Dedicated to the Ideals of - . Judaism -
Interests .of th'e
Entered aa Second Class Mall Matter on January 21, 1921. at Posiofflcc of Omaha, Nebraska, under- the Act of March 3. 1S7S
Goering's' Betrothed Not!00% Aryan
VOL, XL—NO. 6,
German Jews to- Be Excluded from Conscription
An informal reception in honor first vice-president of the Fe5
Berlin—-The Nazi government f Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goldblatt tion, "and we hope that thf 5. „ "* gave the answer to oae of the ill be held at the Jewish Com- bers of the entire comnv- -" •Dynamic Jsxdaism" to Be Sub-many questions which have come Broadcasts of Conclave of Reattend so that they ma. munity Center next Tuesday evenup concerning the Hitler move to ject of Address at'B'nai form Rabbis Being Held his ing, March 26, at 8 p. in., under new executive director throw overboard the Versailles Israel in Washington the auspices of the executive com- charming wife. treaty and make universal com"The auditorium trill be armittee of the Jewish Community pulsory military training part ol Dr. Moses Jung, head of the de' Three programs •will be broadCenter and Welfare Federation. ranged in the nature of a lounge, partment of Jewish Religion, at the German scheme to feverishly • cast over national hookups.: from MEETIEG Mr, Goldblatt is the new execu- so that the people may visit and the University of Iowa, will be re-arm, when the Nazis declared General the thirty-fourth council of the tive director of the Jewish Com- be at their ease during tbe even- the next speaker on the Jewish that the army will be kept Aryan. A J e w i s h Philanthropies No Jewish residents of the reich munity Center and Welfare Fed- ing." meeting for all the divisional Union of American Hebrew Conlecture series to be held Sunday, The affair will be held in the March 24, at the B'nai Israel will be included in the conscriperation." heads, the vice-chairmen, and gregations meeting in Washingmain auditorium, and there will Synagogue. His subject will be tion by which all eligible males the members of the advisory BSrs. Irvsn Stalmastcr ha* »-"• ton, March 22-26. The public is invited and urged be m u s i c furnished for the ocwill be trained for war. committee 'will be held n e x t i cepted tho chairmanship of «•*»? "A Plea for Dynamic Judaism." :o attend, so that the members of casion. Rabbi David A. Wice of Temple Sunday morning, March. £4, at I Women's Division ©£ the forth' Dr. Jung received his training the community may personally the Jewish Community Center, | comlag Jewish PMJ Israel will attend the sessions as at London University, Cambridge meet the new director. starting at 10 a. m. a delegate. University, and the Universities campaign is. Omaha, The members of the executive At this time, the date of the of Vienna and Berlin. He was The National Federation of lommittee of the Center and Fedto sinssoiBisceiBfint SBSCIS fntis,? opening of the campaign will formerly director of t h e Hillel ration ;will act as the reception Temple Sisterhoods and also the by Philip Mr Klctznlck, gon«;raJ be set, and the general proFoundation at the University of lommittee Tuesday evening. chairman of the drive. National Federation of Temple gram adopted. Wisconsin, and an editor of the Jack W. Marer is chairman of The Women's Division hst Brotherhoods will meet at this Jewish Encyclopedia. Dr. Jung he committee in charge of arcsrried & large properties (>•' has a well-rounded career which time. Headquarters are at the ranging for the affair. He is bequalifies him to speak with authe harden or. smaller pleri£^.* "Willard Hotel in Washington. ing assisted by Milton Abrahams, thority on his chosen subject. In Open' Kre&k, Wise Says Eevlpast few j e s r s , m%& v/Js 5i Mrs. Jeannette Arnstein, Mrs. J. To Settle 25,000 Jewish Families Mrs- Roosevelt will receive the The Jewish Lecture series are National Council of Jewish WoMrs. St&Im&ster a t the sionissa Is Surrender to . Greenberg, Robert Kooper, and members of the Sisterhood at the in Autonomous Biro sponsored by the Young Men's men Undertake' Wide is expected that the William Milder. Dr. Irving Fisher, world-famous White House Saturday afternoon. Fascism Vaad and the Junior Vaad AuxiBidjaa t Program The Women's Division will be A full program for all the economist and professor of econliary. Tickets for this lecture and New Y o r k (JTA)—Declaring in charge of s e r v i n g refreshgroups is contemplated. IncludNew York (JTA)—A huge loan the final lecture of the series that "Revisionism is a surrender omics at Yale university trill be over the top." New Orleans, La. (WNS)—The ments. Mrs. J. J. Greenberg is ed are a reception, religious serto settle 25,000 Jewish families which will be held in April and to the stark acceptance of the the'last speaker of the Community By next veek, according vices, business meetings, sympos- National Council of Jewish Wo- chairman of the committee takin Biro-Bidjan, the Far Eastern will consist of a symposium on Chairman Klutznick, the Forum here on Wednesday, April iums, a banquet, and discussions men's long and distinguished pro- ing care of the serving. rightfulness of F a s c i s m," Dr. Jewish autonomous Soviet district "The Jewish Scene", can be objing divisional heads Trill be on problem of contemporary in- gram of activity in behalf of Jew"This is a public, informal re10. He will speak on the subject will be raised by the ORT, the tained for seventy-five c e n t s . Stephen S. Wise in an address at ed and everything set for a terest. ish Immigrants will be replaced ception," stated Henry Monsky, woi Id Jewish relief organization, Single lecture tickets a r e fifty the FreeSynagogue made it clear "What Is Sound Money?" ful get-a-way. Dr. Louis Mann, rabbi of Sinai y work among German Jewish that he will not support Jobotinit •was announced last week by cents. Dr. Fisher is one of the fore'Next Sunday morning, congregation, Chicago, will speak N. S. Yaffe will be chairman of sky and the . Revisionist move- most leaders of finance today, snd 24, at 10 E, m., at the Henry Bodanhelmer, presidJnt of women and children refugees as over the NBC network. on Saturthe World ORT Federation and the lecture. ment. one of the first half-dozen mone- Community Center an day, March 23, at S p. m. He he Council's major program durone of the l e a d e r s of French tary experts in the worlfl. He has m e e t i n g : of the Philanthropic "It is one thing," Dr. W i s e ng the next three years, it was will talk on "The Vitality of JuJewry, who is now here on a short said, "to. have stood by Jabotin- been called upon within recent will be held. All divisional tip.«is> lecided at the Closing session of daism." visit. T h o s e to be settled are sky when he was greatly service- months to advise the governments and their vice-chairmen, as ''?•• Rabbi Maurice N. Eisendrath, h e organization's 14th triennial Jews from Poland and German able to Sion and Zionism. It is of Europe on their monetary End as the members of the advisnrr of ihe Toronto Hebrew congrega- onvention. Plans -were adopted Jewish refugees. committee, vrill meet fit this tlrvf another and very different thins economic policies. . tiori, Toronto, Canada, will speak o raise funds to care for eight to determine the campaign (If.*tito stand behind Revisionism toIn a statement to the Jewish on the church of the air program hundred German Jewish children in his address here Dr. Fisher Paris, (WNS)—Dr. H a r r y day w h e n I consider It gTeatly the goal to fre sought, and ;-*'f Finishing touches are being put Telegraphic Agency, Mr. Bodenon Sunday, March 24, at 1 p. m. will fiiscuss at great length moneesmpBign program and policy, now in Paris, to'provide for the on the plans for the coming re- heimer declared that Dr. Lwow- Plotz, discoverer of the typhus menacing not only to the security His subject will be "Judaism fever germ and research chief of of Israel but to the very future of tary policies of the Roosevelt ad>stablishment of scholarships to itcb, the well-known ORT leader, "The Jewish •women in our cftfr*gional Mizrachi Zionist conferMarches On." ministration. the Pasteur institute, who was munitv," declarer! Mrs, Judge Irving Lehman, New train German social workers in ence to be held in Omaha March has gone to Moscow to consum- one of the ten Americans included Zion and the Zionist movement. "No one can truly say t h a t ter, its accepting t h e York; .Rabbi Louis Wolsey, Tem- American social work methods, 31, according to an announca- ra&te a deal with the Soviet gov- in a list of legion of honor awards chcirnsRnship of the f e m i n * r. t ple Rodelph Sholom, Philadel- and to provide funds for German ment by Rabbi Uri Miller, confer- ernment by which Moscow T. ill as- announced by the ministry of for- there have not b e e n days and :unie the liability as to the piinyears during which the founder j workers, "Have alvravp demonsphia, and Mrs. Max C. Sloss, San students in this country who are ence chairman. eign affairs, is. an American Jew and leafier ct the Revisionist trated their deep Jcirisli ccm.i'•;?.While the business sessions will cipal and the interest of tho loan. Francisco, -will broadcast over the not receiving financial aid from I h e loan, it is understood, will who became internationally fam- movement w a s not Immensely NBC hookup "Monday, March 25, Home. The convention also au- not commence until Sunday mornNew York (JTA)—An appeal OHScess and solidarity. ous in 1914, when, as a 24-year"I have faith that the at 10:30 p. m., immediately after thorized the establishment of a ing, t h e festivities will begin Fri- be fully guaranteed and repaid by old interne in Mount Sinai hos- serviceable to Zion alifee in war to Germans in. America to declare and In peace." division this year.Trill day evening. The pulpit of the the Soviet government. Tiia first speaking at the banquet in the the Friends, of the New Germs-cr pital, New York, he discovered Dr. Wise, citing Jafcotinsky's and, other Nazi organisations in its. spleECld record banquet hall of the •Willard hotel quarterly publication to be known B'nai Israel synagogue will be oc- payment will be m a d e in 1940. ana isolated the deadly typhus as The Jewish Woman. formation of *• Jewish Isgiou oa the United.States un-Germ&n tin the Philanthropies firivGE .aC cupied lYiday evening by Babbl The entire loan, with Interest, in Washington. fever germ. A year later lie dis.The .times .mentloited are east- . /Mrs,'-Arthur Bfln of Minneapo- M. Laderman; of Denver, Colo., be paid off by the Soviet authori- covered' an anti-typhus ~ vaccinev tb;j5iee of England and the Al- un-American was issued here by S the-past. We shall cliecTftllj- ST-£ -' j tirelessly assume tiie vrorfc of our lied cause during the war and his o - will speak" concerning the ties .within fifteen years. lis was reele'cted-president" of-the ern standard time.. -... In the post-war days he west heroic -role finricg the savage at- the Le&gtie of Free Germans. division." Mizrachi. On Saturday morning "If Dr. Lwowitch's negotiations onncil. O t h e r officers chosen The appeal e m b e c l i e d i E . & to Poland as director of the medi- tacks-of the Arabs, said. j Mrs. StalmaEfer Is active ".r. were Mrs. Maurice L. Goldman of visiting Rabbis will occupy the in Moscow are completed successpamphlet, points out that the Nazi cal commission of the Joint Dis"But that 5s not all. It would movement in America is conduct- Jevish commnns.1 service. She hwNew York, first -vice-president; pulpits *ot all the orthodox syna- fully we shall begin the settletribution committee. He was the be most unjust to Jatiotinsky to bad much experience in CR.TI»Mrs. Joseph M. Welt of Detroit gogues and Saturday evening a ment of Jewish refugees In Birofirst American appointed a mem- deal with him today as if he were ed by Germans who accuse each paiirns, having' participated ?c M'lava Malkeh feast will be held Bidjan by this summer," Mr. second vice-president; Mrs. Alexother of dishonesty. The selfber of the permanent staff of the nothing more than a valiant soldCommunity Chest end Jewish r«ander Wolf of Washington, D. C. at the B'nai Israel synagogue with Bodenheimer stated. Pasteur institute in Paris. At the ier, only a heroic leader of a mili- styled German-American patriots lie! drives for a number of yes.:**visiting delegates as guests of The importance of reorganizing third vice-president; Mrs. Benhave brought shame to the Geroutbreak of the world war he tary forces There have been times She has been & worter and a xnftjamin Marvin, of Hollis, Long Is- honor. The Jewish community is Jewish economy to place more went to Serbia to help check a in the last fifteen years when" his man-American e l e m e n t In the jor in each of the-campaigns »U\rs invited to t h e M'Lava Melkah. Jews in Industry and agriculture land, treasurer; Mrs. Herman LeUnited States, the League chargtyphus epidemic. the Jewish Philanthropies was JR-services were of a high order and vine of Jersey City, financial sec- Business sessions will begin at was stressed at a reception given When the United States en- of the greatest value to Zionism. es. ejigurated six years ago. Shr l> Max M. Barish, president of the retary; Mrs. Genoa B. Levi of 10:30 o'clock in the morning at last Wednesday night to M. and "Though they have attained local chapter of the B'nai B'rith, hicago, recording secretary. the Jewish Community Center, Mme. Bodenheimer by t h e Peo- tered the war he was named a I mean, his vigorous End aggres- only 7,000. members, these self- also active in the work of the Nalieutenant-colonel and attached sive insistence upon the fulfilltional Council of Jewish Wonifut,. anounces the following commitThe importance of studying the and will continue in the after- ple's ORT Federation at the Pennto the staff of the late Major Gen- ment by the mandatory govern- styled 'leaders' attempt to create and in the Beth-el Auxilifcs tees for the organization: noon at 2:30. The conference sylvania Hotel. problem of occupational distributhe impression that they repreProgram Committee: Ben Kaz- tion of Jews in the United States will be climaxed by a banquet "The Jew must be made self- eral William C. Gorgas, surgeon- ment of its obligations when sent German-American opinion" besides is a member of the T*»R>lowsky, Chairman; Al Fiedler, in order, to arrive at-conclusions given at the Center at 6:30. At sustaining in agriculture and in general of the U. S. array, and de- tbese obligations were insaffici- the appeal declares, urging the pie Israel Sisterhood and Hpr'wCo-Chairman; Art. C o h n , Hy. which will help to decide whether this banquet the newly elected of- Industry," M. Bodenheimer said. vised the elaborate delousing sys- ently pressed upon t i t mandatory German citizen's of America to safe. Also, she is chairman of tfcf Shrier. Abner Kaiman, Dr. M. M. the present occupational distribu- ficers of the Woman's Mizrachi He outlined the Impoverization of tem which was fight the government by the ZioEist Execu- raise their voice ''against these educational committee of the xv>Greenberg, H a r r y Mendelson, tion of Jews is abnormal or unde- organization will be installed, and the Jews in Poland, where he cootie in the American Expedi- tive, thougli t h a t is nc longer mis-leaders &nd against the doc- men's Division of the Jewish Comtrue, and even by ths party which trines of violence, race hatred, munity Center and Welfare Hyman Goodbinder, Russel Blu- sirable was emphasized in a paper the charter will be given to them. said, the ORT maintains foity- tionary Forces in France. Since 1924 he has been on the is strongest today in the Zionist mentbal, Stanley Levin. read by Harry L. Lurie, executive ; The main speaker will be Rabbi nine Institutions for vocational un-Americanism and terror." staff of the Pasteur institute. movement. Social Service Committee: Dr. director of the National Counci Wolf Gold, national president of training. General Solicitations Eight years ago he was named Philip Sher, Chairman, R a b b i of Jewish Federations and Wel- the Mizrachi Organization of AmPreviously M o r r i s Waldman. "Again that is not £.11. Jabot. Ben Kftslowsky and WiHi«»B. Goldstein, Rabbi Miller, Rabbi fare Funds. Mrs. Lurie pointed erica. secretary of the American Jewish chevalier of the legion of honor insky has done even more than (I>oc) Milder have S>ecn A delegation of five have al- Committee had d e c l a r e d that and the present award promotes that. I believe that he has done Wice, Harry Silver man, Leo Ros- out that "the economic situation ed Tlce-chairntcn ©f the LI AT J. C C enthal, Irvin Stalmaster. of the Jew depends upon the eco- ready sent in reservations from "Jews should be able to follow him to officer. much to hold Jewish youth withsolicitations division, which, if Cleveland Orphan Home: Leo nomic situation of the country as Des Moines, five from Kansas any occupations t h e y are fitted in Jewish life, steadfast in allegiheaded by Harry Trnstin. Abramson, Chairman, W i l l i a m a whole and cannot be treated City, five from St. Louis, three for." Other speakers were Louis Mrs. L'Kukkofsky to ance, however erring in method, Both are veteran campaigns;"*Grodinsky, ^ Harry Friedman, Si- separately." He also noted that delegates will come from St. Joh- Boudin and Mrs. Francis Dolo"Tie Torch of Life", fcy Dr. B. the cause of Sion. When JaboHead Women Mizraclii to mon Pizer, Simon Bordy, Dave Jews, are represented in virtually eph, Mo., and two from Denver. witz. Dr. Henry Moskowitz pretinsky stood for an honorable M. Rosseter; "An Altar in the who are expected, to add raiJCfc. Katelman, I. Elewitz, Dr. M a x every occupation in proportion to Other communities to be repre- sided. defense of Jewish life and prop- Fields", by Ludvrig lievrisoliE; strength to that division. sented will include Sioux City, Mrs. I. Knlakofsky was chosen erty, I stood at h i s side. When •"Josephus", fcy Lion Feuchtw&nFleishman, Dr. Philip Sher, Harry the rest of the population. In past campaigns Milder has: president of the local Women's Jabotinsky's powerful voice w a s ger; "The New Dealers", Anony- proven himself one of the outB. •Zimman. . Dr. Everett Clinchy, executiv Minneapolis, St. Paul, and CenterMizrachi at the election of offi- lifted up in protest against the re- mous; "Imitation of Life", hr standing "pledge-getters." !*»• Vigilance Committee: William director of the National Confer- ville, Iowa. Members of the Jew- 42,350 Jews Entered cers held Wednesday. Holzman, Chairman, Sam Beber, ence of Jews and Christians, told ish community are Invited to be strictive policies and t h e inhibl- Fannie Hurst; "Female", by Don- year he was co-chairman of thts Palestine fa 1934 Other officers named were: t i v e practices of the mandatory ald H. Clarke; "Wanda", by Kiefa- general solicitations division. Ef$ Henry Monsky, H. A. Wolf, Harry the convention that the "job o present at all the business sesB. Zimman, P h i l i p Klutznick, the church and the synagogue is sions and to make reservations Jerusalem (JTA)—A minimum Mrs. M. Brodkey, first vice-presi- government, I stood at h 1 s side. ard. Grant, and "Autobiography", was chairman of the general soliDave Blacker. to develop the religious spirit of for the banquet by calling the of more than $25,000,000 was dent; Mrs. A. Wolf, second vice- And even at the last Zionist Con- by Lincoln Steffens, are the ren- j citations of the recently-concliifi* Leo. N. Levi Hospital Commit- unselfish devotion and willingness Jewish Community Center. brought into Palestine by Jew- president; Mrs. B.^,Weinberg, gress and in a sense against the tal boobs which have proven j eci drive for Jewish. Communitjr tee: Dr. A. A. Greenberg, Chair- to sacrifice," qualities which^are ish immigrants in 1934, accord- third vice-president; Mrs. M. Lin- party for which today I seem to most popular during the past j Center memberships. In. addition-,, man. Dr. Ben. Slutzky, Dr. A. S. necessary now as never before "if ing to an official report of the da, financial secretary; Mrs. M. stand, I stood With the Revision- month with borrowers o£ the j he is a member of the executJv*... Rubnitz, Dr. M. Margolin. democracy is to survive." The Palestine government which will Arbitman, recording secretary; ist party insofar as the L a b o r joint Center-Council public ren- j of the Jewish Comtr.piuiy Center Mrs. L. Morgan, treasurer. National Jewish H o s p i t a l work of the Conference was enparty did the unwise and unjust tal library at 'the Jewish Com-1 and Welfare Federation, wae be published shortly. Philip Klutznick, Chairman, Dr. dorsed by the convention which thing of seeming to p a s s judg- munity Center. These books are of the founders o£ the local The report discloses that 42,A. A. Greenberg, Iz. Abramson. voted to recommend to the Counment *apon the guilt oJ men who part of a collection oJ more than ( and the first, treasurer; is RR nt350 Jews entered Palestine dur- Yiddish Aclcr Hcasred Membership, Committee: Dr. cil sections that they c r e s t were charged with the murder of 400 new and recent populB-r books j fscer in the congregation oS B*n*4 ing 1934. They included 10.SS0 Mos—The title "People's ArtL e o n '; Fellman, Chairman, Dr. groups to study Jewish history w o r k e r s and 5,125 capitalists. ist", the highest title for an actor Dr. Arlosorcff, of men who at the which rent to the public for only Israel and is cbairmaTi of t,h* Lee Grossman's aggressive The letter brought in not less Morris Brodkey, Simon Pizer. Receipts cemetery committee: is on ihti and religion and to promote inin Soviet Russia, was bestowed by time were lodged ia Palestinian three cents per day. women's matrons' gym class Is than ?o,000 each. The remainTelephone Committee: C a r l ter-religious good will.are «sed partly to purchase new board, of directors of the Talnuw'-fi jails, a judgment, direct or indithe Soviet authorities on S. Michgetting a jump on the hikers of ing number of immigrants conLagman, E. Wezelman, Arthur j books End partly to f in&nce the Torah and vice-president of tl>* rect, from which the Zionist Conaels, internationally known star P.. T. A., o£ the Taln-.ud Tor»h. Omaha by stepping out this morn- sisted of relatives, dependents, Robinson, chairman. free-loan scholarships'o£ the Omgress should, I insist, have seduof the Yiddish: State Theatre "at ing for a bit of a jaunt. Kazlowsky has alpo been actl Resolutions Committee: Dr. M. &h& Council of Jewish Women, coously refrained. orphans, students and rabbis. Moscow. in the various campaigns M. Greenberg, Chairman; Sam Where the; women are going Is "I feel that in justice to the sponsors of the rental library. Green. a mystery to Lee Grossman,; who facts, if not to myself, I m u s t Among the more popular -books the inception. JL&si year he will be the leader of the gang, By-Laws Committee: Harry B. make • clear that I do rot today of the various reference depart- j remarkable psinf. Xor the Cohen; Chairman. London (JTA) The Nazi salut but the activities of the <"ay have advocate the downright rejection ments of the Center library are j EationE division, which he lieacl.e£iT House Committee: Stanly Le- has nothing "Aryan" about it and been outlined. First the members of Revisionism because of any ill- two new ones, which hare already j lie is president o£ the Omaha Hevin, Chairman. is a copy of the raised-arm salut of the class will gather at the J. will against its leaders whots I jbees made famoas in b o o k re- j brew Club; vice-president o£ th* ;r Degree Team: Hy. S h r i e r given to Pharaoh Akhenaton in C. C. at 7:30 a. m. and then profaeld and hold is personal affec- I riews, newspE-per stories, End das- j B'BS.' B'ritli; member of the T®iChairman, Dr. Ben Slutzky, Co- the fifteenth century B. C.f Dr. A. ceed to their destination for in A new Torah scroll, donated by tho prayers- o&- acceptance. The tion and whose services I do not j eiiSEicss. One is the famocs work, mud Torah board, and general!?." Chairman. S. Yahuda, Biblical scholar, con- early breakfast. Then a bit of vol- Mrs. Jacob Milder In memory of address of the evening was deliv- hesitate to say will be writ in the I "Decay of CsarSsni", by Alexan- interested in communal affair*. Budget and Finance;; Ephraim tended in an article in the Lon; leyball will be played in the open ered by-Rabbi'Cri Miller. annals of the Jewish people." der B. Tager. The other is t fc e He was cliainnan of the reeftjit air, after which the women will her late husband, was dedicated Marks, Chairman; Edward Brod- don Daily Telegraph. Preceding the ceremony, a dinfamous popular "I Am A RaMifp B'nEi B'rith laemberBhip c * ntiey, co-chairman; Dr. Ben Slutz "Nothing is more characteristic return to the building for a swim at a traditional Siyum Ha Sefer ner was heU in tee synagogue. Wife", by Esther Beeps, wife of pa.igT5. which T«Eulted In the !&?£•* Iry, Sol Krizelman, Sol Yaffe, Ar- of the tactics of Nazi leaders than and lunch. held Sunday evening at the B'nai Members., of the congregation Jerusalem'to Spend I Rabbi Abraham Bengis, formerly i est membership roster in loc*-£ thur Robinson, Morton Richards, the representation of a; servil About 10 or 12 women will Israel synagogue. were honored at the Siyuis Ha | of Oicfihs. Among uew books Ic B'nai B'rith, Marcus PolonBky, Walter Kurs salute as an authentic gesture o: make the hike. A nnrob-er o£ the majors for Sefer by having the scribe write 'the YificiEh sections are "SonOver five hundred people atIsadora Abramson, Carl Lagman lordship and racial supremacy be tended the presentation and dedi- in for them the X inishisg letters .Jerusalem .(JTA)—This enc- | nets", fcy Y. L, Kalnshincr. "Die j ilie general BoItcStatlons Hyman Goodbinder, Dave Cohn longing to the Germanic peoples, of the opening and closing sen- feat BiMieal City ^-fcich has never j GescMechte Trage", fcy Prof A. j here already ?>een selected cation ceremonies. More Refief'Needs' . William Alberts, Morris Arkin Dr. Yahuda writes. V tences' of • tne'-'Tpraa scroll.;' The new scroll was borne into krtovTE public parks will soon j Poral, End "Otsroth von TidcJs- j have accepted. New York—Brooklyn's need for Sam Ban, Russell Blumenthal '. The scholar said the swastik private Jewish, philanthropy has the synagogue under a canopy "William Milder made a short have elevea of them. hea Humor", by R&bbi i. Asch-j Volunteer w o r k e Sennett Cohen, Harry Duboff, Al was an ornament in common use carried by members of the Milder presentation address. N. S. Yaffe A sum of $350,000 has bees kesaz-y. bert Fiedler, Dave Crounse, Irv among Jews and Christians in increased forty per c e n t in the family. Cantor A. Schwacskls, accepted the. Torali on .behalf of assigned toy the jEucicipality for Tfce library is open to the pab- to mi & in fho last five years, while the income ing Green, Sam Epstein, Isadora Biblical times and not "an emtraditional melodies, the congregation. the estaMSshsiest o* these parks. lic every efesing {except Friday) funds. Anyone wishing; to of the Jewish social service agenc- chanting Slewitz, Max Chasen," Irvin Stein blem of power which proclaim! • Yaffe was chairman of the eve- Landscaping aaS p l a n t i n g for from 7:SO to 10:06 p. m.. and on is urged to communicate with ies in that borough has decreased headed the procession. 3 . A. Simon, Louis. Cutler, Jos its ideal to be the annihilation o: by approximately the same perAfter the Torah had been car- ning, and H. Marcos was chair- three-o£ the larger parks will be Sunday afternoons from 1:80 to XEziowgiqf or Milder or tints 'Ph Saks, Sam Rachman. the Jewish people." started immediately. centage. ried in, Cantor Schwaczkin led man of the b a n k e t committee. 6:00 p. m. Jewish ConuffiinitF Center. Berlin (WNS)—Although Nazi circles regard Fraulein E m m i Sonnemann, the popular actress who is to be married to General H e r m a n Wilhelm Goering on April 11th, as the exemplary Aryan type, Berlin knows that the future Frau Goering is not one hundred per cent Aryan. Fraulein Sonnemann, who was born at Hamburg, is not Jewish, but her grandparents were kinsmen of the famous Jewish editor, Leopold Sonnemann, founder of the Frankfurter Zeitnng.
uwjsion Miser
to Be m
Honors to Typhus • Germ Discoverer
Matrons Beginning Hiking Activities Early
Says Ancient Egypt Saw Fascist Salut<
$350,000 for Parks
Jerusalem (JTA)—Peaceful cooperation b e t w e e n Jews and Arabs in the Jerusalem municipality was promised last week by New York (WNS)—A striking Dr. Hussein Khaldl, the A r a b increase In the influence,. mem- mayor, at a luncheon given by bership and support of the Ameri- the Palestinian government for can Jewish Committee d u r 1 n g In this •dispassionate inter- tic elements everywhere. Hitler as a preacher of the divine gospel 1934 is revealed in the Commit- members of the municipal governpretation, Mr. Steinglass, well* rode to power on a wave of hatred of C h r i s t i a n brotherhood and tee's 28th annual r e p o r t just ment. "There are no differences whatknown aut&'or and journalist, of the "Jewish international bank- good will toward all men, it is made public here. The report of soever between Jews and n o n analyzes the motives and impli- ers and Jewish communists." A cations of; Father Conghlin's thousand lesser H111 e r s have your first duty to avoid stirring the treasurer shows that 2,732 in- Jews In the council with regard to up racial prejudice or suspicion. dividuals contributed $105,815 to the policy of t h e municipality," recent radio reply to General Johnson; An Important indict* drummed it Into the soft heads of Your references to the "inter- the Committee: thirty-six local or- Dr. Khaldi said. "We all work . ment against Father Coughlin the masses in Europe and in the national bankers," your listing of. ganizations contributed f 1,397; for one purpose, for the welfare which the priest of the air will United States. Had your speech five Jewish bankers and only one twenty-one welfare funds and fed- of the city." Sir Arthur Wauchope, the High hare to answer.—Editor. come as an isolated phenomenon, Christian banker, a ratio that is erations contributed $9,704; apthere would have been no reason wholly at variance with the status propriations made through special Commissioner of Palestine, in his for this letter. But you know as of the Jews in American banking, community d r i v e s or appeals speech at the luncheon, expressed My dear Father Coughlin: appreciation of Dr. Khaldi's stand •S There Is one phase of the ad- well as I do, Father Coughlin, will only serve to mislead and totalled $10,637, and.national or- and promised readiness to assist that in many communities anticonfuse the masses into a suspici- ganizations, including federations, the municipality in its activities. dress which you broadcast on Monday, March 11th, in reply to Semitic and un-American forces ous hatred of Jews. contributed $6,202, bringing the General Johnson, that is of vita' have been planting the seed of May we ask that you therefore concern to ij the Jewish people prejudice and suspicion. Y o u make your stand clear in your Committee's total 1934 income to 12,000 U. S. Contributions throughout the country. It may know that these forces have ori- next radio address. It would be $133,756. lor Ussishkin Colony appear to you a rather unimport- entated the minds of thousands to better for all concerned if we An indication of the wide geoant portion of your radio speech associating "international bank- knew definitely and unequivocally graphical spread of the CommitNew York (JTA) — More Jyou may be inclined to attribute ers" with the Jewish people. And your views. Let not the words of tee's income is shown by the fact my reaction to hypersensltiveness, these forces were waiting to In- a priest of the Roman Catholic that contributions from New York than 12,000 American Jews reto a chlp-on-the-Bhoulder attitude terpret your words in' the langu- Church be used by the unscrupu- amounted to $60,222, from Chi- siding in 238 communities in all characteristic of the Jews You age of hate and discrimination. lous and subversive as the bear- cago, $20,940, and the remaining parts of the country have contriWhat minds are more fertile and your advisers may even ac$52,594 came from 287 other buted towards the American quoof hatred and mistrust! cuse me of drawing the red herr- soil, for the growth of malformed ers (Copyright, 1935, by Seven Arts Feature c o m mu n 11 i e s throughout the ta of the fund to establish a colSyndicate.) ony In Palestine to be named for ing of anti-Semitism across your views and visions of racial enmity country. trail, of raising the bogey of Jew- than the nervous, almost psychoThe report of the executive M. M. Ussishkin veteran Zionist hatred and prejudice, when, as I pathic minds of the poor and the committee discloses that the cor-leader and International president must admit, you made no depreca- destitute on the relief rolls? You porate membership of the Ameri- of the Jewish National Fund, It tory reference to American Jewry. lashed out bitterly against Berncan Jewish Committee is drawn was announced last week by Dr. But that, my dear sir, is why I ard M. Baruch; you urged us to from 56 different communities in Israel Goldstein, national presimust addxesB myBelf to you direct- "rescue America from the hands 27 states, and that twenty nation- dent By NATE CIJTLEB ly. There are several points in of the Baruchs." Now 11,000,000 The Ussishkin colony Is being al organizations a r e affiliated your repty^to "chocolate soldier" jobless and the 22,000,000 receivIz Tret;iak, the Omaha Jobbing with the Committee. The Com-established in accordance with a J o h n s o ntbat need clarifying. ing relief (I am using your fig- man, says he wouldn't manage mittee's field representative visit- resolution of the last Zionist ConThere are several passages that ures) have never met Mr. Baruch. another basketball team for all ed 111 communities in 25 states gress to pay tribute to the Zionmay have grave consequences, if To them he is not an individual the kisses In Hollywood. . ."Too and the District of Columbia dur- ish leader on tbe occasion of his they are not adequately explained. bat a symbol. You tell them to much grief," says Iz, and points ing 1934. Three regional confer- seventieth anniversary. It is not my province to speak save America- from the Baruchs. to his graying locks. . . .The Al- ences and a mid-winter meeting of the political or economic ques- There is only one Baruch. Are pha Pi Tau intra-fraternity cage of, the corporation membership Madrid — Spain now has a tions contained in your speech. I these desperate men, broken by contest last week was a lulu. . . . were held during 1934. The re- Jewish population of 20,000, do not care; whether or not you poverty, to select their own Bar-Herbie Marks' gang walked off gional meetings were held at At- equally divided between Sepharare allied with Huey Long in a uchs and proceed to do away with with a 27 to 25 decision over lanta, with representatives from dim and Ashkenazim, according movement to unseat the Roosevelt them? Is it not possible, then, Chuch Gendler's crew, and the Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Misa study made by M. Sanchez, administration. Much less am I that these men will turn to their players are still carrying the sissippi, North and South Caro- to sociologist. concerned about the fate of Bern- own communities and place their marks of the battle... .We're still lina and Kentucky; at New Or-Spanish The largest number of Jews is finger of condemnation upon the ard Mannes Baruch. But that a staying awake nights wondering leans, with representatives from distortion of his middle name local J e w i s h storekeeper or who's going to receive the Irvin Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas: In Barcelona, where 14,000 of should suddenly become the nexus manufacturer as their" "Baruch?" C. Levin award for the outstand- and at New York with representa- them live. of a hidden anti-Jewishness can- Why "the Baruchs?" If, as you ing athletic achievements of the tives from southeastern New York not bring credit upon the cassock declare, Bernard M. Baruch has year. . . .If any of you business and northern New Jersey. The which you wear or upon the con- been guilty of giving false counsel men have been wondering how mid-winter meeting of the corporto president Roosevelt (and there Phil Feldman and Phil Klutznick ate membership in Chicago was gregation yoii represent. are many, I dare say, who will got their athletic figures, just attended by 293 members a n d When you prepared your ad- differ with you on this point) dress for the national hookup that why should innocent men and wo-take a p e e k into the J. C. C. guests from 25 states. was to carry your reply to Gen-men be made the target of abuse handball c o u r t s any week-day eral Johnson you knew that it and hatred? Are you not doing afternoon and you'll find out. . . . It is our opinion that Izzy Novak would reach millions in every part hem a great Injustice? was easily the outstanding perof the United States. You knew The myth of International fi- former In the recently concluded that every word of it would form a pattern of ideas that would have nancial domination is as old as Y. M. C. A. open basketball Tiberias (WNS — Palcor Agenan important bearing on. your ;he myth of the: "Protocols of the tournament. . . .Novak a l m o s t position not;merely with regard Elders of Zion," It is true that single-handedly carried the Pants cy) — In the heyday of the Roto General Johnson but with re- a recent motion picture gloriously Store outfit through to the fi- man Empire, this town attracted gard to the larger political social painted the House of Rothschild nals, * where bis team was beaten thousands, of visitors who carae to and economic i s s u e s involved. as having controlled the destiny by a hot Gretna gang. . . .It Is ease their ailments i n the curaYou, whose wide influence and of Europe more than a century believed that the 1935 J. C. C. tive hot springs which gush forth enormous following are the pro- ago. But where are the Roths- Softball league will be operated from the mountain-sides. The anducts of a tongue and mind at- childs today? You have the facts. much on the same basis as it was cient hot batha were renowned at tuned to the; slightest vacillations Father Coughlin. Your large and last year. . . .Phil Katzman, Lake the time and Herod named the of the unseen masses of the radio able staff of experts can find the street youth, may some day sur- place after the Emperor Tiberaudience—yon knew the power of statistics. How many of the in- prise this fair town of ours with ius. Since those times, the Tiberias suggestion, the refuge of subtle ternational loans of the past de- his bowling ability. . . .Abe Katz, circumlocution. Could it, under cade have been transacted by who played for the Pants Store In springs have brought surcease to these circumstances, have been a Jewish "international bankers?" the Y tourney, had to climb-into millions suffering with rheumatic mistake that Tvhen you denounced And if you are determined in a tux in the locker room right complaints. They will now be the menace of the "international your holy war on the Jewish "in- after the finals Saturday night brought up to date by a Jewish bankers" you pointed to Baruch ternational bankers," are you not , . .The J. C. C. Men's Varsity company, supported by American and said, "Him with the Roths- aware of the fact that ultimately team closed a successful campaign financiers, and a Swiss engineer, childs in Europe, the Lazares In it will be the Jewish people and last Sunday with a 29 to 26 win expert in the exploitation of minFrance, the 'Warbnrgs/the Kuhn- not the bankers who will bear over the Wolbachs of Grand Is- eral springs, has arrived for the purpose. Loebs. the Morgans and the rest the brunt of the attack? You and .The Center boys took of that wrecking crew of interna- Huey Long have cracked down on land. Arnold Scherrer, accompanied the count just three times during tionalists whoso god is gold and Bernard M. Baruch for traducing the season, and much credit is by his three chief assistants, has whose emblem is the red shield of President Roosevelt and his ad- due Coach Lee Grossman for arrived here, and will undertake exploitation." You mentioned the ministration. You still proclaim turning out such a fine team. . . . the excavation - and encasing of Morgans last, as if they were your loyalty to the President and "The Front Page," to be present- the springs scientifically insuring merely the'errand boys of the you repeat your cry of "Roose- ed by the Center Players Guild their constancy and maximum Baruchs. In all fairness to you, velt or Ruin." Does It not occur soon, Is a darb of a play. . . .Don't flow. The work will last six I muBt say that you never referr- to you that It was "Baruchlsm" miss It! months. There will be no Intered to the fact that Mr. Baruch or that helped guide P r e s i d e n t ruption in the supply of baths any of the \ other "international Roosevelt in the f i r s t days of during this season to the many bankers" were Jews: But, oh, March, 1933? Was it not "Bar-No More Subsidies patients. Lodz — All municipal subsihow I wish you had! How I wish, uchlsm" that counselled him In Father Coughlin, that you had his major policies? And tell me. dies for Jewish schools and culgiven the millions of unemployed Father Coughlin, w h a t has be- tural institutions were cancelled and disgruntled citizens of t h e come of the "Brain Trust?" What when the question of subsidizing United States an opportunity to has become of the charge that these institutions came up for a realize youri hidden motive! the President was being led from vote before the municipal counBut you were much too clever the path of righteousness by a cil. for that. You knew your audience band of meddling college profesGsti&w* Cuts and too well to reveal your anti-Semi- sors? That argument has always Few Apostates tic tendencies. You knew that b e e n effective. Why did you Riga — Only fifteen Jews have many of your; listeners and a choose to ignore the Rexford Tug- adopted non-Jewish religions durgoodly number of your followers wells and Raymond Moleys? Why ing the last ten years in Latvia, in the National Union for Social the great hue and cry about it became known here when the Justice would have rejected your "Manasseh" Baruch? Why pin missionary organization in the leadership had you openly attack' upon him the name of the Prince ountry made public their report ed t h e ''internationalists" as who had " I s a i a h Bawed In of activities during the period. Jews. Instead you permitted ypur twain?" It may suit your purexacerbations against the "inter- pose well, but do you not realise suggestions become national bankers" to follow close t ahaan gte r osuch us upon the plea for Christian b r o - * ferments in the minds of the unenlightened masses? therhood and peace. I am aware of the fact that My dear sir, may I humbly inform you that neither I nor any you have given interviews to Jewof the recognized leaders of Am- ish newspapermen denying that erican Jewry are interested in de? you had any anti-Semitic motives. fending either the reputation or We are greatful for that But do possessions of the international the 18,000,000 men and women bankers. W?,:would, in fact, offer of your radio followers read the you our aid In combatting their Jewish press? Of what avail is Influence on our government. But an interview in some corner of an when you call by name only Jew- Anglo-Jewish paper against the ish bankers and leave t i e La- clamor of the radio? As a priest, monts, the Jlockefellera, the MelIons, the dh Ponts, the Mitchells and the other Gentile bankers who control the. major share of American and foreign finance in the shadow;1 of anonymity, it appears that you are more keenly concerned about driving the Jewish "money' changers from the Temple" tbjan wiping . out their entire tribe;, Jew or Gentile—that you would (itrike at the Jew first and the banker afterward. The phriise of "international bankers'^ has an important place In contemporary Jewish history. It is the left motif of antl-SemiINSURED CABS
J. C.C. Sports Chatter
H a r b i n (JTA)—Assurances were given this week by the Japanese Consul General in Harbin, Dr. Marishima, to leaders of the local Jewish community that the Japanese Government will take measures to paralyze the antiSemitic propaganda conducted in Mancauko by R u s s i a n White Guardists. These assurances were made by the Japanese Consul-General as result of Jewish representations m a d e to the Japanese Government, in which It was pointed out that the anti-Jewish propaganda in Manchiiko conducted- by the White Russians is encouraged by Japanese officials there. Simultaneously with the conference which the Japanese Consul-General held with J e w i s h leaders in Harbin, the Japanese government sent d o w n from Tokio a special official to study the Jewish situation In Manchuko. The leaders of the Jewish Community of Harbin h a v e pointed out to the Consul-General that the anti-Jewish c a m p a i g n of the White Russians has a s s u m e d dangerous proportions. The inflamatory anti-J e w i s b. articles which are appearing In tlie White Russian paper, "Nash Put" are stimulating constant physical attacks on the Jews, t h e y emphasized. Dr. Marlshlml, after becoming acquainted with the facts, promised to cooperate with the Jews and asked the Harbin Jewish leaders to reassure also the Jews abroad of the friendly feelings which the Japanese Government maintains toward tbe Jewish people.
which were nmeatvd with swastikas. Later tbe windows and doors of scores of Jewish -owned stores were daubed with insulting anti-Semitic slogans. Incensed at these Incidents, some of the younger Jews tTied to beat up Nazis.
Amsterdam (WNS) — T h e Dutch press is demanding vigorous action against Nazis responsible for a series of anti-Semitic outrages in Amsterdam which led to clashes between Nazis and Jews. Moscow—The Soviet press is The first Nazi outrage was- tbe acclaiming & new child prodigy desecration of the famous Seph- In the p e r s o n of six-year-old . ardic Synagogue, the walls of Lenin Goldberg.
Madrid — The Spanish government will issue a special postage stamp as part of tbe official celebration of the eighth centenary of the birth of Moses Maimonides, celebrated rabbi, physician and philosopher of the twelfth century.
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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1935. Icopus in the Hebrew House of Learning let us drink of knowledge!
Free Golf Lessons
Junior Boys Center
Free golf instructions will be offered. J. C. C. masoie wielders by L. P. Johnson, recently appointed muny golf professional. The classes will get under way as soon as enough players have signed for the instructions. Johnson will do his lecturBy the Service Life Insurance ingMr. and demonstrating in the CenCompany, Ornate ter gym. When the school bell rang at he opening of school there were Handball many, teachers who did not reHandball fans at the J. C. C. spond to tue call. There were had the pleasure of witnessing many nurses who did not don the some of the fastest pill-swatting white cap, and many stenograph- exhibitions in the midwest when ers who did not take up their pen- the Center was host to the Midils and pads. western A. A U. handball tournaWhy? Because.their useful pro- ment ?ast week. ductive "days were gone and noIndications that the handball body wanted them any more. game is not dying out at the CenMany of .those women have help- ter were given by the large crowds jd the younger brother and the which thronged the gallery space younger sister go through college, to the suffocating stage. but they are not wanted now in the homes of the brothers and sisters. Why?. Because neither Heine Street No Linger brothers nor sisters can afford to Cologne—Heinrich Heine street ;upport them; they, have all they In Cologne will no longer bear san do to • supply t h e needs of the name of the world famous poet because he was of Jewish their own home ,circles. A. life insurance-policy, on the descent. The chief of the police in endowment form, or, an annuity Cologne last week ordered that paying .a definite, monthly income, the street be renamed. will solve any self-supporting woman's future financial problem. . . When she is not wanted in business because of her advanced age.
April 21, 1925, -wasa red letter i more colorful epoch in> the future> what there was in it for themday in the history of the Jewish particularly ---*•—-•--«- •In —the •—--:••-realm of the lelves, the building trade workpeople and probably In the history spirit. ers who constructed the various of human culture, for • it was on Unlike any. other pioneers the faculty buildings were a l w a y s that day that the long dream'of a world has ever seen, the chalutHebrew university became a real- zim, even as they toiled on the motivated,by a concept of themity. Hitherto there Pales- stubborn .soil, built roads, drained lelves not merely as workmen but tine some laboratories for mlcro- malaria-bearing s w a m p s and members of a community dedlb i o l o g y and biochemistry, but fought diseases unknown, to . the :ated to the rebuilding of Zoin. there was -no actual teaching or- European, s o u g h t to revitalze That the achievements of the ganization such as that w h i c h their thought and culture .which university have b e e n recognized commenced with the formal open- to their mlndB give all the rest and acclaimed by non-J e w i s h •ing. The dedication • on-Mount its ultimate Teason for being. So scholars and- scientists may be Scopus was attended by represent- they named, and continue to gathered from the words of Ameratives of more than sixty institu- nam3, their newly, formed streets ica's - outstanding educator, John tions of learning and world fam- and newly, built suburbs and In- Dewey, at the reception arranged ous scholars who came to give the stitutions after the philosophers, by. the Friends of the Hebrew newly born academy their bless- poets, scientists ai^d. ancient, na- University for Dr. Magnes on his tional heroes, and built, a univer- recent visit to America on behalf ings. The. Pilgrims of New England sity even as they; planted fruit- of the Institution. "I like to rehad barely cleared the ground for bearing and ornamental trees and call the fact that while the troubles between the Moslems and their homes when they set about shrubs. creating a university. It was an Thongh the/ university is In Its ;he JewB were most acute In Falact typical of the high ideals with infancy, as universities go; j e t its jstine, the work of the university -which they began their life in the achievements are already note- In, eradicating malaria from the New World. And what would be worthy. More than a half dozen Arabic parts of the country went more natural for the People of institutes (the university Is or- undisturbed. I like to think of the Book returning to its ancient ganized on the Continental mo- the fact that one of the projects homeland, f a c i n g with a like del) and a library have already Its faculty of humanities Is carry idealism a life of struggle, and been established. Close to a hun- ing on is a concordance of Arabic hardship, but turn almost at once dred; scientists and. scholars have classic poetry, and another is a to the creation, of a Jewish ! uni- been gathered from all parts of critical edition of the works of versity? the world under the chancellor- the most important Moslem his torlan. I like to think that in its The dream of a university has ship jOf Dr. Judah Magnes, an library of a quarter of a million American Jew. They, are now at been t h e i r s for centuries. No volumes there is an unrivaled col sooner had Titus Vespasian de- work applying the modern scien- lection of Islamic literature. tific method and spirit both .to the stroyed the Jewish state than the "For these things are typical defeated Johanan Ben Z a k k a i study of the three great cultures Bucharest, (WNS)—Dr. Julius petitioned the Roman emperor for —Christian, Jewish and Moham- of the broad and humane spirit Maniu, former premier and leader medan and to the practical probthat rules the university. Of all permission to retain one Jewish of the powerful Peasants party, school of learning. Although Jew- lems of health, agriculture, in- the a g e n c i e s anywhere in the assumed the leadership of the dustrial development, etc. world that are operating for the ish history since the Dispersion is forces opposed to. the establishThe institute of Jewish Studies moral disarmament of the ani- ment of a numerus clausus for repete w i t h famous centers-of mosities and prejudices that dilearning such as existed in Pum- is devoting itself to a new survey Jews in the professions, trades bedita and Sura of Babylonia, of Jewish history, the Talmud, vide the world into hostile groups, and schools when he denounced I know of none that is d o i n g Cairo and Alexandria of Egypt, H e b r e w jurisprudence, ethics, the pending numerus clausu law Cordova, Seville and Lucena of literature and contemporary Jew- more, with the scope of its re- in vigorous speech. Moorish Spain, and is dotted with ish sociology. The most vigorous sources, than the Hebrew UniverCharging that the numerus world-renowned scholars, such as tests of historical methodology sity in Jerusalm." bill is an election maneuvre by Thus the a n c i e n t prophecy: Maimonides, Yehudah H a l e v i , are applied and obviously it Is a the political opponents of the Hasdal Ibn Shaprut, Rashi, Moses great advantage to study the his- 'And from Zion shall come forth Tatarescu government, Dr. Maniu Torah and the word of God from -Mendelson and many others, only tory ".of a people In the country Jerusalem," has been realized in asserted" that the opposition is our i generation has seen the es- of its origin. Similarly the our day and age. Again as of trying to obtain power on the stitute of Oriental Studies Is entablishment of a full-fledged unibacks of the Jews. versity in Jerusalem, the realiza- gaged in a scientific study of the old Palestine Is serving as a liv- Although Dr. Maniu's speech is ing bridge between peoples and various e l e m e n t s constituting tion- of a century-old dream of a to consolidate the govArabic civilization. Since Arabic their cultures. And the lamp of expected university in the Holy Land. ernment's supporters, the new The records of the'centuries are ooetry is a key to Moslem'culture learning, which was extinguished anti-Semitic agitation continues by Titus, has been kindled again Tullof magnified vain pioneering this institute is preparing a conunabated. Immediate confiscation in that direction. In 1211, for cordance of classic Arabic poetry and burns brilliantly In the house ol property belonging to Jews of Learning on Scopus, shedding T h e institutes of chemistry, Instance, t h r e e hundred rabbis and Its distribution among needy and spiritual leaders of France natural h i s t o r y , mathematics, much light Into the dark corners Christians was demanded by antiof our people's past, revealing and' England migrated to Jeru- physics, and micro-biology are deSemitic leaders In a second parsalem; were - made to f o u n d. a voting themselves' to problems In new and unsuspected as well as liamentary debate on the ~mnnerunusually "rich ^insights Into our J e w i s h university more than their respective fields with which" us clausus law. twenty five years ago when the the people of Palestine are con- history, folk-lore, language, as well as penetrating into the secTurks still held Jerusalem. And fronted—Christians; and Arabs ai Jewish Press advertisers merit no sooner had the British ; taken well,as- Jews. The study and con rets of nature whereby the ma your patronage. erial conditions of the country as the Holy City than, on July 24, quest of many of the diseases o: 1918, the corner-stone of the He- the Near East have been acclaim a whole can be elevated to tha' brew University w a s laid on ed in many countries throughou of the West And it should sur Mount Scopus-—a symbol at an the world. And seldom In htetory prise no one if the Medical Ceri old ;hope rather than a practical has so young a library been able ter of the university becomes as Is engaged in the business beginning., It was in April 1925 to assemble close to' three hund significant to the. Near East as red thousand volumes by now, '. Vienna was to the West.'' Or if that its realization took place. of selling all kinds of REOne can feel sure that little believe, from all parts of thi from the Institute of Semitics LIGIOUS ARTICLES — did the scholars and audience at- world.:The university has the firs come f o r t h some astounding Taleisim and prayerbooks works on Islamic culture. Much tending that historic dedication radium Institute in the Near East. Jewish music — wine for on Scopus In '25 along with those Unlike the stone cntters, who has been done in those directions sacramental purposes — rejoicing in the Diaspona foresee worked upon the Cathedral 6 Even much more brilliant achievthat the university would, within Saint John the Divine, of whom ements may be looked for in thi Matzos aad Passover less than a decade, serve as a Dean Christian Gauss" speaks in near future. And the time is no Articles haven of refuge and creation for his latest book, Primer for To- far off when students and schola considerable number of world morrow, as not haying been .In ars In many parts of the world Bes. 609 N. 50 GL 2972 famous scholars and scientists terested In what there was In i will declare: "Let us go up ti Jerusalem and t h e r e on Moun exiled or fleeing from Hitler Ger- for Saint John the Divine, but In many. And surely even less-BO those who laid Its corner stone seven years before. It is Indeed one of those strange ironies and tricks of history, which have turned adversity to advantage and raised seers among the depressed, that the university becomes a reservoir and disseminator, for the Holy Land and its neighboring countries, of the best of w e s t e r n science—medicine, physics, chemistry, citrus culture and malarial control, and paves Completely Modernized from Top to Bottom the way for new fields of research in Judaica, Islamic and Near East Entrances: 16th, Dodge and Douglas Sis. culture and ethnology. It is rather difficult to find a more dramatic and more appropriate capping-for a half c&ntnry of Chalutziuth, pioneering,—establishing agricultural .colonies, draining swamps, reforestation, building schools, etc, with soulful That You Will Enjou Every Step songs and rare, idealism; hard to conceive a more glorious proYou Take in Them logue to a new epoch of Palestinian construction than that hist o r i c dedication In Jerusalem. And surely one can't imagine a happier man at that moment than that old, tired, disease-ridden, little man in Tel Aviv, Achad HaAm, the founder of Cultural Zionism, the creator of the concepWith Easter so close at hand, fashion and tion-that Palestine would eventudollar-wise women owe it to themselves to ally become more than a political center for the Jews in the Diassee this wide assortment of new up-to-theporia. minute popular priced line of footwear. Jerusalem in the past has been Every pair is of a quality and styling that associated with in the. minds of most Jews witli the Wall of Tears you would expect to pay more for. j at which-innumerable generations of pious Jews have poured their © WMte Kid © Brown Kid 1 hearts out In sorrow. © Black Swirl Kid © Blue Kid Over the palace which is de0 White With Brown Trims stroyed; over the tempie which is laid waste; over the rampart 0 Two-Tone Brown Swirl which Is torn down, we w e e"p. But with the establishing of a Sandals Temple of Learning on Mount Scopus a new and glorious chapFeatured in Sizes 4 to 9 and ter of Jerusalem In particular AAA to C Width* Palestine In general was writt e n , a chapter proclaiming the • ' BsiyHen's Main Fleer ieroic achievements of the Chaliutzim - and heralding an even
Boys In the Junior gym classes will be tested for their efficiency and skill in the following events, Lee Grossman announced: Standing broad jump, running high jump, pull ups, push Tips, rope climbing, dribbling ball, 50yard dash., 100-yard dash, baseball th-'ow, and running broad jump.
Regular Attendants at Body-Braiding Classes
Over fifteen men have been attending regularly the Men's Health Body Building classes conducted by Lee Grossman at the Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays al 7; SO p. rn. j Grossmsn has included the kind 1 of routine \rhich is affording the' men witb enough fun and with' enough hard -work to make thei First Tennis Class class really interesting as well as; ! ; at "Center on Monday beneficial. More men are urged to attend! The first tennis class of the the classes. i year for women -will be held next Monday, March 25, in the Center. Patronize Our Adrertisers. gym. Nate Cutler -will be tbe instructor and the class vrlll get under way at 7 p. m. Ten girls have signified their intentions -of taking lessons. All other girls interested in the game of tennis are urged to be on hand. Bucharest — A demand for the introduction of restrictions against Jews in the lav profession of Rumania was voiced last "weefc at a well-attended meeting of Rumanian lawyers here. The meeting demanded that regulations be issued permitting national minorities in Rumania to be represented in the law profession of the country in only a small proportion.
BOAEP &KB KOO5I WANTED Employed lady- and daughter of seven, wish board and room in refined Jewish home—PITfer west section. Box 1085, Jewish Press.
NO DOWN PAYMENT | VEKY LOW MONTHLY FAYMENTS—S TEAKS TO FAY g Here is an opportunity to have that much delayed decorg sting done. Let an expert advise you by giving you §§ complete information and estimates.
|: | g ff §
Maniu Leads Opposition Numems Clausus Law
John Feldman
t Omaka Regulate Its Own Electric Service wress const iolra Contra "Congreu shall make BO .law abridging the right o£ the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.* "This is the language of the Constitution of the United States. "The cnestion business executives may have before them soon is this: what sort of management is it which permits an attack to be made on the property of the owners, the stockholders, without immediately petitioning for a redress of grievances? "Business executives who fail to carry their plea to the public under such circumstances are derelict in their duty and, indeed, faithless to the American tradition which makes the right of petition the very cornerstone of our democracy." — From aa Editorial by David Lawrence United States News, March II, 1SSS
qidatorvf n
BILL known as "The Public Utility "Act of 1935" is now in Congress. If passed, it will affect every user of electricity in Omaha.
TMs bill provides for Federal regulation, direction and control of the electric light and power industry. Improperly called "the holding company bill," it more vitally affects the public interest by the fact that it also applies to 90% OF THE LOCAL OPERATING COMPANIES.
Omaha's Electric Service Regulated from Washington If this bill is passed, it will place the control of YOUR electric service in the hands of the Federal Power Commission in Washington, D. C. Your City Council will.virtually be superseded in its regulation of the business of this Company. .In place -ai your city government, a gigantic Federal bureau will be set up in the nation's capital to r e g u l a t e your electric rates. In place of men who are conversant with the problems of their home community, those who will control-the cost of your electric service will be located thousands of miles from Omaha.
Helped Beioee Omalis's Rates The bill aims to ABOLISH electric utility holding, cosapanies. I t requires also that by January 1,1536, holding companies must cease "to-perform the valuable services rendered to their subsidiaries. The furnishing of these Services—engineering, financial and commercial—has been one of the principal factors in t i e improvement of service and
continued reduction of rates of which Ons aha is an outstanding example for the nation.
Losses to Investors The destruction of holding companies must destroy the value of their securities^ with the resulting loss to thousands of in-. Testers. The effect will certainly be felt in all utility financing for years to come, a continued deflationary effect which the nation should not have to face at this time.
Not Consistent with "New Deal" The bill is wholly inconsistent with th« announced purposes of the New Deal It creates NO new jobs, it does NOT aid recovery, it contributes nothing to social security. With all deference to the President, the position of this Company is that the bill is drastic, discriminatory and unsound. With all deference to the President, this Company maintains its constitutional privilege to petition against the enactment ol the bilL I urge every electric user to consider carefully ALL the possible effects such a revolutionary act may have, oa himself, his home and his job or business. ^
President Nebraska Power C
Distribution Committee, the American Palestine Campaign, National Jewish Hospital at Denver, Hebrew Immigrant Aid, American Jewish Committee, Jewish National Fund, Jewish Consumptive and Ex-Patients Relief of t o s Angeles, the Icor, and the An* ti-Defamation league of the B'nai B'rith.
Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
TBS JEWISH P&ESS FUBUSHmG COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - <• » - <- • Advertising rates furnished on application.
Zionist Bombshell
Editorial Otflce: BOO Brand^Js T - : 81am £Jty §>?fJe#-^Jew|s& eoprauplty Center DAVID jgLAgjKEU•••.•- - BuglneBa and Managing Editor FjUiNK B . ACSEEBMAN- > - - - - • • « • . - Editor RAEBI PHI MILLBB * - V > »> Contributing Editor WAmm «ATPi»WAJJ Copnsil BluffB, Iowa, Correspondent ANJf JPJLL >.•••«••• » •* Stoa*GJ$y, I0W4, Correspondent ••••;l: Print Shop Address* 4604 So. 24th Street
thjreat which has been hovering over Europe moved ^ ^ W j 4 f c ^ t . w h K » NaziJsader A£olph Hitler annpimced jthat Gerniany was opejjly throwing the Versailles treaty overboard and was re-jarspng feverishly. The world now sees war as a certainty, the only question being the date or year of the outbreak,; The jnenace of war is ugly to all peoples the world over. This latest boinbsheil is of especial significance to our people, not only because pur tradition pledges us to peace but also because the Nazi prpnouncemenjb reveals in gtarit outline the true guise of the, anti-Semitic HJtJerites -^ a jfujse which we have editorially fcheir bloody rise to power. always pointed out that the attacks launched on the-Jewish ciyjfens pf (Germany was jonjy a prelude to other future attacks which would be dangerous to all civilisation. Hitler talked peace from one corner of his mouth, while from the other corner he issued orders for militarism in preparation for war. Leaders who were'Willing to ride into power on fabricated, totally unjust and visions maligments of an innocent people are also willing %o run rough-shod over anyone else they cann. Our impression of the reason for the sudden fanfare of full compulsory military conscription in Germany goes far deeper than the world wa§ told by Iptjer, The Nazi chieftain knows all too well the unrest in his own country. The latest example is the renewed church controversy, in whjch Jhe Nazis imprisoned over 700 Protestant pastors. The economic situation in Germany, too, is growing steadily worse. The countries of the world will not trade with Germany, nor will they loan her further funds. Her gold coverage is dropping $o the desperation point. Something spectacular had to be done by Hitler to keep the German masses subjugated. The appeal to the military is expected to turn the trick. Patriotism is part of the German; the drumming on his "dishonor" is constant, the unfair Versailles treaty is exploited to the utmost. And with war fever at its heighth, who in Germany could dare raise a voice in opposition to the Hitler policies? And with the Nazi forces either controlling £he army or thgir leaders conniving with it, what chance would any opposition have at present, anyway? With Hitler it was a choice of either preparing for war or giving up his leadership in Germany. His choice will eventually lead to unloosing rivers of bjopd.
President's Reply President RooseveJt'fl lack pf prejudicie ajjd his striving to promote harmony is well-known. When he was asked recently to comment on the fact that a certain ex-governor had written that the chief executive was descended from-Jewish ancestors, the president answered in a manner which will put to shame those fosterers of bigotry and racial bias. Said the president in part: ' ' . . . All I know about the origin of the Roosevelt family in this country is that all branches bearing the name are apparently descended from Claes Martenssen Van Roosevelt, who came fronj Holland sometime before 1648 — even the year is uncertain. Where he came from in Holland I do not .know, nor do I know who his parents were. . . . In the dim distant past they (his ancestors) may have been Jews or Catholics or Protestants -r~ what I am more interested in is whether they were good citizens and believers in God^-I hope they were both." ' '
• ' • '
• '
FRn>AY> MARCH 22, 1935.
Unfortunate Incident . The arrest of communistic Evelyn John St. Loe Strachey in a-Glencoe, HI., synagogue will have vast repercussions. To begin with the, generaVnews of his arrest in the synagogue has created the Impression in the minds of millions that he is Jewish, though as a, matter of fact fee is not Jewigh. This is extremely unfortunate at this partiqujar moment Wben the Pelleys, the MeFaddens and the other prototypes of Hitler have maliciously tried to make the masses believe that Judaism and Communism are one. These professional anti-Semites are also making much over the fact that a known communist sympathizer speiaks from the pulpit of a Jewish temple. The whole incident was unfortunate, because the immigration {inspectors qpuld have just as easily and conveniently arrested Strachey in his hotel, or in some pubUc place, not in the synagogue. Even more unfortunate is the peculiar twists antir Semites will make frpm the facts, garbling them to suit their own inflammatory purposes. E^rom the perfectly harmless beginning of an open-minded program in which representatives of both sides of problems vital to the people state their case, we have grown a nasty mess which will do grave barm to a whole people. Such unfortunate events fas the flames of a prejudice which certain groups are purposely feeding. # * « -
Generous Giving The Jewish people are known for their philanthropy and generous giving. This generalization covers a broad base, and includes in its Bphere the poverty-stricken Jew as well as the wealthy. The National Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds an" a report just iBgued covering thirty Jewish agencies tells how "the four and. a quarter million Jews of the United States spend more than a dollar per capita for the support of ' thirty agencies in this country and overseas, $4,986,393. The largest share went toward "overseas reconstruction and relief." The itfext largest classification was "medical service," and then in order came the category of "educational-cultural" and 'co-ordination research." The Kstjjof beneficiary agencies in the thirty covered by the report include the national and international agencies supportsd by the Omaha Jewish Philanthropies campaign, as the Joint
An unexpected turn in Zionist affairs — but one of great import for the future of Palestine — took place when Rabbi Stephen S. Wise renounced his former close association with the Jabotinsky forces and strikingly denounced the Revisionists. Wise has been a strong opponent of the Weizmann leadership of the Zionist movement. It was only at the last-world Zionist congress that Wise attacked the statesmanship of the Jewish I<abor leadership. Many pf Wise's followers, thought that his differences with Weizmann would keep him in Jabotinsky's camp. But Wise left no doubt as to how he stood by assailing Revisionism from every angle. He dubbed Revisionism a surrender to fascism; a second reason for the fascism; a second reason for the support of opponents to Revisionism is the sense of responsibility and his obligations to the Arabs of Palestine; the third reason for the rejection of Revisionism, by Wise is its military character. The Wise stand is a terrific blow to Revisionism, a blow which may be fatal to the Jabotinsky movement which was rapidly gaining ground. It even suggests the possibility of a Zionist union between the Labor leaders, Rabbi Wise, Lipsky and We mann. Such a coalition would be all-powerful %% the next Zionist World Congress. -
Queer Quirk No amount of study, it seems, will ever enable us to comprehend the Nazi mentality. It has so many queer quirks that you don't know which way it will twist next. 'Hermann Wilhelm Goering is one of the "Big three" in the Hitler menagerie; indeed, he is the one Hitler is said to fear the most as coveting the position of power held by the chancellor himself. Yet, this same Goering — ardent exponent of the Aryan superiority myth though he be, is to marry Emmy Sonnemann next month, with Hitler as best man at the ceremony. And, Frau Emmy Sonnemann cannot come under the classification of "pure Aryan," so long the Nazi battlecry. Leopold Sonnemann, who founded th Ferankfurter Zeitung, is an ancestor of the actress. Yet, though the Nazis in the ranks are forbidden to marry any woman with any small trace of" Jew> ish blood, the Prussian premier does that very thing. •
Humanization This country will not countenance any increased immigration at this time, Col. Daniel W. MacCormack, U. S. Commissioner General of Immigration and Naturalizatiop, warned in a recent address. He declared that "one of the best courses to promote racial and religious antagonism is to advocate increased immigra> tion, particularly during a period of depression and unemployment." No responsible Jewish organization has advocated increased immigration for the last few years. But—and the distinction is vital — Jewish leaders as well as other minority leaders, have maintained that the immigration rules could be humanized with out changing the quotas. A humanized interpretation of the existing immigration laws together with the elimination of unnecessary red tape regulations is what is asked and what yj needed, .> .
Growing Up
her mx>st transient visitor a plat delicately and sensitively modeled ence" fulfill their human rounds of her famous minestrone soup as the figures' faces. unselfconsciously, tmstulfctfled by puts the interviewer at ease verj jBut there js also another, light- the decorous moreg of the laraed. shortly, Msrgofs s n? a 11, f r » » er, facet to M&r£ot'g tslonte. Her Curiously, &nd unexpectedly to By GERTRUDE BEKG, face, now intent and pallid, now "kleinstuck", her dolls, her carv- • Author of this Interviewer, Margot finds "The Etl© of tb» Goldbergs" alive and her blue eyes luminous ings in woo3, her 'consummate her most sj'nip&thetic s u b j e c t with some statemeat that her little wax figures. T h e r e is 8 matter la the common human deIt is every mother's aim to be English is plow in vocalizing, wealth of wit and nominator, the "people." In rebends over her work, gpresd op her child's guide through life. NaIn these. There is a little wood ture hae instilled this feeling Into the table in front of usj and ex- duck, in maple, that is so sleek cent years she seems to have acquired a sort of alarmed social every rnptb-er's heart, has filled plains: and stoflgy at once, BO rotnn4 "You understand? I do not yet p<rt, that it is not merely a consciousness. S h e was deeply every mother with the desire to protect her children frpm all evil. copy, so. •! do not only (merely) duck; it's a duck which is & Ger- moved, almost tiistr&usht, to hear And sometimes nature forgets to model. First I must feel and man. rt's a Munich duck: end o f t h e neglect of the young Amergive the mother the realization underetand—-and then a f t e r I Margot did not have to tell us so. iCEn artists whose work she has that after a time the child be- must feel it. . . " is the small figure of a j seen in the museums here and adcomes an adult and acquires the Her tine hands go to her chest There mired. She Is concerned that seated Russian peasant woman modern western 8ocietjr seems no ability—and right—to make h i s and clench. seen at a Moscow railway station. own decisions. "You like this? Yes? Oh, It is carved in the difficult oak— more to be able or willing to nuram so glad! It Is the head of a Particularly in the highly pera t e s t i e r "my wood-carver."" Yet J u r e * ts culture-bearers, the artsonal matter of choosing a mate friend of mine." it combines the warro humor of *B^EIt is a really remarkable head, the native Russian peasant art— j is the young a a n or woman often subjected to what we may well in clay. The faee of a highly sen- see the tea-cozy fiolls the New Tel A w Traffic Umry call undue Influence exerted by sitized Czech woman, of obvious York art shops have been ImTel Aviv (JTA)— T r a f f i c in the parents, and especially the peasant stock, refined it would porting recently—with her own Tel Aviv is about ten time* M mother. The - fact that y o i i n g eeem, by the woman's eheer capa- feeling for grace of line end form. heavy RB that to Berlin, accordpeople are becoming less and less city for understanding her own The grace, the delicacy, does not ing to figures compiled by the inclined to submit to eucji influ- Buffering. The woman's mouth minimize the massive strength of Drivers Organization of Tel AvlV ence, or even to ask the advice and nostrils quiver with sensibiof their elders, does not alter the lity; and the beautifully domed the peasant. And that is an ac- and made public this week, fact that m o t h e r s etill make head, the half-closed eyes, brood complishment. Then there a r e } In Berlin the number o£ motor strenuous efforts to guide their downwards, at the lower parts of the witty dolls, made up of strips ! vehicles and hor?e drawn conreyv children into what they deem an the face as though explaining to of xnetaf, tissue paper and wax, ances during- a. £iven period WW appropriate marriage. Somehow the mouth and those nostrils, con- "ittle geraB of observation and in- j eqral to one half ot one percent or other it I» rerj hard for a soling and guarding them. Grief ;ight, that alone would make of the fixed, population, while in mother to be persuaded that the and the understanding of grief, Margot's reputation as a minia- Tel Aviv there is one vehicle to infant she once d a n d l e d has are BO finely etched to the minut- .urist. But her serious work is every twenty persons. In 1SS4 there w e r e 1,662 grown to the stage where he feels est detail in those features, and )f a Mgh order. Margot wants to go to N e w auios and 2,013 horee-drawn conthat his life Is his own, and that the emotion is BO well balaneed he alone has the right to shape by the self-perception of It, that York. She wants to escape the veyances in Tel Aviv. Ip addiit. ! it is difficult to escape the impli- loisteral stolidity of Princeton tion, there were f>,070 omnibuses, cations of that face long after ni wander through the streets motorcycles and vans. There Is no doubt that an un- one has left the formal, bookish t New York's East Side where fortunate marriage may ruin two! purlieus of Princeton. la that one he living phenomena of her "sci-1 Patronize Our Advertisers, lives. But how can an outsider, face (to dwell only on this one —and in such matters e v e n a i piece of sculpture) Margot has mother is an outsider—know the caught a mood and incorporated hearts of two people, one of them! a Weltanschauung t h a t is BO necessarily a stranger, so inti- Mitel-European it is almost symmately as to be able to predict bolic. what will be the outcome of their union? Many a quiet, sedate girl Likewise the figure of the seatcould be much happier with fl. lov- ed woman in terra-cotta: a figable if flighty youth than with ure almost two feet high, the woa TORGSIN the sober business man whom her man's arms folded, her head mother recommends; many a bril- slightly bept—forward and downORDER tc liant boy may find greater happi- ward— and the clasped hands exyour relatives and friend «• ness w i t h an undistinguished pressing almost as much as the maiden than with the "clever constrained face that Is trying to ia the Soviet Union. daughter of excellent f a m i l y " shield s o m e profound emotion whom his mother thinks suitable with an expression of immobility. fcwjr a t A Tergssst Order mil enable them for him. Here again, as in almost all her the Torgsin Sfreres focetetf in every r city cf the U.S.S.R. While It ia true that young work, Margofs, y v e n, people often m a k e mistakes in one might say, her s h y n e s s , their choice of a m&te, it is also creates an Impression of emoThese stores carry about 15,000 true that the likelihood of their tional intensity that Is far more different domestic and imported mothers'making the wrong choice compelling than any kind of articles cf high quality; CLOTHfor them is much greater. It is eculptureal s h o u t i n g . It's as of course undeniable that the though she were forced to bring ING, SHOES, rubbers, shirts, wider experience which the moth' the naked emotions of these creaunderwear, hosiery; FLOUR, ers have enjoyed usually makes tions to life, despite herself. sugar, dried and canned vegethem better judges of character. One wonders whether this wotables, butter, coffee, and other But it must also be admitted that man, too, is not some suffering, food stuffs; household goods, where the love of a young man grieving mother, whom .Margot tobaccos, etc. for & young woman comes into has "caught" at a. moment when play the question of character, ex- understanding is finally conquercept in extreme cases, falls Into ing over grief, and here, in this the background. And, again, the piece of terra-cotta, eternalized TO PUCES WKEBE THEKE ARE NO TORGSIN young people of today—even RS i t The f i g u r e , comparatively STORES, THE MERCHANDISE IS MAILED we at their age—feel that they small as it is, gains stature PROMPTLY BY PARCEL POST. would much rather make their though & curiously delicate styliown mistakes than have eone one zation of the body forms. It looks Prices c@m-pGra f else make mistakes that will in* like a sort of seated Caryatid upwith those in America fluenee their lives. holding an Invisible load. Yet, RB In all of her more Important So let us mothers resign ourselves to the role of benevolently pieces, there is the simultaneous Interested onlookers when our suggestion of arrested emotion; et ess children reach the age of mating. and both have been caught and held In poise. And it Is In preThen we shall never have to face drfieec tm Fern* the knowledge that a decision of cisely this connection that the ours muddled the life of snotker. hands of Margot's figures de«sr M WOKS, mi nm ftm.,«. r. serves an essay. They are as
The infant which had to be given support; to keep it on its feet—the Jewish homeland hi Palestine—is showing signs of out* by Seven A-rU growing the swaddling age and contributing to the support of the (Copyright, 1>J5, Syndicate.) family of Israel. Drives in all Jewish communities for funds for Palestine have become commonplace, but a drive in Palestine for funds for other Jewish communities is new. The first Jewish relief campaign to help needy Jews abroad will be started in Palestine during Pass- Those sensitive genes of talent over week by the Qle Polania, organization of Polish Jews in Pal- must have been thoroughly plantestine. This will be the first time that Palestine Jewry is car- ed In the forebears of the Einstein family. rying on an organized relief campaign for the Jews of Poland. M a r g o t Marianoff-Einstein,
Personalities in the News
GEMS OF THE BIBLE AND TALMUD By O. O. DASflEtt Ye that afflict the just, that take a ransom, and t h a t turn aside the needy in the gate, therefore the prudent doth keep alienee in such a time for it is an evil tfme. Hate the evil, and l o v e the good, and establish justice In the gate. I hate, I despise your feaets, and I will take no delight In your solemn assemblies, Let justice well up as waters, a n d righteousness as a mighty stream. TALMUD It happened that the Egyptians summoned Israel before Alexander of Macedonia, saying to them, "The passage reads (Ex, 12, 36) and the Lord hath given the people of Israel favor to:the, eyes of the Egyptians, so that they gave unto them what t h e y required and they emptied out Egypt", so we want that you shall give us back the gold, and silver which ypu have taken from us, There was a man by the name of Q'W hah ben P'sisa who, said to the sages, "permit me and I will ap^ pear before Alexander as an advocate for the defendant of Israel, if they defeat me, you will say to them you have defeated an ignorant man of our people, and if I defeat them you will Bay to them, "The T o r a h of Moses defeated you". They gave him permission and he went to argue with them. He said to them, "Whence Is your evidence?" And they answered. "From your Torah". Then said he, "I in defence, will also bring
my evidence from the Torah. It is said, (Ex. 12, 40) Now the time of the residence of the children of Israel, which they dwelt In Egypt, was four hundred anij thirty years. Hence I demand of you the wages for the labor of Bix hundred thousand men w h o m your parents compelled to work for them during all the time they were in Egypt". King. Alexander said to them. "State your argument against him". Whereupon they requested three . days time which was granted them. But they could not find anything for rebuttal, so they decided to drop their claim and left town. There was a man,who said to G'bihah ben P'sisa, "Woe to you wicked ones who say that the dead resurrect?" And he answered, "Woe to you wicked ones who say that the dead will not resurrect. If that which has not existed at all comes to life—should those who once had life not coma to-life again?" The man answer* ed him, "You call me wicked. If I arise, I will kick thee and level the hump from thee". Whereupon he rejoined, "If you, do so you will be a great physician, and you will receive a great reward".
Schpolless Jerusalem—One hundred Jew« ish school children were left scboolless when the J e w i s h Agency closed down the only ele« mentary schpol in Kfar Saba, a Jewish colony in the Sharon district. The school was closed by the Executive of the Jewish Agency because the colony did not pay in time its instalments towards the educational budget.
.hough not the daughter of Albert Einstein, is related to him through her mother, the present Frau Einstein, who is the physicist's second cousin. . Margot Marianoff-Einstein is a sculptress, an jxtraordinarily sensitive a r t i s t who, like her great stepfather and relative, also lives under a protective coloration of modesty and retirement. JIargot—as she prefers to be known and called, and under which name, sans the Hiostein. jh© signs her work—arrived at her mother's household In Prince;on, from Europe, o n l y s few months ago. With her came her work, a dozen or so of relatively small pieces of sculpture in terrajotta, bronze, clay, wood and wax. These npw adorn the h o m e y •ooms of 2 L i b r a r y place, 'rlnceton, N. J. Princeton, to a stranger, to a non-academician, Is ao garden of ioveliness, especially on a drab M a r c h day. It's a reluctant, itodgy, Bhut-in little town with lome handsome but very profeeorial and stiff, rather ponderous, streets. Margot does not like It: md one can't blame her. As she ;ays, it is very quiet, yes, and inarming, perhaps, ajsd it has nice ieople, of course—»but Jt is not ery typical of what ehe would sail life. It is not America, For Margot is BO academician, and inspiration deem not come to her under a study Iftinp. She in'latently avers that she has not studied enough, of Course—as all sood artists do. .A* all good art* ists, she is constantly concerned ibout the inadequacies of her :echnique; she Is always experimenting. The easy, informal atmosphere jf the Einstein house, the "heimIsch" burgher touch, the unselfjonscious hospitality which permits Frau Einstein to serv* «ven
It fits the lime® of your
The patterns o£ distinction, the new Spring 1935 patterns — that you find in Arrow Mitoga shirts at The Nebraska, are typical • of The Nebraska's style leadership. AH &re woven msdtss snd woven broadcloth. Mo primed patterns shown 'ia Arrow Mitoga shirts &t this price st The Nebraska.
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All are Eagle * specially woven m&irm broadcloth shirtings. Patterns that-are smart, original as only Eagle designs teem.
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The child-study group of tha Council of Jewish Women meet Tuesday, Marcfc 26 at tbe home of Mrs. A.\ Romm, 101 So. 55th St. Mrs. Mickey Krupp and Mrs. Jack Melcber will be assisting hostesses at the 1 o'clock dessert-luncheon. This is the fifth of a series of six lectures by Mrs. Mary Fredericks, of the Vocational Guidance staff of the board of education. KATSKEE.FOX WEDDING Miss Kuth Fox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fox, became the bride of Mr. Sbett Katskee, eon - of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Katskee, Sunday afternoon at the Bleckstone, before members of
ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. I, Hurwitz announce the engagement of their daughter, :Pauline, to I. W. Widman. The-wedding will take place in late summer. '
the immediate families and close friends. Rabbi Davic A. Goldstein officiated. Miss Julia Zucker, accompanied by MIBS Esther Silverman, sang, and Ml^s Silyerman played the wedding marches. Miss Grace Daneky was the only attendant to the bride. Paul Grossman was best man. Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Fox were hosts at a reception honoring the young couPlc After a iioneymoon trip, the couple will make their home in Omaha.
ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rubin an-
IiEWIS-TUCKER Miss Barah Tucker, daughter of Mrs. Ethel Tucker, will become
the bride of Mr. Lou Lewis, son of Mr. and Mre. A. Lewis, at a private wedding in. the presence of the immediate families this morning at 10 o'clock at the home of Rabbi Uri Miller.
nounce the engagement of their daughter, Ethel, to Mr. Charles Mngil, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mogil. Formal announcement of the engagement was made at a dinner given Friday e v e n I n g, March 15. No date has been set for the wedding.
KULL.Y-GREEN The marriage of Louise Greenberger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Greenberger of Grand Island, to Stanley Kully, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis .Kully, of Hastings, took place March 17 at 4;30 p. m., at the Lieder Krantz. Rabbi Ogle of Lincoln, officiated. The bride wore a white satin gown, princess style. She carried a white lace muff with HHies-oft h e-valley. Mariam Greenberg, sister of the bride, who served &s maid of honor, wore green. The Misses Sara Frances Greenberg and Lucille Kaplan, bridesmaids wore pink and blue, respectively. Yale Kully, brother of the groom, served as best man. Maynard Kully, another brother, and Bruno Rath of Grand Island, were ushers. Little Florence Betty Eisenstatt of Omaha, was ring bearer and flower girl. She wore pink. Mr. H. Kaplan, grandfather of the g r o o m ; Mrs. Kulakofsky, grandmother of the groom; and Mrs. Sara Graetz, grandmother of the bride, were guests at the wedding.
SHOWER FOR BRIDE TO BE Miss Ethel Kelberg entertained at a miscellaneous shower at her home Sunday afternoon, in honor of Miss Pearl Lerman, whose engagement was r e c e n t l y announced. A decorative scheme of pink and yellow was used through the A dinner for 150 guests was room and bridge and bunco were served after the ceremony. played. Prize winners were the After their return, from a M i s s e s Ethel Stoller, Frances honeymoon trip, the couple will Kornfeld and Mary Garfinkle.
Council of JewisK Women to Meet
Large Atleadance Enjoys Bets-EI Fmim Affair
Hadassah Party
A debate between the Technical High school team and the Central High school team will be the outstanding feature of the March meeting of the Council of Jewish W o m e n , Monday, March 25, at the J. C. C, at 2:30 in the afternoon. Robert Brehm and Louis Hartz, representing Tech, will have the affirmative side on the question "Resolved, that the federal government should adopt the policy of equalising educational opportunities throughout the nation by means of annual grants to the several states for public elementary and secondary education." E r n e s t Wintroub and
Over 400 people attended the Purira program, and celebration given .by the Beth-El synagogue. Mrs. Sam Theodore was general cJiairuaan of the affair. Under the capable direction of Mrs. Phineas Wintroub and Mr. Harry Eraviroff, a coraic operetta, based on the Purira story, was presented and "was enthusiastically applauded. TJte other numbers on the program were also •vrell-received. Dr. I. Dansty •was master of ceremonies. Mr. E. Selz presented a f e w Yiddish songs, the J u n i o r society presented "Haman's Ten Daugaters-ia-law", and the Confirmation class pre-
"What Shall we do with GerOmaha chapter of Hadassah will many?" is the subject of Rabbi T h e regular monthly celebrate the twenty-third birthof the, VafltT AuKiliarr will ?>?> TnrfC day of Hadassah with a dessert- Frederick Cofcirt last lecture of I Monday, Slarrh S5, s.t £:"0 in tixr luneiieon and bridge party, Yv'ed- t h i s season's series en current jB'sfi! Israel E3"nn|ro^n.€v. In f?n-esday, Mar. 27, at t i e J. C. C. at events, which will be given at the ; cord v;itli tbe v-orkl-v.-iSs obpcvv-1 p. m. This party will also honor Blackstone Tuesday, March £6, at. jance ol the SOOtfe ai»tiivcn??.ry or the members in £Ood standing. 10:SO a. IE. •i the birth of Moses MfurnoTni1^ Those who are in doubt whether ] the program TTIU !>e dp^oted -v.r their dues sre paid Ere asked to jhte memoT- ^tre. Michael Kf>.**'••• call Sirs. David R. Cohen, 'Wai. j inan vill speak on "MaSinonifipJi1323, names A to L; Mrs. Allan j His Life end Deeds". Mr. Jurt^tKohan, TTal. 4SSS, M to Z. j \^*olfson vill epe«.k on "The Pigri'Members are asked to make upi The Pioneer Women, vill hold i ficance of Maimonifles Tocay. tables and place reservations with! a regular meeting on Tuesday, | Sirs. Ssni Brown r.nfi tier con*-* Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz, Tv~aL 55SI.I March £6, at 2 p. m. at the .T.C.C. imittee viJl nerve tea at the COTJEach table is to bring its ovrxx | A special business: v i l l b e €Ae~ ' elusion of the meeting-. cards. ' j cussed. AH members are urged There "will be *Ioor prises andj to attend. cf Israel Ail Mrs. B. A. Simon and her commit-j tee have arranged an entertaining j j A regular m e e t s ts p of; iht,. afternoon. ; i Daugliiere of Israel- Aid eocieiy E©dk Review : will be held Tuesday, March J?. 6, The Hadassah board ineetinp !at the Old People's! Home at ZbC-i be held on Tuesday, March 26. jCliarles Street. All uiembers s.r* The Oiaiilia chapter of Hadassah at 10:SO a. in. at the J. C. C. is sponsoring a boot review to be;: •urged to attend. • * * Siren fcy Krs. Key P. Jones, -who • The sewing group will meet on will revicc "GreeTx Lights," IMonday, March 25, at the J. C. C. Lloyd Douglas, at the Elackstor-''E C ETI hotel at £ p. m. Wednesday. Av~l if I y & Jim Different Pleasant Hil Society 3. Admission v.il3 be fifty CVT'~ pri cec. and the affair is open to the rn?1to Meet Mext MAYME AD T TTTi? BL OCK lic. '4ouUljsie Mrs. Julius Stein is head of ire Pleasant Hill Society will have ~ZS Securi!in? BMg, group EpoEBoring this reviev. Tlir a regular meetirig Mocday, March 2 5, instead of Tuesday. Members group is taking this means of rgis=are urged to attend this meeting ing their quota for "Give or eGt." as important matters "rill be brought up. Plans and the date Mount Sinai Auxiliary for starting tbe building of tie to Meet on Wednesday chapel are to be made. ReJIsfofe
(Catherine Stone'will uphold tne^ seated an original playlet, words negative side of the Question, as j for whica were written by Berrepresentatives of Central. This j nice Silverman. Miss Grace LeCentral team won both the Mid- vin directed this number. land and Peru aish school de- After tae ' program, tie wobate tournaments. men's auxiliary committee, iieadMrs. J, H. Kulakofsky, program ed by Mrs. L Dansky, served cofchairman, has announced a musi- fee and Hainant&schen. cal number to be presented by Miss Thelma Caspar, violinist, accompanied by Miss Evalyn Smith. Vsad Bosk Review There will be a board meeting g oa at 1:30. After the program, Mrs. Joe The book review group of the Jacobs and her committee w i l l Vaad Auxiliary will meet Tuesday afternoon, March. 26, at the serve an informal tea.
Beth-El Synagogue Plans for Conference
home of Mrs. Win. Milder, 4815 Davenport Street. Rabbi Uri Miller \rill review "Tarabas" by Joseph Both.. All members of the Auxiliary are Treleoiae.
Next Wednesday
The tri-city conference in which the Beth-El synagogue auxiliary of Omaha wil take part at Siour City, has been changed from Wednesday, April 3, to Tuesday, April 2. By Mrs. Da\i& M. If twenty or more Omahans go, make their home in JfcCook, Neb. Phi Beta Epsilon fraternity of a bus will be chartered, Mrs. Dave ENTERTAIN FOB Delight Cookies Creishton university began a seANNOUNCE BIRTH DAUGHTER ANNOUNCE BERTH S h e r m a n , president, has anTake 2 cups toroTrn sugar, % ries of educational forum lecMr. and Mrs. Oscar Taub anMr. and Mrs. David Bialac an- nounced. Anyone wishing to make cup crisco, % cup butter, 2 eggs, tures, Mr. and Mrs. M. Turitz enter- nounce the birth of a daughter, "Wednesday evening. Philip nounce the birth of a daughter at the trip is asked to call Mrs. Sher- 2 teaspoons soda, 2 teaspoons M. Klutznicfc tained twenty children -at a party Rozann, Sunday, March 10. : spote on "Youth the Clarkson hospital on March man, Ha. 2976. in honor, of their daughter, Zelda, cream of tarter, % car cold Organizations." At the last meeting of the auxinpon the occasion of her tenth Tne second of the series •will liary, a nominating committee was water, 2 teaspoons lemon extract, birthday, which occured Saturday, flour to mate a stiff take place Thursday, April 4. appointed and includes Mesdaines jdenough ^ WIENEB ROAST March-16. •a-hen Rabbi Dsvid TTice of TemPlans for a wiener roast were J. J. Greenberg, chairman, Irrin' t h e ple Israel *arill address the fradiscussed at the meeting ol the Levin, O- Fox, Max Barish, and ternity on "International PolitiJunior Vaad Auxiliary Fratority, held at the J. C. C, Robert Kooper. cal and Economic Trends." A regular meeting of the Junior The Junior Hadassab "Silver Wednesday, M a r c h 13. Paul A report is to be made at toe f l o , j r t Q m a k e a s t i f f d o n A variety of subjects and Vaad Auxiliary was held Tuesday, Mine" was started last Thursday S.acfcs, president, appointed a next meeting that oyer four nunMarch 19, at the B'nai Israel syn- evening at an open meeting at the committee headed by Morris Bau- dred people attended the Purira in round balls with your hands, speakers -will be presented biagogue. Jewish Community Center, when mer, assisted by Jack Garelick. celebration Tuesday evening at the and flatten, with, a fork. Place monthly during the remainder of An interesting program was Harry T r u s t i n , City Commis- Esther Pollay, and Jor Schlaifer, J. C. C, when the Beth-El auxi- far apart and bake on a cooky ths school year. given, including a talk by Rabbi sioner, winded an eight-day clock, to make final arrangements for liary sponsored a program. All the sheet at 400 degrees for 15 minutes. Url Miller on "The Significance and the person holding the identi- this affairgroups affiliated with the • synaDr. Cohn to Speak Sour Milk Ginger Bread of Purim"i two readings by Rose eal time ticket that the clock Committees will be appointed gogue took part in the skits and R a b b i Frederick Cohn vrlll Soffer and May Tucker; and pi- stops will be awarded fifty dol- and announced in the near future. in the operetta. Mrs. I. Dansky Use 1 cup molasses, 1 cup sour 2 H cups flour, 1 % tea- speak before the Doctor's Wires ano selections by Eleanor Cohen. lars in cash. Miss Minnie Frohm A membership drive is now in and her committee served Puriin spoons soda, 2 teaspoons ginger, club Wednesday, March 27. His president, has appointed twelve progress. delicacies% teaspoon salt, % cup melted subject "jrili be "Italy." captains; with each team to repreAt Lm f\* butter. sent one hour's time. SCHOOL HONOR Plans are being made to have Florence Tatleman; Mordecai, Mix tlie E§da with sour milk, The captains chosen are the The Mortis Beacty Shop Miss Josephine Rubnitz has Howard Barish; Judith, Elaine add to molasses, sift together the the A. Z. A., chapters No. 1 and Misses Goldie Seidman, Saramara b^en named editor of. the Loquax, Frank; King Abuasueras, Shel- remaining dry ingredients, and for s limited time will give s 100 conduct. Sabbath services at the 'B'nai Israel "synagogue "oh Katskee, Naomi Brody, Ann Good- Latin paper put.out by the Latin don Kaufman; V a s b t i , Edytbe combine mixtures, adding butter. beautiful Persian Friday evening, March 29, at 8 binder, Goldie Zusman, Rose Dol- clr.sses at Central High sehooL Bubb; Haman, Julius Cohn: PrinBeat vigorously, and pour into a o'clock. Hassle B a u m of the golf, Dorothys Berg, Mary Carcess • of Abyssinia, A n n Rosen: butered shallow pan and bake SO Mother chapter Is In charge of ar- finkle, Zelda Charney, G o I d y e Purim Program of Wave - Croqcsgaole or Spiral Princess of Babylonia, Lois Novit- minutes in a moderate oven. Fish, Jeannette Moskoviiz, and rangements. sky; Princess of Chaldea, L o r Complete- - - $3.00 Fannie Katelman, and tickets, at Arran gements are tinder w a y Bet-El on Sunday raine Leeser; Sons: Teddy Ger- Hassoseaa Skeleicss. For falling hair zind danten centB for ten seconds time, fop a joint open meeting, which son, Billy Finkle, Alvia Nogg, druff, the New Olive 0 3 Jerusalera — Ancient skelewill include the two A. Z. A. may be obtained from any captain The school of the Beth-El syna- Jerome Grossman, Bruce Greenor member of her team. Sfesmpoo recoadltioas the .. tons and potsherds found by-worchapters and the B'nai B'rith. At gogue will present its Purim proA report of the progress of the gram this Sunday afternoon at berg, Richard Newman, Joseph kers constructing a road out of iisir. this meeting there will bB a dePollack, Yale Gotsdiner, Robert b ate on the Biro-Bidjan question. various teams will be made at the 2:30 p. m,, at the J. C. C. Parents Haykin, and Myron Rubnitz: Her- Jerusalem were believed by archMildred WeljE Ernest Priesman, A. Z. A. 1, next meeting to be held next and children are alike invited to ald and Servant, Myron Rubnitz; aeological experts to date to Hasand Sammy Friedman, A. Z. A. Thursday evening, March 28, at to attend this Purim entertain- Jesters, Robert H a y k i n , Billy monaic times, the second century $&. 6SSS 18th & Dogge Sts. of the present era. NQ. 100, were elected as dele- eight o'efeck at the J, C. C. AH ment. The program is as fol- Finkle, and Phillip Pearlman. gates to the convention at Wau- members are urged to attend. lows: Musical Comedy—Paulina Rothkegan, Illinois. • > . • Purim Poem—Phyllis WoMner, kop, Sylvia White, Leonard LuttBennett Lee, Raduziner, Jeanne beg, Morton Margolin, Genevieve Proceeds from "Frolic" Blacker, Donald Lee Vann, Kath- Stein, Bernice Silvtrman, Libby Young Israels V f for Center Playground leen Vann, Irving Weitzer, Doris G r o s s m a n , Beth Xulakofsky, •y The Young Israels will h a v e Levenson, Arnold Dobrln, Arlene Ruth Bloch, R h o d a Scbether, their first party Saturday, March The A. Z. A., Np. 100 has com- Winer, Donald Stern, Sora Lee Pearl LIpsey, Frances O s o f f, 23, at the J. C. C. at 8 o'clock in pleted arrangements for a "Spring Davis. the evening. The members have Frolic" to be given at the Paxton , Chorus Cast—Y a l e Trustin, Harry Litke, Reva Gorelick, Ethel Kadis, Adele M a y p e r , Betty carefully planned this affair and hotel, Saturday, April 6. Harriet Lorkis, Annette Forbes, Rosen, Irene Miraowitz, Louise they hope to make it an outstandThe C o l l e g e Club orchestra Paula Belmont, Betty Colin, Har- Miller, and Estor Morris. Acing event. will provide the m u s i c for the riet Coon, Dorothy Blacker, Mar- companist, Liberty Cooper. dance. Ann Nieman, local song- cele Clvin, Charlotte Sommers, stress, will sing with the orches- Myron Milder, Pauline Falk, Lor,„ 'Vaad Religious School Jewish Press advertisers merit tra, raine Borsin, Shirley Gerson, Joy your patronage. Program Given Sunday The proceeds of this affair will Greenberg, Lee Greenberg, Anbe used to build a playground at nette Ostrowsky, Esther Osheroff, The pupils of the Vaad Relig- the Jewish Community Center. Betty Geifman, and Helen CooperVA KARAT ious school entertained their par- This playground Is to be for the man. Dance by Gloria Jtovitsky. DIAMOND BESTG ents arid friends at a Purm pro- use of the Talmud Torah chilPuppet Show—Esther OsherFormer Price ?50O.C0 gram and handicraft exhibit on dren and others who make use of off, Irving Wohlner, F r a n c e s REPOSSESSED Sunday, March 18. the Center. It will serve the Blacker, Stanley M a y p e r, and BARGAIN. • Pupils of the lower, grades re- double purpose of keeping the Arnold Lincoln. cited Purim poems. A play, "The children away from traffic hazP l a y—-"Up Haman's Sleeve" SWiSETZ'S - 1510 Douglas ..!Power of Purim", was presented ards and of making use of a plot Esther, Betty Grossman; Zeresh, V by the Dramatic Club under the of ground heretofore unused. direction of Miss Ida Fine. The j^S;S)i?a*^SiSa^t?|S ^ cast consisted of Goldie Azorin, Shirley Spar, Rosaline Baum, LIl•STOEES 1 Ian Katz, Beverly Babender, Sop1/ THEOUGHOBT THE hie Blumkin, Bessie Lef itz, Helen Minkin and Lillian Pollay. Ruth To oar Patrons, an outstanding attraction Paperny arid LaBrlna Steinberg A Brilliant Origination gave recitations. • direct from the Paramount Club in Chicago Members of the Debating Club for Spring . . . debated on the question, "Resolv- O M A H A ' S OWN ed, that a Converted Jew Should • ; •; BILLY (GIveeter) GRAY be Considered as JewiBh" with Ask four Grocer -. • ' Y and &ESRY BERGMAN. Morris Klrsnenbaum and C a r 1 Fredericks upholding the affirma---Supported b y - - tive and Sarah;Wolfson and EleaLois Nixon, AI Swartz, Tommy Forts and -Donna Bay nor Cohen defending the negative. The school prizes for selling 2711 No. 24«th St. WE 6400 the most tickets for the Cogs» well chair were won by Charolette Turkel and Arthur EpBtein. Clasa prizes were-won by Leon Brown, Exqulsife materials, ihe fmeif of workmansWp and an : Eleanor Cohen, Arnold Duncan, Marian Stein, Lillian Pollay, and «rf st.molding the feminine figure that is unsurpassed That is the reason the Log Cabin is becoming increasingly Edith Rotner. account for ihs flawless perfection end great prestige Mr. Judaa Wolfson won the popular'— that and prices which will be sure to please of Pclrefts Ccmpads.. This new spring model, signalchair which was given at the your sense of economy. Purim celebration by the Ladies ized as a M1UTA1RE KORDETTE, defines ihe new irsliiDance- to the scintillating tunes of that ever popular ' Auxiliary at the Jewish Comfary silhouette for spring. vAih a well-divided high 1 raunity Center'Monday, March 18. Freddy Ebener and His Boys rounded fcusfjine supperied by sfrafegic cording, douNOW! NO COVEB OB MENDIUSI CHAEGE ble elastic straps, lew back and ertfulfy cerfcs£!e-d LOUIS PALMER, the Hatter 0x12 .CONGOIEUM BEGS . . . . .$1-23 boning. Hats Gleaned Sllffla Highest Grade Enamels, $2.00 cnllon and Re blocked JSP 'Uw 1
"Silver Mine" of Junior Hadassah
Last of Current Event Lectures Next Tuesday
Vaad Auxiliary Meeting
The Mount Sinai auxiliary -Brill hold a resrulsr meetir»g, •Wednesday, March 27, at 2 p. m. at tlie ' j "5 so. i5tt* Pt, synagogne at. 25th and -Sevrard;'^ streets. Very importact business i _. _ " will be disccssefi, and all members I are urged to be there. ]
Progressive Hebreiv j Meeting on. Sandsy;
" i t The Progressire Hebrew c l u b ; < will hole! a special meeting Sun- j day at S p. m., a t the J. C. C. | A tax on members will be dls- f cussed and also plans lor a drew- ] ing and a bazaar to be held in the j near future. All members are jj particularly urged to attend.
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FOE QUINTS—-David A. Croll, Ontario, Canada, Minister of Welfare, under whose guardianship the quintuplets will be placed when a bill called'"The Dlonn^' Quintuplet Guardianship ;Act of 1935." making the babies - wards of the King,. is signed "oy Lieutenant Governor Bruce. The parents of the babies objected to the measure.
t f
1 0i
SHAKY? NOT A BIT—A steel worker atop a cableway tower on'the rim of Black Canyon, Nevada, at Boulder Dam. Far below him may be seen the Colorado River swirling in rapids over the rocks. But he is used to great heights and is not a bit shaky. The lake formed behind the dam will be about 115 miles in length, and will have an area of 145,000 acres.
FLOODS—Thousands of acres of farmland were submerged by floods occurring in Southeastern Missouri and Northeastern Arkansas from swollen tributaries of the Mississippi. At least 6,000 were homeless and several communities were threatened, while livestock had to be moved to higher ground. Here is a scene a t Valley Park, a suburb of St. Louis, Mo., where children are being taken to school in a rowboat.
1 I
J KE LIKES MOUNTAIN KUSIC—Henry Ford, automobile magnate, doing an old-fashioned square dance with Irene Sellers, a pupil at the Berry schools at Mt. Berry, Ga. Mr. Ford has donated more than $1,000,0-03 for new buildings at the school, and square dances and old-fashioned waltzes are part of the curriculum. The scene is in the new gymnasium.
O=O=(, \ WOULD YOU SAY "MINUTE STEAK"?—C. E. Gardner of Chehales, Wash., has a queer hobby. He has been attempting to breed diminutive cattle end here is a quartet of Hereford bulls so small they are contained in one large frying pan, 8 feet-across,and 10 inches deep. At least Mr. Gardner shows there is still something different to be done in the world.
r t
THE!QUEEN'S GOWN-—Miss Mary Kate Crow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Lee Crow of Galveston, Texas, -served as queen of the recent Galveston Mardi Gras. Above, sHe displays the gorgeous gown she wore while occupying that office.
i Billiiliifrmam
1 HBP5 1 IP?*
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"SAP'S RUNNING"--.irhat's the cry all through the New England and Northern New York country just now. Spring is on the way. Mapletrees are ready to Uirst into,bud and workers are shown above gathering sap at Mt. Hope experimental farm, Williamston.'Mass.
DRUM MAJOS — This funny looking fellow is the drum major ^rho led the parade of strange inflated monsters that cavorted and bobbed in Los Angeles, recently. The parade was for the benefit of Los Angeles orphans and some of the youngsters are seen inspecting the gigantic rubber man that was the queerest they ever savv\
GOOD DOG HAD WRONG MASTEE—-Philadelphia police suspected Jack of connivance, so they "arrested" him. When Detective Henry Welle- of the vice squad, looked'under his collar, as shown above, he found that someone had used Jack as a conveyor of gambling slips. So "William Brent, Jack's owner, was arrested, too. .• • •
g ^
1 1111 ISisii0 m m
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iHi: B 1 WSmM 1 Hii mliBiiH
NATIONAL PLAYGROUND'S NEW STYLES—Atlantic City, W. J.', sends out word that bathing suits will be more daring than ever, the coming season. Above, Sergeant William Beatty, In tbe'aatty new uniform of the Boardwalk police, inspects a bevy of -beauties attired in the latest beach scahties. tMagPfpannni
BEST SHOT — Miss Shirley Prazer, co-ed at the University of Washington, is the best riflewoman in the United States, according to a record she made at the national shoot in Seattle. Out of a possible 600 perfect shots she made 598 onlyon i t removed d from' —
an allttims record. Her score was was 100, 100, 100, 99,-99, and 100 •••',• •. ffi^
IT'S -ALL IN T H E GAME FOB THIS FAMILY—Toe-six Anglin brothers of Atwood, Ind., snake up this unique basketball team. Left t o right-are: Dale, Wallace, Marshall, Dallas, Don and Wendell, with Dad Anglin, manager, seated. They are coached by a seventh brother, all sons Of Mr. a n d Mrs. I . W; Anglin Pour of t h e five married members of t h e team are fathers.
British Representative Attacks Nazi Ideology
HelsingforB (JTA)—A sensation was created here when Professor Nicholson, the British representative at the Kalevala celebrations, launched an eloquent attack against the German racial theory. Professor Nicholson, who spoke after the German representative, took occasion to point out that the cultural world does not recognize the "A r y a n" teachings of Germany and considers them uncultural and uncivilized. .Dr. Saul Tchernichowsky, the famous Hebrew poet and translator of the Kalevala into Hebrew, who has been invited from Pales-. tine as the guest of the Finnish government speaking at the" celebration described literature es a meeting place for all people.
have s. cart of one huts-; SE .red per cent Aryans exclusively i g . . .The Nazi censors never PUS- i p h & VilVss*.l2 • • • • j p e c t e d t h a t t h e F r £ r . c h film "The j § Depression Is Over" {cow being j pt)., shown at the SSih Street Play-I~;"; house in New York), lists I A. \ neck, .as the script1 demanded. . . . Jean Lenoir as the composer ot file | GALGENHCMOB Fis.bbi Frederick •under EO We w e r e walkfng down the Joseph, explained that ,, , music and Albert Prejes.ii RE the! empie street with "what is generally •would h«- wear Tnominr, known as an all-right-nlk, one of cross, and eveniur those gentlemen who try to im- symbol on press you with their importance .So Fisbbi Conr . . Ji. panhandler accosted, as, picture, you'll understand humbly asking whether we could Joseph Sckildkraut is the only .The all-rlght- knight from whose neck dangles Gunther . L E T , both spare -a dime. j nik, who a minute before had the medical symbol instead cf the which of the faith, boasted of recent business suc- cross. . . .Incidentally, Lewisohn hr.ncles the Americfjn f.dvertiElng '] cess, addressed the beggar in one day received a very impres- and publicity for the German) •'F.PS- t h e Test Tract he supposed to be French, sive-looking envelope w i t h the steamship lines, we're told. . . . j ~ vili saying: "Je n'ai d'argoat". . . . name of Gar! Laeninale embossed Among recent arrivals to these j V^ •'f sermon t' The down-and-ontef gently and la on the flap. . . ."Here's where 1 shores is Mme. Mohammed Esau | nr,i Isvea* t?yt r.: at he a confidential tone whispered to get s. fabulous offer for the film Ber, accompanying her noted hus-1 Car.* our show-off: "You can't say that rights of one of nay novels," flash- band, the author •who forsook j —the proper way is 'Je n'ai pas d' ed through the mind of the fam- Christianity for Islam. . . .Mme. argent' ". . . . ! ous author. . . .But the letter was Essad Ber, though, is still a
Ihia is an interesting inter- mediately. Herr Frommann gave in English I made a short prayer view with -Mr. and Sirs. Adolf me a cigarette, and die M a m a that we would never need a . . . Prommann. and son, "Werner, gave me a chocolate. The choco- a. . . .depression like in Germany who formerly resided in Kaiser- late was good, and I slowly, to make us all one. santern, Germany, and w h o stalling for time. Somehow, my I stayed and chatted a while. BOW live at S809 So. Twenty- carefully prepared list of ques- Going home I realized that I did fifth sW Omaha. Sirs. From- tions, dealing mostly w i t h the not ask one of my political quesTnwTiTi Is a sister of David and political affairs, was as useful as ;ions. . • . . Fred Bosenstock of Omaha. The a cigarette lighter on the Sabbath. I didn't get very much German author of this article, Martin Werner, however, *-was observ- practice, because the Frommanns Speckter, is managing editor: of ing everything closely, and he know many English words. the G a t e w a y . University of seemed like a good bet. And because I didn't get to ask Omaha publicationv—Bditor 'Do you like Central High my political queries, I didn't get merely an urgent plea for an ess, as she was born, txi declares \ NOW IT CAN BE TOLD . school?" I asked In what I hope my story. . autographed picture. .' . .Lewis- that there is no religious, lav re-j ^.* s e vice? toniplit. K a H Somewhere in south Germany, was a fatherly tone. We can't resist patting ourself Unless this is the story. on the s h o u l d e r lor having ohn being Carl Laemmle's favor- quiring the wives of Mohamme- j David A GoUlsteic v-tfl speak f« in : -the Rhein region, lived the He nodded a red head. b r o u g h t the Silver-Cleveland ite author. . . .No denial will dans to be members of the same! the ]:-fe Frpmmanns: There was der Papa "Ja. Aber die Madelnt So viel Zionist District controversy iuto shake our conviction, based on in- faith. . . .1Tp in the Bronx o u r j m o r i ^ e s 1- the eiffct lumavedth f>iand the Mama and Werner, aged Lippfarben! Grossen l a r m ! Es niverparj- of T'TIOFP birth i? bf>ins the open and thus having iadi- formation received, that James brethren are hailing Rabbi Sala- j niverpat" gibt Spiegeln in jedes Locker!" thirteen and a half .... rectly—or Is it directly?—com- Cagney, Warner Brothers* popu- mon Friedlander, formerly o£ L«is- ceipbratpd tlirouf:brnit tbe v(i"i; It was a.pleasant life. Every . I laughed. He was getting along pelled the Zionist Administration lar star, is one of the Chosen cka, Hungary, as a Eadik and this month. morning Herr . From maim would famouBly, if in one short week he to take official action. .*. .Now it People. . .Which reminds us that wonder-rabbi, &nd telling enthusleave the Frommann h o m e on had already noticed the girls, can be told that the leaders of the Warner executives heaved- & iastic tales tbout hew a prayer of of relief last week when Mas his saved a believer's young son Medikusstrasse, and go to his ges- their lipstick, the noise, and the the Cleveland Zionist District, The Jr. Ynaci CongregE'.i'.oii w chaft, where he sold dry goods mirrors in the lockers. who somehow had received notice Reinhardt's screen version of "A from dying. . . The Nazis of Yorkand notions t o - t h e wholesale that we had released a story oa Midsummer Night's Dream" was ville are trying to enlis the E;*IU- j meet at regulnr pcrvsccp HUP SSI was still playing for t i m e declared finished. . . .The origi- pathy of Marlene Dietrich in the urday morning f.t 10:2v -o'clotrade. Werner would go to^the when inspiration dawned. It was rnment by conscience, intellect this whole mess ia oar column, nal estimate for the cost cf the campaign to raise Jnnds for the in the B'na* Isren.5 Synsgo^K An exclusive "article by the Gymnasia, the c 1 a s s I c a 1 high, a perfectly legitimate question, long-distance-telephoned our ediHonorable Herman Bernstein, and practical Idealism. Kr. anfl Mrs. Pave -Cronrise' V" school, where he learned Latin but the reply was startling. .But the picture was $400,000—the actual Eauptmann defense. . . . President Masaryk Is one of tor to kill the Item. be hoEt.s to tlie rongroga-tioT',, and French literature and much "Are you orthodox, conserva- dean of American Jewish jour- the very few personalities that boss told them that it was high cost amounts to over a million. . . BRILLIANT EEIOETS j nalists and former American mathematics, for he intended to tive, or reform?" I asked. ECHOES j time that the age-old Cleveland Sitting" at the table with Jacob ! minister plenipotentiary to Al- have retained t h e i r greatness feud be made public, and that, In be" an automobile engineer. , Although Louis T. JficFadden, j Fishnmn, managing ed ;>- r" L"' <~ The family looked at me. after the World War. During the bania, on the P r e s i d e n t of Iieft to herself, die Mama From"Orthodox. —!"" any case, the matter lay entirely America's would-beHitler, Insists j Jewish Morning J o u r r - ' T l o r Czechoslovakia. Sir. Bernstein war he was only the Intellectual outside their jurisdiction. . . .Now that his headquarters ere at the jwe lone ago dubbed '.I ~ TFV I: 1 mann would clean the house, pre"Liberal, .„.,!" leader of a people enslaved under knows President Masaryk perMayflower Hotel, Washing-ton, D. jWill Rogers, we once ~—r r pare the meals, 'and, if it were "Konservative__™—!" the Hapsburg rule. Since the war these same leaders congratulate Friday, would spend a breathThe three answers came from sonally, and is regarded us one he and Benes and other Czecho- themselves on the course 'which C., R. Li. Poilio, manager, wired a i r e d his sharp and v. - ' c " t * us, denying definitely that "any tee. . . .Somebody askeo 1 >tr ' ~>'of the outstanding American slovak leaders have built a sound events have taken. . . . taking day Sbabos machen, for as many mouths. such headquarters are or have you believe that Frs.u TT^ j S^r- , the next day Sammstag would be, friends of the Czechoslovakian state in the very heart of Europe, I pulled up. HOLLYWOOD INSIDE been here". . . .Henry Woisin, neniann. Captain Goering's liac- j and to the synagogue one must Papa Frommann explained to republic. In t h i s article he a state that teaches by example national treasurer of the Friends cee, is Jewish? "No," 0£;me Fi^b- ; go, and friends, perhaps, to the me: "What here conservative is, quotes from his conversation the advantages of liberty over STUFF This story c ines to us from of the New Germany, who is near house would come. with us very liberal Is." With Masaryk.—Editor trr F.idespotism. Ludwig Lewlsohn, jest returned death at the North Haasoa Hospi- . , . „ . „„>,„,„ .i. T O e i It was a pleasant life, and i£ Mama Frommann said: "We . . . ,. , . chist". . . .An t^mbula: Masaryk's life-story Is like a from the capital of filmland. . . . occasionally an angry customer are liberal, but we are more ortal to New Jersey, w » result o l , On the occasion of President rre. acbefi t h f t c t > . would murmer an invective. . . - thodox than your conservative.' Masaryk's eighty-first birthday a fairy tale. From the humblest Cecil de Mille, directing his new an automobile accident, is being s c h n orishman whisper^ to ,!• Herr Frommann would but shrug Even Werner had his say: "We most impressive and inspiring tri- beginnings he has risen to high epic "The Crusaders" on the treated by two Jewish coctors j , o .,„ „„ v , c ir5r _ >it . . . W e . c r r _ r r . , . . Paramount lot, noted that Joseph eminence by the sheer force of his 1 his trim shoulders. Were we not' go to Shul every Saturday—punk- bute was paid to the great Presiintellect, by his passion for right- SeMldkraut. one of the principals, who are making supreme efforts pot". . . .The p o e t r ^ f c r 'in exile?, "What •would one ex- tum!" heard the remark, and rs'Tf ~?'-v>, dent of Czechoslovakia at a testi- eousness, by his sincerity and his did not wear & cross around his to pull h i a through. . . . whole, however, life Mrs. Frommann, very energe- monial dinner in the Waldorf Aspect? SNAPSHOTS resentfully: "What fiif ycr tf>rx profound sympathy for the cause continued >On the ip. that sunshiny way it tic, turned reported and asked me toria, New York. It was one of of his people, who yearned to be Ths 'Cafe Royal, NCTT Tort's . . . .TCherexipoa the Jf^.r!: ^ T " cot referring to political en- East Side intelligentEia rendez- Rogers placifily answers •": "7 ?''f' does In the not t o o - c r o w d e d questions. the rare banquets at which bana"Was Bind hler d i e meistens lity and gross exaggeration were free and independent us of yore. tanglements. Nor am I referring vous. Is searea thsss CS.TE for the said yon were a crack y^t'". . . , towns. There were hut s i x t y For xaany years he worked inde.- - r thousand people in Kaiserslaut- Juden?" conspicuous by their absence. All fatigably. He was the conscience to American dollars. Money Is bachelor writers and artists who We asked Fishm&n v l.p.brr 1-c Of what denomination were ern, and they were mostly selfthe speakers spoke with deep con- of bis people. He was sever afraid not and cannot be the savior cf frequent it. . . «A wardrobe cheek- had read Franz WerfeZ't T o : . : most of the Omaha Jewry? I ing department has b®€n estab- Days o£ Muea Dagh". . . . ('No," ; respecting '.citizens . of - a simple viction, with genuine ^enthusiasm, to stand alone, to espouse a caass mankind." Referring to Woodrow Wilson lished and put Is. the charge of s he replied, "there's no need to i with fine understanding of the that was unpopular, if he bat German community. If they felt thought for a while. on tim—I knew be'e I that the Frommanns, or- any. of We had; 10,000 Jewish people foremost living symbol of demo- knew that it was right, to defend and the end of the war. President charming-looking girl who spends check her spare jnosiests mending lln- j good". . . . the other three-hundred Jewish in. Omaha. Spine of- them go to cracy—T h o m a s Garrigue Mas- the weak and the wronged even Masaryk remarked: "When peace offers commenc- Ings and sewing oa the buttons of j ; ssss. t r seven Feature i families there, were a bit differ- the Temple, some of them go the aryk. though he thereby made enemies ed aad the question, of as. amisthe coats entrusted to her. . . -Her j ent. . . .well.'es'macht niehts aus conservative,' and.some of them tor himself among his friends. As I listened to the estimates of tics was under discussion, I ex- aasse is Cynthia, but we shudder} „ ,• . v . -no difference. Besides, the go to the orthodox synagogues. Mrs. Frommann smiled. But President Masaryk's achievements A great Czech patriot, he never- pressed to President Wilson my to think that her dcaestlc lean- j ©©SlSS Frommanns bad-lived in Germany that wasn't so strange, n l c h t as a man, as a humanitarian, as theless was not afraid to question conviction that should the war be Ings xaay Isnd her s, ^ennSess j ^ for generations. • . - . - - . : . •/', frahr? In Germany m u c h the a scholar, as the master-builder of the authenticity of a famous his- continued, the Allies would force genius as a corspanioz for lite. . toric Czech document, and after Thus the. Frommanns, Papa, same It was. She tapped me on Czechoslovakia, as the towering Investigation, lie the German array to lay down The Tiptos Ins, st E6th Street representative of democracy in painstaking Tort {WNS}—Books by Mama unid Werner, lived u n t i l the shoulder. • their arms, and the Allies woald asd Broadway, Iz developing; Into six w o r l d - * « E C H S Jews were came oat with an expose.proving dictatorship-ridden Europe, I reseveral yearslag.o .JA world-wide ' 'ryouvBchreib," shs .said* "you eater Berlin. By ending the war the upper West Side counterpart economic; depression came, and schxeib that good-'Jews arer we/' called the genial, modest man that the document held sacred by in. this way no more human lives of the.Royal. . . ,Almost nightly selected fcy three eminent men of the Czech nation was a forgery. who Is guiding the destiny of his letters in their l i s t s of the £5 business ••was - not gpod. Attend- - Papa and "Werner nodded in as-^ would be sacrificed after the one can ESC around & table there raoEt influential boots publishes He was attacked as a traitor to people with unparalleled wisdom. raa ant to the'depression came other sent. . •.' - ." ; peace. I admitted to the Presi- L^mis Lripsky, Dr. A. J. Rongy, things which" madelife very -rinThe conversation then resolved I met him several times as. Presi- his country. He was branded as dent that the war was practically Earry L. Glucksman, Meyer W. 5n the last century. angenehm-^-in an- economic way, itself.Into.a discussion on things dent of the Republic which he a frivolous, cynical literary ban- won, but, knowing Prussia as I Welsgal, etc., . . . .As soon as the | The three people who made the religious. So nice it was. Here fashioned upon solid foundations. dit. Yet he went on with his did, I was afraid that the masses headwaiter sees a rather unusual J selections were Edward Weeks, of,;course! But I had known him long before work, undisturbed by the vituto (But for the sake of argument, in South Omaha it gave Kosher I had the privilege of meeting perative attacks on him. He knew of the Gerra&a people would not type entering the restaurant he j .editor of the Atlantic Monthly »«.- f v -'• r V Is' If-there was. . . .a mental depres- meat markets, and a synagogue, him. In 1918, as I left for Japan he was right, and that gave Mm believe in this strategic defeat cf conducts hirs as a matter of ]j Press; Prof. John D e w e y of sion. . . -one could.bear that, but much like in Kaiserslautem. And and Siberia, representing Ameri- strength. He believed there was Germany and Austria. I remind- course to the table at which Lip- j1 Columbia University, a n d Dr. i Charles A. Beard, dean of Amerwith economic disorders. . • .J ' : Purim was coming. ed the -President that when he sky presides. ; . . .Leonard Lyons ] ic&n historians. All three iaclufino place in the history of his becan newspapers, an accredited DOW: Would the Herr Speckter fast •The Frommanns "• left Kaiserswar correspondent with the Am- loved people for forged docu- sent his. friend, Colonel House, to tells cs'that Mrs. Albert Einstein, lautern on February 21 of this on Ester-tannis? Most assuredly erican Expeditionary Forces in ments, howevar these documents Europe for the purpose of discuss- attending a New York banquet, j ed "Das Kapital" by Karl Slarx, Weeks and Dewey n&raed "The year, and arrived in Omaha on the Herr Speckter would fast. Siberia, I carried also credentials glorified Ms people, and however ing the problems of peace, he re- started to eat what she thought , ;, j , -L.- v m J IKUl * Interpretation o£ Dreams" br EigMarch 2. The relatives, the David And to which Shul would the from Professor Masaryk to the painful the expose might be to his ferred to ,a durable and not a fcf ^ W e e k £ ligted A l b e r t and Fred Rosenstocks of Omaha, Herr Speckter go? The H e r r brave Czech legionnaires whose people for a time. ,!.? momentary peace. Perhaps Presi- *ras a salad and Trtuch had teea j placed on her salad plate; it J«> J , -RelatiTitr, the special E i n s t e l a 8 had extended an invitation to Speckter, I Bald, would attend his sufferings and heroic exploits conIt was this integrity, this fear- dent Wilson was a greater pacifist an orchid corsage. . . .Lyons lor- j £ a d G e n e r & 1 T h e 0 r » 3 e w e y their German kin to make a Bes- father's Shul, but the Herr Speck-* stituted one of the most remarklessness and this passion for jus- than L But I am stM of the sets to nention that the Rason , 1 T h P 6 T c h o l o E 3 . o £ t he d ter's religious zeal would probuch. opinion, especially after our exable chapters In the history of this trageay ^ras not lact ot j ^ ^ «,«„«» v v V,» r t G . J u n e ; So Werner Is n o w attending ably carry him to all the other the terrible war. I met General tice that also led him to take up periences with, tfca peace, that my for knowledge but tte extreme aesr-jj Beard Hst another unpopular cause in 1SS9. ; L Troteky'fc Omaha Central High school, and synagogues as well. standpoint with regard to Get sighteSsess ol ol the the great great select-«„ select« History o£ the Russian lievoluSyrovy at Chelyabinsk, in the A Jew named Hilsner was chargDid many Jewish people attend Mrs. Frommann Is keeping house many was correct." ist's wife. . . .Arthur Brisbane re- < Ural Mountains, General Gayda with her sister, Mrs. Isaac Kahn, services? Most assuredly, the Herr in Ekaterinburg, the adventurous ed with the murder of a Christian On the eighty-fifth birthday of veals to ns that Tommy Syan, the tion. girl in a forest near Polna, for who arrived In O m a h a about Speckter answered. Services were general who has now turned Fasthe Grand Old Man of Europe. faraocs *'Irisli" fighter of oldea ., Berlin—The election d JevrE tn .%,->.- \ v . three months ago, also "from the almost always so well attended cist, Colonel Kadlic, Captain Kos- ritual purposes. Hilsner was con- •who looks forward rather than fisys, WES a Jew whose real isaxne the directorate of E lerge !?sarvicted, and the ritual murder legthat there was not sufficient inBaein region. backward, I recall his striking re- was quite txnlite Ryan, . . .Inter- bruecken concern provoked the hek In Omsk; I met the democraend was rapidly spread among -Hoping to h r u s l i up on my side room, and one might always tic leaders of the Czech National marks- on old age, made some esting phenomenon noted In the j ire of the Nazi press here. * -\ broken German and get a good see many, many people on the Council in Siberia, and I mingled the masses. When Professor Mas- time ago to Karel Capek, the bril- ether at- 2 P. M.. last Sunday .£.!- \ — aryk was asked for his opinion of •> T, - stjpry at the same time, I visited steps outside. "it lian Czech author: ternoon: Two rabbis holding iot'J. the Frommanns. Frommann hos"Gut, gut!" said the From- with the Czech legionnaires all the case, he undertook a thorough "One thing surprised n s when on different radio stations I t l , along the way across Siberia. I investigation, and arrived at the pitality made "Itself apparent im- mann family. And I thought it travelled with .them and talked conclusion that a grave wrong I got home from the war, and simultaneously. . . .They \ r e t r was pretty good myself. with them. I marvelled at their had been committed. He felt that that was that my friends, my con- J a c o b Tarshlsli, deliveriiig Li£ Did the various Jewish denomitemporaries, "had all got EO eld regular talk over WOR. an-5 Pod efficiency, at their organisation nations In Omaha r e m a i n on ability, at their devotion to an the man was innocent, and lie When I saw this change in other P r i n c e Anthony (Abraham L. started a campaign tor his liberaIrienaiy looting always with each ideal—their as yet unrecognized tion. He did this not so xaach people I realised that I must bare Feinbsrg) Prosia Eiaglng c^cr other? In Germany, sometimes State. I "wondered -what it was for the sake of saving an inao- grown old toe! VvTJS. . . .Both, by the iray, llsthere was criticism of one an- that held them together, that kept cent man, as for the purpose of "Just look at that old c a t bretr Union College products. . . . other. Since the . . .the.. .lately, up their hope thousands of miles saving his people from the terri- tree yonder. It is Eaid to be nine OBBS ASD ENDS We suppose you knew that the : Berlin—-General Hermann Wil- the Germany Jewry has unified from their beloved homeland, that ble superstition which was spread- hundred years old; but see how helm Goering, as rabid an anti- more. gave them so much courage to ing among them. He was attack- strong it is, how full of life! Its trade agreement for the film r:I nodded: Yes, we were always suffer and struggle, to starve and ed again, even by his own stu- great stature aad its great age change between Austria anA NE '- Semite as the Nazi movament has on friendly footing." produced, must'be going soft. At freeze in Siberia, to help "make dents, who created violent dis- do not prevent It iron putting land .specifies that. the Austriw= I said that in German, and then the world safe for democracy.' turbances at his lectures. After- oat new leaves and blossoming inany rate, the racial theories cherished by. German Fascism don't And as I talked to the Czechs and vrard the people realized that to new life. Men should mean very much to the burly as- President of "PKO" to the Slovaks I discovered the uni- Masaryk was right, and that his old like that. "We measure life by too onesistant of Reichsfuehrer Hitler force, the inspiration, the action was prompted by the noblLet me pro?«rt ye IT teSsifestB, Visit in United States fying when" they happen to clash, with ideal that sustlaned them. There est of motives. He had risked his sided a standard, simply by Its I write tKSCRAKCE .rf every laciofiinc LIFE, In- t f his ambition to:make the Reich's j were students and artists and popularity in order to serve truth length and not by its greatness. csipticsn nrllable coinp®»i«i CSIX. . . isH f theatre an opera as good as any New York—According to cable physicians and lawyers and farm- and justice and to save his paople We think more cf how we : can talk It Jt-er. in Europe. • advices, Dr. Henryk'Gruber, head era and laborers among the Czech from the canker of superstition lengthen life than how we can 'This was. made apparent when of the Polish Postal Savings Bank legionnaires. And all of them which was -undermining t h e i r Hi: it. By recognizing the truth, Gty ffea AT IBS? er WA 61. by'ordering our life morally, by J40S Faraasa it' was learned that he has ap- is coming to Tlslt the United spoke with love and reverence moral foundations. pointed a Jew, ;Leo Blech, as as- States:next month. In addition and faith about "Tati'chek" Mas- In one of a y conversations vrlth. loving actively, we can have a sistant'conductor "of the Opera to his high banking position, Dr. aryk, "dear little father" Mas- President Masaryk he made the share of eternity In this life of H. Gruber, is also president of the aryfc. "Tatitchek" was the only following remarks regarding the ours, *e .can prolong oar life sot Unter den Linden. , by days and years, bat by eterGoering, had set himself a pre- "Institute of'Foreign. Relations" name all these men had for the lessons of the World War: nity. which gives an added importance cedent when he Imported Clemens Slovak Professor who then made "It was such a terrible object OIL EUSNEES "SJany people grow old simply Kraus from*Austria to replace to his trip. his headquarters in Washington lesson to all nations that they Dr. Gruber will study the eco- where President Wilson and Col- •would be stupid to embark on an- because they arss too csmfortabl®, Wilhelm . Furtwaengler as chief conductor when the latter re- nomic and financial' conditions onel House were helping him in other war. Tolstoy said the ma- and have EO ^ria-h to do zs SS1S AT signed because of his disapproval here and also deliver lectures his efforts to constitute the demo- jority of the people.are stupid. I Not to grotr eld doss sot mean of Nazi interference with -the about the economic situation in cratic s t a t e of Czechoslovakia. would say, the sensible people axe merely lasting; It means to go on arts. Krauss Is a half Jew. Poland. The reliirth of that nation came in the minority. That la less of- always growing, always improv./Alexander Kipnis, the reThe "P. E. O." or Polish Postal from the boundless faith of the fensive. Bat the' sensible people ing; each year jnnst ba for & saaa nowned basso, continues to be a Savings Bank is the most Import- liberty-loving people in their lead must work for feaee. They must like climbing one rusg higher up member of the state opera's cast. ant financial institution of Po- er whom they loved, and the suc- work for it energetically. They a ladder. I watch myself carefully to see whether I &a growing Kipnis, who has been heard in land which i n t e n years has grown cess of Czechoslovakia as a demo- must be promoters ' of Chicago, is a Jew. The reason he to a nation-wide banking organi- cratic state, amidst a Europe see- sense Instead of merely taking a older; I test' a y intellectual pswretains his position Is that Goer- zation with branches in all larger thing with unrest and distress passive attitude toward all that Is ers, my memory, a y breadth as ijuiefceess el grasp. As soon s.a ing has been forced to admit he cities of Poland, a3 well as agen- brought about by ruthless dicta going on about them. cannot fand anyone as good. cies in France, Argentine and torships, ia due to "Tatitchek1 "America,.-as tas greatest na- I ess that I am begisstes to lose Goering te director-general of Palestine. It has about 1,700,000 Blasaryk, who has kept faithtion in the TForld today, has a my meats! poirer, 1 shs.ll st esea the Prussian theatre in addition permanent clients and total asssts those who trusted and loved M a great duty to perform. • America make room for • same ess ycuagto all his other offices. However, of about 0155,000,000. In tho V. Aided hy hia brllliaat disciple is In a position to proxnota lae. or- @r. Fortan&ts is t i e station that lie'Isn't catchins quits-so many S. and Canada, tho " P . K. O.", In ono of tlo world's ablest construc- ganisation of mankind and saotalfl shows these days as he 'would Eomo of its activities, Is cooperat- tive statesmen today, Dr. Edward n6t isolata herself. The moral lias this young. eld s a a ss its libs because of the pressure of ing with the G d y n i a - A m e r i c a Senes, President Massryk h a s sensa of America must bring Iser head and conscience. .Hit, tef Srs-ea Arts international diplomatic business. Line. ^ . — ..if. ~Aerected a moral fortress of gor closer to the other nations. I am Syndicate.) ' ,(.-*.
n -Mrr:
Msrk Leas S&ys - - -
Expose Hauptmann's Defense Fund Heads
Unsafe Houses
flSONSKV. (iHODIKNKT, MAKER COHKX, AttOTiM-jn. 1S1 Omiilm National Bank BU$.
HSOX * WHITE, Attorney! City Nat'l Bank Bide;.
Jerusalem—About 300 i m t i KOTICK OF INCORPORATION- OF ' houses found to be unsafe as & re VMAEA MERCHANTS ASSN. • ' KOTICK OF SAI.K. Notire is herel'j' f-iven thRt a Corporsuit of flood damage will be de To Mis* Amelia CbrlBtian: ation hns tieeit formed under the l»7r» Ynu are- hereby eotifiet! fhnt K. the State oC Nebraska. • ' New York (WNS)—The iden- molished In the Amman district F>W3!ey, doinpr business under the name ! of The nam? of the Corporation Is "OMend ufj'le ot FlEtiron Gerasre of this tity of the mysterious John O. Trans Jordan. city, claims ri. lien upon" s Plymouth Se- AHA MERCHANTS ASSN." 'It* princidan, Motor No. rlOCOS, Model 18SS, for pal place of business is Omeha, Douglas Weiss and A. C. W e b e r , the the eum of $48.60. together with EC- County, Nebraska. n.XUCRG, WEBB, BEBKR, spokesmen for the Hauptmann cruinK amounts: that upon March 4th, nature of the business of KLUTZNSCK & K£1*LEY, Attys. Thf? p e n e r r ! C30 Omaha Xst'i, Bk. Bide. 1835 you received e reriatered notice l h ; ooJ-norfition Is to advance the comDefense Committee and the men froi.i the claimant detailing the item merc'al, rivic. find economic interest* of said to be responsible for the indue and that you were further informed the Omaha trR<if: territory; to promot* NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS that said amount, must be paid on or integrity nnii (food (Bitli. juat nnd equitjection of anti-Semitism into the Notice U hereby (riven th«t all exist before March IB, 1935; that no paydebt* of AMEIUCAN U P H C I J E T E K ments have been mRdf pursuant to said Rb!e principles in husinees activity Hnd Hauptmann fund-soliciting w a s inp ING Co. on the 31st day of December. repistered notice and that a snle of the uniformity in commeroial twWRes In th« commercial trade of the Cmalia. terri1934, amounted to the fium c£ None Doi disclosed when friends of theirs lars Plymouth Sedan Motor No. S2A6D3. Itory; to disoover and correct abuses Model 3020, will be line! ot the Flat-i existing- among its mtmsbers: to prevent revealed that both are Nazis who ' - - - (None.) J. P. BATT, iron Gsrape between the hours of 5 a.) or adiust controvprsiem sraonr if*? mttnm., and 30 a. m., on the 5th day of; berp; to have & part in representing our President. were discharged from their posiJ. P. BATT, April, 1935, for the purpose of sRlisfy-j city Rnd Bt?.te in the vonpideration ant! tions as waiters in the Glen Oaks LEO FOX, tnjr said lien, together with such no-: decision of public policy in municipal, B a majority of eruinsr smoiintu as may he due nt thpj county, Rtaie and national Rffaire; to Country Club in Great Neck last S-22-S5—It the Board of Directors. time of eald (tale, together with all the; bu}', purchase, oi^n, hold. ' lease. **xsummer when they were caught costs expended. I chRTiRe. sBBipn, wioi-iirage unfl transfer Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 36th I real estpfe enil pcrsonp! property wherepasting anti-Semitic slogans on FKA»ENHtTRG, WEBB, BEBEIJ, day o£ March. 1535. I soever situated; to rin any «.n<? all KLIJTZN1CK & KE1JLEV, Atfys. mirrors. K.U FKIPLEY, tbines necepsary. convenient • or inciden650 Omaha Xat'l. Bk. Bide. doinc business as Flattal to the riphtjs, powere end privilege* iron Garage. herein specified. Both men are members of the By H. B. COHEN, his attorney. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS The total authorized car>'*fil stock of Friends of the New Germany. Notice 1» hereby given that all exist- 3-22—2t the Corporation shall he JlO.OdO.OO didebt* of COHEN BROS.. INC., on Meanwhile the Hauptmann De- ing vided into 1'"V sharep of the par va!n«.' 31»t day of December, 1934, amountof ?10.00 each. Said f>to<jk *haH h» fully ADEXBIEG, WEBB. BEBEK, fense Committee is planning fund the ed to the sum of sixteen hundred thirpaid for Rnd non-i\wf»>aM« whe>! f»KLCTZXICK & KEM/ET, Attys. ty *lx and no hundredths dollarr sued. Ssid stock may be paid io«- 'u raising meetings in Detroit, Chi- (1,636.00.) 650 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bld cash notes, or property, reai or personABE COHEN, cago, Milwaukee and other cities al, tangible or ir}tpng"ib}O, nt the reaPresident. NOTICE OF ^onab!e value tisereof. Five =har»s of with large German populations. CORPORAL COHEN, Notice Is nereby riven that nil r'.tint- the capita! stock of 4h!.«i •""''rporfitlon Vice President-Sec'y, T h e Committee's collections ne debts of WALSH BROS. CO., INC., j shall be pair! for before the Oornorsttoa ABE COHDN. on the Slst day or December. 1Q34, shall commence business. have been stopped in New York Beinc » majority of amounted to the sum of thirty-nine The Corporation nhnlt enmrnence- busi3-21.35—It the Board of Directors. housand five hundred forty-seven end ness pending a hearing on the legality on the llth day of February, 1*31, nine hundredths dollars ($.19,547.03.) and continue for n period of fifty ye»r» of such solicitation without a per- •FKADEXBCKG, WEBB. BEBEK, PAUL, E. WALSH. f-cm date thereof. President. KX.CTZXICK & KEIJLEY, Attj-g. mit. Word from Chicago indiThe affairs of this Corporation «h«H EARL. JOHNSON', 650 Omaha N'afl. Bk. Bidg be conducted hy p. Board of I>ire<-tom cates that a similar ban will be Secretary. consintinp of not lesp than ten nt>r n o n PAUL E. WALSH, imposed there. than thirty members. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Beinc a majority of
The Ladles' Auxiliary of Shaare Zion synagogue will hold an open BY F. R. K. MISS ANNA PILL, cerrespeadsiit meeting next Tuesday evening, si] March 26, In the synagogue social The Sisterhood of the Talmud hal at 8:15 o'clock. Torah will sponsor a Book ReReverend J. J. Da vies will be view by Rabbi David A. Goldstein the principal speaker of the.eve- of Omaha next Wednesday evenning, speaking on his trip through Ing, March 27, at eight o'clock at Cantor A. Pliskin will sing the Hotel Chieftain. Rabbi GoldThe first of the • late Friday aRussia. group of Russian songs. Mrs. S. stein will review "Forty Days on ' The Young Poale Zion organiza- evening cervices led. by Rabbi Grachow will sing several solos. Musa D a g h" by Franz Werfel. tion^ celebrating ita .first anniver- Goldberg will be held this eve- Accompanying the Blngers at the Tickets are now on sale for thirtysary,. *wiH\ present a* radio broad- ning at 8 o'clock in the Tephe- piano will be Libble Olensky and five cents per person, and all proceeds will go to the Talmud Torah cast at 1:1B o'clock• this Sunday Mrs. A. H. Baron, afternoon.ovey Station KSCJ. Ru- rtth Israel synagogue, at West Harry Kanofsky and Rose Shl- fund. Reservations may be made 4y Sbiiidlerylll act as announcer. Sixth and Sioux streets. Rabbi loff will present -several Russian by calling Mrs. Morris Yudelson, Musical numbers .'will be offered Goldberg will speak in English on dances, and a sketch "Gossip phone 5645, or Mrs. Max Simon, by' Jean SnindlerJV violinist, and "The Jewish Home of Today.". Around the Samovar" will be giv- phone 5470. Everyone is urged Ilirry* Shulman;Toca.Iist with Lib- . Saturday morning, the service en by Mrs. Barney Baron and Miss to attend this book review. 6 OleinBky;,at The Council Bluffs Chapter of %thei} piano. Rebe<> will begin at 9 o'clock. At 9:30Lillilah Roinirowsky. • xx p SiiH*naa J t i the Senior Hadassah will hold an cia SiiH*naa J l l *rad several the Torah will be read" and at Mrs. H. M. Sherman, president readseveral ;~ by.: the vHebrew poetj Ra- 9:45 Rabbi' Goldberg will speak of the Auxiliary, will preside and important meeting next Tuesday on the subject "Whom Are YouMrs. Ruben Miller will be in afternoon, March 26, at 2:30 ch'el.,: ''> - « > - . - . ' ? . • ' • • , . - . - A , • " •• .-• •• o'clock at the H o t e 1 Chieftain. •-•••-* In; the evening o t the 24th, the Going to Marry?" charge of the program. The drawing will be held, and same group- "will sponsor a dance A junior congregation has thee person holding the lucky a t the Jewish .Community. Center. been formed for the "Tlphereth ticket will be awarded twenty-five During ; ^he. •week a publication Israel and Beth Abraham synadollars in cash. The feature of •if111 be Issued bj:the group, tell- gogues and will meet under the ing of accomplish- guidance of Rabbi Goldberg. Mar- Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will the afternoon's program will be menta/oi:the .Younj^ Poale Ziori tin Weiner has been elected presi- speak on "The Pendulum Is a radio'talk by Mrs. Moses Epdent of the Junior congregation; during the-pastTye'ar. -_•* In presence of: Notice i« hereby given that all fxi Svinging Backwards," discussing stein of New York, national viceI- 3C—It the Board of Directors. ! S. J. LEON". ins. debts of HARNET HOTEL COMThe group met ^Wednesday eve- Stanley Shulkin, vice-president; the Jews coming back, to Juda- president of the Senior Hadassah, PANY on the 3Iet day of December. G. FERLJS, who will speak on a national ning in -the home of Tillie and Tillie Rose Raskin, treasurer; ism. 1S34, amounted to the Bum of eleven FRADEN'BCTRG. *TEBB, BEBEE, r. Era\Ka thousand and live hundred dollarg Eugene Katz, secretary; and Esradio hook-up In celebration of Sophie ; Franklin. Pins were preKLUTZXICK & KEkLET (Jll.500.00.) Cantor A. Pliskin and the syn-the twenty-third anniversary of 3-15-35—ii Attorneys. sented to- the new ; members by ther Weiner, publicity. . • • • IZZT FIEDLER, 65© Omaha Kstionat Bank Bide;. • • • * . S. FRIEDMAN * ETMEX SHT5IEK, agogue choir will chant the servPresident. Julia ?BereBkin, chairman of the Attorney*. Hadassah. Following the meetIZZT FIEDLER. ice. ?40 Tirst Sni'l Bank pledge committee, and the symNOTICE OF DISSOIXTION. BERTHA FIEDLER, ing, a social hour will be held, MBS. ARTHUR BRIN afternoon R a b b i Thursday At a reg-ularly called meeting of the Being a majority of bol ot" the pin was-explained by BasketbaO School itockholders of TED'S PEN AND CARD OF r Rabinowitz spoke before the Bi-with Purim refreshments being Mrs. Arthur Brin, one of the 3-22-35—It the Board of Director*. SHOP. INC., held at No. 650 Omaha In NOTICE the County Court o£ Sulamith Bereskin. served by the board members. All CounSTational Bank Euildinp. Omaha. Ner forBoys Under Way ble Group of the First Presbytety, Nebraska: outstanding Jewish women in •;.^JLn : anniversary program was •FKADEJfBCRG, WEBB, BKBEK, >raska. on January 2, 193S. the follow- In the matter of thp estate ot ETHEL members are urged to attend. KL.UTZXICK * KEIXET, AttJ-B. ng Resolution was adopted: FRIEHEN, Deceased. -vpresented' with' .Julia \ Bereskin, A ,basket ball' school for boys rian church on "Zionism In Keep- The "Brith" for the infant son America, was reelected presi650 Omaha Jfati. Bk. Bldgr. "It was moved, seconded ana unaniAll persons interppted in said eatate Rosabella iVPigbdsky, Tillie Frank- from the ages of. 13 to 18 years ing-With the Prophecy of the of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Solzman dent of the National Council of lously carried that Ted's Pen end Card are hereby notified thst t. petition h»« Old Testament.'? hop. Inc., be and the same is hereby been filed in psi\cl Court RSle£>njr thnt Jewish Women at the close of NOTICE OF INDEBTKDXESS lin. Pins ."wereypresented to the will be Inaugurated at the Jewish of Hamburg, Iowa was held at issolved." IB hereby given that all rjd?t- 'ED'S PEN AND CARD SHOP, INC. said deceftsed died leaviu- no last will oew^members hy; Julia.'. Bereskin, Community Center this Sunday Monday evening, the last in the their home Monday, with Rev. A. t h a t distinguished organiza- injrICotire and preying for admini*triiUon tipfvn debt« of GEO. G. BOHMAN COMEdmund L,. Zander. Secretary series of book reviews, will be his estate, and that a bearing wili be tion's fourteenth triennial con- PANY on the Slist day of December, By: chairman of the pledge commitMtest: Theodore I* Damask. President. Diamond of • Council Bluffs servhad on Mid petition before pain court 1934, amounted to the sum of twentyon t h e ' EtKh day of March. 1S3S, and tee, 'and the symbol'of the pin afternoon at 2 o'clock and will given by Rabbi Rabinowitz In theing as "Mohel". T h e baby was vention at New O r l e a n s.— five thousand seven hundred one and meet '•. every other Sunday afterthat if they fsM tc appear ai »aU! synagogue socialhall. He will reseventy seven hundredths dollars, Editor. was explained by Sulamith BereIK VIA «J. L.KVLN, Attorney Court on the said SOth day of Me.rch. named Sam Ernest S o l z m a n . (JS5.701.77.) noon thereafter, under the tute- view "In the Shadow of Liberty" Ele«ric Omsha, b 1935. at $ o'clock A. M. to congest ftflid GEORGE G. BOHMAN, Among those who attended the petition. She Court may g'rant the mme age of Sid Baumsteih. * . by Edward Corsl. President. OTICE OF AKENDJIEXT OF AR- and jrrant adminiiitration o( raid'estate Mrs. Arthur Brin: Leader of GEORGE G. BOHMAN, Vr.'An.: annrirersary program was Baumstein Is the captain of the Monday afternoon, at 2:45 the"brith" were Mr. and Mrs. Na-forty, thousand Jewish women, TICLES OF IXCOKPOliATION OF to Samuel Cohen or Home other suitable CHAS. MCLAUGHLIN, KECKKITr r i C l L ' K S COKPOBperson end • proceed to - «. aettlement presented wltk Jujfa Beresklnj A. Z. A. quintet and coach of the Eible class will meet with Rabbi than Solzman, grandparents of educator, peace advocate and welBeinsr a majority of thereof. Rbsabejle Wigodsky, TillieFrank- Maccabee team-several years.ago. Rabinowitz In the social hall of the baby; and Mr. P. Solzman, fare worker. Born in Rumania 3-22-35—It the Board of Directors. Notice Is hereby given that on the BRXCE CRAVFORI>, great grandfather of the baby. th day of January. 1S35, at the an- 3-S—"t . County Judge. Ita,' and Ruben Ratner, partici- He will be assisted by his brother, the synagogue. ual meeting of stockholders of SecurE N r K G , WEBB, BKBER, fifty-one years ago. Married to Mrs. Max Steiman of Winnipeg, KL.KTZX1CK * KELJLET, Attj-s. :y Pictures Corporation, at 301 E!ecpating.. - r Leonard, and the A. Z. A. team Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz has Arthur Brin, prominent Minnea650 Omaha >Et'J. Bk. Bld ric Building at three o'clock of eaid will help in demonstration work. been asked to address members Canada arrived here last Friday p o l i s manufacturer and B'nai SR3BKKAS Sr GVOPBIKUER > ay. upon motion duly made, seconded KIEIJSES, for a visit with relatives. While Ed carried. Article I of said corporaThe school is being organized to NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS of the South Dakota Federation B'rlth. leader. Educated at Union was amenaed to read as follows: Children Present :« herehy given that nil existcounteract t h e disadvantages of Women's clubs at Dell Rapids, here, she is the house guest ot versity of Minnesota. Became in- ingVotice ARTICLE I. debts of HANET ELECTRIC on the her sister, Mrs. Abe Leibovitz, name of the corporation shsl! Slst day 1S54, amounted i be The Sioux City Jewish boys encounter S. D., oh April 24. The'meeting and her mother, Mrs. W. Siegel. terested in women's suffrage and to the sumof ofDecember, > Fnnm Programs MAJESTIC FICTURES CCRPORA- NOTICE OF CKATTEX. MORTGAGE one hundred eighty-two ! TION. in athletic contests because of the will Include women from the enana fifty-three hundrecHha dollars peace problems during student Notice hereby g-iven thf.t on the MAX WINTROUB, Mrs. Sam Lincoln and ' infant days. Taught literature in Min-($182.53.) Sth day y March, 1935. at 5P o'clock : .Purlm - programs, In keeping lack of practice and facilities. tire state. President FRANK F. HAXET. daughter, Lorraine, r e t u r n e d a. m.. at The Stag. 15PS Dodire Street. LOTJIS WINTROUB, •yltnlthe observance,of the holi- The boys will be given a thorPresident. neapolis high schools. Joined MinOrnahe, Nebraska, the underBiKned will Secrets rj-. home from the Methodist HospiFRANK F. HANET, sell at public Euctiorj to she hiphest ough .study of the fundamental day,' were given at Mount Sinai Boarfl of DirectofE: neapolis section of Council of LUCY T. SKARKA, bidder for cash the following described tal Monday. Mat Wintroub temple and.Shaare Zion synagogue offenses, defenses, and work up Secretary, chattels to-wit: Jewish Women twenty-five years Society News Phineas TTintroub Being a majority ot The Council Bluffs Lodge No. ago. Served as section president. t^ils week, with over 400 children to. the-more polished points of One soda fountain, one electric comLouis Wintroub -, S-I-35—4t. 3 ;:-*5—It the Board of Directors. pressor, one carbonator, eight card 688 of the Independent Order of attending the celebrations. b sket ball. To begin, with, the Elected ' second vice-president of tables, thirty-three chairs, two 10-foot lTSACKSBCRG. WEBB. BEBER, the B'nai Brith will-hold an imlunch counters, .12 iunch counter etoolp. FKADEXBt'SG, WEBB. BEBEK, Mr.> and Mrs.. Sam Sekt, 208 K U T Z M C K ft KELLET, Attj-s. '• At Shaare Zion synagogue Sun- boyawlll hear the history of basnational organization. Was na- Kt,rTZXICK £ KE1JLEV. Attys. one Herrick eiectrlc refrigerator, t*ro 650 O«nah« > a f l . Bk. BIdg. steam tables, one sink, one twenty-f,,ot day morning, the children of the ket ball, and sports magazines Thirteenth Street, announce the portant meeting next M o n d a y tional chairman of Council's de650 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. B!dg. . her, two cash . refflstere. four oscilaiing' Talmud'Torah and the synagogue distributed. Later on In-marriage of their daughter Miss evening, March 25, at the Eagles partment of peace from 1924 to f&ns. two cei!in?r fans, one safe, one coiNOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Hall. All members are urged to XOTICE OF EXDEBTEBXESS fee urn. all dishes, ginspware and cooKFanny Sekt to Harold Marricks, Sunday school presented a Purlin formal speeches by prominent 1929. Won nation-wide recogni- Notice 1» hereby friven that all exist- Nctice 1» hereby Riven that all exist- injr mensils, two pooi .tables, three flebts of IDEAL BOTTLING COJtson of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bar- attend. ' ciotbee «n<? cue CRbinet^. one -cellar program. Participating'!!! the pro- athletes will be heard. tion as an ardent worker for ing debts of MILDER OIL CO., IXC. on ing PAICT on the Slst day of December. beer cooler, two cigar cases,; one snooker the 31»t day of December, 1S34. smountj 1934. amounted Mr., and. Mrs. Irving Rosenberg ricks, 122i West Sixth Street, on to gram were. Bernard Weiner, Toby world peace and disarmament. sum of fou table. the ninety-two to the *um of eighteen thousand, two thousand seven hundred and January 4, at West Point, Nebras- and small children, Alice and Was Minnesota state chairman of ed hundred eiffhty-four and five one Nadler* Ida Stern, B6> Pilskin, thirty riollFirs (H.7M.30.) Above describee! property being.- covddth dollars * EASI PL ATT, Amorian Club ka: Mr. Barricks and his bride Mark, of Chicago, Illinois, ac- peace for the National Confer- dredths ered by p. chattel mort^ngp in favor of Leonard Rosen thai, Herbert HolT HTMIE JIILDER. Charles Sherman and signed by Ralph President. President. The Amorian? clb met for its will make their home In Sioux companied by Mrs. Rosenberg'e ence on the Cause and Cure of land,'Donald Davis, Joe Shaeffer, SASf PLATT. A, ?Kr£*F-; pp.ici rnortprnere bejriK <5?Uf><: ELLA V. MILDER, RAYMOND PLATT. August £3rd. 3S34. And having- been sister, Miss Flora Marks, who has City.. : Betty Mosow, David Kuntz, Isa- regular meeting last Sunday War and chairman of the Joint HTMIE MILDER. Beine a majority of fiiefl in the office of (be County Clevk Beine a majority of 3-22-SS—It the Board of jDirectors, of Doug-lae County, Nebraska, on the Honoring .their son-in-law and been visiting In Chicago, are ex-Peace committee of Minneapolis 3-22.35—It the dora Rich, Betty Bain, Rose Ras- afternoon with David Tilevltz, Board of Directors. 23rd day ot Au^'uM. 1SS4. Saio *>\\a kin. •;,•'. / / v - ' , ••\: -'• '•••_,.' president, presiding. The presi- daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sekt will pected to arrive here today for a women's organizations. Active In win be tat the purpose of foreclosing( . . . . WEBB, BEBER, said mortgage, for costs oi sale Hm! ai visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F A D E X r K G . tVEBB. EEBEK, Following the program the chil- dent spoke to'the members who give a reception in the Sioux Ball the Minnesota Criminal AppreKXt'TZNICK tc KEIXET, A«y». accruing costs, and for the purpose of K.L,rTZXlCK & KEIXET, Any*. M. L. Marks. 650 Omaha Xat'l. Bk. Bids. satisfying" *he amoimf: nnw d«e therer>p. dren, held & carnival -are not on'the basket ball team, room, Sunday afternoon from'2 :hension Commission. Elected na650 Omaha Xst'l. Ek. B3<3g. to-wit: "tSOO.on with interest at 6 '„ Mrs. Leon Frankel and infant tional president of Council of . [ .. were played. The .Hebrew Moth- outlining the games and ylc^orfea 30 to5;30 plclbck. from August 23rd, 25.14; that no other XOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS suit or other proceedings Rt la«' have XOTICE OF I>TJEBTEI>NESS ers' club and the Ladles' Auxiliary ol the season^ The tejim "plpsed Mrs. Harvey Metcalf, ,913 Ne- daughter, Barbara Ann, returned Jewish Women in 1932. Has deep Notice Nctlce '6 hereby piven that Bll pilsi- been instituted tc recover said debt or given that all exist ini? debts of N. F. TAFFE PRINTING served refreshments to . the chil- its season by winning, over th<? braska entertained - Wednesday home Tuesday from the Jennie sense of social consciousness. An In* debts Isof hereby ZCCKER'S PFPARTMENT CO., on the Slst day of December, !9"4. 8nv r>arf thereof. Edmundson Hospital. STORE on the 31*t day of December, smownted to the pum of sixty-seven CHAKLES SHERMAN, Morterssree. dren. ; -,'. _able organizer and fine speaker. Y..M. C. A. Evening/ jflpneers.'; evening in the Sioux Tea Shop, as 1934, amounted to the sum of nine hun- hundred and thirteen nundredtha dol- By: NielBen, Sherman Goodbtnciey, Miss Frances Pollman of KanHas genuine talent for leadera courtesy to Mrs. Barricks. dred fifty-nine and twmty-three hunHis Attorneva. : The first of the Amorian delars ($6,700.l."U At Mount Sinai temple, the ReS-S-5t. dredths dollars ($959.33.) SCL,. TAFFE, sas City, Missouri is visiting at ship. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt ligious School; gave a1 Purim pro- bates will be held Sunday after* Fifty couples a t t e n d e d the V. ZUCKER, President. President. SOL, TAFFE. gram Monday (evening. A play was noon. The initiation - committee formal dance given by the Debra the home of her cousins, Mr. and named her one of the ten outV. ZTJCKEn. R. .T. HOLJ5SEERG, Mr. Jack Steinberg. standing women of 1934, linking DOROTHT RACUSIN, presented with the following chil- will Induct the new members into Club, Sunday evening in the Sioux Reins; a majority of Secretary. S-I"-3B--lt the Board of Director.?. dren taking • part: Arnold Roseh- the' club at the ' next meeting. Ball Robin. Bob Mentor's orches- Sam Roffman is expected home her name with those of Mrs. Beinsr a majority of Roosevelt, Secretary of L a b o r today from Rochester, Minnesota, 3--31 the Etard of Directors. Lefkovich is in charge of tra supplied the music for dancing feld, Dorothy. Davis, George Galin- Harod FKAIJENBVRC. WEBB. BEBEK, and a" floor show was presented. where he spent the past month. Perkins and Ruth Bryan Owen. KWTZXICK * KEIXET, AttyB, Vr Harold L*ef- tte * n »lation. JTHADE>"B0RG. WEBB. BEBER, 650 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bidg. Mra. Roosevelt chose her as one of A Purim Program was given Miss Esther Cohen of D e s KL.rTZNlCK & KELtET, AttTg. kovich,' Jack Krueger, Harold fifty-nine women responsible for Sunday afternoon at the Eagles 650 Omaha N a n . Bk. Bids. Molnes, "Iowa, has spent the past Grueskln, Wally Rosenthal, SamNOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Oneg Shabbos Notice is'hereby srlven thet ell existtwo weeks visiting with friends Hall by the Council Bluffs Tal the direction of the National Womy Heeger and Betty Marx. OthNOTICE OF ENTJEBTEBNESS ing debts ACCESSORIES. mud- Torah and Sunday School men's Committee of the 1934 Mo- Notice Is hereby civen that all exist- INC., on oftheNATIONAL The Oneg Shabbos meeting of and relatives in Sioux City. ers., who took part; in the • program Slst day of December. bilization for Human Needs. Dediwith a large crowd attending. Mr, ing debts of VICTOR INVESTMENT 1534, amounted. . to the sum of one hunthe Ladles' Auxiliary of Shaare Joe Shulkin has returned home were Fredell Sacks and Lawrence COMPANY on the "let day of Decem. dred eijrht thousand, «*even hundredcated twenty-five years . of her O. Hochman was chairman, and Zion will be held tomorrow afterher, 1934, amounted to the sum of six ninety-seven dollars and eigrfcty-eijrht from Mason City and Charles Slptsky. Refreshments were served : thousand five hundred and no hun- cents. (?10S, 7S7.ES,) by the women of Mount Sinai Sis- jioon in the: home of Mrs. A. ,Flh- City, Iowa, where he made a presented stereoptical slides illus public life to helping solve Jew- dredths dollars (56.500.00.) M, L. COHX, ROSE MILDER. kenstein, '905 Twentieth street, study of the ^Transient Centers. trating the story of Purim. Mr. terhood. President. President. GERTRUDE M. COEN, with Mra. A. H. Baron presiding. Mr. Shulkin Is the cast supervi- J. Z. Stadlan, principal of t h e ish problems here and abroad, ELLA V. MTLDBR, S . L. MAHORNET. ROSE MILDER. ' Mrs. William Mazie will speak sor of the Sioux City transient Sunday School, was in charge o and to furthering peace moveHeinp a majority of Belnfr a majority of 3-22-S5—It the Board . of Directors. on the celebration of Purim. center. , the Purim services by the chil ment. Won leadership ol one ol 3-;;.."3—It the ' • • « ' • . Board of Directors * r FKAUENBURG, WEBB, BKBKR. r largest and oldest organiza- KLl'TZVICK & KEIXEY, Attys. The 'A.': Z. A.- basket ball quln- Miss Lillian Romirowsky will Miss Marlon Passman enter? d*en of the Sunday School. The the 6S0 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. : tions of Jewish women. Highly SAMtTEL ZACHAKIA, AJty. .tet closed its season with three speak on "An Examination of the tained a dozen friends Saturday program included a number of ?6S Brandei* Theater Blag. regarded by many non-Jewish woMegillah"; Mrs. Sam Krupnick Purimsongs and recitations. victories this week. Monday, they evening at a party on the occasion JTOTICE OF . uu^u^r^juns Notice is hereby piven that Eli existPrizes for the best Purim cos- men l e a d e r s of America. Is PKOBATE NOTICE. ' defeate;d • - the - First Presbyterian will speak on the life of Moses of her birthday. ins: debts of TED'S & CARD the matter of the estate of MARY SHOP. INC., on the SlstPEN day of Decemteam, 41: to 19. Tuesday, they Maimonldes and Mrs. Barney Dr. Theodore. N. Lewis depart- tumes were awarded to Shirley mother of three children. One of InTVINER, Deceased. ber, 38S4, amounted to the sum of none her boys speaks Hebrew fluently, Notice is hereby piven: ^ron; over the ' Perasso team with Baron.' will present current eve- ed Wednesday for Washington D. Balaban, S t a n l e y Krasne, and Dollars. That the creditors of said deceased so she too has taken up the study { nts. Emanuel Stadlan. THEO. R. DAMASK, a. score of 32 to 28 I n a n overC, where„he will attend the Anwill meet the Administrator of said esPresident. before me. County Jufiffe of DougMiss Louise Fitch has returned of Hebrew. Is also identified •with tate, time game. Wednesday they denual Convention of Reform TemE. L. ZANDER, las County, Nebraska, at the County Hadassah, t e m p l e sisterhood THEO. R. DAMASK, feated the A. Z. A. Alumni team, ANNUAL BROTHERHOOD ples, Sisterhoods a n d Brother- home after spending s e v e r a l Court Room. 1. said County, on the 30th Beinp a majority of day of April, 1935 and on the 1st day hoods. Saturday morning Dr. weeks visiting in New York City movement, League of W o m e n of 74 to! 26... The • entire. team I2-S5—It the Board of Directors. July 1935. at 9 o"clock A. M.. each Voters and Women's InternationFKAraXISVKG, WEBB, BEBER, and other eastern cities. day, for the purpose of presenting their showed .midseason form and funcSERVICE THIS EVENING Lewis will participate in the joint al League for Peace and Freedom. claims for examination, adjustment and service at the United Hebrew Con650 Omaha, Xat'i. Bk. B3Hg. tioned/well as a unit. Three months are allowed H e r .youthful appearance and allowance. for the creditors to present their claims, Schacht Calls Bias The annual brotherhood service gregations. vigor belie her a g e . Believes from the SOth day of March, jess. NOTICE OF UTDEBTEDNESS BRTCE CRAWFORH, will be held at Mount Sinai TemNotice ts herphv piven that all existstrongly in importance of educa- 3-8—3t County of Nazis 'A Blunder ingdebts of PETERSEN" BROS. FLORple this evening at 8 o'clock. The Fisher to Direct ISTS. INC., on the Slst day of Decemtional approach to Jewish probber, 1S54, amounted to the sum of none entire service will be conducted BTMAN LEVIN. AUomt? Berlin (JTA)—Anti-Jewish dis- lems. Has done much to unite J*atter«oa Block by members of the T e m p i e JOHN Redemption Fund FETERFEN-, criminations In Germany w e r e Jewish women of America. Is reBrotherhood. President. termed "a blunder" last Wednes- garded as one of the ablest wo' . PKOBATE NOTICE JOHN PETERSEN. The portion of the Bible will - New York (WNS)—Mendel N. day by HjaVmar Scliacht, the fi- men in America and an outstand- In the matter of the estate of BESSIE AUGfST PETERPEX. OSHEROFF, Deceased. Beinp a majority of be read by Harry Horwitz, presi- Fisher, for the past five and a nancial dictator of Germany, ad- ing exponent of feminine leader- No"ce S-2I-S5—It is hereby given: the Board of Directors. That the creditors of said deceased dent of the Brotherhood. E. E~half years campaign director for dressing the Leipzig Fair. ship in Jewish life. will meet the administrator ot said es» Baron will be the speaker of the the American Palestine Campaign tate, before me. County Judsre of DOUR"It National Socialism roots oat laa County, Nebraska, at the County evening. The ritual will be read in the mid-and southwest, h a s the elements which are alien to Court Room, in said County on the 15th Rome—Professor David Prato, by - J. Kalin, Joe Levin, Morris been appointed national director the German race fron: the state day of May 1935 and! on the 13th day of prominent Italian rabbi, •will be July 1935, at 9 o'clock a. m., each day, Pill and Jack Robinson. of the $500,000 Palestine L a n d and the cultural system, that does aappointed • Eecognized as for the purpose of presenting their Rabbi of Rome, claims for examination, adjustment and Redemption Fund which the Jew- not mean destroying every Jew to succeed Chief PRACTICAL MOIfEJLt allowance. Three months are allowed Dr. Angelo Sacerdoti, ish National Fund of America is without di£tinction," Dr. Schacht who died recently. for the creditors to present their Plioae IO5& claims, from the 13th day of April 1935. trying to raise. said. BRTCE CRAWFORD, Bteffs, I®. 3-J2—3t County Judge. Nationally known as a Zionist Over 600 people attended the "Blunders of this kind are only FKADKXBCRG. WEBB, BEBEH, KI.CTZNICK & KEIXEY, AUJ"». Purim Bazaar held Tuesday after- fund-raiser, Mr. Fisher has been transient by-products which have 650 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldp. ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR. Attys. noon and evening in the Jewish executive director of the San never been absent from any re400 Braadeis Theatre BJd Community Center under the aus- Francisco Jewish Center, execu- volution," Dr^ Schacht ^explained. KOTlCK OF I>T>EBTEDNESS NOTICE OF AMKKDMENT OF AKIs hereby given that all exlstpices of the Senior. Hadassah tive director of the New England . 'While making these assertions, _Jf5Notice 'l'lt;t*J!.» W UfUKniKAl'lUM t»±T T debts of NEBRASKA CHAMBERS OMAHA FCKMTCRK AND Zionist Region, national field sec- Dr. Schacht in h i s speech em- OPTICAL, CO., on the 31et day ot Dechapter. CAB PET. COMPANY cember, 1934, amounted tu the sum of retary of the United Jewish Apis hereby Elven that Article phasized his belief that the Nazis wenty-nlne hundred fifty-four and elx- "1 Notice A cafeteria lunch was served of the Articles of Incorporation of dollars ($2,951.16.) at noon and a supper in the even- peal, director of JNF work in the were right in eliminating the een hundredths OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET J. U CHAMBERS, CC3IPAN1 has been amended to read President. ing. There were no raffle booths. midwest and national field direc- Jews f r o m state positions and as follows: "Name, The name of the J. I* CHAMBERS, tor of the Zionist Organization of corporation shall be Crest iJanuIacturfrom the cultural machinery of Proceeds will go toward the Ha* GOL.D1B CHAMBERS, Sbat&btfe tai* Co. •• America. Being a majority of the country. dassah projects in Palestine. Dated this S7th fiay of February, 3-IiV35—It the Board of Dlrecto-s. 1535. T h e Volklscher Beobachter. EDWARD ABRAHAMS, Hitler's official o r g a n , signifiFRADXCTBCKG, WEBB, BEBEE, President Warakg hf McCosaell. KLUTZNICK £ KELX1', Attys. ATTEST: B'®ai B'riih cantly omitted the part of Scha. 650 OMAHA NATX BS. BUKS, New York (JTA)—A warning MILTON ABRAHAMS, Dr. John H e n k I n addressed that unless "we keep our head.- cbt's speech in which the Nazi dis$-l-35-it "ecretery. members of the B'nai Britb lodge and are not fooled by c a t c h y criminations against the-Jews are NOTICE "OF INDEBTEDNESS Is hereby sriven that all eiistat their regular meeting Wednes- phrases," a Hitler might gain con- termed "transient by-products." mjNotice debts of EOSELAND COMPANY on ne 31st day of D e c e m b e r , 1334, day evening. His subject was trol of 1 his country was sounded the sum of JS.SOO. 'Socializing Medicine". A busi- last week at a Y. M C. A. meet- Jerusalem—A company to build amounted toTIBBIE MOSKOVITZ, workers' houses in the Palestine ,.--.' President ness meeting followed the p r o * ing by Bishop Francis J. McConTIBBIE: MCSKOVITZ Jewish colonies has been estabgram. Frank Margolin, president nell of the Metcodist Episcopal LOUIS MOSKOVITZ lished here with a c a p i t a l of Being a majority of €©. presided. Church. . • the board of direo ?250,000. • rSS^BBJi**** M*matm -«-lt. •• ; : tor«. •
Young-Ppaje-Zibn Broadcast '
; ;
Shaare Zion
Purim Bazaar