Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Entered as Second Class Mali Matter
And Wiener-Schnitzel Tasted So Good
5, 1935.
VOL. XI.—-NO, 21.
dl Right on •".-, But Not i Clothes
How -would you like to have tar Munich (JTA) — The -wienersplattered all over your freshlyschnitzel, famous Austrian dish, Trashed laundry? This is exactly was condemned here by the Sieg- Employers in England Proffered •what happened to the Mark Leon | ' Experienced Espionage ester division of the Munich Nazi family Trash, recently. System party as a "Jewish concoction" A fire started -when a -workman j and will be barred from the res:— ! -who •was tarring the roof n e x t taurant menus in Munich. London (JTA);—Found—a new \ door neglected to closely watch "Though we honor Viennese German export that pays no cus-his tar box and it becaine over- \ culture from, Haydn to Schubert, toms duties, evades anti-Nazi boy- heated, an explosion following. 5 The Summer Home Camp of there is no reason why we should cotts and Is only made possible So if you see some of the mem- j the Jewish Community Center Edward Gitnick is leading the eat a product which originally for export by the activities of the bers of the Leon family wearing! T e r u s a l e m (WNS-Palcor Agenopens Monday morning for a field of seventy jockeys •who are came out of- the city's most nois- Hitler regime in Germany. black and white outfits you will| f y ) _ A law. barring increases in six week period. Everything has entered in the miniature r a c e ome Semitic quarter," the Sleges- This new export'product is a; k n o '* r t h a t such- attire is not a; the'number of medical practitionA large ncmber c£ Qmahans M. KHstsnick, chairman of t h * i i ' new s ^ e t u t merely the result i « r s | a Palestine will shortly be been prepared and is in readi- •which is sponsored by the Omaha ter Devision of the Munich Nazi highly qualified espionage service executive committee; Julius Bis-. Library in the children's Party said. di tar t b ness to make the summer an Public promulgated by the Government Trill attend the inters&tion&l A. no, executive secretary; M a S offered to employers in England jot a n exploding box. department. it ?.as learned here by the Palcor !S. A. (^"Euior B'nai B'ritk) camp Scier, assistant executive eecre* outstanding one for the Jewish , His lead in the race is not due to help them rid themselves of the Agency. The fcuicra is to be taken convention, to be held a t Sol- tary; I. F. Goodman, treasurer. "economic pests"—trade union children of Omaha. to his thoroughbred horse,' "OmU? restrictin?: the number of med- ister, Mo., starting Stmfiay, leaders. German detective agenDr. A. Greenberfj of O m ft h * As a prelude to Camp opening, aha," but due to his lead in teadical licenses issued. The increase cies, according to the bulletin of will be director ot the m.edicp.1 200 youngsters a n d parents ing more books than any of the in the number of doctors serving i Tfes c&snp - convention in the staff at the cf.inp. the International Transport Fedgathered in the Center gymnas- others who are entered in t h e Palestine is behind the Govern- j Qzark mcust-sins will continue eration, -which formerly offered ium Sunday, June 30, for a big race. Official delegates from the tirfr meat's contemplated step. j f€sT & | E ] | ^ - e e | ^ their services to German manuCamp Bound Up. local chapters ^'>cy B&um o»' This contest which is sponsorfacturers to report on the politiThe aggregate number of li-; simultaneously, there will be iMother Chapter TSo, I and Ssisx The gym "was festively decorat- ed by Omaha Public Library •will cal activities of employes and to censed physicians in the country ih e l d t h e E e s s i o n s o f the A. S. A. I Friedman ol Chapter Ko. iop. ed vrith brightly colored balloons run for ten weeks. Seventy chilfight trade unions, are now seekhas increased since 19SS from 56S .•A Alumni Association and the A. Z. \ a n d an improvised campf ire. dren are entered in the race. l u m n i jvssocxiniuu iiiiu m e i Rabbi Goldstein, Alfred A,. Catholic Parliament L e a d e r ing assignments in England. The £-„_!-:__ T __:~i.~xs~_ J-~ <-i»_i>^i 11. I Fiedler. Stanley F. Levitt, a v S, There were exhibits of camp actlSeeking Legislation to Combat; 6 7 , including the Jewish in. , t o Jj6 : A S n J r e m e Advisorv Counci In the spirit of this book race, Flays Numerns Clausus once fertile German' field is closvities—metal o b j e c t s , leather Anti-Jewish Agitation • crease troia 4CS to 1.S4S. In the: O m a h a m e m b e r S of the e x e c u - { „ " " v ^ i - W r -^ „ — r w Restrictions ed to them because their work i a Country same two-year period, the Jewish : t i v e c o m i a i t t e e o I t h e Supreme ^ L > T f f t ^ w Y~" - V work, wood objects, pictures a n d l m o u n t e d p a p e r h o rses in running has been taken over by the Ges:e a scrapbooks. population has increased only ! Committee h o will at<*l™' **1 ^ 7 , 2 ± " n u A f i v i s o r y position, has been set up so that Budapest (JTA) — The elim- tapo, General Goering's secret po:Ncuk d S8n Kepmck The entire afternoon -was spent the day by day result can be tabu- ination of numerus clausus re- lice. Johannesburg (WNS) — Al-; fifty per cent. 'tend include: - E tn h " * "• h' especteel a t before convention in. games, camp songs and dances. lated by the position of the horses strictions on Jewish students in though many delegates favored j Under t h e new law, licenses; Sam B<=her, president of t h e ; time v.n even larger Omphs. CIF^One agency offers its services Irving Block, national drummer on this track. looking toardtot hcurb e enact-. wouldare not be granted doctors; Council; Philip ; gation will go. the Hungarian universities was " combat" trade union- action ment of legislation the j -who neither citizenstonor per-supreme Advisorv \ champion, gave a drumming exhiA total o£ SiiO dolceateg &r.£ demanded here at the parliamen- ism in the workshops. rising tide of anti-Jewish agita- i manent residents. New licenses bition. Then followed ice cream visitors f r o m £0C cli?.ptP"*f, tary session by Rudolf Ruppert, 'strictly ' t i o n in t h e U n i o n o £ South Africa, j lor naturalized or permanent resand balloons for all. throughout the United Sta't«?e- Rng Catholic member. ... . . . . , ,, x *„ t -_~ t h e l l t h congress of t h e South 1 idents would be issued on a Quota Program. Canada will participate, Ppcorf'' Mr. Ruppert pointed out that in jconfidential and sent they to factory owners and managers, place A l r i c a n B o a r d of Jeviali DenuUes! basis to vary annually according Monday camp will begin with lug to advance notices This v-.'UT justice to the young generation of at the service of their clients adopted a compromise resolution; to the needs of the country. a program in the gymnasium for be the twelfth lEternpfioPfI rnv.~ Licenses outside the quota may Hungary, it was high time that •eight years' practical specialised declaring that "the time has arall campers. Then assignments vention ot Aleph Eadik Aleph, the numerus clausus, which has experience in combatting trade rived for the government and par-be granted on application from will be made to t h e respective liament to take such action as, recognized medical institutions. been in existence fifteen years, York (JTA^ — The imbunks. From then on the program New York (WNS) — The in-be abolished. He emphasized that unionism'," states tae bulletin. may be necessary to prevent the | The Jewish Agency Executive, i h e homeland in rs.1All PlFbOTF.tf1 will run true to schedule. "The circular adfis: 'We should dissemination of propaganda cal-; which has been negotiating with ip o r t a n c e °L tthe cidence of diabetes in New York under the present exchange regnomeian the estine t o t h e ]ewish "renged to ii-tn people the The program developed for the City is about 75 per cent higher ulations, when Hungarian citi- like to. give you the opportunity culated to create ate racial strife be-1 the Government for a long time in i • P Camp is as follows: Outdoor gam- among the Jewish population than zens are not permitted to take of taking steps to rid yourselves the white races of South j regard to this law, has expressed I "*"orld o v e r v : a s emphasizea fcy . important you, fi_gt es in the morning, lunch at noon, among the rest of the population, money out of the country they entirely of the economic pests in Africa." ! Prof. Albert Einstein, renowned' crafts, dramatics, dancing, music, according to a survey by the New cannot study in foreign universi- your firms, unnoticed by the cir- Virtually all and swimming in the afternoon. York City Health Department ties. I t is therefore in the inter- cles concerned, aad disorganise •were overshadowed Tuesday will be girl's hiking day which was made public by the re-ests of Hungary, he said, to ad- t h e i r personnel - by means of a cussion on anti and Thursday boy's hiking day. cently organized New York Dia- mit freely all students who seek timely and unobstrusive purge.' The staff of counselors are: betes Association, an organization to enter her universities. sppr-ionR "This strictly confidential let- lea in South Africa that the! are likely to reduce the level o f ; y e E r s v : c u l a t a v e b e e n € v c n m o r c i ever the sis cor.veT7.tion terrible and the aemomlizaUon. _v "grhool of 4, 7,. k.J" em Anne Lintzman, Sophie Rosen- founded with the financial help •When the numerus clausus ter is accompanied, by testiraon- Congress authorized the inaugu- the profession. of the Jewish people far greater." ; s i g U n g c £ g i x i e c l u r e .ro«Tsep t, stein, ' Lylyan Chudacof fv Janet of l.ucius Littauer, Jewish philanration of "a vigorous campaign introduced in 1920, theiials from industrial leaders. The Agency Esecutire e s -'. Pro!. Einstein stressed the Graetz," Betty ;Fellman, Rebecca thropist, to cut down the mortal- young men of our present gener. the teohnlQne ct youtli orga^i-vr to counteract this propaganda and j pressed itself as particularly cp• "One reads: "The investigatioss o£ relief t activities. KirscheHbanin,- Loyal Kaplan, ity from this disease. To. ation were only children at that carried out by you have provided to -enlighten and educate public|posed to discrimination between! . fia he s ia ,,. Robert •=• Bernsteine, Haskell Co!\,, _ ^, ;.,_it_1f.s?,^r, duty to ture o[ ihs COBCIF.TT, According to the survey the time. Why should the unity ol our the firm with valuable clues for opinion be embarked, upon, and\native-born Palestinians and new-:: hen, and Max Resnick. . . i put all available JevisTi lorces, if death rate among Jews from dia- nation be disrupted by regulations purging the personnel so that it that a propaganda committee he j comers. To fiate, however, the ight of ihe Mr. Paul'Goldblatt, Executive betes is nearly twice that among which may have been, justified has been brlag about appointed to collect and coo-din- {Palestine Government has vqi\ possible eselusivclr, at the Director; Ruth Allen, Education- Gen.tiles. _ Among;-__!. 4, () 4? _^Jewish fifteent years ago, but not now?!?. the' discharge -of numbers-trf-radi--ate the necessary int-cTOsii<pra^'i-rt^5e3r-tw--the representations of ; p 0 ^ ^ . ^ ^ z f ^ ~ i ^ ^ " ^ ^ e _ the A. T OrawiT eonte;-!. al' Director;:'and Xee Grossman; deaths th~ere~Vefe"602"from diato direct - the campaign." The ; the Jewish Agency. The appeal by Deputy Ruppert cal left-wingers. v/htch w grstion t,n.& Intensified national Physical : Director will a c t as betes, -giving a rate of 4.3 per cent was not sympathetically received. highlight of the Congress was a | A. egoism" of the times. Prof. Eui-. Camp Supervisors." Rodie S l i e r and among 27,186 Gentile deaths The entire opposition left the for forum 01? "rjph stein counseled Jewry to strengthv will act as. Camp Administrator. there was 607 from diabetes giv- session, as soon as the Catholic Youit"'will 1'P conft'sc-'pfl tsv en its rants in order to preserve a previous warning that the "Gov- i parliamentarian s t a r t e d his ing a rate of 2.5 per cent. iessor Selig rcrlmaB. oi the **i itself. ernment will not tolerate a move- j OVei Dr. Charles Bolduan, who con-speech. Only about fifty members lti At the same time, he declared, versity cC WisconeSn. TT&try F ment which is foreign to the na- \ ducted the survey, explained Jew- remained until the end of his ad©ie Jewish ideal of "social jus- berg. Tice-presidORt of thp ture and tradition of the people. ish susceptibility to diabetes as dress, some of them heckling him tice, voluntary self-denisl anfi isf. c? Amprioa, of the Union and must be harmful j not being due to Jewish dietary with ironic and irritating reservice to one's fellow-be- lesfi the forum on "rsleptt-a Prague (WNS)—Enthused by to the country and that, if neces-! Buenos Aires (JTA) — The joyful practices but rather to Jewish in- marks. ings as well BS to mankind as a Jewish Tenth." breeding. the almost legendary reports of sary, will not hesitate to take; Mogen Dovid conquered the Nazi; w . o l e An interns iiorai!' A, «. A., in p to prevent its propagation." jj swastika in a wrestling match i " Ehou.a tie Kep' "Heredity," Dr. Bolduan said, the phenomenal prosperity of steps "Olyiapics" lias also been, s —V General Smuts told the C o n g - j n e r e between Abe Kaplan, &n\ "seems to be the most important Palestine, hundreds of Christian uled, includir.g track K. K d factor in the continued transmispeasants in the villages of Car- ress that "every effort should be; American .Tew, and Alfred Koch \ IMF Iff V. S. REFQETS events, end fompetiUoti la patho - Russia are besieging the | made by all of us to remove the; o j Germany. Chief Rabbi Hertz of England js i o n o f t h e di Sea se from one tennis and golt, rabbinate to circumcise them and j causes of friction and misunder- j T h e bout, which attracted s Attacks Russian eration to the next. Studies of the GMK OF S! PER CEKT convert them to Judaism so that i standing and to build up an at-5 huge audience, took place in the data on a great many cases of diPropaganda Jemsalein (WNS-Palcor Agen- they may go to Palestine. mosphere of goodwill between all | large stadium of the Buenos! abetes indicates that the predisNew Tork (TVNS) — A El per( k. The Jewish, athLondon (JTA)—A scathing at- j position to diabetes may be passed cy)—- No girl would be allowed When their plea was rejected ! classes of the lootiA. i r e s increase in tlie receipts ot j to marry under fifteen in a draft to yonr Congress to taate its con\ i ^ emblera of the Motack on the anti-religious propa- On as a Mendelian, recessive charete ore by the Tabbinate, scores of the the Jewish National Fund ot ! ordinance that has been prepared peasants truged on foot to Prague ! tribution toward this desirable jg e n Dovid, while the German ap- ; America lor the period from June ganda conducted in Soviet Russia acteristic. If two lines carrying was made at the opening ot the this recessive - ^characteristic are by the Palestine Government, to mate the same request of the lend. I regret to notice that, in;p e a r e d v i t n a large Swastika, the; 1, 1SS4 to June 1, 1SC-5, as com- : spite of previous warnings, the j emblem of the Nazis. annual Anglo-Jewish Preachers united^ therilkelihood of the dis-which, circulated the measure Palestine bureau here. it fmovements pevious warnings the j. The bl Nazi f thathlete N i was greeted! among the heads of the various various with an antiConference by Chief Rabbi Hertz je a s e developing in the children is 1£SS to Jure 1 1P84 vs.? re-' religions in the country in order Semitic complex are still continu-1 ^y ^ g audience with an outburst 1ported greatly increased. The Jews inof England. by Dr. Isrsei Golds+pnt,' to obtain their comment. ing their activities. I wish to jo j tigging. He was so badly de- president of the FuncS. Dr. Gold-jtation in ilie country, Rabbi Hertz declared that the terbreed more closely than in any make use of this opportunity to! f ated that he was carried off unTeligious element in Soviet Jewry other racial group or national e The proposed law represents stein's report showed that from; "The future of. the ,>tv«'S In reiterate the statement which I j conscious. The victory was given June 1, 1SS4 to June 1, 1PS5 the ', macis. is Pfue," Kint Carol is •undergoing a slow extermina- group and thi3 Is probably the the culmination of a fight that tion. The Soviet rulers are fana-i reason for the more frequent ap- has been carried on in Palestine have issued on a former occasion. |a . E t o r m y o v a t i o a . ,26£.S£2 as ! in B n audience v, iic?! lie ?rp*i The National Fund Council of Law a n tical apostles ot Godlessness. he' pearance of. diabetes a m o n g since X920 to eradicate the child j Law and order wm be m a i m e d , ^ ! pared with* *17S.7S7 in i h e ^ I . Cheloucnc, FrcsiacTit C0II5 Omaha has issued a public appeal said. marriage evil in the Holy Land. for support to the annual "Flower at all costs, and of those -*ho f o-; them." B^rres j preceding year. i TKlepf Referring to the German situaThe proponent of the measure has Day" drive to be held by Junior ment racial or religious strife be- j Bombay — The crew of the; ' Comra tion, Rabbi "Hertz criticized the t^een various sections of u p p ! our pop-! Stockholm The removal of been the Jewish Women's Equal Hadassah next Sunday, July 7, all ^. *-** German universities f o r doing he 1 ulation find themselves in trou-1 German warship Einden vras not; lilSCitiS w m o m y u a , c fcucm. . j permitted by the Jewish commu-| nothing to counteract t h e Nazi all import duties on grapefruit Rights Association which protest- proceeds going to the J. N. F haTe th i permitted by the Jewish commu; imported into Sweden from Pal- ed local practices which permitA statement issued by J Rad-| barbarism. .v of Cochin to visit the syxia- j Shanghai — The Chinese Na-. ments in i.RiesuT?p, M T h e licQ a n d ted girls of twelve to be forced estine -was announced. inowski, head of the local Coun-' other authorities concerned "Most terrible of all is the fact of the white Jews, which : tional Government has decorated \ r*hc King's statement This step has. been taken in or- into marriage. In ell, states: "The National Fund the carrying out of the law a r e ; a famous showplace for tour- i Sir Elly Kadoorie and Sir Victor \ pi'^-reci highly that the world has come to acThe draft ordinance provides Council of Omaha appeals to Omict that suti-Jev-ifih cept as normal the outlawing ot der to promote trade relations ists. ! Sassoon, two ol Shanghai's forei °'keeping a careful watch on those j „ , _ _ _ . . ,_ has assumed serious? 500,000 human beings in Central between Palestine and Sweden. penalties for any member of the aha Jewry to support this import- who carry on this dangerous pro-1 T*ie Cochin synagogue is 4the ; most Jews, with the First Europe and that outside govern- Sweden is able and eager to ex- clergy who would Jxasgress the ant fund, w h i'c h contributes so paganda " j oldest in India. There are about : Gold Medal End has presented ! portions during; tne la.Pl ments consider this situation as port large quantities ot paper for law by officiating at the marriage, R a l l t 0 t h e rebuilding of PalesSiegfried Raphaely was elected! 1.2 00 Jews in Cochin. \ them with an inscribed tablet. i weeks, i ncl has Tf-acUcci R \ something in which they have not printing and wrapping purposes. of girls under fifteen. where King Carol himEi I tine as our homeland. The more president of the Congress, sue- " : ~~~ the least right to interfere," the warned not to be- friendly land that is acquired, the more c e e d i Hirscll Hillman Chief Rabbi said. n f f n r n o n fT o f\ T opporA t u n iJi»» t y iins afforded r I'm- i Declaring that the present situm i g r a t i o n , tiue h e most portant j migration, ^^=v. iiim . . . , . «r» M4,w..»-.. ation of the Jews is dark. Rabbi gain for Palestine. Therefore ^e J Jrnilip u£0.aHMlII, a £, Hertz voiced enthusiasm at the want to remind every. Jewish i promise which Palestine holds home in Omaha that Sunday, Julyi for the Jews. 7 the Junior Hadassah is holding , The panorama of history is all' erg on their canoes. On some. The routine of a newspaper ] rent stage production, appearing their annual Flower Day for the Philip known i" I' ^ .nches are served. Gondomovie editor does not only consist' at a local theater, was not receivREAPPOWTED MEMBERS of seeing the current attractions ing the popular response here liers playing guitars ms.rimPC* and previewing them for his pathat it did in other cities. OF CITY LIBRARY BOARD per. • These appear to be unusual ocFor illustration "A" , . . as casions to most people, but In the Rabbi Frederick Cohn and Mrs. part of hjs work, Jake Rachman, of a newspaper movie editor, and h e l p the j musical circles as an outstanding ^ ^ j n jT ex j C0 Q-ltr, J. Harry Kulakofsky have b e.e n movie editor of a local daily, long life •who attended tits convention, the they are only part of the daily lundayy i o m T « ity. We also ap- violinist. Before _ coming to Om- P i c t u r e s a t l e b u i l d i reappointed as members of t h e distanced to Hollywood early one work. ings and_. the',Mesican government, btsilt a TnVigiHs cover the city. We also ap ^ m cover the city library board, for three-year A, M. to arouse Dick Powell from t h e centuries-1 man City, complete in every tiepeal-to the community to g 1 T e aha hesymphony played mand some e , c m b e^l l i s l l ment leading theaofret h or^ ^ ^ o|d i n i p r £ s s i T e : tail, said Mr. Killer. terms. his slumber just, to find out if j willingly so that the girls may at- chestras leading *T«^°nyand e a tlearned re «-j W h in the east. ^ He * : The • re-appointments w e r e Mr. Powell was-at all interested Catholic Congress m Prague ' Paved streets were laic be> tain their quota for the National • • made by Mayor Hoy N. Towl and in "a certain miss." i tween each, row of Pu!3n?f.ns RV.C lecture in Taxco, Invites Jews to Address It Fund." confirmed Tuesday by the City ! each rov,- of PulImE.ns h P. d it? To the average layman, going council. : own eet of lavatories, showet to this length to secure such inArnold Flitkelslein Is Named city, according to Mr. Killer, TWsS baths, dressing rooms, tailor and Prague (WNS) formation seems absurd. But this A signifihas not been touched by the i barber shops, to serve the need oi JEWISH BOOK SALES HAVE information was needed by a lo- cant gesture of good will was t© Funeral services -were held;. movie distributor to build up made here by .Catholic..leaders New York (JTA) - Dr. Cyrus jT u ; ^ " ; f i c ™ o ™ t r o n i ' i h e Jew- ™ ^ %f?t 0&BTn cMJteatioa | the persons living in the train, RECORD W GERMANY cal , , • !j««* «• the Jewish . . =•'""••' s i n c e tu " £ when they invited representatives better publicity in connection I T&ere were over twenty five 1\UE28e "fifteenth century. Adler, president of the Jewish : p.f t i i i K f GoiEg from Taxco, t h e K i l l e r s ; dred people w h o liven In flw with a coming attraction featur- of the Jewish community to ad- Theological Seminary of Amen- i Berlin (JTA)..— A total' of ing Mr. Powell. It was figured dress the forthcoming internation- ca, announced that at his'sugges- j , sa pniln-iEE c f t f of visited Zochiiniico, tfee -most Jam- I three h t -T't $ . i 18,500 copies of the nev edition that Mr. Rachman was the person al Catholic Congress which will tioa the board of directors of the j i ity" anrlns t h e conj oas EYiburb o£ Mexico City. Tills j "PuSImaj of the Phila Lexicon of Jewish capable of obtaining the needed be attended by 250,000 Catholics Seminary had appointed Prof, j Salonica—The Salonica TJewish I is a city o* floating garceES and ; Ten ., , . from all parts of the world. Knowledge has been sold in Ger-data. is someames ^reierreo. :o as the • Mr. Louis Killer, who is past Louis Fiskelstein to the newly | Community, asked the Jewish j is !T many in the course of ISO days, ient'; preside at cf t h e Omalia Rotary And to give you another view The invitation to Jewish spokes- created post ot assistant to the j Community of Berne to let i t 1I -Venice In " " » ^ America., &^^~* T it was announced here by the of Rachman's duties in this ca- men. to : appear before the Con-president. Dr. Finkelstein will j have the zainutes and ail other fiays the canals of this city were j Club was one o£ t h e delegates r-j? if n very iroportwflt Philo publishing. Tiouse, which is pacity, Anatole Freedland, east- gress was issued as a demonstra- continue to occupy his _ present po- material " coneeruiag the recent estenaed right up to t h e heart of {from. Omaha t o the national COEre'Mman aKiliated with the Central Asso- ern stage producer, called him tion ot the friendly relations existof "registrar and EilcsHm I "Protocols" trial la Berne, f o r Mexico City, eleven, miles away, jjventiou. Mr. Killer is also presiciation of German Citizens of the from Providence, Rhode Island, ing between Jews and Catholics !1 Schechter Pro£essor of Jewish use in fightisg. anti-Semitism ia In ar-fi out between these, is- j dent of the Highland Country Nathan s. laH« will Jewish Faith.. officers. i lands the Indians carry passeng- [ Club. in order to find out his cur- in Czechoslovakia. Greece. Theology.
Six-Week Program Very Leading Jockey, But Attractive to Only a Library Children
Week's Cone
CzecK Peasants Want to Become Jews
SaTjan^ut^Le^lMogen DovId'Wins
Palestine to Stop Marriages Under 15
Dies Alter Illness
R£J l\/^
• ( •
JULY 5, 1935.
night, as ehe has to entertain an doa't play with Freidele—I mean, back. She evidently did not care and with it my mamma's "Yobrold lady relative of hers who hasyou of course can play with Frei- or "was afraid even to open it. zeit" (Death anniversary). Oh, just arrived from her native Ala- dele, but don't trifle with her, for I realized that all was lost and how I need you, sweet mother, bama. So I s p e n t the evening she is a scion of a family of Bheer finished. We both showed o u r - forlorn and helpless child that I with myself. For about an hour Rabbis, Shochtim and Zadiklm. selves as petty, cheap souls. Yes, am. Copenhagen (JTA)—The quesI read my favored Keats, then Secondly, it was I who installed our love is doomed. Without muWhile saying t h e Kaddish I tion of -a world-wide intensificawalked slowly In the friendly her in her job as a cashier In the tual respect there is no love be- looked again at the names on the tion of the boycott of German darkness of the warm night Brown Bros, drug-store. And as tween two ripe, thinking beings. window panes, looked with dif- goods was discussed at a closed around our block numberless to you, O'Koon darling, mark you Y e s, all is over. On three ferent eyes than a year ago. How session of the Executive Council times. But I did not feel lonely. I am running this fall for presi- things man subsists; on bread, on I envied now these simple, inno- of the International Federation Not a trace of t h a t fretfulness dent in our synagogue, a n d if love, and on truth. cent souls who inseparably bound of Trade Unions. that used to keep my nerves on you, dear crook, don't cast your up themselves with the immortal The idea that the anti-German edge and make miserable every vote for me, I'll strangle you, I'll poetry of their people's legend, boycott is conducted only by Jews July 30 minute of my solitude in the past. convert you Into a barley soup, As a flat, distressful desert lore and life. I felt on my cheek should be dispelled, since all I felt pervaded by a kind of lim- I'll—" and so on and so forth stretches out before me my fu- "the breeze of Eternity. groups are actively participating pid, unruffled calmness and by a endlessly. ture. From now on there is for For—yes, there is such a thing in the campaign for the boycott blissful wave of good will as I was thunder-stricken and my soothing and invigorating as heart stopped beating. So here is me no escape f r o m my insipid as Immortality. Life is everlast- of German-made products, it was mountain air, good will to every- the day of chastisment and retali- life. Like Samson devoid of his ing, sublime and f u l l , of deep, i pointed out by speakers at the one and everybody—to Mr. Fink- ation for Marvin O'Koon. I don't locks felt that God had forsaken solemn meaning and, as said the i session, elgold, to all the other possessors know how I dared to lift my eyes him so do I feel now forsaken by poet, "The grave is not its goal," | Delegates from England, Holof the glittering names, to Abie's to Florence, "the dear lassie from my love. A broken potsherd, a but my life? What about my life? i land and France were especially Translated from. Hebrew round-faced mother, to the at- Scotland." Her face was so death- miserable old bachelor—that's insistent in their demands to THE END tractive brunette. When I met the ly pale with dread and aversion •what I am and what remained of strengthen the boycott moveme. Pains and ailments, heretolatter a few days ago on the path that I scarcely recognized her. I ment. The delegate from Holfore unknown manifest themselvof our lawn I felt brimmed with trembled at the sight of her as land, Mr. Firomen, urged the recourage to break down the Chin- one who sees in the mirror his es in me. Teeth, tonsils, appendix, j vival of E strong anti-German My landlady cannot understand j ese wall between us by some face aged and shriveled overnight. propaganda which, he complaingood, cordial word, but her inimi- If I did not collapse right there these drastic changes in my aped, has slackened during recent pearance. My neighbor the brucally Indifferent and freezing at- in the street it may have been Jerusalem. (WNS—P a I c o r months. nette greeted me yesterday obvititude frustrated a g a i n my at- due'to the fact that I was as petously out of pity. I did not an- Agency)—The increased rate of tempt. However I know that noth- trified as a block. swer. What business have I with Jewish immigration to Palestine so-called "Blue-White Train" ing is wrong with her—she needs during the past few months has "Excuse me—for a moment—" her? What do I care about all the )accentuated the need for aug- from Vienna, about which much love and happiness—that's all. whispered Florence's livid l i p s women in the world? What do I jmented shipping services between has been said of late, it appears Tomorrow after my .frank talk and forthwith she disappeared in care about the world itself? European ports and Palestine. that travel conditions on that with Florence I shall embrace one of the nearby department The boats now plying could ac- route are none too comfortable. brotherly the whole world as stores. September 9. commodate a/boxit 2.500 to 3,000 The journey front Vienna to Hainever before in my life. Met today Florence on her way per month. As, however, a Jew- fa takes five days and passes All the while Mr. Krupnlck was delivering his .tons of. babble to work. Her face has become j ish immigration of about 50,000 through Budapest, Belgrade, SoJune 17 unconscious of what had happen- somewhat oval and a tinge of dry- Ipersons is expected during 1S35 fia, Adrianople. Constantinople, BLICY SLIPS Horror and disaster! Let meed. At last he left me. Florence ness and rigidity has been added 1 the existing services are wholly Haidar Pasha. Rayak, and thence The May 24 Issue of t h i s remember' h o w this unspeakable has not returned. I don't know to it. She crossed the street to j inadequate for the traffic As a by omnibuses through Beirut to column predicted the quiet thing happened. how long I remained there stand- avoid meeting me. My eyes and jresult of negotiations between Haifa. The cost of the land trip blending ol! Irving Wezelman When I stepped at five o'clock ing bowed-headed and befuddled my languid heart followed her. ' t h e of the Neb. Clothing and Rose immigration Department o£ is not cheaper than that by sea, into the restaurant of "The Two on the corner of the street. I do But in her imcomparable should- j whilst in the summer the heat Skolnick of St. J o e to occur tt hh ee Sisters" Florence was a l r e a d y not remember how my feet ers nobody b u t I could notice I Jewish Agency and the varivari next Sunday. Reports reach our there waiting in one of the cheer- brought me to my room. I am; something of the slump line o f ! ° . u s shipping lines several addi- makes it lar more difficult. office that in spite of the deniful" green-painted compartments. similar to one groping in a fog of , the shoulders of a servant-maid tional vessels will shortly become als caused by such forecast, the available. She flashed at me all the impatiMew Shipping Service wedding d i d take place Sun(This diary by L. A. Arlelli creation of these dishes. Now Ima- ence of her love and joy in one horrors in, the passages and lob- i caught in the very act of stealing. The Lloyd Triestino h££ debles of hell. I Unconsciously I caught myself day in K. C. . . . T h e Abe BoriIs the diary of a Jew without gine she likes "Kugel" and he is infinitely delightful, sweet look. ' throwing a glance to ray o w n cided to &dd to the steamers Haifa—An innovation in intracrazy about "Goulash"—how can sons expect t o be'blessed soon "Gerusalemme" and " P i l s n a" state stamina. This is the final of you expect domestic happiness In My confession I postponed, later shoulders. Same date. transportation, which . . . Have you noticed the enwhich is to run on a fortnightly should facilitate the shipment of a bench In some retired spot of several instalments.—-The EdiShe? She? Oh, god Lord, how j the home of such a couple?—1 tire change which has suddenschedule. This.boat has accommo- perishable goods, was organized Jan. 13. listened to the sermon and smil- the park would provide a more could she do it? She who was to tor.) ly come over Ab Kaiman since suitable setting for it. Meanwhile dations for four hundred travel- here in the form of a coastal moLong months otf emptiness and me the symbol of all perfection? ed: outwardly this smile of mine he learned of a newcomer who Florence was telling me in a ers. boredom. No desire to vrrite. No tor launch transport service. Both Last Friday our wanderings meant to impress upon Florence cheerful spirit all the news her i s t o arrive here shortly. She's The Lloyd Triestiso has further passengers End goods will be acdesire to live. Same date, at night. not a inovits actress, she's not brought us to a rich suburb sec- that I am not responsible for the old relative had brought from agreed to grant a number of ad- commodated by t h e service, To write her? I don't k n o w an old sweetheart, she is bis tion which has been densely set- sermon of some Jewish Rabbi, in- Alabama. Her brother the lawyer February 28. < ditional facilities for passengers which was formed by a, Jewish one and-. only sweetheart, bis tled by J e w s since the World wardly there was something to fell in love with h i s secretary how to start. And what will be And the world moves along its | daughter, Maine . . < We be- War. A singing of a choir heard that smile resembling pity—to which did not meet with the ap-my letter? an apology? A plea, a ordinary trail. Everything runs, j booking voyages through the Pal- group of ten members, including estine offices. The company has several institutions of the Histasupplication to understand? To lieve that announcements will from a beautiful, brightly-Ht syn- the Rabbi? to my people? to my- proval of Florence's parents. Her hustles, a n d bustles; my aches? also undertaken to purchase pro- druth, Jewish Federation of Launderstand-—what? But I cannot shelf?—I hardly know. The boya soon be bad concerning a well agogue attracted our attention. and sorrows have not changed in • cousin whose name is also Flordressed former journalist and Florence stopped and listened a in the pew to the left smiled alBO ence failed in her beauty contest. write half a word without accus- it the infinitesimal fraction of an 'visions as far as possible is Pales- bor, which are interested in astine and to exhibit Palestinian suring business for the new oring her also simultaneously. in kind condescendence and their minute, then said suddenly' her future, a K. G. scribe . . . iota. products on board these boats. ganization. eyes seemed to ask: "If this is I Joked: "Well, not every Flor- What a cursed bewitched circle! Girls!! Smiling Sam Teper of —"Let us come In!" e n c e is sufficiently equiped to Had I been the only culprit, I A dark-blue automobile sped by The Polish-Palestine Shipping the case, let then the venerable Goldstein and Chapman's shoe —"What do you want there?" She tapped with her satin would creep before her as a worm with a hoarse organ playing from company, -which owns the "PoRabbi kindly enlighten us w h y win." department; is making his bid I asked all bewildered. index finger on my lips whisperwithin and the red letters form Empire Cleaning for Omaha's newest "Shad—"The Jews", a h e replied, and wherefore and for what pur- ing angelically: "Enough of this, and would Implore mercy upon the placards carried by it shout- lonia" -will shortly also run the 1 my soul. But now—we both seem "Kosciuzska," w h i c h carries chen ', haying been very suc- "have good choirs. Sometimes the pose Is the Irish shiksa so f u l l you stupid bear!" Then we left Pt'csevscs, Tent two burglars, partners to the ling: "Hurry! Quick! C o m e ! seven hundred passengers on the cessful In other cities. Rabbi delivers also a nice sermon. of grace and comeliness?" the restaurant, and here, just as same theft. Join the Crowd! Five days of red Palestine route. Negotiations sre ' I heard a few times." A sudden quiver passed o v e r we walked out, happened this abhot religion!" SUMMER HOME CAMP also proceeding with the Mossa—"Oh, quit it," I tried to dis- my spine: I believed I recognized ominable thing which surpassed Oh, America! You kingdom of gories Maritomos and with the On July 8, the novel Summer suade her: "I don't understand the teacher Soloveytchik in the © Our scientific modem June 18. all my wildest fears and appredreadful n i g h t! c o m m o n J s e o , s e a n * common-place, jT a m a n i a l s shipping company. As Home Camp, -a new recreational why—all of a sudden—" What methods retain the corthird row ahead. Lord! are not hensions. project for children, sponsored by Through t h e flimsy web of my you land of week-day frames of regards the experiments to deBut Bhe was. already ascending these the nape of his neck and bis rect size and shape of the J. C. C , will begin. This camp the. steps and 1 lagged behind her hat? But a few minutes later the From the trolley alighted in a sporadic slumber I saw eyes glar- mind! You call your Presidents velop aa overland route by the your clothes. "Cal" and "Teddy" and religion '.will continue till August 15. A all congealed with fear to run in- man turned on his seat and, with hurried, businesslike gait Mr. ing at me in derisive contempt @ Let us clean and de-moth very capable and energetic set of to someone of my acquaintances. a feeling of relief and salvation, Charles Krupnik, a jolly Jew of and tongues mockingly stuck out you treat in the same terms as them now! • - • counselors have been selected to However everyone of her whims I realized my mistake. about fifty, and ran full force into by some creatures resembling de- Hamburger Steak. STOP IN AT © Sealed in moth - proof inaugurate this new camp idea. is to me a. 1 a w, besides I was both of us. He was a member of vils in the opera. March 17. The. counselors are: Loyal Kap- afraid to. arouse her suspicions our congregation, a chatterbox cedarized bags without "How do you do, Mr. O'Con' Same date, at night. : At our apartments e v e r y lan, Max Resnick, Bob Bernstein, with a stronger resistance on my I put out the electricity and lay and exaggerator, invested w i t h nor?" I heard an ever recurring thing is on the go. They powder, extra charge. Call for an after the stooir, Haskell Cohn, Sophia Rosenstein, part. in bed, but being unable to fall the presidency of the drug-store squeaking recalling voices of paint and doll up themselves for SHKOLLY GOODMAN'S lillllan Chudacoff, Janet Graetz, We went in.- The. inside of the asleep I lit the light again. And owners association among many marionettes: "My father is a full- the parade of St. Patrick, the padance or party snack. Betty Fellman, Rebecca Kirshen- new synagogue was all magnifi- here is what took bold of me and other public offices, fraternizing blooded Scotchman"—"Don't you tron saint of Ireland. Ha-ha-, I baum and Ann Lintzman. Our cence. The strange faces helped interferred with my night's rest. with and doing favors to every- know, Mlsa Green, that any name cannot think of this brave counWe serve foods especially best wishes to the success of those to appease a little my apprehensJudaism and the woman!—the body just for the fun of it. He beginning with O' Is Irish?"— try without a bitter sneer at my- ! p r e p a r e d for t h e hot counselors In aiding the estab- ions. The services'' had just been two greatest touch-stones in the was patronizing our coal and Look at her how charming she is. self. . I •weather. lishment of-this camp. finished and the Rabbi started his world. Through the woman is put more than one morning he spoil- What Jewess possesses the ,tact, To go witness the parade? Oh, i ed to Mr. Flnkelgold by his phiK the delicacy and the demure, en- no, that's to much for me. Bermon. The s u b j e c t being to test the virlity and vitality of BOUNTY BITS osophies that tried to outdo in gaging manners of his shiksa? This week's Press informs faithfulness to tradition, he spoke man, whereas by Judaism IB tried bizzarness a n d outlandishness Ha—Ha—Ha!" April 25. FLATIBON HOTEL Omaha of t h e esdstnece of a about Kosher food, fasts and in-the individual's moral strength those of my; boss. As soon as* he Spring is here back again termarriage. It IB Incumbent upon and endurance, for Judaism is a I got up from bed bruised and new Jewish sorority, E . T. C. got a glimpse of us he drew up "We wonder if the letters signi- a Jew to UBe Kosher food In order permanent and* never ceasing his brows as a surprised Mephis- broken-boned. At eight o'clock I to prove to the Gentiles that we struggle, its hurdles being as high called up the Brown Bros, drugfy the expectations which can be had from t h i s group . . . are- not greedy gluttons, God be-'as the Monblanc, its obstacles to and started his downpour in store waiting with a terrifically Girls yoar.i chances of getting ware, and that we are equipped and stumbling-blocks as insur- an English patched up here and pounding heart for her to be callone of the eligiblcB is now at with enough w i l l power to re- mountable and wide as the ocean there with Hebrew, Yiddish and ed. I did not know what was gohand as we learn that Harry nounce treif f o o d . It is also a of hatred that extends within the Ukranian: "Oh-h-h! Well, well, ing to be my first word to her, Smith Is bacheloring for a good thing for a Jew to fast, even human heart and its, dangers Mendel O'Koon, the coal magnate. and when the answer came she Where Omaha Shops With Confidence couple of weeks . . . Thanks the doctors claim that a fast once spelling blood, despair and death- In society with my dear protegee was not there I felt something Freldele Green! I'll say, this rasin a while does you a world of shadow on every step. Only the like a miserable relief creeping Readers for the continuous additions to the recently publish- good. As to intermarriage—hmm great'and stalwart in heart, only cal of OKoon, In spite of his in- and spreading within me. I grasped list of elegible bachelors . . . —well—-here the matter is some- those whose flaming courage in nocent, pious appearances, knows ed a sheet of paper and wrote to It is said that a definite decis- what complicated and entangled. similar in its glory to the sun will perfectly his onions— I mean to her: "Florence! Darling! Will ion has been reached between The doctors do not forbid and to pass this long, dolorous road say his roses, without a n j guide you understand?" With the afterJulius Goldner and Frances prove to the Goyim that we have without Injury to their souls and or cicerone. But, Lord! It was my noon mall I received ray letter Hosenfeld » . . The Harry Ep- enough will power to overcome-— w i t h the fringes of their gar- fondest desire to match both of ' steins are threeing . . . David hard to prove, hard to overcome ments unspattered. I know with you up, my precious children. . Laxarus is a real hit at the 00 —The Rabbi threw himself from positive certainty that not,before And wouldn't this be a match un- Highest Grade Enamels, $2.00 cal club • • . Plan on being at pillar to post, from biblical vers- these two universal forces reach equalled in all America? Of WATEBPROOF AIX-rtTKPOSE Peony to h e a r Cab Cnlloway es to Quotations from history—I within me perfect harmony shall course, I am figuring as a MechuSPAR VABNISTI. $1.30 Gallon ten on both sides because—firston Jnly 1 0 . . . should Bay a Rabbi of his size I find rest and redemption. Omaha Jobbing Company Tomorrow I shall go and reveal ly, my friendship with Freldele's ROSENBLATT ON NEW JOB of salary IB expected to know hisfather is traced back to the days SI? No. 19 J A 64TO4 tory—trying to prove that Marie to Florence everything, I s h a l l Another scintillating satellite of Slobodker Y e s h i v a h—you Antoinette was beheaded because tell her all the truth about my lo the growing list of Omahans who are receiving nation-wide she had intermarried, as if inter- race and stock. Come what may! ^ prominence,.: is Sol Rosenblatt, marriage a m o n g kings and —Oh, she will understand, she is p queens is such a rare occurence. f d i i t so kind and wonderful. former administrator of the movie no.people will be able to eodes during; the K R. A. Accord- Besides, appreciate the real taste of "Ku,June 16. ing to the :latest reports, he is gel." or "Chop-Suey" Florence notified me by phone being groomed for the big Job of as the"Goulash"nations credited with the she would be unable to see me toP. S. District attorney, for the
Unionists Discuss Boycott
polize as much as possible when It comes to dating that delightful Miss Dorothy Becker of St. Joe. for on t h r e e different occasions, the three Stein brothers dated her . . . Hy Finkelstein, a member of the investigating com[ Peony park pools 'are helping ALPHA PI TAU DANCE mittee and Morris Fisher, June Real gayefcy reigned over Royal many keep cool . . . The Harold 1935 grad, -who is organizing the Grove at Peony P a r k , Monday B a r i s h s are threeing . . . alumni, are both taking an active evening as three hundred young This column last week carried prominent part in the present couples froliiced to the melodies a note regarding Pi l a m A. K. Omaha University controversy. of Red Slerer's and his music- and I/. F. We wish to retract kers at the; j first open social of the misleading statement and GREETINGS A N D the A. P. Tr; fraternity . . . The offer our regrets for its appear- CONGRATULATIONS only sad feature of the evening ance. May we also suggest that TO: the Scbiffs a n d son, was the way, your columnist kept the "Unholy 4" desist from digVernon from Chicago, who arc busy trying jjto cover all the oc- ging up'false tales and concenmaking their residence here. . . currences while ruining his own trate upon themselves . . .Those date's evening . . . It was prob- on the k n o w say that it Is TO: 3Ir. and Mrs. Ben Fineman of Chicago who a r e making ably one of the finest socials of quite serious between that shy their home hero now . . . TOf the younger set this year . , , The son: of the. furniture manufacHy Temin who is employed in Btars—the p e n t l e breeze—the turer and bis attractive miss. . . the loaning dept. at the Service open sky—the beautiful landL i f e Insurance Co. . . . TO: CRACKS AND C0M3IENTS scape—the TFalk by the water— Sol Berman who Is now with W h a t tobacco man's heart is all of the elements were there to properly affect t h e "Gableing" going upon in smoke as a result the Bee-Xews In the classified couples—Bess Caplan of Hotel of a warm feeling for a certain ad department . . . TO: Martin Paxton orchestra sang for the auburn-haired young woman . . • Specktor for having written groups—One 'couple dipped o n c e Irving Kaiman and t h e Mando- one of the twenty best essays too many and landed horizontal- leers are a radio feature over W. in the country in a recent naly—Sioux City representatives did A. A. W. every Wednesday at 6:- tional college essay contest . .-.'•• their share to add to the even- 30 P. M. . . .Doubts hover in the TO: The newly weds . . . T O : Ing's festiviUes—It was a fruit- minds of s o m e of his friends The Alpha PI Tan members for ful evening for future news only whether his yen for samples was their very successful dance . . • * . . The members of this frat de- the cause of Willis Smith's brief TO: Harry J. Shumow and Edserve mention for such excellent association with a l o c a l giggle ward 31. Shafton for beinff otart in showing Omahans j u s t water company . . ,;It seems that chief organizers of the already •what to expect from them at fu- the Stein family desires to mono- successful Variety club. ture socials, j;
UPS AND DOWNS OF JEWISH MR. O'KOON By L. A. ARIELLI Instructor in Omaha Talmud Torah
HArnev 5300
Omaha's Smartest
Southern 'district .of New York. felEATY BEMABKS What titian-halred young man of keyboard ability refused an invitation to I of O party lost week? | • . . Golfers attention!! If nil you need is a little stimulus to keep you at par golf, pale •orp with Helen Smith. She not o n l y cuts her shots beautifully, but cuts a mean figure ajso—if you know what . I mean . . L Its too bad that the sudden operation performed on — Abe BrodTcey may eliminate him from the chance of removing Julian! Milder 'a crown . . .' here's to ybnr speedy recovery Mr. Brodltey . . . Krug and
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"Lois Nixon
dramas of the Jewish people. S i s | dramatist. Bits of conversation I in "Success Story", he finallj play has no radio t y p e Jewish I overheard on the street, clippings i cided to write a play. The character in it.. Neither is there two acts ivere written in a Ill a Potash and Perlrnntter. It is of from newspapers, stories toifl. | ice-cold closet of a room optcourse idiomatic because its peo-him by his friends, notes on peo-j out of the jLiielKiii o£ a Wept ple, the Berger family, are sec- ple he met—all were stored array ! apartment vhk'L housed CLIFFORD ODETS ond generation Jews, and because Tor future xsse. | members of. the eonspntiy of By BERKARD POSTAL With t h e backgroiTnd d tWF j cess Story." The third act it stems from its locale. Yet it is Clifford Odets is being hail« singularly free from, tlie usual intimate knowledge el life a n cl! finished on a bread-box Iu By tiie Service Life Insurance ed as "Broadway's White trite methods of such, studies. people, Ofiets turned to the thee- j another kitchen, in *ui apa?'d Hope", "the new O'Xeffl" and Going siraiEiit to the hearts and tre twelve years ago EF sn ECtor over a bakery on live lower Company, Omalia "America's Toller," and so raiads of his characters, O d e t s with the May Desmond Stock Side. All of the writing WSK world and not go forging weapons me that the Zionist ideal is by no '•By DR. PIEBA PAEINI against yourself with your own means Utopian. Italy looks on it Old age will come upon y o u forth. His three plays, "Awake has" endowed eacli and every one Company in Philadelphia. For | laic at nikht. It v;;xs R jrrim (Italian Minister of Propaganda, hand, especially in the eyes of with sympathy, and reckons with just as it comes upon everyone and Sing", "Waiting F o r of thera with a hundred and more five years he played second leads j in ess. trying to "keep p.w;xli.e. as told to our Rome Corres- foreign powers. You know very the possibility of a Jewish state j and will bring the infirmities that Lefty" and "Till The Day I touches of life-like reality and and character parts End then ; warm ai;d write well, nil «• pondent.) well that the Jews have consider- in Palestine." are common to the last years of Die" have set new standards validity without bothering to came to New York to join the Isame time. Under mich cH1* for the contemporary American trick them out in false Quaintness Theatre Guile! in the cast of CIFTP stances "Av/ckc mul Sing" Anti-Semitism is absolutely for- able body of public opinion on This naturally led me to make life. sr.fl Paul Sifton's play, "Mi«theatre—The Editor or to condescend to them. eign to Italian Fascism, -which their side." Where is. fine business judgenquiries of Dr. Parini concerning | finished. The rest is tlieaf Irnows of no distinctions between " 'Never mind,' answered Goeb- the publication in Italy of certain ment when the body gets closer Not since.the first plays of Eu- That such a plaj" should come night". After this varied career i history. in the theatre, he linked his forJews and Christians. Such was the bels; 'you will see that in a hun- newspapers and periodicals which and closer to the setting sun? gene O'Neill set the dramatic from the pen o£ Odets is no acci| In ''Aviikc p. n a Sing"' C categorical assurance given me dred years time the whole of man- persist in the allegation that Jews Of what accounting is the re- critics shouting hosannas m o r e dent for lie merely capitalised on tune vrith the newly-organized I lias fashioned a. story or Group Theatre. This producing' the other day by Dr. Plera Parini, kind will thank the Hitlerist re- are bad patriots, being Zionists lative merit of that bond or this than a decade ago has Broadway his own Hie by dramatizing the 'youth of the fcnernonts, a > the Italian Minister of Propagan- gime for its spirited battle against first and Italians second. when the burdens of years dim acclaimed a new playwright with incidents and experiences por- organization, created to produce j which strikes h e m p into T> plays of vital interest to the conda, in the course of an interview the snake of Judah - - the Jewish such encomiums as greeted Clif- trayed all about him in the Bronx pf | reflp of The Minister thought in silence the sight of patient eyes? people.' at Salonica. Why all this, when it is un- ford Odets, the young Jewish where he lived since he was eight temporary playgoers, plays vrhose I households. for a few moments and then ansDr. Parini is responsible for necessary, w h e n the life insur- dramatist from the Bronx, after years old. ' Odets came to the •issues vrere live ev.d •whose char- j Froplicf'p phrp.PFi. "A^ "You can imagine my astonish- wered in decisive tones. the spread of the Fascist outloot ment at such an utterlr ludicrous ance plan will guarantee an in- the presentation of his "Awake Group Theatre, producers of acters were real, and to pire such I and sing, yc thct dwell in ^' "It is true," he said, "that such not only within the country, but answer. I would see in a hundred come to the very last hour of and Sing", the first adult-minded "Awake and Sing", from a varied plays a production whose organic I {CoiiliiHied on Pag,e 7) among the many millions of his years' time, indeed! I pointed out publications appear, but you maylife? play of American Jewish life, career in the t h e a t r e ' a n d ' a r i d "unity arose from, the performn^cp of a lite-trained company, a r / p fellow-Italians throughout the to Goebbels that he did not seem rest assured that they have no fol- In effect, the l i f e insurance and "Waiting For Lefty" a n d experience in life. Born in Philaworld. As well as being Propagan- very clear on the subject but he lowing of any consequence. The plan says: "Arrange with us to "Till the Day I Die", one-act delphia 2 8 years ago, Odets grevr director whose equipment rrri of the theatre were icier!ida Minister, he is Director of Ital- immediately switched off to an- average Italian has seen during have your income distributed so plays which deal with, the strike up in the Bronx, where he went ideas cal with those of the actors, v < ~ the War the true extent of Jewian Interestes abroad, and to himother- tppic of conversation." that the income combines w i t h of the New York taxi drivers and to school. His formal education ish patriotism, and he has con-the principal in such a way that the Nazi persecution of radicals, ended with the second y e a r in just what Odets needed. He CEtre ; Palestine. is entrusted the supervision of all to see it in several depart- the fund never will be exhausted respectively. Bruising in their vi- high school because lie t a d to go to the Group Theatre as a fuliItalian schools, hospitals and oth- I asfced Dr. Parini his views tinued fledged actor -who wanted rho-r ments of activity. until the object for which it was tality and overwhelming in their to work. er institutions in foreign coun- concerning Palestine. than the hit or miss trainsrs. . "The Italian people and the created has been accomplished. emotional force, these three K" tries. After leaving Morris High which he had accumulated 1" ','1 have visited Palestine annu- Fascist party are determined to "Under the life insurance plan, angry and militant plays are so School, he worked as a radio an- "acting—just acting." "The Fascists of Italy," he said, ally for the last three years," he regard every man as a full and "have no connection whatever said. "It is part of my duties. We patriotic citizen who works for on the first day of each month, brilliant in stagecraft, fluent in nouncer, advertising writer and When Odets joined the Grcn r with any other political group in have several Italian schools and the Zionist idea and the upbuild- year after year, despite financial dialogue and effective in their anther of sound effects and gag Theatre it v;as as an actor, r o ! full-blooded pleading for social calamities, w a r s , depressions, lines for radio coniedians. Selling a foreign country, which may de-hospitals there which I go to in- ing of Palestine, provided only scribe itself as Fascist. We are as spect. I have noticed on each oc- that he pursues no illegal means crises, no matter what happens, causes that they have catapulted brushes and laboring in a laun- as.a playwright. He played. miir>the check will be in the mail bos, Odets from obscurity to the dry gave him an intimate know- roles in some of the first profar apart from Nazism as heaven casion the marked growth of Jew- to these ends. without the waste of a single cent, status of a new and vigorous ledge of people as distinctive in ductions of. t h e Group Theat-e from earth. We have no alliance ish enterprise and achievement. 'There is one point in concluin the theatre whom the character ss any racial and social and seemed to be doomed to 1hF with the English Fascists under "I have seen with my own eyes sion," said Dr. Parini, "which I with every dollar giving 100 cents voice hard-boiled critics are hailing as group one could think of, t h e role cf an understudy. In ihof service—and all this without Sir Oswald Mosley, and certainly the evolution of Tel-Aviv and the wish to impress upon the Jewish • none with the 'Iron Guard' of development of a new life in the masses everywhere,- The Italian a cent of distribution c o s t to the most promising and exciting Jewish Bronx. All this time, how- winter of 19S2-1933, -while hep was •understudying L/uther A t . " dramaturgist in the American you." ever, he was preparing' himself to Roumania, or of any other coun- Colonies. people and the Fascist Party in theatre. write ci>ci:t the r ? o r > he rrpily try. •-. "T.he_ earnestness .and sacrifice Italy are as far from Anti-SemiAlthough as the dramatist of knew. For veer's he Irppt a note- "We regard all these as weak with which Jews have gone to tism as is heaven from earth. The social protest Odets is at his best book in winch lie jotted cewn the copies and distortions of the gen-build up their land has convinced whole history of our people and in "Waiting For Lefty", which, scraps of daily life v h u h premisuine Italian article, of the MUBparty shows this clearly, and hunlike'"Till The Day I Die", utiliz- ed materiel for his future rlcy. solini spirit, one of the basic dred facts attest it. ed the stage as an effective vehi- Even as a hitrh. school sti:ient he points of which is the complete Moscow (WNS)—As the first cle for frankly revolutionary pro- knew he was gOjr.c; to be B "The Jewish people must reequality before the law of all peogard us and judge is in the light step in the creation of a f u 11- paganda, it is in "Awake aad By EOBEKT STONE . pies, races and citizens. fledged institute of scientific re- Sing" that his r e a l promise is "We ask to be judged by the Rabbi Israel H. Levinthal's of what we are, and not in the T h e distinguishing Jewish communities by what we new work, "Judaism," is a signifi- light of those lamentable traves- search in the autonomous Jewish disclosed. ourselves affirm, and not by the cant piece of writing, although ties of Fascism which appear else- region of Biro-Bidjan the "execu- characteristic of this play, which standards which are set by these the essays it contains are virtu- where. Judge us rightly and nottive committee of the region has electrified critics and playgoers, GIXGES ALE ' ', p Y T P ^ f T <v In the light of a distorted view created a permanent committee travesties o£ Fascism. ally reprints of his lectures at the which make3 us out like the for the study of the cultural and is its serious and honest treatLIME EICKEY i " l l ' ; * '"• ^ ; L ment of Jewish American life. "With regard to Hitlerist 'ra- Brooklyn Jewish Center, of which productive possibilities of the re- While it treats the Jews w i t h WHITE SOBA I Lrrrr™ r" Vr.r.%1.": cism,1 our view is that this is thehe is spiritual leader. From the Nazis." by Seven Arts Feature gion and assigned to it a budget sympathy a n d understanding, product of demented men, whopages of this book emanates a Copyright 1935Syndicate Bottle, 12%c | 2 rr. I of 100,000 rubles for 1935. "Awake and Sing" marks a comare BO Minded by their racial il- proud conception of Judaism as The committee will be provid- plete departure from the usual lusions as to regard raceology as •well as a candid optimism con_. ed with historical and press arch- stereotyped handling of this the highest form of science cerning the future of Jewish culives and an academic library. The theme on t h e American stage, achieved during the present cen- ture. This faith Rabbi Levinthal E n g l l S n J e W i y GiVeS » v FlpiTTO' executive committee reports that which up to now has invariably tury. Nevertheless, they do: notbases on his firm belief that for IO 1/riVe B i r o _ B i ( 3 j a n n a s o n e R u s s i a n been farcical or sentimental. really understand it at all. They the Jew "life has always been deregard themselves as members of paper, one Jewish paper, three Odets has broken with the tradi- - 5c The month local papers published by the po-tion of weepy, sentimental, melothe' worthiest nation in the world, pendent on knowledge." The au- London (JTA) yet forget that when Rome had a thor, however, does not believe of march has been proclaimed litical s e c t i o n s and 154 wall Caesar and an established cnl- that the survival of Judaism will "German Jewry's Month" and papers in the collective farms and |! 4 pkp. - - lie t u r e , their forefathers could depend on Palestine alone, and will be devoted to a drive both in industrial plants. he dreads the thought of a world London and in the provinces for neither read nor write. T h e city of Biro-Bidjan also in which we would remain Jews "When I was in Germany," the without Judaism. Says Kabbi Le- raisins funds to help German has a children's library. Progress Jewry. is reported in the telephone, radio Minister continued, "I had an opA report made public by the al- and postal service. Vt'v. I -~ , portunity of discussing the. Jew- vinthal, with genuine pathos: "To ' ish Question with Goebbels, We remain Jews""" without Judaism location committee on the second A request has been sent to the were sitting at breakfast one day,would be worse than death itself drive for funds for German Jewry institute for Jewish Proletarian talking about general questions . . . We would then be nothing: discloses that the Je-ws of Eng- Culture of the Ukrainian Acadeof international politics, and grad- more than ghosts, phantoms of a land contributed from March 1 to my of Science to prepare.a specually drifted into the Jewish ques- dead past, not.dead, and also not Decemher 3.1, 1934, a sum of ap- ial dictionary of Yiddish terms alive." J proximately $900,000, -which av- for Biro-Bidjan. tion. This conclusion to Rabbi Leerages §100,000 a month. It is ex"I firmly believe," said I, "that your fight against the Jews is un- vinthal's analysis of what the pected that a similar average -will necessary for the establishment Jewish - God-idea consists §f and he contributed by British Jewry Public Works of the new regime. Ton've got" to other aspects of Jewish reliigous during the present campaign, Jerusalem—A. sum. of §75,000 s.. me aB typical of •which starts on March 10. get the sympathy of the entire philosophy strike was granted by the Palestine govv the attitude of those of our spirAn appeal to the. Jewish popu- ernment to t h e municipality of itual leaders who believe in a dif- lation: of Great Britain to contri- Jerusalem f o r urgent public ferentiation between Jews and bute to these, funds will be issued works. size Tp i Srr •?. Judaism. In the final analysis Ju- today through the Anglo-Jewish r f OLH ES qcart C C C . ^ A1TSV7-: T. s daism Is merely, the collective press and will be signed by the Jerusalem—The first Dental e ,~j „ Fsucj Assort^ C. " ' " «"•" mentality of our people. To be- most prominent leaders of Bri- Institute in Palestine will be esFICKLES, ?t t l ' C r ; : 7 ' " ' E . ;; .. lieve that Jewishness can be tish Jewry. This will be the third tablished in Jerusalem, it was anmaintained only through know- annual drive conducted by British nounced by the Palestine AssociaPare GrapeJncii <" /-% ^ : . \ . . ; . . v - .ledge and through an assimilation Jewry for the Jews of Germany. tion of Dentists. JUICE, S No. S CSBS *^< C " r r r - "^ v;-rof the cultural values and tradiJaffa (WNS-Palcor Agency)— tions of the Book seems to me * r ! A court decision that is expected most unrealistic. If this were so, to have far-reaching results, with American Jewry would be doomed the likelihood of labor winning to extinction. Jewish education, the next municipal elections in the study of Hebrew and interest Tel Aviv, was handed down here in our religious history are of by Judge William Clive Curry, small concern to the great majorBitting in the Jaffa District Court. ity of the younger generation. the sensafiorral psiezited Cozisen-adoz • ' The test case before Judge Curry And yet Jewish consciousness is in Fairbanks-Morse refrigerator saves involved the right of sub-tenants on the increase. The reason for time . . . saves food. . .-SAVES MONEY in Tel Aviv to vote in the muni- this apparent paradox is that 2 doses Jewish tradition, just like any cipal elections. f.-/, l . f ' -® Hever bsfor© has any one refrigerator imThe Tel Aviv Electoral COOK other racial and national tradimittee, which is dominated by tion, has become an, unconscious, provement createsl • the sertsation tinct tKe the so-called right wing and intangible' feeling in no way deCONSERVADOR has. And no wonder 1 This which kept from the Register of pendent on religious formalities. Voters thousands of Tel Aviv citiRabbi Xievinthal's book, just Fairbanks-Morse inner door stops forever the 0 i California Head * | g* zens, contended that sub-tenants becaus e of his uncompromising most'costly waste in snodsm refrigeration. © • W I LETTUCE, S for &f«>C are.not liable to pay taxes and, faith- in Jewish knowledge, is ex- a The money it saves rncies this refrigerator therefore, have no right to vote. tremely stimulating, regardless of The practice in Tel Aviv, is for what the reader's own interpretathe soundest of. investments. More, convensub-tenants, who occupy. unfur- tion of Judaism may be. • ; . • 2561 FABNAM S I : ' I ient, too! Its shelves place most Irespaerttnished rooms, to pay to the ten-(Copyright, 1335, by Seven Arts Feature ~ Syndicate;) ly isssd. ioods at your Hngsr tips. Sss this . ants a proportionate share of the liouse tax which the tenant pays marvelous new Fairbanks--Morse .ReSriqto the landlord who in turn pays erotor buy. It has'.every.feature the municipality. • . . you have clways wanted.. .Yet costs no'more. Judge Curry ruled that subtenants are liable for taxes and the effect is the same whether they pay their share to the landlords or directly to the -municipality. They are equally entitled to the, voting prerogative, he stated, in setting down the principle of a judgment which immediately favorably affected fifty suits pending against the Electoral Committee. Many more suits that are .pending^ are likewise assured of victory as a result of the ruling. Judge Curry's interpretation of the electoral regulations of the all-Jewish city will add thousands of workers to the registered voters, enabling the so-called progressive group to gain control of the city administration. «•/
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problem and through reliable instead of quack investigations determine the true status of refugee immigration into.the various countries which supposedly invite Jewish settlement. ' Published evei^ Friday at Omaha, Nebraakfli by
Protection from Friends
Footnotes to
New York City production of The Romance of a People. Copyright 1035 br Seven Arts Feature Syndicate
A sad "message was just, then delivered That Sara had just been knocked down By a. dirty hit and run driver Who must have <juickly skipped town.
For our soul is bowed down to They all rushed dovn to the the dust, our abdomen cleaveth hospital By ROBERT STONE unto the earth: Arise for our The following poem was writNot happy' now, but sad help, and redeem us fer Thy • Editorial Office: 500 Brandeis Theater Buildingten by Le Roy Canfiel'd. 12 years XORTH AMERICA And all thanked God in Heaven mercy's sake. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center JEW LEAVES $1,000,000 FOR old, 367 No 41 St. It was written To find she wasn't hurt so bad. DAVID BLiACKER - - Business, and Managing Editor My heart overflowetn with a NON-SECTARIAN HOSPITAL IN to Mrs. Bernstein who was injurFRANK B. ACKBRMAN - - . - , r ' - , - • - -:•'." g d " o r goodly matter, my tongue is the CHICAGO. . . .Hitler never would ed by a hit and run driver as she RABBI! URI MILLER - - - • ••' - Contributing Editor And as I'm sending you this pen ol quick writer. FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent was on her way to an afternoon understand. poem Thou art fairer than the chilANN PILL - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent JEWISH LEADERS REPORT bridge club: AB best as 1 could tell dren of men, grace is poured upon Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street I wish you the best, of happithy Hps, therefore God hath bless- , CANADA SYMPATHETIC T O The club members were fill j JEWISH IMMIGRATION . . . . gathering ! ness ed thee forever. On Wednesday, the niEeieentk And thank God you are getting Hear thi3 all ye peoples, give jThe Immigration Quota nevertheof June well. ear, all ye inhabitants of the I less stands. | HARVARD REBUKES NAZIS Hoping to eajcy the bridge —LE ROY CAKFIELD world, both low and high, rich Canadian religious leaders are happily comprehending that club and poor, together. My mouth BY GIVING HONORARY DEJerusalem — Determined to adthe welfare of their country cannot be best achieved if they are And have a lovely afternoon. snail speak wisdom, and the medi- GREES TO EINSTEIN AND just Palestine's unfavorable trade MANN . . . Harvard should have to Cling to the apron-strings of European hatreds and bigotry. tation of my heart shall be underbalance and to enconrage native given to Hitler the degree o£ DocBut a shadow seemed to be in standing. As a consequence, the preliminary ground has been cleared for industries, the Palestine Governtor of Hate. their hearts TALMUD a Canadian national Conference of Jews and Christians, similar LABOR SCORES TWO TO ONE As a member f-iled to appear ment is planning to impose a During the time when Rabbi And it seemed to grow darker more rJgorouE control of imports to that existing in the United States, for the promotion-of racial Simon -was the prince, Rabbi Na- VICTORY IN ZIONIST CONGfrom Syria. RESS ELECTIONS IN U. S. . . . when all at once than, the president of the Senheunderstanding and suppression of bigotry and doctrinal prei Which proves that no party can It turned into some sort of fear drin, and Rabbi Mair, the sag" judice. of the college; when Rabbi Simon j afford to sit on the fence, Mr. Sara had always been tfcere on The lesson of experience is bitter, and we have but to view •would enter, t h e people arose, j Rothenberg. Says CHRISTIAN - JEWISH GOOD time i Let me protect row tnteneit*. . . likewise when either Rabbi Mair the present European scene, with its" sharpened, animosities and I write INSURANCE of every desCould she hare, stayed home or j cription or Rabbt Nathan entered the peo- WILL MOVEMENT LAUNCHED inclnriine M F E , its «rtro«*. distrusts, its warring belligerency and its constant fear, to degot hurt • rWittfrle eomjiflniei* O S L I . . . . JL«t'» ple would rise. Said then Rabbi IN CANADA . . . . Better late than never. talk It over. termine that on this continent every power must be exerted to But just then they heard the Simon, the prince, "If so, there telephone ring J City Finance & Insurance Co.' is no difference between me and SOUTH AMERICA avert &uch dangerous shoals. Interwoven with our economic probFIRST JEWISH PAPER IN And t h e y all -jumped up in j 14O9 Farnam AT Iliei or WA 6150 the others." He enacted new lems are our social problems, and there can be no social rest or alert. S rules. When the prince enters all PERU REPORTS LACK O F peace in any country where social and religious barriers cause unthe people present in college shall JEWISH BRIDES . . . . Here is _ ' The deed outweighs the talk. The educational process in pro- rise to their feet, while when the a good export business for enterhappiness. president or the sage of the col- prising Polish marriage brokers. Any bickerings on doctrinal differences must necessarily sink moting good-will between religions is important, but its import- lege enters only the people of EUROPE POLAND CLOSES OFFICE OF into oblivion before the cardinal, fundamental truths underlying ance is overshadowed by concrete acts of good-wilL the first and second rows shall Thus, when M. Meyerstein, London Jewish philanthropist, rise. This rule was enacted in the ANTI-NAZI BOYCOTT COMMITall major religions. The energies previously directed toward this of Rabbi Mair and Rabbi TEE . . . . You can close an office djs-harraony should be bent toward unified action in obtaining gives a total of $1,250,000 for a non-sectarian hospital, he fosters Iabsence Nathan, so that on the next day but you can't stop the boycott. true good-will, while serving all humanity. A touching example i when they came and saw the peo- FASCIST PRESS OF CZECHOsocial improvement and the alleviation of social disorders. of good-will from the Gentile to the Jew is contained in the inci- I pie behind the two rows remain- I SLOVAKIA TO DROP ANTI-SE. . . . Wonder who will dent at Hartford. A $500 check to be used by Temple Beth Israel ing seated, they asked the reason {MITISM i pick it once it is dropped. thereof. In answer to which they to promote friendship between the Christians and Jews of- that ^ were told of Rabbi Simon's en- I FIRST BOOK PUBLISHED IN The first pogrom in Berlin to occur since the Hitler revolucity was presented to Rabbi Abraham J. Feldman on his tenth jactment. Rabbi Mair thereupon j JEWISH-ITALIAN DIALECT . . . tion in 1933 took place within the past week. It was not severe, jWhy not call it simply Yiddish. anniversary in Hartford by a committee including Protestant and ; said to Rabbi Nathan, "I am the | SOVIETS ESTABLISH PRInor did it do serious damage, but it is an indictment which the sage and you are the president, Catholic priests and laymen. Dr. John M. Phillips, presenting the let lis enact some rules in our be- VATE PROPERTY IN BIRO BIDNazi authorities will never be able to satisfactorily answer. Dr. half". "What can we do?" Rabbi I JAN . . . ; But you can't deal in Schacht, economic adviser in the Reich, warned Hitler, that vio- check, said: "This is the answer of the Christians in our city to Nathan asked? "Let us ask Rabbi j real estate over there. lence in Germany would show the government to be unstable the flames of anti-Semitism burning cruelly in some parts of the Simon to teach us Tract Uktzin i ASIA • for we are aware that he is not i LIBERAL PAPER URGES JAand would close the doors to foreign loans, so badly needed. Yet world." versed therein, and when he will iPAN TO INVITE EXILED GERhigh Nazi officials openly incited Nazi mobs of ignoramuses and not be able to answer our ques- MAN-JEWISH SCIENTISTS . . . cowardly bullies to raid a Jewish section. The Laborite candidates scored an overwhelming victory in tions, we will say unto him, "He Plenty of invitation and no place Julius Streicher, overlord of Franconia' and as repulsive a the nation-wide elections Sunday to choose American Jewry's who could not teach such a sub- to go. PALESTINE specimen of the human species as has been breeded-in the ken- representatives to the World Zionist Congress in Switzerland. ject could not be a prince. We LAY CORNERSTONE OF HAwill then depose him and you will The Histadruth will have as many delegates as the Mizrachi and nels of Nazism, openly urged physical violence against the GerBIMA FIRST PERMANENT HEtake his place and I yours." RabGeneral Zionist-Hadassah groups combined. bi Jacob overheard this plan and JBREW THEATRE . . . . Which man Jewry in an address before the students of the Erlangen said to himself, "God forbid that ! was founded in the Soviet Union. University. JEWISH SEA-FARING O RRabbi Simon should be embarrasLater, Goering told an audience of 200,000 in Nuremberg to sed." Feeling that it would, be GANIZATION ESTABLISHED . . By PROF. ALBERT EINSTEIN wrong to .disclose it openly, he How about a naval conference befollow 4he anti-Semitic policyof Julius Streicher, which is fully went and sat down in the back of tween Sokolow and the first Lord In times like these when the Jewish community is seriously approved by the government. Then over 10,000 German children, Rabbi Simon and began to study of the Admiralty. members of the Nazi Youth organization, gave their formal oath threatened from outside, it is certainly in order to,become vividly the Tract Uktzin loudly, over and GOVERNMENT MOVES TO conscious of the purpose of our community life since the time of over again. Rabbi Simon, noticing BAN MARRIAGES UNDER FIFto Goering and Steicher **to hate the Jews." . . . . This applies more to 1 The bitterness of the heart that can harbor hatred is its the, prophets, having been faithfully transmitted from generation such a strange act, said to him- TEEN the Arabs. Jewish girls get enself "What does this mean? Perown punishment. It is, however, unfortunate'that innocent people to generation. This purpose is to be found in the principles of so- haps, God forbid, something is go- gaged early but marry late. ARAB MAYOR JOINS WITH must'also suffer from the venom of that hate, for while hatred cial justice, voluntary self-denial and joyful service to one's fel- ing on in the college?" ImmediIN GRANTING CONis a boomerang, yet in its circuitous course it cuts'through the low-human being a3 well as to mankind as a whole. That purpose ately thereupon he took up that JEWS TRACT TO HISTADRUTH . . . . Tract and studied it through. On is expressed in a restless striving toward the perfection of knowlhappy hearts of blameless folk. the next day, his disciples said to g h a t ' s the way! Mr. Jabotinsky, edge. The joy of living and the splendor of all being. him, "Let the master lecture over | please take note. This is the ideal of a community, but not only for the com- Uktzin", which he did open and Copyright 1535 hy Sev»n Art* Feature Syndicate munity alone, but for all humanity. The community stands or falls lecture upon. After he was through, he said to them, "Had A Jewish review of the news of the week would be incomplete by the power with which it embodies thig ideal, for the community my attention not been called to this Tract, I should have been put without' the usual round of bad news from Poland. There, three is only the vehicle of the ideal and has no other purpose. to shame by your plan". million Jews are daily confronted with a hopeless situation, with The basic nature of Judaism automatically imposes upon us He public • • • thereupon gave an order, and • • • fully one million in active danger of starvation. : a community two kinds of obligations. First, we must be alert Rabbi Mair a n d Rabbi Nathan HARRY L. -GLUGKSMAN In Parliament, the discussion is being held on the new elec- and prepared for sacrifice on the side of all those aspirations were removed from the college. Harry JL. Glucksman has just which have a moral goal similar to that described above; second- They would, however, circulate in been elected president of the Natoral law, which would shear the already threadbare Jewish writing, Questions and objections resentation. Dep. F. Rothenstreich rises to speak for the Jewish ly, we must keep our own community healthy and creative so that and throw them into the college. tional Conference of Jewish Social Service. Has a pleasant round faction. His address quiets the unruly parliament, He eloquently it may conserve and increase its value for the achievement of the To the questions that could not face. Wears glasses. Has an infecbe solved in college, they would asserts that "The Jewish population regards the few seats allowed great goal of humanity. This responsibility to strengthen our own tious smile and a hearty laugh. Is themselves write the answers and them like a bone thrown to them, prompted only by a wish to ranks is particularly pressing in times of moral disintegration send them again to college. Rab- a convincing speaker, perhaps because of his knowledge of psy• avoid the appearance that the Jews have been entirely deprived and intensified national egoism when our enemies gain ground bi Jose then exclaimed. "The Tor- chology. Changes his tone and •j ' of representation." He continues in a logical vein, but when the dangerously - - - those enemies who are also the foes of true hu- ah is outside and we without the j technique according to the charTorah should remain inside the TKe Nebraska serves die man progress. ] balloting is taken, the law passes by a vote of 277 to 114. college?" Rabbi Simon observing acter of his audience. Can be soothing or tough, as the occasion MAN IN WHITE with the j As an indication of the trend, in Warsaw, authorities found In such times as these consideration for the preservation of to what it might lead, thereupon demands. Grasps things Quickly said, "Let them come back to colsmartest of summer weaves* ': it expedient to seize every newspaper reporting the fact that the Jewry comes foremost. Today it is our duty to put all available lege, however, they must be pun- and always submits to logic and ? headquarters of the Jewish anti-Nazi boycott committee had been Jewish forces, if possible exclusively, at the disposal of the cur- ished that no Halacha shall be fairness. Believes - - perhaps subNew sports suits, new single consciously - - that time is a powj closed by the government. The mayor of Grodna, scene of a re- rent relief activities. Particularly essential is it to provide help for proclaimed in their names. Hence erful and douhle*bre&steds, plain ally. Therefore he rarely J cent pogrom, appeals to the population to "enlighten the misled" the upbuilding of Palestine for this work showed itself in this Rabbi Mair was named Acherim loses his poise and refuses to be or sports bsck, e g g s h e l l (anonymous) and Rabbi Nathan, | and maintain order. His appeal will not quiet things, but a strong time of persecution as a refuge and as a moral support unparal- Yes Omrim (some say). Both had stampeded into hysteria because homespuns, seplijT crash, emergencies. An emergency, in leled among all other organizations, no matter how meritorious dreams to reconcile with Rabbi of ; arm and the willingness to use it would do much. his point of view, must also be and other attractive special Simon, -w&ereupon Rabbi Nathan able to stand the test ot time. Is a g Of course, in Poland the main cause of Jewish economic suf- they may be. did; so, while Rabbi Mair said that loyal and devoted friend. Somefeature weaves ia whiteand i fering is the growth of government monopolies. As the voracious Without Palestine, the horrors of recent years would have dreams must not be regarded. times, in a weak moment, he shadings on white. All that government monopoly absorbs industry after industry, those at been even more terrible and the demoralization of the Jewish promises too much, but he always makes a game effort to ma&« the head fire the Jewish employers and employees who helped build people far greater. Today, therefore, we should with particular is new In white Is here.good. Is a keen judge of human the industries up. The latest example of economic repression oc- gratitude remember Theodore Herzl and the prophetic visionary nature (again the psychologist) curred when the authorities decided to bar Jewish distillers from insight with which he foresaw the threatening danger in all its and knows how to pick a good man with unerring accuracy. the liquor trade. Seventy-five per cent of the distillers are Jew- magnitude. He died early, a sacrifice to his superhuman efforts Loves bridge, which he plays reish, and an estimated 20,000 more Jews will be thrown out of in the battle against misunderstanding and indifference. May our To The Editor, of the Jewish markable well. Even at this game work. _ Press:— present generation at least prove worthy of him. loses his temper. Doesn't Will you kindly express i he never ; The situation of Polish Jewry remains in a highly gy critical through your columns the thanks believe in crying over spilt milk any time. Is a hard worker. state. There is no fanfare, no \hullabaloo concerning the oppresof Mrs. Rosenblum a n d myself at Does a lot of work in a short time sion of the Jewish population in Poland, but though slower and for the many courtesies shown us because he only tackles things Thurs., July 18 by our Omaha friends on our re> quieter, its destructive influence is as potent as that .in Germany. Shiba Asar B'Tammuz that are ripe in his mind. If in cent trip there? They are too doubt he doesn't act but waits for] Ab 31 \ , : t Tisha B Ab Thurs., Aug. 8 numerous to write them personal- developments. Is genuinely noni *Rosh Chodesh Elul ;....Fri., Aug. 8 ', ly, and hence, I am taking this partisan. Doesn't mind reaching s I opportunity of extending to each his goal via detours if this is ne§ and all of them our deep appreci- cessary to avoid hurting people. 5696 — 1935 If the Jewish refugee problem were not so tragically serious, t ation for their expressions of His sense of humor never leaves! Rosh Hashonah, 1st day t Sat> Sept 28 we would be inclined to mock at the confusion which exists in the friendship shown us in many him, and communicates itself to i Rosh Haahonah, 2nd day S u n - )S e p t > 2 9 placing of homeless, desperate bodies of humans. ways. others. Is a bor* chairman and t It is indeed gratifying to re- negotiator. Knows a lot but spills Fast of Gedaliah _ ^ . MoTL> S e p t 3 Q An impartial observer of the scene,, viewing the situation J turn to the "old home town" and bis experiences and knowledge in _ i M from a mountain top, would come to the conclusion that a game Yom Kippur : know that you are not forgotten an unassuming matmer. Makes' i ; Sat Qct is being played. Today, reports are printed that Albania would Succoth, 1st day and that the old friends are still friends and keeps them. DATA . . s O c t 1 3 Interested in you. welcome Jewish settlement; tomorrow, the import of the report Succoth, 2nd day 1 Thanking you, and with kind Ose of the founders of the JewPrL> O c t 1 8 is denied. Today, Syria is announced as not only eager but anxious Hosha'ana Rabba regards to all our ofinaha friends, Mi center movement. Has been g a t to have Jewish refugees; tomorrow, Syria puts on a string of con- Shemini Atseret _ I aid. executive director of the Jewish g o t 9n ditionB that makes the invitation a farce. Today, South America Sunchat Torah Welfare Board since its inception. Very truly yours, wants to be enriched by Jewish colonization; tomorrow, the LatinARTHUR ROSENBLUM Is a past president of the Nation-j Only Best Ezspei j al Association Of Jewish Center _ _ . W e i f N o v .2 7 Amejtfcan countries have no such intent. And so it goes on, end- Rosh Hodesh Kislev Seersucker* Executives. Was formerly vicej Peru Paper Are Good Enough! Are the Best I ; s D e c 2± lessly ...-." while, in the meantime, the Jewish refugees sink deep- Chanukah, 1st day Lima, Peru — A shortage; of president of the Jewish Board of Guardians. Serves oa the Council i Rosh Hodesh Tebet er aijjfl deeper in their bog of misery* ! Jewish brides and a total lack of I anti-Semites are reported in the and Admistratlve 'Committee ef j JTtie public mind is becoming dulled to these "off again and NOTE-Holidays begin in the evening preceding the dates first issue of the feruaaer Yid- the Jewish Agency for Palestine. on ajgain" reports. Witn all the Jewish agencies clamoring for designated. signated dishe Zeitung, the; first Jewish Is treasurer of:the American PalCORFJSOT FOR JiSN AKO WOMEN leadership, surely one can take hold of this altogether serious newspaper in the history of Per- estine Campaign. Was chairman *Ros hChodesh also observed previous day. of the pageant committee for the uvian Jewry.
Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - 52.00 Advertising rates fnrnlshea on application. : ,
United Instead of Divided
One does not have to look afar for bad news. Another hope of the Jewish people has turned out to be a bubble, which burst at the first pin-prick. Zionists in all parts of the world had laid high hopes in Malcolm MacDonald as the new British colonial secretary, who was expected to materially boost Jewish aspirations in the Holy Land. MacDonald himself blasted these high hopes by placing himself on record this past week against liberalization of rules governing immigration of Jews into Palestine. In a letter answering a query from the "pro-Zionistically-minded Colonel Wedgwood, MacDonald talked "absorptive capacity." "Absorptive capacity" is a smoke-screen behind which English authorities have hid for many months; it has become the emblem of convenient dismissal of a trouble subject. But, the Zionists frankly did not expect to hear it from the new colonial secretary, least of all so soon after taking office. To make matters worse, he said that immigration rules in Tranjordania would not be relaxed, and as far as Cyprus is concerned, the rigid laws will remain "for the benefit of the inhabitants." The incident recalls to mind the old proverb of being able to take care of your enemies by yourself, if God will protect ycu from your friends.
Outweighed by Deeds
and Zephyr Ci*ash
Poland's Enigma
' White Sports,
i i
Letters to the Editor
Genuine 'Goodall
Palm Beach Suits
Tragic •» Comedy
?t S
Mark Twain Imported
Irish Linen Suits
*Rosh Hodes* Heshvan.
Haspel Lorraines
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1935. ON~ TRIP Richard Hiller, after spending a short stay at Camp Nebagomon, at Superior, Wis., where he was a. counselor last year, will go to Mason. City, la., on business.
Card Party.Sunday ! i 'I
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Riklin left Sunday, June 20, for a ten weeks' trip through the east.
Mr. Jay Barmlsn ot Des Moines, formerly of Omaha and a member of the Psi Mu fraternity, will be married, Sunday, July 7, to Miss Helen Ginsburg of Dea Moines.. Messrs. Iz Bogdonoff, Henry Ginsburg, and Jay Sadofsky, who will be best man, are motoring to Des Moines to attend the wedding.
FOR FOURTH Mr. and Mrs. William Bogdonoff and Mr. .and Mrs. Iz Bogdonoff spent the fourth of July visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Bogdonoff, of Kansas City, formerly of Omaha. Mrs. William Bogdonoff w i l l extend her visit for several days.
HOUSE GUESTS Mrs. Jack Selinsky Saylan has as her house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Harris Sirinsky a n d son, Laurence Allan, of Chicago. Mrs. Sirinsky was formerly Miss Shirley Ruback of Omaha. CONVALESCING Mr. Louis Paperny and his TRIP TO WEST daughter, Rose, are convalescing Mrs. Jennie Kotler has left for from the wounds which they sufan extensive trip to the W e s t fered during a hold-up on June 8. coast. TO KANSAS CITY MONTH IN OMAHA Miss Rhoda Gilinsky left TuesMr. Michael Pitlor of New York day morning to vacation two City is spending a month's vaca- weeks in Kansas City where she tion in Omaha, visiting relatives will visit friends and relatives. and friends. He Is the house guest
FIFTEENTH WEDDIXG AJ.TVIVEKSAR1T On Sunday evening, June 30, thirty five members of the immediate family surprised Mr..and Mrs. Ed. Simon, on their fifteenth •wedding anniversary. The mem- of his brother-in-law and sister, bers of the family presented them Mr. and Mrs. Leonard "Pinkowitz. with a living room suite. Mr. Pitlor Bpent Sunday, June 23, in Lincoln, visiting another sister, Mrs". Dean Davidson. SURPRISE PARTY AXD DINNER Seven couples of the immediate LINCOLN VISITOR family attended a surprise party Norma Dorothy Davidson, of and dinner on Tuesday evening, Lincoln, is visiting her cousins, J a n e 25, which was held in cele- Evelyn and Doris Pinkowitz. At bration of the first wedding an- a party given by Doris and Eyaniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Sam lyn. Wednesday, June 26, on the Rothenberg. They presented the occasion of Doris' eleventh birthRothenbergs with a hospitality day, Norma was an honor guest, ; as was Naomi Pitlor, who is leavtray.
ENTERTAIN ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lazarus entertained five couples Sunday evening, June 30, at the 60 club, as a combination celebration, of the fourth wedding anniversary of their daughter and their son-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. David Krantz, and of the opening of their son's two week engagement as a soloist at the club. HONORS BRIDE Miss Edith Oatravich was hostess at dinner and bridge at the Hamilton cafe Monday, In honor of Miss Sara Levine, whose marriage to Phil Ostravicb, took place yesterday. ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE Mrs. Al Cutler entertained five tables of bridge, Sunday a f t e r noon, in honor of Miss Sara Levine and Miss Ethel Rubin, brides -to-be.
ing for Arizona, and Shirley Lou and Joan (Krause of Council Bluffs. 24 little guests attended Decorations were carried out In pink and green. Games were played, and prizes given the winners.
TO CHICAGO Eva Ruderman and her cousin, Belle Ruderman. left for Chicago, Saturday. June 29, where t h e y will vacation two weeks with their aunt and uncle.
RETURNS FROM CHICAGO Miss Lillian Poster recently reTOUR ON WEST turned from a two weeks' stay COAST in Chicago, where she visited her Mr. and M r s . Henry Newman relatives. left for a month's t o u r of the western coast. CONVALESCING AT HOME Mr. H. Smith is h o m e conFROM SIOUX CITY vaJsecing f r o m a recent operaMiss Florence Lohrman, form- tion. erly of Omaha, now of Sioux City, is spending a week here visiting RECOVERING " friends and relatives. Mr. Isadore B e b e r, of 4431 South 25 St. is recovering from TO MINNEAPOLIS an appendix operation. Mrs. M. Ruddy l e f t Saturday June 29, to spend ten d a y s in Speaks ol Transient Camp Minneapolis, as a guest of h e r brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Harry Mendelson, writer and Mrs. J. Garfin. student of ancient cultures, spoke last Wednesday evening at the Transient's Camp to a group of TO LOS ANGELES , Paul and Abe Bernstein l e f t close to a hundred, on Bible, for Los Angeles where they will Archaeology, ancient folk-lore and spend a three weeks' stay a n d customs., R. H. Lohrberg, in will visit their friends and rela- charge of the program at the govtives. • •••••••• . • - -•••'••-. ernment camp, presided.
HONOR MRS. GOLDWARE A group of-jnembers front tlieWomen's Mlzrachl organization honored Mra. J. Goldware at her home June1 24 at a surprise party, TO VISIT IN OAKLAND on the occasion ot h e r twentyMiss Sara Ferer is leaving tofifth wedding anniversary. She day, for a two months' stay in was presented with a silver gift. Oakland, California, as a house guest of her brother and sisterANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Ben Marylander in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Ferer announce the birth of a son at the VISITING IN Clarkson hospital, Friday, J u p e MINNEAPOLIS 28.
TO RESIDE IN COLUMBUS Mr. I. Hurwltz, who has been a resident of Omaha s i n c e 1910, during which period he was active in the 'National Worker's Alliance, the Poale ZIon and was secretary of the B'nai Jacob Synagogue, left Tuesday, July 2, for Columbus, Ohio, where he w i l l make his future home -with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mellman.
. " • ' . " .
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Greene are spending several days visitRETURNS FROM HOLLYWOOD ing Mr. Greene's parents, Mr. and Louis Bablor returned from a Mrs. H a r r y Greene of Minneathree week's stay in Hollywood,, polis.
California, where he wa3 a house guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr, PICNIC PLANNED and Mrs. A. Bablor. The Ladies Free Loan society Is planning a picnic at Elmwood 1 HOUSE GUESTS FROM park, Sunday, July 21. An 85ROCK ISLAND piece dinner set, donated by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. L. Sax and their Riekes, will be drawn for. Everydaughter, Esther, ot Rock Island, one is Invited to attend. _ Illinois, are house guests of Mrs. Sax's brother-in-law a n d sister, TRIP THROUGH MEDDLE WEST Mr. and Mr3. E. Block. Mr. Manuel Ruddy left Sunday, June 30, for a six weeks' business FOR INDEFINITE STAY trip through the middle west. Miss Sylvia Weiner is leaving tomorrow for an indefinite stay WEEK-END GUEST In Chicago and Detroit, where flhe Miss Rose Shyloff of S i o u x will visit her relatives a n d City, w a s a week-end guest of friends; Miss Rose Weiner.
The Ladies auxiliary of Congregation of Israel • w i l l sponsor a card party Sunday evening, July 7, at 8 p. m. ia the auditorium, of
the synagogue, 25th & J streets. The auditorium is air-cooled, and arrangements have been 1 made "to make this aa outstanding affair. Refreshments will be served. Useful prizes will be given each table. Admission is 2 5 cents per person. Mrs. Sam Canar is general chairman. She is assisted by the Mesdames Dave Flanchek, Sam Bronstein, Morris Lipsman and ! Harry Fladerman.
including Hank (LieberroRr.'S Mann. The one newcomer is i^t two-hundred-aml-fifty-pound J r v ish laddie, Dewey Robinson. MSI.T; looked Kobinson over i;.nd hcwciled, "With £.11 these eM»fc'JHollywood —• We count this has a-,,knife-edged wit. At the Mo! pie-tossers they ha.vp to go <>ti!. tion Picture Engineers' banquet the best scoop of tbe season . . . . Louise Rainer, the coming sensa- he announced into the "mike" j and get an amateur!" tional star, is one of the Chosen that he didn't know much about j
People! She is very young, dark, petite, and is famous for her "world's most beautiful eyes." She was born in Dusseldorf, Germany . . . the daughter of a merchant. You'll hear ciore about her later.
EiondeH'E, most-pvhci, engineering, so, with Milt Gross [ Joan inflexions, "Hulloa . . . Gooood- \ possession is ait old faded t-invA bye!" And Eg&in at the recent; of in u fc i c called "Bcauii.'^l; gathering of Armenian doctors, | SHOW" . . . it v-es written yps.-f he didn't have anything to ERV ; ago by her father for bis Pbr-v t h a t would interest them . . . so, j "K&tzeniammer Ktde." . . . he stuck out his tongue and ! said, " a - a - a - h ! " •
And once there was nv, tious supervisor viio, vlie We checked the rumor . . . . Louise Henry (Keiman) also beTid-bits from Talkie Town: ; for his opinion of P said, "I'm not longs to Echul-goicg kinsfolk. Winchcll and Eernie . . . those. squeakie, r I ^", two1 professional feudists . . may : £° advancement , .... I didn't A knowing way of the Boule- at last come to terms. There is ': vard quips: "that Thalberg-Shear- a plan to feature them together • er baby is like most of the Thai- in a picture. Vicki Baum is back ; Cheerio: Saturday evening saw the for- berg productions . . . . super-spe- in town, writing a musical. Mac • mal opening dinner-dance of the cial, but a little postponed." By West visited the SEE Diego Fair i Inc. Omaha chapter, Variety club, at the by, the barabina is to be call- . . . was fascinated by the micl-j the Paxton hotel, with an attend- ed Katherine. Thalberg was so gets, especially herself in minia- ] F T C ance of approximately four hund- nervous the day of the arrival tvfe . , . sent them &12 gifts. Paul-! A group of cirls K n ci e v red persons. that he had to call his to the ette Goddard's father, Joe Levee, T h i s is a national theatrical hospital to keep him company in is a film salesman and in attend- ; sponsorship o£ Eve Jxor.ecky b David Lazarus formed a club to be known juand film industry social organizaing the present convention in Ci- : E. T. C. sorority. The proup P ! David Lazarus, who is steadily tion which "was founded in Pitts- a game of backgammon. neina City. Mas Reinhardt is o££ ]social activities for the Buns rising in the musical ranks, is burgh some years ago f o r both here on a two weeks engagement charitable and social purposes. . Here's a poser . . . What flicker to Epsnd the summer &t liis thea- and will hold educational <;.nd at the 60 club and has been mak- From the original chapter in i grossed more than any other in tre in Salzburg, Austria. Ann; tural meetings during the viiing a hit with the record-breaking Pittsburgh this fraternal group cinema history? No, not the (Rosenblatt) Ronnell will present! Officers of t h c sorority i audience during the first week of has grown so that there are now "Birth o£ a Naticn" . . but Al Jol- Ler musical fantasy, "Magic in : Mildred Berg, president, E d ', Spring" at Radio City. Eaclie Canhis engagement. branches of it in the leading son's "Singing Fool," his second lor jumped out ot a hospital bed ! Schneider, weeteiary-r e p c r i Last Saturday evening at the cities. talkje, which poured fire million to celebrate his twenty-iirst wed- j Miriam Lieb, treasurer. opening of the Variety Club, he Harry J. Shumow president, i dollars into the boz-office till. ding anniversary a t . his Beverly ! The <!irei oulir.g win be }>!,-> thrilled his listeners with his and Edward Shafton secretary, Hills home , . . refused to return i supper at Elm^coci park, Tlv deep rich, baritone voice, in the j were chief among the guiding inThere's a policeman stationed to the hospital. j tlay, July I I . same manner that he excited the fluences in organizing the local outside the door of the Marx musical audiences in the east club. brother's set. A shrewd observer with his rendition of such favorWalter Stoefler and his record- I remarks that his purpose is less il According to reports, the "Inites as "Life is a Song" and "Star ing orchestra and David Lazarus, | to keep intruders out and more ternational Film Congress" in Dust". Omaha's own baritone, were part ! to keep the Marxes in. Berlin was a pretty pale flop . . . While h e r e in Omaha, he is i of t h e unusual array of talent cost the German theatre exliiblstaying at the home ot his par- I that provided the entertainment Mlchele Zillberg 5s an extra . . ' tors a mere 2 4 0,000 gold, mark? ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lazar- ! for the club but when work is scarce he be- . . . End ignited numerous ppprks nn£. finger V-TV us. comes producer, director, writer, of dissension Era crip thp flelp-. THE XKW Lazarus, whose stage name is : cameraman of his own leatur- gate?. Lawrence, has appeared in many Kotos JVnnsnpnf. Wurr ettes. He made "Basasr" with of the leading shows and places Before an appreciative audi- three players and the pedestrians They're making an old-time pic- iio rnacliinerj- smfl no of entertainment on both coasts. ence, Cantor H a r r y Sendgr o£ in a Mexican street. city issctl! at f?o, «p, screamie out st Warners' While at the Clover Club and the Chicago, gave a concert, singing - "Ac Era.n<3»is for which they gathered Cocoanut Grove in Los Angeles, Jewish f o 1 k songs and Hebrew A T. he was praised sky high by the melodies, at the Beth Hatnedrosh attraction in a London theater. . E cast of famous pie-throwing One day recently work was 'comedians o£ Meek Sennett ciF.ys, musical critics, w h o forecast a synagogue, last Sunday evening. s l a c k . . . . he wondered where he brilliant career for young LazaThis was the first appearance could raise the necessary SS.10 to 15s»fSJ$f«s$$»3^k3^^^ rus. of Cantor Sender in Omaha. He produce another cne-reeler- SudHis most recent Tole w a s in was with the famous Cantor denly the phone rang . . . it was "Parade", t h e much-discussed j Rosenblatt choir and four j-ears a director from a major studio . . leftist production of the New ! ago was associated with Cantor he'd heard that Eillberg was in York Theatre Guild. jPincbik in Detroit. the producing game, and did he Prior to work with the Guild, have a job for s. good director? he was^in Max Reinhardt's "Mid- j Joseph Liiserberg, Presides! • Ziilberg »said he was sorry . . . summer Night's Dream". 1 M o s c o w—Joseph Liberberg, his staff was all filled In . . . but After a two week's engagement j president of the Jewish autonom- . . . could the director use a good at the 60 club he will fly back to i ous district in Biro-Bidjan, the extra for a day or two as he needthe east for casting in some musiFar Eastern section of Soviet ed a little additional financing cal productions. Russia, was elected President of for his picture! The director may the Municipal Council in the city recover . . . of Biro-Bidjan, the capital of the Jews Participate in district. i Director Roubefi Mansouiian v
Variety Club
In Concert
Here are these •exciting newr
Polish Red Cross
Wassaw—For the first time in the history ol Poland, 3ews are participating in the Polish Red Cross. A large Red Cross committee was formed here last week with RECIPES OFFERED A handsome booklet ot care- important Jewish organizations fully selected Kosher Recipes has invited to cooperate.
been prepared by the Kosher Division of the Thousand Window Bakeries. These recipes are "simple and economical and tasty. Readers ot the Press may obtain this booklet free upon request. State whether you w a n t the recipes In English or Yiddish and address your request to the Kosher Division, Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company, Long Island City,
Ireland, Too Dublin—The first self-avowed anti-Semitic newspaper in Ireland appeared in Dublin last week. It i s * - n a m e d Aontas Gaedheal, (Weekly Post).
lews, Miss Lucille Faulkner, skin analyst, will gire mentary facial. l*oa w e under BO obligation.
a compli-
—for this week only—©sr regislar $7.50 Peacock permanent wave a t only $5.00. T&e regular $5.00. wave s-t - - $S.5O
PEACOCK BEAUTY SALON 202 Securities Beading
. •
Erening Appointracnis can be Eisde •n-ith t^en expert •beauticians
Balboa, Canal Zone^—A limited number of German Jewish professors and scholars h a v e been placed In the universities of Peru, Argentina, Ecuador and Chile, according to Prof. Samuel Guy Inman, associate of League of Nations High Commissioner for German Refugees MacDonald.
! i
Contribution by Dutch-Queen
Amsterdam—Queen Wilhelmina this week made a large contribution to the Jewish Invalid VISITS WITH PARENTS CONVALESCING David Lazarus; who has a two- Arthur Roslnsky, who was one Association which opened a camweek engagement at the 60 club, of the riot victims, is now rapidly paign for funds to provide tor its members. " will vacation here with his par- convalescing. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Laza TUB.
VACATIONING IN MOINES Miss Ethelyn Kulakofsky is vacationing two weeks in Des Moines. While there she will be the house guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Davidson. HERE FOR WEDDING •Mrs. M. B. Silberman and her baby daughter, Cyrllle Gay of Chicago, came here to attend the wedding of her brother,' Sam Greenberg, to Mildred Lipsey, on Sunday, June 23. Mrs. Silberman is a house guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Greenberg.
- - proudly presents - -
One of our own—born and reared in Omaha. Just completed a successful winter at the Theatre Guild in New York. Hear Win sing the popular ballads, "Star Dust," "Blue Moon" and other requesS numbers.
HELEN WEHELE Broadway's Ultra Modern Acrobatic Dancer
O Rising' food prices present a real problem in many homes . . . but to Westisghouss marsers they simply mean larger cask savings from a paying investment! Don't let .tne High Cost of Living fores you" into sacrifices . . . get & Westingcouse Eefrigerator aad s?e how easy it is to save as inuck as $3.00 a week or more en yotir Jbousehold budget! You save fotir ways — by buying ia larger quantities at lower prices — by baying- on "bargain days" wbeji thrsg-s are cheaper — by reducing: foo^ "sp&l&se — asd by cutting down your actual refrigeratloa costs. It's easy . . . let us skow yea how. See the sew Westis^lurase Streamline models •with estra-saving features. Ho obligation. Come in for a eomplete demonstration today.
The Charming Priraa Donna Songstress O O
When buying
Speedy Dance Teisan _
Open Evenings
Fe? Eeservatioas sad Party Arrasgsmeats SfeL WA "sssssny^'"
!r e*-
C it's astonishing1 what new freedom. Smartness,, one economy Hv kNEE-HiGH {lives you? This i hosiery c o e s so perfectly v women trice' to do by rolling 'wi I', c lhi;?fi'v< f.
1 mm.
m mi
i TROTZKY ABKIVES IN NORWAY—Traveling incognito and minus his beard, Leon Trotzky, noted Russian exile, is shown coining down the gangplank of the steamer thai brought him to a small town thirty miles outside of Oslo, where he will remain sis months with the permission of the Norwegian government. His wife (first at left) precedes hiir..
FATHER AND SON—Ramsay MacDonald (right), former British Prime Minister and now Lord President of the Council, and his son Malcolm MacDonald, who is Colonial Secretary in the new British Cabinet, as they entered the House of Commons together. The picture is unusual in that Mr. MacDonald is not wearing glasses.
DNSrSPECTING—A man with a miniature camera snapped this picture of the Prince of Wales and his brothers, the Duke of York, and the Duke of Kent (right) they watched the running of the historic Gold Cup race at Ascot, England, unaware of the photographer. The gray high hats are traditional' costume for the races.
• a
RUSSIAN BEAUTY — T h e Princess Natalie . Paley, half sister of the Grand Duchess Marie of Russia, as she arrived in New York on her way to appear in a Hollywood picture. She expects to make acting a career, and incidentally to become thoroughly Americanized.
?3SSIGNAEr TO U. S.—-Bishop Policary Korusca. of the
IT'S TIME FOR YACHTING, BOYS—There's a good stiff breeze at Glen Cove, L. I., as Blue Jacket, owned by Victor A. Romagna, defeats Black Jack, owned by Robert W. Praser, in the 84th Annual*Regatta held by the New York Yacht Club.
recrntlr appointed Missionary Eisliop tc the United States. Ke is shevr. as lie arrived in Nev; York City. The Rumanian Church is a branch of the Greek Orthodox Church.
& •i>
1H H
NEW BRITISH CHAMPION—Alfred Perry, 30-year-old English professional,';who. won the British Open Golf championship at Muirfield, Scotland, with a total of 283 strokes for the 72 holes. On the last morning he went over the difficult course in an amazing 67.
NOT FOR HER—No old swimming hole for Maxine Jennings, of "the films; she wants the whole ocean, and to prove it breaks out in a swim suit that
AND PADDY DO THEIR STUFF—Alfred E. Smith "fory1* opens a drive by the Humane Society of New York for to establish new watering stations by presenting his famous brown derby to Paddy, who is official mascot of the so Padd ^^' y b a r k e d a P o l i t e "thank you" and disappeared after a cat.
blue the b o S c ^ d S g o S y S e d i n white! andtiil huge hat is bright red, with red and white ribbons^
M O R G A N ' S TEEASUSE— Probable buyers and art lovers admiring part of the S00 miniatures put on sale in London. England, and said to be worth, $2,500,000. Mr. Morgan declared he put them on sale to get some hard cash,to pay his inheritance taxes when he dies.
mm^mmsmm ,^, -i.-»'-< >T>Ki*r'-S)v.\. :.
•WHAT^^^inS^ WHATS T I S DIVORCE ; THING?—Mr. THING?—Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs.Georee George\ X>amp> of. -Pittsburgh as they celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary recently. Attending were 12 of their 22 children. 36 grandcliUdren, and 27 great-grandchildren, with a meeting held in a large grove, since the house was too smalL
OLDEST RAILROAD VIADUCT—The Thomas Viaduct at Relay, Md., has given continuous service for a full century, carrying the heaviest trains. The 103-year-old locomotive and coaches of the 1830's are here followed by the latest streamlined train that began using the viaduct the other day in its New York-Washington run.
CASE FIGURE —" Arthur Carmichael, Detroit attorney ."brought a claim against the Yawkey estate on behalf of bis foster sister, who said she was the daughter of William H. Yawkey, lumber multi-millionaire. It was this case that Howard Dickinson came to Chicago, to fight-When he was, found murdered in a public park the day after he arrived.
1ACKH3 A BEAU BUOMMEJL—It wasn't so long sgo that Jackie Coogan was a child star, and now they've got him mixed •up with the Hollywood cuties. Toby Wing was supposed to be bis steady, but here he is seen dancing wits. Betty arable in a Hollywood night club—and sre people cuessingf fTiTTftif ?! T ?CT ? t
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i #«•«•
By Mrs. David M. Newman
tist who believes his plays eJiruji fill audiences with t h e f?.«!in t h a t t h i s is a dislocated vvivi and t h a t m e n m u s t snap i hi>.\ into place. He holds that T>f'**""i {Continued From Page S) should express convictions, v. .' Odets has opened the door to the opinions. tragedies, frustrations, desperaAnd that's the philosophy a tions end. problems which are the the young: Jew who has over^ici-: daily mete of an average Jewish found himself the most t&.:S.T>: family in the Bronx. With am a in- about personality in the wov?£ •'• effective insight, Odets prej sent'ed'an "adjustment'in the lives. playwrighting.
Graham Cracker Cake ! JEWISH ELECTIONS j\ Yiddish actors out of work, Use 1 cup sugar, % cup but-1 Max Reinhardt has a list of forty a x tpr 3 p£?s<; wpll bpatpn 3i CUD i ^ Reinhardt for the first. the milk,3 28 graham . j. .^ . ter, eggs wellcrackers, beaten, *. .cup ^ travelled by air' payroll Gernan for artists in subsidies exile on . . . monthly fr flour, 2 teaspoons baking . pow- ° m Hollywood to New York only Eddie Cantor's "death" was ruder, 1 -cup chopped walnuts. because he did not want to dismored recently and city editors Roll graham crackers until appoint Prof. Albert Einstein who ~~ fine. Sift 3 times. Cream butter had come specially to New York got excited . . . . One enterprising !jo f k i s characters, rather than an ![ reporter got Eddie on the wire adjustment of environment. Scru. ! c sugar, add dry ingredients]to be present at a Reinhardt lunOne of the most significant and that is the driving of automo- tine on Saturday; Shabat Shalom. and che and asked him for a statement . . ! p u l o u s ] y avoiding anything that' 5MggCSl milk alternately, then t h e ! ° n . . . . Meyer W. Weisgal, and biles on the Sabbath. As a rule, To the visitor, the most interby-products of the rebuilding Eddie replied: . . . "I'm sorry but | s m a c k e d of the physical or psyof the Jewish Homeland is the a person driving his car is seldom esting activity on a Shabat is to beaten eggs. Add baking powder, j Producer, was the fellow who got last of all molested. The music begins, howvisit the synagogues. Where is 'Revival of the Jewish Sabbath. Paris (WNS)—A Mr. Schwartz, who is now in ever, when a taxi driver attempts there is to be found such variety? in layer that Jewish orpEnizattom; Palestine, gives a human pic- to solicit business. T h e r e are To the present writer the most in- When cool France should launch a in c: ture of what the Jewish Sab- many interesting places to go to teresting synagogue he has ever ing or coffee icing. tions for the World Zionist Con- shivering lest his plays lose some | character in its growth and disinment lor fostering Jewish ee><i bath revival means to the spiri- in Palestine—many ^interesting seen was that to be found in the of their. Marxian flavor . . . . j tegration, his native flavor for gress the employes of the Z. O. A. Coffee Icing nation, in the French colonies ; tual and cultural life of the sights to see)—and the people are old. city of Jerusalem, where a A Take 3 tablespoons "melted b u t - j i n N e w York voted almost unan- Wonder if you noticed that Al I humor and his knack o£ employat leisure. It is not s t r a n g e , group of Oriental J e w s , sitting Vishub. . ; .The Editor. Jolson, in his broadcast two < vernacular to display true ; Procecioraces ^ a s m a d. e fcv i n g t n e . therefore, however regretful it cross-legged on the floor were ter, 2. cups powdered sugar, 4 j "nously^f or the Labor ticket :C f i n a a s weeks ago, gave a big boost to a { emotion pic' f o r m p r Coionial e l n o t l o n ccreated r e ated a New a true-to-Iife truetofe p teaspoons coffee. Blend sugar and ~ " *~1" may be, that some taxi drivers listening to t h e i r rabbi explain ter, in an interview with the « f . ; JERUSALEM: The two ; strikeighty per cent of the Hadassah summer hotel, the very same ho- ]t n r e o f j e T i s n h o m e l i I e . T h e * coffee in the butter and cream seize the opportunity to convert the "Sedra." Of course on a Sabl s h V is ing features in Palestinian life previous he had j Bergers, as Odets created them ie r '_P JresT' . f :. women also vote,d for the L a b o r ' t e l . t h a t a i s m E are -revivals. Revival of the He- their cars on the Sabbath to sight- bath you will go to the Wailing until light and fluffy. Milk may ticket and two Hadassahites cast labeled "lousy' The reason jji,-„ "A*rat c and „„* Sir-g", s w . are sr* the I Jewish "Awake n be'-added to, keep-icing of right seeing purposes and to that end Wall, "where continuous services f o r t n 5 s brew language and revival .of the Ludwigj reversal was a 5100,000 ! Jewish people upstairs or n e x t in the development of Ppl Mizrachi ballots consistency to spread. Jewish Sabbath. It is quite as may occasionally publicly solicit are held. Lewlsohn, who i s - a staunch b e - ; E m i t which was finally settled in ! door, people you end I know. j and asserting that he had w a yet witnessed such a rapi As t h e Sabbath wanes comes appropriate to use the term "re- business. In those exigencies, liever in "Zionism above parties," j «*at * • • • -Herman B. Deutsch I . i : A l t h o u g h o g e t s i s E0Tr r e g a r d linary tempo of dc another fascinating sight. All of vival" of the latter as of the there may be trouble.. was responsible for the 58 to i j whom-"Walter TVinchell considers je d a g t f a e w h U e h o p e o f t h e - A m . | any colony, M. C former. Not all in Palestine manifestly the people from their homes, vote in Burlington, Vermont in fa-jo n e ot the c a s e l a journalism and • erican theatre, the drama muse' p r o m jc;in supp^S .". e(l h j E acuve from their synagogues, from all •-.. Sunday is of course but an are pious, yet even the attitude writer of the who is the T h e local B'nai B'rith lodge vor of the General Zionists is only his second love. lie would ; -j j, prpporal for a. Pfi.r. a n y J e T t P N e w ordinary day in the calendar of of the free-thinking to the matter sides seem to converge as though sponsored a better understanding And if you Want to get an idea as j Orleans Item, is none other I £>&{£' lave" liked to 1 be a m « s ) | , j colonization J-K. p a r i f o r e w i B h by concerted agreement to the to what General Zionists think j than a^ son of^ the late Professor | ; . , Palestine, except for the few in- of Sabbath observance shows a cian H i s £ir£ t p ay> meeting at Temple Israel, a n d h e ternational Christian organiza- fine regard for the sensibilities of main thoroughfares, and the spec- more than 300 Catholics, Protest- about Group B sponsoring the Re-Herman Deutsch, dean of the He- | — ; " ^ " - . „ £ ; " ' *£* was i recommend that P five committee be formed tions which continue its observ- the more observing is sel- tacle of this motley gathering—if ants and Jews attended. visionist principles look a t the brew Union College at Ctocin-1 " ^ ^ £ ^ 0 ^.s spends i BtplT ._ in Jerusalem, on Jaffa Road; if . ance. Similarly the Moslem. Sab- dom for instance that one sees a election results Ticket No. natti | all hiynoney on phonograph re- j D epiorins the failure ol bath, which occurs on Friday, is person, however liberal his religi- in Tel Aviv on Allenby Street, af- • Miss Lillian Goldsmith was 4 (Jewish State Party) got less cords IN THE ARENA j £ I 1 < i °'R'I1S € r e r j " p i e c e oi >present present residents residents of French fords a vision of a Jewish melting more a day of prayer than a rest ous views may be, walking in the than 500 votes . . . . married to Mr. Aaron Ferer. The best dancer in Washington I Beethiven ever recorded In " " nies to develop them, M. C^ day. The Arab faithfully attends street with a cigarette in his pot which one cannot forget. Pol' spare time this young, lean a s&ic! that Tahita, Marques*. ish and German J e w , Yemenite the Mosque in the morning for mouth—on the Sabbath. Three Omaha Jewish women's MONKEY BUSINESS is Ben Cohen, counsellor to the jne rvous dramatist plays the h Syrian Lebanon could be i and Bucharian Jew, French and his devotions, but after that, for Washington is smiling at the His tango ; rnonica. organizations furnished drivers Chilean embassy Beyond t h i s desire to respect available for Jewish English-speaking Jews fill the the balance of the day, he is em- the feelings ot the more religious, and autos for the Disabled VeterStill bewildered by the stir hifl| a n d c x p r e p P e d r . o t l i i d e n w th*; : ! has the Washington Ladies all aployed as usual. But the Jew- there is probably, it is true, an- sidewalks and over-spill, filling ans association, who were conven- the rounds: Felis Frankfurter, reDr. Leo Wolmac, play has made, success has not !J e w p t h e r e c p u M a c h l p r e „,, -Jft flutter ish Sabbath, in contrast to the other motive which makes for the the middle of the road; and as ing here for three days. The garded as the intellectual father ] gone to his head. Tempting offers ;{ h a B v ; h a , t b e v h f t v e d ( m eJ r r ^ ;-! chairman of the Automobile La- j hare come to him from HollyS a b b a t h of the other faiths, same conformity. It is the feel- you look at these remnants of Is- j of Jewish Women, Tem- of most of bor Board, is "only" getting a wood, but he insists on stieking shines forth in Palestine in a full ing once expressed by Achad rael returned, the stores light and jple Israel Sisterhood and the Jew- ophy, told rticul in of FDR at the Har- salary of $11,500 and the month- L o blaze of glory and presents the Haam, when he declared that it the bands from within the cafes, ish Women's Welfare Organiza3s stni the •S l l i t a b l e f o r vard-Yale regatta, that he had hushed for the Sabbath, strike t o ly budget of the Board is r-"* ^ ' tion were the three groups that aspect not only of the: Jewish day is incumbent on the Jew to keep playwright, : s a i d > p l e d E j n e - himself to MUT.)". been asked to list the famous vol- be running about ?50,000 of rest, but virtually of the sole the Sabbath, for in the last analy- up, and Shabat Shalom, the Sab- assisted the veterans. aflame with indignation at social s u c h a P c h e m e i n t h e c h a r e h .'..umes which he had never read. In the light bath of Peace, is turned into a the recent NRA distress and with a gift lor draday of rest. sis, it is the Sabbath which has e r livel . . . . And Felix added: "I replied | decision t h i s b u d g e t looms bigger j m a t t a i n ' g ' T i s ' social "convictions. | Ushered in by the blowing of keVthe 7 e V " Respect "for the> y y Saturday night. Miss Anne Rosenblatt won a S l R e that the outstanding works I had j' than ever Arts " ° °l ^}f-}}' \ H e h a s already w r i t t e n a n e w ' the Shofar, Shabat brings a vir- Sabbath, contest for composing a song that j c.C.^t from , ,this , . , . „-._„*_.,„«„„ Copyright 1933Syndicate by Seven A construction, I Feature tual standstill to the machinery which is fairly largely held, is was awarded the highest number never read were the Constitution I former NRA deputy administra- j , a v c a l l e d r _ . i t h o n t a p o i o g i e s to i Elect Brpclctskf Liverpool—Prof. Se.ig of points at Wheaton College, at of the United States, Karl Marx's | tor in charge of the amusement' of commerce and industry. In reenforced by the motives of naf«.;. Norton, Massachusetts. (Now she many places of business, the Fri- tionalism. is professionally known as Ann day afternoon preceding Shabat T h e normalizing of a people Ronnell and is a foremost feminsees the.cessation of all activities, has a revitalizing and recreating ine composer of popular' music.) _ . _ . . .„„.„., „ . . . „ . thought so that for many hundreds of i influence on all of its institutions. T . . Darwin's ^Origin of the Species' " Issdore Lubin. Commission-1 s i n g >, E h o u l a h a r e r e c e i v e d the ! workers the week-end means Fri-j T h e s e n o r m a l i z i l l g influences in . . . . Witty commentators regard er of Labor Statistics in the U. S. I Pulitzer Prize, Ofiets thinks it | Mr. Fred White was re-elected day noon to Sunday morning Palestine are doing something to the crack about Darwin's monkey Department of Labor, is considera damned good be- j It is a spectacle not without a the institution of the Sabbath. Official Says Greek Govern- president of Omaha Hebrew Club. theory as directly pointing at the ed the best man who ever heia j ^ ^ x ^ " ^ a ~ r o ^ n 7 p l a y ^ r i g h t . " ment Opposes Separate Btir to the imagination to witness The best proof of this is the curopponents of the NRA . . . . that 3ob . . The real name of. |A n i n d e x t o h i s c h a r a c t e r i s i The engagement ot Miss Helen Voting the' blowing of the Shabat Shofar. rent potency of that phrase "Oneg Georges Kanflel, French mimster jf o t n d ^ h i s c v , n r e m a r t t , . a t ... }£ ; Riekes to Sam Beber was anIn Jerusalem there are approxi- Shabbat" (the delight of the SabSHADOWLAND of comnmmcations. is Rothschild,, T t h o i l g l l t x v o u l d n e v e r fio a n y . j Athens, (JTA)—The Greek nounced. mately ten of these Shofar blow- bath) in Palestine. * There is still more food now for but he is. no relative of THE Roth- jt h i be,ter r f l h l o v m v braIns | government stands firmly on the ers who take their posts at sunthose who shout that the film in- schilds . . . . To French ears Man-1 o u t / ' , O d e t 8 i s t h e g o r t o t firEffia.. | I ventured on a simple experiMessrs. John Feldman, Max dustry is in Jewish hands . . . . del sounds as Jewish as Rothdown Friday afternoon to call the ment to test the potency of this principle of equality for the Jews , , j city to rest. In the fashion of thought of "Oneg Shabat." Pro- and will never consent to a se- Fromkin and S. Robinson were There is no question that Joseph schild . . . . Mrs. Roger W. Straus | j elected delegates to the 2Sth anScripture, some of them call, to fessing complete Ignorance, I ask- parate electoral college for Jews, Schenck of the Twentieth Cen- who got her training as cam- i °' l a b o r » M - Frossarfi, has a Jew- • the people from the housetops. ed a waiter in a Jerusalem cafe— Premier Panayoti Tsaldaris de- nual- Zionist Convention to be tury-Fox combination, David O. pa-igner with the UnSted Jewish! i s h mother, but TBB brought up a Protestant school, although j The present writer for instance a particular cafe which wa3 a bet- clared in an interview with Dr. held in Washington D. C. Selznick of the Metro-Goldwyn- Appeal, is hacging xjp an nr.pre -1 iE lather is a Catholic . . . When j of the •has frequently on a Friday after- ter testing ground for the simple Beseentchi, president Mayer and Ernst Lubitsch of Par- cedented record RS money-raiser . Omaha was well represented at amount, not to forget the Cohn noon- heard the blowing of the reason that it did not cater to any Greek Zionist Federation. for the national, state and county j asked what he considers himself, ' Shofar from the roof of one of exclusive Jewish patronage. . It - Tfaa Greek premier denied em- the fifty-seventh annual conven- brothers of Columbia, are actual- j committees of the Republican ! answered, "I'm a Socialist," . . i tion of District _Sr ,Ql t A e B'ESU t the most centrally-located hotels. numbers quite a few. A r a b pa- phatically, as was reported in- the I ly the most powerful men in film-! Party . . . . Tfe wonder why Les- j Erht 1535 1>V FPVPTI Arte F e a t u r e ; Jn Jerusalem. press, that he had assented to the B'rith at Peoria, Illinois, which land today . . . . Francis Lederer, ] lie Hore-Belisha, the only Jewish rons. Erncllcate ; elected Sam J. Leon as president movie matinee idol, "who .makes | member of the British cabinet, v The blast of the-ram's horn is When my waiter handed me my restoration, of a separate elector- of the district. a signal for the immediate CIOBal college in a bargain with the close to $200,000 & year, lives in | was dropped in the recent shake- | tea, I asked it he would tell me ing ot all business doors. In the anti-Semitic Venizelist party, in a $100 a month apariaent and j tip following the resignation, of! what "Oneg Shabat" meant. Miss Rebecca Azorin was wed more modern parts of Jerusalem, gives thousands of dollars a year Premier Ramsay Ma.cDona.ld He answered me -he was a na- order to insure the re-election of to Mr. Samuel N. Wolf. this closing while Bpeedily accom- tive of Palestine President Alexander Zaimis. to the World Peace Federation. As jniaister of transport, Hore-in the old plished is nevertheless done "with Whatever concessions were . . • . That's more than a hobby. | Belisha held a non-political portPalestineinian way, by telling me The Y. M. H. A. ball team was . • . .Paul Muni supports dozens of if olio . . . .France's new minister a comparative gradualness. In the made, premier Tsaldaris asserted, a parable. , leading in the junior Omaha sections such as Meah Shearim, were in the interests of peace and "Once," he said, "a great king league. •where dwell the pious ChasBltlfm, was the g u e s-1 in Jerusalem of did not affect basic constitutional the dispatch takes on. a mad ceguarantees. Jews at their Sabbath meal. The 88th Semi-ARSuel Sttiemeni ' %\ lerity that may sometimes "beGreek Jewry has always op- Greek Jews Ask for Ail hi \ Jews gave him of their meat and wilder the newcomer. The bardrink which they had prepared posed the herding of Jews into a Emigrating to Palestine j gaining stops at once and. the for the Oneg Shabat. The King political ghetto, while the antishop-keeper may turn away from Semitic Venizelist party has InSalonica (JTA)'— The Jewish j ate with, a zest that he had never you and bang the heavy sliding eaten before. He promised him- sisted that Jews have no business community of Salonica has sub- J door with a suddenness that may self thereafter he would eat the voting with' other Greeks. They mitted . a memorandum to the on occasion be breath-taking. N same delicious food. And so he were particularly incensed be- Greek government asking for JULY 1, 1DS5 Some of the eating places of asked the Jews for the recipes for jcause Jewish votes for the gov- greater facilities for the emigra'As Shown "by Books at Opening of Business June 26, 19S5 course remain open as do a few these heavenly dishes—and they | ernment helped keep the Venlzel- tion of Jews from Greece to PalRESOURCES *? | estine. A fifty per cent reducof the pharmacies. • It should be gave them to him; and on his re- ists- out of power. Quick Assets— S Jewish circles were shocked tion in railway fares for prospecunderstood, that the closing of turn to his castle he had his culiCash 55,346,4TS^22 ^ shops as far as Jerusalem is con- nary chiefs make these dishes ac- when the restoration of the separ- tive emigrants Is one of the facilU. S. liberty Bonds 569,650.00 ©5,©16,12S.22 ^ j cerned is a matter only of con- cording to the formulas. B u t ate electoral college was an- ities requested. *4! In view of the fact that the science or. moral c o n v e n t i o n . wEen he ate them, it had-not the- nounced in the press as part of a Loans—Secured by First Biortgages oa Improved 8.',Z»o,--sl6.67 ^ i There is no Saturday closing law. same taste.And he inquired of the compromise agreement with the present Cabinet is friendly toReal ^Estate 4.4S0.S3 y.l Of late,-there have b e e n steps Jews, and they told him the sec- Venizellsts. Greek anti-Semites wards the Jews, It is expected Delinquent Interest 23,146.12 Si taken by the Jewish community ret, that- this food tasted so hailed the announcement as a that the government will grant Loans on Pass-Book Security 66S,152.0T the demands outlined In the to bring about such-a measure. heavenly because It was prepared victory of anti-Jewish forces. Loans in Foreclosure SS,SS4.SO memorandum. I t has been proposed that a meas- for the Oneg Shabat." . Real Estate Sold on Contract SSO.475.6© ^ | ure should be so drawn as to be Real Estate Acquired Through Foreclosure . . . This was probably an old Hag-Rockefeller Museum Salonica—An unprecedented acOffice BaUdiug and Future Office Building Site enforceable only in' the Jewish gadah which this young Pales304,000.00 Si Jerusalem—T h e Rockefeller tion was taken by Premier Tsalat 18th and Farnam Streets sections.,But meanwhile, the mat- tinian was telling me, but the in- Museum, one of the most import1.00 Si daris in formally thanking t h e Furniture and Fixtures ter is in abeyance, largely in re- teresting thing is that Palestine is ant Institutions in the entire Near Jewish population of Greece for spect to the High Commissioner's attempting to convert the Oneg East, has b e e n officially trans- Total its patriotism and for its desire 5*1 request that for the present no Shabat from the Haggadah to the ferred, to the Palestine governto avert a split in parliamentary lilABIUTIES action be taken. - .• Halachah. They are trying -to ment. • Credits to Bfembers' Sa-rlngs and Pstid-up Acc'ts. Sf>13,169,5 election, ' In Tel Aviv, the municipality make more than a legend of the Balance Held for Borrowers 44,OTX.Uo has enacted a measure towards idea of Sabbath .delight. ForeReserves i,S00,167.S2 Saturday closing, but there the most among those responsible for Undiiided ProHts 80,805.76 BorroTred. Money XOXJS courts have so ruled that it is a this leavening influence was the question' whether the statute has late Chaim Nachman ' Biallk, Total f I6,54S,S04.S9 $} any actual efficacy. Nevertheless, whose Oneg Shabat sessions at Tel Aviv is closed as is Jerusalem the Ohel Shem in Tel Aviv have • • ' . ' - REVIEW• p on Shabat and here, too, it is con- become a lasting monument to CASH A3f» U. S. BOKBS ' SS,Sie,l£S.2£ U SIXTEENTH & HOWARD STREETS r science and the pressure of public his memory. ' TOTAL BESEB,\ ES -f i,SS0,4T3.CS ^ 'opinion which bring it about. DIVIBEKDS—At the rat© of 2 % per cent p«?r sEimn, the SStli ^ The institution of Oneg Shabat consecutiTe-semi-annual'dividend earaesl anS. aistribB.t«i, ^ Even the most observant seem as it exists in Tel Aviv has now General economic conditions continue to hare a strong in- ^ to voice no strenuous objections been copied In other -centers. On flttence upon interest rates and dirideafis. Demand for good ^ to the fact that restaurants and the Sabbath a f t e r n o o n , Jews home loans has- been unusually xaoderste. Dependable borrow- ^ .••; cafes do not' absolutely bar their gather to listen to discourses—to ers hare beea hesitant in cre&tiiig or incressisg -mortgage ob- rf doora. But,there Is one form of sing together and convert it into 1'galions. Loans repayments have beea metliiKliesIly made. ^ activity which every now and a day that shall harmonize with Thinfe of getting this -v-vond* t. Withdrawals from Bavlngs sccounts hare beea. methodically M then does p r o v o k e resentment the phrase heard air over Palesl^ur. The inflow of savings funds has beea so persistent that f| zaodern Kotpolnt Atitomattc ' It has been necessary to consistently refuse acceptance of the $| snd .Lifetime Table for this p eftaE*S13!3SEBa»HB«B«e3BH3»ai3BEI^^ • larger amount. The extremely low yield obtainable upon bonfls, >*, This table sets irp as you s< which in- our- judgment qualify as a proper inresiiaeEt for ottr pCurtains, Carta-in Materials, Up&olstsries, lunds, does n o t Justify the purchase or carrying o£ such bonds ^ f . , nc t i i d T ; Draperies, Window Shades. • in large "quantities. • . ' " &, These conditions account for our large holding of cash JJ Large selection of Axminsters, Velvets, Wiltons, •which, although an element cf strength, continues to have a ^ -. use. It's A U T S Orientals. —-© Dance to the Scintillating tones of.-®—* deterring influence -upon earnings. ' • j$ MATIC . steady End strong NEW SATIXGS ACCOUNTS—816 new accocuts ©pc-sed i a sis I*' All classes - Many sbort rolls s n i remnants. • The ironv<A&S. £ dozen differs ; _ •. months period. _______ •' • • " 5 and Mis Srug Park Orchestra heats . . . rrsafces Ironing easy. Inlaid and Felt Base Goods, Congoleiim •-••• ' • ' HOME'IJOAXS * We hare serersl xsitlion dollars available for good loans to Begs. Many sliort lengths. borrowers -who.can qualify by furnishing acceptable security, Table Cloths, 'Lace Pieces, Towels and Fancy and ability to xaake regular taonthly payments. Ko coniniission Sary payaieats Linens. .. Minimum, tspense . Low interest rate • . i^; Interest is reduced snootily BE each SI.CO is paid to ^ i : A C R E S : O P FCN°•-.•••,••'..• 'Sheets..- - - Cases ;" • ' • apply on principal, oa all loans now oa our books or liere&fter jii . ..: New. Sides - New Games- New Concessions .."•. . to be made. "&A
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A most EnasusI valns ia Betroit Jewel CJss .Saages at 59.50. - ' ' •. CMcIifients,
Edgar A. Baird, President - J . Herbert McMlil&s, Treasurer & i James A. Snnderland. 1st V. P . Clark W. Caruaby, Secretary SI James A. Lyons, 2nd V. P . Wayne C. Selby, Ass't See. MI • Sr!
Sunday, for their annual famil; The merchants who Belgrade (JTA)—The YngqTel Aviv to Get Graening'' Appointment . !r> the Jewish Press 'soil reunion. ' •-..•'•-. . slovian government on Tuesday business,-and merit ymir patronAmong those from Sioux Cit ,000 Loan Washington,. D. c -—Ernest nest!| prohibited '.•"sending, sending, to to . Palestine j busi who went were Mr. Philip Marsh Gruenmg, head of the bureau of | a ! I t h e f u n d s co iiected ^lieV'e for'age.: itd S t t Zionist-work-in Palestine. • " Mrs. Sam Marsh, Mr. and Mr; the. U United StatLondon - (WNS-Palcor Agency) insular affairs In th es Department of t h e Interior, Leo Franklin, Joe Marsh, Joe Co IJ3OV ft. W H I T E . ATTORNEYS —The board of directors of the The ban also includes the funds i BY P. B. K. MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent "City 'Wat*. I.SkB?«]g. hen, Mr. and Mrs. I. Marsh an Prudential Assurance Company has been appointed administra- raised for .the ' purpose-'of-, estab-) has' approved the granting of ator for Porto Rico reconstruction lishing .: a >monument for*. King rang children, Esther, Helen and Mar OF §5,000,000 loan to the city of Tel in an executive order by Presi- Alexander in Palestine.BAR MITZVAH ; Cityans who attended the picnic vin. dent Roosevelt. Esther Nettie Rlvin, of Chamber and helped make this important The Bar Mitzvah of Jack Wol- Aviv, to enable that municipality .Friedman & Sprier, Attyg, The President's order estab- i lain, S. D. accompanied them t to engage in a large-scale proevent the success It was. It is only pa, s o n of Mrs. Minnie Wolpa, First National Bank - Billsh e d a rec adminis-! with such co-operation t h a t we Sioux Falls and returned to SIOU will take place Saturday morn- gram of public improvements and I t r a t i o n f0I °astruction p 0y can maintain the Hebrew School City for a visit. Marcella Marsh ing, July 6, at the Chevra B'nai civic work that has been made j w o r k s r e l if ° r t o Rico under the : of Madison S. D. who was a guesi necessary by an annual influx of I ef program. IX *THE COt'NTl* COl,'Rf OF D'OX-G- • business is The annual ; Senior Hadassah and uphold its high standards." Yisroel synagogue at 618 MonsMid-Summer Dance will be held Mrs. Ben Sherman, president, o.f in Sioux City returned to h e ter Street. All. relatives and 15,000 to 20,000 residents. next Tuesday evening, July 9, a the Hebrew Mothers Club and Mr. home following the reunion pic friends are cordially invited to at- The final decision now rests Film on Palestine . Shore Acre' Gardens. The affair I. Lebowich were co-chairmen of nic. tend the Bar Mitzvah. No invita- with the British Secretary of Berlin—The first showing of a State for the Colonies who must Palestine film, "Land of Promwhich is an annual one promise the picnic. Among those who as- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Feder an tions are being issued. sanction Tel Aviv's spending of ise," was given here last week, to be an outstanding event of th sisted in the arrangements were son Marvin of Ramora, S. D. an money under the financial control attracting large audiences. summer's social calendar, and ac Mrs. I. Merlin, Mrs. Rose Rabino- Mr. and Mrs. Archie Marsh o OPEN HOUSE SWDAY cording to the" ticket committee; wich, Mrs. Ben Shindler, Mrs. S.Madison also attended t h e re- Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gilinsky will which Great Britain exercises The authorities notified the plans are llQing made to accom- Greenstone, Mrs. N i c k Sherman, union. Marvin Feder returne celebrate over Palestine as its Mandate. distributors that exhibition of the their fortieth wedding with Mrs. Sam Marsh to Slou modate a capacity crowd. Mrs. B. Rutstein, Mrs. Sam ShulF^VZ&si"ft.1^ anniversary next Sunday, July 7, Malcolm MacDonald, new Colon- film would be restricted to Jew- j City for a visit. • has always ,been. jSh audiences. Only under this! Bill Franklin and a nine piee kin, Mrs. A. Mazfe, Mrs. A. W. at a family dinner party at oneialn 0 Secretary, S fr I e ly t 0 P a I e s t i n e r e orchestra •Will furnish the music Kaplan, Mrs. Max Ginsberg, Mrs. * restriction will the film be perSioux Cityans who were in Om o'clock at the Chevra B'nai Yis- ?. , ,T^5 . 1 . ^ for dancing; J. Himowitz, J. London, A. W.ah Monday for a fraternity danc roel synagogue. Covers w i l l be building activities. mitted throughout the country, I Mrs. R. ; H. Emlein is genera Kaplan, Max Falk, M. Satin and included Libbie Olensky, Ros laid for twejity-five guests. Fol- The news aroused wide inter- i the order states. distribution of spirituous liquors; to Oo CRAV.FORD. , s>ny anrl all things iiecessnry, convenient, est in the City, financial heart of I chairman for the event and th M. Albert. Lount uafee Bashefkin. Jennie Shindler, Mar lowing t h e dinner party, Open 6-:i-st.
Senior Hadassah ice. Tuesday
Hadassah membership is assisting In the ticket sales. Proceeds;?will be used for the regular Hadassah projects. Mrs W. C. Slotaky is president of the local chapter.
- i or
incidental "to the rights powers and
privileges herein (specified. House will be held at the GilinProxy In Hebrew Void The total authorized capital stock of MOXSKY..GROIKNPKY. 3ZAKER sky home at 725 Mynster Street the Corporation shall be $25,000.00 divid& COHKV, Att>'H. Berlin—A proxy written in the f i e l d for international invested into ?.5<! shares ot the par value of ',S1 Omaha Xail Bank E!dg. for all relatives and friends on ments. Hebrew language is not valid in $100.00 each. Said capital stock shall I"" . • fullv paid for ami nonassesable -when Mr. and Mrs. Archie Krolof Sunday afternoon from three unGermany, even if it comes from Notice'" Is hereby .piven that the under"-; t - • - - - - • cash. and son Yale, and David Olensky, til five o'clock a n d on Sunday spent Sunday in Omaha visiting evening from seven until t e n o'clock. No invitations are being A meeting of the executive with friends. issued. committee for the Annual Inter Sioux Cityan's Father Miss Margaret Shulkin departClub Council Carnival was held Among the out-of-town guests I formed are to operate and conduct mm-1 iTaken by DeathMonday evening in the home of ed Wednesday for Minneapolis, will be Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sher- Esperanto Taboo Mr. E. N. Grueskin, general chair- where she will make a six week man and family, Mr. and Mrs. Berlin—Because the founder of Funeral services for Israe' man of the committee. Plans were visit with friends and relatives. Ben Sherman, and Anna Herzoff, Esperanto, the late Lazarus ZamNarinsky, 78, who died Tuesday made for the Carnival to he held all of Sioux-City, Iowa; Mr. and rporat of last weei In the home of hisnext fall, and committees •will he Members of the Debrah Club Mrs. Leland Goldberg and M r s. enhoff, was a Jew, the Nazi min' and to sell, dispose of., lease, convey and ints o u t t h a t Board «f J>irecT.ors by 11 of the id P r o - j ^ 2 ^ " l Germany not less than two nor daughter Mrs. Helen Wisotsky, named during the coming week. met Monday evening in the home A. W. Goldberg, of Shenandoah, istry of education has forbidden P ° f members perty; to borroTV money and to do all , ° " ^ ,"f 1216 Villa;; Avenue were held necessary-to accomplish oi™ _ » j things tuui£s n e u t e y i i i y tti w r t u m p i i^n the l i t e purJ J U I - •™ p ™ENf'E of Miss Porothy Gelson. A proIowa; and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice further study of the international The Carnival is an annual , . . .corporation ,Wednesday; with/Rabbi Benjamin event, sponsored by the Inter gram of three minute skits was Gilinsky and daughter, Jean, of language and has instructed edutnereiOre a , . poses for_which this is or- ; *EAJ1 J. LBDX tSsg-nPfl) ,, , . . . n n e c t t n n TiThonTor t h a r r m r f a TTQC? ' P a n i z e d . T h e a u t h o r i z e d c a p i t a ! s t o r k i s ' Goldberg officiating. G. rEKT.TP Club Council the proceeds of followed by refreshments and aMilwaukee, Wisconsin. , c a t i o n a l a u t h o r i t i e s t o c e a s e s p o n - 1 u e s l l o n ^ n e t n e r t n e c o u r t s v,a.s; $ 50 0 0 , lOi d i . v i ,, e t l i n t o 1 0 0 ^ h a r e s o f t h ( ? ; V. KUHNKE Mr. Narinsky was born in which are divided among the var- social hour. •snrinE* it o r nl-iHnp- f , , ) H I justified in i n v a l i d a t i n g a proxy ; par valuepaid ot $50.00 which shall: ] he fullv fully when each issuedand and uon-ansesSunday will be also the sixth s o r i n g It o r placing SCnOOl iaCUl- written .,, .in one of » the ., . , . 'he raid' vrhen issued «nd non-nflses! 6-21-3 j sable. With t h e assent in writingof the three otChernigov Russia in 1857. He ious organizations. ties at its disposal. I holders of fio per cent of all the capital wedding anniversary of Mr. and r n K > r , , | stock of the corporation issued and outcame to this country in 1926 ficial languages Of Palestine. Dr. and Mrs. S. Kline and fam-Mrs. Leland Goldberg of Shenan' standing or p u r s u a n t ' t u the votes given Jil-VTZNM'-K * RKI/..EV, Atty». The executive committee •which bringing with Mm his wife, a | in person or by pro^y by - stockholders Chess Wizardry ily visited with relatives in De63« Omaha Xaii. Bank Bids. doah. Mrs. Goldberg is a daughi holding at least fiO per cent of the isCharitable Bequests son and a grandson. He made his met, consisted of the following troit this week. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gilinsky. . ! sue.l and outstanding- stock of the eormen and women: M o r e y LipOF INrOKrORATTON* OF Warsaw—Jews won the first home, in Hartington, Nebraska. L o n d o n Complimenting Mr. E m i l Le"BARISH SAKIJJEKfS MOTOB <"«>." •JeWlSh a n d n o n - J e w - • poration which is represented and voted five places in the All-Polish Chess | . . shutz, A. M. Davis, Si Kruger, 1 1 in person P p : Notice is hereby Kiven t h a t we, the Surviving : are his widow, Mrs. Will receive ^ rap "™ specially, . or by. proxy at a meetvich and Miss Frankie Rosentha' called for that purpose or! undersigned, have associated ourselves Among those who are spending Tournament. Sarah Narinsky; four daughters, Barney B a r o n , Jack Robinson, whose marriage will take place at an annual meeting the Board of Di h f th t fi The champion of the tourna- j ?2,500,000 from the Alp-orion i rectors . shall have .the power and auth- corporation to be known ae "Bari>-h Mrs. Wisotsky, Mrs. Rose Hur-Jack Goldsmith, Louis Agranoff, this month, t h e Misses Lillian the week in Minneapolis, Minne- ment David, Alfoeridll ; ority to sell, assign, transfer, convey or: Sanders Motor Co." It shall c o m ment was A. Tarakower who scor- Henry witz of Vermillion, S. D. and twoA. I. Schwartz, Dr. H. M. Levin, Magaziner, Annette and Lillian sota attending the District Grand ed twelve I otherwise dispose of the property fuid i business at the time of the filing of its Jew. points. The second winand the Mesdames Sam Shulkin, Lodge No. 6 of the Independent j assets of the corporate - a- aTi entirety ! Articles of Incorporation with the Coundaughters in; Europe; three sons, Baker, presided a t a tea, Sunday Order of the B'nai Brith are Dr. ner was a twenty-three-year-o 1 d j and groins concern on such terxns and ' ty Clerk of. Douclas County, Nebraska, T.OMS E. 1.IPI*, Atty. Ben: Narinsky of Hartingtcn and i. Agranoff, E. E. Baron, Rueben afternoon. conditions a.« to them shall nfem fit ana •E*ricl continue for a period of fifty years, City National Bank Bids'. Miller. youth named Neidorf, who scored i proper. The corporation shall commence The principal place ot doing business and Mrs. Isaac Sternhill, Mr. and two others; in Europe; 15 grandI business .on the filing- of the Articles of-shall be in O m i h a . Nebraska. The genTwenty couples attended t h e Mrs. O. Hochman, and Mr. Louis eleven points. ii XOTTCE BY PUBLICATION O>" •„; Incorporation In the'office of the Conn-: ernl nsmire of t h e business to be transchildren and f i v e great grandty Cierk of Douglas County, Nebraska, tea. t»d by the corporation shall be the H. Katelman. I TIO.V FOR SETTLEMEXT O F FINAL and children. •> shall continue until ! ADMLKISTKATION ACCOUNT— , , January . . , - , 1st, . .buying . _ . . . . „ and selling .-, at wholesale -.,- and 1 O S .. . . . . .
Carnival Meeting Held on Monday
garet Kosberg~ a n d Martin Kos berg.
Sotiety News
Fends for Biro Bidiaa Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bailin, AtI Nebraska •" | shall not exceed two-thirds o its. capi-; tor trucks, buses, bodies, parts, devices, Miss Louise Hose _of Minnea»«airs of the corporation accessories, paraline, oils am! all artikinson, Nebraska, announce t h e polis, Minnesota returned to her Moscow—Additional e v i d e n c e '1 i n ' t h e m a t t e r e of t h e estate of WILLIAM '^l1 nT**?*'* shall be administered by a Board of Ui- : des. merchandise or preparations n e c » . *J? f?tV. 01 5 w h c h c0 sIst birth of a son on June 28, in thehome Sunday following a week's of the Soviet Government's deter-!, *?,*?All persons interested in said m a t t e r ' ^ ' i " ' " s n f i ™t ^ than ;s a r y , incidental or in use in connection r Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rosenstock, St. Joseph hospital. m i n a t i o n tO p u t a l l i t s r e s o u r c e s i are hereby notified t h a t on t h e 1st day j "*«',. f" ."> °1 ? . . , " , " n e m « n h e " ' a » ' W t t l i tbc nwnintr, or.«ratlnp, maintalnins; visit here at the home of Mr. , . . , , , , „ . i . , jui.iss . La2ar Kaolin filed a of" by-lawji. who shall be and usintr o£ automobiles, motor car«, 2211 Jackson Street, received f 1 E the t5le second E r; u Monday eeUllin Febru-Mnp, lie Mrs. Joe Scharf. !S held on anrl servicing of O f t h e development O f Biro j \l ll\ \lTa County Court praying thlt! . ^ ^ l. .. _ r ;I _"? E 1°. : motorrepRirinjr trucks mul l.uses; also the iK ~More-than';?300 was'cleared at their, friends at an Open House Mrs. Max Mason and children ' ary of each year. The Board shall from ; biles, motor cars, motor trucks n.l
In t h e County Court o£ Douglas County, "»•?; I ! = h ' f r h " ; = m o u " t . ° ' indebtedness, retail, or automobiies. motor cars, mo-
r r o 1l d e
t h e
Tuesday evening in the Sioux City are visiting in Omaha this week ountry Club celebrating Mr. Ro-with M r s. Mason's brother, Mr. enstock's fiftieth birthday. Pre- Sam Lebowich. :eding the Open House, Mr. and VIrs. Rosenstock presided at a Mr. and Mrs. David Sperling amily dinner in their home. visited with friends in Omaha last A number of out of town visi- week where they were the inspirtors were among the guests of the ation f o r a number of parties. matters pertaining to sairt p.stat evening. Cards and dancing occu- They will leave this month for tion on July 15. Then they will D r . S h m a r y a Levin h a s been l i n k - •• be business that an in«1ivi«5ual confinally settled and determined ducting said bURines? lvonld have. Tinpied the evening hours. BKTCE CRAWFORD, New York from where they will go to San Diego to visit the Cali- ed permanently -with the life of' 7 . 5 . :3 - t S. I.OVEIAPT cp.pitn! stock phal!r be $2o,OQO diviiled KARL. KARU<= into t^vo hundred fi *y. *3h;ircK of the p;ir sail for Palestine. Mr. and Mrs.fornia Pacific International Ex- Hadar .Hacarmel, the suburb of j — IiEPI-IE K1XG value of fliw.OO each. The affairs of (he Miss Elinor Edith Sankstone, Sperling will make their home In position. They expect to be gone Haifa, -when the community de-) C. W. CAKLSON* ZIBGLKK & n r \ " \ , Attys. company Phnll be rnanap-^d by R Bonn! JOHN" W. RCSSO 5 S D l"irst Nat I Bk. Bide. who has been manager of the mil-Tel Aviv, Palestine. of Directors of two members who shall or several weeks. cided to name one of its streets; elect from their number a President nml "^v^J^JIA^^ >i. LOVELADT, linery Department at Fishgalls, A number of farewell parties a Secretary and Treasurer. The annual CARL FORBERG Shmarya Levin. ! NOTICE BY PUBLICATION' ON FETT. meeting of the corporation shall b-> was married to Jonas Lee Ruben- are planned for t h e m prior to The Council Bluffs Lodge No. TN*. J. WERNER I T1ON FOB SKTTLKMENT O F FINAL heM on the third Monday in January of .JOSEPH TRAEERT ! AIMINIS'TKATION ACCOUNT— stein, of Paducah, Kentucky, Sun- their departure. 688 of the Independent Order of each year. Article* o£ Incorporation ARNOLD E. .FRBRKIXG, • \ In t h e Coonty Court o£ I>ou£la^ County. ROY MrCOLLT may T?e amenrled \jnoti the nffirmativp day, June 9, at Memphis, Tenthe B'nai Brith will hold an im-Physicians' Medal ! Nebraska: j K. G. WESSO.V vote of two-thirds of the outstanding nessee. portant meeting next Monday eve- Buenos Aires—The annual gold ji l n the. m a t t e r of t h e estate o£ AETHUR | •TAMES K. ROBBINS jstock. •W. H. PKEI.PS i IN -WITNESS TTITEREOF. the "partie* ning, July 8, at the Eagles.Hall. medal of the Argentine g Medical All persons interested in naM matter After a wedding trip to Biloxi - FRKD A. SMITH i hereunto have set their hands on this JOHN C. REXFROW 20th day of Juno. *flr>r>. A report of the District Conven- [.Association has been awarded to £ £ ?ferje»Se " K l ' i °p«khfiie=Jtl; and New Orleans, they returned MARK ELANCHAED' MAX M. BAKISH, ion will be given. Delegates to jyT Adolph Duchowitz, prominent petition in said County court. praying LARRY CLAEK. to Paducah where they will make BEX SANDERS. account al administration In the presence cf: , . . . . j mat iicr liiiai Jiuiziiiiistrauon stcoimi . . _ * ! . * _ _ • _ .•»: i'hat her final d i i t i t h e presence of: he convention were L o u i s H. their home. Jack T\\ Marer. 6-2S-"5—^t Sam Beber. T-o-35—4t Dorothy Merlin was elected Katelman, O. Hochman, and Dr.Jewish physician, in in recognition herein settled and allowed, -n-nmpn'c! ij filed, that she behe discharged from h e r and trust in H U i u e u o a s e 3 : c c u t r i ! c a n a t h n t a h e a r i n g will be president of Junior Hadassah at saac Sternhill. of his had on said petition before sairt Court Dr. and Mrs. Lee J. Levinger the annual election Monday evenon t h e -Tth clay ot July 1935 and diseases. and son Joseph of Columbus, Ohio ing in the J e w i s h Community that if you fail to appear before said Miss Marian Scharf is spending couurt on t h e saitl 27th day of July 15o5 have departed for their home at 9 o'clock A. M-, and contest said pe- , the week in». Des Moines, Io-wa, $1,250,000 Hospital Center. Other officers elected ., . ! tition. the Court may grant the prayer j after a visit w i t h relatives in were Rose Sperling, f I r s t vice visiting relatives and friends. London (WNS)—M. jvieyer- Of s a j,j petition, enter a decree of heirYankton, S. D. and friends in and make such other and rurther j president, Margaret Saitlin, secs t e i n , Jewish philanthropist, ship, orders, allowances and decrees, as to Sioux; City. They were accomThe Junior Congregation are Court may seem proper, to the end i panied to Sioux City by Dr. Lev-ond vice president, Ida C o h e n :ontinuing to hold their weekly brought his total donations to the this that all matters pertaining to said esinger's mother', Mrs. Anna Lev-treasurer, Ruth Grueskin, Cor- :hlldren Sabbath Services on each non-Jewish Meddlesex Hospital tate may be finally settled and. deteringer of Yankton, a former Sioux responding secretary and M a r y Friday afternoon at five o'clock up $1,250,000 with a new contriBRTCE CRAWFORD, Greenbaum recording secretary. County Judge. 7-5-35—3t Cityan. and on each Saturday morning at bution of $250,000. Board . of. directors who ; were is a special Dr. Levinger is in charge of elected Monday evening were ten o'clock at the Chevra B'nai FEADEXBCRG. WEBB. BKBEK, MONSKY, GRODDiSKT, 3IAKER & COHEN, Attjg. STATE CORPORATION the Hillel Foundation at the Uni-Mary KLUTZMCK & KELLEY. Attjg. Rosofsky, R u t h Orlikoff, Yisroel synagogue at 618 Mynster 737 Omaha Natl Bank BIdjr. 650 Omaha > a t l . Bank Bldgr. Street. All children are invited to and Molly Rappaport. to self merchandise to versity of Ohio.. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OT NOTICK OF INCORPORATION The new officers will be Install- attend. COLONV LIQUOR CO. OF OSTBOG, INC. recipients of TORGSIN Harold Emlein arrived in Sioux ed at a special installation service Notice is hereby given that the underIs hereby hereby given given that that tthe underNoticeehave Is City Sunday to visit with his parformed a corporation under signed have formed a corporation under I Always Stay at ORDERS. This Institution ents Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Emlein. and dinner the date of which will and starvation are to be found the laws of the t of f Nebraska. N b k a The The the the laws of of the t h e State S t a t e oof f Nebraska; Nebraska The The State of this corporation shall be Colbe announced .soon. Dorothy Ep- among the fallahin. (Arab peas- name of the corporation is OSTROG, name Liquor Co., •with its principal place is, day by; day, increasing He Is affiliated with the electri- stein, Rose Sperling and Margaret ants). Transjordan is compara- INC., and the principal place of trans- ony the MORRI! of business at Omaha, Nebraska. The acting its business is the city of Omaha, general cal engineering department of of the business to be ively empty. Today the TransjorDouglas County, Nebraska. The general transactednature and developing its service RCA "Victor Corporation at Cam-Saitlin' are in charge of the ar and the object and purpose of the business to be transacted this corporation is org-anized dan Arab g o e s to Palestine to nature* rangments for the installation. Is to maintain and operate a real estate for towhich purchase at wholesale and to sell throughout the U.S.S.R. den, New Jersey. . . pick up the to him unbelievably holding company and to purchase, lease is at retail, wines, whiskies, vinous liquors, and otherwise acquire, eell, dispose of. and all other kinds of beverages and lihigh wage of Palestine. supplying the recipients Fifteen couples surprised Mr. lease, alienate convey, mortgage or oth-quors; to lea^e, own, and operate soft Poale Zion encumber real estate and person- drink stands, har rooms, liquor stores, "The Hauranl Arab goes from erwise al and any Interest and estate cocktail rooms and dining rooms or cabWith the highest quality and Mrs. J. Sawislak at a party The Poale Zion organization and east of the Syrian ebanon to In property either, of every kind and description arets, incidental thereto; to acquire. Tuesday evening in the home of its regular bi-monthly meet- work at the new docks and indus- and In general to deal In such property, of imported and domestic Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Miller. Mr. held ither dirJctly or Through ownership of hold, dispose, pledge and-or encumber ing Tuesday evening. loc" i n ' a n o t h e r corporation or .MO- real and personal Property and to do No wonder that people ore passing the word biong'that the ries in Haifa. One day when I ny and all things necessary or conveand Mrs. Sawislak plan to leave articles. The program consisted of a elation; and to acquire by purchase, subin Haifa, no Syrian money scription, Morrison'gives you mare for.your money.'Th« Serge, airy or otherwise, and to hold as nient to the accomplishment of the purSioux City for the east this resume of the Xiabor Platform for was and to sell, assign, trans- poses hereinbefore set forth. The authorwas obtainable because, they said, investments, rooms,-the ciert thoOghffu! employees and she perfect iocePRICES COMPARE FA- m o n t h . • •"• • mortgage, pledge or otherwise dis- ized capital stock eha I be $5,000.00 and the World Zionist Congress. all available had been taken by fer, pose of, any bonds or other securities, or all of said stock shall be common and fion, right- of the- centre of downtown, make She Morrison first of the par value of ? Z O O . 0 O per share of Indebtedness or any shares yORABLY WITH THOSE he Haurani Arabs to send back evidences choice from'every'angle, especially with, those who have many of capital stock of any corporation, pub- and ehall be fully paid up and non-asMisses Ruth and Ida Feldman The corporation shall comlic or private, of any association or indi- sessable. home. Many thousands of Arabs caSis to maks irs a short time. mence doing business upon fllinff of Its IN. AMERICA vidual of the State of Nebraska or of departed recently f o r a three with the County Clerk of Douprom neighboring countries have any other state, territory or country and Articles Whether en pleasure or busias County, Nebraska, and Shalt continue week visit in California. While while the owner thereof, to exercise all '• Q ' recently come and continue to the rights, powers and privileges of ow-for a period of fifty years front said . ness, you ere nearest to ait the west they will visit with friends nership, including the right to vote. The date. The highest amount of indebtedpme to Palestine." V&t V«wgsSn orders ness shall not exceed two-thirds of its places you want most te reach. in Los Angeles a n d San Franamount of capital stork authorized is 8«a ycEr local foaah stock, but this restriction shall Explaining the development of $50,000.00 divided into 500 shares of the capitalinclude cisco. indebtedness secured by «w antihorfzed agent he Jewish Homeland, Mr. Szold par value of $100.00 each, all of which not mortgages or liens. le affairs of this common stock and -when issued shall ROOM r : PATH aid that the development of a is shall be managed by a be fully J>a!d and non-assessable. Stock corporation Miss Rose Hershfield t>£ Tracy, Board of Directors, consisting not less hitherto backwoods country is may be paid for in cash, property, serv- than two members. The annualof meeting Minnesota, visited with friends in ices or.other thing's of value as deterdue to the "experience and deter- mined by the Board of Directors. The of the corporation shall be held on the Sioux City this week. New York (JTA)—"To evalu- mination of the Jews". He said: time of commencement of this corpora- first Monday In January of earn year at the stockholders shall tion Is June 13. 1935, the date when which meeting ate the achievements of the Jews "Pioneering in agriculture, cit- the Articles of Incorporation were filed elect R Board of Directors and thereupon the Soard shal elect a President, Miss Razelle Abraham of Dan-in Palestine," declares Robert iculture, commerce and industry, In the office of the County Clerk of Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. . County, Nebraska,! and the time bury, Iowa, was a guest In Sioux Szold, vice-president of the Jew- he Jews with their private capi- Douclas Any two of «aid . offices be held by of termination of the corporation Is one and the same person.may These Articles ish Agency, who recently returnCity Sunday. January l»t, 20S5. The highest amount may be amended at any regular or spe;al, have already accomplished a Oeneraf Reproasntatlvo In U.S.A. at indebtedness or liability to which the cial meeting of the stockholders by twoed from a Palestinian trip, "one e r m a n e n t achievement. The of AMTORG, 2*51 Fifth Ave.. N.Y. Owing to fh» height of th« corporation is at any time to subject thlrds vote of the outstsndinjr stock. Members of t h e Sam M a r s h has to know what t h e country great source of national wealth Itself shall not exceed two-thirdu cf Its In w-itnes.i whereof, the parties have building, mosr of. the rooms capital stock, provided, that this restricfamily motored to S I o u x Falls, was before the Jews came in andwhich they have brought is nottion shall not apply to indebtedness rep. hereunto subscribed their names this \ or® ovt oi earshof of gtreel 25th day of June, 1SH5. what neighboring countries are merely their material capital, but resented; by notes, bonds or other obligaWIUJAM .T. WOOLFSON, noises, y«?f ©niy cr, elevator tions of or guaranteed tiy the corporaAHTHfli SMITH. today. Palestine Is teeming with more their experience, their spiri- tion, the payment of which is secured by In the presence of: ride from ?h« ioop, the transfer by trust deed or mortgage activity. There is no unemploy- ual devotion and willingness to of Philip M. Klutznick. real esate or other interests exceedment. Building is everywhere, of indure for the common cause. Toing the amount of the secured indebt. h e « « et the edness at least 15 per cent. The affairs urban houses roads, factories and ave any fraction of this Iranian of • tlio corporation a r c to be conducted 1ERRACE GARDEN farm dwellings. At least S50,000,- material from wastage and heart- by a Board of Directors consisting of not less than two nor more than five 000 came into the country last che Is a truly national work, to directors end may oe fixed by the byyear. Immigrants are now enter- which the American. Economic laws andas the Board of Directors shall KecogHized s s OSTON .OYSTER HOUSE a President, Vice-President, Secreing at the r a t e of 50,000 per ommittee had devoted itself elect PRACTICAL SfOHEL tary and Treasurer: Jf VCU rr,"T, year. All are busy making their ith modest success". A. OREF.NBERG. Flione 1059 livlihood, building their homes, E. SCHWAKTZ. developing the country. In more Cairo-—Heeding the pleas of than one place that I entered in .1- il the evening, I found tractors be- :he Egyptian press which called ing driven by Jews in the dark". n him to remain in Egypt, Dr. Pratto, chief rabbi of AlexContinuing, he said: "The David ndria, has refused to accept the neighboring lands, on the other ppointment chief rabbi of hand, are as they long have been. Home, a place as which been vaUndeveloped primitive agricul- :ant since the death has of the late ture, little or no industry, misery )r. Angelo Sacerdotl. A V ^> the annual Talmud Torah picnic, held Sunday!-afternoon and evening at Riverview Park. The picnic was sponsored by Hebrew Mothers Association and the Board of Directors of the school. Over 500 people attended. In commenting on the success of the undertaking, Mr. Jack London, President o£ the Board of Directors o f ; t h e Talmud Torah said "We want to thank the Sioux