March 8, 1935

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Dedicated to the Ideals of. Judaism

Entered as Second CIasaUa.ll Matter on January 21. 1921. at Postofficc of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1879




Plan Observance to Honor Maimonides

New York Nazis Charge Bruno Framed by "Elders of Eon" New York (WNS).—An organized move to vindicate Bruno Richard Hauptmann, the German carpenter, who is under sentence of death for the murder of the Lindbergh baby, by attempting; to picture him as the. victim of an alleged Jewish plot directed by the so-called "Elders of Zion," and to paint David T. Wilentz, who as attorney general of New Jersey prosecuted Hauptmann, as the agent of the "Elders of Zion," got under way here with the first of a series of huge mass meetings of German-American Nazis seeking to raise funds for Hauptmann's defense. An infuriated mob of more than 3,000 that jammed the largest hall in Yorkville, the G e r m a n section, shrieked "kill Lindbergh," "kill Wilentz," "the Jews did it" and "Jew Fisch did it," as half a dozen speakers denounced the •verdict as a frameup and ac, claimed Hauptmann as a hero.

"The Jewish Federation cannot consider as its primary function the raising of funds and the use of these funds purely for ameliorative activities," Paul Goldblatt, new executive director of the Omaha Federation and Center, declared in outlining his views on federation work upon his arrival here. "Through its functional setup the Jewish communal organization must provide and afford a full Jewish life for the privileged and over-privileged as well as the' underprivileged. It must bring together all Jewish groups and all individuals for common Jewish goals." Goldblatt arrived Monday, and is now busily, engaged in familiarizing himself with local federation conditions. He has a pleasing personality and a forces and power which indicate his capability to handle and control the manifold problems . which beBet adirector. ' • • The new executive head expressed the opinion that in social service work the federal agencies cannot assume much more.than fiscal responsibility. "We must

maintain our responsibility for the other phases of the work," he continued.. "Included among them is the necessity for helping the individual and the family maintain their Jewish consciousness, their relationship to their background and their adjustment to their American surroundings." These purposes, he pointed out, have not changed in the last decade. "If anything," he said, they are more Intensified and more necessary." -.- Goldblatt was high.:. in his praise of the federation communal set-up In Omaha. "The set-up is a very happy one," he said. "We have recognized the necessity for co-ordination and for centralization of community responsibility and programming. The Jewish life of the future will be built more strongly upon that foundation." .; ; - This work Is by no means new to Goldblatt. Since 1925 he has been executive director of the Jewish Community Center of Harrisburg, where he was successful in helping build .their Jewish community. He organized the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of Harrisburg when he first came there, and in 1933 he organized the United Jewish Community. He has been a member of the executive committee of the National Association of Jewish Center secretaries for the' past-three years; was president of the Dauphin County Chapter, American Association of Social Workers, 1931-32; chairman of the Pennsylvania Division of the American Association of Social Workers, 1933; president of the Professional -Advisory Board; Pennsylvania Federation of Y. M. and Y. W. H. A-'s 1931-32; president of - the Jewish . Social Workers' club of Brooklyn, N. Y., 1924-25. Goldblatt was volunteer.-director of boys': d u b :work.: of, the Young-. llea*s_and Young Womeni Hebrew association of Williamsburg, Brooklyn; "N. Y., 1019-22. He took an' intensive training course for Jewish Center executives given by the Jewish Welfare Board in 1922. Prior to taking the position as Harrisburg director, he served as executive director of the Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association of Williamsburg, 1923-25.

Representatives of nineteen organizations . met Monday evening to lay plans for a local observance of the eight hundredth anniversary of # Moses Maimonides, which is being celebrated the world over. The Omaha observance will be held Sunday, April 21. The meeting was called under the auspices of the College of Jewish Studies, with Dr. Philip Sher, president, "presiding. Dr. Sher was authorized to appoint a committee of five to arrange for details on the program. It is hoped to secure an outstanding out-of-town speaker for the occasion.

• • JewiyY Self-Tai

AT J. C.C.FOE All-Star night, the annual dramatic tournament of the Round Table of Jewish Youth, will be held this year on Tuesday evening, April 30, at the Jewish Community Center. It is open to all Jewish youth organizations in the city. Rules for the contest are as follows: 1. All entries must be made to the educational director by Tuesday, March 19. 2. All skits and acts must be original. 3. All skits and acts must be submitted to the educational director by Wednesday, April 3. 4. No skit may exceed 20 minutes in length. 5. Each group must be responsible for its own properties and costumes.

nal skit or act in the best manner. The committee in charge of arrangements are Alfred A. Fiedler, chairman; Milton Frohm, Irving Sterahill, Hasten Cohen, Sylvia Silverman, Beth Platt, Jean Beber and Abe Faier.

REGIONAL MZRACHI CONFERENCE IS TO BE HELD IN OMAHA Omaha will. be host to the regional Misrachi conference which is to be held here March 31. This conference is called for the purpose of creating a western region. Delegates are expected from Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Colorado and Tennessee. Mr. Leon Gellinan, of St. Louis, vice-president of the national organization, is head of the committee- on , arr an gem exits. Complete .details have cot yet been worked out, but it is expected to hold business sessions Sunday morning and afternoon, and to climax the conference with a banquet to be given at the J. C. C. All members of the Omaha Jewish community are invited to participate in the conference and to attend the dinner. Nationally prominent speakers will be here to address the sessions and to speak at the banquet.

HIGHLAND COUNTRY CLUB AMUAL MEETIMG MONDAY Highland Country club will hold its annual meeting and stag, Monday, March 11, at 6:30 at the Paxton hotel. Committee reports will be given, also the report of .the secretary, and other important business of the club. This stag is for members only.



Two Brides of Palestinians


Community Center's Membership Drive Continues The campaign for 250 new j members to the Jewish Cornmun- i ity Center is continuing until every prospect has been seen, with hopes of completing the j drive this week. i Two report meetings have been ' held, one Sunday morning and another yesterday noon. ' A group of forty workers are , aiding in the campaign. Jack W. Marer is general chairman, with Milton R. Abrahams and Irvin C. Levin as vice-chairmen. William "Doc" Milder heads the general solicitations. I

Tel Aviv Zionists Large Eise In Percentage to An award will be made to the Move to Restore Him As Be Paid to Jewish group presenting the most origiLeader ' • Communities

Warsaw (JTA) — The Minister of Finance issued an order providing that taxes paid by Jews in Poland to the Jewish commuAlthough none of the known nity for the maintenance of JewNazi leaders appeared on the ish institutions should be inplatform, the atmosphere of the creased to equal from fifteen to meeting and the language emthirty per cent of their general ployed in the literature distribincome tax. .. uted smacked of a Nazi demonThe exact percentage of the instration in Germany. ' crease established in each That the Nazis are planning to city in accordance with the needs exploit the Hauptmann case for 42,359 Jewish Immigrants Enter of the local Jewish community. In to Settle In the anti-Semitic purposes was clearly Warsaw, the Jews will have to evidenced by the contents of a Holy Land pay the maximum which is set at leaflet entitled, "Who Sentenced thirty per cent of the income tax. Jerusalem, (W N S^—P a 1 c o r Hauptmann—And Why?," which The increase in taxes, of the was distributed at the meeting. Agency)—The largest immigraJewish community will be anothThe leafelt charged that "a Ger- tion In the history of the modern er burden upon the Jewish popuman has been convicted on" falsi- Jewish resettlement of Palestine lation which' is suffering from the fied evidence manufactured by was recorded during the year, present heavy taxation imposed police 'in the State of. Free, Ma- 1934. The total was 42,359. perupon it- by the government. sonry, " New. Jersey. ' .Attorney- sons, which exceeded by 8,000 the Though, the. Jews : comprise only previous j>eak 'number, wTalch ocGeneral Wilen,tz ; influenced ;th.B tea per cent .of the entire popula.jury by quoting from the Talmu* currelFin 1925; .The figures of tion 6? PolandT the" proportion of and the" Gabala.- Tne -Lindbergh Jewish " immigratioir" Into* "Palestaxes paid by them covers forty baby was killed in a ritual mur- tine ^luring fhe past ten years are per cent of the entire Income asfollows: der. Now Hauptmann will ."Be" which the government derives Year Number. the next Titual victim. He has Year. Number. from taxation. 1930 4,944 been sentenced to die in the third 1925 34,386 Despite the fact that the Jews 1931 4,075 week of March, a high day in 1926 13,855 are contributing, In taxes, four 1927 3,034 1932 9,553 Free Masonry. . On February times as mucL as they should, the 2,178 1933 30,327 13th at 11 p. m. the lights i n the 1928 Polish government as well as the 5,249 1934 42,359 courthouse in Flemington were 1929 local municipality is discriminatThe total immigration, not Insuddenly extinguished. This was ing against Jewish Institutions cluding tourists .authorized to rea Free Mason symbol. It hapwhich are entitled to government main, amounted to 18,832 men pens regularly in the Masonic and municipal subsidy. The Jewand 17,787 women. These figures lodges at 11 p. m. and symbolizes ish institutions are, therefore, eninclude, 7,116 unmarried immithe coming domination of Jewish tirely dependent upon the local grants (4,539 men and 2,577 Free Masonry over the world." Jewish institutions are, therefore, women).; The remainder were Elsewhere In the leaflet it was married couples and children. The B'nai Israel synagogue is entirely dependent upon the local alleged that Hauptmann is a vic- They came from the following Jewish communities. tim of a plot by the "Elders of countries: Poland,: 16,829; Ger- giving a dinner Sunday, March 17 at 6:30 p. m. in honor of the Zion" whom Wilentz supposedly many, 7,010; Rumania, 1,751; represents. The leaflet also Greece, 1,504; Yemen, 1,907; presentation of Sefer Torah by Hebrew Talkiag, called on German-Americans to United States, •. l;02 8; Lithuania, the Milder family. Singing Film. Reservations for the dinner awaken and attack the Free Ma- 900; Latvia, 886;T Austria, 720; Tel Aviv—The first Hebrew sons and the "Jewish hierarchy." Czechoslovakia, 706; Soviet Rus- may be made by calling Mrs. Wil- talking-singing film, called "This Other literature handed out sia, 578; Turkey, 343; England, liam Milder, Wa. 3055. The din- is the Land," had its premiere at ner will be 75 cents a plate. quoted- from Julius . Streicher's 153; a local cinema. Bulgaria, 212; Holland, After the dinner, the presenStuermer and from the writings 100; Hungary, 194; Esthonia, of notorious Russian anti-Semites. 18; Belgium; 70; Danzig, 44; tation ceremony will take place in the traditional manner. All the Denmark, 3; Luxembourg, 8; Torahs in the synagogue will be Norway, 4; Spain, 7; Saar Terri- carried out to meet the new Sefer tory, 2; Portugal, 8; Finland, 6; Torah." France, 91; Sweden, 7; SwitzerCantor Schwaczkln and the Philip M. Klutznick will speak land, 38; Afghanistan, 8; Syria, B'nai Israel choir will chant apbefore the Bound Table, of Jew- 12; China, .3; Iraq, 12; Canada, propriate blessings, and In honor i£h Youth on their Youth Forum 49; Uruguay, 15; Argentine, 31; of the occasion, will also present Tuesday evening, March 12, at 8 Brazil. 23; Guatemala, 2; Mexico, a Purlm program. "A Jewish university in Amerio'clock at the Jewish Community 24; Panama, . 1; Nicaragua, 2; ca" was advocated by Ludwlg The congregation invites the Center. His topic will he "Jewish Costa Rica, 4; North Africa, 29; Jewish community at large to Lewisohn, world-famed author Youth Organizations in American Egypt, 42; and Australia, 5. participate in this traditional and literary critic, in an interThere were 364 immigrants with- Mitzvah. Jewish Life." view Wednesday. Lewisohn addressed the Community Forum Hr. Klutznlck's address prom- out specific nationality -and 520 Wednesday evening at the J. C. ises to be one of the most out- failed to state their nationality. C. on "The Spirit of America in standing of the Round Table The number ~ of ~ Jewish • ImmiIts Literature." Forum series. He has an intimate grants from Germany last year In regard to the mooted quesknowledge of and acquaintance was 8,497 (including 1,487 pertion of numerus clausus on Jewwith Jewish youth groups both sons who were not German citiish students in the universities, here and in other cities and will zens but residents in that counhave a message of interest and try when they left for Palestine). Lawrence,' Mass. (WNS)—Na- Lewisohn said that he believed importance to all young people. The total number of Jewish than Brindis Is one employer who there, should, be a "gentlemen's The Round Table Invites not only tourists In 1934 amounted to believes 4n going the NRA one agreement" on the part of the inleft better. While employers every- stitutions cf learning not to reits members but all youth groups 26,400, of whom 21,653 again. v,who are Interested to attend. where are fighting labor's de- duce ths number allowed, but mands tooth and nail, Brindis that the Jewish people should treasurer and chief stockholder In start building a Jewish university the Mllchen Shoe Company, re- of their, own. fused to let his workers cut their "There is a distinctly Jewish own pay. literature," Lewisohn opined, "be. Beloved by his workers and the cause -even if a • Jewish author entire city because of his many writes in another language his philanthropies and liberal treat- Jewish soul is nevertheless ex• Jerus-alem - (WNS — Palcor rings on their fingers and pro- ment of labor, Brindis, who came pressing itself. This is . in actuAgency) —^Because the Palestine nounced the ' traditional Jewish to •America thirtyrthree years ago ality a Jewish contribution, creapolice snatched away their wives marriage ritual. "Thou art conse- as a Jewish immigrant lad, creat- tive Jewish literature." "We can diminish anti-Semitand deported them back to .their crated unto me by- the law of ed a sensation when he burst Into a meeting of his workers and tism," Lewisohn advised, "by benative Poland, two bridegrooms ifoses and Israel," ; As the blecsing had beeQ said prevented them' from taking a coming like our Christian friends here have Hied a «uit against the in front of witnesses, the mar- voluntary cut In pay as a means —not .aping them but being as force demanding the restoration riage -was a legal one, and the of helping the company out of Jewish as they are Christian. We of both recent brides. • The two Chief Rabbinate here Issued legal temporaryVinancial difficulties. muBt carry on the Jewish tradigirls had been ordered for depor- marriage certlficatea. The young The v o t e \ o take a cut had al-tions, and keep' strong faith with tation following a three months' men, who are Palestinian citizens ready been pfc^sed when Brindis inir own ethics." prison,- ternr, for entering the demanded' their*-Wives. But the arrived and announced that not ' Eastern Jewry, he declared, is country illegally. police took no heed, and had them only would he not allow a cut batthe fountain of Jewish life. "It is While returning from Haifa to deported o n , in-.'next boat'. "Now that ne would give the workers a because of eastern Jewry that Bethlehem-women's Jail, having the bridegrooms; are ,sufngr. the ten per cent Increase by July 1 s t Israel has lived." In this respect missed theout-going boat on constabulary, and according to Lawrence has been having labor he isolated out-that one of the • which, they were to be deported, local law,,thei. is every "certainty troubles but the Milchen workers, chief troubles with Germany the girls were approached by of- the wires being restored." 1 who are. members of the Ameri- Je^ry was that they tried to di7 their"two "young "men"\who, 'sur- ;• B u t "the two girls :are" enjoying can Shoe Workers, have not "been vorce themselves from Jewish prising the police escort, slipped a man-less-honeymoon. on strike. l i f e . -••' : • ' • . . - : ". . .



In Lewisohn's opinion, there is no difference between the government of Germany—"each Is a government of wolves over sheep, a government of violence." "Both communists and fascists," he continued, "are reactionaries—throwbacks beyond the time of Christianity and classical Judaism." He declared that Americans are the only true revolutionists left in this reactionary world and urged that all Americans should be more loyal to that revolutionary tradition. While lie said that capitalism is an evil, he called it the least of the evils In sight and maintained that capitalism must by all means be kept. Lewisohn i n his address p r a i s e d ' American literature, which is not yet 300 years old and which was under the terrific handicap of using a language in which a literature had alreafiT been created- "Literature," he defined, "is the condensed, heightened expression of life." American literature is traditionally liberal, he said, impatient of tyranny end the assumption of power by 'others. "Liberty, common sense • and lucidity" were characteristics mentioned of American literature from the time of Roger Wlllitos on. Rabbi Frederick Conn introduced the speaker. Fred White, chairman '-"of the Forum, presided. r . Announcement lias been . mads that Irving Fisher, noted economist, will be the fifth speaker .on the Foram, his. subject' Being. "What-Is.Sound Money?"

Tel Aviv (WNS—Palcor Agency) — A world-wide campaign to bring about the re-election to the World Zionist Presidency of Dr. Chaira Weizmann, who resigned in 1931, was launched here at a huge niass meeting in Town Hall. The demand for the re-electioa of Dr. Weizmann at the nest World Zionist Congress was made under the sponsorship .of the Kidmah Zionist Group, an organization of progressive General Zionist in Palestine led by Kurt Bluinenfield, former president of the Zionist Federation of Germany, Felix - Rosenblueth, Dr. Shmarya Levin, Henrietta Szold and several American residents in Palestine. "Re-elect Weisisann" and "Create a world-wide progressive Zionist bloc for -the next World Zionist Congress' were the slog-

XI.—NO. 4,

Ailakofkv ~ 'Accepts Appointment hv General Cfe; * l'

#V'| J. K. Kulakofsky has accept . ! ed the chairmanship of the inz1 jtial gifts division of the forth1 'coming Omaha Jevisti Philarjthropies campaign,'according t c 1 \ announcement made this week ] bv Philip M, KhitmicU, gonerrJ i i • . ; chairman. ' I The initial gifts division, i backbone of the annual drive, - ; obtains the larger pledges irc. | advance cf the official cam-< jpaign. Kulakofsky, who hs*> i i been active in the drives1- of the; | past and is familiar with tbf. necessary campaign machinery, ii. has lost no time in getting- his division's work started. Thr checking- • of contributors aiul. the quoting- of cards has already started. The er.tlre jnitipJ gifts rtivisior, - j Trill be thoroughly -«-«.* •>«.* The Sisterhood ol Temple Is- ] .^ s campaign started -within rael is bringing to Omaha Louis ;, The date for the offi Untermerer, one of America's j :,t ; opening of the drive has not outstanding lecturers, \rho , ,. _ , , , _. , : been, pet, but it Trill be early u: speak at Temple Israel, ^Vednes-> \~ 7 - . ' day, March 20. His subject will ilb% £ P n n £ - _ ,., be "What Americans Read and! I n *?™*™A * T <T


r—y „ \ post, Kiilakofsky stated: I WF V This is Mr. Untermerer's i a B t !B f P e v h a t reluctant to *6*nni* thie stop on his tour, as he is return- i responsible position, bxu a«v ing east preparatorv to l e a T i n g j ceptea «nce the sacrifice i n v o ^ for Europe. ,rhere he ^ill spend j "i s ° ™ f ?f < ^ ™ ^ vru+. ,. . , _ i the opportunity to do construetee spr»EE BBU summer. j . . _,. . - , The World Adventure series ol ! tn'e e e T T c \ ^e have ^f f Detroit, Mich., BEVS of him, "Mr. ! realize the Rb8ol«te neea and t*r. 8 TJntermeyer gave bis nsnal fine i f ^ Persistent reQneeu* for performance and alter he had left j JPhilanthropies « » d ? f o r t h e maintenance of the siecn.cies to Tinltefitrro spontsneotiE j ly lend our whole-hearted suprecalled, him bnrsts port to the campaign, Mr. rntermeyert lecture will ! "The Initial Gifts division will be open to the general public, i b c organise shortly. 1 tern conlcyal vrOT The admission will be seventy- jf i a e n t t h s t t h e m&ny *' ,. j e r s of t h e p a s t c a m p a i g n s will i<;

initiated the first Kidmah -conference in Palestine. Speaking after laudatory addresses by Blumenfeld and Felix Rosenblceth, Dr. Weizmann him- " T Mn. n Ben Silver is in charge o f h o t a ^ * o t h e r B t o ro^e t W * self received a tremendous -ova- ticket sales and Mrs. K. L.. Cohn - " e a rs e f t o r t E "wcess. The need tion fror. the thousands Trho vrere has charge of publicity for this « Posing., and we wRh « Jewlish consciousness must respond present. affair. I this year in as great a measure Referring to his candidature as is within our power." for the Presidency, Dr. TTeilzmann Kulakofsky is active in the said: "The World Zionist Concommunity. He is a past presigress is still a long vray off and dent, of Beth-El synagogue, vicewe cannot knew -what conditions president of the Harry K. Lapiwill exist at that time. But Then "The Ongm of RevisioniBm In, d n 6 C o m m B n i t y T r u s t F u n d , on the time comes, tre shall see. the Zionist Movement—and I t s j t ,. , the Jewish. Free Loan Fund, ,...» Whoever becomes the President Present Aspects." will be die-; e c u t i v e c o m m i t t e e ot J e v 5 s l l C o m . today must shoulder a responsi- cussed at an open meeting Lo be | m i i n i t r C e n i e r R n d ^eliare Fedbility unparalleled in the history held at the J. C. C. Sunday.) j ^ H 1 h ] a n d C o u n t r r clnbf of the Zionist morement. In March 10, at S:SO p. m Thisi n& o t h e r a c t i T i t J e s , Zionism today the creative forces meeting is unaer the auspices of and chaos are at war. Our princi- the Jewish National1 Worker's "Fny ^P Old riedpes." pal task is to check the destruc- Alliance and the Poale SioE off H- A. Wolf, budget chairnianr tive forces, strengthen the na- Omaha, ' • \ ©niphasizes the need for the contional capital, agriculture and inOpes nreetings of this kind,1, tributors to pay up their 1S3 4 dustry. I see the possibility of with lectures, musical programs, i pledges: before the new drive is still greater achievements to coiae and literary readings, will be initiated. in Palestine. It is my hope that held, under the sponsorship cf Iiwt "The pledpes we s the nest Congress Trill be a suc- the Jewish National Worker's Kpring." Mr. Wolf cessful one, so that it may unite Alliance and the Poale Zion, ev- "are solemn obligations. Jewall hearts within the Zionist ery second Sunday of the month ish —local, national movement to advance that cause I a t t n e ' J . ' C . C. The Jewisfc pubtntcrnationsl-—«ve relying •which is close to all of us." lic is cordially invited to attend •upon our promise tc pay. They we wrest not disappoint them these forums. are in cii'e need of fnnds, anifi by feiling to keep faith. Rebert Moses Is H©s©rei "Start the forthcoming campaign on the right track by cleaning up yoEr balances, on the old "The Front Page," a powerful New York (WNS)—The annual contributions immediately." and dramatic story of newspaper gold medal of the Hundred Year Plans Bring life, will be the season's last pro- association presented to the citiChairman Klutznick Is working duction of the Center Players' zen cf New York "who has done out the details for the campaign, Guild. It •will be presented in the most tor the civic and industrial and is lining up the chairmen


Trout Page* to be Presented by Guild j for

Center auditorium on Tuesday development of t h e city" 'was I for the other divisions. Within evening, April 9. awarded to Robert Moses, Park j a short time he hopes to be able The cast for the play stars Syl- Commissioner of New York and j to announce the complete divSvan Frankel as Kildy Johnson, Republican candidate for sorer- j elonal get-up for the campaign. the part played by Lee Tracy in HOT in 19S4. i When the drive gets under way the movia o* the same story; HarMr..Moses is to be honored for! this spring, it will mark the fifth. old Kattleinan as Burns, the edi- his-.outstanding services in im-1 anniversary of Philanthropies tor; and Sol TucliiriEn BE McGue. proving public recreational facil- eampaipne ae now constituted in The others In the cast a r e : My- ities. .• ' t h e local Jewish community. ron Tarnoff, Ernest Kogg, Joe Solomonow, Macy Bauis, Joe Cohen, Alfred Fiedler, Dick Hur# • witz, Nate Sekerm&n, David E i meisteis, Leo Bernstein, Nate Cutler, Ky Teraia, Sara SekerOi l I TfTf-PQ tnan, Shirley Uroff, Safiie Beber, Esther Singer and Anne Lintsman.. London (JTA) — That an eco"The Palestine government Miss Helen Merrltt is director nomic crisis in Palestine is immi- does not yet expect an economic of t h e group. nent WEE predicted last week In setbact In tlie country on. account

BuchErest — The Union of Rumanian' Jews last •week issued as appeal to all Jews cf •Rumania, asking them to notify of $11 cases that cose uncler their notice as employers or employees in -which the sets? goTersiaent oraer for the protection of national laboraffects the Jewish population &&Tersely. Such. InforEiation is necessary in order that the Union CSL& take isataefiiate steps to defend the interests of. the Jewish victims.

tlie London Times in E lengthy re- of the flow of capital, but It is Tieir of. the Falestiixe situation, nevertheless prepared with a proTlie Jewisn. immigrants are ar-- gram for public works in every riTlng 'in Palestine faster nov eventuality," the EvUcle disclosed. tliaa". thty CEE be economically: The Times pointed out that it disposed of, ike TitEes stated, i is noticeable that complaints Th-ey sre cosgesting the cities. At] against restriction of Jewish lm~ the sains time land speculation in! mJeration into Palesiine hav« Palestine continues on the crad-i been less vehement recently. Thfe est seals, causing grave anxiety- German Jews who arrive in Pales» even among responsible Zionists. tin© have e, stabilising iniiueac* . .The • Times warned against the there, it observed. "Inflated prices"' wiiicli prevail in The article concluded -witit * Palestine, and. declares that they pessimistic note as to the possiEre a serious handicap to the fu- bility of solving the problem ot ture-fieTelopaieEt of the country. Arab-Jewish relations.




Personalities in the

. And one of the most ARYAN BEAUTIES -FOR

prominent members of the gang) was Jan Peerce, Koxy's newest I discovery. It •was in this manner


London, (WNS) Other methods that Jan repaid his debt to this discoverer. of propaganfia failed to win supmunity of Jewish refugees from JAN FEEECE A rare basket ball treat will be Germany to establish their own When the tour was over, port for Nazism in England, A "Tzitses" wearing Jew is be- Peerce was recalled by Radio City Propaganda Minister Goebbels is unfolded before Omaha baske synagogue, library and theater is ing hailed as a successor to En-officials for an indefinite engage- resorting to the lure of feminine ball fans Sunday night at the reported here from Chile by the rico Caruso. Named Jan Peerce, ment. pulchritude in en attempt tc gain Emigration Association Center when the fast triple-action Jewish he is the leading tenor at the Two •women play a big part In the good will of Englishmen. Ber(HICEM), the organization which Kansas City Y. M. H. A. aggregaRadio City Music hall. New York the young tenor's life, his wife facilitated the emigration of the lin's ten most beautiful mannecritics,marvel at the wide range and his mother. His "wife has tion tangles with •* the Omaha J. Germa.n-Jewish refugees to Chile. quins, all Aryans, are now In Lonof his still untutored voice. With We must bring home to more C. C. Varsity quintet. The game This Sunday the fourteenth peace; action is becoming more The report states,that the Ger- only two years of singing experi- given up a possible Etage career don displaying their charms at a triennial-: convention ,qf, the Na- and. more important, women a realization of the prog- will be held at 8 p. m., with a manJewIsh refugees in Chile ence behind him, they see a limit- of her own to provide a home series of fashion chows. • tional Council of, Jewish Worn"Personally^ I- am not-satisfied ress that has been made in this dance in the auditorium righ have organized themselves into a less future for the youthful star. suitable for the "successor to Ca- These female propagandists, ; enwjJl; opeij In New- Orleans.-' rt PO." Her only ambition is to special - community of Germanwith rWhat: we.: «iy, any other wom- direction. There must be less ot after the contest. • t disguised as style show beauties, Continuing until -Friday, .March see him a member of the MetroOnly thirty years old, the story an's ,-grQup -have, accomplished r in the defeatist attitude and more For the Omaha quint it means speaking Jews which will have no of, Peerce's meteoric rise as a politan Opera company. 15, the Jewish women of-this are being financed by the Nazi connection with the local Jewish any of these fields.-We have done f a i t h . the end of the road as far as •' ' • • • • ' country-.-Will .consider many singer would make some oi HoraThat, likewise, is the ambition governmeEt which hopes that m,uch. It is Inspiring to know that basket ball for thi3 season is con community already in existence tio Alger's tales pale in compariproblems now besetting the Coupled with this we need of his mother. And she does her they will be abl« to make Engthere, but which will work in perover- a period .of years groups, of cerned.. It's been a successful seaJews. Occupying an important women have Btudied and are In-realistic understanding of the dif- son for the locals, but a victory manent and friendly contact with son. For a number of years he part by keeping him fcupplied with lishmen forget some ot anti-Nail place on the agenda, of the conformed about the peace question. ficulties of the task before us over the Kansas City crew would the Committee for the Protection had been knocking around Broad- "Tzitsis." "Jan Peerce," saye liis stories appearing in the British ference are the peace activities The movement could make no and a realization of the courage put the present campaign down of Jewish Immlgrar.ts. The ob-way as a violinist for any pick-up mother, who is in the catering papers. of the group. In .the following jects of the newly formed com- band that came along. Possessed business in New York, "must progress, without these thousands of the patience that is required as one of the best ever. article, Mrs. Brin, national of us. We have made only a bemunity of German Jews will be of a pleasant voice, he sang of* informed -women who are Only twice this year have the ™J, f^"*T,fc!s, Bh,8,,?JB in E Samuel Attacks- Mosley president, of the council, disvoting themselves X<y creating ginning. Much needs to be done J. C. C. boys left the floor on. the purely religious and moral in choruses when they were decusses .the Jewish woman's Yiddish is intelligible evefl manded. to one that not understanding the public-* opinion in, their .«ommunir yet in order to reach agreements short end of the count. One ofcharacter, the report says. place in the world peace moveAnd that w a s t h e s i t u a t i o n t w o language. ties. But it .is not enough-that on aggression, defense, neutrality, those times was down in Kansas ment •' THE EDITOR. years a g o w h e n Peerce landed a Studying for an operatic career London (JTA)—A counter atthe, club Trpmen'Jind, consultation, sanctions. The task City, whea the Omahans took the job a s a violinist w i t h t h e orches- under Eleanor McCIellan, tutor of tack against Sir Oswald Mosley women are organized for peace is long. There will be many set- worse side of a 42-to-24 score tra playing a t t h e Weber a n d Nanette Guilfiford, Peggy Wood who is now openly conducting1 anIt Is consistent that the Jewish Not until more women, all wom- backs. This is not the work of The boys didn't have alibis about one generation. But I like to keep F i e l d s g o l d e n anniversary dinner and other luminaries of the oper- ti-Semitic propaganda in Great en, become, a part of the.movewomen, who are taught by their before me the words of one of that defeat, but everyone of them at t h e Hotel Astor. There fate atic and musical world, Peerce is BritaiE, was launched here by prophets and sages to believe in ment wiU>there be real progress. ;he ancient Hebrew sages; "It is has been itching for aaother By NATE CUTLER • took a hand a n d t h e y o u n g man's a diligent pupil. Recently he Sir Herbert Samuel. a warless. world, should- make We must reach the waman;who not Incumbent upon thce to fin-crack at the K. C. five on "our career w a s completely altered. made his operatic debut "His denunciations are impresis too busy to leave her home, the own floor. peace one of their major interish the work. Neither are thou Mr. Paul Goldblatt, our new Roxy ( S . L . B o t b a f e l ) heard Mm "La Boheine" on a sponsored ra- sive, but bis practical proposals . A truly formidable . group of . estB In their program. I might woman in the settlement house, free to'desist from 4t.; executive director, is reputed to sing. T h e n e x t d a y b e w a s signed dio program. are childish," Sir Herbert said, cite to you various passages from the girl in the shop, the woman ' It is my opinion that the work stars will represent the visiting be an athlete in no small sente up for t h e o p e n i n g bill a t t h e Mu, Serious In his ambitions, Jan1 referring to Mosley. "His deson the-farm. These women may team. Probably outstanding is Is of bur generation for peace Is —the prophets and -rabbinical literaof the word. . . . It'll take a good sic hall. ever so often returns to nis first, cription of present conditions la never understand the fine -points really only just beginning. In its Vile, one of the greatest court Cture~to-show you how 'deeply Inman "to down him In handball. . . . The rest Is history. A new star love, the violin. He celebrated contradicted by plain facts. His about neutrality and sanctions, first phase we had a sentimental performers in Missouri. Vile is Meaning that our physical depart- emerged from the Btar laden pro- last New Year's eve by climbing policy really doers not deserve an ; grained is the conception of peace but they can understand what fast, clever, and a dead eye. Then In the consciousness-of the Jew- war. from thai air^.mean3. ^They and emotional Interest in peace there Is Hy Levy, a guard, who ment "will be given the best co- gram that was arranged by Roxy. into the musician's pit at the Mu- examination. In matters of trade We tiought-""that merely longing operation In its' undertakings. . . . As the program made its way late sic hall and taking a violin from ish people. None, it seems to me, can understand the -words, for inand finance it is crude and unfor it would bring it. When we barricades like a- dam, and scores is more telling than this from stance, of. Stanley Baldwin when realized that peace would come in plenty of points.for good measure. Enthusiastic crowds witnessed the into the night, overpov ering In one of the musicians. convincing to the last degree." J. C. C. Goodwill basket ball its magnitude and tiring as a rerabbinical, lore: "If the Israelites be Bpoke in the'house of common's no such "easy- -way, that the" ques- Another player who will bear ob"Go out and celebrate," he told tournament. . . . The meet was a sult of it, it marked the beginning not so long ;ago about--bombing servation is Abe Goldstein,—tall, the musician. "I'll have my fun The truth is always the strongwere .to . practice idolatry and tion was intricate and technical, huge success, Lee Grossman reest argument. . . Sophocles. peace' prevailed * among. them at strategic cities and . industrial we ; iet about to study the prob- rangy' boy who does" nothing but ports. . . . Young Chuck Stein,.of of the end for Roxy's career at here in the pit." the Music hall. Soon a new policy centers from the-air. > ,' ^ make points.. Others who will the same time, God would say, lem realistically and profoundly. the Habonim, has prospects of de- of pictures and stage shows was visit our fair city are Is Kelne, "In the next war,"'He saidr*'the •I. .cannot 'exercise authority This resulted in the training of Jack Meigs, Harold Braude, and veloping into a star eager. . . . inaugurated and Roxy was on the against them in anger because question will be whose morale leaders and the establishing of We're glad to see Aaron Epstein, way out; Peerce was, on the other Link Chickinsky. The team is that mighty mite of the Omaha hand, definitely in. peace is among them.'"'Only If will be shattered first by prelimi- groups in each city, ready to ascoached by Ted Q'Sullivan, for. you realize that idol worship was nary bpmblng..The only defense is sume the responsibility for carry- mer Missouri university cage star. Jobbers, back around the buildThe story Is that John D. offense, which means," he said, ing. .__••". . Aaron tangled with a the greatest .of all abominations ing on an educational campaign. Rockefeller visited the theatre 'that you have : t6 kill more womfew intestinal flu germs and was to the Jews' can you appreciate en .and ^children more quickly if With, tne help of this leadership forced to the hospital for a couple soon after its opening. The oil the significance of 'this' stated you want to save yourselves." we are ready now, I believe, for magnate was checking up, asceranother stage In our work. We of weeks, The Center is taining where his money was goment. .. . , . , Here is a new type of. warfare, fil ld n o w understand ">n enroll large numbers mighty proud of its two great ing. Peerce's voice thrilled him The ideal of peace, the 'abhor- and .women must through, a determined, colorful handballers, Paul Grossman and and he thereupon listed the young ence of -war, is.deep in as not what It means, not going out to New York, (WNS) The longest Morrie Bloom, who won' the city singer &s one of the assets of Raonly because we have been, so fight In no man's land and in dramatic appeal. We must learn stay ever made by any stranger doubles title so easily last week. dio City. also to'exercise our rights as cfti• taught by our sages, but because trenches but letting' war loose in on Pitcairn Island, the Isolated . Chuck Gendler got a "swell" during a long history we have our very midst. No wonder states- jsetuj. We :must give to those who The next day found John D. colony in the South seas, is credit- ankle in the Pants Store-Correct learned that following a war, men in > every land say as plainly represent us in .government a at the Music hall again. And on ed to Dr. H. L. Shapiro of the lleaner game in the tournament. even If it Is a "war to end waras 'can be said that, another war clear mandate, that we are not American Museum. of Natural . . The Cleaners, by the way,the following day he dispatched and to make the world safe for will destroy civilization. Women convinced that millions of young HL-tory, prominent specialist on really gave the Pants a cleaning. an invitation to his hireling to democracy," the" world is not a must be made to understand the men who love life must be Bent physical anthropology .and hered- . . Who's it going to be for thecome to his country home in cleaner, 'better, juster place' to significance of the warfare of to-to their "death. We areriotconity, who has just returned from rvin C. Levin award for the out- Tarrytown. Jan accepted and live in. Chaos, national .hysteria, morrow, the meaning'of war from vinced that I organised slaughter a six-month exploration journey tanding Jewish * athlete this John D. had his car call for Jan settles" disputes between nations. war.madness,'which always come he air. . ••' * at the Music hall and drive him •••• -" We* are'hot willing-tb^see'the best in the Sonth seas, which included year? . . . The Alpha Pi Tau fraas an aftermath of war, mean a Women must grasp also. the of human; culture-' destroyed. We a fortnight's visit at Pitcairn is- ternity will stage an intra-club out to Tarrytown. After half an • long, period _ of reaction during failure of wan Costly as'it is, a hour of informal chatting in the land. . . . . . basket ball game soon. . . . It spacious gardens of the estate. 'S which liberty; freedom, democ- taggeriagi sickening -costliness, it are determined,~to "support the r This island has a population should be billed as a battle royal. Rockefeller led him Inside the racy, lose ground. TiTer world gets brings-;3- sense of security and,of new peace • -technique' through order will of two hundred men, women and . . Lee Grossman refuses to se- house. out of gear not only economically ustice to no nation. Though arin- which international i? put ' of ! international au- children who are descendants of ect an all-star quint from the and politicaljyi.-but vntpraHy.JtMs. "The place Is yours." he said. C. € . cage league. . ; . There the original band, of - nine Eng•\ a. long time beforei^itT regains Jits, In all-nations,..the' tension., the. arcBy. The visit to the Rockefeller : "(Copyright. 1835, equilibrium,"befb're"good will arid Telerrapilo ' lish mutineers from the H. M. S.are too many good players, he home.. Jan chsrishes. arossts his ear, the distrust grows greater Agency. Inc.) Bounty on which a. munity was ' underetandirig ;find.-brptherIy-1[OM jays. A real' treat is In store fondest memories. Rockefeller, he bnations.^^i?£'•• staged:In 1TS9. . :>r*^ >> returis-again. And so, "Love peace or the fans who witness the' Ken- reveals, is one of the most "demoWomen must be made to real• The mutineers took\V number las City-Omaha game Sunday. cratic of men, despite his vast and pursue It" has a real meaning of Tahitian women and settled on to the members of the Council of. ize also that if It ia justice and . The K. C. team is easily one wealth, and moreover, he and his 'itcairn Island. :.' -' . Jewish Women. ' '"" - ecurity we seek, we must look > f the outstanding Jewish teams family are staunch friends of the ndt'td' the war technique bttt'to Dr. Shapiro made some impor- In the entire midwest. Won't Jews, frequently come to their aid itf-ft easy enough to love1 peace,' he peace technique. When Japan •New York,' (WNS)—An important scientific observations with e be glad when, spring i s here! in a quiet and cnpublicized manTbut'hdwto pursue It? 'The couritJerniany left the £e>gue"; of tant' educational precedent- was regard to cross-breeding^ and inner. ctfi"like many other organizations Nations the feeline" of Insecurity set* by -the department- of educa(formerly '-*;*". devoted to this work, has a three- n; the world increased. When tion of New York university termarriage. Another name that Peerce Chemistry Award fold program; peace: education, Russia joined, a new hope arose. when it announced the establishNew Haven, Conn. —r For hischerishes is that of Roxy. Loyal co-operation with. - llke-minded When Germany and France ment of a course on the "Jewish Rare Tribute '• mtstandlng chemical contribu- and unforgetting, Jan will never Distributors groups, and legislative action. In hrough the League of Nations Contributions- to American CivilMilan — The rare title of Hon- tions to. medicine, Dr. Lafayette forget that it was Roxy who gave every branch of bur organization reached a preliminary accord ization." orary President of the Court of B. Mendel, Sterling Professor of him his big chance. When Roxy COMMERCIAL DODGE - PLTMOPIH we encourage study send -discus- about the Saar, the feeling of ten-, Full college credit will be Appeals was given here" to Judge hysiological Chemistry at Yale was forced out of the Music hall, sion: ,groups. We stress the" edu- sion among the nations decreased. given for the course which is part Silvio Mortara, a Jew-, in-recog- University, received the coveted he gathered, together a variety, cation of the individual and the When Hungary .and Yugoslavia of a larger course on racial and nition of his services: on the • . i Conne Medal of the New York show. education of the cemmunity. We submitted their dispute to the cultural contributions to Ameri- bench. Judge Mortara was award- hemists Club for 1934. As Roxy's Gang, It toured the! link with this peace education eague there was general rejoic- can .civilization. Eighty per cent the. title in connection with his Dr. Mendel, a pioneer in the peace action; •' The. empha'sis. on ng. It is evident that, we are of the 110 students enrolled ate rttirement > because o't'.-'th'e age study of nutrition, has been on - • ' • - . '•.'• -. transferring our faith from war non-Jews. ho Yale faculty since 1897. ; - - limit. machinery, to peach ^machinery. This is the first time an AmerWe are building up new attitudes, ican university has given such a new expectations. The very scof- course for credit. fer who skeptically says, "where Where Omaha Sk&pe with {Confidence the league now?." shows that • He who gives advice to a self' The most 'elaborate Indoor elr- is of the new approach to conceited man stands himself in CUB .seen In the middlewest, with something international problems Is entering need of counsel from another Clyde Beatty ^and, his worldinto his thinking too. . . . Saadl. famous wild animal aqf as the When a -crisis in International principal feature,.* will1.* tre conducted 5n Omaha the weWbegin- affairs occurs, consciously or unning Monday, March 11,"; when consciously we look to our peace ..the Tangier 'Shrlne^Ali-Sar-Ben industry. We expect our statescgnibjned circus will fee staged at men to settle disputes by the means of the new. peace; techt i e iAfc-Sar-Ben Coliseum.^: 'v^jngjit ', performancei. wiU;.-, be nique. Fifteen "years; Is a- short ;i£eld-"oa each of the six nights, ime In which t o develop this new •'W^S -p. in., with matinees^ Wed- attitude and the new technique. It jjesday and Saturday'at 2'p. m.' s a short time in which to bring , : Combining in this Joint enter- governments to the realization priser Tangier Temple of the hat a problem between nations Shrine and the Knights of Ak- must be referred to a third party, * Off)AHA « r^" Sar'-Ben, each of whom have and that they must accept the staged separate circuses in Oma- erdict of that third party, that ha'in recent years; have spared hey can no longer fight it out no expense In bringing to Omaha f£vgf§at spectacle. hundreds ,of ^performers, both animal-and bu-* ,^ian,'have been secured/fropi' the•leading circuses.of .-the world. In addition to .ttioi-famous ; animal • act,', in which ^Beatty enters a steel cage jalbne and unarmed- to pit his skill-and-dftring-against a score, ot, .^ightiqg" -lions . and tigers, there will'be herds-of-ele* pbanta, horses, ponies,- dog3 and "even trained oeahi/; . •" - ..'.fWZej&j* It iilaiaiag s&aft of sttlalm seed -'"•The ahow will he .staged In" the appointed titeoaghogtrtaB ttes ctecttic baflet pill cp *ae»d to tb< ' Jc^jnmodlQus' Ak-^-Benr' Coli-


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Emancipation, conclusively Current Events Class.. . . *f. C €.. I board ot Governors or demonstrated to. have been an to-be Held Tuesday error by events J in Germany, LES TITLE ! ^ a d to Meet on which looked for an integration . Rabbi Frederick Coin will, give Paul Grossman and Morrie I The board of governors of ;ii of Jews as individuals ,into the his nest lecture on current events. Bloom, midwestern A. A. U. I Vaad will hold a meeting Moarls.general life, we must go the other Tuesday, March 12 at 10:S0 a. in. ! handball champions, added the I March 11, st 8 p. m. at the R'ni..way about it and integrate the at the" Blackstone.hotel. His sub- I city doubles title to their list last I Israel synagogue. Very importer:; Jew into the commonalty .©f peoi^vreek br defeating 5n the finals ples,' by the way" of national lib- B y "the'-Service Life" rInisnrance ject will be "The SCO Anniversary of the tourney, Bol> TVurgler and 1 business will be discussed and a.1 of MoseE Malraonides," with spe- John Casey, of the Y. M. C. A., I in embers of the board are nrgr.'" ' - %'-•-. Company, Omaha eration. The old way was wrong, cial references to the conflict J21-S, 21-18.. i to attend. •the Zionists-nationalist way 13 By PIERRE YAN?PAASSEN By ' the ? Service Xif e Insurance with religion- in Spain and in Irs -winning. the meet, the Jewright. Freedom for the Jew must have o£ late -witnessed the home, a source of living water to portance is fought out in AmeriMexico. ish youths were hardly extended i Antwerp — Dowager QUP« "'•-/Company, Omaha : come via the nation, not via the phenomenal spectacle of the YiB- restore their outraged and hu- can life? in any of their matches, walking i Elizabeth accepted, patronage-ev Life' insurance spreads' the' savAnd then these same earnest individual. What matters It, let Ifculi cbntrTbilting considerable miliated souls., , ' • ! " • through the competition like they • the Belgian Jewish Nstioti BENEFIT MOVE BY . Ing job over an entire lifetime; us say, to the Flemish people young people begin to level ac^ rains''of money tb'_various fundsI had springs on' their heels. They j Fund campaign for a foreFt have no EngtistfBiMe at hand cusations: Zionism is an evasion, whether Materlinck is made a compound interest takes' off its • gattierinff agencies and relief-or- to I quote i also demonstrated that they are ! Palestine to be named after •' • WOMEN'S "MiZRACHI a-certain":,text "which they say, Zionism is a safe resilk hat,, puts on overalls and baron or Buyss a count, or Van ganizations in the Diaspora-lands. comes, to "my: mtod. Instead I will easily one of the finest doubles I late King- Albert, ; -. ^iipn it' is taken, into considera- repeat a.porfibn:of aIrhymed ver- treat, a refuge above the battle, Cauwelaert a minister by the Bel- works overtime; final results are - The' "Women's Miirachi organ- I combinations ever to represent j The king vras known ae V tiotf that"-'within- the memory of sion in Dutch? of the i l 8 t h Psalm a mode of escape from taking gian, state BO long. as. the mass guaranteed; the • life insurance ization will give a benefit movie the J. C. C. They will compete 1 friend of the Jevs. He had vir.f 'men" nowtliviing the Jewish popu- (I think; if is) as it lingers in my position on the burning social of the.people are being systemati- plan makes a man a financial at the Circle theater, Thursday I in the A. A. U. meet to be held «,t I ed Palestine several times K.n 1 Tract enthusiastic in his praise question of our time and our ensuccess "without demanding that evening, March 14. Two very in- the Center in'two vreeks. ' latlon of Palestine "was almost en- memory: -• ',[[•' "v I Jewish achievementp there. . vironment. It places the Jew ""out cally denationalized, ~ that is " to he, sacrifice every extra pleasure teresting pictures will be shown, tirely : supported by alms irom De steen' die -door,? de, tempel- of reach of the currents and say destroyed? every /year, as do many savings "Caravan" and '.'It's a Gift." The abroad* and,; for a part at least, Paris—Bs-roB. Robert de Rothbouwers, . ' :" ' cross-currents of contemporary plans.'.... . . .... And this too may be said here depended upon , the more charittickets will be twenty cents, and schild, a nephew of the late Ba1 Verachte'lijTc wasleen plaats American life exactly at a mo- in this limited space, the hopeful "; able.; ! than Zionistically-inspired In. tKis way life insurance re- may be secured froia any member Edmond de Rothschild, fathoutzegd, -., ment when every voice counts, news coming . from the Jewish leases'nioney from the demands of the organization. Mrs. Sol ron largess of' the Baron do Roths: er of modern Jewish colonization Is, tot verb'azing; . der aanschouwhen every hand can strike a homeland at this moment does of the:-future,- releases it to be Handler is chairman of this af- in Palestine, child,: sure that the appelapreparing to asIs engaged in the businesf* .. w e r s , .•'-._..,•' ".,''.'.;' ~\ . : blow against the dark and de- by no means signify that here- spent, if; a man so-desires, upon fair. She will be assistef. by Mrs. sume an activeisrole tion phenomenal is' by no means in Palestinian of selling all lands of REVan God ten^Jioofd des hoeks moniacal forces which are on the after it Is a case of "Palestine present' pleasures. air-overstatement. We read today Sara Fellsn&n and Mrs. E. •VCeirs.- affairs, lie informed Dr. N&fcum LIGIOUS ARTICLES —gelegd./ ,\ V'"""1"., rampage in the world today to fara da se," a case of the Tishub berg. .Proceeds of this perform- Sokolow, president of .the Jewish • ofr-' monetary contributions from With his future and the future halt the forward march of manTaleisim and prayerboofcs And I translate freely: "The 1 shifting for itself and finding its ance will go to Palestine to help .Palestine flowing to the Keren kind and throw us back into the own destiny and for that reason of his- 'family adequately safe- build schools for - Chslutzin. Agency. Jewish music —• wine for "Hayesod, to training schools for rock which i was disdainfully re- dark Baron Robert, who is president guarded.with good life insurance, ages. the functions;of the. Zionist or- a man has earned the right to Rabbi Uri Miller will give a short of the French Consistoire and • Ghatataim.-rto Yeshiyeth in Po- jected by the; temple-builderB, has sacramental purposes — Thus they bid us farewell with ganization , (considered, as an spend all that's life over—here talk. - chairman of the French Commitland-and sundry other Jewish in- been selected;;by<5od, to the tee for the Relief of German Jewstitutions, national, - cultural and amazement of'the spectators, to the words: Our place is here in auxiliary to set Palestine on its and now. ; • • America, not over in Asia. Here way) are becoming superfluous. Education is an ornament to ish refugees, .is conferring with Articles - eleemosynary, . outside E r e t z be the keystone in the arch." First-square with adequate life The keystone, inl the arch of in the midst of the battle. Here To the .contrary, now indeed and Insurance the demands for money the fortunate, a haven of refuge Sokolow regarding &n extensive Israel. And to my way of thinking Ees. 60S N. 50 GL £972 oneT<>f the most remarkable in- Jewish life—that is Eretz Israel" we intend to take up our posk only. now has the moment ar- that will arise in the future to the unfortunate. . . Densocri- program for settling German Jewtoday! Nothing less! Fully that! rived far the Zionist; organization. . . Eretz Israel has no sigish refugees in Palestine. tus. ' stances " of this "kind • was that 'Then get the thrill of I have said* before, the growth nificance to -us* tion to enter into the role for years. Bpoiitaneous^gitt of twelve thoupulling• your chair up to the To these young men and wom- which it was primarily created, table, and sand :pounds 'sterling - to the vic- of the new Palestine; the revifienjoying . the good tims of the' clerico-fascist terror cation of the godforsaken Judean en, in whose souls burns the ard- namely to be the channel where- things, of. life here and now. r in ' the members of the landscape in our time is a miracle ent flame of humane brotherhood by the manifestations of the reHistadruth in Palestine, who ex- more - wondrous' to me than the we say: You may be right in your born Jewish life in Erets Israel, pressed therewith, "at a moment blossoming of Aaron's rod in the allegation that some Jews have may be distributed over the William Flax Has : Jewish wlien- this* counted, their com- ark of the.covenant, for the sim- entered the Zionist movement in spiritually-impoverished Prize-Winning Plan radely solidarity with those hero- ple reason: that I have seen the the hope or in the imagination islands scattered through the ; ic defenders of democracy in Vi- growth . of ': Palestine in a. few that they would find shelter from Gentile world. Flax of Omaha, junior In Palestine Jews have begun In William enna and Syria when they" went years from a desert-frontier to a the storm that is blowing in this the fine arts department of the land whicii is rapidly taking first era of transition. The fact is unto shape their own' conditions of down before • the blast of steel place, economically and cultur- deniable: There are such indi- life in a conscious manner. This University of Nebraska and s. from DollfusB' "siege-howitzers. ally, in the Hitler-East. viduals. Every movement has, be- cannot be said "of any collectivity member of the Sigma Alpha Mu If you will permit me the banal sides it's self-effacing idealists of Jews anywhere else on earth. fraternity, submitted the prizeAnd yet with; this amazing exclamation, I must say: Times spectacle: before their eyes, with and militants, a number of cal- Tou object perhaps,that no com- winning plan for the presentation certainly have •'• changed. The the evidence ',of a ; regenerated culating opportunists and ii is plete-self-determination for a of the 1935 prom girl, to be Palestians are "no longer the half- Jewish homeland staring' them in true enough that some men fear- people is possible in a capitalist named at the junior-senior prom destitute pioneers of a few years the face, many. Jews still hold ful of the consequences, will do society. I agree with you. Never- tomorrow. ago. Donations are coming from aloof, refuse to be drawn into the anything in order to avoid Send e Tergsiss Order tc your releflves end friends w the The presentation is expected to theless, I say, a beginning can Palestine. The traditional land of movement known as Zionism challenge which is involved the Seriet Union end escbie fhsrr? to • buy ct the Torpsin Scores be one of the most artistic and in now be made In restoring in the ' "baksheesh." ' seems about to re- whilst many even go so far as to entering the American arena. We unusual, ever attempted on the faceted is every Isrger ciSy in the U.S.S.R, verse the process. Palestine has draw contemptuously aside. Why? are not. all made of-heroic tex- Jew a consciousness of his Jew- campus. • •-• Ishness in other ways than by These stores earr%r about 15.000 different domestic and prosperity. The whole land is in A Sigma Alpha Mu handball some of them say, Zion- ture. We know these men and we means' of the iron heel "of this or imported articles; CLOTHING, SHOES, underwear; the grip of • a fever of consfruc- Because, team of Epstein, Riekes, Goldism holds out no solution for the know their adherence to our FLOUR, dried and canned vegetables, coffee, and other " tion which . has all the outward Jewish problem in America. Zion- cause to be of no more deeper that oppressor or blood-hound. ware and. Rosenstein, all of OmaFOOD STUFFS; household goods, tobaccos, etc, aspects of a boom. The tempo of ism- has its -eye's on the • east, significance than what I may per- And no better instrument to this ha, "won the interfraternity handbuilding in the cities and the ex- whereas the battle-;we American haps call a particular, inverted end is available, or even will be ball trophy in an elimination conTO PLACES WHERE THE*5£ ARE NC TOROSJN STORES, THE available, than the existence of tension of ' agricultural activity Jews are facing must be fought brand of Don Quixotism. " - — ••KA!L£D PROMPTLY BY PARCEL POST. test between the fraternities. The lt a flourishing Jewish homeland borders on the fantastic in a part out here. It is here therefore that final match was between Sigma But after all, what these men from whence the emanations of Alpha Epsilon and 'Sigma Alpha of the world of which Chateau- we must.. take our: stand by the r briand could write but a hundred side of humanizing-, forces" in so- do, or what motivation brought a genuine Jewish spirit may radi- Mu, which the S. A. M. won by a udib those in At^ericfiyear's ago: "This wilderness is ciety in order that eventually de- them to Zionism is altogether be- ate into the sombre corners of the three-to-nothing score. ' mute with terror since the voice cent human conditions may be side the point, totally inconse- Galuth. In the coming play, "Kiss for This is the new role of Zion- Columbo," to be presented by the of God'.reverberated through the shaped for •American Jews and quential. Their presence does not 'TWM V waste places." One has but to all other- racial and religious mi- add nor deduct one iota or tittle ism, its real role, "the role on- Kosmet Klub of the University of ArTPKc, SG; n « A»S« P. \ from the value of the Zionist which the president of the Zion- Nebraska, David Goldware of follow in the Jewish press, the nonities. And these, earnest young sober,: objective and s'achverstaen- men and .women,, these anti-Zion- philosophy. For Zionism is not a ist organization of American, Omaha and Irving Hill of Lincoln dlge reports of that excellent ists and Zionists, further ask of mere land-redemption scheme or Morris Rothenberg, so happily both have leads. an organized effort to s e t n p - has placed the emphasis in his '.': news-gathering: agency the, "Pal- us this-question:"••• Do you think refuge hard-pressed Jews, administration and guidance of cor," \which. stands under direc- perhaps, they say, that the build- Zionism for furnishes the modern the Jewish national movement in tion of Mr.. Gershon Agronsky; ing of Palestine • will ultimately wherever he IB, with a com- the United. States. . one has but to read these reports cause the Goyim to stand speech- Jew, spiritual Jewish armature. (Copyright, 1S35, -by Seven Arts Feature .. steadily when -one must inevit- less with admiration; to a point plete Syndicate.) all of those calling them; ably . sit" back in amazement at where they,-come to ^eat their Not Zionists in America have times over ±he" sheer miraculous breasts-in remorse ..and contrition selves donned this entire armour. A Woaan Regional NRA transfermatibn which has come for having-misjudged us Jews in good many in fact are unaware Director over Eretz Israel in the last few the past;, as unproductive para- that besides as shekel New York — The distinction of years. There is prosperity in sites and that out; of a sense of payer, there enlistment is a helmet being not only the' only woman Palestine. These yror'ds alone,' respect, for i J e w 1 B li national donnecT, a breastplate toto be director of a State NRA Compliwhich!'are no exaggeration, must achievements over.there- in Eretz clasped on, and a sword to be be strike anyone who contemplates Israel ourvfoes will then also taken in hand, the breastplate ance Board but the first 'woman the ' contemporary world-scene, cease to, hound,- vilify, persecute of righteousness, feet shod with to hold the dual post of State and Regional NRA director was won •with, its bewildering economic un- and discriminate against the Jew8 the of peace and loins girt by Mrs. Anna B. Rosenberg when settledness in whatever •' direction in tneir-owa lands?;Do you ex- withgospel tne trutn, as that Tarslot W. Averell Harrlman, NRA ad.' he'chooses to look, with crisis fol- pect us American^Jews to be con- Jew once wrote. Zionism aims at ministrative officer, appointed V loying crisis and an •• attendant tent with-a. sort of vicarious ela- the redemption of the Jewish her NRA Regional Director for ••pauperization of constantly broad- tion over what Is taking place soul first of all, the redemption •-.-.layers of the population, with under Zionist, aegis in Palestine of Eretz Israel is but a means to the State of New Tort. For the past several months amazement and even stupefaction, and adopt, a •passive,; neutral atti- this end. she has been NRA State Director, - Prosperity in'.Palestine! Palestine tude whenever an issue of ImAfter the tragic failure of the succeeding Nathan Straus, Jr. clamors for- iminigranta. . From :~what other part of the world comes the . blessed tiding: There = is • a --shortage of labor? Tel Aviv and-Haifa are blossoming out to . < metropolitan -dimensions. T h e ••-country's foreign-'trade is.increasing-. Industry has pushed beyond the •'infantile. stage.; Schools . and institutions "of, learning 'are being established ia sail directions. The Tweed/" Hebreivvuniversity-was mentioned w^ith-respect in.his ihaugrural adlike Clofh§l Very dress .by- the rector magnifIcus of Flock dot cord voile Dimity in t>outoBnje?« " Leyden the other day. Museums crisp detachable --organdy print, vrtXh pleating about bow. Navy, red, copen, •are founded. Art collections apthe necJc, In. ro»e blue green. Sizes 12 to 44 and golfi. Sixes 12 to 42. - pear. Theatres flourish; There is a certain measure of affluence in Palestine. In that Palestine, in that poor-and despised and ridi\ «&!ed land the children of German Jews, whose fathers hadn't a good .: word tor Palestine in the past, in that-land I say their children To answer, an increasing demand for Nelly'. are finding a place of refuge, a



Cheese by tlie Ainiful ".FtomOur.-..

Men's Health Class to Begin at J. C. C. : A - men's health body-building class will begin next week at the J. C. C, Lee Grossman, physical director,- .announced. 'The- class" will meet at 7:30 p. m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and*at 10:45 a. m. on Sundays. All men members, of the Center are urged to attend.

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Natural, color crossbar y i f r o c k

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CadffoneU . . a 1sanforteed • cre&aie resisting v o i l e . •' Green, brown, navy. Sizes IB to 44.


in Omahal




THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by


Zionists would rather align with the Fascist wing of Zionism. In this respect, it is interesting to note that Chaim Weizmann, grand old man of Zionism, is once more in the political arena. At a meeting in Tel Aviv, the re-election o f the former president of the World Zionist organization was demanded. And in his address Weizmann did not refuse the suggestion that he become a candidate after an absence of four years. If Weizmann is re-elected president of the World Zionist organization, it will signify an alliance between the General Zionists and the Laborists. If Sokolow is re-elected, it means that a dangerous neutrality will be attempted. Any other leadership will mean the triumph of the Revisionists under the leadership of Jabotinsky.

MAMATALKS By GERTRUDE BERG, Author of "The Rise of the Goldbergs"

Palestine Medical Growth


By DIANA RICE (Reprinted from " H e Mew York Times")


The noxil that sinneth, it shall die, the FOR shall not bear the We bear much these days of Iniquity of the father with him, companionship between parents neither shal! the father bear the and children. Fathers boast that iniquity of the son -with him. The Editorial Office: 500 Brandeis Theater Building. they are pals of their sons, mothrighteousness of the righteous . Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center be upon him, end the wickers do their utmost to make their DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor of the wicked shall be daughters consider them "Just PRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - Editor upon him. RABBI URI MILLER - - - - - Contributing Editor one of the girls." Many parents The people of the land have FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent dream of a total obliteration of ANN PILL. - - •-•• •- Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent UKod ""brpression, and exercised the line dividing generation from robbery, have •wronged the poor, Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street generation, and shape their enand needy, End have oppressed tire relationship to their children the stranger unlawfully. %Voe unto the leaders of Israel with a view toward attaining this Latest reports from the Greek front indicate that Premier that have fed themselves, but ideal. The Lindbergh baby case was one of the most spectacular Panayoti Tsaldaris and his government forces have broken the Now there is no doubt that chilthey have not strengthened the week, neither have they healed in the drama of American jurisprudence. The daily newspapers back of the rebellion led by the former Premier Venizelos. dren need the companionship of • • • • • that which was sick or have they avidly carried every bit of available news on Hauptmann and I This latest eruption of the seething cauldron designated on their parents. It is an important brought back that which was the proceedings—public opinion was divided as to the final re- j the map as Europe found the Jewish residents of Greece solidly element in their education, and JUDGE EMIL FUCKIS driven away; only with force and can do much toward keeping suit, some thinking that capital punishment was too severe on j behind the government in quelling the insurgents. It was notyoungsters out of mischief. The Judge Fnchs, owner and pres- rigour have they ruled over ident of the Boston National them. circumstantial evidence only, but pracUcally everybody agreeingjso many years ago that Venizelos was in no way hostile to thenatural affection between parents League Baseball Club, is the TALMUD that the ex-convict German had had close connection with the J Jewish residents of Greece. However, when the Jewish voters and children is heightened by roost talked of man in big Rabbi Jose said, "Formerly companionship in sports and stukidnaping regardless of whether or not he actually killed the supported Tsaldaris, Venizelos openly came out with anti-Semitic dies, work and play, and the league baseball because of his there vas no quarrel in Israel. sensational coup in taking The high court of seventy-one Lindbergh baby. Hauptmann's trial was fair. In fact, the news planks, hoping to rise to power on the crest of an anti-Jewish greater intimacy thus established Babe Bath out of the Ameri- wag situated in the Temple treasagencies reported that just prior to the verdict an unofficial crusade. He openly declared that if it were not for the Jewish between the two generations often can Le&£ue and! bringing him ury department, and two courts, proves most valuable. Especially emissary of the nazi government in Germany interviewed Haupt- votes, Premier Tsaldaris would not have received a majority. when the child is faced with probback to Boston as assistant each consisting of twenty-three; manager and rice-president,-— one sat at the gate of the Temmann to ask him if he was being given a fair trial and received Venizelos recently launched a drive to segregate Jews into a lems beyond its own powers of The Editor. ple mound, and the other one at Hauptmann's reply that he was. The jury of twelve men andseparate electoral college in order to prevent them from voting solution! Any one is far more the gete of the Temple court, and women—weighing every bit of evidence—found Hauptmann with the entire Greek population in favor of the Tsaldaris candi- likely to go to an intimate than Emil Fncfas: Sportsman j u r i s t , ! c o u r t s consisting of twenty-three to a relative stranger for guiddates. Simultaneously, the Venizelos press took advantage of ance In his difficulties; and this ffiembe guilty. and social worker. Born in Ger"* ™ e established •»« every possible opportunity to stir up animosity against the Jewish is particularly true of children. every city of Israel; to whom the During the trial and after the verdict, you did not hear the many,_ fifty-seven- years., ago. entire community brought their But there is another side to the Played baseball as a semi-profes- Questions for decision, and if they Anglo-Jewish press denounce the nazis as having anything to population. These ravings grew so strong that the Jewish leaders picture: The danger of overdoing sional on New York's East Side could not decide correctly, they do with the crime; we in nowise made the utterly foolish charge were compelled to appeal for protection to the central authorities, this business of companionship. while studying law. His ambition brought it to the court of a nearthat just because Hauptmann happened to be German the Ger-who took steps to halt the racial hatred being poisonously spread. Even young children sometimes was to be a big league star. Made by city, and if that court could Cancer Research. man people are to be condemned. Such allegations would have The fact that the government did everything in its power to find their parents de trop and rea brilliant record at the bar. also not decide, they brought it sent attempts to invade their priParticularly will cancer re- Served as assistant attorney-genbefore the court which was at the been pure spite, beneath our dignity and> intelligence. All the suppress the anti-Jewish machinations of the Venizelos group vacies. And as the child grows search be expanded. This depart- eral of New York from 1902 to gate of the Temple mound, and If more reason, therefore, are we outraged by the latest turn in was one of the factors bringing about the uprising. ment will be under the direction older and his personality becomes 1910. Was club leader at the Uni- they could also not decide, they The Venizelos press has been suspended throughout Greece more fully developed he may oft- of Dr. Ludwlg Halberstadter, a versity Settlement House. Mayor brought the Hauptmann case. In tactics unbecoming this land but remiit before the superior feel that life -would be simpler radiologist, formerly associated Mitchell named him to the magis- court, where the judges Bat on niscent of Hitlerite methods, the irresponsible element in the and probably will not be permitted to reappear. Special precau- en if Dad or Mother would occasion- with Berlin university. Dr. HalHauptmann defense organization has to its eternal shame dragged tions were ordered in large Jewish districts, to prevent possible ally attend to his or her own busi- berstadter brought to Palestine trate's bench in 1917. Moved to every week-day from the mornBoston in IS20. Bought the Bos-i ing until the evening. The deciin a "Jewish angle." At a monster mass meeting in Yorkville, attacks. Jewish leaders are hopeful that with the suppression ness, No companion, however the first supply of radium to en- ton Braves in 1922 and hired the] sion of the majority of the judges ter the country. A recent gift of the German section of New York, called to raise money to fi- of the Venizelos revolt an end will be made of the anti-Semitic close, can share all the life and ?200,000 will further assist work- immortal Christy Mathewson to! of the supreme court became a thoughts of another; and parents nance Hauptmann's appeal from the death sentence, several propaganda. The Venizelos incident is just another proof that do have a tendency to try to pen- ers in this field of research. An** p r e s 5 d e n L M e t w i t b l n " law. However when the disciples j numerable able obstacles which h i h made d of Rabbi Shamai and Rabbi Hillel speakers attacked the Jewish people as directly responsible for an unscrupulous politician anxious for power will stoop to any etrate into the innermost recess- other German specialist, Dr. his team a obtacl chronic tail-ender. Ul- were increased in number, who es of their children's minds. Bernhard Zondek, co-discoverer timately he won the affection of were not well acquainted with the Hauptmann's conviction, while over-zealous ushers distributed means at hand to obtain that power. The tragic touch Is supplied by of the AECheim-Zondek test to de- the Boston baseball fans who pamphlets which said the Lindbergh baby was the victim of a leading scholars, differences inthe fact that parents often give termine pregnancy, will head the flocked to his support when he creased 3n Israel mid it seemed "Jewish ritual murder" and that the German carpenter was being up their own favorite pursuits new hospital's obstetrical depart- refused to sell his stars despite for s. while as if the Torah was and avocations In order to spend ment. made the scapegoat of Jewish indignation against Hitler Geradversity. Is primarily a basebal divided in two Torahs, eo the suThe Saar rgdon has already passed into nazi hands, and the all their spare time with their Twenty-five acres have been fan himself. Lovee the game. Re- preme court decided to write to many. The pamphlets also blandly "stated that Hauptmann was children — who would rcuch set aside on Mount Scopus, about as one of the most color- all the cities of Israel thst every the victim of an alleged plot by the "Elders of Son" and that Hitlerite enthusiasts are beating the tom-toms of the pleasure rather be left alone once in a one and one-half miles from the garded ful personalities in America's na- wise, modest, and weII-Iike<J by Attorney General Wilentz of New Jersey was the agent of the to be derived from union with the nazi state, leaving the future while. For the parents this may be heart of Jerusalem, for the new tional pastime. Whatever profits his people, man, may become a a real sacrifice — and an unnec- development. The first unit to be he 3sade he used to buy players. "Elders." To make these happenings doubly significant, con- with its cruel awakening to disillusion them. judge in his own city, End thereessary one. For children, espewill be the 300-bed Fought desperately to retain conafter if he deserves It, he is to Four thousand Jews in the Saar have thus automatically be- cially during and after adoles- completed sider that more than a nazi meeting, it was an official Haupthospital building which will con- trol of his team. Created a sensaadvanced to the court at the mann defense meeting attended by Mr. Edward Reilly, Haupt- come German citizens, after the disenfranchised manner of the cence, usually prefer to be left tain X-ray laboratory, radium tion in 1928 by appointing him- be gate of the Temple mound; then mann's chief counsel,'and addressed by Mrs. Bruno Hauptmann, Nazis. These four thousand become a part of German Jewry, to their own devices most of the therapy department, and diagnos- self manager, the first time an to the court of the gate of the time, and may actually feel that tic laboratories. Two other units owner had run his own ball club. Temple, and farther on until he with the money raised going to the authorized Hauptmann de- the only difference being that the "Aryan" laws will not be when they ask Dad to play golf will take shape almost immedi- Faced loss of his team last winreached to be E member of the sufense fond. Thus, though i t were nazi, spokesmen who were applied to them formally for the next twelve months. with them, or invite Mother along ately; a nurses' training ' school ter Trhen Braves Field, where kis preme court. This wise decision on a picnic, they are merely ful- and residence, and & graduate team played, cancelled bis lease responsible for the anti-Semitic outbursts of inflamed hatred, This precaution of the League for a year's stay on the appli- filling was greatly Instrumental In crean unpleasant duty. school of medicine and hygiene when he could not obtain permisating good will and unity amongwe cannot escape the Import of the fact that the Hauptmann cation of the Aryan laws means nothing. Herr Joseph Buerkel, On the other hand, parental containing special laboratories sion to operate dog races at Eight. the scholars of the entire coundefense is apparently acquiescent and not only ready to accept whom Hitler appointed governor of the Saar, can easily see that over-emphasis on intimate com- and a medical library. As funds Threatened with bankruptcy when try. money from these anti-Jewish elements but is perfectly willing the anti-Jewish discriminations are carried out secretly even panionship with the younger gen- permit other structures will be the rival American league team eration may rob the latter of that added, among them a maternity in Boston was sold to & millionto have this "Jewish angle" introduced, into the last stages of though not openly. independence of spirit which pavilion and a tuberculosis camp. aire. His faith in the Baston fans : the case. •' •.' ' • • : . " • , . _\ - • Prevention of Disease. You may ask why the Saar Jews did not flee from the terri- should be nurtured in all chilwas justified when they raised dren. AH of us know adults who While original research, teach- 1150,000 as a public fund to help tory. The answer is very simple. Where would they go? There These are not facts which, should be hushed up. Let the have remained dependent on their ing and healing the sick are him out. Enthusiastic Braves' folAmerican people know the grotesqueness and yet the shuddering is no county which would admit them. Also, having before their parents for their spiritual susten- among the main purposes of the lowers rallied to his support and horror of these nazi statements. Let them see in true guise, eyes the picture of the German refugee, driven from pillar to ance, and who at the death of medical centre, the prevention of he began to see light. His kindliperents are left lost and disease in all its intricate phases ness to fans and players, his stripped of the veneer, the nauseating prejudice of the nazi mind, jpost, unwanted and a burden, they realized that they had no those Jaffa (WNS)—Pal cor Agency) bewildered. will be intensively studied. The sportsmanship won him wide popthe same nazism which was just investigated by Congress with j choice but to remain where they are/regardless of the bitterness So we parents must remember subject of public health has been ularity throughout New England. —The three million mark in cirus exports has already been such revealing results. Let the nazi lack of fair play be filmed °* their lot. that while it is an excellent thing Hudassah's chief concern since it Repaid fens' loyalty by signing passed, although the season is established itself in Palestine Babe Ruth to a contract as vicefor us to be good friends with our in all its vileness, so that all Americans may understand why barely half over, it is shown In children we must never forget twenty-three years ago. Striving president, assistant manager and figures issued by the Palestine tiazism'with all its supplements must be fought and eliminated. that It is the function of parents for advanced health education player. As the Bambino's new boss government. •'.!'. As regards Reilly and the Hauptmann defense—they should to bring up their children to a among the masses, it introduced he brings the home run king back The quantity of citrus fruit "The most important books of the Old Testament were writ- full and independent life of their modern methods of treating com- to Boston, where he first started be let known the tremendous and inescapable responsibility they mon diseases; it has also fostered his phenomenal career. Boston shipped by January 27th was 3,own. ten before the Babylonian exile when the old Israel was still a are assuming by allowing the nazi organizations in this country by Peren ArU Feature post-graduate courses among phy- hails his signing of Ruth as one 014,082 cases, the bulk of which nation of peasants. The consciousness of being a chosen people (Copyrisrht, 1935, Syndicate.) sicians and has trained graduate of the smartest deals in baseball was oranges, comparing with under the auspices of the defense, to befuddle the real issue which is expressed in the Old Testament, is also a healthy sign. nurses for specific posts. A rural history. He Is now the kingpin of 2,220,402 cases at the same date of the Hauptmann case through a smokescreen of bias and racial medical service and sick benefit baseball in Boston and his faith a year &go. This shows an inThe best of the people, namely, the prophets stressed time and prejudice. societies are among its achieve- in the game and the fans' loyalty crease of nearly 800,00 cases. ; again the grave responsibility attached to this idea. In studying It is expected in citrus industry ments. to him have been justified. the Old Testament thoroughly, one finds in it, at various places, For some time it h&3 been (Copyright, 1635, by S«ven Arts Feature circles, that Palestine's exports for 1SS4-S& will be seven million Syndicate.) knowledge of the eternal life, and one should judge it according to New York (WNS) — The so- realized that Hadassah's ultimate cases and that within the next called "Franklin Phophecy," development in the whole health T , : We have long stressed that the refugee problem is one for its lofty principles."—Dr. Dietrich, head Bishop of Hessen, Ger- document being circulated in this program called for a complete couple of years this will be douaction on the part of the leading nations of the world/This many. bled. A record shipment of 20 country and abroad and which modern medical school connected million cases annually la expected quotes Benjamin Franklin as hav- with the Hebrew university. The problem'has finally moved the Nansen office to issue a call by 1SS8. ing said that the Jews are Asiat- startling increase in population in through the League' of Nations to various governments to grant Attend no auctions if thou hast no money. ics, that their ideas do not con- the last two years and the availBoston(, WNS)—Babe Ruth's special credits to expedite the settlement of refugees wherever form to an American's and rec- ability of outstanding medical new boss is a Jew. The home run Quits ommending that they be exclud- men hastened the scheme, which king, after fifteen years with the this may be possible. It .is becoming increasing clear that this London—M. Finfilay, one of ed by the Constitution, is brand- originated with Miss Henrietta New York Yankees in the Amerproblem cannot be solved unless interested governments actually Sir Oswald Mosley's close associed a "crude forgery" by Dr. Szold, founder of Hadassah, and ican league, shifted to tee rival The Omaha Jewish Community welcomes the new Jewish, Charles contribute to the financial upkeep of the apparatus established A. Beard, dean of Amer- Dr. Nathan Ratnoff, director of National league when Judge ates, has quit the Fascist organizCommunity Center and Welfare Federation Director, Mr. Paul ican historians, in an article in Beth Israel hospital In New Emil Fuchs, a former East Side ation, because of Its anti-Semitic under the League of Nations for dealing' with the refugees. March issue of the Jewish York. immigrant boy who Is now presi- policy. James McDonald, the League High Commissioner for refu- Goldblatt, who is to take office this coming week. His record in- the Frontier, published monthly by dent of the Boston Braves, signed Work Now Handicapped. gees, has been appealing to various governments for' direct aid dicates that he brings to Omaha a rich and varied experience in the League for Labor Palestine. While the Rothschild-Hadas- the Bambino to a contract as vicefor some time. He has pointed out that the work conducted by communal organization and endeavor that will undoubtedly bene- On the basis of a personal sah hospital in the heart of Jeru- president, assistant manager and Mohel Specialist his League of Nations office for the refugees fs financed almost fit our community. As director of the Welfare Federation and scholarly investigation Into the salem has given hospitalization to part-time player. Recommended by Many Doctors authenticity of the "Franklin a limited number of patients, Judge Fuchs1 coup, one of the Community Center he will be enabled to direct and influence the exclusively by Jewish organizations,' something that is rather Residence Phone WEbnter E636 Prophecy," which was quoted in a physicians have found their work most sensational in baseball hisBusiness Phone WEbstcr 54 SO abnormal. The problem of the refugees would long ago have many and varied activities centering around this major organiza- work called the "Secret Diary of handicapped by lack of facilities. tory, brings Ruth back to Boa1432 N. 20th St., Omaha, Neb. Charles Pinckney," one of the Now this hospital, made possible ton, where he started his basebeen solved if countries affiliated with the League of Nations tion of Omaha Jewry. framers of the Constitution, Dr. through the gift of Baron Ed- ball career. The task that confronts our new director is not one of initi- Beard had exhibited inore readiness to solve it, he indicated, but his found that the "Diary" is mond de Rothschild in 1818, is ating projects. Our center at the present time has its full quota an invention. Voice was not.heeded. to be merged with the larger one on Mount Scopus and continue '. There will be no solution until the leading powers pay more of activities touching every phase of cultural life and the entire the work in which it -was a pioscale of age limits and interests. It will be the duty of the director attention to the words of McDonald. neer in Palestine. to influence all these projects in a uniquely Jewish direction. We ; o ' In discussing the scope and have a splendid Center Theatre players group. Its programs have significance of the new plant, Dr. been well prepared and presented. But they have not been Jewish. New York, (WNS)—A 455- Jacob J. Golub, director of the The Zionist picture is still muddled. Though Zionism has With the help of our director there is no reason why the program year-old Hebrew book printed In Hospital for Joint Diseases in Italy, about 1480 has New York, who has visited Palestaken: an indisputable position at the fore in Jewish affairs of the Center players cannot be applied to the children's theatre. Mantua, been presented to the Jewish di- tine and is consultant to the through the vast importance of Palestine to the Jewish people Under the direction of our new director the Center library can be vision of the New York Public building committee, said: in this period of mass exodus, the general run of Jewry do not revitalized so as to serve as a vehicle for the dissemination of library by Mrs. Rebekah Kohut The Rothschild-Hadassah-uniin memory of the late Dr. George versity hospital vsrill be a central seem to be active members of the local Zionist districts. The Jewish books, by'Jewish writers or on Jewish themes. All Center Alexander Kohut, eminent schol- model hospital for all of Palesgeneral masses do not seem to be interested in the developments activities should be motivated in Jewish cultural interests. The ar and book collector. tine, so that other communities The volume is entitled "Nophet may copy the architecture and within' the movement or the serious divisions of opinion mani- encouragement of programs on Jewish, subjects, the subsidizing of (The Sweetness of the kindred physician aspects. These fested. educational and cultural projects—this is the true mission of the Tsuphim" Honeycomb) by Judah B. Yehiel will combine beauty with usefulness, and the methods of admini;. The World Zionist Congress which meets, this summer will Center. We have heard of directors who have given even their ath- Messer Leon. The book deals with the rules stration and medical practice in be faced with grave and serious problems. The Revisionist dele- letic departments a distinctly Jewish coloring. and terminology of classical rhe- the hospital itself. Structures gation,! which hopes to equal fifty per cent of the delegates, will The hew director can expect and deserves the complete co- toric as expounded in the writings will be fireproof and earthquake not equal their aspirations'this summer but will be the second operation of the entire Jewish community in making the Center a of Aristotle, Cicero and Qulntl- proof. largest; party represented. -This means that the General Zionists potent factor in the cultural advancement of our Jewish com- lian, applying them to the liter- "The new hospital will provide ary appreciation of the books the first opportunity In Palesand the Labor party will have to join forces, unless the General munity. —URI MILLER. tine for using clinical materi&l contained ia the Hebrew Bible. Subscription Price, one year - • - - - - -• $2.00 Advertising rates furnished on application.

The Latest in the Hauptmann Case









BY DIANA RICE. An ambitious new medical centre adjacent to and affiliated with the Hebrew university In Jerusalem is now getting under way, the joint project of Hadas* sah, the Women's Zionist organization of America, and the American-Jewish Physicians committee. To be known as the Rothschlld-Hadassah-university hospital, it will be a model Institution containing the best features of similar centres in the United States, The cornerstone of the first building was laid October 16, and architects' plans showing general layout are searing completion. An imperative need for an enlarged medical service and group research into diseases peculiar to the Near East has brought the comprehensive scheme, for some time in the making, to function. At present there are only three university-connected hospiials in the Near East—at Beirut, Istanbul and Cairo. There has been little co-ordinated group research in tropical medicine. Endemic diseases, with the exception of malaria, have not been investigated to any greai. extent. With the building of the new centre. Intensive research will be possible into such endemic maladies as typhoid fever, dysentery and trachoma, as well as non-endemic diseases.


The Greek Revolt

for teaching purposes; until cow most of the Palestine patient material went to waate. It will be ft centre where standards of infidlcal care and hospital iervU't will be tested and adopted for the benefit of the entire country. Th« clinicians will be m«n of vniversity rank, including outstanding ,.German It Is estimated that the flr»t unit of building' for the new centre will cost $5 00,000.

Saar Jewry

Palestine Citrus Export Reach to New


They Say


World ProHem

Babe Ruth's N ew Boss Former Immigrant Jew


A Muddled Picture

library Gets Hebrew Book 455 Years Old

Service for every type of oil burner



Complete"Plans Woman's for Purim Affair

Exchange Will Be Beth ElAuxiliary Initiated By Local Council Meeting Wednesday

Plans for the Purim program ponsored by the Ladies Vaad luxiliary have been completed, .nnounces Mrs. William Milder, ihairman. The Center Players Guild will present a one-act play and there will also be other dramatic sketches as well as musical numbers. Cantor Schwaczkin and the B'nai Israel choir will present urim songs. This program will be given Monday, March 18, at 9 p. m. at the J. C. C, and is for all Vaad members and the affiliated organizations. Purim delicacies, uch as Hamantachen. and tegach will be served.

Would you like to take orders for knitting dresses and accessories? Would you like to have a dress knitted to order? Can you make adorable baby bonnets, sweaters, booties? Are you contemplating a handmade baby gift? Do you make some clever article you think would sell? Can you make an unusual doll,

Final arrangements have been The Progressive Choir i> lms;: The March meeting of the Beth- made for the dance of the Round rehearsing for the benefit conEl synagogue auxiliary will be i doll furniture, doll clothes! held Wednesday, March IS, at the j Table of Jewish Youth on Sunday cert to be given Sunday, "MPTTT! Do you monogram linens beau- J. C. C. at 2:30 p. m. There will Serening, March 10. The affair to j 10, at the congregation of Isrp^ Ion £5 and J street. The proceed be a board meeting at 1:30 p. m. tifully? An unusually fine pre-Purim j begin at S:SO p . in., is in honor jwill be used to decorate the Do you need linens embroi- program has been arranged by i of the Kansas City J. C. C. end ;torium, Trhich has recently dered? Mrs. A. D. Frank. This includes I the Omaha J. C. C. basket ball j added to the congregation, j The play "Mantchaen," vritt^n Can you bake cakes or cookies a talk by Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, teams. well enough to put them on sale? a group of Purim songs by Miss The game between the two | by the vell-knovn Jewish h«vHarriet Bernstein, and a surprise teams which had been originally | morist, Sholem Aleichem, is A:Would you like to buy some? Do you know any Jewish girl number. scheduled for S o'clock has been | reeled by Mr. Ben Martin, sw; has E cast of ten people, Final plans have been made for ! changed to 8 p. m. who would appreciate the opporHapkell Morris and IV'lIfon. SJ>the Purim celebration to be held tunity of caring for children durI Alfred Fiedler, president of the ing an evening for a nominal Tuesday, March 19 at S p. m. j Round Table, stated that "this Hnsky v;i\\ play violins, accomppsura? dance featuring the College Club Inicd by Esther Morris r.,(. Ou. (orchestra will even excel the last piano. Do you need such help occaThere will be s. sketch by 1;'<"'" j Round Ts.ble dance and promises sionally? ward Morrisey and. Elvers Vo!-,. lit to be an outstanding affair." The Omaha Council of Jewish The arrangements for the accompanied by Mrs. Hugh ]V5nrWomen announces the organizadance are being made by Loyal tion of a Jewish Women's ExAfter the play, a groiip or Kaplan, chairman; Jean Beber, The Beth-El synagogue has change. twentv members, under the direc]'Joe Goldware, Gertrude Oruch, _. , „ ,,.„ , .made all preparation for celebraSara Rifkin, Dick Kurwitz, Max tion of Mr. Sam Taffe, will r-iui, The exchange fulfills a crying o n of p u r i m j ^ . ^ c o m e s Tues. need to women who have the Uday, March IS. The feature of Resxsick, Ann Green, Haskell Co- Jewish and Knssian pongs, The Progressive Choir was orability to make a saleable article t h i " s ' p u r i m n l g h ' t p r O g r a m v i U be hen, Ernest Priesman, Ernest ganized last year; it BOW consist.!, but who have found it difficult to a Purim operetta to the rollicking Xogg snd Fannie Witkiu. ] of thirty members. The •main pn-find the ways or means of pre- tunes of Gilbert and Sullivan's ] pope of this club is to give «ntP^seating it for sale. The Council M f t a d o a n d P J n a f o r e . Twentytainment to Jewish organizations, appreciates the fact that there are f i v e m o d e r n P u r i l a spieler will A meeting of the Bikur Cholim Anyone desirini: tickets 1P askeri many women in Omaha with a I a f t . o u t ,„ f r { m t o f t n e f o o t I i B h t s society vrill be held Monday at J talent for clever handicraft—and t o e n a c t to call Sam Kenyon, Ka. "PPT, or lew version of the p. m. at the J. C. C. The drawing Julius Schneider, Ha. SB<S. it is the desire of the organiza-1 p u r i I a ti t help h l sell ll their t h i products dt |j "ij'~&eV "the able direction of for the silver •will he held, and all tion to those having tickets are requested There is no education like ?<:through the establishment of the jMrg _ H e r m a n J a b T i M r s . p h l n e a S to bring them. Unfinished busiversity . . . Disraeli. exchange. | w i n t r o u b , and Mr. Harry Bravi- ness vill be discussed. Anyone interested in either ; r o f f > c b o i r m a s t e r o f t h e B eth-EI b.ying or selling may learn more •s y n a g o g u e ! t h e c h c i r ^ present STORES about the project by calling Mrs. jt h e o p e r e t t a « A M e r r j . G o o d P u _ The Deborah society will hold i THROUGHOUT TEE A. H. Brodkey. rim." The lyrics are by Margaret lyrics are rim. CITY SEIX, Mrs. A. H. Brodkey is chair- K. Soifer. The cast be an- a regular meeting Tuesday, March 12, at 2:30 at the J. C. C. All! man and Mrs. Sara Josephson, nounced nest week. j S.: After conducting painstaking members are urged to attend. co-chairman. They are assisted by the Mesdames Ben Silver, A. D. researches on the Hainan family S Frank, Manuel Grodinsky and J. tree, the Junior Society has discovered ten new and significant H. Kulakofsky. The Labor Lyceum association members, whose existence was will hold its thirteenth, annual Ask Tour Grocer never before suspected. They will meeting Sunday, March 10, at 3 present for the first time on any p. m. at the Labor Lyceum e.t stage, "Hainan's Ten Datighters- 22nd and Clark streets. There in-Law," an original production. will be election of officers and Dr. I. Dansky •will impersonate board o* directors, AIT stock- 2?U Ko. 244k St. WE 6 Reb Shnmlye from Kapulya, and holders must be present. Warsaw (JTA) — Fighting ceremonies. against his own will and under * * » « * After the program, the women the orders of the sports authorities In Poland, Schepsel Rotholz, of the auxiliary will serve Hathe Jewish boxing champion raantachen and tea. Mrs. Sam scored a sensational victory over Theadore is general chairman. a Nazi opponent, defeating the

FORMER OMAHAN MARRIED GOES TO AUSTRALIA Mrs. Clalr Horwltz announces William L. Holzman, accomthe marriage ol her daughter, panied by his mother-in-law, MrB. Esther, o£ New York City, to Morris Levy, left last week for a Louis Appet, son of Mr. and Mrs. Beven weekB* trip to the Kast InHarry Appet of Paterson, New dies and Australia. Jersey. The marriage toot place They will stop at Honolulu and in New York City at the home of at several South' Sea Islands beRabbi J, Remson, who officiated. fore reaching Sydneyj and will . M i s s Horwitz la a graduate of remain in Australia about 10 Central High school. She Is a sis- days. Mr. Holzman will take pic- SURPRISE PARTY The cultural group of Hadassah ter of Mrs. Frank R. Ackerman. tures of his trip as he has done Mr. and Mrs. G. Soref were surwill meet for lunch Monday, on all his previous travels. - M r . Appet is a graduate of sevrised with a party given at their eral eastern art schools, and is home Sunday evening, March 3, March 11, at 12:45 at the Hamilaffiliated, as cartoonist, with an RETURNED FROM by Mr. and Mrs. H. Stein, Mr. and ton hotel cafe. The meeting will animated cartoons studio in New CAMFORNIA Mrs. H. Dolgoff, Mr. and Mrs. L. start at 1:45. York. P \ • Mn. Reuben Kulakofsky has Gerellck, Mrs. Babior, Mr. and The principal speaker will be \ The couple will make their returned from a three-month Mrs. H. Swengll, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Irvin Stalmaster, whose subhome in New York City. visit with her daughter, Mrs M. White, Mr. and Mrs. B. Garject will be, "Juries — Should rop, and Mr. and Mrs. Max KirshAaron Richards, -• and Mr. RichWomen Serve on Them?" Mrs. ards in San Jose, CaL, and -with enbaum. 2ELOTKIN-GREENBERG Harry Braviroff will discuss cur'-. U r . and Mrs. Morris Greenberg, her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. ii Wilkes-BarTe, Pa., announce the and Mrs. Seaman Kay. En route RETURN FROM MIAMI rent events. Mrs. Max Fromkin marriage of their daughter, Kate, to the coast, she stopped in HousMrs. Henry Pollack and daugh- will continue "A Trip Through to Sam Zlotkin, son of Mr. and ton, San Antonio and El Paso, ter, Ruth Pollack, have returned Palestine." Mrs. Morris' Zlotkin. The mar from an extended stay in Miami, Those wishing reservations, rlage took place February 20 at Fla. please call Mrs. Max Fromkin, JUNTA MEXICANA AT TEMKLE the home of the bride's parents. chairman, Ha. 2671. ' Mrs. Greenberg is now visiting The Junta Mexicana held at VISITS DAUGHTER IX her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Temple Irael, February 27, was NEW TORK and Mrs. Zlotkin, here. Many af- really Mexican In atmosphere Mrs. I. Goldstein is visiting in fairs are being given in her The stage was set with gay rugs New York city with her daughter, The March meeting of Hadasbaskets, pottery and other Mexi- Kate Goldstein, who makes her honor. sah will take place March 27th. can products, and brightly col- home there. There will be a dessert-coffee at ored tables for card playing, were A>"NOUJfCES BIRTH 1 o'clock at the J. C. C. grouped about a square where Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greenberg HOME FROM MINNESOTA This meeting will celebrate the of Beatrice, Neb., announce the Miss Helen Holtz, accompanied Miss Jeanette Resnlck returned 23rd birthday of Hadassah, and by Miss Marie Polian, gave, in birth of a daughter March 2. She Sunday from a two-week visit will also honor the members in costume, Spanish dances. 1 has been named Shirley Lena. To complete the Mexican "fla with relatives and friends In good standing . Mrs. B. A, Simon Is In charge ror, chili, coffee and gingerbread Minneapolis, SL Paul and SariFOR RECENT bault, Minn. of this affair. She will be aswere served. BRIDE eisted by the Mesdames D. EpThe door prize, a cocktai Mrs. H. Smith entertained at stein, Libby Kaplan, Allan Kohan HONORED AT TfNIVERSITT shaker with glasses, was won bj a bridge-luncheon lor 28 guests, Nathan Mandell, son of Mr. and and David R. Cohen. at the Hamilton cafe, in honor of Mrs. Louis Lipp. Mrs. L. Mandell, a Junior in the her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Arthur The . S u n b e a m mlxmaster, college of CITU engineering at VISIT HERE FROM Smith, a recent bride. Lincoln, was elected to the execu- drawn for at the last meeting, CAMFORJfAI Mr. and Mrs. Milton B. New- tive board of the student chapter •was won by Mrs. Jack Kaufman. SIOUX CITYAIf HERE man and daughter, Josephine, are of the American Society of Civil The hostess tray was won by Mrs. ace boxer of the German team, j A n d NOW LomeS t h e Mr. Leo SchlaiTer of Sioux Engineers. H. Franklin. Herr Weinhold in the WarsswCity spent the week-end In here from Los Angeles to visit Berlin boxing match which toot Mr. Newman's Brother, Joe L Omaha. The Hadassah Sewing circle place Monday In Warsaw Circus. Newman and family. will meet at the J. C. C. next The score was 9-7. The Jewish Mrs. Leo Milder, 146 North Monday afternoon, March 11. PURIM ENTERTAINMENT AXD champion refused to allow his Ke-w York (WKS) The new 34th, will be hostess to the adult Mrs. I. Beber, chairman of the MASQUERADE PARTY photograph to be taken with the •world's cross-word puzzle champsychology group of the Council .Gift Fund of the B'nos Mizrachim, The Temple Israel Sunday Jailed for Ritual Death Nazi boxer after the fight w a s j p i o n i s Isidore Edelstein, a tvenannounces the following contribu- school will give a Purim enter- of Jewish Women, at her home Belgrade — Sixteen Hungarian over. He received a tremendous i ty-seven-year-old Brooklyn meTuesday, March 12. Mrs. H. P. tions:, Mrs. A- Slobodisky, in tainment and masquerade party peasants received thirty-day pri- ovation from the audience. jchanic, who won the title from J. honor of the marriage of her at the Temple, Sunday morning, Milder will be co-hostess. son sentences for having spread " ' j Van Cleft Cooper of Mt. Vercon daughter; Mrs. Benjamin Rothen- March 17. Frizes will be awarded blood ritual libels against a Jew- Jail for libel |in public competition with 1,000 oerg, in honor of the marriage of and' refreshments will be served ish business man from Nov-Sad Warsaw — Stanislaw Dolacki,! entrants in a tournament staged her son;" Mrs. N. Solig, in honor seven years ago. In 1928, a Chris- editor of a National Democratic j by the Xew York Herald Tribune. of the birthdays of two grandtian servant employed by Max Hu- anti-Semitic newspaper, WSB sen-! Edelstein, tvho has been "srorksons? •> Mrs. M. -Wintroufr-in honor lok, a Jewish merchant, disap- tenced to four months imprison-1 ing puzzles for fifteen years and of the marriage of her daughter; peared for several days. Immedi- ment for an article in which he | has solved one a day for the past Mrs. Joe Cohen in honor of the New York (WNS) Jewish ately a cry arose that Hulok had accused the Jews of deserting the • three years, solved the winning marriage of her daughter, Neomi; The Ladies Labor Lyceum club philanthropic agencies In forty- murdered the servant in order to Polish army during the Soviet in-.puzzle In three minutes, fifty-four Mrs. D. M. Brodkey, in honor of will hold a regular meeting Tuesuse her blood for ritual purposes. seconds. the marriage of her son, Harold; day, March 12, at 2 p..m. at the five cities spent ?2,000,000 less This allegation precipitated a vasion of Poland In 1920. and Mrs. Oscar Fox, in honor of Labor Lyceum' at 22 and Clark on relief in 1934 than they did in near pogrom and Hulok's store the engagement of her daughter, Btreets. All members are urged 1933, a decline of forty-two per and home were wrecked. When cent, because public agencies took Ruth. to come as important business over many of the Jewish relief the missing servant returned alive will be discussed. , cases, It is reported by the Na- after a few days, sixteen HungaThere will also be a Purim tional Council of Jewish Federa- rian peasants were arrested and The Fratority held a regular celebration Tuesday, March 19, a tions and Welfare Funds. On the placed on trial. The trial dragged meeting at.the J. C. C. Wednes- 8 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum, for basis of a survey made by the Bu- along for seven years and the verday, February 27. The club held members and friends. Admission reau of Jewish Social Research, dict was only rendered now. the National Council disclosed election of officers and elected will be free. that the monthly average of JewPaul Sacks, president; Irving ish families receiving relief from Kaiman, -vice-president; Ida EpJewish agencies In forty-five ci stein, secretary; Phil Schlaifer, ties fell from 13,527 In 1933 to treasurer; and Esther Witkin, re8,007, a drop of 39.6 per cent. porter. . The Omaha chapter of th Tentative plans have been Although the monthly average made for the social events of the Junior Hadassah will hold a decreased, the number of Jewish open meeting and Purim program families cared for by Jewish re group. next Thursday evening, Marc' lief agencies increased. For every 14th, at 8 o'clock, promptly, I one hundred families receiving the lodge-room of the J. C. C. relief In.thirty-four Jewish agen The third meeting of the Rabbi Uri Miller will be th cies in 1929 there were 261 famElisheva- Kaplan chapter of the guest speaker. An entertaining Theyr'e smarf for sports, but Pioneer Women of Omaha was musical program has been ar ilies so classified in 1933 and 156 P15SE3 AT-SilB 2315 Fszwm St. in 1934. dressy enough lor slierheld at the J.-C. C. Sunday, March ranged. . Average monthly relief 3. A constitution was made and Miss Fannie Katelman Is chair noons, md we're showing agreed upon by members of the man of the program. Miss Min ments to a family in 1934 were $29.40, a decline of 4.1 per cent them in a deligHtfu! array of board. nie Froom is president and Mrs A Purim debate and play are Max Fromkin Is-sponsor of th( over the 1933 figure. new designs and colors in The decrease is attributed In being planned. The participants chapter. part to the falling cost of living sixes for misses, women &nd will be announced later. The Opening of the All members of the Junto and in part to the increasingly All girls of high school age in- Hadassah, juniors. Senior Hadassah, an COMMUNITY terested in Joining, please attend friends are cordially invited t supplemntary character of relief in cases carried cooperatively the next meeting Sunday, March attend this Purim program. MEATMAEKET with a public agency. 17 at 2:30 at the J. C. C. or call Ha. 2991Mor information. at 1610 No. 24th St. under

Hadassah Cultural Meeting on Monday

Senior Hadassah

ressive Choir Concert Sunday

of Purim Is Planned

Defoorah Sodely


Polish Boxing Champ Defeats Nazi Fighter

Cross Word Puzzle Champion


B'nos Mizradum


cronder I



Junior Hadassah Purim Program on Thursday


The. Nehra$kc9e- Fcmou$ Feature Values in Neve Spring Styles

Dash About in a


This Spring!

Elisheva Kaplan Chapter


GolcUe Myerson Club

Recipes By Mrs. David Newman. Canapes nnd Hors D'oenvres. Cream cheese with onion served on crackers. Caviar and grated onion served on small rounds of toast. Roquefort cheese, creamed with hutter; spread on bread, rolled and toasted. Potatoe chips spread with anchovy paste. Sardines creamed with mayonnaise, grated onion, and lemon, served on Melba toast. Sandwich Salad. This recipe won a prize in the Bee-News contest. For each salad used, cut three pllces of white bread Into rounds the size of a tea cup. Butter on one side; on the first round spread mixture of tunna fish or diced c h i c k e n , mayonnaise, chopped -celery and diced sweet pickles. Cover with slice No. 2, and spread with current Jelly. Cover with third slice of bread and Ice entire .stack with Phila delphia cream cheese, softened •rith cream. Garnish with sliced Rtuffed olives.and fresh tomatoes •5at in quarters.

To Open New Bank

The Goldie Myerson club wi hold a regular meeting at th< for Jews in Saar SaarbruecJien—A Jewish bank J. C. . C. ' Tuesday, March 12th This meeting was orginally sched to enable Saar Jews with limited means to get credit will be as uled for Wednesday. tablished here, it was announced by Jewish leadere, following negotiations with the Berlin Jew The Kadimah club will cel& ish bank Iwria. The Iwria bank In Berlin was brate its first anniversary'- earl in April. There will be ope established for the purpose of ex house in the afternoon and a prl tending credit to those Jews who are not in a position to get it vate party In the evening. These plans were decided upon from any of the general banks. at the last meeting held March 3. Sarah Resnici: gave a talk on Hertzl, and Elaine Lagman gav a reading.


119 So. 15th St. The Morris Beauty Shop for a limited time will give a beautiful Persian

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Every pair made over perfect fitting lasts to Insure comfort . . • and the lasting service that only correctly fitted shoes csa give to you.


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THE ELITE SPOT Lunch Served from 11:30 a. m, - - 2:S0 p. m. Some of Charcoal Broiled Steaks asd Southern Fried Spring CMcken featnring Boy Anderson and His 10-plece orchestra Lane - the Voice that is different


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Sports Dept. ( t / Second Fimr \ V . /



• < ? • • •


SAAB, RETURNS TO GERMANY—Joyous crowds of Saarlanders. surging through the streets of Saarbruecken and other cities as the Saar Basin returned officially to German domination greeted German officials including Chancellor Hitler. Above are workman placing Nazi insignia' in anticipation of the vast celebration that followed. FOUR DEAD IN MYSTERY BLAST—Workmen of Edwardsville, Fa., dug through tons of charred debris in^for more bodies in addition to the four known dead, including a newrborn baby, after two buildings were demolished in a, mysterious explosion. Thirteen other persons were injured. Above is a view of one of the wrecked-buildings.



TO STUDY AMERICA—Above are Raymond • Pstfcnotre and Mine. Patenotre of France, as they arrived in New York for a visit in this country. M. Patenotre is a member of the French Parliament, a former Under-Secretary of State, sad has been appointed Vice President of the Frencli-Gernian Economic Commission.

IT WONrr BE LONG—Approximately a month from now baseball parks will be opened and the merry smack of bat hitting ball will be heard in the land. Here is a group of New York Giant pitchers talking it over at the training camp at Miami Beach. Fla. Left to right are: Hal Schumacher, Fred Fitzsimmons, Carl Hubbel and Roy Parmalee, leading pitchers.


SAAR CHIEF—Joseph Buerckel. Nazi Saar Commissioner for the Territory during the last phase of rule by the League of Nations Commission, who was installed as Saar Governor by the German Minister of the Interior, Wilhelm Frick, after the Basin officially returned to German rule. He was Hitler's choice for the position.


1 . •

BABE HERMAN SWINGS—Babe Herman, traded during the winter:1 from the Chicago Cubs to the Pittsburgh Pirates, is shown here in spring training at the Pirates' camp in San Bernadino, Cal. The Babe be making the circuit of the National League Clubs* He started with Brooklyn, went to Cincinnati, then to Chicago, and now dons, the Pirates uniform.

HITS COAL CODE — Judge Charles I. Dawson, who, in.the Federal court in Louisville, Ky., granted in' behalf' of 35 soft coal mine operators in Western Kentucky a temporary injunction against enforcement of the Bittoninous Coal Code. In giving his decision, Judge Dawson .lashed out at what .he called "unconstitutional Uiterf erence.".

IL DUCE'S S O L D I E R S BOUND FOB ITALY—Specialized army sections continue to leave Italy •for the nation's outpost in Somaliland, East Africa, where border disputes have arisen. Meanwhile reports were received that 90,000 fully armed Ethiopians faced the Italians across the border, even as Emperor Haile Selassie asserted a desire for peace. Above are Italian troops waving good-bye as they leave Rome for the African front.

HIT IT, AND IT-BOCNCES-^upertatendent Jerry Murphy of the Cleveland police signal -system has invented this ./'death proof" safety stanchion. When an automobile • bits it, it'bend? parallel to the ground, •whereupon one of the hooks catches the axle or bumper of the car, bringing the car to a stop. A 10~fooi coil spring inside the -pole gives both flexibility and resistance.



RECLINERS FOR MODELS—Form-fitting gowns, practically skin-tight, do not permit the luxury of sitting down in an ordinary[chair, so a large New York screen studio provided these recline,rs for convenience of ^models, daring the wait between scenes. The girls are Jane Hamilton and Virginia Reid, showing how they guard against rips and wrinkleS-in their dresses.




PARADISE OF SNOW—One thinks of Paradise as a comfortably warm place, but here is Paradise Valley on Mount R^nier, Wash., after a fresh fall of snow This spot is alive with action these days, with the Northwest skiers getting in trim for coming" events. Already the ski trails may be observed like tiny threads in the picturesque panorama

DEFIED DEATH — Knowing that he would be killed if his identity were discovered, taking a thousands risks, Melvin Hanks, above, played the part of an opium smuggler along the Pacific Coast for nearly two years. But when this young Federal agent had gathered sufficient evidence, he broke up one of the largest drug rings in the country, turning in six big operators in Seattle, Wash., in one raid.

* *r

CANDLE-MEAKEE—Lee Wing of San Francisco's Chinatown Ss shown pursuing a profession thousands'of rears old-—tiuit "of candle maker. He dips the candles and .paints characters them. More than 200 of bis candies are used monthly jn How Tesople,- each -burning -for a prayer.. ..

n ^




£BESS, f&IDA?, MARCH 8, 1635.

muscle conscious. The initial Impulse in this direction was of course the Ch&lxits movement. Pioneers were pist to the severe from test of transmuting tbeir ideals. into back-breakiEg lRbor. Ewcmpe had to be drained, Icsd t© be At eerrices tonight. Rabbi E>S.T-~ Is Babe Bath known send Edlikely to become s farorite e > £ the g The saired'-in Palestine? What BPB new Palestine is houses to be bcllt. There | id A. Goldstein will spesk or By BE. : F.X By SHINBAS'J. BIEON tho favorite Bports off Palestine MaccaM organization, w h i c h seems &i present to he Boiaething The Jewish View oi Labor.' \. Jewish yoatfa? Is there a He- unites the various athletic organ- of a pause in the ChaJcts '• Here is an authoritative ex- published so far confirm the bebrew word for "honse run", isations of Palestine and -which roent to the lanfi as the cities are pose about the activities'of the lief that encyclopedia must be INSIDE STUFF "knockout" o r eppercot?" is now actively engaged in prepa- growing. Zionist leaders, euch ae The Inside story of the trip to 'iiotorions ' Uentenant-CoJJonel considered an especially efficient These and other such questions rations for the second world Mac- Dr. .Weisffiani, are EtriTing to re'A Jew Looks Et the Ncvt Palestine which Morris Eisenman, i iflelschhauer, who will invigorate the movement to the | World" vrill be the subject nl' fire answered In this interestcablad to be held at Tel Aviv and president of the Metropolitan p in the sinister role of means .for carrying on anti-Jew- News company, is undertaking ing article by David Schwsrts, Haifa in April, seems to be mak- land, sad tfeere are reasons to be- j'Rfcbb! David Wioe's sermon rre Expert In the forthcoming re* ish propaganda throughout the now is that he aims to establish a well-known American Jewish ing especial efforts to loster this lieve that cow, with the opening j day evening-at P p. m., v.hen : -newal of the • Berne Protocol world. writer now on a visit in Pales- sport. At the headquarters of the of the Euleh region, there will-be j will discues the Jewish concept Yiddish daily In the Homeland. p q J/This" based on tine. A fascinating new picture Eerr Fleischhauer is indefatlgi- . . .And don't think tor a moment | Second Maccabiad at Tel Aviv, the itold phase, and statistics obtained ble in the "enlightening" of hia that this Yiddish sheet Is intendof Palestine's Sfnscol&r Juda- spoke to L. P. Flescfc, who is Inijan but accentuation at the same of time, must be jj immortality. There v-rlll be regular Setur<3*.? ffom the archives ©f tee AmerK friends all over the -world. He' re- ed for the newcomers who haveism.—The Editor. charge of the aquatic erents for taken for granted that the cities morcing services &t 10:SO. "jean Jewish*, coaunittee. ; \ ; cently added to his publishing n't had time to learn Hebrew. . .. the coming Maccabiad. Flesch was too vrill grcv, and in the cities, Tuesday evening the em fir %" • .—THE EDITOR. iirm an international anti-Semitic It is : calculated that there are Jerusalem: The sport columns the Austrian champion for the there can be no better substitute grocp Trill meet at the Temple book exchange. This Weltdienst- eighty thousand old-generation BETWEEN OUBSELVES f Palestine papers only rarely go crawl stroke. Ke is a lithe, EIIIE- for the muscular and disciplinary S p. m. ij Berne, Switzerland, -will shortly Buecherei alms to* make select Jews In Palestine who do not land Rabbi Louis I. Newman Invit- Into detail concerning ha-tiook cular, young sportsman, deeply at- phases o£ working Ef J be the Bce%e"of the renewed legal Jewrbaltfeg" works, which have know- any language- except Yid- ed 130 rabbis to a reception for Rut (Babe Ruth) but the Bam-tracted to his sew land. than the athletic movement. IE35, by Seven Arts Feature Jpost on'::the. snbj^ct, of 'the nror caused a sensation in individual dish, and that's the. clientele that Jabotinsky, but only twelve ac- bino's game has at least made Its "Doa't you salss. Austria?" I wiaact Services at the B'cei Israel Kr*1asked him. gbcols of; the elders ot Zion. The countries/ accessible to-the larg- the Eisenman - group depends on cepted the invitation. . . . T e n mtrance into Palestine. agogwe tonight Trill beEir). at fest? possible public in other coun» "No. I lore Palestice. It is ray It is not one o£ the least pleatflal waiiipostponed- for a time io tries.-- -. " . • There are very American athletes, men and womfor its paper. I p. to. Cantor SchwacskiE and tht. •.; .. ' . • en, will sail for Palestine on April surprises for the American country,*' he replied.with pride. j choir will chant the Eerrices. ?••:.. enable iLlgsT^-'-^'-- 1 - " - ' " ! The first issue of thla. new definite rumors from 2nd to represent the United States ;ant Flesch enthusiastically told o£ ourist to see, as this one did, circulating world .book service Is Die Schoene Washington that Herman (Bern- at the Tel Aviv Maccablad this the I Ben Kaslowsky, who will deS'^fir day, a group of boys the new swimming pool being 'the seriscm, vrill speak on "Whs-i elders1 of Simi: • Simon; (Beautiful :.Simi stein will be reappointed by Pres- year. . . . Bella Dijah, the Jewish and other tfca prpt girls on one of. the as yet built in Haila withia the Medijl BelieTe." He will discuss th* so-called -expert Simon). It Is allegedly a. transla- ident Roosevelt to an ambassado- dancer, has been booked for a half-built ZJon— terranean sea Itself. Within the plots on the outskirts rial post. . . . Bernstein's appoint^ . ,»^,.v .»„_ ^- , attitude of the modern young .7rrtion from th"e Turkish! The auth- ment as XJ. S. Minister to Alba- South American tour. . . . Con- f Tel Aviv enjoying as thorough- waters at the shore, a large ^iAt tfife^mlting.. "the date for or is said; to be the former inDanslg, (JTA)-TfeeNazi ™-\ JewlBQ cressman Sol Bloom may be a game of baseball s& any wailed-in pool is being laid out bitions to convert DansSg Into a io^r& f!ie reopejyng. of the trial has hot telligence officer of the VIII nia was made, as you remember, placed In charge as the generalis- ly and, cot only will the swimmers second Saar BO that it TEST event- ish problems. group of American youngsters by Hoover, but his diplomatic : fejt b e ^ i e t ^ b u t , ttie; Nail ex- aVmy-corps, jCeyat Rifat Bey, who simo of the 150th anniversary celdisport themselves in this ocesn ually rejoin Germany assumed a pert is ijeadS.. At "first, there •was describes-his experiences with the successes, and the tact that he ebration of the Constitution ol might. The sight of a game of [ pool, but there will be a grand- concrete character when the ma1 was one of the late President WilAmerican baseball in Palestine is Jr. V securing, such alleged "Jewish Espionage systhe United States. . . . Sol loves sufficiently kindling to the Imag- stand in'the ocean basin for 5,(300 jority of the Daazig senate, con- j T h e Junior congregation son's "braln-trusters," put him in authority, :. pastor" Muench- tem}'on the Syrian front. The au- line for selection by Roosevelt. directing celebrations. . • . Did ination Itself, but to see these people to view the sports. siBting of. Nazi members, off id- jm e e t E t io:SO Saturday ' flot be "lo- thor ideals with English, Arabian, nieyer, you notice that the piece of paper is confident that as soon ally applied for the dissolution jMr_ &n& M r s - S o j i, a g roa n \ cated" byrtte^iostof flee., although and1'Jewish spfesi But. whereas We can't figure out why James attached to the bomb sent to children playing the game, as it as Flesch the Haifa in-the-ocean-pool is of the OacEig parliament and for j h o ^ to the congregation last §t that tinie .stories were, appear^ he treats the Arabian and English Waterman Wise Is resigning from Senator Huey P. Long wa3 re- were "in Ivrit," enhances that Tel Aviv, not to be new parliamentary elections. i urday, in observance o' Mrs. iag in the/<3erman-newsjiaperB of spies, especially the • famous Eng- his editorship of Opinion, unless ported to have borne Greek, pleasure to a much higher degree. constructed. several members of the editorial To hear these- Hebrew youngsters outdone, will build a similar pool. The new elections which will birthday. lish master spy, Lawrence, only board resented Jlmmy'B outspok- Turkish and Yiddish words? . , calling strikes by the old familiar There is only one other such pool probably fti3 "pastor's'-' • i ^ take place on April 7, in passing, be gives a thorough f h The wife of Shalom Asch is reof his ste-' thousandth 'public en sympathies for the new Rusinakkot" and see one side shout la the world, says the Maccabiad are expected to result In a Ticto-y njieeting. in'chls. place there has description of even the most Im- sia. . . . Without young Wise, puted to be so perfect a. hostess ;leefully "Hlglah" as oae of those swimmer — asd that is ia Eng- for the Nazis and may erentually One swallow makeih not now been lnyited Lieutenant.Col- portant "Jewish" spies, men' as Opinion will be just another An- that whenever the Polish dictator on base comes in for the home land. bricg the'.et&tue of the Danslg onel Ulrica -Fleischhauer—anti- well as women, at the same time glo-Jewish mag, and much less PUsudski gives a party in Warsaw run Is a rare delicacy of pleasla Jerusalem, the Kaccabiad Jews to the same as that of the interweaving anti-Semitic charges attractive. . . . Semite par excellence. he wires to her to come over from ure for the American Jewish visi- teams avail themselves of the Y. Jews In the Saar. fjWho Is this Herr Flelschhaner? systematically and constantly in- THE CLEVELAND POST Paris and help direct It... . Mrs. tor. M. C. A- pool. The Jewish population in Ds>sv From the archives of the Amer- to his text. Franklin D. Roosevelt was so imCycling is also very popclar in zig has long been terrorized by yr> IT farim^fe. Rabbi Abba H. Silver is proIn Tel Aviv, a group of young fcan Jewish committee I have pressed by Shalom Asch's novel <$««•"• Palestine, but it is difficult to the Nazis, eren before they fee- I write C ceeding with the formation of a Americans, ardent fans of the A considerable part of the gathered some '• little-known in"Three Cities" that she has exknow whether to classify it as a came & majority in the Dacslg new Zionist District in Cleveland. ;ame, organised under the name p formation about this expert in book is devoted to the wiles of tended an invitation to the author sport. The bicycle is a universal senate. Sean Lester, the high it .»vw. ^ice-hatred. Fleischhauer has the beautiful "Jewess" Simi . . . His lieutenants charge Meyer to have tea with her at the White of the American Palestine Athle- means of transportation in Pales- commissioner appointed by the CSty flasuce. ft EasnsrBisa© W. Welsgal with having Instigattic Team Association, regularly achieved a reputation as a spe- Simon, the alleged master spy, House. . . . While we speak of $%*+ tine, especially among the young- League of Nations for the Free !««> AT 78B7 or cialist in anti-Semitic literature. who was unsuccessful as far as ed the famous Washington Con- Acch It may interest you to know play la their respective "seasons er people. Walking down the State of DansJg, has done little ference Incident as revenge for baseball asd basketball. The leadthe virtuous author Is "concerned His chief contribution in. a land that Felix M. Warburg once offerstreets early la the morning, car- to curb the openly aati-JewioJi overrun with such specialists is (even though sometimes she al- the silver-tongued rabbi's oppo- ed the Yiddish author a huge sura er of the group is a yoang Bos- penters, painters, cement workers activities In Etecsig. The propasition to the Romance of a People tonlan, Max J. Andelman, who admost succeeds in ensnaring him Ei the field of international cofor his collection of old synagogal are to be seen issuing from all ganda against the Jews has been SPEQ41 •r e ' operation : among anti-Semites. by a hair's breadth);, the same pageant when that spectacle play- bronzes, but Asch refused to sell. mits coining to Palestine merely sides oa • their bicycles to their conducted in DanEig by means o£ pils man who froths, at the month gentleman at the end of his book ed Cleveland. . . - The truth of . . . Luther Adler's performance for the cruise and a rest, bat who places of wort. Tc® bicycle serres leaflets, postere, the Nasl press g$ the so-called, internationalism states that "she almost certainly the matter Is.that the leaders of In "Awake and Sing," the Group has remained to become Immersed the Yi8hub'mach'a» the Arab ele- and even by private twinesE en&L the Jew .;is?theimq8t."energetic was not a Jewess at all." (Page the Ohio Zionist Region insisted Theater play, is being acclaimed In the business of bnildisg up the ment depends oa the clonfeey. terprises. on Silver's elimination because of the greatest piece of acting in Jewish Homeland aad In the pro- advocate in,German^.-of. interna- 60). The Jew-batting goes on! There Is considerable horseback Jews are awaiting with ! his consistent refusal to fall in cess is helping to make & distinct "It is somewhat astonishing to tibnal oo-operRtioh among anti-SeNew York just now. . . . Carmen riding and a number'of events of fear th® expected ccti-Semitlc step with their ideas, and his American athletic contribution to njites. For years-all^ his-thoughts read, the contemptuous descrip- blunders in regard to Jewish edu- Studer Wefngartner of Vienna is this type of sport ere listed lor Nasi propaganca which will -apthe quilt of life with the Jews tion of the ./'Jewish" or allegedly Jmve bfen dwrpted->to > this 7ideai pear ia connection with the forthand other such policies. . a being hailed as the greatest wo- from the various parts of the the coming Maccabiaa. Be was one of vu^jeadefsiin. th® Jewish spies,. when, at the same cation Two very - popular- sports, very coming new elections. Hc&dreds It looks as if the New York ZionShe world are reconstituting the pattime, people who ^served as spies man conductor of today. preparation, 'tm^ the ^International great favorites of the Maccabiad of Jewish families. will b© coxais A pupil of her husband, also a tern of existence la Palestine. tlSemiticCpigtesa ^-which ie? were immortalized in Germany $n ist headquarters will have, willy- famous fans, are the "kador" games. "Ka- pelled to move from Dassig It tfee conductor. nilly, to stra^hten out the mess. monuments'of stone and browse. Americans coining lato Pales«§ihtly took p ^ : g :; (Copyright. 1S35. by Seven Arts Feature tine are in & sense the "green- dor" Is Ivrit for ball. "Kador sal" elections should tuna -the S?«e PEOPLE r Syndicate.) 0 among the feadefaqf the; newly • ;• A** -: announcemenf, in striking basketball, and regel," foot- city, orer entirely: into the hzn&t horns" that the!r forebears were Is Princeton students cannot get Stbll^d^T^oaVAititoaiaiine color; attached, to :tie book by ball. of the N ^ T . r e a d s , as foHows: over Professor Albert Einstein's ca their arrival la America, and solve. la- the general sport world, s t w a 4 4 | » U ^ they act In very much the same objections to, the wearing ~ of tie 'r&c'alt" too has Its fringe of sup- Three may keep a secret, II ^purposes .In "huge7 sock s; ind hats _even on the coldway in the Initial steps of their heating porters and the recent acquisition two of • them • are quantities in the Turkish; army. It est winter days . . . Adolph Lewlsimilation into the Tishub. As of the Huleh this m ^ ^: r ^ 1 section., of lend fcy 1 is also ' Intended to. familiarize their fathers aad grandfathers sohn, the philanthropist, who is study of the JewlshTquestlpn "is the Jewish'Agency to have formed "landsxnaashaftea" o f stimulated hunting seems alreadyr -considered terminated. •••• every German tfloldier, S. S. and In his eighties, iB still taking forays on Haifa (JTA) — A new quay a S. A.'man, with the methods, of their old townsmen, and sought singing lessonsr and has a spe^Herr -Flelschhauer»is owner < of part of Jewish Nimrois to that S e U. Bodnng- publishing firm at espionage, through practical ex- cial liking, for^traditional Jewish an estimated cost of more than to perpetuate something of their as yet only thinly invaded regies. $3,000,000 will be built la the LS: emplea. " . • ' , -. • old heritage, BO these young Erfurt, ;i^hich hast occupieditself When Paul Muni remuslc. "The booklet reads like fiction fused the part of Nijinski in the harbor here, the "Jewish Telegra- Americans naturally seek oat oae More than 5,000 *rports-raindefl for yearj^rWith?the dls3eialn.ation visitors, from all parts of the another, bring their baseball for world of antl-SemiticVllterature,- eupbe- and- yet It" is: only a ^report ~of dramatization of the biography phic Agency learned. expected to attend th© The construction work will be facts. It will, therefore, show betInstance with them and seek to comingare of the* famous .Russian dancer, riistlcaliy,; called "international M&ccab'Iad. In preparation : : ltt^ bt H h t t " A terUhan any lecture, how essen- Sam H. Harris, prospective pro- done by the Haifa Harbor Works conserve it, and now the Ameri- for the "event,'a raanimoth athlehere. After the completion of the tial It Is for every. Aryan, even can Palestine Athletic teasi has tic stadium is being erected at ducer of the play, gave It op. . . . ftw yearB^agoi'-Egpn .ran; Winghones' book "A'rishe. Basse,-JDhTlst- more than heretofore, to abandon That's,the height of stardom. . . • quay the harbor will be able to evidenced thia evolutioaary pro- Tel Aviv ia'the vicinity of the and innocence so as A?ex Yokel, the' producer of berth eight steamers at a time cess further by proposing to liche Kntturv.und Judenproblem hls.-naivate to fall a victim to shrewdness "Three Men on a Horse.", Broad- Instead of the four which can change Its name to the Y. M. H. Fair grounds. The stadium, will i*olizipnlsmnsj;^ ..published'; by not have a seating capacity of six A. of Tel Aviv. way's current smash hit, was a dock at present. tjiat firing.aroused ^.a . sensation and unscrupulousness." thousand and in addition there Final confirmation of the proj This introductory: note and the down-and-out publicity man for a %f. advocating, the' expolsibji of Baseball to be ecre, has not be standing room for at least ect is awaited here from the Cobook's whole tendency make it restaurant: chain only a few the Jews 'frbni-all countries' of made the Inroads that the con- five times that many. It is expectlonial office In London. Work will perfect propaganda material for t|ie world 'ana 'their compulsory tinental games ©£ soccer and foot- ed that there will be at least 2.000 He put on the months .ago. ^ttlemeat in the tropical, rocky this German anti-Semitic publish- play with the financial backing of start as soon as the oil dock, ball but there Is cae distinctly active participants' in the athletic , the Warner Brothers, and now is which Is to receive crude oil from American sport, which it may be games. ip'iand of MadagaBcar, with acor- ing firm. -This booklet was written by a adding a few thousand dollars to the Mosul pipe lice to discharge safely said is perhaps as popular dbn sanltaire thrown around the Palestine Is definitely becoming ^Jand. Sinee Hitlor came Into fanatic for fanatics. Ita aim—the his bank account every week. , ; . . into waiting ships 13 completed. around Allenby Street as it is oa Congestion In the harbor duraim: of every book of political The other day one of our people ifbwer the publishing firm has the sidewalks of New York, and been able to strengthen consider- propaganda—is to win over the escorted an Aryan lady to a Ger- ing the past few months has re- that is boxing. BOABD AND BOOM ably its poslMon, which until then readers, to impress upon them man restaurant in Yorkville, and sulted In serious delay In the I don't kaow how cultural WANTED clearing and discharging of cargo. forcefully the ideas of the cruon his refusal to contribute mon^ an Insignificant one amons Zionists will take to the idea. At Employed lady and. daughter German.publishers. ''"' sading author and, in this round- ey to the Hauptmann defense fund first thought, I must confess, It of seven, wish board and room fHer Fleischhauer is also edi- about manner, to achieve a cer- —a recently introduced instituappeared to me rather incongru- in refined Jewish home—pretain desired effect. -This end is tion in all German restaurants — tor of the bi-monthly correspondous with the land of the prophets fer west section. all the inore easily by ence Der--Weltdienst, issued ; in reached bnt nevertheless, I must admit was bounced out. Edward G. Box JOSS, JevrisJi Press. cleverly concealing party propaGfermari;: English-, and •• French. ganda. "Beautiful SImf Simon" Robinson's goyish wife keeps a that there has flashed across my New York, (WNS)-The Unipubll«atlpn 'bears the follow| is, in this respect, a? typical ex- kosher house whenever Eddie's horlsoa the thought that perhaps ...»'the -wsf that is easy, qm€k «n«S .plessaat, Jw«t versity in Exile, launched two some day a Jack Desipsey nay : neonle visit them. . . . yo"ss clothes i s fee .Tfer electric washer tm& ample of National Socialist propa- NEW years ago as an experiment de- stage an international championDEVELOPMENTS -^-"Our,,a non-profit ganda. . ". ' ". " slsss. is so time YoaTS be ssw&sed at the maKlng :J>foposi'tion. -The -aim; Is The Segal family of Cincinnati signed to find places for some o ship boat at Tel Aviv. After all, ; This book is the latest product the scholars exiled from Ger efficiency ••©£ tM» chiefly ' to"~ enlighten' pporly-int we have a Scriptural precedent ia OIL BUENEES —and here we mean the Abe L. fiirmed !uoii--Jew6. This informa* of .the .specialist, ;Lieutenant and Henry C. Segals, publishers many by the Nazi regime, Is no the Goliath-David uatca. tibn concerning, the machinations Fieischhauer. - It te not difficult, of The American Israelite — have only a success but constitutes a Consider this fact: Several &: the Jewish : underworld* are In- the light ^f his achievements, another member who's making German faculty equal to the best weeks ago in Tel Aviv, &> boxing lieavcswortSi . A tSjerefore^part of the spiritual to predict! what .his testimony, will his mark in the fourth estate. . . . Germany ever boasted asd a. valu- boat was staged aad drew a paid be when next the Protocol trial He Is none other than Robert E. able addition to the American "of-every nonrJew. , . ; . attendance of 4,000. Cosapariag ;; - preamble sufficiently o p e n s . .• ' . • . „ • • • • • ' . - ' • ' . - . • Segal of the Cincinnati Post, who educational system, . Dr. Alvin relative populatioas of Tel Aviv (CopyriBht^l935, by Seven Arts Pcatcre Johnson, founder of, efiixacterizea "the contents of' the has become assistant publisher with Aiaericaa cities, I doa't be• .' • • Syndicate.) "^eltdienst; which aims &t an and editor of the Scioto Gazette and dlrectorl of the New School lieve that record is o f t e n ^ .poisoning, of public of Cbilllcothe, Ohio. . . . And, in for Social Research, with which matched. • o$inlon.<ilndeed, :it >1BS already case you don't know it, we will it is affiliated, announced in a I was Interested, to ascertain with Reliable aphievinr Its. aim, since, its distritell you that Bob Segal began his report to the advisory commute how Ivrit (Hebrew) was manipset up to administer the school. ulated to express the boxing, terbution, ©11 '"over ihe world; is newspaper career as carrier boy, The graduate faculty of eigh minology aad found that aa Methodically jcarried onr atf COHnot so long ago, for the very years Biderableiexpense. - ; i.-,. * ; " ; London, (JTA)-r-Pessimlsm as; newspaper to which he is now go- teen has until now been made fi- American lacking a knowledge o£ Seal Estat*—Prcp«rtr 53IS % But Herr FJelschhauer • - also to the future of American Jewry Ing. That super-Palestine- nancially possible by Hiram J Ivrit would, have no difficulty ia « 5 S®. IStli 'St, - • ' ^shes to make his name dmmor- was expressed here,by .Mrs. Dug-; trayelogue film which Fox films Halle who underwrote the experi- apprehending the terms. The word t^l as a bellelettrlst. His: firm dale, niece of tthe late Lord Bal- are about to issue in cooperation ment to the extent of $120,GOC for uppercut in Hebrew was cpaow publishes tlie great anti-Sem- four, author -' of the Balfour with the United Jewish Appeal but u drive to raise a permaneal pereut and the trord knockost Siic encyclopedia SIgilla Veri (The Declaration, In a lecture-which will have a speaking voice that fund "of f 75,000 a year is to b la Hebrew was tasoekoat. S^al of Truth), which when com- she delivered at the League- of belongs to none other than Da- launched. after, all Is the procedure oa the The University In Exile func- continent also as far aa the prise pleted will consist of six volumes, Nations union «n-"The Future- of vid Ross, the poetic radio announcer, but the words he will tions under a constitution which concerned. The,American of which four have .already been the Jews." published. "I.would not.venture to pre~ speak are the brainchildren of is a landmark In educational his- language has become internationtory in that it grants to th al in pugilism. /Jt Is. intended to serve as an diet what the future" of the Jews Maurice Samuel. . . . faculty .complete powers of self- .- Boxiag, I ata cenviaeed, will ".Encyclopedia of Jews, friends In the United States' will bs, cut MANHATTAN SNAPSHOTS T c r tr:r v^vzmM^ tew -* ', of Jews, and anti-Semites of all off aa they are from revitalizing t" Yehudl Menuhln, the violinist, government and absolute freedom become the conaersteae oi that times and places, especially In Jewisbness by the stoppage of was spotted the other day coming of dictation or control from any "muscular • Judaism," which -Dr. Germany; of the teachings, CUB- European Immigration to Ameri- out of the Ansonia hotel with his party or group. Mas Nordau' called for. as an iatsasTC & Tlssr Wiisfecria t^ms, tricks and statistics of the ca," Mrs. Sugdale stated. dad. . . . The two hurried to the tegral. part of' the national reyour Isosas . - . . & gszv&ms qoality Tfeor with the lamoo* Jaws and their thieves' cant, .."In wealth and. in numbers curb and were about to step into Esperaat© League '. aalssaaca.of toe. Jewish people. SI|PER AGITATOR which dom «uch a perfect w * ^ aliases, secret organizations, etc" American Jewry is still the most a cab when, from the taxi's radio, Another sport whica sssi Berlin — Disregarding tee fac I. This opus Is Jn the format of a important nucleus of Jewish life. came a burst of the "St. Louis that Esperanto was invented b feg jpfe. i t -wSI! not tsngle cr tear clothes* Clothef iswt modern encyclopedia. Every vol- In the last twenty years It has Blues". . . ."Shut that thing off!" the Jewish linguist and scieatlst. 50 Se lasEcr. Cos* m and see ih« 19ZS Thorn. t^tae contains about 1,200 double- contributed most to the upbuild- cried the elder Mexrahin. . . Was- Dr. Ladwig Zamenhof, a Natio2$l eplumned- pages-sad deals with, ing of Palestine. Bat tho Jews samatter w i t h youse guys?" Socialist Esperanto Union wa aa the average, 5,000 names and of America have their ova prob- queried the hackmsn. . . . "Doa't- formed here at a special confer cabjecta. Special precautions lems and their own ansletlc3, csa know- good music whea ra enca. ....." . :; ira?ea'.; .fej^es^. W- tta publishing eves apert from ocosoajics. AsU» hear Jtf"... AH of'wbltib.'remind* was made at lh firm-to prevent tbo books from Semitiom is & latent danger eves C3 th&t tho Assoafa hotel also conference to the fact that J>r, setting into the hands of Jews or la that great country of boasted bouses Smma Bedell,-the'Asseri- Zamenhof, the "father of Esper< c&a Jewish opera Vstar, irbosa nus- anto," was aot an "Aryaa." "/rleads of Jews." The volumes freedom."


hand, Joseph A. Marcus, is holdtog an important position ia the Housing Commission at Washington. . . . Morris Gest, the ones dynamic impressario, walking up and down Fifth Avenue every afternoon with his famous black hat on hia head, but without his cane. . . . Rudolph K o r a m e r , whom WOolIcott calls the sage of Czernowitz, suggested to S. N. Behraan the theme for his successful play "Rain from Heaven" which is the only Theater Guild play this season to have received Fannie unanimous praise. Hurst in the lobby of the Ritz, having regained much of the poundage she BO strenuously lost some time ago. . . .She complains that she achieved her svelte figure Just at the time when curves began to come back In style. . . .










Balfour's Niece Sees Dark Days for Future




Mrs. Slotsky Heads Hadassah Chapter Mrs. W.VC'Slotsky was elected president of the Senior. Jfladassah chapter at:the first meeting of the newly-elected boards of directors, be given by Mr. H. Fishsall, held Tuesday evening In the home president of Mount • Sinai Temple of; Mrs. M. A. Welner. Mrs. Slotcongregation; Mrs. H. M.. .Sher-f iky succeeds Mrs. R. H. Emleln. man, president: of. the .Ladies' Other . officers elected were Auxiliary of Shaare iZionj- Mr. JE3; Mrs. Joseph Levin, vice-president; N. Grueskin, prfesidentj of the In- Mrs.. E. ^N. .Grueskin, secretary; flax- Ginsberg In Charge of ter?Club: Council; Charles Shind- Mrs. pave L. Rodin, recording secretary; and Mrs. L. S. Gold,,« Arrangements for-, v ier; -president "of. t h e . synagogue. berg, treasurer. . s 3t ^/;'oODservance.\. . \.;. Junior cohgregatlon,' -Rabbr. Kav* Board members • elected at the aur, and other visiting rabbis -who last general meeting of- the Had- A apeiJlQlilbint service of Mount are expected to a^ttend the; banassah, include. Mesdamea H. M. Sinai Tempie "and Shaare \ Zlon -quett A chorus >of ten girls under .evin, M. Grueskin,. M. A. Marks, congregation, tonight,', a dance {to- the-direction of Cantor Pliskin i. ,L.,Galinsky,,.B. E. Baron, W. moirowi evening-arid banquet Sun- will sing Hatikyohi' ;Mr.; Barney J.-Slotsky, C. Raskin, Joe Levin, Dave Rodin, M. Levitein, L. Agday:€yeningrwiil be the .highlights Baron will act as toastmaster. ranoff, William Lazere and M. A. of Jhe;!^hijeerday, celebration of .Welner.. ,: Sha|x6 v ^ibnr ayaagpgue, > markinr Plans are being made for the its tevXU\anniversary.' '-_••• " [great number of ihe congregation annual Purim bazaar, March 19. ; llhli i'eYenips at- 8 o'clock Mrs. Ben, Shin'dler 'ls 'ciairman' of congregation-- of Mount Sinai Tem- the menu-fpt vSunday'sf-banq.uet, ple & tthe Shaare Zion.Synar Z i S "and .Mrs^M. Bergen; the 'dining g g ^ 'Congregation will:: hold a joint.VeWice in the .Shaare Zlon room. Synagogue -at 16tn and Douglas Btreets. Dr. Theodor N. Lewis and The Amorian. basket ball team Rabbi H. R. Rabinowltz •will oclefeated; the ; Omaha Habonim cupy the pulpit. Guest. speaker earn in a -game at Omaha last be; Rabbi C. H. Kavaur of Junday-afternoon. The score was ; Denver.; Habbi Kavaur addressed David Plnski,. preVident of Tthe 51 to 2 0 . . The game was a preth^ Shaare Zlon congregation at National". Workers' AllkncV of liminary to the activities, of Psi Its organization twenty years ago. America, a n d;, IntffnkttdidaHy Mu day held in Omaha. Coach Ten /years ago,' he ' spoke before know,n as a ; poet and' author, wjll Len Baumstein directed the the congregation at-. the dedica- speak in Sioux City: oh' Thursday Amorian team with Coach Marks tion Beryice of the new synagogue. evening,: March 21./-The lecture In charge of the Habonim team. Joe Maron was • named - chairH« has! kept in touch with the will be of a,-literary nkture-and synagogue through- the' years and will, be held in,the Jewish Com- man of the debate, tournament hich the; Amorian club Is sponIs^ well "known by the congrega- munity Center. • . tion. - ::The speakerrwill be brought to soring. Assisting him.are Marvin . "The .service will open at 8 Sioux City 'under the-auspices.of Kline and Charles Shindler. The o'clock- promptly, with the choir the Poale.Zion branch of the Na- debates, which will, begin in two and Cantor A. Pliskin singing tional Workers'.Alliance, and. the 'eeks;Wili be open to the public, 'he winning team will be known "Ma 'Joyu.". Invocation will be Pioneer. Women's organization. is the representative team of. the Rabbi Rabiriowltz and Local Jewish: organizations are responsive reading will follow. asked to keep this date open In Amorian club in future tourna^ • . • . . . • • .•..--. Dry "Lewis, will speak briefly,' and order to permit- everyonoito at- ments. Mr, John Lansberg, president of tend" the lecture.; •'•; . the • • Shaare zfon congregation, Pinskl'8: works have been transwill givei the address of welcome. lated into English and among the A Joint service with Shaare Saturday morning the Senior best -known Is; one of his. short Congregation.will begin its serv- plays entitled "The ;; Treasure ion. Synagogue will be held this ice at 8:30 o'clock. Rabbi Kavaur Hunter." : He was at: one time edi- ivening instead of the regular ervlce at Mount Sinai Temple.. will. preach/1: the sermon. tor of the Yiddish Daily Tzeit. • • " ••'•.•"'.•< •

: ;



MISS ANNA; PILL, correspondent

BY F. R. K.


AnEXBFRG. WEBB/ BEBEE, •" KLCTZXICK & KEIXEX " Attorney*. . 650 Oitiah* National Beak Eld®. KOTfCE OF DISSOLUTION. At a. reEiriarly called-meeting-of the stockholders of TED'S FEN AND CARD SHOP, INC., held i t No. 660 Omaha National Back BuildUne. Omaha. Nebraska, on Januniry 2, 193S, the • following Resolution was adopted: "It was moved, seconded and unanimously carried that Ted's Pen end Card Shop, Inc., be and the tsme Is hereby dissolved." TED'S PEN" AND CAED SHOP, INC. By: Edmund L. Zander, Secretary Attest: Theodore L. Dtmask.' President.

NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS " Notice is hereby friven that all existing debts of UNITEP FOOT) ^STORES, INC., on the 31st day of'December, 1954, amounted t«,the jnim of• $6S,82S.«S. H. S. NQVrrSKf, President. 1 • ' E.' E. ASHLEY. AL.BBET WOKL-NER. ' CARL STAMMER, EI7 GILBERT, BeSnir R majority of the Board of • Director* 3-8—It • •

•The Council Bluffs Talmud • Berlin, (WNS)—A n e w New York (WNS)—Spain, the Torah Sunday school will hold a backfire intended to convince birthplace of Moses Maimonides, SASflTEf, ZACHATftIA, Attr. j 78® BrancSel® TheBtw Bid*. 'j Purim • program on Sunday after- American commercial and indus- will be officially associated with noon, March 17, at 2:30 o'clock trial interests that the anti-Nazi the Maimonides Octocehtennial . FEOBA.TE NOTICIE, . •• at the Eagles hall. Mr. J. Z. Stad- boycott In the United States is celebration in t h i s country 3-8-it. In the matter-o£ the estate of MART WINER, Deceased. ' ' 1KVLN V. i'KVIK, Attorney an, principal, is in charge of the allegedly doing as much damage through Luis Calderon, Spanish Notice is hereby given: • • ' • i' That the creditors of said deceased program which will include to America as It Is to Germany ambassador to the United States, JSlectric Building, Omeha, • Nebraska. OF AMENDMENT OF AE- will meet. the. Administrator.-of. said esnumerous Purim recitations and was started here by Dr. Julius it was announced here by Her- NOTICE tate, before me. County Judsre of DougTICLES OF rNCORTORATTO* OF las County, Nebraska, at the County songs by children of the Sunday Lippert, Nazi commissioner for man Bernstein, executive secreSECVKITY MCTt/KBS COEPOKCourt Room, in wild County, on the 30th AT.ION school. A review of the "Book of Berlin, with an address before tary of the Octocentennial Com- Notice Is hereby day of April. ; 39S5 end on. the 1st day given that on the of July Ht 9 o'clock A. M., *«ck Father" will be given, illustrated a meeting of the American Cham- mittee. The Committee also made 8th day of January, 1S3S, at the an- day. 'or 1S35, purpose of presenting their meetine of stockholders of Secur- claims fortheexamination, with stereoptlcal slides, by Mr. ber of Commerce in Berlin in public the manifesto issued by nual adjustment and ity Pictures Corporation, at 301 Etec- allowance. Three" months, are allowed trie Building: at three o'clock of said for the creditors to preFfnt their O. Hochman, secretary of the Talthe Spanish Government, In the claim*, which he denied that the third day, upon motion duly made, seconded from the 30th day of March,- 19"3S. '. mud Torah. carried. Article 1 of said corpora- BRYCB- CRAWFORD. reich had crushed the Jews eco- name of Alejandro Lerroux, and tion was amended to read as follows: S-3—St County Judg*. Spanish prime minister, In con•The program is open to the nomically. In the first official ARTICLE I. name of the corporation shall public, and everyone is urged to plea against the boycott to Amer- nection with the celebration, as be The MAJESTIC PICTURES CORPORAfcOUIS K MTF, 'Attorney. save this date to attend the Pur- ican business men by a high follows: TION. ISO* City National Bank JBldf..^ . i MAX WINTROtTB. im program at the Eagles hall. Nazi spokesman, .Lippert urged "On March 30, 1935 will be President ' . rEOBATE NOTICK. . »• The Council Bluffs lodge No. that the boycott be called off and celebrated the 800th anniversary LOUIS WTNTROUB, In the "Matter of the " Estate ' Of 'WIL. • • Secretary. 688 of the Independent Order of declared that it was based on of the birth of the great Jewish Board of Directors: IxIAM BONE. Deceased. . ' , Notice is- Hereby Given: the B'nai Brith will hold a regu- "false assumptions" since the humanitarian, Moses ben Maim- Mai Wintroub . That the creditorm of said aec*»»e<l Phineax Wintroub meet the administrator of Mid lar meeting next Monday evening. Jews were the equals of Aryans on, known in history as Maimon- Loui* Wintronb S-1-3J—It. will estate, before me, County- Juflflre of March 11, at 8:30 o'clock at in the business world of the third ides, whose influence on medieval I>OH£]RS County, NebrasKa.' at tlM IKVIN C. L E V I N . Attorney County Court Room, in iwiid County, the Eagles hall. All members are reich. At the same time he ad- culture has reflected honor on SCI Electric B l i d l on the E3rd day of April, 1935, «nd on requested tot attend. 24th day of June, 1935. at S o'clock mitted that the boycott had had Spain and especially on Cordoba, NOTICE' OF - CHATTEL MORTGAGE athe m. each day for the" purp<i»e- pt SALE Funeral services for Henry E. a catastrophic effect on Ger- the native city of the great rabbi. Notice Is hereby presenting their claims for. examinapiven t h a t on the tion, .adjustment and allowance. 3"fcr«« It is not necessary to recall the 15th day of March. 193S, a t 10 A . M. months nre fi!lowe.1 for the • crt&tfiit» Nathanson, 46, of Estherville, la., many's foreign trade. t h e Omaha Garage, 15l7 North 2ith to pr»»ent their claims, • frotn' the J3»d importance of the life-work of tit who passed away at his'home in Street, Omaha,- Nebraska, t h e under- day of March, 1935.. istherville, were held last Thursw-ill sell a t TJublie auction to the That Lippert's appeal was just this great scholar, whose thought signed • • BRYCE CKAiWFOKD. . bidder for c a s h : 1 Ford Sedan, day afternoon at the' Beem-Bel- one more piece of propaganda was was not restricted to the philo- highest County Jud«« • Model 1S29. color blue. Motor No. 3-I-35-3t secured by chattel mortgage In ford funeral home in Council quickly apparent because his sophical restrictions of the Jew- 1341951, favor of t h e undersigned; said m o r t - . 3. FREEB3BAX * K11KBN SHfilKR, Bluffs. He is survived by his speech coincided with the publi- ish religion but had in an unfore- gage bearing- d a t e of April 13. 1S34. AttofrWPTR, and filed in the office of t h e County 140 First Jfafl Bank mother, Mrs. Anna Brin of Coun- cation : ot a. warning to all Jew- seen manner advanced the hu- Clerk of Dougla* County, Nebraska, on cil Bluffs; his widow; one son, ish publishers still doing business manistic philosophy of" the Middle May 18. 1934. Said sale Trill be for the NOTICE ' OF ADMtKlRTRATiOW purpose of foreclosing, said m o r t g a g e Maurice, and two daughters, In Germany to dispose of their Ages, medical science, astronomy, for cost of sale and all accruing? costs In the County. Court. of Douglas CounEvelyn and Louise, of Esther- properties before they are ousted mathematics, Oriental languages, and for the purpose of • satisfying the Inty,theNebraska: matter of the estate of ETHEL. now due, to-wit: $26.Gl, and llle; and one sister, Mrs. Abe from the Reich Association of and especially Jewish scholar- tamount FRIEJ3EN, Deceased. . h a t no suit or other proceedings a t IanAll persons "interested" in sairl estate have been instituted to • recover said Gllinsky of Council Bluffs. Burial German Publishers of Periodicals. ship, and has thus opened new debt are hereby notified that a petition hae or any part thereof. took place in the Oak Hill ceme- Although most Jewish publishers horizons to human thought. The Dated been filed-^ln *akl Court a-Iiegin^ thfit a t Omaha.' Nebraska, this 20th said deceased died le&vin- no- last will of February, 1935. •• . . ery in Council Bluffs. and ' pravins: tor administration upon have already been put out of busi- Republic, always prepared to pay day 2-22-35-St. . J . R . K A T Z . his estate, and . that .a.'hearing- will be The three Cultural Study ness, this warning declares that a tribute of admiration and rehad on said petition before »s!d court MOXSKT, «ROI»INSK¥. MAKER ana spect to the memory of the sons on the 30th day of March,- 1935, -and Groups of the Senior Hadassah 'the removal of all non-Aryan inCOHEN. Attorneys. that IE they' fail to .appear nt will of Spain who have exalted and "37 Omaha National Bank B3dg. held a joint meeting on Monday fluence from the press must be Court OR the »p1ct 30th day: of March, 1S35, at S o'cltx-Jc A. M. to contest, s^iii afternoon, March 4, at the home carried through very soon" and carried her fame beyond her own PROBATE NOTJCF petition, the Court • may Rrrpnt the -F*^" frontiers, Is to organize the celTn the Uttter of the Estate <xf •nd grant administration of mold estate of Mrs. Leo Fitch. Mrs. David A. non-Aryan publishers are advised JOSEPH P. COH.V, Deceased. to Samuel Cohen or some other suitable dldstein Of Omaha was the prin- to make. the necessary changes ebration of the Octocentennial Notice Is Hereby Given: person end proceed ' to a (settlement anniversary of Maimoineds. InThat the creditors- c Btia deceased thereof, cipal speaker and honored guest in ownership and management. • •w!Jl meet the executor of said estate, ' ERYCE CRAWFORD. spired by this desire, the Presiof the combined groups. A social me. County Judge of Douglas 3-8—3t . County Judge. In his attempt to show that the dent of the Council of Ministers, before County, Nebraska, at the County hour followed the meeting. Re- boycott was unjustified, Lippert Court Room. In said County, on the together with all the other mein- "3rd day- of April, ISS5 and on the freshments were served. N, SHGBMAN * ' GOODBINDBB declared unfounded charges that of June, 1935, at 9 o'clock of the government decrees: a24thm.,dayeach Attorney*.. Mrs. Sam Gross and her daugh- the Nazi regime had "destroyed befs day, for the purpose of 678 Insurance that all acts decided upon presenting- their claims for exa.minater, Mrs. Max Shostka, have re- economic possibilities for Jews to 'First, tion. adjustment and allowance. Three the committee at Cordoba in months are allowed for the creditors NOTICE OF CHATTEL MOHTGAGB turned home following a two live in Germany" or that it was by charge of the arrangements for SASJE. ' to present their clsime, from the 23rd weeks* visit in Excelsior Springs, Notice !* hereby piveh thRt on the day of March, 1S35. "striving to bring about a comthe memorial celebration of the The. Sisterhood Book Review and Kansas City, Mo. - At,.-10:30- o'clock the • Junior 29th day o" .March,. 1935, at. 10 o'clock plete extermination of the Jews. 800th anniversary of Maimonides J-l-35-St. . BRYCE CRAWFORD. ». m.; at The Stag. 1308 Dodge Street. Circle will .meet next Friday Congregation will meet and County Omaha, Nebraska, the undersigned will Norman Rosenthal and Floyd He said that "every unprejudiced will be recognized as acts of the fternoon in the home of Mrs. Charles) jShindler, president of the J. C. C. Boy Scoiat sell at public auction to the highest ABRAHAMS £ O'CONNOE, Attyw. bidder for cash the following described 400 . Brandeia Theatre Bide Nathan Gorchow. Mrs. C. H. Yudelson, both juniors at the visitor to Germany has had an government; second that the Junior Congregation, will' Introchattels to-wit: Troup Reorganizes Hoyt will review "Heaven's.My Thomas Jefferson High school, opportunity to convince himself minister for public education and NOTICE " OF AXEXDKENT OF AK- One soda duce Rabbi Kavaur, whd will fountain, one electric comspent last week-end in Des pressor, one carbonator, eight card «*• ISCUKFUMAXION OJf speak to r the £ children. | Charles '- The Jewish'•Community Center estination," and "Road of Ages" Moines, la., where they represent- that nothing has happened to the fine arts will participate in all ar- XlCtJi.S tables, thirty-three chain", two 10-foot G5SAKA FFKMTUfilS AND Jews in Germany economically." rangements In connection with lunch counters, 12 lunch counter1 stools, .Robert Nathan. will act as cantor and 'David Boy Scout' troop is being re-orCAKFET COMFANT one Herrick electric tw» ed their school In the Midland deIn support of this assertion he the Maimonides Memorial cele- Notice is hereby given that Article steam tables, one sink,refrigerfttor, Kuntz wjll read the law. Refresh- ganized this month under the .ditwenty-foot 1 of the Article* of Incorporation of bar, two cash registers, one bate tournament. They composed four oscllatlngsaid that' "not a single parcelling bration and will be supported by OMAHA FURNITURE A CARPET fans, two ceilinK fans, one safe, one cotments will be served to. the chil- rect supervision of the' Sioux City the negative team which defeated out or'expropriation of a so-called the Nazlonal Tourist Offict.' " CCMFANT has been amended to read fee urn, ell dishes, glassware and cookdren by-Mr. and Mrs. Max Gins- chapter of-A.'Z. A. ag follows: "Name. The name of the ing- utensitefc two poo! tables, three Indianola* North and Winterset, Jewish firm has been undertaken. corporation shall be : Crest Manufactur- clothes end cue cnblnets, one cellar bers. winning their way Into the finals. When a Jew has shown to the The .troop-will hold its meeting- Co. " beer cooler, two cigar cases, one snobker Dated this STth day of February, table. Saturday afternoon, a special Ings in "the Jewish •Community : ' By participating into the finals, Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Tankel 1S35. Oneg Shabbos will be held in the state that he is ready to meet all : Above described property being- covthey were awarded the honor to Center, and-will work with other BDWAKD ABRAHAMS, f Minneapolis, Minn., have anered by s. chattel mortgRpe In favor of home o£ Mr. and Mrs. Max Ginsthe duties incumbent upon him U • President Charles Sherman and signed by Ralph ATTEST: - ' berg, 102 Sixteenth street. Rabbi troops of the city under-the su- Lounced the.engagement and ap- compete In the state high school in the interests of the commonA. JCreSB,- said morttfaice being- dated jnXTON ABRAHAMS, S.ird, -1934, end having been Kavaur.f will speakf on "Jewish pervision of the city Scout execu- roaching marriage of their debate tournament which will wealth—duties which every other 3-l-35-4t Secretary. August filed in the office of the County Clerk •take place in Iowa City on March tive.^' '< : • ' . . • • • : .•."'• aughter, Ardelle. Takel, to Meyer Life in Palestine—^-Old and' New." of Doupiasi County, Nebraska, on the must . assume—rthen he is our LAZAK K A P U X , 23rd day of AUfruBt. 193*. . Said *al<J Newton; Sacks, a member of the i.,Levitt of St. Paul, Minn.', son 28, 29 and 30. Both boys are out- equal so far as business matters Saturday evening at 9 o'clock, Washington, D. C. (WNg) — will be for the purpose of foreclosingCity Neil' Bk. said mortfrape, for costs of sale and all a formal dance will be held in the A.;Z. A. an* a Golden• Eagle -In >f Mr.; and Mrs. J. L. Levitt, Bel- standing debaters and were rated are concerned." Sources close to the administraaccruing: couts, and for the purpose Of OF -DISSOLtmON OF PM5X,- satisfying- the amount levue Apartments,- this city. The as one of the three, highest negaBall Room of the Bellevue Apart- Scout rank, will direct the.activinow due thereon, tion-report that President Roose- NOTICE Attempting:to defend the Nazi 1 IFPS DRESS CO., A CORPORATION tive teams In the district meet. to-wit: $300. O f t interest at «•<, 1 Notice Is hereby elven that at the from August 23rd.with ment Hotel, A nine-piece orches- ties of the troop. All bpys of date of the spring wedding has velt is in favor of continuing the annual regime's anti-Semitic policy, Lip1934: no other meeting of the stockholders of suit or other proceeding's that scout' age,fwhp wish tor'^olii the at IRW not been'set. They left Wednesday-again for tra will; furnish mUBlc for dancpert explained that "what the Na- Congressional Investigation into Philipps Dress Co.. a corporation, held been instituted to recover said debthave or Omaha, Nebraska, on the ?2nd day ing. . facilities will be provided troop are asked; to. leave ^ Miss Tankel, who was a recent Des Moines, la., to represent their tional Socialist state had to con- activities of Nazi propagandists at of January.' 193o, the. following resolu- any part thereof.. name at t^he office of the Jewish Bchoolin the Drake debate tournfor playing cards for those who visitor in, the. Leavjtt home here, of dissolution was adopted: CHARLES SHERMAN, Mortpag-ee.tend with was the circumstance and native Fascist organizations. tion Community Center.'' V " j^ Is a • graduate of the University ament. "RESOLVED, That two-thirds of the By: Nielsen, Sherman & Goodblnder, do not care to dance.; that certain Jewish elements had It is understood that after read- stockholders Kin Attorneys. in meeting duly assembled The Junior Congregation, un- striven for, and in some Instances ing the report of the McCormack concurring that it is in the Interest of s-s-st. ; Sunday evening, a special serv>f Minnesota. Mr. Levitt attended stockholders that the company's ice In the main auditorium of the Matinee Dance by the •University of. Iowa and the der the guidance of Mr. J. Z. actually had attained, not only a Committee, President Roosevelt the business be terminated ana that accordingly the company be and hereby 1* Stadlan, are continuing to hold position of economic privilege conferred with members of the dissolved synagogue will precede the banUniversity,of Minnesota. Bnd that the officers proceed its regular Sabbath services on but one of exercising an influ- Committee and Democratic lead- to wind tip quet at 6:30 o'clock. The banits affairs forthwith." Young Judea Sunday PHIL.IPPS DRESS CO. each Friday afternoon at 5 quet will be opened witn the singMr. and. Mrs. Samson Krupnick, ers of Congress and expressed ap- By Paul Fhllipps, ence upon our political and culpresident. and secreThe Young. Judean Club will whose marriage was an event of o'clock and on Saturday mornings tural life which was intolerable. proval of the Committee's desire tary. ing of America. Rabbi M. Braver 8-15-85—St. will offer the invocation and Can-? give its annual Matinee Tea last .month, were honored, at a at 10 o'clock at the Chevra B'nai To resist that was not only the to pursue further its inquiry. : tor Pliskin will give the benedic- Dance at the .'Sioux Apartment party given by their friends, last Yisroel synagogue at 618 Myns- right but the duty of the leaderFKAI>ETXI5€RG, WEBB, BEBES. Encouraged by the support of *: KEIXX, Attorneys. tion. The address of welcome will Ball - Room " Sunday ' afternoon, Tuesday evening i n the social hall ter street. All children are in- ship of the German people, but the President, Chairman McCor- KLVTZNICK €50 Omaha National Bb. Bide. vited to attend these services. be given by John Lansberg, presi- March 10, at 2:30 o'clock. Miss of the Shaare Zion synagogue. this need not affect the economic mack and other members of the NOTICE OF AMENDMENT • TO Sophie' Fish is the general chairdent of the congregation. Plans are being made, for the interests of the Jewish minority Committee are preparing legisla- 'AKTICJ.ES OF INCOKPORATIOK Refreshments concluded the Notice is hereby Riven that on the • . A pageant depleting'the history man of the dance.V . evening, and a gift was presented March meeting of the Council tion to carry out the Commit- 6th day of February, • 1935, the Hurtof the . congregation will-be the , Assisting Miss Fish are. Misses to Mr. and Mrs. Krupnlck.. Mr. Bluffs Senior^ 'Hadassah to be in Germany, insofar as those com- tee's recommendations. Sanders Motors, a Nebraska corporation, with Us principal place of transacting featuire^of the evening's program. Annabell Emlein, Caroline Fish- Krupnick is an instructor in the held on Tuesday afternoon, March posing- that minority show a willbusiness at Omaha, - Nebraska, adopted It was also learned that the an to recognize certain culamendment to HE Articles •of' IncorThe pageant has been written by gall, and Mlna Slotsky, refresh- local Hebrew school. .- . . 26, Instead of Its regular meeting ingness necessities and to manifest Committee has received evidence amended to read as follows: Mrs. S.H. Shulkin. Mr. Hal Bunt- ments; Velma'. 3eechen,.-:. Elaine date of March 20, in order to cele- tural I. Department of Justice The name ARTICLE of thl« corporation shall ley is directing the pageant, with Shlaefer and Goldie Lehman, tic- Miss Rogie Kosberg, 1507 brate the day designated as the a corresponding sense . of re- from agents linking Sir Oswald Mosbe Barish-Sanders Motors. . Frank Margolin assisting. Inci- ket sales;- Rose-Bashefkin, Mar- Jones • street, departed Tuesday twenty-thisd anniversary of the sponsibility." at Omaha. Nebraska, this Eth He then went on to say that ley, leader of the British Fascists, dayDated o£ February. 1936. dental music for the pageant will garet Kosberg and Miriam Blank;, evening for Kansas City, where National Senior Hadassah. to Fascist movements in this Ben Sanders, president. Germany "would gladly buy entertainment;. Sara Sadoff, Rosa- she has accepted a position.. be given by a string ensemble.: M. M. Bferish. secretary. country. American products now to the By Edward D. Brodkey, lte attorney . Rabbi Gerspn; Hadas, rabbi of gene Passman, Marion; Shiloff, fi. • • • S-16-4V This evidence was not includsame amount as previously, if only the conservative: congregation of nance; Betty Osno'wltr and Sylvia Miss Sarah Bernhardt left Suned in the Committee's report beE Y M A N I . E T I K . A t t o r n e y. we were given a chance to pay '. Kansas City, will Be the principal BorBhevsky; publicity. Patterson BSJdl day evening ..for Cleveland where for them in German merchandise. cause it was received too late. speaker' of the evening. Rabbi . A number of guests from, out she will make her home. NOTICE OF XSTKATION J J f " But this, unfortunately, is not " ilargojis, .who was previously of. .town are . expected t to attend In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska: possible in the degree that could Mayflower to Refuse ' scheduled to speak, will "be'un- and' the ticket, cbminlttee an-, The ' Beta Chi club held. Its In the matter of the estate of be desired, because of conseable* to do so because"of illness. nounced 'that preparations' are meeting at the home of Miss Belle BESSIE OSHEROFF. Deceases. York, (WNS)—Taking a McFaddesa Headqu&rters All persons Interested in said estate quencs arising from a boycott Mr. Max Ginsberg, who Is -In being made ' to accommodate ' a Cohen, 2310 Court street, last are hereby notified that a petition hap been filed in said Court alleging that charge of the arrangements for capacity attendance. Refresh- Saturday evening. An impromptu cue from the 241 members of the movement, which is based upon Washington (JTA)—The May- said deceased died leaving: no last wil! Central Conference of American the entire three days' activities, ments will be served. Miss Fran- program comprised the evening's completely false assumptions and flower Hotel here will not permit and prayinfr for administration upon her estate, and that a hearing: wil! be hpf* will sp,eak briefly. Remarks will ces Jacobson is advisor of the entertainment,' which was . con- Rabbis, the organization of Re- which arises from a whipplng-up Louis T. McFadden, the anti-Se- on «af<? petition before said court or, form rabbis, who in their indi- of untruths by a small American the 16th d a y of March, 1S35. and that group. cluded with refreshments. vidual capacities signed a state minority that has made its In- mitic would-be candidate in the If they fail to appear at seta Court on the said 16th day of March 1SS5, next presidential election, to have ment expressing approval of the fluence felt." at 9 o'clock A. IT. to contest said petition, the Court may grant, the a&mn his. headquarters at the hotel, Members of the Debra club met ideals and principles of Palestine Rabbi Lewis to Be on and grant administration of said estate Monday evening In' the home of labor, the Rabbinical Assembly Assembly said that "as religious manager R. L. Pollio declared. to Harry- Osheroff or some other suit. person and proceed to a settlement :. Convention - Program Miss Rosejean, Passman. Plans of America, representing the 250 leaders we are of course strongly Mr. Pollio, in a statement made Rfele thereof. for, the club'8 spring formal were conservative rabbis, reaffirmed devoted to traditional Jewish re- here, expressed his. surprise that CRAWFORD, " \ pv'r Theodore, • X,'" %py(la V offurthered-and the meeting was its official and authoritative en- ligious concept3 and forms. The McFadden had announced the !-J*-St. ERTCE , County Judge. Mount Sinai. Temple " han ^ been closed with a social hour and re dorsement of the labor movement resolution of our convention indi- Mayflower hotel as headquarters, asked to appear'on'ths program freshments. In -Palestine adopted at its 34th cates our dissent with irrellgion for his propaganda campaign. He of the convention of'the. Union of annual contention in July, 1934. In Palestine or anywhere else. declared that McFadden has not American Hebrew Congregations, Emphasizing that such reaffirma- Nevertheless, we insist on our been registered at the Mayflower when that organization meets on Committee Sees End of tlon is necessary at this time in sympathy with the social aspira- Hotel for nearly a year and has ws'ffe $ms-rl4br tsttfi March 22, in Washington, D. C. view of the charges made against tion of the Histadruth. In addi- also not applied for any informaCasadiaa Anti-Semitism 'PRACTICAJu -MOKEIJ ' Dr. Lewis will, represent, Mount the Palestine labor movement in tion, it is a matter of record that tion from the administration of © '105© Sinar Congregation at the convex - New York (JTA) — The anti- certain quarters characterizing the Histadruth. and its affiliate the hotel about establishing the -Staffs, la. tlon. The , convention'of ! Tempi Semitic Nazi movement In Cana- the allegation that the Histadruth organizations have been respect- headquarters of his party there. Sisterhoods and' Brotherhoods wil da will definitely decline as a re- 1B stirring up class warfare as "a be held i n Washington •> a t ' th sult of the verdict Issued In Man-cloak behind which reactionaries ful of the traditional practices of their fellow Jews. However, we London.—Great Interest WEE game time. •. . itoba against William Whittake^ have, taken refuge to attack those share with the Histadruth those expressed in Jewish circles here prohibiting him to carry on anti- who strive to defend the rights of religious Ideas and ideals which over the report that the Cabinet Jewish propaganda, the Ameri- the oppressed, the Rabbinical As- recognize the sanctity and dignity has been given for, its. consideraJunior Poale.Zion can Jewish Committee said in a sembly went OK record as follows: of human life and which strive tion a plan for empire defense The Junior Poale Zlon held a statement issued here. "We express hearty affirmation for the establishment of a society Including stronger sir bases at special business meeting Tuesday The failure of Whittaker to ap- of the contributions of the labor in which these ideals will toe Palestine. Y l i ; SENSIBLY P&SCiP evening in-the home of Miss Dor. pear in court and to defend his movement, led by the Histadruthl realized. We agree with the His- *rThe plan, which also provides Kurz. ' ' * STen to fbo cboics of fboas trtsa anti-Semitic viewpoint may reduce to-the rebuilding of the Jewish tadruth that only through a co- for air stations at Gibraltar, Following • the -- meeting '. th< A>maad tbo best for £&«lr aimhis -Nazi organization to an in- National Home in Palestine and operative commonwealth can such Malta and Aden, wes presented «y—a hospltebla atmospbera. members- gave.* a '.farewell part; significant group, the statement the advancement of the' ideal of a a society be established and these by Sir Maurice Hankey, secrefisi» aceonuaodaUoas, dsllctons for Miss Allce,Noviniky,"a.mem Baeala and prompt, eootf^at ' ,* ber of -the: group Vn'o Is leavin aays. In the city-of Winnipeg this co-operative commonwealth. We religious ideals be achieved. We tary of the Committee of ImperStrvles. 17nqas3Uonabl7 Sious in the labor movement': in ial Defense. to make her home in California. organization has almost reached furthermore urge a deeper con- see the vanishing point already, bu sciousness of a more "sympathetic Palestine the only instrument lor in some rural districts Mr. Whittoward. the rich tradi- obviating in that land the ecoAddresses Wpmen!s Club taker and some of his lieutenants attitude tional and religious • heritage of nomic" sins which have beset the Rabbi H.'R. RablnoWitx spoke are still carrying on, but .with di- Israel which is basic to the social modern world. As religious men before members' of " th'e Educa- minishing effect, It was stated. " idealism of the labor movement. •we must give wholehearted suptional Department .of. the' WomReferring; to the charge that port to the idealistic aspirations an's club yesterday '.afternoon on > Patronize the Jewish Press ad- the - Histadruth teaches" and dis- of the labor movement in the upseminates atheism, the Rabbinical building of bur homeland." HOTELS -CO. "Untrumpeted ,Livea/J_ * -•> vertisers." *



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