y ; By BEN E, KAZLOWSKT Associate Chairman of the General Solicitations Division, Jewish Philanthropies Cam. paign.
Entered as Second Class Hail Matter on January 21. 1921. at Postofllcc of Omaha, Nebraska, under .the Act of March S. 1879*
[ewish Doctor Reports Cure for Bright's
TO KEEP FAITH • My job and yours between now and May 14th is to see to it that Omaha's Sixth Annual Campaign lor Jewish Philanthropies m u s t not fail. To every right thinking Jew the importance of s u c h a resolution must be manifestly obvious.
XL—NO. 10,
JEWISH NEWS HIGHUGHTS j JEWISH COLLEGE New Jersey became the first state in-the United Stctcs to outlaw anti-Semitic propaganda by special legislature vhcr s bill was passed forbidding the "spreading of propaganda inciting to religious or racial hatred." A Jewish doctor, Benjamin Jablons, has discovered & kidney , extract that promises a practical treatment for the now incurable | Expansion Fl&miei W h f s Bright's disease, it was reported to the convention of the FederaClasses fire tion of American Societies for Experimental Biology. Next Fall The Bulgarian government will not in ZTLV way curtail the i The College of Jewish rights of its Jewish citizens, Foreign Minister Bataloff assured closed its first fall session r,-\:t Jewish delegation in. that cocstry. a reception tendered to the fl*.i;The revisionists will not attend the nest World Zionist Con- dents and faculty by the B'fs-.-. gress to be held this summer. Unless n change is. effected, this B'rith and. J e w i s h CommutUr would mean that the Zionist Congress would not represent all Center, Monday evening;, A v~ • > 15. Dr. Philip Sher, prer-ifier,;, nr Zionists.
Detroit (WNS)—Discovery of a kidney extract that promises a practical treatment for the now | Joint Foreign Conualttee Sees incurable Bright's disease, ona of j Situation Growisg the dozen foremost causes of j Bfore SsrioEs death in the United States, was j reported to the convention of the! L o n d o n ( J . T . A . ) — T h a t t h e "We wonder whether or not the Federation of American Societies j Jewish position in Germany is goauthors of the campaign slogan, ior Experimental Biology by D r . j j n ; from b a ( j t o w o r s e and that "To Keep Faith," were not fully Benjamin Jablons of the Jewish \ je-55-s a r e being forced to sell buscognizant of its deeper signifiMemorial Hospital and the de- j j n e s s enterprises to "A r y a n s," cance, not so much as it pertains by ppartment of physiology and pSy- ]j was reported p y t i e Joint Forto the thirty-one beneficiary agensiological chemistry of the ..New jeign Committee at a meeting of cies that look to us f o r sustenYork Homeopathic Medical Col-j the Board of Jewish Deputies, ance, but rather as it affects JewInitial Gifts Meeting With the opening gun of the«>. ege. 1 The report submitted by t h. e | the college, presented the B3nr;«ish life and Jewish values. An important meeting of the The extract, taken from kid-j joint Foreign Committee states sixth annual Omaha Jewish A total of $1,290,000 was expended by the Joint Distribution bers of the faculty vith. ?:- •".«*Initial Gifts workers will be neys of hogs, causes a drop in that anti-Jewish measures in Ger: Philanthropies campaign only Committee—a beneficiary of the local Philanthropies—during: the tificate of honor by hating; a trr-.t "To Keep Faith" with the in- two and a half weeks away» the held Monday evening, April 22, (last year to aid the stricken Jews of Germany and Eastern : stitutions that provide a: home for workers of the drive are gird- 8 p. m., at the Jewish Com- mals and increases excretion ithe authorities in addition to the Europe. plented in .Palestine for peoh *•'• our aged, an asylum for our or- ing themselves for a concerted munity Center. j increased anti-Jewish propaganda salts. the faculty, phans, and a haven for our sick (which continues replete with maJ. H. Kulakofsky, chairman of A number of Jewish refugees may now be admitted to South [ Short talks were, given by Tin*? effort to reach the needed goal B 1 / and maimed and •underprivileged, licious allegations. this division, urges each worker African countries, according to information from James G, Me- -Sorer end Dors. Freshman. ?-'tois one thing. "To Keep Faith" of $40,650 in the one week al- to be present and to bring his "This intensified campaign has Donald, League of Nations High Commissioner f*r Rrfnn^s. \Soier, & member of the Heb~*v lotted for solicitation. with our Belf-respect, with o u r cards, so that a full report of the j produced a marked deterioration class, spoke in Hebrew The various divisions are be- division's work may be held. tradition, with our heritage, and I of the position of German JewJews who suffered property damage during the recent Ten!- *ng h e r thanks? to the cnllege reginning to take definite shape, t0 t h e with our destiny, is quite" another |ry," the report emphasizes. According to Kulakofsky, the list rebelh'on will receive monetary compensation faculty for the OVPOTU^ zelist coxnpeas&tioi from the gov- i with the team members enrolled response to the initial gifts divis'Paragraph' ia Trade thing. . , . . ' • ' , of receiving: s course eminent of Greece, Premier Tsaldaris has announced. and preparing the preliminary de- ion has been "splendid," with inThe committee's report points i culture s n d education. T»5 7 > » tails. out that it is apparent the "Aryan creases in pledges being the rule. Though there are some w h o ! Freshman interpreted t h«"- "=*y*p General Chairman Philip M. Paragraph" restrictions are being ONE IN 100 OWNS If the pre-campaign results are may take issue with us, let us marks P I Miss Sofer, expressing honestly face the uncontroverted Klutznick reports that the pre- indicative, the campaign will To Be Feature of Second An- extended into commercial and ins.. & member o£ the student hr>ii-> AUTO » nual Jewish Youtli dustrial life. Jewish employes are fact that the life blood and heart campaign spirit manifested by the oversubscribe. the thanks; to to Dr. Dr. Sixer rt,, i i n cere thanks W j r f r f t h e Bsincere being dismissed from firms under Conclave General Solicitations H h\ V I.'. . If A I founding the college, to the JVi.*. beat of our people today are those workers and divisional leaders InJerusalem (JTA)—There a r e l j : — I t . ^ t i — - . V . \ j B - r i t h and J e w i s t Comw-Mr.K* t h e pretext that their presence Harry Trustin, chairman of the agencies clothed and charged with dicate a convincing belief that the r r goal will be reached. With the are not less than 10,000 automohurts the Interests of the employSix speakers have been named ;eneral solicitations division, and f ' 9' « > T ' p I H f I Center for s sponsoring the fpl) the responsibility of aiding a n d a n c l :0 the acuity for thpir Gn biles in Palestine, averaging one maintaining our l e s s fortunate, Jewish community "talking and Ben Kazlowsky and William Mil- to participate in the panel discus- ers. vJ «5'J lLiH,iV.U i < 'a "Every measure Is being em- to every 100 residents, according | did co-operation Riul effort our distressed, and our u n d e r- thinking Philanthropies," t h e der, associate chairmen, announce sion to be given at the second I make the college a success. ptivileged. The ebb and flow of people are thoroughly realizing that their division is being rapid- annual Youth Conclave at Temple p!ryed in order to achieve the ob- to statistics made public here. f a r i n g 193 4, the number of | L a r g e s t lse4 by Ee- s The faculty and subjects tRus'^; Jewish consciousness as well as that the budget set is the barest ly organized for the campaign Israel, Sunday, May 5, u n d e r ject of forcing the Jews out of res Iisyemetfi Was IK sponsorship of the College club, the country. Falsehoods, no mat- automobiles in Palestine increaswere: K&bbi Colin, survey c.m;?-«* Jewishness Itself, is in direct ra- minimum needed if the thirty-one opening. ed thirty per cent, despite the 5694 in Jewish History p.nfl "G r t- * •' tio to the responsiveness of our worthy institutions aided by the The theme of the panel is to ter how grotesque, are being emA workers meeting and rally j Jewish Personalities": R R t ! • people to the requirements of Philanthropies are not to suffer. will be held for the general be "Problems of Jewish Y o u t h ] ployed in the calumny and slan- higher tax Imposed. During the The "early bird" breakfast on What to Do About Them." j der campaign against the Jetrs," years 1S33 a n d 1934, Palestine those who must depend on JewJerusalem CVs'NS—Palcor j filler, "Bible"; R P. b b i W i •'«solicitations Wednesday, May and Tuesday, May 7, will officially inimported gasoline •worth fS75,- Agency)—The t o t a l income of "Modern Jewish XAle and Ctsrmr; Rabbi David H. Wice -sril! preside the report declares. ish Philanthropies. 1, at the J. C. C. augurate the drive. as chairman. Speakers w i l l be The committee's statement dis- 000. the Jewish National Fend during | Topics"; Rabbi Goldstein, " ? ^ ' « The meeting will be held at 7:Earle Ross, Harold Saks, Adele | closes that many petty insults are Women's Division If the time should ever come the thirty-three years of .Its ex- « n f i n ,,J h , e Life «>'_ the Jew"; X30 p. m. and the rally at 8 p. m. Wilinsky, Mas Resnick, Bernice inflicted by t h e authorities also | NAZIS T O L D T O U S E to pass, and may God grant that The Women's Division under Katz, "Advanced I-iebrew ; K. <• ! istence, has reached the figure ci Areali, Speakers Perimeter and Massie Baum. against Jewish communities. "Thej UTT^fC i c IJiflsCTI£l"lI7C "Intermediary it be never, when Jewish hearts the leadership of Mrs. stalmaster Louis E. Lipp, chairman of the IS,SOS,000, This is the first panel discus-j intensified anti-Jetrish campaign approximately Mrp, I. StacUan, "Elemenip'ry '••:?and souls can no longer be quick- is already divided into teams. speakers bureau, announces that sion to be presented in Omaha, seems to be a part of the n e TV ened by the supplications of our IN CASE OF THREATS $18,000,000, it was revealed to brew"; I. MorganRtern. The final plans for the wo- every organization and every no speeches are made. Each policy adopted by t h e governbrethren—whether the call m a y men, who -win solicit the red-., | the Palcor Agency in a compre- language ana l/aeratr. •>•<?• , come from our co-religionists in dential sections of the city, will Jewish meeting is being address- member of the. panel is given a ment," the report says. Berlin ( W N S ) — G e r m a n y hensive review of the activities Victor LevSne, "Philosophy**; Jud&h TTolfson.. "Hebrew," far away Koumanla or the nearby be outlined and determined at ed by a member of the committee certain length of time to discuss should use Its Jewish residents this land-purchasing Old Peoples' Home, whether t h e a series of teas to Be held on to acquaint the community with his point. The group informally , . , Plans are now. being ?ornn;.lF' presents its issues guided 'by the nt OJ entreaty £arks f r o m Nazi-torn Tuesday, April SO, at the the Philanthropies. as hostages in case a foreign ) j^eat of the Jewish people. Thatj for tbe opening of the collcF^ -Members of the speakers bur- chairman; who condenses t h e : "Germany' or ravaged tubercular homes of the varions majors. power threatens "feer with s r s e d \ £ a e Ueren Kayeniett raised the j October vitfc s. complete two r eau include:^._: _...' . . .. . •..-.,.;.. c o s r E e t o he f f e d R n d d r : patients in^ Denver, whether the aggression or economic' pressure, ]'largest amount In. its bistory dnr-j » «~ ^ -teas wBfc teMilton R. Abrahams, S a m zation of the subject matter by "appeaf ~is fof the "rebuiidins of taneously, and each feminine E. TF. P. Tasgley, an American, i g seS4 (-which is the period be-j n Palestine for declassed and exiled worker will attend one of the Beber, Donald Brodkey, Edward the chairman, the audience is aldeclares in an article In Derltween October 1, 1SSE, acd. Sep-j tier to complete the c o « r % ( *> D. Brodkey, Harry B. Cohen, lowed to participate in the disJews all over the world or for affairs. Judenkenner, nev? Berlin antl- 1 teniber SO, 1EE4) was also shevns major must be bad In langimps** Rabbi Frederick Cohn, J. J. cussion. the protection of the good name Friedman, Max Fromkin, Rabbi _ ' . , . , , 'in these figures. The a m o u z: t either Hebrew or Tiddiph &T>t? *• Miss Helen Merritt is directing The complete set-up of the woand lofty honor of American Jews David Goldstein, Hyman Good- the skits to be presented by the _ Sofia (J. T. A ) - T h e Bulgar- e«^-f,« minimum of minors in the of.bfir Jews r E l s e ^ l n . t4 S P o i a t i l -weetly. lg out that the h eC , p r e T i o H S r e E r / T W s then such a time w o u l d not men's division: binder, Ben E. Ka2lowsky, Philip group. subjects. lan government has no intention j i e of "inestinsable value" j s en Increase of about I Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, chairV0H d b represeEt only be indicative of an atrophied ?r, Sher, president of tlie en--. Receipts of the Youth Conclave of curtailing the r i g h t s of its | in such an eventuality, Tangley | t n j r t y p e r c e n t_ j Jewish consciousness, b u t like- man; Mrs. Jeanette Arnstein, Klutznick, Reuben Lackovr, Irvin wise a ead avowal of spiritual, re- Mrs. A. A. Greenberg, Mrs. H. A. C. Levin, Jos. Lintzman, Louis E. •will be given to the philanthro- Jewish citizens, Foreign Minister j «rges the Nazi regime to prepare • i a r g e s t contributor in 56Pi ligious and perhaps even racial Wolf, and Miss Blanche Zimman, Lipp, Jack W. Marer, Ephraim L. pies drive. Marks, Rabbi Uri Miller, Henry initial gifts; Mrs. David Wice, bankruptcy. Then indeed, would we have ceased "To Keep Faith." secretary; Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, Monsky, I. Morgenstern, Earl D. organizations; executive commit- Ross, Harold J. Saks, H. S. CcIlectioB of Jewish Shrier, Irvin A. Stalmaster, RabIn an age of shifting outlooks tee consists of the above and the bi David H. Wice, Harry Wolf, National Fond Boxes Mesdames Max Fromkin, Paul a n d flagging religious zealousJudah Wolfson. The collection of t h e Jewish ness,-let us endeavor "To Keep Goldblatt, Maynard Greenberg, Youth Division National Fund boxes -will t a k e Faith" with that which has helped Philip Klutznick, J. H. KulakofSpurred on by the slogan, To place next Sunday a n d Monday us to. attain to our full measure sky, R. Kulakofsky. Keep Faith—§40,650", the Youth n d e r the direction of Mrs. I. 3 s i l Communities, asking that no Motor Corps: Mrs. Wm. Milder, of eternal life. Let us cling tenDivision of the #Jewish Philan- uDansky, aciously to that common bond— chairman; Mesdames Louis- Blot- thropies assisted by changes be made in the status of j nations allegedly domin; d r i v e are progress- Mrs. Loaischairman, Jewish Philanthropies — w h i c h cky, Reuben BrownV M. E. Chap- ing rapidly Alberts, co-chairman, the Consistory and that the status: Jewish influence. toward a successful permits us to cast off false pride, man, D. Cohn, Ben Danbaum, I. campaign, according Everyone is requested to have! quo be maintained in the proce- \ .he Jordan Vail ex, Judea, Sharon j In active charge of the to Alfred A. Fiedler, M. I. Gordon, H. Greenthat knows no class distinction, their boxes ready, so t h a t the dure of t h e Jewish community and Eraek Jesreel. An additions:! Iwere T)^ Finl-'p £ h e r Fiedler, general chairman of the berg, Robert Kooper, A. E. Milthat d o e s not differentiate bework may be done quickly. elections. tveisty-six ennams were acquired! ' ' , r *"", ^, V \,T.~t "•'„,..'' youth division. T h e Youth's tween one, religious form, or'an- der, A. Pradell, Harry Rochman, in Tel Aviv anfi fuor cunams m ' Anyone wishing to assist In the committee, captained by Ask to Be Consulted Jerusalem oa Mt. Scopus. 1 ^-'. other, that gives to all, rich and A. Somberg,.. Sam Stern, Sam speakers collection, of,this money, is asked E. Joseph Solomonow, is composThe delegation asked Mr. Bata• • * *- * ' poor alike, an equal opportunity Swartz, Harry ^Trustin, Reuben ed of Lou Riklin, Milton R. Fro- to call either Mrs. Dansky or Mrs. Vann, AI Wohlner. loff that Jews be consulted before " "To Keep Faith." Kabbi Charies E. Shuhnan of the Alberts. The l i s t of countries hm, Ernest Nogg, Ernest Priesany changes Ere. made with re- Chicago will deliver the address {amount of mocey they contribntTeams AH National Fund money goes man, Max Resnick, Macy Baum, to buy land i n Palestine, and this gard to the status of the Jewish , a t t h e B eth-El sycagogce, nest! c d to the Jewish National Fund Too often have we all of us Mrs. A. D. Frank, major; ,Mrs. and Jack Temin. Jerusalem (WNS—F a 1 "" f•fr becomes the perpetual prop- communities. T h e minister r e - ! F r i d a y e T e J l i n g T April 26, u n d e r | d u r i n g this period is as follows: observed the salutary a n d tonic Harold Farber, co-major; Mrs. The various young people's land Agency)—The largest forest, plied that the question of modifythe sponsorship of the two local) United States of all the Jewish people. effect of Jewish Philanthropies on Moe Venger, captain. clubs are to be contacted by a erty trade in its history, In both *< ing the status of the communities chapters of A. S. A. (Approximately) the soul that has become dormant Workers-—Mesdames Isadore team under the leadership of Part of this money is going to has not yet been taken up by the Rabbi Shulman has b e c o m e S46.000 and indifferent to Jewish life and Abramson, L Berkowitz, D a v e Loyal Kaplan. Sophie Rosen- redeem the Huleh concession. cabinet, but that it "will come up known as one of the most Influby Palestine during the y t «•. ~ Poland and Galicia Jewish values. W h a t miracles Bernstien, Reuben Bordy, Jack stein, Dora Freshman, Max Baer, fcr consideration soonential Rabbis of t h e Chicago STS.000 1,EPS,000 19S4, it wss learned fcy Va-^nt: have b e e n wrought by way of Farber, Harry Ferer, William James Burroughs,. Harold Abra- la Tel Avir Agency prior tc the official T»«J7V Bulgarian Jewry Is organized area. He is Rabbi of the "North England Jewish consciousness u p o n the Fritz, Paul Goldstein, Lawrence hams, Janet Graetz, and J o e Tel Aviv—Steps to prevent figureE for v.l»*t» 1,745,000 itwelve-month i i c B t i o n oJ theperiod, hearts and in t h e minds of so Gross, H. Hirschmann, Michel Goldware will work on this Jewish children from entering on the basis of national religious js h o r e congregation Israel." A S4S.P0O principles. There are thirty-four | graduate of the Hebrew Union „ Germany many who would have been com- Katleman, J o e Krasne, M. F. group. missionary schools in Jaffa were Jewish communities in Bulgaria. n g e , he has interested himself 2S8,000 Tlie imports clurini 3 S " 4 1,180,000 led 15,426,000 ae aca pletely lost to Israel were it not Levensen, Al Mayer, Simon Pizer, Larger contributions from the taken by the Jewish community The highest representative organ cino eall important Jewish, affairs. South Africa for the reawakening of a d e e p Abe Pradell, L e o Rosenthal, Youth of Omaha will be solicited here after it had been established 1,045,000 000 in ISSS.Thc big Jewish self-pride brought about Charles Ross, Louis Sogolow, Al- by a team headed* by Russell J. that thirty-six Jewish children, of Bulgarian Jewry is the Saboar. Labor Palestine and Siozs!sni!2O9,OO0 of rfileEiiae's trade tc lie vvhich convenes once every eighthave benefited considerably frora j Rumania and injected into the soul through bert Steinberg, Sam Steinberg, M. Blumenthal. Assisting him will @c! I*'"*r ri™v f'*pr*lo fo^iP.tT-^" ^ aged bet-ween seven and fourteen, jeen months. The delegates.to the 830,000 Jewish Philanthropies. L. Stern, Leo Waxenberg-, Sam be: Richard Hiller, Earl Ross, are now maintained in missionary j Saboar are elected and must be his efforts. He is the a-uthor ofjjs6,000 the British Empire, Canada Wertheimer, Jr., Mose Yousem, Gertrude Rothkop, Abe Katz, and institutions in Bethlehem and 1 approved by the religions and for- a volume entitled, "Problems o£ the Jew ia the Contemporary 148,000 740,000 Palestine S.oSCOOP t "To Keep Faith," with every- John T'aier, Harry Frankel, J. Milton R/Frphm. goofls during: 1P"4 PF Tiberias. eign ministers. World." Palestine thing nobler vital and precious in Grossman. "The Bucifiss of the efforts of The subject of Ks/bbi Saul- 145,000 725,000 \rltb. 2,400,000 SE SPSS. Jewish life; "To K e e p Faith" Mrs. S. E. Gillnsky, major, Mrs. the Youth Division is almost a The Holy hnmVf:- c x r man's address will be, "Palestine Russia • with o n e another; "To K e e p Ben D. Silver, co-major; Mrs. Mil- certainty, due to the splendid coamounted, to <,0^7,000 in —A New Adventure In Clviliss- 135,000 675,000 Faith" with ourselves, J e w i s h ton Abrahams, captain. operation of the Youth of Om. -vritli 1,?CC,COO vrortfe of tioa." He will poist out the imAustria* Philanthropies In Omaha m u s't Workers—Mesdames Sam Ap- aha," stated chairman Fiedler. ling sold tc tiic Stitish plication of a Palestine rebuilt, 133,000 succeed. pleman, Ben Danbaum, Richard 665,000 its ifES, PaiesliP.G'p exports tot*.V Organizations for our lives here in America, Af-j Czecnosolrakia Einstein, Philip Gilinsky, I. F. Irvin C. Levin, chairman of orled S,43C,0f'C, the British Emp^f ter his lecture, there will be s n j 125,000 Goodman, N a_t e Green, Sam ganizations, reports that each 640,000 buying 1,600,000 of Falestip'?'**opea forum discESsiou. j {*This covers only the period j PSaa First Congress ^ Green, Dave Greenberg, Abe Jewish organization is being canMassie. Baum, Sam Friefiissa, | to the outbreak of the World j Greenspan, Bert Hene, Louis Hil- vassed. •; ; , > \ - : / ' ' for, Bir©.' BicSjaii ler, Trenton, N. J., <WNS)—New- ing to incite race, color or creed j Lester Lapldus, Morris Levey "The spirit of co-operation of Jersey became the first state In hatreds, and fixes as the penalty and Ersest Priesman TTII] tafeelw&r) part ia the services. The-woajen's! During the first three months! Harry Malashock, Jack Marer, Althe organizations," declared Le- the Union to outlaw anti-Semitic a jail sentence of nicety days to Biro-OBijan, U. S. S. R. (WHS) committee of the BetS-E! syna-jof 5C85, the income o£ tfee Keren j Test Anti-Nan A. Hood, of gifts from all,parts bert Newman, H. A. Newman> J. vin, '"is gratifying. They are propaganda "by special legislation three y e a r s , fine of §200 to | 5 , - 1 g o ? t . e ^ J J J s e T T e E t t b e « o n e g K a y e m e t h t o t a 1 e <?. TS,000 (c. j M. Newman, Julius Newman, showing their communal spirit of Soviet Russia and many for000, or both.. iShabTjos," following t i e service J3S5.00G) as T.gaiEst 'S3,000 (c, j t... eign <tonntrles\ is pouring in on Miss Ruth Pollack, Joe RIchlin, and Jewish-consciousnes3 by an •when the senate passed and GovT h e m e a s u r e Is «o p h r a s e d t h a t I a n a i e c t n r e . i |16E,C-t>01 dwrinc t t e came per- | David Rosenstock, Isy Rosenthal, ernor Harold Hoffman signed bill enheartening response." tjo£ .New .J«>~ this Jewish autonomous region in Sf&4. TUfe represeBts number 257, fathered by Minority it applies not only to speakers new siiti-Kaal. law will ^>* preparation for the opening next Robert Rosenthal, Frederick Rosbut also may violate the enstock, Harry Rubenstein, MorLeader Rafferty -which forbids erks by the American &;& month of the first Congress of for to owners o* halls and auditorris Rubenstein, J. A. Solomon, Minister Courts Arrest the "spreading of propaganda in- iums and to publications which I Liberties Union as soon as ••!>* Soviets of BIro-Bidjan: v 1 Ia"K is icvo'ked, Arthur G&rtifiiA. Berlin—The Reverend Edward citing to religious or racial may be used to circulate or proAmong the gifts received are Julius Solomon, A. Wolf. M i s s Jerusalem—T h e cornerstone j •Not & single Jew 'will J Hays, general counsel for tbe "»?•».*• one thousand dollars worth of Adele Willnsky. Lindmeyer, Evangelical minister, hatred." mote the forbidden propaganda. Karbia •was laid last week is Tiberias forj, Mrs. Philip Levey, major; Mrs. medical equipment from .-• t h e The bill -was approved is the The bill teas heatedly debated a Eynagog-ce \rMcS Trill be sitnst- I ale in the employee of the j "on imnoxiTiceCl. Mr, Hays, S. Novitsky, co-major; Mrs. B. courted arrest and a stay in a Senate ICOR in the-United States, a car- H. 1 ii Far EaateTE RsUwar cysteia now jjj is & Jevr, deEounced the hill, "by a vote of four tees to ia committee because some senaconcentration camp, when he isA. Simon, captain. near the grave of W sonifies. load of iron piping from the one. It had passed the Assembly tors felt it was a violation of tbe this Ej-steiE has I?aes sola fcy]]I ,the fijofit sweeping tb?eat to T?*>f. W o r k e r s:—Mesdames H. H. sued a circular under his own •with, only one dissenting vote. rights The syaagogne "will also have a III tthat inest to Japan, j speech ever Eccosiplisiiefi 5R Lenin factory at Dneipropetrovsk, h e cTiet of free speech and assemname declaring that "God created Auerbach, Harry Belmont, C. L. Yeshiva, s school fcr tralaicg j lere last Teek. jcoautry. He saifi that telegraphic "equipment from the The same bill -was approved in bly, but these critics -were finally Sain Berwitz, David all races equal" and that "the the Assembly last year - but vrss • tron over" when it tras poi f The r;r.mfeer pi Je-frJsli employ-; the l&w bans statpi»ents, lw>fr*Central Telegraph Organization Bergman, Blacker, Reuben Brown, D. R. Bible was written not by Aryans billed is a Senate committee. DI-, out that the law xasrely gave ** i ees IE t«s F s r ElsstfTr. Rsi'TET > s.T».fl spsecties tiiRt- teroi to f!7<*H*# in Khorkov, several tons of cloth- Cohen, he David Feder, Morris Fe- but by Jews." He also said tha ing from the garment plants in rer, John rected primarily against Kasi ac-. force of legal sanction to princij;wss 468, but, a": of them w3U be jj batrefl or feoatslity beeawse '*»f Morris Frie- " s i n c e God gave us salvation htVitebsk and Kharkov, and labora- dea, B. T. Frieden, ft tivities, -srhicli have fceea Tride- ples of racial'and religious freeSpecial services for t h e higfe [ eliminates nom- ths.t tbe new ad- > rs-r**. color or Friedman, Max Fromtory equipment for the -Jewish kin, M. I. Gordon. Elmer Gross, through Jews (meaning Jesus spread in New Jersey, the Baffer- dom in the -United States Con- scbool gradca-tes of 1935 *w1!l toe!misistratJon of the railway start-! weed as veil to p anyy they must be good enough for ty laTir makes it a misfienseanor stitution 2nd guaranteed t h e i r held at t h e Beth-El synagogue' « l .a'registration of all European group, despite the f&ci th*t ii 1« schools from the Kiev biochemius." cal factory. (Continued On Page Iwo) to disseminate propaganda tend- protection. j employees. I aimed at tbe on Friday, May SI.
Initial Gifts Workers Meet Gratifying Response; Women Workers Ready*
A. Z. A., B'NAI B*RITH TO SPONSOR DANCE • • The • Mother chapter of-• A-. Z. - A. together with t h e B'ttal B'rlth w i l l . hold a dance, Sunday, May
26, in the air-conditioned b a l l room of the Paxton hotek- The By the Service Life Insurance Welfare Conrentlon Told of theme.of the dance, will be.rac.Company, Omaha Improvement In Memberng-, and will be called the Derby ship anil Influence Dance. Tickets to the dance-, will Fiction says that w i d o w s KBIT T o r i (WNS)— Striking be issued-in the-form of lottery squandor insurance money. Facts gains la; the membership, influ- tickets and will go on.said next prove that most widows squandor their lives in a vain attempt to ence aod stability of Jewish, comErnie Nogje. will be-general sweat dimes into dollars because munity centers throughout, the country were reported to the 18th chairman. Philip Klutznick- and t h e y haven't enough insurance annual meeting of the National Hy Goodblnder of the B'nal Brith money to permit t h e m to live and Jack Temln of t h e~ Mother otherwise. Jewish Welfare Board by Judge chapter will be in change _pf. genThe need for money continues Irving Lehman, -president, and l a t I! i2 until life ends. Harry I* ; Gluelssiinan,/ executive director. Judge-iieh-man said that '/ The publicity; commUtee-w 111 . The day when the last dollar consist'. ri-'DMleI:'^lte|i,ji' A r t of t h e widow's insurance will "the basic financial structure of •rossman; and Massia Baum. have b e e n spent can be calcuJewish centers' is in a much iialated. That's arithmetic. proTed condition an ^ compared The day when life Is to e n d •with, the situation five years ago; cannot be calculated. That's provNot only have pur- affiliated sociidence. •; . . eties demonstrated a strikingly Many times these two days are healthy resistance to adverse ciryears apart. That's tragedy. cumstances and attained com. When a man creates an estate parative stability, but the numas l a r g e as life may be long, ber of Jewish centers actually inAt services tonight, Rabbi Davcreased in 1934 from 288 to d A. Goldstein will s p e a k on that's adequate insurance a n a 305." The number of centers The Passover Hope—-Its Message adequate life insurance is a good Dad's definition of a square deal. owning buildings also grew, from for Jewry Today." 184 to 195, a n d the estimated Next week services will be held value of Jewish center structures Tuesday e v e n i n g at 6:30; increased from $29,000,000 to Wednesday morning at 9; a n d -532,000,000, J u d g e Lehman Thursday morning at 9. Yizkor (Continued from Page One) stated. . on Thursday morning at 10:00. Jewish center membership InNext Friday evening, R a b b i M..B. Handler, Morris Katleman, creased to 225,000, not Including harles B. Shulman of Chicago M. Linsman, J. ,A. Luttbeg, Ben 100,000 unemployed young, men \3lll occupy the pulpit and will Newman; William Racusin, Joe and women who are unable, to speak on "Palestine—A New Ad- Rice, Sam Robinson, Dave Sherman, S. H. Singer, Sam Swartz, pay fees, Mr. Glucksman report- venture in Civilization." Ben Handler. ed. Center budgets increased from • -Mrs. -Manuel Grodinsky, major; $3,000,000 to 53,500,000, a n d temple Israel Mrs. H. P. Milder, co-major; the number of centers with proThe services t h i s evening at Mrs. Max Holzman, captain. fessional executives increased Temple Israel will have special Workers—Mesdame3 A. Babior, from 145 to 161. Mr. Glucksman also reported that since 1921 Passover music by the choir un- Sam Berkowitz, Paul Blotcky, the sum of $10,000,000 was rais- der the direction of Mrs. N a t e David Brown, Leo Chaikin, M. L. Conn, I. Fiedler,' David Forman, ed under the" direction of t h e Green. "The Four Questions" will be Ronald Gladstone, David GoldWelfare Board in 165 building, membership, deficit and mainten- the topic of Rabbi David Wice's man, Meredith Kenyon, M. Krupp, Louis Kulakofsky, Louis Lipp, ance fund campaigns. During sermon. 1934 the Welfare Board conduct- . Saturday morning services will Leo Milder, Morris Milder, F. Nogg, Lou Riklin, Harry Rosened twenty-eight Buch campaigns begin at 10:30. T h e adult study group w i l l feld, E. I. Rubin, A. ttubnitz, •which netted $290,000. He also reported an attendance of 316,- meet a week from Tuesday, April Charles Schlaifer, Harry Shumow, A. Somberg, S. Steinbach, Joe 904 at celebrations of Jewish and 30, at 8 p. in. at the Temple. Welnberg, I. Weiner, Leon Weiss. civic holidays conducted by JewMrs. Arthur Conn, major; Mrs. ish centers and promoted by the Dave Greenberg, co-major; Mrs. Welfare Board. " W h o Shall Redeem Israel?" Dr. Cyrus Adler, chairman of will »b"e the subject of Rabbi Uri Julius Abrahamson, captain. "Workers—MeBdames Max Barthe Welfare Board's a r m y and Millef'a. sermon this evening at navy committee, reported that the the-B'nai Israel synagogue.; , » ISh, Jack BramBon, Harry Bravircommittee's eighty employed field ^ E - a n t o r Schwaczkin and the off, M. D. Brodkey, Jake Blank, Harry Cohen, Dave Cohn, Sam a n d volunteer representative* Davis, J. J. —Friedman, Leon handled 14,769 cases ol personal choir will chant the. services. On May 3rd, the after-service Graetz, J. J. Greenberg, Allan Ko-welfare, disabled veterans claims at 160 aTmy posts, naval atatlonB, program will be devoted to Junior han, Robert Kooper, Miss Mildred and government hospitals. Some Hadassah. Miss Nell Ziff of Min- Lipsey, Jay Malashock, Hymle 2j000 Jews in the Civilian iConi neapolis, national ;vice-presldent Milder, Joe Ngesman, Elizabeth serration Corps had their JewlsS of Junior Hadassah, will be the Neveleff, Harry Rachman, \. Wv High Holiday needs provided for guest speaker.. Al ;young7; women Rosenblatt, ' Philip Rosenblatt, by the committee, which al|b pro- interested In Zjon|snf rind'the re- Horace* Rbsenblum, Manuel Rudvided Passover needs for 3,379 building of Palestine are invited dy, Harry Silverman, Sam Theo-, Jews In the CCC and the army to-be present- '•• dore, Harry Trustin, Jay Wright, and navy. Shavuoth needs for Sam Zlotky, Miss Bernice Y o uServices for the last two days sem. 755," Purim-needs for 650, Chanukah needs for 1,127. The com- of Passover will commence TuesMrB. Louis Neveleff, major; mittee also provided religious and day evening at 6:30 In all t h e Mrs. John Beber, co-major; Mrs. welfare activities for 432 Jews in orthodox synagogues. M o i n 1 n g Irvln Levin, captain. nineteen Citizens' Military Train services will s t a r t a't 8:30 Workers—Mesdames Louis AlWednesday and Thursday^ bert, Wm. Alberts, Sam Beber, ing Camps. Wednesday morning R a b b i Jay Bercovici, Frank Brookstein, Miller will speak at t h e Adass I. Dansky, Max Davis, Dave FinYeshurin synagogue at 25th and kel, Sam Fish, Morris Fisher, Joe Seward. His subject being, "Song Freeman, Joe Goldware, Abraham Paramount—Stage: Andre LaB of Songs—I u r a e 1' s History." iy'fl "French. Revue," with Roy Thursday morning he will speak Greenbaum, Hyman Greenberg, Sedley, comedian; Kendall Capps at the B'nal Israel synagogue on Peter Greenberg, Jack Kaufman, eccentric dancer; Short and Long t h e topic, "In Memory of t h e Carey Korbholz, Ida Levin, IBIdore Levinson, Leon Mendelson, pantomlmlsts; Marguerite ClaUd- Living." Harry Moskowitz, Herbert Neveet, singer; Robinson and Corlnne. Memorial services will be held dancers;: Bernice Allyn, Chancey In all t h e orthodox synagogues leff, Jack Orlikoff, Aaron Rips, Abraham Schwaczkln, Herman Parsons, John McDowell, Les Ro- Thursday morning at 10:00. Smith, Isidore Sokolof, Julius dlns, Parisian Street Singers, and T h e Junior congregation will Stein, Sam Stern, George Strauss, the 24 models Parislenne. Among meet at t h e B'nal Israel syna the spectacular features are "Nult gogue Saturday morning at 10:30 Phineas Wintroub, Al Wohlner, Samuel Wolf, I. B. Ziegman, Dlabollque," t h e Parisian scene Philip Zollotuchen, Dave Epstein. on the Rue de la Paix; also modern lnterpertatlona of ballet suites King Alexander Forest Jewish Press Advertisers merit from "Faust." The screen offerJerusalem—The -first tree in ing is "Stolen Harmony," w i t h the forest named after King Alex- your patronage. Ben Bernle, his band and others ander, the recently assassinated ruler of Jugoslavia, was planted . Orpheum.— Claudette Colbert by the High Commissioner of Charle3 Boyer, J o a n Bennett Palestine, in the presence of notaHelen Vlnabn and Joel McCrea In bles and representatives of the "Private Worlds." In the cast is Yugoslavian government, and "of Dora Clemant, formerly leading the Zionist Executive. (xGtJfoUPCittSMttt The Jugoslavian..Consul was woman of the Clemant-W a 1 s h Players of Omaha. The picture Is one of the principal speakers at a highly dramatic story of a gir a luncheon served following the who did not fear to reveal her cermeony of planting the tree. private l i f e to protect her ro- The other speakerB were Sir Armance. The other Orpheum pic thur Wauchope, the High Comture is "$10 Raise," with Edward issioner of Palestine, and M. M. Thon@CU.4626 Everett Horton and Karen Mor Ussishkin, head of the Jewish National Fund. ley. w e e k .
.••.': • ; • % : - • .
Women Workers
lynite w h o has already made her mark on the radio. . . .
Sigma Alpha Mu
Omaha w a s appointed ehairns&n of the advertising committee of thi- fine arts ball to be held soon. Four of the fraternity's men were recognized for outstanding work at the University of Nebraska honors convocation A p r i l 16. They w e r e : Aaron Finklestein and I. H i l l of Lincoln, Harold Civin of Omaha, and Arnold Levin of Rosalie, Nebr. At the same time Arnold Levin v;as awarded a Sigma D e l t a Chi .Icmrnelistic achievement cup. • .•
At an initiation af the chapter house followed by a banquet s,t TID-BITS the Cornbusker H o t e l , Sunday, At a recent meeting in Liver- April 14, Sigma Omicron of Sigpool Sir Oswald Mosley answered ma Alpha Mu fraternity at Linof humor. . . .Did you know that a question from the floor as to |coin initiated the folowing men: OCHSIANA Adolph S. Ochs read the proofs Mrs. John Strachey telephoned whether his movement is anti- Dave Bernstein and Harold Civin, of his ow.n obituary several her husband from New York to Semitic, saying "Yes, it is". . . . of Omaha; Aaron Finklestein, of months ago, and blue-penciled all Chicago about his arrest in that In a do-vra town Jewish restaur- Lincoln; Ervine G r e e n of Norextravagant p r a i s e . . . .It was synagogue before it actually took ant there is a waiter who doesn't folk; and Irving Zveitel of Grand Ochs who instituted the Iron-clad place, because the Hearst papers like to be called "waiter". , . . Island. Speakers included J. J. Marx rule of no woman reporters for published the story before it hap- The other day one of the customers got indignant and upbraided of Lincoln and H. B. C o h e n of the Times, although he had a pened?. . . . him with the question: "You're a Omaha, Toastmaster w a s Harry high opinion of women writers Hebrew Union- College, v.-hich waiter, aren't you?". . . .Where- Rosenstein. A response was giv-' . . . .Whenever he was impressed upon he answered: "No—I'm not en by Dare Bernstein. ; was founded in Cincinnati in with a particular piece Of writing C H I T - C H A T IS75, is the third oldest modern in his paper,he had no hesitancy "Tex" Goldschmidt, y o u n g a waiter. I'm a contact man beThe fraternity reports t h a t about telling the writer so, and Columbia University graduate, is tween the cook and the customer" Harold. Civin of Ompha was Jn!ti-j rabbinical seminary in the world. very frequently invited him or being considered for the position . . . .Simon Koss, who recently | ated into Theta Nu, honorary pro- ! her for a week-end at his Sum- of big boss over the $100,000,000 •won $150,000 in the sweepstakes, i medic fraternity of the University mer home. . . .It was Ochs, per- relief fund for artists, poets, writ- is financing the establishment of I of Nebraska; Tv'iilifsm F l a x of sonally, who gave Bernard Pos- ers and musicians. . . .Ben Cohen, his family in Palestine. . . .Yussel S tal, our managing editor, a job as general counsel for the Power Jacobs, manager of Schmeling in an office boy in the Times eigh- Policy Committee at Washington, name only, says now that when :cently isaSd: "When Sinclair dies>, ani •""-, -"; teen years ago. . . .Of all the hun- is -emerging as one of the most he raised his hand to salute Hit- ; he's dead. When I die, I'm imdreds of articles that were writ- trusted brain-t r u s t e r s of the ler in Hamburg he hissed under ! mortal". . . .Dr. Moses Einhorr, ten on Adolph S. Ochs on the oc- Roosevelt administration. . • .Yes, h I s breath: "Zollst geharget i the stomach Epeclalist, is preparcasion of his seventy-fifth birth- Dr. Leo Wolman will soon retire weren". . . .The Jewish editors • lag the chuppah for Jacqueline day two years ago he liked best as Chairman of the Auto Labor who described the new Mrs. Goer- j Salomcts, the eminent violinist of all Louis Rittenberg's essay, Board. . . .He is sick and tired of ing as being of Jewish parentage I They will be married this sumwhich appeared in The American the political undercurrents.in his are all wet. . . .She Is a hundred : ffler. . . .Eddie Cantor is now inHebrew, and had it republtshed in work. . . .New York has a new per cent Aryan who likes the i stired for an additional £50,000,; "OmaliR's Premier Halter" brochure f o r m for distribution genius in feminine styles in the Jews just about as much as her j with the Eastern Life Insurance \ Company, o£ which Lo-ais Lipskj-1 distinguished husband does. . . . 414 So. I7th JA 6390 a m o n g his friends. . . .Ritten- person of Alice Spector, twentyW<> full ami IVl'ver In is the president. . . . j berg's article dealt with Adolph two-year-old girl who is designing Downtown District Copyright 1SJ3 by Reveri Arts ) S. Ochs the Jew. . . .There is a gowiis f o r Gladys Swarthout, LITERACY NOTES Ftature Syndicate very cozy dining room on the top Metropolitan Opera star. . .Nat Octavius Roy Cohen writes his floor of the Times Annex, and Feldman is being hailed, in the best stories when stretched out few celebrities, whether German New York Times, as a pioneer in on a deck chair on a cruising finance ministers or anti-Nazi the movie industry, for his suc- steamer. . . .E. Phillips Oppenjournalists, passed through New- cessful management of the Bijou heim dictates his mystery yarns York without being Ochs' lunch- Theatre, a movie house for chil- to a secretary while cruising on eon guests up there. . . .The tech- dren. . . .Nat not only manages the Mediterranean on his private nical layout of the New York the house, but personally censors yacht. . . .Fannie Hurst writes Time3 Is still considered the best the films, cutting out all the hor- long-hand and must be perfectly At the Lowest Price in the- country,, but few know ror, stuff, graveyards and gorillas attired when she sits down at her in Twenty Years . . . that Adolph Ochs very frequently with big teeth. . . .This he does desk. . . .Maurice Samuel is most supervised the make-up of the to protect the kids from the dan- creative on a Pullman chair in a front page. . . .Ochs did not know ger of nightmares. . . . train. . . .Sholom Asch can write any card games, and was not very anywhere, and when in New York much interested in the theatre or recently frequently stopped in a the movies. . . .His greatest pleas- ABOUT PEOPLE telephone booth to Jot down notes No, Professor Einstein did not . . . .Edna Ferber types her stuff ure was to listen to authoritative discourses on various subjects. . . leave the Deborah Tuberculosis In complete seclusion, and gives Sanitarium banquet at the Hotel up all social life w h e n in the Plaza without making his sched- tiroes of a novel. . . .George S. uled speech because he was peev- Kaufman, America's most sucINSIDE STUFF , Formerly $1,375 While Mrs. Richard Percy Llm- ed at anybody, but simply because cessful playwright, writes his best burg is heading the Women's Di- hei-was sleepy. . . .Dr. Dimitri stuff In the early morning; after The ddest piano in Amervision of the Greater New York Mariflnpff, son-in-law of Profes- an exhausting poker session. . . . ica—established- in -1823. Campaign of the United Jewish sor Einstein, is now in New York, Elmer Rice creates best in a Buiy now while prices ere Appeal, her sister-in-law, Mrs. trying to mobilize support for his Manhattan apartment, and can low.' Alan M. LImburg, is devoting her farm school at Born, France, write twenty-four hours without energies to active work in the Ox- which trains German Jewish re- interruption. . . . ford Group, the purpose of which fugees for .Palestine and other is to disseminate "understanding countries willing to o p e n their of Jesus Christ", . . .The hus- gates to Jewish farmers. . . .On YOU SHOULD KNOW The Jewish National Fund is bands of both ladles are nephews May 15th a banquet in honor of going to run an all-star entertainProfessor "'Einstein will be Bponof New York's Governor Lehman . . . .At the annual meeting of the sored by a committee interested ment at the Yankee Stadium this National Jewish Welfare Board a in Dr. Marianoff s institution. . . . summer. . . .Eddie Cantor is the Pennsylvania Reform'fabbi boast- In case" you missed the news, Abe majordomo of the artistic proed that In his congregation, as Berehbaum of New York is the gram, and Dave Lipsky will be contrasted with Temple. Emanu- new. national singles ping-pong responsible for making New York 5SS W. BEOAiWAT EI, New York, the president did champion, and Ruth Aarons is National-Fund-consclous on June 24th. . . .Ben de Casseres, comthe woman pig-pong champion of not tell the rabbi what to say. Judge Irving Lehman^ President America for 1935. . . .Adolph menting on Upton Sinclair, reof the Welfare Board and of L e w i s o h n , eighty-six-year-old Temple Emanu-El also, called the philanthropist, who still takes rabbi to order, pointing out that singing lessons, dances nightly at in Temple Emanu-El the presi- the Ponce de Leon in St. AugusBe Oar Guest All Week dent takes a back seat. . . .The tine, Fla. . . .Shirley Temple will Beginning Monday rabbi apologized, and credited his have a rival soon In Jacqueline Sopnenberg, four-year-old Brookuncalled-for-remark to his. sense • • • •
! '
Yeur did Piano Tsfeas la Exchange— Y to leitpldi the Balance
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ave igure
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' Omaha—William Powell, M a y Robaon, Ted Hcaly, F r a n c h o.t Tone, Jean Harlow, and Nat Pen delton in "Reckless," a play with muBic by ~ Jerome Kern. Leading characters are a couple of promoters who get into more or less trouble, accompanied by s o n g dance and wisecracks. The cast unusually large and important. . The Society for the Prevention <jf Cruelty to Animals was founded by Lewis Gompertz.
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a newspaper free of sensational- Hospital for Consumptives. A present at the next meeting to i Officers of Hisheva ism and Immature features, but member of New York's famous held April 28 at the J. C. C. 1 apian replete with the complete daily Temple Emanu-El, he served as Has 'Maine Changed Club Installed i 2:SO p. m., or call At. 29PI history of the world, won for president and honorary president Berlin (WNS)—At the v e r y A meeting of the Elisheva Kap-j information. Ochs unusual distinction. Six ol the Association of fteform Con- moment that General Hermann 1 universities gave him honorary gregations of New York. Some Wilhelia Goering, premier of Ian chapter of the Pioneer WoHstifcvah, the song of the Jew[degrees. France made him a com- years ago he presented a beauti- Prussia and Hitler's right-hand men's organization, was held. Ap-ish National Homeland, was con", mander of the Legion of Honor. ful Menorah to the Cathedral of man, was being married to Emeu ril 14, at the J. C. C. The instal-j posed, a quarter of a century ago The National Institute of Social St. John the Divine. In memory Spnneinann, actress, who is re- lation of permanent officers fea-i D3" Naphiali Herz Imber. Sciences gave him its gold medal of his parents he built a $500,- puted to be a descendant of Leo- tured the meeting. j for outstanding public service. A 000 synagogue in Chattanooga, o£ pold Sonnexnann, Jewish founder The new officers arc: Gertrude. of the world-famous Frankfurter Magzamin, president; Sylvia Ep- : devoted friend of parks and pubBy BERNARD POSTAL which he was the first citizen. Zeitung, signs along SonDeinann stein, treasurer; Rose Gcldnmr.,: L. EAhMAMm lic recreation, the New York Strasse in Frankfurt-am-Maln, secretary; Reva Mann, corre-1 proposition he turned It down beIn the interpretation of his Jewgeneral' assistant, a • euphemism : " Adolph. S. Ocfas belleTed in Times became known as the, — — Mohel Specialist r facts, figures , and honest re- for the combined job of printer, cause he was an opponent of free "watchdog of Central Park" be-Ush heritage, however, he always named for the Jewish editor, spending secretary; Shirley Gold-j br Many IDocteri Hea!c!e^ce Phone WKbPii»r £P3S porting as the'. basis for a suc- reporter and editor. As a side- silver. It was then that Alloway cause of the tenacity with which | maintained that he was a Jew bywere removed. Notwithstanding berg, reporter; .and Shirley Ep-J cessful newspaper. This article line he > edited and compiled the telegraphed him that the Times Ochs fought every attempt to in- a religion only. For that reason this coincidence, Nazi spokesmen stein, sergeant-at-arcns. . ? [ Business Pboco WEbuter 8450 is written In that sober factual first city. directory., When the could be bought cheap. Ochs was vade that famous park. He was he was an uncompromising op- insist that the new Frau Goering All girls of high school age m~ S422 X. 20th St., Onwhn, way that Mr. Ochs himself Dispatch failed in 187S Ochs was interested but he was dubious the founder of the Times' Christ- ponent of Zionism and Jewish na- is no relative of the Jewish Son- terested in joining, p l e a s e be •would have approved. It- re- appointed receiver: After liqui- about his own ability to make a mas appeal for the needy which tionalism, notwithstanding the nemann family. counts the life, career and dating its debts he arranged a success in New York. The Times in twenty years raised three mil- fact that the Times prints more Fromessoa Pies Tiews of Ochs, t h e publisher merger ;. with" the . Chattanooga had been one of America's great lion dollars. Ochs also under- news of Zionist and Jewish, actiand the man. . Mr. Postal, .au- Time's, which he bought in 1881.papers and its fame had grown wrote for five years the American vity, than' any other paper in the N e w York (WNS)—Abraham. thor of this article, is a. former In this venture he" displayed the with its exposure of the Tweed Year Book, and a d v a n c e d five world. While admiring the cour- Haym Froinenson, fiean of Anglo. exchange editor of the New remarkable ingenuity and ability Ring. In 1893 it had been bought hundred thousand dollars for pre- age of the Zionists and manifest- J e w i s h journalism in America, York Times,-who worked under that was "later to^.bring greater by a syndicate of prominent citi- paration of the monumental Dic- ing a sympathetic interest toward and known to thousands in JewMr. Ochs for a number of success with the New York Times. zens whose inexperience plunged tionary of American Biography. the Jewish Homeland, he always ish communal work as "A. H.", When he acquired the Chatta- the paper into bankruptcy. years.-—The Editor. He originated the project for the believed that the Zionist cause is dead here at the age of sixtynooga Times *he was. practically Invited to join in a proposed Lookout Mountain and Chatta- was hopeless. Ochs belonged to one. Born in Chicago, Fromen. _ penniless, but he bought a con- reorganization of the paper, Ochs ljOOJiOUl. I U U U U I S I U . a u u wuctv**. 1 — —»founded the English section For nearly two generations the trolling interest in" the paper for undertook the task although he nooga.Park, for which he gave a; that school of Jewish, thought in son of the YIddische Tageblatt in New York Times haB been recog- $250, together with" the assump- did not have the capital to secure piece of property valued' at one j America which holds that the 1899, and served as Its editor -unnized as the -world's g r e a t e B t tion of a debt of $1,200 which the controlling' interest for him-million dollars. In recognition of; greatest heritage of the Jew is his til 1907, when resigned to benewspaper, but it was only -with was to beVrepaid at the rate of self. It was arranged, however, his services to the national parks! religion, which should be preserv- come executive he secretary of disthe death of its publisher, Adolph $50 a month.: On a n o t e for that he should reorganize the the .Civilian Conservation Corps ed. Ochs believed that as a dis- trict number one of t h e B'nai Simon Ochs, that the p u b l i e three hundred dollars a bank lent paper on a basis which would as- camp near Chattanooga is named tinctive race the Jews have no B'rith. For two years Beautify your Passover table with an approhe was on learned that'no one man and no him ?287 in cash, of which ?250 sure him the controlling interest. Camp Adolph S. Ochs. •"' He was i place in modern civilization; that the staff of the New York priate floral Decoration. World. great institution • were so com- was "paid as the purchase price, By pooling his capital and re- also the dominant figure in the j left to the processes of environ- From 1912 to 1917 he was execuFlowers would make an excellent gift for the pletely identified as creator and and $25'as a debt to the Associat- sources he raised ?75,000 in cash, Associated Press which he helped' ment and time, they will soon tive secretary of the National Holiday season. creation as •were Ochs and the ed Press. His " working capital and for this sum he was to re- found and mold. lose their racial characteristics Farm School. In IS 17 he took Times. Ochs' notable achieve- was .thus twelve dollars. What ceivewithin a period of ten years, Although his. fifty-seven years' and become an integral part of over the publicity directorship of Fresh, fragrant flowers at all times. ment was not so much the fact he lacked' in cash he made up in 51 per c e n t of the reorganized of newspaper work were exacting j their country and share the weal the Zionist Organization of Amthat he had taken over the Times work and. energy. Ochs was at stock, if and when, for three con- Ochs never forgot his J e w i s h ! and woe of the.land, in He directed public r e l a in 1896' as a bankrupt and mori- once proofreader, publisher, busi- secutive years he made the paper heritage. Judaism he acknow-j Notwithstanding this philoso- j erica. tions for the great JDC cam-1 Main Floor Brsudels Store AT 8666 1 bund Bheet and rebuilt it into the ness, "circulation and advertising pay expenses. Within three years ledged as the touchstone of his phy Ochs was chosen by a vote paigns, the United Jewish Cammost influential and one of the manager, reporter a n d book- and ten months from the day helife. As the son-in-law of the of the editors, of the Jewish press j paigns and many others. rTTninriiniinnn?anHnnrHnntirnnininrnHnfnnnrjinfSirTiiinfij;riii[fniHi?f?iini?n?inriHinHiiiJiiniii!«fiiiiiu!iuufl most prosperous newspapers of keeper. He printed his paper on signed this agreement on August great Rabbi Tsaac M. "Wise, Ochs of America in 1933, in a referen-' all times, but rather that he waspower supplied by a Negro. Be- 18, 1896, the control and owner- was--one.of the most notable pa-jdum by the Seven Arts Feature the master mind of the outstand- fore he was twenty-one the Times ship of the New York Times were trpns of the Hebrew Union Col- j Syndicate, as one of the ten greatIege: He not only served as chair- est living American Jews. There ing triumph of modern Journal- was on the'way"to becoming one his. The rest is history. man- of the drive which raised a | is little doubt that he would be ism in any land. Ochs was theof the Soiith's most influential From that d a y on Ochs' im- $5,000,000 endowment f u n d for j included in a similar roster of towering oak of American jour- newspapers print was on the paper. His salu- the C o l l e g e , but contributed | great Americans. Perhaps the nalism, a genius who built an enIt was in Chattanooga that he tatory announcement promised to 1500,000 and toured the country greatest tribute > to the man is during monument to himself and "a high-standard news- in its behalf. He was also a gen- that he lived to experience t h e to his country, on the firm founda- . enunciated the ' journalistic prin- conduct paper, clean, dignified and trust- erous supporter of the J e w i s h unique distinction, of being able — tion of sound principle and large ciples which he followed throughfor thoughtful, pure- Education Association; the Union | t 0 Tie"^ h i s o v l 1 imperishable vision. Under ' his'" administra- out his publishing career. Hav- worthy, people." Into one terse tion the Times, became far more ing seen' "much 'of t h e so-called minded Congrega- j monument, • the New York Times. "all the news that's fit to of American Hebrew - - ' - - Jewish -- I Copyright 1935 by Seven Arts than a newspaper. ' It: grew into personal journalism which made phrase, tlons and the -National print," he distilled the essence of Feature Syndicate a -world-famous- institution, a no. distinction between the news his journalistic creed. This policy great organ of public education columns and the editorial page, brought immediate success and and public opinion unequalled in Ochs determined to.publish a true' prosperity. On his twenty-fifth influence, which set the Standard "news-paper." ^ H i s ideals were anniversary of ownership he anof excellence f o r newspapers justified in the first year when nounced that gross receipts since the Chattanooga Times showed a throughout the world. 'of two thousand dollars. he had been publisher were $25,Ochs was born in Cincinnati on profit eighteen years he was a Chat- 000,000. All but $3,750,000 of March. 12, 1858, the son of Julius For tanooga 'publisher.^ becoming one this sum went back into the and Bertha Levy Ochs, who had paper. Under his guidance t h e emigrated' f r o m : Germany in of t h e city's first citizens. He Times became a world-wide inwas' the acknowledged welcomer 1844. Adolph's father was a stitution because he emphasized learned man, speaking French, of'all distinguished guests to the the fact that a newspaper's chief city. In this ytask ; he" had " the G erman; Hebrew^ • Spanish, Italian and only function was to give the and English. He served in the valuable assistance \ of his wife, news. But to Ochs news did not Mexican and Civil Wars, and dur-the daughter-"of Rabbi I s a a c mean sensation. "All t h e news ing, the Reconstruction era was a Mayer Wise, -founder -of Ameri- that's fit to print" became more justice of the peace and 'United can Hebrew Congregations, whom than a slogan. The Times' reader States ^Commissioner in Knoxvllle, he married In-1883.. One of the never missed anything for which Tennessee. Adolph's mother waB visitors -to -Chattanooga was des-he looked. Because Ochs insistan Alsatian, and on her paternal tined to:have;a major:influence ed on the Times covering all the side "was a descendant of-Achille on Och's - life.-- In 1890 Harry news completely, thoroughly and Fouia", Napoleon Ill's financial Alloway, a- Wall Street reporter great length, regardless of the minister. She was active, in the for the New York-Times, came to at no one has ever read the German revolutionary movement Chattanooga to "collect material expense, whole paper daily and no one and. when she came'to. America for articles on"-the,industrial dewas an ardent sympathizer with velopment of the-new South. Ochs ever will. In building the Times The Dodge and Plymouth cars are still setting the Confederacy and had a.bro- remarked . to him casually that the Ochs became more than publisher. He was a creator of eduther and other relatives in t.h e then, decadent'"'.New York Times record sales throughout the country - - Come Southern army, notwithstanding was.; the greatest opportunity in cational values. The tremendous power and prestige the ownership in today and see for yourself the car that her husband was a-Union officer. American journalism. of the Times gave him he used Adolph was. seven y e a r s old America is buying. His success', with the Chatta•when his family moved to Knox- nooga Times /imbued him with not for his personal aggrandizement hut to foster cognate underville, where at the age of eleven the ambition of building a simih» • began. delivering papers f o r lar* paper in. New York City. takings for the spread of know• . '~ the Knoxville Chronicle.-In .1870 Through, i i s •services to the South- ledge. he: went to Providence to serve as ern Associated ' Press, which he This unique and constructive a cash boy in an uncle's grocery founded and for a time managed, achievement in giving Americans store. Returning to Knoxville the Ochs was-well:known to publishidllowing year he was apprentic- ers. In 1896 he was invited to (formerly Hart-Sanders) ed to a druggist but after a few New York.to become the business Mark Leon Says - - "• . . • • . -2 2 5 6 1 FARNAM •"• '• months returned to school. When me protect yojr interests. . . he was fifteen he .got a" job as a manager, of the New York Mer- CLetwrite IKSTDRANCE jf every desDistributors for--" . printer's devil on- the Knoxville cury, which had been taken over cription including LIFE, in strati*, reliable companies OKLT. . . Let's. Chronicle. S m i t t e n with the by : a group of politicians interest- talk DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE COMMERCIAL it Aver. wanderlust, Ochs left Knoxville ed . in haying a paper that would and • City Finance & Insurance Co. in 1875 intending to go to Cali- support:: free silver in the presl . D O D G E TRUCKS ,•- f oraia. His only assets were testi- dential election of 189 6. When 1409 Farnam AT 7667 or WA SlSO monials'„from Knoxville's leading Ochs learned •the nature of the citizens. Relatives persuaded him Thcweiewextr»doUarilhalaHidlwy-yi»«m«n not to go- west and he finally went to Louisville, where he ob- f rail costs, make all ihe diHerezicc in the world tained- work on Henry "Watterson's famous Courier-Journal as a in the wear and satiA.ctioii y ©u gel. For Ihira* printer's apprentice. Shortly after he returned to Knoxville and became a compositor on the Tri-• ky...4hroii^h en e^Srs $S or $S0.,.y«m w o o f m bune. He: was successively assistant foreman, reporter, assistant •oil lhai h a s h e d s o MiritSiion pls0#d o a itt business manager and managing
jers for
• • • tlten hint the
to be kaJil
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quality, its Eierii T e a gecos^ E gBna«al $&$.
editor.' In .1877 the publisher of the Tribune established t h e Chattanooga Dispatch and took the nineteen-year-old Ochs along as a
The VerSia-l.ci"- 5ir"3n.l.«a for 1C3.1 it 1—re> •» Ilh rci-estii Surca titter Ivforr f--^s:d in ^- j
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E E E ' O U K W I N D O W S TO35AT -
| More than 36,000 Jewish unithe principles and idealism of Zionism, yet do not participate in Girls and Boys to jversity men belong to sixteen naZionist activities or belong to the Zionist organization. ConsiderClash In Debate GEMS OF THE BIBLE itional Jewish college fraternities ing the support given to the aims and purposes of Zionism and the By GEKTRUDE BERG, with 314 chapters on 100 college magnetic appeal of its program, the membership in the Zionist Arrangements have been coinPublished oTery Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by Author of campuses. By O. O. DASHER organization is woefully inadequate. THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY •'The Rise of the Goldbergs" jpleted for the third annual debate between the Junior V a a d In speaking of individuals, we often quote the proverb that a Subscription Price, one year - ?2.00 Happy is the man that hath man can be told by his enemies. Every man of force and strength The January. Grand Jury of Auxiliary and the Young Men's Advertising rates furnished on application. not walked In the counsel of the \ Vaad, which will be held April 30 and the personality of achievement has enemies, and strong Kings County, New York, handed wicked nor stood in the way of I at the B'nai I s r a e l synagogue. Complete New Line of Editorial Office: 500 Brandels Theater Building. • enemies at that. The General Zionists, we fear, are making the up, among others, two recomsinners nor sat in the seat of the j Hyman Finkelstein a n d Sidney Sioux City OfUce—-Jewish Community Center mistake of thinking that by being everyone's friend they are add- mendations which are of special Epstein will uphold the alflrma-i scornful, but his delight is in the! CURTAINS - DRAPES to all parents. One urges DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor ing to their strength. The result has been the weakening of the interest FRANK R. ACKERMAN - ..-• - - - : r •> -~ %*\tor and parents to maintain a closer sur- tive o£ the question, "Resolved, law of the Lord, and in his own Zionist structure through compromises and lack of forcefulness. veillance over the affairs of their that the Rabbi should limit his law he reflects day and night. RABBI XJRI FILLER - - - - - Contributing Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent Slip Cover Fabrics We believe that the world Zionist organization is coming to the children; the other suggests that activities to traditional religious Lord how many are my adANN TILL • - • - - - : - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent realization that they must take a strong stand if they are to have toy weapons should be banned by Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street vitality, as exemplified by their, recent decision to act with more law as a menace to society. up against me, and say there is Wolfson, and Mis3 Rose Sofer. vigor—resulting in the revisionists being virtually ousted from the It would be hard to find fault A unique feature of the debate no salvation for my soul. AT 718" the first of these recom- will be the impaneling of a jury Thou who didst set me free world Zionist Congress. If the Zionists are to be a dynamo In with mendations. Of course, we parwhen I was in distress, be graciSince the Joint Distribution Committee is one of the benefici- Jewish life they must take the good with the bad and be ready to ents must always keep in mind in whose hands the decision will ous unto me, and hear my prayer. rest. Mr. Max Fromkin will be that our children need and are chairman for the evening. O ye sons of man, how long aries of the approaching Omaha Jewish Philanthropies campaign, fight for principles they think just and right. entitled to some privacy. But in shall My glory be put to shame, iments — Memorials we here are naturally interested in the annual report of the orT h e committee in charge inthese days we are often prone to cludes Sarah Berman, chairman; in that ye love vanity and seek ?9.§0 up, freight p a i d , inganization made last week. go. to the extreme of leaving them Minnie Froom, Anne Hahn, Bess after falsehood. stalled free in Omaha a n d TALMUD • More than one and a quarter million dollars were expended New Jersey blazes the trail by being the first state in the Union to their own devices entirely— Kirshenbaum, May Tucker, a n d Council Bluffs. Complete line with the result that they are forcOur Rabbis were taught. It of beautiful g r a v e markers by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee during the to pass a law outlawing anti-Semitic propaganda. Although Naz- ed to seek other guides, some of Era Marcus. happened with two men who were and monuments. Lettered free. past twelve months to aid the Jews of central and Eastern ism is not specifically mentioned, the bill was aimed to check Hit- whom may not be of exactly the captured in the mountain of Car- Fully guaranteed. Write for Hebrew Union to Print mel. Their captors were walk- particulars or call AT. S653 Europe. Though caring for the emergency situation created lerite activities in the state;. The law as enacted provides a jail right sort. them, for appointment. it comes to advocatamong the German Jewry," the Committee continued the medical sentence of from ninety days to three years and a fine of from ingButa when Commentaries on Bible to his Granite Arts, Inc., 1909 Leavlaw banning toy weapons care, child welfare, credit aid and cultural-religious work in East- $200 to $5,000 for the dissemination of propaganda tending to in- there is room for discussion. enworth. GRANITE ABTS, INC. ern Europe, chiefly in Poland, Rumania, Sub-Carpathia and the cite race, color or creed hatred. The provisions apply to speakers While it is true that toy pistols series of commentaries on the and the like are by no means two bags, one of wine, and the! 1900 Leavenworth Baltic states. ; in English, from a Jewish other of oil, and the two men j and also to oVraers of halls where meetings are held, as well as to proper playthings for children— Bible, In referring to the German situation, the reports indicated publications. because of t h e objectionable point of view, will be published who are heeding it, one of them games their use involves, and be-by the Union of American Hean Israelite and the other is a I that one out of every five Jews in Germany is completely dependLi actuality, all this ; amounts to is a strengthening of the cause of the dangerous quasi- brew Congregations as t h e re- isheathen." The captors s a i d t o ' sult of a grant of $5,000 receivent upon relief today, the Berlin kitchens alone dispensing more aims and purposes of the bills of rights, found in various state familiarity they give the child them, "Stiffnecked people, from the trustees of the Blum- whence do you know this?" than 100,000 free meals during 1934 and sending out over 11,000 constitutions. Inciting hatred because of race, color or creed is with real deadly weapons—there ed And i auer Fund, established by the will food packages.The refugees, of course, present an acute problem. un-American and contrary to the cornerstones upon which this is little doubt that the passing of of the late Benjamin Blumauer they answered. "From the grass j such a law would not help matwhich is in front of the camel' of Portland, Oregon. Over 20^000/ of the 65,000 Jews who left Germany in the last two country is built. Nazi agents and agitators have kicked up *so ters much. that gnawed only on one side, '•[ Our New Location The entire project will years, weni to Palestine. The others are in the main crowding much poisonous dust that they caused a law which such "teeth" hence from the side on which he . To begin with, there wouia be $25,000. is blind, he leans. It carries two the bordering countries of the Reich. Because of labor and un- to be enacted. The law itself by no means rids the state of its the difficulty of determining just bags of wine and oil, because what is a toy weapon. Should a employment conditions, the problem is serious arid actually con- "pest;" if violation of law and order or common, fundamental de- toy knife, for example, be regard- To Plant 100 Trees for Ochs drops of wine sink, and drops of tributes to rising prejudice against all aliens. Phones - AT 2448-4-5 cency would be deterrents to these Hitlerites, there never would ed as a tool or as an instrument New York—The Women's Con- oil float. And the leaders; one of danger such as a dagger or a ference for Palestine Land Re- of them an Israelite, and the While the Jewish status in Germany becomes more and more have been cause for the enactment of the New Jersey bilL sword?.Is the whooping little.boy demption paid tribute to Adolph other a heathen, because an Isdesperate and aggravated, at the same time the Jewish communiin an Indian suit shooting arrows S. Ochs by passing the following raelite when he needs to do his "To take care of out ever personal hygiene necessities, usuties of Eastern Europe find themselves in alarming conditions of at an Invisible enemy, or is he resolution. turns aside, and a heathen Increasing business, we merely engaging In the dignified unemployment, destitution and critical emergency. In Poland, "Whereas, the Women's Con- ally does it on the way." The capAn optimistic note is ever welcome, particularly at a time sport of archery? And the older ference for Palestine Land Re- tors ran after them and found have moved to the above with its more than 3,000,000 Jews, tremendous numbers are with- when the picture has such a darkish hue. Yet, an optimistic boy with his chemical set—Is he demption has heard with deep that it was as they said. The out any means of livelihood. One third are without jobs or means, note in Jewish communal life was sounded at the annual con- absorbing scientific knowledge, or sorrow of the death of the foundlarge quarters from our training himself in the art of er of the "Times" and the great captors kissed them on their another third uncertain as to where the next day's subsistence vention of the Jewish Welfare Board, in New York. forftier location in the brought them to their making poison gas? leader of public thought, Adolph heads, will come from. What is true of Poland is equally so in- Ruhouse, prepared a great meal for McCorfi - Brady BIdg. Locally, we have noticed an increase in the tempo of Jewish Then there is the question of S. Ochs, be it resolved that we mania, in Sub-Carpathia and Latvia and Lithuania, as well as life as represented by the Jewish Community Center here. The whether legal prohibition of toy plant one hundred trees in the them, danced before them, sayCome in &n& visit our ing, "Blessed be He, who chose Austria. would really put an end Washington Forest Jewish Na- the descendants of Abraham End same situation exists the country over. Harry L. Gluckman, ex- weapons New Home. The above are just fragmentary scraps taken from the re- ecutive director of the Jewish Welfare Board, submitted in his to their use. We are, as a nation, tional Fund land in Palestine, as gave them his wisdom, and every still in a stage of convalescence a tribute to the memory of this where they go they become masports of the Joint Distribution Committee. Their message is report that the Jewish centers of the United States and Canada from a recent experiment in pro- great son of Israel and one of the of their masters. They freed clear and unmistakable. Those with means, however little, must are today in a much stronger position than ever before. hibition; an experiment so un- most outstanding figures in Am- ters them, and they went in peace to CAMEL DIST CO. erican public life." successful that it was finally do their share to keep faith with their brethren without means. Thus, for instance, Mr. Gluckman pointed out that the number their homes. given up. And there appears no Distributors of of Jewish centers that own their buildings has increased from reason to believe that children, to Polish Immigration the rules and regulations 184 to 195. Also of great significance is the fact that the expendi- whom Warsaw (JTA)—Jews consti- I in set up by the grownups usually Atlas - Prager and The appeal of the Zionist Organization of America for sup- tures of Jewish centers are today half a million more than in seen merely obstacles to be cir- tuted ninety per cent of the en- Tel Aviv—The municipality of number of emigrants from j Tel Aviv renamed Carmel Street port of its delegates to the World Zionist Congress is an in- previous years, and that Jewish centers affiliated with the Jew- cumvented, will take any more tire Kate Lager Beers kindly to the prohibition of toy Poland during the first three I after King George, in connection teresting document. As. the reader glances through, it, he cannot ish Welfare BoarcLhave a membership today of 225,000. guns than did their elders to the months of 193 5 a government re- j with the Jubilee celebrations in honor of the King of England Depression or no depression, the Jewish centers — instead prohibition of aleoholie drinks. port disclosed. . help but notice the platitudes to which we could subscribe without which will take place nest month. The report shows that 6,200 any argument. The central aim of the Zionist movement is to.es- of reducing the scope of their work — have enlarged the program Yet none can dispute that toy passports were issued to Jews for weapons are bad for the morale tablish in Palestine a national home for the Jewish people;' the of activities in the fields of. education, health, lecture programs, of our children. How, then, if emigration to Palestine alone. doors; of Palestine should be opened wide to all the victims of the Jewish celebrations, and the like, and have been a potent influ- not by legal prohibition, can we crumbling economic and political structures of the Golus; Jewish ence in the strengthening and stabilizing of Jewish life in this protect our children from them BxlS COXGOLECM Et-GS ..$4.M and the spirit of violence and Richest Grade Enamels. $£.00 tei labor shall be the foundation of the Jewish National Home; ex- •country. militarism which they breed? WATERPROOF AlX-FtHPOSE tension of agricultural colonization, acceleration of industrial and SPAR VARNISH, $1.50 Gallon The a n s w e r is really quite commercial enterprise, reform of immigration^ r e g u 1 a t i o n , simple: By giving our children Omaha Jobbing Company strengthening of the National Funds, opening of Transjordania The smoke has cleared from the Danzig battlefield, and what toys of a desirable character, and SI" > o. J5 ^ instilling into their plastic for Jewish settlement—all are generalizations with which we can at first seemed an excellent victory from the Jewish standpoint by little minds a horror of violence have no quarrel. has on second thought turned out to be bitter sweets. and all its appurtenances. In The world was rightly jubilant when the Danzig results were other words, we parents must not Yet, though in the main its platform is designed to attract all only exercise surveillance over classes of Zionist tendencies, the Zionist Organization of America announced. The Nazis as well as the competent observers had ex- our FURS STORED children's activities, but we does not enjoy popular support. The charge has been constantly pected a crushing triumph for the Hitlerites by which they would must play a positive role in guidRemodeled - Reliaed repeated that the General Zionists follow a "wishy-washy" course, easily gain the two-thirds majority necessary to enable, the Nazis ing them in the path which we I. BERKOWITZ, Forrier that in seeking to please all elements they please none; that on to change the constitution. All the more stunning, therefore, was want them to follow through life. 2S18 Leavenworth 3A 270S Copyright 1S35 t>r Seven Arts Feature Syndicate Zionist questions they do not take a forceful enough or definite the signal setback suffered by the Nazis in the vote in which they enough stand. Thus, we have the anomolous situation where the miserably failed to obtain their goal. Political comentators called What's In a Name preponderant majority of the Jewish people are firmly "sold" on this the;first major setback of the Nazi party. Frankfurt Am Main—A street The more than 8,000 Jews in Danzig are left suspended be- here named a f t e r Jacob Schlff, COMPLETE DINNERS tween mid-air. They are exposed to the relentless persecution of the American Jewish philanthro40c and Up a Nazi majority in the Vblkstag and at the same time they have pist, was renamed last week by the Nazi authorities into MummA communication of ours to the superintendent-of schools the League of Nations protection for the "free city of Danzig," strasse. SUNDAY DINNER concerning the Jewish holidays and requesting that Jewish chila protectien which the League is powerless to give. The Volk50c and Up dren be given every opportunity to make up the work they might upshot of the matter is that world Jewry must reconcile itself Monument to Einstein Catering to Bridge miss, elicited the, following reply: stag has already taken steps to further Nazify Danzig and have Montevideo, Uruguay—What Is Luncheons Our Specialty "We must mark everyone absent who is not in school instituted a reign of terror against the Jewish inhabitants. The believed to be the first monument Call AT-7787 to be erected to Professor Albert but the absense for any religious holiday is what we call 'exto the unpleasant realization thaV we have 8,000 more Jewish Einstein was unveiled here. cused absence. We are glad to grant your request. May I souls to rescue from the abyss of desperation. The monument was e r e c t e d NICOLINI CAFE add here that we are very gratified over the way in which with funds contributed by the •Only $2,50 Down Hotel BIdg. the Jews handle the question of their religious services. We Happy is the old age that-atones for follies of youth; but five thousand Jews of Uruguay. never have had any difficulty in reference to the absence of happier still the youth for which old age needs not to blush. Balance Easy Terms Jewish children on account of their church services." Small additional charge We did not reply to this letter. Somehow we could not bring CHRISTIAN AND JEWISH for terms. KLEEN-HEET ourselves: to state that "the way in which the Jews handle the WOMEN TO FIGHT WAR OIL BUBNERS question of their religious services" was to completely neglect Be Luxe Entertainment lor the Midwest them, that decent, respectable Jews, leaders in the Jewish com- Lawrence, L. I. (WKS)— OLSON BROS. munity, those who set the standards, attended services on the Christian and Jewish women from a number of towns In the Rocka2613 Leavenworth A3? 2360 high holidays only—and boast of it. We could not reply that ways have banded together in JLLIAN BARNES the question of evening services had been arranged''by sandwich- "Sword of the Spirit," a militant, .piiv&liEg.Blues Singer ing in a perfunctory social function once a week between dinner International a n d non-sectarian Direct from Harry Richmond's Night Club, N. ,Y. and the movies or card games, and the question of morning ser- movement for the elimination of Fleishman & Soskin war. vices had been solved by awarding it to the aged and the mournAsserting that the "peace socie- (Formerly In the employ of L. McDonald & Ross Barrls) ers. ties of the world have for years Fast Stepping Dancers Insurance frith Reliable protested against wars, but their •Because we want you to sec for yourself what a In the Christian world, the Jew is still religious. The his- protests From Buddy Bogers' Orch., companies have not kept this prewonderful job this G-E washer does . . . we will Twelve yeara experience College Inn, Chicago torical inheritance of a God-intoxicated people, a people passion- sent world from "reBOunding with Beal Estate—Property MaRacemeat bring it to your home and do a week's washing ately devoted to a personal God, a people manifesting its folk- wars and rumors of wars," the 115 So. ISUi St. JA 1311 Paul Pagoao for you. Think of i t . . . you can have a Holiday integrity by maintaining the influence of religious law and order, pledge of the organization declares: "We, the 'women of the from Washday! Just call At. 3100 and ask for a Sensational Barlemite is still accepted by the Christian world as the chief characteristic world, of every race and creed, •FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION of the STORES CLIFF WINEHILL — M C of IsraeL The disrespect in which religious.observance has fallen make our last stand to save civi' G-E Washer. This is the famous G-E SILENT THROUGHOUT THE amongst American Jews is hardly suspected by the gentile world lization." The women pledged Plus 4 Other Acts, vritii • WASHER . . . has G-E silent-type, rubber- CITY SELL not to support war In which still considers Israel the people who brought religion to themselves any shape.or form. mounted motor . .. . and One Control wringer. FREDDY EBENER'S ORCHESTRA mankind. ,. The last word in design and efficiency! No Cover or Minimum Charge • Chicken and* Steak Dinners . In' consonance with this attitude is the latest government Declining Population census which states tha over 4,000,000 Jews belong to synagogues' Vienna—The Jewish populaandattend services. Only on the day of Yom Kippur might such tion of Vienna ia now 176,000, as Ask Your Grocer compared with 201,000 in 1923, statistics find a semblance in reality, , ... according to figures obtained by The year around the synagogues stand empty>: mute wit- the last census. The decline is • Serrfes? - tow tefet "The Night Chb' of' Distinction FORBES BAKING € 0 nesses to "the way the. Jews handle the question of their religious attributed to immigration of Jews 5 Blocks East of Sixteenth and Locust to Palestine and to the wave of 2711 No. 24th St. WE 6400 services."—Uri Miller; - . apostasy during the last decade. .
Need to Give
Outlawed Propaganda
1024 Dodge St.
Optimistic Note
More Forcefulness
Try this . • •
General Electric Washer
Bitter/ Though Sweet
in your own home
We will do a week's washing for you
Forbes. Fresh Bakery Goods
Hadassah Meeting Monday Afternoon
BISNO-COHEN MARRIAGE ONE O'CLOCK LUNCHEON Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Cohen of Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky will enDes Moines, la., announce the tertain the members of the Legismarriage of their daughter, Hose, lative and International Relations to Julius Bisho, s o n of Mrs. study group of the Council of J e w i s h Women at a 1 o'clock Evalyn Bisno of Memphis, Tenn. luncheon, Wednesday, April 24, The -svedding toot place Tues- at her home. day, April 16, at the h o m e of This is to be the last meeting Rabbi and Mrs. David A. Gold- of the season for this group. Mrs. stein. Rabbi Goldstein preformed M. F. Levenson will have charge the ceremony. The marriage was of the program. Mrs. D. R. Cohen performed before members of the is chairman. family only. Among the guests "were Mr. and •VISITING HERE Mrs. Bam Cohen, of Cedar RapMr.' and Mrs. Morris Zeligson Ids, brother and Bister-In-la-w of and small daughter,, Carol Ruth, the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Abe Nov- of Tulsa, Okla., and Miss Jeanette icoff, of Lincoln, brother-in-law Zeligson of Oklahoma City, Okla., and sister of the bride; and Mr. axe visiting their grandmother, lind Mrs. Hyman. Cohen, ot Tea Mrs. A. Davidson, and other-relaMoines, parents o£ the bride. tives. The couple left f o r Memphis Mr. Jacob A. Davidson and immediately after the ceremony. Miss Rose Davidson of Chicago, They will make their h o m e In 111., are also visiting here with Omaha, upon their return. Mrs. their mother, Mrs. A. Davidson. Bisno plans to continue her work as case worker for the J. C. C. CONFIRMATION CLASS PARTY and "Welfare Federation. Mr. BisThe Confirmation class of Temno is executive secretary of the ple Israel Sunday school will enA. Z. A. tertain w i t h a party, Saturday •evening, April 20, at 8 p. m., at BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS the Temple. The evening will be Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosenblatt spent in games and dancing. Reannodnce the birth of a son, Ap- freshments will be served. ril 13, at the Clarkson hospitalChaperones for the party are: Mrs. Rosenblatt is the f o r m e r Mr. and Mrs. Abe Greenspan, Mr. Edythe Dolgoff. and Mrs. Fred Rosenstock, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollack Mrs. Julius Newman is Sisterhood announce the birth of a daughter, chairman of t h e Temple Israel April 12, at the Methodist hos- Sunday school. pital. ANNIVERSARY DINNER Mrs. A n n e Cooper and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Saul Graetz anAgnes Wolsky entertained at a nounce the birth of a son. dinner at the home of Mrs. Cooper, April 9, in honor of t h e i r RETURNS TO WASHINGTON Miss Esther Faier returned to brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Washington last week a f t e r a Mrs. M. L. Horwich, u p o n the month's visit here with her par- occasion of their 30th wedding anniversary. ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Faier. HERE FROM ROCKPORD
Mrs. M a u r i c e Nusbaum, of Rockford, Illinois, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Morgan. GOIiPIE MEYERSON PIONEER CHUB The Goldie Meyerson Pioneer club will give a Post-Central party, at t h e J. C. C , Wednesday evening, May 22, at S p. m. Admission w i l l be 25 cents. Refreshments will be served.
The next meeting of the Omaha chapter of Hadassah wiH be held Monday, April 22, at t h e J. C. C. This meeting will be dedicated to "Infant Welfare." T h i s division of Hadassah provides for the health needs of infants and young children. Proper diet and sufficient milk is made possible by the efforts of the Infant Welfare Fund, of which Mrs. J. J. Friedman is local chairman. Mrs. Phineas Wintroub has arranged a- program including a playlet, "Another Day." a n d a dramatization from "The Wandering Jew," to be given by Miss Katherine Stone, Central H i g h school studentThere will be a board meeting at 1 o'clock.
The "Give or Get" luncheon to be held May 1, promises to be one of the largest affairs ever given by Hadassah. A fine program is being arranged and is expected to he one that no woman will want to miss. There is still time for those who have not raised their quota to. do so. Anyone who Is interested is asked to call Mrs. H. S. Novitsky, chairman. Following is an additional list of names of women who have recently completed their quotas: Mesdames Morris Margolin, Abe Pradell, J. J. Friedman, Dave Stein,. Abe Herzberg, Harry €ohen, M a x Kaplan, Joseph Lipsey, I. W. Rosenblatt, Morris Wohlner, P h i l Jackson, . Jack Luttberg, B. A. Simon, Aaron Rips, Julius Newman, Sam Peltz and Dave Sherman.
TRIP TO EAST Mrs. Clair Horwitz left Thursday for New York City, where she w i l l visit her son-in-law a n d daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L o u i s Appet, w h o were recently married. Mrs. Appet is the former Esther Horwitz. Before coming home, Mrs. HorGUESTS FROM NEW YORK witz will stop in Philadelphia and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sherman in Wilmington, Del., to visit relahave as their guest their daugh- tives and friends. ter, Mrs. Joseph. Lipshitz and. son, Maurice, of New York city. Mrs. HERE FOR PASSOVER Lipshitz will be here for the holi- HOLIDAYS days and will then go to Toledo, Mr. a n d Mrs. J. R. Bushman Ohio, where she will make her a n d children, Jordan Fredrick, home. and Ronald Mack, of St. Joseph, Mo., arrived Wednesday to spend VISITOR FROM MINNEAPOLIS the Passover holidays with their Mrs. Morris Barr of Minneapo- parents, Mrs. Rose Bushman and lis is visiting here with her par- Mr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg. They ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Friedel. will remain here until Sunday.
Offers a New Deal Shampoo and finger wave
50c Permanent waves by
experts - $3.50 and Up. 716 BRANDEIS TREATER BLDG. AT 4333
FREE STORAGE Pay Cleaning charged this Fall on out-of-season clothes. Spring Ceuts, Topcoats, Dresses
Home Maaagement Group The budgeting and home management study group sponsored by the Council of Jewish Women w i l l h a v e its first meeting on Wednesday, April 24, at 1 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Paul Blotcky, Ambassador A p a r t ments, 111 South 49th Avenue. Dessert and coffee will be served. Mrs. Howard Milder will be co-hostess. Mrs. Blanche Minteer, member of the state adult education department, will be leader, and there will be a meeting e v e r y Wednesday afternoon for sis weeks. This group has completed courses in child training a n d adult psychology under the direction of Mrs. Mary Frederick. Mrs. Howard Milder is chairman.
Pioneer Women to Hold "Get-Together"
Women's Mizrachi
BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William Miller, of Davenport, la., announce t h e birth of a daughter, Sandra Jean. Mrs. Dora Stein, Gift F u n d Mrs. Miller Is 'the former Mabel chairman, announces the follow- Cohen of this city. ing contributions to her fund. Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, In memory of ner cousin, Meyer Marowitz, and Mr. A. G. Weinstein, In memory of his wife, Esther.
A special board meeting of the local Women's Mizrachi will be held at the J. C. C. Monday afternoon, April 29.
"Who are the ten greatest JewB in history?" Rabbi Uri Miller is offering a prize to the member of Kadimah making the best answer to this query. The next meeting will be held Sunday, April 21, at the home of Mrs. L. Mendelson, club sponsor. Election of officers will be held and pins for the organization decided upon.
to your
The Pioneer Women will hold their regular Saturday afternoon "Get Together," this Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. Minkin, 18IS Maple St. Mr. J. BInco, playwright of New Yorfe City, will be the guest speaker.
April Meeting of MAX RESNICK HEAD Auxiliary of Vaad
IBelh-E Card Part}' Monday
The Phi Beta Epsilon fraterMrs. E. A. Simon's group of thej nity of Creighton University heia Beth-El Eynag-ogne suxlli&ry 5s its annual election of officers Applanning & carfi party to be given 12 at the fraternity rooms. i Monday evening, April 22. at the Resnick,' 240S Crown Point Av- . h o m e s of Mrs. J. J. Greenberg enue, was unanimously elected [E n d M r s _ A . B , A i p i r h i . T t o live president. j next door to one another. Card Other officers are: vice-presi- J games of all kind fire planned, dent, Morris Koom; secretary, Al j The committee in charge e r e Rimmerman; treasurer, H a r o 1 d j the Mesdames H. Hirschman, G. Bloch; s e r g e a n t-st-aras, Sol j Mareolin, Joe LipseT, s. Fxohm, Weiner. HenT Belmont and J. J. Frieden. E. Joseph Solomonow, the outAll guests are requested to going president, was honored at bring their own cards for their a stag smoker held April IS at j table. the home of Meyer Raben, 2115 The Book review group of the Avenue D, Council BluSs. Workers to Meet Vaad auxiliary will in e e t Tuesday, April 23, at t h e home of Progressive Hebrew International Workers O r d e r Mrs. L. Keveleff, 2S67 V a n e Meeting on Sunday No. 126 has changed its meeting street. Rabbi Uri Miller will refrom Wednesday to Thursday, view "Call It Sleep," by Henry T h e Progressive Hebrew club Roth. All the members of the auxil- will meet at the J. C. C, Sunday iary and their friends are invited. afternoon, April 21, at S p. is. Every member is urged to attend, as important business wall The picture "Power," from the novel by Lion Feuchtwanger, Is b e discussed. being presented by t h e V a a d auxiliary at a benefit show to be yet arabitiocs young Hebrew, j given May 21 and 22 at the Cir- born and reared in the Ghetto of j clt- theater. Wcrttemberg', • w h o s e obsessing All the critics who have seen ambition was to scale the height j the picture, have given it t h e of political power a n d through highest recommendations. "Pow- the, influence of his acquired poer" is the dramatic story of thetsition, to aveEge acfi end what rise a n d fall of Joseph "Suss" he believed to be the oppression Oppenheimer, a sensitive, subtle, ana suborfiination of his people!
The regular April meeting of the Vaad auxiliary will be held Monday, April 22, at 2:SO p. m. in the B'nai Israel synagogue. Important business will be discussed; A v e r y interesting program has been arranged by Mrs. Charles Fellman, program chairman. Mr. I. Dansky will give severa" Yiddish readings, Rabbi Miller will speak on "Today's Four -Questions," and a report on current events will be given by Mrs. Sol Lagman.
PRICES COMPARE FAVORABLY THOSE IN AMERICA To places 'where there are no Torgsin stores the -merchandise is mailed by parcel post. For Torgsin orders see your local bank or authorized agent General Representative In U.&A. at Amtoro—231 Fifth A T * , R.Y.
April 25, on account of the hoi?days. The social meeting w ilt t>* held Et the J. C. C, E:SP p. m.
A J'V or?
The Pioneer Council is planning a flower day for May 4 and 5 for the Palestine Fund Flower day.
The Pioneer Women's club will have as their guest May 10 and 11, M r s . Sophie Udin, national secretary of the organization. A reception In conjunction w i t h other clubs is being planned in her honor. Further details Mrill be published in a later issue of the Press.
The Paramonnt proudly &nnonizce8 tlie engagement rxtraordiimrT ej this original 9*.*Q rrrne.
at tits
i. VolbA* WHAT*
At the last meelng of the Fratority h e l d at the J. C. C. Wednesday, April 13, six new members were voted i n t o the club. They are: S a r a Kolnick, MVJITIS Lerner, D i c k Hurwitz, Harry Wolfson, Harry Landman, and Louis Kolberg. The wiener roast has. been postponed until the second week of May because of the weather conditions. A new constitution was drafted by Paul Sacks and Harold Janoff, and was brought before the club for discussion.
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t, arc jackets «* pin ar l a r g e r checks . . . plain colors. Double or single breasted . . . tailored like a man's with bi-^ing or Clark Gable backs,
GROUP 1 . . . 131 -Suits' and Coals Reduced to If about $14 in your price . . look no further! Sport and dressy types in both coats and suits are here in dozens of t i e smartest styles. Navy . . , Black . . . Tweeds . . . Mixtures.
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The tailoring . . . the details . . . the materials . . . of the coats and suits in this $22 group are something to be proud of! Every authentic fashion . . , in dressy and sport modes!
Qufy T t i i S sheer wool coat will make your print '"" -dresses into ensembles . . . make suits of your skirts . . . sad smart coistumeB of your summer frosts. ' •• . In black, brown, n&vf with 2 pocket* and leather belt. 11-17,12-18.
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to Omaha Jewry
In Agony -T But In H o p e . . . . In Need — But In Confidence . . . . In Helplessness - - But In Brotherhood ...... the Jewish people who by the accident of fate require your aid make a plea which we.cannot let go unanswered. The needs of the
local agencies the requirements of worthy national institutions - - the necessities of our brothers abroad - - appeal to the warm generosity of our hearts. As never before, their touching pleadings are a challenge to our spirit of traditional giving.
To Keep Faith -~We Must Raise $40,650 They look to us to keep faith. They - our flesh and blood - are steeped in tragedy, suffering untold aches, seeking to mend the broken threads oftheir lives. Wecannot, we dare not fail them. We must keep faith!
. You would contribute to the Philanthropies more readily and more liberally if you could but see the tearful, haunting faces of the sick and the maimed, the ill-clothed and the aged, the hungry and the orphaned who depend upon our generosity for a glimmering ray of light in anotherwise bleak and dreary existence.
t ,
Jewish learning has been Israel's fountain of eternity. Without it, we would be severed from the tree of life; it is the priceless heritage of all Jewry. If we wish to perpetuate Judaism and the Jewishpeople, we must through the Philanthropies supply the funds through which the Jewish young may obtain a Jewish education.
The young people of today are the citizens of tomorrow. If JewisK leadership and Jewish communal endeavor is to continue on its - present high plane, we must build for the future now. The Jewish character-building agencies supported by the Philanthropies are our insurance that the treasures of Jewish tradition will retain their richness on the morrow.
FELLOW-JEWS IN EUROPE ECONOMICALLY RUINED Economic rum has crushed the homes of thousands of Jewish families in Europe. Relief is with them a matter of life and death. Starvation dogs their footsteps; food, clothing and shelter are to them luxuries; chaos and strife are their constant companions. Their only chance to emerge from their desperation is through such funds as are raised by the Philanthropies.
^v-f. ; " —"*"„"
REHABILITATION IN THE JEWISH HOMELAND The one bright spot on the Jewish horizon is Palestine, where pioneering Chalutzim are heroically rebuilding a Jewish homeland, a haven for fleeing refugees. Noble men and women are gladly sacrificing their lives in this rehabilitating ~ the least we can do is to contribute generously to the Philanthropies, which aids in Palestine rebuilt.
m n
We, the Jewish people who have not felt the keenness of economic destitution, must contribute more than our share in giving sustenance to both the body and the mind of the unfortunate. Upon our response to the Philanthropies, we can bring the sunshine of hope into lives now shrouded in the darkness of desperation. To keep faith, we need $40,650. "
Thirty-one local, national and international Jewish agencies ask you to "Give with your heart." Remember that you are giving to thirty-one campaigns, welded into one'.".,.. so give for each. If we sow in generosity, we shall reap injoy. By keeping faith in this campaign, we - the Jewish community of Omaha - are reaffirming our Jewish tradition and helping Judaism continue on its historic path.
•y M
Your People Need Help NOW !
Every Dollar Given Does a Noble Work
At a special meeting of the Tip-
JCapoleoas 6 6 2 6 1
apples tablespoons sugar egg •whites * matzos teaspoon salt
PAGE SEVEN. IHOXSKT. GBOOTTVPKT. MAKER ft COHEX. Attorney* 1$? Omaha National Bank
Otnahtu, >pi>r.
TROBATE NOTICE j In the of the estate ot ETKftLl _ matter A,r-flL**Cl
NOTICE OF U V W J U V i u . . . - ' | NOTICE is Hereby given that the un- ; FRIBDE-N derailed
CHy Vnt'L, Bk., Blc3r«
?.«> FIret Sut'l Bank Bids.
Notice ^
dcceaseo. hereb fc x«.
, . -ai: f
- ^ - ^.
NOTHT? OF IVCOBrOnATtON e K l ' B E R T F K O T CO. Kotice I*, hereby £.iv*^' t'nxi ft K o
hereth Israel and Beth Abraham pursuant to the ^ V ' . a ' ^ S . w r U w l t o r of Mi,i «t l t ,, before me. j P°™ congregations, held Monday evenwith the ing, a board of directors to govwhi 2 tablespoons sugar Fesach Program Sunday Afterern the newly organised Talmud Pare and cut apples. Soak noon Torah for the West Side, was mats os in water. W h e n The Council Bluffs Talmud elected. Mr. M. Lipshuts was drain. Line a pan with fat and Torah Sunday School •will present elected president t>f the Board. spread a layer of ra&tios and then <iontf ol B.ti& d e a l in Other officers elected were Mrs. a Pesach Program next Sunday a layer of apples a n d sprinkle purchase, inane, hire rnid Plans have been started for the Ed. Shafton, vice-president; Mrs. afternoon, April 21, at 2: SO ir. Jjersonfil and real w i't h mixture of salt, cinnamon, WKE3S. IJEKEJi, rorporatioc Bhe.ii have the Sioux City Jewry corn- Allied Jewish Campaign drive in M. Lazere, secretary and Mr. P .o'clock at the Chevra. B'nai Yis- and sugar. Repeat u a 111 all is EWT7SICK «: KE1.1.3EV. fitt.vs, to borrow mnnex and iMrae its roel synagogue at 618 Mynster 6,10 OmahR Jfat'l BfiiUs of perform indebtedness therefor End memorate the eight hundredth Sioux City, and a meeting of pros- Kaplan, treasurer. make amt contracts or every used, top l a y e r being apples. to fcnd dPt*criptic7i i n fendd fiboizt i tit s Street. The children -will partikind b t b s n c . pI i The toi&i tuthorijed anniversary ot Moses Maimonidea, pective •workers on the-drive has KOTICE OF ft mi (li'-tll if: Board members elected are cipate in the Passover Sedar ser- Place pan in a bowl of hot water ftock is $55,000.00, per value $100.oo per Xotlce ip hereby r'v^^ that al All etock ie rorjitiion nr-.d c>}iEl] with a city -wide meeting, Mon- been called for next Sunday Mrs. M. Levich, Mr. I. Sperling, vices, which will be opened by Mr. and bake until apples are cooked. dehte of SOBOTlkEIi't on h wheTi paid endfl i ay of January, Beat 2 egg whites stiS w i t h 2 he fully Th» day evening, April 22, in the Jew- morning at the Jewish Communi- Mr. M. Shulman,. and Mr. A. commence | 54,184.74. rorporatlon J. Z. Stadlan, principal of the Tal- tablespoons sugar and s p r e a d iwued. business upon t h e filing o p Articles Franklin. ty Center. E,. J. EO^PSEK mud Torah. The symbolism of ish Community Center. The meetwith th« County Clerk o CounA special meeting for the Tal the ceremony of the Sedar will be over Matzo Napoleon. Bake till a ty, NehrSBka, attd chailf Dooclse continue until The campaign fills the quotas n. , I O S « ing wiil bgein a t 8:15 and thefor two funds that are being raisJanuary Ifrt. 365B. • T!se highest amount delicate brown. Ii. K. KTAX be held next Monmud Torah of indebtedness Rhiui not exceed twomajo-ity cl the board oi tilcommittee in charge ot arrange- ed nationally. They are. the Joint day afternoon, April 22, at 2:30 exemplified by stereoptical slides thirds Of the caf>!tal ptock. The number j fertore. to be shown by Mr. O. Hochman, ot members of the Board Khali he proments has made plans to accom- Distribution Committee and theo'clock in the Beth Abraham chairman. Included in the proMatzo Pie Crust vided for by the TSy-tiOWS, v,-hich Board ehall administer the affaire of t h e cormatzos FEAPKxr, Palestinian Fund. Jewish com- synagogue. Everyone interested gram will be Passover songs, led modate a capacity aadience. poration. The Etor&holders RlilH holfl Ei.VTr.MtrK * R t r i x i ; r , Ats.v*. their annual meeting the eeconfi Men. in the new Hebrew School is urghi cup matso meal munities in every city In the natHW Omalia N'atU Dank Bll The various phases oi the life Bay In January of ench year and elect by Miss Shirley Maltz, and aced to attend this meeting. % teaspoon salt directors. The clirertore shell elpct a and work of . t h e great philoso- tion are assisting in the camPROBATE X companied at the piano by Miss President, Vice-frcoirtent, Tresecrer Rrni i The school will be under the 1 .tablespoon fat Secretary. The Articles m»y be amended! In the mutter 0? ihe efliate pher will be touched upon by the paign. Ruth Shyken. Passover delicacies HOL.DSBERG. deceasea. i' upon notice &s provided for. Vi'ith the | supervision of Rabbi Benjamin 2 eggs speakers oi the evening.. I>r. B. Headquarters for the campaign assent In ivrltlJig of the holflcre ot tiro- j Notice is hereby piver thfct the credU ; will be served to all of the chilGoldberg. A faculty for the 2 tablespoons sugar thirds of t h e outBtB-fifiiris? cftpit&l stock ; tovf ot pnid <1(?ce«Fefl V'ill meet the arti' will be in the Jewish Community •Gourstion will preside at t h e €>r with th* (usfcent by vote of t*'O-thirds ; ministr&trix of Raid estate, l^^'orr' tiie, i dren attending. All the children, Soak matzos a n d press dry; Or with th* (usfcent County Judr» of D O U J I M Ccnsnty, K c , tn vhloh ; meeting/ Dr. Theodore N. Lewis Center. Definite dates for theschool will be selected in the near their parents, and friends, are all of the capital utock prfeent or rcpre" fit tiie Coutity v.'ourt llnnni. if:.tin!f ^i]rije heat fat and add the soaked xaat- isentefl " •• - for euch —••j>ur- : . n fT fonVtwill speak on "Maimonides and drive have not been announced as •future. at a, meetinR called ori the 1 cordially invited to attend. A sos. When dry a d d the xnatso pose or• fit any annum meeting the Di- ??L'i \R? n"t i ''„n the 10th da;.- of J our Times".' Dr. J. N. Lande will yet. of f'r>'" o n r ^ o r a ehall have the power au- if^b , r °o'clndk A. K nch rla:-\ for! rectors eh&ll find aup rehearsal will be held on Sunday meal, eggs, sugar and salt. Mis thority tjy ti. B o a n l of tn deli, i ttransfer n f e r dud concon the purpose of • speak on "Maimonides as a PhyUiPir oiFilnui! msi !«<••« tlian t h e for eitp.mlnr.tion, mljiistme t f.ndfelinv.-..i morning at ten o'clock when all well and press into pie plate with dispose ot fill ll sician" "Facts About Maimonif the h corporation ence. entire of the assets of Three montha R'-e a n^-f'cl for ' li ? : : children are urged to be present is it is impossible to roll upon eueh terms «nrt condition* e» the -KNCT-; CF: Passover Services at Tiphereth c.reelitorfc to pr^KPTif. thpi** des" will be the Bubject to be disBoard shall deem fit cither for onKh. the 10th tUy oi M»v. 193" also. dough. Have dough *4 inch Rabbi H. R. Rabinowita will Israel synagogue began t h i s cussed by A. M. Davis. wctirities, property or obligations oj anjy thick. kind or character. :•• Rabbi J. D. Maron will use aa peak at Shaare Zion Synagogue morning and Rabbi Goldberg will J. Couist?1' Jucij-^. : Dated thie 28th day of Febr., 1!JS5. 4-1S—St. his subject "Maimonides as A his evening on "The Protocols speak on "Unleavened Brgad of The Council Bluffs Senior HadWITNKS Prune Filling for Pie ; Talmudist" and Rabbi H. R. f the Elders of Israel". Special Today" at 10 o'clock. A. GKEEKBERG MORRIS FETIKR, .hold an important AAKOX FERER. Tomorrow morning, services assah Rabinowitz will speak on the sub- •assover music has, been preparVi lb. prunes meeting next Monday afternoon, HTMAK FEEER, ject "Maimonides"—A Versatile d by the Choir and Cantor A. will be held in the Adash Yes- April 22, at 2:30 o'clock at the 1 tablespoon lemon juice or IncorporEtors. Pliskin. huren synagogue at 8:30 o'clock. Hotel Chieftain. The annual elec4-19 Genius". orange juice Tomorrow morning the senior Rabbi Goldberg will deliver the tion of officers will t a k e place *6 cup sugar Prank Margolin will read ex- ongregation mABEXB. BEBER, service will begin sermon at 9:30 o'clock. , and all members are urged to at- Boll prunes. S t o n e and rub K U T Z X I C K & KEIXEY, A try*. cerpts from the writings of Mai-at 8:30 and the O5O Omaha Nat'! Bank BlCg. Junior Services ., Passover services for the contend. A very -Interesting and en- through colander. Mix well with monides. Cantor A. Pliskin Mil at 10:30 o'clock. XOTICE OF i . \ cluding days will be held next juice, a d d sugar to taste, a n d tertaining Passover program has sing a solo, and the Shaare Zion 1* hereby civen thnt all existNo sessions of the Religious Tuesday evening, Wednesday been' arranged for the meeting. flavor with lemon or orange juice ingNotice debt* of the DOUGLAS SALES CO. Choir will be heard in a group of School on t h e 31st flsy ot January, 1PS5, A BALANCED1 Preparation of or Talmud Torah will be morning and evening . at Beth Rabbi David A. Wice of the Tem- or rind. aiaountefl to *r,.f.57.P0. Hebrew Songs. this Sunday, but both will Abraham synagogue and t h ple e Israel in Omaha, will be the PKED G. METERS. All Known Viiamlns in PER.. Each speaker during the even- held rresicient be resumed on April 24th. ' memorial service on Thursday principal speaker and honored FRETl G. METERS ing has been limited to ten minFECT CO335EXATION B. MILDER Concluding services for themorning at Tiphereth Israel. guest. A reading will be given by utes. No admission will .be charg- 'assover B e i r s t majority oj the board c c i Eaah and ever1: one of the essential Vim. ' holiday ^will be held rectors. Misa Louise Fitch, and songs will j mins are in this new pwduet, N« Sonrir ed for the meeting and no soiici- Tuesday evening, Wednesday 4-1S—It. will it be neceneary to take several rir»•' tations for funds will be made. . morning and evening and Thurs- SISTERHOOD CARD PARTY be sung by Miss Harriett Bernventfcttves in order to r^t tftt^ nece«~Ri-v vitamins. No longer nff?ci vou wot'fy #i'nout SLOSBKX. GBOIKXSXr, MAKES, stein. The committee in charge All the Jewish organizations of Members of Mount Sinai Temcnr.nt!efp Jorms o" di«ea«P and Rjckrn""? morning. Wednesday morning COMES, Attyti. of the program include Mrs. Max through lacK of proper vltamlna. K-aeh vifa• the city are co-operating in thedayple Sisterhood have announced M« Oanafea Safl. Bk. Bide. Rabbi Rabinowits will speak on tn'\n pjayB Rn imrwrs&nt jiart in tne Ih^ftlU^ arrangements of this meeting by The Danger of Giving- Up." May 6, as the date Ior tneir. an- Simon, chairman; and Mesdames structure of our body and now Thomnenn'* KOTICE OF C^ATTEI. 3SOBTGAGE coabinee them fill in e perfec*. cosni.iinfttlon. Martin Troutfelt, Louis Cohen, keeping the date free, from any Thursday morning -the memorial nual card party... ... . . .. . 8A1.S Isaac Sternhill, Herman Krause, N tice is hereby fivec that en the 4 th other meetings. ervice will be held at 9:45, and The party 'Will be held i n the and Ben Gershun. sale nt m»«<t wtnH cirnr tmS fiay c£ llsy. 1S25. a t 10 o'clock A, K., New Y o r k (JTA)—Palestine ftt nt stows, Usten •*> K«»r »m'i the Ijincoin Motor Company, £20S be preceded by a Memorial Ball Room-of the Bellevue ApartlT except Sundaj- 1:30 to S r-ver Kftrnty etmet Omaha, N«brR«ka, the is continuing as one of the ments, and Mrs. A. M. Davis is in undersigned •will cell a t public auction ermon. B'nai Brlth the hifthtgt biiSSer for cash cue Ford charge of the arrangements. world's rare examples of a pros- to Children of the Sunday School Sedan automobile, year 1S2S, Siotor No. j Miss Tillle Franklin was named The Council Bluffs Lodge No. perous country Israel B. ErodSe, A—SieoSS, covered by 8. ehette! mcrt-1 and Hebrew School presented a % Lincoln K o t o r j recording secretary and Palestin688 of the Independent Order of president of the American Ecoby Florei.ce Smith, Passover program last Sunday atCorr.pacy nn& ian chairman at the semi-annual the B'nai Brith will hold an imsaid mortgage dated July "l, ! i l tD& thavir.E being 195:, been filed in the office j election held recently by the Jun- ernoon. A model seder •wasrglven portant meeting Monday evening, nomic Committee for Palestine, of the County Clerk o" DOUCUSE Count;-, with Bernard Welner acting as said on his return froa a t r i p Ior Poale Zion club. Rubin Rat April 22, a t 8r30 o'clock at the Nebraska, on the 25th day of July 1833, epen which eaid nsorteage there le Dow \ / I £ I\ I Miss Deborah. Silver, daughter Eagles Hall. Rabbi Uri Miller there. ner was elected treasurer; Eud- host; Harold Gordon reciting the flue end owing the sum of JUS.62. Said Ice Stihman, program chairman Kiddush; Harry Weinstein, ask- of Mr. and Mrs, M. Silver, 908 ot Omaha will be the principal sale will b« to.- t h e p u r p o s e of fore\ w JL \> JU While most lands have unem- closing mortseee, for t h e eoets of. and Julia Bereskin, Rosh Snif ng the Four Questions in He- Tenth Street, became the bride speaker and honored guest. All ployment problems these days, the eale said t n i E.;I accruing ccets, eniS for the purpose of satisfying t h e tbove t (head of the group). A program brew with David Himowitz giv- of Hyman M. Levy of Brookings, members are urged to attend. Palestine has more work than stated sum noir due a c d o v r i n e . S.nd j committee consisting ot Rosabelle ing the- English translation. South Dakota, son of S. Levy, of s or other proceedings a t law 1 The Chevra B'nai Yisroel So- •workers, Mr. Brodie pointed out that no uit A play "The Crumb Conspir- Tracy, - Minnesota, Sunday after- ciety will hold an important meet- In a prepared et&teaest tellisg have be«n Wigodsky and Rudolph-Shindler >a instituted to reco%*er said dtbt or any part thereof. was also named. M1 BIB Lillian acy" was presented by the follow- noon, in the presence of the im- ing Monday evening, April 22, athis observations during a month's UKCOLN MOTOR Romirowsky is advisor- of theing .children: David JKuntz, Es-mediate relatives of the family. the synagogue. An election of of-survey. He met leaders in every COMPANT By E D f f A R 3 L.IKC0LX ther Rivia, Eunice Riyin, /Toby RabbrH."-R. Rabinowitz read the ficers will take place, and allbranch of the country's econov Nadler, Betty Bain, Irving Glvot, marriage linea. members are urged to attend. mic life. Plans for the next few inoiitha Isadore Nadler, David Levin, Jorr R A , WEEB. BEBEK, The bride wore an Alice blue Rev. A. Diamond spent TuesThe l a b o r shortage menaces Include active participation In the dan Ginsberg, Irving Levin, Elias wedding dress, with navy blue acKLl'TZMCK & ESLLET. Attye. day in Lincoln, Nebraska, where further development, he said, adGeverkshaften Campaign'" Flower Epstein. Recitations were given €50 Omaha >~eti. Bk day, and in the Shekel campaign. by Burton Lipshut2, Ann Gordon, cessories. She carried a bouquet he served as "Mohel" at theding that, if an economic reces- In th» Coort ct Ucng!Bi» Ooonty, "brith" of the infant eon of Mr. sion sets i s, it will be caused In tl«e M»it«r cf the Estate cf <lBcob A membership drive for the d u b Sadie Schwid and Frances Har- of tea roses. Following the wedding, Mr. and and Mrs. Nathan Moser of Lin- chiefly if not wholly by the in-Bemstsla Dccecsefi: will also be Inaugurated during low. persons tnterestea tfi adequate supply of wcrkerB. But araAllhereby this time, and any young man or Over 500 people attended the Mrs. Silver gave a reception for coln. notifies that on the 6th 6ey of April liSi K&rolS. U. Kelley m«« a . woman over 17 years who is in- Annual Junior Congregation ser- the relatives and friends ot the . Mr. and. Mrs. Leon Frankel and for the preseat "The prospects for petition In said County Court, iiraying "~ " small daughter, Barbara Ann, continued Industrial expansion in that his final terested in the work of the group vice last Friday - evening. /Mem- coupje. . ' triminietrajiors n e t " " ' filed herein ««tt!ea tiifi ullewefl, Mr. Levy is a graduate of the have moved to the Vine Street Palestine, are very bright indeed." that tit be be is asked to get In touch with a bers of the Junior congregation fliecbtreefl trom his trust law school of the University of A p a r t m e n t s Ko. 6, 143 Vine member of the club. Mr. Brodia told ot a coasider- adniinistrfttor &ns thst & hearing * i r . the entire service. had on BBid retition before said South Dakota, and is practicing Street. A Passover program was theconducted able movement of factories into he Court en the 4th fiey of May ;SS5, fend Children who participated in 1n Brookings. feature of the meeting held last Robert and Donald Rosenfeld, th8 r u r a l Sections Of t h e H o l y tSaCif!Yemef&lf to^Rppesr^he^nre' week. Miss.Lillian Romiroweky the program were David Kuntz, students at the State University 1 Aviv a n d Haifa con- oo«t **£. * ^ ^ ' Mrs. Eva Woskoff, 712 Main of Iowa arrived home Wednesday tinue as t h e i n d u s t r i a l c e n t e r s , I petition, the Court may sxtnt the pr«.rled the discussion on the symbols Helen Guttleman, Ida Shindler, Cecil Pill, Sidney" Mason, Bob er cf e&ifi petition, enter a deeree of Street, announces the engagement to epend their spring vacation however, he of the festival. The meeting on heirship, 6nS m&ke euch other Bnd furPliskin, Charles "Shindler, Edwin orders, tllowance* fenit flecrees. of her daughter Sarah, to Morton vieiting t h e i r parents, Mr. April 30, will be held in the home The economic absorptive capa- ther to this Court mey eeem proper, to the Sherman, Betty Rao Mosow, An? Plotkin of Omaha, Nebraska, of Miss Sadie Greenbaum. end t h a t t i l matters pertaining to R&ia I Mrs. Joe Hosenfeld. be hugely city of the country nabell Satin, Ann Gordon, Sadie ias.y be finally Eettted ' '•• The wedding' will be an event Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rosenberg lacre&sed if efforts to discover estate ininefi. Shindler, Frances Harlow, ThelBRTCE ot Chicago, Illinois, w h o have and develop underground israter ma Shindler, Berton Lipshutz, ol early fall. County Ju been spending the past two "weeks reserves, the existence of •which Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will and Shirley Lazere. Passover Mr. and Mrs. Sam Krupnick in Excelsior Springs, Missouri, •was not even suspected a few speak this evening at M o u n songs were sung by members of and Miss Lillian Romirowsky, InUESB, F.E'E.EE, « KCt'TZKICK « EEM.EI . Sinai Temple on the life o the Junior Congregation. Greet- structors in the Shaare Zion He- are expected here today to epend | years ago, prove successful. Pre65S Omftlui M»tl. BanJs the Passover Holidays visiting liminary exertions along this line Adolph S. Ochs. ings from past presidents ot the brew School departed Sund&y Omaha, Kebraska. Sunday morning, children o Junior Congregation were pre- evening to spend the par.sover Mrs. Rosenberg's parents, Mr. and have met .'with success, he said. KOTICE OF _ Mrs. M. L. Marks. The Rosen"Palestine is going forward on cf the Religious School will have a sented by Max Maron, Perry Os- holiday in Chicago. berg children, Alico and Mark, all fronts." • Mr. Erodie asserted. Notice Ig hereby sriren that the Stay at special Passover Service and pro nowitz, Jack Merlin, and Isadore have been the guests ol their "Tfc8 expected deflation s&s apt herefcy aasociatea t i e m | Shindler. gram. together for the purpose of l Miss Mazine Raskin, S00 SixilSON lor the past month. come off, and in official and au- selves ins fcnd becoming a corporation under j Mrs. H. M. Sherman, president teenth street entertained a group grandparents The Sisterhood Book Review ths la we of t h s St&t« cf Mclirasks.. Passover, the feast of Emancithoritative circles it Is regarded circle will meet this afternoon in of the Ladies Auxiliary, present* of friends at a Welner Roast, Satname or this corporation «hall pation, is being observed this aa having been indefinitely post- be The NATIONAL ACCESSORIES. T h e the home of Mrs. B. N. Grueskin ed awards to those children who urday evening. principal pl*ce of transecting the husiweek and. the traditional Sedar poned." Mrs. C. H. Hoyt will review tw had perfect attendance at Junior nesa cf this corporRtion eh&ll be in Omservices were held in m a n y About 70,000 acres of citrus ahs, Kebraskfe, but It snail h «, v t e u books of current interest. Congregation services. to transact business anywhere in homes, with both large and small lands are under cultivation, he thorlty the world. The general nature cf the Concluding Passover service! bus!ne«« to be tra jsis-tefi, »nd t h e obgatherings, on Wednesday and declared, and when this acreage at the Temple will be held tier Jerusalem, capital c i t y of and purpose for which this corporaThursday evenings. Sabbath Ser- is brought to the full fruitbeariag ject tion is organized shall be t h e buying: Tuesday evening a t 8 o'clock Palestine, is located in the Judan" SRlline of automotive parts and acvices at the synagogue vri11 be stage the country Trill bs producHs wendcr fh«l peepSe ess1* pesslng the g cessories, raflio e n d «lt-ctrlca1 eqliip'- Rabbi Lewis will speak on ean Hills over two thousand feet lr.ent, _&utoRifcBil6s, machinery end tools. held at sis o'clock this evening, ing more than" 20,000,000 cases Morrison give* yew mere fsr your money. The iorge, d r y ' Unique Commandment". • > above sea leveT. , , Jerusalem (JTA)~—The execu- and Saturday morning at 8:30of oranges annually. fcil c t h t r tj'peg c t re©Kisf th« elert !he«ghtfwl ©nipleyees enfi the perfeel l penscnal prefirty, e.T,& to do all tive of the Jewish Agency has o'clock. 1 which tatty b« aeeMsary c r proper to tlen, righS cSfhe centre cf downfewn, mek« the Merfi*©n received official information from carry eut the objects isnet isurpoee* hereServices for the last two days TBADiesic chei«® frcm every off'r, pesticis!'"*'vifh fhc-r v h - hevp many BESEE, Inabove net forth, inelufilhj? t h e leasing the Palestine Government that 8,- of the Passover Holiday will be BIAJTSSMCK and ownsrBl-iip-of r w l cst&is. The e u r Attj-». ec! s lc- R I : i r U, e she €&0 Otz-.iiha S thorised capitai Ktcck ol title corpora500 immigration certificates will held commencing at seven o'clock tion shall be Ten Thoutauid (SJO.oooi be granted to Jews for the nezt next Tuesday evening, April 23, j NOTICE O: DeHsw, to be divides Jtsto One Hvsndred Kotice is'hereby r r o PS* tc G!S the six months under the sew labor at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel OMAHA Pr debts of t h e "3 CORPORATION schedule. f *ri' goguo at 6 j Jltt Cay o. Dl , ce ~^ eri l t s i i This is less than half the num- Wednesday, PCfBtion e f c i r . r n j ( n , Vi,rtp(s the morning services w . . „A- « » . at the time e ' V-.t i i.iff f-i l»s / ft t'es ber of certificates which the Exe- •will besin at 8:30 o'clock andto w.ttt.s\ c< c - iA — pirs'•siiier.t ef tnearpo-ration in t h e e"ic# o t the cutive of the Jewish Agency de- the evening eervicea at six o'clock. Countj Cleric C Doi.j,lfei, Ctui ";'. N»C O. TALMAQB braAka, ti S. 't titi»\ r t ' ^ ' ^ u r i*1 «.xi«*tCHARl.ES S. ~" manded from the Palestine Gov- Thursday, the last day of Passeec* f o r s. yerina d fifty {6n> years W. S. McEACHROS fpe-s efiiS fiat*. Tbt h'^'.^U t n . p i . n of E. 11. PAlAiQm&i! ernment I t is also less than the over, the : services •will begin at *f Now Featuring. iefirttsflnsss i s vjiich t i l * t>o"for«>*!OTi • PAUL. ADAMS number of certificates granted 8:30 o'clock in tha moraing. fp^sU subject ittfi» i h i i : Ptiz c - n '•& t oa majority cf the board cf EVEBST NIGHT AT 9 O'CLOCK thirCs of it* ea^it«,l t t>ek, T b t s ' l u t six months ago, when 9,700 imYale Meyerson, student a t the of th« t h « tDfpt^ft'um tDfpt^ftm ffhn" r * Pi'n >> I B o~pn migration certificates were as- State University of Iowa, arrived by ft fiosrd of l)lr»fttr*^ rf rpt ! «ns thnn twe f £1 fewer,*, v.;-.o si! t l ! tavix c. LKTW, Atty. ( J . . b-> signed to the Jewish Agency, of home from Iowa City, Wednesday &jtfi from a s a o r , t; l ii* £ v e t pt ihff Annual ts*et'r,£ . 75-1 which 2,200 were deducted to off- to epend his spring vacation of lh« feciO h;i l t ? V»reset tho numbar of tourists who ing his parents, Mr. and Mri. S a n SOMCE GT Afi^j n?, ell I the ctmnt? Cetsrt «f Gigantic All-American Variety Show settled permanently in Palestine. Meyerson. bfc aiiitA TTiS. ov t s a In view of tho shortage of Jew- Tha Meadow Gold Passover 61 rrasis tr ish labor in Palestine, the num- Milk and Sour Cream, 'Which has. ride from the loop* h ber of certificates granted now by been sealed and approved by S&S-j £i*n ff£f .snotJ£?| c«k that ; ?i& l a s t the Palestine government for "the bi H. Grodinsky of Omaha, can n3 prayir- tcr tie me cf thep next sis months did not provoke be obtained locally either through tetale. etl a tthat i t a htafias win be hta •for* salfi eeaft en the any special enthusiasm. A num-the A. & B. Dairy, or throsgfl A. iiy'at «*y 1BSS, and th&t it they 1IIEACE GAEDEM ber of these certificates wilt have to appeaf !it esJiS Court en .tfi« c&id Diamond Kosher .Meat asd Deli*«'i ta'appeafllt ells' Beautiful Music Ensembles I Singing Waiters! <th flay o£ 1&U> 1885, at S o'eitfk A. %i, SS to be assigned by the Jewish catessen Store. to content stilt jwtitfoa, th* Court s s » (Quartet I Town Hall Nightingalo Specialties! the 8&SJB f.«a c a s t »dKiifi5*tr*.IOSTON CASTER NOISE Agency to t h e Jewish Farmers Miss Gwendolyn MeyerBon, stuKlfXTICAL ef «aii3 estst« to Eethef Mark* «.«• TEBEIF20 Concert Afterpiece! Association in order to bring over dent at th© University of Nebrasother sulUbfa ptrtoo stsS pressed ) qualified farm-hands from Poland ka at Lincoln, arrived hoine Wedand other East European coun- nesday to. spend her spring vacatries. tion -visiting her parfents, Mr. tad Mrs. Herman M Petroleum -was discoreffed ia Jack Gordon, etufltst at t h e Greatest Show in America! Most Fan in Nebraska! 1853 by a Galician 3e\r, Abraham State University of Iowa at Schreiner, T7ho used it for light- City, arrived homo Wednesday to Ing Durposea at Broyslar/, Gall- spend his spring vacation visiting cla, where he founded a distilla- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Gortion, plant.- . don. PI h i
Shaare Zion
Tiphereth Israel
Junior Poale Zion
Society News
Mount Sinai
Labor Certificates Granted to Agency
Admission 55c
• : . ' * . . - , ; • "
nuininffliiinTO^ 5
• - r
, 1
DEATH BUS IN WHICH 14 DIED—Hurtling through a drizzling rain a Baltimore & Ohio express train crashed Into this bus on a grade crossing near Bockville, Md., killing 14 pupils of the Williamsport, Md., high school and injuring others of the 28 children who were with their teacher in the bus. Police held Percy Line, 36, driver, on manslaughter charges as Federal, State and county authorities investigated the tragedy.
I .
© Trabert and Hoeffer.
BRONCHO-BUSTING CONGRESSMAN—When Conpress is in session, Representative Usher L. Burdick cannot get back to his ranch in the bad lands of North Dakota, so he maintains a 140-acre farm in Maryland, 17 miles from 'Washinglor, Above he is mending a danged, pesky harness.
NAPOLEON'S JEWELS—These jewels, valued at more than $500,000, were given by Napoleon Bonaparte to Marie Louise of Austria on the occasion of the birth of their son, L'Aiglon. They were displayed by the model, during the Forum of American Designers a t Atlantic City, who wore a cloth of gold classic evening dress especially designed for them, with the shoulder line slightly lowered. The jewels were not for sale. *
X.E-.-- J
O E, Aubert de la Rue.
SAFE D? YOU SMOKE—It seems that cannibals oi the Dirak tribe of Malekula Island in the New Hebrides group simply cannot stand the flavor of white persons who smoke and greatly prefer, eating members of their own race. At least, that is the interesting story brought back by Dr. Edgar de la Rue, French geologist, and his wife, E. Aubert de la Rue, after a tour of the South Sea Islands. Mme.de la'Rue is shown with some of the natives.
INJURED — Millard (Dixie) Howell, former University of Alabama football star, ana starting this season as a rookie with the Detroit Tigers baseball team, who was seriously injured when a line drive by Johnny Mize, Cincinnati first baseman, struck him on the right temple during a game at Lynchburg, Va. X-ray pictures showed a fractured malar bone.
:E i, '=
MODEL TWINS TOWED MODEL TWINS—After a two-year, world-wide search for twin brothers who did not smoke, drink or gamble, Louise May and Lois Maude Coats, 22, twin sisters of Seattle,-Wash., plan to marry on May 29 Ray Alvin and'Roy Colvin Sebring vf -San Diego, Cal. Fifty-two sets of twin .brothers proposed to. the girls. .
KEPT KUaiOEE33—Kollj-v'ood eoss.p lias ii i John Bsrrj-mcre and his w^c, Dolores CoFiciie, hr^ c cor.">c to & parting cf the ways, and that M:s Barn'morc v vlh hr: two children, will soon move into a rented £paitTr>enl cvay fi-om the palatial Barrj-raore mansion. The actor end his lF,ffiily B"P shown above.
ADMINISTRATOR — S t a t e Senator Frank H. Peterman of Alexandria,-La.,, who has been appointed Administrator of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration of Louisiana. Mr. Peterman succeeds ' Harry J. Early, who has been made personal assistant ' t o Harry L.Hopkins, FERA chief in Washington. .
DID SOMEONE "SOUND/THE MESS CALL?—Judging from the speed these German S t e m Troopers are. making through the famed Grunewald forest, it would seern that the cook had yelled for them to "Come arid get.it!" But in fact, the Troopers, without their usual warlike uniforms and guns, are seen as they started thqir crosscountry race over a lO-kilometcr course near Berlin. Athletic training is rated highly important in Germany.
1 1 J
"" "
» " * ""-
p * Htfficiu^ c e » S f f o ° m K S t e S f o / l n U IJtaSft^SK
mppt s, difilcuic yecepiaon irom t n e Battery o i anu-aircraiE guns
* fi ttie CBendatt airport.in California. Above are batterymen loading one of the guns during practice work at the air station. iiHifflnnffiisuuuHMGa!^^
_ _ _ _ • » » , . -k^^wfc TJ;. -_4— —_IL-. " POINT OF mTEKSST THIS SUMMER—This striking and new aerial view of famous Windsor"Castle in England, one of the most "historic of the royal residences, was. made recently in •
.__. ^* ^«™»^«s>.«. *«
preparatJon for the festivities that will marie King George's 25th anniversary cf ascension to the throne. The castle is expected to be visited by thousands during the summer. -
JAH.ED AGAIN — E E n i e t ' Plynn, former motion p . c t ^ : director, who was taken to the' county jail in Los Angeles lesa than two months .after he was released from -San .Quentin prison, after serving nearly a year of a one-to-Sve-year term on a jail - breaMng conviction. »«.« mantist* rvmia
The specific P « « » • « a t l o n was said to »e intoxication.
SCOUT CHIEF'VISITS ABBEEIC*"-'t -r"r^' '*? I«onl BadenPo-well of England, world-famous r.->-«- Pro; t ippsier, with-iAdy Baden-Powell, as they talked -with TTrTrrs "=h 'i-ricte in Seattle, during a visit to this country. Phtibricls represented Seattle a t the jamboree In Budapest in ISSS. . . -