May 17, 1935

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Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

In the Interest.', cf the Jewish People

Entered a s Second Class Mall Matter uo January 21, 1921. at Posmfflrx of Omaha. NebraBfea. under the Act of Mnrcb 3. 1879

i- i

Omahans Outstanding I n The Deliberations of Conclave Henry Monsky and Sam Beber, Omaha'B representatives at the fourteenth quinquennial convention of the B'nai B'rith in "Washington last -week, played outstanding roles in the deliberations of the conclave, according to reports received here. " Monsky "was re-elected a member of the order's executive. He delivered the report on the Hillel Foundation Commission, in "which a ^research bureau "was recommended. He -was chairman of this committee, and was also on the Constitution committee -which drafted many changes. ; Beber reported on the A. Z. A., junior B'nai B'rith, of "which he is president of the Supreme Advisory Council. Beber was also on the committee on benevolent institutions, the committee on redistricting, and the committee on fund-raising. . From the accounts of the parley. Monsky, Beber and Sigmund Livingston (of C h i c a g o ) — a l l three members o* the District No. 6 delegation—"were probably the three most active participants in the convention proceedings.





Monsky Declines To Bun . Monsky, "who has been on the Central Administration Board of the B'nai B'rith for the past decade, was nrg-ietf - by many of bis friends at the convention to run for the -presidency of the order. Ho-wever, he declined to consider running for the office. on the floor of the convention for the Tice-presidency, he declined to stand for election, hut did accept re-election to executive committeeship. His declination of the vicepresidency "was one of the tense and dramatic moments of the convention. Archibald Marx; of New Orleans, -who for the past twenty years h a d served as vice-president, was again nominated. Mars, however, arose and stated that, for thirteen years a young man had been a tower of strength on the executive committee and "was perhaps as responsible for every major change of policy as a n y member of the executive—and that man "was Henry Monsfey. Marx continued that i e felt that he ought to defer in fa.vor of Monsky, and therefore -withdraws, with the request that the District 6 delegation place Monsty's name in nomination. But Monsky arose to decline, insisting that Marx be re-elected, and he prevailed in the selection of Marx. In being re-elected to the executive, Monsky represents Dis j trict 6. One member from each district is elected to the executive, -which is the supreme authority .of B'nai B'rith during the interim between conventions.

however, to the approval of the district affected. His report on the progress of A. Z. A. was very impressive, according to convention reports. Convention Highlights Many important changes took place at the convention. The most important was the shifting of the international headquarters from Cincinnati to Washington. The executive has three years in which to make the shift. A constitutional change was adopted calling for conventions every taree years instead of .five, and providing t h a t officers' terms should likewise he changed. Addresses were delivered to the convention by Professor Norman Bentwich of the Hebrew University; M. Gordon Liverman, president of t h e British District of B'nai B'rith; and Joseph W. Byrns, speaker of the House of Representatives. Liverman, -who is also president of the Rotary Club, is now touring Canada, addressing Rotary clubs. Speaker Byrns paid eloquent tribnte to the contributions of the Jewish people to the development of-America. His talk was published and appeared in the Congressional Record. _ • Alfred. M. -Cohen was re-elected .president,, ^and L M. RubJnow executive secretary. '





MAY 17,



Duel Over Student's Portrayal of Hitler

George Givot May 'Middle-Aisle' It Soon

Easton, Penn. (WNS)—Only the prompt intervention of college authorities prevented a duel between G. E. Morris Allen, a senior in Lafayette College, who took the part of Hitler in the college's annual dramatic revue, "Laughiettes of 1935," and Gunther Kiersch, a German exchange fellow, who took offense at the manner in which Allen portrayed Hitler. After seeing the performance Kiersch called Allen aside, asked him to remove his glasses, and then slapped his face, the traditional German student manner of challenging to a duel. As the challenged person, Allen had the choice of weapons, but not adept in the use of either swords or pistols, offered to meet Kiersch in wrestling or boxing. Before the metch could be arranged the college officials heard of the incident and acted to prevent any further trouble. . Kiersch has since apologized to Allen, but subsequent performances o£ "Laughietes of 1935" were given •without any changes.

George Givot, the Omaha boy who made the bright lights glitter with his histrionic ability as the ''Greek ambassador," m a y soon middle-aisle it with Tamara, glamorous stage star. Givot and Miss Drasin (known professionally as Tamara) were on the same west-bound plane going through here l a s t Sunday. During Ms stop-off here, the j Omaha star of radio, stage and screen, told friends that i.e had The came of the outstanding "met the sweetest girl in the world." However, no date h a s jvrorker in the Jewish PhilanthroA determined baud of IOJTS.1 been set for his wedding with the! pies campaign will be engraved, i workers are coEtiisclEg in their at the conclusion oi the drive, on beautiful Russian-Jewish girl, j j efforts to raise every dollar possince radio a n d screen engage-1 the "Jacob Milder Trophy," a | sible for the Jewish PMI&nthrobeautiful memorial placque donainents have already been contract- j | pies campaign. ed for. . j ted by Wiiliam and Hymie Milder in memory of their late father, | As the total creeps closer Tamara gained renown as the Jacob Milder. I closer to the sorely-needed star of the stage-hit, "Roberta," Each year there will be added | of S4d,65B, the volunteers &re which had such a successful run in New York. She made "Smoke j the name of the person who has | increasing their efforts instead distinguished himself or herself I of relaxing, since, thirty-one loGets in Tour Eyes" intemation-i during the campaign of that year j cal, national snsS international ally famous. She recently t o o k j by • exceptional work. Excluded a screen test for Paramount Pic-1 from "will be t h e Jewish agencies look to this tares and seems destined for fu-jgeneralconsideration chairman and the heads drive for funds to help carry on ture stardom. H e r first picture j of the various divisions. their institutions.

Omahan Outlines Need of Field Director for Plains-States Region The needs of this territory for



Luncheon To

a field director to organize Federations in smaller communities were outlined by Sam Beber, a member of the executive committee of the National Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, at a meeting of that body tor, reports that, the popular reheld in Cleveland last week-end. sponse to the campaign, is high!'" The executive voted to authorencouraging. W i t h many prorize the employment of a field dipect cards yet unsolocited, he if rector in this region—the Plainsoptimistic about t h e final camStates region—if the budget paign total. could possibly allow such an exHighlights? penditure. An analysis of t h e campaign The Plains-States region infigures reveal: cludes the states of Colorado, More individual pledgees hnvr Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota and becc received Jn I li i * yearV, Missouri. l'iiiianthropies drive t h a n Jr. 1 Present at the executive meetany previous campaign. ing in Cleveland were twelve The actual c a s h collection members of the committee from - witli. the pledges is mucli lai'p;1?.scattered parts of t h e country. will have a' Russian background. At a. report lnne&eoEt held &t than, ever before. William J. Shroeder of CincinGivot appeared on the air with Increases in pledjres arc linthe Jewish CoioiDQ&lty Center nati, president, presided. Ben Bernie at Denver, Tuesday) i yesterday EOOU, the total report- ing received in all divisions. T<5 The; committee decided to hold evening. He again stopped off in date, the Increases in ples%g». the next annual assembly of tbe Omaha between planes WednesI ed has! readied smonut to three thousand dolCouncil in St. Louis next Janu- day, on his way to Minneapolis,! At t h e annual luncheon-jneetOptimistic ls rsr imore than decrtwes. ary. where he opens an engagement: falS of the Beth-El auxiliary held "To Keep F a ith—$40,650," "Power", regarded as an outIt was announced at the gath-j Friday. j at the J. C. C. Wednesday, May stated General Chairman Philip standing picture, will be given at a C l o s e , to one hundred m r T ering - that Felix Warburg had i Givot is scheduled to appear in ]15, the following were elected to I Klutrnicfe, 'Vas chosen as the workers attended a dinner at tbc benefit performance under the contributed S5,000 to the work of [ a network of radio programs in office: Mrs. Dave Sherman, re- | Keynote of this-campaign, and the Jewish Community Center Tuesauspices of the Vaad auxiliary, the National Council, and thatj e l e e t e d president; Mrs. A- D. ' -which the dependable various parts of the country. May 21, at the. ^Circle Theater, the Rosenwald family had contriFrank, first vice-president; Mrs. j workers are rallying around the day'evening. At this . t i m e «.l>c. 33rd & California. buted a like sum. B. A. Simon, second v i e e-presi- | Philanthropies, b a n n e r demon- men's work for the remainder <>•' This is the story of t h e Jew, Combined, unified Philanthropy dent; Mrs. Sain Stern, recording ; strates that we are keeping fsith, the campaign was replanned, ftim Suss, a man "with the sinister campaigns—such as the one be-; secretary; Mrs. Sam Blotkey, cor- i "We a r e pledged to continue those present •undertook to finish brain of a Machiavelli, the finan- ing conducted in Omaha now—responding secretary; a n d Mrs. ! the solicitation until every l e s t the task of solicitation. cial genius of a Rothschild, the are spreading throughout the • Campaign leaders considered Dave Cohen, treasurer. political power of a Richelieu, country, replacing the individual >. ' prospect has been, given an oppor- this meeting very successful, beand the intriguing finesse of a drives of past years, according to \ "It's the most hilarious enter"New directors elected are Mes- t u n i t y to keep faith and u n t i l cause of • the spirit of en*ki!ei«i<< Casanova. I t is the story of how reports at the meeting. tainment -we've ever seen." Take j dames Herman Cohn, R o b e r t I every last dollar, has been raised." prevailing:. he became the Power behind the Kooper, O. Fox, Sain F r o l a . 1 Paul .Goldblatt, • executive, direcT i e purpose of the National the word of those who have -wit- j S u n d a y morn in gr, the m c r, throne—an .uncrowned king. It -Council nessed dress rehearsals of the sec-;Julius .Stein,- and I. E r a s i i e ' c f ot Jewish. Federations •workers vrere t h e frneptf-- s t ST is taken- from the -pow«r£al "st'ory" and Welfare Funds is to organ- ond* annual Gridiron- Variety Council Bluffs. early bird, breakfast i i l r e n V-" by Lion Feuchtwanger. The program included a draize, foster and develop the organ- Show to be presented this coming Harrj" Trustin, general potfei**7 Tickets may be obtained from ization of these Welfare Funds. Monday evening' at the ' vestry matic reading . a n d fiance selections chairman, and William Mi'rtany member of the auxiliary. Mrs. tions by Gloria and Lois Novitrooms of Temple Israel. er and Ben KaziowFky. ftpsooiste A. Greenbaum is chairman and "Dish the Dirt" is the slogan sky, daughters of Mr. a n d Mrs. chairmeTi of penersl solicitations

Re-elect Mrs. Sherman Auxiliary President

"Power" to Be Shown Tuesday

Gridiron Varieties at Temple Monday



for liiia ye•""**£; ^liow

cLud tlicrc i s

Fol'owivg the breslvfsrF,,. t '< r going to be plenty of it dished, j '— their solicitation f»J men Make no mistake about that. Ra- needed to make Brodkey unloose j pledges, ^~> • mona Slosburg Pepper and her a bag of tricks. The unveiling of the monument Report Luncheon talented staff of gag writers have The Omaha lodge of the B'nai And will yonr face get red j Rangoon, India, (WNS)—A for Jacob Single, who died May Whrct is expertrd! *c* f>^ ft**21, 1932, t o o k place Thursday, B'rith announces that they will left nothing sacred, and if. you j when you see baby pictures of j two-year legal battle bv the Bene Uraal report, luncheon of 1 h n be hosts to Arthur Brinu of Minwant to see your friends—and enj yourself and friends flashed upon | Burma, the brown-skinIsrael of Campaign will lie IK"!<T! st fhr< Moscow (JTA)—An important May 16, at 8 a. m. at the Pleasant neapolis, Minn., president of-Dis- emies, placed on the pan, here is the screen—pictures that you had in e d J e w s o £ I c d i a > t 0 o b t a i n Jewish Comta unity C u t o r . decision, which may have far- Hill cemetery. M a y 1 8 1 s t h e trict 6 of the order, on Monday, the place to see it. forgotten all about. rights in religious and Jewish Monday n o o n . May SO. A13 reaching effects on the fate of memorial date. May 27. We can't tell you what's going i Other laugh provokers that communal affairs with all a l other workers are urged to be i>ro*>» many thousands of Jews in Po- New York—A total of ?S5,000 Members of the lodge will fete to take place, because that would promise to have you in stitches is • j e T r s j n TE^ia came to a successland a n d other East European has been contributed to the build- Brinn at a noon-day banquet at spoil the fun. We ca.n tell you, | the takeoff on a Sisterhood Board j £Uj conclusion when Justice Leach «?»t and to • have »H their propcountries has been adopted by the ing fund of the Rothschild-Hadashowever, that the program 'will j Meeting, a forecast into the fu- in the Kigh Court of Rangoon pects seen by HICK BO thai « the J. C. C. Soviet government, the Jewish complete report m»: y he ron-> r esemble in continuity " T h e t u r e , a n d s o m e I o w d o w n o n a ruled that notwithstanding their may be made sah, and the American Jewish Reservations Telegraphic Agency learns. dered at that time. Committee, it was re- t h r o u g h t h e C o m m u n i t y C e n t e r ] M a r c h o f T i m e " w i t h D o n B r o d - g r o u p o f O m a h a J e w i s h f o l k ; c o i o r the Bene Israelites vrere The decision provides for thePhysicians' The campaign coiBiniitee £t '-. and -will be limited to one hund\ key acting as commentator. And | given by two negro eateresses in ported Friday by Mrs. Moses P. of the Jewish communimass admission of Jewish immimeeting Monday morning' deculpfT that familiar "play Don" Is not;the know. red. Epstein. ty and entitled to all its rights grants from Poland and o t h e r to postpone the proposed, "victor.' and privileges. Justice Leach's countries into Biro Bidjan, t h e dinner." However, tins • dini?f>r decision grew out of a suit Far Eastern Jewish autonomous was poftponerl only bPCRusc thf brought by a group of Bene IsSoviet district which neighbors campaign task is not y e t comraelites against the trustees of Manchukuo. pleied. and will be held for uli the Musmiah Synagogue A first contingent of 4,500 workers vhen the solicitation in of Rangoon who had refused the Jews from abroad will be admitover. 'At this meeting it was &l»f> I brown-skinned Jews the right to ted into^ Biro-Bidjan, according determined to pursue t h e drSvfe b • represented on the synagogue to the decision, under the followfor fuutis until every possible dos ing conditions: What may perhaps be the Loosli, non-Jewish author and the Czarist archives furnished by the zens sharing our joys and woes" j council or to participate in syna- lav has been obtained. 1.—They must be selected death-knell to the malicious and court's own appointed expert wit- Soviet government to expose the are criminals seeking to destroy gogue elections. Initial Gifts Tor generations the while Jews from elements fitting the require- fraudulent forged "protocols of ness. He unequivocally declared fraudulent character of the pro- us. "If this is science," he deof India have drawn a color line The initial gifts committee, UTJ.. ments of the industrial and agri- Zion" was struck at Berne, that the protocols were a brazen tocol^ der the chairmanship of J. Harrj The first wide-spread use of the clared, "then I ask you to certify j against the Bece Israelites cultural work in Biro-Bidjan. forgery concocted by the Czarist Switzerland, Tuesday when a secret police for political reasons. forgery was in Russia, where the me as an incurable idiot and put; r e fused to'acknowledge them as Kulakofsky, hopeg to be able tr2.—They must consist of 1,000 • Jews. Tv'hea this discrimination report having reached theW quo.'*. court verdict declared the doc-He reiterated that the protocols Black Hundreds used it as an ex- me into an asylum." families and 500 single men. The evidence brought out that j was challenged the white Jews fcr Monday's Tneeting;, \ were plagiarized '•• UT o m Maurice cuse f o r their pogroms against 3.—-The selection is to be con- uments falsified. after the Czarist secret police, or! defended it on the ground that The number of increases tr, ducted under the supervision of The verdict was handed down Joly's pamphlet, "Dialogues in the__Jewish. people.• • . * • * < • "+T, Black Hundreds, h a d prepared! the Bene Israelites were not real this division has been unusually Q representatives of foreign Jewish in the interest-inspiring suit Hell," written in lS67,'long beS ai p relief organizations and Soviet brought by the Swiss Federation fore the alleged date of the Jew- . ™ - 7 i ! t ^ f i f l t X , " | the protocols, they were polished j Jews because they do not practice large. propaganda b e i n g carried on up by Sergi Nilus, anti-Semitic \ the laws of Yiboom and Chalitsa Beber Very Active experts. against the Jews in Switzerland Russian writer. When the Czar-• (the Orthodox laws concerning of Jewish Communities to have ish writing. Beber received national m e ni M r s . Irvin -StalKifister, 4.—Preference is to be given to In finishing, he declared that is only a shield for Nazi criminal ist archives were opened during j the procedure of releasing & Jew tion in the dispatches from the building "workers and to artisans. the protocols declared defama! man of the vomen's division, reif the Hitlerite doctrines as ex- j intentions against t h e indepen- the Kereasky regime, definite evi-1 from the obligation of marrying convention for his brilliant fight '. ports that her workers are "stickThis first group of foreign Jew- tory. The suit was brought to shift more B'nai B'rith empha- ish immigrants, which must not against the Swiss Nazis, who pressed in nazism and the spread; dence and the democracy of our deuce of the falsity of the prcta-i^ deceased brother's wife). ! ing to the ship" despite the fact i Beth-El Synagogue, t h e other , that in t h f. residential district* sis upon the perpetuating of an exceed 4,500, w i l l be.admitted had been circulating the forged j of the false protocols was science, j country." He ridiculed the Nordic cols was found. intelligent Jewish consciousness within the period of 1935-36, the blasphemy upon the Jewish then "I c l a i m a diploma as a theory and the Aryan science that Fleischauer, Germany Nazi "ex- j congregation of white J e w s in •they have to make frequent c a l j simpleton." Loosli also presented "Jews who live among us for genas represented by such B'nai B'- decision adopted by the Soviet pert." sought to make the court | R a E & 0 0 S ' a d m i £ t e « t h e : Bene Is- lbacks and usually receive o n l y name. I documentary evidence from t h e ] erations as peaceful fellow-citlrith institutions as the anti-de- Government states. believe that the protocols were j ™a}?s about a year a t o after j Email contribu tior.s." .* The Nazis of Germany in effect famation league, t h e A. Z. A., The official text of the decis- tried the case, sending over their the w o r k of Jewish authors, « ? ' , Xh\e0 S ^ Gf f ; ef f *?*a°*<™a- I "The tromen," Blie states, "hsv*< and the Hillel Foundations, neces- ion will be published within the Herzl or' Achad Ka'am, by ^ u o t - i ^ f / l ° ^ Serhardic .ews,' a difficxjlt and discouragiupr task, sitating a curtailment of the oth- next few days, the Jewish Tele- a b l e s t attorneys and pouring i but ther li&re responded nobly." ing from-works of thes^ men. In! declared thai the Bene Israelites er B'nai B'rith activities. After graphic Agency has been, inform- forth huge sums in an effort to were e n t l t i e d t 0 c o m p i e t e nlm d o i n g this he ripped passagesj ~ a most hectic debate, the propos- ed from the highest authorities. find some desperate way of subous rights. The trustee; of Musfrom their context and deliberatestantiating what clearly appeared al narrowly lost. miah Yeshua Synagogue were I The youth division, headed -fey Meanwhile, details under which ly misinterpreted, in order to cre-j adamant. After protracted hear- I Alfred A. Fiedler, Js also contibH-. a brazen forgery. • N a z i experts Beber also fought for the re- the immigration from abroad will The annual Federation Mother wicked sisters, Elaine Frank and ate the Imppession that the Jew-j ings Justice Leach decided, on the i ing its • solicitation until e r e r ? districting of the order. A reso- be.conducted, are still to be work- from Germany testified, the trial having been adjourned for sevand Daughter banquet w i l l be Phyllis Milder; the wicked step- ish philosophy coincided with the strength, of expert testimony by i Jews!.; youth in the city in sent,. lution was adopted by the conven- ed out. eral months to allow t h e m to Dr. Gaster and Chief Rabbi Jos- j The report luncheon last tiionheld on Sunday evening, May 19, mother, Joyce Greenberg; t h e protocols. tion directing the executive comDr. Joseph Rosen, head of the Judge W a l t e r Meyer, on the gather their data. eph Herts of England, that the j day •was dedicated to the youth at the Jewish Community Center king, Buddy Barish: the queen, mittee to make a survey of the Agrc»Joint, "who 'is now in MosGeraldine Cohen; the page, My- bench, interrupted t h e proceed- j B e E e I s r a e j i t e s were Jews, point- i division, Fiedler presided, a n 8. However, their evidence was so at six o'clock. country with a view of determin- cow, is studying details of how to *-* once before it was con-jj n g 0 E t t i a t i n t c e s 6 fiBrE ms31y i Sal Micfcnicfe,' chairman of t h P A splendid program has beenjron Milder; the lairy cod-mother, ing whether the best interests of settle the first group of Jewish flimsy that t h e y realized t h e y This was to take sharp | j e w s cSfsregarfi the biblical laws ! genersl solicitatloia? ciiviBlon r>l the order would he .served hy a Immigrants from Poland. It Is must necessarily lose their case. prepared for the evening's enter- Delores Cohn; and Prince Charm-1 objection to the language nsea in!0£ Tib'oosi and ClialltEa. If ilis \ the youth, peve an inspiring afling, Y a l e Trastin. Community re-arrangement of 1 h e districts. understood that the Agro-Joint Accordingly, at t h e last minute tainment. "Mrs. Jeanette ArnIf the executive committee found will undertake the "responsibility they switched their story and at- stein, chairman of the "Women's \ singing will be led by Mrs. Nate Nazi papers in t h e neighboring j ultra-Orthodox Jews accept tlie | dress, l i e pledged the continuftd court's decison decision it it will mean the ! participation oZ Jevrish. y-outh iit the order would be hest served for settling several hundred Jew- tempted to say that instead of Division, of t h e Jewish Commu- ' Gren, Green, with Mrs. 4 4. M. Malashoek German t o w n in reporting the jj courts philasthropy and JewJslt tria Alleaagce, a a p e r ; end of a sharp division In Indian thus, the committee is authorized ish families in Biro-Bidjan this having b e e n conceived at t h e nity Center and Welfare Federa- as accompanist, Mrs. L. Neveef j p p ; s h a p as accompanist, Mrs. L. Neveleff j -lgeneral, but called to task i to effect such changes, subject, year as an experiment. Simi- Zionist conference a t Basle t h e tion, will be toastmistress; Mrs. will have charge of the dinner,| published in Liarrach, a town just; Jewry. The Bene Israelites, who | pbli o£ the &dults "who, Jiving ft larly, the OUT is also interested proctocols were worked out for Frederick Cohn will give the in- Miss Blanche Zimman of decora- across the border from Berne, ac-i number about twenty thousand, ! I comparative luxury and. BO!f-satis-* .in promoting t h e settlement of Jewish domination of world af- vocation. "A Mother's Message" tions, a n d Mrs. H. A. Wolf of cused Judge Meyer o£ being BE-j came to. India £boir der Jewish influence. Comment-;hundred years ago. They look ! faction, "prer© breaking ! a ! t h •. foreign Jews, particularly J e w s fairs at a B'nai B'rith meeting. will be g i v e n by Mrs. Isadore tickets. on t h i s , Judge Meyer said:! like Hindus, but observe most of i MicSsntek called opoa " all Jewish*" from Poland, in the Bureya. By the court's verdict, the doc- Dansky, and "The Daughter's ReReservations may be made by i people—young1 -and old—to keep. "We have just listened to Colonel < the Jewish religions customs. uments w e r e called a c a s e of sponse" by Lee Jane Greenberg.' calling the J e w i s h Community 1 h e annual meeting of t h e ! taitb with themselves' a n d wiite "Cinderella," an. • entertaining Center, Ja. I3S3. The committee j Flelshehhauer on t h e difference! Omaha Hebrew Parent-Teacners Chicago—Rabbi Solomon Gold- plagiarism a n d it. w a s decreed cv£- Itlicar tvlih. association will be held Wednes- man announced here that Temple that they belong to immoral liter- and colorful adaption of the fa- "a charge of arrangements are: between the Jewish and the Arys n ' jerc ', Af tnis ki&clseom the total T«N miliar fairy tale will be present-' Mrs. Arnstein, chairman; Mrs. J. spirit. I want to say that if this post, v . ature. The verdict banned them Ansche Ernet soon will begin cont day evening, May 22, at the J. | ported bmuutited to $3O,S8I.6O. 1'alfslin.p. was es.'.&MisJ]ed under the direction of M i s s | J. Greenberg, Mrs. Irvin Levin, • newspaper report is in the Aryan ties, ii: C. C. at S p. m. The annual elec- struction of a community house at in Switzerland. an, ed or. t h e . Mpd5tcrrE.sean shore J Close to 2,400 pledges had Helen Merritt. Those taking part; Mrs. Paul Goldblatt, Mrs. Paineasi spirit, I to be a a cost of $125,000, of which sixty A highlight of the Court's testion of officers will take place. jiurned in. near Tel Aviv. All members are urged to attend. per cent already has been paid in. timony was the evidence ot C. Z. arc Cinderella, Betty Cohn; the|"Wintroub, and Sirs. L. Neveleff. j Aryan."

Swiss Court


Mother'Daughter Banquet .:"' of Federation on'Sun






By REV. EVERETT H CUNCHY ; Reverend Cllnctiy, director of the National, Conference of Jews and Christians has just returned from a trip to the Vatican, Italy, and France. He inquired about the German Jewish refugees; he interviews outstanding Christians on their reaction to the Jewish problem. This article contains his conclusions on a personal check-op of what Europe thinks of Hitler's Jewish victims.—The Editor As the steamship ILE DE FRANCE ploughed," its way to Europe I had opportunity to think about my relatively uncommon errand. I, a Protestant' minister, was going to the Vatican for counsel! . .....I suppose every Jew knows that Protestant and Catholic relations have been as Tough as Christian and Jewish. In older dayB, Protestants Bpit on priests," desecrated the "Host," the holiest object, in Catholic Churches, and brutally beat up Catholics as they came from worship. . Roman Catholics, in turn, used the "InQuisition" on Protestants; stretched them on the rack, tied them to stakes and burned them alive. My Scotch grandparents in the-North ot Ireland shared in some awful night riotings that have long marred the Irish scene, and those antipathies have continued down to t h e present generation.' In American history by all odds t h e most Nazi-like movements in the last one hundred years have been the four hysterias directed against Roman Catholics. My personal experience leads me to believe that many Protestants and Catholics have more deeply emotionalized antipathies against each other than either group has toward Jews. I •write this in a Jewish paper not to drive home the pofeit that Jews, are not the only group which has suffered persecution (although that is a solacing point for Jews to remember in these days), but rather to indicate that there was an element of novelty as well as need In the trip I made to Rome last month. , My errand was to bring Information about the work of the National Conference of Jews and Christians to Catholic leaders in Italy. Because the French Line sends its passengers to the border of a neighboring country at a negligible extra cost, I took the lie de France to Havre. This permitted a stop in Paris to talk with Jewish and Christian people Interested in the German- refugee work and the relief of Jews in Germany and Poland, particularly. It also gave me a stay In Geneva. .'-• Upon my arrival in B, o m e a

note awaited me. It was from the Office of the Vatican Secretary of. State. "Welcome to Borne. I shall be glad to have you call me here at the Vatican when convenient, i . . r A stirring emotion came over me when, for the tirBt time in my life, I saw the dome of the Basilica of St. Peter. The Piazza of St. Peter was before me. Blood and tears, hate- and love, tyranny and saJntlinesB had written history on 'these stones. My eyes swept the graceful colonnade flanking-this city square. To the night, the building of the papal chambers, then the wall of Vatican City encasing t h e gardens, the art and library treasures, the private railway station and the quarters of the Guard. The Swiss Guard! I had heard ominous tales about the VPope's Army." This "army" of colorful knights was policing the entrance to the Vatican, offices as I mounted the steps. I was immensely relieved, being a Protestant, to note that the battle-axes -they lifted as I passed were so dull they would not cut butter!


nation. There will be no permanent cure for European Jewish suffering apart from international action levelling upward the labor conditions, opening up of international commerce, and, through a world organization, reducing the importance of national boundaries. Meanwhile, the J. D. C. is d o i n g a magnificent piece of work as a necessary Btopgap for those Jews so desperately in need. It is a miracle that some Jews in Poland, Germany, and Hungary ixe able to keep going, and the reward for those Americans who are giving to the J. D. C. is ir. the character, the Industry and the remnant of laughter these suffering people have in the face of cruel circumstances. The refugees of all countries In Europe are in a situation which calls for - more statesmanship permit cooperation on social than thus far mankind has given ideals in our Nation. We believe them. While some of the refugeAmericans can destroy the Ku- es from seven nations aro advenKlux-Klan kind of spirit, and help turous, shiftless scalawags (and In outmoding forever religious this is true of a portion of the persecutions in America. Mr. Jews and Genf'es who jumped Baker, I told these Roman Catho- Germany), the majority are sinlic leaders, described our task by cere, worthy, and Heroic people. The High Commission, the Jewsaying: "The National Conference as- ish relief agencies, and the Chrissociates a number of thoughtful tian Quakers are accomplishing and earnest people in an effort measurable results in alleviating to analyze, to moderate, and fin- the plight of refugees. The plight ally to eliminate a system of pre- of these refugees is heartbreakjudices which we have in part in- Ing. No country really wants to herited and which disfigures and add to its unemployment, theredistorts our business, social and fore no country is welcoming refugees. Moreover, when, the repolitical relations." fugee finds himself In any given I narrated, also, how acquaint- land, work-permission cards are ance with the true aims of one usually denied him. Soon his group destroyed bigotry/, against passport runs that group on the part of others. agencies are forced to cut down. I assured these gentlement that Is it a wonder, then, that one hunwe are not fooling ourselves by dred Jewish refugees have comany Utopian dreaming, the genu- mitted suicide in Paris alone, the ine differences over which Am- last twelve months? I can underr erican Jews, Catholics and Pro- stand why European Jews a r e testants determinedly disagree aching to get to Palestine. Paleswill continue to issue in conflict. tine must certainly be built up— Our hope Is to civilize these ten- my one caution would be that sions. Palestinian Jews avoid the nationalistic craze which has EurEUROPEAN JEWRY Not only in the Vatican, but ope in its grip. I heard of a throughout my conversations "white" Russian Gentile refugee with Germans, French, Swiss, who went to an official f o r a Italians, and British, I asked work-permit renewal. He was reabout the Jews In Europe. One fused—"Unemployment of nativprinciple Is clear in all the data es is mounting; no more refugees I gathered; the difficulties of get job-cards." What waa he to every people are intricately bound do, he asked, he could not leave together. The. misleading concept the country, he could not get food of a unique "Jewish problem" isj where he was, where should he inaccurate. There is no group go? "The River Seine is the only problem which should make any answer I can suggest," was the religion or culture feel peculiar official's response.

Borne passed, the Secretary first returned my call, and then kept in daily communication with me. Audiences were afforded with distinguished Churchmen. All were cordial. They knew something of American, efforts to improve relations among Protestants, Catholics and Jews, a program which Hon. N«wton D. B a k e r , Professor C. J. H. Hayes and Mr. Roger Williams Straus are heading. I described , it further by saying that this National Conference associates Catholics, Jews and Protestants as Americans, without seeking any "least common denominator" whatsoever. Indeed, important theological differences are affirmed. Tb.8 National Conference of Jews and Christians aims, rather,' to promote reasoned understanding and emotional sentiments that will

because of laws or emotional antagonisms against them. Do the

Jews suffer under discriminatory laws in Germany? So do the Freemasons In Italy. Do German and Polish Jews report slurs and vicious attacks? So do Russian Christians in Esthonia and Latvia, where "Jail them!" is the Nationalists' cry. Have Jews been put In concentrat'on camps or driven.from their country? Well, so have German Protestants and Catholics, and so have political refugees from Spain, Austria, Italy, Russia and Turkey. Europe is a continent of tribal lunacies today. Jewish troubles are no more than a fraction of the whole bewildering m i l i e u . A friend, a Chiistian professor of philosophy, was right In saying, 'Europe IB .a hell of a mess." Economically, for example, the basic conditions are frightfully hard for the mass of folk in every


High Commission was set up was that Germany objected; but Germany is not now a member of the League. Moreover, the German refugee problem must be met as a part of the large concern of human sustenance on available territory, If war is to be solved. I should speak of that reversion to medieval intolerance, the treatment of Jews In Germany. The sinister strain of paganism in Rosenberg's Mythus, and the Aryan nonsense which issued in putting instinct above reason, is frightening all the nations bordering on that land where gangster methods appear to prevail. The German people, by the way, are not fooled altogether! A school teacher In a German town the other day stood up at his cafe table as he grew excited in a conversation with a clergy friend of mine, and declared, "We have too much biological racialism in Germany today! We need mathematics; we need Platonic conceptions!" Germany is still a "whispering country." No o n e knows what is secretly going on in the mind of Hitler, although it Is commonly admitted that the antiJewish policy accounting for early gains by Nazis, has turned out to be a frightful blunder in the long run of world politics. I remember asking a leading Itali a n Fascist, a Roman Catholic layman, what he would do if he were a Jew today. "Do you mean a Jew outside Germany?" I nodded. "Your question makes me think of the situation in which Italian Freemasons found themselves a dozen years ago. Mus-

Tells of Threat of Unfair Legislation

The electric Industry, in normal .times one of the largest spenders in the industrial field, is being intimidated and held back from further expansion by the administration's threat of unfair legislation, Roy Page, vice president and general manager of the Nebraska Power Company declared in a radio address Monday night. He spoke on the regular weekly program of the power company. Page, in his analysis of what he termed the "unfair legislation" as embodied in the WheelerRayburn bill, now pending in Congress, used, his own company as an example of how the entire electric industry is threatened. "In Omaha and Council Bluffs alone," he said, "before the depression, we used to spend a million dollars a year for additions to our system to provide for the increased needs of our customers. "Last year we spent only a little over $200,000. If things were normal and business w a s not faced with doubts and uncerTASK FOB LEAGUE tainties brought about by legislaOF NATIONS tion of this type, there is no The whole matter of necessary doubt in my mind but that we population movements in our would again be back to spending world must soon be dealt with what we did in normal times.

adequately and intelligently by the League of Nations. Certainly the League, &\ its meeting in September, should make the High Commission for German Refugees an official League Commission, and thereby give the dignity and owers that would thereunto apertain. The reason that this was not done at the time that the

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day may come great^uman gams, j LITHUANIA ACTING T O Freedom is alwas bought at the price of suffering.

Kaunas (JTA)—The Lithuanian minister of interior has isRECORD OF FREE SERVICE sued instructioEs to local authorNew York—Mora than 5,000 ities to take firin measures patients received 111,000 hospi- against the distribution by Nazi tal days' care and 28,000 pati-1 a g e nts of anti-Jewish leaflets in ents received 177,000 treatments' numerous villages. in the out-patient department for In his order the minister ct the "largest amount of free ser- clares that special efforts vice" in the history of the Hospi- be made by the localforts police to tal for Joint Diseases, according halt the distribution of leaflets to Frederick Brown, president of picturing the Jews as k i l l i n g the institution, one of the affiliat- Christian children for ritual pured hospitals of the N e w York poses. Anybody found fiistribut Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Institutions.


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ing such leaflets must be arrest-

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use the suffering to strengthen for struggle. The supreme jjU_ | ing of the entire arterial system. man gain which we are fully able j' Dr. Bernstein, who is formerly to achieve out of these circum- j of the University ol Goetlingen, stances is to build a world organ- j Germany, tested this theory eii in Germany and in iration which shall | guarantee the rights of _,„_. ! every case the death of these pe which"shall pu~t the weight of" the ! P ]e occurred at the time calci e d b y t t e M e f, world on the side of righteousness ! —against gangster leaders of na- | tions. Out of the tragedy of to- j




EXPLANATION, NOT JUSTIFICATION Jews ought to see Gibbs' point, if any people in the world can. Jews are suffering in Germany today, and the real Christians are too, because of evil done to Ger'many at Versailles and since. That does not justify the evil of Hitler; it merely explains the evil hat was begotten of evil. While we must take wise and determind measures to destroy that evil n the world today, lest it destroy s all, there is also a spiritual eaction to it. Keyserling puts it his way: "If Jews live deeply the nner experience of these times, he Nazi legislation on this queson may have in the history of srael the same positive value hich t h e banishment from gypt and the captivity in Babyon had. In fact, following the aw of correspondence between ction and reaction, the depth of erman anti-Semitism s h o u l d roduce among the Jews a deepnlng of their cultural conscious-


ness, and stir up in them the feeled, the order states. . ing of their profounder human At t h e same time the minister mission." (Hermann Keyserling, of SnterJor ordered local authoriLa revolution xnondicle et la responsabilite de l'esprit," p. 149, ties throughout t h e country to ( guard against anti-Jewish cSisturFrench ed.) Washington, D. C. (WNS)— j bances that may grow out of the A religious response to evil is Barring accidents and disease, . increasing i n c r g anti-Semitic in the profoundest sense the only science -will soon be able to pre- j <ja among the peasants v;hicfl i* victorious one. By making the accuracy the a r e B u U of Nan-subsidised propau n c a n n y dict opposition of sinful forces renew length of a person's life span as : g a l l < j a activities in Lithuania, and quicken our spiritual life we the result of an amazing, disnov- , conquer evil. This is the para- j ery by Dr. Felix Bernstein of Col- j • doxical nature of the force of%vil that the length in a universe w i t h God at I t 8 uxnbia University c es w 10 otllfela heart. It is, as Goethe made | | related with the time at which Mephisto admit: "I am the spirit lenses of the eyes begin j.o 1 Visit a cabaret th&t aswhich ever negates. . . .that wills the evil but accomplishes t h e j and lose the* elasticity. sures you &. 'tjjuppy round cf pleasure. good. . ." | Exporting on sis discovery to the National Academy of,. I write these words not to Ifesr J«jg-r" Midi preach to Jews the sentiments j Dr. Bernstein explained the development cf a life fpeedompwjr sounded so long ago by Jewish j major prophets, but rather &s a j which enabled him to prove that message for us all. These days j there exists in every human being are dark. • Despair and madness j a direct co-relation, between the

have naked me to tell you, that they would welcome the opportunity of taking yon "out tor a ride" In the new Dod^e or Piyiuonth.


solini would not tolerate them. I think that if French Freemasons had organized against II Duce and campaigned for a boycott against Italy, it would have been the worst strategy possible. As It was, nothing of the sort happened. The persecution against Freemasons gradually died out—it would be a live issue even in this thirteenth year of the Fasces if Freemasons the world over, agitated against Italian internal policy." There is some sense in this man's advice, although the case for militant opposition cannot be dismissed off-hand. Even though ex-Masons in Italy are now esteemed, there is no organized Freemasonry in Italy today! ""Another aspect of the German situation w a s referred to in a Geneva conversation. "No one," said a League of Nations official to me, "should blame Germany for its anti-Jew, anti-Pacifist, anti-Communist, anti-Social Democrat phobias. Germans are behaving in a way any desperately irritated people might be expected to act. The mood will pass." In support of this angle are the words of Philip Gibbs, the writer: "A good d e a l of the Germans' hysteria is due to having been treated like a pariah race by their ex-enemies."

THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1935. effacing records although largely autobiographic. Jewish women writers in the juvenile field are still rare. We are in hopes, though, that after the- male scholars with their prosy style and pedantic emphasis have retired from experimenting with books for Jewish children, that the-Jewish. woman will lend such books a lighter touch. We have, as yet, no great Jewish books for Jewish, children nor any great writers, but it is comforting to note that they are at least beginning t omake an appearance. Hence, may we cite here, for example, three recent books decidedly worth mentioning: Rose Lurie'.s THE GREAT MARCH—post-biblical J e w i s h stories, attractive and appealing; BIBLE TALES FOR THE VERY YOUNG, by Lenore Cohen; and Sonia Mazer's YOSSELE'S HOLIDAY,—a story of the Brave Maccabeans, one of the most attractive and informative books for children in 1934 literature.



Beginning this Sunday, May cally every available subject. that has proved immortal. But 10th, and continuing through Mary Antin, with her book, when, we span the ages to women May 25th, the ninth national THE PROMISED LAND, a gen- like Gertrude Stein, we meet a Jewish Book Week in America eration ago, was the first to start priestess of a new cult who sings •will he celebrated. Founded &J t flood of Jewish autobiographic not of Jewry nor of the mighty one aspect of modern Jewish literature. It was the novelty of army of Jehovah, but of things education to reawaken race- the subject matter which made nearer home, such as cows who consciousness and a better fam- its great appeal to the American are cows and "Useful Knowiliarity with the history and reader. Since then, hardly a year ledge, but in a form so new that civilization of the Jews, Jewish has passed but what it has pro- it is almost unintelligible even to Book Week has caught on and duced some Jewish biography. those that flatter themselves that found a lasting place in the life But it is a far cry from, for ex- they are intelligent. Jean Starr of the modern Jew. Active in ample, Mary Antin's PROMISED Untermeyer, the ex-wife of the fostering this program since its LAND, reeking of immigrant great poet, Louis Untermeyer, inception has been Fanny Goldlavors, to Maud Nathan's charm- soars high on the pinnacles of stein, Librarian of the West ing, lady-like epic, ONCE UPON poetry. Babbette Deutsch Is seriEnd Branch of the Boston Pub- A TIME AND TODAY, portraying ous, intensive, profound, philosolic Library. In the following the more refined woman of lei- phical, both in the choice of her It is not possible to digress in article she notes the place of urs steeped in her American material and in the style of her Jewish, w o m e n in American heritage,—a D. A. R. in her own expression. Dorothy Parker is a greater detail in a brief article. literature.—Editor. right. Neither does IN THE feminine quantity which only this Many other women writers might MIDST OF LIFE, by Minna Cur- century could produce—alert, find a place in a book such as tis,—if one may still class her as witty, full of learning, and de- that completely devoted to t h e The Jewish woman has and is a Jewess, for she is the daughter lightfully modern. "What," a re- Jewish Woman, edited by Rabbi rapidly integrating herself into of Louis E. Kirstein, the great viewer said of her once, "can be Leo Jung last year and called the literary world. In doing so, THE JEWISH WOMAN (Third Boston Jew and Philanthropist— moved to sympathy by some exwhat, may we ask, has she gained Series of the Jewish Library, suggest the immigrant. pression of evident distress, or to as an individual? Is she hap1934). It does, however, seem Unquestionably, however, the admiration for some gallantry at fitting, as a matter of record to pier than' her mother, or her grandmother? She has become two outstanding Jewish women an • occasional tenderness, and include also with these American not only a passive but an active authors. in America w i t h whom then she flips a last line at you Jewesses the works of the Engparticipant, an expresser,—and a the world is familiar, are still like carmine fire-crackers explod- lish lady, G. B. Stern, whose verwriter. "Where the absorbent lit- Fannie Hurst and Edna Ferber. ing under your nose!" satility and productivity a r e erary motif has drafted all wo- Edna Ferber's work, with the exBessie F. White has taken two amazing. Her MATRIARCH still men it is a bit difficult and per- ception of the novel, FANNY prizes for one-act plays, and stands out as one of the fine Jewhaps pretentious to' single out the HERSELF, is injected and imbu- t r a n s l a t e d NINE ONE-ACT ish novels. Sarah Gertrude Millin ed with a - distinct Americanism •Jewish woman in contemporary rather than any Jewishness. Her PLAYS FROM THE YIDDISH writes in South Africa but her literature .• for emphasis and a very excellent studies of Ameri- published in 1934. Etta Block and works, too, are a part of our Ammore intimate appraisal of her can life do often contain a Jew- Maxine Block have also translat- erican literature, for they have literary contributions. And yet, ish character threaded into the ed and contributed to the drama. been made familiar to us by Am•we may he pardoned for doing so, story but they are not J e w i s h Lillian Hellman's p l a y , THE erican publishers on the basis of for more than any other racial sagas. There is a majestic solem- CHILDREN'S HOUR, is still the their humanitarian quality and element she is injecting her per- nity and a -high-minded earnest- talk of Broadway. A word, too, psychological characterization. sonality into the American liter- ness about her style. One ven- of Rita Weiman, Lillian Lauferty, It is not always possible to asand Thyra Samter Win'slow, pioary arena. tures a guess that if Edna Ferber neer journalists and story-tellers certain for certainty from AngliIn publicity, journalistic, and willed it, she could write the with their fingers on the pulse of cized names, the fact that writers editing -work, Jewish -women are great American-Jewish novel. life, itching, for a good story to are Jewish. It is barely possible countless. Perhaps no American Fannie Hurst also has fine put into print. And certainly that many have intermarried, paper or publishing house- is tree oft cited story, THE CYCLE wandered from the field of Judafrom the Jewish "woman's part. powers of characterization and that OF MANHATTAN, bears re-em- ism and yet are writing. Neither has done a number of things of -"Ruth Raphael, for example, who each year, if for no has any attempt been made to rehas been called "the dean of pub- Jewish connotation. She is, how- phasizing reason than the truth and cord contributions in Hebrew nor licity women in New York," now ever, in her writing, more the other living lesson of Jewish suc- in Yiddish, nor the work of Jewone of the editors of the Tower spokesman of downtrodden wo- the ish women such as Dora Asko"Magazines, has been too busy man than of the Jewish race, a cess which it- portrays. with and countless others who high-priced literary "sob-sister" 'building the hand of budding auHenrietta Szold and Rebecca have submitted material for docthors and publicizing famous with an eye focused on the front Kohut are doubtless internation- torate degrees and had them ones, to do creative work herself. page and the selling merits of the ally known Jewesses. Whereas printed. There are m a n y , too, But she has, however, seen the written item. One m i g h t say Henrietta Szold has not done writing In the fields of adult nonbest in others and helped to bring here that her latest very slim but creative writing to speak of, the fiction on highly specialized subout much literary talent. Marion entertaining little volume, NO fact is often lost sight of, that jects, such as Anita Brenner on Weinstock was the editor of the FOOD WITH MY MEALS, if it is she was a pioneering spirit when Ancient Mexico, etc., and Frances English department of THE DAY true, supplies us an autobiograp- a member of the staff of the Jew- Stern on Diabetic Diets. Bessie London Pouzzner is the hical glimpse into Fannie herself ish Publication Society. If she literary editor and publisher of that is highly amusing and makes has not written much herself she The contributions that are the Lowell SUNDAY TELEGRAM. one lean towards the flesh pots has lived to inspire much writing sporadic which have found their •Young Jewish lady reporters are of Egypt rather than the too slim on the parts of others. For way into print, though ephemeral, and artificially slender sister. doing clever stories daily. where would Hadassah cultural bear testimony to the fact that . There is also current in AmerBut other feminine Jewish programs have landed without the the Jewish hand which used to ica a group of writers that may novelists are rapidly entering, ^the guiding influence of a Henrietta rock the cradle to the tune, be classed as "literary utilitari- field. Competition is sharpening. Szold? The volume of Modern "Schlaf mein 'Fagele' " is rapidly ans" not exactly "hack" writers, Catherine Brody, Rose Feld, Palestine which is almost a sec- adapting itself to wielding the but females who are ever ready Ruth Seinfel, Rose Caylor, (who ond Bible for Hadassah groups pen or clicking the keys of the to fulfill orders from a book re- in private life is Mrs. Ben Hecht)', edited, by Jessie E. Sampter, is •view to a pageant. It may be and Dorothy Herzog are in the one of .the direct inspirations of that these pseudo-writers have a mam, writers of the light, ephe- Miss Szold. v e r y useful place, especially In meral novel with limited appeal I Ask Your Rebecca Kohut has two readleading women's study groups as for the average person. Vera able volumes to her credit, MY I Grocer for a recreational means to literary Caspary, Leane Zugsmith, and channels. Not inspired writers, Tess Slessinger all bear watching. PORTION, and A3 I KNOW and if one may coin a flippant Even if we do not accept the THEM, plus countless speeches word,—r a t h e r scribbler-kes,— themes of sophisticated "young and articles in print on every conwho in their local communities, Tess" as suitable for inspired ceivable subject into which conbask in the limelight as authors. reading, we admit that she cer- temporary life has drafted her These literary ventures, somehow tainly shows marked individuality able services. The Height of Lillian Wald's latest book, «oner or later, do get into of style. Leane Zugsmith has a Good Taste! print. Their only excuse is that penetration and a psychic insight WINDOWS ON HENRY STREET, they have abshrbed women's lei- into her characters that is amaz- sums up her experiences as.a pioFORBES BAKING CO sure which might otherwise have ing f o r one still under thirty. n e e r social worker in America. proved dangerously b o r i n g . Rose Franken, as a novelist, does 2711 No. Z4ih St. WE 6400 "" Hence, we excuse their literary not. hit the bull's eye as ably in This and her HOUSE ON HENRY piffle as being recreational even her latest book, TWICE BORN, STREET, are humane and selfif it is oft-times misnamed by be- as in her dramatic Broadway sucing termed "cultural." cess, ANOTHER LANGUAGE. "Virginia Hersch, in her novel, The development of the Jewish STORM BEACH, gave us one of religious school has created a the loveliest books of the early need for dramatic material to use days of Charleston Jews. Anzia f in its curricula either of a bibli- Yeszierska, always strictly Jewcal or historic character. Since ish in her wort*, has made a comesuch material heretofore has back in her latest novel, ALL I been almost non-existent women COULD NEVER BE, after prachave stepped into this breach and tically a decade of silence. are steadily supplying the deIt is a far cry from Miriam's mand. Chief of these writers perhaps, is Elma. E. Levinger, who song and Deborah's fine poetry was one of the earliest pioneers in searching the past for source material to translate into American terms of life. Her work, both juvenile and adult, is Infused, with a racial purpose. The results numerically, are overpowering, for she Is one of the most prolific writers of Jewish things in the mart today. Sulamith Ish-Koshor,' Jessie E. Sampter, and Margaret.E. Soifer are also coming along in these fields. • We might ask,- "Is the Jewish


typewriter on articles advising JEWISH PEYSiClAN FIUBS their parents. on how to help bring up "Yanfeele" to look like A!P FOR VARICOSE VEIN5 a Yankee heir. Whether much of this volume Confirmation of Temple Israel New York (WNS)—"Moruof feminine writing has a permaSunday school will take p l a c e QitL," a nev: chemical compound nent place is doubtful. It is citSunday morning, June 2, p.t P:BP which is superior to any ageii. ed o n l y a s a phase of literary o'clock. Confirraa.nds are: Marvin no-vr - u s e d in the treatment (H evolution of the Jewish woman who may in the course of time By the Service Life Insurance S. Adler, Helene J e a n Alberts, varicose veins, has been developCharles Mayer Arnstein, Lois Jean ed by Dr. F. K. Greenbsuim of tl>£ emerge as a writer made if not Company, Omaha Barish, Harold Bernstein, Philip '. National Drug Company ol Fhils.born, aiding with her trained and Bernard Bernsteine, Helen J a n e more creative intelligence world When a man pla.ns to build an I Chapman, Shirley Greenspan, | delphia, it vras reported to the £.!•••• causes. estate he must * put time and j Leonard Kulakof sky, Hariet Lev- . nual convention of the Amene;^. 1 (Copyrig-ht, 18S5, Jewish Telegraphic health upon the slate. is, Xorrnan Eugene Lincoln, Es- ! Chemical Society. Dr. Cn'CJ .Agency, \ baum's. formula is, a. compound or It takes time to accumulate thryn Milder, Paul Nathan. Shirproperty. The total that counts ley Ruth Rosenblum, Ruth Rosen- i tlie two FuliEtanccf that Jip.vr BERNIECE WEINSTEIM, is not the total of one month's stock, Howard Schonberger, Lyle 'been used in the pppt for frpR*18, TAKEN BY DEATH savings, but the total of the many Reixsclireiber, Malcolm Samuel • mg varicose veil's. years. Trachtenberg, Rosalie Tuchman, It takes health to accumulate and Harold TTiesman. Berniece Weinstein, IS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Wein- property. When there is no instein, Angelus apartments, died come, what can be saved? Stop Saturday in Grand Island, where and ask the poor invalid as he is Chosen Business Manager Macy Baum, sou of Mr, "arid she had been visiting relatives. being pushed down the corridors She suffered an attack of appen- of the hospital how much he sav- Mrs. Joe Baum, tras selected ar> es, and he will tell you that it is business manager for the ensuing dicitis; and peritonitis set in. She was the granddaughter of not a question of saving but a year of the Gateway, publication Joseph Brown, baliff in Judge Ar- question of stretching what is left of Municipal University. He is a four year scholarship thur C. Thomsen's courtroom. She as long as life is left. Life Insurance is the only sav- student, is president o£ the Beta was graduated from Technical high school in March. Besides ings plan whereby a responsible Tau Kappa, Jewish Social Fraher parents she is survived by a financial institution obligates it- ternity, is second highest in self to give to a man or to his scholarship lor the entire school brother MorelL family the estate he wishes, re- for the past semester, is past Funeral services were held gardless of how soon, after he has president of the Mother Chapter Sunday, May 12. started to save, death a n d dis- A. Z. A., and is a member of the ability make it impossible for A. Z. A. debate team. MACY BAUM HEADS him to carry ont his part of the First Palestinian Observatory BETA TAU KAPPA contract. Tel A v i v—Leading scientists and communal leaders of PalesAt the election of officers for Doctor Wins Prase tine gathered in this all-Jewish the ensuing year, Macy Baum was elected president of the Beta lor Tome GE Heart city to attend the opening of the Tau Kappa, Jewish social fraterNewark, N. J., (JTA)—Dr. first lunar observatory in the nity at the Municipal University. Jacob Polevski, senior attending country, which is located in the Levant Fair Harold Kort was elected secre- physician and cardiologist at Tower of t h e tary and Sylvan Frankel was Beth Israel Hospital, wins the Grounds. selected as treasurer. commendation of the Journal of A smoker will be held at the the American Medical Associahome of Morris Fisher, Sunday tion for his recent book, "The evening May 19, in the honor of Heart Visible." His volume is the outgoing officers. lauded as filling a "definite hiaThis past week the fraternity tus" in American medical literaconcentrated on dramatic activity. ture. Dr. Polevski has been identiOn Thursday, May 16, the fraternity present a comic skit, "The fied with B e t h Israel Hospital Bare Rats of Dimple Street," as ever since starting his practice part of the university spring fes- twenty-six years ago. A Zionist tival at Peony Park. Norman for many years, he h a s toured Wohlner, Harold Kort, Myron Palestine and taken an active inTarnoff, and Macy Baum took terest in s e v e r a l fund-raisins part in the production. The play campaigns here. is an original f a r c e written by Sylvan Frankel and Macy Baum. Sylvan Frankel, who appeared in all the Center Players Guild Productions this past season, also had a part in t h e Community Playhouse production, "Louder Please", which completed a successful run this week.

To Get Your Share, of the Savings in—•

New Tort—One hundred ninety-four nurses have been graduated from the Hadassah Nurses' Training School in Jerusalem to date, according to word received here by Junior Hadassah.

IT'S been a GREAT week. For FIVE * BUSY DAYS - - Brastdeis Week mercliEiidise has FLOWN from our aisles al a pace that hz.% kept ©nr cash registers merrsly s k p s g frcn. ra-craiisgr fe night! AID WE'RE NOT EESIIM€ OUR OARS QHE liKUTE! We're slaging s reconl-

Bakery Goods


s . . '••


woman writing primarily as a Jewess or as an exponent of other cults?"She is writing on practi-



arday sale that's going to "hang1 tap" few kssrels k ©f its ewa - - for



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Zevitz, Labby Grossm&n, Lorraln* Jewish, David Croll. And from so harmless a beginning, an antiIWIUMUMIIM Abramson, Shirley DavJs, Elain* GEMS OF THE BIBLE Semitic note has crept in. For the Dionnes in an official attack « # Frank, Betty Gaifman, Ruth Re* upon the guardianship printed in a Catholic paper gave as a AND TALMUD sensteSn, and Rita Marks. By DR. A. ,1. KONGY strong reason for complaint that they do not want their children Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by By O. O. DASHER Dr. Rongy, who is one of the reared by a Jew. Young Men's Vaad THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY most eminent physicians in the T h e regular meeting of t h i •*9L And to inject the Jewish angle still further. . . .how many Who shall dwell upon Thy holy country, is also a distinguished Subscription Price, otie year . . . . — . $2.00 know that it is to a, Jew that the Dionnes owe the lives of some mountain? He that walketh up- communal leader ivtiose comServices at Temple Israel this Young Men's Vaad will be held Advertising rates furnished o n application. rightly and worketh iJghteous- ments on the Jewish scene are evening will b e g i n at 8 p. m. Thursday, May 23, at the hom< If net all of the children? Amster Spiro, city editor of New ness, and speal'eth truth in his ahvays original and thonght- Rabbi David H. Wice's sermon of Sidney Epstein, 3152 Chicago Editorial Office: 500 Brandeis Theater Building. York's Evening Journal, first focussed world-wide attention on the heart, he that sweareth to h i s provoktng.—The Editor. will be in the nature of an an- St. All members are urged to bfi Sioux City Of fide—Jewiah Community Center children. Spiro spotted the story of the birth of the quintuplets own hurt and changeth not, he About three years ago I was nual report. After t h e services, present as important business wil] DAVID BLACKER • > Business and Managing Editor that putteth not ou,t his money oa severely and widely criticized for t h e r e -will be a congregation be discussed. Refreshments will hidden in a small press association release. Realizing the poten- interest. FRANK ft. ACKERMAN - - - - - - . - Editor article "American Jewry Mud- meeting. Election of officers "will be served. RABBI URI MILLER - - « - - Contributing Editor tial news vale of the item, this Jewish journalist phoned Dr. Dafoe ffhou makest me to know the my dles Through," which" was syndi- take place and matters of importFANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent for details. Dr. Dafoe told him he didn't know how the babies path of life, in Thy presence Is cated by the Seven Arts Feature ance to the Temple will be dis-j ANN FILL - - - / ' - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent of Joy In Thy right hand Syndicate. At that time I wrote: cussed. Thf Sisterhood will ten-; could live without incubators. Spiro got busy and obtained a fullness . Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street bliss for evermore. "Rarely among the men with der a reception after the meeting, j kerosene-burning incubator available in far-away Chicago. This Let my Judgment come forth whom rests the destiny of t h e All Temple members are urged j Remodeled - Relined ancient contraption probably saved the lives of the three smallest from Thee, let Thine eyes behold Jewish people is there to be found to attend. j I. BEBKOWITZ, Furrier equity, Thou hast tried my heart. that inner grace and polish which Dionnes, Saturday morning services will; The law of the Lord is. perfect, Omaha has justification for taking pride in her leadership. 2818 Lc&vecworth IA 2708 the product of confident judg- begin at 10:30. j And so, even in the birth of five children in a Catholic home restoring the soul; the testimony are Throughout the length and breadth of the country, our city Is ment. Vulgar and undisciplined, The College Club will m e e t ; of the Lord is sure, making wise known in the Jewish communities for the type of leadership she hi the backwoods of Canada, there needs must appear a Jewish the simple, the precepts of the few are able e v e r to abandon Sunday afternoon at 4:IS at thej Lord are right, rejoicing the their own ego. It Is what they Federal Transient Shelter at 2 2n<3 commands. . ... derive, not what they can give and Hickory streets. heart. Another example of why the Omaha Jewish community is re that distracts their attention. It "We're Going to Tern" T h e second annual Gridiron TALMUD is this spectacle of ruthless quest, Varieties will be held Monday noshed!was given at toe fourteenth quinquennial convention of Bob said, "On the son of Pel- of personal aggrandizement, of with This Speeiai Sale! evening, at 8:15 p. m. • the JB'nai B'rith held in Washington last week. Reports from the Two-piece suSfc, web construcThe experiment of Jewish colonization from Eastern Europe eth, •who was a member of the pitiful unawareness of goal, that tion, reversible G Q 9 Rf| conclave tell us that Henry Monsky and Sam Beber, Omaha's two in Biro Bidjan, the autonomous Jewish region in Soviet Russia, is congregation of Kosah, at first is held up to edify the younger when they revolted against Moses, generation of Jews. Our IntelVaa«f Pull-up chairs ic white or representatives, were outstanding in the conclaves* deliberations to become a reality. Spoken of often in recent months, this pro- was saved by his wife. She said are repelled; it is not for red artificial "The Bible a n d O u r Present They played leading roles in the committee meetings and on the jected settlement will be put to the acid test with the announce- to him, "what is the difference lectuals them to touch the 'hem of crudity Day Social Problems," Mill be the | leather ,. convention floor, again and again focussing attention upon their ment that the Soviet government will permit the settling of 4,500 to you?" if Moses will he master, and list.' " subject of Rabbi Uri Miller's seryou-are only a disciple, and you Today, however, it reems that a brilliant and eloquent stands. 4/ Jews from abroad during the next year. at services this evening at will be in the same position if new era is dawning upon the mon the B'nai Israel synagogue. CanThe action taken by the delegates at this convention are far< Kosah will be master." And he horizon of Jewish life in America, j tor A. Schwaczkin and the choir Thousands of Jewish people in Eastern Europe are desperate; 61S S. 16th AT reaching for B'nai B'rlth. By deciding to move the order's head- they know not which way to turn or where to look for succor. said to her, "What shall I do, I The recent luncheon held under! will chant the service. w a s -with them In consultation, the auspices of the Conference on quarters to the nation's capital, Washington, the B'nai B*rith be- They know that life in Biro Bidjan will not be easy, that many and swore to take part in their The Junior Congregation will Relations augurs well for meet Saturday morning at 10:3 0, comes the eyes and ears of American Jewry. Hhis will be the first rigors and discouragements must be surmounted—yet, they are revolution?" She said, "I know Jewish the launching of a different kind national Jewish organization to establish its permanent national willing to face the unknown in Biro Bidjan rather than continue that t h e whole congregation Is and type of Jewish leadership in at the B'nai Israel synagogue. holy as it is written. (Num. 16:3) this country. The urgency ofv a headquarters in Washington, and as a result, American Jewry will their present life-disintegrating existence. so remain at home a n d I will scientific approach to the Jewish Beth-El be assured of the vigilance of an official organization body which save you." She made him to problem and the Importance of The first contingent, according to the terms announced, must drink At services tonight, R a b b i j wins and put him to sleep commands the respect of every governmental agency. This order consist of a thousand families and five hundred single men, to be factual guidance in its solution in the house, and sha sat outside Oavid A. Goldstein will speak on has carried.on in behalf of Jewry for nearly a century, and with chosen from elements fitting the requirements of the industrial at the entrance of the house, un- were discussed pro and con on a "Jewish Moral Standards." sane level. The debate clearly the removal of the offices to the nation's capital, the opportunities her head, loosened her demonstrated how graciously and Next Friday evening the chiland agricultural work of Biro Bidjan. Preference will be given covered hair, and •whoever came to the truthfully problems a f f e c t i n g dren of the Beth-El Sunday school' for greater service to Jewry are strengthened. building workers and artisans, and the selection is to be conducted house to call upon On, when they Jewish life can be discussed; that will conduct the service. T h e y ; under the supervision of representatives of foreign Jewish relief saw the uncovered head and loose they need not be accompanied by j will review for the congregation! of the woman at the en- bellowing and roaring, but that I the work achieved'in the Sundayorganizations and Soviet experts. The new settlers from other hair trance, they returned back, mean- subjects of vital interest to the! school classes during t h e p a s t ! "Omaha's Premier Hatter" The Jewish folk through history have been called the 'Teople countries will retain their foreign citizenship for two years, and time the congregation was swal- Jews in America and ether coun- year. The following will t a k e \ 414 So. 17th $A 0390 of the Book." Learning, associated with study and books, has will have the right during these two years to return to their native lowed while he w a s asleep at tries may be presented realisti- part: Sheldon Kaufman, Stanley; We Cull HJtrt Deliver In 1 home. Mayper, Joseph Belmont, L o i s Downtown District cally and sensibly. been;a key part of their existence and has given them both lands if life in Bureya does not agree with them. On the other hand, the wife of Novitsky, Reva. Botfly, E i l e e n ' It was a pleasure to listen to strength and solace. The precautions taken are wise. The choice of proper colon- Kosah said to him, "S e e what four academicians participatLag B'Omer, falls on Tuesday, May 21, and so, appropriately, ists for such an undertaking is of prime importance, and the rules Moses did, he proclaimed himself the ing in the debate—Prof. Morris the week of May 19 to 25 has been chosen for the observance of set forth are for the best interests of both Russia and the Jewish as a king, hia brother he made Raphael Cohen, Dr. Edward Sahigh priest, the sons of his bro- pir, Prof. Salo Baron and Prof. the ninth National Jewish Book Week. colonists. ther for adjuncts of the h i g h Jerome Michaels—all of w h o m Jewish Book Week serves to focus attention on the contribupriest, heavy offering he com- showed an intimate knowledge of manded to give to the priests and Jewish life past and present, In tion of the contemporary Jew to the world's civilization though even from the tithes, which are America and abroad, which is ii literature, besides reminding us of the permanent influence of the for the Levltes, he commanded to probably unequalled by many of The never-say-die spirit which is so sorely needed in Jewish ethics of the fathers and the old sages of Israel. It is but one asgive again one-tenth to the :he so-called outstanding leaders pect of modern Jewish education to reawaken race-consciousness life today was voiced last week by the Jewish war veterans of priests, and not1 only t h i s , he and "busybodies" In Jewishjite. made fools of a ! of you by com- All thoughtful Jewish men and and bring about familiarity with the history and the civilization Austria. manding all the Levites to shav1 women should encourage ProfesFrom time to time Chancellor Schuschnigg of Austria reiterof a people. off all your hair, so t h a t yo sor Cohen and his associates In The importance of reading in "modern days goes without say- ates stereotyped phrases of equality to all in the country and no should look like prisoners." an their significant effort to gather, to his answer, "He himself dii evaluate and crystallize informaing. We should, however, emphasize the importance of reading discrimination against any because of race, or creed, Yet, unof- like "wise", she said, "Since all tion relating to Jewish life, partificially further disenfranchisement of the Jewish citizens congood Jewish books. A knowledge of the literature of one's own the glory belongs to .him, he can cularly in America, on a sane and At the meeting of war veterans referred to, Captain afford to do that." people: plays an important part in the education, culture and self- tinues. scientific basis. Edler von Friedman, the president of the league of Jewish War (Copyright 1935 by Seven Art» Feature respect of every member of the Jewish faith. In this issue of the Syndicate) Veterans in Austria, sounded the rallying cry for Austrian Jewry Jewish Press appears an article on Jewish women's contributions to literature by Miss Fanny Goldstein, librarian of the East End when he declared:; "We do not ask equal rights, we do not beg for J. C. C. CALENDAR branch, Boston (Mass.) Public library. For those interested, a equality • we demand it." Friday, May 17, to Thursday, bibliography of books of Jewish interest and significance, issued May 23. 000 by the Boston Public Library, is available upon application to Miss Goldstein. Sunday, May 13—Mother and The world Zionist Congress meets this summer and a memDaughter Banquet at 6:00 P. M. Icor Program—10:00 A. M. bership campaign in the form of Shekolim sale is in progress O m a h a Hebrew Club—2: SO now throughout the world. By ROBERT STONE P. M. New York state has just enacted a law which should have The response to Zionism on the part of World Jewry has NORTH AMERICA - Monday, M a y 20—Workmen's been in the statute books for a long time past. This bill prohibits been very disheartening. Great progress—miracles actually have WEST VIRGINIA TOWN WITH Loan Meeting—8:00 P. M. racial or religious discrimination by educational institutions sup- been accomplished in Palestine, but a small minority of the Jew- 140 JEWS MAKES ONE HUNT) Wednesday, May 22—Mt. Sinai RED P E R CENT CONTRIBU Auxiliary Luncheon—12:30 P. M. ported wholly or in part by public funds or by contributions ish people have been responsible. The so-called masses have re- TION TO UNITED JEWISH AP- Goldie Myerson Card Party— solicited from the public. mained apathetic - - especially in America where economic and PEAL. . . .A record. . . .If emu 8:00 P. M. ated throughout the country Under the amended act, the following classifications of inpolitical discrimination has not served as a means to force realiza- would solve t h e Jewish foreign stitutions are included: public libraries, kindergartens, primary elief problem. Mother Day Service Men, you want .shirt selection to and secondary schools, academies, colleges, universities, profes- tion of Palestine's significance on the average Jew. HARVARD'S P R E S I D E N T The Shekel signifying membership in the World organization Held by Pi Tau Pi choose from. The Nebraska has the sional schools, extension courses and all other educational faciliJETS MEDAL FOR REJECTING is the mjnimurn organizational tie. It is not enough every Jew SCHOLARSHIP FROM HITLER'S shirts. Only The Nebraska has the ties "supported in whole or in part by public funds or by contribuA Mother's Day theme was sucought to belong to a Zionist group and participate on a maximum AID. . . .And Putzi Hanfstaeng: cessfully combined ALL NEW showing of tions solicited from the general public." carried out by members thought that his trip to the Unitof the Pi Tau Pi fraternity last America's shirt leaders. Prices range The need for such a law is to be deplored, but .since conditions basis in this work. But where this is not true, certainly decency id States was a success! SYMBOLS OF CHRISTIANITY Friday night at Temple Israel. must be faced, New York is to be commended for its firm action. demands membership in the world organization. Every adult Malashock, president of member of the family should belong - - and a community such as AND JUDAISM CARRIED SIDE theLloyd Junior chapter of Pi Tau SIDE IN PEACE SERVICE Omaha should have thousands of voters instead of the less than a BY BY JEWISH AND CHRISTIAN gave the Mother's Day address in CLERGYMEN IN NEW YORK very commendable fashion. The Tidings, official organ of. the Catholic diocese of Los hundred who voted in 1933. Z. Goldner, president of Moreover, a large shekolim sale and large vote for congress HURCH. . . .Peace is the great theMeyer Senior chapter, read the Angeles, adds its voice to the growing expression that all reliunifier, and one of the few prinDay proclamation, writgions, Catholic, Protestant and Jewish, join forces in combatting delegates on June 23 will indicate concretely that Jewish public iples on which all religions can Mother's And Others $1 to $$ ten by the National President of opinion is behind Jewish Palestine - - something that will have agree. the common enemies of materialism and atheism. Pi Tau Pi. This publication states editorially: "What could be more great value in Its effect on Great Britain and world public opinion. Rabbi David Wice spoke on "A G O V E R N M E N T ISSUES Join the Honor Roll of World Jewry - - Buy a Zionist Shekel. DRAFT ORDINANCE CALLING Woman of Valor." The choir unsoundly patriotic than a national league of Jews and Christians —By URI MILLER. OR MINIMUM WAGE LAWS der the direction of Lee Green, to combat materialism and atheism? Religious bodies . . think New arrivals from Resilio, Croyden, . . .A measure that will stabilize sang special Mother's Day selectoo much upon the points upon which they differ and so do not Beau Brtsmsnel and $"| tions. he country. Cheney A to Red and white roses were disstop to examine the points upon which they agree. The spirit of BEGIN CONSTRUCTION OF HOLY LAND'S FIRST PUBLIC tributed to those attending by tolerance does not go very far when it stops at the point where RADIO STATION. . . .Get ready members of the fraternity. differences are forgotten. That is much less than half way. o tune In Jerusalem on y o u r The Soviet government has officially decided to permit the ihort Should it explore further it will certainly find* common bond wave set. of unity. You will not have to travel very far "in this country to settlement in Biro Bidjan, the autonomous Jewish republic, of WILL PLANT KING GEORGE Plays Presented by Sport hosiery . . . new arrivals from OREST IN HONOR OF RULHoleproot, Interwoven OPT*% ?"1 find the very strongest friendships between Protestants and Cath- 4,500 Jews from abroad. Talmud Torah Pupils R'S SILVER JUBILEE. . . .If and Westminster ,. O O * ' to JL olics and between Jews and Christians. In such instances diverNinety thousand Jews left Germany since Hitler came into ill these forests In the name of Pupils of t h e Talmud Torah gent beliefs do not weaken but rather one might say that they power, it is estimated by the Voelkisher Beobachter, Hitler's eiebrities were actually planted, resented two plays May 5 at the tend to strengthen the bonds of mutual regard. WKat is thus pos- chief organ. Of this group, states the paper, some 10,000 have alestine would be one big for- !enter auditorium. iSt. "T h e Summer Camp," a Hesible between individuals is also possible between religious groups. returned to the Reich. TEL AVIV GETS 15,000,000 jrew play, was presented by Mr. In the interest of a strong and harmonious citizenship it is to be There's snap In the patterns of the new ,0AN FROM LONDON BANK- udah Wolfson's class, entirely in earnestly desired and will surely come in response to a good zephyr weight pajamas. Here's the Hias announces that 1,888 Jews from abroad, 1,166 being 3RS. . . .Tel Aviv must be good Hebrew conversation. The c a s t English bankers are darn ncluded: Rose Goldstein, Marcia pa jama store of $"§ 8 5 S leadership. Religious quarrels, like wars, are the result Of false immigrants, arrived in this country during the first quarter of lecause articular- these days. this year. 'iner, Harold Slutzkin, Ephraim Omaha JL to leadership." ' EUROPE

New Leadership

Pride in Leadership

e .






Colonization Experiment

Jewish Book Week

The Rallying Cry



Barring Discrimination

Growing Demand


Manhattan, Eagle, Enro, Arrow Hiiioga





The Swiss court at Berne dealt Hitlerite propaganda the world over a serious blow when it decided in favor of the Jewish Many jokingly refer to the fact that a Jewish angle must people in the Jewish community's suit against the Swiss Nazis creep into every subject, and banquet speakers have been heard to for spreading the false, fraudulent and forged 'Protocols of the frequently tell about "The Jewish Problem and the Elephants." Elders of Zion.' Offhand, you would, however, disassociate the Dionne quintuplets After a two-year legal battle, the brown-skinned Bene Israel from a Jewish angle. Jews of India won a court decree entitling them to equal rights But', lo'and behold, the famous quintuplets do have their Jew- in religious and Jewish communal affairs. ish story. The government of the province of Ontario, eager to avoid exploitation of the infants, appointed itself guardian over -JPplish Jewish leaders are privately expressing fears that the the children, thus preventing the parents from succumbing to the death of Marshal Josef PUsudski, virtual dictator, might lead to get-richrjquick schemes proposed. By coincidence, the state offi- violence against the Jewish residents. While Pilsudski allowed cial in whom the guardianship of the five children is vested is economic discrimination, he held the violent anti-Semitic parties well in check.

The Jewish Angle


WARSAW LEAGUE AGAINST EWISH SABBATH OBSERVANCE DISBANDS. . . .Business is o bad that even the Goyim in Warsaw are observing the Sabath these days. GERMAN NAZI WITH JEWSH NAME PROVES SELF GOOD iNTI-SEMITE BY ADOPTING S'AME OF RUDOLF FRITSCH, 'ATHER OF GERMAN ANTIEMITISM. . .What's in a name? Everything in Germany. BRITISH JEWS PLAN RADIO TATION TO C O M B A T ANTIEMITISM. . . .A platonic gesure. Racial theories against azz on the air must lose.

ershater, S t a n l e y Silverman, ouis Plbtkin, Harvey Burstein, &x Kirshenbaum, H a r r y Golditein, and Kevi Kirshenbaum. A playlet under t h e direction f Mr. A. L. Arielli, "The Diligent Children," was also given. Those who took part are: Harvey Lipsman, Doris Linda, Irvin Witkin, Beverly Meriam, Milton Goldberg, arian Lipsman, Bernard Lansky, md Muriel Goldberg. Ethylln LasMnsky gave several iano selections. Buy what thou haist no need of. ,nd ere long thou shalt sell thy tecessaries. . . .Benjamin Frank-

Copyright 1S3S fcy Seven Arts Feature I n . •

Name your preference . . . it's here from French scandals to every other wanted style.

. ' Shirts and Shorts 35c to $1 Union Suits - - $1 to $'3.50




ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH Elect Miss Rosenstein Mr. and Mrs. Morris Singer an- Mount Sinai Auxiliary I The Pr.npntrrp of Tprnel A" : : louhce the Bar Mitzvah of their Luncheon on Wednesday j Junior Society Head riety trill bold a r e g u l a r m p f " on, Lazer'Lou, Saturday, M a y A meeting of the Junior Socii Tuesday, May £ 1 , nt i h r .' L8, at the synagogue at 24th and The Mount Sinai auxiliary 'will People's Home, rsn-J ciiM-irf Nicholas St. Friends and relatives ive a luncheon at the J. C. C, T h e annual luncheon-meeting ety of the Beth-El synagogue was regular M a r meatinp of ! All mem!!f"f- PTP nrpoa ;o •••'••' ire invited. No invitations have Wednesday, May 22, at 1 o'clock. of the Council of Jewish Women held at ths home of Soph Rosen- theThe Vaad auxiliary will be held stein, Tuesday, Mar 14. The foleen sent. ; Reservations may be made witii will be held at the J. C. C , TuesMonday eveninc, M a y £0, at g

Annual Council eting Tuesday

THREE-WEEK TRIP Mr. Morris Seiner, furniture ealer and designer, left Tuesay. May 14, for a three-weeks rip to make a thorough Inspecion of many of the leading manufacturing and furniture companes of the country. While on this trip he will visit Washington, D. C ; Boston, Mass.; Philadelphia, 'Pa.; New York, N1. Y.; Chicago, 111.; and n the return trip he will spend everal days in the furniture facories In Northern Wisconsin.

GREEXBERG-HOBERMAN The marriage bf Miss Shirley Hoberman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hoberman, to David E. Greenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Greenberg, •will take place Tuesday, May 21, at 7 o'clock, at the home of the bride-to-be's uncle and aunt, Mr. and M r s . Joseph Bernstein, 3115 Lafayette Ave. The marriage, •which will take place in the presence of the families only, -will be performed by Rabbi David A. Goldstein. A reception-for friends and relatives will be held immediately after the ceremony, from 7:30 to 10 p. m. No invitations h a v e been issued. Those who will assist at the reception are the Misses R u t h Hoberman, Ruth Shapiro,' Bess Bernstein, and Zelda Charney, and Mrs. Louis Shafton. Miss Hoberman has been extensively entertained; among her hostesses are the Mesdames Louis Shafton, Irving Hoberman, David Hoberman, and Miss Pearl Shapiro. . , The couple plans to leave immediately after the reception for a short trip to Chicago and Muskegon, Mich.



SETS WEDDING DATE Miss Mildred Lipsey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lipsey, whose engagement to Samuel Greenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Greenberg, was announced in March, has chosen June 23, as her wedding date. Intimate friends of the brideto-be were told of the date at a luncheon given for her at t h e VISITOR FROM LINCOLN Miss Ceil Marx of Lincoln, NePaxton hotel, Saturday, by t h e Misses Cyril Leon and Gertrude braska, Is visiting here with her uncle and aunt, Mr. a n d Mrs. Rothkop. ulius Newman. ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Dave Friedman FROM DES MOINES Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kneeter announce the birth of a son, born Wednesday morning, May 8, at and son, Donald, of Des Moines, spent, last week-end visiting Mr. the Covenant Hospital. Kneeter's mother, Mrs. Mamie Kneeter. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rubin announce the birth of a daughter at HOUSE GUEST St. Joseph hospital. Miss Rose Holdowsky of Sioux ity is the house guest of Miss Mr. and Mrs. Joe Borden of Rose Levine. She will be here Sioux Palls, S. D., announce the for two weeks. birth of a son on Monday, May 13. Mrs. Borden is the former TO VISIT IN NEW YORK Mollle Grossman of this city. Mrs. Anna Magzamin and her daughter, Sylvia, left for a two BRIDGE LUNCHEON months stay in New York City, Mrs. A. Tannenbaum -was host- where they will visit their many ess at a bridge-luncheon f o r relatives. twelve guests at her home, ThursRELIGIOUS CEREMOXY RETURNS TO OMAHA Miss Meiriam Hollander and day, May 16. Eddie Ruback, who until reHarry Friedman, who w e r e cently was in business in Dunlap, secretly married New Year's eve, BUFFET SUPPER Mrs. Sam Greenberg will enter- owa, has returned to make his will be married according to Jewish religious ceremony, Monday tain at a buffet supper In honor home in Omaha. evening, May 20, at the home of of Miss Shirley Hoberman, whose marriage to David B. Greenberg ATTEND AMES the bride, at 1724 Lake. FESTIVITIES will take place May 21. Gilbert Frieden, Louis HurMISCELLANEOUS SHOWER witz, Ben Magzamin, and his BRIDGE-LUNCHEON 1 Mis3 Ann Gitnick was enterMrs. A. Tannenbaum was hos- cousin Ben Magzamin, anc Jack tained by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Temin were among the Omahans Nathan Gitnick, w i t h a miscel- tess at a bridge luncheon at her who attended the Veishea Week, laneous shower, Sunday, May 12, home, 3075 llason, yesterday, held on May 9, 10, and 11 at Miss Gitnick will be married June May 16. There were twelve Ames, Iowa, and spnosored by 2 to Gus Agron of Kansas City. guests present. he Iowa state university. Miss Sarah Fellman was hosThis year marked the fourteenRECEIVES AT TEA t e s s at a handkerchief, shower th celebration of this open house Mrs. H. M. Ferer received at a Tuesday evening, May 14, in tea Wednesday afternoon in the and festival week. honor of the bride-to-be. honor of her daughter, Mrs. P. N. Krasne, of Los Angeles, who UESTS FROM Founder's Day Banquet is spending the Bummer h e r e. EDWARDSVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Goldman The tenth annual f oncer's day Mrs. Herman Krasne and Mrs. banquet of the Sigma Delta Tau Dave Riseman presided at t h e of Edwardsville, 111., are the sorority will be held Saturday serving table, and Mesdames house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morevening at the Blackstone. Mem- Louis Somberg, Hyman Ferer, ris Friedel. . bers of the alumnae are arrang- Donald Fisher and Milliard KraTO KANSAS CITY ing for the affair. sne assisted. Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Shumow Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster will be spent last week in Kansas City to toastmaster. Speakers will be RETURN FROM attend the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Ida Ruth Bogen of ISincoln; MOTOR TRIP • Gwendolyn Meyerson of Council Mrs. H. Franklin, daughter convention. Bluffs; and Mrs. Albert Stein- Kalah and son Morris, accom> berg of Omaha. panied by Mrs. Joseph Batt and ON EASTERN TRIP . Mrs. Morris Turner left for daughter, Lucille, have just returned from a three-month's mo- Tulsa, Oklahoma where she will tor trip to Los Angeles and points spend two or three -weeks visitFOE SALE ing her son-in-law, and daughter, Good paying tailor shop for enro'ute where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Brightfield. relatives and friends. sale in Lincoln, Established ;20 years. Ill health is reason for PARENT'S DAY DINNER selling. Write Jewish Press— BAR MITZVAH ANNOUNCED Mr. a n d Mrs. Arthur Muskin SUNDAY Box 20. The Z. B. T. fraternity of the anoounce that their son, Stuart, will become Bar Mitzvah, Satur- university of Nebraska will have d a y morning, May 25, at t h e their annual Parent's Day dinner, Sunday, May 19, at the chapter Beth-El synagogue. Exclusive Corsetry - house in Lincoln. Dinner will be Different and Moderately served at 1 o'clock and will be IN NEW YORK Jack Marer, deputy county at followed by a social afternoon. priced. torney, is in New York City on MAYME ADLER BLOCK business. HOUSE GUEST Mouldiste Eddie Sessel, Arthur Spiegel, 522 Securities Bldg. AT 2888 TWO-WEEK VISIT and Jule Zager a l l of Lincoln, Mrs. David Newman Is leaving spent the week end J>as house Saturday for a two-week visit t guests at the home of.\Art's parAs Careful as Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mrs. New- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Spiegel. man will stop in Kansas City bea nudist CONVALESCING fore Teturning here. Walking Through a Miss Annette Riklin, daughter Cactns Farm of Mr. and Mrs. J. Riklin, is conBut That's Not Half an valescing at home from a recent Careful ns We Treat Dance Saturday Toor Clothes. Blue and White, colors o appendectomy operation. Free Storase—Free Biota Sealing

Fleishman & Soskin

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Twelve years experience Benl EBtute—Property Management 813 So. 15th St. JA 7311

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Creighton University, will prevail at the "Collegiate Night" dancto be given May 18 at the Birch' wood Club by Phi Beta Epsilon social fraternity. Two hundre and fifty bids have been issued. Guests are expected from Sioux City, Des Moines and St. Joseph. The dance bids are covered with blue suede and "a r e printed in gold with the fraternity crest on the front. Chaperons at the dance will be Professors C. J. Courtne and Wendell Dwyer of the uni verslty. Ernie Priesman's Collegi Club orchestra will play. The committee In charge of ar rangements consists of Harol Bloch, Harold Stern, Max Resnick, and Morris l o o m . Max Resnick is president of the fraternity.

MOWER'S DAY AFFAIR Alpha Gamma Chi sorority o the O m a h a university honorei their mothers at a Mother's Da: luncheon and bridge at Ye Corne: Cupboard tearoom, Sunday, Ma; 12. Miss Bertha Slutsky was chair man of arrangements. She was assisted by the Misses Rose Kirshenbaum, Fannys Witkin, a n Esther Silverman. Miss R o s Fisher was toastmistress. T h Mothers' address w a s given b: Mrs. Leon Graetz and the Daugh' ters' response by Miss Beth Platt T h e d u b colors of red a n white were used in t h e decora tions. Each guest was presentee with a corsage of sweet peas.

M e s d a m e s L. Mendelson, We. 3363, William Alberts, Gl. 342S, or Charles Ross, Gl. 1100. The program w i l l consist of alks by Rabbis N. Feldman, Davd A. Goldstein, a n d Uri Miner. Dr. I. Dansky will give humorous readings; Lawrence Finkle, accompanied by Miss Esther Silverman, will give several vocal selections; Lillian Perelman w i l l ive readings. A coxwell chair a n d ottoman will be drawn for at this luncheon.

day, May 2S, at 1' o'clock. The luncheon will be 40 cents p e r plate. Reservations, may be made with Mrs. Joe Jacobs, chairman of reservations, Ha. 1317. A board meeting will be held immediately preceding the luncheon, at 12:45. At this meeting the annual reports will be given and new officers will be elected. The name of Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky heads the slate of officers that will be presented. Others on the ticket are Mesdames Ben Silver, M o r r i s Katleman, and S a m Wolf, vicepresidents; Henry Newman, corMrs. J. J. Friedman, chairman, responding secretary; M o r r i s of the Hadassah Milk Fund, an-j Levey, recording secretary; A b e ^ounces t h e following contribu- Brodkey, treasurer;, L e o Rosentors to the fund: Mesdames M. thai, Harry J. Shumow, S a m Horn, K. Tatle, Dave Greenberg, Gilinsky, a n d A. D. Frank, diDave Blumenthal, A b e Pradell, rectors. The program which has been Paul Wohlner, D. Charney, Henry Mark, L. Lazerowitz, A. Lazero- arranged for this affair includes witz, Sam Faier, A. Katz, I. Dan- piano selections by Mrs. Richard sky, J. J. Frieden, Herman Auer- Schlaes and s e v e r a l dramatic bach, I. Goldstein, S. Steinberg, readings by Mrs. Keith Ware. Herman Cohen, H. Fladerrnan, D. Epstein, L. Epstein, Joseph Gold- Vaad Auxiliary ware, H. Hirshmann. J. J. Friedman, A. B. Alpirn, H OsoS, I. Banquet Is Held Beber, M. Kneeter, A Maisel, T. A. Tully, S. Fish. M Stg-al, Dave The third annual Mother and Sherman, H. Solig. T>. Altshuler, Daughter banquet of t h e Vaad M. Arbitman, Jack Kaufman, L. auxiliary was held Wednesday Finkle, S. Shapiro, I. Levin, J. evening, May 15, at the B'nai IsLlntzman, I. Grossman, S. liend- r a e 1 synagogue. A capacity ler of Clariton, Iowa, and Coun- crowd" of mothers and daughters attended the dinner. cil of Jewish WcTntTi. Mrs. Charles Fellman, chairThis f u n d pro7ide3 sufficient man of the program committee, milk for infants nnc" young children of all race? in Pale*Mne. In- introduced the toastmistress, Mrs. Neveleff. The invocation .was 1E jit welfare w >r}r Is of prfmar.. L. given by Mrs. H. Singer. Mrs. importance in *fce vast entwork Max Fromkin led the community of preventive medicine. singing. Jewish folk songs were sung by everyone. Miss LorBock review &roup No. 2 will raine Fregger sang, accompanied meet Wednesday, May 22, at the by Esther Silverman. home of Mrs. Sam H. Stern, 342 Mrs. Sam Ban gave the mothNo. S 5th Ave., with Mrs. M. L. ers' address, and Doris Brown reStern as co-hostess.; C u r r e n t sponded for the daughters. Rabbi events will be discussed by Mrs. Uri Miller gave the benediction Wiliam Kalman. Rabbi D a v i d and the main address. WIce will address the group. DesThe brides of the past y e a r sert coffee will be served at 1:15 were seated together, and as they o'clock. were introduced, the wedding Hadassah members a n d their march was played. friends are cordially invited to Those in charge of the dinner attend. were Mesdames H. -sMarcus, Dave Epstein, S. Fish, S. Brown, H. The name of Mrs. Julius Stein Singer, and Charles Fellman. The was omitted last week from the Kadimah girls served. list of delegates to the Southwest- The dinner ended with the singtern regional convention in Lin- ing of Hatikvah. coln, by an error.



Ladles Labor Lyceum The Ladies Labor Lyceum club will hold a special social meeting at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark streets, Tuesday, May 21, at 8 p. m. All the members are urged to come as important matters of the club will be discussed. Refreshments will be served.

Workmen's Circle 173 Workmen's Circle, Branch 173, will hold a special meeting, Friday, May 17, at 8 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd a n d Clark streets. Reports of the delegates to t h e 35th annual convention held in New York, will be given. All members a n d their families are. urged to attend.

Goldie Myerson Club

Vaad Auxiliary to Meet on Monday

lowing were elected to serve far the coming semi-annual term: Soph Rosensteks, president; Dora M&rkowitz, Tice-prssiSent; Ann Greenberg, secretary; and Claire Feldman, treasurer. The next meeting will be held. Tuesday, Kay 28, at the home or Esther Weinfcerg, SSS No. 41 St.

p. m. This will be "Men'fc Kite." The lvisbands end friends of the. I InrerRP. tioiiF.i \Vorkinen'c members of the Vaixiliiry l i a v c tier, Branch !£(!. v i l ! !iol(' P. > been invited. An interesting pro- i cial meeting. Vef'inpsdFLV e.-f-i. prais ha? been ananged hy Mrs. j May 12. at £ : " 0 Kt die J. C. -' Cherles Fellman, program tlmir- I iVlr. lien Martin, rielpgtite "•••


' internntional

convention bnU

Mies Harriet Bernstein w i 1 1i New York, will five p. <K*« sing a group of Jewish songs, ac- i report concerninp t h e p,c:;<'; coicpanied by Miss Liberty Coop- of t h e convention. All niciri! er. Mr. I. Morgenstern will speak, a r e asked to be present, as. • Junior Vaad Auxiliary a n d Miss Sylvia Silverman will ! ivin be a meeting of Mother-Daughter Tea rive several readings. ! portance. ' Refreshments vrill be eerrod by The second annual Mother and Mrs. Sam Brown and h e r comDaughter tea of the Junior Vaad raittee. : Habonini auxiliary, which was held Sunday ' The Hr.bonim vrili liold J-, l.;i-.', afternoon, Kay 12, w a s a most | Sunday. May 10. All mrii.Kv: OKEG SHABBQS TEA successful affair. ' nre tivped to po. T h e program included several . A social meeting v:\\\ h? I'.'-1.' HONORS MRS. UDIN vocal selections by Miss J u l i a ; Monday pvening-. May TO, (•: •>•• : Zuker, accompanied by Elinor home ol R&bbi Uri Miller. J'J-i' The O n e g Shabbos tea. given Cohen; a piano solo by M i s s Davenport {?t. ' T h e meeting, v .. c jointly by t h e Pioneer Women Cohen; a short playlet, 'Kitty on i begin at 7:15 p. ra. r^.r-r^.'.' t h e Keys," by pupils of Milton Kafiassah, and the Beth-EI auxU- • mente v.'ill be served (ifu-r . 1 S&ry, at the Elackftone hotel, in 1 Rieck. Those who took part in meeting;. All members <irp it •. -• the play w e r e Joy Greenberg, honor of Mrs. Sophie Udin, na- ed to attend. Ruth Kulakofsky, and I r v i n g tional secretary of t h e Pioneer Women organization, who was a Malashock. gueet here the p a s t week-end, Mrs. N. Greenberg: spoke f o r was attended by 150 women. ANNOUNCEMENT the mothers, and Mollie Roitstein Mrs. Udin gave ac interesting ERNTF: pninsMAx represented the daughters. orfprs talk o the part played by the Miss Sara Goldberg, chairman Jewish E woman in the J e w 3 c h A Special Snmmfr ('«»!«» of the affair, was assisted by Sara scene. She stressed the fact that Modern Pinno Pir?.;y3",e Fishman, Dorothy Koplowitz, and Jewish niotherE must be prepared Ruth Wise. to answer questions put So her W E 0S01 by the youth, regarding Judaism The nest meeting of the Junior and its various phases, V&S.& auxiliary will be held TuesIT' * " fiay evening, M a y 28, at the B'nai Israel synagogue. l~ reserves Icur Junior Hadassah •win hold an important meeting T h n r s d a y SJF. A t l B Phi Beta Epsilon evening, May 23, at S p. ra. at the © Our seic ntific moclf.vr; Dr. Walter Lowenstein, of Ger- J. C. C. All members are urged methods retain the c-:-many, at present a student in to attend. reci isi2e and shape i«: the Creighton Deatal college, spoke to the members of Phi Beta your clot!IOS. Epsilon fraternity at their meet- TO GIVE SUMMER COURSE 1 ® Let tis clean and. de-mo;:!" Ernie Priesman, pianist w i t h ing on the e\-eniEg of May 10. them now ] He outlined the condition of the the College Club Orchestra, who © Sealed in moth - prco: German Jews to his listeners, es- has worked ES pianist and accombajrs with.oj-: cedarized pecially stressing the rise of an- panist with several leading proextra cha rge.Cr.Ji - - ti-Semitism which he declared fessional artists and bands in the SHEOLLT usually first arises in the univer- city, is going to give E. summer sities. A discussion, in which course ia ra^dern piano playing. the fraternity members &sked Lowenstein questions, followed. Book Review Dr. Lowecstein was the third in E. series of speakers brought The book review group of the before the fraternity as a part of Vaad auxiliary will meet Tuesday their cultural program. Aaron afternoon, at 2 p. m. at the home Perils,- alumEi secretary, is in bf M r s . N. E. Greenberg, 4£E0 charge of the program. Rabbi Mason St. All members of the Darid A. Wice and Julius Eisno auxiliary are welcome. were the two previous epe&kers. J^I



IiArne>- 53

Parents Day Program South Side Sunday School j Observed by A. Z. A. The South Oiaaha S u n fi a j \ On Sunday, May 12, the local A. Z. A. chapters, t h e Mother chapter and the Sam Beber chapter 100 observed international A. Z. A. Parents Day before a capacity audience at the Jewish .Community Center. Rabbi David H. Wice and Mrs. Ida Levin were the speakers of the day. Rabbi Wice complimented the chapters on observing such a fine day and stated that he believed that the Mothers and Fathers day should be observed together jointly as the A. Z. A.'s were doing. Myron A. Cohen, and Betty Fellman; Mr. and Mrs. Al Finkel; and members of the Aleph Sadik Aaleph participated in the program. The committee in charge were Julian Nathan, Jay Wiesaan, Louis J. Riklin, and Advisor Art Grossman of the Mother chapter.

T h e Goldie Myerson Pioneer club Is giving a Post Central card party, Wednesday, May 22, at the J. C. C. at 8 p. m. Prizes will be g i v e n . Refreshments will be served. Admission Is 25 cents. Mother-Daughter Party Tickets may be secured from the T h e ladies auxiliary of t h e members of the organization. South Omaha synagogue gave a Mother and Daughter party, MonIntemeships day evening, May 13. The teachMeyer Goldner, who will grad- ers of the Sunday school w e r e uate from the Nebraska Univer- presented w i t h gilts, by t h e sity Medical school this June, re- auxiliary. APPENDECTO3IY ceived an appointment f o r a Miss Libby FIshberg, daughter year's interneship to University of Mrs. and Mrs. Joe Fishberg, Hospital in Omaha. Vaacfs Religions underwent an appendectomy opSchool Graduation eration recently at t h e MethoJulius Goldner received an apdist hospital, and she is rapidlypointment to the Tulane Hospital The graduation esercises of the recuperating.

school will close its season with j a picnic for the children to be given at Elmvrood park, Sunday, at 10 a. a . la case of rain the picnic trill be postponed for the following week. Prises for perfect attendance •will be awarded at this time.

BEAUTY SALON • Offers a Xew Deal Shampoo and finger wave featured g*j"|:



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in New Orleans, La., and he will go there immediately after graduKED PARTY from the University of NeApproximately t w e n t y live ation braska. couples attended the Ronoh Club "Kid Party" held at the RoseJoseph F. Linsman received an mire Lodge, Friday evening, "May interneship to the Kansas City 10. Granum Kaplan was in General Hospital and will leave charge of the arrangements. for his post soon after his ation from Nebraska in June.

WIN AWARDS Loyal G. Kaplan and Max Resnick were among the students of the Creighton university college of commerce who were presented with keys representative of membership in the Chamber of Commerce, honorary commerce society, at t h e commerce college Bum's day banquet, May =15. Dr Floyd E. Walsh, dean of the college presented the keys. This award is given each year on the basis of scholarship and extra-curricular activity. Both Kaplan and Resnick are participants in different fields; Kaplan is president of the Alpha Pi Tau, Jewish social fraternity and is one of the leaders in youth activities in the Jewish Community Center; a n d Resnick is president of the PM Beta Epsilon, campus fraternity, and Is secretary -of the Round Table of Jewish Youth.

Louis Cohen will graduate in June and will then interne at the Douglas County hospital. CREIGHTON Irving Neigus, whose application for Interneship was accepted by a leading hospital in both Baltimore, Md., a n d St. Louis, Mo., accepted an interneship at the Brooklyn Jewish hospital. Leonard Jagoda will leave immediately after graduation in June for his interneship at t h e Metropolitan hospital in New York. L Silverman received aa interneship appointment to the Beth Moses hospital at Brooklyn, New York. Abe Rienier received an appointment to the Cedars of Lebanon hospital in Hollywood, California, and will leave for his appointment after his graduation from Creighton Medical school, in June.

Vaad religious school will be held P-iday evening, May 24. AH tae pupils of the g r a d u a t e class 'will take part in the program. Prises of merit and for attendance vrill be distributed to the pupils of the various classes. This -will be t t s coiicludingFriday evening service of the Vaad.

19.90 up, freight p a i f i , Installed 'res in Omaha a n d Council Bluffs. Complete line of beautiful g r a v e markers and monuments. Lettered free. Fully guaranteed. Write for particulars or call AT. 2CBS for appointment. ,-

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Dr. Weizmssn Re-elected President English Zfeslsls London-—Dr. Chaim, ex-president of the World Zionist Organization, was reelected president of the : English Zionist Federation, at the annual conference of the Federation which concluded ;ihere Monday.

, * .



LEO ALPERSON WINS ' FIVE-MILE MARATHON The five mile swimming marathan for junior boys, of the Jewish Community Center Tras. vron by Leo Alperson, Tuesday, S l a y 14. He was four laps ahead of Norman Polonsty. The race Trill continue for a few days so as to decide the other place winners. Betty Kodgaard is leading in the girls race, which is about half over.


'V ~




It's really extra special I And here's why. It's Nclda crepe, that washable, wearable year 'round favorite. It's a summer edition with & frosty white background. It looks fine on a 44- or a 12. Ana with all its c!is.nn and qualify™only , , , . In Omaha sold only at

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AIB LESTER TO DROP BY 'CHUTE—The world's largest parachute, 90 feet in diameter and containing 1,000 yards of pure silk and three miles of silk cord, being prepared in Los Angeles^ by Guy Ball, left, parachute expert. It will be used by Colonel Roscoe Turner, right, to bring his air liner to earth from 5,000 feet, after he stops the motor.

JAPANESE GOLFERS DRIVE TOGETHER—Here is an interesting study of the Japanese professional golf team as the players lined up at Agua Caliente, Mexico. The invaders, who have come to demonstrate their prowess, are, left to right: Bob Asann, S. Chin, Toimnv Toda, Tommy Miyamoto, K. Nakamura and K. Yasuda.

FOOTBALL—Important cities all over the world have their stadiums for sports and other events. Here is an air view of the gigantic Wembley stadium in London where more than 110,000 fans.were massed recently to see the football game when the Wheffleld Wednes-. day team . defeated the West1 Bromwich Albion by four goals to two, In.the'Football Association Challenge • Cup final. The Prince of Wales presented the prize.






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BRITAIN ANSWERS'NAZI AIR CHALLENGE—Britain answers Germany's air rearmament challenge by a promise of 1,000 first-line planes for homes defense in four years. Above is an unusual photograph1 taken from the" tail of a night bomber as it descended for a landing on Weybridge. Field, near London. The field is clearly; defined by the white line of the Brooklands race track. • . ,. -


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FILM STAR GIVEN BFTOKCE—Elissa Landi, Sim star, as she made a five-minute appearance in a Los Angeles court and was given a divorce from her husband, John Cecil Lawrence, London barrister. They were married in 1S28.

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AUSTRIAN CHIEFS GREET YOUTH—Second from left is Dr. Kurt Schuschnigg,'Austrian Chancellor, and next to him, saluting, is Prince Ernst von Starhemberg, Vice Chancellor, as they greeted a group of marching youths in Modling. An honor guard of girls is seen giving the national salute.




< ,




REFLECTION — Washington, D. C, has^experienced plenty of rain this Spring. Here is an interesting.sludy of the Capitol dome as a photographer found i t reflected in a rain pool that gathered at the entrance to the new House Office building. • ;•'•: ' '

TRAGEDY FOLLOWS PRETTY SCENE—This pretty scene was taken during a week-end trip at Catalina Island, Cal., of the featured film players, Grace Bradley. Ann Sheridan and Toby Wing. Shortly afterward, Miss Wing, right, was told of the serious injury of her father in an air crash at Atlanta, Mo.

DUVEEN UPHOLDS MELLON-^-At left 'Is Baron Duveen' of Milbank, England, international art dealer and xritici^who testified in Washington that Andrew W." Mellon, right?. discussed with him.five years ago a. public building>for housing art treasures. The Government charged that Mr. Mellon planned to keep them privately. . .:

STEEL YARN TO SPIN A BRIDGE—These gigantic spools are wound !with steel strands jfrfcich arev being^spun together for:the suspension cables of the new Tri-Bor6ugh bridge over the East S t e I 5 i N e w , ^ k , C i t y ' E a c h strand is 3-16 of an inch thick and "each drum weighs four tons. The bridge.will link Manhattan, The Bronx a n d Queens boroughs

YACHTS—^Yachting days have come,to Catalina Island, Cal., a favorite port of call, and in the picturesque bays and coves pleasure craft of every description ride at anchor. Here is a view; of some of them taken from the veranda of one of the exclusive clubs at Catalina Isthmus.

ENGAGED—Alessandro Palla. yicjni,- young Italian bank employe in Rome, who is engaged to1 Margaret Christine Roosevelt of New York, a cousin of President Roosevelt. He is shown: as he arrived in New York recently on his first visit to';this country. He said the wedding would be held in "about two months."

HAPPY LANDING W1TE WINGS—G. A. Schmidt, parachutist, leaped from a plane over Moscow, Russia, and floated part way to earth on these wings built at the Experimental Institute of the Peoples' Commissariat. Then lie opened his parachute and above he is seen as he lauded safely. Copyright Osltsi NswsptctsreE




wn The Jewish Press, in order seem indifferent to zero weather, to form \ i more perfect chroni- rate, or shine, as they have not cle of t h e times, establish a missed one walk since they have better informed community, in- b e e n married.- - -It also seems sure more humor, provide local that'the Harry Malashocks also comment, and bring forth the spend evenings in a similar fashaccomplishments of t h e lesser ion.— -Although she is kept busy lights among our active mem- taking care of her infant s o n , bers, and secure: the blessings Mrs. Ramon^ Pepper, the former and curses of one and all, do Ramona SloBberg, still finds enordain and establish this col- ough time to take charge of the umn for the Jewish community. management of the editorial work We want contributions to for the second annual Temple Israel Gridiron which last year was this dcpt. Call At. 1450. the outstanding razzing affair of the year.— -How much am I ofPHILANTHROPY TALES A young man -who only a few fered to spill the beans? The "weekB' ago came to our city to writer of this column has all of take charge of a p h o t o depart- the information concerning who ment in a down town store was wrote all of the acts which were approached to give for the cam-used at the Gridiron at the Tempaign, and Tie immediately sign- ple. - - -"Will that dressy young ed the pledge. Later the same man with on%of the supply housday when conversing with an- es make up liis mind in Tegards other 'lontzman,' formerly from to that popular young pianist? out of town, he told Mm of his!- - -Dr. Leon FellmaM are blessCurrent allegations : pledge to the charity drive and edeventing expressed his regret for his in-concerning a confirmed bachelor ability to give any larger sum. counselor and a prominent social The lontzman stared at him andworker are still being heard.— said nary a word— -shamed in The J. Z's, she is the former R. S. heart, for he, a resident, had giv-are awaiting a newcomer. en only one-fifth as much--Even though. George Givot, the former GREETINGS AND Omahan, who made good, could- CONGRATULATIONS TO:- - -Mr. S. Teper, who ren't arrange to attend the drive meeting Monday noon, at the J. J. cently was put in charge of the C, yet, on his very brief stop- shoe dept. at Goldstein and Chap- i over, Ab Xalman secured a §25mans and his able assistant, H. T. Frieden, who is also a lontzman. pledge. - -To- -Mr. J. Baer of Lords, a newcomer and also a newly-wed. LOCAL NEWS SLEUTH _ -To- -Mr. J. Kolby.-who recently INSPIBED to manage the Lords - So the inspiration to that pep- arrived store.-To-Mr. Joseph JCyman, pery night police scribe for one•who is in charge of\the ladlesof the dailies, is a "Miss R. p., now ready-to-wear at. Hayden Bros.— of New York- - -Rumors reach To- -Leo J. Sternberg,, who is in bur ears that an attractive book- charge of the • Nebraska Clothing keeper for a local motor com- third floor ladies department.— pany, takes trips to Midland colalso welcome to Harry Simlege frequently to see one of. the and mons who is in charge of t h e professors.- - -We wonder wheth- Hosiery department at Carmen's. er that well-known Bluffs financier, who.recently moved his of-- - -Orchids to the local Jewish fice to Omaha, did this to be clos- surgeon for his operation on a er to his heart-mover, or to en-diaphragmatic hernia, meaning croach on the investment business an upside-down-stomach . operaof her father?- - -It is said that tion, performed by him recently if for one-month the locals would at t h e University-hospital.- - expend one half of the spirit and This is the same kind of operation one-eighth of the coin for t h ewhich w a s performed' on Alice Philanthropies instead of for theJane McHenry and -blazoned: the Paxton Hotel and the Log Cabin, headlines for days, yet our local that the charity goal would be doctor even refused to interview doubled- - -all right, then figure one reporter in regards to' the it out yourself.---Newshounds operation.- - -Earl Siegal surprismissed a.choice bit of news when ed his friends by quitting his U. George Bancroft and the Richard P. job and going to. work for a Arlens stopped .over at a local local Jewish, lumber concern.-- - apartment hotel and stayed out AVWohlner succeeds'H. S. Novitof the limelight.- - -J. C. wassky to the presidency of a local spotted with his sister H. C. andfood chain. While his er C. A. w a s nearby with her sister, a n d brother-in- YOIJTHFUL CHATTEE law, the •M.-.B's -at t h. a Paxton f Reports have it.that a certain Saturday evening. It is alleged , oung Sioux Citian is causing B. that J. C. and C. A. were eyeing F. to make those trips to that each other through out the even- city.- - -Okeh '^Chuck" it or leave ing. Some thing might come of it.- - -Is it true "that R. F. and this,* but-watch, this column for "B" M. are in competition for a l a t e r developments.— -Friends certain Pi Lambda Phi.member? have intimated that a leading ho- r - -Joe Greenstone was an Indian tel keeper of Lincoln, formerly Brave in the Omaha University affiliated with h i s father here, festival held at Peony yesterday, expect an addition to the family. May 16.- - -Caducean Society, an - - -Friends are anxious to know honorary group of Creighton, the outcome concerning the film elected Leonard Ellenbogen as man who travels from Des Moin- vice-president and -I Silverman as es to Omaha and is seen frequent- secretary. Both of them are Phi ly in the company of a brunette D. E.'s.- - -From now on, it's to be, "Eddie Duchin" Priesman. divorcee, "Yon can't let them "We -wonder it Ernie's lusty take me back" -was heard in. a pounding of the ivory keys can loud commanding tone f r o m a be due to t h e beautiful soloist room on the third floor of the J. with the College Club orchestra? C. C. and upon hearing this the - - -It's only an old Southern cuscorrespondent who was in the of- tom, but "William M. Rosenbaum, fice at the time, rushed up to theemphasis on the M. please, conies room, but after dashing Into the in for his share of notoriety as Toom, instead of viewing a Btrug- "Casanova" Rosenbaum. But then gle, discovered that It was a re-who "wouldn't be a Casanova with hearsal of the play, "The Ark of G. S. a3 ian inspiration.— -There Mercy" written and directed by is Btill doubt as to -what that Harold Katleman, which was be-Creighton officer, M. K., i3 going ing rehearsed by t h e A. Z. do about quieting rumors that ones for the J. C. C. All S t a r float about concerning him and Night. The girl who sings 'in F. M.- - -Iz M. seems to hold the Paul Christiansen's orchestra at record for lengthy telephone conversations. Isn't that correct, S. one. of the brighter Sat. Eve. spots is Miss Bess Caplan of Des S.? SamWeinstein will soon be Moines. Tip to the Omaha Beaux -wearing a'letter for his cheerBrummels- - -line forms to theleading efforts at Creighton..- — right. Flash just learned that Announcements should be expectA. G. A. -who cojtrlbutes regular- ed tram. A. O. and his diminutive ly to the Bee-News Around the V. S.-- Central Hy notes about Town column la one of our sum- the seniors- — -Ruth Ferer most ber who -works in the B-N office. comical- - -Albert Lustgarten the biggest bluffer- - -Myron Cohen CLEANERS IN -; ' : the best musician- - -Harlan MilEXPECTATION der the best dressed— -Joseph The Snappy Cleaners, Mr.: and HorhBtein, the horn tooter for one Mrs. A. -G. expect theirs during of the local orchestras, was dethe end of the summer.- —Re- signated as the biggest promoter ports state that the personality ---Leonard Leon and Ernest girl R. S. is seen regularly in theWintroub, debaters, reached the company of t h a t tall handsome quarter-finals for Central Hi in fixture supply man, L. M.- - -The the national tournament. 1 former grocer, H. C. is one of the leading auto salesman for a local SIDE LIGHTS Jewish auto sales firm.- - -That The new and beautiful Royal young Detroitan who had a cer- Grove of Peony Park; is all set to ' tain press correspondent in a real open on Saturday, May 25.- - -Lee daze will receive a p promotion in Grossman the physical director of one of the.locall governmentt Of the; J.. C. C. preaches the followfices in. the near future.- - -Mr. ing advice, "that a good shower andfvMrs. M. G. .ill be helring followed by a swim ia the clean it s o o n - - - E x i s t i n g rumor and up-to-date Center pool will abounds that D. S. and B. B., that give you the needed opportunity film company employe, a r e be-to develop your strokes for the coming inseparables. The Jun-outdoor swimming that will soon ior Vaad Mother and Daughters get underway;"- - -It looks like affair Sunday was so emotionally •>•-»• — . the Hill Hotel is planning some^ pitched that several sobs of mem- t W n g n e wt 0 ent ice the people to bers of the audience were audi- come in and spend their shekels. ble.- - -The Sam Kaiman's are in- . _ _ T n e B a m e g o e ss for for the FonteK e goe i t i A certain h i h i l fanticipating.* -A ladlesl l fanticipating. t c otmplating ntepg is also also contemplating still enjoys nn ee ll ll ee ^hich is ready-to-wear store still enjoys a c n a n g e . . _ -But Sombergs not a considerable amount of ° u r j o n l y appeals to the pallette but business, although no Jewish em- •, b a s T e c e n t i y remodoled so as to ployes in the store.- -A tip jp i e a se the eye.- - -It is even said for Leeare Grossman, J. C. C. athlethat some horses of the Ak-Sartic director. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ben will be at the Grand Derby, Xipp can be seen taking an after- sponsored by the Omaha Lodge of dinner walk every evening. They {Continued on Page S.)



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Mount Sinai

PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY ; 17, 1935.

Town Ramblings







?, at a meeting held at the Chevta B'nai Yisroel synagogue, attended by a large crowd of local ewry. Mr. Sam Saks was chosen as president of the new group; Mr. Richard Gordon, secretary; and Mr. Morris Grossman, treasurer. Principal speakers and honored guests were Mr. Leon ellman of St. Louis, Missouri, and Rabbi Uri Miller of Omaha. Mr. Gellman is national vice president of the Mizrachi Organiza;ion Of America and editor of the Jewish Record in St. Louis. Rabbi Miller is president of the midwest region of the Mizrachi. Mr. S. S h y k e n presided. Mr. aks has announced that a meeting of the new local group will be held in the near future.

SBVIN V. XEVlN, Attorney Mrs. Harley-Davidson and son, 301 Kleetrio Bldr Vernon, of • Lincoln, Nebraska left PKOBATE NOTICE Monday" for their home following In the' Matter "of the Estate of a visit at-the home of Mr.vand MARKS, deceased. t Notice ' is hereby riven: T h a t Mrs. Herman Krause.: - : creditors of said deceased, will meet

David' Freedman, radio gagwriter, is in a high state' of ex\.Dr.' Theodore N. L e w i s will *, . itement because the gold-mine Continued from Page 7.) speak this evening on "The Jewthe theish Survey." The/service will be- the B'nai B'rith and the Mother tock that his late father bought administratrix of Baid estate, before me, md then sold for a song would Chapter of the A. Z. A. which Is gin promptly at 8 o'clock. County Judg-e of Douglas County, .NeMISS ANNA PILL, corresponded XOTICE OF: iS'COKPORAXIOH braska, at the County Court Room, in Next Wednesday Dr. Lewis will going to be held at the Paxton, e worth today ?5,000,000. . . . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIYEIS-:. • _ saWCounty, on the 3rd . day of July, speak at the High School Grad- Sunday Evening, May 26- - -Get Harold Jesurun, Columbia UniThat the undersigned have Ineo 1935, and on the "rd day of September, 1935, at 9 o'clock A. M.. each day for uation Exercises of the Consoli- your tickets now while there is ersity student, is working his the purpose of presenting their claims lor examination, adjustment and allowance. dated School District in LeMars. still some left. The recent in- ay through college by awakenThree months are allowed for the crediing students in the morning for - On May 31,'Dr. Lewis has been stallation of the air conditioning tors to present thoir claims, from the •mE- amended as Tiollow^: nickel per man. . . .He's called invited to address a Memorial plant in the ball room will help 1 Amend Article IV by adding therethe university's walking alarm to the following: "No additional-stocK keep the temperatures at a pleasc shall be issued, after this date unless it One hundred and .fifty mothers Meeting at Tiriconic, Iowa. lock. . . .Isidor J. Kresel, reinfirst be authorized by a vote o> the 5-10-35-St ing humidity, so be there. Confirmation Services at t h e 1 County Judge, and daughters, of M o u ' n t S i n a i stockholders owning at least SO per tated New York lawyer, and Temple will be held Sunday morncent of the outstanding stock end each ; ; MON'SHT, GROTHNSKY, SSAREB Max D. Steuer, his old opponent stockholder shall have a- preemptive At a meeting of the Jewish -Na- Temple attended the' annual Moth- ing, June 9. T h e class of con«; COHEN, Attys. richt to subscribe for his pro rata personal foe, are at it again, tlonal'Fun^Councll, Tuesday: eve- er and Daughter banquet given firmants will be announced in a A TYPICAL REPORTER share of each such additional issue. 2 Amend Article V l i r by changing Our Jake R a c h m a n was pposing each " other In deadly NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. ning in- the Jewish Community by the Temple Sisterhood "Wednes- forthcoming Issue of The Jewish the first phrase thereof eewn to and Notice is hereby given that the under. '• • ' ' the last one to say good-bye to egal battle in the Federal Court including- the words "issue and out- signed ] ave formed a corporation to be Center, a quota of $1,500 was Bet day evening. Press. standing" to read as . follow*: " " " , known aa S-I". BUILDING COMPANY Mrs. Theodore N. Lewis w a s the Rev. Bishop Joseph F . Rum- . . .Al H. Woods, Broadway proas Sioux City's goal for the J. N. the consent in writing of or pursuant | with its principal place of business in toastmlBtress, and Mrs. Louis S. mel and was asked to convey the ucer, who swore that he would to a vote of the holders of not less than. Omaha, Douplas County. Nebraska. The F ; for this year. 90 per cent of the shares of capita! corporation shall have power to mainGoldberg offered the. invocation.. holy blessings ot the bishop to ever succumb to the lure of stock issued and outstanding-. ' Mr. Jacob. S. Pearlstein, field tain and operate a prenpral real eetRte Hollywood, now has a big job on Featured on'the program was Amend Article IX bj- etriking f>ul | buRinese; our citizenry and 15 minutes later The Junior Poale Z i o n chapPlans are being made by the theS. figures to purchase, lease, hiv*representative \ for the Jewish Na"60 per cent" and inserting J he Coast, supervising pictures and in generally in any and all a play, "Mothers They Forgot," ter met Tuesday evening in the saw the same reported interviewCouncil Bluffs Lodge No. 6 88 of in lieu thereof the words and figures; real deal tional Fund ifor the Southwest nnrt pereo.ial property or any Inter| est therein and to seli. nortsage and which was directed by Mrs. Leon home of M i s s Lucille Kronlck, ing and wisecracking with o u r . . .President Roosevelt is very the Independent Order of the B'- "Ninetr per cent (SO per cent).' Region attended the meeting and Amend Section 9 of the Ey-Uwf, otherwise deal in such personal and real Marx. . The cast included "Miriam with Rosabelle Wigodsky acting own George Givot. Such rapid much pleased with the silhouette nai Brith for a Banquet followed by4. inserting after the word "Statute", property or any interest therein; to i.cspoke on the importance of givthe fourth line thereof the following! quire by purchase or otherwise, and to Blank, Rozena Kosberg,; Blossom. as chairman. Current e v e n t s , change is the everyday occurrence hat Jack J. Levin, a Baltimore by Memorial Services to be held in "or by the. Articles of Incorporation." ing" the JewiBhj National Fund preho]ci an investments Becurlt.i**R of every Kalln, Betty Marx, D o r i s Marx, songs, and a program observing of reportorial duty- - -When Al rtist, made of him. . . .Levin is on Monday evening, May 27. Dr. Dated, May 3, lsr,5.. kind and to exercise any and all ripbts eminence In; communal' activities. Harry VT. TVeinberEincident tc ownership of eaid securities; Rosalie Jacks, Elaine Rosenfeld, the celebration of L a g B'Omer Mayer was recently informed that aid to have devoted nine months Julius M. Moskovitz, local presit>. G. West. to cooperate end consolidate or join in: The Council; is composed of reLois Sllverman, M I n a Slotsky, followed the r e g u l a r business he was the winner of a new Ply- o this one silhouette. . . .Boris dent, has appointed the following 5-10-35-it. to any agreements with any person, presentatives from various organEirm, association or corporation inciDeutsch, Russian-born painter mouth coach in a drawing at Elaine Shlaifer, S a d i e Shulkin, meeting.committees to be in charge: Ban> dent to the objects and purposes of this isations. . Mr. R. H. Emleln is i o n s E. WPP, AttorneyTemple Israel, he refused to be- ow living In this country, Is quet, O. Hochman, chairman; Dr. corporation; to borrow money and to and Ruth Weiner. , City Katl. Bank Building chairman of the council and Mr. pledge any or all of its property as selieve It. Al was sick in bed at tainting portraits of the twenty- saac Sternhill, Louis Bernstein, Elaine Brodkey spoke in behalf curity therefor and to ifsue evidences of Sam Krupnlcfe, secretary. Repreive "greatest American Jews"... . NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF indebtedness therefor. The totn! aiii*io>-the time and was under the imof the daughters, Joanna AgranS. Shyken, and Nathan Nogg; and sentatives of the various organiSECURITIES COEroBATIOS inei*. capital ptock ehali be off, the Granddaughters, and Mrs. The-,Senior Hadassah.- chapter pression that his friends were The only woman on the list is or Memorial Services, O. Hochconslstjn0 ot 750 Bhares of common zations at the! meeting were Mr. s t o c k of t h e p a r v a l u e of ?1PO,OO a n d Barney Aronsohn, the mothers. . has set July 9, as the date f o r trying to cheer him up. He call- ebekah Kohut. . . .Literature is man, Louis H. Katleman, and Notice is hereby given that the un- 750 shares of preferred stock of the par Emleln, Dr. B. Courshon, Mrs. their annual mid-summer dance. •epresented by Ludwig Lewisohn dersigned have orgarrrzed p. corporation. value of $100.00, ali ot which when ised five or six of his friends, who Nathan Nogg. Mr. Arthur Brin The T h e program also Included .a name of the corporation is Inland eued shall be fully paid and non-asWilliam Slotslcy, Mrs. Sam Baron, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, presi- Securities Corporation and the principal sessable reading by Etta J e a n Galinsky Mrs. R. H. Emleln will a c t as were present at the drawing, be- ,nd Marvin Lowenthal. . . . and may be exchanged lor Miss Rose Pill, Miss Ruth Wigodplace the transaction of its business caBh. notes or real and personal properchairman a n d proceeds will go fore he was finally convinced. dent of the District Grand Lodge la the for and a piano solo by Miss Betty City of Omaha. Douglas County, ty of every kind and character; the presky, Miss Ida C o h e n , Rudolph toward the Jewish National Fund. No. 6 of the B'nai Brith, will be Nebraska. The general nature of its ferred stock shall receive G per cent Rosenstock. • business is to buy, sell, own, lease, exShindler, Dr.' H. M. Levin, A. A number of Sioux City women HIGHLAND STAG dividends which shall be the guest speaker. Reservations change andjor mortgage real estate r.nd cumulative payable before any dividend on the comGreenberg, M. Hendlyn, M. Seff, are planning to attend the Southpersonal property wherever situated; to m is etock. When all oumulstlve diviSeventy-five chuneful voices of for the Banquet, which will be buy, sell, collect, adjust, discount and on preferred stock ehall have Rabbi H. R. Rablhowitz, M. Mawest Regional convention of the the persons who attended the held at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel liquidate credits, securities accounts re- dends been declared and become payable and son and S. Krupnick. ceivable and pp.ytfble, mortgages, notes Senior Hadassah in Lincoln, Ne- Highland stag Wednesday evenpaid or p. sufficient sura Pet aside to pay New York (JTA>—A collection synagogue, may be made by callrtioses in action, corporate stocks fume, the remainder of the earninss At the meeting Mr. M. Mason braska, on May 26 and 27. Mem-ing chorused after Louis Margolin if 3,500 books and 2,000 pham- ing Mr. Hochman, phone 504 J. and and bonds and to do all things inciden- may be used to retire preferred etock tal to and necessary for the carryinp and when al! eaid preferred stack lias •was appointed chairman of t h e Miss Belle '• Cohen was hostess bers of Hadassah •who are inter- who was attempting to lead them phlets on economics including out of the above objects; to sell andior been retired, may be distributed p.s diJ. N. F . box collections, -ways and to 20 friends at a party Saturday ested in the convention are asked in the singing of Jewish Songs. many early and important works broker all forme of insurance and to vidends on the common stock. In the The Council Bluffs Senior Had- carry on a general insurance business in event of liquidation or dissolution of Pny means of intensifying' the effort evening on the occasion of h e r to call Mrs. E. N. Grueskln for - - -Bill Baron, who is singing as been presented to New York all forms insurance and indemnity kind, the prefer- " stockholders shall b*. assah entertained at a one-o'clock bonds. T h e total • authorized capita! entitled to be paid In full the par value to acquaint the Jewish p u b l i c birthday. with Austin Bevan's Highlanders, University by Felix M. Warburg, ... particulars. of this corporation ( h a l l be of their ehares and unpaid dividend!! acwith the function of the Jewish the orchestra that will play at It was announced Wednesday by luncheon for sixty-fire g u e s t s stock Dancing and refreshments made J10,000.00 divided into 100 Bhares of the crued thereon before any Fum shRH be Wednesday afternoon, May 15, at the stag.-And to top, (not stop, National Fund - w e r e discussed. up the evening's entertainment. par value of $100.00 each, to be paid for paid to the holders of the common hancellor H a r r y Wooflburn stock may ' be rein cash or property am" be non-assess- stock. Preferred you dope) the program off, Geo- Chase. The gift was made by Mr. the Hotel Chieftain. Following able F,lower Day, one of t h e major when issued. .The- t i m e oJ com- deemed by the Board of Pirectors «t the luncheon, Mrs. Saul Suvalsky any time efter the expiration one mencement of the corporation shall be A meeting of the Relief Comrge Givot and our local dialectiactivities of the Jewish National Members of the Ivre Club held Warburg in the name of his •was installed as the n e w presi- on the filinp of. a copy of its articles year by mailing 30 days notice of thereo; Fund will be-handled June 2 by t h e i r regular meeting, Tuesday mittee of the Federation of Jew- cian "Ab" Kaiman, performed mother-in-law, the late Mrs. Ja- dent for the coming year, to suc- of incorporation with the County Clerk to the registered holders of such Rtork Bouirlas County, Nebraska, and its at the last recorded address, for a sum the Junior Hadassah chapter of evening in the Jewish Community ish Social Service was held In the and had them picking up the gar- cob H. Schiff who had acquired ceed Mrs. Morris Grossman. Mrs. of termination, shall be fifty years there- equal tc t'. ; per value o" said stock plus this city. Miss Ida Cohen is chair- Center. A social hour" followed Community C e n t e r Wednesday ments which they shed because of he collection from a nephew, Herman Marowitz, a past presi- after. The highest amount ot indebted- any unpaid dividends thereon; and aftness to which the corporation shall Et er the expiration ot said notice al! dithe mirthful presentation of the rof. Edgar Salln of Germany. evening. • -inan of the J. N. F. Committee the business meeting. . time eubject Itself shall not exceed vidends on said preferred stock called dent, •was the installing officer. any skit two-thirds or its capital stock. -The. af- for redemption shall cease to accrue am! tor this project. The gift, to be known as "The Rabbi Url Miller of Omaha vras fairs of this corporation are to be con- ali ri^hta of stockholders, except the Mrs. Nate Shubb and daughter "' Patrons of the library at the Economic Collection in Memory the guest speaker. He presented ducted by a board, of. not less than two right to receive the redemption price shall cease ana determine. The corpor: Community Center, w h o ennial peace-seekers to create a of Mrs. J . H.Schiff," was present- moving pictures of Palestine, nor more .than five directors -who shall ation Helen Deborah, liave arrived ift Jewish shall commence busi?iese upon the elect a President. Vice-President, Secre1 filing of the Articles with the County ioux City from Los Angeles, Cali- have loaned books from t h e li- united front, b u t we're telling d through the agency of the So-•which he had taken during his tary and Treasurer. Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and LAZAH KAPI^AN, fornia, to visit In the home of the brary, are asked to return them you that the forthcoming conven- :iety for the Libraries of New Tisit in Palestine last summer, the subscription of 30 per cent of its G. PERL1S. authorized capital Btock ant! shall conPresence of: former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. during the coming week. This re- tion will see some hot doings. . . ork University, an organization and gave a very interesting talk In tinue until January 1, 398C. The corporLCCIS B. LIPP. quest applies particularly to those ormed last year by alumni and ation shall not at any time subject itGinsberg,j 109 West, 17th Street. I about the work being d o n e by o-10-35-4t PRODIGIES 8elf to an Indebtedness in excess of twoIrlends of the University of which Mrs. Shubb has been the inspira- who have books that are l o n g Hadassah in Palestine. The prothirds of its capital stock. The affair." "Sonny Boy," the seven-weekMONSKT, GEOUrXSKT, 2UAREK ft of the corporation shall be administered Mr. Warburg Is a founder memj The Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare tion for a,number of parties dur- overdue. old baby that the Al Jolsons have aer. a Board of Directors of not less than ram also included a ballet COHEN' . I by three r.or more than five who shall ne 53on Synagogue will hold its final ing her stay. adopted, is Jewish, and had a real dance by Mary Lee Gilinsky; a 137 Omaha National Bank e! .ed at the annual meeting of stock; Anyone having old clothes or ceremonial brith only a few weeks meeting'of i the season next McnProfessor Salin, the original reading by Pearl Meyerson; a holders to be held oc the End MondRy la hereby piven that on the ic May of each year. The Board of MiMembers of the Hebrew Moth- old-furniture that can be utilized ago. . . .We told you that B'nal xeator and owner of the collec- dance by Libby Grossman; songs 1stNotice d"ay evening,'May 20, in the soday of May, 1935, the total out- rectori e'.all elect a President. Viceindebtedness of" DATESPCRT President, Secretary end Treasurer. The cial' hall of Shaare Z i o n S y n a - er's Club will met Tuesday after- by applicants at the-Jewish Com- B'rith headquarters would t be ion, is now a member of the by Betty Grossman, accompanied standing REALTY COMPANY, a Nebraska cor- corporation may use its capital, surplus noon in the social hair of Shaare munity Center, Is asked to get In gbgue. The meeting will be open with its . prirncipal place of .or accumulated profits in purchasing 1t«» moved East from Cincinnati, and !aculty of the University of Basle at t h e piano by Edith Bubb. Mrs. poration, in Omaha, Nebraska, was.$44,- own securities, upon Euch terms and touch with Dena- Baron at t h e that is what the B'nai B'rith con- n Switzerland. t? the public1, and the men ot the Zion Synagogue. Max Simon •was program chair- business 863.50. such prices ns the Board may determine LOTJIS J. HINGIS. Center office. The need for old vention decided last week. . . . congregation; have been Invited, to and all euch bonds or stock of the corman in charge of this affair. President. poration thus purchased shall be subMr. and.-Mrs. .S a m Holzman, clothes that are wearable exceeds B'nai B'rith now! becomes the a t t e n d . . > ; - • ••'.;• . . . . . Misses Leona Katelman, Esther SARAH RINGLE, ject to resale unless they have been exDOROTHY RINGL-B, Greek Premier Pledges pressly retired by the company for the 913% Iowa,Street,, announce the that on'hand at the Center. 4 The program will be based on Steinberg, and Bertha Kushner, first national Jewish organization Majority of Directors- pur-ose of decreasing: its capital. The the celebration of the Lag B'omer birth of . . a . daughter, Saturda/, students at the Abraham Lincoln Attest: with its main office in Washing- Government Aid Board shall have authority to direct and Dorothy Kingle, secretary. authorize its officers to sell, dispose of. High School, spent the past week- 5-17-35—st holiday. Mrs. M. B. Herzoff will May 11, in t h e Methodist Hoston. . . .The latest boy piano pro«ncumber, mortfijage and convey all or Athens-—Government aid to ' Rny part of the company's assets upon nd In Des Moines, Iowa, where s i n g a group of songs, accom- pltaL digy is Henry Albert, seven years terms as the Board may deem adBAMACCIOTTI & EOBINPON such old. . . .He has studied piano only Jewish institutions was promised they represented this district in KEED. panied at t h e piano by Pleree No dividends shall be declared and ETMRAIM I.. MARKS, Attorney. visable. or paid upon the common etock until eighteen months, but has already here this week by Premier Tsal- the Iowa State Commercial ConWall. R a b b i H. R. Rabinowitz Sybil Merlin, a^nd' Mary: Razbt&O5-C18 First Natl. Bank Bide. the preferred stock shall have been refrom given a public concert and writ- daris, who received a delegation test, winning first place in the Trill speak on the significance and sky visited..with.irlends in Omaha deemed or retired in its entirety. Tlie with whom he discussed numerarticles may be amended at any regular NOTICE OF IXDEBTEBXESS s t a t e contest. Misses Esther Notice ten seventeen compositions. . . . celebration of the festival. A over the week end. .. • . is hereby piven that the total er Bpeeial meeting called for that purHenry doesn't want to be virtuoso us questions concerning Jewish Steinberg, senior, and Leona of existing debts of the OMAHA PACK- pose by a majority vote or the capital surprise number arranged by Mrs. COMPANY on the iBt day ot April, stoe'e issued. Katelman, junior, were members ING when he grows up—he wants to ife in Greece. S. ,H. Shulkin will follow, a n d Among North Junior High 1535, amounted to-Sll,797.02. ISADORE RAZNICK, . of the novice typing team which be a doctor. . . .You remember the porgram -will be concluded students who •will appear in the Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 4th By PHINEAS 3. BIB ON President, day of April, 5835. won first place in accuracy in the Samuel ReshevBky, the chess prowith a Lag B'Omer play, directed A Class play a t . the school this WITNESS: JACK HAZXICK. A.. GreenberE. state contest. Miss Bertha Kushdigy, who Is now a young man by Miss Lillian - RomirowBky and evening are Robert Marks, Elaine Secretary. J. HAROT.B SAKS, Kaznick, Jack Raznick, -Harry ner, senior, was a member of the Isadore one of the outstanding adult presented by the following chil- Rosenfeld, Dorothy Davis, Betty LIFE AND PLAY E. MARQUARDT. Raznic-k and Morris - Ra-aniek b«ing a 4-S6-35—it Inoorporatore. amateur shorthand team, and majority o£ the Board of Directors. ches3 masters. . . .The late Julius dren: Lorraine Shindler, Thelma Burnett and Bernard Rosen thai. Harry Moses, producer of 'The Rosenwald was very much interMiss Steinberg was also a memShlndler, Sally Levin, E s t h e r Old Maid," which got the PulitBY F. R, K. ber of the novice shorthand team, Rlvin, T o b y Nadler, Annabelle The Young Judean Club m e t zer award, and Herman Shumlin, ested in Sam and subsidized which won second place in the Satin, Rachael !Ginsberg, A n n a Wednesday evening, when plans producer of "Children's Hour," Sam's education with the idea of state contest. Kanofsky, Irene Levitsky, Betty were made for a fund raising, af- which deserved it, were partners making him a rabbi. .Lessing Bain, Bertram i Lipshultz, Irving fair for the Kere n Hanoar.' Mem- and produced jointly several Rosenwald, oldest son of Julius, 'MOTHER-DAUGHTER TEA Glvot, Sidney Mason, H e r s h e 1 bers of the club • will assist the years ago "Grand Hotel".". .When financed Sam's trip l o England, SUNDAY AFTERNOON Robert Boffman, s o n ol Mr. A "Mother and Daughter" Tea and Mrs, George Roffman, who Weinstein, Earl Skalovsky, Ber-t Junior Hadassah C h a p t e r on Shumlin was asked what he where he won the International vill be given Sunday afternoon, suffered a compound fracture of nard Weiner. David Kuntz, Harry Flower Day^ June 2. thought of the 1935 Pulitzer chess tourney. . May 19, at 2:30 o'clock at the his left arm last Thursday, is conGoldstein, Jordan Ginsberg, a n d prize award to "The Old Maid" SHORT WAVE Jhevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue D a v i d Himowitz. Ida Shindler he panned his former partner Dr. Frledrich Wolf has return- at 618 Mynster Street, sponsored fined at the Mercy Hospital. 'will sing the solo parts and Miss pitilessly. . . .He said that the ed to Moscow,'where his play, by the Council Bluffs Senior HadFrances Jacobson will accompany At a special meeting of t h e prize-winning play, was a piece'of "Dr. Mamlock," dealing with the assah and the Sisterhood of the Mr. and Mrs. H. Saltzman rethe children at the piano. Jewish National Fun& committee old lace with no relationship to German Jewish situation in Nazi- Talmud Torah. This affair is turned home Monday, following a Mrs. H. M. Sherman -will pre- of the Junior Hadassah chapter, the modern progressive theatre land, is the smash hit of the sea- open to all members, their daugh- week's visit ia Anita, Iowa, where slde at tbe business meeting and held S u n d a y afternoon in the and should never have been tak- son. . . .Do you know that there ,ers, and their friends, and every- they visited at the home of their Mrs. R u b i n Miller will be in home of Miss 'Ida Cohen, plans en out from the dusty closet. . . . is a Nazi Fascist school in Mos- one is cordially invited to attend. son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and were made for ttie Annual J. N. Unofficial figures - reaching our cow, which - the Soviet Govern- The program will include a talk Mrs. Henry Maduff. charge ot the program. F. Flower day, to be' held Sun- desk tell the gruesome Btory that ment • i s ' compelled to allow to by Mrs. Leo Fitch, who will day, June. 2. the Jewish. Daily Forward lost function?. . . ..The school is for speak for the Mothers, and Miss Lowell Marcus left Sunday for A committee was appointed to 30,000 circulation.because of the the children of members of the Miriam Saks will respond for the San, Diego, California, where he The final Oneg* Shabbos meet- take charge?of the Flower .Day. Harry Lang-Ab Cahan escapade in German embassy staff. . . .At the Daughters. A reading •will be ll spend the summer. Ing of Shaare Zion Synagogue It includes t h e following mem- tiie Hearst publications. . . .Dimi-. most fashionable bridge club of given by Miss R o s e , Mendelson 'will t a k e place Saturday after- bers:, Ruth Wigodsky, Lottie tri Marlanoff, son-in-law of Pro- Crookston, a Glasgow suburb Jewish folk songs will be renderTTSADEXBtTEG, WEBB. J5EBEK, KMJTZJfICK * KELLY, Attorney* "noon, May 25, in the home of Feinberg, JeBsie Slutsky, R u t h fessor Sinstein, has written a play you can see night after night J ed by Miss Harriett Bernstein; 650 Omaha National Back Bide. :Mrs..H. Ri Rabinowitz. Mrs. SamGrueskin, Sarah Kuntz, R o s e dealing with the war hysteria in tall, military-looking gentleman and a violin solo will be given by Europe, which the Theatre Guild playing a fast game. . . .He is one Miss Esther Steinberg, accom- IN THE COUNTY COVRT OF DOCG-Krupnlck.'Wlll speak on "Yehudi Sperling, Dorothy. Epstein, Ruth No wonder thot people ore passing the word along that th« 1LAS C U I S I V , >KBKASKA is considering for production next Of the greatest -British detectives, panied at the piano by Miss FlorHalevi." Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz and Eva Orllkoff. In the matter ot the Estate of Morrison gives -you more for your money. The large, oiry season. . .Dr. A. J. Rongy is busy who was entrusted many times ence Steinberg. Following the HARVEY DAT. Deceased. will speak on t h e "Haskallah rooms, the alert thoughtful employees end the perfect locawriting a play on social medicine with the protection ot the lives of program, tea and refreshments TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN Movement." SAID ESTATE, BOTH CREDITORS tion, right ot'the centre of downtown, make the Morrison first which, if produced, will blow the members of the British royal will be served. AND HEIRS: Jewish current events will be You are hereby notifed that on the choice from every angle, especially with those who have many lid off medical racketeering. . . . . family travelling in India. . . .His The final late Friday evening presented" by Mrs. Philip Sher1st day of May. 1935. petitioner filed her petition In the above matter, setting calls to mek« In a short time. name is Senior Inspector Simon BAR MTEZVAHS man, andijMrs. Sovel Krueger, and services of the synagogue w e r e ZIONIST GOSSIP forth among other thinsra that Harvey Whether on pleasure or buii,He is one of the mos Day. citizen and resident of Omaha, Miss Berfcha Seft will give their held last week. The Bar Mftzvah of Stuart Si This is the month of May and Favel. County, Nebraska, died intesness, you ere nearest t© all th» impressions of Cuba and the Pan- Tomorrow morning during the the Zionist convention is less than active members of the Glasgow mon, son of Mr. and Mrs. MaxDouglas tate therein on the 28th day of April. 1928, seizea and possessed of the followplaces you want most to reach. ama Cantil, gleaned' during a re- service at Shaare Zion, Jack Mbs- two months away. . . .But there Jewish community. . . .Montreal Simon, will take place Saturday ing described real estate, to-wit: ow, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. is an ominous silence in official gave New York a lesson by tend- morning, May 18, at 9:30 o'clock cent -trip. |there. Lots Thirty-one (SI) and Thirty-two (32), Block Four (4). Druid Hill, an Mo8ow, will celebrate his B-a-r circles, although those in the ering Emma Goldman a farewei: at the Chevra B'nal Yisroel syna addition to the City of Omaha. Dougrlas Mitzvah. ' Nebraska, us surveyed, platted know understand that this conven- dinner at which Rabbi Stern hail- gogue at 618 Mynster Street. Al County, and recorded. Mr. a n d Mrs. Mosow will: be tion will be a hectic one. . . '.The ed her as one of the great women relatives and friends are cordiallj That the petitoner -was the wife of the deceased, and that she never reRabbi Benjamin Goldberg of hosts to the; Senior' a tl d" Junior clamor for a, new; deal Is getting of the age. . . . invited to attend. married, and the only heirs at law of the deceased are Harold Day and ClifTlphereth Israel synagogue w a s Congregations, following the ser- stronger and stronger. . . .The A MOTHER ford Day: that the prayer of Baid petithe speaker at tha regular meet- vice, in the social "hall of t h e glorious .and ambitious. plans for The Bar Mitzvah of Milton Ka tion Is for a decree determining the Milton B e r l e , Broadway' «»scf of death of the decedent, the JewiBh education through the youngest master of ceremonlei telman, son of Mr. and Mrs. time ing of the Bnai B r i t h lodge, synagogue. names of his heirs, fixing- the degree of Circulating fcc-W«tcr of said heirs and. the right of Wednesday evening.' Mr. Lester • The Bible Class of t h e syna- Zionist Organization, cultural ac- and comedian, Is frequently chid- Samuel H. Katelman, will take kinship descent to said real estate barring the "Davidson; WOE in charge of t h e gogue met last Monday, afternoon tivity, mass membership cam- ed for using his mother as a place on Saturday morning, May claims of creditors of said deceased, and Owing t© the height of th« such other and further relief as may program and Frank Margolin pre- in the social hall, with R a b b i paigns have all evaporated. . . . stooge In the audience. . % .Sev- 25, at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel for building, moit of the rooms be jast and equitable; that said matter Rabinowitz. Thre Is a definite s p l i t in the eral Broadway smartalec^sj even synagogue at 618 Mynster Street ia set for hearinp before the bounty sided a t ' t h e business meeting. are out ef earshot of street Court Of Douglas County. Nebraska, on leadership, with the WiBe-Lipsky went so far as to say ttiat th Mr. and Mrs. Katelman will en the 2Sth day of May. 193S. at the hour n©i$esf yet only en elevator of 8:00 o'clock In the forenoon. alliance, which worked so well in distinguished old lady is not Mil- tertain at a reception for all o ride from the loop, BRYCE CRAWFORD. American Jewish Congress mat- ton's mother but only a hired ac their relatives and friends on 5-S-at County Judgre ters, becoming the dominating tress. . . .Well, the true story ii Sunday, May 26, at their home a Hemc ©f tht factor in Zionist affairs. . . .It is that the lady Is not only Milton' 601 Willow Avenue, from 2:30 -TERRACE' 6ARDEM rumored that the American Pales- real mother but the most cherish- until five oclock in the afternoon, tine Campaign has been too gen-ed being in his life.'... .She start- and from seven until ten o'clock erous with subsidies to the Zion- ed to work when she was four- on Sunday evening. No invitaOYSTER HOUSE Recognized as ist Organization and that the in- teen, and, after her marriage tions are being Issued. PRACTICAL MOHEL IF YOU DRIVE, we w i i perk year ear. St«id«ni rites. N© ether c!t«rfcs. come, of the ZOA from ordinary when her husband became ill, she Phone 1059 Zionist sources is on a continu- became the sole support of tht The MIzrachl-Zionist OrganizaCoancU Blnffs, Ia. ous decline. Now that Mr. Jacob family. . . iShe worked as a sales- tion of Council Bluffs was organde Haas Is all wrapped up with lady at Wanamaker'a and always ized last Thursday evening, May Revisionism, and now that Mr. encouraged' Milton to go on the Robert Szold has lost all his am- stage. . . .She trouped with him bition-to play a role in the ZOA,all over America, cooking his the issue narrows down to a meals in hotel rooms and takin show-down between two parties care ot him in every way. . , ostensibly united In- the present She still travels with him and i: administration. . . .There will be, his most severe critic and. mos of course, an the per- helpful adviser. . . .



150 Attend Mqtiieiv : Daughter Banquet

Junior Poale Zion


Warburg Gives library to New York University

Society News

J.C"C. News'

Ladies AiixSiary • -I to Meet on Monday

TID-BITS E?erywhere

Junior Hadassah

Omeg Shabbos

Shaare Zion



,«d BATH

B'nai B'rith

Rev..A. Diamond

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