Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Enlerefl as Second Clasa MaU Matter oo January 21. 1821, at '.•' Postoitlce ol Omaha. Nebraska, unfler the Act of March S, 1S79
eorge Bernard Shaw Speaks His Piece
VOL.. XI.—NO. 2a,
World's First HeKrew Theatre Under Way
"If I were Hitler, I would make Tel Aviv, Palestine (WNS-Palt a crime, punishable like incest, cor Agency)—The . first Hebrew for a Jew or a Jewess to marry Histadrnth Leads In Voting language theatre in history was anyone except a Gentile". for World Zionist on the way to realization here Thus does George Bernard JEWISH SEA-FARING when the cornerstone of the strucShaw, renowned sage and playCongress ture was laid in this all-Jewish ORGANIZATION FORMED wright, comment on t h e racial situation In Germany in an intersweeping majority for the city by S i r Arthur "Wauchope, Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor view by Donald Furthman Wic-L"-ite Histadrath ticket was High Commissioner of Palestine. kets, appearing in the current. Agency)—Aimed at t h e occupa, * cp in Omaha as well ss Hana Howina, the star of the ^ A "Camp Round-up" open tional readjustment of Jews in sue of Liberty Magazine, LTLJOJULB ^Tts of the country'Sosday company, who w o n critical acwithout charge to all children many lands, an organization was "There is much to be claim in New York when she and X nation-wide elections for her troupe visited America nine between the ages of six and six- formed h e r e to enlarge Jewish Hitler" says Mr. candidates to the World Zionist years ago, delivered the principal anti-Semitism is B GoMstein, I. F. Goodman, T'1.; teen, and their parents, will be participation in the sea-faring life. not natural and-'i A large and potent contin- Klutzcick, I^eo lioseisthftl, T 1S Congress. address of the occasion, describheld at the Jewish. Community gent of Omali&ns Is pl&nning to> Philip Eher, Irvin Stalroaete-. M . Incomplete and unofficial re- ing the wanderings of the Hebrew new; society, created with Hitler's great i \ Center next Sunday afternoon* theThe riage of Jews am. would attend th« sisty-sevcntli an- Karry Tnistin. turns from 55 cities in 22 states participation of the country's repertory theatre during the past Jane SO, at 2 p. m. Omaha ig noted in IJ'nsi T'-.indicate ; that the Laborite ticket eighteen years. nual convention of District Numleading Jewish institutions, hopes improve the race."received 21,68S votes as comparAn outstanding program has to provide sufficient personnel to ber sis of the B'nsi B'rith to be circlets for the active p»?> ed to, the 12,335 received by the been arranged for an entertain- man all Jewish boats that will held &t Mi&se&polis, Mims,, from delegates play in B'nai B'rS.lh ?.( vention deliberations. KOTIRK' joint ticket of the General Zioneventually steam o u t of Palesing afternoon. Ssmday evening, SVJI® SO, to B. member ol the executive o..-; ists and Hadassah. The Misrachi tine's harbors. Wednesday, ^BIT S. This tsrill introduce to the pubmittee of the InierBattonpl fv.-' ticket received 8,966 votes in The new organization "will enlic the aims and -work of t h e Heading tae Oisalss delegates Beber is president of the pr/f>""i these 55 cities. courage the investment of JewSummer Home Camp to be held will be three past presidents of advisory council ol A, E, A., .V Returns from 200 smaller towns at the Jewish Community Center. ish capital in marine business and and cities are still to be received District Number six - - - SSSB ior B'nai B'rith. Counselors and campers • w i l l promote vocational training f o r District Grows; in the General Election headEsl?er, Sam «f. t»eoE snfi Henry Jerusalem (JTA)—The PalesNew York (JTA)—"There are both- take part In special races, shipbuilders, dockworkers as well tine Land Development Company, quarters in New York. These reIt is expected that the,'. Monsky. as sailors, stewards a n d other openings outside of Europe for ; dances, acts, games, camp songs, which obtained the concession turns,-however, are not expected just a s many German-Jewish re- Arthair Brin of Minneapolis, PresBy virtue o£ tbelr office of problems confronting Jewry f.n.: and yells. There will be exhibits ship help. over the Huleh territory on the to materially change the results. fugees as can be supplied with ident, District 6 ©1 B'nai B'rith. past president, these three a r e will be discussed at the <"•''>!.'~s of Center Home Camp activities, Omaha Results Palestine-Syria frontier, announcfunds," James G. McDonald, Leaautomatically menders of the tion. Several hundred dcla>> prizes and refreshments. In Omalia, the three leading gue of Nations Commissioner for ed that it is starting to put up general committee ol the District. plan to attend. They v:\ll rJJ7>"' Irving Block, high school drument the lour Canadian pr<>vh!; |he first buildings in Huleh this tickets garnered the following Jewish and Other Refugees from Dr. A. Gresnherg is SIFO a memmer champion' of the country, "will and the states ot Novlb. B.lid i'<>i votes: week. Germany, declared last week ber of t h e general committee, Dakota, give an exhibition. Kebra&ka. "U'igcotu.iii Xjaborite, 203. This will be the first time in speaking over a nationwide hookhaving heen re-electe<5 to this "Come to the Camp Round-up linois, Iowa, MiclagBit, RTU! T.: General Zionlst-Hadasssh— up of the National Broadcasting the history of Palestine that life post Et the last district conven- nesota, which constitute fhr f.: Sunday," J . C. C. officials urge. 97. will be grought into the Huleh Company. tion. "It will be a great afternoon for District. district. This swampy district has Mizrachi, 158. Other Omaha delegates expectMr. McDonald deplored the parents and children, one cramThe Curtis Hole!, in "^ *:<• practically no Inhabitants, w i t h The Community Party receiv- "lack of awareness of the gravity ing to attend the couc3s,ve inmed full of fun and action. Also, oJ Minneapolis, v.'Hl be tin?. }* '> the exception of a few Arab fami- ed one vote in Omaha, -wbils of the problem" which faces the clude: enroll your child in the c a m p Union of Jewish Front Soldiers lies. <juarte"B, and the the Jewish State Party of Am- tens of thousands of men and Leo Ahramsoc, Mas Barish, now." • Extensive plans are being pre- erica received no ballots. Two women who have fled from Ger- First Soviet Area Where P R S - David Blacker, Rabbi David A. committee \mtlpr tbe Urges Them to Opens July 8 ship of Josiah K. Brill liw* T pared now by the Palestine Land ballots were disqualified. many because of racial, religious ciple of Private OwnsrsMp Petitions The novel and unique sumelaborate plans for- the reo.e? Balloting in Omaha was held or political persecution. He spoke Development Company in colla!y Eecogsised mer camp at the Community &nd entertainment ol tbf »• boration with the Jewish Farm- all day Sunday at the Jewish in behalf of the United Jewish Center -will open Monday, July gates. Berlin (JTA)-—The Union of ers Association, to start the Community Center. Appeal, which is seeking to raise 8, and will continue f o r six Jewish Front Soldiers issued a drainage of the swamps in Huleh Moscow (JTA)—Permission to ! During tbe past year ilvt: ?3,250,000 throughout the coun•Winning Ticket -weeks until August 15. Because manifesto recommending' Jewish on a large scale within the next own land as private property has j lodges have been added, fr The winning Laborite ticket's try for Jewish relief purposes. only a limited number of chil- youths of the conscription age to few months. When the land has candidates been granted to Jews in Biro-BidSixth District. They ere': O^ represent the- United Mr. McDonald emphasized that Cantor K. Sender of Pittsburgh. r a , la.; Vatikepba, Wis,: > dren can be accomodnted, all file their petitions with the mili- been drained, it will be settled Jewish Socialist Labor Party the refugee problem is not entire- jan by t h e Soviet government, registrations must be in the tary authorities for permission to by Jews. It is estimated that 8,- Poale Zion-Zeire Zion, the JewiEli ly a Jewish problem. He said that Thns the Je-srish autonomous fiis- Penna. wil! chant the services at kata, Kinr..; the pecotid T.^': Jewish Community Center of- serve Germany. 000 Jewish families can be colon- National Workers Alliance, Pio- thousands of Protestants and Ca- ! trict in the Far East becomes tbe the Beth Hamedrosh Kagodol EJ-H- Jv^ich., lodge; and VirElnm, V. fice this week. The officers, of this tlH; .- s . . ; . The manifesto was issued de- ized there once the drainage is jn e e r -vy omen ' S organization. Lea- tholics a r e to be found among first Soviet area in which ' the agogne this evening &t 1 p. m. aisd Saturday morning at £:S0 a. The camp will begin daily at 9 spite the fact that the conscrip- completed. I g Ue fo r Labor Palestine,. Young I the victims of Nazi .intolerance. principle of private property is m. He will give & concert Sunday are: Arthur Bvin, Muuie.K'»/ president; 1. B. PatLv-'ftv, 3V:rV; a, m. and will last until 5 p. m. tion regulations make it c l e a r According to the projects of the 1 Poale Zion Alliance, Hssiomer The provision of reiie-S measures j generally recognized. at the synagogue ct S p. kee, first vk'e-Brfesid&B'i.; )" each evening. that Jews will not be admitted in- Palestine L a n d . De-reiopment Kazair, Hechalutz and Gordoaia for. the refugees should therefore j The decision to permit Jewish 1evenins 3 - singing Jewish folk so&££ ant Bernsiein, CLicafco, eeC0B/l '' The program Includes athletics to, the army. [settlers In Biro-Bifijan to-own Company and the Jewish Farmers The national vote was two-and- be non-sectarian, ae asserted. Hebrew melodies to til© accom- president; Otto G, on ; • the Central high school The filing of such petitions is Association! the settling of Je\rs a-half times larger than the numDuring Ms .speech., .Mr. McDon- ! land as private cropertv came :as grounds during t h e morning:, necessary in order to assert the In .Haleh. Tfill he accomplished inj ber iOt votes cast in • the elections ald . referred to the presentation i a result cl S recommeu-eatioji s«fe- P&aiment o£ a. weXl-kne^n JVM-- cago, secretarj-; "^'i • ct, EsFt St. LOUIE, J.veRBurflulunch a t "Soon, arts andj: crafts, inalienable rights ff three "shifts. The 'first-.shift*--will to the last Zionist Congress two the day previously "to President I laitted or the Soviet authorities Carter Sender, vho la making j in the Far East, v i t t tHe approvdramatics, music, dancing _ and population in Germany, the mani- be settled -while the drainage is years- ago. 1 ! s Roosevelt of a collection ol " r s t £PPea-fi,sce IE Om&ha swimming daily during the after- festo says. still in process. the Comrnusist Party there. Each ticket is allowed delegat- stamps that have been issued by ialcf with these concerts, TSE a, mem! khiik At the same time the Westdeutnoon. icers The Huleh concession has been es to the World Congress at-Lu- the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg ber of the famous Cantor KosenThe counselors have been work- scher -Beobachter, the ; leading for many years in,the hands of cerne, Switzerland, on August 20, to aid in securing employment for ing on their programs during the Nazi organ in Western" Germany, Arabs. The Palestine Government in proportion to the number of refugee professional workers. llllg raining principles, is explained by t h e four rears ago -was associates past "week and are prepared to came out with an article on the last year approved of selling this votes obtained. fact that "the peculiar- qualities TTith Cantor Pinchik an Detroit. that concession to the Jews, since the make this summer one of 'the conscription, emphasizing and conditions of the Far East On the strength of the early Jewish people ol Omaha most enjoyable and worth-while Jews should riot expect that they Arab concessioners h a d done returns the American delegamust he taken into considers.- j Ere invited to the services, FriT5\ere ere five Jewish e>?:i.for the Jewish youngsters of Om- will ever be-admitted into mili- nothing to develop t h e district tion of 56 to the Congress -will tary service. among the reserve officers ^ since it came into their posses- contain 28 I»aborit«s, 15 Genaha. are encamped at Fort Crorsl. "Military service is a service of sion nnder the Turkish regime. The Summer Home camp is the eral Zionists, and 13 Mizracha period of eix v,'eek8 fiuvlns newest development in summer honor which is only for Germans ists. in addition to '-vrorfcing .on collecannual, train ing course. recreational projects for children. and not for Jews," the p a p e r tive farms, is to be allo-wefi: In New York, the Laborites The Jewish officers of '«?« ' It combines the • educational and writes. ITo ohtain l a n d as personal came out first, the Mizrachi secA rare treat is in store for the The exclusion of Jews f r o m serve Officers Corns- *social objectives of the Play ond and the General Zionists members of the Highland Coun- property and for personal ts. s e, Morris .Kooin, ot Crciglstor..: ^ school, the organization and acti- military service was also the sublimited to as ares, of cue hectare. third. try Club and their local guests The lanfi -which he ottains as priThe summer vacation lies stim- nier Goldberg, ITCTTT C-^-K -vities of the outdoor camp andlj e c t of a lecture delivered at the A significant phase of the elec- who will be fortunate enough to ulated the rapid grovrth of the the play features of the supervis- Freiburg University by Prof. Ernie Nogg, who has been a tion and Harry Lotraar; tC nationally was the failure of 'attend the Monte Carlo. Night vate property -will be in his pos- junior swimming classes at t h e smith braska v.nH'ereity: ani i^UU ed play-ground in a unified pro- Erich Wolf, a member of the uni- member of the chapter for over the General session for perpetual use, for Zionists to poll their versity faculty. "Military service three years, was elevated to the full strength. Ticket number one I -Which Will be held, Wednesday •which he will he givea. a State Je-vrish CommtEity Center. Al Levy o£ South Dakota \ir,?'-;\~u gram. Orach, swimming instructor, lias is not a privilege but a responsi- presidency of the Mother Chapter reported 85,000 shekels sold and j evening, July 3, st the club. The camp is hold ererv '/«».deed. included -water polo, "water baseThis is one of tee big calender bility," .?tof. WOlf said. "It is not Of A. Z. A. He held nearly every polled only one-eighth that num2: The produce of the l a n d ball and -water tag as some ol the the reserve Oiiicei'B oi ihb: •;* wished that t h i s responsibility olfice in the chapter, has been a ber o£ votes. Labor, wliica sold events of the year and practical- •which he -will o-wn. privately -will tory tor the purposes, of /!:•...' should be carried by people "of delegate to a national convention, 22,000 shekels, polled 70 per cent i ly every member loots forward belong to Mm personally £.n& sot diversions in h i s varied ewimm- the men in the art oi Tiiii!>i ing program. These are proving alien race, although the same a member of an international that number of votes. Miirachi to attending and enjoying the un- to the collective. wverB and strategy, • u-».u very popular and are enabling the them with tbe •js.-.faK; 3: In addition to the land, each shimming enthusiasts to fully en•A final appeal to delinquents people may continue to enjoy un- committee, active in oratory, dra- sold 13,300 shekels and polled 60 usual treats that are offered on this night. ts ot pcipjittfSc vs-~''>•• colonist is also permitted t ° have joy the Center Ewimmmg facilitiand overdue borrowers of the restricted legal protection in matics and has been chairman of per cent that number of votes. The committee headed by Mrs. in his personal possession t-wo to Morris Kflons. a memfisr •*>•' Jewish Community library to re- trade and unhindered exercise in the most important committees Harold Farber have consulted the three covrs and calves, t w o to es. for the past two years. Creighton IJnirerptfy E. O '•' turn all overdue and missing their religion." local experts in games of chance three EOTTS and their litter, Wilhelm Kube, one of the outAnother new development m made 55 hits otiS ot » poPRiinr •. Ben Shrier, who has disting- JEW LEAVES MILLION FOR books and, to clear up all outand have been fortunate enough to twenty-five sheep End the Center schedule is "clcb Frrim in the mediine fxm alvju'-si- £ Btanding debts, has been Issued standing Nazi leaders, came out uished himself in debate and oraNON-SECTARIAN HOSPITAL to secure for this evening the use twenty goats, an unlimited number of night." Any c l u b interested in because, of this record liRr; .'^".this week by the library. The lib- with an article in the Nazi press tory and has been a member of of the popular games which are poultry, and up to f^esty hee- having their members enjoy a the Giifeiiiictuion or JIB exPfi-i K rary, which supports free-loan criticizing the Stuermer, the no- the championship debate team for locally available. There will, also torious Jew-baiting publication, •weekly swim together, can c a l l cliine gunnCi. two years, was selected -vice-presChicago (WNS)—A beauest of scholarships for girls from its and reserve the use $i;000,O00 to found the Jewish be tables for bridge and poker. ceipts, • is' anxious to clear up all for "harming Germany's prestige ident. While owning private property, Last year there was a record the Jewish colonists will also of the pool for the members ol The other officers for the six Country and Convalescent Home existing debts and get all of its by unrestrained hatred towards Greece Ksmcs Jewish months are: Louis J. Rikiin, trea- as a non-sectarian institution -was number -who enjoyed the festivi- have to -work on collective farms. the club once a. veek. material.returned, so that it may the Jews". At the same time Kube warns surer; Ernie Priesman, chaplain; left by the will of the late Henry ties of the evening. This affair is The sniKtner rates for memberarrange a new plan for its operaThe decision does not specify tion and improvement for the the Jews that they should not be Morris Arbitman, reporter; Max M. Wolf, prominent Chicago Jew- open to local guests and srrang- -whether the land given to Jew- ship are attractive, so as to enunder the misapprehension that ments have been made for even a able all to -take advantage ot the Fait, senior sergeant-at-arms; ish attorney. coming fall. ish collective farmers for private Center facilities during; the | Saloniki (WNS) —F«pps.• V*.i;*.s anti-Semitism is a passing sent! larger attendance than last year. Sam Wolk, junior sergeant-atMr. Wolf a l s o bequeathed Special temporary discounts on use -will to be bought by the zner months. I became the second Jew t.r- f^,-»;«'«-* ment in Germany. "Complete anarms; Herbert Marks and Harry {$100,000 each to the University large debts l o n g overdue have individual colonists or -whether it j an important government -?»«•*»:.* ie, been offered by the library pro- nihilation of the intellectual and Novey were elected as* co-chair-j of Chicago, the Chicago Bar As- "Wiljjo—The Jewish Community Trill he granted ty^the State from \ the past month vhen IIF v-su s,>economic spirit of Jewry is an in men of t h e athletic committee; sociation and the Art Institute of of Wilno h a s lodged a protest the vast territory in the district. vided payment is made within the \ pointed uudereecrelary ti* •':• el dispensable part of the Nazi proand Irving Yaffee was elected to Chicago and spnaller s u r a s to against the order of the local aunext two weeks. Books which ] nance. gram," HerrKube writes. The Jewish, autonomous region serve as secretary for the period many Jewish charitable institii- thorities to have the Community have been overdue or missing lor | Slaliafc, •yrho Is a jm-Hili;;: :.i o* Biro-Biajs.n takes second place of one year. [ tlons. a long time may be Teturned withdissolved. \ t h e c h a m b e r 01 deputies, 7*:,?np^2 in the Thole" of the Far East for out a fine being applied, provided Late Placid (JTA) Tlie Na- ; t o accept Use post c>E Sliifep.v ;..";• this Spring's, sowing campaign, it iional Conference o£ Jewisll the books are in good condition, So- ] Jster ivro years ago &£i»>r '•»». "i." •sras announced in connection vritfe according to the announcement. cial Service concluded Its four- , m a d e a. brilliant record *a- .'ij.tJ:,-the saw decision. The spring sew- day session electing I-l&rrj- L. T h e library is open evenings ing .in- Biro-Bidjaa has just been Glucksman o£ New Yoi-Ii as Pres- I ciai adviser to t h e gov&:,"«-i;'--^-.t. and Sundays on the second floor, | Several -weeks ago ISUSJU r . \ t ( terminated, the announcement ident. west,. of . the Center building. | former m e m b e r of i h e Bext^-t, «*ij says. The plan for -wheat sowing New York (JTA) — The SteurBooks and payments may be made Maurice Taylor of Boston. Sam- j name*! vice-tatnister t>£ civil '$,\''.u> has bees carried out 100 per cent mer, lurid Nazi publication of also to the Center office. uel C. Kohs of NET?,- York and Bes ] f.soti. fey the Je-wish colonists. which Julius Streicher, anti-Semite No. 1, is the publisher, wil The decision of the Soviet gov- e a vice-presidents. M i c li & e 1 .Alei^fo, Syria—The iPVwi.'A t.s no longer be distributed In New ernment to permit the o-srsersMp Freund r a s elected secretary cud thoritiec have ordered ' the- Js^.?."» York, it became known this week of private property la Biro-Bidjas Joseph Wilier;, treasurer. ctBctJon of Hebrew on t,Ji*> pj.rri as a Tesult of measure taken by •will stimulate s large migration ^he Conference voted to meet the United States Customs auoS Je-ws from Soviet Russia, and n e s t year In. -Washington. A €K3«JT.. of the Higli Nathan Crounse was elected thorities.foreign countries into fhi B Far stasdlng: rote ot condoleisce &t as a required s«b3«ci, president of A. Z. A. No. 100, at Seizure of shipments of the Eastern Soviet district, it is be- t n e a € sth o£ Jane Audams was s. regular meeting held June 24. Stuermer on German steamers by lieved here. passed tmsnimously. . Other officers chosen are: Max customs Inspectors here has made The new Executive elected eor«» Novak, vice-president; Dick Hur- it clear to the Nazi authorities in sists of .John Sl&wson, Harry I>1. witz, secretary; Herbert Forbes, Germany that the United States I iAirie, Jiicob S. Golub, Ben M. i treasurer; Harold Zelinsky, sen- frowns upon the publication Selekman. Jacob BillikopE. Jacob ior cerseant-at-arms; Maurice Sending of the Stuermer through of the The installation of the new of- Fisher, William Kirscb, Mrs. AnBaumer, junior sargent-at-arms; American mails will also be susficers o£ the Omaha Hehrew club IE a Re.plnxi, Marcel KoTsrskr, E, 5"Kly liolWay Jay "Wiseman, reporter; and Sam- pended, it was learned. ssews » n f l Rswdat Jtenws few:-' fw.-s.-s. will take place Snrtcl&y, July T, Et j j , LOESOW and I. 3VI. B.ufcinow, uel Friedman, chaplain. The DAWA, a Nazi organizaw e e k ' s issue o f ff>e ••Sr>*.;is&il the J. C. C. ' j The chapter's advisory board tion in America whose aim is to Press must- he* In the John FeMisan and Nathan S. j Montreal—The CanaflisE consisting of Dr. I. Dansky, Wil- foster the boycott of Jewish firms WM YaJfe, program chairmen, prom-j emmett" Is sympathetic towards S p. in. Toesdaj, J"islf S, liam Wolfe, Daniel Lintzman, and here, was liquidated last week X© BWttepe ««». he. ise an outsta-ndimg atfair, Ke- j Jewish iBniiisTEtioE ir,to Caaada, Sam J. Xieoa Sam Beber II „ I slry Sidney Coyne, will continue for It is understood that a new orfresb.meE.ts will lie served. ..* AIIj it was reported "here «t tl»e an- after that flsatlliite, so ganization of a similar nature is the next term. In the contingent of Omahans of the B'nai B'rith, to be held ia j presidents of District 6—Sam Be- members are tsrged to attend, as j nual meeting ol the Jevisb. Im- •co-operate, by sei^tltng «KF Installation o£ the new officers being established under the name who -will attend ths l t * w s ««fljr» 6Tth an- Minneapolis starting Sunday eve-jber, Sam J. Leon, and Henry Mon- this -will be a - v e r y important ] mSgT&st Aid Society by J. Paul, Deutscher Konsum-Verband. •will take place next week. nual convention of District No. 6 i ning, will be included tfaree past'sky. : meeting. I director of tbe Society,
Chiidren and Their Parents Invited to Attend Program
Sixty-Seventli Annual' Conventicvnt of District 6 to Be Held at
Huleh District
Plenty Room for Refugees,
Pittsburgh Cantor to Siing in Omaha
| at 1 rai
Monte Carlo Night at HigWand Club Wednesday.
Sale of Stuermer in U. S. Stopped
• •
28, 1935.
Art Award united effort of Jews a n d nonA hobby? No, he had none but Some—The first prize for Jews to combat exploitation and he'd have to adopt one as Holly, sculpture of t h e Royal English oppression which is practiced wood seemed to expect it. Guess I Art Academy here for the year By Mrs. Da\'i«I M. Newman against them all." he'd take- to stuffing and mount1935 was WOE by Valentnia al ing producers . . . . how would a Cooperation between Jews and Granati, a young Italian Jewess. of this class than any other RADIO T H E MOST Summer Time Salad PABEYAKAKAS HITS Goldwyn look on the wall? Well, organized labor to fight the risThe prize was handed to her paper. Use 1 package Lime jello, 1 by the British Ambassador in no, Goldwyn is okay . . . . he gives THE GOLD COAST DIFFICULT MEDIUM ing tide of anti-Semitism in this He was now a rising young buscup warm water, 1 cup grated cuIt happened a long time ago. . Of the three entertainment me- you a few words now and then. country was urged by Miss Lillian Rome, Sir Eric Drammond. long:! before Chase met Sanborn iness man. He quit the $75-a- diums, stage, movies, and radio, Rabbi Says Fascism In America Shapiro of the Jewish Social Ser- [cumber, 1 tablespoon vinegar, week newspaper job to take a $50 MOTION PICTURES dash of cayenne, % teaspoon salt, he believes the latter is by far the V* «'ii before Eddie Cantor drank vice Association in a paper read In Gnise of 100 ••dated" coffee . . . . i n fact, be- ad-writing job with a retail store. hardest to crash and keep a foot- AS A BUSINESS to the Association of Practition- 1 package Philadelphia cream What of Their Friendship? Percentism The movies hold no illusions fore !;h'e "was out of short pants; Preferred copy-writing to solicit- hold. "On the stage you play a ers in Jewish Social Agencies. She cheese, ^4 cup finely sliced green ! Berlin—The Marquess Fabrei luce, the outstanding French adHarry Einstein h a d . become ing. When the miraculous little show . . . . you can change it for him . . . . they are just a bus- Lake Placid, New York (WNS) called for Jewish participation in ]pepper, 1 cup diced celery. boxes called radios came on the every performance or play it the iness the same as cloaks and suits | mirer of Hitler and founder of •'Parkakakas." Dissolve jello in warm WEter, the general fight for civil liber—The assertion that there are Einstein's father •was an im- market, be wrote copy, on "t h e same for years. Victor Moore or furniture. "You can keep your Jews in this country who w a n t ties, economic security and again- add cucumber, vinegar, cayenne, ! the Racial Alliance, was arrested porter of - food-stuffs in Boston side- for this new line at 525 a played .the same vaudeville a c t equilibrium in all this maze of Fascism to protect their property st reaction, recommended" that and salt. Chill. When slightly j in Berlin for En attempt to smugMany of his clients were Greek week. Suddenly Instead of one or for twenty-five years, and he pro- glamor, if you look at it that was m a d e by Rabbi Benjamin Jewish social workers should es- thickened, add % of mixture to gle currency out of Germany. two radio sales, they made de- bably bought it from somebody way," he declares. If he's not a The son had a linguistic ear. . Fold in green Goldstein, who lost his rabbinical tablish research machinery for softened cheese. It was second nature for him to liveries by the carload! Einstein who had used it for twenty years "zenzation" in movies, he will position in Montgomery, Alabama exposing discrimination against j pepper and celery. Turn into a imitate the dialect. Hence, years was a valuable man . . . . they be- before him. Yet people went to have made enough anyway at the because he defended the Scotts- Jews and proposed t h a t native j mold and chill until firm. Fill the Empire Cleaning feefore radio was spelled N. B. C. gan bidding for his services . . . . see him time and again. In the end of three years to keep even boro Negroes, in an address be- and foreign born Jews should co-! mold with remaining thickened one company offered $100 . . . . movies you can take a scene over the MGM lion from the door. Preserves Your C. B. S., or Q. E. D., the now fore the Association of Practition- operate with all foreign born t o ! jello mixture. Chili instil firm. world-famous Greek "character another, §125, $150. Accepting and over. Even after the picture Biit in spite of his level-head- ers In Jewish Social Agencies, an participate in action for their Unrnold on water cress. Garnish $200 a week, he became the is finished you can scrap parts of edness, he's becoming fidgety and existed; though, unnamed. with mayonnaise and sliced tomacommon interest. youngest and highest-paid adver- it and film It again. But on the conscience-stricken . . . . t h r e e affiliate of the National Confertoes. • Our scientific modern Contentions of some scientists j tising manager in New England. radio you put on an hour's show weeks of idleness . . . . no picture ence of Jewish Social Service HIS APPEARANCE methods retain the corthat mental illness is greater which is holding its annual meetSide by side flourished his ad- every week . . . . it. has to be new preparation in sight . . . . and he's We waited,; inquisitively, to Jewish Press advertisers merit rect size and shape of ing here. Warning that evidences among Jews than among nonand perfect. YOU've got to give vertising and his broadcasting. sneet this extraordinary person your clothes. unseen millions something drawing a salary all the time. "I of Fascist organization in Ameri- Jews was refuted by Dr. Benjam- your patronage. "whose reputation is equally great He became manager for Kane's, those so they'll turn that little dial on guess it's a l l right." he sighs, ca today are coming under t h e in Malzberg of the State Depart• Let us clean and de-moth with its chain of twenty-one stor8S advertising man and comedian again. Think of it. . . .people lis- "but as the dumpy writer said, guise of "100 percentism" a n d ment of Mental Hygiene. Presentthem now! [Would he bounce in with a whoop es. . . .handled a yearly publicity tening everywhere, in ships, light- 'You don't do a thing but act as that they are "essentially at- ing statistics based on his recent STOP IN AT © Sealed in moth - proof or would he do. a q u i e t hand- appropriation of $750,000. . . houses, on roads, in cellars, at- a yes-man to a lot of producers. tempts which are being made by Etudies, Dr. Malzberg showed that spring? : What buffoonery would bought ; a radio program, but tics, mansions. You've got to be And what do you get for it? A financial and industrial interests in certain types of serious mental cedsrized bags without JIB devise? We visualized him as couldn't appear on it because of good! And when it's over y o u lousy fortune!" extra charge. Call to shut off the growing refusal of ailments the Gentile rate exceed& synthesis o£ Henry Armetta and his own contracts. When these can't revise or improve a thing And there you have Einstein- the people to suffer want and de- ed that for Jews, notably alcoholfor sn after the show f SHKOLLY GOODMAN'S a. generous sprinkling of the Marx terminated, he couldn't hire him- . . . . i t ' s done." Park a dual personality . . . . privation longer and the growing ism and venereal disease. T h e daaee OF party snack. self because, as keeper of the brothers. ' . . . . . the master merchant struggling anti-w a r sentiment which is low Jewish rate in these diseases ® Our appointment was set for budget, he found himself too against the merry mimic. spreading throughout this coun- he attributed to the tradition of j high-priced. "Now lok here." he HOME BACKGROUND 2:30. in the Goldwyn offices. At We serve foods especially Jewish family life. Reports retry." Einstein's home was typical of 5;29% a brisk, sedate, qulet- argued with himself, "why should p r e p a r e d for the hot commending a new type of JewRabbi Goldsteni declared that jnanoered business man filled the we pay you so m u c h money?" an orthodox Jewish boy. . . .he weather. ish orphan home to provide indithese "things affect Jews generaldoor; * * . . a voluminous person- Kane's -were willing to take him was Bar Mitzvah . . . . r e a d s Hely. Authority in Jewish life has vidual care and disclosing the j a g e . . . .about six feet tall a n d at his own figure. He proposed brew. His father died when Harry been held largely in the hands of steady progress of Jewish com- i 200 pounds around. A football they put him on the market. . , was a boy, which necessitated his those who are in the Industrial munal coordination were also [ then gauge his radio salary by early entry into the business FLATIBOX HOTEL Jpiayer or a pugilist would be your and capital owner group. Their presented to the convention. world. His mother was and is his lirst guess, actor, your last. He's what others bid. It was done. interests are determined by their guiding light. He still confers black-haired, dark-eyed. .... .often CANTOR APPEARS desire to protect t h e i r property with her on important problems. taken for a "landsman" by t h e It w a s during these heydays "But," he praises, "she's a wise and wealth. Consequently, divi(Greeks with whom he speaks the that Eddie Cantor popped up . . . Prague (WNS)—Simultaneousmother—she advises but doesn't ly with the announcement that sion which is growing among if Jiative tongue. sent by Hal, Home, movie press Si "I'm Nick Park," he introduc- agent (and Einstein's cousin), to interfere." Harry is single . . . . the Fascist party was suspending Jews is based on economic lines. jjlfeahimself.."Had to change the seek out this rural radio riot and about 35 years old . . . . lives with operations of its own accord, the There are Jews who want Fascism to protect their property. \M label for screen purposes. I sup- offer him a small part in the fol- his mother, brother, and sister. Fascist press of Czechoslovakia Anti-Semitism, being a blind be!j*3S>bsa you; want all the horrible de- lowing Sunday's broadcast. issued a manifesto declaring that hind which a drive is made againMODESTY it Where Omaha Shop$ With Confidence | | | £alls? I'U be brief " "Imagine the shock! One day For such a large and lusty fel- henceforth it -would adopt a more st working people generally, is |p Ha t a l i s fast, earnestly. con- I'm a hard-headed advertising difriendly attitude toward the Jew- manifest among these Jews in the Si Jrlncingly, Not a sign of drollery rector . . . . the next I'm a na- low he is surprisingly meek and ish population. form of an attempt to keep Jews !|f i f visible, He might be selling a tionally-famous comedian!" It modest. An irresistible vendor of The reason for this sensational ||Eouls-Quinze s u i t e for all y«u was appalling . . . . he's still daz- publicity, he shuns it for himself. about-face is that the Fascist from any affiliation with anti-war | | glimpse of the comedian. Only oc- ed. "Just think of it. . . J. get off What it he can' up to the press has discovered that the real and anti-Fascist work. Phrases Islcasioiially, through a gesture or a the train and people follow me In blurbs? The outstanding radio enemies of Czechoslovakia are dealing with Jewish culture in a chauvinist fashion a r e used to •i grimace, you catch a spontaneous crowds! Why . . . . i t ' s . . . ..mira- figure of New England, y e t he not the Jews but the Nazis. hide basic factors which call for never kept a scrapbook. His favpisparlt of fun. -: culous!" orite axiom Is, "Nobody is so InifiOW H. BEGAN He remained, however, conser- dispensable that his job can't be || Although Einstein had clowned vative and shrewd. From Monday refilled." | | ! t t j amateur theatricals, h e never to Saturday he talked furniture He is Indifferent to Hollywood I looked a "mike" in t h e eye until n Boston . .... .on Sunday he talkmethods of ballyhoo-r—of appear} 1 9 3 2 . H i s friend, Joe Hines, had ed "Parkyakakas" in New York. ing in the public prints as "havi^a'commercial program . . . . p e r - Severed neither connection for a suaded h i m t o try out. T h e whole year. Then came Cantor's ng dined at the Tavern with Dif'Gr-r-rik" w a s a n instantaneous movie offer which he accepted af- rector Whoosis" or "danced at thlt. . » .81 g n e d for twenty-six ter long and weighty deliberation. he Grove with Sally Starr". Humbly admits that he has eaten ^weeks ot local broadcasts . . . at the Brown Derby but "nobody i | ^ a m e d thenceforth with R i n e s HIS CONTRACT Park's'"contract is solely" with! saw him.". • • . j'and took the title of Parkyakakas : Hollywood ways seem strange antor. ." . ^unassociated w i t h ] because i t sounds like a genuine "Greek name, y e t implies soniev Goldwyn. for the United :A*tists' ' •.. . . h e doesn't care fox flash, Studio. It is a three-year, .ticket crave polo ponies, yearn fop comical. • . . . for more than a thousand yachts, or play badminton. He reO n e contract led to another Until Parkyakakas w a s k n o w n dollars weekly (with Increases at sides at a. modest hotel and lives |i>ver all N e w England. Once h e option-time) . . . . and covers pic- dimply. He had never dreamed of Iran for Mayor . . . . as part of the ures, stage, radio* vaudeville, the movies as a career. . . .doesn't l a c t . . . .and t h e Republicans were gag-writing, and benefits!' T h e even know who Is who among the langry because 1,200 people actu- atter constitute the . greatest stars . . . . is sometimes confused fally -wrote "Parkyakakas" on number of their engagements. and embarrassed now when meet3561 FARNAM ST ftheiri ballots, which number stood They played hundreds of them in ing them. |between t h e Republican, and t h e | New York. Cantor is so charitable that he never turns down a s]winnlng Democratic candidate. request. Next Fall, Park goes in•Iffl^iVOCATION •'•'•. .' to Cantor's Broadway musical •!I| A l l this a i r Btuft w a s merely show, which in turn will probab;!un. H e had to make a living. He ly be their 1936 picture.
material to become trite or h^ presentation, Blipshoddy. We often worked fifteen hours a day shaping material for the broadcast."
Kitchen Chats
Anti-Semitism to Be Dropped by Czech Fascists
HAmey 5300
more of those grand and glorious
Before Buying An Automobile or Truck See
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. . . t h a t the 3rd floor cotton shop is making the talk of the town a t . . .
Inrst; b e g a n ' t o earn money while j'rtill in grammar school. . . .work!|id: tes a a errand boy tor a local tkewapaper. Then, as he grew so j!as£i pbyslcally, they "couldn't l»end a big hulking kid o u t on ers"» s o promoted him t o t h e . . . . .from there to advertising )! solicitor. H e managed this irork after, school hours. But praSualljri advertising took the place of school . . . . studying this rabject at Boston "University w a s i t i n e a r l y r a s effectual, as practljal! experience. | 'Itt: Boston tradition la ironSound . . . . and tradition decreed ,hat furniture firms should not idTOrtise i n newspapers. Here was j.•'-. feaser for young Einstein. H e ackled a small furniture store. , . obtained a tiny ad. Much to the : irojprietor's surprise it brought eaults!: A large ad w a s placed. a medium-sized firm follow". v .the i d e a w a s contagi|us! A n important company fell 8, |.?ne. y > .and newspaper space jeciimo^i s tight and proper medhiq! for; furniture selling. Harry's jheet soon carried more lineage
IDOLIZES CANTOR This strapping stalwart fellow's devotion to and dependence on frail little Eddie would be ludicrous if i t were not so sincere. "I'm just a lucky guy," he avows. "I don't have unusual talent. Countless others could have done the same thing with Cantor. I almost died that first night on his program. I thought, 'Here I am, a little local comic who comes over from Boston to go on the, biggest broadcast of the air.' I was shaking like a leaf. Cantor must have guessed my fright . . . h e came over and said, 'You're going to be a big hit, kid! 1 You just can't flop with Cantor! "He is so big, so generous that he, the comedian, plays straight to my comedy. It is he -who arranges the lines- so that I get the laughs. He is so versed in show business that a year with him is worth a college education to an actor. He was the pioneer comedian and he'll be the last . . . . he knows exactly where to spot the laughs. . . .he never allows his
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Just in - - - many new styles in cotton frocks - - - each one more fascinating than the next! You'll find it no easy task to choose between them - - - and if you just can't make up your mind, it won't be hard on your budget to select several!
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15th and Farnam •*&:
. . In the Fourth Floor Cotton Shop Chiffon-Voiles In floral p&Uerns. Seersucker, in prints. Linen, in pastel &&d dark stisdes. Sheer Ginghams, in riaWs. Eyelets, nary, brovn, rust && pastels,
~12 to U 14US4
. . and we snggest these two good-iocsldiss PBGGX W3E' Oiforsls for perfect complements to jros? cosimiies . ..WMte.Mesa with Kid combinations . . modestly priced because tisey'r© - Peggy J>es. • ' .
May 5. joculafy comment of me as of a in. her dreamy contralto e^e >> My< God! how. bountiful thelibertine was brought back ID liered we Ii a & root pompwi^ world looks! how sweet is life*. light by me—and we both burst long Ego, I begat to r a c k i; Right now .the idea has occurred into cheerful laughter. Without memory when h a tl indeed **n to me that man, s,t least the aver- fearing to destroy the pedestal of meeting taken place- before. 1 v-': age man of my calibre is what the sedateness on which she put me. I so bewitched by the Round oi 1'. woman mates him, and it still re- caressed her rich chestnut hair voice that she would not have 1u CONTRIBUXOBS NOTE ; .By;L A. ARfEIJJ • aha a jnost complete food service, mains very debatable if even the jthat were F,S fresh r.r.d cool to p.r.y fiifA.ii~n.ltj' to m a k e m e t>p1if Naturally your many letters the Central Market is now carryIiistniclor i s Omaha'Tainrnd Torah giants. Moses, Rafaefc and Dante j touch EE seaweeds. When later I and phone calls containing hoth ing a complete liquor stock . news "bits a n d other comments At last we have learned why Max By t h e Service lafe Insurance (This diary by Ii. A. Arielli jAs if intending to pnll ine out of are able to make a clean escape stealthily kissed her on her merit Then we came V>?TK to onv •'•from this situation. Only cue EO sophisticate ransE-rfc profane*? bles Company, Omaha are highly appreciated. But ifCanar, Henry Chait and Henry embarrassment she asked: EM! habits anfl is the diary of a Jew without meeting with her—and I don't you expect your news tips to beSwartz are called the "Pal-Oi the magnificence of t i e flying: carious, to continue in tliis "•'= —"Rather sleepy?" stamina. This is the .second of myself any m o r e . minutes. used, you must furnish the full Steins" for your own info As I kept on smiling she added recognize without touching on in;• occur. In the days to come when the Where is gone all ray grumbling names of the parties concerned ask Esther Repeated requests hair begins to turn gray, heart several instalments.—The Edi- somewhat roguishly: We returned, her arm in mine. tion. I volunteered that I sai; '• and grcoichiness at. the world, and complete information, so.that ask us to inform that Pi Lam A. and mind turn toward the quiet tor.) —"The, boy is tired, worn out particularly at the ferainine half We discussed books. She is grad- employee in a Pittsburgh ;v> a proper story can be made of the K. of the uselessness of pestering pursuits of life rather than towith all his escapades. He needs a of it? I am reconciled with all, uate from a business college and concern—rather by avocntiov.. ' . May 3 tip. Your columnist has received L. F . anymore . . . Blackstone ward the active strife of business badly,. indeed. To recuperate all, I feel myself young and vig-read god fiction profusely. We —-"What is Something great, unusual hap-' rest numerous tips -which only stated hotel will open a cocktail room —two doors appear ahead. brought up in our talk some of for new pranks." orous as an eighteen year old boy. initials of the parties concerned and package store Saturday (Continued oa Page S.) Her.calling me "Boy" and herGoing about my w o r k I mean- our weaknesses and habits and. a One door opens out into rest lened to-night! and were not used because of the I entered • one drug-store to sipintimation that I spent the even- while thousand of trifles which assumand recreation, leisure and travel, hum 'in a heavenly mood an difficulty of ascertaining who was VAAD PICNIC "but this door is closed w i t h a omething. It w a s around mid- ing in sowing wild oats sounded old, long forgotten tune sung by | ea the importance of universe's meant. Whether the letters are night and there were no customwhich drew us closer and -extremely amusing to me, and I Mr. and Mrs. Dave Crounse, huge lock; the other door, howcantor over there is Wofclin: !i absolutes anonymous or .not, makes no dif- Mr. and Mrs, D. B. Epstein, Mr. ever, swings freely, hut it leads rs. I Tras tired and in a beastli- answered, all the while writhed our nearer together. I tangibly felt "Blessed are Thou who createfist | that a mysterious spring ference because the sources of in- and Mrs. H. Marcus, Mr. Solto nothing more desirable than a est of moods—I had had a fewand interrupted by chuckles/what the opened in Man," or declaim in the highformation for this column a r e Logman, Mr. Abe Greenbaum, continuation of t h e routine of hours before one of my -worst col- probably made me look very stu- est of spirits two lines of the Rus- both, of our hearts. I positively lisions -with Mr. Finkelgold. The pid: never divulged. Keep this in mind Mr. M. Burstein, Mrs. Louis work. don't recognize myself. It is •untoysien poet: who resentfully tore believable—such a change in a and we'll expect your full cooper- Turkel, and Mrs. S. Fish were —"No—No—I am—not—misWill the necessary key be ongirl-clerk ation accordingly. Thanks for among the energetic workers hand to open the wonderful door, herself avray from the. social chievous as that—I am, after all "Don't tell me that life is a man's heart! those tips. who made the picnic the suc- or will there be no other alterna- column fo the newspaper to serve —a domesticated devil—tame and toy." Yes, her name is Florence c e s s it.was .'•..-. The Slutsky tive than to pass by it and push me in an offhand m a n n e r ray inoffensive—and the only advenGreen. In the h a n d s of a heartless BITS boys, operators of Krag Park, through the open door, back to malted milk s t i l l enhanced ray ture—I could register this even- fate." Last Saturday evening at the were personally ; attending to work again? • • retful petulance. ,1 felt s o m e - nig—is—my present talk—to you My dear diary! I •wish. I could May £ Highland, Al Mayer and his the picnicers' needs - and did tell you how delightfully charmLife insurance makes sure that thing rising within me against very delightful spouse entered their bit to add to the day's en- the key -will be at hand for the his girl whose features spelled to —"Indeed?" she tried--to hide ing she is! Yesterday at twilight .' Florence was more captivating ,1 14 their bid lor the season's latest tertainment . . . Rabbi Uri Mil- opening of the door which leads me a conceited, selfish t e r n a l e her mirth under a masli of skep- on the bench of the psrk I con- than ever. Looking straight, to the setting sun vre were swamped tj treating the man not as an end in sensational dance team . . . The ler was making contacts with to old-age happiness. templated in silent admiration ticism. itself, but as a source of satisfy- —"Oh, yes"—I went on allher esauisite beauty, iier brown [the shower of the opening aceacis h o y friends of Harold Stein m a n y people as if he hadn't ng various passions and discard- wondering at my rapidly growing eyes, all h e r transparent being i buds in that part of the park aflhate found i t so difficult to se- seen them since the High Holying him into the waste basket at courage, "and if you will allow that beams with a kind of yarn:, i joining the river. Florence Eaifi lect a nickname for Harold days . . . Mr. . If. Levenson, a any opportune moment. But then I shall be delighted to accompany dazzling glow. And wliat couli Vaad executive, w a s b u s 11 y Stein, that outside help i s b c it is only with the very little .girls you home after your work." Inuring about abont and-coning called upon as to whether stand comparison with bet staand the very old women that I am versing with. Vaad leaders . V . "SnowOake" or " J u s t Before In the sweetest and most en-ture? The first time I urgently M \ / !-= on really peaceful terms. I hast- gaging manner she thanked me, felt tbe desire to become an-'crtOver $7 was returned for, pop Dawn" is the more-fitting monened to turn my eyes and icker—send in your choice . . . tickets which could not be fillonly to depict her eyes and her Moscow,—Recent reports from thoughts from her and approach- as she did not want to make me ist ed because of a sell-out oh pop Ruth Pollack, the former Winstature. wait two long hours, she, suggestearly in the evening . . . There the Soviet Union show that the ed the cash-register. To pay, toed for us to meet tomorrow, she nie Wise of the World Herald, We sat. and talked. She dropped were ten friends to every win- stores operated by Torgsin (the pay and to get away. But while will be the whole evening off. quit her job last week to assist a remark that she liked serious State Corporation for Trade with collecting my change I beheld two ner of a box of candy and the her father in his liquor enterOut of breath I expressed my boxes were consumed rapidly . . . Foreigners) did a record business wonderful eyes smiling at me and gratitude in some hackneyed men like me. H e r yesterday's prise . . .Some one with convenlast year and are steadily improvvoice as fresh and velvety as ient temporary housing faciliing the quality a n d variety of the timbre of a Wuertemburg phrase and departed in the sunties which are not in use, call BETH-EL DANCE their merchandise. In promptness flute addressing me: "Thank you, niest disposition of mind. I felt Ruth Milder who is frantically my calendar turned twenty cycles Due to a lovely crowd and theand efficiency the Torgsin stores call again." I never respond to back. Has really this beauty trying to locate a new abode generally' set an example to the . . . A popular way to stay in rhythmic tunes of Austin Bevans' various domestic organizations of professional smiles, I detest them agreed to spend tomorrow's eve4 4 pkgS. - - 19c the pink, not in the red, is to orchestra, the annual synagoguedistribution in the-Soviet Union. as part of the abominations of all- ning with me? Unbelievable! row. regularly, according, to dance a t the Highland, Monday Thousands of Americans of Rus- nslaving all-buying capital, but How infinitely precious m u s t SELECTION Henry Ginsburg and his frater- evening was highly successful . . . sian extraction are using the Tor- this smile of the cashier was sobe this crumb • of happiness for I \\ A I* » ' ' f M 1 ^ \ •' •' r ! i | HfeF OF nity brother, "Cowboy" Sadof- Everyone was happy to see Mrs. gsin stores to send gifts to rela- remotely different. There was inwhich every living being is cravsky, who are experts at i t . . . David A. Goldstein, who was' con- tives or dependents in the Soviet it something sweet, refreshing ing if one bright and good smile and inspiring. She was so charm- is sufficient to, bring about such Tonight is the night Duke El? fined "to bed for several weeks Union. lington plays at Peony, I'll be . . . The bar were .sold out of the The services of Torgsin, under ing with her bright eyes and a revolution in a raan's heart. it favorite liquors early in the evewith her beautiful head crowned seeing you there. . • constant expansion, have become Am going to bed. Am anticipatning . . . B o b Kooper was energwith a wealth of undipped locks. I ' i 5 ' • ( ^ l i U vv > ^ ' P I S ?t many and varied. Special stores I felt as though a chunk of iceing the most glorious sleep a morized enough to inject • some real PEEVBEWS 1 are maintained by Torgsin for tal has ever had i£—if only -xay Although Iz Mann is-a-man, life to the affair . . . .Yes and AI,customers who wish to have their somewhere withi nme began to excitement permits me to shut an melt slowly away and I recipro^ to have imrecent dating experiences have Frank was reported : furs, clothing, shoes, etc. made to cated with a shy, reserved smile. eye this: night. bibed that one drink V . . If J. J. NCE OF OUE MAKI: undermined his courage in regard order. Torgsin will arrange for a FKEEXBS AKB FATBONS to blind dates . . . Plans are inFriedman could have picked' the vacation (including transportacontemplation to enlarge the winners at the the. man- tion) in any designated summer These rumors are entirely baseone e£ Omalic's flacst I We sr® ©pssiag I s oor beauty shop in Herzbergs . . . ner that he piefced the horses in resort. It procures tickets for mo- less. Not only is it perfectly legal 5? -/sriai 1 & complet© Warren. Ackerman and his. assis- the miniature machine at the club, t i o n picture houses, theatre or for people in the Soviet Union to ! f tant professors, Lloyd Maloshock he could" make a living as a tip-opera. It sells all sorts of fruits receive gifts from relatives ressrtmsst cf feotfe fordgB asd 6omer?t5.c Since ISSS What was the cause of in and out of season. It sells live- siding abroad, but the Soviet govand Irving Sherman gave a course ster I rasas s a d gins. ;he mass meeting in front of "the on how to see a show gratis in a stock, such as cows, horses, fowl, ernment specifically backs the ! As it lias always t>ss©a osr policy t& feature only It locoanut' Grove after the" dance ? t , J recent "Walk-In show. Some pnpils etc. I t performs a great variety Torgsin organization and facilita', best &t tfee raost reasonable price possible, sacli will I who successfully passed the first of services for both urban and tes its work in . conducting this lit liSEETINGS • AND ; tli© policy cf fels new fispf»rtmen.f, course were: Helen Greenberg, rural residents. In small places business as. an' authorized agency ', W© -iatit© y e s to come i s Bsfl fcspect tMs mew & Phil Lazerowitz, Libby Fishberg CONGRATULATIONS'. "•.' : where there; is no Torgsin Etore, to accommodate-' holders of -for"t TO! Sam Horwich who- is special Torgsin agents promptly eign currency or recipients of and Bud Shumow. The pupils, or £C7 So.. 15th' Si. : , I professors have, as yet, tailed to now working for -the.-Lpos -Wil- make arrangement for deliveries Torgsin orders. COMMER receive any certificate of recogni- es Bakeries.. . . T O : Hyman H. of any merchandise or services tion of their accomplishment, but Rosenberg and; family who are desired. this notice will arouse the thea- formerly -.. from • Chicago. - -Mr. The constant improvement of tre manager so that he will sure- Rosenberg is- a representative Torgsin services is a refutation of 'A AT ly award them properly . . , Wil- for the Brown Fonnan Distil- the stories' spread in liam Flax, a Nebraska U senior, lery company . . .TO: Miss Dor- the United occasionally States that Torgsin is is working in the commercial art othy Zlotldn who is now - em- curtailing its activities or that redepartment of the Bee-News . . . ployed at Nebraska; Clothing cipients' of Torgsin orders from Abe Brodkey, who is serving as Co. . . . TO: M i s s Bebe Bur- foreign countries become objects master of the green at the High- stein who is - now. .employed at land, is learning to master the M. Venger and Sons . . . TO: of suspicion in "their communities. r d c e OSANG-ES. *% f* j Ca!!Sorr,l«. N e w White «1 £* green and is dropping his putts Alvin; Friedman -who is now * (3o«<sjs _ «sJ*&,f'!w j 1.0:l"A.'S!t>I3Rj!. 1M l b s . .. fesiM'W•with consistent regularity . . . . employed a t the F & F laboraWith the time of Lois Livings- tories . . . TO: Mr. and Mrs. I TOMATOES, Us. ton's yearly visit nearly here, we Morris Green upon their thirtiI 4 I-J>\IS, x >. fc» V Mohel Specialist wonder who will give Julian Mil- eth wedding; anniversary . . . Recommenced by Man* Doctors der and Jerry Gordon dating coin- TO: Dr. and Mrs. H. HirschCSEBBIES, Ib. , Eesldeuc* F&one WEbsier E635 o mann upon their twenty fifth petition. 1 Frad LETTUCE,. Business Phone WUbster S«SO wedding anniversary . .... TO: cs,zk _ „ 1433 N. 20th St., Omaha, Neb. Mr. andMrs. R.M. Shlaes upon JUICY JESTS the celebration of their twenty Last week's. Jewish Press fifth anniversary. confirmed the secret elopement on June 8, of Sam Kohn and Mollie Ackerman. as this coln» umn forcasted to occur shortly WHITE SCI? &. after the beginning of June . . » To Greek Parliament GENGEE AIJC, The government was not the Saloniki—Notwithstanding Jewfirst to utilize the alphabet in ish dissatisfaction with the choice their set up, for judging by the of candidates to represent t h e social: whirl of the -younger set, Jewish community in the Greek K, we find our own alphabetical parliament, M. Alaluf and M. arrangement denoting the nam- Malach were elected to the cham1I S IE es of the local sororities and ber of deputies. v fraternities . . . The wrong acThe Jews of Saloniki objected centuation of these three lines, without COSHER DILL-PICKLES, qL ..„.avail to outside nomina"No Stags-Present-Sportf' on tion of their IAMBSKSI is'that Tbrasd sew acscandidates instead of ;_ 1 S C the Alpha P i T a u dance bid their being permitted/as II0SHE1 STILE SABEEIIL4UT; ^ tate fabric, that loots ss soft ss& adds an unexpected quip . . . to make their own choice.hitherto, INSURED CABS feels so velvety. I t not osly saakss try i t yourself . . . By the numKOSHER TOMATOES, qmrl these dresses, s m a r t . . . M t aks eosl her of times that Granum Kapcad cosafortabls -for £ « lan danced with his French inT ,'?ih V TV* Wi* structor at one of the dances © o o last week, we readily see why he is getting by so nicely in Smidl patterns French . . .It looks like the golf GKEATEB 60 CLUB and dots cf all bng has really bitten Sam Ziegsizes en P'zsiel end' presents man . . • What Doctor's wife white! has been steadily losing h e r housekeeping money at the raccl"rf o*;, cr v- v r.res . • . M r s . . Lou. Kohlberg €t Skirtzzalsi si flics seems to be breaking even on with R c a? uscli" the nags . . . Bud Levin, a Jewlines.. Full cui! ish copper, was hurt during the Large kems! . recent riots but went to work "Broadway's Comedy the next day in spite of t h e Madcap" doctor's orders. m.E AS ¥' 'to —with«"i /• ""7 ' WASB! In JUST BITS ^ it?. » sizes 14 *0.*#, i t is reported that Max From• 28 to 42!fcin has found it more profitable in a complete new show to stay away f r o m Ak-Sar-Ben t r • * i —pins— and spend his spare time at The Little Club . . - Peggy Friedman PATSY & MICKEY HELEN WEHELE is paying a lot of attention to a a Setcertain young admirer, especially Acrobatic Baocer - d t r a Modern Fast BteppiBS Hoicha Dancers . iu view of the fact that © to have no preferences . . . In line o 3 with the policy of offering to OmAIXEN
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For Academic liberalism
Voice of Our
Freedom in teaching and academic liberalism in this country #««« Bj GEBTRCDE BERG, ! were given a laudable boost, and HiOerism with its strangling of Published etery Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by Anther of My PHfffEAS J. BIROI ! freedom in thought and learning was given a "slap in the face" MURACHI APPRECIATION " l a s Rise of the Goldbergs" THE JEWISH PKESS PUBLISHING COMPANY THIS AND THAT !The LsEg-Hear£t incitiest is said Editor el the Jewish Press: at the Harvard commencement exercises. At the graduation cereAll New York Jewry is doffing, to have brought matters to a Subscription Price, one year - -...» - - > S2.00 monies honorary degrees were bestowed on Albert Einstein and On behalf of the Mizrachi otExperts are still at odds as to its hat to Julius Alexander, the: head . Valdeck, however, has Advertising rates furnished on application. Thomas Mann, two of the outstanding refugees from the land of whether a modern woman c a n ! husky Bronx Jew who tore do^n ; not resigned from { h e Forward gar.iraf.toB of Omaha I wish to ex.Editorial Office: 600 Brandels Tneater Building. combine a career "with mother-; an anti-Semitic sign hanging in • Association sBd the Cahn-VaSdeek tend through your columns o u r the Nazis. Sioux City oifice—Jewish Community Center hood and home-making. It Is gen- •front of a Nazi meeting feall at I tussle is now oa to a Cinish . . . . thanks and eppreciation to t i e This is not the first time that Dr. Conant, president of Har- i erally believed that household du- the risk of his life . . . . Tew "Valdeck is going away for a many Zionists in Ooiaha who votDAVID BLACKER - " - Business and Managing Editor ed the 5Iizraclii list. We are gratvard, ha3 Shown his uncompromising hostility to the Hitlerite ties and business activities do notjtnow, FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - • - Editor however, that Julius' older * tnree-inonth rest i?ecsns=e <?• ified at the result End feel certain RABBI TJR1 MILLER - . - • - - Contributing Editor principles. Only a year ago he .made the headlines ring with his blend. From my personal experi- i brother is the head of an stdver-! health . . . . When he comes back that our delegates will conscienFANNIES KATELMAN Council BRiffa. Iowa, Correspondent refusal to accept a scholarship from Ernst Eanfstaengl, Harvard ence I have found just the oppo- j tislng agency that represents the j there'll be plenty of action . . , . tiously and honestly fulfill t h e ANN PILL - - ••••-• Sioux City. Iowa, Correspondent site to be true. I believe t h a t ! German steamship companies in'' cop-nfht isss br Seven Arts reature r e mandate given them in this elecalumnus and Hitler right-hand-man, on the ground that such a these two spheres of activity so j the foreign language press . . . J * Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street Syndicate lion and eerre Palestine and the gift could not be accepted from an intimate of a regime which is rarely so together successfully j MOTS power to Julius . Jewish people faithfully. I not because a gift for motherhood | w . Veisga! flew to Hollywood EtTtl mi Biallk Fcresls attempting to kill the traditions of education and democracy. Sincerely yours and home-makiag excludes talent. the other day and oa .his return Jerusalem—World-wide c a inIt is a simple matter for college leaders to do lip-service to!;for S. Ravjtz. business la the same person,(will make a definite ansoucce- psigns for the extension of the The "Learn to Swim" week held the past few days at the , - . , . . . t vi jbut rather because f e w womeaimeat about the so anxiously Jewish Community Center natatorium serves a dual purpose. It | democracy and freedom in education. It is far more valuable and harbor both interests Eimultane- j awaited production of Franz Wer- Tbeodor Herzl and Chaim Is'scfc-., man Bialik forests in Palestine jy^. f f g ^ g g not amyBtarta the novice on the path toward swimming profi-l concrete, however, when the head of the oldest umversxtyjn ously or even successively. Usual- jf e r s "Road of Promise will be opened on the anniversary t ! 1 1 ciency but it also acquaints many with the advantages and pleas-. {America goes out of h b n y to demonstrate> by acts, not words Moscow—Luba Goldtnann, a *ZZZ.?5*J£!?™L ?\»»'."•' *'««"*° »--.™!r S1S. £." ^•^™. Si 15-year-old categories: the woman w h o exo is rather peeved because PresiJewish girl, is being ures 6f the J. C C. pooL j that he is an uncompromising foe of strait-jacket education and presses herself completely as a dent RooseveltS accepted a sheet by M. M. Ussishkin, president of hailed as a heroine throughout Swimming has long been recognized for its beneficial exer- j hangman's learning, the Jewish National Fund, which ZTt^Tc^nfn^ S | sold^ for Stherbenefit of ^ps ?eIEEjhas ^ respon£lble for the ,„_ the Soviet Ucion because'of a rise, without undue strain. But today it has become more than a j exiled Ger- ji s h a f £ o r e B t a t i o n program in Pal- parachute record she has estab-
Swimming Advantages
band no longer require her super-; m a n intellectuals The Nazi I estiae. The campaigns will be liElied. DEriEf the Soviet Air Fesvision, advice and care, can still \ ambassador. Dr. Luther also con- launched on the twentieth a n d tival Kiss Goldmann was the first the saving of human lives at an unexpected time. y politics insidiously worms its way into the decisions of na- not detach herself from these in- • siders this gesture oa the part of woman to jump from a glider at terests; and the business woman, FDR a direct rebuke to Der Fue- twenty-first cf Tarnrnur (July 21- the height of COO feet and to land At the Jewish Community Center we are fortunate in having } ^ ^ Q f ^t Qt h e ^^^^ o{ a w h o l e p e o p l e # st and 22nd) when Jews the who has no patience with doxnes- hrer's policies . . . . John Kix safely. a pool known for its cleanliness. We are also fortutnate in having j W e h a dn o s o o n e r finished rejoicing over the fact that little ttlc life and feels herself, when too advises us that Hyman A. Press- vorlfi over mark the yahrzeits ol TW« if the first parachute desthe founder of the political Zioncapable, efficient swimming instructors who are anxious to im- jS w i t z e r I a n d > bordering on Germany, had pointed the way for j much at home, like an inmate of man of Baltimore is the youngest i ce-T.t from a glider at euch a 1st novcmcEt &n& o* the greatest politician in America . . . . Over [ part to all who desire it instruction on the art o f n a v i g a u n g i l a r g e r I i a t i o n s . b y refusing an appropriation to send Swiss ath- a penal institution. height. ( Yet motherhood is an ideal a period of seven years Hymanj Hebrew poet cf modern-times. through water. As a supplement to outdoor swimming and bath- I e t e g t Q ^ i 9 3 6 Olympics in Berlin, because the Nazis violated the j training-school for life. A modern campaigned for presidential, gubing, it should be utilized more than in the past s p i r i t o f f a i r p l a y W n i C n ^ the foundation-stone cf sports - - we 'mother cannot raise and educate ernatorial a n d mayoralty candihad no sooner finished rejoicing, when we receive the news that j her child merely by love and ten- dates before he was old enough There are women with ajto vote . . . . And Ripley of "Bsthe National Council of Switzerland in. a second poll had approved jderness. • highly developed maternal in- j Here It Or Not" fame tells us that Swiss participation. j stinct who are utterly incapable I Fort Benning, Georgia, boasts of The occupational selection for our rising young Jewish men No actual events had transpired to cause a reversal in this | of being good mothers in the sci- ja church that holds services for FOR THE and women is a problem which keep constantly bobbing up. We decision. We must deduce that political pressure was brought to | entitle sense of the term. A good j Protestants, Catholics aad Jews, bring it to the fore again and again, because it ia a problem which bear, and that the members of the Council, against their wishes, j mother must have loads of patijence. She must have more than I BEHIND MAKE-UP cann&t be denied and which with the passage of time is becoming were "clubbed" into voting the appropriation. If so, it is a sad j a superficial Hollywood is considering ciskknowledge of hygip more acute. Sooner or later, American Jewry must face commentary on our civilization that political influences are above jene, psychology, pedagogy a n d ing pictures with the Group Theamore BY tne like .She must also be a well- tre as an acting •unit . . . . The the prospect of doing something about it, instead of mere talk national honor. only difficulty is that most of the informed person if she wants to retain the respect of hex children. Group's members have distinctly and discussion. The sooner it is done the better for all of us; the She must be able to answer all Semitic profiles which do cot later i t is done, the more menacing are the effects of its delay. the innumerable questions which s c r e e n w e l l Stella Acler, Dr. Ben E. Selekman, president of the National Conference an intelligent child constantly however, star of the Group TtieaHeinrich Heine, great German poet, made an unusual proph- propounds. She must have an un- tre, has only recently changed the e£ Jewish Social Service this past year, again brought the focus sense of justice and \ shape of her nose through a suron this problem by suggesting a ten-year program of Jewish oc- ecy in 1834. Ernest L. Meyer of the New York Evening Post is compromising Which reethics. The modern mother must gical operation cupational re-direction to be inaugurated on a large and adequate the individual who brought this melancholy prediction to light. be selfless but not self-effacing, minds us that Fraccliot Tone Heine's writing: "Christendom—and that is its greatest and extremely efficient. Children, (he's not a Jew) has sent a elieck We will appreciate an opportunity'of letting scale. I t is by now an admitted fact that the legal and medical most cases, reflect the charac- of several thousand dollars to tbe professions, for example, are crowded beyond the saturation point, merit—has somewhat calmed that brutal Germanic love of battle. In our engineering department make a survey of ter of the mother much more than Group Theatre to help them presot only from the Jewish angle but from that of the general pop- It could not, however, annihilate it. And when, in time, the taming that of the father, and consequ- J pare the next season It may your requirements. No obligation on your nlation. As the struggle for professional survival becomes keener talisman, the cross, breaks down, the fierceness of the old fight- ently a mother must be a scienti-j interest you to know that Franchot is a multi-millionaire not part - - - and keener, the methods used by those "trying to hang on" be- ers, the mad berserk rage, whereof the old poets sang and told {jfic Acharacter-builder. woman equipped with all the through his movie earnings but come more and more unethical, eventually succumbing to the base so much, will clash forth. That talisman is crumbling and the day | qualities of a good mother can- by inheritance . . . . And if you and dangerous weapon of racial antagonism. Also, because of will come when it will pitifully collapse. The old gods will arise jn o t help making a good and effi-! see the name of June Travis in the overcrowding of the professions, we find thousands of gradu- from,the forgotten ruins, rub the rust from their eyes and Thor cient business woman. She will be electric lights as the latest Hollyto apply the same poise and wood star don't forget that she is ates completing their courses and then being compelled to' find with his giant hammer will at last spring forth and demolish the able the same ability to solve small! none other than June Grabiner,
luxury; it is a necessity, since knowledge of swimming may mean | O l e i S l s i r i g
Air Conditioning
Occupational Re-direction
Home, Store and Office
Prophecy Come True
Sold on Easy Terms
employment in an alien field for which they are not fitted or demes of God.. The German thunder is, however, Germanic; it [a n d yet important problems in i daughter of Harry Grabiner, busiis not very agile, and comes rolling somewhat slowly. But come business as she has learned to do j ness manager of the Chicago trained. at home. If I were & business exe- j White Sox . . . Molly Picon will Accordingly, a scientific approach to the occupations of our it will. And when you hear it crash, as it has never crashed be- i cutive I would never disqualify an not return to the Yiddish stage season . . . She Knows that Jewish youth would not only avert a further overcrowding of the fore in the history of the world, be aware that the German applicant for a job just because' next Yiddish theatre is dead and few professions but would also bring a happier and more equitable thunder has at last reached its goal . . A drama will be en- she is a mother. On the contrary. the A mother who has brought up awill tour the country under the distribution among the various types of human endeavor. The acted compared to which the French Revolution will sewn like clfild or children to the age ofdirection of the Menorah Lecture TwaTw barrier to date has been the fact that so many of the parents a harmless idyL" ten or so is adequately prepared i Bureau, giving concerts in Jewagree with the principles enunciated above but take the attitude: A century ago the immortal Heine wielded a pen that had for a successful business career. ish centers and other Jewish communal buildings . . . . Clif"It's all right for the next fellow, but my son is different." This prophetic: sight. It is to be regretted that a Heine is not alive f o r d Odets, author of "Awake would be the main obstruction to expert guidance in a program today to poetically describe the resurrection of the pagan gods and Sing", will represent the Leaof occupational re-direction. But if our parents were given the from Valhalla by the Nazis. g u e of American Writers on & commission to investigate conditrue facts confronted by the university graduate of today, and the tions in Cuba . . . . education of occupational needs was stressed constantly, then perSPORTS | haps before long we could put more Jewish youth into a field of Hank Greenberg has finally *Rosh Chodesh Tammuz ™ . . .Tue3., July 2 work where they will find greater and more lasting happiness. started to hammer the bill . . . . Shiba Asar BTammuz... .„..„ _.„„ ^_JThurs., July 18 At this writing he leads the AmNORTH AMERICA Rosh Chodesh Ab Wed. July 31 ROOSEVELT AIDS GERMAN erican and National Leagues in Tisha B'Ab ....,.: .....ZThurs.,' Aug. 8 R E F U G E E S BY BUYING homers with 17, t h e American . , . A 1 League in nsns batted an with 52 The Legislative Council in Palestine is approaching closer and *Rosh Chodesh Elul . . .Vri Au$? 8 LUXEMBOURG STAMPS Roose-1 and the same lesgue with doubles gesture in line with the do3or to realization, Just this last week High Commissioner j . . . . Young" Harry Eiseastat, who 5696 — 1935 velt tradition. Wauchope announced that he will establish the projected Legisla- Rosh Hashonah, 1st day ......„„. . . ....Sat., Sept 28 JUSTICE CARDOZO G E T S looked like another Mathewson Dodgers" trainHONORARY DEGREE FROM, or Hubbell in thebeen tive Council under all circumstances. Rosh Hashonah, 2nd day -. . „ Sun., Sept 29 released to COLLEGE . . . . T h e i r s camp, has All Jewish groups of all shades of opinion are united in op- Fast of Gedaliah . . ._MOn.f Sept 30 YESHIVA honor goes to the Yeshiva more!Dayton in the minor league _ . . . „ „.. Mon., Oct 7 than to Justice Cardozo. posing the Legislative Council, since it would definitely relegate Yom Kippur .....—„ J Moe Berg, the "Einstein of baseMAX BAER BLASTS REPORT ball" (he owns six degrees and the Jewish people in Palestine to a national minority. As the Coun- Succoth, 1st day _ S a t > O c t1 2 POSED AS JEW TO EN- speaks eight languages) is mak„....„.. .. Sun#> O c t1 3 HE cil is proposed, there would be only six Jewish members among Succoth, 2nd day HANCE HIS VALUE AS BOXtaga comeback with the Boston thirteen Moslems, five Christians and ten government officials. OFFICE ATTRACTION. . . .Some j Red Sox after everyone thought resent even a Jewish ex- he was all washed up as backJewish development in Palestine would be obviously hampered. said, "Rabbi Jose, what will be- goyim goy stop with the S e n a t o r s come of me in the world to champion of the world. GEMS OF THE BIBLE come?" {The Idea of having a Palestine legislative council which Right now he's batting over .300 And Rabbi Jose asked HEALEY, "AMERICAN HITMax Baer, ail reports notwould work out the country's problems before they are submitted AND TALMUD him, "Did not some meritorious LER," GETS 60 D A Y S IN withstanding, will fight again, if What a celeacts come to your hand?" Where- WORKHOUSE jto the Palestinian administration is in complete harmony, with By O. O. DASHER only, as he commented the other bration—If tha German Hitler upon he answered, "The money British colonization history. Under the existing circumstances, it day, to spoil Hitler's pleasure which I prepared to celebrate got the same vacation. would seem to us that the best policy to pursue now is to fight They that repay evil for good Purim, 1 erred thinking that it JEWISH SOCIAL WORKERS when reading "ex" in front of the It is former champ's name not so much against the establishment of the council as to itsare my adversaries, because I fol- was of the charity treasury. And TOLD SOME AMERICAN JEWS rumored that the German Governlow the thing that is good. 1 have distributed it to the poor, WANT FASCISM CISM TO TO PROTECT make-up and its powers.The fight can be based on the rights to Behold Thou hast, made my and I have not collected back THEIR PROPERTY . ment donated the money for the Which the Jewish people are entitled under the terms of the Bal- days as. hand breaths, and myfrom the charity." "If so," ans- ing new—but a courageous Noththing Swiss Olympic learn and that this is the reason why the Swiss Govfour Declaration.. The battle should also strive towards eliminat- age is as nothing before Thee, wered Rabbi Jose, "I wish that ~ a^rtraTrA eminent reversed itself on its desurely every man at his best es- my share should be like yours." ing immigration and the sale of Palestine land from the legisla- tate is altogether vanity. t l i e It was said that In a few days JEW^POTSICIAN GETS ^ S u r S tive agenda, giving the Mandatory Power the right to determine Surely man walketb as a mere Rabbi Jose died and all the great !mDies n e x t ARGENTINE sear . . . . Three •semblance for vanity they are in men of Rome came to his funeral, these subjects. American Olympic fencing team
JA 4722
2059 FAENAIff
The Summer Pants Store of the West
The Battle Front
lamenting greatly. On their return they found Rabbi Chamina studying the Torah publicly -with the Holy Scrolls in his hand. He was arrested and enrapped in the Holy Scrolls, and surrounded with branches of trees, which were kindled, and tufts of wool soaked in water were placed on his chest tva& 1 expected. The Russians are bent on making any kinds of that he shall be tortured for a TALMUD. concessions to the Jews to build up that territory. They have long time, and when bis daughter Our RabbiB were taught: When said to him, "Father Is it just, gone so far as to deviate from a very fundamental corner-stone Rabbi Jose became sick, R. ChaI see done with you?" he of Communist philosophy by allowing the possession of land as mina called on hinv the former •what answered, "If I were burned private property to the Jews settling in Bureya, explaining this said to him, "Chamina, my alone it would be hard for me, are you not aware that but now that I am burned in conunuijual procedure by the statement that "the peculiar qualities brother, this nation is reigning by heav- junction with the Holy Scrolls, : and'conditions of the Far East must be taken into consideration." enly decree,.and notwithstanding I am sure that He who •will take \ In addition to the limited amount of realty allowed, a small por- that she has destroyed the Tem- revenge for tha Holy Scrolls, will ple of Israel, and she is still in take revenge for me also. His disi tioni of personal property will also be permitted. • powerr and in spite of this, I hear said to him, "Rabbi, open | jJWe have withheld judgment on Biro-Bidjan, mainly because that yon occupy yourself with the ciples your mouth so- that the fire | in the desperate plight of so many of Eastern European Jews any Torah publicly and you carry should catch you." To which he with you the Holy Scrolls at all i haven of refuge looks bright Also, despite what we may person- times?" "From Heaven they will replied, "It Is better that my EOU! ba taken by Him who gave it to ] allyithink of Communism and its principles, we recognize the fact have mercy and protect me," was me and not that I ayeslf shall j j the Russians have stomped oat anti-Semitism. But, this Rabbi Chamin&'s answer. "1 amcause it an earlier death." giving you reasons, and you eay, j latest move on the part of the Soviet ^ - which on the surface is "From Heaven they shall protect I in the nature of a concession - -revives our formerly-expressed yon," exelaimed Rabbi Jose. "I The merchants T?ho advertise wonder whether the government in the Jewish Press solicit your ? fears concerning the obstacles offered by Biro Bidjan - - - thewill not burn you with the Holy business, and merit rour patronliat the undeveloped barrenness, the h JJapanese danger. •climate, Scrolls." Rabbi Chanima then age. turmoil; he heapeth up riches, and knoweth not who shall gather them. Happy is the man that hath We nave a faint suspicion that the Jewish immigration into made the Lord hla trust, and hath not turned unto the arroBiro-Bidjan, the territory set aside by the Soviet government as gant, nor unto such a3 fall away an autonomous Jewish state, is not progressing as rapidly as treacherously.
Biro Bidjan Suspicions
\ j
•>• i
And this despite the protests of Wonder what reception they'll get the South American Nazis. in Berlin if they haven't enough PETER FREUCHEN, "JEW- self-respect to stay home . . . . I S H ESKIMO", TO EXPLORE We are told that the next time AMAZON . . . • How about plant- the United States sends a team to ing the Jewish flag on this virgin the Tel Aviv Maccabiad it "will unterritory. der the auspices of the Jewish EUROPE I Welfare Board w i t h plenty of HOME OFFICE COMMITTEE members to win the team prize in URGES BRITAIN ADAPT JEW- all events . . . . ISH DIVORCE L A W TO ENG' LISH CODE . . . . That wouldn't FLASH' As we terminate our column we ba the first time that Great Briare informed that B. C. Valdeck, tain adapts Jewish ideas. TROTZKY REJECTS BID TO General Manager of the Jewish BE RECTOR OF EDINBURGH Daily Forward resigned . . . . ValUNIVERSITY . . . . A lot of balo- deck, is one, if not the most powney. The offer was never an of-erful personality in the Forward Association which centrals the tICS FIRST GROUP OF EXILED Yiddish Socialist Daily . . . . For GERMAN JEWISH SCHOLARS years he has been at/ odds with PLACED IN RUSSIAN UNIVER- Abe Cahn, Editor of the paper . . . SITIES AND HOSPITALS . . . • Tha Soviet Union tfdotas her lot. MOSLEM RIOTS . . . . Fasting ia ^ strange weapon of self-dsfense. TTJTS AT ,*.—-— —LIBRAET OF WORLD JEWISH AFRICA • SPORTS . . • • Sport, ss a.scienc* .ITALY" DEPORTS CHIEF EABBI OF TRIPOLI . . . . ...Fascism is a Jewish poiat of view. does not like any independent thinking, Jewish or noa-Jewish. AS Y^!i£N RABBIS PROCLAIM 183 S by S«-.-en ArU Feature H0PE 0 F FAST* IN AVERTING j
• Vmt Selection
Fancy White Stripe Serge
T Sizes 29to50 Specially designed for wear with th« contrasting shades in sport coat*. An extra pair of light fancy, trousers m u i tipltes the usefulness ©£ your sport .
Other Fins Summer Woolea Trousers md Sizcks Largest Showing .of Cotton Slacks $1.4$ t© ^ 2
Because of the Fourth of July holiday Thursday, all news and social items for next week's issue must reach the office by 5 p.TO.Tuesday, July 2. GBEEXBERG-UPSEY XUPHALS a flora plam-banked altar flanked by tall baskets of carnations, Miss Mildred Lipsey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lipsey, became the bride of Sam Greenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Greenberg. Sunday. Rabbi David A. Goldstein performed the ceremony •which took place at the Birchwood club, at 1:30 o'clock, in the presence of members of the family. Harry Braviroff played the wedding music The bride •wore a gown of •white chiffon made on princess lines, and sweeping into a slight train. The semi-cowl neckline was held high with two jeweled clips. The full, flowing sleeves were of Grecian lines, smaTtly banded at the wrists. She wore an illusion veil, turban effect, draped over the face and extending into a long train -in back. The bride's boq.uet was of calla lillies. Miss Cyril Leon, the only attendant, wore mousEeline de soie in shades of rose and white, made with a short ruffled cape, full at
ley Barish, Sylvia Wlesman, Pearl Meyerson, Mrs. Ben Silberman, of Chicago, Misses Florence Smeerin, of Woodbine, Iowa, Muriel K r a s n e of Fremont, liucille Abramson and Ruth Lurie of Fort Dodge, lovra.
FROM DALLAS TO MAKE HOME HERE Mrs. H. Blend of Dallas, Texas, Miss Lucille Boeninger of NewIs a house guest of her brother-in- ark, New J e r s e y , who is now law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Maxvisiting her friends, will m a k e Nitz. While here she also visited her permanent home here. her many other' friends and relatives. FROM SIOUX CITY Miss Ruth Friedman of Sioux TO CHICAGO City is visiting her cousin, MinMr. and Mrs. R. M. Shlaes will nie Tuehman, for two weeks. leavs for Chicago, Monday, July 1, for a week's stay to visit FROM NORTH FLATTE friends and relatives. Mrs. Julius Pizer and her son, Harry, of N o r t h Platte, • were NEW YORK VISITORS v i s i t i n s Mr. and Mrs. Simon LEAVE Pizer. Mr. and Mrs. Max Rosenblatt who spent a two-week honeymoon TO CHICAGO in Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Mr. and Mrs. Bill B. Yousem Rosenblatt, daughter, Doris, and are spending a week in Chicago, son, Arthur, all of New York, left, where Mr.- Yousem will attend the Wednesday, J u n e 19, to motor National Plumbers convention. back to New York. While they were in Omaha, AT EXCELSIOR SPRINGS they were extensively entertained Mrs. Sam Frohm and her son, by the Mesdamea Oscar Fox, Dave Milton, are spending a week in Fox, Hyman Gerber, Joe Gotsd- Excelsior Springs. iner, Morris Fox, Sam Rosenblatt, M. Rosenblatt, Joe Margules, Hy- VISITOR FROM FRESIONT man Alperson, H. Rosenblatt, S. Miss Muriel Krasne, of FreHarmel, ,L. Breen, and M. Rim- mont, is visiting her sorority sismerman. ter, Miss Esther Stein.
BAR MITZVAH Sidney Schwartz, son of Mrs. S. Schwartz, 3015 Lincoln Blvd. became Bar Mitzvah, Saturday morning, June 22, at the B'nai J a c o b synagogue, at 24th and Nicholas St. / A birthday party for fourteen of his young friends was given at home, Saturday afternoon. WOODBINE VISITOR Mrs. Schwartz was also hostess LEAVE FOR WISCONSIN Mrs. Max Fromkin left Monday M i s s Florence Smeerin, of at a family dinner, Sunday evening, in honor of the cpnfirmant. evening to accompany her Bon> Woodbine, Iowa, is visiting her Boh, to Camp Indianola at Madi- sorority sister, Miss Rose Steinson, Wisconsin, where he will berg. HONORED AT DI>~NER
28, -1935.
or the 4thof July
SPECIA Gorgeous Creations That Should Sett Up to 1SS ... e$
spend the remainder of the cumMr. and M r s . Al Finkel, Mr. mer. Mrs. Fromkin w i l l spend and Mrs. Louis Fogel, Miss Paul- some time in Milwaukee, Elkhart VISITING IN LOS ANGELES Misses Zelda and Beth Seva ino Hurwitz and her fiance, Mr. Lake, and Chicago, before returnCherniss are spending an indefiE. Wiedman, motored to Lincoln, ing home. nite stay in Los Angeles w i t h Sunday, June 23, to attend a dinSunday evening, Mrs. Fromkin ner "which was given -by Mr. and was honored at a banquet given their relatives. They will also Mrs. Max Moser in honor of the by the Junior Hadassah, of which visit other California cities. approaching marriage of Miss she has been senior adviser for Hurwitz to Mr. Wiedman. the past 14 years, and from which WEEK IN CINCINNATI Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levy are position she is now resigning. spending a w « e k in Cincinnati, HONORED CHICAGO Ohio, where Mr. Levy is attending VISITOR SIOUX CITYANS HERE the National Leather a n d Shoe -. Mrs. Henry Krasne was hostess Mrs. J; Zelinsky and daughter, at a bridge. Saturday, June 22, in Rose, of Sioux City, are visiting Finders association conclave. honor of Mrs. Harris Sirinsky of at the h o m e ot Mr. and Mrs. RETURNS TO CHICAGO Chicago, and at a surprise stork Henry Krasne.
shtrwer for Mrs. Ben Marylander.
FIFTIETH BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rosenstock, Sioux City, Iowa, will celebrate Mr. Rosenstock's fiftieth birthday, next Tuesday evening, July 2, with an open house for their friends and relatives in the Sioux City Country Club, 40th and Jackson Street. All of their Omaha friends are welcomed. Dancing and cards will make up the evening's entertainment.
Mrs. Ann Weber of Chicago returned home after Epending an exIN LOS ANGELES stay here with her broMrs. Herman Auerbaca is in tended ther-in-law and sister, Mr. a n d Los Angeles for an extended stay. Mrs. Sam Pepper. While there she is the guest of her brother, Mr. Samuel Fleish- VISITING HERE man. Mrs. Fred Goldstein and h e r
ugh & va y special concession by G promt' nent manafGCttsrcr of fine &ej?i we are a&!# to m&ke this sznpreceienied offer Gt the height of the eeasott!
son, Bobby, of Chicago, are visitHOUSE GUEST ing here with relatives for two Margaret Finkelstein of Lin- weeks. coln is a two weeks house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Graetz.
MOTOR TRIP TO NEW YORK Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kaplan and LEAVES FOR "WISCONSIN , their son, Howard, are going to CAMP Helen Jane Chapman, daughter make a three weeks' motor trip of Mr, and Mrs. M. E . Chapman, to New York City.
Over 1,200 gorgeous white handbap in Rodalaque, wood beads and simulated leathers. Every conceivable style and feature is included. All bags ure washable . . . in «uc3s leather creine as Shantung, Panier, Basket Weave, Lace Rope. Carbis suds Pique. The greatest sale of .handbags we have ever offered in the history of thii store! Come prepared to buy several!
WEEK-END HERE Mr. and Mrs. Morris I. Pickus, and their daughter, Donna and Joan, of Chicago, will spend the week-end here, enroute to an extensive tour of the west.
VACATION IN HOLLYWOOD will leave Sunday, for Burr Oaks Miss Rosaline Holdsberg l e f t Camp in Wisconsin where she RETURNS FROM TRD? •will spend the summer. Max Turner has returned -from for Hollywood, California, where a ten days' trip to St. Joe, Kan-she will vacation with her family. sas City, and, Tulsa, Oklahoma, GO TO LOS ANGELES The Misses Helen and Florence where he visited with friends and Mrs. Sam Greenberg Whitebook, daughters of Mr. and relatives. the back. She carried talisman Mrs. S. Whitebook, 822 No 50th RETURN FROM EXCELSIOR Ave., 'Will leave Saturday evening roses. , ' SPRINGS Mrs. Lipsey w o r e chiffon in for. Los Angeles on a month's vaMr. and Mrs. A. Smith left recation. pastel shades, with beige net cently for a two months' stay at trimmings. Mrs. Greenberg was Excelsior Springs. Remodeled - Belined gowned in delphinium blue crepe, FAMILY DINNER A family dinner in honor of made with cape sleeves a n d a L BEBKOWITZ,1 Furrier Nina Olivette and her mother, HOUSE GUEST cowl neckline. . Miss Ruth Rice of Sioux City 2818 LssveavTorth *A 2703 Henry Greenberg, brother of Mrs. Lachmann, was given by Dr. is a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. H. Htrschmann, Tuesthe groom,' was best man. A. Cooper. .A reception for friends and re-1day, June 25. latives was .held from- 3 to 6- o'-' On the occasion of their_twenty TO CHICAGO clock. Garden flowerB were used fifth wedding anniversary, WedMr. and Mrs. J. Robinson spent nesday, June 26, the Hirschthroughout the rooms. a day in Chicago last week to atThe; couple left on a two-weeks' manns and family, dined at the tend the unveiling of. a memorial trip to Chicago and the Great •60: club." They had Miss Olivette stone on the grave of Mrs. Rose Lakes. The bride w o r e a grey and her mother as their guests. Features Robinson, sister of Mr. Robinson. swagger suit, banded with black While there they were guests of Shampoo and finger wave 50c and white checks. Her accessori- RETURNS FROM SIXtheir nephew and niece, Mr. and THE NEW MONTHS Tour es were white. Jane Rosenstock, daughter of Mrs. Max Finkel. Assisting at the reception were Zotos Permanent Wave xrith the Misses Bernice Yousem, Ruth Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rosenstock. no machinery and no clcctri* city used at 06.50 and up. Romm, Bernice Sessel, Dorothy returned Tuesday, June 2B, from RETURNS FROM DES MOIXES Evelyn Blumenthal recently reMargolin, Cyril L e o n, Ruth a six-months tour through t h e 718 Btmndels Theater turned from a three weeks* vacacountries of northern Africa. Bordy, Gertrude Rothkop, Zerline AT. 4 3 3 3 tion in Des Molnes. Somberg, and "Sally Novak. . HOUSE GUEST Mr. M e y e r Lipshutz of Sioux TO NEW YORK SETS MARRIAGE DATE Messrs. L. Somberg, I. ChapCity ia_a guest of his brother-inThe marriage of Miss Zelda SaIT WILL PAY YOU ferstein, daughter of Mr. and and Blater-in-law, Mr. and man and F. Engel left for New York city where they "will epend Mrs. J. B. Robinson. To Consult William Saferstein, and Morris a week on business. AccompanyStalmaster, BOH of Mr. and Mrs. ing them was R. Natelson, who Louis Stalmaster, will be Bolem- DUNLAP VISITORS lives in New York City. Mrs. Rose Leaf and her two When bnyi»g nized, Sunday, July 28, at the home of the bride's parents. Rab- children, Jerry and Pearl of DunDIAMONDS bi David A. Goldstein will offici- lap, Iowa, are spending a week's VISITOR Ben Helphand of Fremont is WEDDING SINGS ate. . •••.' .-.• • • • . - . • • • • • • stay here as guests of Mr. a n d spending a month's stay with his WATCHES . SILVESWAEB The wedding ceremony which Mrs. Sam Epstein. sad GIFT JEWELEY brother, Art Helpand. will take place at 2 o'clock, will TO VISIT HERE be attended by members of the Dr. Harry Konterwitz, former- IN SAN ANTONIO immediate families only. Mr. I. Forbes and his two sons, ly of Omaha and now of Long IsThe bride-to-be will have her Herbert .and Irring, are spending Bister, Miss Mildred Saferstein, as land, N. Y., is expected in Oma- two weeks vacation In San Anha next week for a brief s t a y maid of honor and William Staltonio, Texas, at the home of Mr. master, brother of the groom, "will with his mother, Mrs. Sarah Kon- and Mrs. Morris Forbes. terwitz, and his brother-in-law be best man,
Additional Society on Page S
Rodfilaque Wood Beads Simulated leather*
Tremendous Special Purchase Sale
and eister, Mr. and Mrs.- S a m
ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Ida White announces the engagement of her daughter, Genevieve, to Donald Bernstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bernstein of Council Bluffs. No definite wedding date has been set. -
Robetfc Reuben of Fort Dodge is a hou^e guest of his uncle and Mrs. I. Beber left for Excelsior aunt, Mr..and Mrs. A. D. Frank.
W©w B_ ©
Sverj He&tSsiss aery—Second Mosr
Springs, Sunday, June 23, a n d TRIP she will remain there for approx- MOTOR Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cohn and imately two months. their daughter, Florence, and
don Adler, Friday, June 21, at the Emmanuel hospital.- Mrs. Ele- FISHING TRIP witz is the former Frieda Adler. Saul Fellmah,
ENTERTAINS AT LUNCHEON Miss Gwendolya Meyerson of Council Bluffs entertained at a luncheon Friday, Juno 21. Her guests were: Mrs. Sheff Katskee, Rose Steinberg, Betty Segal. Shir-
Fashion Marts Afford!
IN DENVER, Mr. Hyman Shrier is in DenANNOUNCE BIRTHS Mr. and Mra. Isadora Elewitz yeiy Colorado, for two weeks, for announce the birth of a son, Gor-both business and pleasure.
Mr. and Mrs. Fail Smiti announce the birth of a son, Edwin Layne, June 15, at the St. Joseph hospital. Mrs. Smith was formerly Ttona Lincoln.
; Robert Smith and David Smith left Friday* June 28. They are motoring to Lake of Woods, Minnesota, where they will spend two weeks on a fishing trip. GUESTS FROM SIOUX CITY Mrs. Max Jacobs and her children, Evelyn and Dorline, of Sioux City, are house guests of Mrs. Jacobs' brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Green. . *±
their two sons, Donald and Arthur, are spending six weeks motoring through the East. They will spend most of the s t a y in New York City. . .
JA.I87Z />*
Miss Lucille Faulkner, sMa analyst, will give yon a complimentary facial. You are under no o&ligation.
—for this week only—our regular $7.50 Pea-cock permanent wave a t only $3.00. The regalar $5.09 wave at - - S3.5D
PEACOCK BEAUTY SALON 202 Sscoritisa EuilSlBg ' AT Appointments can be mads vrith tea expert beauticians
Washable Crtpe Printed Crep« Printed Chsffen Lses Knita Psstff Chiffons
for Street fer Business fer Evening fee Vsesiien
A f l i m o r n n i awotfeesrl of crisp, cool cummer frocks in styles for every occasion of day .and night! just what you've been looking for to complete your summer wardrobe. Stylet taxi materials that are ideal, for vacation* or vest at lwitt«v They're sa smart you'll wauttmore thas one when you see them!
Sizes 12t©20.3&t0 44 And Htff Sim-
••I^^w I I I V I | V I H l l l
1 a
\ -
\ V-I \
*f j , i ^ ' C * * " - . \ ^ - J J ^ . V<>j
JURIST — Chancellor Luther A. Campbell of Hackensack, N. J., the State's highest judicial officer, who, with 13 other jurists, heard the appeal of lawyers for Bruno Richard Hauptmann from • conviction and death sentence for kidnaping and murder of the Lindbergh baby. The judges were not expected to hand down their decision on Hauptmann's plea until Autumn.
s 5;
5V, '-
OPEN—While other sec-
tions of the United States already are experiencing superheated Summer weather, above Is a scene near Sisters, Oregon, where the snow still holds. The snowplow is shown battling a 40-foot drift in an eSort to open the Mackenzie Pass high way for Summer tourists. This highway has been closed since Nov. 25. The plow worked S3 days to get this far.
STRATOSPHERE GADGETS — Captain Albert W. Stevens, commander of the National Geographic-Army Air Corps proposed balloon flight into the stratosphere, as he arranged various scientific instruments inside the metal gondola during preparations for the flight near Rapid City, South Dakota. *
, l V * .«<1Wt«*«
OKLAHOMA OATS—Despite drought, dust storms and floods, Oklaliorna has the largest oat ci-op in 1C years, and with the high prices feed is bringing, the farmers hope to recoup many losses. Above is an Oklahoma farmer shocking oat stalks that sre yielding more than 70 bushels to the acre.
LsO.t&i •* t'*^.^
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SHOES A NUISANCE IN WARFARE—So Ethiopia's tribal warriors believe and they hare cast aside their shoes, ready to defend the Empire against an anticipated Italian invasion, despite the fact that European military advisers tried to introduce footwear. Above are barefooted Ethiopian army paymasters lined up a t Addis Ababa with the regimental cola.
A t
, . .
RUBBER BATHING SUITS—Shown in -a recent New York display were these rubber bathing suits. At left the model wears a one-piece seashell suit with rope halter neck. Center is a white rubber suit with flared shorts and fishnet shoes. At right is a two-piece suit consisting of brassiere and shorts.
BOY AMBASSADOii—Chosen b^ boys* cl_bs in the United States as their ofSeial ho? anbasssdor to FIT nee. a1 right is Peter Dudan, Nevr Yo-k youth, s^ortlv e ' t c b« a-^vec ir Paris and was greeted by Jesse I. Straus, U. S. Atrbossado-.
_r< t
GIANT FLYING BOAT GREETS GIANT -LINER—Symbolizing France's hopes of .ocean air and transport supremacy, here is the huge French trans-Atlantic air liner, Lieutenant de Vaisseau Paris, alighting a t Havre, France,, affer- greeting the returning Nonnandie at sea. and kicking up a picturesque wake. The giant seaplane cost-25,000,000 francs and is 104 feet long.
* ~f „ if
GOLFER—Movie fans will recognize above, Maurice Cheva,'lier,'- former screen star who quit pictures'a few months ago to return to his native France. He has -signed a contract with an English • concern 1a appear on the London stage. Here he is shown playing a round of golf at Wentworth, England.
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SIGNS FILM CONTRACT—Trixie Frigan2a, widely known musical comedy star of a decade or more ago, who has recently signed up with a film company to make pictures in Hollywood. For years she was famous for her "Bag of Tricks" on the vaudeville stage. , • \
DISCOVERER — Dr. Alexis Carrel, who saved the lives of thousands of World War soldiers ^through his Carrel-Dakin solution, who is discoverer with Colonel Charles A, Lindbergh, famed flier, of tfte "artificial life chamber" by which animal organs may be kept alive outside the body for study. The two famous men have worked together for more than a year.
NEW NRA.COUNCIL'S FIRST SESSION-MemWrftee^^|fM^^ffefnIf^f held their first meeting in Washington. Left to right,.ftonL-Howea S ^ & f f ^ S s ! L wi?^ f -Charges James L. O'Neill, acting NRA administrator, and. Major-George L. Berry. Philip Murray, L. C. Marshall and William Gre en, A. F. of h. president.
sFE FOE TEE SHCC that the spirit of hi— v wanders in the Thi r Heaven gates which l c : Chlrssmen being places to
~F- > ork, Jor return Duliefi Newsplcfares
28, 1935.
BANQUET OF JUNIOR Highland Country Committees for HADASSAH IS HELD Club Hadassah Named
Evelyn Glazer, corresponding secfor. The committee in charge reretary; Kalah Franklin, record_ • i l l P°r*-S that the sale of tickets is ng secretary; Anna Goodbinder, CongregatlOll Ol Israel! progressing rapidly. No. 1 team, inancial treasurer; Ruth Svenheaded by Esther Richman, is in l*t me «•* WEDDING AX2VIVERSART gii, membership treasurer; Una I write the lead in the number ol tickets The Omaha Chapter of Junior The regular monthly meeting in Mrs. Joseph Golcware, presireliable companion OAXX'. Thirty five friends ol Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Levey's score card ross, reporter; Minnie Froom, Hadassah held its fourteenth anof the Ladies auxiliary of t h e ! sold. j taLk it ever. dent of the Omaha chapter of held the winning poker hand enMrs. Louis Alberts honored them Sarah Taub, ! Congregation of Israel w i l l be j Florence Skier h s £ been sp- j nual banquet Sunday evening, arliamentarian; at a surprise party a t their home abling her to carry off first prize Hadassah, called a meeting of the June 23, at the Jewish Communi- Ann Kuznit, and R o s e Abram- held Monday, Jaly 1, at £ p. m. j pointed the new corresponding j City Finance & Insurance Oft, Fanmin AT 7 last vreek, on the occasion of their at the Ladies day event at the executive board, Monday, June ty-Center. Mrs. M a x Fromkin, on, board members. in the air-conditioned assembly ! secretary. i fifteenth, -wedding anniversary. Highland club, last Tuesday, 24, at the Paxton hotel. A tea was who has" resigned from her posiroom o* the synagogue at '25th given after the meeting. ... = They -were presented "with a beau- June 25. ^^^ tion of sponsor which she has and J streets. Important business New chairmen named are as A medal handicap and a secret tiful tray. held since the organization was will be transacted regarding the j g ATTEND THE Administration fund, event will feature next Tuesday's follows: coming card party, to be held i jf golf play. Some beautiful prizes Mrs. J. J. Friedman; bulletin, established, was the guest of OPEN HOUSE FOB GUESTS Mrs. M. F . Levenson, Mrs. Irvin honor. Other guests were the girls Beta Tau Kappa, Municipal Uni- Sunday evening. July 7. "A report : j§' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jacobow and have been purchased by the comLevin, co-chairman; community n the club who raised §5.00 out- ersity social fraternity, held its on the ticket sales will be taken, i gi mittee in charge in order to stimtheir daughter, Bernice, are to co-operation, Mrs. David Gold- side of club activities, or ?lt>.00 irst outing of the summer Sun- All members are urged to attend. ^ hold open house at their home, ulate more competitive interest. stein, M r s . David Sherman, co- by selling tickets for club pro- ay, June £3. The events are planned so that 372 No 43 St., Tuesday, July 2, chairman; educational, M r s . M. jects. They were: Ruth Silvers, The members opened the day Secure Tickets frem Omar ©rivers from 3 to 5 andTfrom 7 to 11 p. all those . playing next. Tuesday F. Levenson; financial, Mrs. B. Una Gross, Minnie Froom, Jeanwith a ball game and steak-fry will have an equal chance. m. in honor.of Dr. Harry Konternette Resnick, Fannie Katelman, Is S-Ccr.t Day at Krag Park A. Simon, Mrs. T. A. Tully, coat Hummel Park. witz and his niece Miss Leah. Bor- Because of the very favorable chairman; gift fund, Mrs. David Eva Katzman, Rose Sacks, Ruth The Junior Pioneers vrAl hold Later in the afternoon t h e y :ather conditions last Tuesday, Epstein; hospitality, Mesdames Roffman, Goldie Zusman, Zelda owsky, of Long Island, who are drove to Carter Lake to witness their drawing July 16, at S.SO visiting the Jacobows here. Miss there was an unusually large Julius Newman, Morris Katelman, harney, Ruth Swengil, Mildred the outboard motor boat races. p. m. at the J. C. C. A double Borowsky is a niece ol Mr. and number, of women " golfers who and S. Pizer, historian, Mrs. Wil-Whitman, Dorothy Berg, Ann Ku- The final event on the program toaster hostess tray \ri:i be drawn Mrs. Jacobow. Dr. Konterwitz: is circled the course and most of liam Alberts; infant welfare, znit, and Mary Garfinkle. was a trip to the airport where a former' Omahan. He . attended them Btayed for lunch. Mrs. George Strauss, Mrs. Peter •TWENTY-mX ACKES OF F"X" Prizes were awarded to Mild- several of the members went up the university of Nebraska mediAs a convenience to the young- Greenberg, co-chairman; linen red Whitman for placing first in or plane rides. Hi^best Grade Emuncls, EI.O0 - ]Sevcal school here- . • er children qf members and also shower, Mrs. Julius Abrahamson; selling for the Thanksgiving A meeting will be held next i' UTI^Pr»',rcrtior of Conch C C. S as aid to golf-playing mothers, luncheons, M r s . Henry E . B e l No invitations have been issuSPAK \AItMSH. $1.50 Gallon Dance program, and to Kalah Sunday at the home of Macy 1 Ficrdr in t^c Ltrpr ed. All friends and relatives are the childrens slayground Is be- moht, Mrs. Libby Kaplan, co- Franklin for heading the list in Baum, president. The important Omaha Jobbing Company ing remodeled a n d a full time chairman; membership, M r s . selling tickets for the Clock pro- business of the meeting will be cordially invited. :Tf Only Air.vFCizcrf- Fcrh fr- ** cvrf pni SI? Ko. 15 ^A 5004 nurse-maid will be put in charge Phineas Wintroub; motor corps, ject. the arrangements for rushing new to properly care for the children. Mrs. William" Milder; national BETUKXS FBOM CHICAGO Miss Minnie Froom, outgoing members. Bernard Epstein, s o n of Mr. Bill Schuchart, club profession- fund, Mrs. I. Dansky, Mrs. L.. Al- president, who was in charge of and Mrs. D. B - Epstein, returned al, stated that the greens are in berts, co-chairman; parliamentar- the banquet, also acted as toastfrom Chicago, where she; spent perfect condition. He urged the ian, Mrs. M. F . Levenson; pro- master. '' three weeks as the guest of his men golfers to get their matches gram, Mrs. O. S. Belzer; publiGuests representing S e n i o r city, Mrs. J. M. Ermaa; school uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. played off so that the tournament Hadassah were Mrs. J o e Goldluncheon, Mrs. Sam Steinberg, I. Pickus. ;. .•••.' will move along more swiftly. Mrs. J. Blank, co-chairman; sew- ware, president of the Omalja On Saturday, June 29, the an- ing circle, Mrs. Ruth Sterling, chapter; Mrs. Ben Margolin of TO NEW YORK • nual Highland open night for all Mrs. Herman Cohen, co-chair- Columbus, Nebraska, president of Mr. and Mrs. David Miller left resident and out of town guests man; social, Mrs. Sam Theodore; the South-West Region of Senior ^ J \* ; \ ? ±U / ^ . ^ y— S ^.^s Monday for New York City. will • as in the past stimulate a rummage sale, Mrs. I. Grossman, Hadassah; and Mrs. Julius Abralarge attendance. Last. year the university hospital project, Mrs. hamson, outgoing president of the TO EXCELSIOR SPRINGS members took advantage of this J. H. Kulakofsky; year boot, Omaha chapter. Mrs. Max Venger left for Ex- open night and afforded t h e i r Mrs. J. Stein; junior-senior relaNew officers of Junior Hadascelsior Springs, Sunday, June 23, friends a true opportunity to get tions, Mrs. S. Katelman, Mrs. J. sah for the coming year were inand she "will spend the remainder acquainted with the club and its Abrahamson, co-chairman; cour- stalled by Mrs. Fromkin. They activities. of the summer there. tesy, Mrs. A. D. Frank; pianist, are: Dora Freshman, president; An excellent fireworks display Mrs. R. M. Shlaes; board of direc- Jeannette Resnick, financial vice has been arranged for Thursday, tors, Mesdames J. Abrahamson, B. president; Fannie Katelman, culTWO-MONTH VISIT Mrs. A. Wolf a n d her sister, July 4. In conjunction with this A. Simon, Max Fromkin, Julius tural vice president; Gayle SeidMrs. JColinsky of Cleveland, left plans have been made for" the en- S t e i n , M. F.-Levenson, Joseph man, membership vice president; Tuesday morning, June 25, for tertainment of the whole family. Rosenberg. Los Angeles, California w h e r e The club chef has planned a specThe meeting w a s devoted to they will spend two months "visit- ial dinner for the occasion and judging by the reservations al- planning the organization's actiing their'friends and relatives. ready received there will certain- vities for the next year. Seven beautiful rooms. All Mrs. M. F . Levenson introducly be an excellent representation Modern. Very Reasonable. AT. DES MOINES VISITORS ed a new idea in the raising of 4252, 2613 California Street. Miss Esther Levich of Des Moin- to help explode the fourth at the funds for the medical fund. Highland. es spent a "week here as. a house Saturday evening crowds are guest of her friend, M i s s Cyrl Leon, and as a -week-end guest now taking advantage of the outMiss Leon had as her guest, Dor- door dance floor which is in exThe- Kadimah club held instalcellent condition. Austin Bevans lation of officers, Thursday, June othy Slate of Sioux City. and his Royal Highlanders have 20. The new officers, who were been, creating pleasing rhythms installed by Rabbi Uri Miller at MOTOR TO CHICAGO and unique musical arrangements Mr. and Mrs. Allan Kohan mo- so as to add to the evenings* en- the B'nai Israel synagogue, are: Anne Pollay, president; Eleanor tored to Chicago last Sunday, joyment. Cohen, vice-president; Dorothy June 23. They "will spend ten days The monthly stag events are Tatelman, secretary; Marlaa there. . . i . • . growing into considerable popu- Clayman, treasurer; Lillian Perellarity and each month sees a larg- man, .reporter; Rose KirshenHEADS ALUMNI er number in.attendance than'the baum, sargeant-at-arms. 1 Max Novak, son of Mr. a"n;d "preceeding month,, Last WednesMrs. Sam. Novak, who is the only day, June 25, nearly a hundred Jewish graduate from the Persh- iaembers_ of jthe.>,«lub „ atended a dual; show that has seldom been -seen around here. iiig schooi>tin:-Bast-Oma'ha«--was. very successful stag. Freddy elected president of the alumni Eberier and his Log Cabin orchesassociation of the school, Friday, tra furnished" the music for the J u n e 21."'.--"'•'.-•.;'.•.; . : entire cast of the 60 club as part of the evening's entertainment. APPENDECTOMY Joe Allen, master' of ceremonies -Miss Sally Pollay is in the Cov- of the 60 club, put on an indivienant hospital, where 6he is recovering from an appendicitis operation. . . . . '/...-•
Ladies Auxiliary of
Mark Leon Says - - -
Beta Tau Kappa
Junior Pioneers
Tin T3
For Rent
Prtstrtis fitis safely it 50°
MEDICAI; TREATMENT Mr. Charles Schimmel is at the Clarkson hospital - for medical treatment.
'.i !
freezes pleifi ef iee iesserfs qeickly
SUMMER BAXCE Three hundred bids have been issued for the first annual summer fiance to be given by the Alpha Pi Tau, Jewish social fraternity, at Peony Park, on Monday evening, July 1.
In Cocthes and Choir ten
CONVALESCING Mr. Simon Pizer, who has been ill and confined at home for two weeks, is; now convalescing. -. . • .
§ 5 7 . 6O *•» Tonrirt Steepen $ 7 2 . 0 0 In SUnctarf Sleeper* IAK PcBa&a Pares Famous
these thiags tie hottest
Every Car Air-Conditionedi RECEIVES I». I/. BFrom Kansas City daily : "Wilma Stern, daughter of Mr. 9:40 a . m . aad Mrs. Morris Stern of t h i s or APACHE city, received an L. 1/. B. from, 12:15 a.m. daily • AMUJOT lifrotwrm and full the National Law School in Washparticular* ington, .D. C , on.- June 1 1 . Her irao A.D.MARTIN mother, Mrs. Morris Stern w h o Ceo'l Act- P»s»'r Depi. •went to "Washington D. C. SO as 701W. O. W. Building Flume J Aeksoa 65S6. to attend Wilma's graduation, is 1706 Farnana St. going to spend a month vacationPhono ATlantlc 9888 ing there. OMAHA, NEB.
Smartest Supper Club
which makes pmsibie I @I1PLETE REFRIGEIATIOR SElfICE
Continuous Entertainment Every Night Except Sunday Badio - Stage and Screen Stars Another Ontntanains Status Star HELEN WEHBIiE ACROBATIC DANSBCSE Featured «tar of "Blossom Heath." now playlnsr In Detroit, nod wnnation of IVCTch Caiino and Cbex Paree of Chicago. A DOZEN OTHER ACTS Including Such Stage and Bodlo 3nCKEYASDPATSEY Hotrha Tappers—TonTlTTant to See Them I>nnee More Than Onee JOE - ~ - -MASTER OF CKBES1OXIES MURIEL PARKER | Singer with Tear* fa " " ' ~ Henr Her 8ing *
This beautifal iron has all the features which careful engineering can provide to make ironing easy. The handle is AIR-COOLED to prevent hand or wrist fatigue. Westanghouse is light and fast and has a dozen different heats at the touch of a finger. Has streamlined heelstand and a tapered toe which fits into ruffles. Trade in your old iron on this new WESflNGrHOUSEiron.
Fast Freezingformakh^ice • irisesSnnrege/itrmeaisttttd •ExiraCoJdStontgeforie&iiig •M»is! St^age fa *€£*•' *N*n*sl Stontg* £•* f*ute • cubes and deserts ice cream e, reserve sappfy ^ ice aebe$ uMes'^mdfruits miming tky,fm>ty ttM
II. Cmpemeni Terms
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S i t e . . -
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If it isn't
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& Shrler, A1tv«,
MOXSKY, GROmXSKT, MAKBB First National Bank Bldg. ing with relatives in Omaha, is overseas a n d 43,768 settled in • •.• June 15. & fflKEK,- Attsn. ' SIOUX CITY ZIONISTS now the house guest of her Days of happiness and abund- Continental European lands. IS'. Onmha N a t ! ' B a n k - B i d ? . NOTICE'OF PROBATE OF Wll.l Mr. and Mrs. Harry ant sunshine. Will you begrudge - Evidence of the urge of Polish TEE COr'XTr COCRT OF VOTE FOR DELEGATES cousins, Cohen of Council Bluffs. Miss me, a y diary," for having" forsak- Jews to emigrate is seen in the fact that Polish Jewish emigrants Sioux City Zionists cast their Green will remain here for several en yqu for long weeks? weeks before leaving for Los Anconstituted 60 per cent o£ the toHere is the first summer I am votes for delegates to the World MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent Zionist Congress, Sunday after- geles, California for an extended in possession of an admission tic- tal emigration from Poland in ket to the garden of life entitling 1931; 61 per cent in 1932 and noon In the Jewish Community visit. me to all its splendors and de-83 per cent in 1933. Center. Voting Booths were argeles, California, where they will Mrs. Alexander J. Friedman of lights. And this ticket is by no ranged at the Center with an elecvisit with friends and relatives. tion committee composed of re-Union City, New Jersey / left means left by me unused. Every FRA1VEXBURG, WESB, BEBEIS, otherwise 'arcfulre renl 'and< t|.pv• fni! to appear at i«aid Court on th. EXFTZXICK & KEIO.EX, Attys. for- her home following evening after work we both hurproperty ct every kind cm! dvpcripiinr said i3tl> dp.y of .July, 1035, at a o'clock Jerry and • Euguene Rosen of presentatives of the five local Thursday 630 Omaha >'atl. Bank Bids. ry to the river for a swim. Flora two months' visit here a t the contest the probate of nai,! and to sell, dispose of, lease, convey tind A. J.I.. to Sioux Falls, visited this week in Zionist groups in charge. _r.ny and all of.the paid pro- will, th*1 Court may allow urn! probate home of her mother, Mr3. Rae E. ence on the beach in her bathing 3TOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF mortgage During the afternoon a meetperty; to borrow roone;Km! to do £!i said will ami piant administration or Sioux City with relatives. . The Seventeenth Annual TalLKjl'OK CO. thing's necessary to accomplish the pur-paid esiate so Herman Cohen or >om» ing was'"'held at the Center to ac-Ross. Mrs. Friedman, who is thesuit is a living wonder! So daz- Xotice COLONY is hereby g-iven that the undermud Toran Picnic will be held at other fru;;abSp person, enter a decree or Miss Lydia Ross, has been zling white is her skin, so astonend proceed to a settlement Members of the Debrah Club quaint the voters with the plat- former BiTerview Park, Sunday afterishingly graceful is her stature extensively entertained d u r i n g li! noon and evening, June 30. Themet Monday evening in the home forms of the Five Parties on theher stay here. BETCE CRAWFOP.n. that in her presence no other girl County j picnic is sponsored by t h e He-of Miss Sylvia Herzoff. Refresh- Ballot. can escape looking deformed and general nature brew Mothers Club and the Board ments and a social hour followed Mr. Barney Baron was In charge blemish" stricken. She is a better transacted and the object and purpose stock of the co"por.a=tFon issued and of the meeting. The Mizrachi was «• VKJTE, ATTORNEYS which this corporation is organized standing" or pursuant to the votes given i H1 of'Directors of the Talmud Torah. the business meeting. City Si'mtl. Bk. Bldy. swimmer than I, but should you for represented by Mr. Sam Lipman; is to purchase at wholesale and to sell in person or" by proxy by stockholders, Mrs. Ben Sherman is chairman of at retail, wines, whiskies, vinous liquors, holding at 3ca«t 60 per cent of the is-] see us both splashing in d e e p and all other kinds of beverages ar,d li1CF. OF INCOKVORAT1ON OF the! picnic arrangements and Mr. Mrs. Fred Foreman of Sioux The Zionists a n d Hadassah by and outstanding stock of the cor- , water you would be inclined to Quors; to lease, own, and operate soft sued KETKOrOT.ITAJf LIQUOR which is represented fifrd voteo | Falls, S. D. visited this week with Mrs. R. H. Emlein; t h e Poale I. Lebowich is co-chairman drink stands, har rooms, liquor (stores, poration STORK take me for her swimming inupon in person or by. proxy at .a meet-j Zion by Mr. I. Singer. cocktail rooms and dining rooms or cab-1 Notice is berpby friven that a CorporaThe picnic will be an all day af- relatives in Sioux City. specially called for that purpose or; structor. I stand ready at every Refreshments were served folfali? and the committees are makminute to ;lend her my sustaining Mrs. Peter Krane of Huron, S. lowing the meeting. ing arrangements to accommoarm when she obviously doesn't (Continued From Page Three) j=j date over 800 people. A program D. is in Sioux City this week visitneed it at all. But she also in her Mr. O'Koon?"—Florence asked in jij of sports, contests and games will ing ;with her parents, Mr. a n dWest Side Hebrew School turn twists her arms around my quiet simplicty. 1=! be held in the afternoon and re-Mrs. Frank Gorchow. neck in the capacity of one on The Mothers Club of the West freshments will be servetf. The question dumbfounded me. the verge* of a fatal danger. a n d be fully paid up and non-as- Incorporation in the office of the Counend tn.n-jfer real Hebrew School met Wednes__ Proceeds of the picnic will go sessable. The corporation shall com- tj* Clerk o£ I>oue!as -County, Nebraska, nnd pcrpottnl property wherever situatDorothy Gelson and Inez Leaff Side Although I was sure this charm- Worlds of delight in this life- sav- mence d a y afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. doing business upon filing of its and shali continue until. Jfinusry 1^1, ed, to buy. eeii, ov n, assign, transfer g'. toward the upkeep of the Talmud have returned from Omaha where Mrs. J. Gorchow presided and the ing creature was uncapable to dis- ing game. mort^nKe bondp, pecurities, MTV! Articles with, the County Clerk of Doug- 1j *<'" n T h i eh e*t "amount "of " i n d e b t e d ^ : lid as County, Nebraska, and shall continue Eh&ll n o t esceetl two-thirds o i t s capitook in other corporations; to draw, they visited with friends. Torah. • • ' • ' minutes were read by Mrs. M.criminate against my nationality After a meal in some near-by for a period of fift3' years from said , tal stock. The affairs of t h e corporation make pneept, frrlo-p^ a n d i*.«iie promisdate. The highest amount of indebted- S shall be administered by a . Board of Di- sory notes, mortKasre*r drafts, bill?? of A report of the success- —but—still—was I to throw the restaurant which I usually season ness not exceed two-thirds of its nnd o;her negotiable instruMr. and Mrs. M. Shulman an- Lazere. cup of bliss which I have found with half a dozen hokums from capitalshall which consists of! n o t less that? stock, but this restriction shall rectors ful raffle for the Hebrew School five n o r more than • nine members a s ; m e n t s ; to i>o-roR' a n d loan mon?y; y ; tn t nounce the engagement: of their was given by the chairman. New after thirty odd years of search not include Indebtedness secured by provided in t h e bj'-lavra, who. shall be enpape in the rcsaii pale and distribuor liens. I h e affairs of this elected a t t h e anriuai meeting t o he Society News daughter Elsie to Irving Babbitt books have been purchased f o r into the stream of chance?—And my " n a t i v e" Ireland, we don't mortgages tion of spiritnous Jicjuors. fermented an.1 corporation shall be managed by a Board of lDirectors, consisting of not less held on the second Monday, iti Febru-1 distilled, includine livamly, ruin, whisky. of New York City. Miss Shulman the school and new seats install- then what Is the idea of imposing part, until midnight when I ac- th. Board shall Phsl! from from !•vwine and pin. fin. p.m! and• other other spirituous spirituous| j!j ' " " ' " • *"• " " : ' - i u ' B ' tjj'iiBisi.iiiB «i "<" l e B a ! ary of each year. The Board i n e mul (!company her to her home in the San two members. The annual meeting- j t h i s , , c m b e r elect a Presirtent, a F i r s t ! uors ftnd f.lcohol, for beverape purposes: and her. fiance arrived In the city my Jewish paradoxes and riddles • ; ? ' corporation shall be held on t h e Vice-Fresider.t a Second Vice-President, ! to buy. sell find otherwise deal in surh •--'• Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rosenstock recently to visit with the former's ed at the. Beth Abraham synago- upon this innocent child? One in-Chesterfield apartments. All thefirst irat J i o n a a y in J a n u a r y of each y e a r a j. a p e C i - e t R r y and a Treasurer no tv.-o of commodity or rnmniortfties necessary t<-. the ehall evening we roam and wander which jjtj ~\TUI celebrate Mr. Rosenstock's parents. The wedding date h a s gue. ihich meeting the^ stockholders stockholders ehall s h a l l ' b e h e l d - b y the the iwinipi «amc i or jn-swoomteU with Uie she retail pale sale ani anfl i ^ o c i a t e u witii e h y simendev' ameeting: Board of Directors and there- which offices *'• tlsstribu'uo'a of poirHm"ui<? liquors; to <!o Seventy-eight pupils are enroll- stant all my inward self strug- about In the parks as two airy elect jjjj fiftieth birthday, next Tuesday been set for July 14 and will take upon the Board shal elect a President, person. The Articles may be gled desperately against some bila t a n y reg-ular meeting: of t h e stook-; any s.n<1 aii thin^.w uecesPRry, convenient, ed in the school at the present shadows intoxicated by some pro- Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. holders or a t '. a n y special meeting i or incidental to t h e ^iphts powers an'l H{ evening, July 2, -when they •will place in Sioux City. Any two of said offices* may be held by called for th<tt purpose after ten d&y? [ pri-vilefres horf'JTi /-r-erifjpt]. time and new pupils are expected lows seeking to sweep me down, digious exotic wine, we chat and one liold open house for their friends and the same person. These Articles then I answered seemingly unper- laugh over every trifle. When we to enroll this week. and relatives a t the Sioux City Sam Hanin of New York City turbed: are lucky enough to find some re§|j Country club. No Invitations have has arrived in Sioux City to visit —"Don't you know, M i s s tired, forgotten nook Florence §' been issued. HADASSAH DANCE with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. that all the names begin- jumps on my lap, hugs me, plays 3 Cards and dancing will occupy Hanin. (Sig-ned) notes or property, real or personal, tanThe Committees. in charge are Green, WILUAM J. \rOOLFSOX, ning with O' are Irish?" S. LOVELADT j pihle or ini'rnrlhle, Kt the reasonah!* with my hair and displays all posthe evening hours. ARTHUR SMITH. working on the plans for the Sen- —"Yes, Indeed", EARL KARLS ! value thereof. Ten Phares of the caj?ishe said while In the presence sible cuteness of a little kitten J-.ESLIE ICING i tftl Etock, o C t h i s corporation ehall tv Mr. and Mrs. Harry R i c h of ior Hadassah Summer Dance her scrutinizing glance was glid6-28-53—4t C. "VV. CAriLSOX I paid for Itefo^e tlip Corporation pha!! and a great sweetheart. At such Philip II, Klutznick. * A charming newcomer to Sioux New York are spending the sum-which is scheduled for July 9 ating JOHN* \V. EVSSO | commence bu^ines. The Corporation shall my features: "I thought moments all the kings of E a s t • commence business on J u n e 12, 19"S. WILLIAM M. LOVELADT, trRG, WEBB, EEBEE, City is Mrs. Meyer Levitt, w h o mer in Sioux City visiting with Shore Acre Gardens. Bill Frank- so, over i ami continue for R. ppriod of fifty year« CARL FORBEEG KtUTZMCK & KELLEY honestly. In my veins flows and West are abject beggars in before her marriage to Mr. Levitt relatives. lin and his orchestra will provide also some of Irish ! from riare ther-o". The highest amount "R". J, WERXEB 650 Omaha National Bank blood, my ma-my eyes. I of indebtedness to %vhich this CorporaJOSEPH TRABEET Omaha, Kebrsska. was Miss Ardella Tankel of Minmusic for dancing. ; tion m a y at. nny time sucfleot itself AKNOX.O E. FRDRKING, ternal grandmother was a scion My God! I know now the road XOTICE OF INX'GKPOKATIOX OF | KhRl! n o t exceed two-tliirds of its capineapolis, Minnesota. ROT JIcCOL.LT Proceeds will go toward t h e of Mrs. Sam Katz and daughters, an Irish family, but my father j tal FtockE. G. WESSON* of my future! I can hear unmisB1ELDER LIQUOK CO. Mr. and Mrs. Levitt are making Diana and Audrey, of Detroit, are Hadassah projects. .TAMES R. ROBBIXS j The p.ffsir." of tlilp Corporation Khal! was full-blooded Scotch." Notice is hereby piven that the tincertakably clear the command of my V,'. H. PKELPS |§ their home in the Sioux Apart- visiting in the home of the formj be conducted hy ft Board of Pirector* have formed a corporation under FRED A. ' SMITH Oh, this dear little country of fate to spend all the rest of myslgncd ! consisting" of not IPRK than two nor the laws of The State of Nebraska. 3 inents. er's parents, Mr. and M r s . M. JOHN* C. REXFROW ! more thp.n f'.vp members, The name of this corporation shall be Scotland which produces such life In the shadow of t h i s eni IN PRESENCE O F : MARK BLANCHAED Shulman. Mrs. Katz will remain "Milder Liquor Co.," 'with its princi ! SAM J . L E n y beautiful lassies! And—Oh, my L.ARRT CLAFiK. pa! place_o£ business. at Omaha, chanting girl. S h e shall be my p b s n s , at Omaha, f\f-1 i the presence of: in Sioux City to attend the wedn ! (Signed) Mrs. Zella Levitan entertained God! How times changed! And braska. The general " nature of t h e ; Jack 'W. Mare-. i G. ' mate, the friend of my heart, I business to be transacted and the object at a bridge party last Wednesday ding of her sister Elsie Shulman 1 V. K U H N K E those times are not so far behind. and purpose for which this corporation cannot imagine my future other- is organized is to buy, sell or distribhonoring Miss Adeline Kaplan, of on July 14 th. 6-21-3S-U What could then equal the modwise. Although, to tell the truth, ute a t wholesale or retail, wines, Whiting, Indiana, a guest in the whiskies, vinous liquors and any and est "kosher" grace of a Jewish I cannot see yet how I am going BY F. B. K. | Mention the Jewish " Press to | Mention the Jewish Press to Paul Kaplan home. Mrs. Lester Heeger returned other kinds ot beverages and liquors; girl?—And now?—What Jewish to straighten out all the kinks all \ your- merchant. (b) to "distill,* "maaufacture. ""make I TOUT home Tuesday after visiting with innmannnnsnnmninnmninm^ girl possesses the tact, the delic- and twists of my prospective aw- j (C> to acquire,liquors and beverages; Tomorrow noon, Miss Goldie her sister, Mrs. J o e Borden in hold, dispose, iease. The Sisterhood of the Talmud acy and t h e demure, engaging kward position in society w 11 h j ^ f % « / ^ « « » Lehman will entertain a group Sioux Falls, S. D. Torah Society will hold a regular manners of this shiksa? The Jew-this Gentile glli front Alabama Et all things e necessary „ or convenient to of friends at luncheon in t h e .THE meeting next Wednesday after- ish, girl of today Inherited from t h the accomplishment of the purposes T l T Irnn-w- in that c l i h sTl Davidson Tea Room, after which Mr. and M r s . Sam Davidson noon, July 3, at 2:30 o'clock at the feminine line of generations mv if i herein set forth. The authorised ca.j>ii Know is t h n aei only tal_ ^stock of _ the corporation shall be On life, the guests will adjourn to Miss will leave this week for Roches- the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synago- only the Jewish finesse and is mymy onlya.ugrip Lehman's home for an afternoon ter, New York, where they will gue at 618 Mynster Street. Mr. cleverness of mind, but this sub- logical basis of my existence and j co . . . of $100.00 j p ehare and Fhali be fully paid u p ' visit with relatives. of bridge. J. Z. Stadlan, principal of the Tal- tlety of hers sometimes even to lire "without her I cannot and aper nd non-assessable. The corporation ! doing' business upon! mud Torah, will conduct the turns to her disadvantage with- don't -want. Oh, -what a titter re- | filing itcommence articles -with the CotintJ" CIcrT< ' Marian Robinson of Omaha is Dr. and Mrs. Hy Osheroff deBible Study class at the meeting. out the rest of the high qualities gret gnaws at my heart, | Of Douglas County. Nebraska, scd ehall i have I lied to her? What cane • continue for a period of fifty years! parted last week for Los Angeles, a guest this week in the home of All members are urged to attend. of the good pious mothers. from said date. The htg-hest emotr.t of I then over ise? Mr. and Mrs. A. Finkenstein. Cal. where Dr. Osheroff will inshall not exceed two-tliirds •, Later we went to the vaudeville (To Be CoaclKflea Kext Week) indehtedness or its capital stock, but tin's restriction ; terne during,, the coming year. The Bar Mitzvah of Jack Wolpa, theatre. While the bewildering Shall cot include indebtedness secured {j by mortgages or liefis. The affairs of Mrs; Osheroff la th© former Rebson of Mrs. Minnie Wolpa, will jazz orchestra "was delivering its the corporation shall be rnRCSErea by c ecca Stillman. take place on Saturday morning, contest with the trumpets of JerBoard cf Directors oE not less than two nor more than five members. The Services this evening at Tiphe- July 6, a^ the Chevra B'nal Yis- icho Florence uttered an opinion Polish . annual meeting or the corporation ehall J be held on the first Monday in JanaMr. and Mrs. Sam Kan tor of reth Israel synagogue will begin roel synagogue at 618 Mynster which pleased and gratified me • ary of each year at which meeting- the to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, w e r e at 7:30 o'clock with Rabbi Ben- Street. AIL relatives and friends greatly. To my inquiry what she stockholders shall elect a Board of cSf- j are cordially Invited to attend thought of this kind of music she New Yorlc (WNS) Nearly 90,- rectors and thereupon the Soard shall j guests this week in the home of jamin Goldberg officiating.eiect a President, Vice-Presitient, Eecre-1 Tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock the Bar Mitzvah. No invitations simply replied: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shulkin. -"•" ~ Any two of said! 000 of the 153,011 Jews who em. _ by one and the : services will begin at Beth Abra- are being issued. ' —"The jazz is no music at all. igrated from Poland during the same person. These articlee ma!" he j a t a s r regular o r Mr. and Mrs. M. Rlfkln a n d ham synagogue, with Rabbi GoldNot even a poor substitute. From decade 1924-1934 came to t h e amended e n f t i i e f^ family of Los Angeles, California, berg in charge. The Reading- of Mr. and'.Mrs. Philip Carp an- the true music, for whose real ap- United States, Canada, Argentina, I J?? " *~ f " stockholders'* hi Brazil and Uruguay, according to the Law will take place at 9:30 N WITNESS "WHEREOi\"the°partie« have arrived in Siuox City to be nounce the birth of a daughter, preciation our public, by the way, Brazil *nr? TTrno-^v « w n H I « fn ! ^ZS'rJ&l-^*,. ^^J^^V^^F «* hereunto subscribed their hands H guests;; at the B. Rifkin and J.and the blessing of the NewMarilyn Louise, b o r n Thursday, is too tired and too light-minded, a report of t a e JEAS (Jew is a jhave this 23rd day of May, 1S3S. Moon (Rosh Chodesh.) will take June 20, at the Mercy Hospital. the jazz borrowed only the rhy-Central Emigration Association LAWRENCE J. TOBIN. ShaffLr homes. ALFRED A. F I E D I J E R . place at 10 o'clock. of Poland) made public here by . l a the presence of: thm. Ideas jazz has none. Con- the HIAS, which founded JEAS, R. J. ECL.DSBERG. The "Hachnosath Orchim" So- sidering it as a serious part of E-31—4t. fj Mrsi; Harry Kopelman of Oma- Musaf service will be held at a part of HICEM. During :, ha visited friends in Sioux City 10:15 and a special service for ciety was organized locally l a s t art gives you a pauper's certifi- now that decade 40,611 Polish Jews the children at 10:30 o'clock. Monday evening at a meeting this week. cate." At 5 o'clock tomorrow after- held at th© Eagles Hall. The pur- Her viewpoint was more radi- went to the United States, 48,950 three South American Miss;(Ruth WIgodsky spent Sun- noon, Rabbi Goldberg will speak pose of the organization is to take cal than mine. In my estimation to the 50,402 to Palestine. day in;iYankton, S. D. visiting in at; Tiphereth Israel Synagogue on care of all transients who pass jazz does have ideas, but these— Lands, ES The report also points out that the. home of. Mr. and Mrs. Harry the subject of "Palestine". At 6:-through the city and aid them fi- are the cracked ideas of a degen- from . BIOHEL 1918 to 1934 the number of 3 0 o'clock Shalus Shudas will be nancially. The entire Jewry localWigodBky. • drunkard -who slabbers Jews emigrating from Poland was Plions 10S9 served to the children and. adults. ly Is asked to co-operate by send- erated his saliva everything lofty 404,422. Cotmcil Bluffs, I s . This -will be given by Mr, a n ding all transients to Mr. S a mand sublimeover and drowns in his Of this number 360,653 went rjl Ben Cuasiu of Syracuse, Mrs. L. Montrose in honor of theSacks, who has been appointed in Nebraska, and Mrs. Joe Kaiman marriage ol their son Nathan to charge of this welfare work. All growl chuckles all the divine and s<>n of Villisca, Iowa, a r e Miss B e s s TCaplan, daughter of Jewish transients will be assisted voices .reaching ns from the gargueHtBlithis week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Kaplan. by;seeing Mr. Sacks at his office den of Eden. However there was no time to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul at 1018 West Broadway. Kaplan] argue. Our attention w a s now J.N.F. COUNCIL given to one comedian who enterThe Agudas Achim Society •will tained the audience witn anecMiSBjfRose Tesler of New York T h e regular monthly meeting City has arrived in Sioux City to of the Jewish National Fund hold a regular meeting next dotes on Scottish tightness. Florspend the summer with her par-Council will be held next Monday Thursday evening, July 4, at the ence turned to me with a kind, hearted smile: ents. '!'.• .. evening, July 1 In t h e JewishEagles Hall. Community Center. Mr. R. H. —-"Now you see how stingy I, Irving Cohen, son of Mr. andthe Scot, am?" Mrs.ijAbe Stein of Omaha visit- Emlein, chairman of the council Mrs. Harry Cohen, left Monday I grasped lovingly her hand ed in $ioux City last week with will preside. evening for Madison, Wisconsin, and whispered in her ear: her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Rifwhere he will attend Camp In- —"Florence, you are big-heartNo wonder: thot people ere passing the word alone that I r i n . -••!!••'. '' •' . •' ; • Ivre Outing dianola, for the remainder of theed, you are generous. Who knows Morrnongiyef .you more-for your money. The- iSrS Mrs.i Sam Marsh and Mrs. Sam Members of the Ivfe Club he'ld summer months. it as much as I ? " an Feder jdeparted this w e e%k for an outing Wednesday evening, at In the half darkness of the 3ht at .the centre of downtown,, mcke the Moviwn Mrs. Leo Blank and son, Lane theater she cuddled closely to me Minneapolis to visit with friends the Kiwanis Cabin in Stone Park. from, every ongle, especielly with tho«e who hav« many (RUSSIA), A late supper followed the evenBurton,, of Minneapolis, Minne- and I embraced w i t h my right and relatives. is moke ina s h o r t time. ing's entertainment. sota, who spent the past three arm her neck. The warmth of her ®n p ] e a s u r c o r Torgsin Stores are located in the Mr. ;Bernard Robinson of Om- Mr.. Mike Grueskln- was inmonths here visiting at the home body diffused in me a kind of charge of the arrangements. of-Mrs. Blank's father, Mrs. Bar•?ess ycu am nearest Io all the ( cities of the U.S.S.R. end carry different intoxication-. If there is aha is a guest this week in the ney Gillnsky, have returned to blessed pieces yoy v«snt most-toreach. home,of Mr. andMrs. M. Liphappiness In this world, it doubtdomestic end imported art-U-les cf ki~h their home, accompanied back by lessly abode and sang in my shutz. quality; CLOTHING, ilocs, n.hbe->s, Junior Hadassah Mr. Blank who joined his family shirts; FLOUR, stiver, coffee, crS other BATH The Annual Election of offic- here last week, following a trip breast. Mr ». William Heshelow and ers will take place at the meeting to Hollywood, California, where Another comedian came out to FOOD STUFFS; kcvzehold goods, tcbassc, Miss Ida Heshelow departed this of the Junior Hadassah organiza- he-recently-attended the Warner tell jokes about Jews. The latter etc. week for Phoenix, Arizona, where tion Monday, evening, July 1. TheBros. Convention. of course were shrewd, greedy afA they will visit. From Pheonix they meeting will be held in the social ter money and lusty f o r power PRICES COMPARE FAVORwill soi to California before re- hall of the Shaare Zion Synagoand spoke the most awful gutwit's Edward Rosen,,who was gradu* ABLY .WITH THOSE turning' home. English. I tried io build up gue. ated from the University oC Min-tural The business meeting will also nesota at Minneapolis last week, on my face the expression of a Mrs. ;MHton Muahkin and chil- Include reports of t h e various has forgiving smile similar to the one I / "i;/"^:''vCi'''i'x Owing to the height cf !h« returned home, accompanied just dren departed Sunday for Los An- chairmen for the past year. seen on Florence's face as a To 'places tvbere there ( / ,E«S*;J;*;,\V ^ - w"'"^^"'S.most of the resmt back by his' mother, M r s . Joe : i! r es y t o f of earshot earsfesf of ©fttreet ttreet * ?::??' ?i« ^ \' ^ Rosen who attended the com-reaction to the joke3 on her race, Torgsin stores the i&erc an elevator mencement exercises. Mr. Rosen but I caught myself in time that is mailed by the TORGSIN - m Loop, was graduated from the college of I, the Irishman Mr. O'Koon, have nothing tooforgive. I made an ef• PARCEL-DEPARTMENT. education and received his Master fort to laugh over the cheap, inof Science degree. sipid jokes, and—Oh, my Lord, OARDEN Miss Carolyn Rosenfeld, who did I hate the jester! He also was For Torgsin orders sec your IccdL has been attending the Chicago a Jew. Roumanian or Bessarabian HOUSE Academy of Fine Arts at Chicago, by his accent. Florence laughed k or authorized agent returned home Monday to spend good humoredly and once also ap|h€re in her summer vacation w i t h her plauded. During the night I had imsomparents, JUr. and Mrs. Julius nla. By nature I am not a liar. Rosenfeld. Who, then, compels me to lie, I wonder. In the darkness of my Miss Betty Lee Harris is spend- room I saw through shut eyes ing a couple of weeks visiting re- Florence resting la an innocent latives in St. Joseph, Missouri. virginal posture. Oh, yes, she can allow herself such a luxury. She -Miss Ruth Green of Pittsburgh, doesn't cloak herself in falsePennsylvania, who has been visit- hood.
Tiphereth Israel