March 29, 1935

Page 1

By PHILIP M. ELtJTZNICK General Chairman (She O m a h a Jewish Philanthropies drive for $40,050 will officially open Slay 7. Each Friday we will pfesent here a weekly column by the various divisional heads, to acquaint Omaha Jewry with the i s s u e s , personalities, beneficiaries and organizational work connected with this vital fund-raising effort.) "TO KEEP FAITH—$40,650." That is the slogan ot the coming Philanthropies Campaign. T h e Idea .that it.tends to convey is merely that ' institutions, which have been depending upon Omaha contributions, for the past lew years, have • suffered because we have failed to reach our goal. There is another thought in that slogan and' that Is, that during the years that we were failing nj P3TJ0TJ3J susv uojspap to attain our goal, the demands made on beneficiaries, s u c h as t h e . hospitals, orphans' asylums, emmigratipn work, German relief a n d anti-defamation work have been steadily increasing. "We have come to the crossroads. Omaha Jews must determine to stretch their giving or e l s e determine -that we are failing in our obligations.

Entered* as Second Class Mall Hatter on January 21, 1921. af Ponofflcr of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 1878


"Kosher" Clothes Sold in New York Delegates from Sis States to Attend Sessions Tnis Week-end

To Be Speaker At Conference

The Mizrachi-Zionist western regional conference will be held in Omaha this week-end, with delegates from at least six states participating in the conclave ac-: tivities. .•-•.-. Festivities will begin Friday evening where a • special service will be held at the B'nal Israel It very human to become synagogue.. The speaker will be calloused to trouble. This trait Kabbi M. Laderman of Denver, is probably the reason why the Colo. After the services a recepr mass of Jews are not as much tion will be held in the social concerned with the" Hitler menace hall of the synagogue. Saturday today as they were a year ago. morning Rabbi Laderman will The Jewish problem in Germany address the B'nai Israel synahas not been solved! The Jew- gogue and the Junior Vaad Conish Telegraphic Agency on March gregation. Mr. Leon Gellman of St. Louis, 20, 1935, in a Berlin dispatch revice-president of the national orported the following: "A new move of Jewisli emi- ganization and editor of the Jewgration from Germany Btarted to ish Record, will speak from the day when it became clear that pulpit of the Beth Hamedrosh the Nazi Government will posi Hagodol synagogue, 19th and tively bar Jews from the Army, Burt streets. Rabbi tTri Miller I/eon Gettman-ot St. I/oois. thu3 isolating them completely will epeak on Mizrachi at the Adasa Yeshuren synagogue. as undesirable citizens." Confidential reports that Rabb: Saturday evening at 8 o'clock Jonah B. Wise, Co-Chairman o M'Eavah Malka feast will - be the United Jewish Appeal, has held at the B'nal Israel synamade a hurried trip to Europe be- gogue under the chairmanship of cause of the new "crisis, have been Mr. S. Ravitz, president of the Mr. and Mr. P a u l Goldblatt received. Someone has correctly local Mizrachi. Cantors Schwaczstated that the Jewish problem in kin and Sellz will furnish the were officially introduced to the Germany wiil continue as long as musical program and the main community at an informal, pubr the Nazi philosophy of govern- address will be delivered by Sir.lie reception tendered them • Tuesment prevails and there is - a L. Gellman. ,-;' . day evening at the J. C. C , under single Jew left in Germany, Sunday Morning. the auspices" of the executive The conference: proper begins committee .of -the Jewish- Com"With a new wave of emigra- Sunday morning at 10:30 at the tion from Germany,- OUT attention Jewish Community Center lodge munity Center and Welfare Fedis automatically/.drawn tp'JPales- rooms.<i i • The new executlvS" Sirector.and •""tihe*.~ For manjryears, -the fifSinbrflrence program: of the National Homeland was a Chairman, Rabbi Judah Braver, his wife were introduced to the beautiful thought, finding expres- Kansas City, Mo.; greetings, more than two hundred who atsion in the slow but certain re^ reading of messages, organization tended. building of a devastated land. Sud- of conference. Message, Rabbi The auditorium was " prettily denly, Palestine looms large o Wolf Gold, president,' Mizrachi arranged in the manner of a the horizon, not only as to iti organization of America. Ad- lounge, with palms and other,-deprospect fate, but principals^ dress, "The Principles and corative f e a t u r e s making the cause it presents the first hope o Achievements of Mizrachi," Mr. rom very attractive. Leon Gellman, St. Louis, vicerefuge. The Women's Division - of the The needs for funds to expand president, Mizrachi Organization Federation was in charge of servthe facilities" of Palestine, there- of America. "Mizrachi Today," ing. The committee included Mrs. fore, becomes a pressing problem. .Rabbi A. Zeichik, Des Moines, la. J. J. Greenberg, chairman;. Mrs. Address, "The Task of This Con- Frederick Cphn, ^Mrs. H. LapiIt is not, foreign causes alon< ference," Rabbi TJrl Miller. Ap- dus, Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster,' and which move our hearts; It is axio- pointment of committees. Mrs. William-Milder. - •••" Sunday Afternoon. matic that millions have been The committee In charge of ar2:30, J. C. C , chairman, Mr. rangements included J a-c"k *.W. subjected to the torture and "pain and eventual death that has fol- ,eon Gellman. Address, "Shall Marer, chairman; _ Milton • Abralowed in the wake of the White Jewish Tradition Prevail: in hams, Mrs. Jeannette Arnstein, •Plague. Tuberculosis is the lead- 'alestine?" by Rabbi Fishel Ep- Mrs. J.. J. Greenberg, R o b e r t ing modern scourge.: '•'•.. (Continued on Page 7) Kooper. and Wiiliam Milder.'.-.*










Those of you who have read re r ports of the Colorado experiments where several convicts, for the sake of discovering a > cure of tuberculosis, submitted to injections made under the supervision of Dr. Corper,\will thrill in the knowledge .that this .forward step in discovering the cure has been taken by one of the beneficiaries of the money that y.bu give to the Philanthropies Campaign. Dr. Corper is head of the Research Department. of the National Jewish Hospital at Denver. It is not mere talk to say that this department h a a probably done as much in recent years toward discovering a cure as any . single Agency. . -























, MARCH 29, 1935.


No matter, what our leanings may be as far as Jewish religion te concerned, Jews, are pretty, generally agreed that-the teaching of Hebrew is one of the most fundamental requirements of Jewish survival. '..-•• i '••• : We in Omaha should be proud : bi. the forward steps taken by our : local Talmud Torah in the past few years. The school has been completely modernized and the ' .curriculum has b e e n patterned after the most- successful schools -In the country. The staff is alert and capable. "Only one thing is holding back further'progress and that is the inability of the Philanthropies to contribute more money to this benefieiary because the nv o n e y has not been available. Jewish education and the revival of Hebrew is a burning pro^ blem. and we must reach our goal this year so as not to stand in the light of our own progress One of the most common questions that Is asked in a Philanthropies campaign is, "How much should I properly give?" Someone has worked out the following suggested scale of m i n i m u m gifts; it strikes me as being just (Continued on Page Two)

An unjustified emphasis, in recent radio addresses, on Jewisli bankers as the evil of international finance has so focussed attention on this myth that we are herewith presenting the facts from the records, records which conclusively explode the legend of the preeminence of Jewish banking houses in international loans and banking. The annual compilation, "American Underwriting Houses and Their Issues," reveals that the proportion of Jewish houses. (any corporation over fifty per cent of whose, directors were Jews was counted as Jewish) to all of those engaged in public financing during the years 1930-1933 was never more than eight per cent In 1932 this proportion was as low "as one-half of one per cent of the total number of underwriting houses. • • As for international loans and banking" this .statistical survey by the American Hebrew tells all too clearly just who are the international bankers and what part sorcalled Jewish bankers play in international finance. Institution heading Syndicate


Amt. Foreign Loans Outstanding _ $1,514,000,000 892,000,000


J. P. Morgan & Co. National City Co. . Dillon, Read & Co. — — — _ Chase, Harris, Forbes — — . Guaranty Co. .—. .—~Bancamerica-Blair .. ._ Lee, Higginsoh £z Co. -——— Kuhn, Loeb & Co. _._.. Speyer & Co. ....—....... Hallgarten & Co. .._....,.. Brown Bros, Harriman J. & W. Seligman & Co.White Weld & Co. Bankers Trust Co. . „ . First of Boston Corp. Halsey Stuart & Co. _ Miscellaneous "

872,100,000 643,900,000 509,100,000 471,500,000 322,100,000 ' 220,700,000 . 207,200,000 194,400,000 190,100,000 118,900,000 88,300,000 78,500,000 55,400,000 30,000,000

Percent of Total 19.87 11.71

8.45 6.68/ 6.18


4.23 "2.88

2.71 2.55 2.49 :L56 1.16 1.03 .72 .39 15.95

• $7,621,100,000 100. The Jewish institutions mentioned herein amount to less than seven percent .of the total involved, .while J. P. Morgan & Co., National City Company, Dillon, Read & Co., Chase Harris Forbes Co., Guaranty Co.,-Bancamerica-Blair, and Lee, Higginson & Co., account for over 'two-thirds-of the entire business. These facts and figures require no • comment. • They speak eloquently enough |or themselves.

VOL. XI.—NO. 7.


Martha Neumark in a weekly copyrighted column, "Sidelights Nine Jewisli Yonag llea to Vieof New York," tells of "kosher" clothes being sold in New York. for Trophy Given by She writes: B'nai B'xftb "I was rather stumped when The Round Table of Jewish my amazement found no response in an Orthodox friend, who said Youth will hold Its first oratorithat she had known about it all | al contest on Monday evening, along. I refer to the existence .pril 1, at the Jewish Community and sale of 'kosher* clothes. I The selection of the divisional Center. The contest will be held | had known that the Bible conchairmen, who will direct the iefore a combined meeting of the j tained a clause prohibiting the R o u n d Table, and the B'naS j mixture of two different types of activities in the forthcoming sisth B'rith, who are awarding a silver: textiles but I didn't know that in annual J e w i s h Philanthropies trophy to the winning orator. this age there were still people ] campaign in Omaha to raise $40,"To Keep Faith - $4#,€>S©" general economic OOIHIHSOTI, ilu Ben Kazlowsky. chairman of who were as pious as all that— 650 for thirty local, national and be the kejiseie of the I9S5 leaders? of the drive feel that •''*" the cultural committee of the j and that there were c l o t h i n g Jewish agencies, has been comB'nai B'rith, In making the award stores which were devoted exclu- pleted. Jewish. Philanthropies campaign will '"'go over vlie i n n ' to the Round Table states, "It is sively to such clothes which saet The list: i, which mil be ©Ifiwith g r e a t pleasure that the the Mosaic code. FMEp . EL Klctzoicfc, general According- to present PIRTJ.S, .lif B'nai B'rith presents this award. "Right in the heart of Fifth £sy "', and wiS coa-drive will be started vr i t ft. « The Round Table Is to be con- .Avenue there is an institution early-bird breakfast at the;>. S for cue week. J. H. Kolakcfsky, dsairrass gratulated on its f i n e program j known as the Comb ice Clothing The cste aafi projrr&ns ol the Community Center on Tue.f«>v and splendid achievements for the j Exchange, which sells "non-Scst- ©f initial gifts; Miltos E. Abradrive -was set sit a meeting morning, May 7. This will hf year. As an organization vit&Uy ness" (which m e a n s camised) hams, Ysee-cissinHsa. interested in Jewish Youth, the "Kosher" clothes. Harry Trasiss, c£sinaaa cf of the campaign committee held preceded by R g i g a E t i c JIIRKJ B'nal B'rith Is happy to join with "Its advertisements are direct- general. solidtafioas; William at the Jewish Community Center meeting the J. C, C, MOP^K' evening. May 6, svnd an pt*tsfRi>«the Round Table at this time, in ed to the Orthodox Jew, Inferring M i l d e r sad Bea Esslows&jr, Sunday niorniEg. ing out-ol-tewn speaker •vreit-p.'"-helping them promote this^ fine that Jews wearing garments mix- vics-duurmesu According to Fhilip M. Elutz- cu&inte& with the situation or rh.educational project." ed of wool and linen fall to Eict, geserEl dialrxnati. the enMrs. Irvia S»sIsnssi©F, dhsirPhil&cthropieE beneficiaries? 'a The subjects to be chosen for schieve their prayers to Heavea." thusiasm Ehcvm thns far augurs beiEg obtained to address ;.>!*_• m&n of the tronass's division. the speeches wUl deal •with some veil for a KTiccesstiil d r i v e in Alfred A. FlsdHer, cb&ino&n vkici. the Quota set is surpassed. rally. On the Friday evening h?phase of the general theme "Jewfore the campaign, Mar ?>, ii '* of Hie youth's divislos. ish youth Today". This has beea The organisational details are heZrvin C. Levia, distrsasa ©f iEg smoothed oct, so th&t there planned to hsve s, "TMlanthrnpthe theme of the entire program ies Night" at. the Tsuiou?; Jev.-inT, for the year. Those who wiil vill be no "lost xnotion" occe the HOB^PS of Worship <n speak Monday evening are MorE. Opp, dhsirssss of drive gets under vray. The various clivjRirmr ton Adler, Macy Baum, Joe GoldThe Omaha Jewish coiarsimity speaker's tssress. K.' A. Wolf, chairman of the reported Sunday on the ware, I s a d o r e Lieberman, Sal will observe the SOOth anniverZadisiis, dssfnsss cf budget comjuittee, reported that being' - made in organizing Mlchnick, Ernest Nogg, Max Res- sary of the great Jewisli scholar, the EHE..of S40,6EC v^as.the rery campaign. meetings. nick,- Joe Solomonow, and Jack scientist, physician and philosominimum which must be raised Temin. • , F"rsaiJi E. Aekensss, ehslrpher of medieval days, with an if - the 'Omaha Jewish comir-ucity Henry Monsky,. Philip Klutz- elaborate program on S n n d a y issn ©f publicity. Is to keep' faith viih the Trortfey . «T. K. IvulalcofKlty, nick and Irving Stalmaster i?ill evening, April 7, 8 p. in., at the . The. advisory committee has "beneficiaries . who S e c t to the the 3x!.;tinl. frit's, reportPd that act as judges for, the contest, •with Jewish Community Ceater. not been fully completed,' but is PhilEEthropies for & jest contriBen Kazlowsky as chairman. . The observance is- under t i e expected to be ready for pcblics- bution. This .includeE the on.tauspices of the College of Jewish tion fey'next week'. ~A I EtEudtcs C'T^l'lscEfioES .to. tbe a~e:Glu&si "year close to Jour jStr;dies, in..eo-operattoa with the_cies-aisiiJlh®.needs for. tp,©..x,Ei:ate>.!? "arious 'Jewish..,.crg^nisations In ' -red ,^aear.-iEEd'i3nrtjaea' voissieeres pear. 'L.i;Bt year' llvis 'Qxh&hs. coia» rj! 't>T their services Is t&e efmTEsSiBg minity pledged a rot&l oJ 1-S",.he city. . jCOTPrisoTs ot toe <7«••»-. . .' A" radio address on MaisoJiiSes of t i e prospects.' 5£5.85, not reaching the goal set, \ iriuriitr C e r. t e r WeJfs-T: ;• All those who vdsi to help ia but this ye£ir because ol tlie, Federation vill be held at tfrr.- :. be delivered over radio stathe solicitj:±iD2 of pledges during Dr, Moses Jung, professor at ion KOIL on Friday afternoon, the drive, -srhich will be held for greater . need ana the improved j Center nest Wednesday erec- .;• April' 5, at 4 p. m. ins, April £, at £ p. ni., •• the University of Iowa, spoke The committee in charge of the one -week starting .May 7, are urgAt t h i s t i m e t h f campalg» Ji concerning the unpopularity of ed to comrsuEicate •with any of of t h e J e w i s h P h i l - i religion at the present time and Maimonides celebration' includes the divisional chairmen or else the fact that it was being at- Dr. Philip Sher, chairman; "Wil- call the Jewish Community ~ Cenapproval or the bonrd the sell- -' acked throughout the world, at iam Wolfe and Sal Michaick. ter office. Titles: on the drive to date atm ; he Jewish lecture series address Mrs. J. Eichlin vras elected ; ast Sunday evening at the B'nai president of the recently formed !| the future plans for the cam'ALL-STAR' BEADUKE srael synagogue. . ; council of the Pioneer Women | | paigts. _ -. All manuscripts for t h e and -its ' affiliated organizations. j • He outlined the necessary steps Round Table of Jewish hat must be taken in order to Mrs. Charles Hermansoa -was | division is already veil-organ!?,*>•;. Youth "All-Star Night" must chosea secretary; Miss Pearl I and vill have- their prospect. CRrt'iK revitalize religion and make it ! solicited and signed before <>i' dynamic. Irving Fisher, world famous j be in the office cf Ruth Allen, | Richiaan, - assistEE.t secretary; First in his suggestions was the economist and one of the five ex- j educational director of the J. I and Miss Alice Goldberg, . treae- | general ffolicitalipn starts. TIi'»idivision obtains "the pledges f>~ necessity of religion concerning perts on world monetary policies, j C. C , by Wednesday, March S. I urer. fifty dollars and above. No manuscripts vnll • be actself with present-day living will close the Frum series of the j This council will meet • every 1 Sixty m e n Ere In the inJMs-t cepted after that date. problems. Religion, Dr. Jung Jewish Community C e n t e r on second Thursday of the moiith &t i gifts battfiHos. ol vorkers, claimed, must take a definite Wednesday evening, April 10. the J. C. C. j Beti KRsioT.-p'ky, Tice-chairnis*r. stand on the economic and politiDr. Fisher Is credited with au1 ol the general solicitations, recal problems that .are of such vi- thorship of the monetary policies porting 1B the absence oi ChHls*tal importance today.. It must en- of the government under the New ! man Harry Trustir, vho is out or ter'the arena of life and make Deal and is in accord with the ] the city, declared that at h itself SL power for good. principles set forth by the present New wave of Jewish • eraigratioa out of Germany occurs | twenty, majors flanliocl by -In the Jewish field, Dr. Jung administration; Dr. Fisher" has as a result of the obvious decision'of the Nad government to ! fv.lly-recniH.ed c.p.ptcinfi wjl! indicated the flexibility of Jewish been called upon by several fori the field Jr. their dirision. V,*i:pursue its anti-Sessitic policy despite the blaadishraents of tradition in squaring with scien- eign governments to assist them |liam (Doc) Wilder, s. co-vj.-^' Minister of Economics Schacht snd Dr. Lippert. tific discoveries. He emphasized in their recovery program, and it i chair.insii •with Ksslcvsky,.has *•!the necessity of a logical under- has been predicted that within a completed the orgaXiizA-Uir,. standing of Jewish culture and few months the entire "Western A new autonomous Jewish region has bees established j| ready ol the men vlio v."Ill work isruinr the- aesthetic values -inherent in H e m i s p h e r e will be on the by the Soviet government i s Crimes. This is the fifth such Judaism; "Fisher Dollar". region. • Jewish colonisation for this area is being conducted

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His subject here will be "What by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Cosnsnittee is Stable Money?" ia which he will explain the present status of In his latest radio braodcast, Father Charles E. Coug:t\» the dollar, the effects of inflation and d e f l a t i o n , and how our lin, who .was vehemently assailed in • Jewisli 'Circles for bis purported anti-Semitic address, denied by inference that lie Washington (JTA)—The Unit- money may be stabilized^ ed States War and Navy Departentertained any anti-Jewish sympathies 'in his criticisms of ments issued an official order this international bankers.


week granting furloughs to Jewish soldiers and sailors enabling them to observe the Passover holidays at their homes. At the same time, the Jewish Welfare Board, announced that it will supply Jewish service . men with matzoh and will arrange for religious observances for t h o s e residing at a distance from their homes. The board "will also arrange . Passover observances at outlying points, including China, Manilla, Hawaii, P a n a m a and Haiti.

•PALESTINE TO BOYCOTT '•,-1936 BERLIN'OLYMPICS Tel A v i v (WKS)—Palestine will'not be represented in t h e 193S Olympic Games at Berlin. The Palestine Maccabee Association, the principal athletic organization in Palestine, has informed the .Intfernatloaal Olympic Committee that It would not send a team to Berlin b e c a u s e "the rights of Jews &re violated." London;—The sew Iraq cabinet has' completely overturned the anti-Semitic --policy of" its predecessor, .according to word received here from-Bagdad.

" 'The Front Page'" as it will be presented by'thetJenter Players on Tuesday evening, April 9, promises to outdo the previous performances of "the Guild this season, both of which were stellar productions" says • Bernard Ssold of the Community Playhouse after viewing a rehearsal of the play. * This fast-.TSoving, tense, a n d highly dramatic, play concerns itself with.-the experiences of a group of newspaper reporters in the. Criminal ;Coarts Building is Chicago on the, eve. of-a In this rapid-fire production tae atssliesce witnesses • a jail break, sees an .escaped, coarlct concealed in a newspaper office, &n& HTSS with asd l a s g l s ' s t t i e adventures and recklessness of a Criminal Courts, reporter. A naiaber of members sew to the Guild are asoE.g the cast ••who will. make., their appearance liat night. • Sylvan Pranksl plays, the lead as Hfldy. lotoses, the part raade • famous' oa the. stage and screen by I»efi; Tracy. He is ported; hj s^k iable- cast, "with Miss Merrltf as .'director, of the grocp.

A law has b-sen passed in New York state making it illegal for any educational institution supported in whole cr in part with State funds to discriminate against s n y one because cf religion, race or color, or to inquire into the religious affiliations cr antecedents of persons seeking employment.

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The World Jewish Congress idea wss definitely abandoned by the .American. Jewish Congress at its convention last week-end. The' threatened' disistegTstiss of the Congress was averted "cy a thorough re-organisation by which Sablsi Stephen S. Wise assumes the active presidency sad an important "alliasse" with the Eaonist organisation effected.


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Dr. Vaida Voevod, es-Presaier, fess been ousted from Ms leadership of tiis National Peasant P&rty of Rumania because of Ms .anti-seasitisza. The- sisth biemual convention of the National Federation of Tesaple Brotaerlioods unaaiaaously approved & plan to Eponsor. the plaoesaent of Gcrsmn Jewish refugees in the 'suburban sad--.rural- areas adjoining New York and other large urbaa centers.

DM. you know tiers were' "Honorary Aryans" in Nszi. . Germany? Yes.will get sosaething new oat of the article on iMs subject by-!FSrejderich Wolf, appearing on page three of tlalss$'us of tte-J^ei?ras^. Press,


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merely seem repetitious. There U no instrument like history, •written with cold sobriety and impersonality, to divest civilisation of the superficialities of polish and refinement with which men like to clothe it in a gesture of Tennis players, attention! self-adoration. The "Cambridge Warsaw (WNS)—A J e w i s h A movement is now afoot for Modern History" is for Jews, as the organization of a J. C. C. ten- woman claiming to be a sister of for all peoples, the most vivid il- nis club, plans for which will be Maxim Lltvinoff. Soviet commislustration of the truth that in- laid at a meeting of all players sar of foreign affairs, was evicted equalities and injustices must be and anyone else interested, at the from her home in Lodz for nonremoved for all before their pres- Center, Monday, April 1, at 8 payment of rent. The woman, thought, were to a large extent History changes dates bat contributors to this greatest^of all sure is lifted from the backs of p, m. Both men and women play- Mrs. Esther Finkelstein, says she not its methods, according to modern histories the events which responsible for the state of feel- the few. and her family have been destiing toward the Jew. The very first (Copyright. 1935. by Seven Arts Featurj ers are invited to attend. Mr. Montor, who reviews the world-shaking to the Jewish Encyclical tute since Litinov -stopped sendOriginally the idea of Joe CoSyndicate.) Issued by Leo XII in events of live hundred years as spirit. From the expulsion Of the ing them money two years ago. hen, Lee Grossman and Nate Cut1826 declared toleration of the reflected in the pages of the Jaws by Spain to the police-in9 ler, the movement secured the According to Mrs. Finkelstein, Jews a vice. If Leopold of Tnsmonumental "Cambridge Mod- cited programs of Kishineff, the backing of the J. C. C. athletic Litvinov cut off his aid because ern History." T h e relation- threads of Jewish history seem al- cany was kindly toward the Jews, committee, when that group went the family remains Orthodox, ships of world history to Jewish most indistinguishable in t h e he had to succumb to the pressure on record at its meeting last Mon- Mrs. Finkelstein's maiden name destiny is the theme of his tapestry of five centuries in the of Plus IX in 1848. Power waning, day as being in favor of such an was Wallach, which is Litvinov's the clergy of Austria gained a sketch.—The Editor. life of several continents. While organisation. real name. the soul and body of the Jewish new lease of life in 1876, when (Continued from Page One.) Activities of the group will conthey began attacking the Jews as For five centuries m e n slew people were twisted and deformright, with the amount of sist of the forming of a J. C. C. each other's faiths; they sacked ed' by the persistent hate of the the source of all the country's about the gift varying slightly accord- net squad, composed of both men Croll Legal Guardian evils. cities and annihilated cultures. world in which it lived, this pering to special circumstances: and women, for intercity duels Sweden, confronted with an of Dionne Quintuplets Conquest by might and cunning, secution was merely a t i n y , inProportion Contribution with teams from other cities, the Income economic depression, called f o r the ruthless subjection o£ the significant fragment in the career Toronto (WNS)—David Croll, Income to Pnllanthro- instruction of any players who minister of labor and public welmany to the few, the unsuccess- of nations who perpetrated it. in the expulsion of Its Jews in 1815, up to pies may desire to further their knowl- fare of the Province of Ontario, be Given ful struggle to achieve spiritual approximately 10,000^ pages of but the King had the courage to and physical liberation from the world history, less than a total refuse. In the wave of revolu- $1,000* One day's pay ? 5.00 edge of the game, lectures and became the g u a r d i a n of the IB.00 demonstrations by leading players •world-famous Dionue quintuplets 2,000 tyrannies of Church and State— of fifty are devoted to a descrip- tions that flooded Europe during 30.00 and' professionals in Omaha at when the O n t a r i o legislature 3,000 1% ' these were the symbols of five tion and an analysis of the fate the middle of the nineteenth cen90.00 periodical intervals, and also va- adopted a law placing the babies 6,000 unending centuries. -befell the Jews during tury, it seemed that at last civil 200.00 rious social functions. 2>. In the custody o£ Canada's only and political equality was to come 10,000 In the j| last quarter-century, these five centuries. 3% 600.00 Strange to say, however, little to Jews. But it was merely an il- 20,000 At the meeting Monday, plans Jewish, cabinet minister. mankind fcaa experienced w i t h 4% 1,000.00 will be laid for the operation of The actual guardians of the chilwhirlwind rapidity the doubt, the Is lost—regarded from the large lusion. . France it was that gave 25,000 1,500.00 30,000 perspective of Time. In the same the g r o u p , officers will be dren will be their parents, b u t the signal—but few responded to desolation • and the destruction elected, and plans for the secur- they will be responsible to the which stretched out from 1400 to way that history would miss noth- its liberalism. Some people say that It should ing of a court for the use by the m i n i s t e r until the quintuplets .1900. War/greed, hate w e r e ing in purport if wars and dynasEven the F r e n c h Revolution not be difficult to manage a Pbil- members of the club will be dis- reach their eighteenth birthday. visited upon thiB generation with ties and cultures were completely was was la la a a rather rather advanced advanced stage stage eliminated. History, like archaecussed. an intensity matching that of any before the Jews were considered anthroples campaign in Omaha * epoch from the end of the so- ology, needs only a few samples. human beings. Neither the De- b e c a u s e Omaha Jews treat a Players wish to bo reminded Stemach Finds Chemical called Jpark Ages to the more When the Jews were expelled claration of the Rights of Man united campaign lor J e w i s h that they do not have to be excauses as an established institulor Preserving Youth luminous period of Emancipation. from Seville and Cordova in 1478, nor the Constitution of 1791 put perts to qualify for membership tion. . | . Vienna (WNS) — A chemical In the organization. The J. C. C. Is history worth reading, then? after a long period of security and Jews on the same footing with This Is only partly true. An tennis club will be organized for substance which eliminates the —to paraphrase a question re- achievement, they were merely re- other Frenchmen. The differentia- established may some- the primary purpose of further- necessity of transplanting glands garding novels recently asked by studying fin old chapter/ They tion made even today, both by times sufferInstitution as many disadvant- Ing interest in the game, teaching as a e means of prolonging youth were to read its ominous pages Jews and non-Jews, between variJoseph W o o d Krutch. History ages as it has advantages. The beginners, . and the development has been developed in Switzerland seems to teach nothing- except on many occasions in the future. ous groups of Jews seems to be disadvantages in this instance lie of any promising material. This by Professor Eugene SteinBCh. If Cromwell permitted the JOWB an Immemorial custom. For early that men have learned nothing. In the fact that all too many peoAustrian Jewish For those prepared to ignore to return to England in 1649, it in 1790 certain rights granted to ple are inclined to the belief that is an excellent opportunity for the world-famous physician, it was announced here. was a gesture of friendship which Jews in France applied only to girls, as well as men, to learn the the frustration and the inutlllty no matter how little they do, the sport. The chemical, which is called Britain did not relish for more Spanish and Portuguese Jews and represented In that fact, "The Philanthropies will continue . to progynon, has already proven sucthan two centuries. Even in 1847, not to> others. The persistence of Cambridge Modern History" IB a Be on hand for the meeting. relieve them from the bother of cessful in extending the fertility when Baron Lionel Nathan de Abbe G r e g o l r e and Mlrabeau source of enervating cynicism remany campaigns. Only a cursory of cattle long past the sormil pegarding the progress of civiliza- Rothschild was elected to the eventually won reforms that took consideration of the problem will riod, and Professor SteSrach beHouse of Commons, he could not final shape in Napoleon's reign. tion. "Spring Frolic" disclose the fallacy of such realieves it can be applied without take his Beat until eleven years The rights of Jews were not effecFlrat launched in 1902, the The A. Z. A., No. 100 has com- technical difficulties to human soning. later. It was not until 1866 that tive, however, till 1818. Even "Cambridge Modern History" was 1 e t e d arrangements, for a beings. Unless we can unite and suc- p concluded in 1910. It intended Parliament adopted a new oath Napoleon promulgated a number "Spring Frolic" to be given at to be a comprehensive review of from which words offensive to of laws anti-Jewish In their ef- cessfully campaign once a year the Paxton hotel, Saturday, April fect. They were not rescinded for Jewish causes, there is no 6. the affairs of Europe and her Jews were removed. reason for relieving those colonies from the fifteenth cenPerhaps the history of t h o s e until after the Sanhedrin, In 1807, soundfail proceeds of this affair will to cooperate from the beThe ;,.tury. For the first time the Mac- centuries needs to sink more announced a decision pledging used to build a playground at Is engaged in the business millan Company has now issued a deeply into .the Jewish mind, re- Jews to renounce all sections of burden of thirty or more cam- the Jewish Community Center. paigns and collections Instead of the Old Testament which clashed popular edition of this massive minding it that contemporary outThis playground is to be for the of selling all kinds of REone. thlrteen-volume chronicle, written rages w e r e regarded as normal with the law of France. use of the Talmud Torah children LIGIOUS ARTICLES — by the foremost authorities in until a comparatively few deand others who make use of the According to t h e "Cambridge Taleisim and prsyerbooks * A Philanthropies campaign is each field of European history. cades ago. What effect such a Modern History," the following Center. It will serve the double Jewish music — wine for No attempt has been made to reminder might have is dubious, events m i g h t be considered of very much like a show. For purpose of keeping the children bring the history In line w i t h except that it might point to the major significance, not alone to months, the principal actors work away from traffic hazards and of sacramental purposes — '.} 1935. Instead of being dissatiBfy- need of a . greater. concern with Jews but in certain phases of on their parts, before the general making use of a plot of ground Maizes m& is given an opportunity to heretofore unused. '/: ing, this circumstance gives to the the fate of man aa a whole. world history. In'1848, the pub- public see the production. : History a repository of facts inArticles In Germany, for example, the lication of Karl Marx's CommunThe College Club orchestra will The principal actors have been provide the msfic for the dance. stead of a reflection of the per- pendulum of toleration and pros- ist Manifesto; in 186?, Dlstaeli's ; Bes.' S0§ N.-59 GL sonality of the hiatoriai ' cription has B"W U n g baelc" and attainment of the Prime Minister- selected for' their parts in this Ann N l e m & n , local songstress, • The impotence of an individual forth. J In 1650, Frederick W1-1-; ship; in 1880, the pogroms in year's campaign. I urn only too will sing with the orchestra. and the unimportance of a single Ham brought back to Branden- Russia; fa 1894, the t r i a l and grateful to those men and women people are magnified in the huge burg the Jews, who had b e e n condemnation of Captain Drey- who h a v e accepted important vault of time represented by the barred for more than c century. fus; in 1903, the pogroms In Kis- tasks in a spirit of cooperation that is beyond description. "Cambridge M o d e r n History." But in 1722, the King of Prussia hineff. JewB, preoccupied with t h e i r was warning his son against the I feel that the cast for this Two omissions s e e m revela- year's production, the writer exmiseries and disabilities, would Jews. tory: the* indifference, more or cepted, is of splendid calibre. find refreshing self-forgetfulness Episodes here and there throw If they would watch this vast light upon the status of the Jew less, to the Rothschild family, and Thru this column, we want all of 'panorama of five centuries in throughout the centuries—always the complete ignorance of the his- you to become acquainted with ;: whose texture their own history certain to be uncertain. If King torians of such a personality as the actors and the rehearsals. We i represents but tiny, almost indis- Charles HI of Spain was suffici- Theodor Herzl and the existence want you to feel the spirit of ". tinguishable, specks. One need ently liberal to allow Jews to re- of a Jewish national movement. those men and women who have Considering the fact that histor- not be faithless to one's tradition main unmolested in Naples, in the ians today are little aware of voluntarily undertaken a task of ;; and history to be aware of its fus- 1740's, there was the.clergy to Herzl, it is less surprising that tremendous size in the hope ion into the larger canvas of tell him that he had no m a l e those of the early century knew others may benefit from t h e i r world history. heirs because of his pro-Jewish- nothing of his activities or the services. With this thought in mind, Heinrlch Graetz, and the lesser ness. The toleration ceased. The eddies created by his personality. each week—until the campaign— and greater historians who pre- Popes, leaders of C h r i s t i a n Nothing would have been added a d/teient Divis'.on Head will tell ceded and succeeded him, saw the : to the moral of history if t h e you of bis or her experiences in world in terms of Jewish destiny. Cambridge volumes had covered this colu*nn. Pleise read it. The reversal of that process reA Capella Choir Lace Top • . Mum-Stop moves from introspection t h e On Thursday, April 4, Im- the last quarter-century. An additional volume or two would - vices of paranoia and megalo- manuel Hospital of Omaha, NeI hold that gentleman to be mania. , the best dressed whose dress no braska, is presenting the nationIt is remarkable to note how in- ally famous Augustana A Capella one observes. . . Thackeray. New Bread Loaf frequently there iminged upon Choir of Augustana College, Rock Variety is not only the spice of the minds of the distinguished Island, 111,, in a concert to be Mention the Jewish Press to heard at Technical high .school, life but also the secret of tasty your merchant. commencing at 8:15 p. 'in!", ac- meals as most good cooks have Heads Branch c o r d i n g to an announcement discovered. However catering to L. J. Walsh, formerly of Sioux made by W. 6. Swanson and B. the varied tastes found In most Falls, S. D., has been appointed E. Johnston, co-chairmen of the families is often a difficult task as manager of the Omaha branch committee in charge. This conThe P. F. Petersen Baking of the S i n g e r cert is being given under the aus- company, bakers of Peter Pan Sewing Machine pices and for the benefit of Em- bread have solved one variety of company, it was manuel Hospital. tastes problem with their Peter announced by The Choir has been presented Pan 2 in 1 loaf. Half the slices company offici- in many of the large centers In in this loaf are white bread while . *y als. Mr. Walsh the country for the past several the others are dark whole wheat f3 has been w i t h years. Critical opinion has been b r e a d . Small families espe€§tf*H£i¥l§t€ C& the Singer com- unanimous in calling the Augus- cially, say this la the ideal loaf. pany for the past tana Choir one of the finest a Hostesses also find this Peter O*.462@ s e v e n , years in capella choirs in the country. Pan 2 in 1 loaf ideal for making ma same capa- • m e . director, wenry veia, is attractive and tasty sandwiches. city at t h e con- a national figure in choir work," In two pepulcr cern's branches Mr. Swanson states. ''From all numbers to meet Minneapolis reports we have from other cities, every spring and Sioux Falls. the Augustana Choir has proven wardrobe requirement. JU, J. Walsh He inaugurated to be one of the outstanding the public sewing course plan. choral societies of the nation." O easterner sheer ehiflea . . . . 3-fhrted, 4i»fiesse. %sper-

self against possible gas attacks from the air, the Jews ere barred from these drills by a special order from General Goering.

TENNIS PLAYERS Litvinov's Sister Evicted Non-Payment PLAN MEETING forof Rent


My J o b - and Yours

Berlin. (JTA)—A new wave of axtnounce they have bought Jewish emigration from Germany started last week when it became out the Epstein Kosher clear that the Nazi government •will positively bar Jews from the Meat Market. army, thus isolating them completely as undesirable citizens. • Clean Fearing that in c a s e of v:e.r j Jewish citizens may be barred from certain zones, now that they have been virtually declared untrustworthy for service in tbe German army, hundreds of Jewish families were laying plans lor leaving the country. Offices of Jewish immigration bureaus were j besieged by hundreds o* persons seeking advice. It was pointed out here that the situation may become especially complicated for the Jews in the Rhine region if Germany should decide to f o r t i f y the Rhinelacd. Fear is expressed that in CSBC of fortification the Jews will be ordered to leave the Rhine section, and to move to cities where no secret military work is being conducted. In the meantime the barring o! Jevre from the German army brought new anxiety to the Jewish population in Berlin tnd other German cities with regard to the protection of Jewish life in case of air raids. While the entire German population is being drilled in special clubs to protect itENSUKKD CABS

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work the future of the- German i Raibbi Joins. FIRST GOLF LESSON Jewish professional class must be' ANNOUNCING - - settled. • AT-CENTER'MONDAY We - will agatra tlslfi ye The future of the German Jeweel! mATZOS - CANPT: New York (WNS)—Rabhi! ish professional class is the fuL. P. Johnson, city golf profesWINE &n& all other ture of the entire German professional, will make his first appear- Alexander Lyons, dean t>* BrookrESACH PRODUCTS sional class. Concurrently, t h e ance of the season before J. C. C. lyn rabbis in point of service, is future of the,professional class is j pellet swatters Monday, April 1, one of the thirty New Y o r k clergymen who have signed an For Tom Oraer irrevocably bound up with the I it was announced. fate of the working a n d lower By the Service Life Insurance Johnson will first lecture ana aplication for a labor union charCALL and middle classes of Germany. Company, Omaha. demonstrate the art of swinging ter from the American •Federaa golf club to the yeomen's ma- tion ot Labor. ' The clergymen B j FRIEDRICH WOLF What hope is there in sight for If you can g e t a picture of tron class at 11:15 in tlie morn- seeking to organize themselves The author of this article, drive against the German Jewish' iighty thousand, and you get a these classed against the tiny, bnt AT 075S (me of Germany's outstanding professional class rested on eco- fairly good picture of t h e ava- powerful, ruling class of Ger- what life would be without life ing, teen will return to the build- into B labor union represent var- <L4 &&"* 2530 Seward dramatists—now an exile——is nomic arguments. He told a starv- lanche which buried most of us. many? insurance, then you are in posi- ing in the evening at 7:15 to re- ious faiths and races. Their principal aim is m e r e linown throughout the world ing medical profession, for in- Take off your shoes and stockHistory is on their side; the tion to appreciate the economic peat Ms performance before all men and women e2.tnusia.Ets •who equitable salaries and sn increase through his plays "Professor stance, that there were too many ings, count each finger and toe, arms of the land are in the conimportance of the service life in- may be interested. in minim-cm salaries. Manlock," S fx i 1 b r s of ;Cat- doctors in Germany—and t h a t multiply the result by ten or trol of their persecutors. Patronize our advertisers. surance renders. taro," •'Cyantali" and "Flo- only the elimination of Jewish twelve, and you can table the fiThese instructions are free of The small ruling class, its eco- IF THERE WERE NO LIFE rldsdorf."He is -now. on-a short doctors would solve the economic nal sum "Honorary Aryans." nomic structure collapsing under INSURANCE, there could be not charge and players end novices •visit In this - country for a lec- problems of the profession. In the first case, you would its feet, must now turn to war to a single day of happiness for the are urged to attend. ture tour. 'This article, is most It happen^ that, on a popula- find, if you could investigate, that preserve itself. w h o understands—who timely-: in; view at Germany's tion basis, there never were en- most of the dispossessed were not The vast majority of German man understands that if lie dies be- AWARD MIGHT FOR Scrapping of tfae '-'Versailles ough doctors In Germany. even anti-Fascist, before the ad- people, already hit by the Nazi fore he has accumulated a suffiTreaty and the impending dan• CEMTER ATHLETES And Hitler, preparing to drive vent fo Hitler. Every hospital, economic terror, will be asked to ciently large estate, his wife will ger of a European military conevery law office had its "Prof esfight their enemies' war. The still lower the. national average have to go to work, his children flict.—-The Editor. '"-•• income of the German people, was sor Mamlock" tragedy when Hit- German people may not be able will be scattered among the rela-| Plans for award sight, anneal consequently attacking t h e al- ler staged his coup de force. to prevent this war. Should war tives, and life for those whom he jgala day for Jewish Community Contrary to,popular belief, not ready- below standard income of ("Professor Mamlock" is the title be declared, however, their only loves will change from comfort j Center athletes, were made at the j of Friedrich Wolf's best known hope is to carry out their historic and opportunity to struggle and meeting of the J. C. C. athletic all Jews of high portion •were de- the medical profession. committee last Monday at the play, dealing "with the Nazi perse- mission of making proper use of hardship. graded in-Hitler's Germany. Now Nazi economics, by lowerCenter. The 'date for the affair Certain nremDers of the War- ing the incomes of the population, cution of a Jewish physician who, the guns which will be thrust inI FTHERE WERE NO LIFE has been set for May 2. burg family, for Instance,' hare does not improve the conditions although more Prussian than the to their hands. INSURANCE, fear that d e a t h The committee in charge of all been awarded the title "honorary of the professionals who expected roi de Prusse," is driven to suiAs a German, I for one cannot would come before the future of arrangements appointed by Chaircide because of his Jewishness^— Aryan," by. the Third.Reich. believe that my countrymen will to benefit by the removal of JewEditor's Note.) Who were the Dr. permit themselves to be used as the family had been safeguarded! man IxTin Levin is Art Cohen, Many of Hugenburg's' editorial ish professional competition. j chairman, J. JIalashock and Sari T h e y vassals in a new robber war. Nor would darken every home. •writers—men ,,wlio "write pro-HitHitler • is not interested in the Mamlocks of Germany? IF THERE WERE NO LIFE were theGerman Jewish profescan I believe that this coming INSURANCE, there would be no Siegel. ler and anti-Semitic articles—are "welfare of the German profesThis committee will also select sionals who had served their plunder struggle will succeed in pleasure in spending surplus dolJews. sional class any more than he is On the other, side/of the fence in the welfare of the working or country during the war, who its masters* objectives. I cannot lars, or what pleasure could there the athlete who will receive the Says - - —behind' barbed wire—the vic- lower middle classes. Hitler's identified their interests with the believe it. In its success, lies the be when the peril of a penniless Irvin Levin trophy for being the tims. What distinguishes these masters are the very small circle status quo, who were loyal to the doom of science and culture in tomorrow hangs over the family? outstanding Jewish athlete of the season of play just concluded. victims of Hitlerism from the of munitions makers, financiers, traditions of H i n d e b u r g and Europe. In its defeat rests the Spring is here! The ideal time of the year to Consider the effect of life in'•Honorary Aryans" of I s r a e 1? and large industrialists who are "order," and who even tried to dawn of a new era—an era in surance solely from the stand- Manny Goldberg received the enjoy the beauty of the countryside while you Simply this: that thi3 second attempting by-' terror to prevent carry over their loyalty, as Ger- which science, and art, and cul- point of the way in which it lifts award last rear. ture, and the ^welfare of practi- this fear of the future from the group of people put the integrity their historically ordained doom. mans, to Hitler. break-in a new car. Come in and let us demof their professions- above the This is a terror aimed against Within all professions, however, cally the entire world will make mind, and allows men to live and medieval kulture of the Hitler re- all those elements of the popula- the Dr. Mamlocks constituted a a tremendous step towards the plan in an atmosphere of econoonstrate to you the extraordinary features of to Aid £®s¥eiitl©a gime. tion within and without Germany minority, and the policy of all historically destined advance of_ mic certainty. the new Dodge ana Plymouth. Es s e n t i a 11 y Hitler's drive who threaten the continued exist- demogogues is to feed a helpless civilization. The regional convention of the by Seven Arts Feature against the Jewish - professional ence In power of the present Ger- minority to a duped majority. So (Copyright, 1335, Mizrachi to be held here Sunday Syndicate.) Morton Soref Named class amounted to a confession of man rulers. the Mamlocks were sacrificed to was discussed at the last meeting permanent economic bankruptcy. Internally, these rulers-—acting the aims of Herr Hitler's masters. President of Haboniro of the Mizrachi Women's organijs Funeral Services He argued that the professions through their puppets, the Nazis But what of the "Honorary Arzation of Omaha. A l a r g e atwere overcrowded, that the Jews —have declared economic war on yans," and the Jews who are unfor Frank Marks The Habonim held a regular tendance was present. " had usurped posts worthy only of all economic classes whose condi- molested by the Nazis—nay, promeeting Monday, March 25, and Each member pledged her sup(formerly Hart-Sanders) Aryans, and that once the Jews tions only be improved at the tected—e v e n without honorary Frank Marks, 51, grocer, died e l e c t e d the following officers: port of the conclave. Members were eliminated from the profes- expense of the men at the top. As titles? Their ranks do not in- March 2561 FARMAM '___ 22, at his home at S25 President, Morton Soref; vice- and their families are invited to sional life of Germany, It would the German economic structure clude any professional or working Park Ave. president, Joseph Kirshenbaum; He is survived by his participate in the conference. Distributors icr - - then be possible for German doc- careens closer to hell on its long men. Nor are any small business wife and two daughters, Ruth secretary, David Richards; treasA report on the recent benefit tors and lawyers to earn a decent drop downward, the owners of the men to be found. among them. Marks, and Mrs. Irving Rubinow. urer, Morris Kirshenbaum; reDODGE - PLYMOUTH - DODGE COMMERCIAL moving pictures was given by living. t Nazis employ one means after an- They consist of the reactionary porter, Charles Stein; parliamen- Mrs. P. Handler, chairman. The funeral took place Friday - . T h i s argument was covered other of protecting their own in- elements who—with their non- from the Jewish Funeral Home. tarian, Charles Stein; sargent-atA membership drive is being with a liberal dose , of cultural terests. And the only way these Jewish associates—-secretly sup'TRUCKS a r m s , Richard Hoberman and planned for tae near future. garbage—such as the c a n a r d s rulers know pf holding on to their ported Hitler long b J f o r e the Robert Gerelick. that Jewish doctors wereunfit to gold is to cut the incomes and the burning of the Reichstag. A story Winner of the First A report on the basket b a l l heal Aryan ills (like Goering's wages of professional men and popular in Berlin today is to the team, coached by Herbert Marks, National Pinochle addiction to morphine, for in- workers in Germany. As an ad- effect that when one of their orwas given by Norman Gendlar. stance,) and that Jewish: lawyers ditional step in this process, they ganizations—the League of Ger- Championship The report showed that the club were always looking for oppor- are cutting the profits of the man Nationalist Jews—meets unNew York (WNS)—Meet Am- won 4 games and lost 4 games. tunities to sell'out their clients. small shopkeepers and business der its lickspittle leader, Nau- erica's f i r s t national pinochle Herbert Marks was announced as Basically, h o w e v e r , Hitler's men. man, all the members arise, ex- champion, Herman Weinberg, a coach of the soft ball team of the This, however, Is still not en tend their hands in the Hitler'sal- Baltimore Jeweler, who survived club. ough to save the situation for the ute, and shout, "Down with us! six weeks of grueling competition Myron Greenberg of Chicago, powers behind the ^Iazi3. Conse- Down with us!" and won over 58,000 p l a y e r s was voted into the club recently. quently, they are driving the It becomes clear, t h e n—and from fifteen cities. standards of living of all classes every hour of Hitlerlsin ma"kes It i - Weinberg's victory -earned aSecession • ._^ other than their own down still even dearer—that there 13 no check for $1,000. Warsaw—An irreparable "^ split : further in order to widen a forFive of the other finalists were specific Jewish problem in Ger; By NATE CUTLER eign market. Hitler's decree of today. Nor was there ever also Jews: Ira Margolis, Boston; in the ranks of the Polish. RevisOne of the most active sum- March 16,1935, ordering the im- many any Isolated Jewish problem in Morris B. Topack. Milwaukee; ionists vra.5 foreshadewed h e r e mers of*sports in the history of mediate establishment of a con- Germany at anySamuel Weiner, Rochester; Man- •with the secession from the party period. the J. C.° C. is being planned this script army of 500,000, is a very uel Bierman, New York; and of fifty members of the Betarizn, In contemporary-Germany, the year. . . . There'll-be Softball, ten-? clear indication of the methods Jewish professionals were merely Meyer Madhoff, Philadelphia. Revisionist youth, organization. nis and golf play, - all to be de- the real rulers of Germany expect the first to suffer. The attack veloped along competitive lines. to use in their drive for a greater on the well-being of the non-Jew' ' s, . . Abe Venger, the tobacco man, slice of foreign market. ish professionals was quick to iB to be seen working out regThe one thing the masters of The conditions of the proularly in Lee Grossman's body- Germany, as it now exists, see as follow. fessionals—and the workers, and One of the the essential prerequisite f o r every one but the select circle of building class. outstanding upsets in the year of wider foreign sales is new terri- rnlers grow steadily worse. And handball play was turned- in this tory. This territory must include even these rulers are preparing a week when George Shapiro and c e r t a i n natural resources-—oil, new bloody war to protect and exArt Lipp defeated the vets, Sam iron, water power, coal, fertile tend the life of their present posiFor Master or Miss From 1 to 6! Horwich. and Dave Cohen,. in the wheat land, and mineral- deposits. tions. midwestern A. A. U. doubles It requires no crystal gazing, These are the battle lines of tournament. . . . It "was the con- therefore, to understand that Hit- Germany, and within this framecensus of opinion of the specta- ler's backers have their hearts set tors at the Goldberg-"V?urgler fi- on a major slice of the Ukraine. nals in the A. A. U. singles handVery well, but what about the ball meet'that the.J.C.-C. swat- German Jews w h o were driven PAINTING T ... • _ • • • : ; • ; • - v ter should have won the match out of their professions, and even r v and I HE w hcaer Rayb'iirn on! n Congress, ^wtiich destroys tltc entire and retained his championship. —like myself-—into exile. I was Instructor Oruch is planning a born 'of German parents In the public utility industry of this country, has been presented to the PAPERHANGING busy swimming season for the J. Rhineland. During the war, I American public under false colors. Its supporters cal it a **t»ldiag on the easy payment plan C. C. pool. .-. .A'bouquet for our served for four years as a battalattiring. Beret nnsung heroes of the; just con- ion doctor. Twice, I was serious,No Oown Payment company bill.** Noshing could be more cluded winter sports campaign— ly wounded, and my reutrn from Very Xow Monthly Payments our hustling basket room attend- the front was m a d e In a Red psmj feature* of the biS, and Strikes at , 3 Tears to Pay ants, Saul' Fellman, Barney Ros-; Cross stretcher. Yet, when the cringing the drastic operating cook* • • •' C A L L •-'• ' enthal and-Phil Stein, i * . A n d Austrian alien Hitler came into • ' Operating @ n k bM can K * fafetr paysy provisions into the limelight. talking about;Phil'Stein,: did any power, I found myself an exile Companies be raited a holding rasa- In ether case it is a device of politic*. SAM TARNOFF -of iyou snooker players' ever bb- from'the native land I had served pany mea&xne because tt • serye that young" man's : left and loved. •AT 4544 • - •'• - -. ; : attacks operating cons panics mdh «£ lbs truth about die Whceler-Rajr' 4.98 thumb when Phil Is in the -act M u l t I p i y my case by some the Nebraska Power Company and burs public utility act; is that it aim* of cueing the'TralL v . . Three the Citizens Power 6? light Cosa- to put the whole industry in politic*, razzr'mah-tazzes "•" for . Joe •. GreenW E LL tailored well as holding companies. it is era attempt ts set £ precedent ^tone, who last'week .won^the,AlUnder the biS's provisions, operating th&t wvniM trssfce h moral and reason* "re Jpha- Pi Tan' ping pong.; championstyle Coals •companies-are to be issmediatelj pm. fw Congress to outlaw «Bf Bhip. i. . . W e ' r e looking for' the that style so beender the control of a Federal coasbusiness it chose.. Creighton university football coming to drabtjy . mission in W&shingean, D. C , far .team to win many more games bodies ssd "baby • regulation and management- Holding than it, loses -next fall..•,..-We faces. companies are to be destroyed after alsp believe Bible's. CprnhUBkers TEE GRAND OPENING f i i •will be ranked among-the five Let Omaha best, teams in the country, at the to A LL-W0OL UsaO Ti*e people of Omaha Set Its Own OF DOWNTOWN OMAHA'S conclusion of next fall's grid .nel ••with indo not want Washington "wars. *-. . Oh, girls, how-about Newest and Most Up-to-Date verted pleat 'in dictating t h e i r electric Electric that tennis- classT• ' b a c k and fealfrates. The investors of Rates « More belt." • Pearl "button Omaha do not want such Cabaret oa .Government a precedent of business destructioa. Saturday, March 30th And America, we feel swe, doe* m a "holding COSHTKSC want to take this step toward . . psay bfflr* Probably beWITH g ¥f " asms its supporters wwk to trade os Socialism. -beret in red,, the' political propaganda 'sAieli h&& navy ' and Bawa THE EOXY cordially invites you to make up s party . given bolding companies an ssn£TOar» Let's csTl m sp&tk m spade. The bill i> blue. Perfect fits and relax -wliere good times prevail. • ., able nasts. Possibly also b e c » « some Socialistic stud ciestructive. Omaha, for brother.or sissS of Asascks, M ©f die Mi's supporters wish to center ter of 1 to 6*F-








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shoulders of the blind man, and punished them together, BO »1«© High Commissioner rather than King. ^When Sir Herbert Samuel does the Holy One, Pra«8e« b L in was appointed by great Britain as High Comnlulour over He places the soul in the body in • • • • •• Palestine in 1920, he was referred to as the first Jewish High By GERTRUDE BEHQ, the Day of Judgment." By O. O. DASSER Commissioner of Palestine' since Gedalhu One of the revengeful LORD MELCHETS •Rabbi Eleaaer eaia, "A leader Aathor of Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska* by of a congregation who lead them pretenders to the throne caused the assassination of GedaUa, as "The Rise of the Goldbergs" The second Maccabiah, t h e Woe to them that devise will be rewarded by THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY la la described in Second Kings, Chapter 25, verso 25: But it all-Jewish O l y m p i c Games, ity and work evil upon their beds. modestly, leading the same in the future Have you noticed the curious which opens ia Tel ATIT on when the morning is light they came to pass in the seventh month that Ishmael, the son of $2.00 Sob3cjriptlon Price, one year double standard which BO many April 2nd, tocass€t_the w o r l d execute it, because it is in the Methaniah, the son of Elishama, of the seed royal, came and ten mothers t Advertising rates furnlshed on application. uphold in matters matri- spotlight on yomiig^ljord Melmen with him and smote GedaUa that he died and the Jews and monial? E a r l y marriages lor chett, who as president of the power of their waEd. Hear this, I pray you, ye heads ! Office: 500 Brandeis Theater Building. Hedera—By the close vote of the Chaldeans that were with him at Mtepah; and all the people, daughters, late matrimony for World Maccabl Union has made of the house of Jacob and leadr —_ . ^ City Office—Jewish Community. Center both small and great, and the captains of the forces arose and sons—-that is usually the ideal of this Jewish s p o r t m©ve&e»t ers of the house of Israel that ISS to £0, the delegates to the small and g r , DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor the mother. The girl who reaches one of the most rital things in abhor justice, and pervert all j special conference of the Mftuay, Chaldeans e to Egypt ffor th they were afraid of the Chaldeans. FRANK R. ACKBRMAN - - - - - • - - E d i t o r I P&lestiEe Labor Party, v o t e d tie age of twenty-fire still un- contemporary Jewish life. . . . equity. came RABBI TJRI MILLER . . . - - Contributing Editor GedaUa had tried, by peaceful methods, to dissuade the Jew- married is bewailed, if not openly The Editor Let all the people walk each j against approval c£ the labor pact FANNIE KATELMAN Council BluftSt Iowa, Correspondent was agreed agreea upon between l l then at least in the mother's secL o r d Melchett: Sportsman, one in the narae of its god, but! which was ish rebels from fighting against Nebuchadnezaar, for he had " '""8n ANN PILL * - - - • Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent ret heart; the boy, only twenty- philanthropist and Zionist. Only we will walk in the name of our David Ben Gurion, Labor leader, i' Print Shop Address: 4604 So. 24th Street said- "Serve the King of Babylon and It shall be well with you. five, who is already married is son of the late Alfred Mond, the and Vladimir Jabotinsky, EevtsThe "discovery of the new seal at Lachish.-now known as Tel pitied by his mother as one would first Lord'Melchett. Born into God forever. Lord doth require of thee only iOEist president. Adduweir, is believed to indicate that GedaUa's rule was actually pity the victims of the Oriental the Christian faith. His mother to do Justly, and to love mercy child-marriage custom. and maternal grand mother were and to wait humbly w i t h thy extended beyond the city of Mtepab, The seal was the token Acquired an interest God. Strictly speaking, of course, it "To Keep Faith—$40,650" is the raUying cry of the sixth left by the ancient assayers to show that a jar or other receptacle is none of the mother's business Christians. in the Jewish people in IS27, at TALMUD annual Jewish Philanthropies campaign, which will be held in was of correct weight or size. when her children marry. But the same time his father did. BeAntoaius said to Rabbi, "The came 'officially identified with the since mothers do make it their Omaha starting May ,7. This sum ia no haphazard guess of body and the BOEI may free themTK§ FSMST IN 'Qimutr business and do make every ef- Jewish faith in July, 1033, when what is needed for the local; national and international Jewish AT THRIFTY fRfCES fort to influence their eons and he was accepted into membership selves on the day of Heavenly agencies which look to Omaha for its just share toward the daughters in their matrimonial in the Liberal Synagogue of Loa- Judgment. How BO? The body may Spring CScttSs Tepceafs, ?Sc it may be interesting to doa. Since then he has devoted say, "The soul has Binned, for maintenance of these beneficiaries—it is the carefully-worked-out A healthy manifestation of the reaction against the anti- decisions, since, she has departed, I lie in minimum which we as a self "respecting, Jewishly-conscious Semites in central Europe is contained in this week's news. inquire why they have different himself with increasing fervor to the grave lite a stone*. And the Zionism and other Jewish enterstandards for the two sexes. soul may say, 'The body has sincommunity must raise in voluntary contributions. . . .in order From Rumania comes the information that Vaida Voevod, ex. "A son is a eon only until he Is prises. First gained international ned for eince I am departed from hadJ *---been married, but a daughter is a fame in Jewish circles in 1932 to "keep faith" with our needy, our own flesh and blood. premier and leader of the National Peasant party, hr it, I fly in the air lite a bird1." Although the compaign will not be officially launched until ousted from his party because of his anti-Jewishnesa, From daughter all her life" is an old when he wrote an article propos- And Rabbi answered, "I will gi r c ing that England take the initiaMay, the groundwork is being laid now. Your personal pledge Hungary comes the information that Premier Goemboes publicly saying that sheds considerable tive in a world-w I d e campaign you & parable to which this if light on the question. Not that similar. A kirg who had an exI S not all that you can contribute toward making the campaign stated that his country must veer clear of anti-Semitism. sons lose their affection for their against anti-Semitism. Inherited cellent orchard which contained not only his father's wealth aad a success. First of all, it is necessary, that the Jewish comThe anti-Semitic propaganda which has been made BO much parents after marriage. But trabut his passion for Palestine. very gracd figs, appointed tvo munity "talk Jewish. Philanthropies, think Jewish Philanthrop- of in Europe was built on hot air, and once the air is let out, dition—and it is amazing how title Was mentioned as a dark horse watchmen over it. One was blitd, tradition-bound we are, all of us, and the other otse a cripple who ies." There is not only a lack of information about the Philan- the movement will fall of its own weight. So far, the trouble our much-flaunted modernity not- candidate for presidency of World !!""i . .- .„««, i had cot feet. He who festd cot thropies but also, unfortunately, altogether too much insidious has been that more air was being pumped in than was being let withstanding—regards eons as an Z i o n i- s t• Organization is 1933. t feet EEld to the blind OEC. I see "mis-information.*1- If each phiianthropically-minded individual out. However, when the masses come to the full realization economic asset to their parents; Takes an active interest in the ia the orchard fine figs. Place and it Is clear t h a t a married in the community .took it upon himself or herself to tell the that they have been fed an overdose of "hot air" then the re- man, with a wife and children of Whltechapel T a l m u d Torah xae epos your ehoulders, s.Ed I founded by his father. Assumed be &ble to reach them and we j jp' story of the. Jewish Philanthropies whenever the occasion-al- action will come much more swiftly and thoroughly. his own to support, can hardly be the leadership of the Maccabi will will have a feast. Ke did so, end j I counted as a positive factor in the movement two years ago. Tour- while he was lowed, much of the clouds of misunderstanding would be swept upon the shoulders iji. financial affairs of his parents. ed all Europe in its behalf. Writes of the blind one he picked the j j | Sattsrckf, March 30 aside. Also, the men and women who are putting in their While a daughter, who, unmar- well. When he deals with Jew- figs, which both concussed. And j j | time and energy in mapping out the details.for the drive cannot rled, represents only a n o t h e r ish affairs his words are notable when the owner of the orchard I !© achieve the goal.through their own endeavors or sacrifices. A The Mizrachi is the norm in Zionism. Every other party has mouth to feed, and from whom for the absence of stereotyped came and asked them, "What be-i Si staunch army of volunteer workers willing to visit the prospects included an "ism," an aspect of ideology foreign to Jewish tra- nothing is expected except filial phrases. Is young, handsome, free came of those fine figs?, the blind ifPrescriptions Filled devotion, can fulfil her function In manner and democratic. Noth- one answered, "Have I eyes to j |i and sell them on the Philanthropies is necessary and vital. It dition, in its program. by just as well, and without draining ing pompous about him. M o r e see them, that you should SUE- if; will take community effort and community will "to keep faith" REGISTERED American in appearance than any This statement requires elaboration and deserves careful the family exchequer, after,she is pect sae of taking them?" And [t other English Jewish leader. Has the. cripple answered, "Have I If PHARMACIST and raise the needed $40,650. consideration. The normal way for the Jewish people to rebuild married. a facile mi&d. Can g r a s p the feet to go there?" What did the And though in these times1 its life in Palestine, the goal which every former generation of many daughters help support the completing Jewish problem with oVner'ot the orchard do to them? Jews in exile understood as the fulfillment of its messianic hopes, fatally, and though many grown- the ease of-a veteran. Hates peo£*>ns are still drawing an al- pie who hide their Jewishness. German Jewry believe that they have sunken to a new mark was the building of a religious commonwealth. Israel's age-long up lowance from Papa, the old view Speaks of "us JewB." Takes pains of degradation through the events of the past week. When the dream, contemplated not merely Israel returned to Zion but the is still held v e r y generally by to make his Jewishness concrete Nazi government announced that German Jews would be for- Shechina, the divine glory, returned to its resting place. Israel mothers. Or perhaps this mater- and definite. Is unaffected by side of J e w i s h life. bidden to join the army or be conscripted in the compulsory was to return to Palestine to regain its unique distinction as a nal attitude merely constitutes a negative Brought back to his people by subtle compliment to our teen military training and would even be exempt, from paying special holy people. Its peculiar characteristic of holiness would flour- and an equally subtle indictment their positive achievements. Is contributions in lieu of conscription, German Jews felt that this ish' in the Holy land. of our women—in other words writing a book on Palestine. Beperhaps it means that the older lieves Maccabi movement m o s t definitely relegated them to a status of aliens divorced from the It is a distinctly modern phenomenon, this division of Zion- woman, with her experience of important thing in Jewish life toFatherland. Also, the population is being trained so that they day except for Palestine. His emism into factions. It is distinctly modern, these additions of new lite, feels that marriage, while an phasis on Jewish sports and his can be safe in case of air raids or when poisonous gases are thing for the wife, is not doctrines to traditional Zionist philosophy. Revisionism, Labor excellent insistence on the openall moonlight and roses for the vigorous spread in wartime; but the .Jewish people are expressly forIng of Transjordania to Jewish Zionism, and secular Zionism known as general Zionism, all find husband. .bidden to take part in these precautionary drills. immigration have given rise to {Copyright. IMS, by S«vcn Art* Featur* Syndicate.) erroneous impression that he supThus, all the efforts of men like Schacht and Idppert to their origins in general European life. They are grafts on the tree ports the Revisionists. As & matinfluence the Nazi leaders from their determined course of anti- fjf Zionist tradition. They are strange fires on the altar of Jewish ter of fact he is a great admirer Jewishness have collapsed. A degradation that goes far deeper hope. '•-.. of the political policies of Ch&Im Weismann. Has been to PalesOne must seek the causes for the numerous "isms" which than economic or political wounds is the lot continuing to face tine oftea. Talks and writes about became attached to the Zionist movement and which quite often the Jewish people who remain in Naziland. the country at every opportunity. completely submerged the Jewish aspect of it, in the assimilative While his father was famous £or his international business connectendencies of the golus and its subjective counterpart, the infetions, his interests lie in the field riority complex of the Jew. It was not sufficient to the Jew steepof international c u l t u r e and -. It is now illegal in the state of New York for any educational ed in the assimilative spirit and brought to Zionism by the ham- J j e T a B tt7e m (WKS Feacor sport Is an intimate of Max_ReSninstitution supported in whole or in part with state funds to dismer-blows of anti-semitic persecution to justify Zionism in the Agency)—The Tery foundations hardt, Lion Feuchtwasger. Andre criminate against any one because of race, religion or color, or so-called Biblical "higher criti- Maurois and Daniel Prean, exiled urge of the Jew to return to his own. He had to show window- of cism" are destroyed as a result of German tennis star. Loves huntto inquire into the religious affiliations or antecedents of perdressing for the gentile world. And above all the Jewish religious the finding at Tel Adduweir by ing. His advice is being sought sons seeking employment.. Dr. J. L. Starkey of twelve pot- on many literary and threatric&l The strange part is not that such a law has been enacted aspect must be minimized. We were to. return to Palestine as the sherds with writing dating back ventures because of his Instincinto the law of the state, but rather that such a law should have Germans to a united Germany. Our model was to be the nation- twenty-five hundred years, it was tive feeling for the genuine. His at his suburban Lonbeen necessary. When persecuted peoples centuries back up- alism of modern Europe, not the idealism of ancient Israel. And if declared to the Palcor Agency ex- week-ends don estate are sacred and can be clusively by Dr. E. I*. Sukenik, rooted their family life, forsook their homes and undertook new, social idealism were to enter our program, it must have the col- foremost archaeologist in Pales- interrupted only by a. matter of unseen perils to escape persecutions, it was beUeved that we had oring of modern economic partisanship and the anti-religious tine, Professor of Archaeology at life or death. Aggressive, courbuilt here in the United States a land which would not tolerate spirit of modern materialism. Characteristic is the philosophy of the Hebrew University of Jeru- ageous and able. Devoting himwho has been responsible self to the renaissance of Jewieb. '-he trodding of human rights and liberties underneath the bigoted Boruchov, philosopher of Labor Zionism, who sees in Zionism a salem, himself for many important dis- youth, Looms as the most signlheel of racial or reUgious discrimination. The passage of the necessary process of adjustment which will find its justification coveries. ficant flgure in world Jewish Th» most amaslcg characteris- leadership. law in New York is evidence that we have wandered afield from in that it will enable the Jew to participate in the World Revoof the writing discovered on the ideals which motivated the founders of this country. lution. The World Revolution becomes the goal, Zionism an un- tic the potsherd* found at Tel Addu- text of t h e scriptures. It is a •The Logical Store tor welcome prerequisite, Revisionism is but the Jewish counterpart weir, which ia the ancient Lachlsh good omen for Palestinian archYours Is The Nebraska! of European sabe-rattling nationalism and general.Zionism with in tho southernmost part of Pales- aeology that at last & number of tine, is that many of the words American journalism has suffered a great loss in the death its secular outlook is but another pitiful attempt of the Jew to and namea used are spelled exact- inscriptions of the Biblical period Every man wants to see are in the traditional have been found because hitherto, of Louis Wiley, who was business manager of the New York remain Jewish with some other label. They are "golus" products, ly as they W D ; *>.v although Palestine furnished a Times for twenty-nine years. One of the most talked about and all of them. The Mizrachi alone' finds its motivation in Jewish Masoretic test of the Pentateuch. great deal of knowledge of Bibliwhat all of the better hat written about men in the newspaper world, Wiley stood shoulder tradition and its goal in the fulfillment of a Jewish life on Jew- The Masoretic text is the form of cal history, inscriptions w e r e makers. have produced* the Hebrew Scripture as used to- rare. to shoulder with Adolph S. Ochs in the reconstruction of the New ish soil. You're assured of your inday by J e w s throughout the The Tel Adduweir finds show York Times from a moribund and insignificant sheet into one of Moreover, the recognition the Jew and his homeland-aspira- world. That the spelling found what may be expected from the dividualstyle when you sethe world's greatest and most influential newspapers. A man of Tel A d d u w e i r corresponds today excavation of the many mounds tions have gained in the gentile world, has been in the Mizrachi at exactly with th&tIt inis use •«*•» of ancient Jewish cities that are lect from" The Nebraska's indefatigable energy, tremendous resourcefulness and painstaking declared, spirit. The Christian has conceived of the Jew in the Biblical would indicate, was " '- writen •*by scattered throughout Palestine. effort. Wiley contributed immeasurably to the phenomenal vast, complete, all new style. He has understood that the Jew was returning to his own. that the Bible ..__ ne in whi They are merely awaiting exgrowth of the New York Times. It is no exaggeration to say scribes during the time in which ploration." Although unwilling selections. ccurred ai Indeed the Christian felt he was righting an historic wrong; for the events actually occurred and that in many respects this notable newspaper is as much a of to divulge a number of details of it was the traditional Jew', he, whose continuity with Israel's past that they were eye-witnesses of the find until he has personally monument to the business genius of Wiley as it is to the editorial remained unbroken, that was now finding .peace and security in the I n c i d e n t s which they re- investigated t h e m , - D r . Sukenik and publishing talents of Adolph S. Ochs. ported. made it dear that Dr, Starkey's " Ochs was not exaggerating when he said that the day he an Alt-Neuland. Every Christian friend of Zionism was a MizThis would tend to destroy the discovery represented the first •.," • ' . ••• . . .' theory of "higher criticism" that knowledge of the most decisive .engaged Wiley he struck his biggest bargain. V x a c h i s t . '••••'..•'.:..' And by and large the overwhelming majority of the Jews are the narrative in the Bible was period of Jewish history before Mizrachist in ideology and aspirations. Misled by publicity, de- written by writers many centur- the destruction of the Judean ies l%ter. Masoretic text used Kingdom by the Babylonians. ceived by important names, fooled by extravagent claims and calThe only previous Hebrew writThat the One of the most dramatic episodes in Biblical history was umny, they have paid a tax-tribute to the "isms" in Zionism. today is valid«*.... would prove beyond ing found was that discovered in . thrown open for new study as the result of the recent discovery But* a clear, frank discussion of the issues involved finds almost doubt, the archaeologist s a y s , Samaria in 1S1© by the Harvard at ancient Lachish of a seal from the reign of Gedalia, last of every Zionist a Mizrachist Every Zionist, irespective of the sort that the grammar and pronuncia- University expedition, sponsored tion of. Hebrew today are authen-. by the late Jacob H. Schif f. There the Kings of Judah, who was murdered by a pretender to the of life he. lives in the golus, desires Palestine to be built on the tic and derive, not from some re- was then found a collection of throne, it was revealed to the Palcor Agency by & member of foundations of Jewish tradition and the beauty-of Jewish culture, membrance of a "dead" language potsherds written in H e b r e w of about payment of taxes In kind through the the archaeological expedition. Characterized as one of the most every Zionist wishes to see the Sabbath in its traditional sanctity but from the actual continuity the written Bible time it*•w iVa »s during the ninth century B. C. •remarkable finds of its nature, the ancient seal has inscribed an integral part of the new life there. Every Zionist wishes to see millenia from the But the Hebrew vocabulary there •upon it in Hebrew.: "To Gedalia, who rules the House." It is pre- the prophetic ideals of justice and righteousness prevail in Pal- written. "These potsherds found w a s very meagre and offered no sumed that this seal belonged to Gedalia ben Ahikam who ruled estine. And these are the cdrner stones of the Misrachi ideology. at Tel Adduweir," • Dr. Sukenik basis for judgment on the period The only other discoveries that declared, "ar® the greatest finds the remnant of the Kingdom of Judah after Nebuchadnezzar, The Mizrachi is indeed worthy of becoming the mass-move- in Biblical archaeology since the relate to the period from the time King of Babylon, destroyed Jerusalem. It is believed that this ment of the Jews toward Palestine. It requires" but the educative discovery of the Siloaia inscrip- of' Jeremiah were ' a suiabe? .of seals, some found by Prof. W. F. is the same Gedalia whose memory Jews still honor to this day process. The Jew must understand the principles of Zionist fac- tions 1890 TheIn fragments appareatly be- Bade'.cf the Pacific School Of Belong to "thearchiverot the city H»t»—Flret FJwr .- : by observing the Fast of Gedalia. tions before he identifies himself with one of them. He must ob- of Lachik The originals were ligioa la Mispab, and some discovered by Brof. W. F, Albright Gedalia, Tvho_ ruled for a few years after 586 B. C, was ap- tain a true perspective of Jewish history and the historic signifiThe potsherds represent k d onn clay clay. of Johns Ho&klns at Kiryath Se' pointed to his post by Nebuchadnezzar with Mizpah, instead of cance of Palestine to the Jews. And above all the masses of the ii,a copies talced / '> Jerusalem, as his capital. The-Bible, in Second Kings, Chapter sherds are enormously im-jf ar tin&s give Jewish people must become articulate. They—the Jewish masses : 25, verse 22, states: "And as for the people that were left in the —have the healthy f olk*instinct that will lead them to that spiroosases AK»&IU& von sum ms w land of Judah whom Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, had that we haw of the Bible end th itual redemption which is the Mizrachi goal. the whelt modern attitude -left,,even over them he made Gedalia, the son of Ahikam, the son -By URI MILLER. ;of Shaphan, Governor." He was believed to have the role of



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Card Party at Temple Tuesday

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ESTABLISHED LOCAL FIRM needs young man to take charge of new department on profit-sharing basis. NO INVESTMENT but ambition and good character necessary. Give full details about yourself. Box 651 - Jewish Press

Dance to the Music of

and His Band

With the Charm of Spring he love at first eight whea you «ee the beautiful dresses m our spring collection. They're so different! Striking, with©at being Bizarre. Crepes, sheers, taffetas, niEtelssEes, in a variety of advanced new fashions. Prints and plain colors. Massy hsve capes or Jackets. One and two-piece styles. Skes 11 to 15, 12 So 20, 36 to 44

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This-yesr resolve to face the world in.the smartest cost yonVe ever worn! Why not? Oar sew coats are such msrvelom list vou w©n*t ueed to feel a hit gSEt, Touli love the wide choice of styles &n& fairies here, too. Woolent in styles for sport and dress. Sizes. 11 to 15,12 to 20,36 to £6.

Never a Cover or MSmmmjnr Charge

"Omalia's Unique C M " Bums AT-28IS

£315 Faraam Si

5 Blocks East of 16th and Locust

New Palestine Cslesj

There wil be no regular April Jerusalem—A new Jew!** TfiRabbi David Wice -will meet meeting of the Deborah society Ms Bible Study class Tuesday, | lage Kfa Vedidia, TS,S establishes the Passover April 2, at 1 o'clock at the home because ' | la&t vreek in Palestine, carsmetnt1-' A large delegation of members of Mrs. A. Brodkey. ! rating Philoc of Patronize our advertisers. of the Beth-El synagogue auxiliary is planning to attend t h e interstate conference to be held Tcsr Satisfaction ft Our Tuesday, April 2, at Sioux City, la. Any one interested in going is asked to get in touch with Mrs. Sam Stern at Ha. 6050.

The final meeting of the adult psychology and personality group sponsored by the Council of Jewish Women -will meet for a dessert-iuncheon at 1 o'clock Tuesday. Mrs. Ben Silver will be hostess at the home of her parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn, 5105 "Webster street. Assisting hostesses will be the MesTO MARRY SUNDAY dames L. Waxenberg, M. KenTea Monday for Women the Beth-El auxiliary will be held Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Epstein yon and I. F. Goodman. Wednesday, April 10, when the In Philanthropy Campaign announce that the marriage of This group •will resume Its nominating committee will bring FROM LOS ANGELES their daughter, Lillian, to Charles studies In the fall. in its report. All members are Mr. and Mrs. Maurice KatieGuss, son o£ Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, chairurged to keep this date in mind. man and Mrs. Philip Orkin, all Gnss, -will be, solemnized Sunday, man of the Women's division of March 31, at 4 o'clock at the the Philanthropies campaign, is of Los Angeles, Cal., have "reB'nai Israel synagogue. Rabbi giving a tea for her executive turned home after motoring to Golden Hill Society TJri Miller and • N,. Feldman will committee on Monday afternoon, Omaha, accompanied by Mrs. Z. Zucker of Omaha and Mrs. M. officiate. April 1, at her home at 3. to Meet on Tuesday . A reception -will he held at the At this tea Mrs. Stalmaster and Fanger of New York, who had Proceeds from the review of A meeting of the Golden Hill Epstein residence Sunday evening her committee will make the final spent a month visiting in Los from 7 to 9 p. m. plans for the Women's division of Angeles. Mrs. Fanger has re- "Green Light," by Lloyd Douglas, society will be held Tuesday turned to her home in New York, will go to the medical fund of the afternoon, April 2, at 2:SO p. m. Mr. Guss returned this week the Philanthropies. going from Omaha by train. local Hadassah chapter. The re- at the home of Mrs. William from Ames, la., where he was Mrs. Katleman, Mrs. Orkin, view will be held on Wednesday, Milder, 4815 Davenport. graduated from Iowa State col- ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Fanger and Mrs. Zucker are April 3, at the Blackstone hotel. The organisation is holding a Iege, receiving the degree of j j£ r . an<I Mrs. Nathan Perils an- Mrs. Mrs. Julius Stein is chairman of membership campaign, and the sisters. bachelor of science in chemistry.,, n o u n c e ^ e engagement of their the group sponsoring the event. slogan adopted is "Every member Mfcs Epstein, Mr. and Mrs. H.; d a u g n t e r f Gertrude, to Moe Fred A musical program will be pre- a new member." Gnss, Mrs. S. Epstein, Mr. H. 1K a g a n o f this city, son of Mrs. LUNCHEON FOR sented by Miss Esther Steinberg, Crounse and Mr. Ben Linden- jR u^gan o f Chicago, III. No iRIDES Mrs. I. B. Ziegman was hostess violinist, accompanied at the Ladies Labor Lyceum baum attended the graduation d a t s h a s b e e n set for the wedexercises. ding. Miss Perlis attended Mu- o 16 guests at luncheon at the pianc by Miss Florence Steinberg. Those assisting Mrs. Stein into Meet ©a Tuesday nicipal university and Mrs. Kagan Tudor Arms tearoom Saturday, to clude the Mesdames A. Romm, H. Lonor the Misses Sophie Handler attended Northwestern university. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT The Ladies' Labor Lyceum club ,nd Ida" Zoe Tennenbaum, two Rubin, E. Meyers, Milton Mayper, Mr. Julius Abrahamson anIrvin Stalmaster, Moe Katelman, will hold a special meeting Tuesirides-to-be and Mrs. Max Wolfnounces the engagement of his LEWIS—TUCKER Hymie Milder, Mark Leon. A. day, April 2, at 3 p. m. at the on, who is a recent bride. sister, Sylvia, of Los Angeles, to MARRIAGE Wolf, R. Bordy, I. Berkowits, J. Labor Lyceum at 22 and Clark Mr. Sidney Zardon of San FranThe marriage of Miss Sarah Shapiro, Harry Crounse, M. Gross, streets. All members are urged cisco. Tucker, daughter of Mrs. Ethel INTERTAINS TWENTY >am Beber. George Strauss, Jo- to attend as important business The wedding will take place Tucker, to Lou Lewis, son of Mr. iUESTS ' • ' seph Daytch, H. Solig and Morris will be discussed. Refreshments April 2S in Los Angeles. ' Miss Una G r o s s entertained Burstein. and Mrs. A. Lewis, took place Friwill be served. day, March 22, at the home of wenty guests at a bridge party The public is invited. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Rabbi Uri Miller, in the presence it her home at 2043 North 53rd Mr. and Mrss. Abe Katskee an- of the immediate family. t., Sunday, afternoon for the 0x12 COXGQLEOI KCGS . .?4.Si nounce the engagement of their Highest Grade Enamels, $2.09 cal Those who honored M i s s Give or Get" fund for the Junior TCATEHPEOOF AIX-FCKPOSB daughter, Saramara,, to John Ma- Tucker previous to her marriage Hadassah. A yellow and lavenSVAK VAKKISH, $1.53 Gallon son, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ma- included: Miss Rose Rubenstein, der color scheme was carried out. son of Des Molnes. biffet-dinner; Miss M a y Tucker Omaha Jobbing Company Miss Katskee is a graduate of and Miss Edith Ostravich, bridge- RETURNS JROM. 317 No. IS JA 5604 A feature of the Hadassah - Central High school. Mr. Mason dinners at their homes; Miss Ida WESTERN TRIP birthday party •which was held) } graduated from East High school Kotler, beno party at the Tudor Mrs. Sam Herzberg returned in Des Moines. No date has been Arms Tea Room; Miss Bertha rom a western motor trip that Wednesday afternoon was an in-j chosen for the marriage. Holzman, a dinner party at the took her to Tucson and Phoenix, teresting talk o n "Hadassah and Picadilly Tea Room; Mrs. Gert- Ariz., and to Los Angeles and ts Achievements" by Mrs. Max Fleishman is Soskm BRIDGE-LUNCHEON rude Mozer, bridge-luncheon at Palm Springs, Cal. She was gone Tromkin, broadcas t over radio (Formerly la the employ cl £-. tation KOIL. The Junior Pioneers honored her home; and a dinner party at three months. Harris) Miss Lillian Epstein, their spon- the Chat *N Nibble by the staff of Insurance with Reliable sor, who is to be married soon, the Midas Creamery. MrB. H. S. Novitsky, chairman lOCKTAIL HOUR Companies with a bridge-luncheon at the After a two weeks' trip to Kanof the of the Hadassah Medical fund, TweJre .Team experience The former pledges French tearoom Sunday,, March sas > City, St. Joseph, and St. Omega Delta Delta sorority are announces the following addition- Eesi Estate—Property £!8ces«aeat JA TSll 24. Mrs. Epstein, mother of the Louis, Mr.' and Mrs. Lewis will joing to entertain the active al names of those who have! £15 So. 15th St. bride-to-be and Mrs. Guss, moth- reside in Omaha. raised their quota for the "Give' members of the group Sunday er of the groom-to-be, were also evening at the Southern Mansion. or Get" luncheon: Mesdames R. j present. A cocktail hour at the home Lackow, David Silverman, Benj STORES HONORS Prizes were won by the Misses BRIDE-TO-BE of Sylvia Jonisch will precede ilverman, Ben Fisher, David j THROUGHOUT THE Edith Epstein, and Sylvia ParilBlumenthal, George Levin, Annaj Mrs. A. Rosen entertained at a the party. CITY SELL man. Miss Lillian. Epstein was luncheon and shower at the King eigal, Henry Newman. I presented with an electric waffle Fong cafe, last week, in honor of HEADS SORORITir The date for this outstanding; iron, the gift of the club. " Miss Gertrude Platt was elected Hadassah affair has been set fof* Elizabeth Dolgoff, who is to be Miss Ann Sklar was in charge married in Apri£ president of Sigma Gamma sor- Wednesday, May 2, and it is of .the affair.^ '...\,^L:.-..rr. ... ority at a regular meeting held hoped that every Hadassah: memSunday. Miss Bernice Gorelick is ber and every potential member ANNOUNCE BIRTH the new secretary; Miss Nellie will attend. Those who have not Ask Your Gracet' ••-, DR. FELLMAN HEADS Pfff OF SON Tatalbaum, treasurer; Miss Jose- raised their money and would Mr. and Mrs. Ben Katzman anBETA EPSILON ALVMNl nounce the birth of a son, March phine Louis, reporter; Miss Helen like to do so are asked to call Holzman, sergeant-at-arms. . Mrs. A. D. Frank, who will have FORBES BAKING CO 17, at the Covenant hospital. At a regular meeting of Phi charge of a rummage sale. 2711 No. 244h St. WE Beta Epsllon Alumni club, the CARD PARTY / Among the many door prizes following officers were elected: ANNOUNCE BIRTH The Goldie Meyerson club will to be given at the Flower Show Dr. Leon Fellman, president; OF DAUGHTER give a card party Sunday, May this week is a beautiful PalestiniMr. and Mrs. Ben Shapiro an- 19, at the J.-'C. C. at & p. m. The an vase which was donated by the Aaron Perils, secretary. They will nounce the birth of a daughter, committee in charge Is planning Omaha chapter of Hafiassah. serve for one year. • Plans were completed for an March 25, at the Clarkson hospi- to make this an outstanding soMembers are asked to keep In educational forum meeting to be tal. cial event. Everyone Is urged to mind Mrs. F. H. Roddy when held at Dr. Fellman's home April come. Tickets may be bought thinking of goodies for the next 4. Rabbi David WIce will lead the from any member of the club. luncheon or dinner party. discnssion on "International Political and Economic Trends." RETURN FORM Chessd She! Ernes Both the actives and alumni of FTVE-MOXTH TRIP the fraternity will attend. There will be a regular meetMr. and Mrs. Louis L. RIklln Mrs. Bernhardt Wolf, assisted returned Friday from a five- ing of the Chesed Shel Ernes Monby Mrs. Sanders Steinbach, gave month business trip In the east. day, April 1. The final report of Junior Hadassali a benefit card party. In the vestry They will be at home at 142 the building committee will be The Junior Hadassah held a rooms of Temple Israel Tuesday, North 34th street, until July given. All members are "urged to meeting Thursday at the J. C.-C. when they will travel east for a attend. The captains chosen laBt week for March 26. few weeks. arranged tables were the "Silver Mine" reported that andTwenty %$XS88SS8S$$&i*&^^ occupied by bridge players. the ticket sale was progressing A number of other tickets were I1 very satisfactorily. sold, whose owners were not pres- Congregation Israel : After the reports were given, ent. Auxiliary to Meet Miss Marie Elliott, cosmetician, Several beautiful and useful gave a talk on cosmetics and an- prizes were donated by Omaha The regular monthly meeting alysis of the skin. She told of the merchants. of the Ladies' Auxiliary of Con use of proper cosmetics, and demLater In the evening, a hot and gregation of Israel will beheld onstrated her lecture. We solicit your rug cleaning with the confidence that we tasty supper was served th Monday, April 1, at 2 p. m. in the offer you the very best modem methods to remove all parguests. . assembly room of the synagogue ticles of dirt, dust and grit that manage to ressain in the Rummage Sale Mrs. Wolf gave the proceeds oi at 25th and J street. rugs from the constant treading upon, regardless of how The first annual rummage sale this affair to the Sisterhood Cir All members are urged to at particular you are in trying to keep them clean at home, of the Vaad auxiliary will be held cle to which she belongs. tend. • , •' April 9,10, and 11. Anyone who has old clothes of any sort is reWith our special scientific equipment we assure you of abquested to call either Mrs. A. solute cleanliness and xnoth-proofing which makes it safe Schwaczkin, At. 5534, or Mrs. I. for the children to play on, and, adds to the healthy atmos"Wise and Dine at Omaha's Fiedler, Ha. 3003. Mrs. Ida phere of a well kept home. Then too, the vivid, warm, luxLevin and her motor corps will Smartest Supper Club" urious colorings are restored to their original loveliness. gladly pick up bundles. The Temple Israel Sisterhood will hold their monthly luncheon and meeting Monday, April 1, at the Temple at 1 o'clock. After the luncheon, Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky will read a paper on "The American Jewish Woman's Contribution to Social Service." The board will meet at 12. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Harry Malashock, Wa. 6338.


N. IL—Now' Is the time to renovate fhosa Sprfag .-.. _\ - garments sad .draperies. •.

Carmen** Second Floor,







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HARVARD'S BELL TONGUELESS—Those Yale rascals were suspected in the disappearance of HE'S A DAD AT 80—William M. Mathues of Glen Mills Road, the clapper in Harvard University's Memorial HaU bell at Cambridge, Mass., shown above. The v pa., a father at 80. holding his youngest of nine children, who bell was suddenly soundless until a blacksmith's hammer was installed as a striking apparatus.. ,. was born Jan. 28. His wife is 38. He believes in early marriages, """ Apted chief of Harvard police detail, is evidently looking for clues. ' \ no liquor, and dancing for relaxation.

DESEET .SHIPS BKING UP THE GUNS—Preparing for a possible Summer campaign on the Italian Somaliland border in East Africa, here are Italian troops employing camels to transport the-mobile artillery pieces. Reports stated that thousands of Emperor Eaile Selassie's Ethiopian tribesmen had gathered across the border in Abyssinia. Hi

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I DEATH SHE? MOVED—After many weeks of effort tugs finally' released t h e Morro Castle from the sand at \ Asbury Park", N. J., where she was beached after the fatal fire of Sept. 8, 1934J She was towed to Gravesend Bay, New York harbor, as > above," and may be offered for sale.

"HELLO, JIMI"—At right is r Otis Spotswood Smith, Jr., Suffolk, Va., mayor, often mistaken for Postmaster General James

A. Parley, left. On a recent New York trip a restaurant orchestra leader seeing Mr. Smith, ordered a-fanfare chord.. He's rather tired of hearing, "Hello, Jim." ' .

TKAINIffG-rln common with military activities all over Europe, here are troops of The Netherlands in war maneuvers on the Wilhelmina Canal near Tilburg: Some of the infantrymen cross the canal on a collapsible float while others on the j bank cover the procedure.

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COPS KEEP WARM ON OBSCENE BOOKS—Nearly $500;000 worth of obscene books and literature, seized by New York police* were taken to the furnace in headquarters and burned. Officials estimated they would provide heat for 48 hours and save the city approximately $60 in coal cost. ;

DICTATOR: — Colonel Phya Bahol who' now rules Siam as dictator, following the abdication of King Prajadhipok. The new king, Prince Ananda Mahldo, is only 11. Colonel Bahol shares his power with a National Assembly, and commands the army and navy.

SLAIN GIRL'S KIN AT MURDER TRIAL—Shown at the trial of-Albert H. Pish. 65-year-old house painter, charged in White Plains, N. Y., with murder of Grace Budd, 10, are the girl's kin. . Left to right are: Albert Budd, father, nearly blind; Delia Budd, mother, and Edward Budd, brother. ..--•• •











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AMUSED BY EED CHARGE—While protests arose over-the Federal move to deport Evelyn John St. Joe Strachey,.British writer and lecturer, ss an alien Communist, his *ife in1 NewYork was quite as amused at the charge as her husband. She is shown with their 9-mor.ths-old baby, Charles,


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BONUS SFONSpB — Representative Wright Patman of Texas, sponsor of the Patman $2,100,000,000 currency expansion plan for payment of the soldiers' bonus, which, by implication, was denounced when the House Ways and Means Committee filed its majority report.

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MYSTERY PLANE—Here is the new robot mystery plane being tested by Government experts in short Pacific flights from Oakland, Cal. New-type radio instruments are expected to guide-it, pilot-less, over a long-distance flight to Honolulu, although Eugene L. Vidal, Director of the Bureau of Air Commerce, desired assurance of perfect functioning first.

LOVE TRAGEDY—Mile. Maryse Wendling, acclaim of Paris theater-goers, loved only one man "whose name was too prouo. to be bestowed on her. So she has quit footlights to become a nun at Lyon, and hopes later to go to a leper colony.

SONNESOTANS MARCH ON CAPITAL—Wlier. ?eJcr«tl. 1 clicf .funJs were helu up pending _••«* _• M A nftft nnn o a n ^ e l VoiiAffiT»nrj*.r«T"?> T.psrtsift.t.urp fnr fho Rfatn'c

Above they



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ence (Continued frojri Page One.) stein, chief rabbi, St. Louis, Mo. Committee reportfl a n d discussions: Budget comiaittee, Keren Sacceeds Dcntsch to Active Erets Israel, chairxaac, Rabbi I. Presidency of" L e v i n , st, Louis, Mo.; congress Group committee, c h a i r m a n , Mr. A.

By DR. KURT VON SCHUSCHNIGG, Chancellor of Austria


Junior Vsad Auxiliary j f11 Meeting Nest Tuesday! |

^ meet at the tpmple Wednesday = fifternooR, April Z. at 4 p. m.

T© tt©s©r Kafebs Conn

A regular meeting cf the Juu- j |f lor Vaad Auxiliary will be held next Tuesday, A p r i l 2, st the B'nai Israel EvaEgrogBe. An uuUBcal program has bees. - prepared. Rose Soffer sad Golfiye Wolfson will represent the g i r 1 E in their annual debate with the Young Men'e Ts.s.n.


At services toEifht R a b fc i David A. Goldstein wil give the second in t, aeries of talks or. Ms.imoE.idcB. He will upeak or. "Moses M a i m o n i d e n—Great! Teacher and Leader." ' Nest weel; Rabbi Harry .Toll of Lincoln will occupy the pulpit, |

The Tlotsry club, of «-hjcb. "Rabbi Frederick Cohn is s member, •will, honor Rabbi Cohn by attending the services f»t tiis Temple Israel Friday eveitiufc, April h. Rabbi David Wire will read the »e-rvk-e find Rp.Mii Cohis, vill deliver the sermon.

hered to Socialism out Of real inner conviction. B u t in every PhUadelphia (WNS)—The ase where it has been found that KYiTE OUT-OF-TOWN ' orld Jewiah congress w a s rean injuctice has been committed STUBEKTS FOR FESACE Ladies* Labor Lyceum in respect of persons affected by Jewish life, temporarily at least, these measures, it has been reWill Sponsor Concert when the extraordinary session A31 ov.t-or-tovr, stuclpnts dressed as tar as possible. of the American Jewish Congress, would Mke to observe the PasisDenies Expulsion. Flan Services this eyeijing Trill be The Ladies Labor Lyceum club he prime mover of the world over are Invitee by the devoted, to the Micrachi, which is The possibility of the expulsion :ongress, concentrated all its efwill sponsor a Russian concert at of "Eastern Jews," proposed by orts on evolving a plan lor the j • the Labor Lyceum &t 22 and holding its first regional confer- of the Vaad euxiliary to attend the Seders at thsir Itomcf. Arseveral quarters, has not been en- •eorganizatlon of the American The 3fameros Clausus Clark streets, Sunday, April 2 8, ence Sunday, in Omaha. Rabbi M. Laderman, ol the He- rRngeiTiPBtF ran be made by It is under t h e s e conditions visaged by the government. There ewieh Congress without taking at £:S0 in the evening. AdmisIn reality, there Is no Jewish that several professional corpora- are many reasons that make such brew Educational Alliance of Den- ing either Mre. L. Xevelpff, Kr,. sion will be 25 cents. Question, in the general sense ot tions ar© putting forward the de- a measure impracticable; it con- any definite action on the world ver, will deliver the sermon. K!E EP3 6. or by cnllsTip '.Tjs. ( the word,.in Austria. The.Fed- mand for the enforcement of a erns a section of the population ewish congress. Virtually igaorsubject will be on Mizrachi, Thif inritniioti is also eral Constitution is based on the numerus • clausus. But it must that has lived Jn Vienna for the ng the world Jewish congress, Rabbi Laderraan is well-known to to Ell other ptrnnperp ir the city. Phi Sigma Mu complete equality of all citizens, he said that the difficulties in the last twenty years, and is rooted ;he two-day E.ession contented itRabbi Uri Miller spoke on Omaha, having occupied the pulJevif-h Frens A(*vprtifprt; merit self with the'adoption of a brief without religious or national dis- l e g a l and medical professions there. . ., y. • ' "Talmudie Lav" before the inem- pit at the B'nai Israel synagogue your patronnpe. and formal resolution pledging its tinction. : These people have also allied unreserved support to the effort hers of Phi Sigma Mu, Jewish le- on numerous occasions. have grown to Buch an extent", Canotr A. Schwaczkin s.nd the So far no law and no decree that it has become necessary even themselves: w i t h old-established to establish a world Jewish congal fraternity of the Omaha unihas been published, which en- in the interests of the Jewish Austrian-J e w i s h families, and gress on a democratic basis. ' versity night law school, at their choir will chant the services. The j Vaad auxiliary will hold a receptails any measures prejudicial to members of these professions to have entered into economic relalast As a means of revitalizing the J&ines Burroughs was elected ] tion in the social ball after the members of a religious communi- restrict further access to these tions with them of such a nature American Jewish Congress, the treasurer. He replaces Robert S. ; service. ty; this is Jrue also BO far as professions. that their -expulsion would have extraordinary session authorized Jews are concerned. There Is no Nest week the Bervices will DorriBEoa, who resifned. a deplorable effect on the whole No measures have been taken, the establishment ot local combe devoted to A. : A. Anfl the doubt, that during the recon- however, which would have in- of' Austrian: Jewry. Furthermore, munity councils as the permanent Rabbi M. LMerman of Denver. following Fri<3ar struction of the S t a t e , several fringed acquired rights; on the these Jews liave renounced their representatives of the Congress Who will speak at the Mizracbi g. April Zero , 12, Talmud Toraii SabbttL will measures have been taken : that contrary, the government has act- former, .nationalities, and have in every Jewish community. This eonlcrence. Rabbi Laderinan h&s A meeting of the Zero wes held | jj 6 observed. have directly affected one or ed only along purely objective become "heimatslos," and this proposal, which was part of the addressed Orsaha groups on At last Thursday evening at the) ' more categories o£ citizens, but lines, and the steps which the would entail complications in re- report of the outgoing adminis- previous occasions. EvHBf curtain home of Ance and Fannie Witthese measures were taken with- government wa3 forced to take, gard to international law. nre your oursaiiis tctrative committee, originally con- Feinberg, St. Paul, Minn.; organ- j kin. Rose Flanchefe spoke on the Tcraple out any religious considerations, All rumors about the applica- tained a recommendation to aban'rosh, clean crispnos-s. System of Eleiaentsry eotely for political or economic owing to the circumstances, are tion of such measures are there- don for the present direct indivi- izatlon c o m m i t t e e , co-chairAt services this evening Kabb: Carefully nicaguil«»<I there in no way animated by an antimen, Rabbi M. Laderisan, Denver, Education." Final plans %rere David Trice will ppe&t OE "Hoardreasons. . washed in pure soft wslr.tSemitic • spirit. Indeed, the same fore absolutely w 1 t h o u t any dual democratic election of dele- Colo., and Mr. S. Joseph, Des made for the moonlight tike for ers of Virtue." and the finest soaps*. Men*foundation, and the fears which •'": Chose Professions gates to the Congress because cf sacrifices should have b e e n deurod bact to exact' members only to be held Sunday, There will be regular service? Moiaes, la.; resolutions commitAs a result of developments manded in the s a m e measure they inspire are entirely unjusti- practical and financial difficulties pizp—-pnnrantpedt to March 31. Saturday morning at 10:SO. tee, co-chairmen, Rabbi Ch. Krafied. . .,.-.. the causes of which are wel from other professions. Involved. The report recommendtrue. Send w. youir c Sunday afternoon the College A decree promulgated* In , the ed that i n s t e a d of individual mer, Centerville, la., and Rabbi Jews also held the great maknown, the Austrian Jews engagRain Of Of {{ club "will meet &t the temple at ed mainly in certain fields ot ac- jority of positions in banking^ autumn of ,1S.3<, In regard to the democratic elections delegates to Ch. F. Epstein, St. Louis, Mo.; 4:15. Fair municipal schools In Austria, has The directors of the great banks tivity, in which they were prethe Congress should bs chosen nominations committee, chairJccior conEregstioa services J The Sisterhood Bible clsss will Per viously in a-great majority; this* a large extent Jews, who also given rise to fears and • un- through city-wide contentions by man, Mr. Leon Gellmsn, St. begin at S:30 this Saturday w a s BO in commerce, banking, gave j o b s to their relatives, justified complaints in c e r t a i n the community councils and by Louis, Mo. Election of officers. morning. Sol and Etta Marcus meet Tuesday s.ftcrnoon at the home cf Mrs. A. H. BrocSkey. law, medicine, journalism, and in friends and acquaintances, w h o Jewish circles. S o m e remarks the affiliated national organisawill bs hosts to the eon£re££tion 5410 Izard street. The meeting When sent wiffi should he made regarding this occupied the majority of the arseneral way. In all professional tions. The labor bloc fought this Toastmastcr, Rabbi M. Lader- In thanks for their speedy recov- which begins at 1 o'clock will be Familv Bundle matter. The imperial law of the bitterly and finally won out when occupations. This state of affairs higher posts. Musical program, se- ery from aa Illness. All Talmud ender the direction of Rabbi In consequence of the crash of old Austrian monarchy concern- the resolutions committee, after a lections and Cantor A. Selnvacz- Torah pupils are invited to ttwas further accentuated by the Wice. fact that other careers remained the large banks, the federal gov- ing municipal schools already seven-hour tumultous d e b a t e kin, Palestine soags. Short ad- tend. Tuesday evening, April t. the open to other BectionB of the ernment, being unable to run any provided that the directors of agreed to provide for mandatory dresses by visiting rabbis. Main afiult Etafiy class will rest;me Its population, which in consequence risks' in the administration of the these schools should belong to democratic direct individual elec- speakers. Rabbi C&aiia Fischel Think of your meetings a* *he iexrp e F* f r r•were not particularly interested public finances, which affect the the religion to which the majority tions at the 1937 session of the Epstein, St. Louis, Mo., Leon your posterity . . . ancestors Tacltcs. The cor' *•—>F i" C S T W \ in. the liberal professions. The entire country,: found it neces- of the pupils attending them be- American ' Jewish Conjpress. l a Gellraan, vice-presideat, Mixnon-Jewish population preferred sary to place at the head of the long. This favored, therefore, the the meantime the incoming ad- rachl Organizatioa oJ America. i public careers as state or muni- great financial institutions new appointment of Jewish school di- ministrative committee was au- Presentation of charter to Wora- !§§' cipal officials, teachers, and in men, who had not previously oc- rectors in Jewish centers. On the thorized to convene a session In en's MIsrachi ol Omaha and iathe judiciary, and the military? cupied leading positions. T h i s other hand, orthodox Jews have 1936 at which delegates are to be 1 stallatlon of their olficers. The Pkcnc ATlesHe 3845 /er Mcrzhcrg Fer Storage and they had no. reason to seek involved changes of personnel, often expressed the w i s h that elected In a manner prescribed by local committees consist of: Ret h e-i r livelihood in commerce, but the system of selection was their children should be educat- the administrative comraitee. ception committee, N. Levinsoa, banking and the liberal profes- never inspired by religious con- ed in special schools* and special G. Solref, Mrs. Shafion; synaIn addition to this plan, the siderations. T h e simplification classes so that the school program Congress approved a complete gogue committee, E. TTeinberg, sions. could be drawn up in such a way change in administration and a H. Marcus, S. Katleznan; center j H I The post-war period and the of the Austrian hanking system changes which accompanied It, and the reduction ol staff which that it would not be necessary for number ot i m p o r t a n t amend- arrangements, A. Kats and Rab- i g changed the Bltuatlon. The num- it necessitated, has affected Jews the children to write or draw on ments to Its constitution. Bern- bl Miller; publicity committee, E. | | ^ ber of openings f o r public ca- and Christians to the same ex- Saturday. ard S. Deutsch, president of the Bloch, A. Kati, Mrs. Elsenberg, | | g The fact that these measures Congress for the past six years Mrs. Kulakofsky; program com- , | g | ' reers haB been greatly reduced. tent. provide that classes with a large declined s renomination because niittee, S. Ravitz, N. Irerisson/A. Spirit Hot Anti-Semitic The pay of the officials, and their = The. /. nett*. legal, measures in number of,"pupils; should be sub- ot the pressure:' -of 'his - pablUH KaTsT"MrB.'Wclnberg, Mrs, Arblt- r--f chances of advancement have both, diminished. The military career connection, with., artisanship and divided into several parallel sec- duties, and Dr. Stephen S. Wise, man, Mrs. J. Morgan, A. Schwaci- ' | _ j industry have had consequences tions, which the pupils would be his predecessor, was unanimously kia; banguet committee, Mre. A. ffjf is"-almost closed to them. • which have indirectly affected a ;eated according to their re- elected president. Dr. Wise ac- Schwacikin, Mrs. Arbitman, Mrs. iff| Besentr Exclusion As a result, the non-Jewiah Bec- certain category of Jewr, but they iglon, should be regarded as ia- cepted the office on condition D. Soiref^ Mrs. Brodkey, Mrs. D. | 3 tion of the population has turned are not an anti-Semi- ipired by a desire to create for tnat he be permited - to retire B. Epstein, Mrs. Knlakofskj", i|_j to an Increasing extent to l a w , tic spirit. Merefcsrflts and/artisans he Jewish pupils a "school ghet- permanently and forever after the Mrs. Welnberg, Mrs. Rosenblatt. medicine, and the other profes- have complained tor years of the o" but rather the wish to build nest session of the Congress. The Mrs. Leviuson, Mrs. A. Kats and sions, and when they found the damage caused them o y t h e prscs ip a practical organization, which change in administration a l s o Mrs. Wolf. majority of the positions in these tices employed by certain money- is also of advantage to the Jew- made Louis Lipsky the number A luncheon will be served professions occupied by JewB, lendera, agents, etc. At tin same ish pupils. : two man of the Congress when he the delegates and the executive | | J It must not be forgotten that was elected the only rice-presi- committee of the local Misrachi i £ j | they resented it, and held it to time, there was an absence of be an injustice that the J e w s sufficiently strict laws regulating Important Jewish groups have de- dent. In place of the- national ex- at the B'nai Israel synagogue at I L i should furnish seventy to eighty professional requirements, as a manded' a proper Jewish educa- ecutive and administrative com- 1 o'clock Sunday nooa. All fyi per cent of the -members of these result of which- certain elements tion, and,that the orthodox religl- mittees, the Congress provided members of the- Jewish comraun- ! jm professions, -when the Christians were able to start enterprises, In )us schools, and the Austrian for one administrative committee ity are invited to participate in i m form ninety-five per dent of the which they made up for their lack Jewish People's League have de- and seven Congress regions, each the various activities and ses- !gd§ total population. of technical knowledge by using manded the creation of national with a. chairman. Nathan Perl- slons of the conference. Reserva- ;ggg Jewish schools. These measure! man was elected chairman, of the tions for the banqoet can still be unscrupulous methods. The new legislation has been ind similar measures should not administrative committee. made by calling At. 5534. Flower and Garden Show able tocheck these conditions to therefore be considered as being The long-awaited^ N a t i o n a 1 some extent, and Jewish artisans inspired, by antirSemitlc motives. Drunkenness is nothing else Flower and Garden- show "Will and merchants have also benefit- Nor should-it be overlooked thai than a voluntary madness. open in Omaha Saturday at 2 p. ed as a result, BO that they must there is a .special department at Seneca. not be considered as an expres- the Bureau for. Public Education xn. Jerusalem fJTA)—The United A crew of 125 'workmen, en- sion of anti-Semitic tendency. ; n Vienna, which' tafeea charge of States is occupying third place ia gaged In day and night shifts, Shook Off Political Influences everything connected with Jewis Palestine Imports, it •was disclosDuring the fifteen yeare of the education, and Is under the 61 have converted the coliseum into ed when fignres on Palestine iss-i l«t me protect TO ir Snterestt. . . Social Democratic regime In the rection of a rabbi. a veritahle fairyland. All ports for 1934 -were made pub-1 I write UiSUBAXCB o* ever? «€•hans are urged to avail- them- City Hall of Vienna, they estabtnclddlns: V7TE, in nircmg. lie. I crlptlna rellahle componlec OKT-T. . . let's selves of this unrivaled •onpor- lished a principle that all who Jewish Bagpiperis to Play The figures disclose that Palesj talk It aver. )<*!• tuhity to attend the world's larg- wanted to obtain a position or a Glasgow (WNS)—^King Georg< tine imported $75,000,000 -worth j City F t a s e s & IESOTSSC© GO. Municipal post, or who wished in est flower show. of goods during i.984. Of these, j Afternoon and evening pro- some way to enter into, relations will celebrate the silver jubilee o goods " w o r t h over $17,000,000 J4C9 Farnaffl ' AT 76FJ cr WA 61Jc his reign this coming May to tb< with them, had to affiliate themgrams are being carefully workselves with the Social Democratic tune of bagpipes played by the were imported from England and Long Ccal Smt Bex Jacket Smt Sw&gfcr Suit ed* out. . . bagpipers of t h e Jewish Lads goods "worth 56,500,000^ from the party. Consequently, when the power Brigade of Glasgow who recentls United States. Oressiafiker Suit lisa Tsilored Suit Cspe Suit Germany occupied second place I'of the S o c i a 1 Democrats was won t h e bagpiper championsbii OH. B17BNEBS i broken, the new regime tried to of Scotland." The Glasgow boys In Palestine imports during 1934. i liberate the administration of the the only Jewish bagpipers- in th« The machinery and merchandise city from these'political inllu- world, > have been invited to • Lon- which Palestine Imported f r o m Herzbergs Fourth Floor Is Fairly Edging Germany during the year, [enceB; and this is why a great don for the jubilee festivities. AS'£360 amounted to $8,5-00,000, accordwith All These Important Suit Styles! number of officials and employes Ingto the published-figures. were dismissed. Doubtless, a cer- Patronize our advertisera. Herewith is presented the tall text of a statement by Dr. Kurt Ton Schusclinigg«. Chancellor of Austria, outlining his regime's Yiews on the Jewish question in Austria. The statement was specially prepared tor the J e w i s h Telegraphic Agency during Dr. Bchuschnigg's recent visit to liondon.' —Editor.

People who are seeking their livelihood have no patience with historical considerations. They find themselves confronted with a situation that makes it impossible for them to assure their economic existence, and they demand that something should be done to alter that state ot affairs.





;H Let's See What Tj^pe You 'jj Are Going to Choose


tain number of Jewish doctors were affected by these measures; but that was not for religious reasons, but because of their political activities. It la difficult to determine the extent to which an individual ad




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Tenth The Workmen's Circle No. 664 will celebrate itg tenth anniversary Sunday evening, March 31, in the Jewish Community Center •with a banquet and program, to •which similar groups from Omaha, Des Moines and Lincoln have been invited to attend. Over 100 guests from out of town are expected by the local lodge. The semi-annual district conference will bejheld during the day and reports of the various organizations will be heard. At the banquet.Sunday evening Mr. Max Dervin will act as general chairman and; toastmaster. The program will Include a dance by Shirley Guttleriian, accompaned at the piano by Helen Guttleman; A Russian dance by Rose Shiloff and Harry Kanofsky. A one-act play will be presented by the Senior Dramatic Group of the . Jewish Community Center. In the cast will be Max Zeligson, Rose Shiloff and Miriam Blank. The play is directed by Ida Heshelow and Mrs. L. A. Beal. A five piece orchestra will play during the dinner-hour. Mr. I. Singer, financial secretary of the organization will give a report qf the work of the lodge for the past ten years. Assisting in the arrangements for the banquet are Mrs. William Heshelow in charge of the dining room; Mrs. L. Kaplan, in charge of the menu. Others on the committee are Messrs J. Shapiro, "William Heshelow, M. Shiloff, L Singer, L. Kaplan, M. Taser, L. Victor, A. Tilevltz, M. Manaker, J. Montrose, and the Mesdames J. Guttleman, B. EdelmaiV A. Tilevitz, L Singer, - M. Shiloff and L. Victor.

Tiphereth Israel Early Friday evening services will be- held at Tiphereth Israel synagogue this evening at 6:15 o'clock. Late Friday evening services will begin promptly at 8 o'clock, and Rabbi Benjamin Goldberg will speak on the subject "Action or Reflection." V : Tomorrow morning the service will be held at! the Beth. Ahrajham synagogue and "wilt begin at _i30 o'clock. The Reading of the Law will begin at 9:15 and the blessing of the new moon (Rosh Chodesh) will begin at 9:45. Rabbi Goldberg will speak on "Laws and Customs Concerning Pass-

Senior ^ Installs Of fleers Installation of officers was ;the feature of- the Senior, Hadassah meeting Tuesday ..afternoon at the Jewish Community Center. , Mrs. Theodore- N. Lewis ^was in charge of the installation. New officers are Mrs. W. C. Slotsky, president; Mrs. Joe .Levin, vice-president; Mrs. E. N..Grueskin,. corresponding secretary; Mrs. Dave Rodin, recording:.. secretary, and Mrs.' Louis Goldberg, treasurer. Thirty board • members: assumed their positions ;at;this time also. . Mrs. H.. R. Rabinowltz presented current/ events of Jewish interest and a Morningside siring trio presented several'numbers. Plans were furthered for the annual Hadassah give - or - get luncheon which will be^heldMay 2 in the Jewish Community Center. Woirien who have made their pledges since the last • list of pledgers was announced, .include Mesdames J. Lehman,- S. Levitan, M.* Lazriowich, H. Lazriowich, Joe Kutcher, S. Snovsky, A. B. Friedman and S. Osnowitz. ;

• • • •

playwright here on a lecture tour, tells us that Max Naumann, Hitler's Hofjude, opens ^all meetings lassie, Ella Logan, a Scotch sang at the Cherie Bar in Cologne of his League of National Gera few years ago. . .A diner asked man Jews with the Hitler salute her to sing "My Yiddishe Mama," and the exclamation "Down with presented a one hundred mark us". . • ; .Einar Nilson, Max Rein.Six hardt's best-known musical direcnote, and Ella obliged. brown-shirted Germans entered, tor, now the executive of t h e s e a t e d t h e m s e l v e s a r o u n d t h e i r California Festival activities, and insignificant -: leader - and hooted of whom all Swedes are proud, is the song. . . .The leader asked her a fifty per cent Semite. . . .Which to sing his favorite tunes, "But- does not prevent him from insistton Up Your O v e r c o a t" and ing on the use o£ Janssen pianos .Pierre Van Paassen has • 'You're J Driving Me Crazy," and only. presented a two mark note. . . . canceled his trip to Palestine, the Ella 'returned the donation and Toronto Daily Star objecting at sang six choruses of "My Yid- the eleventh hour because there 'You'll never is no story in prosperity dishe" Mama* be a success if I can help it," the Besides, things look so hot in unimportant heckler promised. . . Europe that Van Passen's pre"And neither will you," Miss Lo- ence in the thick of everything is gan countered, "if I can help it" really necessary for his paper. , . . . . .Miss Logan is the star of Ripley featured the other day, in tho .Casino de Paree and will be his Believe It or Not cartoon, that starred in the new Zlegfeld Fol- Leo Frankfurter was born at 43 lies, besides having been signed Frankfurter Street In Frankfurtup' for the screen by MGM. . • . on-Main, where his father made .Hank GreenThat Insignificant heckler is to- —frankfurters. day Germany's dictator—H e r r berg, Jewry's gift to the Detroit Adolf Hitler. . . .The story comes Tigers, is the t a l l e s t baseball to us from that explorer of od- player in this country. . . . His height is six foot four. . . .The dities, Leonard Lyons. . . . next tallest is Hal Trosky, of the BRILLIANT RETORT Cleveland Indians, with six foot. Representative Tinkham, t h e two

STRANGER THAN FICTION The Ladies auxiliary of Shaare Zion, synagogue will be hostess to an. inter-city conference of Conservative, auxiliarys next Tuesday morning and afternoon, .April 2, in-the synagogue. Delegates from the conservative synagogues of Sioux Falls, S.D.; Lincoln, Neb.; Omaha, arid Des Moines, are epectexd to attend'.:', - : • ; ; •- • -• An .elaborate program has been planned -for the'•'.conference. The meeting will open at'10 o'clock Tuesday, morning, with Mrs. H. M. Sherman, .president of the local auxiliary, presiding. Mrs.. Sherman will welcome the visitors in behalf of ^er group. Rabbi H. be g d reR,'Rabinowitz will speak and


The Sisterhood of the Talmud Torah ' Society: will hold a regular, m ee.-t i n g-next Wednesday a f t e r n o o n , April 3, at 2:30 o'clock at the Chevra B'nai Yisrqel synagogue at 618 Mynster Street. Mr. J. Z. Stadlan, principal pt the Talmud Torah, will conduct-the Bible Study, and all members are urged to attend. - The Council : Bluffs S e n i o r Hadassah held its.monthly meeting Tuesday afternoon at the .Chieftain Hotel. Mrs. M o r r i s Grossman, president, gave a very interesting report of the Zionist convention which sh§ attended recently in Washington, • D. C. During the meeting, the members listened to a radio talk broadports: from' the various auxiliaries casted by Mrs. Moses IV Epstein will be made by representatives from New '"York City, In celebrafrom each. , ' tion of the twenty-third anniverA luncheon in the social hall sary of National Senior Hadasof the synagogue will be given at sah. Mrs. Joe Gotsdiher was noon. A musical program will fol- chairman of the raffle, and the low. • prize of twenty-five dollars was The sessions will be resumed won by Betty Rae Kubby, daughin the afternoon, when Mrs. Rob-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry kubby. ert; Sacks of Sioux City will lead Refreshments were s e r v e d by a discussion on the subject "Has members of'the board and officthe- Jewish Woman Done her ers of the Senior Hadassah.

her godmother. . . . .Presented et the Court of St. James this week was Mrs. Jesse Isidor Straus, wife of the-American Ambassador to France. » . . .Society's pet actress, Eugenie Leontovlteli, almost sailed on'th'e S.'S. Bremen when she •went to Europe -recently—until her manager] learned-that 10 0 per cent Nordic Alexander Woollcott, who intended to broadcast a special song for' her to bear on bdarcl ship, would refuse sailed on. a Nazi went on-.the Be Sol Kosenbloo-m subtitle for the and History", the. line of Hitler, -Goering. and Goeb.bels" . . . .Bernard M.; Baruch, so J__C_ in the spotlight these days, is one-of ..the fastest walkers in Manhattan. ;.;.;•.He can- often be seen striding .along on .-Fifth Avenue with .the; elastic step . of • a trained a t - 1 e t e. ' ;• •

NOTICE OF . . . » OMAHA MERCHANTS .—. Notice is hereby given "that a Corpora Etion has ' been formed under '• t b e • 1»1¥» of the of .Nebraska, of-the Corporation If "O5J> AHA MERCHANTS ASSN." ' lie principal" place of business is Omaha, Pougla* County, Nebras&a. The generai nature of the bi the Corporation I?

buy. purrbRSO. o^'K. chnng-e. assign, mortpafcre (inn transfer rer.! estnie! porsonp.i property.wheresoever situated; to do ar.y Rmi nil thingp necessary, .convenient or incidental to the riirhts,* powers nnfi privileges heroin specified. The total authorized"cEPitn!' stool: of the Corporation shall be J10.Q0C.00 divided into 1 " •" BhnrCR of the psf- value of $10.(10 ench. Said stock fhall l i fully pairt for nnd non-Essessnhie. _ ivhe'i issued. Kairt stock may be psici for n (jnsb notep. or property. a-ezO o\ poT-.'onal. tfingibie or iTiinr-fc-ible. ht tbe TeB« sonable value thereof. Five "hires ot AS LEYIN, Attorney tbp capital stock ol this -"Tporritim 1'attergon Block 'shall be pn.i<t for before, the CJo^norKt'on shall commence busmen. NOTICE . • The Corporation .phRl! mmmence busiIn the matter of-the estate ot BESSIE ness on the "llth day of-February. I9JJ5, OSHEROFF. Deceased. . ...' ' and continue for P. period oC fitty years No ce is hereby given: ; > from date thereof. The r.frairs of thin Corporation shnll That of said will meetthethecreditors aclmiTusir-tor - of' deceased Baid es- j be 'conducted by a Board o " Dlrectore id tate, before roe. County Judge of Doug--1 consisting of members. not less than ten nor more las County, Nebraska, at the County j than Court Room, Sn said County on- the 13th j In presence of: day of May "l&So.-ahd on the 13th clay of S. J. .LEON. G. TERT.TP. July 1935, a t 9 o'clock a. m., each day. V. HUHNKE. for the purpose of presenting their; claims for examination, adjustment and j 3-15-35—4t allowance. Three months are allowed j WEBB, BEBBR, for the-* creditors to present their claims, from the 13th day of April 1835. Attorneys. BRYCE CRAWFORD, 65C Omaha Neiiona! Bonk 3-22—St - County Judgre.

bearded legislator, is unpopular Part." Among those who will parDr. and Mrs. I s a a c Sternhill among his colleagues at Washing- STEIN SONG MOJJSKV, UKODINSK-. MAKER . ft ticipate, also in the afternoon proNOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Funniest wisecrack we've come COHEN, Attorneys. At a regularlv called meeting of tbe gram are Mrs. R. Fusfield of entertained the members of their tori. . . .Last week he approached across 73" Omaha National B a c k this week, and poetry at stockholclern of TED'S TEN AND CARD Sioux Falls, S. D. Mr. John Lans- Evening Bridge Club at t h e i r Congresswoman Florence Kahn of • that. . . .It runs like this: SHOP. INC., held a t No. 650 Omaha SOTICE.OF SS1E. National Bank Building. Omaha, N e . California and discussed some of berg will, present greetings from home Tuesday evening. They're a queer crowd, the To Miss.Amelia. Christian: braska. on January t. 19S5. the followthe synagogue. . Mrs. - Ralph Castle and" small the newer bills. . . ."You're not Tou are hereby notified t h a t H. L. ; n K Resolution was adopted: family Stein— Fridley. -doinB business, under the name i -jt w a 5 m o v e d , ?e<-onded and nnnnl7. The principal speaker, of the daughter, Phyllis, of Brooklyn, going to vote for that Birth-ConThere's Gert, and there's Ep, and style o£ Flatiron Garage of this) m ous!y carried t h a t Ted's Pen a,nd Card trol bill, are you?" he asked. . . . city, claims- a Hen upon a Plyninuth Se- ; shop. Inc., be End the same is lierub',' afternoon willl be Mrs. Sarah New York, who has been> visiting agd there's Ein. . . ! dan, Motor No.- 2SRG0.';, Model. 1S2S, for j rii«iSotverl." Berman. "of _. Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. Castle's mother, Mrs. F. Mrs. K a h n glared at Tinkham the sum of, 548.50. together with ac-1 TED'S PEN* A\"D CARD i-fiOV. IN'C. Gert's stories are bunk, and replied: "I think I will—if cruine amflnnts; t h a t , upon March « h , i B y : Edmund L. Zander, Sen-Ptary The Sisterhood of Mount Sinai Mrs- Berman will speak on "Ju- G i l l n s k y , for the past two IS35 you received a registered notice! Attest: Theodore I* Damask. President, Ep's sculptures are junk, temple will hold- its regular daism In the Home." She Is months, are leaving today for they make' it retroactive" . . . fro:.i the claimant detailing the Items S-8-4t. And nobody understands Ein. . due and that you were further informed * _____________________ OBLIVION AND FAME monthly meeting, next. Friday known as an eloquent speaker their home. Mrs. Gillnsky, who that said amount must be paid on or before March. 15. 1S35: that no payMention the Je^rish Press to afternoon'in the annex of the and has taken an active interest has been seriously ill of heart ail- ' For the Hall of Oblivion we PHILADELPHIA ECHOES have been made pursuant to said Snapshots from the Philadel- ments temple, following a 1 o'clock in Jewish communal work in Min- ment, is still confined to her bed, nominate: Joe Jacobs, J e w i s h registered notice and that a sale of t h e y o u r m e r c h a n t , luncheon. • '• • .-.-:'.- : neapolis - for - a . number of .years. and-no visitors are permitted yet. fight manager of Schmeling, who phia sessions of the American said Plymouth Sedan Motor No. asntsn.i Model 1029, will be had Et the Flat-1 .Prince Hu- iron Featured on the program will She' is president of the Beth-El Marvin Fitch, student at the enthusiastically r a i s e d his arm Jewish Congress. Gerajre between t h e hours of 9 a. i bertus .Loewenstein, with marked for' the Hitler salute w h e n in m.. a n d - i o ' a." m.. ' on the nth day oS be a play-entitled • "The Sweet Women's league and a member Iowa State College, who spent his April. 1835, for the purpose of satisfy-; Family" with the following tak- of the United. States Women's spring vacation here visiting his Hamburg, Germany, recently. . . . Semitic nose, besieged by auto- ing" said' lien, together with such acgraph hunters who refuse to becruing amounts a s nsay be due a t the Edward Norman, treasurer of the ing part: Mrs. E. J. Frlbourg, league. Mrs. Berman returned to parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fitch, 5-oheI Specialist time of said sale, together with all the • Mrs. A. H. Lazere, Dr. Delia Ga- Minneapolis recently from New returned to Ames, Iowa Monday. American Maccabiad Committee, lieve that the Prince belongs to costs expended. RecomnienSefi by Many Doctors Dated a t Omaha, Nebraska, this lGtfa an ancient Catholic family. . . linsky, Mrs.. Louis Goldberg, Mrs. York where she spent- six months. Residence Phone WEbster 663E. The Cultural Group-of the Sen- who shirked his duties and sailed day of March. 1933. • H.L. Fr.IDJUET, Business Fhone WEbster 5 « 0 Leon Marx,""Mrs. B.- N." Grueskin, She Is the mother of Mrs. David ior Hadassah will meet next Mon- for Palestine although no money There was much e x c i t e m e n t doinir business as F l a t when, because of the small num1422 X. 2Oth St., Omaha, Neb. Mrs. L. Agranoff and Mrs. T. N. Goldstein of Omaha. day, April 1, at the home of Mrs. was provided for the traveling exiron Garape. penses of the American athletes ber of delegates, special railroad Following the afternoon ses- Herman Krau'se. Lewis. . . . . .For the Hall of Fame we fare reductions for the trip back sion a tea will be given i n the / Norman Rosentbal and Floyd p r e s e n t : Mike Bluestone, re- home could not be obtained. . . . Sioux ball room, concluding the Yudelson, Btudents at the Thomas sourceful publicity genius for the The gentlemen of the press, who Series of Book conference. Mrs. Rueben Miller is Jefferson High School, left Wed- Manischewltz Matzoh outfit, who have a very keen sense oJ espense Reviews Concluded in. charge or the conference ar- nesday for Iowa City, where they mobilized financial support at the a c c o u n t , finally succeeded in rangements. will represent their school at the eleventh hour to enable the en- rounding up enough delegates. . . Iowa State Debate Tournament. tire American sport delegation to It was Prince Loeweastein who The series of ten book reviews The Council• Bluffs A g u d a s proceed to the Tel Aviv Macca- made the appeal for funds, with given during the past; winter Achim Society will hold a meet- biad months was concluded last MonSpecial bouquets should Stephen S. Wise as m a s t e r of day evening, when Rabbi' Rablno- ; The annual A. Z. A., Sabbath ing next Thursday evening, April ceremonies. . . . . .Wise announcvritz-reviewed "In The Shadow of will be.held at Mount Sinai Tem- 4, at 8:30' o'clock at the Eagles also be given in this connection ed that for one hundred dollars ple' this, /evening, with members Hall. to Israel Chipkin, Harry Glucks- Loewenstein, prince t h a t he is Liberty". ^ .•'.;•.

Sisterhood Meeting • toBeHeldRiday



P1 a s s are being made for a man, Mrs. Nathan Goldstein and will talk to you, and for t_res Rummage Sale to be'held-by the of' course, to Max Maaischewitz, hundred dollars will even squeeze Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah the big gtra of this rescue party. your hand A number ol on April 8, 9, arid 10. Everyone POT-POURRI matrons felt very much, tempted is urged- to save all old clothing, Rabbi Jonah. B. Wise has just to pay three hundred Anetc., and get-In touch with the returned from a secret trip to other Wisecrack came when S. S. committee in charge of the rumGermany. . . . .Will he spill all he W. ,called himself the prince of mage sale. saw?. . . . .Louis. Wiley, who died schnorrers arid Lowenstein the ' Rabbi David A. Goldstein. of last. week, was r really the main- schnorrer-prince. . . . : . o v e r . " .' : . ' • .' • • " • ;•. Omaha gave a • Book Review • be- stay, of the whole-Wiley clan. . . . SOCIETY At 10:30 tomorrow morning fore a large crowd Wednesday He. supported; four .unmarried sisthe Junior Congregation . will Congrats to Magistrate Jonah Saturday. Rudy, Shindler, pres- evening, March 27, at the Hotel ters, '.the lawyer-husband of, anmeet and Rabbi ^Goldberg will J. Goldstein on the engagement ident of the chapter will speak Chieftain.' He reviewed "Forty other sifter and an unsuccessful give a sermonette. At 5:30 In the of his daughter Gertrude to Jack and' Perry Osnowitz,who is in Days on Musa Dagh" by Franz Rabbi X. R, Rabinowitz: w i l l brother. . . . .Few know t h a t .afternoon Shallas Shu das will be charge of.the service will speak. Werfel, in KIs interesting and en- Wiley at the time of. his death Peck. . . .Young Maud Catherine Berved to the'Junior Congrega- speak this evening ;at Shaare Zion tertaining way. Dr. Isaac Stern- had been- shorn • of • most ot the Helen Spencer, grandchild ot the Synagogue on "Moses Malmonition. hill presided as chairman and in- power he had so long enjoyed in Benjamin. Blumenthals. of Paris, The older men of. the West Side des". Cantor A. Pliskin and the troducedR a b'b i Goldstein. All the management of the New York boasts Queen Maud of Norway as have been organized by Rabbi synagogue, choir .will chant the •proceeds from the book review Times, his activities recently be• '': Goldberg into a Chevra Mish- service. , will go to the' Sisterhood of the ing limited; to the advertising deTomorrow morning Paul Matnayos and a Chevra- Ain Jacob. > Mr.' B.- Rlfkln.%1103 West Sec- ^almud T o r a h , who sponsored partment. ....... .The real business lin will act as cantor for the JunThe classes meet every evening ond-street, was elected delegate this affair. • genius of the .Times Is_J u 1 i u s between the.Minchah and Mirav ior Congragation S erTjic^e and to'a convention of the Workmen's Howard Sacks will-be' the Reader The B. Mamschewitz Co., is Oehs - Adler, - nephew? of the •< puband have developed great Interest Circles of America, which is lishers . . .Phil Slomoyitz, editor sponsoring an essay contest on among the members of both Beth of the Law". Candy will be disscheduled-for May 5 in New, York of .the Detroit Jewish Chronicle, the subject, "Why E v e r y o n e Abraham and Tephereth Israel tributed to the children by Mr. City. Mr. Rifkin will represent tells us that Phil Rubin was all Should Be Interested in the Up• •- congregations.; and Matlin. the. Sioux City chapter, No. 664, The boys, choir of the Hebrew wet whv i he wrote of .Woodbine, building of Palestine." The esLast S u n d a y evening, the at the convention. r' The' first' i n ' the * series of the N. J., as the only Jewish village say may be written either in EngDaughterhood * of Tiphereth Israel School at. Shaare Zion held its • 'Election'as delegate to the na- debate - toumanient, being spon- In the U. S., and points out that lish, Yiddish or Hebrew, in not synagogue tendered a welcome annual election of officers Tuestionar convention is .the highest sored by the Amprian club, will Alicia, Mich., Is a larger all-Jew- more than 100 words. party to Rabbi and Mrs. Gold- day. Cecil..Pill"was elected'preshonor the lodge can bestow on a be held In the Jewish Community ish' village than Woodbine. . . . .A First prize is a round-trip to ident; Edwin Sherman, vice-presberg In the social hall of. the member; Mr.-Rifkin has-been ac- Center,'Sunday afternoon, March synagogue. Speakers were Mr. ident; Morris Ginsberg, • Secretary .WInehelllan. scullion to Benjamin Palestine, all hotel and traveling tive-in the-local group" for a num- 3 1 . ' M. Levich, Mrs. M. Lazriowich, and Rachael 'Ginsberg; .treasurer. De Casseres, who has developed -expenses paid, Second prize is a ber.of years. Three teams will; compete at into- William Randolph Hearst's round-trip to Palestine, tourist Mrs. Benjamin Goldberg, Rabbi this time. The; winners will; de- most successful, yes-man on the class; third prize is $100; fourth J. D. Maron and Rabbi Benjamin bate In the semifinals scheduled editorial pages of the H e a r s t $50, and so on down the list. The Goldberg. Refreshments and a The pneg Shabbos .Gfoup of for-Sunday, -April- 7- and -the fi- papers., . . . .Benedict Spinoza, total number of prizes, each valusocial hour^ concluded the eveLadies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion nals,- which will decide the win- from whose sister De Casseres-is able, is one hundred and twentyning. More than 150 people -atmet last Saturday .in the home of Amorlan debate;team, will descended, must be turning in his four. tended. ,• • In the presence of- the imme- ning The only condition for entrance Mrs. A. Finkensjein. Participatbe held Sunday, 'April 14. grave.. . . .Which reminds us that diate members of their, families, In the contest is that a wrapper ing In the program w e r e Mrs. In the first rounds this.coming Bernard A. Bergman, editor ot William Mazie, Miss 1_ i.l 11 a n Miss Rebecca Stillman, daughter Sunday, the following schedule the. New York American's March or a label or a carton top of any Romirowisky, Sirs. Barney Baron of Mr. and Mrs; Abe Stillman and will be followed:'Irving Widesky of Events page, is co-author, to- Manischewitz Matao product or a Dr." H.»-R., Osheroff, son: of Dr. and David oiensky Vs. Bernard and Rabbi-Rabinowitz. : gether with Philip Wylie, of a reasonably accurate facismile be This The next meeting of the Oneg and Mrs. S. A. Osheroff of Omaha, Rosen thai arid Robert Marx at 1 thriller entitled "The Mysterious enclosed with the essay. will:. be-wed "next Sunday after- o'clock; Joe Maron and. Harold should then be sent to the PalesShabbos will be April 13,; in' the Corpse," - which -Will probably be - The Young Judean club will tine. Contest Department, B. ManT/efkovtch vs. Caiman" Levich"and published anonymously, give a 15-minute broadcast over home of Mrs. Philip Sherman.The noon. . : R. Rabinowitz will •'**•• ischewitz Co., Jersey City, N. J., program will be' based around the David Tilevltz,-at 2 o'clock; MorRabbi H., V station KSC J Sunday evening, read ' the . marriage lines. The ABOUT" FEOFLE . or Cincinnati, Ohio. The contest March 31, at 5 o'clock. A repre- celebration" of Passover.' , ceremony; will be held In the ris Raskin and Charles Shindler, closes at midnight, May 1. , Friedrich Wolf, German Jewish sr., vs. Philip'Zeligson and Morsentative program will be- prerabbi's study. ris' Oinsberg at 3 o'clock. Debate sented by members of the group. i. Miss Stillman is a graduate of ; The broadcast is a part of the The Young Israelite club met Central .High school and attended judges will be Max Zeligsbnj adcelebration! of Young Judean Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock In Morningside college. Dr. Osher-. viser of the.Amoriaa club; Rudy Presenting a radio program month, which commemorates the the Beth Abraham synagogue. off is a graduate of the Univer- Shindler, president of the A. Z. A. during the afternoon and sponchapter, and. Joe Goldstein, forRecognized as organization of the group. The program included'the read- sity of Iowa, where he was affisoring a dance in the evening, mer CentralHigh debater. The PRACTICAL MOHEX. liated with the Phi Epsilon Pi A dance on April 14 in the ing of the' constitution and talks subject willbe "Resolved.that the members of the Young Poale Phone 1050 Sioux ball room will be tfie Bec- on athletics.. An-athletic and en- fraternity. . United States navy should be ma- Zion club celebrated the first anond in this series of celebration. tertainment, committee • was apBltsffs, Is. Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Osheroff and niversary of Its organization last pointed.. The club meets every Mr. Louis Canar of Omaha will terially increased at once." Sunday. At the regular meeting of the Sunday afternoon. arrive In Sioux City to attend tbe Patronize our advertisers. The program during the afterAmorian club last Sunday, memwedding. bers heard the first in the series noon was given over station » « • KSCJ with the following particiComplimenting Miss Stillman, of lectures given .by Sid Baumpating: Rudy Shindler, Jean Miss Margaret Shulkin enter- stein, who is conducting a basket Shindler, Libbie Oiensky, Reball school for boys.' tained a group of Intimate friends becca Stillman and Harry ShulWednesday evening. Bridge and man. refreshments occupied the eveThe dance war. held In the Jewning hours. Plans for a ping pong tourna- ish Community Center, with Miss . . . » 0 o ment have been started by the Kronick acting as chairDavid Levitt, a student at the \T. C. C. Boy Scout troop. The Lucille man. University of Iowa, spent last tournament' will be between the was ' Miss Eudice Stillrnan held .week-end In Sioux City visiting two patrols, of the. troop. the meeting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Plans were also started Mon- chairman Wednesday ofevening. J. L. LeviU. day evening for .an overnight hike which is scheduled for Saturday » * » Word- has been received here evening, April 6, and Sunday, that Morris Marsh, son of Mr. April 7. The following books .were reviewed by Rabbi Rabinowltz1 during the series: "Of Human. Bondage", "Lamb In His Bosom^, "42 Years in the White H o u s e", "Years Are So Long",; "Forty Days, of - Musa Dagh", "Experiment •, in Autobiography .by- H. B. Wells",. "Salvation" and " T h e Maurlzius Case". • . ..

of'the local A. Z. .A., chapter-in charge. , • - Max' Maron will present the oration, which won second place in the recent A. Z. A., Tournament. The ritual will be read by Henry Greenberg, Sidney Kalin, Milton Galinsky and Ted ; Skalovsky. : • Joe ; Goldstein -will read the portion : of the Bible for this

Shaare Zion

Delegate Is Elected lor May Convention


Essay Contest on Palestine Offered



Society News

Young Jiidea Will Broadcast Sunday

(Young; Israelite^Qub

-' Young.:Po'aIe- Zion'

Boy. Scouts .

and Mrs. S. Marsh, 1003 Virginia, ! a medical student at the Univer- • Never look- for the birds of this Bityrbf Iowa," has been pledged to year la- the nests of the last . . . Cervantes. the -Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity.

No wonder; that people ore passing the wore along that.'tb«Mor.risoh," gives you 'more;for your 'money. The,large, eiry . ; robrns^be'.clert thoughtfoS.employees end the perfect iecetioB, right of- the -centre of downtown, make ?h® Morrison' Brst choice .frotn'eveiy-ongk/ especially with those who have many cells to moke'tn c chort ttm«. Whether on pleasure ©r business, you crm nearest te all the • placesyo\s want most ioreach.'

^mcSf Owing to the height el th« building, Riesf of th© reent* ore out ©f eersltel of _lf#«t noises, yet only ®n elevator ride from ?h® ls»©p. • •


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