In the Interests of A e Jewish- Pe@ple By.;HjCLTON .B. ABRAHfiMfr; Yice-Chainnan of Initial Gifts 'A fire-side philosopher once observed thkt we are sometimes BO busy looking at the pickets tliat vre don't see the fence. _. This homespun comment has its application to our Philanthropies Cam-paign. Often,-, in our-zeal for it, •we become BO : Intent upon the • individual beneficiaries which it serves that /we lose sight of the process as a "whole.
Entered aa Second Class Mail Matter on January 21, 1821, a t Poetoflicr ol Omaha, Nebraska, under (be Act of March S, 1878
JewishJ^5b|» Ao Be £."*/' U
Women's and% Youths' Divisions Almost Complete
An exhibit of the works of Jewish artists in Omaha ar^s vicinity will be held at Temple <;ekly broadcasts by the UnitIsrael in •connection with the anJewish Layman's committee es nual Youth day observance, from New York will be held durMay 5. Artists • interested—-regardless ing the month of April on Saturof age—are asked to communicate days from 5 to 6:30 p. is., Oma•with Mrs. David" H. Wice at the ha time. Blackstone hotel • immediately. These broadcasts Trill coine The" works of art will ba judged over the NBC from stations affiThe SOOtli anniversary of Moses Mairaonides, tliat great Jewby an outstanding critic. liated with WJZ. It will not be ish scholar, physician EJid philosopher, commemorates more than j •Any works may "be entered, as carried-locally because of conflict the birthday of one of Israel's Immortals—it is a tribute to Jew-1 paintings, sculptorlng, etchings, with scheduled programs. ish eternity and a lesson on the futility of anti-Semitism, wood ' cuts, or any • of the crafts. observance of At Cordova, Spain, the birthplace of Moses Ben Ks.ira.on, the A c!tjr»w This month's broadcasts will be The purpose of the exhibit will ba of the Ernest Blocli service. Solo- Rambain, the Spain of 1935 atones for the Spain of Ferdinand to encourage local artists. It is believed that this is t h e ) 1 " u t W s Saturday will be Friedrich and Isabella. . Almost eight centuries ago, Rambara and iris first exhibit of. the works of local S c h o " °* the Metropoitan Opera family had to flee their native Spain because of persecution; company. Schorr will sing the day the Jewish artists. ritual and will be assisted by the choir of Central synagogue. On succeeding Saturdays, Cantor Isa- government dore Weinstock and the choir will tired years ago, Torcruenxada drove the Jewish residents out of prai Tlie Spain. Today, a Spain seeking a new place in the firmament of sin- the rest of the service. This music was especially writ- nations, officially tells the world that the country is proud to The celeoretloc if vnticv ••'"* ten for the Union Prayer book, number among its citizens all Sephardic Jews, regardless of hip of the Coliepc oi ?^-the ritual of the Reform Syna- where they may live. lis Studies, in co-operation v M gogue In America. T&riouE Jcv-iFh orr,r.iT.r,{if>n* Every stone in the ancient city of Cordova, eloquently speaks Rabbi Jonah B. Wise will of the persecutions our forefathers endured during the e cltr. !>"• rhilip, rr'-'";i E Dr. Irving Fisher of Yale Uni- preach the sermons during April. tion. Every tree sighs in the breess cf those • long-dead days, cf j idet of the College,. T I U vw-wn versity will conclude the Omaha The he^e vdVi ??*• sufferings which have their counterpart today-in various parts Community Forum S e r i e s on of the world. I t was a proud and haughty'. Spain that raised & j tare & Eympossum on i*ie- l-.fp •'•' Wednesday evening, April 10, at whip against the Jewish, people. Arrogant Spain fell from her j the Jewish Community Center. tke CoMope of heights,- but her persecuted lived. Egypt, Babylon, Syria, Borne j His subject will be "What Is —all tried to crush the Jewish people under an iron heel of op- j Stable Money2" pression, but when they were as unto dust their persecuted grew | Rabbi Ds-HS H. Wice v i l so i on "The 1/Efe of RsmbaTn:" K* 2>r. Fisher received his A. B. •from strength to strength. . . . ^ ^ ^ ! Frederick Cohn on "Tbe Vh"from. Yale University in 1SSS and
vislon heads for the coming campaign. The path of philanthropy is Loyal Kaplan w a s chosen to not a one-way street. Its benefits head the Club Initial Gifts drive do not move simply from those to start on Wednesday, April 10, •who give to those who receive. and continue until some f i f t y The welding of a strong, ralI£ "we could keep count, of air the youth organization have been conbenefits , that accrue from our lied campaign machine which tacted through a speaker's diviPhilanthropies C a m paign, we will have the manpower to push sion headed by. Joseph Solomomust use a double entry ledger. " across t h e §40,650 needed in now. the approaching Jewish Philan- Russell J. Blumenthal will head On one Bide we would • enter thropies tlrive in Omaha is oc-the individual Initial Gifts drive the benefit of our contributions cupying t h e attention of theto secure the pledges of those to the unfortunate, the homeless, youths who pledge or s h o u l d leaders of the campaign. the destitute,, the down-trodden. the larger, amounts. The program adopted t y t h epledg'e We would record the hope that Salywn Michnick w i 11 be In our contribution brings; to the or- Philanthropies executive thus far charge of the general solicitations phan, the aged, and. the sick . . . was approved at a meeting of thedrive to begin on May 7. He will the treasure of' Jewish learning Board of Governors of the Jewish be assisted by two majors-^—Ernthat it opens to the young . . . Community Center and Welfare est N o g g heading Division A, the aid that it affords those val- Federation, held at the J . C. C.composed of young men workers, iant souls who have been build- Wednesday evening. and M i s s Sarah Rifkin heading Henry Monsky, first vice-presi- Division B, composed of young ing a homeland through "their sacrifices •„. . the relief that is pro- dent of the Federation, presided. women workers. Captains w 111 vides for our suffering fellow- The chairmen of the various di- be chosen by these majors, and Jews in; Germany and eastern visions in the campaign rendered they will choose their own teams. Europe/whose tragic plight we reports On the progress being • have escaped only by the fortuity made. According to Philip M. Klutzof birth. " . nick, general chairman, no stone And after recording these bene- is.being left unturned In the effits that accrue . tot the beneficl- fort to smoothen-the road for the aries of our campaign, -we would workers when the drive officially turn to the- other _side of the gets under way Tuesday morning, ledger to enter the benefits that May 7. New Spain in paying homage to the Kaimaniacs sne ex ophy ©* lilaimonides;" Ivabbi accrue to'ourselves. There are --• Every detail in the complicated from her hearth as one of the greatest figures she has ever rid A. Goldstein en "Rannbair. many of them." There are, for in- organization of such a large, con- Rabhi Jonah B. Wisa Returns States Are Inclnied l a produced frankly declares she is atoning for the sins of old Spain. Mar,:" K&bbl Tri ?."illpr on "ficentrated drive is being worked Btance, the efficiency and econNewly-Formed Midwith Krst-nand Infom^tion She is reaffirming the lesson of history that the Jewish people br.m TSITTIT'CI ; " • Dr. Victor omies that result from having one out minutely, BO that there may About Belch are immortal; that the Haaans, the Torquemadas. and the Hit- !,evi:ne on "Kambam as R T'h West Eegioa be no lost motion or wasted time all-inclusive drive Instead of sepden." or energy. It is therefore exarate campaigns for each of the Mizrachi leaders from the a i d - !ol ne r s f r e f o m e d t 0 o W i T i o a w h i l e t h e P e 0 ? S e **"*o p p r e s s U v e New York (JTA)—The Jews of The Cor.serva.tive choir', in, pected to . complete the canvas31 beneficiaries. There are the west region gathered in Omaha j eteraaJ;-. Germany are determined to fight the direction of HP.IM-T- Brfivjr sing . of the entire Jewish comadvantages that we derive from this week-end to form a permanfor their existence in that.counthe maintenance of Institutions munity in the week allotted to ent regional organization. The j. embodies the philosoph: try against the terrific odds con. that safeguard our own welfare the drive.. states comprising the region axe latabam. fronting them, although t h e i r t h e Initial Gifts , by protecting, us from defamation Nebraska, Oklahoma, Tennessee, A meeting for the initial gifts weapons are primitive In the face i and- preserving our religious her• I.Iissouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Kan•r-T- parr, of the vorld itage and traditions. These are •workers will be held at the Black- of the "a r t i 11 e r y" of their ! sas and Colorado. -r,p or is plaxininf; to ." important-. i-.-ot course•*->:-.• but stone Hotel-Monday, April 8, at enemies, declared Rabbi Jonah B. I Babbi Uri Miller of Omaha was even transcending them : is the 6:30 p. m. Richard E. Gutstadt Wise to a g r o u p of prominent j elected president for the coming saving sens? of communal unity of the B'nai B'rith anti-defama- New York Jews at a conference ' T u 1 s a, Oklahoma (WNS) — year. Other officers: Rabbi Mantha. our annual Philanthropies tion committee will address the last week at the home of Felix M. uel Ladennan of Denver, f i r s t Blunt, plain-spoken General T>' group.. • Campaign' generates among us. Warburg, at which he reported vice-president; I. GrcSsty of St. Hugh Johnsos, ioriner head ol his observations during a recent • IHvision Lcals, s e c o n d vice-president; Consider, the true" meaning1 of ZZIiud Bloch of Omaha, secretary; the KHA, tu-rsed - h i s oratorical | •Mrs. Irrin StaJmaster, chair- visit to the Reich to obtain first this spectacle that Is annually en- man-ot: the. women's division in hand "infpnnatign: j y ihs; Jewiish. '•'athan Wilfson of Omaha, -trea- talents to religion .here when fce j ^ ^ the situation in Germany. -acted'pssid - re-enacted •••*©£ore-«nr-tEe ^ ^ 'srrer;' Rabbi'H/F* Epstein ol St. [told a, Methodist Sunday Echc 1 eyes. At least once every year we personnel o£ h e r section is near— Loais, honorary president; Rabbi Rabbi Wise reported that 11,- I class that ECELEZE End sot t Fisher- H . Zeitchik of Des Koines, hoaorsee all; our forces of Judaism.• . v ingfcompletion and that the work- 000 German Jewish refugees re"Dr. £'rL" whether devout/ or nonobservant ers "who-have- volunteered their turned to Germany in 1934. ary first Tice-presidest; and Rab-Jews killed the Christ. ; Ph.. ;D..fromthe .same Echool Picch-hitting for his brother, . . . . -whether orthodox, conserva- services to date have pledged bi I. L." LeTin of St. J o s e p h , "Many of them," Rabbi Wise Alexander Johnson, as teacher of! Jewish Youth on KoEQay c-ex?.-| *-• .joined to- their utmost effort to make the said, "have been arrested-by the ia -18S1. He ,has been'professor honorary second vice-president. tive, - or reform. of- Political Economy; Editor of gether in a bond. of brotherhood campaign a success. Among the Omahaas elected to the Married Folks' Friendly Class jl r . g j A p r i t x > The contest vrss I \ secret police and put in concen- t h e Yale Review from 18S6-1910; to fulfill the; ancient injunction • - Following are the majors, co- tration camps to learn the new the administrative committee are at the Boston Avenue Methodist j rif? f w m t h e rr--~~. Vice-president of the-Third Inter" r'.'e JevrE RS s-^~ that bids us care for the institu- majors and captains in the 'anschaung' of Germany." Nathan Levinson, Church, General Johnson descrIN ' st Cordcvfi f;vr>»1_ ' c ' T±TD..BV. t t } \ f? national..Commission on Eugenics] tions of Israel arid the less for- women's division: Ephraim "Weinberg and Cantor A. ed the crown of thorns placed on Many of those who have returnt r-ogue, Mrs. Arthur Cohn, major; Mrs. ed to Germany constitute a very in 1914; President of the Ameri- Schwaczkin. "just t h e police tunate among our people. Jesus' brow as ' Before e. gathering- tliftl fiUsi David Greenberg, co-major; Mrs. serious problem, Rabbi Wise said, can Association of Labor LegislaRabbi Laderman of Denver was third degress stuff of that day." | f-rpry grp.ilp.ble cornrr iv. the h'-'ftion from 1915-1917; Chairman The General added that Jeni£ I Unlike the many Influences Julius Abrahamson, captain. permanent chairman of the conemphasing that the German Jews rrogue anc. overflowed into •''*• Mrs. A. D. Frank, major; Mrs. are still in great need of relief. of the-American Statistics Associa- ference. E. Bloch and Mrs. Sidwas condemned "contrary to tfcs • that tend to put our people asun; streets outside, Governor Gv&ri*tion in 1932. principle of t h e humane and in? der, our Philanthropies .Campaign Harold Farber, co-major; Mrs. Katleraan of Omaha were secreMr. Warburg, recently b a c k jachi gave expression to the fc'n«,iv Dr. Fisher is - regarded today serves as a great centripetal force Moe Venger, captain. tellectual Jewish law." i from a short t r i p to Palestine, as one of the most oatstandiag taries. i ish Kepiibilc'e repentfnice y.'h;\r. for communal unity." It Is a bul- ' Mrs. S. E. Gilinsky, major; told the conference that he "had Greetings w e r e given at the 'he dedicated a m&rbe slab In ••''•• experts'on monetary policies in wark against the disruptive ef- Mrs. Ben Silver, co-major; MrB. several conversations with High first session by Mayor Roy N. I synagogue »-& token t.hsl &&&?* the country. He has been called fects of particularistic groups and Milton Abrahams, captain. 'OF Commissioner W a u c h o p e and upon to act in. an advisary. capa- Towl; Paul Goldblatt, executive j i c f reiEBs betveon Sps.fn and •-'>' Mrs. M. Grodlnsky, major; Mrs. sub-groups that sprout up among | descendants ot MaimonideB, found him a great admirer of the city for the Roosevelt administra- director of the J. C. C. and Welus. Behind its appeal "is the his-H. P.' Milder, co-major; Mrs. Maxwork done by t h e Jews. Mr. fare Federation; S. R a v i t z , As he unveilefi the flab. •*# tion and has . been definitely reHolzman, captain. tory of suffering and persecution, president of the Omaha Mizrachi; Warburg welcomed the announcej Governor solemnly declared M»»<i The second snuna! Youth CorMrs. Philip Levey, major; Mrs." ment by the Canadian govern- sponsible for formulating money I. Morgenstern, of the Jewish Nawhich • were the common experience of alf Israel. Its message H. S. Novitsky, co-major; Mrs. B. ment that Palestine oranges are of our present monetary policies. tional F u n d Council; N. Levin- clave will be held Sunday, K?r In recent months Dr. Fisher has harks back to an age-old tradi- A. Slmbtf," captain. to be admitted to the Dominion been advisor' to .several foreign eon, of t h e Vaad Ha'Inr; M. Frie-15, a t Temple ' Israel, under tory of. Sps'n because tbte riny • tion of ".mutual helpfulness born Mrs. Ii.. Neveletf, major; Mrs. free of duty. del of the Zionist District cf Om-j sponsorship cf the College Clzr. Spairs's day oi e-tonrrocnt ntid ?t i t governments In assisting t h e m of. all too common helplessness. John Beber, co-major; Mrs. Irvin aha; M. Minkin, ot the P o a l e Proceeds will be given to t h e "The Industrial development of •with their economic problems. pent.ance for the pevs?eci't<on /. i Its slogan. . ."to keep faith" . , . C. Levin, captain. youth's Division cf t h e PhiitrZion; Mrs. M. Levenson, HadasPalestine is excellent," he said. the Jews five hunnrefl years K*V In his address here next Wedrekindles within, our hearts loyji » Women's Initial Gifts "Every cent we have spent there nesday night, Dr. Fisher "vrill dis- sah; and Mrs. J. Richlln. cf the thropies drive. A pereeewtior. whirh waFi *h? ~^ alty to a common cause and to a Rabbi David H. Wice Is direct-; \ The initial gifts group of the has been put to excellent use. I Pioneer Women. Telegrams and suit of falpe leaderr-iiip. cuss Inflation, deflation, r e f I acommon origin that has enabled women's division consists of Mrs. have never seen so much progress messages were read from national ing t h e activity. Lasar Kaplan.! •' He Edciea: " pparc v~U. tion, the commodity dollar, and Mizrachi leaders. Mrs. us, though a world-scattered peo-. H. A. Wolf, chairman; M president of the group, is gene-al \ [ in any other country in such a other terms now used in connec| Israel there 1? no worul pesr*>," pie," to withstand through time Jeanette Arnstein, Mrs. Abe short span of years." I• Addresses were given by Rabbi chairman. tion with our monetary policies. A. Seichek of Des Molnes, Rabbi the afflictions and persecutions of Greenberg and Miss Blanche ZimThe conclave, which will ba czi. [ The conference decided to take ireS ihx- occus'OTi tv- point ouJ. unnumbered oppressors. man. Uri Miller of Omaha, and Leon all-day affair, will iEcinde a par.el: . steps towards organizing a drive t h a t the ?sls.5.js»onKjeg ee}.f%h?*»Gellman of St. Louis, national discusEion, p a t t e r r e d a f t e r the i . Mrs. J. J/- Greenberg Is chair- in New York City for the benefit Prince of Wales Acts i'um is a moral! leciwre to «>i.S»p-university of Chicago's topic r e Even the most reluctant .con- man of the women's organizations of the United Jewish Appeal Vienna—A plea t o t h e Prince vice-president of the Mizrachi. view group, a short vesper service tributor is inspired, when he group. At the afternoon session, the . ' • iwhich is seeking §3,250,000 na- of Wales' submitted b~ a number in the v-fj ^?. the- MIM}?. A??1*E. J, SOIOSJOHOTT gives, by the realization that Mrs. William Milder is chair- tionally this year for the relief of of Viennese Jews d u r i n g t h e main address was delivered by of Jewish melodies, a supper, a play, and a dance. through this, act he belongs•.. - . man of the motor corps. ' the Jews in Germany and other Prince's stay here resulted in t h e Mr. Gellman. helc befcre a combined Over 3 00 ycusg people attendthat he, is doing his share. Any A. Kats of Omaha headed the Mrs. David H. Wice Is secre- European countries, including Po- British Consulate's i s s u i n g a e it* i'M-.ttte kind worker can recount Instance after tary of the-women's division. land and for the settlement of number, of Palestine visas to Jew-resolutions committee. Among ed t h e Hie. J e w s , "'••*•• trophy, asd tne Round Table. held I s Omaha, given last year. Instance of subscribers who were the resolutions adopted were tee ish' artisans. All of the women named above Jews in Palestine. ^FC tlipy wnij.Joe Solomonow, who spoke at first unwilling to pledge . . . . are on the women's executive decision to aid in the Mizrachi T h i s number IsclnSed several live. out-of-town guests. who thought.of endless reasons committee, as are the following: drive for funds, to seefc to upie topic "A m e r 3c & r.. 11 o m vai'ifiiit Re for riot-pledging-. . . who utimate- Mesaames Max Fromkin, Paul build Palestine along the lines of All y o u n g people's • organisa-j-youth—A N e r Deal", is a ser.ior of t b e w o r 1 d trsveipfi ••* ly signed the cards grudgingly... Goldblatt, Maynard Greenberg, J. traditional Judaism, to support tions In tlie city are invited to IE.t Creighton Law school. He hat; ;Spai.E t o a t t e n d t h e ceremonips- Jr. but whey once they had pledged, H. Kulakofsky and Philip Klutzthe Jewish National Fund, to ally participate in the rally. Further j ] , e e n a member of the Creigfctoc The new Spain made a dramatic gesture of atonement for suddenly.,underwent, a complete nick. with the American Jewish Con- plans will be E-abrnitted end dis- j debate team for four years, win-;• t r i b n t e of t h e memory of ihr the Inquisition visited upon the Jewish people in the fifteenth gress and to advocate a w o r l d ecssed at the next meeting of the j r of the Creighton Oratorical "< change of attitude and became ae Volunteer Workers century, when Jose Guardachi, civil governor of Cordova, brought Jewish Congress later, to boycott j College club, Sunday, April enthused^ simply because by givI Contest i s ISS4, of t i e Extempo- A special commcmorc'ivc '& •'We are seeking to enlist iag they, had automatically de-r the aid of all the Jewish women the 800th birthday celebration of Moses Maimonides to a climax the Hitler regime. {r&Beous Speaking C o E t e s t in lias been set t p in the old. gl clared their,unity with their own In the forthcoming campaign," by officially presenting to the Jews as a gift of the Spanish gov| IS32,-and one of the winners in In KaiEJ-sam Sqware, vii.fe tlie A large banquet at the J. C. C. people. * j the Midwestern Jewish Com- losing !riscriptlc?n: "On t?u> climaxed the activities of the conMrs. Stalmaster declared. "The ernment the ancient Cordova synagogue. CRRior;. pf t!h*? ^lE'ill-li'.IBfiT'pdfli. & {mnnity Center Debate "Leagne In ference Sunday e v e n i n g , - w i t h iOS SB majors, co-majors ana captains Chancellor Schuschnigg of Austria sharply repudiated the •..-. IISS2; he is else presiaeut of the •.. So.'as we make these entries In hope to contact all of the womover 200 attending. The Women's Ben MaiiuoR the p .n& (JTA)—Tlie K&si race! Phi Beta Epsiion Eratemity. our ledger, we find that Instead en, font becaase of the- amount Nazi race theory as a "terrible way of thinking" in an address to Mizrachi were presented w i t h rafml. in the name o tlic:'. t h e'o r j ^K"£s sharply repafiiatea j In Lis speech lie st of beihg purely benefactors we of work involved it Is possible Austrian women last week. their charter. Bsr-tsoE, ersptf-jgeB I t s T last -R-eek fcr Chsjaeellar Schnsch-! ie"ot ovrec fcj America Jevrr to are beneficiaries of our own Phil- that some may he overlooked. nilion. ol t.teat immortal The Greek government officially ordered the disbanding of aigg, addressing E -R-cmeii's de-ithe United States for itanthropies. Campaign. Our cam- Anyone who, wishes to work In spirit, paign •. serves > as a barometer ot the drive and who has been all anti-Semitic organizations in the country, including the notoritaciiiaent of ,the Ostsaerkisehe j leges a cfi o-ppo-Ttv.tiities: t h s t A n las memory," • , Jewish unity and Jewish Integrity overlooked, pleasa communicate ous EEE. Stariasciiareii the storm troops of j ericas. Jewish ToKth tenst be d in this community. No Jew who with any of the majors or myAustriaj cojpsiss .st of iiifp oli'iscstioR General Hugh. Johnson, former NRA head, substituting for - Jerusalem (JTA)—Correspon- The • Austrian Chancellor *3e- • grlve o' Its services -are; time to he life of 5»aiE5onide» 'was s. has a t heart, the unity and integ- self, as T^e welcome volunr i rich one, Persecutioas canaed W*his brother before Methodist. Sunday school class in Talsa, told dence "between the two kings dat- scribed the theory advocated cy j aid la •coastrtsctive rather rity of. b4s people, can refuse to teers." .' . • • • . ••'• r~^--. •' to leave their native SpaSR give Ms share. \. , On Tuesday, April 30, it is bis listeners that the Romans and not the; Jews 'lolled the'Christ, ing back to the time of Jeremiah, the Nasis in Gernanir as a "ter- \ destructive movemextE and ideas.! Jsiajon wag t w e n t y } Kacy Saum, rcniier-cp, epotee j planned to have six simultaneous declaring that Jesus was condemned "contrary to the principle 700 B. C , -ws.s discovered t y the rible vr&y ol thiatlns. archeological expedition led ty This year, as. the time, for the dessert-coffees at the homes" of of humane and intellectual Jewish law." "This • theory fails complstelF ] on the topic "Youth e.ufi Hie Ee- j soil. Professor Starkey at Tel Ad-Dae- to see tlie real Tallies," tiie Clis,s-! ligioa."; Ernest Kogg epcte on] campaign •• approaches; the mer- members of the ;women's execug e r o u t , vr&s s, ~pxotor,nf, cury is rapidly ;rising in our Phil- tive committee."1. •; At least thirty The Jewish population of Palestine is now/estimated at 325,| the Butjecl ''Jewisii Tov.ti EIIO. ancient LacMsh. eellor said. tunstttst, a deep anthropies barometer. In the inlr women will attend each of the 000, as compared with 250,000 a year ago. the called (Progress**, Jack Teislii o Ths discovery consists cf twelve Chancellor Schascli tial gifts division, which is the affairs, a t which time final ars benevolent ostrafea ( p o t t e r y ) fragments upon tha Trcines cf Three thousand Jewish athletes from forty different counYefl the court of Sala.fi5r». first to get under, way, every rangements for the women's OE worker has already pedged jhia share In the campaign will be tries, including the United States, are taMng part in the second frhilEBtti.ropiRt who iz subject "Ecrcpean Rumblii of secret letters hst^reen j proranl&ateci" l-j t&s JCac Bupport, both "morally and ttp&n- completes. turned tlie poor rway from id Americas Jewish Youtfe'*. Maccabiad, the Jewish Olympics, at Tel Aviv. tlie cf Jadea.. asd the j ridiculed the prop-agaada - 5 J ~ ' i f l ^ | ^ ^ clally. InfcYeiyisray"the response MoiiBky, Philip Elc Kingdom of Babylon or Egypt. on !a Geraany 02 race piirifica-i Xoath has been inspiring. -Not only, have Alfred A. Fiedler, chairman of Five workers In a canning plant in Kamienitz, .Fodolslr, IJk- The fragments carry inscriptions tion, asd said tliat "this props,-1 nick, &afl Irriu Stalmaster acted ] Born at a time m-hen •is there been no decreases, but the. Youth Division, announced raine, were sentenced to prison terms for anti-Semitie activities •with Biblical spelling all written ganda is-based on tlie- belief i s las Judges -with Ben Kaalo-wsky as i beitjg pergecutedl aafi OH Fag© Two) (Continaed On Page J-chairiaa-jt for the in. iak. the mystery of spirit." this week the selection of his di- alad for molesting Jewish workers.-
:o centennial of Jewish Sa^e.
General Johnson Tells Class
. . .
Hike Successful
some time his position as profes- of Frankfurt, plans to remain sor of pathology at the University America permanently. Erer Increasing In popularity, So successful was the hike the Men's n o o n d a y volleyball h e l d by the Matron's morning health class last Friday, that Lee class has been drawing bigger Grossman has decided to m a k e and bigger attendance during the the jaunt a bi-monthly affair. past few weeks. About a dozen Fourteen women attended the men have been showing up daily hike last F T I d a y to Hummel Washington, D. C. (WNS)— regularly. park. A good time was had by The election of Jacob W. Mack o all. Cincinnati to the chairmanship o matlc manouvers of the last few the executive board, an office he weeks. has held since the death of Lud Fisher doesn't b e l l e v e that wig Vogelsteln, marked the closGermany will get its war, at least Salonica (JTA)—The G r e e k ing session of the 34th biennial not now. He believes that the government ordered the disbandCouncil of the Union of American greatest threat to peace is the Washington,- D. C.—Analyzing "sitting on the fence" policy of various phases of the Rayburn Hebrew Congregations, the or- ing of all anti-Semitic organizathe United States and Great Brit- bill which he termed "drastic," S ganization of Reform congrega- tions, including the EEE, known ain. If these two countries de- R. Inch, President of the Electric tions. A member of the executive as the N a z i organization of clared- themselves a g a i n s t any Bond and Share company called board since 1919, Mr. Mack was Greece. country starting a war of aggres- to the attention of the House In- elected treasurer in 1921 and The order to take effect imsion, he believes, war could be terstate and Foreign. Commerce vice-president in 1923. Other of- mediately was issued by the Minficers elected were: A. Leo Weil forestalled. committee that no plan has been of Pittsburgh, first vice-president; ister of the Interior. For an analogy, he goes back presented as a substitute for the Marcus Rauh of Pittsburgh, third The government edict puts an to the months just before the present localy-regulated, private- vice-president; N, Henry Beck- end to the violent anti-Jewish World War. At that time Eng- ly operated public utility system. man of Cincinnati, treasurer, and propaganda which has been conland, too, employed a diplomacy ducted o p e n l y throughout the "Certainly nothing so drastic Rabbi George Zepin of Cincin- country by the EEE organization, that revealed nothing of its plans. nati, executive secretary. Judge It is his contention, and he says as this bill should be enacted into Irving Lehman of New York, Lee subsidized from Berlin, and by that of almost all students of the law, unless and until those who M. Friedman of Boston and Arn- the Venizelos party, which could World War, that had Sir Edward would destroy what now exists old M. Schmidt of Brooklyn were not forgive the Jews for voting Grey* then Great Britain's For- have prepared and submitted a named to fill three vacancies on for the present regime in the last eign Minister, declared in early definite and workable plan of the executive board. Parliamentary elections. July when war clouds hovered procedure/' Mr. Inch said. With the Venizelos party now Satisfaction with the efforts Effects of the Rayburn bill about, that England would opliquidated, the Cabinet felt that made for the upbuilding of Pale•would ultimately Increase the pose any country who violated it was its duty also to declare ilBelgium's neutrality, the war at costs of electric and gas service stine was expressed In one of nine legal the other anti-S e m 111 c resolutions adopted by the counto the consumer and by demorthat time w o u l d have been Other resolutions pledged groups which were not associated alizing local companies would Im- cil. avoided. pair service, Mr. Inch alBO stated. 'unremitting individual and col- with Venizelos, but which utilized the opposition of the Venizelos Of the war fears in Europe, "A large number of operating lective aid" In behalf of the Jews Fischer declares they are harrow- companies receiverships would in- of Germany and other foreign party to the present regime for ing, "The threat of w a r," he evitably follow the passage of lands, called upon enlightened their anti-Jewish activities. In connection with the order said, "demoralizes social and eco- this bill because necessary financ- public opinion to condemn and nomic life. It takes the "stom- ing now obtained from holding combat anti-Semitism everywhere, suppressing the anti-Jewish proach" out of people. They don't companies, wtolud not be forth- voiced sympathy for persecuted paganda, it was revealed that dare look at the future, it seem- coming," said Mr. Inch. "This minority g r o u p s everywhere, when the government sent out a a Lea ing so dark. It, in fact, causes a would result In general demorali- lauded the University In Exile mobilization call during the recomplete stagnation of all except zation and would Increase costs and the committees for placing cent revolts, more than 2,000 93-piece service for 1 with cream soups, a new design, lacy the most r o u t i n e intercourse. to electirc and gas users for the exile German scholars, endorsed Jewish reservists and war veterborder in tan, gold and yellow with floral motif of pastel Business projects a r e held up; simple reason that it would in- the work, of the Pro-Falasha com- ans left their occupations and colors. This is the first time cream soups have been offered plans for the education of chil- crease the cost of money neces- mittee, approved the work of the volunteered for the defense of the in this quality china at this low price. Set is composed of: dren are changed; life becomes sary for continuance and expan- United Jewish Appeal, endorsed ;overnment against the Venizelos just a day to day proposition". legislation to curb lynching and orces. sion of the utility business." IS Dinner plates, IS Cream soups-salad plates, 12 Bread Americans said Fischer, don't Mr. Inch brought out that the advocated world peace. and Butter plates, 12 Cream scrips,' 1% Teas and sanccrs, 12 realize what is going on In Eur- electric and gas industries, if acThe National Federation of Tannepberg Gets Position Fruits, 1 Large Vegetable, 1 Covered Vegetable, 1 10-inch ope. Here, he said, we live "in corded fair treatment and co-op- Temple Sisterhoods, which held Platter, 1 14-inch Platter, 1 Covered Sugar, 1 Creamer, 1 a paradise—maybe a fool's para- eration from government, could its convention simultaneously New York—Dr. Joseph TanFast stand sauceboat. dise—hut nevertheless a p a r a - be great leaders In the drive for with that of the Union, unani- nenberg, eminent German Jewish dise." business recovery. mously elected Mrs. H e n r y pathologist and former director A Umiiel number ©f these are In this country for almost two of the pathological institute in "The way back to prosperity Is Nathan of Buffalo, president. available at this leadership months, Fischer returns to Eur- through re-estabishment of busiBerlin, has been appointed head ope on April tenth. While here, ness confidence which will permit Week Price . . of the Bender Hygiene Institute he observed no great manifesta- private tax-paying capital to go to Sunday Ban at Albany. Sofia—Breaking a 57-year-old tion of anti-Semitism than noted work again," he said. Dr. Tannenberg, whose war reprecedent, the Bulgarian governin previous visits. In England, Mr. Inch brought out that in ment last week ordered Jewish cord enabled him to retain for though, he said, anti-Semitism is 1930 these two industries spent quite open,—it Is definitely on more than a billion dollars on schools throughout the country to remain closed on Sundays. the Increase. construction alone in an effort to A Jewish delegation, was told In Russia, he says, there is no help stem the depression. by the Minister of Interior that anti-Semitism to speak of. The "Our own associated companies stray cables telling of antl-Pass- are now spending $25,000,000 a it would be impossible to make over demonstrations, he declared, year for construction," said Mr. an exception for the Jews, but he are meaningless. Jews in the Uk- Inch. "In normal years they would" present their case to the • raine and Crimea colonies have-) spend a hundred, million dollar! session of the Cabinet. their synagogues. B u t thought a year. This is just an indication there is "no militant anti-Religi- of what these industries mean in Schoolchildren Included ous movement in Russia today" the drive ;for business recovery." Berlin—Anything more t h a n * Where Shops With Confidence religion has no future in the an elementary education is hencecountry. The youth just ignores , Paris—The French Federation forth forbidden to Jewish chilit. And whatever fighting against of Jewish War Veterans is calling { dren in Germany, according to a it that the government does is a world congress of Jewish war decree made public by Dr. Bernthrough science and education. eterans in June. hard Rust, minister of education.
An Interview with Louis Fischer Louie Fischer, American au- as opponents of Biro-Bidjan conthority <m the Soviet, believes in tend, that Bureya is in the direct t h e future of Biro-Bidjan as a haven for persecuted and underprivileged Jews of Eastern Europe. The author of a new book on Russia "Soviet J o u r n e y " (Smith land Haas), Russian correspondent for the "Nation" and a former Moscow outlook: tor; the Jewish ; Telegraphic Agency, Mr.Fischer j speaks authoritatively on the subject of Biro-Bidjan as a Jewish colonization project. He qualifies by reason- of his intimate knowledge of both the Russians and the Jews. ,- • '• In an interview last week, the day following the publication of his new book. Mr. Fischer discussed the Jews and Biro-Bidjan and the war t h r e a t now overhanging- Europe as a r e s a I t of Hitler's rearming Germany. "Biro-Bidjan," said Fischer, "la a most promising development for the colonization of Jews: It will be a true haven for the Jews who settle there. X say this because I know'the country to be fertile, rich in natural resources and because t i e Russian government is willing to go along way towards the assistance of the building up of this'colony as an autonomous Jewish Republic.. of the Soviet Union. ' ' . "In any consideration of a new Jewish colonization project, one of the most important considerations is the attitude of the government ' involved. In r e g a r d s Biro-B i d j a n, there can be no doubtT * Banta seeks Jewish" h lmi migrants for the district. In this respect, it Is -well to remember p that for the next few decades, at least, Russia will be an immigration country. "I do not advocate immigration to Biro-Bidjan from Great Britain, G e r m a n y or the United States but I do believe It* is a real haven for the Polish and Lithuanian Jew. The Russian standard of living,—though constantly improving,—is not up to that of the England, Germany or the United States so immigrants from these countries cannot materially improve themselves by going to Biro-Bidjan. But for the Easta European Jew it is an amazing improvement. '•/' "Whereas there is no such thing as a real home for Polish and Lithuanian Jews in their native countries, where they truly live as people without a future, BIro-Bldjan offers them both a home and a future. "In a n y consideration of •whether these people should migrate to Russia,"^ Fischer continued, "consideration of t h e i r present life must be given paramount consideration. And as for their present life—well, no words are adequate to describe the horror of the manner of life of the average Polish Jewish peasant". Asked whether it wasn't true,
Youf Job, and Mine (Continued from Page One) there have been a number of increases. Included one of the initial gifts workers, not content' •with having raised hla pledge •when solicited, has voluntarily increased his contribution again. All plans have been completed for an intensive campaign In which every cent of our quota is going to be raised . . . and every last subscription available is going to 'be obtained. The opening meeting of the initial gifts workers wil be held at the Blackstone Hotel, Monday evening, April 8th, at 6:30 p. m. At that time the •workers . wil be addressed by Richard ; Gutstadt of '_ Chicago, whose talk here last year marked him as a most brilliant and. inspiring; speaker. HJ& remarks,, will be o£ the greatest personal initial gifts division. At the^ close of the]'meeting prospect and team assignments will be made, so that the work of the division can begin promptly the folowlng morn'im; and be brought to an early, successful close.
path of a possible invasion, of Russia by the Japanese, Fischer's answer was an emphatic no. "Look at your map, he said, "Blro-BIdjan is off the direct route of:any hypothetical Japanese invasion of Russia. And besides, the chance of any such possible Invasion is negligible, „ constantly lessening. The line of the • imperialist Japanese advance Is eastward to China, not westward to Russia. In China there Is little opposition to the Japanese invasion; In Russia there would be a strong resistance. "Japan knows this, knows of the great Russian m i 1 i t a r y strength. Any Japanese invasion of Russia would be fraught with great danger for Japan; It might very well result in Japanese defeat, in the relegation of Japan permanently to its island kingdof. Japan; will not risk this possible defeat, certainly not while the East is open to their expansion plans without any great risk. In my opinion there will be no RuBBian-Japanese war; Jews have nothing to fear in regards BiroBidjan on this point. v "On the other hand," he continued, "when the next war does come the Jews of Poland, Lithuania and the vicinity will be in the central war zone. What the Jews have to fear in a possible war is not Biro-Bidjan hut the Eastern Europe In which they now dwell", Speaking on the "next war" by Mr. Fischer talks with an attitude indicating his belief in the inevitability of it. He, however, does not believe it imminent, that is this year or the next. He does believe, though, t h a t it Is the weakness of the capitalistic system that it must shortly and inevitably result in war. Briefly, this is how Fischer views the present situation and its diplomatic manifestations: Capitalistic Germany needs expansion; any Fascist dictatorship needs a successful war. Germany, hemmed In on all sides, cannot expand to the west; therefore it turns to,the East. It covets the Ukraine, a district it occupied during the world war from March till December of 1918. This district produces more coal and iron than France, a fact little known generally and the, obvious reason for Germany's glances in its direction. Of course, any attempt to take
the Ukraine would mean war with Russia. Germany w o u l d
fight Russia if it knew that the whole wprld would not. join in t h e fight. Germany's worry is England. And as a result of the traditional EngliBh fear of Russia. Germany hopeB for an alliance with England. This it will not get, probably doesn't expect to, but if English neutrality could be assured something would be accomplished. That is - the point in back of all Germany's diplc-
Octocentennial of Jewish JSage (Continued from Page One) danger of losing its Identity, he gave renewed courage and vigor to his fellow co-religionists and a l m o s t single-handed won for them a position not only of safety but of dignity in Egypt and,Arabia. He simplified and made logical the confused mass of their traditional law, and gave a new and ennobling interpretation to the ancient religion of Judaism. Eight centuries after his birth, the philosophy he expounded can be applied to the present troubled world. In another portion of this paper an article appears on the life of Malmonides.
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(Copyright, 1935, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)
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Educational Doors Barred Berlin—Not a single Jewish student was admitted to German universities during the academic year 1S33-?D34, an official report of the Reich's Ministry of Education shows. The report states that among the 87,000 students now attending the universities in Gat-many theie are only S90 Jews, of whom n omore than 13 are actually, attending classes. Among the 15,000 women students there * are 223 Jewesses registered, but none is attending classes.
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5. 1925.
:or :Hohammedan " r j - t i i r u t !art heals .only ' the body. .But j much .thtrasht ol himself in the • ." cures both the 'body matter. Ann -the little anfi "nigh- ; and soul. He could Mai vrlih his ly jprechnis leisure ol ten "whole j^riston the sickness nf igaoT-! yeaTB -was spent ijy "iim in the; ance." Be took as his aim the | L.oca.1 chapters of the Aleph jjirDnuctinn DI a single book, anfl ;-prevention rather than the care iZadik Aleph, Junior Order ol the Wi ft. |.in -±hs intervals Df his great "work ! ol diseases, and he also taught JB'nai 33'rith. -will conduct, services i e "wrote a "treatise .on : medicine 'that the mind vras often the root tonight at the 23'nai Israel synaor mathematics, or :go?:ue I S t i and St.. in on E !:-of 'boiiily ailments. jmein nr an epigram. celebration of their annual inter- E r the- Sen-ice That .he should lound 3zer and his rare gift of national A. ZL A., Sabbath. 'IHaimonMes' Eecond great -work , time xo compose such greai Compairr, O -Moses TUaimoniaeB -rwHl lie eels- tact "with the "varied .affairs oXthe abstruse conceptions .SernionE Trill be delivered by -Ids Code Bi-Je-wish XE-WE, the in the midst nf such a busy life Iby iOanalxa afevBry nt ;an life ^jave -his draining a -practical close to the mind ul "the common : |liHshnah-TorEli, a codification in in the court anfl the rprivate xrrae-' Irving TThite, of CiLiipter .No. 1, Place upon Hie life ol each .bent. 3Je coula not - carry many -man. -At the close o! this and Sam Frieflrami, Aleph Godol chiid E policy iErpe einonpl: to iourteen .boots, of all "Biblical and tice of medicine is indeed aniazevening, Jipril 7, a t t h e bDokB ~with i i m nn i i s journeys, he lormnlatea the Thirteen Jtrti:of Chapter Kc, 100. protect the investments yot: m&kfc Jercish Community Center, this BO he l a d to make -his memory I ties, "which became, t o most JBTTB, Tabbinical larw. I t -was i h e first j ing. A mind of such texture, rplac.iz 'ilittlenian cf Chapter Ko. " J B - W J B I I Encyclopedia," but, ;ed i i m far beyond the .men of the article rby an Omaha, Bdncator on i i s library. -And "what a •Wiiuder- the authoritative creed n l the -whereas -a 11 mndern Encycterpefi- ' Golden .Age, lor he -was no less 100 T7ill be cantor, and 21 s. c y in that child's education. Thriven ;great aneaieval scholar, ipby- iul .memory Ihe must i a v e had!: Jercish iaith. ,,. ., ., of -numerous ii conspicaous .as a personality than ; Bainn oZ Ciiaptsr 2\D. 1 -will serve anfl philosopher is 3?.QT helore i e "was 23 .years of lias are the " w o r k compiled by [-as a -philostTpher. .tie taught men '-&S reader. age-he .had :alTeafly iinished motes enlarly iimcly<—-EfUtar. The unrest in Arabia xaused -by j BchQiaxg, ibis :Prof. Era- j not only how to "think, but also ; The local services sre being on many sections TO! a, Talmud Quarrels among :rival nhieltains i JXBS. ox : "Only a mind accus- j hDTr to live. And vrhen this great conducted in conjuncti.oii -with the Dn ihe. BVB -ni JPassover 1155 commentary; haul JID a and the turmoil brought about I n ' to think clearly and syste- {intellect departed rroxn Israel in intyriititioiiE.1 "SHTTire? S O T nsiii-sHloslsm possession iin A^i« by ±he a child ;rras "born in Cordova ±0 i-treatise on the Jewish calendar, i held by A. .2. A., .chapters in all y, anaiilled -with the ges~ 1120,4 Dne coaid proclarn, Crusadesamong spa-wned many and i a cast lf« Tffafmon ben Joseph, a. learned based on astronomical principles; "Messhvh i h e Je-ws ! parts ol the United States and ius of order, cnuln "have phumed j His life -was gentle and the eleTalmuiiiEt, a teacher at "the Car- lhafl -written .ja "hook m -the Mish- up many a convert to i Canada EF S part o* the A. Z. A., and. built a \structure like this." ments dova College and •immTm'ni«1-nrr OH nah.-Alreaay so early i e display- announced that !BlDhammed Covered the -whole Tange of Jev?So mis'd in him that Mature (•religious observance program, ed i i s clear, orderly mind -which ihe Talmud -and rother Uewish mentioned In the Torah and that h ? h l e a T n i n g and impregnated j Services tonight Trill begin at might Etanfl up cut throiigh contusion and dh- Islam -was a nerw, as "well :as jm inspir- -with the Aristotelian Bpirit. Tir- Anfl.say to all the 'Th.' 5 i ^ ~&' lx*'-BB -^ '^K .public "is rrrvit senrity like a. Jceen .drill
A. Z. A. Services
«a xevelation "wiiich TTBB t o super-
-nyy. ni|in?iiy,
tually created a nerr "Talmaa, eli-
j the protection has served its ipose, i h e
jiolicy Ts-ill
nitT to 'np rliSlfi OIH!
I HP cTiilO
yon . tiier- it if. reITT; f r ht •". ar 3jatic tlir- bn7"r irr- n r 11 f -' iTiwi.""*v,vn-•;., Trrun?•;. r n r %=ip- •£77- T n TK it t n rit ".''i rot::r ir^o~ m i ? Iri prof it. hv •:.fU IT T r 01i T! \ j ; - 5.n ' J.'rrow Ta " O l he- 1 anci 71 pcru ile; fnw.T c>'~ riiiv;':• VOU H litilf1 ": it;-—tb r v-lic- lav honor tr
a man!""
later "ID become •Teucrwiied s s -Axomul 11'6 0 ms iamily settlsd Hede 3rtaaism. JUaimonidfis TCES jminating, "itnrevET, its conlusicn j-The J e T v i E h ana orthocLos Jevrish theologian's libr"the '^Banner nf the .Rabbis in ^ez, in 3Iorocco, s.1 B O under appealed t o to pass judgment upHis 3\Iish-1 worlds alike mourned as his re- • ary may be -without. And generl t s on these "imposters and misleafi"Enlightener ni "the eiy e i of the mile pi -the AliaoTiaas. There nan gamed .immediate .recognition [ mains "were borne to Tiberias for ations later acclaimec him as. the Israel," and Jjy ;his achieTemsnts ;Jiis lather :and brother Bnppnrted ears -who "were adding t o this tur- and soon he -was -recognized s s ; burial. greatest of the fixed stars in the and noble life "was to serve as the the family t t o o n g i business, moil in Jewish liSe. S i s lamouE the intellectual arbiter DI the J e ^ - j The T i i t i n ,g 5 ol the great Jevrisii literarj* .firmament of the best representative and Bumma- •while he set -up hi m-actice as a letter t o the Jews of Temen ,ish Trorld, an ^Erasmus of the [philosopher "were c o n s t s E t l j JMiddle Agres. "tion nf an era -which i T c u i l i j doctor -.and. continued "iiE~Btudies. TBth Teman) served io keep many "twelfth century. j under fire because he applied reaOn "March 3 Oth c ' this yesr the iorth E n c i "brilliant satelites a s !Ehe double life, -which many He-ws unthmkhig Jsrws, "wh.o ionrr -with Republican! -greatest and mcHt to- : son not only to ethics and meta- " w o r l d -were obliged t o lead snmer the Ibn Shaprut, Samuel I b n Jtfaghad to in-etend tD be 3iloslems, portant of his "works "was to come : physics, but to the "very sanctities Spain celebrated tlie T-OOth anni- ; dela, J n d a i Salevij 3bn Gabirol scourge ol the Aimohads, led •am adopting the "vie-ws oS i h e about s, decade later " w i e n he I of religion. And after i i s death versary of the birth o*: the "Great " and others. Jfo wonder that •pos- some to conversion. TD counter- false ;prtJphetE. completed a ;philosophic interpre- j the quarrel became even inore .Light in Israel'". Anc E secular terity spoke nf "him -with Buch TB- act this ixend and to ease the life In the -middle xxt the twelfth tation of .Judaism, "iloheh JNe-j rancoroufi. B a r s and counter- -^"arld of OUT fir,y End age Trill re- : -verence and love;and said -of him: ol the Ularannos the ;young century Saladin, titubjr Eovereign buciin "(The Suide lor the Per- • bans -were Hung about by i i s sup- member •with great reverence the '• unto 3Ioaes there sent letters uf advice, consolation of Byria, "virtual Sultan of Sgypt, plexed), in -which he attempted to j porters and opponents. The lat- Je-wish Aristotle of the "Kiddle "Emm and Encouragement t o many Jew- -was ^proving nimself, in svery acbeen ^rnne like unto place iaith upon a xational basis j'ter descended to such lorr levels : Ages, and -with justification, for Ttnlike -the .TSIose;, til Ihe 3ible, ish communities o2: mm-roco, let- tion, a iero i i t ior Teality as -well -*juj se to 3-econ.ciie ii as to appeal io the fanatical: his great, contributions to the -wiici -were soon to lead to as lor Tomance. And i t "was "while i "W3u> nsiered in a glorious, free ihe truths of KCI-{monks Df the Inquisition to have 'general Fountain of Knowledge, lile lor Israel, and unlike 3Ioses their -writer being acclaimed as a court physician to this most Ken-I^,,^ l t cmi tained to it and jthe -writings of Hambam bumeQ ' And express sentiments of deep , -whose 'Xahrzeit iis be- leaner in Israel, jioirwittistaTiding ial -charactEr .in Ifloslem iistory Unaependent criticisms of .Aristo-|so that i i s folio-wers m i g h t be , appreciation ii suck h as -sr.ere exxemembered "this Tear, -who liis y 11 M nff»"hypBsT Tn ibis lamousthat Iflaimonides created his mas- j He's principles. European thought' frightened E-WEV from them. The! pressed by Achaa i n .the lEnliEhtenment I<etter of (Consolation, Xretter con- ierpieces i n Jewhih thought.-Bate- j ± o o -,^3 ; ma ebted tD the 'Jewish ! monks .did not need E second inthan s a-ecaae ago. ^Period Df anodern -times; this cerning Conversion, and Hasay on iim seems t o i a v e i e a r d of i i m hphiltsopher, ior i i s masterly ana-1 vitation and i i s -works -were bumXJvery jeTr, "who • vrent forth 35Ioses DI the TVTinflle-Ages appear- the Banctification nf God's 2?ame through i i s vizier, -Alfadbel, tD j j ^ ^ ^ ^^ U B a l ^ ^ oi 3^^13+1^1; ed. publicly in Hontpeliier and Irani the old Beth Hsmedrash observe Juda- •whom i e left t h e administration . -ea as ^uide and teacher to Israel he ~urged T-easan -was t a k e n over by !PaTis in X234. Snt the spark of sne traversed the difficult and. ,at ^he -fctme Trhen :thB'< Golden -Era ism secretly if ihey could mot do ol the country, "who also a 2H.S. g:n.u B, Thomas .Aquinas, and '. light and learning kindled by a painful road -from blind faith to in 3Ioorish Bpam "was Vbeginnins- i t openly; nullified the decrEe of ciivalrDnB spirit a ipatron of other scholastics. And it -was also • great mind, although extinguish- the liberated reason, cannot, but "to set, an epoch "which ^witnessed a certain :rabbi, -who Jaad edeebxred learhmg. The Trizier "iaa sought irom the -works Df .SlaimDnides | ed temporarily, .may set aflsine a hare-met at the beginning of i i s the arise nf jtoets, ;Bch61ars, Thih> ihat mere urnfession of Islam i o nut -Hi a ifiendship nf TUn tm rtn iil OT; i h a t i h s Medieval Church "receiv- i kindred :mind jreneraiicnis latsr road the "Haidnsrsi, "w i o stirred BtrpherB, anil scientists, V 1 D . S E S3.Y& tine'E life fixcluded one iromand the intimacy ilpeneii until, in ed its authoritative knrrwledge DI j snd its glory and original his spirit and served a? a guardl a m e s and -works still gleam in ihe ibid rcf Israel; and a.dvised HB5, ihe Jewteh ^philosopher -was i ancy magnified manifold. Called ian and a -fall-back in his first the synagogue. Ihe «nnah5 Til our iieople. I t -was them i o leave the country so ihat added to i h e Toyal stalf as a court Although his thoughts on G-od j heretic by some faithful -whilst he ana more ciiiici : anfl aa an age -which Je-wishly - w a s as ihey cnuM practice iheir Teligion physician. Sere lie-was so cordiihe universe have become jiived. his books burned by' fanati- steps. And on iis road passed ~rif*h t n ally -wehiomea i h a t Tvien an at- antujnatsd, ior he nad none cf | cal opponents ..a ^hort time after not only ."Hendelsohn, but a] xealms as -was h ta>enly. appeals nl ISambam and tractive OHHT TEachea later ^Elizabethan of the UJorth. the .modem scientific equipment j be died, posterity, it seems, has Spinoza, and b e f o r e and ait iProm :BaaSya of Ihe -tenth to his lather -were so successful thai Hichard Coeur fle X<ian t o accept -with "which i o approach i h e inner i deliberately and unaniisously re- them 2 multitude of men of spirit. Jews returned Qt>erily i o a ntTniiar i)ost in the Siglffih Itamham at "the ±weUth century jrrohlems of t h e Uihle, t h e Intel- j versed t h e i r -sentence. S i s hooks, \ vrho g a i n e d recognition -with: .some -were in con- court, lie TBfusea. graatsst i n "two l i ^ e l d s in lectual "Jhonesty l i e applied t o h i s ! condemned, lorbidaen, a n d • a n d -without t h e Jewish fold." g sequence seizsd and *pnt i o death. -which i n s ~3sw ;has cat, :ifmot I n 3-eturn ior certain fixed problems remainea an influence burned in the npen market-place j P a t r o n i z e o u r advertisers. Jonrily -esccelled, nnedicme am Ji He and iiis family -weT.e nours of attendance at i h e Eourt, long aSter his content -was super- sre among the -works -which HD -Jate by s. .friend. a •pensbjn -??ns allottEd i o him. 3inflosophy, rtbat'ls -to say, imre irom -a seaeii. The iamily escaped i o ^Palestine, anS ;applied sciance. ihe court rappaintnient gave UleQical Genius Muses iben Maim on was lelt an but their sojourn thsre -was shnrt, b i m Tin fTPPfJnTp fnirn wurk, Tirvr "JKo less iamed "was Hamhani in | ihere -were lew Jews In IPales- any license i o he Jdle, ior his •orphan Boon rafter lie <rrmp into t i e medical "world, for he "wrote !$: -wnrhl. -Although in the ^family iine, still iin Christian '^yn3«. Anfl iame many .msdical "works in Arabic, j and mnre tunrea to offered greater Duflsts i o r constellation i e nccupied .somehhn Jt)T spiritual guidance and -wiich ecjoj^d a -wide Teputatinn. i 5? -what -the position of Bans Ander- his teaching and attenfion, 3IB -was i o o They "were largely "based on the \£ Though in 33gypt lie ±ouna Test, generouB io "^ksep his ialents Boh's Ugly Duckling, and like ihis -writings ol Galen, the great medi- i little i a T n j 2 i 3 liern, lie -was security Land amph? iacllities l o r services 2rom ihe disposal of all cal authority in the JSiddie ,AgeE. continued .as-Jtieava V v ~uip, to iistcmish ~.him, ;poor An Arabic j o e t "wrote: "Galen"E BII. . -Bis capabilities -were t o trail Ifaim 2or TrearB.SiB iather, a n --iTy^y^if^r^tiift 't'luti^pSg^ ^ T ^ , a n nsoon TB cognized by liis Tinder ihe ^ a i i d a n c B nf -his inspirmg hiHuHnce, died 1 0 o n schbkerly iather, ihe Tnuns IHoses after settling fin i*gjgrt.^His older eagerly imbibed a l 'brother jDarid, "Who trafled i n ^ITBin Ingrounding in Talmud ana cius EtDnes, g g si*? iiian. Ocean and "With i i m "was other xabbinical-writmgs; atteno-ed lectures a t ihe CordoYE T3ni- bast the meagre 'Jcamily inrtune. The early years of i i s uractice oi vjjrsity; anathematics, v jjty; meSicme "was iilled "with struggle. cine, languages, 3Jhilosqphy and filmpBi! .strfitched Iiifn on bis bed the -warks nl Greek and _Axabic wjllerti ^were all ihe familiar anfl bis guarrelB "with t i e 3!riends of ibis -widely cultured Itss flisturbEd liis :peace of Tntnd. ;young man. 33s -was ;inueed ior- 3JBverrieleHS, i t s •indomitable "will tunate in ^losEesshig so Ifiarned m cDnoneren. all difficulties anfl. iin lather, "but "iis awn great 'natural 13.6B lie completed i i s iamous gifts -were displayed .from l i e Commentary on t i B ilishnah, •wiich lie -rnmte in -teabic ^unfier earliest youth. the title "Sarai" (Tie ILigit).3t "Wandering Starts -But ihe studies :ol this inmsu- is a model df xharity and keen nHy ^precocious child 'in ihe -con- thinking. In i t .he Tevealen his Temafkable "power as a nopiilaTii Cd _ atmosphere vS.;,
MAXE.-.^ISH Hie Dodge and Fi}rnioiith cars are still setting record -sales tkronghout the country - - ^Come in tocbiy and see ior yourself the -car ihat .America is buvmz. SS"
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•WBTB dnteiTupled Bhortly -alter lie became ;Bar j H i t z " v a h Ijy t h e storming and capturing uf t t l i e city -by t h e AVmnhnRK J n 33.48. TihB little family joined, t h n u s an'ds DS other eslles "who Itefl t p a?friro 33ifl "to :sll 3> -BJ13 xS. t h e EPBnmBula, 3rathfir t h a n accept t h e *T«TffTTijp. 3aith. The m o s t iormaitive 3Rears rxst liis l i i e ^were "spent -• Ts^nflBring about i n "^'jariouB :Bpanish centers. .During t h i s :period Maimonides TTEparBd ^^"BPT^ . -the ^^reat vv.ui'k "foft ~was laXlnrw. t o amrlurm. Adversity Qid 3iot
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THE JEWISH PRESS : Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by iTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - $2.00 i Advertising rates tarnished on application. .
Editorial Office: 500 ?randeis Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER • - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - Editor RABBI URI MILLER - » - - - Contributing Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - Sioux Cityi Iowa, Correspondent I; Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street
Their Problem Is Our Problem Rabbi Jonah B, Wise, who has just returned to this country after a f visit to Europe to obtain first-hand information regarding the present-day condition of European Jewry ~due to the situa^ tion in Germany, paints a black picture. The Jewish fight for existence in Germany, he said, was being waged in the face of real daily increasing difficulties, but that the German Jews are determined to fight for that existence although their weapons are primitive in the face of the "artillery" o£ their enemies. There is a general feeling, he declared, that conditions had changed for the worse so far as the Jews are concerned and that there is a determination to show them no mercy and to make them the scapegoats for everything. . He reveals the information that eleven thousand emigrants returned to Germany during 1934 in the hope that conditions had bettered, and that many of them have been arrested by the secret police and put in concentration camps to learn the new "anschaunng" of Germany. Since the Joint Distribution Committee, on whose behalf Rabbi Wise is laboring, will benefit from the forthcoming Jewish Philanthropies campaign to be conducted in Omaha, it is well that Omahans study Wise's statement: "We cannot afford to consider the situation of the German Jews as the problem of a handful of persons. We have to consider it the problem of cooperation with people through whom we are fighting the frightful propaganda against Jews, no longer private, but stated publicly and officially by the most powerful chancellory of Europe. If we want to help ourselves, we can do so by helping the Jews of Germany to defend themselves. Therefore, whether there are 10,000!Jews or 500,000 Jews in Germany must make no difference scLfax as we are concerned. Their problem is our problem. Their complete rout and humiliation will be a catastrophe for world decency. •
Bible Criticism and the Jew Archaeological evidence is rapidly accumulating—-and news reports; are constantly bringing it to the attention of the laymen —which confirm Bibical history and principles and confound the •theories and conclusions of scientific Bible critics. The importance of these discoveries to the Jew has not been properly evaluated. •'•.. : \ :'• .'•".:' :. -''. :'.••./•, •"; •, . • :' The very basis of Bible higher criticism was rightly characterized ihyDr v Schectaer as "higher anti-Semitism." It under^S9»aed iaot only the sacred origin but the aqtual veracity of Biblical facts. .Its very basis was the determination of the German professors in the-19th century to minimize the Old Testament, to make it but an unworthy prelude to the New Testament. Academic prostitution of truth to the prejudiced desires of their masters is a field wherein German universities have become expert. This was but another manifestation of it. The tragedy of it was that the modern Jewish scholars subtly influenced by the inferiority complex that remained their ghetto inheritance swallowed this scientific nonsense whole. No monstrosity of some idiotic pedant could abash them; no fantastic concoction resulting from some professorial nightmare induced by German beer and wurst, could break the magic temptation-to join in the conspiracy to disparage the sacred sources of Judaism.1 Reform and conservative Rabbinical seminaries incorporated their study in official curricula. It became the sine qua non-of modern Jewish scholarship. And now come Christian scholars digging in Eastern lands and discovering that the edifices of the Bible critics are indeed built on a sick imagination. "Fundamental Blindness" is the way they characterize the foundations of Bible criticism and they base their conclusions on records of the time—on the testimony of actual witnesses of the facts. • An excellent illustration of this is the concept of the "evolution of religion". We quote from "New Bible Evidence" by Sir Charles Marsten, F. S. A. "Our next specific example of fundamental blundering over the Old Testament is due to the attempt of commentators to apply the theory of evolution to religion. It is no part of this work to discuss the subject of evolution as applied to the physical side of humanity. But the attempt to apply evolution to the religious aide, is responsible for another long train of blunders in connection with the Bible. The following are examples from the work of distinguished and well-known contemporary writers: '"We have seen that religious belief in its gradual development'among early races passed through the stages of Animisn and Polytheism. Since this is recognized as a universal rule among all peoples whose religion develops sufficiently, we may assume that the Hebrews or their forebears were no exception.'" "The evidence of Anthropology will be cited in these columns t o prove that the original religion of the "early races" was actually monotheism or something very like it. So far as the Hebrews are concerned, or rather their forebears, the Semites, it is not necessary to "assume" anything since the evidence of the ancient cuneiform writing, which will be. referred to later, testifies to' the fact that Monotheism was also their original religion." And thus we find the Bible again become stientificially reputable. Mow even Jews—modem Jews may begin taking it up. For behold the Christian world is demolishing the antiBemitic. barriers of higher Bible criticism. We can think of no finer summing up of our editorial than this additional quotation from the book "New Bible Evidence." "i'o-day it ought to be the object of all educated and intelli-
Lamp of Enlightenment A short ten years ago the cornerstone was laid on Mount Scopus in Jerusalem for the Hebrew University. Many scoffed at the notion. To think that at a time when Jewish immigration, colonization, irrigation, and sanitation were the practical considerations of the hour, some had the impractical viewpoint of worrying about education. The learning was the sword and buckler of the Jewish people. The plan3 for the Hebrew University went through, and nourishment for the mind was placed on an equal footing with nourishment for the body. A decade does not make much of an impression on the river of time. Yet in this brief span of time the Hebrew University, looking down majestically from Mount Scopus upon the hills of Moab and the plains of Jordan, on the site where the Jews first saw their Promised Land, has become symbolical of Jewish progress in their homeland. Already, through the university, light once more emanates from Zion. Already the Hebrew University is recognized as the cultural bridge between the East and West. In the Near East its preeminence is no longer questioned. Its research and its educational strength have become noted the world over. On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Hebrew University, we can take joy in its firmly-founded and ever-growing structure, a structure that bespeaks the eventual triumph of enlightenment and learning over brutality and militarism. •
the cate." •;
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Polish Outlook Another of the European countries which made a semblance of being in the ranks of the democratic governments definitely and openly assumed the mantle of fascist dictatorship, when Marshal Pulsudski became dictator of Poland. This coup does not really represent as drastic a change as appears on the surface, since Pilsudski has been pulling the strings since 1926, and for some time he has had virtual control over the military and civic affairs in Poland. As regards the three million Jewish inhabitants comprising ten per cent of the Polish population, their lot can hardly become worse than at present. For a long time we have known that the Polish Jewry have been crushed under the weight of an economic anchor which has threatened starvation to the, masses. As the government took over more and more industries, the Jewish people who had helped build those industries were ousted in large numbers. Politically, the government in Poland has fought the, antiSemitic parties to maintain power, but "has winked at their antiSemitic gyrations. Whether the virtual dictatorship of Pilsudski will increase the anti-Semitic pressure in Poland or not is shrouded in mystery. Should he wish to suppress these manifestations, he can do so more easily as a dictator. Also, whether the new fascist dictatorship will line up with Hitlerland is another enigma. Recent signs have shown a trend toward an alignment of Poland and Germany, but whether this is indicative of the future policy will depend upon the events of the future. But, a fascist dictatorship which will allow Germany to be its model, we know, would inevitably result in intolerance toward racial minorities.
GEMS OF THE BIBLE AND TALMUD By O. O. DASHER The Godly man is perished oat of the earth, and t h e upright among man is no more. Trust ye not too much in a friend, put ye not too much confidence even in an i n t i m a t e friend. Rejoice not against me, O mine enemies, though I am fallen, I shall rise, though I sit in darkness, the Lord is a light unto me. Woe to him that gaineth evil profit from his house that he may sit his nest on high, for the stone snail cry out of the wall, and the branches out of the timber shall answer it. TALMUD * Antonius questioned R a b b i , 'At what time does the soul come into the body, at the moment of conception or at the time when the embryo Is formed?" He answered him. "When the embryo la formed". Antonius s a i d to Rabbi; "Is it possible that a piece of flesh shall keep three days or more without being salted and it shall not u n d e r g o decomposition?" Rabbi replied. "It must therefore be at conception". This thing said Rabbi I was taught by Antonius. Antonius Questioned R a b b i again, "At what time does the evil spirit reach the body? At the HELP WANTED! Wanted — Competent, experienced stenographer. Knowledge of bookkeeping helpful, but, not absolutely necessary. Write Jewish Press, Box J. 3.
time t h e embryo is formed or when it comes out from the womb?" At the time the embryo Is formed," answered Rabbi. "If so, rejoined Antonius, "The embryo would kick the entrails of the mother and go out before the full time, therefore it must be from the time the b a b y comes out." And Rabbi said, "This thing was taught to me by Antonius. Rabbi Eleazar s a i d , "Wisdom is so great that it was placed between t w o divine names". He said again, "He who neglects to acquire knowledge does not deserve that p e r p 1 e shall have mercy upon him". Rabbi E l e a z a r said again, Every man who possesses wisdom may consider himself as if the Temple was built in his days, as both wisdom and Temple are placed on the same level bet-ween two divine names."
cinnati to look after the Dessau Changes Harae ef affairs there. He is treasurer of the company. Leading spirit of company. By MAIMONIDES Foundation B e r l i n (JTA) — The MendelThere are eight degrees or unsolicited, but to put It In the the Manischewitz distinguished sohn Street, named after the fampoor man's hand, thereby exciting which steps in the duty of charity. achievements by Jews in art, scirecognizes The first and lowest degree Is in him the painful emotion of ence and literature. Is & former ous Jewish composer, in the city of! Dessau, where the composer to give, but with reluctance or shame. president o£ the Cincinnati He- was born, was this week renamed regret. This is the gift of the The fifth is, to give charity in brew School. Was vice-chairman hand, but not of the heart. such a -way that the distressed of United Jewish Appeal drive in Sebastian Bach Street, after the The second is, to give cheerreceive the bounty, and Cincinnati. Represented Ohio at German composer Bach. fully, but not proportionately to know their benefactor, •without the National Farm School conthe distress of the sufferer. their being known to him. Such vention. Has b e e n a freguent The third is, to give cheerfully, was the conduct of some of our delegate to Zionist conventions. and proportionately, but not un- ancestors, who used to tie up Owns one of the finest collections til solicited. money in the corners of their of etchings in America. Is a noted The fourth is, to give cheer- cloaks, so that the poor might patron of the arts. Maintains 1414 No. 24 AT 2765 fully, proportionately, and even take it unperceived. >. many struggling artists, sculptors The sixth, which . rises' still and musicians. Supported sym- . To the Jewish higher, is to know the objects of phony concerts in the Middle People of Omaha:—• our bounty but remain unknown West before coining to New York As you all know how to them. Such was the conduct f r o m Cincinnati. Although a faithful I have been in j-our By GERTRUDE BERG, of those ot our ancestors who capable executive his interests service all my l i f e in the used to convey their charitable are entirely away from commerce. Author of city, and my only manner of "The Rise of the Goldbergs" gifts into poor people's dwellings', Never misses any musical event.! making a living has b e e n from the sale of Matzo durtaking care that their own per- At concerts he is often mistaken j ingPassover holidays, and sons and names should .remain for Einstein. Has a high intel- i Now that war clouds are once today it is the only means unknown. lectual f o r e h e a d and a dismore hovering over the continent of making a living for me The seventh is still more mer- tinguished esthetic appearance. of Europe it behooves all of us and m?' faithful partners, to think seriously on the prob- itoriOUS, namely, to bGStOW Char- g p o n s o r e d t h e American Ballet in Mr. Pelfz and beloved Rev. A. Gendler. One of these lem of how to preserve world ity in such a way that the bene-j N e w y o r k t h 5 s s e a s o n E n d a l s o partners depends entirely peace. And since, in the final factor may not know the relieved | b a c k e d chaliapin's concerts at on these means for making analysis, it is the mother w h o persons, nor they the names of C a r i . e g i e H a l l r e c e n u v . conceiva living. plays the controlling role in the their benefactors, as was done by e d t h e 5 d e a o f aTonsing jntereRt development of her child's men- our charitable forefathers during in Palestine among Jewish youth As yon know that there have come to our city certal outlook on war as on all other the existence of the temple. For by sponsoring a nation-wide essay tain people who are trying phases of this world of ours, it there was in that holy building a contest on the upbuilding of the to take the Matzo business is the particular duty of mothers place called the Chamber of the j Homeland" Was one of the men away from us, I beg of you to make war impossible. Silent, wherein the good deposit- c M e i l y responsible for raising the as it is said in the h o l y ed secretly whatever their gener. No war can be fought without f u n d s n e e g e d t 0 Bend Rn A m e r i Torah. that e v e r y t h i n g soldiers. Nor can a war be wag- ous hearts suggested, and froml c a n t e a m t o t n e Maccabiad. Donor should be fair and honest ed without the support of popu- which the poor were maintained I o f a t r o p h y f o r t h e t e a K . w i c n e r and that sympathy should be given to those who are lar sentiment. Those whose in- with equal secrecy. in track and field events and the deserving, I am making this terests require war—whether for Lastly, the eighth, and the 1,600-meter relay. Keenly interplea that you buy Matzos direct profit from the s a l e of most meritorious of all, is to an- ested In psychology and has acfrom us because our Matzos munitions or other army supplies, ticipate charity by preventing j qUired a considerable reputation is the best quality Matzos in or for indirect p r o f i t accruing poverty; namely, to assist the re- in this scientific field. V e r y America. We handle Manithrough territorial expansion of duced fellow-man, either by a modest. Gives unostentatiously schewitz, Horowitz-M a rtheir own country—will continue considerable gift, or a sum of but generously to many Jewish gareten and Kaufman Mattheir s t r a t e g y of building up money, or by teaching him a organizations and movements. Is zos. Buy these Matzos from popular war-sentiment by a pro- trade, or foy putting him in the the perfect blend of the cultured our dealers: cess of gradual propaganda. We ~ray of business, so that he may American Jew and the ContinenM. Somit all know the procedure: First a earn an honest livelihood, and' tal esthete. J. M. Baker note of mild alarm; then a slow not be forced to the dreadful al-j Jfohn Feldman intensification of the alarm, plus ternative of holding out his hand; B. Grossman warnings that measures must be lor charity. * * • That is the' GatK S. Dorinson taken to protect an i n n o c e n t highest step and the summit of Jerusalem—A conference of Sam Flax B. Roflinsky country from dangerous f o e s ; charity's golden ladder. several hundred Arab sheiks from J. Kaplan and, finally, the cry that the foes Palestine villages took an oath S. Spar have descended upon a peace-lovlast week to refrain from selling M. Turner ing nation, which now finds itself lands to Jews in Palestine. R. Ratner in a state of defensive warfare. KOT. A. Diamond Do you remember the World • • • (Council Bluffs) • • • War? Do you remember that 5oe Batt every single nation engaged in it Nathan Schlaifer MAX MANISCHEWITZ , S. P. Crounse was fighting a war of defense Is engaged in the business Friwl's T>eHcatesscn Max Manischewitz, o n e of against grasping f o e s ? Every of selling all kinds of REMrs. G. Pollay single soldier, whether he fought the famous Manischewitz broLIGIOUS ARTICLES — Mrs. S. Silrer for the Allies or for the Central thers, was the chief figure beMrs. S. »Tohn8on Taleisim and prayerbooks Powers, was thoroughly convinc- hind the scenes in making posStein'g Pelieatt>S!«en ed that he was fighting in the de- sible the sending of an AmeriJewish music — wine for Sirs. S. Resnick fense of his native land. Yet is can team to the second trienMrs. W. Solomonow sacramental purposes — it not clear to any one that a war nial Maccabiad, which is now (Council Blnffs) Matzos sni Passover defensive on both sides is impos- the center of attraction in Tel Signed: Aviv. . . .The Editor. sible? Articles A recent poll of American uniCHIEF EABBI Executive, art patron and philEes. 609 N. 50 GL 2S72 versities showed that we mothers have already succeeded very larg- anthropist. Born in Cincinnati ly in inculcating in our younger forty-six years ago. Son of" the generation a horror of offensive famous Rabbi Behr Manischewitz, war. But we still have ahead of founder of the B. Manischewitz us the task of teaching our chil- Company, largest matzoth manudren, not only that all war is hor- facturers in the world. Educated rible and bestial, but also that in Palestine. Once studied for concerted international action can the rabbinate. One of five accomprevent any one nation from pre- plished brothers. One is a rabbi, cipitating the world into another another an engineering genius, a slaughter like that of 1914—18. third a business man of wide inMost important of all, however, fluence who runs everything from is the teaching of our children hotels to m a g a z i n e s and the not to be misled by the glamor of fourth who has remained in Cinuniforms and fine phrases, but to see the sordid profit-seeking behind this showy facade. Then, Leon Says - - when all the so-called glory has Mark me protect yo ir interest*. been taken out of war, govern- (I-«twrite IXSURANCK ,tt everr des lnctadlne LIFE. In ctnmx. ments Will find it difficult indeed cription rename companies 0WI.T. . . I*t'i to inflame t h e i r people to the talk It *ver. pitch where any war appears de- City Finance & Insurance Co. fensive.
The Eight Degrees of Charity
John Feldman
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sent men and women to seek the truth; and, having regard to the great part the Bible has played in our history, to accord it fair , play. ;T>e perplexities of modern life'may still, perchance, be goived^nd fears and anxieties dispersed, by the reading and study of the sacred Book, even as> our forefathers found to be
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Nebraska Power Co. ttnit* • Uw
5, 1935.
Guild Will Present
hold a regular meeting Hebrew University ! Pioneer Council I April 11, at S p. us., at the J. »*_.Meeting Thursday ! C- Various problems of the yoi;.-h» 10th Anniversary; —— ;I The Council of the Pioneer TCo- j
The Beth-El auxiliary will hold The tenth anniversary of the , men and its affiliated groups, will ! cil members are urged tofitter.1. a regular m e e t i n g Wednesday, founding univern g of o the e Hebrew Hebre unie The Center Players will climax. Solomonow as Murphy, Hy Temin April 10, a t 2:SO p . m., at the J. a highly successful season with j as Kruger, Myron Tarno'I as Sch-sity on Mi_ Scopus Trill be cele- J r » 2 £ y $ 3 a » ^ ^ C. C. A report on the confer- their performance of "The Front wartz, Ernest Nogg as Bensinger, brated jointly by t h e Hadassai £ ence held at Sioux City last week- Page" on Tuesday evening, April Sadie Beber as Mrs. Schlosser, Sabbath group end Tbr the auziliend will be given, and the nomi- 9, at the Jewish Community Cen- N o r m a n Wohlner as Diamond a r y o f the Beth-E2 synagogue on ' • Louie Martha Himelstein as J e n i a r y o f the B ethE2 synagog nating committee will m a k e its *-? ter. Louie, Martha Himelstein as Jen-i O n + . . . , ., „ , ., 13 t t h e report. Cast in the leading role ofjnie, Alfred A. Fiedler as Sheriff So fa t M ? Jr ds a-^J l lAl i?c rs i l Stein, ; £ 49 09 VTebHildy Johnson, the part made, Hartman, Sara Sekerman as Mrs. A skit, "Kitty on Keys", proster Mrs Ml F famous' on stage a n d screen b y ' Grant, Leo B e r n s t e i n as t h e ! " kevenson, chairduced by Ruth Kulakofsky, Joe * _ _ ._ ._ _ _ » ! _ w«a_*n_ . T T . __!-_ 1_ _-*__ A- 1 -_ 1_ KOHNV-ACKERMAN GUSS—-EPSXEIN NUPTIALS , Mayor, Macy Baura as P i n c u s , !• m °_•_r# t iht e_ Hadassah Sabbath Lee T r a c y, is Greenberg, Ruth Rosenstein and a m a c t a s ENGAGEMENT The -wedding of Lillian Epstein, ' and Kate Cutler as Earl Williams. '• sr° P> ^ " co-hostess. r Sylvan Frankel, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ackerman daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. SamIrving Malashock, pupils of Mil-who is w e l l ' The play, a thrilling and specta- I R a b b i D a v i d Goldstein will ad- £ ton Rieck, will be a feature of d r e s s t h e announce the engagement of their Epstein, to Charles Guss, son of cular newspaper story, is the p r o - ! S^oup. Dr. Morris Mar- y the meeting. The board will meet k n o w n for his daughter, Mollie, to ' Mr. Sam duct of the pen of Ben Hecht and jeolin &nd M r s "J - H - Kulakofsk; £ s p l e n d i d and Mr. and Mrs. Hyman GUBS, took at 1:30 sharp. m g i T e E hort talks Kohn, son of Mrs. Lena Kohn. Charles MaeArthur. Both of the; ^ - All Hadas- £ Mrs. B. A. Simon's group of the dramatic Eah n e n b e r s a n d No definite date has been Bet place Sunday, March 31, at the •5 au'fcors owe their literary origins ! members of the £ pretations B'nai Israel synagogue. Jtabbis Beth-El, synagogue auxiliary is for the-wedding. I to the newspapers of Chicago. As jB e t I j - E I synagogue auxiliary are < and at the Complanning a card party to be given N. Feldman and Uri Miller offi; famuos crime reporters, their tal- \ * n ™ te f t 0 a t t e n d - T e a v * 1 1 *>e n'unity ciated, assisted by Cantor Sch- Monday evening, April 22, at the house. Sol TuchLEWIS—DOLGOFP cnts were cradled in recounting ' s e r T e d homes of Mrs. J. J. Greenberg With our special scientific equipment we asssrt ? ?u o. The marriage of Miss Elizabeth waczkin. of great exploits in crimes "and man, the "hardsolute cleanliness and moth-proofing -which m-kr. ;' r.-_/7 Dolgoff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. The bride wore a s e - v e r e l y and Mrs. A. B. Alpirin, who live b o i l e d _ The Hadassah Culture group politics. From these stage i municipal , . for the children to play on, and, adds to the hc&hhy r..ntw M. B. Dolgotf, to Harry Lewis, simple gown of white satin made next door to one another. Card manager" of theS } v a n wlU experiences they have gathered: ™ e e t Monfia 3> ^ P " 1 s - at the games of all kinds are planned. phere of a well kept home. Then too, the vivid, warm, Ixxxson of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lewis, by Kelly. Her veil was of tulle Torch-bearers, will play McCue of jthe characters who disport them- Hamilton Cafe s t 12:45. took place Tuesday, April 2, at and she carried a boquet of calla urious colorings .are restored to their original lovelhic y News Bureau; and Har-jj selves on the stage in "The Front the City The closing O n e g Shabbos of the home of the bride. Rabbi N. lilies. M i s s Edith Epstein was Hadassah Book Review group ^ ^^" . . .to _ - the; . - - . Page". „- - Miss Merritt is director! the Beth-El auxiliary will be held old Katelman, a newcomer Feldman officiated at the cere- her sister's maid of honor. No 2 mE3eet THFSF ^PFfFilf PBfrF^TOFFFFCT Center Players, gives a convinc: of the groups and Mrs. Sam Theo-j "* Wednesday, April The M i s s e s Gertrude • Guss, Saturday, April 13, at the home mony "which took place in the 10 a t t h e h o m e o I M r s S a m ing and splendid performance of ; dore, is chairman of the Dramatic! ' , 2aJL n r l.jifc!? • I %r T ir * V 1 J r i m f h. 5i.^itH. x«^l_-_li>_? faj.% mni*fr *. £-3%.'* & presence of the immediate fami- Bertha Guss and Sarah Epstein of Mrs. J . Stein. Mrs. M. F . Leger 1 4 2 No S 4 s t M r s Burns, the Editor; the feminine j Committee of the Women's Divi-; ' . venson will be co-hostess. This 9x12 domestics SS.95 served as bridesmaids. lies only. Silverman will be co-hostess. j Mr. Guss was attended by hisOneg Shabbos will be held in con-leads are taken by Esther Singer ; sion. A reception to honor the couple Current events will be discuss- ; 8*Sxl©'6 flomestics. 2.75 will be held at the Dolgoff resi- brother Joe as best man. Grooms- junction with the local chapter of who p l a y s opposite Frankel as j i ed by Mrs. Joe Rosenberg and j Throw Rags, domestics -50 Peggy Grant and Shirley Uroff as, f II f l . L x i Mrs. Ben Silver will review one of j dence, 2615 Blondo, S u n d a y , men were the Messrs. Sol Mitchell Hadassah. Mollie Malloy. Others in the cast VOUege U U D 10 Orientals „ 6c per ft. Herman Damaratski and Morton , Israel ZangwilFs books. Dessert- i April 7, from 2 to 5 and from are: Nate Sekerman as Wooden-j MfiSt Oil Abranison, ail fraternity brothers COSTFTNED TO HOME SHEOLLY GOODMAN. Fres. coffee will be served at 1:15. | 6 to 9. Mrs. H. Janoff, who has been shoes, Joe Cohen as Endicott, j of Mr. Guss. Miss Julia Zucker sang "At ill for some time, is confined to Dick H u r w i t z as Wilson, Joe! T n e C o l iege clnb of Temple IsWednesday, May 1, has been ! j FOB BRIDES-TO-BE ! rael will meet Sunday, April 7, chosen as the date of the annual j S D a w n i n g" preceding the cere- her bed at home. Miss Estelle Gilbert gave bridge-supper at the Logan hotel, mony. Lohengrin's w e d d i n g I at 4: SO p. m., at the Temple. "Give or Get" luncheon to be held j $ INSTALL WOMEN i Short reviews will be given by I a t ~t^e j g' Q Those who wish j g Thursday, March 28, in honor of march was played by Sol Suss- WIENER ROAST ii MIZRACHI GRO U r i Donald Brodkey, "Jew and Non-' four brides-to-be, the Misses Sop- man on the violin, accompanied IT „ AdeleWihnsky, _ _, , -^.,- •_. ^Morality, . . , , ... ; t 0 r a i s e t b e i r quotas i s order t o% !^ Final plans for a wiener roast i Jew"; ^ attenfl t U g af£air d o g 0 hy] hie H a n d l e r , Ida Tennenbaum, by Miss Pearl M a r c u s at the to be held April 13, featured the Judaism"; and Al Friedman, jc a 2 1 i n g - Mrs. A. D. Frank and asHelen Shapiro and Bernice Falk. piano. meeting of Fratority, held at the The charter of the Women's; and "Judaism and Unitarianism Twenty guests were present. her rummage sale. A reception was held at the Ep-J. C. C. Wednesday, March 27, Mfcjachi organization in Omaha; The group will further plans stein residence, 980 No. 26 street Last Tuesday evening a meeting was presented at the regional;; ff o o pt h e gg ee ccoo n d a n m , a I T o u t h The April meeting of the OmaSURPRISE PABTX from 7 to 9. The couple left for of the officers was called in order it m May. j j j a chapter f o Kadassah will be Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown and a honeymoon t r i p immediately to draw up a new constitution for Mizrachi conference held locally! c l a T e t 0 b e last week-end. Kabbi TJr< Miller | All m members are urged to come jh e l d M o n d a j - , A p r i I 2 2 at the J. j Miss J^anette Rodinsky g a v e a after the reception. the group. A new committee has presented the charter, a n i Mrs. I. i Sunday. surprise party Saturday evening, C. C. been appointed to investigate the 1 in honor of their sister, Mrs. Irv-VISITING FROM CHICAGO standing of prospective members Kulakofsky, president, accepted Deiia.ii ui me SIUUF. jn • n • it on on behalf of the group. ing Parilman. and Mr. Parilman, In a m o s t charming and de-: Mr. and Mrs. J.i Green of Chi- who will be voted upsn at the The officers, who were in-1 KllSSian Concert b y who celebrated their fifth wedd- cago are visiting here with their next meeting. lightful manner, Mrs. Roy P. stalled, include: Mrs. I. KulakofLadies Labor Lyceum Jones reviewed and dramatized N. B.—Now is the time to rcBovatc tliose ing anniversary' Fifteen couples son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and sky, president; Mrs. M. Brodkey, "Green Lights", Et tne review i •were present. Mrs. Joe M. Rice. vice-president; Mrs. A. Wof. secINVITATION TO ond vice-president: Mrs. E. Wein-j The Ladies Labor Lyceum club sponsored fcv Mrs. Julius Stein's! \ will give a Russian concert Sun- group of Hadsssah, zX the BlackATTEND SEDER berg, third vice-president; S."X M. Mothers Club RETURNS FROM FORT .. . . '"-'day, April 28, at S p. m., at the >stone hotel, Wednesday, April 2. A very interesting meeting of LINCOLN All out-of-town students who J L . M i r b i t m a r r L o r d f n g " - ! L a b o r L y c e u m ' 2 2 n d & C I a r k Miss Esther Steinberg gave sevDr. Samuel Morgan has returnthe S. A. M. Mother's club will be I s t r e e t s . Admission will be 25 eral violin selections. She1 was held Wednesday, April 19, at the ed to Omaha, after a 9 month would like to observe the Pass-, retary; Mrs. L. Morgan, treas-j accompanied by Florence Steinhome of Mrs. J . Bernstein, 119 tour of duty at Fort Lincoln, No. over are Invited by the members urer; Mrs. B. Eisenberg, pub- I cents. berg. of the Vaad auxiliary to attend No. 35 St. The meeting will be- Dakota. icity. New York—David Sarnoff, the the Seders at their homes. gin promptly at 1:30. The president has appointed! Arrangements can be made by the following to serve on the! former East Side Immigrant lad! T h e following contributions MOTOR TO SIOUX CITY who is now president of the \ were received by the Hadassah Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Shafer and calling either M r s. L. Neveleff, board: . ,_the _ Mesdames , - , . . A. Schwacz»T- < i R a d i o Corporation pi America I Gift Fund: Mrs. Harry Steinberg, Rummage Sale to Be Ke. 2916, or by calling Ja. 0887. family and Mr. and Mrs. I. Shafer invitation is also extend- km A. Katz N Levinson L. R o s - ; a n d a m i g h t y p Q V e y ._. ^ c o j a . Il n j . o n o r c f t h e b i r t h o f ^ s . Held Next Week motored to Sioux City to spend ed This received daughter; Mrs. Sam Cohen and todlistrj., to all other strangers in the enblatt, J. Tuchman, I. Beber, J. |m r m i c a t l o M the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Goodbinder, J. Goldware, S. Far-| decoration I Mrs. Isadore Sherman in city. The first annual rummage sale J. Kanofsky. h J BT Jtl'J- K:}^^ ^^}S. l'Urom th. French Government in of their mother, Mrs. Ethel Frieof the Vaad auxiliary will be held William Milder, Feldman, S. i recognition of his pioneer ser- den; Mrs. Julius Abrahainson in April 9, 10, and 1 1 . Anyone who VISITS SISTER HEBE Bikur Cholira vices in the development of radio \ memory of her cousin, Mr. Henry j has old clothes of any sort Is re- Miss Rose Zelinsky of Sioux Finkel, S. Fish, William Kuklin, I Nathanson. broadcasting. queBted to call e i t h e r Mrs. A.City arrived today to spend the The Bikur Cholim m e e t i n g A. Greenberg, E. Bloeh, K. Wine,! Schwaczkin, At. 5534, or Mrs. I. week-end with her brother-in-law which was scheduled lor Monday, S. Altshuler, A. Hirsch, A. L. |" Fiedler, Ha. 3003. Mrs. Ida Levin and sister, Mr. and Mrs; Henry April 8, has been postponed be- Blumenthal, IvI. Kneeter, S. Zevitz. j and her motor corps will gladly Krasne. cause of the c l o s e n e s s of the The committee which helped! pick up bundles, serve at the M'Lave Malka were! Passover Holidays. the Mesdames N. Levinson, J.! Jr. Hadassah Tuchman, N. Wilfson. The com- j Dance by Re-lm . - •. t Junior Hadassah will hold an | COUKT Junior Vaad Auxiliary mittee which, prepared the ban-! important meeting next Thursday Held Last Sunday evening, April 11, at eight o'clock At a regular meeting .of the:quet and luncheon consisted of Junior Vaad Auxiliary held at the Mesdames A. Schwaczkin, Chr. M. The Re-lm club held a dance at the Jewish Community Center. B'nai Israel synagogue Tuesday, Arbitman, E. Weinberg, A. Wolf, and drawing Sunday, March 31 a t A complete report of the Junior Apri 2, Dr. W. Lowenstein gave A. Katz, M. Zalk, A. Soiref. D. B. Epstein, Wm. Milder, L. Epstein. e^ principal address. the J . C. C. Refreshments 'were Hadassah Silver Mine will be served and a very line entertain- made by the following captains ment was given. The ladies were of the teams, the Misses Mamie given favors. The drawing on Brody, Saramara Katskee, Goldie the studio couch was held at 1 1 : - Seidman, Ann Goodbinder, Doro30. Mr. Av R. 0 1 s e n , 23rd & thy Berg, Goldie Zusman, Rose Pearl street, Council Blulfs, was Dolgolf, Z e l d a Cnarney, Mary Gartinkle, Goldie Fish, Jeannette the winner. , The dance was closed with a Moskovitz, and Fannie Katelman. fan dance presented by Abe Sher- All books must be turned or reENTIRE STOCK — NONE RESERVED ported in to the captains by the man and Iz Soskin. next meeting. ALL NEW SPRING COLORS The executive board o£ the Helm club met Monday evening and Group a regular meeting was held TuesNo. I— day. Prizes were awarded to the three members selling the most tickets.- They were Dave . Bernstein, Abe Cohen, and Joe Nitz. The club voted to use the proceeds of the dance for a charter. 3 PAIRS $2.03 Bay Them by the Dnssn Pairs—The _taw<! Ben Levine w a selected new shopper will buy these Eplenf-id hose by tSe recording secretary and N a t e halt dozen u _ dozen pairs; and jnjeli buying will bring you most extraordinary money J"erer Is to be the new reporter. Dare B e r n s t e i n will assume @ Choose from 9 Cradle Foot, & Every pair duties as baseball captain. ; Sheer Chif- Plain end it perfect, • regular executive board meetU's on® of ih® smart /cms. Top ping FREE ing will b« bold Monday evening AT-231S £315 Fsrnam St. Chiffons or sheer teeave Chff of th© smarter shlrfat 8:30 at the J. C. C. 9 Reinforced Semi'Service heel end ice waisf froch. When xxxxxxsxxatsaotxsesss
A Drastic Close-Out
Regular $1.00 fo Close-Out . .
%y© say if's gingham,
KOSHER FOR PASSOVER HOLIDAYS All friends of the Vaad are asked to
of course it's checked. There are tiny tucklife© bands to make the bosom front. And there's that saucy col* \&r with its turned back points. \>Aads e s p e c i a l l y for the young minded in ail sizes from 12 to 20.
- Z;.,--.; - - V J C ^
Erer sssss the men's Bidder Coat actisa-wicie Eeascxtioar w s a a s here "Wfey ecn*t ^© get c Hedds g f for us?" And her© it 1% jnetieakmsly (colored Society Brsad, asSoaaUy Issasss for young Style.
culcr $S.!5
SILK HOSE To Cicss "T £._._«. Cai
r _
Th© same firs*, rasa's tsSors csa import. Us© sss?® Society Bread fabric . , . a Head of Ssetfe towicon alpces, Se®Cf lad molisir a o i fe» wool p!u« Q secret fekhisg proems, T?M h oaly one of massy dte
3 Pairs $2.25 —All fuU fashioned.
demand Vaad Matzos and Wine and to see .that every package is labeled
with the seal of the Vaad HTir.
For Information Call Our Store 161S No. 24th S t
To Close Our . . . . .
In Omaha Soli Only et Herzbergs
-3 Pairs $2.60
: -.-' •.-•-"i*i
•—Every pair perfect.
Paly The Kehrssha festure
Them in Omabt
Regular $1.95
SILK HOSE To Close i Out . . v , '
3 Pairs $3.50 aotasssaggxstxxssaocs^^
A WonderM Opporhiniry ioSAVE
REYNOLDSTOWN WINNING THE GRAND NATIONAL—This picture, rushed to London from Aintree, England, and then radioed, to New York, shows the racehorse Reynoldstown. owned by Major Noel Furlong, winning the 98th English classic, the Grand National Steeplechase. In second place is Lady Lindsay's Blue Prince. Golden Miller, betting favorite, fell at the second ;
p o s t .
. • ' . ; .
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WEDDING — This exclusive photograph presents the imposing spectacle of the recent evening marriage in Jamnagar, India, of the Jam Saheb, one of the wealthiest of the Indian princes. Amid all the pageantry for which such events are world-famous, the Jam rides a richly caparisoned elephant while dressed in brilliant wedding robes h a n d e d down through generations. His bride was the Maharajkumari of Sirohi.
JUST PLASTERED—Robert Gray, right, 2 ^-year-old Pasadena, Cal., youngster, found his father's automobile lacquer doing absolutely nothing. So he set it to work, using his baby brother, Jackie, as a handy object. The lacquer hardened and closed the pores In the baby's skin. Doctors worked frantically for two hours to remove it and save the baby's life.
"- 4
NO BRAINS—During a peace demonstration in Philadelphia, these girls carried this unusual anti-war symbol. I t is a statue of a dinosaur and below it on the plaque was the inscription, "All Armor Plate—No Brains.'' The demonstration was held by Friends while Secretary of War George H. Dern was on an official visit to the City of Brotherly Love.
HUNGARY % WHAT GERMANY DEMANDS—At upper right is (1) Memel, where Germany protests to Lithuania against death sentence of four Nazis. Return of the Polish Corridor (2), formerly German territory. Restoration of part of Czechoslovakia (3), and at least an economic union between Austria (4) and Germany.
READY TO RACE ABROAD—The racing yacht Yankee out fora trial run off Boston, after the all-steel mast was stepped Into her in preparation for entering the races in England. Declared shipshape, she will start the Atlantic crossing soon. She is owned by Gerard B. Lambert.
ON NIRB BOARD — Phillip Murray, V i c e President of United Mine Workers of America, who was appointed by President Roosevelt to the National I n d u s t r i a l Recovery Board. He was one of the leaders appointed to give organized labor an equalized representation on the Board. This picture was taken in Washington. •
IN TOIE OF PEACE—Germany evidently believes In preparing for war. Here is a scene during a mimic air raid in Berlin. A policeman, whose helmet is covered with a cloth to prevent its glinting, views an imitation unesploded aerial bomb set up to simulate actual warfare. The sign reads: "Blind shell. Danger of life."
52,000 BAROUCHE FOR CHARITY —At left is Mrs. Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt, who recently appeared in a court action to obtain custody of her 10-year-old daughter, holding the $2,000 diamond barouche she donated in New York to raise funds for publications for the blind. At right is her twin, Thelma Viscountess Furness.
T R E A S U R E R — S o m e time when you happen to have some money at hand, you might find the name of this man on it, for it appears on about $20,000,000 in currency used daily. He is W. A. Julian, Treasurer of the United States, shown about to fly from Newark to Washington on a recent visit to New York.
I •
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JAPAN TAKES OVER MANCHURIAN RAILWAY — Signing of the pact in Tokyo. conveying 1,000 miles of the Chinese Eastern Railway from Russian to Japanese control. To be known as the North Man'churian Railway, Japanese trainmen will operate it. At left, with pen, is Constantin Yurenev, signing for Russia, and in center,|isKokiHirota, ForeignMinister.signingfor Japan.
COURTING THE CALIFORNIA SUN—Here is what to do when you're not writing scenanos or working on a movie lot. Joan Bennett, one of the three daughters of the noted English actor, Richard Bennett, is shown at Palm Springs, Cal., with her husband, Gene Markey, Hollywood screen writer. Miss Bennett is a widely known screen star.
I a
DOES KE DO FIGUE.ES!—This lit-tie fellow is. 5-year-old Louis Miller of Philadelphia, whs amazes the professors at the University of Pennsylvania, w&ere he has been admitted to the mathematics classes. Highly complicated. problems have no terrors for him. He solves them easily. He is shown doing Ms home work.
Ousted General to anize Reich
terior Harold I c k e e , Assistant ployed to advance- their cxn.-iv Secretary of Agriculture Rexford J trade, Mr, Baruch personfilb • G. Tugwell—who are all on© hunj nanced the mission to the rv:.'.r dred per cent Aryans. . . .Lady i of £85,000 when it w.s cMw*"^ By HENEY W.LEVY 'Sen Met, known as the Chinese ; ed that therp •wore no fnnfls M YOtJ SHOULD KNOW leading figure In the develop; Nightingale, and w h o is the propriated for this purpose. The irrepressible Ben Hecht, ment of public baths in New York Berlin (WNS)—Although GenWhen it vaf movpfl to rop*. daughter of the first Chinese to TciUpIs n o w a motion picture producer ity. . . .The well known Zionist, ral Hans Von Seeckt, organizer him, Buxuch refused to pecpri '•'' receive his M. D., at an American %« T h e m e l s b e r s t h e E o t a r y •with Charles MacArthur, is on his Selig Brodetsky, is a professor of n d former commander-in-chief I imbursement. Senator B y r n f medical school, complains that c l u b > o f w h i c l l R E b w F r e d e r i c t •way to a fortune by way of his inBy PHINEAS J. • EIEOK f the Relchswehr and Germany^ Washington, D. C. {\TNS) •In; said. Mathematics at the University of she can't get Jewish dialect parts., inber, and their Cohri is & ffiG dependent film productions. eading military genius, was ousttioas that Bernard M. Bar-J In which she excels, because of! w j T e s V JJJ h OJlo « R->tbi Cohn fcv •, • .; Meanwhile his literary rival of Leeds. l from his official positions and the JowiRli herdistinctly Celestial appearance {a t t e a d i n g the s e r v"i e e s at the profited personally from his I otherdays Maxwell Bodenheim—- DESCENDANTS OF DAVID ent into exile after the advent of ycrr r i r r c ^ r i who he caricatured in the novel Temple Israel this evening. Rabbi j position ss chairman of the War j . Rabbi William Rosenblum of he Hitler regime because his "Count Bruga"-—is on the New Temple Israel, New York, was a service j industries Boarc d u r i n g the ! ife is a Jewess, Hitler has now York • City relief rolls. . . .That member of the w a r before lie ecalled him from China to take and Rabbi Conn will deliver the . ^ . d ^ e r ebrBEded M mali.. suave and sophisticated Viennese tudled for the rabbinate. . . . ver the important job of organsermon. . i playwright, Pernac Molnar, studi- Moses Maimonides, the eight hun- zing the new conscript army. The services will begin at S ! d 0 E S 1 1 e s i r h e n Senator J » m e * r - : p. m. The Temple choir, under ! B3Tnes of South Carolina reveal- •. ed law, once devoting a full year dredth anniversary of w h o a e General' Von Seeckt has been In dialect actor for a score of years POT-POUBSI X , ed that not onlj" did Mr. Baruch ; to the study of criminal law and birth is being celebrated through- China for more than a year as .-. . .On one occasion when he was IK CI Al'TX Look out for four-year-old Wil- the direction of Mrs. Nathan statistics. The author of ?'The out the world, was descended hief military adviser to General playing a serious Jewish role he bur Taplin of Los Angeles, a Green, will render several solos. ; not profit from his high office but ; • that he spent large sums from his ! Play's The Thing" and other high from King David through Judah even celebrated by taking aa his > studant at the Faachon and Mar? Mr. Harry DuBoff will also CfC'.L, hiang Kai Chek. " i own pocket to save the T"niT,ed ' comedies is, as a matter of fact, the Prince, : compiler of the Mlswife a good Jewish daughter of a co School for Stage and Screen, several solo numbers. ( S t a t e s Government millions of ; the author of two legal articles hna. . . .Hattie Leah Henenberg, There will be regular services good Jewish Texas family—Rose who is' about to enter the movie Tel Aviv—A new steamer, ! dollars. ' published in 1896 in t h e Pesti appointed to the Supreme Court Epstein was her name. . . ."When field. ". . .Not that he's a novice Saturday morning at 10:30. Hirlap. . - , .Robert Nathan, the of Texas in 1925, was the first ialled "Palestine;" is to be added plans Were being made for the . . . .He's already had two years The college club will meet Sun- ! In a statement to the Senate. i Munitions Committee, which has ; author of "Road of Ages", names woman ever appointed to a State o the- ships now plying directly s c r e e n i n g of Fannie Hurst's experience as a radio entertainer, day at 4:30 at the Temple. been hear3n Baruch-. opin-; "Don Quixote" as his favorite. » . Supreme Court. . . .The micro- etween Trieste and Haifa, it was "Symphony of Six Million" Her- and on the stage too. . .J. George ^ The Adult Study class will meet;\ ions on proposed legislation to ; Persons who have attempted to phone—without w h i c h where he tenth anniversary of the com- bert applied for one of the Jewish Fredman, father of the anti-Nazi Tuesday at 8 p. m. understand: Gertrude Stein's, .writ- would radio be?. . . .was Invented any's shipping service to Pales- parts. . . .But the. p r o d u c e r boycott, is directing the campaign Nest Friday Rabbi David H. ' control war profits. Senator Brrn- [ ings may be interested to know by the late Emile Berliner. . . . ine. • Wice will base his sermon on the - es revealed *or the first time thrt •We for the passage, in the New JerThe new steamer Is in addition wouldn't consider him. ! Mr. Baruch had gone out o£ tulthat she " spent several years at Daylight Saving time, which will need a real Jew for this part," he sey Senate, of a bill to outlaw Washington Conference of the Krasne's swrve y J o h n s Hopkins Medical School soon be with us again, was intro- ;o the "Jerusalem" and "Galilee." declared. . . ."Only a Jew can do N a z i propaganda. . . .Attorney Union of American Hebrew Con- >war to dispose or his stock interPalestine is also to play host jests in order to put himself FT studying brain anatomy. Deacty Need*, for duced in the United States by :oon to the S. S. Rex, the biggest it well". . . .So the Job was given Fredman is very busy these days gregations. His subject will be, \th of fcis countryto Gregory Ratoff, who was im- with this and other communal ac- Sidelights on the Washington I % disposal Passover - - Elmer Rice, .whose real name Marcus M, Marks.. . . ihip that ever docked in PalesSenator Byrnes also disclose? tivities, which include serving as ported from New York for the Coaference". is Reizenstein, had the unusual that when it became necessary fcine, It was announced by the purpose. . . .And not till the pic- chaljjaan of - the legal committee Dr. Bela Schick, discoverer of talian company. experience, of. having his first a mission to be sent to England ture was finished did the- produc- of the Non-Sectarian Anti-Naai play, "On Trial," accepted by a the universally accepted "Schick by the United States to see thft League, of which he was one of er discover that Ratoff is no Jew, producer by mail. It, incidentally, test" for diptherla, is physiclanA. Z. A., Sabbath, will be ob-itne material being shipped riy t l f the founders. . . .From Believe-Itj but a Russian Catholic. . . . was the first play to employ the In-cbief at the Mt. Sinai HospiShampoo and finger AVS^ served this evening at the B'nai I United States to England and tne Or-Not Ripley we learn that gold technique of the movie "cutback' tal, New York. . . .Most of NevaJOTTINGS Israel synagogue under the joint! other Allies was really being put featured at 3 pieces coined by James VI, ScotDifferent and Moderately . i . .As an undergraduate at Ox- da's Jewish population of some A bouquet of poison Ivy to the l a n auspices of A. Z. A. 1 and A. Z. ' to military use and not being err.priced. ford the noted historian, Philip two hundred and fifty persons 1B Acting Dean of Hunter College i d'e last king, back in the six- A. 100. Massie Banrn will act as i Permanent waves by expo";.' — — Guedalla, was president of the concentrated in Reno. . .Matzohs, for suspending Beatrice Shapiro, I teenth century bore the sacred MAYME ADLER BLOCK rabbi, and Iz Mfttleman as canj man were appointed chairmen PI experts SS.50 aisd. I'r Union Society, Oxford debating which you •will soon be eating a student, for no reason but that j name of God, Yahveh, in Hebrew Mouldiste [tor. ! the scouting committee. group from which have come again, are made from dough that characters. .According to an she distributed anti-war litera522 Securities Bldg. AT 2888. Addresses will be made by IrvSoftball practice is scheduled Borne of England's most eminent is not allowed to ferment. The ture. . . . .With Europe sitting on estimate made by the Columbia ing White and N. Greenberg. to begin Sunday, April 7, at S2 statesmen. . . .Bernard. ManneB dough is put into the oven imUniversity Press, Jews constitute a powder keg, American colleges Talmud Torah Sabbath will be j Dewey Ave. Baruch, recently a t t a c k e d by mediately after mixing the flour should welcome anti-war litera- o n e P e r c e n t o f t h e population of observed nest week. | At a regular meeting held Tue=Father Coughlin, first came to and water.' No salt may be used ture A whole poison ivy plant j the world today. . . .RepresentaPainting Paperhanging i day evening, April £, Lawrenrr . .Up in Montreal Rabbi Harry public attention in 1916 when to those Jewish editors who are tive Sol Bloom of Isew York, who 1.6 Brnndeis Theater Decorating I Brown, professor of criniinologj President Wilson appointed him J. Stern Is known' to familiars as is Washington's greatest stager of j taking the rabbi of the N o r t h AT 4S8S • . < Beth-El ! at Creighton university, spoke oia member of the Council National the "Bishop". Easy Payment Plan I Congregation Israel, of Glencoe. celebrations, was an actor in his The Beth-El congregation wel! fingerprints. Defense. He was born In Colum- PUIilTZER ODDS 111., to task for having invited early youth, sometimes drawing comes Rabbi Harry Jolt of SynaCALL SAM TAKNOFF bus, South Carolina, in 1869, the Broadwayites, ever willing to Evelyn John St. Loe Strachey to down as much as. fifty cents a day gogue Tifereth Israel in Lincoln, ATlantic 4544 Bon of a doctor who later became gamble, are making "Book" on j address his flock; . .That Strac- for his stage appearances. . . . •who will occupy the pulpit this the Pulitzer Prize play candihey was arrested in t h e syna- Maurice (Yiddish Art Theatre) evening, In the absence of Rabbi dates. Among the Jewish congogue on the r grounds that he was Schwartz Is now in London, to ar- Goldstein. RabM Jolt's subject TORGSIN ORDERS tenders are L i l i a n Hellman's subject to deportation Is merely range for a presentation there of will be "An Interpretation of ReDirect and Quickest The Children's Hour", rated at a coincidence, and in no way re- his spectacular "Yoshe Kalb," the ligion". The service will be read Service at Lowest Rates 9 to 5;Clifford O d e t s ' "Awake - - Csadlies j flects on Rabbi Shulman—if any- play which drew Broadway . down by Mr. Harry Silverraan. and Sing", a 5 to 2 chance; S. N. to Second Avenue a couple of seaPERSONAL GUARANTEE thing, it Is to his credit. . . .Max Behrman's "Rain from Heaven," is givibg a beautiful French Reinhardt is trying to become an sons ago. . . .Ex-B r a 1 n-Truster | Ssiokcd Meats sinfi Evcrjlhing for Tour Passover TaWc B. MARTIN which seems to be a good long Jr. Coitgregatioa American citizen. . . .It would be Jerome Prank, w h. o Q the AAA Steam .Oil or Wellaoil per4929 So. 24t" St. MA 15B0 shot at 12 to 1; Raphaelson's considered too radical for its pur:' | Th Junior Congregation sermanent w a v e , complete j a nice gesture if the Department poses. Is now in charge ofjrailway i T j cThe "I "Accent on Youth," Kaufman's es Saturday of State waived some of the red start mornwith an extra shampoo and "Merrily We Roll Along," and ing. Rabbi Uri Miller will he host tape and awarded him an honor- reorganization for the RFC. wave for Melvin' Levy's "Gold Eagle Guy" ary citizenship without delay; . . . Which makes him feel quite at to the congregation. All Talmud only ... at- respectively 20, 25 and 30 to Which reminds us that Alexander home, as his private law practice Torah pupils are Invited to at1. Of this last group, I think Frederic Standard or Cro- Molssi. the European tragedian has i n c l u d e d s considerable tend. \ """"••"'"" ' i'"»-"""m best of the chances are for "Gold who died recently, was not a Jew, a m o u n t of railway reorganizaquignole permanent Eagle Guy". .: tion. . . . contrary to all information that waves, complete fcy Seven Arts Feature is the time to recondition Although there Is DO accurate may have been fed to you. . . .It (Copyright, 19S5, Syaaicate.) for The A. Z. A. chapter No. 1 way of gauging the minds jpf the Is true, however, that lloissi reOil Manicure for HAIR and SBJS Pulitzer judges—this year their fused to play In Germany because names aren't even_ known—I, if I dry brittle nailk he openly opposed Hitler. . . .As PRICED RIGHT April 15, at S p. m., at t i e J. C. !>j pressed for a winner, would, name a matter of fact, he was almost IS BETTER THAN C. At this meeting, the Mother j jg "Valley Forge''~by tha- non-Jewl y n c h e d twenty years ago, in *? EXPERT BEAtJTir'; ' c h a p t e r will debate the Des j ^ INFERIOR CURTAIN CLEANINGish Maxwell Anderson^' And this Hamburg, w h e n he declined to JA 6S93 Moines chapter on the Biro-Bid- i ^ PRICED LOW for two reasons. First, I think : participate in the war hysteria ,. . • ' SERVICE • . '•• jan question. Those taking part i s its American locale and historical . . . .Friedrich Wolf, the German We offer jov the highest quality workmanship in the debate are Massie B&nrn , jj significance bring it close to the Jewish. playwright now in this in any service we have to offer. and Ernest Priesman. |^ terms of the Pulitzer prize condicountry, decided, some years ago, At a breakfast meeting h e 1 d : ^ tions; second Anderson—thongh that as he always spent money as Bucharest (JTA)—A unique Sunday, March S1, at the Mary j he has been a previous winner in fast as he got it the best thing to court case In which 11,000 Jew- Stein cafe, Stanley Levin was I 40c and Up ; the past—may rate special attendo would be to get from his pub500" Lea-venworth tion because his "Mary of Scotlishers something that would be ish citizens of Rumania are suing \ chosen this year's sof tball coach. land" was chosen last year as the permanent. . . .So he had the pub- the Ministry of Public Worship, Dave Weiner and Maurice Arbit- i sjg^sjijsasjsssjssj^^^ winner only to lose the- prize beMezzanine Floor lisher b u i l d for him a palatial opened in Czemo^iti last •week -•"Ta • 50c and Up cause the committee's choice was villa In Stuttgart, everything in before the Supreme AdniinistraCatering to Bridge overruled by the Pulitzer goverthe house being arranged accord- j tive Court and, after a brief sesLuncheons Our Specialty nors headed by Nicholas Murray Ing to his specifications . . . .And' sion, -was postponed to April 5. Butler. This play. Incidentally now Wolf is an exile—and his The suit is the first of its kind In Call AT 7787 is rated a 10 to 1' bet by the bookLet's house has become the headquart- the history of Rumania. ies. The case was brought' against ers of the local Nazi bigwigs. . . . Meet at the Ministry for the liquidation of Personally, I'd give the prize • THE I THE STRONG SET the legally elected Jewish Comto "Rain from Heaven" because BOXY Flatiron Hotel Bldg. Our London correspondent ad- munity of Czernowitz. While efit is a masterpiece-of writing, i You'll vises us that Mr. Harry Pelta se- fecting liquidation of the Comhighly civilized piece of thought cured the title of "strongest man munity, the Ministry of Public Like the and an ardent plea, for tolerance, in Wale,s". . . .Pelta is a young Worship has appointed a governHappy at a time •When the worid needs it Jevr,.twenty-cne years.of age, and ment commissioner to supervise Atmosmost. Not b e i n g American in to yoar relatives er»d friends-in Che S©?ist Union,. his forte Is -weight-lifting. . . . its affairs. phere theme, though is a g a i n s t its There is a rumor current that Torgsin Stores ere located Gome and chances. "Awake and Sing" and Dr; Karl Guthertz, the presiSpecial! Shoes Rebuilt Steve Hamas, American heavy- dent of the dissolved Jewish Comin the larger cities cf ike. "Gold Eagle Guy" seem to me to frolic at Shoes Repaired While weight who was so conclusively munity, in appealing to the court be the best bets of plays of Jew The Roxy U. S. S. R. and carry about* defeated by Schmeling in t h e i r In the name of 11,000 Jewish citiYou Wait ish authorship. Both are Ameri ; where-'. 15,000 different domestic and recent fight at Hamburg, was Free Call and Delivery can problems. Both plays incisens for the annulment of the ; good rendered physically unfit ? a few imported articles; clothing, Service Downtown dentally are Group Theatre playB. I annulment of the Ministry order, ; times days before the fight by a Nazi argued that the liquidation was ilAnother good long shot, to shoes, FLOUR, coffee, and will be delivered before •prevail. osteopath. . . .SammS' Springer of legal because the Jewish' Commy. way- of thinking la that de' other FOOD STUFFS; houseE1 m h u r s t, L. I., six-foot-two munity existed under statutes apCourteous Service and ample lightful, bit' of Americana, "The hold goods, etc. strapping youngster, made his de- proved by the government. table Arrangements are fea- Farmer Take's A Wife^" a play but as an amateur prizefighter a ; tared a t THE ROXY. 414 So. 17th St. JA9S90 For Torgsin ovu dealing with life along the canal see Dr. Radelescu, the dean of the few nights .ago, and won his first Czsrnowitz Chamber of Lawyers, local bauk ©r c in the days when the Erie Cana: • Open All Night tussle in great style. .Sammy appearing for the Jewish Comwas being superseded by the rail is the favorite nephew of Reuben munity, pointed out that the statf No Cover or Minimum roads. Robert Sherwood's "Th Brainin, dean, of Hebrew litera- utes were drafted by an elected ••;. Charge Petrified Ffirest," a 7 to 2, shot "•;• S T O R E S in A.wieric& ture, who never saw a prize fight Jewish Community Council, and deosn't seem to click with me a THROUGHOUT THE in his life; . . . .Reports from base- only an elected Jewish Council a Pulitzer possibility despite t h CITY SELL To. f»ls£@s trlsere there are no Tcrgsis Stores, tn« ball training camps are very de- had the right to change them. The fact,that It Is a thoroughly enzacrc&&a£ise is sss"sfi prcsirtly fcy parcel post. finite about Hank Greenbsrg's 1415 Harney Street joyable play and a highly provoannulment of the statutes by the splendid condition, and predict Ministry of Public Worship and Conveniently Located cative commentary on American that this Jewish boy will take the its appointment of a government life. So far as the Pulitzer Judges place of Babe Ruth as the prem- commissioaer Is therefore illegal. are concerned, ItB American paraier slugger of the American Lea- it is contended. . doxes will weigh against It! gue. . . .Broadway Is calling Mike FOOT Grocer chances. I believe. Dr. Mencser, the government Jacobs, who has leased both New (Copyright, 1SS5, Jewish Telegraphic commissioner, argued t h a t he Agency, Inc.) York baseball parks for outdoor changed the statutes Of the Jewboxing this season, the new Tex ish Community Council not on hisExquisitely Ijaundered Rlckard. . . .Abe Goldstein/form2711 No. 24ih St. WE 6400 er bantamweight boxing cham- own initiative but upon instrucFor tions from th© ministry. pion, knocked out a two-hundredThe change made is toe statpound Nazi bartender In s Yorkutes "provides that, only those Jews vllle bar the other eve, as a reAt Special Low Prices who pay religious taxes can partiLet Evans curtain experts sult of an argument on the Jewcipate in the elections of the Jewe restore yonr curtains to ish situation in Germany. . . . Jerusalem (JTA)— Much specish Community.. As a result cf fresh, clean crispness. ulation has been aroused here as TOMORROW'S'NEWS this change ' 11,000 electors who Carefully measured then a result of an order published in There is a tremendous scramble had paid their religious •• tax have washed in pure soft water the official Palestine Gazette, Inand the finest soaps. Measfor the position of the chief rab- been deprived, of their voting For Household Needs ured back to exact original dicating that changes in the Palbinate of Rome, vacated through rights and only'3,000 were qualisize—guaranteed to hang estine citizenship laws may be ex' the death of Dr. Sacerdoti. ., . • fied and entitled to vote. CHINA true. Send us your curtains pected. Last week's* "searing ia court! Ths leading candidate Is Prof. The announcement in the PalDavid Prato, Chief Rabbi of Carlo W £ s t h s third in the case. New Plan JljjgB Per estine Gazette modified Article ..GLASSWARE .•. . .We warn editors against the j ejections to the Jewish CosnnuniCROCKERY Edmonson Economic Service of ty Council have been postponed Curtwsis ™js* *» Pair 59 of the Principal Order, which regulates citizenship rights In the ENAMELWARE New • York. .This outfit la aa until the court renders a.verdict. Fringed eifjL* Per country. It states definitely that outright Jew-baiting organizatioa CUTLERY which only recently infested the Cmtates wWiL Pajy "every Inhabitant of Palestine who is not a citizen at present newspapers with a broadside listWhen sent with will be considered a foreigner." Ins President -Roosevelt's closest Family Bundle Bfohel Specialist The announcement adds that co-workers under the captioa of br K»ay Doctors equality will be practiced towards "America's Jewish radical masResidence Phoae TTEbster B«S5 citizens and non-citizens as tar as ters". . . .Among; those listed are So to $1.00 Laandry & Sorie Cleaners the jurisdiction of the governBusiness PJtone WEbater E458 D o n a 1 d R. Riehbsrg, Rsyaond 1422 N. SOth 'St., Oraalia, Neb. Moley, Secretary of Labor FirasJA ©243 C. B. 5193 ment over all Palestine inhabitants is concerned. ees Perkins, Secretary of the In-]
Beauty's New Deal
Pasach D<slicacies - -
The Morris Beauty Shop
Mateos - - - Cookies -
Kcfher D
-A. Z. A. No. 1
> : •
LOUIS PALMER, the Hatter
favorably with thosit
Bakery Goods
3©8 So. 16th S i
PRESS, FRIDAY, " APRIL - 5 , "1935.
ish Chronicle,, Indianapolis; Jew- be sent, to ttie applicant\througfi on between leading Jewish .indusish Times^—Baltimore; Americaii the Jewish Agency, the-newregu- trialists and farmers in Palestine Jewish World*, Minnea'polis and lations provide. The certificates and the Government for; grsitUng Jewish Chronicle, Milwaukee- " granted on such applications will special certificates to J e w Ijs li These editors are now casting be issired- also through the Jewish f a r m e r s and 1mc!«Etri«li$ts3 -in Members of Mount Sinai Sisterorder to enable them', to' choose their ballots for the recipient of Agency. • • MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent BY P. R. K. hood will meet,in the Temple An- | laborers from Europef.n.countries the 1934 Gottheil Medal. In April, The. regulations published in nex today at one o'clock for a iinnnniainiiniiiiiiniiiiiinniniiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiinninniiniiHiiiiniinl ' on the completion of the ballot, the official' Gazette state "that the fit for work on the soil dessert luncheon and meeting. the name of the awardee will be Jewish Agency will continue to RUMMAGE SALE Play Presented Mrs. A." Hi Baron will give the HT3BA1? U3Y1N, Attorney A Rummage Sale, sponsored 236 Non-Aryan Scholars and announced. receive immigration certificates Patterson Block Invocation.' Mrs. . A. M. Davis Scientists Placed in Varifor B>ai BVitb will preside in the absence of jointly by the Sisterhood of the ; The Gottheil Medal was estab- under the Labor Schedule. . It is, ous Schools FKOBATE NOTICE lished by Zeta Beta Tau ia 1925, however,- believed that the GovMrs. William Lazere, president. Talmud Torah and the Council The Junior Dramatic club. of Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Emil Rosen- Bluffs Senior Hadassah, will be in honor of Dr. Richard J. H. ernment will take off from the In ?he matter of the estate of BESSIE OSHEROFF, Deceased. the Jewish. Community Center stock are In charge of the ar- held next Monday, April S, and LONDON (JTA)—A sum ofGottheil of Columbia University, Labor Schedule all the certifi- No ce is hereby given: $340,000 h a s been appropriated Thp.t the creditor* of nn.W flpe»SB«I Tuesday, April 9, at 25 Pearl an outstanding leader in Jewish, cates which it grants directly to presented the play, • "Gentle Lit- rangements. . meet the administrator oC soiti esby the Rockefeller Foundation to American and international cul- to Jewish employees upon appli- win Street. Anyone who has any old tate, before County Judge of Dous.'tle Children," for the regular The.program "will include a clothing,' etc., to donate should help "non-Aryan" professors and ture. For many years he was Na- cations of employers-sent in. di- lafl County, me. NfOrn!?kR, pt the Oourttv Court Room, in said County on t h e 13th "The Sweet Family," with call Mrs. Herman Krause, 5352scientists who were compelled to tional President of Zeta Beta Tau. rectly to the ;• Government. Urging tbe women of the syna- meeting of the B.nal Brith lodge play, day of May 1935 and on the 13th day of Wednesday evening. Miss Miriam the following taking part: Mes- W, M r s . Ben Kubby, 1196, orleave Germany since the N a z i 1935, at. 9 o'.lock n. m., each <1ay, The Gottheil Medal has been The . new regulations provide July gogue to observe the holidays tor Blank directed the play and thedames H. Lazere, Leon Marx, L. for the purpose of prefrentirig: (heir Mrs. Harry Bromberg, 4641. AH came into power, It was reported awarded to Rabbi Stephen s. opportunity for . Jewish farmers Claims for examination, adjustment p.nrt the sake of their children, Mrs. following children appeared in S. Goldberg, E. J. Frlbourg, J. N. bundles will be picked up on Sun-by the office of James McDonald, allowance. Three months are alfowe<! Wise of New York, David Brown and industrialists to bring over £or the creditors to present • their Sarah Berman, addressed the con-the cast: • Thelma Shindler, Lor- Rosenfeld, T.'N. Lewis and morning by the above com- High Commissioner for J e w i s h of Detroit, Aaron Sapiro of Cali- to Palestine Jewish workers who claims, from the IStn <iay of April 1935, BRTCB CRAWFORD, ference of'synagogue auxiliaries,; raine Shindler, Sylvia Widesky, Delia Galinsky. mittee in charge of the rummage and other refugees from Ger- fornia, the late Julius Rosenwald are qualified for the work now 3-12—St County JudB«. many have been placed in various sale. - . • . . . . of Chicago, Felix M. Warburg of required-in Palestine. held" in the Shaare' Zion syna-; Marylin Mushkin, Jordan GinsU G , WEBB, BEBB1L educational institutions in Amer- New York, Governor Herbert H. KLl'TZJflCK £: KEJXEr, A«.v». Negotiations have been going 650 Omaha JS'at'l. Bk. iJhi gogue Tuesday morning a n d berg, Sammy Heeger, Isadore and ica. The total of Jewish profes- Lehman of New York State, the . The Council Bluffs Lodge No. Sherman Sperling and Billy . Bfternoon. '•••• sors and scientists dismissed in Rev. ' John Haynes Holmes of Early Friday evening services OF SS LEON £- WHITE, A t t o r n e y • . • . "Our parents celebrated all Heeger. Notice is hereby triven that on the 31st will begin tonight at 6:15 o'clock 688 of the Independent Order of Germany under the "Aryan Para- New York. (The latter was the City N a n Bank Bids. the B'nai Brith will hold an Im-graph" is given in the report as day of December, 1934. all existing debts Members of the.Cub Boy Scout in Tiphereth Israel synagogue. Jewish holidays beautifully as first non-Jew to receive the Gottof the LORD LISTER HOSPITAL NOTICE O F INCORPORATION O F amounted to the sum of $?.23.HS.&$, part of their duty," Mrs. Berman Troop presented a group of recitaLate Friday evening services portant meeting next M o n d a y 1,202. heil Medal). For the year 1933, OMAHA MERCHANTS ASSN. . DR. E. C. HEXRV, evening, April 8, at 8:30 o'clock Notice is hereby given that a Corporsaid. "We modern women think tions, readings, and skits. Tak- will begin promptly at 8 o'clock President The report states that approxi- the award was presented to the h a s been, formed under, the laws KARGARET E. HEXRT It is ;.riof> necessary. • Let us' try ing part were the-following chil- his evening with Rabbi Benjamin at the Eagles Hall. A class of mately $1,000,000 has been rais- Pilgrimage Team of the National ation of the State of. Nebraska. JOS. B. BRADENBURG twelve new members will be inito celebrate them beautifully." dren: Jordan Ginsberg, Herbert Goldberg speaking on "DelinquBeing a majority of the Board of D i The name of the Corporation Is "OMed during the past two years by Conference of Jews and Chris- AHA tiated. Dr. I s a a c Sternhill is rectors. MERCHANTS ASSN." I t s princiHolland, Sammy Heeger, Sydney Mrs.-Berman stressed the impor-, ent Parents." chairman in charge of the initia- the academic committees which tians. The medal was cast in trip- pal place of business is Omaha, DouglaF 4-5-35-lt. tance of observing the Jewish Mason, Isadore Sperling, Julius Daily services in the synagogue tion, and will be assisted in the were organized in many countries licate and each of the members County, Nebraska. FJkADKXBlTRG, WEBB, BKBER, Tbe general, nalure of the business of Eddie are held at 7 a. m. "and 6 p. m. holidays and making them beau- iipman, Sol Shindler, of the team, Rev. Everett R; the Corporation is to advance the com- KM'TZXICK and KT3TXEY, Atfcy». Jhesen, Paul, Marvin, and Jean The Chevra Ain Jacob meets daily initiation rituals by the Messrs. to help the scholars exiled from Clinchy, Father J. Elliot Ross-and mercial, civic and economic interests of 630 Omaha Mat'l. E k . 131(1)?. tiful for the children. Nathan G i l i n s k y , Albert Fox, N a z i Germany. The $340,000 the Omaha traae territory; to promote "Any Jew who fails to make MaUin, Howard Lebowitz, Elias from 6:30 to 7 , p . m. under the Louis H. Katelman, Ben I. -Seldin, given. by the Rockefeller Institu- Rabbi Morris S. Lazaron, receiv- Integrity and good faith. Just and equitNOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Epstein, Jimmie Wigodsky, Berable principles in business activity and Is hereby given that nil existthe Kiddush on Friday night is ten Lipshutz and Teddy Sinlkin. guidance of Rabbi Goldberg. uniformity in commercial usages In t h e ' ingNotice Millard Krasne, Harry Cherniss tion was used as grants to insti- ed a copy. debts of CARL A. ANDERSON, Inc. commercial trade of t h e Omaha terri- on the Slst Tomorrow morning Rabbi Gold- and Ben K u b b y . driving a nail in the coffin where day of December,' 1934, Stereoptlcal tutions in Europe and in America, tory; to -discover, and correct nbuses amounted to the sum of Thirty e i g h t On May 11th, 1935, the preberg will officiate at the services his own prestige will be buried," existing among its members; to prevent thousand five slides will be shown by Mr. O.contributing toward the salaries sentation of the award for i93 4 or hundred eighty eight and adjust controversies among its memthe Beth Abraham synagogue. Hochman. All members are urg-of the displaced scholars appointsix one hundredths (538,588 E6V Mrs. Berman continued. Junior Hadassah "Dutch in bers; to have a part in representing our fifty Dollars. iwill take place in New York City. The service for the Senior Concity a n d state in the consideration tnii ed to the staffs of these instituRepresentatives from the coned to attend. CARL A. ANDERSON decision of public policy In municipal, The presentation affair will be county, Treat" Party Monday gregation will begin at 9 a. m. President tions. servative synagogues of Omaha, state . and national affairs; to CARIi A. AXDF,RPO>T the "key" function of over 40 The Junior Congregation will buy, purchase, own. hold, lease, exA. E. TVICKSTROM Lincoln and Sioux Falls, attended"The university world of Ger- which will be held coincidently change, assign, mortgage - and transfer Mrs; Max Stelman of Winnipeg, K. S. McDONAlD The Junior Hadassah chapter meet at 10? 30 tomorrow mornestate-and personal property wherethe intercity conference. Rabbi Being a majority of the Bonrd of Dimany offered little opposition to throughout the United States by real soever situated: to do eiiy • and s i ! rectors. Canada, who has been visiting at ing. will hold Its annual Dutch Treat H R Rabinowit opened the conthings necessary, convenient or inciden• . . . . At 4 o'clock tomorrow - after- the home of her sister, Mrs. Abethe new government policy of dis- the alumni and undergraduate tal to t h e . rights, powers and privileges i-'-.t. ference with the invocation. Mrs. arty next Monday. Dinner will missing non-Aryans" from their members of the Zeta Beta Tau herein specified. Leibovitz, and her mother, Mrs. le served at the Canton Tea Garnoon, Rabbi . Goldberg, will speak H. M. Sherman, president of the The tqtal authorized capital stock of posts," the official report of the the Corporation shall be. S 10.000.00 dilocal group greeted the guests in lens at 6:30 and bridge will fol- in Jewish on the subject, "What W. Sigal, for the past t h r e e High Commissioner's office em- Fraternity. This will be a formal vided intO'l.'O shares of the par. value banquet at the St. Moritz Hotel, of $10.CK> -weeks, is expected to leave SunMary Greenbaum Is In Are We Proud Of?" each. Said stock shall t>» full;' behalf of the synagogue. Reports ow. phasizes. "Many of the dismissNew York City, and will be atday for her home. Mrs. Stelman paid for and" non-assessable when isThe Minchah service will be •were heard from the variouB rep- :harge of the arrangements. sued. Said may . be paid for :TI Deca-to WE $52-7 ed were without pension rights. tended by Zeta Beta Tau members cash notes, stock •The Junior Hadassah. chapter held at 5:30 o'clock and Shalos •will be accompanied back by her or property, real or personresentations and a "discussion was Most of them were unable to obDealer in All Jewish al, tangible or intangible, nt t h e r e a who number 1,400 in New York daughter, Miss Sylvia Steiman. held on the theme, "Has theraised ?20 at their. Candy and Shudas for the Junior Congregasonable" value'thereof. Five shares of t a i n alternative employment. City. EELIGIGUS AEHCLES oin booth at the Senior Hadas- tion will be served at 5:45. the capital stock, of this r'Tpornf ion Jewish Woman Done Her Part." Some were denied access to* librshall be paid fcr before the Corporation sah bazaar recently, and" the Mrs. B. Saltzman, w h. o spent Next Friday evening the auxilishall commence business.. ©f Best Quality Two hundred women attended aries and laboratories. Those of The Corporation shall commence busithe luncheon served in the social money has been turned over to aries of the Tiphereth iBrael syna- the -past two -weeks visiting in them who were Jews saw their ness on the 11th flay of February, 1935, Kinds of Psssnver gogue and the Beth • Abraham Denver, Colorado, returned home and continue for a period of fifty years hall at noon. Mrs. Rubin Miller he Jewish National Fund. race .become an object of confrom date-thereof. ' ' i synagogue will have charge of Tuesday. presided and Habbi A. KatZ of Delicacies The affairs ol this Corporation shall | tempt and their children faced the services in the Tiphereth be conducted by a Board of Director* j Sioux Falls delivered the invocaYoung Israelite Club with a future of either open or consisting of not less than ten nor more | Israel. The presidents and sec- Mr. and Mrs. John B. Quigley tion. than thirty members, . Three new members were ad- retaries of both groups will speak and small daughters, Joan and indirect persecution." In presence of: A skit entitled "Gossip Around mitted to the club at the meeting during.the service. S. J . LEON. Describing the plight of the Ruth, of Hutchinson, K a n s a s G. PERLTP. the Samovar,"-was presented by of the Young Israelite club last German Jewish scientists in exile, Koslier for Passover V. E E B N K E . ' spent the past week-end here S-IE-35—«t • • • ". w the following: Mrs. Barney Sunday afternoon. They are Lilthe report-states: visiting at the home of Mrs. QuigBaron, Miss Lillian Romirowsky, ian Abraham, Helen Marsh and Masque and Wig Jerusalem (JTA)—Important ley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. "Noble prize- winners, scientMiss Miriam Blank, Mr. J,ack aarvin Marsh. David Drutz and ists of international reputation, changes in the Palestine immigraThe Masque and Wigplayers Merlin, M r s . Grachow, Mrs. Solomon Goldberg were named will hold an open meeting at the Marks. men and women who have devot- tion laws, eliminating the Jewish Adolph Rosenfeld, Miss Rose o-captains ^of the boys' basket- ewlsh Community Center Moned years of loyal service to their Agency from sole control over Shlloff and Mr. Harry Kanofsky. jail team and Esther Welner and day, April 8, at 8:00 P. M. The A Tea will be given for the universities b e c a m e wandering Jewish immigration into Palesthree Study Groups of the Senior The conference decided to or- Mollie Katz, co-captains of1 the program will consist of a one-act scholars, t o g e t h e r with their tine, were a n n o u n c e d in the ganize the auxiliaries into a re- ;irls' basketball team. The fol- play "Suppressed Desire" given Hadassah next Monday afternoon, young assistants. Many were at Palestine Official Gazette. gion and hold a two-day confer- owing members were selected to y Rose" Shiloff, Mirriam Blank, April 8, at the home of Mrs." Rich- first able to maintain themselves The changes provide that taact on the Holiday program com- and Max Zeligson. A skit will be ard Gordon, 604 Roosevelt Ave- by their own resources, b u t thes t e a d of granting immigration ence in the future. nue. The "Menorah" Group will A four o'clock tea in the Sioux mittee: Esther Marsh, Stanley given by Georg and Tillie Shind- serve as hostess to-the other two increasing r i g o r of German ex- certificates for Jews through the Esi TtSz apartment ball room concluded Shulkin, Gertrude Goldberg, Har- ler, and a" reading will be present- groups. Mrs. Covert Brown will change regulations by the end ofJewish Agency only, henceforth ry Nadler a n i Shirley Lazere. the conference program. 1934 compelled even those of t h e these certificates can be granted d by Mirriam Blank. give a review of various characA minyan group of Bar Mitzvah The Masque and Wig players ters of the! " I n h e r i t o r s " . All exiles who had resources in Ger- directly by t h e Government to joys was organized • and meets are a newly organized dramatic many to ask for loans or caarit- any applicant who sends in h i s Young Poale Zion sack Sunday morning at 9:30 club organized for young- men members are urged to attend. able assistance." application to the Palestine Gov^ A program dealing with the »'clock. . ernment. and women. T h e organization life and works of Maimonides was n is under the .supervision of Immigration certificates f o r presented by members of the Mrs.-L, A. Beales. employees will be issued by the Young Poale Zion club at their Name J. N. F. Chairman J :i.~* The performance is free of Palestine Government, under the meeting Thursday evening. Roll for Senior Hadassah sharge and open to the public. new changes, directly to the emcall was answered by the name of Jerusalem. (JTA)—The governployer or to the employee. a perron living during the Golden ment education budget for the Mrs. Sam Baron has been Applications submitted for imAge in Spain. Mary Raskin spoke year beginning April, 1935, will named chairman of the Senior m i g r a t i o n certificates to the oil "The Golden Age." Rudy amount to over ?l,250,000. Palestine Government through Shindler, who was chairman of Hadassah Jewish National Fund Members of the A. Z.'A. chapThe government r e f u s e s to the Executive of the J e w is h the meeting spoke on "The Life ommittee, and workers on theter will hold their annual A. Z. A. agree to the demand of the Vaad :ommittee are visiting the homes Agency will be considered and the of Maimonides." Ruben Ratner Sabbath service^ at Shaare Zion Iieumi that the grant for the Jew- Committee of Editors to Select decision of the Government' will spoke1 on Maimonides as a Doc- ;his week, collecting from the J.synagogue this; evening at 8 ish education system should be Winner of Annual tor. Members of the group con- T. F. Blue boxes. o'clock. ' Jack-Merlin will act as increased proportionately to the The Board of Directors o£ the Award tributed to the discussion on antor during the service. Perry lenior Hadassah met Monday Osnowitz will, give > the principal number of Jewish pupils. There Maimonldies as a Philosoper. is much dissatisfaction over this The club will issue a paper this .fternoon i n the home, of Mrs.address, speaking on the subject, refusal, and fear that it may en- . New York—American J e w r y Jharles Raskin, with Mrs. W, G. week as a part of the celebration "The Hebrew.' University— Its danger the.future of the Jewish awaits with interest the awardRecognized as ing of the "Gottheil Medal" for of the club's first anniversary. Slotsky presiding. Plans were Tenth Anniversary." Rudy Shin- jducation system. PRACTICALMOHEL -Various members have contrib- made for the April meeting, dler ia in charge of the arrange- ' In the Bchool year 1927-28, the ;he year 1934. Will Samuel UnPhone 1059 which will be followed by a free :ermyer, the leader in the econouted to the paper and Miss ments. Members of the chapter government grant-in-ftid to the Council Bluffs, Ia. mic boycott of Germairy be reRoseabelle Wigodsky is in charge ard party for the members. will read the ritualHebrew school system amounted : •Additional pledgers ' for the of its editing. Cantor A. Pliskin, assisted by to about $100,000 the Zionist Ex- cognized with this award? Or will some other American worker Hadassah Give or Get luncheon the regular synagogue choir will ecutive report to the last Con- in behalf of the welfare of the are Mrs. Rueben Miller and Mrs. chant the service. gress said. Since then, the Jew-Jewish people receive this disM. Skalovsky.
Dessert-Luncheon of Sisterhood Today
Tiphereth Israel
Shaare .Zion
it Jj
Mount Sinai
The Junior Congregation -la ish Yish'ub has grown consider- tinguished honor which Is preDr. Theodore N, Lewis will making plans for its annual serv- ably, and the government budget sented annually by the Zeta Beta speak this evening on the subject, ice which will be ield in the syna- for general education in the coun- Tau Fraternity, the oldest and Amorian Debates "Coughlin and Long—The JewProbably the most successful gogue Friday evening, April 12. try also has been increased. Hence largest Jewish national college ish Aspect of Their Controversy." undertaking that the Amorian David Kuntz has been selected the government grant-In-aid had fraternity, to the American who Monday evening Dr. Lewis will club ever attempted, according to Cantor by members of the Junior no longer been in accord with the has done the most for Jewry. address members of the Inter- those in charge, is •; the Debate Congregation. Helen Guttleman new conditions created, and the Although Zeta Beta Tau preRacial association at the Y. M.Tourney which- began last Sun- will act as master of ceremonies. Jewish.Agency therefore required C . A . ' ;: day. The second, round will be olos_will be sung by Ida Shindler. that the government should in- sents the medal, it leaves the Dr. Lewis returned to the city held next Sunday and the finals Jecil Pill and Morris Ginsberg. crease its grant-in-aid to the He-selection of the awardee entirely o a-representative committee of Tuesday from Washington, D. C, will; take place on April 14 at the iharles Shindler, president of the brew education budget. Editors of the Anglo-Jewish newswhere he attended the annual Jewish Community Center. Sioux Junior Cbngregatioi ; will speak The Agency demanded an inconvention of Reform Congrega- Jityans are urged to attend the and other members will present crease on the principle that the papers and magazines of the tions. finals of the debates on that day. various recitations and Passover government is bound to, care for United States. T h i s committee includes the editors of the followIn the first round, held last songs. the educational needs of the Jew-ing publications: American Sunday, David Olensky and Irving The Bible group of Shaare ish population to the same extent Hebrew, "Opinion", Jewish TeleWidesky were given the decision Zion' synagogue will meet next as for the Arab population. ;raph Agency (Jewish Daily Bulover Bernard Rosenthal and Bob Monday-afternoon witlj Rabbi H. etin), Jewis Morning Journal Marx/ Joe Marbn - and Harold R. Rabinowitz at 3 o'clock. The and Seven Arts Feature Syndi? Lefkovich, by virtue of defeating group will Continue Its study of cate, all of New York City; B'nai Calm on Levich and Dave Tilevitz the Book of Genesis. Brith Messenger, Los Angeles; will go straight to the finals, as Ohio Jewish Chronicle, Columthey drew a bye. The team comJerusalem, <JT A)—Seventy bas, Ohio; Jewish Review a n d posed of Philip Zeligson and Morper cent of the pipes laid for theObserver, Cleveland; Jewish Adris Ginsberg was awarded the denew waterworks system in. Jeru- vocate, Boston; Jewish Chronicle, cision over Charles Shindler, sr., salem, built eventually to relieve Detroit; The Temple, Chicago; and Morris Raskin..-_.; Its usual shortage of water, are The Jewish Exponent, PhiladelThis Sunday, David Olensky ; Istanbul (JTA)—The Ameri- defective and will have to be re-phia; Jewish Daily Courier, Chiand Irving Widesky will represent can policy with regard to national placed, It was revealed here by cago; J e w i s h Criterion, Pittsthe affirmative team and Philip minorities in the United States government experts who arrived burgh; Jewish Press, O m a h a ; Zeligson and Morris GJnsberg the will' also- be followed in Turkey, from London to establish the fit-Jewish Journal, S a n Francisco; negative. / The debates .will begin according to a statement made ness of the pipes. Modern View, St. Louis; Jewish at 3 o'clock a^d the winners will last week' by Dr. Abrevaya, the The sensational revelation has Independent, Cleveland; I n t e r meet the team composed of Maron first and only Jewish member of created a tremendous impression mountain Jewish News, Denver; and Lefkovich in the finals the the Turkish National Assembly. here, in view of the large sums Oklahoma Jewish C h r o n i c l e , following Sunday. "What our president wishes is spent for the laying of the pipes. Oklahoma C i t y ; Jewish Ledger, to form a-democratic Turkish na- The experts from London hate New Orleans, Texas Jewish Herof the different nationalities established that only thirty per ald, Houston; Hebrew WatchHeads Hillel Foundation tion in the country, so as the make cent of the pipes can bear the man, Memphis; The , Emanuel, Word has been received here Sow Is tbs choice of those who Jews feel that they are Turks pressure of the water. The other San Francisco; The Sentinel, Chithat Morris Lefkovich, son; of Mr the demand tha beat for their mon-and- members of the Jewish seventy per cent are a total waste. cago; Jewish Ledger, Rochester; ey—a hospitable atmosphere, • and Mrs. J. Lefkovich, has. been first in the second place fin» accommodations, delicious In connection with this revela- Jewish Chronicle, Chicago; Jewelected president of the Hille community Dr. Abrevaya stated. snesjs and prompt, conitosfc . tion, H i g h Commissioner of ish Chronicle, Newark;. Reform Foundation at, Northwestern uniwrrlce. Unquestionably Sioux « Dr. Abrevaya.waff born In'SJmy- Palestine conferred with the chief Advocate, Chicago; Indiana Jewversity. rna and received his education at engineer, who is responsible for a local Turkish public school. constructing the waterworks, and Heads A. Z. A. Later he studied medicine at thewith the government geologist. Perry Osnowitz was elected Istanbul University. He completed The' result of this conference was president of the A. Z. A: chapter his studies in Paris and returned not made public. to succeed Rudy Shindler who r&z to .Istanbul to become ^Professor signed because of a pressure o of Pathology at the.Istanbul UniJewish Press Advertisers merit versity. : , EPPLEY HOTELS CO. other duties.. your patronage.
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Rabbi H. Grodinsky