Entered aa Second Class Mat! Matter-on Jahuiiry:-21, 1921, at
PoatoMlOf oIOmal(a, Nebraska/ under t h e Act of March• S. ISJ9
Zimman Family First Contribution
ribution in the amount of 55,000 to, the building fund, In memory of their mother, Sarah Zimman. • Chicago (JTA) — T h e C" < York (WNS) — Between Active Official in Newly-OrganIn m a k i n g the formal an- Conference of Americas; ,.ee and four thousand German nouncement, Mr. Greenberg fur- last week closed one of the ized Eabblnica! Council Jewish • refugees hare already J. J. Greenberg, president of ther stated that the entire mem- iest conferences in the fort. -*e been settled in South, and Central of America the Beth-El synagogue, announces bership were highly enthusiastic years history of the American re'! ft!* America, the bulk of them in. Brathe purchase this week of a build- over, t h e ' acquisition of this lot, form rabbinate after a week dezil and Argentina, Refugee Com..Sabbl Uri Miller, .spiritual ing site located; a t 49th. to 49th and that it is of far-reaching im- voted to debates on controversial missioner' James G. MacDonsld leafier of t&e Omaba ' avenue: at Farnam, w h e r e the portance to the future welfare of questions, speeches and reports. told the correspondent of the Jht..••or IJnion of Orthodox Con-congregation expects to erect a Beth-El. The accomplishments of the Jewish Daily Post befpre sailing At a "meeting of the board of conference, in brief, are: gregations, '.has/been elected to beautiful structure. for London to attend the meeting Blanche, Harry B.- a n d I. B. trustees held Tuesday evening, a the executive committee of the 1. Under the influence o£ tlie of the Refugee Commission's govBabbbiical Council of America. Zimman have made the first con- recommendation was made to the 'younger elements," ended its op- erning council. executive committee that a ways position to Zionism and resolved ©r.. A.. Greenfeerg wm elect' B'nai E'riili, Gfim J. Tioon, Next to Palestine, the countries The Rabbinical Council of Amand means committee be appoint- to take no collective stand on the of South America offer potentiale3 second vice-president ©I Dis-er Omahan v h c is a- past pvsK'erica, an organizandn lncittding ed to hire an architect for t h e question. ly the greatest opportunity for the trict Grand Lodge No. 6 of thedent oC District 6, T as nwfihlf: .•.*• all modern ^orthodox"Rabbis, was purpose of drawing plans for a 2. Urged a. program of "eco- refugees, though he declined to , E'cai'E'ritli saisS Philip M. Elate- attend the convention, ftier J.vformed at a two-day conference building. nomic reconstruction" including give details, he" intimated that a. j rick was elected to the general ing planned to go, of orthodox Rabbis held in BelRabbi. David A. . Goldstein de- reforms in work relief, passage of number of important refugee pro; committee; &i the siixt j*-sevcntl$ ' TP covering- the omrvmUon ;'r.mar, N. J., J u l y ; ! and .2. This orlivered an inspiring address com- Wagner Labor Disputes BUI, re-jects pending in a number of ganization replaces the Council "of plimenting the building commit- distribution of national Income, South- American countries would ll f-PtP OOTT.mpr.fp nr. the Union 61 Orthodox Congregaj at' Minneapolis last week. tee on their choice of this highly- a federal housing program and s. soon be completed. He also exIMonsky es 1 tions of America, the Rabbinical desirable location and predicting child labor amendment - to the plained that one of the chief obDr. Greenberg has Eerred onjvention. j ovacle, guest C-XU'P.<V< Association of the Rabbi Isaac Sweeping JSfi-orj^nization Voted continued, progressive growth for constitution. ! the general committee for s. istim- ary, Ivigrli command, etc., Ufc stacles to placing Jewish refugees Elchanan Seminary, and h a s , isthe congregation. :ber of years. The second vice- K o n s k y , o I O m a h a . , . A TP. 3. Warned against the danger in South America was the fact oi: • at Atlantic City sued an invitation to the RabbinI presidency of the district automaMrs. David Sherman, president of Fascism and Communism and that the Latin-American, nations superlative human being." T* ical Association of the Hebrew . - . . . ' . , -: - Conclave ! tically leads to the presidency of the ladies' auxiliary, s t a t e d asked a Senate Investigation Into are in need of agricultural work- j Theological College of Chicago to that t h e Beth-El women, w h o un-American activities; asked lib- ers while few of the refugees sre J The general committee, to he 3? referred to PR an * Join the new organizationhave been looking forward to a | v-hich Klutznick was elected, ie ispouter." Wonpfcy reported or., qualified agricultural workers. | Atlantic City (JTA) - - T h e eralization of citizenship laws | the governing body of the district I progress of the R'nrn TVr?*.iDr. Samuel Guy Inman, Mr. Besides being elected to the ex- thirty - eighth annual convention definite building program, are ex- to include Chinese,, Japanese End Dr. A. Green'berg ganization. He P.ISO report-en tremely happy that their dreams MacDonald's associate who has of the Zionist organization ,of ecutive, Rabbi Miller also served Hindus. Second Vice-President of Dis- lodge. are now crystallizing into actual: as secretary of the committee.,on America .concluded with the un4. Asked protection of racial, just returned from a tour of trict Grand Lodge No. 6, a p o s i . ! The Omaha delegation (the r-r-i "iond largest present) playe:" rr.' committees, and the Organization animous •. re-election of Morris ity and that their efforts will be religious and political groups South and Central America, told tion automatically leading-to presimportant role in the deliberc.n nt Rothenburg to his fourth term as redoubled with a definite goal in against discrimination, a ban on j the Post correspondent that he committee. .; idency. of the convention. Kenry RfoisL: Among resolutions passed was president. Louis Lipsky, the Am- sight. ant'irSemitism and the outlawing made arrangements for placing and Sam Beber, outstanding in inone advocating'the Kehllla, a sys- erican member of the World Zionof force as a means for social about 75 German Jewish profesH!"»I ternational B'nai B'rith EiTr'-r,' tem of - communal, organization ist--Executive was .unanimously sors in nine countries. The newchange. are members of the genera; c r e similar to the Vaad Ha'Ihr in Om- elected honorary president. 5. Approved marriage reforms, university In Soa Paulo, Brazil mittee of.the district by r k \ i <•<•:' aha. ' . " •• ; .•' .,'. . • • ' • . • • : .The convention voted a sweepincluding uniform marriage laws will engage 15 refugee profesrictf their official positions. Bo'*- r - r sors; seven specialists in agriculin all states. • A resolution was passed indors- ing reorganization of the, fundapast presidents of the district., r--" ! us. ing. Mlzrachi work and calling on mental • structure of the Zionist 6. Took no definite stand, oa ture, two in finance, two in interOrganization of America, adjustOH: Monsky is a member of the e-r--i American Jewry to support it. peace, but appointed two commit- national finance, and six in social ing the administrative system in | active committee of the irt< •->•-! tees to report on the question.at sciences, education and medicine America to function along the New York (JTA) — Prof. Al- tional,order end Beber is - . I T : ; - ' The Hazomir singing club, com- the next conference. However, will be placed in Paraguay after same.lines as the system of the posed of thirty members, -will pre- approved . a national referendum the country's educational system bert Einstein lias done it again. dent of the Supreme Acl'-iso-: World. Zionist Executive. sent a concert over radio station for declaration of war, conscrip- is . reorganized; three professors His latest contribution to science Council of the A. S. A., ;rr : ov - The changes decided upon were W. O. W., Wednesday evening, tion of property in •wartime, and of finance, one in philosophy and is 4 a "cosmic bridge" which will adopted as an amendment to the July 17, at 10;p. m.,. under the decided to. spend an entire ses- three in manual training •will be aid in linking the infinitesimal Constitution...They provide: direction of Cantor A. Schwaczkin sion of the nest conference oa the employed in the new school of atom and • the ' heavenly astronocommerce in Chile; Peru will mic-system into one unified sys1. That the. executive authority T h e * p r o - question of •war and peace. r _ _ - . . j . .., 1 • ^ T"fT"T take on five professors; six Eta- tem. • • of the Z. O. A. shall be vested in ^.--' "~*' v gram'-will con 7. Urged the United States to s Working in collaboration with an executive committee consisting /* x sist of Jewish join the League of Nations and tistical experts, agricultural scien\ folk songs and the World Court, and to continue! tists and veterinarians will be Dr.-N. Rosen at the Institute of "New Territortalism" Theory of. the officers and seven "addition- -i al members .to^ be elected at the \ Hebrew -melo in efforts for disarmament. [placed ia Ecuador; six in the new Advanced Study at Princeton, Being • Advocated in Prof. Einstein evolved a series of 1 1 annual Zionist convention. '•"•dles.--8. Opposed compulsory military university and four in. Panama; - - England equations:- which "2: That the""Executive shall be '• Members o training in educational institu- three specialists In government in mathematical Jc r0Te responsible to the Administrative that space and matter are!jF c r _ e r r,.^ the.chfiir .& r e tions and ' withdrawal of .war-[Nicaragua; five in the University i P London < JTA)'.—- Emigration Committee..,, ' : J e s s r s . E propaganda movies. • i of Mexico if outside funds are obpt Jews to unsettled • countries S. Zlzcji inamb"ij>f the. Enc<%u^;t"the" closing session, the Cur-[tallied; End a substantial number -suck list-exist la-South America, Bernstein, Le rick committee surprised the con- in Colombia after the country's "Uganda and Angola was advocat- tive v/ho is not en elected officer' : £aard B e r n ference by reporting a resolution universities are. reorganised.. Be- article in the Physical Review. His j London {WNS - Palcor A ed by Dr. Joseph Kruk, exponent shall, be in charge of a specific il-r .-.'.:•• s'te i n a n d far more radical in its aati-war sides those for . whom lie found new, theory presupposes.. a new! of the "hew territoriailsm," in'an department to be assigned to him — Dr. Chairre WeJKraanr;, particle, much smaller and simp-.-•icy) b y ' the Executive in the same •> n Charles ' M o places, Dr. Inman reported that 11161 sentiment than the first. For address *before The Maccabeans, 1 the previously discover-: " President of the "World 1 ^ . g e l , tenors hours the - controversy . raged oa three refugee professsors are en- ler'than .v a society of Jewish professional manner. as the members of the ed atom, ' • • [ ist Organization, will he a rrrc.iExecutive of the Worlds Zionist T\ • 5 f M i s s e s P e a r the floor with a group of paci- ployed in the University of Soa d a t e f o r t h s t office p t men. ' ' • ' This "bridge particle" between Organization.' . ^ pressing for a definite vote Paulo, three in the Rio de Janeiro s a c e E n d m £ t t e r hs Marcus, J o Prof. Norman Bentwich exThe executive .was elected, conobtained oy coming- World ZionistI.meer-' {sepbine Nathsnake bite seruni laboratory, s i s ! P pressed himself as skeptical as to on the resolution. tion which opens' Pt combining the nee use nf of the' sisting of seven vice-presidents, rnrn rnT^ incr fro fho Trifha* r a n , Marrian •whether Jews would be willing, to When fiaally the conference de- in scientific institutions in Chile, the' secretary, the treasurer and 3 >O" , I1! - i '„. . ^Strauss, L I b- cided to defer action until next one in Peru, seven go to uncultlvated.countrles. Mrs. seven executive members with .:}•?• • .Discussion hurts! nique Institute f e r t y Cooper, year, the pacifist group was reIsrael Zangwill declared that the connection pointed o.r,t t h e • two in tbe government hospital of a n d Adeline old, enthusiasm about the Terr!• portfolio. The vice-presidents are: arded as. badly beaten. newly formed World Union Cantor ol o r ««.i'i"'r!-K every ; of space. pi torialist movement no longer ex- Rabbi Solomon -Goldman' of ChiProgressive Zionists ..„„ „,I!. * Equally vigorous -was the de- Guatemala and one in the UniA. Schwaczkin Tatleman, alcago; Judge William M. Lewis of to bri-n? • h o r n e t.<- iVf 1 versity of Mexico teaching Hetos; M i s s e s ists./, ••.-• ••..• , •..•' -i.'- ".•'• rssuj iiiCiUu^s Zionist. £,iCupi; j Philadelphia;"' Max Shulman of Harriet Bernstein, Lois Gerlisky, bate on Zionism. Rabbi Abba Hil- brew with funds raised by the Sir Philip Hartog, -who, presidfrom England, Poland, German-. I'^n-Jev? t^P Chicago; Rabbi Abba Hillel Sil- Jeanette Coltoff, Ida Wolk, Rose lel Silver, of Cleveland was con- Jews of Mexico City.' ed,, announced that although, the Czechoslovakia, Jugoslavia, Ilou-i° nl3: " seeks-to take MS PRV ver of Cleveland: Elihu D. Stone Novak a n d Sylvia Gilbert, sop- spicuous among the delegates old ITA.; (Jewish Territorial A s mania, Latvia, France. Switzer-' m e c " R E t h e of Boston; Nathan Straus of New ranos; . Morris Tepletsky, Julias who impassionedly urged the DO [ mi ; sociation); had-been abolished, he land, Greece, AuTstHa, LitbuaEJa 'ze & -objectives of American ;tt; > conference to abandon its tradi- 1,006 JEWS CONVERTED- I I -Harry Freedberg of Nathan, Dave Slobodinsky, a n d and several other people have York ' ' i *ishiP -sind .for. combaltins.t.;'i Italy and 'Palest!* e tional opposition to the Jewish •'•• Henry Magzamin, bassos. jsiandere and-libels upoa the ..u v-» Joined in: publishing a manifesto, K a n s a s i - C i t y . homeland Ideal. The conference WARSAW Iff THREE MONTHS .' Morris-iMargolies was re-electisU calling, for.new efforts 'to settle Miss Naomi Gross is the piano decided to allow eaca individual — The Gene-P-1! People. (WNS)': Warsaw (WNS) — More than A pIan Warsaw {JTA) —Abolition of Jews on uncultivated territory as ed secretary and-Harry D. Fierst accompanist. Messrs. J o e Sax, rabbi to formulate his own stand victory in tne ; ' "W f t s T*ronor-«<o to • «J.i<i> Zionists scored a 1,000 young Jewish men. have the -anti-Nazi Boycott • Committee a solution to the einlgration prob- of Mount' Vernon was elected Louis Sax and Hymie Gendelman on Zionism. elections J^PJ-FS; j edncscttons! institistioTiB • t5irf>i;j.--'Slonist Congress been converted to Christianity in in. Poland • was one of the conditreasurer. lem. f0y!oi-t the eovmf.ry with tlie ulv.'mt.,%? are violinists of the group. . . _ - . . . , , . polling 5.41P votes i i The opening sessions witnessed the last, three months, according tions made • The following are.the members by-the >.azis m their t „>.__ • « • > r « rfpjvJew of dJ.rpctlp.fr- Jewish si•i.-fiar:t. In his address. Dr. Kurk asThe group, formed s i x years an attempt to reformulate a num- to statistics published here.. .. ,. . ,_ ^, ,- v. i LEDOr, 2,104 or the negotiations with Polish, represen- ! froTn to tl;e ' ! serted that Jews ought never Of the executive with portfolio: ago by Harry Bender and Cantor ber of fundamental concepts of The converts are mostly of the tatives for the reneTral of the party, 1.SS9 for the Kafiic&l Zior,-! to rge p. Sir; agree to be recognized as second Charles A. Cowen, Abraham Gold- Schwaczkin,; is headed by L e o Judaism. Rabbi Samuel H. Goldists and 752 for the MiErachi. professional class, who, as Jews, German-Polish olish trafie agreement, 1 T M g T * class citizens 1 but should" -unite berg* Rabbi Israel I. Goldstein, Bernstein, president; Morris Tep- enson of New York contested that not find ,s Genera! t.raiElng thnf were, unable to secure any posi- | according- to a dispatch from Ber-1 Eionigts t h r C o n g r e s s delegates, i youth crowding into tlie with all the best forces of other Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, Dr. Sam-litsky, vice-president; H a r r i e t Judaism Is a religion rather tion even as manual laborers. _ Ira appearing m this weeks P o I - | L a b o r t w o d e l t a n d t l j 6 i o n e o r i a v end r.iediolne. nations for freedom and peace. uel ^Margoshes, Leo Wolf son and Bernstein, secretary. than a civilization, provoking a Louis P. Rocker. . .. Their conversion almost inevi ish newspapers. Palestine) he declared, can nevNew'members recently admitted vigorous response from Rabbi SilAt the convention it-wnr. i'.'.v. •i ish State party one delegate. tably, ensures them a suitable Resolutions were adopted as to the organization are N a o m i According • to the report,, the] er lipld all the Jews and thereclosed that the B'nal B'rStli r.ti. ver and a number of other rabbis job, and this, it is .explained, is Jewish .boycott of German^ goods ! fore .a new land should be sought follows: • Kuklin, Israel Middleman a n d who regarded Rabbi Goldenson's ' Bucharest (WNS) — A non-j not only won back members -«.--*-".-• the reason for. the sudden epide1. For the•- establishment of a Donald Strauss. had "• been so effective that the I ew may be a. -delegate to the |had drifted swp.v \yV.t had fct.:nni. where JewB can settle on a proview as too narrow. mic of apostasy. Joint Zionist Consultative Counj7A German- exports ,o Poland • drop-(Zionist gressive, and cooperative basis. Congress from Bessarc-j v.f.y- membrrj! yithin tbe pw-> •*"•' cil. This Council' Is to be comin j ped from 4S6 raillioa marks Four* mil/^on Jews have emibia. M. Pissof,' a Bulgarian, is one iyears. 192S to only slightly more than of the cs.fiAidEitR? of the Bes^PTS-i grated I n , t h e last century, Dr. posed* t>f-representatives of all oreight-million marks in-1934.- • Kruk-sald, and the desire for ag- ganizations,, in "the United. States bian Zionist css.pi^PtlPTi, Pipso* filcctpr? tt"PRif'f>f f" < This 'makes all the clearer the ricultural colonization today is engaged in any.-phase of activity acts of-.the. Polish .govern- •who has lived among' Jews Ell 1'ts I He succeed? AttlMU much! -greater than* before ' t h e in behalf -of the Jewish National life, is married to a Jewess, speaks i Among; the pcUlrppses p Home. war.- There are 650,000 Jews livJack. Gavenman, who is a well Yiddisn fluently. Is learning Ho-1 were those by Sigminsfi I.*'., 2 / The plan, for the establishing by agriculture, he said.; V bre/w and plans to settle, in Pal- [ gton on anti-ticiarn.atiots; .'*s ment. of a Legislative Council in known construction engineer, was and ordered- its Palestine was condemned in a res- notified last "week that he receivT h e merry ring of children's A cool spot in use every day bers to refrain-from resuming ef- estice. He has been extremely ac- j EillikcpE rrn the plight of &••; tire in ESonist affairs jn Kishinev, i 'evrrv: Florti B. O3f?nn. rp"!>olution 'which declared that the ed; a federal appointment as as- happy laughter echoes from the is the swimming pool, where the forts to push the boycott. of Minnesota: f?nd' Arthur '? inauguration -of r such a council sistant resident engineer inspector Jewish Community Center portals youngsters refresh themselves In The. Committee --was . originall-y-j • oiitpoinjs president. would be: contrary to the provi- of the P. W. A. project at Gothen- these days, as o v e r a hundred the clean water. They play all organized- by the Je^-s '•with'." the.j i One of the icadSnp dmt-fre?;, berg, Nebraska. sions of the Mandate. youngsters of both sexes—rang- morning on t h e Central h i g h tacit'approval of the goverEiaeEt.'! ft j gx-ated by Wonskj", TS-?»F, {Tie ~;->. : 3. The allocation of a larger ' M r . Gavenman graduated from ing, in ages from five to fourteen grounds. ; This was at- a time Tvheir Polas.fi i • >4 I tion of cues by one-half for IT "IE *! €^ Nebraska University in 1919, and number of immigration certifi—-are thoroughly enjoying themEach of the "bunks" is in a feared the ambitions o£ the • Nazi's i | berg under 2 6, cates to Americans desiring to since then he has held positions in selves at the : six-week Summer separate room, with a b o u t a in. Danzig: and Upper Silesia!. The; Vienna •{ JTA) — The hope j New York (JTA) — One: bill settle i n Palestineas laborers was the national, state and county en- Home Camp. ' doses of the children using one Polish ••government utilised: tSe !that the Austrian authorities will I Dr. Kiirt Rosenfeld- exiled for- demanded.. An appeal to this ef- gineering services. He -was in the Jewish--anti-Nazi. Committee as .as j In tliee spirit of the fun . All of the activities at the camp bunk. k. - In p Eot place obstacles in the way of j mer .Prussian minister of justice fect will be directed to the Jew- state department of public works are in full swing, and have been : the formation ol a Federation of prevailing at the camp,the youngj instrument for. ousting the Ger-' ; doesn't intend, to pay is that re- ish Agency. ~ for nine years, Sarpy'county en, •,'•.•••. ., • ; attractively arranged to the de- sters have given their hunks such nians from the Polish market. TcT ish Communities in Austria,'i iiU ceived from the German govern4. TJie .. convention warned gineer for four years and has par- light of the kiddies. r f ( expressed here s,l a cotsfer-i. "i, names as'. "Bide-a-wel,". "Pals," ment ordering him to. remit 80,- against the danger of special par- ticipated in some of the largest The central theme of the camp "Junior J ' s , " "Good Manners,". e- c of delegates from various j ' ^'..Lti: 517 marks as principal and Inter- ty Interests reducing the World sewer'installations in Omaha. is "A Trip to Palestine," in which crrvimunities t !i r c u g h o K t the. I _...J,_JUI est at 120 per cent a year for Zionist Congress to a state of imIn: 1921 and 1922 he surveyed the children, are taken upon an "Winning Bunk." tcrntry held lor the purpose of! ' Syracuse, N. Y. (JTA) 1 having fled fronv • Germany after portance by seeking to undermine for; the United States reclamation imaginary day-by-day trip to the • The dancing,, music and dracreating a united front In Aus- j iv K. Heltiman, jwesJdent ot tb* matic classes a r e a . l s o finding his life was threatened by the Its authority in advocating the or- service on the preliminary irriga- Jewish homeland. . favor. Bucharest (WNS) Anti-Se- Irian Jewry. : ! iooa5 Germ&n Societies was otift- At N a z i s . " : - ; .' " / -.'.•' ••'• '.• ganization of a rival congress. A tion and power survey. This surMonday, "for e x a m p l e , t h e If the camp has done nothing Elitism ' is-. £ The co-afer«Ece pointed out that] t.ji.e principal speakers at a.^iefti.-; The "bill" informs him that all resolution .adopted ,to this effect vey-was on the basis of the pres- youngsters left on" a' make-believe else, it'°p'u t.'zest into jaded ap-| former premier Julius - Maniu, there is an urgent need for the 1 find open house of tbe Honjf «'.*s? his property and that of his wife vigorously upholds the discipline ent Sutherland Project. airplane journey to New-York. AH petites, because the .food set be-! leader . o£ • the .powerful Katior Aged of • Central • i creation ol an ithoritative, com- | ,T€ has been seized "on account." Dr; of the World Zionist Congress. the activities of that day took on fore the children vanish rapidly Peasants . Party, ; dec is. a.| prehensive- crgaxi sat ion of the j York, TIi? Arion Choral Gronft Rosenfeld commented that the ; the semblance of an, airplane ride. and without-waste. Baa-Staermer. • •' pres3 intervie-w here. I Jews ir. Austria; i s a result of I T5 voices. a. imii of the -Ger property was. seized two- years- ago Paul Goldfelait, esecntive direcThere is -no just; Geneva — Sale and distribution Tuesday they "embarked" on the on, for j the conference, a Federation of \ Societies; gave a profr«.m and t h a t this act makes the seiz- Arab';Masi C l i b • . • • ._." •,s h i p Normandie, h e a d e d for j tor; Ruth- Allen, educational diE resporisible for j Jewish Coir.ir:BnitisE lies un-Rg "Die ure "strictly legal.''.'.' ••.',""" " " Haifa — Arab youths here of- Der Stuermer, Germany's most France. The rest-of this - w e e k rector; and Lee Grossiasn, physi-j holding the the present' econcirac cris lurid and violent anti-Semitic jn \ projected, s s d lias JewiEli coin-; Heinricli Heine, have organized a Nazi club. was devoted to s h i p activities. c a 1. director, ere - c a a ; p super- Sourassia, Dr. Msnis E aM, polat-1 Esunity of Viet aa -P"&£ instrcctefi \ poet vhosee wortg" s,r6 now p a r i s _ _ Alien Jews as well as The club has . already estab- publication, have been forbidden They will spend threes irce&s' ia viccrs., Rodie • Sher is in the canton of Zurich by order camp £.£- fcg out t t - t they suffer frost pres- j to take • s " ti csssary stf:ps to i in Geraiany,. : all other foreigners will be un- lished headquarters and goes un"Palestine," b e f o r e retarsizg ministrator. cat ctKiiilir.rss just as ration into exist-j In offering; to participate-to. as i able to praeticg medicine or den- der the name of "Tho Hed of the cantonal government. "honie." The s t a f f of eot;nse.;ors »n- ether ei?^'.er.t£ of the ; opcl ! ence, • j celebration of the Jewish.: tistry* in Franca after 1940 un- Moon." The v>ork shop is prcsressias dudes':. A n a e. !•: | The Vienna Jewish Conimnulty j the president o£.the less they become French citizens. Apparently the organization Fecslilv/asger Film. picely, with the children na&iss Rosenstock, Rose Fisber, Lylycr receivsa, Tii».a ioy ia .se-srisa. CVi civ- | has also been E\silsorli;ed by the I cietles staled that b© wanted The chamber of deputies and has strong backers, for all of its Vienna — Local authorities various articles out of metals acd Chudacoff, Jaast Graets. B e t t y . I Conference to iniovtn the Federal I shew that the Jews aad cies tiers b* canse i e h£d recently the senate approved a bill barring deficits are" promptly met, and it last week refused to grant a per- wood. The same room is also a Fellman, Rebecca Kirsheubaur.), ! Minister of Education SEC! Pub-1 In Syracuse are troiisefi fecr aa^cxig Jews by deforeigners from practicing these seems able to draw upon unlimit- mit for the" showing of the movie popular p l a c e for the sutiraer; Loyal Kaplan, Robert Bcr-stcla, J j s g thtt'Kiag Carol rid the t lie Worship, of the forijaattoE of j even though they iaay be of. 4-«S* professions in France. ed financial resources. "Jew SUES." camp attendants. Cokb2,-aad ilax Eesnick. I country c£ "Jewish iaflaences." | this Federation. -• jlerect racial desceat.' ' .
I heory
pace to Matter
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Government Post to jack Gavenman
Nazis Can/Whistle for^FhisTax Bffl
- •
Belle I A..Sfclar, secretary; Mr. N. is & very sick man. and his friends to Germany annually. . pern . . . TO Irving Forbes, who are trying to raise a fund to send Didjah, the dancer, is very popu- er, treasurer. has been promoted to the head him to a tubercular sanitarium. . . lar in the Argentine and g e t s M M . S. Crandal, Mrs. A. Azor-9 of the credit dept. , . . TO- Sam • • * • Mr*. Jesse Isador Straus, wife of rounds of applause ~from South in and Mr. Jake Sellnsky w e r e ! •:• Hahn, who is now employed in •:• the American ambassador to American Hitlerites-. . . . These appointed to t h e entertainment! Maypers1 credit dept. . . . TO France, is very happy these days gentlemen are not aware t h a t committee. By PHINEAS J. BIRON Rose Rimmerman, who is now LOURHOIN because the French chief of pro- Belle Didjah is a New York Jewemployed as a bookkeeper at district and was third on the list tocol decided that she is to be ish girl, wife of the dramatic ediI off: of'his hand and into the deep Maypers . . . TO Jack Gaven- MANHATTAN SNAPSHOTS JUICY JESTS "What young pharmacist across water of Linoma Beach, last Sun- man upon his new government At a luncheon in honor of Max in the voting for Zionist Con- listed at all social functions tor of the Jewish Daily Forward. (Copyright 1536 by Seven Arts) , : the river ijtas been making fre- day . . . Cofelts has opened up a appointment . . . , TO Scout Reinhardt. at the Ambassador gress delegates. . . . Lipsky got 14 ahead of the Princess Nicholas: of (Feature Syndicate) . Client' trips' to Minneapolis to visit handy liquor store . . . What di- troup 61 for its excellent rec- Hotel in New York « . . .Profes- more votes than Morris Rothen- Greece . . . . We were waiting all Preserves Yenr berg and 121 more votes than vorce which is in contemplation this time to congratulate Magis. a prominent social belle ot that ord at Camp Gifford last week. sor Albert Einstein, scheduled aa Judge Julian W. Mack . . . . But trate Jonah J. Goldstein . . . . - city flue tp his becoming alarmed will rock the Social circles if the main speaker, runs up to toastTUITION SCHOLARSHIPS because.of:[some real rivalry? .'... parties concerned do not have a master ex-Ambassador G e r a r d what is more interesting is that Here's our chance . . . . H e ' s go- Because of their high scholastic # Our scientific modern 100 delegates out of 25S did not ing to perform the marriage cereBecause of and pleads with him not to forEveryone is susceptible. No one change of heart? averages in the college of a r t s methods retain the corvote for Rothenberg as a delecertain tendencies of a social ormony for his sister, Gertrude, who get to call on him as he h a s is immune,»; In proof of this ask and sciences at Crelghton Univergate to the Congress . . . .Best rect size and shape of t ganization, c e r t a i n . prominent is to wed Jack C. Peck, known something very important to say ,» Sidney Sptitein, one of our young the following were" included your clothes. . . :. . This .naivete and modesty looking lady .at the convention professionally, as "Jacques, .the sity, eligible cotnselOJS, "who very un- members; w h o were responsible the list receiving partial tuition of Einstein are genuine . . . .Max was Mrs. Ezra Shapiro of Cleve- coutourier" . . . . The town of, in @ Let us clean and de-moth _. expectedly 1 ia. becoming entranced for its success and its growth, are A g r t f u p of Council of Jewish scholarships: land . . . . Most boring speaker of them now! by the charms of an out-of-town resigning from its rolls . . .Back Women members, who comprised Reinhardt, in a speech written by the convention was .Rabbi Joseph Boksburg in South Africa is goAbe Kats, Morris BscSky, and •. miss . •» .;|Millatd Sigal, w h o is slaps tq Al Weiner, who kept his the child and a d u 11 psychology himself, proclaims Meyer W. Wei- Shubow of Massachusetts. • . . ing to have a Dr. Landau Street Morton © Sealed in moth - proof "Adler. contlnualli* surprising his friends head and saved one of the fairer classes last season, will h a v e a sgal the strong man of -the thea- Best dressed man at the conven- In honor of the chief rabbi of cedsrized bags without This is the first year t h e s e members of our group who went South Africa, J. L. Landau . . . . tre because -Wei.sgal cured him of r"T)y displaying some new talent, is extra charge. Call - - summer luncheon at t h e Paxton his fright of air travel . . . . Mrs. tion was Meyer F. Stelnglass, Professor Piecard, the explorer of scholarships- have been awarded. under at Peony, last Sunday . ... ; now entertaining' tjie public •with hotel, Tuesday, July 16, at 1 p. m. managing editor of the New PalGOODMAN'S -his own original Spanish dance Max Canar and Max Kramer were to discuss plans for t h i s fairs Reinhardt -whispering to us that estine . . . . Best oratory was by the stratosphere, had a Jewish unable to lease out the extra Space grandfather who was a shochet in the reason why Reinhardt has a •: . ..'..-. Anna j Witten of E>es .Molnes , prejudice against flying • is that Rabbi Abba Millel Silver, vocifer- Germany . . . . In his student days ' and Joe i iBlumenthal w i 11 be In their bathing suits that they program. Mrs. Howard Milder, past chairrented at Peony, last Sunday . . . last year he was scheduled to fly ously applauded by Meyer W. Plccard was the favorite pupil of <. Rabbi'd during the third week of Harold J. Saks w a s substitute man; Mrs. Ben Silver, Vice-presi- from Italy to Austria in company Weisgal . . . . Judge William H. Einstein when the latter was Because df his rare master of the Monsky household dent of the Council; and Mrs. I. I. Lewis of Philadelphia did not teaching In Switzerland . . . . The August .- ability toil D1 c.k.. a -winner, hia while he was out of the city . . . Solzman, new* chairman, a r e in with. Max Pallenberg w h o was speak' once . . . . Most intelligent new Duchess of Roxburgh^ will At a regular meeting o! t h e killed in a crash on that trip . . . friends haye renamed Joe Green- Wonderment exists in the minds charge of arrangements. Reservaaddress by Maurice Samuel at be the granddaughter of a Roths- Progressive Choir, held June S, And that Reinhardt cancelled his berg, "Jlnimie Sutro," to remind of his friends as to whether the tions m a y be m a d e with Mrs. ticket at the last moment . . . . the Monday afternoon session. ... . child because Lady Mary Crewe- the following officers wem electhim of his' hottest tip •'. . . vacation of his family is agreeing Milder or Mrs. Solzman. • David A. Brown on the dais next Ludwig Lewisohn did not attend Milnes, who has been betrothed to ed: Sam Kenyou, president; Mrs. With Leo Abrahamson . . . to Maurice Samuel and apparent- the convention for a r e a s o n the Duke, is the daughter of the Sam Canar, vice-president; Mrs. Mrs. Mary Fredericks, who was WAR TlfljlE APPRECIATION to Zionist office . . . . late Lord Rosenberry who mart h e group' instructor, will be a ly enjoying the conversation, al- known A w a r ; incident therein 'a Reuben Brainin . was In Atlantic ried one of the Rothschild ladies though not so very long ago these guest. certain- i^ocar, Jewish" physician, VIEWS AND PREVIEWS City during the convention b u t . . . . The family of the late Wiltwo gentlemen banged at e a c h who is prominent In tlio Dis• The Joe Kurtz-Jennette Resother in an editorial controversy never once went to the conven- liam Jennings Bryan Is related to abled War Veteran's organiza. nick friendship Is becoming a HEBREW CLUB at the time of Samuel's book, tion hall, afraid to be disappoint- that of Governor Lehman of New tion, eavod tho life of a "Bad< very torrid one . . . Lou FellThe Omaha Hebrew Club com"Jews on Approval" . . . . Bern- ed with the low Intellectual level York . . . . The granddaughter of dy" has rlpGnCd into a warm man had. his lucky day at of the discussions . . . . the Great Commoner, Kitty Owen, friendship. Throughout these the races on the Fourth ... . mittees recently chosen by Jack ard, S. Deutsch interrupting the daughter of Ruth Bryan Owen, Gavenman, president, are as follast and all-important meeting of years this chap, who fa now a Art Smith and Bill Wolf son are minister to Denmark, is the wife man of .wealth and affluence, planning something n e w in lows: Welfare, L o u i s Morgan, the board of estimate Just to SPOET PARADE h a s coiaresponded .Irregularly smart lounging cocktail rooms chairman, Abraham R i c h a r d s , shake hands with Reinhardt and The Maccabl motorcycle squad of Robert Lehman, a nephew of with onrj local doctor.. RememWhich will be opened- in t h e Sam Bloom, Goodman Myerson, welcome him officially In the from Palestine now touring the the Governor. Charles A. Levine bering tlbie doctor's aid, the war near future • • . Willie Lipsman and Albert Kaplan: finance, John name of the City of New York . . . United States makes a very ath- first transatlantic 8ir passenger, buddy, has extended! an. invitaand his blond desire are be- P f t l d m a s , chairman, Hyman Being so much In a hurry that letic impression .^. . . They all is again In trouble, being sued by « m tion, to Win a n d his wife to coming inseparables . . . Cappy Shrier, Abraham Richards, S a m he donates his Ice cream to Meyer speak Hebrew and refused per- his own brother for taking advantage of him In a stock deal Feldman, Albert Kaplan, Mayer W. Weisgal who is so nervous ppend . ttie remainder of t h o Iilberman hopes to be the^gatsonal donations from a group of Bummer with Mm at his sum- - crmcllon king of Omaha in the Bercovici, Dan Schwartz, and Sol that he can't even look at it. . . . delegates who- wanted to h a n d . . . . Al LichtciRn, the new chief mer home. near future . . . Mesdames B. R o s e n b e r g ; membership, Ben Mrs. Eugene Meyer, Jr., wife of them money for a good time . , . of the United Artists, started out M. Kully, Abe Brodkev, a n d Kazlowsky, chairman, Albert Kap- the former head of the Federal Detroit is betting that Hank as an usher in & vaudeville jOtTRRENT CRACKS ' . ; Morris Xevcy will probably have lan, Hy Shrier, Abraham Rich- Reserve Bank, discussing with Greenberg will clout more than house. . . . The singine of David Lazarus, to shoot it out for the crown In ards, Sam Feldman, N. S. Yaffe, Reinhardt the stage debut of her 50 home runs this season . . . . who is closing his engagement at the Highland golf tourney . . . and Louis Morgan; judiciary, Joe daughter in the forthcoming At this writing he leads both big the 60 cljab, Saturday, July 13, Miss Ann Greenberg was t h e Tretiak, Mendel Blank,: and May- Franz Werfel-Reinhardt produc- leagues with 23 in 64 games . . . YOU'LL BE SURPRISED Raymond Healey, self-styled h a s become designated by t h e only secretary to accompany a er Bercovici; entertainment, N. tion. . . .All the ladies present Benny Friedman,, former Michiclub goers as the class offering delegate to t h e B'nai B'rith S. Yaffe, chairman, Albert Kap- staring at the new Mrs. Max Rein- gan all-American quarterback "American Hitler", was moved since theii club began its £ 1.0-o r contention'» . . B i l l , I really lan, Hyman Shrier, Sam Feldman hardt and finding her most and now coach of the City College from hia jail cell to the psychoShows »:« < 'Are the rumors true, thought that you w e r e more a n d Louis Morgan; educational, charming and unassuming . . . eleven, is studying law at Brook- pathic ward for observation . . . . Hyman Shrier, chairman, B e n Few realize that the slim, elegant lyn Law School . . . i Leo Weiss It seerss that he is firmly conconcerning the secret marriage of broadminded . . . Kazlowsky,. Dr. A. A. Steinberg, Frau Reinhardt is generally ack- won the national championship vinced that he will be elected at a tall brunette divorcee and her N. S. Yaffe, J. J. Friedman, and nowledged the Ethel Barrymore with his gasoline-powered model the next presidential election dic~Unedic, bay friend who has been COMMENTS Sam Klavor. of Germany. . . . And that her airplane whicn stayed in the air tator of the United States . . . . Been in. her company quite freThose elected to the Board of brother, Herman Thimig, is the for 64 minutes and 12 seconds. ... One of the favorite short wave . fluently? i j . . His friends tell us .'...' The X L Fraternity has,scored that Eddlo Btodkey, "who was seen another scoop by engaging t h e Governors are N. S. Yaffe, Dr. Lionel Barrymore of Central Eur- Barney Ross made more money radio programs coming from the rwita.th.fli.ame girl twice, has bro-Bob Bowman orchestra for their A. A. .Steinberg, Harry Dvorsky, ope. . . . betting on Joe Loula against Car- United States to Germany are the A FULL LINE OF • ... k e n his long standing dating pre- annual Summer Formal on Sun-and Ben Kazlowsky. nera than on his last fight with Beale Street Boys . . . . N&EIS love day, July 28... ... Bob, who iB new : The organization's • annual pichem because their same sou&ds. cedent * j|» Al Stern, a newcomer Jimmy McLarin . . . . Incidentalt?ho is employed In the govern- to Omaha, was formerly a saxo- nic- -will be held, at Lakeview Park ON THE BOARDWALK ly! there are whisperings t h a t so one hundred percent Aryan, phone player in Rudy Vallee's orin East Omaha, Sunday, August ment service, seems to be wasting The Zionist convention was a Barney's heart is beating for Mar- but wouldn't they be surprised tonot time in making acquaintances. chestra. He is n o w organizing 18; There ;wlll- be dancing, a n d wash-out from a dramatic point of ion Callahan, a chorus girl, but know that the Beale Streeters are his own musical unit which he good music. Admission will be 25 view because, although few peo-that his mother is not very hap- five colored gentlemen . . . . Palwill present for the first time at 7 Members and friends are ple knew it, a deal between Ro- py about Barney's Irish Marlon estine exports 5,000,000 oranges BITS' ,.-I;:;'; \;:;: . • this dance . ; . Girls take n o t i c e - cents. asked to keep this date in mind. thenberg and Lipsky h a d been . . . . Col.M. Robert Guggenheim, Mirny j people would l i k e to On August 4, the gala affair is concluded a few days previous. , the horse fancier, wears an Afriknow the underlying reason for being planned for the Phi Ep reThose reporters who labeled the can sun helmet e v e n when he '- Milton. Robinson's trips to Au- union;/ Fifty' out-ol-town guests Esther Seigal Heads attacks on: the administration by goes to the theatre during t h e burn, Nebraska? . -.^ Talented are'->ex£ecl5e(£:to,?come in, eo keep Maurice Samuel and Ezra- Shark hot* weather. . . . • Hugo Bfeyn.,ias probably re- this day open for an unusual enFa-Hon Sorority iro as the opening shot- by, t h e ' celved more recognition for his tertainment . . . The Z I m m a n JVUss Esther SeigeF was elected Lipsky group were all, wet . . .. ' many umisnal accomplishments family? deserves public commen-, president of the Fa^Hon sorority As is happened these two gentle- THIS AND THAT while following7 up his bobbies datlon f o r th'eif financial assist-; ai.;an 'election! of officers' held last men and the whole'Cleveland deleMaxwell Bodenhelm, the unof' than any other person in Oma- ance to t h e Beth-El synagogue Monday evening at the home", of ficial poet laureate of America, gation were as much opposed to " na . . . florae of the letters and Mrs. Sain Epstien. • ~ ' '.. ;" One, who is buildingfund Lipsky as to Rothenberg . . . ~ papers denoting his accomplish- discreet - la h i s wearing apparel officers chosen, are: Mrs. Nobody understood why Prof. . • ments ckn only Jbe bought at and is known f o r his sarltorial I. Other Tretiak, ; treasurer; .M r s.' N. Louis FInkelstein accepted the in• art galliiry prices—more dope exactness is T. A. Tully, better Kaplan, secretary; Sam vitation to speak at the Shmarya Fleishman & Soskin ' on him to follow, so watch the known as the hatter, in this man's Epstein,.reporter. }•and;Mrs. (formerly In the employ of L. ' . ; . Levin memorial meeting as h I s ' press . - . - G o o d luck, to yon, town '. •••."• .Rebecca Tatalbaum is Hums) Plans for the summer months address was m o r e critical than Meyer Malte, when you take now starting out in the business Insurance with Reliable were discussed. ' A * picnic supper eulogistic . . . . Rabbi Abba Hillel ' t h a t government examination world as a public stenographer Companies Twelve years experience - next week . . '. With the depar- and a capable one at that. She's was'planned, to "be held at Elm- Silver came to the convention wood, and a dessert a n d card Keal E s t a t e — P r o p e r t y • M a n a g e m e n t with a voting group ot seventeen - tore of ] that lively miss, Bath located In t h e Brandeis Theatre party will Tie "given at the home J A 7311 from his newly formed Cleveland 8 3 5 - S o . J o t h -St, - -•- • ' Xiurie,; for her home in P o r t Bldg. . ..'.'Take .a tip Phil Lazer, of Miss Marion Greenberger. ' Dodge, jthe heart beats of Is- some of the m e m b e r s of the ': rael Bercovici a n d of Harold younger s e t hint that y o u are ; Tnchmaa and possibly of more stepping on dangerous grounds A.Z.A.100 • young men. will n 6 w become . . ' . Max Barlsh is leading in this A. Z. A. No. 100 held an in'more reisrplar . . . I t is reported territory, in the sale of Plymouths stallation dance, July 3, at the ;: -that A b e Brodkey, master of and Dodges . . . . The purchase of Park pavilion. The afthe Highland Club greens, who a new car by liorney Gross is evi- Hanscom fairwas attended couples. - is convalescing, is m o r e con- dence of the uptrend in the gro- Max Novack. andbyS30 a m Friedcerned over the condition of the cery business . . » ; "...,. " . ' man-, -who is the chapter's dele"• greens than as to how soon he gate to the convention, a r e at; : !: Will bejiwell . . . Among t h e GREETINGS AND tending the A. Z. A. conclave in - matron!; classes, mesdamea H. CONGRATULATIONS Hollister, Mo. 'Don't Poss ";• Silverman, JT« Greenberg, a n d J a y Wiesman, aided-, advisor, TO Lloyd Banks upon his pro;• Arthur Cohn and their daughThis One" motion to manager of t h e Sid Coyne, with Scout troop 62 at '• ters are. the most regular users Camp Gifford, last week. * Brandson s h o e dept. in the tof the fT. C C. pool . . . T h e Joe.Guss h a s been appointed store and to Iz Soskin • . JJester i Simons, w h o at first Brandeis chapter representative to , t.-h e to his elevation to assistant though^ that they would need managership of t h i s depart- Jewish Welfare Federation board. •'. a purchasing agent to help furAt a regular meeting, July 10, ment . . . TO Joe Silber of Ifewnlsh their new home, have comJoe Guss led a discussion on the York city who is now in charge -, pleted the job alone . . . F o r of the liquor dept. in the Met- Jews of .Iraq. i sophisticated snops see Abe BolThe century chapter plans an ropolltan Drug Store . . . TO Al :.ker and Howard MUder at their "Chick" Kaiman and D a v i d outing at Linoma Beach, July 28. new enterprise . . . Shukert on their opening of the Tower Cigar Store .:. . TO Race Museum in Berlin MEATY REMARKS Top qualities from oer Ben Wolfe, who was appointed Berlin—A race museum Is to regsler stocks, tactecSfng '' What local gel recently broke head salesmanager of Slayper^.. be built in Berlin, according to an the vary newctt patterns & dollar b i l l in order to g i v e . . . and the smartest "Denver Boy" a Quarter f o r a . . . TO Iieo Hurwitz, who was - interview given by Dr. Kuemmel, styles. Fell sha reuses. ftOEJpliment?; It J. T. unused to promoted to - manager of t h e general director of the State Mu13'/i to 17. compliments?- . . .What store de- clothing department at: May- seum. tective of a downtown grocery, almost suffered physical injuries •when he' accused the guilty parNew collar attached styles ty? . . . Herbert Kaplan Is following his father's footsteps and is with short, medium and long now a general insurance man . . . points. All are nationally From p&thos to humor, this was known brands, expertly tait h e extreme of feelings experilored and full cut. enced by those attending a bridge social, last week, when the heels of one ot the heavier bridge playNone s o l d f®P Plain White Fancy Blues ers gave; out from under her and Plain B/ue Fancy Grays less fhan $2 . . . she w a p catapulted d o w n the Plain Gray Fancy Helio Most were 2.E0. stairs without a n y Injury . .. . Plain Green Eeon Feirer suddenly turned deep - sea diver when the watch slipped Favorites Among Better Fabrics: Clip Figure Madras Broadcloth (fine count) Our 'Annual Ju!y event . . . offering groups of summer mercKancfise at English Stripes Oxford Cloth drastic reductions lor quick sejling! Buy for immediate wear . . . for va: Plaids end Overchecks | | | ; ; S T 0 P ; ' I N . A T : . : : . - ' V •'•••• End and End Madras
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cation w e a r . . . and for fa!!! SHOP !N COMFORT iN OUR AIR COOLED DRESS DEPTS,
Ttrrr; i
tion. What form will this pro- the Reich! Forget'about the hun- crats until we have what vre wart. WEI to BSVP h i s money vocation take?.. ' dredthousand'iaen and women in: After - that" . . . . Here Hlt/rr aped institutions, even now on .'•' I do not pretend to loiOTr. But the hell-holes: of'the 'Gestapo.-.-Si- .'clenched his fist.' verge vf. old-age diPso'ntSon. let us suppose for the moment lence! The.^Fuehrer, must have ^si- - Once more the "Fuehrer" TIE::? For businesses, like men, r r H37.7 IT F C J H that the -ambassador -oX -Britain, lence while" he-- is.-plotting•'• to spoken — once mere he talkei old—and t h e period o£ dissnli' of Poland or Germany, or all plunge the world into war! like a democrat. His 'ReichsiEg tion comes for both. three, or two of them, attending Take him at his word? Yes, but-•speeeii not only delighted Ecn;e If the man who has $100.O some diplomatic function in Mos- this word, which he pronounced ^democrats, it made others jubilin choice securities, could be *cow, are suddenly assassinated. in . an interview four years ago: ant. That is the way he disarms old m a r, iomc-rrcF there v:m:i Will there be time to investigate "We hate democracy . . . .-we in- democratic opponents: by talking j By the Service Life Insurance be little old-ape speculative T»*-. who hired the assassins?'Will not tend "to''smash': it, in Germany democracy, by using their own ard. But the trouble Is thai- • Company, Oxnsba (Seven Arts CMef -European-Conrfesponde&Q' the Nazi radio in Germany, which first, then In.fhe whole world . . . weapons. "After that!" . . . .Aftwill not be on okl rr<«ij. for fi"<«v even at this moment drowns out £e -will •'render democracy help- er that comes the provocation. speeches or eat their fill by look-; get excited over? Let the man go Pierre Van Paasscn's article It is almost inevitable, unless or twenty or thirty years; pnr^ . every other voice in Europe, will by using,its own instruments, When we least expect it. Remem- i the life insurance plan be used, that period, the ceaseless tidr • describes Vvitb startling clarity ahead! If he tackles Russia he ng at Hermann Goering's decora- j it not scream to the four corners less that is we will talk like.demo- b'er.'-F&bruary 1933! . that man's financial situation in business change may wreck 1 • the growing /war danger Trith will be busy for the next fifty tions. The spirit of revolt is by I of the world that the murder in his old age should be speculative. ?100,e00 old-age fund. its ghastly prospects for the years trying to Prussianize the no means e x t i n g u i s h e d. It Moscow is the signal for the X\'e a r e not old iomoTTc---*?: T A n a n may pride himself upon Jews of Europe. To understand huge country. Why should we smoulders just below the surface. world-revolution, that this is Mosh i s conservatism, h i s cautious- are old twenty years irom>--toip->So what? The answer is: Hit- cow's way of breaking off relathe Jewish position in Europe meddle in a private quarrel?,,We ness, and yet this verj r trait may roTr. Hence, the speculative r' one has to take stock of the are neither Bolsheviks nor Nazis, ler must go to war and soon. But tions with civilization, that the merit is inevitable when Tre .^.«f why interfere in a clash between war is a tremendous risk. Hitler Nazi strength. Pierre "Van Paasred army is already crossing the eiaer the important question . By .HELEN sen'a analysis proves that the two philosophies, two world-sys- knows it." Three empires crashed borders? Can you imagine the | Hall steps crov.-fieri v-iib- n Tv'e':~ old-age money. tems, two "Weltanschaungen with into ruins in the last war. A treHitler war danger is in strict alarm and indignation in Paris, Hollywood—It's. all right . . . used to be just one big happy | coming Committee , . . the gag if One bad investment at ills ?sj • relation to the increase or de- neither . of whom we have any- mendous risk! Tet events are in Berlin, in Lodon,- in Warsaw? you "can greet Peter Lorre with ]'family here., but "now w i t h EO | Harpo, CiisgrniFPS p.? a. foreign crease of anti-Semitism in Eu- thing in common. Let Hitler have pushing him on. He cannot slow Fascist leagues demonstrating in a "Saolom alechexn" . . . he be- raauy newcomers coming in and j aviator,/evafiiEg the mayor's re- of a life time o£ good iJiveei n>-' • his way and he will probably tears down the whole elriu-U; ' up. He must take the plunge soonrops.—The Editor. the streets clamoring for war . . . i Guest t o r a speech fcy sticking to leave the rest of us.alone! er or later. He can hold the Ger- the yellow press heightening the longs. Having reached the top of so-.many cldgoers going out, youj the speaker's water-pitcher. We The caeh value of the old n'-i'-t ' British production in "The Man—-you just can't tell.whose throat policies v--iil make him STndle, < • These and similar sentiments man people under the jack-boot chaos with scare-headlines . . . . Who Knew,Too Much", he's slat- to cut!" "When you hear a man like j predict this one will be slightly the cash values of his investrnfn • heel for a time longer. The terror are heard on all sides In Europe cabinets falling . . . banks closing Adolph Hitler, -who has enslaved ! less loco than their loregolng pis. may make him cry. ed for a Hollywood rise . . .You'll a Tvitole people and "who is now and, I doubt not, also in Ameri- has just teen sharpened again. see:him in "Hands..of Orlac". . . . Europe in turmoil. Fright There are: massacres in the conAnd did you hear about L. engaged in trampling underfoot ca, We cannot say of the men who Personally he's not at all the Sol Rosenblatt, former X. K. A. , the last vestiges of human rights utter these counsels that they are centration camps and in the pris- , . . Panic . . . . , In that moment sinister, Mephlstophelan charac- j Goldstein, the -agent?:' He TTBS in movie codist, is going back to the whole system of alliances, so ons. The anti-Jewish "Hertze" is the midst ol a poker game „ . . in Germany in preparation of the agents of the Nazis consciously ter he portrays. He's a chubhyI making a. living . . . he's lawyergreatest of all his crimes, when engaged hi spreading the brown being whipped up to a new fury. carefully built up, will crash to faced, , Eunny^dispositioned ; little Twelve o'clock s t r u c k . . . he i ing in New York, ! the ground!-Chaos, will: be upon Streicher has been brought from yawned noisily. " W h y so tired?" you hear such a man lay claim to propaganda, but we can say and fellow, and popularly known as a asked his friend. "I'm -winning." us. Nuermberg to Berlin and his we do say that it is playing into a hasis of "social justice" and Too fantastic? you sa7. Let's "kidder".. The Screen Stars Ball Game •was the laconic answer. "menschlicho Rechte" for the the hands of Hitler and his mur- Stuermer" is printing in millions of copies. Jews are being tortured hope so. But remember the Reich- He was born in Carpathia . . . The Mars Brothers* new epic win be the funniest comedy ever Nazi movement, as he did recent- der-regime to uphold the "Fuehly in that -well-nigh endless har- rer's" theory of localizing a fu- all over the Reich. Hitler may stag fire! And do not forget that went to" Berlin poor, hoping to •will carry an almost. all-Jewish played, with or without a, camera angue before his Reichstag in ture war between Nazi Germany well thank God for the Jews. Once the Nazi press is even now spread- gain a livelihood in t i e films . . . star cast with Walter • (Wolf) . . . leading men vs. comedians. uniform, and -when on the day fol- and Soviet Russia. French fascist more, in a direly critical hour, he ing propaganda to the effect that had but thirty marks between him King, Kitty (Cohen) Carlisle, and It's a benefit lor the L. A. Jewio-wing you hear some o£ our sup- journals found that the idea of can divert attention from his own "Al Juda" is plotting an interna- and starvation when lie got a job the three • Marsmen in the t o p ish Tuberculosis- Sanitarian!. Ed. . was an instant sensation in spots. die Robinson, Benn3" Rubin, Rio posedly democratic moulders of localizing a European conflict, as great predicament by concentrat- tional war. The provocation may ing attention on the Jews. Oce the role of a murderer in the pic- And if yon think they play tid- .srdo Cortez, George Burns, Sid take a hundred different forms; proposed hy Hitler in that speech public opinion brealc forth into paens of jubilation over what had greatly "clarified" the issues more the old trick is tried. But one thing is certain: the Jews ture". dly-winks on the set, here's a tip: Silvers, Harry Ruby, Jessel, Joleven Streicher complains this wilt be deeply involved. For nothson and Cantor -will be among the at stake. A Dutch newspaper went they call the Chancellor's "paciSid Silvers . . . seven years a They stand hour after Sour tin- --contestants. fic" utterances, you begin to re- so far as :to say that the Jewish time that it is not working. The ing really is too fantastic for the der t i e "broiling sun a n d fclieg alize to what abject depth human persecutions in the Reich could German masses have yet been suf- sick brain of a morphinomaniac stooge'for Phil Baker and now a lights only slightly less hot . . . mm-. values have descended all over now- be forgotten since it was ob- ficiently awakened, he says. So like Goering. The "government of movie c o in i c on his ows . . . [repeat t h e sequence incessantly the world as a result of the in- vious that Hitler had merely Streicher is made to heat the gangsters," this is the appellation deems h i s failure to become a . . . tear it to shreds - . . put it stallation of a'bloody fascist dic- cleared away the international drum of pornoigraphy and lewd- with which the London Times musician t h e greatest disappoint- bit by bit into the sonnd track. tatorship in the heart of Europe Jew by way of preparation for an ness against the Jews. He is drum- stamped the Hitler Tegime( when ment of his life. As a boy he of- Groucho, looking as though • he and also how ready some people attack, on Russia, that "breeding ming with the paroxym of hyste- it slaughtered Roehm and a ten conducted imaginary orches- spent the night in a haystack, sits are to reach a compromise with ground of international thought." ria. But the Jew-baiting brings thousand other S. A. leaders, its tras in Central Park -with a -wil- I off-stage, ladles out the l i n e s . no bread and well-being. The own friends, remember), that lovr stick. At eleven he played the the brown marauders of humanAllright! Let us suppose for a blood and r&ce myth fills no hun- government - will not hesitate be- piano by ear. It -vras his brother, j Chico, so fagged he removes his ity. What we predicted two years moment that Hitler is allowed to fore any measure. If German di- Lou, ho-wever, -who Became t h e coat, rehearses in his undershirt. ago in the book "Nazism, an As- break loose and march against gry stomachs. plomacy does not succeed in baton-wielder, and is now music Harpo, speechless, wilts under a sault on Civilization," namely Russia. Ultimately, in a not very fiery red wig -and-tousled Russian Streicher screams. .Hitler talks breaking the united front of the head of Columbia studios. that Hitler would yet be made to distant future, he will break loose peace. Goering is on a honeybeard. European Powers, I am convinced appear as the savior of "Western anyway,- whether he is permitted moon in Belgrad trying to drive that the Nazi chiefs will throw Cinema Cracklings: T o u'fi The scene is'the New York City civilization and that in the end or not. The economic situation in wedge into the Franco-Jugo the torch in the powder-barrel by never recognize Willie Howard he will be given carteblanche to the Reich is disastrous. An issue Slav alliance. The Gestapo is torcarry out what remains the ulti- must be found. Two million men turing helpless prisoners. The mu- means of a provocation. Europe all dressed up in a -srild-West mate object of his movement, to it is true have been put to work nition factories are belching will be completely taken..by,-sur- cowboy suit ,".-."-Yippee, yoi, yoi: wit: a military expedition against since the Nazis' came to power. smoke. The steel ovens are roar- prise. The blow will come like a It's for "Rose of the Rancho". f the Soviet Union, is being fulfilled That is the, great boast of the ing. All Germany is drilling . . . . bolt from the blue. It will take Gregory Ratoff looked "positive!" our breath away and before we nervous steering h i s Chevie with undreamt swiftness. His Goebbels and Leys. But they do But what will happen if Ger- recover, armies will be on the across Hollywood Boulevard the speech was a virtual declaration not mention the fact that they man diplomacy cannot break the march. other .day. Jack Benny cut h i s of war on Russia, and one won- have thrown between seven and b r a salary tvrenty thou in order !i dered as one listened to that rau- eight million women out of em- ring around the Reich? Suppose Goering referred ' recently to liSi I|t 1 Filial K i i cous voice, hoarse with hatred, ployment and that, even so, thir- the Powers remain solidariiy American' correspondents in Ber- to play a part he likes in " I n the united against Hitler? Which of Bag." It's a sis pound dotter for how long yet before he will be teen and a half million indivilin as "ahnungslose Amerikaaiallowed, to proceed and make duals still remain on relief. In the two risks will the Fuehrer sche Presse-Ieute," (the babes-in- the Arthur (Gloria Stuart) Sheektake in that case? On the one laans. Edward Robinson, so engood his promises to the interna- Berlin, Breslau'and Munich work-the-woods of t h e American tional arms-trusts and the high- ers are greeting each other in the hand there is war, which although press) who must have "Dreck in thusiastic oa vie-wing the Eliza2 Ib's. - - 55c priests of Mammon who financed morning not with "Heil Hitler," it is fraught with great risks, nev- der Gehirnschale" (dirt in their beth Bergner classic, he repeat—rrU5SQrB ST. J n ertheless does not exclude the edly nudged his neighbor, "What jhtrnjjTito the sad-•nrvrjwith ' "Good Morning," but possibility of victory. On the oth- ears) not to realize what is going er hand looms mass-unempioy- on in tne .Keren. The with "Guten Hunger!" There'll dle? .When will the German ous!" But he didn't say "colosan upward trend in industry, to ment, chaos, and the possibility of ter was a little hasty. Some of us sal". fYEncine- Larrixnore in town gions march Eastward? know quite well that the fireFor the moment Germany is be sure, but enly.in .war-industry a revolution from the left? Which and; so Calif-strnefe Ehe postponhemmed In by a belt of-=- Bteel and.allied enterprises, Stragetic- rriad^illfihe^Fuehrer" take? A brand Goering is setting the stage ed her return to suininer."stock. for a new and bigger conflagraforged hy Pierre Laval and Max- roads are being built. Over three child can give the answer to this Maxine Reiner and Joe Myerson tion. im Litvinof f. His Reichstag speech hundred subterranean airdromes question. ' will see a Rabbi' soon . . . she's" But you still object, perhaps, the Philadelphia, miss who -came, But how-can he go to war, was an avowal of impotence in have/ been constructed. Lord the face of that solid girdle, but Rothermere claims 10,000.bomb- when Russia for instance, scrup- that Hitler.has just proclaimed to Tisit llickervills and remained it was also an attempt to loosen ing planes • are ready. Junkers ulously avoids giving offense, his desire for peace and even his to sign two contracts—movie "and FOE S'HE COSniaTENCE GF Oil the knots which hold that band to- alone turns out fourteen bombing when the Soviets rather bear his attachment to democratic princi- marriage.- Chaplin is composing ples? Can he not be taken at his planes a day. In Dessau the same insults and slanders and chalgether. He extended his hand of his own musical score for his picfriendship to France. He acknow- firm turns out six. super-tanks lenges than protesting with a word? Should Hitler be taken at ture. ledged British supremacy on the daily. Over in Kiel the old subma- show of force? There never can his word?' Judge for yourself: high seas. He made a strong ap- rine schools have been re-opened be any rupture that way, yon will one of the points he made in his What with all the upsets and peal to English sentimentality with music and processions. .The say. There never will be any war Reichstag speech was a demand turnovers on the Universal lot, a [ ' ^ v * ; • to stop discussions of his program with his description of cities whole Baltic Sea is swarming with that way. relative was heard to moan., "We Tsnl'SfT1 As "i hvf- rlv Do not judge hastily! Goering in foreign newspapers and .other crumpling under an aerial attack German war-craft. Krupp .is workand "millions of women and child- ing three shifts a day. Fourteen said the other day: "When the periodicals. Silence' world! Hitler ren perishing in gas-attacks in an million Mauser-rifles were inanu^ world starts to burn we con- speaks! Silence statesmen, pubTTc factured last year, one million vince the world that it is the licists* journalists of France, eventual war of the future. That sounded fine. That had an machine-guns. New shipments of work of Moscow!" The specialist America, England, the Fuehrer excellent ring. That was the talk heavy artillery guns are arriving incendiary was speaking. Goering alone is entitled to the floor. Forof a man of peace. Hitler showed daily on the Luneburger Heath is planning a provocation, a new get about the Jewish anguish in that he had a heart after all, that for. a try-out. In short the whole one, a nigger one. The war on he is quite well aware of the country is'.a vast war-camp. All the German, people by the Nazis ghastly holocaust, a new war efforts are being strained into one was started with the firing of the . Reichstag and by fixing the blame would entail. He made it clear to direction; war. Hqhel Specialist But you cannot keep on strain- on the left. The war on Russia all the world that he does not unKeconnaenSed by liaaj - Sectors derestimate the gruesomeness of ing for war indefinitely. You can- and on the whole world thereafter J5.es'3eacs ?hcza WEbster ESiS an armed conflict in the present not keep the exaltation for war will be started with some gro, Bnslnesa Pheos Wiibster'S*E0 circumstances with instruments forever at fever-pitch. Ton can- tesque and sinister crime that will of destruction as marvelously ef- not keep on turning out guns and fill the world with astounding 1423 IT. 80th St., ©Esafcs, Keb. Trc'i S T J ^ t *J *" ^ ! Sisrsldsi- Tiny Kcm.el ficient as they are. Hitler seems tanks and bombing-planes eter- and send up a gasp of indignaPIK4C"t, Z Xc. Z - „- i C j C0EK, £ Fo, Sto have a sense of responsibility nally, especially when you have after all. He is not just plunging no raw materials and you mustahead wildly with his feverish ar- import everything from abroad, mament. Therefore, w h a t Is and — funds are running hazardwrong with this man Hitler any- ously low. There must come to an way? Isn't all the agitation end to all that sometime! Can against him just a Jewish-inspir- Hitler slow down on his armament -ed plot of revenge? Hear the man campaign now, which means can speak: peace, democracy, social he afford to throw two, seven, justice, human rights, amicable nine million workers, at present g> relations • with the whole world. engaged in the armament indus.f% What's WTong with that? I t is try, on the streets? Can he? A will . clear J is it not? - that he really mass-unemployment of that kind, intends nobody any harm. He added to the thirteen millions &1Is was ;2.pf)£feni almost from" the efsrt merely wants freedom to settle ready on a scanty relief, would that the'Zephvr*s capacity was too limited ~ his score with the Bolsheviks once spell the end of the brown re- to meet-the amaring demand, for scats and for all. What does that mat- gime. Not even the most enthusrfjoard-'the-fansoaf Silver Sircdk. Asner* ter to us? Is that something to iastic Nazis can live on Goebbel's ica's first Die*e!<streaffii£ne trainBrat how could, anybody h a w fora&«ea •; fc"g « Call., "IITIV'i'ft ID that it "would'-carry'three ttssses ES msu&f passengers jaslE* two steam predecessors' Another car was-orderedfeuilfe—tomake 230' South -Main' the ZegJhyr a-fear-car- tfs£&—it 4Mb. its seating capacity to 112. ' .'Cooacil Bluffs, la. ' The sustained popularity of-the • train of 1934 coatinsies to foe railroad news. - - :
fTOTf l S J M l
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'•Ft **' :> *<M •
Th.e appointment of George W. Klein as isanager of the TOWN L3QUOS SUPPLY, Located-at 1412 Douglas Street in the Town Theater Braiding Mr. Klela fishes to remind his many friends tliat fee is prepared to serve them witli tlieir favorite brands of wMsMes, wines, brandies, cordials and gi&3. Prompt Service and Delivery 'Til Mifinite
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In snmnmdng &c addition of thelbartft car. theBiirlstagtantaaiaagessetit desires £o express to-all, Its very sincere appreciation of the fine socepi&ace accorded the.Zep&rtva'nd is "happy in &e expectation that the new-fourth car' will reader it of still greater service £o the traveling public
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' " " EAST sad SOUTH -NORTH' »sd WEST ' L v . X i & e b l a . . ' ; : : ; : : : - SsDO asa Lv. Kansas C i t y . . . . . . . . Z-3Qpm~ Ar.'.Ozaaluu:;::;::::: - 8:55 asa . Lv. St. J o s e p h . ; : : : : i-- 3:53 p m
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Ar.St.'3b$epli;;r:;:: Hs5S &m . Lv. Omsilia;7;;T~r:! - - 7iQp pas ' &r«Ksa$as.C&T*w><« 1 : 2 5 p s A r . l i n c o b a . ' m i i t J ' , .liSSpm..
. RESEIilVAHONS — TICKETS J." W. SHARFE, General Agsra 2£fth sssd Farssasa, Ossiaha Adsatic 6531
- - 25c
,'. Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE. JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one. year - - - - - - $2.00 -
secuted Jews of the world that he had prepared an asylum for them at Grand Island. The Jewish world ignored his scheme, and, like similar schemes that have arisen since Noah's grandiloquent dream, remained on paper.
bition Agent jNTumber One," w • ! recently . . . and liquors flow profusely . , . Stefan Z-sveig h just completed a book on Ma • Stuart . . . Jean Starr Untermj'" will have a book o£ poetry pr •he had difficulty in conducting lished by Viking this winter. his business. (Copyright
AX OPEN LETTER Be not afraid •when one -vraxeth Dear Mr. S. Klein: 1035. Jewish TeiPgrapV It was awfully nice of you, Apency, Iiu\ rich, when t h e •wealth of h i s ; great Jewish dress merchant that Advertising rates furnished on application. Professor Albert Einstein and the Nazis in Germany have a house is increased, for when he you are, to donate that big con- THOSE RUMORS ABOUT 1 GOLD Editorial Office: BOO Brandeis Theater Building. mutual antipathy for each other, an antipathy which redounds dieth he shall take nothing along, signment of animals to the Brook- KABBI For a long time it had been Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center his wealth shall not descend after lyn zoo. But why on earth did you rumored that Rabbi Wolf Gold, directly to the discredit of the Hitlerites. While the brown horde him. DAVTO BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor bring them over on the Hamburg- president of the Mizrachi OrganiFRANK R. ACKERMAN •/.- ..- — - - - - - Edltoi in present Germany have disowned Einstein, the scientific world Thou hast let loose thy mouth American liner Deutschland? RABBI URI MILLER - - - - - Contributing Editor Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agenzation of America, would resign for evil and thy tongue formeth still looks up to the Jewish scientist as one of the" greatest genFANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent cy) — The most important acand settle in Palestine permandeceit, thou sitteth and speaketh ANN PILL - - - - S i o u x City, Iowa, Correspondent iuses to ever bless this strife-torn world. And while we're on the subject ently quisition of land for Jewish colagainst thy brother; these things and when he recently Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street Professor Einstein has made another of his invaluable con- hast thou done, should I k e e p of ships, its common knowledge sailed hurriedly for Palestine onization in Palestine since the that any Jewish newspaperman some thought the rumors were | Purchase last year of the Huloh tributions to science, a "cosmic bridge" which will aid in linking silent? can get free passage from Trieste out But the fact of the Valley area was announced here the infinitesimal atom,and the heavenly astronomic system into Create me a clean heart, O God, to Haifa on the S. S. Tel Aviv of borne and renew me a steadfast spirit the Palestine Shipping Corp . . . matter is, we learn on good au- by M. M. Ussishkin, president of Smug complacency leads to its own/defeat. Smug compla- one unified system. Working in collaboration with Dr. N. Rosen within me, cast me' not a w a y We intend to take advantage of thority, that Rabbi Gold left to the Jewish National Fund, who be at the bedside of his daughter, 1 revealed • that his organziation cency suggests stagnation, either inability or unwillingness to at the Institute of Advanced Study'at Princeton, Professor Ein- from Thy presence, and take not that favor, that is, as soon as weRuth, who was stricken with asep- | h a d completed the purchase of away Thy holy spirit from me. stein evolved a series of mathematical equations which prove that can arrange similar passage to sis leucomia . . . Louis L. Gell-! 2 5 ' 0 0 0 dunams (four dunams an push forward toward greater heights. The fool hath said in his heart, From afar we gather the distinct impression of smug com- space and matter are phases of the same "thing. His new theory "There is no God," t h e y have Trieste . . . man of St. L o u i s is acticg as acre) in north Palestine. The Jewish National Fund has president of Mizrachi. placency as the outstanding attribute of the thirty-eighth annual presupposes a new particle, much smaller and simpler than the dealth corruptly* and have done ATTENTION": KASHRUTH been buying up this new area abominable iniquity. convention of the Zionist Organization of America, held in At- previously discovered atom and proton. This "bridge particle" beASSOCIATION from Arabs in small parcels over With great certainty and conTALMUD . Princess H e s h l a Tamanya, a period of years. The new purlantic City. We may be amiss, since more than a thousand miles tween space and matter he obtained by combining the use of viction we can assure you that Rabbi Avira lectured -in t h emember of an Abyssinian Hebrew chase brings the national land separated us from the actual scene of the proceedings, but if the mathematics of gravitation and electro-magnetism. He concludes name "of Rabbi Ami, "A man shall Falasha tribe, and reputed blood Father CougMin will not be pres- agency's possessions in Palestine that a particle is mathematically a form of space. ident of the U. S. . . he was born reports are true, then the Atlantic City conclave failed to accomalways spend for eating a n d relative of Emperor Taile Selasand therefore cannot run to 40 0,000 dunams. This scientific theorizing is beyond the average lay mind. It drinking less than his means, and sie, is in New York . . . She com- Canada plish what we would like to have seen. In effect, the deleIt is expected that, many Gerfor the office . . . By the time clothe himself according to plains of the difficulty of getting man Jewish refugee families will gates to the convention white-washed the present administration, is in a realm whose gates have been opened to only a few. Yet shall this is in print, Alexander Kahan his means, but shall honor h i s kosher food here. be placed in the new colonization giving approval to the policies pursued in the immediate past. we recognize its greatness; if only from the way it is received by wife and children a b o v e his Which in turn reminds us that may be general manager of thearea. Jewish Daily Forward, replacing Yet, when those same delegates met in convention assembled, the great scientists. And even beyond that, we recognise the great- means." Joseph Schechter, . the Brooklyn B. C. Vladeck . . . It is an interZionist Organization of America could "boast" of a membership ness of Einstein, who though a part of the cosmic world which Rabbi Jochanan said, "God said kosher poultry man whose stub- esting fact that few of the operato Israel, ' I love you because at borness upset the whole NRA, is tors of matrimonial bureaus on of only 18,000 out of a Jewish population of four and a quarter he mathematically deciphers yet recognizes himself as part of the time when I overwhelm you still seen strutting nightly on the his people and lends his every, effort to the alleviation 65 Jewish with great dignity, you are be-Coney Island boardwalk with an the Jewish East Side of New York million, and moat of these merely "paper members." are married . . . Max Baer either littling yourself before Me. For I admiring butcher on each aria. . is or isn't Jewish, depending on Paris (JTA)—More than 1G0 We had been under the impression that at this Zionist Con- suffering 'midst the lands of persecution. g a v e great-dignity to Abraham, whether you consult him or hisstudents, most o£ them German, vention, the American leaders of the, movement were at the crossand he in return said, "Who am A DUET ABOUT HITLER. ex-manager, b u t on scanning a refugees, have begun work at the I but d u s t a n d ashes?" I did the roads. Their slogan of "Zionism above parties" gives food for a list of his last seven sweethearts new workshops opened by the Although we never saw it in same unto Moses and Aaron and the American press, there recentto give vocational training , philosophical digest, but when it comes to practicality, we need to a n d ORT they in return s a i d (Ex 16.7), ly popped up in London a good we find not one Jewess to he has just wed a girl whose 1 refugees. Six shops are open only review the lesson of the recent elections for World Zionist "And what a r e w e ? " I g a v e Nazi story, to wit, that at Lafaya n d five maiden name was Sullivan. | more, with accommodagreat power to King David, and delegates to see its weakness. The General Zionists were badly College, Easton, Pa., G a l T h e first Anglican bishop of | t i o l l s f o r another 150 students, he said (Ps 22.7), "But I am only ette ther Kiersch, a German exchange beaten in the American election of delegates to Lucerne. Many will be opened in the near future. a worm." The other nations acted student, took offense at the way Jerusalem was Michael Solomon, The shops were opened with of their own adherents defaulted to vote for some other party. differently, for when I gave great Morris Allen, converted from Judaism Mora senior, portrayed. timer B. Jesner has been named ceremonies at which Chief Rabbi dignity to Nimrod, he then said Hitler in the college's The Laborite candidates with their strong support for the Histarevue . . •. 11.3), "Come let us build us So after the performance editor of the college publication of Paris Julien Weil presided. The ruler of the Abyssinians with his title, Regus, is recog- a(Gcity." call- at druth won a sweeping victory. Here in Omaha, as in every part al stressed the importWashington a n d Jefferson, a I Rabbi I gave great power to ed Allen aside, asked himhe to re-Presbyterian institution . . . he is ance of the OK.T as an agency for of the country, the Labor candidates hung up an imposing- vic- nized among the powers as an emperor. He bears the title the Lion Pharoah and he s a i d (En 52), move his glasses and challenged training Jews as artisans and agtory, despite: the fact that "the General Zionists and Hadassah of the tribe of Judah, which is for a Christian ruler, a very rare "Who ia t h e Lord?" Unto Chir- him to a duel with a slap in theone of the fifteen Jews there. . . ricultural workers. A visitor returning from Germany am, King of Tyre, and he said had merged tickets. Another feature was the display of strength and remarkable title. The legend of the derivation of this title Ez 28.2), " I sit in t h e seat of face . . . Allen was going to tells us that he was listening to manifested by the Mizrachi. And, even more outstanding than holds that the Abyssinian rulers are descended directly from the God, in the heart of the s e a s . ' " choose swords or pistols as weap- the radio in a Bavarian town Magyar Names ons, only he couldn't handle the voting power of these two groups - - the feature, in fact - - biblical Jewish kings. The honors which are bestowed in the form Rabbi 11 a a said, "The world either, so he suggested boxing when a scheduled news broadcast Dr. Nikolaus KozBudapest on . . . The announcer anof medals carry the name of "Chatem Suleiman.", the seal of would not have been able to exist gloves . . . College officials, how- came was the weakness of the General Zionists. nounced that due to the lack of ma, Hungarian Minister of the Init n o t for t h e one who r e - ever, spoiled the climax of t h enews there would be a ten minute terior denied that Jews are not So clear was the evidence'of the temper of the people, so Solomon. Fifty years ago, the ruler at that time, brought an out- were strains himself In strife." story by calling off the "duel" . . . permitted to change their foreignof silence . and there sounding names for the more acobvious was the trend of Zionist thought among the masses, that standing Italian artist to design his throne. He ordered the throne Rabbi Samuel said, " I t is pro- Kiersch later apologized and theperiod was. . ceptable Magyar names. we felt certain that now at least the Zionist - Organization of to be an exact reproduction of the legendary throne of King Sol- hibited to deceive any one, Jewsubsequent showings of the revue went on without change. . . non-Jew." America would do something definite and constructive for theomon. Because it was impractical to use pure gold, as was the or Rabbi BALANCING THE BOOKS Mair said, "One m u s t Zionist movement. The only definite; sign, however, was the de- throne of King Solomon, they used gilded silver. Ruth Feiner has just been in- Typiaoii Epidemic not invite a guest to partake of a And while we're mentioning formed that her "Cat Across the The Abyssinian rulers claim to trace their ancestry back to meal, when he knows that the • Nazis, sire of the delegates to avoid friction or to inject any controit may be noted that Dr. Path" has been banned in Ire- Jerusalem — An epidemic of abdominal typhoid fever broke party is not able to accept h i s the union between the queen of Sheba and King Solomon. The versial issue. The same administration was put back in the sadHubert Schnuch, national presiland as indecent invitation." The son of out in the Jewish colony of Huldent of the Friends of New Gerdle, with the following re-organization plan: 1. establishment of son born of this union was known as Menelik- the first, and was many, is in B e r l i n on a secret Izzy Einstein, famous ex-prohibi- da, near Jerusalem, resulting in permanent Palestine councils in 141 Jewish communities through- the progenitor of Abyssinia dynasty. Their history legend traces mission . . . He is believed to betion agent who authored "Prohi- three deaths. out the country to embrace all local Jewish organization; 2. devel- itself to the Book of Kings in the Bible. According, to their hisan American citizen . . . Also, the "Friends" have moved their ofopment of a program of Zionist activity for the councils to betorians, Menelik brought back with him from a trip to his father, fices from New York to Brooklyn, Solomon, the tablets of the law of Moses, Levites, and men from carried out under the guidance of Zionist district.committees and because New York Nazis are too J Lei R'£zf mess's prepsre thai stzack for your summer outing the setting up of a system of reciprocal representation between all tribes of Judah and Israel. I t is a peculiar fact that the,Abyspreponderantly friendly to t h e POTATO SALAD 25c PINT. Hot COKNEB BEEF S5c 1b rival Hitlerite. organization, Amthe Palestine councils and the district committees; 3. representa- sinian rulers lay claim to the holy places of Palestine, basing erican National Socialist League. COLE SLAW 25c PINT KOSKER SALAMC B9c LB tion to be given the Palestine councils and to national Jewish their claims upon the foregoing legend. NEW KOSHER DILL PICKLES bodies in the annual; Zionist Organization, of America convenIn reality the history of the existence, of Jews in Abyssinia By ROBERT STONE JOTTINGS ; tions. A commission was named to make changes in the frame- is culled from more recent sources. There was an independent Jew- XORTH AMERICA Ernst Toller, exiled German • work of the organization, with a small executive to run the af- ish state in the mountains of Semien, in the first days of the ORTHODOX RABBIS MOVE anti-Nazi author, has wed Lili Grantoff, an eighteen-year-old fairs of the Zionist body. Common Era. The population of this state was composed of Jews TO FIGHT DIVORCE RACKET London girl . . . the Association OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAYS TILL MIDNIGHT IN NEW YORK . . . . A tremen- of German Hairdressers has petiwho had intermarried with the native Semitic peoples. Its rulers 17 Farnsm St j a . 4874 This may sound forward-looking and progressive, but-in our dous' task. v : tioned General Goering to reiawere Gideon and Judith. From a mountain fortress, still known SEE RACIAL BIAS IN DIS- troduce the old Teutonic beard . . opinion it leaves the way open to strengthen the status quo. To us they.sound like.words which do not recognize the strong as Jews' Rock, they resisted all attempts of the Abyssinians to MISSAL OF THREE JEWISH . . which can be called, I suppose POST OFFICE WORKERS IN undercurrents in Zionist ideology and philosophy. It is no answer subdue them. The daughter of Gideon and Judith, known as Ju- ST. LOUIS . . . . Investigate be- a Hairyan campaign . . . One of the most prominent exhibits in to the pressing Zionist controversies to pass them by unnoticed. dith or Esther,.overpowered the. Abyssinians and threw the Sol- fore you indict. the new Jerusalem Jewish NaIt is no reply to the social and economic struggles of Palestine omon dynasty from the throne. All the members of this dynasty JAMES MACDONALD R E - tional Fund Building is the sunPORTS 4,000 GERMAN REFU- hejmet Dr. Herzl wore . . . M. M. to let them remain unheeded, and to let them pass by with per- with the exception of one small boy, were killed.' Judith-Esther GEES SETTLED IN SOUTH AM- Ussishkin will show it t o you with functory phrases. The reorganization to be effective must be tried to introduce Judaism into Abyssinia. Her reign lasted for a ERICA . . . . A drop in the ocean. pride if you happen to visit there. made into a sweeping reform. To save the Z. O. A. for the future, long time until the followers of the old dynasty, led by the young But every drop is precious. A total of 276,699 Jews have REFORM RABBIS CONFER- entered t h e United States since it is incumbent that we treat the problems of Zionism and Pales- prince, now grown up, wrested the throne back from her, and ENCE ABANDONS OFFICIAL 1921, according to Hias . . . Edtine with frankness and, with, intelligent discussion. The Zionist ousted her. OPPOSITION TO Z I O N I S M , gar H. Burman has resigned as organization must carry on a worth-while educational program These historic events are chronicled in the history of the NAMES ZIONIST AS PRESI- president of t h e Minute Men against Bigotry and Intolerance. which does more than laud what Jewry is accomplishing in the Alexandrian church. However, we have to distinguish between the DENT . . . . Thanks to Hitler. MAX BAER SAYS HE MAY The Esperanto Association of rebuilding of a homeland; and the next convention of the Zionist real Jewish dynasty and the Solomonic dynasty which laid claim BECOME CATHOLIC TO PLEASE North America convened in New Organization must not be a wishy-washy group but must consist to descent from King Solomon, and which was later converted HIS WIFE . . . . Doubt it very York last week . . . It may as of legislators who know Zionism thoroughly and are willing to to Christianity, although they had intermarried'with the real Jew- much. But that's our least worry. well bs stated that the international language was invented by come; to arms with the major problems facing the movement. In ish dynasty. By this fact, the present rulers would still have Jew- EUROPE ROUMANIAN PEASANT PAR-
Still Serving
Smug Complacency
By DR. WALTER LOWEKSTEIN (Translated from the Israelitische Familien Blatt of Hamburg.)
Footnotes •#«• to
If8 a Value Treat
vitality there is life; in stnug complacency there is decadence.
ish blood in their veins, even if they had not been descended from
ITISM DEMAGOGUERY . . . . border of Blalystok ' where so Not a* discovery but a valuable ad- many languages were spoken that At all events there lives in Abyssinia today a large Jewish mission. 1,000 JEWS CONVERTED TO population, known as Falashas, about whom we now have more French Science is a tragic footknowledge, due to the researches of Joseph Halevy and Dr. Jac- CHRISTIANITY IN WARSAW IN note to headline in Nazi paper. THREE MONTHS . . . . Religion ques Faitlowitsch. A pro-Falasha committee was formed which versus starvation is the tragedy of PALESTINE 5,000 GERMAN JEWS ENbrought young colored Jews to European centers for education. Polish Jewfy. GAGED IN PALESTINE AGRICHRISTIAN PEASANTS I N The name Falashas means exiles; but they.have named themCZECHOSLOVAKIA WANT TO CULTURE . . . . There should selves Beta Israel —• the tribe of Israel or Achud — the Jews. BECOME JEWS TO GO TO PAL- have been twice that many by They are probably descended from nomads who settled in theESTINE . . . . Palestine prosperity now. NEW AREA OF 25,000 DUNhighlands of Abyssinia. Because they were gifted manual labor- will make more Zionists than AMS PURCHASED FOR JEWISH Zionist propaganda. ers, the king sent them to various parts of the country. As a re- FRANCE B A R S FOREIGN COLONIZATION . . . . The buildsult of this they i are widely spread, and have no large communi- DOCTORS AND DENTISTS AFT- ing of the Homeland goes on. JEWISH IMMIGRATION TO ties of their own. For a long time they were ruled by their own ER 1940 . . . . In four years PALESTINE FOR FIRST SIX France may need them for active ruler, a member of the Sagna dynasty. Today there is a hierarchy service in the war. MONTHS OF 1935 SETS ALL of three chief priests. ENGLISH JEW BEQUEATHS TIME RECORD . . . . The march 500,000,000 FRANCS TO INSTI- \ to Palestine is a reflection of the There are no authentic figures as to their number, but they TUTE DE FRANCE . . . . English i Euronean situation. are approximately 70,000. They do not differ in^, their clothes or Jew leaving fortune to further j Copyright 1S35 by Seven Arts Feature
S o l o m o n .
Cebtral Conference Regardless of how we may personally feel concerning the Stand taken at the Z. O. A., we are firmly convinced that the Jewish people of America have a magnetic leaning toward the ideals of Zionism and the development.of the Jewish Homeland in Palestine. The membership of the Zionist Organization may be small, but the support of its basic principles covers a mighty wide base. The | latest evidence of this popular feeling was observed at the important annual meeting of the Central Conference of American JRabbig in Chicago. For the first time in history the Reform Rabbis elected to the presidency a spiritual leader who is a Zionist. Also, for the first time in history the Conference adopted a neutral stand on Zionism, supplanting their former attitude of definite opposition.
•• • • •
form of living from their neighbors. However, on Passover, they use unleavened bread which they call "Kitte." Nor do they copy begins Friday evening. The Sabbath food is cooked previously. •The lSOth anniversary of the birth of Mordecai Manuel Noah their Abbysinian neighbors in the matter of youthful marriages Their Sabbath twisted bread is called Bereket. No fires are lit will jbe celebrated next Thursday. The word "celebrated" is anor in the practice of polygomy. Women have equal rights with the on Saturday and they do not allow a Christian to do this for Unhappy choice, because there will be no celebration or observ- men. In their practice of going to "Mikveh" they merely follow old them, as is the custom among some Jews. They celebrate Passance'., for to few, very few, Jews does the name of Mordecai Noah Jewish tradition and custom, but strange to say, this custom is over as we do, but on Succoth, they celebrate without the Succah mean anything today. also followed by the Christian Abysinians. house. Of the major holidays, they do not know Rosh Hashonah. •In the first half of the nineteenth century the name of Mor« The Falashas are excelleent masons, carpenters, smiths, sil- Yom Kippur is very strictly observed. They have a holiday called decai Noah was known to all of the Jewish people who lived in versmiths, basket-weavers, potters and farmers. They are ex- "Tiskor Abraham," in memory of Abraham. This Holiday is celethis]country. A man. of tremendous energy and imagination, Noah tremely thrifty and ambitious, but because of the heavy taxation, brated in November and represents a kind of Memorial service waajthe most popular dramatist of his time, a leader of Tammany are unable to become wealthy. for the dead. They don't know Purira and Cnanukah. Kashruth Hall, negotiator of international treaties, editor of important The places of worship of the Falashas are called "Mesgid." hygienic laws are carefully practiced. newspapers and . . . very important... a proud Jew. They consist of two rooms. The holy of holies can be entered by The relations between the Falashas .and the Abyssinians are ! Apart from his role in the political and literary life of his ,the priests only. In praying, they face east, as is the custom of friendly, and they do not have religious persecutions. A small day,; Noah's chief claim to fame as a Jew was his unique and Jews all over the world. The leaders of the services are known as group of the Falashas lives on Italian soil. It is not known whethpiorje'ering project for a Jewish state on Grand Island, near Niag- Bebteras, and are bound to an ascetic lif e. The priests pray seven er the Falashas are compelled to military service, but since the ara Falls, New York. In 1825, he issued a proclamation under the times a day, while the lay pray only three times a day. The serv- emperor announced a million-men army, they may be made to title of "Governor and. Judge of Israel," announcing to the per- ice consists of prayers, songs and text-readings. Their Sabbath serve with their countrymen.
AI Name Forgotten
Smart, cool sn'd comfortable White Sport Oxfords. Wing tip and ventilated types. • WHITE NU BUCK • WHITE ELK They're the Liait of Value at This Low Price Saocs—First. Floor
SHORT VISES HOXOR DAUGHTER'S EX ROUTE TO COLORADO. seph, Missouri, spent a.-week here Tofcye Goldstein left last Saiur-'vacationing here and is a house Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snader of SPRINGS BIRTHDAY as the house guest of her son and day for a motor trip through Mill-! guest of her cousin, M i t e AJ*C. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Braviroff en- Milwaukee, Wis., and Mr. Louis Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rubinstein daug&ter-in-Iavr, Mr. a n d Mrs. nesota. j Green. tertained sixteen guesta Friday, Snader of Winnetka; 111.,, s p e n t of Chicago, who are Epending a Sain Robinson. July 5, in honor of the fourth Monday w i t h their sister, Mrs. few days here as house guests of FROM CHICAGO } birthday of t h e i r daughter, Jalius Newman and Mr. Newman, their nephew and niece, -Mr. and DC COLORADO SPRINGS Miss Ann Green of Chicago is ) and witli their mother, Mrs. K.Mrs. Mas Barisli, are en route to Marilyn. Mr. and Mrs. A. Greenbaura are Among the guests were: Mes- Snauer. Mr. Louis Snader arrived Colorado Springs. While h e r e vacationing for t w o w e e k s in dames B. Braviroff, Esther Ny- here by plane from Dallas, Tesas. they will visit their other friends Colorado Springs. riotlojs including- LIFE, I s si™«'<;ft. : and relatives. berg, Lou Kendis and her (laugh&,©a5i \ talk it oTer, er. Ruth; Arnold Linsman, Don- VISITING HERE 5-Koom Cottage 2521 Sevrard. MOTOR T R I P ald Rice, J e r r y Venger, Jackie Git?" "Finance «t; Insurance CV»Mr. and Mrs. Carl Studna and SPENDS WEEK HEBE" JA. S5T7. M r s . L o u i s S o m r a e r u n d h e r ou Krasne, Joan Levey, Marvin their children, Harlan and Phyl5 34©f! Ftemam AT Sec* nr VTA ntiw Newman, Allen Newman, J u d y lis, are visiting h e r e for t w o Mrs. Lilly Robinson of St. Jo- d a u g h t e r , B e a t r i c e , a n d M i s s Theodore, Shiela Jackson, Harvey weeks. "While here they are guests JOLT-FIXKEIiSTEIN Frank Cohen a n d Edward Lin- Braviroff and Mickey Braviroff. of Mrs. Studna's parents, Mr. and ENGAGEMENT Mrs. D. Blumenthal. coln. Mr. and Mrs. L Pinkelstein of The young couple will m a k e TO CONFER WITH EDUCATORS Mr. Harry Mendelson left for a VISITS WIFE Open a Charge Account at Lincoln, .announce t h e engage- their home temporarily in Omaha ment of their daughter, Helen, to at the Kingsborough apartments. ten-day trip to Chicago and Mil- Mr. Jack Davidson spent the waukee, where he will c o n f e r Fourth of July week-end in ChiRabbi H a r r y Jolt. No definite with leading Jewish educators on cago. date has been set for the-wedding. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY Miss FinTielstein is a graduate Mrs. Ernest Nogg and M i s s the latest educational techniques of t h e "University o£ Nebraska. Dorothy Kulakofsky will h a v e and curricula in the modern Tal- VISITED HERE Rabbi Jolt is a graduate of New open house, at 5706 Pacific street, mud Torahs. He will also confer Mr. and Mrs. Kay Kamen were York university and did graduate on Sunday, July 14, from 4 till with a number of Jewish writers house OSAKA'S STYLE CENTER . y . : f M AN guests of Mr. and Mrs. I Tvork at Columbia. He received 6 P. M., for their cousin, M i s s concerning the book he is com-Goldstein, parents of Mrs. Kamen. his Rabbinical degree at the Jew- Shirley K a y , of Berkeley, Cali- pleting on his experiences and imish Theological seminary in New. fornia. Invitations have b e e n pressions during his five-year stay CHICAGOANS HERE n Palestine. York city, and is now .Rabbi of issued. fJ/i/C/» Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lehr and Tifereth Israel congregation in their daughter, Audrey Evelyn, of Lincoln. IN ALASKA FOURTEENTH ANNIVERSARY Chicago, spent a few days here Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Tully ob- Dr. Victor E. Levine, head of last week visiting their uncle and the department * of biological served their fourteenth wedding WEZELMAN-SKOIiNTK aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Turner, i l r . and Mrs. Ben Skolnik an- anniversary on Thursday, July 4, chemistry and nutrition at the while enroute for a tour of the reighton Medical College, left at a quiet family dinner. nounce t h e marriage of t h e i r last week for a summer trip to southern states. daughter, Rose, to Mr. Erwin J. Alaska. He will study the Eski"Wezelman. The ceremony t o o k BAR MITZVAH SATURDAY place Sunday, June 30, at St. Jo- Mr. and Mrs. A a r o n Levine, mos north of Nome to Point Bar- RETURNS FROM TRIP seph, Mo. The couple are mak-1504 No. 30 St., announce t h e row. Dr. Levine will travel to Mrs. Jennie Rosenblatt has reBar Mitzvah of their son, Melvin points north by airplane or the turned from a two-week's trip to ing their home in Omaha at the A r'^ii : Chicago and Detroit. Lee, Saturday morning, July 13, coast guard cruiser Northland. Angelus apartments. at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, at 19th and Burt Sts. TO TEACH AT CAMP FROM HOUSTON GUJJER-WINOKUB . Miss Helen Merritt departed Mrs. F. E. F r e l d and h e r Mr. a n d Mrs. S. Winokur of Friday evening f o r Cleveland. daughter, Tayba Lea, of Houston, Chicago, announce t h e engage- BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. arid Mrs. Arthur Cohn en- Miss Merritt, who will be a dra- Texas, are spending the summer ment of their daughter, Rebecca, to Hyman Giller, son of Mr. and tertained eleven guests Saturday, matics teacher in a girl's camp h e r e as houseguests of Mrs. Mrs. A. Giller, of this city. No July 6, to honor h e r daughter, near Hudson, Ohio, for the re-Freid's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. definite date has been set for theDolores Jean, on her seventh mainder of the summer, will re- Katleman. : birthday. The guests were: Judy turn via Chicago, where she will wedding. • . Theodore, Barbara Trustin, "Mar- spend a week visiting her friends TO VISIT IN BALTIMORE jorie Silverman, Audrey Green- and relatives. -Yale Trustin, son of Mr. and OSTRAYICH-LEVINE berg, Rita Milder, Joyce CorenMrs. Harry Trustin,. is leaving The marriage of Miss Sara Le- man, Mary Ann Smedicka, Betty Saturday f o r Baltimore, Maryvine, daughter of Mr. a n d Mrs.Ann Smedicka, Geraldine Cohn, FOR CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. J. Hermann and land, where he will spend s i x Max Levine, to Philip Ostravich, Betty Ann Stalker and D o r i s their daughter, Jeannette V. Her- weeks visiting his uncle and aunt, son of Mr. and Mrs." Leo Ostra- Levinson. mann, are leaving, Sunday, for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Binder and vich, took place, Thursday noon, alifornia. They will visit the ex- their Eon, Morrie. July 4, at the B'nai Israel synaposition at San Diego, and also gogue. Rabbi N. Feldman per- SURPRISE ANNIVERSARY plan to go to San Francisco to VACATIONING IN CHICAGO PARTY formed the ceremony. relatives, a n d to Los An- Misses Gertrude Guss, J u l i a Mrs. Harry Bush, sister of the A g r o u p of friends surprised visit geles. Miss Hermann will enroll Zuker and Bess Swartz are vacaMr. and Mrs. J. Falk, upon the bride, w a s m a t r o n of honor. in the Harper's Costume design- tioning together for two weeks in occasion of their eleventh wedBridesmaids were the Misses Rose ing school in Los Angeles. ding anniversary, with a party at Chicago. Meyers, Edith Ostravich and Gerthe Falk residence, June 29. trude Perlis. CHICAGO VISITORS Groomsmen were t h e Messrs. Mrs. S4 E. Ravitz and daughSTUDIO PARTY Hyman Winer, Moe Kagon, a n d Mr. and Mrs. AI Finkel enter- ters, Elaine and Harriet of ChiMax Sachs. Little Marylyn Bernstein was flower girl and Leonard tained thirty guests Sunday after- cago, a r e visiting Mrs. Ravitz's noon, July 7, at a studio party in parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Oland. Bush was ring bearer. honor of Mrs. Finkel's sister, Dr. Ravitz will arrive Sunday for The wedding music was played by Harry Perelman, who also ac- Miss Pauline»Hurwitz, who is a a short stay here. companied Miss J u l i a Zucker, bride-to-be. DONT WORRY ABOUT FROM DETROIT •who sang. YOUR Mr. and Mrs. Ben Zogut a n d Out-of-town guests were Mrs. ENTERTAIN AT BIRTHDAY daughters, Geraldine and Joanne, PARTY , M. Saxon of Brooklyn; M r s . M. Detroit, Mich., a r e visiting pland of New York city; and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil izenstatt en- of « e • their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius tertained eighteen guests on Fria a d Mrs. I. Levine of Atlantic, Chait. day, July 5, on the fifth birthday Bring them to us for cleanIowa, . of their Bon, Lewis.Bert Izenstatt. ing; repairing and remodeling REASONABLE PRICES NEW BRUNSWICK GUESTS SPECTOR-GKEENBEBG Mr. and Mrs. Murray Klass of BACK FROM HONEYMOON Mr. J. Greenberg announces Mr. a n d Mrs. Sam Greenberg New Brunswick, have "been visitthe~marriage of h i s daughter, Ethel, to Morris Spector,-son of returned from a two week honey- ing at the home of Mr. J. GreenMr. and MTB. S. Spector of New moon trip in Chicago and at the berg, for the past 10 days. York. T h e wedding took place Great Lakes and will reside at the ATIastis GSS2 Tuesday, July 9, at the home of Terrace Court apartments. Mrs. FROM COLORADO (f 1713 Douglas Street Miss Esther Klaimaa. h a s as the bride in the presence of the Greenberg is the former Mildred her house guest, her cousin, Miss immediate families only. Rabbi Lipsey. Alice Seldin of Boulder and New H. Grodzinsky officiated. Out-of-town guests at the wed' FOR DAUGHTER'S BIRTHDAY Raymer, Colo. Numerous affairs ding were Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Milder en- are being planned in Miss S el din's m wmL PAY YOU Klass of New Brunswick and Mr.tertained twenty-one guests Fri- honor. and Mrs. S. Spector of Brooklyn. day, July 5, in honor of the fifth J o Consult PRINTED CREPES The couple will make t h e i r birthday of .their daughter, Con- VISITING HERE MALASHQCK'S Mrs. M. J. Rachofsky and chilPRINTED CHIFFONS home here upon their return from stance Patina. dren, of Dallas, Texas, are visit- When buying a -wedding trip. PASTEL CHIFFONS ing' Mrs. Rach^fsky's parents, Mr. DIAMONDS HONEYMOON IJf OMAHA and Mrs. Harry Rubin, and other Mr, and Mrs. Joe Levin, who RECEPTION SUNDAY WASHABLE CREPES WEDDING RINGS Mr. and Mrs. A. Shafton, 3113 were married in Milwaukee, June relatives and friends.' WATCHES SHiVEBWAEB LACES AND NETS Lincoln Blvd., will give a recep- 3 0, are spending their honeymoon and GIFT JEWELRY tion In honor of Mr. a n d Mrs.in Omaha visiting Mrs. Levin's FROM HAKLAN Morris Spector, who were recent- sisters, Mrs. Leo Taub and Mrs. Miss Elaine C o h n ol Harlan, Iowa, is a house g u e s t of her ly married, Sunday, July 14, from D. Feldman. uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. 3 to 5 and from 7 to 10. No cards Harry Saltzman. have been Issued. Relatives and BAR MITZVAH Mr. and Mre. Harry R, Milder, friends are invited. SIZES A draific'martdowB en regular better dresses, plus ISO new fum1322 South 9 street, announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Edwin tn*r dresses specially purchased for ihls event. Just the opportunity KAPLAX-SCHNEIDEB 11 to 15 Saturday morning, July 13, M i s s Leona Schneider of Lin' Esar, you've wanted to give new life to « wilting summer wardrobe. Afl the B'nai Israel synagogue at 12 to 20 coin, Nebraska, daughter, of Mr. at the new ltyie$t febrics end CQrers tor e coo! «n^ smart wnimw. and Chicago streets. and Mrs. S. Schneider, became the 18th 36 to 46 Invitations have b e e n Issued bride of Sam Kaplan, Bon of Mr.for a dinner which will be held Seeonsl Floor and Mrs. J. Kaplan of this city at the Milder home, Sunday, July HALF SIZES at the L i n c o l n Hotel, Sunday, 14, in honor of Edwin. June 30. The bride "W O r e a g 0 "W n of BY PLANE •white lace on princess lines fash- RETURNS Miss Esther Nathan returned ioned with a short train and a Sunday, by plane, from Los. Ansmart Jacket fitted at the waist- geles, where she has spent two line with matching turban bordered with rhinestones. She car- w e e k s visiting relatives a n d ried a shower bouquet of white friends. roseB and Iillies of the valley. Her attendants were the Misses „, Yes, Sir! New you Sally and Dorothy Kaplan, sisj csa bay the famous ters of the groom. Sally Kaplan 'Fairbanks* - Hois© wore sky blue organza with short BEAUTY SALON "Electric 'ftefrigem* tailored jacket and carried rap: tor wife the 'exefts"; Features ture roses. Dorothy Kaplan wore " :sivo *'Ooi3s©rvs£l©?T' pink, organza of the same style Shampoo and finger wave 50c ; featee at prices and carried Talisman roses. ; THE NEW that A buffet dinner in the Garden Zotos Permanent Wave with room of the Tiotel followed the no machinery and no electriceremony. A reception and dance city used at $6.50 and up. was held In the m a i n ballroom 718 Brandela Theater Bids. from 8 to 12- p. m. Assisting at AT. 4833 the reception were the Mesdames Harley Davidson, Barney G r e y ,
A Sale
Keep Cool in
} $10 less titan est& I er. is the seasoa. :. __.I s Uftls as'JOe i Day Pays far If
Miss Imcille Faulkner, skin analyst, -will give yon a complimentary facial. Yon are under no obligation. —for this week only—ova regular $7.50 Peacock permanent wave at only $5.00. The regular $5.00 wave a t - - $3.50
PEACOCK BEAUTY SALON 203 Securities Building AT 0332 Evening Appointments can be made with ten expert beauticians
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A gglESKkS'&Bs assort^ meat <dt WMto Hats, ' erepes, fells, esd Iloent in styles for every psr8on&Utr« A graafl bsiv gsJa Trlisa yoss wsust.lt most,Second Floor
State Crctomexs
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Smart new styles In cotton frocks, including broadcloths, seersuckers, lawns, linens, batistes, eyelets, tissue ginghams m& 'dozens of ©thsr popular fabrics. A!! $he$ and paHems.
WASTING NO TIME — When the recent crisis loomed between Japan and China, as the former advanced farther into China's territory, Japan had a fleet of destroyers in Chinese ^ t t o ' T s u t l f anchored D at H Se Japanese3Bund in Tientsin.
A NEW WORLD'S RECORD—Jesse Owens met his master at last in the 100 meter dash in Lincoln, Neb., when Eulace Peacock of Temple TJ. beat him and that other famous sprinter, RalP" Metcalfe. and turned in a new world's record of 10.2 seconds. Peacock is at left, Owens center (in third place), and Metcalfe at right (in second place). <fv
' * - K$*
i } } ( T * » > « * 4 * 1
AN UNFA3HLIAII HELEN JACOBS—You've seen lots of pictures of the American tennis star in her athlete's garb of shorts and middy blouse, as she makes a difficult return, but here is Helen as her own feminine self, v,-hsn she appeared in London dressed for her presentation to the Queen,
i 'f
I t
_*v « - tf*
i i
IT MUST BE XiOVE—Grace Bradley, rising young actress, and j Frank Prince, radio singer, met during the filming of a picture > a few months ago. When Grace recently went to Catalina Island for a stay she found Prince singing there and—bang!— ; Cupid shot his dart. Now they're engaged.
DUEL PRINCIPAL—Here is M. Didier-Poulain, Parisian tennis critic, whose controversy vith
9 f
Jean Borotra, tennis star end Davis Cup mainstay for many years, resulted in plans for a duel with pistols, Borotra admitted he was not in Ponlain's class in fencing — hence the pistols. '
COOLNESS AT THE CASTTOIr—This does not mean there is any official coolness, simply that Washington couples avail themselves of the Terrace Fountain on the Capitol Plaza; when the evenings are sweltering, to watch the water play as the lighted dome looms above, and mayhap snatch a hand squeeze or two.
j. v
KONOK P.IE35OEY CF COOtlDGr—Ar Errle Scout -enresenting the entire Bcr Scout oTxnizs.ion 11 Arne-ic?. s.-andi £l attention after placing a wreath on the gra^ e of the late President CsAxin Coolzdge *n Plrmouth, Tt., dUTinsr sen ices ir " of his 6Srti • - -
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Senorita LIzana, of Chile, attempted to return a stiff serve sent over by Say Stammers, English player, In the Wimbledon, Eng., championships, but the ball came so fast she had to make a lunge, and the racket went flying—and the Senorita too.
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CRACK ENGLISH PLANE DIVISION—Bristol fighters of No. 3 Squadron, the first sauadron in Britain's air force, laying down a smoke screen as they maneuvered during the recent exhibition Of the British Royal Air Force over Hendon, V-
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SOWN THE HATCH!—And what a hatch! Floyd Verette, bartender In Milwaukee, led the field in his city's recent beerguzzling contest when he consumed a half gallon of beer in 34 seconds without drooling. He is shown with his daughter.
GIBSON TESTIFIES—Charles EL Gibson, a former Baltimore lawyer, who was recently discharged as Virgin Island attorney, is shown as he testified at a hearing of the Senate's investigation of the Virgin Island administration.
HIS HAT IN THS KING—Magnus Johnson, (right), former Senator from -Minnesota, End fenown as'the farmer-politician, has. announced that he .will run for .Governor of Ms State in 1938. He is"'shown;here as he took over a new job of official weighing at South St. Paul.'
t_he re&atujjsC J v Aiucr^vn I r e h t club :" ii—"T Vi-vl ^ i?ong
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seen each other f o r twenty-fire planned for the cozaisg -week, MOTOR TRIP ! ter, Susan Jaye, are leaving tot »• years. Mrs, Pstiline Krizelman e.n& j six week's s t a y it; Los Ange!?s, SCOUT TROOP AT- CASSP her BOE, Mas, recently • returned j where MTK. Bs-foior will visit h:~': Temple Israel scost troep, ncta- from an eighi-&s,y xnotor trip to 1 mother, Krs. Rose Traglin a v. rl VISIT IN PLATTSMOrTH Eugene and Jim Heyn are vis- ber S2, left SsEfiay, Stir 7. torCedtr Rapide and Cfeicago. While j fa-mi!--. BUSINESS TRIP iting t h e i r relatives la JPlatts- Camp Posy-I^e-Shon, n e a r Fre- In Chicago they were puests ©' Mr. Al PitlOr and Mr. Abe Marmont, Nebraska, for a tvro weeks Mr. and Mrs. Harry Novey. IN KANSAS CITY kowitz of Council Bluffs are a o - mouth, Nebr., for a few weeks. annual encampasest. T-.tr. ft n fi Krp. Kp.rry toring on a business t r i p to . Most cf the twecty-five memECCI their flavaghtor, Aiiene, », Phoenix, Arizona; F r 0 in . there TO BE GUEST HERE " FKOM KANSAS: CITT Mr. a n d Mrs. Sanders Stein- bers cf the troop £re planning to will go to Los Angeles, California. Kiss Esther Eernetcii of K&n- visiting their friends a n d bach, Mrs. MIna Steinbach a n d leave and stay at the eanip. SEE City w&s here es Rguest of tivet in Kansas City. Mr. David Newman, one of the h'er brother, Mr. Seimaa Stone! her uncles and aunts, Mr. VISIT IK DBS MOINES oldest" scoutmasters in the city, brook of London, England, are j Mrs. Charles G-ESE Ecd Mr. a n d TO VISIT IN FIB This important contribntion . me hiBtoric institution which the for the preservation of Jewish life - Morri3 and Leonard Burnstein, is in charge of t h i s troop. Al Mrs. L e o Brsviroff left, ( r r spending two w e e k s motoring j Mrs. Hyman Guss. ew brought to this country from rather an an agency of assimila- Lou S a k s and Hy Gen&elm&n is of fundamental interest to Fremont, Neb^r.r.kp., V" h e r e &h*s through the national parks. Mr. Fiedler is the assistant t c o a t tion and has worked mightily to he European ghetto, could not every one interested in ttte prospent t h e Fourth visiting their Stonebrook will be a guest cf the master. will f.perul ft tfv,' c! R y K visitint: IX SAVANNAH lecome such an instrument just the end not only in its own pri- friends in Des Moines. blems ' o£ organized, Jewish •with h c: r mother, Mrs. F r a n k Steinbach's for two months. Mr. fend Mrs. Ben Katcman anfi lecause it lacked this flexibility, mary field of education as well. Conuhunity 'life..The author is j Smith. S. A. 51/ MOTKEB'S CLUB I their son, Bernard, Ere visiting 3nthe former president of the Ko« 'he Synagogue is by its inherent Nevertheless we are frequently VACATIONING HERE The S. A. M. Mother's c l u b ' definitely in Earanuch, Georgia, Mr;- Al Gazin of Los Angeles is TRCSTIN CONVALESCING tional Association of Jewish nature rooted in tradition and is accused of not being sufficiently July neeticg has beea postponed, with Mrs. Katireaa'e parents, X£r. j EXTI::.?;T)KI» TOVJI Mr. Harry Trufitin is convelesJewish by those to whom that visiting here for a month. While he accepted preservator of i t s Center Executives.—The Editor I Mr. San* Feilman is spend'iif cing from an Infected foot con- due to the hot weather. Mothers Krfe. Sa.ra Port mat. term has more definite connotaThe Jew is historically accus- .larticular tradition. Here, in a tions than it has to others. The here is a house guest of his grand- tracted while he was inspecting will be notified when the meetcrs rxicnfleil tour through the e«;i tomed to communal organization hew and completely foreign en- Jewish Center is becoming in itsparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Skirnick. the public works i s Omaha, last ings will again be resumed. v.'here he is visiting friend? &"*" TO RESIDE HERE and has in the diaspora function- •ironment, the synagogue was the administration more and m o r e relatives. week. Mr. £nd Mrs. Ben Finemac, 1 ed more often as a member of an one line with the known past, the democratic and its program af* GREYHOUND RACES St3OfER VISIT formerly cf Chicago, recently organized group than as an in-one familiar landmark in an fords wide opportunity for t h e Miss Monette Merrltt attended Miss Gertrude D. Kill, moved here to make their 'residividual, especially in his contacts jtherwise unfamiliar landscape. expression of heterodox political t h e opening of t h e greyhound IX EXCELSIOB SPRINGS' Morris- Fellmsn is spending 1>'-t Mrs. Morris Burstein is spend- of Mr. and Mrs. E. Kill o£ Lindence. Mrs. Fineroan is tlie i'orm- | •with the outside - -world. In this No departure in former content and economic views. Nevertheless races at Savage, Minnesota, on coln, is epeadiag the summer with er Sybil Adler. ! tvo week vacation touring ( 1- ring two w e e k s at Excelsior country homogeneity yr&s at first could be permitted by the immi- we are frequently accused of be- the Fourth of July. Miss Laura Gasable Thomson, at I mid-western cities, xvlule visiUiut. Springs. lacking, - the Jews of the major grant who saw In the synagogue ing reactionary by those who t h e Thoasoa estate'in Sfr&RipI his friends and relatives. OX WEST COAST migrations coming here from dif- he one haven where he could would have us become propaganda TO VISIT IN CHICAGO scott, Mass. Miss Thomson Is & IN CINCINNATI Mise Evelyn Dan sky end Joseferent countries and provinces, !ind refuge from a bewildering agencies f o r their particular Mrs. Arthur C o i n and h e r Miss Adele Wilinsky is spend- popular Cincinnati debutante c* phine Rubnitz, v:ho £re accomBpeaTdng their Yiddish in differ- present in a recognizable past. this past''season z.zi is & school daughter, Dolores Jean, are to ideology. The Jewish Center has ing six weeks in Cincinnati where panied by their relative Krs. M. TAILOB ent accents and finding in control chuia of Miss Hill at Bryn Mawr While the Synagogue, however, Bhown a deep interest in the re-leave this evening for a month's Erodkey, are speeding the cum- SHOP for Sale, ILmr Herd, of whatever communal agencies could serve his religious and tobuilding of Palestine and has con- stay in Chicago with Mrs. Nathan she is enrolled for a summer college. mer VE.cE.tion in LrOs Acgeles and existed Jews of a different land iome degree his cultural needs, tributed much toward an appreci- Cohn. Mrs. Arthur Cohn's daugh- course at the Hebrew Union Colefi across street front? Included in the party are Juliet San Francisco, where they a r e of origin and of a different cul- it could not provide that link with ation by our young people of their ter, Betty Joyce, has been vaca- lege. hotels. Lit Stern, daughter of J. David rioting t h e i r friends and relatural background. I t -was natural ,he secular environment which responsibility toward t h a t task. tioning there for the l a s t few Stern, publisher cf the Philadel- tives. ON TRIP that their first loyalty should be it provided for him In the town Nevertheless we are frequently weeks. Mrs. M. H. Jacobs, who was a phia Record; Dorothy Rothschild, toward landsmanschaft lodge or of his origin. He could not, under criticized by Zionists for not behouse guest of her parents, Mr. niece of M a s Steuer, prominent MOVE TO CALIFORNIA congregation and that wider com- the conditions of American life, coming entirely and adjunct to TO ST. LOUIS and Mrs. M. D. Brodkey, left with New York attorney. munal interests should come only especially in the bigger cities, go the movement. In the major conMr. and Mrs. . Sam Greenberg The four girls, all students &t Mr. Sam T e p e r of Goldstein her husband who w a s enrotste after the points of similarity be- there twice a day, not only for flicts which are dividing both our of Omaha recently moved to CalBryn M&wre are taking cummer tween Jew and Jew became more prayer but to meet his fellow American and Jewish communiti- and Chapman's shoe department from their home, In Chicago, for courses at Harvard. ifornia to make their home there. Is leaving Saturday, July 13, for a two weeks' trip through t h e apparent than the points of dif-men and discuss with them the es into opposing camps we are Miss Hill will return to Lincoln ference. The war, stopping the in- day's happenings. He could not, neutral, adhering to the time- a week's business and. pleasure western part of the country. j l| for a visit in'August. The Kisses AT I J A K E >IIXI^ATOXKA flux of new Immigrants, helped in many cases, even continue at- proven principle of providing a trip to St. Louis. Miss Pauline Margolin is vacs,- I f Thomson asd • Stern will accomFROM SIOLtX CITY in thlB process of amalgamation. tending the particular Synagogue forum for all shades of opinion tioning for a few veeke at Lake ] I Miss Libby Derwin of Sioux pany her for a short visit, before The need to. work to-gether to where the congregants were land- and of taking none of these opin- VACATIONING HERE I | Dr. H. H. Riklin is vacationing City is visiting here for ten days going on to Estes Park, Colo., to Micnatonka, Minnesota. relieve the distress of our strick- sleute with whom he had things ions for our own. The time will be the guests of Eleanor Kellogg here for two weeks with his paras a house guest of her girl frienS, en brethren in war-torn Europe, in common. He sought his social come when neutrality will become Taft, gran&fiasghtcr of the late IX ST. JOSEPH the united action demanded of uscontacts in other places, in lodges exceedingly difficult, when a mid- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Riklin and Minnie Tuchinan. Lorraine Meyerson of Council president, Williaa Howard Taft. family. to build up a new homeland in and clubs and unions and settle- dle-of-the-road position will mean Biuffe, Irvin Chalken, Llcyd KtiPalestine and the more recent ments and, among the younger standing still. Where one road RETURN FROM CHICAGO BEhock, a s d "Warren Ackerms.n | calls made upon us by the victims p e o p l e , in the Y. M. H. A.'s.will lead to survival and another ON WAY TO COAST Mr. a n d Mrs. Julius Sherman \*ISITORS FROM DES spent the lest week-end in St. Jo- f Mrs. L. Gershon and her son,recently returned f r o m a three MOIKES of the Hitler regime, added to the These became the instruments of to disintegration, we shall be calleeph, where t h e y "visited their [ | Mr. and Mrs. M. Rosen natural tendency to cling together his adjustment to the American ed upon to choose which road to Sam, are spending a few weeks' "weeks' stay in Chicago, w t i e fry.enfiE a n d attended the P u p j \ | for safety when danger threatens scene and it is to be noted that follow. When one road will lead stay here visiting Mrs. Gershon's they visited their sons, fraternity dance. us from without, have• made us the Americanization and socializa- to the social justice taught by our son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Morris Sherman. Elaine, of Des Moiaes, motofea to I' - more community conscious than tion of the foreign born was a prophets, and another to a nega- Mrs. J. Riklin. They are enroute Omaha to spesa t i e last -reek would have been thought possible main problem of the early Jewish tion of what we believe to be thefrom New York to Los Angeles. end here to attend a gathering of TO VISIT IX LOS ANGELES AT CAMP ARROWHEAD even a few years ago. Edward Cohn, Leonard Boss- the immediate families in honor 'Mrs. Atoe Babior and her fia Jenters before there was any con- essences of Judaism, we shall not berg and Morton Greenberg are of Mr.- End Mrs. .Tames Coreaia&n, siderable -worry about the preser- be able to remain in the middle. AT CAMP Toward this process the Jewish vation of Jewish life "and values. As long as our approach to the Mary Marjorie Heyn, daughter vacationing in Camp Arrowhead, who recently retcraed to Omaha Center, providing as it does a It was after a n e w generation problems of survival has been a of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Heyn, is a camp for Jewish boys, located after En extended honeymoon trip. J*QPHK£&*' e^ggS^g; ^ M S S S ^ Mrs. Corenman •was formerly common platform for Jews of allgrew up, fully adjusted to their negative approach, we could be spending three weeks at C a m p in Deerwood, Minnesota. Frances Rosen. beliefs and all shades of opinion, environment, to whom the oldall things to all men; when we Harriet Harding. dressing similarities rather than fashioned Synagogue was too of^ begin, as we are beginning, to VISITOR differences and emphasizing in Itsten an unfamiliar landmark in a take a positive approach, we must WEEK HERE Mrs. Henry Weisgurt is visit- RETURN FROM! name and in its functions t h e familiar landscape, that the Jew- select definite roads to follow Sam, Harry and Norma Fried- ing her mother, Mrs. S. Graetz, EXCELSIOR SPRINGS communal approach, has contri- ish Center faced its new problem even at a sacrifice of temporary man of Los Angeles are spending who is living with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tarnolf buted immeasurably. Toward the of adjustment, t h e task of re-expediency. their daughter, Betty, retcracd a week here visiting their uncle Cecil Izenstatt. continuance of this process to itsawakening in the youth an aplast Sunday evening, f r o m a and aunt, Mr. -and Mrs. S. Friedlogical conclusion in a form of preciation of its Jewish heritage stay Sn Esce'sior Springs. An agency of survival can man. VISITS PAREXTS organization adapted to the Am- and a sense of its meaningfulness either seek to preserve an. InheritAT, W £ Mrs. Ronald Gladstone is visiterican scene the Jewish Center in the present: Meanwhile, in the ed culture in toto or can modify MOTOR TRIP ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.BACK'FROM ALABAMA must perforce continue t o ' con- secularization of Jewish l i f e and build upon it. The heritage Mr. Eniil Gross- returned from Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lipp are jWessel, in Nebraska City. tribute. As much as any institu- which took place so rapidly in that has been handed down to usspending about three weeks moa two -weeks' vacation in Seltion can the Jewish Center claims this country, the Center took over we cannot transmit in toto be- toring to Denver and t h e n to j ma, Alabama, where lie visited BUYING TRIP to be representative of the "wid-toe Synagogue's old position as a cause it i s n o t pertinent to Ameri- Camp Troutdate-In^Pines,. a e a • - S3r. Arthur.Cohn is leaving for ! his ..parents on. their cotton plan" est possible elements that make house of assembly, just as the or- can scene. The survival of Jewry Evergreen, Colorado. a ten day buying trip in N e w [ tatioE. up American Jewry. More than ganized charities took over many in America will thus depend on a York city. any institution can it claims to beof its functions as a dispenser of ON TRIP : AT COXVEXTION (Continued on Page 8.) representative of the younger ele- relief. Because of its flexibility, .; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller and TO KANSAS C I T T Rabbi Uri Killer Is ic tfcs east ment in that Jewry. In the small- because of its' freedom from the Mrs. Miller's daughter, E l a i n e , attendiag a rabbisical conveEtion, Miss B e r t h a Gass trill l e a v e er communities many of the func- hampering restraint of an exactly spent f o UT days h e r e visiting Wednesday, J u l y 1 7 , f o r K a n s a s tions of an integrated community formulated . philosophy, the Jew^ I friends a n d relatives while en- City, -where s h e •will s p e n d a FOS EXTENDED STAY are already within the scope of ish Center has been able to adapt route for an extended trip through Mr. and Mrs. Harris Golfisten •vreet's s t a y -with M i s s E s t h e r our activities. In the n e i t few i t s program to far-reaching . . • and their daughter, Eta, of New The Re-Im club held a meet- the .east. Bu'rnsteixu years the-Jewish Center shall be changes in American.Jewish life, York City, ..are spending s,n excalled upon to determine, together to constantly broaden the field of ing and election of officers, Tues- WEEK-END GUESTS tended stay here tfeelr •With the other agencies working its activities and to enlarge the day, July 2, at the J. C. C. at 8:30 .Leslie Epstein, Jim Myers, Vic- HOUSE GUEST p. m. The* following were elected Mr. ArtB-ar Mitchell of Holly- sons,.- Herbert .sad David Q-old- i tor the survival of Jewish life in scope of its influence. to h e a d the group: J o e Nitz, tot Strauss a n d Chester Steiner wood, California, a ioriaer resi- i stein. While here they -will reside America, what form the integratwere -week-end house guests of des tc?f Ornahs, is spending two I at the Colonial apartments. ed community shall take and What has been a source of president; Abe Sherman, v i c e - Bernard Chapman. . . president; Max Breslow, treasurweeks here as a house guest of what shall be the place of thestrength, however, has also behis counsins, Mr. and Jvirs. David «i weakness. n«.^v.«». -Jew-j ~ . . ,er; Ben Levlne, recording secreCenter in its scheme of organiza come a source3 of TO VISIT IN NEW YORK Miller. . . - . ' " . . tlon. ish life in America, With - .its tary; Leon Gross, corresponding "Miss Beraice Cohn .left for an secretary; S a m Lelbowitz, serphenomenal growth and its kaleiThe Jewish Center draws- great geant-at-arms; N a t e Ferer, re- indefinite visit to New York city. DRA5IATICS strength from the fact that while doscopic changes, presented for porter; Meyer Linda, parliamenMargaret Abramson of F o r t many years a dynamic situation in its origin it was an ideological tarian; and Iz Soskin, board of VISITS IN DENVER Dodge, who was well known here -- institution, organized for a speci- in which philosophizing was im. Miss Rose Rubinstein is spend- for her activity in local dramatic directors. . fic purpose by people imbued possible and adaptability imperaThe installation dinner-dance ing t w o weeks in Denver as a circles, left J u l y 10, for N e w tive. Life cannot ever be wholly with a definite ideal, its develop was held Sunday, July 7, a t thehouse" guest of her a'unt, Mrs. B.York city, where.she is taking a The fio«xt i n b f i f ment has been along pragmatit static but it is reasonable to beRubenstein. course in the same stock company J. C. C. _ f e a t u r i n g . o a r exclusive upecaal lieve that in. the next few derather than philosophic lines and attended oy Margaret Sullivan. its program has been motivated cades t h e growth of American "@4% "The Perfect. Mixer** Jewry w i l l be at a greatly deDR. FBLL>IAN RETURNS by practical considerations rather celerated tempo, eventually ceasHOUSE GUEST •Dr. Abe Fellman has returned Try a bottle of than by theoretical preconcep The Pioneer Women will give tions. The philosophy of the Cen ing altogether, and that the _ mid-summer luncheon at Elm- to tlffe city after a- year in the Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Finkel have as their house g u e s t ter movement followed action ai changes will be less rapid a n d wood park, Tuesday, July 16, at 1 government service. their aunt, Mrs. V. H. Bloch of oa sale s t all frnit a rationalization more often than will be actuated more by the in-o'clock. Members and friends are St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Bloch, who grocery stssres mid Ivnch etaJstSs it preceded as a motivation. No* ner logic of the situation than by invited to attend. There will be TEX-DAY VISIT •a Mr. and Mrs. S. Schechter and has been here for several -weeks until the leaders of the movemen outside pressure. American Jewry a charge of 35 cents per plate. can no longer count upon accestheir daughter, Adele, and their has been extensively entertained, had met in numerous conference; Mrs. J. Kaplan and her comdevoted to a consideration of tech sions of strength from the old re- mittee are in charge of arrange- son-in-la-w and daughter, Mr. and sharing honors on several occanlQue and methodology was atservoirs of Europe and must seek ments. An interesting and' appro- Mrs. Charles Greenhut o£ N e w sions with Miss Pauline Hurfritz, 4C 1S1O No. £ St. TTE attempt made to formulate a phil from within itself the solutions priate program has b e e n ar- York City, are visiting here for a bride-to-be. to the problems of survival which Several affairs a r e b e i n g ten days as house guests of Mr. osophy, and that worded in such ranged. i and Mrs. Benjamin Rothenberg. broad terms that each center it faces. The;time is coming when Reservations may be made with - could continue with wide expert direction will be as greatly need- Mrs. Kaplan, We.: 5454, or with Mrs. Schechter is a sister of Mrs. " • • - " • J", '«-"•"<*" r - ^ « » - i ^.*- r — Rothenberg and they h a v e not mentation "and yet be safely with ed as action, when i t will be Mrs. S. Okun, We. 1642. ' " . . i !J » 1 U L l . in the expressed objective of thi necessary to consciously motivate I movement, stated in 1929 t o ' b e changes rather than merely adapt - . h^ ourselves to them as they occur. "the development of Jewish llf< on • the highest: possible plane.' The Jewish Center will be called At the recent election of the Xack of a formulated philosophy upon to take a . more aggressive Delta Kappa sorority Miss, Mildhowever, did not mean lack o' stand on many questions than it red Safersteln was elected presthe highest ideals of service o haa hitherto been requested to ident. lack of" an appreciation that "th take. We ahall be called upon for Merrlan Wiesman was selected "Every & y that you hsvc s. Genera! Electric Re« purpose of the Center organiza a' more positive philosophy than as vice president. The other' offrigerator in yovx home you save on your food tlon", to quote Mr. H. L. Glucks we have BO far evolved. "The de- ficers are: Pearl Monsky, secrevelopment of Jewish life on the bill. You never have t c throw awsy food "because man "must be consciously Jewish tary; Helen Greenberg, ^ treasand Its program must be definite highest possible plane" will re- urer; a n d Pearl Bernstein, hisIt didn't keep." I^cft-OTcrs m?y be feept for days ; q*. 2Sc ly related t o t h e needs of the Jew quire more definition than we torian-reporter. ; have been called upon to give-it. ish community." I t did mean an One definite stand the Jewish DgiJ^&t^^^'feS'aS buy.in quantities si b&rg&in-daj* prices. Just try a^«^M?gsg^ssg^»ssgiiBg5P«g^-teaaalSM^E unhampered freedom of action Center has taken, as expressed in which gave to the Jewish Center it.' Notice tlie dlfferer.ee I s your £QQ& bill. a flexibility, a readiness to en the statement of its objectives. It large its program and to chang has chosen to be an instrument St#3l*f " ^ its methods and a willingness t experiment with new technique and to blaze paths into new f leldg Hisbest Grnfia Eaamals, fS.OO 'gal The Y. M. H. A., arid the Jew WATEKPBOOS* &IX-SBBP03B ish Center which is in moBt case Sl'AK YAKNISH, fl^O Galloa For.this small down payment you csa h«-ve «, its direct descendant, came int VThea. you select t^e fc*ri.g» Omaha, gobbing Electric rcfrijjcrRtor its your home, Monthly payments being in answer to a felt need to L©W.ES 15$ a Pay erater for your boase, j o a &re easy, Reraemfeer that yon have 5 ycsKT protection 31J Ko. IB 3A an instrument of adjustment an want to get the m8$t joa oa the performance oi the fsiecha«ism in ev*ry G-K for cam tor yonr sjone-j. B® cere adaptation. The Synagogue, th yog <&® grt tfee most — see eisJy %l s year* — COME SM AND SEB THE NEW the aeTT Serge before j-oa G-E's. t&f V"--.
FIT f r FIT IIS f#-
Pioneer Women
every i a v on
'Delta Kappa
I i^*M^^
'Dodge Omaha's Only Amusement Park for Toong and Old"
25&LFABNAM'ST [Sg|gI§2SiSiaS]
• 4€
1.0, p
i, p- ^#>*%^^.S.'^'S
|S 4its* OUSIsIi
PAGE - JETGHT. n^noiisini^QUBiBiniinininiiiinroinroiRniBniBiEisinSQnciBiiBia
Mls3 Miriam Barish was hostess to members of the' Debra Club at their meeting Tuesday evening. Refreshments and a social hour followed the meeting.
Readership of Jewish Centers
^ ^
Medical Award
NOTICE O F i tratlon carnp because he annoisnc-: __ Chicago — The Benjamin Rush '; ed his engagement, to a Christian;' Ijesverrv-orth ptrer-t, Orrrajiti. Nebraska. i• the VSEU FVEXITFEE COMPANY -w-iil g j Prize, consisting of a medal and i girl from Loebau, Saxony. • sell to the highest bidder for oash tl'.« g la cash award, presented annually j Simultaneously the girl ; following articles: H I by the faculty of the famous Rush (Continued from Page 7.) j bed. be<l and vapity. pa.* wtove. t\a-«-eni troopers and nothing' has i port table, round table, bsbv bed. laM*, BX F.- B« K. . | Medical College of the University Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Baron, ac- conscious effort to modify o u r heard of her since. ! to satisfy its lien for gtora^jHmi- other of Chicago to the member" of the companied by Ethel a n d Sandy old traditions to meet new condiisnriLminiiSiiiiiisBieniispjiiiniiii graduating class with the highest OI Jier ir» " ; e ! J25 and accruing costs by Alfred J . departed this w e e k for tions, upon a system of educapleted by'the latter part of this Baron, rank In every department of med-;m e t to learn her where&bouts.have i Green and hid -erne. Gn California where they will jvisit tion which will have those Jewish BAR MTTZVAH EV T i t b o*^ ciaI silence. month and the kick-off dinner for with friends! The Bar Mitzvah of Robert iciue, was won by Benjamin B. i M. M. ' values which are essential to sur- Yudelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. j Cohen of New York City. the workers will he held early In vival and scrap those heritages of August. CKT KationaS Bank KOXSKT. GTROTKXSKT. MAKER Mrs. L. Schwidelsbn, Miss Rose the past which are but the age-Morris Yudelson, will take place & C'OKEX, Aitys. this Saturday morning, July 13, 13" Omaha >"ntl liaflk BltSg. 1 Schwidelson, and Mrs. S. Green- old accumulations of our ancient NOTICE BY r C S I , i C A T 3 f ? ; O>" 1TF-T1*TIOV r<?K •KKTTXIB.MKNT O r FINAL berg of Omaha, visited with rela- culture. We share with Jewish at nine o'clock at the Chevra B'nai JAIL JEW FOR BEING Notice is hereby eiven t h a t t h e untie*--; AI>S3ESIfcTKATl[OX Ad'OVST— Yisroel synagogue at 61S Mynster .A group of Sioux Cttyans tives in Sioux City recently. educators the dilemma of disp u r s u a n t to tlie laws of the State , in t h e County Court of Dousrlap County, T*A A tfV J R? '•signed street. All relatives and friends of Nebraska, have formed a corporation \ Nebraska, leave Tuesday evening for N e w agreement among ourselves as to the name of which is t h e MISSOURI i ! „ t h e m a t ' f r of She e s t a t e . o t VIt,UiAM Mrs. Louis Baron has returned what is essential and what is not.are cordially invited to attend. No York Cityjjto sail for Palestine on ! V A U , E T MIDGET RACING ASSOCIA-1 BONE, deceased: invitations have been issued. _ ( "W N S ) A l t h o u g h • TIOX, INC.. a n d its principal place of! A!5 persotiE interested i n - M i o Tn?.ts»r home after spending the week end We face the necessity of taking Berlin July 23. J; rs »« "" . x * Mt.u3> .business i s in t h e City or Omaha. The ; a r e tiere'ov notified t h a t on t h e 1st day Dr. Theodore N. L e w i s deOn Saturday afternoon, M j " l s ' ! t h e r e IS a s y e t n o l a w f o r b i d d i n g j object* for which this corporation i s ; of July 29S5, I^azar Kapsan filed a r » Mrs. Bijnjamin Goldberg, wife parted Monday for New Orleans, in Chicago w i t h her son-in-law great care lest t h e s e disagreeJp-yp-c S l i d A r - formed a r e to operate a n d conduct mkt-1 tir.ior- in sai<1 County Court, praying- that will entertain about! of Rabbi I Goldberg, w i l l go toLa,, from where he will sail for and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Irv-ments become the cause of a i g e t automobile racing- of all Kinds; t o ! his final adminisU-?tion account fii^d M . V a l e n t i n e , a J e w i s h m e t - j operate a n d conduct sport events a n d ; herein he settled and allowed, and thnt greater disintegration in Jewish twenty young friends at a swimPalestine!to visit until the Fes-Mexico. Dr. Lewis will go first ing Goldstein. Eitmes of every n a t u r e and j he he discharged from h i s trust s* a d life when unity is a prime need. ming party at Crystal Pool in chant from Leipzig, has been ar-! athletic tival of Succoth. Mrs. Goldberg to Vera Cruz, and t h e n Mexico c h a r a c t e r ; to purchase, lease, hire and I miniftrator and t h a t p_ hearlnp will b» acouire real - a n d personal; had on said petKron before Faid *-'ourt was bornjl in Palestine and came City. He plans to spend about a Miss Bernice L e v i n has de-We realize t h a t the process of honor of her son's Bar Mitzvah. rested and thrown into a concen-; otherwise property of every kind a n d , description j o r s t h e 2**th dp.y of J u ' y .;!>;>;>. PIT5 UTPT to Ameriiia thirteen years a g o . month visiting various places of parted for D e n v e r , Colorado, selection involved in the program and t o pell, dispose of. lease, convey a n d ] if you fail try appear before psn<* Court mortg-ajre a n y and all -of t h e Paid pro- i on t h e paid 26th day of July lf^',5, at 9 She willjyisit with her f a m i l y interest in Mexico and study the where she will spend her vacation for survival must be based on a Miss Edith London of HollyX.EO>" & WHITE, ATTORNEYS p e r t y ; t o borrow money End to do Ell i o'clock A, ^ 1 . , and contest said petition. City >atl. Bk. Eldg. thorough knowledge of all t h ewood, California arrived here there anil renew h e r acquaint- economic a n d social conditions visiting with friends. things necessary to accompliyh the pur-; the Court rnay grant the prayer oi said peses for which this corporation is or- [ petition, enter a decree o? heir^hip, ami factors that condition Jewish life. Wednesday to spend the remaind-' ances, asjjwell as making a study there. g-aruEeii. The authorized capital Etock i s ' m a k e pm'ft other and further order?, alOV IXCOKPOKATIOX OF' SS.ODO.'iO, divided into 108 shares of the j IOWBRMS and decrees, as to t\iiy Court The task of molding a new Jewry er of t h e summer visiting her XOTICE of the developments ot the land Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Baron vis3IETKOPOLITAX UQUOJt par value of $u0.0G each and which shal! { may seem proper, to the end that a') Before leaving for Mexico, Dr. in the past years. be fully paid when issued and non-asses- i matters pertaining tp fp.id • estate may ited last w e e k in Minneapolis will be a slow, laborious task, but parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lon- Notice Is herebySTOKE given t h a t a Corpora- sable. With the. assent in- writing of the I be finally settled, and rt«»i»rmtne<1. Lewis visited 'in Iowa City where Friendjji of Mrs. Goldberg gave with the latter's parents, Mr. and it will be lightened if we have don. Numerous affairs aTe being tion has been formed under the laws of hoiaers of BO per cent of ell the capital: BKYCE CRAWFORD, h e E s t a t e 5? 5 ? ^ b « « k a a. . T heD .rne o h e ih e r s p . p The D.rne oll t the some vision of what that Jewry planned in her honor during h e r ttheEstate a farewell party for her Wednes- he spoke on the Jewish Chatau- Mrs. S. Weisberg. Corporation is "METROPOLITAN LIQand out-; 7-3.33—3t p Q stock of the corporation issued qua. Before returning to Sioux the votes given i UO C R " I i i l l f standing o r pursuant u. ^ • — . . . — • will be, if we have some know- visit. UOR STCRE." Its principal place of standing or pursuant u day afternoon in the social hall ,..„».. hy stockholders | b«jne« is Omaha. Dous.as County, Ne. | »n] Berao^ ^u.leapt h ^.y pro ledge of what type of Jewry can Of the Tjphereth I s r a e l Syna- City he spent several days in Chi•r*0 per cent of the is- ' b2P First A'Btl PK e V en al n a t u r e f t h e bt u e ! a n d outstanding stock of the covbest survive. gogue. Mrs. Goldberg spoke on cago. Ho w a s accompanied to Auxiliary's Picnic Mrs. Abe Bear and sons, Aaron! b eeT htVa^acted c « by t h .°Cor^ritTon . >sine?s1, totoi sPoration which ta represented and rot- t i on l n "My Trip to Palestine." Follow- Iowa City a n d Chicago by Mrs. urchase hold sell convev assign « P person or byproxy a t a meet. N OX r E T I . Bt to Be Held Sunday It will take knowledge and David, and Myron Max, of Leav- SSe^rtWKana tr^rter'U.l^SST; i>.^ ^ specify called for that pijrpwe or, >"OTTCF >«! FINAL ing a social afternoon refresh- Lewis and their daughter, Ruth. , , annual ineetinR, the Board" ol r>i- \ XIO> FOR enworth, Kans., arrived here on! propcrty wherever situat- rectors In Chicago, he attended the Cencourage to restate our philosophy ~ADTitSl?:TK.*.Tmy shall have tlie power and atith-' ments w<ire served and Mrs. Golded, t o buy, sell, own, assign, transfer > the County Court o£ c v 3 E i a s county, A picnic will be given by thein more positive terms and that Tuesday for a visit at the home of and mortgage bonds, securities, and ority to sell, assign, transfer, convey o r | Nebi-aska: tral Conference of A m e r i c a n berg was! presented with a gift. otherwise dispose of t h e property and j Mrs. Baer's paren-ts, Mr. and Mrs. stock in other corporations; to draw. Ladies' Auxiliary of t h e Shaare Rabbis. knowledge and courage must : the matter of tiw estate of ARTHUR make accept, endorse and issue promis- assets of the corpoi'ati— a- an entirety! S. PECK, deceased: Mr.. a;ad Mrs. David Sperling Zlon Synagogue for their mem- come In the main from the Center Julius Katelman. terms and j All person?. rnfercFtnti >n paid maU^r sory notes, mortgages drafts, bills of and troinfi- concern on conditions as to them shall seem fit and and three children will also leave exchange and other negotiable instruR r e bers and friends on Sunday af- executive. E a c h Center is to a nou.led that on •the "7th ments; to borrow and loan rnoney: to proper. The corporation shal! commence day hereby Tuesday % evening for New York, of June 11K15, Anna Z. .Pe<-k filed ». ternoon, July 14. The picnic will great extent the reflection of the Dr. Julius M. Moskovitz is leav- engage in the retail eale and distribu- pp 11 11 said business on the of. the of | P^ County prnyintr in filing the office o£Articles the Conn-! of spirituous liquors, fermented and Incorporation P , "" sailing <m the S. S. Count Savoy start at 3 o'clock and will be held community which it serves, but ing Saturday evening for Fort Ri- tion Doucias Xebri Nebraska, j jnat ^ ^ ^tier ^final ^ ^ ^ & m lR l J m ^ Rn,, distilled, including brandy, rum, whisky, ty Clerk o£ Dou K las County, on the 23rd. T h e y iwill go to and shal! rontinue until January -. wine and gin, and other spirituous HQeach Center is also a reflection of ley, Kans., where he will attend ]i uors at Lewis Park in Morningside. wfne'an'a i>e discharge'! from I'.er t n i ' t and alcohol, for beverage purposes; 1S83. Its highest amount of indebtedness"jI that sherix Jerusalem to make their home. anr! that a hef.rinir vlil he Everyone is requested to fill its executive. Our responsibility Is Camp for two weeks. as to buy, sell and otherwise dea! in such shall not exceed two-thirds o its capi- i had •Mr. and Mrs. Abe Stillman anon snid petition V'eTore said Court Mr. Sperling will enter business commodity or commodities necessary to tai stock. The affairs of the corporation his own basket, as the picnic is heavy, our obligation great. The nounce the engagement of their there, jk I a brother resides in for profit but for unity and youth with whom we labor, the Ahe Markovitz left Thursday Jerusaletn where he IS employed daughter, Eudice, to Louis Canar, not ^ fun. No admission charge will be young people whom we daily fo. a motor trip through Texas or related »Uh the retail sale and j ^ 1 ^ w ^ coS^ts^ * £?\L *°\ h^n i ™«*t ^ ^ o j ^ ^ son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Canar of in'the BHtish government offices. made. Ice cream and pop will be meet, look to us for inspiration, and California, and will Omaha. No date has been set for Mr. afad Mrs. Sperling h a v e e on the picnic grounds. Swimming, for guidance, for instruction. attend iP'L\" e«.»?e™'S.«P««."^-_.... ! held ™n "ite"™™"**^™ £*£\ °! !?"* ' petition".1 *"«r I decree ~J^»the California Pacific Internation-J the "corporation been hdhored at a n u m b e r of the wedding. cards, a n d games will entertain The Social Workers and Cen-al Exposition in San Diego. He ex-j farewell parties during the past At a ceremony Sunday after- during the afternoon and evening. ters dare not fail. As Jews and pects to be gone about a month. few weeks. In. Omaha, w h e r e noon, July 14, Miss Elsie Shulas Americans they face a changthey visited recently, they were man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ing and uncertain world, a world Hr. and Mrs. Maurice Gilinsky • _ f guests itt the Harry Marks home. M. Shulman will become the bride in which the verities of the past and daughter, Jean, of Milwaukee, During 'their stay there, t h e i r ot Irving Babbitt, son of Mr. and Friday evening services will be have, largely turned into doubts. Wisconsin, and Mrs. Al Berger of hosts a t farewell parties included Mrs. A. Babbitt of New York City. held this evening at Beth Abra- As Jews .they face one of the Cleveland, Ohio, who came here Mrs. Haxry Turkel, Mrs. H a r r y The wedding ceremony will take continue for ham synagogue with Rabbi Ben- worst crises in our history, a last week to attend the' fortieth j and J Bernstein, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mar-place in the Beth Abraham Syna'rom date ther of. The highest amount! Dated at Qmaha, Nebraska, March 27, crisis more appalling because our wedding anniverasry celebration I °P jamin Goldberg officiating. indebtedness to which this corporakowitz, I] Mr, and Mrs. A. Green- gogue at 4 o'clock, w i t h Rabbi (Sig-ned) tr - J -or * v. n - i i i « »»: ! tioti may a t any time subject itself Saturday morning S h a c h r a s younger generation is not spirit- Ofm Mr. P. -LOVKLABT that the t baum, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bondarin, Benjamin Goldberg officiating. and Mrs. Abe Gilinsky, left shall not exceed two-thirds ol its capiE A R L KARLS ually equipped to meet it. Where fiipnpfi ha v p form Pa P. corporal ion services will- begin at 9 o'clock at and thci Poale Zlon and Pioneer LESL.IE KIXG Monday for their homes, m a k i n g ^ V f a f f a i r s ' of this corporation n there was once knowledge, there rta Rubin Halperin, violinist, will Beth Abraham synagogue. T h e C. M*. CAR1.SOX I name of th»* rorporation is OSTBOfi, Jv"omen*s organizations. .7 OH X • W. R VSS O aless Boardthan ot Directors I INC.. finrl thp principal place of tran«~ play the wedding march and re-reading ot t h e Law will t a k e is n o w ignorance; where there the trip by motor. They Were ac-|be conducted of by n-ot W l L U A M M. LOVELADT, ! aoun"? itp husineas i? the city of Oinaln, two cor Sunday the Sioux City chapter cessioaal. The bride will wear a place at 9:30. The "Ufrufens" of was once faith, t h e r e is nowcempianied back by Mrs. M. Freid-| an five members. CARL F O R B E R G j Doug:?a?? Connty. NebrP-^ka. Tlie peneral 'W*. J . K E E N E R of the Poale Zlon and the Pioneer gown of white net, with a white Mr. Irving Babbitt, whose mar- doubt; where there was once en of Omaha, mother of Mrs. Mau- SAM J . LEOK JOSEPH TRABER f 1 in to xnaintfim P.nd operate & real cftfttp .Women! gave a party, honoring crepe turban and short veil. She riage will take place Sunday, will courage, there is now fear. Our rice Gilinsky and Mrs. Berger. (Signed) AKXOLIt K. FKDKKING, 1 b.olrLinpr rorr.rany and to purchase, leftpp ROT McCOiXT G. FETtivrs | and1 otherwise acquire, eel*, tlispose oi. them. A family gathering w a s will carry a bouquet of Talisman leaders must supply to our young B. a . WESSON" be at 10 A. M. At 10:30 refreshV. H U H N K E * lea? ?, alienate COPVPV, mort^app or othAmong the boys who are spendheld atjithe home of Mr. and Mrs.roses and lillies of the valley. people, and to their e l d e r s as JAMES R. ROBBIXS ! prv/ise enouini>^r real palate and pers>*«n6-2S-S3—it IV. H. PHET.FS * p.I p-npei'ty and finy fnterept. HTK! p.^tntf* S. Sperjiingr, with Mr. and Mrs, M. A family dinner will be served ments will be served to the con-well, the knowledge, the faith, ing the week at Camp Gifford are FRET) A. SMITH : Mr. either, of ^vpry kInt% nno H<*Foript!on gregation by Mr. Babbitt's "MaFRADTSiBCRG, WEBB. BEBTJl, Arnold, Lincoln, Robert Passer Sperling, Mr. and Mrs. L. Chesen, in the social hall of the synaJOHN* C. R E X F R O W the courage. They, must give 1 and in tcrenernl to tlQp.1 in such prnpert). KIATZMCK & KELLEY, Attye. MARK B U N C H A R D | either directly ^r throupn ownership of 630 OznaKa. 3tatl. Sank H d and Mr. and' Mrs. J. Goldberg, gogue at B o'clock, and a recep- chatonim," Mr. and Mrs. M. Shul- them that feeling of .unity with Yale Gotsdiner. and Jack Lincoln. L A E R T CLAKK, I stork HI any oiher corporation' or R?ka"In t h e presence t f : hosts. (Thursday e'/aning Mr. andtion and dance will take place at man, parents of the bride^cifttiot^; and to acquire by Tunvchn?"\ sui>their people which w i l l enable 6-2S-S5-*—*t * prriptioTi, or otherwise, and. to Itolrt as Special services for t h e chil- them to meet and survive the at- Saul Suvalsky left Sunday for NOTICE OF INXOItrORATIOS OF I J a c k W. Marer. Mrs. si;' Ratner entertained as a8 o'clock. "BARISH SAXDEKS MOTOR CO." | investmeihia. and to pel}, fippiKn. transdren of the congregation will be tacks being made on that people. the Minnesota Lakes, to be gone; Notice is hereby given that we, the j farewelj courtesy to the family. fer, Tnortfrr.ee. plertcrfi o r ' otherwise3disFolldwing a v i s i t In Chicago held at 10:30 o'clock. Undersigned, have associated ourselves] WITBTS. BKEER, pose of. any bonds or other eocuriii' ?. or together for the purpose of forming a ' MisslSarah Sadoff, daughter of and Detroit, Mr. Babbitt and his At 5 o'clock Saturday after- They must give them that feel- about ten days. KLl'TZMl'K & KE1XEY. j evm*>nreR of inO.?oto(ln^''F! or ni^v php.rt3^ corporation t o he known a s "Barish! 650 Omalm, 'Sail. \ of (.-apsial ptock of any corporation, pubIng unity with their community Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Sadoff, will wife will make their home in New noon, Sanders Motor Co." I t shall commence j * lie or private, of any association or indiRabbi Goldberg will speak which will make them serve that a t t h e time, of the filing of its Mr. and Mrs. Max Pirsch left business sail for Palestine on the same York City. vidua! of the Stntp of Npbrapkp, n: of . ' Articles of Incorporation with the Conn-1 OTSCE OF •IXCORPORATSOX O}? | any in Jewish on "The Jewish Home ottier state, territory or country «n»t community. They must give them ship with Mrs. Goldberg and the Among the guests from away OMAHA I.IQVOR MART, INC. •white tlif rvrn^r thoreoxr, to exercipe all Tuesday on a motor trip to Chity Clerk of Couelas Countv. Nebraska. Notice is hereby piven that the under- the rigrhtp. powers and i?T-i%'if«?f;ef? oi" r>*vthat feeling of responsibility, for cago, 111., and Milwaukee, Wis., toiS, nd Sperling family. Miss Sadoff, who who will arrive in Sioux City for in the Golus." The continue principalfor place a period of doing: of fifty business years. i summed have formed a corporation i5Ti<l^r ners-hip. including the rirrht to ^?ote, Thp the future which will make them be gone about ten days. {shall be in Omaha, Nebraska. Th* pen-1 the laws of the State ot Nebraska: The Bntonrt or capita? stock Rtithoriised In la a t.tudent a t Central H i g h the wedding are Mrs. Sam Katz Pral nat\3re oC t h e •business to be trans- • name of this corporation 'shall be OiTA- S-M.i,00O.Ofi uivmeu into &00 ehftre? of tho themselves *to mold that School will visit with an aunt and of Detroit, Mrs. A. Baker, WalSenior Hadassah Dance prepare acted by shall be the l^IAKT, INC.* with it? prin- par yalup of $100.00 efu-h, aU" of which y t h e corporation p e \\HA LIQUOR Q future intelligently. They must buying atid selling i a t wholesale h l and and \\ i i plnre l bi O . orr business att -Oman:*, N>- >? common stock and vher. issued shall undo and h e r grandmother in nut, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. George Mrs. Harry Cohen is leaving toMore than 150 couples attended burn with indignation themselves il of f automobiles, t b i l p.. . j retail, motor cars, m o -i! brapfca. Th The generall nt n a t u r e oi £ thft WM-Lbusi fully paid finri non-aspei^able. Stock Palestine. She plans to be gone Shulman, Omaha, Nebraska, and the Annual Mid Summer dance, lor t>mcagO a n a J i i l K l l a r t i t o r trucks, buse?, bodies, pfirts, devices, i ness to he t r n n p a r t e d fe.net t h e oh.iect niKl he njav he pnitl for in cash, property, ssrv* at the injustices of the world if oils a n d a l l a r t i | purpoFe for which this corpora.tton if! or-fees or othor UIIIIRP of vs.Hi? AS tlet^rthree imonths. Mr. Art Babbitt of Los Angeles. sponsored by the Senior Hadassah they want them to change that Lake. She will visit also in Mad-cles, merchandise or preparations neces- canized is t o purohase &t mined hy the Borml of Pirpftor», Th* sary, incidental or In use in connection to pell St retR.ii, winef*. ^-hiekies, vinous time oi commencement of thiK corporaMembers of the Debra C l u b chapter, and held at Shore Acre world. They must glow with zeal ison, "Wis., and Camp Indianola •with the owning, operating, maintaining liquors, End all other kinds of beverappF tion \& June 13. 1935, the <iftie whpn g a r ( i a farewell party for h e r Miss Frankie Rosenthal, daugh- Gardens, Tuesday evening. where her son, Irving Cohen, is and usmgr of automobiles, motor cars, ET-d liQiior?". t o |ea?e, own, anri operate tj-ip ArHclew of Incorpo^tion were fllert } motor trucks and "buses; also the nebulld- soft drink stands, bar rooms. liQUOr 1 In the o^k-e of. the. County CUrk of Thursday evening in the home ot ter ot Mr. and Mrs. M. Rosenthal, Bill Franklin's Orchestra fur- themselves for a recreated Jewry spending the summer. and servicing of fiutomo- stores, cocktail moms ami (lining* if they want them to become that Oinins rcomf Doupias County, » b r f i s k a . Bn.T t h e time Gisela Pill. Miss Sarah Kurz en- and Mr. Emll Levich, son. of Mr.nished the music for dancing. thervto; to nc -jo{ teriTiination nt the i-orporation is tertained for Miss Sadoff Tuesday and Mrs. M. A. Levich, will be Proceeds will be turned over to Moses evening, and Miss Marlon Shllotf married S u n d a y afternoon in the Jewish National Fund. Al- Jewry. the past was hostess to a group of friends Omaha, Nebraska, with R a b b i though a final check-up had not at the . aa a "farewell courtesy to her re-David Goldstein, officiating. been m a d e yet, committees in sisterapply to inttebiednesfl rpp« and sell and otherwise deal in and hati- j 000.00 and ir^^ent^d by notes, bonds or other obli|?Rcently. than Adler. dl~ any and all other kinds of property, ; common and of the par value of $100.00 i tions of or ^imrariSeed by the corporaThe marriage ceremony w i l l charge hoped to ra'se enough to including: real property, necessary, inei- j per shave and shall fully paid up anri tion, tlif ppym^nt of whi/'ji i,« pecwred by take place in the presence of theinscribe the Sioux City chapter in . | dental or advisable in connection -B-ith \ tion-nssessable. The corporation Bhali !t j , e transfer by- trust <3eeil or morijEcap-'* : the Golden Book of the J. N. F. E u W a r d R o s e n l e f t T u e s d a y e v e t h e b u s i n e s s h e r e i n b e f o r e s t a t e d , i t b e ] c o m m e n c e tloinrr b u s i n e s s u p o n filing of:o f roa{ e s o i e o r pfiu-r in<( Immediate families of the bride ' i n g t h « i n t e n t i o n of s a i d c o r p o r a t i o n t o j i t s A r t i c l e s v i r h 1h« Count;- Clerk of ' *of the secured indebt., infr the amount nd groom. Following a wedding h a v e t h e p o w e r a n t ! a u t h o r i t y in t r a n s - i r j o u s i a s C o u n t y . N e b r a s k a . - a n d phaii , e(-]ne5!p a t leaal "5 per cent. TJie affairs W h e r e h e Will a t t e n d C a m p f O ] V a c t i n s business ^ ^ an individual con- continue for a period ot fittj* years from in f t f j r o r r o r a t i o n »r« to be conducted ;rip. to t h e northern Minnesota _._,._ ducting said business would have. The said date. The highest amount of in- 'hy a Poard . of X^irp^tors consisting of x ± capital stock shall be $25,000 divided debt eel ness shall not excetw! two-thlnls not less ;haii two nor ntorp th^n five akes, Mr. Leyich and his bride about two -weeks. into two hundred fifty s h a r t s of the par I of its capital Ftock, but this restriction i rtirecttva m-i he fjspd by 'the hy•rs ES may ill make their h o m e in Sioux Jerusalem (JTA) — An Arab's ! value of ?100.00 each. The affairs of the j shall not include Indebtedness secured i! a n . R H n > Vh<- BOH "I o f ' p i i v r t n r s »h«"ll l e f t l a s t F r i d a y | company shall be nianaged by a Board j by mortprapes or liens. The affairs o f [ e j e r f P T>r»sii1cilit Vlcc-Pr»Riclent" q » r r a . attempt to gain control of a tract -J a Tc .ki t t iSot e -i Cn oblel .r g T(Ti«», The Shaare Zion Hebrew School ity. w u , , , , , T , J ° . J D ! " c t o r s . o £ t w 0 m e m b e r s who shall | this corporation, shall be m a n a c e d by - t•tary and Treasurer. Complimenting Miss Rosenthal, "Wliere UBi e elect from their number a President and Board oC Directors consisting of not less Falls, of land bought by Israel Nesson, for A. G held its annual picnic at River- Miss members. The annual meet-j l i c e Pill entertained a an American Jew, by invoking an •will nttPTiri Pnmn Tfinlov fnp fTn 1 a Secretary and Treisurer. Tlie annual than ofthree E, SCHWARTZ. the corporation shall be. held on ! 7,5.35 side .Park, Tuesday morning and group Aof friends this week at a attena camp mpiey goes t olor . c a twO| m p , ' held Monday weeks. alleged 700-year-old deed, was de- wui ne m e e t l ton l B ethe o£third the c o r p o r a tin i o nJanuary fihall bof e j the first Monday in January ot each | afternoon, with over 100 children dinner party - n r ! r r i i i r l r p n Tin-n ie a c h y arArticles of Incorporation j year, s t which meeting- the stockholdin Scribbens MapleMrs. feated by the Jerusalem Land auu. m i i u i t . i i , xjKtu 1 niay be amended upon tne affirmative J ers shall elect a Board of Directors and! Patronise our advertisers.-' attending. The picnic was sponthe Board slinli elect Court which affirmed Nesson's aid and Jean, will visit in Kansas i vote^ ot two-thirds of theoutstanding thereupon sored by the H e b r e w Mothers' awn. ident. Vice-president, Secretary p. n d j New York (JTA) — Severing right to the property. IN "WITNESS WHEREOr, the parties Treasurer. Any tv.-o of said offices may! City, Mo. Association of t h e synagogue. Mr. M. Kaplan and sons,George all connection with the Mlzrachl hereunto have set their i hands oa this! be held by \ one and the .pnme person.20th day of June. 1935. Mrs.' Ben Sherman, president of and Seymour, of New York City, Organization of America, the Miz- Nesson bought the land, a 100These Articles may be amended &t any j MAX M. BAIITSH, The Council Bluffs Agudas Acregular or special m'ectiTiS of the stock- j the Association, with Mrs. F. Gor- have arrived in S i o u x City to rachl Youth Organization has dunam rocky tract near Beit HaBEN SANDERS. holders by two-thirds 'vote of the out-1 him Society will hold a regular kerem, twelve years ago and reIn the presence of: Etandsricr stock. . •• chow and Mrs. S. Greenstone as- visit with Mr. Kaplan's sisters, changed its name to Hapoel HamSecopinzeg s s Sam Beber. 7.5.55—it IN WITNESS WHEREOF, >-r ptirfies' meeting next Thursday evening, turned to the United States, leavsisting, were in charge of the ar-Mrs. Morris Lazriowich, Mrs. W.izrachl of America, Inc., and anhave hereunto -- subscriber! their names: MJ MOB13I, of July,. i Mil. 1 rangements and distributed I c e Wemsteln, Mrs. M. Hatoff a n d nounced its support of the "torah ing behind an Arab watchman to July 18, at 8:30 o'clock at the FKAnENBtTRG, WEBB. BEBEK, ! this third flay i o n s F. GOLPEEr.G I e SOS©. • .. Eagles Hall. protect the property and put up KLCTZNICK fi: KELI.ET, Attys. cream, cake and lemonade to the Mrs. I. Epstein. While here, they vavodah" movement, which calls A. A. FIE-DLF.R ! 60O Omaha Xatl. Bank Bids:. boundary stones. Bluffs, I»» •-. j L.'UVKEXCE J. TOBIN. i children during the day. are house guests, of Mr. and. Mrs. for the upbuilding of Palestine o,n 1 In the -presence of: \ Recently Nesson returned with Jos, 23. Fradenbur^r, NOTICE OF IXCOKPOHATTOX T-12A program of races, games, and M. Lazriowich. the basis of social justice as ex-surveyors and remained there a COM>XY LIQCOK CO. swimming occupied the afternoon pressed in the. Bible, and indivi- number of months without interNotice is hereby given that the -under-j signed have formed a corporation under! hours. Prizes were won by the After a trip to D e n v e r and dual labor. | the laws of the State ot Nebraska. T h e ! following children: Betty Bain, Colorado Springs, Dr. and Mrs. S. The action was taken hy 250ference. At the end of last Janu] name of this corporation shall be Col- \ \ ony Liquor Co.. with its principal place j Mas Rich, Isadora Shindler, Le- Kline and sons Bernard and Mel-delegates to the thirteenth annual ary, certain members of the Eh: of - business a t Omaha, Nebraska. T h e ; i general nature ot the business to bej rojr,Goldblatt, Toby Nadler, Harry vin, have returned to their home. convention ot the organization at zeim family threatened to drive i transacted . and t h e object and purpose j Nesson off the land hy force if he Nad'ler, Philip Shlalf er, H a r o l d ,, ,_ _ , , ._ ' f o r which this corporation is organized j Yeshiva college. The fact that the did not leave. MOSCOW ( J T A ) 1— N u m e r o u s : i 3 to purchase a t wholesale and to sell j Lebowitch, Milton Mazie, Herman Miss Charlotte Gelfand arrived Mizrachl Youth is the American retail, -wines, whiskies, vinous liquors, ' Nesson took action against the Jewish settlers in Biro-Bidjan, the at BaHsh, Sadie Schwld, Joe Shaffir, Sunday from Columbia University representative of the Palestine and all other kinds ot beverages and liquors; to lease, own, and operate soft Khzeims in Magistrates Court as j Jewish autonomous district in. the IWlUard Felnberg, Alvln Feinberg, in New York, to Bpend her vaca- Hapoel Hamizrachl and the belief drink stands, bar rooms, liquor stores, Louis Felnberg a n d Ruth Kut- tion with'.her parents, Mr. a n dthat all its energies must he con- trespassers, but Magistrate Hub- Far East, are adjusting them- cocktail rooms anct .dining rooms or cabincidental thereto; to acquire, bard ordered him to prove his selves as railway workers in thearets, eher. Mrs. P. H. Gelfand. hold, dispose, pledge and'or encumbei centrated on Hapoel's "Torah claim. Nesson then brought an ac-j ' i-i.i «..j)i.» * _ „,._..„„ i noia, aispose. pieage anaior encumoei 3IIsa Lillian Romirowsky a n d vavodah" movement were given tion in the Jerusalem Land Court district, aceQrai&g t o a SUr\eyj j rea a n d personal property, ana to do Mr. Samson Krupnick, instructors Miss Leah Herman ot Minne- as the reason tor the split. made public here this Week. i'*?y a ^ all things necessary or convefotxonfirmation of his claim. " , • , ^ ^ Aj j . nient to the accomplishment of the purat . t h e Hebrew School, directed apolis, has arrived in Sioux City The resolution for the cleavThe Survey reveals that due tO-! {i poses hereinbefore set forth. The authorThe Arabs contested the claim, i e < tho day's activities. >' to visit with friends and relatives. age was adopted after a morning maintaining that the land was • Tio f a r t TDXVI in TtMKiia -wpre> m>T. l capital stock eha 1 be 55,DOC.00 an* m itussia -weretone» T a n of £ a pl a Rtock EhRU p anti b ep comTnon 6Tld of heated debate. It was pointed "Maitan Waqf," Moslem holy land tne iaci. oews in tho in tne s e s s the a t ) ] e .par T hvalue e on railroads, it was I', ot of SIDO.COshall per p Miss Sylvia Herzoff will spend out that authorization for setting which cannot be sold, and that he er employed s t corporation I upon fiiinp of ^ next week at Lake Okoboji where up an autonomous organization had permission to enter it by anduce them to undertake that type I mence doing; business i r t l c l e s TV i t he ty CIfrk c 1>oug she "will attend a house p a r t y was given at the 1925 Antwerp o l ( j of WorK. w o r k On t h a n d .OlllofH-1 AAS " Nebraska, ^ - ^ o u n and - shall- ' continue " Of n e other' Otner hliana, county. given by Miss Betty Kingsbury. world Mizrachi conference. The court ruled, however, that the employment of Jews on tbe; ness of it< not exceed •At a meeting of the carniva Support of the program was r,f +V»Q nlrt +*-nr>? i capita.1 stock, but this restriction sha had not been given the neOI trie Oia i r a a i - , n o t I n c l l j a e indebtedness secured b> executive committee held recentMiss D e n a Baron Is spending urged at a banquet by Rabbi Saul Nesson or lier.s. te affairs of th cessary notice of this fact and, tion barring t h e m from EUCh | mortgrasres ly; It was decided to hold t h e this week at Lake Okoboji. corporation shall be manaeed by a Silber, president of the Chicago further, that the contention could work. Board of Directors, consisting of not i<?r* Annual Inter C l u b Carnival on Theological College, who crititwo members. The annual jiieetirjs: be established in the Land A number of rail officials have than Monday evening, October,14. This of t h e corporation shall be held on the Mrs. B. Rosenthal - and s o ncized the present Zionist Execu- not been dismissed, for hampering the first Monday in January of each year ci affair is sponsored by the Inter Leonard have returned home af- tive. Rabbi Silber declared that Registry. rraeeUn.s? t h e stockholders employment of Jews, the survey wijioh eiect a Board ot Directors and thereClub Council with the proceeds ter a two week visit with Mr. andthe Executive deserves little reupon the Board shal elect a Fresi3etu discloses. At present, Jewa are allocated to the various organ! Mrs. I. Miller, in Milwaukee, Wis- sponsibility for the economic Secretary and Treasure! working as engineers, conductors, Vice-President, Any two ol said offices rnay be heid r Jewish Colonisation stitlons. consin. prosperity of Palestine and is Signalists, 'railway telegraphers, • aa£ and the same person. These Articki ' Mr. E. N. Grueskin is chairman chiefly responsible for the-lack of • i n Cyprus' Grows and are represented in practically j rLvrmceHrTg^/'the'st ot tho Carnival. T h e executive Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Davis and "constructive accomplishment." all branches of railway work in | thirds vote of the outstanding: committee for the advertising ha children have, returned home af- along political and immigration p e RIOVK. s London (JTA) — Reporting on the subscribed mames have numerous stations in the Far' hereunto 3n witness whereof, their the. parties fcjeon named and includes Loui ter visiting^ with Mr. Davie* par-l i n e s . • . - • - ' • - . •:•• -..--...• HSlll day of June, IST.S. the increase o£ Jewish colonizaTVILUAM J . "5TOOLFSOX, ikgranoff, Mrs. S. H. Shulkin, ents in Cincinnati, Ohio. , If Palestine merely offers a tion in Cyprus, an island ia theEast• ARTHUR SMITH. jjrs. Abe Pill, Mr. SI Krueger; I r tv_* p**preTi"e ©*: sound economic structure, it is no Mediterranean slightly north of Patronize our advertisers. Tfc '..r- i t . K!v,'r- cV. Mr. Moroy Lipshutz a n d Mrs Misses Dorothy and G l a d y s different from the United States Palestine and under British conLouis Agranotf. Weinberg have returned home af- twenty-five years ago, Rabbi Sil- trol, tho Morning Post stated last !( Mr. Jack Robinson, Mr. J. M.ter visiting with triendB in Min-ber asserted. What Misrachi week that' Jews in Cyprus now N. Goldsmith, and Dr. H. M. Levin neapolis. wants, he said, is that Jewish own about 12,000 acres with a linve been named to be in charg Life in Palestine he established gross value of 72,000 pounds. p£ the Car Raffle. Mlsa Eva Wolf of Fremont, Ne- at "its former glory." The largest Jewish settlements jj It Is planned that the entlr braska, is a suest this week in on Cyprus are located near Li'Jlst of committees will be comthe home of Misa Inez Leaff. 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