June 7, 1935

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Dedicated to.the Idealsof Judaism

Interests of the Jewish People

Entered* a» Sscond Clara Mail Matter on January 21, 1921. at PoetoMie. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March S. 1873


Jewish-Looking Nazi Diplomat Given Ducking Bucharest (WNS)—The Roumanian Government's tolerant attitude toward anti-Semitic studentrioting put it in an embarrassing situation when it found itself in the position of having to apologize to the German minister because a member of' his staff who was mistaken for a Jew was beaten up and then thrown into a lake by a band of student hooligans. The German diplomatic attache is reported to be seriously ill as a result - of his beating by the anti-Semites.




7, 1935. <



Palestine Winning War Against Malaria


ld Camp

Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agency)—Malaria, once PalesCertificates and Prizes Boys and Girls tine's most dreaded plague, has been, completely subdued in tlie •ed at Exercises Last Are to Be Concity of " Jerusalem, it. was an- j | /"* /*« 'r r i ^ firmed Friday nounced here by the Palestine fie-' JU >-<• v^» ICS.rO Graduation e x e r c i s e s a n d j T h e c o n f i r m a t i o n of Beth-El partraent of health, which report-1 h o n o r a w a r d s of t h e V a a d Religi- ; synagogue will t a k e place t h i s ed that not a single death from j r ous School took place last F r i d a y ; evening, a t 8 p . i n . Thirty-four malaria occurred in this city in j r lOUm night at the B'nai Israel synago- j b o j - s a n d & i r l s yriu b e confirmed.! 1934 a s gainst 113 deaths in gue. G r a d u a t e s of t h e school ia-1 T h e c o n f i r m a n d s a r e : Mildred 1 9 1 8 . T h e Health. D e p a r t m e n t n a s Tne Jewish. Community Center elude Marion d a y m a n , A n n e P o l - ; Balaban, R u t h Bloch. Milton Parents arc urged te Thelma Gaspar, 16, daughter lay a n d E l i n o r Cohen. Of t h e J u n - ; Bloom,i Marjorie ,,„..„ J.... ^Chapman, r~+- , t h i s year allocated £9 0,000 t o meet the City Hall diamondSeveral Omahans have teen acof Mr, and Mrs. George Gaspar, con ive in aiding the formation ot ior department t h e following chil- I p a tty-Ann Farber, Beralce^Frie- • t i n u e its anti-malarial cam-1 eers on Sunday, J u n e 16, S p. m. j their CMMTTO in the f»i 4402 Barker avenue, was named s "Western Division ol the dren were graduated: Helen F o - ; d e l ( * R e T a Gorelicfc,- Libby G r o s s - ' E a i g n 1 - l i r o u € n tke destruction of | at Western League baseball Park Home Camp o£ tlie tEewi&fe C«xr?as the Technical High school winin the final game cf the donkey uthwestern Region o£ the Jewgel, Goldie Azorin, Shirley Spar, | I a a D i E t h e l A < K a d ^ t R ^ d a K r a - i mosQuitoes, * Center, v/hidbi wiil S** ner of the World-Herald two baseball games being Eponsoreti ,_.i National Fund, which was o£Rosaline Baum, Shirely Chasen. j Kulakotsky, j t Le| s n e j B e t h u d i a hundred-dollar scholarship, at fit f h f PCTif^T Tor f£x fp-Tiks. by the Omata Junior CtLamtier of Sliclally organized at a conference Harold Nesselson, Bess Lefitz, E s - \T e n s o n i j a m e s Lipsey, Pearl L i p - ' commencement exercises Wednesther Shapiro, Leon Brotrn a n d sey, Harry Litke, Leonard LnttCommerce. eld Sunday, June 2, in Kansas day. . Helen Mlnkin. ilty.-Mo. The J. C. C. entrant w i 11 be ] beg, Morton Margolin, Adele Mayfrom. f>W tf Miss Gaspar received 27 of the Certificates and prizes w e r e per, Beverly Mendelson, Louise managed by Stanley F. Levin, of I Mrs. J. Richlin of Omaha was 31 votes cast by the faculty com: awarded by Mr. N. Levinson, sixteeE yesrs of age RFP ellgiJs'u the Junior Chamber sports com- ; ^-elected a vice-president of the di- mittee ' selecting the annual winMiller, Irene Mirowiti, Esther President of the "Vaad, and Mr. I. Morris, Melrin Newman, Frances mittee. • ! to join. vision. s ner. Morganstern, Principal of the Osoff, Betty Jane Rosen, Paulina Their team will be the young-' Philip M. Klutznick of Omaha She was also awarded another h e ? T>( school. Children receiving scholest entered, and the probable \ A l t •as named to the administrative scholarship Tuesday, a scholarJeanne Rothkop, M i r i a m Rubline-up, subject to change, will. arship awards were Morris Kirs-j Dorothy Schechter, nitZF R h o d a ;$>oard. ship'for ?140 at Carleton college,. Omaha High School Graduates henbaum, Helen Fogel, Goldie! n u t h S e i d l n > Bernice Mildred SilMorris Frledel of Omaha and Northfield, Minn. C Monday to include Herbert MaiLs, Ailliur • Weiner, Jay Adler, E.aymond Sha- 1\TTF, Artbnr Co^n. T Honored a t CommanityAzorin, Lillian • Katz, Leonard ; v e r m a n > Genevieve Jean Stein, CSoaclcde Season's -Hiss Fannie Katleman of Council Miss Gaspar has been a mempiro, Maurice Adler, David TTeinPotash, Arnold Duncan, Anae jS a e i < j o n Edward Waxenberg, SilWide Affair Efs were members of the imActivities ber of the student council, pres-' er, Hy Terain, Louis Hurwitz, Ssm Theodore. ?>Trp. ,T. BrpTr.jun, Denenberg, and Sophie Blumkin.; T i a W n i t e , and Eileen Zevitz. p o r t a n t Resolutions Committee at Ident of her home room, an ofA capacity attendance marked Perfect attendance awards were j T h e p r o g r a l a i s a s follows: conference. Mrs. Biehlin was The Round Table of J e w i s h Philip Kutier, Samuel TTolk, Alls- ] Mrs, S e n Sreifler. TVTrs. I. «•'>•• ficer of the Prinar Girls' debate received by the following chilj p essional, "Blessed Be Te r o c , ' on the nomination and organizaYouth will conclude its 1SS4-S5 tin Yslfee, Arthur Adler, Karolfi mppt.er, Mrs. Will ism. Tender. Vr*. club, a member of the school or- the third annual community-wide dren: Anne Pollay, Elinor Cohen, jW l l o C o m e > ' ; opening prayer by Kooperman. i * ' iion committee. Mrs. Morris Friechestra and a frequent winner ot services and reception for the Rosaline Baum, Shirley Chasea, j B e t t y J a n e R o g e a and S y l v i a season with an Kcnor Night banTlie game is played from tlie: F-fore.. Mrp, Ber. *' .fiel also attended the conclave. quet nest Monday evening, at 6:school honors. Jewish graduates of local high Irving White, Lee White, Charol-, W M t e ; t h e F l o T a l offering, Fran- 30, at the Center. backs of trained burros. All play-' Jsclr TVTP.rer« \ " Jacob S. Pearlstien, former She is a talented violinist, hav- schools, held at the Beth-El syna- lete Flesh, Jeanette Greenfield,: " T h e Home Camp r>r tl>r .Tr-ters except the pitcher and catcli- [ .-, executive director of the local "The Round Table during the ces Osoff; the Land of Israel, federation, is now regional di- ing won state honors repeatedly. gogue last Friday evening. Lillian Pollay, Harold Sherman, j A d e j e Mayper; t h e Brotherhood | past year has begun something er ride donkeys. The batter is on ; ish Comtcnnity foot until he hits the bs.il—an or- ; to be OP?? of ttip .~, factor of t h e Jewish National She is a popular favorite on proT h e affair is sponsored each LaBrina Steinberg, Norsaaa Den- j o f I s r a e ] ( Miriam Rubnitz; t h e | new and far-reaching in the JewI 3ert.R o< tnp ypp.r pfatpc ,i » .- 1 enberg-, Bernard Denenberg, Am- iM a ; a r i T service, lei by Cantor ish life of Omaha, and it is only dinary so£tbs.ll is used'.'j; $*und of the Sonthwestern region, grams before various Jewish oryear by the social service com- old Duncan, Jean Reber, Morris, ganizations. i JiTarer. clia.irms.ii of flip Cev!•:>•• _ that we finish our year's \~ ' with headquarters at St. Louis. a n d choir; r e a d i _ fitting f service in o mittee of the Jewish Community Abransom, Joe Chasen, Hertzel / ^ . | f i Committee. "It offprp to tb.e <"^i" '•*• • Participating in the conferMilton Bloom, Marprogram with a banquet hoEorp r a T e r boofci Center and the B'nai B'rith, with Gendler, Irving Gendler, Albert] j o r j" e ence were delegates from the statChapman, Paulina Jeane ing those who have distinguished jdren of thie community «, sn'srB i£OlQ,W^F€ Dr. Philip Sher as chairman. •es of Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Clayman, Shirley Belzer, Anne Se-1 , and Bernice Frie'del; | themselves in the activities of the did Rli-day progrRm ot liesK'j.-i:'. Norman Bolker, Leonard Leon gall. Awards for synagogue at- j the Patriarchs Abraham I s a a c , ; organization," states Al Fiedler, Kansas, and Oklahoma. recreation uncler finp cupervistrii... and Pearl Osoff spoke on behalf tendance were also given. i and Jacob, James Lipsey; Moses,; chairman of the Round Table. Principal -speakers at the con; and r&rcntP B«ioiil« register ib^-' of the graduates, pledging the The Vaad Religious School pic- j P e a r l "^ipseyf the Ten Command-! Dinner will be served at 6:30 clave were Leon Gellman of St. Mrs. J o s e p h Goldware is t h e i children imraediRtely KO iliv.i ^f.Jewish youth to continue the The Jewish Community Center nic is to b e j i e l d this Sunday jI 3 e i 3 t s > t h e Hebrew, Judith Leven- j in the Center auditorium, after Louis and, Dr. Irving Levitas of president o£ t h e '.m £ 7 * a v e t h e opportunity of fsvpool will be open to youngsters ideals of Judaism. morning at Elmwood park. The son, English, Ruth Bloch; Israel I which a splendid program w i l l nevrly-elected Chicago. . m The rabbis of the various hous- children are requested to be at enters the Promised Land, Louise I follow. Al Fiedler will review the Oms.ha chapter of H a d a s s a h , suc-^ S Bd^Rntape of this B?\vr,r.u: Harry Friedberg of Kansas of Omaha on June 24 to 28 in ceeding Mrs. J u l i u s Abralaamson, j Pjograrc*-, K r . Marer ivv.Ur City was chosen honorary presi- conjunction with the "Learn to es of worship participated, in the the school promptly at 10 o'clock, jM i l l e r ; Amos-champion of the op-' activities of the Round Table stp outgoing president. j -*e&. Swim Week" so that they may be service. Rabbi David Wice gave A program of games and other dent of this region, while Propressed, Esther Morris; " Isaiah, \ the year. Hiss Ruth Allen, J. C. C. pf-rm/; lessor Gustave Klausner of St. able to take advantage of the free the invocation, and Rabbi Freder- entertainment has been planned. prophet of World peace, Morton i educational director will speak on • Other officers chosen a t t h e i f r o dmu rpi ne gf l c b t h e p.x-weefc election held last week a r e : i niorninp until h «=.-r swimming instructions that will ick Cohn the benediction. Rabbi Louis was named president. Margolin; Isaiah, vision of human i the Round Table Possibilities and Mrs. Irvin Levin, first v i c e - : evening for five day* o t fv-.-.r Uri Miller made the principal adAt the conclave this region vot- be given during this. week. brotherhood, Reva G o r e l i c k ; ] Mr. Paul Goldblatt, executive dipresident; Mrs. Phineas T T I E - ' ; ' r e e k ' those children RtfRiu:Sn> Those who desire to take ad- dress. Rabbi David A. Goldstein ed to h o l d a "Jewish National Jeremiah, the genuine patriot, j rector of the J. C. C. and Welfare Etr c t r o u b , second vice-presidei-t: Mr*. ' c a m r v i n b e mAcT ' * TO»*<> was chairman. vantage of this free swimming ofFund Week" annually, to be held Rhoda Dorothy Schechter; t h e ! Federation, will deliver the prinv i s i o n RTld c a r e T 1 J a c k Kaufman, recording secre- i ^ r r o p r a w r^ fer are asked to fill out the slip Each graduate was given a in the month of December. P P A T M I KTIiP ! Psalms-prayer "book of humanity, j cipal adfiress of the evening. t a r y ; M r s . Reuben Bordy, correE- | b e e E s o a r r a n g e d t h a t t h e Smir-.below and bring or mail it in to flower. The quota of the National Fund Awards will be officially made • !/» V . A i n L b r l v . i Bernice Mildred SUverman; the A\ ponding secretary; Mrs. A l i E n | M needs of each ehilK wH-' ^* Following the services, a re3n -this region lor this y e a r is the Jewish Community Center be•exile^—"By the rivers of Baby-j to Fannie W-ittin-, ac-d Bernice K o h a s . financial s e c r e t a r y ; M r s . ; consifierea a n d cared tor. ception for the graduates was forty thousand..-.. dollars, ? to ' be fore' June'-IS* Ion", Irene MirowitS; the return j Perimeter.. ior^JtJifi'lr- winning the TJaria R. Cohen, financial secre- [ E a c h m o r n i n g ' s p r o g r a m *..-:;•, JertrisK tendered By "the"" Beth-^El .^AtixiiiT ueed-for lariS redemption to Zion under Ezra*•'^Ba'^sSEm-j-debate tournament;" to Ef 'Joseph I tary; Mrs. iRtsdler, t r e s s u r - j h ^ i n v'iih ^ o 1 1 C a l 1 aa& lt»«sn^^ "Learn, t o swim week" ary, under the leadership ol Mrs. estine. iah, Harry Litke; Hiliel-teacher | Solomonow for winning the ora- e r ; a n d Mrs. A. D. F r a n k , anfii-1 t l 0 1 ' i n i ! ' c " I ^ i n k " of pn.-l. June 24-28, inclusive David Sherman. Mrs. M. F. LevenThe „ second annual conference F u l l of Judaism's Golden Rule, Mil- j torical contest; and to those who j - 0 _ . ; group. These " b u B k s " will Ve- •;!•* „ . ..~ ; son was chairman of the recep- New Schednle Offers of the Western District of the Name dred Balaban; Jachanan Ben j have distinguished • -themselves Program ofGym " O E t i e board or directors a r e | s e p a r a t e roornE set aside for .h* Address -_...—....—.. ........„.._ tion committee. Southwestern region of the JewZakkai-Savior - of Judaism after j during the year. Mesdames M. F . Levenson, Joseph \ Eronp. and Swi m - Sex .._. — "The gratifying success of the .£ ish National Fund will be held in Age the Roman conquest, Ethel Ka- j A play, "The Ark of Mercy", Rosenberg, J u l i u s Stein. J u l i u s ' T h e E t h e r e v i l l follow a Tiir»--nCan You Swim? Yes No. services and reception for the &* June, 193G, the city to he decided dis; How "We Survived in Exile, | written and directed by Harold A h r a h a m s o n , Max F r o m k i n , a n d \ i n E o f out-floor Rthletic CVM-M Last year more than 150 young- Jewish high school graduates," A full program has been formu- Ruth Seldin; In Memoriam-Chaim ! Katelman, will conclude the eve-|B. r upon at a later date. A. Simon. ; OE. t h e Central High groum:?,. sters took advantage of the declared Dr. Sher, father of the lated for the athletic department Nachman Bialik, Sheldon Edward; ning's prograia. Those taking • \ weather p e r m i t t i n g , Tamch •»' i - : portunity and at least that many idea, "insures for this annual of the Jewish Community Center j W a x e n b e r g ; c _ N _ Biaklik's poem part in the play are Mwri^Ftae. | ^CAGO CANTOR WILL i be served each noor., a n d win. ^n?-. are expected to attend the classes event a permanent place on the for the "summer season. j .,J)0 y o u W a n t to Know Whence : Herbert Marks, and ! sist of vegetables, FF.Iad.i, h^air.;' this year. These classes will be Jewish community's calendar. Its The new schedule that went in- j QuT P e o p l e D r e v Their Strength," j than. under" the instruction of Al popularity seems to grow greater to effect June 1 is as follows: BE MERE iktS W£tK-tftD; sertB _ T h 6 m e a l g h R T e Wt>xs T , K r . j Eileen Zevitz, Libby Grossman; All members of the Round Oruch/ Center swim expert. each succeeding year." Women's and Girl's Classes i ned t y a dietician for hoth fn."t I and Melvin Newman; Today's re-; Table may m a k e their reserva- ] Mrs. Rachel Katleman, 96 Gymnasium—Monday, Wednes- turn to Zion, Beverly Mendelson; j tions by calling the Center, Ja. Cantor L. Golfizweig of Chicago j value and appeal to chilflrpn, years old, passed away at h e r day and Friday Matron Women the tragedy of German J e w r y , 1366. Reservations are fifty cents \ will chant the services p.t the j The nftprTioor'P prorrprn •»-:;: Permanent Bialik Museum home Sunday afternoon, June 2, 10:30 A. M..Business Girls Mon- Genevieve Jean Stein; the Jewish per person. Beth HamefirosE Hagodol Byi\.d-i ^ e . fir-votefl to twin P.HI? rrp.-.-«, Tel Aviv—The establishment after a prolonged Illness resultEogue, this evening and tomorrnw • dancing; cln.?sp5, drsmpiirs, WBSI.-;: day and Wednesday 6:00 P. M. y•—the Code of Holiness, Patty I Alfred Fiedler is in charge of ing from old age. She was a resi- of a.permanent Bialik Museum in Swimming—Instruction follows jA m F a r t e r ; t 0 o u r parents, Beth ; the arrangements. Those assisting morning. He will also give R con- \ R B a Fv-inimir.g 'v, the Cptitor iw»; dent of Omaha for the past thirty- the home of the late Chaim Nacheach. g y m . class. Matron women iK u l a k o f s k y ; Blessing of confirm-1 n i m are Marjorie Kaplan, Ernest cert at the B'nai Israel Fyn.Bgo- i There will TIP tuivpi?. rpTn.p Tiro*, A general meeting of Zionists six years, and was a member of a man Biaiik was announced here Monday and-Wednesday 11:80 to ja n d s > R & 1 ) 1 ) i D a T i d A . Goldstein; i x O gg, E mest Priesman, and Sara gue at 25th & J Btreets. Sunday ' s n g F,pPCial field dayp, will be held at the J. C. C, Sunprominent family and well-known by the Tel Aviv Municipality. evening, June S, at 5 p. m. Every-1 Hcgistration lees are ?E.FC 7^-r12:00 A, M. and Tuesdayand | ! a s E } Leonard ; Rifkin. All the material that has been day* evening, June 16, at 8:30 pi Thursday 3:00 to 4:00 P. M.-and| p r e s e i l t a.t i 0 I 1 o, fd c of here. one is invited to attend. | vreek. No child will be Tegifrfffivv. certificates, [ LuttDeg aTra r m., in the interests of the election Cantor GoldEweig sang at the ! j o r | e s s tliai.-i. three weeks, Tfc* She is survived by four daugh- on exhibition at the elaborate for the World Zionist congress, Sunday 3:00 to 4:00 P. M.Busi-j M r > -^ J # G r e e n b e r g , president cfj CEMETERY synagogue at £4th & Nicholas, \ following Want may he, {"lee; -:t ters, Mrs. Dave Blumenthal, Mrs. Bialik Exhibition of Art and Culness and senior women Monday | ggt^.E! synagogue; "Shehect h e and in order that the Jews of OmSaturday, June 1, and w a s er,-: nv.a either brought or sent tn ii\rM. Zalk, and Mrs. B. M. Brown, ture will be placed, ill the Bialik and Wednesday 6:00 P. M. Sun-1 ^ y ^ ^ , ^ parents of confirmasds; REMODEUNG COMPLETED aha may be acquainted with the thnsiastically received. {Center with a $5.00 deposit; all of Omaha, and M r B . Julius Museum, • making it the country's Remodeling cf the Mount Sipolicies and platforms of the dif- day 3:00 to 5:00 P. M. Junior, c l o s i n g pr kyer, Rhoda Krasne; : Katelman of Council Bluffs; one most impressive review of t h e girls Monday and Wednesday 10:-! Benediction: and recessional. cemetery at T6th and Red"— | ATTS.JCATSOX Bl..tXK ferent groups connected with the nai son, Abe Katleman of New Or- Hebrew Renaissance in Pales15 to 11:00 A. M. Sunday 3:00 The choir will be under the di- mond ave. has b e e n completed | Praia—Eliezer Kaplan. mem-; Zionist movement. please enroll mr- cbl.id «F ft tine. leans, Louisiana; twenty-eight to 5:00 P. M. rection of.Mr. Harry Braviroff. and is now open for public in- ber of the Zionist Executive, aa-; m e I T l b e r ot t h e H o m e C nmp. n-f*.-. Representatives of the, Mizrachi, .grandchildren ' a n d twenty-six Men's And Boy's Classes spection. dressing a, Zionist meeting here.: fgj,e-s i p pnrtirnia'-lv intprp.p^c; -ii, Hadassah,' General Zionists, and great grandchildren. Gymnasium—Senior men every Palestine Maseoms Those who wish to view the urged that the Jews all ever the ; ; h e V p I l o T r i n r B p e c ; & 1 ^ n B ^ : Poale Zionists, will address the Funeral services were held If ,. improvements in a group are in- world raise $5,000,000 a year for ; A n Tel Aviv—The establishment of meeting. A musical program has noon. Individual workouts may J t e t R , c r ft { t_ Monday afternoon at two o'clock three Jewish national museums been arranged. The public is in- be taken at all hours when the vited to meet at' the Adass Tes- the Jewish National Fund in ord- ; p g n c j r ^ . p.,aroflf-rK at the Jewish Funeral Home, gym is not in use and when the In Palestine was urged by M. M. vited to attend this meeting, huren synagogue, 25th''and Sew- er to settle 10,000 Jews in Pales- ; K u g j C ."'..•""Sewing 1 1 . . ; "c's'ir"? with Rabbi Uri Miller in charge Ussishkin, the veteran Zionist which will be without charge. No department is open. ard street, Sunday, June 8, at S j tine end to create a ring of l € T r of the services. Several hundred • " ' Paper........; Aviation Club... : Swimming—Senior men Tues! ish. settlements around the leader, in a public address here. collections will be made. p. in. persons attended the funeral to •ovniE.! C a m e r a c l l l b __. g c r a p day and Thursday 7:00 to 9:00 • Henry Mendelson,' who gradu. j pay their final tribute to M r s . P. M." Sunday' 10:00'A. M. to"1:- ated from" the Creighton univerI Name Katleman. Burial took place at 00 P. M_ Daily every noon and sity college of journalism, was Address „.„...„„..., the Golden Hill cemetery in Om5:00 to 6:30 P. M. Business and named the most active senior in Parent. _. aha. Six : grandsons, who were high school boys Tuesday and his class. pallbearers, were Michael .KatleAge ............. Among Mr. Mendelson's extraiThursday 7:00 to 9:00 P. M. •Si man, Reuben Brown, and Moe Phone jSunday 10:00 A. M. to 1:00 P. curricular activities are: Manager Katleman, all of Omaha; Louis jM. and daily 5:00 to 6:00 P. M.! of musical activities, member of j } CompetitioE among the femi- \ A testimonial dinner attended Whitebrook, and a songbird trio 1 Junior boys Tuesday and Thurs-; the Creightonian staff, senior as- j weather continues to H. Katleman and Samuel H. ^ upper hand on the new nine golfers vill be-'started next ; k Gcnsisn Katleman of Council Bluffs; and by sixty of his friends and former under the direction of a n d ac- day 11:00 to 11:45 and Sunday sociate editor of the nt r floor at the Joe Blumenthal of Kansas City, associates was held at the Paxton companied by Harry Braviroff. 10:00 to 11:00. Tuesday. . » member of the knights of Bluecsio Hotel, Monday evening, June 3, Rosenblum was a past presiThe handball courts are avail- jay, manager of the Little TheaM o . • ; • • • • ' This week-end the "June hanfii-; in honor of Arthur Rosenblum, a The Highland members are andent of the Omaha Hebrew club, In her will, Mrs. Katleman left able at all hours that the depart- ter, director of the symphonic enMiss S a r a h Gertosp. was elfl.if.ni McKinley lodge of the B'nai ment is .open. Steam baths and semble, member of "the pep co-tm.- xious to ."initiate" the new out- cap" competition' will l>e held at I donations for fifteen various or- resident of Los Angeles. the Highland. i president of t h e J u n i o r Vascl i v , v B'rith, and was a Knight ComAt the dinner many of the inganizations, both local and Palesmassages can be had by appoint- cil, member of the Press c l « b , | « « J . _ ^ : brt on^ucce^ve^SatOn the Echedtile m a "blind ' iliary, a t E meet-ins: held TKR^S-.*tinian, and also charity donations cidents and highlights of his mander of the Court of Honor of ment with Mr. Rose, masseur. and prince in this year's junior- urday evenings the elements foursome" tonrney, in which the ; evening,- T-Tnr 2 8, Other offiiwr* emphatically declared themselves membership In the old McKinley the Masonic order. to the local synagogues. The membership rates from senior prom. °" j golfers will not know the4r pert- ' chosen l o r fhe conniTig y e s r f*?*~ opposed. Lodge of the B'nai B'rith were Although Rosenblum has been June 1 till December 31, IS35 He is the son Cf the Mr. and ! Aline Harm, v i c e P r e s , ; s ^ r * recalled.-'Some of the men pre- a resident of Los Angeles for on- are as follows: Senior male $8.- M r s. J. Mendelson of CounoQ However, tomorrow night t h e ; ners until the tee-off, OE the ECfeeficle for t&e •GoMiJOrg, SoCTT-tFiTj; FORC 6n*;>T-. sent reminisced as to Mr. Bosen- ly eight years, he has risen high 00. Senior female f 6.00. Junior A club hopes to "break the sack" of | MORE BOOKS ADDED TO Bluffs, Iowa. Treasurer; Minnie Froonu 'fff~ blum's entrance into t h e lodge in B'nai B'rith circles. the jinx and hold the first o-ut-j future is the "Klin male $6.00. Junior B•'male ?3.50. CENTER'S LIBRARY LISTand his display ol a real courage porter; SergeRnts-Rt door fiance, instead cf taring to' He Is a member of the general Junior female §3.50. The dues for I »„ ,Eicfelte a n d Poroifc? In carrying out hia convictions as committee of District No. 4. The the Health Club aembersWp are j alecaoa again use the indoor maples. the Health Club aembersWp are End Bos.rfi Menrbprs, Golf Activities committee consists of .-ten mem- 51.75. "Call It Sleep.," by Henry Roth, to the lodge activities. TAKES TEN YEARS TO '. " "|" Warsaw—The election regulasnfl BRTB. Fishtnan, Mr. Bosenblum spent a -week's bers representing forty-four lodgT3ie gol£ activities at the Eigaan ; already-famous novel about tions in Poland were modified by Mr. .Ttidfib Wo'fsan, w h o Jewish We on the East Side of visit here with friends and "rela- es in eight states in the far west. the government ia such a way as land are in full swing, according on **ModBrT3 .Tewisb n-jirt K f t h ^ T New York written in a new Tein, tives' ehroute home from the B'- ' He was also • a member of the •OMAHA GIRL-AWARDED to give the Jewish' population a to Professional .Bill Sdnichart. At present a Epring roand-robEollywooa (WKS)—As tlie! Writ.eTB.** Ptrppsed thB jTOporf-M!."* ia among the newer books now in nai B'rith convention. He was ac- anti-defamation group which was : SCHOLARSHIP TO-OXFORDbetter chance to elect Jewish dei instrumental in routing the Nazis nt is being conducted j crctr flies it's only a few hund-! ot fenowlng one's own Iitern.vi;r«. circulation at the joint Center- companied hy his "wife. _ . . . . puties to tlie Polish, Parliament ! __ among tlie men, who have been | red feet from the Warner Broth- j An. exhibit showing tfce outstep»He Tras -very much moved by from the Pacific coast. Council public rental library at Miss Gwendolyn Wolf, daughter itTOta t ^ e c j y e s o the commendation accorded him Rosenblnm tells of the annual of Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Wolf, has J p 0 S 5 H . a s d the JewishTCommunity Center. •where 1 ^i' 5 '!* 63 ^ t 0 Class A and Class B. j ers movie stEfiio to the restanr-1 i n g worke of Jewish Abe Brodkey is heading t h e j ant where pretty Sarah. Opprinsfey j from the Bible to modern " * a scholarship to t h e r e is a large proportion of ^This hook, together with lour and especially -when he was pre- reunion of former Omahans re- been awarded Class A niblick-wlelders, having I worked as a. waitress for ten j wns arranged by the hundred other' modern books, sented ivith a gilt and a signed siding in Los Angeles. This is study dramatics at a six-week Jewish inhabitants. won four and lost none. Julian j years but it took her Ell of ten i committee. rent for three; cents per day at greeting list of all who attended held, he states, each August when course at Oxford, England. Milder is close teMna, with only j years to bridge that' distance. j The find meeting of the oThe scholarship was awarded the library. •; the stag. He delivered an inspir- "Ab" Kaiman visits there. Among those participating ac- by the Drama League ol Kew After a decs.de of serving the j izEtios, will be held Tuewtay * one loss ch.al'fced up against three Patrons of the library who have ing response. Ab Kaiman was master of cere- tively, in the reunions are includ- Tork. great sad near-great lirthe movie J Ing, Jwtie 11, st the home o? loaned books are asked to return Newark. "N. J.,—The Dental | wins. A graduate of Central High Society tnem during t h e coming week, monies. Sam Beber was toastmas- ed Philip Stein, Sol Brodkey, y of New Jersey is inresti-jj Everyy Tuesdayy inoriilEgg Is lad-11industry, y, including scores of fl.$-;W TJri Miller. InPtallaUon o. * £ talent, Sarah I fleers will be feeld, and th? **•»••• particularly those overdue. T h e ter. Harry "Wolf, Harry Trnstin, Sam Levey, Dave Brodkey, Carl school here, Miss Wolf will re- gating charges of racial discrimt-jies day. Last Tuesday a grocp of j rectors seeking library is also making an inten- and Irving Stalmaster spoke. Al- Katleman, Louis Nathan, Morris ceive her diploma today from the nation made against the Plain- j seventeen attended the free-In- jj finally woa a short terra, contractIj going officerg will be h o n o r s A i struction classes conducted byjwith j sive effort to clear np by June 10 so on the program were Irving Finkenstein, and Arthur Maro- University of Southern California, Held Dental Society byhDr. lHerWarner Brothers when fii-| novel program has bees. *^ Kaiman, Florence and Helen witz. where sh© majored in dramatics. bert Shiff ol that city. all old delinquencies owed it. Schuchart. . jrectorEoy Del Rctt noticed lier.| ranged,

Region Conclave Thelma Gaspar Wins Scholarship at Kansas • City ..." Funds


Six'Weeks Camp at LCXC Start? ilv 8



Swim Lessons Free at J . C C









Mrs. Rachel Katleman Dies at Age of 96


Mendelson Named As "Most Active"


f 5°°


YASZE f medic's cozw V2LO IS MtfMWid by ] J a local' sorority -will attend their •


Town Ramhlings -:ByLOURHUN



ictly vonri

fioes he g e t Ms Taojsey froia? . . . The Kaii actiritics l a tfcis e s s i try a r e en the eontssnoas decliae / and o s e •wise-cracils.g- editor re-: E a ia JTA--'—A new electric aarfasd t i e other day that if i i « ' EtaticE. ls.re«r than t h » b papers -iroald not giv-e JLEJ1 '• r police prefect, •who is pere^ec! fry zhe Roteaberr city to their d o l s s s they carrying c a a sysijeiaatac lc Compsnj* en. t a e Jordan e forg-otten m . e a in aovr.j.s n s r f c S lart week :L . . . . One -of the snost ari£s- Ensslss Jewislt Goloaie* BeaeSi Toller, G e r s a a Jewish, prclets- tis:e 1 I T ii& F a s e compaiay. isg cosnebacis i s ^ e Xcsr Tors: . TZ^^I p l s y w n g i t sin& nov^iist^ ^rio from Wlpins Ont «?f W s-Uiiios w i l l provide Tie attacked marriage as £2 vorld cf S s a s c e i s S s n Kosoff, .• s^A pwez l o r namerotts icETiirBTiy fe-siider, o^e of TE.nisocial law, is going to E: esxerprises in t i e Haifa marry Lni Christiase Gr&ntoff, rsasy's faTorit.es . . . . He a s s n of F"s.lestJjK- which is EO-.V age IS, ia I/casioa scsae time this proved his:self so e f S c i e i t that SIosccw (3~A'i—The Sovie; ;I:E c~e cf t i e cfcief icdu = north . . . . Miss Grantoff is also'. Mayor I-a • G3Eriia i e s p s corces- Government anro-Eced ls.st Trees a . German Jewish refugee . . . . sioins en i i s s . . . . T i c Tcmsxt^c t i a t s s s m o" 4.€t--.i'C0 r o t ^ e s . trial Teriost ix tbe conntry due c a t i e Green, restaurant to ".i Few remember t i a t Harsha! PDEo.fi5.ti*B first wife wa5 & Jew-es-s ia Central Park, a crest! en cf will lie written cf* f r o ~ t i e e e wMcli proaiptefl. M r s . Ksiis Connissioaer Robert 2-icses, is w i i r i t i e J e w i s i coiorie? e?"v 1. I t S S . A!" Mlciaelis. t i e Basisli sorelist. to ^5<12*.E[ fit.".7? i j * X A I S Si<y?^' 4*^? ^v^T^t o"" :isied t v fne Arrc;"oirt i r Crir creci-.f r?"'~1'~el sft?r ibis <3a-t? r?-



3to: Miss '. . Ixrais Pettis's who has been transferred from ; PAI^STIXE SNAPSHOTS SSUiET SET A T ©UB tshs> is tiytag to catc& Washington D . C. t o local Tax j Humors persist tbat strong efXX>C1AL DAHBU department of the H. O. Li. C ':' forts axe befsg isaiJe in New Tori T^'rnia»-nJ xta-r, and Sarah Holx-Jj a. lift to Ix» Angeles lias tat a siiigle thought in ™**«* and . . . To: s»f«H TiuiLra- Lewis i basking circles to arrange' lor a —an looking v « o comfortable ia ! that ^fargttt Is—veil, wliy vrho i s the new bootkeeper a t j Suge German loan . . . . No a. hax, but not 'bettaag - - - Leon ! yoa .'*•& Mm . . - T&e the Public Meat Co. located £a 3"er«r, probably t h e best-dressed? g r-disce of t&P the Hiafcy Biaky store, fit ICth b a n t e r is directly implicates ia znsa. at t h e races, after . a. five-; zzazxh psrasal of Esquire . - -1 Variety G a b «fH 1» IKM ffll and Dodge . . . 3"o: Ih-. Meyer 1 this but It is betas said that AnHeher open the opening of his Jeriean Jewish banking interests Dave Sialac a a d Les Simon hitt-j the Paxtoa <m UJjeisaaa. sliosjld be no- office i n the Medical Arts Hare-Ib-sre any?) hare promised zzis the first two winners - - . The j S g i s prohlb!ted building . . . To: Vww Good- " net to oppose t i e more . . . . Dr. Iteve ShsrrasEs s o l arriving until • Jew in a jaixe fi^it . . . 13he C5o3binder npon being; one of t i e Emil Hirsth, tee Jewish. '•tie Diddle of t i e fourth race .the; seir members t o the ztatiosal of t i e Eeriin subway sysie: -Sam Zi-egrnan p l a c e s o r e b s i a31. lege O a b i s playiag f or tite K. day Soeia3cg*Seal groajt, Alpha Kap- iiriag in Palestine, Ms. afternoon,—s Cfty dollar o r e ! X. jiwtwy <m June 1? . . Jleparts Day «a»f»'?est <*»«» Eosaline T«KLhiapa Delta . . . To: T?>^T!--a Gas- to get Ms marreloiLS collection cf •Ti£?.t oa-the nose of a *ass* i b s t ; remark l i s t tie. Polisi fiictttor ers. cwxfTE cf t i e Brass Kail . . . sfcy of Xeiirttsta U had a de- fsar upon xeceiTiag the World Grof r:j.!i: TJ,:;; ; ; i i T-IH haTe to he i"i finisied y e r . - ' • Sa=a lifced Jews in. retail, sot ia wiole- Tiey believe ia i^ectirg English pic© i His Tel Aviv hosie is now a Terifinite dttect spost t h a t in t i e T i l s s ; n is In Eedition to tjss Herald scholarship for her eaand Bill TTisemas, of iTiable record at Tech High . . . 1 table ransena. . . . . Another ont- Eale . . . . If we were to awzrd £ country ttaospiere irto tieir sum c i S.55S.4C-0 ro^bleE £lrea.c;j claimed to b s *£a t i s know*, try- sozie fiovard •pr«pT»n . . . To Wflliam Qsheroff for h i s sisaalng GerxrcaTi Jewish resident ?nlilx£r jrixe for «Jewisi Jo*imal- New Tcri Tesfcres, tltioTigi written off from t i s cebt cf the ing ; |23. vain t o -pick, a v iaaer . . . Ostrcreich ssescs t o be Sloax G i y saiuaed tbese days . J3se Fie outstanding research aceozr.p. cf. Palestine, Dr. Stark Ettinger. isa we ws-sH izsd it to A. Pna.i- boti cf tiem gj^yV witi a ieavy Arro-oiut Colories in Crimea t j 'JAsxyin.'TTSSST g l t l s g "bet tips" fiyszmic psblisier of t i e i-*^«TvS,±L i i C w t l i i • • • • JuJTS. *vE^»;»- t i s government ls.st HJeccntsr. present jaajw s a d t i e l a s t lisirroents at Xehraska . . . To: the famous psychiatrist, i a s bnUt ior? Jewisi. Daily Pest . . . . c a y t ^ilfrt »^auy 0* -»H2S**C&-. i.i5v- T t r total i.zzouz.\ cf Jewish c e t t s I ffAIiAX on exact replica of. s, i s Berlin preee^isig him hare Irving Xeig&s, a gradnathig list* That pzjjfer. sltiongi oidy fozr^ isaa becscse cf i e r son BETTEJ •oriici t i s gave rumen t wZl czxiTnHy's stnrn- hats , . -Bob Crei^itoji medic student, for I home ia Jerusalem—Keciavia. . age' 3 jpsctstor bat —0t a months old, is setting t i e issteEt ROKE, does net obfect to Barney cel in the Crimea colonies wlli Every book la bis study is in l i e trito >s"s Eideli his scholarly papers and r e in t speiruistor . . . After t i e xace s farmer JL. A_ XT. boi- searcJies . . . Xoi Henry Men- •|sa=ae place al It was ia i i s Ciar- race cf sry Jewisi sablicaiioa ro-tr £.sjor:rt to trprcsintstely the ; nis • ?*—": . M 3=rr decided ib3X 5H7AT B.U15, otv^ t o turn pro, li.SZf.tOi* ronb'es. delson for being selected a s the lotteabsrs bo=e . . . . Pierre Van inow . . . . Aad. incidentally, its assir ; k EEEAU years eld. . . . board of directors reads like a ESLTXJLB Itopes t o atijiin sacb most active student at Ore-^i»- Paassea, wbo speat a few weeis ':' "V T i e cs^ee'lsticffi. of the cebts •3£o5i T.lTi ''. '-^m C2xxyin.2j s> wio's wio of Briiisi aristocracy, • In Palestine receatly, is reported proinraeace « s Boy LIFE ILLUSIONS Jon , . . To: Jean Beber upon .Sun cf t i s Je'cisi colonies in Crim&s f orza i b s t i a d "defray lias gained a s a fight manager. ODFTEE receiring- her Senior Red Cross ,to bave beatea Br. Scinarya Le- as witnessed by t i e Earl of Lis- Edna Ferber, l i e -.evelist. is &5~ed t o const'lidate t i e posiwill *t5ia"*' w i i c i -became l i f e Saving certificate . . . To: ] via at a gaise of ciess . . . . Tie towel, t i e Earl of Warwicfc. Sir wanted to be a s actress bat never Jun; "witSS. t i e . hi^r^es cEme i n • . .2.ob- > AXD PRETIEWS Max Goldstein upon the formal ] genial doctor was so fiowstsariei "SVOliam Wiyts, I>ord Parley aad :overcame i e r stage frisit . . . . to -Iznrrs J. K erx S0t;per seemed i o be getting: the sitcatir-n of the Boasberg. asd Hy Ifil- opening of his new clothing lover bis defeat l i a t i e didn't ai- Sir Gerv&is SenioaL . . . ' .•Ernst Lubitsci t i e n : m e exec^T a. iltfe B K cf some of ihe'j J e w i s i colonists. It Till in re i a r e rEturaed. frpza" a succsss- store tomorrow. jtead fhzX dsy t i e neetisg^of t i e . . . T i e • P s n l Berastsias . FlOT w a y Effect t i e Agrc;c;=:. since • f u l E s l u i i g t i l ? . . . a c o l d • w a s ] UP-STAGE •1 Actions Cozszsltx.es. ; nat(< ago—tiat i e vzs cst oat i s be £ the Agrcfoirt -rill jret its c r e d i t "nearly t i a biggest eaicb^reparfed Rabbi Jacob 2*Iinkin, formerly .• .screea lover . . . . Ixjais 3 . l^ayer. repsid by t i e government in acFLAHBOX HOTEL be g i . . . I t seems t i a t Bud Slosburg's PALESTINE SAP-SHOTS cast: l i e Hollywood m-oiml weald lite cordance w i t i the s ~ e e m e r * of ilociester and Kew York, i a s ' : late date before t i e recent Z. B. T i s Gerjraa colonisis cf Siarothe I to enter a dance naraiioa. bei T. rush smoier certainly, left her is s real social eveni arrrl aia, wio were isterned by t i e writtea '*"Tie Bonaaee of Ciassi- : caiise i e believes i e woald wia existing b-etweer t i e Soviet gcv-; mini is ,a coznpletiaB of an isspoxtast j imprint. .. -imold Iberia. o£ SosaBritisi in Alexandria daring t i e disn", wiici il2c=uilaa will jrab-" . . . . Ixsais I.:psiy is rtill -dress- errmert a r c t i e Agrc;c-int, it I tiorii | phase l a t i e edocnioa o£ t b si He-aad. *". zaeraber of t i e S- AWorld War, iave beea allowed lisa tils fall . . . . Believe it cr ing abo^t producing some of iis was nafie clear i e r e . prog m~ tO *"In Eedition to cancelitng cebt?'. .;3£.*s -sras selected ne-srs editor of Jewish yoaih- 3 3 » proad parto retcm to Palestine apoa t i e not, tiis t i e first boot en Cias- •plays now iiagering in i i s cess stati cf t i e Jewisi collective farms Jn • ieasts """t rem£ini>er t o main- I t i e I>a2y Xebrasiaa,' "campus ter,) iatercessioa of t i e Jewisi Agency sidisa pzblisied ia tiis. co-^xtry ' Crimea, t i e gcvemment anroaiic-' IdaSy publicatioa . . . A faretrel! tain their TO<Wn(y span tiieir M. 3 . . . . So these gentle Gensan to retain itfrr -vital j saoter. of t i e Sigma Alpha Mu 1 JimierB, out of gratitude, iave t i a t is not beisg scbsidiiel by' mate a most raTisiinc Opielia e-f also the cancellation of debts to £.*€?,0"-P -orhles iclerests i s a Jewish bosse of jfxaternity "Tsill" be held at t i e j XOBTH AMERICA began a strong anti-Jewisi Nazi t i e a-aticr . . . . T i e young and 'c a t i e stare . . . . Xsyer W. TTeis- jErtDtm-urg in- t i e Kaliriudcrf Je-wirh reclcr ^rj3irshi|> as the center af •- j1 ciapter bouse, touigit . -"W 5.50S RETAH, KOSHER MEAT campaign among tie Arabs 'in tie • Pretty Elaine Barry, g a 1. impresario extraordinary ~ '•1 *ish life . . . 3IazsltOT to ibej iavea't beard aay fisa tales froai I SHOPS CIX)SEB AS CONSTTSI- Siaroa Plata . . . A German Jew, ed Join Barrymore away f r o m weald l i k e to be a carter—an j ;- i e 1 U t r s i z ? . A 5~rt rf 1.- ! Sri.C'Oi . rot:iles will E:=? ^e c e GoEiGrznands ot 1335. ] Irriag Stalaiaster, Dave 3Lfiviae or j s ^ S OSGANI2S BOTCOTT TO wiose ticket was not for t i e rigii Dolores Costello and is now t i e Mess j Joe Greeaberg wbo also jast iave i FORCE PiUGE CUTS . . . . Did- day, w a s refased admissioa by "party" cu 3Ir. Barrymore's W a l i o Frank, t i e liiersie™. lovDr.? t i e c~!?ts cf t i - Szzllzz—f r = wI enjoyed tieir respective fishing jn«t know there were so zsaay! at W SCHOOL. Jewisi p o l i e e a e a to tie fair yacit, met America's great lover es to croon Broadway sielodies recently wien s i e interviewed {trips dariag the recent raiayj AXTI-XAZI ABTAX ATTACKS I groan is at Tel ATST . . . . T i s TiEACHEES w i e a aobady i s listening . . . . P u b H e T?*-g^*trg t>mi*i)i b e jspeH . . . Maay members of oarjXAZIS KIGHTLTT IX THEIB.5German Jewisi ref-gee got so ex- iim for t i e Tieatre Club of W i i c i reminds r s t i a t t i e best tert is carded to those young men yoaager Set hare been seen EtjOwXLOCALE . . . . Raiber sys-« cited t i a t i e addressed t i e Jew- Hunter College . . . . t i e leii i e r book written c a t i e late Htrrsce wio toiled eaci £>aaday ( J J ^ soatbera 3£aasioa aad at t i e tematic tiese aati-Naxi Aryaas. I^-;i eop as "Hebraiscies lumpen- dasses^ to try t i e great adventure to Ifertier l i e Jewish edacaticn' yonteaelle Hotel daring the af-l APPEAL OF JEWISH POVtrand to our scrrow and pride we the baildiar cf io-ses s r i frr arof fhe Sanday school stndents. teraooa siaee the laaagaratioa of I TRY DEALERS LED TO SUP-pact—ileia-Asiatiscies J a d e n iave to confess tiat i e r real Gesladel" . . . . Tie-Jewish cop liae, a former associate cf EorTie followiag teaciers deserve their Cocktail hoars . . . Since' BEME COURTS DECISION . . name is Elaine Jacobs, and knocked him down and arrested ace . . . . Liverigii wanted to be Eigi*y-tiree Jewisi cr"e"*'«"€ t i e proper aeclaija for tieir ser- J a c i Slntrky started going with • j t v a E a " t kosher. •him . . . ~ l a case yoar German is i e r father wears a yarmeike cier ti far:r.s will be relieves cf :i€ir. -': eTerytiing -Ecie: e EUU vice to t i e commaartyr his latest he T>g« stated that a bit weai let as tell yoa tiat Joe Brainin, in association putslisier to Wall street dictato- debts in Crimea under t i e new Taad-Heligioas Sciool—Eas- Chesterfields are not the o a J. y I SOUTH AMEBICA Juliae Wiener. New York attor-; ARGEXTLXA BARS GERMAN what t i e salvaged Fascist victim altisugi abo-pe cTerytiirg else a cell Coin, Ida Fiae^ Dora" Fresi- oaes that satisfy . . . REFUGEES FOR FEAR OF Eaid ia the langaage of Hitler ney, w i l l produce Dr. Friedrici' reincsms-tion cf Casanova . . . . zaaa, Itose Kirsieabaaai, Bess VTolTs "Cynkali" tils fall in New • A R O U S I X G FASCISTS . . . .,means: "Pack of Hebrew beggars Kirsieabaaia, Eva" Koaeety, Era "Fine" way of fighting fascism. I —Near Eastern JewiSi. gutter- York . . . . It will be tried out at j Jewisi Press Advertisers nterit win affect crly tios* crediis reI t Is believed that the Mor3iaicas, Hrs. Leoa Meadelsoa, one cf t i e summer tieatres and' CAPITAL CITY OF CHILE I snipe" . . . . Sir. Slorgeastera, Sbreda Osoff,j ton Peseta win sooa be able tie New York production wiaj Tour patronsge. \ Kose Siaffer aad Estier SUTET- | to advise the fanaers as to the ELECTS iave t i e benefit of Piscator's preeqatprxscut tbat is necessary to ! FICEHOLDER . . . . . I nan . . . sence in this country . . . . Pisca-' j Seveml Jewish candidates were Ccaserrative Hellgioas School have & model farm home . . . Al jtie talk of Jewish doaiiaatioa. 1 defeated ia the recent aiaaicipal tor was GenEany*s most revolu. . . Eddie Brodiey, Grace Dan- Softer ~ serenaded the newly- IECKOPE 'eiectioas ia France tirongh tie tioaary director wio is aow t i e P2ODTJCTITE JEWISH i bitter attack of t i e Fraacists aad j big theatrical siot ia Moscow . . . . sky. Bora Dolgoff, Bose Fisaer, wedded Agron'o, wbo after their. -vreOSiag v e s t to Peony I WORKERS INCREASE 140 per "I Janet Graetz, I<oyal Saplaa, Mrs. j Croix fie Feu . . These French j Pasl Mani ctfll lOces ice creaia KC3SIA . That h a s j anti-Semitic orgaaixatioas plast- ' with whipped c r e t a oa top more; Shell Katstee, Gertrade Oracai! Park; last Soudsy aigbi. The leeat SswBtlaa. soitarista that me<leCre Se Sppile Hoseasteia, Beralce Saer-j * ! ered electioa districts with post-., thaa aaytiiag ia the world ipAjded Al d l d n t detract at R i « Confidence sum aad Dorothy SilTenaan . . «| \ ers reading: "Sead the Jews back I Joseph SchUdkract is l! xillfrom the effecttreneasof his WEDGWOOD WOULD Temple Eellgloas Scaool . . . ^; to t i e Genaaa' ghetto. Hitler er j Hollywood H tiis fall to becoaie a . . On Monday, June 10, Helea Beesoa, laVerae Feblowitz, IfaiOTrs how to deal wita them.** ]Xew Tori producer sad director, the Sensor Night Banquet, the It would sarelyi COLONY Alria Friedaoan, Mrs. Artaar leader of the aati-Serai- j who will star Joseph Scaildkract Goldsteia, Rita Mantel, Ida New- last affair of the fear of tbe actor. . . . [ Round Table of Clubs -trill be jaaa, Morris Pepper, Helea SommeT3, Bess Welastein aad Adele held at **«» Centcii' no plaa on SEMITIC ORGAN SUSPENDS 1 What! Dobefng there . . . Harry Silver- PUBLICATION . . Wlliasky. Jews actually stop baying asti-ii BEEEZY BREV1X1E3 losing his Tolce only st, canvea- Jewish Uteratare? i We wonder trbat that irboleient times . . . Florence AppleCONVERTED JEWESS LEADS | saler's daughter wiHi t i e ami* ' TTT*?* Is^eonntlis^ *fr* secosids till W O M E N ANTI-SEMITES IN I able personality, Miss 7. A. wQl Herman Goldstein returns . . • j ROUilANIA . . i . We beliexe any-j do after a certain doctor finish* JIaay friends of s certain eligi- thing of a converted Jewess. j es his interneshlp here? . . . DAJ^IG TO REPEAL ANTIble dentist wonder whether be ' And it seems that Maurice Kstz •wCl ever again journey to Mis* JEWISH LAWS I F LEAGUE OF* is unable to "tewlsen" bas t o n i i . .Fufrs baker is expand- NATIONS COirBHTTEE TJP-] thoughts lately . . . Mar Taffe, ing—a near store will be opened HOLDS COMPLAINTS OF JEWS j jtrominent local violinist vtao soon on 24t& and Faraam . . . . Getting sick of waitlag for lias played for leading zuune the League to aphold anything. streets . . . bands, is rehearsing with ROTHSCHILD W A R N S OF JOTTINGS . .THREAT OF ANTI-SEMITISM B A local "deb ]lN FRANCE is carrying oa aajTV ppivnE . v « D11t his regular correspondence with warning was addressed to the Sioux City attorney of the same Jews Instead o£ the goylm. Regular 33c Value












This Advertisement and Only


AFKICA :;.. .. •• jraon suddenly- became very acro;Max Goldstein, who h a s hadibatie i n order t o avoid being rant ten years experience in the doth-} over o n 16th and Farnasi t h e ] i n g business and house furnish- j other day . . . Harry Braviroff h a s ; ings, announces the opening of j organized a very talented song- ] J e _ j ^ , T3rafjiein Gold's Outfitting company s t 624 j bird trio which will certainly a p - ' tiroBiem. GERMAN AMBASSADOR TO Spath. 1 6 . Associated with Mm peal to 700 . . . Many wives would; MAKE PROPAGANDA TOUR OF are A l and Rose Soff er, also well-'. get a real thrill if they knew the; NEAR EAST . . . . Lawrence ol line • of busi- reactions "of their hrtsbands to' Arabia will be missed. experienced I n

DRESSES That Take Honors



lias Goldstein Heads Gold's Outfitting Co. I name . . . Jaywalking J alias Solo-


10.95 F«r splits asfi

if presented at csr Scotrroaa befais ieme M, l ^ i With this w w VUiblo C*f T u t t o , ifs easx to bare least Jast xs Tea like It—bom siaes ctlxp cod c»Idra b r a n . SinnSx. dnraile JLD3 C«BTenient—it folds when s e t la cte. Toast. 4 dices at m Jlnrr. tjcitiJr an4 InpifrtnsiTriy. Special price — only l i rcais, if accompanied by tbi» »dvrrtiTgmra t ciipprd 1mm reor paprr. Get rottr toasier

certain types of. entertaincaent Gold's will handle ladies ready-; used a t stags - - . Duke EUing- PAiESHXE tp-iB-ear, men's clothing and com- i ton will be at: Peony June 2 8 216 JEWISH C O U P L E S jRamors which place t h e blame]MARRY IN TEL ATTV TO l o a r 2 plets home femishings. Address -! ["Prices," said Goldsteia, "wni; rOTt2ie {iiEnzpiion of & Tfilisious MARK LAG B'OMER . . . . . . They mast have had another purpose "btr fa keepiag with oar low oTer-{S ' «P«»-* yoang^intellectnal besides. " Head and soand merchaadisiasi^!.5 r o ^ a d l f i E S ;,-:, T ^, e . v if a , its annual picnic at YIDDISH LECTURE ON ZHITpolicies. Persoaal Eervice will LOWSKI CAUSES RIOT IN TEL an oatstaadiag factor. CoaTeaieat'.1 ? Park, Omaha's amosement 011 J.P. AVIV-.'. . . And more than GOT per Questions have cliarge acconate wai also Its, Jnne 23 opened." | -" ibeea asked as to whether that cent of Tel 'Airiv does not know ] how to spell in Hebrew.

Offer expire* Jtuac Si.

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7, 1925.



amazlng progress was made in special importance. We must YAAD PICEIC the face of the depression/ The work in close co-operation • with assan material which. Is • mimeographed these p r o g r e s s i v e Christian The annual-picnic of the Vaad The Omaha c h a p t e r o£ t.5-i and sent out to the A. Z. A. chap- groups, who are as anxious as we Ha'Ihr will be held Simctpy. Jistie T'ili TioKd an irrters to guide them in their work | are to counteract hate and into!23, at Krag Park. Admission to portent meeting n c s t; Thurs.i;.' is most attractive and suggestive, erance, and its dire effects "upon | and I am sure most stimulating j our country. j the p a r t will be by ticket and will j evening, J u n e IS, at S o'clorV to our youth. The educational Is it necessary, after this ac- j include free rides for the kiddies, i promptly at the Jewish C«>«work reaches boys between the count -of t h e B'nai B'rith pro- j Gate prizes Trill be given away in j j n j t T Center, ages of sixteen and twenty-one, at gram, to point out that it merits By the- Service Life Insurance the" evening. Games and contests m i The annual election of offiffCf their impressionable age w h e n and must have t h e support of are being planned. Company, Omaha they are beginning to become every Jew. In its fight for the Kosher refreshments w i l l be |j will take place, This will lip Life insurance leaves behind sold by the Vaad at the park. All j last business meeting1 of the conscious of communal life. The civil and social rights of the Jew, development of a higher level of in its endeavor to meet the prob- finished patterns. members of the Vaad Trill receive j son, and all members are W Ambition always thinks in Jewish laity is a crying need of lems of the Jew in his'relation to attend. their tickets by mail. our time. We are huilding such to the world surrounding., him, in terms of tomorrow. However, too a laity when we Teach our youth its -efforts to raise the status of frequently ambitious men are cut with this excellent educational the Jew, the B'nai B'rith needs off by death before their visions program. the co-operation of all Jewry. It are realized. But life insurance takes the The B'nai B'rith magazine is has proven its usefulness in this another educational contribution crisis, and its ability to make real tangled threads -which otherwise are left behind and weaves them of our order w h i c h has great contributions to Jewish life. merit. The magazine is devoted We have o n l y begun to face into finished patterns. Courageous people pursue amexclusively to material dealing our own problems. The w o r k with Jewish culture, Jewish his- which lies ahead of us is of tre- bitions, sure of every factor extory, literature, and economic and mendous importance not only to cept that of time. Their present social problems. Dr. Rubinow, American Jewry but to world vigor and good health cause a dis- | j managing editor, tells us in his Jewry. It calls for all the vision, astrous under-valuation of t i m e I • report that it is the equivalent of the wisdom, and the courage as a major factor in the fulfill-1 g \^ placing in circulation some 220,- which we can give it. No Jew can ment of ambition. The result is that the projects ! jgj 000 books on Jewish subjects, or afford to stand aside. We. need four books per reader. He furth- the full co-operation of e v e r y with magnificent substructures i Bj and potentialities wither and deer estimates that while the sale man. cay upon the death of the archiof books on Jewish subjects is tect because— repidly increasing, all of t h e m combined would not equal these His blue prints are locked in figures. his own mind and death wipes out the building fund represented I .2561 FAEXAM ST |i[ A matter of grave concern to by his earning power. Americaa=Jewry=^3=^fes=s?ewiBg= discrimination in employment. New York (WNS)—Taking his The right to make a decent livJunior Pioneers ing is a fundamental one. It is life in his hands, Eugene F. GriThe Junior Pioneers are planngat, an Aryan German-American for this reason that the Nazi proing to h o l d a drawing for a gram to eliminate the Jews from f o e ° f Hitlerism, has started a double toaster hostess-tray, July economic life in Germany is such j one-man campaign against the 16, at the J. C. C. Proceeds will Are you figuring on opening a package liquor departan ominons one. In our country, American Nazis by attacking be given to charity. ment in jour store? If BO, we have an expert liquor man who*will give TOW expert advice absolutely free o£ we have been familiar with a de- them in nightly speeches in TorkMiss Rose Kaplan is chairman charge and with no obligation to yourself. gree of discrimination. That dis- ville, the . Nazi section of N e w of the affair. ximination grew as competition York. The club has been divided into Right under the windows of two teams; the team selling the or jobs increased. There is fear that when reemployment does be- the headquarters of the Friends least tickets will have to give a gin that Jews will be left behind of New Germany Grigat sets up a party to the winning group. Esspeaker's ladder with an Ameri- ther Richxnan and R o s e Novak merely because they are Jews. The necessity for planned ac- can flag and launches into a tir- are captains of the two teams. m SIS North 18th Street AT 4424 - - Eve 9826 or WE 0820 1 ion in meeting this situation has ade against Hitlersim and Nazi r> T been pointed out several times in propaganda in America. Mincing Ke-Im B'nai B'rith history. It was em- no words, Grigat calls the Nazis A regular meeting of the Ke-Im hasized again in Washington crooks, scoundrels, and rackehat B'nai B'rith should renew its teers. Defying threats of violence,! club was held at the J. C. C. on efforts-to" bring together all Jew-! the courageous anti-Nazi devotes j Tuesday. Refreshments were sh organizations interested in! his evenings to giving the Nazis, j served. The group has decided to .his subject. There is need of re- | a piece of his mind. (meet every two weeks during the X h If In I private i t life lif the th operator t of f a months of June, July and August. earch, investigation, and factI | inding before a program of ac- private detective agency, Grigat A committee vrzs chose has organized the American First the installation ana banquet. plan Joel! tion is undertaken. and Always Society, an anti-Nazi Nitz is chairman, with Irv Reuorganization of Gentile German- ben, Abe Sherman, and Ben LeGOOD WILL Americans. vine assisting. It remains for me to speak of His one-man rallies draw huge one more matter; namely, the ood Will movement sponsored crowds in Yorkville and thus far Flesner to Qclt by t h e Federal Council of he has managed to escape personNew York—Dr. Simon Flexner, hurches; and by the National al injury. His audiences are director of the Rockefeller Instionference of Jews and Christ- composed of Nazis and anti-Nazis tute for Mefiical Research since ans. We must welcome the ef- and among the latter Aryans pre- its founding in IB03, will resign orts of our high-minded Christ- dominate. his position as soon as a succesian friends who are seeking to sor has been found. create understanding and good Progressive Club will through seminars, publicaions, annual Brotherhood Day, Jar - - 25c iusrt jar Mark Leon Says - - and Good Wiil tours throughout Over 150 attended the bridge JLefc me protect your Soterest*. . • ;he country. Next August there party of the Progressive Hebrew I write IXSCKAXCE of erorr deswill be held at Wllliamstown an club held Tuesday evening at the cription iiiclDclins: LIFE, In Ft'tmr reliable companies OJTLX. . . . lArt'e Institute of Human Relations, J. C. C. talk it over. which promises to reach key Regular ©r drip Mrs. Dave Denenberg and Mr. Bfeek5 I Ib. - - S5c groups throughout the country. J. "Viener were in charge of ar- City Finance & Insizrsx ee Co. 1409 Faraam AT T e G T ! or TT4 i n d 1 -Ik can. S 0 c 14-lb. - - 45c It promises to be an event, of rangements, i


By ARTHUR BRIN, of Minneapolis, President of District No. 6 of B'nai B'rith The last quarter of a century American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League has renhas wrought great a n d signifi- American Jewish Congress and dered a wide Tange of service. It cant changes In the life -of world would be impossible even to inJewry. Before the war and until the B'nai B'rith. Through this dicate these services. There was, recently, we were accustomed to Joint Council they have succeed- for instance, the prevention of thinking that the victories won. in ed in avoiding independent and the showing of the Passion Play contacts In a large city; stopping the disthe nineteenth century for t h e sometimes conflicting emancipation of the Jew were w i f h authorities in. Washington. semination of the Protocols at an permanent, and that It remained The B'nai B'rith favors the en- important source; preparation, only lor us to enjoy and extend largement of the powers and jur- publication and distribution of them. For over one hundred isdiction of this Council. brochures and pamphlets; placThe Washington Bureau is of ing authentic material at the disyears we h a d enjoyed freedom from the Ghettos of Europe, importance not only in our ef- posal of publicists and libraries equality before the l a w , and forts to ameliorate the condition and the building of a library of of Jews abroad, but in relation information immediately availequality of opportunity. Since the war and equally bad to problems . of American Jewry. able when occasion required. Alpeace, w i t h its resultant rabid There is a marked tendency to so the preparation of speakers chauvinism and universal econo- further limit immigration; to manuals a n d scores of similar mic collapse, the Jews see their make naturalization requirements services. rights threatened in many coun- m o r e difficult; to introduce The Anti-Defamation work can tries and are struggling to main- changes in legislation detrimen- be said to be a program which tal to aliens. All-this needs close tain the basic status of their emattention anfl consideration. We aims to deal w i t h the present "Tuictpatiou. destitution of millions of Jews, need wise representation at na- problems. T h e long term proImmigration g r a m of the B'nai B'rith, one who live, as Mr. Bentwich tells turalization a n d us, below the .level of human de- House and Senate hearings. To which looks forward and provides cency, we face not only the prob- this end it is,necessary, as Presi- for the future, is its education lems of t h e hundred thousand dent Cohen puts it, to enlarge the and preparation of the youth to Jews who have had to seek re- scope- and increase the import- understand themselves and their fuge in.various places on the face ance of the B'nai B'rith Washing- relations and responsibility to the Jewish community. This Is carof the globe, but we f a c e the ton Bureau. ried on by Hillel foundations and basic problems of the security ANTI-DEFAMATION the A. Z. A. Through the Hillel and the status of the Jew. There The order of B'nai B'rith is Foundations, on which we now is need of the greatest constructive effort that our generation is probably best known today for its spend sixty-thousand dollars a Anti-Defamation w o r k . Once year, we are functioning on ten capable of. again there ia the accusation o£ campuses and Teaching more The leading organized interna- international conspiracy; those than seventy-five hundred stutional effort to meet this situa- hoary slanders •which plagued our dents who attend American "Unition Is that put forth by the B'nai ancestors in ancient and medieval versities this Is but. a small numB'rith. Those of us who had the times are again b e i n g revived, ber. But there is no agency that privilege of attending the Quin- and again the ignorant, gullible, has so large and comprehensive quennial in Washington recently, prejudiced masses are stirred a student program as we have. realized with new force the role •with hatred. As Mr. Livingston, The influence of the Hillel founwhich the B'nai B'rith is playing chairman of the Anti-Defamation dations institutional Jewish life in the present critical period. League, stated in his quinquen- in America cannot be judged A-great-measure of the strength nial report, the very epithet Jew- now; it will be felt later •when Of the Order is derived from the ish is used for the purpose of these students become p a r t of fact that the B'nai B'rith is an discrediting a thing. Those who their communities. We are buildinternational organization. This wish to discredit Communism call ing for the future; we are deis so because t h e problems we it Jewish; those who wish to dis- veloping leaders to take their face are international. A threat credit Capitalism likewise call it place In communal life. Dr. Sacto the security of the Jews in one Jewish, and just so international har, our able National Director, c o u n t r y concerns the Jews in banking is Jewish, .the peace well said in his report, "Had every country. Because of the treaties -are Jewish, the new deal there been the vision and t h e very nature of our set-up, with is "Jewish, inflation, is Jewish, and statesmanship twenty-five years lodges In thirty countries and re- in Germany even Christianity is ago to create .these Foundations presentation in over six-hundred Jewish. on the campuses of the country, cities, we are in a position to inthere would be no panic in Jewish These charges are by no means tervene lor world Jewry. A call life today. All honor to the B'nai new, and we must continue to from Mexico that there is a moveB'rith for undertaking this conmake patient, wise effort to rement against foreign Jews tradstructive program which is buildfute them. When I was in Euring in public market places acing the. insurance for tomorrow • companied by anti-Jewish demon- ope three •? years ago, just before that a healthy and virile Jewish Hitler got into control, I found strations; a call from Guatemala life will be continued." that the government has issued the . German Jews * making effort's to refute these same charges. One of the decisions reached an order compelling seventy Jewish families to leave within sixty They had booklets with charts in Washington which appears of days; an attack on the little and figures to-show the relative special Importance to me is the colony of Jews in Bolivia under position of the Jews in the legis- decision to establish a bureau of charges that they are commun- lature, in banking, in the press, research-in connection with the ists; these and many similar ap- in athletics, etc. It did not avail Hillel Foundations to study probthem. Perhaps they began their lems facing Jewish students in peals come to our office. work too late. At any rate we colleges and universities, to asmust concentrate all our efforts certain tha number of Jewish stuWASHINGTON BUREAU to put the facts before the pub- dents on campuses, and their voIn connection with the inter- lic; to clear up ignorance about cational trends. national, aspect of our work, our the Jew. Today his religion, his Washington Bureau is of great philosophy of life, his ethics, are ALEPH ZADIK ALEPH importance, and the decision at still a mystery to his fellow citiClosely related in purpose to the Quinquennial to move the of- zens. We must dispel that mys- the Hillel Foundations is the A. fice to Washington may turn out { tery and make the Jew, his posi- Z. A. which promises another to have Important results. Re- tion, and his contribution, a mat- long term program of education presentations to our State Depart- ter that all may understand. of Jewish youth n o t connected ment and various foreign legaThe Anti-Defamation League with campus life. Like the Hillel tions must be made from time to has been particularly active in Foundation, it was founded over the past two years combating dis- ten years ago. Credit for this e growing and important activity Is \ I might note here that a situa- crimination and prejudice. The due to .your own devoted and able success of the N a z i movement tion has arisen that needs t h e Sam Beber, whom District Numearnest consideration of Ameri- gave a- sudden impetus to such ber Six is very proud to claim. anti-Semitism as. we already had can Jewry. In their concern over "In 1925 the A. Z. A. had only the fate of our' many fellow organizaJews In in this country, a n d depressed thirteen chapters, with' a memcountries economic . conditions were favorother address our government, able to the growth cf '• Ue forc- bership of 338. At the beginning tions notably ances it of 1935 there were 136 chapters, notably the American Jewish es. Under these cirt. Committee, the American Jewish is easy to understand that thejjwith a membership of 5,000. This Congress, the Hias, Bnd the B'nai B'rith. In the Guatemala situation, for instance, each of these organizations addressed themgevles separately to the State Department and the Guatemala Legation. The need of preventing such a multiplicity of protests and petitions to1 our Government is obvious. Such separate appeals are irritating, and certainly are not conducive of best results. For the sake of our dignity, and to insure more effective results, the various Jewish organizations must unite their efforts. To this end the B'nai B'rith h a s been worMng, and w i l l continue to work, and for this purpose the Joint Council was established with ' representation f r o m the Stores are. located tn the larger cities, of the UJ3J3Ji. and carry different 9x12 COMHJLEC5I BUGS domestic and imported articles of high Highest Grade Enamels, $3.00 gal quality; CLOTHING, shoes, rubbers, WATJEBJPKOOF ATI-PURPOSE si-Alt VARNISH. $1.30 Gallon shirts; FLOUR, sugar, coffee, and other EPOD STVFFS; household goods, tobacco, Omaha Jobbing Company etc. 3H Ho. 15 JA 6001

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liiE^iwiSILPRESS ;



Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY on

DAVID BLACKER _ ; . ;, Business and.Managing Editor Editor Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street

The Philanthropies Drive

in order that their claim to equal rights in such places where they are a minority be justified. Bourassa recalled that many of the French-Canadian families were of Jewish descent. With unmitigated frankness he blasted the myth of Jewish economic domination in Canada. Referring to the recent Stevens inquiry of business practices, Bourassa said: " I have not seen the name of one Jew in the list of those 'thieves.' I defy you to find the name of a single Jew in the list of directors of this, shocking dictatorship. If you discover a Jewish thief, by all means prosecute him, but do the same to the others." He continued: "The faults of a few Jews history teaches us, do not make the Jews a hideous people and recent events the Ku Klux Klah in the U. S. A. and Hitlerism in Germany confirm the belief that anti-Semitism goes hand in hand with anti-Christianity, because sentiments of racial hatred leads unavoidably to anti-Christianity."


l the f o r m of a memorandum by the Zionist Revisionist Party. through t h e High Commissioner of Palestine. This is the second Jewish Press Advertisers merit memorandum of its kind submit-

An official invitation has been extended to the Jewish people to settle in Albania, the smallest country of the Balkan peninsula. ted~to the Mandate* Commission 1 your patronage.

The Revisionist party of Palestine has submitted to the Mandates Commission of the League of Nations a demand that Palestine be proclaimed a Jewish state. A new Zionist party, to be known as the "Community Party," has been formed in America. The Polish authorities are perplexed by the peculiar pro-Jewish movement among 1,500 peasants in Polesia. These peasants claim they follow the Jewish customs and want to embrace Judaism. The door to Brazil has been opened to German-Jewish refugees willing to work on the land.

In Chattanooga, Tenn., and in Cambridge, N. Y., movements A task well-done is its own commendation. Particularly in have been started to raise a fund to reimburse Joseph Schechter, It is an old proverb that people who live in glass houses Brooklyn kosher poultry dealer, and his brother, for the expenses the realm of charity is the joy of giving or causing others to give should not throw stones. But, unfortunately, it is human nature of their epochal lawsuit which ended in the Supreme Court wiping its own reward. out the NRA. Therefore, any praise we may shower upon the leaders of for such dwellers to be the first to cast missiles. You would have no difficulty whatsoever in finding Palestine Election regulations in Poland have been modified so as to the 1935 Jewish Philanthropies campaign or the workers or the give the Jewish population a better chance to elect Jewish depudonors is merely the garnishment of their just "desserts." The Jewish leaders who denounce the Soviets for the suppression of ties to the Sejm. For a while, it seemed that the Jews would be campaign came dose to its goal, and it speaks much for the ten- the Hebrew language in Russia. Why, then, should the same barred from the parliament. acity of purpose and the spirit of self-sacrifice of Philanthropies methods be used by them in attempting to suppress the Yiddish campaigners that men are still visiting prospects, giving unstint- language in Palestine? A lecture in Yiddish by Dr. Chaim Zhitlovsky, outstanding ingly of their time and effort so that not one possible dollar may GEMS OF THE BIBLE MAMATALKS be lost to the thirty-one local, national and international Jewish Jewish labor philosopher, and editorial contributor of the Day, AND TALMUD so enraged a group of Revisionist-Zionists that they cut off the agencies which will benefit from the drive. Sacrifice - - sacrifice By GERTRUDE BERG, By O. O. DASHER Author of • of time, ability, money, endeavor - - sacrifice to "keep faith" was electricity, pleted members of the audience with stones and finally "The Rise of tb.6 Goldbergs" the tiieme song of the campaign, and its conduct and success are caused the summoning of police. The lecture was sponsored by a The wicked hare drawn o u t welcome reflections upon the character of our leaders and our group of Yiddish authors in Palestine to celebrate Dr. Zhitlov- the sword and have b e n t their Recently a mother who had had ski's seventieth birthday, but the disturbers objected to the use bow to cast down the poor and ;wo community munity. children In close succession the needy, to slay such as are upOnly in the first Philanthropies campaign held in Omaha of Yiddish instead of Hebrew. right in their way; their sword lor the express purpose of giving This could easily be passed off as a display of rowdyism by shall enter into their own heart them an opportunity for real W years ago was more money raised than in this drive. A high companionship complained to me some youths, except that this incident is not the first time that and their bow shall be broken. that instead of being good friends "percentage of increases was noted in all divisions, and - - what is Better is a little that the rightinfinitely important - - a new high record in the number of indi- intolerance against Yiddish in Palestine has expressed itself so eous hath, than the abundance of ,he two—both girls—were at each other's throats most of the vidual contributions was achieved. Also/more cash was collected disgracefully. We believe in again making Hebrew the living the wicked. time. Ten-year-old J a n e y, It The wicked borrowed and paytongue of the Jewish people, though we may believe that in many seems, regards seven-year-old with pledges than in any previous campaign. It is upon such a eth not, but the righteous dealeth Alice parts of the world Yiddish as a language is slowly dying, from a as nothing more or l e s s record that the Philanthropies campaign carves its niche in the graciously and giveth. than a pest; Alice, on the other practical viewpoint it is undeniable that the majority of the JewI have been young, and now I hand, feels annals of time - - - recording that Omaha Jewry did "keep faith." Janey is a tyrant ish people throughout the world speak and read Yiddish. Yid- am old, yet I hare not, seen the and, to use that one of her milder exdishists have contributed much to the upbuilding of Palestine, righteous forsaken nor his chil- pressions, a "stuck-up fool." dren begging bread. The mother is all the more conTALMUD today is Shevuoth, or Pentecost, a happy and joyous occasion and Yiddish journalism and writing have always extended their cerned over this unsisterly antasupport in the Hebraization of the Jewish National homeland. Unklus ben Klenikus embraced on the Jewish calendar. Judaism and the King sent sol- gonism because it is a relativelyOriginally an agricultural holiday, Shevuoth has now be- Accordingly, the attitude of the Hebraic extremists is unfair. diers to arrest him. He, however, recent development. As little as persuaded them and they also be- two years ago Janey was almost come more closely associated with the giving of the Law on Mount came proselytes. The King then a second mother to Alice, while Sinai Thus, the holiday of the harvest assumed a double meansent other soldiers, warning them the smaller girl adored her big A canker gnawing from within is more dangerous and more that they should not converse sister with a boundless admiraing, one of spiritual as well as material harvest. Exiled from their with him. When t h e y arrested tion. But all this was changed land, with no soil to till and no harvests to reap, the Jewish peo- abhorrent than a sore festering outside. and were ready to take him, now, and the mother, fearing In Bucharest, Rumania, it is discovered that Rebecca Oslan, him ple have through the ages continued their spiritual plantings and he said to them, "I will tell you the new attitude may become : harvestings and through symbols remained true to the memory the cruel leader and founder of the women's auxiliary of the anti- something, usually the torch- permanent, asks what she should do to restore the old footing bei of the days, when the ripened fruit and grain were gathered in Jewish Iron Guards, is the daughter of a Jewish restaurant own- bearer carries the light in front tween her two daughters. o£ the King, but does the King "the Jewish homeland - - - hoping against hope that some day the er. Mrs. Osland, who embraced Christianity after she married, carry My answer to this mother is the light before the peotakes every opportunity to refer to her Jewish origin and outdoes ple?", and they answered, "No." not to worry, but simply to do material reapings would be resumed in Palestine. best—and that as unobtruThat deathless hope has been realized,, and today the beau- the most violent anti-Semite in her attacks on the Jews. Organiz- Said he, "The Holy One, praised her sively as possible—to encourage He carries the light before Istiful Shevouth customs are being revived in a Palestine which ing the Iron Guard auxiliary, she has taken it upon herself to be rael as It is written (Ex 13, 21) the natural affection between the has been restored as the Jewish homeland;The gathering of first raise funds for the continuance of their propaganda. And the Lord went before them two girls. For the affection is In a pillar of cloud to lead them still there, and Its present supWe can feel nothing but contempt for such a creature who, fruits on Shevouth is observed with gala holiday-making among their way In the day time, and by pression is but temporary, a n d the Jewish communities in the Holy Land. From the colonies the in effect, heaps calumny upon herself. She is a withered limb of night in a pillar of fire to give due largely to the process of Jewish children wend their way to the cities with the firsiTfruits a type which we "can be thankful has been severed from the tree them light, that they might go by growing up. Alice is now old day and by night. And they also enough to realize that the super' . of the fields and gardens. They come with songs on their lipg, of Israel. became proselytes. The King then iority she once admired in Janey happy in the freedom of their re-born land. The rejoicing everysent other soldiers after him, tell- is merely the result of three adwhere is great. The gifts go to the Jewish National Fund, which ing them not to talk to him at all, ditional years of life, and hence but when they arrested him and nothing to be particularly proud buys land as the perpetual property of the Jewish people. Young took him, he savr a M'zuzah on of; furthermore, the seven-yearThe coming world Zionist congress-election to be held June mothers, wheeling their first born in go-carts, take a prominent old knows now that in another 23 in the United States, brings the political situation in Zionism the door post and he said to few years she too will be ten, and part in the" processions. These children are also "first fruits," and them, "Do you know what this to the forefront. , Is?" They answered, "No but you will have behind her all the exthe;most beautiful and healthiest children\are awarded special mar tell us." He then said "It is perience with which h e r Bister David Ben Gurion, genial laborite leader, is making a tour of prizes. The fruits and grains are displayed at special fairs, where customary with a human King would like to impress her. As America and his charming personality will undoubtedly greatly that while he is within the palace for Janey—her undoubtedly tythere is much dancing and singing. , help the Poalei Zion vote. His recounting the great progress made his servants guard him from rannical attitude represents but . Modern Palestine is Israel's harvest. What we have planted effort to assert the superiority in Palestine in the last several years undoubtedly proves that the without. With Holy One, "praised an she still feels although Alice no : there we must guard and nourish zealously, adding ever to our be He, it Is the contrary. His serlaborite executive of the world Zionist Organizations elected at recognizes it; and at the plaf tings, so that our children and children's children may reap are inside and He guards longer same time she resents the tact the last congress, are to be given full and sole credit. The influx vants them from without, as it is said that precisely a much greater harvest in the years to come. because she is oldof capitalistic and hence tainted funds by the millions of pounds (P3 121.S) The Lord will guard er she is expected, by the adult thy going out and thy coming In.' is undoubtedly purely incidental; the greater response of world of the family at least, these also became prosely- members to "look out" for Alice when she Baron Robert de Rothschild, president of the Paris Jewish Jewry due to the Hitler persecutions in Germany is to be min- Then h tes, and the King did not send would rather occupy herself with community, calls on the foreign Jews in France to live quietly imized. Behold the labor executive has accomplished wonders and any more after him. her own affairs. Our masters have relied upon and not criticize French institutions, declaring that if they dil deserves a mandate for two years of power. Such being the case, the course Rabbi Simon and Rabbi Elazer, not like- conditions in France they had the right to leave the Those Zionists who are honestly interested in Palestine are who have declared that no decree to be followed by the mother is country. Although anti-Semitism is not yet a political issue in greatly worried over the growth of the Histadrut and its ten- should be promulgated unless the clear. She should help the girls individual and independFrance, it may easily become such, because of the wide-spread dencies. The recent plebiscite for peace with the revisionists and majority of the people are able to develop ent lives, encourage each to find anti-alien feeling from winch anti-Semitism, develops, he warns. its failure proved that the moderate Ben Gurion faction is defi- comply with it. friends of her own, refrain from foisting: one sister upon the othReports from France have not been any too bright since the nitely on the decline and that the "Shomer Hatzair" with its er. When, each has had an opporGerman refugees began coming in, seeking a refuge. The French communistic and anti-religious leanings is in the ascendency. On tunity to observe the other in a Jewry, it seems, make a differentiation between themselves and May 1 the Histadrut stopped all industry in Palestine including sphere of her own, mutual respect will develop, and companionthe German and Polish Jews. In fact, evidence in forthcoming the newspapers, and their proclamations contain enthusiastic ship will soon follow. And this Edward Alberts, freshman at that th non-Jewish attitude toward the Jewish refugees in greetings to the "brother-proletariat of Soviet Russia." In the the University of Nebraska, was time it will be real companionFrance is warmer than that of the Israelites. French Jewish lead- Religious field, new difficulties are arising including the refusal pledged to a pre-medlc honorary ship, a friendship of equals rather than the almost mother-toera are not contributing as much as they should to the refugee of an Histadrut colony to permit a synagogue to be built on Na- fraternity. child relationship which Janey as problem in their country and seem willing and eager to make a tional Fund land and an attack on synagogue attendants on a Harry B. Cohen was presented a small child had to the baby finandal deal in order to get rid of these "alien Jews." •"'.< Sabbath mourning at services. These incidents characterize the with a scholarship key to Delta Alice. The French Jewish community, headed by Rothschild, is tak- Histadrut and its policies much more thoroughly than vote-get- Sigma Pi. ing a short-sighted view of the situation. The French Jewish com- ting speeches by paid representatives. . Mrs. L. Rosenthal was elected AGUDATH ISRAEL BACKS munity would do better if, instead of being so utterly concerned Moreover the practical tactics of the Histadrut Executive are president of the Council of Jew- AUSTRIA GHETTO SCHOOLS with its own problems, it would think of; the fellow-Jewry in gradually driving all other parties out of the World Zionist Or- ish Women. need. By their attitude and belief that the "alien" Jewish refu- ganization. The strangle hold the Histadrut has on the Keren Vienna (WNS)—The governSam J. Leon, chairman, was as- ment's for establishing Bepagees will initiate a wave of anti-Jewishness which will engulf Hayesod, their practical monopoly of certificates and their prac- sisted by J. J. Slosburg in secur- Tate orplan ghetto schools for Jewthem; they create a problem which the French Christians, espe- tise of using both of these agencies for party members, were in- ing new members for the Jewish ish children has won the comcially in view of their hatred for Naziland, would never create strumental in causing the Revisionists to leave the party and are Welfare Federation. plete approval of t h e Agudath of their own accord. ' • V ultra-orthodox organizaalienating other groups. Indeed it seems certain that only\he The pupils In tha B'nal Israel Israel, tion. presented a Shevuoth British government and its supervision keeps the Histadrut Ex- synagogue The Jewish Press, official AguS i d n e y Qoldenburg, ecutive from definitely capturing the entire Zionist organization. program. Ann Tretiak, Dorothy Friedel, Es- datb Israel organ, hails the plan ' A man who admits he made a mistake is to be admired, as The Farmers Union in Palestine has been forced again and again ther Stein, Libby Bernstein and as opening the way for the creaof a Jewish parochial school such admission is a portent of strong character. to appeal to the government against the Histadrut and recently Sara Tretiak participated in the tion system. In such light must be viewed the address last week on the threatened to resign from the world Zionist Organization alto- program. The Jewish Press' stand hag Jewish question in Quebec as delivered by Henri Bourassa. Bour. gether. The Sigma Delta Tau sorority won 'the endorsement of the antiorganized at the University Semitic government organ, Reicha&sa is a strong French-Canadian nationalist, and until a short In America, the Histadrut has captured public opinion. Pub- was of Nebraska. The girls from Om- spost. time ago was regarded by many as the dean of Canadian anti- licity worthy of a Bernays has given the American who is at all aha Included Estelle Lapldus, LilSemitism. Because of his culture and knowledge, his anti-Semitism interested, the impression that the Histadrut alone is building lian Margolin, Sora Somberg and Demand Palestine ' bad a dangerous hue as he again and again presented most skil- Palestine. Rabbis, eager to talk "Social Justice" have endorsed Kate Goldstein. As Jewish St&ie fully an antyjewish case based on racial and economic theories. the Histadrut and have closed their eyes to the anti-religious ten* Opera by American Jewess , In his recent address Bourassa had the courage to make a dendes of this same group. Misrepresentations, and part truths Jerusalem, (JTA)—The RevisRome—The opera "Asfodela" "* complete about-face. He not only qualified anti-Semitism and anti- have characterized most of the fund-raising and vote-getting composed by Dorothea Block, ft ionist Party of Palestine hag subNew York Jewish girl, ' t u Per- mitted a demand to the Mandates Christianity, but in reviewing the Canadian Jewish situation he propaganda. formed here with great fuccess. Commission of the League of Nat a sympathetic and fair picture of Canadian Jewry, workAmerican Jews who are Zionists with communistic and antiLeading musician* and critics tions reQuesting that Palestine ing industriously for the upbuilding: of the country, Ot deep sig- religious leanings ought to vote the Histadrut ticket. All others were present, at tha performance should be proclaimed as a Jewish nificance is his warning to French-Canadians that they must re- ought to consider well before they cast their ballot This Is the first time that *n State in accordance with the proopera written by an American visions of the Mandate. «pect the rights of the Jewish minority in the Province of Quebec ' --URI MILLER. was performed In Rome. The demand wa« submitted in

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Today's Shevuoth





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7, 1935.



RECEPTION SUNDAY TO HOLLYWOOD SbOSBURG-XATHAN ! ALBANY VISITOR \ SUMMER CAMP Mr. Leon Mendelson left TCed- i Ben Gof fstein, •who is affiliat- • APPOINTMENTS , Mr. and Mrs. J. Mendelson, of Word has been received here Council Bluffs, will be at home, nesday, June 5, for a two •weeks I ed "with the Hearst newspapers • Mr. &nd Mrs. Morris Sogolow, of the marriage of Miss Doris NaMr. and Mrs.- M. F . Levensn, Sunday, June 9, from 4 to __ 7 __ o'- trip to Hollywood, California, to : in Albany, N. Y., came in by formerly of Omaha, have received than of Chicago to Lester E. Slosburg of that city, Bon of Mr. and 4819 Farnam St., will be at homej c i o c f e j a honor of the graduation attend the Warner Brothers first ' plane and is spending a w e e k appointments to direct summer Mrs. Jacob Slosburg jr., of Om- Sunday afternoon, from 3 to 7 jOf their son, Henry, from Creigh- national convention. | visiting his mother, Mrs. F. camp activities, Mr. Sogolow at aha. The wedding took place in o'clock, in honor of the confirma- j ton university, the confirmation | Brootstein and his mother-in-, Camp Strong-heart, in Northern tlon of their daughter, Judith, j Of their daughter, Beverly, and TO RESIDE IN CALIFORNIA Chicago Saturday. | lav, Mrs. A. Shafton. i Wisconsin, and his wife at t h e No cards have been sent. their guests, Mrs. William GreenWestwood Country Club Day Mrs. Sara Krasne, her daugh- j stein, of Collinsville, 111., and ter, Marjorie, a n d her mother, i FROM ROCHESTER HONOR BRIDE TQ BE Camp, exclusive children'* camp Miss Rose Meyers and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Edward Litke, I Mrs. Harry Levitan, of Chicago, Mrs. S. Hirshberg, of 3511 Bun Miss Grace Gordon, who is the ten miles out of St. LOHJF. Mr. Sogolow is a former athleGertrude Perils entertained at a 413 North Thirty-first street, will i n f e r s of Mrs. Mendelsoa. No to- St., are leaving Monday, by auto- B'nai B'rith social worker in bridge-luncheon and shower, for be at home from 3 to 6 Sunday j stations have been issued. mobile, to make their future; Rochester, is a house guest; of tic director at J. C. C. liere and he is now doing excellent work itMiss Sally Levine, at the Clover afternoon in honor of the confir-; home in California. | Mrs. Hymie Milder, developing the Council House, e Leaf club, Saturday, May 25. mat! on of their son, Harry. No HONOR MRS. ROMS! 1 Prizes were won by the Misses invitations have been issued. MASON-KATSKEE XUPTIALS RECEPTION FOR 3SEWLY. Mrs. A. Romm was honored by j TO VISIT IN CHICAGO RETURNS FROM UNIVERSITY new children's recreation. CPIHPT which is being sponsored by the Goldie Seidmah, and Pearl -MeyMiss Saraxaara Katsltee, daugh- WEDS SUNDAY fifty-five of her'Hadassah friends j Mr. Hymie Zorinsky left Sat- OF ILLINOIS ers, and the Mesdames Rose Linter ot Mr. and MrB. Abraham Kat"Word has been received here ot Miss Shirley Barish has return- St. Louis Council of Jewish "WoTosanh Llosey williat a luncheon and bridge given; urday for a visit in Chicago. w_. M r skee, waB *wed Sunday, June 3, to the marriage of Sally Stein, coln,-and Arthur Smith. Miss Le'. ed from Champaign, Illinois, men. h f ™ S X t S n o o n i Wednesday at the Tudor Arms! While there he will attend the + John Mason, Bon of Mr. and Mrs.-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Stein, vine will be married to Philip OsV S o ' c S hon^r 0°' tea r o o m s ^ h e is leaving shortly | Confectionery Jobber, convention, j where she attends the University Ed Mason, at«the Birch-wood club. of Neward, N. J., to Morris Ricks travich in the near future. the confirmation of their son, for New York, where s h e will at the Palmer House. He will re- : of Illinois. She will spend t h e WINS AT DRAWINGRabbi David A. Goldstein offic- of Missouri Valley, Iowa. ' T h e turn Saturday, June 8. IS_ make her future home. j summer here -with her parents. Mrs. Charles Schlmmel v.*on the James. No cards have been FOR GUESTS iated. marriage took place in Perth Am- ENTERTAIN Mrs. Romm was presented with mixmaster at ihe Temple SisterMr. and Mrs. Al. Plotkin had sued. a fitted over-night bag. The bride -wore a gown of white boy, New Jersey. RETURN FROM KANSAS C U T TBEP TO NEW YORK as their guests last week, Mrs. hood drawing Monday, June 3. A reception to honor the couple Eva Woskoff, her daughter, Sara, satin with yoke and fitted sleeves Mr. and Mrs. Jack Luttbeg will Mr. and Mrs. M. Friefiel and Mr. Sol Bergman left for a two of -white peau d'ange lace, and a will be given by Mrs. Libby Kap- and Mrs. Abe Saitlin, all of Sioux be a t home, Sunday, June 9, from j ENTERTAIN AT LUNCHEON Mrs. J. RIchlin returned Monday week's pleasure trip to New York tulle veil. She carried a boquet lan, and Mr. and M r s . Nathan City. 2 until 6, in honor of the confir-; Mrs. Hyman Noddle and Mrs. 1 from Kansas City, Mo., where where he will visit friends End reof bride's roses and white sweet Gimple, at the Kaplan residence, Mr. and Mrs. Plotkin enter- mation of their son, Leonard Mel-1 Robert Noddle' entertained at a ': they had motored to attend the latives. peas. She was attended by Miss 203 No 36 St.", Sunday, June 9, tained 45 guests at dinner in vln. No cards have been issued, j luncheon Tuesday, June 4, at the j Jewish National Fund conference. \ Ruth Mason, sister of the groom, from 4. to 7 o'clock. No invita- honor of their house guests, SunPaxton in honor of their sistersATTEND COMMENCEIT WILL TAX YOU Mrs. William Greenstein VISITS PARENTS •who wore a gown of blue net and tions have been Issued. 'MEXT EXERCISES day, May 26. The Tuesday afterMr. and Mrs. J. Harry Kulakof- in-law, To Consnlt of Collinsville, Illinois, and Mrs. Mr. and MrB. Ricks are now in carried an arm bouquet of pink Mrs. M. H. Okun of New York j Mr. and Mrs. Abe Somberg left noon club held a bridge-luncheon sky •will be at h o m e , Sunday, Levitan of Chicago. City, formerly Minnie Wohlner of ; for Columbia, Missouri to attend roses. Loyal Katskee, brother of Misspuri Valley, where they will in their honor, in the Gold Room from 3 to 6, in honor of the con- H a r r y the bride, was the best man, and make their home, having taken a of the Fontenelle, Tuesday, May firmation of . ' t h e i r daughter, Twenty-two guests attended. Omaha, arrived Saturday to visit | the commencement exercises of Harry Pried and Joe Schoehfield honeymoon trip in the east, stop- 28. her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Harry their daughter, Serline, who is When buying; Beth. j DIAMONDS ping for a visit in Washington, D •were the ushers. : ATTEND RECEPTION Mrs. J/ J. Frleden was hostess No cards have been sent. Wohlner, and to attend the conj graduating from the University of C. WEDDING KINGS Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rosenstock to the Sioux Cityans, at a lunchfirraation and graduation of her: Missouri, and daughter Betty, and son, niece Helen Jean Alberts. WATCHES - SILVERWARE eon-bridge at the Tudor A r m s 'Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosen, 216 No. Charles, of Sioux City, Mr. and RETURNS TO OAKLAND tea-room, Thursday, M a y 30. and GIFT JEWELRY MARRIAGE TO VTASKENGTON 28 Ave., will be at home Sunday, jM r g f G u s a o f l e M t o c k ^ daugh- RETURNS TO NEW YORK Miss Dorothy Corenman, who Thirty-five guests atended. Bernice Falk, daughter of Mrs. Mrs. Morris Stern leaves tofrom 3 to 5 and from 7 to 9, in, j i city, Mr. has been visiting her parents, Mr. t e r > M a r o r e at K a n s a s Mrs. Harry Edell left Wednes-I morrow for Washington, D. C, MrB. M. Davidson was hostess ROBe Falk, became the bride of where she will attend the comRudy J. Mittelman, son of M. and Mrs. S. Corenman, for the past at dinner, Wednesday evening, honor of the confirmation of their ; a n d M r g _ A l b e r t C a h n -of Shelbydaughter, Betty Jane, and also to, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ &n^ M r s . Stella York City, after a three and a mencement exercises of h e r Mittleman, of Detroit, Sunday, • month, returned Thursday eve- May 29. honor their guests, Mr. and Mrs. sellheimer" of Philadelphia, Pen- half "month visit here with her daughter, Wilma, who w i l l reJune 2, at the home of Mrs. M.ning to Oakland, Calif., where she B.-Katz, and Mrs. P. Kropp, of n s y l v a n i a attended the reception mother, Mrs. Mamie Kneeter. En- jceive her degree in. law, June 10. has been making her home with G. Cohen, aunt. The ceremony, atBIRTHDAY PARTY El Paso, Texas. No invitations which was held last Sunday by route home, she will stop in Des i her brother-in-law and sister, Dr. tended only by the immediate Harley Hillel Beber, son of Mr. have been issued. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rosensiock in Moines to visit her brother,, and \TRIP EAST Empzre Cleaning famllieB, was performed by Rab- and MrB. E . I. Kushner. and Mrs. Sam Beber, celebrated Mrs. Corenman wasextensively honor of the confirmation of sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry i Lee Grossman, athletic direcbis N. Feldman and TJri Miller. his fourth birthday, Wednesday, font j Mrs. Ha'ttie Solig Schechter, their' daughter, Ruth, from Tem- Kneeter. A reception for friends was held entertained during her stay here. May 58. 15 children attended a tor of the Jewish Community 2774 Burt St., will be at home j pie Israel. Among her hostesses were the immediately after. birthday party given In his honor. Center, left for a two-week's trip MOTOR HERE Sunday evening, from 7 to 10, inj , Misses Etta and Sid Tatelman, to New York. He will also rlrire The bride was gowned in white Fan and Rose Sacks, Estelle Nai ! Our scientific modern • Mrs. Aaron Morris and her two honor of the confirmation of her \ WEEK-EVD VISITORS to Princeton, New Jersey, where organza, fashioned with a square than, Rose Colick, Sue Corenman, EXTENSIVE TRIP children, Joel and Elaine, of methods retain the cordaughter, Rhoda, and in honor of i Mr. and MrB. Max Venger have Mr. and Mrs. E. Simon, of Madi- j Mr. and Mrs. William D. d a y - Nashville, Tenn., motored here to be will witness a track and field neckline in front, outlined with a and the Mesdames S. Corenman, rect size and shape of and son, Gerald, of Kansas returned from an extensive trip, son, Wis; and in -honor of Mrs. J. i man ruffle which widened in back to P. Wintroub, and J. Lintzman. spend an indefinite stay -with her classic. city, "were week-end visitors your clothes. after having spent the winter at Naiman of Chicago. Mrs. Simon is j form a cape collar. Her veil of sister, Mrs. Paul Blotcky. ' of Mr. and Mrs. t Let us clean and dc-moth Miami Beach, Florida. Before retulle was made in a cloBe-fitting the former Elva Solig, and Mrs. them now! turning home they spent some Naiman is the former Bernice cap with a coronet of the mate- SET WEDDING DATE RETURNS FROM Miss Helen Shapiro, daughter time in New York City visiting # Sealed in moth, - proof rial outlining the face. She carNASHVILLE olig. of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shapiro, will with friends and relatives. HOTSB GUEST cedarized bags without ried a muff of white carnations. Mr. Alvyn Meyer returned from Offers a New Deal be wed to Herman Wigonitz, son Sam Hymanson of Minneapolis a two-week stay at Nashville, extra charge. Call - - Miss Sylvia Falk was her sis- of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wigonitz, SURPRISE PARTY 1ECEPTION SUNDAY Shampoo and finger wsrc is a house guest of his uncle and Tenn., where he visited his sisSHEOLLT GOODMAN'S ter's only attendant. She wore ap- ot Madison, Wisconsin, on SunMr. and Mrs. Max Rosenblatt, aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. Reuben. Mrs. L. Morgan, retiring presifeatured ter, Mrs. Aaron Morris. ple green taffeta and carried a day, June 9, at the home of her dent ,of the Mizrachi Women's or- ho were married in New York aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. T. ganization, was honored at a sur- ity June 2, and Mr. and Mrs.| _ _ . „ vTsrmT? muff of yellow roses. Permanent vraves by SUMMER VACATION prise party by members of the Izidore Mittleman "was his A. Tully. experts - $S.5O &M Up. Miss Chick Bergman, Miss MinAmong those who entertained organization at her home Saturbrother's best man. da Friedman, and Jerome Gordon j day, May 25. 716 BRANDEIS The wedding march was played for Miss Shapiro are the Melflamwho attend the University of Mis- j Mrs. A. Shafton, retiring secre- e guests at a reception to bu givTHEATER BLBG. b? Leo Marks on the violin, ac- es Max Shapiro, Ben Shapiro, and sourl, at Columbia, Missouri, j tary, also shared honors. Both AT 4SSS —_———_ companied by Martin Bush on the Julius Altman, and t h e Misses were presented with gifts in ap- n for them by the Mesdames H. have returned to spend the sum-: Sylvia Falk, Bertha Colick, MarRosenblatt, Sam Harmel, Louis S BUYING TRIP iner vacation with their parents. accordion. preciation of their efforts on be- Breen, and Morris Rimmerman, at] Mr. Sam Herzberg recently reImmediately after the reception ian Brookstein, Tobye Herzberg, half of the organization. Estelle Gilbert, Helen Castleman ;he Rimmerman residence, Sun-; turned from a week's buying trip the couple drove to Chicago and and Harriet Wolsky. day, June 9. i in Nevr York. Detroit for their honeymoon. The ENTERTAIN AT Those who •will assist the host-j — — — bride's going-away costume was a STOLER-SPIEGEL LUNCHEON 1 navy wool suit with matching ac- ENGAGEMENT .Mrs. Maynard Greenberg and esses are the Misses Alice Gold- , CONVALESCING erg, Helen Stein, Lillian Gelfand, i Mrs. Robert I. Marer is conval- j cessories. Mrs. E. Spiegel announces the Mrs." Michael Kruplnsky enterfrom a recent illness at j Those assisting at the reception engagement of her daughter, Es- tained fourteen guests at a lunch- Ethel and Miriam Rubin and Sara!i escing her home. , were the Misses Ruth Falk, Helen ther, to Jay Stoler, son of Mr. and eon at the Highland Tuesday in roldberg. Shapiro, Tobye Hertzberg, Harriet Mrs. X." Stoler. No definite date honor of Sophia Handler, brideto-be. Wolsky and Msrian Brookstein. has been set for the wedding. Out-of-town guests at the wedding were: Martin Falk, Max Kaplan and daughter, Mr. and H. Goldstein and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. Feder, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Levlch and family, Miss Omaha sold Frankie Rosenthal, all of Sioux Direct from Chicago, introducing Contoure Cosmetics only at City; M. Mittleman and Harry Also featuring Frederic and Eugene Permanent Waves Herzbergs Mittleman, of Detroit; Moe MittleOther Pennanents as low a i $3.50 man ot Fontlac, Mich.; Dave and Bliss "Tony", Mgr. . Al Mittleman, of Chicago; and James Lemson of Ottumwa, la. Mr, and Mra. Mittleman will 303 Securities Building AT 0SS2 NOW WERE READY TO SffOW_ YQV make their home with the bride's Evening Appointments can. be made with ten expert beauticians . mother when they return- .


Society on. Page Seven. MALASHOCK'S



,„.r . ,Ne. «*«.r usttzzzf»—-•




TO WED Miss Aline Kinstler is to be wed in the near future to Robert Antlre De Witt of Oakland, California. The wedding will take place In San Francisco at the home of Mrs. Kinstler'a cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Lansing-Rothschild, in June.

whh«. 12to43.

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Extraor&immry Sale

and Acetates • Ask for our special low prices on Cleaning-, Repairing: and Restyllng. Pay when you take your lura out next fall.

Regularly 1.69 Yard



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SUMMER WASH SUITS OUR SPECIALTY 50c--75c Rough Weaves © Cheeks, Dots ©Smooth Fabrics Phone AT 2815 2815 Farnam

Kilpatrick's Fabric Section third floor

Below: Ntry, brown, blue, pink, turquulae, white. 14 to 40. &J&&

Of M the NORGE RoUalor Re-, frigerators We Have Sold Not On© Has Failed to Give It's Owner 100% Satisfaction. Come in and lei us show you Uxe, Norgo particularly suited to your needs. You will be i m p r e s s e d with its beauty/ delighted with its many features of convenience. We are sure you will agree with us that Norge is everything you could want in a Sn© refrigerator.

1_PIIIT NeHj Don gives yon

Ejelef© mm Fine as Tliese

TRADE IN YOUB OLD ICE BOX NOW , Payments Will Bo Arranged to Suit Your CJoaveniencs

cmi P©rn@fii

You instantly sec the difference in a Kelly Don eyelet Such clean-cut, clos* ly stitched quality . . . smart exclusive patterns. Such engaging styles . . . perfect fit. Why they actually thrive on daily wear and weekly tubbings! That's why these new ones will sell so fast!

"^ . I? ,. J, ._

^ A ,,_

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NUDISTS GET ATTENTION AT WORLD'S FAIR~Through chinks and cracks in the high board fence enclosing Zoro Gardens at the San Diego, CaL, wprld's fair, visitors peek at'the nudists 'Within. It WES estimated more than half the 50,000 visitors on opening day gained^a look in this way. Interested grandmas arid aunties would pay 25 cents otherwise.

NEW HOME — A view of the Matanuska Valley in Alaska where 66 Minnesota families are settling happily in their new surroundings. The temporary tent camp where the families will live until CCC workers can erect houses is seen in the circle. This air view also shows the towering peaks of the Chugacli Range in the distance and though they are • snow - capped, long hours of brilliant sunshine flood the fertile valley.

• S F -





NET-MAN IN CUPID'S NET — Lester StoeSen, star of the tennis courts, has often heard the scoring term, "Love alii" But now that term is changed to "Love one!" Above he is shown in Hollywood with Ruth Moody, screen actress. It was announced, they would, be married in June.





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WELCOMED — A gallery of 2,000 spectators .was present to welcome Joyce Wethered, English golf ~ star, * wtioin • many' critics rate as the finest woman golfer tile world'has ever seen, as she opened her American ^tour at Glen Head, L. I. Above she is shown driving - from the first tee in play with Gene Sarazen.





AMBASSADOR ARRIVES—Andrew de Laboulaye, French Ambassador to the United States, and Mme. de Laboulaye, as they arrived in New York from a six-weeks' vacation in Prance. He hoped for a reduced tariff-on wines.

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POPE OBSEKVES 78TH BEKTEDAT—Reports from Vatican City were that Pope Pius XI was in excellent and %'igorous health and keenly alert in mind as he observed his 7Sth birthday recently. Above, the FontiS is seen at the canonization of Sir "Thomas More and Bishop John Fisher when 40,000 persons witnessed the impressive service.

- 1

si MOURNER—Donald R. Richberg, chairman of the National Recovery Administration nullified by the Supreme Court, shown at his desk in WasMngt .n. The Administration is said to have given him the task of drafting a new emergency NRA.

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FLOWERS FOR SHUT-INS—At left is Dorothea Antel, nationally known .for "The Sunshine Shop" which she operates from her bedside telephone, receiving an advance bouquet from a national association of florists which planned its annual gift of "flowers to shut-ins throughout the country on June 10. Kate Smith, songbird, makes the presentation, l a s t yeaf^15,000,000 blqoms were distributed. " V. v ' ' • ' • •

CAPTAIN — While the new French line giant Normandie speeded for a record-breaking dash across the ocean from Havre to New York, responsibility for the great ship fell on Captain Rene Pugnet, above. Apart from workers finishing,, the ship en route, there were 2,320 passengers aboard.

-.f MASS FUNERAL FOR AIR VICTIMS—Urns containing the ashes of the 47 victims who died in the crash of the giant Russian airplane, Maxim Gorki, -were placed in the Kremlin in Moscow after a mass funeral was held. The urns are shown above surrounded by wreaths and Soviet red flags. The sevenmotored Gorki was the world's largest plane. , , - N . >J



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ITALY PRACTICES WARr-With nearly 900,000 men available for the army, Premier Mussolini of Italy orders mobilization of three new divisions for East African service, as Italian couriers are reported arrested in Ethiopia. Meanwhile war practice continues at Rome. Above is an Italian soldier, attacking a dummy with a flame thrower, in a chemical demonstration.

" •


WOMEN MAY FACE CUBAN FIRING SQUAD—Charged with plotting agatot the Cu|a,n government, above are Senorita Conchita ValdMesto, left, and Senonta Xiomara O Hallonm Cuban-Irish girl, as they went on trial in Matanzas. It is alleged they took part in the u p r i s e of May 8. If convicted, they probably will be executed by a firing squad.

BIG EEAGCE BEOTKEES—At left is Tony Cuccinello E'-ooklyn second baseman with his brother Al, second baseman of the New York Giants. The picture was taken when the big-league brothers met in New York in the double-header baseball game between the Terrymen and the Dodgers, &«*«^ it Ctaifei Newspfctnres




UE-IM PICNIC ' ) Jerome Milder and Daniel Miite. Lambda Ffa Committee Chairmen Beta. Tan The Re-Im club held a picnic I all of Omaha. P i at Elmwood park Thursday, May Lambda Phi fraternity oi The Nebraska chapter of Seta of Betk-EI Auxiliary Creighton -university, will h o l d et 30. A baseball game .was played FOR- KENT their award night banquet at the f ! J " M d l" thirteenth anand several races staged. Winners VISIT FROM SAN Committee cljairmen were anNice Kadio-equipped room Fontenelle hotel, Sunday, June 9,1 ™* J ^ ° ^ ^ ™ * n of the'races are as follows: ladles' T h e Bikur Cholim annual nounced and plans for the year FRANCISCO J Centrally located—Q u ie t at 6:30. Active and alumni mem-! A h' 0 U 8 e r a*r t"J a B d s t a v e r e Mrs. Sam. Kneeter and lier running races, tied by Mrs. Benluncheon will be held Monday, tentatively made at the first Neighborhood. Reasonable. Temple Israel « bers of the fraternity will attend, i ' ^ daughter, Mrs. I. Shepherd, and Wine and Mrs. Leon Gross, both June 10, at the J. C. C , a t 1 p. m.- meeting of the new board of the Service will begin at 7:30 this Box 18 Jewish Press. Awarding of the scholarship Ih etI ed r Saturday night at the grandson of; San Francisco, are receiving.prizes; she kicking won Reservations must be in not later Beth-El s y n a g o g u e auxiliary, evening. Hereafter, the services cup,5. athletic cup cat) c.v,v, house, and a .picnic at H Horky'e and alumni ctip visiting Mra. Kneeter's sister-in- by Mrs. Dick Spiegel; pop nipple than Sunday, June 9, and may be Tuesday, a t the h o m e ot Mrs. will begin every Friday evening will take place. part, near Crete, on Sunday. contest wen by Mrs. Sam Giller; made with Mesdames N. Levin- Dave Sherman, president. law, Mrs. Mqllie Milder. Arthur Kazlow will be master e Among the guests ot the clmp. : fat ladies' race won by Mrs. Ben son, At 4252,, J. Miller, At 7728, EA Plans for the first summer pro- at this time. of ceremonies. .' t r were: Bernard'Eirenberg, Os- EAE Levine; fat men's race won by or S. Fish, Wa 5257. The lunch1 Sj)•e< Mohei ject, 1 the annual dance, Monday, TO MILWAUKEE Three members of the frater- mond, Nebr.;^Stanley San.filovich, Recomrnend»<3 b y hiaii> Doctors June 24, at-the Highland Country Mr. and Mrs. Milton R. Abra- Bob Schwartz; 100-yard dash won eon will be 50 cents per plate. Beth-El nity, who are graduating from the Lincoln; Sheldon Shumow, Howby Leon Gross; three-legged race kabbi N. Feldman will give the •Ebster f.836 ^ Club were announced by Mrs. Shavuoth service:.' will be held Creighton university m e d i c a l ard KEplan. "Warren Ackerman, ] S e t icienee Phone hams are leaving for a ten day's stay in Milwaukee, -where they won by Charley Zlotkin and Sam invocation. The main address will David Greenberg, chairman, and tonight'at 8 o'clock. The' confir- school, are.- leaving next week to Lloyd Malashock, Irvin Sherman, ]1 BBsinese Tho ne EbstSV f46^ •will visit friends and relatives. .- Giller; backward race won by be given by Rabbi Uri Miller. The the board also decided to sponsor mation' services., and 'program will begin their interneshlps. Arthur Jerome Hirschmann, Joe Lerner, | .- 1422 N. 20th St. Omaha, Neb, Dick Spiegel; balloon blowing won Rifkin sisters will sing some Jew- a second road show to be given Kazlow will go to Los Angeles to Ernest Wintroub, Bud Slosburg. | ' t by Abe Cohen; the children's 5 ish songs and Dorothy. Tatleman this fall. Saturday morning services will the-_ Cedars of Lebanon hospital; GUESTS yard dash won by Milton Soskin will give a Jewish reading. Chairmen and -their commit- begin at 9' o'clock. . Yizkor will be Moe Steinberg goes to San FranMrs. Ruth. Jacobs and her and the 25-yard dash by Arnold The committee in charge of this tees as anounced' by "Mrs. Shercisco, to St. Lute's hospital;, and-1 said at 10 o'clock". . ... . daughter Joan are house guests Soskin. affair includes tlje Mesdames J. man are as follows: Mesdames Pranlc Lipp to New York City to of Mrs. Jacobs parents, Mr. and Bernstein. J. Miller, A. Pitlor, L. Reuben Kulakofsky. comnrunlty the' Sidenham hospital. j Mrs. M. D. Brodkey. Rosenblatt, N. Levinson, M. Zlot- co-operation; Davia Greenberg, ; -Vaad . ••• > Abe. Katz,'Morris Dansty,.r and; MASTER OF SCIENCE kin, I. Chait, L. Morgan, J. Fin- courtesy; Harold Farber, dues; DEGREE Sheruoth services' will be held Morton Adler lecTthe entire "arts HOME FROM COUJEGE kel, J. Frieden, S. Fish, William David Goldstein and M. F. Leren-j i n the synagogues this morning, j college of Creighton -uEiversity in Alvin H. Friedman, son of Mr. Miss Rebecca Kirshenbaum, Epstein, M. Katraan, J. Gold- son, education; H. L. Stieaaig, j Rabbi Vrl Miller will 'speak atHcholarship. Katz and Dansty* for w h o graduated last -week from and ' Mrs. Samuel Friedman, will berg, T. Sherman, D. Binstein, M. house; J. J. Greenberg, gift fund; the B'nai Israel synag-ogHe today, the eophoraore class and Adler for! receive his Master of Science Dethe liberal arts college of the Uni- gree at the University of Nebras- G. Cohen, L. Mendelson. Leo "Waxenberg, motor; Phlneas Saturday 'morning, Rabbi Mil-I the'junior class.versity of Iowa, arrived home "Wintroub, peace; Sam Theodore, ler will speak at the Beth Haae- ! ka on June 10. -• _; ... • Tuesday morning. program; Ben Shapiro, publicity; Progressive Hebrew Arthur Conn, service; Harry services will be held in all BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Montreal—T h e little synaTrustin, membership; John Faier, the synagogues tomorrow morn-' WEEK-END YISEEOR GRADUATE Women's Auxiliary gogue in Val DavitJ, a country rer^ visiting; Irvin Stalmaster,-Sunday ing. Eleanore Osoff of Detroit was ' Joe Greenstone, son of Mr. and sort in the Laurentian _mot:nSchool. a week-end visitor of her uncle Mrs, — of The Ladies Auxiliary of t h e P. Greenstone, will receive tains. forty miles frora Montreal,' and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. N. Levin- a Bachelor of Science of Business Progressive Hebrew club will Isador Dansky, and Philip and a popular vacation p l a c e ; son and of her sister Miss Shreda Administration degree from Om- hold a regular meeting on Sun- Rosenblatt, social; Phil. Klutz among Jews, was besmeared in-{ Osoft. day, June 9, 3 p. m. at the Jew- nick, student; William Alberts, aha University on June 6. side and outside with Swastikas, j Isadore Abrahamsoh, and Morris ish Community Center. This piece of vandalism is beArkin, telephone; Jake Blank and RETURNS FROM Election oi officers will feature. A. B. DEGREE lieved to be the result of an agiIsadore W. Rosenblatt, wars and CALIFORNIA Morris Fisher, son of Mr. and An excellent program has been means, Irvin Levin,' book review. tation led by the local priests Miss Bess Newman returned Mrs. Ben Fisher will receive a arranged, and all members are Mrs. Reuben Brown was named among villagers and farmers 624-26 Sooth 16tK Street home after spending the winter Bachelor of Arts Degree from urged to attend. against the Jews. a director. In California. Omaha University on June .6. Latest Zionist 4 Cfroap- /to Be in the social ideals. Mizrachi Women VISITOR HERE SPRING DANCE 2. To wia labor to a sympatheKnown 'as "Comnsssity The semi-annual convention of Mrs. Morris Sogolow w h o Final arrangements have been the Mizrachi Women's national tic attitude towards Judaism. the former Ethel Greenberg, Party" Complete Outfitters kf the Entire Family S. To make Zionism a mass visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. completed for the third annual organization will be held in New The final, meeting of the So. 2 spring dance of the Junior Vaad movement in every .community York June 18 and 19, with head- Book Review group of Hadassah A. Greenberg. "Utica,- X. Y. <JTA)'—The or&ic! the Auxiliary, which will be held quarters at the Hotel Ocean will be held on Wednesday, June j ganization of a new • Zionist:narty an3'throw the weight of-the conservative movement solidly beWednesday night, June 12, at the Crest. RETURNS FROM 12, at the home of Mrs. David A. j ^ America for the forthcoming We Invite XOK to OpcE e, Charge Account Peony Park Ballroom. Any member of the organiza- Finkle, 2731 ATane' street, with elections to the -nineteenth World hind'the*.- Zionist Executive .and EASTERN TRIP strengthen its power. The committee In charge inMrs. Herbert Neveleff as co-hostion who plans to travel east this Joe Fellman returned from a Zionist Congress was -announced j 4.~To "strengthen the Jewish "Your Credit Is Good as Gold at Gold's" twelve-week trip through the cludes Miss Mollie Roitstein, month and can attend is asked to tess. here by Rabbi S. Joshua Koan of National Fend .and to expose and Chairman, and Goldie Wolfson, -Mr. Paul Goldblatt, director of communicate with Mrs. I. Kulaeast, where he visited with Utica, its founder. : '; Rose Rubenstein, Sara Schlaifer, kofsky, president. the J..C. C. and Welfare Federaspecufriends, and relatives. The new gTotip is to be .known vigorously- oppose the Special Bargains and Anne Halm. • tion, will speak on "The Jewish as the Community Pariy. Its lators a n d profiteers * in Pales- j Community and Its Relation to list, of candidates will, appear as tine. VISITS CHICAGO Deborah Society Jewish Life." Current events will "List-No. 4" on the ballot in^the Mr. I. Chapman recently re- Ladies Auxiliary of The last Tegular meeting of be discussed by Mrs. Oscar- Bel- elections^to the 254bnist Congress. turned from a few days stay in the Deborah society will be held, zer. There will also be musical Congregation of Israel Tuesday "A new orientation • in Zionism Chicago, Illinois. afternoon, June 11, atselections. is absolutely necessary," Rabbi . The Ladies' auxiliary of Con- 2:30 p. m. at the J. C. C. All The program will follow a des- Kohn said^ in explaining t h e CHEMISTRY HONOR sert luncheon at 1:15. gregation of Israel held a regular members are urged to attend. _ 5 party's founding. "The foTthcomHarold Janoff, a freshman, won monthly meeting, A donation to the Medical jI n g nineteenth World Zionist Monday, June second place recently in a chem- 3, in. the club rooms has been made by Mrs.! congress is a challenge to every of the. synaistry elimination contest a t thegogue at 25th and J streets. HITLERITES UQUIDATE Fund Reuben Kulakofsky. | Jew, especially to the conservaUniversity of Omaha. He is thewere made for a card partyPlans Mrs. Julius Abrahamson made j t i T e movement. There is great to be TRAINING FARM FOR son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jan- held Sunday evening, July. 7. a donation to the gift fund in j dissension in the Zionist ranks. off, 2111 N street. JEWRY IN GERB1ANY honor of the 1935 confirmation Zionist unity is endangered. The There will be a fine program, reclass of the Beth-El synagogue. "Mizrachi seems to be luke-warm freshments and prizes. Berlin (JTA)—The. Nazi auto Zionist unity. The Jewish thorities has liquidated the counFarmers' Federation in Palestine Monuments - Memorials try's largest Jewish agricultural is in opposition. The Agudah alJ e r u s a l e m (WNS-Palcor $9.90 up, ' freight p a i d , Insettlement, in Gross-Gaglow near Agency)—A sum of 4,000,000 ways has opposed Zionism." stalled free in Omaha a n d where Jewish youths pounds (approximately $20,000,Explaining that "this sudden By Mrs. David SL Newman Kottbus, Council Bluffs. Complete line were being trained for work on 000) has-been collected .from, j outburst of opposition to the of beautiful g r a v e markers farms .,in. Palestine and. other, Jews throughout the1 world «or*4 World Zionist Executive is due -and monuments, lettered free^ Broccoli'."-' ; ~ countries. . ; ing the* past thirty-three and ato.the fact that the Labor group Fully guaranteed* Write for Discard the leaves a n d tough The sum of 300,000 marks, ap^particulars. or call AT. 3653 portions of stalks. Wash t h o r- proximately $120,000, had been half years for the purpose of pur- won domination Et the last Zionchasing land in Palestine as theist Congress," Rabbi Kohn says for appointment. oughly. Let stand in cold water spent by the Jewish Community national, inalienable property of that.although it cannot be denied Drain and cook in on this settlement, which has GRANITE ARTS, INC. s20a l minutes. t water until tender. Serve been in existence for four years. the Jewish people, It w a s an-1 that labor in Palestine is responhere by M. M. Ussishkin, | sible for the finest ideals, labor with melted butter, salt and pep- The twenty four Jewish families nounced 1909 Leavenworth • international ' of the) in general has t>een unsynipatheper or Hollandaise sauce. now practicing colonization work Jewish Nationalpresident i tic toward Judaism "as we underFund. Hollnndaise Sauce at the settlement were ordered by The land thus purchased totals! stand it in a traditional., sense." Take % cup butter, % table- the authorities to evacuate t h e 360,000 dunams or 90,000 acres j Rabbi Kohn believes, however, spoon lemon juice, a few grains land by June first. of the total amount, American! that if the Laborites in Palestine paprika, 2 egg yolks, ^i teaspoon The Gross-Gaglovr Jewish Set- Jewry contributed during t h a t are given support.in their social salt, 1-3 cup hot water. Cream tlement w a s progressing nicely period the sum of $4,730,000. Of upbuilding,. they will c o m e in the butter, add egg yolks, one at befor& Hitler came to power. Dif- the 4,000,000, the first million time to see that a Palestine witha time, add seasonings, and water. ficulties made for the colony by was collected during the period out Judaism cannot prevail. Beat thoroughly. CooTi until thick the Nazis after Herr Kube, the from 1902 tc- 1.922. The^othfer The program of the isew Comand creamy. Remove from fire, Nazi leader, was appointed Dis- three millions were contributed munity Party is given, by Rabbi trict Commissioner of Brandenadd lemon juice. Stir and serve in an approximate ratio of oneKohn as follows: burg, where, the colony is situat- every four years subsequently. at once. 1. To support l<abor Palestine ed. The colony had been support.COMMERCIAL, q$. 25e Mention the Jewish Press to ed recently by American funds coming from the American Jewyour merchant. • ish Joint Distribution Committee;

Luncheon of Bikur Cholim on Monday




Formal Opening


, Saturday Tune 8th




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The Re-opening of


Palestine Currency

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J e r u s a l e m — A l t h o u g h the amount of Palestine currency in circulation,is now over 5,500,000, pounds the number of 100 pound notes is as low as 118, the Official Gazette reports. The total amount of money cir.culated in notes is 5,010,536 pounds. Half-a-million pounds are circulated in coins. The 1 pound note is most popular bill in the country, two million of them being In circulation.


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Night rales are now in effect from 7 p*m.to 4s30 a^m. <m • slation-lo^statioa calls—those on •wluch''yasrask to talk with anyone.available at the telephone called. .The lednced night rate applies on any such cafl^fo/which the day rate ia 40 cents or more

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Chaise Lounges Lounging Chairs Occasional Chairs Lamp Tables

Come Thursday—Share in these amazing; savings

H E one goal toward ••which vre ETC ritory: Last year the Nebraska Bower sH striving is RECOVERY, in Ne- ' Company and the Citizens Power and Light Company spent only about $200^* braska and throughout the country! 000 in improving: our facilities for aer*- • What "will bring Recovery? ice. I£ we knew that all business were Recovery depends upon the building going to be relieved of .governmental of bigger pgyrolls; fewer people on the interference,1 we could easily be ©penddole; the creation o£ more real jobs. ing & million dollars a j'car—and creatAnd the only way to build bigger paying more jobs. But it would be reckrolls is through renewed business conless extravagance now, with the fidence, confidence of investors in the Wheeler-Rsyburn bill pending. soundness of the securittes- of AmeriWOULD YOU OKDER A NEW can industries, confidence of business HOME BUILT, IF YOU WERE in the fairness-©£• government. THREATENED WITH LOSING There can never"'be'.RECOVERY as YOUR JOB? ! long as industry is threatfene'3,snd hfirv ,.The .-way to RECOVERY it through •'staged, "as'-long-as it is tBr0ttfe2 by/ •the re-establishmentr of business con* crushing'' ..taxes,'' destroyed•.'•!?¥•:••• ssfsir which will permit private, taxgovernment competition or ruined -by capita! to go to work again. If governmental' red-"tape, •interference'' 'we'.sre to'atta-m'RECOVERY in the • and political control. ; . . . next lew years oar - country mast fcei tWfa«ler-Raybum utility bill new cdrae a -workshop, not a laboratory. iag" i n Congress -has instilled new '•and.iacreiased feat •'.into aJ!' •business,' especially the pabKc •'utilities. . T h o a . .sands-©£. enapioyees of the "electric and gas holding z&& operating companies, wMcb. the bill wo-uld arbitrarily hinder asd-..destroy; would be forced to join " the JailHons ©£ jobless.'Here f for iasteace, is what this Mad of legislative threat has done la this ter-

bill would IN**

J. E. Davidson, Presides* Nebraska Power Company •I


You csa hslp to defeat the Wheeler-Raybura 1»1L Write to your senators sad representatives in Washington, and teH them you are opposed to it. Act Now. • ' • . . ' '



myer and other Americans who First All-Yiddish Mynster Street. The. program was ,. law will take place at 9 o'clock. have contributed large sums for previously scheduled for Sunday The memorial servjec will be held Cultural Congress endowment, buildings, etc., to the afternoon, but has been changed at 10 o'clock and the-Musaf at Hebrew University. and will be held Sunday morning. 10: ?0 o'clock. Special services for \ = (JTA)—The Mr. J. Z. Stadlan^ principal of the He added, however, that "the ! Vilna, Poland the children will begin at 11 a. m. Sunday School, is In charge of basis of the support for the UniI first ElS-world Yiddish Cultural At 4 o'clock Saturday after- m IMISS ANNA PILL, correspondent BIP.B.K. this program. Mr. O. Hochman, versity must be very greatly i Congress, convoked by the Jewish noon, Rabbi Goldberg will speak m secretary of ,the Talmud Torah, broadened in this new function 'scientific Institute, -pill open In on "The Ten Commandments." snumnmnuininnini will present stereoptical slides ilwhich t h e University is to fill. j Vilna on the 14th ol August, it This will take place at Beth Abra- RABBI GOLDSTEIN TO GIVE lustrating the Story of Ruth. All That means that not only the ham synagogue. BOOK REVIEW children, their families, a n d Former Palestine Attorney Gen- leaders of the American Jewry ; was announced here. Sunday afternoon at 2:30 Delegates from all over the eral Praises Hebrew Rabbi David A. Goldstein will and of all other Jewries m u s t o'clock, examinations for the West give a Book Review next Tues- friends are cordially invited to atworld, including the United StatUniversity tend. take their p a r t in maintaining Side Hebrew school pupils will be day evening, J u n e 11, at eight New York (JTA)—Declaring and enabling our University to es, are expected to participate in the Congress. Professor Salo BaSix Sioux City students at theheld. Parents of the children are o'clock promptly at the home of t h a t the Hebrew University in grow." The Council Bluffs Lodge No. cordially invited to attend. Prizes University of Iowa graduated Mrs.' Simon' Steinberg, 710 WilConfirmation services at- Mount 6S8 of the Independent Order of Jerusalem "is fast becoming the It is the plan of the supporters ron ol Columbia University, Dr. will be awarded to the children low Avenue, under the auspices the spiritual center of the scattered of ttie University to mark the Jacob Scnatzky of New York and Sinai Temple will be held Sunday from the university and received for B'nai Brith will hold a reguwork and refreshments of the Three Study Groups of the lar meeting next Monday evening, Jewish people," Prof. Norman morning, June 9, at 10 o'clock. their degrees at the exercises held will their tenth anniversary this year by'en- other leading American educabe served. Monday, June S. Senior Hadassah. Rabbi Goldstein June 10, at the Eagles Hall. Bentwich, former Attorney-Gen- r o i l i n g 100,000 subscribing tors vrill represent the American Conflrmants are Elaine Brodkey, Louis Hurwitz, son of Mrs. E. Beginning next week, Hebrew will review the first book of Abreral of Palestine, makes an elo-friends, "the first hundred thous- section ol the Jewish Scientific daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Brodkey; Dorothy Davis, daugh- Hurwitz, graduated from the Lawschool sessions will start at 9 a. aham Sachar's "History . of the Mr. and M r s. Reuben Brown quent plea, f o r more adequate and soldiers of our cultural Institute at the Congress. . • ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Davis; School of the University. He will m. and continue until 1 p. m. NewJews". Tickets are now on sale were honored at a Surprise Party support of the.University. army." 'He appealed to American George Galtnsky, son of Mr. andreside in Davenport, Iowa. Mrs. pupils are expected to enroll for and may be purchased for twenty- Sunday evening at their home at "I lament the failure of the Jewry to provide a substantial LOUIS E. I,sri\ Attorney five cents per person from, any 757 Avenue D, the occasion being Jewish people not. only in Amer- share of this quota. City Nail. Bank Building . Mrs. William Galinsky; Rozena! Louis Hurwltz, also a graduate of the summer months. Kosberg, daughter of Mr.,and I the university, will teach in the The Hebrew Culture club will member of the Study Group or at their thirteenth wedding anniver- ica but elsewhere," said Prof. NOTICE O F INCORPORATION O F LNUND SECtKlTIES CORPORATION Mrs. Sam Kosberg; Harold Leiko- j nursery school at the Orphanage meet Tuesday evening in the Beth the Steinberg home Tuesday eve- sary. M o r e than fifty relatives Bentwich, "to rise to the height SAMTEL ZAC'HARIA, Attorney ning. This affair will be in the vich, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Let-; Jn Davenport. Mrs. E. Hurwitz, Abraham synagogue, when several and friends attended. -Bridge was of opportunity and need in the 768 Brnndeis Theatre Buiitling Notice is hereby given that t h e unkovich; Sibley Newman, son of I Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hurwitz and important topics will be brought nature of a Garden Party, as thethe evening's diversion, followed support i of their greatest cultural dersigned have organized a corporation. corporation l« inland Mr. and Mrs. William R. ^ew-JHy Hurwitz, all of Sioux City, at- up for. discussion. The club is program will be held on the by a buffet-style supper at mid-institution. Particularly at this TO CARL DANIKLSON. THOMAS MER- The name of the Securities C o ! ' p ' ) r a t i o r ! a n c i t t l e principal ERODDGAN AXD — man; Arnold Rose.n£eld> son ©rj tended the graduation exercises. open for new members until July Steinberg lawn, followed by re-night. The honored guests were moment, with so many brilliant TON p l a c p f o r t h e transaction of * lt» business BRODEGAN, his wife, first and renl freshments. This is open to thepresented with numerous beauti- scientists and world-f a m o u s name unknown, CHARLES W. HE AIM is the City of Omaha. Douglas County, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rosesfeld; Lois] William Moscow, son of Mr. 10. Nebraska. The pfjieral nature of its public and everyone is urged to ful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Brown scholars available as the result ANE> HEARD hi? wif. Sllverman. daugMe? of Mr. aad^auQ Mrs. J. H. Moscow, graduated first and real r.'ime unknown. 4.ND A.JI imsiness is to buy. sell, own, lease, exattend. change andior mortpaue real estate r.nil PERSONS H A V I N G OR CLAIMING Mrs. M. Silveriaati, and Laxri«nce' from the engineering school; Mr. were married June 2, 1922, inof the German exodus, we have INTEREST IN LOT NINETEEN personal property wherever situated; to Slotsky, son. of Mr. sad Mrs. "VT. 5 sad Mrs. Moscow and children, Omaha. Considered a jinx by oth-the double opportunity of build- ANT buy. sell, collect, adjust, discount and (L. 19), R1C1ILAND ACRDS. AN ADIX DOUGLAS COUNTY, NE- liquidate credits, securities accounts reRECEPHOXS C. Slotsky. •••>'• ^ Betty and Jack, attended the exers, the couple stated that No. ing up a great University and at DITION ceivable and payable, mortgages, note* The final service of the season Mr. and Mrs. A. Maltz will en- 13, Is lucky for them. the same time making it one ofBRASKA: Tou and each of you are hereby noti nnC chosPE in action, corporate stocks The invocation'-wJU be sSv?a by j^rclses. and bonds a n a to do all thinga incidenwill be held at Mount Sinai Temthat, on the i".'nd day of Mas. 19.".i. the principle lifeboats for salvag- fied Rozena Kosberg; Elaine Brosi$reyi Morris Lasensky, son of Mr.ple this evening, when children of tertain at a Reception at their the Inland Securities Corp., a Corpora- tal to ana necessary for the carry'nR out of the above objects; to sell andior of Omaha. Nebraska, a s plaintiff Among the students from the ing Jewish genius and talent that tion •will give the floral otlertss:; Law-J and Mrs. Max Lasensky, also grad- the Religious school will partiic- home at 2907 Fourth Avenue this filed its petition in the District Court of broker ail forms of insurance -and to Friday evening.-June 7, following otherwise may be lost. University of Iowa who arrived rence Slotsky "iriE speaBr "JtSessi- tsated from the engineering de- pate in the service. Douglas County, Nebraska, against you carry on a geneva! insurance business In each of you impleadert with Elian- a 1 1 forms insurance and indemnity Prof. Bentwich paid tribute to and anism"; Harold LefkoTich trill \ partment of the university. Mr. Prizes and certificates will he the graduation of their daughter, home this week from Jowa City capital don Roslmrd. unmarried, defendant, the bonds. T h e tote! authorised Miss Shirley Maltz, from the AbrFelix M. Warburg, Samuel Unterto spend their summer vacation object and prayer of said petition being stoclt of this corporation s h a l l be give the Torah readtns: Lo!s Sit- \rand Mrs, Lasensky were present awarded to members of the ReligJin,000.OIJ divided into 100 shares of the to foreclose a certain mortgage on Lnt aham Lincoln High School, whose visiting their parents are Robert verman will speak OQ "God"*: E»or- at the graduation, Nineteen (L. 3D). Richard Acres, an ad- par value of $100.00 each, to be paid for dition in Douglas County, NebrnFka. in cash or property a n . be non-assessothy Davis will speak oa "The: Lionel London, son of Mr. andious school for perfect attendance commencement exercises will be Rosenfeld, Jack Gordon, Donald «».-....,* 3, WEBB. BEBEK, which mortgage was executed by Elian- able when ispuen. The t i m e of comheld at the City Auditorium Rosenfeld, Yale Meyerson. - KLCTZNICK & KEIXKY, Attys, Synagogue^' and Arnold Rosen-.Mr?. M. Jv. London, former Sioux and excellent work. don Rosbard to LouiK E. Lipp, under mencement of the corporation shall be promptly at eight o'clock All re- Bernard Balaban is expected 650 Omaha .National Bank Building. date of January 18, IDS", and was re-on the filine: of a copy of Its articles feld will speak on "Israel"; Sib-! Cityans, graduated from the colcorded on said date in book 709, page of Incorporation with the County Clerk latives and friends are cordially home next week from the UniverNOTICE OF SALE. of Douplas County, Nebraska, . and Its ley Newman will speak on "The * lege of dentistry at the university. 412, of t h e mortgage records of DougWHOM IT MAT CONCERN": Junior Hadassah invited to attend the reception, sity of Iowa. Collman Yudelson, TOThis las County, Nebraska, said mortgage termination shall be fifty years therewill give notice that Sarah ! having Torah"; Elaine Brodkey •vs-ili; Miss Ida Edelman graduated after. The highest amount of indebtedbeen given to secure t h e payand Morris Levey, adminis-1 Members of the Junior Hadas- and no cards are being issued. of a certain promissory note in ness to which the corporation shall a t who spent a few days home this Kulakofsky speak on ; "World Jewry"; and | from the liberal arts school and trators of the Estate of Israel Kula-j ment any time subject itself ehall not exceed writing dated January IS, 1902. and t h ? week, is returning to Iowa City kofsky, deceased, having, as provided j plaintiff alleges there Is now due it as two-thirds of its capital stock. The afGeorge Galinsky will give the ad- \ remained in Iowa City to take a sah will sell tickets next week for by law, been granted a license to pe!l jthe Assignee of said note and mortgage fairs of this corporation are to be conthe Orpheum Theater shows durMr. and Mrs. Simon Steinberg today where he will attend the certain real estate described in said on said indebtedness the following sums, ducted by a. board of not less than two dress to parents. . j summer post-graduate course. Mr. the week of June 17 to 21.will hold "Open House" at their summer session this month. license for the purpose of paying the; nor more tbnn five directors who shall Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will de- {and Mrs. Edelman were in Iowa ing debts, court costs and expenses of ad-1 to-wit: a President, Vice-president, SecreProceeds of the ticket sale will-go home at 710 Willow Avenue" this J"5O.flO on th» principal and 540.00 in- elect ministration of, the estate of Israel I tary and Treasurer. City for the graduation. liver the sermon, and Mr. Hyman Kulakofsky. 1deceased, and said license; terest to May IS, 1933. toward the Palestinian Fund of Friday evening, June 7, for all of Miss Fannie Katleman returnFishgall, president of the congre- Irving Passman, son of Mr. andthe Junior Hadassah. I.AZAR KAPLAN, sell having been granted on the 20th | Plaintiff prays that in default o? paytheir relatives and friends, fol- ed home Monday morning after j to G. PEKLIS. day of October, 1934, the said adininis-' ment by said defendants of the amount gation, will present the certificate Mrs. Morris Passman, received his due the plaintiff as aforesaid, said m o r In Presence of: trators do hereby offer for sale the said] lowing t h e graduation of their spending a few days visiting In real estate described in their said I gaged premises may be decreed to be I.CUIS R. LIPP. of confirmation. An augmented degree from "the department of according to law to satisfy the sum5-10-S5--st daughter, Miss Esther Steinberg, Leavenworth, Kansas and Kansas license of sale, all of which is situated ! Hold choir will sing during the service. electrical engineering at the uniin Omaha. I found due with interest and costs of from the Abraham Lincoln High suit end that said defendants and Eli City, Missouri. While in • LeavenAn undivided, one-third interest > persons The' choir: will be composed of versity. Mr. and Mrs. Passman claiming by. throutrh. or under l K G . WEBER, BKBF.R School, whose commencement ex-1 worth, she visited at the home of jin (a) and to the South one-half of Lot Sii !them, or of them', be excluded from and KLIT7,M(*K * KKI.I.KV, Attorney*. Mrs. Roost, Mrs. Coss, Henry- He- and Rosagene attended the gradin Block One, Kountire'a Fourth Addi-j foreclosed of a n y and all interest, right. ercises will be held at the City r,.-,0 Omaha Nnt'l Bk. BMffher brother-in-law and s i s t e r, | tion to the City of Omaha, as surveyed. I deen and Herman Slotsky. Rubin uation exercises. ' tjtle and equity of redemption in or iien >OTJCE OF IXUEBTKIINESS. platted and recorded, subject to 1323, upon Mrs. A. H." Brodkey of Omaha, Auditorium promptly at eight Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear. While in ] said mortgaged premises. Halperin will play a violin solo Notice ip hereby piven that all existcounty taxes nnd 1S"4 city taxes; I Other students at the univeT- a guest in the home of Mr. ando'clock. No cards are being isYou and each of you a r e . required to ing debts of SI. Vender & Sons. Inc.. on Kansas City, she attended the j (b) The S'orta one-half of the East \ answer during the service. sity who are undergraduates have Mrs. said petition on or before the th? "iPt day of .December, 1134, One Hundred Thirty-nine feet of Lot; N. Grueskin, 3321 Jen-sue'd. . Southwestern Regional Confer- ?even amounted tn the Film of J44.756.94. in Block One, Kountze'8 Fourth ' Sth day of July. 103.=;. Parents of the confirmants will returned to Sioux City to spend nings E. INLAND SECURITIES CORP., MAX VKVGER. President. street, was honored at an ence of the Jewish National Fund Addition to the City of Omaha, as sSrhave a reception in the Annex of the summer vacation with their attractive a Corporation. M. A. VENGER, platted and recorded, subject to luncheon and bridge Mr. and M r s . George Krasne as the local delegate. Miss Katie- jveyed. By SAMUEL ZACHAP.IA. A. V. VEXCEK. a first mortgage in favor of the Omaha the Temple from 3 to 6 Sunday families. They include Irvin LuIts Attorney. Beinc: a majority of the entertain at a Reception at man is secretary of the local Jew- Loan & Building Association on which 5-24-nt afternoon for their friends and nin, Loyal Keir, Dave Kaplan, ast Saturday afterooon, given by will 6-7-35—It Board of Director*. tffere is a balance due sis of June 21, their home at 125 South Eighth ish National Fund Council. Mrs. Grueskin. The luncheon was 1334, in the sum of J691.S9 and subject relatives, honoring the class. Morris Bernstein, Ernest Epstein, further to 1D3D county taxes end 1934 iven in the Warrior Hotel, and Street on Sunday afternoon, June city taxes; Bud Wolf son, Milton Barrent, covers 9, from three until six o'clock were laid for 30 guests. Miss Esther Steinberg, daugh- (c) An undivided one'-half interest In George Kuntz, David Levitt, De- The luncheon THE and. to the south eighty of Lots] was attrac- for all of their relatives and ter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stein- one and two In Block Fivefeet CHILDREN GIVE of Konntze | na Baron, Dorothy Gelson, Inez tively appointedtablewith friends, in honor of their daugh- berg, member of the graduating i & Ruth> Addition to the City crystal of Oma-' Edward Miller and Bernard bowls of red peonies and bridal ter, Rhoda, whose confirmation ha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, SH^TOOTH PLAY ieaff, class of the- Abraham Lincoln subject to a mortgage In favor of the kalovsky. will take place this Friday, even- High School, was awarded the Prudential Insurance Company of Amerwreath. ica In the sum of approximately $26,Children of the Shaare Zion ing at the Jewish Community Rotary Silver Cup last Friday on Among .the guests were Mrs. 000.00, which mortgage has been foreTalmud Torah choir presented a closed by proceedings in the District Alex Miller of Cleveland, who IsCenter in Omaha. No cards are Honor Day for her outstanding Court of Douglas County. Nebraska: Shavuoth pageant in the faocial CUB SCOUTS EARN being issued. work in Music. She is a member visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. (d) An undivided one-half interest In hall of the synagogue .Wednesday to the west nineteen feet in width the A. L. H. S. Orchestra and and THEIR UNIFORMS M. Mushkin; Mrs.Aaron Green- Mr. and Mrs. Morris Grossman ofBand. of Lot Three and of Lot Four in Block evening. The pageant was directNine in the City of Omaha, as surfield of Chicago, who with her ed by Mr. Samson Krupnick. Pi-. Through the assistance of the veyed and lithographed, subject to s is visiting in the S.will entertain at a reception at first mortgage In favor of the Con_ ano accompaniments were played new Grand Jewelry Co., managed daughter servative Savings & Loan Association on Krueger home; Mrs. Harry Bailie their home at 210 West Washing- YOUTHS GRADUATE FROM which there Is a balance due of ap§f / by Mrs. S. ISTupnick. by Max Brodkey, Sioux City. Cub of Atkinson. Neb., a guest of herton Avenue on Sunday, June 9, CREIGHTOX proximately Sll.000.00. and subject Children who took part in the further to a second lien in favor of j Scouts of Cub Pack No. 12 will ather, J. H. Bolstein; Mrs. Alfrom 2:30 until five o'clock and Two Jewish Students from Drake-Williams-Mount Co.. on which] pageant included Morris .Ginsberg, open an ink campaign Monday, Krasne of Council Bluffs, a guest from seven until ten o'clock, for balance due of approximately | Council Bluffs were among the there is awhich Rachel Ginsberg, Marvin and Paul une 10, to raise money for uniliens have been fore- j all of their relatives and friends, graduates from Creighton tlniver- j $170.00, n the Sam Sampson home; Mrs. closed by proceedings instituted In the: Matlin, Herman Weinstein, Helen 'onns and cub equipment. in honor of their daughter, LibDistrict Court of Douglas County, Ne- i Herman Pickus of Aberdeen, S. sity at the commencement exer-; j Guttleman, Annie Gordon, Ida The drive will be- undertaken D.,.a guest of Mrs. M. Skalovsky; by, whrse confirmation will take j cises held Thursday morning, brapka. The said above described real estate; Shindler, Thelma Shindler, Isa- 'rom three angles of solicitation. place tuis Friday evening at the j will be sold subject to all existingliens ; encumbrances and the equity off dore Shindler, Harry Nadler, To- One, the canvassing of all the Mrs. Sam Bailin of Atkinson. Jewish Community Center in Om-June 6* at ten o'clock at the jand said estate in the said real estate: by Nadler, Adaline Stern, Edwin arger buildings. This division Neb., a guest of Mrs. Abe Pill: aha. No cards are being issued. Creighton ^Gymnasium in Omaha. the will be sold to the highest bidder for' and Mrs. Sam Sudow, of AberEdward Joseph Solomonow will cash. The terms of said sale will be j Sherman, Harold Lebowitz, Joe will be in charge of Denchlef To2STc of the bid to be deposited on the 1 Shaeffer, Jerry Shaeffer, Cecil bias Schindler. Two, the visiting deen, a guest of Mrs. E. E. Bar- Mr. and Mrs. B. Balaban will graduate f r o m the Bachelor of day of the sale and the balance to be i Law course. He is the son of Mr.paid at the time the said sale is to be Pill, Max Cohen, Sadie Shvid, Carl of downtown business establish- on. confirmed by the Court. Said sale will entertain at a reception at their and Mrs. William Solomonow. be held at the east front door of DougRaskin, Irvin Levin, Norton Bain, ments "according to districts. Max home at 900 North Eighth Street County Court House in Omaha, NeComplimenting Miss Frankie Henry Mendelson will graduate las Loraine Shindler, Isadore Rich, lohen and Bertram Bergen, both braska, on the loth day of June, 1955. on Sunday evening, June 9^ from from the Bachelor of philosophy Rosenthal, who will be married at' 10 o'clock a. m. and will remain Max Rich, Alvin Feinberg, Irving denchiefs, will be in charge of diseven until ten o'clock for all of for one hour thereafter as proFeinberg, George Harlot, Stanton vision two.' Lastly, a residence on July 14 to Mr. Emil Levich, their relatives and friends, in in Journalism course. He Is theopen vided bv law. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake MendelSARAH KTLAKOFSKT anfl Mrs. M. A. Levich entertained 78 Cohen, Morris Lass, and Anabelle group in charge of Denchiefs of their daughter, Mildred, son. MORRIS LEVEY. Administranests at a luncheon and bridge honor Satin. tors of the Estate of Israel harles Shindler, Jr., and Bernard Wednesday afternoon in the whose confirmation will take Kulakofsky, deceased. Both boys Iiave been very acplace this Friday evening at thetive and taken leading parts dur- E-31-35—3t. Rosenthal will call upon the resi- Shaare Zion synagogue. Jewish Community Center in Om-ing their college course at the dence districts. Myron Heeger, FRAI>ENBFRG. WEBB. BEBEK, aha. No cards are being issued. Creighton University, and are assistant cubmaster, will act as EXFTZXICK & KELLEY Thirty-five friends of Mrs. J. Shavuous services will continue business manager, and Rudolph 650 Omaha National Bunk Building;, graduating with high honors. Braver of Kansas City surprised Omaha, Nebraska. at Shaare Zion synagogue this Schindler, cubmaster, will serve Mr. a n d Mrs. W: Solomonow her at a party Monday afternoon will be at home, 213 Stutsman morning at 8:30.. Services will as supervisor. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF MILDER LIQUOR CO. H also be held this evening in the The money earned as a result in the Jewish Community Center. street, Sunday afternoon and eve-SHEBOUTH SERVICES Xotlce is hereby given that the under- I synagogue" Tomorrow morning of the ^campaign will he used to Mrs. Braver is a guest in the ning, June 9, in h o n o r of the Shebouth Services were appro- signed have formed a corporation under J the; laws of The State of Nebraska. ' the service will include the tra-pucrhase uniforms, to pay regis- home of Rabbi and Mrs. M. Bra-graduation of their son, Joseph, priately held Thursday, evening, The name of this corporation shall bf ver. Refreshments followed a so6, at the Chevra B'nai Yis- "Milder I Always Stay af. Liquor Co.." with its princiditional memorial service. tration fees, and to enable a large cial hour, and Mrs. Braver was from the Creighton University June pal place of business at Omaha. Neroel synagogue at 618 Mynster The board of directors of thenumber of cubs to attend camp school of law; braska. The general nature of the Street, at the beginning of the business to be transacted and the object the MORRISON ,S Synagogue Ladies' Auxiliary met this summer. Mr. Schindler has presented with a gift. purpose for which this corporation Mr. and'Mrs. Fred Foreman of JNF FLOWER DAY SUNDAY • two-day festival holiday. Services and ~" this week, with Mrs. H. M. Sher- set the quota at $250 net profit. is organized is to buy, sell or distribat wholesale or retail, wines, Sioux Falls spent Memorial' day in man, past president, presiding in The Jewish National Fund Friday morning will be held com- ute whiskies, vinous liquors and any and mencing at 8:30 o'clock, and this Sioux City with friends and rela- Flower Day will .be observed in the absence of Mrs. J. H. Moscow, .all other kinds of beverages and liquors; (b) to distill. manufacture, make tives. • ••• president. The date of the card Reports Given at Council Bluffs Sunday morning, Friday evening, services will be andjor liquors and beverages ,fc held beginning at 8:30 o'clock, (c) to rectify party, which was originally June acquire, hold, dispose, lease, June 9, with small blue flowers Meeting of J. N. F. Mr. Max Goldman of Kansas to be distributed to all who con-with the traditional "Yiscor", the Bonal pledge andior encumber real and per12, has been changed to June 17. property, and (d) to do any and memorial services to be held Sat- all things' City is in Sioux City this week necessary or convenient to " Plans were started for a Contribute to t h e Jewish National Reports on the recent Jewish visiting with friends and relathe accomplishment of the purposes No wonder that people are passing the word along that the gregational picnic to be held July National Fund box collections and Fund on this day. All Volunteers urday morning also. herein set forth. The authorized capital stock of the corporation shall be tives. Morrison gives you more for your money. The large, airy 14. who wish to assist on this drive t h e . J . N. P. Flower day were j:5.000.00 and all said stock shall be R a b b i Abraham S. Lopia of common rooms, the alert thoughtful employees ond th® perfect locaand of the par value of $100.00 are requested to meet Sunday made at the monthly meeting of Chicago, Illinois spent the past per share and shall be fully paid up tion, right ot the centre of downtown, make the Morrison first Word has been receiver! here morning at 9:30 o'clock at the and non-assessable. The corporation the J. N.'F. council held Monday of the birth of a.son to Mr. andChevra B'nal Yisroel synagogue week-end in Council Bluffs. He isshall commence doing business upon choice from every ongle, especially with those who have many evening. representing the Theological Sem- filing it articles with the ,County Clerk• • . calls to make in a short time. Douglas County, Nebraska, and sha!! Mrs. Sam Baron, chairman of Mrs. Max N. Kroloff, on June 1 at 618 Mynster Street. The JNFinary College in Chicago, and of continue for a period of fifty years [at Indiana Harbor, Ind. Flower Day is held once a year Whether on pleasure or busithe collection of boxes, announced from said date. The highest amount of in June and everyone is urged to spoke at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds ness, you are nearest to oil th* that $285 had been collected from synagogue Saturday morning, and of Its capital stock, but this restriction pieces you wont most to reach. the J. N. F. boxes placed In the Mr. and Mrs. ' D. H. Shulkin, co-operate and donate willingly told ef the worthy cause of this shall not Include indebtedness secured 312 • Omaha street, announce the when the committee calls upon by mortgages or liens. The affairs of Jewish homes in the city. . corporation shall be managed by t\ | them Sunday, as It is for a very college. While here, he vras the the Board of Directors of not less than j Miss Ida Cohen, chairman of birth of a son on June 1. house guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. two nor more than five members. The worthy, cause. the Flower day held (Sunday,.' reannual meeting of the corporation shall Shyken. • . Mr. ad Mrs. Joe Levey, Kingbe held on the first Monday in Januported that ?42 had been raised ary of each year at which -meeting the MIZRACHI by the sale of the J. N. F. flow- sley, la., anounce the birth of stockholders sh&H elect a Hoard of directors and thereupon the Board shall The Council Bluffs Mizrach Dr. Marianoff Lauds 'VJP ers. Members of the Junior Ha- daughter, on June 2. elect a President, Vice-President, SecreOrganization will hold an open tary and Treasurer. Any two of said dassah organization who assisted with -Servfcfor «n</ offices may be held' by one and the National Farm School same in the Flower day solicitations in- Mr. and Mrs. J. Cohen, 815 Six-meeting and installation of the person. These articles may b««| Circulating /cc*Wef*r teenth street, were at home to at any regular or special newly-elected officers next Wedcluded Miss Cohen, Beatrice Pill D o y l e s t o w n , Pennsylvania amended meeting of the stockholders by twotheir friends and relatives Sunday nesday evening, Julie 12, at eight (WNS)—-Many of the ideas In thirds vote of the outstandinK stock. Fannie Cohen,. Bluma Merlin, Owing to the height ef fh« IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties Rose Pill, Rose Shiloff, Ruth Rif- afternoon, honoring Miss Shirley o'clock at the Chevra B'nai Yis- operation at the National Farm have building, most of the rooms hereunto subscribed their hands Tessler of Omaha. Miss Tessler, roel synagogue at 618 Mynster School's m o d e r n agricultural this J3rd day of May, 3 935. kin, Ruth Jacobson, Florence ore out of earshot of *fre«t who visited In tfie Cohen home LAWRENCE J. TOBIN. Street. Rabbi UrI Miller of Oma- school -will be adopted for the Lohrmann, Jessie Slutsky, Rose ALFRED A. FIEDLER. noises, yet only--on elevator last week, is the fiancee of Mr. ha, president of the Southwestern Jewish farm school and agricul- In the presence of: Sperling, Sophie Franklin, Sophie ride from the Loop. Nathan Cohen. R. J V HCLDSBERG. for the Region of the Mizrachi, will be tural re-training center maintain- B-31—4t. Fish, Ruth Wigodsky, Ida Heshethe principal speaker and honorlow,.and Sara Kuntz. ed at Born, Prance, it was anHome ef tfce . -SA®-§1*1 ed guest. Cantor A. Sclxwaczkin nounced by Dr. Dmitri Marianoff, Jerusalem Seminary TERRACE G A R D E N and his Choir of Omaha will sing ••- London—Plans for the estab- a group of Jewish. Folk Songs. son-in-law of Professor Albert Einstein, and general secretary of lishment of a Sephardic rabbiniBOSTON ©y$!B HOUSE Recognized as Shavuous services will be held cal seminary, probably In Jeru- Mr. Sam Sacks is the local presi- Le Renouvau, which founded the dent of the organization. FollowFrench institution, during a visit PRACTICAL MOHEL thiB morning at 8 o'clock at Tiph- salem, were made at the opening DRIVE, wt wiif pflric'ye&r cer, Ssshdefd n i t a . N© e«h«r charges. IF Phone 1059 ereta Israel synagogue, with Rab- session of the first world con- ing the program, refreshments to the National Farm School. •will be served. This affair Is open bi Benjamin Goldberg officiating. gress of Sephardic JewB. Conncil Bluffs, Ea. Mention the Jewish Press to Reading of the law will be held at Sir Francis Montefiore, chair- to the public, a n d everyone Is your merchant. 9 o'clock and the Musaf service at man of the congress, In- his open- cordially invited to attend. 10 o'clock this morning. Ing message, vigorously denied SUNDAY SCHOOL PROGRAM " This evening services will begin' rumors that the congress was an The Council Bluffs Talmud at ,8 o'clock in Beth Abraham syn- attempt to establish a separatist Torah Sunday School will hold its agogue. Tomorrow .morning (Sat- movement of Sephardic Jews. Closing Exercises a n d Program urday) services will be held at Sunday'morning, June 9, at ten Beth Abraham synagogue, begin Jewish Press Advertisers merit o'clock promptly at the Chevra ning at 8 o'clock. Reading- of theyour patronage. B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618






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