saw naught, their ears heard naught.
rica is ©a the Wire
and pierced with his stare the pairs. At night he was going to shimmering glow of the lamp. repair it at home. Were it not for the smile which The interpreter, a, policeman appeared while he patted the lit- pretended to probe into the meantle brown-spotted puppy in his ing of his words, but Joseph himlap, his being would have seemed self felt that his reasons were as if encased in an armour of meagre, and coupled with his frigidity, and haughtiness, im- stammering would cause him to penetratable forever. When the appear in the eyes of everyone as prisoner was brought before him, a spy, a criminal who was probhis face did not show even a ably plotting a crime this night. shadow of disturbance. The officer, meanwhile, after a Slowly he removed the pup few short puffs of his pipe, said, from his lap to a couch nearby, "well, lead him away." placed some papers before him, Imploringly, Joseph exclaimed: and.began the inquiry. "Sir, sir, I don't beg you to set Joseph, exhausted, pale faced, me free—I'll stay—stay here. stammered forth from his aching My innocence will be proved toheart a supplication: morrow, or after tomorrow—t»ct, "The child—the child—Sir!" Sir, have pity on my child. Here But the officer threw a glance is the key. Send someone and let of cold despise and stopped him. him take him to his mother at "Very quickly we'll bury this na- the hospital. He will die of starvtive who dares to give explana- ation." tions without being asked," imThe policeman interpreted plied this cold glance. Joseph in- something to the officer who, stinctively inferred from that once again drawing from his pipe, glance that the dog and the pipe said: were incomparably higher and of "A key? All right. Give it to more importance in the eyes of me." this Englishman than he, Joseph He gave the key to. him withElkin, the human living being, out knowing whether the Englishthe father of Yag'el, the member man understood him or what lie of several indealistic orders. Jo- would do with it. The policeman seph explains in Arabic that he jerked him along, and he was doesn't know English, and that pushed between them, staggering, he hasn't sufficient mastery of in a haze. Arabic to explain his situation. "Oh, oh," the blood was seethNo attention was paid to his ing within him, "he'll not fio words, and he was forced to con- anything with the key. It seems tinue in his poor broken Arabic. that I didn't even give him my More than all, he lacked the word address and he didn't ask! Woe
for "nurse." "How do they say 'to nurse,' to nurse the poor 'wolod* (child) who remained locked up 'fil beta' (at home) and cries with harrassing screams?" And as to the gun-about which the Sir is asking—he, Elkin, is a gunsmith and this gun is the personal property of Mayer Dobkyss—he has a permit to carry arms—this gun had been given him for re-
enough money BO that, not on*r" is school continued but colls*< assnred. That the plan will satisfy ihe: mortgage, pay the taxes, and. rif.' the upkeep as long the tlie lion'* is needed. That, the plan will enable fbr By the Service Life Insurance j mother to stay -with her e!ii!<)"7<r Company, Omaha j and the children to stay with, ilir It is pleasant to contemplate mother. that uncier an adequate life insurance progrem— The death of the salary means tin the birth of the monthly income. That the company becomes the Is engaged in the business guardian of each child, and vrill of selling all kinds of REmake it happy all its dnys. LIGIOUS ARTICLES — That the college bills will be Taleisim and prayerboote paid by the company. Jewish music —- vine for That the company will furnish enough cash to liquidate or consacramental purposes -— tinue the business profitably. Matzos f*nfl Passover That the company will block Articles any drop in living conditions by an immediate estate sufficient to Res. 609 N. 50 <JL 387£ replace the earning power. That the company will send
FAVORTr of Nebraska Women Trr s R>f
to me! Yga'el—Yga'el, my poor, my unfortunate Yga'el." They brought him into a narrow, filthy cell, the air of which was impregnated with, pungent foul smells. By the dim light of the lamp suspended from the wall were seen, lying full length on the floor, four prisoners, whose bare feet protruded from the abayas (tunics) which covered (Continued on Page 7.)
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Criticism was directed against 241 members of the,Central Conference of American Rabbis when they issued a statement Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by recently endorsing the basic principles of Palestine Labor. Most THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY of the attacks centered on the point that spiritual leaders in Israel should not have approved a movement which is unreliSubscription Price, one year v - - - - - ?2.00 • Advertising rates furnished on application. gioua. But the criticizers of these Rabbis received an indirect rebuke when the Rabbinical Assembly of America, composed of the Editorial Office: 600 Brandeis Theater Building. = majority of the Conservative rabbis in the country, passed a resSlonx City OfHce-^ewish Cominnnity-Center solution reaffirming their previous endorsement of Labor PalDAVID BtACKBR - - Business and. Managing Editor FRANK R. AGKERMAN - - - - - - - Editor estine. RABBI TJRI MILLER - - - - - Contributing Editor The combination of the two groups in endorsing the labor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffa, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent movement in Palestine strongly demonstrates that the progresPrint Shop Address: 4504 So. 24ttt Street sive elements in our rabbinate are aligning themselves with the social justice program of Palestine labor. Indirectly, by their action they are branding Revisionism in Zionism as a harmful influence. The Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation is the The concluding paragraph in the resolution passed by the steward of Jewish activity in this city; its endeavors and enter- Rabbinical Assembly of America is worthy of being repeated: prises, its work and achievements are the heart-beats of our communal life, the pulse of Jewish consciousness and unity in our "We see in the Labor movement in Palestine the only instrument for obviating in that land the economic sins which have beset the ; city. .. •. , •-.:' • . •'••. '. . . . . . . ;. . The Federation also bespeaks unity among Omaha Jewry. modern world. As religious men we must give our wholehearted The organization, a consolidation of our efforts, represents support to the idealistic aspirations of the Labor movement in the upbuilding of our homeland." all Omaha Jewry, represents the Jewish people of all walks of
The Federation
life and from all schools of Jewish thought. So smoothly does the Federation and the Community Center function, so little is the friction, that we are apt to take its excellent work for granted. The reports of the .functional heads last Monday reaffirm the fine work being- turned out day in and day out by the Federation and its affiliates, and the re-election of the officers demonstrates that their positions have been filled capably and effectively. Much history has been chiseled on the mountain of time sincethe Federation came into humble being as the Associated Jewish Charities of Omaha on October 18, 1903. The Federation's story since its inception has been a narrative of progress, culminating in 1931 with the pooling-of the Federation, the Community Center and the Jewish Philanthropies^ into one concentrated community-wide organization, known as the Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation. We would be closing our eyes blindly to actual facts if we declared that there is no room for improvement in the functioning of our Federation. To think of the present organization in terms of perfection is to initiate a back-sliding movement of retrogression. But, we have been battling through trying times, and while other Centers and Federations are falling under the economic blows of the depression, the Omaha structure has remained intact. The relief burden and the social problems have increased, but our standards have stood untouched. Available funds have diminished, yet undiminished activity is the reply. We have strained under the load, but we have weathered it unscathed. Our record is one in which we can take pride. The barometer of the past, however, is not sufficient to sustain us in the future; it should, instead, act as a stimulus for the future. The communal tradition of our community is our challenge of tomorrow.
Thick Skulls Dr. Schacbijchief of the economic system in Nazi Germany, is urging the Hitlerites to ease up on their anti-Jewish measures. "This is not the first time that Schacht has so urged, but the causes for his stand appear stronger now in the eyes of the Nazi overlords than they did "before. On the surface, the deduction is 'that Schacht believes the boycott of German goods is severely handicapping German business and exports. But there is even more than appears on the surface to bother the Nazi moguls. It is not generally known that Schacht's interest in the Jewish problem was whetted by the complete failure of Germany's negotiations for a $200,000,000 loan in the United States. Few know that a delegation including outstanding industrialists and bankers sent by the German government to this country to obtain the loan1 has returned home emptyhanded. The delegates must inevitably report to their feuhrer that sentiment in this country is not in sympathy with the Hitler methods and that the anti-Jewish discrimination is at least partly to blame. ' The grapevine source of information states that Schacht in his plea to ease anti-Jewish restrictions is supported by leading industrialists of the country as well as the more liberal elements in the Nazi party. But, as the world knows, there are a lot of thick skulls at the head of the Nazi party, and the higher up you go the thicker seem the- skulls. Therefore, it is highly problematical whether the pressure being exerted by Schacht and the go the thicker seem the skulls. Therefore, it is highly problematical whether the pressure being exerted by Schacht and the others will lead to anything of benefit. !
Personality Passes Few people in this country realize the tremendous loss sustained by world Jewry in the death of Dr. Angelo Sacerdoti, chief rabbi of Italy. In this country we have been so far removed from Dr. Sacerdoti's work territorially that we do not realize the magnitude of his fforts on behalf of his people. ^ When twenty-one years ago he assumed the position of chief rabbi of Italy at the age of twenty-eight, Italian Jewry had long been isolated from the main stream of Jewish life. But under his guidance and inspiration, Italian Jewry, the oldest on the European continent and once a potent force in Jewish affairs, once more assumed a dominant position. Under his personality, the prestige of Italian Jewry was enhanced and a cultural and communal renaissance took place. He was particularly effective in his unofficial diplomatic role. A strong personal friend of Premier Mussolini and King Emanuel, Dr. Sacerdoti was able to exert tremendous influence in behalf of Austrian and German Jewry. He was responsible for Mussolini repeatedly stating his views in favor of Zionism and as an admirer of the Jewish people, and time and again repudiating the anti-Semitic brand of fascism practiced by the Nazis. \ , In the trying days facing Jewry, it is catastrophic to lose a personality like Dr. Sacerdotu
Combined Strength Since in Omaha the Jewish Philanthropies collects one "big pot" for all the local, national and international Jewish agencies, we are only indirectly affected by the announcement that the Joint Distribution Committee and the American Palestine Campaign have sealed their differences and will again make one joint drive under the name "of the United Jewish Appeal. But even though affected only indirectly, we rejoice that this course was decided upon by these two large philanthropic agencies, since its benefits will be felt in other Jewish communities the country over. Last year the United Jewish Appeal raised two million dollars, no small achievement in this era of depression. The Joint Distribution Committee in its program stressse relief for German Jewry and a continuation of aid in Eastern and Central Europe as well as Palestine. The American Palestine Campaign provides a substantial part of the budget required by the Jewish Agency for Palestine for the maintenance of its work and the realization pf its program for settling German Jews in Palestine.
News comes to us from Palestine of a Sabbath observance week to be projected throughout the country. The press item informs us that the national aspects of the Sabbath are to be emphasized and an attempt to be made to include all shades of opinion within the community in this project It is a sorry commentary on the new life being created in Palestine that Sabbath observance must be fostered by the advertising technique of the Western World! Sabbath observance, it seems to most of us, ought to be the normal commitant of a normal Jewish life — normal, as is possible only in Palestine. The necessity of utilizing modern ballyhoo and stressing ulterior .motives in Sabbath observance is doubtlessly tragic and probably futile. We feel that eventually, irrespective of the methods employed, the Jewish Sabbath will triumph in Palestine. The growing life in our Holyland will eventually overcome the imported doctrines of disparaging Jewishness which some of our Not long ago the Rev. Charles Daniel Brodhead of Bethle- Chalutsim have brought with them. hem, Pa., suggested that this fall Christians observe "Yom KipBut we feel this is an occasion for commenting on Sabbath pur,'V:the Jewish Day of Atonement, as a national day of prayer observances in our own country. The great distinction between and self •examination. "The Christian Century," an influential Jewish life as it was several generations ago and a s it is today is Protestant organ, has endorsed this proposal as "an excellent the complete collapse of Sabbath observance, indeed the violaone,'f suggesting that Christians decided to take the initiative in tion of the sabbath has become the normal procedure,: and com" t h i s practical experiment in interconfessional fellowship." menting upon it is considered a peculiarity of oldsters and irra; Says "The Christian Century": tional idealists, ««Yom Eippur, the most solemn day on the Jewish calendar, The modern substitute for the Sabbath, Friday evening servtakes root in the earliest Old Testament traditions," the organ ices, andthe.Oneg Shabbot ar suprficial in a way that makes any declares. "On that day the ancient high priest, discarding his charges of hypocricy concerning our pious forebearers seem lugorgeous robes of office, dressed in simple^Uhen and entered the dicrous. Very often the Friday evening service is but meeting holy'of holies to sacrifice and intercede for his people. During the places'for'those who later attend amusement places where the Babylonian captivity and afterwards, when exile and dispersion Sabbath atmosphere can hardly be distinguished. We have been was their lot, the temple destroyed and the sacrifice abolished, told of a convention in a near-by city, the delegates of which after the day became for the-Jews one of personal as .well as national attending services proceeded to a house party where they gambled significance. It emphasized the. sense of individual sin which con- till the early hours of the morning. The Sabbath day has become tributed to and merged with the sins of the nation. The analogy synonymous with bargain shopping, haircuts and the movies for with our present economic and cultural plight is thus complete. the children, bridge-luncheons and similar Jewish cultural actiThrough our sense of guilt, as individuals and as a nation, we vities.. would, if the suggestion is carried out, devote a day to spiritual Some of us who belong to the older generation can still restock-taking. This day does not lend itself to commercialization as capture some of the beauty inherent in the former observance ^ Q Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving. Moreover, people who are of the Sabbath. To our children the Sabbath can mean nothing. not yet seriously contaminated by the virus of race antipathy Indeed it is the one day dissassociated with everything Jewish. could, by participating, submit themselves to an antidote before While Talmud Torah and Sunday School may occupy the other the contagion spreads too far. The proposal therefore seems to days of the week the Sabbath alone is a day of freedom from be an excellent one. Because our Jewish friends obviously cannot Jewish contacts. take the initiative in putting it into effect, it is entirely up to When Jewish life in Palestine begins to spread its influence Christians to decide whether or not they -will share with them, on and inspiration to the Jews of the exile, may we not hope that their great day of atonement, this practical experiment in inter- the beauty of Israel's day of rest will again become our portion? confessional fellowship." —URI XTHLLER.
Interconfessional Fellowship
MARCH I, 1935.
would ease his path. In a uniform that was much too big for him he began his war service. Perhaps • * • there was something funny in the By GERTRUDE BERG, solemn youngster in his. baggy By O. O. DASHEK MOEEIS EISENMAN Author of uniform, for he was laughed at "The Rise of the Goldbergs" Morris Eisenman, one of and began to entertain his offiMy people hath been lost sheep, American Jewry's most picturcers and his fellow soldiers with their leaders have caused them to esque philanthropist* and busiWhen a mother finds that her Impersonations of the Jews as go astray. ness men *ls celebrating the child has been lying to her she is they imagined them. And I will give them one heart, S5th anniversary of the Metronaturally distressed. For all of us "I played the traditional Jew know that the telling of false- for them," he said. "It may not and I will put a new spirit within politan News Company, of hoods not only betrays a certain have been pretty, but it was the you. I will remove the stony heart which he is president and founweakness of character but is, in only way a Jew could exist and out of their flesh and I will give der.—.The Editor. them a heart of flesh. the Ions run, inexpedient. Per be let alone." Business Morris Eisenman: He that hath given his bread haps, human nature being what But arnjy life was not all theait is, the second consideration out tricals and laughing at the Jews, to the hungry, hath covered the man, communal leader and patron weighs the first as a reason for and soon the Germans were in naked with garments, he that of the arts, Is in his early sixties. the universal disapproval of ly- Wilno and young Buloff was a hath not given forth upon inter- Born in Russia, Started business est hath executed true justice be- career as news dealer. Owned * ing. prisoner. Therein came his first tween man and man, hath walked I route in Hsrlem, where he delirBut what is a mother to do change of uniforms. And again in My statutes, and hath kept e r e d Yiddish papers thirty-seven when she catches her child in a his natural sense of mimicry and Mine ordinances to deal truly! he years ago. Was almost killed lie? Scold and punish him, or his ability to portray others came when his handcart in which he preach a sermon intended to show to his rescue and he was made is just, he shall ^surely live. T.ALM1TB, carried his papers was crushed by him the error of his ways? Or an interpreter. Therefore the man was created a c o a I truck. Celebrated his recovpass over it more or less lightly Came the Communists and the with one of those "You know it German troops fled. Left behind slngly to teach that he who de- err after s, year In a hospital by the Metropolitan makes mother very sad" phrases was Buloff. He was then a mem- stroys one soul of a human be- j establishing T so highly recommended by some ber of the Red army. But not for ing, is considered by the Scrip-} N ews Company with a capital of tures as if he had destroyed the Tod&y it is one of the largof the child guidance experts? long. Wilno was taken by the whole world, and he who saves est enterprises of its kind in For my part, I believe that the Poles and Muloff with it. Then best thing to do about lying is to followed a period in the Polish one soul the Scriptures considers America with hundreds of delivprevent it. And that is not nearly service and here we come to Mu- it as if he had saved tbe whole ery trucks. Heads the company world. which delivers a majority of the as difficult as it sounds. Smal loff's real theatrical beginnings. papers read by New Yorkers evOnce when Moses and Aaron children are almost pathetically When he was finally discharged eager to confess their misdeeds; from the Polish army, ragged and walked together and were fol- ery morning. Is not the usual it is only after experience has hungry, in a world that had gone lowed by Nodab Abihu, the sons business type of East European taught them that naughtiness mad and showed no signs of re- of Aaron Nodab said to Abihu: Jew. Was one of the founders of . . _ . , , , When will the two old men die, I the Arbeiter Ring and close cobrings punishment that they try to evade- the consequences of turning to sanity, Buloff was in E n d y o u E n d j b e t h e l e a d e r g o f j worker of Ab Cahan, Louis MilWarsaw, wondering how he could I s r a e l ? » T o w h i c h t h e H o l j r O ne i ler and other Jewish labor leadtheir acts by lying about them. get home. He finally heard that Now I am not one of those who the Vilner troupe was playing in said: "Time will show who willjers. Has an extra-ordinary admiration for the writers and thinkrecommend the abolition of all Warsaw and he went to see them bury whom." Rabbi Popa said: "This is what ers among his people. Is perhaps punishments. But the fact re- hoping, as he explained, not for mains that many mothers tend to work but that there would be people say 'many old camels are the most generous, though the exaggerate in this respect; they someone in the troupe who would laden with the hides of the least known, of Jewish Maecenases. Hig gifts made possible the young ones." do not realize that what the moth- help him return home. Rabbi Eleaear eaid: How does formation and maintenance of the er may consider a mild punishJoining the troupe, by one of ment for a piece of major naugh- those queer quirks of fate that 60 a scholar appear in the eyes of | Dvir Publishing Company in Paltiness may appear to the child an often determine one's career, he an ignorant person? At first ac-jestine. "Was responsible for Victor unduly severe penalty for an un- soon recognized that he had real quaintance the scholar appears Chenkin's trip to America. When intentional slip from grace. And ly found his work. His rise wa to him a golden pitcher. However, Meyer W. Weisgal, creator of the the child, trying to protect him- rapid and since 1932 when n upon holding a conversation with Romance of a People, needed fihim, he appears to him like a nancing to clinch his contract self against this — to his mind • joined the group, he has tourned unfair procedure, attempts to de- Europe, the United States and silver pitcher, and uppn receiving with Max Reinhardt, It was Eisenlay discovery of his misbehavior South America, conducted an ex a favor from the ignorant, the man who quietly advanced the nescholar appears to him like an cessary funds. Some years ago by fibbing about it. perimental theater of his own in when New York's Yiddish dailies In other words, the child learns Chicago, played with Maurice earthen pitcher. The schoolmen propounded a I were in danger of suspending to lie because he is afraid of the Schwartz In his Yiddish Ar consequences of the truth. This; Theater, a group that picked up question. "Is the memorial prayer | publication because of financial of course, is something which the where Schwartz left off when c e in honor of the living or for the j difficulties, he came to their respsychologists discovered long ago departed for the gold fields of deceased? And after thoroughly j cue. Painters, sculptors, poets and discussing It, they came to the j composers whom he has helped and which every mother knows. Hollywood. conclusion that it is in honor of to survive and often to produce But it would be well if every Thirty-four years old, Buloff masterpieces are legion. His beaumother would try to remember has appeared in 123 roles. He is the deceased. tiful comradeships with Schmarthis when she decides upon the equally at home in the works of ya Levin, the late Chaim Nachpunishment to be meted out for the great masters and In plays by msn Bialik and Chaim Weizman the misdeeds of her child. Chil- contemporary Yiddish authors. He constitute a human interest story dren have a well-developed sense scored notable successes as the that is one of the most beautiful of justice, as a rule, and seldom Pope in Sholom Asch's "The Witch By JOSEPH BBAININ chapters in the snnals of selfless feel abused when naughtiness is of Castile" the jailbird in Franz It would be strange indeed if friendship. His trip to Palestine followed by appropriate punish- Langer's "Peripherie," the peasant ment; what is more, they seldom in Gorki's "The Lower Depths,' the investigation by the special is probably prompted by the detry to evade punishment when the shlemiel in the "Kibitzer," a congressional committee on -un- sire to see Schmarya Levin who is they deserve it and need not fear role made famous on the New American activities, created for too sick to come here. Is a leadthe purpose of exposing and fight- ing authority on antiques and that it will be too severe. York English stage by Edward G ing Fascism and Nazism, would Mothers, therefore, must try to; Robinson, both as Chonon and the result in the strengthening of the plastic art. Collects Oriental rugs. make lying unnecessary for their Rabbi in Ansky's "The Dybbuk," Fascist elements in this country. Has & unique sense of humor. children. And if, for any reason, and as the old man in Moliere's But stranger things have hap- When he holds court in the Cafe the child already has learned to "The Miser." He-has played Shaw pened. Among the recommenda- Royale, the Bohemian restaurant lie, a change in the mother's pro- ("Pygmalion"), Molnar ( " L l l - tions of the committee we find of New York's East Side, his table is always surrounded by Gotcedure In case of naughtiness will iom"), Pirandello ("He, She and such formulae as: ' ham's most picturesque types work wonders. the Ox") and the works of other "That congress should enact a from the worlds of art and busiwell-known authors. statute conferring upon the secre- ness who prefer his anecdotes to This season with his New York tary of labor authority to shorten Broadway's best hit. Chaim WeizArt Theater he has directed and or terminate the stay in this man once called him the Baron starred in "60,000 Heroes," a play country of any visitor admitted Rothschild of the East Side. It is under temporary visa, characteristic o£ his innate modabout a false Messiah who got to- here gether an army to win Palestine whenever in the judgment of the esty that he is not listed in Who's JOSEPH B U L O F F for the Jews. Written by an un- secretary such visitor shall en- Who in American Jewry. The reigning King of Second known, Benjamin Ressler, It has gage In the promotion or dissemi- (Copyright, 1935. by Seven ArtB Featur* Syndicate.) Avenue, — successor to the ex- been hailed sc one of the finest nation of propaganda or engage alted throne occupied at one time contemporary plays presented in in political activity in the United tacking the core of the problem. or another by Maurice Schwartz, the Yiddish Theater. This produc- States." The congressional committee In other words aliens are not Paul Muni, Jacob Ben-Am i and tion was first played by Bnloff the late Jacob Adler, — is Joseph in South America where he Is tre- permitted to have political .views on tin-American activities did a that are out of step with the ma- commendable piece of work. It Buloff. As director &n,d leading mendously popular. player of the New York Art TheaBuloff has high hopes for the jor political parties of this coun- unquestionably broke the back of ter, he is the star around which future of the Yiddish theater in try. It would seem to me that if the Nazi movement in this counrevolves the orbit of the current America. He realizes its difficul- such a bill became law It would try. Representatives McCormack Yiddish theater. ties but he believes there Is a not prevent Fascist propaganda and Dickstein stand vindicated The brightest luminary in the real need for it. And then he by native imitators! of Hitler and and their policy of public hearMussolini, but would be primarily ings with the attendant full pubcontemporary Yiddish constella- adds: against the radical licity of these proceedings has "Perhaps the lack of Jewish directed tion, It is fitting that he should be movements. The report oJ the proTed to be the right one. It talkies and movies will prove a called upon to launch the first Jewish dramatic program ever factor in saving the Jewish congressional committee on un- •would be indeed unfortunate if American activities, In referring the practical results of their labroadcast over a national radio stage." to General Smefiley Butler's sen- bor were endangered by the inOf the Yiddish theater In Eunetwork, This he will do on Sunday, March 10th, at 12:45 p. m. rope, Buloff says it is poverty sational charge of & proposed troduction, of un-American laws Fascist coup de'etat, did not in- and the dragging of the red-her(BST) when stations In Philadel- stricken, as are the people. "But how hungry they are for dict, as far as we remember, the ring of a radical Bcare across the phia (WIP), Boston (WHBI) Chicago (WJJY) St. L o u i s the theater," he says, "They come alien element of this country. It American scene. This would not (WIL), Baltimore, (WCBN), De- to the theater ragged and hun- was crystal clear that the pro- slow do^n the coining of Fascism troit (W J B R ) , Washington< gry, sometimes without shoes, posals made to General Butler but merely accelerate it. (WOL) and Providence (WPRO) but they drink it all in and beg emanated from "one hundred Wilno — F i v e anti-Semitic pick up a program which will or- for more. Many times I have seen per cent" Americans. How would iginate with Buloff and his New poor Jews come to the theater the bill restraining feliens from youths were sentenced to from York Art Theater players in the carrying a hen or a goose or per- propaganda interfere with the one to five years' imprisonment New York studio of Station haps a bag of flour and J>eg to be Yankee Fascists of this country? for hurling bombs at a synagogue Radical aliens are mostly Ideal- here. admitted. WBVD. sts of a harmless type. They do "The poverty of the audience is Thus for the first time, Yidnot command funds or resources reflected in the poverty! of the dish theater-goers outside of New that would make them a factor in York will have the opportunity to theater. There is very little scenMohel Specialist the moulding of public opinion. ery and few costumes, but we bear the finest Yiddish actors in Recommended by Many Doctors They have no press of any cona dramatic program in the com- showed & wide range of plays, sequence nor do they control the Phone tVEbster BS3S fort of their own homes. New from original musical comedies to radio or the motion pictures. To Business Phone WEbster 5450 York has enjoyed this pleasure he great classics. 1432 X. 20th St., Omaha, Neb. curb their activity' Is merely "But here In the United States for some months; it Is now beevading the issue Instead of ating presented to those who have things are different. The poorest an even better Tight to it than group here is better off than New Yorkers, people from out- most of the European Jewish of-town, who much as they'd like heatrical groups." So today when Schwartz and to, can't attend high class Yiddish performances at their pleas- Muni are in the movies, and with Ben-Ami an established English ure. An actor and director of rare player, Buloff carries on the Yidtalents — as attested by the cri- dish stage tradition. Brought to tical acclaim achieved this sea- his country in 1926 by Schwartz, son by his four New York pro- t was said of him then by the ductions — Buloff is also a per- Yiddish critics: "The loss of sonality wholly apart from his Muni Welsenfriend (Paul Muni) acting ability. His has been a has been compensated in the apcheckered and hectic career that pearance of Joseph Buloff." has taken him all over the world, With his whole heart centered that has seen him serve in four n the problems of the Yiddish armies, — the imperial Russian stage, Buloff has hopes that the army, the German army, under radio experiment he will launch the Red flag in, the early days of shortly will be of aid in the perthe Russian Revolution and fin- petuation of the Yiddish stage. ally under Polish colors. The Yiddish Theater, he feels, At fifteen, Buloff, a stripling an and will live. And many Bkepjust graduated from a Wilno high :ics of the past few years, knowschool, enlisted in the old Rus- Ing of the re-awakened interest sian army because he was in- invoked by Buloff, are inclined formed that if he wanted to at- o agree with this talented young tend a university, war service artist.
A Good Job
Personalities in the• News ••
of oil burner
THE JEWISH PRESS, ' FRIDAY, MARCH I, 1SS5. VISITOR FROM LOS ANGELES Mrs. Joseph Miller of Los Angeles is visiting at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bernstein.
Heads Fraternity
Purim Program y Beth-El Synagogue
Bazaar of Bikur
Cholim on Sunday
The regular monthly meeting of the Beth-El synagogue auxiliary will be held Wednesday, March 13. There will be a Purim program and Purim delicacies and gifts will be distributed, Mrs. A. D. Frank, program 'chairman, announces. • • • The next Oneg Shabbos of the auxiliary will be held Saturday at 2:30 p. m. at the A. B. Alpirn home at 105 So. 52 street. Mrs. Sam Newman will act as cohostess. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will review the book, "Road of Agec," by Robert Nathan. There will also be a discussion of Jewish current topics.
Vaad Auxiliary's Book I Temple Review Grossp to Meet
Sisterhood Meeting on Monday
The Vaad Auxiliary Book ReTemple Israel Sisterhood vll* The Bikur Cholim society will view group will meet at the home hold its annual bazaar Sunday, of Mrs. I. Morgenstern, Wednes- hold their regular monthly meetWEEK-END March 3, at the Labor Lyceum, day, March 6, at 2 o'clock. Robert ing on Monday, March i, with * Mr and Mrs. Harry Kneeter 22 and Clark street. Admission j Nathan's "Road o£ Ages" will be and son, Donald, Des Moines, 1 o'clock luncheon at the temple. will be free. reviewed. All members of the spent the week-end hei*e visiting After the luncheon, Mrs. Fred 'E-. The bazaar will begin at 8 In group sre urged to be present. Mr. Kneeter's mother, Mrs. Pearce will cjisplsy her Interestthe morning and will continue Mamie Kneeter and her guest, all day and evening. Refreshing collection of fans. Mrs. Harry Edell, sister of Mr. ments and & good program have Kneeter. Hostesses will be Kegdatne« been arranged for. Among the Sam Wolf, J. Abrshsmson, and SETS WEDDING DATE features of the evening program FORMER OMAHAN ENGAGED . Z. B. T. MOTHER'S CLUB Harry Malashock. Mrs. Mollic will be Mr. E. Sellz, who will Miss Ruth Fox, daughter of Mr. The engagement of Miss Doris The Z. B. T. Mothers' club held CohR, Walnut 7144, In taking sing. He will be accompanied by and Mrs, O. Fox, has chosen Nathan of Chicago, daughter of a regular monthly meeting FebA very interesting Furim prohis daughter. Harold Kaplan will gram is being •worked out by Mrs. reservations. March 17 as the date of her mar-Mrs. Irma Nr.thah, '-of that city, ruary 21, at the home of Mrs. A. play a violin solo. riage to Sheff Katskee, son of to Lester Slosbnrg, son of Mr. andLazerowitz, 2040 No. 49th street. The board will meet at IS. William Milder and her commitThe drawing on the silverware teo for the Purim celebration of Mr. and Mrs. A. Katskee. Mrs. Jacob Slosburg, Jr., of Oma- The next meeting will be held and the drawing for two beautiful the Vaad. This celebration will The wedding will take place at ha, was announced in Chicago March 21, at the home of Mrs. chairs will also take place in the take place Monday evening, the Blackatone hotel in the pres- Sunday. Sam Leon at the Paxton hotel. evening. ence of the immediate families Mr. Slosburg -was graduated March IS, the night of the MeC©ngTcgati©E of Israel The committee in charge in- gilah reading, at 8 o'clock at the only. from Central high school and GUESTS AT PARTT cludes Mesdames L. Neveleff, J. Jewish Community Center. It is Among those who have enter- from the University of Michigan Kadimah club members were There will be a regular monthly Finkle, N. Levicson, L. Rosen- planned to limit this affair to meeting of the Ladies' auxiliary tained for the bride-to-be, are the at Ann Arbor. He also attended guests at a party given them by blatt, J. Bernstein, J. Miller, Wil- members of the Vaad and affili- of the Congregation of Israel. Mesdames O. Fox, mother of the Harvard law school. Rabbi Uri Miller at the home of liam Kuklin, Krizelman, William ated organizations. There will be Monday, March 4, at 2 p. ns. Imbride-to-be, J.Blocb, J. Bernstein, Mrs. Leon Mendelson, Saturday, Epstein, C. Ross, L. Mendelson, D. Fox, William Herzoff, Ben fciKGAUKMENT ANNOUNCED February 23. Games and dancing Hadassah book review group L. Morgan, M. Katzman, S. F}sh, no charge except for Purim deli- portant business will be dlscussp«\ Perelman, and M. Fox. were the diversions. Prizes were and a report on the dinner which Mr. N. Lerman announces the No. 2 will meet Wednesday, Dave Finkle, A. Pitlor, T. Sher- cacies. Melrin L. Sommer A program which will include was given. February 17, will be March 6, at the home of Mrs. J. man, J. Blatt, and J. Chait. engagement of h i s daughter, won by Dorothy Tatelman, CharAbove Is pictured Melvln L. Shapiro, 4331 Chicago street, every form of entertainment End read. Refreshments will h*= FORMER OMAHAN Pearl, to Nate Kaplan, son of Mr. lotte Sacks, and Lillian Perelman. Sommer, who has been elected with Mrs. Irving Rubinow as cowhich will impart the Purim served. AH members! are asked ENGAGED and Mrs. L Kaplan. The engage- Refreshments were served. spirit is to be presented. to attend. AH members are urged to - at- president of the Creighton uni- hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Barney H. Bell, ment was announced Sunday, of San Antonio, Texas, announce February 24. The marriage will tend the meeting next Sunday. versity chapter of Pi Lambda The program, following desThis is to be a very important Phi, national social fraternity. Jewish Press advertisers merU the engagement of their daugh- take place in early spring. sert-coffee at one o'clock, will Inunlor Hadassali to Other officers named are: Benclude a talk by Mrs. Roland Gladmeeting, as plans for the celeyour patronage. ter, Bessie, to Sam Cackin, son bration of the club's first anni- V. Smith, vice-president; Ben D. stone on "The Jew in Drama." of Mr. and Mrs. Max Cdckin of ENTERTAINS FOR VISITOR Hold Open Meeting Shrier, treasurer; Morris Dansky, Current events will be discussed The next meeting of the child versary will be discussed. this city. Mrs. Ellis Weitzman had as her secretary; Abe Katz, fraternity by Mrs. O. C. Belzer, and a short study group of the Council of Mr. Cackin, formerly of Oma- week-end guest, Miss Ruth Green Pl&ns are being made by the correspondent. ha, is a graduate of Technical of Chicago. Mrs. Weitzman was SORORITY INITIATION discussion on the life .of Justice Jewish Women will be held Tues- Omaha chapter o* Junior HadssThe formal initiation of the High school and is affiliated with hostess at a bridge, Sunday, FebLouis D. Brandeig will be given day, March 5, at the home of Mrs. sah for a Purim program end Phil Gilinsky, 104 So. 54th street. open meeting to be held ThursOmega Delta sorority was held by Xi Lambda fraternity. by Mrs. B. F. Margolin. ruary, 24, in honor of her visitor. "candlelight ceremony," WednesMrs. Peter Greenberg is chair- Mrs. Jack Marer will act as co- day evening, March 14, at the J. day evening, at the home of Ida C. C. man of the group. Anyone inter- hostess. HERE FROM NEW YORE SUPRISE GRADUATION PARTY Blacker. Mrs. Mary Fredericks, of the ested is cordially Invited to atA very unique program Is beMrs. Harry Edell of New York The Misses Goldie and Sylvia vocational department of the ing arranged by the committee in The new members arethe tend. arrived last week to visit her Gerelick entertained a number of board of education, will give the charge of this meeting, •which is Misses Mary Cutler, Sara MalaThe Round Table of Jewish • • • mother, Mrs. Mamie Kneeter. young people at a surprise party shock, Sylvia Jonish, Marjorie second in the series of six dis- open to the public. Everyone is Administration fund chairman Youth will again honor a visiting at their home Saturday evening, Kaplan, LaVerne Feblowitz. cussions on Adult Psychology End basket ball team at a dance when Mrs. F. H. Roddy and her aides Meatal Hygiene. Anyone interest- urged to keep this date in mind. in honor of Miss Lillian Weis, Plans are being made for the are ready at all times to supply who is soon to gfiraduate from annual formal to be given in May. the Kansas City Jewish Comed in Joining this group is askTechnical High school. The guests munity Center and the Omaha the necessary goods for the party ed to call Mrs. Gilinsky or Mrs. or dinner. All orders will be played games and danced. A buf- FRATERNITY INITIATION Jewish Community Center basket filled at once at a nominal price. Marer before the Tuesday meetfet supper was served. Beta Tau Kappa, University of ball teams play here on Sunday, For further information, call tag. Before a large audience, the At the last regular meeting Omaha Jewish fraternity, will March 10. Harney 5908. The Women's Mizrachi organ- j Children's theater of the Jewish CELEBRATE DAUGHTER'S formally initiate Sylvan Frankel Rabbi David Wice spoke on ization will give & benefit movie j The game between the two • • • SERVES Community Center presented its BIRTHDAY and Macy Baum at a banquet at teams will be played at 3": 30. A Esther," I a collection with the st the Circle theater, Thursday £«aher Style Hadassah book review group first production, "Snow White," Mr. and Mrs. Morres Cohn cel- the Conant hotel Sunday evening. preliminary game will be staged evening, March 14. Two very InNo. 1 will hold its next meeting Purira Holiday. on Sunday afternoon and still ebrated the tenth birthday of March 3. Harold Kort, newly at 2:30. teresting pictures will be shown, Saturday, March 9, at the home COFFEE-DESSERT further emphasized the work of their daughter, Harriet, with an elected secretary, will be installed Luncheonette The dance will be held in the of Mrs. Samuel H. Davis, 2S69 Mrs. Moe Vesger, 104 So. SSth "Caravan" and "It's & Gift." The the Center dramatic program this informal family dinner Sunday. at this time. Joe Greenstone, Center auditorium that evening nnrl street, will entertain the memtickets will be twenty cents, End Davenport street, with Mrs. A. year. president, will preside. at 9:30. Loyal Kaplan, chairman Romm presiding. bers of the Legislative and In- may be secured from s c y member Cafe Each scene from the time the GOES TO ALABAMA Norman Wohlner and Sylvan of the arrangements, states that This group is pursuing the ternational Relations study group of the organization. Mrs. Sol curtain first arose until the end, Frankel played leading roles in this affair will be even more enMrs. S. Silverhas left for Tusstudy of great Jewish personali- of the Council of Jewish Women, Handler is ch&irman of this afbrought exclamations of delight ,..,..••..„....,.„ E5c caloosa, Alabama to be with her Edna Ferber's "The Eldest," pre- joyable than the dance held for ties and at this time the life and Wednesday, March 6, at a 1 o'- fair. She will be assisted by Mrs. Lunches „ „ , from the youngsters present. Dinners 50c to 75c sented at the university auditorthe Des Moines team. The Colcareer of Justice Louis D. Bran- clock coffee-dessert. Rabbi Fred- Sam Fellmsn. Proceeds of this The play opened with the maids son, Manny,.who Is ill at the ium Friday. lege club orchestra, featuring Ann deis will be the subject of a talk erick Cohn will review "Mer- performance will go to the JPs-ivaSe Btalnr 1?*>«IB tme Druid hospital. Manny is a stuof honor, splendidly portrayed by Nieman, will furnish the music, by Mrs. B. F. Margolin. rachi fund. chants of Death." , Joy Yousem, Bernlce Silverman. dent at the University of Alaand novelty acts have been arMrs. I. Dansky will speak on Junior Society Hallie Blalac, Genevieve Stein, bama. Mrs. Silver will be gone a 3 ^ ^ ranged. Those assisting the chairThe Junior society of the Beth- man are Jean Beber, Joe Gold- the various types of Jewish colMildred Berkowltz, Elaine Lag- month. El synagogue will have a regular ware, Ann Green, and Max Res-onies in Palestine. Current events man', Helen Kahn, and Lee White, will be led by Mrs. J. H. KulaTO BE GUEST OF meeting Tuesday evening at the nick. dancing in the court o£ the kofsky. home of Miss Estelle Gilbert, wicked Queen, Brangomar, played PIONEER "WOMEN by,. Sylvia Silverman,,.who ahly . Sophie A.- Udin, national secre- 2864 Newport street. portrayed the wicked queen. She tary of the Pioneer Women, is Chesed Shel Ernes drove the little princess, Snow going to be the guest of the local TELEPHONE CHANGED The Chesed Shel Ernes will Mark Leon Says • • Dr. Manuel Grodinsky wishes hold a regular meeting Monday, Let me protect you* imUneta. White (Reva .Gorelicfc) Into the chapter and its affiliates, to announce that his of ice tele- March 4, at the building. The I write iySTJKAyCE nS erery forest to be slain by the hunts- 16 and 17. Including XJCTK, la ttirmg, Many other organizations are phone number has been changed final Teport of the* building com- nrfpHoa man, Berthold. But Berthold reliable companies OKLT. . . Let'* could not slay the lovely little planning to co-operate with the from Ja. 3409 to At. 7585. Dr. mittee will be given. All mem- talk It »Ter. princess and the two contrived a Pioneer Women in honoring Mrs. Grodinsky is retaining the pres- bers are nrged to be there. City Finance £ Insurance Co. way of deceiving the queen. She Udin. More detailed plans will be ent offices at 902 Medical Arts 1409 Ffcrnam AT 5M7 or WA SIM Building. . was left In the woods and finally announced later. Patronize Our Advertisers. found refuge with the Seven Dwarfs, played by Morris Peck, Beryle Walters, Gertrude Kahn, Harriet Shafer, Evelyn Goldware, ^Mildred Singer and Phyllis Wintroub. The antics of the little dwarfs with their quaint costumes and long white beards were the delight of all the youngsters. In the end Snow White IB united with her beloved maids of honor and the prince (Jerry Marcus); the wicked queen was punished and all lived happily ever after. • The acting throughout was very well done. It is difficult to single out any one particular character;* however, special mention should be given to Ethel KaDecidedly different, these dresses! With' the dis, who played the part of the witch; Sylvan Frankel, for his ttrikisg individuality th&t sm&rt women sre conhighly dramatic interpretation of stantly seeking. Prints, Crepes, Wools, end the huntsman, and Salewyn MichKnitted Types in Ekes for misses, women and nick, for the humorous touches juniors. he lent to his characterization of . the court chamberlain. Miss Grace Levin directed both the dnacing and acting for the Cemum'i Second Floor . play and deserves much credit ' %or her fine piece of work.
Puran Program Being Arranged
Book Review Group of Local Hadassah
Council of Jewish Women Meetings
Round Table Dance to Be Gven Sunday
Children's Theater Presents Snow-White
Benefit Movie by Women's Mizrachi
New I Spring
Ready With
Junior Vaad The Junior Vaad held a smoker Tuesday at the B'nai Israel synagogue. Professor Brown of Creighton university addressed the group of "Criminology." He illustrated his points on ballistics with photographs. . The address was followed by an open discussion. After the meeting refreshments were served by.-jA. committee which included _Pbil Mulnick, George Shapiro and Paul Teplinsky. ,-A regular meeting of the organization will be held next Tuesday, March 6.
Come . . Pick and choose •. Be particularl We have what you want In price <and fashion! Large Selections at
Junior Pioneer The Junior Pioneers held a "Stooge and Waffle" party in celebration of their first anniversary, February 16, at the home of Mise Ann Sklar. ••-'*. ..- -
Ready With
Ladies Free Loan The Ladies Free Loan wishes to announce > that the banquet, celebrating its fourteenth anniversary, held at the J. C. C Sunday, February 24, was well-attended, and also wishes to thank all those who took- part In the program. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Friedel gave the club a gift of ten dollars.
The complete correct suit picture for 19351 Crisp u i l l e s n . . . cape casernb l e t . . . action back tport raits . . . eatnal swaggers . . . and lovely drewy n i t s ! Navy . . . Tweeds . . . Beiges 1
Prints! Navies! Pastels! Sheers!
Others to $79.75
Fresh and New s» the season . . . dresses with Jackets . . . taffeta bows . . . regency details . . » lingerie collars! And grand valnes at . . .
Sizes 12 to 44
Sizes 14 to 20 ...S3 to 46 Half Sixes16U to 24H
Fourth Floor
Pm Money Shop, Sixth Floor
Stunning new Suits with sHort Jackets, threequarters or seven-eighths lengths. Tne mate* rials are smart woolens aud tweeds. Swagger types in the new 1935 manner. Sizes for misses, women and Juniors. Second Floor
DDtt YOU EVER TRY THIS STRIDE?—It's done on skates, or at least that's the way graceful Cecilia Colledge, 14-yearrold English fancy skater does it. She is shown in action in Vienna during the women's fancy skating championship contests held there. Despite the fact she proved herself an artist of the steel blades, the championship eventually was won by Soja Henie, Norwegian skater, who retained her title.
DIZZY, HIS DAD, AND THE OTHEK DEANS—Front and center is A. M. Dean, of Hot Springs, Ark., father of the famous Dean brothers of the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team. Above, as the Deans gathered in a family reunion at home, are, front, left to right: Mrs. Jerome Dean,'A. M. Dean and Mrs. Paul Dean. Rear: Jerome (Dizzy), Elmer and Paul (Daffy).
PADDLING IN CANNED GOODS—-Rheba Crawford, former "Angel of Broadway." and now associate pastor of Aimee Semple McPherson's Angelus Temple in Los Angeles, paddling her gift ship Faith through 14 truckloads of clothing, foodstuffs and canned goods. They were presented on Miss Crawford's birthday for relief work of the Foursquare Gospel church.
STARTING THE NBA INQUIRY—Above are members of the special Senate sub-committee as they held their first meeting in Washington to investigate alleged monopolistic practices under the NBA. Left to right are: Senator William E. Borah, Idaho; Senator William H. King, Utah; Russell Hardy, special assistant to the Attorney General, and Senator George McGill, Kansas. ' -
COMMISSIONER—Dr. Walter W. M. Splawn, Interstate Commerce Commissioner, w h o struck at the "hopelessly complicated maze" of pyramiding holding companies, as he testified before the House Interstate Commerce Committee in Washington, which is considering the government-control bill
i... -^.
PRESENT AND PAST CABINET MEMBERS—While Postmaster GeneralJames A. Farley, left, was in Sarasota, Pla., to < dedicate a new post office, he posed with Harry M. Daugherty, Attorney General in the Harding cabinet, vacationing there. This rare picture is shown above, Mr. Daugherty at right.
CRIMSON VARSITY EIGHT—The Harvard varsity crew working out under the direction of Head Coach Charles Whiteside in the Harvard gymnasium in Cambridge, Mass. Captain Samuel S. Drury, stroke, is in the foreground. The others are: Eliel, Gardner, Choate. Scott, Haskins, Austin and Parket,
NEW COMMAND—Rear Admiral Orin Gould Murfin, who, it was announced by Secretary of the Navy Swanson, will take command next Summer of the United States Asiatic fleet. Upon assuming command he will be promoted to the grade of Admiral. He will succeed Admiral F . B . Upham, who will revert to the former rank of Rear Admiral.
HONORS FOR METALLURGISTS—At left is Dr. Henry A. Buehler of Rolla; Mo., elected President of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. The others are: James MacNaughton, Calumet, Mich., gold medal for achievement in mining; George C. Store. New York, metal in non-ferrous metallurgy, and Howard N.;Eavenson who presented the awards at a New York meeting.
^^^^^^^'" ' ^^^S^^^^^^mffl^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I |
I*1 !'' 1-' I
I -
SNAPPY TAPS,FOR IISTENERS-IN—Lest her radio audience could not hear well enough the sound of her tap-dancing; Sally OlJrien devised this miniature microphone suspended from hex right hip to catch the Sound. Herbie Kay is the.fellow with the banjo.
RIOT FOR RIOT—Gendarmes holding back the crowd that jeered Premier Pierre Flandin in Paris as he attended mass at the Cathedral of Notre Dame for those who lost their lives in the rioting of early 1934.
SPEED KING—A close-up of Sir Malcolmn Campbell, British automobile speed king. This picture was taken at Daytona Beach, Fla., just before he started a test run in his new speed car, the Bluebird. _
AMEEICAN IABOSITES AT GENEVA — At left 'is' J&mes Wilson Federation of Labor delegate, with Isador Lubin', Coin-' missioner of Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor, as they attended a meeting of the governing body of the League-of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland—the Srst time American representatives ever were present. •.,.'.• CopjTlgtif
Cooper, treasurer of Women's sad dreams, Joseph was led back Auxiliary of the B'aai Brith (disto his cell, throwing out at the banded for some time), on behalf last moment & word to the Jew, of the disbanded group, ?213.50; begging him to inform some of Ida Herman, in memory of Ida his comrades of bis arrest, and to Kaplan, formerly of Omaha, $15; (Continued from Page 3.) Jonas Weil, ia honor of the birth release him on bail. Vaadi of William Weil Holzman, grand- them. He. too, was given a place In the cell steeped in chadow, on a pile of mildewy, straw Regular servicee will be Iselfi son, $100. thrown on the floor, and—the everything combined to produce at the B'nRi Israel «ndoor of the cell was closed and wretchedness; the choking, ioul [ tier the auspice?! of the Vsed locked upon him. smelling heat, the heavy hopt of He could neither lie nor sit. He flies, the peelings of cucumbers € T e n i n g Car tor A. By DK. PHILIP SHEB. •an like a wounded beast fron strewn on the ground, the rowdy | Three hundred children attend corner to corner. At times, he lavphter of the prisoners at their Ic h a E t t h c service. Printed here are excerpts tor corps committee, of which uniting of all young Jewish peo- who obtained the pledges but also the Talmud- Torah classes regu- stumbled on the bare feet of the game of cards. IE Joseph's he&rt The subject o£ Rabbi Vr\ f i l from the various reports on Mrs. William Milder ' was chair- ple to work together in a common by the people of Omaha who con- larly, being taught by a staff sleeping prisoners, and his mouth stood immobile the feeling that ler's sermon viil be "What RTP which includes a principal and eaitted groans of pain as if lie ,he had escaped from a city ruined federation committees and af- man, began their work in giving cause and help them to find their Tibuted to the drive. ! by an earthquake arsd under the the Minimum Essentials of filiated agencies at the annual regular service to the case worker^ place as young Jewish men and Never in the history of the lo- four teachers. The classes have >vere stabbed by a dagger. of the federation. al Philanthropies has there been women in a .highly complex and been, extended from 9 to 13. Oh, he never visioned nor debris and ruins of the city, he ish Knowledge for American meeting of the Jewish Com* more whole-hearted co-operaoften puzzling social order. During the year 1934, the Under the able direction of the dreamed that such a disaster left all his dear and beloved Jews?" This viU include sm &ninanity Center and Welfare transient problem was not cared The Round Table has spon- on. More workers were out and staff, the Talmud Torah has :ould befall in one <2.ay him and In addition to the pain of his j alycis of the present. AmericanFederation Monday evening. for entirely by the federation be- ored a series of youth forums more pledges obtained. And this steadily progressed. The isstrac- the two souls beloved by him— loss, there gnawed the bitter re- j e y -j B t Bituetioi) and itP inter-recause of the establishment of the >n themes of interest to Jewish is as it should be, since we learn tors not only teach the Talmud Eva, seriously wounded, he ar- morse that he did nothing tc | j t i lth j J e h traditions, Federal Transient bureau in outh. These have been regularly !rom the experiences of each year, Torah, but they also volunteered rested—they found in his pockets save them, His spirit flared r r Plans sre going: forward' for Omaha. However, all cases need- .ttended by several hundred mild up a firmer structure, com- their services for the College of arms, end when—when the city is again and again in a question: Inc special attention were not re- 'oung people each month. It has ila more complete and compre- Jewish Education. nder martial law! And the-child, "What is the meaning: of this j the annual Auxiliary cerrlce ferred to the Transient Service iponsored an inter-club debate hensive records. . However, the finances of the the child, he cries, starving and awful day, the logical juBtifica-! which vill be held Friday, March By WM. L. HOLZMAN. bureau and in many cases tran- ournament and is now making It is a compliment to ourefno one to open the door to suecor h sabbstl?. b b t l before b f e One year has passed Bince our sients were referred to the fed- >lans for its all city oratorical orts last year that out of 5,000 Talmud Torah is not in the best hlsa. Joseph's face contorted as if tion for it? WEB it intended to 15. This iis the devoted of health, and we have our worcrush bis life forever? Or Jro and Is last annual meeting. During that eration for special service by the ontest, dramatic tournament-and irospect cards to start with we one of his fingers were caught by —who knows? Maybe all will end |to a survey of the place wonwi? year much has happened in con- Transient Service bureau. During Jhilanthropies assistance. Over obtained pledges from over half, ries in balancing the budget. a steel vise. We are indebted to the Jewish well, and this day was intended j occupy in Jewish li'e. I>pt.piiP of nection with our Community the year, 238 transients were 100 young people representing 25 more than one pledge for each He ran, ran, until at last, only to Ehcw him what disaster, i the special projrrair. vriV> be Community Center for letting the Center and Welfare Federation. taken care oL routh groups of the city are ac- Jewish family in the city. It is Talmud Torah. meet in the build- mentally and physicall exhausted, terror, hell Ere ia. this -life? nounced lp. the next 1s?p-ue of It Js almost unbelievable' when ive and take part in the Round lso interesting to note that for ing gratis now, and We appreci- be fell upon his straw and sat The 500 pounds that t|he police Jewish Press. •we read the records and find the 'able activities. ivery decrease there were five ate the co-operatioa of the feder- with his head, like a heavy clump required, as a hail for Elfcin, many activities "which take place increases obtained last year. I ation. of stone, between bis hands. Junior Program. were brought by the members of in this bnilding. Athletic classes am not going to publicly thank all "Hni, hm—the officer took the The beginnings of a junior fciB lodge about one-half feeisr beBy Jack W. Marer. using both gymnasium ana swimAt services tonight Rabbi David :ey from him, and what will he fore sunset. On ell the questions For the past several years dur- program have been made this .hose who so ably assisted me in ming pool—meetings.ot clubs-.and ;he drive, because the list would I A, Goldstein. Trill speak on "Crimp do with it—the cold, cursed Eng year with the organi-^ition of which the two members of the ing which I have served as chairlodges—instruction on. different e too long The help given to me Ijsaman' Oi>, what do they want committee asked him vhes they j and Punishment — the subjects—the Talmud Torah— man of the Center committee, it junior dancing claoses, clay was very co-operative, and I trust By BIBS. JEANETTE of us—these insolent and con- walked out with him from the i View." After services Kabbi Gold" modeling classes, and a children's the use of our rooms for charit- has been my good fortune to reARNSTEIN, President that the community will continue emptuous helmet wearers? To prison gates, lie answered noth- i FteiE will meet with the parent*' theater patterned after the Cenable and benevolent work—the port to you each year that the ts good work under the direction antagonize cations against each ing. Hunger, and anxiety tied, ES 1 ol the children of this year's conter Players* Guild. These classes The Women's Division of the nse of our staff for Center activi- Community Center was functionf Philip Klutznick, chairman of other in order to increase their with chains, his tongue. Only ' firmation class. are all well attended and prove Jewish Community Center and ties, federation activities and Ing smoothly—with the possible .he coming campaign. power? Is there, can there with gre £ t effort he found words popular with the youngsters. The xnembei of tlif BeUMD" Welfare Federation has shown rePhilanthropies—all tend to make exception of finances. be, a more shameful act? How . Physical-Department. markable progress synagogue will meet on. Mo rid a* to ask t h e s to go to the hospital despite Its this building a very busy place. This year—while I can report great is t?ie shame! How flagrant to inform his wife the/ he also j March IS st 7: SO p. re,., for th? The physical department, under short span of life. that under the circumstances the It is gratifying to know that the direction of Lee Grossman, Our child care committee, a the shameiessness" A happy pow- wo.uld be there. He, himself, in an i reading of the MegillaK On Tnef166,908 nsed the J. C. C. during Center has continued to function ike every department, has shown subdivision of the social service, erful nation, living independently om-inous haze, speedily went to-j gg.y evening, Karch If,'a* C:?C By PHILIP KLUTZNICK. 1934, and 1.117 meetings were fairly smoothly,'we show the need i great increase in attendance. n its country, begrudges the of an executive director to watch p. m., the annual Pnrim The National Council of Jew- takes care of sixteen children. contentment of simple modest wards his home. held during the year. There has been a 50 per cent inSix are in Cleveland, and ten are Oh, Tga'el, the CEfortnnate | v,-ni he presented. The The federation, as usual, is and care for the mountain of de- crease in the number of women ish Federations and Welfare folk, the happiness of a poor"— performing noble work in filling tails necessary in such a large in- attending the gymnasium classes. Funds was organized In 1932 in in foster homes, boarding homes, once more Joseph saw his wife child! Witness was the key in Isis || - ll consist of a Purim operetta, a gap in our social life •without stitution.' There are hundreds, of In order to obtain a larger mem- Cleveland. I think It has already or in the homes of parents. We lying on a cot in the hospital, her pocket that a great misfortune > Merry Good Purim,' 'pet *o the tunes of Gilbert and PuHavam: which conditions would be de- details in the management of the bership among the Jewish wom- taken Its place as ona of the also care for one feeble-minded eyes burning with an exotic fever- had befallen him. To his astonishment and great jja E l original musical comedy by eading movements in Jewish life child in Beatrice. plorable. Our Rehabilitation and building, in figuring out ways and ish, fire, and his child in the We have started an adoption alarm, he heard no voice nor j j members of the CoE'irmeFamily Welfare work is on a high means for successful operation, en, afternoon classes have been :o this extent—It represents a ,-.rE<lle succumbing to the claws plane aiding the poor, the sick and in handling demands, some- organized for them. There have rery definite trend toward mak- bureau in a small way. During of hunger. He sprang to Sis feet screams when he opened, with a! tion class; Purim deuce end and the needy and giving advice times reasonable but most times been, more basket ball teams play- ing more uniform standards of the past year we had four appli- and again made a mad circuit trembling hand, the door of hie jK0US fcr the Men's clr.b. I. (Doc> ing in the Class A division and an Jewish social service throughout cations; we placed one child house. With hands outstretched! D&EBicy Trill Impersonate a "bs.fito those who are dependent upon unreasonable. the child adoption around the celL TIcw simple- in front of him as one falling in-j C han" End will he master of cerothers. The many volunteers who We are very optimistic concern- increase in swimming class at- the United States. The council's through minded he was till now! Ke tor the evening", During assist in our work are almost too ing the coming year. We will be tendance. The A. A. U. handball program is beginning to take real agency in New York and are mak- didn't realize to what extent a to a presipice, he passed, with ing attempts to help others. rapid pace through two rooms, i program, the women o£ the particularly. hopeful if the Com- tournaments are to be held in the 'orm. numerous to mention. man's disaster could reach, and Center athletic department is The Women's Division is a very until he reached the bedroom.! auxiliary will perre The chairmen of the important munity Center membership cam- likewise bringing the basket ball It was announced last year new organization. On October SI, how naive are those afraid of From the cradle there stared &t ^jjfi tea. paign which will be launched tothat an attempt would be made committees have given unstinteddeath. What a trifle is death him two eyes of a martyr. Oh, morrow evening meets with any teams of Lincoln, Des Moines, and o mobilize all Jewish efforts un- 1934, Mr. Holzman called a meet- compared to these tortures! . ly of their time. ^ Kansas City here to play with our what perception and understandder the National Council's ban- ing of the wives of members of It is gratifying to note that success. From the small and only win- ing had been added overnight to Many people, unbeknownst to team and have played at the ner. Last January at a national the executive committee and the many of our younger- men and The- Jew te above all else &c. above mentioned Centers. The women members of the executive dow of the cell, the dawn filtered women are taking a very fine in- themselves, do. not belong to the Center Men's Health club, began conference of the council held in committee of the federation, to through. The prisoners, . four those two sad eyes which individualist. Kobert Nathan, in tioned and complained. terest in our work, and they are Community Center as paid-up last year, competed in the Mid- New York,' we find a definite ef- further the work of the federa- Arab rioters who were arrested his "Why did you do this to m e ? j ^tesl work, "KOEIJ: of Ages," members. In concentrating our fort made to determine the exoccupying important positions. West volley ball tournament and tion. The group which was or- yesterday, awoke with, broad hnt was -iran rrlr~nffpnEff" Thp fblW offense?" The child te«2s thif, Ptory With clelJCPie It Is a pleasure to greet you efforts on the Philanthropies went to the finals in the Class B act status of tne social service ganized was called the Women's satisfied yawns, which, ended What Estire. The implications ol iWtf here this evening and it is my many of us forgot the Community division. This department is do- agencies throughout the country. Division of the Jewish Com- with contented chewing sounds. groaned spasmodically, and feis b o o k : be discussed by Rp-bfoi entire body burnt lite 8. heated I hope that as a. result of this meet- Center and its membership, and •Ing a splendid piece of work In Their action wiJl be crystallized munity Center and Welfare Fed- They threw inquisitive glances at David Wice in his sermon thir, oven. ing we shall make our plans for as a consequence there has been promoting health activities and shortly so that they can give each eration. at £ p, m. the newcomer. The old neighbor won constituent federation and apan enthusiastic and helpful new an -unconscious movement during good sportsmanship. "Didn't they yet make "chree" The officers elected were a y meanwhile, came In and began to j the past three or four years for proved list of agencies. We beyear.., ''"••', j morning services si JC:PO «.. ITU . library.. many to.jdrop-:*rat-;.as paid-memlieve that this will be ready by Hi as president; Mrs. J. J. to you?" asked one to Joseph remonstrate with Joseph. The College cJufc will meet Simwith a mocking laugh, passing Greenberg, vice-president; Mrs. The library has been used very How could one leave a .tender bers even though they have renext year. day afternoon &t 4:15. the palm of his hand across his Irvin Levin secretary; and Mrs. extensively as a reference room child and lock fcim cp for a mained active in the work of the The National Council of Jewish nmet throat. during the past year. It plans to Federations and Welfare Funds A. Greenb6rg, treasurer. whole day End eight* She has i T f c e B 1 W cc l a s s yrm d&1 E t 1 m a t Jifre By Mrs. H. A. Wolf, chairman. Center. "That's why," coarsely laughed Definite plans were made at a goat's xsilk end ehe would havej ' .P- - S a m '1e" Further, unless we can obtain extend the reading privileges and During the year 1934, the 250 members dnring this cam- uses of the rental library to a serves as a medium for the ex- coffee at my home on December another, "he escaped here. broken- through, one of the win- j eephson'E apartment et the J-.HU Family Welfare Department of paign, we will run into a substan- greater number during the com- change of federation ideas in 4, and things were so well or- There's no safer place for-a Jew, dows at the sound of his cries, hotel. functional fields — making for the Federation was called upon to tial financial deficit. than a prison, even safer than a ing year. adult ctndy group will mutual improvement. Our feder- ganized by January S that our synagogue." The rest of them were it not for the cursed grates.! m e The et give more service and relief than first official board meeting was Did one ever hear of Euch a savj ^Tuesday evening- &i f^p, m As regards the activities in the ation is of course a member of in any preceding year. As a result Community Center, they are—as held at that date. Since that time, covered his words with roars of itge habit—to put grates on the j J^ •he vestry rooms of the the National Council, and Cmaof the strain of the depression on you know—manifold. Some of the laughter. Temple, windows of human dwellings? ""' hans are active in its work. Henry the organization has progressed families coining to the attention detailed work will be touched on Joseph stared at them with a very satisfactorily. Mrs. Dave Joseph took the groaning, Monsk-y; is serving as chairman of By DE. PHILIP SHES. of the Jewish Welfare Federation, in other reports. look full of intense scorn and fever-racked child in his arms ft?". I «i The work of the social service the district mobilization comrn it- Greenberg, membership chairman, powerless hatred, thinking: there was an increased demand reports that 250 members have and In wv the ttUU walked to and tt u i fro i O iU toe, aLd Sam Beber is serving his committee may be divided into ,.X\: %. 1 ^ % <• ^ ^ ^ -° " '\ KepuJar .services will be held for service, Buch as, medical, CENTER ACTIVITIES. three parts: Constructice, preven second year as a member n£ the already been secured. Our enrollOh, they had a good res*. . hed hte | " psychiatric, dental, and legal. The r o o m T c e 3 i t t 3 e D o d y BCorc b T th e J u n l o r V a a d conffre^tion executive committee of the coun- ment is only one dollar, in the The Center has been very ac- tive and curative. S Te hand s tfe itE h e a t cost of hospital care alone during form of a registration fee. We ask they'll be set free. Woe to thee, J regular heart beats eeenied to ™?J Z ^ZJ ^Z < b r i . *"l . ' ***** ^ at the B-n*i Israel synagogue. *t 1C:SC s.. m. tomorrow morning. The constructive part embraces cil. the past year was approximately tive during the past year. In fact, Rabbi bb Aki Akiva, who h was arrested td' every woman to work on a comforetell sad forbofiings. on many occasions it has been im- free loan scholarships to deservThe Junior Vaad congregetiois 'J'hc National Council repre81.914. To carry t h e child t o his moth- jEOi|gE e service possible to houBe many of the ing students—we granted five las sents new ideas and new trends mittee, but if she does not wish for a trifle, and happy a r e you, tc that o ' After February, 1934, the bur- activities for lack of space. to, then we want her co-opera- Papus, who was arrested for a er, thought h e , ' i s too late. H e j t h e et i K itr 3 , They h s r e their cwryear; securing part-time work for In social service work. Locally, murder." den becoming increasingly great- ' A brief outline of the program tion and moral support. will again r e t caught and lm-> c a n t o r , their own reader of thn At 9 o'clock the policeman prisoned. Therefore, when the er, the Federal Emergency Relief for the year, taken from reports students; the: Father and Son we received some idea of the wide Mrs. A. Greenberg, chairman of banquet; reception for high Torate and fell the officials oC range of their work during the came and again brought Joseph Administration took over relief of the various departments, will conference held here last October the social committee, has started before the officer. A native Jew old woman b r o c e M te & cnm'2 regular congregations. Children cases involving unemployment. show the extent of ite program school graduates. her work well, as evidenced by pitcher of warm, milk diluted with J of^TElmud Torah age are welcome The preventive constitutes under council auspices. Because of the lack of public and activity. the fine reception held recently. of Jerusalem, whom they brought water, Joseph EtarteS to feed him. jt c j o i n t h l s j u n j 0 T congregation. keeping delinquent children from Many here are acquainted with funds to provide all necessities, a Mrs. W. A. Milder, as chair- over from the market, served as The child relnsed to driEfe m& ! : Community Fornm. juvenile court This is an impor- the *?ork of the Bureau of Jewish special plan was worked out beman of -the- motor corps, has done interpreter. H e knew Arabic and the few spoons which the f a t h e r ! The Community Forum this tant function. The' parents hav Social Research. Thi3 body contween the federation and the FedAddresses Hi-\ outstanding work. Mrs. J. Blank therefore t h e translation was two- poured Into his unwilling mouth " eral Relief Administration to sup- year gives promise of being one by now learned that • when th ducted the survey and made the has achieved- much with her sew- fold;—from Joseph to the Jew in seemed to serve only as s, stimuRabbi Frederick Cohn «d"" plement BO that an adequate of the finest, both from the pro- children violate a social code recommendations which improved ing and clothing committee. This Hebrew, from t h e Jew to the po- lant to. renew his strength to 1 l e s s e e the Ki-Y d u b p-t. t h e T. gram and financial standpoints. A they inform us. We then invit many of - our communal institustandard of relief was maingroup meets on Wednesdays and liseman in Arabic, and finally again give forth a frenzied cry. M. C. A, Thursday evening. Fetetained. Special service was given splendid group of speakerB was the offending child to the offici tions. The bureau is probably sews clothing and rehabilitates from the policeman to the officer seized him. With, the child in his ru&ry I S , on "What pfoowlcl he t h e selected and ticket sale3 reached and give him a IQ test. Afte responsible for the council comin English. Joseph repeated his a n s c , Joseph, ran frantically from attitude through the Jewish Welfare Fedthe old clothing donated. tcw&rds Peace and pleadings that he is a locksmith; corner to corner as he fiia the W a r ? " eration to Jewish families cared a new level. There ia every reason studying the case, analyzing it ing Into existence. The National Mrs. Sam Wolf has done excepto believe that there will be suband arriving at a diagnosis, we Council and the bureau are comt h a t the gun is not his gun, but for through the Federal Emerg'—:—*"*" ——» stantial balance in the Forum Instruct the parents what to d bining their efforts for a year or tionally well as head of the citi- Dotklss,* who had a permit to lest nigct in prison. At last, c-^er- j ency Relief Administration. zenship committee. Her group come by a feeling of futility, fee j jj~ treasury for the year, in as much with the child. two—with the idea of starting at carry arms because he was always During the year 1934, the as the Forum to date has more The third part is the curative. home In making more uniform has made 520 personal anc tele- on. t h e road; t h a t he did not threw t h e child into the crndle, -J Family Welfare Department took than paid for Itself. distractedly tore the h&ir | f As soon as a case is brought into and effective unity in Jewish BO- phone calls In a very short time know from which hour i t was for-1 care of 289 families and 867 inJ r o m h i s a e a a / A little later, and seventy-five- are ready to OIL BUENEES Center Players. cial work. The bureau will be the juvenile court, the committe dividuals, not Including children's take out citizenship papers and fidden to walk on t h e s t r e e t s — | a q V i 5 c k i E p E i E { T 8 movement, The Center Players' Guild has research division of the National acts. If possible, a private hear cases, transients, or the care of t h a t were not convinc- sat at the side of the cradle- &n& reorganised itself into an active ins is obtained If the offense i Council—obtaining facts, supply- the Women's Division will aid pleadings the aged. ing enough even t o himself. He rocked'it vigorously as if to de&"them. Mrs. I. Stalmaster and her and entertaining group. They sucThe Family Welfare committee cessfully produced two large pro- minor, there is not much diffi Ing information, and assisting in education committee, sided con- felt that his pleas, Jrarriealy en with its sQus-ke the voice of held meetings twice a month to ductions and are now preparing culty straightening the mattei servicing communities. siderably in the sales of the given In one breath, were con- his ailing child. consider the most difficult cases, forth© third. In addition, they out. If it is serious, the party li tradictory to each other, bat his Forum series tickets. Evening hung ever the room, which called for service or relief. have laid the groundwork for a paioled to the social service con* main plea, which burst forth i n | £ I 3 S ft-was fi£rk. The cries of the Mrs. Harry Trastin and her mittee. The general policies, of this de- Little Theater program within building committee have been on bitter sorrow and with sapplica-j TOjfertngr i s f a n t became weaker Heislbraasa !c S©skis I am glad to point out tha By HABBY A. WOLF. partment were formulated by this the Center, they design and exethe job constantly. They patre: tion and tears, was tee child— j 6 n d changed into a thin complain<n£ 5u, to Jewish children constituted onl During 1934 the Jewish. Free the halls, watch the dressing tbe poor, child who lies there | ! n e v a i L B c t l n contrast to the committee. Through the advice cute their sets and scenery. The about one-half of one per cent ol Loan society made 45 loans, given by thia committoe, they group' has been entirely self-supwith. the delinquency in juvenile court, amounting to $6,185.50. Since its rooms, and so on. Mrs. Jack locked In the house and Is starv- lessened noise, the father's cry served an Important function in porting. Ins. . While pleading, Joseph's , through the dark empty Farber has been responsible for oltfcongh the Jewish population is inception, the Free Loan has the work of the department. some excellent work In this re- glance fell on his key which, was th<=. m m v » . n { » P « . n . P about five per cent. College of Jewish Students. made 1,598 loans amounting to spect. C l o t h i n g was contributed f . .. , , ., ,. , line room csv.o,me fc^Ouger, s;.iowij JSA M i l This is due to two factors: Tin Through the efforts of Dr. $140,440.73. through the American Red Cross, table. He made aon the c u - | b s r o c k e d t h e c r a d l £ £isB f i being Mrs. A. Theodore heads the lying near led. the ink-wexl Jewish Community Center, whie Sher, the Jewish Community CenB S E & fc The capital of the Jewish Free dramatic committee •which helped step towards It, snatched it frors through many Jewish firms*."and ^ 0 £h$ W %&\ld individuals, and through the aid ter and, the B'nai Brith jointly houses both the privileged an Loan society has grown from the sponsor "The Torchbearers." • " the table and topiored i tbat.thsj «son!' SoB! Son! Do you tow, the' underprivileged children; an organized and sponsored the Coloriginal §1,000 to the sum of of the Need!© Guild, of which The other committees are also key -be given to this -Jew who fio y o a understand'whet hss hapthe social service committee lege of Jewish "Studies which $26,866.19. Mre. B. A. Simon was chairman. the child and a d- carry cr functioning well. Other commit- should take the e B e d t o DB? D o CEderetand We are constantly • trying to tee chairmen include: Mrs: J. Blank was chairman of meets twice each week at the •which is always on the job. him quickly to his mother. Bet pwhat has happened to botfe cf net j Center. The enrollment In all I want to express my appreciaencourage the people of our com- Mrs. Harry Silveriaan, com- the' Englishman's face "the distribution of clothing, and "A savage horde ch&rpsnsi Mrs. Maynard Greenberg was classes Is splendid, and class in- tion to the members of the socia munity to make contributions to munity co-operation; Mrs. L. crimson bine with Ttratii &n& M&sgsisst us its knives End daggers, j struction is under the capable service committee, which include; the Jewish Free Loan society— Neveleff, house; Mrs.. Harry eyes shot- forth, darts ©£ anger &nd & merchant people who trades j chairman of the sewing committee.' Mr. William. Boasberg • ren- leadership of a staff of well- Isadore Abramson, Max Barisb either in sorrow or distress, in Wolf, family welfare; Mrs. Jean and eccrn at the impertinent with mEEy isles, supplies it vritfe j dered cervices in cleaning all trained teachers who valunteer Eugene Blazer, Rabbi Frederic' memory of a departed one who ette Arnstein, child care; Mrs. prisoner who dared stretch out & Eteel." j used garments contributed to the their services. The Center is Cohn, Rabbi David A. Goldstein was dear, or in joy and Harold Farber, librarian; Krs. I. hand to take a thing.from his From the cradle came forth I grateful to these individuals and Rabbi Uri Miller, Rabbi David H cha,' in honor of a happy event. Levinson, athletic; Mrs. M. L. desk -without Ills permission. •only deep grroanE, BCHS long Btifi. { Family Welfare department for distribution to families. The mo- wishes to express its appreciation WIce, Leo Rosenthal, Mrs..Jean- In both cases, we ask the people Cohn, junior clubs; Mrs. Harry What if it was the key -which Jo- some moum'nl, others like inter- | for. the splendid services they are ette Arnstein and Leo Abramson to remember the Jewish Free ssph had given Mm of his own rendering. and William L. Holzman, ex-of- Loan society. Those who con- Rosenfeld, program; Mrs. X. Le- free will? What an act of rebel- rapted, Ibroken. 'sobs. It seosneel to I vin, publicity. the father th&i fcis BOS listened 1 Bound Table of Jewish Youth. ficio. Public Enemy No. I tribute to this worthy cause are The Women's Division is tak lion! He sprang to his fest, and {Continued from Page T.) New York-—Communism" is the The, Round Table this past helping the furtherance of a re- Ing great strides In a worth-while in a thundering voice roared to •world's Public Enemy No. 1 Hab- year began an ambitious provolving and perpetual fund. piece of work for the community. the prisoner to put the feey back b! Herbert S. Goldstein warned In gram, the results of which in In 1934 we received 5358.50 in in Its place. Trezabllng with his Sunday afternoon sermon at many cases exceeded their expecBy HABEY SILVEBMAN. donations and gifts. Following anxiety, Joseph obeyed Bis comthe Institutional Synagogue. It tations. It is with pardonable pride are the contributions: Jr. Yaad Auxiliary mand, and again implored aid 13 contrary to' the philosophy of mi Stmege feet 1$1S Bringing all the Jewish youth that I report that last year's JewMrs. Robert Kooper and Himan There will be a regular meeting for his child, bat the officer anthe Jew, he declared, and it Is organizations in the city to- ish Philanthropies campaign was Goldstein, in memory of Mrs. Hof the Junior Vaad auxiliary swered with a raarlteg, drawn oat our greatest enemy because It gether, the Round Table cos a financial success. What is more preaches the destruction of reli- banded them together1 in a com- Important vas the co-operatio: Goldstein, $25; Mr. and Mrs. J. Tuesday, March 5, at the B'nai "No-o-o," and closed the proH. Kulakofsky, In memory of Israel synagogue. All members fieedi&gs. gion. mon cause and purpose, namely. shown not only by the worker Esau Fleischman, $5-; Hazel are urged to attend. Wretched &e are people only in
Community Center
Women's Division
National Council
Social Service
Jewish Free Loan
I/KG>" * WnrTTE'. Attorn*?*.' £ tWUNNOK, Attorneys IX)nS K " O r r , Attorney. City Nations! Dank Bulldin*. •00 UraadeU Theatre Bide BOt City National Bank Bidg. >OTICK' OF AMENDMENT OF • ARFBOBAIE NOTICE TE OF jWF.NPVENT OF AJR. the Matter of the Estate of WIL- XSCi.TBS OF INCORPORATION' <MF 'liCUP-S «>Ji' lAl'UKt'UHATJOM Ol!" In LIAM BONE, Deceased. AC'fOMOl'IVE £QL"irM£NT CO. OMAHA FCRSTnTfRE AM> Notice is Hereby Given: Notice !s hereby frH-en that «t" * «peAll clubs and young men in That the creditors oi said <3eeeas«n ciai meeting ot the «»sockholder» of AuoCARPET COJirASY will meet the administrator of wild j motive Kqulpmert Co., a corporation, Notice is hereby given that Article j terested in forming a volleyba! 1 of tho Articles rf Incorporation of e«tcte, before me. County Judg-e of I held at ! Omaha, Nebraska, on the <th MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent at the i ""i." *1 Sioux CItyans, Jewish and non, 153 5, «n amendment OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET Douelns County, Nebraska, league are asked to get In toud COM Countv Court> « , r ^ k in. sSi.1 lncorPANT? hiio been amended to read nJ »'«« ladopted to T k . -V^J• io-<- County .2H »«« to the the articles articles of of incor Jewish, are looking forward with as follows: "Name. The name of the hi with Lee Grossman during nes corporation ehall be Crest Manufactur- ?he Mth , a v of June*TsiS at% " c l o c j I P ° r l l t l o n ^^ which Article I and IV of The Mardi Gras Coronation bal keen Interest to the lecture by ing Co. " n week. presentingC >L their examina .'I?*" claim? _»[°«L_thfor" S. J>«E ?!f._!?f I ifr^lJ'iSrk.n'oJr anS0as ineArticles '0fonowlV -I eE were substituted I and Dated this 27th day of February, •-_»J.,« Ludwlg Lewisohn which Is sched- will take place vBext Monday tion, adjustment and filiowance. Three EDWARD ABRAHAMS. IIV of the prtk-les of incorporation of Grossman is planning on or months are iUlowe.1 for She creditors Automotive uled for Thursday evening, March night, March 4, at 8 o'clock at C President Equipment Co. to present their rin.ims, from the £3r<5 ARTICLE I. 7, In the Orpheum Theater. Mr. the Council Bluffs city audl ganizing a volleyball leagu ATTEST: Ucy of March, 1035. MILTON ABRAHAMS, "The name of thix coi-orp.tlon ahull be BRYCE CRAWFORD, 3-1-35-U much after the same nature o MAJOR APPLIANCE CO." torium. Among those who wil Lewlsohn is being brought to Tecrctary. S-l-35-3t County Juclpe ARTICLE IV.- Elaborate plans are being made Sioux City by tbe Joint sponsor- serve as princesses to the queen the now defunct basketba S1ONSKV. CKODINSKr, MAEEK £ "The objects for which this corpor«1KV1N V. L.KVIH, Attorney^ COHEN, Attoraejd. is formed are: Three hundred people attend by the membership of Shaare ship of Mount Sinai Temple Mardi Gras XIV, will be Miss league. Play would get Electric fJuildinp, Omaha, Nebraska, tiori Omaha National Bank Building (a.) To buy, sell, manufacture, repair way at once, if enough interes Zion Synagogue, for a celebration enc distribute, at wholesale or retail, Sisterhood and the Orpheom Pearl Meyerson, daughter of Mr, is shown. ed the seventh annual banquet of Notice is hereby plveu that on the 1stNOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF AE-all articles of every kind and descripday of January, 1935, the total out. TICLES OF INt'ORrOJtATION OF of tbe eynagogue's tenth anniverand Mrs. Herman. Meyerson, and Theater. tion which ar« known in the automobile the Bloux City Federation of standing secured and unsecured indebtSECURITY riCTCKES COBrOKtrade ap fiuiomoblle aoce?Forles. Lewisohn is known both here Miss June Meyerscm, daughter of edness of THE OVERLAND MORT. ATION To buy, sell, manufacture, repair Jewish Social Service, In the Jew-sary which occurs this month. GAGE & FINANCE COAIPANT. a NeNotice is hereby given that on the and(b.)distribute, »»t wholesale or retail, and abroad as one of today's Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson. They braska corporation, with its principal 8th day of January, 1835, at the en- refriperatore. radios, machines ish Community Center Tuesday On Saturday evening, March 9 most distinguished novelists and place of business In Omaha, Nebraska, nual meeting of stockholders of Secur- ironing: machines, Endwashing: are both seniors at the Abraham any an" all other a dance will be given by the Synwaa T17.B0S.32. ity Pictures Corporation, et 301 Elecarticles of every kind and description evening. H A. TTOLF, tric Building et three o'clock of said which are knewe as household appliagogue In the Ball Room of Belle- critics, devoted American and de-Lincoln High school. President. day, upon motion duly made, seconded ances. Featured on the evening's pro- va& Apartments. vout Jew. During the period of H. A. WOLF, and carried. Article 1 of said corporaMaxine Leibovitz, daugh<c.) To borrow money end to Issue gram were the report of- the past Sunday, March 10, a program his editorial work for "The Na-terMiss H H. AUERBACH, tion was amended to read as follows: notes, (Continued on Page 8.) bonds, mortgages, «tock or other of Mr. and Mrs. Abe LeiboR. H. BROWN, ARTICLE I. year by the Federation Superin- will be presented ID the syna- tion" he lectured with great suc- vitz, talented dancer, will give a obllpations for that purpose; to hold Majority of Directors. The name of the corporation shell stock in other corporations: To buy, sell, tendent, Miss f>ena Baron, and gogue, with a pageant featured cess in all of the principal cities solo Spanish dance preceding the attentively to his words. He con Attest: be MAJESTIC PICTURES CCF.PORAown, hold, assign, mortgag-e and transfer H H. AUERBACH, Secretary. TION. bonds, securities, truat receipts, condithe address of the president of on the program that will depict east of the Mississippi. 3-1—It coronation. Miss Leibovitz at- tinued his song: MAX WINTROUB, tional sales contracts, promissory notes, the Federation, Mr. A. M. Davis. the high lights of the ten years Mr. Lewisohn is perhaps best tends the Thomas Jefferson High "Contemptible bloodhounds President mortrajres, drafts, bills of exchange, 3IONSKY, GROBI>"5Kr, MAKES £ LOUIS WINTROUB, contracts, and accounts receivable. In her report, MIBB Baron stat- of the synagogue's organization. known as the author of "Israel," school. An international theme is They couldn't tolerate any Jeru COHEN, Attorneys. Secretary. Id.) To do any ».nci all thing-* necesOmaha National Bank Building ed that COO children were enroll The pageant has been written by "Upstream," Mid-Channel," "Ex- being carried out at the Mardi salem other than one of hypocriti Board of Directors: sary and requisite to accomplish any of Mar Wir.troub its objects or incident!-) to or In any cal monks and lying priests. They Notice Is hereby riven ths.t on the 1st ed In the various clubs, classes Mrs. S. H. Shulkinpression in America" and "CrePhineas Wlntroub Gras ball this year. manner pertain ing- to the carrying on of January, 1935. the total outLouis Wintroub 3-1-35—4t. of eald business." and activities sponsored by the On this program, two outstand- ative America." Many of his Henry Nathanson of Esther- could not see the little Yga'el ris day standing secured and unsecured IndebtMAJOR APPLIANCE CO.. of the H. A. WOLF COMPANY, Federation and Community Cen- ing guest speakers are scheduled books hare been translated into ville, Iowa, 50 years old, passed Ing and regenerating Zion-—and edness IKVIN €. LEVIN. Attorney By M. 6. Livingston, President. a Nebraska corporation, with its prinSCI Electric Building ATTEST: ter. An average of 165 people a to speak. The first Is Rabbi J. fifteen languages—"The Case of away Tuesday at his home In they arose—all of them—they cipal place of business in Omaha, NeFred. E. White, necretp.ry, day visited the Center during the Kavaur of Denver, Colorado. Dr. Mr. Crump," "The Island With- Estherville. He was a former resi- came and they crushed the mama braska, was 1114,015.83. NOTICE OF CHATTEL 3B0ETGAGE H. A. WOLF, J-8-35—tt. SALE year, for one activity or another. Kavaur has been a" guest of thein," "The Last Days of Shylock," dent of Council Bluffs and wasof Yga'el, the good and gentle President. Notice is hereby piven that on the! H A. WOLF, MONSKT, GRODtNSKT, IWAItEK 15th day of March, 1935, at 10 A. M. Eighteen organizations used the synagogue in previous years. Theand "This People.' ' H. H. AUERBACH, well known here. He is survived mama—between life and death COKEN, Attonwyn. at the Omaha Garage, 1517 North 24th R H. BROWN. Community Center for meeting second is Rabbi Ellas Hargolls of For nearly a decade Mr. by his widow; one son, Maurice; hovers she. Now what? Where Omaha Kefional Dank B Street, Omaha. Nebraska, the underMajority of Directors signed will sell at public auction to the shall we turn, my son, my son? purposes. Children's clubs and Mount Vernon, New York. Rabbi Lewlsohn has lived and traveled two daughters, Evelyn and Attest: hig-hest bidder for cash: 1 Ford Sedan, Notice is hereby plven that on the l*t H. AUERBACH, Secretary. classes Included Boy Scouts, Girl Margolis, who has occupied the through Europe and the Near Louise; one sister, Mrs. Abe Gi- The father stopped slightly and H. Model 1S29, color blue, Motor No. day of January, 1935, the total out3-1—It 1341951, secured by chattel mortgage in standing Reeiirefi and unserured indebtexamined, in tbe darkness of the Scouts, Cub Scouts, Brownie Pack, pulpit at Mount Vernon for East. He has Just returned to linsky, Council Bluffs; all of la.vor of the undersigned; said mort- edness of THE CARLTON REALTY GRODrXSKY, MAREB £ gsfte bearing date of April 13. 1S34. COMPANY, o Nebraska corporation, Dramatic Clubs, Dancing classes, twenty years, is the Grand Chap- America to settle here permanent- whom were at his bedside at the evening, his son's features which MOXSKY.COHEN, Attorneys. and filed in the office of the County with its principal place of business In and piano classes as well as thelain of all the Masonic oldges in ly. Born in Berlin, Mr. Lewisohn time of his death. The body was were convulsed with cramps. His Omaha National Bank BuildingClerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, on Omaha, Nebraska, wan ?12".945.28.DE PKILIP SHER, heart diffused in a shower of Notice is hereby civen that on the 1stMay IS. 1S34. Said sale will be for the social clubs. tbe state of New York. He Is a was brought by his parents at thebrought to Council Bluffs where scalding tears: President. day of January, 1535, the total out- purpose of foreclosing said mortgage The Federation contributed to member of the committee of 25 age of eight to South Carolina, funeral services were held ThursPR. PHTLTP SHER, standing secured and unsecured indebt- for cost of Bale and £.11 accruing costp and for the purpose of satisfying the H. A WOLF. "My son, my son, my son edness of THE BAIRD BUILDING the local Talmud Torah and a members of the Zionist organiza- and except for his European vis- day. Burial took place at the Oak Majority of Directors. , amount now due, to-v't: $26.61, and w COMPANY, a Nebraska corporation, Yga'el—will you be redeemed? •with Its principal place of business in j that no suit or other proceedings at law Attest: number of out of town institu- tion, which decides the policies of Its, he has lived his life in Amer- Hill cemetery. II. A Wo]f, Secretary. have been instituted to recover said 3-1—-It ("Yga'el,"—Hebrew meaning— Omaha, Nebraska, was $147,667.17. ica. Jews and Gentiles alike have tions, the group. H. H AUERBACH, debt or any part thereof. The Sisterhood of the Talmud Dated et Omaha. Nebraska, this 20th President. come to recognize the importance Torah society will hold their Redeemed.") Will you at least live Under tbe Belief Department day of February, 1S3S. H. H. AUDEBACH, MONSKT, GRODINSKT, MAREB * of the contribution Mr. Lewlsohn regular monthly meeting next to see the sun of redemption last year, a number of people 2-22-35-3t. J . R. KATZ, R. H BROWN, COKES, Attorneys. shine upon your head? Look, out J. H XULAKOFSKT, Omaha Nations! Bnnk Building has made to American thought Wednesday afternoon, March 6, were given medical aid, and hosMajority of Directors. HTM AN I.ETES. Attorney. of the root of the serpent came and letters. Notice is hereby piven that on the 1st PaiJensou Bnildinp, pltallzatlon Jn addition to food. at 2:30 o'clock at the Chevra forth little monsters. I can hear Attest: day of1 January, 193S, the total outH Brown, Secretary. Permanent Jobs were secured by B'nai Yisorel synagogue at 618 the sound of iron sharpened on R. standing secured p.nd unsecured indebt3-1—It NOTICE OF ADKTMSTRATION of THE P.OSEXBERRT -HOME the Center for 15 applicants. The Mynster street. The Bible study, the grindstone. The horde of sav- MONSKT. GBODINSKT, MAEEK & In the County Court of Douglas County, edness CONSTRUCTION" COMPANY, a NebrasCOHEN, Attorneys. Nebraska: Federation worked with the Fed- Those who braved last Sunconducted by Mr. J. Z. Stadlan, ages sharpen their destructive ka corporation, v-ith ii>< principal place Omaha National Bank B In the matter o? the estate of of business in Omaha, Nebraska, was eral Transient Bureau last year in day's blizzard to attend the pro- Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will principal of the Talmud Torah, tools on us, and a sly merchant BESSIE OSHEROFF, Deceased. , Is hereby given that on the 1st Al! persons interested in Bald estate j 5ti9>.o3 II K. AUERBACH. caring for the transients who ap-gram presented by Noach Nach- speak this evening on "A World's has become quite popular, and all people who trades with many isles dayNotice of January, 1935, the total out- :re hereby notified that a petition hap| President. Tragic Fljure — Jacob Wasser- members and their friends are
ing, Banquet
Volleyball League Planne at Center by Grossman
Plans Made for 10th Anniversary
Nachbush Artistry Thrills Audience
Shaare Zion
plied for aid. Miss Baron clos- ush at the Jewish Community K. H. AUBKBACH, supplies them with steel." R. H. KOOPER, ed her report by thanking the' Center, were thrilled and moved man." Cantor A. PHskin and thecordially invited to attend the K. H\ BROWN, The child ceased to cry. The officers, Board of Directors, and by the artist's splendid and artis- synagogue choir will chant the meeting and Bible study. Mr. walls Majority of Directors. tt( t: of the silent room listened Nebraska, "was $101,020.00. the 16tb ^ay"of Slni-ch" 1935, and* "tha't | R £ K. ^i Kooper, Secretary. Stadlan has chosen the "Second members of the Federation, for tic interpretation of recitations ritual. K A. WOLF. if they fell to appear at said Court 3-1—It the lonely desert wail of the President. Tomorrow morning, Seymour part of Abraham Cycle" as the to their aid and co-operation during and songs. on the said l(!th day of March. 1935. H A. WOLF. father. at 9 o'clock A. IT. to contest said petithe past year. H. H. AUERBACH, Mr. Nachbush Is not only a Robinson will act as Cantor for topic for this meeting. tion, the Court may grant the same MONSKT. GRODINSKT, MABKB « "My son, my son, son of my B. H BROWN, and grant administration of said estate COKEN, Attorneys. Dr. H. M. Levin acted as toast- poet, but an actor of polish and the Junior Congregation, and The Council Bluffs Agudas anxiety and sorrow, you are still Majority of Directors. to Harry Osheroff or nome other suitOmaha National Bank Buildingmaster .o ftho banquet. Rabbi H. depth. Every gesture and every Charles Shindler will be the Achim society will hold a regular aiive. Perhaps so Is your mother. Attest: able person End proceed to a settlement H. Kooper, Secretary thereof. Notice IE hereby pi^en that on the 1st M. Braver gave tbe Invocation. vocal inflection in his dramatiza- Reader of the Law. meeting next Thursday evening, But what will the morrow bring? K. 3-1—It day of January, 1931,, the total outERTCE CRAWFORD, The Synagogue Bible Class will March 7, at the Eagles hall. Dr. Theodore N, Lewis and Rab-tions, were in perfect harmony standing secured snd unsecured indebtCounty Juflg-e. So many axes are sharpened to MONSKT. GROD1NSKT, MAREB A 2-22-St. edness of THE DEX NATIONAL BALES Morris Yudelson returned home behead you, oh, my son, my son, COHEN, Attorney*. bi H. R. Rabinowitz spoke on theand proportion with the character meet with Rabbi Rabinowitz next COMPANY, R Nebreska corporation, KQXSKT. GliOTUNSKT, MAKES & Omaha National Bank BcHding with its principal PIRCP r>f business in Monday afternoon at 2:45 o'clock. Sunday after spending several the son of the guilty father—the work and Importance of the Fed-ne portrayed. COKEN. Attorneys. Omaha, Nebraska, vrne $279.55. Omaha National Bank Building days visiting in Chicago, Illinois. guilty and powerless father. On Notice Is hereby eriven that on the 1B eration and Center. K A. WOLF, Outstanding on his program day of January 1035, the total out- Notice is hereby civen that on the 5st President. The Council Bluffs Talmud one spring morning, in the spring standing- secured and unsecured indebt- day of January, 1935, the total outA program was presonted by Sunday, was the interpretation of H. A. WOLF, edness of THE WESTERN MORTGAGE standing secured and unsecured IndeM-t Torah society will hold an impor- of your life, the glittering knife AND R H. BROWN. and a trio composed of Jean the "Meshulah." in which his Invitation Given to FINANCE COMPANT. a. Nebraska Majority o£ Directori. corporation, with its principal place of ed-nesK of THE COIvfMERCIAL REALTY Attest: Shlndler, Gisela Pill and LIbby.! audience could actually feel the Tri-State Auxiliaries tant meeting next Monday eve-will find you and will break the business in Omaha, Nebraska, was |3S,-COMPANT, a Nebraska, corporation, R. K. Brown, Secretary ning, March 4, at 8 o'clock at the with its principal place of business in Olensky. "94.99. mystery and awe- of the mystical thread of your blossoming life. 3-1—It Omaha, Nebraska, was $409,247.85 H A. WOLF. Mr. J. Kalln was in charge of character who brought a mess- The Ladles' Auxiliary of Shaare Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue. It will perhaps find both of us H. A. WOLF, President. President Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen en- the same day, for bothT of us are the banquet arrangements. Mrs. ago from the great beyond. MONSKT. GRODI.NSKT, MAKES * H. A. WOLF, Zion Synagogue has extended an K. A. "WOLF. H H. AUERBACH, COHEN, Attorney*. Sam Mxmcow was in charge of the Mr. Nachbush presented sev- Invitation to the Conservative tertained the members of their doomed to death! You and I! All H. H AUEP.BACH, K. H. BROWN, Omaha National Bank BuildingR. H. BROWX. Majority of Directors. menu with the following women eral p6ems which he has written. Auxiliaries of Omaha, Lincoln, Evening Bridge club at their of us, all of us are doomed to Majority of Directors Notice Is hereby given that on the Sat itteet: assisting: Mesdames A. W. Kap-An outstanding one was "The Attest: day o£ January, 1935, the total outDes Moines and Sioux Falls, to home Wednesday evening. massacre,, to the scaffold, to theH H. AUERBACH. H H. Auerbach, Secretary. standingsecured nnd iiT>s«cnr»<1 indebt-1—It lan, Sam Lipman, Sam Feder, Prayer," to which he has also attend a Trl-State Conference in The Chevra B'nai Yisroel so- stake, my son, my son, my son.." 3-1—It edness of THE TURNER COURT REALTY COMPANT. a. Nebmska corporaciety will hold their monthly Philip Sherman, A. M. Herzoff, written the musical score. GRODIXSKT. MAEEK & Sioux City on April 3. Joseph Elkin gave vent to a MONSKT.COHEN, MONSKT. «*RODINSKT, MAKES & tion, with its principal place of busiAttorneys. Max Mushkln, S. Grueskin, Sam The artist was accompanied at Mrs.- Rueben Miller of Sioux meeting next Wednesday evening, ong bitter cry which rent the COHEN, Attorneys. ness in Omaha. Nebraska, was ?S2.Omaha National Bank Building Otnaha National Bank Building415.01. Barony H. Friedman, and Frank the piano by Miss Libble Olensky. City Is the general chairman of B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618 tense air. A, H. BRODKEY, Notice Is hereby sriven that on the 1st Notice is hereby priven that on the lat Mynster street. Gorchow. President ay of January, 1935, the total out- day A shadow walked softly into itandlns trio composed of Miss Olensky, the Conference. of January. 1935, the total outA. H. BROCKET, secured and unsecured indebt- standing Mrs. Kalln and Mrs. William A Plans are being made for the secured and unsecured indebtThe auxiliary met for a dessert E. H AUERBACH. the room and lingered for a modness of THE SOUTHERN HORT- edness of THE H. A. WOLF COMLazero were In charge of the Gisela Pill and Jean Shlndler pre- luncheon bridge last week in thePurlm program to be given on ment. Then It stepped back and JAGE Majority o£ Directors. & FINANCE COMPANY, a Ne- PANY, IXC, a Nebraska corporation, Attest: raska corporation, -with its principal with committee included Mrs. M. E. sented a group of traditional He- synagogue social hall. One hun- Sunday afternoon, March 17, atdisappeared, leaving on one ofplace its principal place of business in K. H AUERBACH, of business in Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha Nebraska, was $194.5116.12. 3-1—It Skalovsky, Mrs. H. Lazare, Mrs. brew melodies, during the even- dred women were present. Cherry the Danish hall. Following the he chairs a bundle of clothes was 447.5S9.40. H. A. WOLF. H. A WOLF. Dora Baron, Mrs. Pete Hoeger, Ing's program. The program was pie and coffee was served follow- program, the Talmud Torah are hat spread a smell of hospital. President President. sponsored by the Inter-Club H. A "WOLF. H. A WOLF, and Mrs. L. D. Sacks. planning to hold a Purhn banH. H. AUERBACH, ing an afternoon of bridge. H. H. AUERBACH, Council of Sioux City. T V L. KOLZMAN, Officers of tho Federation are quet. Further details will be an- (Translated from Hebrew by R. H BROWN, LOUIS HILLER, Majority of Directors. K. E. Maron, honorary president; nounced in the next issue of the Florence Starr.) R. K. BROWN. Utest: R. H KOOPER. At Tiphereth Israel A. M. Davis, president; J. Kalin, Jewish Press. H. H AUERBACH. J. J. GREF.NBERG. Junior Poale Zion -1—It DAVID GREBXBERG, SI Krueger, B. Baron, Max LasenRabbi Benjamin M. Goldberg, Jewish Press advertisers merit Majority o* Directors Tho meeting of tho Junior MONSKT, GRODtNSKT, MAREB «; fiky, and H. Lazrlowich, vice-pres[who Is a guest rabbi at Tiphereth Attest: your patronage. COHEN, Attorneys. R. H. Kooper, Secretary. idents; Mike Skalovsky, treasur- Poalo Zion club last Sunday cen- Israel synagogue, spoke WednesOmaha National Bank Building; 3-1—It er: Max Brodkoy, secretary; and tered around the life of Trumple- day evening in the Synagogue on MONSKT, GRODINSKT, MAREB & Notice is hereby (riven that on the 1st dor, one of the Jewish workers "What has Become of the Morals MAKER BDS Dena Baron, superintendent. COHEN, Attorney*. ay of January, 1935, the total out- MONSKT, «RODINSKT, COKEN, Attorneyn. Omaha National Bank Building; in Palestine who was killed In of our Youth?" Rabbi Goldberg t d i n g Becured and unsecured Indebt737 Omaha National Bank BlAg. dness of THE VENETIAN COURT By NATE CUTLER Arab riots fifteen years ago, is a graduate of "Columbia UniverNotice is hereby given that on the 1st REALTY COMPANY, a Nebraska CorFROnATE NOTTCF (ay of January. 1935, the total out- »oration, -with its principal place of In the. ^letter of the Estate of Forty Attend Oneg while defending the colony of Telsity, receiving his PH, D. degree secured and unsecured indebt- (usiness in Omaha, Nebraska, was $76,- JOSEPH P. COHN'. Deceased. The J. C. C. cage season came itandlng Chai. Miss Julia Boroskln acted from that school. anesa of THE EASTERN MORTGAGE 5808 Notice is Hereby Given: Shabbos Meeting as chairman of the meeting, and to a close this week. . . . It was t LOAN COMPANT, a Nebraska cor- '58.08. J. H. KULAKOFPKT, That the creditors of Raid deceased with its principal place of President. a very successful season, says poration, wijl meet the executnr of said estate, spoke In niomorlam of Trumple>usines3 in Omaha, Nebraska, was $48,J H. JCULAKOFSKY. brfore me. County Judge of Douplae - Forty women attendod the dor. Lee Grossman. . . . Interest in H5.25. H H. AUERBACH, County, Nebraska, at tbe County H. A WOLF, REUBEN KULAKOFSKT, Oneg Shabbos meeting last Satur- Dora Kurz presented a poem sport is now swinging away from Room, in said County, on the President. Majority of Directors, Court 2"rd day of April, 1!):!5 end on the H. A WOIUF, ttest: day afternoon, Held In tho home wrltton by Josslo Samptor and enbasket ball, and it seems a good 24th day of June, 1935. at 9 o'clock H. H. AUERBACH, J. H. Anerbach, Secretary a m,, each day, for the purpose oti (Continued from Page One.) of Mrs. Milton Mushkin. The titled, "Tel Joseph." thing, for many of the lads are DR. PHILIP SHER, presenting their claims for examina-i1 Majority of Directors, MONSKT, OROOINSKT, MAKER group is opouHored by tho Ladies' Brief biographies of the mar-Wolfaro Federation was given by wearying of the cage sport. . . . attest: tion, adjustment and allowance. Three COHEN, Attorneys. months are allowed for the creditors Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Syna- tyrs who died in these riots were Mrs. Joanette Arnstein, president. Millard Sigal says he could have H H. Auerbach, Secretary. National Bank B to present their claims, from the 23rd She told of the rapid growth in beaten Tom Pollard in the table -1—It gogue. 19S5. Notice is hereby srlven that on the 1stday of March, BRYCE presented by various members. membership CRAWFORD, of the group and out- tennis tourney, if he'd had two ay of January, 1935, the total outMi's. Charloa II. naskln epoko Sophie Franklin Bpoko on Aron County MOJJSKT. GUODINSKT. MAREE & tanding secured and unsecured indebt- S-1-S5-3L COHEN, Attorney*. on hor visit and lmprosslons of Shedd and Tokar. Tillio Frank- lined the work the women are do- legs to stand on. . . . Three Jewedness of THE OVERLAND SECURI- MONSKT. GRODINSKT, MAEEK & • Omaha National Bank Building IES CORPORATION, a Nebraska corRussia, and current events wore lin Bpoko on the life of Munter ing in furthering the ideals and ish youths, Harry Lipp, Al LustCOKEN, AttomeyB. oration, with its principal place of Omaha National Bank Building Is hereby niven that on the Int msiness in Omaha, Nebraska, was $B5,presented by Mrs. Eli Robinow. and Dvora Drachlor and Sula- purposes of the federation. Dues garten, and Sigal, made the quar- dayNotice of January, 1935, the total out- 00.00 are only a nominal registration terfinals of this tourney. . . . standing Notice is hereby plven that on the 1st secured and unsecured lndebt* H A. WOLF. mith Bereskln spoke on Sara fee of one dollar a year, and rtaj' of January, 1935, the totiil out. jdnesa of THE NORTHERN MORTLeonard "Buddy" Goldstein won President. standing secured ant! unsecured IndebtChislk. Rudy Shindler outlined every Jewish woman In the city & FINANCE COMPANT, a NeH. A. WOLF, edness of THE OVERLAND RBALTY the junior meet. . . . Jake Adler, GAGE braska corporation, with, its principal H H. AUERBACH, tho llfo work of Trumpledoro. is asked to enroll. COMPANY. a Nebraska corporation, place of business in Omaha, Nebraska P.. H. BROWN. the No. 24 street athlete, found was with its principal place of business in • Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will Singing of Palestinian songs was J53.626.69. Majority of Directors, Omaha, Nebraska, was S2S.240.30 H. A WOLF, ttest: speak on "Ludwlg Lewlsohn— led by Miss Lillian Romlrowsky. Abe Goldstein, treasurer, in out handball walls weren't put H. A. WOLF, President. • H. Brown, Secretary. his report pointed out that the up to be bumped Into. . . . Jake President. Man and. Jew," at tho regular Plans wore made for the AnnlH. A 'WOLF, -1—It H A. WOLF. end the Center, tooH. H. AUERBACH, sot-vice In Mount Sinai Temple vorsary Purlm danco to bo held Center was well-managed eco- had an argument with a wall in H. H. AUER-RACH, H WILIKSKT, MONSKT. GRODINSKT, MAREE nomically, as evidenced by thethe city. doubles tourney, and R. H BROWN. thia evening. A. W. GORDON, COHEN, Attorney*. The 46 Sfosy In tho Jewish Community Center Majority of Directors in which they weathered came out second best, with a cut J". H KCLAKOFSICT, Omaha National Bank E Attest: The Sisterhood of Mount Sinai Surtday evening, March 24. The manner TV. L. HOLZMAN. the depression. However, he em-eye, to boot. . . . Already talk Majority of Directors Notice Is hereby Riven that on the 1stH. H. Auerbach, Secretary Templo will meet this aftornoon dance will be sponsored by thophasized that the revenue from at the Center is turning to soft- -ttest: ay of January, 1935, the total out- 3-1—It at 1:30 for a dessert bridge. Mrs. Poalo Zion nnd tho Community the membership H. Auerbach. Secretary. itanding eecured and unsecured indebt*campaign now ball. . . . There'll be another H.-1—It ilness of THE STANDARD PEVEI^OPJ. Kalln and Mrs, Greenstone are Center. Lucille Kronick, general being conducted Is JEN'T COMPANY, a Nebraska corporavital, if the league at the J. C. C. this year, LAZAtt KAPLAN, Attorney, Ion, with its principal place of busiJQ charga of tho arrangements, chairman, is in charge of ticket finances are to stay out of the City Natl' Bk. Bldf. es* In Omals, Nebraska, was $85,and some mighty classy clubs Friday noon, Dr. Lewis spoke sales. Eudice Stillman is in red. ' ;90 S3. will be out shooting for the crown H. A WOLF. before tho Women's Club of thochargo of refreshments, and Rudy OF DISSOLUTION OF Preeident. now held by the Sample Furs. S'OTICE IPJP8 DItESS CO., A COBPOBATION H«@f#s£ to oil fito First Congregational Church. PRACTICAL H. A WOLF. Shindler, orchestra. 'Admission Notice is hereby civen that at the . .And while on the subject of J. A. C KENNEDY, y©B want fe reeds, y«t farnnual meeting of the stockholders of Monday evening ho spoko ovor will bo fifty cents a couple. Dr. Kook Elected TeL Phcnse 1050 A. W GORDON. baseball, why couldn't the Center 'hllippa Dregs Co.. a corporation, held Htmti froro etm®i noises, yew T. F. KENNEDY, KSOZ on tho Y. M. C. A. prot Omaha, Nebraska, on the 22nd day Coraicil Bluffs, la. Majority of Directors Aviv Honorary Citizen or some other Jewish organiza- Ion f January, 1935. the following- resolu- tiest: room on ess upper floor e* gram. Saturday ho addrosaod tho Jewish Press advertisers merit of dissolution was adopted: tion put a hardball nine on the the Morrison h only m. lew International Rotations club. ••RESOLVED. That two-thirds of the . A. C. Kennedy, Secretary your patronage. Jerusalem (JTA) — The mu«sandlots during 1935? . . . There's tockholders In meetinsr duly assembled MONSKT. GROIHNSKT, MAIiEE £ second* by ©Iwot©!' from th® oncurrinfr that It Is in the Interest of nicipal council of Tel Aviv has plenty of talent in town. . . . he stockholders that the company's COHEN, Attorneys. cenhtr ©I dswstewn' Omaha Nations! Bank Building be terminated and that accordelected Rabbi Kook, Chief Rabbi George Trupp, after flattening justness ingly the company be and hereby l w Notice ts hereby Riven that on the 1st of Palestine, honorary citizen of his first opponent while repre- llssolved and that tha officers proceed ay of January, 1S35, the total o-u;. ROOM • « senting the Center in the national o wind, up Its affairs forthwith." tho city. jtacdinff secured and unsecured indebtp m u p r s DRESS co. edness of THE MIDLAND REALTY Tha members of the Hista- Golden Gloves tourney In Chicago By Paul Philipp*. president and secre- COMPANY, s, Nebraska corporation, m^ iATH s ary. last week, dropped the duke to with Its principal place of business ic druth, tho Palestine Labor party, 2-15-35—«t. Omaha, Nebraska, was $64,827.87 w»iffc Smrvlder end abstalnod from voting when the his second foe. . . . With Babe R. H. KOOPP.R. CRG, WEBB, BEBKK, President council put to a vote the decision Ruth definitely going to work for KLCTZNICK A KELLY. Attorneys. R. H. KOOPER. C30 Omaha National Bb. Bide. to bestow honorary citizenship the Boston Braves next summer, H. A WOLF R. H. BROWS. sports writers will probably go \ipon tho venerable rabbi. NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO H. H AUETIB'.CH. GARDEN AI5TICI«ES OF INCORPORATION crazy thinking up another rumor FATE GERELICK. Notice Is hereby given that on the Majority ;f Directors. yarn. 5th day of February. 1535. ths Hart- Vttest:
\~the C^o
J. C. C. Sports Chatter
Mount Sinai
Quits Committee
Sanders Motors, a Nebraska corporation, H. A "Wolf, Treasurer
with Its principal place of transacting New York — An announcebusiness at Omaha. Nebraska, adopted n amendment to Us Articles of Ineorment that It has severed all con- Soap Kitchen r.s follow*: nection with tho American Jew- Sofia—The establishment of a amtnded to read ARTICLE I. ish Committee was mode by thekitchen for Jewish unemployed The name of this corporation snaS! Barish-Sanders Motors. National Council of Young Israel, was ordered by the commander beDated a t Omaha. Nebraska, this 5th following adoption of a resolution of the Haskowo Garrison, who Is day of February, 1935. Ben SanderB. president. at its mW-wlnter conference of arranging for public kitchens to SI. M. Barish. secretary. By Ed-ward X>. Brodkey, its' attorney. the council. feed Bulgaria's jobless. 2-15-U.