In the Interests ©f the. Jewish People
By PHUJP M. KLUTZNICK, Entered a* Second Class Mail Matter on January 21. 1921. a t General Chairman Jewish PhilOMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1935. PoEtofflcr ol Omaba, Nebraska, under the Act of March S, 1879 OL. XL—NO. 12, anthropies Campaign The, recent celebration of the 800th Anniversary of Maimonides has directed our attention more emphatically to some of his teachings. I am certain that if Omaha Jews -will be guided by his thoughts on charity, that the coming Philanthropies Campaign •will be over-subscribed. I am quoting herewith the translation of his grading of alms-giving;. I believe it to be timely and appropriate: "There are eight degrees in alms-giving. THE FIRST and lowest Is to give, but with reluctOslo (JTA)—A message of ance or.regret. This is the gift thanks was received h e r e last of the hand but not of the heart. week from the German AmbasTHE SECOND is to give cheerfulsador by a Jewish family for ly, but not proportionately to the sheltering victims of the Dresden distress of the sufferer. THE Art Exhibits to Be Feature PROGRAM disaster last summer. (S. S. DresTHIRD is to give cheerfully and den) Of Second Annual proportionately, but not until In reply, the family wrote to solicited. Gathering <lx/uf"rboms) (A) t h e Ambassador: "Because we To keep faith with ocr conscience sail with Jewish tradition. "THE FOURTH is to give OF ART WORK are Jews we deal kindly w i t h cheerfully, proportionately, and . . . to keep faith with otsr kinsmen steeped in tragedy and sufOMAHA JEWISH MEN other people. Love Thy Neigheven unsolicited; but to put it in The College club will sponsor AND WOMEN. (B) LOAN fering—we in Omaha MUST raise §40,650 dEiimg the sixth annual bor Is the supreme commandment the poor man's hand, thereby ex- its second annual Youth Conclave EXHIBIT OF NATIONALLY on Sunday, May 5, at Temple Isot Judaism." Jewish PMIaathropies campaign, which will be held here for one citing in him the painful emotion ! KNOWN JEWISH ARTISTS. rael beginning at 2 p. m., with a of shame.. week starting next Taes&ay. p. m.-—(Temple AuditoIn summarising: the j-«n:S A determined srmj- of five "THE FIFTH is to give charity full day of activities. Proceeds 3:30 rium)—YOUTH SERVICES. will go toward the youth's divisHaunting faces, on which are indelibly printed & bleak and hundred veteran campaigners is division prospects, Alfred &• In such a way that the distressed 3:50 p. m.— MUSICAL PROmay receive the bounty and know ion of the philanthropies drive. dreary existence, tearfoily plead for <rar warm generosity. The awaiting the opening of thej Fiedler, chairman, tied ».:•.-»/. GRAM by Choir of Temple An outstanding feature of the their benefactor, without their sixth anno&l Jewisb. PfaU&iit'hro- that the division "i« cert* in <?•"> sick, the crippled, the orphaned, the aged, and. the Irosgry Israel, nnder direction of rally will be a traveling exhibit, being known to him. pies campaign next Tuesday go over the top." Leo Green. to cs in anguish. Our own flesh and blood . . . economically reined EiomlEg, May 7. "THE SIXTH which rises still "Around the Palette," by a group Women's Mrision higher, is to know the objects of of Chicago artists, including 4:15 p. m.—PANEL DISCUSby the crnel tidal-wave sweeping Ecrope . . . look to cs for sne- "X© Keep Faltfe - - $40,650" The women's division, IIPP.JW. water colors, etchings, and wood SION: "Problems of Jewish our bounty, but remain unknown cor. Ufe-giving Jewish edoeatjon, conrcmniity-strengthening chaff- is the kevnote of the drive, sn& by Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, \>x* * cuts by Maurice Yochim, A. S. Youth, and What to Do to them. • large task ahead of it. Weiner, Fritzi Brod, William Earl Abou* Them." Rabbi David acter-bailding, new hope from rehabilitation activities . . . all will th© workers are enthusiastic In "THE SEVENTH is still more Singer, Ceil Rosenberg, Louise D. Paris (JTA)—A plebiscite H. Wice, chairman; Macy their hopes of attaining the de- The- feminine workers hfivr *-T meritorious, namely to bestow Yochim, Nicola Ziroli, Eva Garamong all members of the Re- be extinguished like flickering candles, tmless those who have sired goal feiEg the on© week the women's cards and slpc ->'f Baum, Bernice Perimeter, charity in such a way that the rison, Todras Geller, Joshua Kamen's cards in the residential j-^rMax Resnick, Earl Ross, J . visionist Party to approve the the goods of life will keep faith with those who have nothing. of solicitation. benefactory may not know the re- gouove, Sam Byer, Theodore tricts. creation of an Independent ZionHarold Saks, Adele WilinLofty words and high-so?mding phrases will not save Jewish AD "early Mrfl" breakfast lieved persons nor they the names Glass, Maurice Friedlander, N. P. *'The TTomert," Mrs, P$.*Jn»Rj«ist Organization, has been fixed Bky. ; of their benefactors. Steinberg, Louis Weiner and A. for the nineteenth of May by the life or continue £udaism _ along its historic path. The Sedakslt Tuesday morning a t th© Jew- ter states, "arc eager to r^ 6:00 p. m.—(Vestry Rooms— "BUT THE EIGHTH and most R. Katz, whose works were exhiish Commmaty Center w i l l started. They know that rt*rv World Revisionist Executive, it of the Jewish people has been an epic, bat to meet the nnpar&lSupper. meritorious of all—is to antici- bited at the Century ot Progress tosaefe the drive to &id thirty- Snare « tefltons, OlifTicisW «»«swas officially announced Monday. 7:00 p. m.—(Auditorium) — leled conditions of today, a new chapter must be written in Jewish pate charity by preventing pover- exposition. one local, s&tao&sl assi inicrB&- Rhcad of them tmC nre ds«^*-The projected Independent PLAY, "THE RED CARNAty; namely, to assist the reduced mined to do Jlselr share Zionist Organization will call a giving . . • . « » destiny of oaar peoples win b® measuredfeyfto &n- ] t i o M i Jewish agencies. Paintings of t h e conservative TION," under direction of fellow-man, either by a considermaking the campaign constituent Congress for Decemand modernistic Btyle by William erosity of those able to give. We cannot tern a deaf ear, we canHarry A. Wolf will be the Helen Men-it. Cast: Adele able gift or a sum of money, or cess," ber, 1935. The Congress will be by teaching him a trade, or bySchwartz, Chicago artist, formerWilinsky, Sylvan Frankel, not be calloused to cur responsibilities nor imappreciative of the speaker at Tuesday's breakfast. called on the basis of "a Jewish The preliminarr details; or ly of O m a h a , will be included. putting him in the way of busiNorman Wohlner. plight of onr fellow-iaea—we most keep faith with cur work.of The breakfast Trill start a t & women's campaign vere mvpr^.' ness, so that he may earn an hon- Participating In the local exhibi- 7:30 p.m.—READINGS: "Dor- State and Herzlian Shekel". AH members of the organisa- human relief and human rebuilding, bringing hope &n£ life to the Immediately following the pep,out. at sis dessert-coffees lifc'i:. est livelihood, and not be forced tion will be Mrs. Meyer Beber, othy Parker" and "Milt Tuesday !-";?"• to the dreadful alternative of Mrs. Ruth Brodkey Jacobs, Mrs. Gross," by Romona Slosburg tion affiliated with the Revision- despairing and the destitute. And if we keep faith, we will sweep talk, the workers will start the ] Esimultaneously oon l e ist Party will be called to partici^ ^ homes of the folU w holding out liis hand for charity. Harry Mendelson, Mrs. Milton Pepper. thorough canvass of the Jewish ing majors: Mrs. Art Cohn. ?..:-.«,. "This is the highest step, and Abrahams, Mrs. Joe Krasne, Mrs. 9:00 p. m.—(Vestry Rooms) pate in the plebiscite. The out-on to an irresistible victory in the-Philanthropies campaign. community. Sanders Steinbach, Mrs. Richard come of'the plebiscite is considerHarold Farber, Mrs. S. E. f:;:."."the summit of charity's golden Einstein, —DANCE: Music by Art ed by the Revisionist Executive as Uptimistic Outlook Mrs. Jack Farber, Mrs. : sky, Mrs. M. Grodinsky, T.:-v ladder." Randall. Julius' Solomon, Mrs. David H. certain to be a vote of confidence "On.the eve of the opening oflphmp Levey, and Mrs, SPONSORED ;BY THE Wice, Selma Berkowitz, Louis in its action and Its. plans. the campaign," i " declares d l s Fhllip Fhlli [[leff. George Rabinoff, Associate Di- Lipp, Boris: Korneyv David CbesCOLLEGE CLUB OF M. Kliitznick, general chairmen.] Preliminary to llie camps-:Is r,.. This: is-a part of the complete rector o£ the National "Council ot e iisn;" "WfliSam;-Flax, Joe Stein. break with the Zionist Organizas are optimistic -of cH-erstfiM gp eciai Eg-TicsE stfcsEisig Jfrmir TEMPLE ISRAEL JJewish i h F d t i o n s anS ^Welfare Federations anS fc^h^ML tion, -which, •gas-r.esafofi.ri "here-fflLa EbiEg our goaK'-'Tlre'tfeep *tew'-;rh'l&Bihropies g^e to be heu' *-• •Porta^itj^jJ^j^^j^ Funds, ^recently^ffgPj^ff^p session of the."World Revisionist consciousness Rrpsxerit in the'the various Hoiiser? of "Wo:-«i;i? on nls return-£*««" «*' two- Neveieff',. Mra-~Harry KulfiJTof sky, Executive presided over by .VladiI community and the imfierEt&nfi-j this evening, London (JTA)—Jews suffer months' field survey of federation Mrs. Henry Monsty, Mrs. Herman mir Jabotinsky. The s e s s i o n far more from nervous diseases ' . j iEg ol the needs of cmr unf ortu- j The thirty-one ana; campaign, activity. His re- Jahr, Dr.- Frederick Cohn, Jack adopted the following resolu- than Christians. Under similar Marer and Abner Kaiman by Mrs. Jacob S. Pearlstien,. who was j nate brethren lighten onr task agencies of the 1 ports ot the attitude toward comtions: conditions, the number of Jewish recently "appointed the Jewish Na- j considerably. ing United campaigns in com-Meyer Beber will be included in campaign ure; 1. Members of the Revisionist patients may be ,two or three tional Fund field representative ] "The Philanthropies campaign the display. Local—City 1 munities that he visited -were exParty or affiliated bodies are forin the Southwest, spent the past | is a challenge to Omaha, Jevry times as great as non-Jewish, Old People's home, F tremely enthusiastic We in Om- Mrs. Harry Mendelson will bidden to participate In the next psychologists in London have es- week in Omaha organizing local j which we cannot let gro snail-! Serriee committee, Jewish aha should thoroughly appreciate show a bust model of Greta GarZionist Congress elections, wheth- tablished, according to the Even- and state J. N. F. activities. swered." [munity Center Mortgage If: the Philanthropies organization. bo. A painting, depicting a dust The concluding lecture of theer actively or passively. ing Standard, a daily newspaper Pearlstien 'was formerly execution fund. We would appreciate it more if storm, will be contributed by Increases in Initial Gilts Jewish lecture series will be held 2. Since the World Zionist Or- here. tive director of the local Federa-i National Institutions— .A' •we were back to the days before Louis Lipp. The initial gifts dlvisiois, "Problems of Jewish. Youth Wednesday, May 8, at 8 p. m., a t ganization has replaced the She- The scientists offer the explana- tion and J. C. C. He -was affiliat- j •which under the chairmanship can Jewish Committee, our United Campaign and in the kel of Dr. Theodore Herzl with a tion that "for centuries Jews ed with the Allied Jewish camB'rlth Wider Scope. Comm same condition as are a number and What to do About Them," the B'nai Israel synagogue. of-2. Harry KnJakofsky collects This will be a symposium on party ticket, members of the Re- have been persecuted. Years of paign and the American Palestine Bureau of Jewish Social of communities which Mr. Rabin- will be the subject reviewed by the "Jewish Scene." I t will be a visionist Organization are forbid- worry and nnhapplness have left campaign, in addition to his Jew- the larger donations prior t o search. Ex-Patients' Tube? the discussion ;panel including off visited. the openjng of the Home, Graduate School for There is a growing demand, ac- Adele Wilinsky,- Bernice Perl- comprehensive survey of the three den to buy the Shekel, thus signi- an indelible imprint on the race." ' ish social work. reports that "increases tsre
"Love Thy Neighbor" Youth. Conclave to Is Jewish iunday Reply Israel
TO KEEP FAfTH - - $40,650
Persecution Blamed for Nervous Ills
Final Number on Lecture Program Next Wednesday
meter, J. Harold Saks, Earl Ross, major problems interesting every fying their withdrawal from the At a meeting of the Omaha j tinning nil along: the line." ish Social Wort, Hebrew !• Zionist Organization. Massie Baum, Max Resnick and intelligent Jew. National Fund Council held Koc-j Kulafcofsfcy states that those grant Aid Society (HIAS). Rabbi David H. Wice, of Tem- 3. T h o s e members who will Rabbi David H. Wice, chairman. hrew Theological college f VAito ft® <UINI}AY i d S 7 ' thet h r e e - p o j a t Program pro-• s o I i c i t e a appreciate-the dire Lee Green will direct the tem- ple Israel, will speak on "Anti- trespass on the above resolutions VAAD ON bUNVAI PPsed by JPear^en ^ a d o p t e d , j o f t h g M n e f i c I a r y a g e n o i e E Semitism"; Rabbi David A. Goldwill be automatically expelled ple choir in the vesper service. and a committee on ways and are responding correspondingly Society (Denver), Jewish ;"!.•»? The Sisterhood will have charge stein, of Beth-El synagogue, will from the Revisionist ranks. The semi-a n n u a I meeting of means is working out plans. snmptJre p.nd Ex-Patlerfs' v*:<;••. discuss "Palestine"; and Rabbi with larger contributions. 4. All Revisionist members are the Vaad H'lhr, Uaited Orthodox of the supper which will be servThe local ways and means comAssociation (LOP Chairman Klutzcick ish Orphan Home ed at 6:00 o'clock in the vestry Uri Miller, of the Vaad, will take to withdraw from membership in Synagogues, will be held Sunday, mittee includes Morris, Mlnkln, Id e cGeneral lareB t h s t the subject of "Jewish Educaexthe Zionist Actions Committee. increases are rooms. Mrs. Sam Berkowitz Is May 5, at 8 p. m., in the B'nai Is- chairman, Judah Wolfson, KrsJ p-ected proportionately Telegraphic Agency, ."•" tion". f r o m all Jewish in charge. 5. The World Revisionist Exe- rael Synagogue, 18th and ChiM. F . Levenson, I. D&nsky, Mrs. divisions. ish Theological Seminary, TjsvTickets for this lecture can be "The Red Carnation," a onecutive has notified the Executive cago. J. Richlin, and Philip KIutznicJL Lev! AJemorial Hospital. Ns-iM/ General Solicitation Knlly act play by Glenn Hughes, will obtained for 50 cents. of the Organization that since the There "will be reports on all The three-point program: Council o£ Jewish FedervM A pep rally for all men be presented by Adele Wilinsky, Revisionists, as the second great- the past activities and on all actiFirst, to set up a functioning and Welfare Funds. NVii.' Sylvan Frankel a n d Norman Rome—General Umberto Pog- est Zionist faction, are leaving vities planned for the future. An and corsticnous reg-ional org-aniza- workers was held TTednesday Farm School, XafJonRt Horn*. Wohlner. Miss Helen Merritt is liese, a Jew, has been promoted to the Zionist Organization,- the lat- e l e c t l o n for members of the j tion with headquarters in St. at the J. C. C. laufler the aus- Jewish Children. Xatioxial Jfv director. the post of Inspector General of ter loses its right to speak as a Board of Governors will be held. Louis. Second, to broaden thej •• picies of the general solicita- Hospital (Deliver). Rabbi 't Readings by Dorothy Parker the Italian Naval Building De- representative of the entire ZionA very interesting program has strength and representation of! tions division. Elchan Theological SeniJr. ist movement. and Milt Gross will be given by partment. been arranged. Rabbi Harry Jolt the local Jewish. National Fund.! Harry Trust in, chairman of (Yeshiva College). Am tw* Ramona Slosburg Pepper. of Lincoln will be the guest Third, to enlarge the income of jgeneral EOlicitstioDs, presided, Friends of Hebrew TJnJvnri Activities for the day will be speaker. He will speak on "What the Jewish National Fund in this j William L. HolEffisn gave the United Jewish Appeal, Jewish main address. He stressed the climaxed by a dance in the vestry Judaism Needs". region. tional Fund, League for T,K necessity for co-operation and alrooms. Art Randall's orchestra Refreshments will be served by City Campaign: A regional conference -will he fPalestine), People's Ort Fnfi the Ladies Auxiliary. Mrs. Samheld in Kansas City Sunday, June so the need of the workers to tion. Mizrachi Palestine Fi "An important phase o£ thewill play. The trial "by Swiss Jewry against the Nazis for libel in spreadknow about the beneficiary agenLazar Kaplan is general chairBrown is in charge assisted by 2. The Omaha Jewish National Federation's task Is a struggle Vaad Ha'Ihr Meshulochtro. Fi..': tor the preservation of the civil man with Donald Brodkey as co- ing the notorious and forged "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" Mesdames Dave Silverman, Sam Fund Council has voted to EB< ordinator. Mrs. David H. Wice Is has been resumed at Berne, Switzerland, after the Hitlerites had Leibowitz, Harry Rimmerman, * Kifeem. ' rights lor all groups in America ipate and senfi a representative! General Chairman Philip Klutz-j Meshuloclilm under our constitutional guaran- in charge of the art exhibits and failed to obtain another delay. In face of the almost overwhelming and Louis Neveleff. i nick and Paul Goldblatt, execu- ] delegation. All the members of the Vaad coBimenting on the ties giving to each man the right has as her assistants, Bessie array of testimony showing the document to be a rank forgery, i l a tive director, also spoke. Harry Friedberg Kansas Roscoe Ates, famed comedian,; Meshnlochim to lite, liberty and pursuit of hap- Goldware and Henry Mendelson. the Nazis—sensing defeat—are seeking to shift the blame for the and its affiliate organisations are City is regional chairman. piness Irrespective of race or re- Other committees are as follows: protocols on to the B'nai B'rith and introducing "experts" to put arged to be present. ciated -with him are Hyroati Gor- headed the program ol entertain-; beneficiaries of the ligion. These sacred rights such Tickets, girls' division, Janet don and Meyer Brown, of Kansas meet, which, also featured several | Goldstein, chairman o i tiu, up a "front" groups as the Klu KIux Klan, the Graetz, men's division, J. Harold City; Prof. Gnstave KlaBsner, A. acts appearing at the Log Cabin, j ghulochim committee. Silver Shirts and the Nazi and Saks; service, Alvin Friedman; Report X.raacbeoias | "UOTIM® «»e past Goodman, Dr. Alexander Wolf, All German Jews will lose their citizenship in Germany, acFascist groups wonld destroy by dance, Kichard HiUer; hospitalThe first report luncheon 1 comm'ttee line, dfeirlliBi^it I and I>eon Gellman of St. XJOIJJS. fomenting discord and dissatis- ity, Gertrude Greenberg, Gerald- cording to Wilhelm Frick, in announcing a new Nazi program. be helfl ui 12:15 noon on SSi.SS to S5 Yeshivas, «r.i.3« Omsha will become the headSilverman and faction through employing racial ine Strauss, Sylfia Dr. David Rebels"ky, director of q-aarters for the Btate J. N, F. acMay S. Re-port ages, etcM in Europe »na 'i v and religious bigotry and estab- Esther Sllverm 1/a; decorations, The Revisionists led by Vladimir Jabotiusky have definitely the Mid-West campaign for Labor •win also be held on esiiasc from IMIMIS. of tlif- ;<. lishing aj dictatorship in our land. Bessie Goldware, chairman, Eva seceded from the Zionist Organization and plan to set. up their in Palestine, will address a joint tivities. •and Prias;-, May © A national lanei-refiemption We oppose all such movements Wolf, Bertha Guss, Ann Novak SO, at 12:15 noon, own independent Zionist Organization and hold a-separate World meeting of the National Work- campaign for f500,000 was reI "O«r committee lias tri&t; through constituent agencies of and Sally Novak; properties, Harer's alliance, Poale Zion, and the cently announced by Dr. I. GoldA general solicitations men's ideal fairly with every Zionist Congress. old Abrahams; publicity, Rose the Federation, our Jewish comPioneer Women, Sunday, Kay 5,stein, national head of the J. fcreaKast frill be held at 8 &. vrltii all outside orpt,ii munity asserts its faith and hope Mendelson, chairman,, S y l v i a at the J. C. C. at S:30 p. m. to., Sunday, May 22. Another , and we wish to Infonr. N. F. . . Silverman and Esther Weinstein. The Lithuanian government has issued orders that firm measIn the American democracy as Dr. Rebelskr. •who recently visgesaer&I report lEjacheon vrfll foe | public that it any • organ}45*>J Bnperior to forms of government Acting as chaperones for the ures shall henceforth be taken against Nazi agents who try to ed Palestine, and who is an elolieM BfoaflRy, May IS, at IS: 15 j was turned down, it wns bs??z that would curb and destroy its conclave will be Messrs. and Mes-incite the population against the Jewish residents. quent and powerful speaker, will ROOK. i the committee did not de-pw: •sacred guaranties of liberty." dames Paul Blotcky, Milton Abrastress the importance of the comSo confident are the heads of group had proper credemtteiF, hams, . Richard Einstein, Max I t needs no explanation to state Special radio programs were broadcast last week through ing Zionist World conference. He the carapaiipi tfout ft will be » j titling- it to f«n''s. Should s : that our Omaha Philanthropies Holzman, Joe Krasne, Arthur Russia explaining to the population the menace of anti-Semitism. will also lay emphasis upon the success that a. victory fiimier is j shuloch collector call upor. : Goldstein, Al Mayer, Louis Lipp, Hyzaas Goodbinfier was electsupports these agencies in a manbuying of shekels by every Jew, pia»Bed for Tuesday, May 14,[for a contribittion, we ad\*i«*v < "ner proportionate to that of Kan- Robert Rosenthal, Julius Soloso that he may participate in this ed president of the Progressive < «t © p. m. Joseph C. Levis regained the foils title in the national men's | to call me a t Atlantic 22tH> J mon, Sanders Steinbach, and M. Hebrewclub for the ensuing sas City. It is interesting to note All report breakfasts and | get full saformatiou. fencing championships. Another Jewish swordsman, Norman C movement. term. Other officers elected are: that in the last two years our bro- L. Wolf. This meeting is open to the a list listof of th* Armitage, retained the national saber title. The previous week l«""*e°»« } be held at the Jew-|j "Following F o l o i n g JisB a thers in Kansas City have gone public. There will be no collec- first vice-president, Hyman Ora 5E< r Helene Mayer, German-Jewish refugee, again won the women's over the top in t h e i r goal of uch; ' second rice-president, S a m U r ,, ° ™ ' "I I ?* ? ff' ' \7 e»ol«i 7* e»ol«iUon« aided &n& the tions made. championship. amounts in exceBS of $100,000.00. Nepomalck; secretary, Earl i><eveleff lff will ll be_!n b ! cbai-ge, b assistit Good g } v e E t The Western-Regional headLomzor Teshivath, $Pf-; r< It Is high time that we look ourbinder; recording Benf? b T M r 8 > "°™ Stalmaster and i^ bid di secretary, t B m Mrs. | Tashel Afeeiiel-Jeru&alens. J: selves squarely In the face and quarters of Mizrachi announce Rechtor; treasurer, Dave Denen-I A new chemical compound superior to any agent now used in The usual reasonable fee of So Beth Chinuk Yeladlm, $20: i.'i save the self-respect of our Om-that Mr. Leon Gellman of St. Philadelphia—One of the two berg; reporter, Hershel Freed-] the treatment of varicose veins has "been developed by a Jewish cents per luncheos will be ed Goilal Aid Society. ??f; ' aha Jews by reaching our modest Louis, national vice-president of Franklin Medals for 1SS5, preman; trustees, Boris Koraey JL«.VJJ. At.'ZrJ«*A»\A . — . Mizrachi, wil be the guest speaker physician, Dr. F. R. Greenbaum of Philadelphia. goal of ?40,650.00. sented annually by the Franklin Beajaiaia Torsh Ernes, $li: hoard o£ di- c b a r g e i l t b e cording to his report, on the part of unorganized communities to follow the footsteps of such leaders as San Francisco, Cincinnati and our own city. Omaha has long held an enviable position among the Jewish communities in this country. That position has been very seriously challenged in the past few years' by our apparent inability to reach a reasonable goal in our campaigns for the'Bupport of much needed agencies. ' • • * - . Our neighbor, Kansas City, Missouri, has started its United Campaign for a total of §105,000. 00. I quote from a statement recently made by Louis Hoffman, General Chairman of the Kansas
in Council Blutfs, on Thursday, Institute, -will go to Professor Al- rectors, K. Ahramson, L Sklar, I vath Bally M«»il-.*.> Hospital, | A capacity crowd attended the During; the past few weeks you May 9. He is coming in an at- A "ghetto" school for Jewish children opened in Dresden, lids bert EJasteta,.it was ssnonuced M. Tiplftsky, 'sniTD. Orach. have read In this column state- tempt to organize s. Mizrachi is the beginning of the Nazi campaign to segregate Jewish chil- here by Dr. Howard, ot has been j youth division rally Tuesday Tbe club's dren in the schools. group there. director of the Institute. postponed cutil Kay £1, 28Sfi. ' evening-. (Continued on Page 2) (Coutinned oa Page E> :
Pioneer Leader to Be Omaha Guest
To Discuss Problems of YoutK
Sophie Udln, national secretary of the Pioneer "Women's organization, •will be in Omaha next weekend, aa the guest of the local Plon e e r Women and atf iliated groups. ; An Oneg Shabbos is being planned in her honor Saturday, May 11, at the J. C. C. by the Pioneer Women, together with Hadassah and the Beth-El Auxiliary. The •women ol Omaha are Invited to be guests at the affair. Mrs. Udin -will Bpeak next Friday evening at the Beth-El synagogue. The Junior Pioneers, Elisheva Kaplan and Goldie Myerson clubs are planning to attend in a body. M r s . J. Richlin, president of thp Pioneer Council, promises a treat for all who hear the guest speaker. Chevera Sophie Udin came to America when she was three One of the features of the secyears old. She lived In Palestine ond annual Youth Conclave to be from 1921 to 1922, and in 1925 held at Temple Israel next Sunand 1926 worked with the He- day will be a panel discussion of brew university. She has been active in Pioneer Women work since the organization of the group.
ATTEND MOSLEM FESTIVAL Jerusalem (WNS—P a l c o r Agency)—History was written here when, for the first, time, Jews officially attended a Moslem pilgrimage in h o n o r of Nebl Musa, the Feast of the Prophet. Four Jewish members of the Jerusalem Municipal Council accepted the Invitation of Dr. Hussein Khaldi, Mayor of Jerusalem, to be present at a reception to speed off a large group of Moslem pilgrims leaving Jerusalem for Jericho.
Three Jewish students at the Abraham Lincoln High School participated In the District Commercial Contest held here this week, winning first place in their division. Miss Leona Katelman and Miss Esther Steinberg, both uniors at the Abraham Lincoln High School, won first place in the district novice typing contest and were awarded a silver cup for their school and blue ribbons lor individual honors. Miss Bertha Kushner, senior at the Abraham Lincoln High School, won first place in the amateur shorthand contest. All three Jewish girls will leave on May 10th for (Continued, from Page One) Des Moines, Iowa, where they ments that were prepared by var- represent this district in the Iowa ious leaders of this year's drive. State Commercial contest. I hope that you have gained the knowledge, that we have succeedPlans are being made for the ed \ n organizing a spirit which •Will not permit a stop order to be monthly meeting of the Council entered until the sum of $40,650.- BluffB Senior Hadassah w h i c h will be preceded by a luncheon at 00 is reached. Every division from the Youth the Hotel Chieftain on Wednesthrough the Initial Gifts is day afternoon, May 15. The inthoroughly organized. The pre- stallation of the new officers will liminary responses that have been take place at this affair. A very received are extremely gratifying. nteresting and entertaining program is being arranged. ReserIn![this ilnal message before vations for the luncheon. may be the campaign I can only add that made by calling Mrs. Max Simon, 1 hope that our BribscrlberS will phone 5470, Mrs. Albert Krasne, be suificiently liberal In th6lr re- phone 4630, or Mrs. Nathan Nogg, sponse and In their willingness so phone 1549 J. All members and that: [the store of, stamina a n d power that has been gathered up by our organization -will be BUffldent to make certain what must Louis Silverman, who specializbe inevitable, namely a successful es In all types of upholstering, campaign.. reflnlshing, and repairing of furFrom now on to May 14th let niture and slip covering at 613 each. Jew In Omaha recognize So. 16th street, Omaha, was in that we are being challenged to the upholstering business la Chithe utmost and that "To Keep cago for the past ten years. Faith—$40,650.00" m u s t be He has had twenty years of upraised!"' holstering experience, having con—PHILIP M. XLOTZNICK tracted to do work for Edgewater
My Job - and Yours
; ;
: •
Religious Services Vaad
Services this evening will be devoted to both Philanthropies and Junior Hadassah. Philip Klutznick will speak on the "Magic of Philanthropies." Miss Nell Ziff of Minneapolis, national vice-president of Junior Hadassah, will explain the part played by this organization of young girls in the upbuilding of Palestine as a Jewish homeland. Miss Ziff, who is a brilliant speaker, is national membership chairman of Junior Hadassah. All young women, particularly those eligible to become members of Junior Hadassah, are invited to come and hear this outstanding youth leader. Following the service, a reception in honor of Miss Ziff will be given by,the board members of youth problems. Those partici- Wilinsky, Rabbi David Wice the Omaha chapter of Junior Hapating, reading from left to right: (chairman), Bernice Perimeter, dassah. Macy Baum, Earl R o s s , Adele Max Resnick, and Harold Saks.
Beth-El their friends are cordially Invited to attend. The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah Society will hold a regular meeting next Monday evening, May 6, at eight o'clock at the Chevra B'nal Yisroel synagogue at 618 Mynster Street. The Sisterhood of the Talmud Torah and the Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah are planning a "Mothers and Daughters" Tea to be given on Sunday afternoon, May 19, at 2:30 o'clock at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618 Mynster Street. A very lovely program Is being arranged by t h e committee in charge of this affair. Everyone is urged to save this date and attend this affair. Louis Goldberg of St. Paul, Minnesota spent the past weekend here visiting relatives, and attended the Bar Mitzvah of Robert Passer which took place Saturday morning at the Chevra B'nal Yisroel synagogue. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Katelman entertained the members of their Evening Bridge Club at their home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Leo Fitch was hostess to the members of the Cultural
Group of the Senior Hadassah at her home Monday evening. Clarence Mallin of Kansas City, Missouri spent a few days here this week visiting, at the home of his brother-in-law and sister; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steinberg.
$40,650 Drive
Philanthropies Sabbath will be observed tonight at the Beth-El synagogue. Selections from a wide range of Jewish literature will be read. Mr. Milton Abrahams will give a 10 minute talk. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will preach a sermon on "Zedakah— Yesterday and Today". Next week, Rabbi Goldstein will speak on Jewish Ethics.
(Continued from Page One.) Rabbis, $50; Rabbinical College The subject of Rabbi David H. of Slonim, $40; Yeshlvath Chafitz Wice's sermon this evening will Chalm, $50; Mlrrer Yeshivath be "Modern Mitzvoth". Poland, $35; Mean Shearim YeRegular Saturday morning sershivah, $20; Kolel Kovnah, $40; vices will begin at 10:30. Grand Yeshivah of Bolozin, $25; Sunday afternoon and evening Yeshiva Torah Chaim, $30; Ye- will be taken up by the Youth shivah Safer Emeth; $25; General Conclave. The Adult study class will meet Shelter and Public Kitchen, $25; United Relief Society, Tiberes, at the Temple, Tuesday evening, $40; Public Kitchen, Mayo Shau- at 8 p. m. rim, $20; Moshab Zokanim, Rumania, $26; Yeshivah Slabotka, $40; Chief Rabbi Cook, $25; The Junior Congregation will Public Kitchen, Jerusalem, $25; meet Saturday morning at 10:30. Seminary Chasem Safer, $25; Yeshlvas Ridbas Toras Eretz Israel, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Epstein will $25; Yeshivas Ohel Mosha, Dis- be hosts to the Junior Congregakin, $25; Federation of Charities, tion in honor of their daughter's Rumania, $76.85; Telzer Yeshi- birthday. vah, $50; Rabbinical College, Kletsk, $40; Yeshivah Chalitz Chalm, $&0; Public Kitchen, JeA special meeting of the B'nai rusalem, $25; Holy Yeshivah Tal- Jacob Anshe Sholom synagogue A summer session divided Into mud Torah, $20; Public Kitchen will be held Sunday, May 5, at three groups and designed to ac- of Beth Joseph, $25. 7:30 p. m. All members are recommodate teachers, students quested to attend. Refreshments and men and women of the busiwill be served. ness world will be conducted at Honored ky Austria Budapest—Eugen Vida, the the Municipal University of Omaha, it was anounced by E. M. well-known Jewish leader of Hun- Barred for Bias Salonica—Determined to proHosman, director of the extension gary was decorated by Regent Horthy with the Hungarian Ser- tect the Jewish population from division. "Summer school has an Im- vice Cross for his communal acti- any anti-Semitic propaganda, the Greek government refused to perportant pace in the field of edu- vities. The title "Excellency" was also mit the reappearance of two antication and the University of Omaha hopes to make It even more bestowed upon him. The Hun- Semitic newspapers which w e r e important in the future," Hos- garian Service Cross Is the high- suppressed during the recent civil war. man said. "We are anxious to est Order of the Country. have our regular students attend the Bummer sessions, particularly those who want to complete their college courses in three years." Hosman also urged that high school graduates enroll in the Beach, Copeland and Belden- summer classes in order to lightWhere Omaha Stores Furs tcith Confidence Stratford Hotels In Chicago. He is en their load during the regular school terms. . an Omahan. Mr. Silverman has on hand at "The Bummer~scb.ooi~will"open the present time a large supply with an Intersession from May 20
Jr. Congregation
B'nai Jacob Anshe Shalom
Summer Session
APPEARS IN DUBLIN. . . .Now, BECAUSE OF FINANCIAL DIFthat should stop the jokes about FICULTIES. . . .So In Hungary anti-Semitism does not pay—NaIrish Jews. ziland please note! * * • Omaha, Nebr. — That Jewish PARIS SPGRT STYLES FEAyouth desire and •will support a T U H E SWASTIKA-COVERED j JOHN FELDMAN national movement that has a SKIRT FOR THE SPRING. . . . | thoroughly Jewish program is in- Nothing novel in that. Many of I Tslclsim, Talmud English transdicated by the success of the the Nazi leaders prefer to wear) lation, dewislt music hooka or malmonSdps. Brans iwifl nHrer membership enrollment campaign skirts instead of shirts. candlesticks. of Aleph Zadik Aleph of B'nai * * * B'rith, Just ended and which reC O U S I N OF PRESIDENT j K«s. 60S No. 50. GL S97S sulted in the international mem- ROOSEVELT TO WED ITALIAN bership being doubled during the JEW. . . .Now Mrs. James Roosepast six months. velt, t h e President's mother, Over 3,000 members were Ini- couldn't visit Germany, e v e n if ITALIAN tiated in chapters throughout the she wanted to. United States and Canada, in hon* • • | or of the seventy-fifth birthday of URGES NAZIS TO USE JEWS j Afred M. Cohen, international! AS HOSTAGES AGAINST F O R with president of the B'nal B'rith, EIGN THREATS OF ARMED AG- ' MEAT BALLS, sponsoring order of the Alepn Za- GRESSION OR ECONOMIC BREAB and BUTTER dik Aleph, which is a model fra-' PRESSURE. .. . .Well, that would and ternity for Jewish boys between! be the quickest way to convince COFFEE 16 and 21 years of age. some of our Jews that the boycott Fifty-two new chapters have is effective. been installed In all sections or * • • the country during the past six AWAKENING M A G Y A R S , months. HUNGARY'S EXTREMIST ANTIFLATIEON HOTEL SEMITIC PARTY, DISBANDS
Footnotes to Headlines By ROBERT STONE NORTH AMERICA: J E W I S H COMMISSIONER, JOE SIMON, SPONSORS PUBLIC CELEBRATION OF GOOD FRID A Y IN CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS. . . .A good-will gesture that sets a precedent. * • • GANDHI TELLS PHILADELPHIA RABBI NON-RESISTANCE DOESN'T M E A N SUBMISSION TO PERSECUTION. . . .Yeah!?! Ask the German Jews who have been practicing it for years. * • * POLISH PROFESSOR FINDS 26% OF WARSAW JEWS ARE | OF NORDIC CASTE. . . .No. Professor. What you mean to say is that 26% of Polish Nordics are of Semitic caste. * * « M O N T R E A L RABBI WHO CLAIMED ALL OF LABRADOR DIES. . . .And there was not enough money in his treasury to buy a. decent family burial plot. * * • THE DIONNES OBJECT TO JEWISH MINISTER OF PUBLIC WELFRE AS L E G A L GUARD- j IAN OF QUINTUPLETS. . . .But I the Dioanes did not object when the same Mr. David Croll arranged for the upkeep of their quintuplets. * • • EUROPE:» JEWISH RECORD, IRELAND'S FIRST JEWISH PAPER,
MAX B A R I S H Says Bennett Colin AND Leonard Klein hare asked me to tell yon, that they would welcome the'Opportunity of taking yon "onfc for « ride" in the new Dod^e or Pfymonth. i
i; • ' •
• ' . " i,
, • ,
NOTICE OF tKCOHFOBATION NOTICE l« hereby given that tha undersigned havo formed * corporation pursuant to tho Uwi of the State of Nebraska. The name ot the corporation Is THE GALVANIZING CORPORATION. with Its principal place of business In the City of Omaha. The objects for which this corporation Is formed are to boy. sell, manufacture and otherwise deal in. any and all forms and comblnations of steel. Iron or any of them and the product* thereof; to galvanize steel. Iron and the products of either of them or any ferrous metal; to operate tinder, control and deal In generally In Letter* Patent; to purchase, ltaso. hire ane deal in generally In personal and rea property. Tho corporation shall have thi power to borrow money and Issue Its evidences of Indebtedness therefor and to make and perform contracts ot every kind and description In and about ItB business. The total authorized capital stock is 125.000.00. par value $100.00 per share. All stock ts common ana shall be fully paid and non-assessable when issued. The corporation shall commence business upon the filing of its Articles with tho County Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, and shall continue until January 1st, 1985. The highest amount of• Indebtedness shall not exceed twothirds ot the capital stock. The number of members of the Board shall be proTided for by the By-Laws, which Board shall administer the affairs of the corporation. The stockholders shall hold their .annual meeting the second Monday In January of each. year and elect diroctors. Toe directors shall elect a President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. Th« Articles may be amended upon notice as provided for. With the l u e n t in writing of the holders of twothird* of the outstanding capital stock or'; with the assent by vote of two-thirds of tho capital stock present or repreMnted at a, meeting called for such purpose or at any annual meeting the DIrectors shall have the power and authority to sell, assign, transfer sod con. vey;or otherwise dispose of all and the «ntlre. of the assets of the corporation upon' such terras and conditions as the Board shall deem fit either for cash securities, property or obligations of a.nj kind, or character, Dated this 28th day of Febr., IMS. •WITNESS: A. GREENBERO MORRIS FERER, AARON FERER, HYMAN FERER, Incorporators. 4-18—4t «
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to June 7; university unit courses from June 10 to June 28 and the regular session from June 10 to July 19. The summer school faculty will include a number of nationally known educators and laymen who will conduct regular classes or lecture in their specialized fields.
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conversation, and he dismissed learning self-sacrifice myself; —"here, take the whits out of Junior Hadassah' me with the invitation to submit perhaps the others will then also my beard and my h a i r , and I something more before long. He learn." shall give you all my fame " Special Service* actually did publish that story; I remember that these words And this theatrical utterance what was more, and equally un- made a profound impression upon actually sounded genuine. I Miss Xell Ziff. one of the outexpected, he suddenly observed, nie, for all of us had unconsci- walked with him almost to his standing leaders in (he yoi;-fc in one of his next feuilletons, that ousiy felt - irritated that Herzl | home. There he stopped, gave me Zionist movement, and nation*-., there were in Vienna some young seemed unable to decide to give his hand, and said: "TThy do you vice-president and chairman ""• man of whom all sorts of things up his position w i t h the Neue never come to me? You have the membership eommiitee oi >i'f might be expected, and he men- Freie Presse—b e c a u s e of his never visited me at home. TeleJr. Hadassah. will be the i^ut'*-'By the Service Eiife luscranee tioned my name. It was the first family, we thought. It was only phone me-before you come, and I speaker at the special Jut! in: y, Omaha time that any one had, of his owni much later that we and the world! shall arrange to have time." Hadassah services at the B'nfu Isaccord, and out of a spontaneous learned that this was not so, that r I promised to do so, firmly reUntil a man has an estate, ei- rael synagogue this evening". J'l>;faith in me, given me public en- he had spent his private fortune solved not to keep the promise; ther actual through investments Junior Hadassah will be hosts *'couragement; and perhaps no mo- for his cause, And what he himfor the more I love a mac, the or guaranteed through life insur- a reception after the services. ment of a literary career is as de- self suffered frora this mental more I respect his time. I ha<l Miss Ziii will KIPO be the prinance, even the finest investments cisive and unforgettable as a first is revealed not only in this quite definitely up my rniucL cannot give him the service he cipal speaker at an open rneefsiij T h e o d o r Herzl, immortal Austria. . ! see him. To my surprise, I -was unexpected bit of championship schism talk,. but also in many entries in not to go to him. needs, for none of these invest- to be held, p.t the .T. C. C. Sunrts," Zionist leader, the seventhThis popularity, however, Bud- admitted ai o n c e ; to my even like this. I have always felt mydiaries. But I did so to him only a few ments save life insurance consid- afternoon, at. S o'clock. Miss •".!."• fifth anniversary, of whose denly received a terrible blow. As !greater amazement, into a very self under an obligation because hisAfter this I met him on several birth was celebrated on May the century approached its close! narrow little room "with, but one it was Theodor Herzl himself who occasions, but of these only one months later. The disease that ers the fact that it takes time to is vridely fc n o w n as a brilUsi^ speaker and exceptional orguj-2nd throughout the world, was there gradually penetrated a ru-j •window, a room reeking w i t h was the first to have confidence seems to me important and un- had begun to bow him when I save money. him had conquered at last: Life insurance is the only in- izer. one of.the best fenown Euro- mor (for no one ever dreamed of dust and printer's ink. And sud-in me instinctively rather t h a n forgettable—perhaps because it saw and I could only accompany him Omaha, chapter of Jr. Had a ;>«,!:, pean men of letters during his reading his pamphlet) that this denly, before I had collected my because of work I had done; and was the last. I had been abroad, ! on the way to the cemetery. Asd vestment plan which guarantees lifetime. The author of this graceful, aristocratic, masterly thoughts, 1 stood before him; and I am still grateful to him as I and practically n>y only contact j only when he was being lowered the saving period—the only plan invites all to be present at H'-tarticle is o n e ol the world's causeur h a d , without warning, he had risen politely and offered was in that first amazing hour. with him; had been through cor- I into his .grave did those who had •whicli offsets the possibility that] meeting Sunday. leading writers. His b e s t written an abstruce treatise which' me a chair beside his desk. His After this I was able to see him respondence; at last I met Herzl been too close to him in. Vienna a man may not live long enough known works in t h i s country demanded nothing more or less natural, charming courtesy cast occasionally. Not very often, for one day, in the park. He had evi- recognize at l a s t the universal to accumulate an estate.. are " M a r i e Antoinette" and than that the Jews should leave its spell upon me at that first I was studying in Germany; and dently come from his office; he scope of his work and his life. And not until he has guaranHerbert Forbes -was el "E r a s m u s of Eotterdam."--^ their Ringstrasse homes and their moment and at every one of our when I did come to Vienna my was walking very slowly, his figteed his saving period through treasurer of A. E. A. chapter villas, their businesses and their later meetings. The character of The Editor life insurance, does the average at the last regular meeting offices—in short, t h a t they that courtesy was French, but his respect for him deterred me from ure somewhat bowed—no longer j man nave any right to seek other last Sunday. taking up his time. But it rarely with his old swinging stride. I I realize that the reminiscences should emigrate, bag and bag- majestic appearance unquestioninvestments. National Jewish Book w I am about to set do'wn do not re- gage, to Palestine, there to es- ably gave it something of the dig-happened that he saw me in the. bowed, and was about to p a s s . theatre without coming up to me ' j But, suddenly straightening, he which is conducted, by chr Teal the Herzl "whom people re- tablish . a nation. The first re- nity of kings or great diplomats; and, with a few kindly words, in100 every year, is to be eelp member today. For I shall speak action of his friends was regretr the idea of filling the role ot a quiring after my work. In the came toward me, s a v e me his The second annual J. C. C. E ecl by displays get up m the primarily of a once very famous ful irritation at this "indiscre-, leader may have had its origin meanwhile my gratitude to hira hand: "Don't hide like that. It mile marathon swim for Junior lie library End In the va and now almost forgotten writer tlbn" on the part of an extraor- not merely in his mind, hut, so to personally had also made me at- j is quite unnecessary." •whose -image has been completely dinarily clever and highly gifted speak, in his physical constitu- tach significance to the idea that I He thought my frequent flights boys and girls got under way last Plans are being formulated by high schools in. the city. overshadowed by the immortally author, who, for that matter, held tion. For his very, physical -ap- was occupying him more and abroad were much to' my credit. Wednesday in the Center Pool. the local A. Z. A. chapters for the "It is the only way open to us," O v e r seventeen contestants observance of Parents' Day which great figure of Herzl, the leader an excellent position, and surely pearance was sufficient to cause more. I began to follow the ZionPatronize our advertisers. i said he. "it was abroad that I j have entered the gruelling swim occurs on Sunday, May 12. had no cause for complaint. Soon, every one to defer to him inof his people. ist movement, and sometimes atj learned everything I know. Only ! marathon. Dorothy Thompson •• • . however, they adopted the invari- voluntarily. tended, as a spectator, the little there do we become used to think! and Bob Conn were the victors Tliis day is one of the outstandBut—and I remember this from able attitude to any event—facemy earliest youth—there used to tious resignation. H e welcomed me in friendly meetings that usually were held in broad perspective. I feel sure j last year and both, are back to de- ing days on the A, Z. A. program and it is being observed by ISO be a Theodor Herzl who was an fashion, and asked me what I had in the basements of various cof- that here I would never have had ! fend their title. 'A. Z. A. chapters in 165 cities fee-houses. There, as well as at author, a man who was the obVisit a cabaret that RPbrought him. Wasting no time Karl Kraus let fly a pamphlet the courage for that first idea; The rules: throughout the country. ject of enthusiastic affection and -its title Der Konig von Zion— with introductions, I stammered the University, I met, more and they would have destroyed it with sures you. a happy rouru-i Swimmer will be permitted A diversified program for the of secret or open esteem through- and the barb remained imbedded words to the effect that I wanted more frequently, the noblest o£ their irony before it was fully de- I to No participate toward the rnaraof pleasure. observance of this day locally is out Austria; and I k n e w him in Herzl's skin for the rest of his to submit a story to him. He took his disciples, Martin Ruber, who veloped. But, thank God, it had I thon more than twice a week. when Zionism had barely appear- life. When he entered the thea- it from, me, counted the pages of at twenty-one was far superior to matured before I brought it here, | A swimmer who enters the being- planned by Julian Xathan Hear lean Malashock ed as a misty cloud upon the in- tre, a handsome, bearded person- the manuscript, regarded the first all of us in seriousness and know- so that they could do nothing to i marathon must swim at least of the Mother Chapter and Jay tellectual horizon of t h e world. age, grave and compellingly aris- page with great interest, leaned ledge and in maturity of view. Lcla Carey and. harm it." j once per week if tie expects to "VTiesernan of the Sana Beber chapTheodor Herzl was, at that time, tocratic in his demeanor, a sibila- back in his. chair. It was with a ter. Also on the committee are Helen Ej'burn Then he spoke very bitterly of stay in the contest. But I was unable actually to the leading feuilletonist of the tion arose on all sides: Der Konig certain feeling of terror that I Louis J. Hiklin and Art Gross"Vienna, where he had met with He will be allowed to stay in ally myself with the Zionist youth Neue Freie Presse; and the pow-von Zion, or "His Majesty has ar- watched him begin to read in my greatest obstacles; had not!the pool not more than one hour man, advisor of the Mother Chaperful influence of that, paper over rived." This ironic title peered presence. The minutes seemed to of that day. The students, to the ter. new encouragement coaie from at a time. all the • cultured circles of o l d at him through every conversa- pass slowly; but this first view whom the ability to defend themThis program will be held at £15 So. Mi:* St, A swimmer must report to the Austria and Germany in t h o s e tion, through every glance. The of- his face, seen from one side, selves was, somehow, still the nu- Eastern Europe, and now from the Jewish Community Center America," he would have wearied | guard on duty when he starts. If days can now hardly be conceiv- papers vied with one another in made a deep impression upon me. cleus of Judaism, were alien to Life Guard does not see you start, and will be open to the public. ed. Let us only remember that ridiculing the new idea—that is, It was a faultlessly handsome me; and I disliked the evening of the work. discussions because of t i e now "My principal mistake," he y°^r swim will not count. You a single music critic like Hans- those in which it was not pro- face. The soft, well-kept black Lecture Series lik—an insignificant lover in this hibited, as it was in Herzl's own heard gave it a clear almost rec- hardly imaginable attitude of dis- said, ""was that I began too late, !j must also report to the g u a r d Dr. Pieter K. Koest, of the respect which the very foremost Viktor Adler, for example, was j^hen you stop. mechanism—-was for decades a Nene Freie Presse, to mention the tangular outline, into which the E a c t swimmer will count Ins Netherlands, world-traveller a n d serious menace to the position of word Zionismus altogether. At clean-cut nose, set exactly in the of his followers adopted toward the leader of t h e Social-Demo-1 Wagner and Hugo "Wolff, and the beginning of the new century middle, fitted well, as did also the person of Herzl. The East crats at the age of thirty, in the own lengths and will have given lecturer, will be presented by The that Speidel's word was no mere this sarcastic city perhaps derid- the high, slightly rounded fore- Europeans reproached Mm with years best suited to struggle—to his word of honor that he was Theosophical Society in a series of lectures, beginning Tuesday criticism, hut the final pro- ed no one more t h a n Theodor head. But this beauty— perhaps understanding nothing of Juda- say nothing of the great men of honest in counting them. If a swimmer loses track of the evening, May 7th, and continunouncement that decided the fate Herzl, unless it was that other almost too regular, too much like ism and with even being unfami- history. I would need some young with its rites; the economists man, fervent and clever, who number of lengths he did swim, ing through the.week. The lecof any dramatic worfe. man who, at that s a m e time, a work of art—was deepened by liar considered him a mere feuilleton- would think with me, and would he will have to go back to the tures will be given at S o'clock alone and unaided, s e t up an- the gentle almond-shaped eyes Such was the position achieved other great universal concept: w i t h their heavy black, melan- ist. Every one had objections of know Instinctively w h a t iny first number that he can remeia- each evening in Room 424 Electric Builcling, 17 th and Karney by Theodor Herzl after his early his fellow-Jew, Sigmund Freud, choly lashes——ancient Oriental his own—and they were not al- thoughts would be. I had had Each week the result and rank- Streets. advancement from the post of whom the University faculty even eyes in this somewhat French ways v e r y respectful. This j hopes for F.—but hn is too soft, The subjects are as follows: Paris correspondent; and his now, on his. seventieth birthday,, face in the style of Alphonse Dau- incapacity for intellectual sub- too unpolitical. If you knew how ing will be posted on the bulletin "Ourselves and Our World", readers were fascinated by his did not deign to greet with a con- det, in this face which would have ordination made me instinctively I suffer at the thought of my lost board in the pool. essays,, now faintly tinged with gratulatory w o r I d . (I like to seemed slightly artificial or ef- avoid those circles. years, how I regret that I did not The winner will be the contest- Tuesday, May 7th. "The Real ant who finishes the 5-miles in World", Wednesday, May Sth. ane.l«:P.c hj?_l y, -npvr, brilliantly make public thisf disgraceful fact feminate, or suggestive of , the I knew how badly, in that dif- take up my task earlier, when I the least actual swimming time. "Pacing Realities", Thursday, sparkling, full of profound pa- as often as possible, for no one beau, had not the thousand-year- ficult was fresher! If my health were as time, Herzl needed the help May 9th. "Life in Freedom", SS lengths constitute mile. thos, and, yet at-Jucid aB crystal. abroad will believe It.) old melancholy of his soul shone of perfectly devoted m e n , and good as my intentions, everything Friday, May 10th. "When lie •wrote, he made trifles through i t . He seemed to notice particularly young men, who wiuld be fine, but years are irseem significant, and presented To be absolutely frank and that I was observing him, f o r would, without saying a w o r d , retrievable." Malaveli Malke important matters most charm- honest, I must confess that at the once, as he turned a p a g e, he work with him even in opposition I walked with him for quite The regular meeting of t i e loingly and comprehensibly; t h « beginning I. too,, loved ^and ad- looked at me keenly, but not In last week's list ot newlytheir own private views; and awhile, and he spoke much of the cal Mi2rachi will be held Saturelegance of his aphorisms, as well mired only the now forgotten au- severely. He was used to being to elected officers for the Adass t h e quarrelsome, contentious difficulties he had to face—not day, May 4, at the 24th and Nich- Yeshurin fj-nagopue. the nhine of | as his ironic skepticism, revealed thor, Theodor Herzl. I had read regarded; perhaps he even liked spirit of the internal revolt how m u c h he had learned, in all his essays ever since I had it. Finally he turned over the against Herzl made me turn away very bitterly, but rather with re- j olas street synagogue. This will be I. ]\I. Win troth was inadvertParis from his deeply beloved .An- been able to- r e a d at- all; they last page, and went through a re- immediately from the movement signation; he appeared u s e d to in the form of a Malareh Malke. ly omitted. finding ever new obstacles in the j A very enjoyable evening has atole Prance. None was better served to educate me, and filled markable performance: Shaking which I was drawn only be- most unexpected places. Attempt- been arranged. Refreshments will able to give, unconsciously what me.with admiration for his cul- the pages into place, i e put them to of Herzl. I frankly con- ing to tell him something cheer- be served by the Women's Mizthe Viennese wanted. When, in ture. Even today—for early Im- together, wrote something on cause fessed this to him on one occas- ing, I spoke of the spread of his rachi. Every one is welcome. collaboration with a. colleague, he pressions are deep and ineradic- them with a blue pencil, and put when we were discussing that idea abroad, of people -whose wrote a graceful comedy for the able—I remember almost every them int'o a drawer on his left. ion subject. He "smiled somewhat fondest •wish it -was to shake his Mention the Jewish Press to Burgtaeater, it" wa3 3 u s t rights one of his feuilletons as distinct- Only then, after these curious ac- bitterly, and said: hand, and I asked him whether he your merchant. just what every one wanted, a ly as the first poems of Rilke and tions, evidently intended for ef"You must not forget that for himself did not feel ho-w far his dainty morsel made, of the finest Hofmannsthal, which I used to in fect (for he was never free from ingredients and artistically serv- school. To me this authority was a strange theatrical pose), did he centuries we have been accustom- influence had grown beyond him, ed. Moreover, • the- man was strik- the highest, his judgment funda- turn to me and say, conscious of ed to playing with ideas, to argu- beyond "Vienna. and Austria, to •s ingly h a n d s o m e—courteous, mental and absolute. making a great announcement: ing about them; for two thousand the farthest parts of the world. Let me protect TOOT Interests. . . . years we Jews have not, historiBut he only smiled sadly and I write IXSCRAXCE of every desobliging, entertaining; indeed, Your story is accepted." And thus, when I wrote my cally, had any experience in said: "Yes, you young men—you cription including U T E , Io etroxis, none was m o r e beloved, better reliable companies OXXX. . . . Let's bringing something real into the always think t h a t success and talk known or more celebrated than first short story—I was then it ever. That was an unbelievably great world. Unconditional devotion f a m e are everything. Here"— j Assorted flavors. -lb. lie among the entire bourgeoisie nineteen years old and had just | Q City Masses & lEsmraace Co. and also the aristocracy—of old shaken off the Gymnasium—it achievement. For at t h a t time must still be taught. I myself suddenly he pointed to his fine 1409 Farnam AT 7667 or WA 5130 [4 packages can never occurred to me to submit it ifhe teuilleton was still a sanctu- have not quite learned that les- beard with its many silver hairs to any one but him, the beloved ary accessible only to bearded or son, for I still write occasional author whose w o r d was final. fray-haired men; only Hoffmann- feuilletons, I am still the feuilleAnd, as I did not know him per- i ithal had once penetrated t h a t ton editor of the Neue Freie LIME KIGSEY PANCAH2 FLOUE, n>« j LIME KIGSEY sonally, a n d had no means of ;:acred precinct. Theodor Herzl Presse, while it would be my duty package 19.90 up, freight p a i d , in- meeting him, I chose, with the hen asked me a number of ques- to harbor no thought but that GINGER MM stalled free in Omaha a n d happy naivete and now irretriev- ;ions as to what I was studying. cause. But I am improving in PANCAKE FLOUE, WHITE SODA Council Bluffs. Complete line ably lost courage of youth, the But there was not much time for t h i s respect. I shall begin by Backirheat, pkg of beautiful g r a v e markers simplest way of all: to look him €|L t!©tti£E BDTTER-NUT SALand monuments. Lettered free. up in the editorial office of his ~~-<v- Bottle Deposit Mi BKESSINCh, qi. |&T Fully guaranteed. Write for paper, where he was engaged in particulars or call AT. 3653 the discharge of Ms duties as feuGRAPEFRUIT, Texas, seefiless, 5 for r.,c ; for appointment. illeton editor. I had made InASPARAGUS, fancy feome grown, banch .».' ;' quiry as to his office hours, r APPLES, EosanE Beauty, for cooking, 4 lbs . .<•. \\ which, I believe, were from two ORANGES, feney, dozen ZZ>; ,, to three o'clock In the afternoon; 1909 Leavenworth FEESK, E1BM TOMATOES, 1b II .' [[ and one fine day;I simply went to CX7CUMBEBS, l a r g e , 'each 5c, S f o r i>: | C A R R O T S , large, California, b a s c l i
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THE JEWISH PRESS j. Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - - - - - • $2.00 i; , Advertising rates furnished on application. | Editorial Office: 500 Brandels Theater Bulging. i Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R, ACKERBiAN - - - - - - - - Editor RABBI URI MILLER - - - - - Contributing Editor FANNIE KATBLMAN Council Bluffa, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street
Nazis Anti-Religion The; predictions made a long time ago to the effect that the attack j upon the Jewish residents of Nazi Germany was only a prelude to a broad attack on all religion have been clearly and unmistakably justified by the events of the last few weeks. Casting aside the cloak which for a time outwardly at least hid the motives of the Hitlerite leaders, the Nazis have now publicly and irrevocably announced their battle on Christianity. Revelation,'the Nazi spokesmen declare, comes to the German people through Herr Hitler; he surely must be placed above God. In returning to paganism, the Nazis are violating the profound feelings of their fellow-Germans and are treading on dangerous shoals. Edinund Fleg, noted French man of letters, makes this comment anent neo-paganism: • "However much they may disagree on other matters, Jews and Christians are agreed upon one point. They are agreed that mankind is essentially and fundamentally a unity. To this belief they add a conviction that Man is created in the image of God, that Justice, Mercy and Love are worthy things, and that all nations must work in harmony and concord, if universal peace is to be established. "This belief is the legacy of the Hebrew spirit, 4< The Neb-pagan, on the other hand, wants to go back to an earlier stage of civilization, when the center of interest was the clan, in its own eyes ever an object of worship. Such a desire is the merest folly. It ignores the advance of four or five thousand years'of history. Yet this is the end desired by the Germany of Hitler; "This new movement has had its precursors. The ground was prepared on the one hand by Nietzsche, with his separate moralities for slaves and masters, and his exaltation of physical force, and oh the other hand by Chamberlainj with his view of Germany as the purest type of superman, destined to serve humanity. "Theories of this type constitute a direct challenge to Judaism, with its basic principle of human unity. Indeed/ the Nazi slogan of 'Away with Moses' is a war cry towards robbing the world not only of the figure of Moses, but of all that is derived from the genius of Moses. Is it possible under Nazism to conceive of any soil as holy which is not German? Is it possible even to retain a faith in such doctrines and remain a Christian,let alone a Jew? " T h e very concept of God takes on' a.Germanic complexion, and is inextricably associated with the purely local and native history of Germany. The idea of 'pure blood' replaces that of a Holy Spirit. The old Christian 'sin. against the Holy Ghost' becomes the sin against Aryan blood. It is punished by sterilization. "Morality consists in respecting race; in returning to the primeval German woodland, in reviving ancient custom and primitive custom. Has not Hitler himself declared that Hindenburg has now entered Valhalla—the pagan heaven?>f
Revisionist Clouds The cleavage between- the Revisionists and the Zionist Executive has become seemingly irreparable, with the announcement that | the Jabotinsky-ists are creating an Independent Zionist Organization, rivaling the present Zionist group. A plebiscite in which all members of the Revisionist party will participate has been set for May. 19, but the vote is expected to be a cut-and-dried approval of-the new plan. A projected independent Zionist Congress has been set for December and will be called on the basis of "a Jewish State and Herzlian Shekel." '-Opponents of Zionism in the Jewish National Homeland in Palestine have always liked the principle, "Divide and Rule," Great Britain in its hold over its territories has always practiced this principle. The Zionist cause must necessarily be greatly weakened and undermined by having two independent Zionist Congresses, each claiming to speak in the name of Zionism. It will! simplify matters for those wishing to reject the claims of both. The remedy lies with those who are above political factions and seek to rebuild Palestine from the interests of Jewry as a whole. This means that Revisionism must be relegated to the spot in oblivion where it belongs. The Zionist Executive followed the right path when it took an unmincing stand against Revisionist disobedience; a strong hand, instead of the previous "wishywashy" course, brought the matter to a head. To have continued a weak and shifting policy would have meant no progress and more friction. The clean break is to be preferred. The Jewish people must turn a cold shoulder on Revisionism, the fascist wing of Zionism. As Albert Einstein in a recent address said about Revisionism: "Under the guise of nationalist propaganda Revisionism seeks to support the destructive speculation in land; it seeks to exploit the people and deprive them of their rights. Revisionism is the embodiment of those harmful forces which Moses with foresight sought to banish when he formulated his model code of social law. Furthermore, the state of mind fed by Revisionism is the most serious obstacle in the way of our peaceable and friendly co-operation with the Arab people who are racially our kin."
Theodore Herzl The seventy-fifth anniversary of Theodore Herzl, founder of political Zionism, WBB celebrated yesterday. Today, more than - evei1, should the Jewish people have a profound depth of feeling for this outstanding personality in Jewish life, but, regrettable though it maybe, it ia nevertheless true that since HerzVs death three decadea ago, the Jewish people have been paying less and less attention to the life and work of this immortal figure of Israel's past. •-, Herzl was a Messianic figure. A noted man of letters, he came iforward to champion the cause of the Jewish people for a homeland In Palestine. He did not merely speculate on the Jewish problems or talk about national solidarity to his fellow-Jews, but pub-
JEWISH. PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1935. licly declared before the peoples and the sovereigns of the world, that the Jews are a national entity with a claim to a homeland of their own. Before Herzl's time, the Jewish spirit was humble and selfeffacing. Herzl gave it expression, directing it to the attention of the non-Jewish world, and thUB brought the Jewish masses to a recognition of their own national dignity. Theodor Herzl should be remembered as the modern emancipator and seer of his people.
Back to the Land
Aiding GermanJewry
teneed by an Arab judge for contempt of court. Sixteen of the Bedouins were fined ?25 each or fifteen days of imprisonment.
The nations are suck down in everything that was characteris- the pit that they made, in the net tic of Jewish life, eeemed to have which they hid, is their own foot turned upside down. Nobody taken. knew how Germany Jewry would For the needy shall not alwaya face the new situation. The last be forgotten, nor the expectation two years have shown that they of the poor perish forever. have taken the new situation as Through the pride of the wicka fact and have taken steps to ed the poor is hotly pursued; they adapt themselves to It. All dif-) a r e taken in the devices that they ferences between Jewish parties have conceived. have been wiped out by the call TALMUD for a religious renaissance, and Rabbi Abobu said, "He who for a Jewish cultural life of a new coining. "Back to Judaism" causes his neighbor to do a meri"Be Earnest About the JewlsU torious act, is considered by scripReligion," is the constant cry of ture as if he himself has done It." Rabbi Simon s a i d , "The imspeakers all over the country, pulse of man, a child and a woon a definite Jewish religion is man, should always the left hand upward trend. This psychological reaction to the new situation hasj repel, (if deserving) but the right caused the establishment of a, hand shall always invite." number of very important institu- Rabbi Jocfcauan said, "Come "To raise funds for local, naand see how severe is the force of tional and International Jewish tions. We know that many of the robbery, for although the generapeople who attend synagogues do needs." Everybody knows these tion of the flood had committed needs. Regarding international not lives as 100 per cent Jews. all kind of crimes, nevertheless, needs—It concerns mostly Euro-1DWith Martin Buber as leader, and evil decree was not sealed pean countries. The Jewish situ- r - Ernest Simon as his assistant, their until they stretched out their the institution for Jewish adult atioa in all these countries where sponsors lectures, hand to commit robbery." the Jews need help, is the same. education Noah sect forth a raven (Genecourses, study groups, etc.. all The purpose for which the funds are spent is also the same. The over the country. Dr. Simon, af- sis 8.7) Resh LakJsh said, "The country which needs and receives ter a year of successful work in raven gave Noah a victorious arthe most actual help is Germany. Germany, is now at the Univer- gument, 'Thy master hates me for This article by Dr. Walter Ixnvenstein, recently of Germany and now residing In Omaha, Is unusually timely. The Philanthropies campaign here starts Tuesday, and,. herewith Dr. Loivenstein tells of the needs of Germany Jewry -with authenticity, he having been directly affected by recent happenings in the Reich. Part of the funds raised help German Jewry. Dr. Lowensteln, a student In the Creighton Dental school, is a graduate of the Goethe University, Frankfort-on-Malne. He left Germany and his home in Wiesbaden nine months ago. —Editor.
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Dr. Dmitri Marianoff, son-in-law of Professor Albert Einstein, is in this country in the interests of a new Jewish back-to-the-land HATS movement, by which American Jewish youth would"be trained in farming at an agricultural school to be located in the east. Cleaned Herbert D. Allman, president of the National Farm School at and Doylestown, Paw—one of the beneficiary agencies of the local Blocked Jewish Philanthropies campaign which will start in Omaha next Tuesday--calls attention to the fact that the Jewish agricultural school proposed by Dr. Marianoff to take American Jewish youth out of crowded professions already exists in their institution LOUIS PALMER and has been carrying on a program similar in every detail to that "OmahiVs Premier natter" of the Marianoff project, Le Renouveau, for forty years. The Na414 So. 17th J A 9390 tional Farm School, which occupies a tract of 1,200 fertile acres, W> Cnll anfl Deliver In Downtown I)l»trtct gives a three-year course in agriculture besides teaching the practical sciences and cultural ideals. The National Farm School helps guide us in what must be done STOEES In the future. As has been constantly repeated, the Jewish young THROUGHOUT THE folks must Stop overcrowding the liberal and commercial profesCFr¥ SELL sions and must instead concentrate more on such fields as agriculture and artisanship. Not only should we support the National Farm School as fully as possible, but we must establish more I have been asked to explain I *lt? o f Jeursalem, doing special i He said. From the clean f o w l of such institutions throughout the country, and also throughout the needs and purposes for which w o r k - T h o s e w h o h a v e r e a d the;Efcalt thou take m seven and from only andd thou we need help. I know by my own Poises of Dr. Simon's work, can || the the world. th unclean l l two, t h Ask Yeur Grocer understand the tremendous work I latest me, BO tliou leaves alone actual experience the German ! the species which thou hast seven carried on by this organization. Jewry of the time before and alter Hitler: I know what was and The German-Jewish Kultur Bund and sendest from a species which FORBES BAKING CO hast only two. If I am killwas not before 1933, and I know sponsors concerts, operas, dra- thou e( by accident, would not the 2711 No. 34tfa St. WE 6400 what Germany Jewry has done in mas, lectures, etc. Its work, too, j ^ • ••» be lacking a creature of my the past two years and what must has been highly successful. The be done now. larger communities have erected; species?' So he sent forth a dove t h e d0Te c a m e ln t0 h i m a t By PHINEAS J. B1R0N Organizations, in order to work Lehr-Haeuser, after the pattern | a n a evening and lo in her mouth termyer. . . .It Is said that the ac- successfully, require money. • I of Martin Euber and Edward j FIRE-PEOOF . . . ABOUT THE OLYMPICS olive-leaf". Rabbi Eleaear n r a n f o r t . These arei a n said <<The d o T e s a i d BURGLAR PROOF . . . Straus to In our Frankfort. These a r e i Don't be surprised II the 1936 tivity of the Non-Sectarian Anti- need not mention all the differ- similar night universities, j before the aol Olympic Games take place In a Nazi League cost Untermyer close ent things that require Jewish MOTH-PROOF . . The Reichsvertretung, the offi-.P >" One. Sovereign of the Vmcountry other than Germany. . . . to $100,000, so you can't blame communities and organizations to cial representatives of German | T e r s e > L e t m 3" tood be bitter as an function. In the time before 1933, Now that Hitler la Installed for the old fighter f o r keeping a Jewry, need money for their | °»Te-leaf, but give at Thy Hand good and will surely l a s t until close watch on who is traveling all religious groups received fi- work. rather than that sweet as honey, nancial support from the German next summer, the question has on Nazi boats. . . for FURS government. By the Aryan law, I have here mentioned all the and. give by frail man." again come up In a more concrete BRAWN AND BRAINS German Jewry is barred from An exceptional service organizations and communal acform than ever. . . .The American Our best wishes to Sammy y based on a real knowlOlympic Committee is, financially Stein, former All-American foot- taking part in any public actlvi- tivities where money Is needed i » i B t edge of furs. on the rocks, and requires, we are ball star and professional boxer ties. I might say, that the Ger-jand can be used; however, a c t u - ! A r a D S **effUSe STANDARD RATES told, $300,000 to keep going. . . . and wrestler, for a speedy recov- man Jewry of today has to be .ally whatever money is received by a Jewish Judge It is said that some ot the pivo- ery. . , .Sammy Is fighting a des- considered as a small minority!is used mostly for the settlement Oar Truck Is Bonded tal men holding the money-bags perate battle against blindness. . . state within the larger German j of refugees from Germany, in vaPhone JA 2S16 NOW Haifa (JTA)—Refusing to be are Inclined to use some pressure Hugo Eckener, commander ot the state. The Jews are forced to take J rious foreign countries. And, tried by a Jewish judge, 31 Arab on America to stick to Its original German Zeppelin fleet, will risk responsibility for all things that j last, but not least, the economic Bedouins demonstratively left the attitude not to participate unless his standing with Der Fuehrer if are Jewish or that even touch \ situation of individual Jews in j c o u r t where they were summoned there is a new deal for German he carries out h i s intention to Jewish life. I Germany needs your support. I f o r trespassing on the land reguJewish athletes. . .We don't want take Sven Hedin on an exploraThe Impoverishment of larger; cannot explain the situation in lations. to mention any names, but one ot tion flight over the upper regions groups of the Jews is a fact that'detail in this for obvious reasons, T h e Jewish judge, Magistrate the higher-ups in the Amateur of the Amazon. . . .Sven Hedin, as limits very much, the financing of j I know, of course, that only a Harkawi, preferred not to t a k e Athletic Union is ted up with the M. E., Postal, revealed the other the most necessary interests; It small part of the money raised in any action against them How1814 Fansam St. conciliatory attitude toward the day in an article, is charged by is awfully hard to make some- Omaha for the Philanthropies ever, they were Immediately senNazis of Mr. Avery Brundage. . . . the Nazis with being ot Semitic thing out of nothing. To all the j will go to Germany, and we canIncidentally/one of t h e Jewish ancestry. . . .This will be Benny expenses ot a community not solve the problem here. Eckmembers of the American Olym- Friedman's last chance to make are now added the expenses made erman once said, In a conversapic Committee was raked over the good as the football coach at City necessary by the new situation. tion with Goethe, "Men are not COE£S by the organization he re- College, his contract having been Our communities have to take born to solve problems, but they nj€sents and told to use less zeal signed for only one year and said care of all the people who have have to make an effort to solve In urging Jewish athletes to take to contain a lot of "if and provid- found their way back to Judaism; them, and this effort must tie part In the Berlin Olympics. . . . ed" items. . . .Did you know that they have'to fulfill the necessity made where the problem begins." So prepare yourself for a big coup Phil Weintraub, one of the New ot more Jewish activities; syna-JThe contribution from Omaha de t h e a t r e . . . . York Giants' second string out- gogues cannot be closed, not only] will be a small part, but in time fielders, has a crooked left arm because that would be a sign of!! of stress, even a little means a POLITICS which, perhaps, explains why he's l because more peo-'lot. ' With the general elections ap- so weak in throwing. . . .And it decay, but also pe than ever attend the synaI have tried to show that the proaching in the Dominion of might interest you to know that German Jews don't want charity, Canada, there's a scramble on Moe Berg, former catcher with gogues. ELCO Radio Engineer* Tuniflg which only s demos* We know the power religion but they ask for productive supamong several prominent Jewish the Chicago White Sox and Washhsve figaio developed ctratioo will revest . • Ooct attorneys to get. a Judgship. . . . ington Senators, speaks seven that unites all men of Jewish port. an outstanding feature in you have ft 1955 DcJco Amo It is generally felt that the Con- languages, and is now special as- faith. I believe that this developI am sorry that I cannot exservative Party will have a hard sistant to manager Joe Cronin of ment which brings many of us press myself in English as well Aoto Radio—Delco Syncro- Radio installed in jam ear, tussle to maintain itself and this the Boston Red Sox. . . .And still back to the faith of our ances- as I would like to, but I hope that Tuning. Only Delco Aitte you wouldn't be without k. is the last chance for a Jew to in the field of sport, may we in- tors, is not yet finished. Jewish you have understood me. If so, Radios have Syncrcget recognition from Prime Minis- troduce Abe Simon, 250-pounder, hospitals, orphan homes, old peo- put yourself in the position of R5R TCCR UK Wherever you driri, ter Bennett's party. . . .There has- who Is being heralded as a com- ple's homes, etc, have to be sup- German Jewry and do your share. Tuning. whether it be t trip n't been a Jewish judge as yet ing man and a r i v a l for Max ported, especially now, when they "Keep faith." across the country or are needed more than ever bein Canada. . . .Excitement reigns Baer'a crown. . . . An antenna which is Whatever we can do for our fore. The larger communities people, it is never enough. in the Inner chambers ot the Ziont short trip sbovt tuned automatically which had their own schools beist Organization of America be- BACKSTAGE NEWS town, you will get die with the radio fit all We don't want to break your fore, have to keep them up, and cause of the dismissal of 8 a m best ID radio reception times and pouring ail Kaplan, the energetic director of heart, but it is true that Francis other communities have to Build fiUIC with the 1935 Deko the Zionist Roll Call. . . .We un- Lederer, Hollywood's handsomest now, their own public and high 221 Jewish Schools of its signd into the derstand that Sam's dismissal lover, was once married in Eur- schools. They want to give their in White Russia receiver with eaeximuss Auto Radio in your car. does not reflect on his ability or ope. . . .Lederer is the most inde- youngsters the best possible eduefficiency is * brief escharacter but on h i s outspoken pendent screen actor, who refuses cation, laying stress particularly Moscow (JTA)—There are now There arc four new models views against the present admin- to work unless he likes the story on the Jewish. They do not want 221 Jewish schools in White Rusplacatioa of the principle of . . . .Lederer doesn't give a conti- their youngsters to lose their selffrom which to choose. They istration. . . .Don't forget that nental for money. . . .The French respect or to grow up as mixtures sia maintained entirely by the SoSfncro-Tuning. we're nearing the pre-convention newspaper arc priced to meet the purw Cine Dechaine, a of inferiority complexes. The Jew- viet Government, according to ofalignments in American Zionist movie tradeLamagazine, ficial figures made public here. recently of everyone. Silent* smooth, positive, dSranks. / . .In this connection it congratulated a French producer ish communities have erected so- These schools are attended by "Berufsumschlchtung8 35,378 pupils.cientt, powerful—all of this might also be mentioned that for engaging three movie men to c a l l e d there is a lot of talk about a tri- aid in the production of "a really schools," for people who cannot tod more describes Syncroreport of the Commissariat umvirate consisting of Dr. Step- French film". . . .The three men's find work in their own profes- of AEducation in W h i t e Russia, hen S. Wise, Louis Llpsky and names are Schwartzmann, Mach- sions. This school enables the for- bringing out these figures, emGeorge Z. Medalie to take over insky and Schlemoulkass. . . .All mer, business and professional phasizes that it becomes tnore and the leadership of the Zionist Or- that talk from our movie moguls men to learn In a short time a more difficult to find Jewish ganization at the forthcoming about moving the film industry to new trade in which they may teachers, because the curriculum convention. . . .In any case, this a new territory because of the earn a living In a foreign coun- In the teachers' seminaries is conwill be a very hot conclave and threatened heavy taxes in Califor- try. ducted entirely In the Russian or 2051 FARNAM ST. AT 5524 we suggest Atlantic C i t y as a nia is a lot of baloney and merely White Russian language. A lot ot money must be spent good cool place for holding the strategical. . . .The biggest monay for youth organizations. UnforZionist convention. . . . makers on Broadway during, the tunately it is impossible to organseason 1934-1935 are Herman ize Jewish schools In smaller JEWS WITH MONEY Lessing J. Rosenwald, chairman Bhumlin and Alex Yokel, produc- places. The young folks who grow of the board of Sears, Roebuck & erB of "The Children's Hour" and up there have had a hard fate. Co., is getting a yearly salary of "Three Men on a Horse," respec- The German Zlonlstic organiza$85,139. . . .This is supposed to tively. . •:•»• .Kenneth MacKenna, tions are In need of money. Outbe one of the biggest salaries paid one of the Mielziner boys, was fits for Chalutzim have to be furin America today. . . .We have all packed to go to Palestine nished, tickets must be bought tiff another Jewish horsewoman in when be WBB called by the pro- poor fellows, financial Bupport the person of Miss Carol Jane Ad- ducer of "Accent on Youth" to must be given to those who settle ler. . . .Her age is seven and she take over the p a r t vacated by in Palestine. Zionlstic propaganwon the blue ribbon In the Novice Nicholas Hannen. . . .Do y o u da and education must be carried Seat and Hands Class for children know how much the production of on. This Is no luxury, it Is a vital up to nine years at the New York Clifford Odete* " W a i t i n g f o r necessity. For our own good and Horse Show. . . .Now that Helene Lefty" cost?. • , .This successful for the good of Eretz Israel we Mayer, German-born American one-act play rolled up the amaz- do not want only Palestine—-we fencing champion, h a s again ing pre-opening c o s t of exactly want Zion. I mean that behind demonstrated her superiority over eight dollars. . . . the desire' ot terrltorlalism must all American women fencers, it be the ideal. The development ot Ernest Toller, the exiled Gercan be told that Helene is very playwright, is devoting all Palestine must break down withanxious to represent Germany at man his time to the German Jewish out backing, not only financially the next: Olympic Games. '..-. .Mr, problem in Paris. . .Zino- but also Ideally. German Jews, Samuel. Untermyer nearly put his refugee lister lives in Haifa, Pales- particularly, will be the Immifoot in when he issued a state- vlev'sand is one of the best known grants to Palestine in the near ment against James P. Warburg, tine, Zionists in Israel. . . .Her future. That is why they have to son of the late Paul Warburg and name is Dr.Eretz Dina Verlinska. . . . be educated to become unselfish nephew of Felix, tor traveling on When a newspaperman to idealists. Only such pioneers ,A!, <r>' a Nazi boat. . . ,J, P. W., as you interview her the other tried 'day on i ' " 1- • know by now, never Bailed. . .The the private life of her famous re- guarantee the continuous upward antl-Naal boycott In this country volutionary brother, she got ex- progress of Palestine and the re1 •• i is financed to the lergest extant cited and Is reported to have de- alization of old new-land that Herzl dreamed about by one individual and you guess- clared in a. trembling voice: "I do ed It, . . .His name is Samuel Un- not want to hear that name'*. . . In the summer of 1933 after the national socialistic revolution,
Forbes Fresh Bakery Goods
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Cold Storage
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makes iustler meals
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1935. VISITING IN TJHICAGO Mrs. S7 H. Singer, 4819 Chicag street, Is visiting relatives in The Temple Israel Sisterhood Chicago. , will give a Mother and Daughter luncheon, Saturday, May 11, at 1 RECITAL OF ORIGINAL o'clock at the Temple. COMPOSITIONS Mrs. Julius Newman will speak Miss Bluma Neveleff, daughter for the Mothers and Frances of Mrs. L. Neveleff, student at Rubenstein, the Daughters. MilFont Bonne college in St. Louis, ton Rieck w i l l present a chilMo,, will he presented In a recital dren's play after the luncheon. Reservations may be made with of original compositions,' Tuesday, May 14, at St. Louis. Among Miss Mrs. F. Alberts, Ja 6608. Neveleff'B compositions is a Hebrew hymn. Pi Tan Pi Plans for
Sisterhood Luncheon
ANNOUNCE BERTH Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mandell, both formerly of Omaha, announce the birth of a son at the Benson Hurst Maternity hospital, New York City. Mrs. Mandell is the former Cele Rosenthal.
ABRAHAMSON-GORDON Mr. Julius Abrahamson announces the marriage of his sister, Sylvia Abrahamson, of Los AT.geles, formerly of Omaha, to BWney Gordon, o£ San Francisco. The marriage took place Sunday, April 28, in California. The couple will stop here enroute to Chicago, New Yorfc; and points east They are on a six week's honeymoon trip. 'Mrs. Gordon is also a sister of Miss Pearl Abrahamson of Omaha and Mrs, A. Abrams of Lincoln.
SURPRISE PARTY Miss A n n Goodbinder was honored at a ourprise party by a group of her friends last Sunday afternoon at her h o m e at 520 North 51st Street. Bridge was the afternoon's diversion. A color scheme of lavendar and green was effectively carried out.
GVESTS FROM NEW YORK Mr. Louis Sachs and his son, Arnold Sachs, of New York City are the guests of Fan Sachs. RETTONS FROM; NEW YORK Miss Ann Zalk returned home Wednesday after spending Beveral months visiting in New York City.
PSIMVSTAG Psi Mu's -will hold a stag Sat; urday evening at the Elks club in Tionor of the basketball team, which won the 1934-35 J. C. C. baEketball championship. Irvin Levin will be the guest speaker. A fine program has b e e n arranged. Refreshments be served.
Re-Im A regular meeting of the Helm dub was held Tuesday evening at 8:30 at the J. C. C. Plans for a picnic to be held in the near future, were discussed. Philip Klutznick addressed the club on the Philan. tbropies. Baseball practice will be held Sunday at 11 a. m. at 2"- I and Paul streets. e monthly smoker will be held next Tuesday In conjunction with a ergular meeting, A meeting of the entertainment committee was held Thursday at 8:80 at the J. C. C. A regular execuiiza-Jioard .meeting- will .Jhe held Monday, at the J. C. C. at 8;80 p. m. i
PIANO RECITAfc SUNDAY Abraham Dansky will give a piano recital in the Lecture Hall of the Joslyn Memorial, Sunday afternoon, May 5, at 4:30 p. m. He will be assisted by Peggy Kennedy, violinist, accompanied by Evelyn Smith, pianist. The public is cordially invited to attend this recital. The porgram: Mr. Dansky: Concerto (in the Italian style), Bach. Allegro animato, andante molto espressivo, presto giojoso. Four piano pieces, op. 119, Brahms. Intermezzo in B minor, intermezzo in E minor, intermezzo In C major, rhapsodie in E flat. Miss Kennedy: Melodle Orientale, Raoul Vidas, Scene de Ballet, De Beriot. Mr. Dansky: Andalucia, Lecuona; Clair de Lune, Debussy; Les Fifres, Dandrieu-Friedman; Rhapsodie d'Auvergne, Saint-Saens.
TO NEW YORK Mr. and Mrs. Louis Witkin left Thursday morning for New York City. Mr. Witkin is a delegate to the S 5th anniversary Convention of the Workmen's Circle which will convene Sunday In the Madison Square Garden at New York City. Mr. Witkin will represent the Omaha Workmen's Circle Branch 173. Eiiroute they will stop at various points which include Detroit, Washington D. C, Philadelphia, PSI MU "MAY DANCE" The PsI Mu are planning their Chicago, and others. annual May dance, Saturday evening, Slay 11, at the Fontenelle RETURNS FROM CHICAGO Mis3 Helen Janger has return- Park pavilion. Sixty couples have ed from an extended stay in Chi- been bidden. The committee in charge, headcago. ed by Harry Weiner, assisted by Iz Tretiak, has arranged many Mount Sinai Auxiliary novelties and decorations in ordThe Mount Sinai auxiliary held er to make this an outstanding afa meeting Wednesday, May 1 at fair. the synagogue at 25th & Seward streets. The group h a s decided PLAN MOTHER'S DAY to have a luncheon May 22. PROGRAM A drawing will be held Jn the The Junior Pioneers held a regnear future. A coxwell chair ular meeting at the J..C. C. Tueswill he drawn for. Tickets are day evening, April 30. Plans for 25 cents and may be bought from a drawing were discussed. any member of the auxiliary. New members elected into the club at this meeting are the MisseB Minnie Novey, Minnie Seiner, The A. Z. A. chapter No. 1 held and Pearl Friedman. The committee for Mother's a regular meeting Tuesday evening, April 30, at the J. C. C. Cen- Day consists of Mollle Ackerman, ter pictures of the last A. Z, A. chairman, assisted by Florence Sklar and Pearl Friedman. convention were shown. Tickets to the "Grand Derby Dance", which is being sponsored WIN TROPHY Signify Alpha Mu fraternity was by the A. Z. A. No. 1 and the B'nai Brith,. have gone on sale. awarded -a plaque for having the The Mother chapter defeated second highest average of all the the Liggetts baseball team 6 to 5. fraternities on the campus, and also received a trophy for winning the inter-fraternity handball championship.
INFORMAL GATHERING An informal, meeting of the C-2 club was held Tuesday evening, at the home of Soph Oland. Two representatives of the Philanthropies campaign, Joe Solomonow and James Burroughs, addressed the group and received the club's pledge. Bridge was played after the meeting. First prize was. won by Miss Rose Saks.
"No More War" Parade
and Ironing Done Hours Earlier with the
New York—T h e Jewish Institute of Religion, of which Dr. Stephen S. Wise is president, Is among the fifty religious and secular organizations in New York sponsoring a "No More War Parade," Is to be held on May 18. •It is expected that more than twenty thousand people w i l l march in the parade.
Is the Time to
0 Get our prices on Cleaning and Repairing and Remodeling. Pay when you take them out.
You press the b u t t o n on the handle a n d the stand snaps under . . , no lifting of iron to stand. The Snap - stand and built - in Dreadn a u g h t Super Heater save you 'aours on a big day's i r o n i n g . Ironing is 60% faster. D i a l of Fabrics gives you correct heat for trery fabric . . . no scorching possible. Corns in today and bring your old iron . . . we will give you |i for it on the purchase of this iron.
$1 Down... $1 Per Month (Small additional charge for payments)
Beth-El Auxiliary The closing luncheon-meeting of the Beth-EI auxiliary -will be held Wednesday, May 15, at 1 p. m. at the J. C. C. Annual reports of the various activities -will be given. Election of officers -will be a feature of this meeting. Miss Katherine Stone -will give a reading, "The Wandering Jew". Several dance numbers will be given by Gloria and Lois Novitsky.
Chesed She! Ernes
u iive or v-!#»t
The fourth annual " G i v e or Get" luncheon which vr a s held Wednesday, May 1, will be long remembered by those who attended as one of the most beautiful affairs ever given by the Omaha chapter of Hadassah. Spring flowers in profusion decorated the table and the Hadassah colors of blue and white w e r e carried out in the candles and menu cards at each plate. The guest speaser was M i s s Ladies Auxiliary of Nell Ziff, of Minneapolis. Vocal Mother's Day Service selections' -were given by M i s s Congregation of Israel Julia Zuker, accompanied at the An elaborate Mother's Day serpiano by Mrs. Anna Shlaes. Miss The regular monthly meeting vice, sponsored by and participatRosalie Alberts presented readof the Ladies' auxiliary of Con-1 ed In the Pi Tau PI social fraterings, entitled, "Hollywood on Pargregation of Israel •will be held' nity, will be presented at Temple ade" and "Prison Gates". Mrs. Monday, May 6, at 2 p. m. in the Israel, at 8 p. m. on Friday, May ] assembly room of the synagogue Julius Abrahamson, president of 10. the local chapter, gave the welThe program, sponsored yearly at 25th and J street. A nice program has been ar- coming address and Mrs. H. S. by members of the Pi Tan Pi fraranged. Refreshments will be Novitsky, chairman of the Mediternity, is dedicated to the mothcal Fund, and of the " G i v e or ers of the consjegation, and is served. All members are urged to Get" luncheon, gave a report of attend. Plans will be made for open to the public. the activities of her committees. Meyer Z. Goldner, president of the annual Mother and Daughter Mrs. Phineas Wintroub acted as PI Tau Pi, will read the Mother's social party. toastmistress. Day proclamation, and Lloyd MaTwo hundred women attended lashock, president of the Junior Sigma Alpha Ma * the luncheon and t h o s e whose chapter, will give a brief talk. did not appear previously Elects Officers names Rabbi David Wice will deliver are Mesdames Morris Burnstein, a Mother's Day sermon entitled Sara Krasne, Albert Newman, Gerald, P. Cohn of Sioux City S "A Woman of Valor." The choir, a m Beber, M. D. Brodkey, I. directed by Lee Green, will pre- was chosen head of the Univer-j Hurwitz, A. Goldstein, E. J. Izensity of Nebraska chapter of Sigsent several special selections. Etatt, Harold Farber, Morris MilWhite and red roses will be ma Alpha Mu fraternity at the der, J. Freg-ger, A. Fox, A. Greenpresented to members of the con-j annual election of officers. Cohn, berg, *T. Lintzman, 3, gregp.tion. Members of the senior who will be a senior in the Chem-1 and junior chapter of the frater- ical Engineering college, is a! nity will Be:ve as ushers. F r a n T i . Lo^is J?
NELL ZIFF TO SPEAK SUNDAY AFTERNOON The Omaha chapter of the Junior Hadassah will hold an open meeting and program Sunday afternoon, May 5, at 2:30 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center. Miss Nell Ziff of Minneapolis, Minnesota, will be the principal speaker and honored guest. Miss Ziff Is the national vice- president of the Junior Hadassah. A feature of the afternoon's program -will be opening of the dock to determine the winner of the prize of fifty dollars. Anyone who still wishes a ticket for the "Silver Mine Clock P r o j e c t " should get in touch immediately with either Miss Minnie Frohm, president, or the following captains of the various teams: the Misses G o 1 d 1 e Seidman, Mamie Brody, Saramara Katskee, Dorothy Berg, Jeannette Moskovitz, Goldie Zusman, Mary Garfinkle, Rose Dolgolf, Ann Goodbinder, Zelda Charney, Goldie Fish, and Fannie Katelman. . This meeting Is open to the public.
Fratority Miss Sally Pollay was enthusiastically greeted by all the members pf the Fratority at the regular meeting held at the J. C. C. Tuesday evening, April 30, when she was Installed as the new sponsor of t h e gronp. Another feature of the meeting was the reading of the newly drafted constitution and the voting u p o n each section therein. Morris Baumer, chairman of the wiener roast committee, will have final and definite plans to bring to the next meeting. The wiener roast will take place May 11. Arnold Sachs, of New Y o r k , was a visitor at the meeting. The club has decided that the members among themselves will organize a softball tournament. Plans tor future activities are now In progress.
Various Faiths to Be Discussed on Monday A discussion on the subject, "Why I Am What I Am," will' be given by four prominent Omaha speakers, Monday evening, May 6, at 8 o'clock at the Unity Center, Electric Building at 17th and Harney streets. The speakers are Dr. Frederick Cohn, who will speak for Judaism; Rev. "W. A. Albright, who will speak for Christianity; Rev. Lillian Black Brass, who will speak for Unity; and Dr. Pieter K. Roest, of The Netherlands, will speak for Theosophy. Miss Thelma Gaspar, oiie of Omaha's most talented violinists, will appear as solost at this meeting. She will be accompanied by Warren Watters at the piano. Admission to this affair Is free and the public Is cordially invited.
There will be a regular meeting of the Chesed She! Ernes, Mon-i day afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at j the Building. All memibers are | urged to attend. ;
The HabDnim, at & regular ] meeting held Monday, decided to j have a torch pin as the club em- [ blem. i The hike plancea by the dels j will be held May 3 7 at Manfien Park. A31 members are urpea to keep this date in mind. The ' members •n-ill meet at the B'nai ! Israel synagogue at eight o'clock ' in the morning. , A reading, "A Student's Diary" • was given by Joseph Franks, and! j another, "Jews, JOPE and Justice" j was given fcy J. X, Cohen. Gen- ' eral discussion by a l l members followed these readings.
fe Blumenthal, M. Fox, and B. Henry H. Swartz, of Omaha, a junior in the Business Administration college, was named exFor Music Week chequer. "William Flax, also of J Omaha, a junior in the Fine Arts t Under the auspices of the Omaha Music Teacher's association, college, was selected recorder. Other officers elected were Da- four programs will be given in vid Goldware, assistant exchea- celebration of National Music uer, and David Bernstein, histor- week, beginning May 6. Two of these programs will be ian, both of Omaha, Outgoing officers: R. Harry given at the A. H o s p e Piano Rosenstein, Omaha, prior; Sam store, one on Tuesday, May 7 and Fleishman, Omaha, exchequer, one oh May 10. The other two and I. Irving Hill, Lincoln, re- are to be at Schmoller and Mueller's May & and 11. These procorder. grams will begin at S p. m. The students of over 100 OmAuxiliary of Vaad aha music teachers will appear on progrems. They will rento Present "Power" these der about 7 0 selections on piano, cello, harp, band instruThe Gaumont-British picturiza- violin, ments, and voice. 4 tion of Lion Feuchtwanger's novel "Power" which has enjoyed such widespread popularity both here and abroad, w i l l be Exclusive Corsetry - shown at a benefit performance Different and Moderately May 21, at the Circle Theatre, priced. 33rd and California, under the. auspices of the "Vaad Auxiliary. MAYME ADLER BLOCK "Power" Is one of the most Mouldiste ambitious motion pictures yet at- 522 Securities Bldg. AT 2SS8 tempted and offers such actors as Conrad Veidt, Gerald du Maurier, Cedric Hardwicke, Benita Hume, and thirty other principals as well as thousands of extras and bit Pay Cleaning charged this players. Veidt portrays the role Fall on out-of-seasoa of "Josef Suss Oppenheimer", the clothes. financial wizard of the 18 th cenSpring Coats, Topcoats, tury. Dresses The story of "Power" has to do with the brilliant financial genius of Oppenheimer. Established In commerce in the year 1730, he is presented to K a r l Alexander, the reigning duke of Wurttemberg. Suss's outstanding ability leads him to dizzy heights of power. He becomes a force behind the ducal throne. Beauties of the court are at his beck and call. Intrigue, however, eventually threatens to undermine him. I he iirasne The treachery of t h e duke imperils him. But there follows a BEAUTY SALON life of extreme extravagance and Offers a New Deal lavishness with almost absolute Shampoo and finger wave authority over the State. Then— DISASTER. Mrs. A. Greenbaum is c h a i r man of the benefit and Mrs. SidPermaneat waves by ney Katelman is co-chairman. experts - $3.50 and Up. Tickets can be obtained from any 716 BBANDEIS member of the Auxiliary. BLDG. AT 4SSS
Scientifically Dry Cleaned —-artistically finished tc original shape atstl size. Have yonr hes»vy garments <ifa,w*d smd c!**Sealed In moth-proof cedarized bags witliout exirn, charge SHfiOLLY GOODMAN
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"The NEXT 1 turps F / i - r Z hc+'re MX V
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Jr. Vaad Debate Ends in a Draw
A large and enthusiastic audience attended the third annual debate between the Junior Vaad Auxiliary and the Young Men's Vaad. The jury, chosen from the audience, gave the decision as a tie. The question debated was "Resolved, that the Rabbi should limit his activities to traditional religious leadership." Hyraan Finkelstein and Sidney Epstein upheld the affirmative. Rosa Sofer and Goldie Wolfson took the negative stand. The Junior Vaad Auxiliary Ss planning a Mother and Daughter Tea to be held Sunday eftenioon, May 12. Mrs, N. Greenberg, sponsor of the gronp, will speak for the mothers. Miss Mollle Eoitstein will respond for the daughters. The next meeting of the group will be held Tuesday evening, May 7, at the B'nai Israel syna gogue. Vienna—There ure 25,000 Jews less in- Vienna than there were two years ago, figures just published disclose. The figures which show a heavy decline in the Jewish population of Vienna, are of the census taken In March, 1934. According to the census, the Jewish population of Vienna numbered 261,518 In 1932, but by March 1934, It diminished to 176,034, which Is only alae per cent of the total population.
BLANKETS --EXPEBTLY FINISHED Sealed in saotii-proof bags
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Workers Ett
Human Wants
$40,650 Needed CAMPAIGN BEGINS MAY 7 Initial Gifts
Campaign Division Heads
Harry Trustin General Solicitation Chairman
Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster Women's Division Chairman
Women's Division ' Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, Women's Division Chairman EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE • INITIAL GIFTS Mrs. Jeannette Arnstein Mrs. A. A. Greenberg Mrs. H. A. Wolf • Miss Blanche Zimman Sirs. David Wice, Secretary ORGANIZATIONS Mrs. J. J. Greenberg ADDITIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Max Fromkin $ Mrs. Paul Goldblatt Mrs. Maynard Greenberg 3Irs. Philip Klutznick »• Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky '• Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky MOTOR CORPS Mrs. Wm. Milder, Chairman MAJORS Mrs. -Arthur Conn Mrs. A. D. Frank Mrs.S. E. Gilinsky Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky Mrs. Philip Levey Mrs. Louis Neveleff CO-MAJORS Mrs. Dave Greenberg . Mrs.,Harold Farber Mrs. Ben D. Silver Mrs. H. P. Milder Mrs. H. S. Novitsky Mrs. John Beber CAPTAINS Mrs. Julius Abrahamson Mrs. Moe Venger Mrs. Milton Abrahams '' Mrs. Max Holzman Mrs. B.,A. Simon Mrs. Irvin Levin WORKERS Mrs. Isadore Abramson Mrs. Louis Albert Mrs. Wm. Alberts : * Mrs. Sam Appleman Mrs. H. H. Auerbach Mrs. Max' Barish Mrs. A. Babior Mrs. Sam Beber Mrs. Harry Belmont Mrs. C. L. Bergman Mrs. I. Berkowitz Mrs. Sam Berkowitz Mrs. Jay Bercovici Mrs. Dave Bernstein Mrs. Sam Berwitz Mrs. David Blacker Mrs. Jake Blank (Continued on Page 7).
William L. Holzman Honorary Chairman
Harry A. Wolf Budget Chairman
William Milder Associate Chr., General Solicita• tion
Irvin C. Levin Organization Chairman
Philip M. Klutznick Campaign Chairman Wm. L. Holzman Honorary Chairman J. Harry Kulakofsky i Initial Gifts Chairman Milton Abrahams * Associate Chairman, Initial Gifts Harry Trnstin General Solicitation Chairman" Ben Kazlowsky Associate Chairman General Soliciations William MUder Associate Chairman General Solicitations Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster Women's Division. Chairman Alfred A. Fiedler Youth Division Chairman Irvin C. Levin Organization Chairman Louis E. Lipp Speakers Bureau Chairman Frank Ackerman Publicity Sam Zacharla : Meetings Chairman Harry A. Wolf Budget Chairman Dr. Philip Sher Quota Chairman Paul Goldblatt Executive Director
General Solicitations Harry Trustin, Chairman Ben E. Kazlowsky, Associate Chairman William Milder, Associate Chairman MAJORS John Beber Julius Bisno r Morris Burstein Harry Cohen Max Crounse " .'/,"" Dr. J. M. Erman Phil Feidman '. • Hyman "Goodbinder . David Greenberg Abner Kalman Xazer Kaplan Ephraim Marks H. P. Milder Simon Pizer Samuel Zacharla WORKERS Harold. Abrahams Harry Abramson Isadore Abramson Leo Abramson Morris Arkin Max Baer Sain Ban Albert Batt Dr. Meyer Beber '-- " '" Sam Beber ' . Dr. Oscar Belzer ' •* Jay Bercovici Dave Blacker , •' Dave Block R. Bluinoutbal Reuben Bordy Harold Brandt Dave Brodkey Donald Brodkey Edwin Brodkey Edward Brodkey Dr. Morris Brodkey Reuben H. Brown Leslie Burkenroad, Sam dayman David R. Cohen Haskell Cohen Joe Cohen '
Ben Kazlowsky • Associate Chr., General Solicitation
Philip 31. Klutznick General Chairman Arthur A. Conn David Cohn M. L. Cohn Herman Corenman Dave Crounse Harry Crounse Dr. I. Dansky Isadore Elewitz D. Epstein Sam Epstein Sidney Epstein Harold P. Farber John Feldman Dr. Leon Fellman Leon Ferer [ Al Fiedler ' " Nathan Fine Al Finkel Lawrence Finkel Hy Finkelstein Save Fishman A. D. Frank Harry Frankel Dave Freeman Myer Freeman Dr. B. T. Friedman J..J. Friedman Louis Gateman Ed GUbert Joe Goldware Saul Graetz Nathan Green 3am Green Irving Greene J. J. Greenberg . Dr. M. M. Greenberg _ William Grodinsky Sam. TTahn ; . Sam Handler Richard Hiller Dr. H. Hirshmann > Max Holzman Jack Hyman Max Kaplan S. Katleman • < • Aaron Katz • Philip M. Klutznick Robert H. Kooper Boris Korney " Sol Krizelman . Reuben Lackow Carl Lagman' Earl Lapidus Lester Lapidus ' Hyman Levin Irvin Levin Harry Levinson Nathan Levinson Isadore Levinson Joseph Lintzman Louis Lipp Dr. Walter Lowenstein Henry Magzamin Harry Malashock Morris Malkin' (Continued on Page 7)
Louis E. Lipp Chairman, Speaker's Bureau
J. Harry Kulakofsky, Chairman Milton R. Abrahams, Vice- Chr. Max M. Barish Sam Beber Dave. Blacker Eugene Blazer Paul Blotcky Leslie L. Burkenroad Isadore Chapman Dave Cohn Mayer L. Cohn Benedict F. Danbaum John A. Farber David P. Feder A. D. Frank David Goldman Abraham Goldstein Dr. Abraham A. Greenberg. David Greenberg J. J. Greenberg Harry Greene Manning E. Handler Louis Hiller William L. Holzman Morris Jacobs Sam Josephson Abner H. Kaiman Philip M. Klutznick Robert 31. Kooper Sam J. Leon Irvin Levin Karl Louis Harry Malashock Jack W. Marer Gail Margolin Al Mayer Goodman Meyerson Hymie 3Iilder William Milder Henry Monsky Simon Pizer Henry Rosenthal Dr. Philip Sher Ben Silver Harry Silverman Jacob J. Slosburg Louis Somberg Harry L. Sommer Louis Sommer Irvin Stalmaster Harry Trnstin Albert L. Wohlner Harry A. Wolf Mose Yousem Harry Zimman Isaac B. 7,\mtnxn
Speakers Bureau Louis E. Lipp, Chairman Milton R. Abrahams Sam Beber Donald Brodkey Edward D. Brodkey . Harry B. Cohen Rabbi Frederick Cohn J. J. Friedman Max Fromkin Rabbi David Goldstein Hyman Goodbinder Ben E. Kazlowsky Philip Klutznick Reuben Lackow Irvin C. Levin Jos. Lintzman Jack W. 3Iarer Ephraim L. Marks Rabbi Uri Miller Henry Monsky I. Morgenstem Earl 'D. Ross Harold J. Saks H. S. Shrier Irvin A. Stalmaster Rabbi David H. Wice Harry Wolf Judah Wolf son
Frank R. Ackerman Publicity Chairman
J. Harry Kulakofsky Initial Gifts Chairman
Alfred A. Fiedler Youth Division Chairman
Youth Division Alfred A. Fiedler—General Chairman INITIAL GIFTS COMMITTEE Russell Blumenthal, Chairman Alfred A. Fiedler Milton Frohm Richard Hiller Gertrude Rothkop SPEAKER'S COMMITTEE Joe Solomonow, Chairman Macy Baum Milton Frohm Ernest Nogg Ernest Priesman Max Resnick Lou Ricklin Jack Temin ORGANIZATIONS Loyal Kaplan, Chairman Harold Abrahams James Burroughs Dora Freshman , Joe Goldware " . ' Janet Graetz Sophie Rosenstein CAPTAINS Sarah Rifkin, Major Jean Beber Janet Graetz Ruth Bordy Marge Kaplan Dora Freshman WORKERS—(Girls) Rosalie Alberts Mary Arbitman Blanche Binstein Ida Blacker Etta Camel Mrs. "S. Cohn Laverne Feblowitz Anne Fellman Shirley Fiedler Ida Fine Peggy Friedman Sarah German Ethel Green Mariam Kirshenbaum Lil Eoom Betty Kotler Cyril Leon Sara Malashock Dorothy Margolin Rose Sleyer Dorothy Muskin Sally Novak Pearl Osoff Bess Platt Grace Resnick Bernice Sessel Bernice Sherman Esther Silverman (Continued on Page. 7)
Sam Zacharia Meetings Chairman
Paul Goldblatt Executive Director
Dr. Philip Sher Quota Chairmim
Milton R. Abrahams Associate Chr., Initial Gifts
Dedicate the Week of May 7 to the War on Misery and Suffering
Geverkshaften Flower Day Saturday, Sunday
Philanthropies Workers (Continued from Page Six.)
Shaare Zion
Heads Emergency Loan Committee
Society News
• ;^ Mount Sinai
Tipheretk Israel
Mrs. Bert Heae Mra. Lonis HlUer Mrs. H. Hirschmann. Mrs. Ben Handler Mrs. Michael K&teLman Mrs. Morris Katleman Mrs. Jack* Kaufman Mrs. Meredith Kenyon Mrs. Allan Eohan Mrs. Bobert Kooper Mis* Carey Korbholz Mrs. Joe Krasne Mrs. M. Krapp Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky Mrs. Loais KoUkoftky Mrs. Lester lapidiu Mrs. M. F. Levenaon Mrs. Morris l^evey Mrs. Ida Levin Mrs. Isidore Levtawon Mrs. M. Linsman Mrs. Louis lipp Miss Mildred Lipsey Mrs. J. A. Lntbeg Mrs. Harry Malashock Mrs. Jay Malashock Mra. Jack Marer Mr*. AI Mayer Mrs. Leon Mendelson Mra. A. £ . Milder Mrs. Hymie Milder Mrs. Leo Milder Mrs. Morris Milder Mrs. Harry Moskowitz Mrs. Joe Neesman Mrs. Elizabeth Xeveleff Mrs. Herbert Xevelef* Mrs. Albert Newman Mrs. Ben Xewman Mrs. H. A. Newman Mrs. J. M. Newnaam Mrs. Julias Xevnuo Mrs. C. Xogg Mrs. Jack OrUkoft Mrs. Simon Plzer Miss Ruth Pollack Mrs. Abe Prudell Mrs. Harry Rachman Mrs. William Racusin Mrs. Joe'Rice Mrs. Joe Richlin Mrs. Lou Riklin Mrs. Aaron Rips Mrs. Sam Robinson Mrs. H&rry Rochman Kirs. I. W. Rosenblatt Sirs. Philip Rosenblatt Mrs. Horace Rosenblnm Mrs. Harry Rosenteld Mrs. David Rosenstock Mrs. Frederick Rosenstock Mrs. Isy Rosenthal Mrs. Leo Rosenthal Mrs. Robert Rosenthal
Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.
Charles Ross Harry Rnbenstein Morris Rnbenstein E. J. Rubin A. Rebnitz Manuel KntSdy Charles ScbJaifer A. SchwaczMm Dave Sherman Harry Slramow Harry SilTerman S. H. Singer Herman Smith Isidore Sokolof Lonis Sogolovr J. H. Solomon Julias Solomon A. Somberg Julius Stein S. Steinbarh Albert Steinberg Sam Steinberg M. L. Stern Sam Stern George Straus Sam Swartz
. WORKERS—(Boys) Morton Adler Dave Bernstein HaroM Block Norman Bolker Archie Charney Haskel! Cohen Morris I>Bns"ky Harold Finfcel Hy Fink«*]»teJn Bcmwrd Fox Charles G^ncJler Bill Gray Ijeonfird Hnrwit* LOB Hurwlts Howard Kaplan Abe Kaiz Lazar Kavich Morris Room Harold Kort Ben liefitr, Iieonard l«on Cappy Ijieberman Hoj'c! Malashock Henry Mendelsohn Dan Miller Al Orach
Members of the Young Poale Zion club will assist in the selling MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent GENERAL SOLICITATIONS Sirs. D. Cobn of flowers Saturday and Sunday (Continued) Sirs. D. K. Cohn for the Geverkshaften Campaign jiamnniiffinnmn Charles Mann Mrs. Dave Cohn Flower Day. Funds will be turned Sirs. SI. Ii. Cobn H. Marcus over to the work of the Histad- Jack W. Marer Sirs, Ben Danb»nm ruth in Palestine. Sioux City Jew- Gall Margolin Sirs. I. Danskjr ry is urged by the young peoples Dr. Morris M. Margolin Sirs. Max Davis club to co-operate by giving to Leo Marks Mrs. Sam Davis Mrs. Rlchsrd Einstein Oscar Mayerowlch Mount Sinai Sisterhood "Will the fund when approached. Mrs. Dave Epstein The Yonng Poale Zion celebrat- Harry Mendelson hold its annual Mother and Mrs. John Faler Ben. MlnlHw Daughter banquet Wednesday ed International Workers Holiday Mrs. Jock F&rber evening, May 15, in the Annex of at their meeting Wednesday in Dr. Sam Morgan Mrs. David Feder First Reports Indicate Great the Temr/e. Mrs.. Leon Marx is the home of Sadie Greenbaum. I. Morgenstera Mrs. Harry Ferer Miss Eosabelle Wigodsky acted as Dr. Nathan Musldn coaching a plan which will be the Enthusiasm by Workers Sirs. Morris Ferer chairman of the meeting. Talks Robert Noddle feature of the program for the and Donors . - evening. Sirs. I. Fiedler on the following subjects were Nathan Nogg Sirs. Dave Finkel Mrs. J. H. Greenberg and Mrs. given by the members: "The Sig- Dr. Samuel Osheroff . First reports of the Large Gift Mrs. Sam Fish nificance of May Day" by Lucille Hyman Osoff A. J. Galinsky are In charge ol committee, the Allied Mrs. Morris Fisher Kronick; "Revelation of Spring Dr. David Platt the program. Campaigii Kick-off dinner last Mrs. David Fonnan and May Day," by Mary Raskin; Aaron Perils The regular meeting of the Sisindicated that Sioux City Jewry Sirs, Harry Frankel "Principals of May Day As PracMrs. Sam Theodore Morris Potash is determined to reach. the goal terhood will be held this after- ticed by the Histadruth" by So- Ernest Priesman Mrs. Joe Freeman Mrs. Harry Trnstin noon, following a one o'clock desMrs. John Frieden get for the drive. One hundred phie Franklin; "Hebrew ProphMrs. Leo Waxenberg William Racusin Low Rifclin Mrs. Slorris Friede* workers-'and,donors attended .the sert luncheon* Committees for ecy and Freedom," by Lillian Ro- William Radueiner Mrs. Joe TTeinberg the past year will give their anAl Kimmerman Mrs. J. J. Friedman dinner which was given by Mr.nual reports, and Mrs. William mirowsky; "Labor and the Fu- Ben Ravitx Mrs. I. Weiner Irving Sherman Mrs. William Frit* Lawrence Davidson In the David- Lazere, president of the group, ture," by Rubin Ratner; "The Morton Richards Mrs. Leon Weiss Willart! Smith Mrs. Max Fromkln son Team Room. Mrs. Sam Wertheimer, Jr. Poale Zionist's Interpretation of Arthur Robinson will give the president's report. Harold Stern Mrs. Ronald Gladstone Mr. A. Xf. Davisi chairman of Mrs.'E. E. Baron will act as host- a Jewish Homeland," by Rudy Miss Adele Wilinskj Dave Robinson MjTon Tarnoff Mrs. David Goldman the drive, acted as chairman of ess, assisted by members of theShlndler; "Sources of Anti-Semi- Earl Ross Mrs. Phlneas Wintronb Jack Temin Mrs. Philip Gilinsky Mrs. Al WoWner the meeting which followed the Sisterhood board Qt directors. tism," by Sadie Greenbaum; "Is I. W. Rosenblatt Art Weiner Mrs. Joe Goldware Mrs. A. WplJ dinner, and the principal speaker There Freedom in Inequalty," by Harold Sales Sam White Mrs. Paul Goldstein The annual card party sponMrs. Samnel Wolf ot the evening was Samuel Blitz Julia Bereskin; "What Is SocialA. Schwaczkin Murray Wintronb Sirs. I. F . Goodman sored by the Sisterhood will be Mrs. Jay Wright of New York City. ism?" by Eudice Stillman; "The Edward Shafton Mrs. l * o n Graeta held Monday evening, May 6, in Mrs. Renben Vann The Junior Division, under the Stanley Shapiro Mrs. M. I-Gordon sMtss Bernice Yousem "leadership "of Perry Osnowitz, has the : Bellevue Apartments Ball j Path of Jewish Youth," by Sula\ Jail Sentence Dave Sherman ' Mrs. Nate Green Room. Mrs. A. M. Davis is In mith Bereskin. Mrs. Moee Yonsem been organized and .will solicit i Moscow—Five workmen at t-Vt Hyman Shrler Mrs. Sam Green charge of the arrangements. Mrs. L B. Mcpnian the youth of the city for contri\ government shipyards in Pel v^Sirs. Dave Greenberg Harry Silverman Mrs. Sam Zlotfcj butions to the campaign. \ kow ••were.pnt on trial lor M . ; Mrs. Hyman Greenberg J. C. C.News Perry Silverman . Mrs. Philip ZoUotnchen The executive committee of the Mrs. Peter Greenberg Semitism and for insulting Uif«* B. A. Simon -." The Amorian club held its ficampaign met Tuesday evening in Mrs. Abe Greenspan Jewish fellowrworkers. Robert Singer nal meeting of the season Sunday At the regular service in the Cominunity Center, when flMrs. Elmer Gross The leader ol thp five WPP SS'; . Zion synagogue this eve-afternoon in the Jewish Commu- Dr. Ben Slutzky "rial plans were made for the so-Shaare Mrs. Lawrence Gross tehed to -three years imprison Y<>UTH DIVISION' ning, Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will nity Center. The members pre- Harry Smith licitations. Workers will begin | continue his sermon on the life sented their advisor, Max Zelig- G. Soiref Mrs. I. Grossman ment. The others received iriiUi.'-.(Continued) next week to solicit funds. Sirs. SI. E. Handler i sentences. A. J. Solomon of Maitnonides. Cantor A. Pliskin son, with a gift. Sylvia Silverman Proceeds will go toward the n d t n e Joe Solomonow choir will Geraldine Strauss Joint Distirbution Committee, theachant synagogue Cub Scouts met Sunday after- Harry L. Sonuner Bernice Yousem the Palestinian Committee and a Tomorrow morning the Junior noon in the Center. Following DA DIM 7 U ARBAft Edwin Sommer . LEON * msm, Atty'i CAPTAINS— (Boys) City Kat'L. Bk., Bldj. number of hospitals and oigani- Congregation will meet at 10:30 their regular meeting moving pic- Irvin Stalmaster Omaha. Xefer. MohcJ Specialist Ernest Kogg, Major zations in the United States. Morris Stalmaster o'clock. Candy will be distributed tures of scout life and camp life ItecommendeS by Many Poet Macy Bauin William Stalmaster JJOT1CB OT ESCORPORATION o the children by Mrs. S. I. Ska- were shown. ReeUlence Phone VTEbste? f€ "f: Joe Solomonow SHUBEKT FKC1T CO. Dr. A. A. Steinberg Businesp Photie- WEbnter Si 'G .ovsky. • ' . CorThe Brownie pack started a Notice is hereby given that a Mel Sommer poration has i/een formed under t h e The Bible Study group will scrap book at Its meeting this Dr. Samuel Z. Stern 142S K. 20th St. , Omalia, Ernest Wintroub laws ot the State of Nebraska. The Sam Swarti meet in the synagogue with Rab- week. n m t of the Corporation la Shnbert Milton Froiun Irvin Wezelman Fruit Co. Its principal place cf busibi Rabinowitz at 3 o'clock, next ness Is Omaha. Etouglas County >"" E. I. Widman Monday afternoon. braska. Mr. SI Krueger'was re-elected Phlneas Wintronb The general nature o* the business of The tenth annual Mother Day t h • Corporation is to buy, own. hold, president of the Emergency Loan Al Wohlner lease, exchange, assign, mortgage aed service wil be held next Friday Fund Association o>- the annual transfer real estate and personal p r e William Wolf© p«>ty wherever situated; to buy, sell. meeting of the group held in theevening in the synagogue. This Jndah Wolfson own. hold assign, mortgage and transwill also be the closing service of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Myers and fer bonds, securities and stock in other Jewish: Community-' Center. Other Sol Yatte the season. Mrs. S. H. Shulkin corporations; to draw, make, execute, hildren of Des Moines, la., visofficers re-elected were Mike.Skaaccept, endorse and Issue promissory Dt tea, drafts, bills of exchange, and lovsky, vice-president; E, N. will speak in behalf of the moth- ited in Sioux City this week with other negotiable Instruments; to borrow ers; Miss Dorothy Merlin in beMrs. Myers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. WOMEN WORKERS Grueskin, secretary;: M. Seff, money; to buy. sell and generally deal half of the daughters, and ArB Rosenthai In fruits, vegetables and produce of (Continued) treasurer; and. Bertha Seff, cash•very kind and description; to buy, sel thur Bergen in behalf of the sons. Mrs. Dave Bernstein and deal la beverages and liquors, alcoier. . • .-.' .-. .:" • '. holic and tios-alcohoUc, to do any and decorations given volun- Miss Gertrude Kopel of Sionx Mrs. liouis Blotcky all things necessary, convenient or inciThe board of directors Includes Floral tarily by members of the congredental to the rights, powers &nd privi* Falls, S. D., was a guest this week Mrs. Paul Blotcky S. L. Krueger, A, L Schwartz, gation will grace the pulpit. The leges herein specified. Jack Robinson, Mike Skalovsky, Mother's Day service Is usually in the I. Merlin home, 1915 Mrs. Reuben Bordy The total authorised capital etock e: Pierce street. Sirs. Jack Bramson the Corporation sh»U be xio.000.00. diSam Snovsky, S y A. M. Davis, E. N. vided Into 100 shares of the par value attended by over 600 people. Mrs. Harry Braviroff of - $100.00 per chare, which ah&ll be ;Grueskin, Barney Baron, Ell fully paid for and non-assessable when Miss RosabeUe Wigodsky was Mrs. M. D. Brodkey issued. Said caiptal stock may be p&ifl binow, M.;' Brodkey, J.f Lansberg, hostess to the Debrah Club Mon- Mrs. Treat. Broofcstem for In cash, notes, or property, real or] /and Max Xjasensky.',-, ; personal, tangible or lntasfrible. at the > day evening. Refreshments and Sirs. David Brown reasonable value thereof. Thirty shares - - A t the-meetl»g7it of the capital stock of this corporation "Herzl In Jewish Palestine" a social hour followed the meet- Mrs. Reuben Brown shall be paid for before the corporation .that 155~loans"have been mad# will be the subject of Dr. T. »' . Sirs. I«o Chaikin shall commence business. by the organization since its in-Lewis' sermon at Mount Sinai Sirs. Max E. Chapman The Corporation shall commence busiception. Loans are made to fami- temple this evening. ness on April 1, 1855. and Ehall continue A IALANCE PREPARATION O F Morris Gordon, an art instruc- Sirs. Harry Cohen for a period ot fifty yeara from, the lies for rehabilitation purposes At noon today, Dr. Lewis will tor at the University of NebrasALL KNOWN VITAMINS IN date thereof. The highest amount of inder dues* and no interest in charged for the speak before the Rotary club In ka, visited with his parents In PERFECT COMBINATION to which this Corporation Shall at any loan. The project is under the Council Buffs, la. time subject itself shall not exceed twod COHEN, Attya. Sioux City recently, during his Vitamins were first discovered thirds of i s capital stock. auspices of the Federation of The Brotherhood of Mount Si- spring vacationThe affairs of the corporation ehall tweaty-one years &so. -Since that Jewish Social Service. XOXICE OT INCOKPOKATIO*. be coniucted by a Board of Directors time, scientific discovery aad renai temple will hold Its regular consisting of not less than two -or Is hereby given that the under- m-rj •e&rch, has isolated, one by one, than five members. meeting Monday evening, May 13. Rubin Halperin has returned Notice signed have formed a corporation to be IN THE PRESENCE CF: tUl of the six known Vitamins—A, as S-K BCIL.DINO COMPANY SIOUX CITY DEATHS At, the meeting Dr. Lewis will to Sioux City after spending the known with lta principal placa ot business In Sam J I«eoa B, C, D, E &nd G. Science has OUT EHTBERT speak on the meetings of the reOmaha, Douglaa County, Nebraska. The winter months In Chicago, where sOso more recently, discovered the Michael Mushkin E. J. KN corporation shaU have power to maincent Brotherhood Convention in he was a violin student at the tain and operate a general real estate FuneTal services for Michael specific purpose of each Vitamin business; to purchase, lease, hire &a<2 its effect on HeaJtii Mushkin, 74, who died in theWashington, D. C , which he at-American Conservatory. and deal Is generally in any and all FKADEXBtTKG, WEBB, BEBES, real and personal property or any interhome of his son Easie, 1420 Oma- tended. ft K1UTINICK A EJEIXET therein and to »«H, ,norts«.ee and TABLE OF VITAMINS ha street, were held,last ThursMrs. Herman Blum of Chicago est 650 Omaha Kcti. BsnS m& otherwise deal In auch personal and real property or any interest therein; to acOmaba, »brm»tai. day afternoon: in the family resiwill be the guest of honor at a quire Py purchase or otherwlae, asd to VITAMIN A OT E hold as Investments securities ot every dence. party this evening in the Slottx kind Vitamin A promotes growth, apand to exercise any and all right* ' Mr. Mushkin is survived by f Ive Late Friday evening services Teashop, to be given by Mrs. Jack incident NATIONAL A to ownership of «ald securities: petite snd digestion essestM for I Always Stoy at Notice Is hereby given that the underto cooperate and consolidate or join In. daughters, Ida of Chicago, HI.; tonight at Tiphereth Israel syna- Lasman. to any agreements with any person, signed have hereby associated t h e m> normal reproduction sad re&ring of young-. Builds up resist%nce in our gogue will be conducted by the selves together tor the purpose of formfirm, association or corporation inciFrances 'of Hollywood, Cal.; Mrs dent to the objects and purposes of this ing and becoming a corporation under system sgainst infection such ss H. Sherman'of Los Angeles, Cal.; Hebrew Cultural club. Rabbi Ben3. 3. FRIEDMAN, Attorney corporation; to borrow money and to th« laws of the State ot Nebraska. pledge any or all ot Its property as se•HO First Nat'I Bank Bids. jamin Goldberg will act as masTh* name of this corporation ehaTI coznsaoa "colds." B. Llchtman of Ontario curity therefor and to Usue evidences of be NATIONAL ACCESSORIES. T h e Cal.; and Mrs. A. Mansfield, of'j ter of ceremonies. Irvin Maron indebtedness therefor. The total author- principal place of transacting the PBOBATE NOTICE In the matter ol tb« estate or ETHEL ized capital stock shall be tlEO.O0O.OO nest ot this corporation ehall be in Om- VITAMIN B New Tort City; two sons, Easie j will chant the service and BenFRIBDEN, consisting of ISO shares of common aha, Nebraska, but tt snail h a v e a n . Vitamin S increases the appetite dcc-ea«ed. Kotlce Is hereb;- ptven i&t the crefll. stock of the par value of lioo.oo ana thority to transact business anywhere in sad di^reative processes, protects of Sioux City arid Ben of New Leubowieh will recite the Kidshares oX preferred stock of the parthe world. The central Gesture of the tors of said deceased will meet the addnBh. The floral offering will be ministrator ol eaid estate, before jne, 750 value of ilOO.00, all of which when Is- business to be trc -octed, and the ob- the body from nerve diseases and York City; sued shall b« fully paid and non-as- ject and purpose for which this corpora- acts as a tonic for our digestive County Judge of Douglas County, KeThree sisters, Mrs. A. L. Ga-made by Goldie Lehman. braska, at the. County Court Boon), ia sessable and may be exchanged for tion is organized shall be t h« buying system. Bessie Osnowitz will speak on cash, notes or real and personal proper- an selling of automotive parts and acsaid County, on the 10th day of June, linsky and Mrs.,Sam Sampson of lSs:. and on the 10th day of August. ty of every kind and character; the pre.cessories, radio and electrical equipNs wonder Ihof p«©p!e ore pessing the word along that the stock shall receive 6 per cent ment, automobiles, machinery and tools. Sioux City, and Mrs. H. Vaim of the purpose of the club. Miss Os 1935. at 9 o'clock A. II., each day. forferred Morrison gives you more for yeur money. The large, airy the purpose of presenting their claims Cumulative dividends which shall be and all other typss of merchandise or ViTAMIN C nowitz is the vice president of thi New York City, and one brother, for examination adjustment and allow- payable before any dividend on the com. personal property, and to do :.ll things Vitamin C is particularly v&Ju&bJe rooms, the alert thoughtful employee* end the p#rf«ef locaThree months are allowed for the ra n stock. When all cumulative divi- which may be necessary or proper to Max, of Sioux City, are among the dub. Miss Bertha Raskin, Becre ance. creditors to present their claims, from dends on preferred stock (shall have carry out the objects and purposes here- in the prevention of scurvy and tion, right cf the c®ntr« ©f downtown, make the Morrison tint tary, wil speak on the duties ql been declared and become payable and inabove set forth, including the leasing la required for normal tooth fortr ; 10th day of May. 1935. survivors. paid or a sufficient sum set aside to pay and ownership of real estate. The auehoie* frem every angle, especially with those wh© have many the club. The need of the club BRTCK CRAWFORD. mation &nd maintenance. It is the remainder of the earnings thorized capital stock of this corporaCounty Jndge. same, will be the subject to be discussed eeiis to moke in a short tim«. may be used to retire preferred stock tion shall be Ten Thousand (?10,000) aiso required ia promoting proper Mrs. Mayer Raskin 4-19—St. and when' all eaid preferred stock has Dollars, to be divided Into One Hundred metabolism of the bony structure by Irvin Maron. The sermon will Whether on pleasure or busiMrs. Mayer Raskin died Thursbeen retired, may he distributed as di- (100) shares of the par value of One FKADENBEBG, WEBB, BEBER, vidends on the common stock. In the Hundred ($100) Dollars e a c h , all of of the body. ness, you are neare*t to oil th« day afternoon, following a linger- be delivered by Isadore Ratner. KLVTZr.iCK & KELLEY, Atty*. event of liquidation or dissolution of a n ; which stock shall be common and shall kind, the preferr.". stockholders shall b« be fully paid up when issued. Thin cor650 Omaha Nat'I Bank Bldff. piece* yoy went most to reoeh. ing illness. Funeral services were Rabbi Goldberg will make the anentitled to be paid In full the par value poration shall coamenej doing business VITAMIN D held Friday In the family resi- nouncements and offer. the beneof their shares and unpaid dividends ac- at the time of ths filing of its Articles Vitamin D rcgiilates and a^gists rBOBATE NOTICE diction. In the matter of the estate of CLARA crued thereon before any sum shall be of Incorporation in t h e office of the dence at 811 Otoe street. paid to the holders of the common County Clerk of Douglas County, Ne- the eystem from absorbing from HOL.DSBERG, deceased. •',-• Surviving are four daughters, Following the service, refresh- . Notice Is hereby given that the credi- stock. Preferred stock may h« re- brasL_, and it ehal continue in exist- our food, the bone-formiag1 eleof said deceased will meet the ad-deemed by the Soard ot Directors at ence f o r a period of fifty (EO) years Mrs. Katz of Sioux City, Pearl, ments will be served by the club tors ministratrix of said estate, before me. any time after the expiration of one from said date. The highest amount of ments, Calcium &ad phosphorus, as Judge of Douglas County. Nt« year by mailing SO days notice thereof indebtedness to which this corporation well ~&s the minerals necessary to "May and Frances, of Detroit, in .the social hall ot the syna- County braska, at the County Court Boom, In to the registered holders of such stock shall subject itself Bhall not exceed two- build the structure of our bones gogue. The community Is invited Mich.; and sons. Hy, George,Ben, said County, on the lOtft day of June, at the last recorded address, tor a sum thlrda of its capital stock. Tne affairs £Bd teeth, i t is particularly valand on the 10th day of August, equal to t:.j par value of said stock plus of this corporation shall be administered to attend the service and social 193G, and Harry of Chicago. 1935, at 9 o'clock A. M., each day. forany unpaid dividends thereon: asd aft-by a Board of Directors of not less than uable in the prevention of riokete 5trf/ *nd? hour. the purpose of presenting their claims er the expiration ot salfl notice all di- two (2) persons, who shall be elected by in cMlOrea or in the treatment of for examination, adjustment and allow- vidends on said preferred stock called and from a m o n g the stockholders at rickets.. '.. Circulating Saturday morning Rosh cho-[ redemption shall ceasa to accrue and their annual meeting. The Board of Disi*• I ance. Three months are allowed for thefor .,.—,1.1,1, -roill all righta ot stockholders, except the Students Honored creditors to present t&elr claims, from right to receive the redemption price Owing to the height of the May, i»ss. Bervices President. Vice- VITAMIN E ' Israelwin synagogue. Sat- the 10th day of BStCB shall cease and determine, t h e corpor- rectors shall elect CRAWFORD, President, Secretary and Treasurer, all at Universities Tiphereth byiidirig, most of th® rooms ation shall commence business upon the urday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock County Judge. filing of the Articles with the County of whom shal! hold office for a term of Vitamia E is sometimes c&lled the eft out of earshot of 4-19—St. Clerk of Douglas County, Nebratfca, and one year or until their successors are "SEX" Vitamin and is indicated i Rabbi Goldberg will speak in Yidduly elected and qualified. Two Sioux City students were noises,, ye? only cm In the treatment sad correction of "I*:'J. TOBIN FKADENBEKG, WEBB, BEBER, given signal honors this "week by dish at the synagogue. both mals ted fem&le sterility tod rid© frem the Loop. the subscription of 30 per cent of Its A. A. FIEDLER KianCZNICK & KJEIJ^T, Attorneys theJr election Into national hondegeneration of the sexual fimc- | authorized capital stock and shall con- <-12-4t 650 Omaha National Bank Bids. tinue until January 1, 19S6. The corporUoas. . • ! •orary fraternities. We me of the Mother-Daughter Banquet IN THE COUNT? COtlKT OF ttOVG- ation shall sot at any time iubj«t Itself to an indebtedness In excess of twoJLA8 UUUNXX. MSBUAHKA. Morris Lasensty, son of Mr. More than §0 0 mothers and TERRACE 6ARDIM third* of its capital stock. The affairs the matter of the Estate of VJTAM1N G V and Mrs. Max Lasensky. was one daughters attended the annual InHABVEI of the corporation ahall be administered DAT, Deceased. Vitamin G is "sometimes known as ALL PERSONS INTERKSTED IN by a Board of Directors ot not less than of the four engineering students Mother and- Daughter Banquet on TOSAID ESTATE. BOTH CREDITORS three' nor more than five who shall ne the "Chief" Growth Promoting: BOSTON OYSTER HOUSE Recognised as -. el ;ed at the annual meeting of stockat the University of Iowa to beWednesday evening in the Shaare AND HEIRS: Vitamin. Its deficiency in a diet, holders to be held on the 2nd Monday Touate hereby notited that on the PRACTICAL MOHEL selected to membership in theZion synagogae. Participating in 1st day of May, 1935, petitioner filed in May of each year. The Board of Dlproduces a lack of vigor, vitality, IF YCWI Phone 1059 Tau Beta PI fraternity. The Tau the program were Mrs. H. R. Ra-her petition in the above matter, setting j rectors shall elect a President, Presiden, Viee'loss' o* weight aad appetite, ami President, Secretary and Treasurer. The forth-.. among; other things that Harvey P i St d capital, T The causes weakening of tetestinsl Beta Pi. is a national scholastic binowitz, Jean Shindler, Aita Hee- %™ Coifficii Bluffs, la. u o of Omaha, \ corporation may use Jts surplus a n d r e s iaent muscles .and in a child, produces Nb did or accumulated profits in purchasing its engineering fraternity. He is a ger, Mrs. Henry Sherman, Mrs. uoujiaV county," Nebraska, died ___ __ .. . _. Aprit own securities, upon, such terms and stunted 'growth. .' . • senior at the university. t seized h P r t a and on t possessed h a 28tb d of a y the o t follow- rnich prices aa the Board may determine 1928, J. Sawisklak, Luclle Muahkin and ^ ' - to-wit: and all such bonds or stock of the coring' described real estate, Science now knows th&t the lack \ Leonard Weiner, eon of Mr. Lots Thirty-one (31) and Thirty-two poration thus purchased shall be subof Vitamins in the diet, produces | (32), Block Four (4), Druid Hill, an ject to resale unless they have been exand Mrs. Sam Weiner, 1315 "Jen- Ida Shindler. y food deficiency diseases. Vitamins, addition, to the City of Omaha, Douglas pressly retired by the company for the nings street, has been elected to County. Nebraska.: as surveyed, platted pur-ose of decreasing its capital. The therefore, are iwtd px«TCsts.tire j B'nai&'ritli Board shall have authority to direct and a n d r e c o r d e d . - * • - • • membership in the Order of Coif, d curative. 1 That the petitoner was the wife of authorize its officers to sell, dispose ot, mortgage and convey all or national honorary law fraternity, Members of the B'nai B'rith the deceased, and that »he never re- encumber, »aa ewry one ef tt* «gs«Bti&3 Tiis.and the only heirs at law of any* part of the company's assets upon at the University of Michigan in lodge heard the finals in the de-married, sasnK sre in t&is new prcKlnci. No longer the deceased are Harold Day and Clif- such terms ZB the Board may deem adwilt it be necesjsfcrj' to t&ke cevertl i>reDay; that the prayer ot said peti- visable. No dividends shall be declared Ann Arbor. Leonard Is also a bate tourney given by members ford TentstlTci in ortjer to ret the B«MBSRJT tion is for a decree determining the or paid upon the common stock until vit&iniBa. Ko Joccsr need 7011 worry about graduate of Central High School. of the Amorian club. The debat- time of death of the decedent, the the preferred stock shall have been recounties* torms ot discs*? RW3 BickneM 1 deemed or retired In its entirety. The of his heirs, fixing- the degree of through lack ot jvroiwr Tfta^ins. Eact Tit»He will be graduated from a 3- ers were Joe Maron, Harold Lef- names kinship of said heirs and the right of articles may be amended at any regular nssn plays «n important |>»n to t»« hesitth kovich, David Olensky and Irvin or special meeting called for that pur\ • ' . . i " s . . " • • i . ' , descent to said real estate barring the year law course at Michigan in structure of cur toody and BOW Thompeos's V'"""( ••"• • »•• ' • • > * * " claims of creditors of said deceased, and pose by a majority vote of the capital I •• • • , stock Issued. June at the age of 23. Leonard Widesky. for such other and further relief as may eotabioes them 8,11 1B K perfect comlvinatton. just ana equitable; that said matter Dated at Omaha, Netrraska, thSa 4th gtaduated from Central at the A new class of members were be is eet for hearing before the County Oa sals sX nsost retail &mg wni \ day of April, IS 35. age ot 15, and attended Morning- initiated into the lodge at their Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, on WITNESS: the 25th day of May. 1983. at the hour A. Greesberg. K«ary an«5 #erom$ fi&By meeting Wednesday. Bide college for two yeara and the J. HAROLD SAKS, B a 1:S9 to S w r WAAW. f forenoon. University of Minnesota for two Frank Margolin, president of of S:00 "o'clock inBRtheCB H. MAEQCARDT. 4-16-35—4t Incorporatora, the lodge, presided. j , . , . * ^ S years." • lt
H^DREB ATTEND Sisterhood Mother, Daughter Banquet KICK-OFF DINNER FOR CAMPAIGN
Rev.'. A. Diamond
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WOULD BREAK — Asserting that President Roosevelt 4s following the Socialist and Republican platforms instead of Democratic principles, above is Tom Under, Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture, who suggested in the State Department of Agriculture bulletin that Georgia secede from the Union. The bulletin is said to have been received by more than 100,000 farmers.
ADMITS, DENIES, HE SET FIRES—Edward Mallqy, 13-yearold crippled boy. who told conflicting stories as Chicago police sought to determine whether he was the firebug who terrorized Rogers Park with a series of 10 apartment house fires and cost the life of an aged woman. At first admitting the fires, he later said his story was a boax. Fire officials thought his apprehension solved the case. .
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LARGEST—Here is the world's largest mirror, 100 inches In diameter, after it received its reflecting coat of aluminum and as it now appears at Mount Wilson Observatory at Pasadena, Cal. The mirror, for use in the giant telescope, is said to assist mankind in peering farther into infinitude than ever before. Dr. John Strong of the California Institute of Technology, is shown inspecting the new coating.
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JUST THEIE, BOX—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Coughlin, parents of the aggressive radio priest, the Rev. Charles E.-Coughlin, as they attended the mass meeting in Detroit where Fr. Coughlin spoke to rally members to his National Union for Social Justice. To these proud parents he was just their bey.
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SEEKS WORLD'S RECORD—Stubby Stubbleford, noted automobile speed driver, who is seeking to set a new world speed record. He is shown in the seat of his unique and interesting new Dieselmotored car on the equally unique race course of Muroc Dry Lake on the Mojave desert. Hardpacked earth in the dry lake bed provides an admirable course.
IMPERIAL CROWN OF STATE—The British 'Imperial.;crewn' that King George of England will wear during State-occasions in connection with the 25th coronation anniversary beginning May 6. Among many historic gems the cro^ra contains the Black Prince ruby, the Stuart sapphire and the Queen Elizabeth pear earrings. There are 3,095 pearls and precious stones in the crown.
SOUTHERN VACATIO^JIST —Miss Rose O*Neil Winslow, daughter of Mrs. Carol Dana Winslow of New Yorfc, as snapped by_the candid camera on the sands of Coral Beach, Bermuda. Miss Winslow was spending a vacation there as a member of the society colony. . t .
A TOWN WITHOUT SMOKE OR CHIMNEYS—Mason City, a new town of more than 3,000 inhabitants, has neither smoke nor chimneys. As shown above, it is the community where workers live who are employed on the Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River, Wash. Founded by the Public Works Administration, electricity furnishes heat for all buildings and the residents enjoy the benefits usually to be found in urban life. ~*fyr*jOT
GROWS TJP—That old story about putting a fiat stone on a youngster's head to keep him from growing so fast might apply to Baby Leroy, above, movie starlet. It was not so long ago one saw him riding in a baby carriage in pictures, but here he is almost ready to — well, break into your heart again.
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iiOROPE'S BICHEST PAMBUES. UKKED—wHen Roger Janssen, member of a Belgian banking family, and Clude Mettetal, Paris socialite, were married recently, two of Europe's richest families were linked. The young man and his bride are shown as they arrived in Los Angeles while honeymooning.
RESIGNS — Constable S. E. Stowe of Pike Township, New Lexington, Ohio, who has resigned on the grounds that he cannot bring himself to evict poor folks who cannot pay their rent. "I'm almost as poor as a church mouse myself," he says, "and I need the fees. But it will never be said of me X evicted anyone wtio would pay his rent if he could get work."
THEY FELL OKE FLIES—At least that is what defense officials tried to maSe me citizens cf Arnham, Holland, suppose, when exercises to train them in event of an air attack were held. The town was completely darkened and the cruel reality of war is as simulated in many phases This picture snows Red Cross workers carrying away the "wounded."
SHROfEES 5W> VISIT WORLD'S FA1S—Lafayette S. Rounsavelle. Illustrious Potentate of the Los Angeles Shrine, who will. lead Shriners from 11 states in. the safari to the world's fair at San Diego, CaL, soon. Harold Lloyd, movie actor, will be th' ceremonial master.' Copyright Callc