Dedicated to the Meals of Judaism
Isleresis ©I the Jewish People
Entered as Second Class Mall Matter OD January 21, 1121. at Posiottior of Omaha, Nebraska, under tbe Act of March 3, IS79
Maurice Tatelman, Ernest B. Wintroub, Samuel S. Wolk, Minxin Sunday, June 2, the first nie Yaffe, Harold Zelinsky. conferenus of the Jewish National Students graduating from South B'nai B'ritn,' American Jewish : fund for this region will be held Laborite Member of British Par- 1935 high school graduates will High school: Jack Bronstein, Berbe held this evening,-Slay 31, at liament Agitates for a Kansas City, Mo. Congress and Jewish Comtha Greenberg, Maurice Katzman, Omahans who ars planning to Change the Beth-EI synagogue, at theAnn Lewis, Hannah Meyerson, mittee in Agreement. make the trip are Philip N. 3. C. C, 8 p.m. under the aus- and Louise Nathan. New York'(JTA)—Represeata-1 Klutznick, Julius Bisno, Mrs. M. London (JTA)—Renewed ef- pices of the social service comHarold Perelman is the only F forts to have Palestine proclaim- mittee of the Jewish Community Jewish graduate from North High tives of ' the American Jewish ! - Levenson, Mrs. Dora Richlin, Mr M o r r i s ed a crown colony instead o£ beish Committee, The American Friedel and Mrs. J- InrrPAwi in school. ing a mandated territory under Center and the B'nai B'rith. Jewish Congress and the B'nai Lintzman. • Those who are graduating from Representatives of all of the the League of Nations, were startAt this conference, there will i W n r l r a r c Tn Technical High school are: War- B'rith will, in the future, meet ed last week by Col. Joshua synagogues will participate in ren F. Ackerman, Morris Adler, together at regular intervals for [ - "' formation of.a regional dis-l ** w * * a » " l tr Wedgwood, Laborite member of the services. Gross Cohn, Lester Cohn, the purpose of joint" consulta- -'ct for the purpose of stimulatthe British Parliament. Rabbi Url Miller •will preach Irving Oscar Diamond, Thelma Leonne tion and action in behalf of the \ ing interest in the Jewish XaCol. Wedgwood who has been the sermon. Rabbi Frederick Gaspar, Sylvia Gerelick, Richard Jewish victims of the Hitler re-! tional fund to further the proMoscow (WNS)—The tremend£rain of this agency. known for his pro-Zionist senti- Cohn will, give the benediction. Hurwitz, Bernard Henry- Klein, g i m e . , ' ' • • • ments, published an article In the Rabbi David H. .Wice will give Albert Monovitz, Esther Follay, According to Jacob S. Pearl- ous increase in the number of Announcement of the decision Near East and India, semi-official the opening prayer. Rabbi David Elliot Rubin, Abe Silver,' B e n was made in a joint statement is- eln, the- regional director, there productive Jewish workers in the and White Russia is reorgan of the Colonial Office, de- A. Goldstein will have charge of Silver, Mandell Simon, and Flor- sued in behalf of the three or-1 will be people from seven states ; TUkraine ea ed D this * 5" statistics published in claring that Palestine must be the services. ganizations by their represeata- j at this initial conference o ence Tuchman. I the Ernes, Yiddish Communist Norman Bolker, Leonard Leon changed into a crown colony. tives, Louis Fabrlcant, Dr. Jos-1 district. | paper, which reports that the "Either Palestine becomes a and Pearl Osoff will represent hua L. Goldberg and Morris D.! number of such worKers in the the students. crown colony or it will be GerWaldman. i Ukraine was 13 6,000 at the bemanized," Col. Wedgwood "warns The Beth-El Auxiliary is makThe action of the three organ!-} ginning of 19 3 5, En increase of ing arrangements for the affair. in his article. zations is in- renewal of an agree- | 140 percent since 1926. Not only the graduates but the ment reached June, 1933, where-! The present status of Palestine The popular response to the jo * {;ieir tirne r<n<i effort s«c »••-**These Jewish workers repre'entire' public are invited to Vatby a Joint Consultative Council, j as "a mandated territory is sent cine percent of all workers j Jewish. Philanthropies campaign j pledged to policit until every vnr comprising representatives of the J thwarting the progress of thetend both the services a n d the three bodies, "was set up for the ; country! the Laborite member of program. thai: of any S sible dollar lias beers contrUu: ;;••;. The reception committee which purpose of joint consultation and j the British Parliament believes. more indi- 1 The community can welt ;».V* ed in factories making machinery j previous drive, \rfth He accuses the present British ad- will meet the students includes action in connection trith " the j and the smallest number work in Mesdames M. F . Levenson, chairRumored Nazi Theory Becomes situation created by t h e Hitler j Program Being Arranged In ministrators of Palestine of antipledges, titan ever before pride in their work." the needle trades. In White pathy towards Jewish immigra- man, Dave Sherman, A. D. Frank, . a Beality As Law _ regime. Which Confirmands Will Russia productive Jewish, work- : already tcmed in even though tion. He also points out the ad-and William Alberts. Mrs. I. Announced By the terms of the agreement Paul GoIdMaU, executive /: Participate ers increased 137 percent since j the solicitation of contributions vantages which Palestine would Dansky is in charge of the rereached, the Joint Consultative rector, declares there will bf i1 1926, comprising SI percent enjoy by receiving imperial pre- freshments, which will be served •"* " ' is stai "' " Berlin (JTA)—Jews w i l l not Council" will seek to provide for compromise, that, every pnvj'w The Temple Israel confirmation the total. ference as a crown colony, In in the lobby of the Center. take Iace be conscripted fro r the German harmonious action by the Jews of will be canvassed PC tls«' <' report l&ncheon heM ^iuuu«,«. « u u . ' 4 4 ; v »•" P Sunday, June 2, At : For all of Russia the producDr. Philip Sher, chairman of army, it was announced last week America in relation to the IN azi i trading with other countries of - * - •' thirty-one loeel. national ami '*'. Jewish workers are per- j Wednesday moor., the number of ternaiional beneficiaries? CK -i the social service committee and as a part of the universal con- war upon the Jews in Germany. Ia t 9 : 3 0 o'clock. Confirmands the British Empire. of the total "It is hoped in relation to the! a r e : Marvin Sanford • Adler, j i indhidnal coEtribofcions sosrefi Philanthropies campaign v-.-ii; I "The present agitated political inaugurator of the annual service scription laws adopted by the Nauncertainty in Palestine would and reception, heads the commit- zis. As ' General von Blomberg Jewish situation in Germany that J Helene Jean Alberts, Charles tion. j past tlie three thousand m&rk, no wise suffer. had previously intimated, Jews not only agreement may be reach-1 terminate if the country were giv- tee on arrangements. "With the meu remaining; *»-l<5 i two fefindrefl mere tfei» the pir- ful in the splendid manne'i A i.i The auditorium will be speci- will not be admitted to military ed but* united action may be tak-i •Mayer Arastein, Lois Jean Barish, en the status of a crown colony," g th e i r |! Harold _ Bernstein, Philip Bernard Col Wedgwood predicts. He em-ally decorated for the event. Each service at all. "Aryan descent is en by these bodies through '; vioos high. i a. r manifested, we PXPO phasizes that through the Increas- graduate will be given a flower. a preliminary condition for con-representatives in t h i s Joint j Bernsteine, Helen Jane Chapman, > h; our goal of Jit.tfcO i. The total of pledges is now I reach Following is a list of the pupils scription service," the law deed use of Yiddish in Palestine and Council. Each of the national! Shirley Harriet Greenspan, Leon- j ;stateAmore than SSS.OiW, which with throught the large immigration who are graduating and have clares. bodio-will,- however, remain-tree j a r d Kulakofsky, Harriet Lewis, J the exception cf tlie first cam- men .of the jnjiial pms from Germany, there is a danger been sent invitations to the t serWhile certain exceptions may to pursue its own policies with re- j x o r m a n Eugene Lincoln, Estbryn me paign in 1930, is the " Cdhtral High school graduates be made in favor of the Jews, ac- ference to those matters upon | Gwendolyn Milder, Paul Nathan,! that Palestine may become "Gersum • T c are: Mary Arbitman, Jean, Beber, 8 r e completins iht,ir cenVHS,. since the manized". This danger can be cording to rules to be estab\ished which unanimous decision m a y j L v ] e Reinschreiber • Shirlev Ruth '• e Round Table of Jewish _ a grnern? selected list of v n Yot2th averted only if Palestine becomes Betty Beeson, Bess Bernstein, between the Minister of the In-not be reached." 3 p othe the year's ; of Sevmsn PhJlantcrcpies crsves. > from ! Rosenblum, Ruth Rosenstock,: 1 a part of the British Empire by Harriet Bernstein, Arthur C. Bia-terior and the "War Minister, N D Despite the encouraging: results!! vision Ere on A meeting of representatives of j Howard Schonberger, Malcolm j program with EH Honor Night lac, Norman Bolker, Zelda Cherbeing given the status of a crown Monday evening, June IP, at 6:"non-Aryans" will not be promot- the three bodies, held in the study | S a m u e i obtained to date, the effort?; of i men's p'f Trachtenbarg, niss," Myron Aaron Cohen, Ruth ed to the rank of officers. Morecolony, he says. • 30. 'the campaign leaders remain un- • Coren, Evelyn Rose Dansky, Leo over, members of military bodies of Dr. Stephen S. Wise for the ; Tuchman and Harold Wiesman. • Following the dinner a splen-; abated. [ purpose of reviewing the bases of; ning prayer will be giv-! T h e o p e Eisenstatt, Ruth Ferer, Harold W. and reserves must not marry cooperation, decided unanimously | >.l; oilier division?Rosenstok; t h e'!!lid program has been prepared j Philip Klutsnick, general cheir- i Rosenstock; ee nn ^, y Ruth Finkle, Herbert R. Forbes, Doro- "non-Aryans" under penalty of to continue the work, of the Joint j Flower prayer by Shirley Ruth jf o r t i l e evening. Awards will be man ' of the campaign, p tri- ! pleted their • thy Fried, J a n e Goetz, Naomi losing their rank. • Consultative Council. This deci- j Hose'nhliim; nhliim; Harriet Harriet Greenspani G r e e p a raade to those members of t h ebute to the loyalty anS Jewish j Gross, Julia Hertzberg, Alta Eve; sion i was' reached h d in i the th lligbt i b t f' R d Table Tbl who h h ha v e -distia diti ; consciousness ol the mec •who are \ le, t h i B •?'"! While Jewish leaders in Gergive the Confirmation Vow; || Round lyn .Hirgch, Joseph.B. Hornatein, heniBelves Sn fiehste, : "stjeking to til?! iifb,""' j campaiUsn Is the Increasing hardships -In Ger~; tiie DeclaratioTr-wilI~he made by ! S u i h e many-were quite apparently-dis-:' ihni •Sirs, ilahueT""Groctihsky "was Howard Kaplan^ Irvine" Klein, El- appointed by this latest turn of many; the growth of the dlsabili- j LTI 6 Reinschreiber; the Praver j oratory, and. dramatics. There : "The handful of menwho &re capli co'loctionB wish the v i I 1 De labelle Korney, Betty Louise elected to head the Council of, speeches and a play to | doing the clean-up work," he de- PS js niwch l&vppr tUi\n ff events, they refused to comment ties affecting Jews; and the fear ij e f or e the Open Ark will be giren j Jv«Jewish Women- for the coming K x a u s , Ethelyn Kulakofsky, on the new conscription law tothat the coming months will pre- by Charles Mayer Arnstein; Mal- conclude the evening's program. \ clared, "are leaders in. the true fore. year, at the annual luncheon- Adolph Laytin, Esther Elinor La- inquiring foreign correspondents. sent new and graver problems for c l m g Trachtenbarg will read Alfred A. Fiedler, chairman of; sense of the word. Undiscourag-j The marked- number of in.v meeting, Tuesday, May 28, at thezerson, Leonard Leon, Joe Ler-Many, however, hold that this lat- the Jews of Germany, and there- from t n e Torah; the reading o f | t h e Table is ia charge o'jed, they have given ner, Albert Lustgarten, Henry ; es in the amounl& p>letU J. C. C. f th ld t h eT e n Commandments will be | arrangements. Assisting him are| the J Jews of the world. est slap in the face to the Jews is fore, for th ; demonstrated in till o£ Ike- ? Sara ] Mrai Ben Silver, Mrs. Morria Gaylor Malashock, Lloyd G. Slala- but a prelude to the complet disby Leonard Kulakolsky; Helen! RJ^in, Margie Kaplan, '. paign divisions, is re&potiBibU. Katelman and Mrs. Sam Wolf, shock, Pauline Margolin, Harlan enfranchisement of t h e German J a n e Chapman will give the E r n 5 e *ogg, end Ernie Priesmaa. the success ehown in ibe iU were chosen vice-presidents; Mrs. Milder, Jerome J. Milder, .Daniel Jews by ihe Nazis. Members of the Rousd Table I Translation of the Ten Command] thus far turned in. Henry Newman, corresponding Miller, Florence Mosher, Pearl ke Minister of the Interior Frick I Close to five hundred T.'fi' DIES AFTER ILLNESS |I by ments; Haphtarah will be given by f_a^_™f_ _ the ^_eirJ. now T reserva«ons^ secretary; Mrs. Morris Levey, re- Osoff, Phyllis F. Rodtfy, Joseph- has recently announced t h a t a calling C. C , Ja. 1S66. Harold Bernstein; and the ine Rubnitz, Henrietta Sessel, Saul Levy, 66. former Omaha . volunteered in the csxuri^ cording secretary; and Mrs. Abe Stanley J. Slosburg, Reselle' new law defining the citizenship I paper broker -who lived in this , They VPTP recrnitPtl- 1'ro»; Mrs. Esther "White, 37, passed ' Concluding Benediction by Paul Brodkey, treasurer. rights of the Jews is now in pre-away Monday at a local hospital Nathan. Smead, i city t i e greater part of his life, J TvEike of lite end silJ ghm1^ Beatrice N. Sommer, paration. Because of this, it was The new directors are Mesdam"To the Congregation", partj \ died in Minneapolis last Friday. ; Jewish opinion, men vromrn following a short illness. es Leo Rosenthal, Harry J. Shuexpected that Herr Hitler's adone will be given by Rosalie I ' He retired from business three Besides h e r husband, Morris,. mow, Sam Gilinsky, and A, D. dress before the Reichstag last I years ago and made Ids home in BROADCAST SUNDAY she is survived by two sons, Ber-j Tuchman; part t w o by Frank. week . would contain some refer| Minneapolis, though still retainA Jewish quarter-hour will he ence to the Jews. Jews, however, nard and Irving; two daughters, * « , Alberts^ « d j » r t three ^by Miss Ida Gitlin, who gave sevnir | ing a residence here, Sylvia and Maxine, all of Omaha; Harriet Lewis. "On the Meamng eral vocal selections, was most presented on the air Sunday were not mentioned in the adi He is survived by his wife, morning at 9:45 to 10:00 over dress which was limited to a dis-and a sister, Mrs. Sarah Rosen, of Judaism", part one by Philip enthusiastically received. Mrs.; Johannesburg (WNS)—A Bessie; a SOB, Arthur, of St. Jos- TO BE COKTiNUt B. Bernsteine; part two by HowChicago. Keith Ware gave a group of dra-the National Broadcasting Sys- cussion of what concessions the of Funeral services were heldjard Schonberger, and part three, operative training farm on the: e p h M o . and two daughters, Mrs. | tem, sponsored by the Jewish Na- Nazis would make to internationmatic readings. i/-v-.-,: Tuesday afternoon at the Jewish j by Norman E. Lincoln. Harold , lines of the kvutzoth cf Palestine [ , Davidson, Minneapolis, and i ' A Spring .flowers were used on tional Fund of America. •• c a al opinion. schedule(3 fo last. Funeral Home with burial in the Wiesman will perform the Rej to promote agriculture among j . Kulakofsk-r. Omaha. ; ' M r s L o u i s This program will present.the the small tables throughout the The new conscription l a w turning of t i r e Scroll; the Ex- South African Jews will be es-> Funeral services were held room. Over one hundred women Importance and purpose of- thewhich bars Jews from military Golden Hill cemetery. hortation will be given by Marvin tablished here by the recently or- j Sundav" afternoon i the Hulse June f;. The collection. fn~ ••-• ! attended this affair. Mrs. Ben national fund and On the program service places the Jewish populaflover clp.y fund VPP no? eom'»t:^S. Adler; the Prayer for Confir- j ganized Association for the Pro-and Riepen chapel, with burial in eel becauee of tUe inrUut'.'••:.;. will be a male chorus of 70 tion in the same category as "eneSilver presided. med Strength w i l l be given by j motion of Agricultural and Invoices. This program can be Esthryn Gwendolyn Milder; the dustrial Pursuits Among South Pleasant Hill cemetery. Rabbi weather. mies of the State, criminals and Frederick Cohn officiated. heard either over WOW or KOIL. persons who do not possess GerThe flower clay tiolicit?! !.-»r. it Closing Prayer by Lois Jean Bar- African Jews. The Association ; under the auspices of tb.e f!rirf>.'.r man citizenship". While excludhas prepared a plan for obtaini ish. Mrs. Stella Chaikin, resident of VAAD BQARB MEETIMG CouncS' of Oinal\p., Proop*»fi>- *•••? ing them from the army,'the new Tel Aviv, (WNS—Pal c o r The confirmation sermon will j ing a tract of land for 50 young | Omaha for 53 years, died Tuesday 64,697 Jews Left Reich iiPsd to further tlif, (leveinfJ*1'^' • law provides that the Minister of Agency)—A great outcry of inbe delivered by Rabbi David H. people who would be trained HE- j Berlin—Since the Nazis came afternoon at her home, 712 North War can draft Jews in time of was raised here when Wice. der expert guidance in all branch-! The board of governors: oi theof labor in ralestine. Nineteenth street. She is/ sur-into power in Germany 64,697 War "for a n y purpose he sees dignation newspapers published a story that All committees psrtieipfUJut '••• Vaad Trill meet Monday, June ", Lee Green and the choir will; e s of farming for a period, Jews have left the country, acvived by a son, Maurice. fit". a Jewish owner had sold an give several vocal selections. Max j from three to fire years. the fipv--f>r day eve n at the B'Eai Israel synagogue v.i cording to official statistics pubFuneral services were held orange grove of 200 dunams in Yaffe will play a violin solo. At the completion of the train- j 8 p. in. All members are r.rged at the Center Pnnrtft Wednesday afternoon from- the lished in the Frankische TagzeiNess Ziona to an Arab buyer. P P.. m. j ing period, the Association would jt 0 attend. tung. Jewish funeral home. : MRS. ROSS HEAD OF The Palestine Farmers' Federj help the graduates to establish j —the .Sfcsdeat Plea -_ prevent . ._ ii themselves on the land either In- i TALWUDTORAHP.T.A. „ation had tried to cooperatively. The 11 i i r r t i o K i \hJ sale and the Jewish community of | Bucharest—A plea to the i (jiyij^aHy oorr cooperatively. Mrs. Charles S. Ross was elect- both, Ness Ziona, which is near Reno- King England was_ for assistance E enter of Palestine, sect by 2 0to 0 jc^oi ct Ipl e tr at t ei vi es o l*a at ir omn vacsnui ia accoma i i y&0 had also protested. ed president of the Omaha Hepanying farming in South Africa If the story is true, it would be Jewish students of Rumania. brew school P. T. A., at the regu- the first recorded instance in A copy of this plea was also would make possible certain j l a r meeting held Wednesday many years of a Jew selling a sent by the students to Queeajand i ies so essential for ] Om£.!hs, women were active in gave au atldrepK MOSKIPA «. Parents may .now register their with Roll C a l l and Inspection. evening, May 22, at the J. C. C. substantial parcel of land to an Marie of Rumania, asking her to • s o c i a l fiJnen t the children of the towns. • the sessions of the Southwest re- noon on "My InipresslonR f>.r 1 children for the Summer Home Then the morning will be devoted Other officers elected were: support the appeal. The plan has won the approval • gjoucl convention of Hadassah . esline." Camp of the J. C. C. which will to out-of-door games and activi- Mr. Max Fromkin, first vice-pres- Arab. of the director of the government j held at Lincoln, Xebr.. Sunday ; The .^ewiph Nptional Flint; open on Monday morning, July. ties on the Central High athletic ident; Mrs. J . Goldware, second agricultural college at Potchefs-1 and Monday, May £6 £7. * ;the BofhscluUI-Bndaspfih Ti.; 8, for a six week period. fields. After such a morning, vice-president; Mr. Judah WolfJ troora and the Jewish farmers in j Mrs. M. F . Levenson was e.leci- siiv liospItRi v.-ere voted tb* J The Camp, which meets daily which will include baseball, ten- son, third vice-president; Mrs. H. jthe Transvaal. A number of |e a third vice-presideEt o£ the re-j important: projects or }!p.-i*i>; from 9 in the morning until 5 nis, soft ball and other games, Belmdnt, recording secretary; i Omsha. is or.c ot the. few c'tt.?In the evening for all boys and lunch will be served. Then real Mfs. S. Peltz, financial secretary; Col: Josiah Wedgwood, Laborite member of the British Par- j a company! The Omaha delegc es included \ which, h&re filready rfi?ae£ .. girls between the ages of 6 to 16, camp songs follow. Rest and and Mrs. Margolin, treasurer. liament, has renewed his efforts to have Palestine proclaimed a | £ _ formed _ _ _ to _ manage ^ ^ the ^ ^fi- j MesdameE William Alberts, quota, which was PI,000, provides a complete program of reading periods under the superMembers of the board are Mescamp life under the best supervi- vision of the Public Library are dames Max Fromkin, I. Dansky, crown colony instead of a mandated territory tinder the League ,n a n c i a l £ i d e o f t b e undertaking. ! Fromkin, P . Greenberg. E. Han.- The nest conclave vrj'tl I j dler, M. F . Levenson, S. Ke-telsion and attention. • . . the next order of the day, and an M.. Arbitman, N. Greenberg, and of Nations. man, J, Golfiware, find J. Stein. Sals For a six week period boys and afternoon of crafts, art, dancing Messrs. M. Cohn and J . J. FriedA new movement has been started in South Africa to promote A repolutSon wan adopted girls are afforded the opportunity classes, dramatics, hobby groups man. n—Tbe sale co-operative farm training among tlie Jewry there. KsctRBSRh cimpters refralt; ' of -wholesome, constructive and and a swim in the Center pool A tea was served at the close shirt, the official org ma.klrisr cop.trlbwtionis to on ^well-planned, play. complete t h e day's program of the meeting. For the first time Esthonia Jewry will have representation Anti-Semitic Mosley party on The value of properly-planned Then, too, there will be one long streets 'of Elrkenhead, was pro- j J. Friedman, fenfi A. Romm. causes. in the Esthonian legislative system. i Over lifty Omaha women, attendMrs. Levenson will I* vacations Is becoming'more ap- hike each week, a visit to some hibitea. ; charge of the- speaker's hu parent daily to educators and plant or factory, camp fires in the Capt. Dawsos also notified the ed the Ressions. King Carol of Rumania has taken active steps to halt antiparents and it is with this object evening and Beverar all-day outBritish Union of Fascists i s the Thirteen chapters representing, of thesouthwest region di Jewisll propaganda in Ms country. in mind that the Home Camp has ings. i area of Birkenhead that he will the sis states o" Nebraska, Iowa,: the coming; year, Mrs. been planned. souri, Kansas, Colorado and . M&rgolin of Cohii&bnB, Neb?., The Council of the League of Nations is considering the pro- not permit any Blackshlrt parsdAn. excellent staff of councilAt the Camp special care and lors is being selected on the basis attention will : be given to the if the Fascists Persist - vention. Sunday afternoon Rabbi child's health. Each child on en-of their experience. and training B'nai B'rith, was honored at a laws in violation of the League covenants. The Dansfg Senate is Ii that parading he will be forced to Jolt of Lincoln spoke on "Jsdastering must have a complete with children and camp life. They luncheon by the local lodge of expected to be on the losing end. | take all necessary steps to preYork—-South A f f i t t ' t Relation to Other medical --exa'm i n a t i o n , and will be responsible and In com- He praised the Omaha B'nai The World Zionist congress will open at Lucerne, SwitzerI Groups &nd the Congress." In the i J e v r r is plaa.nfcg * s e w ••«**»-• throughout the six- week period plete charge of all activities, and B'nat B'rith Monday. j evening- Mrs. Kas: Mayer of I>es \ PsSgn to raise fnnds to mid £!*£>-his or her health Trill he careful- no councillor "will have more than B'rith leadership. He also stress^- land, on August 27. h Neville L.sski presi- I Koines spoke on "Tomorrow and \ man-Jcwisb. exiles ly -watched. Meals have been 12 children under his supervision. ed that the A. Z. A., the antiRepresentatives of the American Jewisn Committee, the dent of tbe Board'o£ Deputies of | Toiaorrc1^." RafcM Gershoa Ha- j found a haven in that coupti-y. is. planned by an expert dietician for There will be a fee of $2.50 per defamation leage and the Hillel both their food value and appeal weelc, -which •will>cover all activi- Foundation "•were • ail inaugurated American Jewish Congress and the B'nai B'rith have agreed to British. . Jews, • "was appointed byifias o£ Kansas CUT spoke OB "The.'"was revealed by Benjamin to youngsters. ties of the child's program and j by members of thi3 district, DIs- continue t h e i r joint consultative council i n behalf--of Jewish vie- j King George as Recorder of Importance of the 3, K, T." Bab- j heimer, chairman of t h e bi David A. Goldstein of Omaha ] African Fond lor Ctermaite Each day's program will begin lunches. Burnley. tims of the Nazi government. jtrict six.
New. Record Is Achieved in Number of Donors aicrn
To Continue Solicitation Till All Prospects Seen
,e Conclude Season on 'Honor Night'
Mrs. CJrodlnsky .Head of Council
Farm Movement
Unusual Event—A Jew Sells Laud to Arabs
Registration Now Open for
Regioix <~*
Vidousness . the Prince of Wales at golf, and his purse strings, • because his Legion Post Refuses | More w h o refused a handsome offer missus Is all fed up with his Buenos Aires—James G. McVienna—The Board of Direc- from the Dally News to -write a small-time domestic economy Donald High Commissioner of the to Share in Tribisie j tors of the Vienna Kehilla have series of articles on her golfing Sylvia Sidney will soon join the League of Nations for Refugees decided to open an elementary experiences with England's Prince from Germany was represented by row of married matrons in HollyChattanooga, Tenn. ( W N S ) — | echo"! devoting effiht hours week- Charming, Is sick and penniless the anti-Semitic newspaper Crtsol wood . . . . Her heart-interest Is ;> B y LOU RIKLIN Because of the refusal of the • ly to t i e instruction of Hebrew. . . . . But nobody in New York to its readers as a "Jew" and s. With the notice of tne opening cares about it*. . . . The Hapoel, Norman Krasna, one of our own David King Summers Post of the ; Niger, HIGHLAND NOTES eastern school . . . . Leon Perer, a -well known literary critic and author of last year's Broadof the school, a resolution was on a trip to England, met five of American Legion to participate In | self confessed woman hater, was New York, ae a Jewish "Comjp jOiir reporter advises ua t h a t seen making the rounds this past sent to t h e government stating t h e best English soccer teams, way hit, "Small MirECle" . . . . a tribute to the Hitler Govern- of ; flip Highland opening was a bril- week with that very attractive that the establishment of the and amazed experts by winning The proposed shidduch between ment, dedication ceremonies for a munist". liant affair-the. •women resplend- out-of-town miss, Marian Katz, of school by the Kehilla should not four out of the five contests Dr. Moses Einhorn, the stomach f ent in their finery together Vith St. Louis. . . .The "Bill" Raduzinspecialist, and Jacqueline Salo- nine-foot memorial to German > be construed by the government . . . . The " H a p o e l , Palesdecorations made the event a color- ers are blessed eventing. .-. .June to mean that it is now released tine's foremost soccer team, will mon, the violinist, is off . . . . soldiers and sailors, who died j ITALIAN ful late spring festival. Rambl- 23, at 7:30 A. Mi. will mark the from the obligation of providing invade the United States before Both parties discovered that mu- while interned in the United Stat- j ing& at random . . . . Dave Rosen- beginning of a new period in SPAGHETTI schools for the Jewish mlnority long . . . . The Jewish big league sic and surgeory don't blend es during the World War, were j stock dancing with the attractive "Longo" "Warren Ackerman's life. contest. ... . • , • • in the country. Irving Berlin is still setting the with cancelled here. ! ball players must have heard us young Mrs. Jean Einstein, and he The reason is that Jackie Faier pace as America's happiest interThe German consul in St. Louis MEAT BALLS, last week, because they have lirore her hat throughout the of St. Louis is expected to arrive married husband . . . . He tells us cancelled the ceremonies after F. • started to play real ball . . . . BEEAB and BUTTER dance . . . . F r i e n d s of Morris In town then . . . And it looks Hank Greenberg has climbed into this story on himself . . . .He wasj1 T. Herron, commander of the Le-; and ^Jacobs giving him the glad hand like Harold Kay of Los Angeles the 300 class . . . . Phil Wein- playing the piano at home trying gion Post, informed him that the COFFEE 'after his prolonged absence in,the is wasting no time in elevating his • • • • traub is patrolling the Giants' to write a new tune . . . . His I Legionnaires would take part on East/. . . . . Mrs. Harry Shumow rating on the dale list of Helen outfield but is still not hitting daughter, Mary Ellen, age 8, en- j condition that the exercises did introducing herself to everyone C. of Council Bluffs. By PHINEAS J. BIRON . . . . Harry Eisenstat, the Dodg- tered and listened to him for a | not include any honors for the ', : i . . . Mike Blank, son of the ers* hurling recruit, while . . . . T h e n she a s k e d : \ Nazi regime. The Legion's action j ODD AND ENDS • . iheatr e magnate, among those The rumors that Governor Her- ing peace-maker, threatening war broke youthful NfCQLINFS CAFE into his first game and al- "What are you doing?". . . . . was endorsed by the Chickama- i present . . . * Eddie Shafton ocDancing dates . . . . v. K. bert H. Lehman will not be a can- against a taxi driver who almost Berlin answered: "I'm composing uga and John Ross chapters of FLATHBON HOTEL cupying Louise Ziegler'a time: Sorority on June 13 . . . . K. T. didate for a third gubernatorial killed her . . . . Bernard Postal most won. . . . the Daughters of the American • —I'm inventing a new tune" while Justin .Wolf was fluttering Sorority June 17. . . . . U. T. term are unfounded .•. . . •. Gover- marching down Fifth Avenue BY THE WAY Kurt Luedecke, who was the Mary Ellen listened a little longabout, the place as only Justin can Sorority June 19 . . . . Irving nor Lehman will run again in with his three-year-old daughter, ^ do . . . . Jim Salzenstein return- Beitel's orchestra being featur- 1936 as New York's standard- who looks amazingly like Shirley first chief of Nazi propaganda in er and then commented: "What f ing to the dance floor a f t e r a ed on June 20 at the Ronoh bearer for Roosevelt's New Deal Temple . . . . Fannie Hurst adorn- the United States, is now offer- you are inventing sounds v e r y short walk 6n the course with his Club dance . . . . T h e Alpha . . . . Ambassador Jesse Straus ing the dais of the Waldorf-As- ing so-called secret Nazi docu- much like the classical piece Handate and esclaimlng, "gee, this is Pi Tau Fraternity dance on will; resign his Paris post within toria Einstein banquet and sur- ments for sale to various Jewish sel and Gretel I heard yestera tough course." . .... . Manning Jnly 1 . . . . S m i l i n g Sam the next six months a n d make prising everybody by eating fish, organizations . . . . P. S. He's day" . . . . Handler too busy to talk bridge Teper, Goldstein-Chapman shoe way for one of the present mem- fowl and potatoes . . . ,. Norman finding no bidders . . . . Black . •. il'.; . . Mrs. Louis Hiller calling department. m a n a g e r , seen bers of the Roosevelt cabinet . , . Bentwich being refused admission Knight dishes, a famous German bvery man with in white coat and pointing with pride at the SanDavid T. Wilentz, Hauptmann's to the American Palestine Cam- brand, are being used in the new Condemn Persecution which Black trousers: "Hy Butler" . . . dal Corner which displays the prosecutor, Is being groomed paign office because the girl at Longchamps- restaurant London—A resolution signed Mrs. Ed. Krause whooping it up latest in summer sandals . . . . against his will for, a big job in the information desk didn't know opened in the Chanin Building by nine members of the House of -srhile her husband was resting Yesterday witnessed the open- the next election . . . . Don't be him . . . . Eddie Cantor, just be- Among the tenants of the Chanin Commons warning the' German nicely- in the locker room . . . . ing of the unparalleled Royal surprised if he's the Democratic fore leaving for the Coast, pledg- Building are the American Jew- government that persecution in Harold Farber valiantly striving Grove outdoor dancing pavilion candidate for governor of N e w ing a handsome contribution to ish Congress, Palcor Agency and the Reich "hag an unfortunate Inlio wrest the title of "best male at Peony Park, and the beginn- Jersey in 1937 . . . . Unless Ber- the United Jewish Appeal a n d Opinion Magazine . . . . The own-fluence on the cordial relations dancer on the floor" from Ernie ing of the amusement season at nard S. Deutsch gets an import- saying "I'll pay, I'm not Jessel." er of the Longchamps restaurants which should exist between GerNogg. Krng Park . . . . 'Our Own' ant judgeship before the n e x t . . . . A Jewish shopkeeper on the is a Jew . . . . Albert Einstein and many and Britain" was introducOmahan of a 1,000 a talents, municipal election in New York, East Side making a huge business family will soon embark on a Ber- ed in the house of Commons. scoopjr Abe Kaiman was the master of he might become the Democratic selling post cards showing Hit- muda cruise, not only for a vacaThe resolution calls on the Bri; Omaha and Lincoln will unite ceremonies for that *hoss* race nominee for mayor . . . . Eugene ler's head on a pig's body . . . . {tion but to renew his passport tish government to inform t h e In a double wedding very shortoccurring during Grand J>er- Meyer, Jr., former head of- the Morris Margulies, Z. O. A. secre- . . . . And, by the way, what ever government of Germany "of the ly. More details will be given by, the highly successful A. Z. Federal Reserve Board and nowtary, putting up a gallant ' fjlght happened to that plan for making feelings of repugnance caused by lout later or f o r information 2561 FAUNAS! ST A. dance held at the Paxton publisher of the "Washington Post, for Pittsburgh as the convention the Herr Professor an American the mass terror now prevailing in ijask either Sally K. or her bro- Hotel, last Sunday evening . . . is reported to have lost all inter- city but feeling rather happy that citizen? . . . . Which also reminds Germany." ijther S. K. . . . . The noise that . the Jewish Crowds were pre« est in Herbert Hoover's presiden- nobody seconded his motion . . . . that Professor Raymond Moley is -! yon will hear will be the crashan assiduous visitor to the Princevalent in both the Cloverleaf tial ambitions, and is said to COUGHLIN'S JEWS ring of hearts when the identity" and the Southern Mansion', after favor Ogden G. Mills . . . . Reton home of the great scholar and Father Coughlin claims that he ";jof.'the Omaha miss is disclosthe A. Z. A. affair . . . . . W h y presentative Adolph Sabath of Il- has 340,000 Jewish members in likes nothing better than to sit Jpd. . . .Although a Micklin Jun- such a big hurry Jack B.' and linois, dean of the House, is disat the feet of the Jewish scientior, failed to materialize, - the • Mary J.? . . . . Better change appointed with the way Rosevelt's his National Union for Social Jus- ist and imbibe scientific wisdom ; tice . . . . I f this is true Cough;Mr. and Mrs. are quite elated your present 'hushed merging New.Dealers treat him . . . . And, lin's organization would have . . . . It is rumored that Abraham jjover the arrival of their second plans S. C. and M. A. or we will believe it or not, one of the fore- more Jewish members than a l l Flexner, director of the Institute daughter. The third time may tip your families off. most Tammany politicians, a the national Jewish organizations for Advanced Learning at Prince\'pe the charm to the MIcklto prominent Jewish attorney in put together . . . . If this is true ton, who recently sailed for Pales; family. . . .From rumors, we TIMELY TIPS Charge Purchases New York, insists that Gene Tun- Father Coughlin is the recipient tine, will make an interesting progather that a local fashionably The local Rabbis are very much ney, former heavyweight champ- of more. Jewish money than the position to the Hebrew UniverPayable jdressed newspaper, woman Is adverse to marrying eloping ion, Is ripe to take a leading part sity . . . . His brother, Simon, Is Jewish National Fund, the ZionJuly 10th serious " about a Kansas City couples, only one having b e e n in New York State politics . . . . ist Organization of America and getting ready to retire as director You'U Get "the foot merchant . . . . It looks like married in such a way in the last MANHATTAN SNAPSHOTS the American Jewish Congress of the Rockefeller Institute. . . ilrvin Wezebnan a n d Rose 11 months . . . . Money even can Value of Your Life" in Thu Rabbi Philip Bernstein of combined. . . . ABOUT PEOPLE Skolnick are extending the silence wedding license announceMrs. Ruth White Wertheim, of their merging . . . . The ments in nearby localities . . . . Rochester walking the sidewalks SPORT NOTESThe Barney Ross-Jimmy Mc- former wife of Maurice WertB. Bernsteins a r e addi- remember this, you silent merg- of New York eating apples'. . . . Harry Hirschfield answering his Honing it, ers . . . . Omaha is an ideal spot Own telephone and insisting that Larnin bout, which, will be box- heim, banker, art patron and for matrimonial minded members Harry Hirschfield is not in . . . . . ing history by the time you read owner of the weekly, The Nation, TIMELY TALES i | During a bridge game Sam lost of the fairer sex-r-watch for fur- Rabbi Abraham Feinberg refus- this, had a curious Abie's Irish just got married to Alexander heavily, yet Sam won heavily. ther details In future issues . . . . ng to be Introduced as Anthony Rose twist . . . . McLarnin's train- Smallens, symphony and opera TChe reason for this Is that there Remember t h e .Round Table FrqSne, the poet prince, in a ing camp doctor was Dr. Abner conductor . . . . The American TJt]ere six Sams interested In the Honor Night Bansuet on June 10 Broadway restaurant . , _. , Estel- Welssman, while Barney's camp Jewish Congress may make the medico was Dr. John P. O'Connell front pages of the tabloids if one game. They were Sam Appleman, . . . . Tennis players, get In shape;' Sam Leon, Sam Singer, and Samas tryouts for the. Jewish. .Com- le M. SternbergerrAmerlca'S'lead- . . . . Bea Gottlieb, who once beat of its big shots doesn't loosen up • • • Brand New Luxury Coats—Fresh Robinson rounding out a four- munity Center team to represent' front the Finest Makes . . . some, and the two kibitzers were the Center in inter club competiSam Berwitz, and Sam Abram- tion will be called shortly by the son of • Des Moines. . . .It seems coach, Joe Cohen. ' ,. that Joe Solomonow is making more than just graduating plans GREETINGS AND for the near future. . . .The ru-CONGRTULATIONS mors of the recent split up of TO: Sam Fried w h o came liJorraine Meyerson and "Bubs" here to manage the photo de- ._ Ciaiken are entirely unfounded partment in the Neisner's Dol•'&& they have not dated each other lar Store : . . . TO: Louis Fell* fpr months. . . . ."We will soon ex- man for his advancement from pect a house warming affair • at the Metropolitan Drug Store to • 5j417 Nicholas, the new residence the managership of the M a y o£ Iz Abramson. Drug company in Cedar Rapids, TOPICAL TREATS Iowa . . . . To: Julias Frohm t, At last there will be no and Philip Ringle for b e i n g flame- • promoted as managers of the ; [rivalry between that haired girl and the New York Metropolitan Drug store recentSport and Dress Brunette over the local sports ly . . . .TO: Max Resnick for [writer S. M. as the Brunette winning a scholarship to ChiModels— has left town. . . .According to J cago " U n i v e r s i t y . . . . TO: OHAVi AT •Jail reports B. F. the South Om'*0H! Maurice "Klnin for making such ,'aha punster will soon have a unparalled record in scholaripowerfnl rival in Myron TarnFine Fabric* *— Spring Colors— ship and extra cnrricular acti> ,off . . . . We wonder whether Navies and Black vity at North High School . . . . jLou Singer has been brought Sizes 12 to 44 TO: Irving Block for his ap* \ FOR [any shortcake by R. K. yet . . . . Third Floor pearly 500 people are expected < ONLY jito pay §S per to attend the gala event which i s going to be Ask Your © Never before has a genuine Westinghouse Dual-. Ijbeld at the Paxton Hotel by ,the Variety Club on June 10 . . automatic Refrijerator been offered at a price to Grocer for ("What young banker Is seen compare with this. Now you can own the newest [frequently as a consort to that model in this famous family of refrigerators — the '.'"Senorita Type" of feminity Westinghouse Compact. Convenient food storage FORMER $ 2 9 . 9 5 DRESSES j w h o is employed at Haydens s p a c e . . . 22-ice cubes at a single freezing. All of the I . . . .George Givot's Tamara . ' • . • FORMERVf25.00 DRESSES will be stopping- here much major features of. convenience, economy and me\The Height of FORMER $ 1 8 . 0 0 DRESSES sooner than expected—so g e t chanical efficiency that distinguish the rest of the ready boys—she's a kosher and Westinghouse line. And Westinghouse gives 5 Years* \GoodTasteV •:...' FORMER $ 1 2 . 9 5 DRESSES i a real beaut. Protection on the hermetically-sealed mechanism 3U1CY JESTS
-i-Town Ramblings-:-
pointment to the National Association of Rudimental Drummers . . , • Mr. and Mrs. Dave Feder on their , recent celebration of their twentieth wedding anniversary and to the Harry Wolfs for maintaining s u c h friendly and sincere relationship with them for the l a s t twenty eight years . . . .TO: Nathan E a p l a n and his wife, Pearl upon their recent marriage. TO: Louis Hartz for whining the F. H. A. E s s ay
Kehilla'i School
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life and in human relations. The prophet does not compromise. He f o r m u.l a t es unconditional demands—let; yonr yea be yea and your, nay, nay. He stands in constant high tension to his peol h t\pt lnvRR them he
Drum Honors Former Omahan LIFE INSURANCE • Further Awarded Irving Block Still Active In WHAT IT IS AND Workmen Circle
The Vaao; will appropriate!-"' •reserve Shevuofh, which start* .-.r: June 7. Service? "rill he t> *• -; •• next Friday morning and Rfi.'i.?-
Irving Block, 15-year-old Central high school student who recently won the highest rating in a national high school drum con- I lasnes t h e m; because he -wants A iorrner umatan, liarry Rabin Fri Killer wltf nve^.i. f. to see them g r e a t he belittles By the Serviee Life Insorance test, has received •word frxua "Wil- i Sheanin, stopped off In Omaha the E'na! Israel synagogue 7 i r v ; | liam. F. Ludwig, Chicago judge of them. He turns in the first place Pierre van Paassen is with- greetings from the hind which we of life revealed itself to Moses as Company, Oioaha against petrified tradition, againI drum technique, that he has been for a three-day visit while return- Friday morning. He will B W H out question one of. the most Et the Beth Hamedrosh Karr«!.->; eek with the spirit. I began to an unwavering obedience to the st the rigid immobile forms of a "The evening of a well-spent elected to the National Associa- j ing to Los Angeles after attend- Saturday gifted journalists of our time. ee that the spiritual disposition voice that calls, to the ever-widmorning'. Mpjmvi»»: cult of which the priest is the tion of Rudimental Drummers. ing the recent Workmen's Circle - His interest in or rather his' if a'., nomadic tribe of Bedouin, ening vision of a human brother- guardian. The priest seeks to life brings its lamps with it." services will be held S<ifn"v!*.* Old age has nothing terrible convention in New York. Ke was morning. passion for the Jewish problem known as the Bene Israel;-who hood by the Prophets, to the Re- guard the continuity of religion, has driven him time and time first;rose within the ken of hls- formation, the Contrat'Social, the even when the sense of it h a s about it which life has not made accompanied by his wife. so. Old age seems terrible only again on strenuous travels to ;ory as wanderers in the -.- green Declaration of the Rights of Man Active in the local Workmen lost to the people. That is when there has been the wrong see and observe for himself the ilaces on the confines of the Sy- and ultimately to the modern so- been Circle before moving to the west his resignation. But the prophet kind of preparation- for it. InCalvary which modern Jewry coast seven years ago, Sheanin ian and Arabian deserts, had cialist conception" of the City of is .the revolutionary who breaks The Mizrachi will hold s >traverses in so many countries. iroduced a chain of religious God. That line indicated a con- with the fossilized forms of life: surance plans make it easy for has already become one of the He has visited Palestine many phenomena and set in motion cur- stantly enlarged conception of "Away with, the melody of your men to prepare rightly. leading figures in the Workmen Lave Malkeh Saturday evening The acts of today are the desVersatility of interests features movement on the coast. At pre- the synagogue at 25 and Stvtur times in peace and in war, and ents of thought so extraordinary the destiny of man. That line viols! I will not regard the peace has risked his very life to ob- among the spiritual > manifesta- goes back to Sinai and in our offerings ot your fat beasts. Of tinies of tomorrow; the dish we the accomplishments of Maurice | sent he is district committee sectain valuable information from ions1 of the peoples of antiquity time vibrates as a living force in what value are they • when the eat in old age is not cooked for Klaln, one of the few. Jewish stu- retary of the southern branches of direct sources.. .Pierre van Pa- hat their force and significance, the islands. of socalism which one thing lacking, when justice us; we have prepared it ourselves. dents at North high school. California. Klain, who has been on t h e He headed a delegation of. ascen is now again in Palestine. instead of diminishing with-time, have been created by the Hista- does not flow like water and Insurance plans make it easy to honor roll every semester, was re- twenty-seven delegates w h o atT h i s article is the first of a grows upon us with the ages so druth in Eretz Israel. Those righteousness as a m i g h t y prepare pleasant old-age fare. Insurance plans help men sal- cently appointed editor-in-chief of tended the national conclave from series of letters from Palestine, hat WQ, who traverse one: of the kvutzoth are the children "of the stream?" The prophet tolerates dealing with the cultural, poli- most devastating eras of histori- old. messianic hope. For messian- no treason to ultimate values. vage e v e r y possible dollar, no the "North Star," the school his. district. He was a member | tical and economic orientation cal'transition, have come, to re- ism, to my way of thinking, re- He will not hear of compromise. matter what a wreck time may paper. Besides being the Red of the important Resolutions! Cross representative of North Committee at the convention. of the new Palestine. In this cognize that in the social concep- presents the strongest motif- That is why the compromise- make of life. It is as much a duty to relieve High school, he is a member of While in Omaha Sheanin was article, Pierre van Paassen, he- ions of Judaism are the basic and power in history which gathered makers, the politicians, the kings, fore embarking on his swing principal elements required in the double momentum from the mom- the priests, so often have him "re- our children of the task of caring t h e National Honor Society; a a member of the local Workmen's around ~ the country, turns his construction of the new society ent that a teacher In [ Israel, giv- moved. Yet he does not ask for for us in our old age as it is to member of Quill and Scroll; pres- Circle branch for t w e n t y-four ing expression to the sentiments personal salvation. What mat- protect them against the task of ident of the Panadelphic Forum; years. During most of that time eyes inward and meditates on o f t h e f u t u r e . . . . . ^'•'•••'( of a Jewish religious school of ter his life, if only the eternal having to care for themselves secretary of the Boys Student he was on the executive commitl i i s personal relationship to Herein, then, lay the debt of club; a member of the tee. He was also one oi the foundPalestine and the Jews.—The Western civilization to Judaism his day, placed the infinite value value of the kingdom is served? while they- are young. Through Opinion Booster's club; and is first-prize ers of the Labor Lyceum building endowment insurance a man's of every soul in the center of all "What if his own life is burned up Editor. as I began to see it: when Juda- moral experience. There you in restless striving, if only the fire dollars accomplish both ends. winner of the best editorial con- locally, serving as president £ro&i test-for the 19 34-35 semester con- !1822 to 1S28. Many ties bind me to Palestine. ism elevated every Jew to royal have the spiritual dynamite of of God burns in this world? . . . ducted by. the school's English deNine hundred and fifty-two When I look hack Into the past, rank and then, in order to im- Judaism w hi c h undermines all Men's Club of Vaad partment. delegates from every state in the something which is perhaps per- part a still greater sanctity to hu- the laws of "this world" and What a tremendous thing when United States, from Canada. Pomissible now that I am approach- man dignity, proclaimed h i m a which has furnished the strongest a man can say—straight into the To Meet on Tuesday Even with such numerous acti- land, Rumania and Palestine ating "the middle of the -way," I son of the Master of the Universe, impulse in the social transforma- j face of the mighty of the world, vities, this talented young man The Men's Club of the Vaad must confess that even in my it tore to shreds the decretum tions of the last two thousand contrary to his own private inter- will h o 1 d a regular meeting on still finds ample time to further tended t h e thirty-fifth anniverof antiquity, which .was years. . • earliest youth the Land of Israel horriblle est and personal profit, too. . . . Tuesday evening, June 4. This his artistic aspirations by paint- sary convention of the Workmen's an expression of -the theoretical ing and designing- postures which Circle in New York. and the Jews exercised an Ineluc- conception of the here stand I, in the name of God.. will be "ladies evening." and of The historical materialists, who You may scorn me with your deexhibit h i s potential ability in 'tihle fascination,on my spirit. Al- the meaning of life worldThe wives of the men will be as experience belittle or totally reject the re-' rision, yon may laugh me away this field. though it underwent a deep and observation had Jewish Press Advertisers rnerli invited. An interesting program presented volutionary impulse of religion in with your pity, you may lock me change in the course of time that these to thinking men every Maurice, who is the son of Mr. your patronage. step history, have countered with the up as a dangerous revolutionary, is being arranged. and Mrs. Dave Klain, will graduearly interest never flagged; yes, of the way. . . .In the place of the upon retrospective consideration, merciless, inexorable grinding of bitter but unavoidable slogan you may even take my life:— how can you live and utter the ate next June. He plans to conI may even say that Palestine and the Wheel of Fortune with its about religion as" an opium of the nevertheless, here I stand in name of God and not serve justice tinue his study of journalism. the people whosedestinies are humiliation, slavery and : endless people. This rests upon a con- God's name. I did not will .this; which is the reflection of God inextricably bound up with that suffering in body and soul for the fusion of religion with what it I did not seek this; I have sought among men? Here I stand—in the Piauo Cccrse land have been a determining fac- millions, in order that but a few, has become in the hands of a to escape it as an insane pride name of God—you, who feed on Ernie Priesman, pianist with tor in my own-spiritual evolution. a handful in each generation, privileged class which preaches that: I, little man, should testify the sufferings of the miserable, several outstanding local orchesresignation and submission to the of God's greatness and of His My early veneration for the land might taste power, affluence and | who grow rich on the poverty of and artists, announces that was a primitive attitude of de- happiness, Judaism held but the unprivileged in order to remain right over us in t h i s world; I the oppressed; you, who arm your- tras enrollment in his special course votion to a shrine, to a sanctu- hope of a new and juster dispen- in the unhindered enjoyment of have turned my face a w a y in selves to murder your brothers, in piano playing will beary, a holy place. Over there, sation in the future. Therewith their own privileged position. In great fear when the voice came 1 who exploit the world in a slav- ginpopular June 1, and continue through that way the doctrine of reslgnato me. Nevertheless here I stand far away, in those sun-scorched it broke not only the vicious ery of money—and who declare the first two weeks in June. ion has become a lie and an in- in His name! hills of Judea, I knew the mir- chain of •'' fatality, which Tiad itrument your own right thereto sacred— of the vilest egoism. acle of divine infiltration into hu- weighed as an ineffable burden Religious resignation All things bear His sign; the against you and your system I is«not that man affairs had once taken al- upon antiquity, it also dared to of the unprivileged to abide for flower in the field is the work of preach the revolt, the sacred reAssorted flavors. most tangible shape. The event advance the affirmation, be it by all volt of Love. I will not rest till K His fingers, the stars in the deep 4 packages time by the existing state of filled me with no more astound- implication^ that the most sacred hings and to abdicate all' claims nocturnal firmament turn eround the people have been awakened ing than the site and milieu be- thing in this world Is not t h e ,o human rights.. It is an under- Him; man is His creature that | in the name of freedom and in came hallowed with extraordinary existing order, but that the sense standing on the part of the now-can praise Him with his life. the name of highest love. When sanctity. And it was to the mem- of life and history lies in the con-privileged that their position of For in us burns His fire and I go out to battle, yea, when I go bers of a humble Jewish com stant replacement of one order advantage is neither sacred nor His spirit drives us to the service under in the struggle, I will yet munity in a city of the Nether by another. Not change in itself of lasting character. . . . of righteousness on this earth, to call out: "People—fight yourself lands that my silent respect went is the highest good, but change anounce peace among the peoples, free. . . .The fire of God burns out as the living witnesses of a alone can. pave the way for and The prophet—and only" Juda- to build a community of brethren and His flames are the flames of past which was as vivid to me as to a new ideal. In revealing the ism has given us prophets—is ac- as a house where the Eternal may freedom!" the solemn ritual of the church. changeability of p h e n o m e n a , tive, militant and • demands that dwell, as a holy temple where His What a tremendous thing when I was yet to learn in those days Judaism therefore may be said to spiritual values be translated in- spirit may sojourn. a man can say honestly: here I OMAHA FAMILY SOAP that Judaism had not petrified in have established 7 the, .. change- to reality, that they be. made Are not the.millions of the poor. stand In-the name of God! ability of social relationships. . . to theirigor mortis of the ..phrase, flesh and blood and t a k e ' em- and desolate, the downtrodden So stood and stand t h e true I® liars - - 33c Corn Flakes as my teachers gave me to underINSURED CABS To me: as time went on there bodiment in an attitude toward and' the destitute your brothers; Prophets!
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stand, but that t i e struggle of became visible on an unbroken Jacob with the-Angel goes on to line running from the Burning our time, forever.. Even in those Bush, where the deepest meaning days, however, the first faint rumors of a newly-born- Zionist movement'penetrated to me-and Mark Leon Says - - V made me glad with the expectaroe protect' yonr Interests, . . . tion of seeing with my owneyes a ILetwrite every desrenewal of Israel's ancient glory, cription mSTDKAKCEol including: LIFE. In strong. Tellable companies ONLY. . . . Let'• It was Kenan who brought me ., ; the revelation that Judaism is not talk it over. City Finance & Insurance Co. an extinguished flame, but that to quote from "Les Apotres,' 1409 Famnm AT 7667 or WA 5150 some day "when our petty-minded, bourgeois, mediocre society this world of pygmies is finally swept into the discard by thr heroic and .. idealistic forces o mankind, the luminous ideal o Judaism shall be inscribed as a prophetic revelation above thr portals of the paradise of hu manity" I was advised not t' dream about Kenan's or any on else's Utopian visions, but to con CilliilflViilG C<0>. fine myself to the reality arounc #om«Hft * me. Yet I had by then felt emah Qi.4626•' nating from Judaism the rays o1 a sun which we cannot yet see It was a3 if I had had my firs'
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jK^fSSJS!'?^ THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1935. her future novel. After her book was out she re-read the O'Neill l a y looking for her line and GEMS OF THE BIBLE pwhen she couldn't find it, contain its price has been under wide discussion in this country and cluded that she invented the title AND TALMUD Paris (JTA)—The r a c i a l Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska* by herself. On the strength of this is still a mooted question. And now, in Palestine it begins to look theory advanced by the Nazis -was By O. O. DASHER THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY first novel, Mrs. Marshall seems like the same problem will be discussed pro and con. condemned by Eugenio Pacelli, destined for as great a literary Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - $2.00 Negotiations are under way between Jewish and Arab orange Secretary of State to the Holy See career as her husband achieved, Who is the man that desireth before leaving for Rome. and his father before him, in^the Advertising rates famished on application. growers in the Jewish homeland for the maintenance of standard life, and loveth the days that he j "The Catholic Church will law and Jewish affairs. may see good therein? Keep thy j prices on oranges during the next season. The growers have deCOMMERCIAL, qt. 25c never accept the racial theory" M. Editorial Office: 600 Brandeis Theater Building. tongue from evil' and thy lips j Pacelli said. "The Church conclared themselves ready in principle to destroy part of their crop, Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center demns the superstition of race." from speaking guile, depart from j Levis and Annitage DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor if necessary, in order to avoid a possible drop in prices. The deevil and do good, seek peace and j or FRANK R. ACKERMAN - . - . - - * '- .'• , ' g l " pursue it. struction of production to maintain price levels is a principle • Win Fencing Titles. RABBI URI MILCER - - - - - Contributing Editor borator and builder of the ZionMonuments - Memorials Evil shall kill the wicked, and which is being confronted everywhere, whether it be American FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ist movement. He does not merely they that hate the righteous shall iCew York (WNS)—Returning |9.SO up, freight p a i d , inANN FILL • -•- - - - Sioux City, Iowa. Correspondent follow in Lord Balfour's footsteps be held guilty. grain, Brazilian coffee or Palestine oranges. competition after a year's lay- stalled free in Omaha a n d Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street but like all real leaders goes fur- ' Unrighteous witness rise up, j to off induced by illness, Joseph C.; Council Bluffs. Complete line ther than his predecessor. Lord they ask me of things that I! Levis of the Boston Athletic As- '• of beautiful g r a v e markers Balfour laid the historic and legal know not, they repay me evil for j sociation, the foils; and monuments. Lettered free. foundations ot the Jewish Nation- good, bereavement came to my j title' in therecaptured national men's fenc- Fully guaranteed. Write tor The next Zionist Congress, it has been officially announced, al Home; Colonel Wedgwood has soul. j ing championship. Fear of the unknown is thrice worse than a known danger. particulars or call AT. 3653 will be held at Lucerne, Switzerland, starting August 27. While started where the .other left off Let not them that are wrong- j Levis, who was intercollegiate for appointment. The uncertainty hanging like a sword over the heads of the this seems a long way off, it is none too early to focus our atten- and is helping to build the strucfully mine enemies rejoice over fencing champion during his unGerman Jewry is undermining them much more than would the tion in this direction since those who wish to vote on the Ameri- ture of the Homeland and to j me, neither let them wink with dergraduate days at the MassaGRANITE ARTS, INC. the historic legend into l the eye that hate me, without a chusetts Institute of Technology, certain knowledge of just what they may have to expect. It has can delegates will have to be getting their shekels shortly, as the atranslate definite reality. 1909 Leavenworth j cause. was the foils titleholder in 1929, "been known unofficially for some time that the Reich would ex- Z. O. A. convention will be held in Atlantic City beginning June 30*. TALMUD Colonel Wedgwood's greatest 1932 and 1933. On the strength; clude the Jewry of the country from their universal, compulsory Rabbi Mair said, "Whence do of his sensational showing in the i We have repeated on various occasions that Zionism is at the contribution to the Zionist cause military conscription. The official dictum has now been handed crossroads. Zionism needs an infusion of new blood, new vitality. (and through it to t h e larger we know that even a heathen who national tournament Levis is reoccupied with the study of the garded as a sure point scorer in down,—with some few exceptions, the Jewry of the Reich will A survey of the Zionist scene cannot help but bring to mind the Jewish cause) lies in his Parlia- is mentary activity. Colonel Wedg- Torah is likened to a high priest? the 1936 Olympic Games. HATS : not be drafted in the conscription law but in case of war, then acute thought that the membership of the Zionist organization in wood Is the unofficial representa- The passage says (Leviticus 18.5) Another championship fell to a Cleaned the government may draft the Jewish populace for whatever this country is little over 15,000, in contrast to the more than tive of Zionism in the House of Which if a man do, he shall live Jewish swordsman when Xorman and Commons, and a more faithful, by it. It does not specify priest, C. Armitage of the Fencers Club needs deemed necessary. 40,000 Jews who immigated last year to Palestine, where the more able and devoted represen- J Levite, or Israelite, but states in retained his title as national sa; Blocked With this pronouncement, German Jewry - - hiding their Jewish homeland was founded on the ideology of Zionism. tative no cause has ever had. His j general if a man, whence it may ber champion. j be inferred that a heathen too, disappointment at "being thus excluded from army service desWith the forceful and magnetic appeal of the Zionist ideal, minute knowledge of Palestine pite their admitted valiancy on the field of battle during the last the proper Zionist leadership should be able to avert spiritual and of its problems is amazing. who occupies himself with t h e ! Hfostefiore Re-Elected \ He certainly is one of the best in- study of the Torah is equal to a j war - - are hoping that shortly their uncertainy concerning their bankruptcy in the organization. For this reason, we look for- formed men about Zionism in high-priest. . | Anglo-Jewish Head \ Rabbi Juda said, "What is the j future fate under the Nazi government will be definitely settled. ward to a "new deal" at Lucerne. LOUIS PALMER Great Britain, and he k n o w s London—Leonard G. M o n t e more about the intricacies of meaning of the passage, (Hob l.-| fiore was reelected President of, "Omaha'i Premier Hatter" Minister of Interior Frick and others high in Nazidom have intiZionist work in Palestine than 14) And makest men as the fish j the Anglo-Jewish Association at 414 So. 17th JA 9390 mated that a law is being drawn which will create a new limited many a Jewish Zionist leader.And j of the sea? Why are men com-j the annual meeting of the Associ- , We Call and Deliver In Downtown District form of citizenship for the German Jews. Even at its worst, this yet he brings something more i pared to fish of the sea? Just as j ation this week. j the larger fish of the sea swallow A "White Book" against Hitlerite Germany was Issued last than a knowledge of mere facts j law when promulgated will relieve much of the tension of the | the smaller, so also is it with Reich Jews. If they could know their exact status under the Hit- week in this country by the American Jewish Committee, sum- to the service of Zionism. The j man, if not for the fear of governHouse of Commons has other i ment, the stronger would have lerites, they could prepare themselves to meet the changed status marizing the anti-Jewish discriminations in the Reich and giving | swallowed the weaker. the complete texts of discriminatory legislation passed during the as best they could. But the fear of the unknown has been preyOur Rabbis were taught: When situation. But no one carries ing on them and they themselves have asked the Nazi govern- previous two years by the Nazi government. Adam, the first man, saw on the At a time when the news emanating from Germany is con- more conviction than C o l o n e l first day of his creation, the sun ment to once and for all definitely define just where they stand Thm Boys' J he cried saying, "Woe is to fusing, it is particularly effective to have such a book at hand. Wedgwood does. Although he ap- sset, in their own fatherland. Own Stare proaches Zionism with all the' , ... . . , „„ L, *.«i«* of« the *v British T> *.» v. polln S .nie,*perhaps thee this worI< Should the ultimate definition of Jewish rights in Nazi- Thus, not so many days ago a German sportsman from the Reich practicability . »th _o r I <.is, because . . . of ramy _ w tlciaa. there is In his attitude an "»• «"" fc, cha08 d11ll ff *° *°m** land leave the economic avenues unbarred, then, there will be was passing through Omaha and gave an interview here in which element which Is decidedly emo- * « r a e d ? '" "" ~* he claimed that the German Jews were in no way discriminated t h e punishment of death, which hope for the Jewish population remaining in Germany to sometional and inspiring. He is not d e c r e e d upon me by how work out their salvation amidst depressing environments. against but were making a hullabaloo merely because the per- a romantic Zionist, but his Heaven." He wept all night, howIsm comes from the heart, not when the dawn appeared he But, should the ultimate law close even the means of. earning a centages of professional men had been equalized. In its "handbook only from the brain. ; ever, understood that such was the orliving, then a crisis much worse than the present faces German of facts regarding the present situation of the Jews in Nazi GerColonel Wedgwood Is less for- der of the world. He arose and Jewry. Today, with many discriminations rife, handicaps are many," the American Jewish Committee answers such interviews tunate in his knowledge of the sacrificed an ox. There was a King who hated many but the whole of German Jewry is not in need of relief. and statements by concerning itself only with facts. It lists in a currents within the Zionist movement itself. For reasons, chiefly With'the economic gates closed, then an exodus comparable to clear and systematic manner anti-Jewish measures under the of personal loyalty to an old the Jews and he asked the advice Nazis as expressed in outbreaks of violence, ousting of officials, friend and admiration for a color- of his high officials: "Should! the'Egyptian, days may ensue. he who has a tumor on his footj In the meantime, the rest.of world Jewry must continue to boycotts and continuous anti-Jewish propaganda, besides giving a ful personality, this inveterate cut it off a n d be relieved, or j complete survey of the anti-Jewish legislation together with the British Radical is associated with should he allow it to remain and | supply the funds for reconstructing life among German Jewry. the most reactionary wing with- be afflicted?" And the advice of j actual text of the laws against German Jewish citizens. The White In the Zionist movement, the wing \ tij that he shouia cut e m &\\ Book points out that a total of 15,000 Jews were deprived of their whose ideals are nearer to those' it off and be relieved. There jobs and income in public health or social welfare work. "Jews of Sir Oswald Mosley t h a n to was one official by the name of 1 ad-j Recognizing the urgent need f-- unity in voicing Jewish have been almost totally eliminated also from commercial Zionists themselves are partnot j opinion, the Joint Consultative Cou "•: of the B'nai B'rith, the trading enterprises." This process of elimination in the large con- ly at fault. They have failed to get rid of all the Jews, because > • American Jewish Committee; and the American Jewish Congress cerns came through the forces of "co-ordination" or Nazification, acquaint their non-Jewish friends the world can not get along with-1 has agreed to continue its activities, pledged to act together as and in the smaller concerns through systematic boycott. It also with the l a t e s t developments out them, secondly, y o u r king-; within their own movement dpm will be called an empire that j in the past in.behalf of Jewish victims of the Nazi regime. in detail lists the effects of the various anti-Jewish restrictions to keep them abreast with the kills Its own subjects." The King ! This Joint Consultative Council is the seed of a needed ex- and legislations. tremendous s o c i a l and class|^ h e n . g a i d f .< Tllv a d T i c e has some; pression for American Jewry. That seed needs growth and blosThe value of this "White Book" lies in the fact that it is free changes which have cropped up of j i og i Ct DUt there Is a law that he j soming. If American Jewry is to speak authoritatively, if their of any kind of propaganda and must impress the reader with the late within Jewry. The old-cher- jwho obstructs the wish of t h e ; principle of the so-called jK l n g m u s t b e executed as a trai-j voice is to carry weight in the councils of nations, if they are to desire to present nothing but irrefutable facts. Its distribution as iahed uniformity of the Jewish people tor." When he was taken to be achieve the fruits of unity - - then the expression of American widely as possible in this country will aid hi showing the true has often deceived Jews them- executed he said, "I bequeath all selves, let alone non-Jews. my property to Rabbi Akiba and Jewish opinion must be blended into one strong, powerful tone. trend of Nazi Germany. What has brought this unique his colleagues. It:is good that the Joint Consultative Council lives, but in its personality to Zionism and to the present form its significance is not to be exaggerated. The Jewish place which he occupies in It? For an answer to this question, leaders who brought about this Joint Council should not let their one must look to that u n i q u e efforts stop there; they should continue to strive to effect a body British institution, the Wedgwood • • • which will speak for American Jewry in all matters, speaking in family. A Few Sidelights on England's Outstanding a manner which will leave no doubt but that they are the authorThe Wedgwood family Is the LEKORE G. MARSHALL Non-Jewish Zionist The Nebraska's showing is at its complete living embodiment of that rare ized spokesman of their people. : best today. "His" graduation suit is imporThe publication of "Only The This article .gives a compre- do they Join the movement in any national product which for lack of tant—and The Nebraska's graduation suits are hensive Idea about Wedgwood real sense. They are merely sym- better nomenclature Is termed Fear," the first novel of Mrs. right in every detail of tailoring, of style, of the man and his Zionist views. pathetic onlookers, philanthropic British liberalism, that g r e a t Marshall, wife of James MarAlthough one of the stannch- friends of Zionism, not Zionists In movement of the British middle- shall and daughter-in-law of fabric and the values save you money. Regardless of how we feel politically toward Russia, world est defenders of Jewish honor the sense in which Jews are Zion- class for justice, liberty, toler- the late Louis Marshall, has In the British House of Com. ance, democracy and social re- disclosed the literary talents Jewry must give at least one sigh of relief in the knowledge that mons, very little Is k n o w n ists. of on© of the members of this The New Double - Breasted new sort of non-Jewish Zion- form' which blossomed forth In distinguished J e w i s h family Jewish workers in the Soviet are rejecting relief from the United about this outstanding British istAhas made his appearance, one the nineteenth contury in the Sport Back Blue Suits - States, saying that they do not need help now. ; statesman In this country. *The who Is no longer merely a philan- works ot John Stuart Mill and in . . . . The Editor. Editor. L E N O S E G. MARSHALL: Extra Pants $4 thropic outsider, but an actual the politics of John Bright, and Novelist, An illustration of this is to be found in a new3 item that folpoet and editor. Born is still alive in Britain and in participant in the movement; not - • * - ^"-^ Sl«e« lowing a mas3 meeting of Jewish workers in Ozarichy, near Minsk, Jews have always had a great merely a well-wishing friend, bat Europe today. The founder of the in New York City thirty-five years ago. Completed her first! Other Students? Suits a Telief contribution of $700 from a Jewish religious organiza- many friends among non-Jews. a practical worker who is in every family, the great Josiab, apart novel and copybook of verse when j $21 JO snd $25 tion in the United States was rejected on the ground that the The poison of Jew-hatred seems way as gpod a Zionist as the best from being a great potter, was a she was seven years old. Has | to create Its own antidote; anti- Jewish adherent of that Idea.This great social reformer and humanJewish workers in Soviet Russia have no need of such help. The Semitism has always called forth b e e n writing ever since. Until| new type is naturally enough, to itarian. His family has followed this year her literary efforts have j White Flannel Slacks f 5.00 mass meeting adopted a resolution pledging each worker to do- philo-Semitism. In the worst of be found mostly in England. The his footsteps not only in his potalways been a private matter for] times when1 the waves of Jewish Englishman's 'attitude towards tery but also in his social aspira- herself Palm Beach Slacks $3.95 nate a day's pay to the unemployed of other countries. alone. Graduated f r o m • hatred and persecution were ristions. White Cord Slacks $2.50 Barnard College in 1919. Marri-! When the demands on Jewish charity are growing by leaps ing highest, there always appear- Zionism is entirely different from The Wedgwoods h a v e always that of any other non-Jew. WillyJames Marshall, son of Louis \ and bounds, any reversal of the trend is welcomed. ed non-Jewish defenders of the nilly the English people have ac- been great lovers of justice and ed Marshall. the mother of two; Jews, people who braved the quired an interest of their own in supporters of the under-dog, the children, a Isson and a daughter, j popular current within their own Zionism; and when it happens world over. The g r e a t Josiah Divides herself between her fam- j BOYS' 2 LONG PANTS SUITS group and worked for the Jewish that this interest goes hand In himself, supported the American fly, and her literary interests, j interests -with a greater fervor hand with true friendship for Revolution against his own Gov- Wrote reviews of contemporary j Sizes Newest The work of. the national committee for Religion and Wel- than even many Jews themselves. Jews, it results in a 'unique rela-, ernment; h i s descendants sup- poietry and novels for the Xew j Models 10 to 20 Colonel Josiah Wedgwood, M. P. fare Recovery gives us pause from our daily struggle for existtionship which can be found in no ported every m o v e m e n t for York Times, New York Herald-; belongs to this small but interestjustice which the Tribune and several magazines, i ence. The keynote of this work is that while financial and social Ing group of people. He Is what other country in the world and liberty and Other 2 Long Pants Suits S1O to $19.50 creates a type of non-Jewish ZionContributed verse to Scribner's, j recovery is of prime importance, there is something more funda- the plain Jewish folk lovingly call ist which no other nation has pro- nineteenth and twentieth centur- Saturday Review of Literature,! ies witnessed. The anti-slavery mental than the mere return to material prosperity. There are an "Ohav Isroel" (a lover of duced. movement, the American> C I v 11 | p t Magazine, Books and The Israel). But he is not a philoWar, the Polish insurrection, the' New Yorker. Since 1929 her; moral and spiritual values that far transcend silver and gold. Perhaps the best representative —White Kaynce SWrts • 95c to $1.85 Semlte In the ordinary sense of Leaders of all creeds, the Jewish included, are lending their the word. He stands In a class by of this type In England now Is Italian struggle for independence, chief work has been editorial. She i —Boys* Neckwear - - . SSc to 95c Josiah Wedgwood, M. P. the struggle against R u s s i a n was editor of the publishing! .efforts toward promoting the ideals of religion in the life of the himself, for Colonel Wedgewood Colonel Czarism and Turkish despotism— —Shorts and SMris - - 2Sc to 45c house of Jonathan Cape and Harj After the late Lord Balfour; he -iiiation. It is not to be denied that the return of millions of unem- is a friend of a special Jewish is the most outstanding non-Jew- all had enthusiastic supporters in rison Smith for three years. When i —Washable Long Pants $1,25 to $2.85 cause, more than of the J e w s ployed to. work is essential to social stability, but man does not themselves. He is primarily a ish Zionist in England. There is some scion of the Wedgwood fam- thit firm went out of business! —Washable Knickers - §1,50 to §2.75 she became literary adviser to j no doubt that on him the Zionist ilive by bread alone. We need a rebuilding of faith, and the reli Zionist; probably, t h e greatest mantle of the great philosopher—Washable Short* - * S5c to $1.15 They a r e traditional humani-; smith and Haas. Has now a ban- j ;gious and welfare organizations are the greatest faith-building in- i ; Zionist among the non- statesman has fallen. In. many •tarians, t h e s e Wedgwoods, as doned all editorial activity in or- • Jews. respects C o 1 o n e 1 Wedgwood's they are born potters.Every gen- aer* to devote herself entirely to! stitutions in the world. As President Roosevelt told the conference There is a c e r t a i n type ol place In Zionism is even more ex- eratlon of them has- had some creative writing. "Only T h e ; , in a message, "to bring convincingly to the hearts and minds of Christian for whom the idea of a ceptional than that of Lord Bal- sort of social "lame-duck" which j Fear", her first published novel, j pur people their full responsibilities and opportunities in strength- Jewish National Home has a four. The.late statesman was the they supported with the tenacity j i s being hailed as the work of a Boys* Own Store Is headquarters for lening the spiritual forces of the nation is a task of'major fanport- greater fascination than it has for most outstanding figure ot -the which has made the British fam- j promising talent. Her brother, some Jews. Generally these peo- older type of non-Jewish Zionists. ous. Colonel Wedgwood is no j Harold Guinzberg, is head of VikKaynee Wash Suits. Sizes S to 10. .ance. It is not enpugh to work out trade agreements and confine ple a r e sentimental Zionists of He was a great friend o£ t h e His great-grandfather! i Eg Press, but her book was pub- j excsotio the old romantic school, not mod- . m o r e m e n t but not an active helped G e o r g e Washington's lished by Macmillan because she | bur efforts to the solution of business problems alone." :; The great religions of the country need not compromise the ern political Zionists. The move- worker In it. His services to the liberation movement; his grand- wanted to stand on her own feet j ment Is more a matter of senti- Zionist. cause, historic as t h e y assisted in the Polish in- and did not want any favoritism j .. Idifferences which mark them as separate and distinct in order to ment to them than a practical were, were 'mainly romantic and father surrection; his father w o r k e d in getting her book published. In solution of the Jewish question. philanthropic. He never actual- heart and soul for the liberation explaining the origin of the odd join in fundamentals which will.benefit mankind. It is the romantic Idea of a Jew- ly took part In the movement of the Negro slaves and helped title of her book, Mrs. Marshall A ish Homeland t h a t appeals to which be himself helped so much Lincoln's emancipation movement says that the line "there is no In London Judge Spencer Hogg ruled against a tailor because them, the abstract Justice of the to advance. and he, himself Is just as much death, there Is only the fear of death" in Eugene O'Neill's play» [ the latter kept his books in Yiddish'. Headline writer calls it a Idea rather than Jta practical Colonel Josiah Wedgwood, on d e v o t e d to Herzl's liberation "Lazarus Laughed", h a s always reality. As a rule they do not the other hand, is a practical in- i movement, Wfflt MKN AN»—WOMEK T'case of being "hogg-tied." go Into the details of Zionism, nor side worker, an important colla-! Could a Wedgwood be other- remained with her as the title ot
Universal Problem
Fear of the Unknoyn
Zionist Needs
PAPAL DIGNITARY HITS GERMAN RACE THEORY The principle of destroying part of a crop in order to main-
The "White Book"
Unified Authority
Select "HIS"
Graduation Suit x
Welcome Expression
More Than Material
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1935. TO HOXOR NEWLY WEDS Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jacobs are receiving at their home, 1102 So. 35 Ave., Sunday afternoon from 3 to 6, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan ,E. Jacobs, who were married recently. No invitations are being issued.
KAZLOWSKY-HAXDIiER "WEDDING DATE SET -• The marriage of Miss Sophia Handler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Handler, and Ben E. Kazlowsky, son of Mrs. Anna Kazlo-wsky, will be solemnized on Sunday, June 16, at the Birch•wood club. Rabbi David A. Goldstein and Rabbi Uri Miller will officiate. The wedding ceremony, which will t a k e place at 1:30 o'clock, will be attended only by members of the families of the young couple. A reception for friends and relatives will be held from 3 until 6 o'clock. The bride-to-be will h a v e as her maid-of-honor, her sister, Miss Roselle Handler, and Arthur KazloTvsky, brother of the groom, will be best man. Miss Handler will be honored at a luncheon and bridge to be given by Mrs. Dave Colin at her
home, June 1. On Jane 2, Mrs. Al Friedman of Council Bluffs, "will be hostess at bridge at her home. Miss Handler will shaTe honors at a luncheon to be given by Mrs. Harry Rochman, at the Faxton hotel, June 5, and on
June 8, Mrs. J. J . Greenberg and Mrs. Dave Greenberg will be her hostesses. Among those who have already entertained her are t h e Misses Jeanette Levinson, Bstelle Gil-bert, Bess Bernstein, and Selma Wolfson, I. B. Ziegman, H. Kazlowsky, . Sam Green, Norman Green, Sam Kuklin, and Herbert Neveleff. '
Mrs. Sam Levin is recuperating from a recent illness.
COREXMAJf-ROSEN" The marriage of Miss Frances Rosen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Rosen of Des Moines, to James Corenman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Corenman of this city, will take place at the Tifereth Israel Community synagogue in Des Moines, Sunday, June 2, at 5 o'clock. Rabbi D a v i d A. Graubart will perform the ceremony. A dinner and reception will be held at the Lakeview club house after the ceremony. Miss- Evelyn Rosen will be her sister's maid-of-honor. She will wear aquamarine mousseline-desoie. Bridesmaids will be the Misses Sue Corenman, who will w e a r flame mousseline-de-soie; Dorothy Corenman of Oakland, California, who will be gowned in aquamarine mousseline-de-soie; Velma Beechen of Sioux City, who will be in yellow of the same material; and Bette Beechen of Des Moines, who will wear hyacinth mousseline-de-soie. Aaron Corenman, brother of the groom, will be best man. TJshers are to be Messrs. Hyman Winer, Herman Corenman, Dave Hermanson, Jack Fleishman, all of Omaha. Little Marilyn "Wintroub will be flower girl. The bride will wear a white sa.tin gown made on princess lines, with a tulle veil caught into a cap by seed pearl at the sides. Out-of-town guests at the wedding will be Mrs. E. I. Kushner and daughter, Doris June, of Oakland; and Mr. Nathan Kornman of Brooklyn, New York.
MASOX-KATSKEE Miss Saramara Katskee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Katskee, will be wed to John Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mason, of Des Moines, on Sunday, June 2, at the Birchwood Club. Among those who entertained for Miss Katskee are Mesdames Rose Fried, Art Katskee, Ed Mason, Ruth Mason, E. Meyers, Goldie Myers, Gladys Perelick, and Misses Betty Burstein, Goldie Fish, Marriam Lieb, Sylvia Parilman, and Ann Sklar. A reception open to the public will be held at the Birchwood Sunday from 3 to 6 p. m. No invitations have been issued.
TWENTIETH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY An open house cocktail party was held (Saturday preceding the Highland opening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Feder in honor of their twentieth wedding anniversary. Among the guests were many who had attended their wedding two decades preious.
For Y©nr Friday or Sunday Nij
Whitman s Suggest
WEDDING SUNDAY The wedding of Miss Bernice 'alk, daughter of Mrs. A. Falfc, o Ruddy Mittleman, eon of Mr. M. Mittleman, of Detroit, will ocmr on Sunday, June 2, at the home of Mrs. M. G. Cohen, aunt if the bride. Miss Falk was extensively en;ertained. Among her hostesses ere Mesdames Julius Altman and J. Rosoff, and Misses Sylvia 'alk, sister of the bride, Minnie Frohm, Lillian Gelfand, Bess Kirsltenbaum, Harriet TVolksky, Marian Brookstein, Toby Hertzberg, Estelle Gilbert, Bertha Colick, and Helen Castelman.
KOSHER KNOCKWURST zn& WIENERS, ft. - X v Homemade Marinated HERKfMG, 10c ea. 3 lor 25>-
New homemade Koslier DIM Pickles
RECUPERATING Mrs. I. M. Weiner is recuperating from a tonsilectomy.
one or more
© Our scientific modern methods retain the correct size and shape of your clothes. © Let us clean and de-moth them now! . © Sealed in moth - proof cedarized bags without extra charge. .Call - - SHEOLLY GOODMAN'S
of these
Chiffon Frocks
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Barish, 912 j Mercer Park Road, "will receive j Sunday afternoon and evening, in honor of their daughter, Lois, a confirmand. ~To cards have been issued.
ing Sunday, June 2, from 3 to 5 j and from 7 to 9, in honor of the j confirmation ol their son, Mai-1 colm. All friends and relatives are cordially invited. Mr. ana Mrs. M. E. Chapman, 720 No 57 St., will receive from 3 to 6, Sunday afternoon, in honor o£ t h e i r daughter, Helen Jane, who is a confirmand.
Remodeled - Relined L BERKOWITZ, Furrier 2818 Leavemvorth JA 2703
Mrs. Frank Tuchman will be at home, Sunday, June 2, from 2 to 5, in honor of her daughter, Rosaline, who is being confirmed. No invitations have been issued. Mrs. I. Nathan, 1001 So. 30 Ave., •will be at h o m e Sunday from 2 to 6 p. m. in honor of the confirmation of their soa, Paul. No cards have been issued.
modern Piano Playing Beginning Jane 1st
WE 0301
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schonberger will be at home Sunday afternoon and evening, in honor of the confirmation of their son, Howard. No cards have been issued.
©The brides of yesterday, today, and torn o r r o w "will find equal appeal in these charming Frocks of soft dinging printed chiffons.
Gold Storage
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rosenstock will receive in honor of the con-J formation of their daughter, i Ruth, from 3 to 6 Sunday afternoon. No cards "have been issued.
for FURS An exceptional service based on a real knowledge of furs. STANDARD RATES Onr Track Is Bonded Phone JA 2316 NOW
•Just to see them is to
Mrs. Rose . Relnschreiber "will be at home, Sunday afternoon, from 3 to 6, in honor of the confirmation of her son, Lyle. No invitations Tiave been sent.
be filled with enthusiasm—and to wear one is to be thoroughly ' thrilled. CarmatCs Second Floor
1814 Farnam St to
Malashock's 16th and Farnam
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lincoln receive Sunday, June 2, from 7 to 10 p. m., in honor of the confirmation of their son, Norman Lincoln.
ERXIE FKIESMAJf Offera A Special Summer Conroe
• A Wonderful Collection Atetdts You
Engagement Mr.- and Mrs. J. 1#. Trachtenbarg, 4213 Dodge St., are receivRings
Mr. and M r s . Horace Rosenblum 'will be at home, Sunday, June 2, from 3 to 5 and from 7 to 9, in honor of the confirmation of their daughter, Shirley Ruth, and also to honor Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rosenblum of Los Angeles. No cards have been issued.
Chopped Herring
KAPLAN-LERMAN Mr. Nathan Lerman announces ;hi- marriage of his daughter, 'earl, to Mr. Nate Kaplan, son at Mr. and Mrs. L Kaplan, which •ccurred Tuesday, May 28, at the home of Rabbi David A. Golditein. After a short honeymoon trip :he young couple will return to Omaha where they will make ;heir home. -
Empire Cleaning Preserves Your
Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mil- ! AXXOFXCE BIRTH OF HERE FOR WEEK Dr. Abe Fellman is der, Mr. and Mrs. William Fritz, 'DAUGHTER i Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. Fried-j a, week visiting his family. Miss Sarah Ferer and Sam Horn. : m a n of Chicago, 111.. Encounce j — Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rosenstock i the birth of & daughter Tuesday.' j were accompanied by Mr. and ••May 28. Mrs.j Friedman was; XTANTET* Mrs. Morton Degen, Mr. L. Heyn ! formerly Ann Freeman of this! | By young man Konm Saturday evening marked tlie Edell of New York City, and Mr. and Miss Hazel Degen. ! city. Jewish Home in quiet m-ij. gala opening of the eleventh sea- and Mrs. Rube Brown and Mrs. borhood. Box 15, Jewish r?fK Together with. Mr. and M r s . son of the Highland Country Sam Swartz, sister of Mr. Brown, Dave Cohn were Mr, and M r s. i ENTERTAINS AT Club at which approximately 2 50 were a three-some. ' LUNCHEON persons attended. . Mr. and Mrs.. H. A. Wolf were Dave Greenberg, Mr. a n d Mrs. I: Mrs. Morris Jacobs entertained | A cozy atmosphere brightened hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Stal- W n . Milder, and Mr. and Mrs. at a luncheon at the Fontenelle, i by a quantity of spring flowers master. Dr. and Mrs. Gordon, Mr. Hymle Milder. j for the friends of M r s . Philip! which bedecked tJ}# club lent a and Mrs. L. Burkenroad, Dr. and I Kraene of Los Angeles, formerlyi With Mr. Harold Abrahams real background for the occasion. Mrs. A. Greenberg and Mr. and ' of Omaha. i The affair was arranged by Leslie Mrs. Dave Feder, in honor of the were Miss Ida Krasne, Mr. Lazar I Kaplan, Mr. and Mrs. Harry RubBurkenr'oad and Manning Hand- twentieth wedding anniversary of | HOSTESS ler. Austin Bevan's orchestra pro- Mr. and Mrs. Dave Feder. This ' enstein, Mr. and Mrs. Harry I Mrs. Leon Fellman was hostess Greene, Harold Kay, Ethelyn vided the~ music. table was beautifully decorated in Kay, and Dr. Art Green. • last Thursday evening to the, Due to the inclement weather, white being bedecked with white j Omega Delta Delta sorority. An : Among the others who had rethe new outdoor dancing pavilion roses, a wedding bell, and white servations for the opening were: ' enjoyable evening was spent play- j was not used, and tomorrow even- candelabras. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Morton Hiller, Mr. ,inp bridge. ing there will be a second opening • Mr. and M r s. Sam Robinson and Mrs. Ben Silver, Mr. Fred Get t>ur price* on to inaugurate the use of the n°w were hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Her- White, Harry B. Cohen and his jHEADS STUDENT and Repairing and outdoor floor. | COUNCIL elinf|. Pay when you man Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Sam I mother, Mr. Myron Blotcky, Mr. them cut. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hiller were in Abramson, also of D e s Moines, ! and Mrs. A. B. Alpirin and their | Irving Hill, of Lincoln, was re- 1 the no host party which included Mrs. Irene Morris, Eddie Rosen, j niece, Miss Ada Goldman; Anne i cently elected president of t h e | Mr. and Mrs. Abe Herzberg, Mr. Dr. and Mrs. Philip Levey. I Ruback and Mr. Mike Freeman; j University of Nebraska student j and Mrs. Milt Livingston, Mr. In another no-host group were I Dorothy Muskin and Mr. Abner council for 1S35-S6. He is active j and Mrs. Bert Hene, and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Handler, Mr. j Verbin of Fremont. Earl Lapidus in other campus organizations as j Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld. and Mrs. Lou Somberg, Mr. and had as his guests Miss Bernice well as in Jewish groups. Dining together were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nogg, Mr. and Mrs. Yousem, and Robert Heller of Mrs. Sam Leon, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Al Mayer, Mr. and Mrs. Harold I Grand Island. Additions! Society Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Mas Farber, Miss Helen Kohn and on Page Seven. Chapman, Mrs. I. Chapman, Rab- Homer Binswanger. REUNION bi and Mrs. David H. "Wice, Mr. Accompaning Dr. and Mrs. In celebration of the fiftieth and Mrs. E l l i s Leavitt of Des Barney Kully, were Mr. and Mrs. I year of their coming to this counMoines, and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sani Wertheimer jr., Mr. and Mrs. •try. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sherman Wolf also of Des Moines and Jay Richard K. Einstein, Mr. and ! were honored May 25 by their and Helen Cherniak. Mrs. Herman Einstein of St. j seven children, who came from 9 Mr. and Mrs. Jule M. Newman, Louis, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan j different parts of the United StatMr. and Mrs. Henry A. Newman, Block, Miss Betty Loeb of Phila- ' es to hold a family reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jacobs, Miss delphia. HOT SLICED CORNED BEEF, !k ...Sk| This -vras the first time that the Rose Grodinsky, William GrodinMr. and Mrs. Paul Blotcky, Mr, ] five brothers and two sisters had sky. Miss Elaine Berkowitz, B. and Mrs. Morris Linsman, Mr. I all been together in eight years. Dubrow of Sioux City and Ben- and Mrs.* Robert Kooper, and I A family picture, including Mr. jamin Lewis of Boston, were also Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Stokes dined I and Mrs. J. Sherman, Mrs. Leo dining together. j Milder, Mrs. Philip H. Rosenblatt, together. Together w e r e Mr. ami Mrs. In a no-host group were Messrs I Messrs. George Sherman of Tulsa, Harry Shumow and Mrs. Harry and Mesdames Morris Katelnian, j Oklahoma, I. Sherman of Grand Chopped! J. J. Greenberg, Al Wohlner, Nate j Island, Nebraska, Morris and NaGefulte Nogg, William Racusin, H. S o 1 j t h a n Sherman of Chicago, IlliFish Liver I nois, was taken OB this occasion. Novitsky. Together were Miss Florence 50c Lk 1/2 p t , 25c Smeerin of Lincoln, Kichard Hil- BRIDGE-LUNCHEON Mr. and Mrs. Louis Alberts, ler, Miss Marjorie Hiller, Harold Mrs. I. Raznick entertained at 611 So. 32 Ave., will receive at Cherniack, Miss Marian Guggen- a bridge-luncheon for s i x t e e n These and Many Other Delicacies Are Served in Our home, Sunday afternoon, from 3 Iheim, of Lincoln, James Salzen- guests, in honor of her h o u s e Luncheonette - - - or Can Be Taken Out to 7, in honor of the confirmation \ stein, Miss Jacqueline Navern of guest, -Mrs. B. Goldberg of San of their daughter, Helene Jean, i Kansas City, and Myron H. Blank Francisco. Out-of-town guests at and Edward Shafton and F l o r - the luncheon were Mrs. J. Kuntz No cards have been issued. ence Appleman and Bob Singer. of Sioux City, and Mrs. Abe BaMrs. Jeanette Arnstein, 321 So. j Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sherman, Mr. bendar of Fremont. • Liu. 53 St., will be at home, Sunday i and Mrs. Ed Krause and Mr. and Mrs. Goldberg will spend this afternoon, from 4 to 7, upon the { Mrs. Harry Malashock, Mr. and week-end in Fremont as the guest Omaha's Finest Delicatessen occasion of the confirmation of Mrs. Jack Farber, Mrs. Harry of Mrs. Babendar. She will then T JA 4S?« 2417 FAEJ% AM STREET her son, Charles. No cards issued. Trustin, M r s. Morris Weiner of proceed to New York City to visit Sioux City, sister of Mrs. Sher- friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sig Bernsteine. man, also Nate Sherman and Mor3331 Harney, will be 'at home, j ris Sherman of Chicago were toSunday, from 3 to 6, in honor of \ gether. Another no-host party consisttheir son, Philip Bernard, who is being confirmed. No invitations : ed of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Degan and have been issued. i Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wertheimer, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Greenspan J Dining together were Mr. and will be at home, 674 No. 4S St., j Mrs. Morris Ferer, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday afternoon, and evening, to ! H^-mie Ferer, Mr. and Mrs. Morris honor their daughter, Shirley. Harriet, who is being confirmed, j No cards issued. ]
Gala Affair Mairks* Opening at Highland
HONORS GUEST AT BRIDGE-LrNCHEON Mrs. J. Levey entertained at a bridge-luncheon, Monday afternoon, May 27, in honor of Mrs. M. Sherman ol Chicago, who is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. I. Reuben.
.. .for a happy honeymoon
XOT TO RECEIVE BECAUSE OP ELliXESS Mr. ana Mrs. Morris Milder will not hold a reception Sunday because: of the illness of' their daughtei, Esthryn Gwendolyn.
The Krasne BEAUTY SALON Offers a New Deal Shampoo and finger wave featured ' f*A
Permanent waves by experts - $3.50 and Up. •J16 BEANDEIS THEATER BLDG. AT 4333
k% Garefu! ss a Mist Walkinp Troni Cbctns Farm But That's Kot Half as Carrlol «» We Treat lour Clothes. Free Storage—Free Moth Sealing
PiEHLiSS KE 1500
of fashion | | | Top in value! f
For good looks and ©II - ronnc satisfaction, choose & Nelly Don washable Nclda. C r e p e . . , there's nothing to compare witfi it at the price. Two disamsingly smart styles with the new snowy background t h a t looks . . . and is . . . so cool I
Just Try One Ont ID Omaha Sold Only hy
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FILM ACTRESS SET FOR FLIGHT—Ruth Chatterton, screen actress who holds a private pilot's license, as she prepared at Roosevelt Field, L. I., to take off for a flight to the West Coast in her new plane. She is shown talking things over with Serjeant Biggs of the patrol force.
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Df STATE—Here is the body of the late Marshal Joseph Pilsudski, Polish Dictator, lying in state in his uniform in the Grand Salon of the Belvedere Palace in Warsaw. Polish soldiers are on guard and In the background is the Polish Sag. All activity was suspended and it was estimated 500,000 trooped in from the provinces, despite a heavy rain, to attend funeral ceremonies.
WOULD YOU BITE A HOOK?—Suppose you were a trout in the stream below and looked up to see this bevy of beauties cast their hooks overboard, would you bite? Left to right, these screen beauties in a California setting are: Bonita Barker, Kay Gordon, Esther Pressman, Dene Myles, Beula MacDonald and Dorothy Thompson.
IT'S FLYING FISH SEASON—Myriad flying fish are making their annual visit to the warm water surrounding Catalina Island, Cal. Above, Dorothy Cox and Isabel Johnson are shown with two of'the gossamer-winged creatures that were caught when attracted by the powerful rays of a searchlight.
DESERTED BABY FINDS FRD2ND—This new-born fawn. 14 inches tall, was found in the woods near Barnegat, N. J., after its mother had fled in panic before the flames of a forest fire, abandoning the baby to its fate. It was discovered by Raymond Beckett, who took it home to his daughter, Madelyn, 15, shown feeding it. The little fellow thrives on his milk diet.
SONGSTER—Mrs. Francis L. Robbins, Jr., a cousin of President Roosevelt and a member of New York society, who is appearing as an entertainer at a New York hotel roof garden. She said she would use the salary she-received as a singer to further the studies of an unnamed music pupil.
H O U S I N G CHIEF—Confident that the trial period of the Federal Housing Administration is past, above is James A. Moffett, administrator, as he sailed from Los Angeles for a vacation that included a world tour.
NEW YORK LIBRARY IS 40—The 40th anniversary of the founding "of the New York Public Library was recently observed by a pageant there. Above are Maria V. Leavitt, chairman of the celebration and Anne Carroll Moore, superintendent of children's work, in old-time costumes. POET'S KIN TRIES "FOR AIR RECORD—On his seventh cross-country flight he has made in a year, Peter Dana of Holderness, N. H., 19-year-old great-grandson of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, was balked by fog and winds of setting a record for junior pilots. Above he is shown, right, at Roosevelt Field. L.I., with his flying chum, Jack Fisher." also 19.
INSPECTING MIDGET CITS—These midgets are members of the Rodriguez family inspecting the Midget City hi construction at the San Diego. Cal., world's fair. Left to right are: Trinidad, 19 inches; Inez, 17, and Paul, 16, as compared with Harry Martin j carpenter, who is 6 feet.
P A R L E Y — Captain Erwin Wassner, naval attache of the German Embassy in London, as he left for Berlin to arrange for the British-German naval talks. Britain hoped the parley would produce a precise statement from Germany that could be communicated to the United States, Japan, France and Italy.
F B 8 1 b S£**?*? A m e r5 i a ^T rS t u ) v i s^i tA e dD t*n-em
the presence of 150 Americans representwfj£L?i^3iCS /^£ , £ ' toimense flower and plant exposition at Heemstede, Holland, GranvUle T. Emmet. United States Minister to The Netherlands, christh ^ ^ i f w 6 1 1 F*?fP Darwin tuUps "Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt," £ above The visitors saw broad fields of tulips and other flowers in an amazing carpet of color
COMEDIAN—Do you recognizr this man? He used to make you augh. If you do not happen tc emember him, this Is Charlir Chaplin, film comedian, snapped at an informal moment when he was about to enter the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, to attend a benefit performance.
a HEADACHE, MR. BRADDOCE?—Resting for a moment from his heavy training, here is James J. Braddock, New Jersey heavyweight boxer, preparing for the bout June IS, In Madison Square Garden Bowl, Long Island City, in which he hoped to wrest the world championship title from Max "B&ew. He is shown at Loch Sheldrake, N. Y. Copyright United NewspJetures
Chesed Shel Ernes The Chesed Shel Ernes announces that no meeting will be held this month becauee of the repairs being made in the building, . . . . , ...,-.
RETURN" FROM MIAMI Mr. and Mrs. Max Veneer returned Thursday morning from Miami Beach, Florida, -where they spent the 'winter/ Before coming home, Mr. and Mrs. Venger visitA regular meeting of the'Mount ed relatives and friends In New Sinai Cemetery Auxiliary will be .York City and Chicago. held Wednesday, June 5, at the
Mount Sinai
Adass Yeshurin synagogue, 25 th and Seward, at, 2 p. m. The chair drawn for at the luncheon at the J. C. C. May 22 was won by Karl Kehm. Mrs. J. Finkel, president, expresses: her appreciation to the committees for their co-operation In making the affair a success.
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Rosenblum of Xibs Angeles, formerly of Omaha, a r e the guests of Mr. Rosenblum's brother and sisterin-law, Mr. and: Mrs. Horace RoBenDlum. They •will he honored, at a reception at the Rosenblom residence Sunday. STEAK FRY FROM NEW YORK BY Mr. Morris Jacobs f etf in by plane from New York and he is visiting with his family at the Blackstone hotel.
A BteaK Iry for. four couples was held at Cowles Lake Wednesday evening in h o n o r of Miss Ellyn Schall, who is leaving soofa for New York.
VISITOR FROM NEW YORK Slarry Kononovitch of New York City, formerly of Omaha, is visiting here with relatives and friends.
IN CONCERT Myron Cohen will plar several violin solos and Abraham Dansky will present a number of piano selections at the. concert in the Joslyn Memorial lecture room, Sunday, June 2, at 4:30 o'clock.
RETURN HOME Mrs. Max Turchen of Sioux Falls, So. Dakota, and Mrs. Lee Bograd and son, Allan, of Kansas' City, Mo., the former Hazel and Lottie Zavett, respectively, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hellman, left Sunday, after visiting here the past two weeks. They were extensively entertained during their visit ' here. Amoung .their hosts were Messrs. and Mesdames H. Glicken,' P. B a 11, L. NOgg, C. Hermanson and J. Hell:
RETURNS FROM' VACATION ;Miss Rose "Welner returned from a three weeks' vacation In Chicago, Detroit, and Sioux City. While on this trip she visited lier many friends and relatives in these cities.
RELIGIOUS SCHOOL PICNIC The picnic of the Religious School of the "Vaad will be held Sunday at Elmwood park. All children will meet at 10 o'clock at t h e B'nai Israel synagogue. Autos will take them to the park.
IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA . . . . As long as Masaryk lives there is no danger. PALESTINE «•*«< t o +** JEWISH AGENCY BARS REVISIONISTS FROM PALESTINE OFFICES . . . . Well done! JEW SETS PRECEDENT BY SELLING LAND TO ARABS . . . . A WINS SCHOLARSHIP By ROBEET STONE result of the real estate boom in New Schedule of Benefits for Max. Resnick, student at t h e NORTH AMERICA Palestine. Workers Is Radical college of commerce of Creighton COLONY IN PALESTINE NAMWISE BOOMS BEN GURION Departure university, has received a t w o FOR WORLD ZIONIST PRESI- ED FOR GENERAL SMUTS hundred dollar scholarship to the DENCY . . . . Whit wiil Sokolow The map of Palestine will soon* Jerusalem (WNS) ( P a l e o r University ol Chicago law school. s a y t o t h i s ! ••-.-• read Ilfce a British who's who. Agency)—A far-reaching revision Resnick is president ol Phi Beta 19th Z I O N I S T CONGRESS CITY-WIDE STRIKE OF JEWj cf Palestine's labor laws, •which Epsilon fraternity and secretary ISH SOCIAL WORKERS LOOMS OPENS AT LUCERNE AUGUST ! have undergone a slow change of the Creighton chamber of com- IN NEW YORK OVER DISMIS- 27th . . . . This is to make it easj since the Ottoman legislation of merce, honorary organization. SALS OF HOSPITAL EMPLOY- ier for the German delegates to the Turkish regime, -was announcES WHO JOINED UNION . . . . attend. ed here by Sir Arthur Grenlell JOURNALISM AWARD | If social workers are not permitWauchope, High Commissioner of , Miss Josephine Rubnitz, daugh-1 ted to organize h o w can their Palestine, vrho accepted recom-; ter of Dr. and Mrs,'. A. S. Rubnitz, •work be effective? mendations presented by a spechas heen awarded a fountain pen RACKETEERS MULCT NEW The summer season at Peony ial investigating committee which \ for placing in the fourth annual YORK KOSHER P O U L T R Y Park is now officially opened for Le recently appointed. news examination conducted by DEALERS OF $1,000,000 AN- the public. The neT schedule of benefits Scholastic, national high school NUALLY, MARKET COMMIS"Red" Sierers and his orches- for •workmen under Government weekly. Miss Rubnitz is a senior SIONER REPORTS . . . . Strictly tra, who were so popular last employ represents a radical deat Central High school. kosher racketeers are just as I season, will furnish the music for parture in the Government's emtreife as the rest. the dances, to be held every night ployment policy. It improves BOYCOTT FORCES GERMAN except Monday. However, na- labor conditions for Arab and SHIPS TO ABANDON CALLS AT tionally-known attractions, as Jewish -workers and confers new SAN DIEGO . . . . The boycott is j Duke "Ellington, will be presented rights on -workers in the GovernBy Mrs. David M. Newman still tlie only weapon we have. about every two weeks. ment technical services, railways, WAR ON RADICALS AT UNIFor the past three months post offices a n d pnblie -works. VEESITY OF WISCONSIN workmen have been beautifying The. important concessions made Chocolate Whipped Cream ? TURN'S TO ANTITSEMITISM . . . the' park and enlarging the dance by the Government represent a Frosting U s e 5 tablespoons cocoa, 1-3 Anti-Semitism is always the flag floor as well as the Royal Grove victory in. a struggle for labor reforms conducted for many years cup powdered sugar, 1% table- j of the reactionaries. seating capacity.
Peony Park Open
Kitchen Chats
GUESTS OF HONOR spoon hot water, 1 cup cream, 2 At the yearly banquet of thej teaspoon vanilla. Phi Delta Epsilon, Jewish Medi-' Combine cocoa, sugar and encal fraternity of Creighton uni- ough - hot water to make a paste. versity, which was held at the Add cream and beat for 5 minutBlackstone hotel, the five grad- es. Add vanilla and spread on uating seniors were guests of cake. honor. Cake Frostings Dr. Isaac Sternhill was the Orange Cream Frosting oastmaster and Dr.- Victor E. Take juice and rind of 1 or.evine was the speaker of the evening. The announcement of ange, 2 tablespoons flour, ^ cup the honors to be presented to the sugar, 2 egg yolks, or 1 egg, 1 seniors was a?.de at the banquet. cup whipping cream. Mix all the ingredients toThe graduating seniors, wlp were honored guests are: Irving gether, except the cream and cook Neigus, Leonard Jagoda, Abra- in double boiler until thick. Alham Relmer, Maurice Steinberg jlow to get cold. Whip the cream stiff and fold In orange misture. and Irving Sternhill.
HOUSE GUEST Miss Lorraine Cohn of Chicago, Ilk, is spending a month's stay here as a honBe guest of her aunt and uncle, "Mr.1 and Mrs. D. B. Epstein. After visiting here, MiBS Cohn will take an extended tour through -the Tvestern, states Bid through Canada. • .
RADUATE ENGINEER Al Weiner, son of Mr. Morris Welner, who Is graduating from the Nebraska University School of Civil Engineering, on June 6^ will be the first Jewish graduate from this college in -the p a s t five years. He has been active In engineerIng club activities and he is a member of the Xi Lambda fraternity of Omaha.
VISITOR. PROGRESSIVE HEBREW 'Miss Esther Jacobson, who is CLTDB BRIDGE PARTY working In Washington, D. C, is The Progressive Hebrew club visiting -her\motheT heTe for two will sponsor a bridge party at the •weeks. .C.--<3., TWarlfty; gycnfog,-'.Tpno 4. The committee in charge of VISITS PABE5TS is: S." dayman, J. Dr. Morris Blacker is taking a arrangements Vlener, D. Oruch, H.. Richlin, H. -wiek's vacation and is viulting Abramson and S.. Nepomnick. his parents, Mr. and MTB. I A regular meeting of the ProBlacker. gressive Hebrew c 1 u b auxiliary was held at the J. C. C, WednesWEEK-END IN LINCOLN day, evening at 8 p. m._ .Misses Jean Beber, Pearl Osoff. and Dorothy Salzman of Council Bluffs spent the week-end in Lincoln, where they attended a Tush party given by the Sigma Delta Tail. -
Margoslies Heads
A; i . C . Unit New York—The' appointment of Dr. Samuel Margoshes, editor of The Day, as chairman of the Commission on Organization of the American Jewish Congress was announced by Dr. Stephen S. Wise, president. ' .
JEWS OFFICIALLY BARRED FROM ARMY IN NEW REICH CONSCRIPTION LAW . . . . Not even in the right to die does Hitler want to grant equality to the Jews; JEWISH SCIENTIST TO EXAMINE PILSUDSKI'S BRAIN . . . Perhaps we will f i n d out why Pilsudski pefmited the Jews ol Poland to starve. PRINCE OFFERS 3,000-ACRE FARM F O R JEWISH SETTLEMENT IJT ALBANIA . . . . No danger of the offer being accepted. KARL MARX'S GRANDSON BECOMES ZIONIST . . . . But we wonder whether his Zionism is the same as that of the Revisionists. FIVE-YEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR BIRO BIDJAN ANNOUNCED ON FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF AUTONOMY DECLARATION . . . . The next five years will telL JEWS ALARMED AS NAZIS MAKE HUGE ELECTION GAINS
'attention to the cost of. government. While electric rates were being decreased 39 par cent, government costs were increasing 800 per cent. While the electric bill for the average family was $SS.4S last year^tlie" cost of federal, state and local governments $700 per family. "It is intercstins to note!that that the theccost of electricity is constantly toming down "while the costs of government •re constantly going up. The cost of jpoverament thisjrear will Ije $1,000 per family,
-* A strange dtnation is presented by this editorial from an Iowa newspaper.
Every Kluht Except Monday
JACK WAROLAW And HI* Columbia Broadca«tb»t Orchestr* Continuous Entertainment EstoparCi BdytU Cuban Septette Flaying Between Dance Sorabtn f Dancins .insidetaiCase vt onSchhtz tap, asand well Robin as alt Hood popular 2 bottle brands served at table*. — Sandwiches and etber iijebt rem fresliments. .
Omaha Jobbing Company
Mohel Specialist " Recommended by ilan> Doctors Kesldeaea Phone WEbster 668B '• 'Snalneaa Ebone WElMter 5480
1422 N. SOthfet.,Omaha, Neb.
Will be reserved for the holders of the 1934 tickets until June 10. A few family and individual. tickets are available. Only a limited number vyiilbe sold. Phone WA 6254 for any information.
SEASON TICKET Ideal at - Peoni t*tk «ltb the lamp attUetfc field, base&aU diamonfl and : P1 • 5UToanfls. Xho nlr-condlt l o n e d ballroom, i ballro QTnUable CTCTT n e and the Boyal Grove xias be nsett on. Moor da?*. NEW tOW RATES FOB OBOCP PICNICS Are
HOW COKGBATT7IJI.XIONS Cold Seal Creomtiy Omaha Towel Supply Chafl. Sherman & Co, Kitty Clover Potato Chins sll and Berka Bohin Hood Beer Coca Co!» M. Venser t Son Underwood Dairy
In Pur* Artesian Water Insures a Healthful and Refreshing Sport ANTON ZUKAS MldwCTt • A. A. V. Chatrrpion, 1» to chnre . of ftll pool actlvltte*, UOB» iat Timnc
f 'i I
In one of the three large shaded groves, modernized with electric lights, barbecue pits and bake ovens. Plenty of new tables for everyone.
SS14 Charles Street or Phone FORBES BAKEEY - - - WE 6400
202 Securities Building AT 03S2 Evening Appointments can De made with ten expert beauticians
4,000 Square Feet of Additional Dance Space, 14.000 Square Feet m All. 600 Extra Chairs and Tables, Now 3,500 Seating .Capacity, 100 Tont of Ornamental Rock, Sunken Gardens, Terraced Tables, Indirect Lighting, New Stage Effects.
JA 5004
Miss "Tony", Mgr.
Highest Grtde Enamels. S2.00 gnl WATEBPHOOF AIX-FBBPOSE' rtKAR VARNISH, *1.3O Gallon
We wish to announce the opemmg of a new retail bakery route, suppljing yoc with a foil line of fresh baked goods daily. We deliver to yonr home.
Direct from Chicago, introducing Contoure Cosmetics Also featuring Frederic and Eugene Permanent Waves Other Permanents as low as $3.50
Pxi: CONGOLEOM BUGS ...$4.23,
SO. 13 ST. JA. 1871
Retail Bakery Route
and Other XntlonallJ Known Attraction*
TO EXCELSIOR SPRINGS Mrs. A. Tannenbaum will leave Tuesday morning, June 4, for a week's stay at Excelsior Springs
—From em- Editorial in the Red Oak, le., EXPRESS, April 4,1935
CONVALESCING^ AT HOME : Mr. I. Chapman is convalescing at. his home from an auto accident which occurred Friday eventag.
817 Ho. 15
| Annof-mcing , . . a New
RETURNS FROM ST. PATJI/ Mrs. Sam Josephson returned from a ten-day visit f r o m St. Paul, where she was a house guest of her sister,. M r s . Sam Stats.
RUSH PARTY .The Lincoln chapter of Z. B. T hid a rush party last week-end and among the Omahans who attended were: Warren Ackerman Jerry Hirshman, Leonard Leon Joe Lerner, Lloyd Malashock Jerry Milder, Dan Miller, Howard Kaplan, Irving Sherman, Bud Slosburg, Bud Shumow, and Era est Wintroub.
by the J e w i s h Federation of i sickness; pensions for Labor. \ laborers after specified termi The "new deal" labor program 'service: statutory notice or £ for Palestine provides for an In- '• missal for day laborers re£ul»-" crease in the pay of daily and i employed; promise given for • monthly railway workers; special ; institution of a State insi;:•*.?' rental allowances for all Govern- | scheme. Although the pro*'"ment workers ic Tel Aviv a n d j does not meet completely *.1>F < ; Haifa; a statutory 4 8-hour work- ; mauds of the Arab and ,1*> • ; labor leaders, the reforms *.:•? ing week; a weekly day of rest; twenty-five per cent extra over- ; substantial as to be greete.4 > time pay for weekdays and fifty i approval by the workers. j>er cent lor SaKbetlis; statutory tvro-week paid vacation annually, Jewish Press Advertisers also two weeks paid leave f o r 1 your "patronage.
The cost of conducting the business of Government has increased 500% since 1913. Over the same period, the cost of electricity to the homes of the nation, under private operation, has decreased 39%. In other words, while the average cost per family of governmental spending has grown to the staggering total of $58.33 a month, the cost of your electric service has decreased until it amounts to only a few cents a day. Yet, under the terms of the Wheeler-Rayburn bill now pending in Congress, it is proposed to destroy utility holding companies, deprive operating companies like the Nebraska Power Company of their invaluable services, and substitute Government supervision, control and, in eSect, management of your electric service.-
• ••
"' • : -.' •
• '_
The situation is strange because, while costs of goyermnent have increased year by
the Nebraska Power Company lias been efiabled to improve its service and decrease its rates steadily since 1917 largely through the aid of its holding company. Our customers have saved narty hundreds of thousands of dollars through rate reductions brought about by this aid. Will the" Government furnish this kind of aid and service under the Wheeler-Rayburn bill? No. The bill not only provides no substitute for these services—it offers nothing but rigid regulation for the operating company. Is Government qualified to run the utility business? Look again at the Spires above. The people of this community have nothing to gain from such a bill, and everything to lose!
J. £ . Davidson President Nebraska Power Company
Too can help to defeat the WheelerJlaybmrnVKL Write ta yeur tem&or* i rmprmumtative* in Washington, end tell them you are oppp*ed to it. Act Hi
FRIDAY, MAY 31, r 1935.
Krasne, S. Shyken, Louts Bernstein, Nathan Gilinsky, Lawrence Anti-Semitic Candidates Krasne, Louis H. Katelman, Sam Swamped in French Sacks, Nathan Nogg, a n d Dave Fox. At the conclusion of the Election Memorial Services, Mr. Brin gave Tallinn, Esthonia (JTA)—The Paris (WNS)—The political an interesting speech on the MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent Jews of Esthonia will for t h e debut of the French anti-Semites achievements of B'nai Brith work. Mr. Sam Beber of Omaha first time be able to have a recame to an inglorious end -when El every one of the anti-Jewish can- introduced the speaker. Dr. Julius Jewish Agency Executive Acts presentative in the Bsthonian didates in the municipal elections M. Moskovitz is president of the t o !?tmish. Rebelling State Legislative system. local chapter. -1 ir. Paris were badly defeated. Faction The announcement was made Not one of them polled more in connection with the conversion than one hundred votes and one The Sisterhood of the Talmud J e r u s a l e m , (WNS—Palcor of the parliamentary State sysTorah will hold a regular meeting Agency)—As an outcome of the tem in Esthonia into a CorporaJewish students who are among received but two votes. Their smashing defeat is attriSioux City Jewry vrill Join the the graduates of Central High buted to the election-eve disclos- next Wednesday afternoon, June bolt of the Revisionist-Zionists tive system.* The Corporative 5, at 2:30 o'clock at the Chevra School and Morningside college Chambers of various professions, Jewish communities throughout ure that they have been receiving B'nai Yisroel synagogue. Mr. J. from the World Zionist Organiza- which are being established, will , the nation "in the observance, Sun- •will hold their Baccalaureate ser- aid from the German Nazis. tion, the Executive of the Jewish Z. Stadtan will conduct the Bible elect a General Chamber, in place day, June 2, of Palestine Flower vice at Shaare Z i o n synagogue Study. All members are urged to Agency for Palestine, supreme of the Parliament. The chamDay, sponsored by all Zionist this evening, during the regular Jewish authority in. the distribuattend. ber will include representatives of Groupsi and parties under the aus- Friday evening service. tion of immigration certificates all professions and nationalities. The service Trill be opened at 8 pices of the Jewish National Fund o'clock with the processional of of America. The Council Bluffs Senior for Jews entering Palestine, deHeretofore it has been possible Hadassah will hold an important cided to revoke the equal rights for the Jews to return a repreCompleting the j)lans for the students in cap and gown. Philip meeting next Tuesday afternoon, of Revisionists to share with sentative to the City Councils onFlower Day, members of the Jun- Silverberg will act as master of J u n e 4, at 2:30 o'clock at the other Zionist groups participation ly in the towns of Tallinn (Reior Hadassah held a rally and en- ceremonies and Jack Merlin will BY F . R. K. Hotel Chieftain. Mrs. Saul Suv- in the committees and sub-com- val) and V&lk, where the Jews listed the aid of a large percent- be the Cantor, students who will alsky, new president, will appoint mittees In various countries live in sufficient numbers. In the age of the membership to assist assist in reading the ritual are her committees for the ensuing which are in charge of the local other^ towns and in the Parliain the Flower day. Members of Libbie density, Edith Fish, Rose the Young Judean club "will also Bashefkin, and Elaine Mushkin. TEN JEWISH STUDENTS TO term. A report of the Southwestment they have till now not been Isadore Shindler will offer the in- GRADUATE FROM LOCAL assist., ern Regional Convention which distribution of immigration certi- able to obtain any representation. was held in Lincoln on Sunday ficates for Palestine. Volunteers, who will' engage vocation; Rebecca Dimsdale the HIGH SCHOOLS These committees are known as Among those who will gradu- and Monday will be given. Among Sunday in the sale of flowers, class pledge and Edith. Fetnberg, Mention the Jewish Press to •will be;headed by Miss Ida Cohen, the Bible reading. The valedic- ate from the Council Bluffs High those who attended the conven- Palestina-Amts or Palestine Of- your merchant. fices. tory address will be given by Schools next week will be ten tion and chartered a bus from Junior Hadassah chairman of the Hazel Kantrovich. This is the first formal action Jewish' students. The Thomas here were the Mesdames Morris J. N..F. .: KOTICE OF IX CORPORATION Greetings in behalf of the Jefferson High School commence- Grossman, Saul Suvalsky, H. which has been taken by the Jew- NOTICE The observance of Palestine IS HEREBY GIVEN: graduates ot Morningside college I ish Agency to formulate a policy ment exercises will be held next That the undersigned have filed Fried, Herman Krause, Joe GotsFlower; Day will be marked by a amended Articles ot Incorporation at will be given, by Rosena Sacks. ' toward the Revisionists since the Wednesday evening, June 5, at diner, Herman Meyerson, Louis GENERAL THEATRES CORPORAnationwide broadcast, which will TION with its principal place of busibe given over the National Broad- The benediction will be given by eight o'clock at the Broadway London, Leo Fitch, M. Meyerson, latter declared that they will not ness Omaha, Nebraska. The Articles Theatre. Miss Maxine Leibovitz Martin Troutfelt, Harry Cherniss, participate in the forthcoming being Inamended as follows: casting Company network, under Rabbi Rabinowitz. and Jerr-y Yudelson will be among Nathan Nogg, Ben Gershun, Sam ! World Zionist Congress and will 1. Amend Article IV by- fiddlntr therethe auspices of the National Adto the following: "No additional stock the graduates from the Thomas Bubb, L. Cherniack, Simon Stein- i form a Zionist Organization of shall be issued after this date unless 1t ministration of the Jewish Nafirst be authorized by a. vote of the Jefferson High School. berg, and W. Solomonow of Coun- ; their own. In the meantime, stockholders tional ^ u n d of America. The owning at least 50 per The commencement exercises of however, the Jewish Agency Execent of the outstanding stock and each cil Bluffs, Mrs. Henry Maduff of program will be presented over stockholder shall have a preemptive the Abraham Lincoln High School Anita, Iowa; and Mesdames B. A. cutive will make no changes in right to sufcscrite Tor his pro rata -station WEAR, Rockefeller Cen•will be held Friday evening, June Simon, David Finkel, and David the present method of granting sh&re of each such additional issue." ter, New York. City, at 9:45 A. Miss Shirley Tessler of Omaha, 7, at eight o'clock at the C i t y Bernstein, of Omaha, Mrs. Gross- immigration certificates to the 2. Amend Article VIII by changing first phrase thereof down to and M. Daylight saving time. Nebraska, is a guest this week in Auditorium. Among the gradu- man was elected corresponding Betar, youth Revisionist group, the iDcludinjr the -word* "issue ana outto 1-eaQ as follows: "'With the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Co- ates will be the Misses Pearl Mey- secretary of the region. from the number of permits in- Standing" the consent in writing of or pursuant hen. Her engagement to Nathan erson, Esther Steinberg, June tended for all organizations en- to a vote of the holders of not less than 90 per cent of the shares oj capital Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Meyerson, Shirley Maltz, and Ber! gaged in sending chalutzim to Etock issued and outstanding." "The Bible, Its Contents and Cohen, was recently announced. The Jewish National Fund S. Amend Article IX by striking oct tha Kushner, and Sam Epstein, j Palestine. Message" will be the subject o£ figures "GO per cent" and Inserting Flower Day has been postponed j The Executive also affirmed the Robert Endelman, and David in lieu thereof the words and figures Dr. Theodore N. Lewis" sermon locally until Sunday, June 9. Any-the further validity of an agree- "Ninety- per cent (90 per cent)." Miss Dorothy Epstein was hos-Perlmutter. at Mount Sinai Temple this even- tess to Hadassah members whose Amend Section S cl the By-Laws one who wishes to donate his ser- ment reached last year in Lon- by4. inserting after the word "Statute" M ing. ;; vices is asked to get ia touch with in the fourth line thereof the following birthdays occur in March, at a COXFIRMATION j don between the Zionist Organi•ea "or by the Articles o' Incorporation." Services for the festival of Sha- party in her home Tuesday evenany member of the committee. RECEPTIONS zation and the Revisionists which Dated, May S, 1935. vuous win be held in the Temple Harry W. WelnberBlei ng. Miss Rose Sperling entertainMr. and Mrs. Nathan Adler I bars violence in expressing difD. G. 'vTest. Thursday evening, June 6 at 8 ed members whose birthdays 5-10-S5-4tRev. S. Mintz of N e w York I ferences. at o'clock. will entertain at a reception at come" in July, at a party in her their home at 16 South Eighth City, field representative of the Confirmation services of the home Tuesday evening. ^ , WEBB, BEBER, Street on Sunday afternoon and Jewish National Fund, spent the RiATTZNlCK & KEIXEY, Attys. Temple are scheduled for Sunday 650 Omaha Notional Bank Building. past week-end in Council Bluffs, evening, June 2, for all of their New York Bans Prejudice | morning June 9 at 10 o'clock. Rabbi and Mrs. H. R. Rabino- relatives and friends in honor of and while here, he was the house NOTICE OF SALE. "WHOM IT MAY CONCEEN: in Insurance Policies TOThis witz will leave for New York City their son, Marvin, who w i l l be guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. Stadwill give notice that Sarah 'Junior Congregation on June 10, to attend the wed- confirmed Sunday morning at the lan. Kulakofsky and Morris Levey, adminisof the Bstate of Israel KulaAlbany, N. Y., (WNS)—Rejec- trators At an election of t h e Junior ding of their neice Miss Norma Temple Israel in Omaha. No kofsky, deceased, having, as provided tion of an application for an inCongregation of Shaare Zion Vogel. They plan to return to cards are being issued. by lair, heen granted a license to sell Rev. Mintz has announced that certain real estate described in «a.i<3 synagogue,.-. Howard Sacks was the city early in August. anyone who wishes to commemo- surance policy or refusal to issue license tor the purpose of paying the elected' president for the coming and expenses of adMr. and Mrs. Louis Bernstein rate any special festivity or cele- solely because of race, color or debts, court costs of the estate o* Israel year. Betty Rae Mosow was electMiss Mina Slotsky visited with will entertain at a reception at bration may buy trees to be plant- religion are outlawed in the State ministration Kulakofsky, dece&sed, and said license ed, vice-president; Sylene Skalo- friends at the University of Ne- their home at 222 Frank Street of New York, as the result of the to sell having been granted on the 20th of October, 1934, the said adminisvsky, secretary, and Helen Guttle- braska in Lincoln over the week on Sunday afternoon, June 2, ed in Palestine, and may get in j signing by Governor Herbert H. day trators do hereby offer for sale the said real estate described in their eaid man treasurer. end. Miss Slotsky accompanied from three until six o'clock, for touch with any member of the Lehman of the Stephens Bill. Jewish National Fund Council. license of sale, all of which is situated A board of directors was elect- her mother Mrs. W. C. Slotsky all of their relatives and friends, The bill is designed to prevent ia Omaha, An undivided one-third Interest ed and includes the officers and who attended the Hadassah Con- in honor of their son, Harold, ing policy applications from Jews in (a) and to the South one-half of Lot Six On Saturday morning at t h e insurance companies from reject- in and t h e following members: Ida vention in Lincoln. At the con- w h o will be .confirmed Sunday Block One. Kountze's Fourth Addition to the City of Omaha, as surveyed, Shindler, M o r r i s Ginsberg and vention Mrs. Slotsky was elected morning at Temple Israel in Om- Chevra. B'nai Yisroel synagogue, and Negroes. •' platted and recorded, subject to 1933 auditor of the South West region. aha. No cards are being issued. in celebration of the Bar Mitzvah Celia Kellner. . county taxes and 1934 city taxes; (b) The North one-half of the East of Milton Katelman, son of Mr. One Hundred Thirty-nine feet of Lot l O t l S E. L I F r , Attorney and Mrs. Samul H. Katelman, doSeven in Block One, Kountze's Fourth Miss E 1 e a n o r Sankstone deCity Xatl. Bank Building Mr. and Mrs. George Krasne Addition to the City ot Omaha, as Btrparted Tuesday for Paducah, will entertain at a reception at nations were received for five veyed. platted and recorded, subject to >OT1CE OF ^'CORPORATION* OT a first mortpraxre in favor of the Omaha Kentucky, where she will be mar- their home at 125 South Eighth trees to be planted in Palestine LN1*3LN1> SECC1UT1ES COKPOKAT1OS Loan & Building Association on which tied to Jonas Rubinstein of that Street on Sunday afternoon, June for the Jewish National Fund there is a balance due as of June ; i , which were given by relatives of •Notice Is hereby given that the un- 1934. ia the sum of J6S1.S9 and subject city. . further to 1933 county taxes and 1934 9, from three until six o'clock, for the Bar Mitzvahed boy, who will dersigned have organized a corporation. taxes; all of their relatives and friends, receive a certificate from the Na- The'name of the corporation ia Inland city ' (c) An undivided one-half interest in Securities Corporation and the principal Miss Ruby Bereskin of "Winni- in. honor of their daughter, place for the transaction of its business and to the south eiphty feet of Lota peg Canada, has arrived in the Rhoda, whose confirmation will tional office of the Jewish Na- is the City of Omaha. Douglas County, one and two in Block Five of Kountze Nebraska. The general nature of. tts & Ruth's Addition to the City of Omacity to visit her cousins, Misses take place next Friday evening, tional Fund. business is to buy. sell, own, lease, ex- ha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, Julia and Sulamith Bereskin. change aiuljor mortgagee real estate end subject to a mortpajre in favor of the June 7, at the Jewish Community personal property wherever situated; to Prudential Insurance Company of AmerAmong those who motored to buy, sell, collect, adjust, discount and ica in the sum of approximately $C6.Center in Omaha. No cards are liquidate credits, securities accounts re- 000.00, which mortgage has heen foreMr. and Mrs. Philip Levin an- being issued. Des Moines to attend the funeral ceivable and payable." mortgages, notes closed by proceedings in the District nounce the birth of. a daughter. services of Mr. Eli Bookey of Des and choses in action, corporate stocks Court of Doug-las County, Nebraska; (d) An undivided one-half interest In ami honds and to do all things incidenMr. and Mrs. Morris Grossman Moines last Thursday were Mr. tal to nnd necessary for the carrying and to the west nineteen feet in width of Lot Three and of Lot Four in Block out of the above objects; to sell and.or and Mrs. J. Scharf and daughter, will entertain at a reception at broker all forms of insurance and to Nine in the City of Omaha, as surtheir home a"t 210 "West Washing- Miss Marian Scharf, Mrs. Maro- carry on a Beneral insurance business tn veyed and lithographed, eubject to a a 1U forms insurance and indemnity first mortgage in favor of the Conwitz, of Coimcil Bluffs, and Mr. At the services in Shaare Zion ton Avenue on Sunday, June 9, bonds. T h e total authorized capital servative Savings & Loan Association on synagogue tomorrow morning^ from 2:30 until five o'clock in and Mrs. Jack Marer of Omaha. stoclt of this corporation s h a l l be which there is a balance due of- ap$11,000.00, and subject $10,000.00 divided into 100 shares of the proximately Bertram Bergen, son of Mr. and the afternoon and from seven unpar value of 1100.00 each, to be paid for further to a second lien in favor of Drake-Williams-Mount Co., on which cash or property ant' he non-assessMrs. Max Bergen-^ill be hosts to til ten o'clock in the evening, for Milton Katelman -entertained in able when issued. The t i m e of com- there is a balance due of approximately the Junior congregation following all of their relatives and friends, eighteen of his young friends at mencement of the corporation shall be 4170.00, which • liens have been foreBSE is a special by proceedings instituted in the the service, in honor of their son. in honor of their daughter, Libby, a Theatre, Party a t the Strand on the fillnK of. a cops- of. its articles closed chej of incorporation -with th& County Cierli District Court at liouglas County, NeSpecial services for Shavuoth STATE CORPORATION braska, of DouRlaa County, Nebraska, and its whose confirmation will take Theatre last Saturday afternoon, 3 m] The sa!d «brtre SpserflteS real estate termination shall be fifty years there)anc to sell merchandise to will begin Thursday evening June place next Friday evening, June May 25, in celebration of his Bar after. The highest amount of Indebted- will be sold subject to all ex'stfni? Jlens G, at 8 P. M. Friday the services 7, at the Jewish Community Cen- Mitzvah which took place Satur- ness to which the corporation shall at and encumbrances and the equity of jcki time eubject itself shall not exceea the ea!4 estate In the said real estate edii recipients of TORGSIN will be held at 8:30 in the morn- ter in Omaha. No cards are be- day morning at the Chevra B'nai any two-thirds ot its capital stock. The af- will be sold to the highest bidder for ing and at 8 o'clock in the even- ing issued. fairs of this corporation are to be con- cash. The terms of said sale will be Yisroel synagogue. ORDERS. This Institution ing. Saturday morning the serducted by a board of not less than two 25To of the bid to be deposited on the nor more than five directors who shall day of the sale and the balance to be a president. Vice-President, Secre- paid at the time the said sale is to be isf day by day, increasing vice w i l l begin at 8:30 o'clock The Council Bluffs Talmud Mrs. Harry Levitan of Chicago, elect confirmed by the Court. ,5aid sale will tary and Treasurer, a n d will include the memorial Torah and Sunday School will be held at the east front door of DougLAZAR KAPLAN, and developing its service service. Preceding the Memorial Illinois, and Mrs. William Greenlas County, Court House in Omaha, Nehold a "Shebouth" Program and stein of ColinvIIle, Illinois, are ar- In Presence of: G. I'EULIS. braska, on the 15th day of June, 1935, throughout the U.S.S.R. service Rabbi Rabinowitz will closing program for the Sunday riving here today to visit at the LCUIS B. LIPP. at 10 o'clock a. m. and will remain open for one hour thereafter as prospeak on the subject " A r e we School season on Sunday after3.10-35-4t vided by law. supplying the recipients Truly Progressive?" home of their sister, Mrs. J. MenSARAH KULAKOFSKY • an« June 9, at 2:30 o'clock at delson, and Mr. Mendelson. They SIONSKT, GKODINSKY, MARER & MORRIS LEVEY. AdministraWith the highest quality , The final session of the religi- noon, COHEN' the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synators of the Estate of Israel came to attend the commenceous school will be held Sunday 737 Omaha National Bank Kulakofsky, deceased. gogue. Mr. 6 . Hochman will pre- ment exercises of Henry Mendelof imported and domestic morning, June 2. S-S1-S5—3t. sent stereoptical slides illustrat- son, who will graduate from the Notice Is hereby plrcn that on the | articles. ing the Book of Esther. Mr. J. Creighton University next Thurs- 1st day of May. 1933, the total outindebtedness ot DAVENPOKT Z. Stadlan, principal of the Sun- day, June 6; and also to attend standing REALTY COMPANY, a Nebraska corWins Honor PRICES COMPARE FAporation, with its pr'rncipal place of day School, is in charge of the the confirmation of Beverly Men- husinesa In Omaha, Nebraska, was $44,Miss Sulamith Bereskin, senior children's program. VORABLY WITH THOSE student delson, which will take place next 803.50. Recogutzed as at Morningside Collego LOTJIS J. RIXGLE, '"'. IN AMERICA PRACTICAL MOHEl/ Friday evening, June 7, at the President. and editor of the collego paper SARAH niNGt.E, Shobouth Services will begin Jewish Community Center in OmPhone 1039 "The Collegian" won an unusual next DOROTHY RINGL.E. Thursday evening, June 6, aha. llajorlty o£ Directors. honor, when her editorial entitl- at 7:30 o'clock at tho Chevra Council Staffs, Ea. Attest: ffos? Verssin orders ed "Youth and Ago" was given B'nai Yisrocl synagogue at 613 Dorothy Klngle, eecretarr. •ea yoisr local bank first prize at tho Iowa Stato Mynster Street. On Friday June Matthew G r o s s of St. Louis, 5-1T-35—3t e* smfasrhced agent Press Contest, held in conjunc- 7, tho morning services will com- Missouri arrived here last Thurstion with tho Press Convention in mence at 8:30 o'clock, and the day to visit at the home of his Cedar Rapids. , evoahig services at 6:30 o'clock. brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Oft Bnttirday morning, appropri- Mrs. Loiiis H. Katelman. ates Bervicea will bo held at 8:30 Young Poale Zion Mrs. A. Herzoff of Sioux City, The meeting of th<> Young o'clock. "Yiacor," the memorial Iowa is spending the week here Poale Zion club will be hold next services/ will also tako place Sat- visiting at the home of her sonGeneral* Representative In U.S.A. at Tuesday evening in tho hom& at urday morning. in-law and daughter, Mr. and B'NAI M'RITH AMTORQ, 281 Fifth Ave., N.Y. Miss Mary Raskin. ' Mrs. Nathan Gilinsky. Mr, Arthur Brfn of Minnea•" A history lecture by Ulna Uh Han Romirowsky will bo featured. polis, MintioBota, presldont of the Misses June Meyerson. and District Grand Lodge No. 6 of the Pearl Meyerson spent the past Independent Order of the B'nai week-end In Des Moines, Iowa Brith, was honored guest at a visiting friends. banquet given b,y the Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 ot the B'nat Brith Monday evening at the Che-Nazi Meeting Barred vra B'nai Yisrool synagogue. Mr. MIneola, Long Island—T h e O. Hochman presided as toast- Friends of the New Germany -will master, The banquet was prepar- have to find a new location lor ed and served by members of the their Long Island meeting. Sisterhood of the Talmud Torah. Swamped by protests from all Following tho banquet, an open parts of Long Island, County Pomeeting was held at the Eagles lice Chief Skidmore revoked a Hall. Mr. Hochman was in charge permit he had granted to the of tho Memorial; Services which Nazis to hold their meeting in the Is an annual custom in memory of County Police Auditorium at twenty-ono deceased members of Mineola. the local organization. Participating in the memorial program Jewish Press Advertisers ^merIt were Dr. Isaac Sternhili, Millard your patronage. 'IE
to J.N.F. FLOWER Baccalaureate DAY SUNDAY Be Held Tonight
Society News
The first group of thirty families will sail for Cyprus in July, The plan was devised by, Dr. Berlin (WNS)—Tho Jewish Re- Kindennan, prominent merchant, presentative Council of Germany who will be the leader of t h e has worked out E plan for nettling colony. a group of German Jew* on the . V E B B , BEBEK, British-owned Island of C n n I.S.JTZ.NU.'U. t, KKIXEY
j flfic- OJMHI"), ISHtloonl Bonk Building, i
BAMt'EL ZAUHAIUA, A^onfi 7G8 BrsiidfiB ThPi»tr« fJulltSin? TO CART. DAXTFIf-tfOV. OTTOMAN MfJIi ' : TON BROIUXJAN AND —•"• ", i B R O D E U A X . Ill*' V f " . fin'>""'",, ''"'i n a m e u n k n o w n . C H f t W . K S W. Ht.AKJ ill-:Ai'«• lit* v-ir.' ; Hriit a m i rcnl r / u i i ' " lini-.norfi, **•;,',''!, PERSON'S H A "V" 1 X <•> <>K CS.AI ,<USl, ANY INTKKJWT IN" l . O ' l ' Ni.Vl^'I'KJ'^(I*. I!?), m C H T ' A N ' f > A f K f '.'-'r ^ ' ^ A * ' 1 : DITION" I N i>CJUOL.A.y COL'M'J, SI'.| BUASKA: T o n n n d ern~!i e>t v m i ar<- 1i<-"<-l>.r n " f | ;• f i e d t h a t o n t h o : ' : ' » • ! liny of S i n } . -|«.'!>'. t h o lnlfiml Sccurltli'K C o n , , , n I'f-'iiitrn- • tion of O r r . J i t m . ,*• fUrnnhn, n n ).!«!».;;!•, f i l e d i t s p e t i t i o n I n t h e IiinJrli-1 f'uiu-l. <•'•
Douglas Counts, »M'|JAMI. a n a •ion
o b j e c t a n d pp r a y e r of BIIKI in-il'l'iii t.i-i'it to foreclose a Nir-etefen (L,. SS) t : i i : l n i » - d A < . • • • « ' « . >< »• » > ' !
w n « f . x r ' n j s r - ' i )<y
don n o s b a t d to L»UIN %•'.. iMn>. (late r,T jRtmnr n " ' In corded on said nl l»«,ufc412, of the infirtEBM1 las County, Srht-nnUu,, having been pivfn to w«7'H!i'" thr j ^ v . ment of a certain TiMmil.wi y unU in wrUinjr dated Jnniuif^ Ifi, H*:^,, t<nr' n»f plaintiff allesrcB t h r r e i« now 'ivf it nr> the Assignee of sntil tint!' unil tnortxaee on said indebtcrlnPFi? the fnjlowlnir Huron, to-wit: $350.00 on the prim-lnul tiliil US,00 Interest to May IS, ions. Plaintiff prays that in default of payment by Baifl rtorciKlimtH of the amount due the plaintiff as aforesaid, en id mor. gaeed premises may be decreed to be pole! acrorrtinc to Inw to satisfy the num found due "with frjtfrept ftnd costs of suit and that said defendants and Ell persons claiming by, tl?.roueh, or umHT them, or of them, be excluded from, p.ntf foreclosed of any and ali interest, ripht. title end equity of redemption in or lien upon said mortgaged premises. You and each of you are required tc anrwer «aiS petition en or- JiefOT the 8th. day of July. 1!>?.Z.
'JfJ' «U- I K < ' O i ; r O R A T T O N O F *%tl.f>F,lt. 1-»«3«"«B C O . , <. j»! ift-hy i'ivfn that tho Underi,iiM- fi,i ni'.".l k ooriioratinn under <>>it-
Ihiw '-orriorat ion ahall be
,,<• C n . / - ' w i t h its prinHi ut!*!*- it'' i 'UMiTT-5--^ ^ c O i n a l i a . N > i,»•!.„!•!. Tiwj--f-ntr»i". naturo of th»
(mnii.i-h-i t » t»'»U nn.? t h e ol).1ei-t ,,,,,, ,,,,,.p,,a,. for -n-hi'-h t h i s c o r p o r a t i o n !,• .•ri-i.><lx<-<t )« »<J b u y . H^H °i" J i s t r i b „•,,, (.( ' v. h')l""(i!f or retail, wines, v l - i ^ ! '"'•' •inniJ" mi i.iln-i t-.iii.lf! ot d } j(r tllvH'il-
3if;uorK aiut any and b«.'vei-!ii-".'K a m i l i c i u o r s ; ?n?iIu.irn''Ui^e. mftKe
i.-> i<; ! n - < i u i r t . Sjol.;. dispost.', lease, {>.n<; <>r < ? ! n i n ? b ^ v r c n l nnri p e r potiffl i ' ^ n » T t r . a n ' ! <<"• > t o d o a n y a n d i.Si llnnu'K TK-i'psis'a'-y <•'!' r o n v e n i e n t to !! M ;•' r-f.jiiill^id-!! (:;ru f.>f the purposes t . / ^ f i r i w«>:. f o r f i i . The authorized <-apiti.| Mio.l, of t h e c u v i i o v h t i o i l shall l'« f-''. (*nf, nfr PTI<T fO' R.ii*' Pfnffc P h R l l l»p c o m m o n un<) V>r t h e p a r v a l u ? of S 1 0 0 . 0 0 1,..i « . h i u ' i : a n . i s i . , - i l l b « ; f u l l y paid u p
rirMi"-'! V"!' uiht't•!;
e a c h o f y o n irnp!«-itfii>.1 w i ' i i J--;ij"'<Rosbnrd. u l i m i i r i ' i " i j . (l«-?«-ii<lu».t. • ) • '
omnlin, >«-bra»ki».
8. Corporation, By SAMUEL ZACHARIA. Its Attorney.
'Mount Sinai
r;h;<n <oniTi]«n<-e «tojn^r business upon Siln.t; i t Ui-tii I lit-' « i l l ; iiif- C o u n t y C l e r k o=* i'f^n:)f'^ <T>>unty. iVe'T'Tska, n n d p h a l ! inttt iritffor a I'^rio*! of fifty years fi-oui Hit ill d![tf-. T h i - l i ' K h t s i i i m o i m t of itn)'-l>M-(lri»»>« B!IP,1I n o r «-XCPPI' M v o - t h i r O s of i t s *-.Gpi(fil s t o c k . Suit t h i s r e s t r i c t i o n « h a ! I i n . i inuluilH i n i l o ' ! i t ? ' l n M s socureJ hr rnnr-tp-ngou or jien?. T h e nffRfrp of t h e <-ori.)oratioii s h a l l i>e m a n a g e d b y n. •){• Directors; of not less Ihan two no?- mor«a fhnn five members. The annual iij^etint; or the vorporation ahalt t.T: l i o l u o n r j r y o f e;.'.oii
t i i e fi-'Ht. J l o i u i a r i n , 7 a n u y e a r B t -n-hicii i n e P t i n p t l i e
HtorkhoUiers shall elect a. UoarJ of <livrciort-; find thprrtipor. ilif Foard shall ele^'t a. I^rewiiient. Vicc-Presi'ler.t, Secretary anil TreFiNurer. Av.y nvo of »*Hiii orn<*es inr.y l>e liehl )«' " i r find the j?ame person. T!:ps? nrtk:te#= may be amended at any re.cuiav or Kpecial rnPCtinf: of. tlie Fr.O':k'no!ilr-r>= by twothirdp vote o!' tlie ont^tHndinltr stoefc. IX VITXI«S AVIirci-tEOl-'. thv parties Iinre hnrpnnto Hiibs.-ribcii their hflmis this ;3riJ day or May. 1S.15. ' AI,FRRL> A, FIKDLKK. la the presence of: E. J. KQLDSBERG. o-CI—4t.
Continuous Eetertaiement STARTING AT 11 p . M. and ending with
EVERY NIGHT EXCEPT SUNDAY Radio - Stage and Screen Stars
LOG Presents Return Engagement JIAXXO & STRAFORD Society Premier Dancers CLIFF WIXEHTLL from Park Plaza, St. Louis America's Outstanding M. C MARIE BOBBY COOK Acrobatic Marvel Direct from Park Central Hotel, New York VERA PERV. Delineator of Songs Rhj-thm Queen
Shaare Zion
No wonder that people ore passing the word along that the Morrison gives you more for your money. The large, airy rooms, the alert thoughtful employees and the perfect location, right ot the centre of downtown, make the Morrison first , choice from every ongle, especially with those who have many colls to moke in e short time. Whether on pleasure or business, you ere nearest to all the places you want most to reach.
with £erv/cfor end •€*•
,, r
Owing to the hesght of the building, most of the rooms ore out of earshot of street noises, y®f ©n|y ®n elevator ride from the Loop.
TERRACE- GARDEN BOSTON OYSTER HOUSE tf yOU DRIVE, w« w£ pml your ear. S*«ii<S«rc! rates. N© eth«r efurges.