Dedicated to the Ideals o£ Judaism
tSie Ente*&§' ts of die Jewish' Petiple
Entered as Second Class Mall Matter on January II. 1921, at Fostoffiec of Omaha," Nebraska, under the Act- of March 8, 1S79
Says Jewish Dietary Laws Aid to Health
FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1935.
XI.—-NO. 5,
London, (WNS)—The Jewish The Temple Israel Sisterhood dietary laws are an important announces that Louis "Unterpreventative against disease, Dr. ineyer, who was scheduled for an Arbuthet Lyon, eminent English address here, will be unable to physician, declared in an interBars N a n Collections fulfill his engagement as he was Zionists Make First Authoritaview with th& Jewish Daily Post. Feast o! Lots Bears Signitive Jewish Bequest for of Money for unable to change his sailing date Dr. Lyon declared too that the Regulation Defense so as to permit him to speak ficant Message to health teachings of the Talmud were an important factor in prehere. j Jewry Today New York (WNS.)—Efforts of Berlin (WNS).—The first reserving the Jewish people in the Mr. Untermeyer will, however, Paris, (JTA)—The executive face of thousands of years of suf- guest by an authoritative Jewish Nazi organizations to exploit the ! speak here upon his return from The celebration ot Purim, the spokesman for the regularization Hauptmann case for anti-Semitic abroad this coming fall. Feast of Lots, will begin on Mon- committee of the World Jewish fering and persecution. and clarification of the status of activity were temporarily blocked day evening,' March 18. The sig- Congress has decided not to hold terman Jewry under the Nazi re- when the city department of welnificance of the festival looms the congress in 1935 as originally Louis Killer was elected preeixj, e machinery for the sixth . large throughout the history of contemplated. gime was voiced here by the fare issued an order halting all cent of the Highland Country jE u a i Jewish PhilanthropSep the Jewish people. The story of further collection of money for The decision was reached In Juedische Rundschau, organ of club &t the -annual etag dinner j paign in Omaha is being the Book of Esther upon which connection with developments in the German Zionist Federation, the defense of Hauptmann. Memheld Monday evening at the Pax- oiled for the approaching ' it is founded bears a signal mess- the American Jewish Congress bers of the so-called Hauptmann when it outlined a four-point proage today to Jewry and the -world which is calling an extraordinary defense committee, which, has ten. He succeeds Abe Kerzberg, -with, the details being- i gram as a basis for determining conference in Philadelphia on been sponsoring meetings at at large. who was recently honored lor his ally and thoroughly worked <MH the official position of Jewry •which large sums were collected According , to the Book of March 16. The Philadelphia gathSofia,'(JTA)—Premier Elatoff,! services as president for eight Philip M. KlutEnick, - geBP"*^ ering is being convoked for the Vienna, (JTA)—T h e enact- within the framework of the Nazi and violent anti-Semitic literature Esther, Ahasuerus, the king of purpose of postponing the electhat receiving a delegation of the Jewyears. chairman ot the campaign, ie pMl: distributed, were warned ment of a law permitting Jews to state. Persia and Media, had deposed ish consistory last week, made it Other officers are: Sam J. t further collections would not be selecting the men and women v-'bf his queen Vashti and chosen tions in America to the World actively defend their honor was Although there is no indicaclear that the Bulgarian govern- Leon, vice-president; Al Mayer, i Esther, a beautiful Jewish or- Jewish Congress from April 28 to demanded in a memorandum sub- tion as to the government's re- allowed without a permit. No perlead, the various divisions.. thinks highly of its Jewish mitted to the Austrian govern- action to this proposal, it is note- 1 rait has been granted by the city. ment phan, for his' new queen. About a later date. subjects and intends to maintain | secretary; H a r r y Malashock, j This week he announces the »>rThe World Jewish Congress ment b y the Jewish People worthy that this is the first time Although several thousand dolthe same time, King Ahasuerus its policy of equal rights for | treasurer; Lazar Kaplan, esecu- j pointment of Harry Trustin, ci;< will probably be held not before League of Austria. likewise had raised his general, such a request has been officially lars have already been raised, the 1936, it was stated here. In the ; tive secretary. commissioner, SR chairman oi The memorandum points out made by a recognized Jewish committee members have refused them. Haman, to the position of prime possibility was that the Nazi subsidized press in "The present regime," the pre- | T h e |>oar<i of directors who will j important general solicitations minister.' Haman had had a- dis- meantime ,the to account for the money. mouthpiece. At the same time, pute with Wordecai, a cousin of discussed here of convoking a Austria is conducting anti-Jewish however, the Jewish community This is the second setback re- mier declared, "adheres uncon- serve a three-year term include: vision. French congress during the sumpropaganda which is reaching a found that Jewish refugees, re- ceived by the Nazis in their at- ditionally to the policy of equality L. L. Burkenroad, Dave Feeler, Queen Esther, and he? made his In accepting- this private quarrel a basis of hatred mer of 1935. This project, how- point of danger for the Jewish turning to Germany need expect tempt to cash in on Hauptmann. of rights for Jews as well as for Commissioner Trustin emj ml. Leon, the Importance of the against the entire Jewish people. ever, is meeting with strong op- population. The fact that the au- no favors from the government. Warned by Edward J. Reilly, other national minorities. The J. H. Kulakofsky, Sain J. One day Haman sat in council position on the part of those Jew- thorities do not take any action Some thirty refugees, who be- Hauptmann's chief counsel, ' that I present regime will maintain this j Milton Livingston, Morris Milder Philanthropies drive. representatives who are against the anti-Semitic incitepolicy.' snd H. A. Wolf. •with King Ahasuerus. "When Ha- ish "The annual Philanthrope**lieved that the anti-Semitic drive he would have nothing more to Premier Zlatoff asked that speAbout eighty members attend- campaign," Tn?stin declared, "J* man saw that - the king was seeking to establish in France ment of the Nazi press is re- had abated, re-entered Germany, ! do with the defense fund if its pleased with his advice, he an organized Jewish representa- gretted by the Jewish population, only to find themselves under ar-j sponsors continued to drag In a cial greetings be conveyed to the j ed Monday's affair. an established institution- in onA m o n g t h e improvements communal life. The invportnacp *•'•'. brought charges against the Jew- tive French Jewish baby similar the memorandum emphasized. rest as suspicious characters, and Jewish issue, speakers at the last Bulgarian Jews now residing in) The Nazi preS3 in Austria, facing long terms in a special j * ish people living in Persia, false- to the board of deputies of Britffund-raising d i i meetings made Palestine. These greetings will be • planned are construction of an maintaining It. on a EOKTK* b»fcl* lit a point to repudiate the sale delivered by Chaim Farchi, presi- i outdoor dance floor, redecorating is BO great that no conscienUonf: which has been prohibited for a concentration camp. ly accusing them of being. turbu- sh laws existing in English. "' Rundschau'sU nd distribution of the pamphlets j dent of the Jewish community of of the clubhouse, a v e r s i o n of jJ e w c a n a b E t a l n f r o m elyiilg l t ;-[lf time by the Austrian authorities, lent, rebellious people,, inclined The Juedische has resumed publication, after an program envisages the following and leaflets that contain mate- Bulgaria, who is on his way to the dining room into a lounge, jf l l n e s t degree of co-operation, to disloyalty, but without menunderstanding reached between points: (1) ending of public in- rial blaming the Lindbergh, baby's Palestine to investigate a .project and rebuilding of the golf tees. tioning the name of the people. ! "The general solicitations *'»•Vienna and Berlin Not fearing sults to Jews; (2) granting of of- death on a Jewish ritual murder tor establishing a special colony The king was disturbed., Haman vision, is charged with the <Mrr-any hampering.on the part of the ficial and unofficial economic and charging that Hauptmann's for Bulgarian Jews there. r promised to bring 10,000 silver ; cult task of reaching the ISTTPK:. The Jewish community in BulAustria government, the Nazi equality to Jews; (3) Jewish au- conviction is the result of a Jewtalents into the royal coffers .for number of the Philanthropicnewspapers are spreading libelous tonomy over their own cultural ish plot. Although the speakers garia consists of thirty-four local permission to exterminate this contributors. This reoinres Tin; divisions recognized by the govallegations against the Jews, pois- institutions under government su- were forced to assume this attigroup.. And without knowing .the only a willingness to give bv> t, oning the population with anti- pervision; (4) regulation of Jew- tude, they continued to attack the ernmenU There are a number of name of the' people, King Ahasu| willingness tc work HE veil. Wt. Jewish members in the local rsuJewish propaganda. erus granted to Haman power to sball shortly issue p call f"r ish migration. In explaining its Jews by implication. councils. Tie Jewish Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor AgenAlphonse Koelble, an official of i nicipal confiscate their property and to Chancellor Schuschnigg, in s program, the Zionist organ deI workers. I SIP confident we v-iir exterminate the Jews within his cy)—The Palestine government reply to a Jewish corresponded clares that the present uncertain- the Friends FYiends of the New Germany, j schools In Bulgaria receive subi meet a healthy response." J»»»•' will have a net profit of its 1935- here, has declared that he does ty of the legal status ot the Jews dominions. that the enemies of the Gerfrorn the municipality, .„_. -. .. : year close to four hundred n«rr. At Mordecai's-suggestion and 1936 fiscal operations of about not intend to take any measures creates chaos because every petty man people and the German gov-}amounting to ?15,000 a year. «~ ;>„«' T / v. -and women volunteered ih^~ .for settling-25,000- Jewish; Jcw; The. majority of the 50,000 |t tit great personal risk Esther 10 million dollars, it is estimated against the Nazi press. "The Jew- official interprets the laws as he ernment framed Hauptniann.ini . . German na- < Jews residing is Bulgaria are"en- amilies at Biro-Bifijan and the; r r m U ^ in addition to tAWns ]t tcame unbidden into the king's in official circles here, according ish press can combat the Nazi al- p e e .; p and points out that con-,j order He to_ msult _th:_Germau j ^ j ^ ^ l a s s , a I 1 t r a d e & B d , E a r t i s . ; f i o e t i l s g o £ ..a $5f0€-0,CP0- long also charged -"-'< presence and invited him and to a well-informed" local source. legations and has the full liberty pleases; ox> the city council, is % ditions arising from this situation. I tion. •by a } ansfcip.. Half -of the Jewish., -pops- j terra. loan to .finance- this- |sr, it' Haman, fe_.dtae wlth.her^on two Next year> budget, which, com- toilo. ;so^v_the xhancejior nsaid*, of the executive committee of O>»are Intolerable. ' Isres which '-'is controlled are now csSer v&y Is Moscow becertain element of the popula- j lation resides in the three larger successive ~ Wenings. The king mences on April lVTKs'been fixed Jfcwleh ComnsjitiKy Center »n/i wno ventured to tween ttsfc Bovlet authorities-and at $27,500,000, income and $17,agreed. Haman WEB overjoyed. Welfare Federation, is a pwl. return and "found themselves un-i«on," convicted Hauptmann even cities of the country. About thirty Dr. LwcwitcX'head of the, Paris ' H At the second feast, Esther told 500,000 expenditures, • and - the president ol the B'n&i Brith, r>t. der arrest are to be transferred before the trial; and referred t o j ^ r cent o. the office of the ORT, it vras revealed .,' the king-of Haman'B trickery and margin of profit will be spent enthe board of Beth-El, and active to an "educational camp," an eu- Attorney General Wilentz as "Wi- j population are laborers. here by Henri Bodenhejmer.-pres\_1~ said it was her own people that tirely- during the year on new in bey scout work. phemism for a concentration lensky." The lurid anti-Jewish j ident of the "World CRT -fefieracapital works, such as public literature is still being sold in the h rf.Haman sought to destroy. The He states that the i _.. camp. Some were released after i tion and prominent French JewPlans are going forward for the rigorous questioning on their vicinity of the meeting halls and king became furious, and ordered buildings, railroad improvement, of his assistant chairmen for t.h*. i ish communal- leader and banker. Haman to be hanged on the gifc- airport construction, road build- organization conference of the promise to quit the country im- shouts of "the Jews did it" emageneral solicitations will Mr. Bofienheimer said that the western region of the Mizrachl, mediately. In the cours3 of the nate from the audiences that pack btit that, in anticipation, he had ing and the like. ably be ready by nest week. entire loan -would be guaranteed The cash surplus reserve hith- Sunday, March 31. Delegates questioning, police officials said the meetings. prepared for MordecaL The deInttinl GiiU. London (JTA) — Making it j and repaid by the soviet gcverncree of Ahasuerus permitting the erto accumulated, which is almost have been invited from eigh that since they had been abroad J. H. KulakofBky, wbo tn«; clear that if Transjordan is not I ment with interest. Refunding extermination of the Jews could 25 million dollars, will be kept states and- response has already for so long they must be re-eduweek was chosen to head the lrDR. MOSES JIMG TO opened for Jewish immigration will begin in IS40, he stated. not, according to the laws of the intact as a nest-egg if anything been received from many dele- cated in Nazi doctrines before Itial gifts division—the gronr Mr. BodeEheimer also disclosed the Jews will flock to Syria and jlledes and Persians, be recalled. ever happens to slow down the gates who are going to attend. they are allowed to resume perthat obtains the larger donation* BE NEXT OM JEWISH form a substantial force in that the Jews of France have al- —has already started v,-ork ic Bat the king issued a proclama- rate of contributions to the gov- Among those who will be here manent residence in the Reich. tfae Near readyr a i s e d a $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 l o a n tcLECTURE PROGRAM the French politics in tion giving the Jews of Persia ernment coffers out of the rapid are Rabbi M. Laderman with earnest, East, Lord Melehett recommended wards the ?5,000,000 loan which permission to organize for self-de- development of this land, mostly group from Denver, Rabbi J Kulakofsky a-nisonnces the apbe floated by the Jewish Re- pointment of Milton K. Dr. Moses Jung of the School in the London Times that the BriBraver with delegates from Kan Turns Over $1,000,000 fense, and they fought and routed resulting from Jewish activity. It is anticipated, however, that sas City, Mo., Kabbi I. Levine of Religion, University of Iowa, tish government agree to admit construction Fund. their attackers. ' as vice-chairman o£ this Business to Employees will deliver an address at the Jews He expressed confidence that Abrahams has been active 3n into Transjordan. To commemorate this deliver- the Palestine administration will among the delegates from St. B'nai Israel synagogue on SunLord Melchett points cut that the entire $5,000,000 would be ance from the hands of Haman, have a far larger profit than it Joseph, Mo., and Rabbi Cramer New York (WNS.)—A minion- day, March 24, under the aus- the present congestion in Pales- subscribed "by the Jews of Amer?- communal work and in Phi; the Jewish people established the is now budgeting.. Last year the from Centerville, Iowa. Many dollar lithograph and novelty pices of the Jewish Lecture se- tine is causing troubles and is ca> England, France and other thropy. drives. He is a past fourteenth of the month Adar as treasury, officials . anticipated a other delegates - are expected to dent of the B'nai Brith, business founded nearly 30 years ries. threatening to defeat the Eionist countries, and pointed out that secretary ot the Temple, mem bar a day "of feasting and Joy,'and of revenue during 1934-1935 of only send In reservations. ago by Morris H. Einson, a RusThe Jewish Lecture series a r e ; aims. A Jewish immigration into the money was secured because oJ the executive committee of tb*s sending presents one to another 15 million dollars, and actually The conference is to be cli- sian Jewish immigrant, is now guarantees sponsored by the Young Men's Transjordan would relieve this the soviet government and gifts to the poor." The festi- returns amounted to nearly 25 maxed by a banquet at the Jewish , ... . . . . i V i Jewish Communitv Center owned by Einson's employes who Vaad and the Junior Yaad Auxi- congestion,, he argues. val typifies the false' accusatios million dollars. It is expected Community Center and is open to its repsyment with Interest with- j W e if- r e Federation, and is received it as a gift. liary. "The B r i t i s h 1 government in fifteen years. made against Jews in every gen- that there will be a much Alglier the general public. Reservation: on the Temple board. Mr. Einson is retiring from Mr Bodenheimer revealed that Dr. Jung, who is an outstand- should be interested In making it eration. Its chief message, how- income than $27,500,000 next are seventy-five cents and can be At a prelim in arj- meeting control of the business which ever, Is that it recalls the tri- year. made by calling the Jewish Com henceforth will be owned t by the ing Jewish personality in uni- possible for a large central Jew- the soviet UEion is prepared to Sunday and attended by AbraThe extraordinary solvent conversity life, will speak on "A ish population to unfold itself speed, twenty-five per cert of all hams, Klutznick, Kulakofsky fttifi umphs of the Jewish people over munity Center. men who have been, associated Plea for dition of Palestine's finances is Dynamic Judaism." within the British Empire. Any money subscribed to the loan in Paul Goldblatt, new executive- diinjustice and tyrannywith him for 10 years. providing a never-ending wonder Chairman of the lecture will be delay in the opening of the any country for supplies for the rector of the Federation and Ct»ft-. The Einson-Freeman company, Mr. N. S. Yaffe. to world economists who perceive L. WITKIN IS HEAD Transjordan for Jews Trill divide colonists in that country and tc ter, preliminary arrangement*; one of the largeFt of its kind, a remarkable phenomenon in this Tickets for this lecture and the the Jewish population between j provide the settlers with free v,*ere made for the initial gifts OF LABOR LYCEUM grew not of a small showcard position of affluence at a time final lecture which will be held Svria, which is under the French, land. drive. business started when Mr. Ein- in April and which will consist and Palestine, which Is under the when other countries are wedged The checking oi prospect lis.'j? .' The Labor Lyceum association son was 14 years old. in the mire of business depresof a symposium on the Jewish British- domination," Lord Milhas already been started, and j-l>*= held its thirteenth annual meet A former Philadelphia newssion. air j Initial Gifts drive will be fully oring, Sunday, March 10, at 3 p. m boy, Mr. Einson has been promi- scene In which all local Rabbis chett states. Experts, aver that these" boomU ] ganized shorilr. at the Labor Lyceum at 22nd and nent in Jewish communal affairs will participate, are seventy-five ing times are apt to develop still cents. Tickets for tne single lecClark streets. Paj" up Old Mettles. In "Westchester county, where he ture are fifty cents. Tickets can ARGENTINE'S .NAZIS' further if a larger rate of Jewish Goldblatt announces that thtt New officers elected are as folbe procured through the members New York, (JTA) —Viadimir immigration into Palestine is per- lows: L.'Witkin, president; S lives. clerical -work for the entire mitted. Jabotinsky, president of the of the Junior Vaad or by calling PEign -will be thoroughly and ntSelicow, vice-president; S. SusLeipzig, (JTA)—Tbs best illtt- ficientlr organised. World Union ol Zionist RevisionJa. 08S7. Buenos Aires, (JTA)—The inman, treasurer; L. Ruben, secre- JEWISH STUDENTS ists, speaking here last Saturday vestigation started here against stration of- how Germany is hit tary; and A. Forman, L. Gitlin He declared that the present: LEAVE UNIVERSITY ntght, said social justice dictates Nazi activities in South America economically fcv its anti-Jewish problem ol the Philanthropic* S. Ruderman, S. Stein, I 35,000 Chalutzim that the Arabs give up Palestine has disclosed that Naxi agents j policy can be seen from the £ur was two-fold—to prepare for »R TO WORK OM FARMS Schwartz and Mrs. M. Rosenstein to the Jews. in Training Camps planned to dynamite on8 of the section of the Leipsig fair. board of directors. effective campaign the latter pars, Formerly the busiest section of Asserting that the conflict largest Jewish temples in Buenos of April or the first part of May, Jerusalem, (WNS—P a 1 c o r Tvith the Arabs involved "unpleasJerusalem (WNS — P a 1 c o r Aires and to murder a German tie fair, the fur section has been and also to clean up the •Agency)—One hundred students JEWISH NATIONAL FUND reSucefi to almost nothing since ant ethical questions," Jabotinsky left. or. the pledges made of the Hebrew university have Agency)— 35,000 Chalutsim are general residing in this city and Warsaw, (JTA)—A curious Jewish, firms are not at all reprepointed out that 40,000,000 Arabs Jewish National Fund collec- left their classes for the Plain of now in training in the various known for his anti-Nazi vie-vs-s. year. occupy a territory whose equiva- scene illustrating Jewish misery tions will be made at the various sented Et the fair. The majority The police also established that Sharon, where they are to work "Hachshara" camps in the dias"Unless ve, collect the lent in area in Europe is. peo- in Poland was enacted in a War- synagogues during the Purim pora, of whom 18,000 are in Po- Nazi agents had prepared a plan of fur dealers who used to dis- balances," on the farms. The university auGoldb1n.f,t decl&recL pled by ten times that number, saw court last week when a Jew- holiday. play their wares at the feir have land (including Galicia), 3,000 to set fire to many.Argentine nathorities granted them a six"•we are handicappingthe ben<v ish shopkeeper was convicted for while "little Palestine" is less E. Bloch is in charge of the weeks vacation for this work be- in Germany (which figure in- tional banners on May £4, ia or- been forced to move from Gerficiary agencies te the carrying than "one per cent of Arab land. violating the Sunday closing law. local committee. many to England ever since the cause of the acute shortage of cludes German Chalutzim train- der to provoke the reaction of ArThe judge fined the shopkeepN u i out of their rsecer-sary work, Tli.li? "If you admit self-determinaAll funds raised for the Jew- labor; A camp has been estab- ins ia countries outside Ger- geatise nationalists agaisst the Jewish boycott - against •wonid make it difficult jiqt only tion for the Arabs," the speaker er three zlotys, approximately 60 ish National Fund are used to buy lished at Hadar near Kfar Saba m . a n y ) , 4,000 ia Lithuania, Jews. I groups st&rted abroad. for the national and taternatiomai ' cents. The accused then pleaded isked, "where shall the Jews go? land In Palestine as the perpetua Further investigations into the Great Britain has therefore T>e- organizations but more parti^uwith the assistance of the Jew- 12,000 in Czechoslovakia and There is nowhere for them to go. that he would prefer to being property of the entire Jewish peoe o 5 M Nazi activities in South America I the center of the world's larlr-for the local beneficiaries, ish agricultural- labor,—the stu- 700 in Latvia. Ihall they go on starving and sentenced to imprisonment since ple, and thus aiding in the estab These figures reveal a very con- are now being conducted under f c r trade, Instead of Leipsig. dents of the University of Haifa "When -fre clear up the •uffering because the world has he was not in a position to pay lishment of the Jewish'Nationa Technical institute should devote siderable recent Increase. In Lith- strict secrecy,- since it has bees " ; ~~~ ' due pledges, then T P -will be the imposed fine. The judge Homeland. lot been evenly distributed?" themselves to agricultural work uania the number of those in. established, that officials of a Ger- ] P a l e s t i n e OrSHSSCS to concentrate more fully on oblingly sentenced him to one during the six weeks of the spring training doubled during the last man bank in Buenos Aires are Indrive," day in jail.; High Prices ia sis months - volved in the Nasi plot. 3'NAI B'MTH MEETING vacation. SfonfNightEntries In view of the great educationTO BE HELD MONDAY Defile Synagogue •Ah, , All entries for the Round al and social importance of the lifetime Gift. Table of Jewish Youth "All- introduction-of the Jewish stuWarsaw—Vandals broke Into Ti,» Tel Aviv—The • city of Tel Jerusalem (WNS-Pclcor Ageis- New York—-A pledge of an aaA Tegular meeting of the B'nai the1, synagogue in Czelads, near Star Night" must be made dents into agriculture, the stuAviv at a -meeting of its townjey.)—Palestine - orasges are gretnual gift of ? 1,000 as long as they '•tith will be held Monday eve- Sosnowiec, one night last week with the educational director dents organization intends to live was made to the New York counci! - adopted?.. & budget of j tiEg Iriigfeer prices in Germany The regular meeting of the - jng, March 18, at 8:30 p. m. at and smashed the Holy Ark. The of the J. C. C. by Monday, make it a regular custom that chapter of Hadassah by Maurice 400,060 poiiEdi This contracts ] thsas ever before. It was reported j Omaha Hebrew School Parent" . "2 Jewish Community Center. March 18. No • entry may be vandals defiled the Holy Scrolls those students who are able to do Levin, president of Heara's- De- with the tosdget • oJ 820,000 Jin the local newspapers. "eacbsrs association will 13. Ot !*» -A prominent member of the and desecrated all the rare books. made after that date: so should, during vacation, work partment store, and Mrs. Levia. for the" past ye&r. The tliiok-sklBnesS, Jsrge Jaffa j held on the regula-rly-pchednim! " "Igbton university faculty will The police did not succeed in This annual, stunt night is in the agricultural settlements. The budget of Tel Aviv is mew orang-es are. Jetchiag the .highest j meeting- day, March I t , becauws Mr. L e v i n had previously tress the organization on a sub- finding the desecratora. A serious open to any Jewish youth The students will live in a pledged $2,500 every year for the greater than, that o£ all other prices, particularly in Frankturt, of Purlxa. of present-day interest. All investigation has' begun by the group within the city. camp of., their own where educa- rest of his life to the Jewish Na- municipalities . i s Psdestine com- It Is saifi, d«e' to the small supNotice will be given later ibers are urged to be present. district authorities. tional facilities will be afforded- tional Fund. plies available. bined. the date of the next meeting.
Congress Abandons 1935 World Parley
Highland" Head
PalestineProfit -Next.-Year
Mizrachi Conclave
Can't Pay60c Ene, Spends Night
Berek Has Lead in Fremont Production
By JULIAN MELTZER (Seven Arts-Falcor Correspondent)
nival caricature, to the vicissi- It is said in the Talmud that on such occasions it was permitted tudes of their people today. For in the mllea-long carnival that one should drink and be Jolly procession that wends its way "until he knew not"—the phrase through the.congested streeta of in Hebrew being "ad lo yada." Tel Aviv there is sorrow as well And that Is the unique symbol as gaiety aid a spirit of melan- chosen for the Tel Aviv carnival choly pervades that scene of procession—Be g a y , celebrate, seemingly riotous abandon. Ha- dance, sing, until you know not inan, 4hat ill-fated Persian vizier your own self. Tel Aviv: Asked recently what who harried the Jews, has his MIXED FEELINGS distinguished this remarkable city modern counterpart in Hitler and Groups of masked revellers from all others In Jewish history, his cohorts, and though both are caper and prance through the a visitor remarked, that it had two held up to contumely,-: the exist- crowds, a gigantic familiar blue salient characteristics—that Its ence of contemporary persecutors box of the Jewish National Fund all Jewish population had grown acknowledged; with the prophecy is propelled by human steeds, to over 110,000 from twenty that they, too, will pas3 aa did stilts make their appearance and thousand or so In much less than. pharaoh and Hainan and Toraue- big sausage-like baloons, grot. a decade, and that nowhere in the mada and the friends of countless esque figures Bhow themselves in world was the traditional festi- pogroms. In the perception of procession or singly. It might be val of Purlm so exuberantly ob- their frailty and transcience lies Nice or New Orleans at the time the real, lesson of Purim among of Mardl Gras; but to Jewish served. "If all else about Tel Aviv the Jews of today. eyes, it is nothing less than—Tel Throughout the two days pre- Aviv at Purimtlde. will have been forgotten in two thousand years to come," he said, ceding Purim, which coincides Haman has been execrated "that will undoubtedly be remem- this year with March 14, trains with time-honored vim; today, bered as the place where Purim and omnibuses and horse-drawn among the designed sets and wagons and other crowded ve- floats of the procession, it is the was celebrated." That, indeed, Is not very far hicles have decanted scores of turn of the modern Inquisitors— •from the current conception of thousands of merrymakers into of Hitler and Cuza and a score of Purlm In Palestine. The rest of the city. Hotel capacity is taxed other arch anti-Semites, with) the the country seems to be deserted to its utmost; the streets, with devil taking the hindmost—-to be la Adar, in the merry month of their, bizarre names drawn bodily vilified with unparalleled gusto. March, -which has played BO vived from the Book of Esther, hum A group of swarthy Yemenite a part In the folk celebrations of with inordinate activity; the chil- Jews emerge—they are the childifferent peoples. There, is easily dren, and even their more sober dren of Israel crossing into Caa floating population of another elders, impart an exotic note of naan. A frock-coated Jew turns hundred thousand Jews cramming color to the kaleidoscopic streets out dolefully his empty pockets, and: crowding and boisterously —hung with hunting and fes- behind him skyscrapers are crashelbowing each other in the streets tooned with multl-hued decora- ing into a debris of dollar Bigns; ations—in their masquerade at- it is the economic slump in Amerof this city on the sands. Traffic regulations' are sus- tire, so that a miniature Red ica, which gave BO much to Palespended, even the very streets Indian with headdress of feathers tine until it could give no more. change ' their nomenclature, BO struts aide by side with an elderly A large cow named "Palestine" that what was yesterday and will version of an eastern potentate is being assiduously milked into a be next weefi: "Allenby Road" be- out of the pages of the Thousand' can labelled "The Treasury," rollcomes for the' joyous occasion and One Nights; and, at night, ing its ludicrously large, elephan"The Street >of Shusan the the town Is gay with illumina- tine head and emitting a sad tal" and Hordecal and Esther and tion and splendid arches of wel- moo." Ahasuerns are names bandied come. And here, in the procession, is about from one to another; and It is a city of carnival and song, a note of pride, of exultation in Hainan and his sons are strung this city of Purim. the new land of Israel. A floatup in effigy by hilarious urchins There is a fireworks display on ful of merry, bronzed children, to whom the reign of Terpsichore this first night, the crackling of bursting with vitality and resonis a bright spot in the dull juve- innumerable squibs adding to the] ant with song, their curly heads nile year. medley of- noise. On, a. great tossing with glee. Nothing else. All the noise and conf nslon stage, blocking the larger part of But it is labelled "Free Immigrawhich Babel had devised; the Sbusan's main square near the tion—the products of Palestine." color and the'movement of popu- beach, the ramparts and cressel- And they are the scions of the lar revelry; the proximity of two- ated walls of a Persian palace new and sturdy generation of thirds of Palestine Jewry within have been erected, and un- Jewry, the stalwarts of modern a couple of square miles; these imagined thousands camp out in Jewish Palestine. It Is a scene of single out Tel Aviv In the spot- front to watch that moving of all animation and jollity. light of world Jewish attention human spectacles, the enactment The procession passes, and you upon each memorable annual oc- of the, story of Queen Esther and casion of Purim. , how she outwitted a formidable wipe away your tears of laughter, pride and joy. In a score Strange, you might muse, that tyrant, would that she lived to- sadness, of halls, the younger merrymakday! The spotless virgin led with the Book of Esther should be ers dance and raise the Palestaken so very literally in these other- maidens to the harem of tinian version of real "whoopee." King Ahasuerus, the adjurations days of materialistic conceptions, Purim passes, and the city's shopwhen so many old and cherished of her uncle Mordecai, "the assume a more prosaic beliefs should have been thrown stranger within the gates of the fronts the people go back to their overboard by a civilization con- king," her immortal strategy to aspect, daily pursuits of barter and busitent only with the obvious and trap the tormentor of her people ness, hammers ring out once more —these scenes and tableaux pass the immediate. and bricks are methodically piled before the entranced eyes of the PALESTINE, THE DIFFERENT. into new houses at the rate of fifYet that .is the very quintes- great audience,, living in the teen to twenty a day. sence of Palestine; and in reevok- richly storied past of their race. Shushan has turned back into ing the scenes of the Scriptures, Romance and an Intense nain reviving in all their palpitant tional fIrvor blend in the render- Tel Aviv, and the streets recover and vigorous life the wordB of the ing of this epic, the reaction of the their normal guise. But Purlm. Book of Esther, the Jewish people audience 1B almost spontaneous has come and gone, and left a not only recall in these days of to the spoken, acted astory, and people spiritually refreshed from their urgent nationalism, the never -were people BO emotionally their dip into the glamorous past, trials and tribulations of their keyed, so Imaginatively stirred, physically rejuvenated to tackle folk In days gone by, but: they BO wholeheartedly responsive than the problems of their persecuted brethern in the never-forgotten point appositely, the grim spectre to this Purlm play. present, determined to let none of warning apparent In every carOutside the great synagogue prejudice their national future on and the numerous other places of this soil. worship, crowds gather to listen (Copyright, 1J8S. t y Seven Arts Feature Syndicated to the readers chanting the Meglllah, the Book of Esther, telling this history in the simple and Urge Get-Togetber forceful style of the Scriptures. Montreal—A round table conIt Is a rapt congregation, tinder renc© of representatives of all By'NATE CUTLEB. the canopy: of heaven lit by a se- onlst fractions- to establish A large turnout reported for rene full moon, listening to the Lee Grossman's Innaugural ses- intonations of the cantors narrat- _ sace and harmony in Zionist sion of the Men's Health Body ing in the peculiar cadences of ranks is advocated in a resoluBuilding .class. . . . We heard Jewish ritual that which has been tion adopted by the National nothing but grunts, oohs and aahs described aa the greatest short Council of the Canadian Zionist organisation. during bur attendance; . . . The novel ever written. Meeting in special session, the K. C. T. M. H. A. team was one Tel Aviv Is Shushan again, and of the best Jewish quints ever to a dauntless woman of her people council urged the World Zionist step on the local court.. . . The has risen to Emits down the op- Executive to convene such a parvisitors passed the ball like a poli- pressor; it is an enthralling scene, ley In order to create a spirit of co-operation and understanding tician handing out cigars. compelling in its belief. and to reestablish normal relaBy the way, among the large On the morrow comes the "Adnumber of spectators was the lovada," the carnival procession. tions between all groups in the Zionist movement. pretty Miss Frances Nowltz, Chicago basketball enthusiast. Leo Sherman led the Mid-city junior • High school basketball league In scoring with 248 pointB . . . Golf and tennis are going to be boosted this year at the Center, early reports indicate. Jake Adler, beware of your horseshoe; laurels. . . . There's a new tosser around the building who throws nothing but ringers. . . . Add to our list of future cage luminaries: Young Jackie Saferstein. . . . Credit this crack to Iz Mann, -who upon being sent into the Kansas City game said: "Which way are we going?" Clear the track for Boftball. Plans are ,now under way for a better league than ever. . . . It Is our honest'opinion that Hank Greenberg of the Detroit Tigers will push Lou Gebrig plenty for -the. American league home run honors this year. . . . Manny Goldberg is out to do or die in defense of his" Midwestern A. A. U. singles handfmll championship. . . . We BtiH have nightmares everytlme We think of Abe GoldBtein slinging in those left-handed pitches In the Kansas City content. . . ; Elephants on the ceiling "If all el«e about Tel ITIII hare been forgotten in two thousand years to come, it will undoubtedly bo remembered as the place where Purlin was celebrated." So says the author of this article and tells ns why. THE EDITOR.
J. C. C Sports Chatter
The Fremont Little theater, under the direction of Samuel I. Berek, will present the famous four-act drama, "Disraeli," by Louis N. Parker, sometime in April. The title role will be portrayed by Samuel I. Berek, who will be remembered by Omaha audiences for his outstanding performance as the lead in "Captain Applejack," presented by the Center Players Guild. He also had the character lead In "The Good Hope" at the Center several years ago.
Proposed Utility Bill Discussed J. E. Davidson, president of the Nebraska Power company, issued the following statement yesterday regarding the "Public Utility Act of 1935," which is now in congress. "This bill Is of vital Interest to the people of Omaha and of Nebraska because the Nebraska Power company and all similar companies will be regulated from Washington instead of by the Omaha city commission and local city councils, which have firsthand and Intimate knowledge of local conditions. The 'home rule' method which has been very popular in Nebraska, as well as elsewhere, will be no more. "This bill is not a 'holding company bill' as it is referred to in Washington," Mr. Davidson said. "Such a title is Incorrect. The bill also seriously affects operating light and power companies, and in turn their millions of customers." Mr. Davidson went on to say that the advocates of the Rayburn utility bill do not tell the public of its far-reaching socialistic features. "In a few words," he declared, "it the bill becomes law, It will transfer to the Federal Power Commission at Washington, D. C, unlimited authority to establish, regulate, and control rates and services of all operating utilities subject to the proposed act. More than 90 per-cent of the companies operating utilities, including the Nebraska Power company, will be subject to federal regulation. "So drastic is the regulatory provision, with regard to the powers that would be conferred on the Federal Power Commission, If the bill becomes law," the power company president said, that it would have the inevitable effect of eventually destroying all private ownership of utilities, and of giving them over to a. political commission at Washington, D. C. Every transaction of the Nebraska Pcwer company with its customers, every act that t would perform for the enlargement and improvement of its service, would be hampered and restricted by the blighting influence of political red tape."
LIFE INSURANCE WHAT IT IS AND WHATITDOES... By the Service Life Insurance Company, Omaha Would you be willing to turn your business over to a stranger tomorrow, someone you had never seen before, and trust him to run It for you? That Is virtually what your wife will have to do some day when Bhe sells the business for a small cash payment and hopes for the payment of the balance out of the profits the stranger will make on the business." Would you be willing to bring in a man tomorrow, no matter how good or experienced he might be, and then trust him without a word of advice from you to make the same profits out of the business that you have been making? That is exactly what your wife may have to do some day." Would you be willing to put your business tomorrow into the control of your creditors, the jobbers and the wholesalers, and to trust their opinion absolutely as to the best method of taking care of your business? That is exactly what you are asking your wife to do some day, unless you leave her enough ready cash, at least, to cover the amounts which you owe.
Kansas City Y. M. H. A., 61; Omaha J. C. C, 28. That was the net result of the activities which took place before a large crowd of fans and fanettes in the J. C. C. gym last Sunday. But those figures only tell a small part of the story. With a lot of that "big game" tension in the air, the members of the two teams began a tight defensive exhibition in the early moments of play. Then Jimmy Burroughs got a shot from the middle. It was good, and Omaha led. Cowboy Sadofsky shot from the dead run from afar, and again the bell rang. Four points to none. Maybe Omaha was going to get that revenge for the defeat banded them by their opponents in Kansas City. The K. C. boys seemed dull, listless. Their sensation, Is Vile, hardly had a hold of the ball, and when he did get the oval, he dropped it or let it slip through his fingers. On the other hand, the Omahans were playing with enough fire to burn Chicago down again. Then from the Kansas City bench came a huge commotion. Did we say hugeT We mean gigantic. The "commotion" got to Its feet, walked to the scorer's table and reported, "Goldstein for Vile." What! Taking out Round Table Dance Vile and putting In this huge lumHeld Last Sunday bering mass of humanity, who couldn't get his trousers fastened The Round Table of Jewish properly. Coach O'SulIivan of Youth held its second dance of :he season at the Jewish Community Center on Sunday evening, March 10. The dance which followed the Omaha-Kansas City basket ball game honored both he teams. The dance featured the College Club orchestra with Ann Nieman as soloist. Jean Beber was chairman of ticket sales; Loyal Kaplan was general chairman and they were assisted by Joe Goldware, Dick Hurwitz, Gertrude Oruch, Sarah Rlfkin, Fannie Witkin, Ernest Nogg, Ernest Priesman, Al!red Fiedler, Haskell Cohen, and Max Resnick. INSURED CABS
the K. C. team must be giving his star a rest. There came the tipoff. Quickly K. C. hustled the ball down to the Omaha basket. A short pass under the basket, then there appeared a large form leaping Into the air, and a left hand pitching the ball to the meshes. Was It good? You guessed it. And who shot it? You're right again— Goldstein! The spectators almost laughed, they thought it was so funny. Even our frlond, Mr. Goldstein, put on a song and dance. The game went on. Again Goldstein connected with his left arm doing the direct damage. Then again, and again, and again. Each time Goldstein would emerge from the gathering under the Omaha hoop, and each time In some miraculous fashion he would get his left arm free for the pitch. Well, folks Mr. Goldstein just about broke up that ball game. He softened the Omaha players, and it wasn't long before other members of the visiting crew •were popping away with £;-«*at success. The half ended with the locals hopelessly behind, 28 to 10, and it was only an indomitable spirit that caused the Omaha lads to take the floor in the second half and put up a creditable showing. Eleven times, Goldstein propelled the ball through the hoop, and at that he didn't play more than half the time. Each time he celebrated his efforts with an ear to ear smile which brightened bis face. And each time he connected there came from the spectators, not a laugh, but now a groan. The man just couldn't miss and there wasn't a player on the Omaha squad who was big enough to stop this 6 foot 2-inch individual who does the Fairbanks injustice to the extent of more than 200 pounds. At that we thought it was fortunate that the rules of basket ball do not provide extra points for trick shots, for Goldstein could just ss easily have bounced the ball off his head into the hoop, or shot it, niig-style and knuckle-down, at that, through the basket. There's a moral to this tale. It's this: Don't ever laugh at a big man, who might look like he's clumsy.
Tennis Class, If Progressive Hebrew Club Enough Interested The Progressive Hebrew club If enough interest is 6ttown, Nate Cutler will conduct another of his annual tennis classes, it was announced last week by Lee Grossman. Cutler has held the classes for the last three years and they have always attracted s good following.
held a smoker at the J. C. C, March 6. A very fine program was presented. Refreshments were served.
Moves Law Office
Mr. Ben Kazlowsky announces the removal of his law offices to 532 Insurance building. The phone number will remain the same, Atlantic 4334. Kazlowsky is associated In the Announcement has been made practice of law with Louis T. Carthat Hyman Goodbinder is now nazzo. associated with the law firm of Nielsen, Sherman and GoodBerlin—Jewa will not be perbinder at 576-579 Insurance mitted to reside la the frontier areas in the Saar, it was hinted building. Goodbinder is a past interna- in the Nazi press. tional president of A. Z. A. He is secretary of the Progressive Hebrew club and an adviser of A. Z. A. chapter No. 1. At Creigrhton university be was affiliated -with Phi Beta Epsilon fraternity. He also -won the "hall of fame" contest at Creighton last year. C-2 CLUB Mrs. Irvin Levin -was hostess to the C-2 club at her home when the club held a regular meeting. Projects for the near future -were discussed.
Cleveland—Medical authorities are hailing as one of the most important recent advances in eurgical process, a new method of sparing mothers disabilities incurred in childbirth which has been developed by Dr. J. L. Bubis, consulting gynecologist of Mt. Sinai hospital, Cleveland. Dr. Bubis* method consists of the immediate surgical repair of lacerations or other injuries Buffered during the birth. The process, which is being adopted in all hospitals throughout the country, was developed at Mt. Sinai hospital during twenty years of research.
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the ante-chambers
Golfing Lessons to i LAST Be Given at J. C. C.
I lineup
with people, both Jews and Genj wards, and Turner ami Bergms.i. tiles, nobles and common, people, j at guards, in fin effort to v.~iiu: Judges and bailiffs, friends and J. C. C. basket ball fans will ' «P the season's activities with t Jewish handball artists will toe Pour persons - have signified l foes — a mixed multitude, who their intentions of taking golfing set their last opportunity of tak-| victory.^ the mark next week in defense of n in t h e await the time of my return. W « T , « •*««.* ««. tr, i« «ff«,«a M S 19S4-S5 edition ot Lee I **? bra nd Island team is their Midwestern A. A. U. titles, lessons are to be off to l>e one o£ the. ias Grossman's varsity quint, when ' "I dismount from my animal, as play* in the meet gets under by the Jewish Community Center. i amateur clubs in 'he state. | the boys take the floor for the wash my hands, go forth to my way in the Center courts, Mondav, The players are Barney Miller, j i a s t time this season against the! ^ ~ patients, and treat them to bear M a r c n l g Nate Cutler, Evelyn. Zweiback, j Wolbachs from Grand Island, ; K. K. K. AgaiJ3 with me while I partake of soxne Sunday at the Center. The game I Paterson,"::. J.—The Ku slight refreshment, the only meal j Manny Goldberg will be out to and Edward Katz. starts at S p. in. , j Klan is becoming active again Plans for the conducting of the Eight .hundred years after ews at all. Maimonides replied' .rom one side to the other. When, I take in the twenty-four hours, i retain his singles title against the Grossman will start his usual i Nev." Jersey. challenge of Bob "Wurgler, re- class will be announced after a Then I attend to my patients, his birth, the life and work of hat it was far better for a man many years after the death of cently crowned city titleholder. larger number of players have Malmonides will be celebrated ,o cling to his faith inwardly and Maimonides, the disagreement write prescriptions and directions for their various ailments, i Manny defeated Wurgler in the signed up. The coaching will be throughout the United States bow to force outwardly than to was carried to non-Jewish authorfree of charge. Patients go in and out until night- j finals of last year's meet. by both Jews and non-Jo«TS, ;ive himself up to a futile mar- ties, Maimonides' works were orIn doubles, it'll be Paul Grossfall, and sometimes even, I solwho recognize his influence on ;yrdqm by openly flaunting his dered burned. But. like the man and Morrie Bloom, defendreligion and philosophy. Pro- true religion. This declaration books burned in the Nazi bonfires emnly assure you, until two ers, against the field. These two Bequests Made by hours and more in the night. I fessor Albert Einstein is hon- brought the young man the gra;wo years ago, they only gathered converse with and prescribe for have easily been the class of all Pearfmasi Estate orary chairman of the celebra- titude of those Jews who had not doubles play in the city this year, tion committee. This article before known where to turn, but new strength and were assured an them while lying down from sheer and it'll take a mighty tough duo fatigue, and when night falls I Several large bequests have purports to outline only the bi- at the same time it also brought even longer life. Maimonides himself cared little am s6 exhausted that I can hard- to knock them out of their hold- been received from the estate of a TORGSIN ological highlights of Maimon- him the enmity of the Almohades, ings. Israel Pearlraan, who died Augides the man. The ^author of who took him to court on the for the attacks that were made ly speak. ORDER, t o "In consequence of this, no Isust 31, 1922. The estate has just the article is the son of Her- charge that he had relapsed from upon him and upon his writings, y o u r relatives a n d f riesids been closed, and receipts for the man Bernstein, noted author Islam. But he was saved from a and he continued his work. His raelite can have any private infollowing bequests received: and diplomat who has as- death sentence by an influential was a versatile genius. He refused terview with me except on the is. t h e Soviet U n i o n . to earn his living by making use Sabbath. On that day the whole ?3,000 to the Jewish Welfare sumed the executive secretary- Moslem friend. of his religious learning, and in- congregation, or at least the maFederation, as trustee for the .ship of the Maimonides OctoA Torgsin Order v/ilf enofale them to buy ot Again Maimonides was forced stead he entered the medical pro- jority of the members, come to Philip Klutznick spoke before j Jewish Free Loan fund; $500 to centennial, headed by Henry S. the Torgsin to flee, and, together with his sisiorgsin Stores located in even:- larger city me after the morning service, the Round Table of Jewish Youth fession. He was one of the first Hendricks of New Tork. In one the National Jetrish Hospital at ter and brother, who later died when I instruct them as to their at their forum meeting on Tuesof the U.S.S.R. to insist that the laws of diet are of the ' forthcoming issues of Denver; SSOO to the Jewish Comour publication we will publish at sea, he left for Acre, then for as important to health as the ad- proceedings during the whole day evening, March 12, at the munity Center; S7S0 to the Cleveweek; we study together a little Jewish Community _Centei\ His [ i a n d Jewish Orphan Home. an authoritative study of the Jerusalem, and finally for Cairo, ministering of drags. These stores carry about 15.000 In Cairo, he became physician until noon, when they depart. topic was "Jewish Youth Organspiritual influence of Maimon- where he settled. During all these William Pearlman, son of the different domestic and imported wanderings, Maimonides found Some of them return, and read izations and Their Part in Ameri- deceased, acted as co-trustee of to the court of Saladin, and his ides, written by an outstandarticles of high quality; CLOTHtime to begin the voluminous medical successes caused an Arab with me after the afternoon serv- can-Jewish Life." ing scholar. This article is parthe estate with Dr. P. Sher and ING, SHOES, rubbers, shirts, works that have given him the ice until evening prayers. In this i Mr. Klutznick stated that the ' j , siosburg. poet to sing: ticularly timely in view of the underwear, hosiery: FLOUR, "Galen's art heals only the body, manner I spend the day. I have principal aim in Jewish group ac- j fact that an Omaha committee title of the "second Moses." sugar, dried, and, canned, vegeHe wrote treatises on many here related to you only a part of tivity is to occupy the leisure : but - Abu-Imram's (MaimonIs at present making arrangetables, butter, coffee, and other ides') the body and soul. what you would see if you were time of the individual members j Warsaw—Plans for a renewed ments for a Maimonides cele- subjects: on the Jewish calendar, food stuffs: household goods, on logic, on diet, on felicity, and along lines that aid in the deHe could heal with his wisdom to visit me." bration.—The Editor. on the resurrection. But the first tobaccos, etc. His extreme overwork causing velopment of the individual per- j! anti-Jewish and anti-government the sickness of ignorance. drive in Poland were discovered of his important writings was a If the moon would submit to his health to fail him in his last son and in findig his place in I by the police in "Warsaw last week commentary on the Talmud. This Moses Maimonides, the Spanish years, Maimonides died at the Jewish his art, wisn life. me. i • . ,, Jewish philosopher •whose birth commentary, known as the "SirHe would deliver her of her age of seventy. All over the meT • i. t*T*i, • + a i the during a raidexisting on the anti-Semitic quarters of illegally TO PLACES WHERE THERE ARE NO TORGSfN eight hundred years ago is being aj", contains among other things to develop only the spots at the time of the dieval world, the Jews mourned solely Jewish Youth groups that social tena :Kara °party. I STORES, THE MERCHANDISE IS MAILED celebrated - throughout the world the "Thirteen Articles of Faith," him. In Cairo itself, Jews and and athletic aspects of an indifull moon, Ten ring-IeaderE were arrested ' in March and April, was the me- which are found in abbreviated PROMPTLY BY PARCEL POST. Cure her of her periodic de- Mohammedans together set aside vidual can do more harm than j dieval counterpart of the many form in the Hebrew prayer "Yigthree days in his memory. In good. At the same time, he stated, as a result of the raid. fects, exiled German Jewish scientists dal." Prices compare favorably And at the time of her conjunc- Jerusalem the Jews fasted. His | the idealistic organization which He then arranged the great and scholars of our own time. g tion save her from wan- body was taken to Tiberias, in narrows itself only to one objec- Illegal •with those in America At once Talmudlc scholar, sci- mass of Jewish law into what he Palestin.e and there hurried. It tive can also be harmful. It is Jerusalem—The Palestine goving." entist, physician and man of af- called the "Mishnah Torah," the An Arabic historian records remains there to this day, in a his belief that the national youth ernment deported, during 1934, fairs, he was compelled while still second Torah, in a form so well that Maimonides was invited to modest little grave, separated which are growing in importance 1,100 persons who entered the a young boy to flee from his na- odified and interpreted that the become court physician to "the from the rest of the cemetery by! and prestige will have the great- country illegally, it was an6t till Torgsin Stores tive city of Cordoba when a fa- understanding of the law was King of the Franks in Ascalon," a simple railing. est significance in Jewish life in nounced by the Immigration De@ by Seven Arts Featnre America. These gToups not only partment. Of this number, four natical Moslem sect, the Almo- made easy for the people. Richard the Lion-Hearted, who (Copyright, 1933, Per Torgsto Orders men Syndicate.) CENEBAL KTOESEMTATiVE ^ "Guide for Perplexed." hades, invaded Spain and set have a definite program of Jew- hundred were Jews and the rewas at that time waging a cruor «t AV.TORG, 26? Rfth Are., N. Y. But Maimondies' greatest work about forcibly converting the inish content, but develop the ath- mainder were Arabs from neighsade against Saladin. But Maithe one upon which his fame monides refused because he wish- May Fly Reich Colors habitants to their own faith. letic, social, and cultural aspects boring countries. Berlin—The central authorities of the individual member's life. He had been born in Cordoba rests to a large extent, and which ed to be with his own people. last week overruled the order ison March 30, 1135, and was thir- had a profound influence not This desire of his to be with teen when the city fell into the only upon Judaism as a religion his own people was probably be- sued by the secret police in i _._ prohibiting j WSIlt tO O& hands of the Almohades. It is or upon Jewish religious philo- cause the Jews counted so much Frankfurt-am-Main, pointed out, incidentally, that the sophy, but also upon non-Jewish upon him to settle their disputes Jewish institutions and individual j Tel Aviv—Responding to an displaying Reich | appeal recently issued by the Tel very fact that the exact date of —and particularly Catholic — and be their actual leader as well Jews from rzs I Aviv Town Council that Jewish Maimonides' birth has been pre- thinkers who followed him, was as their spiritual guide. Alfadhel, colors. The order was issued and de- youth enroll in the city's police served is evidence of the great the "Guide for the Perplexed/ Saladin's vizier, appointed Maiesteem in which he was held by Albertus Magnus, Duns Scotus, St. monides chief of the Cairo Jew- livered to the board of the Jewish force, forty young men applied to the people of his time as well as Thomas Aquinas, all acknowl- ish community and, later, chief community of Frank-am-Main, the recruiting committee for posts by later generations. The boy was edged the influence that "Rabb: rabbi of Egypt. This gave him stating that "the secret police in the constabulary. The town council's recruiting educated by his father* Rabbi Moshe of Egypt" had upon their the title of Nagid, Prince. From does not desire Jews and Jewish Maimon, who was himself one of philosophical concepts, and Spi- all parts of the Jewish world, i organizations to display the Reich committee urged that the city the leading scholars of the city. noza, too, depended upon Mai- disputes and questions concerning banner." The Jews were, however, | police force should be enlarged Despite legends of his strong dis- monides' conclusions for some of religious and even domestic I permitted by the secret police to j immediately with an additional • j hundred Jewish constables. inclination for study.in his youth, his own inspired writings. troubles were brought to him for fly the city colors. In the "Guide for the Per- solution. And Maimonides took ;Maimonides must have, been a, willing pupil, for after his thir- plexed" Maimonides rationalized this work of his very seriously, • teenth year he had little oppor- the ancient Jewish religion for _ His letter. ! tunity for quiet study, and yet he the skeptics who were beginning When, for instance, he wrote had a wide and comprehensive to ask reason's for religious be- to a scholar describing his daily lief and practice. He tried to mod- life, he said in his letter: knowledge in his twenties. ! The Invasion ot the Almohades, ernize, to a certain extent, the "I dwell at Misr (Fostat, or who insisted that all "infidels" Jewish religion, to reconcile it Old Cairo) and the Sultan resides become converts to Islam, or else with the scientific attitude which at Kahiro (Cairo); these two choose between death and exile, even then was making great in places are two Sabbath days* brought about the uprooting of roads into the traditional faith. journey (about a mile and a half) the family, and for. twelve years It was his purpose to make this distant from each other. My duStore Closes Friday, 4 P. M. Rabbi Maimon led them on zigzag- concept of Judaism so elastic tha ties to the Sultan are very heavy. ging nomadic wanderings over no change or new scientific theory I am obliged to visit him every To Prepare for the Sale the face of Spain. Much like the could drown out the ancient be- day, early in the morning; and ousted Jewish professors, who for lief. Thus, for the perplexed of when he or any of his children, or years had been settled comfort- his time he wrote a guide. And it any of the inmates of his harem, ably in chairs at German univer- was this very balancing of old are indisposed, I dare not quit sities and who, in 1933, were and new, this reconciliation of Kahira, but must stay during the 0 Weather-resistant. suddenly forced to seek refuge in faith and reason, that later reli- greater pant of the day in the some hospitable land where they gious philosophers adopted in palace. It also frequently hap© Wet-resistant. f| Bulkless might once more find a place to their own theological reasoning. pens that one or two of the royal work and live peacefully, these However, the conservative Jew- officers fall sick, and I must ataod light la weight. © Soft scholarly medieval refugees trav- ish rabbis were not prone to ac- tend to their healing. Hence, as a elled back and forth in search of cept his views without reserve. rule, I repair to Kahira very early and supple. © Wrinkle-proof. some city of shelter. His idea of God, not as an an- in the day, and even if nothing - Half-Converts., thropomorphic God of vengeance, unusual happens, I do not- return 0 Gentle £nd silky to touch. At last, in 1160, they settled in but rather as a philosophical con- to Misr until the afternbon. Then Fez, North Africa. Here* although cept, as an incorporeal Being-, did I am almost dying with hunger, I @ Durable, long-wearing. the city was under the control of not at all fit into their own unthe Almohades, the family was derstanding of the Bible. His re© Lustrous sad beautiful. unknown and could pass for Mos- jection of the belief in a heaven lems while retaining the old be- and hell, his insistence on regardliefs. Many of the Jews were fol- ing the - Bible as allegory rather Is engaged in the business © Moderately priced. lowing this dangerous course, than true statement of fact, all of selling all kinds of RE* thus attempting to live in peace. this angered'the orthodox. And LIGIOUS ARTICLES — Torn between their Jewish heri- his ability to rationalize their reTaleisun and prayerbooks tage and their outward-Mohamme- ligion and reconcile it with Arismethods— Jewish music — wine for danism, those half-converts were totelian reason only made them rapidly losing their ties to Juda- indignant. sacramental purposes — Kuppeaheimer crsftssis.aslil|>— ism. It was for them that MaiFight Waged. Maizos and Passover monides wrote his famous "LetThe fight that raged over his produced Valgora. It's a blsad ter Concerning Apostasy," in re- stand separated the Jews of Spain Articles ply, to a foreign rabbi who had and France into camps, liberal • of three choice Elsres — alpaca,, Res. 609 N. 50 GL 2972 declared that Jews who practiced and conservative. Anathemas and Judaism only in private were not counter-anathemas were hurled mohair and fine wooL For c o s -
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stocky or pudgy—but something inbetween the two—just didn't think French anti-Semitism a • • • subject for discussion. Not believing if possible, he scarcely Bv O. O. BASHER Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by DK. FRIEDKICH WOLF realized the concern that cabled THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY reports from Paris had engender*-! I will give a new heart and I Dr. Wolf, Germany's greated among leading Jews here. J | will take away the stony heart Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - ?2.00 He was more disposed to dis-j est contemporary playwright, I out of your flesh. I will put a new I! "Advertising rates furnished on application. > cuss the work of Ort, the organi-1 who was exiled by the Nazi re- spirit within you. And I will bezation which he heads and the! gime because of his non-Aryan |t roth thee unto Me for ever, yea ilEdltorial Office: BOO BrandeiB Theater Building. American branch of which has | b i r t h i h a s j n s t in this ; I -will betroth thee unto Me m believe that no one can take their tendered him a reception last! '.' ' • 'T;. Sioux City Off ice—Jewish Community Center righteousness and in justice, in place. Which is as it should be, Wednesday evening-, the night j country—The Editor. DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor loving kindness, and in compasfor the idea of indlspensabillty is preceding our «arly morning in- j P R l N K R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - Editor sion. an Important factor In the psytervlew. } RABBI U M MILLER - - - - - Contributing Editor In these days of Vaida-Voeyoda, Hitlers and Codreanus, it i3chology of parenthood. It is be- Mr. Bodenheimer described the j Playwright, physician, war vet-j My people are destroyed for FANNIE KATELMAN Council Blufis, Iowa, Correspondent ANlSr PILL. - ••--- - - 8ioux City, Iowa, Correspondent refreshing to read of the organization of a movement in Vienna, cause we feel that our children purpose of the Ort, namely; to jeran, artist, sailor and anti-Fas-; jack of knowledge because thou rejected knowledge, I will do without us that we give reorientate uprooted J e w I s h jcist. Born in the Rhineland in'hast 1! Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street ! under Christian auspices, to stamp out anti-Semitism. The move- cannot them so much care and affection. professionals f o r artisan ca- J1889. Son of a Jewish merchant. a j s o reject thee, that thou Shalt ment is led by Irene Harand, a Christian, and is reported to have As Victor Hugo once put It, wereers and the preparation of un- •Han sway from home at the age j he no priest to Me. already grown beyond Austrian borders into Poland, Czechoslo- love those who need us. der-privileged a n d persecuted; of twelve, and got job as cabin; My people ask counsel of their But sometimes an exaggerated Jews for a new life, sometimes in jboy on a ship plying between: stock and their staff declaretli ; Purim will begin, this year next Monday evening, March 18, vakia, and Yugoslavia. of one's own Importance in foreign countries in which they! Rotterdam and London. Remain-: u nto them for the strange spirit The interesting slogan of Miss Harand is: "I fight anti-Semi- sense the life of another may lead to can lift themselves above thej ed at sea until he was fifteen. | hath caused them to err, and thef recalling to the Jewish people that joys are our lot as well as tragedy. As, for example, In theignorant peasantry. | Continued his studies. Took up | have gone astray from their God. sorrows, that the sun is trying to win its way through the clouds. tism because it disgraces Christianity." The movement is declared case and sculpture in 1907.1 TALMUD. of tne Englishwoman recentAlthough not precisely a col-painting Believed his future was in a r t ; death of the righteous i« ,The; [holiday of Purim has a double significance to the Jewish to have originated out of the desire to "help charity live in the ly tried for the murder of her Im- onization T h e organization, Ort, he people. It represents the triumph of Jewry over tyranny and midst of a world where hatred seemed to become an easy victor." becile son. For thirty years 8he pointed out, was closely allied Walked from Munich to Rome,' a m i s f o r t i m e lor them and for the world, while the death of the cared for him, filling his with organized movements of cruel injustice; also, it typifies the false and malicious charges The organization stages mass-meetings in more than fifty cities, had I wicked is s benefit £or them and every need, hoping against hope Jews. A Biro-Bidjan colonization towns and villages with the goal of carrying enlightenment con.. made against the Jewish people in all climes in all ages. Hainan, for the world. Separation of the tor an Improvement in his condi- project, involving 20,000 to 25,•wicked is a benefit for them and the prime minister under Bang Ahasuerus, plotted the extermina- cerning the principles of anti-Semitism in the minds of millions tion, her hcirt torn by an anguish 000 families, is now being negotithe world, while separation of the of people who "otherwise may become easy subjects for unscrupuwhich every mother will under- ated with the Soviet government, tion of the Jewish people. But through the efforts of Queen Esrighteous is bad for them and the stand. For thirty years her life he stated. Dr. David Lwowiteh, lous traducers." ter and Mordecai, his plan was defeated and he himself forced to world. had centered about him — foran Ort executive, he said, Is now j As long as such idealists live and fight, there "is still hope thirty years she was his whole In Rabbi Aeha lectured, "He that suffer the fate he had arranged for an innocent people. Moscow making arrangements j world, the only person of whose for the guarantee by the Soviet does not live upon the reward of "Haman" a symbol in Jewish history —.It no longer re- that we will eliminate the morass of bigotry and hatred. existence his stunted mind was government, as to prinicpal and Ms ancestrii merrits, he who does fers to the tyrant who tried to take advantage of King Ahasuerus. even dimly aware. not overbearingly, lie that never interest, of a million dollar loan tried to compete in the special Every anti-Semite, in whatever period or country he may reside, And when her physician told that Is needed to finance the trade of his neighbor, he that plan. is called a Haman. He may go under the guise of Pharoah in one | g y for Palestine should not solely y limit it- her that she would have to sbuJewish Agency never tried to' derive any benefit mlt to an operation which she Ort IQ all, he revealed, has a age, vor Antiochus Epiphanus in another, or Petlura in another, or | g d f t Q p o l i t i c a l w o r t > i t should establish contact with various might not survive, she killed him. hand from the treasury of charity, he is in the development of 119 - ~^.j.. considered righteous and shall Hitler in still another — but the same traits and the same tactics J e w i s h economic bodies in Palestine and consult them on eco- She killed him because she felt colonies involving 4,665 families.! **S%**?n surely live." that wHhout her his crippled The organization also conducts characterize them all. nomic plans. - - - Felix Warburg, while visiting in Palestine. 1 Rabbi Aclia said: "Whoever spark of life would quickly be ex- vocational schools and factories. In feeling the pain caused by the Hamans of today, let us ; gives Truniah to an ignorant tinguished. She killed him toA total of 409 students are beDr. Friedrich Wolf. ; priest, acts as if he threw it beta&e joy in the celebration of Purim, for the fate of the bigoted spare him suffering, because she ing vocationally trained as carpainting en route. Abandoned art. fore a lion, wasting the offering." was convinced that no one except penters, p a i n t e r s , mechanics, | Hamans is inevitable. medicine. Returned to the sea j Raba said, "Previously I The characterization of generation is to be found not in the herself could take care of him. blacksmiths, etc., in 111 schools! for and 6,800 workers are employed! after graduating from medical! thought there is no truth in the You remember that she was studiously compiled and pyramided data of statisticians, but in tried for murder, convicted and In eighty-seven factories. | school. Served as ship's doctor on i whole world, but since I am at the evaluation of those incidents considered so normal as tosentenced to death; and that at The problem of Ort, Mr. Boden- a North German Lloyd liner. Vis-1 Rabbi Tabuth, and if the whole History records Palestine as the birthplace of a culture which Canada, Greenland and the! world filled with gold were given be barely observed and never commented upon. An evaluation of last, in response to pleas from all heimer pointed out, has been ited United States. Volunteered for | to him, he would not change his hasr echoed through the centuries. Now, Palestine is preparing to the world, she was pardoned complicated by the problem of American Jewish life taken from such incidents approximates the over German army during the World j word." It happened that he came —to live on, tor years perhaps, German-Jewish refugees. It is! War. Was take a high place in the advancement of medical science. battalion surgeon atjto a city named Kushta (truth), objective reality much closer than do the documented pages of with the constant memory of the for them as well as for dis-1 Through the interest of American Jews there will rise on front for four ears. Twice wound-! The inhabitants of that city moment when she killed her son francliised Polish and Rumanian \ our fact-finding committees. Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, near the Hebrew University, the Rothshe herself was about to Jews, that the Biro-Bidjan proj- ed and buried tinder landslides, j would not change their •words, Recently two similar incidents came to our attention which because Became city physician in Ruhr land it never happened that one face death. ect is being developed. schild-Hadassah-University hospital, a medical center and a grad- s e r v e a s after the Armistice. Joined the j died and untimely death, and he uate school of medicine that will mark a new era not only in the excellent^ character-guaging criteria. They concern two To live on with the knowledge "With so many people uproot- unorganized workers of Rem-j married one o£ its inhabitants, that she herself snuffed out the ed," he said, "the problem of scheid in a desperate battle! and she bore him two children. communities, one in southwestern Michigan, the other in northmedical progress of Palestine but also in the entire Near East. life that was dearer than life to Ort is to help people to once against the Lutzow Fascists dur-jlt happened once that his wife In type of equipment, in hospital service, in academic curricula, in eastern Ohio. Both of these communities desired Rabbis and a her. To live on with the realiza-again b e c o m e self-sustaining. ing the Kapp Putsch of 1920. [washed her head and a female reached too late, that evenThis," he very pointedly stated.' Was captured, thrown into jail neighbor came to ask for her, and teaching and research personnel, the new medical center, built long series of negotiations and trial engagements ensued in ac- tion, if she had died he could have "is more human than charity. and sentenced to be shot. A last- he thought that it was not proper cordance with the traditional American Jewish pattern. What is by Jewish hands on historic Jewish soil, will stand on an equal cared for by others, trained Charity humiliates. We have to minute demonstration of the! to say that she was washing her worthy of comment and meditation is that fact that both of these been In attending such unfortunates. help the refugees find themselves workers, who stormed the jail. I head and therefore said she was footing with the best institutions of its kind. Thla is, of course, an extreme so they live later without char- saved him. Qiit his post as city i out. When his two children died, The medical complex will contain three units: a model hos- congregations drew no lines as to the religious convictions of their I-and happily rare occurrence. But ity." candidates for spiritual leadership. Orthodox, Conservative and doctor and "went to live in co-op-j the inhabitants came and asked pital of 300 beds; the medical school wth complete laboratories R e f o r m in it lies a lesson which all of us In regards to the amelioration erative farm settlement of war j him what does this mean. He told for research and a special division for cancer study, and a nurses' ' all were solicited and the final choice was made on the may well take to heart: That it of the problems of German-Jew- veterans. Began to write plays j them the truth, -whereupon they training school and residence. A number of noted exiled German b a s i s o f s a l a r y *** personality. No one in the congregation felt Is not for any one of us to de-ish refugees, the visitor made a during his residence among the | said to him, "Pray to move away cide that he, and he alone, is abprofessors will head some of the hospital and teaching depart- there was anything peculiar in this situation. solutely indispensable to any othA similar situation in the Christian world where a church or- er human. The realm of the absoments. organizations. lute is still closed to the mind of n S H "Each ? Ten years ago Mount Scopus was a barren hill. Today the ganization should flirt with a Catholic priest, a Baptist preacher man. rg% ow° '"i wouS I St~^p& a«"?So» o;!OPPOSEPl^CHASING "has a job of its own. I wouldnt, _ ,, and Unitarian minister is unthinkable. In American Jewish life it university and such structures as this new Rothschild-Hadassaha ro (Copyright, 1S3S, hy Seven Art* Feature be stupid enough to criticize a n y]„.„„„ | f ^ ' V .. .^M< .. r w ^ Prow._ L A N D FR0M M 0 S L E M S Syndicate.) University hospital are symbols of Jewish striving and progress. is becoming commonplace. It finds its counterpart in every Jewone of them. But there is some- Jd u"c*t l.0 1 1a nodff a protest ish community where the outstanding Jewish citizens belong to Jerusalem. (JTA)—A l a n d times In France, as here too, un-l a i n s t donbtedly. a duplication or m u l - W i ^e i m a r anti-birth control laws of company with a capital of both Synagogue and Temple, usually without attending either. tiplication of effort. There should i s a t.i o n ,l nRepublic, created a sen- 8300,000 will be organized by the We suspect that outstanding Catholics do not belong to the local ^be some «,,™= way ^,r of «f unifying „„«„?„«, our ««rl Germany. Reactionary Grand Mufti of Palestine to as. The World Jewish Congress, which was originally scheduled Lutheran church, even out of courtesy. Nor do Congregationalists arrested but he j sist Arabs not to sell their land work. For in unity best results e I e m e n t s } a d for this year, seems to have been finally and irrevocably aban- 3end their children to Catholic schools. Yet the religious distincwas vindicated. "Sailors of Cat- to Jews, it was announced here. can be achieved." HENRI BODEXHEIMER. doned. The American Jewish Congress, which will meet in session tion between Orthodox and Reform is certainly as great as beMr. Bodenheimer described ^ r o ' ' ' ^ e n P rod f uce ? T . i n N e w At a meeting of Arab leaders by the Theater Union, was of northern Palestine it was reAlthough there is a very pro- himself as a Zionist. He said: s York this week-end, is expected to officially abandon the popular elec- tween Catholic and Protestant. ee 'I believe in Palestine. It is j n by 100,000 people and hailed j ported that number of Syrian a nounced anti-Semitic propaganda ss a tion idea and postpone action regarding the furtherance of a moving and j landowners who possess land in This phenomenon peculiarity to American Jewry is indica- in France, Henri Bodenheimer, very good thing. But' Palestine 1d r a m a t tremendously ic vork Nazis Is not big enough for all the i exiled him j the Huleh district on the Syrian World Jewish Congress. tive of the spiritual emptiness that characterizes American Jewish one of the leading French Jewish When the executive committee of the World Jewish Congress, life. It shows the complete lack of an ideology, of a philosophy leaders, believes that French Jews needful of a new home." in 1P33. He lost all his property. | frontier were forced to sell a part Recalling the Arab riots of Last November a Zurich produc-1 of their land to Jews in order to - sitting in Paris, decided to drop all plans for a World Jewish based upon principles and convictions on the part of the average JewTy has nothing to fear. Boden- 1929, Mr. Bodenheimer said, tion of his "Doctor Mamlock" j raise funds for cultivating- their heimer, president of the World Congress in 1935, it based its decision on the inability of the Jew. It betokens a spiritual immorality, a lack of standards and Ort organization here in this 'that the number possible for cprecipitated a riot between Fas-1 other lands and to adopt modern to Palestine is limited/' i s t s a.n d anti-Fascists. His works methods of agriculture. American Jewish Congress to provide the necessary moral and of cultural discipline. And it foretells a spiritual disintegration, a country on a brief visit, believes admission mission to .raiesune is nmitea.5 . — ^^IUV^O ^ »b"<-'"»^ haTe been TOd ce In the essential spirit of equality After expressing this point of P o l a n d r n <I in Palestine, if this report is corrsct, it material resources. This was the same as an admission that Euro- complete collapse threatening American Jewry's future. addition to the and tolerance of the French peo- view, 3w he was very careful to > Russia and Japan, as j means thatwhich in additi pean Jewry looked upon the congress much in the light of AmerIs now j concession the Jews have well as in this country. specify that the Ort is not opple and government. We permit ourselves to be deceived by the superficial growth writing a comedy on Fascism. {obtained over Huleh, on the Palican Jewry. Many of the Jewish organizations in Europe looked posed to Zionism. "The Nazis," he said, "are and development within American Jewry. New buildings, new orThe Ort," he said, "supple- William Fox once had an option j estine side, they now also have upon the, American Jewish Congress to bring financial resources conducting an Intensive propaganizations, new self-appointed leaders — all this gives us confi- ganda campaign in France. They ments "the* work "of "the' Zionists"" |o n "Cynkali," but never produced j succeeded in obtaining a part of to the conclave, which would have meant the establishment of a it Huleh land land on on the the Syrian Syrian side, it for for fear fear of of censorship. censorship Will Will lee-i l e e kthe h e Huleh side spending large sums of money We prepare men—as they say in ture here on the stage and Jewish j The work of draining the Huleh vast netwok of human machinery—and many jobs for certain dence, the impression of a growing culturally-maturing commu- are in an effort tb induce some of the Palestine—to be good chalutzim. l i f e i n "Cynkali" is to: swamps will soon begin on the leaders. Many European groups, obviously, looked for the Ameri- nity. Yef the basis, the foundation is lacking and the turmoil of weaker French newspapers to Whether they get to Palestine or , in the | Palestine side, it was announced. American Jewish life is but dust and smoke — the fire itself is take anti-Jewish stands. Une pr UC d i n can group to be a financial pillar upon which they could lean regards him elsewhere, is Tinimportant, that is J ™ * n doubtedly, their campaign Is in extinguished. ' contemporary Gera u >thei ngreatest eater rather heavily, v circumstances than under underhappier which tas if they are settled p a r t successful. Anti-Jewish ianRio statedeofJanerio—The Rio Grande deBrasilSul is man playwright. While we have lived in the happiness of self-delusion, in othpropaganda Is noticeable and itthey lived. The bald truth of the matter, as stated here frequently, was (Copyright, 19S5, b r Seven Arts Feature prepared to take one thousand er countries American Jewry has been properly evaluated and is can be traced to the Nazis. But "Both the Zionist organization Syndicate.) German refugees as farmers, it that the task was too big and impractical, especially in view of held up as a scorn and reproach. The rich uncle, yes, but dispar- in the long run I don't think they and Ort have a Teason for exwas learned here upon the arthe staunch opposition of so many representative Jewish- organachieve any great success; Istence. No one should consider | Hope for Next Parley | rival of James G. McDonald, aged and despised for our lack of ideological principles, laughed will that French Jewry is in danger of them as opponents." izations. The World Jewish Congress issue, we believe, will not j Tel Aviv—The next Zionist! League of Nations high commisat for our naivete in the fields of Jewish culture, condemned for any great wave of anti-Semitism. As a Jew, Mr. Bodenheimer is congress will change Palestine in- j sioner for German refugees. be troublesome for quite a time to come. our looseness, yea immorality in the sphere of spiritual values. Nevertheless, we must keep our a nationalist, not an internation- to a strong foundation for a Jew- i Mr. McDonald is beginning a * * * National Home, Dr. Chaim j tour of South America in the hope open. We must do our ut-alist. All his philosophy, he re- j ish T The American Jew is to be used, he should be praised, even flat- eyes most to defeat and counteract vealed, Is predicated upon his j W eizmann, ex-president of the ' of finding places for fifteen to tered for his needed philanthropies. But in the council of men he Nazi propaganda." French citizenship. i Zionist organisation, declared, twenty thousand of the refugees. need not be counted. Where Jewish background is needed, he is a After explaining that a" lot of "I am a Jew," said this man, addressing a meeting of the KaPresident Masaryk of Czechoslovakia celebrated his eightywhat seems to be anti-Semitic in who has lived in France forty- dima, an organization of Palestine j nonentity. fifth birthday last week. is really anti-alien and seven years though he was born Jews. It is well for American Jewry to ponder this abnormal situ- character The birthday of the president of a foreign country in general based upon the unemployment of under the German flag in Baden, Felix Rosenbluth, former mem- RABBI Z. BAREAKOW "but also a Frenchman. A French ber of the World Zionist ExecuMohel Specialist means nothing particularly important to the Jewish people here.' ation. For it has been true that this largest community of the one million Frenchmen, Mr. Jew knows only French "politics. tive and leader of the German Recommended by Many Doctors Bodenheimer explained his reaBut in Masaryk's case, it means a good deal. Not only did Ma- Jewish people never attained spiritual adulthood. Too prone was it sons for his belief In France's es- I would never do anything op- j Jews in Palestine, hailed WeizResidence Phone WElister 6635 Business Phone WEbster 54S0 saryk lead his own people out of the wilderness of political sub- to quantitative criteria; to mistaking size for spiritual worth; to sential good-will to the Jews. posed to French policy. The! mann's appearance at the meeting jugation but he also has exhibited at all times a deep, and under- mistaking ballyhoo for spiritual attainments. Like children we "It must be remembered," he country in which I live must al-land termed him the "highest 1422 X. 20th St., Omaha, Neb. ways come first. But I am a leader in the Zionist movement." standing comprehension of the problems facing the Jewish peo- observed the superficialities of self-designated leaders, and ap- said, "that France emancipated Jew, even though a Frenchman. its Jews 150 years ago, that it plauded. Like children we were attracted by tinsel-like labels and took Jews out of the ghetto, gave My two allegiances have never ple. World Jewry cannot forget how in 1900 Professor Masaryk brightly-colored placards. The true merits of the product thus them the same rights as all other conflicted. There is no reason j they should." took up the cudgels on behalf of Leopold Hilsner, a Jewish indi- advertised never elicited our attention. Where quantitative great- citizens at a time when this was why Mr. Bodenheimer who came to rare in Europe. vidual who was condemned for murder on the age-oldritualmur-ness exists, where resources and prestige have accumulated, where "France had an attack of anti- this country two week? ago will der lie. The students at Praha university prevented him from de- the mantle of Israel's largest community has fallen it is not be- Semitism forty-five years ago, the leave our shores on the He de Dreyfuss incident Though that France on Saturday, MaTch 23. livering his lectures. He was attacked on all sides, but he did fitting that spiritual emptiness be present. was a vicious manifestation, and He states, that he Is enjoying his not budge from his stand against such superstitious stupidity. In The American Jew must base his Jewishness on principles, no «rjeat credit to any country, I vjsit, made in the Interests of a 1913 when the Beilis ritual murder trial shook Russia, Masaryk on convictions, not on inertia and the negation resulting from gen- think that only in France was anreunion with American, relatives again strongly and vehemently, condemned the charges. He also tile prejudice. Principles may cause sharp divisions in American eventual vindication for Dreyfuss and business associates. possible. Since then, we have A banker and produce merprotested against the anti-Jewish pogroms in Czarist Russia. Jewry, but they will be indicatons of a healthy normal spiritual heard nothing of anti-Semitism. chant, Mr. Bodenheimer is, beWhen Professor Masaryk fled to London after the war broke life. We cannot afford an ostensible unity based on the negation France has learned its lesson; it sides the leader of the Ort, a will not unthinkingly swallow member of the French consistory, out, he started his Czech liberation movement and received much of Jewish ideal and the lack of spiritual conviction. No. 1—SS.4C Zero Dis» a member of the board of direcpropaganda." assistance from the Jewish people, especially in America. He has tills** 7c GaL We cannot permit the least common denominator of Jewish Conversing with Mr. Boden- tors of the Jewish seminary In acknowledged this help on many occasions, and in his work, "The life, a barely-recognized realization that to the outside world we heimer at his- suite in the Hotel France and a member of the! No, 2-—32.36 Sere Gas Oil 6Mc GsL World Revolution," he speaks particularly of Justice Louis D. are an entity, a peculiar people, to become the sum total of Jew- St. Regis, lie didn't introduce the Jewish charity committee of No. S—28.30 Zero Fuel Paris. ©il $yze G&L Brandeis as one of the group of intimate friends to whom he ishness. Rather our spiritual life must be patterned on knowledge, subject of anti-Semitism in France tCopyrlglit. 1835. Jewish Telegraphic That was the reporter's doing; If Agency, Inc.) showed the draft of the Declaration of Independence .of theon faith and on conviction. We must understand Jewish life, con* [it were up to the visitor, the subChechoslovakian, people,, before he submitted it to the United sciously espouse our interpretation of our history and culture and • ject would never have been Blessed Is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from brought up. States Secretary of State. faithfully live according to the resulting conclusions. giving us wordy evidence of the The short gTay haired man, ; Masaryk lias exhibited much interest in the Jewish strug- ' ; : can neitheT be described as fact. —URI MILLER.
gle to establish their Jewish homeland in Palestine. And when the Nazis started their attack upon the Jewish citizens, Masaryk, true to his ideals as a champion of human rights and liberties, was By GERTRUDE BERG, the first head of a country to severely attack the Hitlerite reAuthor of gime. At the last Zionist Congress held in Praha in-1933 Presi"The Rise of the Goldbergs" dent" Masaryk urged international action by all civilized states Everyone likes to feel indispenagainst the anti-Jewish persecutions in Germany. sable, and parents with helpless The eighty-fifth birthday of a man like this means much to children totally dependent upon them are particularly prone to World Jewry.
A Refreshing Movement
Symbol of Purim
They Say.
Symbol of Advancement
A Dead Issue
Personalities in the News
Champion of Humanity
Service for every type of oil burner
Quick Senrice,Day or
I LAMBDA PHI FORMAL "Auxiliary Wight" to j Hadassah Book SUPPER-DANCE SATURDAY Be Observed Tonight
Review Group
PAGE FIVE. 1 Aizli Psrdbdbgy PURIM CELEBRATION | Ladles Labor Lyce m BY BETH-EL TO BE I Puiim Parly Tuesday uncil!; Grcup ef CO HELD MEXT MONDAY | The I\'rs. David C'oh^n, £ 0 1 So, ?
Members of the Vaad Auxiliary The annual formal supperHadassah Book Review group I "will ;ive a Purim celebration avenue, Trill V>e hopioss t o ' dance of the Creighton university will participate in the "Auxiliary 19, Li„„ S p. in. at No. 2 will meet Wednesday,, The Beth-El synagogue and its ,I Tuesday, Night" services to be held at the! . March T nclult psychology group of • chapter of Pi Lambda Phi, na-B'nai Israel synagogue this eve- March 20, at the home of Mrs. i affiliated organizations are plan-i the Labor Lyceum st : . n a ana Ciark tional social fraternity, will be ning. Irvin Levin, 4401 Barker. Mrs. I. | nicg a gala celebration of Purim, • streets. All members and Council of Jevis-h W o m e n , lit. ' held this Saturday evening, Rabbi Uri Miller will preach Sokolof •will act as co-hostess. beginning Monday evening £ t . friends are invited. Admission is home Tuesday a l a 1 o'elor.k f be March 16, at 10 p. m., at the Pax- the sermon on "The Jewish Wom- There will be a dessert-luncheon 7: SO with the reading of'tee Me- ifree. !T 5 " 1:15, after -which Rabbi Uri an—Her Place in Jewish HisXV ,on hotel. Miller "will speak on "Sources of I tory." are urged to ; riODeei* Women 10 bria ir Abe Greensp^n. Al Fanalli and his Commanders S t •h eParents children. "Haman Mrs. H. Lippet will speak oa Present-Day Jeivish Problems." Give Purim Partv Tills is the fourth in a serifs oil will furnish the music for the af- "The Jewish Woman in the Syna- Current events will be discussed groggers" vrill be distributed to fair. all the children who come. The j T h e p i O neer Woxcn ana all itstalks by >trs. Mr.ry Fredericks <•:• gogue"; Mrs. L. Mendelson, on by Mrs. Julius Abrahamson. GBEENBERG-IJPSEY ENGAGED TO KANSAS CITTAN • • * Pcrim service •will be over by ; rjfj]jafefl organizations will give : Mental Kypier.e. Outstanding and novel decora"The Jewish Woman in the ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Gitnick anForf.y-tvp Y,-ornon nttendfid UIP | a Purim party Saturday evening.! The cultural group of Hadas- St'SO. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Llpaey an- nounce the engagement of their tions are being planned, with the Home"; Mrs. D. B. Epstein, on On Tuesday evening at S | March 16, at S p. m. ct the J. C. C. 'previous lecture he'iC. .it the liomr ball roont specially decorated to "The Jewish Woman in the Com-sah heard & very interesting disnounce the engagement o£ their the members and friends I Mr. I. Morgenstern -viYi give a \of J.'rs. Leo Milder. laughter* Mildred, to Sam Green- daughter, Ann Betty, to Gus Ag- fit in with the motif of the party. munity"; and Mrs. N. Greenberg course on the subject of juries by o'clock, of the synagogue is-ill gather tor | talk en Purim; the Elisbeva Kr.p- ! This motif is being kept secret on "The Jewish Woman in Naron of Kansas City, son of Mr. Mr. Irvin Stalmaster, last Monberg, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Philip Puriia program. tional Institutions." I Ian club will give a Pr.rim skit; : day at their monthly meeting. theThe Greenberg. Miss Lipsey; is a and Mrs.. H. L. Agron, also of until the affair. feature of this Purira | the Junior Pioneer? v.-ill give, The affair is for actives and For the Junior Vaad Auxiliary Mr, Stalmaster also presented his graduate of Central High school Kansas City. The marriage program •will be a. Purira ; several mimbers symbolic of P u - j alumni. The alumni committee Rose KIrshenbaum will speak on version of the inadequacy of a and attended the University ol take place early in summer. j*ve runrn Affair the rollicking jrim; the Goiaie IMeyerson ch^b i Illinois and the University ol Announcement of the engage- which is making arrangements in- "The Jewish Girl and Her Re-mixed jury. Mrs. Harry Braviroff j of Gilberttoand Sullivan's 3 I will furnish the music for clane- ; CoriThe California a t Los Angeles. Mr. ment was made at a dinner given cludes Earl Ross, chairman; sponsibilities," and Sara German discussed current events and read ! frrepntior! cf IP?"PPI vri'l p p o p s i r Greenberg is a graduate of South by Mr. and Mra. Gitnick at their Louis E. Lipp, Dr. David C. Platt, on "The Jewish Girl and Her Op- a paper on the life of Moses Mai- and Pinafore. Ttrenty-five mod- | ing. ern Puriia Spieler -will -walk out i Purim delicacies of rJl lurds ' a P u r i m pnrf.y tn he held Pundfiy. High school and attended Creigh- home Saturday evening, in cele- and Sam Greenberg. portunities." Mrs. H. P. Milder monides. Mrs. Max Fromfein con- ia froat o f t h e I will be served at. fhe close of ibe ?Ir-rch 17, r* T:?o p . m. in tl 1 " ton university where he was affi- bration of Miss GItnlck's birthwill be chairman, Refreshments tinued the series ol a "Trip iI ; tn version of MASQUERADE PARTY ! evening, liated -with Pi Lambda Phi fra-day. The groom-to-be and his will be served. Through Palestine." The meeting Under the able direction of The Temple Israel Sunday " 5 t h sine; J s t r e e t s . •was held at the Hamilton cafe. ternity. parents, who spent the week-end Mrs. Herman Jahr, Mrs. Phineas • * • school will give a Purim enterThere vill !>e faciliiif-s f o r College Cbf> No date has been set for the here, were also honor guests. MARCH MEETING OF . Wintroub, and Mr. Harry Bravitainment and masquerade party The regular rncct;r.£r of the Miss Gitnick is a graduate'of wedding. Mrs. Moses P. Epstein, national r o f f > e h oir ns a ster of the Beth-El College club of Temple Israel will Sr.rn Corel irk is ge-r.ernl r i i r i r Technical High school and at- in the vestry room of the temple, VAAD AUXILIARY IS vice-president o£ Hadassah, will syn&sosiie, the choir will present 'take place Sunday, Mr.rr'n 17 «umrFi. Acli"!5i';ion is I P r e n t s f'">" Sunday morning, March 17. tended the Municipal university. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED be the guest speaker on an NBC j t "A Merry Good Pn- 4:15 p. m. Mr. Harold Abrrhnms r d u l t s end 10 c e n t s l o r r'hf.nron, t h e o p e r e t a POSTPONED A WEEK A prize for the most original Mrs. C. Gorelick. announces the Mr. Agron received his high costume will be awarded, and renetwork, March 26 at 5 p. m. on r i l s .. T h e ij~i cs a r e by Margaret •will lead the discussion on "Cocschool and college education in the Women's Review program. engagement of her daughter, The regular March meeting of Under the title "Learning Begins K. Soifer. freshments will be served. fuciarism," in the study cf the It hacl previnusly 1)ee.n pUnnip.'I Anne, to Mr. Edwin Rosenblatt, Kansas City. He is a member of the Vaad auxiliary, which was to at Forty," Mrs. Epstein -will dis- The cast of this operetta is as! great religions of the world. for tl-.e cliildren t o h;:ve tltnSr the Del Ray fraternity. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosenblatt be held March 18, has been post- cuss the "wave o£ intellectual ac- follows: King, Bob Rimerman; pro.TrR.ra STinrtay aftornonn bi'i: LINEN SHOWER FOR , ot Hollywood, Cal., formerly of poned to March 25 because of the tivity among the Je-wish -women Vashti, Evelyn Green; Mordecai, h a s hcev, chars cert for t h e evening. BRIDE-TO-BE EPSTEIN-GLOCHOWSKT Omaha. No date has been set for Irving Sterahill; Esther, Lois GiMiss Sonia Roitstein and Mrs.fast of Esthertonis. ENGAGEMENT of America. the "wedding. linsky; Haman, Larry Finkel; ZeT h e "Women's Division neu;. a. Mr. H. Glochowsky announces Morris Roitstein entertained at a Monday evening, March 18, at resh, Harriet Bernstein. Those i successful board meetir.? Jlr.rch 9:30 p. m. the auxiliary will be luncheon and linen shower at STOKES the,.engagement of his daughter, A Purim dessert-luncheon and who will represent maidens and ' 7. The committee chairman gave IiEAVES HOME Miss Molly Glochowsky, to Mr.the Hamilton'cafe, Sunday, March host to members of the Vaad and bridge THROUGHOUT THE will be held at the J. C. C. princesses: Pearl Marcas, Rhoda i their reports, which were very Miss Sonla Rosenblitt of Phila- Morris Epstein, BOH of Mr. Alex 3, In honor of Miss Pearl Lerman, its affiliates, at a Purim party CITY SELL . March 27, to celebrate Hadas- Schechter, Evelyn Rimermaa, Es- j satisfactory. Mrs. Dave Greendelphia, left for home Tuesday Epstein. whose engagement to Nathan to be held at the J. C. C. sah's twenty-third birthday, and ther Wintroub, Dorothy Blati, j berg reported 2 75 members. evening after a four-month visit The program will consist of a A family dinner party will be Kaplan was recently announced. with her uncle i.nd aunt, Mr. and given at the Glochowsky home The 1 o'clock luncheon was one-act play by the Center Players also to honor paidup members, Ruth Shapiro, Francis Oland, Sa- j The Women's Division has deMrs. Harry Roitstein. While here, for the young couple on Sunday, served in the party room. There Guild, a group of Purim songs by and members in good standing. die Beber, Adaline Tatelman, Ella j cided to sponsor a summer play j Miss Rosenblitt served as brides- March 24. were 23 guests present. A color Cantor A. Schwaczkin and the There -will be no charge and j Belle Korney, and Freda Sofer. j school at the J. C. C. provider maid at the wedding of her cou- No wedding date has been set scheme of pink and white was choir, a Purim playlet by the pu-members are asked to make up \ The seven sons of Haman will be ! that the necessary funds will be sin, Morris Roitstein. She wasyet. carried out in the decorations. pils of the Religious school and their bridge tables and place j played by Norman Rips, Harry j available. Ask Your Grocer very extensively entertained durThe afternoon was spent in play- musical selections by Al Finkle reservations with Mrs. A. S. Rub- Litke, Irving TVohlner, Leonard j j,i r . Paul Goldblatt. executive Lutbeg, Jack Dolgoff, and Morton | director of the J. C. C spoke on ] ing her stay. ing bunco. The prizes were won and Sylvia Katzman, and a Jew-nitz, Wa. 5531. VISITS HERE FROM I the corning: Philanthropies camF O E B L S BAKthi* CO I Margolin. by the Misses Mollie Roitstein, ish play by Paul Nerenberg and WASHINGTON 1paign end urged the board to sup- 2711 • No. .S4.tfe St. W E 6400 "Green Lights," a new book by! After conducting painstaking-1 his company. and Jeanette Herman. Miss Esther E. Faier, of WashMizrachi Women There will be a cover charge Lloyd: Douglas, •will be reviewed researches on the Haman family!port ^j- ie women's division of the ington, D. C , arrived Sunday There will be a regular meet- evening, to visit her parents, Mr. HERETO VISIT PARENTS of 25 cents for adults and 15 by Mrs. Roy P. Jones Wednesday, tree, the Junior society has dis-.j drive. ing of the Mizrachi Women's or- and Mrs. Sam Faier. Miss Molly H. Jacobson is visit- cents for children. Purim deli- April 3, at the Blackstone hotel, covered ten new and significant i ganization Wednesday, March 20 ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs.cacies will be served. Mrs. Wil-under the sponsoring of Mrs. Ju-! members, whose esistence was at 2 o'clock at the J. C. C. There Henry Jacobson. Miss jacobson is liam Milder and her committee lius Stein, captain of one of the never before suspected. They will 1; will be an election of officers and Siyum Hasefer to Hadassah "Give or Get" groups. present for the first time on any \ g en route to California, where she will be in charge. Mrs. Jones is well-known for her j stage "Haman's Ten Daughtersvery important business will.b6 Be Held on Sunday will accept a position with the excellent reviews and & rare treat! in-Law," an originrl production. discussed. All members are urged federal government. is in store for those who are Or. I. Dansky will impersonate to be present. To our Patrosss, as outstanding attraction The list of members of the Reb Shinulye from Kapulya, and going to attend. Mrs. A. Romm VISITS IN DES MOUSES B'nai Israel synagogue to be honwill act as master of ceremonies. will assist Mrs. Stein. Mrs. Harry Edell of New York direct from the Paramount Club in Chicago ored at the Siyum Ha Sefer, acFa-Hon city, who has been visiting her A debate between the Technical Tickets can be purchased from j Together with Cantor E. Sellz. An important business meeting cording to the announcement of mother here, is spending the week High school team and the Central anyy of the following: present & number of jig g Mesdames g of the Fa-Hon sorority was held the commissioners of the syna- in Des Moines visiting her brother High school team will be the out- A. Romm, Mrflc Leon, A. Wolf, clever and amusing parodies in j g Omaha's own Billy (Givecter) Gray ana JERRY BERGMAN gogue, include N. S. Yaffe, L Monday evening at the home of Epstein, S, Epstein, A, Schwacz- and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.standing feature of the March R. Bordy, I. Berkowitz, H. Rubin,! the Epirit of Purim. - - - Supported by - - After the program, the women | g the president, Mrs. I. Tretiak. Harry Kneeter. meeting of the Council of Jewish Harry Crounse, George Strauss, kin, L. Wezelman, G. Margolin Xois Nixon, Al Swartz, Tommy Ports and Doana Plans were completed for the L. Margolin, H. Marcus, N. SteinWomen, Monday, March 25, atJoseph Daytch, A. Greenspan, of the auxiliary will serve Ha-:j g benefit card party to be held at berg, I. Fiedler, J. J. Rosenberg, VISITS IN UNCOLN the J. C. C , at 2:30 in the after- Irvin Stalmaster, Moe Katelman, mantachen and tea. Mrs. May- jgi nard Greenberg and Mrs. I. Dan- j g the J. C. C. Wednesday evening, J. Tretlak, M. Feltz, S. Ravitz FINE FOOD Miss Goldie Seidman spent the noon. J. Shapiro, M. Gross. A sky presiding. Mrs. Sam • TheoMarch 20, at 8 p. m. Many valu- Dr. Philip Sher, D. Blumenthal, past week-end in Lincoln visiting The public is invited to attend. Robert Brehm and Louis Hartz, I dore is general chairman. able prizes and table prizes will A. L. Blumenthal, and J-. Ro-relatives and friends. j representing Tech, will have the be given. Refreshments" will be man ek. ! pi if affirmative side on the question p { C e l e b r a t i o n nr m served. Everyone is invited to Jewish Press advertisers merit I r u n m '$' S. A. M. MOTHERS CLTJB "Resolved, that the federal gov^-eieDrailon The Sefer is being given by SERVED yogr patroaage attend. j3 Vaad Religious School 1 Mrs. J. Milder in memory of Ja- 'The S. A. M. Mothers club will eminent should adopt the policy cob Milder. The ceremony next meet March 20, at the home of of equalizing educational oppor1| That is the reason the Log Cabin is becoming increasingly Bikur Cholim Bazaar On Sunday afternoon, March j Sunday will be preceded by a din- Mrs. S. Swartz, 3017 South 16th. tunities throughout the nation by The Morris Bescty Shop means of annual grants to the 17, at 2:30 o'clock, the Vaad Re-j for a limited time will give a ij' popular — that and prices which, will be sure to please The Bikur Cholim bazaar held ner given by the synagogue in the BETA TATJ KAPPA several states for public eleat the Labor Lyceum, March 3 social hall. Reservations can be ligious School will have a gala ii your sense of economy. beautiful Persian IS mentary and secondary educa- Purim celebration for parents was very successful, in every way, made by calling Mrs. William SPRING DANCE | Dance to the scintillating: tunes of that ever popular the organization has announced. Milder, Wa. 3055, or Mrs. A. Final plans for the annual tion." Ernest Wintroub - and and friends. ftti OIL PERMANENT spring dance of Beta Tau Kappa, Katherine Stone will uphold the The organization wishes to Schwaczkin, At. 5534. A very interesting program has g Freddy Ebencr and His Beys Ware CroqolgEoIe ©r Spiral Omaha university Jewish franegative side o£ the question, as thank all those who" gave donabeen planned, including a display j Participating in the program I tions, also those who took par will be Cantor Schwaczkin and ternity, were completed at therepresentatives of Central. This by the handicrafts club, a Purim j Complete - - $3.00 in the fine program, and the the B'nai Israel choir which wil meeting of the organization. The Central team won both the Mid-play by the dramatics group, a j members of the committee in sing songs appropriate for the oc- dance will be held at the Cher- land and Peru high school de- debate on a Jewish subject by the 1 We give the new Rous Shampoo tint for greylag 1 charge, for their co-operation in casion and for; the coming holt mot ballroom, Tuesday evening, bate tournaments. debate club, and other interest- J •fi; hair. April 16. The College club orchesmaking this bazaar a Buccess. Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, program day of Purim. The Jewish com ing features. Refreshments will j tra will play. Two hundred bids Mrs. S. Riekes donated a Bilver munity Is invited to be present chairman, has announced a mu-be served to the children by Mrs?j OMAHA'S UMfQUE I ' M3dred Webb platter and vegetable dish, which at the Siyum Ha Sefer ceremony. will be issued, President Joe sical number to be presented by Max Kirshenbaum and her com- i €18 E. LOCUST STEEET Greenstone announced. were won by the Mesdames H. Miss Thelma Gaspar, violinist, mittee. All friends of the Re- JA 6338 ISth & Dodge Sts. Segal, 4528 So. 26 and Mrs. A. Four members of the fraternity accompanied by Miss Evalyn ligious School are invited to be Junior Hadassah Epstein, 2416 Grant, respectively. have been given parts in "The Smith. •present at this Purim party. The Omaha chapter of the Jun- Front Page," to be produced by There will be a board meeting ior Hadassah held a Purim pro- the Center Players Guild. Sylvan at 1:30. Jewish Press advertisers merit Kadimah gram at an open meeting Thurs- Frankel plays the leading role of After the program, Mrs. Joeyour patronage. Progress of the plans for the day evening, March 14, at theHildy Johnson, Norman Wohlner Jacobs and her committee will celebration of the Kadimah club's Jewish Community Center. Rabb is Diamond Louie, Myron Tarnoff serve an informal tea. first anniversary will be given by Uri Miller was the principal has the part of Schwartfe, and the chairman of the committees speaker, his subject being the sig Macy Baum plays Pineus. Fleishman & Scskh Council of Jewish Women at a business meeting to be held nificance of Purim. Cantor E (Formerly ta the employ ol Bi-monthly smokers will be next Sunday, March 17, at the Sellz, accompanied at the piano held by the fraternity during the Harris) The legislative and internaInsnrance with Reliable B'nai Israel synagogue. tional relations study group of by his daughter, Shirley Sellz coming year. companies Anne Pollay is general chair- presented a group of Jewish the Council of Jewish Women TweJTo year* eiperieaee man ior the affair. will meet Wednesday, March 20, Be&l Estate—Property Mar^srt songs. Included In the program Vaad Book Review at the home of Mrs. Ben Silver, <15 So. 15th St. tIA 7311 were recitations by Miss Pear Inasmuch -as Purim falls on at a 1 o'clock dessert-luncheon. Meyerson, a piaiio solo by Miss Zero Tuesday, the day of Purim, the At a meeting of the Zero held Naomi Gross, a tap dance by Miss Book Review group of the Vaad Maxine Leibovitz, accompanied a last Thursday evening at the Auxiliary has postponed Its meetthe piano by Miss Sylvia Steiman home of Doris Martin, talks were The feature of the evening's Ing for Tuesday, March 19. The given by Anne Witkin and Rose next meeting will take place at Flanchek. Myron Tarnoff was ad-program was the winding of th the home of Mrs. Milder, 4815 dock for the Junior Hadassah mitted to membership. Davenport street. Louis Canar, chairman, assist- Silver Mine. Miss Minnie Froom president, explained the "clock ed by Maurice Katz and William Lipsman, are formulating plans project" and the person holding Jor the formal initiation of newthe ticket with the correct tim that the clock stops wDl.be members. NO DOWN PAYMENT awarded fifty dollars in silver VERY LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS Messrs. Harry Trustln and Jack Marer and Miss Ruth Allen wer §§ Here is an opportunity to have that much delayed decor- m guests of the Junior Hadassah a 1 ating done. Let an expert advise you by giving you g this meeting and served as judges fj complete information and estimates. §§ By Mrs. David M. Uewman for this contest. Mrs. Mai Fromkin, Jocal Cauliflower Duchesse. sor, spoke. Miss Fannie KatelTake 1 medium cauliflower, 2 man, chairman of the program LOUIS PALMER, the Hotter tablespoons butter, 2. tablespoons presided. Hats Cleaned vinegar, % teaspoon salt, 2 and Reblocked tablespoons chopped green pepSpecial Shoes Rebuilt Junior Vaad per, 2 tablesoons chopped piShoes Repaired "While You "Walt There will be' a regular meetFree Gall and delivery service mlento. ing of the Junior Vaad auxiliary dowsitown Cook cauliflower until tender. Tuesday evening, March 19, a t flavor thet mates soups taste better! TMck soaps. Tiin eocps. Crcataj414 So. 17th St. JA 9390 Drain. Leave whole or separate the B'nai Israel synagogue. A And here's one oilier important fact into flowerets as preferred. Pour very Interesting Purim program sonps.... Tbej'r® sll better oS served " over a sauce made by melted but- has been planned. to remember. Sunslilae Kosber Crackwith StsssMae Eoslier Crackers, These ter, adding the vinegar, salt, • The Misses Rose KIrschenbaum ers are guaranteed-hasher and 'parve't Service Quality flaky crackers hzre a delicate -chopped pepper and pimiento. • and Sarah German will represent Dutch Apple Pudding. the organization at the special Use 4 large apples, 1 table- auxiliary services Friday eveBBftahtne K « I » M tap«*er« ere maSe under tne isupefspoon cinnamon, 1 cup brown ning. vislon ol the Union ol Orttjodo* Jewish CongrtmMot* sugar, 8 graham crackers, 2 tableoS Amertcs, Trhflse MSSngtspoons lemon rind, 2-3 «up ach. Rabbi E. G. <J«e!men, BOABD AND BOOM y 'V. -v-i/./ * is appointed by Rabfel M. 8. ' chopped nutB MargoLies. WANTED Line a baking dish with J& the crumbs of crackers, and dot with Employed lady and daughter the butter, add sliced apples, of seven, wish board and room gar and cinnamon. Add remain- in refined Jewish home—precrumbs and butter. Bake at fer "west section. Phone AT-2815 2815 Foraam Si. BASED IN THE KOSHER DIVISION OF THE THOUSAND WINBOW BAKERY O F Box 1OS5, Jewish Press. degrees Farhenheit for 25 kQOSEWfflSS BISCUIT C5OMPANY utes. J
Women's Division
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• BIGHT INTO THE MITT!—And how could anything get past this trio of catchers with baseball mitts-llke these? This unique picture was taken of three Chicago White Sox baseball club backmen-at the training camp in Pasadena, Cal. Left to right are shown: Luke Sewell, George Cathimer and Robert Fenner, who expect to show up well this season. FLOOD AND FIRE — In the wake of a disastrous flood caused by an ice jam on the S e b e w a i n g River, flames brought additional havoc to the town of Sebewaing, Mich., when a block in the center of the business district burned, as shown above. Flood damage was estimated at $200,000, with a fire loss of $75,000. Railroad tracks were torn up and outside- communication practically suspended.
MAD MONK'S DAUGHTER—This is Marie Rasputin, daughter of Russia's famous "mad monk," Rasputin, as she arrived in New York to train circus animals. Her father was said to have wielded a powerful influence over the late Czar Nicholas. He was killed by a group headed by Princes Youssouporl and Dimitri.
.NO JOKE—To counteract the ancient jokes about mothersin-law, Amarillo, Texas, observes Mother - in - Law Day. Here is the parade of the women through the down-town section on the second annual observance held recently. More than 3,000 women took part, to receive the acclaim of the citizens and the vast crowds that came in from neighboring communities.
BONUS BILL SPONSORS—Representative Fred M. Vinson of Kentucky, left, who Introduced the Vinson-American Legion Bonus Payment Bill into the House in Washington, talking with National Commander Frank N. Belgrano, Jr., of the American Legion, The bill was passed by the Ways and Means Committee. -
DID THIS CAUSE HITLER'S COM)?—A diplomatic cold was said to have prevented Chancellor Hitler of Germany from meeting Sir John Simon, England's Foreign Minister. But here is Hitler, standing bare-headed in a pouring rain, saluting his Storm Troopers as they paraded through the streets of Saarbrucken. The picture has just been received in this country.
OOT OF JAIL AGAIN—Having paid his debt to society, after sentence of 10 days In jail for conviction of contempt of the Senate, William p . MacCracken, former Assistant Secretary of Cbmnierce, emerges from the" Federal District Jail, as above. He; refused to produce certain papers in the air-mail investigation. -
OPERA CHIEF—New York's Metropolitan opera will be more up-to-date, and at popular prices, according to announcement, with the appointment of Herbert Witherspoon, former basso, above, as general manager. He succeeds Giulio Gatti-Casazza, who retires at the end of the present season.
SOVIET STARTS NEW DJDjDSTRX—A government farm in the Ukraine, Russia, now supplies B^^ufefcyjof animals and birds for zoological gardens throughout' the country, and here Is a ecttihffof ostrich eggs going into an incubator. When the zoos are supplied, the government officials plan to stock collective farms with the big birds for commercial use.
A PRINCE NO LONGER—Here are Sigvard Bernadotte, former Prince Sigvard of Sweden and Grandson of King Gustaf, and his wife, the former Erika Patzek of Berlin, for whom Sigvard renounced his royal title so that he might marry her. They are shown as they arrived in New York City for a visit to this country.
MEXICAN — Jane Hamilton, Hollywood model, displays this bathing suit in Mexican pottery colors with dark wool trunks. The cape lining follows the color scheme of the swim suit's top, while the outside is Turkish toweling. The cartwheel hat reflects the peon motif.
COMMANDS ITALIANS IN AFRICA—General Rodolfo Graziani, most noted of Italy's colonial leaders, who has been commissioned by King Victor Emmanuel to command all .the troops in Italian Somaliland in East Africa. The King simultaneously appointed Mm Governor of the colony. He already has arrived at his post.
HAPPY ROYAL FAMILY—A new and hitherto unpublished picture of a branch of England's royal family. Here are the Duke and Duchess of York, with their two daughters, the Princesses Margaret Rose and Elizabeth. Princess Elizabeth is in line for succession to the British throne, If her uncle, the Prince of Wales, does not marry. . ."
the second-largest stockholders In a {50,000 policy against Hitler's Vatican Links Nails the Transcontinental and Western ceasing to be ruler of Germany Air Corporation, which proves to All of that even Jewish bankers ere before March Slst. Luftinenschen. . . . The press re- which sounds like a good Purim from Rome (,TTA> — The cbavpr presentative of the Cunard White story to us. . . . that the German Nazis are liu.',* Star Line pulled no boner when ODDS AND ENDS fomenting anti-Jewish agiteMnr Tcssspi .c he released a story about VladiDave Rubinoff, the violinist. Is • The subject of Rabbi David in . Palestine in cooperation; v.-s,). mir Horowitz, the pianist, in the Mufti and' with the iorm.->By PHTNEAS J. BISON which he labeled the virtuoso Ar- very proud of his brother, who's Wice's sermon topic tonight vili mayor ol Jerusalem*, Ra^heb B e turo Toscanini's son-ia-law . . . running for Judge in Detroit. . . be, "Parent, What Doest Thou?" Nashashibi, was made last VOPV There will be regular SaturBy HENRY LEVY As a matter of fact, Toscanina Georgie Jessel sent some Bc&llions in the Oeservatore Roineua, Hit CALLING ALL CABS day morning services at 10:?C. sings lullabies to an infant HorAFRICAN JUBIST to Walter Winebell for implying by the Nazis, he died broken- ihort stories. The late Jacob Adofficial organ of the Ye.t1e.nB. The College club •prill meet Whether yen like it or not, the ler, one time idol of Second Aveowitz who is his granisoji. . . . that there is anything wrong beYou probably know that sitting hearted. Sunday afternoon et 4:15. Hauptmann case Is going to blaze Menahem - M e n d e l tTssishkin. tween Georgie and A special article dealt. v,-Kh ;Knue, played, Shylock in Yiddish Norma TalThe study clasB •will meet. TUCE- increape'd anti-Jewish propapaiuij. in. Washington on the United CONGRESSIONAL DEAN an unprecedented trail of anti- Grand Vizier of. the Jewish Na- madge, his wife. . . while the rest of his company enRoS- Qay evening at 8 p. xn. at the in Palestine which is IIPF <Ii,str."!-States Supreme Court are Louis And to return to the American acted the Shakesperian lines in Semitism In this country. The tional Fund, .is tearing his hair man is the only Jew .inJerry the Mafii- j home scene, you should know that of Mr. Eugene Blazer, Miss ing the Palestine govcrnnicr.t mu~ D. Brandeis and Benjamin. N: Car- Adolph J. Sabath of Chicago is English. It was his manner of at- Nazi undercover men have re- because the J. N. F. in Australia son Square Garden sixday bicycle | doza. But did you Jjnow that in now serving his fifteenth term in tempting to interest English ceived the order to go the limit is running a joint campaign for race/ and there's nothing veryj Adele Wilinsky will lead, the dis- because of which, two Arsb vrv>' wherever and funds with the Jewish Telegra- startling about his pedaling. -. . . j cussion on Fhilip'son'e "Some papers were suspended for th-i\^ speaking persons in the Yiddish on injecting Africa an Englishman, Sidney the Jewish months each a few {lays'ft'po. Solomon Abrahams, is-Chief Jus- the House of Representatives and theater. Years later — last year, whenever possible Rome has been suggested as the European Ghettos." is thus the Dean of the Congress. phic Agency. Our good friend "There1 JB no doubt that NRKT-in fact •— Maurice Schwartz did Issue into appeal- for the Haupt- G. H. Dalrymple tells us that Nat city for the World Zionist Con-J tice of the Supreme Court of the ashibi, the iJufti ami Nazis? iron: Uganda Protectorate? By now It You should know that just as Yoshe Kalb" In English. It was mann defense fund. The Feldman, who took over the Bi- gress, but Italian Jews aren't V«ad is quite well known-that the flick- well as that Eddie Cantor has five a two day flop, one of the higgest pamphlets that are- being distri- jou Germany are behind this enih-f very enthusiastic about the plan. where children's er star,.Sylvia Sidney, is Jewish daughters and that Al Jolson has ggs laid on Broadway. As buted at those Hauptmann mas- moviesTheater, . , . Bonnie Miller, the California Auxiliary night will be ob- agitation," the Papal o r f f r are shows exclusively, is a but ijo you know that the rising Buby Keeler. You should also Ichwartz lingers in Hollywood, meetings, quoting the "Protocols newcomer ' I the entertainment Jewish tennis queen, is engaged served by the Vaad at the B'nai stated. young Warner player, Patricia know that. In all, there are eleven Joseph Buloff has taken over his of the Elders of ZIon" and enum- field; but Dalrymple laments that to Martin Elank, the handsome Israel synagogue this Friday evesecond Avenue following. Ellis, is likewise a Jewess? Well, Jewish Congressmen. erating the "histories" of ritual there's no use in telling us this Berkeley University graduate. . . . ning. Cantor A. SctvacElnE and \ H©ncir Altticimcr she is; is, in fact daughter of the THE " S " IN DIPLOMACY murder accusation incidents, are Bonnie was the National Girls' the choir •will chant the services Farrar and Rinehart are pubPerhaps you have to be re- lishing within the next month or published in hundreds of thous- story because we are always look- Tennis Champion of 1SSS, in case and the ceremony w i 11 be \ New York—The pn.rtriarrli«*; Broadway musical- comedy prominded that three Jews with "S" so an anthology of Jewish litera- ands of copies In New York. . . . Ing for a Jewish angle. . . Nat is you've forgotten. . . . "Zfei Her-j preached by Eabbi Miller. Eis i Ben Altheimer. who is national!"{ ducer, Alexander Leftwich. of an angle for us. . . Un| known as the father of Flag Tn. for an initial •—Straus In France. for the New York Post enough zen ini Drei Viertel Takt" is play- subject is "The Jewish Woman— I and. Bundle Day. celebrated hit Walter Winchell often pro- StelnhaTdt ftTSweden and Sack in ture from the Biblical beginnings Except less Boss Hague of Jersey City Her Place in Jewish History." the Daily Mirror, all the me- can prevail on U. S. Senator A. Ing a very successful return en! eighty-fifth" birthday here by VP claims his Jewishness in his na- Costa Rica — are United States right down, through Michael Gold. anfl tropolitan dailies are soft-pedal- Harry gagement at the 55th Street Play- Participating on the after-serv- jceiving as a testimonial s cheri tionally syndicated column but Ambassadors. You -surely -know Sir Sidney Lee, British writer, ing Moore to resign in time to ice program will be Mrs. K. Lipunheard-of brazenness on did you know that. F. P. A. that. Henry Homer is Governor was at the time of his death In the this the Democratic gubernatorial house In New York, proving that pet, who •will speak on the Jewish j for f 10,000 from e caninittf."? part of the Nazis. . . . The be (Franklin P. AdamB) of the Her- of Illinois and that Herbert Leh- 1926 the greatest living authority •McCormack-Dicksteln candidate in 1937, New Jersey's Jews have learned to differenti- Woman in the Synagogue, Mrs. L. I representing: the • National Jev.U;V Committee ate between German and Austrian j on Shakespeare. The real name of i Hospital at Denver, which lir ald Tribune is also a Jew? You wiseacres predict, the investigation, having handed in political movies. . . . Frieda Bell, •wife of j Mendelson, vrhose subject is the 'helped found thirty-six years FSt> should most certainly nave known man is Governor of New York, the French essayist and novelist, of. fight for the Democratic gubernaJewish Woman in the Home; Mrs. Its final report and • having no torial nominatio* will be between Professor Harry Bell of the Dart-! if you ever tad a peek at his def- but do you remember that Oscar Andre Maurois, is Hertzog. Hol- more D. B. Epstein, v-bo vill speak on !as the first national Jewish coiat its disposal, is out Mayor Myer Ellenstein of Newark ! solo! initely Semitic profile - but you Straus was Secretary of Corn- land, which today has a popula- of themoney riouth faculty, will give a the Jewish Woman in the Com- lEumptJve agency. picture, and can't do any- and Attorney General David T. piano recital as Concert Hall, in rat:nity, and Mrs. N. Greenberg, ! The f 10,000 pifi. is (clip adrtr;: might have been thrown off the merce and Labor in President tion of 115,000 Jews, harbored thing about this. . . . This Is seri- "SVilentz of Hauptmann case fame. Hanover, which means that Friethe £30,000 Ben Allheimsv scent if you had been told that Theodore Roosevelt's cabinet? Jews as early as the sixteenth ous, and make who will speak on the Jewish I•to no mistake about . . . In the event that either Wi- da has really arrived. . . . Strangely enough, there have Fund established five year? fsr-century for records show a Jewhis sons are named Timothy and Woman in National Institutions. been Jewish cabinet members ish cemetery t t that time. Al- it. . . . I in honor of his eightieth, blr.'.'1 t x Seven Arts Feature Anthony. ' . lentz or Ellenstein becomes the (Copyright, 1SS5, For the Junior vaad auxiliary Syndicate.) only in Roosevelt administrations • • - . , Jews represent no more Democratic standardbearer, the Rose Kirshenbaum will speak on ! day. Despite the fact the Elizabeth for Henry Morgenthau Jr., pres- though NEWS OF JEWS than one per cent of the general Republicans are expected to select) I A r e t i r e d banketY* Vir. Ah-the Jewish Girl and Her ResponsiPergneT, now starring in this ent Secretary of the Treasury, is population of the Western World, The hostilities be- Mayor Harry Bacharach of AtlanFlash! bilities, end Sara German on the I h e i m e r hre been t r e a s u r e r of iti; country In the Theater Guild's the only other Jewish cabinet nine per cent of the winners of tween Rabbi Silver of Cleveland Jewish Girl and Her oppor- i N a t i o n a l J e w i s h hoKpiia' since >••> production of "Escape Me Never" member In the history of the Nobel prizes have been Jews. and the local Zionist District t i c Cit?> t h u s P r i d i n g New Jertunities. Mrs. H. P. Milder will | conception In lSI'E. ' scored her first sensational suc- country. have not been straightened out, sey with a replica of last year's be chairman. cess in Berlin she Is not a GerLehnian-Moser campaign In New Though there are always ruas the Administrative Committee Jerusalem (JTA) — The Pal-] The Auxiliary will serve cfter • man. Neither, is she an exile. The mors of the impending sale of his York. . . . of the Zionist Organization of estine government last week an-1 the program. Mrs. S. Brown is Austrian Jewess was in London Universal Picture Company, Carl America tries to believe. . .* Rab- YOU SHOULD KNOW nounced that $250,000 has been! chairman, assisted by Mrs, A. M. IIIsrk at the outbreak of Hitlerlsm. The Laemmle has continued as presi- By ALEXANDER B. TAGER bi Silver has organized^ a new «y.ir- internets, . . assigned by the government and GreenbaTin;, Mrs. H. R. Milder, l*t me Jascha Heifetz Is setting down legend that Bhe was an exile was dent of the company since 191 "First the sentence, and then Zionist District, and is ready to and has promised his wife, Flor- the Colonial Office In London to Mrs. D. Be-nenberg- and Mrs. S, Rt. born of the fact that her picture, when it was founded, — a record the evidence," said the Queen. pit h!s Ftrength against the entire reliable companies OJ.XX. . . Lai'n the two main roads from "Catherine the Great," w a s of consistency achieved by no "Nonsense J" cried Alice, BO Cievelard Zionist leadership. . . . ence Vidor, to stay in the U. S.i extend 8s!k It .n-er. . . Palestine to.Transjord&n. eight months out of every year. barred from Naziland by Herr other man in pictures. William loudly that everybody jumped," New that the World Jewish ConOily Finance & Susustmce Or*. The other road will start from the Goebbels. No edict, though, has Fox Is out of Fox: Jesse Lasky the idea of having sentence gress has again been postponed . . . The Moutagues of England Allenby Bridge, on the Palestine 14C« FswDATC AX 7<!F,7 ««r W A MAT Bcth-O have donated the Swaythling.Cup as yet- been Issued against her ha3 switched from Paramount to first!" for r-nother twelvemonth, and a3 an international trophy for Transjordaji border, and will go At services tonight, Rabbi Davpersonally. Fox; Adolph Zukor Is tottering at "Hold your tongue!" said the that the whole issue is kept alive ping-pong a real Jewish sport. . . to. El-Salt, one of the principal id A. Gclcrteir. vii: y.ver-c^ r EMPIRE BUILDERS a Paramount in receivership. Queen. only through artificial respira- T v e world's champion of table Transjordan cities. Purlin Fcrir.cn OL. ' Ar-ii-SeTr.kifTi\ With the exception of the post tion- administered by American tennis Is none other than Victor. The official announcement dis- anfi JevlcS. Seir-Krtc." Jacob Lumbrozo, who came to "I won't" said Alice. of Prime Minister, the three high- Maryland in January, 1656, is the That such a trial could exist Jewish Congress headquarters in closes that of the sum assigned Nest veek, RrM?i G f ' i r ^ r est positions in English political first Jewish doctor knowi to have except in the topsy-turvy Won- the form of indignation against Barna, a Hungarian Jew . . . And for the extension of these roads, will cpesk or. Mo.«os ?."r:,rror"t."er, as long as we're being sporty let life are Lord Chief Justice of practiced In this country. A na- derland of Alice's dream seems Judgp Proskauer's views, the re$110,000 has been granted from j in recognition of the fCCit rriuEngland. Viceroy of India and tive of Lisbon, he was among the impossible. Yet, in Imperial Rus- signation of the United Rumanian us remind you that the three tse treasury of the Palestine gov- j versery of hie birth, leaders of the international chess Ambassador to the United State3. very first of American practition sia In this Twentieth ' Century Jews of America from the Amereminent. The rest will come from All three of these positions have ers. Today twenty per cent of the such a trial was held, and the ican Jewish Committee, etc., peo- tournament at Moscow are Jewe, the treasury cf the British Emto wit, Botwlnnik, Flohr and been fiiled, and with distinction medical students in this country Czar' played the part of the ple are starting to wonder whethpire, with the consent of the Coby Rufus Daniel Isaacs, better are Jewish. Kit Klein, lonial Office in London. Queen. No imaginary creatures er tbo Jewish Congress session at Emanuel Lasker. . The Junior Yacd Conprefx' ior. known as Lord Reading, Another bandied false logics, no pack of Philadelphia will be able to mo- our favorite skating girl, is doing •will ireet a; re£-u2c.r per^iccr iLit Aaronsburg, Pennsylvania, a very well at the Oslo Ice meets, Isaacs has gone far in the British town with a present population of cards fell down In a heap, t no Saturday mornir.j; rt ; 0 •; 0 Maurice and if she doesn't look out she'll Barter Dsal any delegates. Commonwealth. He is Sir Isaacs, some three hundred souls, was awakening shattered the impos- bilize o'clock. Eoctr to the ccrrrcrrSamuel, just back from a transDublin—Ths forthcoming pil- tio= v-;:: be Mr. r.rfi. r.-s. £\ Governor General of the Com- the lirst American township to be sible illusions. A man was held continental tour, tells us that the have to compete in the Berlin monwealth of. Australia... Ladies know that grimage of Eamon <5e Valer&, B r o T , ir rtrenrrre of Vr, ' nanfed after a Jew; It is named for trial on the charge of murder, Labor Palestine movement is Olympics. B. W.JHnebsCIi, jvice-presldent ^after---Aaron - Levy- -who - -settled a race was condemned of-a crime sweeping the country, notwith- David Burnstine, bridge ace, is president of the Irish Free State Brcvx'r birth£rr; 3f the Ylking-'Pfess, was the first there in 1786. Though Brooklyn against' humanity; human souls standing the frantic gesticulations one of the most handsome card to Palestine Is expected to bring The cfTPTcrEtion xneeit re£- j American publisher of James isn't named after a Jew, ft com- and human lives were "moved by of organized Revisionists. . . . If players in captivity, but they may to a head Eegotlatioas between ularly ct the T'tai Isrrrf? Toyce. He -lso-published most of prises -—wholly apart from New hands activated onlly by greed the Y. M. C. A. refuses your ap- not know that Dave is a bachelor the Irish Free State and various gogue. willing to listen to reason. industrial and commercial Interthe earty works of Sherwood An- York City the largest Jewish for power and blind superstitious plication for membership on the who's . . We can't refrain from ex- ests In Palestine tor a barter derson. Both by this encourage^ community in the world with hate. • •- . grounds that you are Jewish, .pressing our sympathy to an old agreement between Ireland and ment of young writers, and by On March 20, 1911, the body don't think for a moment that of over a million fighter who Is down for the count Palestine. reason of being the American population of Andrei Yushinsky was disyou're discovering a new anti- . . . None other than William Fox. Although the negotiations are publisher of the standard trans- Jews. covered by children In a cave in Semitic policy. . The truth Is lations of Hauptmann, Snder- PROLIFIC the outskirts of Kiev. On July that ll>» Y Ji. H. A. leadership whose dream of regaining control still In the discussion Btage, De The Yiddish playwright, Osslp mann, Strindberg, Chskhov and Dmov, (whose, real name Is Jo- 21st Mendel Beiliss, a modest has a working ajreement with its of the talkie industry has been Valera's visit is expected to furGorky, Huebsch with his. seven seph Perelman) has written and employee of a brick factory, was Chris'ian contreres to the effect smashed to bits by the Supreme nish him with an opportunity to examine the proposal in more debranched " candlestick trademark had published over a thousand arrested and indicted for the mur- that Jev should be discouraged Court. . . . : tail. If the plan is realized the was a vital figure in American der. On October 28, 1913, the from Joining the Y. M. C. A. and HAMANTASCHEN publishing circles. jury acquitted Beiliss. Within this shunted over to the Jewish or- We wonder whether you missed agreement will provide for an exHe occupied the same, position framework of mere facts was a ganization whenever possible. . . . tMs interesting Associated Press change of Palestine citrus fruits and chemicals for Irish cattle. in this country as the late S. drama at which Its audience, the dispatch from London. . . . It's Robert Briscoe, Jewish memABOUT PEOPLE Fischer of Berlin, lead of the pubwhole world, gasped, protested too delicious to overlook. ber of the Irish, parliament, has lishing house, of S. Fischer Verand finally sighed with relief. Kuhn. Loeb and Co. are now .really . . If you've read it, don't stop learned that Great Britain will lag. As an obscure publisher in "The Decay of Czarism" fills in us . . . It goes like this. . . A Bri- not object to such a barter pact. Jerusalem (JTA) — Preparing the.i'890's Fischer recognized the this framework. It is a book "The Decay of Czarism" is a tish motorist w? told by a gypsy: impending trend towards realism itself for rainy days of unemploy- based upon.the secret archives of much astonishing story than "There will bo a dead man In New York—A new son inly and 11 T s t published Gerhart ment in Palestine, Histadruth, th the Russian government which "The more Beiless Trial.".The hatred magazine called Action, whose Jewish Labor Federation, decidei Hauptmann, Ibsen, Bjornson, were opened after the Revolution of the Jews Is nothing new; the your car by evening as sure as purpose is to fight Fascism and last week to complete its cam Hitler will be dead before the Hamsun and others. Browbeaten It contains documentary evidence story of a ritual murder was put paign for a $250,000 fund for un which So what hap- anti-Semitism will appear here on month is out" throws a new light upon employment insurance, towards the Balliss Trial. The impossibill by Chaucer into the lips of the pened? . So a short while la- April 20. Its editorial board Snsweet Lady Prioress who appar- ter the motorist helped the victim cluSes Nathan Asch, son of Showhich $150,000 haa already been ties of justice here presented ently except for this horrible, of-an auto accident, started oat lom Asci; Kecneta B u r t e , collected. would seem like fiction were they During the present prosperity not supported by actual photo- grossly libellous tale for the nearest hospital, and Michael Gold, "William Gropper "—was so charitable and so when he got there found that the and Edward Dahlberg. in Palestine, leading industrial static copies of significant papers, pltous government experts are pre- and the sworn testimonies of forman had died. So then the Waldo Frank, James T. Farrell New York, (JTA)—The elec- and She wolde weep if that she saw gentleman dicting an economic crisis in the rushed to Lloyds, the sad Robert Gesscer vriil be contion campaign tor the forthcom- country in the near future. In or mer officials. a mouse big Insurance firm, and took oat tributing editors. ing nineteenth World Zionist con- der to meet the unemployment Lenin wrote of the period pre- . Caught in a trappe—"; gress was opened in the" United ceding the World War, "The gov- but the active support of the States ween the administrative which the crisis may bring, tin eram«nt was not ruling the coun- Ministry of Justice, of Judges, committee ol the Zionist organiz- HiBtadruth has proclaimed its try; it was engaged in warfare.' Prosecutors, and Police to the j §gj ation of America, appealed to all campaign for the special unem- The Czar, the nobility and the commission of an act of pal- H i Zionists throughout the XT. S. to ployment fund. petty Imperial officials were Of the $150,000 which has al. struggling for their existence pable injustice makes this book g g vote tor candidates of the generready been collected for this fun The first Revolution had taken one of the most startling chron- - ^ al Zionists. major tart came from special place, and abortive though it was icles of a startling period. Only General Zionism can real- the "The Decay of Czarism," is dues Imposed by the Histadruth had left its mark on the land; ize the upbuilding of Palestine as published by the Jewish publicaTEY.HAYDIN'S FIRST upon Its 60,000. organized .mema Jewish national home, It was the dread rumblings of a second bers. Part of it also came from eruption were clearly audible tion Society of America, price pointed out at the session.. dy Moienazei'h&m Fcp to Bottom contributions made by Nationalism, Imperialism, Absolu- $2.50. At the same time, a'convention voluntary employers as well as by indiviEnhances - - - 16fk, Beige es&£ .BongIss St$. tism were toppling. As a last atof Zionist Iaborites at the Manhattan Opera house decided to dual Jews who aTe Interested in tempt to concetrate the attention sell not less than 100,000 shekel preventing unemployment in Pal of the workers and. peasants on certificates in America In order to estine. something , far removed from OIL BUBNEES Becure more labor delegates to their , own Interests the ruling the forthcoming Zionist congress. Austria Minorities classes chose to direct "their un. "OLSON BROS. The government council of the consciouB c l a s s dissatisfaction Aided, Minister Says along the line of least resistance 2Q12 lieavesirorth AT S@60 Zionist organization of America .will Issue upbuilding work in —along the line of Jewish poVienna (JTA) — Dr. Egon groms — to divert the boiling inPalestine, In which the principles of general Zionism will be ex- Berger-Waldenegg, Austrian Min- dignation of the people into anplained, in order to obtain-more Ister of Foreign Affalrs, at a other direction, . showing them press conference, declared that their Imaginary enemies, In order votes for the general Zionists. . J It is expected that the Zionist during his visit to London he in to hide Itself behind their organization of America will formed British statesmen thai backs." '7. Just like having 4 separate reMpcrafrrs. C'IS count a membership of 255,000 "the cultural and religious na That-a great government from tbc FOOD FILE for keeping fresh before the election to the World tional minorities In Austria ar the Czar down to an Insignificant leftovers and daisy products, TVfc'r the CONZionist congress starts, it was re- enjoying complete freedom." policeman should stoop to lying, TROL PANEL with 12 fescr",: •: i-«rfor . . . the ported at the meeting of the ad- ,"l was able to make this state deceit, and. the complete abrogaministrative committee. The same ment while in London," the Min- tion of justice is one of the great PASTRY SET and the F R C f T ^ r . f T . Comr session also heard a report that ister stated, "because all we de- tragedies.of modern history. The in and let us, explain these cut n-wrj p'dicr of during the last BIX months 700 mand from our national minori- importance of its anti-Semitic Kelvinstor's remarkable features. immigration visas were issued to ties is that they adjust themselves propaganda diminishes in. the American Jews who proceeded to as a part of our state. We havi face of the overwhelming hypoPalestine as capitalists with not no use for such minorities wh crisy of a whole government. f ^ . - . We will gladly send one of our representatives-to your oppose the state." less than ?5,00fr capital each. You'll sare ctaotsgh every raontfe by just owniag a Kelvinator to make the easjr payments. The Minister concluded his In a discussion of the editorial liome to saeasnre your davenport and chsir asS make policy of The New Palestine, it statement at the press conference to your order Blip coders for them st only $12.05. was said by some speakers that by saying that "Austria is glvln The . New Palestine had a ten- an example of a model system foi You. liave-several slip tovering' materials for choice. ml Slmuge "Sisci 1913 dency to favor labor. It was, how- the protection of national minorever, pointed out by other speak- ities." Those minorities "who will Sinks - - The Best - - Reasonable R$e$ Xlaot. ers that The New Palestine -was properly adjuBt themselves to the 110? HOWAEB ST. \ • not taking a sufficiently aggres- country will have no ground to sive attitude toward revisionism. complaints, he emphasized.
Decay of Czarism
Laborites Prepare for Boom Collapsi
Campaign to Name Genera! Zionists
David Pinski to Speak Thursday
Society News
Jaffa Court May Grant Palestine Land to Nans
In Upbuilding The Jewish. Community
OX £ WHITE, Attorney* City Nat'I Bunk Bid*.
NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF OMAHA MERCHANTS ASSN. Notice is hereby given that a CorporMr. and Mrs. Max Holland, ation has beeri formed under the. lft.w* Jaffa, (WNS—Palcor Agency) ot the State of Nebraska. 3129 Jennnigs • street, returned —The possibility that the GerThe name of the Corporation is "OMhome recently from St. Louis, AHA MERCHANTS ASSNV Its princiman government may acquire a pal place of business is Omaha, Douglas where they attended the wedding Count}-, Nebraska. of their daughter, Florence, to huge stretch of land in Palestine, The peners.1 rjr.ture of the buniness of Sam C. Steinhauer, son of Mr. parts of it near Jewish suburbs, the Corporation is to advance the comThe following is the text of and holy! In this way, you willl mercial, oH-ir and economic int'-iopts of and Mrs. Steinhauer of St. Louis, was foreseen here when the Jaffa the address delivered by the serve best the interests of inter- the Omaha trade territory; to promote integrity anil good faith. Just unit equiton Sunday, February 24. district court decided to dismiss -world-famous scientist at a re- national relations, for integrity able principles in business activity and Other Sioux Cityans who -were in commercial vwag-efl in the ception in his honor, tendered and honesty is sorely needed uniformity commercial trade of the Omaha, terripresent at the wedding were Mrs. all claims presented by twenty- at the Hotel Commodore by the everywhere. j tory; to. discover and correct BDUBPR existlnjr amonf KB members; to prevent Dave Rosenthal and Max Rosen- one different Armenian groups on Women's Division of the AmerWith this consideration in! or adjust controversies it* memthe estate of Frederick Murad, ican Jewish Congress.—The mind, I greet with especial de- bers; to have a part in amon^ thai. representing OUT city and state in the consideration and The marriage was solemnized Armenian millionaire, who died Editor. light and satisfaction the unsel- decision of public policy in municipal, in the Steinhauer home. The intestate. county, state and national affairs; to fish work of the Women's Divi- buy, purchase, own. hold, lease, exbride was gowned in off-white sion of the American Jewish change, assign. mortKfiKe unfl transfer The great physicist of Holland, The estate of Murad, consisting real estate and personal property wheresatin and carried calla lilies. Mr. Congress in their establishment j soever situated; to do any and all Steinhauer and 'his bride will of valuable lands, is worth H. A. Lorentz, once said to me j of necessary, convenient or incidena home for exiled Jews. All re-things tal to the rlehts, powers and. privileges make their home at 569 Strat- $1,000,000. There have heen during the World War: "I am spect for the tireless work of Mrs. herein specified.. ford avenue, University hill, St. fourteen hearings during the past happy to belong to a nation which | g t e p h e n g> W i g e w h o p r e p a r e d | The total authorized capital Block of the Corporation Bhal! be SIO.OOQ.OO diLouis. six months but the Jaffa court is too unall to commit great fol-j the home with such love and sym-j vided into 1000 shares of the par value has decided that none of the lies." Destiny placed the Jewish pathetic understanding. Every- of *10.00 each. Said Btook ehall b* fully paid for non-asKeiwmble whe'i isMembers of the Poale Zion and claims has been established by people in a similar situation when j one who is received there, will sued. Saidand (stock may be paid for '.n the Pioneer Women's club enter- the alleged heirs. Since Murad notes, or property, real or personnever forget what brotherly soli- CUBII-tangible or intangible, Rt the reatained at a farewell party for Mr. was a German citizen, complica- we were scattered the earth over. darity means for those Jews who al, sonable value thereof. Five sharps of and Mrs. N. Elkin, -who will leave tions > threaten for the disposition We, are everywhere a minority remained steadfast and upright. the capital stock of thifl '"Vrponition shall be paid for before the Corporation without physical means of defense soon for California to make their See to it that this worthy work shall commence buslines. of the estate, since the Reich may to piotect our community against home. shall commence buntis continued and that it will rl-j TheonCorporation the 11th day of February, 193B, Mr. Abe Stillman acted as now claim the land. our many enemies and antagon- ways bring coinfort and solace to! ness and continue for a period of fifty years from date thereof. toastmaster of the evening and ists. Fortunately so! For what ar-* d i s c o u r a g e d a n d p e r s e cuted! The affairs of this Corporation aha!] various members of the clubs be conducted by a Board of Director* j mies and diplomatic corps based) brethren! ' consisting spoke briefly. Palestinian songs of not less than ten nor more upon arms are to other nations, than thirty members. we're sung, and the evening was In presence of: ' . mutual assistance and a tradition SAKCEt ZACHAEIA, Atty. S. J. LEON. concluded with refreshments. 168 Brandeic Theater Bide. G. PERI/IS,' of reverence and care for intelliV. HUHNKE. j gence and reason is to us. This 3-11.35—it FKOBATE NOTICE. Rabbi and Mrs. H. Rabinowitz JBY F . R. K. {tradition was preserved in ancient In the -matter ot the estate of MART •visited in Omaha this week, WINER, Deceased. S. S, FRIEDMAN * HYMEN SERIES, times mainly by the religious pat- Notice is hereby given: Attorneys. where they were guests of Rabbi That the creditors of said deceased WO First Kat'l Bank tern whlrh permeated the whole will meet the Administrator of said es. and Mrs. David Goldstein. Purim program to be given Sunof life. Its Inevitable and gradual tate, ebefore day afternoon at Eagles hall. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION laxity n u ' t be carefully compen-j &Vo »»& "E County Court of Douglas CounPlans have been completed for sated bv toward s o -'' CC o u n R R°°m. ii» sas<J county, on the soth Inty,theNebraska: Mr. and Mrs. Eli Skalovsky, b " an education !Z : day of April, 1935 and on t h e 1st day In the matter of the estate of ETHEL 415 George street, will hold open the Purim program to be given cial responsibility, if our body ot July 1935, a t s o'clock A. M., each \ FK1EBEN, Deceased, their house this Sunday, honoring their next Sunday afternoon, March 17, politic is to remain healthy and claims ror examination, presenting persons interested In paid eetate adjustment and • Allhereby notified that a petition hag allowance. Three months are allowed • are son, Mr. Louis Skalovsky, and hisat 2:30 o'clock at the large maintain its vitality. been filed in paid Court alleging . thnt for the creditors to present their claims, i said deceased Seevin- no last will bride. Mr. and Mrs. Skalovsky Eagles hall, by the Council Bluffs An individual belonging to a from the 30th day of March. 1935. j and praying- died administration upon BRTCE CRAWFORD, i his estate, andfor gave a family dinner recently as Talmud Torah and Sunday school. small minority is confronted with 3-8—3t that hearing1 will be County Judge, j had on said petition a.before An appropriate and entertaining said court a courtesy to their son and daughan incomparably more difficult on the 30th day of March, 1935, and program has been arranged, in- j problem as regards his relation to ter-in-law. that if they fail to appear at said IXJCIS E U F F , " Attorney. Court on the said 3(vth day of March. cluding Purim recitations and society, than any other man.! 601 City National Bank Bide. 1535, at 9 o'clock A. M. to contest salri Purim songs by the Sunday school What is to be his relation to the j petition, the Court may g'rant the wmf FKOBATE NOTICE and fcTsnt ecIminiRtrBtion of sctld efltrtte pupils. Mr. O. Hochman, secre- Jewish community and to the'j In the Hatter of the Estate ot Samuel Cohen or some other suit«bl» LI AM BONE, Deceased. • j to tary of the Talmud Torah, will Community Of a l l Other p e o p l e s ? J Notice person and proceed to a settlement is Hereby Given: ! thereof. . .. • i_ • I That the creditors of said deceased ; present stereoptical slides illu- . BRTCE CRAWFORD, strating the story of Purim. A An. exhaustive and comprehensive | w m m e e t t h B administrator of saia; 3-8—3t County J J naturally :I estate, before me. County Judge of I Rabbi Benjamin Goldberg has violin solo will be given by Igal I answer tO this question 2r,. . _ Dougjas County. Ivebr&ska, at the arrived in the city this week to Stadlan, and a clarinet solo will does not exist. Life IS an a r t and j County Court Room, in said Connty, KUEJLSEN, SHJEUCMAN & GOODBiNDEK Trip dpoi«;ion in o n t h e 2 3 r d a a ; r ot A P r " - 1935. ana on Attorneys, assume his duties as rabbi of the be given by Arnold Hoffman. Mr. L . t „ crMPnrp FTP Insurance H Beth Abraham Congregation and not a science. m e aecision i n ] -
Sioux Cityans are looking forwith interest to the lecture next Thursday evening, March 21, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiniiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM By PROF. ALBERT EINSTEINby David Pinski, noted Jewish author, poet, and playwright. The lecture, which is being sponsored jointly by the Poale .Zion At the annual election-of the branch of the National Workers' board directors of the Federa- Alliance and the Pioneer WomConcluding three days' 'festivi- tion ofofJewish Social Service, Mr. ties, which marked the tenth an- A. M. Davis was re-elected presi- en's club, will be held at the Jewniversary oC the congregation of dent. Mr. Davis has served as ish Community Center. Pinski is the national presiShaare Zion synagogue, four hun- president for several years. He dred people attended the banquet was at one time president of the dent of the National Workers' held in the social hall of the syn-congregation of Mount Sinai Alliance of America. He was at time editor of the Poale Zion agogue Sunday evening. Dr. A. temple and has always evinced a one Tzeit. Among hia better known keen interest in communal acLaasen of Chicago, president of tivities. . \ . iterary works are "The Family the Rabbinical council of. Chi- Vice-president of the Federa- Ive," a four-act drama, the play, cago was the principal speaker of tion were also re-elected and in- "The Treasure Hunters," and the evening. An impressive pag- clude Max Lasensky, H. Lazriow- "Yankel, the Blacksmith." Many eant, written by Mrs. S. H. Shul- ich, Barney Baron, Si Krueger, J. of his works have been translated kin and directed by Hal Buntley, Kalin; Mr. Max Brodkey was re-In various languages. Pinski returned recently from portrayed the progress of the elected secretary and Mike Skalovsky, treasurer. Palestine, and it is said by his synagogue in its 10 years. A critics that much of his inspirastring trio and the men's choir tion comes from the work of the PURIM BAZAAR AT assisted in the presentation. Histadruth In Palestine. FollowAmong those present who J. C. C. NEXT TUESDAY ing a recent stay in Eretz Israel, spoke were Dr. C. H. Kauvaf, ^inski wrote the drama. "The Denver, Colo.; Rabbi David GoldThe Senior Hadassah chapter ower That Builds." stein, Omaha, Neb.: Rabbi M. will sponsor its annual Purim baBraver of the Adas Yeshuren zaar next Tuesday, March 19, at synagogue of Sioux City; Dr. T. the Jewish Community Center. A N. Lewis, of Mount Sinai temple; cafeteria lunch at noon and a Hyman Fishgall, president of Mt. supper in the evening will be feaSinai congregation; E. N. Grues- tures of the bazaar. kin, president of the Inter-Club At an organization of "The The committees in charge are council of 29 organizations; Mrs. making preparations to accom- Masque and Wig," a senior draH. M. Sherman, president of the modate capacity crowds at both matic group of the Jewish ComWomen's •. Auxiliary of Shaare luncheon and supper. Plans have munity Center, Sovel Heshelow Zion and Charles Shindler, presi- also been made for excellent dent of the Junior congregation. ice during the noon lunch servhour was elected president; Rozena Rabbi . Rabinowitz was pre- so the business men and women Sacks, secretary, and Dave Alsented with a chair by the con-can eat their lunch in their lim- bert, treasurer. All three have gregation. The synagogue pre- ited time. been active for several years in sented a coffee set to Cantor A. ocal theatrical groups. No raffles or raffle booths will Pliskin, and a bouquet of flowers be held at the bazaar this year. Mrs. L. A. Beals will direct the : to Mrs. John Kauffman, first A candy booth will be under the productions of the organization president of the Ladies* Auxiliary. supervision of the Junior Hadas- and tryouts have been held this Barney Baron was toastmaster of sah. week for a three-act comedy "It the evening. Music was supplied ays to Advertise." Plans have Mrs. William Lazere and Mrs. by Jack Ream's orchestra. also been started for the presenJack Robinson are co-chairmen Saturday evening, the syna- of the bazaar. Assisting them are ation of a one-act play for the t h 8 2 4 t h d g y o t J u n 6 i 2933 a t 8 o c i o c k l J. Z. Stadlan, principal, is in gogue sponsored a formal dance Mrs. be left to the com- j a m. each day for the purpose of I Zella Levitan and Mrs. Joe Workmen's Circle club this the Tiphereth Israel Congrega- charge of the program and is be-I each Case must - .. * a • . js i „ « J [ presenting their claims for MORTGAGE in the ball room of the Bellevue Sawislak, the examina-[ creditors are allowed to mon hisSense intuitive Of the sensing individual of the mo-: a n d ! tmonths and for allowance. Three!| NOTICE OF CHATTEL i o n , adjustment month. tion. in charge of the dining SAJE ing assisted by the Sunday school from the 23r<3 j apartments., Notice is hereby £?ven that on the ment. The problem becomes even Mrs. Beals, director of the room; and Mrs. S. Shulkin and Goldberg is a graduate teachers, including Mr. Hochman, 29th flay of March, 1935, at 10 o'clock CRAWFORD. Friday evening, a joint service Mrs. J. Rubinstein, in charge of group, is well-known in Sioux of Rabbi BRTCE more difficult as the best and a. m., ,at The Stag. 1508 DodKe Columbia university, and and Misses Leona Fried, Freda S-l-35-3t County Judge Omaha,' Nebraska, the undersiRnedStreet. of the congregations of Mount the menu. -will ity for her abilities as a dra- comes to Sioux City from Belle- Zoorwill, Ruth Shyken, accom- finest of Jews, the prophets and sell at public auction to the highest Sinai temple: and Shaare Zion FBADKXBCR6. WEBB, BEBER, j Jesus Christ, as well as our bidder for cash the followingdescribed matic coach. She has directed a ville, m . panist, and Thelma Passer. KLCTZNICK. £ KELLKi' chattels to-wit; was held in the synagogue. Rabj philosophical teachers were for j Attorneys. number of successful productions Plans of the two congregations One soda fountain, one electric com659 Omaha National Bank bi Kauvar of Denver was the A prize will be awarded to the pressor, one carbonator, eight card the . most part cosmopolitan,! !n Sioux City and is a member of for future services and activities tables, thirty-three chairs, two 10-foot principal speaker with Rabbi Sioux City's Little theater. She will be announced in a forthcom- boy or girl who wears the most whose ideals encompassed the1I NOTICE OF DISSOIXTION. j lunch counters, 12 lunch, counter atoolp. Rabinowitz and -Dr. Lewis read-, original costume at the Purim At a regularly called meeting of the ione Herrick electric refrigerator, two was at one time dramatic instruc- ing issue of TM Jewish Press. whole of mankind. How could the stockholders TED'S PEN AND CARD steam tables, one sink, one twenty-fool ing the service. program. Funeral services for Judah or of Central High school In allegiance to the Jewish commu- SHOP. INC.,ofheld two cash registers, four oscilatinfr at No. 650 Omaha; bar, Mr. Max Ginsberg was the Sperling, 75, who died in the Omaha. . fans, two ceiling fane, one safe, one cotEveryone is cordially invited to nity be reconciled to general hu- „ , fee urn, all dishes, glassware and cookchairman for the events of the home of his son, were held Tuesattend the Purlm program Suning- utensil^ two pool tables, three . ... .. ,i - braska. on January 2, B'naiB'rith The group is open for engageclothes and cue cabinets, one cellar celebration.-; 1 day afternoon at the Eagles hall. day afternoon. Mr. Sperling was ments by local organizations. deman attitudes, to world citizenry? mg Resolution -was a bter cooier, tvo cifrar cases, one snooker The regular meeting of the w table. a' private Hebrew teacher. Tn o tm-mBTiftv in i r h l r l i trip ""t a» moved, seconded ana unaniiring programs. Forty members B'nai B'rith lodge will be held Above described properly, "tjc-ing covMr. and Mrs. Sam Lincoln an- in a Humanity in wnicn me ^ Born in Russia in 1860, Tiebelong to the group. ered by a chattel mornr-ifre in fav-or o? next Wednesday evening in the cmly c a r r i e a t h a t Ted ., P e c a n d C a r d nounce the birth of a daughter Charles Sherman and signed by Ralph came to the United States 13 idealS Of brotherly lOVe End hU-! Shop, Inc., be and the same is hereby A. Kress; Jewish Community Center. said mortKafre being' <1«ted born Friday, March 8, at the man friendship were alive and j TED'S^FEX AXD CARD SHOFT INC. August years ago, coming directly to "3rd, 1934, and T$p.virj£ been The program will be announced Group Sioux City, where he made his YOUNG POALE ZION to the members by card. filed in the office of the County Clerk Methodist hospital in Omaha. universal, all the worry for theiff 1 AEair.un* i-. zander, secretary of Douglas County, Nebraska, on the1 _ , . .. ,. . ! Attest: Theodore L. Damask. President 23rd day of Aupwt. 1934. Saul sale home. ' • Plans have been completed for will be for the purpose of foreclosing A cultural group has been orMr. and Mrs. Leon Frankel an- Jewish community would nave; s-s-*t. Surviving are . four , sons, Ed, .he radio program to be broadsaifl mortR-Rfre. for cn»te of ssle «ifl ail ganized by members of the Senior who is working for 'the British cast by the Young Poale Zion accruing: costs, and for the purpose o£ nounce the birth of a daughter been limited to the preservation; IKVI> OFC.IXCOBFOKATION . U I * I » P AttorneyOF satisfying the amount now dup thereon, SECCRIXY JPICTL'KES COKPOKHadassah chapter, and the first government in Palestine; Dave, iver KSCJ on Sunday afternoon, born Saturday, March 9, at the of the religious and cultural her- j """" " to-wit: J30C.0P vrith interest nt e% ATIOS meeting of the group will be held Morris, and Sam of Sioux City: March 24. The program will last Notice 5s hereby given thatOF on the from August £3rd, 2934; that no oiber Jennie Edmundson hospital. Mrs. itage. The truth, however, Is that j KOTJCI^ of_ AMENBMENT suit or other proceedings at law have Sth day of January, 1835, at the antomorrow; afternoon, March 46, in four daughters, Mrs. Dora. Rez- or 15 minutes. It will begin at Frankel. is the former Miss Mil- jwe live in a world in which the' nual meeting of stockholders of Secur- heen instituted to recover sakl debt or any part thereof. the home of Mrs. William Lazere, nick in Russia, Mrs. Dave Robin, 1:15 o'clock. Sulamith Bereskin ity Pictures Corporation, at SOI ElecJewish people are the victims of tric Boildine at three o'clock of said CHARLES SHERMAN, Mot-tg-aree. Job, in his sympathy for the dred Meyerson. 2616 Jackson street. Br: Nielsen. Sherman *: Goodblnder, Los Angeles, and Mrs. Louis Che- is in charge of the program. prejudice, with their existence day, upon motion duly made, seconded Hip Attorneys. I and carried. Article 1 of said corporaDr. Theodore N/ Lewis and | sen and Mrs. J. Goldberg, Sioux Rudy Shindler will announce ill - circumstanced, c r i e d out The Council Bluffs Senior Hathreatened by unfriendly powers. 3-8-3t. d a r i e s . I t i s in. p a r t a s y m p t o m Oil tion was amended to read as follows: Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will !ity; 32 grandchildren and one he program. Jean Shindler will against their subjection to "the dassah are planning a special The unworthy fight against us exquis4te cruelty of handling food an economic and political disease j T h e n E m e ^ t ^ c o r W a t . o * .h.n| speak briefly at the-meeting and great-grandchild. does haltwestern at national present a violin solo; Harry Shul- which they are not allowed to eat program to be held on Tuesday of MAJESTIC PICTURES CCRPORAthenot entire world. bounThis Mrs. Joe.-Levin Will speak on man, a vocal solo, and Miss Re- -carrying sheaves while racked afternoon, March 26, at the Hotel fight is directed not solely j 1 MAX -VriNTROTTB, "The Meaning of Oneg Shabbos." becca Stillman will read . several with hunger, treading the wine- Chieftain, in celebration of the against us. It is a fight against [ President All members of the Hadassah LOUIS VTINTROUB, twenty-third anniversary of the poems by Rachael. the dignity and rights of the hu-| press while suffering thirst." Secretary. At the regular services of are invited to attend. Mrs. J. National Senior Hadassah. The On the evening of March 24, This Is only one example of the drawing for the winning tickets man personality, against all manSawislak; Is chairman of the Shaare Zion synagogue tonight. he Young Poale Zion group will of spirituality against Phineas 'VVintroub Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will hold their anniversary dance. Biblical ideal of social justice will be held at this meeting, and ifestations group. 3-1-35—(t that makes the exist- X i Wintroub speak on "A Purim Message." Proceeds of the dance will go to-that Dr. Ephralm Frisch, San An-the person holding the lucky everything ence of more noble natures rich MOSSKT, «KODJX,«KT, MAKEK tonio, Tex., cites in his new tract Et!<5 Cantor A. Pliskin and the choir ward the Jewish Community Centicket will be awarded twenty-five and worthy of living. COHEN. Attorneys. Ambrian Club Host "Philanthropy in the Biblical will chant the service. "37 Oroisha >"ational Beuk Bldg. dollars in cash. Tickets may be At this time the unity of Jews ter building fund. The advance Megillah will be read in ticket sale indicates that a large Era." Rabbi Louis I. Egelson, obtained from members of the NOTICE to Omaha Cagers theThesynagogue the world over and their mutual jI n the PROBATE Matter of tfc« Monday evening, crowd plans to attend. The Cam- Cincinnati, secretary of the tract Senior Hadassah. JOSEPH P. COH.V. l>ecea»ed. assistance is unyielding law.' Notice Ifi Hereby Given: of the Union of The Amorlan club members March 18, at 7 o'clock. pus Club orchestra will furnish commission Would that all Jews .would learn American Hebrew Congregations, That the creditors o* s&.3d deceased were hosts to the members of the Sunday morning, March 17, music for dancing and a floor Mr. and Mrs. David Zoorwill from mistakes of the German •will meet the executor of said estate. before me. County Jufl^e ot Douglas Omaha Habonim club basket ball children of the Talmud Torah show will be given by dancers announces the appearance of the and daughters, Toby, Bess, and Jews during the last 20 years! County, Nebraska, at the County new tract, the twenty-third pubteam Tuesday evening. The and the synagogue Sunday school from the Sioux City School of MuEsther, are leaving today for For most of the German Jews Court Room, in said County, on the lished by the union. 23rd day of April, 193S on the Amorlan team met the Omaha will have^a joint Purim program. sic. Lucille Kronick is chairman Philadelphia, Penn., where they there existed no international I4th day of June, 1935. send t 9 o'clock The tract can be described as team in a game at Woodrow Wilof the dance. Assisting her are ixi., each day, for the purpose of| will make their future home. Jewish community. In their own & presenting their claims for examina. son gymnasium, winning with a Debra Formal Dance Rudy Shindler, Dora Kurz, Sula- the "Biblical Source for the New tion, adjustment and allowance. Three eyes they were Germans e, score of 34 to 18. The Omahans months are allowed Plans have been completed for mith Bereskin, Mary Raskin, Til- Deal," although it was actually Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rolnick, written before the term "New flowed f the creditors | were accompanied here by their the formal dancing party to be lie Franklin, Sophie Franklin, ; m o n t h g a r e or formerly of Los Angeles, Cal., Deal" had become a catchword, coach, Bob Green. nothing but Germans. The East-1 to present their claims, from the 23rd Rosabelle Wigodsky, Ruben Ratigiven next Sunday evening by spent a few days here last week a a y oi March - ^ C E CRAWPORS) Following the game the Amor- members of the Debra club. The ner, Julia Bereskin, and Esther because as Dr Frisch shows, the visiting at the home of Mr. andern Jew, the so-called "Ostjude" j When aid vas given, it was adideals for philanthropy today so Mrs. Dave Kubby, while en route was to them but a foreigner, j s-i-35-st county ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR. Attys. J a ian club gave a party for their dance will be held in .the ball- Flshgold. resemble the teachings of to Chicago, III., to make their fu- ministered to him with condes. 4WJ Brandete Theatre BW guests in the JewiBh Community room of the Sioux apartmentB. An anniversary program was closely And the recipient of | KOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF ARThe ballroom will carry out the presented at the meeting of the the prophets. Centerl ture home. Mrs. Rolnick is a sis- cension. such charity was not too happy.' Dr. Frisch points out that the Work has been started on the color scheme of the club in green group last Tuesday evening. Miss OMAHA - FSJENITCEK AND ter to Mr. Kubby. Slavishly these German Jews copCARPET COMPANT Jews Introduced two new eleAmorian debate tournament, and and white decorations. Sadie Greenbaum acted as chair- ments into the work of philanNotice is hereby piven that Article j ied the still foreign to them 1 of the Articles of Incorporation of I - members are lined up for the Bob Mentor's orchestra will man. The program included curMr. and Mrs. Herman Krause modes of life of the German peo- OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET f thropy, ethical fervor combined debates. furnish music for dancing. Ad- rent events; a talk on "Looking spent the first part of the' week ple with the sole purpose of COMPANY has , been amended to read J with the recognition of charity "Nsme, The of the mission to the dance will be by Backward," by Julia Bereskin; follows: ehail be Crest name visiting relatives in Lincoln, Neb. making themselves forgetful of as corporation Manc'acturinvitation only. An elaborate review of last year's program, by as a universal obligation. ,JIe intr Co. " The Council Bluffs Agudas their Jewish origin. How greatly ;| Boy Scouts shows how the biblical writers r.. At their -reorganization meet- floor Bhow will be presented by Rosabelle Wigodsky; "Looking had Achira society will hold a regu- did I suffer under this lack of 1SSS.Dated this 27th Say of February, a profound interest in the Sam Brown dancers. , EDWARD ABRAHAMS. Forward," by Ruben Ratner. The 46 Stosy welfare of the poor and the de-lar meeting next Thursday eve- pride and dignity on the part of A T T E S T : ing held Monday, evening in the , President Committees for the arrangening, March 21, at the Eagles these German Jews who were so J fenseless. Jewish '[Community Center, the ments Include Miss Rose Albert, HILTON ABRAHAMS, lacking in self-respect that they 3-i-ss-n "ecretary. Boy Scout troop organized two Miss Pearl Olensky and Miss Sara The tract Is available for free hall. were inssnsll.le to its loss. A s!n~" patrols.'! Heading them are Hy-Sadoff. Chaperons will be Dor- Dr. Theodore N. ' Lewis will distribution. A boot review of "Forty Days gle political upheaval was suffi-i man Bickove and Sid Shapior, othy Merlin, Bluma Olensky, and speak this evening at Mount Sinai in Musa Dagh" by Kabbi David A. cient to destroy all their illu-j patrol leaders. Saretta KrigBten. TempJe on "Does Anti-Semitism Goldstein will be sponsored by slons. In a single moment theyj The troop plans to participate Help Preserve the Jew?" Mrs. Morris Tudelson Wednesday lost all those insecured posses-) Kecogssizedl as Jerusalem—T h e educational In the A. Z. A. services to be held Friday evening the serv* evening, March 27. Tickets may sions whose acquisition was! at Mount Sinai temple. The troop budget of the Palestine govern- iceNext PRACTICAL MOHEL be conducted b y membe obtained from Mrs. Yudelson. bought at the sacrifice of their | wont t® reach, yet faris sponsored by the local A. Z. A. ment for the 1935-36 period will bers will Phone 105© of the Temple Brotherhood. t f r a «tm«f notse«, yeur inner dignity and their traditional | chapter, and. is still open to any exceed 250,000 pounds, it was On that evening Dr. Lewis will be Saloniki (WNS.)—The Italian Council Bluffs, Is. R on sipp>er fk>©r et Jewish "boya of sciut age wholearned here by the Palcor in Washington, D. C , "where he government ia a strong believer . The Chevra B'nal synagogue historical individuality. Materially [-will hold the reading of the Me-and spiritually broken, the help ot Agency. wish to join. the Monison is ©n!y « few will participate in the program in the creation of a Jewish state gillah on Monday evening, start- those abroad, who did cot smsonds by «!t«9t©c from th« of the convention of American in Palestine and knows of no ing at 7 p. m. Purim services admit Jews of such .. ruinous course of center cf davrotewn Chicago. anti - Zionist tendencies in the Hebrew Congregations. Tuesday morning, will begin at 7 assimilation, becai le their sole On March 29, the A. Z. A. Italian press, Dr. ParinI, Premier a. m. protection. chapter will conduct the services Mussolini's private secretary and Learn from the destiny which Italian minister for propaganda, at the temple, commemorating told ^a representative of the American Cars ia. Holy Land - has befallen the German Jews national A. Z. A. Sabbath. Worldwide News Service here. Jerusalem-—American automo- and preserve your independence Dr." ParinI said that Italy does biles held their own last year in by the creation of an appropriate Jewish Play not recognize the anti-Semitic local vehicle sales for private and institution which you will need in W. Stein will present the well- Fascism of Mosley in England small-load use it is revealed in the hour of oppression. Do not TiSHACE GARDENknown Jewish radio star, Rosetta and Codreanu In Rumania, and figures Just published. Ford came trust t&at this hour will never Levlnberg, S u n d a y evening, asked that the Jewish people first with 386 and Chevrolet sec- come, but keep the international March 17, in a Jewish play at should view Fascism in the light ond with 380. Third and fourth community of all Jews sacred BOSTON omm Hoysr the Jewish Community Center. of its Italian original and not in were two British makes of the The play is scheduled for 8:15 the light of its imitators. "baby" kind, Morris and and o'clock. It is entitled "The Streets Dr. ParinI also revealed that he Austin, which sold 130 and 10G of New York." A musical pro- had /. recently had a talk with respectively. gram will also be presented dur- Propaganda Minister Goebbels of British cars are exclusively ing the evening. The entire <;ast Germany and vainly tried to pre-purchased by the government, is New York talent. Admission vail upon him to halt the perse- while American makes hold first will be free. cution of Jews in the Reich. place among residents.
MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent
| ward
Re-elected FESTIVITIES MARK Davis 1OTH ANNIVERSARY Federation Head
Heshelow Heads Dramatic Group
Senior Hadassah Cultural
Biblical Source for the New Deal
Shaare Zion
Mount Sinai
Italy Favors Jewish State in Palestine