June 14, 1935

Page 1

Dedicated to theIdeals of Judaism

Entered as Sacond Class Mail flatter oo January 21. 1921, at Eosioffic- ol Omaha, .Nebraska, under the Act or March 3, 1379


JEWISH NEWS HIGHLIGHTS SYRIA WECOMES ZIONISTS ;. The Central American Republic of Hunduras has joined the .








growing list of countries extending a welcome to German-Jewish refugees. .






VOL. XI.—NO. 18.

J. C* CX Camp Registrations to Close at End of June


Because of the limited capacity t elude classes in arts end crafts, of the Camp, it will be necessary j dancing, dramatics, music, sewt register it ll children, hild ' for t the th j ing, and a swim daily in the Cento all A Jewish doctor, Bernard Steinberg of Toledo hospital, Ohio, Community Center Home ter pool. There will be weekly A:ffa-Ir s-t Center Important Concessions Offered has developed a substance known as coh'-bactragen, which has Everything Fine If Each Fam- I Various Zionist Parties to SetJewish Camp by Monday, July 1. ily Has a Mere Forth Platforms proven to be virtually 100 per cent successful as a protective hikes End camp fires. to Immigrants to SCRSOK'S Frogr&us f or '•Everything is being d o n e to $10,000 at 3. C. C. against peritonitis, it was reported at the annual meeting of the All counselors are being selectBalkan State make this one of the most attracAmeerican Society of Clinical Pathologists. tive- and worthwhile summer pro- ed on the basis ot their pri Beirut (JTA)—The extent to The differing viewpoints on jects The first "Honor Xiptii" for the Jewish youngsters o£ trainm B End expenetice in h e Salonlki (WNS)—An official which the Syrian government is j Zionist problems will be aired at Omaha. In planning t h e program handling quet of the Round. Table ot JewinTitation to the Je"ws to settle in or groups of children Norman Armitage won the national outdoor saber champion- anxious t o permit Jewish immi- j a meeting to be held at the Jew- every facility within and w i t h o u t ! £ n d l n £ P e c l E l ^fcjec.s such ** ish Youth Monday concluded thf Albania, the smallest country of cra s gration into Syria was disclosed i ish Community Center Sunday, 1PS4-S5 activities of the organ l o ship for the fifth time. . the Balkan peninsula, has been the Center building has b e e n ! *^ ' dramatics, and dancing. here when it was stated that no tion. June 16, 8:30 p. m. extended by King Z o g through i t w o week intensive training utilized. objections will be raised to the A splendid program follower", All of the local Zionist groups Camp will begin promptly E t i course for all coucselors vill behis consul-general in Saloniki. The opening date for the World Zionist Congress at Lucerne, entry of 2.000 Jewish families inexpress their the dinner which was held. in. tbr b a T e b e e n i n T l t e d t o ««- « v w i r « ^ morning r?,nv»iT,* with I ^ n on Monday, June 17, vhen The invitation not onl/ opens t h e with o'clock doors of Albania to Jewish immi- Switzerland, has been moved forward from August 27 to Au-to the country, provided they | platforms. Roll Call and Inspection in t h e j ^ e counselors will prepai •e a : fi Center auditorium. Betty Fellnnnr-. bring along -Kith them a capital presented a piano FOIO. Alfrer.' gration but offers important con- gust 20. , . The meeting is open to the "bunks" of each group. Weather | develop their individual pi of -$10,000 for each family. Ftedler, president of the Koi;rt.-; t o T t t e cam cessions to Jewish settlers. J>The. Syrian authorities, while public, and their --ill be no ad-permitting, the children will be j Table, gave a resume of the The official invitation made charge and no collections. out-of-doors on the Central High] The Camp Committee is under year's activities. He spoke of tb»-. The Swiss Federal Council refused tovote the necessary funds anxious to attract Jewish capital- j mission Election public here reads as follows: Jane 2 3 athletic fields all morning. Thenithe chairmanship of Mrs. Arthur ists, are not at all interested in i ncl Table membership, !?ornf"The government' of Albania is to send the Swiss athletes to the Berlin Olympic games in 1936 permitting the entry of Jewish jj The local election of delegates lunch will follow in the Center i Cohn. Those serving with her are: young people representing ttsympathetic to t h e immigration because of the Nazi discriminations and lack of fair play. doctors, lawyers and • other pro- to represent American Zionism at Auditorium which will become j Mrs. Sam Theodore, Mrs. Ben of Jews into Albania for which M r , | liras o ^ a held n ^ o ^monthly, o r j h etheJ M * J » fessionals, it was made clear. the world Zionist Congress, which the camp "mess h a l l " for the! Steifler, M r , J. Braxnsou, purpose "all sorts of concessions Kooper, M r 6. Konald tournament, oratorical Doubt was expressed by com-opens at Lucerne, Switzerland, on summer months. Lunch will con- ; Robert. will be granted. Albania is rich The financial position of the Palestine Government is so petent observers, whether Jewish j August 20, will be held Sunday, s i s t of fresh fruits, vegetables, Gladstone, Mrs. I. Stalmaster, and the Youth division oJ thr Mrs. William Milder, Mrs. Jack in natural resources which make strong that it is prepared to reduce taxation, the Permanent Man- capitalists will be interested in I June 23, at the Jewish Comincnisalads, bread and butter, and Marer. Mrs. Ben Shapiro, and Philanthropies campaign. it possible to create various ingoing to Syria-if no Jewish work- j ty Center from 9 a. in. to 9 p. m. milk. Miss Ruth Allen, Mrs. Harry Silvermaii, dustries and factories, especially dates Commission of the League of Nations was told. ers are admitted. _ j only those who hare a "shekel" director of the J. C. C , spoke on Afternoon activities will Inin sugar, textiles, and glassware. Labor laws in Syria make^ it j -^m ^ e entitled to rote. These I the outstanding- merits of tl'f Sheep-growing and cattle-raising difficult for alien citizens to oh- ; c a B n o t be obtained at the polling I Round Table—its manner o" orWELFARE BEPAMIME^T offer possibilities for meat and DR. ERMAN HONORED BY tain employment. -It is therefore I pi a c e > i, u t m a y be secured from ganization and its beinjET n living AFfS dairy industries. The capital city VETS OF FOREIGN WARS a question whether any foreign | j ioc i Zionist groups example of a united. E n y o t n e a of Albania; Tirana, which h a s Jew will undertake a n y enter-jprevious to June 23. munity on a, small good connections with the world The welfare department of the Mr. raul Goldblatt, prise in Syria if he is not assured j T h e O m a h a e I e c t i o n Dr. J. M. Erman was elected by rail and sea, offers great posis Jewish Community Center is bad- director ol the J. C. C , of his right to employ Jews. sibilities f o r exports. Merchants Junior Vice-Commander of the the supervision, of a board of sis. Syria's exports to Palestine |ly in need of children's clothing, jt n e principal address? of the evrwith small capital are now also District of Nebraska Veterans of I. Morgenstern is chairman and now average 15,000,000 a year, (particularly little beys'-and girls' ] E j B g . He emphasized the need fr>' free to do business in Albania but Foreign Wars, at the State conE. Bioch is secretary. while its imports from Palestine • ! clothes and underwear, from the.y O u i .h program? such, BB U't large capital is needed to prepare The members of the board and Ben Kazlowsky was chosen total only one-fourth of this sum, Jack D. Gavenman was named j ages of 4 to 10. | Round Table program, and ihr the land for a great stream of vention held In Alliance, Monday. t h e Zionistparties they repreHe has been very active in vet- president of the local lodge of it was disclosed in connection president of the Omaha Hebrew J Anyone who has clothing, call possibilities of further extend in*immigration. The government is the B'nai B'rith at the election of with the Syria-Palestine trade sent: Dr. O. Belzer and N. Levin- Club a t the election of officers for; the J. C. C , JA 1366. the scope End activities of t V. t also ready to make it easy for eran circles for many yearsson, General Zionists; E. Bloch officers held Monday evening at negotiations started by the High Round Table into the life oC tbr Jews to become citizens so that Cantor A. Schwacrkin, Mizthe - Jewish Communitr : Center. Commissioner Wauchope of PalDuring the last term f community. they can settle the land for agriestine during his visit here last rachi; and I. Morgenstern and He succeeds Max M. Barish. • cultural purposes." Gavenman served as vice-presi- \ TfillSam Holzman, Morris Minkin, Poale Zionists. Other officers elected: Ephraim •week; dent of the organization. of the -J, C. C. and Welfare FnOAmplifying the official InvitaL. Marks, vice-president; Sam Louis Morgan was elected viceeration. mpde the awards: (lie ?~tion, the. consul-general declared Green, secretary; Harry Friedpresident. Sol Rosenberg was rejvin Slf.lmaEt.pr fiet;otinp 'trophy t r that the Albanians have great reman, treasurer; Stanley Levin, elected secretary for the fortyBernice Perimeter end Fenr-i* spect for the Jews about whom guardian; Dr. Ben Slutsky, warsecond consecutive term. John TCitkin of the Alpha Gemma C!<-'. they learned from Herman Bernden. Elected to the executive Sao Paulo, Brazil (JTA)—The Felfiman was named to succeed Sorority, the B'nai E'rith Orator;stein, former United States miniscommittee were Dave Denenberg, himself as treasurer. This is the the Men's club o* the cal trophy to Joe Solcmonow, uvc. ter. The consul-general said that possibilities of Jewish immigra- Dave Finkel, and L. "Weiner, twenty-fourth consecutive time he | B€th-el syrsEgoeue w ; ll present! the award to the outgoing the majority of the Albanians are tion and colonization in Brazil Sam Beber reported on the were emphasized this week "when Mohammedans, liberal and friendCantor Aaron I. Edgar of Des I dent to Alfred A. Fie<?l«?r. Geneva (WNS)—Switzerland has been elected treasurer. Constitutional Grand Lodge- held Berlin (JTA)—Acting upon dithe administration of,Sao Paulo -WB.B The newly-elected trustees are: Moines in a program of popular j ly. The country is in great need became the first country in Eurat Washington, D.' C., recently. rect instructions from Hitler, and ope to announce a boycott of the Sam Feldman, Albert Kaplan and j Jewish music. This program will i "*"itn E Trritten and of doctors, engineers and other decided to send a delegation Plans are; being made for the professionals, he explained. Al- abroad to bring land#workers into formation of a regional" council on orders signed by General Goer-] 1 9 3 S Olympic Games in - Berlin A. Richards. be open to members o the Beth- '• &? Harold Kstelman. Thosp the country. ing part; in this play, bania is anxious to have a Jewish ing, Admiral von Levetzow, t h e : v h e n t h e S w i s " s General Council El synagogue and their wives. Ke-Im SoM. The State of Sao Paulo is exCantor Aaron \Ed££r is recog"The ArkOS Mercy," were: delegation visit t h e country to Police President of Berlin, con-; voted down an appropriation of According -to. an -announcement : bert Fir; si, periencing an acute^ shortage o t Kiaefi asPB.e©-E tfec 'oiitst&ndins! M^'ks, B&bfci; Morris F discuss the -possibilities -of Jewish /erred in his office the_ Lif e Sav-i 35,000 francs to s e n d & Swiss ibis week t i e -Re-Im -ctah, *£!*•••* : cantors ln'theTHiaaie v e s t He re-j Prisoner; JUUUP NRtimti, 1r. '*immigration, w i t h : -the,-: goTer- -land'~ yrpf&etsL^-Jewhsh._JLea.der$^lnr "ing~Medar~Trpoa~two~Be'rlin Jews. ] team to the Olympics." "•'."' ' of fifty young ar el1 Bio de Janeiro a r e tiierefore^pre-' « ^, , ceivesl his Jewish musical training i "*' ^ ' ment. • / The two recipients of the Nazi j The decision not to appropriate Jewish- sues, has decide" •with! Chatham, Mass.—The Albanian paring a plan to settle Jewfr ran. medal are Jewish war veterans, j any money means that Switzer- to j o i n the Hebrew club in a \in ?^ r f p ^. _fat b^f land in this State as agricultural government's invitation t o fora synagogue choir a t the age of S. I The details as to the rescue act j land will not be represented. The body. eign J e w s to settle in Albania workers and to bring over Jewish Cantor Edgar studied cfaazofor which they were honored by | vote was 82 to 57 with the SocialThe union, of the Re-Im with opens the way for. an important refugees to Brazil for this purnuth with some of the finest casthe highest officials of the Nazi j ists and Catholics supporting the the Hebrew club will be observed Jewish immigration, Herman pose. government, are not disclosed, motion. with a gala initiation, the date of tors» in Europe and America, and League High - Commissioner Bernstein, former United States is a graduate of the University of Admiral von Levetzow, however, 7which has not been set. James G. McDonald, who is now An. enthusiastic response *>&* minister to Albania, said in an inMichigan. in bestowing the medals upon the j CENTER LIBRARY PLANS The Omaha Hebrew club is beer, shown by the Omaha youngterview here at his summer home in South America-; for the purHe will come to Omaha sccomtwo Jews, read an official docuiMODnvEMBKT M B CAff planning: to make a -concerted efi e d fc t v o o t h e r E C C o m p l i s l l c d sters through the mimerous regisMr. Bernstein said that while he pose of negotiating for admission ment sayingthat their act was IMPROVEMENT FOR tALL fort to obtain more young Jewish soloists, Sonia Sands and Sarah trations for f r e e pwimminsr inwas minister the government had of German-Jewish refugees, is appreciated by Hitler himself. men for its membership roster. broached the project of Jewish highly interested in the project structions which are beSng offerFrank of Des Moines, la. A revised and popular program immigration to him in his private now advanced by the Jewish coined at the J. C. C. poo! in -After the program, which will which will prove both interesting munity of Rio de Janeiro, it was capacity. last one hour, the men will serve tion w i t h the "Learn to SWSJTand useful to all Center members declared here. eek" on June £4. to ES. He said he had prepared a refreshments. Arthur Cohn is is the J plan of the Center library Gratien Candance, the former \ f it There is still ample opportunememorandum on t h e subjett a Assistant president of the Men's club. for this fall. In order to go ahead Secretary for t h e \ to year ago, copies of which are in French Colonies, The program will consist of ss.-!^ enroll for these free swln>with this plan, it is imperative an ar111 the possession of the Joint Dis- ticle in t h e Foliapublished cred and secular selections. I n j ^ instructions and if you. *-- — that all present delinquencies to Damania, detribution Committee and the High claring that Brazil and especially enrolled and desire to « r eluded will be hymns and prayers i B o ^ this library be cleared up. A furp0> t m out t h c K l i Commissioner for German Re- Sao Paulo, would greatly benefit of the synagogue, Hebrew and j ther incentive is the fact that fi^ bcl0 "*' New York (WNS)—Raymond brin fugees. Pointing out that Albania from • Jewish immigration. M. Yiddish folk songs, Chassic anci \ S or m s i 1 Joseph Healey, •self-proclaimed I nancial receipts of t h i s library Amman, Transjordan (JTA) — is about the- size of Belgium b u t Candance points out that Pales"American Hitler", editor of the are used to bolster free-loan The government of Transjordan Palestinian songs, and modern (Community Center before that its population is only o n e tine has grown tremendously dur} 19. anti-Semitic "Healey's I r i s h ! scholarships t o girl-students, a has received an offer from Bar- Jewish' art songs. Ben Kazlowsky fifth that of Belgium, Mr. Bern- ing recent years because of Jewi "Learn to Swim Week1 project of t h e local Council of Weekly" and leader of fhe Nacomposed of the various lodges clay's Bank Ltd. of Palestine to stein expressed optimism over the ish activities and that the neighj June Z4-2S inclusive Jewish Women, co-sponsors of the accept a loan of half a million possibilities of Jewish settlement boring country of Syria is still of the B'nai B'rith within a radius tional Socialistic "Workers Party rental library. of America (Aryan Americans) DATE CHANGED FOR \**™ • dollars from the bank for the dein Albania. He praised the toler- experiencing an economic crisis of 250 miles and all located in The library is, therefore, issuwas convicted on a charge of disDistrict No/ 6 . velopment of Trans Jordan. ance of t h e Albanians. Albania because it has n o Jewish immiThis council is to hold its or-orderly conduct because he made ing a public appeal through the Neighboring Palestine, Transnow has about 200 Jews,. No _ gration. Can Toil Swim Yes ganization meeting a t Omaha the mistake of giving the Nazi columns of the. Press asking that Jordan is one of the poorest terLondon (TTNS-Psicor Agency} Al Oruch, The entire Brazilian press is some time in October. The pur-salute in a court presided over by everyone having books overdue ritories in the Near East. The Glider Jumper lull of praise for Df. Horacio Le- pose of the council will be to Magistrate Louis B. Brodsky and or missing from this library, and | it in Palestiae ^ hOTr _.j—The «^te of the opening of the Center swimming instructor, Sion- es: "Although approximately nineteenth biei. nial World . . „ . . _ „.„„ . Moscow—Luba Berlin, a Jew-fer, Jewish member of the Parlia- handle matters of common inter- trying to outline to him the "des-everyone owing sums of money ever, provoked t h e interest 1st Congress will he August SOth youngsters were enrolled for *, ish girl of nineteen, has made the ment, in connection with a law est to the various lodges. Dele- tructive philosophy" of Talmud. for past borrowals, return all Emir Abdullah, the ruler Healey was in court to press a missing material and clear np all 27th. it was EH- ! swimming course during the first successful parachute jump project introduced by Dr. Later gates will be invited from Des here by the World E i o n - i w e e k . l a s t ?•«"•• . t h e registrations to improve the economic condi- Moines, ' Sioux Falls, Lincoln, disorderly conduct charge again- debts during the next week. All from a glider. already received certainly t Executive. She jumped from a height of tion of the country. Dr. Later is Council Bluffs, and Sioux City. st Julius Alexander, a six f e e t delinquents have been notified by try possesses. I that tliis cumber will be easily known as one of the best econopost card of the amount they owe four Jewish electrician, who, The change in the date of the The local B'nai B'rith lodge has 600 meters. I surpassed this year." Transjordan was once the mists in Brazil. over six hundred and fifty mem- while on a jo"b in Yorkville, the and the amount they will be al-granary of the Middle East, but | iaterratioaal parley, which w i l l Jerusalem—A stem toward furbers. It recently celebrated its Nazi' section,' tore down a twelve- lowed in discount for prompt pay- during recent years this country j| b e h e l d i n lucerne, Switzerland, | _ - _ . foot sign over a Nazi meeting hall ment. Grenada, Miss.—Every single fiftieth anniversary in Omaha. thering Jewish and A r a b ' reladoes not produce sufficient wheat jj is said to be due to the demand I ©Si IS. LSJf61 reading: • "Gentiles, organize! Returned books and payments and barley to feed its own small \ °* American delegates who felt tions was made by the Palestine member of the Jewish community Cario—Dr. H«|ro PJrard, foro?* t h a t t b e la Unite- and fight Jewish Talmudic may be made a t the Center office government when it approved the here has made a contribution to erly of, t h e Jewish Hospital *•>* I *er date would unduly Artificial gangsterism!" Staging a one-man in the daytime, when the library population. existence of a Jewish Arab Labor the United Jewish Appeal camthere is cone, -while the ccltiva-i a e l a y *heir • return to the United ] Berlin, has been appointed anti-Nazi demonstration, Alexan- is closed. paign. Confederation. tion methods are the poorest. j States after the summer vaca- Snrgeon of the Jewish Hospital der, with three sticks as his weat a s t year the government cf jtions. here. Jerusalem (JTA)—An import- pon, ripped down the sign which Transjordan granted loans to its was advertising a Nazi meeting. ant decree which will stimulate farming population out of funds industry and export in Palestine As he was tearing down the sign received from the British a n d was published in t h e Palestine a mob of Nazis surrounded him. Palestine governments. The ofHe was b e i n g badly pummeled Gazette, providing for the repayficers of the Barclay Bank beKaunas (JTA)—The f i r s t ment of customs duties to manu- when the police rescued him. group of foreign Jews to be ad-lieve that with the help of private Healey, who. was & witness to loans the government of TransMoscow (JTA)—There are nowviet Government to admit foreign facturers. the incident, lodged a disorderly mitted into Biro-Bidjan will be 137,000 Jewish workers employ- Jews is not due to the lack of im- All manufacturers who are-pay- conduct charge against Alexan- selected in Lithuania, it was offi- jordan will succeed in developing j A team representing the Jewish. bert Marks as pitchers, with Asing duty on raw materials imcertain industries especially t h e ; Community Center will play the j thur Adier ana Harold Coop*; ed in Soviet industries in the Uk-migrants in Soviet Russia. der, but Magistrate Brodsky dis- cially announced* here. "On the contrary," Mr. D i m -ported from abroad will have the missed the charge, praised Alex- 'The announcement states that tobacco industry, which msy find | feature contest of the- Donkey (man as catchers. raine, the results of a survey disantstein ' said, "the movement to duty repaid by the government ander for "doing what any good M. Rashkes, former Chairman of markets in foreign lands for: baseball game series new on at close. ~ Others are B, Marcus, The survey establishes that the Blro-Bidjan has never b e e n so after turning the raw material in- citizen would have done" and in-Biro-Bidjan district will arrive in their products. j League Park by meeting a picked base; Arthur WeSner, Jewish workers in. the Ukraine great as now. It was necessary to commodities for export, the structed him to make out a dis-accordance with the recent decisjsquaii from t i e City Hall at 3 j base: Jay Atlier, short stop; R*.y constitute now about ten per cent previously to refrain from admit- Gazette announces. ] o'clock Sunday'afternoon, s.ccorS-| Shapiro, third base; Hy Tern In* orderly conduct complaint again- ion of the,-Soviet Government-to The effect of this decree will st Healey. admit several thousand Jews this of the total number of workers ting foreign Jews because t h e ling to Stanley-Levin, manager of J right, field; Maurice Adler, c*»eyear into the'Jewisb. autonomous there. The census of 1926 show- district was not sufficiently pre- be to put Palestine manufacturjj^J j the Center aggregation. j ter field; David. Weiner, !*>?; iSSY district in the F a r East. ed only 57,000 Jewish workers in pared. Now, however, conditions ers in a position to look for new j The players ride burros in base-] field: and L o u Kurwitz. Othsr have improved there and it has markets and increase t h e i r. ex- NEW ENGLISH SHIP IS The Jews selected "will be prothe Ukraine. . runnixiE s a d fielding—-whenever j players also probably Trill be »cJtivided by the Soviet Government • Bernice Perimeter, Junior, S1E1 they cas stay on. In White Russia the survey es- therefore become possible to re- ports to the countries of the Near Levin «&ys. East. Relieved of customs duties, TO HAVE SCRQLL-R00M with fare and food as soon as Davenport street, was awarded The tournament opened 1,1 on-1jed.Several tablishes the number of Jewish turn to this question." city commissioners ftr* the D. A . R. prise for her essay flay night, and Sunday's game will! expected to play cm the CKy h»l; they reach the Soviet frostier. Mr. Dimantstein added that the they will be enabled to compete workers as being 32,000. The London (JTA)—For the first on "The Constitution as En in- be the windup. and Bhould draw I team, anrl it is rumored t h s ; total number of workers there is Soviet Government is now politi- particularly with Syria In tne time on any ship, a Scroll Room, strument of Progre.«u," at t f e e ! a crowd of several thousand per-ICommtepioner Dan Butler 131,000. In 1926 the number of cally Interested in helping t h e manufacture of confectionery and is being provided for Jewish reShmorgya Lam Dies •commencement exercises for the sous, accordii_g to l^via who is j pitch and Commissioner Harry with Egypt in the textile field. Jewish workers in White Russia Jews from other, countries. ligious services on the Qaeen University of Omaha held *sst j a meraber of the sports t comraitwas 13,400/• Trustin "wiSl catch. Mary Britain's rival to the Nor- Dr. Shmarra Levia, 6S,' Sionist week. itee of t h e Junior Chamber of S. Dimantstein, t h e chairman MONUMENT UNVOLED Other teams participating (Jvrmandie, it was announcedhere. leader «.n<J • outstanding- tbiaker • Niuety-ElBe ~ were | Coramerce, which Is of t h e National Minorities De- Citizenship Saved i ing the week are the Toons; BHP! The monument in memory of Two kosher kitchens a s A . a aad author, died Sunday at Haifa, ! degrees £,nd certificates • t h e ssrie?. o partment in t i e Central Soviet Ei InesB Mea'f! A s s o c t e t i o a , Jerusalem—The Palestine Gov- Rebecca Jonisch, who passed away kosher pantry are being instillmt t h e exercises, t h e largest grrad-j Proceeds will be Government, addressing; a meet- ernment does not Intend to de- May 3, 1934, was anveiled in t h e ed, and two Jewish cooks and a Palestine* be dd ii v i d e d - b e - j C h a m b e r , O p t i m i s t s c l u b , He is credited by many with •natiag' clsss fa t h e history-cf t h e j t w e e n t w o charity funds the * Cor,rthotiBe, Boy Seoat ins in Minsk, White Russia, on prive Abba Achimeier,- Revision- presence"of her family and trends supervisor will—be engaged to having doce'idore than any otter i i t I! Junior Chamber ectivitiss fund, j fives, Omaha School CnetodJan*,, .the question of the immigration ist charged with terroristic acts May 26, a t the Golden HiE ceme- look after the Jewish menus. The person to stimulate the growth of university. I>eriEieter ^ I J r e s a I i e r i T ^ e equad represeuting the fCo-Gpen&iv© clnh, Tooug Bep»^of foreign Jews to Blro-Bidjan, vrho Is n o w In prison, • of • his tery. Services were read by Rabbi Queen Mary will snake its first t i e Zionist moTement in the Unit-j paper a t t h e Pl&g day luncheon j Community Center -rill include i licans, V o u n e Democrats TCA. Palestine citizenship.said that the decision of the SoDavid A. Goldstein. / sailing to New York i s 192S. ed States. . .jgivea a t the-Field club today. Philip Kutl-er, A. T&lfee a s d Her-JHOLC and South Omaha. \


Reich Refugees ' to Work Land

Hitler Awards Medals to Two Berlin ews

Switzerland Votes to Boycott Olympic Games


Frea at J. C. C.

Hitler Imitator Finds Self with



Drop Tariff Upon Palestine Imports

Big Increase in Number of Jewish Ukraniari Workers

i^'l.z;:::. zzzz:

THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1935. envy of the local maidens because they are hob-nobbing with t h e leading bankers of the country at the national convention here t -. .

SyLOURlKLlN Dorothy Margolin Platt, now of Lincoln is *'heir-minded" . . . What Council BluUs girl and Omaha boy, , both prominent members'.- ot our younger s e t are planning an unusual house party which will'probably take place on tho "4th" . . . Remein* bor June 24 is.tho fund raising dance Avhich ia> being sponsored by the Beth El Synagogtu plan on-being there. ' -



GENERAL ZIONISTS WANT SEPARATE LABOR UNION Separate Labor Unions mean la000 t O *** bor trouble. One is enough. PALESTINE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL PREPARED, ARAB PAPER S A Y S . . . . Well, it's London (JTA)—Bookkeeping about time that we know what conducted in Yiddish is not ac- j By ROBERT STONE the legislative council will be. ceptable in British courts as eviAFBICA dence, Judge Spencer Hogg ruled ; CHIEF RABBI ALEXANDRIA, ALBANIA EXTENDS OFFICIAL here in the case o£ a J e w i s h } I EGYPT, DECLINES INVITAINVITATION TO JEWISH S E T tailor, Louis Simmons. | TION TO BECOME CHIEF RABTLERS . . .".. Better than an imi BI OF ITALY . . . . The Egyptian Mr. Simmons gued W. Edwards | migration quota anyhow. EIGHT JEWS DECORATED j King- is a better boss than Mus- Read, an insurance clerk. He j claimed that the defendant order- j BY KING GEORGE IN BIRTH- j soliai. ed a suit, an overcoat and. other i DAY HONOR LIST . . . . And 300,000 British Jews insulted by HUNGARY PLACES BA® 0 $ clothing in 1930 find still owes j him a balance of 12 pounds. Ask-', Sir Oswald Mosley. to produce a book, Mr. Simmons : ANTI-SEMITIC GROUPS HUNGARY BANS ALL ANTIopened his from the b a c k , ex- ' SEMITIC ORGANIZATIONS . . . . Right after Capt. Goering's visit Budapest (WNS)—All organi- plaining that he keeps his books ti —well not so good, Captain. | zations In Hungary whose consti- in Yiddish. | tutions contain any clauses that N E O-JEWISH SECT OF POLISH CHRISTIANS SEEKS CIR- .! can be interpreted as anti-Semitic CUMSICION FOR CHILDREN | have b e e n ordered to liquidate . . . . This will not help the thous- ! their affairs at once in an order ands of starving Jewish children. ' issued by the Hungarian GovernROUMANIA APOLOGIZES TO . merit. REICH AS ANTI-SEMITES ; This is the first time since the DUCK JEWISH-LOOKING NAZI i war that the Hungarian GovernDIPLOMAT . . . ' . A Jewish-look- j ment has come out in such uning Nazi deserves all he gets— 1 equivocal opposition to anti-Semi| tism. and so do the others. HEBREW WRITERS UNREPRESENTED AT INTERNATIONPatronize our advertisers. AL PEN CONGRESS IN BARCELONIA . . . . We will survive this too.

WHATjyOES... Headlines

TO: Ben Kailowsky upon his Because, o£ the new manageelection, to B'nai B'rith presi- By the Service Life Insurance ment of a ladies ready-to-wear dency .'.-. . TO: Dr. J. M. Ennan Company, jOmaha store,. wa are informed that they upon his election to First Vice Any Investment is judged by are dickering for the services ot Commander of the Nebraska one o£ Omaha's leading Jewish Veterans ot Foreign Wars . . . the security back of it. The value salesladies. We a l s o learn that TO: Jack Gavenmn« upon his of a note depends upon the finanthe former manager has been emelection to presidency ot the cial' standing of the man signing ployed •'j by another local dept. Omaha Hebrew Club . . . TO: it. The value of a bond depends store . . . I t seems that on© o£ bur Jack Bronstein and Robert upon the security of the company premium 'agents who is usually Rimmerman for making the signing it. It is that which is back over ilowing with humor becomNational Honor Society at ot the investment that makes the es unusually shy in the presence South High School . . . TO: investment valuable, and back of of a social worker who is visiting PREVIEWS Earl Kaplan for securing the life insurance is the wealth and Well, Mildred Saferstein—even here . . : . The Harry Krantz's are highest number of one's in the prosperity of the nation. adding a tiaby buggy to t h e i r though this ian't for pxiblication, South High School . . , TO; For a life insurance policy Is a Apolo- your fancy stepping with that per- Leonard Goldner for being first mortgage upon the best inhousehold equipment fect dancer Sam, Moskovitz ot the gies to Miss M. L. for misspelling Omaha Fixture Supply makes you selected captain of Central vestments that can be found. It thanks Morris High. School Cadet Corps . . . is a.preferred lien upon the utiliher name The Chicago correspondence o£ elegible for exhibition dancing . . . TO: The Jewish graduates who ties, the railroads, the farms, the that dressy, jewelry salesman, It is said that Paul Bernstein, are entering the business and city properties, as well as the the food conveyer of. North 33rd, municipal, county, state and nawho is, a law grad, is becoming has become such an expert fish- professional world. . . tional governments. Very express ive. , . erman that spearing sardines is TOO BAD! Life insurance is good property Someone gave Mrs.. Sam Applejust another catch for him , , . OUR LOCAL PRIDE because its value does not depend Our hats off to Miss Ruth The highlight of the last meeting man a tip last Saturday noon that upon the ups and downs of a Reubcin, n brilliant young- wo- of the B'nai B'rith "was caused Polvos Pride was going to win at single industry; or upon local man, who is overcoming extra- "when two brother-in-law barris- Ak-Sar-Ben that afternoon. She conditions which affect the value had six dollars in her purse, and ordinary obstacles and malting ters had a fiery "verbal battle determined^ that she would play of real estate in a given city. Life an enviable record, tvhilo doing ODDS AND ENDS ' the hunch and.,buy two three dol- insurance values rest upon the so, in. her pursuit of a medical There are more . whiskey lar combination tickets on t h e pooled wealth of the nation. training—1\ field that is practisalesmen in one of our hostel- horse. Mrs. Appleman,-. who isn't cally closed to women. Whilo rles than there are consumers a betting woman, wasn't going only 21, she is already in her of their wares . . . Bud ShuNOETH AMERICA seniol' year at the University of : mow, who-is suffering frater-, out to the • track, and so she searched all over town for some OTTAWA COURT GETS FIRST Nebraska" Medical School; She nity pin removal troubles, is friend who was going to the racTEST CASE ON ANTI-SEMITIC bas ninile ji scholastic record In 1 now .singing , "What's the. rea- es, and who could place- the bet both high school and universe Boston, Mass., (JTA)—"Intel PROPAGANDA . . . . All the test son I'm not pleasing you" . . . for her. She called up four of five ty which is outstanding. Hgent and open minded non-Jew cases in the world will not outMy cousin, Lou Riklin, and his parties, but all in vain. Finally must learn to realize that t h e law anti-Semitism. spouse, nnd Marvin Treller she gave it up as a bad job. And CONFIRMATIONS CHAPLIN SAYS HE'S INTERtruth about?, the Jew can better seemed to be lv.eky at picking imagine her feeling when s h e Unfortunately your columnis N A T I O N A L I S T I C BUT NOT JEWbe learned from the testimony of in bringing to light the fine wort long shots at the races last learned that her hunch had been Jewish literature than from the ISH . . . . As far as Hitler is conof th« Sunday school teachers in tveck »• .' . The return of the a good one, and that Polvos Prjde irresponsible utterances of those cerned—he's Jewish. last week's column failed to men- younger set from school a n d had won his race. Had she found who seek to harm the Jewish peoGOLDEN SHIRTS DEMAND tion the teachers of t h e South the- customary, run. of summer someone to place the bet for her, ple," Richard C. Cabot, professor MEXICO DEPRIVE JEWS OF Omaha - Religious School. They i visitors will greatly- stimulate she "would, have been $19.40 emeritus of social ethics at Har- CITIZENSHIP . . . . There's a silare: Babe Newman, Sophia New- dating . . . T h e increase of the richer. But she didn't, and that's vard University told a large gath- | ver lining to this—because the 1 man, Etta Tattleman and Edythe wearing of summer haberdash- what makes the story. ering at the Boston Public^ Libr- Golden Shirts are discredited. "Whitebook. Miss Ethel Adler, who ery was spurned on quite a bit BOURASSA, SPIRITUAL ary. teaches at Temple Israel, was al- ljy a fire sale in o n e of the The speaker pointed out that LEADER OF CANADIAN ANTIsmarter shops . . . Iz Schrebso not included i:; the list . . . Ac"it was- Hebraic mortar that | SEMITES, RECANTS . . . . Which mans arc infanticipating . . • Palestine Revisionists cept my sincerest apologies. created many of the ideals of Am- proves that he is a real leader. the fraternal bonds' of the D. BITS in Favor of Zionist Split NEW YORK CHEERS NORericanism and the early traditions K. sorority members was exhiTli'e heart beat mover of a and principles upon which this MANDIE BUT FORGETS HER bited when they were "purchaslocal orchestra leader's brother, Jerusalem (JTA)—A total of ing footwear together at Gold- 6,100 Zionist Revisionists" voted nation was founded had their ori- BUILDER, ANDRE LEVY, , . . . *M. I1, is a beautiful blonde of gin in the fundamental principles But shipping history will rememstein and Chnpmnns . . . Kansas City, who drives In frefor the establishment of an Inde- that made Israel a great people." ber him. ITegB quently . . . Not only did he re- JUST REMARKS pendent Zionist Organization in AUSTRIA vamp the entire house while vc§100,000,000 LEGACY OV Miss Lottie Rips, "A. Z. A. the recent plebiscite, the returns cently decorating it, but Lou Sweetheart" proved a v e r y show. AUSTRIAN J E W WITHOUT Jewish Emigration Shrier. ruled the guests and charming and c a p a b 1 e hostess The plebiscite also discloses CLAIMANT FOR 50 YEARS. . . . visitors with nn iron hand in when she entertained f o r some that 200 Revisionist members Out of Lithuania The Jewish people could use that order to restrain them from Kansas City. Alephs, on a short voted against the establishment Kaunas (JTA)—-Jewish emigra- money. disturbing his workers".'".-. notice . . . . Girls, Bernard Robi- of such an organization, which tion from Lithuania in the last coff of St.-Joe, staying at the Pi will compete with the present few years has grown to a point World Zionist Organization, re- where it now constitutes 85 per Lam .hous^jis. a real find , HAMILTON ISSUES , , D wonder . , _ . . , .„._.,...--,...--. We w h y A» R. that cognized by the Palestine govern- cent of t h e total, according to figures made public here. PUBLIC STATEMENT Creightonlan jtennls player doesn't date I RSfli. of South OmIn the, course of the first three months of 1935; 509 Jews emi.aha, r who recently"446l».ed . the At Krug Park Fred P. Hamilton, president of the street car company, issued the workers ranks . . . . t o t s of luck With the warmer weather now grated from Lithuania as com: to - the new-Jewish-"grads .-» j. here many large picnic parties are jlpared with 280 in the same perfollowing statement Tuesday: , play the CITY HALL Ruth. Raznick, Clara Feld"The directors/ officers and Missesand seen daily at Krug Park which iod of 1934 and 273 in 1933. Grace . Levin are the T h e chifef country of settleemployes o£ the street car com- man offers ample-room in the modernpany are grateful to the people' of ized picnic gToves-for many large ment for these emigrants, this Omaha for their daily increasing or small gatherings. These groves year and last year, has been PalCoolerator Put patronage of tho street car serare so arranged that private part- estine. Of the 509 who left Lithuania this year, 164 men and 225 vice. Each day, for more than two on Local Market ies can be held at all times. There vromen Game at sittled in Palestine. weeks, the number of riders has are plenty of tables for everyone steadily increased a n d there is The Omaha Ice and Cold stor- and the groves are all equipped every indication that normal conage company has the local agency with electric lights and shelter ditions will prevail within a very for Coolerator, "the air-condition- houses for evening picnics a n d short time. • ' • • - , . ed refrigerator."' ^ ) ' . during the day the large shaded "In the past few weeks there Jane 16 - - 3 p. m. The company points' out that in .groves are ideal for outdoor has been demonstrated in Omaha events. the Coolerator crystal-clear, tastethe danger which is too frequentAdm. 23c The Swimming Pool is proving ly to be found where an organiz- free ice cubes can be made in on- more popular than ever under, theChildren. lOc ed minority seeks to Impose its ly five minutes. Other good points, <]p®rsonal -direction of Coach C- C. mentioned are that the CooleraTou'U Laugh Cnti! will on the great and unorganized Hubbard. The one million-one Tour Sides - } majority. During this time we tor keeps foods naturally, fresh, hundred thousand gallons ot pure Acts ! • atn have all witnessed the inconveni- no mingling of food flavors, no water insures a healthful and reence and hardships which have drying out of foods, no covered^ freshing sport for" swimmers. mo Sponsored br tile been Imposed upon many thous- dishes (necessary. Junior Chamber als Coach Hubbard' has many classes 1285 SO. 13 ST. ot Commerce ands- of men, women and children Colerator uses ice, but in a already under his direction every syi seeking only to go about their totally different way; It. main- day and evening. tbi JA.8372 daily routine. tains uniform cold temperature ditf "We are all glad to know that whether the ice chamber is full or •-••A •we are now rapidly passing out nearly.'-empty.' It needs to be reSyn of 'the lamentable, situation. Nor- iced only once every four to seven this . ., mal street car service has been re- days. stDTed for some time on all lines in ,0maha and the number of peo"k Where Omaha Shops With Confidence plo who normally ride the cars is rapidly Increasing. SPAGHETTI "Our employes and property have been subjected to violence * with as• tho result of precipitous action aDEAT BALLS, by an organized minority who BREAD and BUTTER sought to dictate to 260,000 peoand ple in Omaha and Council Bluffs. COFFEE AH In all such c a s e s the people, rightfully, refused to have their rights trampeled upon. ,"We are genuinely grateful to the people for the verdict they NICOLINI'S CAFE hitve rendered against minority FLATIEON HOTEL ccintrol and dictation." STTLIJ TATTLING


- -





Educator Praises Jewish Literature

Thie Is not much good to me," the Judge remarked,- issuing th» verdict in favor o£ the defendant.

Kept Yiddish Books, Tailor Can't Collect





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VVith plenty o£space to store food, plenty of cold ' to keep k fresh, jou save four vr&ys. FflST, you save what you Ere wsstlng by spoilage. F®u ^ ^ fcf taking better advantage of Saturday food sales. THIEB, you better prices.

by bwyiag food In larger quantities at eave by msldnc..'the jaost thrifty UN of

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poor of these Brazilian refugees conscience was made the founda- and able service. Then there is ia l w a y s founded on ignorance, but in my judgment we have K* ever became a burden-on either tion stone of American democracy the learned and eloquent Dr. which begets suspicion. ready recovered and the unrest * the Dutch West In ia Co. or the and the Jews for the first time in Sirovich, o£ New York, End KonWe are rapidly recovering from | largely a Ftate of. mind. We •••».• New Amsterdam community. In- the world enjoyed religious free- orables Emanuel Celler, Samuel the depression, 'which in recent, I correct t h i s by cooperation; h. deed,- the manner in which the dom and political equality. Dickstein, and Theodore Peyser, years almost overwhelmed us. For remembering that before we *?•• Jew has taken care of his unforThey have contributed their also of the State of New York; the past 2 years our Government | Jews and Christians we are Antunate brother stands ont as one share in all the wars in which and Hon. Isaac Bacharach, of the has been bending its energies to ! ericans and that American demr of his noblest achievements, and America has been engaged. But State of New Jersey; Hon. Henrr restore prosperity to the country. ! cracy is and must be a ISVUTPW. the broad. philanthropy of the their contributions to t h e civil Ellenbogen, of the State of Pen- There have been some vrho have | There are perhaps some who *.-• American Jew is recognized the life of our Nation have been more nsylvania; and Hon. William Cit- criticized its policies, but not one ! not cooperating but it can ' v world over. conspicuous than their military ron, of the State of Connecticut, of them has offered any plan of ! truly said that there can he v The small group which settled service, for the Jew is peace-mind- all of •whom enjoy the esteem his own to take the place of those ; true American who will not v.von Manhattan Island almost S00 ed, faithful to the admonition of and friendship of their colleagues ; which he criticizes. Large sums of • give his fuJl and hearty coopers By HON. JOSEPH W. BYRNS years ago has kept pace with the his prophets to love peace and and are serving with distinction. \ money have b e e n appropriated ' tion to the government of: Jii country's growth b u t hardly pursue it. Mcny of them have I am glad of this opportunity to : and are being expended to take : country. Too many people loni Speaker of the House of Representatives more than that lor the Jews in held high public office and made pay brief tribute to the service of ; care of the unemployed End feed I upon t h e Government as son*? This address on "The Jew's House of Representatives I join tire civilized world. But I did not America today do not form 5 per- fine records as members of the all these distinguished Represen- ; the hungry and starving, -which is . thing separate and distinct froi. Contribution to' the U n i t e d in these sentiments sincerely and know that so short a time prior cent of the total population. That United States Supreme Court and tatives. (Continued on Page S.) ] the duty of every civilized nation. ! j States"' by Hon. Joseph ~W. Byrns truly, for I am well aware that thereto their number in our coun- does not seem much of a growth of presidential cabinets! GoverCongress has passed the worksOne who serves in public office . of Tennessee was'printed in the the provincialism of prejudice be- try was so inconsiderable in view in numbeis, but what you have j nors of various States and other today must be judged not so •relief bill to provide jobs for the Congressional Record, a f t e r it tween races is a stumbling block of - the active part the Jew . had accomplished is much more im- positions of high honor and re- much by his ability but by his de- ]unemployed and take them off f > liad been delivered before the in "the path of civilization, as pre- taken in the New World, dating portant. Centuries of persecution sponsibility. It is impossible to re- votion and adherence to Ameri- the relief rolls, with the expectafourteenth quinquennial conven- judice of any kind is a heavy back to its very discovery. It. is and" hardship in Europe did not fer to all of these by name, but can principles and ideals and the tion that they will be finally ab- >."ice, large front bedroom. Tf interesting to know that in the succeed in crushing either t h e I cannot refrain from referring Government which he serves. sorbed by private industry thro- couple or siiiclf poi'soii. Vot". tion of the B'nai B'rith at Wash- handicap to democracy. * Ington, T>. C-—The" Editor. Nearly 100 years ago B'nai first voyage of Columbus, which Jewish spirit or Jewish idealism, to some of those with whom I Grover Cleveland said that "pub- ugh increased industrial activity. reasonable. 4022 Bowjrlas. S< B'rith was founded, and the ac- resulted In the dLcovery of Am- and in these respects the Jewish have served since I have been a lic office is a public trust", and The House has passed the socialMember of Congress and some of Call WA 7016 Mr. President,:members of the complishments of the order have erica, several of his hundred fel- people present a most remarkable whom I see before me. I recall we all agree that the man who security bill to pay pensions to low voyagers were members of the the aged and insurance to t h e been such as to well justify pride racial survival and America has holds the office should honor it Independent.. O r d e r.. of.. B'nai Jewish faith, and that on the day profited by it. In all the activities Hon. Julius Kahn, of San Fran- to the best of his ability. If he jobless, which will at least to ."B'rith, and guests, I consider it a in your-work. cisco, who rendered high service £rery great privilege and honor The,preamble of your constitu- previous to his sailing Jews were of commercial l i f e , of banking, in the House during the World does so, he is fit to hold it. And some extent take care of unem0 be your gue"st"tHis evening. I tion states that the purposes of ordered expelled from Spain. trade, and transportation of our T.'ar. His capable and estimable no man, be he Jew or Christian, ployment in the future, which in m mindful that higher officials your organization, among • other And I can fancy the ships, one Nation, the Jew has played and widow, Mrs. Florence K a l a , is who is unfit should be allowed to the very nature of things will always be with us to a greater or if the United States than a Speak- things, are to unite Israelites in carrying the crew of Columbus, still plays an important part. In now filling his place in the House hold public office. less extent. It. is succeeding in its and which was sailing over unthe work of promoting the highscience, medicine, economics; in of the House of Representativwith equal distinction and ability. America expects every stranger efforts to return prosperity, as is have sent you. messages and est interests and those of all hu- charted seas leading to a new literature, painting, music, scul- Sitting h e r e at the table is my coming to our shores to pledge clearly shown by increased inr een • pleased .and happy to do so. manity; to developing and elevat- land, destined to be a harbinger pture, your best men have been good friend Hon. A. J. Sabath, himself that, given opportunity of come-tax collections when comSeven Presidents, of the United ing the mental and moral charac- of hope to all the heavy laden of up at the topy among the best the belovet" dean of the House, establishing a permanent home pared with previous years, gratiStates have sent you messages of ter of the people, and of support- mankind, passing the other ship that the country h a s produced. who has for so many years served here, free of religious persecu- fying reports of increased induspproval and encouragement, and ing science and art. There is ev- containing those who had been Indeed it may be said that the his district in Chicago, and the tion, free of political, commercial, trial activity, and the renewal of .hat fn-itself is a deserved >.recog- erything here that the Nation thrust out of Spain, borne down cultural wealth of America would Nation, with particular distinci or cultural inequality, he will do confidence of the people who a to the water's edge by sad-eyed hopes for from its citizens, and be much the po rer should the tion and conspicuous ability. ition of -which lew organizations everything in his power to carry short while ago were" depressed and heavy-hearted men, women, Jewish contributions have been an boast.- Theodore Roosevelt,' such- aims and purposes-well fulfilled, have a profound Influence and children, cast out of the land on the glorious traditions of his and dejected and almost hopeless. denied it. illiam Howard Taft, Wpodrow And also my friend, H o n . Sol in strengthening the Nation. How of their birth to find shelter they Wilson, Warren G. Harding, CalIt is true that there is some You should be proud of the Bloom, of New York, who has new country, to give his best, so vin Coolidge, Herbert' Hoover, well the Jews" have contributed knew not where. I am sure the fact that this great organization rendered splendid service, the that America will profit by his mental unrest at the present time INSURED CABS and ; our present, great; President, to that influence a little reflec- civilized world is happy over the has had and will continue to most notable of which was that coming. This Nation is a f r e e , S3IK§3I1S5£SS3E£ Franklin p . Roosevelt, are all on tion and remembrance will show. fact that today. 4% centuries have an important part in the de- in connection with the celebra- democratic Nation, and nothing record: as' recognizing the value The solicitude of the Jewish later, Spain is welcoming back velopment of our country through tion of the two hundredth anni- proves that better than that in of the 'work, of E'nai B'rith in people in caring for their aged, the Jew and inviting him to be- its good influences toward shap- versary of the birth of George this country religion and race are building. , up • good citizenship. the sick, and the orphan is tradi- come a part of its loyal citizen- ing the lives a n d character of Washington, the Father of our not barriers to a man's success. . • • ; "our people,, and attaining the Country, and who I think it is Religious prejudice is the worst President - T h e o d o r e Roosevelt tional. This solicitude has called ship. The first Jews came to America ideals for which America stands. only fair to say has done more enemy of democracy because it is urged" its members ."to - continue into being institutions in every your •work in"«strengthening the part of the world which provide from Brazil In 1654 and t h e y America furnished to the Jews than anyone of his generation to tie bet-ween man and man and en- against the infirmities to which came as mrny of the early settler what it furnished to all people, revive and restore the memory of groups did, to escape religious deavoring to contribute to the up- mankind is heir, ranging f r o m a land as Washington described Washington and his high ideals in lift and betterment of humanity", homes for children too ycung to persecution. They were inhospi- it, "of sanctuary", whirh became the minds and hearts of the preand declared that "it has been a have known, the warmth of moth- tably received hy Peter Stuyves- also a land of equal opportunity, sent generation. And another l-et me protwt j-o«r Interests. write INSCKAXCE of erery fien great educational and enlighten- er love to old people bereft of kin ant, who was then Governor of liberality, and toleration. And good friend is the Honorable Her- Icriptinn including LIFE, ie strong ing : factor in our American life." to care for them in their declin- the New Netherlands, but his opreliable companies CJiXY. . . . Let'a 135 years later, at the end of the man Kopplemann, of the State of talk it OTCT. Woodrow Wilson said in part, ing years. I have in mind many position was overcome through Revolutionary War, when the Connecticut, who enjoys the con1 follow from time to time -with hospitals of this great order in the influence of the Dutch WE it Constitution of the United States fidence and esteem of all of his City Finance & Insarance Co. various parts of our country India Co., many of whose stock- was drawn up in 1787, liberty of colleagues because of his faithful 14O9 Faraara AT "667 or WA &J50 the greatest interest the line which are devoted" to taking care holders were Jews, and they were work of the order-r-worlc which undoubtedly \ contributes to the of people old and young without permitted to remain in New 'Amuplift and betterment of the Na- regard to race or religion. It is sterdam on condition that the tion. And I .have been particular-; no.w.onder that this great order poor amongst them should not ly interested' in the w o r t of edu- founded as it was 92 years ago, become a burden to the comcation and philanthropy and the when the • Jewish population in munity, but be supported by their S561 FAK3STAM ST effort to • destroy the -provincial- the United States did not exceed own nation. And although B'nai ism of prejudice' as between 20,000, . h a s grown in strength, B'rith was not then in existence, influence, and power for good Its spirit must have been present, races." all the-years of its exist- for there is no record that the . ; I'have been for a long time during ence. • familiar with" the -work; and purOf coarse I am aware that the poses of your great order, and I hope that the people'not only of masses of the Jewish people now 9x13 CONfiOLECM BUGS ..$4-2i America but of; the entire world living in the great centers of our Highest tirade Enamels, $3.00 WATEBPnOOF AIX-PURPOSE will come -to respect you for the country are descendants of those SPAR VARNISH, $1.30 Gallon wiich. you are doing who came to our Shores a number •dejserves. the.inllest of "decades-^goj as_ fixiles^fro Omaha Jobbing Company aid-"endprsemeni^of all' Eastern Europe* ;the victims; of 317 So. 15 o u r p e o p l e . " ••.'.'•-t' • •' ,'-" " ; • •.'"',. pogroms and persecutions which As ^present - Speaker of the -shocked-the-conscience of the. en-

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JUNE 14, 1935.

tention between the Farmers Un- ployment. If we follow the advice banker of the Revolution. It was his money that carried Washion and the Histadruth. The Rab- of the Rabbi and his kind, every ington's army through VallejtForge. bi don't tell us; does the Rabbi immigrant to Palestine, our broknow or is he again stabbing in thers would find themselves eithIn the War of 1812 there were also Jewish soldiers, among LET'S KNOW THE TEUTH ; religion to the individual, The | the dark? Here is the argument: er unable to find work or forced them Judah Touro, the New Orleans philanthropist, who was fact that over 4,000 Miz- j The Farmers Union, an organiza- to compete with the cheap Arab Under t h e heading of "THE mere racDl Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by ZIONIST ELECTION " I laborers belong to the Hiswounded at the Battle of New Orleans; Captain Mordecai Myers COMING founded upon Jewish funds Labor. It is a shame and disgrace tadruth should be evidence to our iItion THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY our worthy friend, Rabbi Uri Milsubscribed by Jews all over the to the Jewish People that the Hisof Pennsylvania; Colonel Nathan Moses of Pennsylvania; Captain ler, expressed himself editorially man of religion that it is h i g h iworld, had decided that they were tadruth even needs to explain Mayer Moses of South Carolina; and Jacobs and Benjamin Hays to the Jews of this vicinity. While time this argument be allowed to | no longer & Jewish Organization their actions in this case. It Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - $2.00 Advertising rates furnished on application. of New York. After the war Touro advanced $10,000 to complete we feel that the Rabbi is to be rest in peace. However we cannot but that they were purely a busi- is a black mark against the enpass by the statement by Rabbi Editorial Office: 600 BrandelB Theater Building. the Bunker Hill Monument in Boston. The most prominent Jewish congratulated for calling atten- Miller that the .Histadruth Colony ness organization. This same or- tire Zionist, organization vhat a tion to this most important event Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center ganization that the Rabbi feels so member of the Mizraclil can desoldier in the Mexican War was David Camden de Leon of South in the Jewish Life, yet we also refused to allow a synagogue to sorry for, decided that they would fend the Farmers Union for their DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor Carolina, A veteran of the bloody Seminole Indian War, he fought feel that the worthy Rabbi de- be built and attendants attacked hire no Jewish labor and instead actions. PRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - ; • - • - Editor on a Sabbath morning at service. RABBI "ORI MILLER - - - - - Contributing Editor throughout the Mexican War and at the Battle of Chapultepec serves to be and should be high- It is a black hour for Zionism and hire Arabic workers.'This action This coming Zionist election is ly censured for including in his would save a few cents a day per FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent earned the sobriquet of "the fighting doctor." On two occasions for all Jewry when a leader of his an important one. If the Jewish article a mass of propaganda that ANN PILL - - • - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent • for t h e Farmers Union people, a member of the Rabbi- laborer is fundamentally false and withhe led a cavalry charge after the commanding officer'had been people want to see tbe homeland even the worthy Rabbi can Print Shop Address; 4504 So. 24th Street nate, -will use such a distortion of but out a semblance of truth, propasee the damage to the Palestine in Palestine developed End if they killed. Twice he received the thanks of Congress. Some 60 Jews ganda that will retard the Zionist the truth to attempt to further a cause. The Histadruth took up the want to see the cause of Zionism jserved in the Mexican War. movement in a large degree if the political faction. The above state- battle for the Jewish laborer and ments are absolutely false and I immigrant. For this, the worthy advance, then they rrtust keep the The patriotism of the Jew was never better illustrated than truth is not brought forth. challenge Rabbi Miller or anyone Rabbi declares the Histadruth is Histadruth party in the ExecuConstructive building during the children's vacation is now in the Civil War. No less than 8,000 Jews fought on both sides. The Rabbi and his fellow Miz- to prove their truth. dangerous. Perhaps the worthy tive. If Rabbi Miller will only try recognized as being as important as well-directed and thought out There were 750 Jewish officers, including nine General^ The rachi cannot deny that the World Without mincing any words, I Rabbi can tell US what we will to get the truth, even he will vote Zionist party under the guidance planning school year. More and more we are beginwish to rebuke Rabbi Miller for do with our Jewish Immigrants for the Histadruth party In the of an Histadruth Executive, has ning t( materially reduced the deficit left consciously or unconsciously mis- to Palestine when' they arrive. election on June 23. Knoefler, who rose from- a private to the command of the spend the summer months may destroy all the good done during representing the facts when he ac- Now Palestine is one land in the Indiana regiment. Edward Solomon, who was later appointed gov- them by a former executive, and cuses the Histadruth of Com- world where there is no unemy further have worked wonders for —MOREIS MEVKIN the rest of the year. ernor of Washington Territory by Lincoln, organized the 82nd the upbuilding of our homeland. munistic leaning and in his own Our Jewish community should, therefore, scan with interest Illinois infantry of which he later became colonel. Leopold Blu- What they cannot deny they try words, "IN THEIR PROCLAMAthe details of the Summer Home Camp to be presented at the T I O N S ENTHUSIASTICALLY meriberg of Baltimore organized the 5th Maryland regiment in to explain away. So, the worthy GREET THE BROTHER PROLA© NOW PLAYING EVERY NIGHT Rabbi, attempts to explain this Jewish Community Center for six weeks, starting July 8, for boys which he became^ major. It was the 27th Pennsylvania infantry growth in Palestine by ascribing TERIATE IN SOVIET RUSSIA." IN THE BALLROOM and girls between the ages of six and sixteen. Never undertaken under command of Col. Max Einstein that covered the retreat of it to the rebound from the Hitler There is not a semblence of truth before, this Summer Camp combines the latest and newest ideas to this statement. the Union army in the first Battle of Bull Run. On the Confed- persecutions. He further goes inin summer child care. Its strength lies in the fact that it builds to the realms of sarcasm in furIt is a well known fact to everyconstructively while the children play. Taken off the hot, sultry erate side there also were numerous Jewish officers, notably ther crediting this growth to the one, but our worthy rabbi, that influx of capital or as he terms it, there is as wide a chasm between streets, the youngsters are given a systematically developed pro- Colonel Myer Harby, Surgeon-General David de Leon, Col. Raph- CAPITALISTIC OR TAINTED the Histadruth and Communism ael J. Moses, Col. Adolph Meyer and Major Lionel Levy, a.nephew gram, enjoying themselves thoroughly in the meanwhile. MONEY. This, and not the Hista- as there is between communism of Judah J. Benjamin. Remembering their expulsion from Spain, druth is responsible for the and the Mizrachi. The Histadruth, During the six-weeks indoor camp, the program is being arAmerican Jews flocked to the colors during the Spanish-American growth of Palestine, so says our while a laborers'* party, is diameranged so as to encompass the entire day, offering healthful reRabbi. I greatly fear that the trically opposed to the principles War. In that war there were more than 5,000 Jews in the Amer- worthy Rabbi is guided more by of communism and for this reacreation under specialized supervision. The needs of each child. "TWENTY-FIVE ACEES OF FUN" ican army. The first volunteer was a Jew and the first American loyalty to his party than by logic. son they are thoroughly hated by - will be individually studied and met. Included on the curriculum If the Hitler persecutions, as he the communists. It is for the reaNew Eides - New Games - New Concessions are athletic events on the Central High grounds, classes in arts io fall was a Jew. No less than 150 Jews charged up San Juan now claims, and not the Hista- son that they act as a barrier beHill with Teddy Roosevelt. Swimming Pool Under Direction of Coact: C. C. Hrabbard druth, are responsible for the in- tween communistic mastery over and crafts, dancing, dramatics, music, swimming, hikes, camp fires Picnic in the Large Modernized Prlvste Groves To this record of Jewish patriotism there must be added flux of money and immigrants In- the laborer that they are feared and special field days. The lunches have been planned by to the Holy Land, let our worthy and hated by Communists. This the 250,000 Jews who were in the American army during the ,cian; for both food value and appeal to the children. Everything "Omaha's Only Amusement Park for Young cni Old" Rabbi stop and reflect that these the Rabbi either does not know has been arranged so as to be appetizing and inviting to the World War. Just as in every war of the Republic the percentage same persecutions were at their or ignores. True, the Histadruth youngsters. The fees are so nominal, particularly in view of what of Jews in the army was greater than their proportion of the to- height before the executive was celebrated the first of May, This voted into the control of the His- date is not a Communistic Holiis given in return, that every parent who possibly can should tal population, so in the World War five per cent of those in the tadruth. Indignation was at the day. It is a day for celebration all lay plans to enroll his children. The boys and girls who attend the army were Jews although the Jews constituted only three per fever pitch before the Histadruth over the world by the Laboring camp will be the direct benificiaries, but both the parents and cent of the total population. The World War also disposed to the could take advantage and yet man. The alteration of facts will slander that Jews do not volunteer for military service. Twenty what was the result? The former do more harm to those. HONESTthe community will also be the gainersi executive, composed of general LY INTERESTED IN PALESper cent of all the Jews in the army were volunteers, a higher per- Zionists and Misrachi, could or TINE than the celebration of a centage than that of any other-group in the country. In the World would not take advantage of the holiday for the laboring man. War there were more than 14,000 Jewish casualties in the Ameri- situation. This argument is so fu- In his frantic search for some tile and weak, we wonder at the argument upon which to impeach 1 A bird's eye picture of a rapidly-growing country under Jew- can army. Three thousand of them were killed. No less than 1,100 Rabbi for its use. the Histadruth, our worthy Rabish stimulation is presented in the annual memorandum given to citations for valor were, awarded to Jews and three of them reAs to the "INFLUX OF CAPI- bi brings forth the case of the the League of Nations Permanent Mandates Commission by the ceived the rare Congressional Medal of Honor. TALISTIC HENCE TAINTED Farmers Union. According to our worthy Rabbi, this same Farmers Jewish Agency, recognized by the Palestine Mandate as the su, As Fredman concludes: "Every Jew can well be proud of our MONEY." It is the highest testi- Union has been forced time and monial to the stable and efficient preme Jewish authority for the reconstructioii of the Holy Land. military record; Every Jew should know that record. When an government of the Histadruth. time again to appeal to the govStand-outs in the report are the increase in Jewish population in impartial historian writes the story of the building up of Ameri- Even our worthy Rabbi cannot ernment against the Histadruth thej;Homeland by 55,000, the.importation of private Jewish cap- ca; Jewish names will be found on every page. This imposing rec- deny that Capital w i l l not go and recently threatened to resign from the World Zionist Organiital in excess of fifty million dollars, and an acute-labor shortage ord will record a complete answer to the unthinking and unjust there, where conditions are un- zation. What is the bone of constable or where the government which "has dislocated the labor market and checked economic slanders upon our race." is unsound. The fact that CAPIenterprise in every field." " .:'••• TALISTIC HENCE TAINTED FUNDS have flown into Palestine RABBI Z. BARBAKOW "•••.' Of particular interest to those of us who;have .been insfcrur, freed your slaves, -which Is for- during the regime ot the Histabidden?" And he replied, "ThisJsfohel Specialist mental in our small way towards rebuilding of the Jewish homeGEMS OF THE BIBLE never occurred." The decision of druth and not before is the be.st Ktcsnunenaea by Man* Doctor* argument that could be advanced land in Palestine are the following facts gleaned from the memor* Reslfienc* Fhont WEbcter 6655 the judges "was to free, him of the for the continuation of this execuAND TALMUD SoElstra Fboct VV Kb*ter H SO a n d u m : '••'•"< . •* -• five charges. tive. As to the plaint of our By O. O. DASHER jTj 1422 N. 20th St., Omaha, Neb. The Jewish population in Palestine at the end of 1934 was Worthy Rabbi that THE HONEST ZIONISTS OR THOSE HONESTabout 300,000, constituting 25 per cent of the total population. The mouth ol t h e righteous LY INTERESTED IN PALESSunday* June 16th There are today 160 Jewish settlements in Palestine, occupying uttereth •wisdom and Ms tongue Flight of Capital TINE ARE WORRIED OVER speaketh. justice, the righteous an;area of 1,300,000 dunams of land. Their population is 70,000, Istanbul—An unexplained po- THE GROWTH OF THE HISTAinherit the land. Father's Day is the gift day of the year . . . ice raid on the office of a Jew- DRUTH AND ITS TENDENCIES, of whom 40,000 are engaged in agricultural work. The remark- shall I have seen the wicked in great ish colonization association here we offer a bit of advice. If Rabsecond only to Christmas. The Nebraska able growth of the towns is illustrated in figures of contrast which power, and spreading himself like resulted in the arrest of the manbi Miller would take the time to 'has prepared wonderful selections of ihs show that the all-Jewish .cijty of Tel Aviv, which has a population a leafy tree in the native soil, but ager and the seizing of records read the answers to any of his gifts "He" will most appreciate. one "passed by and lo he was not; of 105,000, had 15,190 in 1922. Jerusalem had 33,970 Jews in 1922 yea, I sought him, but he could and passports of prospective im- editorials or would devote a little migrants to Palsetine. energy to reasoning, he would and has 65,000 today* Half a had.6,230 in 1922 and 33,000 at the not be found. become aware of the fact that ReAlthough no reason for the Mark the man of integrity, and end of 1934. The vital statistics show that the natural increase in raid was given, it is said to be ligion and the Histadruth are two behold the upright, for there is a Jewish population was 5,247 or 20.7 per thousand. . ; due to the government's efforts separate and distinct things. He future for the man of peace. • to prevent the flight of capital should know by now that the The Palestine government has a surplus of four million My friends and my companions Histadruth leaves the matter of from Turkey. * pounds ($20,000,000), derived from the prosperity brought to stand aloof from a n y troubles, the country by Jewish immigration. The Jews of the world-con- and my kinsmen stand afar off. Check This Gift list: TALMUD tributed for national reconstruction activities during the year a Our Rabbis were taught: When total of $3,250,000. The Jews in 1934 spent the sum of $35,000,000 Rabbi Elazer was captured by> the J. E. Davidson, president ot tbe la 1917 fie came to Omaha as " in Palestine to acquire 110,970 metric dunams of land. Of this government through the accusaNebraska Power company and mid- rice-president and general manager area 48,856 dunams were purchased from Jews and 62,114 dunams tion of the heretics, he was west civic and business leader, of the Nebraska Power company, brought to thhe gallows and the from Arabs, the Arabs receiving $8,240,000 for their land. Arabs general said to him, "A sage like was elected vice-president of the being elected to his present position ot president ot the company Whitney,, White Eagle and as well as Jews have benefitted, the memorandum, stating that' you should be engaged in such a Edison Electric Institute at the in 1928. He has also been vice annual convention held in Atlantic valueless thing (as the Torah)?" "there has-been a very striking increase in Arab production as a Broadcloth president and general manager ot Enro Shirts And he answered', "The judge is City. the Citizens Power and Light comwhole, and a marked rise in the Arab standard of living." The trustworthy to me to judge honThe Edison Electric Institute is Shirts, $1.50 $1.95 to $3.50 pany of Council Bluffs, ^owa since shortage.of labor has-prevented the planting of many farms, the estly". The general thought Rab- the' national trade association of 1917. the power industry in such matters Other Good Shirts $1.35 and Better building of many houses and the launching of new industrial en- bi Elazer was referring to him. as standardization, technical coor- Davidson early became prominElazer, however," referred to the ent nationally in the power industerprises. Nevertheless, a total of 170 new industrial develop- Heavenly Judge, and the general dination, sales, and research in * "His" Monogram Free '" try through his policy ot taking the ments were established the past year, mainly by new arrivals. said, "Because you trust in me, I making electricity of greater use, public into his confidence. He was at lower rates, in home, shop and the first to advance the principle © Wider social and political horizons- are being envisioned swear by my Idol that you aie free from this accusation." that the public utility operators of through the expansion of the Jewish homeland in Palestine. The Beau Brummel America are only the custodians .of Our Rabbis were taught: When introduction of new capital and new immigrants, £he technical Rabbi Elazer Prata and Rabbi the nation's electric service for the people of America, skill and economic initiative, coupled with the zealous idealism Chaninah. were captured by the in 1925-1926 he served as presigovernment, said the former to typifying the Chalutz in the rebuilding of the Jewish Homeland, the latter, "Happy art thou, that dent of the National Electric Light A remarkable feature group all open new windows from which we can view the promising fu- thou wast captured of being acAssociation. From id31 to 1933 ho of crisp n e w summer neckheaded a National Refrigeration cused of one thing only and woe ture of Palestine. . v wear at . . . . . . . Bureau for the electric industry. to me that I am captured of beDavidson has also been active ing accused of five acts," Said the Other Neckwear - * - 50c to $3.50 in civic affairs. He was chosen latter, "Happy art thou who are fcing of Ak-Sar-Ben in 1923; was accused of five things and I will Smart Tie and Handkerchief Sets at $1 chairman ot the Nebraska state "Flag Day," which ia bemg celebrated today, June If, by be saved and woe is to me who is bureau personnel cf the Red Cross accused of five things and will Presidential decree, originated in the mind of a Jewishpatriot, during the World War; elected be sentenced, for thou occupied Benjamin Altheimer. A patriotic occasion, Flag Day also recalls thyself With both the Torah and Omaha's "First Citizen" in 1929; headed the first Omaha Community to our memory the long parade of Jewish patriots who fought un- with loving kindness, while I was Chest drive and another chest occupied with the Torah only." der the American flag from 1776 to 1918. To J.; George Fred- This is in accordance with what drive since. raan, past national commander of the Jewish War Veterans of the Rabbi Huna said, "He who ocAt the present time he is chairman ol the Greater Omaha Associa- General Representative In U.S.A. a t V. S., we are.indebted for refreshing our memories with the fol- cupies himself with the Torah, tion; president of the board of AMTORQ, 261 Fifth Ave., N.V. but doesn't observe loving kindlowing significant facts, of a patriotic nature. « ^ regents of the Omaha Municipal ness is similar to one who denies J. E. Davidson -; The first white man to set foot oh American soil was a Jew, God." When Rabbi Elazer w a s University; a director of the Omathe interpreter on Columbus'sfirstexpedition, he being one of brought before"* tfie judges, and factory. As vice-president David- ha Chamber of Commerce and of son holds one of the key positions the Union Stockyards Company, the four Jews in the crew. At the time of the American revolution, they asked him, W h y do you of the group. • Chicago-, Great Western Kaiiroad there were hardly more than 3,000 Jews in the colonies, but they study and why "are you a warand the Occidental Building and Davidson's selection to an imrior?" And he answered, 'If one were almost a unit in supporting independency More than forty is a scholar, he is no warrior, and portant post in the front ranks of Loan A'ssociation. . Coming as it does at a time when nation's power industry cliJews served in the Continental Army, among the more disting- just as it is riot true that I am a the maxes a close association with the the entire electric Industry is unitwarrior, BO it is also not true that Thousands e! Offier JLtfcracti** Gift* uished Jewish heroes of the Revolution being CoL Isaac Franks; I am a scholar." "Why then are Industry-since its Infancy. As a ing to safeguard the interests of its for Fa&sjs'si Doy Sh©pp«ss investors and Its customers, the boy he started his career In the ; i^ide-^e-camp to Washington; Major Daivid Franks,.aide-de-camp you named master?" And he anelection of Davidson to his new plant of the Port Huron, Mich., ib General Lincoln; Major,:Benjamin Nbnes, and Mordecai Shef- swered, "I am the master of artis- Light and Power company as a post is a signal honor. In tbe weavlngf'. "Why did you not wiper in the engine room. Through course of the controvert^ over Use talL In 1779, a group of Jews organized an entire corps of in- tic visit the* house of discussion? steps he rose to the Wheeler-Raybura public utility, bill, fantry, volunteers and served under Captain Luahington in South And he answered "I am too old successive position of a national figure in the now in Congress, Davidson Has Carolina. Every schoolboy knows the story of Haym Solomon, and feared perhaps I would be electric Industry, and Is widely gained national recognition for Ms CORRECT APPARBk FOR MEN AND WOMEN trodden down under-the feet of | b Polish Jew, who sacrificed his life and his fortune as the* the crowd." "And why have you known as a speaker and writer presentation of ii« utilities', side of the case. on utility subjects.


- - Voice of Our Readers - -

J.C.C. Summer Camp

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Palestine Tomorrow




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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1935. ONVALESCIXG Miss Sylvia Giventer is convalscing from an appendicitis operation. HONOR BRIDE-TO-BE The Ladies Bridge club honors ed Miss Sara, Levine, a bride-tobe, with a bridge-luncheon, Saturday afternoon, a t the home of Mrs. A. Schneider.

SUMMER DANCE The second annual summer dance of the Beth-El synagogue KAZLOWSKY«HANDLER Uuilliary -will be held Monday, .EAVE TODAY wEDDlAG 8UMDAY June 24, at the Highland Country Rabbi and Mrs. David H. Wice 9Iiss Sophia Handler -will be club. Austin Bevans and his ormarried to Ben E. Kazlowsky on re leaving today for their sum- chestra will play for the dancing. mer vacation. Rabbi Wice is givSunday, June 16, at the BirchDavid Greenberg is chairman wood club, at 1:30 p. m., in the ng an address in Minneapolis on Mrs. of the affair. une 15. He will attend the anpresence of the fainily only. ManyInformal parties are bsThe wedding music will be nual meeting of the Central Con- ing arranged for the occasion. ference of American Rabbis which played by Lillyan Chudacolf, pianist, and Thelma Gaspar, violin- will be held in Chicago from June A. M. MOTHERS CLUB ist. Miss Ethel Resnick will sing. 25 to June 30. The regular monthly meeting Invitations have been extended to the reception from 3 to 6 RETURNS FROM UNIVERSITY of the S. A. M. Mothers club will be held Wednesday, June 19, at o'clock for friends of the young OF ILLINOIS Miss Sara Tretiak has return- the home of Mrs. S. Canar, 4830 couple. ;d from the University of Illinois South 22nd street. The meeting o visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.will begin promptly st 1 o'clock, ROGIXSKY-BLOOM end all the mothers ars urged to Joseph Tretiak. WEDDING be there. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bloom announce that the wedding of their ATTEM> SON'S GO EAST daughter, Helqp, to Maurice Ro- GRADUATION Mrs. Harry Mendelson, accomMr. and Mrs. John J. Freiden ginsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. panied by h e r daughter, Leah, attended the graduation exercises Aaron Roginsky, will be held on Sunday, June 16, at 4 p . m.; at of their son, William, at Ames, left Sunday for Boston where she the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Iowa, last week. Mr. I. Plotkin will spend the summer with her synagogue, 19th and Buft Street. and Mrs. M. Davidson, uncle and sister. On !" er way east and back Rabbi David A. Goldstein w i l l aunt of William, also attended. Mrs. Mendelson, an amateur sculptress whose creations have perform the ceremony. 1 been acclaimed locally, plans to No invitations have been issu- UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA. visit art museums and exhibits in . ed for the reception which, will IiAW GRADUATE the larger cities through which be held at the home of the bride Daniel Lintzman, s o n of Mr. she will pass. from 7:30 till 10 p. m. for the


NEW YORK VISITOR Omaha Council of Mrs. Max Oland of New York Vaad Auxiliary City is a visitor at the homes of Jewish Women!| Mr. I and Mrs. Morris Oland, her Meets Monday j brother and sister-in-law, and of

Israel Aid eff Israe

HAtncv 5300

TO BE "AT HOME" Mr. and Mrs. A. Bernstein 3510 .Leavenworth street, will be ~ at home to their friends and rela tlves, Sunday, June 16, from to 5, in honor of the high schoo: graduation of their, daughter, Harriet. No cards have been issued.

HOUSE GUEST Mrs. James Naiman is a house Frank Lipp is going to interne guest of her sister, Mrs. Morris at the Sidenham Hospital in New Micklia. York City. Among those to "graduate from Creighton.? University School, of Law thl8 year are: Russel Bluinenthal, Al Fiedler, Richard Hiller and Joseph Solomonow.

ATTEND DAUGHTER'S MARRIAGE '••-••".-Mr/ and Mrs. William Kutle Hdrman S. Rosenblatt received are visiting in Chicago, when his Bachelor of Law degree from they attended the marriage o the Nebraska University this their daughter, Zena, who was pear. ' married to Mr. I. Zenzipper of Chicago on June 9. Their daughSidney Coren, son of Mr. and ter, Miss Lillian Kutler, -will be Mrs. Meyer Coren received a married this Sunday, June 16, to Bachelor of Arts degree from Wilfred Levinsohn, also of Chi- relghton university. cago. TO VISIT HERE Rabbi Joseph KaTesh of San Jose, Calif., who Is on a trip east, will stop off in Omaha Sunday for t short visit at the home of Mr. ind Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky.

ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Joe Levey of Kingsley, la., announce the birth of a daughter June 1. Mr. Levey Is a former Omahan and was well known in Center athletic circles.

ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Dave Shulkln of Sioux City announce the birth of son, Larry "William, on June 1. Mrs. Shulkin was formerly Bell Oland of Omaha.

SURPRISE BUXCO PARTY Miss Neoma Kuklin entertained at a surprise bunco party, June 8, in honor of Dr. Arthur Kaslow graduating from the Creighton university school of medicine, and as a farewell party prior 'to his leaving to serve an interneship at Hollywood hospital In Los Angeles. Sixteen couples were present.

^ ' s prepare that snack for your summer anting POTATO SALAD 25c PINT j Hot CORNED BEEF S5c Jb COLIC SLAW 25c PIXT j KOSHER SALAMI £9c LB NEW KOSHER ©ILL PICKLES


. >n a Charge Account at

nard Galitski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Galitski of Topeka. Kan. There was a family dinner in Bernard's honor- at the Cornhusker hotel following the exercises.



St. Luke's hospital, In San Francisco, i -. •

Hoiked Rejects Bar

Alpha Gamma Chi sorority of Amsterdam—Q u e e n Municipal university held a meetmina rejected a petition ing.at the home of Rose Kirt-henMrs. Manuel Grodinsky, presi- jSir. and Mrs. Leo Ostrovich. •,The final meeting of the season that "srhechitfi," the Jewisli mf dent of the • Omaha Council of; of the Vaad auxiliary will be held ; ba\im, June S. Installation of of- thod of slrasghterlng Ptiimalf?, >' ficers took place. Jewish Women, named committee I ^ j A3IES Monday, June 17. There will be a ; chairmen and outlined plans" for j Ja'cJj T e m i n r e c e n t l r returned dessert-luncheon at 1 o'cloclv, and ' The following committees were prohibited in Holland. A similar petition was tslso r? • the year, at the first meeting of. from a t n r e e -^ek's stay at Ames, the regular business meeting will i appointed: Rush, ^Janet Graeta. jected by the Dutch Foreign Minchairman, assisted by Bertha the new board of directors, held j Iowa, where he was arranging to be held after the luncheon. j : SiutzVy, Geraldine S'.raus, Sylvia ister, A. C. cle Gracff. at her home. Mrs. Charles Fellinan, program S'Jverman. aad Betty • enroll at J.owa university. Fellman: Heads of committees are as folchairman, has arranged an inter- formal initiation. Beth Platt. lows: Mesdames Jack Marer and HOUSE GUEST esting program. Miss Kosalie Ro- •chairman, and Betty PeHman: inRobert Kooper, education and ser-PHILADELPHIA sen- Trill play several violin solos, formal initiation, Fannie Wiikin. vice for foreign born; Max HolzPreserve* Ycm Miss Reba Wexler of- Philadel- accompanied at the piano by Miss chairmen, also Rose Kirshenman, community co-operatScra; jp h i & - ^ — h 0 U E e " g u e s ( - o f j£r. I Betty Rosen. Miss Dorothy Tatel- baum, Sylvia Gilbert, and Floreo Waxenberg, sewing: • David | a n d M r s _ j T r f i t i a k _ M } g s W e x l e r j m a n will present several readings. ence Steinberg. Jok'man, library; Sam Robinson, plans to spend several weeks i M i s s B e t t y Fellman will play Our scientific modern motor corps; Albert Newman, here. number of piano selections. methods retain the corcholarship; Philip Klutznick, Admission- will be 15 cents. rect sisc- and shape o[' rogram; Ben Shapiro, publicity The following auxiliary znemTO VISIT IN DETROIT A regular meeting of t h e your clothes. : nd yearbook;' Lawrence Gross, Miss Grace Levin left for De- jbers will be hostesses: Mesfiames Daughters of Israel of the Jewish j © Let us clean and de-snoth cligion and religious education; JM. Burstein, Charles Fellman, J. I. Solzman, culture study troit where she will spend a ! Bernstein, A. Schwaczskin. K. H. Old People's Home will be held, ; them now! groups; Ronald Gladstone, civic month visiting her uncle and Greeaberg, L. Epstein, H. Marcus, Tuesday, June IS, at 2 p. in. st : 6s Sealed in moth - proof aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Levey. nd legislation groups: J. li. N'ewS. Epstein. H. Singer. D. ,Ep=tein, the home, 2504 Charles St. Mem-j cedarised bags without bers and friends are invited to at-j an, courtesy; David Cohen aad L. Neveleff, and Sid Katelnaan. extra charge. Call - - tend. I ouis Lipp, membership and dues; KANSAS CITXANS HERE SKEOLLY GOODBJAK'S Ernest Nogg and Paul Blotkcy, Leonard Greenberg, Dave Minospitality; B. A. Simon and Wil-j kin, Leon Sedler and Nate Stein TO VISIT IN BES MOIXES Ladies Labor Lyceum Mrs. Mamie Kneeter left Mon-| am Racusin, -ways and means; of Kansas City A. Z. A. chapter No. 2 were in Omaha over the day evening to spend a week in j The Ladies' Labor Lyceum club Theodore Mayer, telephone. The first meeting will be. heia week-end planning with the * A. Des Moines wi£h her son ana herj 11 hold a regular meeting Tuesn the fall. Frior to *.dat ihe coun- Z. A. executives for the pre-con- daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. | day, June IS, at the Labor Lyce?1 expects to sponsor a musical vention social that is being given Harry Kneeter. While there she Ii um at 2 p. m. All members are • Refreshments vent in September, ai'd to pub- by the Kansas City A. Z. A. early will^ee her_daughter,^Mrs._ Har-|j vrgeA to attend. in July. "• .. ry Edell, who is departing for her! &b a yeavbook. be served. home in New York City. '

MOTOR TO SIOUX CITY TTEND RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. R. Stein, Mr. and Misses Sophie and Frances \1SIT1NG IN CHICAGO «rs.. L. Ducoff of Sioux City and Oland, their father, and aunt, Mrs. I. Rubin is visiting .heir niece, Miss Ducoff fff New Mrs. Max Oland of New York City, family in Chicago. fork City, Miss Lorraine Con of motored to Sioux City, Sunday, Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Karl June 9, to attend the "Brith" of TO MASON CITY itudna of Kansas City attended their neph'ew and grandson, LarMsf. I. Werner and her daughand Mrs. J . Lintzman, received he reception which was given by ry William Shulkin. ter, Lita Joy, left for Mason City, members of the immediate fami- his Bachellor-of-Law degree from RETURNS FROM ilrs. Libby Kaplan and Mr. and la., where they will visit Mrs. lies. the University of Omaha law EASTERN TRIP Mrs. Nathan Gimple, Sunday, June TO LtXCOLX Weiner's mother. school, today. Mrs. Clara Horwitz returned In honor of Mr. and Mrs. MorGOODMAX-RUBENSTEIN and Mrs. Dave Greenberg, Tuesday from a two-month visit ris Ricks of Missouri Valley, who Mr.Mr.and WEDDIXG Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, CONVALESCING GRADUATES FROM in New Tork City, Philadelphia, re newly-weds. T h e marriage of Miss Gene- FONT BONNE Mrs. Fannie Greenberg, Mrs. Hy- Mr. Hy chapman is' convalescand Canada. vieve Rubensteln, daughter of Mr. man ,E. Greenberg, Mrs." J. J. Ii n £ tV0TIi a recent minor operaMiss. Bluma Neveleff, -who ENTERTAINS and Mrs. R. Rubenstein of . D e s graduated from Font Bonne colFriedman, Mrs. Dave S h e r m a n | t i o n Miss Minnette Louis entertain- and her daughter, Bernice, jourMoines, Iowa, to Mr. Ben Good- lege, St. Louis, Mo. last week, is FROM NEW YORK CITY Mr. Louis Appet of New York d at an evening dinner at the man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank spending the summer at home. City i3 the guest of his brother- Tudor Arms, Thursday, June 6 neyed to Lincoln Monday, June Goodman, also of D e s Moines, in-law and sister-in-law, Mr. and or the Misses Rose Colict and 10, to attend the commencement took place Sunday afternoon, exercises of their relative, BerMrs. Frank Ackerman. \ Rose Forman, brides-to-be. June 9, a t five o'clock at t h e TONSILECTOMY

home of Rabbi and Mrs. David A Miss Pearl Meyers underwent FROM CALIFORNIA Goldstein. Rabbi Goldstein per- a tonBilectomy at the Covenan Shirley Ruth Kay, daughter of formed t h e ceremony in the pres- hospital, Friday, June 7. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kay of Berkeence ot members of the immediley, Calif., will arrive in Omaha ate families. GRADUATES Monday to spend two months with Frederick F. Ackerman, son of relatives here. p Following the ceremony, •wedding supper was served at the Mr. and Mrs. M. Ackerman rehome of the bride's brother-in- ceived his Doctor of Medicine de- CHICAGO VISITORS Mrs. Aaron Richards and law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. Da-gree from the University of Nebraska on June 10. He will leave daughters, Joyce and Irene, and vid Woods of Council Bluffs. Among t h e out-of-town guests shortly to interne at the Colum- her sister, .Beatrice Fohrman, all lit the wedding were Mr. and-Mrs bus hospital- in Seattle, Washing- of Chicago, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Perimeter. R. Rnbenstein, parents of the ton. bride;' Mrs. J o e Jacobs, and Sol TULSA Burson, all of Des Moines. Maurice Steinbe'rg, son of. Mr. FROM Miss Esther Ravitz of Tulsa, The young couple left for Den and Mrs. Harry Steinberg, gradu\yer, Colorado on their honeymoon ated from Creighton University, Oklahoma is visiting her uncles trip. Upon their return, they wil" School of Medicine and he will and, aunts, Mr. and Mrs. A. -Forraan and Mr. and Mrs. P. Craniinake their home in Des Moines..; leave for his interneship in .the dell. .'.-

' Alpha Gamma Chi

A SpecM Group of »85&l?!w"** RsKssssiiSlh. IS!?Si




lit. j i y g kZ?


Regular Values


HERE IS NEWS, THAT IS NEWS and is a treat of the season The Peacock permanent wave—That is a riot in this Salon. Every permanent is a fashion plate. . Bliss "Daisy" is an artist in contour hair trimming

PEACOCK BEAUTY SALON 202 Securities Building

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Evening • Appointments can ic made with ten expert beauticians

ANNOUNCE BIRTH «»a»»3SHE«BJHH!Se^«mHl3^^ Mr. and Krs. Alex Doehen of A.nBtin, :Tex., announce the birth of a daughter, B a i l a Ann, on Offers May 30. Mrs. Doehen was -formerly Ida Rosenbaum. of Omaha.

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Permanent waves by experts - $3.50 and Up. : 716 BkANPEIS THEATEE BLDG. AT 4333

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KUMANIANS HIT AN OBSTACLE—Scores of cyclists participated in the cross-country bicycle race in Bucharest, Rumania, and spectators fou nd it intensely exciting. But suddenly the cyclists discovered Cismigiu Lake in their course and where formerly the bicycles carried them, this is how they looked when they forded it, carryin g the bicycles.



i s

PRISONERS HELP COPS—When Los Angeles police finish target practice on the headquarters pistol range, the .bullets are collected and remolded at great financial saving. But'it is'pkra?. .doxical that those who reclaim the cops' bullets '.are prisoners from. they City Jail, as shown above.

« H — ^ ^ *^ "

EDUCATORS—These are days •when schools and colleges everywhere are sending their young men and women into the world to take up life for themselves, following c o m mencement exercises.- Here are two noted educators shown, during commencement exercises at Bryn Mawr College. At right is Marion Edwards Park, president of Bryn. Mawr, with President James Rowland Angell of Yale, who delivered the commencement address.


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i>.^^ PIRATE WINS LEPTON TROPHY—In a contest filled with thrills, the Pirate, representing Catalina Island Yacht Club, won the coveted Sir Thomas Lipton trophy in a 12-mile race off Los Angeles harbor. The winning boat is shown in the foreground, above, as it neared the finish line, outstripping its rivals. It was sailed by Ted Geary and the time for the event was 2 hours, 2 minutes and 48 seconds. -

FRENCHMEN TISIT FOED—At right is Maurice Dollfuss, French automobile director and a cousin of the late Austrian chancellor, Engelbert Dollfuss, as he visited Henry Ford, left in Dearborn, Mich. In center is Paul Iribe, French artist and publisher. They arrived on the Normandie.



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HEAD G-MAN HONORED—J. Edgar Hoover,- left, director'of the Bureau of Investigation of the Department of Justice, and chief of the G-Men who track down the kidnapers, is shown receiving an honorary LLJD. degree from George Washington : University in Washington. President Clyo'd" H. Marvin bestows ;. the degree. •

DANCE STAR—Eleanor > Powell, stage and screen star, whom critics have acclaimedas "the world's, greatest feminine tap dancer." She has appeared in numerous Broadway plays but has recently signed for a featured screen role. She. is shown doing her exercise.




TRUCE DURING FLOOD—While flood waters from overburdened rivers brought death and devastation in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska and Missouri, a truce was declared between these erstwhile enemies. The cat and, dog, town favorites in McBaine, Mo., find themselves adrift near Boonville. The photographer rescued them. • .


FIRST VOTES—Exercising for the first time, their new privilege of voting, here is a group of Philippine women in Manila as they took part in the recent plebiscite approving Island independence in 10 years. The women are shown in the voting place • that was established in St. Luke's hospital. '3





ROOKIE SENSATION—Vitautas Tamulis,- rookie Pitfltier for the New York Yankees baseball club, who has-recently become a sensation as a shut-out artist, after making his, debut this season with three straight shut-outs and five victories. -'

LITVINOFF SITS AS COUNCIL HEAD—An unusual picture showing Maxim-Litvinoff, Soviet Russia's foreign minister, sitting as president of the Council of the League of Nations at Geneva. Switzerland. At this-meeting a personal telegram was read from Emperor Eaile Sellasie of Ethiopia, urging League action in the dispute with Italy.

SECRETARY — S i r Samuel 3oare, who became a riva! with Anthony Eden, British Lord Privy Seal, for the position of Foreign Office Secretary, Sir Samuel, as Secretary of State for India, recently was successful in getting the new Government India Bill through the House of Commons after long controversy.

FAMOUS NAMES—These children b c f JaravXu rwmrs ing the chair and at left are Tom and NOTKJ S^v.jss, $ children of John Phillip Sousa. Center if *.\nriwts, pmM5 daiigliter of Mme. Schumann-Heink. r-r.ci ruf>*» Oreta. Grant, grand-niece of President Grant, at the San Dvao. CaU f






day this year . Among the value and because of .their curBeth-H Confirmation American winners. in the, Irish rent success in New York" i uumbaa n a i Jr. The confirmation gen-ice*; fil3Rl Sweepstake3 were such monickers A rather timid -way of presenting I ! Chi chapter of Pi Lambda Phi' *"» meeting of the Jun »••• the Beth-El synagogue were as "Heil Hitler", "Mazeltov", D d e t s ' d y n a m i c - •work . . . . • ! fraternity of Crei£kUm university, ' Y a a d Auxiliary wae bel« Tn last Friday. "Schlemiel" and "Rachomojies", BIG MONEY I hel& the annual initiation b a n k e t d & ^ evening at {.he liozne of By PHINEAS J. BIRON •but we look in vain for the name Next "week will see a number of i The marriage of Miss Sarah of Phineas J. Biron, who h a d Hies in honor of the Normandie been sold.a ticket on the distinct secret and important conclaves' STRANGER THAN including; itiutes, attended, One of the strange slip-ups understanding that" he would win S S ^ ™ i ^ a t i e ' l S S ! e S d S i 5~ko«' * *°« <?£• toMortoj! ^ M ^ » « Be« »«™^ "Leoj I D r . .Arthur FICTION jKaslow was toast.-! Those vrho served during T h e Quakers (Society of iy foreign correspondents hap- . . ; . The fact that the big prize ing O. E. D'Avigdor Goldsmid of: Plotkin,-BOH of Chaini Plotkis of: Waxenberg, Joe Upsey, DaFi« •& a s L e r . Dr. Mats rice gteinberc i P a s t J " e s r ^ e Dora F r e s t a ^ w a s Performed In Council; Miller. H. Osoff, J. K. K u l a k o f - > w J e v e a the activities of the past : President; Sarah kemiBii vi.-vFriends) - a r e moving- some of pened in connection with the Jewi- in America was ~won by a Jew for England, Louis Oungre of the lea, I BRussia, lu s sh Olympics . . . ' . One of the Dr. Bernard Kahn and others . . .! « Tuesday, June 11. The sky, M. F. Levenson, Jeck L u t t - I y e a , . DDr. their pcbQols, from Germany to r . DDavid a T i a cCTssXt a c l e th? the third consecutive year seems Fiatim made thepresident; Roge Iunslienbav"., rj*; Bessie Kiraheribe Palestine vrhich' yrill become their highlights of the games was the to Indicate that there must be The-purpose ot the conferences is couple will make their home W j be*. of pins and fhingles tp headquarters '.:: .': Dr." Heninz marvelous achievement of a num- something after all to ihat legend to decide what to do with the The •congre&UonxrtB Preset-| incoming frames, J^ooard H n ^ " ™ * ; M " \ » * e r ;JT p °:^ Ears. Schlaifer and ied with a eheck by the parents of wiu. Harry Cope;-., fcErrr Perei-! Kappes, an Evangelical pastor er of German Jewish sportsmen about the Irish and the Jews . . ,habilitation Corporation for Ger* t „ „ _ _ _ _ . '_ ~ .•_ „ . _ _ _ Several members gliders ] the confirtnands. a » - ™ f « « M «t,mit which so |HOrSEWAR3IRG PARTI and no-w a leading Quaker* who m man, L&zar Kavich .of Fremont, j Green., f the German team brought And incidentally the number of « .5 Rose Baumer entertained] A -get of books was given to escaped Ironv a Nazi conceatra-; along with them gliders and gave Jews going to Dublin annually to man much has been said in the last | r o it "Dansky, KEO David D. I lion camp recently, has arrived in splendid exhibition of skill and collect prize money would justify two years. Not one of the b i g ia t a . housewariaing party Sunday'; Loyal Cohen, <St Joseph, %1G.; Leon-j Snnday school: -.v•Ve:abere. -e: Vasi Picnic Jerusalem, "and is studying condit h e i n s t i t u t i o n of r e d u c e d s t e a m - B n o t s h a s a s i n g l e i d e a a s t o ! e v e n i n g , J u n e 9 , a t h e r h o m e . > t e a c h e r . jcrd Hurwitz spoke ior the Ircsh-j . We wonder If the 'he third annual picnic of i,J>*aring ijnen; X>r. Pla-'.t «.!f;o.a-R-£rfied . The move is prompted Nazi authorities^^ will follow their ship fares to Erin-bound winners w l i a t to do with the money, al-! Henry Asarck of Des Moines, la., j tions he held £E K Wh l d 'a t way be bej though illi ddollars l l s aat; t ; was h e guest couldn't two million was tthe guest of of honor honor, j by the QuuKers' desire to escape usual procedure T b h ! to the W i Jcne £", pi Krtjp park. Free tir.VWosaen MEsr$cM compulsary military service instia Tel Aviv s w e e p - j i e a s t are in sight . . . . Some of ! The evening was spent dancing) Jr, Sieinberg. ff tuted by Hitler . . . . The new the j A meeting of the MizraeM Wo- •Dr>rr,_ Kaslow, jcaslow. res P ermany in concentration camps | stakes run every year and in this the big _ „ money men . who are pre- j and playing games and cards. I n the Palestine-made a n d American- with the members of the German finance the entire Jewish pared to give large sums will give ; eluded among the out-of-town men's orgaaization will be held on :C B p g f0T the yei.r. ! These ticket? will edited film. "The Land ol Promon \ guests were Art Halpane of Fre-; Wefijsesday afternooa, June IB, at I. Morris Dacslcr received the heet i B W . f t } ,- rP f e for frPP ride* Homeland. - - condition - - - . - . .that not a cent goes , Maccabi-team . .-.-•.-- • - . d Joe J Goldstien Gldi to anything that has to do with i mont. and off siiion* j 2:30 p. m., at the J. C. C. pledge award, given annually i>T' ise", is enjoying a huge success In ; CONVERSATIONS When these non- City. German film theatreB, and Palestine s: o n : . t h o a ij, m n.i association. Abe K e t e i AHEAD OF THE NEWS G a t n ( l p o f R ] J kin6ff R n f l pI The "R orid Zionist Congrese : receive*! t h e f r a t e m i t r pinp-pong | ft j , ^ , . , R T r e n p p f l f p r . AT , told that this business about only Libby Holman, the torch sing- Zionists get together, they will al- i The Broadway columnists are Jews being permitted to see it is six years behind in their whisper- er, has definitely decided to try BO discuss what part they will GRADUATES WITH HOXOKS Problem- A musical p r o g r a m will; a i r a r d R n a t h e echool champion-! t n < j p c e • ^ " ^ p ^ j , f d B O b e , "We are also ed scoop about Dr. Sigmund Fre- her luck- as a legitimate actress play In the forthcoming • meeting j "William Frieden, son of Mr, |be presented by Sa£ie Beber, vo& lot of bunk pjug-pong cup. The !.Ci">4i Mr. M. 1?urn*pin in told that German Jewish children ud's illness . . . . Sigmund Freud, of the Council of the Jewish ' an (j Mrs. John J. Frieden, grad-' calist, accompanied by Jean Be-; scholarship CKT west to Abe Katz,' man of are organizing themselves into since 1929, has been a patient in next season . . . . She wants to do Agency . . . . There is a plan, f os- uated with honors from Iowa j ky\ iand the 1S35 cup was Francine Larriparts . continually-growing atheistic so- a sanatarium, being afflicted with heavy more, one of the many descend- tered particularly py Maurice state college on June 10. H e r e - i 1 : S 0boardm meeting Trill Gtart at j jgprton cieties . . . . . Their slogan is "If cancer of the mouth . . . . His ants of Jacob P. Adler, who has Hexter, non-Zionist member of' c e j v e ( j ^ bachelor of science d e » j P- Morton Afiler led the Junior j God can permit such things to daughter is carrying on. all his been hailed for the last 35 years the Jewish Agency Executive in ' g r e e i n mechanical engineering i A 5 1 members are -crgefi to class of Crcighton university happen in Germany, then there work . . . . News Teaches us that Palestine, to put non-Zionists in; a n { j -^-ag initiated into the | with EH average of-PS 4-17; Abe as an American star, is trying to , » «i T,™ • ain't no God" . . . . | Katz led the sophomore class with the California Festival Associa- become a citizen o£ the U. S. A. control of as many financial pro-; Kappa Phi, national honorary scijeets' as possible, always keeping ' e&tific fraternity, jan average of F?5 .S-1E: Monit tion has abandoned its plan to She lost her citizenship when she NEW DEALERS A. Z. A. No. 1 j Daneky was second, in the eaphoproduce' "The Merchant of Ven- married Con Conrad, a French- these outside the control of. the Macy Baiim who has feeec ac- more class with an average o£ Informed Washington circles ice" this year because of repre- man . . . . Howard S. Cullman, re- Jewish Agency, even though pub- FROM SIOUX CTTT tive in the chapter activity, w a s ' explain the unanimous Supreme sentations made to it by the B'- ceiver in charge of the Boxy lic money may be involved. Mis, Dorothy Gilson and Inex %Zt£ o ^ e g ^ oi Ke Mo^Z ; " } ^ Abe Faier wa, a m o ^ the Court decision over-throwing the nai Brith's Anti-Defamation Lea- Theatre, signed a contract purof Leaff of Sioux City are vifeiting; chapter A. Z. A. to national '• NRA, and w i t h it many other gue and the American Jewish chasing the entire film product Ben E. Kszlowsfej" ppokp ir; be-) ther sorority sister, Miss Evelyn icamp HIGHLAND GOLF NEWS in Holparts of the New Deal, as due to . At a recent ban- of Ganmont-Britieh for this cou'nThe regular week-end competi- j Epstein. iister, Missouri, during the sec- lis.lt of. the aicmni a8»ociat.ipii,; the fear of Fascism by the Lib- Committee quet given in honor of Gerhardt try . . . . Now that Art Lasky, tion for the men golfers is on the j commending tiae chapter on Jt* cf-l ond week of July v eral members of the Court . . Seger, noted anti-Nazi a n d re- Jewish heavyweight boxing hope, Highland Country club links,MOTOR TO EXCELSIOR tsrlties of the past ye&T. Mclrin j Macy is a past Aleph GaSo! of It is said that Justice Brandeis fugee from Hitlerland, the guests is married to Miss Ethel Sherman 1 the chapter and he*hEB belfi eer-if" SoaHoer. Bex, ©afle the SPRIXGS although one jof the most consis- were horrified to learn that the of Lps Angeles, his friends expect menu. Ladies' day will be held nest! Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Batt are \ ers.1 other offices. At present he, sn ^_ a ,", . . . . tent champions of the New Deal bottles containing American wine him to start a new drive for the i Be*, f»fiS No. SO. Gl felt the same way . . .'•.. Jastic were made in Germany . . . : The Tuesday as usual. Medal play • motoring to Excelsior Springs , is a member of the chapter 6e- ] ^ T h e i r a t e n s u > ' «e»d s stag on j cresimg Hi the. house, | Cardozo is very pick, we are told German origin of the bottles was crown that is parked on Max h a n a s w i l l I e a t u r e . Bill Schu- I where Mrs. Batt will remain for, bate and ten=iB teams. hosor Bcn E ~ "" j The A. Z. A."sine whipped the i tSoE m and was taken from his bed to discovered when one of the guests Baer s head . A Jokester sent, H i g M a n d - professional, will! several weeks. Alpines last Sunday by a score of ; t h e Greenberg, w render his decision on the NRA looked at the interior of the bot- to Captain Goenng an offer to be- continue " tt * ' bhis ladies' golf class, I are- le*vine | 9 to 5. Dave Richard* made the i bachelor ranks . . . . The Schechter brothers o tle and saw the Hitler mark on come the h e a d usher of Radio taught every Tuesday morning Et: TO RESroE IK LOS ANGELES City's Music Hall provided he can ; o n l j r h o m e r u n ot tbe Brooklyn, kosher poultry dealers the back side of the label . . . . Remodeled - Belined j Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schwarti and get Hitler's permission to w e a r 9:30 a. m. knocked the props right from unin two Louis Hiller and Max Chapman j family have moved to Los Angeles j j * * d i his newly-designed white admirL EEKEOWITS, Fnrrirr der the feet of . those politica POTPOURRI The merchants The cfivertise i s. loss. al'S.uniform . . . . Sam Kosoff is won the blind twosome competi-! Calif., to make their home. Mr.!I without charlatans who were set to spring On Tuesday, June 18, the mem-; in the Jewish Press solicit your ! 2SIE i Schwartz who owned and oper-i It is rather interesting to dis- wilting to. bet that Helen Wills tion last week-end. a campaign that the Jews are no committee will h a v e s ; business, and merit yocr patron- > On lades' day Tuesday, Mrs. • ated a jewelry store here, will only responsible for the NRA bn cover from time to time new famr)'will defeat Helen Jacobs in their A. M. Brodkey won the putting j continue in the same business' r u B n E1-aE E t t l l e t e l E e o f E a l ^ ;£ ^ e ' next We don't i Beber. '• -' • ' -••"•'• • •" - « — "" and approaching contest. Mrs. j there." Bern! ily ties between leaders of the Soij know encounter are in^ command of it jf you noticed the report ard G^ Richards, who finally go v i e t Union and the leaders of : ' •4 about the opening night of "Wait- Morris of Nashville won the blind! OMAHA ICE AND COLD STORAGE, IN C. his reward .for helping Roosevel Zionism bogey competition. Seventeen wo- ; JOrRXALISM DEGREE It seems that Max-V.ing For Lefty" in Hollywood merly of' Omaha, will receive in the 19S2 campaign, and is now men attended Schuchart's momMiss Iola F. Chasson, daughter j degree in journalism from North-i special assistant In the National foreign affairs, is married to. the play opened with a price scale of ing class. of Mr. and Mrs. M. Chasson, for-i western university. Emergency Council, -will-lose his niece of Mrs.-Eder,-wife-of Dr. M. §5/50 for the orchestra . . . . The chance to go to the World Zion D. Eder, former president of the entire lower floor was filled by ist Congress . . . . He was all se English Zionist Federation . . . . . all the big movie stars and the to sail and had been dreamin Ur. Eder, who at one time was audience at the Hollywood Playabout renewing his European con- the- big boss ot - the--Zionist Exe- house Theatre received the taxi tacts. ... ._•• cutive in Jerusalem, is 'one of the strike play^ rather coldly . . ; . The most rabid opponents of Jewish program very clearly stated that ~ BEHIND THE NEWS colonization in the Soviet Union the "views expressed by the auAndre Levy., bulder of the S. S . . . . Which reminds us that Dr. thor are h*is own and are presentNormandie, the new queen of tn Stephen S. Wise deserves a.bunch ed because of the entertainment Beas, was annoyed during th of orchids for .the fine tribute he wrote in the last issue of' Opinion ship's maiden voyage by a gentle- to the late Peter Smldovitch, MEN ATTENTION Iman from New York,who insist mentor .and guide of the-^Jewish ed on explaining to L e v y th back-to-the-land movement in the Call Sanl Fellman^—HA 0281 r TOU DEMONBTRATIO2? OF workings of the boat . • i . Levj new RuEsia . . ' . , David A. Brown, THE SEW 'never revealed his'•'identity an who looks like 45-and still packs v •t SHICK DEY SHAVES kept studiously out of the lime- a punch that Barney Ross would 3fo Blades—>"o lather—So Irritation light during all New York fest: envy, will celebrate his 60th birth-






. 3

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\_J nless the Wheeler-Raybum bill, now pending in Congress, is defeated, Omaha's electric service and rates will be regulated and controlled by political officeholders in Washington. Instead of regulation by local government, answerable directly to you, this bill would bring "remote control" by federal commissions and bureaus, 1500 miles away. It would make of the electric industry, with its half a million employees, a political football to be kicked about with only loss to the user v of electricity. Taxes in the United States have already been increased more than a billion and a half dollars during the past twelve months. Additional federal bureau activities mean even greater tax-burdens . . . FOR YOU in Omaha as well as the whole nation. The Wheeler-Rayburn bill would not only end local regula*tion and increase.cost of government but it-would greatly 1 handicap snd hinder the Nebraska Power Company in serving" this territory. It would abolish the holding company'which has-been one of the most important factors in the building of our excellent record of rate reductions End good service over the past IS years, and i n bringing 24-hour "big city" electric service to the crossroads and the farms. As in all such socialistic ventures, the people would have to pay the cost of this unprecedented political experiment in higher rates, poor service, or in higher tases . . . sotnetiiaes all three. Omaha, does'not need or want political electric service— Tbomt rule" has served this cosmunity well. ' Let's help-the.. • country to stop this dangerous step toward n&tiGnsi socislisml,

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4n\f fTvt minutes. Keeps fe©«Se natursSij' fr»«h, ne> mSnelinfi of food mo drying! cut of feeds, me eevepei? flit*** t3#eees«ry, Ceslerstsr uses Ice, taut in * tetotly different wey; 'talnt unffersT? «>Sd te»np«nstHT« whetfmr the* le* chnmb«r I* full ©P nesrtj' empty. Cecieretor n«»dc t« be r«4ee(i «nljf es?«* every four te seven tz&ys. - „..'."" There's c bemutiful Cp#ier«ter moiel fer «v«?y &n4 eommepeW puff?e««» ««eh tmm e«mf»is|e with piinfod AIR CONOITiOMNG CHAMBER, ©BIHX finish, chremluw trim. Coelamtor five* better

$30 Simply Phont AT 129$ WeTl place & i in j^yur home on .10 DATS FREE TK1&3U Ke cc*t OP obH|*tion»

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• os $2S7 ' See this new type tor &t tyur sale* rooms, tomorrow or phone for sentativetocal*.

''•Electric Refrigerator

J. E.'.DAVIDSON President, •" Nebraska Power Coaspasry •vYba'-diB Help to defeat t i e "WTieeler-Ravtam, ML Write to your -MSpreBentatives in Washington, aad tell them you are opposed to It. Act Nov.



MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent

Bernard Marks, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Marks acted as toastmaster at the Annual Banquet of the Honor Society of Central High School. The invocation was given by Newton Sacks, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Sacks.

in from out-of-town to attend the funeral were Mr. Wolf Lebovitz, Miss Jeannette Agrant and Mr. Ben Agrant, all of Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

A Low Death Rate Alien Bill Support Is Urged by Hias In Hadassah Obstetrics

yO OF Notice is hei-oby fiv«n that all cxifctin"1 debt's of Jfetropolitnn Rrenic Stnflips, Inc.. on the first day of January, jt;;; amounted to the sum of One Thousand Fight Hunilred FiEty-two and 76-110 Collars <fl,sS2.7C). WM. C. RAAPKE,

New York (JTA)—The He6-li-lt Secretary. brew Sheltering a n d Immigrant New York,' (JTA)—The EothsMr. and Mrs. Morris Yudelson Aid Society (HIAS) has called up>"OTICF OF that all existreturned home Tuesday following on i t s 1,375 national directors child-Hadassah Hospital in . Jeru- 1i Notice if hereby c ins debts of tile i M Military Theatre on t!i« a week's visit in Chicago, Illinois. throughout the country and Jew- salem has one of the. lowest ma- • first (lay of ilenirary, 1P35 Rinounted to ternity mortality rates In - the • tlip sum of Fifteen Thousand Six ish organizations affiliated a n d • Hundred Five and OS-100 Dollars. ($1G>The. Council Bluffs Mizrachi- cooperating with it, to wire Con- world, it was revealed in the an- i Bnr> «»i Zionist Organization held an open gressmen their views on Bill H. nual report released by the Had- i WM. C. RAAPKE. meeting and r program Wednesday R. 8163, which has been report- assah Medical. Organization of '' G-14-lt Secretary. evening, June 12, at the Chevra ed favorably by the House Com- Palestine through its headquartWEBB, BIBBER, KtrTy/NitK * KBIXBTf B'nal Yisroel synagogue. Rabbi, mittee on Immigration and Natu- ers here. . . . . Omiiln National ISank Building, Uri Miller of Omalia, president of ralization and which will shortOf 841- deliveries in.the obste^ Omaha. Nebraska. the South-western Region of the ly come before Congress for ac- trical department of the hospital, r; or INCORPORATION OF Mizrachi, was the principal speak-' tion. the report states, only two reI MILDER VSQUOK CO. er and honored guest. Entertainsulted fatally for the mother* I Notice is hereijv given that the undPrThis bill vrill correct many of i signed have formed P. corporation under ment was furnished by Cantor A. I the laws of The State of Nebia: ka. the glaring injustices and inhuSchwaczkin and his Choir of Omiinrue of thin corporation shall h» The merchants who advertise '•The manities of the present immigra"Milder Liquor Co.." with its princl! aha, who sang a group of Jewish pa! itin.ee of business et Omaha. Netion laws. It provides for discre- j in the Jewish Press solicit your >braska. The pi'Tteral nature of th« songs. The new local officers, Mr. tionary power not to deport aliens j business, and merit your patron- business to be trp.risncted ana the object Sam Sacks, president: S. Shyken, and purpose for which this corporation of good moral • character and! age. ' is organized is to buy. FOII or distribvice president; O. Hochman, fi! ufe Rt wholesale or retail, win**, where deportation would result in nancial secretary; and Morris 1 whiskies, vinous liquors and any and separation of families or o t h e r SASIFEX ZACHAKL4, Attorney lull other kinUp oi beverarres and liquors; Grossman, treasurer* were form768 BrandeU Theatre Building (b> tc distill. manufacture. make hardships. It permits aliens who ally installed by Rabbi Miller. ] andior rectify liquors and beverasen; have no legal residence but who ' (<'-) tc Require, hold, dfsnostv lea«e, Following the program, refreshTO CARL DAXIELSOK. THOMAS MEE- i pledge and.or emumbor real and per; are of good moral character and' TON ERODDGAN AND 1 gonal property, • and (tH to do any and ments were served. are not subject to deportation, to' BRODEGAN, his wife, first and renl all thin.es net'e53fM-r or rorii'enlent to name unknown. CHARLES W. REAKE | the accomplishment ot the purposes legalize, their status. It makes it' A.VD — KEAHD his wi!> ! herein set forth. The authorized oapifirpt and real .mme unknown, ^ND AJ..T- ; tnl stock of !'i<" corporation shall be possible for certain persons here 1 PERSONS H A V I - N G OR CLAIMING S2o.00o.oo nnd all paid stock shall be temporarily to remain here per- j ANT INTEREST IN LOT NINETEEN :: coininn'un and of the par vaiup of $100.00 (L. 19). KICHLAND AN AD- per «?hare and shall bo fully paid up manently without being required j DITION IN DOUGLASACRDS. COUNTY, NE- • and non-assessable. The corporation BRASKA: to leave the country. i shall commence doinp Imaineps upon

Miss Rozena Sacks spent sevThe election of delegates t o r eral days in Chicago this week, the World's Zionist Congress will visiting with friends. be held throughout t h e country on.Sunday, June 23. The committee, comprising the election board Word has been received here At a joint meeting of the board in Council Bluffs, are Mrs. Saul by Mr. Lewis London of the death of his sister Mrs. Goldie Talmy, of directors of the Talmud Tor- Suvalsky, Mrs. Herman Marowitz, 65, in Chicago, where s h e had ah and the Hebrew Mothers Club, Mrs. I. Cherniack, and Messrs. it was decided to have the annual Sam Sacks,, O. Hochman, S. Shybeen a resident for some time. Representatives of the various Mrs. Talmy, lived in Sioux City Talmud Torah Picnic on Sunday ken, and Louis H. Katelman. The Zionist organizations met at the until about fifteen years ago. She afternoon and evening, June 30. polls will be open from nine o'Jewish Community Center Mon- Had made her home in Chicago - Mrs. Ben Sherman was appoint- clock in the morning until s i x day evening to discuss plans for since that time. "While living' in ed chairman of the picnic ar- o'clock'in the afternoon, and the Sioux City's participation in the Sioux City she was an active mem- i rangements. Committees and the voting will take place at the Chenationwide Zionist election on ber in Hebrew Ladies Friendship program will be announced in "a vra B'nai Yisroel synagogue at Society and other,, organizations. forthcoming issue of The Jewish 618 Mynster Street. All members June 23. who have received their Shekels . ' • • • • ; Organizations represented at Her death came after a lingering I P r e s s . are urged to be sure to vote on illness. the meeting -were General ZionJune 23. . ists,Mizrachi." Poale Zion, Junior Survivors are ,her brothers, Hadassah and Senior Hadassah. Lewis London of Sioux City, Sam Shaare Zion Card The Jewish National Fund Mr Barney Baron w a s named London of Moville, Iowa; six sons, < Party on Monday Flower Day was held locally on chairman for the Sioux City elec- Sam, Leon, Abe, Isaac, David and tion i-with Mr. M. Mason, secre- Myron and three daughters, Lily, ! The annual card party given by Sunday, June 9, and proved 'Very tary.'Their committee •will include Mary and Sarah. A' son, Sol, pre- | the Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Syn- successful. Mrs. Sam Meyerson, Mr." and Mrs. R. H. Emlein, and ceded her in death two year's ago. agogue will be held next.Monday chairman of the J. N. F. commitMiss Rose Pill. evening, June 17, in the social tee of the Senior Hadassah, was in charge of the flower day and '.The elections in Sioux City will hall of the synagogue. 'Tou and each of-you are hereby noti- 'inner it articles with the County Clerk of the collections of the "blue be held at the Jewish Community fied that on the t'i'nd day of May, 1935." j of Mrs. I. Menln and Mrs. Barney Ijouflap County,- Nebraska, and shall the Inland Securities Corp.. a Corpora- continue boxes". More than fifty-five dolCenter from 3 to 6 P. M. on June for a j"?rio<I "f fifty years (Continued from Page 3.) Baron are co-chairman for the tion of Omaha. Nebraska, as plaintiff i: from sai<l date. The hichept amount of 23. Only shekel members are enfiled its petition in the District Court of ; indobtednesp event. Attractive prizes w i l l be lars was raised from this drive. themselves. Nothing is further Transjordaa Closed to Jews not oxo^eil two-third* ; 1 Doaglas "County, Nebraska, against, you of its capita! shali ptnok. but this restriction titled to vote. Paid up members Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Levitt and given and refreshments served. The Senior Hadassah was assistand each of you impleaded with Elinn- •shall not include indobtp'lness secured from the truth, for the Governed by Mr. Sam Sacks, president "lon Rosbard. unmarried, defendant, the ; by iit.oi-t.trnpe? or li"n«. of the various Zionists organiza- family have departed from Minaffairs of object and prayer of said petition being : the corporation phall be The by p, of the Mizrachi organization, and ment is the people. It is you, me, tions',- automatically become she- neapolis, Minn., to attend the London (JTA)—J e w s should | to foreclose a certain mortgage on Lot : Hoard of Directors of managed lesH than Nineteen (L. 19), Richard Acres, an ad- two nor more than five not the Jewish National Fund Coun- and e v e r y one of us, and the kel holders, however, since a por- wedding of their son Meyer LeJunior Hadassah m^mbere. The dition in Douglas County. Nebraska, [annual mooting: of the corporation shall more you keep this in mind the entertain no hope to be admitted • which tion of the dues is turned over to vitt to Miss Ardelle Tankel, mortpage was executed by Elian- be held on the first IViondpy in JanuJunior Hadassah members are cil, and they wish to take this opRosbard to Louis E. Llpp,' under ary of each year at which meeting the this project. The Shekel repre- daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles holding a sale of Orpheum tickets portunity to thank all volunteers easier it will be to give the co- into Transjordan under the pre-1 don date of January IS, 19S.1. and was re- : stockholders Khali elect p. Board of clioperation which is needed now. sent circumstances it. was made ! corded who helped make this drive so on said date in book 70!). pa^re ; rectors and thereupon sents', membership in the "World Tankel of Mineapolis. for "In Caliente" which will be the Hoard shall i 412, of the mortrape records of DougPrinciples of B'nai B'rlth desuccessful. ' elect a PreKidpnt. Yiep-Presitlent. SecreZionist- organization. The votes T h e wedding will take place shown at the Orpheum Theater las County, Nebraska, said mortgage tary nnd Treasurer. clear Tuesday in the House of having Any two of SBi'l mand this of you. The Jew has been' given to secure the pay- offices may be hek', by nne cast throughout the United States Sunday at the Nicollette Hotel in Monday and Tuesday, June 16 and thi> ! Commons by Sir Cunliffe-Lister, ment of a. certain promissory note in : same person, not failed in the past and I am r Thesp article* be on Jane*23, will determine the Minneapolis. More than two hundred guests j writing- dated January IS, l .'"Z. End tlie amended at ntiy recular or may and 17. The tickets will, also be | the British Coloaial Minister. sure he will not fail in this crisis. plaintiff alleges there is now due it as i meeting oC the Rtookhn!<;*rrp byspecial number of representatives of the Mvoattended t h e "Siyum" given by good for the next Orpheum feathe "-A-ssi.trnee of said note and mortgage vote of the outstanding; stock. various phases of Zionism, at the on said indebtedness the following sums, ;: thirds Mrs.. M. M. "Weisberg, Jr. en- ture to be shown at the theater Rabbi David A. Goldstein of Om- He perhaps, best of all, because IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partiej. dependence and the Constitution to-wit: of the persecution he has suffer: have hereunto subscribed their hands "World Congress this summer. tertained at. a bridge luncheon, June 18, and 19. aha Tuesday evening at the home I * S350.00 on the principal and $40.00 In- this :r.rc! day or May, ~ <t.~5. ed for centuries in other coun- ! of the United States. They have terest Tuesday, honoring Mrs. M. "Weisto Kay IS, 1S33. Proceeds of the ticket sales will of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Steinberg, ! " LAWRENCE ,T. TOBTN. tries, can more fully appreciate I been our bulwark and fortress in PiaintirOirEys that in default of pay- i berg, sr. of Detroit, Mich. ALFRED A. FIEDLER. go toward the Palestinian Fund sponsored by the Cultural groups j ment by said defendants of the amount Committees Named | times of peril in the past and liberty and freedom in America In the presence of: due the plaintiff as aforesaid, said morof the Hadassah organization. of the Council Bluffs Senior Had-j Ii. J. HCLDSBERG. recognizes all men as equal i they -will be our tower of strength gaged premises may be decreed to be I .for Hadassah Dance Mr. and Mrs. M a x Lasensky This fund takes care of the chil- assah. Rabbi Goldstein gave a re- which according to law to satisfy the sum ; 5-ci—it. j in all times to come if only v e re- suid and does not permit the persecufound due with interest snd costs of were hosts to 150 friends at a dren in the Children's village in view of the First Book of t h e | main steadfast in our devotion to suit and that said defendants and all Committees for the second An- dinner Sunday evening, honoring Palestine "Meiyer Shvai" and the History of the Jews, by Dr. Abra- tion of anyone. Of all citizens of them. persons claiming by, throueh. or under America he should be most alive, them, or of them, be excluded from enrf ham Sachar, in a most interesting nual Senior H"adassah Dance have j their son Ivan on his graduation German refugee children who are foreclosed of any and all interest, richt, title and equity of redemption in or lien ; been'named by Mrs. R. H. Em-j from the State Agricultural Col- taken care of at the colony "Par- and entertaining manner. Mrs. to the value of the Constitution and the flag of the United States upon said mortgaged premises. n T G . WEBB, BEBEB, Recognized as Saul Suvalsky, president of t h e lein and M r s . E. R. Davis, co-j lege at Ames, and their son Mor- dess Anna". Tou and each of you are required to KXCTZX1CK. & KELLKY, Attys. and should feel more keenly that Senior Hadassah, presided. Fol650 Omaha ^National Back Building". answer eakl petition on or before the chairmen. They include Mesdam-1 ris on his graduation from the PRACTICAL MOHEL Stll day of July. 13"5. lowing the "Siyum", refresh- those who strike at America es W. C. Slotsky, Sam Slotsky, E. JUniversity of Iowa. Phone 1058 INLAND SECURITIES CORP., XOTICE OF SALE. strike at the freedom of all JewHeads Vet Organization a Corporation. : TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ments were served in the garden N. Grueskin, Mike Grueskin, ZelA program of addresses occupiCouncil Bluffs, la. By SAMUEL ZACHARIA, This will give notice that Sarah ish citizens. Dr. S. H. Shulkin, 2914 Ne- of the Steinberg home. la Levitan, Joe Levin, M. A. ed the evening hours which were Its Attorney. ; . Kulakofsky and Morris Levey, adminisWhat I am trying to say is that trators of the Estate of Israel Kula- 5-14-St I "Weiner, Jack Robinson, J. Sawis- closed with an hour at bridge. braska' Street was elected State kofsky, deceased, having, as provided what we most need today is unlak, D. L. Rodin, J. Lehman, The dinner was held in the Shaare commander of the Disabled Am. by law, been granted a license to seil Miss Maxine Leibovitz, who was ct.tain real estate described in said erican "Veterans of Iowa at the graduated from the Thomas Jef- derstanding—a freedom from pre- !I license Charles Raskin and L. Agranoff. ion' Synagogue social hall. for the purpose of paying the close of the state department con- ferson High School last Wednes- judice, and we need good will and debts, court costs and expenses of adThe dance, scheduled for July ministration of the estate of Israeli charity—that in honestly fulfill.9, will be held at Shore Acre GarMiss Esther Gralnek and Louis vention held in Oelwein, Iowa last day evening, was awarded a SilKuiakofsky, deceased, and said license; ing the ideals of B'nai B'rith you to sell having been granted on the 20th dens,; with Bill Franklin and a 9 fralnek of Marshalltown, Iowa, week. ver Cup for being the best all day of October, 19S4. the said adminispiece! orchestra furnishing dance visited in the home of Miss Dena Dr. Shulkin is also head of the around.girl athlete in the school. will be making yourself and oth- trators do hereby offer for sale the said real estate described in their said music. Sioux City chapter of the organi- She is the daughter of Mr. and ers good American citizens. In license Baron last week end. of sale, all of which, is situated replying to a eulogistic address sation. in Omaha. Mrs. Abe Leibovitz. from the Hebrew congregation <a) An undivided one-third interest Mrs. A. Natkin, of Kansas City, and to the South one-half of Lot Six from Newport, R. I., second old- in in Block One, KourUze's Fourth Addi:he former Sophie Miller, arrived Mrs. Ben Rudner of St. Louis, est Jewish congregation In Am- tion to the City of Omaha, as surveyed, Services this evening at Tiphe- n Sioux City Monday to visit with platted and recorded, subject to 1933 Missouri is leaving Sunday f o r erica, "Washington said, "The citi- county taxes and 1S34 city taxes; reth ijlsrael synagogue will begin ler parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. her home following a t e n day zens of the United States and Am(b) The North one-half of the East : at. 7:30 o'clock. Miller. : .' . .' One Hundred feet of Lot visit here at the-home of her par- erica have a right to applaud Seven in BlockThirty-cine One, Kountze's Fourth Tomorrow morning services at ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Solo- themselves for having given to Addition to the City of Omaha, as surthe;synagogue w i l 1 begin at 9 veyed, platted and recorded, subject to monow. Mrs. Sam Steirihauer, the formmankind examples of an enlarged a. first mortsaee in favor of the Omaha o'clock. Reading of the Law will & Building Association on whic'n er Florence Holland, and Mrs. M. and liberal policy—a policy Loan take place at 9:30; Musaf at 10 there is a balance due as of June 21, Rosenberg, of St. Louis, Mo.,-are Morris Rodin returned home 1934, in the sum of S691.S9 and subject worthy of imitation. * • • May A. M., and a special service ^or further to 1DS3 county taxes and 1S24 Friday after spending several the children of the stock of Abra- city the children at 10:30. Rabbi Ben- in Sioux City visiting with Mrs. taxes; undivided one-half interest In ham who dwell in this land con- and<c) toAnthe 3amii Goldberg will give a.special Steinhauer's parents, Mr,-.. • and Border Is Closed to Nazi Refu- weeks in Rochester, Minesota. south eighty feet of Lots Mrs. Max Holland. Mr. Steinhauer gees Fleeing tinue to merit the enlarged good one and two In Block FiTe of Kountse serrnon for the children. Miss Marian Katelman is spend- will of the other inhabitants, & Ruth's Addition to the City of OmaReich At 5 o'clock tomorrow after- and Mr. Rosenberg-will arrive in ha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, ing the week visiting in Dallas while everyone shall sit in safety subject to" a mortgage in favor of the noon, Rabbi Goldberg will speak Sioux City in July: Insurance Company of Amerunder his own vine and fig tree Prudential at Tlphereth' Israel on the. subWarsaw (JTA)—The Polish and Fort Worth, Texas. ica in the sum of approximately J26,Rabbi and Mrs. H. R. Rabino000.00, which mortgage has been foreand there shall be none to make ject|:"What is to Become of the Minister of Interior instructed closed by proceedings in the District Mrs. Harry Levitan of Chicago, him afraid." Washington under- Court Crimes of Today". Mincha Ser- witz a n d daughter Sgooleh de- frontier officials on the Germanof Douglas County. Nebraska; one-half interest m vices win be held at 6 P. M. and parted Monday evening fdr New Polish border to see to it that no Illinois and Mrs. William Green- stood better than anyone the dif- and(d)toAntheundivided west nineteen feet in width Shalas Shudas served to the York City where they will spend Jewish refugees f r o m Germany stein and small son, Harvey, of ficulties and dangers which come of Lot Three and of Lot Four in Block In the City of Omaha,, as suradults and children at 6:3'0 P. M. the months of June and July> cross the border into Poland il- Collinsville, Illinois, returned to from ignorance and prejudice. Nine veyed and lithographed, subject to a their homes Tuesday following a They have no place in a demo- first mortgage in favor of the ConRabbi Goldberg wishes to anlegally. servative Savings & Loan Association on Rabbi Benjamin Goldberg was nounce that he will offer his serSimultaneously an order was two weeks' visit here at the home cracy where national peace and which there is a balance due of apthe principal speaker at a party $11,000.00, and subject vices to any congregation in the issued to expel from Poland any of their brother-in-law and sister, tranquility depend upon the pat- proximately further to a second lien in favor of city ] or out of town for any oc- this week given by Mr. and Mrs. German citizen who has illegally Mr. and Mrs. Jake Mendelson. riotic cooperation of every citi- Drake-Williams-Mount Co., on which is a balance due of approximate!}' casion d u r i n g the summer D. H. Shulkin, honoring t h e i r entered the country and return zen, regardless of race and reli- there $170.00, which liens have been foremonths. His address is 433 Cen- son, born on June 1. Rabbi Gold?- him to Germany. Mrs. Martin Troutfelt left for gion. In fact, a religion that does closed by proceedings instituted in the District Court of Douglas County, Neter Street. Phone 55332. berg congratulated the parents in These orders came as a result Denver, Colorado for a visit with not make a better citizen of a braska. behalf of the Orthodox congrega- of the Polish-German treaty sign- relatives. She will visit in Salt man is not worthy to be called a The caid above described real eEtate I will be sold subject to all existing liens tions and explained the meaning ed recently providing for the sur- Lake City and Los Angeles also religion. ] and encumbrances nnd the equity of the said estate in the said real estate before returning home in August. West Side Hebrew School of the words "Vo'omar Loch Be- render of illegals. We have been living in troub- •i will be sold to the highest bidder for lous times during the last few cash. The terms of said Bale will be Last Sunday afternoon at 2:30 domayoh Haye". While a large proportion of the 25^o of the bid to he deposited on the Mrs. Rae F. Ross returned years and it has been difficult day of o'clock examinations of the "West Polish population objects to the the 'sale and the balance to be Miss Mollie Rappaport spent home Tuesday following a ten paid at the time the said sale is to be for most people to think straight. Side Hebrew School .were held political flirtation being carried confirmed the Court. Said sale will MrJ: Morris Levich, chairman, of the week e n d in Chicago on a on between Poland and Germany, day visit in Excelsior Springs and Indeed, the peoples of all coun- be held at by the east front door of Dougbusiness trip and visiting w i t h Kansas City, Missouri. las County Court House in Omaha, Net. ies have been badly beset. Folthe Board o£ Education, members it appears that the pro-German on the 15th day of June, 1S35, —7/ lowing an orgy of extravagance braEka, of the Board, and parents of the her parents. course which the Polish governat 10 o'clock a. m. and will remain forr one hoar thereafter as prochildren w e r e , present. Much Edward Rosen, son of Mr. and there came a world-wide upheav- open ment is now pursuing will not vided by law. praise was given Rabbi Goldberg, Mrs. Joe Rosen, will be graduated al which continued so long that Mrs. Louis Baron^arrived home change. SARAH KtrCAKOFSKT and MORRIS LEVET, Administrasuperintendent of the school and Monday from Chicago, where she from the University of Minnesota it reduced large sections of the, Great interest is displayed here tors of the Estate of Israel MrJ1 A. Tabai, instructor for the visited with her son-in-law, and in the petition which the Jews of at Minneapolis next Monday, June population of our country to a Kulakofsky, deceased. S-S1-S5—3t. •wort done during the past month. daughter, Mr. and M i s . Irving Danzig have submitted to the 17. He won second place in the condition bordering on want of New pupils have been enrolled Goldstein. . League of Nations complaining Extemporaneous Speaking C o n - the necessities of life. I t ' would No wonder Shot people ore passing the word alone that the this week and the time for enrollagainst the Nazi administration test last week. Mrs. Joe Rosen is be strange indeed if in these cirMorrison gives you more for your money. The Sarge, airy cumstances false messiahs did not leaving Saturday night for Minment has been extended for anMrs. Sam Feder of Madison in tlBe Free City. Almost half of rooms, the cSert thoughtful employees end th» perfect- locafind followers. Hungry men, woneapolis to attend the commenceother week. the Jewish population in Danzig South Dakota, is a guest t h i s men, and children furnish a ferment exercises. tion, right of the centre of downtown, make the Morrison first are citizens of Poland and the week in the home of her parents tile field for the planting of nox; choke from every angta, especially with those whe> have many Polish government is greatly inMr. and Mrs. Sam Marsh. _, calls to moke in o short time, terested In the outcome of the Miss Carolyn Rosenfeld, daugh- ious weeds in the form of honeyTO CLOSE petition,- not- only because the ter of Mr, and Mrs. Julius Rosen- ed words. Our country has been y, \\ I / \ ' i Vv'hether on pleasure or busiDebra Clufc members will hold Jews are affected but a l s o be1 feld, is one of the exhibitors in the. freest of alllands from these iV '"n^VH"" 'r «ess,you ore nearest to all the an ouling Sunday morning, June cause the Polish population in the thirty-fourth annual exhibi- baneful influences, but. even we "~ " ~! w want most t© reach. 16, at Stone Park. Plans were Danzig will' be better protected tion of the Chicago Academy of in the United States have not The Executors of the Estate completed.at the weekly meeting if the League decides in favor of Fine Arts students' work which been saved altogether from the of I. .Kulakofsky are offering held Monday in the home of Miss the Jewish petition. Is being held this week in the innoculation of this virus from f >- ; ! to sell to the highest bidder for Gisella Pill. The club will have abroad, and I regret to say to an school studios in Chicago. Miss cash the two story brick buildA number of Polish papers are a theater party at the Orpheum extent from within. There have ing at 1044 South 10 street accusing the Danzig Senate, Rosenfeld's clases close next week come to us propagandist and proTheater Tuesday evening. and. also an undivided oneand Bhe is expected home about which is controlled by the Nazis, paganda subversive of .the high third interest in the one story of purposely devaluating the cur- June 23 to spend her summer Ideals for which our forefathers i r i c k building at 1942 South Miss Marcella Levich has ar- rency o£ the Free City in order vacation visiting her parents. paid the price, whatever the sacri- 10 sireet and the frame dwellrived home .from Cedar Falls, to h i t Polish trade in Danzig. Clfctfletls^ Icc-W«ter fice involved. In those days when ing at 10S8 South 10 street at Iowa where she is .a student at With the devaluation of the DanMarvin Fitch, student at the they cast off shackles which opPublic Auction at the East the State Teachers College. Owing to the height ef the zig gulden, many Jewish firms in Iowa State College at Ames, Iowa, pressed them they declared that front door' of the Courthouse building, most ©f th® roomt Poland suffered great losses since has returned home to spend his "eternal vigilance is the price of at 17 & Haraey'on Mist Sadie Taxer, daughter of they dealt with Danzig firms on summer vacation visiting his parere out of earshot of street liberty", and^we can properly SATURDAY, JUNE 15 Mr. and Mrs. Taxer was awarded the,, basis of Danzig currency. The ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fitch. noises, yef only on elevator paraphrase that statement today a medal for her work in the Am- credits given to these firms, if AT 1© A. BL rids from fh<6 Loop. by saying that "eternal vigilance erican History course at Central repaid' now in inflated Danzig Isador Lebovitz, 57 years old, is the price of safety." Successful bidders must deHigh School. The medal is pre- money, will cause losses tor the passed away in St. Louis, MisHome cf t i t posit 25 per cent of their bids sented each year to one member creditors in Poland to the extent souri Sunday, and the body was It, therefore, behooves all who . on the day of sale EJK! pay TERRACE GARDEN the graduating class who so of at least thirty per cent. balance in cash when confirmYIT SENSIBLY PRICED of brought to Council Bluffs where •would perpetuate our wonderful distinguishes • himself. - The medal funeral services were held Tues- heritage to- prevent the introduc- ed. Salo will be held open one - ^ - . ^ -i^u * - . . « * BOSTON OUSTER HOUSE Hero Is the dwlco of thoso who is awarded by the John." Marshall hour and is subject to conflrday afternoon at the Belford fu- tion of any. doctrine, however aldomssd ths best for tbslr monmation by the court. For furChapter of the Sons of the Ameri- $14,971 to Seminary neral Home. He is survived by luring it may s e e m to be, that ther information call Sam Beey—a hospltabla Atmosphere, I? VO^ 3f.A% w® wi8 psfk yew esr. Ste^arf nlct. Me ether eh«rsr«t. can Revolution. New York—During the past two Bisters, M r s. M. MaTcus of will lead our people away from fins accommodations, delicious ber, attorney for the estate, at year the Jewish Theological Sem- Council Bluffs,, and. M r s . Clara the landmark established by the locals end prompt, constant Atlantic 3171. > service, Unquestionably Sioux inary received from Community Agrant of Sioux Falls, South Da- framers of the Declaration o£ In• City's finest. 'Chests and Individual synagogues kota; and one brother, Wolf Lethroughout the country, gifts of bovitz, of Sioux Falls, South DaExperienced Accessory Sales- §14,971, it was announced. kota. Pallbearers were" Messrs. Included is an individual gift Louis Braunstein, O. ; Hochman, man. References required. of $6,000 from Mrs. Felix M. Julius* Katelman, H. Saltzman,: S. American Auto Parts Co. Warburg on behalf of the Woodand Sam Friedman. Bur400 Wall St. SIOUX CITY IA. lands Foundation, of which she is Shyken, ial took place at the Oak Hill president.' cemetery. Among those who came HOTELS CO.




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