April 12, 1935

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By MBS. mVIN STAOIASTEE jgbjurman of the Israeli's Bivision, Jewish Philanthropies Campaign V


Bnterea a s Second Clan Mail Matter on January 21, 1921. at Posforilts- ol Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 8, 1879



Goebbels Dem

APRU<;;,'!?,' 1935.

VOL, XI.—NO. 9.



As the Jewish people sit down to the Seder next Wednesday rinesse evening, a shadow -will be cast on their Passover holyday, their And it's an old, old story—this Feast of Emancipation. At the same time we rejoice in the freething ol giving^ It isn't necessary dom from bondage centuries ago, we must grieve over the spiriB e r l i n (JTAJ-—Instructions to give until it hurts; it shouldn't tual and religious servitude of so many of our living brethren in were issued last Friday from Dr. hurt, it should _ he a pleasure to scattered parts of the world. Goebbel's office to t a e German fcnow that ire are on the giving Feast of Emancipation Molds Passover is the Jewish memorial to freedom, an eternal re- press not to mention that one of Significant Message gide, instead of the receiving side. membrance of our liberation after 430 years of bitter slavery un- the assistants to Dr. Schacht the for Jewry We indulge ourselves in good der the Pharoahs' yoke. Each year the story of Pesach is told Minister of ^Economics, is a Jew. times; mind you, I- do not mean The Jewish people •will usher in anew that we may never forget the historic significance of the "It is most undesirable to refer that we should not have g o o d times, but -while we are enjoying he celebration of Passover, the Feast of Emancipation. Though some thirty-three centuries have to the fact that Dr. Jacob Wohlscovery vision ourselves, -why not think of giv- iTeast of Emancipation, on "Wed-flowed over the banks of time, the vitalizing force of Pesach re- tat, a leading official in the Exing those less fortunate than us, lesday evening, April 17, -with a mains undimmed, ever shedding its spirit of equality and justice change Department of the Ministry of EQonomis, is a non-Aryan," New York (WNS)—There tin, 3ust the hare necessities of life? ervice in the home. Passover is and righteousness. the instructions read. "Dr. WoM- a new drug to fight heart disease, Did you ever try giving? Oh, i t ielebrated for a period of seven Freedom may be taken for granted by most people. But to is the most -wonderful feeling! It aya during -which time no has been in the service of our j which is far more powerful than The members of the O m a t s i Simon Pizer, Henry Roscnthsl, the Jewish people it has been mantled with prophetic meaning tat nation for years and his wort is digitalis, has teen diseoreres by Jewish community are responding ! Karrj- Kebcustcin, Dr. Fhilip is hetter than the best show, and leavened bread is eaten. Orthomore delectable than the choicest dox Jews observe the holiday for since the birth of our history. As the Jew repeated the panor- highly esteemed "by Dr. Schaclit, a Jewish physician, Dr. Albert S. enthusiastically to tfce call f o r ; Slier, Ben SHver, Harry ama of events, - - being subjected to cruel oppression and then t h e Reichsminister of Econo- Hyman, director of t h e Witfein volunteers in the army ol v;orfedelicacy. You almost feel selfish eight days. man, Jacob $. Slosbwrg, winning hard-earned freedom; wandering from France, England, mics." Foundation at Beth David Hospi- e-rs •which "will seek victory in the 5oinl>org, II F, r v y Ii» f5omino-«->, due to the fact that you receive It ranks as one of the most iratal, and Dr. K. K. Chen, director approcaning Jevrish Philanthro- Louis Soiumes", Irvin StalmK12BO much satisfaction from giving. ortant holidays in Jewish life Spain, over the continent; achieving martyrdom in the black meof pharmacological research at pies campaign for ?4C,t>50. Thir- tcr, Harry Trmptin, Frefl S, dieval days; serving his ghetto sentences he never forgot his It is a lasting pleasure. jecause of its historic backthe Lilly Research Laboratories. ty-one beneficiary agencies—local, ground and because of Its signal matzos or his Charoses, his bitter herbs. His unending observance Dr. Chen isolated the drag in national and international—van Woliluer, Mose ToiiPrin, lita'Tr of Passover was his symbol of freedom — it gave him the Being that this is a woman's message to mankind at large. crystalline form from yellow ole- receive funds from, this drive, B. ZimuinTx, Isnar I?. "jTsj'nnT*-. The origin of this festival may strength to fight on. viewpoint, I think it Bhould inIander nuts and Dr. Hyman de- •which Trill be held c u e v e e t A report lunrfreoT! viH !>P tirUT On this Seder eve we need the lesson of Passover, to dispel clude a recipe. This philanthropic be traced to the time when Israel veloped the process lor its use instarting Tuesday, May V. this noon Rt tbp Hill, recipe has been tested a n d ap-dwelt in Palestine-and engaged in the gloom of the dark clouds overhanging the world. The re-pictheart disease. proved. Mix a deep appreciation agriculture and the coming of turing of the triumph of right over might told and re-told in the The caliber of the men v h o It has teen successfully used have spring was of special significance. The Quota committee under tInof your- own blessings with an accepted responsible posiHadassah re-invigorates us and gives us the needed strength to in. experimental cases Eince last tions in understanding heart of your fel- It marked the beginning of the continue the battle of the physical, religious and spiritual freethe campaign, according direction of Dr. Philip S h «• " , The eight hundredth anniver- September at the Beth David to General Chairman Philip K. chairman, after muck hard Wf>'-i, lowman's misfortunes, and add a barley harvest. The people took dom of all oppressed peoples. '> sary of the birth of Moses Mai- Hospital. full measure ^1 your sincere ef- he first fruits of their harvest to Klctzuicfe, augurs veil for t h e and long hours, has completed !•job. forts to supplement y o u r own tire Temple at Jerusalem, and ofsuccess o£ the campaign. monides, renowned Jewish philo%fS% Paul Gokiblail. execuiivf dSr-"?-generous giving. If these ingredi- ered them to God w i t h joyous •The majors in this division are sopher, physician and religious Observed Sabbath, Lost thanksgiving. Passover began as tor ol the Federation, reiwf* 1 ents are present in proper proat present lining up workers who leader, observed the world over, thai the office Ki&fl hat li e- c r portion, the result will be a com- nature festival, but with the Job —Woman will bear the heavy brunt of the was appropriately celebrated lo-' working diligently preparing sbfmunity in which it is worthwhile passage of time i t s appeal as a i thorough canvassing of the JewSues callj- with a program at the J. C. nature festival gradually^ disapnecessary clerical data nntl tlis-.i. to live. | ish people 1n t h e business fiispeared, and instead an historical ererjlliiai: possible hp.fi bpprs. flowC. Sunday evening. \ tricts, London (JTA)—A Jewish woelement, the story of the deliverto help the canvass?1 vti. I : The program, which was well, The Talmud says, "Greater is S s r r j Tnsstin is general man who sued the government attended, was sponsored by the ance of t h e Children of Israel data required. luj. i e who inspires others to give chairman of the division, trith won a verdict in her favor when College of Jewish Studies, in coLouis Lipp, chairmen o t la * than he -who gives only his own.1" from Egyptian, bondage, became the suit came up for trial last operation with other Jewish or- Local Amateur Artists Invited j Bern E. Kazlowskj* and VTiiSjann speakers" bureau, aniiouuct ths-I to Fame As Publisher itB dominant motif. Rose The great sage who said that MUfler, associate chairmen. Thursday in a London Court. The story, as given in the book of Hie New Yorij Their all his speakers have b € e n ><? ganizations. Dr. Philip Sfcer, presto inew -what he -was talking about. j^jw firmtT"f]niff rotors v»io The woman had refused to ident of the college, presided. of Exodus, tells how the Pharieeted a n d llx&i tne-ry Jt-wu.I, Times Works - He knew that the -worker or leadhave accepted posts: work on Sabbath days. As a re- The program featured a symmeeting o£ every kind from r-«"v. er in Philanthropy -who taught aohs who ruled over Egypt enZico Abrumscm, jPoh-n Beber, Local amateur artists have dis-J JrJins Bisjto, Efl^rard T>, Brocl- until the campaign vral be- vi\ Chattanooga—Adolph S. Ochs, sult, she had been dismissed by posium on the Rambain by znernanother to give "was really broad- slaved the Children of Israel who the firm for which she worked. ening and developing t h e other dwelt in their land. Beneath the 77, w h o rose from "printer's Subsequently she had also been bers of the college faculty. Rab- played ranch interest in. the all- j t e y , Morris BErstein, Harry B, dressed t y some, member of hH lash of t h e taskmaster the Hedivision. During the rgssovsi* devil" to one of the outstanding bi David H. Wice. spoke on "TheJewish art eshibit to be held is j person's personality or soul. Arthur Cohn, MRS: denied unemployment insurance, Life of Rambain," Kabbi Freder- conjunction with the Yoi:th Con-j holiday speakers will tslk frou. The act of giving is stimulated brew Slaves labored under cruelly figures of American life as pub-she charged. l>r, «T. M". ETOJBJJ, Phil the various pulpits, BlJTrSsinfj, •"!'? ick Cohn on "The Philosophy of cave, Sunday, May 5. at Temple! after one's sympathies -.and imag- rigorous conditions, b u i l d i n g lisher of the N e w York Times, The w o m a n appealed to the ination are aroused, and t h i s cities, palaces, and pyramids. passed away Monday in Chatta- court against the decision to de-Maimonides," Rabbi D a v i d A. Israel under the atispicies of the j BETIS GreenlKTg, Ataer JKRJ- value End need of t li e r'Siilsn'thing of giving enriches the giver. Moses sought to deliver them nooga, Tenn., the city where he p r i v e her ol the Insurance, to Goldstein on "Rambam the Man," j College club, t h e proceeds of msa, IJEzar Kaplan. Ephrnim thropies. from their misery and suffering started his publishing career. The members of the womw.'* Rabbi Uri Miller on "Rambam j which Trill-be tnraed over to t i e SSarks, H. F . J'ilfirr, Isaac Mcrwhich she is entitled as an unera.Again and again he appealed to division, under the direction *>'< the Torah," and Dr. Tictor E. Philanthropies drive. He has been in ill health for gensiem, 82moi3 Pirrr, IsnfiorpIn speaking of Philanthropies Pharaoh to send them out of the "Rambain as a physi-1 T h e following will participate Shafer, Jcdali Woltson «.r.fl Mrs. Irvin StalEissicr, are r.i5.X-it is timely t h a t we mention land of Egypt as free men, but in some time, and death came as a that she has a right not to Trorfc ing headway in their prepare r.. in the exhibition: M r s . Kicharfi S&nmsl Eacharia. Maimonides,-great Jewish scholar vain. Finally, when the firstborn result of a cerebral hemorrhage. on the Sabbath and ordered that clan." Rabbi Wice traced Maimonides' Einstein, s t y l e drawings; Mrs.! A meetingof all majors will be lor their job in the campaign. Funeral services were held and philosopher, whose 800th an- sons of Egypt were smitten, unemployment insurance be paid place in history, giving the gen- j Harry Qesf-ert-co'Itees will be hold t niversary of his birth was recent- Pharaoh let the people of Israel Wednesday at Chattanooga, with her. • ' ' held this noon. ' Tiltaneotisly at ilie IIOTOBS O.£ m era! conditions of the "Jewish peo- j Mrs. Milton Abraham Rabbi Abraham Feinstein and ly celebrated. Initial Gift® go and,Moses led them through the Rev. Dr. T. S. McCallie, pasbers of. i1 h c women's execi: JHe outlined eight steps of Phil^riliiSriiess-to -~ibh ~£GQ t:#S=. Si- tor of ~We Central "Presbyterian •cDmirt'itt'eE on April £0, p.nd i


Jewish Doctor Aids

Majors for General Solicitations Di-

VK l i i e - C t




5''.O i l ,



anthropy in his code of Jewish nai; where'the law of God 'sas, reespeeted thet at lawl thirty Law. In it he said that the eighth vealed to them, and they were church, officiating. The body was men vrill attenrl each sfiair. life affected him. He pointed out] Any kind of art vrork may plans were made lor • and the highest kind of philan- consecrated to thfe observance and then taken to New York for serthat Maimonides was more than a; submitted. Others vrho are i n licitation by this group, vices at Temple Emanu-El t h i s thropy is to anticipate the need promulgation of this law. name, having carved an eternal | terested in contributing to the were distributed. morning. of charity by preventing poverty This "vivid account has'inspired td tto coni| niche-in the history of the After working as a carrier boy .. i display are requested Richard E. Gutstadt o Chi"We shonld assist the unfortunate the Jewish people to cherish l and printer's apprentice in Knox| Rabbi Miller declared that|jnunicate -with Mrs. David K. cago, head of t h e B'n&i I"— V f M fellowman either by a gift or through the centuries the vision ville, Tenn., Ochs came to ChatA capacity audience heard Dr. Maimonifies' ability as an organi-1 Wice. A prominent critic "Prill EEti-defamxaatiOE league, eniLus^i loan which sets him up in Dusi- of freedom, and to dedicate the the workers with a graph!"1 tr.11, ness, or by teaching him a trade Passover observance to t h e at- tanooga at the age.of twenty to Irving Fisher, noted economist ol zer shows itself at its best -work j serve as jud^e. start the enterprises which were on the "Ha Lach;" "His system-j Chairman and committees a r e Tale University, close the Forum on the need of the Philantiir-op ~ 5 and getting'him a job, so that he tainment thereof for all mankind. to make him famous. atization of all Jewish oral law re-f as follows: General chairman, «. H. Kulakofsky, chai-»rnr can earn an honest livelihood. program at the Jevrish CommuniidUl He was a hard worker and his The symbols upon the annual quiring as it did knowledge of j Lazar Kaplan, coordinator, Don- of the initial pifts division, r-.' In the same code of Jewish law, ty Center Wednesday evening tradition aid Brodkey; tickets, girl's divis-j j ability was soon recognized. He t o n B . Abrahams. 1 < - •*every phase of Jewish Maimonides Bays, "I have never Seder, table are each comemora•with an address on "What Is and the ability to find the e logical logical I i o n, Janet Grsetz; men's divis-j *chairman* ; ape being assisted I'T I Closliig: Exercises of C'-oIIcgf heard of a Jewish community tive of the ancient Passover story. always told his newspapermen to place for every law aiid every cxis-j ion, Harold Saks; play, a committee of workers \rliich j which did not have an organized The Matzoh speaks of the un- print the facts as they were, not Stable Money?" ^ewash Strafes 1p1.fi !>?The disintegration of the mone- torn makes him supreme in thejTTilinsky; dance,'Richard Hiller; includes: treasury for t h e relief of t h e leavened bread the fugitives pre- as they thought the facts should bate to Feature tary system .-was blamed by Fisher field of codification, and yet In s u p p e r, Gertrude Greenberg, Mss ?•!. Barish, Sasn Scber, poor." Remember, he said this pared in.-their haste, the Charoses be. His first paper was the Chat- for the depression, and a manag- spite of his philosophic and ratio- chairman, the Temple Sisterhood, Dave Blacker, Eugene Blazer, in the 12th century. Therefore, of the mortar made by the weary The cultural afiypneemfR.i comRuth Greenberg, Bertha Guss, | Paul Blotchy, Leslie li. Bn?> our Philanthropies are continuing Hebrew slaves, the bitter herbs of tanooga Times, which under his ed currency "svith stabilization of nal tread he regained the loyal Eva Wolf; hospitality, Bessie! mittee of the E'B.SI B'rith Sodr? guidance was built into o n e of the dollar vrks his remedy for" the traditionalist." kem-oaS, I s a d o r e Chapman, a tradition which was already old the bitterness of slavery. PromGold-ware, chairman, S y l v i a ) the strath's leading newspapers. ills we are suffering economiRabbi Cohn called Maimonides inent upon the table is a large Ennomiccs a Bpecial evening o' Dave Cohn, Mayer Hi. Cohn, then. ,.:'•. In 1896 he went to the Newcally. 0 E e of the greatest of the' world's j Silverman, Geraldine Strauss, Es-i Benedict F . Dsubsim, Sohn A. Some one has said, "An effort goblet filled with wine for Elijah eEtertsInmeijt for its me Reflation was the means he ! phiosophers, measured by his In-jther Silverman; art exhibit, Mrs. F a r t e r , David T. Fefier, A. D. on Monday evening, April IS lr. made for the happiness of otherB the prophet, w h o , legend tells York Times. Again h i s genius visits every Jewish home on Pass came to the fore, and within snggestedv f o r establishing a fhience on human thought. All I David Wice, chairman, Bessie, • Frsnk, I>EviS GcMma-n, A b e lifts ns above ourselves." 1 1 e Jevisli. CommunHy Cent over eve for whom the door is three years it was on a paying stable dollar. Fisher pointed oat medieval scholars, lie said, k:;new I Goldware, H e n r y • Menfielson ; Groldstcin, Dr. A. Greentwrg, —Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster. commencing at S:SO o'clock. T I 1 discussion, Harold Saks; basis. The rise of the Times was left open; although it is m o r e that the depression effected a his works and ijnoted him • as an i panel David GreeEberg, J . g. Greenfirst part oj the even lap trill than likely that the open d o o r from then on steady, and with its shrinkage in bank credits of eight authority. "The momentous sign!- service, Alvin Friedman; pub.l- berg, Earry Greene, RJannaug devoted to c. debate ic vblol> • famous slogan, "All the N e w s often signified welcome not only billion dollars. Therefore, he ficance of his, works lies in the icity, Rose Mendelson. chairman, E. Kasfiler, Iiotds Eillcr, \Til- Omaha A. E. A. Xo. I d e b R for the Jew too poor to enjoy a That's Fit to Print," it has risen pointed out, credit money ranst fact that | e reconciled science j Sylvia Silverman, • Esther Weis- liam li. HOIZHIEU, Morris Jacteam, composed o" Ernest. Paii Seder of his own but even for the to be one of • the outstanding be pnt in circulation. And after and religion. His philosophy was stein. obs, Ssin fosephson, Abner K. man End Macy Baum, will Jew who had renounced his Jn-newspapers of the world. the eight billion are restored, religious .philosophy." in. a debate v/ith the Dee Moi*>«*•. He had also been active in the fluctuation should be prevented daism, yet felt drawn back to his Rabbi - Goldstein read several Kobert M. Koc!f>er, Sam «T. I<eoB, A. S, A. team, composed ol Bass libels Budapest (JTA)—A warning Associated Press. as much as possible. of the letters -written to and by Geseva—The government of Irrin TsSTin, Earl IJOTSIS, -Harr?' Caplan a 11 & Stanley I< to Julius Goemboes, premier of people on this sacred festival of Fisher opined that v s ^erethe Rambam, pointing .out their the Geneva Canton last week is- Maleshoct, J a c k W. Marer, The subject is: "Resolved, fii^i Hungary, to abstain from intro- freedom and longed to return to slowly -working pur way out ofsignificance to. the character of sued an order prohibiting libels ] Gafl. BSargolin, Al BSayer, Good- tfce policy of. establishing- a J P V ducing an anti-Semitic policy in them as a guest a t the Passover New Hospital the country was made publicly table. . Jerusalem — The cornerstone the depression, and took an opti- the man. The . greatness of his against the Jewish race and re- j .xaan Meyerson, Kjinie ish aiitonornous Republic m B'rcSlilder, Henry '. last week by Count Stephen Bethfor a new Jewish hospital was mistic view of the future. He character, he declared, w a s re-ligion. • 1 len, leader of the government New York Qaota laid in the presence of many not- praised President Roosevelt a n d vealed in the.fact that he thought Collepe PC Jewish Stwslies party, of which Goemboes Is a ables on the Sharon plain, near is in general accord •with his poli- it is just as.honorahe and importThe second part of the evetiiiif," New York—A quota of $1,250,cies. However, he did think that ant to live for one's faith as to member. ._;':, will conpist of the dosing expr000 has been set for New York Petach Tikvah. Addressing a public gathering, in the United Jewish Appeal's The hospital is being establish- recovery could be accelerated con- die for it. cises for the College of Jeu-jKh Maimonides as a physician, Dr. Count Bethlen declared that the 1935 drive for $3,250,000 to aided by the sick fund of the Pales- siderably if the president changed Stuflies, A Rpecia.1 program ?>KR Brazil lias enacted a law which, is designed to outlaw fascist some monetary plans. He parti- Ltvine stated, brought reason country does hot want any revival tine Jewish Labor Federation. •been arranged, and a reception uf.~ German Jews and other Jews in cularly is against the "wealth-de- back into medicine. His viewpoint sad anti-Semitic propaganda. of anti-Semitism. The leader of terwards for the faculty Europe, and for the settlement of Moscow—F I v e workers in a stroying" part. Roosevelt he was similar to that of the modern the government p a r t y warned soldiers in the "Lzlvi&s. snny vill sow bs providedof the college. The c. Jews in Palestine, it was ancanning plant in Kamienitz PoThe against the consequences which termed the first great statesman physician In that lie stressed, prethrough its chairman, Ben KfiSr*nounced here. The New York dolsk, Ukraina, were sentenced with kosher food. who recognized the importance of vention of diseases. Above all. Hungary may suffer If an antiIc-wsky, announces that t'sere y.iil campaign will be directed by I. to different prison terms for antiJewish policy is pursued in the the money problem. The import- Dr. Levine said, he was a great be plenty ot refreshments a n £ The League of Nations has instructed the International OfE d w i n Goldwasser, Nathan Semitic activities and for molestcountry. ance of money problems is gener- human being. drinks for p.H viio rdiend, "7>f Straus, and Michael Schaap. fice for Befcgees to assume responsibility for the 3,330 former ining Jewish workers in the plant. ally underestimated. Fisher said, Premier Goemboes, speaking at vZ Jev.isfc Stiulies w *. * Colle-e habitants of the Saa,r who qtiit'the territory after it was returned declaring that unless the monea meeting In Szeged later in the by tlse O w. R ]\ 6 B'nfe? fatlierec to Germany. tary problems are solved we are day,, stated that religion is a perjoSge, arid fie^crree {*»* B'rith : in danger of revolution. sonal matter and must n o t beort of all its members on ttos? HiiFigary suffered s, crushing defeat The aiiti-Sesiltes The stability of the dollar, he come a political weapon. We de;ion ~ot its termitiatio-n f o r nounced the activities which the said, is necessary fe>i capitalism Beirut, Syria (JTA)—A Jewish the parliamentary ekctios, oaly oae of their nusibcr being chosen. t h e Benson," stated Ka^loWRk*'separatists a r e carrying on, on to survive. Most people, he said, company has approached the Syr•will be chairman ol the eve* The Reica war misistrjr has invited a large number of forthe oasis o£ r e l i g i o n , B differmeasure the things the dollar ian government for a concession tee, w i t h Richard Hiller, vicemer Jewish array officers to enlist as privates ia the German Although the opening of t h e ences." : This statement is taken buys, but do not measure the dol- to colonise up to 40,000 Jews in All str.dentfi of l.he college art. to be an Indication that Pramier Highland Country club will n o t chairman. lar itself. the Valley of Alomex, S y r i a , conscript snsy. Mrs. M. E. Handler will be Invited to join in the celebration. Goemboes is taking the V Fred S. White was chairman of which was offered recently f o r officially take place until May 25, chairman of the ladies' golf comA Jewish professor, A. G. Goldsaaa, of the Ukraine has in- The reception voi 1 t&ke place. &£-• of Count Bethlen seriously. the Forum commitee during its Jewish colonization. activity for the season h a s al-



Anti-Semitism Being Fotight in Hungary


mittee from April 15 to June 15, vented &n "electric eye" by ine&ss of wMch the Mind will be able tcr ike second period MOD<34*" The company assures the Syr-to read ordinary printed books. ready gotten under way with the Mrs. A. H. Brodkey from June 15 successful season just completed. ian government that the Jews Wares Fascism ,i r.i.cd a v*>r» appointment of the various com- to August 15, Mrs. Ernest Nogg who will be settled in the Aloises from August 15 to the end of the Asto I0 Cliess Star • New York—Two of the largest mittees. - • Newton Jenkiss, supported ia the Chicago niayorsltjr elecseason. It is planned to m a k e Christian sects in America, the The committee chairmen: Moscow—Because he tied Salo Valley will adopt Syrian naturaliad author of several by the pro-Nazi E2d ajati-Jsisisii for each Tuesday ladies' day at theFlohr for'the world's, champion- sation. The Jewish settlers vriU tion Methodists and the Protestant attacks on the. Jewish people, was overwhelmed at the ballotot Harry Malashock, finance; Sam • ffl Episcopalians, have undertaken J. Iieon, budget; Leslie Burken- club. ship in the international c h e s s carry out the drainage ia the Alo- boxes, Slashing s poor third. Recently elected officers of thetournament which concluded here mex territory at their .own ex—" r" independent national campaigns house committee, with Dave Highland are: Louis Hiller, presi- last pense, the company guarantees. fl ' fntif'rcf f.%"-. to fight Fascist tendencies in theroad, week, Michael Botwlnnik, a The Sosist Actions Ccsnaittes decided ihs>,i the bsier agreeFeder, vice-chairman; Paul Blot- dent; Sam J. Leon, vice-president; Jewish boy of twenty-four, United States. Isli groups in. Fslestias and Naa Gernient between certain Sex was cky, membership, with Abe Herz- Al Mayer, secretary; Harry Mala- awarded an automobile hy the e 1' many will resiaia is. ei berg, vice-chairman; Milton Liv- shock, treasurer; Lazar -Kaplan, Soviet government. Geneva — Authorities, of the ivd AI~Weiner and Nate Mundell ingston, greens committee; Manexecutive secretary. The board of Swiss canton of Solothurn last I The Asipricaii athletes won the track aad field title with 230 won the University of week prohibited publication of ning E. Handler, entertainment; directors elected include: L. L. • Jerusalem—Palestine will this • handball doubles ll " Oj points in the second triennial Msccabiad held in Tel ATIV with the Volksbund, a Nazi organ imi- Mrs. Harold Farber, ladies' enter- Burkenroad, D a v e Feder, J. H.year hare one of its -best harvests, l'F> u r y college i-? {..• Al -Wefner was rnsner-trp ia 1,200 athletes frets thirty countries participating. tating the notorious anti-Semitic tainment committee; with Mra. I r - Kulakofsky,-Sam J. Leon, Milton according- to a prediction made fa the singles. ' „ lacultjlacu a n d weekly of Nuremburg, Der Stuer- v i n Stalmaster, vice-chairman;. Livingston, Morris Milder, and H.a goTernment report on agriculAdolph S- Ochs, who gained fame s s pablisher of tlie New jthcjT h e -winners receirc g o l d •":•'. •-...:.. Harry Kulakofsky, golf commit- A . W o l f . tner. tural.---conditions published here. "Coraimsker" -sedals. - . • York Emes, died Monday at the age' of 77. ifor such a r




By MRS. £ . DUGDALE Niece of the late Lord Balfonr the post-War world weakened, or altogether broke up those sreat centres of* Jewish life In the outside world where the Jewish spirit" bufjaed most strongly, and was most sheltered from the process of assimilation which is always at work In the smaller and more scattered communities of the Exile.' Assimilation Is the very oppoT h e rise of political Zionism and the acknowledgment of Jew- site of the urge that gave Zionish nationhood first made by a ism birth. It expresses the deBritish. Government in the B a l - sire born of the tragedy of the four Declaration of 1917, opened exile, for the individual to seek a new era in Jewish history. security by the surrender, or even Twenty years of that new era by the hot denial of his racial hare not yet run, but it is already consciousness, the merging of his possible to say w i t h certainty racial culture with that of' the that the National Home in fPales- 'surrounding peoples. It 13 a protlne will become more-and more cess, which carried to its logical the physical and the spiritual conclusion- in respect of a homecenter of the Jewish people, and less nation must in the long run by its existence will profoundly so dilute the spirit and character t h a t the time affect the outlook of all Jews up- of Jewlshness : on their own future, upon their would come when, the special future as a race, and as individu- Jewish contribution to the comals, if not in their own person, mon* p o o l of our civilization t h e n i n t h e p e r s o n of t h e i r c h i l - wpuld • no longer be a thing measdren. • • • ' . • • ' • ' • ' . ' " ' ' ' • ' : • . urable in the present, but could only be valued in the terms of Zionism is the supreme /expres- its mighty past. sion of that instinct for survival which Jews as a race, and aa in- ^And In view of the greatness of dividuals share with all otter that past, and in v i e w of the races and with all healthy indi- abounding evidence that the Jewviduals. In them the adversities ish genius is still in the prime of such as no other people have ever its strength, I for one would conbeen called upon to endure, and sider its disappearance at the it is part of the great drama of source to be a world calamity. Jewish history, to call it by no Yet but for the acquisition of more solemn name, that the Na- a territorial centre I think that tional Home in Palestine had be- might have been the'only future come an acknowledged fact just open to Jewry in the m o,d e r n before the changed conditions of world, and t h a t nothing would have checked the gradual inroads of assimilation, except i n d e e d that r e v i v a l of antisemltism which is the darkest blot on our civilisationjtoday, and the blackest cloud on the Jewish horizon. Philadelphia (JTA)—"In this j It is one of the most curious country t h e r e shall never be! paradoxes and contradictions of drawn a line between men of one which Jewish history is made up faith and those of another. That that the antisemltism' of Eastern is why America is destined to rise Europe, and. especially of the to even greater heights in the af- Russian Empire, which in old fairs of civilized m a n k i n d , " days w a s the fiercest antisemltUnited States Senator Patrick A. ism of all, waa the chief'means McCarran of Nevada stated in an of preserving the real yeast of addresB before an audience of 1,- the Jewish spirit intact until tie 500 at the opening of the B'nai time.. for its modern manifesta; B'rith campaign for the Hillel tion drew near.. . '...;•... Foundation'and Anti-Defamation The oeed was carried on the L e a g u e . - ' - T ' . ' • " ' • • ' • • " • •""- •"-•'-.-'•:•'•/...winds and bore its first fruit in "No government," the Senator 1917 when the British Governsaid "can endure that does not ment in the Balfour Declaration recognise God and does not pay acknowledged the historic right tribute to Jewish valor and to the of Jews to a National Home in Jewish contribution . to civiliza- Palestine. A year or two later tion." the old centre of Jewish national Dr. Abram L. S a c h a r, Na- life int Russia crumbled away. tional D i r e c t o r of the Hillel The removal of disabilities under ' Foundation, a d d r e s s i n g the the Bolshevik Government disingathering contrasted the military tegrated' It completely. The Jews •" mobilization now in progress in moved out of the Pale, they share Europe with the mobilization of the same work, the same outlook Jewish spirit. "We marBhall our as the rest of the population. resources for constructive forces. The Jews of Russia, Germany, This spiritual mobilisation 1B imAmerica and Britain perative at present," he said. The Jews of Russia—before all things a community of small AGRO-JOINT DICKERS traders—'have suffered appalling distress by the sudden FOR COLONIZATION economic break with the capitalist system, of them as have surM o s c o w (WN9)—Provided but for itsuch may well be that a large-scale settlement of foreign vived happier l i f e opens in ; Jews. In% Biro-Bid Jan is possible healthier, Russia than In the Emthe Agro-Joint, which has direct- Bolshevik of the Czar. But the day of ed Jewish land colonisation in pire Influence upon Jewry of the Crimea, and the Ukraine, will as- their Galuth, of the exile, is done. sume responsibility for the migraI turn now to look for a motion of Polish and other foreign ment at the probable future of Jews to Biro-Bidjan, it was announced here by Dr. Joseph Ro- the other really important Jewish Community In Europe—far smalsen, director .of the Agro-Joint. Revealing that negotiations are ler in mere numbers, but at least now in progress between the So- as Influential by reason of I t s viet Government and prominent wealth and culture—the Jews of Jewish groups in America, in- Germany and the German-speakcluding the Agro-Joint, to include ing countries. Here the process foreign Jews in the annual quota, of assimilation has been violently of Biro-Bidjan settlers. Dr. Rosen and brutally checked. The resaid that upon the outcome of sult must, I think, be a great inthese negotiations depends whe- tensification of the Jewish conther or not the Agro-Joint will sciousness, a n d a scattering lend its aid to the.migration of throughout the world of the seeds of a rich contribution of thought foreign Jews to Biro-Bidjan. Mrs. Dagdale, the author of the following article on the future of the Jews in Palestine and elsewhere, is the niece and biographer of the late IiOrd Dalfoor, the English statesman whose famous Declaration gave Palestine to the Jews as a National Homeland.—Editor

Senator Upholds Religious Freedom


and science which the German Jew has hitherto given to the country of his birth. Much of this; w i l l Inevitably come into Palestine, because that country is at the present moment absorbing a larger^ number of German Jewish refugees than any other State has been able to do. The Future of American Jewry The third great nucleus of Jewish life outside Palestine to-, day is in the United States. In wealth and numbers I believe it Is still the most important. What its own future will be I would not venture to predict, cut off as it is from re-vitalising Its Jewishness by the stoppage of European emigration into America. But in the meantime American Jewry still plays its own part in the na^ tional revival. In the last twenty years world J e w r y out of Its wealth and out of its poverty has contributed to the building up of the National Home: The great slump struck the United States later than Europe, and it was to America that the pioneers of the nation chiefly looked in the hardest part of their struggle with the neglected land of their ancient home, and they did not look in vain. • ' . > . ' • Nevertheless, the Jews of America h a v e their own problems and their own anxieties, e v e n apart f r o m those of economics. Antisemltism is a latent danger even in that g r e a t country of boasted freedom. In the British Empire, and perhaps only in the British Empire, can the individual Jew face the future c o mparatively without anxiety. But Individual safety 13 not enough, even though it extend to the sphere of religion and of thought. Palestine Is Beginning To Pay Back in Money and Culture For a long time to come the Jews of the Exile and the Jews settled In the National Home will be inter-dependent one upon the other, but I belive that more and more the real future of Jewry will pass Into the keeping of the Palestinians, and be moulded • by them, and more and more those Jews of the Galulh, who still resist the forces that -are making for their disappearance or their destruction, will feel themselves outposts of the national centre. It will not perhaps be possible to see from year to year how the balance is shifting. In the sphere of material and economic life it will reflect world conditions, and may swing to and fro with them. Money is still being sent into Palestine for settlements, the upkeep of Jewish social services, for the Jewish communities outside, though Its flow has been diminished by the world depression. On the other hand—and this is a m o s t significant phenomenonmoney is beginning to flow out of Palestine back into the Galuth. The neglected soil is beginning now to repay the care and science which has been poured into it in the past seventeen years, agriculture and industry are prospering—nay booming. I heard how from no less than one thousand pounds a year are being sent back




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R o m e ' (WNS)—An International conference of scientists from all parts of the world is to be convened by the Vatican within the next two months in order to prove whether there is any' foundation for the racial theories evolved by the Nazis, it is learned by the World-wide News Service. The Vatican's interest In this conference arises from Nazi assaults on Christianity because of ts Jewish origin. The Czechoslovakian Government has invited the Vatican to hold the conference in Prague but Rome is Inclined to favor the Catholic University In Freibourg, Switzerland, as the scene of the conference. The genesis of the conference, which would bring together for the first time on an equal footing Jews and non-Jews to combat the racial doctrines of Hltlerism, is the extensive research of Dr. Zolschan of Czechoslovakia w h o has proposed the establishment of an international inter-faith institute to disprove the Na2i racial dogmas.

First Hebrew Congress New York—The first w o r l d Hebrew congress in the history of the Hebrew movement w i l l be held in Tel Aviv, on May 6 th, it was announced here by the Histadruth Ivrith. • The congress will be attended by delegates from N o r t h and South America, E u r o p e and Palestine.

J e r u s a l e m (WNS—Palcor Agency)—A five-year program of planned economy, aiming to check exploitation, to control private initiative and to stimulate the general rebuilding of Palestine, Is now being formulated by the Executive of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, It was revealed at the meeting of the Zionist Actions committee by Eliezer' Kaplan, treasurer of the Jewish Agency Executive. Reviewing the fiscal position of the Agency, Mr. Kaplan stated that the work that had been done so far is regarded EG highly by bankers that the Jewish Agency Is planning to enlist the aid of the international money market through further large loans for a program of expansion In agricultural settlement and urban activity. He reported that the short-term indebtedness of the J e w i s h Agency Executive had decreased from 571,000 pounds last year to 61,000 pounds today. Reporting on immigration ac* tivities, Dr. Isaac Grunebaum stated that Jewish immigration into Palestine between January and April of this year amounted to 14,000, as contrasted -with the number of 7,000 d,uring the same period in 1933, and 9,000 for the same period in 1934. He said that the steady increase of immigration is principally in the capitalist category and that the ratio of labor increase is Inappreciable. He said that labor Immigration last year totaled 22,000 or 52 per cent of the total of 42,000 entering the country. In reviewing the fiscal and economic activities of the Jewish Agency, Eliezer Kaplan stressed the increase in the income of the Keren Hayesod (Palestine Foundation Fund) during the year, 5694, by the amount of 34,000 pounds as compared with the previous year. The loan given to the Keren Hayesod by Lloyds Bank has' paved the way, Mr. Kaplan said, for the entry of the Jewish Agency activities into the international money market. Out of a budget of 320,000 pounds, Mr. Kaplan reported, two-thirds are for economic investments particularly - for new settlement. The Jewish population of Palestine now numbers ,325,000, as compared with 250,000 a year ago when the Actions committee last met, Isaac Ben Zvi, acting president of the Vaad Leumi, declared In an address of welcome

Jewish Colonixatioa Being Conducted by Joint Distribution Committee Moscow (JTA)—A new autonomous Jewish region was pro-;! claimed last week by the Soviet government in Crimea, w h e r e ' Jewish colonization work is be- j ing conducted by the American! Jewish Joint Distribution Com- j mittee. This is the fifth Jewish autonomous region in the Soviet Union, including Biro-Bidjan. It will carry the name Larindorf, in honor of the lats UrI Larln, wellknown Soviet Jewish colonization worker In Russia. The new autonomous Jewish region consists of fifty collective villages and has large s h e e p ranches, vineyards, dairy farms and many tractor stations. It is one of the b e s t districts in Crimea. An official announcement issued here states that more than 1,000 Jewish families migrated to Biro-Bidjan, the Far E a s t e r n Jewish autonomous district, from January 1 to March S.. The entire quota of new settlers for the Bureya ia the first quarter of the year is 1,300, and is expected to be filled before the end of jthe month. The quota for the nest quarter will be 2,000 settlers. Extensive plans were also announced for settling more Jews on land in the Jewish autonomous regions of Kalinindorf, Stalindorf and New Zlatopol. The OZET, t h e Soviet Committee to Settle Jews on Land, has issued a earning that the settling of new families in these three regions •will be faced with difficulties since the


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into Poland and Roumania, for the support of the families left behind there. In the cultural sphere the same thing is happening. Each year's q u o t a of immigrants brings to Palestine fragments of the vastly varied life of .world Jewry, from the dark wild Semitic types of the Yemen and southern Arabia, to the h i g h l y cultured scientists, lawyers or doctors driven out from their laboratories or their practices in Frankfort or Berlin. And gradually put of this motley throng of incomers yet another type of Jew is being evolved, a type such as the world has not yet seen. Yet already it is unmistakable. Lord Balfour never had for one moment doubted that this experiment w o u l d succeed, although there is no one who had a keener eye to the fault of the Jews. He never had the slightest d o u b t that when the soul of the Jewish people was given the opportunity to breathe in f r e e d o m, there would not be anything beyond their power to accomplish.

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Workmen's Order Elects Officers






1: All out-of-town Gtudents Ernest Priesman, president of T h e International "Workmen's The Mizrachi Women's organiA. Z. A. No. 1, announces that the zation has given ten dolars to the voulfi like to observe the Order, Branch 2.26, held a rseettwo local chapters of A. S. A., in i n g a n d election of officers, co-operation with tse B e t n-El Mizracai £:irls school in Tel Aviv, over are invited fcy the it was announced ibis week. Wednesday evening, March 27, at synagrog-ue will sponsor a special The organization is new having- of the Tac.d auxiliary io feU By the Service O f e Insurance the J. C. C. Ben M a r t i n was service at the Beth-El synagogue a membership drive. "We are the Seders at their homes.. Company, Omaha Arrangements car. be made elected financial secretary; Mrs. on Friday evening, April £6. A sure that all who attended the re1 prominent o u t-of-town speaker, J. E 1 k i n, recording secretary; Rabbi Charles E. Shulinan of cent convention smd banquet and calling either M r s. L. Life insurance Is the average heard about the work being done Ke. £816, or by calling JR. Mrs. B. Klein, treasurer; and L. Glencoe, 111., will be here for the were greatly inspired and conThis invitation is alpo Passover, the nollday of spring their own. Even their •way of rael. The streets are lively and man's one Eure way of winning Wolfson, hospitals. occasion. financial success. vinced of the importance of the to all other etrangerfi 3c the and of Jewish liberation, is one blessing the wine is different. n the specifically Jewish streets, Through it, he creates in the Rabbi Shulman is one of the attempts being made by the MizThe following -srere elected exof the most •'beautiful and- one of The fonr questions are asked in like the Street of a Hundred twinkling of an e y e , an estate ecutive members: Mrs. D. Ep- most influential Rabbis of t h e rachi to maintain the J e w i s h the most joyful holidays for Jews ;he following manner: Gates, and in the Old City, the which would require a lifetime i stein, Philip Ginsberg, Louis Fox, Chicago area. Ee cozneE h e r e ideals and traditions In Palesin all parts of the-world. A little boy holds the bone hustle and bustle of the apThe performance of the Seder which is a traditional part of the iroaching holiday is great indeed. to acquire in any other way. Ben Lindenbaum, W. Jonisch, M. highly recommended by Dr. Ab- tine," Mrs. I. Kulakofsky, presiram' Sachar. He is a Zionist and dent, stated. "We inrite all JewBy the time the afternoon of the Through it he enjoys the regular- Levich, and I. Ratzky. ceremony, the most picturesque ceremony in one hand, and an element' in the whole holiday, is egg in the other. He asks the [ay before Passover finally ar- ity of a systematic savings ac- Ben Martin was also elected as is particularly devoted to the His- ish, women interested in this work accompanied by curious customs first question—w h y do we eat rives, the city-has acquired quite count—he is safeguarded against delegate of Branch 12S to the na- tadruth and the League for Labor to join our organization by callamong the Tarious Jews of the matzos? Then lie gives the com- i different appearance. All the a natural inclination to spend to- tional convention of the Interna- Palestine. He is a graduate of ing any of the officers." world. These specific (and to us, plete answer himself. He goes Jews go to the "Walling Wall, and day what should be saved lor tional Workmen's Order, which the Hebrew Union College of CinAshkenazi Jews, eiotic) customs through the same procedure with as they pass one sees a most vari- tomorrow—he is relieved entire- will be held in New York city, cinnati. Rnssisa Coacert After the lecture, there will be have been observed by the author each of the other three questions, ed collection of types. There are ly of the worry and responsibility May 5. The club is planning to i The Ladies' Labor Lyceum club of investment and reinvestment— tender Mr. Martin a farewell para discussion period in which acof this article. asking each in its turn and an- the pious Jerusalem Jews wear- he enjoys the mental comfort of ty before he leaves for New York tive and alumni members of the j will give a Russian concert Suntag their flat fur-edged caps and Among The Sephardic Jews swering It at once. A. Z. A. will participate. The con- | day, April 2Sth, at S p. m. at the ;heir parti-colored cloaks. There knowing that his financial future April 28. i Labor Lyceum at ££nd and Clark T h e Sephardic Jews, descendand t h a t of his family is proIn many Yemenite homes the The electric clock, donated by gregation, too, will t a k e part. \ streets. Admission will be £ B ents of .those who' once were ex- Haggada is paraphrased Sn Ara- are the Sephardic Jews, w i t h tected. T h e r e will an "Oneg Slmbbos" Mrs. Clara Brown, was drawn for cents. pelled from Spain, have a Seder bic. This is largely because most their rabbis and judges known as And at a Etroke, he solves the at this meeting. It was won by period wherein tea will be served that Is especially splendid. The of the Yemenite Jewish women 'Chachamen", wearing turbans and. community Hinging cf recent problem of tomorrow's money, a M. Paperny, 2514 No. 62nd St. m their heads. And there are p women wear their most beautiful do not understand Hebrew. Palestinian songs will be features. ih f d t he Bukharian Jews, w e a r i n g problem which confuses and torclothes.. The afikolmen is. not This is not anything unusual. their purple cloaks; the Cauca- ments thousands of men and hurhidden under the pillow, as In the The Jewish scholar Rashl tells us gements tor them, worried and diseourmore familiar ceremony, but is in his "Hapardes" t h a t is was sian Jews, looking- half as though aged, into premature old age. Junior Vaad Debate wrapped In a silk cloth worn by once the custom in France to tell they were Cossacks, with Cossack Financial happiness, certainty the women over their shoulders the story of the H a g g a d a in headgear and wide breeches; Ye•ewish Workers The annual debate between the while the Haggada is being Bald. French since that was the langu- menite Jews, dressed modestly of the future, the feeling that as far as money needs go, "All is but neatly; v a r i o u s European Junior Vaad Auxiliary and t h e In general, the Sephardim make age the women knew. Jerusalem (WNS—Palcor Jewish types, some of them just well with me and with my fam- Young Men's Vaad will be held elaborate' preparations . for t h e ily"—these are the good fruits of Agency—An application has been In Bokhara And Morocco arrived from the Emek or perApril 30 at the B'nai Israel synaPassover. Four weeks b e f o r e made to the Palestine GovernEven m o r e patriarchal and haps from far-away Galilee. They the good tree of life insurance. gogue. Passover, the day after Purim, The girls will be represented ment for the grant of a large area they begin-to bake matzos. The ceremonious is the Seder cere- a r e dressed in clean white by Goldye Wolfson and Rose Sof- of land which is at its disposal cabbalists have special additional mony of: the Bukharian Jews.The blouses. And then, of c o u r s e, fer, and the boys by Hymie Fink- south of Jaffa for the creation o* details to observe and special room where the Seder Is to be there are the various types of woa l a r g e Jewish urban center, It held is filled with roses and framen, all in their characteristic elstein and Sidney Epstein. prayers to say over each piece of was l e a r n e d by the Palcor grant grasses. On the table there arb. The subject Is: Resolved, that matzos. Agency. are two flasks, and in each there Los A n g e l e s (WNS)—"The the Rabbis should limit their acOne f i n d s here Jews from Some Sephardim bake, before IB a twig of myrtle. Roses and It is proposed by the Bistaworld's answer to the mendacious tivities to traditional religious Shanghai and f r o m Honolulu, Passover, a special kind of "rich other highly perfumed flowers druth, J e w i s h . Federation of Nazi plea to end the boycott" leadership. matzo" made with oil and wine. are always used by the Bukharian from distant Canada and from should be an even more crushing Labor, t h a t instead of allowing T h e committee in charge inThis is served to friends who call Jews to decorate t h e i r Sabbath New Zealand, from India and boycott until "an economic col- cludes Sara German, chairman; the land to lie idle the Governfrom some colony in distant Afduring ' the intermediary week- and holiday tables. lapse or reform of the Hitler re- May Tucker, Minnie Frohin, Eva ment should make It possible to days of the holiday. Everyone Bits on a low sofa pil- rica and, of course, from all the gime" is effected, Samuel Unter- Marcus, and Bess Kirshenbaum. engage on a l a r g e program of labor housing on that land. The Among the Sephardim It is cus- ed high with pillows to lean on. Enropean and American lands. myer, leader of the boycott moveGovernment is said to be giving tomary lor several families to The oldest male sits at the head Song And Dance In The Colonies ment told a huge mass meeting The Dodge and Plymouth' cars arc still setting Much joy and the true spirit of serious consideration to the prohave a" common Seder at which of the table, and next in order staged by the Los Angeles Ameriposal, inasmuch &s it will help to the story of the f l i g h t out o: comes the next oldest. The se- liberation characterize the Seder canization League, n n d e r one record sales throughout the country - - Come relieve the pressure upon housing Egypt is dramatized. While those quence Is progressively downward ceremonies In the colonies and in hundred per cent Christian ausIn today and see for yourself the car that conditions in the cities. William who remain seated at the table according to age, with the women Tel Aviv, where t h e masses of pices. tourists from various countries, Johnson, treasurer of the Palesat the foot. discuss- the liberation, a visitor Haifa (WNS—Palcor Agency) In a slashing attack on Nazism, America is traying. As soon as the recitation of the who have come to Palestine for Fascism and Communism, Mr. —The largest chemical plant in tine Government, accompanied by arrives-fresh from Egypt and bePassover, s t r e a m through the gins to-narrate the whole story. Haggada is begun the head of Untermyer warned that unless the Near East, which will free Moshe Shertok, member of the This visitor carries a sack over the house rises and grasps a staff streets. Palestine and surrounding coun- Jewish Agency. Executive, made a It is the "night of observance", citizens rise and crush these for- tries from the need of European tour in Tel Aviv and vicinity in his shoulder and has a staff in Then his wife hands him a pack eign Isms America's heritage of his hand, quite as though he had age containing a few matzos the first Passover night. Doors freedom is doomed. Saying that importation, is to be erected in order to study the work of the just come a long distance. After which he throws over his shoul and w i n d o w s are open, and there Is no room in this country this harbor city shortly, it was Histadruth in its large-scale houshe is asked, a number of questions der, and then proceeds to run through.all the lighted streets of for Fascism, Nazism Communism, learned by Palcor Agency. The ing schemes. Particular attention was given about how the Jews left Egypt, back and forth across the house Tel Aviv one hears the melody Mr. Untermyer b r a n d e d Ger- plant will have a capital of 1,of the Haggada in all its variahe joins those at the table and until he stops in a corner. 000,000 and is being established to the projected workers quarters many's scrapping of the VersailThe smaller children approach tions. From all the houses one les Treaty as a challenge to the on the initiative of the British near the agricultural school of says the Haggada with them. The Questions In ;Arabic him and say: "hence do you hears the final words: Chemical Industries, Ltd., and a Mikvey Israel, where the Histadwhole civilized world. Distributors for - - Next year in Jerusalem the The Jews from Baghdad and come?" "From Egypt", he reAgain branding as false the as- group of overseas Jewish manu- ruth p r o p o s e s to erect 1,000 rebuilt!" houses as part of a larger deYemen perform the Seder and re- plies. 'DGE COMMERCIAL PODGE - PLYMOUTH facturers. T h e chalutzim, pparticularly, sertion made by Julius Lippert, velopment on land in that area cite the Haggada in a manner all "And where are you g o i n g Nazi commissioner of Berlin, that The success of the huge plant now?" "To Jerusalem", he says. make a great tb-do a b o u t the the boycott Is a J e w i s h move- is assured from the beginning as which Is now vacant. T h e Palestine Government's After this conversation he sits Seder. All the workers in Tel ment, Mr. Untermyer assailed this j the result of the signing of an down at his place again and t h Aviv assemble in-the Eden Hall agreement with the Iras Petro- treasurer also i n s p e c t e d the youngest person of the house in Tel Avlvi where they gather piece of impertinence" and said leum Company, which will pur- apartment houses and individual asks the four questions. around'heavily laden tables and that "the only answer to such a chase 40,000 tons of sulphuric dwelling's in Tel Aviv, which have The Jews from Morocco get the recite the Haggada. Then every- plea is not only to continue, but acid annually for a proposed been erected by the Histadruth. Seder over In great haste, with one's feet lift and the dancing of to intensify the boycott so long as petroleum refinery at Haifa. By NATE CUTLER almost no ceremony. They are the Hora and the singing of these wrongs continue." Patronize our advertisers. Previously the erection of such With t h e Passover holidays the poorest Jews in Jerusalem. p a refinery bad been impossible coming on shortly, it'll be a good All of them live in dark littl chalutzim-songs b e g i n s . The dance is carried out into the owing to the lack of the adequate idea for you athletes to get your rooms without air or light. But streets of Tel Aviv, - w h i c h are Dr. Lasker Remains . chemicals. The plant will produce The physi- for the Passover everything is in filled with true Jewish rejoicing. workouts in. early la Russia sulphuric acid, chloride, supercal department will be closed for apple pie order,- everyone is clean Is engaged iz several flays during t h e festivi- and dressed up. By the light of • This Passover night is to the Moscow—Dr. Kmanuel Lasker, phosphates and c a u s t i c soda. ties . . . Benry Glnsburg tells us small gas lamps they sit, decke Chalutzim, not only commemo- former chess champion of the Large quantities of chloride used of selling- all binds of KBthat the Pai Mus will play in the out In t h e i r patched garments rating the liberation from Egypt world, was appointed Chess Edi- locally by the Palestine Potash LXGXOUS ARTICLES — but also a marking of the birth of Bee-News National softball league and have their Seder. tor of the Izvestia, official organ Company for m a k i n g bromine Taleisisn sad prayer-books a new life, a life which foretells from the Dead Sea were previ. . . O. K., Henry,: and good luck Many are the times that I have the liberation of all the Jews and of the Soviet Government. Jewish music — •wine for . . .Plans for the J . C . C. softball spent the beautiful spring' PassDr. Lasker will also occupy the ously imported. of the Jewish renaissance. sacramental purposes — This will now be supplied by circuit are 'progressing nicely ... over holiday in Palestine. But post of Director of the Moscow Many Jews go to Nablus for Chess Association. the new chemical p l a n t . The There'll be a league, starting play only once have I been in JeruM&tzes ass l^ Fawner superphosphates will find a ready during,the;first week of May . , salem on the eve of the holida Passover, to see ho-w the holiday is celebrated by the Samaritans, Don't forget to keep .the night of ad I shall never forget this exSuperstitution is the religion market throughont the N e a r Arcs East, where there is great, need AT 15S5 May 2 open for v the annual pre- perience, for it brings np the who to this day bring the Pass- of feeble minds. 1816 No. £4t& over sacrifice to Mount Geriziia. for s o i l fertilizers Mtherto imsentation of athletic awards . . most beautiful'picture o n e . can <Copyrielit. 1835. Jewish Telegraphic Xert to Abramsoa Toad Store ! Aeency, Inc.) ported from England. A nice array of outstanding ath- Imagine. Patronize our advertisers. letic speaking talent is b e i h g Several days before Passove: Warsaw—Polish e x p o r t s to lined up for t h e program . . the s t r e e t s of Jerusalem an Palestine are now ten times as And who'B it going to be for the Irvin C. Levin award? . . . W i n - crowded with countless Jewis great as Palestinian exports to ter athletics have definitely been visitors, tourists from all over th Poland, it was reported at a sesclosed at the Center, outside of world, who have come to spenc sion of the foreign committee of the occasional handball"; workout the Passover in the Land of Is tho Polish Parliament. . . . Stress is being placed on the calesthenics - classes • for both men and women, a n d ' on . swimming and tennis . . . Don't be surprised if the J. C. C. goes, in for a great deal of mixed swimming this year . . . Elmer Shamberg,- O m a h a ' Tennis- club netster,; h a s b e e n MemLera of New York Stock Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade helping with Instructing the women's tennis classes . . . Don't 'Announce With Pleasure a Merger, of Their Firms see any reason why t h e Center -can't p u t s classy tennis team In APRIL'S, 1935 the field this year with such talent around the building as Joe This Business Is to Be Conducted Under the Name of Cohen, Herman Blumental, J o e Greenstone, Al Monavitz, Massie Baum, Elmer • Shamberg, and Irvin Yaffe . .'• . You. baseball fans Messrs. James F . Burns, jr., New Y o r k keep your - eyes set on April 1G Charles F . LincUey, New York . . . It's the date of the opening Patrick F . Buckley* Chicago of the big leagues. Former partners of Boettcher-Newton &. Co, wiU this Say become general partners of Harris, Vpham & Co. We are pleased to state we vrill Become lie-correspondent of Boeticher fit Co., vho will continue their investment banking and will retain their offices at Denver, "Omaha sod CMesgo. With the completion of the merger, Harris, tTpHam & Co. will have offices in the following cities: . •


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THE JEWISH PRESS -', Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by :THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - • • - • - 12.00 Advertising rates furnished on application.

ilization is in the balance today. Make no mistake about that Forces have conspired to undo all our great achievements and moral purposes of the past and we must do battle with them fearlessly." Religion of the country, must stand side by side in battling the common foe. During periods of economic and social unrest, it becomes quite -easy for religious leaders to carry on a crusade which arouses popular support but for which there is no sound economic basis. In this crusading, there is always the constant danger of pitting group against group and religion against religion either through intention or through inference. Therein lies a real danger in American life today.

APRIL 12, 1935.

MAMATALKS By GERTRUDE! BERG, Author of "The Rise at the Goldbergs"

Jews of Omaha. See any member of the above-named. organisations and get your shekel. —Morris Minkin.


Palestinian Discoveries

righteous mac is equal to the whole world. We were taught in the name of Rabbi Simon "Love and hatred disregard!? the rule of dignified conduct, and causes men to do things below their standard". Rftbbi Jose BRM, "A jealous mas will envy every body except his KOIJ and disciple." Our Rabbis were taught, "The men of Sodom became overbearing only on Ecconnt of the wealth that the Holy One bestowed upon i hem, BO they B a i d, "Since our land supplies us with everything, why should we permit travellers who are coming only to share our wealth BO decided to abolish the IEW of free trade," Rabbi Jochan&u said, "A little refreshment often plays an Important role and brings strangers close together."

The remain&r-t of Israel not do iniquity nor speak 11«• neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth. At that time will, I bring you in, and at that time will I gather you for I will make you * great name, and a praise smoog alt th<? peoples o£ the earth. These are things that ye Eh all do, epeak ye every man the truth with his neighbor, execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates. Have we not all one father? Hath not one God created us? Why do we deal treacherously every man .against his brother? TALMUD Rabbi Chesdo said, "Four type* I of man will not receive the glory, of the Scechinah; the scornerE,' the liars, the flatterers, and the! slanderers." • Rabbi Ghana said, "A soul of a j

Several recent newspaper stories publicizing the cases of chilEditorial Office: 500 Brandeis Theater Building. dren undergoing severe operaJerusalem (WNS)—P a I c o r Sioax City Office—Jewish Community Center tions hare impressed ma deeply. Agency)—One of the m o s t imNot alone because of the evidence portant corroborations of t h e DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKBRMAN - - - - - - - - Editor they give of the advances of Bible daring the period of the RABBI URI MILLER - • - - - Contributing Editor medical science, awe-inspiring for Kingdom of Judah was made FANNIE KATB.LMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent a mere layman. But because of known here with the discovery at ANN PILL - - . - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent the insight they give Into the Tel Ad duweir, midway between Print Shop Address: 4B04 So. 24th Street character of these children faced Beersheba and Gaza, of archives The Arab landowners in Transjordania are coming to the with an ordeal which they may with Hebrew inscriptions which give the names of the most famrealization that they can't have their dessert and eat it too. Jew- not survive. ous Israelites mentioned during Some of us may b« Inclined to The Jewish Olympic games held in Palestine this past week ish leaders, anxious to find some place where oppressed Jewry view the bright cheerfulness of that period in Scriptures. T h e as the second Maccabiad is symbolical of Jewish regeneration; it could colonize, have always considered Transjordania particularly the little patients as pathetic sensational discovery was t h e work of a British archaeological focusses' attention on Palestine as the country where Jewish inviting because of the proximity to the homeland, Palestine. proof of their ignorance. I pre- expedition headed by J. L. Starfer, however, to regard their atyouth is not only regaining its, physical vigor but is leading a Many obstacles have been placed in the way of Jewish acquisi- titude as a shining example to be key. The find is regarded as of tion of land in this territory, obstacles too discouraging to be taken to heart by all of us. . Too unique importance because hithernormal, healthy life physically as well as mentally. to the discovery of written docuFive thousand athletes representing thirty-five countries and overcome at the moment. Suddenly, the sheiks of Transjordan often we adults face Illness and ments of the Biblical period has the possibility of death w i t h a forty thousand spectators from all parts of the world saluted the find that if the Jews will not be permitted to enter Transjor- terror that makes the battle half- been rare and pottery usually has Maccabiad flag when it was hoisted at the beginning of the great dania, then Jewish capital will be diverted to Syria, and also the lost before it Is well started; and been the only available witness of the Bible stories. Hitherto the sport events. The strains of Hatikvah synchronized with the re- manifold benefits to be derived from Jewish initiative and abil- too often, we Inculcate the same archaeology of the period of the fear into the hearts of our chillease of a flock of pigeons to symbolize freedom and peace in ity would be lost to their territory. Hence, many of the sheiks dren. Kings has revealed only two or Prohibit Protest | decided last week to press more vigorously for Jewish admission : Zion. , ; • ' . . • . •• ' • • ' . • • ' . • . ' . . . . That illness Is unpleasant can- three inscriptions. The British Warsaw—The authorities pro-! not be disputed. But we are prone expedition has bees seeking light hibited a protest meeting ar-', It is comparatively unimportant to us that the athletes from into their country. on Biblical history for some time But, such action is not one-hundred per cent. The perni- to forget that even the most se- at Tel A d d u w e l r , which was ranged by the Central Jewish i the United States made an impressive Bhowing in their victories vere Illness becomes more bear(RUSSIA) or that the records recorded demonstrated much ability; these cious influence of the Grand Mufti of Palestine is still being felt. able if KU attitude of undaunted known in ancient times as Lach- School Organisation against the j government's withdrawal of sub- j Send a Torgsin Order ish. He summoned a number of Arab leaders and landowners together cheerfulness is maintained. Not are-comparatively unimportant to the straightening of the bent sidy from the Yiddish schools in j to your relative? in th« only by the patient, for whom I back of the Golus Jew; to the demonstration of Palestine as the and directly contrary to the action of their fellow-Moslems, they this may often be extremely difThe remains of the Kingdom of Pojand. U.S.S.R. Torgsin Store* ort took an oath not to sell land to Jews. Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister, Judah period would date back to While discriminating against i central place for an expression of Jewish solidarity. ^The Gerfaceted in tha larger citi« ficult without, outside help; but of the Soviet- Union and carman contingent of athletes - - - discriminated against in their Hit- British Colonial secretary, made the announcement that Jews especially by those who come in between 900 and 600 B. C. The the Jewish school, the Polish au- j outstanding revelation are t h e thorities have given the status o£ J contact with the sufferer. ry oboist 15,000 different lerland - - - had the largest delegation of any country at the Mac- should entertain no hopes of being admitted to Transjordan. archives with Hebrew 1 n a c r i p- public school to private religious i Competent doctors and nurses domestic end imported arBarriers shall continue to be placed in the way of opening seldom sin in this respect. But tions, apparently belonging to the Ched&rim, which are long out of , cabiad; the virility and vitality of these young people could not ticles of high quality. these vast, underdeveloped sections for Jewish settlement But, what of the family and friends of leading Prince of Judah, which date from & pedagogical view-; be suppressed, but were given expression in the land of Israel. point. Tens of thousands of Jewwere engraved on porcelain in the •Prices compare favorThe spiritual side of our life is all-important and we dare not in the end, the expansion of the Jewish people from Palestine the patient? Mow often have you, iancient Hebrew script In choice ish pupils In the Yiddish and He-; suffering from a simple sore ably with tbost to overlook tibe necessity to fortify our children with the protective will in all probability include Transjordania. throat, had to listen to well-i Biblical language and of a date brew school system are affected j America armor of Jewish spirituality; but, neither can we overlook the vimeaning, f r i e n d s discourse at prior to the First Temple e r a . by the government discrimina- i 9 tioa. great length upon similar cases Part of these inscriptions appears "Wmm ?*re«t* srisw ta 1 necessity of affording our children invigorating physical which developed Into severe and to be an exchange of correspond••c rear I growth as exemplified by the Maccabiad. A strong body strengthThe Passover season is traditionally associated in Jewish perhaps fatal illness? How often ence between the Viceroy of L&ch- in the middle of the eighth cent ens the mind, and gives balance to. our lives. life with registration and enrollment in the Talmud Torah. This have you, facing a minor opera- ish and the King of Jerusalem, tury B. C. I tradition has been accepted even by the modern Talmud Torah tion,been regaled with tales, com- since the names of famous IsraelIt was at Lachish also that Sen-1 plete with all the harrowing de- ites of that period who are men- nacherib, K i n g of Assyria, en- • and our own institution is beginning its registration now. • A determined effort is to be made at this time to increase the tails, of others in the same situa- tioned in Scriptures also occur In camped when he was waiting for j the tablets. The find is regard- the surrender of King Hezekiah j enrollment of girls in the Talmud Torah. It is one of the anom- tion who learned to their sorrow ed ©•rural Representative IN U.S.A. Even in the desert there is an oasis, and even the clouds have by Palestinian archaeologists at Jerusalem during the days of i that a hospital is an inferno of st Amtocc—Mt Fifth Av», N.Y. alies of Jewish life in our country where traditions are so easily torture? as one of the most valuable ever silver linings. ' the prophet Isaiah. violated that this tradition of Jewish education for boys only It is a melancholy tact that made in this country. The flames of anti-Semitism, fed with inflammable fuel by should be so faithfully observed. While in former times when The finds were described as many of us enjoy nurturing ft neprofessional agitators, may have spread in all directions, fanned woman's domain was the kitchen alone and the apprenticeship of farious fear of illness In our- 'the m o s t valuable find ever girls to their mothers was adequate Jewish education, this may selves and others. And tt is also made of the period of the First by the prejudices so easily stirred in times of economic crises have been justified, certainly it can find no justification whatso- a fact that such fear frequently Temple" in an exclusive statebut the rains of nature will eventually do much toward washing ever in our times when women have taken over the responsibil is worse than the illness that in- ment given to the Palcor Agency away such man-made sorrows. ity of maintaining Israel's culture and to a great measure are the spires it. Often, indeed, it not by Prof. Harry Torciyner, noted Thus, the week's news contains some bright spots for world sole austainers of Israel's intellectual life. Even in the ultra- only is worse, but tends to aggra- expert on Semitic languages and Professor at- the Hebrew UniverThere's Shoe Satisfaction for Jewry. A glance at the headlines and we see: Brazil passes a law orthodox circles of Poland, a whole school system - - the Beth vate the illness itself and to de- sity of Jerusalem, who has been lay recovery. which outlaws anti-Semitic propaganda; Hungary continues Jacob schools - - has been built up for girls with an enrollment of entrusted by Dr. Starkey with the the Man Who Wean So that the publicizing of the, along its reversal of policy by overwhelming the anti-Semitic tens of thousands. Yet we completely neglect educating our girls, cases of those severely 111 chil- task of deciphering the Importcandidates in the parliamentary elections; the Latvian War Min- sending them perhaps to Sunday school as a sop to our conscience. dren may well serve to teach all ant fragments that were found written in ink on ordinary earthOne need not repeat that the Sunday school at its best is but a ister announces that the Jewish soldiers in the army of Latvia tolerable supplement to a Talmud^Torah-education, and at its av- of us an Important lesson. And enware. The sensational discovas we look at the newspaper picwill be provided with kosher food as a.gesture of good-will to the erage is a waste of time, effort, and money. One shudders to con- tures of-those children, smiling ery on the site of ancient Lachish, Jewish inhabitants of the country. ' template the Jewish home of the future if the mother's sole Jew- confidently into our eyes, let us greatest fortress in the southern area ot the Kingdom of Judah, ish education is to be acquired as at present One can state un- take that lesson to heart. adds Irrefutable' testimony of the (Copyright, Has. by E«v«n Art* Featart equivocably that it is as necessary - • even more so for girls to ByndiciU.) accuracy of the Bible in its acacquire a complete Jewish education as for boys. count of the period of the Kings. . Indeed our effort must be to increase the amount of educaIt was stated by Prof. Torciyner. The projected Jewish immigration and colonizatin In Biro It was declared that this newest tion even in our Talmud Torahs. An hour or so a day is far too Bidjan, Russia, is moving out of the talking stage into the realm find, enriching the facts already little. Certainly two hours per day ought to be considered an irof actual work. Eastern European Jewry are the ones who reducible T"faJHHirn, And-even that will be insufficient for an adassembled by archaeology, will go a far way toward causing a revishope to benefit from the opened gates of Biro Bidjan, th& auto- equate Jewish education. We must seek to maximize the knowThe nineteenth Zionist congress ion of the skeptical attitude toledge of our past - - of our culture - - of our faith'and we cannot which will convene this summer ward the Biblical accounts which nomous Jewish region. " .: The newest developments in Poland.make the Biro Bidjan do so by permitting the time devoted to Jewish education to be should, for many reasons, have prevails In some quarters. the Interest of e v e r y Jew and Lachish WM the fortress which hope even more significant Dr. Joseph Rosen* director of the constantly lessened, irrespective of the reason. Maurice Samuel in his book "Jews on Approval" has some Jewess irrespective of hii or her offered resistance to NebuchadAgro-Joint, announces that responsible Jewish leaders in America pertinent statements on this subject "The gracelessness of Amer- party affiliations. nezzar, King ot Babylon, when he are interested in the possibilities of settling Jews from Poland ican Jewish life," he states, "is connected in the first place with For the last few yean anti- swept down upon Judah after and other countries in Biro Bidjan. Dr. David Lwowitch, leader the liquidation of the intellectual motif in Judaism and this is il- Semitism g r e w and enveloped King Zedekiah had renounced the practically the whole world. The of the Ort who is now in Moscow in connection with an Ort col- lustrated by a special type of opposition to intensive Jewish child Jewish horizon darkens from day allegiance of his Kingdom to Babylon. Jeremiah was the great education • the "Scientific" fear of overstrain. onization project, stated: "The situation of the Jews in Soviet to day and the only bright spot Prophet of that era, who had been . "This horror of unusual mental effort is universal today. It on It that soothes the Jewish eye preaching during the reigns of Russia has improved tremendously since my last visit in 1928." has produced the dominant school of educators who have the and talks to the Jewish heart Is Josiah, J e h o a h a . E , Jehoiakim, These statements lend weight to the belief that active coloniza- most ingenious methods of teaching, and are afraid to teach any- Palestine—Erets Yiaroel. Paleskiah, covering the period between tion in Bira Bidjan will soon begin. thing. In the reaction against faulty pedagogy, routine drilling tine ceased to be a Fata Morgana, 638 B. C. and 593 B. C. The In light of this, it is of interest that Louia Fischer, veteran and the rest, the substance of education has melted away into a a vision, an Ideal for the far-off twelve inscribed potsherds which tomorrow. Palestine is a sweet were found by the Starkey expedicorrespondent of "The Nation," makes the point that Russia is bleak minimum; for fear of overwork, the child is deprived even fact and reality of today. tion definitely date back to the of the elements of discipline; and the illusion spreads that the 4n need of immigration. He believes that the negotiations of good things of the mind are to be had by a vague, pleasant abLast y e a r Palestine admitted t i me of Jeremiah, twenty-five Jewish groups with Soviet officials will be successful. He is also sorption. and took In Its folds sixty some hundred years ago. Prof. Tocryner thousands J e w i s h immigrants, declared. optimistic regarding the development of Bureya by the Jewish "I have not yet encountered a Jew who is ready to assert that most.of whom came from Poland -" The correspondent of the Polsettlers. the effects of the old chedar training have been reflected in the and Germany. car Agency was s h o w s photoAny door which can be used to let the suffering Eastern thickening of the Jewish minoVAs far as I have been able to To these jews Palestine meant graphs of the writing oa the potEuropean Jews escape in any-measure from their living death systematize my own observations, they point to the singular fact a haven and refuge from an utter sherds by Prof. Torcasyner, but that Jews who have been through the cheder are brighter, more economic destruction. Palestine is the ordinary appearance o! t h e should not be overlooked. alert, and more successful than those who have not And yet the about the only land s o w that shards does not reveal their unl• * « resistance against 'excessive' Jewish training is based ostensibly holds Its gates open for Jewish q u e Importance. According to immigrants. Prof. Torcsyner, these shards are on regard for the mental health of the young. Under these circumstances Pal- 1 i k e 1 y to throw extraordinary "Astonishing as it mu3t seem to the outsider, this 'abuse' of estine should cease to be the con- light on the existing knowledge A lesson to guide our action in battling the forces playing the childish mind did not prevent the same Jewish boys from carcern of a small minority of Jews of Jeremiah's time. The importupon prejudices in an effort to disintegrate the ties which unite rying off the prizes in the day-schools and, what is more signifi- under the banner of Zionism but ance of the Starkey discovery lies the people of this country into a body seeking common goals of cant, from becoming comparatively successful in after life. should become the interest and in the tact that it represents the "The terror of modern Jewish parents that their children's concern of every man and woman first extra-Biblical document on liberty, peace and justice is to be gathered from the recentlythat is affiliated with the Jewish Scriptures. No archaeologist had concluded conclave of the Union of American Hebrew Congre- minds will be ruined by extra study is the invasion of Jewish life people. * ever believed that the h u m i d by the low intellectual standads of the time. When not disguised Enjoy the satisfaction of the best possible gations, held in Washington. The lesson is that there is need as pedagogic theory, it presents itself as a false, sentimental plea Being the Zionist Congress ts earth ot Palestine would be able shoe in America at the price—it's available for greater adherence to the basic principles of religion if the for childhood happiness. I believe that children can be happy with the body that decides the course to preserve any document though for you at The Nebraska. great, moral forces necessary to govern human behavior are not a great desl more mental exercise than present-day educational and policies in the work for the the centuries, although the dry upbuilding of Palestine, therefore sand of Egypt had caused the to be destroyed. Whether we be Jews, Protestants or Cathdlics, systems force upon them; but even if the production of a better it is the duty of every Jew and preservation of a number of imBostonians in u wide selection of lasts and there is the need for the upbuilding of the religious side of race of men and women did. imply a certain hardening of child- Jewess to take an active part ia portant writings. The remarkable hood life, it would be better in the long run. In any case, the idea the work of the congress. To this aspect of the script is that It appatterns for men and young men. American life. of a Jewish culture or of any other kind, maintained without ef- end every Jew and Jewess should pears to be written in/ordinary As the Rt. Rev. James E. Freeman, Bishop of Washington fort is part of the general mania for lunch counter education; and procure a Shekel certificate at the ink, such as might be used in our Select calfskin, kangaroo, kid leathers . • • (Protestant Episcopal) declared at the convention, the message if Jewish tradition has anything affirmative in it, the first thing price of fifty cents. Through this own time. wing tips, straight tips, plain tips. certificate one acquires the right Prof. Torciyner is now engaged of Judaism, of Christianity, and of America is "Return to your it implies Is a contempt for easy Judaism." cast his or her vote at the In preparing a lecture on the sigJewish education is facing the future in a spirit of hope- to homes and exert your every influence in your power that the polls when election for delegate! nificance of the find conjointly Every pair of Bostonians made with th* great moral forces do not perish from this earth." "Your busi- fulness. For several decades it was weighted down by a top-heavy to t h e congress take place, with Dr. Starkey, head of the exfamous Flexmore process, which assure* emphasis on the Hebrew language and a disparagement of the ness and mine," he continued, "is not to emphasize the things religious aspects of Judaism; due to the backwash of the Zion- Through tha certificates we also pedition, which Is financed by Sir comfort from the start. demonstrate quantitatively before that make for class and racial distinction. The time has come ist movement in the one case and the inferiority complex of the the mandatory power and the Henry Wellcome of London. The been scheduled for to challenge the people of this land to restore the family altar. Jew in the other. We are happily emerging from this period. He- world at large the interest of the lecture has The possibility that Bostonian De Luxe $8 Religion must be brought into the counting room and the fac- brew, of course, is being taught and rightly BO but the senseless Jewish people in the work f o r April 26th. Palestine; and this Is Important. the potsherds would reveal many tory. The'moral and religious forces, fifty-five million strong, emphasis upon it is no longer present And the greatest authoriX-RAY FITTING SERVICE ties in educational circles have come out strongly for emphasis on There is less than two months episodes in the heroic history of must stand together to resist communism, Nazi-ism, Fascism, traditional religion. The school is being understood as a labora- left to <*he time ot election tor Lachish "waswho have examined forecast by several Shoe*—FlP»i Float* and all other isms that would destroy.this country. My church tory of "Jewish life where the finest we can expect from our chil- delegates to the Zionist Congress, authorities Lachish was the city to which Amatiah, King of Judah, We urge you therefore, Omaha SEE OUR WINDOWS the shards. cannot segregate itself from other religious bodies. Neither dren as adults* is BO inculcated as to remain part of their mental Jewry, do not delay—g e t your fled when a conspiracy was raised can yours. This is a time for more fellowship, more kindly inter- and spiritual make-up. Thus it is the practical aspects of Judaism shekel. against him in Jerusalem, followcourse and more warfare against these forces which would take that are now being emphasized - - and we are hopeful that the ing his disastrous war against The Omaha Poale-Zioa. Jewish future graduates of our Talmud Torah will become good Jews - - National Workers Alliance, and Jehoash, King of Israel. The confrom, us those things.we hold most dear. The need of this hour something not always true in the past Pioneer Women's Organisation are spirators followed and assassinatis a re-affirmation of the elementary imperatives of religion. UnCORRECT AWAJUK. FOR HEN AND WOMKN This moral of all this is - - enroll your children, especially vitally interested to t«e the wide- ed him ia Lachish, as the story Is less -we have this, your children will see the dark shadows. Civ- your daughters, in the Talmud Torah* —By URI MILLER, spread of the satkolim among the told In Seeead Klags. This was •



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Physical Regeneration


Jewish Education in a Modern World


















Oasis in the Desert






Toward Reality

Battling Side by Side


- -,?\-





Letters to the Editor


3HOHdi11t sip


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$40,6 The 31 Beneficiary Agencies of the Drive LOCAL

If Omaha Jewry is to keep faith with their feUow-Jews locally, nationally and internationally a minimum of $40,650 must be raised in the sixth annual Jewish Philanthropies Campaign of Omaha, to be held from May 7th to May 14th. Thirty-one worthy beneficiaries and the people who look to them for relief will suffer for every dollar we fall short!

X. City Talmud Torah —• Provides thorough, modern Jewish Education for all Omaha • children. ' 2, Jewish Old People's Home — Comforts and TPftinf-ainn aged people of Omaha* S. Soda! Service Committee — Grants loans and offers general counsel and assistance to students, juvenile court work, etc 4. Jewish Community Center Mortgage Reduction Fund ••— Amortising mortgage on Center Building.

NATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 5. American Jewish Committee — Organization interested in Jewish civil rights, responsibilities, etc. :•,.••.•;•;_.: 6. B'nal B'ritt Wider ; Scope Committee — Anti-Defamation program, Hillel Foundations maintained in colleges, A. Z. A. work carried on. • ;. 7. Bureau of Jewish Social Research —-Studies Jewish Social Work, advises on Jewish communal problems. 8. Ex-Patients' Tubercular Home— Cares for those discharged from Tubercular Hospitals' who are not y e t ready for active life, 9. Graduate School for Jewish Social Work — .Trains and equips-.'future Jewish Social workers. " • 10. Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)— Directs Jewish immigration into proper' channels, assists and aids refugees. U . Hebrew Theological College (Chicago):—* Trains young men for the Orthodox Rabbinate and for teaching positions. 12. Jewish Consumptive and Ex-Patients' Belief Ass'n. (Los Angeles, CaL)—Cares-for tu-« ' bercular patients, provides training and after-care. 13. Jewish Consumptive Belief Society (Denver)—Gives free relief to needy tubercular sutifereis: many Omaha patients there. 14. Jewish Orphan Home (Cleveland) — H a s taken care of eighteen Omaha children in the past eight years. 15. Jewish Telegraphic Agency— Gathers Jewish news throughout the world and properly . distributes it, 16. Jewish Theological Seminary — Trains Conservative Rabbis and Teachers. 17. Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital—-Affords needy people benefits of Hot Springs treatment for arthritis, rheumatic disorders, etc 18. National Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds — Develops standards' and co-operation for Jewish Federations. 19. National Desertion Bureau — World-wide network to trace deserters, re-establish broken homes, e t c 20. National Farm School — Trains Jewish. Youth for agriculture. ZL National Home for Jewish Children—Saves children from horrible sufferings of tuberculosis. 22. National Jewish Hospital (Denver) —Offers free aid and service to all tubercular people. . 23. Rabbi Isaac Elchan Theological Seminary (Yeshiva College) — College for training of Orthodox Rabbis, offers college courses. 24. American Friends of Hebrew University — Supports, educational program and main- tains Hebrew University in Palestine. 25. United Jewish Appeal — Funds for rebuilding Palestine, settling refugees there — relief for suffering, declassed and exiled Jews _ all over the" world. 26. Jewish National Fond — Purchases land in Palestine, reclaims and prepares it for Na' tional use. 27. League for Labor (Palestine)—Supports work of the Histadruth (general Federation of Jewish Labor in Palestine), helps build co-operative colonies. 28. People's Ort Federation ~ Conducts trade > schools in Russia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania; provides tools,,, equipments, etc. 29. Mizrachi Palestine;;. Fund—Promotes religious thought and tradition in Palestine. SO. Vaad H'Oehr — Distributes local funds to smaller European and Palestinian institutions of. learning, child care, orphan homes, etc 3L Hikem — Relief and Service organization for refugees.

Jewish Life M u s t - B e Saved • • • • Jewish Unity Must Be Furthered • • • • "'-if^'.';••'•>•' Jewish Tradition Must, be Preserved • • • • Jewish Institutions Must Be Maintained • • • • ' i;-"•.•'"

We would indeed be faithless to tradition and blind to obligation if we shut our hearts to the pleading appeal of our brethren in need. The burden placed upon Jewish institutions has grown heavier and heavier their situation is desperate, their requirements heart-rending. They ask our help in the name of our own flesh and blood we must do more than our share in humanizing the evils of their misfortune. Theirs is a challenge which we must meet unflinchingly and unfalteringly-— in the approaching Philanthropies campaign.

Giving Makes Life Worth To contribute to the Jewish Philanthropies as generously as we can is not the most we should do - - but it is the least we can do. A maximum of generous giving is only a minimum of duty.

You must either give or receive! The Jewish people do not recognize any other status — he who does not receive charity, must give charity. Give until it "helps and heals and restores and rehabilitates." That means giving every cent you can.

If You've Been Denied Luxuries - - - If yon feel as though you hare been deprlred of luxuries, think of t h o s e unfortunate brethren who look upon a loaf of bread as a luxury, who ask Only for the crumbs of life, who look to your aid for the barest necessities. In maMng your Philanthropies contribntion, do not give according to what yon hav©—-but according to what the beneficiaries do not hare.

Your pledge is only a small part ofyour contribution. You can give your time, your energy, your suggestions, your appreciation and understanding. And above all, spread the knowledge of "Jewish Philanthropies," wherever possible, "talk Philanthropies."


The workers who will take part in the mammoth campaign beginning May 7th are now being enlisted. If you wish to volunteer in the solicitation of the pledges, you are welcomed and invited to enroll in the army of workers. Do your share! Get in touch with any of the divisional leaders or with the Jewish (immunity Center of fice today - - and let them know that you want to be counted in the Jewish Philanthropies battalions.

ROPIES Your People Need Your Help NOW

Every Dollar Given Does a NobleWork





-.' ».•>..


Interest Is Growing in Palestine Investments Tel Aviv (WNS — P a 1 c o r Agency)—Middle-class investors of forty-one countries; having an aggregate capital in and outside Palestine of §22,770,000 or an average of ?18,000 for each of the 1,134 ..families concerned, •were reported by the American Economic committee for Palestine during* the year 1934, it is shown in figures just Issued. This represents a rise of nearly five petf cent in the number of inquiries and a higher average investment capacity, since 1933 clientele had only $15,000 each.1 There was a decrease in German newcomers from sixty-two per cent in 1933 to fifty-six per cent in 1934; of six per cent to five per cent from America, but an Increase of nine per cent to ten per cent from Poland.



BEST STOEY OF THE WEEK While financier Bernard Baruch and Kingflsh Huey Long have never been formally Introduced, the two of them stood face to face in a Senate Office Building elevator the other day . . . .The following bit of byplay resulted. . . .Baruch, recognteing Huey,- started to speak to him, changed his mind and fixed his gaze on a spot above the Kingfish's head. . .Long, in the meantime, had taken a good look at the financier, but didn't realize who he was until a companion whispered the name Into his ear . . .Then Louisiana's Baruchbaiter also started to speak—and also changed his mind. . . .At the first stop of the car Huey made a beeline for the door and disappeared from. view. . . .And the Board and Boom Wanted story goes that as the Kingfish Wanted — Board and room rushed down the corridor to esor housekeeping rooms — by cape an embarrassing situation 3 adults, 2 working and one he ran sfrnack into the arms ofsemi-invalid - - in nice home General Hugh S. Johnson. . . with privileges. Box J-5, INSIDE STUFF . Jewish Press.

Mark Leon Says - » / Let me t write cription reliable talk It

protect yoJr interests. . tNSTJKANCE \>t every desIncluding I I F B , in »trons. companies ONLY. . . Let's aver.

City Finance & Insurance Co. I40U Farnam

AT 1W! or VTA 5150


OLSON BROS. S013 Leavenworth

AT 2360

/Fleishman & Soskln (Fonnerty In the employ ol Harris)



Insurance with Reliable (Companies

Twelve years experience Keal Estate—Property Slarjjgement tlo So. 15tb St. JA 7311

FURS STORED Remodeled Rellned * I. BEBEOW1TZ, Furrier , 2818 Leavenworth JA 3703

Let Krasne's serve your Beauty Needs for Passover - - -

Beauty's New Deal Shampoo and finger wave featured at 50c Permanent waves by experts $3.50 and UP

KRASNE BEAUTY SALON 716 Brandeis Theater BIdg. AT 4333

RABBI Z. BARBAKOW Mohel Specialist Recommended by Many Doctors Residence Phone WEbster 5635 • Business Phone WEoster 5450

1422 N. 20th St., Omaha, Neb.

•Painting - Paperhanging Decorating Easy Payment Plan CALL SAM TABNOFF ATlantic 4544


SUNDAY DINNER" 50c and Up Catering to Bridge Luncheons Our Specialty Call AT 7787



Ask Your Grocer

FORBES BAKING CO 3711 No. 2*tb St. WE 6400


.ectnc Eye . to Aid Bled Moscow (JTA)—An "electric eye* by the means of which the blind will be able to read ordinary printed books, has been invented by Prof. A. G. Goldman of the Soviet Ukraine, it w a s announced here this week. The apparatus, equipped with lenses, moves over print and projects Images of letters u p o n a photo-electric cell. The cell transforms the images i n t o electric Impulses trhcih cause vibrations on a special desk designed 'f o r this purpose. All a blind man has to do is to put his angers on this desk. He then feels the vibrations, which are similar to the raised letters of t h e Braille system. Several desks" can be operated simultaneously by the same machine, it was pointed out.

PAGE'- SEVEN. Yaad h a s been postponed until May 2.

Beth-El At services tonight, Rabbi David A. Goldstein will e p e a k on "Pesach Ceremonials and their Meaning." He will present, explain and discuss - t h e various Passover practices, giving an insight into the spirit and intention of Passover. ScheflKle for Passover Services Tee first Sefier takes place in the comes, Wednesday evening, April 17. Preceding t h e Sefier, the men of the congregation will gather at the synagogue lor the evening service at 6:SO. There will be services Thursday morning at 9 o'clock and Friday morning. &i 9 o'clock.

.he. radio sponsors. . . .The wire !rom Lehn and Fink, manufacTalmud Torah Sabbath will be turers of Pebeco, to Joe Brainin, observed t h i s evening at t h e announcing that Eddie's r a d i o B'nai Israel synagogue. R a b b i ontract -will be continued after Miller's sermon -will be "Educahis Hollywood interlude, definitetion and Passover season." He will give a summary of the Jewly kills that silly gossip. . . .It is ish laws concerning Passover. rue, however, that Harry Hershf ield, humorist, cartoonist and Mr. M. M. Barish will preside radio news commentator, is reat the after-service program. Dr. ceiving daily batches of threatenPhilip Sher, chairman of t h e ing letters asking him to lay off Board of Education of the Talmud Torah, will speak. Mr. Max Hitler. .-.Whenever Harry doesn't Fromkin will give a short'talk. et any such letters he says he's slipping. . . .Sidney "Wallach of Talmud Torah pupils who will the American Jewish Committee participate in the program a r e cancelled all his appointments the Harry Goodbinder, Marcia Finer, R o s e Goldstein, Ann Arbftman other day because of the long. A. Roiam has presented and Sylvia Bernstein. awaited arrival of a little daughto the Beth-El synagogue a set ter. . . .Mother, child and father T h e members of the Parent- of Moses Maimoaides' "Mishuch. are doing well. . . .Strange, but Teachers Association of the Tal- Torah," In memory of her l a t e true: Felix M. Warburg is not mud Torah will hold a reception husband, Dr. Abraham S o n i n . 1 listec In the Social Register, but following the program. The "Mishueh Torah" is t h e Gerald F., his son, who's married epoch-making code of Jewish law to t h e daughter of publisher Saturday is Shabbos Hagodol, which Maimonides w r o t e and Conde JNast, is duly listed in soIn the morning, Rabbi Miller will thereby earned the eternal gratciety's Holy of Holies. . . .James speak at the B'nai Israel syna- itude of the Jewish people. This P. Warburg will also reach the gogue. He will speak at the Beth gift from Mrs. Romzn is a fitting social heights a f t e r he marries Hamedrosh Hagodel synagogue, memorial to Dr. A. PvOinm, who 19th and Burt streets at 4 p. in., himself was not only a physician, Mrs. Baldwin Browne, whose enProfessor Max Reinhardt a n d his subject being, "The Process but also learned in Jewish law Ludwig Lewisohn were supposed gagement to him startled all the of Redemption." and a lover of Jewish tradition. to be the two chief guests of society editors the other day. . . . Jewish Leader Impressed by Thus again, "the memorial o* the The son just born to the Earl and honor at the recent dinner of the Visit to Jewish T h e Religious school ol t h e righteous is a blessing." Countess of Suffolk and BerkHebrew University at the Hotel Vaad will hold a typical Passover Homeland Plaza, New York. . . .Both were shire is a grand son of Daisy LeiSeder Sunday morning. Tables Mention the Jewish Press to unavoidably detained, and could ter, the Chicago heiress whom New York (WNS)—Felix M. will be spread according to the your rnefehant. n o t appear. . . .And, Btrangely Hitler would not make even an Warburg is not only a distingu- traditional requirements of a Seenough, for almost Identical rea- honorary Aryan. . . . ished banker, philanthropist and der and the entire ceremony will i asons. . . .Lewisohn cannot come Jewish leader but a first drum- be rehearsed. Mrs. M. Klrshento New York till his first wife's BEHIND THE NEWS FURNITURE mer who for three nights during baum. and her committee are in. alimony suit is straightened out Out-of-towners may be Inter- storms at sea played the drums charge. . . . .And Reinhardt'a first wife, ested to know that in the New Elsie Heims,. chose the day of the York's Post's contest to nominate and traps for the dancers in the The Junior Congregation will Hebrew University dinner to ar- New York's biggest bore William Rhumba room of the S. S. Conte UPHOLSTERING di Savoia when the drummer bemeet Saturday morning- at 10:30, rive in New York from Europe Randolph Hearst is heading the High Grade Work at all geared up to contest the di list. . . .David Freedman's suit came too sick to play. This quaint at the B'nai Israel synagogue. All | vorce proceedings which Rein against Eddie Cantor for $250,- piece of news' was picked up by Talmud Torah pupils are invited, i Reasonable Prices the reporter for- the Seven Arts hardt is instituting in Reno. . . 000 as his share of Eddie's radio Feature Syndicate when he -went Passover services Tar i 11 coin- I Even the tenth anniversary of the contracts looks to us like a pubFREE ESTIMATES Hebrew University was not en- licity stunt . . .Dave has been down the bay to meet Mr. War- raence in all orthodox synagogues ough to induce the famous pro- writing Eddie's scripts for a num- burg who was returning from, a at 6:30 p. la. Wednesday evening. Phoae--AT474S Services on Thursday and Friday ducer to risk complications.. . ber of years, but isn't doing them flying trip to Palestine.mornings -will begin at 8:30 a. m. More land is the greatest need any longer. . . .The Maimonides Thursday morning, Rabbi MilOctocentennlal Committee circu- for the future development of the ler will speak at the B'nai Israel ODDITIES Jewish Homeland in Palestine, Twelve-year-old Sammy Cantor larized 720 rabbis, the cream of Mr. Warburg said. Unless increas- synagogue on, "The Goal of Relost his legs in a railroad acci- the Reform, Conservative and Or- ed land is obtained there will be demption." dent some years ago, but he's got thodox rabbinates, for contribu- no way of realizing the dream of Friday morning he will speak PESACH PRODUCTS plenty of spunk. . . -Juat recently tions of $10 e a c h — a n d only a Jewish people living on the land at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel I will buy iosuz at ray he hitch-hiked across the country twenty-three responded. . . .The and off the land, he declared. He synagogue, h i s subject will be, from his Philadelphia home to letter was signed by two of the credited the rapid growth of Tel "Who Shall Redeem Israel?" home, everyday except the Pasadena, California, training biggest rabbis in the country, but Aviv to the land shortage which Monday between six and camp of the Chicago White Sox— even that didn't help. . . .June he asserted was forcing Jews Into According to tradition, the day seven o'clock and ihen at and now he's the official of the Grabiner, twenty-year-old daugh- trades and commerce. before Passover is a fast day for Adass "Sfeshsiren Synater of Harry M. Grabiner, general team. . , .John Ronan, a Roman Voicing enthusiasm over the all first bora males. This is in gogue at 25th and Seward Catholic of Irish descent,* is one manager of t h e Chicago White progress of the country and es- remembrance of the d a y s in • F©r Information Call of the most fluent singers of He- Sox, has been signed up by the pecially the work of the chalut- Egypt during the t e a plagues, brew in the city of St. Louis, Mo. films and, to judge by her looks, zlm, Mr. Warburg confirmed-the •when the Lord slew the first bora. . .He's been a member of the ahould become one of the coun- great shortage of land labor. Hs m a l e s of the Egyptians and 2S2S diaries AT 595" Temple Israel choir f o r thirty- try's most popular s t a r s . . . said High. Commissioner Wauo- passed over t h e first b o r n of nine years. . . .The great Russian Nancy Samuel, daughter of Sir hope was aware of the situation Israel. 'chess master Alekhine likes to Herbert, who a few years ago and sympathetic, and is personHowever, it is the custom that tell the tale of a game of chess startled New York by working in ally favorable to increasing the if the first born are present at a department store, is going to that saved his life.'. . .It seems number of chalutzim immigrants. the conclusion of the reading of that shortly after the Bolshevik marry Dr. Arthur Salaman, Mr. Warburg found Waaohope oae of the Books, they do n o t |S.80 up, freight p a i d , inLondon physician. . .Arnold Reurevolution Alekhine, as a member have to fast. worried about the illegal immigrastalled free ia Oiaafta. and. of the old Russian nobility, was ben, the restaurateur, who open- tion and explained that the JewRabbi Miller will nold a Siyum Council Bluffs. Complete lice ed a swanky new place near Fifth imprisoned a n d sentenced to ish Agency was trying to h e l p of one of the Books of the Tal- of beantiful g r a t e rsarlierE d e a t h by Trotzky, then In the Avenue, makes a hobby of nam curb it. He also said that many mud, Wednesday morning, at the and nrosTiaeiitE. lettered free. height of his glory. . . .But when ing sandwiches after theatrical of the German Jews came unpre- B'nai Israel synagogue. Refresh- Fully guaranteed. Write for Trotzky realized who his prisoner stars. . « .When he doesn't lik pared for pioneer work but were ments will be served a f t e r the particslars or call AT. S6ES was he came to his cell and—in somebody he gives that person's gradually being assimilated, al- service. All first borns are invited for appointment. vlted him to p l a y a game of name to a ham sandwich. . though they still spoke too -much to attend, BO that they may be re- Granite Arts, Inc., IS08 Leavchess, a diversion of which the We were startled, the other day, German. The building boom he leased from the fast. enworth. Red war .lord was passionatel to discover that Fannie Brice, found was due to the increase in GRANITE AETS, IXC. fond. . .And after the game Alek- Jack Pearl and, Sylvia Sidney al population which is still far ahead 1909 Because of Passover, the April have ham sandwiches to their hine waa set free and enabled to of the building. Mr. Warburg also meeting of the Men's Club of the leave R u s s i a — m u c h to hi3 credit—or is it discredit?—a' revealed that the directors of the amazement; as he hi a d defeated Reuben's. . . . Palestine Potash, Ltd., had electTrotzky, and had thought that (Copyright, 1935. by Seven Arta I"e*turi ed an Arab to the board, this beSyndicate.) such a blow to the revolutionary ing the first time an Arab had leader's pride would surely sea been included on the board of a his doom. . . . . major Jewish Industrial undertaking. . . . the • cuisine is unexcelled '• SPORTS NEWS • Questioned about Father CoughMax'Baer claims that he canlin's a s s a u l t oh* international . . . the gerdce friendly not marry b e c a u s e he's flat .Bucharest (JTA)—-All students bankers, Mr. Warburg declined to broke,"and that whatever dough in the Bucharest university wer comment, except to say that "the . . . the' he makes has to go to his ma and required last Friday to fill out Christians should fight him. It's pa. . . .Now, more'than ever, we special forms which require them t h e i r responsibility, not the don't understand why Yussel Jac to state their ethnic origin. Th Jews." obs- raised his arm for the Hitler university authorities stated ofsalute at the Schmeling-Hamas ficially their ethnic origin. The fight at Hamburg. . . .Because i university authorities stated of- Diamond Cutting Factory . . . the inagical rhythm of has been revealed that poor Yus ficially that this request came di- to Be Opened in sele is not getting a cent of the rectly from the minister of eduFREDDY EBEMER-: L money Schmeling earns in Nasi- cation to aid him in establishing Palestine and his LOG CABIN orchestra land. . . . .In other words, he's a numerus clausus in the RumaJ e r us a 1 e m (WNS—Palcor Schmeling's Jewish manager jus nian universities for national miGALA NEW FLOOE SHOW for the glory of it. . .'..For the nority students, limiting theii Agency)—A proposal which is — with — first time in the history; of th number to very small proportions now under active consideration by New York Jockey Club a woman The move In the Bucharest uni- the Palestine Government is an America's Outstanding Master of Ceremonies has been granted a trainer's lic- versity is a part of the active an- application by a group of German ence. . . .She is Miss Mary Hirsch, ti-Jewish drive that has been Jewish financiers to establish a FLOOR SHOW INCLUDES twenty-two-year-old daughter o started throughout the country diamond cutting and polishing PAUL PAGANO The Log CaMsl & Max Hirsch, the noted horseman under the leadership of Dr. Alex- factory here. They are seeking Acrobatic Dancer Supreme — Five'Dancing Dwltegs . . . .She weighs only 104 pounds, ander Vaida-Voevod, the ex-pre- special concessions In the way of tax exemptions. SEAN s a d MARTHA and is herself a perfect jockey. . mier of Rumania. One of Mary's many activities 1 BOB BOUDIE Application has also been made Addressing a large meeting i taking care of the stables of Ber- Klausenberg Friday, Dr. Vaida to the Government's Committee nard M. Baruch. . • .Kit Klein Voevod demanded that a numerut for Commerce and Industry to national woman skating chanr clausus be introduced in Rumani exempt from import duty raw mapion, announced her engagemeni against Jews and other national terials for perfume manufacture to Dr. Thomas Outland of Sayre, minorities, not only in the uni- and paper making, as well as for "The Night Clsb of Pa., but was reminded by George versities but also in commerc< salted herrings In barrels. ExempNichols, light heavyweight boxer, and in employment. tion from excise tariffs on indus5 Blocks East ©f 16th a a i Lecsst that she's his wife. . . -Kit say* . "The national minorities," thi trial salt is also sought by anshe doesn't remember. . . .Capt, ex-premier said in the course oi other group. A. L. Kahn is said to have caughi his speech," are seizing all ecoThe launching of a new cement the biggest fish when he pulle nomic position. The entire wealth company under Jewish ownership, in a three-thousand-pound devil of the country Is now concentrat- with a capital of 250,000, was alfish. . ..This is no fish story, be ed in the hands of aliens. The Ru so announced in the Palestine cause Kahn collected a small for manian people must be protecte Gazette. This is the second com• '• • f o r Household .Needs tune exhibiting his catch. . . . by the introduction of a numeru pany to be registered. The new3f CHINA clausus to restrict the activities o ly-organized corporation, called "Samson," proposes to erect its the minorities." SMALL TALK f GLASSWARE Broadway columnists just disMeetings demanding anti-Jew- plant near Hartuv. f CROCKERY covered that the office of the ish restrictions were also held in U ENAMELWARE Mention the Jewish Press to Non-Seetarlan Anti-Nazi League, almost all the cities of Rumania, located at 729 Seventh Avenue Including Bucharest, Czernowitz your merchant. If CUTLERY New York, is almost next door t Klausenberg, Galatz, Braila, Bothe office of UFA, the Nazi film tashani. The meetings were arGOKGOU2CM liSJGS ..51.53 outfit. . . .We told, you about six ranged by the Association o: CilS Hi^hui Grade ISsssne!*, ^'J.CO ga! months ago. . . \A. bouquet to our Christian lawyers, for the purpos W&TE2PR00F AX.Z^rtmPOSS boss for .his quick squashing 6 of pressing the introduction of a SV&T, VARHISn, $1.50 Gsllaa the rumor that Eddie Cantor's numerous clausus against Jetrs. Omaha ^robbing Cosspasy radio contract with Pebeco wa U7 Ko. 15 JA M84~ called off because 150,000 letters Mention the Jewish Press to from Nazif had been received by your merchant.



Race Quotas in

lEdnaFerber likes


The Friday evening sermon of Rabbi Datfd Wice •will be based isit to on his. experiences at the recent meeting of the Union of AmeriNew York (WNS)—Jernsal*>w-. can Hebrew CoEgregfctloas, held extremely fascinating fcecp.npr, in Washington, D. C. The. sermon topic will be "Sidelights of the I of the paradox: between the tnoo'err kKEitaess development s.ts<5 ibv Washington Conference." KegElar Satiirdsy morciug eer- biblical neillne, but'Tel Avlr ?•* VICGE will be held &t 10:SO. hideous, "perhaps? bec&UBe it t* The College club will meet Sun- just in the making," Edna Ferb«t. day afternoon Et 4:15. famous American Jevisft novel!*;., The Sisterhood Bible class 'will j declares on her return from *. m e e t Tuesday afternoon at. 1 sJi* o'cloelc at the apartment of Mrs, [•¥rorl<?. cruise during which | TSpitefi Palestine tor the £ i r * t. Sam Wolf Et, the Ambassador. T h e Study £ror.p Trill m e e t I time. Tuesday evening &t 8 p. m. at the | Pile paid that the Kinp T>Bxi.\ apartment of Rabbi Wice at the ! Hotel in. JcrupalcTn vrss the fJrI est Ehe had c^er IWPB in. Blacketone hotel. The annual seder Trill t a k e ! Miss Ferrer vns cuthnRinp;.*-*' place the tiecond evening o£ Fuss- i about the diali'trim,' rhnm r-htjcEllcfl earnest P.nrt pinrpre, T h r over. j •women pioneers imprppcflfl t\ev *•»• i "Rim&EOM." She &1BO REicI t, h * • A musical service for be held t t t h e T e n s i l e i the presence! of so many v/orli'Wedneed&y afternoon at c:80 if a m o u B German-Jev-'ish doctor*; &nd scientists indicated that eow? o'clock. thine of the utmoat important" Tel Aviv—This rapidly-growing vras being done in Palestine, Miss Fertser said too that utis city will enlarge its boundaries, it not E«re whether nlie v."or,lc was made known, EE tt;e result of Berthing about P&lestin*)the pisrchase of several hundreds of dunams of land on the other S tmt Blip indicated hot inten.tSon t-r return for & more longthy visit.. side of the Yarkon river.

W.ATiO V . t A L " f A t r C L



- t C G K W . T 7 X " f-'/.TX. C C C K C i » . ; .

NICK BELLA ij* of the Foi?.t«n©!fa Rotel

i s l i s In sumsiSQce t i e £orm&l opening Of the MICI5 BELLA CAFE Soe&tedi on the

ast e©nse? ©f IStl asad Dodge. Sts. in the Morris Apt. Hotel, on Sunday, April 14dt •will specialize is It&li&n. Spaghetti, Steaks, Chop*, and Chicken Dinners. will be the free delivery of food especially prepared for bridge luacheons and parties.



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ectnc. lasher We will bring thig General Electric washer to your honse sad d© a. week's washing lot you. We want yea to gee for yourself whst sa SIBESinglj efficient tnacMne It k. Just call At. SI0S and ask for a FREE home demonstration of the G-E wssher.

No reason why you should tic witlhoiat sr» electric .washing; machine wises yon can get" a G-E at'this amazingly tew price. This it. the fsKtaus G-E SILENT 'oiachine. Has G-E SILENT rubber mounted motor. You. can't hear it when it's operating. Kern the fasaous Ofte-Coatxol . wringer. This low price will continue lor only a very limited time.

Snial liitibial Charge F§r 1mm

Power Co.




Warsaw — A resolution p r otesticg against the growing antiSemitic wave in PoMnfi was adopted here at a conference" ot Stockholm (JTA) "The pio- Jewish and Polish labor org&nizaof J e w i s h literature. Isn't it therefore, astounding t h a t he | neering Ectirities- of the Jews In | tions. Seven hundred delegates should have such a strong pre- Palestine made a deep impression participated in the conference, dilection for the Old Testament? on rae during my present visit to I myself have heard him Quote Palestine," the Swedish Crown LEON * \n3JTE, Atty'g with much fervor, "An eye for an Omaha, Nebi'. eye, a tooth for a tooth' (by Prince said, receiving Cbie£ Rab5 O F TXCOfSrOTKATIOX OF which he may have m e a n t , 'A bi Ehrenpreis o£ Stockholm. SI1VBKKT I'-BflT CO. Notice is hereby ,p!vcn that a Cos-. confiscation of property lor literThe prince spoke to the chief JiorRtion 1MB been former! under t h e ary criticism'). And now, through rabbi of the reception which.'he! laws of the State of Nebraska. Th? name o£ Corporation is EhubtM't you, he has fulfilled prophecy of was given by the Jews in Tel Aviv | Fruit Co. the Its principal plfce «' !>«•'>the Old Testament—the saying, and of his views of the Jewish | ness is Omaha, I>OUK>&S County, Ne'Thou shalt dwell in houses thou colonies. The Jews isave develop- brttska. The jcenersl nature of the business if hast not builded.'. . . . ed tremendously under difficult t h e Corporation is to buy, -own, hold, lease, e x c h a n g e , assign, m o r t g a g e a n d "With many good wishes for circumstances, the prince said. t r a n s f e r r e a l e s t a t e an<* p e r s o n a ! p r c pe.ty wherever (situated: to buy. poll, our house, own hold assign, mortgage urn!, transfer bonds, securities mid stock in other "LION FEUCHTWANGER." MONSKT, GROniNSKT, KAEEK corporations; to draw, irmke, execute,

Tiphereth Israel


Lauds Palestine The late Friday evening s e rvices at Tiphereth I s r a e l this evening will bo dedicated to the New York (JTA)—In a barbed, B¥ P. R. K. Ladies Auxiliaries of Tiphereth MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent satirical open letter to the preIsrael and Beth Abraham synasent occupant of his Berlin house, gogues, and will be conducted by which was seized by the. Nazis Passover Services the women of the congregation. Junior Congregation two y e a r s ago, Lion Feucht. Mrs. M. Shulkln w 111 officiate Passover begins - next Wednes- wanger writes: day, April 17, with the traditional Service Tonight at the service. M i s s Gertrude "How do you like my house, Goldberg will recite the Klddush. Seder to be held at the various The annual Friday evening Ser- Speakers of the evening will be home jan Wednesday and Thurs- Herr X? Do you find it pleasant in? Did the silver-gray T h e celebration of Passover vice conducted by the Junior Mrs. M". Lazriowich, Mrs. K. Lev-day evenings, following the ser- to live in the upper rooms come •will be observed n e x t weals; by Congregation wil be held at Sha- ich, Mrs. B. Salkin, and Mrs. J. ices at the synagogue. On Wed-carpets grief while the S. A. men were Sioux City Jetfry In their homes are Zion Synagogue this evening. Shapiro. , M>r s. B. Goldberg will nesday, April 17, appropriate serand the synagogue. T h e tradi- This service Is an annual event of give the principal address, spea'k- vices will begin at seven o'clock looting?. . . . "I wonder to w h a t use you tional Seder Service In the home the Junior Congregation and chil- inc on "Achdus' the H e b r e w at the Chevra B'nai Ylsroel synahave put the two rooms which •will be held by many families on dren of the synagogue carry out equivalent of Unity. gogue at 618 Mynster Street. On formerly contained my library. I "Wednesday and Thunday; even- the entire service. The service will begin promptly Thursday, April 18, the morning have been told,* Herr X, that ing, and special Bervices will be David Kuntz will act as Cantor at 8 o'clock. Following the serheld in the synagogues. this evening. Solo parts will be vice refreshments will be served services will commence at 8:30 books are not very popular in the COHEN, Atiys. Reich in which you live, and whoaccept, endorse and issue promissory 137 Omaha Nat'I. 15k. B i d s . At Mount Sinai Temple, Pass- chanted by Ida Shindler, Cecil to the Young Israelites by Mr. o'clock, and the evening services ever notes, drafts, bills of exchange, find shows interest in them Is at six o'clock. On Friday mornIRV1N STALMASTER, Atty. other negotiable instruments; to borrow over services will be held Thurs- Pill, Morris Ginsberg and Bob and Mrs. Z.. Levltan, in honor of likely to get into difficulties. . . . Ofsco BaSldinjT XOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE money; to buy, sell and g-enerftlly den! day morning at 10:30 o'clock. Dr. Pliskin. Helen Guttleman, vice- t h e birthday of their daughter ng, services will start at 8:30 1101 Dougla* Bnlldinjr in fruits, veiretables p.nd produce of SALE "By the way Is our street still o'clock. NOTICE O F INDEBTEDNESS N .tice is hereby given that on the 4th every kind p.nd description; to buy, well Theodore]N. Lewis will speak at president of the Junior Congrega- Florence. Refreshment w i l l be Kotice is hereby given that all exist- day of May. 1933, a t 10 o'clock A. M.. find deRl in .beverapee p.nd liquors, alcocalled Nahlerstrasse? Have the be in charge of the ser-served to the adults by the Auxithat time on the subject "Free- tion "will ing debts of the OMAHA FIXTURE & at the Lincoln llotor Company, 1209 holic End non-alcoholic, to do any find The Council Bluffs Senior Had- masters of your Reich overlooked SUPPLY COMPANY on the 31st day of Harney Street Omaha, Nebraska, the all things necessary, convenient or incivice. ; Charles Shindler, president liaiies of the synagogues. Floral dom and tin Jew". 1934, amounted to $1,213.5" undersigned will sell at public auction dental to the rights, powers and privithe composer Gustav Nahler, December, of oi>en accounts and J26,377.21 of to the highest bidder for cash one Ford leges herein specified. Services lor the Passover will of the Junior Congregation will offerings will be donated by the assah will hold their monthly that for whom the street is named, secured. Sedan automobile, year 1828. Motor No. The total authorized capital stock of meeting on Monday afternoon, speak and recitations will be giv« begin at Shaare Zion Synagogue Young Israelite Club. "IRVIN STALMASTER A—S3C053, covered by a chattel mort- the Corporation chnl! be £10.000.00. diwas a Jew, or has Richard April 22, at 2:30 o'clock at the eh by Shirley Lazere, Bertram President gage in favor of the Lincoln M o t o r vided into lftv shares of the par value will begin Wednesday evening at The early Friday evening serM. K. LAPIDUS Strauss brought this fact to their Company and signed by Florence Smith, of $100.00 per share, which phall be 7:15. Thursday morning the ser-Lipshutz, Annabelle Satin, Ann vices tonight will be held at Tip^ Hotel Chieftain. A very inter- attention? EARL. LAPIDUS said mortgage being dated July 21, fully paid for and non-pw;ossable when LESTER LAPIDUS 1933, and having been filed in the office issued. SHICI oaipta! stock- mas' he paid Ticc w i l l begin at 8:30 o'clock. Gordon, Frances H a r 1 o w, and hereth Israel Synagogue at 6:15 sting and appropriate Passover LBO ROSENTHAL of the County Clerk of Douglas County, for in cash, notes, or property, real or "Doesn't it sometimes seem odd program is being arranged. Cantor Pliskin will c h a n t the S o n i a Shwid. Edwin Sherman 'clock. Being a majority o£ the board of di- Nebraska, on the 25th any o£ July 1933, personal, tangible or intanpible. > t the to you that you should be living rectors. upon -which said mortgage there is now reasonable value thereof. Thirty shftrep Passover ritual ad Rabbi Rabino- will speak In behalf of the boy* due and owing the sum of §43.52. Said of the cp.pitRl stock of this corporation Saturday morning, Rabbi Gold- The Council Bluffs Lodge No. in my house? Your Faehrer is 4-12-35-lt of the congregation and Betty sale will be fo.- the p u r p o s e of fore- shall be paid for before the corporation witz will speak on a -Passover >erg will offIcate at the services IRYIN C. I^TVIN, Atty. closing said mortgage, for the costs of shall commence buRine^s. not generally considered a friend Rae Mosow in behalf of the girls. »88 of the Independent Order of subject. 301 Electric Bid?. the sale and all accruing costs, and for n Beth Abraham Synagogue. His ;he The Corporation shall commence busiB'nai Brith held a large meetthe purpose of satisfying the r.bove ness on April 1, 1935, and •shall continue Prizes will be awarded to'chil- termon subject will "be "The UnAt Beth Abraham Synagogue, etated sum now due a n d owing, and for a period ot fifty years from the. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION no suit or other proceedings at law date thereof. Rabbi Goldberg will- conduct the dren of the congregation for per- eavened Bread of Today". At ing Monday evening at the Eagles In the Count]- Court of Doogrlaa County, that have been instituted to recover saia Hall. A class of eleven members The highest amount of intleb dues* Nebraska: first Passover service on Wednes- fect attendance. Greetings will 0:30 o'clock a special service debt or any part thereof. to which this Corporation Bhail p.t any IN THE MATTER OF T H E ESTATE day evening. Thursday morning be extended by former presidents 'ill be held for the Young Israel- were initiated. Dr. Isaac Sternhill LINCOLN MOTOR time subject itself shall not exceed twoof Frank Marks, Deceased, CO IIP A NT thirds of its CRPital stock. All persons interested in said estate he will also officiate at Beth of the Junior Congregation. They te Club and Rabbi Goldberg will was. in charge of the initiation, The p.ffairg ot the corporation shall By EDWARD LINCOLN are hereby notified that a petition has assisted by t h e Messrs. Nathan are Max Maron, Perry Osnowitz, be conducted by a Board, of Director* Abraham synagogue, and will leliver a sermonete. Shalas Shubeen filed In said Court alleging that 4 consisting of not less than two l.or said deceased died leaving no last will speak on the subject "Liberty Jack Merlin Isadore Shindler and as will be served to the children ilinsky, Millard Krasne, Louis F K A B E S B I K G , WEBB, B E B E E , more than five members, and praying for administration upon his KLI'TZNICK & KEL5.EV, Attyg. Katelman, Ben Seldin, A l b e r t IN THE PRESENCE OF: and" Right". Thursday evening Joe Maron. estate, and that -a hearing will be had ,t 5:30 in the afternoon by the 650 Omaha Nat!. Bk. Sam J Leon on said petition before said court on the and Friday morning, Rabbi GoldAt the Saturday morning ser auxiliary of the Beth Abraham 'ox, Harry Chernlss, and Ben GUT S K r B E R T 4th day of May 1935, and that if they S. J. ri.OTKIN Kubby. Appropriate stereoptifail to appear at said Court on the said In t h e County Court of Douglas Conner, berg will conduct the services at vices of the children tomorrow, ynagogue. day o£ May 1935, at 9 o'clock A. M. Nebraska. 12 al slides were shown by Mr. O.Abrogate Special Grants to 4ta Tiphereth Israel Synagogue. His Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shindler wil» to contest said petition, the Court may In t h e Matter of t h e Estate of Jacob grant the same i.nd grant administra- Bernstein Becensed: Hochman. Mr. .Richard Gustadt subject Friday morning w 111 be serve refreshments. • • . • American Citizens tion of said estate to Esther Marks or All persons interested in said ma..-1-r of Chicago, Illinofe, who Is chair"The Art of Pride". - some other suitable person and proceed are hereby notified that on the Cth day Accused to a. settlement thereof. man of the Anti-Defamation Leaof April 1S35 Harold M. Keiley filed a ERICE CRAWFORD petition in said County Court, i/rayinK Planning for West ue nationally, was guest speaker, County Judge that his final administration account Jerusalem (JTA)—S p e c i a 1 £29 Dccstrar WE S52-7 Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will and spoke briefly of the work be2 filed herein be settled and allowed, and - '•' ' J\m I— / » • privileges granted American citithat he be discharged from his trust B.-S Dealer in All Jewish Side Hebrew School peak this evening on the subject ing done by the league. FollowAnnouncement has been made FKADENBrKG. WEBB, BEBEK, administrator a-nd that a hearing- will in Palestine courts will be & KIXTZXICK & K E I X E Y be had on said petition before eaid Is A European War Inevitable". ing the meeting, refreshments zens RELIGIOUS AETICLES by Perry Osnowitz, president of cancelled beginning April 1, in 659 Omaha Nat I. Bank BIdgr. Court on the 4th day of May 1035, End At a meeting of the Tiphereth His subject will deal with t h e were served. the A. Z. A. chapter, of the ap-Israel and Beth Abraham Congrethat if you fail to appear before said Omaha, Nebraska. isE ©f Ecsl Qsalily accordance with an amendment to Court on the said 4th day of May 1935 NOTICE O F INCORPORATION pointment of the following com- gations l a s t Monday evening, it situation of the Jew in Europe. If at 9 o'clock A. M.. a n d contest said the Palestine citizenship law. Children of the Sunday School petition, the Court may prrant the prayNATIONAL ACCESSORIES mittees for the coming season. Mrs. S a u l Suvalsky and two ©I The a m e n d m e n t ' abrogates was decided to open a Hebrew Kotice is hereby given that the under- er of said petition, enter a decree of Religious: Rudy Shindler, Jack School at the We s t Side, to ac- whose names - appeared on the sons, Selwyn and Marvin, w h o those articles in the citizenship signed have hereby associated t h e m- h,eirship, and make such other and furDelicacies Honor Roll for the m o n t h of selves torether for the purpose of form- ther orders, allowances and decrees, as spent the past three months in Merlin and Isadore Shindler.** this Court may seem proper, to the commodate the children of that March i n c l u d e the following: Tucson, Arizona, returned home law which permit American ac- Ing and becoming a corporation under to end that all matters pertaining to said Remember My Owns Athletic: S i d n e y Baumstien, section of the city. laws of the State of Nebraska. of an offense punishable by the The name of this corporation, shall estate may be finally settled and deterHarold Rosanthal, Allen G o 1 d- Sunday. They visited in Los An-cused M i c k e y Grueskin and Isadore mined. NATIONAL ACCESSORIES. T h e has been appoint- berg, Billy Prusiner, George Gal- eles, California also, d u r i n g imprisonment for a term exceed- be EETCE CRAWFORD place of transacting the busiman, Earl Novich and Lester Laz- ed Atocommittee ng fifteen days, to demand that principal engage a teacher, the superr Koslser for Passover Countv Judge ness this corporation ehall be in OmIrisky, Betty Marx, Doris M a r x , their sojourn, making the trip by the court consist of a single Brit- aha, of Shindler. 4 ! " t Nebraska, but it shall h a v e auof the school will be under and Marion Fishgall. thority to transact business anywhere in motor. Social Service: Henry Frled- vision sh judge or contain a majority of the world. The general nature of the Rabbi Benjamin Goldberg; WCb r. . , , British judges. In civil and crimi- business to be tra- oacted, and t h e obRegistration for pupils wil be and purpose for which this corporaMrs. J. Krasne, who recently nal cases heard by the Supreme ject Cultural: Joe Goldstein, David held Sunday" afternoon,. April 14 tion is organized shall be t h e buying ait'' selling of automotive parts and acunderwent an operation at t h e WIgodsky and Irvln Maron. ourt in its appellate capacity, an at 2 o'clock in the Beth Abraham radio and electrical equipMayo Clinic in Rochester, Minne- American might claim that the cessories, Social: Norman' Satin, Sidney synagogue. ment, automobiles, machinery and tools, and all other types of merchandise or ota, is expected home this week, Kalin and Morris Leubowitz. property, and to do all thinps A Vaad HaKashares has been Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaplan an- accompanied back by her son, court should contain a majority personal Plans have been made by the organized by Rabbi Goldberg ot ounce the engagement of their of European state. They w e r e ! which may be necessary or proper to out the objects and purposes herechapter f o r a Seder Celebration all three local orthodox Synago- aughter Bess to Nathan Mont- Lawrence Krasne. not applicable to Palestinians or carry inabove set forth. Including the leasing 1 and ownership of real estate. The auduring the week of Passover. , . gues, in which every one is fully ose of Minneapolis, son of Mr. to persons of Chinese, Egyptian! thorized capital stock of this corporaMiss Sylvia Steiman, who has and Turkish citizenship. tion shall be Ten Thouss-nd ($10,000) interested in the benefit of t h e ind Mrs. L. Montrose of this city. made her home here with relaDollars, to be divided into One Hundred The change In the Palestine (100) share* of t h e p a r value of One Dramatic Club community a t large. AT. Montrose is visiting with his tives for the past two years, is <?10O) Dollars e a c h, all of citizenship law, deleting the para- Hundred arents this week. stock shall he common and shall leaving today for her home- In graphs which offered these privi- Which be fully paid up when issued. This corMore than 100 people attended No date has been set for the Winnipeg, Canada. She was acshall commence doing- business eges to Americans, provides that poration the open insetlng of the Jewish Young Judean Dance at t h e time of the filing of its Articles wedding. . companied back by her mother, no person, whatever his national- of Incorporation in t h e office ol t h e Community Center Dramatic Club Clerk of Dougrias County, N e on Sunday Afternoon Mrs. Max Steiman of Winnipeg, ty in the future is to have any County braska, and it ehal continue in -existlast Monday evening In the ComM o r r i s Montrose of Minneawho spent the past three weeks ence l o a period of fifty (50) years The Young Judean c 1 u b will special privileges* b e f o r e the from said r date. munity Center. A one act play The higrhest amount of polis, Minn., will arrive in Sioux here visiting at the home of her Palestine courts. give its annual matinee dance indebtedness to which this corporation "Suppressed Desires" was presentlity next week to spend the Passshall subject itself shall not exceed twosister, Mrs. Abe Leibovitz, and A further change affecting for- thirds of i t s capital stock. The affairs ed by Miriam Blank, Max Zelig- Sunday afternoon at 2:3 0 In the >ver Holidays with h i s parents her mother, Mrs. W. Sigal. Ball Room of the Sioux Apartof this corporation shall be administered igners is made in an amendment by a Board of Directors son and Rose Shilof. The play of not less than Mr. and Mrs. L^'Montrose. ment Hotel. Miss Sophie Fish is to the citizenship law which ditwo (2) persons, who shall be elected by was directed by Miss Ida Hesheand from a m o n g t h e stockholders Et The Sisterhood of the Talmud in charge of the arrangements. A vides the population of Palestine their annual meeting. The low. Following the play, Miss Board of DiM i s s Dena Baron, Posteln Torah and the Council Bluffs foot show "has been planned and rectors shall elect a President, Ticeinto Palestinians and foreigners.. Miriam Blank presented a readPresident, Secretary and Treasurer, Senior Hadassah conducted a Apartments, will spend this week arrangements made to • accommoHitherto the population was di- of whom shall hold office for a. term all of Ing. ->•.:• . . . . • • . date a large number of y o u n g end .in . Minneapolis, where she Rummage Sale at 740 West vided into three categories, con- one year or until their successors a r e duly elected and qualified. people. Several out of tow^i guests will visit with friends and rela- Broadway on Monday and Tues- sisting of Palestinians, foreigners I*. J . TOBTN A. A. F I E D L E R In Debate Meet day, which proved very success- and non-foreigners. The last in- «-12-4t are expected from Omaha for the tives. . . ; . . - . affair. Miss Miriam Brodskey of Newful. The money will be distri- cluded persons who were neither Newton Sacks, son of Mr. and The dance is a part of the cele- York City is visiting in Sioux City buted between the two organiza- Palestinians nor foreigners,*" such Mrs. A. I.' Sacks, returned recent- bration of Young Judea Month. this month with relatives. tions. The committee wishes to as Egyptians, I r a q u i a n s and ly from Iowa City, where he, with express their appreciation to all Turks. three' other students, represented Bernard Marks, son of Mr. andwho donated and assisted for the Oneg Shobbas Central High school in the Iowa Kecognized as Mrs. M. A. Marks has been elect- rummage sale. •High School Forensic League fied president of the June GraduatPRACTICAL MOHEL Mrs. Philip Sherman, 2112 nals, on March 27 to 30 th.•: Phone 1039 Street, will be hostess to ng Class of Central High School. Nathan Solzman, who recently Sacks is prominent in the Cen-Jackson Bernard Is -the retiring vice-presi- underwent an operation at the Council Bluffs, Is. the Oneg Shabbos group of Shatra forensic field. He Is a mem- are Zion Synagogue, tomorrow af- dent of the Civic Literary club of Mayo Clinic In Rochester, Minneber of the local A. Z. A. chapter ternoon at -2:30.L" Mrs. . A. H. entral. . sota, Is getting a l o n g satisfacand In charge of the J. C. C. Boy;Baron w i l l be chairman of the torily at the Mayo Clinic. Mrs. Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor AgenScbiut troop which Is sponsored by meeting. Solzman w h o was in Rochester cy.)—The , ' membership in the iLjZ. AV also, has returned home, while its history largest I Always Sfcy ef ., The, program .will Include a talk, is reported by the HIsMr. Solzman is expected h o m e tadruth, General Federation of on "Maimonldes and His Influnext week, accompanied by his Jewish Labor, which stated that ence" by Miss Lillian RomlrowBoole Review Circle London, ( JTA j—Doubt that sister, Mrs. J. Friedman. on March 1 it counted 72 thouThe Mount Sinai Sisterhood sky; "The Hebrew University" by the economic situation of the sand members. The. figure was Book Review Circle will meet Perry. Osnowitz; The-Festival of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cherniss made public in connection with next Friday afternoon, April 19 Passover" by Rabbi .Rabinowitz German Jews is improving in any entertained the members of their t h e forthcoming referendum way was expressed * here by Sir in the home of Mrs. E. N. Grues- Members of the group will contribute to the discussion of Cur-Leonard Montefiore, prominent Evening Bridge Club at their among workers on the labor pact kin. : . Jewish leader, in. an adress be- home Tuesday evening. with the Revisionists which was Mrs. C. H. Hoyt will review "A rent Events o£ Jewish interest. fore the Anglo-Jewish associadrawn up between David Ben GuHouBe Divided" by Pearl Buck, Ho wonder the? people ere pessing the w©rd along the!1 tb» The Council B l u f f s Talmud rion, labor leader, and Vladimir tion '•..-." sad and "Come and Get It" by Edna Jewish Press Advertisers merit Morrison give* you more for your money. The large, airy Discussing the report of the Torah Sunday School will hold a Jabotinsky, Revisionists' chief, in Ferber. your patronage.' . rooms, the ciert thoughtful employees end the perfect teeeJoint Foreign Committee on the Passover Program at the Chevra London. SOUR CREAM • tiers, right ot the centre cf downtown, make the Morrison firs? German Jewish situation, Sir B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618 The referendum, which is to be choiss from every angle, especially wish those who heve many Leonard stressed the seriousness Mynster Street,.on Sunday after- held on March 24, will give workCan Be Obtained of that situation and pointed out noon, April 21, at 2:30 o'clock. ers an opportunity to decide ealis to rooks in a short time. for Passover that the propaganda activities of Portions of the Seder Services whether they want an agreement Whether OR pleasure or busiJulius . Stretcher's Stuermer and will be conducted by the children, with the Revisionists, based on ness, you ore nearest te cl! the at your grocers OMAHA of other anti-Semitic periodi- under the supervision of Mr. J. Z. these general principles: A single plows you wen* roost to reosh, — or — cals have not abated. In Hesse Stadlan, principal of the Talmud labor organization for all workers and-in Franconia, Sir Leonard Torah and Sunday School. Mr. regardless of their political conthru our drivers .^ , declared, anti-Jewish feeling is Hochman is chairman of the pro-victions, a common fight for Jewgram, and will present appropri- ish labor, and an avoidance of stronger than ever before. c(T^ / r ' In a reference to Iraq the ate and Illustrated stereoptical strikes as far as possible. The slides pertaining to Passover. Now Featuring speaker said that he does not bemain question which will deterlieve the anti-Semitic movement Everyone Is invited to attend. mine the votes, however, Is EVEBY NIGHT.AT 9 O'CLOCK ^ .'e'f ' there is of serious proportions. •whether the workers want to C/rci Vi*-f ' ."rc-Y' <fcr Rumors of dismissals of Jews, he Catholics Worship in Flione «FA treat with the Revisionists in any said, were actually only an outcase, particularly in matters afOwlrsa 1© theheipht ef the growth of employment shlftings. fecting the rules of the labor Jewish-Owned Hall building, most" of the : resm® Neville Laskl, president of the market. Further discussions have Gigantic All-American Variety Show ere ei?t ef eershof of streef Board of Deputies of British New York, (WNS)—A practi- been left pending between the noises, yet only an elevator Jews, reporting on the Joint For- cal demonstration of inter-religi- Zionist Executive, the Laborites ride fren^ the Leep. ; eign Committee's finding con- ous good will Is being given in and the Revisionists until after 4MS cerning the recent anti-Jewish the Washington Heights section the referendum. Hem® ef the disturbances in Algeria, disclosed of New York City, where memCouncil Bluffs TERRACE GAR DEN that the Alliance Israelite has bers of the Roman Catholic Paris—T li e determination of taken the matter up with the gov- church of St. Theresa of Avila, the French Government to preSealed and Approved _^_ ^ - -^ BOSTON OYSTER HOUSE ernment in Paris. which was recently a l m o s t vent anti-Jewish and other disBeaotifal Music Ensembles! Singing Waiters! for Passover fey wrecked by a fire, are worship- turbances in Algeria was evidenc1 Qiaartet! TownMallNightingale Specialties! YOU DRIVE/ we. wE p«?3t *«ur««?, St#»i«r« ttHss. I Berlin —-The action of the ping in a nearby hall turned over ed in a decree issued by the Home TEEBIEIC Concert Afterpiece! tourist league in Cologne which to them gratis by its Jewish Office imposing two years imadmitted J.ewish firms to mem-owner. prisonment for subversive propabership has aroused the ire o Fatbdi* Gabriel Ginard, rector ganda. the Nazi District. Commissioner of the century old church, said Schaller, who announced the for- that the congregation would hold mation of a special Nazi organl Its Novena services in the hall Greatest Sliow ia America! Most Fan in Nebraska! zation to compete with tne league. owned by the Jews until repairs The announcement states that a on the church were completed. special insignia for identifying "Arynan" firms will be Issued by Jewish Press Advertisers merit the new organization. your patronage.


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