July 19, 1935

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Dedicated to the Ideals of

Inthe Interest? ©I tKe Jewish People

Entered as Second Clasa Mall Matter on January 21, 1921. at PostoUice of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March t, 1I7S




19, 1935.



Never has the Jewish Commu-j now also using the pool to keep nity Center Pool been in such con-, cool. Nazi Regime Insists Yocth to "Celebrity Night is Staged stant use and aiding so many perSince July, twenty-two new Argentine Jewry Organize J Movement as Curb to sons to keep cool in the summer Stay Behind Locked Doors members have joined the "J" In Honor of Famous as In these blistering hot days. Anti-Semitism and are taking advantage of the After 10 P. M. Omahan With as many as four hundred special summer rates which are Buenos Aires (WNS)—Alarmed Berlin (WNS)—Institution o Another signal honor was be- people taking advantage of t h e in effect from July 1 till Oct. 1. stowed upon George Givot, Oma- clean, sanitary, laboratory tested The rates are: Senior Male $5.00, by the growth of anti-Semitic and a semi-ghetto life for J e w s by j ha's ow.n- contribution to t h e pool, daily, Al Oruch and L e e Senior Female'» $3.00, Intermedi- Nazi propaganda,, some of it fi- forbidding them to s h o w them-f Moscow (WNS) — Use by Russtage, radio and screen, s t y l e d Grossman, who are in charge, are ates and Juniors under 21, 53.00. nanced by Nazi diplomatic off 1- j selves in public after ten o'clock sian Jews in collective farms of Among those who joined t h e cials, Argentine Jew.ry, .ia coop-; at night is demanded of the Nazi the terras "goy" when referring and known throughout the nation kept busy the whole day instructCommunity Center since July 1, eration with various anti-Fascist | regime by the Hitler Youth Or- to a non-Jewish member, "goye" as the Greek Ambassador of Good ing in the art of swimming. What was a© docbt the roost ventioi.. Julius Bisno. Execu M a n y medical authorities be- are: L. A. Arielli, Dave Richards, organizations, is organizing a rep- j ganlzation. • The Hitler Youth in- when referring to bis wife, "sheWill, last Sunday evening, when significant Jewish Youth g&th- ] Secretary, Ferved as the C«. igetz" when referring to his son "Celebrity Night" was held as a lieve that year around swimming Albert J. Mamlin, Eddie.Kuklin, resentative anti-Fascist commit-jsist that the government should testimonial to him at the Royal develops the body muscles so Rose Savich, Hermine Hirschman, tee which will undertake a united j issue a decree which would force End "sfaiksa" when referring to ering in the history of America** (Director; MPX B P e r. Frolics Cafe, in Chicago, wh«re that a person cannot possibly suf- Joe Solomonow, M a r v i n Fox, fight against the menace of Fas-: the Jews to remain behind locked his daughter is an insult to non- Sevrrj, took place ^uly 7th to | Executive Secretary, Myra Cohn, Sam Welnstein, Nath- cism and its anti-Semitic counter- j doors after ten p. m. i Jews, according to Octiabre, Yid- 14th,'When £50 ASA beys from i Assistant Camp Director. Dr. Kht he has been headlining for the fer appendix troubles. held t h c ^ P o,«inr .-.: past five weeks. According to L e e Grossman, an Meiches, G e o r g e Scholnick, part. Although the government has ! dish daily from Minsk, which, re- every section of the " United \ Renters The first step in. the creation!not y e t answered the H i t l e r i c a l l s that these terms were for- States end Canada assembled in i^ e c a r , a D3r( ?« o ~ ^ ' ; ! l J:1f;,' ' George Givot, who has been at- Center physical director, "swim- Harry Goldenberg, Zelmo D e a n tracting tremendous audiences for ming is an art, superior to a l l Williams, Mrs. L. Korney, Earl of this united front was a series Youth's demand, it has indicated j bidden at the same time as the :the Ozsrk mooistams for their V, emberg as tup assistant. A2."-.->.-. the past five weeks, received a re- others for promotion and preser- Raschee, Ernie Nogg, Tyba Leo of m a s s meetings a n d protest its tacit approval of the new wave j employment by non-Jews of in- I Twelfth. International Couveii- Fiefiler, alumnxis o£ Pam F-;;-!>f,7 Chapter No. 100, v.ho hml {•.-irrf newal contract to appear t h e r e vation of health. In order to en- Fried, Ben Magzamin, Mrs. P. H. demonstrations in which leading of anti-Semitic violence sweeping j suiting terms such as "Zhid," \ tion. for two more weeks with an op- joythis healthful recreation, one Brown, Melvin Berstein and Mar- Democrats, Radicals a n d Social- j over the country by refusing to j are offensive to Jews, were to camp "for s. much I For the first tinss in the hisvin Camel. ists have joined with the Jews. | interfere with t h e «rtension of j banned. tion to continue indefinitely. But must know how to swim." a n d to renew my jtory of the Order, an interns- \ with A. s. A.," was immedi».fn' The two most recent manifesta- j the organized anti-Jewish boycott The swimming program of the he is unable to appear there any tions of anti-Semitism were tlse; to Berlin. ! tiosal convention was trans- dubbed "LeppI Advisor to longer than the next two weeks J. C. C. has been so extended so first disqualification of a Jewish j Long defenseless against physithat it is hoped to make every ! planted from the hurly-burly of Medical Stat." Sam Bcber C as he has received . an offer by No. 100 v a s represenfff candidate for office on p u r e 1 T j cal and economic persecution in one of the major studios to ap- member a swimmer and to teach j city life to the wholesome envir- f.er Sam Friedman RTK! t h e T>Tn racial g-rounds and the beginning j the provinces,, the Jews h a d a pear in a picture which is to be more people the art of swimming j ons of a spacious &n& beautiful Chapter No. 1 by M j c y T>t of a violent anti-Jewish campaign j semblance of protection in Berlin 1 filmed sometime in August or in than ever before." c&Tsxp. That the AEA boys ap- ?v Saum Fervefi as Grand in the outlying province of T'ucu- i until they woke one morning to Besides t h e full time classes the early part of September. prove of this change was em- jretary throughout the convE man by the Jew-baiting paper, La j find every Jewish shop and the All of the leading actors, celeb- that constantly use the pool, the phatically indicated when the'sessions and v.-as honorea b T.i* Defense. Several weeks ago the j office of every Jewish professionrities and the prominent figures Center s c o u t troop, a hundred I convention delegates at their fi- election as Grand. Councillor governor of S a n Juan Province j l man plastered with signs reada members of the Summer Home in Chicago attended this "Celeb"I am a Jew" a n d "don't j Leading Figure . in Sensational ' nal session EK&jaimoxisIy voiced District. No. 6. rity Night" to honor Givot a n d Camp, a n d approximately sixty To Spend Imaginary Two Weeks nominated the Argentine-b o r n ; Bohor Outstn-iMling Case ©f Forty Years Ago j their desire for a- continuation in Palestine at SumJewish lawyer, M. Goldstein, as s; patronize Jews." The extent of were called upon impromptu and youngsters of the city recreation candidate for criminal. jud^e of t h i s boycott agitation w a s so Sam Beber, of Omaha, A. 5 A. the audience witnessed one of the park service, -which meets Tuesmer Camp ! of the experiment. Dies at the province. widespread that it could h a v e .rounder and President of tbt most unusual and varied arrays day and Thursday afternoons, are ! Ordinarily the candidate is pro- carried out only with the approvOmahans Attire preme Advisorv Council, vs> Paris (WXS)—With the same I of entertainment that has e v e r Camp Akiba, the Summer Home I Omahans p l a y e d important ; questionably the outstanding posed-by the governor a n d apal of the police and high officials. secrecy that marked his first trial been assembled under one roof. Camp of the Jewish Community proved by the provincial legisla'parts during the week of the con- j5OnRlity ot the convexities. ': Observers here claim that this a n d - conviction on trumped Among the many who attended Center is now in full swing of disagreement I piece of boycott propaganda was charges of treason, Lieutena1 ' a n d ng in he this affair were: Leo Carrilo, a a program of varied interests for j the final word rests with the na-1the most extensive s i n c e t h e ! clieered. a r, d Colonel Alfred Dreyfus, central prominent movie star; Leon Beyoungsters enrolled. tional government.. In the case ("black Saturday" of A p r i l 1, figure of one of the m o s t celethe beys for lasco, radio orchestra director; Registrations h a r e increased of Goldstein the governor and t h e , 1933, when some Jews ventured brated causes celebre that rocked j Milton Berle, a nationally famed daily, and now 110 boys and girls secretary of t h e legislature re- to complain to tfee police t h e y France to its very foundations 4 0 j be gag man; Guy RoDertson, a wellbetween the ages of 5-14 are enITPOTl a l l . K-RjiJiV known waltz music writer; a n d Is Honored by Mother Chapter joying the program to the utmost. ceived letters from the-Argentine w e r e told there was nothing to years ago, was laid to rest here j Fascist party demanding the with- D e done because those guilty of at the Montparnasse Jewish Cem- i of A. Z. A. in Recent Davifl Goldstein oJ O m a h * *•--•• Fields and Selley, an old-t i m e The entire Camp arrived in Pal- drawal of Goldstein's n a m e be- posting the signs were unknown etery. Elections comic team,' and several o t h e r Prominent Speakers Considered • quitted himself nobly by RT, «<.>• estine Monday noon after a pleas- cause "he was a Jew. The legisla- j a n a irresponsible persons. If the Dreyfus, who had been partially j actors and leading figures in Chiant a n d exciting voyage across for Next Tear's ; qtietit address which £ealnrp.<. * for the few past years, died At the last meeting of the A. the seas. For the next two weeks ture then rejected Goldstein and) Jews could discover their identity cago public life. ••-.-• campfire t'ovuui on "P&leslim? *«;<« I Frogra-is Jewish Youth." O t h e r ps,r ."»••••.After- this engagement - at the Z. A. chapter 1, Tuesday, July 16, they are to spend their time in the governor failed to bring the the police promised ptsnisnraent j B t jj i s h 0 I r i e ^ Paris exactly £ j Frolics Cafe, the "Greek Ambas- Harry "Weinberg, an alumnus and and about the H*oly Land. Note: matter before the federal govern- but at the same time warned the -rears after the Supreme Court of i sador" will stop- over in Omaha former Aleph Gadol, was elected All camp activities are. directed ment. Although t h e leaders of Jews to keep quiet because if they France bad completely vindicated ' ^ " T *$• ^onen, chairman or ; Kiutsnick, Chairman oi the F.vr--- - - - - - things him. At his own request and be- |• the F o r u m Committee for the ju t i v e committee, whose isSrib.-'U.iand there is a possibility that he an advisor of the chapter. a l o n g Palestinian, lines during the chief parties in the national J persisted in complaining 1935-56 season has selected Frank ;o n J U J V pj V.-RS mti parliament have condemned this j would be even worse. cause of t h e uncertain political "While at the A. Z. A. camp at this time. will stay here for a short engage__ Ackermaii, Hrrnsan Auerback, Tilnaction, Jewish spokesmen are be-1 Meanwhile 44 more J e w s in c o n ( iitions, Dreyf-as' funeral ment at the 60 Club prior to pro- the Ozark mountains, he served &t the convention, 1. """ Next* to^the mess hall, -which ginning to be worried. The con-j Magdeburg lost their citizenship} .ixensWB stricUv private, only h i s widow !E e I 3 e B l a " e r > Eflwnr^ D. Broflkey,; s> ceeding to California to appear in on the medical staff. S A. C, Treasurer er .court j &Ti.& a handfci o f his elosest tins- i f;?thsr A. .,Ct>h n, .AT r r», .A, • IX . B • a m o v i e . ' ~ y - - - - . - - - ' • - -.:.-.-_•.,. .>to >. t h e is the inosti3opular.pla.ee in.camp, t e m ' t s - o t La .Defense are .ai s o ; ajid_&t--Ba.xL-Salse another comes the pool where every afterbetween ! ieads being present, j r r a n t , • Mrs. Kax Fromkm, ^ m . ; ,T m e a a n d f r ? alarming the Jews of the Prov-j i <i t h a t marriages be tentative arrangements of t h e ru e PlarJfer, .Tfirne summer, sports tournament to be noon the campers may swim to ince of Tucuman. Fearing pos- j Jews and non-Jews must be re- j ij^g g r e a t secrecy that marked G r o d i n s k r , M a n n i n g H a n d l e r . man, rut? H. held at Des Moines on August 18 their hearts' content. The shop, sible riots they have n o t taken garded as immoral relationships. his funeral grew out of the fact; No. 1 snci 5! a x vseTp.k. •where classes,in metal work and any legal action against thi3 papand 19. that it coincided with Bastile Day Marks, Mrs. Geo. JCeuhaus, Ruth i j^Aleph Gadol, Er,nie Priesman, woodwork are held, the dancing er which has been singling out inwhen 200,000 anti-Fascists a n d Pollack, Dr. Kerry Rich, Dr. A. i was elected to the Jewish Com- a n d dramatics classes and t h e dividual J e w i s h colonists and 50,000 Fascists were staging dem- S. Rubnitz, Harold Saks, Mrs. Ben i end j g t a f £ munity Center B o a r d of gover- weekly hikes hold their own in business men for Streicher-1 i k e onstrations throughout Paris. nors. He replaces a l e p h Ben the. test for popularity. On Tues- attacks. : cag'o. Athletic Director; F-' It was feared that a p u b l i c Fred S. White to serve with day the hoys visited the WorldShrier. funeral would revive the passions as members of the Forum C o m " ; Co5i.ec, Milwaukee, AssietsiH i letic Director; J e r o m c "• Macy Baum, delegate of t h e Herald newspaper, where t h e y that once split France into two rniltee. watched- the afternoon edition of Example of Fairness At a recent meeting of the F o r - i g o v t h B e n ( 3 P f B p Mother Chapter to the camp, was Berlin (WNS)—Although Ger-1 hostile camps. Messages of conVienna (WNS)—News of t h e the paper go to press. The girls um Committee last week the fol-'"""' ter;" "Uncle" B e n Avonfn. possibility of the return of Arch- elected to the grand vice presi- visited the same place on ThursJerusalem — rp were considered r s p o , Ijtitprtsi Dirp duke Otto to Austria and the re- dent of the international order. day. Fakhri Khaldi or t h e cotT!.ing Leonsrd He was acting secretary of the •t-s'C 'BPICVP, Btoration of the Hapsburg dynaseasoE Senator Robert LaFolEach group has. now songs and cutive of Jerusalem, won widebetraying" his country cnly"to be \ f i sistant Entcrtairimcnf. V.rpnin~. ;' ty has. been received with great convention at-the camp, and was yells of its own, and. these prove spread Jewish comment when he i sorts are roast doomed to remain at j pardoned jj *j^" ^i^d because-virtually and subsequently via- 1 ^ Abe Shaw, Kansas City. C v rt: r satisfaction in many Jewish cir- one of the chief editors of t h e most popular after lunch when joined with another Arab mem- O r ye public bathing beach in t h e ! dicated w h e n a iniiitarist-reac-jf^ 1 e " .^ J^ ISrnest Gruen-' Rabbi. eve cles here. One of the staunchest camp paper. He also went to the everyone joins in singing c a m p ing, in charge o[ ber of the Municipal Council to j * j g ^ ^ w closed to them. In | tionary-anti-Semitic plot was ex-j^*" Aimericar; Insu-1 The s i x convention f?p.«i;i.-^i semi-finals of the c a m p tennis c o u n t r y n O advocates of the return of t h e help award a construction con- jt J l e iew r e s o r t s ' where there is i posed, are pouring in on his tarn-' "• ir Possessions; Dr. Alfred Ad-! were presided over by G-" s .*- i. monarchy to Austria is R a b b i tournament. Macy is a past aleph songs. ler, Vienesse psychologist; Nor-1 Aleph Godol Irving Kill, TJ!r."-.-.*?-.tract to the Histadruth, Jewish | E t m n o o{{ £ C i a i ban on Jews they i ily from all parts of the world. Hermann Fuchs, who is attached ga'dol of the chapter. man Kapgood, writer and editor; •I Nebr., who is also pref lnptii •"•'. Federation of Labor. | subjected to demonstrations a r e Among t h e members of t h e to the rump court of the ArchLouis Golding, author; Johannes jithe Student Council P> Vie '.":-'.. The two Arabs sided with the | and public ridicule. The Juedische duke and is expected to return to Mother Chapter who attended the Steel, publicist, end Stuart Chaise,'! ver&ity ot Nebraska. Pan". ::!J>^.'~ ,01101* convention were: M a c y Baum, Jewish members of the Council j Rundschau has warned German Vienna shortly.. economist and writer. I| presided over the nfcc eer-Rini;? --t Ernie Priesman, Irving T a ' f f e e against the other. Arab Council-j Jews that it is best for them to Eight years ago Rabbi Fuchs and Harry Weinberg. Mr. Cohen states that within a ' t h e Supreme Advisory C^J:I'-*-.» Iors who favored a British con-j remain at home in order to give founded' the monarchist organizashort time the final selection ot ; i The most important artfon i^v^r. At the next regular meeting of tracting company which had sub-1 the Nazis no excuse for new detation of Jewish war veterans and the chapter- there will be. an inspeakers for the 1PS5-S6 Forum Ii at these meetings was the <'<?-'.*:'•"» mitted a bid 300 pounds lower. I onstrations. h a s since conducted a vigorous stallation of the new officers and Series will be made. '! to lover the am limit oC A. 5.. X. campaign among the Jews for the plans for summer activity will be The annual blue ribbon day as j to fifteen. A noteworthy r.Vit.j.r* A very elaborate stag in honor 1 restoration. He accompanied ex- discussed. far as the women members of- the I war- also made In this puW;.".s-:i,-vr. of Al Kaiman, Hymen Giller and | empress Zita on various political Highland Country Club are con' policy of flie Order. HCRST-;'-'*"-^ | J a y Stoller, w h o recently anj 1 Journeys w h i c h she undertook cerned is, "Ladies' O p e n Day," S. A. C. Headquarters- in Ou.ui.z. ! pers say "heart disease." They're j nounced their engagements, is goi during the period of exile. The JfOKTH AMERICA which will be held on Tuesday, I will publish a Bemt-motitb.'v *:••*?£ restoration h a s increased since ing to be given by the Psi MACCABI CYCLISTS FKOM right. July 30. v of :. bulletin as well as a trienirfs.; *".'•u n ne With largest ^ . ithe. ™ ' b t I;limD number of Jews supporting t h e WELCOMED IN ARGENTINE JEWS FORM A Fraternitr, of which t h e r a r e ; ersiry majrazine, A trophy v-\i; >s On this day the women mem- PALESTINE troop members; on Saturday, August i 0 , ^couts ia attendance, of eny NEW YORK ON WORLD TOUR the Nazis came into power in GerR"vrErcipcl pnch ypEr ic t^^ Y f * < bers of the club will be hostesses , . Jewish Palestine understands MORTGAGE BANK, TO END CRI- o f t v o T W ^ I I O Wnt^i Jewish I during their period, the J many. Orthodox Jewish leaders Hotel. at the SIS IN JEWISH FARM COLONchapter papr.r. Dr. M. Rosenberg, a Mizrachi to women visitors from golf clubs the value of sport as a good will IES . . . . Rumanian Jews need a immediately joined with the monAs part of the program, L e o scout troup, number 62, which of the surrounding cities as well factor. ! recently returned from a week's The Order filso voted to pn'-s-'Sleader of P o l a n d , addressed • a archist Jewish veterans in their BerinaB, "The Psi Ma P&ilosoph- i Jewish mortgage bank too. as members of the local clubs. Camp G iff ore, lisb tin annual thr^e-yesr s«.''.^'."-imovement for restoration of the well attended meeting last ThursMAX BAER QUITS WIFE BEand amateur entertainer, will f encampment at er According to the present plans CAUSE SHE WANTS TO BE RE- EUROPE arship to the J e w t s h K K M : . : ^ day, July 11, at the B'nai Israel monarchy. • origins! i carnec. off many present one of nothing will be left undone which o f •. Farm School at Philaaelpliis '>"'!..'SCOTCH WAR VETERANS j Since the assassination of Doll- Synagogue, at 18th and Chicago will aid in making this day the MARRIED ACCORDING TO THE BOYCOTT BRITISH GOOD WILL | ches. Sam Epstein, president of j Having a representation the fraternity, will act as master j thirty-two scouts, the tronp won decision was marie sS.ip.r &. ;•*>;»••.;-;. Or is it fuss a majority of the Jewish pop- streets. CATHOLIC FAITH most complete one on the calenGive these TOUR TO REICH He outlined the Mizrachi proof ceremonies. | E e c o n d F l a c e m o m 5 1 0 M ] -^kir.g. by Ernest Eis^nberg, Milvt i;Vr«.-i, ulation has felt that only a mondar in so far as the women's acti- Max's love for the night life that Scotch boys a big hand. ChRirman of the A. E. A- .A «:-.-.:?-. gram at the coming Congress and is the real reason? This fraternity is a social fra-! ^ i r d i n t r ° u P ranking find secona can archy can save them from a Nazi vities are concerned. Jp.wi>.h Economic Cownjiyj,'.^,, FRENCH JEWS C R E A T E he gave an inspiring message for NEW YORK CONTINUATION regime. The ex-empress has on ic-f.! place in the ewirr.nung: compcti- which is ettracting nation-v; i i «. FIRST UNITED REPRESENTA- ternity which has been in existthese tion. Aside from Door prizes, bridge prizes and honors further work. SCHOOL OFFERS HEBREW ence for s o m e thirteen years. /arious occasions g i v e n assursf.tentiot! for Us surveys o." .••}.-<<••> Rabbi Miller reported on t h e golf prizes will be given as an AND YIDDISH COURSES If TIVE BODY . . . . Let's see what Whenever one of their members !••and other awards to •ances on her attitude to the Jewfor before apthey are uniting added feature of the program. becomes engaged or married he j Jewish scouts, the troup was eie-; iPh occupational t r e n A : you want a quick trip to heaven, ish population, declaring that the administrative committee meeting plauding. vated to the upper .five per cent; American and Canadian which he attended in New York Reservations for this affair can J i s honored % the group, but this l suggest this policy to the German Hapsburg family would maintain PALESTINE DELEGAT I O N is the first time in their history ranting in the entire city. ; mties. The A. Z. A., the traditions of the royal family City, recently. Plans were l a i d be made by calling the Highland school system. •VIRGINIA JUDGE SETS PRE- URGES POLISH RABBINATE TO that three members have b e e n i n For outstanding participation! most active Jewish orgs-r.i«.. which was the first in Europe to1 for a Pacific Coast Mizrachi're- Country Club. gion. Rabbi Miller was requested CEDENT BY UPHOLDING SHUL- SANCTION POLYGAMY F O R honored on a single occasion as I activities, a blue and white bar jf o r the promotion oC SconHr.t *.?•!* proclaim Jewish emancipation. was awarded to Harvey Wine and which now sponsors more tl,f,.t to make a tour of the coast this CHAN ARUCH IN BURIAL DIS- PALESTINE JEWS TO MATCH will be dons at this affair. More recently Archduke O 11 o coming December, to culminate in J white bars were awarded to Jus- Scout units, will contiRve '•>. StuARAB BIRTH RATE PUTE BETWEEN ORTHODOX T h e committee, consisting of sent to" t h e Jewish Monarchists a regional conference in Seattle, pid. There's a shortage of Jewish Henry Glnsburg, chairman; J a y \ tin Priesman, Arthur rinkovitr., torts filoiip; this lino. A rs.ni- T»: If AND REFORM JEWS Ex-Sodiers' V n Ion a message Washington. An invitation h a s you want to be a judge these days women in Palestine - - besides Sad of sky, and Millars Sigal, have j Phillip Eisenstatt and Jack Ber- of fl>5 was voted P.S P.E RW-I-. thanking them for their support been extended to him to address you have to know a lot about Jew- there are other reasons against b e e n planning the Effair a n d j mat!. The eight scouts in Morton the •c.'ir.ner of the A, "-. -A, and assuring them of his convic- a conference of Jewish educators I Margolin's cabin received blue it. ish traditions. . promise that many surprizes will j bars. The cabin leaders el camp brew Essay Contest. :The :•,:*•, tion that equality of rights must of the Pacific Coast at t t a t time. H. Lapidus Memorial I 'orBfi< pT AMERICAN JEW FIRST FORMRS. JUSTINE TULFN, STEbe had "by the group. be maintained in Austria for all iwcre: Abe Resnick. Lawrence, eel. for Palestine Till p.?so bs; •EIGNER ADMITTED TO He reported that the Mizrachi P H E N W I S E'S-; DAUGHTER, citizens. Among'those whoivoted ! Singer, Jsy Weisman and Mor- tinupci uride-r the direction *>'. NAMED DOMESTIC RELATIONS i PRACTICE IN SOVIET UNION. | in the Austrian State Council in trebled their Congress vote over | ton Margolin. The Council of Jewish Women Special CampsijErn Comnsi'.f» BT JUDGE IN NEW YORK.!- . . H e is going to get a salary 1 . favor" of the government's bill re- two years ago and doubled the are providing transportation toI Sidney Coyne is the scoiiimas- be hcs».dfd hy Mr, lots number of delegates. • 32 year old Mrs. Tulin is one j from' the state. No. private fees. p § ¥ i e t : pealing the law of banishment of : ter cf this troup. Doctors Platt Brssy, South Bend, T h e administrative committee day for the mothers who are Tisoutstanding women in this !©r t h e Hapsburg family was t h e iting their children at the Nebras-. j and Smtsfein,; David Fishm&n and reported that it was v e r y well country. Zionist deputy. Dr. Desider FriedWEIZMANN TO BE CAN33I- J ka Tuberculosis Association Fresh i Sam Eice are members o£ the 'NEW YORK SUPREME COURT DATE FOR .PRESIDENCY OF mann, who is the official repre- satisfied with the election returns. Air Camp, 87th and Center. Moscow ( J T A ) - T - Sixty million [ troup committeENJOINS NEGRO BOYCOTT OF sentative of the J e w i s h .comWORLD ZIONIST GHGANIZA-1 rubles {nominally a b o u t $30,Every w e e k a different local Rlorton Mart ' ±. ' t "w Courts TION. . . .: Will bet you 10 to l l 000,000) -vrere allocated last week i mocd Eoinin.ee, Salonica—A census of the en- women's organization is in charge JEWISH STORES on ; munlty. tire Jewish population in this city, ot furnishing the necessary trans- are powerless in such matters. that Sokolow will be re-elected. I by the Soviet government for the ' troop st the f •T : the first Jewish census in the his- portation for all the mothers, of The Jewish store keepers should TWO ARABS GET DEATH completion of various industrial amboree. to start employing negro help. tory of Greece, -was ordered by these youngsters at the camp. SENTENCE FOR MURDER OF | enterprises in Biro-Bifijan in the Jewish National Fsmd C the Executive of the Salonica JEW . . . » Murder is-murder ia ; next half year. Mrs Sam Robinson is the chair-; E M P L O Y E R IN FIGHT J E W I S H Drive Is Postponed Jewish Community. (T >!< H i Palestine even -when Je-^s are the man of the motor ,corp3 commit-1 4 r , ~ C T T .-crvo enterprises to. "be fie- \ The JjASon The number of Jews in Salon- tee of the Council of Jewish W o - j A G A I J v S T murdered. HP the" autonomous Jew; Paris — »_ ! veloped in G ji j £ T h e Jewish National F u n d ica was at one time estimated at men. Other members of the coia- Anything to smash labor. PALESTINE BROADCASTING include a large ce-f France is the :^c £ a Irr drive to have been held several more than 100,000. Now it is es- mittee are Mrs. Louis Hiller, Mr3.1 SOUTH AMERICA STATION TO OPEN. IN NOVEM- Jm e n tr e gf £ectory, sSs mines, and eev- ©00,000 francs 101. •weeks ago -under the auspieea of timated at about 60,000. The Max Chapman, Mrs. L o u Som- j ARGENTINE JEWISH PRO- BER . . . If it irill give music in- J eral power Etatioss to supply elee- the late Engl the tXnion JBCadassoh has b e e n census will for the first time es- h&Tg, Mrs. S a m Herzberg, aad'FESSOR WHOSE SON LED AN- stem of speeches, it Will prosper, j tricity to t&e district, It was en-;thrcpist, John Jaffe, * r ho dJ©a in tablish the exact figure. postponed until early Fall, Mrs. J. H. Kulafcofsky.. (Continweft From Tagr* t) TI-SEMITES DIES Tbe pa(Feature Si-nO.ica.f.ei Jii.OUXll.fcii, j " 1 " ' 5T

. I Forbid Russian jews

Called Most Significant Jewish. Youth Gathering in History of American Tewrv

SWING — CE 110




m Th •

Austrian lews In Favor lesforing of Hapsburg Dynasty


• a



— — ^^ —


— — -- —

— -~

— — ^-


All German Slimmer Resorts Ban




Tuesday, July 30


Council of Jewish Women Provide Transportation




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JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1935. lantic should not resist his theatrical inclination and his desire to reform the uniform o£ the At• •*• lantic City pollee . . . . So lie got dressed In his conception of what the •well-dressed policeman should Although T. A. Tully advertises j to usher in the straw hat season the all-star game between the wear in the summer and •walked himself as the hatter in this man's j for several years, aside from the into police headquarters American and National Leagues, The chief of police took one long j town, when it comes to showman- public straw hat. funerals -which Hank Greenberg, slugging first look at Samuel and fired him . ... " ship in advertising and further- lie had a few years ago to end baseman of the Detroit Tigers, Edna Ferber has surrendered to ing the sale of his headgear, he the straw hat season and to begot it over P. T. Bar- gin the felt hat BCEBOII, t h e r e would have made the American the Hollywood lure and will help I num.even t h a t world-famous ehow- were dozens of tricks; and v.nuKunl direct the screen version o£ her eagtie . . . ] arrangements which were utilized "Come and Get I t " . . . . Mas ! man. t Meth, conductor and husband of I So regular a n dk CO frequent by him to force the public to take PEBSONAMTIES former actress, has have been his unusual advertising i notice that «?ven 5 r.tR tmUynooed Sidney Waliaeh of the Ameri- Anita Case, Theodore Dreiser's home escapades that in the April issue ; properly erected j». public demand can Jewish Committee's secretar- rented Mount Kiscp, New York, for j of a fashionable dress magazine j for them. iat is back from Europe with at summer . . . . He has put njez- j of New York City, there appeared startling information on the Ger- the uzahs on every door and he's go-1 a narrative of one ot his many man refugee - situation . . . JDC leaders got together for a special ing to leave them there for Mr. uclQue stunts to crash front pp.ges Herman Bernstein's of neTrspaperg BEu t h e article session last week because David Dreiser adaptation of the European play. titled him ss "Headline" Tully. A. Brown Insisted on getting acIt -WES in the fall of 1825 -when tion on the situation of Polish "The Nobel Prize," was tried out after examining his stock, he disat a summer therater end may Jewry .,. . . Dr. Chaim Weizraann will be In America before 19S5 Is come to Broadway next season • » covered that he -was stuck -with derbies and soon realised t h a t over in connection with his prlACCENT ON YOUTH even a cut price would not aid The American vate business We are told that Shirley Tem- in selling them as this -was then Jewish Congress is taking a vaca- ple has a rival in little Sybil Ja- a common'condition o£ the derby Nobody has replaced eos of South Africa . . . . Sybil business in this city. tion Dr. Joshua Goldberg, the secrebe featured in the "Little Big j Because something had to be (RUSSIA) tary, who Is in Europe on a three Shot," a Warner Brothers release I done, Tully developed the N e vr months' visit, and tha staff In and If the press agents are not j London Derby for women. It was Send a New York la breaking its head to spoofing us she's going to be a | bizarre mannish attire, being & a Dr. Henry sensation . . . . Which reminds us jm a n - s d e r b y &eeor&te& find a function with Mosko"wltz kept his word about that Samuel Golojnb, X6-year-old tc your relatives ond friendi projecting Palestine into ORT ac- son Of the late Zevl Golomb, the black and white brocated eatin a n d and a feather of s o m e in the U. S, S, R. Torgsin tivities . . . . At a recent luncheon Jewish author of VHaa, has found j bbright hue attached to the bow . Stores ere beefed in the given to •welcome him back from a patron who will make it possi- j abroad he made a marathon ad- hie for him to continue his stu-1 the back. larger cities of t h t Soviet In order to publicize this new dress on the possibilities for the dies .Union end carry vortout as a painter . . . . Golomb's Jews In Palestine . . . . Rabbi paintings have already crested & I raging which rapidly became the domestic end imported orfashion throughout t h e Barnett Brickner of Cleveland s e n s a t i o l l a r a o n g J e w s a a d HOB- country, in fall End winter wear, fides cf high quality a p and Rabbi Ferdinand Isserman of Jews of Warsaw propriate for summer gifti« His patron of that year. Tully outfitted the St. Louis are going to Germany is M. Selwerowiez, the famous chorines who were then th!a summer to get first hand in- Polish actor, a non-Jew . . . . eighteen Prlcff: com-fare favof,m prancing the old E m p r e s s formation on what's what . . . . Boris Kornblum of Kiev, 11-year- Theatre. at The newspapers needed ably with tko$e_ in Governor Henry Horner of Illi- old mathematical wisard, is being no suggestion a n d soon feature 'America nois wants to be reelected but hailed as the future Einstein of etories were glaringly telling of those In the know think that his this London Derby which was deBoris, just like the Ukraine Dr. Einstein, is a gifted violinist . . . veloped locally. chances are very slim Dmitri Marlanoff, Einstein's son- Congressman Samuel Dickstein Due to the unusual public de-in-law sailed for France and on cocktail party to the press mand, all derbies which could be his return in the fall will head an to launch his forthcoming autobi- bought in the country at that time important Jewish farm undertak- ography Vut none of the book re- w e r e purchased in carload lots ing . . . . viewers showed up . . . . Dave and revamped into this mannish Freedman, America's most sue- j a t t i r e STAGE DOOR Billy Rose, who doesn't like to cessful gag writer, recently sub-i T h e n in November, 1 S Z 8, be knowjj ES "Mr. Fannie Brice," mitted some jokes (not under his j -Headline" Tully stole the shew finally landed an angel for his own name) to a newspaper and j a g a i n w h e n h e fievcloped t n e B u d circus play at the New York hip- got them all back in the next mail jH u E k e r C a P f a c o n e g j a t e cap con- Cen»-» Some time taining both a mirror and comb The theatre will be as unacceptable pedrome .

Bamum Had Nothing

Oust Jews from N, Y. Summer Resort

By PHINEAS J. BIRON Greenwood Lake, N. Y. (WNS) confessions of helplessness as: "Eastern Jewries are dying of in- —More than a score of Jewish UNKNOWN "GENIUS" who rented bungalows Edward Barclay Fenton is the anition for lack of religious spec- families for the summer at this resort col- name ol the new campaign genius ialists to attend to their needs," ony have received dispossess no- discovered by Edwin Goldwasser. and "the salvation of Eastern tices from the owners of the land chairman of tha New York UJA Jewry lies in the hands of West- and the bungalows because the ampaign, for the purpose of ern Jewry." What a ori du coeur colony does not admit Jews. The echoes in t h e sentence: "They Jewish tenants rented their bun- malting a success out of the New (i. e., certain Western Rabbis) galows from sub-agents of the York campaign which thus far is should save what they can complete flop. Fenton (a Benzet Realty company which anon-Jew) is in his twenties and from tlje fire that is now raging makes no secret of its dialike for his record as a campaigner Is leader* of Western Jewry and which bids fair to devour Jews, going so far a3 to include secret Known only to Goldwassera are always sjo busily engaged up-* some "reputable congregations in the Aryan paragraph in jts leases. .:on their own! problems, as well aq he's expected to sucBut the sub-agents failed to in- ceed inWhy upon those'of Eastern European the East." arousing t h e New York Jews of Shanghai have form the Jewish tenants of this Jewish community is something Jewry, that -they have little time or thought -fpr those of their bre- shown much more public enter- anti-Semitic policy at the time we ,cannot fathom . . . . i.tnren In Oriental lands. The dis- prise than their brethren In oth- they rented some of the bungatance that separates them from er parts of the East, for since the lows. When the Benzet Realty FOURTH ESTATE tho§e countries, as well as t h e War they have imported two Ran- company learned tliat Jews were B.'C. Yladeck., business genius comparatively little knowledge pls ©f Western education for thqir occupying some of its bungalows of the Jewish Daily Forward, has guidance and the instruction of it ordered them to vacate the pro- withdrawn his resignation out ot that they h^ve of the conditions prevailing tjiere, may be urged as their children. But the pages o£ perty. The Jewish tenants are now deference to the 75th birthday of sufficient reason for the lack of the Shanghai monthly, as well as preferring fraud charges against Ab Cahan, editor of the Forward attention: that }s devoted to the those of the Bombay "Jewish Tri- the sub-agents. The principal owThe controversy which led needs of Oriental Jewry. Yet If bune" contain ample evidence of ner of the Benzet Realty company to Vladeck's resignation will be the religious Indifference that is -we are to be true to the ideals Of rapidly overtaking large sections is Mlsa Anne Morgan, sister of J. resumed in the fall . . . . This is the solidarity of Israel, we must of certain communities, of the P. Morgan, th,e financier, only a temporary truce , . . . recognise thiit the Interests of our ignorance Which reminds us that Dr. S. M. and superstition in brethren in | Asia must be of no Melam'ed Is in tqwn, visiting from the present generation is leas concern; to UB than those of which Hollywood where he is again pubgrowing up, and aleo of the abusour brethren in Europe. es that are committed by certain Hshing and editing the Reflex Fortunately; it is not their ma- people who hold or seize s o m e Magazine . . . The next issue will terial poaltipn that calls for eon- gort of religious office, have an article by Dr. Melamed Blderatlon find support, although under the title of "The Three Thus, we read some time ago they have their share of poverty, Apes" . . . . It will deal with Ab that "every Hasan of note in Inbut rather their spiritual position Cahan, Abe Goldberg and Abe dia is an adventurer," and "Jew—as understood in the widest Coralnik . . . Our colleague Walpease. It la j their condition in re- ish employees working on S a bter Winchell, Is on -vacation and batba and festivals, with the regard to religious leadership and New Haven, Conn. (JTAV—A spending it on Broadway . . . . communal organization, as mani- sult that demoralisation has set He wants to see how Mazda Lane fested in the numerous colonies in, and with it every vestige of new interpretation of the Second looks by sunlight . , . . Mordecai reverence for our beloved faith Commandment, which forbade dispersed throughout the E a s t , Stolior, editor and publisher of from Baghdad to Singapore, and disappears." Similarly, in Singa- the ancient Hebrews to have El Israeliteo, the oldest from Aden to Shanghai, that pore there is a Uazan who made graven images, is necessary in and Diario most successful Yiddish daily forma a problem deserving of himself a seal with the title view of recent archaeological dis- In Buenos who is now in serious inquiry and thoughtful "Chief Rabbi Hazan," which he coveries made in Palestine and this countryAires, on an official mission used in an entirely unauthorised In Dura-Europos by Yale Univerhandling. '•} ' for the Argentine government, manner and for mercenary pursity and the French Academy, acUnfortunately the lack of reliWould it bo believed that cording to Dr. P a u l Romanoff, predicts that the time will come gious leadership, or of a* dignified poses. to this day Jewish children born curator ot the MuBeum of t h e when all Jews have to speak and and enlightened leadership, char- In the British of Singa- Jewish Theological Seminary of understand English if they want acterises alt the Jewiea communi- pore are taughtterritory to communicate with other Jews to translate America. ties from ike Red Sea to the Yel- Hebrew scriptures into Arabic, the . . . . A new biographical dictionbeContrary to the age-old acceptlow Sea, Neither Ira<x, with Its cause there is nobody to teach ary of American Jews edited by 90,000 Jews, nor Turkey, vritn Us them the translation into Eng- ed opinion, art was never banned Leo Glassman is now on the press among the Jews, Dr. Romanoff 70,000, not Persia, with its 60,. . . Dr. S. Margoshes, editor of said in an address at Yale. The .The 000, has a; Rabbi or Haham who lish ? Day, thinks that the decision combines the faculty of personal These are but a few of the evils Second Commandment, he stated, by Vladimir Jabotinsky to hold a was not Intended as a ban against leadership with Talmudlcal know- that result from the lack of propago we told our breakfast read-j a t t a c h e d t o t h e cap _ H e s o 3 d o n c separate Zionist World Congress ledge, waif© the Jews of India erly qualified leadership In the re- plastic and pictorial art, but was is a Revisionist plot to kill off the remodeled Into a circus . . . . ers that Leslie Howard, the BriThere will be eJephants, lions and o f t h e , o c a l c a T t o o n i 8 t s the idea and China (with the exception of HglouB domain. They fully con- mainly directed against the maOne Con- a whole •menagerie and on the tisb. actor par excellence, is a o l ,. E { n g h l g n e w c r e a t i o n i n the Harbin, wtyleb, has a purely Rus- firm the observations that; I made terial representation of Jehovah, Jewish editors . , Hungarian Jew . . . . We etill m-) j trlp. BO-Jewish community, and Shang- myself in the course ot a tour and against the making of idols gress, Margoshes eays, is bad mazzanlno will ba located Ripley's sist that he is uo, although cum-j c o r n c E A tremendous demand was cre"Believe It or Not" freak show. enough, but two Congresses are of worship. hai) have • no spiritual leader of some years ago from Yokohama . . . Billy says that some of his berless nkeptics refuse to believe ja t e d v i t h i n a { e w d a y s £ n d t h e n any kind, I to Penang and from Batavia to Dr. Romanoff, who has held an virtually murder. Samuel I. Agnon, regard- t h e public was notified through monkeys will have a separate The absence of a competent ec- Bombay. There are others, t o o , Alexander Kohut Fellowship In SPOBTY ed as Palestine's outstanding He- a d v e r tisi E g that Tully had purkosher kitchen because they have clesiastical head, poBsessed of which are-hardly less serious, the Yale Graduate School, reportbrew novelist, is a brother-in-law c h a s e d f r o m t h c cartO0niBC and It Max Baer's matrimonial bliss been donated by an Orthodox Jew such as the absence of a sense of ed that recent archaeological discharacter as well as of learning, depends on his acceptance of the . . . . S. Klein of Union Square, of Prof. Alexander Marx of the from the newspaper the sole, right inevitably j exerts an adverse in- solidarity a n d of collective re- coveries reveal that the Jews had Catholic faith, his recent mar- who is giving to Brooklyn a lot Jewish Theological Seminary of to make End sell these collegiate fluence ne;t only upon the religi- sponsibility. That is why various a flourishing art by the third riage to a Catholic girl will be a of animals for the municipal, zoo, America . . . . hats. Many o! t h e local stores o u s upbringing of the younger institutions in Eastern J e w r y century ot the present era. This riRht 1SS5 by Seven Arts) imported his menagerie on the who are still unaware t h a t he j Ancil Hoffman, Baer's languish for wantof support— bust art, he said, influenced later (Feature Syndicate) generation! but also upon the sold tlie idea to t h e cartoonist j manager, laid down the law and Nazi steamer Deutschland . . . . morale ot the older. Only thus not because the local community Christian art and now explains told and therefore utilized t h e most j the ex-champion that his j Florence Meyer, daughter of Eudoes not contain the requisite many obscure points in the hisean we explain the pusillanimous Ieaving the Jewish faith would g e n e Meyer, Jr., publisher ot the Budspest—On the ground that powerful medium of advertising I action of the Chief Babbl of Con- number of members w h o could tory of church art. rule him out of professional fightall Hungarian Jews speak and which the newspaper c a n ofler. j Washington Post, has been cast "It has commonly been acceptotantinople and of tbe "notables' • maintain these institutions worthing as far as his box office value i understand the Hungarian langu- Of course the public all wore BKCI \ for the part of Ruth In F r a n i ily, but because thefaculty ot ed that because of the prohibition of Turkish: Jewry In officially reage and have no need of a theatre Husker Caps that year. Baer revealed Werfel's "Road of Promise" . . . is concerned generosity and the ideal of sacriin the Second Commandment, the nouncing : some yeara ego the in any other tongue, the Hungarfor the first time that he's a memAside'from t h e thousands of Four members of the Benno Schfice have been sufficiently cultiJews could not have developed a Minorities* righto that had been ian ministry of education, has reber of a synagogue and that his dollars'of merchandise t h a t he j neider Yiddish Artef Players have vated, so that the old tradition of distinctive Jewish art, nor could secured for them in the Treaty urged him to marry a Jew- received and rejected offers from fused to grant permission for the has distributed free to the poor i of Lausanne, thus exposing their depending upon the Jews ot the they have contributed anything father ish girl . . . . Incidentally it might Hollywood for screen work . . . . establishment of a Yiddish thea-j every Christmas, sside from t h e !! fellow-Jews to many disabilities West la indolently continued. " to the world's treasure of art," he interest you to know that a large Police Sgt. Samuel Barab of At- tre in Budapest. blossoming hat trees that he used i said. "Whatever manifestations or dlBcrl^natinf laws that the Is it at all creditable that the family of Baers in the Bohemian of art were found among the Government, in Its zeal for Turki- Jews ot India, so many of whom village of Orlau, all of them Jews ficatlon, might enact. have proposed during the last Jews, scholars immediately p u t and many of them Chassidim, • Only thus can* we understand thirty years, are still really in down to the influence of Christ- claim be kinsmen of Max's the Herem—the b a n of excom- want ot financial assistance from Ian art. The excavations at Du- father to . . . . Not to be outdone by munication—-pronounced In the their brethren In England t o r ra-Europos, and in Palestine, es- the Tel Aviv motorcyclists for synagogue of Basra a few years their educational work? If any tablish the very reverse of this touring the two London ago. In the name of the Rabbis of single proof werei needed ot great widely held opinion. These dis- Jewish girls world, motorcycling Baghdad, against those Jews 'who Jewish wealth that could a n d coveries not only open a new across Africa are from Algiers to in" the history of Jewish continued their membership of a have been devoted to chapter Capetown . . . . They are on the art, but • also" demand a devaluaihaosophlcal society, threatening should Jewish interests in the East, it is since December 19th . . . . Where Que$it$ Is Low Priced jwiln exclusion "from the congre- afforded by the case of the late tion in t the approach to early road The number of Jews in big league gation of Israel in circumcision, Silas Aaron Hardoon, the Bag- Christian art." baseball was reduced by one when marriage! and burial, and other dadi Jew of Shanghai, who left A glance at the ancient world the Washington Senators released •inatters relating to the commu- his entire fortune of 160. million when the Ten Commandments the highly touted Fred Sington to nity, and all other religious af- dollars to his Chinese wife. were produced Is necessary in Albany . . . . Sington is the formfairs of jsrael.". Such are some of the main order to find what made it possi- er ali-American football end from Two other Incidents, differ- problems' of Oriental Jewry, ble for the Jews to have an art the University of Alabama . . . . .If the fans had been given a both! In kind and significance, which; sooner or later, should en- Dr.. Romanoff said. The people ot that time, in- chance to select the players for ,(he one occurring in Burmah and gage the careful attention of a reAre Aoiong the tbe other in Persia, are also to be presentative body of Western cluding the Israelites, were fetish and idol worshippers, he stated . attributed to the lack of proper Jewry. .-..-. Headline Values The Second Commandment aim(CopyrlBht 1936 by BeTen Arts) religious leadership and of an en(Feature Syndicate) ed at the abolition of idol woria the lightened spirit in the communal ship. The law, planned to emadministration. The first was the ANTI-JEWISH BOYCOTT phasize the monotheistic Idea, s u i t . that was recently tried enforced more than half a' In. the High Court at Rangoon to IS LAUNCHED IN CUBA was millenluin before the birth of "determine whether the Bene loEvery Evening Christ, when the pantheons of yael were entitled to the full lll y Havana, C u b a (WNS)—Fol- Egypt and Babylon, not excludExcept Sunday Because They Includ®: 55 rights of membership of the local lowing the publication of three- ing the deities of the Canaanites \ synagogue, and the other was the weeks' series of violently a n t i - and other small nations, still con;j "deplorable, tragedy that overtook Semitic articles in El Diario La tained these forms of statuary. i t h e Persian ZionlBt, Mr. H a l m , Marina, leading Havana d a 11 y, various nationalist C u b a n and m ] $hree years ago. Jews have lived in England Spanish groups have undertaken It was no dignified spectacle to n NIGOUNI'S CAFE gee the' judge and lawyers in the to organise an economic boycott since 1066,. when Duke William Bangoon Court discussing nice- of Jewish business establishments of Normandy brought Jews across FLATD8ON HOTEL ties of! religious observance and throughout Cuba. At t h e same the channel from Rouen. !| yitual practice, which Rabbis are time the Cuban State Department far better qualified to pronounce decided to discontinue the naturupon; ;Jbut either there a r o no alization of J ew s, allegedly beStabbis : there, or their authority cause t h e y import Communistic la not recognised. As for Mr. idees. The articles in El Diario Halm, i probably few people out- La Marina w e r e of a character side a iclosa i circle in Teheran win that smacked of Strelcherism but aver know the real reasons for his the Jewish community, which reexecution and to what extent he alized their menace, was power•was the victim of intrigue,, slan- less to do anything about them. der, or a miscarriage of justice. They were not discontinued until Flattering spoH, street smA. »fter> Buti there can be little doubt a delegation of American J e w s frocks ' front three faraotas that it the Jewish community in resident in Havana called u p o n that assure E^od fit, earcfsil gtjitag and neat tailoring. All else* that city had been free from in- the publisher of the paper and detec! $!€!«!: Sport dresses from, 14 ternal! discord, and If it had a manded t h a t: the inflammatory to 25®, RIMI - street aiitS afternoon spiritual head exercising authority articles be halted. This was done Presses tram t4 to 42 &»4 SS to S2. and commanding respect, ouch a and a statement denying any mal1 terrible fate would not have over- ice toward the Jewish community Cool Sheer i\ taken!a well-known public work- was Issued but the damage had s'* er, who was distinguished for hia already been done. •IP&feries: \} devotion to the Jewish national ,; JdeaWand against whom no speciTeeth Marks Clue ''~ lie crime was ever alleged. Berlin (INS)—Teeta marks on -\ It U encouraging t » a t . there o, smoker'a pipe sent a man at •it 'i aro many enlightened Jews In 5Dresden to prison for three years : V.V 5 various Oriental centres who tv\- penal servitude. Evldenco of the If :1 i ly realise tha evil that la being marks were given by a dentist in ! wrought In their midst by the ab- a Dresden c o u r t . He declared - J aanqej' oC qualified religious Jead- them to be the teeth marks of ' J era. tfhat spirited Shanghai jour- P a u l Richard Muller, charged -"\ mal fIsrael's Messenger" has of- with arson. The pipe had been "*'ifc. rii ,#%.*MWh tiA*~* .i i n fe »-, w * w. ; ' ten ;contalned such fearless es- picked up in t h e locality of a '- v^r^-i" r* '•* •"• »7 ?7>?V ^ \ > :M ;. s presaloas of self-criticism and paper warehouse fire. rAV:^y>^ 3Pho Face of [ International. ^.politics is ^jturned toward the F a r East TfWch, realizing that Europe is jsick, is trying t o shake the'Adominance ot the White SHani; How do Jews fare in this racial upheaval? Israel Cohen's article will tell yon. . . , •._„„,; i —The Editor





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PAGE THREE, Jewish Sdosllst Kss Esrtbqcakc Theory

neerne (,TTA) — The d i " ; JCew Y o r k (WXS)—A yorcr.g amateur scientist's theory cnlties In obtaining' Swi?s visa. as to t h e cause of earthquakes for certpin ffitegorseR of dpiefrafp: Hollywood — Oh ho! So what? ] alibis that he played serious ball . At last we have learned why was proven with startling accur- to the r.pjct 'VTorid Kioiiist C o w STRIKING STATEMENTS (Continued from Page 1.) , So Binnie Barnes first saw the. . . the rest were clowning. acy when a severe quake rocked ress, which opens here on A U F I ^ . And i t seems that e v e n the Harold "Wolpa, of Council Bluffs, waukee, coming in third. T w o light as Gertie Gittle Barnes . . . * * * . the tea-growing area of Shizouka. 2 0, Tere removed Ip.si week vrh^i most regular of us forget to sep- l a s suddenly become s u c h a ultural forums w e r e featured in Caledonia Market, London. Her Pithy Paragraphs about Jol- By the Service IMe InsuranceJapan, on July 11, killed £4 andthe Burefut of the Zionist Cou~ arate our. play from work or vice trong exponent of a free bridge, during evening assemblies: "Jobs pappy was a "Bobby" (cop, toson: . injuring 5 0, Rueben Greenspan, ress fpncb.ec! an. underKtr-mtiins versa, for it Is said that, M a x es, you're rig§t, a woman is the or Jewish Youth," led by Prof. you.) Her career deviated from Company, Omaha, He inspires loyalty . . . has the young Jewish scientist, had with the Pwiss immigration f r ause . . . Confirmed reports reach Simon, a butcher in a North 24th kennel-maid, nurse, chorus girl, three employees, secretary, chaufSelig Perlman of the University Life insurance overcomes t h e predicted more than a month be- thoriiies on a. number o£ t.;uestii"ii> street fooderie, was seen cutting s that the Re-Im Hebrew Club t Wisconsin, and the forum con- to dance hostess and singer. Just feur and valet, who have been up at a wedding reception in ffiliation w i 11 finally be com-ducted by R a b b i Goldstein on before the flickers got her shewith him for twenty-two years! hazard of cot living long enough fore that between July 11 s. n d concerning; the granting' ol vis*-:1 Sioux City, last Sunday night . . . leted as originally announced . . . alestine. Theodore Weiss, Allen- was singing in the English stage- - He's a charitable fellow . . . All —it takes time to save—life in- 14th there \r o u 1 d be a serious to delegations from various toui ATt Romm was dreaming about lay, fellows, there are some new own, Pa., was declared the win-version of "Cavalcade." She's the his royalties from ASCAP (Amer- surance g i v e s your family the earthquake a m o n g the islands tries. These difficulties especially «'' Bess Caplan (Cappy Linn, to you) ovely lookers in from Sioux City. er of the International A. Z. A.wife of Sam Joseph, book collec- ican Society of Composers and money whether or not you lire northeast o£ Australia. Following enough to save it. It also the confirmatory q.uake in Japan, fecled the so-called "stateless' but he better look out! Bill Gere- es, you're right, I mean the English Essay Contest. His es-tor and litterateur. Publishers . . . oh, so you didn't long the hazard of not be-Dr. Clyde Fisher, curator of as- delegates who were t'ovmerh ci-1. lick, or maybe Stewart Gilinsky Friedman Bisters . . . • • « ;ay, "Just Another Jew," referred know he wrote songs?) are turn- overcomes ing able to save—it takes an iron tronomy at the American Museum o£ Germany and Russia hi1: will get sore . . . Just a tip to ,o Heinrich Heine, German poet. And speaking of jolly ol' Lcra- ed over to the T. B. Sanatorium will to be a long distance saver— of X a t u r a 1 History, announced zens A DREAMING STORY who lost their citizpnsli'.p s'-fM those who visit in Sioux City. SePhilip Diller, Oakland, California, dontown . . . Sam Goldywn was at Saranac. thousands win •with life insurance that "there seems to be considerOne of our quiet, personable was announced as the'winner of ther.e not so long ago, dropped in ; c u r e an introduction to Sbretta He's a super-salesman. . . . sold who have failed under other sav- able scientific basis for this young they became refugees. The Swiss govenimr-Tit haa iu-v Krugsten, an attractive, intelli- Omaha U. maidens, who of all h e International Hebrew Essay at the Savoy foah- tea . . . mus- Liberty Bonds between the acts man's theory." Greenspan's the- agreed, ings plan. to make no difficulties •'• gent miss of that village, a n d of her boy i friends, has been ontest. • tered up the very best vernacular ol his show during the War . . . ory on the cause of earthquakes Life insurance overcomes t h e is that they occur when the moon such delegates in entering i'1 you're sure to be in good company keeping steadier company with and ordered, "Waitah, some tea they went like hot cakes. The religious program consisted hazard of spending your savings. and some other celestrial b o d y country on condition fli?.(. .1' . . . A secret is still a secret as her ideal than with the others of daily services. A special choir . . . and . . . ah, yes, I think I * * * and who, is probably occupying It isn't a crime to draw a f e w World Kionist Organization fr,V. far as this couple are concerned. will also have some strudel!" of voices representing every secBehind the screens: The Thal- hundred dollars now and then out come irto alignment and exert a the responsibility f.hnt. (hry \\, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Epstein, who a great deal of her time and tion of the country enhanced the • • .* berg-Shearer cherub resembles of savings but it d o e s kill the conihined gravitational pull which leave Switzerland s ' t w the Con have been wed for nearly t w o filling her mind with pleasant, mpressiveness of t h e Sabbath The director has installed a por- her daddy with her dark hair and hope of ever reaching your goal. an area containing cnistal weak- gress is over. happy thoughts of him. Memyears, only recently %ivulged this ness is unable to resist. Greenservices. table golf course of four holes on eyes. Director Irving Cuinraings The h a z a r d of lost earning The Congrres.- Bureau, -whirl- t publicly. And yet there are still bers of her family were aware The athletic program was fea-the Marx Brothers' set . . . prob- found out, with the aid of a pe-power is avoided—m e n doomed span, who teaches at the Seamen's. already of all of this, and wanting to functioi-inp here has *•'«• many friends who are not aware Church Institute, is a graduate of aid her to attain her realiza- tured by the first International A. ably to keep them out of worse dometer, that he walks 6 miles a f o r life to wheel chairs cannot the Armour Institute of. Technol- opened, negotiations v i t h rh of this marriage. mischief. i. A. Olympics, consisting of field, day on the set. Bogey-Man Lugosi tions, followed an old superstisave, cor can poor investments be Swiss authorities to obtain J\\° was made honorary prexy of the depended upon. L i f e insurance ogy in Chicago. • » • tion, and one night, without her track and water events. TournaA DIETARY PREDICAMENT visas for all tlelo^ates. Each flpic knowledge, placed a p i e c e of ments were also run off in ten- George S. Kaufman brought his L. A. Soccer League. A blessed- accepts full responsibility for the gate to the' Congress BmwOne who supposedly k e e p s nis, golf, ping pong, horseshoes, event in the family prevents Winlittle daughter over the other day wedding cake under her pillow. investments of y o u r money. It strict kosher suddenly found Jewish Press advertisers merit which will entille him to a -";••.-> Yes, this is o n e superstition volleyball and Softball. District to see the funatics at work. Kauf- chell from appearing for those contracts for its safety. visa, and to other State himself in this very embarrasyour patronage. No. 6 trounced the strong t e a m flicker sequences here as schedman soon hurried away . . . he's that turned to reality, for all Costly liquidation is not pressing predicament recently. He through t h e night t h i s en- from District No. 2 in the cham- the busiest writer in Holloywood uled. Eddie Cantor, entirely re- ent—money saved today will be ordered a regular lireakfast at simultaneously on thecuperated, was M. C. at the polo spent someday—11 f e insurance tranced maiden was constantly pionship softball game. In a later . . . . works one of the downtown cafes. No ame, the Camp Staff was victor- Marxes1 "Night at the Opera," matches. When La Bergser made pledges visualizing scenes .of happiness you that when you liqui•" sooner had he done so when » "Marie Antoinette," and "Theher picture, in London, visitors date your investment it will pay concerning this boy friend. She ious over the Alumnae. friend walked in. Spying him, Social Affairs were taboo . . . and the staff reGood Earth." Before leaving he awoke the next morning with a you a 100-cent cash price. he rushed back to cancel h i s greater desire than ever to atPre-convention a n d post-con- warned Groucho, "Don't be sur-ferred to her and her husband as A n d life insurance overcomes order but apparently the waittain the visionary happiness. vention socials were held in St. prised if in the final scene you "The Ginsburgs." Little Freddie the hazard of indefiniteness—life tress misunderstood that in this Bartholomew (he's not one of l.ouis, Kansas City, Chicago, At- find you're to be guillotined for case silence was golden. Andj, Us), bitten by a dog the other insurance plans t e l l you h o w anta, Denver a n d McKeesport. not planting rice in China!" P this "Kosher" could have drop- BITS day, tells everybody he's been in- much you must save if you want • * * to have a certain aniouEt at a cerThe Fourth of July to m o s t Other features of the camp enterped through the floor when the Did you hear about the press noculated against the rabbi! Andtain time—you know where you included Lawhead, "The waitress suddenly y e l l e d , people is a legal holiday, but to tainment Wizard of Oz," a theater party in agent the Yiddishe kopf, who Louis B. Mayer presented the are going and wliea you will get "Change the last order of bacon the Krizelman family, it is more Branson, Mo., a forty-mile boat signedwith a star to a ten-year con- chappie with a small gift . . . just there. than that,—it is a day of celeand eggs to just eggs." an Oldsmobile . . . nice prosperbrating birthdays. Both Max and ride down Lake Taneycomo, andtract. When his partner objected ity we're having! They do say JUICY JESTS a Chapter Street Night which was that it was too long, he declared, It looks like the threesome of Sol Krizelman were born on that won by Kansas City C h a p t e r "That's where ycu're wrong . . . that Max Baer's radio contract Csrfeia Aids in New Marva Conn, Myron Tarnoff and day. To top it off .there are twoNo. 2. It's a ten-year ticket . . . but It'svra.s cancelled because of that Sam Fried are now a two-some, cousins of theirs who also observe York Vies Probing speech he made after the fight. Among the more serious mo- got twenty-minute options!" Evidently Marva and Myron have their birthdays on this day « • * ments of the convention was the 4 • * something in common and .there Is it true that Bob Stiefler is now Kenr York (WXS)—Murray I. everything they predictOddest fashion of the week is ed She's is nothing commoner than that being blamed by her boy friends School of A. Z. A., a unique feaGurfeirs, a former legal secretary — that I/uise Rainer . . . she's ture in youth organization work in Sioux City for causing that Peter Loire's gray skull cap . . . all sparkle and wistfulness . . . s to Federal Circuit Court J u d g e . . .Nina Olivette is coming back to the 60 Club next week . . attractive lass, Miss Elaine Schlai- in which boys a r e taught t h e his head is shaved so much for Bergner and more. Although the Julian W. Mack, has b e e n apCupid has taken a mighty t o l fer, to elongate h e r visit here? technique of organization proce- character roles that he wears the cameraman didn't "do right by pointed one of the assistants to • Al Fiedler, a June grad, who dure. Sam Beber gave the first cap to prevent colds. from the Psi Mu Fraternity. Only our •"sell", she photographs well Thomas E. Dewey, special assistis announcing his association with lecture on "History of A. Z. A." a hand full of bachelors remain &^(^a^»*!i*W&!&! • • * in most of the scenes . . . and ant district attorney, w h o is a law office this w e e k already "Chapter Finance" was discussed Are you taking drives a better car than any ofby Philip Klutznick at the second Who's next? As expected, the Screen Stars' they'll get her facial angles bet- about to begin a sweeping invesnote of these days, July 28, thethe other members of the firm . . session. M a x Baer lectured on Ball Game for the L. A. Tubercu- ter in the next film. tigation into vices and crime. A date of the XL d a n c e at the Reports reach us that a coal deal- " C h a p t e r Membership" a n d losis Sanatorium was a riot . . . graduate of Columbia a n d Har• * • , Highland, a n d Sunday, Augusi er's daughter is table-twoing it Chapter Program" at the third most of the participants couldn't vard, Gurfein was editor of the A certain scribbler was proudly 4th, the day when the Phi Ep wil run to first base even if they showing, his visiting father over Harvard Law Review. Tvhile Mr. David Lazarus nightly . . and fourth sessions. hold their reunion and fifty ou' with lL could have hit the ball . . . 'twas his swank Bev-Hills estate. They Dewey was United States District Sam Liebovicis are infanticiBest Chapter of town men will assemble to par The too strenuous. Game ended at the came to a sun dial . . . father Attorney for the Southern District pating . . . T h e Best All-Around Chapter ticipate. Mark these dates down of Ne"sv York, Gurfein served as Award, -a. l a r g e _and beautiful 4th inning . . . score, 4-4. The big jasked what it was for . . . sonny an F5 C . . . Macy Baum was an all-around assistant IT. S. District AttorWe I I I I r * I T V I f ' denouement was Harry Ruby's answered it was to tell time . . . plaque which is the most coveted leader at the A. Z. A. camp in th VIEWS ney. He helped prepare the trials playing . . . this Big Leaguer, Don't let the newspaper re- in A. Z. A., was won by Allen- who practices with all the Sox"Hm, hm, hm," the old man wag- which se n t "Vv'axey Gordon, JoOzarks last week . . . Temptation town Chapter No. 156, Allentown, ged his head, "What will they seph Casteldo a n d Patrick J. nearly caused B u d Slosburg t< ports of 73 for Herman Gold- Pa. Kansas City Chapter No. 2, that train here, was a flop. He think Lu of next!" stein's g o l f at the Highland break the dancer's balloon at th Consferford to jail and is the auC , Mo.-, earned the cup f o r • • • 60 Club, but quick action on thi worry you golfers, as his actual K. thor of the article on racketeers second place. The Ben Z. Glass G r a n d Aleph Godol to succeed Come again! part of Ben Milder saved B u d tally for the eighteen was 112 Award la the Encyclopedia of Social Scifor B'nai B'rith Coopera- Irving Hill. T h e newly elected 19SS. Jewish Telegraphic • from. puHing-this prank . . . "Who *.. . F o u r young people walked ences. Since 19S3 lie has been t Agency, Inc. ion was won by Nathan Straus Grand Councillors are District No. - Is "the eligible bachelor" who usu into a cafe, sat down,1 gave part tChapter member of the law firm beaded No. 141, L o s Angeles, ally sets in or substitutes for th of their orders, and suddenly Calif. Al Tishkowsky, Oakland 1, H y m a n Havis, New Haven, by Robert Szold, former president missing husband? . . . Has tha realized that they were in the Chapter No. 42, w a s presented Conn.; District No. 2, J o s e p h 11 Seats in Amsterdam Cesscil of t h e . Zionist Organisation cf 1 i u-J y o u n g blonde eligible barriste: wrong restaurant. T h e y can- with the Sam Beber Award for Shapero, South Bend, Ind.; Dis- Amsterdam—Jews -nron a sig- America. found out that his former flam< celed the orders and apologized the boy with the highest A. Z. A.trict No. 3, Lawrence Friedman, nal victory in the elections here Qcnrt 4?c from Los Angeles is engaged? andy walked ont with sheepish ideals. B e n Baskin, Milwaukee McKeesport, Pa.; District No. 4, Of the forty-five councillors elected to the Amsterdam Municipal Lowell Adelson, Oakland, Calif.; he has, why doesn't he try to ge g r i n s on their countenances. Chapter No. 39, Milwaukee, WisPist 2! Hark Leon Sap his frat pin back? . . . Harry Ep No identities will be divulged consin, walked off with the Harry District No. 5, Aaron Rose, At- Council, eleven are Jews. me protect ^oor Interests. . . steins will be blessed in the ver as they've been sufficiently em- H. Lapidus Award for Communal lanta; District No. 6, Macy Baum, Candidates vrho sought office Il-etwrite of every desDistrict No. 7, L o u i s on an anti-Semitic platform were cription INSURANCE near future . . . J e r r y - S h i r l e JEelnfiiJig M r E . In strong, barrassed already . . . D a v e Davfid Herzberg, L o u i s Omaha; reHable companies GXS-*£. . . . Suet's Green, Memphis. Gross seems to be a constant ga; Crounse is sponsoring a o n e Work. defeated. talk it ever. Marshall Chapter No. 188, S a n



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victim of his friends. Only las Sunday he* was "wanted at t h box office" according to the lou> speaker at a local night spot . Cab, Galloway, w i l l serenade at Peony t o n i g h t . . . No Jewish weddings c a n be performed during ' the three week period of July 18 till August 8 . . .Well, b o y s , you're safe another three weeks.

man raffle to raise $300 f o r Francisco, Calif., won the Boris The delegates voted to hold the the Vaad . . . Omaha' will soon D. Bogen Award for the Revival next international camp convenMention the Jewish Press to h a v e another Goldstein as a of Hebrew; your merchant. tion in L03 Angeles. citizen. Isn't that Tight, Paul? Harry Rothman, St.. L o u i s . . . Now that "Murph" Klutz- Chapter No. 28, was elected as nick aritl Doc Greenberg a r e back, they will battle it out between them to decide who is overflowing turnout of Jewish young men this next fall . . . the worst golfer . . . Mr. Morris Bnrstein deserves a g o o d GREETINGS AND from the members of the MOVIE OFFER TO OMAHAN word Vaad for his excellent handling CONGRATULATIONS l e o Brown's dramatic ability Mr. and-Mrs. M. B. Brodof t h e i r finance work . . . It keyTOupon has come to a climax. While their thirtieth wedding must be terrible to be unable spending his two week vacation anniversary . . . T O Jack Temin, to see one's loved one, isn't that who is now an in Hollywood, he was offered agent for the John so, Julia Hertzberg? . . . With a part in a forthcoming picture Hancock Insurance Company . . . with Preston" Foster. But due the prospect of having six of TO Misses Ruth Weiss, Ruth Silour most attractive h i g h ver, Ruth Pollock and to Sol Halto the fact that the picture proschool June girl graduates as pirin of Sioux City, who are all duction wouldn't start till next students, Creighton w i l l not now employed a t t h e Monarch month, and he did not want to have to worry about having an Liquor Company. take a chance on h i s present Job or maybe he didn't want to miss the coming elaborate stag of his fraternity, the Psi'Ma's gift to-the-Cinema Art had to reject the offer. Too bad, because Ueo might have become FURNISHED V/ITHOUT SOST another Clark Gable. \ 7 1 J H V BEAUTIFUi: NET/ CURRENT COMMENTS

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',We are asked if the Hazomir Club, a well known singing group, who picnicked at Linoma beach, last Sunday, lured the fish on the hooks of the anglers by charming them with their melodies as many good catches were reported Sunday .. , . We wonder how Bernard Chapman felt after he was mistaken for a waiter by one of the 60. Club patrons who only noticed his attire and'failed to look up when asking him for a light Miss Anne Lipsey, operator of the second largest restaurant in New York city, who has been enjoying a visit here, is reported t o have been dickering for a site, so as to establish a kosher eaterie h e r e

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ALFRED DREYFUS IS DEAD '•' Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by fmB JEWISH PRESS PTJBLISHING COMPANY Scbscrlptlon Price, one year - -.•'•'• - - - ?2.00 ij Advertising rates furnished on application. !j Editorial Office: 600 Brandeis Theater Building. !j ••' Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor PRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - Editor RABBI URI MILLER - - - - - Contributing Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent . ANN PILL - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent '|! Print Shop Address: 4B0i So. 24th Street

Gommiinify Congratulations Th& immortal tree of Israel is deep-rooted in the soil of history ank grows ever stronger in accordance with the fertility of its three great branches - - Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. No treelcan be stronger than its weakest limb,, and as a branch withers so too does the tree shrivel up,* contrawise, as each branch of the tree grows stronger and bigger and better, so too does the tree itself gain in vitality. , '.• Accordingly, the entire Jewish community in Omaha - - reform, conservative and orthodox - - join in congratulating the Beth-El synagogue in the purchase of a site for its synagogue at 49th and; Farnam Btreets. Not only the Beth-El but all Jewry are the beneficiaries of the growth and strength of Beth-El. The tree of Israel^ instead of being sapped from the roots, is blossom? ing forth more beautifully. Strength to one branch of Judaism lends strength to all branches. Revitalized religion was never confined to': one congregation, but spread its benefits in all directions. -. :| . : ; • • • , ' . ." ' - . ' '. ... Judaism strengthened is one answer to the manifold problems confronting us today. We as a community-welcome every movement which can, strengthen Judaism, and the entire community's I congratulations are extended on this occasion to the expansion of the Beth-El synagogue of Omaha.

Youth's .Happiness'/ / Some wag, Shaw, we believe, once remarked that it was a pity that youth should be wasted on children. While we cannot install monkey glands and recapture the beauty of our lost youth, the least;we can do is see that our children are enabled to get the utmost possible out of their youthful days. One modern way of moving toward this goal is to give your child planned summer recreation. Those of you who have seen the youngsters cavorting in pleasure at the Summer Play Camp at the Jewish Community Center know what enjoyment is in store for the camp attendants. Clean, wholesome fun had while learning useful arts . . . . a daily program crammed with activities specially designed for the children. The camp will continue for another month, and you can enroll your children for the balance of the season. The expense is nominal; jthe returns are invaluable. . United States Customs officials have seized shipments *of Streicher'a luridly anti-Semitic "Der Stuermer," and as a result they will no longer be sold on the streets of New York;

Sword's Edge


The much-discussed and also much-maligned boycott has continued as a perilous sword hanging over the head of Adolph Hitler and his brown-shirted followers. Deeper and deeper does the sword's edge of the boycott cut into the rapidly-ebbing financial Standing of the Nazis. Significant, therefore, are the dispatches from Belgium, which report that a movement is under way in Catholic circles of that country to institute a. world-wide Catholic boycott against Naziland. The Catholic leaders in Belgium are of the opinion that if Catholic power and influence were mobilized throughout the world to join hands with other liberal forces in strengthening the nonsectarian ,anti-Nazi boycott, Hitler's barbarians would have to reckon with world public opinion more acutely than ever before. These Catholic leaders in Belgium are also of the opinion that the Vatican might be persuaded to sanction this anti-Nazi boycott ...', . ' . •' . . .; • ' A. Hopeful ray. appears from this Belgium dispatch. Admittedly, any sword's «dge will be dulled by time. And though the boycott ifl effective in thwarting Nazi financial stability, nevertheless with the passage of time the force and effect of ah economic boycott must mane through the public's easy forgetfulness. Also, another important factor to consider is the growing threat of a political realignment of the European powers. The ring of steel which encircled Nazi Germany with hostile nations is showing signs of rust, and through political and imperial jealousies it is easily conceivable that ere long Hitler may have as allies or at least as passive neutrals some of the countries which are now hostile. Further, Hitler's internal policies are now unmasked. Catholics and Protestants have now been given definite assurances that the anti-Jewish tridaes of the Nazi regime were only preludes to outspoken anti-Catholic and anti-Christianity, frontal attacks. Today, the Nazis are unmasked as to their pagan philosophy and their antagonism to the influences of church and religion. The; Catholics by uniting with the Jewish peopfe and Protestant liberals and all who seek righteousness and freedom for mankind can form a united front in a renewed boycott campaign which would bring Hitler to his knees. In today's economic world, capital is .a country's life-bloody and with strangulation of trade and credit, the Nazis would have to succumb. A united, concerted, relentless;campaign - - properly organized - - could bring to an end modern civilization's saddest travesty. -

"World Jewry is learning the obvious lesson that in unity there is strength. Torn by internal strife, the Jewish people have through the ages been unable to muster their full force against their common foes because their strength had been sapped by the cancer of bickering within. Now, confronted by fanatical enemies who stoop to any base weapon, the Jewish people are solidifying at Last, The latest manifestation of this unity is to be found in France, where the first united front of all Jewish organizations in the history of French Jewry came into being after a conference attended by delegates from all parts of the country. A perman. eat committee, is being established to be the spokesman for French Jejpcry. • .

It is significant that Dreyfus who played the role of scapegoat for Israel, never realized his true position. While the whole world took part in the fight of darkness and light, the hero of this drama was unconscious of his symbolic role and probably never truly realized the cause of his persecutions. He belonged to the assimilated Jewish group which had made of equality, fraternity and liberty, a religion. It is recorded that at no time^did he ever mention the Jewish angle of his tragedy. . Moreover it was no accident that the assimilated Dreyfus should be marked as the victim om the anti-Semitic campaign. It was precisely his assimilation that was the direct cause' of the outbreak. Dreyfus was the first Jew to belong, to the General Staff of the French army. Envy and fear of his growing prestige were the ingredients that were brewed into the mess of hatred that engulfed French official circles. Not the East European Jew going his uniquely-Jewish way in his ghetto causes antiSemitism. Thus was it in Germany, thus is it in our own country. Anti-Semitism - - the modern brand is a product of assimilation. It is caused by the social-climbing Jew attempting to enter gentile society and being kicked out. Legend has it that when Dreyfus heard of Hitler and the Jewish persecutions in Germany he moaned, "Then my sufferings have been in vain." Would that the legend were true. It would show that Dreyfus truly realized the significance of his life's tragedy in Jewish history. —RABBI URI MILLER


19, 1935.

MAMATALKS By GERTRUDE BERG, Author of "The Rise of the Goldbergs"


Henry Mendelson, of Counci: izations five shekels •with instruc- Bluffs, won a popularity contest WHO'S JEW IX FISTIAXA? conducted by the Schmoeller anc We pledge this is the last par- tions to vote the right way agraph-, we'll print on Max Baer's Nathan Laski, famous London ¥™llBI, °°: a n d v a s & ™^ed i by Grand Piano. Summer time is the season for Jewishness Last week the es- Jewish lawyer, is celebrating his romancing, as even a casual in- heavyweight champion announc- seventy-second birthday .His Sammy Cf.rmell. Omaha violir spection of any summer resort fre- ed in a few thousand well-chosen son, Neville, is president of the a w e e k visiting quented by the younger set words that his marriage with British Board of Jewish Deputies q reveal. Under shady trees, along: Mary Ellen Sullivan was all off . . . When the latter was in the \' country lanes, on the beach and because she is Catholic and he is United States recently a Jewish • Morris Gilinsky a n d Nathan on wooded mountain paths our a Jew . . . But just a few weeks Telegraphic Agency reporter in- Adler were elected to head t h e boys and girls pair off, seeking before he was reported hauled on j terview'ed him and asked for his Council Bluffs B'nai B'rith. solitude and finding it even in the N.. Y. Boxing Commission car- j "slant" on things . . . Laski didwhat an uninfected mortal would pet on charges of using his al- j n't understand what the word Under the chairmanship of Mr. call a multitude. The boy gazes leged Jewishness for getting un- "slfent" meant, and the reporter arrj went to great pains to explain the J? ' Sheania,. £2,000 was set as raptly Into the girl's eyes, which ethical publicity And we regozl t0 be ra!sed ^ the look as raptly into his - - - and member .the time when Baer said term . . . When Laski got back to ; London he gave an interview to | the spark is lit, the summer-ro- he isn't Jewish . . . the Jewish Chronicle, end the first! bazaar. mance is on." XOTES OX NAZISM thing he did was to confound the j Now I would be the last to say Foreign: Margaret Ryan, just English reporter by offering to I Jerome Diamond and D a v i d , that these romances invariably returned ima from Germany, says re chosen to head-the give him, "as the Americans say, j . "° peter out with the vacation. Un- there is a new unit of weight belocal *r of Aleph Z a d l k doubtedly many fine friendships ing used there unofficially: The a slant on the situation Sir Philip Sassoon, British Undersec-, and even successful marriages have grown out of summer resort "goering" is equal to the amount retary of State for the Air, has I Miss Ansl Kabinovitz was maracquaintanceships. But in the of metal one man can carry o n i n e T e r ' been given a promotion ried to Hymen Ferer. majority of cases the romance his chest . . . Dr. H. Linfield, sta-' te was appointed in 1P22 . . fades with the flowers and the tistician, says that in spite of the J. M. Mela&hock w a s elected ardor is cooled by the first chill ban on intermarriage in Naziland Elias Ginsbiirg has resigned as;;' president of the O m a h a B'nat g of autumn. Summer romances, to the number of Jews who married chairman of the Central Executive j B'rith lodge. put it horticulturally, are far "Aryan" women arose markedly Committee of the Zionist ReviMaurice Miller, a junior at Cenfrom being hardy perennials; in- since Hitler's accession. sionist Organization of America . deed, their ephemerality can be The Nazi press is in a dither . . . End it is rumored that one of tral High School, made the ; est accuracy typing record on a compared to that of the brilliant over a new Jewish "plot": a cireasons was friction with Wilbutterfly gaily dancing in the sun- garette firm hit upon the plan of j the liarn B. Ziff, new president of Royal machine in that period in the United States.' The death of Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred Dreyfus at the age bright air. advertising by printing pictures ! the party. of famous modern artists on box-| (Copyright 1555. Jewish Telegraphic of 76 throws a tragic spotlight on the present status of antiThe reason? Well, I should say Miss Lillian Lazer was wed to Agency, Inc. covers . . . the first two artists -lax Sacks of Hastings, Nebraska. Semitism in the world. Lieutenant,Colonel Dreyfus, as an indi- that it is because these vacation featured were Mas Lieberniann friendships are based not so much vidual, never played an important role in his case nor did his on essential compatibility as on and Marc Chagall - - both Jewish j It Mosley's British "Black-1 existence after his vindication in 1906 mean anything to Jewish accidental proximity under romantic circumstances. The young, shirts" are planning a new month-; T~" j T> j. history. The Dreyfus Affaire, however, which his death recalls, all their proud boasts notwithly edited by W. J. Leoper. I rlllQS i\e<lSOn. lO will remain in the annals of Jewish^as well as French history as standing, are a highly uncritical Domestic: All the souvenirs one of the most significant milestones on the road which world lot when it comes to their own sold on the ferry to the Statue sensations. And, indeed, it would Jewry travels toward a liberation from racial and religious preju- be too much to expect them to of Liberty are German-made . . . Wilhelm Brinck, one of the best London (JTA) — The Very dices. spend their holidays analyzing anti-Semitic speakers of the Am- Reverend W. R. Inge, familiarly The Dreyfus Affaire was Responsible for Theodor Herzl's just what it is that attracts them erican National Socialist League, • known as. "The gloomy Dean," to certain members of the oppo- was recently held in New York i has at last found something to be "Judenstaat", which marked the official beginning of the modern site sex. on the charge of illegally posses-J cheerful about. Zionist movement. The Dreyfus Affaire also convinced the world So the boy does not realize that sing a loaded revolver He en-i After assurances that "I am that reactionary forces always have and will utilize racial preju- what intoxicates him is not EOtered the U. S. under the names | neither a Fascist nor a Nazi, I do much the personality of the girl dice for their political purposes. The tragedy of the contemporary as the fragrance of pine needles of Bishop and Bishcpstone and'not approve of concentration Brink also uses the name William Ar-i camps, or of Jew-baiting, or cf I T Jewish situation in Germany is emphasized when one surveys the or new-mown hay or what have neck. sabre-rattling," Desn Inge, in his weekly article in the London Evepassionate struggle for Dreyfus' vindication in France. Figures you. He does not know that his sense of exhilaration derives from EXTERTAIXMEXT WORLD ning Standard, reports the follcw- © J * . J—/ such as Emile Zola and Georges Clemenceau, who actually staked the unwonted freedom from his Mack Gordon and Harry Kevel i n g b l e s s i n g l n G e m a n r : p o i s t lQ N a E i s m l s their lives to champion Dreyfus, are not visible anywhere today. humdrum life, but attributes his have composed more than a- , , T h e£ t r deep sense of well-being to the quarter of America's recent s o n g - | t h e a b o U t I o n o f class-jealoueies. The in ea?bon«rtefi b»v«>raire« It is interesting that neither Emile Zola nor Georges Clemenceau presence of his companion. She, hits They are now working ll . i i & u a c C 0 U R t E i t h e e m p o y e r 6 p r o m & u a c C 0 U R t E i t h e e m p o y e r 6 were extraordinary Judophiles. Their fight for Dreyfus was a for her "part, mistakes the spell j j a n d e i a p l o y e d fraternize in Ger4% on something classical . . . E d n a % The rcrfect Mixer" will;; battle for justice and no barking or threats on the part of the of the moonlight for that of Cu- Ferber's Ferber's "Come "Come and and Get Get It" It" will; pid, and confuses the dream-state be produced by United Artists j n j ahaeya £ £ t hhe y a e T e r &i& bb e ll o r e . Try R bottle of delicious remember the extreme anti-Semites could sway them or deter them from their purpose. induced by canoeing with the who say she is receiving for the;j W ^ of German Socialism, ie Te iafiEt. The r e a t acn The onslaught of Hitlerism, which in its effect on the funda- swoon of love - the real thing at novel the highest price every paid jt h I g }iss aa g great achievement. The last. a screen-writer for a single script : p e o p l e a r e r e a U y i n g o o d n e a r t on sale st all fruit markets, _ mentals of social justice is much more menacing than the forces Vacation over, the awakening . . . Arthur Rankin is accepting, a f t e r E E n y y e a r s o { fiespE;r E n ! i grocery stores and lunch, fttandg responsible for the Dreyfus Affaire, has not brought forth non- comes swiftly, as a rule. On the congratulations for his father,; mlseTTm A c d they havc maae a Harry Davenport, who last week j Manufactured br g r e a t e f f o r t t o c l e £ E up certain city streets the handsome hero Jewish defenders of the case of human justice to compare with falls back into his character of began his sixty-fifth consecutive; u n s a T O U r r cornere of their moral the gigantic personalities of Zola and Clemenceau. Today the just another young man; and the year on the th stage t ' l t h g h 11 although a res t a b I e ^hich had long been a Dreyfus Affaire belongs to the distant past but anti-Semitism in girl, viewed in her natural en- Thomas Mann is an exile from < p r o a c h t o German civilisation. 1610 Xo. 20th St. WE 8048 France is still in existence and it will surprise nobody if in the vironment of overstuffed furni- Germany, his books are not ban-j T h e D e £ n iifc ev i Ee finds noth-1 ture, is no longer a fairy princess ned there and his "BuMen-: a l a r m i . g i n German rearma- , struggle between the reactionary and radical elements another but just a girl. The summer ro- brooks" has sold 1,135,000 c o p - lng jment s l a c e ..theJ-are b j - n o m c a n g ' mance is a thing of the" past - a ies, "Magic Mountain," 135,0001 E e c u r e against attack either on Dreyfus Affaire is born. pleasant memory if the sun-daz- copies and "Royal Highness," | t h e i r e a s t e r n . o r western front." zled pair emerge together out of 148,000 . . . Mann is not Jewish, Expressing the pious hope that their delirium, a little unpleasant by the way. the Nazi regime may not go on if one regains consciousness soonmuch longer, he nevertheless er than the other. But seldom is OBLIGING COP in New i t'in&s { t necessary in order to preThe customs department in Jaffa has confiscated 1,000 tons any harm done by these vacation ser r he e c e ,? f " , .. x . . T of German cement which was imported into Palestine by a Jew- interludes - so let our boys and York adjoins a police station . . . , jB; a*: t t a t 1 1 The other night nine members of * ™ n foThe ^ OTrfate , Is t "of f all ^ girls enjoy themselves, and forish merchant. The authorities gave as reason for their action the •••-- for !I'cannot even guess. the congregation gathered get for the moment that the "only fact that the German trade mark was written in English instead Europe depends on the preservaone" oi July and August will, by of German, and may therefore mislead the public. The merchant October, be merely "the fellow the tenth to form a minyan . . . tion of peace." will shortly be tried. (or girl) I met in the country Just before sundown, the tenth The merchants who advertise' arrived and got into an altercalast summer." in the Jewish Press solicit your | tion with an Irish policeman, who Because it has been found impossible to obtain government (Copyright 1935 fcy Seven Arts) The other mem- business, and merit your patron- I arrested him (Feature Syndicate) permission to build a Jewish radio station in Great Britain, the CCSLXED CABS bers of the congregation pleaded sponsors of the project, which is designed to serve all of Europe, •with the cop to let the man free have decided to erect the station either in France or Belgium. The or they could not perform servBritish Government has indicated that it would not permit such ices . . . The representative of a station in England because all broadcasting is a government the law conld not see his way monopoly. clear to free his prisoner . . . So By O. O. DASHEI5 jig. what he did do was to lock up the alleged culprit and then reExtensive preparations are being made in Wilno for the And 1 said, " O h i h a t I had turn to the synagogue to comWorld conference of the Yiddish Scientific Institute, the only or- wings like a dove then would I plete the minyan . . . ganization of its kind in the world, which will open on August 14, fly away and be at "rest lo, then in the presenec of delegations from many countries, including the would I wander far off I would QUESTION OF RELATIVITY About the late Otto H. Kahn United States. The Institute, of which Prof. Albert Einstein is an lodge in the wilderness." For it was not an enemy that the story Is told that while passhonorary member of the, praesidium, has called the conference for the purpose of laying down the guiding lines for its future taunted me then I could h a v e ing through New York'E east side bore it, neither was it mine ad- he saw on the window of a ramwork. " versary that did magnify himself shackle shop the sign, "Julius against me, then I would have hid Kahn, cousin of Otto H. Kahn, On the heels of the recent parliamentary election campaign myself from him, but it was thou, tailor." — Immediately, the in which officials of the German consul were accused of circulat- a man my equal, my companion wealthy art patron communicated with his attorney who took legal ing leaflets calling on the populace not to vote for Jewish candi- and my familiar friend. Smoother than cream were the steps to force the tailor to redates, German aliens in Australia have begun to establish Nazi groups in many parts of the country. These Nazi societies, which speeches of his mouth, but war move the sign . . .Passing through the Ghetto at a later date, Kahn Jewish leaders fear may become hotbeds of anti-semitie propa- was in his heart, his words were happened to go by the same shop, softer than oil, yet, were t h e y ganda, have attracted for the most part only alien Germans. which now bore a sign, "Julius keen-edged swords. All the day they trouble mine Kahn, father of Otto H. Kahn, The establishment of special slaughter-houses for kosher affairs a l l their thoughts a r e tailor," Enraged by the temerity meat in Poland was predicted last week in the Polish press, as a against me for evil. -, of the man, Kahn stamped into the shop and demanded to know TALMUD result of the growing anti-Shechita movement in the country. •Well, I'll; Rabbi Jose said, "Let thy house what was the idea Sizes 2S to 50 :~~ be a meeting place for wise, fol- tell you," the tailor replied, "I] Urging that an end be put to racial and political persecu- low in their foot-steps, and quench didn't like the way you acted the tions in Germany, the executive committee of the Quakers of thy thirst for knowledge w i t h luist time, so when my son was born I called him Otto K. and Great Britain last week addressed an open letter to Chancellor their words." M a n y summer occanow try to do me something , . " Hitler, emphasizing that his policy was leading to permanent disJose, the son of Jochanan, sions call for white honor by the German nation, 'The letter calls upon Germany to "Let thy house be wide open, let flannels snd e v e r y EpcaKIng of the East Side, the ] put an end to its coercive measures if it desires to awaken good the door be considered on t li c same standard of living as mem-Department of Markets estimates wardrobe should htve will abroad. bers of t h y household. Engage that pushcart peddlers do a week« pair or two. Worn not in much gossip with a woThe Nazi president of the German Stock Brokers' Federation, man." This applies to one's own ly business cf a million dollars. . with contrasting jackReuter, who is also a member of the Berlin Stock Exchange, was wife, how much more than to the JOTTINGS et they're the ideal expelled from the Exchange last week and forced to resign his' wife, how much more then to the A frjend of ours psys- that in the summer dress up outof American delegates to Presidency of the Federation when it was disclosed that one of s a g e , says, "Whoso engages in fit. his grandmothers was a "non-Aryan." Notorious for his brutal much gossip with a woman brings the Sinn 1st Congress, he received J treatment of Jewish brokers in Germany, Reuter was responsible evil upon himself, neglects t h e in the mn.il from an acquaintance j study of the Torah, and will iu of his in one of the major organfor many suiddes among them. the end inherit Gihinsea."' (Hell) The Summer Pentt Stor* Joshua, the eon of Perachyah, "In the judges office set not the j of tlm Weu . An appeakto the English public not to visit Germany was caid, "Provide thyself w i t h a counsels part, but be strictly iin-1 made in a letter by Eleanor Rathbone, Member of Parliament, ap- teacher, spare no means to pro- partial, irhile the litigants a r e care for thyself s, companion to standing- before thee, let them be pearing in the Manchester Guardian. study together, and judge every regarded by thee as guilty, but man in the scale of merit." •whesothey are departed from thy Nittai, the Arb&Iate, said, "Keep presence regard them as innocent, An organized national inter-religious good-will movement will bs founded in Canada for the first time as the result of a recent aloof from a bad neighbor, do not the verdict having,been sesuiesced associate with tha wicked, a n d meeting of Catholic, Protestant and Jewish clergymen who sug- abandon not the belief in retri- ia by 'them." • CORRECT FOR SI©! AKfi WOVEN g a 1 d, "Love labor, gested the creation of a National Conference of Jew3 and Chris- bution." hate leadership, and seek no intians in Canada, similar to that existing in the United States. Judan, the son o£ Tabbal, said, timacy -with tae politician."


Gloomy Dean' Inge

Be Cheerful












BPIEGAL-KAIMAN TO EXCELSIOR SPRINGS ENGAGEMENT Miss Sadie Beber left Sunday Mrs. J. Kulakofsky of Chicago, or a few week's stay at Excelannounces the engagement of her ior Springs, where she will Join daughter, Miss Bonnie Splegal to her mother, Mrs. I. Beber, who Mr. Al Kaiman, son of Mrs. R.has been there for the past few Kaiman. eefcs. • Miss Spiegal has been YlBiting at the home of her fiancee for the CORRECTION past week. During her brief visit Last week's Press stated that she was entertained by relatives Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Tully observed and friends. :heir fourteenth wedding anniverThe wedding will take place in sary at a family dinner. It should the early fall. have stated that t h e y observed their thirteenth wedding anniverCELEBRATE 25TH "WEDDING ary and, only the immediate famANNIVERSARY ily were present.

'••£' If"


<f " / '

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kuklin, of Lincoln, Nebr., celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary J u 1 y 14th. , , A dinner for 50 guests w a s held at the Cornhusker hotel.Enter'tainment was furnished by Irv and Betty Kuklin, who did some tap dancing. After t h e dinner, pictures were taken of the family and relatives. A reception was held from 4 until 10 o'clock. Out of town guests were: Mrs. Rose Arkus, Miss Pauline Kuklin of New York; Mr. and "Mrs. Harry Nierman, Mr. a n d Mrs. S a m Cohen, Mr. Jack Kuklin of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kuklin, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lippett and family, Mr. and Mrs. I. Hurwitz and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Altsuler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jules Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. L. Fogel, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Yaffee, Mr. and Mrs. Gail Margolin, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Margolin, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Finkel, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kuklin of Omaha.

HOUSEGUEST ENTERTAINED RETURN FROM SDCBACK FROM VACATION Mrs. Phil Smith a n d Mrs. D.TSTEEK TRIP Misses Belle and Eva, RcderLincoln have as their guest for Mr. a n d Mrs. H. S. Novitsky raan have just returned from a the past few weeks. M i s s Ger- and daughters, Lois and Gloria, t w o weeks vacation in Chicago trude Marantz, of Chicago. Among have returned after a s i x week where they visited their friends a iseriea of informal affairs that t r i p to California, Yellowstone sad relatives. are planned for her, are a party and Black Hills and are now in which ia being arranged to honor Sioux City, Iowa, where they will TO LAKE OKOBOJI her, jointly w i t h a bride-to-be, make their future home. T h e y Mr. end Mrs. H. Y. Fladerman Miss R a v a Goldenberg, on Sun-a r e temporarily at the S i o u x and family accompanied by Missday, July 21, at the home of Mrs. Apartment Hotel. es Sadie, Etta, and Dorothy T&telLincoln. Miss R u t h Silver will man, are motoring Tuesday, July 23, to Lake Okobejl. have a banquet Saturday after- ENTERTAIN FORTY noon, July 20, at the Paxton HoOn Sunday, July 14, Mrs. E. W. tel in her honor. L a s t Sunday, Greenberg entertained forty guests LEAVE FOR ROCK ISLAND July 15, she was entertained at at her home at a reception honMiss . Evelyn Spiegal and Mrs. a swimming party at Peony Park. oring Mrs. D a v e Ehrenreich of Sol Eager of Lincoln, l e f t for Chicago. Mrs. A. Greenspan and Rock Island, Illinois, for an inMrs. H. Harris assisted. Decora- definite s t a y as guests of Mrs. VACATIONING Mrs. Sam Temin, accompanied tions carried out in a. color scheme Zager's daughter's, M r s . B e n Bloch. by her daughter, Mamie, departed of pink and green. last Thursday for a t w o -week's vacation in Detroit and Cleveland, TO VACATION IN EAST SIOUX CITY GIRLS HERE to visit their relatives. Mrs. I. J. Soskin and her son, Misses Pauline sad E v e l y n Milton, left last week for a two Friedman of Sioux City are spendHALPERINS BACK months vacation in the east. While ing two weeks vacationing here Mrs. S. Halperin and her Eon,there they will visit relatives in and while h e r e will be houseMeyer, returned f r o m a weeks' Washington, D. C, New York city guestg of Mr. a n d Mrs. D a v e stay in Chicago, where they vfs- and in Atlantic City. Brodkey. ited Mr. and Mrs. Saul Conn and Mr. and Mrs. David Halperin. TO LOS ANGELES ENTERTAINED AT BRIDGE Miss Frances "Chiekie" BergM r s . Phillip Katzman enterTO COLORADO SPRINGS tained a foursome a t a bridge- man left for an indefinite stay in Mr. and Mrs. A. Tannenbaum luncheon at the P a x t o n Hotel, Los Angeles, California! departed Saturday for a ten-day Wednesday, July 17, in honor of vacation at Colorado Springs. Miss Doris Fredkin, of Galveston, TO VISIT HUSBAND

VACATIONING HERE Sam Bartfeld of New York eity Is vacationing h e r e indefinitely Texas, who is vacationing here. and Is a guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. Magsamin. BAR MTTZVAH Mr. and MrB. Leoa GreenbergSHIRLEY BARISH VACATIONannounced t h e Bar Mitsvah of ING IN CHICAGO VISITORS HERE.IiEAVE Mrs. Harris Sirinsky and her their son, Walter Jay, Saturday Miss S h i r l e y Barish l e f t son, Lawrence Allen, of Chicago, morning, July 13, at the B e t h Wednesday evening for a t w o who left last week, spent a month Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue at week stay in Chicago. While there h e r e > visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. 19th and Burt streets. Thirty-five she will be a guest of her cousin, Zelinsky, brother-in-law and sis' guests attended a dinner "which Mrs. M. Jacobs. ter of Mrs. Sirinsky. Mrs. Sirin- was given on Sunday, July 14, in sky was formerly M i s s Shirley Walter's honor. VISITING BROTHER Ruback. Sam Moskovitz is spending two TO CHICAGO weeks vacationing in Chicago and Mrs. L o u i e Green and h e r VISITS IN CHEYENNE daughter, Ann, accompanied by while there will visit his brother, Mrs. I. Tessler is spending a her niece, Ann, of Chicago, who Hess Moskovitz. three week vacation in Cheyenne, has been visiting h e r e tor the Wyoming, ' w i t h her brother-in- past month, left for Chicago, for VISITS SIOUX CITS' law and Bister, Mr. and Mrs. I. a three week's vacation there. Mr. Max Kirshenbaum, acconiRosenberg.

HOtJSEGUESTS Miss Bess Orlikoff



brother, Sunny, of New York city, spent a week here as houseguests of their aunt, Mrs. S. Silver.

AT LAKE OKOBOJI ANN WASCOFP HERE Miss Ann Wascoff of S i o u x Mr. and Mrs.aMorris Roitstein week at Lake City is spending a week visiting are vacationing here as guests of her brother-inOkoboji. BETTRXS FROM VACATION Mrs. A. Maszamin recently returned from a two months' vacation where she was a houseguest of her brother-in-law and sisterin-law, Mr. and Mrs. I. Bartfeld ST. -LOmSIANS HERE Al Paul and his sister, Blanche Paul, of. St. Louis, are vacationing' here^fbr t h r e e ™wreek;s and •while here will toe guests of Mr and Mrs.. Phil Greenstone. SIXTEEN EXTERTAIXED Mrs. D a v e Raben, of Council Bluffs, entertained sixteen guests at the Hamilton Cafe, Thursday July 11, in honor of Mrs. Harri Sirinsky of Chicago. NO-HOST PICNIC About fifty relatives attended a no-host picnic last Sunday at Elmwood Park, which was given in honor of Mrs. F r a n k Fried o: Houston, Texas, and in honor oi Mrs. Abe Bear of Leavenworth Kansas. Mrs. Fried is the hous guest of h e r parents, Mr. a n d Mrs S Katelman of Omaha; and Mrs. Bear i s visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs: Julius Katelman in Council Bluffs.

Carl Goldblat, of Kansas City, is accompanying Morris Klein on a week's vacation at. Minnesota Lakes. ON MOTOR TRIP

Stanley Shapiro Is spending a week's vacation motoring through eastern Nebraska.


Miss Anne Bachmsn returned home Tuesday after spending a t w o week vacation in Chicago. While there she visited with Mrs. Ben Reitier who was the former Miss Sara Simon of this city.

t h r e e week's trip through the ON BUYING TRIP East. Miss L e n a Cohn, of Brandeis store, who ia on a week's buying MOTOR TO DENVER. trip in New York city, is staying Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lurie and at the St. Morits HoteL their three daughters, Ruth, Sylvia, and Mildred, of Fort Dodge* BACK FROM FISHING Iowa, who are motoring to Den- Saul Fellman and D a v e and ver for a two week's stay, spent Bob Smith recently returned from a few days here as guests of Mrs. a very successful fishing trip at Lurie's brother-in-law and sister, Lake Darling, n e a r Alexandria, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hertzberg. They Minnesota. are planning on a few days stay here on their return trip while VISITORS HERE enroute home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Welnberg

KAPLANS RETURN Mr. a n d Mrs. Samuel Kaplan and their son, Howard, returned Sunday, from a two and a half week's motor trip to t h e East, where they visited New York city and Washington, D. C.

benefit picnic Trhcih will fce staged II several games. at Krog. Park, Sunday, August 11,1 T h e m&in Purpose of this-orproceeds from which will be fii-! gatisation is to interest b o t h vided " among; these six groups—] young men ana young women iis St. J a m e s OrphaBEgc, Minerva t t h e e t u d ? o f Jewish End Hebrew H o n e for Children, The Bee-News I GORES. Free Milk and Ice Fund, The C. | C. Fresh Air Camp, The Minerva j Zero CkJb Cottages and filty needy families, j At the nest regular meeting of The owners of Krug Park, be- j sides furnishing the cstire pErk the Zero to be held at the home facilities free ol charge- to t h e of Lou Canar, Thursday evening, 5 5, Sylvan Frankel, who Is Kangaroo Court to make this pic- j July & nic a success for t h e s e needy ! prominent Omaha IT. student tho has also appeared nt the groups, a r e spending $1,500 to I O m a h a Community Plcyhouse, provide free dinners ar.d leupperg j w i 11 present several dreraeti-ato about 1,200 children who are ! tions. in the above group. j Sophie Halperin. program chairKangaroo Cewrt is a business i man, premises a big surprise in and working men's ergEciEation j the way of entertainment for the •which has been in existence C o r I evening. The report of the first five years end WRS founded and j annual Pow-Wow will be given by ergsnixed by Kr, D a v e , Gerber. Bill Lipsman. Throughout the year this croup | Committees for t h e ensuing assists in the EpoEEorBhip of acti- | term •will be announced by Fanvities which benefit the entire i ncy Witkin, President. community both philtathropically Plans are being made lev n and civically. ! Ninety-nine cent fry, the deptitisAs part et the varied program ' tion of which w i l l be disclosed of the day, there will be t n suc- upon arrival. tion, of merchandise -which, h a s b e e n donated by tacrcSi&nts of Omaha and there will also be 19 prizes gives i i r s y , including a The Psi Mu fraternity will hold new Plymouth Four Doer Scdstc. its sixth annual f^Tme* ov+51nf at LiEoma Beach, S i V r * , T i ' r i . There •will be r i i r r c t ' f ir1! ing1, races, ball gri-cr r r c


r* v t **»?"? it™-

One of the niEEy featniTS «•" the BrrcrigeTnciitp vili be B. popi1larity cortert and the young V T Hien v h o is OIIOFOH 11, c; viniu;-will receive a round trip ic ct of the sea coasts. Thf- f-econcl pvl'.'fT.-'IU be E lEfliPR vript vptch. Another featuvp of Ui.is pirii?.will be free dp.ncinr; fmfi Jhe TOIU-!will be furnished by Ar.Btia 3^f-vBn'F end his orc.her-tTF-., The Ke I K clv»b, which recoi.-f3y became affjliftted w i I h vb* Omaha Hebrew Club will r, 1 r r participate m this picnic.

w. The WompnV. Misrschi satioxs held t>. board meeting, JKI'-' 8, at the Jewish Community Ccv-ter. At this meeting1 it T?SS cleclrip^ to doriBtf f IC to 8, Iocr,I camp ?•'>"' undernourished chUclrpn. The r t i lle of the Es.lvcrT."c.rfi «et has hpur, postponed. X.rts. A. Katr. v a s H-.Tpoictrd ch&rimnx! oJ the committee, Mrs. B e n p r c f r s r a chairman, that her committee is p cultural program this fall.

rr<r C.V.".*^' rr'.'cr Ycrs


PICNIC'aiEg events. Picn'c», r r rrc i

i entertainment ha? bpr- r"-;

T * T




neapoli Judith

is a houseguest of Miss


She - w i l l


Miss R u t h Kaplan and h e r here till the end of the month. aunt, Mrs. Max Garlari, and her LEAVES FOR EAST daughter Doris, of Chicago, are WEEK-END T R I P Miss Pearl Moskowitz is leav- guests of Miss Rose Fidman. B i l l Kaiman motored to Chiing tomorrow f o r an extended

VISITOR LEAVES Miss Ruth Green, of Pittsburgh, who vacationed here for six weeks as a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Meyer Green and family, is leaving today for Los Angeles where she will spend the remainder of the summer visiting her friends and relatives. While here s h e was widely entertained.


Kadimah On

laws and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Al Plotkin and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Plotkin. While here she will see CHICAGOANS HERE her many friends and relatives.

Eddie and Robert Yazman, Leo N. Engman and Harold Schuster VISITOR HERE of Des Moines, motored here to Miss Kate Kaplan of Sioux City spend the week-end visiting their spent the week-end visiting here. friends. . . ••



kXkhF t-U ft i v I l B V : Fifteen couples frolicked at ill Cotrth annual picaicing party of J ,___„____ , *-^e Hazomir singing 'club, fit Lin-! The F.ntnuil pifnnic of the Ornpha Kp'bJ'fw CHib vdll he held v\. Approximately t w « n t y - fire Io i n a Beach, Sunday, July 14. thousand persoss are eEpecieS to t T h e group spent the day swiin- Le.keview Park, Sunday, AujfiiKl. p picnicicg &nd participating IS. g attead the annual Kangaroo Court!! i n

The Omaha Progressive Hebrew j BO that it will be r n r".l c'f NO HOST PARTY J S JL A No Host party was held last d u b will hold & picnic EunSay.! & nAd b e B e r era£n, : t - f i " , i r , v,. , Henry G i n s b v r r-p Sunday, July 14, at L i n o n i a July 28, at Elmwood Park. There'• nr Beach. Ainose t h o s e attending I will be refreshments, prises and ! committee which, JC ,r cr; .1 the arrangements. were: Maurice K a t z , Mianette j entertainment. , Mr. and Mrs. Harry FerenA special meeting will t e helo panied by his son, Morris, spent C L i;r Jeer r i stein, Al Orach. Rose Flscchek, ay evening, July "5, nt the VISITS PARENTS HERE a week in S i o u x City visiting William Lipsman, Helen Garber, Jewish. Community Center. Very Herschel Soskin of Washington, friends. Under t h e fiirectios c ! J « c ' Sam Freed and Kose VTeincr. important business Till fee transD. C, recently spent eight days acted, and therefore all members Leighma.n, t h e Omaha Beys Civic here visiting his parents, Mr. andLEAVE FOR JIINNEAPOLIS Bend will a p p e a r in concert Eirr are urged to attend. 'rf rbr CONVALESCING Mrs. H. Soskin. Mrs. M. F. Levenson and her (Say a t Elirswood P a r k for ar M. H. Pessen, who recently undaughters, Doris and Jean, a r e derwent a major opera ties is conh o u r ' s p r o g r a m beginning e t S:OC LEAVE THIS WEEK leaving this week-end for a two valescing at his home. p. m. i Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Solomon and week stay in Minneapolis, where This band, sponsored by t h f ^ ^^ daughter, Sandra, and Mr. a n d they will visit i / r /; their relatives. Kerabers cf the • Ka&ins&b Club Recreation Department ol t h e IN SIOUX CITY Mrs. Jack Alberts are leaving this Miss Mildred Berg is vacation- will frolic at s Ewissjsiinir party to City c£ Omaha, h. s. a givcE corweek-end for a two week's stay at HOUSEG ing in Sioux City for about tvro be held this Sander, July 21, nt certs recently Et. KE-EECOEI, KiverLake Okoboji. Wilensky, of Min- weeks. Miss Ifr ny Park. Plans are being made 1 view and Spring Li .ke Parks, atsC

Ladies Free Loin Sponsoring Pienic

to? a Initiation Party to be held ! also arrpcrod Ju!j v Vf let f-X in the near future for the fallow-i estimated crowd ci 7r.CC.-' u -Lt ing members wh© have sot under-! Carter Lake celcbri gone the degrees of initiation, as i yet: Esther Shapiro, Ida Gorel-j

iefc. Evelyn Walfiman, G o 1 d i e 1

cago over the week-end on a comThe Ladies' Free Loan Society Asorin. Heva Gorclict, s.cd Lor- j bination business a n d pleasure •will sponsor a picnic at Eirreroed ralce Cohes. Asns Foll£j% prcEi-! Park, Sunday, July 21. dent, has announced the follow-1 trip. • A set of dishes which was don- ing committees: Ccsrtesy: Char-! ated by Mrs. S. Riekes will bs lotte Sfelsr, cljEirmB.B; Reva Ger-j XEW RESBOENTS HERE elicit, and Esther Sfesplro. MemMr. and Mrs. Miltoa Gaspar, of raffled off. Members and-friends of thejbership: Evelyn Wslfimsn, chairOklahoma City, are making their are invited to Ettend the! man; Ide Gorelicte, &n& B s r s l future, home in Omaha.

IN EXCELSIOR SPRINGS Miss Edna Moskovitz is spending a month in Excelsior Springs.

BIRTHDAY PARTY In celebrating the fifth birthday of their daughter, Peggy Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Nogg entertained seven of her friends at a party, June 28. Among the guests w e r e : Marvin Kohlberg, Marty NEW YORKERS LEAVE Misa Anne L i p s s y and her and Elinor Hay kin, B e t t y Lou fiance, Henry Lorraine, both of Schneider, Leonard Weiner, David New York Clty^ who have been Posley and Howard Kaiman.

AT FORT CROOK formerly of Herman Xiev.inson, Omaha, who at present Is living very extensively 'entertained while in New York City, Is now encamp- visiting here, a r e departing v i a SPENT DAY HERE Marjorie Shostak of Lincoln, ed for two weeks at the R. O. T. motor for a seven week's t r i p C. camp at Fort Crook, Nebraska. through Chicago, Detroit, Toron- who is a Phi Beta Kappa, spent to and Kingston, Canada, and the a day visiting her friends here. region of a Thousand'Islands, and Friday she is leaving for Los AnBACK FROM VACATION will spend a s h o r t " s t a y in the geles for an indefinite stay. 1 Mrs. Sam F1 a * recently re- Adirondack mountains before returned from a month's Tacation turning home. While here they IN CHICAGO Tisitlng eastern cities. were houseguests of Mlsa Lipsey's Miss Evelyn kaiman and Miss brother, Mr. Sam LIpsey. Helen Janger are vacationing two WEEK IN CHICAGO weeks in Chicago and while there Mr Leo Fox and his son, Phil- TO NEW.YORK :.•"-' :" are houseguests of Miss Janger's lip, and Mr. J. P. Batt and his Miss Ellyn Schall and her sis-brother, Mr. Max Janger. son. Bob, left l a s t Friday via ter, Louise, who has been visitmotor to spend a week in Chi-. ing here for two weeks with her DINNERPARTY Miss Ruth Silver had a dinner cago, where they will attend the. parents, Mr. a n d Mrs. "William Schall, will depart for New York party, Thursday. July 11. at the Furniture Market. City, Monday, July 21, where El- Paxton Hotel in honor of Betty and Sidney Orlikoff, of Brooklyn, lyn will jaaks her future hone. TO GO ON VACATION and M i s s Gertrude Marants of Mrs. M.' Giventor and h e r Chicago. HAVE daughter, Sylvia, and her daughMr. and Mrs. Louis Baiim have ter-in-law, Mrs. William Grey, are to leave this week-end for a two as their guests, thoir daughter, GUEST HERE Mrs. B. Wasco-i? a n d her s o n , /Walter Miudell of Long Island week stay at Excelsior Sprlng3. Morris, of Kansas City, and Mrs.•who was motoring through OmaMiss Rona Bird a n d Mrs. S.D. Baum, and her daughter, Anna ha spent two days here last week Taxer of Sioux City wero week- and her son-in-law and daughter, while enroute home. "While here, end guests and they visite* their Mr. a n d Mrs. L. Silver, all of he.was a hoaseguest o£ Miss Ruth Silver. Chicago. friends. -


;rr,r - - ~-

General Electric Refrigerator


attended the A. Z. A. camp for the past week and returned home last Monday.




and their children, Charlotte and Mr. Ab Kaiman returned from Gerald, of Chicago, are spending a short stay in Chicago, where he two w e e k s visiting Mrs. Wein- visited Mr. George Givot, who is berg's mother, Mrs. E. Haspel. living at the Edgewater B e a c h TO RESIDE IN CHICAGO Hess Moskovitz, who is worki n g in Chicago, is planning on making his home there.



Resnicfe. Program: Eleanor Cohicnic. Mesdames S. Epstein, S. Ser- en, chairman; Lorraine C c h e i , nofsky, and Sam Reiss are on theand B e t t y Tarnoff. Initiatio committee which was in charge Celia Li'psinas, chairman, Lillian sf the arrangements.

VACATIONING Miss Rosalie Alberts, accompanied by Mrs. A. Greenberg, her aunt, a r e vacationing ia Minneapolis with Mrs. Greenberg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Kogan.

ON VACATION Mrs. Rosa Wolfe, accompanied TO MILWAUKEE her daughter, Esther, and her TO BE CO-HOSTS M r s . A. J. Kohlberg recently by S a m Barek, of Fremont, Ne- left for Milwaukee, where she will son, Bill, departed last week via braska, director of the Fremont spend an Indefinite visit with her motor for a two weekB' Tacation Playhouse, and William Lipsman, son-in-law and daughter, Mr. andin Chicago. - w i l l be co-hosts to a Saturday Mrs. Benjamin Minkin. BACK FROM CAMP night party at the Barek Cabin on Ernie Priesman, S a m FriedRamblers Island. About twenty DES MOINES VISITORS man, Irving Yaffe and Max Novak couples are expected to attend.


Mrs. Joe Lineman left Tuesday, July 16, for a month's stay in St. Louis, where she will visit h e r husband who is interslag there.


and Room by Mother and D a g In Good Jewish Home Phone Miss Colra at J. C. C.—Ja. 1S6S

Besides protecting your family's health every day, the G-E adds to the general luxury of evety-day living, AH foods taste better snd are healthful. N©' danger of ever ecrv- • ing spoiled or tainted foods!

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Highest Grade Enamels, £2.03 gsl WATEBPSOOF AIX-PCSPOSE SFAB VAKNISH, §1.53 Gallssa




317 Jic 13


5 Years' . Features

Shampoo and finger ware 50e THE NEW Zotos Permanent Wave with no machinery and no electricity •ESecI at S0.50 asd tsp. 718 BranStfs Theater AT. 4SS3

IT WILL'PAY W I T To Consult I f ?S


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s I s s r e e r s — amtewttle

Kghtiftg. High sss1 tray to catch' A. citoice ef tsiixUxu sisiss to year Htchen.

All G-S Eefrigerators have Ihe "ageless" »esled-in-»tcel mechan'i*m that requires no attention, not eves oiling and carry 5 yesre* Performance Protection for only Si a fesr. Com* Ia asd «eft the t§35 G-E'« '. . . iiseass easy with us.



O F SAT.E closing hour be set at seven N c H c e ifNhOeTr eI bCyE p-iven t h a t on t h e 3<* o'clock for stores dealing in iron, d a y o t A u r u s t . 1335, s t IP a. m . M K ! -i T,ea v e n w o r t h str*"*t. om;*ha. six for building material estab- •ho i ' S F D Fl"UXtTl"T;E C l l V r ANf'ora^k^. N T will sell to t h e h i p h P s t lurt.ier for c a s h t h e lishments and eight o'clock lor fo!iovrintr fact, if a Nazi is so fool-hardy to ALGERIA r. rt id^'s: . . . It's almost- a year now since i believe his eyes and express his Alfred A. Fiedler announces , grocery stores. c i , t>e<1 ntid v s n i l y . c;ifc stove. iif>.v.->uJews were massacred in "disturb- opinion that the Jews are mem- The drawing had by the Junior that he is now associated in tbe The clerks' union has received btjort tKhle, vouml tiihlr-. i'Sliy bed. t?.b!e. MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent ances" in Constantine. And it bers of the white race, the Voel- Pioneers, on Tuesday, July 16, atpractice of law with thefirm,ofla letter from tbe high commission tn satisfy if* l i ' D for- s i w i s p » H m l i c r eharjres owed on sail! a r t i c l e s in t h e s u m kischer Beobachter last week S2.7 P.rcl p - c r u i n g <-o-<(« by A lived «>. innnnnnnnraniiim seems there may be an annivers- warned, .they will be put on trial t h e Jewish Community Center Fradenburg, Webb, Beber, Klutz- j commending it on its connection of O-O^n pnd h ' P wiio. O'-;VP. ary "celebration." Last week, was Tery successful. nick & Kelley, 650 O m a h a Na- 'with the movement, it is learned. ro. Perry Osnowitch is in Chicago there were disquieting clashes in as "untrustworthy." The high commissioner is said io 7_li;.s; ' St U S E D Fi-T-MTrr.*; Mrs. S o . n i a Blacker w o n a tional" Bank Building. By -'i- y~- Olwman. his week, visiting w i t h friends a town near Oran In which the have promised his support. Other Nazi edicts of the week double toaster hostess tray that Fiedler, who graduated f r o m md relatives. Anti-Jewish "European Political were that workers who mourn the •was raffled at the drawing. T; BY rrBT/K'ATfON' FOR KETCreighton law school in June, also Party" took an active part. Two death of Jewish employers will be Mrs. Lillian Guss, the sponsor attended t h e University of Ne- nJ.s,I}E>7BTEG. WEBB. BEBOt, '"' "TKATJOX Af''(»r\T— M i s s Frances Ducoffe enter- were wounded, one seriously. All expelled from the Labor Front of the organization, will be host- braska and was very active on KIA'TZXU:K & RELUSY. 1 Ir- the County Court ot Poujrln.-i Ccun'y. 63« Oinnhii Xatl. Bank Bids . ained twenty friends at a buffet year there have been sporadic and that Berlin factories must ess at a breakfast, Sunday morn- the campuses of both schools, beof t h e Er.tp.te oC J O P E T H In post anti-Semitic signs. It's theing, August 4, at Elmwood Park. ing a member of the Sigma Alpha Under the supervision of-Mrs, [upper and party, Sunday evening small affrays. The air is charged E o r INCORPORATION o r ; mat'T All p e r s o n s iiriprp^i^F! n f r e s W in said < same old Germany! OMAHA LlQlfOK MART; INC. , H. M. Levin, membership commit- >n the occasion of her birthday. with ill-feeling. At this breakfast, the number two Mu and is a pa-st president of the Notice IK hereby (riven t h a t the under-: are. h e r e b y notified Hint on t h e I M n James and dancing followed the As an echo of last year's potees'of the Senior Hadassah chapteam, which sold the least num- Cardoza club of Creighton Uni- signed have formed a corporation under: rifiy of J u l y . f r ^ S , V.'lUinm Ovndni*.;.v the laws of the State of Nebraska; The filed a petition in s a i d County i. t>\r. >. ;rom, three more Moslems were FRANCE ter liave been -working during the •upper. ber of tickets for t h e drawing, versity. j-(!n>in»?i'."ati"i! name of this corporation shall be OMA- praying: that, b i s final That the French are anxious to have planned a surprise for the At present he is the president HA sentenced to a term at hard lapast, month, enrolling new memLlQt-OR MART. INC., with its prin- a c c o u n t filed h e r e i n be s e t t l e d p n d fliinv-ed -find t h a t bo be ri i.-cha rireii i r o m cipal place ot 'business, at Omaha, NeMiss R o s e Bashefin has rehave Jews in Syria was indicated bor, bringing the total number bers in the chapter and collecting others. ;:-ust. a s e x e c u t o r a n d !lir>: a b.onrim: of the Round T a b l e of Jewish braska. The p-en^ral nature of the busi- bis last week when Colonial Underto bo transact!"'! and the object find will be had. on said p e t i t i o n !>->'ore said dues. T h e membership is n o w urned home after spending two jailed for complicity to nine. The group will cease meeting Youth, representative youth or- ness t ' n u r t on t b e 10"]'f n'->y of Auri'.M l^.'-'. purpose for whic'u-this corporation is or~ secretary Candace wrote in a for the season and will not meet reeks with friends In Omaha and t h a t if yon fail to a p p e a r before over, 200. fratH"ed is to purchase at .wholesale and pnd ganization of the entire city and s ir> Court on' t h » said 1'Hb u a y or" A I I POLAND ? magazine article that the govern- again until the first Tuesday of to sell a t retail, wines, whiskies, vinous Assisting Mrs. Levin, are Mrs. incoln. was chairman of Youth's Division liquors, and all oilier kinds of beverage? pnsi i r m ; s t f o'clock: A . > f ., ? n ' i « • You can't keep the anti-Nazis ment would aid Jewish immigra- September. Zella Levitan, Mrs. Lou Agranoff, Ikjuors; to lease, own. anri operate tes" F".i'T p e t i t i o n , t h e Court run.1-- errant of the Jewish Philanthropies in and down! Last week the authorities soft drinkFtatids,. bar rooms, liquor tion into the country and extendt h e p r a v e r of said p e t i t i o n . r-nt'T S. d e Misses PeaTl and Libbie OlenMrs! John Levin, Mrs. Joe Levin, stores, cocktail rooms and dining rooms cree o f ' b e i r s h i p . a n d make, such other the campaign this year. or cabarets, incidental thereto; to ac- and f u r t h e r nrderf, a l l o w a n c e s a n d (!»• Mrs. J. Sa-wislak, Mrs. E. R. Davis, iky were hostesses to the Dehra padlocked the office of the Anti- ed what amounted to a direct inquire, hold, dispose, lease, pledge a m l o r r r e e s . a s to t h i s Court m a y seen' proper, Mral R. H. Emlein, Mrs. M. A.31 u b at their meeting Monday Nazi Boycott Committee. A cou-vitation to Jews to enter Syria. encumber, real and personal property, io t h e e n d 1h»t e l l m a t ' f f P""""1"1and to do any and all thlnsrs necensary to paid p s r a t e m a y be l i n a l ' y settle.-i a n a Meanwhile, the Louvre in Paris "Weiner, Mrs. Jack Robinson, Mrs. ivening. T h e business meeting ple of days later there appeared a or convenient to the aecompliphmont of E. N. Grueskin, a n d Mrs. J o e as followed by refreshments and new organization, the Jewish was faced with a serious problem. the purposes hereinbefore set forth. Tne B E T C n rRA^'l'OKT1, League forjhe Protection of Po-Baroness Edmond de Rothschild authorized cspitai stock shall be £10,- 7-10-^5 3t bounty Judge. social hour. Kutcher. 000.00 and all oC said stock Khali lie lish products whose avowed pur- left the museum 2,000 Tare art At a recent election meeting, common arid of t b e p a r value of SIO^.IM' Jerusalem (JTA)—Local Jewshare and shall be fully paid up and Miss Libbie Dervin has returned pose was to boost the sale of works in her will, and officials Miss Inez Leaff was elected pres- ish and Arab merchants together per non-assessable. The corporation shall i.oris T:. u r r , AUy. ident of t h e Alpha Gamma Epcommence doinp- liusiness upon filing of lome after visiting with friends home-made goods over those from can't find room for all of them. City National IJnnk BidfT. with their employes have united ,its Articles with the County Clerk oi silon Sorority. The club is comn Omaha. Returning with h e r "other countries." Doupias County. Nebraska, snd shall >*OTTCF, B Y T T P l . t r A T I O N O N TfETto n t i n u e f o r a period of fifty j f a r s from posed of. y'o u n g Jewish women in a demand for a municipal law csaid Anti-Semitic agitation took a PALESTINE Sunday w a s Miss Minnie Tuchd a t e . T h e hiehes't n m o u n t of i n - "XIO'N r o R SKTT?,K.V,!-:>.T o r .FINAL fixing a uniform closing hour for In addition to other things, Palnew turn in Poland last week who a r e attending Morningsitie d n o t exceed t w o - t h i r d s man of Omaha, who visited friends shops. A movement for such a law |ofe b it etdsnceaspsi t ashall l s t o c k , b u t t h i s r e s t r i c t ion i l n t h e C o u n t y C o u r t of r > o u p i a s C o u n t y . estine may have a gold rush. when a Catholic newspaper foCollege. Nebraska. here. s h a l l n o t include i n d e b t e d n e s s secured : More than 150 people attended mented a riot in Rybnick, Upper Arab newspapers reported the dis- Miss Mary Edelman was named has been in progress since 1928. j by mortp-ap-en o r liens," T h e affMrs of ' I n t b e i i i p t ' ^ f n f t h e e s t a t e o f W I x . A A A M tills c o r p o r a t i o n s h a l l be manaK*?(l . by a The government has approved j the picnic given by t h e Ladies' A l t p e r s o n s i n - e i e s l e d i n pni.-l m a t t e r Miss Elaine M u s h k i n is inSilesia. . Windows were smashed covery of the glittering metal last vice president a n d Miss Rosalie the law but the municipality has | Auxiliary ot Shaare Z l o n synafire h e r e b y n o i i f i e r i ih;>t o n t h e 1 s t d e y and houses defaced. There were week near Hartur. Sacks, secretary and treasurer. ioux Falls, South Dakota, visit• o f ,Tu!'' 1P;'">. L p . z a r K a p l a n f i l e d a p e han three members. Tbe annual meetj ting gogue last' Sunday afternoon and also anti-Jewish manifestations in of t h e c o r p o r a t i o n s h a l l be. held on i t i t i o u in s a i d C o u n t y i_>>urt. p r a y i n g t h a t The election followed a dinner not yet acted on it. More important politically was ing in the home of Mr; and Mrs. b.is final a d n i i n i s t r a tion arrotmt. filO'l Recently a delegation compris- jthe first M o n d a y in J a n u a r y of rarh evening In Lewis-Park. several Pomeranian towns. the disclosure in the House of meeting at Scribbens Maplelawn. ing representatives of the Gener- j Rosen. Games', swimming a n d cards When a woman marries, she Commons that it is only Jewish al Chamber of Commerce, the: thereupon the Board shall elect a Pres- m i n i s i r a t o r a n d ih;<< » l « ? r i n c w i l l b e occupied t h e afternoon h o u r s . stays married whether or not thetourists who must post security Turkish Jews Ask ident, Vice-president. .."secretary a n d . b a d o n s a i d p e t i t i o n b r i o r n . s a i d Cm.iri. Sid Baumstein returned recentJewish Clerks' Union and Arab; Treasurer. Family baskets provided the supAny two ot said offices may i o n t h e " 6 t | , d a y o f J u l y i n j ; , a n d _tii^t husband finds it expedient to stay that they will leave Palestine at ly from Chicago where he visited be held by one and the same person. if y o u f a i i t o R p p p a r b e T o r e s n i d C'"ui; t and Jewish merchants appeared per which followed. Larger Immigration home, in the opinion of the Agu-the end of stipulated period. Col. These Articles may be amended at n r y o n t h e s a i d 2 6 t h d a y o f J u l y !?''.:>. s.' !> with* friends. before the mayor and vice-mayor regular or special meetlnc;' of the stock- p " o l o ' " k A . ^T., a n d c o n t e s t , s a i d p e ' l t i " " . dath Harabonim of Poland which Wedgwood, who can always be Jerusalem WNS-Palcor Agency) and suggested that the uniform j holders by two-thirds vote of; the out- ; t h e C o u r t m a y p r i n t t h e p r a y e r of s a i d standing stock. '• p e t i t i o n , e n t e r a d p r ^ e f of h p i r s n i p , a n d last week announced vigorous opdepended on to speak for the—An organization of T u r k i s h Mrs. O. Fox and daughter, EsIX "WITNESS H ' H n r . E O r , ' e parties m a k e s u c h o t h e r a n d f u r t h e r o r d e r s . ' 1 have hereunto subscribed their names l o v a n c e r - a i i d d e o r e e p . n s vo t i l l s " ' o i ! ' - ' ther, of Omaha, is visiting this position to the American Rabbin- Jews, attacked the deposit sys- Jews in Palestine was formed in LEO ABKAMSOK, Attornej• m a y s e e m p r o p e r , ti? i h e e n d t h a t Hi! this third day of July. IP"5. ical Assembly's "Enoch Arden" tem. >, order to protect the interests of week with Mrs. A. Kroloff. i m a t t e r s pertain'.nK' t o sn.ifl e s t a t e nia>" Coort Honse I.OVIi? r . RObPEERG measure making it possible for a Also in. London, Lord Melchett, their group both in this country I be finally settled a n d d o t e r m l r Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rosenstock, LAWHEXCE.J. TOEIX. deserted woman to get a divorce another friend of the Jews, ex- and in Turkey. T h e distressing Xotire is hereby g-iven that on the. A b e J. Braverman of St. Jo2211 Jackson Street, announce In fhe presence, of: 11th day or July. 19:55, Sam Mocilavsky. • 7-1I-S5—it the engagement of their daughter, eph, Missouri, visited in S i o u x after three years. The orthodox pressed the hope at a banquet condition of Jews under the pres- Rachel Mocilavsky, Charles MoRllavsky. 1 J o s . B . F r a d e n b u r f r . group appealed to American Jews Teddy llogilavsky a minor. Earl Mopil-,ent Turkish regime was the prinK0M5KV, <iT5OT)?NSKY, KAREE Miss Charlotte Rosenstock to Wil- ity last week with his parents. to disregard the" Rabbinical As1 that 3,000,000 Jews will settle in a minor. Albert Mog-ilavsky, a; MONSKV. GKOT>INPKY. MABER & COHKX, AHys. cipal topic of discussion at the or-avskv, «:• rOHES, Attj-s. minor, by their brother ana next friend, r liam B. Wolf of Austin, MinnePalestine. More than G O O Jewish 7S7 Onip.hR >»H IBnnk BUlp. sembly's reform. ' " Omaha Xatl Bank Bids'. ganization meeting. The n e w Members and alumni of the Phi sota; son of Mr. and Mrs. Mier leaders attended the banquet •VOTICE OF IXCOKI'OKATION "Wolf of Mason City, Iowa. The Epsilon Pi "fraternity please note GERMANYwhich was held in connection Government policy toward t h e ^ r r a ^fa n yin/"he e r 8 u4rmL C h -.J 1 S Jch "VJ Notice is hereby piven that ;he under. ' OF OSTIiOG, JNX . that on August 4, the O m a h a date for the wedding has not been The Jews may look white, but with the plan to plant a forest in members are planning a gala af- then, to Nazis things are seldom Palestine in honor , of K i n g set. Miss Rosenstock is a graduate fair and both actives and alumni what they seem. As a matter of George's jubilee. Of Central High School a n d at- r e requested to p l a n on atTwo encouraging items were tended vv-ellesly college, at "Wlel- ending. reported from Jerusalem: the et pet. automobile "racing of al! kinds; tc nature of tbe business to be transticted lesly, Mass. She was graduated in P\lt MOGILAVSKT, Palestine government will shortly catire of the repressive Govern- P opc-ate and conduct sport events and, is to maintain find operate a. veal eMa." RACHEL MOGILAVSKT. ment measures. The new organi1934: from the University of Wisathletic tames of every nature and . lioulinp company and to purchase, leas* grant immigration certificates for CHARLES MOGILAVSKT, character; to purchase. lease, hire and and otli»rR-is<? acquire, f l l . dispose rr. zation a l s o considered measures consin at Madison. TBDTJY MOGIL-A-VSKY, otherwise acquire real and personal lease, alienate conve? , mortgasre or otnrelatives of Jewish farmers alEARL MOGILAVSKT. property of every-kind and description p.-wise emumbor ro.-.l FPtat? and r >"?' Mr. "Wolf attended the UniverALBERT MOGILAVSKT, ready in the country and the Va-to facilitate Turkish immigration and' to'sell, dispose of. lease, convey and al p-or«-riy and f.ny inferept and estate 7-13-55—4t Petitioners. into Palestine. The officers pleadsity: of Minnesota in Ilinneapolis. mor^sace any and all oC the said pro-; in cither, ot every kind and rteEcriptM-n ad Leumi obtained a $650,000 perty"; to borrow monev and to do a l l , and in pone'-;-' to deal in such proper^. ed f o r greater consideration to loan to build Jewish schools. things necessary to accomplish the p u r - , either directly or through ownership of BYF. rRAHEVBITRG. WEBB. EEBEK, Turkish Jews to enable them to poses for which this corporation is o r - stork in any oilier corporation or «.'•">• Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Rodin enTZNICK & K-LLEV, Att.vs. canized. The authorized capital sto<-k is. elation; and to acquire by purchase, sub. flee from-oppressive conditions. Omaha, Nat!. Bank Bids. GREAT BRITAIN $5 000.00, divided into 100 shares of the ff-ription. or otherwise, and to hold a« Funeral-services for Cecil Seff, tertained at a swimming p a r t y par value of Jjfl.nO each and which shrill investments, and to sell, assign, trancJews figured in medicine when and midnight supper Sunday eve- who died in the home of his par- The Bar Mitzvah of Yale Gotshe fully paid -when issued and -non-asses- fer. rpo-tpp.pe. pledce or otherwise di«OTICE O OF ITVCOKPR NOTICE F ITVCOKPORATTON" OF BAKISH SANDEKS MOTOR CO. NOTICE OF ADMTXISTRATIOX ning in their home, 2430 W e s t ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Seff, diner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joeit was reported last week that O" Solway street, complimenting Les- orrectionville, Iowa, were h e l d Gotsdiner, will take place on Sat-they have stronger resistance to ter Morris of New York City and in the Shaare Zion Synagogue last urday morning, July. 27, at thetuberculosis and that inter-marmembers of Eddie Duchin's or- Thursday afternoon, with Rabbi Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue riage does not lead to a decline in David Goldstein of Omaha, offi- at 618 Mynster. Street. All rela- diabetes among Jews. Both rer chestra. Articles of I n c o r p o r i represented Riid voted1 the ric-hts filed in sa gg wers and priviiegres ot! poration which tives and friends are cordially in- ports were in the British Medical been iating. upon in person or by proKy a t a m e ? i - ; n*?rsliip. including rit^ht: to vote. T ty Clerk o" Do-uglas County, Nebraska said deceased died leaving no last Tvill and prayins for administration upon his a continue for a period of fifty years. Journal. an( inrr s p e c i a l l y c a l l e d f o r t h a t p u r p o s e o r ' a m o u n t of i-npicn! KtO'-k n u t h o r i z e d Mrs. M. Hatoff a n d Mrs! M. Mr. Seff, who was 30 years old, vited to attend. No invitations are Lazriowich entertained at a din-died a f t e r an illness of several being issued. SOVIET ner in Riverview park honoring months. He was born at Falls Harvesting of crops in the ity, Nebraska, January 2, 1905, their brother, Mr. M. Kaplan of Mr. and, Mrs. Leo R. Krasne Jewish colonies of the Crimea N e w York and his t w o sons, a n d attended School at Correc- announce the birth of a son, born was endangered last -week by the tionville. He was engaged in busi- Friday, July 12, at the M e r c y shortage of labor. Another Jew- Farlard or some George and Seymour. >,,-=. . . . ^ . ^ , , » . . > . . — ~. p r E S s r i u o r . s u e c e e - j , j , j. t h e "filing: of t h - A r t i c l e s of t i o n i* .Tune st p sary,. incidental or in use m connection. I n c o r p o r a t i n n in the office of the Coun-1 the Articles o£ li and proceed to a. settlement, thereof. Following t h e family dinner ness in Sioux City until the time Hospital. ish settlement, Bureya, will get with the owning, operating, maintaining , c [ j . o£- r i o u p i a s County. ""-* '-- ' ' BRTCE CRAWFORD, 150 friends of the family were of his illness. County Judee. 130,000,000 from the government 7-19-35—It Surviving are his parents, three entertained at the park. Dr. I s a a c Sternhill returned to complete a number of indusZIEGLER & DU>'X, Attyg. Guests from away w e r e Mrs. brothers, Max of Correctionville, home Sunday follo'wing a t w otrial enterprises. 529 First >'atl Bk. Bldg. Louis Friedman and daughter of Eli and Solly; and one sister, Mrs. week's stay at Fort Snelling, and >OTICE BT PCBI-ICATION- OS PETI. j Youngston, Ohio, and Miss Jean Donna Elman of Cincinnati, Ohio. Minneapolis,, Minnesota. FOR SETTLE5IENT OF FINAL. A united anti-Jewish front was TIOX Kovlch of Des Moines, Iowa. AD3IINISTKATION ACCOUNT— created by the merger last week In the County Court of Douglas County, ' Mrs. S i m o n Steinberg a n d Nebraska: daughters, Florence and Esther, of Cuza's Christian National DeMisses Mollie and Bessie Epreturned home Monday following fense and Goga's Fascist organiBteln will leave Sunday by motor a two -weeks' s t a y at Excelsior zation. for Los Angeles, California. AfSprings, Missouri. ter a month in California, they •will m a k e an extended t r i p through Washington, Oregon and The Council Bluffs Lodge No. Yellowstone Park before return688 of the Independent Order of Ing home. the B'nai Brith will hold a reguJerusalem (JTA)—A request ar meeting next Monday evening, (Siirned V Miss Esther Volovick h a s re-that' government lands in Pales- July'22, at</$:30 o'clock at the S. • LOVELAPT tltion. the Court may grant the prayer - « - £ - - - Mondavi. January of EAF.l- KAKT-S turned' to - her home in Chicago, tine be assigned for Jewish col- Eagles Hall. LESLIE K.IXG after visiting here with her grand- onization w a s . voiced here l a s t ymir pa.troTippe, C. \V. CAET,Rv?<K Trenton, N. J. (WNS) — Be-orders, allowances anproper"" t h l % n d | v o 4 or two-tulrds of the outstand.ns | JOHN Tr. lic'SSO parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bailin •week in a resolution adopted by this Court may seem proper, stock. i Tl-tl.LIAJt JI. LOVELADT. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kubby, and ginning with the fall term the re- that all matters pertaining to said es- IN "Vi'ITNESS WHEEEOP, the parties ( the Palestine conference of t h e CARL. FORBEKG Mrs. Harry Kubby returned home inaugurated policy of hold- tate, may be finally settled and deter- hereunto have set their hands on this! W. J. AVEUNEH. Miss Ann Woskoff is spending Agudath Israel, extreme Ortho- Monday following a motor trip cently m l n e JOSEPH TEAEEUT :0th day o£ June. 1935. ^' BRTCE CRAWFORD, ing regular classes on Saturday in ARNOLD E. FREEKINS, the week in Omaha visiting with dox Jewish organization. MAX M. BARISH, County Jud.se. to Chicago, Illinois, where they the state normal schools of New7-5-35—3t ROT McCOI.IA" t E O X & •VTHITE. ATTOKXEXS BEN SAXDERS. her sister, Mrs. Morton Plotkin. The conference decided to help spent several days visiting r e 1 a- Jersey will.he abandoned, accordK. G. "WESSON Kecopiizerl RS City Katl. Bk. Bldg. In the presence of; „ . „. . JAMES K. KOBBINS the other Jewish political parties tives and friends. ing to a decision of the New Jer"U- H. P H E T J P S PRACTICAL MOITEti Sam. Beber. <-s-»o—^t OF INCORPORATION" OF M i a e Mollie Rappaport is inin their fight against the proposed FKED A. S^EITH rRADES"BITRG. WEBB. TBEBEE, sey State Board of Education. NOTICE Fhone l.05» METISOPOLITAX UQCOK JOHN C. KENFKOTv" • EXCTZN1CK & KELLEY, Attys. Chicago this week, spending her establishment of a Legislative STOKE MAKK BI.ANCHAIiD This decision resulted from pro650 Omaha Katl. Bank Bidgr. Council Bluffs, la. Miss Freda Zoorwill is spendNotice is hereby given that a CorporaCouncil in Palestine. This deciLARRY CLARK. vacation with her parents. tests lodged with board of educahas been formed under the laws of In the presence of: sion makes it clear t h a t . w h i l e ing the week' visiting at L a k e tion by Rabbi Benjamin Plotkin tion the State o£ Nebraska. The name of the KOTICK OF IN"COKrOI5ATTOK OF j Jack TV. Jlarer." '6-IS-*r.—-It I "METROPOLITAN LIQLIQ is COLONY LIQUOR CO. _ | ' Milton Barrent spent last week there is a difference of opinion Okoboji, Iowa, She is expected to of Jersey City, president of theCorporation rjoR STOiiiu." iIts t s principal place iii«v,e of m Notice is herebv given that the UTiaer- j UOR STORE." return home Sunday. between the Agudath Israel and business la Omaha, Douglas County, N e - l s i g n e ( i have formed a corporation under j end at Lake Okoboji. New Jersey United Synagogue, braska. I the laws of the State ot Nebraska. The | the Zionist Organization with reand Rabbi Charles Hoffman of The general nature of the business to • n a m e of this corporation shall be Col-l ; Miss Dorothy Handler of Oskatie transacted by the Corporation is to Liquor Co., with its principal place \ Dorothy Epstein is spending her gard to other matters pertaining Newark, past president of thepurchase, hold, fell, convey, assign | OofI , y business at Omaha, Netiraska. The, vacation at L a k e Okobojl this to Palestine no such difference loosa, Iowa, arrived here last Fri- United Synagogue. The rabbis' lease, mortgage and tri-nsfcr real estate general nature of the business to he! day for a visit with relatives in transacted and the object and purpose | personal property wherever situatof opinion exists on the question w'eek. protests were bolstered by an ex-and to buy, sell, own, assign, transfer for -which this corporation is organized | of fighting the establishment of a Omaha and Council Bluffs. She haustive'brief prepared at the re-ed, is to purchase at wholesale and to sell j and roortg-aee bonds, securities, and stock in other corporations; to 'draw, at retail, -wines, whiskies, vinous liquors, , r ' Miss--Ann e Cohen, who h a Legislative Council as proposed is now the house guest of h equest of the American Jewish and all other kinas of beverages and li- \ make accept, endorse and issue promisuncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hersory notes, mortgages drafts, hills of quors; to lease, own, and operate solt | spent the past year in New York by the government. Committee by Louis El Levinthal, drink stands, bar rooms, stores, exchange and other negotiable instru- uriniV S i a i H I C »"tl.l IVTVlim, liquor ILTKl ULIiCL lltfeV^tttt/tc *..om« .i^uut - , . - * - . **j, The other resolutions adopted man Meyerson. City, has arrived in Sioux City to Philadelphia attorney. Levinthal's eXCDSlifet! ments; to borrow and loan moriey; to cocktail rooms and dining rooms or cabengaea in the retail eale and distribuj arets, incidental thereto: to acquire, spend' the summer months with at the conference demand: brief citing existing laws and preof spirituous liquors, fermented and < hold, dispose, pledge and;or encumber Miss Sonia Saks is leaving Sun- vious decisions to prove that Sat- tion h.er parents, Mr. a n d Mrs. A. 1) Abolition of t h e existing distilled, including brandy, rum, whisky, ;r e a i a r i c j personal property. End to do day f o r Oakland, California, to and Bin, and other spirituous liq-1 a n y a n a all things necessary or converestrictions against the immigraCohen. urday classes in the normal wine V and aicohol, for beverage purposes; I nient to the accomplishment of the purspend several weeks visiting her schools'was a violation of the New nors tion of clergymen. to buy, sell and otherwise deal in such | poses hereinbefore set forth. The author»^ or commodities necessary to i2ed capital stock eha 1 be f5,000.00 and! « erf-*!2) Tho granting of more im- brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Jersey constitution because it in-commodity 7-^' , or associated -Rith the retail sale and all of said stock shall be common and: Mrs. Max Greenberg. of the par value ot $100.00 per share; distribution of spirituous liquors; to ao -i migration certificates f o r memterfered with the right of free ex- any and all things necessary, convenient, and shall be fully paid up and non-as- • *^^ bers of the Agudath Israel. ercise of religion by those persons or incidental to the riphta powers and sessable. The corporation shall com- j "• Miss R u t h Shyken Is leaving mence coins doing business films ^x. of i tna s! privileges herein epeciueu. specified ' 3) The expansion of t h e i r "Iviiegres xierein znence uu£.inus» \:pon who. keep Saturday as the Sabi h th t i .itjM C lutmt, k o£ £ DoogD total "authorised-capital stock of j Articles with th« C County Clerk t I?" Keren Hayishub activities in Pal-Friday night for Chicago and thebath. He also cited decisions by theThe Corporation shall be $25,000.Ofli divid- j &s County, Nebraska, and shall corl'^U"' Great Lakes f o r a t w o weeks' courts in other states showing ed Into 230 shares of the par value of-| for a period of fifty years f ' o n «i, » ' *-> V^ t % I estine. $100.00 -each. Said capital Etoclc shall be date. The highest amount of puf'i.efThe Keren Hayishub is the sep- visit. that the courts have always tried fuliy paid for and nonassesabls when ness shall not exceed tv.-o-thlrrl« o* it« I may ba paid for in. cash, j cspital stock, but this restrici n» hh '1 •t a r a t e f u n d which the Agudath r •> to protect the public school sys- issued orand ptopertj', real or personal, tan-j not include indebtedness sec' "• ' " Mrs., Max Cohn returned home tem from denominational reli- notes Bible or intanpible. at the reasonable i mortgages or lipns. \e affaiie c* .1. s.'jj r a e 1 organization is raising thereof. Ten shares of the capi- corporation shall be. manager r p among i t s members throughout Monday a f t e r spending several gious influences. Jewish reli- value tal stock, of this corporation shall be Board of Directors, consisting or r - t I P " paid for before the Corporation shall! than two members. Th» annual " " l - e p DRESSED the world for promoting its owndays in Chicago where she visited gious leaders in New' Jersey as commence busines. The Corporation shalljof the corporation shall be held on tpp activities in Palestine.- The estab- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave well as in other parts of the coun- eommence business on June 12. .1335, first Monday in January of each i etr f." HEWS, per lb. Bernstein. . and conttsilie for a period of fifty rears which meeting the stockholders thai! lishment of a special J e w i s h try hailed the board of education's from date tlier of. The highest amount | elect R Eoard of Directors arid thereJA-1 SPRINGS, Agency by t h e Agudath Israel decision as a victory of far-reach- of Indebted-ness to which this Corpora-j upon tha Board sha.1 elect a President tion may s t any time subject itself Vice-President. Secretary ana _ Morris Brandeis of Chicago Is was announced recently In Palesing importance because of the re- shall not exceed two-thirds oi its capi- Any two of sitid o£i"ices may Le heitl V.: ,per Ib one and the same person. These. Article0 tine, in competition to the Jewish' spending a couple ot weeks here cent tendency by school boards tal stock. may be amended at any regular or spe1 " The affairs of this Corporation shall visiting h i s mother, Mrs. I. L. Agency composed of Zionists and throughout the country to estab- be conducted by a Board . ot Directors cial meeting of the stockholders by tvroBrandels, a n d his sisters, Mrs.' vote of the outstandinfr stock. non-Zionists, in which t h e Agulish Saturday classes as a means consisting of not . less than two nor tliircls In witness whereof, the parties. have Herman Handler and Mrs. Simon of reducing the length of themore than five members. dath Israel is not represented. hereunto subscribed their names thh IN TRESENCB OF: ;5th cay o* June. 1R."3. Steinberg. school term and thus curtailing SAM. J. LEON" "iVIL.LIAI.I J. •VOOLFSOX, (Signed) i Credit and Quality Service ' ARTHUR SMITH. school budgets. . « . PERT.TS Victors in Water Polo Harry Rosenthal returned home V. IILHMiE Ph p "i" K 1 utl'- c't. 6_:S-S5 4t Jerusalem—The Haifa Maccabi Sunday a f t e r spending several " 1 t team won the championship in weeks visiting in Chicago, Illinois. Moscow (JTA)—Agro-Joint, the the first annual water polo tourAmerican-J e w i s h organisation nament held at the Y. M. C. A. Miss Elaine Stern of Sioux City, which, is working;.-under the Joint 1 here recently. i . 812 West Seventh Iowa, returned to her home Mon- Distribution Committee of New *V f ! COUNCIL BLUFFS day after spending a week here York, this week placed the first 1,*S ts(,V<»Mention the Jewish Press to visiting at the home ot Mr. andthirteen German-Jewish .doctors \' Phone 57352 merchant. Mrs. Ben Teljiner. in positions in Soviet Russia.




Auxiliary.' Picnic



Society News






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on Saturday in M. j . Normal Schools




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Choice beef and veal ! Delicattessen Meats





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