April 26, 1935

Page 1

The weekly column, "My Job and yours," dealing Trith the approaching Jewish Philanthropies drive, is written today by the following four divisional heads: Irvin C. Xevin, organizations; Louis E. Upp, speakers burean; Samuel Zacharia, meetings; Alfred A. Fiedler, youths.

Entered aa Second Class Mail Matter on January £1, 1921, at Postofflc<- ofOmaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 1879


By JBVIN C. IEVIN Chairman of Organizations In Hebrew there is only one • w o r d —


"ZedaTcah."— for both charity and justice. This is of significant import and establishes both charity and justice as.inseparable. Charity is the barometer ot onr Jewishness, and the preservation ol our people depends upon the loyal fulfillment of this obligation. Man is reputed to possess a natural inclination to goodness— the only Tirtue that can stand excess. •. The traditional glorification of our people is that we tafee caTe of our own. That we are mutually accountable for each other's welfare is one of our precepts and a heritage to which we are bound. You fulfil your, heritage best when you greet the Philanthropies worker with friendly countenance and give with good heart. The wheels of fortune revolve so mysteriously that all are subject to be cast off and forsaken. Can we be blind with calloused hearts to those who know misfortune, and feign indifference to their plight? If you recognize the symptoms and discover the supposedly open heart permitting a closed purse, it is high time to take inventory of the God-bestowed virtues. The _needs have never been greater'and'one should feel happy that it is made possible to be' the benefactor of 31 philanthropic agencies with one pledge. YOU ARE YOUR BROTHER'S KEEPER


Jerusalem (WNS—Palcor Agency)—This country is gradually on its -way to assembling a | sizeable store of radiuis, that preChicago Club of Jewish Artists j cions substance -which is of inestTo Give Exhibition at imable value for the cure of disease. A quart'ty of fifty or sixty Youth Conclave |milligrams hns just been donated EPSTEIN WILL SPEAK The Chicago Club of Jewish j to the Department of RadiotioThe National Worker's Alli- Artists "Will present an exhibition jlo&y UNDER ICOR AUSPICES l of the Hadassah Hospital, ance and the Poale Zion will of art vrork, called "Around the j ' win shortly be ineorporatjointly sponsor an open meeting Mr. A. Epstein, of New York Palette," at the second annual jed in the University Medical OnRegistration for enrollment at the J. C. C. Sunday evening, Touth Conclave, Sunday, May 5, jter on Mount Scopus, by an Er^-! CitJ*' 'wiiO attended the first Jevof children in the city Talmud April 28, at 8 p. m. at Temple Israel. |lish firm of precious metal refi-i i s i l Congress held in Biro-Bidjan, Mr. I. Morgenstern will deliver Torah -will begin Sunday, April This collection "Will include j ners and radium specialists. | t I i e Jewish autonomous state, -will 28, and continue for the next a talk on the various branches of •water colors, etchings, and wood j Professor Ludvig Halberstaed- j speak here at the J. C. C, "Wedthe Zionist movement. An open cnts and has been on exhibition ter, famous German Je-srish roent- i nesday, May 1, at S p. in., under two weeks. A rally for all men workers in Abrahams, rice-chairman, prefH-"-!;discussion will follow his address. in many of the larger cities. genologist, w h o now heads the'. t h e auspices of the local I c o r . M r All parents wishing to start the forthcoming sixth annual that their division Trill "go ovwr radiohiology section of the hospij Epstein's subject -prill be This meeting is open to the The -works of William Schwartz,, „ .. _ ... , their children in the Talmud public. Jewish Philanthropies campaign the top." former Omaha painter and nowital here and is to take charge of i '"^"hat I^saw at the First Jewish Women's Plrision. Torah are requested to register will be held next Wednesday eveof Chicago, will be loaned by Sirs, j the University Laboratory in this j Congress". Tiie vromen'F division, nnrto?1 them at the Talmud Torah ofning, May 1, at the Jewish OOIBM. I. Schwartz. Additional local! research from this spring brought tbe cliairmanship of Mrs. Irvl^ fices, on the third floor of the artists "who will contribute are j some hundreds of milligrams of mcnity Center. Ptalmnstpr, will makp fin«".' Mrs. Meyer Beber, Mrs. Jack Far- J radium when he reached here Jewish Community Center. All workers will meet with plans for tlicsr rampsipn **< * ber, Mrs. Ruth Brodkey Jacobs, j from Germany. Other gifts since i their majors in individual meet- perfes of «lr"8,«fT"<-«'offeps, to **?• The courses being taught to Mrs. Julius Solomon, Mrs. Sand- j then include a small amount from i fogs at 7:S© p. m. Wednesday. the pupils of the Talmud Torah ers Steinbach, Miss Selma Berko| Dr. Ira L. Kaplan, of New York \ New York (WNS)—American T5 s include among others elementary Zionists j The concluding lecture of the \ * gesers.1 rally asfi stag will 30, J :SO p. in. will elect their delegates witz, Nate Sekerman and Joe City, for his late mother. Hebrew, advanced Hebrew, Yid- to the 19th World Zionist Con- Stein. Six of these affairs AviH he li^UV Palestine will soon h a v e one jj Jewish lecture series will be held ; be held at 8:SQ p. is. dish, Bible, the Prophets, history, gress on Sunday, June 23rd, unsimultaneously at the homer• ni At the conclave, a one-act play]-whole gram of the priceless ma-| Wednesday, May S, at S •?. m., at Philip M. Klutznick, general various majors; in. ilic cl'ivisiot',, '•'•, religion, current events. der the direction of the United under ider the' direction of Miss Helen jterial. Egypt with 14,000,000 peo- ! the B'nai Israel synagogue. synag chairman of the drive, requests is expected that thirty vprner. y-'i\: A. Katz is principal. The teach- States Central Shekel and Elec- Merritt will be given. The cast;pie has little more available. This will be a symposium on that every -worker be present for ers at the school include A. L. tion Board which consists of six- for the production, "The Red Car- j | the "Jewish Scene." It will be a !,t h e Meeting and" instructions. attenfl each despprt-coffce. The affairs vril] he porial r«rArielli, E. Bloch, Mrs. J. Stadlan, teen representatives from all nation" by Glenn Hughes, will in- j comprehensive p n m n T o n c T i R h - p snrVer c n r r p T of n f the t n p rthree nrpp . . . . . . . . . . . roIunteer AU 0 roI A U tfaoge t f a o g e ^ho ^ i s htt0 togethers. At the sr.mr' time, '.ht and Jadah Wolfson. Zionist parties divided as follows: elude Norman Wohlner, Sylvan i major problems interesting every ; t h e l r s e r T i c e s fiT:riBg t h e cam campaign policies and ins? rucOfficers of the Talmud Torah six from the Zionist Organization Frankel, and Adele Wilinsky. A!iintelligent t l l i t JJe-sr. paign but hare cot .yet signed up are: Max M. Barish, president; of America, including the Hadas- reading will be given by Mrs. Ra- i Ij Rabbi David H. Wice, of Tern- ;X o r &ny t e a m a r e u r g e d t 0 £ t t e n d tions Trill bp cliscusFPcl. A T)>fiii' sah and the Order.Sons of Zion; mona Slosburg Pepper. Harold j N. S. Yaffe, vice-president; M. D. | pie Israel, will speak on "Anti- \t M s m e e t i n g j v h e E t h e y Y - i u b e ber of the speaker's bureau v.]'.'. 1 briefly address each group, Rabbi David A. Gold- assigned, to a team captain. Brodkey, treasurer; Mrs. Max six from the Poale Zion and Zeire Abrahams is in charge of proper- j Zion; three from the Mizrachi of Beth-El synagogue, will Fromkin, secretary. ties. Vonth Division The opening date of the discuss "Palestine"; and Rabbi Art Randall's orchestra has; Alfred A. Fiedler, chairman />: Dr. Philip Sher is honorary and one from the Zionist RevisRabbi Charles E. Shulman, of campaign is Tuesday morning, By XOTJ1S E. LIPP president and chairman of t h e ionists. Leo Wolfson is chairman been secured for the dance in the j Chicago, is the guest speaker to- Uri Miller, of the Vaad, will take | May 7. This will be preceded the youth division, reports? flis<: t h e subject of "Jewish Educa-'' his entire division—modeled nt;.:->~ evening. Chairman of Speakers' Bureau board of education; S. Ravitz is of the board. by a general mass meeting open the set-up of the older group-, -ifBeth-El synagogue. tion". Chaperones will be Messrs. and i ^e c o mate s the My job, thanks to the abund- honorary vice-president; Rabbi In order to prevent holders of here ader t h e ^ Tickets for this lecture can be to the pnblic, which will be I ready ior the opening of ;.!•? ance of capable and willing speak- Uri Miller, chairman of the en- unpaid shekolim from voting the Mesdames Milton Abrahams, Paul I ' j held the preceding evening, drive. obtained for 50 cents. ers in Omaha, has been shorn of rollment committee; N. S. Yaffe, board has printed a special regis- B?otcky, Richard Einstein, Arthur i i Monday, May 6, the difficulties that customarily chairman of the Talmud Torah ter containing all numbers of she- Goldstein, Louis Lipp, Joe Kra- i I The general solicitations of ihr I An out-of-town speaker U T>e- ! YoiUh's GirirAov, imflrr the for;befall the chairman of a Speakers' Book of Life; Simon Pizer, chair- kolim receipts issued and paid for sne, Al Mayer, Max Holzman, J | ing secured for this occasion, Bureau. The usual prospect for matt of the finance "committee; this year. Robert Rosenthal, Sanders Stein-i ieral chairman, Sul Xiclunck, hxa Job like mine, is weeks of begg- William Milder, chairman of Copies of this register will be bach, Julius Solomon, and M. L. ' IProgram "WeSttes-fl&s" for -workers, repeated meet- transportation; Rabbi David A. holding shekel receipts whose Wolf. .--. . _... ". . . j An ectertaining program "w-jtb .1: ings* -moSsI' speeches,;! tempera- Goldsteinrxhairmsn:' of the -com-- number" appears on the register Judging from the -advance tic-1 plenty of punch" has. bees, ar- j solicitation? ot t?ie Yrnitb'p t'i:-:mental speakers who reneg at the miteel on constitution; Mrs. Maxplaced in the polling place on the PATRONAGE INCREASES t e l sales, a large'attendance is |ranged for Wednesday evening", ! eioti hare e definite spiup," r."! last minute, and a general nerv- Fromkin, president of the Talmud day of_ election and o n l y those expected at the third annual de-! according to Samuel Sacharta, iported Sal JKichnicIs.. "anrt vi;.h ous prostration in trying t o cover Torah P.-T. A. AT CENTER LIBRARY\ ; the vrorking organisetions H*u; will be permitted to vote". bate between the Junior Yaad j chairman of meetir.gr.. assignments that someone forgot have been developed and the r-rPatronage of the rental library j Auxiliary &nd the TOUEE Men's i EEfertaiEers from the t o p The Talmud Torah hopes to maintained at the Jewish Comi to fill. , Vaad,' which will be held Tues- | Cahiii will feature the stage pro- thusiaem that the Majors. Cursubstantially increase the enrolland workers have displRi-p^. munity Center by' the Omaha But Philanthropies Campaigns ment figures of the institution for H. Steinberg Heads day evening, April SO, at S; gram. In eluded will be Cliff tains the Youth division T"ill go c'f~ Council of Jewish Women in co-, o'clock, at the B'nai Israel syna- j TThitehill &nd some cf his clscc- their oriota." have fostered an entirely differ- the coming semester. Warn Jacob Shale operation with t h e Center, re- i gogue. ; ers anfi singers. "Additional FUTent attitude toward its work. The "The summer semester," statThe Youth division, The Young Men's Vaad, repre- • prises" await the workers, Sacfirst call for speakers brought so ed Mr. Katz, principal, "is the Mr. H. Stein- ceived a decided spurt for the divided into Groisp A, phis holidays. • I sented by Hj-man Finkelstein and ; haria stated. " S m o k e s and gratifying a response that only most adequate time for Hebrew berg vras elected pior*, liendefl fry Sarali Kifv.!r,. Old favorites such as "The Sidney Epstein, will uphold the \ drinks" are on the menu. the one meeting sufficed to.pre- studies. Contrary to the general chairman of the Major, and Group B, TJOVP dfviKinr Torch of Life," by Dr. B. M. Rosaffirmative of the question, "Re-! William L. Holzman, president sent our plans, distribute the conception, Talmud Torahs acboard of t h e seter, and "Imitation of Life," under solved, that the Rabbi should '> of the Jewish Community CenterMajor. direction of Erncsf. ?.'o;;f.. literature and arrange for assign- hieve more during the summer B'nai Jacob An- by Fannie Hurst, continue to lead j limit his activities to traditional! and Welfare Federation under ments. . . . months, because of the nice ? she Sholom syna- the field in popularity, although j ) At a meeting of the youth di; religious leadership." The Jun- I w h o se sponsorship the PhilarThe Speakers Bureau this year weather and the cheerful mood of g o g VL e, at" the hooks such as "Union Square," ior Vaad Auxiliary's team, com- i thropies campaigns are held, will vision, MoiKifly ereuinsr. April rr,. •will bring the message "To Keep the child who during most of the {election h e l d by Albert Halper; "This People," the follovirig' T.-pre nrinouucff; );•I posed of Goldie VTolfson and Rose i be the principEl speaker. Faith, §40,650" to every Jewish summer attends Hebrew school in : | Sunday, April, and "Altar in the Fields," by I Sofer, will take the negative. j Philip Klctznick, general chair- the Majors. Oirls divjpiou, lUir. organization regularly meeting in the morning, and his m i n d is 21. Mr. SteinLudwig Lewisohn; "Josephus," I A jury, to "be impaneled from j man, and Paul Goldblatt, esecu- !.ior, Sarr-.h Kifkiti, Capinins. Fr..-h fresh, energetic and susceptible." the city. ".,'«. Bordy. Jeap Beber. Dora. Frpwlrberg has been a by Lion Feuchtwanger; a n d |the audience, will give the cecis- j tire director, will tell the aims of ;iinan, But "talking up". PhilanthropT h e Talmud Torah offers a J.larjorie Kaplan fuul ,"!n'.".; "Wanda," by Richard Grant are member of the (ion. Mr. Max Fromkin will pre-jthe drive, and will give the workKabbi Charles E. Shulman ies is not restricted to the Burean. complete curriculum, and those j Graets. Boy? division, Mau>;. also in great demand. i ers general instructions. synagogue l o r side. Every Jew of Omaha during the children completing the f u l l ; Ernest Nofpr, Captains. ?,'!el «o»Books rent for only three cents ;c e s o f t t e A - £. A. chapters 1 and the p a s t 26 Tickets may be procured from i Harry Trustin, general solicitanext few weeks is e Speaker-at- course are graduated at the con• mer, Joe Soloroonov.'. ?4acy itsui,. per day and proceeds are used tojxoo, who are participating in the j y member 'of either organize-j tions chairman, will preside. a31 years, and has Large for the Campaign and clusion of their studies. ! Ernest IVintroiib R n cl MiUnr. finance scholarships of the Coun. services. At the preliminary meeting: be! tion for the nominal sum of been active in its a m o n g your friends, to your Parents are urged to have- the tween each major and his work- I Frohni. Rabbi Shulman is a graduate | fifteen cents. affairs f o T that cil. The library is open each neighbor and in the family circle children register before the bepe'Rofed h' evening and on Snnday after- of t h e rj n i Ter sity of Chicago, and ers, cards will be distributed and I "Workers-- have l>ee,n H.Steinberg length of time. -^declare our duty "To Keep ginning of the next semester, so j each captain and Ti-heti tlse p^i— h secondd floor fl th of the Hebrew Union College. He j noons on the off the districts assigned. Faith $40,650." Other commissioners elected Center. that they will not miss any of the is noted as an experienced speakTrastin with his associate •era! drive opens the Touffe ('.'•!> were: B. Shafton, A. Greenbaum, classes. , er and writer on the subject of j chairmen, Ben Kazlowsky and ! sinn trill cover every Jev.-if.h yrm'-h I. Swartz, M. Gilinsky, J. M. By SAMUEL ZACHAE1A group relationships in the United William Milder, have prepared all in the city including- Hisrh Selion; Select Officers Of Baker, A. Hirsch. Chairman oOIeetangs States. He is also known as a: • „ , , , . „ ,_ •- » i cards, so EO time will be wasted. I students. Tfriivereity pfudents «?"•'• i employed. "Our big job now is As we sat down to the reading ' Atlass Yesliorea keen student of contemporary j Mr. J. J. Greenberg, president j ! the education of the Jewish youi.h problems. His greatest devotion, of the Beth-El synagogue, an-1 of the Seder during the Passover Greece Cancels Debt Initial Gilts Saloniki—Th e impoverished ; of the reEjioiipibilUies they \\&v* however, has been given, to the week just completed, wherein nonnces that a very important I At a report meeting of the ir.iAt the meeting of the Adass " " " " " • • i.**• « T i .I i meeting of the entire memhershi] Jewish community of Saloniki xeBelgian Labor Post •was described the misery and sufembership i tial gifts division, last week, it ; to give an individual pledge" Teshuron synagogue, held at the s causeofof Zion. Rabti Shotean is ; congregation will t a t e ! was disclosed, that the initial gifts.' Sal Mich-nick, chairman fering of our people before they ceived an unexpected windfall Brussels—Dr. H. Yamantov, a synagogue Sunday evening, April one the leaders of "The League place Tuesday evening, April SO, j is continuing to set an encourag- : solicitations ol the youth were delivered from Egyptian when the Greek Government can- prominent J e w i s h communal 21, the following w e r e elected for Labor Palestine". ^ I at the J. C. C. All members are j ing pace, keeping its percentage j Co-operntion bondage, surely all of us must celled a debt of 550,000, owing worker, in Belgium, has been ap- commissioners: Messrs. G. Soref, Ernest Pnesman. Macy Baum, £ g m a t t e r s o f j £ l n c r e a s e B 0 T e r last year nm-.supointed under-secretary in the j Kluiznick, in speakins of ihfhave realized that our brethren to it from the community in the J. Snukeft, J. Ban, M. Mittleman, Sam Friedman and Harry Wein- crucial importance for the future; ally high. labor ministry. today, in all parts of the world, form of taxes. consmucitr co-aperatiou being- 5^berg will take part in the service. B. Lindenbanm, and Sam Fellof the synagogue will he, disc-ass- j J. H. KulEtofskr, chs-.irmsn of. : ceived, -calls attention to the foiare in an almost similar condiman. Mr. J. Kirshenbaum was After the lecture and discussion, ed. I the ' initial gifts, Efifl Milton K, . lowing: resolution passed by iht_the women of the Beth-El ausilition. .Their call for aid must not elected secretary. j Yaad Ha'lhr and i'oT"WRrds»<t i-.^ go unanswered. Omaha Jewry j ary will serve tea at an "Oneg ' him by K, Levinson. ehairmR»: will be called upon to do its share 'Shabbos". Y-"\D i "The Vaad Ha'Ihr and all lit In the campaign which is soon to Bmtzkus QoHs Two revolutionary medical discoveries by two Jewish physi'affiliated organisations i be launched. Paris—Dr. Julius Brutztois, M . The officers of this campaign, cians were reported to the convention of the Federation of Ameri- leading member of the World. Ex- j " S S t r a l The •Omaha Jewish, community Is noted tfee coustrr ever for the ; over £00 fjsniilies of ; heartily endorses the I am sure, are highly gratified can Societies for Experimental Biology. Dr. David L Macht of ecutive of the Zionist Revision-j Fort Smith, Ark.—A decision | i j , t s a s i t v of i t s Jewish life. I t s communal t congregational and c u l : Philanthropies cstnpaig-n and with' the splendid response of the Baltimore described Ms discovery that cobra venom can be used ists, resigned from the Executive. -to - refrain - - - from - - - affiliation - - - - - - -either -u_. , • && \ npon. £.11 its TneT?\oeTs to Jewish leaders and workers of as a substitute for morphine in relieving pain ^without exerting His resignation followed a dis- •with the American Jewish Com- tural activities denote ever-growing currents of strength. ! pate BdU-ely in the work of the community and in the way the narcotic and habit-forming effects of the latter. Dr. S. L. agreement T^ith. the Executive in t mittee or the American Jewish All tbe more perplesing, therefore, is tfeg backwsTtJiisss of th? i campaign anti to contribute HI they have taken hold of our local Cohen of the University of Toronto, -working with two other doc- connection -with its recent decis-j Congress was made bere at the ; Oraaba Jewisli ec unity in tbe matter cf Talsaua j ally- this year in order that th problem to raise §40,650.00, for tors, discovered the mechanism which causes labor in childbirth. ion not to participate in the nest jj fourth annual convention of the *' Jewish learning .lias been recognised as tlis fountain of Isilietl." all Jewish causes, in o n e camZionist Congress. Irael's eternity; yet in our community only seventeen per cent of [Arkansas Jewish AssemDIy. OH this, JKJw?-^-paign. Some lour hundred worki the eligible Jewisli ddidres are enrolled i s the city T&isnud Torah. JBJck Bale: *Mt Js just euch a splvK ers, both men and women, have Tie German-controlled Prague University in Czechoslovakia An insignificant seventeen per cent attend the regular classes, • as this that makes H promised to give of their time to has officially rescinded its recent decision to establish the Aryan when the stssber should witho-at exaggeration be s t least four j an army ot workers'to be assure the success of this worth- law in its medical clinic This action was taken following the j ed arsti to raise a eabetastwl times as large! while, cause," and that demon- protest of the liberal press which prompted the municipal health strates that the Jews of Omaha Jewish edaea.tioii means Jewisb. perpetuatioa, Jast as Jewish I from. divert all its clinic cases from the German instituare keenly " alive to their obliga- authorities to v learning has beea the well-spring of Jewish survival through the tions, and are eager to do all in tion. ' • " . The J e w i s h communities j population- of the. whole of Aus- jages, so too satist it be the vitalizing soiirce for our future. The their power to help our fellow) in Australia are organized £ or j traiia is under 25,000. This, of IUp^nsl^an^ of the Jewish honielaad ia Palestine .with the revival cf The Jewish Agency has received only 7,600 immigration cer- charitable and relief ipf as a s ^orpn a s 1 c o a r s e , m e a n s t h a t t h e r e a r e n o t j j x ^ ^ ^ r s s ^ j j S •»•---•-•• <• - - •• • — • • -and - - - >the ^»-on ••••-the one hand, We feel certain t h a t we «an tificates for Palestine for the next six-month period, instead of communal purposes, but are not 1 The felloe Ing commISRl(«n*>rt l a r g e Jewish eoirausiJea of medieval persecutions of European ,7 r e s e w a I 9s on the count on your full-hearted sup- the 8,500 previously announced. ware chosen at the election or f>; as centralized as in this country, there. port of our efforts. Nevertheless, was the observation of William L. Bolziaaa also no ted that the otisssr foctis attention, on t i e necessity to e&ttcate cvx youth in He- ilicere of the B*aal Israel we ask that you help us sell this cistraUa "were ibrev/ and Jewish studies. That is the priceless .heritage we, must j gogus held Saad&y eventne Holzman, president of the Omaha cosgregations in campaign by informing yourselves Unqualified <jondemnatioa of numerus clauses laws against Jewish Community Center and j in the main Conservative rative or Or- j-pass pass on. to our children, so t h a t when they grow into adulthood j Nathaa S. T a £ f. e, thnl thoroughly of the" w o r k of the Jewish students in the universities of various European countries thodox, he coming across only one ! they xa&y appreciate aud urtdsrstaad the Talus of Judaism and its jLouis Epstein, bibJe cliairnvitt Welfare Federation, -who retaraagencies supported by the Philan- was voted in a resolution adopted in London by the International £4 r?7n-f V r » f A T Dr. X. H . • CsT<e6itbprg;, virP-C!I*4>ed tMs week from a month-andor "Reform" congrega- ; culture, and be console the wor thropies. In order to advise your- Student Commission of the League of Nations. maa of bible committee: »Toe '??•*a-half craise to Anstxalia • w i t h tios, and that in Slilboiirse. {Its preservation. self of the purposes and goal of t i a t , treasurer; WillSaai JH bis - jnotherrin-law, Mrs. Morris Iscladed ' in their trip were the campaign y o u must attend Is tasnaed witli an excellent teaching cemetery committee; Harry TUB city Taimmi Levy,: • . • stops in Honolulu ana EeTerai of j the meetings and jallies which Over a million Jews in Poland—a third of the entire. Jewish \ staff and hss & modern, system of pedagogy. Begistratioa is aow cas, religious &n& Altbouga Australia lias an area the-south sea Islands. are to he held May 1st and May population—applied for Passover relief. Part of the money raised Their trarels took them & total \open, -sad as a duty to ourselves sad the future leaders of Omaha committee; L.o?tis MargoliE, the size of this country, its popu6th. Your attendance will en- in the forthcoming Jewish Philanthropies campaign in Omaha will latloit is no-greater than that ofjof .twenty tlioasana miles,, of I Jewry, we parents .should esroll O'or cMldres in the school imme- iEgs. S. Weiss Is. secretary Morris FeBman andUor. (Contlnued on Page 4.) go toward aiding the Eastern European Jewries. ./ New Tork City. The Jewish,! {Continued on Page 2) diately. •


' ; • • . • • • .

• •


gn to Officially Open On May 7th


Date for Zionist . Election Is Set

Symposium to End


Rabbi Shulman' WiD Be Guest Speaker Tonight j ^J


J e w s .


Parents Urged to OPEN MEETING TO BE HELD ON SUNDAY Enroll Tneir

/. r.



26, 1935.

ager tells me, there are four Ger- Australian Jewry Well The Council Bluffs Talmud man Jewish lawyers who are now Torah and Sunday School presentin training, for jobs as waiters. ed a Passover Program at the Organized, Says Holzman T> • n c „ J women s fencing » • • • This seems quite a come-d o w n , Chevra B'nai Yisroel Bynagogue but from the monetary standat 618 Mynster Street on Sunday (Continued from Page One.) Q point, waiting at the King David which fourteen thousand were on afternoon. Mr. J. Z. Stadlan, Geneva, (JTA) — The Nansen BY P. R. K. is quite as lucrative an employ- water. Mr. Holzman, who always principal of the Talmud Torah, [office allotted 50,000 S w i s s I New York ( W N S ) — F o r the is none other than Benno Sch- ment as the white collar profesPASSOVER PRESENT was in charge of the Passover I francs for defraying the cost o* I second year in succession M i s s takes pictures, of his annual journeider who started his career sions elsewhere. You remember David Schwartz, neys, has a number of excellent The Bar Mitzvah of Robert Irv- Seder Service which was a feature naturalizing 17,000 refugees from JHfilene Mayer won the national I am giving the story as he tells ones from this trip. our rival columnist, who, for with. Moscow Habimah. . . .And ing Passer, son of Mr. and Mrs.of the afternoon's program. Chil- Russia who arc H O T i s Turkey i women's fencing championship now we give the floor to David it to me. There may be another Quite a. few years turned out a dren who took part in the Seder and among •whom Ere many Jew*. I when she successfully defended Mr. Holzman found the natives Bide. However, the allegation that of Australia of a l o w class ot Joe Passer, will take place this service were Igal Stadlan, Irving nifty piece of Journalism w e e Is Schwartz. . . . This sum was granted by the ; her title against Dorothy Locke Saturday morning, April 27, at there are no Jews in the employ Polynesians. They are non-proafter -week. . . .Dave and we did HIS ECONOMICS I S Cohen, Lester Fox, Jack Wolpa, Nansen office in addition to the ; and Marion Lloyd of New York. of the King David Is quite obvi- gressive and are well content with the Chevra B'nai Yisroel syna- Edward Chjrr.es, Marvin Rich- 25,000 Swiss francs granted for | The German Jewish girl, who not get along so well, although GOOD FICTION ALSO gogue at 618 Mynster Street. AH we always thought the world of For a classic example of the ously negated by the instances of living in the bush d i st r i c t s. ards, Stanley Krasne, Milton Ka- the same purpose by the Ameri- I was the Olympic champion in hla sleuthing abilities. . . .Well. houBe divided against itself in the assistant manager himself •'Bushes" as applied to Australia relatives and friends are cordially telman, Shirley Balaban, Beat- j can Relief Committee for Russian !l828 and who is now a refugee Invited to attend. * No Invitations Dave Bent us a Passover present Palestine, there is no better illus- who 1B very perceptibly a Jew. rice Krause, Betty Harris, a n d Refugees. are not to be taken literally, they are being issued. from Germany, represented the in the form of some gossipy news tration than that of Mosne Sml* Robert Irving Passer, Mr. O.' meaning "forests." These aboriThe Turkish Government has Los Angeles Athletic Club. On Saturday afternoon, Robert from Palestine. . . .Unfortunately. lansky, scholar, litereteur, gentle- THE SON HUNTS ALSO Hochman, secretary of the Tal-agreed to naturalize the refugees gines are protected by the governBliezer ben Yehuda, father of ment much as we in the United Passer will entertain a group of mud Torah, presided as chairman, from Russia in order to facilitate Dave forgot the correct size of man farmer, and high priest of his young friends at a Theatre • our column and it is a bit too the economic, reactionaries. Smi- the Hebrew dictionary, was a States protect the Indians. party at the Strand Theatre. Mr. and presented etereoptical slides their earning a livelihood in Turhunter for words. His son, Ahud, Bhort, so before giving David Sch- I3nsky, reaping large harvests of From his observation, it seem- and Mrs. Passer will entertain at illustrating the Passover Seder key. Under the present regula• wartz's interesting epistle, we gold from his large pardees of is also a hunter, but he hunts not ed as though tea was the favorite a family dinner party at their services. A group of Passover tions no foreigner can be employgive you one of our own para- golden fruit, is the ohlel melara- for words but for game. He is drink of the Australians, While home Sunday evening in honor of songs, assisted by Miss Shirley ed in any Turkish enterprise. The med in Palestine of the doctrine of the leaders of the Hebrew the women of Australia dress Maltz, and accompanied at t h e refugees from Russia were congraphs. . . . Hunters Association in Palestine well, the men on the other hand, their son's bar mitzvah. of Arab labor and low -wages. piano by Miss Ruth Shyken, were sidered foreigners and thus sufO N MAZDA L A N E But his family fail to see eyeand also conducts a store in dress poorly. presented by the children of the fered the same restrictions. These The Council Bluffs Senior Had- Sunday School, AlJolson's guest starB on his to eye with him. His. wife is a which you can get anything that restrictions will he eliminated assah held a large meeting at the radio program the other day, Joelaborite and a son shares what he a Nimrod needs in the pursuit of now that the Turkish Government Hotel Chieftain Monday afterSmith and Charlie Dale (both be- has and ekes out a bare living in his avocation. has granted them naturalization. The Junior Congregation will noon, when a Pesach program was long to the non-Aryan race), are a socialist Kvutiah. In the conpresented and its annual election continue holding its Sabbath Sera good bet for any sponsor who fines of his own home, Papa Smi- FAITH A N D CASH In Jerusalem these d a y s you of officers took place. Mrs. Saul vices each Friday afternoon at Deny Visas to Polish Artisans wants to give hi? customers real lansky is appreciated for hi3 good Warsaw.—Visas for a group of will see signs in Hebrew warning Suvalsky was elected president five o'clock at the Chevra B'nai entertainment for young and oldfiction, and his family includes in parents against sending their for the ensuing term, succeeding Yisroel synagogue, and on Satur- Polish Jewish artisans, ready to :. J . .Clifford Odeta is going to the scope of fiction, his economic children to missionary schools. Mrs. Morris Grossman. Other of- day mornings at 9:30 o'clock. All emigrate to Palestine and posopen the coming theatrical season doctrines also. sessing the required capital of The missionary in Palestine is a ficers are Mrs. Richard Gordon children are urged to attend. with a new play entitled "Para$1,250, were refused here by the much more pestiferous and perand Mrs. Max Simon, as vice presdise liost", . . .Which reminds us THE KING DAVID HOTEL Audrey Telpner, flaughter of British Consul, who failed to idents; Mrs. Nathan Nogg, secreSome time ago, Zionist circles Bistent worker than an American that the line "avake and sing," Seek to Consolidate Position of tary; and Mrs. Albert Krasne Mr. and Mrs. Ben Telpner, won give any reason for hi? action. the title of Odets' current hit, is in America were rather bewilder- would suppose. There is one misJewish Farms in That sionary meeting hall, for inA cablegram was immediately first place in an essay contest, treasurer. taken from the Jewish Publica- ed at the report which came from Region stance, where any Jew coming to dispatched to Jerusalem by memsponsored by the Scientific DePalestine that the management of Rabbi David H. Wice of Omaha tion of America's version of the was guest speaker, and gave a partment of the W. C. T. U. re- bers of the group, dismayed to Holy Scriptures. . . .Irving Berlin the King David Hotel in Jeru- the services is recompensed to the lias dismissed his preBS agent and salem had dismissed all of its tune of five piasters (about Moscow (JTA)—Jewish colon- very interesting talk to the mem-cently, on the subject, "Saving find that even after obeying the ie hard at work in an attempt to J e w i s h employees. The King twenty-five cents). On the young, ists in Crimea will henceforth be bers of the Senior Hadassah. His Money by abstaining from t h e regulations set up by British offistage a comeback in the musical David, as Is generally Isnown, is such activities obviously are a exempt from delivering their subject was the life of Moses use of tobacco". Her essay was cials, they were refused permis' review field. . . .The man respon- owned by a corporation, the mem- peril, though it should be said the wheat and milk to the govern- Maimonides. Included in the pro- chosen as the best from the Bixth sion to go to Palestine. sible for the sensational success bers of which are about eighty most that go are interested in the ment, according to a government gram was a reading by Miss grade of the entire city, and was Louise Fitch, and a group of sent in to compete in the state of the Artef Players in New York per cent Jewish—h o n c e the easily gotten quarters. order. amazement. The order aims to consolidate Pesach songs were rendered by contest. THE CUESE OF BEAUTY I have recently bad a talfe with the position of Jewish collective Miss Harriett Bernstein. T h e MONSKT, GHODIUSKY, " t COHEN'. Attj0 a Jew who is one of the assistant Jewish beauty queens seem to farms in Crimea and to attract committee in charge of the promanagers ot the King David, and have a special knack for getting new Jewish colonists there. The gram were Mrs. Martin Troutfelt, N OF E4C0BPOBATI0N 4 he dismisses the story which into trouble. . . .You remember order makes a distinction be- chairman, and Mesdames Isaac Notice la hereby given: that thff *JJ> Queen Esther who sprang from tween old and new settlers by pro- Sternhill, Louis Cohen, Ben Gerolened have, tormed a corporationf to bj reached America as an unmitigatknown as S-K BUJMUNG COMPANY ed or perhaps almost unmitigat- Bayonne, New Jersey into the na-viding that while the old settlers shun, and Herman Krause; and •with Its principal place of basjness_in tional limelight as America's are not obliged in the future to Max Simon, program chairman. Oroaha. Douslai County, Nebraska. Tho ed yarn. most. beautiful Jewess for 1932deliver their milk to government Following the meeting, Passover oorporatlon tl shall h l l nave power to n>a»"mainHis Btory is that the incident New York (WNS)—A camtain apd operate a general real estate -fcusinen; to purchase, lease. nini occurred when the , manager of . . , .Her marital tribulations be- cooperatives the new settlers are refreshments were served. paign to exclude Jews from puband deal in generally in any and ail the hotel was away from Pales- came so involved that she had to exempt from delivering also their lic office in the United States is real and personal property or any inter•e«t'therein and to sell, mortgage and tine on a visit to Europe, The go back to obscurity, leaving her crop. , The Sisterhood ot the Talmud being organized by the American : otherwise deal lu such personal ana.real acting manager at the time dis- various husbands to fight it out property or any interest therein; to acThe new order will not only en- Torah will hold its monthly meet- National Socialist League, one of among themselves. . . .Now the quire by purchase or otherwise, and tomissed one Jew and this l o n e able the Jewish settlers in Crimea ing next Wednesday afternoon, the two Nazi organizations in this bold as investments eecupitlas ot every kind and to exercise any and all rlshU Jewish employee raised the hulla- sad tale of Bessica Simon of to enjoy more milk and wheat May first, at 2:SO o'clock at the country, it was disclosed at a rally Incident to ownership ot said securities: baloo /about mass Jewish dismis- Budapest, who in 1928 was Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue' in the Bronx. to cooperate and consolidate or Join in. crowned "MIBS E u r o p e , " has for themselves and their families, at 618 Mynster Street The to any- agreements •with any person, sals. . but also to sell these products to Dr. Herbert Laage, one of the lirra. association or corporation Incw r e a c h e d our desk. . . .Bessica Actuallyt this assistant manaBible Study, conducted by Mr. J. leaders of the League, read exdent to tho objects and purposes of thu» whom they please. '-corporation; to borrow money and to ger tells me, about one third or married a very wealthy Jewish The Crimean Jewish colonies Z. Stadlan, principal of the Tal-cerpts from a forthcoming bookpledge any or all at its property as security thersfor and to issue evidences of sixty of the employees of the industrialist and crashed Buda- are under the supervision of the mud Torah., at each meeting is let soon to be published for the pest society with a bank. , . .OfIndebtedness therefor. The total authorised capital stock shall be $150,000,00 King David are Jews. It is true ficers and male movie stars Agrojolnt, which is supported by proving very inspiring, and both guidance of members, and these coiuliting o! 750 shares ot common that the management looks askthe American Joint Distribution members and non-members are excerpts made clear the Nazi pro: •tock 6£ the par value o£ Jioo.00 and ance on Jews as waiters in the fought duels to gain her favor till urged to attend. Committee. gram. 7B0 shares of preferred stock of the par Get off to a great auto summer. Get behind the wheel, value ot J100.00. all ot which when l»- hotel, he says. And he Justifies Bessica's husband decided to call In commenting on the program Numerous Jewish, colonies In eued shall be fully paid and. non-aa. get out on the happy open road and know the real it a day. , . .Now poor Miss Eur'•egsable and- may be exchanged for this a t t i t u d e on the alleged Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steinberg Laage said, "These ideas must be cash, notes .or real and personal proper- ground that Jews are not good as ope" is back in her parental home Crimea and the Ukraine last week fun that summer brings. There is nothing to surpass ty ot every kind and character; tho premourned the death of Peter Smi- announce the birth of a daughter, Impressed as flaming swords in .Xerred stock shall receive 6" per cent •waiters. A large percentage ot looking tor an humble job. . . . dowitch, the vice-president of the born Tuesday, April 23, at the our minds. Then will we Nationthe pleasure that a good automobile can bring you 1 .cumulative dividends which shall be the waiters, at the King David, inal Socialists be able to carry our 'payable before any dividend on the com* VS. 8. S. R., who devoted the last Mercy Hospital. when the weather is right—and ours is a good autoINSIDE STUFF in-n stock. When all cumulative divi- cidentally, are negroes froa the idea throughout the United States fifteen years ot his life to helping dends on preferred stock, shall aave Dr. Norman Bentwich, now in mobile. -bean declared and become payable and Sudan—and it is possible t h a t for the benefit of ourselves and this country, believes that the the colonization of Jews in Rus- Mrs. Sol Gross of St. Louis, paid'or a sufficient sum set aside to pay same, the remainder of the earnings their obsequiousness may lend It- time is not far off when the Lea-sia. Special meetings were held Missouri arrived here Sunday for the entire nation." may be used to retlro preferred stock self more favorably to the art ot and. Trlion All said preferred stock has waiting than the independence ot gue of Nations will have to as- in the colonies and telegrams of a visit at the home of her son-inbeen retired, may be distributed as disume direct responsibility for thecondolence were sent to the gov-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mention the Jewish Press to vidends on - the common ; stock.- In the the Jew. event of liquidation or dissolution of any refugees from Germany. . . .In- ernment in Moscow a n d to the Louis H. Katelman. your merchant. kind, the prefers I stockholders shall bo Nevertheless, the assistant mancidentally, why is the Zionist Or- Comzet, the government commitentitled to bo paid in full the par value of their shares and unpaid dividends acganization underplaying the im-tee to settle Jews on land, of The Chevra B'nai Yisroel Socrued thereon before any sum shall be LEOK ft WHITE, Attj's (formerly Bart-Sanders) portance of Norman Bentwich in which Smldowitch was the chair- ciety held its semi-annual election paid to the holders of tho common City Kat'I., Bk.. Bid*. stock. Preferred stock may be reOmaha. McbT. their publicity releases and offiman. officers Monday evening at the deemed, by tho Beard of Directors at 2561 FARNAM any time after the expiration of ons cial publications?. . , .Professor synagogue, and the same officers NOT1CB OP IKeOBPORATIOH OS year by mailing 30 days notice thereof Einstein thinks that American Dtstrihaton for - - 8HVBEBT JTBV1T CO. to the registered holders ot such stock Lorenzo Da Ponte, a librettist were re-elected for the ensuing at the last recorded address, tor a sum Notice Is hereby given that a Cor. Jews are duplicating the errors for Mozart, brought the first term. The installation will take equal to tLa par value of said stock plus poratlon ha* l<e*n formed under t b • DODGE - PLYMOUTH - BODGE COMMERCIAL any unpaid dividends thereon; and att-laws ot the Stats ot Nebraska, Ths of German Jews by not taking a Italian opera company to New place at a regular meeting to be ar tba expiration ot said notice all di- name of the Corporation Is Bhubert more aggressive stand against the held next Wednesday evening, vidends on said preferred stock called Fruit- Co. Its principal place ot bull, York at the beginning of the for redemption shall cease to accrne and naia Is Omaha, Douglas County, Ne dangers of Fascism.. . .Governor May first, at eight o'clock at the nineteenth century. •.11 rights of stockholders, except the braska. " synagogue. A program Is being right to receive the' redemption price The general nature ot the business of Hoffman of New Jersey is regardehall cease and determine. Th« corpora t h e Corporation to to buy, own, hold, ed as one of the pivotal figures arranged, and all members are ution shall commence business upon the lease, exchange, assign, mortgage and tiling of the Articles with tho County transfer real estate' and personal p r o - in national politics. . . .He is seri- Governor Hoffman received over urged to attend. Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and petty wherever situated; to buy, sell, ously considered for the G. O. P. three thousand letters -protesting the subscription of 30 per cent ot its own. bold assign, mortgage and . transauthorized capital stock and shall con- fer bonds, securities and stock in other presidential nomination in 1936 against the bill, and believe it or Mrs. Herman Krasne entertaintinue until January 1, 1986. Ths corpor- corporations;, to draw, make, execute, not, there wasn't a single letter ed the members of her Afternoon ation shall not'at any tlrao subjtct it- accept, endorse and Issue • promissory . . . .He is the man who recently self to an indebtedness In excess of twor m'.eg, drafts, bills - of exchange, and signed the anti-Nazi bill that puts from any Jewish leader or organi- Club at a luncheon at her home thirds of Us capital stock.' The affairs other negotiable Instruments; to borrow of the corporation ahall.be administered money;, to buy. sell and generally deal a tight lid on all subversive Nazi zation hailing his anti-Nazi stand Tuesday afternoon. INSURED CABS by s. Board of Directors of not leas than In fruits,. vegetables and . produee .of propagand ain his Btate. . . .Did . . . .He would make a fine canthree nor more than five, who shall ba every kind and description; to buy. oel) didate for the 1935 Gottheil •1. teor at tho annual meeting of stock* ana deal In beverages -and liquors, alco. the Jeyte of America go out ot hollo and .non-alcoholic, to do any andtheir way to congratulate him for Medal Award. . . . liolderi to* be held on the 2nd Monday all things necessary, convenient or InciIn •ys.B.y of each year. The Board of Didental to the rights, powers end; privi- his courageous action. . . .No. (Copyright 1935 by Seven Arts. Feature rectors shall elect a President, Vice- leges herein specified. Syndicate)

Nansen Office Aids

Strictly Confidential

|Helene Mayer Retains

Russian Refugees J^





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President, Secretary and Treasurer. The -corporation may use its capital,-surplus The total authorised capital stock of or accumulated profits in-purchasing Its the- Corporation, shall be 110,000,00, dl. OT*1 securities, upon 'such terms' and vlded Into 100 shares of the par value ouch prices as tho Board may determine ot $100,00 per share, which shall be end all such bonds or stock of ths cor-fully paid for and. non-assessable when poration thus purchased shall be »ub-Issued. Bald calptal stock may be paid 3«ot to r8H»l» unless they hays'been ex- (or In cash, notes, or property, real or pressly retired by the company for the personal, :tangible QT Intangible,'at the •purnoie of decreasing its capital. The reasonable value thereof. Thirty sharps Board, atiill h u g authority to direct and ot the capital stock of this corporation authorise its officers to sell, dlspova .of, ah«u bo paid for before the corporation encumber, mortgage and convey all - or shall commence business. anr part of the company's ««setB upon The Corporation shall commence trail' •ucb terroa as the Board may deem adon April 1, 1836, and shall continue visable. No dividends shall bo declared ness for period ot fifty years from tku or paid upon the common stock until Cute a.thereof. •-.-.:• : tho preferred stock shall have been reThe highest amount of Indet dress deetned jor retired In its entirety. The to which this Corporation ert any Articles may be amended at any regular time subject itself shall notshall or fpeclal 'meeting' called for that pur- thirds of i'a capital stock. exceed twopose, by a. majority vote ot the capital . The affairs of the corporation shall •took issued. be conlucted by a Board of Director* Hated at Omaha, Nebraska, thia 4th consisting ofx not less than two i-or day! of April, 1S35. mon than five members. WITNESS: IN THE PRESENCE Off: Sam J Leon ' r" " X HAROLD SAKS, . i H. MARQUABDT, OUT SHTTBERT 4-26-35— 4t









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©1>EH SSVKNINGS Oactaaing Sunday UKTU. 6 C'CWCK

THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL; 26, 1935. their selfish pre-ocenpation with their own destiny and lose their isolated concern with the minor problem of anti-Semitism, they will suffer a destruction as complete and ruthless" as that which has been visited upon the Jews' of Germany. (Copyright 1935 fcy Seven Arts Feature Syndicate)

Award Night at Center W i Be Held Ihsrsday

By HENRY MONTOR This article, presenting the standpoint of one individual is published because it presents a point of view "which is of unusual significance at this juncture. Mr. Montor's stand has the support of many leaders in this country and is as fervently opposed by other outstanding personalities. Joseph Brainin, •who disagrees with many of the arguments advanced by Henry Montor, will answer this article in our next issue. Jjeaders are invited to express their reaction to this interesting debate.-—The Editor.

PAGE THREE, nunnnninniit


WHAT IT IS AND By t h e Service Life Insurance Company, Omaha Creating capital is a slow and tedious process. Most men work a lifetime at the job of creating a sum of capital, only to find old a g e just ahead while they are far f r o m their goal. Men have no guarantee t h a t life and earning ability will be extended over the normal span, and without such a guarantee the job of creating capital sufficient to take the place of earning ability becomes extremely difficult and the results from the effort become extremely uncertain. Life insurance creates capital which may be transmitted to the family, not in ten years or in a life time, but in t e n minutes. Life insurance -is the only plan that instantly capitalizes earning power.

ments of civilization are still pre- which was- xnade^ by the Jews in Germany. cious. Recently Strachey was arrested Because Father Coughlin made unpleasant references to bankers in the forum of a synagogue in who happen to be Jews, he is connection with the deportation Outstanding Athlete Will Be branded an anti-Semite. With proceedings against him. ImNamed at Annual truth, he can point out that he mediately, a frightened bleating has consistently welcomed Jews, was heard to the effect that Jews Affair latholics and Protestants into his have no right to utilize their reUnion for "Social Justice. With ligious centers to listen to radical The annual award night projustice, he can show that on many propagandists. That is the type gram of the physical department broadcasts he has reiterated his of cringing, eelf-destroying rea- of the Jewish Community Center, belief that all men, regardless of soning which makes some Jewish the climax of the season's activicreed, are affected by the politi- mentalities totally loathsome to ties, will be held Thursday, May cal a n d economic conditions the liberal mind. 2, at 8 p. m., in the gymnasium. which he opposes. Why, then, The hypocritical attitude of Fifty "boys, girls and elders will must Jews continue to press him, Jews in their efforts for self-de- be honored for their achieveprod him, until he is forced to fense is reflected in the attitude ments and distinction in athletic if one ignores evidences of an announce publicly: "All right, if adopted by many toward the boy- work. Marchmont S c h w a r t z , new increase of anti-Semitic feeling in yon wish it so, I am an anti-Sem- cott of Germany. They insist that football America one is charged -with re- ite." Will that help the Jewish this is not a "Jewish" boycott, Creighton University peating the cowardice -which char- position in the United States? and that they would not subscribe coach, will be the principal acterized the Jews of Germany in Will those who are now badger- solely to a."Jewish" boycott. They speaker. The program will inthe years prior to the ascension ing Father Coughlin about his al- prate of the suffering of all lib- clude vocal numbers by Harry Tully, who Is known as "the of Adolf Hitler. If one recogniz- legedly anti-Jewish views feel erals and all minorities in Ger- DuBoff. The Ted Jed Sokols, es and insists upon an awareness easier in their conscience when many, and it is on behalf of all under the supervision of Frank hatter in this man's town," adof the activities of anti-Semitic they have added one more power- these, Catholics, Protestants and Foucek, are sending their b e s t vises: "Don't go bareheaded." He one is likely to he charged with ful enemy to the galaxy who in-, Jews alike, that they subscribe to gymnastic team, the same group gives four reasons: "It tends totend to use animosity toward the the boycott. But these very same that will appear in Cleveland atj wards slovenly appearance; it inhypersensitivity and neuroses. people who glibly invoke the uni- the annual Sokol convention, for jures the eyes because it makes It is not strange, - therefore, Jew as a political lever? versal theme in the boycott issue a parallel bar exhibition. A bat- you squint; it creates wrinkles in It is not my intention to abthat there is not in this country a unified program for meeting a solve Father Coughlin of a n t i - fail or decline to understand that tle royal, infested throughout your forehead; it's unhealthy." Tully also advises that a man situation whose disturhing sym- Semitism. Until he declares him- if a united front is required with humor and comedy, and an bols confront the Jew at the most self openly, I shall give him the against Germany, it is just as ob- exhibition of boxing hi which the should be particular a b o u t his unexpected times and places. benefit of the doubt. But the viously essential in other lands participants will be A. A. U. head wear; he should have it fittWhether or n o t a unified pro- Jewish policy t o w a r d Father where an attempt is being made champions, will be other features. ed by an expert hatfer. At Tully's, ..here is a complete William L. Holzman, president gram is desirable? it is clear that Coughlin is a strange one. Here to enthrone the principles of Hitof the J. C. C. and Welfare Fed- assortment of the finest and latunder no circumstances is it pos- is a man who commands the larg- Ierism. Instead of coming to the de- eration will present \ the awards est of men's headwear. sible. For the Jews of America, est individual following of a n y fense of Jewish bankers, who by to the winners. as the axiomatic phrase has it, person in America, with the exare as diversified in their back- ception of the President himself. their acts (no worse and no betLloyd Cardwell, All-American ground, motives and aspirations His political power is growing ter than those of their Christian halfback candidate of the UniverA regular meeting of the Habas any other single group in the menacing, whether it be for good confreres) attract anti-Semitic ill- sity of Nebraska football squad, United States. Jews would do or evil. Have Jews nothing to will, the Jews would do well to will speak. Motion pictures of oaim was held Monday, April 22, well to take into consideration say 6t this problem, except to cry lump Jewish with non-J e w i s h sporting events will be s h o w n at the B'nai Israel synagogue. the implications of that fact. that he does not harbor love for bankers and industrialists who through the courtesy of Phineas The program consisted of a dialogue by Richard Hoberman, playresist the efforts to create a new What should be the Jewish at- the Jews in his breast? H a v e social order, and who use every Wintroub of the Majestic P i c- ing the part of Molasses, and Robtures corporation. The entire Jews no part whatsoever in the titude toward Father Coughlin, ert Gerelick, playing January. tyrannical and unscrupulous defor example? The hysterical re- general political future and des- vice to perpetuate their hege- community is invited to attend. The organization is planning a Lee Grossman, physical director, tiny of America? If Father action that followed his recent reLag B'Omer hike. The commitmony. These Jewish bankers and ference to the names of several Coughlin is a menace, it is be- industrialists who support s u c h has promised a refreshment menu tee, Robert Gerelick, Richard Hocause he is combining in beguilof "hot dogs and drinks." Jewish bankers is the most strikberman, and Morris Kirshenbaum, projects as the American Liberty The "outstanding athlete of the is making the plans. There will ing demonstration of the confus- ing measure a chaotic program of League, the Economic Committee social justice with a medieval Jewish community" for the past ion that prevails with regard to also be a visit to Jewish institufor the Nation and scores of other the essentials ol a program of conception of the function of the reactionary and Fascistic organi- season is to receive the annual tions, in connection with the State and the rights of demo"Irvin C. Levin" award at the afJewish preservation. Conserva- cracy. It is Father Conghlin's on- zations are doing exactly what the Philanthropies drive. Plans for tive and liberal Jewish papers, or- ward march toward Fascism which Jewish money men did in Ger- fair. The -winner's identity is be- tne annual drawing are progressganizations and leaders united in should be the concern of all Am- many when Hitler w a s on his ing kept a secret by the commit- ing, according to Charles Steia o n e pained expression to voice ericans. Why, then, concentrate climb to power. They helped him tee, which consists of Arthur and Paul Green, the committee in their horror and their humiliation on an issue t h a-t.-is -completely to outfit his brown-shirts In the Cohn, Lee Grossman, Phineas charge. • -~. ; that Father Coughlin should have negligible as far ?.s Ms ultimate hope that their treasure would Wintroub, Harry Trustin, J. MaThe club is buying new ball dared to invoke the names of a goal is concerned? Is that policy not -be touched if he should ever lashock, Earl Siegel, Dr. Philip equipment for the softball team. Romonek, J. Stoller, Phil Feldnumber of international bankers of indifference, except on the self- make good his boasts. The funny The team practices Sunday mornof Jewish origin. Emanating ish,- personal plane, the only ap- thing is that the Jewish money man, Dr. David Cahn Platt, Dr. ings. A. Steinberg, I Levinson, Robert from a central fact-finding organ- proach which Jewish leadership men are the least-annoyed Jewish Charles Stein will represent Kooper, Paul Goldblatt, and Irvin ization, a report was published can understand? individuals in Germany today. Is C. Levin. Habonim at the first anniversary and blazoned forth showing that celebration of the Kadimah club. The menace of Fascism is a far that the price which the Jewish the Jewish bankers floated only masses must always pay in order graver issue than the menace of a tiny traction of the internationthat their greatest economic eneWarsaw—The statistics on Poal loans of the past two-decades. anti-Semitism; not merely for the mies—even if their co-religionists lish imports of oranges from the country as a whole but for the So what? —may survive? • period starting December 28, Why was it incumbent upon Jewish people themselves. F o r The first principle in a Jewish 1934, and ending March. 13, disJewish leaders to rise to the de- wherever human rights a r e de- credo to combat anti-Semitism is R o m e (JTA)—"If Rumania close that a total of 3S,376 boxes limited, wherever democracy is '^ fense of these Jewish bankers, al" of its inherent powers, the to lose the belief that every Jew goes'along the road of anti-Semi- was taken from Palestine. of whom, with but one honorable shorn Jews are the most inevitable vic- is a saint, and that one must re- tism it will have very severe con-"• exception, represent forces en tims, regardless of whether those gard as anti-Semitism an attack sequences, not ' o n l y inside the tirely nnallied with Jewish life? who bring on Fascism make anti- upon a Jew no matter what the country but in its foreign relaIn the iirst place it is extremely Semitism a specific plank ^in their origin of that attack. tions". I-ct me protect ycrar interests. . . . doubtful whether the millions of There looms on the American This warning was s o u n d e d I write IJSSCKAXCE of every desprogram. radio listeners of Father Coughcription including LIFE, In stnroe, horizon today a ghastly vampire here by the government organ There is a. _grave issue which reliable wrnipanies OXLY, . . . I*t'« lin understood the "pilpulistic" which intends to suck from the "Affari Esteri" (Foreign Affairs) talk it over. should enlist the utmost energies anti-Semitism of his remarks until the newspapers of the land of Jews everywhere: the necessity American people the blood of its in a long article commenting on City Finance & Insurance Co. carried attacks u p o n Father to preserve t h e fundamental freedom. In the newspapers, in the anti-Semitic movement which. 1409 Farnam AT ?G67 or WA 5150 liberties guaranteed in the Amer- local political campaigns, in fac- is growing in Rumania. Coughlin as an anti-Semite. ican Constitution. II Jews think tories, in communal organizaThe defense of the Jewish that they need not be concerned tions, even in the government itbankers is characteristic of the about those general liberties, as self there are depressing evidencconfusion or hypocrisy w i t h long as they are given a. pledge es of the inroads being made by which the problem of anti-Semi- that they will not be annoyed that vampire. There is at stake tism in America is approached. they are merely repeating in this Apparently, the people which has :ountry the terrible mistake everything that Is decent in civilization. Unless J e w s abandon lived longest with history has learned least from history. What it: should have learned is 1 that anti-Semitism is not an isolated phenomenon, which wreaks havoc upon Jews alone. Anti-Semitism is but an offshoot of a political and economic situation which affects the entire country. As long aa Jews will insist upon treating anti-Semitism as their exclusive burden, so long will they fail to enlist the enduring sympathy and understanding of t h e varied liberal groups to whom the eleELCO Radio Engineers Tuning which only a demon*

Tully Advises on Men's Headwear


the Council for the past IX years as executive secretary • renamed for another three-y term at the New Orleans com tior, last month. For twenty-; years, she was a leader in so service work and civic activi in New York. She has been various times school teacher, ••^ tory inspector for the State partment of Labor during- v,!time she helped in the fightrectify sweetshop conditions, •:•. secretary of the city club a rut rector of the promotion ment of the City Housing Etion,

Physicians Report

Rabbi Davii H. Wice will speak on "Mainionides", at services tonight at Temple Israel. There will be regular Saturday morning services at 10:SO. The College club will meet at the Temple, Sunday afternoon at 4:15. The Sisterhood Bible class will meet Tuesday at 1 o'clock, at the home of M r s. J. A. Weinberg, Venetian Court apartments. The Tuesday evening study class will meet at 8 p. m. at the Temple. Services next week will be devoted to Philanthropies.


Detroit (WNS)—Two revolutionary medical discoveries were reported to the annual contention of the Federation o£ American Societies for Experimental Biology by two Jewish physicians. Dr. D a v i d I. Macht of Baltimore described his discovery that cobra venom can be used as a substitute for morphine in relieving pain •without the exerting the narcotic and habit-forming- effects of the latter. Dr. S. L. Cohen of The Jewish settlement in the University of Toronto, working with Drs. G. G. Marrian and dstes back to st least: ISO B Dr. M. Watson discovered the Jewish Tress Advertisers mechanism which causes Ebor in childbirth. :your patronage. They reported that labor results from changes in the chemical condition of a hormone in the blood of a pregnant woman. This hormone, called estrin, is manufactured by the ovaries.

« > * » - •

At services this evening, at the B'nai Israel synagogue, Rabbi Uri Miller will speak on "A People and Its Freedom". Cantor Schwaczkin and the Choir will chant the service. The Junior Congregation, will New York (JTA)—Mrs. Mary meet Saturday morning at 10:SO, G. Schonberg, executive secretary at the B'nai Israel synagogue. of the National Council of Jew-i ish Women died here last week at the age of forty-five. Mrs. Schonberg, who served At services tonight, Pk&bbi Charles E. Shulnaan of Chicago will be the guest speaker. H i s subject will be, "Palestine—A New Adventure in Civilisation. Next Friday evening, the BethEl synagogue will offer, for the first time, a special service in honor of the workers and leaders of the Philanthropies Campaign. A portion of the service will be devoted to the reading of a series of quotations from Jewish, teaching on Philanthropy, dating from the dawn of history to the present time. Messrs. Irvin Stalmaster, J. H. Kulakofsky, Harry Trustin and Irvin Levin will take part in the reading of the service. Mr. Milton Abrahams will deliver a short address.

Mrs. Sclsonberg Dies


Stalk's Jewish Km, Moscow—Lazar Kaganovitch, tee Jewish brother-in-law of Joseph Stalin, once a needle trade worker in Russia, 'entered upon his new duties as commissar for transport in the soviet union. Mr. Kaganovitch. is one of the outstanding statesmen in soviet Russia. He has been considered Stalin's right-hand man for the last five years. Be succeeds Andrei Andreyev who has been appointed secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist party, a post similar to the one ield by Stalin himself.

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Bucharest—The League of Na- city of Dan to the city ot Beryou realize that of the 31 agentions must solve the Jewish prob- shiba and also from the city of cies benefitted by the Jewish lem because it is an international Gebeth to the city of Antiphlas, When the College of Jewish Studies was launched in Omaha Philanthropies, over 20 of these question and not one for each in- and there wag not found one igagencies care directly for youth last fall through the efforts of Dr. Philip Sher, under the joint and children—I might mention By GERTRUDE BERG, dividual country, former premier noramus even among women and Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by Author of auspices of the local lodge of the B'nai B'rith and the Jewish only a few Buch as the Jewish OrVaida-Voevod, leader of t h e children." THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY "The Rise of the Goldbergs" movement for a strict Jewish Rabbi Papa said, "This is what Community Center, some were skeptical of its success. The col- phans Home (Cleveland), Nationpeople say, 'II a judgment is postnumerus clausus in the profesal Farm School, National Home Subscription Price, one year . . - . - $2.00 lege has just completed its first semester of work, &nd its prac- for Jewish Children, Hebrew Uni- Are you one of those mothers j sions, schools and trades, declar- poned even over night, it may be Advertising rates furnished on application. . tical achievements eloquently answer any previous skeptics. entirely lost.' " versity, and local institutions who develop a bad case of jeal- ed In a speech In Jassy. Rabbi Papa said, "This is what The College of Jewish Studies gave evidence in unmistaking such as t h e Jewish Community ousy the moment little eight-year- Again emphasizing that he is Editorial Office: 600 Brandeis Theater Building. and the City Talmud Tor- old Johnny, comes home from not an anti-Semite, -the former people say, 'When thou passest by terms that there are many in our Jewish community who are Center Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center ah. Youth, it we who are for-school, begins to describe some premier asserted that Rumania the door o£ thy enemy, make thyDAVID BLACKER *. « Business and Managing Editor • eager and anxious to broaden the base of their Jewish learning. tunate enough to have small al- l i t t l e feminine schoolmate in has more Jews than it can absorb, self conspicuous." " FRANK B . ACKERMAN •-. - - - - - • • Editor Rabbi Neherai taught, "The So great was the thirst for knowledge, that additional classes and lowances, to be working, or to glowing terms? If you are, then and hence anti-Semitism results. RABBI URI MILLER - - • - - Contributing Editor have any Income whatsoever, can beware, for the future will bring generation which the Messiah will teachers had to be procured. The attendance was remarkable, the FANNIE KATELMAN Council BIUMB, Iowa, Correspondent not be held to give to those indicome, the young will expose the many such visitations of the ANN PILL . - . . - • - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent enthusiasm encouraging for the future. Of particular interest was gent brothers and sisters who are you old to public shame, and the old green-eyed monster. In fact, it Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street less fortunate than ourselves, who might be well if you tried right the great demand for Hebrew. will rise in token of respect before the young. A daughter will now- to get over your instinctive Next fall when the college resumes classes, a fuller, more can be asked to give? rebel against her mother, the By O. O. DASHER In answer to the second ques- resentment against any female comprehensive curriculum will be offered. There is no limit to tion: Let it be said that—because whom you suspect of holding a leaders ot that generation will Passover is an open season for anti-religionists in Russia to the possibilities contained in the College of Jewish Studies, es- the youth of Omaha have a de- considerable share of your son's For there is no sincerity in be of a low type." their mouth, they have Bmooth unloose a powerful propaganda barrage against those in the So- pecially as it gains power with the experience of the passing finite responsibility in laying the interest. foundation for leaders in our For while it is natural for boys, tongues, • inward parts are viet still retaining their spiritual devoutness. This year was no years. Particular praise is due to its president and founder, Dr. charity campaigns of the future: little or big, to develop a very in- yawningtheir gulf, their throat is an a exception, and the Jewish workers in Russia were thoroughly Sher, to the officials, and the faculty, all of whom gave of their because in time we hope to have tense interest in companions of open sepulchre. propagandized to immune them against the traditions of their time and their ability . . . with their only recompense being the a Youth Division which adminis- the opposite sex, it is by no means He hath digged a pit and holOIL BURNERS its own charitable gifts and natural for mothers to be actively lowed it, and is fallen into the Jewishness. As has been the case, there was no physical vio- satisfaction of furthering Jewish knowledge and Jewish learning. ters carries on an independent cam- jealous of these girls. (A little ditch which he made. His mislence, only an avalanche of stinging words. paign: because the idea of work- bit of passive jealousy we must chief shall return upon his own 2612 Lcavcnworth AT 2860 ing for communal benefit imbues allow them, I suppose, by way of head. Strangely enough, the Pesach holiday just concluded was in one a sense of propriety and concession to t h e Freudians.) What is man that Thou are more widely observed this year than in previous years. With The'Zionist rift widens instead of being healed. self-importance which no one Hard though it may seem, a mindful of him? And the son of 1 bread cards abolished in the Soviet, and with flour obtainable The Revisionists, refusing to submit to the strict obedience other activity can give to youth mother's r o l e in these cases man that Thou thinkest of him? freely in every government store, the religious Jewish popula- demanded by the World Zionist Executive, has divorced itself —these and many more are theshould be that of a benevolent by- Thou hast made him only a little STORES THROUGHOUT THE tion of the land, for the first time since the revolution, were able from the Zionist movement as constituted today. Unless Jabotin- reasons for a Youth Division. stander who may watch the pro- lower than the angels. In answer to the third quesfrom a discree'. distance, CITY SELL The Lord will be a high tower to obtain as much flour as it wished and to observe the Pass- sky, iron man of the Revisionist movement, is swayed toward a tion: Let it be said that here Is ceedings but who under no circumstances for the oppressed, a high tower in over with an unlimited quantity of matzoth and other Passover compromise, it appears as though an independent World Zionist what happens to the money that should permit herself any sort of time of trouble. you give to the Jewish Philan- interference. food. TALMUD Organization, parallel to the World Zionist organization already thropies—It Is shared by 31 "But he shows such execrable The surface conclusion from this is wrong. Without delving existing, will probably be formed. We may witness a situation in worthwhile agencies that include taste!" criea the mother of the Rabbi Juda said, "He who, from imparting any i deeply, the casual observer would arrive at the conclusion that which the two Zionist organizations will be so busy fighting each both local and national institu- Email boy, while the mother ol bis withholds Holocha to a disciple, is consid-1 tions whose beneficiaries are the grown-up c o u s i n wails: "But Ask Your Grocer religion and Judaism must be gaining ground in the Soviet. That other that they will overlook the significant fact that they have orphans, the aged, the sick, the she's o n l y a designing hussy!" ered as if he would rob him of ; is fallacious. The increase in the number observing Passover is common enemies and common problems. weak, and the poor. The one forgetting that there is the Inheritance of his ancestors." j Rabbi Shesetb said, "He who due solely to the reasons mentioned above — the easier means answer to the fourth: Let it no disputing about tastes, the Meanwhile, the World Revisionist Executive has declared be Insaid does not assist a scholar when lie that your measuring stick other that a grown man is quite of obtaining the required Passover foods. The significant part is that the Revisionist will boycott the "shekel," which entitles the 711 No. 2#h St. WE 6400 be what the traffic will bear; in capable of protecting himself Is able to extend a helping hand, that the Jewish youth of Russia are totally indifferent to their purchaser to take part in the Zionist elections of delegates to be other words, g i v e to the point against feminine designs. Ms prosperity will not endure religion; it is not popular with the young folks, and only the aged very long." where you feel you are making a Of course we are entitled to held in early summer. sacrifice—when your p i e d g e try to instil certain likes and disRabbi Isaac said, "The yoke of are the ones who seek.to maintain the semblance of their tradireaches that point then you can likes into our sons, and to warn. King Semocherib was broken betional Judaism. As these old folks die, there are no young relifeel that you have discharged the them against the dangers that cause of the fate of King Hezegious-minded to take their place, and at the present trend it is that we as JEWS have may befall them. But all such kish which he used to kindle In The ownership of a large portion of Labrador is once more in obligation incurred toward our less fortu- endeavors and warnings should j the prayer houses, and in the only a matter of time before the Jewish religion - - in common underprivileged members of be highly general in t o n e andNiouses of leavening, he placed a with all organized religion - - is for all practical purposes dead the public spotlight as a result of the death of Rabbi Isaac de la nate, Jewish society. Penha. must never be applied to any in-sword on the gate of the houses ] in Russia. Cultural autonomy, as in Biro Bidjan, and the Yiddish TOWUB RELATIVES dividual; especially not if that in- of learning as a sign that he who This vast, unexplored and virtually unoccupied territory dividual is, as the song puts it, would not occupy himself with language seem more- secure, but the Jewish religion is not. northeast of Canada belongs to England. For nearly a decade the object of their affections. the Torah would be just as well Rabbi Penha had been trying to obtain recognition of his claim And if your little boy has taken pierced by the sword. And there- j An interesting but unpleasant sidelight on the anti-religious to ownership. In 1697 King William m of England (William of to strutting before a email girl after a search was made from the ! t& ^mm Mm who in your eyes embodies everydrive in Russia is the fact that the Jewish religious inhabitants Orange) granted to Rabbi Penha's ancestor, Joseph de la Penha, (RUSSIA) The following organizations thing that is unattractive, then it, of the Soviet are most harrassed by Jewish Communists. These a part of Labrador as a perpetual inheritance as a reward for are again going to celebrate the may be most salutary for you to Send a Tcrgsin Order FIRE-PROOF - . . Jewish Communists ridicule and blaspheme the Jewish religion having saved members of the King's family from drowning dur- first of May with a fine program remember that—again according to your relatives in the BURGLAR PROOF . . . most severely and relentlessly, using whatever means at hand to ing a storm at sea. This claim is now being considered by theat the Labor Lyceum: Workmen's to the Freudians—the qualities ) U.S.S.R. Torgsin Stores ore MOTH-PROOF . . . Circle numbers 173 and 258, the which he finds engaging in her located in the larger cities stomp out the religious tendencies of their fellow-Jews. British Home office and a decision is expected within a fewSocialist party Federation of are almost certain to correspond of the Soviet Union and carWorkers and Farmers of Amer- to characteristics lie loves and admonths. ry about 15,000 different ica, the National Worker's Alli- mires in you. The entire story is romantic And if Penha's claim is up- ance, domestic and imported arPoale Zion, Pioneer Women, (Copyright 1935 by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) ticles of high quality. held, his heirs will become the sole owners of a tract worth and the Ladles Labor Lyceum .[ We view with mixed feelings the announcement of the estabAn exceptional service club. Prices compare favorlishment of another Jewish agency by the Agudas Israel, - the around ten million dollars. The document granting this land in based on a real knowlTo Sponsor Bazaar An out-of-town speaker will be ably with those in edge of furs, ultra-orthodox organization of European Jewry. Apparently gov- perpetuity to Joseph de la Penha and his heirs, which is still *n secured ior the occasion, and a The Labor Lyceum association STANDARD RATES America existence, refers to about two-thirds of Labrador, which covers an ernmental sanction and support has been obtained for tills projmusical program arranged. The Swill sponsor a bazaar the first 9 Owr Truck Is Bonded meeting will begin at 7:30 p. m. area of 120,000 square miles, twelve times the size of Palestine. Sunday in June, at the Labor Lyect. It may under these circumstances develop into a formidable Wn Torftln vrtton Phone JA SS16 NOW will be no admission charge ceum at 22nd & Clark streets. The present population of Labrador, which is rich in minerals, There rival to the present Jewish agency. and the public is invited. The Labor Lyceum has for the We regret the fact that here again Great Britain has been en- lumber and fisheries, is less than 5,000. There are a lot of if's, past 14 years fostered activities of progressive Omaha Jewry, It abled to actualize her principle "Divide and Rule." She will be but if the British Home office decides the Penha claim valid and merits the backing and support of Kadimah to Observe if his heirs are so minded, this would be an excellent place to solve able to use each of these two Jewish representative organizations all stockholders and patronizers. —and the Revisionists may soon form a third—to checkmate the the frantic problem of European Jewry, seeking a place to which First Anniversary Committees will canvass the General Representative In U.S.A. productive achievements of the other. Undoubtedly it will mean they might migrate. ' city. 1S14 Faraam St. Bt Amtoro—261 Fifth Av«., N.V. The Kadimah club is holding . the weakening of the "present Jewish agency. open house at the B'nai Israel Patronize our advertisers. But it is well to realize the problems of .the Agudas Israel besynagogue Sunday, April 28, in fore condemning them as many uninformed Americans undoubt"I wish your nation (the Jews) may be admitted to all the celebration of their first anniveredly will. The Agudas Israel is composed of men who are reli- privileges of citizens in every country of the world. This country sary. The program will Include- talks giously Jewish by conviction and principle. In Poland, Lithuania, has done much. I wish it may do more, and annul every narrow from various Vaad representaAustria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Germany, they have pow-. idea in religion, government and commerce."—John Adams, in tives, musical numbers, and dramatic selections. The public Is erful organizations controlling many Jewish communities, main- letter to Mordecai M. Noah, July 31, 1819. • invited. Refreshments will be taining school systems and conducting many forms of religious served. and cultural activities. For years they abstained from work in Recently, the following officers Philanthropies. The first question is: W h y were elected: Anne Pollay, presPalestine because they could not work with Jews to whom the should we, as Jewish Youth, give ident; Eleanor Cohen, vice-presiJewish religion waB to all practical purposes non-existent. Too to the Thllanthrophes when our dent; Dorothy Tatelman, secremanyof the Zionist leaders now utilize every occasion to show parents give? The second is: tary; Marian Clayman, treasurer; Why do we have a Youth Divi- Lillian Perelman, reporter. theri disregard and even contempt for the" Jewish religion. An sion? The third: What happens (Continued from Page One) Sunday, after the open house, excellent example was the case of the labor member of the Executo the money that we give to thea private party will be held for courage and hearten the others to tiv, Shertok, who refused to take an oath on the Bible in a court carry on. We feel that this -will Philanthropies? The fourth: Kadimah members. proceeding because of his complete lack of respect and belief in be a stimulus to the workers to What should be our measuring as to the amount of our the Bible. For the Agudas Israel to join an organization in which exert themselves to the utmost in stick pledge? responding to this call for service, such a man would represent them was unthinkable andrightlyso. and will enable us to raise the In answer to the first question: People do not compromise religious convictions and our own fa- amount necessary to go "over the Let it be said to you: do not beRemodeled - Relined come lacldaisical in your own recility in compromises merely proved our total lack of religious top". Your presence, your inter- sponsibilities L BEKKOWTTZ, Furrier toward your local est and your enthusiasm will inprinciples. crease our chances of success. Jewish community, and towards 2818 Leavenworth JA 2703 Moreover, we must realize this is the traditional Jewish atti- Won't you help us "Keep Faith"? the entire Jewish nation—do not pass it off on your parents. Do tude that the Agudas Israel is taking. Jewish literature and tra-

Thirst for Knowledge




The Holiday in Russia


Widening Rift"

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Romantic Claim






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dition emphasizes the principle of refraining from any fdrm of By ALFRED A. contact with those who scoff at religious beliefs. The Bible, espe- Chairman of Youth Division HELD OVER BY POPULAR DEMAND During the past ten days we cially the Psalms and the Talmud, are replete with admonishments come through the Passover DeLuxe Entertainment for the Midwest and; illustratve persuasions along these lines. The great men of have holidays. On the first and secTHAT SENSATION our past from Rabbi Akiva to the Vilner Gaon would never have ond nights of Passover we had a even considered co-operating with the sort of people leading many "Seder", you Jewish: youth asked Helen McFarland Dane", Sinter and ylophone Flayer we term as the "Four Quesof our present-day institutions. Indeed, as Rabbi Solomon Gold- what —Direct from the Cocoannt Grove, tions." This brings to mind, that Hollywood. man points out in his book, "A Rabbi Takes Stock," they would you aB Jewish Youth might ask four such logical questions about have been excommunicated and excluded from the Jewish fold. LILLIAN BARNES the Youth ijMvislon of the Jewish Moreover, the Agudas Israel is not creating anything new. She Captivating Bines Singer Direct from is merely making it official The Agudas Israel has been receiving HARRY RICHMOND'S SIGHT O D B , 2>\ V. certificates direct from the Palestinian government for the whole ITALIAN past year. She has her own funds, and has been in direct negoMcDonald & Ross SPAGHETTI tiation with the mandatory power constantly. It is merely an effiFast Stepping Dancers with FROM BUDDY ROGERS' OBCH. cient press-buraeu which has hitherto maintained the wholeness in COLLEGE rNX, CHICAGO MEAT BALLS, the Jewish agency. Even the recent decision of the Palestinian BREAD and BUTTER DONNA RAY " government to give certificates directly to the Farmer's Union in COFFEE Palestine, as a result of their protest against the executive's CLIFF WDOEHILL —• M C machinations with certificates for political purposes, was effecPlus 4 Other Acts, with tively suppressed in the Anglo-Jewish Press. We wish the Agudas Israel good fortune and achievements in FREDDY EBENER'S ORCHESTRA NICOLM'S CAFE all their undertaking. Perhaps we can achieve some form of comFLATERON HOTEL No Cover or Minimum Charge - Chicken and Steak Dinners petitive co-operation, the sort of competition that results in greater" effort, and in an increased tempo of work and results. Perhaps Oxl* CONGOLEDM BUGS ..S4.S3 the Agudas Israel will-furnish in greater measure, the religious Richest Grade Enamel*. $2.00 *al WATERPROOF AIX-PUBPOSE element which will influence the entire Palestine Jewish. Commu/ Sl'AB VAHNI5H. $1.30 Gallon . ntyy forgood. r? "The Night Club of Distinction" Omaha Jobbing Company Blessed be their work, for all work for Palestine is Blessed. 317 No. 15 JA 5 Blocks East of Sixteenth and Locnst '. . —URI MILLER.

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Get-Together at Highland on Saturday

ENGAGEMENT Mrs. E. Woskoff, o£ Sioux City, announces tne engagement of her daughter, Sarah, to Morton Plotkin, of Omaha, s o n of Chaim Plotkin of Russia. Miss "Woskoff is a graduate of Central high school in Sioux City. The .•wedding "will be an event of early fall. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ackerman announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen, to Barney Guss, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guss. "No definite date has heen set for the ^redding.

ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF DAUGHTER -Mr. and Mrs. Sam Krantz. announce the birth of a daughter; April 16, at the Methodist hospital.

ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF DAUGHTER' Mr. and MrB. Simon Green announce the birth of a daughter, April 20, at the St. Joseph hospital. Mrs. Green is the former Minnie Haspel. • ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lincoln announce the birth of a son Saturday, April 20, at the Lord Lister hospital. SURPRISE PARTY Mr. and Mrs. A. Miroff, 5119 No 24, gave a surprise party in honor of their daughter, Evelyn, on her sixteenth birthday, Sunday evening, April 21. Eight couples •were present.

Kitchen Chats By Mrs. David M. Newman Date Torte Use 1 cup. chopped nuts, 4 egg •whites, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 cup chopped dates, % cup sugar, % teaspoon salt, % cup vanilla "wafer crumbs. Beat egg "whites light, but not stiff, fold in sugar. Add vanilla and salt, fold in nuts, add.dates, and pour in a well greased, spring form lined "with cookie crumbs. Bake in slow oven until firm.

A pre-opening get-together will be held at the Highland Country Club thiB Saturday evening, April 27, at S p. m. A "big night" is being planned, with "your favorite amusement on hand. . . .As for food we will have—oh, but that would be telling." The affair is for members and their friends: The season "will officially open on May 26.

BAR BOTZVAH RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Harry Z. Bernstein 1541 Willis Ave., "will be at home Sunday, April 28, from 3 to 5 and from 6 to 9, in honor of their son, Melvin, upon the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah. No MOTOR TRIP EAST invitations have been issued. All Mr. and Mrs. N. Martin are leavfriends and relatives are invited. ing for a motor trip to New York City, Sunday, April 28. Enroute HOUSE GUEST they will visit friends in Chicago Miss Hermine Kleeman of Aus- and Milwaukee. They are to be tin, Texas, has been the house delegates to the national convenguest of Miss Babette Bernsteine. tion of the Workmen's Circle, She -will leave Sunday for Lincoln, which is to* be held in New York •where she will stay at the S. D. T. City. . sorority house. During her stay here, Miss VISIT IN ESTHERTCLIiE Kleeman "was extensively enterJack Slutsky and Maurice Katained. tlianson, Creighton university students, visited last week-end in BIRTH OF DAUGHTER. Estherville, Iowa with Mrs. H. E. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zlotkin announce the birth of a daughter. Nathanson and family. • RUMMAGE SALE VISITS SISTER HERE Mrs. I. Grossman will conduct Miss Georgette Cotlow, "Who the Hadassah rummage sale Monhas been spending her vacation day and Tuesday, April 29 and with her sister, Mrs. Julius E. 30. Those who have bundles to Solomon, 816 So. 58 St., left Fri- contribute are asked to call Mrs. day for her home in Minneapolis. J. J. Friedman or M r s . A. D. Frank, who will collect them. HERE FROM NEW YORK Mrs. Adolph Wilhelm, nee Ger- VISITORS HERE ry Wintroub, and here sister Rose Mrs. J. Zelinsky and daughter, Wintroub, of New. York City, are Rose, of Sioux City, are the holispending a month with their par- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry ents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Wintroub. Krasne. RETURNS FROM CHICAGO Miss Sophie Rosenstein returned Monday from a week's visit with friends in Chicago.' FOR HOLIDAYS Buddy Schlaifer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schlaifer of Sioux City, was the guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Schlaifer, during the first days of the Passover holiday.

Hadassah Sewing Circle The Hadassah Sewing Circle will meet Monday at the J. C. C. at 1:30 in the afternoon.

Mother-Daughter Banquet The Mother-^Daughter banquet of the Junior "Vaad Auxiliary is being planned for Sunday, May •12.


Herzber / .




SIOUX CITY VISITORS Mrs. Max Merlin and daughter, Suzanne Barbara, of Sioux City, visited with Mrs. Merlin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Sigal, during the holidays.

Leader of Junior Hadassah to Be Here Next Week



Postpone Beth-El Hadassah Affair j Council Will Meet Auxiliary Next Wednesday ' Monday Afternoon The climax of the extensive campaign for Hadassah , Medical fund will be reached May 1, when the long-looked-for fourth annual "Give or Get" luncheon will be held at the J. C. C. This affair is being given in honor of those women who have worked hard to raise their quota and have proven themselves loyal to the cause of Hadassah. A fine program is being planned, including an address by Miss" Nell Ziff, x>t Minneapolis, national vice-president of Junior Hadassah; readings by Miss Rosalie Alberts, 'entitled "Hollywood on Parade" and "Prison Gates". Mrs. H. HirsTimann is in charge of the luncheon and Mrs. J. M. Erman, the decorations. M r s. H. S. Novitsky, general chairman of the Medical Fund takes pride in the achievements of her committees who have worked untiringly to make this campaign a success. Following is a list of women who have recently completed their quotas: Mesdaaes J. Block, A. Romm, Julius Stein, Mark Leon, Irvin Stalmaster, M. Horn, Abe Greenspan, Rubin Bordy, Geo. Strauss, Ben Brodkey, Frank Tuchman, Sam Cohen, L. Lazerowitz, E. Weinberg, L Goldstein, Max Arbitinan, R. Kulakofsky, Phil Klutznick, Charles Schimmel, Moe Katelman, Henry Solig, A. Wolf, I.BerRowitz Harry Crounse, M. Gross, S a m A'ltshuler, J. Daytch, H. Rubin, Sam Goldware, N. Levinson, A. Lazerowitz, Morris Civin, R u t h Sterling, and Louis Kulakofsky. "It is encouraging to n o t e", says Mrs. Novitgky, ' "the spirit that animates Hadassah w o r k . More women are coming to realize that unless the p e o p l e of Palestine are given health and strength, the opportunities to build a Homeland will avail them little, and it is to Hadassah that the sick and ailing look for aid." Any Jewish woman who wishes to attend the "Give or Get" luncheon may do so by cash contribution. Out-of-town visitors are also cordially Invited. The Omaha chapter of Hadassah held a regular meeting Monday, April 22, at the J. C. C. A clever skit, presented by Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, entitled "Another Day", included the following cast: Mesdames Irvin Levin, A. Solomon, N. Sekerman, A. Pitlor, li. Alberts, Sidney Katelman, A. Rips, Sam Steinberg, Charles Ross and Dave Finkel.

RUSSIAN CONCERT SUNDAY'J Mount Sinai Auxiliary Labor Lyceum club To Meet Wednosd;.v Meeting •willThejareLadies a Russian concert and a

very interesting program, SunI The Mount Sinai anxiiiarr Due to the Philanthropies Mrs. W. B. Millard, Jr., chair- Drive and to avoid any conflict, day, April 2S, at S p. m., at the ; hold a regular meeting: nrxi ''••' man of the Council of Social the regular meeting of the Beth- Labor Lyceum, e.t 22nd & Clark jnesday. May 1, at the Adas;; ^ Agencies Youth Committee, is to j El auxiliary has been postponed streets. Admission ^131 be 25 j huri nsynagoEue fit 2-Mb & f be the speaker at the open meet- j until Wednesday, May IE, when cents. A buffet supper Trill be ard streets. Very important !> ing of the Council of Jewish Wo- | the closing meeting will be a served. ness -will be discussed. All m men Monday afternoon, April 29, luncheon and election of officers, j bers are urged to be preset.:.. in connection with the observance Mrs. Dave Sherman, president, of National Youth Week. A i has announced. A program is Vaad Auxiliary board meeting will precede the I now being planned. Benefit Picture Pionee to afternoon session. Mrs. Millard's subject is to be The picture "Pcnrer," from the Meet en "Youth Work in O m a h a." A Mother-Daughter novel by Lion Fenchtwangev, if The Pioneer 'WPTTIPT) will former Ak-Sar-Ben queen, Mrs. being' presented by the Vasd auxin??rulnr monthly n' p f Millard is prominently identified Banquet Is Planned liary at a benefit show to be given i (heir Tuesday afternoon, April ?o, with a number of Eocial agencies May 21 at the Circle theater. !p. m., "at the J. C. C. .AH ' and has also been active in "Youth i The Vaad auxiliary will hold a All the critics "who have seen ; hers are asked to be prcpr-i work conducted by the Junior i Mother-Daughter banquet, Wed- the picture, have given it t h e ; this is E very important wej.nesday, May 15, at 6:30 p. m. in highest recommendations. "Pow- I Final plans for Chi'vorp League. A skit typifying the work of | the social hall of the B'nai Israel er" is the dramatic story of the hie Udin's visit here will be rise and f a l l of Joseph ''Suss" ; pleted. young people within the J. C. C. synagogue. This banquet is for members of Oppenheimer. a sensitive, subtle, i The Pioneer Council P,PV:is to be presented under the direction of Miss Helen Merritt. the Vaad auxiliary and their yet ambitious young Hebrew, organizations to be ready to i Those in the cast of t h e skit. daughters only. The dinner will born and reared in the Ghetto of cipate in the Flower Day • Wurttemberg, whose obsessing held May 5. "Red Carnation" by Glen Hughes, ! be 6 0 cents per plate. ambition was to scale the height are Sylvan Frankel, Adele Wilinof political power a n d through sky, and Norman Wohlner. A the influence of his acquired pomusical number will be given by Daughters of Israel sition, to avenge and end what be HATS Naomi Gross, who recently won Meeting on Tuesday believed to be the oppression and superior rating in the district subordination of his people. high school music contest. She The Daughters of Israel Aid Mrs. A. Greenbaum is chairman is to represent Central high school in the state contest to be | Society will hold a regular meet- of the affair, and Mrs. Sidney ing, Tuesday, April SO, at the Old Katleman, co-chairman. held a t Lincoln next month. Tickets may be bought from A review of the national tri- People's Home, 2504 Charles St. ennial convention of the Council All members are urged to attend. any member of the Taad auxiliary. of Jewish Women held in March in New Orleans, is to be given by LOUIS PALMER Mrs. I. I. Solzman, a former resi- College Club to Riga—M. Kiselis, n. o n-Jewish dent of New Orleans and one of Meet on Sunday' Latvian official who speaks He- 414 So, 17th the new members of the Council. ,7A 0. brew and Yiddish fluently, was Wr Cull pmi T>f There will be a report by the The College club of Temple Is- appointed as Inspector of the Latnominating committee. rael will meet Sunday, April 28, vian police force. j at 4:15 at the Temple, W .. Plans for the Youth Conclave to be held May 5, will be com"Silver Mine Clock" pleted. It is necessary that all of Junior Hadassah ij participants attend this meeting.

The Junior Hadassah will end their "Silver Mine Clock" p r o ject at their next meeting, May 1. A special program is being planned for this meeting. The person holding the ticket corresponding with the time at which the clock stops will receive a prize of fifty dollars. Tickets may still be obtained from Miss Minnie Froom, president, or the following captains: the M i s s e s Goldie Seidman, Mamie Brody, Saramara Katskee, Jeannette Moskovitz, Goldie Zusrnan, Mary Garfinkle, Rose Dolgoff, Ann Goodbinder, Dorothy Berg, Zelda Charney, Goldie Fish, and Fannie Katelman.

Miss Nell Ziff, of Mineapolis, National • vice-president of Junior Hadassah, the Young Women's Zionist Organization of America, will be speaker at the special Junior Hadassah services held at the B'nai Israel synagogue, Friday ivening, May 3. She will be prinJunior Society to I cipal speaker at an open meeting Meet on Tuesday] jponsored by the Omaha unit of Book Review Group No. 2 will Junior Hadassah, to be held at A meeting of the Junior So- j the Jewish Community on May 5, meet Monday, April 29, at the It was announced today by Miss home of Mrs. H. Krantz,- 102 So. ciety of Beth-El will be held ] Minnie Froom, president, of the 32 Ave. Mrs. Alexander Bernaan Tuesday evening, April SO at the will give a book review,in her in- home of Sally and Esther Morgan, local unit. imitable and interesting way. Miss Ziff is making an exten- Current events will be discussed | 2SO4 Ruggles Street, for .the elecsive Southwestern speaking tour by Mrs. D. Krantz, There will be tion of officers for the coming year. to acquaint Jewish girls with the dessert-luncheon at 1:15. work of Junior Hadassah both in Palestine and in t h i s country. plete line will be offered for sale The Hadassah Bake sale which on the 30th. Mrs. Roddy asks Miss Ziff Will tell about Junior Hadassah's part in the upbuild- will be conducted by Mrs. F. H. that all those who have generousing of Palestine as a Jewish Roddy, administration fund chair- ly offered to contribute their Homeland through the organiza- man, will take place Tuesday, cakes, etc., to please remember tion's educational projects in that April 30, at the Brandeis store. the date of the" sale. Also those Orders can be placed immediately :ountry.' for all kinds of cakes, cookies, who wish to help the committee, Miss Ziff is one of thhe out- strudels, tortes, noodles, or any- call Mrs. Roddy. standing leaders in the youth thing one wishes by calling Mrs. Zionist movement in this country. j Roddy or her committee. A comShe has been a resident of Minneapolis nearly all her life, she is actively engaged in a large imThe Krasne porting business in that city and takes a prominent part in civic BEAUTY SALON and community affairs. In JunOffers a New Deal ior Hadassah she has held the ofShampoo and finger wave fice of president of Minneapolis featured p A unit and of the Northwest Regional division, and in addition to her present post as national vice Permanent waves by president she is national memberexperts - $3.50 and Up. ship chairman. Miss Ziff is wide716 BRANDEIS ly known among youth groups as THEATER BLDG. a brilliant speaker and an exceptional organizer. A year ago she AT 4333 acted as secretary to the Conference of- Jewish Women's OrganiCame the dawn. He got op early zations in Minneapolis. Miss Ziff's and put the teakettle oa to beat reputation for skill on the platFREE STORAGE water for shavisg. She got up, form', for charm of personality too, and took the teakettle waPay Cleaning charged this and for wide knowledge is stimuter to make coffee when he Fall on out-of-season lating' enthusiasm in every city wasn't looking. Tbat's called clothes. "teakettling.'? It was all"rigtst where she is scheduled to make in toe eighties, tot tils is 1SS5. Spring Coats, Topcoats, an address. Nowadays the modern Omaha Dresses borne has instant Hot Water Service, with an Automatic Gas Board Meeting of Water Heater. Take advantage of oor Spring bargain offer Women's Mizrachi now. A special board meeting of the Women's Mizrachi has been called for Monday afternoon, April 29, 2:30 at the J. C. C. by Mrs. I. Kulakofsky, president.


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Warsaw:—The appointment of Maximilian Freides, a Jew, as honorary-, consul-general of Peru in Poland, has given rise to rumors here that this, appointment is to pave the way for negotiations looking to the settlement for Polish Jews in Peru.

. . . .


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LIVES ARE Your Philanthropies contribution means bread for the destitute - - health for the sick - - comfort for the aged - - a chance for the children - - hope

The 31 Beneficiary Agencies of the Drive 1. 2. 3. 4.

City Talmifd Torah. Jewish Old People's Home. Social Service Committee. Jewish Community Center Mortgage Reduction Fund.

National Institutions 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16._ 17. 18. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28; 29. 30. 31.

for the hopeless and help for the helpless. Every dollar withheld means unnecessary suffering or loss of privileges for the needy.

Philanthropies Sidelights



American Jewish Committee. B'nai B'rith Wider Scope Committee. Bureau of Jewish Social Research. Ex-Patients' Tubercular Home. Graduate School for Jewish Social Work. Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (WAS) Hebrew Theological College (Chicago) Jewish Consumptive and Ex-Patients* Relief Ass'n. (Los Angeles, Cal.) Jewish Consumptive Relief Society (Denver.) Jewish Orphan Home (Cleveland.) Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Jewish Theological Seminary. .. < Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital. National Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds. National Farm School. ' National Home for Jewish Children. ^ National Jewish Hospital (Denver.) Rabbi Isaac Elchan Theological Seminary (Yeshiva College.) American Friends of Hebrew University. United Jewish Appeal. Jewish National Fund. , League for Labor (Palestine.) People's Ort Federation. Mizrachi Palestine Fund. : Vaad H'Oehr. Hikem.

$40,650 To Keep Faith we in Omaha must raise $40,650 . . . to keep faith* with* our flesK and blood in alleviating tragedy, poverty, illness.

To Keep Faith with Jewish tradition and Jewish "Zedakah," to perpetuate the Jewish ideals of "taking care of our own."

To Keep Faith in providing food, clothing and shelter to our fellow-men to whom the dawn brings no hope and the night no rest.

To Keep Faith in stilling the anguish of the sick, in brightening the last days of the aged, in giving a roof to the parentless.

To Keep Faith with our kinsmen in rebuilding a new life from the ruins of Hitlerism. '

To Keep Faith with posterity in giving pur children a Jewish education and in building their character along strengthening lines.

To Keep Faith with our conscience, by giving liberally and generously to the thirtyone beneficiary agencies represented by the Jewish Philanthropies.

Every dollar contributed is a hard-working messenger of good. Every dollar contributed to the Philanthropies will do its share in dispelling gloom and substituting sunshine in the lives of

This is the sixth annual Jewish Philanthropies campaign in Omaha. The sum of $40,650 is the irreducible minimum which must be raised for the Omaha Jewish community to keep faith with the Jewish needy. The system of having one concentrated campaign instead of thirty-one separate campaigns is efficient, economical, without waste - - and means that the maximum good is accomplished by each charity dollar. Every Jewish group - - the Jewish people of all walks of life and all schools of thought - co-operate in this unified, all-embracing campaign. The local, national and niternational Jewish agencies aided by the Philanthropies do not maintain separate drives in the city. This is the one campaign for all . . you are really giving to thirty-one campaigns. Every Jewish individual in the city Is invited and welcomed to participate in the drive. Those wishing to volunteer may call any divisional head or the Jewish Community Center office. Every little bit helps. It takes every thread in a garment to make the finished product - small sums quickly add up to large totals.

\ the needy and destitute. We must give what we have - - for others have nothing. The future welfare and happiness of human beings - - their very lives - - hang in the balance.




Campaign Begins May 7 ^sxj555555555555555555555c


Every Dollar Given Does a Noble Work




ALLIED JEWISH CAMPAIGN DRIV; Sick-off Dinner for Workers And Donors Comes On Thursday At a neeting held Sunday morning In the Jewish Community Center, twenty-five leaders of the Jewish Community outlined the plans for the Allied Jewish Campaign, and •workers will begin this week to solicit the Jewish population of Sioux City for this drive, Mr. A. M. Davis has been n a m e d chairman o£ the dr***. A. J. Galinsky, treasurer, •aS* ;**»sra. Mike Skalovsky, Lawret«« Davidson, Barney Baron, SI Krueger and J. Kalin, on the executive committee. The campaign will he carried on in Sioux City at the same time that Jews in every other city in the United States bend their efforts toward raising monsy for this important Fund. This campaign will raise funds for the Joint Distribution Committee, the Palestinian Fund, the Hias, Bellefaire, The Denver Tuberculosis Hospital, The Hebrew University, The "Wider Scope Committee, the American Jewish Committee, Ort, and the Zionists. . ' One group of workers is soliciting this week in the Larger Gifts division. This committee is composed of four teams. The first consists of J. Kalin, M. Lazriowich, Ben Fish; secojjd team is made up by Mike SkalovBky, Si Krueger, and A. M. Davis. The third team Is composed cf E. N. Grueskin. and Max Lasensky; with Barney Baron, .Lawrence Davidson and F r a n k Margolin making up the fourth team. Thursday evening. May 2, Lawrence Davidson will be host to workers on the drive at a Kickoff Dinner to be h e l d in the

Davidson Tea Room. At this time the Larger Gifts committee -will make its report and a report of the executive committee will be made. Mr. Samuel Blitz, of New York City, -will be the guest speaker. Mr. Blitz returned Tecently from a trip through Europe and Palestine and he -will tell of the work being d o n e there through the proceeds of t h e s e funds. Invitations for the dinner will be issued the first ot next •week. Workers vrill be divided into teams early next -week, and definite plans for the campaign will be given to those vrho will solicit the funds. • Perry Osnowitz, president of the local A. Z. A'. Chapter vrill head the Junior Division of the drive. Assisting him will be the officers of the A. Z. A.

Miss Ziff to Speak Before Junior Hadassah Miss Nell Ziff, who will be a guest in Sioux City next Thursday will address a meeting of the Junior Hada.ssah chapter Thursday evening, in the Jewish Community Center. Miss Zilf will speak on the work of Hadassah in Palestine and will tell of the part Junior Hadassah is playing in "the upbuilding of the land through its educational projects in Palestine.

Shaare Zion Rabbi.H. R. Rabinowitz w i l l speak this evening on the subject "Maimonidean After Effects". Cantor A. Pllskin and the choir will chant the ritual. Saturday morning the Junior congregation will meet at 10:30 o'clock. The Religious School of the synagogue will resume its sessions Sunday morning. Registration for the Talmud Torah will be held Sunday morning, and sessions will be resumed Monday afternoon.

Miss Nell Ziff, oi Minneapolis, Minnesota, national vice-president of Junior Hadassah, will be the principal speaker at the Give or Get Luncheon of the Senior Hada s s a h organization, Thursday noon, May 2. in the Jewish Community Center.. Miss Ziff is making an extensive South-western speaking tour to acquaint Jewish women with the work of Hadassah. In her tour, Miss Ziff will visit 15 cities in the states of, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Tennessee, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas. ,. ' Miss Ziff is one of the outstanding leaders In the youth Zionist movement in this country. She has been a resident of Minneapolis nearly all her life, where she is actively engaged in a large importing business and takes a prominent part in civic and community affairs. In Junior Hadassah, she has held the office of president of the Minn :apolis unit and of the Northwest Regional division. She is at present national membership chairman in addition to serving as vice president. Miss Ziff is widely known as a brilliant speaker and an exceptional organizer. Her reputation for skill on the platform, charm of personality, a n d wide knowledge has stimulated enthusiasm in every city where she is scheduled to make an address.



26, 1935.


Mother and Daughter | Emergency Loan Fund v Reports of the past year were t Wednesday Imade at the annual meeting of

J. J. ntlEDMAX. Attorney 74« First Nat'J Bank Bldg,

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, «WOT>I3»XKY. W H F A , Altys.

PBOBATE XOT1CE PROBATE> In the matter o£ the estate o* ETHEL. : FRIEiDISX, di.cea.sed. In the mutter of the estate of CLARA ! NOTICE O r C..ATTE1 Xoticfc le berefa;- friven .at the creSi-j EOUDEBEKG, fieceesefl. tors of Raid deceased will meet the ad-: Notice is hereby giver that the credi- ; N ti'-p h hereby yivvv t h n ! oiminlEtrator ot paid eftate. before me.' tors of said deceased win meet the &<l~ day ot Miy. Ifori, v\ io vv^in.-; o' Ejiki esitite, iieforfc me, County Judge cf Douglas County, Ne- ; minietratrix brnfika, &t the County Court Boom, in, Co-unty *TUu^e o? PnugrlB-s County, &*•• ' Ksvnti. f:lre»( Omhlui !«'; !•"»' said County, on tbe icth Ae-T ft .Tune. ,'bra«k&, {it the Couruy Cncrt Knom, ir. 1RJ;..* and on the 2 0th day of August. ;,said Counts-, en the 10ih fi«,y of .Ttmt*. to the hifhesf hiilOcr f «s!i 1S35, at S o'clock A. M., each day. for: 1836, End on the iOt'n day of Aupufli, the purpose ©f presenting- their clnims. iffSS, £t £ o'eSocte A. M., each tle.y, io'~ ; A—*i\fil>6;:, c o v e r e d b v R i - i i a i ( - " for esarnination adjustment and allow-; the purpose of pre-senting their claims . p u r e i n f a v o r of t h e l..'n»'oh> M arce. Three months are allowed for the • ? creditors to present their claims. £rom ; etiee. Three months- n e aiiewefl for the t r . 10th clay ef May, 1SS5. | ereclUore if* present their ciahiis, £rorr; ! l f ; ' . i " . a m i Vu'-Vivij-* i'^^.n fiU-"n jr. -liEIU'CE CRATVFOTtD, ! the ICth day of Mey. IBBS, '< of t l l f C o u n t y <.'W>rk O r I'MHt.-ln"EEVCE County Judge. •• ; N e b r a v f c a . o n t h e a;s111 fluy <<f , ! n ! 4.29—~- *t. I t i p o n vru\"Vi mii{} it: o r ! put:*': ili^>-' :

| the Emergency Loan Fund, held - The Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare | last evening in the Jewish ComZion synagogue will honor t h e munity- Center. Mr. Si Krueger, mothers and daughters of the ; chairman of the committee precongregation at the annual May ! sided at the meeting. Mother and Daughter Banquet, I The Emergency Loan Fund is a Wednesday evening, May 1, in the social hall of the synagogue. The i the Jewish Federation of Social affair in past years has attracted I Service. It is a service for those a great number of women, and • in need and is sponsored by the '. O.\\t- f.Tir r v v i n f th** fUTa of f 4 ' ••-' plans are being made to accom- I Community Center. Zt. FRADGMtCBC, TBTKBB, BEEEK, | Bai»t w i l l i't> xt^. t h e x u r p n K t < modate a capacity crowd WednesI olitpinf: B R U I ri-orUT'cif?. f u r Uif* o KLUTZMCK & EKIAEY. M*r*. 58-VIX C. JJEMTK. Atty. | t h e e a l c RTiil p.li a r c r i i ' n r cvptr-. i day. 801 Electric Sifl \ the purpose of sliti^lyinit'iiirMrs. H. R. Rabinowitz will Two n e w m e m b e r s Were added , In the County Court ef JEKTOJTIB* County, ! XOT1C.E. OF AJMfflNJSTKATJTO?? t h a t rr> p u i t o r o t l i f r p r - T ^ p r l i n ^ ' speak in behalf of the mothers of to the board of directors of the | " IH t h e Conotjr Court of S)OK|TIM Corns t r . hav^e b e ^ i ; 1 rs R t i i u t e i l t o r«.'e*>''.< the congregation. Responding in Inter Club Council at a recent j i U v b t o r » r . y pv.ri thereof. IX T E E STATTEK OP T H E ESTATE | LINW1A 51OTOF. behalf of the daughters will be meeting of the group. They ...-.- W »., „ A-''1 Peraon* interestea In «alfl n s . ^ r of Frank SJarkE, Deceased. are u l B r ) hereby jiotitiefl that on 1h* f.'.h ciay All pergoni? interested in p a ^ e^tpte ! Miss Jean Shindler daughter of Mrs. S. H. Shulkia and M 'r . H .i «i of i!;-"ri>V.7,r.p S.TV.'" April 1ES5 Harold M. Kelley filed a •F.rn hereby notified that e petition has Mr. and Mrs. B. Shindler, a n d Lazrio'wich. I petition in said County Court, praying: heen ^iled in fmid Court E.Uef:'nir th«t that hie final afimicisiration account; sisSd. deceased (lied leaTinsr no lavl wi!i Maita' Heeger, daughter cf Mr. .. ! filed herein be nettled and allowed, &n<S IEH8 prRj'irij- Jor adroiniBtration upon hi* tha» h» be flischarped from ME truet a*' estate, and that a hearing viil be had and Mrs. Lester Heeger. Elaine *7 A administrator and that a, hearine will , on said petition before BRIU eourt on the Sherman, daughter ot Mr. and 4th d a r of May 10.'!S. and that it they 4 h, b> • £*• / % • he had on Eaifl petition l>efo?e_ eaid ! fail to appear at said Court on the eaid Mrs. Philip Sherman will speak Mohel Sp ccialisi Plans have been made by the | tha'rtifOnyou*f^r toRyappeHrE:betore' "ta; 4th <3ar of M>y 1PS5. Et B o'clock A. M. may in behalf of the granddaughters. A Z. A chapter for a Parents i Coort on the *aia *th day of May isns ito cor-test said petition, the Court Tieco-n imenaefl by Many Dr»'' 1 ! frrjjnt the F.ErRe *.nd prsnt adfT .ir i??trp.. , , i a t 6 o'clock A. IS., a n d c o n t e s t said j Mrs. Henry Sherman will give _ erice Plion*? \rF.bBt.er r-' of eaiq estate to Esther ilerkE or Day p r o g r a m anfl CeleDraUOBt OH \ petition, the Court may irrsxt the pray-l tion ether puHahie person uno proceed j Pusii VEtiptPr ?<: the invocation and Mrs. J. Sawis- q,,.JoTr Mnv 12 ! er o? said petition, enter «. fleeree of! gome tc *• KPttiement thereof, lak will act as toast master. , Osmal'sa, v,r.| bUnaay, May XZ. jh e l r t h J p , e n a ' m a h ; e B u c h o t h e r ana fur-: . SOth R ElilCE CKAVFOED Count;- Juflpe Ida Shindler will be heard in a t0 thlB C o u r t ailo-wacces m R y t ! e p m and decrees, at1 The p r o g r a m , to be announced j ther orders, m .K p g rroppr, to Intpr xrill he in 1- o a o r of t h e i j i a t h a t a l l m&ner to nai4 the4 4-lS-St pertajninp group of songs, and Lucille Mush- later, vriu oe in r o n o r o i ww Iirestate may be finally settled etifl deterI rained. kin will present a dance number. mothers and fathers. ! ERTCE CttAWFOF.D A radio skit, directed by Rozena I Cour.ty Judce Manchester, E n g 1 a n d—The Sacks and Dorothy Merlin will be eighth annual Jewish Drama Fesfeatured on the program. SOXSST. GKODEXSKT, KAKER * tival concluded here with the COHEN, Attornej* awarding of the trophy to Ernan"E" Omaha Nstimsel Kant: Your business ussooiates aad friends uel Levy for his play "The Tree NOTJCE OF IXCOKPOKATIOX of Life". NOTICE is hereby given that the u r -

Interclub Council Board



i S


Mothers Club for West Side's Talmud Torah

A Mothers Club for the newly organized West Side Hebrew School, held Its first meeting Monday afternoon, with 33 women attending. Mrs. Edith Wigodsky was elected president at the meeting; Mrs. Morris Levich, vice pTesident; Mrs. M. A. Lazere, secretary and Mrs. Paul Kaplan treasurer. The following women were elected to the Board of Directors: Mrs. Sam Ratner, Mrs. H. Lazriowieh, Mrs. Charles Barricks, Mrs. Paul Kaplan, Mrs. L. Herman and Mrs. M. Levitsky.

derBicnea have formed » corporation pursuant to the laws uf the State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation J O E B , WEBB, BEBEK, is THE GALVANIZING CORPORATION, & KLUTZNJCK & KELXEi" •with its principal place of business in 050 Omaha Jiatl.- Bank J51<Js:. the City of Omaha. The objects for Omaha, Nebraska. which this corporation 1E formed fire tc j boy. sell, manufacture and otherwise NOTICE OF INCORPORATION deal in &ny and all forms and combinaof tions ct Eteel. ircin or uny of them and NATIONAL ACCKSSOEIES the ^ products thereof; to fr&lvanize Fteel, Xotlce is hereby griven that the nni t ith d Eisned liave hereby associated t h e ro-; i,. on a n ( jd the projucts o£f either oft them selves together for the purpose ot form- • o r E n y ferrous metal: to orers.te enfier. ing and becoming a corporation tinder • r O ntrol and deal in generally in Letters the laws of the State of Nebraska. ; Patent; to purchase, lease, hire and The name of this corporation s n a u ! fleai \u p Pr ieral!y ir. perBcna! anff real be NATIONAL ACCESSORIES. T h e ; property. The corporation shall have the principal place of tra.«saeting the DUB!- i power to borrow Jnoney &«d issue its ness of this corporation ehall'be in Ora-; evidences of inflebteCresH thorcfor pna aha, Nebraska, but it shall li a. v e »a-! to make and jie.rf°rrn contracts cf every thority to transact business anywhere in • kind er.fl description in and about its the world. The general nature of the ( b-usinens. The total authorized capita! business to be trj ^acted. and the ob-! Etock ie t*B,O0D.P0, per valne % 100.00 per ject and purpose for which this corpora- j s h 6 r e . All stock is common and ehail tiou is organized shall tte t ti e buying | he fully paid sncl non-asseBsabie ^rhen an" neilinc of automotive parts and ac- j issued. The corporation shall commence ceEEorieE, radio and electrical etiuip- business upon the filler o* its Articles rnent, automobileg, machinery and tools, \ w j t j5 t j,e County Clerk nf Dour'-as Cocn-, and all other types of merchandise o r j t y i Nebraska, and .shall continue until! vereon&S property, end to do :.!! thinjrs; January 1st, JESE. The hiehest smour.t which may be neceasary cr proper to • o f indebtedness shall rot esceed twocarry out the objects and purposes here-, thirds of the capital stock. The number inabove set forth, incluflini; the leasing; Of rnernbers cf th* Board i=han be r r o an4 ownership of real estate. The au-ivided for by the By-LiawB. which Board thorized capital etock ef this corpora-; Bhall admir.ipter the affairs cf the cortion shall bo Ten Thousand ($10,000) ! ^oration. The stockhoiflers shall hoia Dollar*, to be divided Into One Hundred i their annual rneetin? the fecona Won. (100) «hares of the par value cf Oneiflav- In OEr.usiry rf each v t a r %n& elect Hundred UJ00) Dolla.ru e a c h , all ot director*. The directors, shall elect a which Etock shall be common and shall | President. Vice-President, Treasurer find be fully paid up when issued. This cor. i secretary. The Articles vany be amended jjoration shall cornroencj doing- business i upon notice as provid«4 for. With the at the time of the Illins of its Articles• nsnent in -writing ot the holders ol iwoof Incorporatloa in t h e office of, the j thirds of the outstanding capita! Ftoefc County Clerk of Douglas County, Ne-; or with the assent by vote of two-thirdsbras-.-, and it ehal continue in exist- o f the capita! stock preBent or repreence f o r a - period of fifty (50) years! sented at a meeting- called for such purfrom said date. The hiehest amount of j pose or at any annual meeting the Diindebteauess to which this corporation | rectors eha'.l have the power and aushail subject itself shall not exceed two-1 thority to sell, assipn, trs-ntifer End conthirdi ot its capital stock. The affaire! vey or otherwise dispose of an and the of this corporation »hall be administered j entire of the assets of the corporation by a Board of Directors of not less than j upon such terms ttnd conditions ar the

Mrs. Theodore N. Lewis will act as toastmaster at the luncheon. Rhymes, telling how each member present earned her money for the Give or Get, have been written by Mrs. J. Sawislak, and will be read by Mrs. Rueben Miller. More than 50 women are planning t o attend the luncheon. Only those members who have given or earned the sum of $5.00 for Hadassah are eligible to attend. Mrs. A. Rubinstein and Mrs. S. Sbulkia are in charge of the menu with Mrs. Zella Levitan in | The following committees have charge of the dining room. | been named by Mrs. A. M. Davis, Tuesday afternoon, the regular chairman of the Sisterhood- card meeting of the Senior Hadassah party, scheduled for Monday evengroup will be held at the Com- ing, May 6 in the Bellevue Apartmunity Center. It will be follow- ments. ed by a card party. Mrs. J. N. Rosenfeld and Mrs. William Lazere, tickets; Mrs. Abe | Pill and Mrs. S a m Greenstone, jTable Reservations; Mrs. Herman (I) persons, who shall be elected by Boars Rhali deem fit either for cp.sli, j Miller and Mrs. E.. E. Baron, en- two and from a m o n c tbe Etoc}cb.ol3«rs at securities, property or obligations of any ! tertainment; Mrs. Ben Schulein, their annual meeting. The Board of Di- kind or character. Mr, and Mrs. Abe Epstein, who Mrs. H. Fishgall, and Mrs. E. rector* shall elect a President, Vice- Dated this SSth Cay of Febr., 1*55. Presidpnt, Secretary and Treasurer, all •WITNESS: were married Sunday, April 14, Rosenstock, refreshments. ot whom ehall hol2 office for a term of A. GEEEXEBEG at the • Rice hotel In Houston, i one year or "until their successor! are MORTtTS TEREK, j duly elected and qualified. AAKON FERER. Texas, have arrived to make their L. J. TOBIN ETMAS FEKEK. home in the Castle Apartments. I A. A. FIEDLER Incorrioretors. 4-15—it : «-lS-4t Mrs. Epstein is the former BeverDr. Theodore X. ' Lewis -Rill ly Rabinowitz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rabinowitz of Rich- speak this evening on "Moses Maimonides". The service will mond, Texas. begin at 8 o'clock. She attended Northwestern uni"Wednesday, Dr. Lewis spoke versity in Evanston, I l l i n o i s , before the student body at Westwhere Mr. Epstein was enrolled. ern Union college in Le M a r s, The latter, who is a son of Mr. Iowa. L. Epstein, 1115 West Sixth Street, is a member of the Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity. The finals of the Amorian DeMembers of the Alpha Gamma bate Tournament will be presentEpsilon Sorority gave a handker- ed before a meeting of the Bnai chief shower for Mrs. S. Osheroff, Brith lodge, early in May. Partia recent bride. The party, held cipating in the final event will be p i r* i last Saturday evening, was in the Joe Maron and Harold Lefkovich, vs. David - Olensky and Irvin home of Miss Mary Edleman. Widesky. The Amorian Club is holding Students from Iowa University, W&rmer Price? who spent the Passover holidays daily practice at Central High Sams goality, ssraie in Sioux City include Dorothy Gel- and Gilman Terrace, for its anship tfest h&v& nsadc Story & nual Track meet which will be son, Ida Edleman, Inez Leaff, \ Clark pianos famous for 77 Dena Baron, Edward Miller, held in May. At this meet, they * years. • •• Loyal Keir, Billy Mosow, Mil toil will contend with track stars Kew moSsm tmd cnneafil cun from Omaha. The definite date Barrent, Irvin Lunin, David LevfieBign* anfi beactHnl "woods. itt, Mr. and Mrs. Duke Hurwitz, for the meet has not been set. ^Efeese pissos saa4e to fit the Bernard Sbalovsky and • N e o m i Sacks. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mosow. Word has been Teceived of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Grueskin Mrs. Carl Weiner of Los Angeles, will depart next week for a ten PLUS Si^ALL CAlHYIli® California. MrB. Weiner is the day trip to Cleveland and Cinformer Freda Albert of this city. cinnati. While away they will attend the Live Stock Men's conMrs. William Lazere and sons vention in Cincinnati, and the spent the Passover holidays with Kentucky Derby. relatives in Omaha/ j • Miss Rose Hershfield, a student Mrs. C. Chaikin of Omaha, Ne- at the University of South Dakota m£ £££5£ff I \ YfltE tttSEIT Kf?/XT« [UZRXKt ^jKL'ili «*J>tl%<F3&£ IV X'llVCfrJ* braska, visited this week with her visited in Sioux City with friends ~r,-.-i grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. last weekSeff. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Orllkoff, Mr. Mrs. H. A. Lazere s p e n t the and Mrs. W. Deutch of Omaha Passover Holidays with relatives spent Sunday in Sioux City visitin Des Molnes, Iowa. ing with.relatives and friends. Accompanying them was Miss Helen i Among the many college Stu- Hoberman of Chicago, who is a dents wao spent ineir spring va- guest in the Deutch home.

Sisterhood Card Party Committees

Society News

will enjoy meeting you here for lunch, dinner, and after the theater.

OUT Charcoal-Broiled Stesfes and Sonthem Friefl Spring Chicken are delightfully plcasisg tc the palate.


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cation in. Sioux City last week were Henry Ginsberg, of the University of Minnesota, Jack Greenberg, University of Wisconsin, Doris Rosenstock, University of 1 Wisconsin, Bernice Galinsky. Unl-i yerslty of Illinois, and Frances1; Kalin, o£ Nebraska U.


rhon Council

Mrs. Jack London, Jr., and son Robert, of Madison, South Dakota are visiting in. Sioux City t h i s week.'

GENERAL ELECTRIC _ - „ - - 3ic?^ Is the time to stop the "old-fashioned wash day." We'll eorae to vovs horae and do £ week's washing for you with the General Electric washing jssachine. We wsr»t to show you whst a wonderful job It doer- . . » how easy doing' the Is-r.tfiy can be." Just call AT 3100 and ask for & F R E E home desnoastrstioa o£ the G-E •washer. f fr*

Mrs. T e d Fishman of Flandreau, South. Dakota, spent the Passover holidays in Sioux City.

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BOTAL WEDDING DAY—England and all the British Empire will i join in observing the 25th coronation anniversary of King George of England, beginning May 6 and extending through the Bummer. Above is a picture of King George and Queen Mary on their wedding day, in July* 1893.

HEIRESS WEDS ENTERTAINER—The secret marriage of Mrs. Rowena McDougall Urion, Chicago society devorcee, to Eugene Murphy, former member of the cast in a Loop, night club, was recently revealed, The bride, heiress to a huge fortune, is shown with her new husband in her Gold Coast home in Chicago.

© Raphael Tuci & Sons, Ltd.

QUEEN OF ENGLAND—Important duties will fall upon Queen Mary of England beginning May 6. when ceremonies in observance of King George's accession to the throne 25 years ago will be held. This is the official picture of the Queen, taken recently in connection with the ceremonies. -

SILVER JUBILEE—This is the official photograph of King George of England, taken recently in connection with the forthcoming observance of his 25th anniversary of ascension to the throne. The King, who was born June 3, 1865, was crowned on May 6, 1910.

IN EOTAL EOBES—Above are King George and Queen Mary of England in the royal robes they will v?ear at some of the ceremonies this Summer, beginning May. 6.. The .British Empire will join in observing their 25th coronation anniversary with various Summer festivities. .

PRESEOENT—Mrs. William A. Becker of New Jersey, elected President - General of t h e Daughters of the American Revolution, at the congress held in Washington. She received 1,436 votes against 619 for Dr. Flora M. Gillentine. She succeeds Mrs. Russell William Magna.

PEACE PARLEY — Arrivals at tHe three-power peace conference at Stresa, Italy, greeted by^a procession of the townspeople and thousands of visitors who flocked to the^ Northern Italy resort. In center is Pierre Etienne Flandin, French President, with-British Premier J. Ramsay MacDonald. Behind them is Sir John Simon, British Foreign Secretary.

FEMMES-AGENTS—In other words, French policewomen. And would you come along, if they told you to do so? These two women are the first to serve on the Paris police force, after a decree was signed by M. Langeron, Prefect of Police. They are shown in their new uniforms, greeted by gendarmes.

NATION'S .EDITORS MEET—Men who direct leading daily, newspapers of the country met in Washington at the 13th annual convention of: the American Society of Newspaper Editors. In this group, left to : right, are: M. W. Bingay, Detroit Free Press; Casper S. Yost, St. Louis Globe Democrat; W. G. Vorpe, Cleveland Plain Dealer, and K. C. Hogate, Wall Street Journal.

• WHEN TWO JOES MEET—At left Is Joe McCarthy, manager of the New York Yankees, and Joe Cronin, starting his first , season as manager of the Boston Red Sox, as they met in New York recently during the- three-game series between the two baseball clubs. Red Sox won the series 2-1.

BIG. SHIP—An unusual view of the new cruiser, Riiyter. being-built in the shipyards in Rotterdam for The Netherlands government. Nearing completion, it will soon be the newest addition to the Holland navy.

FEMINIST SWEEP IN- TUEKEY—Where lormerly Turkish -women had no word in political affairs, the country now moves steadily forward to give them increasing importance. Here are six of the i t women%who were elected members of the 5th Grand National Assembly at Angora. as they arrived for the opening session at which Mustapha Kemal was re-elected President of the Republic. President Kemal has been deeply Interested in the feminist movement.

GATE-FOB. A'DAM—This gate, •weighing 15 tons, is being >""

ered into place between two sections of the Norris Dam on tne Clinch River .in Tennessee, causing a rise of 5 feet in the water above the Sam. A year ahead of schedule, the $34,000,000 dam will be completed in'1936.

^ ^



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