May 24, 1935

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Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

Il the

Interest ts of the Jewish •pie

Entered as Second Class Mall Matter cm January £1. 1921, a t PoEtoffle-r of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March S. 1879

VOL. XI.—NO. 15,


Central High Freshman Tops" in U. S. Snare Drum Contest

Experimental Theater Scholarship Awarded Louise Fitch

Lonise Fitch, daughter of Mr. Irving Block, son of Mrs. and Mrs. Leo Fitch, of Council Mayme Adler Block, a freshman To Be Feature of "Grand Derby" Bluffs, was awarded a half at Central High School, won the Dance - Prominent Jockscholarship in the Experimental theater of Vassar college. first rating in the snare drum eys in Stirrup Miss Fitch has been very promcompetition at the national solo Proiainent members of the Om- inent in the dramatics field for and ensemble music contests held at Madison, Wisconsin on May 17 aha B'nai B'rith will compete in the past few years. She has been a special "hoss race" at the A. in the Center Players Guild and 18. A.—B'nai B'rith "Grand Derby" productions and has appeared There were twenty participants T dance at the Paxton Hotel Sun- several times is the Community from the entire country who took Playhouse. day evening, May 26. part in this competition. Pre"Jockeys" in the race and the Hallie Flanigan, head of the vious to this Irving Block w o n Palestine Labor Fund flower The Jewish. Community Cen- dren, and their knowledge of arts day will be held Sunday, May 26, the district music contest last "nags" they will ride include college theater, in awarding the ter will inaugurate its first and crafts. The Center is going under the auspices of the Pioneer April and also the Nebraska state City Commissioner Harry Trustin prize to Miss Fitch, explained that Thirty members of the Initial [ Fiedler, with Sal Mtchnicfc, there were no full scholarships home camp this summer at the to sponsor a training course for Council of Omaha. music contest which was held In on "City Hall," Sain Beber on this year. Gifts cnrep of the Jewish Phil-1 m s n o f General Solicitations 'Corpus Juris," Leo Abrahamson counsellors, sometime in June. Center building. For six weeks, Members of the youth organi- Lincoln on May 3 and 4. on "Douglas County," Mas M. Each child will be thoroughly zations from July 8-August 16, camp affiliated with the PioBarish on "Floating Power," largely responsible for obtain- this group raised t w o will be conducted daily for all examined by a physician upon en- neer Women will canvass every Stanley F. Levin on "Young Reing sixty-five per cent ©J the dollars more than their cmofp children 6-16 years of age at trance into the camp, and w i l l Jewish home. For Information publican," and Philip M. Klutzpresent campaign total of $33,- SI,150. the Center building under the from then on be periodically ex- call Mrs. J. Richlin, president of Seven-Iiundred-find • nick on "Habeas Corpus." guidance and leadership of a amined and weighed. The meals the Council,-He 0244. 819, have %-oIsmteered to call dollars was received in ind'vU are going to be planned by an ex- All the flower day committees The big race will be held durgroup of trained counsellors. back oa those contributors ©B pledges alone. ing the intermission at the dance, * The s u m m e r home c a m p , pert dietician. will start from the J. C. C. at the initial gift list, fas s n effort This was the first year in v.i and a large crowd is expected to though new to Omaha, has been Because of the limited capacity 9:30 a. m. to put the campaign "To iieep a thorough, method o~ cheer on their favorites. was used.—such us tried and p r o v e n successful in of the camp and the nnmber of Faith" ever the top in reaching ing The horses, by the way, will be ployed by the tsnior diris; im,.. various centers throughout t h e registrations already received, it made of wood, and the course of Amendment of Traditional Laws the goal of §40,650. "This group did e finer job in country and is becoming m o r e will be necessary to register now Sam Leon Re-elected Piacs 'Weaker Sex' oa Intensive Drive Signalized by the track will be down the center This decision was reached at. epresent Philanthropy drive, i popular each summer. It provides at the Jewish Community Center. of the dance floor and back. Ab There Trill be a fee of f2.50 per Temple Israel Head Equal Basis Demonstrations and a complete summer of creative Kaunas will serve as starter, ansent by Sam Beber a n d Parades country," said Ivlutznick, in i and constructive mental and phy- week for each child. nouncer and judge for the race, Monsky Tuesday night at the Kinmeeting on their fine Sam Leon was re-elected presiNew York (WNS)—Amendsical activity lor children under and the winning jockey will redent o£ Temple Israel, at the an- Berlin (JTA)—Two anti-Jewment of t h e traditional Jewish Hotel. The two tefl just returnthe best of supervision and guidceive a floral wreath from Miss marriage and divorce laws to ed from the national B'nai B'rith nual congregational meeting held ish parades which took place In ance. last F r i d a y evening. All thethe streets of Berlin last week Lottie Rips, official "A. S. A. place women oa a basis of equal- convention, and told cf their conother officers were also re-elect- were taken as a signal through- Sweetheart." ity with men for the first time in ferences with national and interThe program will feature the ed for the new term. Rabbi Da- out the country today to start a Jewish history, was approved by national leaders, and- that there The dance Is being sponsored same type of activities as are convid H. Wice was re-appointed for renewed intensive drive against by the B'nai B'rith and the Moth- the annual convention of the Rab- was a distressing need for even ducted at an outdoor camp and a two-year term. Rabbi Freder- the Jews. er Chapter of A. Z. A. in order to binical Assembly of America, re- greater funds than had been will "begin daily at 9: o'clock and ick Cohn serves as Rabbi Emerifurther cement relations between presenting the Conservative rab- forthcoming. As a result of the parades in the outstanding Jewish lodge and binate. This far-reaching change, continue until 5:00 each evening tus. As a result, the group of thirty Berlin, similar demonstrations its official junior order. with lunch served at noon. which is binding only on the agreed to call back on the initial The other officers are Harry The plan now calls for a pro-President of District No. 6, Wilinsky, vice-president; Louis are now being held in other GerThe two organizations have three hundred Conservative rab- gift contributors, and to make man cities. B'nai B'rith is Outgram which will Include the folbeen co-operating to a greater ex- bis and which becomes effective additional contributions them- Name cf Palestine Labor L? Hiller, treasurer; Minnie H, The Berlin parades were led by lowing activities: a daily s w i m standing Figure Brought Forward by Wolf, secretary; and Al Mayer bands flaunting t h e banners of tent than ever before in the pre-with tbe beginning of the Jewish selves. for each, child, baseball, tennis, Dr. Stephen Wise Dave,Goldman, and Eugene Bla- the Nazi party. Nazis in uni- sentation of cultural and educa- year 5697 (September 1, 1936, is Philip Klutznick, general ctairThe local B'nai Brith will be zer, trustees, .. _. designed to solve the problem of 1 man cf the Philanthropies camhiking, quiet games, etory telling, tional " programs, this year, b u t form carried large placards -with reading, dancing c l a s s e s , dra- fiost to A. Brln of Minneapolis, N e r York (WNS)—David 'fss.-rIsadore Ziegler gave the prin- anti-Jewish slogans r e a d i n g : the affair Sunday night will mark the agunalis (deserted wives), paign, lauded these men on their president of District No. 6, at a who busier, t t e present code can- fine cooperation. Klutzniek said: j GxsrioE. Palestine I*abor lwnf< matics, art and crafts, classes, nathe . Grst; tlma. Js.... local history cipal-address. "--—-'•• ^Z~-.... „_^_ -"The—Jews Are Oar Misfortune'*; that B'nai B'rith and A. Z. A. not obtain a divorce without the ture -study groups, music; camera luncheon at the J. C; X?., Monday, of tlw? finest exhibitions land member of the J>v.-i».h 'Aryan Women, Boycott the Jew- have combined in a social event. consent cf their husbands. There Of"One May 27." The luncheon will bethe t r e e Jewish spirit of j Agency Executive, was placed IT, clubs, aviation clubs, camp paper, ish Doctors," and others. f nomination for the presidency •"»• The racing tteme for the are some one hundred thousand and visits to places of interest, gin promntly at 12 o'clock, Ben In Breslau, a high-pitched, hys- "Grand Derby" dance has been agunahs in Eastern Europe whose the dinner meeting called, by ] the "World. Eior.iFt OrpacizJiJ-i^r. such as newspapers, factories, etc. E. Kazlowsky, chairman, has anterical campaign was started by followed in the printing of the husbands have disappeared. Since Henry Monsky aufi Sam Beber. j by Dr. Stephen, S. Wipe in * In addition a s e r i e s of evening nounced, and will adjourn at 1:members of the Nazi Storm bids and will also be carried out there is no way of obtaining the There wasn't a man in the | speech at s, Carnegie-Hall rwjr-30. Reservations will be limited camp fires and all d a y outings to,one hundred. Those who wish Troops against "Aryan" women consent of these missing hus- room who had not given a size- j tion. tc Ben Gurion. In s. <"*>•have been planned. ' Philadelphia (WNS)—"N o n- suspected of associating w i t h in the ballroom decorations. The bands to attend are asked to call either to a divorce the wives are able and fair contribution. Yet | sion&te address in which, hf> ".•*•committee of A. Z. A. and B'nai The schedule has been so ar- the J. C. C , Ja 1366 or At 4334. resistance does not mean passive Jews. The drive assumed the apthese men voluntarily offered i iterated his uncompromising.- orsubmission to the will of the per- pearance of a medieval pursuit of B'rith members in charge in- in a sorry plight. ranged that the children will be Mr. Brin is an outstanding figcludes: Ernie Nogg, chairman; to penslize themselves, if need 1 position to Revisionism, Dr. V.'inr The new code approved by the secutor," Mahatma Gandhi, lead out-of-doors during the morning in B'nai Brith circles, having er of the Indian civil disobedience witches. Defamatory p o s t e r s Hy Goodbinder, tickets; A r t Rabbinical Assembly sets "up a be, so that the cause of the Jew urged Ben Gurion not to re'in^ and indoors during the afternoon, ure been very prominent in the work movement, declared in a letter to were placed in front of the homes Grossman, decorations; Dan Mil-central registration bureau in throughout the world m i g h t the position of world Z,ioi-i>-; when the sun is hottest. of "Aryan" women alleged to ler a n d Macy Baum, publicity; of the' organization. He is wellleader if it shcuiM be offerei1: ••' Mrs. Arthur Cohn, chairman of acquainted with the special Jew- Rabbi Louis Wolsey of Congrega have dealings with Jews. Their Max M. Barish, Ehilip M. Klutz- New York City for the filing of not be the least bit hurt by the him. names were also printed and post- nick and Julius Bisno, B'nai marriage contracts. The text of failure of Omaha to reach its the Home C a m p committee, Is ish problems in "which the organi- tion Rodeph Sholom. the contract is amended, so that campaign quota. Dr. Wise also emphasim' •lit.; Ghandi's letter was in reply to ed conspicuously throughout the B'rith co-operation committee. now selecting her committee of zation Is interested. the one signed by the husband BGE Gurion was no longer m*«•.<"• "The warmth ©J tbe response helpers. Mrs. Brin will probably, accom- a letter from Rabbi Wolsey who city. contains a clause authorizing the was thrilling beyond expecta- the leader of the Poale 7<5on !»•"• The College C l u b orchestra, Counsellors will be selected ac- pany her husband on his tour of had asked the famous Indian's The campaign against the woRabbinical Assembly to grant a ! that he belonged to the w T; r,: t cording to their qualifications and the district. She was recently opinion "in the problem that now men under suspicion caused a which is taking the name of divorce, "if at any time I disap- tions. Omaha has reason to be ! Jewish p e o p l e . It ie beMr-"*1.""Jockeys" for this occasion, will proud of these men who conexperience In the handling of chil- selected as one of the ten out-besets my people everywhere," panic among hundreds of n o n- play and will feature both Ann pear or leave my wife, fail to sup- stitute a good portion of its ! that I>r, Wipe's h o o m for ?<»•' the Jews "are greatly di- Jewish women in the city since standing women in t h e United because Niemann, vocalist, and Gary port her, or fail to fulfill my con- lesaership, and who are always 1 Gurion foreshadows B- denr,U«between those who believi the list of names posted included States. She is the national presi- vided jugal duty for a period of three ready to give of themselves ' move OE the part of T)r. Vis? Gross, guest director. in utilizing the doctrine of replydent of the Council of Jewish Wo- ing to force with force and those many who had never associated years, or if we are divorced from and their substance in the in- and bis associates to present S-"-s Tickets for the dance, which with Jews. The campaign is bemen. Gxirion as a compromise c.hv;>-who are impressed with your'con- ing assisted by t h e local press, will begin at 9:30 p. m., are oneeach other by a civil court." This terests ©£ finer Jewry." Since reservations a r e to be tribution to the problem of huamendment gives Jewish women | date for the presidency of f.fce dollar per couple. The women's division, tinder which announces that it will limited to a small numbe'r, those man relationships." Several out-of-town guests are the same status in Jewish religi- the chairmanship of Sirs. Irvir, | World Eionist Organization i r '•>*-• daily publish new names. wishing to attend, should make expected for the A. Z. A.ous law as they have in civil law. Stalmsster, was tremendously ef- ! event a contest should develop *•: Ghandhi's letter declared' tha In Dresden the press publishes —B'nai Sunday their reservations at once. B'rith "Grand Derby" The convention also condemned fective. Their fine job of can- i the forthcoming World; non-resistance means refusal to inciting articles demanding that desecration, of the Sabbath, vassing brought in ever ECO j Congress between Dr. Nfiliu.Tr; fi;»bow to the will of the persecutor Jews be expelled from the city. dance at the Paxton Hotel. B'nai public and endorsed the Palestine labor pledges and exceeded last year's j kolow ancl Dr. ChaSm WeiKtru-x.i;. Brith and A. Z. A. members from and readiness to accept the con-"The Jews are having a good England Becomes Center of movement, asserting that in "that quota by $500. They were dis- I Speaking to RE eiifiienee i""*-'. sequences of non-submission. He time," the Freiheitskampf of Lincoln, Sioux C i t y and Des movement lies the future Research Because of Gerof Pal-missed from further service last \ packed Carnefeie Hall, Ben Gv.:-i;>r. Moines have made reservations. said that "I have not a shadow o Dresden complains. man-Jewish Influx estine." urged the importance ol the «?.U.«£ a doubt that vituperation and re- The paper protests that Jewish Monday. Majors under ftirs. Stal- j{struggle 3n" Palestine, whl."l= >•#. Rabbi Eugene Kohn of Bayonturning evil with evil does add to master were Mrs. Art Cohn, Mrs. London, (JTA)—England has | defined as the struggle for Vi;Mrs. Morris Levenson will put the stock of evil in the world stores still exist in Dresden and ne, N. J., was elected president Harold Farter, Mrs. S. E. Gilin- mane working conditions *r.t! ''^x suddenly become the world's cen- up the memorial Btone for t h e and therefore does not serve any- that "there are still Shields of and the following other officers sky, Mrs. M. Grodinsfcy, Mrs. |I political ter in - medical research—because late Morris Levenson, who died body." David prominently displayed in civil rights for the .'ff-v* chosen: Eabbi Simon Greenberg, Philip Levey, and Mrs. L. Neve- I isli worker, of the influx of German Jewish March 25, 1934, Sunday morning, the windows of Jewish boarding ErciphRstaimi:; Philadelphia, vice-p r e s i d e n t ; leff. doctors, an article in the Sunday at 11 o'clock. The unveiling of houses to single them out. j "those who fight for Jevtwii xeRabbi Alexander Basel, N e w The Youth's Division, went over Pictorial here points out. 1mmRE rights Rftd decent " " "Is It any wonder t h a t the the memorial will take place at Hebrew University Fond York, treasurer; Rabbi Henry the top also. Headed fcy Alfred I| bor, ing standards for the- .Irv.'if.t. Jews go a b o u t as though the Among them are some of the the Golden Hill cemetery. Jerusalem—A fund of $8,000, Fisher, Rockaway Park, N. Y., reworker fighting for %iov.ltw~~<most brilliant of Germany's workto be distributed, amotfg students place belonged to them?" the cording secretary; Rabbi Robert Tel Aviv—A heated debate with ji Ben Gurion warned that the e.iiivers In medical research, and they The Cornhnsker hotel in Lin-Gordi?, Rockaway P a r k , N. Y.,i regard to the ban on the Yiddish Luxemburg—Edmond M a r x , who distinguish themselves In paper asks. are now engaged in London with treasurer of the Luxemburg Jew- their work at the Hebrew Univer- Des Gesellige, a Nazi paper in coln -will be the scene of corresponding secretary. j language in Palestine, developed : ing Eionist Congress must ovfui> some of England's most talented ish community, was made a sity was announced here as hav-Schneidemuehl, publishes an ar- great activity, May 26 and 27th, | at the convection o* the Histafi- \he P, major political u.ctlon ;-.*• - mest tl?e clangers £roin investigators on inquiries of high Knight of the Order of the Crown ing been established by the Lam- ticle complaining that "there has •when the Southwestern regional Gratitude is a soil on. which joy ruth, the Palestine Labor Fedeia- I forces in and. around 1' Importance. . . been no progress made with the Hadassah conference takes place. thrives. . . .Auerbach. port family of New York. of Italy. Jewish question In Germany." When the Jewish refugees first The Lincoln chapter has issued an arrived in this country their posiRecalling the paragraphs in the invitation, to all Hadassah memtion was a little difficult, as, of National Socialist program which bers and to the banquet "which course, ' they could not practice provide for the elimination of the will take place Sunday, husbands here. Jews, the taper declares that two are especially invited. The guest few? at years ago, when the Nazis came of honor at the banquet -prill be It was soon recognized, howBerlin *(.TTA)—Ninety into power, it was expected that Rabbi Gershon Hadas of Kansas ever, that the vast field of re 7 and JewE have left GerniRmy Germany would finally rid itself City, An enjoyable time is assearch was open to them, and the newcomers were eagerly welcomHouston, Texas, (WNS)—The Boer War Stern lost his fortune of "the hooked-nosed Israelites." sured all -Krho attend. New York (WXS)—A police verse side of the post csrfi repro- Hitler cams into power, ncv.ori: ed by British investigators. tragedy of an octogenerian Jewish a n d went to London, where he However, the Jews are still seen Delegates of.the Omaha chap- dragnet is out for three men, be- ductioES of this painting- was the to fin aniiouncpment by The majority of British work- peddler who was once a million- met Hoover again. Later he everywhere, as in the old days, ter of . Hadsssah are the Mes-lieved to be Nazis, who beat up legend, "neitber hatred nor per-Voelkiscber Beohachter, KiM ers on medical subjects have been aire mine owner in South Africa, came to America, settling In the paper complains. danies Williara Alberts, M. From- Michael Califaso, an Italian art- secution can stay the progress of chief organ. The Nazi govevnriwv.i, TiaK severely handicapped by their ig- and who saved the life of former Houston, where he has been a "Adolf Hitler and h i s Third fcin, P. Greenberg, B. Handler, ist, in his studio in the heart of science and civilization." In slashnorance of the German language. President Herbert Hoover when familiar figure for a generation. Reich have organized no Jewish M. F. Levenson, S. Katelman, J. New York, and after tying him ing this picture - the van-dais left lectefl £££,000,000 in ciwigT*..: The opportunity which has he was a young mining engineer When Mr. Hoover came to pogroms," the paper writes, "and Goldware, and J. Stein. Alter- up to s steam pipe destroyed untouched the part showing Hit- tE-xes from the reCugees who now arisen for personal • coopera- in South Africa, was revealed for Houston during t h e presidential there will be none In Germany. nates are Mesdames L Levin, J. twenty-five of his oil paintings, ler with upraises arm, A por-Germ.RE;", the Beobaefeter dis.tion with some of Germany's most the first time, after t h e death campaign in 1928 Stern was too But we must see to it that the Kaufman, B. A. Simon, I. Baa-including one denouncing Hitler. trait of tbe late Afiolpn S. Oche es. In 1SSS, the emigration urtbrilliant Intellects is of incalcu- here of Solomon Stern, eighty- proud to disclose himself to the Jews in Germany feel that they sky, S. NoTitsky, S. Frohm, J. J- Although the identity of the van- aud another called "Glory, Flag yielded the Epvernrnent, lable benefit. It may be said one years old, who had peddled future president. Recently, how- are under a National Socialist re- Friedman, and A. Romra.. dals has not been learned, there Day," containing a reproduction with truth that research work of knick-knacks in this city for the ever, Stern asked Mr. Hoover to gime." Those wishing to attend a r e is little doubt that they c&me to of the American Flag, were cut roately $7,000,000, V*v :.i,x a character more vital than any last twenty-three years. Son ofaid members of the Stern family Anti-Jewish disturbances were asked to. call Mrs. Julius Abra- revenge themselves en CalifEB© to ribbons. Tfce vandals gained year 1C34 tfie cthe world has hitherto known is a prominent Berlin family, Stern in Germany. In reply the ex- reported from Glogau, Silesia^ hamson, ,Wa 4002, Mrs. J. Kauf- because he had been selling post admission to Calif&no's studio by j-ieldefi 4 5,000,000 Bisrks, wl at this moment being carried on graduated as a mining engineer president sent his former bene- where a new railway terrains! xaas, Ha 0962, or Mrs."H. F. Le-card reproductions of an anti- pretending they wanted to b u y is eawivaJent to 518,000,000. Of" the f5 0,C00 Jews vrb.6 in England. from the University of Btrlin In factor a copy of his book, "The was opened. Nazi picture to B.13. Jewish refuge- some of the post cards which he venson", Wai OS50. The Medical Research Council the 1880's and went to South Af- Challenge to Liberty." Mr. HoovCrowds attending the formal The final meeting of the Om-es from Germany. This picture, has been, sellhsg tor two years. Germany, 10,000 have rstwn pf.. has realized the opportunity and rica, where he accumulated a for- er was one of the honorary pall- opening of the etation noticed as aha chapter of Hsflassah -will be j depicted a Etorza trooper stand is gr Once in the studio, fee found the chief Nazi organ reveals,' it* has allocated the sum of 4,000, tune in the gold mines. It was bearers at Stern's funeral which advertisement of a Jewish firm held "Wednesday, May 29, at the behind the threatening- frjrnre of himself facing: a revolver. His -paj)6J* believer ilsat til© pound's given by the Stock Ex- at that time that he gave a job to was conducted by Temple Beth- among other advertisements dis- J. C. C. Election of officers -rill Hitler Trtio faces Albert Einstein, assailants then hit him in the. tion of t h e Jewish iin»blflir change Dramatic Society, to the Hoover. One morning S t e r n El and the Jewish Social Service played at the terminal. This was take place and there will be a tea SE3 to the right of the CSBVES face with tbe gvux., knocked himGerm&nj can be achieved London Hospital for the promo- found Hoover seriously ill. Drop- Bureau. sufficient to causa -the outbreak ia charge of Mrs. I. W. Kosen- was a dagger dripping blood, •held clown, tied him lf.anfi and foot &TX&emigratios only. tion of research into the value of ping everything else, ho rushed of a • spontaneous anti-Jewish olatt and her -. commitee. Ail ia an iron fissfi. The picture was then boiand hisn to a ste-Btn pipe. short wave radiation in the treat- Hoover to & government hospital, A bad man. is worse when he demonstration necessitating Inter- members sre nrg-ed to come to called "Tbe Ignominy of the When foe was tcmnH. by p, neighbor Ignorance uerer eettlea * where he recovered. During the pretends to be" a saint. . . .Bacon. vention of the police. ment of diseases. Twentieth Ceuturr." On the re-he was unconscious. . tion. , . .DisraelL this Tery Important meeting.

First Camp to Be Conducted From Palestine Labor Fund Flower Day to July 8 to August 16 for Be Sunday Children From 6-16.

Drive Over Top- ' *"zmc. Lauds Spirit Shown,



Ghandi Tells Rabbi

of Non-Resistance

Memorial Stone to Be Unveiled

lay 21



Chaplin, Menuhin^ Einstein, Interviewed

before he had been a "Good European*" a pacificist internationalist' in the sense of his friend, Romain Holland. But he had now given up this attitude, as be had realized the importance of Jewish nationalism as represented in Zionism. There were no harsh words against the German people: only an infinite sadness. The Menuhins, t o o , are Zionists. Menuhin, Senior, was born in Jaffa and went to America as a chazan.


Progressive Club

nounced at the Ford office today. This does not include the 46,-000odd 1935 Ford units produced during November and December, 1934. The completion of the 500,000th Ford V-8 unit marked the half-way point in the Ford program for the year, based upon Henry Ford's announcement last December of his plans to build

Hyman Goodbinder, president of the Progressive Hebrew Club, announces the following committee appointments: Social, J. Viner s Although many offers for an in which she was publicly ac- > - Clayman, co-chairmen, D. operatic career have been made claimed. W h i l e at school she ) Oruch, H. Richlin, H. Abramson. to Miss Ida Gitlin, who is visit- made numerous r a d i o appear- I a B ^ S. Nepomnick; Ladies' auxiling her mother, Mrs. Sadie Git- ances, and recently she gave two j 5aiT> H. Abramson, chairman, H. lin, 2413 Charles, spurned them. recitals which thrilled her audi- Janoff, D. Denecberg, and H. A. , g, her Rather than limit her oppor- ences and demonstrated Frankel; Membership, J. Viner, I "one million cars or better" in tunities of acquiring a broader ability.. ahairman, R, Epstien, M. Rosen, 1935. background In music, Miss Gitlin Ford production for the first She is indeed fortunate to' be Julius Schneider, Dr. S. A. Osher' Tho writer of this article Is tired of always presenting the Jew lies in his powers of reproAnd then came the greatest ar- has preferred to complete her studying foreign languages and off, L. Ringle, D. Oruch, H. J a n - ! f o u r months through.April 30 is a well known journalist whom average l i t t l e man lighting duction. In the sphere of Art, as Herr Hltlei* has advised to against the whims of Fate. He in the sphere of ordinary daily tistic experience of my life. After musical studies, instead of accept- music from teachers who are re- off, M. Tiplftzky; Loan and Co- expected, according to present leare . Germany. "Expulsns',', Is denied that there was any philo life, the Jew, forced by persecu- tea Yehudi asked the Professor if ing a position with some of the cent natives of France and Italy. operative, J. Schneider, chairman. schedules, to approximate 560,a newspaperman of experience sophy—any Weltanschauung—ex tion to create within himself th he would care to play a duet with opera companies that have tendWhile at Tech she appeared as I. Sklar, H. Oruch, S. Clayman, J. 000 units. First quarter producwhose- work under his real pressed in his creation. It was spirit of .adaptation, is the medi him. Einstein is a noted musi- ered her offers. a lead in some of the operas and Viner; Educational, S. dayman, This does not Include the 46,000Miss Gitlin, a scholarship win- she participated in all of the chairman, M. Malkin, H. O r u c h , i t i o n totalled 386,326 units. name; was widely read,in, the just the comedy of the petty ary. He does not produce goods cian. He would have become a : various misteln publications of straggles and accidents of life. he handles them. As an actor, famous violinist if he had cared ner of the June 1933 c l a s s o£ musical activities of the school. Ben Rechter, L. Wolk, H. Bon• Germany before t h e reign of I now had my interview, and1 film producer, stage manager, in to appear in public., There -was Tech High School, is a student of Aside from being a talented darin; H e a l t h , S. Nepomnick, once a j o k e popular in Berlin t h e School for Adrancement ot vocalist, she is an accomplished Brown Terror.—The Editor. with just the right human touch. strumentalist, s i n g e r, critiqui chairman, M. Tiplitzky, L. 1 JYRE-PRQQF One day I received a cable from In it 'i described the impression writer, the Jew handles Art. But that people would at last know Music in New York City. She is violinist and pianoist. L. Pinkowlte, M. A. Epstlen; Con- j | FEOOF . . . B U R G L A B my Chief: "Cover Charlie Chap- he had made upon me—a man he is not a creator. We have a why Einstein is famous if they a sophomore there and she is enWhile here she has been feted stitutional, L. Gaitman, chairman, jgMOTH-PROOF . . . lin." Translated from Press slang who for twenty years had enter few Jewish composers, Meyer- could hear him play the violin. abled to attend t h e school be- by friends and musical groups of J. Burstefn, H. Freedmait, B. Kor-jjt They played the famous Bach cause of her being awarded a the city. It meant that I was to report on tained millions of people over the beer, Mendelssohn, Offenbach, ney, Dr. S. A. Osheroff, and Sam I j | a visit of Chaplin to' Berlin, entire globe on the . strength, of etc.; we have a few painters, Lie- concerto for two violins. As scholarship to that institution. She will he In Omaha the entire Schlaffer. \g 1 they played my thoughts w e n t Recently she gave two recitals summer. admire Chaplin as an artist, but his personality alone. A person- bermann, Josef Israels, Chagall^— The electric p a r l o u r clock, j | I •wa8» greatly prejudiced by all allty expressed in the highesi but none of them has produced traveling far. . . . which the Progressive H e b r e w ® . . . .Here were two generations the Hollywood ballyhoo with form of humor; the tragi-comical a work of true artistic originality. debate team which presented the club is giving away, -wil be drawn \ E An exceptional service •which:he "was Burrounded. He The Jewish philosopher, Henr. They have all followed more or of Jews indulging In the beauties based on a real knowlschool with debate trophies won for at the Social affair to be giv-jg waa staying Berlin's most fash- Bergson, who has written a pro- less already existing paths; geni- of the most German of all Geren at the J. F. F., Tuesday eveedge of f nrs. during the past year. ionable hotel, and I had. .found found "Psychology of Laughter,' uses of reproduction they may be, man music. The younger one STANDARD RATES Among the students elected to ning, June 11. that it Is easier to obtain access considers that every joke has its but not geniuses of creation. led—symbol of youth, with i t S to the Pope than to a film star. basis In the combination of two Our Truck Is Bonded Jewish students were Quite the . National Forensic league, Yet their reproduction is no vivid enthusiasm, leading older While -waiting in one of his draw- completely opposed conceptions mere slavish record. It is repro- men and . inflaming them with prominent among thoso who re- honorary debating society were: Phone £A 2S16 NOW ing-rooms I fiad the opportunity by what is known in philosophy duction purified by filtration the fire of its passion. Other sym- ceived scholarships at Central Joseph Sosnik, Albert Lustgarof studying the elaborate train as the "As if." In the humor of through a Jewish^intellect. There- bols became apparent to me as I high school. Among the winners ten, Sol Wezelman, Ervin Simon, •with which such a celebrity trav- Charlie Chaplin we find a foun- in lies the secret of Jewish Art watched the two celebrities pour- of the Susan Paxson Latin awards and Harry Goodbinder. els. A gentleman secretary, an dation of this theory. And the Menuhin plays Beethoven, but It ing out their souls In complete were Abraham Dansky, first prize Dearborn, Mich.,—The 500,-j! Myron Cohen opened the proAmerican typist, a German typ- humor of Charlie Chaplin is typi- is Beethoven seen through Jew- forgetfulness. of what was going ia t h e Virgil group; Josephine gram by playing "Allegro Molto 000th Ford V-S manufactured U ist, a Swedish masseur, a publi- cal of; Jewish humor in general. ish eyes. on around them. Here I saw re- Rubnitz, third ia the Cicero Vivace" f r o m Mendelssohn's since January 1 came off the £1- " • •"•:;•• c i t y manager, a sales manager I refer not to the Jewish poke My • interview with Menuhin presented two ot the finest types group; and Dewey Ziegler, sec- "Violin Concerto." As an encore nal assembly l i n e at the River and a film operator, and—Kioto, which has its origin in the stock took place while walking thro- of Jew of our day. The eminent ond and Joel Abrahamson, third, he played "Schon Rosmarin" by Rouge Plant of the Ford Motor his famous Japanese valet,, who Company after the plant began exchange or: the : cabaret,'* but to ugh the-Grunewald. He told me scientist appeared to me as a in the Caesar group. In the com- Fritz Kreisler. was Backed a few months later Quill and Scroll pins and certi- work this morning, it w a s anthe witty Jewish anecdotes, loze- of his' life and his art. He does modern representative of the petition for the translation of when it was discovered that he learned Rabbis of old, those sages Horace, Josephine Rubnitz w o n ficates were presented by the bad been in the habit of betray- lachs 'and narrischkaten,; which not think while playing. He who gave their lives to the study third prize In the state contest, journalism instructor and special originate in the ghettos of Eastdreams and feels. That is why big his master's plans to a rival Florence Mosher and Norman national recognition was giTen to ern , Europe. In spite of its hu- there is nothing artificial in his of the Talmud, whose one desire film company. . mor, the real Jewish joke: has" al- playing. A boy is praying—pray- was "for wisdom and the unravel- Bolker were winners of first and Mary Arbitinan for having writThe publicity manager wa» the ways . something serious, some- ing to "the God of Beauty. That ing of the secrets which sur- second prizes, respectively, in the ten more than 2,000 inches of printed copy during her Journalfirst I spoke to. He handed me thing melancholy " about it. It is the impression one receives. round us. They learned only for senior essay contest. the sake of learning, and their Ism career and also while news Albert Lustgarten, Hannah a pile: of brochures, papers, and produces laughter, out laughter He had by then grown into a typescripts. Here was real Am- with a catch In the throat; The tall, slim, young man, unpretenti- learning became their armor Baum, Leonard Leon, and Ernest editor of the Register. Students were given pins are M a r y erican publicity etflciericy. „ All legendary. "Chaim Paif mit die ous" in appearance and behavior. against the miseries of life. This Wintroub, were members of the Arbitinan, Pearl Osoff, Frances ready for journalistic use—even lederrie flint," the Iamou3;slmple- We found many Interests in com- quality of learning, not for sothe backs of the papers were tons of Cholm, the witty Reb mon. I was no' more the India called "education," but for one's repeatedly been forced to prosti- Blumkln, Esther Klaiman, Paulgummed ready f o r affixing to Shimre—they were all the prede- creet journalist. He told me that Own deep satisfaction, is one ot tute his most intimate feelings, ine Rosenbaum, Adeline Speckter, manuscripts—•were articles, pic- cessors- of the flat-footed man his favorite study was economics be most priceless heritages we, I realized how deep an impression and Pauline Schwartz. tures, and anecdotes, his last film, with the-Hitler moustache. had been made upon me. and solving arithmetic; problems as a people, possess. his next film, the program of his And in the young man I saw It Is a true Jewish humor which was. his hobby., "We spoke of My professional duties had . Berlin; visit, his opinions of this, he produces. Compare Charlie famous men. In his opinion Ein- concentrated the true Jewish ar- brought me into contact with ITALIAN that, and the other, and his latest haplin and Buster Keaton. The stein was the most outstanding tistic spirit—a boy endowed with three prominent Jews within a New York and London criticisms. one Is the witty clown, the other figure'of the day. He told me divine grace. . . week—Jews who differed greatly I told this marvel of a publicity Is the complete tool. Chaplin de- that he had not yet met ProfesThat hour brought me nearer from one another, and yet all with man that thought I was impress- nies that there is any subtle ex- sor Einstein, but w a s intensely o Judaism than any religious typical" Jews. Charlie Chaplin: MEAT BALLS, ed I waa by no means satisfied, pression of Jewish sentiments in keen to do so. I promised that service or learned treatise could the complete Jewish humorist enand that only an exclusive inter- his art. But the grandson of I would do my best to arrange It. have done. I was unable to cable BREAD and BUTTER tirely unconscious of his Judaism. view would do. and Chaim Kaplan, tailor, of High I had interviewed Einstein the a description of the scene to my Yehudi Menuhin: the highly culCOFFEE Ihief. I pictured the story with Street, Whitechapel, who changed previous year. He was a man tured young Jew brought up In - "Okay!" he trumpeted. He went to his desk and brought me his name into the more aristocra- who hated nothing more than a big headline: "Menuhin teaches the spirit of Zionism and intensea perfect Interview, ready made, tic Chaplin, cannot deny the ori- publicity, and I had the greatest Einstein to fiddle," read In sub- ly conscious of his Jewishness. and already •written In cable gin of his art, although his mel- difficulty, in interviewing him. ways and on buses by some mil- Einstein: the Jewish Intellectual form—witty and original—hetter ancholy humor may be only sub- But this was no ordinary inter- lion, Babbitts, and I decided that who, in spite of that which Goethan I could ever have done. I consciously. Influenced by' his an- view I was arranging now. The this time; I would neglect my the called his "Weltgeist," i3 a FLATIRON HOTEL explained that I was very sorry, cestors. Processor gladly ^JnyJlted t h e duty. As a journalist who has true Zionist. but even ! this would not do: I During our interview, Chaplin •Menuhins and myseifTfS" "his flat had to see Chaplin personally, said to me: "You Germans, with as soon as he heard of .Yehudi's •then, with a snort at my persis- your over-laden solidity, cannot desire to meet him. tence and a resigned shrug of his enjoy a beautiful flower without Sitting in Mrs. Einstein's drawshoulders, he led me into the wanting to know how many fila- ing-room, I witnessed the meeting ^sanctuary." ments i t has!" between these celebrities. They I remembered these words ±wo Immediately began a conversation I have often been received durljng my interviews by people In days later whea on my way home on music. They shared an envarious positions—lying in bed, from the same hotel after an In- thusiastic love for Bach. From shaving, dressing, eating, being terview with a sixteen-year-old Bach they drifted to a general made-up. But this was a novelty. boy. It was a boy whom, since discussion upon Art. Next came i had to look right round the my first meeting with him four politics. It was in 1932, and tig Toom Before I discovered the years before, .1 liad considered to Einstein spoke of his disgust at famous comedian, lying on - the be the most perfect being on the state of affairs in Germany. floor playing with an electric toy earth. I had tried to analyze the He showed us a basket of threatrailway he had JUBt bought for child who Had provided me with ening letters written in the vilest one of my greatest musical ex- and filthiest manner possible. He his two sons. . ' • • • ' • He was like a small boy play- periences when, as a chubby, confessed that until a few years Ing "Let's pretend." He acted the healthy little Jewish boy with a part of an old man sitting in-the perfect complexion and shining train, searching through h i s fair hair, he had appeared on the gockets for his ticket. He did platform of the Carnegie Hall in l-ct me protect your Interests, . . Hot utter a single word during New York. Dressed in a simple I write INSURANCE of every desthis piece of mimicry. WordB were navy suit, unaffected by the precription including LIFE, la strung, reliable companies ONLY. . . . Ixt't unnecessary. Then he took a sence of fourteen thousand peotalk it over. paper and pretended that the old ple, he had taken up his StradiCity Finance & Insurance Co. man.; was trying to overcome varius violin and smiled at the sleepiness by reading. His mime conductor as he began to play ; 1409 Farnam AT 1667 or WA 51 BO was perfect, I had often seen Beethoven's "Concerto in D Mahis performance on the screen, jor." I h a d heard it played by but none of them seemed com- nearly alL :the great virtuosi of parable to the one I was now wit- the world. I cannot describe the \Ask Yoar impression I received that night, nessing in. private. •..:' other than by a confession that in J Grocer for Finally, instead of my Inter- the Andante movement I found viewing him, he started to. inter- myBelf. weeping. view me. He wanted to know where he could find souvenirs of That wa3 Yehudi Menuhin's Napoleon. Though I was there first public appearance. Since to find out as much as I could that time I have considered him concerning his Intimate affairs, to be the greatest living violiniTheHdghtof we were soon in a deep discus- ist. THE increased ruggedness, long life and economy [Good Taste! Bion of the meeting between NapHe Is also a true representative of the 1935 Ford V-8 make it more than ever a oleon - and Goethe and their mu- of what I might call Jewish Art. tual admiration. Beethoven and I am of the opinion that Jewsound investment for business use. Napoleon and the Berlin Jews ish Aft does not exist in the pro2711 No. 24th St. WE 6400 and Napoleon w e r e other sub- ductive sense. The_ ability of the New, more powerful brakes, an easy-pressure jects which interested him greatclutch and easier steering make it a safer, more ly. I soon realized that the "clown" ; was also a student of convenient car for the woman driver. history. He told me that he had Its larger, welded all-steel body and wider made the study of the life of the great Corsican his hobby and that seats allow the whole family to ride in greater he possessed a library which concomfort and security. tained about six.thousand volumes dealing with Napoleon. "With A hinged back-seat cushion gires And when picnic and vacation time comes a melancholy air he confessed ecsy access to large luggage 'round, you'll find the new Ford's exceptional lugthat It was his life's ambition to space behind the rear seat of play Napoleon on the screen. He gage room . . . the smoothness of Center-Poise : Sedans. • was unhappy that it was Impossiriding . . . and the low fuel consumption of the ble for the public to visualize him 85-horsepower V-8 'engine . . . add a great deal In any role other than that of the pathetic figure in bowler hat and to the pleasure and economy of every outing oversized boots. No—he was not


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ByLOURIKLIN Thanks, readers, lor t h e in- wedding bells have rung for that tense interest shown in t h i s Union State Furniture man a n d column. An overwhelming numhat peppy, kidding, film worker ber of calls, comments a n d . . Rosenthal's Cigar store becriticisms were received by the .ieves that, the Customer is never «7ewish Press office after t li e right-.-. , . If tfccse North 24th Initial appearance of this col- street tongue glibbers and that other guilty party do not cease umn last week. .0 revive a bit of rumor about With your co-operation, it is our hope to constantly improve' one of our spiritual leaders, then the contents so as to m e r i t there is going to be a real expose in this column soon . . . .The Hyyour continued interest. man Belman's a r e storking it . . H. K., a rising young writer, PHILANTHROPIES The thanks of the entire Jew- seems to have a standing da^te ish Community should be given with a Carman employe—Is that to Philip Klutznick. W i l l i a m the correct info. M. W.? . . . • The Hblzman, Paul Goldblatt, M r s . popular Eddie Sommer was seen Irvin Stalmaster, Mrs. P h i l i p with Bernice Yousem several Levey, and to such conscientious times at one of the brighter spots . . "What about his girl friend workers as "Doc' M i l d e r a n d Simon Pizer, and to the corps of and her boy friend? "workers who spent their time, money and efforts in making: the YOUTHFTJIi CHATTER campaign the success it was . . . High praises go to L l o y d T"h e Youth's Division surprised Malashock for h i s display of everyone by going over the top talent in h i s recent Mother's by two hundred dollars. This was Day Sermon . . . . H a n n a h the Tesult of the splendid work of Baum elected president of CenAl Fiedler, Sal Mtchnick, S a r a h tral High. Keep up t h e good Rifken, and the able supervision work . . . . Bernice Perimeter of Riith Allen. delivered one of the toasts at the Omaha University Woman's Athletic - Association banquet, OBSERVATIONS "Wednesday night . . . . Altho The prize for a unique store still the college club maestro, display should go to Tolly's Ernie Priesman is playing with Hat Shop . . . A very clever bar, Freddy E b e n e r at t h e liog Which displays drinks a l o n g Cabin . . . • Henry Mendelson is With o t n e r articles, catcnes in complete charge of CreTghyour immediate attention when ton musical activities.. • . . Dan you enter this store, but alas, Miller looked like he was with instead of drinks, the clerk ofhis favorite at the Phi B e t a fers to show yon the l a t e s t Ep. dance. What do you think, neckwear and other men's arE t h e 1 y n Kulakofsky? . . . . ticles . . . . The ten cent merUranum Kaplan, Ronald Kenchandise i d e a has finally inben, and Joel Cherniss seemed vaded the grocery field . . . . like inseparables at the dance For a t Cof elt's, a 5 and 10 cent last Sat. . . . . William Grey Well Worth (not Woolworth) was u n u s u a l l y disappointed Sept. denotes such a trend. when he didn't receive an R. O. T. C. award at Creighton, TuesSTICKING STATEMENTS day evening.

Raises Bid from One to Seven No Trump, -MakesIt An unexpected play which both Sims and Culbertson, bridge experts, stated could not possibly be used, occurred at a recent bridge ame which was held in the honor of M r s . Sophia Handler, bride-to-be. In this contract bridge game, Sophia Handler was Sally Greenberg's partner and Dorothy Rosenthal Was Mrs. Sam Green's partner. Mrs. Green bid one no trump and her partner, Miss Rosenthal t h e n proceeded to 'jump' the bid from one no trump to seven no trump—just like that. And Mrs." Green, and Miss Rosenthal proceeded to gain a monopoly on every trick in the deck, and made a grand slam.


PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1935.

LIFE INSURANCE; WHAT ITIS AND WHAT IT DOES... By the Service Life Insurance Company, Omaha,

Groesbeck Flays Wheeler-Rayburn Bill Now Pending

Before Buying An Automobile or Truck See

Irvin Wezelman will middle aisle it with Rose Skolniclr, of St. Joseph, the first Sunday In July . . . . A bid for the busiest man in town last week was entered by t h a t versatile counselor, Ziazar Kaplan, who, aside from b e i n g secretary of the Highland Country Club, active in the J e w i s h Philanthropies campaign, participating in the Temple Israel Grid Iron, a n d also carrying on his regular law practice,, he had nothing to do . . . . Seen again—-A. J. and her ex—a furniture man—your guess is as good as ours . . , . The Ben Marylanders are babyIng . . . . JFor the benefit of those who besieged us with questions last week in regard to the following . . . . T h e 'blazing* rumor that was overheard is "that the bachelor barrister is still seen frequently w 1t n that very prominent club woman and social worker, J. A."

SCOOP F r o m the numerous reports, we a r e almost convinced t h a t


Distributors for Dodge, Plymouth § Dodge Commercials and Trucks 2561FARNAM: ST

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carried by life insurance. Mrs. Irvin Levin, Mrs. L, NevePalestine Ward Orphanages, hospitals, old age lleff, Mrs. P. Wintroub, Mrs. H. A. s emigrating charities, all are subsidized by Wolf and Miss Blanche Simman. private or public funds—guarani Palestine accounted for m teed and uninterrupted income to than eighty per cent of the every man and wom&r and you Polish emigration during Janurelease seven-eights of the dollars The fifth annual Mother and The Theta chapter of S i g m a ary and February of 1035. More now spent for charitable purposes. But what would the costs Daughter Banquet of the Jewish D e l t a Tau sorority at Lincoln, than 4.&00 Jews left Poland for be if it were not for life insur- j Community Center was held on Nebr,, held an election of officers Palestine during the first ance ? Sunday evening. May 19 at the May 13, when Florence Smeerine months of this rear. of W o o d b i n e , la., succeeded Jewish Commuuity Center. Mrs. Frederick Cohn gaYe the Gwendolyn Meyerson of Council invocation, and community sing- Bluffs, as president. Other oSiing led by Janet Graetz with Mrs. cers elected were Frances Kalin, Sioux City, vice-president; Muriel Abraham Block, 80, a resident J. M. Malashock accompanying, Krasne of F r e m o n t , secretary; of Omaha for 26 years, died at followed. In her talk "A MothGwendolyn Meyerson, C o u n c i l ers present for the privilege of his home, 3414 Lafayette avenue, Bluffs, treasurer; Esther Stein, last Friday morning. The funeral | motherhood. Lee Jane GreenOmaha, social chairman; and Roberg responded for the daughters took place Monday afternoon at saljTi Lachinsky, Lincoln, his1 o'clock. Rabbis Frederick Conn and pledged their loyalty and detorian. votion to their mothers, stating and David H. W i c e officiated. Rose Steinberg, senior in t h e Burial was held at Pleasant Hill that above all they were thankful for the companionship of a school of Music, was elected to cemetery. Alpha Rho Tan, senior fine arts Surviving are his wife, Sally; mother. Betty Fellman presented a pi- honorary sorority. four sons, Dr. Max Block, a n d Frances Kalin and M u r i e l David Block, both of Omaha; ano solo, and the evenings proSamuel of Denver, and Maurice gram was concluded with an Krasne were elected recently to of Moline, 111.; one daughter, adaption of "Cinderella" directed membership in the Big and Little Mrs. Fannie B. Kuh of Qmaha, by M i s s Helen Merritt. Those Sister organization. taking part • were Betty Cohn, and one grandson, Robert. Yale Trustin, Elaine Frank, Joyce Istanbul—A new law, which I Greenberg, Phyllis Milder, De- Yiddish Weekly Paris—A new non-partisan Yidprohibits Jewish, Christian and ! lores Cohn, Buddy. Barish, Ger! Moslem clergy from -wearing cler- i aldine Cohn and Myron Milder. dish weekly called "Paris" has ical dress outside their closed I Mrs. Jeannette Arnsiein was made its appearance here. Promiplaces of worship, was passed | chairman- of the committee. Those nent Jewish writers from Europe here, and will enter into force J assisting her were Mrs. J. J. and America are amons the conGreenberg, Mrs. Paul Goldblatt, tributors. next June.

Mother-Daughter BanqueiatJ.C.C.

It is fundamental t h a t whatever affects the individual affects society. - Therefore, because life insurance brings the blessing of happiness and security to the protected family, it brings the same blessing to society. Life insurance helps solve the great problem of charity, because it has rendered unnecessary, and will continue to render unnecessary, the expenditure of extra billions of dollars in purely charitable fields, releasing these dollars for constructive, rather than salvaging purposes. v Charity enters the picture when the personal income breaks down. And this is a risk the individual must carry, unless he permits life insurance to carry the greater part of the risk for him. The risk of unemployment m u s t be carried by the individual, but the far greater risks of permanent ill"We are advising our more ness, disabling accident, old age than a quarter million stockhold- and untimely death, all can be ers that despite all reports to the contrary, the Public Utility Bill, known also as the Wheeler-Raybum bill, still provides for the dismembering and destruction, of our companies, and other utility holding companies." s a i d C. E. Groesbeck, chairman of the Board of the Electric Bond and Share Company, in a statement being mailed to more than a quarter million stockholders of the Electric Bond and Share company and other holding companies in this group. "We feel that it is our duty, to keep our stockholders informed and to point out to them that if they want to protect their investments, quick action is necessary The next time you bump into In expressing their opposition to Iz Abramson and you desire some this Bill because of the extraprdireal "Gelechter" ask him abou GREETINGS AND nary efforts being made to rush this destructive Bill into law," his enthusiastic horseback riding CONGRATULATIONS experience last summer . . . . Ben To: . . . . Stewart Gilinsky, al Groesbeck continues. Kazlowsky a n d Sophia Handler I though a f o r m e r Omahan, h He states that during the hearwill be Rabbi'd on June 16 . , came here from St. Paul to w-or] ings held on this Bill, a distinEvidently the Lipsey family pre- in t h e Brandeis Store Millinery guished group of American citifers the name of Greenberg for Dept. . . . . To: . . . . Sam Ber zens, representing a cross-section Lillian, several years back mar- witz, who has been prominent in of American life, recorded their ried Elmer Greenberg, that new the ladies-ready-to-w e a r depart opposition to the Bill. Tech instructor and coach, a n d inents, .is now in charge of sue "No one but a few employes of now Mildred Lipsey will soon bethe government have appeared department at Ruddy's To come the bride of Sam Greenberg. for this bill," he states. He fur. . . . Mose Silverman, from Des ther deplores the fact that efforts a South Omaha merchant . . . . Moines, in the legal department are being made to rush the bill It s e e m s that t h e nonchalant of H. O. L. C. . . To: Os- into law, and points out that ' Creighton freshman, E. R., has car Abera, formerly of Minneapo- there must be an unexplained moenough gall to go "dutch treat" lis, Minn., who is also in the H. tive behind all this procedure. on most of his dates . . . .'• O. L. C. legal department . . He concludes with the observaTo: . . . . . The Mother Chapter A. tion that "The Wheeler Bill is Z. A. and the local B'nai B'rith not aimed to regulate, or to build MEATY DIALOGUE For a bit of meaty dialogue, lodge for having arranged s u c h or to protect, but it is aimed to cajole Dave Feder, one of our complete dance program and evelocal ad getters, and ask him ning of entertainment for those troy. It will retard instead of about the information he was who will attend the affair t h i s advance recovery." trying to get from Fred White, Sunday evening at the beautiful a court spieler . . . . not squeal- Paxton Ballroom. There are still All imposture weakens confider— you're wrong again . . . . some tickets available, BO I'll be ence and chills benevolence. . , The .Eye Tabloids confirm re- seeing you there . . . . . L o u i s e Dr. Johnson. • • ports that the Dr. M. G.'s will Fitch for her excellent work in addition it this summer . . . . dramatics so as to merit a. scholAccording to our y e a r book, arship from Vassar. We'll soon one ot/those friendships exists be seeing your name in the bright between a prominent member lights . . . . To: . . . . Helen Merof the Temple, H. B., and H. rit for her very capable direction C. . . .--. Marks Itorig, a former of the Center Players Guild propresident of the O m a h a He- ductions. brew d u b , is now in his second term of office as president of the South Omaha Merchants Italian Rabbinate Names Assn. . . . . Keep up the good Phrato New Chief Rabbi work, Marks. Rome (JTA)—Rabbi D a v i d Phrato, well known Jewish leader ADVERTISING PAYS of Italy, was named Chief Rabbi A. R,, of one of our prominent of I t a l y to succeed Dr. Angelo families, who r e a d this column Sacerdoti who d i e d recently in last week, took the tip and was Milan. seen 'roaming' about w i t h the lovely singer, Bess Caplan . . . Since Roscoe Ates was in town, one of our younger attorneys, Hy Goodbinder, has developed an audible stutter . . . . Morris Stalmaster, of the O m a h a Fixture Supply and his Z. S. will be coupled on July 28 . . . . Two talented sisters, Florence and Helen Whitebook a r e contemplating OMAHA FIXTURE & SUPPLY meeting Alice White for auditions M. VENGER & SONS in the near future . . . . The Manuel Ruddy's are expecting theirs UPDIKE LUMBER and COAL in the torrid months. CITY CLUB BEER CO.





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Footnotes Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - - - - - ..-. $2.00 Advertising rates furnished on application. .



n review

A Real Loss Pilsudski was a real friend to Poland's Jews. And they mourn his loss.1 Immediately after news of his death was made known, Polish-Jewish groups, both in United States and Poland, drew up resolutions expressing deepest grief at the passing of Marshal Pilsudsid, Poland's dictator. < > . " . . ' . His death has caused deep concern in Jewish circles. It wasn't |that he had been openly pro-Jewish but that by his strength, and maintenance of police power in the country, he saved the Jews from the attacks of the more rabid anti-Semites. A triumvirate, composed of his three closest advisors, will now rule the country. Whether they are strong enough to keep the anti-Semites in check, and whether they will keep their skirts clear of any alliance with the Endeks, remains to be seen. The Jews actively participated in the mourning for the late Marshal. A four week official period of mourning in memory of him was proclaimed by the Warsaw Rabbinate. Jewish stores and factories were all closed on the day of the funeral. Condolences were received by the Polish government from Jews and Jewish organizations all over the world.

Opposed to Utility Bill Preservation and safeguarding of states' rights fias been one of the fundamental principles of the Democratic party. In-many crucial tests it has stood firmly in defense of that principle. We believe the party as a whole will continue to uphold the sovereign rights of the several states to conduct their own business in a manner best suited to them, despite the organized attempts of certain groups to reverse this traditional policy. The Wheeler-Rayburn utility bill is an example of what the abolitionists of states' rights have in mind. This bill, now pending in congress, provides that all electric holding companies be abolished within five years and that all operating companies be placed under the direction and control of government bureaus. We do not believe in that. : At present our electric rates and service ,are governed by a local regulatory body. The members of this body are familiar with local conditions. If the people believe rates are too high or ;that service is not satisfactory they may go before the regulatory body and state their complaints. ' If their complaints are justified they get quick remedial action. We believe in that sort of neighbor-dealing-with-neighbor policy. However, the picture would be greatly changed if the : Wheeler-Rayburn bill should become a law. It would place control in Washington bureaus whose personnel would be politically : selected. . " . . . - . . . :. Matters of rates and service, of purely local concern, would then be transferred to Washington and decided by men unfamiliar :: and unsympathetic with our own local problems and conditions. :*It would be a remote control system clogged with the usual gov'ernmeatal red tape. We are opposed to this planned invasion of states' rights. We believe we are capable of regulating our own electric rates and service without the assistance of bureaus and commissions in • Washington. ' • The Wheeler-Rayburn bill should be defeated. D tr F! tfa Si W cl



•NEW RESOLUTIONS The Rabbinical assembly of the Jewish Theological Seminary recently held their annual convention at which several important resolutions were passed. If' they can be implemented in American Jewish life, they will be of far-reaching effect. The resolution concerning "Agunahs", the legally-deserted wife, is, in our estimation, of minor importance. While the tragedy of the deserted wife cannot and should not be underestimated, and while! the orthodox Rabbinical groups of Europe and Palestine deserve every criticism for not officially pronouncing judgment on ' all the involved technicalities, we doubt if the Rabbinical Assem: bly is the proper body to pass judgment on a matter so vital in Jewish law. If this resolution is to" be fulfilled irrespective of Jewish law, the Reformed Central conference of American Rabbis, Ipng ago settled the problem by not requiring a religious divorce altogether. If it is to be within the realm of traditional law, it will require the sanction of the great Rabbinical authorities in Europe and Palestine—which leaves matters just about , where they have been. Under any circumstance, the necessary Changes cannot be made retroactive—and it was the World War and emigration from Russia which made of "Agunahs" a national tragedy. ^ More of importance is the resolution concerning the Sabbath.' "We condemn" reads the resolution, "all public desecration of the Sabbath, such as meetings, luncheons, open offices, etc., by all groups of Jewish constituency or interest." The col lapse of Jewish Sabbath observance has been the religious tragedy of American Jewish life. Tradition places the Sabbath ;on the very: pinnacle of the religious life. In Jewish law it is given a prominence above Yom Kippur. Yet it has* been completely disowned by American Jewry and is no longer taken into consideration in Jewish public life. Not only do Jewish organizations publicly violate the Sabbath*; but they flaunt the fact in the social columns of the Jew-ish Publications. Our own Jewish Press brings almost every week reports of smokers and parties held Friday night. Whai little of the Sabbath spirit might still be acquired spending Fri „day,-night at a synagogue service, is thus given up. •" Every right-thinkingr Jew joins heartily with the Rabbinical Assembly in condemning public desecration of the Sabbath. The Sabb'ath observance in America must be built up. Certainly no .organization can afford to sponsor its desecration and retain its .self-jrespeet. : . i| ' —RABBI URI MILLER

THE "PROTOCOLS" TRIAL NORTH AMERICA The verdict handed down last CHATTANOOGA AMERICAN EGION POST REFUSES TO week by the court in Berne deSHARE IN TRIBUTE TO HIT- claring the "Protocols of the EldER GOVERNMENT. . . . One of ers of Zion" a forgery is a blow the few intelligent actions on the not only to the Nazis in Switzerland but to the entire anti-Jewpart of the Legion. FIRST MURAL PAINTINGS ish propaganda'conducted by NaDEPICTING MODERN PALES- zis all over the world. The verdict once and forever TINE UNVEILED IN SYNAputs an end to the legend which GOGUE OF SOCIETY FOR ADVANCEMENT OF JUDAISM. . . . was invented thirty years ago by We expect some of our publiclty- officials of the Czarist Secret hungry rabbis to propose Diego Political Police, that the Jews Rivera's discarded Rockefeller have mapped a definite program to dominate the world. Although murals for their synagogues. JEWISH CHAPEL DEDICAT- everyone knew the legend to be ED IN NEW YORK STATE PRI- false, anti-Semites throughout the ON AT ATTICA. . . .Hope It world did not hesitate from time won't have a minyan for its con- to time to revive it. With the rise of Hitlerism in regation. Germany, t h e "Protocols" beYESHIVA COLLEGE TO ES- came the Bible of the Nazi propaTABLISH COMMERCE DEPART- ganda against the Jews. Alfred MENT. . . .It's about time. Yes- Rosenberg, Hitler's right hand hiva bocherim always make good man, saw to it personally that the business men. "Protocols" should be spread all RABBINICAL A S S E M B L Y over the world in order to justify rIOVES TO SOLVE AGUNAH the Nazi anti-Jewish persecutions. PROBLEM BY E N A B L I N G Something had to be done to WIFE TO OBTAIN RELIGIOUS DIVORCE W I T H O U T HUS- show the world that the "ProtoBAND'S C O N S E N T AFTER cols" are nothing but an invenTHREE YEARS OF'DESERTION tion on the part of anti-Semites. OR LACK OF SUPPORT. . . . This has been accomplished now Watch out Reno—here is s o m e in Switzerland by Jewish leaders who had determined to bring the real competition. .case to court. By suing a numPALESTINE ber of Swiss Nazis for spreading HOLY LAND'S FIRST LUNAR the "Protocols", the Jewish leadOBSERVATORY OPENED. . . . ers have demonstrated that they Soon we'll be hearing about Jew- had nothing to fear as to the alish, settlements on the Palestine leged authenticity of these notorimoon. ous documents. YIDDISHISTS TO PUBLISH The verdict which the court is•APER IN SYRIA TO FOIL sued undermines the entire Nazi ALESTINE HEBRAISTS. . . . theory about "Jewish domina'hey must be afraid of raiding tion". It is a direct slap in the parties. face to the Nazi government, and S W A S T I K A DECORATES it is therefore no wonder that •ALESTINE TRAIN; A R A B the German government made an SHOPS SELL NAZI EMBLEM. . . attempt at the eleventh hour to That's the only business Jews are intervene through t h e governdelegating to the Arabs! ment of Switzerland, seeking to EUROPE influence the court to bring In a A M E R I C A N JEW WITH verdict which would, not be un•RIZE-W I N N I N G SWEEP- favorable to Germany. TAKE TICKET IN POCKET T h e verdict was based upon ! O E S HUNGRY WHEN HE three questions put by the court lAN'T FIND KOSHER RESTAU- to the experts at the trial. The RANT IN DUBLIN. . . .Strange three questions were: Orthodoxy that believes in horse 1.'Are the son-called "Protocols flesh for gambling but not for of the Elders of Zion" genuine, eating. not genuine, or forged? GREECE COMPENSATES SA2. Do they constitute a plagiarONIKI JEWS WHO SUFFERED ism, a literary theft? IN 1931 POGROM. ^ . j A s if any- ,3. Do they fall under the desthing could pay for pogroms. cription of obscene literature, .ASIA that is to say, are they designed RANGOON COURT RULES by content or form or both, to InBENE ISRAELITES, BROWN- cite to crime, or to lead to the enSKINNED JEWS OF INDIA, EN- dangering of public order, to TITLED TO EQUAL RIGHTS arousing a sense of disgust, or in WITH ALL OTHER JEWS. . . . some other way to give cause for That's more than some of our brutal revulsion? Jews grant their Sephardlc brethOf the three experts who apren in Palestine. peared before the court, two de-

JEWISH NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Six thousand dollars was recently raised for the relief of children of German Jewish refugees at a twenty-five-dollar a plate dinner held recently in honor of Professor Albert Einstein. Among the speakers at the New York affair were Fannie Hurst, Judge Ferdinand Pecora, Harry Hershfield, and Eddie Dowling. The right to decide who is or is not a Jew has been given to police throughout Germany as part of the revived Government War on Jews. Two anti-Jewish parades, led by bands and participated in by uniformed storm troopers were held in Berlin. The marchers carried signs proclaiming "The Jews are our misfortune". ' '' Although he had in his pocket a ticket for $72,000 due a friend of his who won that sum in the Irish sweepstakes, Francisco Abrami, New York Jew, left Dublin hungry because he could not find a kosher restaurant. He went to Dublin to collect the prize for his friend, but quit the city for the Continent when he found that he could not obtain kosher food. The government of Argentine, according to a statement made by the League High Commissioner MacDonald, is very sympathetic toward the admission of a limited number of German-Jewish refugees. .Soviet Russia's new consul-general for the United States is Jean Arent, former first secretary of the Soviet embassy in Paris. A veteran of the Soviet diplomatic service, Arent, who is a Jew, served as editor of Journal de Moscow, a French language paper in Moscow. Student riots broke out again last week at 'the University of Bucharest resulting in it being shut down by authorities once more. The trouble started in the medical school. According to authorities, so discrimination is being practiced at the University. The famous Dionne quintuplets-will celebrate their first birthday on May 28th wearing bathrobes woven for them by the Community Craft Weavers, an affiliate of the Community Workers Auxiliary of the New York Guild for the Jewish Blind. The blind Jewish workers have also made five little red riding hood dolls as gifts for the Dionne children. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise and his associate in the Free Synagogue, Rabbi Sidney Z. Goldstein, marched side by side with leaders of a number of Christian Churches at the head of 10,000 men, women and children who demonstrated against war by parading up.Fifth Avenue from Washington Square to Madison Square in New York. A group of Jews has completed the purchase of six thousand dunams on Mount Carmel, bringing the total reserve in Jewish possession in this area to twenty thousand dunams. A rapid increase in building activity is also reported in other parts of Haifa. House jobs totaling more than 70,000, are now pending m this area. Charged with having "repeatedly given expression to his malicious and hostile attitude toward the new state and its leading men," Julius feolgar, a Hungarian Jew who was business manager of the New York Times picture service in Berlin, was expelled from Germany by order of the Propaganda Ministry

finitely established that the "Protocols" are forged, that they constitute, a plagiarism and that they fall under the category of obscene literature. One of the two was Dr. Loosli, the official expert retained by the court. Even Col. Flelschhauer, t h e Nazi "expert" who publishes the "Protocols" In Germany, could not prove that this notorious anti-Jewish document is genuine. His entire "expert" analysis was based solely on t h e contention that it had never been proven that the "Protocols" were not genuine.' The verdict of the Berne court will go down In Jewish history as an important victory over bigotry and falsehood. The London Times, after an investigation, long since established the falsity of t h e notorious "Protocols". Now this falsity has been officially established in a ' court. The verdict will remain the best argument of the Jews against all those who have been trying to utilize the "Protocols" for their antiSemitic purposes. But whether it will halt the use of the forged "Protocols" by the Nazis in their propaganda throughout the world remains to be seen. As the New York Times pointed out editorially, however, little can be expected from a nation that allows a "lunatic" like Julius Streicher to state that Wasserman's famous blood test was conceived by him only for the purpose of getting s o m e Christian blood for Jewish ritual purposes. DAXZIG It was announced that the League of Nations at its coming session will take up a petition submitted by the Jews of Danzig emphasizing the anti-Jewish discrimination practiced by the administration of the Free City, in violation of the provisions of the League of Nations with regard to national minorities. The Nazis are very much perturbed at the Jews for petitioning the League. Herr Forster, the N a z i leader of Danzig, addressing a large audience accused the Jews of plotting a war against Germany. His speech was decidedly Inflammatory, open incitement to a Jewish pogrom. Other similar speeches were also made throughout the city. They were made "as a reply" to the Jewish complaint to the League of Nations. PALESTINE A call to boycott the purchase of shekels for the forthcoming World Zionist Congress was issued by Moshe Smilansky, president of the Jewish Farmers Association. Fifty percent of the orange crop in Palestine was damaged by the recent long and intensive heat wave, it has been estimated by government experts. The city of Tel Aviv was granted 700 dunams of land for further expansion by the Palestine government. The land is located beyond the Yarkan River. The Palestine government was threatened with Arab demonstrations by the Federation of Arab Youth unless it ceases to facilitate Jewish immigration. . GERMANY The liberal faction of the Jewish community of Berlin will fight the recently announced efforts Of the German Zionists to assume control of internal German-Jewish life* A struggle for power seems unavoidable, as regrettable as it would be. The endless succession of further discriminations against Jews in Germany continues. Last week the Ullstein papers, l o n g since Nazitied, were not even permitted to print an obituary on Hans UllBtein, one of the directors of the paper. RUSSIA Plans for the development of Biro-BIdjan continue to be announced by the Soviet government As a starter comes t h e news that Sergei Tchuzkajev, an expert on Bureya, was appointed to succeed the late Peter Smidovitch as chairman of Comzet, the government committee to settle Jews on the land. Then came the announcement of a five year plan that would give Biro-Bidjan a total population Of 220,000, 40,000 hectares Of land for wheat, the bringing in of not less than 120,000 new immigrants, the establishment,of a metallurgical base to employ 10,000 workers, the Increase of railway transportation and the building of an airport in the district to serve as the stopping place, on the Trans-Siberian airlines. UNITED STATES David Ben-G u r l o n , laborite member of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, arrived in New York for a three week visit in connection with the forthcoming World Zionist Congress. The Rabbinical Assembly of America at Its convention l a s t week took steps to change the traditional law so that a woman, deserted or not supported by ber husband for three years can get a rabbinical divorce if she has al-


Bv PHINEAS J . BIRON can be told that Dr. Fried-rich Samuel Untermyer lias opened Wolf E a i 1 e d on the Scanmail, a deposit account at Macy's, as keeping the ship a dark secret evidence that he Is satisfied that because of fear that the Nazis the New York department store would take him off the ship when is adhering to the boycott. . . . It passed through German waters However, a gentleman who is . . . .Leonore G. Marshall, wife of usually in the know, insists— James Marshall •who is the son of promising to bring concrete evi- the late Louis Marshall, Is the dence—that Macy's is still handl- author of a novel "Only the Fear" ing a line of German goods. . . . . . . .The book is published by the T h e r e is no question, however, Macxnillan C o m p a n y , although that Alfred Friedman, Co., N. Y., Mrs. Marshall is the sister of Harglove importer, and L. A. Sal- old Guinzberg, head of the Vikomon & Bros., chemical deaiers, j ing Press. . . .Mrs. Marshall wants are doing a lively business with ' to Btand on her own feet. . . . the country in which the brown i Rabbi Louis I. Newman Is very interror still reigns. . . .We are told i dignant at our mention of his that James Warburg, charged! mailing to all his correspondents "innocently" with having sailed j circulars boosting his "Hassidic on the S. S. Bremen, actually did i Anthology". . . .Rabbi Newman book passage on that ship and at | the last minute canceled his book-! claims that the Anthology sold ing because of pressure. . . .Great j; excellently, and a second edition excitement prevails in certain will be required before long. . . . Jewish quarters, primarily in B'- j We also believe in the success of nal Brith circles, because of the' a continued mail order campaign. announcement that M a x Rein-; COXVEBSAXIQX PIECES hardt has decideu to produce • The legitimate stage will be "The Merchant of Venice" in the controlled next season by the Hollywood Bowl as the Calif or-; movie moguls of Holly-wood. . . . nia Festival play this summer. . . j M. G. M. will finance all of Max There is one thing these Jewish (Continued on Page 7.) groups do not realize, i. e., that' Reinhardt's version of Shyiock is j one hundred per cent pro-Jewish j and a dramatic exhibit of Christ- j FURS STORED ian anti-Jewish prejudice in those j Remodeled - Relined Venetian days. . . . j



By ROBERT STONE ! Editorial Office: BOO Brandeis Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - „- - - - - - Editor RABBI tJRI MILLER - - - - - Contributing Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent ! Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street


ready gotten a civil divorce. This change overcomes the problem of Agunah (deserted wife who cannot get a divorce or remarry under the Jewish religious law). It is a far reaching liberalization of the divorce laws by the orthodox rabbinate. A boycott by local merchants in San Diego, California, has caused the German steamship lines to remove the city as a port of call for its vessels. It has been planned to bring a German liner into the port every two weeks.

The Y. M. H. A. and Y. W. H. A. presented an Operetta, "Windmills of Holland," in which I v y Siegel, Jack Frieden, Irvin Stalmaster, Mrs. Lea Orschel Lewis, Lillian Chudacoff, S a m Minkin, Bess Greerberg, and William Giventer, took part. Philip N. Krasne won honors as orator in the Northern Oratorical League, at Evanston, 111. Miss Harriet Abraham was acclaimed as the ten-year-old violin prodigy. Sam Green and Leon Mendelson headed the Thorpeian athletic ZIONIST NOTEBOOK The present editor of the New club. David Fellman and Sam Min- Palestine, M. F. Steinglass, it with a charming kin were members of the state middle-aisle 5

championship debate t e a m ofjb °nde ot Brooilyn before the Central high school. Leona Pol- next month is over. . . .Meyer is lack was alternate on this team. one of the best journalists and Frank Ackerman won the in- writers in the Anglo-Jewish field, dividual state scholarship award and we consider Miss Rhoda J. Blakernan, herself a writer and j for high schools. Milton R. Abrahams w a s a artist, a very lucky girl. . . .Talk- j member of the freshman l a v de- Ing about developments at Zion- i bate team w h i c h was awarded ist headquarters, some of our j a silver loving cup when it de- sleuths report that a rather viofeated the Arts debating team at lent private conclave took place j the other evening in the home of j Creighton. Louis P. Rocker, chairman of the j T h e mortgage of the B e t h Z. O. A. finance committee. . . • j Hamedrosh Hagodol WES burned A former president of the Z. O. A. in the presence of the members told the present head of the orof the congregation. ganization very candidly what he Mary Crounse was married to thought of him, but Mr. RothenEarl Abramson. berg, fully equipped with a very William Holzman was host to long brief on his achievements, Community Center pledge work- did not lose any ground. . . .The ers at the Loyal Grill. first round, according to authen-

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Lunch mi Dine IN Newly Air-Conditioned MAIN DINING BOOM


tic reports, was even. . . .David Ben Gurion, president of the His- Davenport and (f*f | J (*A tadruth, now in this country, chair re-coTVd # l P » D l l startled the head waiter of the Astor Hotel because of his un- Two-piece Slip Tel Aviv (WNS—Palcor Agen- canny .resemblance to the late Covers cy)—The home of Chaim Nach- Houdini (in everything except man Bialik, outstanding Hebrew size). . . .The reason why Professor Albert Einstein maintained a j poet, who died on July 4, 1934, majestic silence at the awarding j 61S So. 16th St. AT 7740 would be converted into a per- of the Franklin Institute Medal manent ethnographical museum in Philadelphia was because his and library, in a plan submitted friends told him he was getting to the Tel Aviv Municipal Coun- too much publicity. . . .So what cil by the Ashrai Bank, a coopera- happened?. . . .The New York Times featured Einstein's silence tive Institution here. The Municipality, taking the on the front page. . . . famous home on Bialik Street j STRAIGHT FROM THE under its own jurisdiction, would SHOULDER pay the widow of Bialik an anFelix M. Warburg's acceptance nuity of 140 monthly for the re- of a place on the board of the mainder of her life. It is under- Metropolitan Opera Association stod that this home was the only reminds us that It is high time property left by the poet. E m m a Redell, American-born i The bank undertook to raise Jewish opera star, be given an the money for the purpose of opera opportunity at the Met. . . , "Omnhe's EYeirsta Hatter" building extensions that would Emma's voice, according to such 414 So. 17th JA 9390 carry out the museum program. authorities as Albert Coates, BritWe C«H and rtelKn- In The proposal Is now being con- ish conductor, is one of the best Downtown District sidered by the Council. in contemporary music. . . .Now It;



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SHIRLEY TESSIiEB'S ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and M r s . I. Tessler announce the engagement of their daughter, Shirley, to Nathan Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cohen of Sioux City, Iowa. Miss Tessler is a member of Gamma chapter of the Upsllon Delta Iota sorority. No date has been set for the wedding.

ROSALIE ALBERT BACK FROM ST. LOUIS LUNCHEOX-BREDGE MRS. M. H. SOGOLOW HERE VISIT PARENTS Rosalie Albert danced at the Miss Pauline Hurwitz, whose. Messrs. Nate and Morris SlierHerman Corenman returned Mrs. M. H. Sogolow of St. Columbus theatre in Fremont, last Saturday from a week's stay Louis, Mo. has arrived here to I engagement was recently Re- man of Chicago are visiting their Nebr., May 17. nounced, was guest of honor at a in St. Louis. spend several weeks with h e r luncheon-bridge girec by Mrs. parents, Mr. a n d Mrs. J u 11 u > Sherman. OSEPHEfiE RUBNITZ parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Green- Jules Shapiro, Tuesday, Twelve MRS. MAX HOLSMAN AND HONORED guests were preseriL berg. SOX RETURX UNDERGOES OPERATION Josephine Rubnitz w o n third Mrs. Max Holzman and s o n , WOMEN'S MIZRACHI HELD Mrs, I. BerkowiU tmdervrent RR RETURN FROM CONVENTION lace in t h e state-wide Horace Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Martin, operation, Tuesday, at the Luthtranslation contest sponsored by William, returned recently from LAST MEETING the American Classical league, in a three week visit in Lexington, The Women's Mizrachi organi- delegates of Branch 25£, and Mr, eran hospital. connection with the celebration Kentucky, where she visited her zation held their last xneetlag of and Krs. L. Witkin, delegates ot MR. AND MRS. SAM BLEND 17 S ol t h e Workmen's CONVALESCING f the Horace Blmillennlum. parents. RETURN the year at the J. C. C, May 15. | Branch Circle, together with Mr. and Mr. Hugo Hcyn is convalescicR and Mrs. Sam Blend reMr. A. K a t z spoke on "Sheko- | Mrs. Ben Martin, who represent- from a minor operation. NATHAN JACOBS TTAS on time, as very important busi- c eMr. TYPE ROLL n t l y returned from a week's SECRETLY "WED lim". Mrs. Bea Handler also } ed the International Workmen's ness will be discussed. Plans for Central Jewish students on the BENEFIT CARD PARTY . The marriage of Mrs. Gertrude the closing meeting of the year stay in Chicago where they visit- type honor roll for this week are The Daughters of Israel Aid gave a talk. Order, trench 126, attended the VISITS PARENTS HERE ed Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Zabel. Lippe Smith of Los Angeles, to will be completed. Mrs. I. Kulakofsky announced convention held in New York City Merriam Fiedler, Lillian Weiner, society will give a benefit card Mrs. Nathan. Kraft of Kanosi: Mrs. Zabel is the former Miss Nathan E. Jacobs of Chicago, party for the Old People's Home, t h e following committee chair- the first part of the month. They City, formerly of Omaha, Is vtefrand Charles Stein. Ann Rothenberg and is a sister of formerly of Omaha, took place at MOTHER-DAUGHTER Tuesday, May 28, at the J. C. C. men: Mrs. N. Levinson and Mrs. j returned last week. Ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J»Mrs. Blend. Crown Point, Indiana, March .17. LUNCHEON The public is invited. Admission M. Brodkey, card party; Mrs. E. RETURN FROM KANSAS . Jacobson. This marriage -was kept a secret will be 25 cents per person. Sidman and Mrs. D. Soref, sick MARIAN KATZ KEKE CITY The Mother a n d Daughter VISITS HERE and the "Engagement" of the luncheon of Temple Israel w a s Miss Marian Katz of St. Louis! Messrs Myer Ferer, Hyman Le- Tickets may be secured from committee; Mrs. A. Beber, gift . Mr. Solomon Ash is visiting at jouple was announced nearly, a held at the Temple, Saturday. is the guest of her grandmother, j vin, Dave Robinson, Harry Smith, members of the society. For fur- fund. the present time with Mr. a n d month later. • Mrs. N. Levinson and Mrs. S. Mrs. Samuel Katz. Miss Katz is 1 and Abe Venger recently return- ther Information call Mrs. A. Mrs. Julius Newman spoke for Krizelman served refrcshaents going to be here a week, after { Yetzt The marriage was performed the Mothers and Frances Ruben- Mrs. L. Bailen. Mr. Ash Is from ed from Kansas City, where they Wolf, president, Wa 64IS. by Rabbi Garry August of Gary, stein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Montreal, Canada. which she fs going to SEE Fran- J spent last week-end. While they AUXILIARY Indiana. Manuel "W. I s e m a n, Harry Rubenstein, responded for INFORMED RECEPTION cisco. were there they attended a stag TO ELECT former Omahan. was best man. the daughters. Miss Beatrice ANNOUNCE BIRTH and other affairs givea In honor Mrs. Frank Tuchman •will be at © Our scientific modern Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cutler of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Abrahams, Sommer gave several piano selecof Cy Yukon, who was married An Important meeting of t h e home Sunday, f r o m 2 to 5, In FORMER OMAHAN WEDS methods retain the corSioux City, formerly of Omaha, - brother-in-law and sister of the tions. A skit was presented by announce the birth of a daugh- early in the week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Blumfield Junior Vaad Auxiliary w i l l be honor of the confirmation of her rect size and shape of bride, were also present. pupils of Milton Dieck. held Tuesday evening, May 28, at daughter, Rosaline. Xo invita- of New York, announce the marter, Pearl, on May 17. your clothes. The couple will be in Omaha riage of their daughter, Noel, to BACK FROM BUYING the B'nai Israel Synagogue. Elec- tions have been issued. @ Let us clean and de-moth about June 1, en route to their ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH Mr. Harry L. Gidinsky, son of Mr. TRIP tion of officers f o r the coming NEW POSITION them now! and Mrs. J. B. Gidinsky, of Kanhome in Hubbard Woods, a subAbe Herzberg returned from a Mr. 'and Mrs. Arthur Muskin year will be held. Final p l a n s BRIDGE PARTY HONORS Miss Minnie Sherman, recently & Sealed in moth - proof sas City, formerly o£ Omaha. The urb o r Chicago. announce the Bar Mitzvah. of of t h e cosmetics department of buying trip In the East. will be made for the a n n u a l ANN GITNICK marriage took place in Kansas cedarized bags without their son, Stuart, Saturday morn- the Brandels store, is now a Spring Dance of the organization. Mrs. Herman B&bich entertainSUNDAY SCHOOIt PICNIC ing, May 25, at the Beth-El syna- demonstrator for the Elmo com- LINEN SHOWER An interesting program h a s ed at a bridge party In honor of City, May 11. extra charge. Call - - The' Temple Israel Sunday gogue. All relatives and friends pany, manufacturers of cosmetics. Mrs. George Hollander gave a been arranged in connection with Miss Ann Gitnick, who will beSKKQLLY GOODMAN'S school "will give a picnic at Elm- are cordially invited to attend. linen shower Wednesday evening National Jewish Book Week. Mr. come the bride of Gus Agron of SON TO BORDEN'S Mr. and Mrs. Joe Borden oJ wood park, Thursday morning, at her home in honor of the re- | Judah L. Wolfson will speak on Kansas City, June 2. MRS. TILLIE MOFSON Sioux Falls, So. Dakota, announce May 30, Decoration Day. Those GUEST HERE :ent marriage of h c r daughter, Modem Jewish Writers. DEES the birth of a eon, Harold Jerome, who wish to attend are to meet Miss Henrietta Newman of ChiIDA NEWMAN HOSTESS Tillie Mofson, 65, of Om- Merriam, to Harry Friedman. May 13, at McKeccan hospital, at the Temple at 9:45 a. m., cago, is the guest of her brother- ahaMrs. BRIDE-TO-BE HONORED passed away Saturday night Miss Ida Newman will be host- Sioux Falls. where cars will be readr to con- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. at her WEEK-END GUESTS Miss Anne Gitnick, a bride-to- ess to her second grade Temple home. She is survived by Mrs. Borden is the former Molvey the party to the park. Those Jack Marks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheanin of be, was honored by the adrertis- Israel Sunday school pcpils, Sattwo sons, George, and Robert, at 2j~e Grossman, daughter of Mr. who are late, may meet at the Los Angeles, formerly of Omaha, iing department of Brandeis store, urday afternoon, May 25. A nov- and Mrs. E. Grossman, o£ this home; her sister, Mrs. A. Epstein park. WORD OP MARRIAGE of Council Bluffs, and another are the week-end guests of Mrs. I where she is employed, with a el decoration scheme of Mickey city. There will be plenty of i c e - RECEIVED PoIIay, 1S23 G r a c e street. j party Monday evening, at the Mouse will be carried out. The sister in Chicago, and one brother cream and cookies. Games of all Word has been received here in Chicago. Funeral BerviceB They are en route home, having home of Miss Jeannie Feldman. centerpiece w i l l be a M i c k e y kinds are planned. of the marriage of Miss Bess Bell were Monday morning in Omaha. attended the national convention Mouse orchestra. Mrs. Julius Newman is Sister- of San Antonio, Texas and Sam of the Workmen's Circle, held In GUEST OF HONOR Among her guests will be Rose hood chairman of Temple Israel Cackin, also of San Antonio, ANNUAL LUNCHEON New York city. Mr. Sheanin was Miss Ida Gitlin was guest of Claire Gross, Anna Jane KulakofSunday school. formerly of Omaha. Mr. Cackin The Council of Jewish Women the delegate of the Los Angeles honor at a tea given by the Tech- sky, Gloria Ann Lincoln, Stanley is a member of the Xi Lambda will hold their annual luncheon- branch. nical H i g h school senior girls' Lipsey, Patricia Morris, L e o n a BECEPTION fraternity and is also an alumnus meeting, Tuesday, May 28, at 1 Mrs. Pollay will be at h o m e Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Katel- of the Mother chapter of A. Z. o'clock, at the J. C. C. instead of both Saturday and, Sunday, In g l e e club, Monday. Miss Gitlln Parker, Janice Pill, Joan Rosenhas just returned from New York stock, Stanley Ruble, Lorraine S man of Council Bluffs, will en- A.. t h e i r regular day, Monday, be- h o n o r of her guests. All the city, she has been studying Stoller, M o r t o n Trachtenberg, tertain at a reception at t h e i r cause of the Hadassah convention friends of the Sheanlns are cor- voice where the past two years. She was (Audrey Wolf, Richard Newman, home, 601 Willow Ave> f o r ' a l l GOES EAST Election of officers will t a k e dially invited. the winner of a World-H e r a I d A l l e n Stuart Newman, Msrrian f their relatives and friends, SunMrs. D. Minkoff left for a trip place. The annual reports will be Jay Newman. • scholarship In 19S3. day, May 26, f r o m 2:30 to 5 East. S h e will make an inde- given, and a fine program h a s BD3LE STUDY o'clock in the afternoon, and been arranged. Mrs. Joe JacSbs Rabbi David Wlce gave the last from 7 to 10 in the evening, in finite stay, and will visit her son, Is taking reservations; of his Bible study "talks for this Art Minkoff. honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their Miss Ida Gitlln will be featured season, at a meeting held at the son, Milton. The Bar Mitzvah TO CHICAGO on the after dinner program. She home of Mrs. Milton Abrahams, -will take place Saturday. Mrs. Max Stein and her bro- will give several song selections, Tuesday, May 21. This group met ther, Herman Bloom, will leave and will be accompanied by Hazel Informally during the year every ROSENBLUMS TO VISIT second Tuesday at the homes of Mr. and M r s . Arthur Rosen- for Chicago, Sunday. The two B. Reynolds. various members. blum of Los Angeles, formerly of will stay two weeks visiting SISTERHOOD MEET Plans were made for the next Omaha, a r e expected to arrive friends and relatives. The last meeting of the year year's course. There will be 12 here the latter part of this week of the Temple Israel Sisterhood meetings. Discussions of the Bible to visit relatives and friends. BESS COOPER TO will be held Monday, June 3, at SIXTEfHTH fi. ©OH«IA$ STS* will be continued with occasional They a r e enroute home, having CHICAGO Miss Bess Cooper, daughter of 1 o'clock at a luncheon at t h e reviews. 3 attended the B'nal B'rith Grand Temple. Mrs. Sam Berkowitz, Ha. SPECIAL Lodge convention,In Washington, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cooper, is leav- 7456 and Mrs. Harry Rutrenstein GUEST HERE Mary Mogolov of D e s Molnes D. C They also visited friends ing Sunday, for a visit in Chicago Wa. 9540, are in charge of the speat a week here as tha guest and relatives in New Orleans, with relatives and friends. Superior 25c . luncheon a n d will take reservaof Miss Mary Arbitman. New Yori, Indianapolis, Milwautions. K&CABQKX. SPAGHETTI. : kee, and Chicago. Mr. Rosen- HEIJ> MEETING Annual reports w i l l be Tead. Strictly KOSHER DELICATESSEN The Alpha Gamma Phi Sorority NOODLES blum, was assistant Douglas cotraelectric mixmaster v i l l be Shorthand Awards We operate tfee only STRICTLY kosaer delicatessen Jty attorney, when he was a resi- of the Omaha University held a An drawn for at this meeting. Zelda Chernlss won the M a y meeting Tuesday, May 21, a n d dent of Omaha. in the downtown section. Osr department is equipGregg shorthand transcription the new officers for the coming ped with a separate display counter and we use a TO CONFIRM 84 award for writing 120 words a term were chosen. Miss Rose FishPIONEER WOMEN A class of 34 children will be minute. Ruth Falk, Toby Kohlseparate sllcer, scale' and knives for all kosher er was elected president to sucJSSc TO MEET confirmed at the Beth-El synasmoked meats. A regrular meeting of the Pio- ceed Miss Betty Fellman. Other gogue on the second evening of bert, and Merrian Wlesman all neer Women will be held Tues- officers chosen were Beth Platt, Shabuoth, Friday evening, June •won the 100 word award. Ruth day, May 28, at 2 p. m. at the vice president; Fannie Witkin, 7. The names of the children Finer won the 80 word shorthand [' Kosher Strle •Jewish Community Center. All secretary; Bertha Slutsky, treas- will be published in a later issue test and the winners of the 60 word test are Betty Krans and members are urged to be there urer; and Florence Steinberg of of the Press. Phyllis Berkowitz. Council Bluffs, historian-reporter. Sliced Breakfast Beef 'lA-

HArnev 5300


ANNOUNCEMENT EH3.1E PKIESMAN • Offer* A Special Summer Course

Modern Piano Playing Beginning Jane 1st

WE 0301

Fleishman & Soskin


in tbe employ Harris)

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Insurance with Reliable Companies

Twelve years experience Btal Estate—Property Management 815 So. 15th St. 3A 7811

The Krasne BEAUTY SALON Offers a New Deal Shampoo and finger wave

featured at _._

Cfl** „-;...... OUC

Permanent waves by experts - $3.50 and Up. •716 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. AT 4333

Reception for 1935 High School Graduates T h e Social Service committee of the J. C. C , together with the B'nai Brith, and the Beth-El synagogue, will be hosts to the 1935 High school graduates at a reception, Friday evening, May 31, at 8 p. m. at the J. C. C. All the synagogues will participate in this event. J o i n t services -will i e held at the Center. Rabbis Frederick Cohn, David A. Goldstein, Uri Miller and David H. WIce will speak. Norman Bolter and Pearl Osoff will speak in behalf of the students. The Beth-El auxiliary will be hosts at the reception after the program and services, Mrs. David Sherman, p r e s i d e n t , has announced.


: Fri. May 24-—Thurs. May SO k Sunday—May 26 : Omaha Hebrew Club 2:30 ;








' - • • •

• • / • •

-/Monday—May 27 ; Workmens Loan-—8:0 0 P. •':'

M .


- .



A. Z. A. 100—8:00 B'nal B'rith Luncheon in 1 honor of Arthur Brinn 12:00 .1'. " n o o n



Monuments - Memorials 19.90 nj, freight pa id, installed free in Omaha a n d Council Bluffs. Complete line of beantiful g r a v e markers and monuments. Lettered, free. Fully guaranteed. Write for particulars or call AT. 3653 for appointment.



1909 Leavenworth




. ".

'•• '. ;

;Tuesday—May 28 Pioneer Women—2:30 Council of Jewish Women : Luncheon 1:00 P. M.•'.£ Daughters of Zion Bridge 1:>/- P. VL ••:•• '; . ........ . . VWednesday—May 29 Sr. Hadassah—2:30 P. M.

As Careful as sHudisi Walking Tftnragn a • ;• Cactus


Bnt ThatV Not HnttM Careful «» We Treat Tom CIotbM. . Storagr—Free Moth Scaling

Alpha Pi Tau

Definite plans for a summer dance to be held at the Royal Grove of Peony Park, July 1, were made during a meeting o the Alpha PI Tau, held Wednesday, May 15, at the Jewish Com munity Center. A guest list Is now being prepared. Phil Katzman was appointed as co-committeeman to aid the dance committee which consists of Al Oruch, Chuck Gendler, and Sam Colick.


An extensive athletic program for an all day outing to1 be held at Miller.Park, Sunday, June 1, was tentively outlined. It will indudi baseball, tennis, golf, and horseshoes. Chuck Gendler, vice-president, presided in the absence of th president, Loyal Kaplan, (which is considered quite an event.)

Beth-El Services The children of the Religion school will participate in the services tonight. The Beth-El choir will take part in the service as usual. The children will presen an original symposium on th principal events in Jewish History. " Next week, the Beth-El synagogue will be host to the Jewish young men and women who are graduating from the Omaha high schools. Rabbis Frederick Cohn, David H. Wice, Url Miller, and David A. Goldstein will participate In the Baccalaureate program which Is held annually under the auspices of the J. C. C social service committee. Tomorrow m o r n I n g at 1 o'clock, Stuart, son of Mr. a n Mrs. Arthur Muskin, will beconv Bar Mitzvah. .-••'..-


Installations of officers was held at the first annual banquet, Sunday May 19, at the Hotel Hamilton. Maurice Katz, out-going president, Inducted the current president, Fannye Witkin, Into office and she in t u r n installed the other officers, who are as follows: Sophie Halperin, vice-president; Rose Flanchek, secretary; Dorothy Zlotkln, treasurer; and William Lipsman, Publicity Director. All new officers gave short, impromptu talks ((all prepared beforehand, of course.) ' Myron Tarnoff furnished the humor; Alex Lipsman presented his selection of repertoire; and Jack Epstein, a gentleman from the South, gave a tap dance. Fannye Witkin was the General Chairman assisted by Al Oruch, Myron Tarnoff, and Doris Martin.

Helen Maddn Pupils to Give Pimo Redtd The pupils of Helen L. Mackin will be presented in a piano recital, Monday, May 27, at 8 p. m at the Hospe auditorium. The public Is cordially invited to attend.

STRICTLY KOSHER SALAMI.. LI. 29c Kosher "BACON" Yt-Ub. Cello pkg. £ U C KOSHER DILL PICKLES Full Salads or Cooking ^C* bottle &3C DON AMAIZO OILFor 32-ooncc Plain, Pimiento, Pineapple, EelMi, S O n CREAM CHEES or Combination Roberts' SWEET BUTTER orHarding's t JI BUTTERNUT BUTTERNUT COFFEE JELL Five Mhrates Fresh %

It Whips - AH Flavors

Lb. Can - - 29c 2-lb. can - - 56c

4 pkgs. - 19c



EXTRACTS Lemon cr Yemtk 2-oz. Black, Green,


3 PLUS BOXTL-E DEPOSIT Lighthouse CLEANSER, 8- CSTO EOBEET'S Evaporated SULK, $ cams

PEAS, No. 2 « ! Pcre Csae SUGAB, 10-Ibs

Extra S&ncj, fresh ^<J PINEAPPLE, each .. L&C Large CUCUMBEKS, I D C S for ., g@ c (1 FEESH PEAS, _ 35C S Lbs. rC

10c I

FANCY NEW BEETS, larg© bwatih .... Greca or Wax STBINGLESS BEANS, S lbs. EOME GBOWN SPINACH, peck _..„....,




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Foil Wrapped Loaf

1 Lb., 25c 2 lbs. In box, 49c 5 lbs. In Ux, 1.19


Easso Steak Style, SALSIOX, lb. can „.. Eosc&I® Estrs. Tiny


•ES, 10 lbs. .



UPTON'S TEA Yellow 'Label



i/2-lb.43c, l-!b.,79c

5-Lbs. - - 25c 24-LW--fIJ«

Macaroni, Spaghetti, Noodles


3 pkgs.-23c

If. pig. -


Engagement Kings

Temple Israel Services

Graduation Gills

"Springtime in Europe, an Evaluation of the Present Scene will be the subject of Rabb David H. Wice's Bermon this evening.: Saturday morning services -will begin at 10:30. -; The study group will meet a1 the: Temple, Tuesday evening, 8: IS. This will be the last meeting of the season foT this group


Malmhock's Established 1894 S03 So. 16th S t 16th and Farnam


WHITE KING j & euuuiasw

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ONE JOB—Back in 1872 "William W. Hanold answered a want ad in a newspaper and got the job, to go to work for H. W. Johns in New York. Mr, Hanold never left that job. He has been at it now for 63 years, and is still at it, with the Johns - Manville' Company, though at'85 years of age he works only five days a week. He believes he holds the record. . • '





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QUEEN 1VIARIE AT TEA PARTY—^Among guests at a recent tea party given In London by Commander Locker-Lampson, Member of Parliament, was Marie, who as Queen of Rumania appeared much in the news. Since her son Carol returned to the Rumanian throne, she is not so often seen as formerly, but above she is shown at the party, chatting with former Cabinet Minister Amery.


a V 1

ANCIENT BELLS AT FAIB—Ancient bells that rang for generations on Spanish missions in California will ring again at the California-Pacific International Exposition at s a n Diego, to symbolize progress of 400 years. Miss Betty Fulkerson is pictured beside one of them.





FOOTBALL- STAK, A DAD—Three Fears ago, in 1832, Paul Host •was the vridely kaowrs captain of the Notre Darne University football team, and RZS AIl-Aiaerican team choice, Kere he is in Chicago in a new role. Recently Mrs, Host presented him with a seven-pound toatoy girl and. in the above picture he seems to be gathering himself for a yodel or two right through center.

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ALBINO UON Ctn3—The snow-white youngster at the right is supposed to be the only albino lion cub in the world. He is shown above by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gay, on whose lion farm at-SI-Monte; Cal., he was born. Native African superstition has it that a white cub brings every wish.

/ *

BOY SPEAKS 5 TONGUES—Discovery *ps mads when Hugh Gibson, American Ambassador to Brazil, and Mrs. Gibson, arrived in.New -York from Europe, that their son, Michael, 5, left,, speaks four languages—English, French, Flemish and Portuguese^—and now Tyrolese, that he learned abroad.



JAPAN'S EMPEEOR IS 34—-Emperor Hirohito of Japan recently observed his 34th birthday in Tokyo and is shown above on his favorite horse, First Snow. A bizarre combination of ancient religious rites and modern military pageantry filled the day celebrated as a national holiday. - f*




AMENDMENT — Representative Donald C. Dobbins of Illinois, who has proposed to the House of Representatives a constitutional amendment requiring a two-thirds vote of the Supreme Court to declare a law.invalid. The proposed amendment would also vest in the high court exclusive jurisdiction of constitutional law.


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TEREE-COCNTEU HOF—Here is Vance Breese, noted aviator, tuning up the plane in which he hoped to make a record hop over three countries, from Vancouver, B, G, to Apia Caliente, Mexico. .__________^_^_^_^___________—__^___________^_______^_^___^____ . .• , FRENCH TANKS FOR LAND. OB WATES—While French diplomats seek peace pacts other nations, France continues to keep.her military forces at high efficiency, and European reports have it that Russia and France are the two strongest military countries on the continent. As ari indication of the army's efficiency, here are two of the newest French tanks, built for land or water, fording a stream during maneuvers near Paris.

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ORPHAN OF THE BEVOLUTION — "When the Cuban ship Patria arrived in Philadelphia with a cargo consigned there, officials Who boarded the ship were interested in the eightvear-Old mascot, Rolando Leno, orphaned by the recent revolution He is shown with Commander Thomas Samba.





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RETIRED CHAMPION TRIES CHOPSTICKS—Ever play "chopsticks" on the piano?. Here is Gene Tunney, former heavyweight boxing champion of the world, trying real cnopstiCKSOii food. He is shown sampling a Japanese dish—whatever it may be—while m TOKyo on a.jaunt around'the world. Mrs. Tunney is seen at the left. They are in a company of acquaintances tney met In the Nipponese capital, who took them out to dine.

WIZARB—Tom Sachary, S8vear-old Brooklyn pitcher, who iss leaped to greatness in the National League. In t h r e e ;ames, which covered 31 innngs, he allowed only two runs, -md after the fourth game, between Brooklyn and Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh, he had . TUNEFUL FEKGESS—Above Is srs interesting picture of a man not often photographed-but whose songs jsre hoard around chalked tip for himself 20 conthe world. TMs is Irving Berlin, American Tneiscly composer, secutive scoreless innings, outat the .piano in his New York studio, with tuneful fingers busy. pitching Waite Hcyt. yright U?sJteg



if II



ng of the subject matter of the friends to respect UK." He refusooks. ' ed, eayiBg. "I cannot COTMCISTK? The important point to rememthem." '"Hast ihou found sir.y ber in all this is that the sumevil within me.," he asked Mm. By GERTRUDE BERG, mer vacation means a change of By O. O. DASEEI* whereupon lii? son replied, "Net*" Author of activity rather than the cessation The. concluding Friday evening (Continued from Page 4.) of all planned activity. As the "The Rise of the Goldbergs" "For thy p r n conduct vlU comVaad H'lhi (Continued from Page 4.) N e a r l y every m e m b e r of t b. e , Shumow a s Mollie Cohen i r e r e j b e e l ( i Dfs the 1 evenJ school child continues to develop The Lora Is TOT shepherfi, I mane. Ibee find your cvrn Gordon's and -Sam Harris proI ^ ^ " ^ ' Habbi I T e m p l e I s r a e l congregation w a s terrific Creator and Star of the "Rise even though school has stopped placed o n t h e p a n ; a n d n e a r l y ductions. . . .Jed Harris, Max ** «.«!,.. „>„-„*.**' - -E- • !will Epeafc en " O u r . D u t y t o Jew-1 shalle n o t want, l i e maketfe me Trill estrsingc tbee." for a few months, so facilities for *° « *>™ - *« *»*» * « * ™ I Reinhardt, Arthur HopMns and of the Goldbergs" whose new development shonld c o n t i n u e every 'pan* was placed on. t h e tht cr^d of S e t o ' l o w"s I ** ^"' *-__*„> +-. „„,„„ „%„,•„ ' „ • - «»! The graduation exercises of the j He leaaeth me besiae the E i l l ! Herman Shumlin will also have radio sketch, "House of Glass," throughout, the summer. screen, as t h e second annual treated to some choice gossip of| Y&a £ _u | ee l i g 1i o U_ Bs g cLh oOoUl 1 ^ m b e l i t e r s . He. restoreili xny eOu Gridiron Variety Show presented the. inner doings of prominent | ' * ^ " * " screen money for their stage pro- is establishing her even more * " •,„ . ,,,__ T _ He gnifieth me in a straight path, j under the auspices of the. Bro- rr. ductions. . , .Elias Tobenkin is firmly in the hearts of her listTemple families. Johanna and. ! held .after t h e services. Berlin—The Eetf The students who are Who -shall ascend, into the j eners.—The Editor leaving next month on a world therhood of Temple Israel passed ; Mohammitt, n e g r o cateresses, I Cohen, Ann Pol- ;„„„_*„;_ of the Lord. who \ ung of. Tuesday reverts a plan, t r ills What kind of vacation is your tour to survey the dangers of war I portrayed by Miriam Chaiken and ! into oblivion. An interesting exhibit on Jew- The crowd was kept In gat- j Louise Gladstone, and Bubbles j dayman. They shall stand- in His holy place, he ;Nc.;;i lswyers tc estalosnie ".Arand the possibilities of world child going to have this summer? peace. . . .For no reason at all we Will he go to the country with ish* books and books by Jewish faws from beginning to end as; Chaiken, waiter, cussed and dis-will speak on these respective- that hath clean hands and & pure ; yan.'' lawyers throughout U'.'T heart. , another of the Temple jj cussed characteristics that o n 1y y1 ^ a are reminded that Neville Laski, the family, will he be s e n t to authors is on display this week one after Our Duty to Our Parents", I hate the gathering of evil- • outstanding British Jewish lead- camp or will he spend the sum-on the main reading table of the members were insulted by t h e ; t h e y were in'a position to know. Our Duty to the Torah". Jewish Community Center libr- commentator, "D o n Broakey", _. 1 . . . ,1 , r a -i i.- i doers, and Trill not sit with the ' At this juncture, Jean Einstein er, when in England is one of themer at home? In choosing our children's va- ary, in connection with the ob^f ^ T*!? A ! ° ^ f ^ ! j _ _ k i c k e a . I will wash my hands in j rather sensational breach of who followed out the theme of and Lazar Kaplan appeared for a exercises for the Junior Division j . ! promise attorneys. . . .To judge cations we mothers often find the servance of National Jewish Book the show, by shouting "Time | tap dancing act, that was funny, of the Religious school. The f cl- j 'innocence. Let the lying lips be c v. m b-; from his most recent case he's a decisive factor to be the economic Week from May 19 to May 26,Marches On" every few minutes. if for no other reason than that lowing are to be graduated: The first act of the show con- tall Mrs. Einstein was supposed to better leader than a lawyer. ...... determinant. Not all of us can af-locally sponsored by AZA Chapter speak arrogantly ajrainet ! j Helen Fogel, Leon Brown, Har- j The American Art Association is ford, to go to the country, nor areNo. 100. The exhibit consists sisted of slides, that • showed portray Shirley Temple. • AEorin, 'the righteous, with pride end eon- • i old Xesselson, Golfiie "Passe News"' in which more exhibiting' a large painting from p.11 of us able to pay the fees de- of books on definitely Jewish m e m b e r s of the congregation Shirley Spar, Rosaline Baura! | tempt. , ; manded by the good camps, reathemes together with books writ- thirty, forty, and fifty years ago, pictures were flashed upon the Shirley Chasen, H e l e n Minkin, the talented brush of Lois A. TALMUD Gimpel, Jewish painter, depicting sonable though some of them are. ten by Jewish authors on other when they were m e r e infants, j screen, and developed around the Bess Lefitz, and Esther Shapiro. Both Rabbi Tarphon £Ecl Rabthe five Dionne sisters. . . .Geo- But even the child who stays at subjects, "A cross-section of what Then came Janet Graetz, who • kidnapping of Louis Hiller conMr. X. Levinson, president of bi Afeiba said, "If we were among rge Jean Nathan "has finally re- home all summer can have a pro- the library contains in the field sang and looked like the Flora- j eluded the program. the Vaad will present the diplo- the Sanheflrin, capital punishfitable vacation. ment would have never been deof Judaica Is contained in this dora girl . of the "gay nineties"; And "Time marched on" with mas. lented and listened to the pleas I the second gridiron variety show creed." To which R a b b i Simon of America's young, authors, and A profitable vacation is oneexhibit. A similar exhibit is onthat she depicted. Awards of merit a n d for atAs time marched on, a clever j a success, and nuch credit essaid, "Such scholars which so the American Spectator w i l l which brings the child not only display at the Omaha Public tendee ce will also be given. Mr.. skit called "Kitty on the Keys" j pecially due to Ramona Slosberg I. Morgenstern, rrincipal of the ! abolish capital punishment would again be published, beginning pleasure but definite physical and Library. spiritual benefits. After nine or •was presented by Irving. Mala- j Pepper, and Mrs. Sophie Wice. next month. . . . I: Religious school, will mute the ^ n l y increase bloodshed ta Isten months of school the youngstock, Joy Greenberg, and Ruth j : jrael." The Jewish Community Center awards. ON THE BAIX ^ ster needs a change from the Kulafcofsky. T h e three young-1 •' . • • Kaba "B. v v* foolirt are , |f The mothers of the graduates Jewish big league baseball rigid routine of learning; but weis tentatively considering plans sters were cast In grown-up pai-tv, {Argentine JeWS t@ •will hold a reception for the con-those who arise before the Holy j for enlargement, extension, and heroes have a hard time finding mothers must avoid the mistake and •with their fine acting and j Scrolls, but fie not criss before a ! gregation after the exercises. themselves. . .All of them are of t h i n k i n g that all learning modernization of the valuable col- clever lines, 11. e audience was \ great IHE.II." i , The Junior Congregation will .Those who playing below par. should stop during the vacation lections of reference material of jkept in a continual uproar. j Rabbi said, "I learned much ; (WNS)—Legal j begis services Saturday morning expected Hank Greenberg to bat-period. '• The Bummer camps al its library this summer for the "Salami the Swami", a fortune ! Buenos Aires from my teachers, more, however, I i at 10:3 0. tle it out with Jimmy Fox andhave organized activities the ultl active cultural season it will in- teller of no mean ability was dis-! action which is expected to disfrom my colleagues, t u t I learned : In celebration of Lag B'Onier, Lou Gearig for slugging honors mate purpose ot which is to deve- augurate this fall. In order to covered to be none other than | close the source of the extensive most from my disciples." , the pupils of the Yaad Religious are getting rather fidgety about lop the campers both physically achieve t h i s satisfactorily, it is Marvin Treller, but nonetheless j anti-Semitic propaganda sponsorJJJBB Rabbi Eleazar said, "Whoever j Hank's Tecord" thus far this year and mentally. . Mothers of chil- requesting that all books belong- the audience was intensely inter-1 ed by Na_i headquarters in South school will be shows, motion pic- speaks gossip or listens: to f'os- i tures of Palestine. . . . .Hank still packs a powerful dren who spend their vacations ing to the Community Center ested in his readings. j America has been initiated by the On Sunday, June 2, the Religi- sip, and whoever testifies as s. | wallop and' is among the first at home should take a leaf from library which are overdue to it, A "Silly Symphony" under the j Jewish community of Parana false witness deserves tc be ] five home run hitters of the Am- the book of the camp director. or which have been misBing from auspices of Eugene Blazer, receiv-. against a German immigrant "who ous school will close its activities thrown before docs." with a picnic at EIrawood Park. lip erican League, but -his batting Rabbi Akiba paid, "Four things \ Summer is, for example, a per- it for several years, be returned ed a setback, when most of the j was caught red-handed ia distri- All pupils trill meet at the B'nai average is still below the .300 schedttled performers failed to j buting circulars urging the exterat once to the Center. No quesare hereditary from the father to fect time for nature study, which discrStninntinj; mark. . . .Phil Weintraub, . who can be conducted in your own tions will be asked on these re- put In an appearance, but Blaz- j ruination of all Argentine Jews, Israel synagogue st-10 o'clock. j the children, beauty, vigor, wisJXl choose the was a sensation last year with the back yard or in a nearby park. turns. The Center is very anxi- er's police dog p u t in an "un-1 The German immigrant was ap-in the yearly competition held byjdom, and longevity." for ueTl€T frnn<t or Giants, and his team-mater Harry And if you, like so many of us,ous to secure the' return of itsscheduled" appearance, and pro-1 prehended by Harry Resnitzky, that organization. al tone Rabbi Akabia has Danning, have yet to make their know little or nothing of t h e library's property preparatory to ceeded to steal the show. president. of the Parana Jewish I. Irving Kill, Lincoln, was; four rules. Whereupon the pager case first hit this year. . , .Both have plant and animal life about us— renovating it. . It asks the co- When thirteen of our peppiest Society. . elected to Delta Sigma Rho, na- j asked him to retract pr been dismal failures as pinch hit- why, here is an excellent oppor- operation and fairness of all who high school boys decide to imi- When the police commissioner therefore the chair of ters. . . -Harry Eisenstat, Brook- tunity,to learn together with your may have library bookB at their tate members of the Temple Sis- of Parana refused to h o l d the nity. Following. initiation ban- justice in Israel. To which he, ? ^ C»£ frr lyn's young "spring hurling sensa- child. This does not, of course, homes unreturned or delinquent. terhood at a meeting, and go so j German, the Jewish community quet held May, 17, at a business responded, "I ehs.ll prefer to be tion, is. still to be tested in themean that the child and you In addition to its reference de- far as to dress lite them, there's j lodged an official complaint. meeting, Hill was chosen to be called, iool all my life, than to bebig league. . . -Sydney Cohen, should spend all your waking partments, the Center library con- certain to be a "loud bowl" Iroxn j The trial will open in May and scribe for that organization. Am- j come a vieked man evec for one ' | brother of Andy Cohen, has been hours together poring over blades the audience, and that's exactly six members of the Jewish so- old ' Levin, Rosalie, was elected hour before the Omnipotent, released by the Washington Sena- of grass or ant colonies. But if ducts & modern rental section, what happened when these youths ciety will appear as >r the "; ' | junior representative on the Stu-! people say, 'He retracted £or tors. , . .Only Buddy Myer and certain periods each week are setjointly owned by it and the Om-appeared on the stage 'mimicking" Jewish leaders here believe tnat j fleB{. C o , . B c n tvvm t b e college o l j e s k e of an office.' " Whil e on aha Council of Jewish Women. Heinie Manush of the "Washing- aside for such studies you will the elders; Many of the women the trial will bring out important ansTscieEces for the coming his death-bed, he said to hie son, ton Senators are living up to find that the child will not only Books in this section rent to thein the audience turned crimson, information linking Nazi agents jy e a r a t t h e E n n T , a l ^ ^ e l e c . "Reject the four rules I h e. v e public for only 3 cents per day, their reputations. . . . enjoy them but will learn a great and proceeds are used in part to when they heard sentences that to the recent series of anti-Sena-: Uoils . i r T j n g jjill was ctosen as j been teaching. I adhered tc LIFE AND STAGE •hold-over member of that govern- them because I have receives . deal. So, no doubt, will you, the defray cost of loan-scholarships to they had spoken at past meetings tic outrages. from a majority, and the others I t ing body from the same college. being uttered again. Dick Gor"William Pox was offered | 1 , - mother. Jewish students by the Council. At the annual inter-fraternity likewise, have received J r c m a I 1 000,000 a year in perpetuity for Again, the summer can be used The library is located on thedon as Madeline Silver, and Bud, Signa Alpha Mu f a s ! similar source, we t>otn therefore his three Tri-Ergon sound patents for the development of hobbies second floor west of the Center by major movie companies just for which school life leaves little and Is open to the public every On Sunday,.May. 12, a very suc- ranked first in scholarship ever j remained true to our traditions, before the case went back to,the time. Whether- your boy wants cessful Mother's- Day reception -all the social fraternities on .the j but you hare learned Zrom me, tr~ Supreme Court. . . .The decision to collect stamps or manufacture evening except Friday from 7:30 was held at-the chapter house at j campus, according to the reports infiivifiu&I, now It is advisable te went: against him and rtie got sailboats, whether your girl wants to 10:30 and every Sunday from Lincoln. Nearly-one .hundred re-; j issued by the Office, of the Dean abandon the opinion el the individual and to feller the op'nion nothing. .-. .Saul Singer and Ber- to paint china or go in for some 1:30 to 5:30 P. M. Wilno, Poland (JTA)—A de- latives and friends were present. ol Student Affairs. c*.. c lo£ the majority." "Father," ap» nard K. Marcus oj the Bank of serious . knitting, the, summer cision to convert the ancient Jew- Rabbi H. Jolt of Lincoln, Dr. t h er MEDIEVAL ' GHETTO RE-'psaieS ids son, "commsEd tfcr the United States fame, axe startprovide \ ample J ish cemetery ot Wilno into sport David Feliman of the University —>-.... .••.!•.,•„,.,...„„„,,. ing life all-over again-emi are go- months TfiH p ^ FoF-ihese Fi grounds was adopted by the STUB- of Nebraska, - and Gerald P . Co-STRICTIOXS IMPOSED I'POXi uxe'.tlorVsncli activities^ ing into business nextmeek-sepaicipality, provoking great indighen, Sioux City, Prior, spoke. Also N " AFGHANISTAN BY rately. . . .They don't talk, to each things the mother's^ active' coopernation among-the Jewish popula-! included on the program was s ! ~ ~ _ ^ other, and are not going into the ation is •' not needed, ^though helpselection Irvin Ttrs.vf.r-! GOVERNMENT. . -.Maybe the AfJ e r u s a l e m (WNS—-Palcor tion. ! fiance —i«-«o^ by %,v T^HT, ful suggestions and a jbenevol6at banking business. . ."Roger "Wolfe nian and a recitation and piano ghanistan gentlemen do s e e £ a Agency)—The ancient Biblical interest are always welcomed, by Many historical Jewish graves Kann, jazz-band-leading eon of phrase" that, "out . of Zion will will be removed, in accordance number by Ruth. Rosenstein. 1 bit "of European intervention. the late Otto H. Kahn, is v;ery the young enthusiast. come forth the Law" achieved I with this decision. Among them Gerald Cohn introduced t h e : Thenj.there is. the matter of proud these days because of the twentieth-century reality w h e n are also the graves of the Wilner speakers and entertainers." Re-j Haifa—The cornerstone for & Teading, for which the mother's birth of a seven-pound daughter Jewish village to be z.axse& Kacthe Palestine Government began Gaon, whom Jews throughout the freshments were served. direction is most valuable. Chil. . . .Georgia Jessel will be seen At the annual dinner dance of j cabee, after the "World Maccabee construction of the" Holy Land's dren usually prefer good books to 1 world revere for his genius, ana the legitimate stage next seabad—but some one has to lead first public radio station near of the Ger Zadek, the well-known the Pershing Rifles, national I Sport Organization, was laid by it of star •"• on d i honorary military organization, j Lord Melchett, the president of son in the capacity ot star, them to, the good ones. It might Jerusalem. figure in Jewish history. held Friday, May 10, David Bern- the Maccabee. rector and pTOducer. . be well for mothers to make-up Actual building operations folThe village winfcebunt on the Hershlield claims tbat he's a^ vacation reading lists for their low yearB of agitation for such a Everyone can "master a grief stein of Omaha was awarded a greater man than Einstein. . ' . •children right, now; so that when project on the part of all elebut he t h a t has it. .Shates- gold medal for . being t i e most j land of the J e w i B a National \ proficient in the xnanual-of-arms' Fund. Thirteen people are said to un-school stops this part of the vaca- ments of the population. At thepeare. derstand the theory ot tion program-can be started upon present time there is a military Harry says, but nobo . immediately. And of course ther^ wireless station at Sarafend, the stands him. . . .The president, ot is no objection to the cooperation garrison for His Majesty's aerial the Rotunda Hospital in Dublin, of the child himself in the choos1 forces in Palestine. A problem largest Catholic institution of its that does not face any other kind in the world, is a. non-Aryan legiate Zionist organization. . . broadcasting station in the world by the name of Dr. Belb. El Solo-. How come It is competing with has been solved in Palestine. Announcers as well as pro* Masada and Junior Hadassah by mon. . . . grams will use Arabic, English organizing non-collegiate chapters ODDITIES most prominent in many towns. . . .We didn't and Hebrew, t h e three official vuo Ui One of the Conservative rabbis' in New Jerknow till the other day that the tongues of the country. The Palestine Government i^. sey whose congregation wants to Workmen's Circle's national conIroning drudgery is gone! No longer doss the °; get rid of him because he's toovention finances the delegates to the owner of the station. modern housewife sperm vessry hcurs ctunging outspoken had his job saved re- the convention in a very generover the ironing boEra, With this new TKOR cently when the editor of the lo-ous, manner, giving them a per jroner Ae can do a whole family ironing in 1/2 cal Anglo-Jewish weekly printed diem allowance, railroad fare i an editorial in his defense. In' re- and, when required, compensation the time with 1/10 the effort, i She just ssits in Mohel Specialist sponse to a mysterious phone call for time lost from their jobs. . . . an easy chair sad guides the pieces through. Recommended by Many Docton from a woman. . . .The balibotim This' is. a splendid example to Irons beautifully, everything from sheets te Residence Pboce WEbster E635 of West New York, N. J., are in other national organizations who Business PJJOBO WEtster 5450 shirts. • . • mourning. . . .The pillars of theusually select only delegates who 1422 N. SOth St., Omaha, Neb. Jewish - congregation supported can pay l o r their trip and main : •;• the Democratic ticket in the re-tenance. .-.' • cent municipal election and ^got the shock of their lives when the FUBion ticket, brain-trusted by two Jewish lawyers, won in a great upset. . . .It is -said that unemployment amon g the Jews ot West New- York - has increased noticeably since the election. . STARTING AT 11 P. M. In Hoboke'n, Nazi hotbed, the Fu:, and enfiirig with sionlsts were swamped because one of: their candidates was a young man by.the name of Cohen : •. . . -The defeat was poetic justice -EVESY NIGHT EXC3EFT SUNDAY because this Cohen ia counsel, to Badio - Stage and Screen Stars the local business men's association, which includes many Jews |4 Bowra who marched in a Nazi parade In Master of Ceremonies honor of the arrival of a German $4 Per Mon-fa ship. . . .M. Maldwin Fertlg of the Bronx is one of the candidates for Additional HELD OYEB BY POPtTLAB DEMAND the .vacant post of United States Charge' lor Terms District Attorney for the South.Koster Crackers are ern District of New York. . . . Avukah is supposed to be a colMusical Comedy Stars crisp, flaky, fisvozfall- TLat's witr

No ^Conceit* Among Temple j Members Following Gridiron I



of Vaad H l k Tonight


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Best in the West

Take . Legal. Action

Wilno Cemetery Is to Become Athletic Field

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Sanisli5s Kosher Crss&ers ere xaado nnisr tba traperFislssi cJ the tTsilaa of Orthadda J i tloisx or r America, A i Trt Masbglacli. .'S-bW S. S . Gosl- • iasn. is aspoSntea by Bs&fci M. S. S S U

they mate • soups, salads, cheese snd all sorts of «prea3s taste iseUer . .'.. You czn EltvaTg Suosluae Kosiier Crackers witli a clear conscience, too! They- arc 'guaranteed kosher and "parre."

Thk THOR uonss has _H ihe new features... convenient heat 'control, special pretting Sever, simple mecliEaical construction and large sturdy table. Come Is todsy and see it.






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Flower Day on Sunday, Juno 2 Aecureefl be fce w h o r-ln* in j ffc!# corporation nre t o be conAll the money collected goes to R ignorance, it t h a t ignorance be ductedfit by ^°® rc - °^ Tl0^- 1*SB than two The chairmen of the Junior dithe Jewish National Fund. Anynor inor* thnu fiSreclors who nhail caused by sJoth. . . .Sarah Puller. Pie'-t ft 'l'r»*9ltl?tit.fiveVlee-President, vision of t h e Allied Campaign Secreone who can donate either their tary find Treasurer, met this week in the Jewish Com services or a car for a short time I.AZAI! KAFLAN, Hypocrisy-ia "the homage vice raunity Center and plans w e r e G, FERLIS. on Sunday morning, June 2, is reBY F . B. K. made to solicit the young people In TrPSfinee o . : MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent The Beth-El synagogue will pays to virtue. . . .La Rochefouc- LOTUS quested to call either Mr. Sam H. L,Ii*F, in the city for funds during the Sacks, president, phono 5S29, or give special recognition to t h e auld. !n!infl!1!lllimi!!i!l!IU!!nUllU!M^ 6« coming week. In charge of the work of the Religious school Rt Miss Fannie Katelman, secretary, J e w i s h National F u n d committee solicitations are Rudy Shindler, , MAKER services tonight. Children of the FBAI>fcSm:BO," W E B B , BKBEK phone 4491. and. Betty tisnowitz, chairman o: Perry Osnowitz, and Dave Albert coins?) religious school Mill conduct the KIXTS&3SICK * K E I X Y . * » « " « * the Keren Haiioar.. -• ?-k: 137 Omaha National Bank Bias. CBO Ormslia XaUwnal SSunli Among the Jewish students service and give brief addresses. Plans were begun for a projec The Boy Scout cub pack wil Notice is hereby Riven that on t h t The handicraft work of the chilIK from the Abraham Lincoln High t flnv ot M»v, ISS.'IS, t h e total outto raise the J. N. F. quota of the go out next" week to sell Parkers I'OIJJVt*,, JiKMBABKA dren will ho on display for the JtaBdhJ* ind«l.tV«n«Mi of DAVENPORT School who spent the past weekC l u b . '• '..'.' • - :,-'. :••.;• i'/-"-' ' . • Quink In an effort to raise money t e r - o r the Estate ot RF.AL.TV COMPANY, a. Isebraska corcongregation to examine. Ths ex-In t h eVmYu t DAY, DAY D eIVTERRSTBD ased place of for scout equipment for the Banquet to Be Given Monday end in Madison, Wisconsin, part hibit will feature current events TOHAKVEV IN porkuon wilh its prirncipal was AI..L Paintings of Jewish Artists to IVTERRSTB {44,cipating in the National Orches in Omaha, 1 TO GIVE NUMEROUS 1 troop. SAID 1 CRE0ITOES taj!« B S BOTH CRE0ITOES 863,SO, Be Displayed a t Mount Evening at 6:30 in tra Contest were Shirley MRUK notebooks, and the chlldrens AND H E I R S : LOUIS J. EIKGLK, P ADDRESSES are hereby tiotifefl. tjmt on *h President, .;'•••-• / . W ' S i n a i : '••• - • • Esther Steinberg, Juno Moffmttti, own productions in ceremonial »0tYouC&y His Honor of May. 1936. petitioner filed BAR ATT TtlNGTVE. objects, her petition in the above mutter, seUinp Ben Kutler, and Arnold Hoffman. DOROTHY R1NGLE. Dr. Theodore N. Lewis, spoke forth amonK other thlnfta that Harvey Majority ©I Director* * An exhibri of paintings by Jew- Monday evening at the Kick off Sheldon Kaufmtin and Irving Pay, citizen end resident of Umana. Plans have, been completed for The A. L. H. S. Orchestra watt isK arttsts, will be held In Mount dinner of the Campaign for the rated superior in tho eecontl class of tho pro-eonnrmation the Banquet to be given Monday Siani TemnilB this evening f o l - Youth Agencies.. The drive for Word has been received by Mr evening, May 27, at 6:30 o'clock division. will eetidtu't t h © service. 1SUS, seised Btid' possessed of the 10.low- 5-1 < -.5a—o real estate. to-Wit: lowing the ; regular- Friday even- these character building agencies and Mrs. X.. M. Rice. 718 Court at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel syr Delmont will l>p tho Can-ingLoUdescribed Thirty-one (31) ap.fl Thirty-two KKEH, HAMACOCVTTT * K O B I » O N ing service. Rabbi Lewis will is being held in Sioux City this Street, of the marriage of their gogue by the Council Bluffs The Senior Class of the Aura* tor. Tho following chtWrrn will (SSI. BlocK • Four-1 <•»). Druid Hill. »n enfl BPBKAIM I.. MARKS, AWonjey*. t o the City of Omaha. DouKI&R OO5.S1S First Kntl. Bnnk Bide. speak on "A Unique FerBonality" week. their original speeches ndditlon County, Nebraska, ns surveyed, platted ..•'•'. '_. " , daughter Ada, td Sidney Slotsky, Lodge No. 688 of Independent ham Lincoln High School present* unit recorded. during j h e ; service. "The Royal Family" written describing tho achievements or Thnt the petitoncr was t h e v:\te of NOTICE OF IKDEBTEDNKSS Wednesday, Dr. Lewis gave the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Slotsky, Order of the B'nai Brith in honor ed the deceased, and that she never r e The paintings which will be onprincipal address at the Gradua- 1610 Sixteenth Street. Notice Is h T e h y piven that t h e total of Mr. Arthur Brin of Minnea- by George S. Kaufman and Edna their respective classes: Lois No- married, and the-. only heirs a t . law of of exlBtlnp fl<>bt« of t h e OMAHA PACKThe wedding took place in thepolis, Minnesota. Mr. Brin is Ferber, last Friday, May 17, ftt vlttiky, Heva nrody, Pearl Llpscy, the deceased are Hat-old Day etui Clif- ING COMFANY exhibition at the Temple are thetion exercises in LeMars, Iowa. on the 1st flay of April, the Broadway Theatre, with lead* ford Day: that t h e prayer of said petihome of Rabbi H. Daskel, 5101 Eileen Zftvttt, Lorraine Abramworks of young American Jewish 1835, amounted to tJl,7» Sunday, afternoon, he w i l l Drexel Avenue, in Chicago, 6 president of the District Grand ing parts being taken by M i s s tion Is for a decree determining- t h e RAZNI ISADORE KAZNICK, 8on, Shirley Davis, Elaine Frank, time of death ot t h e decedent, the Artists. The:collection of pic- speak at the 'dedication of the Loldge No. 6 of the I. O. B. B. Preaident. of his heirs, fixing t h e decree of tures cornea to Sioux City from Band Shell in Grandview Park. o'clock Monday evening. Mr. Reservations are limited ^to mem- Pearl Meyerson, and by Miss Juno Ruth ltosensteln, Betty Geifman, names JACK KAZXICK, kinship of. said heirs and t h e rijsht of Secretary. and Rita Marks. Omaha •whsfre they were on Exhi- On May 31, -he- will speak at Slotsky and his bride will make bers; and should be made prompt- Meyerson. descent to said real estate barrlnR t h P ] T a Raznick , J a c k Raanick, Harry The Senior Class of the Thom- This Sunday will be the clos- for bition. Following their 'showing the Memorial exercices at Ticonic, their home in Chicago. claims creditors of said relief deceased, nnd | K n 7 r i l ( , k Et,<3 Morris RaimfeR being • ly with Mr. O. Hochman, phone suchofother and further a s rnay majority of t h e Board of Directors. just and equitable; that said matter here, they will be taken to DesIowa, and in the afternoon, ad504 J, who is chairman in charge as Jefferson High School will pre- ing session of the Beth-El Religi- be is s e t for hearing before t h e County sent "Mrs. Moonlight" by B e n ous school. Mrs. Ellis Bottlgheimer, with of this affair. Moines, to be shown at the Youn- dress a gathering at Smithland IEVIX € , t,E%TI>*. Attorney Court of Douglas County. Nebraska, on Levy as its class play on next the 25th day of May. 1S35. a t t h e hour her children Claire and Paul, are kers Department store. The col-Iowa. 301 Electric Biilgr. . Following the banquet, the anof S:00 o'clock In t h e forenoon. lection includes' a number of in- , Dr. Lewis has been invited to visiting this week in the home of nual Memorial Services of t h e Tuesday and Wednesday evening BRTCE CRAWFORD. PROBATE NOTICE E-3-St County Judge. In the Metter teresting works, covering various give the sermon at the Baccalaur-r her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.B'nai Brith will be held at eight at the T. J. High School, with of t h e Estate of FRANK SIARKP, deceased. Miss Maxine Leibovitz taking one subjects. Among them are sev-eate services of East High for the Schulein, 2604 Jackson Street. o'clock at the Eagles Hall. The of the leading roles. XOTICE O F INCOBrORATIO?! Notice is hereby fc!ven: T h a t the eral studies; of Jewish-types and June graduating class. creditors of said aecpaj>ed will meet the NOTICE IS HEUDET GIVEN: evening's program is open- to the Mrs. Aaron Greenfield and public, a n d all members, their T h a t the the undersigned, have filed adminifsiratrix of sniil ectnte. before me. personalities.: '. County. NeN m & Arti«-!e« off Incorporation of! County ^uilcre of Dnucias C Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gross have daughter Carol Sue of Chicago, families, and friends are urged to The artists who have works in GENEEAI/ THEATRES C O K P O E A - b r a r t a et the County Court Room, in Prague (WNS—Palcor Agency) «aM County, on the 3rd d a y of July. TJCN v.-ith its principal pla^-e of bu.iiare guests in the home of Mr. and attend. Br. Brin will be the returned home following a ten the exhibit are Todros Geller, ne*n in Oniahi, Nebraska. The Articiee 1835. imd on t h e "rd day of September, 3 935, at S o'clock A. M., each day for Fritzi Brod,, Theodore Glass, A. A mothers" club for the Sigma Mrs. S. L- Krueger, 3600 Jackson principal speaker and honored day visit in Kansas City and Ex- There are S56.E20 Jews ia the puTpope of presenting their claim* for i . ^ ^ ^ l e IV bradainp rp celsior Springs, Missouri. A S, it Was reveaied A rtile Raymond Katz, Louise Dunn Yoc- Delta Tau sorority at Iowa City Street. adjustment and allowance. guest, and everyone is invited to C r i o r t o t h e OjfiC--to the loUor-ine- " S o tSflitlocsi Btock: f-TcamiDsition, months RT* aViGwet" for the crediin a j/..w. » «^ ' «hali «hal b» issued sfte>- this date onleer it' ; Three hjm, Maurice Friedlander, N. Zif-was organized by Mrs. Barney be present. t tors to present claims, from the publication Of the filSdiEgS ot> ' y t t ni Of the filSdiEgS ot>'tr aatho-ised" by a v o ' e o£ t h e ril day ot Jut"?, thetMrs. Gus Rosenstock of Kansas The Three Study Groups of the t h e SeCOUd dCCejJIJial 1J35. oll, N. P. Steinberg, Emil Armin, Baron, during her recent visit to C e n s u s ot\" "--^o;Sert cwnlnsr =t leaot sre peT 3 l t l t sre EETCE CRAWFORD, City returned home early t h i s Senior Hadassah are planning a . _. ... . _ . , , , , i cert of the octstandinc stock end eact; Louis Weiner, William Earl Iowa City for the Mother Day 5HTZVAH County Judge. t h e Republic Of Czechoslovakia. etorkboMer .iull have a preemptive week after a few days visit in theBAB awn Party to be held on TuesSinger, A. S. Weiner, Emil Rosen exercises at the university. 5-IC-25-31 The Bar Mltzvah of Milton day evening, June 11, at the The Je^l.h population conrtitut-1;££ ^ ^ ^ for.^h^. pro^rat, home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil berg, Eve Garrison and J. KagaMrs. Joe Brayerman of Iowa Katelman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Amend Article VIII \>y chang-ineSEACW.AJMA, Attornry of Mr s. Simon Steinberg, es 2.42 Per Cent Of the genera! f nov. to and j City was elected president; Mrs.Rosenstock, 2211 Jackson. Samuel H. Katelman,' will take home 76S Brandeis TheatT B i i d l 710 Willow Avenue. Rabbi Dapopulation of the country, it was sding" t o read a s follows: ''With ; The paintings include "Dreamer Barney Baron, of Sioux City, vice place this Saturday morning, May Mrs. Aler Miller of Cleveland, 25, at nine o'clock at the Chevra vid A. Goldstein will review the pointed out by tbe official t S e consort in writing: of or pursuant ) TO CARL DANIElfiOS. THOMAS MER^ "of the Ghetto" by Geller; "In Thepresident; Mrs. Louis Belsky, o£ t h e holders o£ not __ . _ _ is visiting here in the home of B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618first book of Sachar's "History of the figures to the Paleor Agency, to ipervotecent Forest", "Trees on a Hill" by secretary,, and Mrs. William Kass TOX BRODBGAX of t h e shares of. capital i BRODEGAX, his AXD vSfe. first and rent *" her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max the Jews". Tickets for twentyetocJc issTie«i snfi ontEtan^inp." i name unknown, CE^LF.IJEK W. REARD Since the last ceasns ten years Fritzi Brod-,"House derived from of Marshalltown, treasurer. Mynster Street. S. ABiend Article I X by etrikine ons j AND 1:EAED his wif.1. five cents per person, may be pur- ago, the Jewish population in- the figures "EC per cent" e r d ineerlinj; i first sn<^ real r.^me nrknown. ^ND AM. the Hebrew Letter Beth" by A. The sorority," which is a nation- Mushkin, 702 Jones Street. Mr. and Mrs. Katelman will be chased from any member ot thecreased by only 2,S25 persons or Ir. lieu thereof t h e wor<3s a n « K S B T O P E B S O S 5 . H A V I N G OR CLAIMING Raymond- Katz; "Street Scene" al one, has had a chapter at Iowa "Ninety per cent (90 per c e n t ) . " X X I INTEREST IX LOT NINETEEN At Home to all of their relatives group. Mrs. J. Braver, of Kansas City, 0.81 per c e n t , whereas the In- 4. Arnenrt Section 8 of t h e Br-Lews ( u 1P1. RTCKT,AXI> ACRFXS. A S ADby. Maurice Fledlander; "Taxco, City for the past two years. and friends at their home at 601 Inserting after the word "Statute" j DITION" IX DOUGLAS COUNTY, K E crease in the non-Jewish popula- by Mex." and:"Cemetery in Taxco, Among the Sioux Cityans who with her twin daughters Miriam Willow Avenue on Sunday, May in t h e fonrth line thereof t h e ' following [ BRASKA: and Shoshanah, and son Lewis, The Mizrach-Zionist Organization during the same period was Ton and each of you are hereby noti"or by the Articles of. Incorporation." Mex." by N. Ziroll; "Reminis- are members are D e n a Baron, fied t h a t on t h e ??nd <5ay of Hay, 1935. 1535. are visiting here in the home of 26, from 2:30 until five o'clock in tion of Council" Bluffs will hold S.21 per cent. These figures in Dated, May. Z, Karry cence" by N. P. Steinberg; Dorothy Gelson and Inez Leaff. the irt'and Securities Corp., a CorporaW. TTeSnberg. the afternoon, and from seven unRabbi and Mrs. M. Braver. heir first meeting on Wednesday dicate that the Jewish ratio o tion ot Omshn. XehrBFka. HP plaintiff D. G. "West. "Windy City—Snow Storm" and til ten o'clock in the evening, in evening, J u n e 12, at the syna- population has declined from 2. 5-10-3S-4t. filed its petitior. in the Pistrlot Court ot "Windy Morning" by Emil ArmDouglas County. Xebrnsiia. apalnot you honor of their son's Bar Mitzvah. gogue. A very special program Is 60 to 2.42 per cent. Miss Frances Emelin, 3401 Neand eacls of you impieadeil with Elinnin; "Chicago JRiver" and "The E. LHPF, Attorney •lon RoEliarfl. unmarried, defendant, the braska Street, spent the week end No cards are being issued. Citj" XatU B a n k Building being arranged by Mr. Sam Sacks, The strongly Zionist character object and prayer ot said petition -beinp Red Farm'' by Louis Weiner; Members of the A. Z. A.- chapto foreclose a certain mortgage on JLot president, and Mr. O. Hochman, of the Jewish population of Czec "Pastel" byj Maurice Friedlander; ter will be in charge of the Tip-in Omaha, visiting with friends. Nineteen i.Lt IS). Richard Acree. an ndOF INCORPORATIOX O F Mrs. Morey Kosloff, of Los An- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bernstein financial secretary. Cantor A. Scboslovakia was strikingly reveal I NXOTICE "Talmudistis" by William Earl hereth Israel services tonight at t A X D SECCRITIES COBFOBATIO>'I dition in Doug-las County, Nebraska. will entertain at a reception at which mortRape w w executer! by EiianSinger; "Chilled to the Marrow" 8 o'clock. Perry Osnowitz will de- jeles, California Is a g u e s t in their home at 222 Frank Street and Rabbi Uri Miller will be ed by the census. The Chechoflon F.osbarci to L««is E. Lijjp, under Notjce Is hereby giren t h a t t h e unSioux City in the home of Mrs. date of January IS. ISSS, and was r e uests of the organization, and slovakian laws provide that indi dersigned have organized-a corporation. by A. S. TVieiner; "Simchas Tor- liver the,;sermon; Jack Merlin on said dfite in book 709. pafce Sunday, June 2nd, for all of everyone is Invited to attend. viduals give their "religion" andThe name of the corporation Is Inland corded ah" by Toiiros- Geller; "Picnic" will recite the Kiddish; The floral Abe FIsot. -Mrs. Kosoff is t h e on 412, of t h e mortiraere records of DOURtheir relatives and friends, in Corporation e n d the principal j las County. Nebraska, said their "people." All so-called "as Securities by Eve Garrison, "Decrepit Mus- offering will be. given by the former Sarah Malkin. place for the transaction of its business h been siven to. secure the payhonor of their son, Harold, who Mrs. S. Gross of St. Louis, Mis- similationist" groups, including 4s t h e City of Omaha, Douglas County, havingment ofb a. certain promissorv note in ing", by J.:^Kaganov, and a num-Auxiliary of the T?phereth Israel. will be confirmed that morning Nebraska. The general nature of" its •wrltincdated January IS, 1933, and the Mrs. Abe Wilensky and son of souri, left Monday evening for the Czech, German and Hungar ber of water colors l)y the various The! prayer will be given by Bob is to buy. sell, ~ cvrn,, ex- plaintiff alleges there is noiv due it P.K from Temple Israel in Omaha. No her h o m e following a month's ian Jews, are thus included with- business Minneapolis are visiting here in change andjor rnorteaee real estate anfi the Assignee of said note and mortgage artists.. ; H' . ' . : • " ' • Kahn. R u d y Shindler is in the home of the former's parents, sards are being issued. property wherever situated; to on snid indebtedness the jfolloiving Bums, visit here at the home of her son-in the Jewish classification. Out personal buy. Bell, collect, adjust, discount a n a to-wit: charge of the arrangements. liquidate credits, securities accounts rein-law and daughter, Mr. a n dof a total of 356,830 "Israelites," ceivable end S350.00 on the principal and $49.00 InSaturday morning, Rabbi Gold- Mr. and Mrs. S. Robinow. payable, mortgages, notes terest to May 18, 1035. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Ad- Mrs. Louis H. Katelman. as the census describes those who and choses in action,- corporate stocks Plaintiff prays that in default of payberg will conduct services at bonds and to do all things inciden- ment by paid defendants of the amount Miss Charlotte Rosenstock has ler will entertain at a reception are Jews by religion, 204,427 de- and tal to and necessary for the carrying due the plaintiff as aforesaid1, snid morBeth Abraham synagogue. At •eturned at their home at 16 South Eighth after visiting with . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cherniss clared that they were "xiationa out of t h e above objects:-to sell fcndiorj (raped premi?es maj- be decreed to be 10:30 o'clock a s p e c i a 1 service iriends inhome Street on Sunday afternoon and entertained the members of their Jews." This constitutes 5T.3 per broker all forms of insurance End to j pold according to l«w to satisfy the sum St. Paul. on a general insurance business in | found due with interest and costB of will be held- for-the.children.of evening, June 2, for all of their Evening Bridge Club at their cent of the Jewish population, as carry all forms insurance and indemnity j suit and that said defendants and all A number of Sioux City women, the Bynagogue, and Rabbi Goldbonds. T h e total authorized capita! | persons claiming by. throutrh. or under relatives and friends, in honor of home Monday evening. Mrs. A. Lefkovich was hostess against the 53.9 per cent of na stock of this corporation 8 h a 11 be them, or of them, be excluded from ond members o£ the Senior Hadassah berg will give a- eermonette. At the son, Marvin, who will be con$10,000.00 divided into 100 shares of the forecloseS of any and p.H interest, ripht, tionai Jews recorded in the last par chapter, plan to attend the South- 4:30 in the afternoon Rabbi Gold- to members of her bridge club, firmed that morning from Temple value of $100.00 each, t o be paid for and equity or redemption in or lien in cash or property ant", be non-assess- title Mrs. E. Gilinsky, -who has been census. upon said mortg-agred premises. west Regional Convention of berg will speak in Jewish and the Thursday afternoon. Israel in Omaha. No cards are ieriously ill o£ heart disease at able when issued. The t i m e of com-| You and each ot you are required to Hadassah, to: be held next Sunday public is invited to attend. At 6 mencement of t h e corporation shall . be! answer said petition on of before t i n elng issued. her home for the past four on t h e filing of a copy of its articles Btb. day o" July, 1P.15. and Monday in Lincoln, Nebraska. o'clock Shalus 'Shudas .-.wlll.-r be Mrs. Louis Baron, 606 Virginia of Incorporation with the County Clerk SECUR.ITIES CORP., Street departed Sunday for Chimonths, is slo'wly recovering, and New Chemical Firm of Douglas County. Nebraska, a n d its a Corporation, Among 'those who definitely served to the.adults and children cago where she will visit with her XO ATTEND CONCLAVE termination shall be fi'ts' years thereIs now permitted to have a few By SAMUEL, ZACHAKTA. of the congregation. The highest amount ot indebtedplan to attend are Mrs. W. C. Formed in Palestine after. About twenty-five members of Its Attorney. ness to which t h e corporation shall a t E-S4-St Plans were begun,for a picnic son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and the Council Bluffs Chapter of the risitors to see her. Slotsky, president of the Sioux Mrs. Irving Goldstein. • Mr. and Mrs. Abe Marcus and City chapter, Mrs. R. H. Emlein, at a meeting of the Mothers Club _!enior Hadassaa plan to attend lamily of Auburn, Nebr., and Mr. Jerusalem (JTA)—A new Pal estine chemical company, to be Mrs. Jack Robinson, Mrs. J. ,Saw- of the West Side Talmud Torah. Miss R o s e Albert, 1104 23rd the Southwestern Regional Con- and Mrs. H. Maduff and family of known as the Palestine Chemica islak, . Mrs.. Morris Weiner, Mrs.Several card parties will also be Jtreet vention of the Senior Hadassah to left Tuesday for Hamilton, Anita, la., spent Sunday visiting Industries, was established here S. Levitan, Mrs. Louis Agranoff, held In, the near: future to raise be held next Sunday and Monday, funds. The membership of the Ontario, where she will visit with May 26, and 27, in Lincoln, Ne- at the li. Saltzman home. and Mrs. Max Brodkey. with a capital of §500,000 by Era anuel Neuman, well known Am Any other members who desire club now numbers 46 women. A relatives. braska. Among those who have Harold Kaplan of Omaha, fourto afjtend are asked to call Mrs/ number of new pupils have been made reservations are Mesdames ;een year old boy Cantor, w i l l erican Jewish leader, and Nahum Miss Libbie Olensky returned Menn, a Jewish industrialist o. E. N. Grueskin to make arrange- enrolled in the school in the past home Sunday from Madison Wis- Morris Grossman, Herman Kraconduct the Sabbath Services Satweek. \ -..'•-' - -: ments.. ; use,. Nathan Nogg, Ben Gershun, urday morning, May 25, at 8:SO Poland. consin, where she attended the The Hebrow Culture Club met Dr. Chalm Weizmann, former Herman Myerson, Saul Suvalsky, this week in"the. synagogue, and National Music contest. At the oe Gotsdiner, Leo Fitch, Harry I'clock at the Chevra B'nai Yis- president of the World Zionist Orcontest she played the piano ac•oel synagogue at 618 Mynster a program.followed the business lompaniments for Robert Van Cherniss, Morris Yudelson, Sam jtreet. He is the son of Mr. andganization, has a g r e e d to b< meeting. Meyerson, S i m o n Steinberg, L. Mrs.. J. Kaplan of Omaha, a n d chairman of the new company, Sixty-three children are mem- itryland of Orange City. Cherniack, W. Solomonow, H. had conducted services here sev- which was formed after a serie Miss Olensky is a pupil of Opal bers of the Young Israel c l u b Vied, Phil Saks, Sam Bubb, M. •ral months ago. Everyone is in- of conferences between Mr. Neu Bullard and Veil known in Siuox A unique: service, the first of which meets every Sunday. An lity's music circlesxnann and Lord Melchett. Lord Meyerson, L. London, Max Simon, vited to attend. its. kind in Sioux City, w i 11 be entertainment committee plans Melchett represented the interests Sam Gross, Martin Troutfelt, Herheld Sunday morning, May 26,the programs for each meeting. of the .Imperial Chemical IndusMiss Sarah Woskoff,. a bride- man Marowitz, and H. Maduff. CORRECTION in the Jewish'plot at Floyd Cemetries of England. The members are chartering a elect has been the Inspiration for an error the name of tery, - when two Sefer Torahs Shaare Zion The new company was official us, whcih leaves promptly at M,Through Lazriowich was omitted from ly registered last Friday with the which are-too old to be used, will . Plans have been-made for thea number of parties during the Jight o'clock Sunday morning past week. the list of people who were prebe buried ;In the cemetery, along Baccalaureate services next FriThursday evening, Miss Mar- from the Union Bus Depot at 521sent at the meeting of the Jewish government. with numerous prayer books, and day evening in Shaare Zion synaBroadway. Additional retfillim that are too worn -to be gogue for the Jewish members of garet Shulkin entertained mem- West servations may still be made by National Fund Council Meeting. used. . bers of her club as a courtesy to Mr. Lazriowich was appointed the June Graduating classes of calling Mrs. Grossman, phone The service will be the tradi- East and Central High and Morn- Miss Woskoff. _964, promptly. Headquarters co-chairman with Mr. Mason on Saturday evening Miss Frances for the convention w i l l be thethe ways and means committee. tional Hebrew one used at such ingslde College. No wonder.that people ore passing the word dong that the Emergency frosting Occasions., Participating in t h e Howard Sacks was1'elected pres- Rutstein and Mrs. Jack Levltsky Hotel Cornhusker in Lincoln. Morrison give* you more for your money. The Jarge, oiry Place one egg white, unbeaten service will be Rabbis Braver, ident of the Junior Congregation entertained at an e v e n i n g of Vz cup of tart jelly, and a dash rooms, the alert, thoughtful employees end the perfect locaKing's Jubilee to Free Habinowite,. Goldberg, and Lewis, at a recent, election.' bridge in the former's home, of salt in a small bowl over hot tion, right ct the centre of downtown, make the Morrison first Dr. a n d Mrs. Isaac SJ:ernhilI »nd Cantor A. Pliskin. Refreshments will be given to honoring Miss Woskoff. Palestine Riot Prisoners water. Beat until Jelly is all disspent the past week-end In Des choice'from every angle,'especially with those who have many Monday evening Mlssea Sally Moines, Iowa. Dr. Sternhill is a The service will be in charge the Junior congregation tomorsolved and the frosting holds up colis to make in a short time. of the Chevra Kadisha and will row morning-by-'Mrs. Rifka Le- and Connie Saitlin entertained a member of the Reserve Officers, Jerusalem (WNS—P a l c o r in peaks. Spread on cake. Whether on pleasure ©r busibegin at 11 o'clock. Sioux City vlch, honoring her grandson Emil group of friends at the Seville and attended a conference at theAgency)—A partial amnesty to ness, you or© nearest to all the Jewry is Jjdvited to attend. Levich, on his approaching mar- afe, honoring Miss Woskoff. some of the prisoners who were Surprise Frosting iontact camp. places you want most te reach. riage. ....... \ convicted of participating in the Take 1 cup sugar, 5 tablespoons Mr. and Mrs. M. F . Keir, 2502 The Oneg Shabbos group of the disastrous Arab Jewish riots of cold water, 2 egg whites, 1-8 tea200 AT MOTHER-DAUGHTER synagogue; will meet tomorrow Jones Street, announce the birth BANQUET 1929 will be granted by Sir Ar-spoon cream ot tarter, a pinch of ROOM mi BATH Miss. Sophie Fish was elected morning in the, home of Mrs. H. of a son, on May 18, in the Luththur Grenfell Wauchope, High salt. Mix sugar and water and More than two hundred guests president,!of the Youngi Judean R. Rabindwitz. This Trill be theeran Hospital. attended the first annual "Mother Commissioner of Palestine, in boil until it spins a thread. Beat club at their meeting field this last meeting of the* year.' Daughter" Tea given by thehonor of King George's forthcom- the whites stiff, add syrup slowly •^eek. Other officers elected MIs3 Ida Orlikoff visited with" and 300 people attended the open of the Talmud Torah ing Jubilee, t h e Palcor Agency over beaten whites and continue were Ro3agene Passman vice- meeting of the Ladies- Auxiliary friends In Omaha over the week Sisterhood with ¥i®Q arid the Senior Hadassah Sunday was informed. There are thirty- beating until cold. Spread on president; Bertha Snovsky, treas- last Monday evening. A Lag end. . seven men still in prison for their cake. 'Circulating Ic*-W*t*r afternoon, May 19, at the Chevra urer; Hose ' Bashefkin, corres- Boemer program was presented part in the disturbances which B'nai Yisroel synagogue. Mrs. ponding secretary; Mateel Stein, by the Childen- ;of thedHebrew VISITED IN OMAHA Owing t© the height ©f fh« eo Fitch spoke for the "Moth- brought death to hundreds and recording'! secretary; M i r i a m School. Mrs. H. M; Herzoff, Mrs. Miss Rose Bashefkin spent a ers" and Miss Miriam Saks, re- caused huge property damages. buiiding, most of the roem* WANTED—By Young Man. ; Blank, publicity chairman; Anna- Rabinowitz and Mrs. S. H. Shul- ew days' visit with her Aunt and sponded tor the "Daughters". The two Jews who were imprisonore out ©f eorshot of street Room In Jewish Home in Quiet belle Emlein,.. chairman of the kin took part in the. pragram. Uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A b e Som-Also included in the program ed, Hinkls and Orphali, will also Neighborhood. noises, yet only on elevator berg of Omaha. While there she were a group of Jewish songs ren- be released. Most Arabs who are rid® from the loop. attended the Phi B e t a Epsilon dered by Miss Harriett Bernstein not released during the King's rfoinc ef tkt Spring Formal. of Omaha, accompanied at the pi- Jubilee will have their sentences ano by Miss Pearl Marcus of Om- reduced. TERRACE GARDEN aha;sa reading "Goodbye, Sister" Rights of Minorities to Daylight saving time was inby Miss Rose Mendelson, a violin BOSTON OYSTER HOUSE .roduced the United States Kocognized as solo by Miss Esther Steinberg, Be Secured in Greece accompanied at the piano by. Miss y Marcusinto M. Marks. PRACTICAL MOHEL fF YOU DRIVE/ we wIB pmh yew nm. $im$&4 retes. He «A«r chwfw. Phono 1059 • . Salonica (JTA)—A decision to Florence Steinberg; and a recitaWe get impatient, a n d there establish a special department for tion by little Esther Sacks. FolCouncil Blsffs, la. out o u r human weakness national minorities In the Greek lowing the program, Tea wasirops . . .J. C. Holland. ;overnment was adopted at a ses- served. Mrs. Morris Grossman and Mrs. Morris Yudelson -who sion of the Greeh? cabinet. The functions of the new de-were seated at each end of the partment will bo to ensure proper beautifully decorated table; pour-? observance of the obligations to- ed the tea. wards national minorities In thiB country under the existing InterThe Jewish National Fund national treaties. Council will observe the annual


J. C. C. News





Society News

357,000 JewsIn Czechoslovakia

Mothers Club

Tiphereth Israel

Locals; Attend Hadassaii Meet

Unique CJemetery Seryice Sunday


Young Judeans Elect

ttr AK-SAR-BEN'i

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