June 21, 1935

Page 1

Iii die itercsts csf Fcopic

Entered as Second Class Matt Matter on January 21, 1921, at Posxofllc< of Omaha. Nebraska; under the Act of March S, 1S7S




21, 1835.

SchwartzmanJDevelops Cancer Re" % Warsaw (JTA)—Yanfcel Och- the admiral senberg, poor Jewish boy of nine- now married again and father of ,, N. J. (WNS) — teen, married a seventeen-year- two children. ^ew avenues of reSummer Moms Camp Is Newest old Jewess in Warsaw. A few She wrote to Yankel, demand- | Valce of Educational Work I? u. the fight against canmonths later he was arrested by ing a divorce according to JewStressed by New Development In Summer i^' <=re opened up by Dr. Gregish rites. Yankel, Bolshevist and t h e Russian police, accused of Chairman •Becreatioa stealing, and was sent to prison. atheist, refused. His wife, a good ory Schwartzman. director of the Jewess, refused a civil divorce. Harry B. Cohen has been Eelec- department of bacteriology at AM" registrations xf or the Sum- That-was twenty-five years ago. Last week Yankel received a ted as chairman of the Forum-Mount Sinai Hospital, New York. Revolution came on the heels mer Home Camp of the Jewish Heart Disease letter from a Warsaw Rabbi: "If Community Center must be in the of war. Poland became an inde- you do not divorce your wife ac- ommittee for the coming 1935- (when he laid before the first joint pendent Stater Yankel disappearoffice by July 1. Because there ed. His wife mourned him ascording to Jewish rites no Rab- 36 season. ir.eeting of ths American and •sis fare only a limited number of chil- dead; bi will say prayers over the grave Mr. Cohen has been a meatier Canadian Medical Associations devoted herself to the son ^den -who can "be accommodated it born when Yankel was in prison. of your old father when he dies." of the Forum Committee for the I the results of his experimental ] _ Atlantic City, X. S. (WNS)—j "is necessary that parents register Yankel telegraphed back: "I past two years and was in charge j work on mice, in which certain I The existence of conditions of j Recently Mrs. Ochsenberg read • their children immediately. in a Polish newspaper that Yan- agree," Now he is on a pilgrim- of ticket sales last year. His com- j types of transplanted cancer were heart disease before they can be The Summer Home Camp is the kel had become admiral of t h e age from Odessa to Moscow to obdetected "by other means, thus ennewest development In summer Russian mittee w i l l be announced in a; made to disappear by the injectain a Jewish divorce for his Black Sea Fleet. recreational projects lor children. -.-: • forthcoming issue of the Press. tion of the toxin secreted by tybly fatal heart at She • confirmed by letter that father's sake. It combines the educational and tack can be disclosed by a new I t Mr. Cohen states, "The value of {phoid germs. social objectives of the Play photographic technique developed). Ths Iocs,! elscttos for dele-1 omer Hn.zair, Hechalutz am! the Omaha Community Forum | school, the organization and actiOMITTED FROM LIST OF by Dr. Albert S. Hyinan and his j g ^ g t oths ^ f G r j ^ Siocist Cos- denia. cannot be over estimated. For thej vities of the outdoor camp a n d associates in the Within Founda- i .„..,,„ Ticket No. ? contains the r.*.: B'NM B'RITH OFFICERS the play features of the supervispast several years it has brought j tion for the Study and Prevention I ^ e s s ^^ b® fee-*" n e s f c &a»GSF, didates representing the Mi>•.:•«;•* ed play-ground in a unified proto the Omaha public the best ma-; of Heart Disease at Beth David i l a s s S3, at the Sevri&h. CoxamB-Organization of America BVU\ ':••: In last week's list of newlygram. Hospital in New York, it was r e - ^ Center. Sivaha elections poel Hamizrachi. terial in the lecture platform.! elected officers for the local lodge The program as outlined at the ported to the joint meeting of the Ticket No. 4 oonlsiins il>r •";. fes of B'nai B'rith, two names were Through its program which at all i Center Camp thiB summer Trill larger lew- clidates representing i.he ,"!<•-r. American and Canadian Medical times has aimed to present all I inadvertently wrong. give to each child six weeks of Associations. iish. comiaanitics throrgliout the munity Party, William Werner, 110 Park ave- points of view, it h a s brought J such activity. Mornings "will. be j Dr. Hyinan's method consists i•country. Ticket No. E contains spent out ot doors on the Central Federation of League of Nations nue, was elected to the executive subjects of vital importance to j ! of photographs taken in pitch I * didates represpnting: the committee. High grounds. Lunches tfill be Societies Demands That the Omaha community at large j decrease Grows I n Spite ] darkness by "black rays" which Ths palls at the CoEaajcnity | state Party of America, served in the Center auditorium. Alfred^ A. Fiedler was elected and served as a stimulus to the! Subsidies to the Powers Act i Miller on p.Jiy.vacl-ji ":'i».;... penetrate a quarter of-an inch be- jG e ~ t s r wi3feeopsjt The afternoon will be devoted to warden. '" mental l i f e of the community. . libraries Tbc- mime, of Kr»Wn V-'i Milow the skin and photograph the arts and crafts, dramatics, danc.| 88a. sa. to S p. so. lj- those Brussels (WNS)—Ignoring the My committee and I shall endea- j lor, spiritual leader oJ tl*i* >'*•«•, blood vessels near- the Eurf ace. ing, music, hikes, story telling, protest of the German delegation, vor to maintain this standard andj Moscow (JTA)—A sharp de-j The meeting was also tola of | hare & "shekel" willfeesillewce. MR'Uir in t,>ianha, Rj^^r.r!: -•"•-• and a daily swim la the Center the annual Congress cf the Federif possible even raise the excel- • cline in the use of the Jewish ian- the development of a "suicide the Mizrachi list. pool. ation of League of Nations Socielence of previous forurns. We; guage is disclosed in the results preventor", a method cf checking to csst a vote. These cannot be Kfibbi Killer stales that ^ ?•« A splendid staff of counselors ties adopted a resolution calling at the place ciocicled to postpone m\y P'PTU ;v. have a splendid list of prospec- of a survey made in Minsk, the the fatal effects cf bichloride of have been selected to supervise on the League of Nations and Its tive speakers and shall make our capital of Soviet White Russia. mercury devised by Dr. Sanford j bst msyfeeseenrefi from the EitmTner r,niil tlie- ovtc^mr .-. all activities of the groups. No members to take effective action Try-outs for aspirants for the selections during the summer The survey shows that the numtlse election is iviioTrn, risc-li *.•?<•>:•. counselor will have more than 12 to restore the rights of the Jews Jewish Community Center ten- months." groups. ber cf readers of Jewish books in stitute of Health in Tv'asnington. \ will be entitled to e, nis team will be held this Sunday, children under his or her super- in Germany. The lPth Zionist Congress will delegates in proportion the Minsk Central Libraryfcasde23, at 2 p. m. on the Dewey vision. The entire staff and their be held Et Lucerne, Switzerland, rotes. If the MisvaclU voff- h creased from 29,000 in 192S to | The reso'ntion, "vliich also de- June duties will be announced in thenounced Nazi persecution of thecourts, according to Joe L. Cohen, August 2 0. only 7,000 this year. This is at a any appveriable fi~e. liali'u coach. next issue of the Press. Five tickets will appear or. the vrill probably be one of tbe 'time when the number of readers Jews, was introduced by Dr. Ben Register your child now. ballot. Zion Mpssinsohn of the Palestine Among those expected to tryfin the non-Yiddish departments gates tc the voiirj; Conpress. Ticket No. 1 contains the candelegation, and was supported by out are: Elmer Shamberg, Nate | o fthe library has considerably inIn this election, fn ox\r didates representing the Eionist vote for en indiriduEl. bv> every delegation except that from Cutler, Herman Blumenthal, Mar;creased. tin Specktor, Albert Monovitz, EpOrganization of America, Hafias- vote for a ticket, Hungary. The secession of t h e The decrease cannot be explainGerman delegation was foresha- hraim Marks, Joe Greenstone, Joe ! sah and Order of the Sons of 2iTegucipalpa, Honduras (WNS) fOT ed by lack of government subsidy The annual J. C. C. "Learn to the IJOCRI Tote dowed before the Congress open- and Sam Hartz, Herbert Marks, —The tiny C e n t r a l Aiaert-i Utaur, since the budget week will be held June 24 ' o n ed when the Germans threatened Macy Baum, Lou and Sam Riklin, can Republic of Honduras w i 11 j o f ^ e j t e a r y j f a a s been increased to 2 8, inclusive. Ticket No. £ contains • e canBoth locally snd to leave if the Jewish issue re- Albert Lustgarten, Al Rimmer- welcome fiidates representing the United voting is expecteci German Jewish refugees, ji _ last live man, Lloyd Friedman, Bob Sch"Swimming is recognized RE ears duringgovernment the mained on the agenda. The Jew•;, bei.vpon Ihr -, ty Po- coniered especially German Jewish sclent-1!?constantly - -The local has | ~o~iizivLTe's~ greatest" health | £Jewish Socilist Labor New Tork (JTA)—During tlie ish delegates, on the other hand, neider, Irving Yaffe, and Harold ists and educators, President Tib-• a I s o increased the number el; oze the Laborists, binders aiid recreations, jniS O~-• l e Eion-^°->« •n-Seire ^ Son, ^ -the Kendis. period •between. January, 1933 and were ready to leave if the Jewish urcio Carias and his cabinet dej.books in the Jewish department \ . opportunities to I National a h a o f f e r £ TOar y The men who will be selected April, 1935, the Hias-Inca Emi- question was sidetracked. after receiving Dr. Samuel jo f t b e library. The Moscow press ]ea,-oy- t h i s E p o r t i E y E | r i - g a n &a In Women's Sunday will participate in t h e clared gration Association (Hicem) and G. Inman, assistant to James G. j demands that the White Russian | , itjto learn the fundai I The German .delegates do not c P p o t l l I 1 its committees, aided,jlO,830 or- represent ?. Germany,'. which has tentatively "arranged matches with MacDonald, League of Nations Commissariat .of S d"ti c .a t i o n. I jaestals cf pwimmiixp, ths Jewish '" cf. swisamiixE, teams from Lincoln, Sioux City, High Commissioner for Gersaa should start as dinary emigrants and 11,349 re' from, t h e .League of aad-'Des Moines.:- • - - —-' "'" Center liopsl; to Te»'£rqm__Germaiit3[_ to; r e a c | establish ^ t h e . ' German "ifinbfS| Slice water ca^-aalties is this area, i new' horns?j.accoTdiiif to. a "report tiea •'- in^ Czechoslovakia, Poland .. lit is nst the Intention to nake I Before leaving here for Guate- j faafs^- submitted-- to the Hias board' of and1 Lithuania, mala and Mexico, Dr. Inman. j 14,000 setsand of penvari- | f i n i s h e d ' E w i m m e r s o £ all taking! -directors by> Dr. James; Bernstein, ^ re , than ^ newspapers made arrangements with the "Uni- jodicals "Hias commissioner in Europe. • from all parts of the \lessons but to give them the fun- i : chairman and 13. BIooli Jfversity of Honduras for the place-1 world are now in the possession damentals wtioh will eacoursge j Dr.;' Bernstein . disclosed that . The Congress resolution reads: t h e m t o continue their studies I Lee J . Leringer, director o£ the ..tarj'. ment of a definite n u m b e r of! $350,000 has been expended in "This 19th annual Congress of of the Press Archive of the In- a n d practice so that ultimately j B'nai Britfa Kill el Foundation at j OtlicT members included Bora Freshman was chosen transportation ot emigrants in the Federation of League of Na- president of "the local chapter *of exiled German Jewish scolars. stitute for Jewish Proletarian Culwill feel at home In the Ohio State University, has been [ board are Dr. O. Belzer, X',, period. • : tions Societies recalls the resolu- Junior Hadassah at the recent He also announced that he had ture in Kiev, the Moscow press re- they water," states -Physical director appointed head oZ the nrwly-es-; son. Cantor A. Sd ""While "the ordinary emigrant tion pn the situation of the Jews election of officers. She succeeds been successful in making similar j p O r 7 s I tablisheS B'nal Brsth research bu- ! Korris Minlrin, T he II Lee Grossman. in Germany adopted at the 17th arrangements in every one of the [ ^ ' pays, -with very/ fevr exceptions,* Minnie Froom. R e s i s t r a t i o n o f a Ut h o s e r e c;u ; Pioneer V-, omen KTOTins annual Congress, and the appeal ^ - | ^ ^ h i c b t h e receE for his transportation," Dr. BernOther officers elected for the 19 Latin-American republics he} p e r r o d i ^ f r o i a ^ i f S r e ^ S ! Invit> to FO?H' or* to;been ii;Tiiod stein reported, "the transportar directed in connection with that ensuing year: Jeannette Resnick, has visited. periodicals trcra ainere^t parts j o n s t o par ti C ipE,te is important, 1 nuia! cosveEtion ant] f Soviet Russia n Congress by Lord Cecil in t h e Be ;tr.tive each to serve on lic. | as every oi tion cost and 'landing' money of ° * & foreign |a s e T e r y o n e ^ ^b e classiileS. as ! compile material onconditions evers financial vice-president; Fannie New York (WNS)- . , ^ -u countries. (dealing with Jewish on. The. Institute serves! and sex. all the 11,000 refugees from Ger-' name ot Federation to the Ger- Katelman of Council Bluffs, cul- not prepared to make an•Although definite with its Press Archives individual j The Jewish ComtauTiity Center ; the campuses o£ American collegmany •were covered by us from man League of Nations Society. tural vice-president; Goldie Seid- statement, James G.' MacDonald, research workers as well as So- "Learn to Swim Week" campaign j es and universities. The Congress regrets that this apfunds received from the lea, Joint man, membership vice-president; League of Nations High Commis- viet institutions interested In conducted to teach beginners | Dr. Leviujrer, who will and English Allocation Commit- peal has not brought the desired Kalah Franklin, recording secre- sioner for German Refugees, re-'studying Jewish life all over the is to swim" anfi nelp make present | unfler the niperrisfoii or tee. The total spent for this pur- results In the shape of any im- tary; Evelyn Glazer, correspond- turned here from a three months j world. swiininers- more proficient m the j M. Kubicow, secretary oi pose amounted to about $350,000. provement in the situation of the ing secretary; Ann Gbodbinder, tour of South America confident water*. Every one from 7 to 70 is i Brith, will investigate s.1 Jews in Germany; on t h e conNot a cent ot this m o n e y was financia} treasurers Ruttt Swen- that many German Jewish refu- r. . _ - f -r» . •, invited to take advantage of this j pas problems as ther relate trary, the legislative and adminisused by us for administration exmembership treasurer; Una gees "would be permitted t o find 1 Denies RECIS! Metres free course ot instmctioa.i A l l Jews. Both students and £ penses •which -were, as you can trative, measures since taken by gil, Sao Paulo, Brazil—Racial or that is necessary to register is to j will he included in the scope of Minnie Froom, a haven of refugees in the South Gross, reporter; the German Government against •well conceive, increased tremendi religious hatred is not part of the fill ia and present, or xaail the i the inecirj", the first oil its kind Ann Kuznit, American republics. ously, and were fully met by Hias the Jewish citizens of Germany, parliamentarian; Sarah Taub and Rose Abramsoa, Although he admitted that the | program of the Integrelista Party coupon printed on this page to | on a national scale. It va deal f solely and exclusively because of and lea." . board of members. Fasc7stmovedevelopment ber \™** the Jewish. Coia.EiUE.ity Center. 1 with suet mattere•<*.the number their' membership in the Jewish Four new committees nave been race, have been considerably*inFormal installation of the new ments in South America was an Martino, one of the party's most i of • JefriSii sttifients an£ £a.eallr "Learn to Swim Week" organized, in Madrid, Barcelona, tensified. It is the opinion of the officers will take place at a ban-obstacle to the settlement of Ger- prominent leaders, declared in an members, their vocations.' '.rends, Jane 24-2S inclusive Praha and Asuncion, Paraguay, Congress that t h e retention of quet to be held at the J. C. C. man refugees, he said that the interview with the new Portu- Name „ status on the CETSPKS, place or nate i:o p?nd thorn Ifcree veHsj „ r Dr. Bernstein declared. Sunday evening, June 23V *at origin, chief problems tiv.a. neefis, J e w s cjXiRliiie.rl to cireuniei?.? Afidress measures which exclude Jewish "It is estimated that during the i of the Reich from equali- 6 p. m. Age Ses. The findings will be published in childrcE, in accordance u-Iil, last two years Spain has accord- subjects Jewish rit.usl. The principal guest of honor at rights and deprive them of Can You Swim? Tes No 1&E6. ed refuge to more i~han 2,000 ty,of "Or.r group feels like $t the banquet will be Mrs. Maxlimitless possibilities for future their integral human and citizen j Dr. Levinger, who has occupl• Jews, most of whom manage to rights, constitute a challenge to Fromkin, sponsor, who h a s re- development In South America Integrelistas have been waging a tls.€. dok'gstion explaiced. | ed rabbinical - posts «t Pfidiicaft, earn a modest living," he continu- the elementary principles u p o n signed after serving as sponsor will open the way for many of the campaign of anti-Semitic violence pray thvee times each day. '** * j Kentucky anfi Trilminirtori, Dela, ed. "About 100 families, belong- which the League of Nations and of the local gToup since ita or- refugees "to make their contri- for more than a year. do not cat reil. We observ*ing to: the Statenlose class, •were human civilization have been es- ganization fourteen years ago. butions to the upbuilding of these sent by ns to Paraguay. Pavor- tablished'. The Congress considers The banquet will also honor Warsaw (JTA) — able reports have been received it the duty of international soci- the members who have been most great progressive countires." Relief Rolls lt& "by our committee. In fact, the re- ety to guarantee to the minori- active during the past year and Vienna—The office of ths Few- by the experiment ia t iec ports from all our overseas • com- tes of race, language and religion have Taised their quota for the Paris—A decision to create a ish Unemployment Belief Bureau Jewish beys are if w m e t ! *-' mittees are, on the -whole, favor- of-all countries the application of "Give or Get" affair. They are: French Zionist Federation was in Vienna issued a report disclos- E.V1S en able, the percentage oj re-eml- the general principles of justice the Misses Minnie Froom, Jean- reached here at the conclusion of ing that 4020 Jews are complete- | for Palestine, a movemes grants being insignificant." 1.V and liberty. I t protests against nette Resnick, Una Gross, Fannie a national conference of all exist- ly dependent on relief. Most, of been started here to train I them are white collar workers. the entire extent and ramifica- Katelman, Rose Sacks, Ruth Sil- ing Zionist groups. eers. • . Uis fc.* tions of the persecution to "which ver; Eve Katzman, Ruth Rotfman, C"~*f •™r m «A new the Jews of Germany are exposed, Goldie Znsman, Zelda Charney, has beer, and it requests the League of Na- Ruth Swengil, Mildred Whitman, active lt-i tions and all governments to. in- Dorotfiy Berg, Ann Kuznit, and tervene effectively in favor of the Mary Garfinkle. The Syrian delegation of Arabs has submitted to the League Jews in Germany, and to f i n d Minnie Froom is in charge of of Nations Mandates Comiaission a petition asking for cancellaaii I tip t© Mr. H. F. Ttore, Educational ways and means of restoring the reservations. tion of the Palestine Mandate. \-wiio will ts tr&'asJ * t~ tv. Director of the Federal Transient social and political rights of the in [Others v Z l K c~z.iz.zS. r r 1 Bureau, has asked through the Jews in Germany, and of putting COLLECTIVE-FARMS For the first time in the history of modem navigation, librarmen. an. end to the situation which now Press that all Jewish organizaies in Yiddish and in Hebrew will be installed on a .steamer -.- - on ^ b e pro»t>> ; 4ions and persons -who have books obtains in Germany, which is an . ;. LOSE ATTRACTION p=> f. ~ert '•' and magazines "which they wish outrage to the conscience of all Moscow <JTA)—The Jews in the French ship Nonnandie, the world's largest and most lusur- ] ^^fj®,^ Gold\-~tiooF civilized humanity." valua to discard, send these to the FedSoviet Russia are no longer anxi- ious'liner. cher eral/Transient Bureau or leave ous t o settle in collective farms to tht them srith MIES lone Duffy at the in the Ukraine, it has been estabA ten-year program of Jewish occupational redirection, to Van Sant School of Business, lished by the Ozet, the Soviet or- executed "on a large and adequate scale" in communities lar •OMAHA.HEBREW CLUB •19 th and Douglas or the- Public ganization to settle Jews on land. 'I I ? T S f i . S . enough to form a "basis for full experimentation,, has been recofci- future re Improved conditions in t h e Library. a Officers of the Omaha Hebrew "' The Federal Transient Bureau club attended the wedding recep- Jewish" townships, coupled with mended by Dr. Ben M. Selelnnan, president of the National. C|n3>r, CJoMlserg-, whi h a s established a vocational tion of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaz-the opportunities l o r young Jews ference of Jewish Social Service. president of the J c ce ; tfiTY for F training "school in the buildings Iowsliy and presented them with to enter factories, have led.to a Tempi e l a Berlin, ri "rteno , ** of the Bellevue College, and iaa beautiful wedding gift. Mr. Kaz-situation -where only fifty per that the work of the million-dollar-iB.srJi has been passed in the nation-wide «ent ot the quota for Jews to be the program • of rehabilitation, lowsky. was the past president of settled this Summer in the collec- campaign of the'United Jsrvrish Appeal for its relief and rehabilispecial emphasis has been placed the club. " • ttjt-f- ft tive colonies in Ukraine has been tation of the Jewry of Europe. upon the library and reading. InThe installation of officers of filled, the Ozet announced. asmuch as there are not suffici- the club will be decided upon at ent funds available to buy such the next meeting,-which will be The Oset has applied to the So- • . The Soviet government Ms allocated an additional 3,967,000 ., s | **W© wsnt to sernr© a wortfl-1 insii.-Jewisfe. Tefnireefl, viet government for funds to pur- rubles to promote t i e settlement of Jrors In, Biro-Bidjsn, the auBS, I -wirls liEfierstajKsnag of Cae Je-wisls j The gowraraiefi.f; ep> books and magazines, Mr. Fore Sunday, June 23. chase cattle and inventory neces- tonomous Jemsti state ia tite Rtissiaa Fsr East iy- j problem by raeaas cf & deJensive j was learned,. . erapiw states that any s n c h books or tire© so Nathan Yaffe, M. Polonsky, and sary for adjusting the s e w Jewsa-j aetivitr against 'the wnjust aBti-isncbi as. imaslgrstl-on. magazines that juay he given to S0.S3X, E t i lex i-S&wish aceiisatiaBs. Oar Bt&tios j pJaj.- into the l a a d s of the -pwielss:, toe Bureau'will bo more than ap- Hy Shrier, members of the^ execu- ish settlers in Ukrainian colonies, bea Grs Nation-vade elections trill be held sext Sunday to determine ofilclate ill w-ork..ia the. serrlce ©C the j elements ' in tbi&-• tses preciated jand be ot Infinite value tive, were not listed in last week's ia order to stimulate a larger mis3& of lilserty ,s*S pefi.ee/* Dr.'! v/oulfi ttttis© It f oy in developing . the program at article telling of the new officers gration o t Jews from the town- the delegates to th-s Wcrld Zionist Congress to be "held in 'Lucerne, funeral of the club. ships into, the colonies. Switzerland, starting August'20. '•'.'•:'. • dt?erg.'8Eft, •- . ' ; |propsg4ft€s. at the G ^-i "Rill Cemetery. •• B e l l e v u e . . . - : • '•:-. y V ; •'.:-.' .••• , ; ',-;''. • . ' .

Is MkraeH Delegate

Tryouts Sunday

to Swim' Week at J. C C :s Monday

Work by Hicem





Ask for Discarded Books and Magazines






21, 1935.

ials Ere no better t h a n fascist —"Say, what is this Babe lady. Her mere voice reminds me thirsty birds—or surprised girafApril 24 promises. Returned home from down of yours, a base-ball or a foot- of my manufactured name Mar- fes—" vin O'Koon and my trying to hide Women were not Soloveytchik's town by the trolley. On my wayball player?" IEUKGPE She answered in disdain: from the trolley passengers the ailing spot, but he too had. one, I read the "Jewish Observer," but : —"Oh, Mr. O'Koon, y o u aretitle of the "Jewish observer". he reacted to my remark in such was very careful not to display j TURKISH JEWS QUITTING And speaking of hatred. I some- an unexcepted way: before the car passengers the impossible!" j COUNTRY FOR SOUTH AMERname of the weekly. Jews in the Then trying to sweeten her times project this valuable sentiilCA BECAUSE OF ECONOMIC By L A. ARIELLI —"Yes, of course, this is a hapUnited States are not molested contempt with a smile, she said: ment also towards my boss, Mr. j DIFFICULTIES . . . . Turkey is —"I would never marry some- Finkelgold, especially when, as py country, not only because opuand reviled as to necessitate Instructor in Omaha Talmud Torah ! doing alright—but its Jews have By ROBERT STONE something like that, and yet—I body like you. Even if you were yesterday, he annoys me with the ] lent and independent, but chiefly [difficulties. (This diary by L. A. Arielli lar use during the winter months? usually do not parade, I try no the last man on earth." I because it is privileged to esperipersistence of a tropical mosquito j RICHARD STRAUSS OUSTED fa the diary of a Jew withont But until that device is found the to reveal my Judaism to Gentiles —"I hope", I tried to jest, with his theory that there is noth- j ence the joy of creating for the NORTH AMERICA stamina. It is being printed in return of spring marks for Mr.Am I ashamed of my race? Oh, "That without Babe Ruth among ing you cannot get out from the j future. From, the first signature DEVICE FOR DETECTING AS HEAD OF NAZI MUSIC several inistalmcntg.-—The Edi- Finkelgold" the recurrence of blu- no, not at all! But— how shall I the living you would maybe re- customer "with a cleverly contriv- ; of the Declaration of Independ- HEART DISEASE BEFORE IT CHAMBER BECAUSE HE EMes and melancholy gloom, And I explain It? The very existence of consider things." tor.) ' ed poster, particularly one on • ence down to the last tree in thej CAN BE DISCOVERED BY NOR-PLOYED JSWISH LIBRETTIST am the target of all his grouchi- the Jew and his roving about But she meant it and, what Is which the feminine lure is put ini public square—everything is con-jMAL MEANS INVENTED BY N.: . . . . The worst Aryan book is •ness. He plainly intimates that— their streets is one great paradox more, she was right. After all, harness. To my objection that the ! ceived here in a pathetic vision of IY. JEWISH PHYSICIAN . . . .If better than the best Jewish creaAprU 21, 193--I am the inventor of this one insolvable enigma, a n d so what is the difference whether and for the near and r e m o t e I this includes love-sickness the de-: tion. That's the Nazi slogan. I don't know from which of my suppose rejuvenation glands triumph p wonderful device—why, t h i s I SWITZERLAND VOTES BOYI feel like sitting in listless the woman connects the man's long before" feminine charm will grandchildren. Alas, h o w differ- ! rice will be overworked. internal recesses emerged today do away with ail my ne'er- when masculinity with his flight over ever be able to help us increase | ently we Jews create in this j CONGRESS GETS BILL TO COTT OF 193 6 OLYMPIC GAMnonchalance In my 'corner witht h i n desire to begin writing a would phychology and with my out drawing inquisitive glances the ocean or with the crown of country! In building our institu- ! ADMIT INTO T H E UNITED ; ES IN BERLIN . . . . Litle Switzdiary. Well, at least nobody will do-well lack of manliness as exemplified demanding the Interpretation of feathers on his head? These are our coal output, he stamps me tions we never visualize o u r [STATES FROM PO- : erland shows the way. Buspect me of making herewith by my keeping away from cigars, the puzzle I do act in a manner merely symbols. Babe Ruth could with the only word used by him grandson a n d granddaughter, LITICAL, REFUGEES RACIAL AND | FRENCH STATESMEN PROan attempt to squeeze myself int. cards and women. And then think mentioned above. For the Bame be taken out of the picture. Even in Jewish: "Batlen!" And I hate they are not exceptionally dear ONS PERSECUTION . . . RELIGI. If Con-! POSES JEWISH SETTLEMENT to the portala and castles of Im- of the patentsi and him—because I abhor the absoluof the resultto our heart, for we never know mortality, a auBplclon to which Ing rise to fortune and power. Un- reason neither my Catholic land- then Irene would have found me tism of thought, I despise t h e what they will look like and what ! gress would o n l y do the right IN FRENCH COLONIES . . . .Any booldi writers are pretty often ex- fortunately, I was not born under lady nor any of her tenants have replete with blemishes as a man. people who claim to themselves they will stand for; whatever we i thing ! thing" to get: the refugees out of Same date, In the evening. posed. Immortality! Oh, what a the sign of coal, and Mr. Finkel- any notion as to my Jewish oriFrance, Kay the French-Jews. j SAY N. Y. JEWISH HOSPITAL knowledge of all the hundred build here is nothing but a triI and the women—For over a the deceitful mirage, be it even the gold falls to inflame my imagina- gin. What should they know for? i WOULD DEPORT JEWISH EMpercent of truth, and what selfbute to the past, especially the anmost: resplendent and alluring of tion. I could contribue to a pro- The Jew Mendel OKoon, is a year I have been meeting every respecting business man could noying, importunate past of the PLOYE, LEADER OF STRIKING all life's fancies and visions! The fession of aimless hashing and of syhynx, the Irishman Marvin O- morning in the hall of our apart- give up such a claim?—But, cur- little town overseas, but without WORKERS, TO GERMANY . . . . Koon is a monosyllable. Some of ment house a young, attractive iously enough, I hate, along with great, tempestuous Byron found Why not electrocute the poor folof paper the same zest my fellow-lodgers even call me by brunette. Worthwhile to tell you, Mr. Finkelgold, all the Jews who any horizons of the future." his imperturbable rest on the repasting | and enthusiasm I am now exertI answered, not very much to low right now. my diary, of o u r funny "rela- happen to be possessors of glitpublic library shelves and in the ing In the coal "business. Depres- mistake. Mr. O'Conner, and i LIPSKY HONORED FOR 35 the point, either: gold bound volumes matching in sion, you know; my college dip- don't bother to correct the mis-tions." tering, precious family names: —"Well, disregarding the fu- I YEARS OF JEWISH LEADERcolor the hues of the furniture loma may still go a long way innomer. And so has a certain inThe very first morning after Goldbloom, Perlberg, Dimantstein ture is not necessarily confined SHIP . . . . No person deserves and the carpet in the private peddling yawning powder, this nocent fish of Russian rivers and I moved in I greeted her with a —the mountains gleam with gems i honor more than he. book-cases, because there's "so famous patented medicine that lakes (" Okoon"—Russian for frank, friendly smile. She threw and pearls, the buds and flowers to Jews in this country. One disI time, no time" to read— so—BO claims to reduce the opening of Perch) been converted i n t o an at me a suspicious glance, a are fashioned from purest silver tinguished Frenchman said: "Ap- LATIN-AMERICA honorary title decorating and pro-glance of offended virtue, a n d and the trees bear fruits of gold res nous le deluge" (After us may there you are are with your Im- your mouth while you yawn. HONDURAS READY TO WELcome the flood) and one Russian tecting its owner. Isn't t h a t a without deigning my greeting eighteen carat. mortality! Shall we perchance However, spring is for me also COME GERMAN JEWISH REsaid: "For our lifetime there will feel contented that the intelliwith a reply went down the steps Oh, my diary! What will be- be enough of fools." season of bitter regrets and truly skillful contrivance? FUGEES . . . . The world still begentsia is still aware of the fact the I know^it is not berollke, all with the gait somewhat of a prin- come of an old bachelor like me sorrows. Today, as I passed the lieves in t h e legend of Jewish that Byron -was a poet and not a streets flooded with sweet, fondl- that, at times I even displse my- cess seeking to get away from the whose every fiber seethes with the Soloveytchik enveloped me with wealth. an unfriendly look, muttering: real estate broker? The sun anding self for my not too noble disguise, island natives. I felt annihilated. venom of spite and antipathy to sunshine and crowded with "You, O'Koon, surely take life LEADER OF BRAZILIAN FASthe ocean—oh, these are two im-happily but somehow I almost always suc- The following d a y s I did notthe world? laughing throngs, amidst CISTS DENIES HIS PARTY ADeasy." mortals, that I understand. How- all the multitude of eyes flashing ceed in convincing myself t h a t greet her any more and she -was VOCATES RELIGIOUS OR RACLong after he had departed I ever there are some who question with cheer and of trees discharg- not cowardice, but, at most, fasti- passin gas though in my place May 1. IAL HATRED . . . . Fascist denfollowed him with my eyes asking «ven;>the probability-of this hy- ing the quickening aroma of their diousness is the moving force be- there was vacant air. Some May the first—the labourers' pothesis. "..•..' months later she once paused on holiday. Now, in frank honesty: myself: opening buds, my heart alone was hind my act. "Do I indeed?" But away with all this empty full of affliction and loneliness. Anyway, I am pretty careful me a simple look without curiosi- Has the worker brought down to philosophizing! This diary is not And so every spring for years and not to reveal It to anybody but ty, I might be as well the fellow our earth the great loving insight (To Be Continued Next Week) meant for readers a n d not in-y e a r s . .' •' ' • . .; you, my diary. supplying ice or groceries to the into the suffering human heart? . •tended for anything but to serve next door neighbor. I responded Does he harbor sympathetic unIt is my wont to feel that way 1 its author as a refuge from the whenever I come face to face with Handicraft Classes with a glance of feigned indiffer- derstanding tor grief that is not April 25. artificial, Iacbadaysical phrase, true, great beauty, with the splen* Where Omaha Shops with Confidence Handcraft classes for every-; Am And again of Immortality. Al- ence that could mean: "Well?" specifically proletarian? from t h e affected, flourish ex- dors of nature or the charm of though I must confess, I, a clerk A few days later she flashed an afraid, the answer is: No. Well, body Trill be offered without • pression that pursues .us even in- young women. From Freud's easy n a coal depot, feel kind of shy actual smile right in my f a c e . then he with all his adherents are charge at the various recreation i to oar tete-a-tete talk with our hand they started to call it "in- and shrinking in handling this But I looked at her in quasi-in- only a party and the first of May centers throughout the city, be- j cat and dog. This diary shall be feriority complex." I don't know precarious subject. But can I help nocent wonderment as though is just another delightful spring ginning Monday, June 24. my conscience, my conscience in- exactly whether I am afflicted t If it comes my way?—About a asking: "What is there to giggle day—and nothing more. I could Parks in which instruction -will ' carnate in ink. with this complaint variety, but week ago I had been reminded by about?" Many weeks afterward I not withstand the witchcraft of be held include Elmwood, Hans-! com,. Fontenelle, Riverview, and the fact remains that I cannot he shames of the synagogue tried to catch her look—in vain. this day and went outdoors. tee a pretty woman without pain Layshorim Tehiloh" that today And so over a year we met daily There—smiling eyes, dancing Miller. ; ...-.April 22. By virtue of certain repairs to ully thinking: "Oh, she is not waa the anniversary of my moth- without letting drop a single rays, men and women talking like j Those wishing to enroll may do S er's death and that yesterday eve- word. But I understand. I un- happy children, voices ringing so by registering -with the recrea- | be effected in o u r office, Irene lor me, not for me" . . . and I have two days off. I had onWhen I hear later t h a t this ning was due my first Kaddish. derstand that we both are molded with the sound of platinum bells. tion supervisor in any one of the ly to I present my daily report to lame beauty married an awkward When I came In the evening to from the same hard, unyielding On one corner I met the Hebrew above-named parks. our president at his home—that tutcher or a blockhead of a groc- he synagogue nobody was there, clay. But, after all, what-business teacher Soloveytchik, as gloomy was till. The day was BO penetra- ry-man I am instantly swept by was rather early, and I sat down have I with her? Aren't there en- as I. A few minutes "we walked Patronize our advertisers. tingly caressing with i t a warm a. sentiment of personal grudge o wait. A soft glow of the setting ough women in America?- And I through the blithe crowds in sildrearalnesa that I decided to make 0 her, grudge for having insult- sun was streaming gently through itill—And yet—. ence. I* could heai the slabs of this trip on foot. & something In my holiest of he painted window panes and the pavement asking; ITALIAN My boss, Mr. Finkelgold, the LOUCS. And that "was my attitude treated in the silent synagogue a "Who are these two sullen inApril 29 lort of yellowish-blue, delightful or years. I somehow always head ot the Pittsburgh Hard Coal SPAGHETTI My neighbor, a round faced, dividuals so strange to our kind Company," firmly believes t h a t ound myself wanting. At sixteen wilight. At leisure I started to not bad looking Jewess, calls of- and good-hearted people? What with there; must be, there only remains considered myself too puerile •ead the names of the men andten across the gTeen patch to herdo they have up their sleeves?" MEAT BALLS, to be discovered, a means of in- or love, at twenty—I was ^ he women whose generosity put boy playing with his Gentile Finally I said: ..BEEAD aad BUTTERducing people to u s e coal also ing at the crossroads of the world* hem in gold and decorated friends:—'Abie, c o m e here!!! ,,, —"Look, Soloveytqhik, how aud. during the summer. Have not theand aspiring to the perfection of nettes on these panes. And a The lad, loath to quit his play, m a n y charming women around. COFFEE Ice-cream makers succeeded In in-my persopalliy, at twenty-five— quiet melancholy sadness began usually asks:—"Oh, ma, what is One vies with and excells the othtroducing their product into popu- my position in society was esti- o permeate all my being. What the matter?" When the piano er. Everyone a picture of nature's mated by me too insignificant to vicissitudes to Insure a spot :eacher is the matter the mother brilliant exhibition. But they are mpress somebody, and now that n the eternity! What fear of the invariably specifies it, but If it is not for us. We both, you and I, am going on my thirty-fourth vacuum-and the Nothing! And Ion account of the Hebrew teach- shall marry, if at all,_ the pale, NICOLINTS CAFE year—I already think myself too; remembered my wandering last r the woman answers eluseively: shriveled daughters of a chazan FLATIKON • HOTEL Id for love. Besides I was always' all through the graves of t h e —"Well, you know". I hate this or a shochet wearing the faces of. appearing too late on the scene: Fewish cemetery. It was only ^ ^ iTiiPfirW™ W..\SHINGTON, D. C — "I «ee he girl was either already engag- ibout seventy years old, yet on ed or married or otherwise someome memorial stones I wa3 unno more reason for abolishing the § i i i l l E TIE 0C1LS BEFOIE 101 111 A l l lEFIfiElABI holding company merely because body more alert than I was inable to discern t h e inscriptions abuses have crept into Its opera- ull possession of her affections. which had b e e n erased by the tion than I do for abolishing an This recalls to my mind Schiller's hreatening finger of Father automobile because of the disas- story of the poet who on his wayTime. Now let us suppose that ters which come from reckless o get hlB share of the world was he synagogue "Layshorim Tehidrivers,"' Owen D. Young, demo- delayed through fascination in oh" will be spared and so precratic leader and chairman of thethe washerwoman's ankles and in serve for the memory of m a n consequence arrived tardy at the these names on the window panboard of the General Electric Co., place his destination and so re- es for thousands- and thousands stated In a letter which he wrote, ceivedofnothing for his share, he of years to come-—what shall reto Senator B. K. Wheeler of Mon- then hurried back to the pond to miln of them if not empty sounds tana: . . feast his eyes on the delightful devoid of any meaning and con'"£he important thins is to re-ankles, but, to complete his disstrain and correct thfe abuses and appointment, the washer-woman ents? Lord! That's what t h e y sot to abolish a useful inBtru was not there any longer—And so are even to me, their contemporjnent," Bald Mr. Young, "I am 1 wander irf*-loneliness through ary, who happens to know perconvinced that the holding com-the paths of life, the old stumbl- sonally some members of their repany IB a very useful instrument ng stones are not removed and* spective families—Oh, my poor through which to group utility new ones are added yearly, and Jews! Oh, my por Jewesses! operating companies which, by so often I am an abject burden to Ihek* nature, must be local, into myself. April 27 an efficient economic unit. In this Irene, bur secretary, spoke this way the coat o£ power can be remorning in sheer enthusiasm of her idol Babe Ruth's l a s t triduced, service can be given to Open Bakery umph. X*feigned simplicity a n d communities which'could not othPuff's Bakery announces the asked: erwise obtain it, and the safety of our Investment can be increased opening of a second store next through the diversity factor over Sunday, June 23, at 220 South 9 i l S COKOOUECTM BUGS ..$4.33 which, it would be in in any one24th street. Highest Grade Enamelt, 82.00 s a l of the individual operating com- All lines of bakery and pastry WATEBPBOOF AIX-FTTEPOSE goods as well as bread will be panies." SJfAB VABNISH, W.50 Gallon handled in this store, which has Mr. Young, in his letter, quoted the, latest equipment. Omaha Jobbing Company testimony he gave recently before AH those -who visit the now lo- 317 S o . 15 J.v SG04 ».sub-committee of the senate In cation will bo given individual: which he stated that ' rery real reason for having hold- packages of cookies. Ing companies. There Is a great Idvantage, hot only from the A new 1935 Model Gronowand it's, the itandpolnt of connecting different .jniia with transmission, but there best buy we're ever seen-in'an electric is a, great advantage on the techHcal side in unifying those differrefrigerator. It uses the patented remt, operating companies; and frigerant, Carrene, that is safe to (hers is also oa the financial Bide justification for it through diverhandle» smell, and will not bum or iffyfag the risk. You can only get livefaity In the public utility field explode. .Carrene makes -possible a through a holding company, simpler mechanism that operates on -a nrhcceas in the- manufacturing tuslness you are able to get it vacuum system — no high pressures — >7 one straight operating com




For Correction, Not Abolition

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ed and supervised life insurance I should I sign it?" objected the ' P a r i s . Sam C4olflwyR t h r e a t e n s U, company. The interest'which we | latter. "VCell—we're collabora- fold up his BC'Ui sine] move t o F u g all have in coming generations i l a r d i i tlie movie tr.x poes th?ntors, aren't we?" has its ground work in the love I u c h . Patsy Until Tailler, after tv-r and affection we .bear for those 1 When Baron Henri Rothschild, years of nrpvetrli.-esl'.ip. !:-•• B O F t close to us. Dependence always j o n t h e "Bsrhr.v' (Editor's Note: With this is]sar usually scrawls up for or five : the elder, was sojourning air!cms: •; penpu&lirr has been and always will be. j Coast" fi;rr.. LEADER AT B'NAI BTMTH ] Eddie Brodkey, Harry Cohn, AarThere will always be t h e weak | sue, we inaugurate a new fea- ' menus per meal with story ideas the cinemalites, he never rHewed "As further evidence of Omaha's] on-Corenman, Bill; Grodinsky, Hy ture—a Hollywood column tie- and gags. j quaint local customs to interfere excellent choice of leaders, an ar-Levin, Eff Marks, 'Eddie Shafton, By the Service Life Insurance and the strong. The satisfaction jvoted to the folks and fables of I with his daily routine. Oce time. i Our pet theatre managers. which comes from being able to i ticle" in- the Seattle, Wash., 'Jew- Bill Stalmaster, and Fred White; Jewish film celebrities. Miss ] invited to a cocktail party end '• those deadly competitors. Finl"MEven the rabbis "go • HollyCompany, Omaha carry on even though impaired j ish Transcript" of June 7, '•which business men: Lloyd Banks, EdZigBiond, the author of this | wood'1. . . . Rabbi Stephen S. I dinner; he took a recess, w e r. I[ stein and Gv.ben, found themppV"by years or cut off by death is j told.of the B'Nai B'rith constitu- die Brodkey, Norman Brown, LeLife insurance offers the safest colmrin, has been a Hollywood | Wise is Vice-Presiderit of the Mo-. home for a a n d returned. ; es ifce io IPCP fitter a preview or tional Grand Lodge convention, on Ferer, Nate : Fine, Mike Free- method for accumulating an es-one of t h e greatest of human; reporter and observer for the tion Picture Research Council. : when rested, for dinner. ! the formrr'p now show. " W P I , satisfactions. ! which by the -way has been re-man," Bill Gerelick, Morrie Klein, tate out of present earnings. past four years. She knows the | how did you like i t " " .~skect Fir named the "Supreme Lodge," Stanley F." Levinr. Sam Mindell, Through such an estate the eduhighways and .the byways of j kelFtrin. "Kuirirh!" answered *>' Hal Horne, the press agent, has Chips off the (Holly) Wood : rival. "So I'll tfll you the tn-fc mentions only five" of the import- Sol Naeger,' Jack, Rachman, Ber- cation of children is assured. cineraaville, she mingles with asked Professor Einstein to write Clai-dette Colbert would ant persons at the convention, "one nie-Schimmel, Carl Solomon . . . Thereby provision is m a d e for the small and the great . . . . a simplified article on relativity : Block: like to approach the altsr wuh ; . . . . it vovild make a swell fifaSend in other additions and watch disability and old age. Under a and she knows more than she'll for his Mickey Mouse Magazine. • Dr. Joel Pressman, a well-known ble feature diirins a blizznru;" b't them being Henry Monsljy.The life insurance policy there are estell . . . . bat she'll tell plenty: And we thought Mickey's home Jewish physician . . . . but won't following is the flowery 'praise this column.- •' -• By O. O. DASHEH lot was the one studio free of re-:; . . . . and for a very dramatic reatablished emergency funds.for un. . . . Editor.) that our Omahan received: "The JUICY JESTS Some fun! foreseen events such as illness ictt^Vll-J . most" forceful man at' the conven- " Hy Goodbinder may leave son: Jack TVarner is WashingtonI have preached righteousness tion was probably Henry Monsky, shortly for Washington, D. C , forand strain. And when d e a t h bound for a, "schmoos" with the j Hollywood—Would y o u know Berli-n—The local Nazi p r p ^ prominent Omaha lawyer and long a government position. There claims the hpdy one's help and in the great congregation. I didthese new brands by their old The other sundown a cocktail President. Harry Holson. AI's bro- in Keu-Steitin csnie out with t love and influence survive in the active - in Jewish affairs. He' rep- will be a lot of "Koshers" behind not refrain my lips, Thou knovx'- labels? party was tendered Al Dubin ther, is an agent . . . . uh. luih . werriinf," to local members of I' 1 ' resents the more • liberal thought many of the local liquor syndi- life insurance policy which sus- est. Joe Penner was Joseph Pinter and Harry Warren, the tunesters. . . . . Ai and Ruby are his best- 1 JCRE! party elrunig' thnt *'>rr>'.-<a'rela-S tains and supports one's dependon Jewish problems and is thecates. Warren is small, dark, wears clients. Hollywod didn't go Gerlola For immeasurable evils have before he had a duck. i should miner no cirorimsNvp^'f glasses you'd know him astrude Stein . . . . or vice versa . . .; ever say th?t there a r e tie.-oi^ militant fighting type w*h"en doing tive'.of the Ravitzes and Stein-1 e n t s compassed me about mine iniquiGeorge Burns (Burns and Albattle for his principles. He is Nothing gives greater hope of ties, have overtaken me so I amlen) was formerly Nathan Bir- a department store manager any- she's safely returned to Paris ,' Jews". bergs, was selected the beauty of where. Dnbin is a big fellow with able, oratorical, and an excellent her city, GaTy, Ind.. . - The Harry financial independence for the not able to look up; they are more baum. pleader." Yaffes, who were in the riot zone, later years than a well conduct- than the hairs of my head, and Jack Benny's tag was Kubel- a comfortable hay window, a shy smile, and a contented look. The FREYTEWS •• my heart hath failed me. sky. were sprinkled with Tmckshot and occasion was the completion of Raauel Torres' teacher called My soul thirsteth for God, when What two divorced women have they are now eating standing up. feels like a "Friedman" . . Dr. their songs for "Broadway Gonso much in common that they are ..Everyone enjoyed, the spec-j Fellman's son certainly got a shall I come and appear beforeher Paula Osterman. clamored Patricia Ellis answered to Pat-doliers" . . . . the guests seen, keeping constant .company tacular. dancing exhibition put on j good Jewish start in life as three God; my tears have been my food T for music . . . . Y\ arren said he sy Leftwich. It'seems that Si- by Gail Margolin at the D. K. for- Rabbis attended his Brith . . . . day and night, while they say untogether? Harry Green's poppa surnamed can't play . . . . and Dubin claimWllma Novak, Mothers better watch their, blonde to me, "Where is thy God?" mon Pizer is deserving of the out- mal- last week. ed he can't sing a note, then reThou makest us a taunt to ourhim Blitzer. standing trophy which will be one of our own, is appearing cur- yearning sons, as a new blonde j cited this stanza from cue of their Irving Berlin's patronym was given to the outstanding worker rently at the 60 Club surprises from Grand Island, Miss Dorothy neighbors, a scorn and a derision I songs: Isidore Baline, in the local philanthropies cam- with, her "Harlemizes." . . . J o e Sherman is becoming a resident to them that are around us. Thou George White was titled Isi- "We'd like to entertain you paign, because of his conscientious Rice has suddenly become a handi- here shortly . . . . Riots are not madest us a byword among the With some of the s o n g s we dore Weiss. nations, a shaking of the head effort and real results. . . . What capper for show I bets. the only menace on the Omaha wrote, They called George Sidney, streets since Frances Rosenblatt among the peoples. prominent meinber of the Work- BITS But He's got rheumatic fingSammy Greenfield. man's Circle and also .of the.SoFriends "of a local- dialectitian has taken up the art of autoing. TALMUD ers, Jed Harris' appellation was cialist party was one of the first re commencing to chatter about GREETINGS AND Our Rabbis were taught. The Horowitz. j And I got a frog in my throat." 1LJJLM persons to start riding the street .he gal he is going places with. CONGRATULATIONS philosophers once questioned the I At the height of the party KalEddie Cantor was (not so simTO: Isadore Rkhiin upon comcars during the present strike? Mrs. Heine Delrough has been elders at Rome, "If your God is I inar and Ruby, the rh~al music . . . Definite reports reach our ery lucky at picking the nags.! Pasting a four year science course displeased with the idol worship, ply) Iskowitz. I team, frisked in asking, "What's a tChica ears that Al Schwartz, a popular three years years . ..Arthur Rosenblum sent Ab S ° U ™ three why does he not destroy the ! going on?" And Dubin,'the tease, - u . ^ _ , . , . iTOBnth Omaha crooner of the elite ren- •r--:. Friedman u p o n heridols?" And they replied, "If the She'll probably be restamped I called Ruby, Kalmar and Knlmar, Caiman• . •_a 1letter expressing his TO: Ruth dezvous, will-leave in July, with eart-fe.lt thanks to his._- friends selection as president of the U. T.heathens worshipped, but things when you see her . . . . but, as j Ruby the rest of the afternoon. • £551 FAKXAM SI Winston Ray's orchestra for ere. . . . Now is the time to use!' • • •T 0 : J o e S t e l n w h o a t 2l not needful to the world, He is, Judy Lehrian was hostess for e a r s i s Broadmore Country Club at Colo- he J. C. C. pool.-..*.-. The P h u i y already a recipient of would surely annihilate them, but the coast air liners. One day Sam Lionel Stander, reports a reliarado Springs.- . . . . More of our miths are additioning it. . . . At! £ o » r university degrees and of athey worship the sun, moon, stars, Wood, t h e director, was flying members should take advantage 1:45, no matter what he is do-1£ e l l f w s h l P t ot h eM*?f- T I n s « t u t e and the planets, shall He destroy north . . . . saw her . . . . and sign- j Me source, is a son of the Tribes. I After his outstanding per* ormof " the new recreation service "ng," Mark Leon" stops" gets"intoJ o £ Technology . TO: Joe Lins- the entire world on account of the ed her up. They say she's very i ance in "The Scoundrel", flickerwhich has been instituted on 12 is car and proceeds to pick up man for finishing his medic fools? But the world is allowed easy on the eyestr m \ ville "discovered'' him . . . . and Omaha playgrounds for the sum-Dave Rosen and they then pick up course at Nebr. among the upper its natural course, and as to these ! he's Eafely fixed to the dottedmer months. Send the youngsters am Appleman and Sam Robin- three per cent TO: Miss Syl- fools who spoil it they will have Every time Arthur Caesar en! line. to your neighborhood park and 'on. This " W o m e : thin lunches I I i a _SU:e™an;__w*° ls, to give an account for their ters a certain restaurant the prodemonstrator for the Ela Singer the director there will see that a .ogether in the same way that acts?" In other words, when some prietor hands him a scratch-pad good, safe time is enjoyed at the hey have beendoing for the last products at Brandeis . . . . T O : one steals wheat and sows it, as an economy measure . . . .Cae- Two well-known Tehudish scribes were getting along splendidly Samuel H. Blumberg, formerly of should not the seed grow because park. . ,.-. Linoma Beach, which :igh£ What columnist operating the it has been stolen? But, nay, God Des Moines, now recently opened up, will be the who enjoys writing spicy news of sornething, but I am afraid you' -scene of many all-day affairs. . . . there is. becoming .involved with Creighton Tailors and Cleaners lets nature take its course, while will leave me, and go away. Hej It seems that Jeannette Moskovitz n attractive Miss in the Dundee establishment . . . . . TO: Nathan these fools will have to give an who studies always only from one! with the supervisor. He sat doirn wrote a letter that almost has quite a Sioux City, following. district? . . - On June 28, Duke. Wolk upon his appointment as account for their acts. teacher, will never see any success i e r Q fp w l l i p s s h o e store he paper . . . . handed it TOPICAL TREATS Ellington will-manufacture those | n ,^ TT». ,r)» Rabbi Alexander announced, in his studies." Then they left; to Scribbler B. to sign. "But why Dept TO: HIV.,.,.;* Morris -c^-h^rFisher who H. H. Auerbach of H. A. Wolf iizzling tunes at Peony as only is now in the classified ad dept. "Who wants longevity?" And ahim and went to the college of j Co. wrote a very enlightening ar- he can do. of the World Herald . . . . TO: I big crowd surrounded him andRoba, who' when he heard the • ticle in the World-Herald on June ODDS Valva Weisman of Minneapolis, ' said to him, "We all want lon- reason, said to them, "It is true! Leo>n Says - 13, on "Life Begins With Owning At last Austin-Bevans was en-who is now with the Farm Credit gevity, please tell us how we can only in concerning reasons atd in- j me protprt T-onr interests. . . of Your Home." The Vaad Picnic bled to send the rhythmic tunes i Bank . . . . . TO: The Beth-El Syn- reach it?" He then referred them genuity, but as for traditions it: l-ct I WTlte psSCEAN'CE of every deswill take place this Sunday at of his band over the ether whenjagogue for their elaborate plans o Psalms 34:14: Keep thy tongue is better to learn them frora one | cription teclnfiing I..IFE, in stronc . ;•» ?H LJrcrir)in«*" f t • relishie Krug's Park, Omaha's outdoor he outdoor floor of the Highland | for their annual spring dance at :rom evil and thy lips from speak- master in order to avoid differ- talk it oonspanies OXL.T. . . . %*et'E «e« is sr TBiV e T?mi ent versions." amusement center. It is said that was;used for the first time, last the Highland Club Monday even- ng deceit. City Finance & IcssraJice Gc. the favorite month of Meyer,Rab- Saturday evening . . . . Now that ing, June 24 Roba said, "Even the gossip of TO: all of the Rabbi Chisda said to his disciFarasm &T "66" c r Vf A 5150 en is Julya , , . Miss Ann Lipsey is Minda is back, Cappy Liberman newly weds. ples: "I would like to tell you a scholar is to be studied." making good - in" New York and CSYSTAL, WHITE r f .1 * y f 1 now, oVrfis the secoiid largest kosher^ restaurant ;there and tipsters believethat her-visit here may be for business a s well as pleasure. . . . Benny Falk is now back In the fowl business... . . I. D. Dloogoffs of the West Maple Market are counting the days. . . . SCRAPS We saw that talented dramatist |B PaAS. tresis, greeiij ^ tes«5 nskt bsskcl ...49r I saleslady at Natelson's, M. Hv, with a new male at the Vaad dance at Peony. Where was H. hi. £ s £ i E f t O . M & i g C , iJ;Cei»«e « E^w*4viiv,s *-•.• M., the Dave's Clothes Shop man? Fisiers i f Suss Flisl ss ...,>: . . . Judging by the effect upon SXK&Jgi, HOE ?T*-'Z'gJ g% Forsl fencers are first the J. C. C. baseb.allers who cH ^•^ vith a rust-reslsjaai end then played donkey ball jlast week if? IH|(?5e |:|:t ji'% ir^f>.c'*^ jhi^»w« finished irith tlie saiae highreal "kick" was. enjoyed by all. luster, Mgli-lsake esausel (sad in .;. . Two of Omaha's retailers who tlte sasme colors) ss Ford bodies face each other while carrying on — AT NO EXTRA COST. their daily businesses are both expecting relatives from distant London.;. . . Nina Olivette,.who has played the leading spots and 6.00 x shows of the country," is being l U I i cAXk tires, moaiited on 4-inch featured at the GO club in th&;cur t f-r rims — prtsvidiag better tractiois, i| L33IE EIGEEi: Tent show. . . . Max Konecky, who Qtiicker Eccelerstioa said greater !| W I S E SODA was"- a crack cracker salesman in safety — ETC standard the: early days' and who later be oa the Ford V-S. i| GIXGES ALE came editor of the Jewish"Bulleill ? en^r-iff- K^wl^c z 5 c tin, now the. Press, visited his fifends here for,a few days. Superstitious Moe Vengar, who carries a rabbit's foot with him was - unable -to make, the mechan ism "of i t function-properly: at a recent bridge and he didn't win a c _ V' hand. Slfity GlSSS All I f i l l i AM models ©£ t&e BACHELORS - Ford V-S are equipped wills. Safety Glass Omaha is a . fertile field for s i grcand — AT NO EXTHA COST. matrimonial minded maidens Here is a partial list, of .eligible bachelors. Save this for future ad ditions and for future reference Dentists: Samuel Morgan, Davi piece steel bodr, the same only have to ass your Platt; doctors: Samuel Faier,, Ben in! perfoDEaan.ee, the same TPNE IN eyes • So know you are get. Slutzky; attorneys: Don Brodkey the FORD SUNDAY safety and ease ecoaosiy. ting extra value when you HOUR. Symphony Orchestra jf CAR FOR CAR, THE KEGU. ^IC* _ IVEGETAE1AK BE Buy a Ford V-8. end celebrated. ^ue$i soloists* i i LAR.MODELS AND TEE BE lobby's BPW deep 7 o'clock (C. S. T.) cS Coltint' i I t steali, For instance, Big airLUXE SIODELS AEE IDENbrov;T« S ca..r,s 61c Sizzwns. FSEB BASING if TUSA Balloon tires that mean AND HIS PENNSYLVAMANS, ij TICAL — IN SIZE, IN STYLE, every Thursday everting at 7;S§ I j white, S cans 'greater safety and comfort. • IN LUSTROUS BEAUTY, IN f C» S. ? . J 5 c l i Coiisia&ls Sz&SxoTt&i \ j Tee extra safety of SafelyROOMINESS, IN CGBiFQET.



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21, 1935.

The United States, as well as other liberal countries, should follow the course indicated by a country which neighbors on German terrain. On the basis of its previous commitments, the United parties, but they do want an execTHE MIZRACHI SIDE States should remain out of the Berlin Olympics. The reports utive council that is a representaTo the Editor: tive body from all parties and not from the investigator of the American Olympic Committee, sent After reading Mr. Minkin's arto Germany to check on the attitude of Nazi sport officials to ticle in your issue of June 14, I controlled by any one particular group. Jewish athletes, have not been convincing. Discrimination against would like to have you publish I wish every one would vote at some further facts regarding the Jews and Catholics is openly practiced by the Nazis. If the true TRUTH the election of delegates next Sunas I see it regarding conday, June 23,'at the Community purposes of the international sport events were to be the influenc- ditions in Palestine. Center, for the Mizraehi represenMr. Minkin stresses the fact ing factors, then assuredly the right-thinking nations of the | tative, and keep Palestine for all world should strike for the ideals of the fair play of sportdom and that the Histadruth ruled the ex- Jews and not just for a few who ecutive council representing the . ! do not believe in following the refuse to participate in the Berlin Olympics. Zionist organization during

- Voice of Our Readers - -

• Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by f


.Subscription'Price, one year - - - - - - ?2.00 Advertising rates furnished on application. Editorial Office: 500 Brandeis Theater Building. Sioux City Ollice—Jewish Community Center , DAVID BLACKER ••• - Business and Managing Editor PRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - • - Editor RABBI URI MILLER - - - - - Contributing Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - s» - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street

Unhealthy Situation The Jewish situation in Poland is unhealthy, to say the least, and fraught with dire danger. Sufficient evil is to be found in the fact that over a million Jewish souls are destitute, not only poverty-stricken but utterly destitute and f oodless. 6ut, as though the bacdlli of misery must multiply, these Polish Jews must further face the terrorism of bloodthirsty violence. .When PilsudsRi, the iron man of Poland, died, the Jewish population feared that physical outbreaks might occur. Unfortunately, their fears proved justified,, for the Endeks are seeking to utilize anti-Semitic outbursts to embarrass tthe government and thus further their own political aims. As a result, there have been riots in which the Jewish population suffered, and unless the government shows more strength and will-power than heretofore, they will be unable to curb the anti-Jewish attacks. Here we find another example of an unscrupulous group of political demagogues using the base and repulsive means of racial antagonism as a stepladder toward government control.

The Cycle The passing of Shmaxya Levin is symbolic to world Jewry. This famed orator, brilliant writer and outstanding leader was at an early age a member of the Duma, the highest legislative body of Czaristic Russia, yet had to,leave Russia or be sent to the wastes of Siberia. From his native land he traveled far, becoming known in all parts of the world. His influence was felt in many countries, but his death in the Jewish Homeland, signifies the end of a cycle, the wandering Jew finding eternal rest in Palestine. Though in intellect and ability, in heart and in feeling, he was far above the average people, yet Shmarya Levin was a man of the people. He had a marked insight into their minds and thoughts and fought unremittingly for their best interests.. He fought for Hebrew culture and tradition, and did much for the advancement of Hebraic literatue. But his geatest realm of service was for the cause of Zionism. Often would he come to American shores to battle with everything at his command for Zionism and the Keren Hayesod. He lived for national Hebrew renaissance, and for his living that renaissance Is richer and sturdier.

Jewish University

placed the executive in the hands of the Histadruth. The record of the prowth and development in Palestine Is the best answer of the On Sunday, June 23, the faith, success of that executive. the hopes and the future of the Zionist Movement will hang in the \ Before the Histadruth executive

balance. On this flay the Jews air only four to five thousand perseover the United States will vote; cution-torn fellow-Jews immigrattheir shekels to send delegates to; ed to Palestine. The country was not handled properly to assimithe World Zionist Congress. On; the shoulders of the American late and provide for more. Look Jewry lies a heavy responsibility, i at. the picture the last two years. Under the masterful and businessTo you the persecuted and oppressed brothers of the middle-age \ like leadership of the Histadruth, countries of Europe loot for ac- jover 55.000 Jews each year found ' traditions that have kept the Jews tion. On your ' good judgment: a new hope and a new home in past two years which have seen of the world banded together for those brave pioneer brothers and' Pa-lestine. They found there a the most successful years that the past 2,000 years even though sisters now in Palestine depend real home, a chance to earn a Palestine has enjoyed. But iu his they were spread over the entire for their future and their chil-| living. Tins they owe to the Hisentire article I failed to see any world. In the routine activity of the Rabbi's life, the greater goal mention of the fact that Palesdren's future. The fate of Pales-; "tadr&th. | I hope that you will see fit to The greatest debt that the tine is involved. I t is yours to is often overlooked. There are lectures to be given, sermons to tine was extremely fortunate to publish this so that the Jewish help or destroy. world Jewry ovres to the Histadbe made, visits to be tolerated, meetings to be endured, books have a liberal High Commission- public of Omaha will have an op• Two years ago the Jewry of the; ruth WEB their .establishing for the er Nor were the to be scanned. One has neither time nor initiative to ask the whyj t l o n g o f t h e v o r W t a k e n i n t 0 c o a . portunity of reading both sides world tired of the weak and inef- first time a good credit for the before the election. and wherefore of these multitudinous activities^ And if the mec- jsideration. ficient executive controlled T)y jZionist movement. Before their Thanking you in advance, I am, other parties of Zionism, and I (Continued on Page 8.) hanical aspect of this work is successful, tf meetings are efficiThe High Commissioner as you Sincerely, ent and sermons well attended it seems rank apikoras to ques- undoubtedly know is not appointE. WEINBERG, ed nor elected by any Jewish or358 N. 41st St., tion the ultimate value of this holy work. ganization, neither Histadruth nor Oraaha, Neb. And yet—after the clamour has died down—after the hun- Mizraehi. The High Commissiondreds of admirers have left the synagogue with words of praise er has full control over the imRABBI'S EEPLY. migration to Palestine and due to for their Rabbi's thoughts and eloquence, after the children have his liberalism many more immi- i T*° e Editor of the Jewish The opening of another



trooped OUt excited and happy at a play successfully produced, j grants were permitted entrance) Press: into t h e country than in previous; I Question personally the sfiis there a residue of religious instruction? Does there remain a positive religious gain that can slowly be built up so that religi- i th^Sl^rs?if ^ Z Z of VoS ous people, with the Jewish religious ideology as part of their Unions existing during these: Paper. I have been requested J mental thought—patterns will eventuate? Or is there much noise i years in Germany. ( however, by friends who insist thfit xr e p l y t 0 a l e t t e r in t This brings me to the main fac-| >'our r e and shouting; yet no profit tor as I see the situation, namely,;• cent iEsue entitled "Let's Know

In the instance Of the synagogue and its service it is perhaps |Hitlexism. Hitlerism banded the! t h e T r u t h - " commenting on a preir to demand a religious reformation as1 the product of its j entire world of Jews in one body, V1OUS l editorial of mine. unfair eLn. a« bn kl ii n; « » r>nin««;nn t^. r,...*Vin» j t e l ___•: «I-J I_A i i • t__ •__• i. I _» A - i J _ . J« .« " s v e r y simple to answer all barenness. Sermons ought not to be expected to bring forth a i E Palestine to further its! accusations by calling them lies. r ave been informreligious transformation and the singing of Zmiros may arouse S ' d u r i n g ^ f ^ S ^ t S . ^ s U Mr. - Minkin. *" n i " n - xI ahave t d does n o t rece{ve read Palenthusiasm but cannot sustain religious convictions. The writer,, was quite similar to our economic j ' He h a s is becoming convinced that the utility of the sermon is definitely conditions in this country during j . How he limited, that its effect is temporary and that few converts to a|* h e ^ministration of our late; i s sufficiently weU informed to reh'gious life can be credited to i t It is valuable in the mainten- j honestly give President Cooiidge^! 1 m* statements false is some.

. . .


J% i

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, ,,

M,r m

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thing I can not quite understand.

ance of rebgious convictions and in the instilhng of a sympathe-- j 'u» credit for our prosperity dur- x m u s t tic attitude towards religion—not in the creation of a reUgious i!° s t h * y s a r s r c f his administra- r e a l i z e h



x dM not

• ° ition. The entire world was in a ' „. „,y t , c I,a i.m t .h .a t. psychology. And again, how often are sermons on a reUgious j destructed condition resulting'^ o . Preseat , . , _ _ . , . . , . , ... • . . , . ^. •., i. , , . ^jaay prosperity Jn Palestine is due

subject? Jewish history, current events, philosophy, book re-!from the w » r wh ich we had just views—anything but religion seem the Rabbinical order of t h e ! completed The entire world need.•



t0 the Histadrut cerUin

i g ^ ^Q TGuiiiiu s.nu. tiiG only P^I&CG '.



on Sunday^ June 23d at 220 So. 24th St. to take care of ocr ever increasing business

OUR BAKERY has been installed with up-to-date equipment and we are ready to serve you're bread and pastry needs. We will continne to serve onr patrons on the north side from onr bakery a t 1419 Xo. 21th St.

Phone IA 1545 for prompt delivery

executive I feel

t h e executive



Sir. sue! Sirs. Ftzff wish to tlisisk «heir many friends for enabling them to open thcit new bakery.

day. And may it not seriously be questioned if an address on) i n t h e world where merchandise!^" c£vkLly°it ha?beSn'tht G e r m a i l y virtue a E d Pof o l perandi Palestine, no matter how beautiful and inspiring will cause itsjcould be purchased without pay- is ne fc lut t) ixoon[ icanpital"by a n d t h ee x e c u t i v e c a n merely iNaturally n g c a s h wall a s countries t h e U n i t e dpatromzed states tine? ©Individual packages of cookies will be given to all who Usteners to determine to keep the Sabbath? Or even build Pales- us and brought us the best times - claim that they have taken adThe circumstances of American life, of its economic pres- we have ever known. But the fact; v a n tage of this situation. The visit ns st onr new location sure and overwhelming propaganda towards a secular life may remains that we might have had; c a p i t a l comiT1 g t 0 Palestine, I am as good times had we had an-j c e r t a i n ) not on the r eaiues be a sufficient explanation of our inpotence in affecting Ameri- just other President. The reason I am j . . E t a b l e a n d efficient governmen can Jewish adults. Moreover we have in a great measure resigned mentioning this fact is not to d i s - | o t H istadrut" as it does on the ourselves to a religiously-delinquent congregation and are over- j c r e d i t t h e Cooiidge administration |g t a b ] e a n d efficient governmen joyed if we maintain the status quo over a long period of time. ^ ^ ! ^ ^ Z £ P ^ P le The Crux Of the problem is tor be found in the .fact that few feet the success or non-success of jw i t h c a p ;t a l may have ideals and members Of a congregation live thru a religious experience dur- an? administration, either in this m&y c o m e to Palestine withou balancing too carefully the stabi ing their attendance at reUgious services. They Usten to a ser-1c 0 ^ " ^ ^~^ " T o w a r d r

Lii€ j litv" s,od GfficisncT of tlis

mon, read the prayers and responses—but do not feel nor thrill jews in Germany forced many;that be. The significance of the charter granted to the Jewish Teach-' to an emotionally tinged experience. They are not worshipping Jews, as we all know, to leave j Concerning the attack on the crs Seminary and People's University in New York state must be except in the most mechanical of fashion—and can a mechanical! t h e 5 r c o u n t r y a n d s e e k a p l a c e t 0 ! sj-nagogue service on a Sabbath where they would not be mo- {morning which Mr. Minkin states determined by the future course of educational events in this process be designated worship? slested. The only country for them is "absolutely false" i t might be country. In certain Christian circles the proposal h a s been seriously I to consider was Palestine. These well to point out m o r e details By this charter authorized through the New York legisla- considered of entirely eliminating the sermon from services. It people brought with them an am- j This scandal took place on the bition t o succeed, a s well as • Sabbath of Passover. It was writture, the Seminary-University becomes the first Jewish institution has been realized that much activity on the part of the congrega- wealth. The wealth naturall> was ten up in all the Palestinian of it3 kind to receive official recognition in this country. The in- tion—a wholly undesirable feature leading to spiritual stagna- poured in from every nook and newspapers and a resolution constitution has behind i t a laudable record of eighteen years of tion. And if this be true in churches, how much more applicable corner of the world to help build a demning it was passed by t h e service, in training men and women for the Jewish teaching pro- is it in our synagogues where the sermon is the piece de resist- safe place for refugees. These'city council of Tel Aviv. The Hisconditions brought about the fact j tadrut in Palestine did not deny fession. It was supported and built up without the support of ance at our Friday evening service—the only service to a large that Palestine enjoyed two of the ] it but merely stated that it was most successful years of its exist- done without authority from head large endowments, arising from the necessity for providing higher part of our membership? ence and not the fact that any quarters and that, therefore, they learning for Jewish men and women in an institution which would The service and sermon must become a religious experience particular party had power. These i felt the entire organization, ought make the spiritual and social ideals of the Jewish people its main to the worshipper—not an address or lecture. Else we must re- same successful years would have not to be held responsible for the basis. It is the only non-rabbinical Jewish institute of higher sign ourselves to the gradual disintegration of our religious heri- been enjoyed had we had any oth- acts of 40 or 50 people. The party was an official Histadrut party. learning which concerns itself specifically with Jewish culture tage—an erosion ;by the floods of secular experience heavily er administration, I believe. Concerning the May 1st pro"We all agree with part of the and traditions in the light of contemporary currents of thought. freighted with anti-religious and anti-Jewish corrosives. principles of Histadruth, namely, clamation greeting the proletariin Soviet Russia, w h i c h Mr. The Seminary-University, in its new status as a state college, And if there be an impotence and futility in our services higher wages and better working at Minkin claims has not a semblwith the power to grant degrees in Jewish pedagogy and literature and ministration to adults—it can perhaps be 'forgiven*. But we conditions for labor. But I cannot ance of truth, I can state that see any need for abandoning the may have a direct effect upon adult Jewish-education. Here in cannot be forgiven for our perpetuating this condition by will-I traditions of our people in our this was taken directly from y p the Omaha Jewish community, as elsewhere throughout the coun- f l l ! P i z m n t whi z™ofannouncement which friend mine in Omaha retry, there has been of late years a growing recognition of the need fully neglecting our children. Yet our present system of Jewish!Holy Land in order to accomplish aP°*ie •

for furthering adult Jewish education. Classes and courses for adults are springing up in the various Jewish Community Centers, while schools with regular courses for adults have become more frequent. Its effect, however, may be even wider than that. Certain groups in Jewish life have, been clamoring for a Jewish University in this country to neutralize the prevailing situation in our schools of higher learning, and here may be planted the seed from which Jewish students may eventually combine a course in Jewish subjects with a degree in the professions.






1 acts


education is but a systematic laborious neglect and cannot under | £ £




Etnitputritr* for ihm Genuine Palm Etach

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^ ^ S ^ X S S -

ceived. The question of the Histadruth and communism can. not

any circumstances be honored by the.designation Jewish educa- tration to prevent tearing down be settled as easily as Mr. Mintion. The insignificance of its permanent results in the child is ]of Jewish traditions of centuries. kin claims' Professor Klausner, They did nothing to stop their our only sorry consolation at the painful knowledge that so few workers from working the Na- who can hardly be accused of being a Mizraehi, in a statement in tional Loan Fund on our Sabbath. of our children receive even this futile system of training. the Ha'aretz wrote that the HisThis land was bought with money tadruth were forming "a new We have not succeeded in bringing up Jews. The products donated by Jews from the entire of our Hebrew and Religious school are neither pious nor God- world. Bought with money sub- kind of communism." Professor Weitzman, who is" sympathetic to fearing. Their book-knowledge which may appear to such excel- scribed by religious Jews who the .Histadruth, in a statement in lent advantage on visitor's day in school disappears with almost were in hope that they some day the same paper stated that the would see a land that would live miraculous rapidity once school days are over. We do not instill up to our traditions of not work- atmosphere in the Histadruth schools was very similar to that in them a desire to participate in Jewish activities nor a desire ing on our Sabbath. They have of the schools in the Soviet. to live a Jewish life. Why then shall we consider them educated done nothing to stop Jewish Many other, instances, all of truckers from bringing produce Jewishly? Shall a smuttering of Hebrew words and a fluency in from these lands in trucks to sell them authenticated by Palestine newspapers a n d official anmechanical reading which rapidly becomes a stumbling halting their products in front and around nouncements have come to my atAn Institute of Human Relations will be held at Williams Colprocedure as the years pass; shall these be considered adequate the large synagogue in Tel-Aviv tention . O n e concerns a letter lege, Williamstown, in August, under the auspices of the National on the Sabbath during Passover sent by the Rabbinate of Haifa preparation for the members of Israel's household? And with Conference of Jews and Christians. week. to the headquarters of the Histathese comes a memory of unpleasant experiences and a feeling of : Furthermore, the Histadruth druth in that city. I t was return" ! This is the first venture of its kind ever held in this coundistaste that haunts every future religious contact. leaders did not try to prevent es- ed unopened with the answer that try . The purpose of the Institute is to give an opportunity to It seems certain that a radical change must take place in tablishment of schools in different "we accept no commanications leaders of the Protestant, Catholic and Jewish faiths to consider our educational methods if Judaism is to be re-vitalized. We must parts of Palestine, of course with from the Rabbinate." The Bikurthoroughly and systematically some of their common interests consider the aims and motives of a Jewish education and must Keren Hayesod money—money im ceremony in Haifa et Shevnthat was donated by all classes of oth was replete with violation of and concerns as citizens of American communities and to con- plan in accordance with these ends. Jews, for the sole purpose of edu- the Sabbath and the Holiday, and many protests from nonsider the improvement of inter-group relations in the United There remains much to be done in setting Israel's House in cating their students along one caused line only—namely, Socialism. At Mizrachi publications and personStates. The Institute is planned as an occasion of study and ex- order. these schools the students are tak- alities. My own experience in Palchange of experience and not for debate or for securing commiten through the entire history of estine was such that I can easily —URI MILLER jrfents to specific proposals or recommendations. The chief purSocialism starting with the teach- realize the existence of s u c l i & ings of Marx and up to modern situation. pose is, to arrive at a common understanding of the causes of Socialism. They are not taught Mr. Minkin fails|o understand difficulties in community relations, and of the means Of removany Jewish principle's. They are that neither myself nor the Miz*Rosh Chodesh Tammuz .„.. ._.„.„„„.„„ ing them. .Tues., July 2 instead engendered with a bitter- rachi derive any pleasure from .... ..ZIIZ_jrhurs" July 18 ness toward any capitalistic Jew, indicating facts of this sort. We i Education through such institutes is a powerful weapon in Shiba Asar B'Tammuz the people who have really made are hopefully looking .forward to Rosh Chodesh Ab ".----»-„„..„........„. Wed July 31 their education a reality. , combatting prejudice. the time when t h e Histadruth

Every Boy-Knows He Want* The Nebraska*$ GENUINE



Institute of Human Relations






Pointing the Way




* ...... ................._.....Fri. Aug 5696—1935 " ' ' \ Little Switzerland is pointing the way for the next Olympiad. Rosh Hashonah, 1st day .. m ...^..Sat, Sept. 28 The Swiss General Council has voted down an appropriation to Rosh Hashonah, 2nd day -..-....-..........^........^....Sun., 29 Send a Swiss team to, Berlin for the 1936 Olympic games, on the Fast of Gedaliah 30 theory that with the Nazis being what they are, the Berlin games YomKippur Oct. 7 yjrovid not be held in the spirit of fair play and amateur sport and juccoth, 1st day Z.17.7" Sat Oct. 12 p vast Nazism would be likely to contaminate Swiss athletes. I Succoth. 2nd dav _____„ ' is *Rosh Chodesh E M

iT1—p< I

Boys1 Palm B e a c h S l a c k

Sites 16 to 22


. . . . $3.95

As you have no doubt gathered, will be in line with his own stateI am opposed to the Histadruth ments. When that time comes not

principles and favor the work and | only shall we acknowledge it but principles of the Mijrachi. The' with pride join hands with Mizraehi purpose and aim is to the Histadruth in building o u r primarily have a Jewish land land and our people. where Jewish principles and traSincerely yours, ditions are encouraged; the chilURI MILLER dren should be taught along general lines and not Socialistic prinThe merchants who advertise ciples. Furthermore, the Mizraehi in the Jewish Press solicit your •-" ' propose to oust all other business, and merit your patronage.


The Boys' Own Store features onljr the gemtint Goodall Palm Beach Suits tailored by Goodall. Double and single breasted models. Plain white and fancy patterns—and what smart distinctive styles they are! See them.

BOYS' UNEN LONG PANTS SUITS Single and DoubW Br*«sted Mod.b

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21, 1935.



FEREXSTElK-FORMAX CELEBRATE BAR OX HONEYMOON TRIP STEAK FRY !RETURNS FEOM Empire Cleaning The "wedding of Miss Rose For- MITZVAH Mr. and Mrs. Herman WigoMr. and Mrs. Louis Lipp rave HOLLYWOOD man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Parilnian i niiz -who -a-ere married on June a steak fry .Sunday evening, June Miss Frances Lee Kort. daugliPreserves Your Forman, to Harry Ferenstein, son celebrat'ed. the B a r Mitzrah ol j 9. are taking a three-week honey-'16, at Hummel Park in honor of ter of Mr. and Mrs. Nate Kort.. of Mr. and Mrs. Max Ferenstein, their son, Arthur, with a banquet j moon trip through the -western ! Frank Lipp, -who is leaving short- has returned home after visiting tjok place at the home of. Rabbijat the B'nai Anshe Sholom syna- j states. Mrs. Wigonitz is the form- ly to interne, and in honur ol in Hollywood, Florida, New York ® Our scientific modern David A. GoldsteE, Sunday morn- j gogue, 24th and Nicholas. Over ! er Helen Shapiro* " jBabe Kropman, a sister of Mrs. and Chicago. methods retain the coring at 11 o'clock; on June 1C, in , seventy friends and relatives atjLipp. i rcct size and !".hP.pe of the presence of the immediate tended, a number coming from TO PACIFIC COAST your clothes. families. ' St. Paul specially for this Mrs. Leo Fox a n d daughter. TO VISIT IX EAST Shirley. and son, Alfred, left for © Let us clean and dc-moth Following the wedding t h e r e j l o n Grace Resnick left Sunday, announce the birth of a boy, Warthem sow! ren June 16. to visit friends and re- Loe Angeles, where t h e y will was a reception at the home of Sidney, on June 4. spend the summer. # Sealed in mot!* » proof : of Arthur, served as program ! latives in. 'Washington, D. C. and the bride from 2 till 6 p. m. Asslating at the reception ^ e r e : | f i r m a n . S^ort talks were given ! New York for the entire s n m cedarissd bags v,itfioiit TO DETROIT • mer. 1 extra charge. Call • • Mrs. J. Tatelman and her KAZLOWSKY-HAJTDLER . KOHX-ACKERMAX SKKOLLY GC^BMAN'S daughter?. Adeline and Florence, WEDDING MARRIAGE ther Ravitz, and Gertrude Oruch. old Kaplan offered a number of; announce the birth of a son on FROM SAN left for Detroit, where they vil> 11. At a beautiful ceremony at the ; The secret marriage of M i s s Jewish folk and classical rendiJ 1 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Resnick and vacation the entire summer -with Among the out-of-town guests Birchwood club. Miss Sophia Hand--! Mollie Ackerman, daughter of Mr. were: Mrs. Sam Cohn, her -daugh- tions on his violin. The father of j their daughter. Yera and son. Mrs. Ts-telman's brother-in-lawthe Bar Mitzvah concluded the' ler became the bride of Ben E. j and M r s . L. Ackerman, to Mr. Samuel of San Francisco, Califand JSon, Marcus, and program. AXXOUXCE BIRTH Kazlowsky, Sunday, June 16, at Sam Kohn, son of .Mrs. Lena Rosoff an-' ornia are spending two weeks and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. AdelMiss Esther Ravitz, all of Tulsa, Mr. and Mrs. M, 1:30.. The ceremony, which, took Kohn, on Saturday, June 8, was The parents and guests contri-. n o u n c e the birth of. a s o n on here visiting , iheir immediate man. place in the presence of the two announced at a dinner given by Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kohn buted ten dollars toward the | j u n e ^ family. Butler, Mb.; Mrs. I. Merlin and families only, was performed by j Mr. and Mrs. M. Morris on Sun- of planting of seven trees on Jewish her daughters;' Sybil,Bluma and Rabbi David A. Goldstein and | day, June 16. Dorothy, and her son, Max, Mary National Fund land in Palestine KOt'SE Gt'ESTS FROM Rabbi Uri Miller. The wedding TO BE HONORED AT After a short trip, the couple Rosofsky, Fanny Rosofsky, and in tne name of the confirmant. FORT DODGE music was played by Miss Lillian I will make their home in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Merkin, all of A TEA Lucille Abramson and Ruth Mrs. A. Romm, resigning pres- Lurie of Fort Dodge, Iowa are Chudacoff, pianist, and Miss ThelSioux City. BAR MITZVAH ident of the Pleasant Hill society, ma Gaspar, violinist. They also GREENBERG-LIPSEY Mr. a n d Mrs. Morris Cohen, who is leaving for New Y o r k house guests of Miss Julia HerzAfter a two-week honeymoon accompanied Miss Ethel Resnick, berg. 2517 Parker street, announce the trip through Minnesota, the cousoprano. The marriage Of Miss Mildred ple will return to reside at the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Max, City, where she will make h e r — DANCING — The bride wore a flesh Chan- Lipsey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Saturday morning, J u n e . 22, at home, will be honored at a tea TO SPEXD SIMMER HERE given by the society. Tuesday aftiny lace gown, fashioned with a Joseph Lipsey, and Sam Green- Turner Court apartments. Miss B e c k Turner of Macon. the ,Adass Yeshurin synagogue at Wednesday - Saturday ternoon, June 25, at 2 p. m. at Georgia, will spend the pummer high neck and puff sleeves. Her berg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip; 25 th and Seward streets. 10 the B'nai J a c o b synagogue at tricorne hat TVSS of matching lace j Greenberg, will be solemnized o n ! -ATTEND WEDDING here with her brother and sisterMr. and Mrs. Cohen will be at J? E and tulle and was worn with an] Sunday afternon, June 23, at 1:30 { M l s s uu™n Monovitz, daugh- home Sunday, June 23, from 1 to 24th and Nicholas streets. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nate Turner. ter of Installation of officers Will take Mr. and Mrs. William and Kis Knip Park Orchestra accordion pleated veil, waist j at the Birchwood club in the pres- i 3 and from 6 to 9. Friends and place at this time. The new offic- SPENDING SUMMER e t t t o r K s length. The bouquet was of but- i.ence of the families. Rabbi David j ^ relatives are cordially invited. ^ s awedding June 12, to attend the ers are the Mesdames Joe Nees- HERE terfly roses. A. Goldstein will perform the cerof Miss Dorothy Madloff to Mr. nran, president; J. AbrahanssoB. Miss Milly Adellane *#'f N e v Miss Roselle Handler, sister of emony. Robert Blonsky, which will take BRIDGE PARTY first vice-president; M. Arbitman. York is spending t h e summer t h e bride, who was maid of The bride's only attendant will p l a c e J u n e 2 2 , at the Brookside Miss Vera Resnick, daughter second vice-president; J. Abram- here with her uncle a n d aunt. honor, wore apple green organza, be Miss Cyril Leon. Henry Green- \ hotel. Accompanying Miss Mono- of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Resnick of son. financial secretary; B. Shaf"TWEXTY-FiYE ACRES OF FUN" with a tulle hat in matching i D e r « ' brother of the groom,, will! v i t z a r e n e r a u n t M r s . Sarah San Francisco, was guest of: t 0 Q i t r e a s u r e r ; a n d s. Zernovsky, Mr. and Mrs. N. Kuznit. New Eides - New Games - New Concessions J ^ B m a n r o s e s i » e best man. The wedding march j M onovltz and son, Irvin, and Miss honor at a bridge party given by ; r e c o r d i n g secretary. LEAVE SATURDAY and orchid sweet peas. Miss Grace Resnick, Saturday af- i Swimming Pool Under Direction ol CoacL C. C. Kabbard will be played by Harry. Bravi- Myra Monovitz of Fremont. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Harris g Arthur Kazlowsky attended his TOff. ternoon. Twelve girls w.ere presPicnic in the Largre Modernized Pr5.v»t« Grove* . i FROM WFLKES BARRE and their three sons, Norman, Ir- % ent. brother as best man. After the ceremony a reception BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. William Pezzner of Wilkes; vin and Lee Allan, are leaving Only Amusement F'erk im Ytsnng end Old" Mrs. Handler, mother of the will be held at the Birchwood club Mr. and Mrs. J. Richlin enterBarre, Pa., is a house guest of j Saturday for a vacation in Minbride, was in iris chiffon and lace, from 3 to 6. No invitations have tained twenty-five children on BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Morris Zlotkin. ! nespolis and points north. Mr. and Mrs. Max Katz had a and Mrs. Kazlowsky wore black been issued. Wednesday, June 19, in celebralace and chiffon. Both wore Assisting at the reception will I tion of the seventh birthday of birthday party in honor of their ! 2*<£>^£zZZs*£z£^^ daughter Jean Lorraine's first: shoulder, corsages of pink sweet be the Misses Gertrude Rothkop, | their daughter, Maedelle. birthday on Sunday, June 16. ; peas and roses. Ruth Bordy, Ruth Romm, Zerlinei Twenty five guests were present, j FOR F U R STORA reception was held from 3 to Somberg, Bernice Sessel, Bernice! LUNCHEON AXD BRIDGE 6 o'clock. Assisting were the =Yousem, Sally Novak, and DoroMrs. Louis Alberts entertained AGE - CLEANING Misses Dorothy Rosenthal, Edith thy Margolin. 24 guests at luncheon and bridge, VISITOR FROM 5IASOX CITY A N D REMODELBabe Kropman of Mason City, Falk, Carey Korbholz, Bess Bern-j Tuesday afternoon, at the Tudor ING - PHONE'US Etein, Selma Levin, Evelyn Ep- WEDDING AXXIYERSARY Arms tearoom, in honor ol her la., is visiting her brother-in-law stein, and the Mesdames. MaynAT 3145 Store Hours ?:30 to l:':Z Mr. and Mrs. Markovitz cele-! s j S ter, Mrs. Maurice H. Okun of and sister, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lipp, ard Greenberg, Samuel K. Green, brated their fiftieth wedding an- j New York City, who is visiting for ten days. Micky Krupp, Herbert Neveleff, niversary, Tuesday evening, June • here. Max Wolfson, and I. B. Ziegman. 18, at a gathering in the presence j ; TO WASHINGTON* Out-of-town guests were Mr. of the immediate family. Miss Grace Resnick, daughter SURPRISE PARTY and Mrs. H. St. Korbholz, Mr. and Friends of Mr. a n d Mrs. H. of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Resnick, Mrs. Sam Hose, and Mr. and Mrs. 23TH WEDDING Smith honored them with a sur- left Sunday for Washington and E. J. Verbin, all of St. Joseph, ANNIVERSARY prise party, Sunday, June 9, in New York, where she will spend j Mo; Mr. and Mrs. P . F . Handler Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Coren will i celebration of their" 25th wedding the summer. Prior to her depar- j of Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. J. celebrate their 25th wedding_ an- ja n n i v e r s a r y . Forty-five people ture, Miss Resnick was entertain-: Verbin, Mrs. A. M. Krupinsky and n i v e r s a r y , a t t h e i r h o m e , 2212 ed at a surprise party given by her friends. Fifteen couples atMr. and Mrs. J . Monovitz, all of California St., Sunday, June 23. were present. : tended. Fremont. A reception will be given from j ^ - i S I T S The young couple left by mo- 3 to 10 p. m. Assisting at the re-j Miss Ethel Kelberg is visiting tor for a three--week trip to the ception will be the Misses Ruth f1 her schoolmate, Mrs. N. Zarkow- AXXOUXCE BIRTH Pacific coast. The bride's going- Coren, Rhoda Gilinsky, and Eve- sky, in St. Louis. Mrs. ZarkowDr. and Mrs. Leon Fellinan anaway outfit consisted of a -white j lyn Spiegal. , sky is the former Nina Levey of I nounce the birth of a son, Myron linen-shantung stress and c o a t , JMayr, Maj- 30. No invitationn have, been issu- this city. trimmed in a green, brown and ed. Relatives and -friends are coryellow- pring. Her accessories dially invited. were white. t COCKTAIIi PARTY WE1XER-MABKOVITZ An individual opportunity for •women of character The Misses Babe and Sophia Mr. Barney Markovitz of Coun- ! Newman entertained t w e n t y • Exclusive hair trimming b y Miss "Daisy" cil BluIfB anounces the engage^ & c o c t t a i l party, ment of his daughter, MIBS_Tillie j e Not only new—but different—• e v e l l i n g , June 19, precedHarkoriU,. to Mr. Edward Weiner j. g ^ ^ T . ^ ^ Peacock permanent waves that suit the individual, deep soft of VUlisca, Iowa, son of Mr. and ' waves, ringlet ends—These permanents are causing a furore in Mrs. William Weiner oZ Omaha. this Beauty Salon—-Phone this week for your appointment. No wedding date has been set EXTERTAIX Mrs. J. Breslow of Lincoln en• y e t . ; • •• . . . / ' \ ertained Tuesday, June i 8 , in 202 Securities Building AT 0332 honor of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kohn, ROGIXSKY-B1LOOM vho were recently wed, and Miss Evening Appointments can be made with ten expert beauticians •: The marriage of Miss -Helen Bloom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. elia Stein, bride-to-be. Samuel Bloom, to Maurice Roginsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Roginsky,•..took place Sunday afternoon at the Beth Hamedrosh synagogue. - . . . ' . Rabbi David A. Goldstein officiated. ' . A supper for relatives and the bridal party was given by Mr. and Mrs/ Bloom following the ceremor The Modes With Fashion Triumphs ny. "Open house" was held in the evening.


AcMitbsa! Society on Page Seven

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STOMiER-SIEGEL Miss Esther Tibe Siegel, daughter oE Mrs. E. Siegel, announced her engagement to Jay Stoller, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Stoller. No definite date has been set for the wedding.

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HOW NOT TO BIDE A MOTORCYCLE—George Wilks, British motorcycle racer, is hardly making a salaam to the crowds in the stands at the Harringay stadium, North London, England. He has landed on his head in one of the spectacular, upsets marking trials for the National League motorcycle match between Harringay and Wembley teams. s


• ?^-w


VICTORY — Gerard B. Lambert's American yacht Yankee is shown with.two others in the race sponsored by the Royal Thames Yacht Club off Southend, England. Shortly after this picture was taken T. O. M. Sopwith's America's Cup challenger Endeavour snapped her mast and W.-L. Stephenson's Velsheda fell so far behind that the race was given to Yankee. Astra, another yacht, lost a man overboard in a heavy sea.

^ ( ^i r

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NEW KING OF THE RING—His face still .swollen, here is James J. Braddock, of New Jersey, new heavj-R'eight boxing champion of the world, with Mrs. Braddock, reading congratulatory telegrams in a New York hotel the morning after he won the title from Mas Baer at the Long Island Bowl,



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PATROL — Nine good reasons ' why your life should be safe on the beach at Waikiki^ Honolulu. Left to right the members of the patrol are: Charles Baptiste, Harry Cornwall, Sam Kaluhiokalani, Joe Miner, ?'SaIly" Hale, John Makua, Pua Kealo: ha. Chick Daniels < and Ted Waters. They sing, play ukuleles, ride surfboard and outrigger canoes and dance the hula.

COPS TALK BACK— After much experimentation Detroit police announced a successful sending as.well as receiving set for radio police cars, by which policemen may communicate with headquarters through a hand microphone. This shows one of the bluecoats operating the set.

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L G-MEN'S PKISONEES—Harmon Waley and his wife, said to have confessed the kidnaping of 9-yesr-old George Weyerhaeuser, are shown as they were returned by Department of Justice agents to Tacoma, Wash., after their arrest in Salt Ii&ke City. The trip was made by plane. Waley msnaclea,-wears a white cap and his wife is being assisted down the steps. . .

LIGHTED FOR FETE OF WINES—Here is an unusual view of the famous cathedral of Reims, France. Annually the famous city, world renowned for its excellent champagne, holds the Fete of Wines. This night scene shows the beautiful edifice that was scarred and battered during the World War illuminated especially for the fete. Visitors from the surrounding country arrived by thousands.

PLAYWRIGHT—Women writers are soon to usurp the places of men.as movie producers, directors and major writers of motion pictures, said Rachel Crothers, above, one of America's outstanding women playwrights, as she arrived in Hollywood to fulfill a motionpicture contract. This is a logical forward step, she asserted.

TREE SECTION FOR EXHIBIT—Visitors to the world fair at San Diego, Cal., will see that this section of a redwood tree, 12 feet in^diametfer, has rings marking its age as 1,510 years. It was sent by Colonel John R. White, superintendent of Sequoia National Park. Ths girls indicate its size.

ON TRIAL — Mrs. Anne Lyddane, willowy stenographer, accused in Rockviile, hZd., of a plot to kill her husband and the wife of a man ths State contended she loved. Her husband, shown with her above, did not believe the charge and accompanied her daily to the trial in a crowded courthouse



GEEMANIM&ECALLS^JUTLAND BATTLE—While German officials proposed in conversations that their navy have a ratio of 35 percent of Britain's in'all classes, historic naval anniversaries occur. Above, the Admiral Scheer, named for^the German commander of the Grand Fleet in the Jutland battle, arrives in Stettin to take part in anniversary celebrations.


- 11

NEWS .EVENTS BELAYED IN BUSSiA-Here is one way of: Bettfng.the^ mixid,gettiog^t rel&yed. These peasants on a coFective farm in toj«\gL"d'Stehes to the reading of the news in Pravda, official newspaper, *hich r e p o t s d.spatcnes newspapers concerning conditions in the V. s . s . R.

DANCING LADY — A charming picture of Dolores Act Bio, screen star, in a dancing costume. It is of heavy-white crepe : and white silken fringe drops luxuriously to the floor ' The halter front is also fringe, attacHec! to & braided fringe band that drops ore* .tlis shoulders.

T ^^







RETURN FROM T R I P SLUMBER PARTY Former Grand Alepli Mr. and Mrs. Budy Mittleman The Omega Delta Delta sororirecently returned f r o m their ty held a slumber party a t the The Ronoh club elected *:. ~ * Godol Visits Here honeymoon trip in Detroit, Michi- home of Mrs. Ralph Nogg, Saturj officers a t a meeting held. f'.i.Tr! clay afternoon, a t . t h e homr .-.• gan and Pontiac, Michigan. In day-evening. •.'••- • A handsome booklet of' careRabbi Joseph Karesh' of San Detroit they vfsited Mrs. MittleAs part of t h e entertainment, KETURN FROM i The'June handicer for golfers Howard. Kaplan. The Beth-El auxiliary will hold fully-elected Kosher Recipes has man's uncle a n d . aunt, Mr. andthe club b.ad a spiritual medium. their second annual informal! been prepared by the Kosher Di- ;Jcse, Calif., was the house-guest ; is in full swing st the Highland New officers a r e : Irvin fi'u-"" MOTOR TRIP j of Mr. and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky Mrs. D. Falk and -while in Pdbtiman, president; E d w a r d C «"• * •» Plans a r e being made f o r a Mr. and Mrs. Bob Swartz have dancing party, Monday evening, |v i s i o n o f t h e Thousand Window | over the week-end. He stopped of ! Country club, and Professional returned from a motor trip to &c, they were guests of Morris summer party. The committee June 24, at the Highland country j Bakeries. These recipes are sim- •here on a trip to the east. {Bill Schuchart reports that the ! vice-president; Leonard. Miwl IJ, Mitchell, So. Dakota, -where they Mittleman,/brother of Mr. Mittle- consists of M i s s Ann Fellman, club. Austin Bevans and his o r - | p l e a n ( i e s s y t 0 f o l l o V ) offering • Rabbi Karesh will be remem- ! mastie-wielders are steadily ira- I secretary; SUinrt GP.BE, OO""%"»" ' p o n d i n g secretary; Rncl JT?i ••."•">' chairman; and t h e Misses Mar- chestra will provide the music for | t a s t y a n d economical dishes. attended the -wedding of Mr. and man. I bered by Omahans as a former ; proving. In the handicap, a match j Jacobow, t r e a s u r e r . jorie Kaplan, Sylvia Jonisch, and the dancing. Both the outdoor j Readers of the Jewish Press : Grand Aleph Godol of the A. Z. a week must be played. Mrs. Irving Lefkow. Mrs. Lefkovr j ^_ MrB. Ralph Nogg. - pavillion and the indoor, floor will ic a n o bt a in this booklet free upon i A. Prior to that he had won the| is the former Bess .Saxe of Mitch- FROM KANSAS CITY Regular men's competition will [ srr,j05 u y he used. ! request. Please state whether you 'international'oratorical contest of be held on the links this week- i Mrs. Abe Weinstein of Kansas elL Mr. and Mrs. Lefko-RT a r e 7 Many cocktail parties are being w a n t the.recipes in Yiddish or in the orator. making their home In Sioux City is house guest of. her hus- CON\ ALESCES"a I end. Team matches tor a stag din- j Miss R u t h Friedman w s -vEnglish. band's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Miss Sylvia Rotkovitz is con- planned to precede the affair. Falls, So. Dakota.. !ner will feature. i cer.tly elected president of il1'- • valescing at her home from a re- Mrs. David Greenberg is chairG. -Weinstein. Address your request to' KoshAlthough the inclement wepther ; T., Jewish sorority ol CRI>•'••'«

Beth-EI Auxiliary KOSHER RECIPES Dance on Monday OFFERED



cent illness. ' . man and M r s . Dave Cohn, co- e r Division, Loose-WiJes Biscuit did not permit any golfing et the . High school. BACK FROM LOS AXGEUES j . .Mizrachi Women chairman. The committee includes Company, Long Island City, New \ Highland on Tuesday, Laflies'dr.y, Mrs. Fred Elifcan. returned Sat- ON VISHJ I A well-attended meeting of the Mesdames Harry Steinzig, Rob- j York, Mrs. Leon Weiss is. visiting MINOR OPERATION urday morning from Los Angeles, I Mizrachi Women's organization : nevertheless there were inar.y vrhn -where she attended the -wedding three -weeks in St. Paul and Du- Walter Greenberg, son of Mr.ert Kooper, William Alberts, Morj was. held .Wednesday afternoon, ! attended the luncheon Tuesday. and' Mrs. Leon Greenberg, is re-ris Katleman, Sam Stern, I. Leof her brother^ Walter . Jacobson, luth. j Rabbi TJri Miller spoke on the 'Among those present were: s no- j 7TJSP. JB hiPtoricn, cuperating' from a minor opera- vin, Arthur Cohn, J o h n Faier, 'Hadassah :host table consisting of MeFdsmes I The Rr.nitaJ Rprir.r-clsnrp a: . ^.• to Miss Helen Ackerman, Sarah Frohm, Reuben Kulakoftion.' The last .meeting of the season |World Zionist Congress. Sadie | Ernest. Nogg, Alfred S. Mayer, j



• • . • • •

sky, Sam Theodore, Sam Zlotkey, for the Hadassah Book Review j.Beber,.accompanied by Jeait Be- : Barney KuIIy. Morris I*evy, and I porority wns given at the c"--^ % J L. L. B. Dave Sherman, A. C Frank, Joe .' group No. 2 was held Wednesday,.i ber, gave several vocal selections. : Mrs. Harold Farber had as her I root ba'Iropm en ^'eflnescla: ^"•• ; ning, June IP. Tea was served by Mrs. N. LevSal Miehnick, son of Mr. and Goldware, Julius Stein, Leo Was- j June 12, at the home of M r s . ; guests Mrs. Philip Xjevey and her Mrs. E. Miehnick of Council enberg, Harry Kulakofsky, I. W. j David Finkle, with Mrs. Herbert ! inson and her committee. The first of a series of benefit : guest, Mrs. Betty Kropp, and Mrs. Bluffs, graduated from the Uni- Rosenblatt," Phil Rosenblatt, \ Neveleff as co-hostess. j Paul Blotcky and her guest, Mrs. \ 1 a versity of Omaha Law. School, Harry Trustin and Abe Pradell. j An interesting program was card' parties lor the Mizrachi fund ! Aaron Morris. I The B'nai Abraham will Friday, June 14, and received an Admission will be $1.2 5 per I given. Miss Ida Gitlin favored the I was given by Mrs. E. Weiuberg j As a feature of nest week's t,n- j Sunday, June £S, st 4 p. L. L.' B. degree. Miehnick is'pres- couple. group with vocal selections. Paul ion June" 11. The second will be I dies' day, there •will he a prize for j the Congregation of Israe! TO OAKLAND ident of "the Phi Sigma Mu, JewIN MEXICO CITY — Goldblatt spoke on "The Jewish | given by Mrs. E. Seidman .nest j the best poker hand on the golf . gogue in Sou.th Omaha, Mrs. Samuel Corenman left foT Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hiller are ish legal fraternity of Omaha Uni. jr Tan Community and Its Relation to [Wednesday, June 26. '• meeting and election of offi a three-month visit- -with her pending ten days in. Mexico City. versity. Mrs. M. Brodkey gave a cash score card. ' _ • - ' . ivappa 1 au Jewish Life," and Mrs. Oscar BelLast week after two postpone- ; A father-anti son bnnoiH daughter and son-in-law, Dr. and While there they -will attend the • donation to the organization beThe Kappa Tau club entertain- iz e r g a v e a t a l t o n c u r r e n t events. Mrs. E. I. Kushner, of Oakland, Rotary convention. I fore leaving on a trip to the west ' ments, the outdoor floor was used be held at <* o'clock ID. the RECETV'ES DEGREE ed Monday evening, June 17, at a A cultural program was planfor the first time and will be con-' hall of the Eynngoenc. Calif. - . , ' Ellis Weltzman last, week re- formal banquet at the Fontenelle, Jn e d r o r t h e nest season and pre-j coast. tinned to be used as long as the TO LOS ANGELES ceived the degree of Master of in honor of the new officers: Ber- is e n t e d by Mrs. M. F. Levenson, weather permits. Austin Be1 ir r HOUSE GUEST Mrs. Milton Livingston, and her A r t s in educational psychology nice Bordy, president; Frances J -^JIQ J S sponsor. The group will and his Royal Highlanders r1?"'Miss Shirley Kay o£ Berkeley, daughter, Marian Sally, -went to from Creighton university. Bordy, vice-president; Bernice j be re-named the "Hadassah. Cul- \ ''every Saturday. Cr.lif., is spending the jammer os. Angeles, Calif., -where they Silverman, secretary; Lillian j ture Group," and will dwell on : The . regular meeting o£ the ! Wednesday, .Tune £6, n. I B T ' S here as a house-guest of her un- will vacation for a month. RECEIVES DEGREE IN Friedlander, treasurer; and Char-• the study of modern J e w i s h j Pioneer Women; will be h e l d ! stag will be held at the HighlcTici cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. lotte Nogg, historian. WASHINGTON movements and problems. It -will j Tuesday., June. 2 5, at the Jewish jA "big, special surprise" progrn-p Kulakofsky. TO NEW YOBK CITY Hershel Soskin, son of Mr. and . A very interesting program was J be organized during the summer, ! Community Center, at 2 p. m. Imis planned, and Manning- Handier Mrs. Lester Burkenroad left for Mrs. H. Soskin, received his L. given.' Rose' Steinberg, alumnus, j and anyone interested in joining j Portant business will be trans! in charge, offers to give a p~-~f FROM PITTSBURGH New York City for a month's bus- L. B. degree from the National was toastmistress. Liberty Coop-j may call either the chairman O r !to anyone who can guess the Miss Ruth Green of Pittsburgh, iness trip. While there, she will Law School of Washington D. C, er,.Ruth Cooper, and Bernice Sil- secretary. ' events of this affair. Penn.,: is. a house-guest of her stay -with her parents, Mr. and on Tuesday, June 11. verman gave -several musical se- ' The new officers chosen for the -On the Highland calendar, O T T aunt, Mrs. Meyer Green, for six Mrs. J. F o x lections. Jean Beber, outgoing j comiag season are Mrs. David night for visitors is planned io" Lou Canar was elected presi•weeks. She is en route to CaliL. L. B. DEGREE IN EAST president, arid Bernice Bordr, new Krantz, chairman; Mrs. Perry dent cf the Alpha Pi Tau frater- i Saturday, June 2 9. Wednesdc:. fornia. Jack Kosowski, formerly of Silveraan, secretary; and M r s. president, gave short talks. Sylvia VISITORS FROM LINCOLN July S, is "Monte Carlo n i g K " Jules Shapiro, Mrs. Sam Peltz, nity at a meeting held Wednes- !j while Mr. and Mrs. Jake Breslow and Omaha, received a Bachelor of Silverman presented a reading. s a, firpworks celebration i c day evening, June 12, at the JewLaw degree from the George HERE FROM KNOXVILLE and Mrs. David Finkle, telephone The club held a dance after the their son Elwin, of Lincoln spent ish Community Center. Other of- I planned for July 4, Mrs. John Weinstein and her the -week-end here visiting their Washington University on June banquet, at Peony park. The col- committee. Last week-end "Abe Brocl F--( ficers are as follows: Sara Colick, | 11. Mr. Kosowski 5s in the legal lege club orchestra furnished the children, Bobby and Larry, of family and friends. I who has been hitting a "hot" cr.-vice-president; Charles Gendler, department of the A. A. A. in Knoxsville, .Tennessee, are house music for the dancers, who num- E v e r y . Hadassah member is secretary; Ben Levitz, treasurer; jly-season pace, led the golfp-F Washington, D. C. guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Levenbered about three hundred. Ann urged to go to the polling place Ernie Nogg, reporter; and Char- I with a 77, closely followed by FROM NEW YORK son. Nieman was featured with.the or- at the J. C. C, Sunday, June 23, les Goldberg, sergant-at-arms. j Richard Killer and Julian Milder, Miss Ann Lipsey and her fiance, to cast her vote for Ticket No. 1 chestra. PSJ MU ELECTION Mr. Henry Lorriane, of New York Final plans were made for the I each of whom shot a 7S. VISITING IN CLEVELAND in the coming. Congress election. . Guests of honor were Ra"bbi and City are visiting her mother, Mrs. Sam Epstein was, elected presisummer dance to be held at the Mr. Paul Grossman is visiting Those who have no shekel (which Sam Lipsey and family. dent of the Psi Mu fraternity at Mrs. David A. Goldstein, Dr. and entitles Royal Grove of Peony Park, July them to vote) are asked " his uncle and aunt, Mr., and Mrs. a meeting held last Monday. Oth- i Mrs. Meyer Beber, and Rabbi Uri 1 ) buy one for 50 cents. 1. The various committee reports •\ M. L. Fanger, former Omahans . .| er officers elected are: Iz Tretiak, Miller. . •" TO RESUME STUDIES The membership committee of were heard. The bid list to the Polling."Will be open from 9 a. - now residing in Cleveland, Ohio. Frances Bordy was in charge of f Morris . Bloom, Joe Stein, who received a Masr vice-president; affair was approved and closed. the Mother Chapter A. S. A. :v rrr m. until S p. m. • . " . . - . were guests of Sam Beber at a ter of Arts degree from "the Uni- treasurer; Abe Bergman, secre- the affair. Ticket No. 1 includes candidat- Tentative plans were made f o r -:, HOUSE GUEST stag at his home, Tuesday evenversity of Illinois and was also tary; .Morris Falk, parliamentares representing Zionist organiza- summer activities. Miss D'orothy B e c k e r of Stl* ing, June IS. Several prospective awarded a scholarship to the Mas- ian; and Isadore; Bogdanoff, sgt.Fnitonty Won of America, Hadassah, JunJoseph, Missouri is h e r e as a - .: members were also in attendance. sachusetts Institute of Technol- at-arms. ONE KIGMT ONI.T 03 ;':'. hous"e guest of her cousin, Miss The Fratority held a very suc-jj " Hadassah, and the Order of Besides several inspiring talks Many interesting events are beogy, is -visiting his parents, Mr. Haboni 'Dim - . R o s e Slutsky. •_• cessful affair at Krug Park, Sun- the Sons of Zion. j which were made ty Sam Beber, and Mrs. Julius A. Stein. After a ing planned; the first of which FEIDAX, WKE SK The Habonim Softball team de- ] Rabbi David A. Goldstein, Thilip day, June IS. The afternoon and will be an outing, Sunday, July month's stay here he will leave feated the Tedeylites by & score j Klutztnck, Mas Baer, Art GrosEVISITS IN ST. LOUIS evening were 'spent in swimming, for New York City to study under 7. The club is also planning to WINS SCHOLARSHIP of S to 1, last Sunday at 22nd man and Al Fiedler,.several musiMrs. J. Cohen recently returneating and amusements. Tale honor Jay Stoller at a banquet Miss Pearl Wolf, who hasand Paul streets, t h e original ! cs.1 selections were rendered bj' ed from a two -week's visit from Lloyd Morgan, a noted eastern ar- soon. Mr. Stoller's engagement to Halperin was chairman of t h e St. Louis, -where she visited many chitect. Though only 23 years old, Miss Esther Siegel was recently committee in charge. He was asSunday school classes in show grounds. The nest game has Ann 'JsieniEn, vocalist of the ColStein has received.four university friends and relatives. sTsTeTby SaTa KolnTc'k"and' Esther j Fremont, Nebr., for the past two not yet been decided upon. lege Club orchestra,' accompanied announced. degrees, including a degree from years, has been awarded a In accordance with the n e w by Ernie Priesman. a university in France. Af'the last meeting of the or- | wholarsMP to the Teachers I n , plan of having a meeting every ' KETCRN TO CHICAGO ^ Mr" and* MrirJack^Weisman and ganization held at the J. C. c . , Utitute o r the Hebrew Inion Col- two weeks at the home of a memof Cincinnati, Ohio, by the ber, the nest meeting will be held ;'r their son, Stanley of Chicago re- ON BUSINESS TBXB At a meeting held at the home June 12. the president appointed turned to their home after visit- . Mr. R. Natelson, formerly of of Rose Flanchek last Thursday the courtesy committee, Esther National Federation of Temple at the home of the president, Morton Soref, S022 Franklin St., *• ing "here a month at the home of Omaha, is ^spending a week here plans were made for a powrwow Witkin, chairman, Ida Epstein Sisterhoods. This award will extend for the July 1. Members are u r g e d to ", Mrs. Weisman's parents, Mr. and on a business trip. of the Zero to be held Tuesday and Sara Kolnick, to purchase a six-w e e k period - of its summer come as final arrangements for Mrs. Ghas.. Levenson. boquet of flowers for the sponsor, night, June 25. RUSH TEA Miss Sally Pollay, who has been school session, which will begin Habonium Day and for the drawThe destination committee, conThe Alpha Gamma Chi sorority on July 8. ing will be made. TO CALIFORNIA , - ;I sisting "of Fannye Witkin and ill. Miss Lorraine Colin, of Chicagp, of Omaha university -. will enter- William Lipsman, Dave Weiner was added to the promises who has been visiting for the past tain at a second annual rush tea, plenty of excitement and suspense list of prospective members. FareSunday, June 23, from 3 to 6, at month at the home of Mr. and as to the locality of t h e tribal well speeches were given for SylMrs: D.--B. Epstein, left Wednes- the Omaha Women's club, 206 gathering of the Zeroites. Al via Wohlner, who is planning to day for S a n Pedro, California, So 32 Ave. One hundred friends Oruch, Sophie Halperin, and leave for Detroit, Mich. where she: will visit for the re- of the Borority memberB h a v e Doris Martin comprise t h e rebeen invited. . : mainder of the Bummer. The Misses "Florence and Esther freshment committee. Al Oruch underwent the first Loan for Vaad Leorai Steinberg, Geraldine Strausa, and WEEK-END GUEST London—-The Vaad Leumi, (the only, mild one), degree of Esther Silverman will present Mr. Harold Margolin of KanJewish National Council of Palesinitiation when he entertained the musical selections. Miss Sylvia sas City was a week-end guest of is negotiating with the PruSilverman will give a group of group with his declamation of, tine, his family. "The Little Girl Withthe Big Ap- dential Assurance Company to obdramatic readings. tain a loan of 100,000, pounds it " Miss Janet Graetz, rush chair- petite". FROM BUTLER Sam Freed, a visiting brave was learned here by the Palcor man, is In charge of the affair. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kohn of from New York, who is a. mem-I Agency following- the announceButler, Missouri, were visiting ber of t h e "Buffalo tribe," is m e n t of Prudential's million RECUPERATING their friends and relatives here here to inaugurate the group in- pound loan to the Tel Aviv MuniMiss Sally Pollay Is home re- to the over the week-end. mystery of Grand Pow- cipality. covering from a recent illness. wow as done in the "New York" The Vaad Leumi loan is to be HOUSE GUESTS * manner. used for the erection of muchUNDERGOES APPENDECTOMY ' Mrs. Jack Weiner and her needed school buildings. TWO-WEEK AISIT

• Mrs. Leo: Schlaifer, her daughTO XEW YORK Mr. Fred Rosenstock left Mon- ter Elaine, and her two sons, day for New York City where he Howard and Buddy/of Sioux City, •will meet his daughter, Jane, -who are visiting Mr. Schlaifer's paris returning at the end of t h e ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Schlaifer, month from an extensive tour. lor two -weeks.



Alpha Pi Tan

A. Z. A. 1






when you buy this

While he was In Des Moines, daughter, Dolores, of St. Louis "Sunday June 16, Julius Bisno, are house guests of Mr. and Mrs.A. Z. A. executive secretary^ suf- Essay In Zionism Haven, Conn.—Something Morris Feldman. fered-a sudden attack of appen- of New a precedent was established at dicitis and was operated on. He WEEK-END GUEST Yale University when the coveted Mr.^Morris. Cohn was a week- is getting along fairly Well. Andrew D. White history p r i z e end .STiest and he visited his for freshmen was awarded to RECUPERATING friends' and relatives. Herbert W. Salzman, Jewish stuMr. • John. Feldman . who was dent from New York, for his esconfined to the hospital for over say entitled "Zionism." VISITING RELAmTES Ida'Freshman of Parsons, Kan- a month Is recuperating I T o m - • sas, is' spending two weeks here his operation. ' visiting her relatives. APPENDECTOBir Miss Isabelle Rothholz is recuIN INDIANAPOLIS Eddie.. Sommer is In Indiana- perating 'from a recent appendix ' polis; where. he_ is attending a na- operation.. tional grocers, convention,

RETURNS FROM CHICAGO " Mrs. Ben Silver returned from -a week's stay in Chicago, where • she attended the commencement '•• exercises of the University of ^Chicago. During her stay she was a guest of her brotner-in-law and /sister, Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Herz. berg.

1422 N. 20th St., Omaha, Neb.

„ §

America's Staire HeatUiaer. Former Featured Star with SopMe Turker. Sow on Tour to Iiondon Kluslc Hall.

In Her Inimitable Dance Presentations

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Putsey & 3Iickey, dancers Muriel Parker Joe Allen pr.ma Donaa Sonsatrpss Comic Master of C«r T Cblcnsro's BmsrteBt nles. Jnst Jtnlnhed Los; Clubs EnsragemeBt in Detroit.


i ,

Tnes. sn2 Sat. Onlr Limit

TO , s. (vi* MoBtresD Wsthlngton, X>. C . . . • • Atlantic City, K. J. • • • • • fiulaiejpkla., Peon. . . • . Niagars Fslb, N. Y. • . • • Chsntscoaz lik't, N . TT. « • Uooiseml, One. . . . . . . Asbory Park, K. J. . . « < 'Laks Georft, N . Y. • » • • • Porflaiid, Me. (via MtjjitrraJ) Cimrievclx. Mich, (ill t*£i • : Petosksy, Midu iaH rail) • • T O

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Mohel Specialist Recommended by Mac} Doctor* Residence Phone WEbster E63B Business Phone TTEbtter £450

Every Night Except Sunday

VISITS PARENTS SanrSegelman of Kansas-City was a week-end, house guest of i'-hlB paTEHtS, Mr. and Mrs.. Louis ;.? Segelman. .- .



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relations -with England. .Their re-i and stage undertakings . . . . Bay-! i Separate -Community ductioa of the deficit, their clearjmond Healey, -who calls himself,' and dynamic actkn. in bringing I the "American Hitler", could not; j ' Opposed- hy Rabbis about order and progress from the; raise 5500 bail although be claimeconomic chaos left them by ajed to hare 500,000 followers I Jerusalem (WNS)—P a l c o r (Continued from Page 4.) former executive, you must then" Can't get away from the Nazi! 'Agency)—The effort of the AguMss Lillian E. Koom of Omaha MISS ANNA PILL, corespondent was a guest last week-end in theregime, the Zionist party could jr e£a l i z e that the hope and future [topic . . . . The reason vrhy Gerhome of Miss Kate Kaplan. nerer negotiate a loan from out-j° ^estiafan "World Zionisb lies; n^ side bankers unless a big Jew like i n t b e Hlsta <*nith. Young Poale Zion Club members gave a farewell Warburg underwrote the loan. When you go to vote your shek-j Members of the Young Voale party for Elaine Kosenfeld Satur- What an honor to the Histadruthf els Sunday, examine Zion organization met Tuesday day evening, prior to her depart- and what an honor to the Jewsj b a l l o t - Number the creation evening in the home of Misses ure for Flint, Mich., where she when the Histadruth arranged for l o t a f e the Histadruth y represenJulia and Sulamith Bereskin. will spend the summer. The par-a loan of two and a half million who ask your claTe Plans were made for the. visit ty was held in the home of Miss dollars, because the Jabotinsky dollars, merey merely on on the credit down the splendid work done t e good g cedit . . _f o. r, i new i Five Zionist organizations, the of Mr. Ben Cherner, Young Poale Frances Ducoffe. s brought from thej Patronize our advertisers. General Zionist organization, the Zion field worker, who will be in of the Jewish nation. This Is a faestine in the past two years.; group had-threatenedI to label them o n"Marxists" if they wouldi relief roils to; the topmost • rung'. big step and could only be due toHelp your brothers and sisters in •carT Senior Hadassah, Junior Hadas- Sioux City this summer. aa Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro of Palestine to make a living. Help' I" election campaign . . •!.^"boxing" bT^is" iev^b"'-mz^Z an efficient, stable executive. sah, Mizrachi and the Poale Zion Omaha spent the week-end in The accomplishment of the His-your brother and sister in perse-1 T h e "Marxist" label is, as y o u j J o e . G o -^' d . a -jersey C^r prowill sponsor a meeting Sunday afkno w a free ticket t o a 1 Sioux City, as guests in the M. cution-torn Europe to find a newj ' '' concentadruth in the past few years, es•r, who. never lost faith .in the j i ternoon, June 23, In the Jewish t r a t i o a c a t a p 5n Lipshutz home, J1915 Heights. ^"aziiand . . . . i young Irishman, even w h e n he > i pecially compared to the weak home, a real home, by giving the • Community Center in the inters ear t h e GermaE Zionists former executive, could easily fill Histadruth executive at least two I ™ ^ reduced . to working as a > ests of the elections for the 19th Mrs. Sam Greenberg, the for-this entire page. Time and space more years to build a real home-ic ahraiv e . onl >' o n e ticket, and are not; was ^ck-leader\ World Zionist Congress which -will Ballot I Ting on any election, for the j mer Bess Zeligson, Is visiting here do not permit a full discussion. land in Palestine. Vote be h e l d August 20 at Lucerne, Continuing a series of parties with her parents, Mr. and Mrs^J. When you remember their far- Number "2 1 Sunday. i Congress. Switzerland. honoring Miss Prankie Rosenthal, Zeligson. Mrs. Greenberg will sighted action in the Chule con- —MORRIS MINKIX, S A M f E L ZACKABIA, ' A y THE SHOW IS ON The meeting Sunday, -which, is I bride-elect, Mrs. M. Mushkin en- leave next Friday for California, cession, their diplomatic success T08 B r a n d e i s Ths-stre B u i l d i n g Secretary of the Omaha K u r t Weill, c o m p o s e r of t h e scheduled for 2:30 o'clock is tertained a group of friends at a where she will join Mr. Green- in establishing unusually friendly Poale Zion. m u s i c for R e i n h a r d t ' s p r o d u c t i o n T n »-. THOMAS KEF,-; called to acquaint the Jews of luncheon and bridge in her home berg. i . | of Franz Werfel's "The Road to TOX^BRODBGAX ^AXD ^ j j-ng."r;; ;[ Sioux City -with the policies and last "week. / S E 1 Promise" (which Meyer TT. Weis- ; ^ame^?Ktaown^' CHA.RLEs" w.' EEA|i'i:i platforms of the different groups Wednesday, Mrs. Joe Rosenthal Mrs. William Fusky and daughREARD hit gal is putting on this fall) is be' connected •with the Zionist move- entertained at a luncheon and ter, Shirley, of Chicago, has arreal r:*ime n^k ! ing acclaimed in London, where : PERSONS H A V I N G "OR CLAIJTIXG ment. Speakers -will represent bridge party In the Warrior Ho- rived in Sioux City to spend the • • • • ( ! , , • „ _ „ „ - - _ „ _ _ <«ATT TCiisrdnn F o r ANT INTEREST IN LOT K.NT-TEEN these phases in Zionism. tel, as a courtesy to Miss Rosen- summer visiting with the former's A Cow" is being produced now.BDITTON IN D abb LAS COUNTY, NE- i The local committees, in charge thal. parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Shulkin. By PHINEAS J. BIRON . . . . The book and lyrics of this: ! |/ of the meeting arrangements are MET, ISSS o p e r a a r e w r i t t e n by R o b e r t V a n - fJea that.on the ;?nd day of MET, ISSS i urging : every Jewish man and wo- Miss Sarah Woskoff, daughter Mrs. Abe Agranoff and daugh- ZIONIST FRONT fake Certificates a t SO m u c h Her ' *. , . . , . . t h e Inland Securities Corp., a Corpora T Nebraska, as son man to attend the meeting and to of Mrs. Eva .Woskoff, was marter have departed for Hibbing, Latest news from-the American the District of ana. tut .. . . thing ._ * i oerv. son of t Eastern Jewisn' £ HIea n-m->>,^ v. -vehra«L-9 »« Court Tii»intif Ebout nn «• »E petition and o e famoustraveller,: against ycasr. their ballot that afternoon ried to Morton Plotkin June 11 Minn., to visit with the former's Zionist front foreshadows the pos-this is that no warnings help . . . i liEguist Vambery, Who d u r i n g t i s ;, and each County, of you iicplesded with ElianDougias The Congress this year is of vital in Council Bluffs. Rabbi Diamond parents. They will visit In Min-sibility of an agreement between Then there is another gang that j •Inn Rosbsrc, unmarried. • defendant, the Importance to world Jewry since read the marriage ceremony. At- neapolis en route to Hibbing. the various parties on the basis deals in human bootlegging to j to foreclose pol it -will deal with the present situa- tendants were Mr. and Mrs. Mor*rd Acres, an ad-1 of an enlarged mass Palestine or- Palestine on the s a m e l c ocr.tr. Ne Nebraska, j tion in Palestine, the increased ris Plotkin, brother-in-law and Miss Helen Herzoff and Miss ganization to be headed by a comAnprii-ars h , » j | D ilT.,..l j • ' ' •. uGreat " 'restlessness « » » = " » » "is "exhibit" ' " " :jaibii in Douglas Cocr.tr. h Dd negal immigration into Palestine and sister of the bride. Kosbard to Louis E. Li pp. under mission consisting of some of the Chinese immigrants to this connj „ ^f"ffff_. ! f, ' ed in theatrical circles over the | which mortjare ^_«eeut aj. 8HMQH -¥O-SfATION Frances Jaeobson will entertain a forthcoming biography of Morris • aatae Janurry IS. r,. eand 7was rethe? general situation of the Jew Mr. and Mrs. Plotkin visited group of friends Saturday eve- foremost Jewish leaders in this try. . . . Gest, to be writen by Oliver Say- j ™l ' in Europe, The number of votes Des Moines on their wedding trip, ning, honoring four graduates of country . . . . Morris Rothenberg, RABBINICAL ler . . . . Gest feels that he bas I la:*' County. cast ; by each group in America and' will make their home in theMorningside in a recent speech delivered at College, Saretta Congratulations to Rabbi Sam-| been made the scapegoat in that j ^ "S been ' ^ '' will determine the number of Joyce apartments In Omaha. Krigsten, Bluma Olenksy, Dorothy Atlanta, implied that he would be uel M. Gup of Temple Israel, Col- : famous Passion Play incident and 1 writi^\isl-ea'"January"\'i"."iszs. and" the | representatives each group will in favor of such a plan v#hich has Merlin and Rosena Sacks; The He is the only jj is ready umbus, Ohio y to tell allabout his tri-j o n have at the Congress. s-etea sr-e P W JU effect Mrs. E. J. Fribourg and daugh- evening hours will be spent in- the backing of practically every Jewish Eieiaber of the Franklin j uinpbs a n d defeats Some i ssid indebtedness the follovrinE surns. The committee on arrangements ter, Barbara', departed for Chica- formally and concluded with a outstanding member of the Zion- County Ministerial Association; outstanding names of Broadway on the prs-ncipai &na s^s.oo 1st administration has; stressed the fact that it will go this week'to spend the summer late supper. c&ue—ihotts that Nathan Straus* be; necessary for those who vote with the former's parents. ask «e taSn wittt and willing to help Sunday to bring their shekel reBt tiie teiesibilities of Zionist affairs after this organization. ceipts with them. Voting will take Mrs. Emil Rosenstock and her !tb.erS that Unless lie gets time Off'Sold according to law to satisfy the stun .The mOSt ctslled, Tiac reduced T, r . , i , , , . ... .. t . ' founfl due with interest ent* COFtS o f the Atlantic City convention . . . popular radio speaker of place at the Center following the daughters, Charlotte and Betty, theMid-; for stage work he will quit the:: ; End eli rmtc^appli** on any Bach. The vote for delegates to the meeting. t a n dclaiming t h a t sai(3by.defendants through, or un«i!er iS COnsid- EU Persons have returned home after visiting die West—with the exception of j screen call for wtjctMtfce day rale k A large attendance is expected in Omaha, St. Louis and Kansas World Zionist Congress is reveal-, p a ther Coughlin—is Rabbi Bar- ! ering Muni for the stellar part in 40 cents or more* at i the meeting, and refreshments City. In Kansas City they were Ing the amazing strength of the • Brickner of Cleveland who j Werfel's morality play . . . . Geon e t t BY P. B. K. uro" said mortgaged premises. • J will be served. Palestine Labor movement in this! discourses every week over the • rgie Jessel, who is sick of acting | Ton and ' each of yen Ere recuirec! to) joined by Mr. Rosenstock, who refsaid petition OE cr before tbe j country . . . . Its ticket has roll- ja i r o n general topics . . . . Ru- j and therefore is entering the pro- j STiswer Sth d a r of JKJT. IT'oH. f turned to Sioux City with them. ed up a shekel total of over 3 5 , j t that a promin-! ducing game, wants to present ai INLAND SKCTF.ITIES CORP., ! ZIOXIST ELECTION* OP mors a r e curren $AME COMMITTEE FOR a Corporation. | 000 at the time this Is written . . . j e n t Brooklyn rabbi is dickering • dramatization of Sholom Asch'si DELEGATES SUNDAY By SA1TUEI. ZACEAKTA, j Mr. Herman Miller has returned This Is a new high and surpasses Its Attorney-, j TALMUD TORAH PICNIC from San Francisco, Calif., where Sunday, June 23, Is the date of the shekel total of the Zionist with important interests for the novel, "Motke the Vagabond" . . . launching of a national Jewish! W. W. tells us that Serge Vorcrahe motored last month. Mrs. Mil-the nationwide election to choose . . . . "He who buys radio program Members of the Hebrew Moth- ler and children,. Marylin, Arthur the delegates for the nineteenth aOrganization The Sunday: off, the monkey gland expert, shekel is a traitor who helps to afternoon radio addresses of Rab-! -who proved his o w n theory t y ' ers Association have started the and Carolyn, will remain in Cali- biennial World Zionist Congress build a Bulshevist Palestine" . . . bi Jacob Tarshish have a large: narrj-ing a young girl (fee's over which will be h e l d in Lucerne, ticket sale this week for the an-fornia for the summer. bi Jacob Switzerland on August 20. TheThis slogan is being broadcast by j following He's a one hrmd-[70) is going to startle the world nual Talmud Torah picnic, schedT t £ V TS-^,-*" Revisionists throughout Eurlocal election board consists of the a new rejuvenation sensared percent Roosevelt propagand- IV uled for Sunday afternoon and th R i i i t t h h t E Bbb Marx, son of Mrs. Johan- Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, Mrs. Herman ope. . . . ist and is said to be slated for a; tios. evening, June 30, in Riverview na Marx, departed . recently for Marowitz, Mrs. L._Cherniack, Sam LEVINIA big job in the next presidential j park. -•••••. Richmond, Ind., where he will T h e death of Shmarya Levin campaign The forthcoming) Mrs. Ben Sherman, president of visit in the Harry Kaufman home. Sacks, O. Hochman, L o u i s H. who advertise Katelman, S. Shyken, a n d Leohas touched American Jewry convention of the Central Confer-! T h e merchants press EOHCU rour the club and co-chairman with Fitch. The election will- be held at more than any individual loss j ence of American Rabbis is ex-1 Mr. Jack London on the picnic business, and merit your patronMrs. Sol Kaufman and son Lar| pected to be productive of plenty I age. arrangements, announces the first ry, of Baltimore, Md., are visiting the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synago- during the last few years ticket committee which is working here with Mrs. Kaufman's par- gue at 618 Mynster Street. The Levin had many personal friends! of oratorical fireworks because this week. The committee includes ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hor- polls will be opened from 9:30 in this country . . . . Even those the agenda includes a discussion Friedman & Shrier, Attrs. o'clock in the morning until three who sunk tens of thousands of of the so-called Pittsburgh PlatMrs. B. Shindler, Mrs. I. Merlin, witz. First National Bank Bide. o'clock in the afternoon, and'each form adopted 50 years age . . . . dollars In Levin's Dvir PublishMrs- S. Shulkin, Mrs. Max Ginsvoter must present his Shekel at ing with the Iiope of profits, This platform was assimilationist j XOTICE OF rKOBATE o r wnx, berg, Mrs. B. Rustein, Mrs. Rose Myrtle Fisher of Chicago the polls to cast his vote. If any- which were never realized, are and anti-Zionist and it will now IN OF DOUGRabinovich, Mrs. B. Sherman, is Mrs. LOS COUNTT, NEBRASKA, IN TIIE a guest this week in the home Mrs. Frank Gorchow, Mrs. Nathan of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Levin, 2201 one wishes transportation in order mourning . . . .Levin died a poor j come up for re-evaluation a n d MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP SOLOMON COHEN. DECEASED. to vote, they are requested to. call man. . . .The house which he j probably considerable amending. Sadoff, Mrs. Sam Greenstone and Jackson street. Al! persons interested In said estate I the Synagogue, phone 534, andowned in Tel Aviv was sold two j TIDBITS are hereby notified that a petition has j Mrs. Nick Sherman. an automobile will be sent for anyyears ago . . . . It Is interesting We are late With this item but j th|nprobate 'of a^ertafn instrument now j Miss Mildred Baron has re-voter. v on file in said Court, purporting to be • that the three volumes of his au-jn j s s tni a scoop the last win and testament of saia fle-i.) turned to Chicago after visiting Heads Debrah hearing -win be had j *«; tobiography, brought out in this j Echegut, the French, boy selected; ceased, and thatafcefore with her parents, Mr. and said Court on j — Among those who are spending jsiiss Libbie Olensky, 1710 here July, 1935. country by Harcourt, Branco a n d j France to be its messenger of j ^ ^ Sly""" J«!r. isss. and ana that a Mrs. Ed Baron. b y the week in Indianapolis, Indiana, Douglas street, was elected presiCo., are SOld OUt . . . . But the I good-Will to American boyhood'they fail to appear at said Court onc the where they attended the National dent of the Debrah club at their aid i::t (i U 1? 9 election held Monday evening. Miss Doris Rosenstock has ar-Grocers' Convention are Mr. andauthor never made a cent from| o n the maiden voyage of the S. S.! A n « comLt the probate of' Sd in Sioux City from Madison, Mrs. Nathan Nogg, Mr. and Mrs.this relative success . . . . He in-]Xormandie, is Jewish . . . . He is | win. w the! Court mayaiinw_ and'probate j Miss Olensky is a graduate of rived Wis., "where she was enrolled at Simon Steinberg, Joe Gotsdiner, sisted that the royalties he used! " a n d P r a n t a<3ministration ot> t h e son of an unemployed Jewish j^la Central High school and promi- the for t h e preparation of t h e sucleather worker of the Paris j l^Jf University. ; Leo Fitch, and Phil Saks. nent In local music circles. ceeding volumes -which are all ghetto . . . . His parentage is de-1 thereof.' ERTCE CRA"VTFORI>. Miss Fern Woolfson was electready for print Harcourt, finitely Litvak . . . . Milton Berle, UZ1..^ Counts" Judge. Rabbi Benjamin Goldberg spent The Council Bluffs Lodge No. ed vice-president;. Miss Rosanna Brace Co. is ready to sell t h e youngest American comedy star, Tuesday In Omaha. 688 of the Independent Order of plates of the first three volumes and Mitzi Green, former screen X & WHITE. ATTOR5ETS Dikel, secretary; Miss Sylvia HerCity >'atl. E i . BW the B'nai Brith will hold an im-and whatever rights they cave for child prodigy, are considering mazoff, treasurer, and Miss Rose Miss Bernice Galinsky arrived portant meeting Monday evening, the small sum of |500 . . . . Here Bashefkin, reporter. "Green Pastures", NOTICE OF rs'CORPOKATIOX OF trimony METKOPOUTAX UQ1COR The election meeting was held home Wednesday from Cham- June 24, at 8:30 o'clock at the Is a tine opportunity for s o m e s purchased by Warner Brothers STOSE paign, Illinois, where she was enEagles Hall. Among the delegates in the home of Margaret Kosberg. public-spirited Zionists—and why j j ^m ^m t, directed by M a x ReinNotice is hereby given that a CorporaQ rolled at the university. Before who plan to leave June 30 for St.nott the tion has been formed the laws of th Zionist Z i i t Organization O i it- hardt . . . . Eddie Cantor's illness the State of Nebraska. under The name of the coming to Sioux City she visited Paul, Minnesota to attend t h e self—to Corporation is "METROPOUTA.N LIQtake over the plates and!} nothing serious but he has s UOR STORE." Its principal place of with friends in Winetka and Ber-District Grand Lodge No. 6 Con-issue a memorial edition, adding j been told to put the brakes on business is Omaha, Douglas County, Xewin, 111. Miss Irma Oplatka of vention are Dr. Isaac Sternhill, to it the last volume which is The annual election •will take Berwin, " h i s over-scheduled screen, radio hrnska. Louis H. Katelman, and O; Hocha classmate of Miss GaThe general nature of the business to place at.the A. Z. A. meeting linsky's, accompanied her to man. ready to be published . . . . be transacted t>r the Corporation is to purchase. hold, sell. convey. assign, called for next Wednesday evelease, mortgage and transfer real estate NAZISM FKADEXBUEO. WEBB. BEBER, and personal property -wherever situatntag at the Jewish Community Sioux City for a visit. KLUTZNICK ft KELI.Br Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gotsdiner en- A German Jewish refugee died 650 Omaha National Bank BuUdlns, ed: to buy. sell, own, assign, transfer At this meeting plans for the and mortgage bonds, securities, and Miss Jennie Shindler visited tertained forty guests at a Bridge recently at Dr. Danzinger's clinic Omaha, Nebraska. fttock in other corporations: to draw, Sfoux City chapter's participation in Palestine. . . .He was 36 years make accept, endorse and issue promisOF INCORPORATION OF In, the national convention Trill' be with friends in Omaha this week. Party at their home last Friday old and had a bank account of NOTICE irnEit sory notes, mortETas-es drafts, bilis of j JLiyuoit co. co. evening, June 14, in honor of Mr. exchange and other negotiable instruMirnEit JLiyuoit discussed. Max Maron is the delei t h t th ments: to borrow and loan money; to 12,000,000 marks to his credit . . and Mrs. Max Rosenblatt of New Miss Sally Saitlin departed reNoticehave is hereby given thnt the unSerBlgned formed a corporatio in the retail sale and distribugate elected from the local chapa corporation unrter . . His will stipulated that his thegnedlawhave of formed The Stttto of Nebraska. York City, who were recently B cently for an extended visit with tion of spirituous liquors, fermented and of Nebraska ter to attend the convention. name fof Th this Stttto corporation shai be distilled, including: brandy, rum, whisky, j No wonder tbof people.are pessi-- M r v?-c ccr that th« married. Among the other out-of- body be shipped back to his The friends in Chicago, "Milder Uauor Co.," with it* p princi- wine and frin, and other spirituous liq- j b i e s at Omaha ^ e - uors and alcohol, for beverage purpose?: j town guests were Mr. and Mrs."dear German fatherland". . . . . pla«e off business at Omaha, Morrison gives you-more for y « v s—>«r* " "r ^ °f 'gt, airy Era The frcneral , to buy, sell and otherwise deal in such Daughterhood rooms,. ?he olert thoughtful e-mpSo>-rr^ r--' ' r « : Frances Kalin, a student at theJake Rosenblatt and daughter, This was done at the cost of 10,-busmen* to be transacted and the Object j commodity or commodities- necessary to I cc* !©coi and purpose.for wlllch thi« corporation or associated with the retail sale end j lh tion, right cf fh© centre of downte-vr The Daughterhood of Tiphereth University of Nebraska, arrived In Anna Doris, and son, Arthur Ros- 000 marks . . . . Holland has a fai organized fU to buy, ',f Hell or distrib- distribution of spirituous liquors: to do j flrst Nazi leader all its own by the enblatt, all of New Y o r k City, ute st wholesale or retail, wines, any and all things necessary, convenient, ! choice frcs.i? eve-rj- angle, especja}'* v Israel synagogue held Its final Sioux City this week to spend the whiskies, vinous liquors a n * any am or incidental to the rijrhts powers and i many who are visiting relatives in Omname of Mussert He is theall other kinds of beverapeB and liquors; privileges herein specified. meeting of the season last Wed- summer with her parents, Mr. and \ aha. <b> to distill, manufacture, make head of the National Solidaris- andlor f The total authorized capita! stock cf! nesday afternoon. Mrs. J. Kalin. VI 1" rectify IKjuorn and and beverages: beverages: the a or busiCorporation shall be $25,00.00 divid- j ten and his idol Is not Hitler but (c> to acquire, hold, dispose, d i s p s , lennc, Pd into Following the business meeting ISO shares of the par value of; nleflEB andlor encumber real and perc c Goebbels . . . . We are told that real an p $100,00 rn.ch. Said capital stock shail be Rabbi Benjamin Goldberg ad- Morris Lefkovich, a student at Igal Stadlan w a s recently sonal property, and (d) to d Ml do i t ?? Ml all thing's necessary or convenient to fully paitl for and nonassesable when dressed the members. Mrs. EenNorthwestern university, has ar-awarded a superior rating in theMussert visits Goebbels at least fhe issued ami may \>e paid for in cp.sh, j accomplishment ol th p p the purposes Class "A" division of the violin once a month to get from him di-herein set forth. The authorized capii notes or property, real or personal, tan- j . jainin Goldberg also spoke and the rived home for the summer. ed d here The th corporation shall b Bible or intanrible, at the reasonable J corporation shall solo contest for the grade schools. rections as to how to make Ho- tal stockk off the meeting -was concluded with revalue thereof. Ten shares of the capi- { .00 and all said stock shall sh J25.000.00 I a n d Nazi-conscious . . . . T h e tal Btocki of this corporation shall be I Emmanuel Stadlan was awarded 0 freshments. common and of the par value of $100.00 Gerald Cohen, a senior at the paid for before the Corporation shall j commo of Jacob Wassermann is per chare and shall be fully paid oj. commence busines. The Corporation sh&<l h University of Nebraska, has ar-a superior rating in the Class "C" widovr Snd non-assessable. The corporation commence business on June 12. IS35, I completely destitute and is apll commence ence doing business upon and continue for a period of fifty j-esrF | rived home to spend the summer division of the violin solo contest. plying in vain for a certificate to fnfns «hall I t a articles r t i c i e s wil h t b l h . County Clerk C l k from date therrof. The highest amount | It They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Inter Club Council with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ol Douglas. County. Nebraska and .hall of indebtedness to which this; Corpora- ; 1 J. Z. Stadlan. tion may fit any time subject itself > go to Palestine Which re- rnntinue Jor a period of fifty > « a " shall The Inter Club Council held its Max Cohen. not exceed two-thirds of its capifrom »aia S a t * The highest amount of minds us that t h e immigration indTbteanesa regular meeting Tuesday evening shall not exceed two-thirds tal stock. certificate (to Palestine) racket of its capital stock, hut this restriction The affairs of this Corporation sha!', Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krasne in the Jewish Community Center. Miss Adeline Kaplan of WhitS a i l not include indebtedness secured be conducted by a Board of Directors fifi Is th« height e»f The council is composed of repre- ing, Ind., has arrived In the city left Sunday by motor for Excel- is reaching disturbing proportions by »orteaee« or liens. The affaire of consisting of not less - then two nor than five in Warsaw and Prague . . . .There the corporation shall be managed by a j, more „ , . .members. ._, alllixr lIIttI, -ing, most ©f the- rooms sentatives of each Jewish organi- to make an extended visit in thesfor 'Springs, Missouri. They exBoard of Directorg of not less than j P R E S E N C E OF: I X two nor more than five member* The sation in tho city. SASX J. LEON" r out ef eorshol ©f street TPaul Kaplan home. Mr. and Mrs.pect to be gone about two weeks. is a ring of swindlers that sells annual meeting o£ the corporation shall (Signed) t s , ymt ©rsly an «!evator be held on tiie first Monday In J«»«O. TERMS Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, president Simon; Rummage Sale, Mrs. Benary of each year at which meeting the from the V. HUHKKE6-21-S5-4t stockholders shall elect a Board of <5iof the Council Bluffs Chapter of Kubby; Hadassah University Hos- ?e°tors and thereupon tbe Board fhad Secrethe Senior Hadassah, . has an- pital, Mrs. Morria Grossman; elect a President. Vice-President Any two of said and Treasurer. -~™ " " " »* «aid nounced the following chairmen Board Member-at-large, Mrs. Jake tary offices is»7 be held by one and the TERRACE-'GARDEN. person. These articles may be for the standing committees to Krasne; and Telephone, Mrs. Si-nmenaed at any regular or . .special j meeting: of the stockholders by two-1 •serve for the coming term: Pro- mon Steinberg. thirds vote of the outstanding? stock. GO3TON OYSTER HOSE gram, Mrs. Herman Marowitz; IV WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties j PBACTICAJL MOHEL Membership, Mrs. L. Chernlack, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson left have hereunto subscribed^ their h&na Phone 1050 with Mrs. Harry Cherniss as co-Sunday for Excelsior Springs, iiiia *-* _ AWPFKCB tT. TOBiN, Bluffs, la. chairman; Culture, 'Mrs.*'Martin Missouri. They expect to be gone ALFRED A. FIEDLEPTroutfelt; Courtesy, Mrs, Herman about two weeks. in the presence^of:^ - H C i j D S B B R G . Krause; Gift, M r s / L e o Fitch; S-31—it. . . ;. Publicity, M r s . Richard Gordon; The Junior Congregation -will Music, Mrs. Leo Meyerson; H. M.continue holding their weekly O., M r s. Joe Gotsdiner; Infant Sabbath Services each Friday afWelfare, Mrs. Ike Krasne; Jew- ternoon at five o'clock a n d on ish National Fund, Mrs. Sam Saturday mornings at ten o'clock '• 1 " Meyerson; School Luncheons, Mrs, at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synaBen Gershun; Sewing, Mrs. Maxgogue at 618 Mynster Street. Paul Kaplan, with David and Sarah Kaplan, returned recently from a visit In Whiting and Chicago. , .- • ;



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