May 10, 1935

Page 1

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

In the Interests of the

Entered aa Second Class Mail Matter OD January 21. 1921. at Postofflc of Omaha. Nebraska, unjler tbp Act of March 2. 1879


A number of Nazi leaders in Czechoslovakia were sentenced to varying terms of imprisonment for organizing a boycott movement against Jewish lawyer and doctors.



Town Scores 100% in Appeal Drive

Important new discoveries in the treatment of asthma and in Fairmont, W. Va., (JTA)—A the diagnosis of cancer were reported to the 19th annual session I record of giving believed to be 1 unparalleled among Jewish comSpecial Prayer to Be Said in of the American College of Physician by Dr. Alvan L. Barach, Minimum Wage munities of the United States was New York, and Dr. Benjamin Gruskin, Philadelphia, respectively. Occupations May Be Synagogues in .registered here last week as Fairfixed England The twenty-fifth jubilee of King George's reign over the imont provided a 100 per cent reJerusalem (JTA)—A minimum | spouse in a campaign on behalf London (JTA)—The King of British Empire will be marked by the planting in Palestine of a I of the United Jewish Appeal, England has given his consent to forest of 1,250,000 trees on an area of 1,500 acres. The cost of wage for any occupation in Paleswhich is seeking to raise ?3,250,financing this project will be borne by English Zionists. tine may be fixed by Sir Arthur 000 nationally for relief and rethe Jewish National Fund project to plant in Palestine a forest The racial theory advanced by the Hitlerites was condemned Wauchope, the High Commission- habilitation of Jews in Germany. e Every Jewish family in this hearing his name in honor of his by Eugenio Pacelli, Secretary of State to the Holy See, who said: er of Palestine, according to an official announcement in the Pal- city, whose total Jewish populatwenty-fifth jubilee. " 'The Catholic Church will never accept the racial theory." A stag will be held at t h e Hightion Is 140, made a contribution estine Gazette. The forest will he planted in land Country clubhouse n e x t to the campaign, according to a Tiae fecge thermometer in the; RE the canvassers girded t h f if • Samuel Reshevsky, young Jewish chess player of New York, Nazareth and is to consist of 1,An ordinance published in bethe "port issued by Harry N. Pol- Wednesday, May 15, at 6:45 p, Gazette regulates the relations Jewish Coromsirafy Ocister leMy I Fflvei? for "the Jiome s<retrh.'" 250,000 trees on an area of 1,500 won the International Masters' tournament at Margate, Eng. tween employers and employes, j lock and Bert S. Leopold, officteen p y py | d e u o t i s g tli® p r o g r e s s irc t h e j _'.';** ^™T>e™t,!°\™1 ^ ^ acres. The cost of planting the er Stronger action in combatting anti-Jewish discrimination in The ordinance provides t h a t peri s of the drive. This will be t h e only stag of I s i x t h a n n u a l l e w i s i FhSIasthro- I c ^ F ^ m a n ^ r H M . * ^ ^ forest will be contributed by the Jews of England as a tribute to employment in the U. S. and enlargement of the powers and juris- sons employed on a monthly basis | t h e season to "which guests will j pies campaign h a s s u r g e d well I , . ^ x^m m a rvciouB. T i i e diction of the Joint Consultative Council—rwhich includes repre- must he given a t least a month's j the King. be allowed. Each member is j above t h e half-ws-y m a r k , sis6 is ]£n(-> enthusiapni s b o v• i> i osiumElaborate preparations are also sentatives of the B'nai B'rith, American Jewish Congress and notice before dismissal. Those I urged to bring a gcest. Mem- j la. d a n g e r of fccrsthsg the rseed-; campaign thus far is. ppurrr being made by individual Jewish American Jewish Committee—so as to make it the authorized employed on weekly contracts! bers a r e urged to make reserva-j e g figure of ?48,(iHMjl, | workers on, siul we • should he given one week's notice j organizations in England to cele- spokesman of American Jewry were tirged by Hon. Alfred M. Cotions -K-ita Lazar Kaplan, execu- j !pur efforts until cv< i.iIf.Jilf g S reportif they have been employed for at e e c o s brate the King's Silver Jubilee in tive secretary, Atlantic 1613. cent, is CRi The Jewish lecture series spon| heM TImr&day EO-BE sit the -Cea-; hen, international president of the B'nai B'rith, in his presidential least six months. an appropriate manner. Dr. JosManning E. H S E filer is arrangter, the total raised i s t&s crive ]officiall ends isext eph Hertz, Chief Rabbi of Eng- message opening the fourteenth quinquennial convention of the The ordinance further provides sored by the Junior Vas.& groups ing t h e program. Incpessr that if no notice is given wages leaded its second season Wednesj land, is one of the guests invited B'nai B'rith in Washington. Ladies-day will be held Tues- was $22,220. The oisteiftiidijig featHr are to be paid to the employe for I day evening with a symposium on ) Five hundred volunteer •work- : by His Majesty to represent the day. j oris io d»ie s-, <!.<•>? the period covering the length of the "Jewish Scene" In -which Rab• ers, "DEdeterred by obstacles, are j the Jewish faith at the celebrations IK?F of i»cra8««s. Hh bi David A. Goldstein, Rabbi notice to which he is entitled. i thoroughly canTassing the Jevish ; in the Palace. cs are not fooiuj; p Announcing that the High COEI- David H. Wice a n d Rabbi Uri ! community so that Omaha Jewry j In connection with the jubilee, ixr.y one ,cro5ii>. bist Sidney Epmissioner may fix a minimum \ Miller participated, | may "keep faith" v r i t h t h e thirty-j Chief Kabbi Hertz issued a special ijs all along iMw wage for any occupation in Pales-! stein was chairman, one local, nations^ s.nd interns,- j worker*- i*C|>oi-t ihrrl 3ij>c, prayer to be said in the synaRabbi Goldstein, | n discussing tine, the ordinance states that tional beneiiciar/ agencies T h o j gogues throughout Great Britain Philadelphia (WNS)—The "penalty will be provided for go- "Palestine," stated t h a t the hope <l*p p r c c. t c- r received aid from the PfcilaEtlirc-1 during the Sabbath services on for return to Palestine had percoveted John Philips Memorial ing below t h e minimum, and r e pies funds. | May 11. This prayer, printed in Mrs. Sophie train, national sec- Medal, awarded annually by thecovery of the difference will be meated all Jewish history and all most The optimism -which prevailed j Hebrew and in English will be ofThe annual Mother and DaughJewish thought. fered for the Royal family in retary of the Pioneer* Women and American College of Physicians demanded when the minimum is Kabbi Wice, speaking on "Anti- ter Banquet sponsored by the Wo- day morning THE still prerp.' The leaders of the CP.To.psif.rr: every Jewish place of worship in former secretary at the Hebrew to some outstanding physician in not paid." I Semitism from Biblical times till men's Division of t h e Jewish ; particularly praipe the pistmr- ir. the country. University in Jerusalem, will be the field of medicine, was pretoday pointed out t h a t the Community Center and Welfare v.-fcich the detail and oificr -w-ot-L a guest in Omaha this week-end. sented to Dr. Leo Loeb, professor BOARD OF GOVERNORS Jewish people must support a lib- Federation will be held on SunfV{ has been handled i-nder n>r. .Ul .1". eral form of government where day evening, May I S , a t 8 p. m., ^upervisiOE of VRXA GoIrtbUi ;.•,.. The Pioneer Women w i l l he of pathology at Washington UniOF VAAD IS ELECTEDindividual differences a r e al- at the Je-srish' Community Center, j esecvttive director. hostesses at, a luncheon in honor versity, St. Louis, at the close of T"" T" ' A program of ttimsual interest The semi-annual meeting of the lowed. --- \ >, of Mrs. Udin, at the Hill at one the organization's annual convenH Rabbi TJr i" Miller," talking c a t o both mothers and daughters! .ft. ""pep" 'Jiw for *5' Vaad was held Sunday, May 5, at o'clock today. tion. "Jetrish Education," revie-red t h e ! h a s been p r e p a r e d ' f o r t h e 'even-' worker? •wil the B'nal'lsfael synagogue. This evening, M r s. Udin will I>r. JLoeb, -who is a former pres- jar.. Jf. i.Levinsony -president or •history.-ot. Jewish education. ia_jjns's.-JP.?osraE2 . TMrs, I... XSacsty speak at tBe"~£ervices at* ident"of the American; Association the Taad, gave a complete report in this .county s a d indicated t h a t j will speak for the mothers, a n d , El synagogue. After the services, of Pathologists and Bacteriolog- on 'all the activities. Mrs. L.the future phase of Jewish educa- Lee J a s e Greenberg for the {WN )—-A fcocyj New members ••of the Pioneer Women's ists and of the Society for Cancer Neveleff, president of tee auxili- tion in this country -would trans- daughters. .A playlet entitled j blow is or to Killer's! are "London,. r?-will gather at the Research, delivered the convoca- ary, reported. for the auxiliary form the Talmud Torah into a "Cinderella" has ' been -prepared | ^'aci'al theories fc less tlian 100 Jewish employes in organization of Mrs. J. Feldman, 2424 tion oration, speaking on "T h e and Miss Dora Freshman, head of laboratory of all that was best in by Miss Merritt,. and other novel Czefc&sowEld, famous professor of ft-II? Kall the fcan&s in England, includ- home features have been arranged. Thyroid-stimulating Hormone of Burt street. tfei« moon r-i 1'^,:%^ PI. jhf: adult Jewish life. the Jr., Yaad auxiliary, gave the anthropology at the University of ing the Bant of .England, it -was cents i Center, Reservations Mrs. Udin will be guest of the Anterior Pituitary Gland." A cro-wd of two hundred atreport for them. disclosed here by Nathan Laski, 1 be- icROv-n. SP "ini;ts.:. honor at an Oneg Shabbos jointly tended. . The following were elected as prominent Jewish leader, in a Kabbi I M Miller v.-iii given by the Beth-El auxiliary, new members of the b o a r d of sharply -worded reply to Sir OsBILLIS ELECTED TO governors: Messrs. M. Chases, S. '•wald Mosley in behalf of the Jews the Pioneer Women, and Hadasto Discover limited number of reservations, ^ I-Iarr; ceat o£ t h e JeWE INNOCENTS SOCIETY Epstein, M. Arbitman, E.-Marks, of Manchester, where he resides. sah, at the Blackstone Hotel. « 1 1 be accepted, it « necessary | W a r s a w a n d t w e n t y p e r c e n t of:j of t h e initial giftb, luvfc JICM. Hostesses will be the MesdamBen Kazlowsky, M. Kirshenbaum, Answering tlie repeated attacks t h a t all b e to before Thursday o 4 | t h o 8 e i c L e i n b e r g a r e o £ N o r d i c J spur-ring his w o r k e r s oil, so ;?»s>..* Climaxing three years of lead- I. Shyken, S. Lagman, A. Schwacof Sir Oswald on "the Interna- es Dave Sherman, Sara Frohm, Istanbul (WNS) —Scientists the coming -week. I caste, similar to the Aryans of ]l>e m a y h& able t o r e p o r t to«!vtional Jew who s 11 s in London J. J. Greenberg, William Alberts, ership in campus activities at the zkin, and Mas Fromkin. t h a t 'the division b<>& «itts.i\>cd Uf from all parts of Europe are and ruins Lancashire trade," Mr. J. H. Kulakqfsky, Reuben Kula- University of Nebraska, I. Irving Central Germany. airs. J. Arnstein is cLairrxian of Rabbi Harry Jolt of-Lincoln adLaski stated t h a t the financial kofsky, J . J. Friedman, Julius Hill, Lincoln, was honored last dressed the meeting. He spoke Hocking to Angora, the capital of the" committee. Those BSsif5"g j ^^Writin7ir"tne* current number I: <J«ota. machinery in London is largely In Abrahamson, M. F. Levenson, week by election to the Innocents on "The Kind of Jew That Builds Turkey,-to see a new electrical ] her are Iu r s. J . J . Greecberg, of the American Hebrevr, Joel Breakfast Anu I*epo~i s Xeve- Gang, the paper's i | A Tveli-atiended "> device, invested by Dr. Samsel j Mrs. Irvln Levithe hands of the Bank of Eng-Max Fromkin, Morris Friedel, Society, campus honorary group, a Jewish Community". bo flea. Mrs. Paul Goldblatt ana Mrs, | — | — - ^ — ; ^ ^ S S\ breaklefct Tue«d land and of five big banks. Not Isadore Reznick, Max Goldstein, and will take his place in the or- T h e Auxiliary served refresh- Azay, a Je-wisli savant, m v v 1 r. s a Bingl.e Jew is on the directorate Sam Novak and H. Giller. claims t h a t his machine is able H. A. Wolf. ganization as Its treasurer. | Czekanovsti foEBd t h a t the Nor- i launched tbe c«n ments after the meeting. : of the Bank of England, and to detect nndergroud sources of Mrs. J. Kulakofsky will introThe members of Innocents Sodie type of Jew in Poland came Chairman r h i I p presided.. Kabbi Frederic"!;: there are only three Jews among duce the speaker. trater, determine -whether certain ciety are chosen each year from Moscow—A new Jewish daily from Germany. all the directors of the banks of The joint hostesses extend an among the campus leaders, as newspaper, the fifth In the Soviet soils -R-ill yield crops and plants - "The Nordic types of Jev£ In | gars the invocation, snci I tor GoHIbli-U lol England can have on the financial invitation to all the Jewish Wo- recognition for active supremacy Union, started publication in the and discover diseases in trees and O - I J _ , , Q t f _ J s , 7 | Poland," he says," he says, "have activities of the country." Mr. men of Omaha to attend this on the campus. .man "vriih the Ary- j workers Eouers! iiiEivuetiot shrubs. city of Vinice, Ukraine. field o n Oiincay f e a t l i r e s i a commO n ^m- the Ar?- The pep-generatir,p t«lk Laski said, "For many years no Oneg Shabbos. Hill has an active record be. . . . lans cf Central Germany. Their. financial loan has been permitted H. A. IV o I f The Pioneer Women's organi- hind him. Besides having served | anthropological f e a t u r e s and i delivered by eervice vbloK by any institution unless it; has zation and its affiliates are going as recorder of Sigma Alpha Mu a n dAn outstanding a r t exhibition v had the consent of the Treasury. to honor Mrs. Udin -with a party fraternity for the past year, he is id a ofpanel discussion T r o M characteristics uiuch.o£ in Fcom-! •workers the v.ere rendering:, osj-Uiiii. Jewish Youth"onfeatured! inoi! "with the ksve Germans r a a - stressed Therefore, it is not true that the at the J. C. C Saturday evening. a member of the University of Nethe second annual Yout Youth Con-| C o n - | C O I 1 j a (-^-here the notorious anti- the solicitations o£ i>iiiSaiii.b.i'Oi>U* •international Jews are ruining The public is Invited There will braska debate team: is president clave held Sunday at Temple Is- jS e r r r ; t e , Julius Streicher, rules-), pledges as a "holy "vvork." the : country1 when loans cannot be'a nominal charge. racl under .'be auspices f tt iie He also emphasized . t b e i'ft-'i xaost of the Jews came of the Corn Cobs, local chapter of be floated without the consent of College Clnl Chavera Udin has had an In- PI Epsilon Pi, national pep ori to Poland and -whence they also that the donor?* are conttibut.jiif g the English government." teresting career. Coming to Am- ganization; Is a member of the "At the present time there is a tbeir Yiddish language/" to thirty-one cnnipftiF-ns, Bot, «r: A supper, a play, a special serHigh praise was given to the American Hebre-sr's corres-| one, and that the peoi>le Challenging Sir Oswald Mosley erica at the age of three, she was student Council, student govern- Jewish Philanthropies campaign spirit of co-operation and a basis vice and a dance were also on the !poncent reports that to make a definite reply, Mr. reared in Pittsburgh and obtain- ing body; international president in O m a h a by Benjamin Lewis, of unified action among t h e Jevr- program. should. he "sold''* on. Ibis i l l Those taking part in the panel | Czekanovrski found t h a t the fur-1 The m arveiouB acfivifseK ot thr. ish people -which never existed Laski disclosed that in Manches- ed her M. S. and B. S. degrees in of A. Z. A.; was chairman of the ter seventy-five per cent of the education at Columbia University, Junior-Senior Prom committee; owner of the Lewis Packing com- prior to the tidal v.ave of catas- fiiscassion -were Afiele Wilinsky, | tber away from the German froB-1 beneficiary RgeB cicB. pecttui n i Bernice Perimeter, J. Haroic j tier, tbe less Jews of the Nordic j well a? non-r- {•ctatinB. "W i- - f staffs employed in Jewish firms New York. She worked for years was a member of the Rally com- pany which opened a South Om- trophic European events." Saks, Earl Ross, Massie Banm,-j type are to be found in Poland, j brougb t on are non-Jews. %' •' •: aha branch last Monday. Wald, -who is one of t i e firm's in libraries in Jewish localities, mittee; is a member of the StudT h e lirst . r c p or l Inncheoi\ V Lewis declared that the system leading executives, disagrees with and Max Resnick. Rabbi David H.: In I/eraberg, the percentage Replying to jSir Oswald Mos- where she. established and organ- ent Union Building executive; nesfiav ; kc <" Jews of the Nordic element ley's allegations! that the Jews are ized Jewish. Forums and Jewish was a winner of the Long debate of having all the charitable driv- the many Jewish leaders •who ad- Wice was chairman. .by the local j only twenty per cent, which isjj day." M r p, Irvin S-l&ltr.a.«t»". • The works of "ruining the Lancashire trade," Mothers clubs. trophy; member of Gamma es united under one campaign— vise Jewish youth t o seek their She lived in Palestine in 1921-Lambda, honorary band fratern- as In Omaha wherein the fund- salvation in agriculture or as ar- artists attracted considerable in-| sis per cent below that in T\E,T~ \ chairman vi the Mr; Laski declared: "I venture to say that I know 22, and in 1925-26 she worked ity; was elected for - the past raising efforts for thirty-one lo- tisans. In comraentisg on the terest and attentioi revealing I saw; A similar percentage de-| presided- Rabbi Dsvid A. GoWI crease held true for Vila a and | stein pave the address, At ihUc a great deal more about Lanca- with t h e Hebrew university, three years to the annual Honors* cal, national and international chances which the Jewish youth macb. talent. Lee Green directed the temple | other localities in the Eastern luncheon tbe total raised was r e shire trade than Sir Oswald Mos- where she inaugurated the Amer- Convocation. He has starred in agencies are combined—was dis- have i n t h e business -world, lie ported as $17.4"7.r;5. choir in the vesper service. The I parts of Poland. ley. The J e w s of Manchester ican system of cataloguing and numerous productions of the Uni-tinct evidence of communal pro- declared: "If' they enter Into the business Temple Sisterhood, with Mrs. Xrs. j Professo Professor Csekanowski,, who | At Thursday's 5wncheon, have done a great deal to foster classification. She has also work- versity Players, having leading flgress. A native of New England, world and carry on in their r e - Sani BerkowitE as chalnman, was'; has esaminefi thousands of Jew-j cral solicitations day" was-otreerv-Lancashire trade. Before the ed with the Encyclopedia of So-roles In "Julias Caest • " "Kiss e stated that in that section iisb soldiers in the Polish army, ed. iiarrj TruBtir., the country such a unified sys- spective endeavors in an honest, in charge of the supper. war, Jews who settled in Man-cial Sciences. Columbo," annual Kosmet Klub Mrs. Udin has been active in show, "Dinner "at Eight," "Coun- tem was. still .uncommon, but neethical and business-like manner, The play, "The Red Carnation 1 ' j made tests in hospitals, Institu the KcnersI oilcitptions chester from the East we're able io a large extent to keep Lanca- the organization work of the Pio-sellor a t L a w , " a n d " W e d n e s - predicted that: it would n o t bs they have a s good EH opportunity was presented by Sylvan P r a n k - j t i o n s and among meiaberE of Jo?"-1 presided. Rsftbl I^ETKI Ii, long before tbe lralfiea-campaiga for success a s formerly existed." eL Norsaan Tvoalner, and AfieleUsli crganizations, declares that j gave la© afidtese. shire mills going because of their neer Women since the day of the d a y ' s Child." - . - . . group's formation. She'has been i Di».y idea is adopted i n ' mo'st Jewish In his opinion, Jewish y o u t h Wilinsky, with Miss. Helen Mer-i among I t s Jev;s in Polaafi fbe connections in the markets of active in the organizashould enter s.ny field'of -business ritt a s director. Ramoaa ay" will be o communities. SIos-! Nordic element in many cases " Egypt, Turkey, Baghdad, Beirut, especially TEMPLE'S CONGREGATIONAL tion of girls' groups and in conrt kuiclte-ou M or professional eadeavor they deAlthough Le^rfs Is kept exb-are Pep-per gave a reading. i predominates over tne un&nc Aleppo, Greece, Rumania and ducting "leadership" classes. A, Fiedler, tremely busy in caring for the sired. Bulgaria. After the war, when Lasar Kaplaa was general | Seiaitie. " I t is a common fcaMEETING EEU FRIDAY four different packing plants lie jwai of it lie J illi divtsion* wfll Both Lewis a n d Walfl B p o t e cliairiaan, wi Vs. Donald Brodkey i t u r e , " lie says, "thai ol EII Japanese competition in those o-wns, he' still finds time to activevery •highly of Rabbi Harry Levy, markets became acute, these Jews as co-ordsnator. Temple Israel will hold Its anT4d j TV»Q^O?t3 os ol them belc participate •'in an Orthodox Io f Boston,-."who-has beea s a t i n g sent their sons and their relatives nnal congregational meeting, Fri- ly itlie' Oriental tj-pe. T i i s is. also ] general solicltationfi division. synagogue and to keep in touch bi-monthly talks over t h e radio to South America, Mexico, South day evening, May 17, after the with t h e Jewish affairs of. Ms a n d who has" done much in fering- j j the case with t b e Jews o£ Litbca- • the youtfc, vritt cU-e the a< and North Africa, Belgian Congo, Election of officers will ijr to Fiedler, t h e y ing ' aboutv..closer relations be-1 Paris—Unless milady fiecides i B | a , J e m s al e m (WNS) —Palcor services. Canada, Australia, and even the be held and important congrega- home town, Boston. The Lewis plants are in. Bos-tween Jews a n d non-Jews.. They to defy tlie fashion dictates of { division expect* t o l*e "over United States. In South America, Agency)—An area of one thous- tional matters-will be discussed. " Mass.; Hartford, Coaa.; declared that he has ' done re- j Paris this- spring t i e will Siad top fey MoncisiT's saeeting. Tl»*s for instance, hundreds of Jews and dunams, about 250 acres, is The Sisterhood will serve re- ton, I youth club pledges a r e all in, Portland, Me.; and Omaha. markable . -work along . anti-de- herself sporting t h e swastikas, o s j with packs on their backs go being granted by the Jewish freshments after the meeting. r spring cntfit- One - Both Lewis, and Harold WaH, fanjation lines a s d lias a a escelthe right into the interior carrying Fund in the Emek Zebulun, Haifa traveling auditor of the company. Bay area, for the establishment secured by Lancashire goods. ; •; ARTICLE ACCEPTED • are of the opinion that t i e antiof Kfar MaccabI, a new rural cen"This applies in large measure .tecre»st-«« Harry Mendelson, local Hebrew Semitic events, in. Europe recentto South Africa, where they beat ter in which the settlers will be ly have effected a strong, "unificateacher and periodic contributor members oi the Maccabi World the Indian immigrant, who carto the Jewish Press, has had antion- ©X New England Jewry. s gestlle listeners to be use ries goods mostly from Japan," Sports Union, it e n • an-article "by one of t h e • "Groups of Jewish people who!by him. tor'ike institutions whJcli! "with s: Commusity einglng- *t the r»1Mr. Laski continued. "The larg- nounced by M. M. Ussishkin, pres- leading accepted Jewish monthlies In the j lies amd report .1 . . v... prior to last year sever even real-! .he discusses fa Ms rafiio ident of the Fund. talks. I est trade done in* Lancashire with J A further area of nine hundred country. Hia feature, "A Decade ised the existence of other Je^'isa Botli l<ewis and Wald sre active Stats© ©f 1|SS£I j D-afclin—Tie Jewish. Secord, aided In Tmoying tip tbe Bplti|:, *l: South Africa is carried on with Hebrew University," which a grpnps began, to seek their co- mejabers • cf the -Bostoa B'nal Praba—A status of looses' v?s.% \ tbe Si^st -3mrisb, paper la Irelaod, the workerp. Harry • South African Jews. A great deal dunams is being reserved in case of short time ago was printed in the in activities: which ssrv- B'rith. - Sfr. X«-wIs stated 'that lie giren by the -Kiaister. c£ Ednca- j is new being psbliBfcea here as a of trade is in the hands of Jews the MaccabI raises sufficient Press, appears in the May issue operation ed to unite all Je-ssry," intended to remain in Omaha "tor tlon as a gift to the Municipality weeWy recorfl«r of local Jewlsli in Australia, and they will not funds as provided in a special of the B'Nai Brith Magazine. stated. an iaflefislte period of time. Praia. . ereatfi.. agreement. May 14. touch Japanese goods.

Stagat W i Be HeM

fir k





' Workers Report Popular Response in Appeal for $40,650 to Aid 31 Agencies

Dr. Loeb Winner of Physicians' Medal

-4 V








YUGOSLAV LAWYER RE- »IM SPLIT SPANISH JEWRY no particle of Semitic blood, Dickatein,- by Dorothy Waring, Goering Says Reich Will will soon be off the press. . . .We VEALS SWASTIKA WAS ONCE There aW IGHB than six thousand thank God. . . . received a very ritay-looking in- Buy Plane Inventions EMBLEM OF A LEA OUR OF NA- jpwK in Spain, but over seven CHIT-CHAT vitation asking us to subscribe to TIONS COMMISSION. . . .T'erliaps ' thousand factions. At the clubhouse of the Wash- a "limited, de luxe, autographed Even from Jews fm• •"•St'tit 1035 by Seven Arts Feature 000 that explain* the •wv.tCktitmn ot the ington American League Base- first edition of. the important gj-nfllcate) By PH1NEAS J.BIRON League. ball Club they tell a funny story book, 'American Defender'", . . . Berlin, (WNS)—"Inventions ALL GERMAN JEWS TO LOSE , the cartoonist, and Harold J . about Sidney Cohen, the young The pleasure of reading all about do not have grand mothers whose MONEY NO OBJECT pitcher who. almost got a berth Mr. Dickstein's CITIZENSHIP U N D E R NEW ITALIAN Laski, the British economist. . . . achievements race must be probed," General Yes, Abe FeinBerg, the newly with the team. . . .Sid, it seems, LAW. . . .Which mt'.Tbly mf.anfl appointed rabbi of Mount Neboh Did you notice t h a t Oswald G. played at one time with the Nog- costs ten dollars. . . ...But what Hermann Wilhelm Goering, Nazi By ROBERT STONE SPAGHETTI' the legalizing of the present JewCongregation, is none other than Garrison sold the Nation to Maur- ales team, which played its games gets us is that the invitation air minister, told newspapermen NORTH AMERICA ish BtiltUH. with reads "with-, the approval of the Anthony Frome, the .radio Poet ice Wertheim?. . . .And what does across the Mexican border. . FATHER COUGHLIN D I S THIIK15 ANTI-SEMITES GET Samuel DIckstein" in announcing that Germany is AVOWS ANTI-SEMITIC LEAN- Prince who, after' an absence ol Mr. Wertheim do as his iirst bit The management decided to give Honorable MEAT BALLS, five years from the rabbinical of c h i e f-editorializing?. . . .Hethe Mexican fans a native player (and h e re follow all the titles buying air defense inventions INGS AND PLKDOES UNREMIT- TEN-YKAR PRISON TERMS IN BEEAB and BUTTER pulpit, haB again taken up-his re- features that slliy correspondence to get excited over and renamed that Representative Dicksteln col- wherever it can obtain them, TING WAR AGAINST RACIAL RUSSIA. . . .Which, incidentally, and is the maximum nvrAcvtce. ligious leadership. . , .And, be-between Theodore Dreiser a n d Cohen "Jose Garcia" . . . .Jose lected in the last ten years) "we "whether the man be heathen, PREJUDICE. . . .Hut he continCOFFEE ANCIKNT J E W I S H CEME. lieve it or not,- the singing rabbi Hutchins Hapgood, under the went over big, and the Mexican have the honor of extending the Christian or Jew." ues organizing a Fanciest political TERY IN VILNA TO BECOME -was doiag extremely /well on theshrieking headline: Is Dreiser an fans gave hiim a Garcia Day. . . . privilege- of joining with Amerimovement which muRt Inevitably ATHLETIC FIELD. . . .ThesesId air and makings more than even Anti-Semite?.,. .There was a wel-One morning "Garcia" disappear^ ca's most prominent political, lead him to anti-Semitism. belongs to the living—sad but inTemple Emanu-El could pay himcome parade for the sailors of. cd because he had to become Co- business and social leaders in inMAURICE WERTHEIM, JEW- escapable. NICOLINI'S CAFE . . . .But what can "you do when the Kasi ship the "Western hen again, and the Mexican pap- scribing their name in the limitISH BANKER AND ZIONIST, DIFFERENCES BETWEEN FLATIEON HOTEL religion gets you?; . . .Which re- Land," and on thereviewing ers carried big headlines, fearing ed de luxe" etc., etc, etc. . . .The BUYS CONTROL OV "THE NA-ASHKENAZ1M AND SEPHARDminds us that Isaac Carmel, the stand were several Jewish gentle- that their baseball idol had been publisher Is Robert Speller, Inc., TION" . . . .Wertheim i« interestZionist organizer, refused all men. . ...-• .Another representative kidnaped. . . .Several correspond- and somehow we have a distinct Washington, D. C.—More ex- ed in the Theatre Guild and years kinds ol tempting, offers in the of the non-Aryan race provided ents write in to tell us that we're feeling that Representative Dick- tensive and better service for ago subsidized Ben Yehuda's HeWest because he loyea New York a float for the parade.'..-. .When all wet about Gregory Ratoff, the Stein doesn't know anything about electric users in Nebraska has re-brew Dictionary. and is bent on making good as athe anti-Semitic Horst Wessell movie star, not being'a Jew. . . . It. . sulted from the association of the THREE SONS OF MOSLEM special representative of the East- hymn was sung, the Jewish Hit- We are informed that Gregory's POT-POURRI Nebraska Power Company with FATHER AND JEWISH MOTHern Life Insurance Company. * . •ler patriots bared their heads and mother Hves in Los Angeles, that the Electric Bond and Share The reason why Magistrate And, talking febout people who re- stood at attention when the her. real name is Sophie Ratner, Benjamin Greenspan of New York Company, Mr. S. R. Inch, presi- ER CIRCUMCISED IN JEWISH fuse jobB in these days of relief, words "Death to Jews" were, ut- that she's a sister of one of the was not reappolnted by Mayor La dent of the Electric Bond and ORPHAN HOME. . . .A tshort cut to Arab-Jewish friendship. there is "the irrepressible Meyer tered. . . .No, it doesn't amaze us, leading Jewish physicians ot that is that the Judge tried Share Company, brought out n a THEODORE DREISSEll DEW. .Weisgal, . who was offered because we know that the Nazi city, and that she has never been Guardla to exercise so much political pres- sltatement presented to the Sen-NIES HE'S ANTI-SEMITE. . . . most lucrative propositions to night joints in Yorkville, New heard to deny that she's Jewish sure on the Mayor that La Guar- ate interstate Commerce Commit- He should bo believed -without armanage:; campaigns for Palestine York, are crowded nightly with . . . .And while we confess our er- dia got disgusted. . . .Greenspan's tee. gumentation. funds, but turned them" down be- our own people. . . . rors, let us also- mention that successor is Nathan D. Perlman, This declaration by Mr. Inch ECONOMIC RIVALRIES cause he is busy -preparing Max NAZTY NAZIS £ome weeks ago we congratulat- chairman of the administrative was included In a series of charts THREATEN EXPULSION OF Relnhardt's production of Franz We have received many inquir- ed Judge Jonah J. Goldstein on of the American Jew- filed recently with the Senate ALL JEWS FROM HERMOSILWerfel's "Road to Promise," sch- ies as to whether the Arnold the engagement of his daughter committee ish Congress, whose appointment Committee In opposition to theLO, MEXICO. . . .Jnfst another edule for this fall in New York Bernstein Steamship line is Nazi . . . .Well, the Judge has no again that the American Wheeler-Rayburn utility bill now evidence that anti-Semitism . . .. ;He (Weisgal) has just mov- . . . .Well, IT IS. . * .We telephon- daughter, and the item referred Jewish proves Congress is a fine stepp- pending In Congress. springs from economic sources. ed into elaborate new offices on ed in our perfect German a n d to another Goldstein who is not ing-stone Into New municiIn using Nebraska FOW«T Com-PALESTINE Broadway, and unless you have queried the management, . who a judge. . . .Otherwise the item pal politics. . . .TheYork office work- pany as one of his examples in KING GEORGE JUBILEE TO an appointment with him—you proudly declared that the present was correct. . . . ers of the Jewish Morning Jour- his chart presentation, Mr. Inch FREE 1929 RIOT PRISONERS cannot- Bee him. , '. .And Elmer German Government IS SUBSID- DID YOU KNOW?" nal and the Yiddish Amerikaner showed that electric rates had . . . .Too bad—these Arab felons Rice has finally surrendered and IZING the line. . . .AND IT IS When Armand Renaud Laver- are on strike for higher wages been cut considerably through as- should be excluded from euch • is going to xeenter the producing TRUE THAT THE PALESTINE . .But somehow nobody seems sociation of the Electric Bond niceties. game as the head of a new reper- SHIPPING LINE IS BEING CON- gne, deputy speaker of the Cana- .to„care. . . .In Clifford O d e t s ' atd Share Company with the Ne- BELGIAN DIAMOND CUTdian House of Commons, died retory group. TROLLED BY THAT SAME cently, the press very strangely play, "Till the Day I Die," one of braska Power Company. The TERS PLAN TO ESTABLISH INANB ARNOLD BERNSTEIN LINE. . . . ignored his anti-Semitic* record as thi actors plays the role of a Nazi chart specifically brought out theDUSTRY IN PALESTINE. . . . ABOUT PEOPLE BaerRlpley of Believ'e-It-Or-Not fame the world's most stupid Jew-bait- storm trooper, using the makeup rate reductions In ten represen- Rather fantastic, for there are Yes, /; charming Pauline Trald, who did such splendid work claims that Lud Gluskin, well er. . . .Herschele Kazap, the old-of one of the Three Little Pigs tative towns since their local not enough diamonds for the cutfor the United Jewish Appeal, known radio maestro, played on est living- Jew of Odessa—he's . . . .Yes, It is true that the trade electric systems were acquired. ters in Belgium—so where would have asked mn to tell yon, that they would welcome will from now on be known as a Saturday in the home of Baron 110 years old—became an orphan agreement between Naziland and they get them in Palestine? Mr. Inch brought out that the Mrs. Myron S. Falk and will set- Rothschild .and the following eight years ago, when his mother Sovietland has been duly signed the opportunity of tefcing j-ou "out for a ride" In the ARABS AND JEWS UNITE IN tle dawa a'B a good Jewish bala- Tuesday at the Krupp Mansion, died at the age of 137. . . .Here's and calls for a credit of $80,000,- Wheeler-Rayburn bill would denew Dod^e or INy holding companies and ANNUAL FARMER'S DAY AS .Last week's Literary Dusseldorf, Germany. . . .W e 11, one that Ripley missed. . . .There 000 for the Soviets In Germany stroy boate. GOVERNMENT ANNOUNCES DIgeBt, under the caption "They Mr. Ripley, we don't believe that are some rabbis who answer' all . . . .Did you know that the Nazi handicap and restrict the local ESTABLISHMENT OF AGRICULstand out ;from, the crowd" fea- .Gluskin played at the Krupp Man- ^correspondence with a printed entertainers in Yorkville now electric companies to the point TURAL BANK. . . .If Arabs end tured three Jewish lads: Sam Le-sion on any Tuesday during, .the folder boosting their recently paint their fingernails in red,where local service would be Im-Jews will cooperate in t h e depaired and present low rates envene, the actot, Charles H. Kunn, last tyro years. . . .You have to published books. .One of these white and black colors, in accordvelopment of Palestine, nothing Show us. . . .L. L. tella us that a |;ls our friend, Rabbi Louis I. New ance With the Goering dictum dangered. can stop the advance of Zionism. He also advised the Senate hundred per" cent Aryan ap• 2 5 6 1 FARNAM who's having a hard time that a hundred per cent Aryan Committee that passage ot the EUROPE •proached • a higtt' New York City man, selling his Hasldic Anthology. ; . . must be German to the finger Wheeler-Rayburn bill would take NAZI LEADERS IN CZECHOofficial with a proposition to en-W h i c h reminds us that a bio-tips?. . . . dorse the raising of funds-—by graphy of the Honorable Samuel (Copyright 1935 by Seven Arta Feature cause millions of men, women SLOVAKIA JAILED FOR ORDistributors lor DODGE, PLYMOUTH, DODGE Syndicate) and children, investors in utilities GANIZING ANTI-JEWISH BOYcanvassing non-Aryan homes— COTT. . . .Masaryk runs true to to lose billions of dollars. and . collecting money to send COMMERCIAL mi DODGE TRUCKS Mr. Inch pointed put how theform—wish there were more like some one to Berlin, to assassinate "Zero" Election National Honor Society him. Williiam ? L.. Holzman stood at Hitler, v . . .Congressman DickThe male members of the Zero Wheeler-Rayburn bill would take the speaker's table, holding in his stein likes- William Randolph . Among the students who were appropriately themselves away local regulation from local hands a bronze trophy with the Hearst and commends him-for his selected for membership" In "the 'Zeroitea" at dubbed the election of of- and State Commissions and cenfigure of an athlete perched on anti-radical-campaign. . . .A very National Honor society at Cenficers held at the home of Anntralize this power In Washington. top a block. A hush settled over elaborate- article iii. a recent is- tral high school are: Betty Bee- and Fanne Witkln, the elec- Ee also said it would handicap the 350 people, who .were in-at- sue of the New York* Sunday Mir- 8 o n ; Myron A. Cohen; Evelyn tion resulted in a for runaway for future financing of operating tendance .at the Athletic Award ror tries to prove that Emmy Son- Dansky; Leo Eisenstatt; Jane the girlB for offices: William companies. night affair, May 2, at the Center nemann, whoi s'recjfeutly married |;jiGoetz; Joe'; Hornstein: Howard L1 p js m a n, re-elected publicity ;.._ r .__, Betty . . ._Kraus; _.._.... . Leonard gymnasium. Captain Goering, Is one hundred {Kaplan; Jewish Press advertisers merit chairman was the only male that Where Qnwha Shops with Confidence Mr. Holzman paused. In drama- per cent Jewish,, but we still in- ieon; Pearl - Osdfrf" Josephine registered. Other officers elect- your patronage. tic fashion, holding aloft the sist that Emmy is Aryan.' and hasJtubinltz; Maurice Tatleman; and ed were: Fanne Witkin, presiHarold Zelinsky. : trophy. Goldstein-Chapmwfi -The juniors who, m.ade the so-dent; Sophie Halperln, vice-pres"The name I see engraved ident; Rose Flanchek, secretary; Prices h^re on this Irvln C. Levin award, Preseason; basketball champions: ciety Include: Hannah Baum, and Dorothy Zlotkin, treasurer. Omaha Jobbing Co.—Saul Yaffe, have always been figured Frances Blumkin; Bernice Bordy; the name ot the outstanding athThe installation /was held at lete ot the Jewish Community Charles Clark, Bill Gerelick, Abraham Dansky; Jack Epstein; the home of Myron Tarnoff last on a strictly cash basis— Center;. during the' past season, JameB-. Burroughs., Abe Katz, Isa- Ruth Falk; RutaFiner; Muriel Thursday evening; Maurice Katz, whether you pay cash or the name o'E the man who' hasdora Mann, Aaron Epstein',' l z Frank; and Ruta Friedman; Ahu- out-going president, presiding. Tretiak, manager.' y: ••;«>»«• --.. charge your purclwseu vah Gershater; Esther Klaiman; done, more than any other in disAl- Oruch and Martin Specktor Regular seaHon"/basketball Betty Lipp; Morris Miller; Jean tinguishing himself for his sportswere admitted into the folds of manship—the name I see is Max champions f PBI Mu—Abe Berg- Pepper; Pauline Rosenbaum; Mi- the Zero. An extensive program man, Iz Bogdonoff, Morris Bloom, rel R. Saxe; Pauline Schwartz; Turner!".' is being planned by the officers. The.uproar that followed can Manny Goldberg, Ben . Rosen, Goldie Sllverman; Ervln Simon; #OIY1AHA * not be described on- paper. I t Jack Sadofsky,. Millard Sigal, Jay Adeline S.-p e c k t e r ; Marian Switzerland had a Jewish presStoler. ' . • • ' • • • • . Strauss; Betty Tarnoff; and Sol would t a k e a sound technician Vhone Qt.4626 ident, Hermann Arthur Hoffman, J. C. C , girls Basketball Team Wezelman. •with -a battery of cameras to during the years 1914-17. —Flo Brooksteln, Reva Golden• The.sophomores who made the bring you the picture of a throng of a sports-loving people acclaim- berg, Margaret Reed, Ida Bouse- society include: Frances Bordy.; ing their hero in a4 manner never field, Evelyn Wallace, Esther Sie- Albert Friedman; Morris Klrshendemonstrated before at the Jew-gel, Marlon Greenberger, M a r- baum; Lawrence Klein; Mildred garet Miller, Rae Spar. Lay tin; Judith. Levenson; Hasish Community Center. ^ We can only tell you how Max Handball—Tournaments: Pre- kell Morris; Betty J. Rosen; Joe Turner, Bturdy, broad of Bhoufd- season doubles champions: Mor- Soshnik; Mary Wolf son; and er, powerful, yet lithe enough to ris Bloom, Paul Grossman: pre- Dewey Ziegler. Among the freshman who made be classified as one ot the fastest season singles champion: Manny basketball players in Omaha, rose Goldberg: regular season doubles, honors are: Stuart Ganz; Ephrto nil feet only after the prodd- Goldberg, Sadofsky: A. A. U., iam Gershater; Sarah GUinsky; ing received from his friends, and tournament: Manny Goldberg, Harry Goodbinder; Yetta Lerner;walked in a daze to the speaker's runner-up singles; City tourna- Howard Rosenblum; Pearl Schstand there to receive in full- ment: Morris Bloom, Paul Gross- neider; Buster Slosburg; and Etta Soref. glory ; the acclaim that was his. man, doubles champions. Ping Pong—Leonard "Buddy" Students who were elected reSpeech? Max couldn't say a word. He just beamed and blush- Goldstein, winner of city junior presented the upper tenth of their ed,, took his award in the utmost title, Bee N e w s tournament respective classes In scholastic of modesty and retired to receive champ, runner-up Missouri Val- achievement, character, leadership, and service to the school. the back-slaps of his comrades. ley tournament. O O• Thus was _acolorful J. C. C. Swimming—25 mile marathon swim, girls, Dorothy Thompson; award night brought to a climax, a night which saw more than 50 5 mile junior marathon swim, JOHN FELDMAN other Center athletes receive boys, Bob Conn. Talfisim, Talmod EnrUsh. transBoxers-^George Trupp, Goldenawards and recognition for their lation, ilenistt music book* or performances in the y e a r of Glove and A. A. U., 126-pound, xnalmonltlFf. Bras* and «Urei champion: Joey Kaplan, 188 candlesticks. pports. It was a night of f i n e talks pounds went to the finals in Res. 609 No. 50. OL 2972 topped off by the main speaker, Golden Glove tournament. —N. C. Marchmont Schwartz, the Crelgh•&• This if tne time of year when ton university football coach, who brought thrilling and humoryou need Initant Hot Water most bus tales of his gridiron experiences as well as delivering a genu. . . are you going to do without ine "pep" talk to t h e younger element in" the audience. it? Here's a way to have it in your Besides that Lloyd Cardwell, They're terribly good-lookhome for always . . . . at almost the i great i Nebraska university athlete, spoke briefly concerning ing .... and definitely on the negligible costl Install an Autohis life as "a. participator in sports. flattering side; these printOther speakers, all- who spoke matic Gas Water Heater now, only; briefly were 'Jack Marer, Lee ed sheers for all who know Grossman, and Paul' Goldblatt. how to look their smartest, during our Spring Bargain, Offerl Irvln-C. Levin presided. -The following received awards: are priced so modestly that


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weeks would come in handy just at this time." "That's too bad, Sam. I would indeed be happy to help you, but when I got my concession from the Chase National we made the following agreement: They were not to sell any hot dogs and I was not to loan any money". By the Service Life Insurance The following story about EuCompany, Omaha fus Choate, well known American attorney, cannot be omitted How much of our lives is spent either. • A;. Jewish attorney had in the future—"Some day," we been engaged by Choate to help say, "our ship will come in." him try a~ certain case. When the affair was over the two gen- Our ship will come in—if we tlemen considered. the a m o u n t live long enough—if our earning they were to charge their client. power continues long enough—if The Jew suggested a certain fig- we can stick to our savings reure, but Choate considered It too solution through thick and thin— small and named a larger sum. if we lose, no money through This the Client readily paid. bad loans or poor investments— Afterwards the Jew said to if we are never caught in a busiChoate in Shakesperian style: ness of financial failure w h i c h "Thou almost persuadist me to puts us out on the streets jobbe a Christian". less— There are other stories that I Then our ship will come in, but would like to include in this arti- all the hazards are as rocks on an cle, stories of misers, Chasidim, uncharted course. If the future Old and New Russia, shadchen, is worth building all of life about, mothers and daughters, son-in- then surely it is worth a 3 or 4 laws and others. But I must per cent deposit annually to know stop, after once again praising that "our ship will come in." Rabbi Mendelsohn for the • wisAdequate Life Insurance asdom displayed in his choice of sures reaching port. material. But before concluding, I must Habonim include Israel ZangwelFs definiThe Habonim will hold a social tion of.a Jewish joke. It w i l l serve as an apology for both Rab- meeting, Monday, April 20, at the bi Mendelsohn and myself, that home of Rabbi Uri Miller. All is—If you knew too many of the members are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served after stories repeated here. According to Zangwell, then, the meeting. At the last meeting held Mon"a Jewish story is one which no goy can understand and which a day, April 6, the debate team was chosen. Those on the team are Jew has heard before." Israel Katz, David Richards, and Charles-. Stein. They plan to deBenefit Show by bate all young clubs of the city, a n d those on the team of t h e Auxiliary of Vaad Sioux City Amorians. Morton Soref, president, h a s "Power", one of the most outstanding pictures to be shown in asked each present member to one prespective member into a long time, "will be given at a bring the club. club is working on benerit performance under the a plan to The all those members auspices of the Vaad auxiliary, who have drop not b e e n attending May 21, at t h e Circle Theater, meetings and those who are in 33rd & California. arrears in their dues. This is the story of the Jew, In observance of the seventySuss, a man with t h e sinister fifth anniversary of the birth of brain of a MachiavelH, the finanHerzl, the entire procial genius of a Rothschild, the Theodor gram of the last meeting of the political power of a Richelieu, Habonim dealt the life of and the intriguing finesse of a Herzl and w i t hwith the subject of Casanova. It is the story of how Zionism. he became the Power behind the throne—an uncrowned king. It is taken from the powerful story Track and Field Meet by Lion Feuchtwanger. Lee Grossman, director of athTickets may be obtained from letics at the J. C. C, is trying to any member of the auxiliary. stimulate enough interest so that Mrs. A. Greenbaum is chairman he can sponsor the first J. C. C, and Mrs. Sid Katleman, co-chair- annual track and field meet at man. Tech Stadium on June 23. He is trying to get every Jewish Youth organization to enter a Jewish Orators Aid team in this event and to particiCentral Win Laurels pate with a full team. A cup will be donated to the Jewish orators of Central High w i n n i n g team and individual s c h o o l helped Central win awards will be given to the perfirst place in the debate group of sons who place first and second the Nebraska division of the Na- in the various events. tional Forensic League. LeonEvery organization is urged to ard Leon and Ernest Wintroub get in touch with Grossman and are regulars on the debate squad. to help him arrange this meet. Hannah Baum is following in the footsteps of her brother, MasLondon—Barnett Freedman, sie, who was an outstanding de- 33-year-old Russian Jewish artist, bator while at high school. She is the winner of a design for the won first place in the oratorical s p ec I a 1 stamps which are Isdeclamation division and also sued by the British Post Office in qualified for the national tourna- honor of the Kings Jubilee. ment. Freedman is a self-taught artErnest Wintroub placed second ist. -He began to study art as a In the original oratory division. boy when illness confined him for Albert Lustgarten placed third four years to a hospital. Leaving in the extemporaneous division. the hospital he continued his art studies and won an art scholarship in London. Patronize our advertisers.


By HARYEY W. LAURENCE Tlie world that loves to laugh he said, "I c a n foresee serious After graduation, when he behas always acknowledged the trouble in my country.. Why, my came engaged In professional worth of Jewish humor. Many of people will be so irritated that football, he again changed his our very best stage, screen and radio comedians are of Jewish ex-, many of them will go out and name to Dudley Kingsbury. An intimate friend asked the reason traction. To name just a few, massacre the Jews." there are Charlie Chaplin, Eddie "And what will happen if your for the second change. Cantor, Ed Wynn, Jack Benny, demands are granted ?" a s k e d "Some of my acquaintances," Jack Pearl, Bert Lair, Fannie America's war-time president. replied the athlete, "are rude enBrice, Lou Holtz, George Jessel "Why, m y people will be so and many others. Dorothy Park- happy," replied Mr. Paderewski, ough to ask me what my name er, America's foremost exponent "that many . of them will get formerly was, and now I can tell oJ w i t t y repartee, is a Jewess. drunk and go out and massacre them it was Donald Crane". Harry Hirschfield, for many the Jews." years the creator of the widely QUICK THINKING acclaimed comic strip, "Abie Kab- CONVICTION A good business story must be bible," is the Alexander Woolcott Another story concerns Profes- Included in this abrevlation of of raconteurs when it comes to a sor Daniel Chwolson, the famous Rabbi Mendelsohn's anthology. Jewish story. Russian Orientalist, who was The following is typical: After not seeing each other for Franklin P. Adams (F. P. A.), once asked to explain how a great acknowledged the kingpin of Hebraw scholar like himself had several years Sam and Abe accidentally met in a restaurant on daily paragraphers, is another come to embrace Christianity. "I changed my religion because East Broadway. living example of the humor seemingly inherent In the J e w . of conviction,", said the Professor. "Well, how is everything?" askGertrude Berg, creator of "The "You: became convinced that ed Sam. "Not bad, Sam. You know I Goldbergs" of radio fame, made a Judaism is inferior to Christiangot a concession two years ago fortune for herself with a narra- ity?" tive sketch, listened to by both "No, not at all," said Chwol- from the Chase National Bank to Jew and Gentile, that is entirely son. "I became convinced that it sell kosher hot dogs In the lobby Jewish c o n c e p t i o n . David is much better to be a professor of their building, and things have Freedman, for many years the in Petrograd than a poor Hebrew been going along nicely. I have no kick coming. I make a living script writer for Eddie Cantor, is teacher in Lithuania." one of numerous Jews earning Likewise Jews have always been and save a dollar." large salaries as writers for the disposed to sneer at the man who "I'm glad to hear that, Abe. I radio. Montague Glass will live has changed his name. Take, for cannot say the same for myself. on for many years through his instance, the story of David Co- I have been having a chain of Potash and Perlmutter plays and hen, a famous football star at col- tough luck—sickness, slack and stories. There are others, too, lege. Not liking to see the name everything else. Believe me, I but we have mentioned enough to "Cohen" in headlines, he chang- hate to ask favors but a loan ol make our point: In every field ed it to Donald Crane. fifty dollars from you for a few of humor, Jews are among the leaders. AX EXPLANATION Now comes an explanation. In the introduction to "The Jew Laughs," (L. M. Stein, Chicago) an anthology of Jewish humor compiled by Rabbi S. Felix Mendelsohn, Dr. A. A. Brill, a disciple of Dr. Freud, makes the statement: "The more a nation, or ' a race is subjected to hostile aggression, the more need it seems Skans takes* great pleasure and 1 to have for a sense of humor". pride in inviting the people of Thus, to paraphrase Tin Pan Alley, the Jew qualifies as the PagOmaha to their furniture fashion liacci of the world who, though show. his heart is breaking heeds the cry: "Laugh, Jew, Laugh". ©See this lovely Louis Quoting still further from Dr. XV occasional chair, Brill's preface to Rabbi Mendelsohn's very well chosen selection beautifully carved and of some four hundred Jewish custom tailored - - solid stories, the psychologist says: magnolia frame, f i n"One cannot discover any particular sense of humor in the Jew ished in walnut, mahogduring the glorious days in his any, i v o r y , antique own land, but since 70 A. D., ivory, white, antique . r. - when he was forced Into exile, the Jew has been renowned lor white or fruit wood with his wit. Speaking of wit, as an a wide variety of covoutlet, Professor Freud states erings available to select *r . that he does not know whether there is another race that obfrom at only tains as much pleasure out of its own shortcomings as the J e w s. The scapegoat of the Gentile world since the Roman conquest, having been driven from place to place for 1,865 years, and persecuted in unspeakable ways,, the Jew has learned to utilize wit in order to obtain some pleasure out of his own misery". Illustrative of this are several "Famous for Fine Furniture" stories included in Rabbi Mendelsohn's anthology that date from 2205-07-09 Faraam Street the rise of Hitlerism. There Is the one in which a German school teacher asks a Jewish pupil: "To which race do the Jews belong? "Semitic," said the youngster. "And, " continued the teacher, "The Germans?" "Anti-Semitic," said the pupil. Another story, of Hitler origin, illustrative of the Jew maintaining his sense of humor when pressed is the one about two Hit1-rites who noticed Ludwig Blau, a middle aged man with a Semitic 5EALED-IN MECHANISM physiognomy, board a train- at Never requires oiling. Forced* Dresden. ' They decided .to annoy draft-cooled for greater efficiency. him and as the train pulled out Protected 5 years against service of the station they walked up to expense for only $5.00. him and sat down at h i s right and left, respectively; . "Pardon us," said one of the REVOLVING SHELF Hitlerites, "We are here to find Brings everything oa it instantly out something about you. Please within reach. Turned half-way, it tell us, are you an ordinary fool makes everything accessible oa or a downright crook?" The Jew paused a moment and the shelf below. then answered calmly: "It seems to me that I find myself somewhere between the two". BROOM HIGH 3ASI Adds to graceful; appearance of PROUD JEWS cabinet, and makes it easier to Pride of race is reflected in the dean thoroughly, underneath. story about the German who was "DcJLle fl c'e-1 construction. boasting to a Jew of the unparralleled bravery of his ancestors. " H a v e you •- heard • of the great a n d might Alps? These mountain peaks were built by my ancient forefathers." "My ancestors, too, were' vfcry powerful," remarked the Jew. "Have you heard of the Dead Sea in Palestine?" "Well, what of It?'* "Why, it was killed by my ancestors". • Another story is a : very famous one that centers about two very well known personalities, the late President Woodrow Wilson and Ignace J. Paderewski, famous pianist and post-war premier of Poland. Paderewski was discussingr his country's affairs with Wilson "If all our demands are not granted at the peace conference,'


Futiiitiire Fashions on Parade

According to Al Orach, swimming instructor of the J. C. C, the second annual Junior swimming marathon is well under way, and will continue until the fivemile mark has been reached. There is a great deal of interest in this meet and the winners of last year's races, Dorothy Thompson and Bob Cohen, are among the leaders so far. At the present time Betty Nodgaard is leading, the girls division and Norman Polosky is leading in the ,boys division. The contestants swim twice a week under tbe supervision of tlie instructor and their lengths are accurately tabulated. At present the leaders of both the boys and girls division a r e being hard pressed in order to retain their slight leads.

Harry RicE Receives ip

* i

1 .




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On Sunday, May 12, the Mother Chapter snd Sam Beber chapter of the Aleph Eadik A 1 e p h, Junior order of the B'nsi B'rith are observing th§ international A. Z. A. Parents Day. Rabbi David H. Wice and Mrs. Ida C. Levin are going to be the guest splakers of the day, Myron A. Cohen, s o n of Mr. and Mrs. Goodman Cohen, who has vrvn outstanding inwsical awards in Nebraska -will render several violin selections. He will be accompanied fcy Miss Betty Fellman. . Others who Ere participating in tills program ere: Hy Temln; Ernie PriesmEB, president of the Mother Chapter; Sam Friedman, president of the Sam Beber chapter; George Eltringo; Harold Finkle; Julian Nathan; Joy Wiesnian; and the Jewish Community Center Boy Scout troop. Last year approximately two hundred and fifty people attended the program which was held at the Jewish Community Center. An excellent program has been arranged for the occasion and refreshments will be served after the program. Julian Nathan o* the Mother Chapter; Jay Wiesman of the Sam Beber Chapter; Louis J. Riklin and Art Grossman, advisor of the Mother Chapter, were in charge of the arrangements.

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Fight ©B Bias

Harry Rich, dentistry student at Creighton University, has been appointed the dental interne at the St. Joseph hospital. Me -aad also been' offered the dental interneship at the Cincinnati General hospital, Cincinnati, O.. but accepted the local appointment. Rich formerly attended the tnlversity of Nebraska at Lincoln. While there he was affiliated with the Sigma Alpha Mu fra- Metallurgical Institute; ternity. Moscow—The government has decided to erect in Biro-Bidjan a, mining and metallurgical instiHigh In Contest the building of which should Jewish students at Central High tute, he completed, not later than IF37. School made a fine showing in The institute Trill Elso include livthe Gregg shorthand transcrip- ing Quarters for the students. tion contest for the month of April. Jewish Press Advertisers merit In the 120 word tests, the folyour patronage. lowing received awards; Grace Resnick, Alta Hirsch, Jean Beber, Mary Axfcitman, Esther Klaiman, and Hannah Banra. In the 100 word test, awards were made to: T o b y Kohlberg, Alice Perelman, Merriam Wiesmaa, and Dorothy Fried.

^ .



Junior Swimming Marathon Under Way



Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year » - - - - > $2.00 Advertising rates furnished on application. Editorial Office: 500 Brandeis Theater Building. 8ioux City Office—Jewish Community C e n t e r " DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. "ACKBRMAN - •-" - - - - - - Editor" RABBI URI MILLER - - - - - Contributing Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - •-•••-;•-• Sioux City, Iowa. Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street

Jewish Mothers "God could not be everywhere, and so He made mothers" is an old Jewish proverb. Love is a most potent factor in life, and mother love is the highest human embodiment of love. The Jewish mother has taken her part, along with the mothers of all nations, in molding the destiny ofher people, and she deserves the highest tribute we can pay her on Mother's Day Sunday. Jewish mothers have been honored from time immemorial. In the days of Moses, the commandment was handed down to "honor your father and your mother." Through the ages the Jewish men chanted "Eshes ChajiP in praise of the mother, after their return to their homes from Friday evening services in the synagogue. Thus "Mother's Day" in Jewish history was-not observed once a year, but week in and week out. The Jewish mother was recognized as the guardian of the home and was responsible for the high morality prevalent in Jewish family life. Her patient and sacrificing fulfillment of her task leaves small wonder that the testimonial of respect and love for the mother is an institution in the religious ceremonial of the Jewish people. Today, with the broadening base of Jewish activities, the Jewish father is too busy in the whirlpool of making an everyday living—the mother must shoulder the burden of shaping the distinctly Jewish education of the child. Jewish training, Jewish learning, Jewish knowledge and education—these are the added responsibilities of the modern Jewish mother. And in order to intensify the Jewishness of her home, she too must partake in the newly-awakened adult Jewish education movement. The Jewish mother, in accepting our tribute for all she has done, must simultaneously accept the challenge for all she must further do to hand down the rich heritage of her mother's mother.

Same Though Different Dr. Wilhelm Frick, Nazi minister of the interior, announced last week that hereafter non-Aryans cannot be German citizens and that an' official decree to that effect will be promulgated shortly. • , To some, this announcement was horror-inspiring. To most of us, however, it was an empty announcement, because for the past tvjro years the Jewry in Germany have not been able to exercise their rights of citizenship. They had no redress in the German courts, they were not admitted to the colleges, they could not practice the trades or professions, they Were ousted from their professions, they were subjected to all types of Nazi anti-Semitic attacks and discrimination. The only purpose of the Frick announcement is to foreshadow the official law which will equalize theory with fact. What "will be interesting to note in the new law will be whether the! term "non-Aryan," when interpreted in the legislation, will include all of German Jewry. Recent reports from Germany confirm the sad news that a certain portion of German Jewry is being treated by the Nazi government as a privileged class. It is said that Jews engaged in certain industries and banking are bemg handled with silk gloves by Germany's official'and unofficial anti-Semites. The conclusion to be drawn, therefore, is that the forthcoming citizenship law will most probably be used as a legal pretext to confiscate the property of only Jews and non-Jews opposed to the present regime. .The clause that three million Germans of Semitic ancestry will be included in the execution of the non-Aryan citizenship law is regarded as definite confirmation that the law will be utilized ruthlessly against all German citizens who have not surrendered to the Nazis. This clause; should stimulate the thinking of many "Jewish" assimilationists, in view of the fact that the total Jewish population of Germany is little over 500,000. i»» Palestine Labors ^New Deal.

The United States is-not'the only country which has a "New DeaL" Palestine, where the Jewish Homeland is; being reconstructed, is being built on the basis of labor, and the High Commissioner of Palestine, Wauchope, has announced a new deal to protect the jlabor in the country. This new deal will make it impossible for employers to dismiss their employees without proper notice or compensation. Also, in accordance with this law the High Commissioner will have the right to fix a minimum wage for an occupation in Palestine and a penalty will be imposed for going below the

Father Coughlin To Rabbi Isserman Rabbi Ferdinand M. Isserman, who will be remembered for his inspiring' and eloquent address locally at the J. C. C, last fall, was one of the speakers at a recent rally of Father Coughlin's National Union for Social Justice. At that rally, Isserman declared that the Union could become an important force ia behalf .tif social justice, but he warned against any discrimination on racial or religious grounds. While the guest of the "radio priest," Rabbi Isserman discussed .with Coughlin the tetter's alleged anti-Semitism, and in view of the national tempest stirred up,by some of Coughlin's references to Jewish financiers it is interesting to report parts of the interview with Isserman. Father Coughlin believes, Isserman tells us, in the universality of man as the "most important ideal of religion." Replying to those who accused him of anti-Semitism, he regretted very much that Jews had interpreted his condemnation of Bernard Baruch'and international bankers as an attack upon Jews. He stated.that because he had attacked Cardinal William O'Con. nell and Alfred E. Smith, it does not mean that he is anti' Catholic He said to Isserman: ''Why do not some of you rabbis attack Banichand men ^ike him? You wouldn't dare to at-


THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1935. tack a Catholic cardinal, even though he deserved it, but you should attack Jews in high places who menace the welfare of the country." He added that Jews are too sensitive and too jittery in view of what has happened in Germany. "Tell them for me," Father Coughlin said to Rabbi Isserman, "Not to be so thin-skinned. There is not the slightest danger of any anti-Semitic movement in America. Jews make a mistake about talking about it and putting such ideas in people's heads. As long as my voice is on the air, I shall fight, with all the power at my command, any attempt to cultivate anti-Semitism among Americans. I would not be a priest if I were not to do so. About this I give you my solemn promise."

MAMATALKS By GERTRUDE BERG, Author of "The Rise of the Goldbergs"

Personalities in the News ROBERT SZOLD Robert Szold, Zionist leader now on a tour of Palestine and

adjoining countries, b e l i e v e s Another Spring has come, and that Palestine and adjacent Near with it that great nationwide tribute to American motherhood— East sections is one of the few undeveloped s e c t i o n s of the Mother's Day. world. Further he believes that Of course we should all remem- this rich section will be the locale ber and honor our mothers every of the next great industrial deday In the year. But in the swift velopment. pace ol modern life many of us "The Near East," said Mr. tend to forget the simple yet fundamental values of which rever- Szold, "is analagous to the ence for motherhood is perhaps great American southwest of fifty the So that it is well years ago before it was developed A^ constantly-recurring danger which we must carefully that greatest. one day of the year is set and proper transportation faciliwatch in American Jewish life is that of irresponsible individuals aside to remind us of our debt to ties spanned it. I believe that Palestine, Transjordania, S y r i a and, occasionally, organizations labelling various business firms our mothers. and other nearby sections will be and movements as anti-Semitic without first thoroughly inves- Do you remember your child- the scene of the next great world adoration of your mother? industrial development. tigating. Nationally, within a period of the past two weeks, three hood She was a goddess who walked on such malicious allegations - - which spread like wildfire - - were earth, the center about which Mr. Szold, former president of exploded as myths . . one concerning the cancellation of a radio your entire little universe revolv- the Zionist Organization of Amered, the source of all joy and com- ica and vice chairman of the star's contract, another concerning discrimination against Jews fort, of all solace and relief from Council of the Jewish Agency, has in the unemployment relief administration of New York, and pain. You did not know then of long been active in the developstill a third against a certain telegraph company. Similar un- the sacrifices which motherhood ment of Palestine. Of late years, the break of the Brandeisfounded charges have cropped up from time to time during the entails, but you realized instinc- since tively that here was one who Mack group from the Zionist Orpast year and have proven unfounded. wished you well with all her ganization, he has confined himIn fighting anti-racial or anti-religious movements, public heart and who would do every- self to the economic phases of Palestine while ignoring Its polisentiment properly marshalled is a powerful weapon. But when thing in her power to insure your tical aspects. happiness. this weapon is misused by hurling unsubstantiated charges right Mr. Szold, a New York attorLater, perhaps, you grew someand left, it is easy to see how the effectiveness of the weapon what disillusioned about your ney, is vice-p r e s i d e n t of the mother. For It Is always a dis- Palestine Economic Corporation, is greatly impaired. illusionment for youth to discov- chairman of the board of direcer that the objects of its worship tors of the American Economic are human after all, with all the Committee for Palestine, a direcfaults and failings of humans. tor of the Palestine Potash "Ltd., Not that this made you love her a director of the Central Bank for A new chapter in the age-old history of the Jewish people any the less; but the mere dis- Cooperative Institutions In Paleswas written here when the first Jewish seamen's union of which covery that your own mother was tine and treasurer of the Palesthere is record held its first meeting at Haifa. simply a human being like any tine Endowment Funds. One hundred Jewish able seamen, stewards and other ships' other tended to lower her from The present trip is Mr. Szold's the pedestal on which you had third to Palestine, his first since hands enrolled in the union, which is the first concrete symbol placed her. And your reaction 1920. Although he will report on of the reconquest in modern time3 of a profession which Jews was to feel that, while your own his findings to the organizations followed in the days when the Phoenicians were masters of the mother was still some one to be that he is connected w i t h , Mr. loved above all others, mother Szold Insists that his mission Is sea. hood as a whole was vastly over unofficial. "Just a private citizen," he s a y s , "checking up on rated. It is not until he reaches ma some of his interests". Of Zionist politics, the Ameriturity that, as a general rule, the '1 can think, of no 'program* apart from ordinary ration Individual Is capable of real ap can -will say nothing: ality that would avert the possibility of a national reign of race preciatlon of what his mother "The political phases of Zionmeans to him. In other words, ism," he explains, "are temporary hatred in this country. One thing that seems advisable, how' that he is able to reconcile his and in a state of flux; economic ever, is that when protests are made against persecutions of childhood and adolescent concep- phases are more enduring. As a or discriminations against the Jews, they be made as seldom as tions of her and to see that the general Zionist I am not Interestcontradictions blend ed In party politics". possible by Jewish groups acting alone, and as often as possible apparent harmoniously. To see that is Returning to the subject of his by Jews in co-operation with Gentiles."—Henry Hazlitt, Author precisely because of her human- present trip, Mr. Szold stressed ness that her goddess-like quali- the point that to really know and Critic ties are the more to be reverenc- Palestine, one has to know and ed, and that, precisely because understand the surrounding counshe had her own life and her own tries. joys and sorrows, her complete "The future of any one counabsorption in his affairs merits By URI MILLER try," he said, "Is tied up with the News comes from Chicago of a great religious controversy, all his gratitude. general region in which it lies. So on this Mother's Day let us the sort with which our past - - especially the middle ages - - was all reverently worship at the It Is for that reason that I intend the Mosul Oil Fields, so replete. Only theopening of the baseball season and the-car shrine or her who gave us life visiting: Bagdad, Transjordania, S y r i a , and whose example of selfless de- Turkey and .Egypt. strike has succeeded in keeping it from front-page publicity. votion should be a beaconlight to "The future development of the Hero - - or villian depending on which side you choose - - in us throughout life. tr Seven Art* J"et.tur« w h o l e section," continued Mr. this great struggle is Sinai Temple Congregation, outstanding re- (Copyright 1835 Syndicate) Szold "depends upon the buildform congregation in the Middle West and its Rabbi, Louis Mann. ing of a transportation system that will allow the rich resources And the underlying fault of the entire controversy, as of most of these countries to be converted present day phenomena, is the economic situation, i. e. the deinto commodities of trade. T h e pression. ' New York (WNS)—In the be- mosul oil pipe-line is a beginning. Time was when Sinai Temple was not only a bulwark of Re- ief that t h e modern rabbinate There is no telling to just what this development may conform doctrine but a fortress of financial strength. Half-a-dozen has broadened its horizon and is extent tinue". playing an important role in the members, the Rosenwalds and their ilk could easily and did carry Accompanying her husband on interpretation of current events, the financial burden of this home of the spirit, pay its Rabbi Rabbi Abraham L. Feinberg, He- his trip is Mrs. Szold, a former $25,000 a year and in other ways indicate their contempt for the brew Union College graduate, president of Hadassah who is now a vice-president of the organiza"materialistic dollar." To have considered benefit fund-raising who resigned from Temple Is- tion and national chairman of the rael, New York, five years ago on projects would have caused a well-mannered snicker. That was the ground that the rabbinate did group's Palestine Committee. She for the vulgar orthodox, the immigrant mutual aid societies and not permit adequate opportunity will look into the affairs of the Rothschild-Hadassah-TJniversuch. Reformed Jews, certainly Sinai Temple members knew how for expression on vital economic new problems, has accepted the pulpit sity Hospital and bring back a reto fulfill their obligations without resorting to the ballyhoo of of Mt. Neboh Congregation, New port. YoTk. Of his wife, Mr. Szold eaid: sponsoring cheap undertakings. '•.....••. Since he left the rabbinate, 'Politically she is more important But time, in its great historic evolution has changed all this. Rabbi Feinberg gained national than I am. She represents forty Behold Temple Sinai is not the financial giant it was once. The fame as a radio singer under the thousand American w o m e n , a of Anthony Frome, "Poet very important factor In the Zionmisery of the masses overflowed into the streets of the rich and name Prince of the Air." ist movement in America. philanthropy began to take a minor position even with Sinai memRabbi Feinberg was rabbi of A graduate of Harvard Law bers. And when the Temple pocket pinches, it became socially cor- Temple Israel from 1927 to 1930, School, Mr. Szold was for some and before that occupied pulpits t i m e a member of the United rect to sponsor fund-raising projects. The Temple must go on. in Niagara Falls and Wheeling. States Legal department and in So Sinai Temple determined to sponsor a showing of "Life West Virginia. 1915 acted &s Assistant Attorney of Porto Rico. In 1916 he servBegins at 8:40," combining thus perfectly, culture and fund-raised as Assistant to the Solicitor of ing. And it was decided that the most appropriate evening for the United States. He Is now head this cultural treat could be none other than - - Friday Evening. of the law firm of Szold, Brand•weln and Perkins. And then - - surprise of surprises. Behold the Jewish spirit (JTA)—A ship for trainIn Zionism, Szold is known as is not dead. For the Chicago Rabbinical Association meeting in ingRIGA young Jews in navigation was a member of 1919 Zionist Comlawful assembly denounced in no uncertain terms this desecration acquired here last week by a mission in Palestine. In 1920 of the Sabbath and called updn Sinai Temple and its Rabbis to special Jewish society formed for he s e r v e d as a member of the Reorganithe purpose of training Jewish Slmon-DeLieme-Szold cease and desist from this awful violation of the Holy Day. youths in navigation and avia- zation Committee whose report It is hard to say whether Sinai Temple was more angered or tion. precipitated the break in the amused. "For years" the Rabbi must have mused, "we have in Forty young men will be train- Zionist Organization that removevery way shown our disregard for Saturday. Our services are ed on this ship under the instruc- ed the Brandeis-Mack group from Foltion of the society. The society the Zionist Organization. held on Sunday mornings. Friday night hasn't meant a thing to is also. subsidizing six young re- lowing the rift in the Zionist Orus. Nor to a great many others of the Rabbinical Association. visionists to enable thenv to at- ganization in 1921, Mr. Szold Why some of the representative Rabbis in the association go to end special courses in the Lat- served as president of the PalesSchool of Aviation. Twenty t i n e Cooperative Corporation the Opera on Friday night and Saturday matinee, if they but have vian oung Revisionists are also being from 1923-25 and has b e e n a the chance. Why all this squeamish protestations now?" subsidized by this society for vice-president and one of the prime movers of t h e Palestine And in their answer Sinai Temple was direct and to the training as fishermen. The Jewish youths, on c o m - Economic Corporation since its point. As reformed Jews they were expert in flaunting authority pleting t h e i r courses in naviga- Inception. They would not permit themselves to be governed by laws of tion and aviation, will be sent to Slight of frame, above middle darkness and old-fashioned taboos. On with culture and the best Palestine by the society which height, with lean, s t r o n g l y is Interested ia developing Jew^ moulded features? Mr. Szold Is a reason of the age. sh aviation in Palestine and in .oyal Zionist who continued his And so Temple Sinai Congregation went on Friday eve to ncreasing the number of Jewish Zionist activities during the long years when he h a d no official drink culture from the fountain of the theatre. And in all the syn- allow there. :on.nectloii with the Zionist Oragogues of the Rabbinical Association, before the Alenu prayer, ganization In America. He the-Rabbi solemnly read a resolution of condemnation. Shades of Catholics Incladed in always followed the precepts laid down by Supreme Court Justice Israel's past. So must have been done to Spinoza and other rene- Nazi Directory gades of Jewry. Berlin—T h e Catholic popula- Brandeis in the famous Zealand tion of the city of Trier, in the Memorandum. Perhaps Israel is on the brink of a great spiritual reform. Rhine, is highly excited over dis- The Simon-DeLIeme-Szold RePerhaps the Sabbath i3 to become again the center of Jewish life, tribution of a special directory o£ organization plan w h i c h incorporated Justice Brandeis' views to be revived in all its traditional sanctity. Perhaps the Rabbini- non-Aryan" business f i r m s laid special e m p h a s i s on the which includes names of Jews as cal Association and its congregations have repented of their own well as of non-Jews. necessity for colonization, immiSabbath violations. Else this protest becomes an insincere ges- j The city of Trier is populated gration and settlement,—princiture, and Rabbis and Rabbinical Associations must above all be ;hiefly by Catholics, who resent- ples which still endure fifteen jd the inclusion in the directory 'ears later as Mr, Szold goes back sincere. o revisit Palestine. f many Catholic firms.

Investigate First

A New Chapter

Thought of the Week

Religious Crisis of 1935

GEMS OF THE BIBLE AND TALffKID By O. O. DASHER May the Lord cut off all flattering lips, the tongue that speaketh proud things, who have eaid our tongues will make us mighty, our lips are with tis, who is Lord over us? For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy now I will arise, saith the Lord. How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart by day? How long shall my enemy be exalted over me? t As for me, in Thy mercy do I trust, my heart ehail rejoice in Thy salvation. TALMUD There were four J u d g e s in Sodom. If a person wounded hie neighbor, they decided that the striker shall be i aid for bleeding him. Ellezer, the servant of Abraham, happened to be there, and was wounded, and when he came to the Judge to complain, the latter said, "You must pay him for bleeding". Whereupon he took a stone and wounded the Judge saying, "The payment for bleeding which you owe to rae, pay them". They had a bed for transients. If the stranger w a s too long for the bed, they made him shorter, if too short they stretched the stranger. When Eliezer came there, they told him to sleep in the bed. Whereupon he answered, "Since my mother died I vowed not to sleep in a b e d." When a poor man happened to be there every one used to give him a dinar on which Ms name was engraved, but they did not sell him any bread, End when the; stranger died of starvation, each j one came and took his dinar back. There was a girl who used to supply a poor man with bread, which she used to h i d e In a pitcher while she went for water, and when this was found out, they smeared her body •with honey, and put her on the roof for the bees. If a person struck hSs neighbor's wife and e h e miscarried, the judges decided that the woman

should be given to t h e striker and he should return her when she would be pregnant again. They made E stipulation that If a guest is invited tc a wedding, and brings another one with him, that the inviter be stripped of his garments. If one had a row of bricks every one of them came and took <ne saying, "I am not causing you any damage by taking one". If one possessed one he had to pasture all the cattle of the city one day, but he who possessed none at all, had to pasture two days.

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Boys- SHIRTS New fancy, solid color, and white. Youths and junior sizes.

Polo SHIRTS Boys' smart new polo mesh shirts. Talon sipper front Solid colors, stripes. Sizes 6 to 1 8 . . .

Wool Sweaters Boys' brush wool sleeveless and long sleeve sweaters. Sizes 8 to 18 Boys' Kaynee Wash Swiff, $1.45 Smart Sport Belts, 50s New Caps, $1.45 The Beytf Own Store Has Everything for the Soya Fcartfc Floor


r THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1935. VISIT FROM CALIFORNIA Mrs. Philip Krasne, formerly of Omaha, will visit liere for six weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ferer. Her husband will join her about June 15, and they The name of Mrs. Manuel Grodwill return to their home at insky heads the slate of officers Beverly Hills. that will be presented for election at the closing meeting of the RETURN FROM SOUTH Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Welnstein, Omaha section of the Council of who spent the winter in San An- Jewish Women, Tuesday, May 28, tonio, Texas, visiting their son- at the Jewish Community Center. in-law and daughter, Mr. and Others on the ticket are MesMrs. Joseph Rubin, returned dames Ben Silver, M o r r i s home Monday. Katleman and Sam Wolf, vicepresidents; Henry Newman, corSPEND WEEK-END responding secretary; Morris LeIN SIOUX CITY vey, recording secretary; Abe Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Resnick, Brodkey, treasurer; - Leo RosenMr. and Mrs. H. Richards, a n d thai, Harry J. Shumow, Sam GilMrs. H. H. White, spent the week- insky, and A. D. Frank, direcend in Sioux City, as the guests tors. of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schlaifer. Due to a local conference, the date of the meeting has been RETURNS TO changed from the regular meetKANSAS CITY Ing day on Monday, to Tuesday Miss Esther Jacobs of Kansas of the same week. A luncheon City has returned to her home, at "1 o'clock will precede election after spending 10 days here visit- and report of committee chairing her aunt and uncle, Mr. and man. A program also is being Mrs. Sam Herzberg. arranged by Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, chairman. The charge f o r RETURNS FROM the luncheon will be 40 cents. EXCELSIOR SPRINGS Miss LaVerne Feblowits re- MOTHER AND DAUGHTER turned Sunday morning, from a LUNCHEON week's stay at the Elms Hotel at U. T. Club of Central high Excelsior Springs. school entertained at a mother and daughter luncheon Saturday MOVE INTO GLEN-ARLO at the Paxton Hotel. Pastel deMr. and Mrs. C. H. Riseman corations were used on the tables, have moved into the Glen-Arlo with sweet peas and roses at each apartments, 5102 Cauital, No. 25. place. Miss Pearl Osoff, who is president of the group, was chairLEAVES FOR NEW man and she was assisted by HOME IN TOLEDO Ethelyn Kulakofsky, and Phyllis Mrs. Joseph Lipshitz and son, Berkowitz. Maurice, who have been visiting Mrs. Lipshitz's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sherman, left for Toledo, Ohio, where they will make The Bikur Cholim will hold a their home. regular meeting, Monday, at 2 p. Mrs. Lipshitz was extensively m., at the J. C. C. Business of entertained during her stay here. importance will be discussed and Among her hostesses were t h e all members are urged to attend. following: Mesdames Peter Greenberg, Louis Rinklin, Sam Steinberg, Norman Green and Joe Goldware, and t h e Misses Rose Reis, and Ida Fine.. By Mrs. David M. Newman

Mrs. M. Grodinsky to Head Council Slate


KAMEN'GOLDSTEEN BEARRI&CrE Mr. and MrB. Isadora Goldstein announce the marriage of their daughter, Kate Arlene, to Herman S. "Kay" Kamen, formerly of Omaha, now of New York City. The marriage took place in New York City, Saturday, May 4. Miss GoldBtein graduated from Central high school and the unlTersity of Nebraska, she fa now a lasbioa designer in New York City, "where she has l i v e d for about five years. Mr. Kamen is manager o£ the Mickey Mouse commercial enterprises. TEA TO HONOR BRIDE-TO-BE Mrs. Samuel Coremnan and daughter, Mrs. Phineas Wintroub will be joint hostesses at a reception and tea, Sunday, M a y 12, t r o m 2 to 6, at the Wintroub home, 3152 Lincoln Blvd., in honor of Miss Frances Rosen, of Des Moines, 'whose marriage to James Corenman Till take place June 2. Sharing nonorB will be Miss Dorothy Corenman, o£ Oakland, California. Those who will assist are the Mesdames Louis Wintroub, a n d Irvin Levin and the Misses Lilyan Chudacoff and Sue Corenman. Out-of-town guests at the tea \rtll be Mr. and Mrs. Max Rosen and daughters, E v e l y n and Elaine, of Des Moines, parents and sisters of the bride-to-be. No cardB have been sent out^ All friends and relatives are invited. -

Exclusive Corsetry - Different and Moderately priced. MAYME ADLER BLOCK Mouldiste 522 Securities BIdg. AT 2888

ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Frank anounce the birth of a daughter, Barbara Jean, April 29, a t the larkeon hospital. Mrs. Frani is the former Minnie Zweiback. ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF SON Rabbi and Mrs. Davia A. Goldstein announce the' birth of a son Wednesday morning, May 8, at larkson hospital. ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF SON Mr. and Mrs. J. Kuklin announce the birth of a son, May 3, at the Clarkson hospital. SETS WEDDING DATE Miss Shirley Hoberman, daugh;er of Mrs. B. Hoberman, has set ;he date of her marriage to David . Greenberg, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Greenberg. The marriage will take place May 21, at the home of the bride-to-be's uncle Mr. Joe Bernstein, 3115 Lafayette Are. BECOMES BAB MTTZVAH Ephraim Gershater, talented young son of Mr. and Mrs. Israel M. Gershater, will become B a r Mitzrah, Saturday, May 18, at the B'nai Israel synagogue. Young Gershater is well known in Omaha as a fine singer, having been heard on various programs as well as in the choir of the synagogue. He is also a member f the Senior Glee club of Central high school, although he is only a freshman there. He is also a member of the honor Society there, an honor given to those utstanding in scholarship as well as student activities. Ephraim is a student at the Talmud Torah, where he is also an outstanding pupil.


FREE STORAGE Pay Cleaning charged this Fall on out-of-season clothes. Spring Coats, Topcoats, Drelses.,

giliU'i'.'V, J W &>'>")'•

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FURNITURE--Repairing - Befinishing TJPHOLSTEBING High Grade Work at Reasonable Prices LOUIS S1LVEESIAN, Proprietor

De Luxe Upholstering 613 So. 16th St. AT 7740

We Handle Your

By Scientific Methods PEB PAIR 80c SMMJLEB PADS

ANNOUNCE BAB MITZVAH Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards announce the Bar MItzvah of their son, Yale, Saturday, May 11 at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue. \' BIRTHDAY SURPRISE 'ARTY Peggy Friedman, daughter of Dr. and Mrs, Ben T. Friedman, 69 North 58th street, was surprised at her home by twenty-one girl friends, last Sunday evening, in honor of her sixteenth birthday. They presented Miss Friedman with a beautiful black, fitted overnight bag. Dinner was served at the Friedman home, and later bridge was played. The following made up the group that surprised Miss'Friedman: Bea Sommer, Pearl Osoff, Rosalie A l b e r t , Phyllis Berkowitz, Jean Pepper. Ethylene Kay, ,ibby Fishberg, Sara Ann Margolin, Ruth Ferer, Ruth Friedman, Merle Sax, Betty Soref f, Jane Goetz, Marjorie Arnstein, Naomi Berkowitz, Ida L e m e r , Phyllis treen, Bess Bernstein, Henrietta lessel, Lorraine Himmelstein, and Fanye Sommer.

Bikur Cholim

RETURNS FROM CHICAGO Mrs. S. H. Singer, 4819 Chicago street, returned last evening from a two weeks stay in Chicago, where she visited with relatives and friends. VISITING IN TULSA Mrs. J. Abramson left Wednesday for Tulsa, Oklahoma, to visit Mrs. S. Novak and frmily. Before coming home, Mrs. Abramson plans to stop in Chicago to visit her son-in-law and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Sachs. Mrs. Sachs Is the former Libby Abramson. •

Banana Puffs Use your favorite pie crust and roll quite thin, cut bananas into two inch lengths, then cut crust in strips long enough to tuck around bananas and wide enough to close both ends. Mix *4 cup sugar and 1 teaspoon cinnamon and Toll banana into this mixture. Roll up in pie paste and prick with a fork. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon mixture. Bake in a hot oven 15 minutes or until slightly brown. Whip ¥2 pint of cream stiff, add 2 teaspoons of sugar mixture. Pile on top of puff and serve hot or cold.

TO INTERNE AT Mention the Jewish Press to HOLLYWOOD Arthur Kaslow, at present a your merchant. Junior interne at the Evangelical Covenant Hospital, recently received an appointment to the Hollywood Hospital, at Hollywood, California. UNDERGOES APPENDECTOMY Lou Singer, son of Mr. a n d Mrs. Max Singer underwent an appendectomy operation S u n d a y morning, at the Lutheran Hospital.

Is tfce Time to

Z. B. T. MOTHERS CLUB The Z. B. T. Mothers club held their April meeting, April 25, at the home of Mrs. Ben Stiefler, -5523 Marcy St.

© Get our prices en Cleaning and Repairing and Remodeling. Pay when you take them out.


Mother-Daughter Banquet Wednesday

The closing meeting of the Beth-El Auxiliary is scheduled for Wednesday, May 15, when a 1 o'clock luncheon Is planned at the Jewish Community Center, Mrs. David Sherman, president, announces. The luncheon will be 50 cents. . Election of officers and annual reports will feature the business session. A board meeting is to be held at 12:30. On the program to follow the business session w i l l be a reading "The Wandering Jew," by Katherine Stone, and a group of dance numbers by Gloria and Lois Xovitsky, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Novitsty. Reservations may be made with Mrs. H. P. Farber at ¥ a . 4675 or M r B. William Alberts at Gl. S42S.

T h e annual Mother-Daughter banquet of t h e Vaad auxiliary will be held Wednesday, May 15, at 6:SO, at the B'nai Israel synagogue. Mrs. Charles Fellman, program chairman, hzs arranged the following program. Invocation by Mrs. H. Singer; community singing led by Mrs. Mas; Froiakin; vocal, selections, Lorraine Fregger, accompanied by Goldie SI1verman; an address by Rabbi Uri Miller; a group of Jewish songs by Mrs. Sam Brown, accompanied by Mrs. Sara Blenfi. Mrs. I. Fiedler will speak for the Mothers and Kiss D o r i s Brown for the Daughters. Rabbi Miller will conclude the program with the benediction. A special table will be arranged for the brides of the past year. Since the number of plates are limited, all reservations must be in before Monday. Reservations can be made by calling Mrs. S. Brown, Ha 0 631, 5'rs. M. Katzraan, Ha IS GO, Mrs. D. Denenberg, Ha 55 68. The charge is Sigma Delta Tau sorority at 60 cents per plate. the University of Nebraska will hold its annual Mother's Day Tea at the chapter house in Lincoln, May 12. The Southwest regional conferParents of the members as wellj ence of the Hadassah will tafee as patrons and patronesses of the place May 26 and 27 in Lincoln, serority have been invited. An ad- Nebr., at the Cornhusker hotel. dress by Irving Hill will feature j The following have been appointthe program, which includes pia- ed delegates: Mesdames Jack Kaufman, J. Golfiware, J. J. no and vocal selections. Friedman, Ben H a n d l e r , A. Rose Steinburg: piano student Roam, Jos. Rosenberg, H. S. Nowith Herbert Schmidt, presented vitsky, Peter Greenberg, Sidney Katelznan, R. Bordy, M. Frohrn, her senior recital Wednesday. Miss Steinburg recently took M. F. Levenson, William Alberts, part in the traditional May Queen Irvin Levin, Mas Frcnikin, and J. pageant held at the University. M. Erman. The registration fee will be $2 She was page to the Queen, being selected for the part on the basis and everyone is invited to attend. Those planning to are asked to of campus activities. call Mrs. Julius Abrahamson, Gwendolyn Meyerson and Flor- Wai. 4009. ence Smeerin took part in the Contributions to the Eaasssah University Players presentation of 'Julius Caesar,* presented with Hart Jenks in the leading role. li FOR S.4JLE Miss Meyerson also has a prominent part in the next Child- FOR SALE—Excellent paying grocery and kosher market rens' Play production. in Lincoln. Owner's other Betty Segal recently had a feabusiness interests force the ture article on Jewish student sale of this A-l store. Box ife at the University of Nebras10, Jewish Press. ka accepted by the "Spokesman" of Louisville, Ky.

Sfgma Delta Tau Mother Day Tea


9x12 COXGOLEU2I BUGS ..$4.U Highest Grade Enamels, 52.00 gal WATERPBOOF AUL-?CBPOSB SPAE VARNISH, 51.50 Gallon

Omaha Jobbing Company 317 No. 15

JA 660*

Gift Fund the past month were made by Mrs. Joseph Golfiware, The Deborah society will honor of the birthday oJ her a regular meeting. Tuesday, Vi'. son, Bernard; M r s . Jack Kauf-' 14, at 2: GO p. m.. at the J. C man, in honor of the confirms- I A v e r ^ fine program ha* been rarangred. Tea. will be served s." tion of her son, Sheldon Allen; the program. All members • and Mrs. li. Alberts, in fitmor of il;rpeCT t o ^ t e n d . the birthday of her son, encs Stuart. Patronize our pftverltserR

Deborah Society

* • • " . * -

Mrs, Sophie Ufiin, nation*! sec- j rets.IT of the Pioneer Women, j will be sruest of honor at. a tea i jointly giren by the Beth-El s.nxi- i liaiy. the Pioneer Women. «. r« d ; the Kadassah, SaturuEy, Sf,f l l T | at £ o'clock s t the Blacfcstone. | Koptesses for Kadassafc a r e ) Mrs. Mas FromkiE, edncstional j chairman, Mrs. M. F. IjeveBPon, j book reriew chairman, Mrs. J. «?. i Friefimsn, and Krs. Sara Frofcm. This RffRJr win conchide the cultnrsl actiTities of the He das- | sab for this season. F^er^oEp it; ; to attend. i





Se&lPt? SIS

cedarized bags T GOODMAN'

Ladies Free Loan


Mention the Jewish Press to your merchant.

The New Things While They're Seur

There's SUMMER in These

000 d New


ASMttic Cisb B«JMh(


ARE HERE! Styles that have a flair for flattery . . . frocks that have the very essence of s u m m e r y charm in their refreshing new designs and colors. F a s h i o n s to wear right now and all through s u m m e r . . . and the thrifty price will prove a welcome surprise.

ARRIVES TO VISIT PARENTS Miss Dorothy Corenman, daughter of Mr. and MrB. S. Corenman returned here today from Oakland, California, where she has been making her home, to visit her parents for a month. She will be an attendant at the marriage of Frances Rosen and James Corenman, which will take place June 2. Miss Corenman plans to return to California June 6.

11 to 15 12 to 20 36 to 44 Half

. . . Just arrived . . . at Herzb'ergs . • • Omaha's exclusive Nelly Don store . . , 3,000 of those eagerly awaited fine Eyelets . . . Laces . . . Voiles . . . Dimities . . . Batistes . . . Piques . . . Seersuckers! . . . with the famous Nelly Don fit and finish!

SoH Here Ordy in Omalial _

$498 Monday Charge Purchases Payable June 10th TRIMMED end UNTR1MMED

bids. •

Harry Weiner Is chairman of the committee in charge. He is assisted by Iz Tretiak. The committee has spent a lot of time and effort to make this an outstanding affair.. Many novelties are planned."


Sizes 12 to 44


PSI MU DANCE SATURDAY The Psi Mu May dance will be held at the Fontenelle Park pavilion, Saturday evening. May 11. Sixty couples have been given

,otnets with a

Long Distance Telephone Call


—srtlstic&Tl.r origins! shape and

The executive committee of the Ladies Free Loan will meet at tiue home of Mrs. S. Eernovsky, 2S06 No 21, the fifteenth of ever? month.


S. A. M. MOTHERS CLUB The S. A. M. Mothers club will hold a regular meeting May 15, TO HONOR PHI at the home of Mrs. M. RosenEPSHiON PI EXECUTIVE stein, 2124 Burdette St. All the Maurice Jacobs, national execu- mothers are urged to be there at tive secretary of the Phi Epsilon 1:30 sharp. Pi Fraternity will visit here tomorrow evening. „ The local alumni w i l l honor him at a dinner at the Blackstone Hotel. Those in charge of the affair will be L a z a r Kaplan, J. Harold Saks, and Don Brodkey. Rabbi David A. Wice is the national chaplain of the fraternity.


Open, a Charge Account ct

Mrs. S. Barson left last week for an extended stay in the East with relatives and friends. Before coming home, Mrs. Barson win viHit in New York, Philadelphia and other points east.

Phone AT 2815 2815 Faraam


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FESTIVAL — Thousands of visitors flocked into the famous Shenandoah Valley of Virginia during the 12th annual Shenandoah Apple Blossom festival held there recently. Mile. Nella Veverka, daughter of the Czechoslovakian M i n i t t e r at Washington was chosen this year's aueen. In the above pic,ture Governor Herman G. Kump of West Virginia is shown crowning her, on the steps of Handley High School in Winchester.









COLONISTS FOK ALASKA—A part of the exodus of 200 families from Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota leaving San Francisco aboard the army transport. St. Mihiel, to colonize the fertile valley of Manatuska, Alaska. There, it is said, they may raise strawberries six inches in diameter, 90-day wheat and rhubarb as thick as$ baseball bats.


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ENGLAND'S ROYAL SAILOK—Trained as a naval officer before he ever thought of becoming England's ruler, Bang George, whose quarter century of sovereignty is observed this Summer beginning with the coronation jubilee ceremonies on May 6, has ateays been an enthusiastic yachtsman. Above he is shown at the wheel of the royal yacht Britannia, during one of the many races in which he has participated.

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PEACE SEEN IN AUTO STRIKE—Following Federal mediation it was hoped that 26,000 workers in the automobile industry could come to terms with executives over wage differences. At right is Edward F. McGrady, first assistant Secretary of Labor, with Thomas J. Williams, Federal conciliator, as they endeavored to bring harmony in the strike, with conferences in Detroit with A. F. of L. representatives.

49 DEE—Here is a detachment of the Philippine constabulary, such as checked the.sudden uprising against the new Philippine Commonwealth in La' guna Province, which^resulted in the death of at least 49 persons. The islands must go through a 10-year transitional period before gaining independence, but the revolutionaries demanded it be immediate.









HOW TO PLAY YOUR »IAKIBSBA—Dr. Phillips Thomas, research engineer, demonstrating before the American Institute in New York the flexibility of electronic tubes, as he. played a marimba by use of light beams.


BASEBALL OK FOOTBALL—These two Yale athletes are good at either. At left is Larry Kelley, first baseman in this season's Varsity nine, who caught the forward pass that resulted in Princeton's defeat in football last Fall. Right is Thomas Curtin,. second baseman. Together they brought in half the runs scored' "during the recent baseball game with Brown when Brown was defeated 10-0.

DOOMED—Robert Allan Edwards, who said he would "die game," after the Board of Pardons at Harrisburg, Pa., ruled he must go tothe electric chair for ,*murderihg his sweetheart, F^edaVMcKechnie, at Harvey's Lake near Wilkes-Barre last Summer.

STAR'S PET—Vcrree Teasdale^ screen star, is shown with her pet Boston bulldog during a moment of relaxation from hex work in Hollywood. She likes him, she says, because the little animal rarely barks.

HONORED AT BRYN MAWR—In connection with tho May Day celebration at Bryn Mawr, Pa., 95 honors were distributed. Above, left to right, are Evelyn Hastings Thompson and Elizabeth Kent of Brookline, Mass., who divided the President' M. Carey Thomas essay prize and Gertrude Franchot of Boston, who received the Lucy Martin Donnelly poetry prise.








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GUARDING THE BED iCNIGHT'S G R A V E T - While Germany ubuilds up her air forces her people grow additionally air-minded. Here are students from the ayiation school of Doeberitz', near Berlin, standing guard at the grave of Captain Manfred Baron von Bichthofen, Germany's famed war ace and "Red Knight," as Air Force Day was inaugurated.throughout the nation. itiiiiiiiiiiiiliWiiiiiiliiiiiliJiJ


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A FOUNTAIN GF FAUCZTS — Tl^csc rlr-aulrtod :trccTOc water Sowing from the pgcrflr louptri- r"c ! vrrUz n* rar.lio of glass faucets. Tbrr s"e t»rrt of 0 e-vtm' "Ttr! t'ispl«'y srrangefi at the San I3iego, Cal., -world's fair. The girls are in costume to add to the atmosphere—and in case, possibly, any of the faucets leak. Copyright Unit el WewsplctBit-s' •




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ill* Matron Women's "Mystery Hike'5 H. Sol Novitsky, retiring- presi- I




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The members of the .P s i J.'t. fraternity a r e plarmiup; a. Monitdent of the United Food stores, A Mother's Day program, com- or's tea for the near future, iu<i>was honored at a banquet by the ! The Matron women's group of plete in every detail, will be ris Falk is in charge or arraiiKforganization Tuesday evening at j the Jewish Community Center are I Beth-El sponsored 'by the Pi- Tau Pi soj going on a "Mystery Hike" this the BlackBtone. i At services this evening Mrs. I morning. cial fraternity this evening at Novitsky is li.QTing to Sioux City, where he plans to enter the ! Although, hiking is part of the ! Sophie Udin, national secretary Temple Israel at S p. m. j weekly program of t h i s group, ! of the Pioneer Women, and a livestock business. The program, sponsored snd t | | j--'v|| j l l#flf'ift PljiV Al Wohlner has been selected j the inclement weather conditions participated in yearly by mem- ' \M f: - •'JI { ' # i ~ as the new president. Wohlner I have caused several of the other >M :•:.-.» i-11 %\,\', bers of the Pi TnuPi fraternity, Now that Leopold, B a r o n ish Jewish peer is not measur- , his voice be not always in full ac- was formerly treasurer. Ed Gil- j hikes to be postponed, so that this •Sf|VvRothschild, scientist, scholar, able, by any common factor save cord with the pressing necessities bert has been named treasurer. I is the second hike ol the season. I Rabbi David A. Goldstein -Fill is dedicated, io the Mothers of the congregation and is open to the ; ' | g f':> -fpi t' i|v:;:-•'-•-'^iSi v t§j i • <S ', deliver a short sermon. animal lover, devotee of every hat of family and tradition. : .There are about fifteen women of critical emergencies or the urg- Herman • Meyerson of Council F|$i S' ;.fi j-.-:'; public. art save that of finance, has who are active members of this Search the political and finan- ent demands of his sorely tried Bluffs is a new director. A feature of the service win be rfir'JlH^ taken his place as the heredi- cial records of the past sixtyAt the banquet Irvin Stalmas- I Matron group. Temple the reading of the Mother's Day tary head of the world-famous seven years of Lord Rothschild's and often exasperated co-religion- ter was toastmaster. I The program of this hike will : house of finance whose name life., and you will find hardly a Ifts, his views are heard with re;? services tonight will be Pi proclamation' by Meyer Z. Goldbe a -volley ball game: baseball •JsU .•. -;HJ ner. president of the local chapi l l i 'Ifli K> ho bears, his portrait is of trace of any public activity on his gard and listened to with Tespect. jgame; eats. The women will Tau Pi fraternity Mothers' Ser- ter of Pi Tan PL Lloyfi M&laspecial significance. The author part in these spheres. It is true When occasion has called for FRIEDMAN PRESIDENT • then return to the Center and en-vices. Members of the fraternity shock, _ president of the Junior KimmtMM 1 of this article is an English that for eleven years at the be- high service in the Jewish cause will participate. *"•*, chapter of the fraternity, will adOF ZETA BETA TAU joy a swim in the pool. W II journalist of wide experience, ginning of the present century he and the setting aside of personal The subject of Rabbi David H. dress the mothers briefly. formerly associated with the appeared as Liberal Unionist disinclinations. Lord Rothschild Wice's sermon w i l l be "A Wo"A Woman of Valor"' will be Zeta Beta Tau, University of Mother and Daughter London Daily Express.—The Member of Parliament for a has readily. shed his native reman, of Valor". the Mother's Day Sermon delivEditor. Bucks constituency. But nothing serve to • speak for his race- and Nebraska, received a scholarship Saturday morning services will Tea of Junior Vasct iI begin ered by Rabbi David Wice. &n except a quieriy dignified service faith. Thus, the historic declara- plaque a t the recent inter-fraterat 10: S 0. honorary member of Pi Tau Fi. Problem—-what is the sinister to the interests of his constitu- tion of the British Government nity banquet for placing t h i r d I The second annual Mother and I The Bible class will meet Tnes- The choir, under the direction of among all the fraternities on the to Ejciur; rEkiiiass In tfe ents and a loyal zeal for the connection between an all-empromising to aid the restoration {Daughter Tea of t i e Junior Vaad ; day afternoon at 1 p. m., at the Lee Green, has arranged several campus. broader aspects of British policy 1 home of Mrs. Milton Abrahams. bracing enthusiasm for the life of Palestine' as "the National special songs, to be sung for this On Monday night, May 6, the \ Auxiliary will be held Sunday afand habits of fleas and an all- mark that period of his House of Home of the Jewish people," was occasion. ' ternoon, May 12, at the B'nai Isgroup held an election of officers powerful design to control -world Commons career. made in the form of a letter ad1 rael Synagogue. Those present will receive for the coming year. Lloyd Friedfinance? Apart from this transient and dressed to him by the late Lord man, junior in the college of Arts ! An interesting program has •white and red roses. Members Balfour. This was a fitting reThis, we may, imagine, is a real reticent entry into the arena of "W h a t is Really the Jewish of the senior and junior chapter j been arranged, including a short perplexity facing all good stu- public life, Lord Rothschild has cognition of the leader of Jewry and Science, was sslected as the 1 playlet by several of the pupils Problem?", will be the 'subject'-of of the fraternity will serve as dents of anti-Semitic leanings, consistently forsaken the busy and of the part played by him in new president. Friedman has ! of Milton Rieck. Taking part in the sermon of Rabbi Uri Miller ushers. leanings, eager to investigate the paths of public affairs for the bringing the Declaration into be- been very active on the Universi- J the skit, "Kitty on the Keys," at services this evening. Cantor ramifications of t h e historic peaceful "retreats of his Bucking-j ing-—all the more worthy Because ty of Nebraska campus. He is a will be R u t h Kulakofsky, Joy A. Schwaczkin and the choir will house of Rothschild, legendary hamshire ' parks and the quiet \ prior to that event the Rothschild member of Corn Cobs, pep organ- Greenberg, and Irving Malashock. chant the services. quintessence of that -well-worn corners of his study and his lab- enthusiasm for t h e Jewish na- ization, is on the s t a f f of the j Miss Sylvia Epstein will give a After the service there will be Variety Jewish conspiracy to dominate in- oratories.- This gently, benevol- jtional idea was not unduly con- Daily Nebraskan, is a pledge of I short talk, and Miss Julia Zuker a class in Pirke A v o s—Jewish Sigma Delta Chi, honorary jourternational hanking and to call ent and modest man comes near- spicuous. I will render several vocal selec- Ethics. I The second annual Gridiron [the golden tune to which Gover- er to the popular idea of a typical Having lent the full authority nalistic society, a Kosmet Klub tions. Graduation exercises of the : Variety Show, to be presented unworker, and a member of Persh?• nments and KingB must dance a Victorian English squire than al- of his name to launch the great Mrs. N. Greenberg will speak Vaad Religious school w i 11 be •: tremulous but compulsory mea- most any living British nobleman. enterprise of Jewish national re- ing Rifles. Recently he has been j for the mothers, and Miss Mollie held May 24, after the regular ; der the auspices of Temple Israel I in their vestry rooms will be held selected faction candidate for junBooks and not bonds are his pas- generation, Lord Rothschild has Jr'sure. . • • " . j Roitstein will' respond for the Friday evening services. j Konday evening May 20. ior member of the student counsion; nis ideals are in his country once more been impelled by the It seems, indeed, to be doubly a The Junior Congregation w i l l j The entire program is one of I (laughters. ifeause of anti-Semitic resentment rather than in his counting house. force of his natural reticence to cil in t h e coming spring election. raee't Saturday morning at 10:30 : hilarity, end one that is of interThe other officers- elected are: While he has taken his place, as withdraw from "the heat and I'fthat the present incumbent of the at. the B'nai Israel Ej-nagogue. Alli est to all members of the comPhil Laser, vice hereditary head of the world-famfury" of his people's struggles | Rothschild chieftainship in EngAuxiliary of Talmud Torah pupils are invited. , Enmity. Icland should, in his person, so la- ous family of finance whose name with the well-nigh irrepressible in the college I Mrs. Ramona Slosburg Pepper he bears, he takes the seat of his Lawrence Green, treasurer, jun% Congregation of Israel forces that beset them..,.- But alisjaentably travesty the true conI Is in charge of the program that the famous cloistered ways in the background there is ior in the college of Arts and SciAlpha Pi Tau Jfception of |the wickedness of in- board room of New Court in Lon! includes takeoffs on a number of ence; Robert Stiefler, secretary, The Ladies auxiliary of Congrep teraational finance. For no one don rather from an allegiance to the Rothschild haven, in which sophomore in the college of Arts j persons in the Jewish ComTentative plans for a summer gation of Israel will sponsor a the afflicted among Jewry may % could fall farther short of the his ancestral traditions than from i munity. and Science; and Harold Sommer. dance were formulated by the Almother and daughter social party, (Unpopular notion of this much casti- a deliberate desire to play an act- find some shelter and where the historian, junior in the college of pha Pi Tau at a meeting held in j Among the features planned is Monday evening, May I S , at 8 p. wounded and the hungry may |jpated calling than Leopold, Baron , ive role in the world of banking. Arts and Science. m., in the assembly hall cf the the J. C.'C. Albert Oruch, Charles ;a special dance act that is paid to pfitothschild, scientist, scholar, ani- I If there has been a steady reces- find relief in ready benevolence synagogue at 25th & J streets. A Gendler ana Sam Colick were s p - i be a "scream." and an ever generous charity. H|mal lover,r devotee of every art sion of the London Rothschilds very . nice program has been ar- p o i n t e d "ES the committee in ! "Come and Hear Tour Friends A fine Jew, a great scholar, a Honored jggave that of finance. from the public view, their prej Insulted" was the slogan of last ' '• ranged by Mrs. Nate Perelman, charge of the affair. true English gentleman—rarity ** In point of time, just over a sent family head has aided it by among reluctant financiers. W i 11 a r d Smith, committee ' year's Gridiron Variety "Show. Frank Lerman, son of Mr. Na-program chairman. Refreshments Edwin Sommer is i n charge of entury separates him from his his own retiring disposition and chairman, was commended for than Lerman of 2809 Seward will be served. reat grandfather, Nathaniel May- by his preference for. pursuits of Those who wish to play cards the successful midnight truck ticket sales. Street, was among a group of UniWomen's Mizrachi r, of the house of the Bed Shield more leisurely and less material versity of Cincinnati alumni, will find that arrangements have hike held last week. ' An Interesting meeting is be- faculty and students whose re- been made for them. Mrs. Sam Meetings will notr be held I Frankfurt-am-Main, whose.Te- character. ing planned by the Mizrachi Wo- search abilities were recognized Canar is general chairman of the Wednesdays, instead of Sundays. lys of steaming horses clattered Lord Rothschild would appear tirough the cobbled towns of Bel- to be happier in the congenial men's organization Wednesday by Sigma Xi, national honorary affair and all reservations may be Nate Cutler g a v e a talk on Mske MOTHER ¥©ir Guest ium and England bearing tid- company of the learnetf" members afternoon, May 15, 2:30 p. m., at society for the promotion of re- made with her by calling Ma. "Everyday Application of the Budget • System." igs of the Waterloo victory to of the British Association than in the J. C. C. 2479. search. s t tbs new "SICK BELLA CAFE Rabbi Uri Miller will be the Those who have no daughters " President Loyal Kaplan asked tie London Exchange to make association with the directors of He was a graduate of the June guest speaker. Tea will be servSe Rothschild name a synonym the London corporations. He is, 1929 class of Central High of their own may borrow one foreach member to submit an outfor Scnfiaj" Dinner §r financial genius all' the world I fancy, prouder of his Fellow- ed by Mrs. N. Levinson' and her School and was in the upper ten the occasion. Admission will be line for summer activities. The next meeting will he held 25 cents per person. fin point of human chaxacteris- ship of the Royal Society, the committee. A board meeting Will per cent cf his class. Wednesday, May 15, at the J. C. Brir,s feer U the- NICE. f§, the distance between the Ger- prize of British icientiflc scliolar- be held at l-.p.-m. Lerman was elected to associA 4 8-piece silverware set will ate membership and will be iniC. iaTi-Jewisli hanKOr and the Eng- BWP, tnan of his membership in —•.•--.the exclusive,vfcanMrig, fraternity. be drawn.- for shortly. The set. tiated •• on-Tttay 17. * BEL.L.A 'CSTI prppsre It for was donated to the organization He is more at ease, there can be On June 7, he will be a candiThe Silver Mine of the J r . T for mes^rrBMom Cell AT (?SS" '.WISH STUDENTS ; by Mr. and Mrs. M. Venger on no doubt, when addressing- the date for the master of science de- I Hadassah. was won by Mrs. Harry British Association, as he did the occasion of their golden wed- gree at the university's fifty- JAbramson, 3935 No. 21 St. The The Omaha Hebrew school parthree years ago, on the "pioneer ding anniversary. Mrs. E. Wein- seventh commencement. He hasj lucky ticket read Hour 4; Minute ent-teacher association will hold 18th s s d Dodge Streets work of the systematists" to dis- berg and Mrs. M. Brodkey are carried on advanced studies in 9, Seconds 21 to SO. Mrs. 'Abram- their annual meeting, Wednesday ticket chairmen. All proceeds cover "what, organisms creative chemical engineering in the Grad- son donated: $5.00 to the Jewish {evening, May 22, at S p. ra., at forces," than in discoursing on the will be given toward the Mizrachi uate School of Arts and Sciences National Fund. the J. C. C . Election of -officers I TRIP; intricacies of International ex- Palestine fund to aid Chalutzoth a n d .is a graduate assistant in The drawing took place a t tite will take place. All members -are Thursday evening t h e A'capella changes. in Palestine. _ chemical engineering. opening meeting of the J r . Hadas- irrg-ecTto attend. Dir of Central High School is The president, Mrs. I. KulakofHe is likely to be more elated sah held last Sunday at the J. C. Ing to Minneapolis, Minnesota, sky, has appointed the following by his theory "that "the study of C. Miss Nell Ziff, national vice§. attend the state wide music the geographical distribution of chairmen: Mrs. A. L. Blumenthal Postpone Dinner president, gave the principal adJ I c which is being sponsored by animals, birds and butterflies," and Mrs. L. Rosenblatt, memberFleishman'!: Ssskia ; dress. The dinner which was to be University of Minnesota, ship; Mrs. Ben Handler, proIn the rarplej- of In and the fact that "the queerest ccording ; to Mrs. Carol M. looking fleas originated in South gram; Mrs. L. Morgan, rummage held at the synagogue at 24th & | Insurance frith Eeliabie :s, Director of Music a t Cen- America and Australia," than by sale; Mrs. William Kuklin, ba- Nicholas street, April 28, has j Tel Aviv—The municipal counCompanies j cil of Tel Aviv adopted a resolubeen postponed until June 2, at School, this is the first any new theory of international zaar. wm.| |i| p| ie High which time the beautiful hand- j tion condemning the Hapoel, the that a n Omaha school has' credit. And it is certain that Estate—Property \ Laborite sports organization, for 815 So. ISth St. embroidered shawl given by Mrs. w n issued an invitation to parti- Lord Rothschild is more familiar SA :T,l\ PM Beta Epcilon ' violating the Sabbath. Hirshberg will be drawn for. f|§i&te in such outstanding musi- with the denizens of his famous Dr. Walter Lowensteln, recentijji' conclave..' private zoological gardens at jjfThe A'capella choir is going to Tring than with those.of Lom- ly of Germany, will address memlemonstrate the process of musi- bard and Threadneedle Streets. bers of P h i Beta Epsflon fraternity of Crelghton University this |al .training and choral work In his associations with his evening. His subject w i l l conJ|hich is given at Central. They own Jewish community, Lord cern, t h e plight of the J e w in jlill also sing as one of t h e fea- Hotschild exhibits the same alle- Nazi Germany. |tired numbers a t the clinic. giance to tradition by a This address is a continuation If, Betty Beeson, Abraham D a n - | natural evasion of tempered undue public Iky, Evelyn Dansky, Jane Goetz, prominence/He thus carries out of a series of lectures given by the fraternity during the school l l l ^Jdolph E M B E RLaytin, S O P QUILL .'. Maurice ; " Tatelhis duties as hereditary lay chief year. fpSSND SCROLL j | a n , and Sam Wolk are'going to of British Jewry, an informal title Ifgff: Ninethis Jewish students a t Cent|ake trip with the choir and universally accorded to the head Jj|§ilal. ' SchoolSunday were morning. awarded Iftey -High will return of the .House of Rothschild, with ^ M e m b e r s h i p s in the -Quill 'and J|j§jj|eroll, International honorary sb- a characteristically modest acMohel Specialist j§l||5ety for -high school "journalists.' ceptance of authority. Always Recommeaflea by Many Doctors 9fgl0]. To become a member • of __ this'true to the family loyalty to the Resiacnce PhoneCTEbster6C"s ^ O r g a n i z a t i o n , a student must ful- Jewish ideal, he acts. as guide' to Business Phone WEbster E4E0 his people, offering his aid and pijjliill t h e following requirements: 1422 N. 20th St., Onsaha, Neb. IJljfHe. must do outstanding'work i n his counsel in terms of peaceful ^ ^ o u r n a l i s m , rank in . the upper compromise and caution. Though ||j|i§:b.ird of his class, be recommendjjji§*d\by Mrs. Savidge, instructor- of immi jpllljajurnalism'/ and' have, his recom"Wins and Pine at Omaha's ^Jjpendation 'approved' by the execuSjj|j|lve. secretary of the -society. •••-. Smartest Supper Club" feSt* Those that became' members gUJjare:' Mary Arbitman, Leonard lUfLeon," Leo Esenstatt, Pearl Osoff, j j | | 1 r a n c e s Blumkin, Esther . Klaii8fi« Every Niglit Except Sunday limited time only I ; |§|§!aan, Pauline Rosenbaum, Ade. ' —. Featating. — •' Spfine' Speckter, ' and Pauline Sch-

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Songs a la Ted Lewis by

{for T O U R N E Y AT. K E N T

'• •

1/ Louis Hartz, Technical High fechool debater, and Leonard Leon land Ernest Wintroub, Central tHIgh debaters are participating Jin the National Forensic tournapi||p|ment which is being held at Kent, ^ ^ R ) h i o , on May '6 to 10. ' They'are ^^Brepresenting.. t h e i r respective -school debate, teams.

JOEWALUCE HELEN SAVAGE Singer of Bices from Club Frolic, Miami, Florida TED and MAEY TAFT 3EAN K I E S THE HOI/EZ TWINS

• . " V






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tiling frca» eeiiing «* turefl sbnve for kiliing,rfieraksSs ere ev*i3«M« »t tlight eittrn «ost. TJOH'J <«{! to *c«

lisis t n t t i t i Hntin




10, 1935.

.claimed. The vote, 'which is expected to be in the affirmative,. convocation of a special Constituent Congress elections acd to buy the Zionist Moscow (WNS)—A widespread Shekel even as individuals. All Paris (JTA)—The plebiscite those violating tbls decision will movement among Russian Jews MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent which the World 'Executive of the be expelled from the party. Closing another successful to reject all forms of financial Zionist Revisionist Party has set drive for funds for t h e Allied aid from their relatives abroad is for May 19 to approve the estabJewish Campaign, workers and growing here, according to t h e E OF fyCOBFOKATJOX lishment of an Independent Zionthe executive committee met in Yiddish paper, Ernes. The r e ist Organization rivaling the pre- j Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will he ' Jewish Community Center ports that the first sign of the deRabbi Benjamin Goldberg 'will sent World Zionist Organization, j officiate at the late, Friday even- peak this evening on "The Fas- ast night for the final reports velopment of this refusal to achas been postponed to Juce 2, it cept help from abroad was the reing services; in Tiphereth Israel :1st Danger". Services will be- of the drive; was officially announced. S ^ addin* thereSynagogue a t 8 o'clock tonight. i n promptly at 8 o'clock. The Drive was under the super- turn by many Jews of money reOn this day all members of. the :to tl f "llowins: "N" additional stock shall be issued niter' this date ur,l|B« H vision of Mr. A. M. Davis, chairceived for Passover. The following children of the issue At the -service, Miss Sulamith he Revisionist Party throughout the |shall i d bby » vote of of t the y » first be authorized man and the executive committee. Tlie reason for this refusal is Religious School are on the honor learn; 9» per BereskinllwiU speak on "The ChaKtocUhoblfr* owninp R world will vote on whether.a sew \ Sidney g-TCnsworm J»0rs. Sdwardfiocois RabHXiltos. Steinberg Workers solicited every Jewish the fact that Russian Jews concent of the outstamlins stock ond enc n a preemptive lutzah". | The public is invited to roll for the month, in view of the family in t h e city for funds, sider their economic position so Omaha, Nebr.—Into the hands international circles of B'nai I Zionist Organization is to be pro- jstockholder shall hnve his pro rata ixcellent work a n d perfect atr'trht to subscribe for attend the service. share or ench such additional tendance a t the Sunday School: which will be divided among the good that they no longer require of Sidney G.'Kusworm of Dayton B'rith as Director of Americaniza- j 2 .\monrt Article VIII by ciieiieinp MOXSKY. tiKOlHNSKY, MAKER & Tomorrow morning services Harold Rosenthal, Barbara Davis, Joint Distribution Committee, the foreign help. I t is also felt that and Mrs. Edward Jacobs and Rab- tion. As well known in Hadasthe' first phrase thereof down to ttliii • COHEN, Attorneys •will be h e l d - a t - B e t h Abraham na Ruth Robinson, Samuel Hee- Palestinian Fund and a number acceptance of financial r e l i e f bi Milton Steinberg, both of Newsah is Mrs. Edward Jacobs, its •!insr the words "issue ana t.m?S" Omaha NRtionat Bank stamlinft" to read as follows: "With synagogue "with >.' Rabbi Goldberg ger, William Prusiner, .Eugene of out of town institutions sup- from abroad is a n insult to the York City,, this week will be de- national President. The author the consent in wiifinp of or pursuant NOTICE OF I>CORrOKATIO.M to a vote nf'the holders of not less than officiating.. A t 5 o'clock tomor- herman, Marion Fishgall, Ruth ported by the Jews. Soviet Government . because it livered the winning manuscripts of "The Making of the Modern NOTICE is hereby given that the un-30 per cent of the shares o£ capital dersigned have formed a corporation row afternoon, • Rabbi- Goldberg Weiner and George Galinsky. !"sii»d %na outstanding-." Among t h e workers for • the gives the impression that the So- of scores of essay contests spon- Jew", Milton Steinberg, Rabbi of \ pursuant to the laws of the State of Btoclr Anipnrt ,*• Ader IX by utriklnc out will speak on the subject "What Tlie name of the corporation the.? ficures Monday morning Dr. Lewis drive were the . following: B . viet Union is ignoring its citi- sored throughout the United Stat- New York's Park Avenue Syna- j Nebraska. ">'<> V cent" and insertiiifr GALVANIZING CORPORATION, are We Proud of"., lieu thereof thf words find figures gogue is the third judge. i IsTHE ipoke before the student body of Baron, Frank Margolin, Lawr- zens. with its principal place o£ business Sri in es and Canada this spring in or"Ninety per cent (80 per cpnt>." At 6 p . m., Shalus Shudas will .he Western Union College a t Le- mce Davidson, H. Fishgall, W. C. the City of Omaha. The objects for Amend Section P of the By-Uiws An international Hebrew essay which this corporation is former! ere to hv4' der to determine the championbe Berved t o the children of the Mars, Iowa. Monday noon he ad- Slotsky, Louis S. Goldberg, Max after the word "Statute" buy, sell, manufacture and otherwise the fourth line thereof the following ship essay writer among the 16contest is also sponsored by the deal In any and all forms and combina- in Junior Congregation. "or by the Artie'"!" of Incorporation." dressed the LeMars Rotary Club. Dervin, Abe Davidson, Ben Sekt, tions of steel, iron or any of them End A report of the Hebrew School to 21 year old members of Aleph A. Z. A. the products thereof; to galvanize steel, Dated, May 3, 3S3S. A large number of people at- A. J . Galinsky, William Galinsky, Hurry TT. Weinberg. iron and the products of either of them this week revealed^ that 53 chil- tended the annual card p a r t y J. H. Greenberg, R. H. Emlein, Zadik Aleph, Junior B'nai B'rith. D. G. West. or any ferrous metal; to operate under, B-10-35-4t. I.OUIS E. LIPP, Attorney dren-have .enrolled in the School given by Temple Sisterhood Mon- A. Greenberg, Milton Bolstein, control and deal in generally in I^etterF Each of the one hundred and City Natl. Bank Building Patent; to purchase, lease, hire and and- are: attendin g regular' classes; day evening in t h e B e l l e v u e Ben Schulein, Dave Rodin, J . H. ninety-five chapters are entitled deal in generally in personal and real BY F. R. K. EEVIX C. I,J3Vi:v, ArtornejRabbi J Goldberg departed - Tues- Apartments. The regular meet- Bolstein, M. Lazriowich, John NOTICE OF EStJORPOKATIOX OF property. corporation phall have the to enter in the international con- 1JSLAKD SECCKITIES CORPORATION power toThe 301 Klec«ric Elder. borrow money -end issue Kf day for "Chicago, returning to the ing of the Sisterhood was h e l d Lansberg, A, L. Galinsky, J . Kaevidences of indebtedness therefor and test t h e winner of their local city this morning. \ to make and perform contracts of every TROBATE NOTICE last Friday afternoon in the Tem- lin, Mike Skalovsky, A. M. Davis, The Council Bluffs Senior competition. This year most of Notice Is hereby given that the unkind' and description in and about its In the Hatter of the Estate of FRANK dersigned have organized a corporation. business. The total authorized capital MARKS, deceased. ple A n n e x following a dessert Si Krueger, Max Lasensky, Ben Hadassah will hold their monthly the subjects have to do with The name of the corporation is Inland is $25,000.00, par value $100.00 per Notice is hereby (riven: T h a t the luncheon. T h e Annual reports Fish, Victor Mazie, Morris Ska- meeting next Wednesday ' after- phases of the life of Moses Mai- Securities Corporation and the principal stock A « tt% A» share. All stock is common and sha!!creditors of said deceased will meet the place for the transaction of Its business be fully paid and Tion-assessable when administratrix of said estate, before me. The local A. Z. A. chapter will by the various chairmen occupied lovsky, E . E . Baron, Dr. J o h n noon, May 15, at the Hotel Chief- monides, although the City of Omaha. Douglas County, issued. The corporation shall commence County Judfre of l>ou ~lfis County. Necontestants is Nebraska. The general nature of its business upon the filing, of its Articles brasUn, at the County; Court Koom. in honor their parents at a large the business meeting. Henkin, Dr. M o r t Henkin, Dr. tain, which will be preceded by a may write on anything relating business is to buy, sell, own, lease, ex- with the County Clerk of Douglas Coun- said County, on the r,rd day of July, program Sunday evoning, May 12, Joe Krigsten, H. Miller, Perry Os- one o'clock luncheon. Rabbi Uri change and|or mortgage real estate and ty, Nebraska, and shall continue until XS.15, and on thenrtl tiny of September, personal property wherever situated; to January 1st. 1985. The highest amount 1935. at 9 o'clock A. M., each day for in the Jewish Community Center nowitz, Rudy Shindler and Earl Miller of Omaha will be the prin- to Jewish life. buy, sell, collect,- adjust, discount and of indebtedness shall nnt exceed twopurpose of presenting- their claims for at 8 o'clock. Similar celebraNovich. This contest, which has been liquidate credits, securities accounts re- thirds of the capital stock. The numbei the cipal speaker and honored guest. examination, adjustment and allowance. ceivable and payable, mortgages, notes ot members of the Board shall be proThree months allowed for the creditions will be held in other cities annually since 1926, is The installation of t h e newly conducted . . . and choses in action, corporate stocks vided for by the, which Board tors to present th»l>- claims, from the at the 8ame time, marking the Inelected officers will t a k e place. a real job for the Outstanding in- and bonds and to do all things inciden- shall administer the affairs of the cor- Zvd day of June, 1935. tal to and necessary for the carrying poration. The stockholders shall hold BKTCE Cr.AWFOBT), ternational A. Z. A., Parent day. Mrs. Saul Suvalsky is the n e w diriduals who volunteer their ser- out of the above objects; to sell andjor their annual meeting- the second MonCounty Judge. The committee in charge is enThe annual Mother and Daughpresident t o succeed Mrs. Morris vices as judges. Sidney G. Kus- broker all forms of insurance and today in January of each year and fleet 5-10-35-3t carry on a general insurance business in directors. The directors shall elect a deavoring to make the Parents er banquet, given) by the Sisterworm is known throughout the Grossman. A musical program is a l l forma insurance and indemnity President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Word has been received here being arranged also. Reservations bonds. T h e total authorized capital Secretary. The Articles may be amended day an outstanding occasion. ood of Mount Sinai Temple, will stock of this corporation s h a l l be upon notice as provided for. With the Sid Baumstein, vice-president e held in the Temple Annex next by Rabbi anfl Mrs. H. R. Rabino- for the luncheon may still be $10,000.00 divided into 100 shares o£ the assent in writing of the holders of twopar value of $100.00 each, to be paid for thirds of the outstanding cnpitRl stock witz of the engagement of their Book Well Received of the organization is chairman Wednesday evening, May 15, at made by calling Mrs. Max SimIn cash or property ant', be non-assess- or with the assent by rote of two-thirds niece Norma Vogel, of New York on, phone 5470; Mrs. Albert of this event. Assisting him in :30 o'clock. "I Am a Rabbi's Wife," t h e able when Issued. The t i m e of com. of the capital stock present or repre- S9.90 tip, freight p a i d , inof the corporation shall be sented at a meetinp called for such purstalled free in Omaha a n d the arrangements are Perry OsMrs. Theodore N. Lewis will ity, to Cecil Frank, 'son of Rab-Krasne, phone 4630; or Mrs. Na- b o o k written by Esther Bengis, mencement on tho filing- of a copy of its articles pose or a t any annual meeting the. Dinowitz, Jack Merlin, Herman Ru- ct as toastmistress daring the bi and Mrs. Frank of New York. than Nogg, 1548 J . All members wife of Rabbi Abraham Bengis, of incorporation with the County Clerk rectors ehall have the power and au- Council Bluffs. Complete line Douglas County, Nebraska, and itsthority to sell, assign, transfer ami conof beautiful g r a v e markers bin and Isadore Shindler. v e n i n g . Mrs. L. S. Goldberg Miss "Vogel was a guest in the and their friends are cordially in- who served here as Rabbi of the of termination shall be fifty ypars there- vey or otherwise dispose of all and the and monuments. Lettered free. Rablnowitz home several years The highest amount of indebted- entire of the assets of the corporation The guest speaker of the even- will offer the invocation. vited to attend. Conservative synagogue, has been after. ness to which tlie corporation shall nt upon euch terms and conditions RS the Fully guaranteed. Write for ago. Ing will be J . H. Godtfrink, exeElaine Brodkey will speak in receiving unusually favorable^ crit- any time eubject itself shall not exceed Board shall deem fit either for ensh. particulars or call AT. S6 53 two-thirds of its capital stock. The af- securities, property or obligations cf any The wedding will take place In cutive secretary of the T. M. c. A. ehalf of the daughters; Joanna icism from critics all over t h e Plans are being made for the fairs of this corporation are to be con- kind or character. for appointment. The program will be opened by Lgranoff will speak in behalf of New York City in June. by a board of not less than two Dated this 28th day of Febr., 3iS5. "Mother and Daughter" Tea to be country. Leading Rabbis, writers ducted nor more than five directors who shall WITNESS: the invocation offered by M a x he granddaughters, and Mrs. given on Sunday afternoon, May and laymen have been urging the elect a President, 'Vice-President, Eecre- A, GREEXBERQ Mr. -and Mrs. Max Cohen, 1720 19th, a t 2:30 o'clock a t the Che- reading of this fascinating a n d tary and Treasurer. Zeligson, chaplain of th© chapter. Barney Aronsohn will respond in MORRIS FERT3R, LAZAR KAPLAN, AARON FEREE. The members will sing "The Song ehalf of the mothers. Mrs. Wil- Jones Street, have received word vra B'nai Yisroel synagogue a t inspiring little book, written by 1909 Le&venwortb. G. PERLIS. HIMAN FERER. of A. Z. A." directed by Jack Mer- liam Lazere, president of the Sis- that their son Gerald Cohen, a 618 Mynster Street, sponsored by one who is well versed in her sub- In Presence of: Incorpora tors. D. LIPP. 4-19—<t lin. Sid Baumstein will give the erhood will welcome the guests. student a t the University of Ne-both t h e Sisterhood of the Tal- ject. The book may be brought LCTLTIS 5-10-35-4t address of welcome. The FoundEtta Jean Galinsky will offer braska, has been elected president mud Torah and t h e Council from Mrs. Bengis, direct, by writMONSKT, GRODrNSKT, BIAKEB ers Message from Sam Beber, Omreading and Betty Rosenstock of the Sigma Alpha Mu Frater- Bluffs Senior Hadassah. A spec- Ing to her a t Moodus, Conn. The & COHE.V, Attys. nity at Nebraska. aha, read by Bob Kahn. ill be heard in a piano solo. book sells for ?2.00. ial program is being arranged by NOTICE OF IKCOUPOEATION. Max Zeligson will close the proA play entitled "Mothers They the committee in charge of this Notice Is hereby given that the underMr. Morris Bloom has departed affair, and all members, " t h e i r gram with the benediction. Re- Forgot" has been directed by Mrs. I signed lave formed a. corporation to be NAZIS PLAN GHETTO freshments will be served by eon Marx, and will be g i v e n for his home i n NGW York City daughters, and friends are cordij known aa S-I". BUILDING COMPANY with its principal place of business in members of the Junior Judean with the'following taking part: after visiting here in the home of ally invited to make plans to atSCHOOLS FOR JEWRY I Omaha. Douglas County, Nebraska. The corporation shall have power to mainClub. Boy Scout Troop of theMiriam Blank, Rozena Kosberg, his daughter, Mrs. Adolph Rosen- tend this program. tain and operate a general real estate Center will usher. Arrangements lossom Kalin Betty Marx, Doris feld. Mr. Bloom is a brother of h purchase, lease, hire Berlin (WNS)—Establishment business: to in generally in in any any and and allall have been made by the committee M a r x , " Rosalie . Sacks, Elaine Mrs. Barney Baron, Mrs. M. N. The Council Bluffs Lodge No. of ghetto schools for-Jewish chil- and deal in l property or any inter- ' real and personal for transportation, for parents osenfeld, Lois Silverman, Mina London and Mrs. Rose Rablno- 688 of the Independent Order of dren throughout Germany is be-est therein and to sell, -nortgaee and.' otherwise deal in such personal and real and members, to permit everyone lotsky, Elaine Sblaifer, Sadie witz. the B'nai Brith will hold an im- ing planned by the Nazi regime, property or any. interest therein; to uc~ ( to attend/ Plans have been made ihulkin, and Ruth Weiner. Quire by purchase or otherwise, and to i Dr. Gross, chief of the Nazi race portant meeting next Monday as Investments securities qt every Miss Sara Woskoff, daughter of evening, May 13, a t 8:30 o'clock office, announced in revealing hold to accommodate more than 300 Spring flowers will grace the kind and to exercise any and all rights .guests. linner tables, which will be setMrs; Woskoff, 611 Main, will be at the Eagles Hall. Rabbi Uri that the next step in the govern- incident to ownership of said securities; cooperate and consolidate or join in. married June 30 to Morton Plot- Miller of Omaha will be the guest ment's anti-Semitic campaign will to or more than 150 people. to any agreements with any person, firm, association or corporation inci- j kin of Omaha, Nebraska, accordMrs. J.' H: Gfeenberg and Mrs. speaker, and all members a r e be the exclusion of all Jewish stu- dent to the objects an3 purposes of thisj Brotherhood Meeting &. J. Galinsky are in charge of ing .to -announcement made a t a urged to attend. corporation; to borrow money and to < dents from the public schools. pledgre any or all cf its property as Eegiven by Miss Ann Woskoff to Be Held Monday :he dinner,and the program has party "The presence of children of curlty therefor and to issue evidences of | Friday evening. . therefor. The total authoreen arranged by Mrs. Joe S f Mrs. Al J. Friedman of Brook- foreign races in the classrooms indebtedness ized capital stock shall be J150.000.00 The regular monthly meeting ak and Mrs. Joe Levin. must inevitably increase the difconsisting of 750 shares of common M r si Barney Baron, 1810 lyn, New York arrived here Sat- ficulties of instruction," he de-stock of the par value of $100.00 and of the Brotherhood of Mount Siurday for a visit at the home of 750 shares of preferred stock of the par Grandview Blvd., departed f o r nai Temple will be held n e x t clared. "Therefore vre must de- value of $100.00. all of. which when is-I shall be fully raid and non-as- ] Iowa City Tuesday, where she her mother, Mrs. Rae Ross. Mrs. mand that the children of foreign sued Monday evening, May 13, in the sessable and may be exchanged for Friedman is the former Miss Lywill attend the Mother Day actiElks Club, following a dinner a t notes or real and. personal properThe Tenth Annual Mother Day dia Ross. Dr. Friedman will join races, notably Je-ws, be separated cash, ty of every kind and character; the pre6:30 o'clock. iervice a t Shaare Zion Synagogue vities a t the University of Iowa, his wife here next month, to ac- from other childre^i. ferred stock shall receive 6 per cent •cumulative dividends which shall be At the meeting, Dr. Theodore rill be held this evening a t 8 and visit with her daughter Dena, company her home. payable before any dividend on the comN. Lewis will give a report of •clock. Rabbi H . R . Rabino- who is a student there. Mr. Bam n stock. When all cumulative dividends on preferred stock shall have Diamond Cutters Plan ron will leave for Iowa City Sunthe Convention of American He- ritz will give the-invocation. been declared and become payable and Among t h e Jewish students brew Congregations, held recentpaid or a sufficient sum set aside to pay Dorothy Merlin will speak in day and during his visit there from Abraham Lincoln High Industry in Palestine same, the remainder of the earnings will attend a meeting of the Iowa ly in Washington D. C , and behalf of the daughters; Arthur may be used to retire preferred stock School who were in Iowa C i t y and when all said preferred stock has which JDr. Lewis attended. Bergen will speak in behalf of School of Religion a t the Univer- last Friday for the State Music T e 1 Aviv (WNS—P a 1 c o r retired, may be distributed &s diMr. Si Krueger is in charge of the sons and Mrs. S. H. Shulkin sity. Mr. and Mrs. Baron will Contest were: Esther Steinberg, Agency)—The establishment of abeen vidends on the common stock. In the return home early next week. event of liquidation or dissolution of any the dinner.^ arrangements, and Mr will respond in behalf of t h e June Meyerson, Shirley Maltz, new industry in Palestine w a s kind, the prefer"- " stockholders shall bt Harry- Horwitz, president of the mothers. ' to be paid in full the par value discussed here by a group of dia-entitled their shares and unpaid dividends acDr. Frank Epstein. returned Pearl Meyerson, Jane Hoffman, mond cutters of Belgium, t h e of Brotherhood will preside. Floral offerings will be cordialcrued thereon before any sum shall be Ben Kutler, and Arnold Hoffman. ly received by the congregation home this week from Des .Moines, world's greatest diamond polish-1 P aid , to_ t!?e holders of the common Iowa, where he attended the Iowa Cor the pulpit. S giedteai uiamuuu . . . . stock. Preferred stock may be reMr. and Mrs. Herman Krause WOnu ! Talmud Torah ing Center, have come h e r e Wltnm j deemed by the Board of Directors at Saturday morning Morris Gins- State Dental Convention. spent the first part of the week .. . • i any time after the expiration of one The* first meeting of the new berg will act as Cantor a t t h e i year by mailing 30 days notice thereof visiting in Kansas City, Missouri. the p a s t le.W j e a r s . semester of the Sioux City Tal- Junior Congregation Service and Mrs. S. Weisberg of MinneaOwinsr t o t hmarket, e decline Of has t h e to the registered holders of such stock world: diamond which -™"V-*•" mud Torah was held M o n d a y Robert Pilskin will read the law. polis was a guest this week in the They made the trip by motor. a t the last recorded address, for a sum to t ' 1 par value of said stock plus particularly affected South Af- eoiual evening by the Board of Direc- Candy will be distributed by Mr. home of h e r son-in-law and any unpaid dividends thereon; and aft: rica, production center for diaer the expiration of said notice all diM r s . E Arenson of Lincoln, t o r s . ' \ •; • .. • and Mrs. Morey Lipshutz, cele- daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ba- Nebraska left Wednesday for her monds, the Belgian cutters were vidends on said preferred stock called Mr: Jack London, president of brating the birth of a son7 for redemption shall cease to accrue and ron, 3701 Jackson. rights of stockholders, except t h e home following a week's v i s i t severely affected. It is believed all the board reported that 120 chilright to receive t h e redemption price The Bible Class for adults will that a great majority of Bel- shall cease and determine. The corpord r e n ' h a v e enrolled for the new be held in the synagogue Monday Miss Rodgie Kozberg departed here a t the home of her son-in- gium's most skilled cutters are ation shall commence business upon the semester and that classes have afternoon at 3 o'clock with Rabbi Tuesday morning for Kansas law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. filing of the Articles with the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and Jewish. been arranged and work outlined. Rabinowitz conducting the class. City, after spending t h e week-end David Cherniss. the subscription of 30 per cent of UsIf present plans should go autEorized. capital stock and shall conPlans were begun for the anIn t h e city visiting with h e r tinue until January 1, 19SG. The corporThe Bar Mitzvah of Stuart Si- through, Palestine will be pre- ation nual Talmud Torah picnic to be not a t any in time subject Utoshall an Indebtedness excess of twomother, Mrs. A. Kozberg, 1507 Na wonder the? people arc passing the word along thol the pared to compete, with Belgium self mon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max its ' capital st Baseball Practice held In the near futuro. The date thirds3 of its stock. The affairs Jones Street. Morrison gives you more for your money. The large, airy of thes> corporation shall be administered in the diamond cutting market as Simon, will take place .on Saturannounced in a forthcoming issue The A. Z.* A., chapter held its by a Board of Directors not less than rooms, the alert thoughtful employees end the perfect locaday morning, May 18, a t 9:30 soon as the diamond industry three nor more than five who shall ne of The Jewish Press. first diamond practice of the seaMrs. Victor Mazie departed this o'clock a t the Chevra B'nai Yis- should be restored to its previous el .e& at the annual meeting ot stocktion, right ct the centre of'downtown, moke the Morrison first holders to be held on the 2nd Monday son a t 12th and Nebraska-Street, week for Kansas City, where she in May of each year. The Board of Dichoice from every enale. especially with those who Siave many roel synagogue a t 618 Mynster importance. Sunday morning. A number of will visit with relatives. rectors chall elect a President, Vicecalls to make !n e short time. Street. All relatives and friends President. Secretary and Treasurer. The the members turned out and, macorporation may use Its capital, surplus are cordially invited to attend. Whether on pleasure or busijr.WEBB, BEBEB, or accumulated • profits In purchasing Us terial for t h e team is very promMrs. S. H. Shulkin and sons C. own securities, upon such terms and K i c m i c K & liEULY, Attorneys ness, you ore nearest to oil the ising according to the A. Z. A. Roger a n d Charles spent t h e such prices aB the Board may determine 650 Omaha National Bank Bids. pieces yow want most to reach, and .all such bonds or stock of the corThe Council Bluffs Agudai Athletic committee. Passover-holidays visiting In MusIV THE COrxTY COl'UT OF DOUG-poration thus purchased shall be eutiMembers who will likely r e - catine, Iowa. Dr. 'Shulkin spent Achlm Society will hold a regu ject to resale unless they have been exJUAS I'OUMK, MiliKASKA pressly retired by the company for the peat i n their respective positions the' week-end in Muscatine, r e - lar meeting next Thursday even- In the jnatter ot the Estate of pur-ose of decreasing its capital. The ing, May 16, at 8:30 o'clock at IN Board shall have authority to direct ana are Sid Baumstein and Perry Os- turning home with his family. authorise Us officers to sell, dispose of. SAI BSTATB, BOTH .CREDITORS the Eagles Hall. nowitz, pitchers; Sam Sadoff and encumber, mortgage and convey ail or AND HEIKS: part of the company's assets upon Tou are hereby notifecl that on theany Joe Goldstein, catchers; Rudy Mr. and Mrs. Morey Lipshutz, terras as the Board may deem ad1st day of May, 1935. petitioner filed such Leon Gellman of St. Louis, Mo., her visable. No dividends shali be declarer! Shindler, Is Shindleiy M. Salsman announce t h e birth of a son, petition In the above matter, setting or paid upon the common stock until forth among other things that Harvey the preferred Kahn, Maron and Bergen, i n - Tuesday May 7 in the Methodist national vice president of the with Serv end stock shall have been reDay, citizen and resident of Omaha, deemed or retired in its entirety. The Mizrachi-Zionlst. organization of fielders; J . Zeligson, M. Zeligson hospital. Douglas County. Nebraska, died intes- articles may be amended : •Circulating at any regular tate therein on the 28th day of April. or special meetlnsc called for that purAmerica, was the principal speak- 1928, Grueskln and Maron, outfielders seized and possessed of ths follow- pose by a. majority vote of the capital described xeal estate, to-Wit: T h e Athletic committee is Owing to the height ef fhe Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lazrio- er a t a large gathering of Council ingLots Thirty-one {31) ana Thirty-two stoc"; issued. planning Inter ; city. games with wich will spend the week end In Bluffs Jewry Thursday evening at (32). Block Four (4). Druid Hill, an building, most of the rooms Dated a t Omaha, Nebraska, this 4 th to the City of Omaha. Douglas day of April. 1935. Omaha, Lincoln and Des Moines Ames, Iowa, visiting their son the Chevra B'nai- Yisroel s y n a - addition are out of earshot of street County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted WITNESS: . chapters. The committee is com- Lester, who is a student there. gogue, Rabbi Uri Miller of Om and recorded. tnoises, ye* only an ©ievator A. Greenbers. aha, president of the midwest re- That the petltoner -was the -wife of 3. HAROLD SAKS, posed of Sid Baumstein; Milton rich from the loop. the deceased, and that she never reH. MAF.QUARr>T, gion spoke also. The committee led, and the only heirs a t law of 4-16-35—4t Grueskia>and Isadore Shindler. Incorpyrators. Miss Ann Woskoff entertained i.a charge were Dr. Julius Mosko man the deceased are Harold Day and ClifMcme cf the Day; that the prayer of said petitwenty-five guests Friday • even- vitz, Mrs. Morris Grossman, Mrs. ford tion is for a- decree determining the Ing, May 3, in the Sioux Teashop M. Yudelson, Rabbi' Uri Miller, time of death of the decedent, the Young Peak Zion TEEtACE GARDEN of his heirs, fixing- the degree of Members of the Young Foale complimenting h e r sister, Miss Herman." Meyerson, S. Shy ken, names kinship: Of saW heirs and the right of end descent to said real estate barring the Zion club participated in the An- Sara Woskoff, whose wedding Sam Sacks, and Sam Rosenthal. claims of creditors of said deceased, and , Hero Js tha eholes cf those who ss Kecognized date, June 30, was announced by nual Flower Day for the GeverkiOSION OYSTER HOUSE for such other and further relief as may tfataaad th» bast for thBlrtnonbe Just and equitable; that said matter PRACTICAI/ shaften Campaign, 1 a s t Sunday. a telegram received by the hosIF YOU DRIVE* we wil« park ymsr esr. $t>m4«Ti mm ay—a hospitable atmosphere, Is cet for hearing before the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, on Funds will go toward the Hista- tess. Miss Sara Woskoff is afi Una accommodiiUonfl, delicious Phone IO50 the 25th day of Mas', 1B33. nt the hour 'sisals and prompt, constant fianced to Morton Plotkin, of Omdruth of Palestine. ol 9:00 o'clock In the forenoon. Council Blnffs, la. Herman Rubin has been named " Ssarrico. Unquestionably Clous The next meeting of the group aha. BRTCE CRAWFORD. leader of the Jewish Community 5-3-3t City's flnsst. County Judge. will be held Tuesday evening, Mrs. Nate Sterling, sister of Center Boy Scout Troop. May 14, in t h e home of Miss Lu- the bride-elected, also entertained cille Kronick. at the Sioux .Teashop, on ThursThe Girl Scout Troop of the day, May S, honoring Miss Sara Community Center held its final Members of t h e Community Woskoff, who will go t o Omaha meeting of the season last week. Center Brownie Pack spent their on Monday t o spend a few days Miss Rose Berman is leader of last meeting making Mother Day visiting with Mr. and Mrs. AI the group. presents. Plotkin.

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