Dedicated to the Ideals o! Judaism *
Entered as Sacond Class Mail Slatter on: January 21, 1821. at Poaiofflo- of Omaha, Nebraska, unfler the Act ot March 3. 1879
VOL. XI.—NO. 24,
With. ths fends rais*» -^n of Harry Trustin. Pendledance held in April, 1&* „, con Murray, Center engineer, is Sam Befoer chapter 100 \ .*fie j acting as advisor to the group in Statistical Office Makes Report A. Z. A. has hegum work ©a tlie t n e installation of the equipment. Grocp Aslsed to Be Responsible Fublic--Most Are playground which they donated, Although the local chapters of for Victims of Geramn Jews and which is to be built In ths j t l i e A z _ A - h a v e performed many Persecution 1 yard east of the Jewish Com- worth-while a n d communal projBerlin (JTA)—A total of 13,- munity Center. ects in keeping with t h e "Five London (JTA)-—The League cf 11 121 persons, a majority of them Fold and Full P r o g r a m " of t h e Nations must take t h e responsiThe motive beMnd this pro • stresses social ser- bility for giving direct relief to Jews, were deprived of their citi- jeet is to have the Talmud Tor- o r d e r v [ t h e victims of German persecuzenship last year, according to a ah staients stay out of the busy T i c ^ o n t h e » a r t ot &ls?hs a s of their regular program, yet this tion. report issued here Monday by the streets around the if. C. C. fcy. « SThe attacks upon the Jewish splendid project of providing playTbat was the burden of an adStatistical office of the Nazi gov- providing a good playground for residents of Germany are again ground equpiment f o r the stu- dress by James G. McDonald of ernment. them. » dents of the Talmud Toralt is one New York, L e a g u e of Nations growing in intensity in t h e new The campaign to disfranchise The first bit of work was done of the finest ever undertaken by Higli Commissioner for t h e Ger"f. "t reign of terror. Jews and other "non-Aryans" is Sunday, July 21, when the fence any of the one hundred and nine- man Refugees, to t h e governing And next Tuesday evening a t gaining momentum through out was moved from its original posi- ty chapters of t h e international council of t h e commission here 8 p . m. a t the Jewish CommnGermany. Towns in various parts tion to a point within three Inches order of the Aleph Zadik Aleph. last week, , - <* (Of C? :v;-\;-,." J T , will be a conference of repreof the country vie with one an- of the sidewalk in order to enThe committee in charge of the He recommended t h a t t h e nigli other in the stringency of meas- large t h e playground by m o r e arrangements on this project is: nity Center Lodga Soom there commission he abolished at t h e ures adopted by them to oust the than a hundred square feet. sentatives of forty-six Jewish Nathan Crounse, Aleph Godol of end of this r e a r End be replaced Jews, or to segregate them into a organizations in Omaha t o decot1 After the proper grading of the the chapter; Harold Ha bier, Joe by "an organization created ty j ghetto, and their zeal is exceeded cide upon action to be taken g r o u n d surface, the new play- Guss and advisor, Dan Linsman. j the League of Nations as an in- j only by the growing harshness of The alephs who are working on tegral part of tlie League system." while participating with the rest decrees against the J e w s being ground equipment purchased by installing t h i s playground are: the Sam Beber alephs will be inViscount C e c i l of Chelwooc", of the cities in the United promulgated by responsible govCharles "Weiss, Richard Hurwitz, w h o presided zt t h e meeting-, I stalled. All of the work Is being States on behalf of the German ernmental agencies. done by the members of the chap- Jay "Weisman, Paul Saks, George backed Mr. "McDonald's recom-; Jews who are again suffering "Non-Aryans" a r e henceforth t e r after working hours during Eltinge, Ben ^Vintroub, H e n r y menfiations, declaring, "The ques- ] ,'i from pogroms of the Nazis. not permitted to engage in agri- the evening and on Sundays. The Malashock, Sain Friedman, Phil tion of the refugees is only one \\ cultural activities, according to a work will probably be completed Malkin, Sam Kaplan, Harold Hao- o* t i e symptoms oJ t h e wide- ' Every Jewish group is invited decision ol the Ministry t>£ Jus- within three weeks. lar, Morris Baumer and Nathan s p r e a d nationalistic to send two or three delegates to tice reported in the current issue which is now affecting- almost ev- i this very important conclave. In i The grading Is under the superCrounse. of Deutschejustiz, of ficlal I e g a 1 every large c i t y of the United ery country In Europe." i I organ. The decision justifies the "• States smiilar conferences are beA total of 80,5 00 refugees have expulsion of Jews from agricul*4 quit Germany since Hitler's scces- , ing held to determine what steps ,\ tural societies and land setlement sion, Mr. McDonald reported. Of might he taken to undermine this Henry Rosenthal enterprises. . x i. these, 27,000 were settled In Pal-, - e rrv "*" l/new Nazi outbreak. Henry Rosen thai, 60, promin1 c In Neuastrelitz all hotels are estine, 6,000 in the United States, ' l-'Jlei' irs-fr.; .*1r rr r i c »Cc:.~ ~ ,V j Among the prominent speakers T rs in local Jewish and civic cir- displaying s i g n s barring Jews. 3,000 in South Aserics.ii couu- j £ C c i s j S I l t which occurred abenu ten:, Zcyvr*. J "' who w i l l address the assembly ent cles, was buried Wednesday morn- This measure was adopted on the tries and S00 in o t h e r foreign jmiles e a s t Cf council Bluffs Tn-es-j Helldorf S will be: Henry Monsky.Sam Beb- ing, at Pleasant H i 11 cemetery of the City Councountries. jd a y Eight. He -eras on his way to! c ;ded with s new outbreak of er, Ben Kazlowsky, Sam Leon-and with Rabbi Frederick Cohn offi- recommendation cil, which, is anxious to rid the Phil klutznick. About 18,000 have been repat[ Chicago to oin his f&ther, Mr. ; ti-Jevish violence on t h e Kvi".\*<;'' ciating. . . town of its Jews. Individuals who are interested Second Three Week Period to Internationally Kaowa Painters riated in countries of Eastern and j Morris Yudelson. and his brother, Btenfiarcm v.-hcrc mobs of Stwrr. Rosenthal, president of t i e Following the example of Brescentral E c r c p e . There a r e still j collman Yudelson, who had p r e - ; are urged t o attend this meeting Union Outfitting Cocpany, d i e d Attacked By fifteen Begin Next £ 5 7 0 0 refugees f iin EE u r o p e a n ceded him to Chicago. Mr. Yudel- Troopers and £5,700 and lend their support to this im- last Sunday in a Rochester Min- lau, where the mayor prohibited Kaas iiv,.& Jews from visiting four of t h e Monday countries, Sir. McDonald reported. son a n d son, Collman, returned ; sidewalks, ;• . portant conference. nesota hospital. He was taken to twelve public baths for t h e alDanzig ( J T A ) — The Jewish In Ills address, tfee t i g a com[ T h i s recent outbreak in Ger- Rochester, July 6, where a head leged reason that "the Jews as1 Camp Akiba, s u m m e r home brothers Zeidenbaitel, both i a t e r - missioner disclosed t h a t a Refugee back home by airplane TTefines-' J e v B " autL Du'i tic ?.'. >J many has caused nation-wide com- operation was performed. I police stood by i&lv tlse ECUCU'Isumed a provocative attitude to camp of t h e Jewish Community nationally known painters, were Economic Corporation ft. a s been day morning from Chicago. ;-v| ment and quoting f r o m a teleJerry was graduated in J n n e young: anti-EGmiteE.; clif A memorial service was held at 'Aryan*-women and girls attend£Sj s r a m ' received f r o m Charles F . the Rosenthal aptrtment "Wednes- ing the baths," the town of Augs- Center, concluded its first three attacked last Monday In the j formed In the United States with from the Thomas Jeuerson I-Iigh throurli tlie Blreels, ri McLaughlin, United States Repre- day evening at 6, which was also B u r g on Monday barred J e w s veeks program with a Junior J streets of Danzig by an organized a capitalization of f 10,000,000. School, where fee ted been prora- tliem iruliscriiiHiiiUelj',, of fifteen Nazis. Only f 1,250,000 cf this has L| sentative from Nebraska. "I deep- conducted by Rabbi Cohn, w h o from a l l baths for the s a m e Maccabeah or Olympics at Eliainent to school cctivitieK. He is j Ice-cretin parlors c jvood park on Thursday. Despite the fact that the twoso far subscribed, lie said. F» l y deplore persecution of citizens came here from Chicago to be in reason. survived by his parents. Mr, sixfi Jews r e - e rairlod fmfi c • j The Maccablah held st Eliaartists are Polish citizens, they 'This corporatioi; lie declar- Mrs. i'lorrJs Yr.delson, anrt four j* of any Nation on account of re-. charge of the funeral services. Professor C a r l Langhammer, wood was patterned after the were arrested by t i e Danzig- po- ed, "-was designed by some of the brothers, Milton. Collman, Fioycl. '•' ligious belief a n d hope f o r worldBesides his wife, he is survived president: of t h e Berlin Artists' Maccabiab.-. or Jewish Olympics lice on the charg-e cf attacking leaders of the American Jewish and Robert. &11 of Council Bluffs. .[ wide tolerance permitting all citi- by a daughter. Mrs. Daniel LanAssociation, h a s been dismissed held recently in Palestine. ;f zens to worship God according to feld; a. son, Robert, both of Oma. stora troopers. The Polish auth- comraunity for tfce purpose ©£ ES- Funeral eervicss were c e 1 & following- his refusal t o remove a rtoes f< le£t car f ' the dictates of t h e I r .own. cpn- ha; " i n d 'three brothers, • Albert, W e-d n e s CB-?"- -8.£temaaE_-a-i- the .»-S£??.-*2L *•?£:!orities Jn Dsnsig are iaakicguxe-;.£istiiis._£ad. lv.rz*m r "tablet from t h e " b u i l d i n s of-~t"tes •ark at .9:30 in t i e j presentations to the Dansig Sea-! strueiive settleiae science in accordance with princi- Adolph and George, none of whom . e re- Beens-Belforci Funeral Home v,-ith < Jrwss it Vac ovavTB o f jf Association bearing t h e names of morning. The program opened | • pals of o u r National Constitu- live here. Babbi Vri Killer o£ Omaha oiCici1 Jewish donors. with the singing of "Araerica," The Danziger Echo, the only Mr. McDonald estimated t a a t &ting. A larg-e crowd attended tlie ir.otoi lorric tion." tltr T h e Deutsche Aertzteblatt, a Lee Grossman, physical director Jewish newspaper published in the approximately 110,000,060 h a s services. Burial took place st theiinr Uiem According to the new wire remedical journal, in its current is^ of the camp, administered the German language la Danzig-, ex- been raised in the last two years Ju Oak Hill Cexrteter;-. leases, "The President stated that pr. of sue denies the statement of Dr. pledge to the competing athletes for the relief of German refugees. pressed concern over -srhat it he is in entire sympathy with all Contls that there a r e 1,500,000 before the contests began. r' people who make it clear that the termed "unmistakable symptoms" In his report lie paid tribute to "non-Aryans" in Germany at presThe morning- events consisted showing that the Danzig authori- the work cf tlie A leric&n Joint American people and the Governi iv ent. This figure is branded as far- of 50 yard dashes for the little Distribution Ccnimi ttee. in en t believe in freedom of refetched, the paper contending that boys and girls: 75 yard dashes ties have decided to treat the Jews ligious worship not only in t h e as scapegoats. for the financial Reporting on t i s recent trip to f.' i C • there are only 450,000 J e w s In Hi* X countries of Sonta a n d Central "United States but also In other Germany today, a n d that there for the older boys and girls. The | difficulties now being experienced America to s t u d y economic op; nations." 200 yard relay races between the by the Free City. are no more than 260,000 "half"1 "Tr^J older boys proved most exciting Representative Emanuel Celler New York (JTA) — Urging Aryans" in the country. The paper points out that the pcrttmities and immigratioE posII and popular. Fun and laughs were Jews a r e t h e ones who a r e Enf- EiMlities f o r refugees there, fce of New York declared on the floor Catholics "as a body" to join in In celebration of Count Wolf provided by the wheelbarrow race, of the House of Representatives the united boycott against Gerfaring raost frcta these financial stated: " I n all Latin-America t h e largMonday, July 22," that, "If t h e many, Samuel Untermeyer, presi- von Helldorf's appointment last the slipper-kicking contests, the troubles, which a r e a result of t h e New T o r t ( J T A ) — A i c A furthcr lnc.ton)Pnt fo T , . , . week as Chief of Police of Berlin, sack races, and three-legged race. devaluation of t h e . Danzig cur- est economic possibilities a r e in struggle for eciml property « c l S i Germans, however, under t h e i r dent of the World Non-Sectarian Nazis embarked upon a new camleTlce „ i n p ( . t h p , p v , p ^vm f?nin Argentine anfi In Brazil, b e t it is carried on ty t h e newish blood-thirsty Hitler continue their Axti-Nazi Council, last week emThen canic inors events with a rency. j . ^ , r r u w i a n poJl?rpaign ot terror against J e w i s h L R l u e g G campaigns against Catholics, Jews phasized that a concerted camtug-of-war between the older "boys "The Jews a r s t h e greatest vic- precisely in those countries t h a t jcf Palestine, w i t h the e, i d • and other denominations that re- paign is "the only effective wea- stores in this city. and one between the younger tims of this devaluation, since t h e the present obst3,cles to immigAmerican-Jewish women, Ims? just general, who sought to defend i-.l>^ The campaign t o o k several fuse to worship at the Nazi shrine, boys. The 100 yard dashes proved majority of t h e n a r e engaged i a tion are most difficult. Elsewhere resulted in victory, it T S S an- s,n'I-5eiraie campaign I>y pubUwlv which will eventually "rethen President Roosevelt and Sec- pon' in a restoration of their forms. In ths first, windows of popular with the contestants ana j trade and have incurred great in South End Cestral America the jEO ninced here ty Hadassah, which ing figures intended to prove flw.l stores vrere smeared with slogans retary of State Hull, in the light suit restrictions a r e much j j e g t h e American support oi the tlie Jews produce an exceptions-'spectators alike. rights to the oppressed German losses with tlas decline ta tae valhigh pOTCPiiici g-e of ev of precedents^—there are many of racial, religious and political mi- couched in the m.o s t vulgar of less severe." | movement. Then followed an all-star baseuo of the Danzig, gulden," tlie paphrases, such as "Dunghill Jews told t h e NaEl press He them where we protested on high norities." Commenting: oa t h e absorption j T f e e J e w i s ! , N F t i p n R t • F , , ball game after which lunch was per declares. —Imported from Palestine." PopcHi"ied for f-O r and lofty humanitarian grounds Reports from Germany, "day ular Jewish shops w e r e labelled served to all the Campers. Award Efforts to put the T>laiae on the ol German Jewish refugees ^ i ^ i n r l s t lsnd-' 'T-!rcIissir.E; r^etic - in o* teternstional r.?i.\voJir religious bigrotry and persecutionPalestine, the High Ccrs.missionby day^ for over two years," Mr. with signs telling prospective cus- certificates were made^ to all tee Jews for the devaluation of the Palestine, h a s grsntefl t h e de- piers, 1.1 to 7 T?r cent In Russia, • Roumania, Sicily, Jaer declared that "Palestine con- mand that a wife be permitted to m?.n narcotic gangs, 66 Untermyer said in an interview, tomers that they entered "at their winners. D: nsig currency have been made pan, Hawaii, Morocco, Spain, AusThe afternoon program consist- recently by many Nazi agitators. tinues to be the chief country of be co-lessee with her husbancl find of tlie prOieF iona] curt' tria-Hungary—will be compelled have "become more and more own risk." refuge. T h a t small territory, At the same time, It was re- ed of- stnnta by the bunks, and That the Danzig authorities them- about the size cf Wales, h&s ah- jthat the signst;:res of both appear in Germany. 7 per ecnif of publicly to voice protest and in- alarming, culminating in MonPalestinian songs and dances. At I on a lea,se ot J e w i s h .Nations man pickpockets. 4" vcv cent day's atrocities upon the unfortuselves are now contemplating supported that N a z i party leaders dignation." nate Jews of Berlin." Monday's have-issued orders for a renewal three o'clock" the Campers return- port of these efforts is giving the sorbed on a permanent basis more jF l i n d IaEd _ S i n e e 1 9 0 1 .. T n E n _ t h e international tl»ie%'c* and 65 At this conference it is hoped occurences are but "the opening than all other countries, j e x r I s n Nat ional Fcnfl.beean fni of systematic picketing of Jewish ed, to the Center for a swim in the Jews of Dansig srave cause for refugees in the world together. This is a tioning, only the male head ol the jI cent of internaljonal pickpo that the leaders of Omaha Jewry assaults upon the Jews throughpool. anxiety. shops. record in which the organization family w a s recognised as lease- j lt\ additioi). to these dewill be present and assist in de- out the country," he'asserted. Jewish ice cream stores, which ] ments m Berlin. Kobert W chiefly concerned may fairly ta£e holder. termining what action the local "And yet it is only a few weeks during the last few days h a v e I governor oC naflrn. wjirhpd pride. community can take in conjunc- since, we were told by high GerA " h e of i t e to beware o borne the brunt of the Nazi dem"But Palestine could not have j tion with similar steps to be tak- man officials that these atrociprovocationn " in s. U r k i "NUOT**"' Women's Equal Rights So-onstrations, were ordered to close absorbed these tens of thousands | . . , _ , en by all of the larger cities of ties were over, and almost the folm their doors at seven o'clock every NORTH AMERICA • INATES AGAINST YIDDISH . . . tlie eyes ot the v. It had sot bees for the pre- ] ^ e t J "' o £ P a l e s t i n e the country. lowing day. they were proven false evening. Jews may be excluded YOUNG NEW YORK JEWISH Can't blame them. English oa the if [tine TTomen's Labor Council, the iicned p n r t r rnem r t o ff^nfCf paratory w o r t carried through and new Indignities added," he from theatres and restaurants in SCIENTIST EVOLVES THEOSY radio in England sounds better. s u e t p.ttemptp find c a l l the. T>J»during many years of self-Escricontinued. Berlin, it was reported, and the FOR. CAUSE OF EATHQUAKES. GERMAN JEWS IN TERROR fics and flevotion ty t b e- thou- waged a continuous battle f o r li"*, instead. " I t is w r f "What is behind them? Why exclusion of Jews from the pub- . . . How about a theory for anti- AS NAZI MOBS RUN RIOT IN sands who have striven ceaseless- leasehold rights. Dr. Rosa "Welt dont that t h e Jews Feck out this sudden use of force against lic baths, which h a s been prac- Semitism? Yshts affairs (as the KurCnrstenciaTisw -POGROMS That's ly lor me ideal of a Jewish Ka- S t n U ! S ' h e a a ,°{ ths, ^ a people already brought so low ticed in many cities may become NEW JERSEY BOARD OF ED- BERLIN the beginning of something, the tlonal Home. Nor is it without organ.sauon, ^n aie ^ m e , - rlotBt in order to pese before Ibfsocially and economically? Is it countrywide. UCATION B A N S SATURDAY end of which is not in sight. world as persecutes m a r t y r s , " I T significance t h a t Palestine c o s - CES to divert world attention from the CLASSES IN STATS NORMAL tinuss to be one cf t h e very few cause. The combined forces de- said. l a Augsburg the mayor 1RREFUGEE .COMMISS IO N S R campaign' against • the Catholic SCHOOLS ON PROTEST OF DEMANDS LEAGUE OF NA- countries prosperous enough to clared t h a t the- emission c£ t h c sued s.v. ordlr.-'iieo forblddinS: 1,389 German-Jewish refugees church against which the Pope's JEWS Tha pupils and the of a shortage of labor. wife-as a co-lessee wes "discrim- Jews to Vise the public pools &r& •were either permanently settled parents are united but not for theTIONS ASSUME RESPONSIBIL- complain own. organ,; Osservatore Romana, inatory." beo.ches. Scores of .Tews were **•?•> The efugees i Pales in other countries or repatriated ITY FOR'EXILES An empty r.1^3T?n same reasons. protested so. vigorously but a day The united efforts o£ the .lew- rested: • a p p t s r i n c in p'jhH.-: n o t ive n by the Hicem (Hias-Ica) accord,yins a construc FALASHA PRINCESS' VISITago? , Do the Hitlerites believe only In rasterisl t h i s ^ s b e t also ish women of Palestine and Amer.'^ i with Aryan wonsen, Ing to a report made public by ING NEW YORK SAYS. ETHIOthat one series of outrages will in t h e spirit^c! r r * : r ^ - r ' x."the Hebrew Sheltering and ImmiPIAN EMPORER -OBSERVES overshadow the other? It has long ANTI-JEWISH BOYCOTT IS bTiilding of t e e r r e v hc^-c L.TL~ " grant Aid Society (Hias), 425 KASHRUTH AND SABBATH been apparent to. the outside LAUNCHED IN CUBA . . . Asti- Referring to iL? : o \ , . cr £± Lafayette Street, New York City. A most dangerous gains somebody Jewish gestures iiave a habit of repatriation world and it must now be manito Ztr~~:z"r c l *eThe report issued from the. Paris Yes, the one thrill in the life i s playing - a gaxae wfef&fi. may becoming most disturbing t o liigeas unablf to r - ' "r fest to the Catholics that destrucz ~ office states t h a t of the 1,389 tion of the Catholic church Is the of a . golfer : was experienced by cost dearly to t h e Italian Jews. those who acquire thess. countries of r e ' z" ~.?. ' ' r - ~ Jewish refugees, 822 w e s t to Abe Herzberg, last Sunday, when ultimate end of the Nazis and UNITED FRONT MOVEMENT aM declared 1 . ' * . t « rLt ^.z EUEOP3. overseas countries, 163 were setthat it is being pursued with a he Bhot the fourth hole of the ORGANIZED IN ARGENTINA TO for - t h e org r ; a ' — t~ : t c : ~ TURKEY BARS EMIGRATION tled in European lands and 404 steady and relentless venom. Is It Highland Course in one. P HER' J E W I S H CITIZENS:.'. . CURB -ANTI-g'SMITISM . . . Higa raend in any c~*— *• ^ ~— •— •• were repatriated. Seventy-seven This hole is not t h e toughest O possible that our Cathoiic brethTurkey loves lier.Jews - even If it time. If serioits, there'll be m a s y immigrated to Paraguay and the ren are going to repeat the blun- one on the course, "but the accom- treats them' rough. Nazis who will kiss good-t-ye to i 'rZ.^-^ -nJ,"report of the 1 o c a 1 committee Soatl1 ders of the German Jews In wait- plishment of Herzberg on t h i s USE O F T E R M S " G O T " A N D j America. S. , * ^ drastic ineass " there states that these Immigrants ing until the final blow has fal- 145 yard hole is a. rare feat. " S H E I G E T S " BARRED TO RUS-] turning, not c C iTl quickly adapt themselves to the len? Or will they now protect Even though Mr. Herzberg has SIAN J E W S . . . Well-floae;; the J E W I S H NATIONAL F U N D i f r 0 3 2 t £ t ! s new environments and that their themselves? been playin golf for twenty years, same regulations here would flo f 19 future may'be regarded as favorj ACQUIRES NEW 2,000 DUNAM j f i n i a s ( * , ^ e r he a d m i t s feeling "unusually "Or is there possibly, something no h a r m . 1 tl able. uo te CGl0Eise is thrilled" at making this hole in AISTIIAN ;JEWS m v o E ^ s - i f S i : • • ^ In the month of May, 190 Jew- deeper hidden? May not the fear one."" He stated that Sam J. Leon, Of appros. ish refugees were taken .care of of an Impending economic crisis one of the foursoms was probably STORATION OF HAPSBUKG f 47 ILLEGAIi tKiriGRANTSl MONABCHT . . . Anytfiizs saca n d of these 112 were s e n t be motivating the Nasi leaders? more affected than he was. wno hare a-r' Kothr l \ " I r ! it better thaa tha precont rtcttta. orerEGCru abroad, 48 remained in European May not the growing unrest, c csn. step the Pdea'iEC fcg mainly underground as yet, an He not only shot this hole numNAZI AGENTS TEE-RODIZr: \^' ..of w are • sorecountries or were given technical ^ left Germany training and 30 were repatriated. unrest largely caused by the con- ber four in one, but he made an JEWISH HEFFGBES IK SFAI"'!::: In respect to the last mentioned, tinual ' lowering of the living eagls on number t w o and h i s . . . Sons day a £o,dgs. cvrers-1 l.r * .Wit*J tor reasons ci score of forty for nine holes was Eient sioald tais the z~.zl isoutsi^t it is noteworthy to state that only standard of the German wage :JL, INDUS-I the low score of the foursoma £.ad infestins its csastr? aac c«kc us j ^ ; He stated { k , v , L seven went b a c k to Germany, earner, be partly responsible for v was the lowest card Herzberg res . . . Az cM irer.m of the ing' off of tl v. which is a considerable falling off this new outbreak against both n i- r i ' * O 0 members making in the past sevJews and CatholiC3? By these new CHAEG2 3SITISK relief t h e r e H cr ( compared with the figures of otheral years. attacks upon Catholics. CASTL.CG CC21PAI'fr : among solas il er months.
To Meet at J.C.C Tuesday at
r\ ccrc znt
V f carn Lalzl Expulsion
From Citx Also
v.\ r
Abe Herzberg Registers "Hole-in-One" at Highland
_ >*MM'«i
26, 1935
tall, dark, attractive h e a r t dancing . . . Mary Stein, well So there was t h e famous ex- says in his letters t h a t k n o w n kosher culinary e x- throbber, of another y o u h g plorer writing a Hebrew prayer him as Jewish. His style of writ,0, medic . . . Although t h o new pert, is to fetart at Highland, to his son End disguising It EO Ing is diBtmctly H e b r e w . He Hiller family car has over COO Monday . . . "Unverified rtrmors Columbus was a Spanish Jew. cyclopedia. These fcnd snfesy .ether that In case the letter fell Inad- sliovrE a Mblicftl Influence, miles on it, Eddie Rosen is the state that t h e Hazomlr choir Colon's parents came from TonAs a matter of fact, the name Hebrew scholars a r.e^ convinced vertently Into the fcanfis of the only one who is really acquaint- of the discoverer of America, was- that a y conclusions are carffect. may be taken.over by the CenInquisition, t h e y would ;be as tevedra in Galicia. They w e r e Offices to Institute a s e a r c h. . ter as a regular activity in or- ed with the car mechanics. He n't even Columbus. It was ChrisGhetto Jews, O n e coulfi j u s t My research began by & pure stumped ES I was at first. IUST MISTING ;; der to make it a city wide or- was seen familiarizing some of topher "Colon. This the Hias did, with the reimagine the explorer getting audThere were thirteen letters to accident, b u t it developed into We don't know whether attorthe members of the Hiller, famganization . . . . A grne s Ayres, He posed as an Italian Catholic one of the; most tantalizing puz- Ms eon. The last7 one did not liave iences with kings and queens by ney Grodlnsky la fighting to at- sulft h a t its Bucharest office ily with the workings .of,, said because he feared the wrath of •atles that ever made-a man burn the prayer* Y\ hy? In that last telling them he was f r o m the who once starred with R u d y tain a regular berth among the located the brother in a small c a r . . . . Joe Shcnfeld and Ann t h e Spanish Inquisition, which endless quarts of midnight o i l . letter, Colon asfced ME SOU to de-Jewish, ghetto, So that fact was Valentino in " T h e Shiek," is Rumanian city. I s r o r e t players of the Highland Sklar, who are to be wed oa didn't look very favorably upon There .were problems- as. cryptic liver a t&essage to Queen Elisa- carefully forgotten. Cut I have • bringing her all girl orchestra "We hear that a reunion is* Country club, but Judging by his August 11, are going into the Jews in those (Jays. to play at the new Royal Grove as & cross-word puSsle, but they beth and to enow the letter to established it as a definite fact. locker room moaning and repeat* being contemplated In the near grocery business together on on Friday, August 2nd . . .A That Colon was not Italian f/as her. He. feared that t h e Queen future. ed threats to give his clubs away, But he was a Jew aad a faith- •were & million times more.cselt- might August 1. We hope you make prise may be offered to anyone guspect somethiag if s h e amply proved by some of ME letiag because they pointed the *ay It won't be long before he attains ful Jew, albeit a secret one. a good go of it . . . If the Silwho can imitate Howard Green« to an astonishing &&d iniportazt saw the cryptic notation, 8o he ters in Italian. They fire full of such railng . . . In answer to the QUEEK QUIRKS There Is a record of Columbus' conclusion. verman's would start t h e i r wald's dialect . . . To bad that errors and the language is clumomitted it. , It took A b e Herzberg twenty numerous queried—-no, 33rd and birthday parties toward, mid- birth, in a the Genoa city registry. the else of the Highland floor 1 fouad much more proof that • sy, but his letters in Spanish are My cuest beg&n when I w a 6 Webstei? has not turned Into a years to experience the thrill Of only enabled the X 1/8 to give night and continue past it,'they That is a forgery and I can prove casually esaiainlag gcsie photo- Colon tr&s a Jew. I tounfi a nsm- | written with a native fluency, fraternity row, but is now mere- making a hole in one . . . C a m p out only one hid per man, thus Could celebrate Esther arid Gol- it. , Colon hardly k n e w Italian, static copies of .letters from Colon ber of treatises he wrote pleading For present, purpose? there Is ly crowded with c a r s of our Akib*a, the J e w 1 s h Community eliminating many w h o would die's birthdays at one party . . --.* but he spoke a fluent Spanish. Center children's p l a y camp. Is to his oldest son. My eye ..was lag in behalf of the "converses" no need to cite t h e voluminous younger men who ara trying to This ..month I leave for Madrid caught by & tiny monogram at the —the converted Jews ot Spain. otherwise be there . . . for Colon's being Spanpay their respects to those. Sioux publishing the first edition of the where I have been invited to pre- upper left-hand corner of e a c h , In arguing for his project Jor evidence INSIDE STUFF camp paper, "The Akiba Tattler," ish. It is enough to indicate some C i t y "Spitfires," the Friedman Is it a coincidence that Dorothy sent my documents . which prove epistle. I examined the monogram finding a westward route to In- | of the evidence f o r his Jewishtwinnlos . . . Even though Bubs today . . . Barney Abrams of the GAMBLING DOESN'T PAY Now that the racing at Ak-Sar- Frledel started to eat regular at my conclusion. There is a $40,-more closely fifid, lo End behold, dia, Colon q u o t e d the prophet ness. The .evidence fits together Chai&en Is not a traveling salea- Chicago B . a k e r y is now selling liquor With his "Bagels" . . .Louis Ben track is ever for the time be- Cofelt's at about the time Yale 000 prize waiting for me offered I made out the Hebrew letters, Isaiah for inspiration. like a well-ground {rear. .. tnsn, he probably makes m o r e Llpp is reported to have-played ing, here are some unbelievable Meyerson started working there? by the Spanish government f o r "Beth" and "Hai." The discoverer .of America was Again, in his last letter, which trips between Omaha and Chicago proof that the discoverer of Amer.'• Ask the foursome of B o b Hebrew characters on a letter wai written on the eve of sailing a Spanish Jev?. 1 am convinced than a n y local Jewish business- the part of a gallant, Wednesday, figures • that might interest rail- Stiefler, Lloyd Friedman, Marvin ica was a Spaniard. when he ran a half of block to birds. la 225 races the favorites by Columbus? That WES exciting. en his fourth voyage to the West of it anfl I think I can convince man. All right, no other cracks and Herbert Kaplaa about I have shown my proofs to such It didn't take loag to figure out ladies," he wrote: the Spanish government. there . : . » The Bl&ekstone hotel recover a blown off ladles' h a t won only 71 times, paying a total J*i?er heir interesting week-end exper- men as Dr. Cyrus Adler of the that the characters 'were an ab- "Our Almighty God has shown drinking room ia strikingly atraC- . . . What well Ttnown Jewish pro* Of $363.20 back for t w o dollar ence Jetrish Telegraphic . . .No, it Isn't Sam Epstein Dropsie College for Hebrew and breviation of the Hebrew greet- me the greatest lavor, %'hlzh He (Copyright 1535. motors attempted to purchase the tickets or a loss of $86.80, if a Apency, Inc. tlve • • » • . of H. Epstein & Sons J u a k Co. Cognate Learning, and Dr. Isidore Southern Mansion, but trere turn* two dollar bet was placed on each ing, "Baruch HaBhein," or ."Prais- has not shown to fiEybofiy uSnce ed down flatly by tha present favorite's nose. T h e double«up hat was announced as married In Singer, editor oj the Jewish En- ed be the Lord." Moscow (W.NS)—Soviet IntelDavid." tONG LOS* management . . .Is Abe Bern* system wouldn't work either tor his column last week . . . Inad• Now. I was intrigued Bad re- In & preview letter to an in- lectual circles learned t h a t t h e FOUND O stein, a South side packer, vaca- once there w a s a series of 19 rerteatly, the Socialist party was solved to get to the bottom of timate friend, Colca fisisl: Soviet Gov.errim.ent does n o t tolerTh6 joy Of Mrs. C< w o u l d tioning in California as reported races that the favorite failed to mentioned In this column a few this. Could it be that the discovate anti-Semitism in a n y f o r m "I am cot the first admiral of hardly be described when a rep- or secretly enjoying a stay at Car- win and the follower would have weeks back, excuse same. . . Now erer of America was a Jew? It & i'Axnily,. let them give me what v/hen Pavel Vasilypv, veil-Known resentative'df tlie local Jewish ter Lake? . . . Art Welner, a ehy, had to put up some $524,288.00 hat Jackie Ferer has disappointwould t&fee research to m a k e they like, but In the end,! writer ana critic, yr&e sentenced to Community Center Informed her serious, but aggressive y o u n g oa the 19 th race to c o m e out. ed "Longo" Warren Ackermaa, eure.' because David, ths learned ting, •who WEE 18 months' h imprisonment ln the name of the Htea that salesman ior the Skinner Maca- (I'm mixed up already.) Wheth- hree times, especially this l a s t ' I set to work on those lettere. shepherd &•&& itaa WEE made feing he heS made certain antl-RemHic lier brother, Marvel, had been roni Co., la s o o n to be turned er you believe the above carefully week, doubts are harbored by his (There were thirty-nine ia all.) o£ Jerusalcia, &n& I am th« ser-rem&rteB at, a writers' conference found living in Bucharest, Ru- loose on a territory which needs analysed a n d authenticated fig- friends that he will agaia make (Continued from Page 1.) First off, my eye •was attracted vaat c£ the very e&tac God. who and hBfi undertaken to organize mania, t h u s ending o search reviving, best ot luck to you, Art. ures matters not. However, the such elaborate preparations f o r or orders In the town if he hasby a cryptic symbol use«t to s, grotip of young writers w i t h put David in his Bi|h office;" lasting fltteen years. average for the favorites was toher expected arrival. . . SamMin- anything to do with a Jew. Pur- each of the letters. It consisted of anti-Jewish scct'ments. But It is' not only what Colon . " ' • • • •• : ' : A decade anfl a h a l f ago, B I T S win one out of every three and dell w a s Bee-News night editor chases from Jews mean treason a triangle enclosing t h e characfor two weeks . . . T h e eligible against the people and the na- ters, "S. S. A. S. X.; M. Y. X. The Holaman family who stay two-tenths races . . . Mn*vel escaped from Odessa and 1st of bachelors has had many tion." behind closed doors all day and fled to Bumania mid o v e r y p. o. ferens." additions and will run same next sleep tinder covers at night are - VIEWS m e a » s of communication beI had a hunch there tras eo&ie Count Helldorf's appointment 1 Mrs. "Manny' Handler, golf- week . . . tweenliim and hia sister was the envy of the locals. "The rear Jewish significance to that symgrew out of a conference attended eoa for this la an air conditioner supreme, can beat most of cat off. She m a d e diligent by Arthur Goerlitzer, associate bol because I knew that Jews in ing eystem which c o o l s the the masculine masbJe wielflers ODDS search but she could not .find days used devious vrs.ys ot Many popular Jewish swim- party chief in Berlin; Julius Lip- those premises . . . A n d tales reach* at the Club . . . It la true that thd whereabouts of her brother conveying J e w i s h ideas. My pert, head of the Berlin municimers missed their regular swims us that a iight-haired employee t h e elongated eligible dentist, Whom she loved dearly, filialhunch •wak Srst born* out when pality; General Kurt Daluege, powho is still overcoming* a re- when Peony was shut down for lice general of Prussia; and M.I learned, that the triangle was ly she wrote to Hias, appealing in thei city hall enjoys the evea cleaning for a few days this ning more by eating than by cent split up, is now rushing a to It Co request i t s European original thifeld of David. (The past week . . . Stewart Gilinsky Uhland, deputy leader ot the Ber- the double triangle c a m e isto U I e w a s erroneously mentioned in lin Storm troops.-.The conference. hundreds of years ltter.) this column in connection with Issued a statement asserting that a comment, with Cappy, L i n n in the future there would be "in- Now I was hot ca the trail, but last week. T h e person w h o timate cooperation of the police, 1 tras stumped by the characters. Should havo been mentioned is Storm Troops, party functionaries To these I new eeveieped my attho silent, handsome, he-man, and the municipality" In fignting tention. I pored over them for Lloyd Banks, of the JSrandSOti "reactionary plots, Bolsheviki, days and days. I tried matching them w i t h Shoo dept. With this hew rival, Jewish usurpations and CommunBDWOR'S NOTE: This la the have we h a d that underline in will accuso this galaxy of intel- both Bill and Art better take ist attempts to undermine the re-various Hebrew prayers. Fioaiiy mantiscH^fc of tho oration de- ed, the Reign Of Terror of the lectual stars of being blind to the notice •. •.' . Wo are told that gime. The conference demonstrat- one fitted. It was the "last con1 bts* *aaio station KOIIi French Revolution, all In the realities, the insufficiencies ot hu- Lottie Rips, "A. 2. A. Sweet- ed complete^ agf eement on a .pro- fession of the Jews which- rc&£s: Sh&d&i, Adonei Sbada.1, Bight by Alvin Fine, n a m e ot those principles which man life; yet they all have had heart," was rushed off of her gram that will guarantee that in 25Si FABNASf ST Portland, Ore., A. He implied to Moses oa Mount and have bequeathed to us their feet by an out of tOWner . . . the future the capital will retain racial chesed Kauth&i Sinai? Wherefore do we have a its character as a German city I Z, A. j f i n e ' s oration won first notions, their visions ot God. Oh, The Jack Hymen'8 are infanticvea, pes&a, "e&atao." 1 3§3S£Sii£*aiii^*£BSs^ : plate In the> recent lnternation* Hitter, the barbarian In a eup- yes. Called by different names, cipating . . .The Phi Eps have conquered by the National Socialal contest conducted tor A. Z. iosedly civilised age? Wherefore visioned in different forms, but completed arrangements f o r ist party - - worthy ot the Iteieh : ' A.'Bi, Fine Won tho unanimous o we continue to have war, hor- still the same God who spoke to their"gala affair on August.4th and the German people." Goeb• vote of the thf ea Judges. He la lble, t r u c u l e n t , devastating; Moses in that still email voice. . . . T o the Conservative _fioad* bels* paper, Der Angritf, hailed ilaughtering and mutilating that . studying to be a RabbL No,, ray friends, despite all the boster, thanks f o r your this announcement In a front ':" And,; Mount Sinai smoked••• on man which He has-created in Hisdisappointments, all the para- show Comment and, agree with yOu, page headline: as indicating that n. imaget How odd ot God. doxes, all the unhampered -evils that the Conservative Roadshow "Berlin.Is to be purged of Coa• every aide; the great Btone8,trem» Is it concetvabte, then, that the. and unrewarded righteousness, all should be 6 yearly e v e n t . \ » ^ . taunisnv reaction and Jews«". • bled at t h r *esoundinir thunder; WhtFti.Oine.hd Shops With Confidence - the entlfd scene was lighted up world would h a y e clung to its the .barbarities and cruelties of Harry Colick can certainly he "as in a lire by blinding flashes of faith in a deity,, who* .for:'-thouuniverse, despite all this, proud of his enlarged business Loadon —'• Following th©; re• lightning. Th& Children ot Israel sands of. yearer has' been bringing man's-faith In God Is not unwar- on 24th and Deer Park . . .A j stood round about the base ot the evil instead of goodf ' W o u l d , ranted; When a m a a, is bewil- real fraternal spirit w i l l pre- newal of antl-Jcwish and antij mountain, trembling with fright* then, the genius of man have per- dered, floundering on t h e icy, vail over the Cocktail room to Catholic persecution in Germany, I wondetetruck atr t.h 6* magnllo- mitted thia apparent trickery and treacherous sea of life; when all be opened on 10th and Farnain the London newspapers are deruel magic?' Certainly our proph- is dark before him, and w h e n by Art Smith and Bill Wolf son, manding that Premier Stanley •* queneeiiot the clashing elements. ets, Amos, Jeremiah, saw heaven Itself seems to be crashBaldwin, take immediate steps to •< Moses alone stood at the peak ot svilsIsaiah, and wrong doing, yet they ing at his feet, then his lips mum- Pi Lams . . . Irv Yaffee and Eff warn the Reich that its policy \ the mountain, -when, suddenly out ervently bowed before His ma-ble heartfelt prayers to God. And meets with tha disapproval of the •' of thismeled ot-deafening sounds, throne. Certainly Socrates, when that man is about to die, if All normal men ara born in thecivilized world. The Sunday Ref•\ out ot; this; chaotic symphony ot estio he lover ot truth, Aristotle, the he Is a Jew, he cries, "Shma Yis- same manner and of the same im- eree called on the Prime Minister \ the clashing elements c a m o a exponent of virtue, Malmonides, roel, Adoaal; Elohenu Adonai age, live by the same vital pro- to come out with a public declara" | voice,; a voles more terrible • than our own beloved guide; Spinoza, Echod," and if he is a Gentile, be condemning the outbreaks ia X the thunder, m o r e penetrating the God Intoxicated cesses, and return to dust from tion Germany. The Sunday Observer •""' than the lightning, more luminous Rousseau, the Frenchphilosopher, says the equivalent of that in his whence they came. Surely thea warned the Nail regime that it deist and than the call of the trumpet. naturalist, Gabirol, sweet singer native tongue, No matter what our this uaiformity is the work of one would not be able to crush the "I a.m the Lory thy God, and in Israel; Emanuel Kant, Ger- aith, creed, or religion, there Jews, and the Catholic and Rey.' thou Shalt have no other Gods be- many's Intellectual giant, Albert omca a time in almost every God, Almighty and universal. nolds Newspapers declared that if There are still men who have f lore me, nor shall ye try to con- Einstein, t h e greatest mind of man's life when ho calls unto ' ceive ot me in image or picture. our own' day—certainly no o n e God, the God of the Bible for aid, faith in Him, still men who ad-the present violence does not ••'-•. I ant the Lord immutable; eterwhether he is conscious of the here to His teachings, and still cease the German army will remen ia every age to whom He store the monarchy. Meanwhile ratal being, tha omnipotent God; fact or not. speaks as He spoke unto Moses, Jewish and non-Jewish circles are I ! merciful and gracious, ions ButBut almost every man is n o t f a c e to face, as m a n speaketh planning gigantic protest meet-i tering; a n d abundant in benefienough; it must be every man. : unto his ff lend.ings. Speakers at a meeting of the cence and truth; beeping mercy Sociologists tell - us that a group :tmto the thousandth generation May the time not be distant', Board of Deputies of British Jews receives its solidarity, its peacethat a Jewish delegation ; forgiving iniquity, transgression, #4MIK_ ,»vv, ^ I » H | ful inner cooperation f r o m theOh Lord, universal and enduring proposed on Prime Minister Baldwin to ' a n d sin; but 'who Will by no means fact that a number of individuals God, when all inhabitants of the call him to intervene to halt the r Clear the guilty* "Visiting the insome great affinity in com- earth shall know that to t h e e ask : l^ultyj; of the fathers, upon t h e Alvin Fine, 18-Year-Old A. Z. A.have alone every-knee must bend and new anti-Semite campaign. mon, some forceful mutuality that - children, and upon the children's Champion Broadcasts makes them consciously similar. every tongue give homage. When '. children unto the third and fourth Over SOIL that before we can even begin bigotry will no longer enslave the Marks are expected to go places. \ generation ot them that hate me. With a brilliant, forceful pre- So to hope for universal, peace, for mind nor idolatry blind the eye. •. I am the Lord thy God." sentation, Aivia Fine, 18, of Port- eradication of bigotry a n d race When all mankind will recogni2e in tho city tennis toarney. • « • That is the scene described to land, Oregon, A. 2. A., delivered prejudice, for amelioration of the common brotherhood of manGREETINGS AND •winning ora- man's conditions, before we canand" father&oocl" drGoaT "Then will j taa in; Exodus; a portrait of God tion, " t h e . t J n i - even begin to hope for a l e e s men dwell in peace, Jew-and. Gen- -CONGRAIULATIONS I our God, the God over heaven and TO Harry M. Plaskoe of Deversality of t h e chaotio more i civilized civilization tile living as brothers, and ]|eaee, troit* ©arthi in all His eternity, in al! who was recently appointed Jewish I d e a of the entire .world, all men, must happiness, tranduility,' and felicity assistant i His magnificence, shrouded-fexal! of Baker's ehefe God" over radio have something more, than mater- will ramp the fields where men store ... .manager -His mystery. By what virtue, by TO Bill of K. station, K O I L , ial things in common; some spir- once shed each' other's blood and C, Who,is working Copaken • what logic can -we claim Rim to for the Milder last Friday evetore -at each other's hearts, not , be the universal and only dlvini -'ity? itual affinity, a universal God. knowing why. Then'.Will t h e Llauor Company . . . TO Bill Oerr ning. There have been a multitude The Qod of the Hebrews (of-Ab- words of thine ancient fceer be elick, who Is n o w Tn. Carman 8 i i of philosophers -who have written Young F 1fte,raham, Isaac and Jacob. The God department TO George the-Lord will feignr over shoe en oven greater multitude of vol t Geffen, wjio is now employed at who' was select- whose presence shook,the v e r y fulfilled, all .the earthfor over aad ever. . umeft on tho question ot God. Bu S. Riekes .and Bon, Botting Comed, as the winner foundations' of Mt. Sinai in t h e A m e n . t _;". j , ' • ' > < '. • .'• rafter rail is said and done, we stll of the oratorical pany. , '; \... . . of Moses:). And why do •;'', ka'vje no convincing cogency o i ;.ii contest at the in- call Him the universal' God, be©videhce, nothing c o n c r e t e to ternational c o n- cause He. is the Creator, and no , : x • grasifc "We" can only have faith. entlon and camp matter where we go on this earth B ; :But.fchat faith, that psychological f .the Aleph Za< there la the same sky over our ; J •• yearning has gone a long -way in .ik Aleph, which heads, the same sun comes up'in ; " : ^Itseltjtoward establishing the unlwas held at Hoi the Bast and goes down in t h e ^ I versaiity ot Godl T h a t eternal lister, ' Missouri, West, the same moon shines in '# hope=iin an Almighty Creator haa ALVIN FINE during t h e first tho darkness, and the same stars « irsrovttd to; be t h ©instigator ot week of July, has been an active surround it in t h e i r heavenly -f ^ :>hos«i humanitarian principles that member ia tha Portland chapter course. The soil of the earth must : ; ,| 7 ; might ekist today under optimal for'over a year and a half. v have dew of the* heavens to make : *f:: r oond^tlonsl That faith in God and In competition with s o m e of it fertile and productive, and the t| > adheffenca; to the tenets ot those finest Jewish youth orators la waters are ruled by the tides; the -tl'••'•:^1io yrkatn He haa revealed himself, the the country, Aleph Fine, who isseasons change in their time, and has proved to be the emancipator planning upon following a Rab-the fruits bloom in their season tii . of man from t h o s e barbarities binical career, wa3 considered by .which were eo characteristic ot all as In a class by himself and en .primitive man. this year was one of the few times But, paradoxically' enough, in in the history of the order that . that; jvery faith has arisen the con- t h e unaaimous decision of t a e .trovarsy, tbo element ot doubt-as judges was given to the winner. Pi . to His nature, His attributes, His T h o oratorical contest T; a o thi " vory'exlstonce. If there is a God headlight of the convention, over att '•', who 'has created heaven and earthwhich Irving Hill, of Lincoln, past and if there Is a God who Is etor- grand president ot the order and en] , nal1 land has created man in Hispresident of the Nebraska univerown .Image, and it there ia : a God sity student council, presided. comiiassloaato, almighty, and just; While here la Omaha for a fet? then wherefore have we had thedays last week-end. Fine was a • Ean&ulnary Crusades, wherefore guest of Sam Beber, founder of havu tre had the cruelties a n d the A. Z. A. and president of the slaughter of tho Spanish Inquisi- Supreme advisory council of the Mon; all in His name? Wherefore order. ft
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TTTF¥ M ^F^ F^T^ f^\I^T^^ To most people, being classified he attained the distinction of beEs an expert ia something which ing the first private plane owner London (AVNS)-—Sipnor Fie"'; only their hobby is a real ac- in the state, one of the first priCerriiti, I f a ! i a n tunbassador • 1 International ^FresMsiat ©f B'osi is complishment, , y e t, to talented vate pilots, and was o^;ner of the By the Scn-ssc lAZc I&ssrsacc Germar.y, hns hprn transfp-rreil •' Biith Givea Hugo Hc>~, well known Omaha first private plane hangar. • the Italian embassy its Paris t> are personality. His: teeth flash] trembles with the applause which , EDITOR'S NOTE:. This arT business'mjaii, .attaining of expertHe named t h : e plane ••"Edi- ]' Few like to sare only because j his c vn rerwert because he co".' ticle \vas written by Ben Aron-' XL a.; smile of comradeship - h i s greets Philip Klutznick, former no longer endure the Kazf. %:ih? uess in-dae •'of'his hobbies is just phtme,"; after . the product -which one is decisive, purposeful. / v ! executive secretary of the Order. in of Chicago,' a t the conclusion j they feel it is their dutr *o save. : p ^ N r Y^-Alfred- M. he-"was selling, without e v e n i But if vre know positively that on a. E a insult? at himself and T? i Quickly ^lie sketches the; train- Now Julius Bisno is made to Cohen,, of {Cincinnati,: Internation- anoEHer.oe&urxence td him. o? kthe week's meeting of the J ; y'q u', inquire,. as to thinking of the. unusual advertis- I a given date we are i:o have a; wife because the latter is a ?t-v. International .A.. Z..rA» c a m p , ing of the . 3,022. new_ alephs stand and! receive their plaudits al President of. B-tiai Brith; -foreor music, ing that he ..-would, secure for such certain definite si;nx of itioney. • ess, acpording to the Sunday !P-which he attended. Mr., Aronin brought In; by- 'the, membership for, though convalescing from a most Jewisji-fraternSli-qMer," was radio, ;wireless,;ayiation, : : : For more then a year >1< q , ! youS^viil iflnd, t£at this versatile a c'lfev-eT act, .because newspapers, |know the date and knew t':e snm,eree. "rive .-! the'.adoption, of a study* of serious operation, he could not reis nationally known as a rabbi, fai German foreign, office h. a s bpf Co-Cfaairaian business and aviation magazines Omahsa'JSiWell-posted because of 'alestine- as a -permanent, part of sist the temptation to come - to c&ntor, novelist, lawyer, lectur! then saving- becomes a pleasure,' demandinp Cerruti's recp.U po'f-1 er; and author. He is a mem- A. Z. "A,•'activity!'"- the importance camp with-"the boys." Dark eyed of t h e American'Palestine- Cam- bis ;- aclaafyiiiierience .in a l l -.-of iEimefiiately cited his foresight in I and not a drudgery. Life insur-; becp.uss oC his wife's ,Tew5s5.iT>p.K' it'A;; 'Z;.'; A; jand '"B'nai:, Brith co- and smiling, he winks at Mrs. paign, t fund-rafsing a g e n c y in th.esi'lfiS[ds,^lilie:tinkeriaE .with' eijijplajring t h e airplane in h i s ance gives a IHE.II a definite groal. •b n t T're'micr T.Tn.ppol-"r.? Jfrn'orp ber of the Associated Board of ; America; for.'.th e . Eettlement of t h-.e m";is j&h hobb'y^ at diff ereit" . i a i . l y ; business and he secured Jewish Education - in, Chicago, operation during-the past year v- Bisno, his youthful bride, who i-w-liich he knows will be reached : this fipmpnd until. Sip-nor Crr-r. Jews In x Palestine, , at' a meeting nibre free publicity for liis busiand ,is especially prominent as the 'splendid;-work--"'accomplished has accompanied him to the 1 if he keeps steadfastly at his sav-i himself pskerl for p. trfTisfpr, of the Board of Directors of the In his high school days, at Cen- ness than he could have possibly a lecturer. -"4* present, a series by; the American Jewish Economic camp. Now Mrs. Sam Beber, or j Campaign at-the-Hotel'Astor, New tral, from 1906 to 1910, H e y n purchased ia a quarter of century. ; ing job. of articles written by him are. Commission -.-modification in "Helen" as she is called affec- York City,-it was announced by-j I Many savings systems are more j Jewish Press Advertisers was an excellent newspaper topic o r m o l the fraternity publication tionately by. the boys, is named The publicity on his plane was i succesfui in training a man to; •appearing in the Shofer MagaLouis -Lipeky, ~Cbairman of - t h e for he was continually developing. go "(ride-spread and attained com- • to spend than in. training him to; your patronage. 'the 'Shofer,- -.commending ctiap- mascot, and* bowing and blushing zine, entitled "The jJBible as' I B o a r d . ; , ,;.• ' - • • • , . - . • i •• .something new In the mechanics ment in so many national periodiers that have'distinguished them- in response to their cries, her See • It." T h e briUiant.; young Mr., Cohen: w i l l be associated; of telegraphy and creating public cals that in December, IS 27, he save. The savings are so easy to1i selves, during the past jrear. A * H eyes shine, and sparkle as cheer • Mr. Aronin,' is keenly, interested with Judge iSV'ilHam .M. Lewis, of comment with his homemade lab- received: a personal letter which i get at, that vrhenever they amount in- A.: Z.- A- - wort,- and- during week', like' an exquisite pattern'-pf follows cheer. ; to a sizeable sum the temptation' Lpuis Lipsky, Mor- oratory. is EOT? a pTizeti possession, from the ireek that he • spent at the color the business of the crinven'to vdtMi'Ew them' is almost irres-' .Holiday Attire ris s Rptheaberg,, of • New. Y o r k ; the world-famed inventor, ThoiaAt the age of eighteen, while recent' camp, he was in charge tion flows on; the varied program It was - Friday afternoon when' Elihu D.7r*Stone, of Boston; and a senior in Central higb. school, as Alva Edison, in TT It i c h he i istible. But liEe insurance Jiolds; : of entertainment, directed .the of athletics• under" the- skilled Rabbi Goldstein of Omaha turned i savings intact until a man has eadership- of Mr. • Sidney • Layine to the writer with a glance of in- Nathan Straus, New;. Ycrk;. a s co- lie had "already won considerable thanked' Heyn fo r naming t h e | learned that the real joy in sav- : choir, and served in numerous Every Evening chairman.: The^Honorary Chairrecognition for his knowledge and plasB after him (Edison) and his of Chicago, r t i i e ^gireeting of, dis- credulity,, for the entire camp was other'capacities. • • Except Suaday ling, comes not in spending but in Palestine practical application of wireless product. ingulshed • guests-< from VB'nai dressed in holiday attire. It was men of-,t h e American ; 'accumulating. • Campaign a' r:e 'J>r.' 'Cyrus Adler, telegraphy a. n'd his aeronautical Thcragli Hugo -was constantly •.To -few men; who - give of them- Brith who "arftve ^itiiVtaspirlng like the eye of Yom Kippur when Governor Herbert H.. L e h m a n. inventions. - .. v ••occupied -with his other hobbies, selves- to an ideal is • given- the messages for- the Order -.Habbi a spirit of awe and solemnity per- Judge Julian W- Mack. Felix M. c h i m e s , marimba, vibraphone,: He assisted his physics . profes-. lie built model radio . sets, -when i ptano anfl his violin cr by taking • I privilege and joy of seeing , in. Goldstein's, dramatic portrayal of vades the Jfrwish community as Warburg WdIJrv S. Wise. radio was still in' its infancy acd their lifetime. ..the flowering and colonial life "in .Palestine deliv- they walk,to the synagogue to T h.e_Aiperican ,Paies}.ine Cam- sor, t h e late Nathan Bernsfeln, in a'radio exhibition contest which •them to his private vorkshop end; | ered in the,warm glow of a- large pray. "With clean, shining faces, fruition of their vision. paign -is •the_financial instrument •whenever- the class discussed tel- was sponsored by Krug Park for ; showing them some of the comNevertheless, • as .Mr. Sam ..Be- canipfire underneath" the starry fresh from the showers they en- in t!he United states ot. t h e Jew- egraphy and" he demonstrated at all local amateurs, he built the • pleted pieces which he liss made FLATMION HOTEL ber, founder of the international heavens - the mess hall*with''"•- ter the mess hall upon which the ish." Agency "ipr Palestine,*, "which numerous *' class - discussions with best variometer set and also the ! in his own work. Jewish youth.fraternity of A. Z: crowded tables a.nd every mem- spirit of the Sabbath had already is. recognised In .t%'& 'Leagtaa of his own hand made complete wire- best all around radio set of any A., sponsored by. the B'Nai Brith ber, on his feet In; reverent silence descended. They stood in silence Nations Mandate! for ^PaleHtiae as less equipment and also portable class in this contest. and watched while Mrs. Ben the supreme^ Jewish/-ho^y";-in' .tae station with which he was earrystood before young men from as the, .Heb're.w bene.di.ct|on the. bregid is recited'..tfiV tumulGlass murmured the prayer over reconstruction ^of the/Holy.: iiand. i n g on • weekly communications Mr. H e y n built many experimore than 150 cities in all parti mental sets which received news' of the United States and Canada tuous, rollicking fraternity songs the candles and then a trained Th& funds.of the American Pales- with Fort-Omaha.. In the second annual "Official paper publicity a n d v;hp.n tests In t h e : camp - at HoHIster, Mis ringing in joyous rivalry from ta- choir of. voices joining in exqui- tine -Caroj^aign are.'di?tribjited to I Eouri, the very -beams and- raft- ble to table - the •mischievous site harmony,' sang the .Kiddush j Wirless Blue. Book of the Wire- were made locally by J o h n O. Yeiser, to record'by a dictaphone ers' trembled with the resoundin's "Out the window you must go' over the cup of wine. and to the- Central- Bureau for- the j1 e s s Association. of America," cheers of a group inspired and sung recklessly, lovingly, I looked" at Rabbi Goldstein: - Settlement of German J e w s in which contaiacd; the list of United a long distance New Tears' prounited in one purposeful and.high ingly, the lilting chant to their his .face glowed as his eyes dwelt Palestine. At" the present time,j States and American wireless sta- gram from London, Hugo Heyn minded brotherhood. At his side favorites - "Stand up Mr. Bisno, eagerly upon the scene about him. the American Palestine Campaign tions, Hugo Heyn' and ad- was immediately called in as one stood the.beloved leaders of the stand up, stand up" and the "Surely the ^Shechina,' the Spirit Is associated with t h e Joint Dis- dress appeared in t h e amateur of the local consultants in these order, Mr. Julius Bisno and Mr, laughter and good fellowship that of God, rests upon the camp to- tribution Committee in t a e United stations with his call letter, 'HA.* experiments. LffiE EICKET' Max Baer, and the -writer as he rests like > the blessing of God in night," i.e whispered. And that Jewish' Appeal, which Is seeking \ Back in 1922, Heyn, who is It.not greater than his accomWHITE SOP/i was not all, for there la the large to1 raise $3,250,000 for the,relief plishments, in wireless, • were his still a talented musician playing sensed the magnitude of.what was the great hall. pavilion the.more than 200 mem- and rehabilitation of the Jews of achievements". in aeronautics. He five instruments, directed an orhappening about him could no . ..Enthusiastic Response bers Of the A. Z. A. fraternity sat; Germany a n d other lands and for built numerous model gliders dur- chestra which bore his name. His help but murmuring "Godblesj How can one sketch the eager you, Sam Beber! The temple tha enthusiasm with which each new wearing the traditional skull the settlement of Jews "in Pales- ing his high school days. He won orchestra, composed of many presyou have, built will endure." a beautiful'Silver loving cup pre- ent prominent Omahans,. was se.- • ; ..:,•' .. "-;;, speaker is greeted - the spontan- capi, —• prayer* books in their tine. hands, and listened to the chantsented byitHe1 Aero club of Ne- lected to dedicate the opening of In announcing Mr. Cohen's eleceous/dancing of the boys on the Week's Events. ing • of the choir as Queen Sabbraska in"; an' aviation meet with the Omaha Daily News Radio Stution, Mrl Lipsky s a i d : : '• Let us look down together a benches and. the shrill whistle of bath was greeted with song. homemade monoplane model. Fur- dio,-. WNAL. His orchestra was "The American Palestine CamEddie Conn or Max Baer, assistthe row,s of cabins cradled in th The platform had become a thermore^ his construction of glid- Oraaha circles for sevpaign is gratified to-announce the Ozarks under a vault of .stars. I ant executive director of the camp eral years until they disbanded a is Friday ^yejnirig,. and I ponde: bringing the tumult to attentive pulpit in tHe Ught of the candles. election . of Alfred' M.. --Cohen of ers was. far in advance of t h e few years ago. The face of the youthful Rabbi type then.^ in common use. The Cincinnati; as! one oft h e national EGG ROODLSS over the -host of events of the pas' silence. %i 2S< r Mr.- Heyn still reminds his many week., All week .the young men -'•' Now Ernest Eisenberg arises Aba Shaw -mirrored the surge of co-chairmen" ot t h e" furid-raiEtag model glider-which he built twendelegates .and. officials from th to address them in behalf of the emotions, earnest and absorbing, instruineiit ini t h e . United States ty-five years, ago was. so far in friends of his unusual talents by WT% §. FT 5 - pfifFli I f TTTn various chapters, have debate camp newspaper published daily and when the benediction had of the Jewish Agency- for Pales- advance of t,h-"e~ plane or glider entertaining t h e m with t h e been uttered closing the service tine. For" a number of years, Mr. construction -of those days t h a t the.problems of their, fraternity with the aid of a mimeograph manot. as youths .debate,, but a3 me chine brought there for that pur- the. young men stood in groups, Cohen h a s extended increasingly its peculiar construction has only seasoned .in. parliamentary proce- pose. ."Listen you no good .re- and almost from every .lip came effective co-operation to t h e ef- in the last'few years been incordure. Irving Hill, brilliant univer porters" - « laughter and, theti the words, "If only Dad and forts for /the upbuilding of t h e porated by aircraft taanufacturLet me protect j-ocr interests. . . ' * I I i I, > U [ , city of Nebraska student, "Gran curious, and inquiring silence. - Mother could be here to see all Jewish National -Home in Pales- e r s in monoplane construction. I p?i:« ISSCKAKCr Pt ever? <3estine. His great Jewish zeal, de- This plane had a spring landing cripfion SBelefiinjr lb£J"E. te Etross, AlephGodol,";:towers among them . Here they carry a birthday cake this.". reliable coEipauSes OXIA. . . . SLet'e I walked Among them. There votion and- sincerity, have -won the gear and an automatic stabilizer with the wealth and charm of talk it CTer. aflame with candles and the hall and a tail as ere in use today. r / r rj was a dignity and a reverence in admiration-of all who- have watchCity Fn:s,^ce £ Eoscraaoc Co. their conversation - a content- ed his labors.'in the Jewish comIn 1927 he purchased a. plane 1409 F a n a m AT 1661 orffAE15G ment - the 'sweet contentment of munity. •-••'•• •:-;••'. ; -..-.: . which he used in LIs business cad a week filled with constructive "My associates and I a r e pleasand creative work. ed t h a t we shall-haveMr. Cohen's fred Dreyfus had survived .mos^ GEBMATSTT. ...-•• - -.. co-operation and leadership in the It a band, of 800 thugs invaded of the other characters.; He had Tears I'M Eyes great tasks that lie ahead of us - Times Square, wrecking- all, the survived the army officials Then Saturday night the usual J e w i s h : stores on .. Broadway, railroaded him to Devil's Island, horserplayrand frolic of a youth's in making, full use of Palestine's ; throwing Jews out'.of .cafes,, beat- the aristocrat who had done the farewell;- nonsense, but good possibilities 'for • the absorption of IB GEEEX gteat" masses of Jews. Only a. few ing them and overturning ~~auto- spying for which he was flamed, wholesome nonsense it, in |P BEAKS, days ago, Mr. James G moblles, the police reserves would and t h e French president w h o which the dignified officials ald, League df« Nations-High Comprobably be called out. .."..'"...- pardoned him. joined and for the moment almost II JUICE OUAKGES, missioner for.Refugees, in reportr He w a s buried in secret f o r forgot their dignity; but as the Yet that is what happened -on 7Mn i^DCE, eacii . ing to, t h e . Governing Body of t h e BerlIn!s: Broadway—the .ICurfuer- passions like those that burned at moment of "Taps" came and all Commission a t London, -.pointed f . stendamm—last week,: and police the time of the case still smolder present realized that the moving out t h altj Palestine, having ab5 dozrr - - f "K 9C p.vibrant Week was over, there stood by. .No, they didn't exactly today in France! sorbed 27,000 German Jewish, reT -V f came the £reat spontaneous tristand by. A: number were arrestfugees In t h e last two:y«ars, haij bute to the founder of the Order, ed—:the Jewish victims,;who were SOVIET UNION Everybody has to pitch!in to Mr. Sam Beber, and there were done m o r e : t h a n : a l l the.'coiiptries placed under "protective" custody.-" harvest the' crop, in the collective tears in hia |iTes as they carried combined. We shall need the ever The riot was apparently, organfarms of the Crimea.' It's going him about the hall on their shoul greater; co-operation o f - t h e men ized; i t began at a;place,-named to be- the biggest ever and' there's ders singing- -."For he's a jolly and women- of Austria so t h a t our in': that day's editions of. the Nazi vision of t h e < J ' e . w i s h Natloaal in S&s a' shortage of' good fellow." newspapers. Leaders Vent up and Home may be realized. down the streets shouting instruct PALESTINE No, there; will not be a single .4 Us. "In" helping t o ; a s s u m e the b a r tions from automobiles. Latest Legislative Council ru- one of those who were there who dens' of .leadership .;in t h i s under. The riot' was more thaii an iso- mor : The Arab press reports that will say that I have colored with lated Incident. It .augured, a new two separate councilsYmay- be eat eloquence aught that occurred taking, Mr. Cohen-gives striking Nazi • drive'against the .Jews. ' up, one' for"Jewa and one f o r during that eventful week - for testimony n o t only of h i s finespirited Judaism b u t : of'-the unOnly, a few days 'before the riot Arabs with the government'1 act- they will-know in their hearts derstonding kmoijg all ' eleaieats there had been a ^secret meeting a liason. that here all eloquence is impovin American Jewry, of t h e seed of Nazi leaders aV which, J t was - Meanwhile^ the! Palestine -gorr erished and. fully realizes its own of expending .'.greater energies to learned. Hitler promised to per- ernment-^asrie'eping.' its ear close frailty. stimulate' the 'absorptive capacity sonally 1 e a d a new campaign to• the ground' listening to rumors It is rather as an intricate and of Palestine." , against, the Jews. He is= evidently that the Arabs were'cpntemplatr inspiring pattern of faces and living up'|to his word. •-...-'•• ing : seizing •; a;'poss(ble>world.war personalities that the week will • But Hitler-may have more than as an opportunity! io 'th'r.-o.wsbiit linger In bur minds and hearts. the Jew to contend'with; The Var British, rule.Fortunate Indeed are the 4,400 tlcan'expressed..!Its•' extreine dis- • !In •!.TeI-A.yiv,.'n;e.x t.-^tp> members of the A. Z. A. in their pleasure against Nazi sterilization fire-plugs had-better beware. The leaders and in their founder, and laws. ! Hitler .defied the Vatican. Jewish,i city is getting thirty new fortunate Indeed am I ,to have A ^Catholic-Jewish opposition to cops. been privileged to be in the com' V Hitlerlsm may spell doom for the pany, of 200 of the finest youths . N a z i ; r e g i m e . -*' '•'-;•• .'•"-"••••' '•'-'• of. our people. Scout camps, solPOLAiN'B: : 7c Th,e,'!situation ;hasn't! changed dier campsv- and boys camps that 4 'S. GREAT BRITAIN much in. Poland.- There are.stil I Tiad witnessed paled into a sha• In.London, League of Nations sporadic-, antitJ.ewJflh idenionstra^ dowy background and more than High Commissioner for: tlra Regu- tionsin iV3ri6us;towns.;: Arid there ]one of us exclaimed as we shook gees James G. McDonald, speak- are/stiiiU.jthr^ta^'dtJ^s.-'tnat^'yill hands in farewell, "Who could iv ing;-3t- a 'meeting of ^the commis- havQ adverse! effect on!-the .Jews; have dreamed that we who come Bion'B* governing b o d y ; advised Thetlatest of these- is. a bill to from all parts of the continent"' f t I > that the high cbmmisBion'be abol- license business men.' It'lsj'cfiarged have in the space of one short i >M ished'at the end of-the year and this aimed against Jewish week become welded together in h _ that^t : h"e .League > of .Nations as-merchants.. .".'..-:';•*.; . '.:: .-':', a- bond of fellowship so strong sume direct responsibility for reto- year relsfirca ond 'friends In the.meantime, a Zionist;elec^ that we ET& not ashamed of our liel and rehabilitation of German tion in rPoland. brought^ a- fair Xg tears at parting!" a th® U. S.' S. R. Tcrgssa •.Think of getting this'wonder-, refugees:.!•;,•'!. " • • -; . . y . •'':•'•; middling crop of near-riots, and Stores srs Iscctcd ia tha .''ful raodern-Hotpoiat; Autoxas.''••-•;• Vlscoun^CecU, backing McDonlarger cities ©f tha Ssvl«t dIsorders...'Some baUpt'ooxeSiwere ald, saw -the refugee question as destroyed, etc. Incomplete! tallies ,-tic Iron and Lifetime Table- for 1 'I Uftten end- carry V2srlc"i3 ly.fraEce-.. ••' a-manifestation of the national- showed;the General Zionists lead1 dsrscife .end fepsrtsd cr••• this price. This • table sets'. up can Washington, B. C. (WNS) —istic^ movement. affecting almost I n g . . "-V- -, •;-•','.. !•:' ; ' ...— -, ' • , . ^''••(;•" tid:s - of; high qsality ®pGeorge PeiXotto, prominent Amer! as--you "set it down . . . no'tugevery country in: Europe. - v •_')'. prepriate fcr summer ~£:fjt. StatlstlcsVpresented at; the meet- UNITED STATES'.".'.' '.. ..;;.' / ^ ican painter! and sclon^of a dis.. gIng and palling..' Hangs"-,qa s Ing ,:ahowed-; "Palestine r as • having- : Bernard: Plexner, in his repori. tinguished plbnesr Jewish family, -;hook''out<of .the •way when-nbt Prices covp f j absorbed" 27,000! of the, total 80,- aJs chairman o r ihe Board - bit' Di- has been'Awarded the cross of an : officer of the French Academy by j ably' wtib ib®z@ 'An : ;ih>»e.,? ItVAUTOMATIC.'.. 500; refugees..;'Others ;we^e placed rectors! of. trie' Palestine Economic 33c in^the United, States, -South Amer- Corporation, warned against the the French Government in recog-i 'A stcadjr Ki'sS.stroiif.. nition of his sincerity of feeling dangers of. land speculation..! At lcaVand'-European'-countrleB. '"The"-iroa._has'a cozen different -.'" Palestine!may- be:"abs!orbiiig re- the same time, ho-wever,-he laud- for Franc© throughout his career. f ugees, ;• but- Col^ J O'-B i a !h Wedgr ed tM'e striking economic develop- Mr. Feiiotto,. who is a kinsman " •' Mats'....,-isatss ironing..easy^ , " '. v j - of the . 1 a t e . Benjamin Peixotto, wood,- perennial ^defender of'.the ment-of Palestine.,. In New. York, a scholar-named who was American consul-general Jews, charged in t h eilibitse of Commons that Palestine inimigEiL-. Maurice David- announced !he i^as in Rumanii in t h e ISSO's a n d iJiP^ .tion-.officials are biased against sailing f o r -Madrid :ip!.-coilect.;;a helped amelioriate the lot of Roumanian Jewry* is a pupil of Meis! Je\raV Ho urged liberalisation! of Spanish,.government, reward • I jq,r soitier and;' Miinlcacz.-. His j>at.4c immigration, laws,', ©specially in proof that CoJumbu3 was Spanish. of WMift. Montefior© in Bis David says that. Columtius, behalf of name was r?ally. Cfiristobal .Colon, 100th year hangs in.the- Corcoran •wasra";Spanish. Js-vr-who, hid-ulils Gallery herd and his portrait of ; "Ehe final "finis"' w a s written nationality from .fear of the la* ths late^JiiHiia'Bien, noted printunder t h e Dreyfuss drama last q u l s i t i o n . • • • . ' ; ' -• • ' ! * ! • - . - • : ! • ' . ; ' • • . ! • „ •-•;..• '•'•; ing craft£iz&n'~!aiid " E'nal B r i t n leader, h a n fes in the •week • when. the, principal charac- (Copyright l'S35. JewJsh. Telegraphic Museum.. ;: 'ter" paS3ed out- o£ the scene. Alo, lac.
BUTTE p y TR u A I it
Quart 4£c
h&M I lilkAi
I&xk Lean Si
The Automatic Ironing Set
l\ U i
- - 5c
PIG. - - lie
6 Ban - - 25c
Electric Company, The Associate* Gas & Electric Cotrpatiy 5^ttMI member of this Committee a. n c A hundred years ago, in 1B33, Jewish emancipation in Great | has had no connection wh&tsoevei Britain began. ...' i The current issue of 1he .Tev-with it. Published every • £Vlrtny at Onlatid, fjebraska, by iri ish PTFFS was oecicatpd T-O the "It is, to say the least, utiforWhen DavM Salomons Wa§ appointed Mayor of London S * * ^ * * ~. been saying in his intimate t r THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY ! tiniete that representatives o£ «nj laying of ' the cornerstone of the 1835; the • first Jewto be so honofedj his election was the first1 A friend of ours has-just re-iters. compfeny should Ho depart from Je*ish Coistaunity Center buildturned froni tJerrnany and tells) All this is in tlie nature of an Subscription Priel. on6 year • * • » ,_* * $2.00 Step toward removing the civic and political disabilities of British ; the standards s e t by the utilitj ing. Willis-Ci Holzraan laid the Advertising r"at6& furnished on application. Jewry. The climax to their emancipation w* notched in a j ^ T ^ o S ^ ^ T ! \ S H f ^ S ^ w h o ^y \ cornerstone. This issue of the pa-; influstry in general. It is bets lik« E d i t o m t Qitieei 500 Brandeis Theater Building. m O n t h o r a y e a r Or a d e c a d e , b u t Was Slow a n d Well-eartted. Y e t j small B a v a r i a n town. One. d a y . h e ! be insulted, m a y w e t r y t o patch j per carried a complete history of this, committed !>j' R emaU numSiona Cits' OKJ<)e-^Je*isii Oonlfnbnlty Center t h e f r u i t s Wete w o r t h t h e s t r u g g l e . A h u n d r e d y e a r s a g o t h e J e w - j m f e t t h e J e w in t h e s t r e e t a n d t h e UD t h i n g s b y pointing o u t t h a t j the growth of the Omaha. Jewish ber of cpmpfenips, which h s v i DAVID BLiAGKEB - <• fiUslfa^Sfe and Managing Editor community, photographs of' the brought discredit upon, the •indusappeared to 1TRANK R, AGKBRMAN « . > .*. - »- - » ' E d i t o r ish residents of Great Britain were poor and despised. For & Jew •Work oil the building, pictures of t r y p.nd which maflp it npcraof agitation. RABBI URl RlILLER • - * * • • * Cbfitfinuting Editor the officers and directors of 'hesary for us to come to Washingta git in Parliament was unh&ifd of. and not even Baron Lionel "I've got to get out of town! DISAPIMEARAXCK S O I J V E D FANtfiS KATBLMAN Council Bluffs* Iowa, Ceii'i'&spondGfit The seventy-year-old mother of jJewish Welfare Federation ftitfi ton to defend ourselves, against s ANN Plijb •• - - - Sioux City, lowfe. Correspondent de Rothschild, elected to Parliament by London, was allowed to I'v§ get to get out of ,to*vn in a David Freed man, radio gag-Writ- ; the program for the cornerstone Eili seeking to destroy us. Print Shop Address: 4604 So, 24th Street lid said nervously. take his seat. In 1858, the consent of the House of Lords Was hurry," ef, was recently sent for a vaca-{ celebration. " F r o m post experience, t h f "Why?" aSked our friend, to th§ mountains. She never j Committee of Public Utility Execfinally Obtained and Rothschild took his seat. From th&i on, 'the "The circus is in town And & j tion '^lr'e"a Mr. A. B. Alph-r.i donated $-00 utives is aware tliat the fcpohaors path grew easiet> and Great Britain gradually removed the bar* bear esdaped," Came the reply. Son »-as worried about her dis-! "But -why should that be a rea- appearance-^-until he found her in to help organize a board com- of this liill -will enciGavor to imply which separated her Jewish citizens from Complete emancipation. 1 This August the National Conference of Jews and Christiana son for your getting out of toifn?' the home of a friend oh N e w posed of four Orthodox Syna- , that isolated cases of this k i n d gogues, for the purpoKP of regu- ftfe typical of the industry &8 a England today is proud of the services rendered by her Jew] o u r friend"asited* again' will sponsor the first annual meeting of the Williamstown InstiYork's lower east side. She was •lating the kosher meat markets of whole. B u t the public protest tute of Human Relations. At this institute an informal procedure ish citizens. In our own time we have heard again and again the "Well, the first t h i n g you doing housewofk and cooking as •the city. isgainfit the destrrirtive features will be followed whereby Jews, Catholics and Protestants can jp r a i s e g of Lord Reading, Sir John Monash, Sir Herbert Samuel, know," replied, t h e •wroughttip in the days of Ffeedtnan's po%-er-: of this Bill is far too genuine and one, "they'll sh6Ot a Jew and then ly. She explained that it was iio I widespread for anyone 10 attempt meet and talk over how'concrete gOod-Vall can be better accom- Sir Philip Assoon, ahd Lord Melchett. By serving her Jewish cit- let him go and prove he isn't a vacation to her to be among a' Miss Ann Blanh and Louis So- to pin s. n y label of falsification plished through statesmen-like planning and educational pro- izens well, Great Britain has served herself well, and on the occa- bear." lot of people w h o m she didn't: golow eloped in Siou.t City and upon it. know. j the marriage ceremony was per- "The Committee of Public Utilgrcms. The institute will begin; under auspicious circumstances, sion of the hundredth anniversary of the emancipation of English NO. QUESTIONS And Eddie Cantor, whom Freed-; formed by Rabbi Braver. ity Executives will continue i t « being held just three hundred year's after the founding of Rhode Jewry she is proud to pay homage to a loyal people who have re- Morris Rothenberg, president of man is suing for alleged b a c k ! as openly and as honestthe Zionist Organization of AtnerSam J. Leon was elected chsir- nctivities Island by Roger Williams who is generally credited With being flected glory on the firitish name. ly as before and will oppose as .ica (no thanks to Louis Lipsky), gag-writing wages, is now run-1 of the Jewish Welfare Fedthe pioneer of religious liberty in America. strongly a? ever n.ny practices that recounts a recent experience in a ning a radio consultation bureau • eration Finance committee. in New York. It is reported he [ depart from t h e highest ethical provincial toto-n. To the credit of the National Conference of Jews and Chrisrecently got a ? 10,000 fee—for He had been lecturing for anadvising a client not to put his Estelle Lapidus became engaged Ptsnoards." tians, this body has always avoided sugary "goodwill" meetings a h a l f o n hour to Irvin Stalmaster. Zionism *nd on the radio. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem is one of those demagogical II paused and emphasized the analytical educational method. In conference for questions. But ther*. product The merchants who advertise (CorS'right, 19" the leaders of the various religious faiths can discover how many j leaders who place their self-interest above the welfare of the peo-was only silence. He asked again The Jewish Women's Welfare- in the Jewish Press solicit your whether anybody had anything to Board entertained Mrs. D. P. Fe-business, and merit your patronthings_we are all interested in achieving in common as American j pie to whom they,give lip-service. j ask him. The silence grew denser, der at a luncheou and mah jong age. citizens. Christians and Jews alike want justice to characterize Known as an agitator, the Mufti has been a continual c b s t a * j ^ p had appealed at the Brandeis Tea ROOBIB, prior American community life, and there are ever so many tasks irrj clein the way of smoother relations between Jews and Arabs in!for questions, a sympathetic to her departure for Florida. where s-he wag planning on join' whic hunited effort may be had. We want each group to develop Palestine. He fears that with better relations established between! tor arose and gatd; Ut Chalrm ing her husband. its fullest individuality • while at a t the t h e same time contributing contri&uung the t h e two t w o Semitic peoples means the t n e end of of those tnose grasping Arab! Arab) . " .-""V - ~ ~ - " &»> ~ " ~ : mB* 1 a s k | Slohe! Specialist - - • ••• •' - • ' - . - I • ' • _ _ " ... .. hrough t h e char Recont menrieri b? Msn> Doctor* throtigh t h e goodness •of t h a t individuality to th e "good of t h e landownrs whom he represents and who •have been "bleeding" t h e j! tRothenberg can tell" me what time The Highland Country Club Residence Phone W/lCbiler R83*> sponsored their first annual ten-' whole. ;• • , [poor A r a b people for years. H e closes his eyes t o t h e progress j it is. My watch stopped." tie U'UJ>«>tef MSI) nis tournament. : Collections Highest In Three Today, the need for conferring in this manner is greater than j made by the Arabs since Jewish upbuilding began in Palestine, j 1422 N.20tb Ss., Omaha. Neb, *~ ALEPH AND SWASTIKA
Ceitttir§r of Emafieipatfeti
Years - - Also Exceeds ever. The economic depression has created social and economic I and is unwilling to admit that the Moslem standard of living has The advertising manager of a Gentile firm, submitting an adJewish Fund Total unrent which has had its repercussion upon human relations "nips. steadily and rapidly pushed upward because of the innovations vertisement to the Hebrew magaN e w York—Junior Hadassah, zine, Hfldoar, advised the editor The smooth'functioning of community life has always been jayged of the Jewish people. Dvkk during periods of economic stressj which have without, fail, pi Or This is the explanation Of the demand made last week by the j to change the first letter of thejthe Young Women's Zionist Ore b r e w aIph bet t 0 s o m e l s a n i z a t i 0 D of A m e r l c duced unscrupulous agitators and movements of bigotry aiming to Grand Mufti that Arabs who sell their land to.the Jews are t o | Hother sybol, *because - fllephas ' it Stands \ more funds during ^itsi»«.™i««> fiscal year, Philip H. Gadsden. chairman of pit one group Of citizens against another and through a program be condemned, because/they "are strengthening their enemies" it looks too much like the Nazi ending July 1, than during cor- the Committee of Public Utility •; c responding periods since 1932, Executives, has sent the follow-' of hate and.chaos bring about the subjugation of all the groups by- doing so. Arab-Jewish relations in Palestine today arc excel- swastika. it Was revealed in a report iseued | ing letter to Senator H u s o IJ. Also, in many landk the theory of totalitarianism is in the ascen^ j lent and among the masses are growing better with the progress SUBTLE REVENGE today j Black, Chairman o! t h e Senate oday by y Miss M Paulinee Englander g The finMt In «'arhdtiat^ h^ There recently came to our at-, and M i s s Martha Loewenstein, Committee investigating lobbying( deney.: A philosophy of statehood is gaining a foothold which i;> jo f time and the added advantages'enjoyed by the/Moslem populal f t revenge j ^ t tention a delicate form ot ey City, co-chairmea activities: of Jersey i sistsrthat differences are degrading and which invokes the power; tion. This does hot mean that much trouble can be caused by agi*.perpetfated. by a Jewish business jj 0£ fund-raising. @4^c "The Perfect Mixer*' j "If subsequent' erioence con-! i i t a Nail; N l The Th business bi p states that $47,000^ of "'tite state ite to force religion to conform'; to a" pagan or atheistic j tators, shice the Arabs are "hot-blooded." In 1929 the riots in man against The re ort Trf a bottle of delicious | firms the accusation that a repref a s mixed up in a slight ^ g c t g 1 collected for t h e organiEa-1 philosophy ejttraeous to both Judaism and Christianity., Hence, j Palestine were instigated by agitators who spread false rumors, man sentative of a utility holding com-'; automobile accident with the Nazi > tion's Palestinian work, which in1 BROMO - KOLA j religious leaders have come to realize theextreme folly of ..interne? | and the agitators of today follow the same policy . . . . malicious- in th© Yorkville section of New •c i u d e s the maintenance of a chil- pany had sent out fake telegrams opposing the Public Utilities Bill, < on sslc at ftli fruit market*, ! cine strife among religious groups, weakening thfem in their, real j ly broadcasting lies in order to fan a flame of hatred, York. dren'E village of 115 boys a n d the Committee of Public Utility grocery stores End lunch Stands Curing the event that always girls, an orange grove for agri- Executives condemns such action battle'which should be directed;against the,common foe. In the! . . ..-,.'.-.follows such an event the Nazi j cultural training and the Kadas- as dishonest jufct ess etrongly t s face ;pf common enemies which eventually single out no particular uttered a number ot anti-Semitic !s a h •N H r s c s 1 Training School in ! any other group in t h e United: I maledictions. All the Jew did was Jerusalem. In addition t h e 200States. T h e company to which; faith but are dangerous to all faiths; it is suicidal to quarrel; Iron The government monopolies Of industry in the fascist States, j to take down the license number [units' raised an aggregate of close this action is attributes is a sub- j 1810 Xo. 20th St. WE 3048 Inter-faith co-operation and united planning, with civic good-will 6t t h e insul n ?14,000 for t h e Jewish Na- Sidiary of the Associated GfiE &'> growing like mushrooms In Europe, disastrously effect the J e w ! « e Teuton. to as jstf"by-product, is a necessary course.-We can^therefore; lbbk J u Throu F«nd, which is $4,000 more Bureau, \ it ^ s k i *»» License fcr actual results emanating from the •WiUiamstowh-Institute of ^ population. These government monopolies "seem to firit stretch 1 as its ^ i . S S S i J^tS 1 theiroetOpus-Ukeclaw^ upon those: bu^neSSea built Up a n d Oper-j name and address of t h e Nazi,'goal. HunW Relations.
?#rites Senator
i! \j
atfid'by Jewish people. Whether this i s done b y design o r through Then he caused him to lose caste \ a c c i d e n v t h e n e t result i s t h a t throughout E u ^ ^ ^ ^he economic t h e Jewish populations is i s growing .daily daily j delivered to daily economic situation of the to irfs iris door daily,
T h e $47,006 raised for t h e :
"t h*-e------"total -—--•*—'•— contributions -of' »l -a -s *t i
year. Tfrs units of the organiza^he Jewish situation'in. Austria could be^ much better . • • •!m o r e s t r a n g u i a tjng. STERN AND HIS used a variety of methods to but :We can take comfort from the patent fact; that the situation j Lithuania Jewry is the latest to fefil the iron hand.; Elimina- \To any one who. h&s-received tion raise their assigned <tuotas, accould be much cording to the report,' the Most tion of thousands of Jews ftorn the grain and flax business ous Jewish publisher, we Will re- popular of which were dances and foreshadowed by an announcement that the Lithuanian veal that the letter was probably donor luncheons or dinners. Mast throats of thinking Austrians can be gleaned from t h e action of ment is preparing to establish a few large government-controlled Wlttfefl • by. a secretary n a m e d jo)T t h e larger cities raised their the .Union of B a r Associations for t h e whole-Austria' which i n a ,quot£ j.s through the donor affairs. monopolies in grain and flas. If carried out, thiS-will be a heavy Murphy. strongly-worded resolutiipn declared itself unequiveeally ;opposed .Murphy handles the most pef-; . . T h e fiae results of the Junior blow to large numbers of Jewish-grain merchants as well as tvsdnal and delicate correspondence! Hadassah fund-raising efforts and to t h e intreductio.a of the. facial principle in t h e legal professidh, , . , , , , ,. . •-,- •-• t , , ,-,-. ' I Jewish peddlers who take grain from peasants m exchange for far his boss. Steffi, as a : matter t h fe U r g e r membership enroiltot fact, doesii t see the corfgspon- m e n t l e a v e fl0 d o u b t a s t o t l i e l n . It is intimated in dispatches from Austria that^ the; government | h ddenes B6 is suppdsed to be carry- j cfeasiag interest in -Zionism on was desirous of changing the method of electing members to the j * , '"-. • iflg on With his best friends. the part of Americas J e w i s h executive councils of the bar associations, with official approval! When a friend gets into town, youth," the stateiaeirt says. -"The
We Have Co-mplef© Sekcfions! Therefore
Murphy shows Stern t h e . , cor-11.500 members of Junior Hadasrespondence so that he c a n •vrere deterrnined to oversxibaimed at the'Jewish.attorneys;.this move was defeated . . . dem^J Anti-Semitism is simply demagoguery,-is the statement made catch up onfile t i e things he has j scribe the national budget to shew onstrating that in Austria today there is still some freedom of | by Julius Maniu, former premier and now leader of the powerful their deep interest in Junior Ha- j dass&h's part in the upbuilding of ] thought and action left. I National Peasants Party in Roumanian Palestine. The influx cf refugees j ,, This is by no means to be taken as indicating that no anli-; Maniu tells us nothing new; We have known for a long time from Germany and elsewhere has i Semitism exists in Austrian While the Austrian pfficiali;'3nieoth-j that anfrSernitism is simply demagoguery", but what we have stirred t h e American youth to j greater activity in b e h a l f of! ly liour diplomatic^ oil.:on the: official actions in ordei? to impress? \ deployed is that the victims of that demagoguery, did not know it. By O. O. DASHER ; | Palestine.' . '- ' foreigners, they afe. unobtrusively: winking.'an; eye at diacrimina-' Anyone, it Would seem, could uflderstattd the fundamental | "Furthermore..-in the past two itioiis Which oft times grow flagrant. | ABG of ManiU'S statement that there is no justification for hold- Tliey have prepared & net foryears, scores of Junior HadasSah i ttawever, a healthy situation is developing within: the Jewish j ing the Jews responsible for the present economic crisis in Rou- my. steps, tny soul is Bowed down, dfficers and members liave visited pit^before before me, iPalestine and have seen tot ttiettirariks themselves. For a long,time Austrian Jewry has "been a mania, pointing but that they suffer from present conditions just they have dug a pit ! t h e remarkable ^ detelophouse divided against itself. But now they have begun to;recog-> as much as other elements of the population, But an ignorant they are fallen into the m i d e t selves ment of the country. And they tliereof theiaselves. . niafe that in their unity lies their strength. Hence, fe recent con* mind blinded by bigotry and numbed by bias cannot recognize Gire US help against the ad- i observed a t first-hand .the work ot fere'iic* o£ representatives of the various Jewish, groups authdr-: even the obvious. ¥hbse like Matiiu, who In the past have made rsary for Vain is the help of' Junior Hadassah in rehabiiitatilt j ing underpriviHged. chiittrea into ized the creation of a Federation of Jewish Communities which i capital of the demagoguefy, could undo much of the harai they l n a Men of low degree are vanity ! the life of the country and in prowould servfe as the authorized spokesman for the Jewish people j have Spread by freely admitting their former demagoguesy. and m6fi of high degree are & lie.'jaiding a life-long jprofession for] if they be '.aid in t h e balance, 'young women of Palestine through in Austria. When this federation becomes an actuality, Austrian i Training «<^™1 school. On they aro together-lighter t h a n j * 1the " 4 wNurses' '"—*' •"-•<«««nt, Jewry will be able to defend their rights as a unit. j *_, « 1 f i their return to America these visvanity. U o r s Thid is a page which should be carefully copied in all other I $UC%OS* lift J u d | f ! l t 6 S i t For Thou hast been my help ' redoubled t h e 1 r efforts in countries. It is simple for any government to ignore the protests j A delegation of Palestinian Jews have made the trek to and in the shadow of Thy wings •' behalf of J u n i o r Hadassah's oflitheJewish people sound o u t t h e foligh rabbinate ott tkk question of d Q j r g j o i C e > ^ y s o U i deaveth fcfojeets pp when t h e J<*ws^^ themselves a r e not agreed.: Waf saw td^ ''Lastly, it is to be noted that polygamy : for therJews in Palestine, which this delegation d a i m s u f i td Thee, Thy right hand hold-) n'eciisflary for the H0niinated: candid&tea. InterpretM
as being |
t: • :
on their rights or the method of enforcing them.
t h e soinewhat better ecosomic is needed as a means of equalizing th6 Jfewish and Ar'ab birth ratfes! eth me fast. conditions in this country are in TALMUD a meastire responsible for thfe opin the Holy Land. » Itabbi Hillel said. 'Be of theportunity to raise more this year We regret to even have t6 print about the delegation trying disciples of Aaron loving peace ior The weak fellow the lines of least resistance. | to have the ban on polygamy rescinded. Just because the Moslem a ndj)«fsuing peace, lovihg man-| ^ ^ " f u n d s Ze 7&VeA drawing then by good various groups through collective j , ,. Statistics published in Warsaw, glaringly shout out the fact I population is procreating at a more rapid rate is no reason for exafflBle Jiigh to thfl Torfth." that more than one thousand young Jfewish men haVe been con-; effort. -Thus, they.make their so-j
The Weak Course
the Jewish residents of the land to move* backwards, to take out itabBi Hillei UsSfl to say* He! . , p !egti ^ **** proven to be uorally and who seeks a great name for the! agents in It is a step away f r o m ^ H g h t e n ^ t Which should j ^ t % ^ T / w M S f To \ % hever have enterM the heads Of this, delegation, let &lOna cau^e j crease his knowledge decreases it lio individual i;3ata.;i : • ; . ' ; . ••;• . : ' "': '.•••-.!,.,..; ; _ : " - > . : : ' '.:.; . t ' .;.-.-•• \ ' : j them t o niakg a trip td Poland 6tt its behalf. The^ succumbing Of these young m$n to. converSi V *t,«i ir^soii given stamps them as weak in character A tfee . . . as the is not worth w h l lliving, g ,and he j Washington, D. C. f while I Sifh Commissioner Wauchope of Palestine has repeated the f h f vrho makes use of the crown of i President Roosevelt^ unequivocal j • l^efe ol iKfaet . . . is made stronger by the removal of withering Torah for selfish purpose will; views on religious liberty w e r e ; • l i i n b a ; i ; ' i ; - ; ; - - ; : - . ? - , • • ' : • • • • v ' - , : ; - . '•'."••'•"• ['-' . ; \ > ; " . - . ; . V - ' ; . " '"\ ; ' : - . , ' - • ! that a Legislative Council will be aStablished in Palestine assertion again enunciated w h e n he r e - : despite protests of the Jewish'people. ^Rabhi Hillel used to say, "If I ceived from a delegation of Con-: ..ui fc v.«;from their faith i n the past three months. T?he converts. a ^ ; : m < ^ y of the; prbfessional ^ ^ t6(| secure a n y poaitibns. Their conversion ensures them of a suit;
: i
a petition asking that: m n o t f o rm y s e l f w h o . . . w i l l b e gressmen for. me? But if I cafe-for myself j the American embassy in Mexico; if not now,! be authorized to institute an In-; only, what &m 1? i: ]|i T)Kfe gcehe i s ; t n e Hebrew U ^ ...-., ., •.•-.-.-. : I fjuiry to determine whether Amer- '• '^fcl^ei'l^fed'.iiopii^faoil*:-.ii^ikes^ By pr^eari-ailgiSd Signal, every;stuHete:is & shbft, short story, culled^from the dispatchfei, thfeniaia.i md. "G&l & i t e d time ; ican citisens there are permitted j ot t i e forah, prem-: to worship as tb@y please. In ac;djjnt'in!iWery''cito«obm.:6 and re-|cepting tfe# petition t M President l ^ ^ ^ l t H e testfubtfifs" tb deliver their erudite lectured to empty • " A Jew's name was on the pfbgram of the Dresden opera oae cVtvO all' men w i t h a cheerful i said that he "is in Entire eyni2]lai*s; ^ " ^ ^ oight last week. There were no riots. Correspondents were so as- ponatenance?? i ath? with all people who make make j i; | This waa.''the Students' way of attempting to enforce a de- tonished"that they rushed t6 cable officer to sefid long dispatches 'Rabban eamaiie! s a i d , . ' * f o - it clear that the- Ain«ricati -people; vide thyself with a teacher to hold and t h e government, balieve in j ^iandfbr the addition of; an agricultural school to the university, about the fact that Eichard Strauss' '"Ehe Silent Woman," libthe clutch of doubt, and freedom ot religious'worship, not j ? it o t tnysjslf to g I T S! only in. the-United States, but also j Stt^d€nt •iitfjit.&'i yoli see, 'are the same in Palestine as any tetto by Stefan 'Zweig, was presented, marveiously enough, -with--. itithes by & conjectural .estimate.". 3a all other nations." •'••-•
l Lorn
Suits $1 U S
' ••-
• .- -•••'
-•• •• • • " . • ' • • • - • . - . .
••• a
Only tlie best Is good, enoiigli In summer clothes feac! at today's' low •prlee liter investment for your future needs us well us for present comfort &tid enjoyment.
• W i
IN LOS AKGELES Mrs. 3VL Jlfodkey is vacationing In L&s Aflgelgs, with hef gfanddaughter, Evelyn -Dansky and Josephine Rubnitz. While there they will visit their k
DiRECTOSS ELECTED At a regular meeting of t h e progressive choir, t h e following directors were elected: Mr. Ben Martin, dramatics; and Mrs/ Sam Yaffee, music.
ST. LOCISIAN VISITS L o u Handler of S t LoUia is visiting here while teaching the members of the KebfaSka C. C. C. boys how to swim.
ZELDA 8AFERSTEI5T • EXTENSIVELY EJftERf AlKEO Miss Zelda Saferstein, who •will become the bride of Morris Stalmaster on Sunday, July 28, has been very extensively entertained at many prenuptial affairs. Those who honored the bride-to-bb are! Meedames Jack Marer, H a r r y Rochman, I r v l n St&Imaster, 3. Malashock, Nathan Horwich, Sam Rothenberg, Harry Malashock, Albert Wohlner, H a r r y Lapldus, Lester Lapidus, Mrs. Sophie MonsSy and Mrs. Rosa Kramer and Misses Bess Stalmaster, Eess Goldberg and Elsie Stalmaster.
Mr. and MM. B a a Keslowsky have returaed i r o m $, snonth's honeymoon trip through Yellow* sto&G Park and through the em part e>t the trailed States.
Mies Jeaa Lubia of Chicago taeatibSiag here Idr two as a housegucat ot her cousins, Misses Aitn, Lillian a a d Sylvia Joaisca. l>r. aad Mrs, M. 1. Gordon spent ths -week end in Chicago.
VISITS IN ST. JOSEPH Rosella: Handler is visiting in ON BtJYING TEH* St. Joseph, Missouri, w i t h her Florence La Bosehsii of brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and t hMrs. e , Brandeis Store ladies-ready* Mrs, H. M. Korbholz. to-wear department, is spending three weeks in New York oa a VISITS IN LINCOLN . buying trip. Miss Celia Lipsman is spending a two week's stay in Lincoln with ENTERTAINED AT v her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. LUNCHEON and Mri. Phil Katsv She will moMrs. H a t r y Bush entertained HARRY SAFERSTEIN H E R E tor back to Omaha with them Sat- twenty-three guests at a luncheon and bridge in honor el her sister. Mr. H a r r y Saferstein of N e w urday evening. Mrs. P h i l Ostrovich, who w a s York city ia Yisiting t h e home of married July Fourth and, also in his p a r e n t s , Mr. a n d Mrs. 'William BACK FROM VACATION Saferstein a n d while h e r e -will a t Mrs; Rose Wolf and her daugh- honor of Mrs. Saxon, an aunt who t e n d t h e -wedding of h i s sister. ter, Esther, and son, BUI, returned ia visiting here from New York. Miss Zelda Saferatein, a n d Mor- the,early part of the week from Prizes . w e r e won by Mrs. Max TJ3 S t a l m a s t e r , -who will be m a r - a two weeks* vacation in Chicago Levine, Mrs. ftosalie Cutler, Mrs. ried on Sunday, J u l y 2 8 . where they visited friends a a d Sam Friedel and Mrs. Sam Manvitz. Mrs. George Bernstein enrelatives. ' . tertained at a bridge party WedOXE O'CLOCK MTXCHEO5T . nesday, for Mrs, Ostrovich. " WEEK-END AT OKOBOJI On Tuesday, J u l y 2 3 , a group Mr. and Mrs. Al S. Mayer spent from t h e Council of Jewish W o DANCING PARTY m e n , -who comprise t h e child and the week-end at Lake Okoboji. In honor of Miss Alice Seldln a d u l t psychology classes d u r i n g of Boulder and New Ramer, Colot h e winter a n d spring mbnthfe, h a d VACATIONING rado, Miss Esther Klaiman gave a 1 o'clock luncheon a t t h e P a s Mr. and Mrs. Jud&h L. Wolf a dancing party on July 20. Thirton hotel. son and family are vacationing at ty guests were present. Mrs. Howard Milder, past chairm a n ; Mrs. Ben Silver, vice presid e n t , and Mrs. I. I. Salman, group c h a i r m a n , were In charge of t h e affair. Regular meetings will be held in t h e fall. • •• *
SUCCESSFUL TREASURE HUNT The Omega Delta Deltatreauure hunt which was held Recently was qnite 'successful.; T w e n t y couples attended the affair.. The treasure consisted of six theatre passes buried In one hundred pennies in a small chest. The treasure h u n t winners were: Misses Ida Blacker, Gertye Oruch a n d Rose Fox and Messrs. Bam White Sam Friedman and Bill Blax.
Lake Okoboji.
AT OKOBOJI Marvin Trailer lias completely .Misses Sarah Rifkin, S a r a h recovered from his recent operaMalashock, ROBB and Miriam Kir- tion. shenbaum left last Saturday for a week's etay at Lake Okoboji. EXTERTAIN3
more Interest from botfi patrons fend persons who ate participating in t h e productions, t u t in T h e regular meeting of 1. h t. view of l a s t year's successful work, the members of the comPleasant, Hill Society, which mittee &t6 very cntfcuaiigtifi ever As sward to the student of the .to be held on July fO, ftm b nest year's outlook. Talmud Torah. who writes t h e postponed. There will be P rp The -members of tfae Committee best essay ofi £.r-y Jewish Inpt.ori- Is.r mop!"inp of the or^pnixftiio Omalia Hebrew Club w i l l luncheon with the c s s p cal sul'ject trill be presented fcy the B'lvsi .If.poh1"- f-Tnap:opup, Z group Et the Jewish CosuaBCity t h e Kother Chapter of A 1 e y h . end Nicholas, on TuP5?<lEy, Aur Ceater after their regular meet- Sadik Aleph in a contest to bt £7th. spcnsored la the sear future. Delegatians from the surround- ing next Wednesday. ing cities have purchased tickets In EEEounciEg this svTcrd Presand are making plans to attend ident Ernie Nogg stated lhav. this TO HOLD ; is the be-frisninj? of a renerpfl inone of the most elaborately planned picnics ever arranged in OmaSUMMER FORMAL terest Y'feich the is taking DEAUTV SALOM ha which is being • £f>o2Sor§3 by j in yelig-lous, cultural p.iid pocial the Omaha Hebrew Club at Lake! service •srorSt: ta {his community. Pc-nivrpf. T h e S i Lambda social fraterview Park, Sunday, August IS. nity will liars their seveath. an- jit is planned to make this ERUUR] For only a s a s l l admission nual summer fcrts&l tX 'the High- | award. charge, there will be dancing, mu- land Couatry c l u b on Sunday, It is hoped, by the member? ol sic and a raffle asd other special July 28. it h e Mother Chapter that t li i s no iTiRfJiin^ry nT=ri HO pie attractions. This affair w i l l dedicate the : &W£,rd will inspire the rtudents of
A. ZL Give
seventh anniversary of the -exist- ; the Talmud Torah to R more inr: ence of this fraternity. Most of i tetise stufly of Jewi«-y n Ia t h e twenty-one members w e r e i Additional fiete = c. among tfift original group t h a t I this award will he -vo"V Twenty-five members of the Psi founded the fraternity. | a special committ"" f *" Mu fraternity attended the annual • announced in the xc~ t In making this affair one of the : summer outing which was held at press. Linoma Beach last Suaday. | outstanding summer affairs of the Even though Henry Ginsburg! season, the fratersltj* fcas engaged forgot the potato sal&a the raem- \ Bobby Bowman and hi* orchestra bers overloked this and enjoyed i for the occasion. Bowman w a s the festivities of the day, which i formerly a saxophone player with I T h e Jewish included swlmmiag, games, a n d j Rudy Vallee and is ms-king Ms fSuth ©erdy." Omaha debut at this affair. The j cocneii will have a picnicing. dancing will be held under the •day, July 20, at th<Mr. and Mrs. Ittibea Bordy atsstars on the outdoor lloor of the munity Center. A'.' nounnced the engagement of their i club. i urged to Ettenfi as daughter,'Miss Ruth Bordy, to AlAl VTeiacr asd Sam Tinke! are , business: is to he i" fred A. Fiedler, son of Mr. a&d co-chairman &E& are planniEg ttis ; representatives of p Mrs. Itadore Fiedler, at a lunehGil affair In conjunction with Her- • tions who have BUT r r r . " eoa which was held at the Pasr man Babich, president of the Cra- I aatiosial fund are r-J C tea hotel, Saturday, July 20. Miss A beautiful concert w a s renj teraity. \ this meeting. Bordy is a graduate of Central High school and attended Creigh- dered br members of the Kstzoinir j ton university. Mr. Fiedler, -who club over Station W. O. W. Mon- j is a graduate attorney, attended day evening, from 10 till 10"S0 . J hoth Nebrask and Creighton uni- P. M. • Eight Jewish and Hebrew xnel-; versities. He is a member of the Sigma Alpha- Mu social fraternity odies were sung o v e r the air.' and is a past president of the Car- Cantor Schwaczis sang a v e r y | doza d u b of Creighton university, j lovely number, Yidoisher Shenkel. The wedding - -will take place in ! The group, rormed g i x years fiffo, is self supporting and has for late fall. its aim the development of interIn esting Jewish youth in Jewish Ead , IS ST. JOSEPH Hebrew music. It is hoped to ia-" Misa Minnie Froha epent the \crease the present number to BISweek-end In St. Joseph, Missouri. ty members this fall. Participation ia this » a t k Is cpen to anyone and if you are inMOTORING TO D&NVJSA terested, contact aay member or , Mr. aad Mrs. Bea Clvin are taring to Denver, Sunday, for a! call the Jewish Community Centwo weaks' visit with Mrs. Citia'si ter. H a r r y Bender and Cantor A. mother, Mre. J. Fiagret. Sthweikin organltesi t h i s group tix years ago. At present L e o BACK FROM VACATION Bernstein ia presiflent r* tills orEd Minkia rsturaed Tuesday gaaisatioa.
" O m a h a ' s Oaly A m a s a a e a t P a r k t o r IToang
rify pspfT nt PO.RO «n«1 Tip-
Mrs. Joseph Baum entertained RETURN FROM VACATION at dinner Sunday evening for sevMr. a n d Mrs. Louis Lipp returned- from a three weeks' mo- eral out-of-town guests, including tor trip through the national parks ,!rs. -David B a u m and Mr." and Mrs. Lou SilveTB ol Chicago, Mrs. in Colorado. Ben Waskow of Kansas City, and M i s s Aaitft Wiliasky ot MinneAT NATIONAL PARKS apolis. '-._•• Mr. a n d Mrs,- Sanders Steinbach, Mrs. Mina Stelnbach * n d SETTEE evening froia a month's stay -at •; '• / her brother,"Mr. Selman StoneM t Aba Brbdkey lias complete- Tri-Cities where he was the brook, of Linflon; England, who ly recovered Iron his receat ops?* guest of his brother-in-law a n d •will be thaic guest for two months atlon. sister, Mr. asd Mrs. George Lefreturned last week from a t w o Election ot officers featured the stein. LEAVING TOTS, NEW YORK regular meetiag of • the Pratority week's motor trip to the national SPEND SUNDAY HERE held at the J. C. C. last ThurBdar Mr. and lUra. S. Kamelgain and parka., , Mr. and Mra.'Frank Long aad LEAVES FOU CHICAGO eveainff, Juljr.lBth. their children, Esther,^Rose and. Misses Bertha Newman, H a s e l Mr. and Mf3. iloe :M. Elcs are ; • Those elected are: Esther Wittondon,- wha have been residing JEWISH WOMEN'S ALLIANCB Newman una Bonne?' Jacobs aaa leaving for a soath/s May ta Chi- kin, ' Mf.Htrry> Newman, all ot President; Ida Epstela, Vicehere for twomonara are leaving TO HOLD PICNIC cago, vr i t a Mrs.Hics's pareata, The Jewish ^Women's Alliance cago, epeat Sunday here as guests Mr. aad Mrs.-Jacob Gre€n. President; %araa. Kolaick, Secrefor New York during t h e earl? tary; Esther Pollay, Treasurer; part of the week. They plan to ^ o c i a t i o n ia going to have a pic- of Mr. and Mrs. David Newmafi.. and Harold Janoff, Reporter. make their new residence thera. nic this coming Sunday at Peony RETURNS'FRO5I VtETS 'ark; Members and their families WICEB tST CALlFORJflA tlaas for a membership drive S a m Qlllgr returned recently are h&ikg arraafeed by the Execuare cordially invited. Games have ;Rabbi.aad Mrs. David Wiceare MOTOR TRIP .. from a ten. day stay, ia ChicaiO, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Orlikoff.-fle- been arranged tor the afternoon. vacationing in B a a t a Barbara, where he was a houaeguest of Mr. tive cotaiaittee. Prises will be gvien away to the California. . - aad.Mts. M. Glutm&n. partea Sunday via motor for a three -weeks' trip through Bottld- winners of some scheduled events. -I BACK FEOM e r Bam and through California. MOMS LEAVES •Mr. a n 4 Mrs'. A..-Tenn6sb&uas HOKOBIKO REYA Miss Annette Pawai left for her returned from a-two wdeka' trip TO CHICAGO AND homo in St. Paul after a iea day to Colorado Springs aad S a t e s Hi*. Ellis W c i t s m a a w i l l ti& « * . LOUIS visit in Omaha. She was the guest Park. hostess at an eight table Bridge T>'omea of i.Se Center Pl&j'er's Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tollman ot her cousin, Mr. Julius Blsno. garty oa Sunday, July 28, ia hoa- Guild committee will taeet tt the are leaving for a ten day trip to or of her sister, Miss Reva oold- J. C. C . aest -We.dnesaay mortHUES Chicago and St. Louis. While in TO HOLD STAG eaberg, who is eagaged to w e d iflg, to digcTiss pl&ns for cext year Morris GrMtf, who t Chicago they will be guests of Sol eoa of Mr. &ad aad ta&ks teatatire trraasreiaeats. Alumni members r.f the P h i and Harry Fellman a n d in St." Beta Epsilon fraternity will hold Nebraska/aaivefsity at LiacoJu, is M t s. David Lincoln ea gunday, L&st year t h e guild produced LOuis will Visit their unclft and a stag Saturday night in honor of spendias the-summer wi.t.ii fels AugfUBt IX. This &iiUt %-ill be three plaj-s ft cMifirefc'g play pareatB* Mr. aad Mrs. David h. aunt, Mr. and Mrs. N. Rosen. Maurice Stalmaster, whose mar- Greefl, firea at Mrs. 'Weitsa&a'e home, 2.H& eajoyed oae of the most 6iie; '" riage to M i s s Zelda Saffefstein 1.911 South SOth street. csssJul seasons of the histcsry of OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS ll take place" Sunday. The af- G U E S T S t S S t f i t . - "••• amateur productions at th& cecMr. and Mrs. Reuben T a n fl fair will be held at the hoffld of tet. MISS Harriet Kewmaa of Dea» h a v e aB their houseguests their Dr. Leon E. Fellman. Even though tha atsatecr prover i» & guest of her Bistef aad cousin, Mrs. G. H. Kirsehner and ductions were revived last year, brotheMa-l&w, Mr. aad Mrs. lack Ifistallatloa of officers of the her son, Carl, Of Brooklyn, New IN OKOBOJI t h e three plays, 5"6rch Bearers. Steln; Chapter of Aleph York, who are planning to vaca1st', a n d Mrs. W. J. Pheller Frost f t g « aad .Another Lanj will t a k e islaes tlbn here for a month. MrS. Vann spent tha week end at Laka gtiage, whicli were nil directed by July 30, at the Jewish CONVALSSC1KO •• entertained twenty two guests at boji. Miss Heiea Merfitt, ?eceived exCeater. eoataleseing Hy Chasfflaft Is a 1 o'clock luncheon at the Bi&ekPlans of t h e athletic tourtsa- cellent support from t h e esiire from & reeeat egeratiea. atone Hotel, on Friday, July IS, VACATIONING ment scheduled for the latter part community. in Mrs. Kirschner'e honor. Many Cantor and Mrs. A. schwatskia RETURNED PROM- TRIP Ac6ordifig to Mrs. SaS4 TMoof August ia Dea Moines will he informal affairs are being planned aecofflpaaied by Mf. and Mrs. A. ! flore, w h o Is 'chairman c£ t h i s Mrs. Harry A. stoler retutaed anflbtiflceA at thd meeting. for Mrs. Kirsehner. Kats and.their noti, inrael, l e f t ttom .& Wo raofltfefi' tfis flufing Aleph Gadol. Sraie Nog-g, an- eoiasnittee, "fivfe plsys will be fivweaaeaday taoraing for & two-or which time she teuf fed the entire i&oUiiceS the appbintinent of t h e ca by the center pl&yefs this year. VISITS PARENTS thre© weeks' vacation at L a k e western part of the country from following committee chairmen: A drama, a comedy, t w o chilMr Mac Guttffian, ^hO l a s t British coittmBia tin taa coast ef Cultural cemiafttee,"-Srfl!e Pries- drea'e plays and a. play with a flftvr in from Pittsbuirgli by Jewish'theme.''It is evea hoped to Mexico. man; .Social committee, Sea fiane, «pfent ft week h S t e as &HOUSE fer; SeHgieus, Msey Saum; Ath* mate this activity a regula? part of h!8 parents. Sff* Mies Mifiata Zitimafi Of Chicago -SCO LAKH Istie, Lotiis aufw'itfi; gcoutiat, of th6 ceatfef ptogt&za." . HOuBegu is a houseguest of Mr* afld Mfg. Present plans will necessitate Morris Argitmaa; Sdcial gerriee, Mt£s63 Ida, t a d Mrs. Samuel Guttmaa. Morris Frtedel. Daa Miller; Fis&ficlal Comtalttes, Newmaa, .Jessta Nathan aad TO LAKE OKOBOJI Leiboviei have goae to t a k e dko- Louis J. SUklia; Sudget coatnith e r and AT LAKE OKOBOJI Mrs. H. Steinberg boji for two weeks, MM, P a i l tee,; Hatty Welaberg; and Meiason an d Mfs a n d Mrs. L Morgeastern Nathaa will jeia theia ths iittef t daughter, R o s e , stsioo*1 Att-r coamittee, are vacatloaing at Lake Okobojl. Sl-Att VAttMMn, $t.E3 4fcughtfer-in-law, Mr. ^ part of the gett. «am-uel Steinberg, accompanied by MAVf! Mr and Mm. Dave Stfein ftild tb.&lr IN' SbUTHE&^T CANADA Mr, aftfl MfS. J©S M.'HiCft'hfcd d*nght«r», Esther a n t G66fevlefe, Mr. and Mrs. #• J. as th^t? guest f o ? : t w dayi Ut. it,it Sunday morning for L&k& have la e 6 a tacatieaiai for ahd Mrt. A. fL QfSta, whs Okoboji. past two waeks ia southern Caa- «cently wed ia gait Lakd ada aad are etpected to rotura afad who wfife fearotite to ChScfefo. by the urfet paf t of faest k MACY BAtJSI KETUBKS Mrs. Gi-asa, who % a I .-formerly Bf&&eh No,- 17S of the WcrfeMacy Baum, -who was the MothSernics Liwis ef Salt Like City, men'fi CirclS will Mid its er Chapter delegate t6 thS Na- VACATIONISG is a. sifetif 6f Mf&. $Ue&. picnic' at M&BS66m f&tk, tional CAflip Cbnvention of t h e M i s s Louia K6thk6p IS day, July iS. Aleph 2adik Aleph, returned last tioaing for two weeks &t L a k e All ot th« members afifl theif . Sunday after a week's s t a y ia Okoboji. faailles aft > to bring Reverend Samuel Miller, lather picnic Bifitftts aafl glaa ca c*mp and after visiting his *6l& bt Rahlji U. Miller, is a tives ia i t a n ^ B City for a m&K iajdyabk day* The Mr. and. Mr6. MaS\f*rtstakia laf fuest of Mr. asd Mfs. K. zatios. will' iefte tefifeahittents to y afteffioda fey m6t6f ttt feon. Mr. LarenSoa isi tfc& pfgsi- the fctasbsrt and their families. CANADIAN indlansla at Madtion, Wi 4ent ot thfe Vaad. Harvey Leon, All jaiiabats oi t&§ Br&tieh Ko. Co agin, whera thsy will visit berg and Phil Laser left last 25S of 8out^ Omaha MS invited via motor toT& U& day t r i p son. Bob, # h 6 ia fipMtSlflf t li It #as laaawrtentl^ stated ia to atteiid i s guests, of thS bratscS. summer; the?a. From there they last week's Presi th&t the through Canada. Gaiaes and etttertaiasest' lias will motor to .Elkhart Lake Wis en's Masrachi d&ISilted $15 to beea arfaiigsd tot both the awaits consin, whare they & t a y severs local camp for SIOUX CM3AN HERE and the clildren who attend the Miss Afln Herman Of Bi 6 u s weeks beforS returning children. They dfifiMfta |15 tftj picnic. City is visiting here !6f On© t?6 Such a ea»p in l»aicstiafe. I and while hftrft U & S ^ t of to Mr. ana Mrs. Philic OstraTien Nioma Kovitis and Adeline Specwill return home today a f t e r tor. spending tha &aat weak at Lal:a Okoboji. IN CHICAGO Mrs. I. H. Friedman is Taca-j tloning several weefea in Chicago O K BCMINSS9 tffttP and while t h e r e ia r W t i n g h e r j ijoaig.Somberg l e f t Saturday father. Mr. g. G. Soref a n d b e r » e r e n i n g for New York city on a brother, J o e Soref. J business trip.
-Hersbcros Dress Dcpfj,
You've Been Waiting for It! Here It Is
i ! i i i 'i 3 1
This is year dbssce to p«rcli0se s wljolc wardrobe o! Nelly Don £roc!s» i.1 rldieal&as prices! Wiee shoppers will buy them now « • . to Ii8vc fer nest eessoa!
Yetees t© $3.91
Values fo $5.98
Linens Voiles
Abgolute choice pf till the bigbrr priced Nelly Don Wm &Ms Grepci. . « eilk piques , . . Terry silks , , , larrs , ccts &s,i eyelets . , . MoafiEj- a t . . . . , ' . ,,,,,.. Sisc$ IS to 44 . » . Sole Here Only in. Omaha . . . PUih I'ioor
f * ifite sad quick diepaeal . .« . ve've rrJwrcc 2BS higher priced mm* si€f crepes . . . chiffoas . « .. feltcerB end upon stlke , . , Mo&d&y to tkese two I ftices! Bay for now trndi next eitmsed Sizes 12 to 20 . . . 38 to 44.
Ait Ceohd Bre$s t)epu.~Sixth
(And Less Thmm Half for Fall Wear . , , and Next Spring! ' Fmtr& Floor
»•• '•• •mm&
• ,
GKOUND FIGHTER—A member of the newly organized German Tank Corps standing in the armored turret of one of the ne<w and powerful German tanks during maneuvers near Berlin. TEe. tanks have special caterpillar tread. Note the machine gUns, which are part of the equipment.
GERRIANY'S IVIECHANIZED ARMY REVEALED-This photograph, received recently in the United States and shown here for the first time, gives an idea of Germany's new mechanized army. This is one of the huge tanks, with special caterpillar tread and other ultra-modern features, that is part of the new Nazi fighting equipment. The picture was tafcen during maneuvers near Berlin. ;The Tank Corps is the latest unit to be brought up to date by Hitler.
1 TEEY CARET TEEtE CT?N—D.voteec of s ero-t t'.uf ?fT b"cos:m3 increasingly popular, Helen Telbott a i d Sue ".cU, pretty Virginia mermaids, nose with their Eskimo kayaks bffo*T venturing far out at Old Point Comfort Eesch. T'IC g"ilc CMdentljT plan to carry the kayaks over shoals.
mm V
TANKS THAT GBEW IN SECRET—At a momsnt when the world believed Germany had been subjugated,-suddenly she rejected-the Versailles Treaty and announced reconditioned army, navy and air.forces. Here, shown.for the first time, in maneuvers near Berlin, is a squadron of the newly organized Tank Corps,'whose powerful fighting machines grew in secret. •
. ARBITEil—Hans Kerrl, former Prussian Minister of Justice, •who has been appointed Undersecretary for Church ASsirsto carry out the edict by General Hermann Goering, Prussian Premier, against "political Catholicisin."'Ke'rrI is a violent anti-Semite.
Jf £5
DOUBLE VICTORY—Walter Pflaumer, Princeton varsity man a year ago, who was outstanding at take Carnegie,' Princeton, Ni J., when he won both the junior singles and the intermediate singles sculling events of the National Association of Amateur Oarsmen. He represented the Bachelors' Barge Club of Philadelphia. . ;
Err W O K D : WHAT rL'*rrryt;i? r — rrreir .hr»- rn-Ti,^ 3 bofebiss trj'ing out t^ci^ ncv 1 *e-sav^Tjp f e n c s , TUIV ci^c irt heavy uniforns, includitir. of course, the v>fi~"rt-s\ >''tr Inrn overboard at India Dock, londoi, to test the bnoi atirj* oC flic jackets. Let's hope the test VTF successful!
CONSUI^-Jchn H. Shaw, New York importer, named as Ethi IIV oininmarir rpnrp«;pr«{-ii.tivp
RUN LEADERS—Holding toprap places among of of thet hAir.e-iean *•.•<*;.<**. x*.v*+~*jnt*jLniuici.a—iioicung piaces a m o nstick-wielders g stick-wielders! e A m e r i c a n Baseball
Lea S"e is this heavy hitting home run aces. aces Left to right: Bob B b Johnso-fbr§£ JhLST i £ P h t S l The u f f i Stete^ E^foola League this. trio trio;of ot heavy-hitting J matotaSS S e 8 g S taS , P W a Athletics, Hank Greenberg of the.Detroit Tigersand Jimmy Poxx of the - Attieti JL i t t n g ington. •^St™ " v • ~ •., them they have, more than- 60 home runs this season. They are shown at Shibe Park.
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POLICE: C H I E F ' — C o u n t Wolf von Helldorf, wlio-was a p p o i n t if ed' h e a d of t h e Berlin, G e r m a n y , police force, following the-resignation-of Chief M a g 'M- n n s vpn 'Levetzkow a t a stormy r,.r._r_r. n,_^ .,„,„,,,.-.,„.,...„„.-,fr.,,iW,,.,,^w.,-...^,,w,-r,.,.J,^,'session • c f - Nazi p a r t y leaders.
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j t h a t s h e c a n n o t keep i t o n for more t h a n 15 m i n u t e s a t a t i m e .
i§m (I U IPfife
" F U B T S . WITH DEATO-TO D A N C E - T O make herself .sparkIling. J6an Miller..New_ York dancer, covers her• entire•• body iHreetimes a night withiglowing paint containing phosphorus. iNotionly does she risk her life, but so dangerous.-is: the paint
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,--; ,. ". f-v <,- . --;.:/ -.^ ;•' . • •. • •'-. ~ ~' ~ — " ~~~T " i ™ L ^ 1 J c ^ t™ ^ r ® •.DUM>EM'AKIlrvES FB€>KJNBIES>-New York harbor reverberated with the reports of a 2i- ' rpt^tX^'Tt^ZT'^Ti T : gun salute when Hrl*;VS;rI)undee, above, a mine-sweeping sloop of the British West Indies ,.*«*G luUvd u) satisfy : ;^g« HS -•- squadron, arrived for a short visit." Officers later were entertained at Governor's Island The superiors m,coping with the ' D u n d e e w a s t o r e m a i n about a week a n d t h e n proceed t o its next port, B a r 'Harbor;-Me. p ; " "---'• " • - demonstration.
l A. A. U. c?.rr.—.I Hcereer of dn*ris ch 't lock it.
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2S, 1935
j |!
books of the season . • . FrledPersonally, we recommend a erlch WOU'B "Cynkali," a play vacation for columnists daring that is going to rip the cover from tho month of July . . . Jewish li£e the birth control racket, will be takes a holiday in tne summer tried out next month at the White and BO does even eur friend Mr. Roe Lake'summer theater It Winchell for several weeks •."... will be brought to Broadway by If some Joe Bralnin this fall . . . Hannah But we must go on of our scoops hava a familiar note Lilien Peters, daughter of the fablame it on the h e a t . . 4 mous black and white artist, Ephraim Lilien, (he died ten •. years EBONY OP IilFB , ago) Iive3 in New York, prepar5 Dr. Stephen Wise jwllf Join the ing, for a medical career'-. ',.. Mrs. Palestine Labor Party, if the re- Sarah Freedman, mother'of David ports we get from; Palestlnfi are Freedman, one of America's most correct . ; . It is expected that at successful gag writers, doesn't tho World Zionist Congress* he like her eon's,penthouse and has •will make a solemn declaration^ run away td* the East Side • . . In throwing the lull -Weight.of his Orchard street, ^ surrounded by influence to the JSistadruth . . . pushcarts, the old lady feels at In Lucerne, "where the. Congress home . . . She Bays old. friends •will be held, there •will take place make life more comfortable than ayery touching scene . . . I n the money . . . T h a t Ethiopian ''prinlobby of the Congress* hall -will cess" who 1B being: exploited here etand a bust of Shmarya Levin to create Ethiopian 'sentiment made by the late sculptor Moses stops at the ultra — Orthodox Dykaar . . . . T h e bust "will bo the Broadway Central Hotel but is as gitt of Morris Eisenman to the much Jewish as -Joe Louis, the Haifa Technicumand it -will be Nego fighter . . ... Hitler's "My presented to that ln&tljtftion by Battle'1 is competing with the BiDr. Chaim ;W.ei2ifiann sometime ble as a best seller . .••'. The latest thl3 fall.'.vT.*>ln this connection figures on the sale of his book let. us reminisce a..bit . . . Moses are 3,000,000 v , .. Dykaar -was undoubtedly one' of the most • gifted C artists of this "REib> THE PAPERS" century . v » He made busts of inWe wonder if. you noticed; the numerable-celebrities in this coun- following cute story about Hitler try, among others President cool- as related by one of the master ldge. Speaker. Longworth, General correspondents of the 'New York Pfirshlng, .Champ Clark,'etc. . . ; Tlifies It seems that Hitler But believe it or notDykaar /Was was . ^knocking!! at the heavenly actually Etarving . . .Being a sen- gates and when SL "Peter con* sitive chat-acter, and: seeing only. fronted him -with' the Question: a hopeless; future, - it should be '"What have you' done to .'deserve explained-parenthetically that all admittance?". Hitler answered: . . these glorious celebrities didn't 'I have united the German peofeel like paying for iheir ousts ple, done away with unemploybut waited lor some friendB to ment and. made the Germans a present them with them - threw happy nation again" St. Pehimself under a subway train . . . ter diBpatched an angel to invesWhen they brought the body tigate the claims of the dead home they found & letter from Fuehrer.-. . The angel returned General Pershing with a check and. reported: that the . Fuehrer for 56,000 . . . was all wrong, that none of his claims could be confirmed . . . . Whereupon Hitler got indignant TRtFE STORY This happened somewhere In and exclaimed: "Why did you •yorkvilla . . . One of the boister- have to go snooping around? ous Nazis had lnsuljted a poor Can't you read the .newspapers?" East Gider and was making his . . » This little story is very much life miserable In. tho establish-; apropos of the recent Berlin riots ihGnt where both of them worked w h e r e the Nazi newspapers ' . . . The Nasl gentleman was con-^ launched a new theory: Not the sidered by his,neighbors the per- assaulter but the victim i9 guilty. (Copyright 1855. by Seven Arts soniflcatlon of pure/Aryanism . ... Feature Sj-fiaicatt) One day the. Jewish. Dally For-" •ward was-delivered i to his home . I . Our Nat! merely^ smiled . . The Jewish .Dally, Forward kept on coming and when the Nordic neighbors .Inquired why[Herr Miller was receiving/ a Yfddlsh paper the newscv*WulJr3told"rtheia thaiMr. Miller was; a subscriber to- the Forward * *"••«•' No pTOtectatlons' helped . . . . The Jfiwish'Daliy For-s •ward -waa -delivered day-!by day Committee of" Jurists Will Reon Millers, doorstep and!Mr.rMll view Varioufi lee was sooa tabooed by;hlsj>"* . .-' titions die colleagues .* . This ' little Eas.kVBlde victtin l o t Geneva (JTA) •— The commitwith his Nazi tormentor . V . ^ tee of jurists appointed by the had spent -his" last $4.60 for- a year's subscription to the For- League' of Nations to review the y p various petitions presented to the ward In the name of Herr Miller. League egalnst acts of the Danzig HOLLYWOOD One of these- dayB- we will have Senate, will moot before the end to keep out all Hollywood items of this month, it was learned this . . . Our managing editor, tells us week. that Louis Pekarsky," managing The committee will examine the editor of the Los Angeles B'nai petitions presented by Jews, CathBrlth Messenger* has been signed olics and other bodies and "Will up as the Seven Arts' Hollywood present Its report at the next sescorrespondent » . .When Louis of the League, which will begets going there will be very little sion gin .September Captain Anthleft for us on Bhadowland scoops ony Eden, the 5.British diplomat, . . . It seems that Louis has made will be raporteur. arrangements to practically live The petition of the Jews of In 1the studios and hob-nob with Danzig against the present adminall the famous stars,' directors, executives, etc. . . . The only Jew- istration of the Free City was subish Etar who can play baseball is mitted' to :the League at its last George Jessel . , . Benny Rubin, session. It charged the Nazl-conthe comedian, selected for himself tTollcd -Senate, of the Free City the job as chairman of arrange- w i t h . - ' passing usconstitutlona ments at the recent baseball ben- laws-affecting the rights of Jews efit game between Hollywood big in It demanded that the League shots . . . Irving G. Thalberg (these Hollywood items come to force the Danzig Senate to abide as directly. from Pekarsky in by the constitution of the Free training for his' own column) is City, w,hich guarantees the equalmost active in the 1935 campaign ity of all nationals of Danzig befor the United .Jewish.. .Welfare fore the law. "Exceptional laws,' Fund In Hollywood . . . Ruth reads paragraph 73 of the Danzig BleH5cyn6kI, the 8-year-old piano constitution, "shall be inadmisWUnderkind, will make her debut sible. All men and women in Dan on the screen in "Big Broadcast" zig shall have the same civil . . . Ruth will play three etudes-of •rights and duties. No legal prlvl Chopin in that film but has; re- leges or disqualifications shall be fused to do-any Shirley Temple practiced due to religion, birth or tricks . Benjamin Warner, position." The Jews of Danslg charged father of the . famous Warner brothers, la very proud of his that nine laws abrogating Jewish election as one of the directors of fights wore passed by the Danzig the Western; Jewish Institute in Senate since tho Nazis gained a L-os Angeles'. . ". The other day majority there, that the anti-Jew be presented-tho Institute with a ish boycott Is belng^ conducted Sefer Torahin- memory of his late with the support of the adminls Did tratlon, and that in general the Wife, Pearl "Leah Warner you know that'Louis B« Mayer of provisions of the League of Na Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer fame is now tions with regard to national ml a-member of "the American Jewish violated, Committee's executive commit- The body of jurists was ap 'Unless we are'all wet - - pointed to investigate the petl tee? and-in this temperature it's Quite tionss and file a report, following possible « & we understand • that the declaration of the -.prasiden Sally Ellerfi, tho so Irish-looking of the Danalg Senate that: tin screen actress, .goes to synagogue Danzig government reaon" Yom Klppur "and belongs to dy to repeal its anti-Jewish" legls h lation if the uncoastitutionality o It would seem that our tribe Father Coughlin deserves a medal theao acts were established by i for having influenced Bddia Can- committeo of Jurists appdntea bj tor to devote more times and take the League. more responsibilities in Jewish affaira . . . Selileaeat for Refugees DID xotr London (JTA)*—The govern -Autobiographies of Jewish lead- ment of Ecuador h a s officially ers are getting to be a vogue . . . agreed to large scale Jewish set Tho latest one in the making is tlement, placing 1,250,000 acres one to ba written by Samuel "Oa- of land at the disposal of Jewish colonization agencies, it was an make one or tne most interesting nouncM here last teeS
now being shown in •;r' J
- ..;
v "-
* j .jjA^|H[
crealiens• from • the finest makers . ;.. every ofie * • • 'M . < .*
turn luxury into ec®n@m$! i
FUR SELECTIONS Northern Secil Silver'Mushat Kidskin Russian Pony Marmink Northern Bearer Lapitt Caracul Broadtail
Our Lay-Away Plan enables you to purchase your < •fur coat nbv/ with a small amount down while you may still fake advantage of August prices. The balance may be arranged in convenient regular payments that will make your fur coat easy to p*-^-
£ DO not profess to He miracle men, and to bring you exaggeratedi_unheard-qf_bar^a»n$. We do say that the fur coats offered In this advance sale-offer'tremendous savings. The prices; are-definitely lower than they will be at any other time during this'year! •' There is no magic back of the idea . . . it is pure logic. Furriers have little to''kee^ them, busy during thr spring and summer. Thty.wel* come orders; -They .give special prices to'induce orders. We have better thsn ordinary, connections, and get the cream of the market. All ere authentic new advance winter styles, with Paris approval for the season, 1935-19361
STYLE DETAILS "••; ' Swagger Styles
First Group of Fur Coats
Second Group of Fur Coats
Third Group of Fur Coats
Fvtl 'Length Fitted' Models *
• •-Johnny Collars . ^ Shtwl Collars '..
-Rippk Collars • -it* Self-and •
Shop in AIR-COOLED Comfort Our h@w, moHernliec! and kir-ce®l®i fur. "depart• ment makes the selection of your fur cost v real •-pleasure. Plan to take your lime etsd let*ws*dhow . you", our extensive collection of'luxurious furs, styled • to the'requirements of every figure . . . priced to • " meet th# limitations of every gurse. - •: •
v;. !2+a20"..;36to46
Contrasting Trims
FREE FUR STORAGE coaf purchased during this «dsale will be given" free storag« fn our own fur vadfs until you wanl your co^t on November 1st. .Buy your ecMd now «nd hav# it pwcticeliy paid Cor by this tSwse you * need it in the falfl ' * • ' *
-1 THE
PRESS, FRIDAY, • • JULY - 28, : 19S5
A. Z. A. Committee Appointments Made
47 Enter Palestine Illegally - Prison and Deportation
itorium-Dedicated in Memory
Find Scouc Meeting
Charge Broadcasting Company Is Biased
Celebrate Bar Mitzvah
MIsa Sylvia Borchevsky departNorman Smeerin, s o n of Mr. ed Sunday by motor for Duluth, and Mrs. Rubin Smeerin of WoodMinnesota, where s h e will visit bine, Iowa, celebrated his B a r with relatives. Mitzvah in the Shaare Zion Synagogue Saturday morning. The Debra Club will hold an Following the regular service, outing In Lewis Park next Monthe congregation adjourned to the day evening in place of their regsocial hall, where Mr.; and Mrs. ular meeting., Smeerin were their hosts. Norman is visiting in Sioux City Miss R o s e Feldman of New this summer with'great uncle and York City arrived here Sunday to aunt, Mr.- and -Mrs. L.. Herman, visit with her sisters, Ruth and 914 Iowa Street.
M i s s Mae Lipton of Chicago was a guest this week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lipton," 1717 Jone3 Street.
London (WNS) '•—Charges of man, Louiebee Mayer's rightrhand discrimination against Y i d d i s h woman, is one of two women in have been raised here against the the movie game allowed to carry government - owned Broadcasting police badges. Company. When a Yiddish variety company now playing in London asked the B. B. C. for an audition with a view to giving an hour o: Yiddish folk songs over the air, the manager of the B. B. C. said that no useful purpose would be served by s u c h an audition as Istanbul (WNS)—The tablets we have decided against broad c a s t s In Yiddish." Questioned of the Law received by Moses on about this remark the manage: Mount Sinai and the Ark of the denied that the B. B. C. has i Covenant, both said to have been ban against Yiddish, pointing ou brought to Ethiopia from Jerusathat the Esta Stein Chauve Souri lem" by Menelite, the son of King company broadcasts frequently in Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, Yiddish. He explained, however, who was the founder of ths presthat his only objection was to ent Abyssinian dynasty, have been full length Yiddish cabaret pro- removed to the mountain strongholds of Abyssinia for safekeepgram, • . •'•-.•; • ing because of the impending Ital-
Hides Biblical Treasury -Fears Italian Invasion
Ida Feldman.
Mrs. H. Levin, and son, Arnold Levin, of Rosalie, Nebraska, visited ' this week with friends and relatives here.
portions, is on diet . . . . down to three steaks a day. Ida Kover-
Joins Herzberg Store.
. s u
Ancient Chateau Given by Jew to President ' of France .
Gold Outfitting . Co. to Expand *• * *
Kioae S1S52
Patronize our advertisers.
their many patrons a n d - friends, who have made this §tep_ possible.
Jewish Press advertisers ?our, patronage.
w >r -
mln Char! the
Nebraska., the prayer of which Is for an | o* the outstanding order ch'angring the surname of each oi I s tock said petitioners from Slogilavsky to Mo- T > ; "•^- IT j: B gg WHEREOF, the partte.o i. trii. have Ret their hands on this Said 1 application ppi vr[\l he p presented for hereunto 1935. hearing i In I Court Ct Room R No. N 8, 8 In I the h 20th day ot June. MAX M. BATIISII, Court House in Omaha,' iCebraska, on BEN SANDEUS. Monday, Aug-ust 19, 1835, at nine the presence of: o'clock A. K.. or as soon thereafter as In Sam Beher. -4t ,-b-Zopetitioners m a t be heard. SAM MOGXLAVEKT, SS5XET I* EJPSTESX, Attomer BACKEti MOGILAVSKT, S01 Electric Bldg. CHARLES MOGILAVSKT, TDDDY MOGILAVSKT, KOTICE EARL. 1IOGII/AVSKT, Notice is he-eby Riven that the tinflfrALBERT JIOGILAVSKX. sif^necl have associated themHelve? to~ 7-1S-SE—4t Petitioners. grether for the purpose of forming a corporation \inder and hy virtue of tiie lmv« of the State of Nebraska. The r.sme of JTBACENEVRG, WEBB, BEBE5, the corporation phall b# the Omaha l i KtTTZXIC'K & KEM.ET. quor Corporation. Th« princinai ptace of 650 Omaha Xatl. Bank Bidg. husineas: shall he at Omaha, Pout,in" CoiiT-.ty, Nebraska. The general r?nt\ire or NOTICE OF INCORPORATION O r the business to be transar.tec; and tN' OMAHA LIQUOR MART, INC. purposes for T;-hirh thii? corporation is Notice is hereby giver, that the under-1 farmed Ere r,s follows: Eigned have formed e corporation under j p j jj , TToC onerRte opefRte p.nd p.nd enc-ape enpape In In fjenernl fjenernl wa of t h e S t a t e o£ N e 1 M k i ; " T h e n i q u o r business tI>ii to deal in all i-n.l of this corporation shall be OMA-j B I , v liouors Trithout limitation v,-h»t=oHA L:iIQUOR If ART, IXC. with It* prin- I c v e . at Omaha, Ne-} •purchase, , • 2.'"T 2. To purchase, hold. hold, ti^o, improvf-. pjace of O brasKa. The general nature ot the busi- j rent, lease rno. convc.- both reall mvl nes= to be transacted and the object and personal propertv s>o f a ' as the' wm» purpose for which this corporation is or- may be necessary to the carrvlng on srauized is to pcrchase s,t v-holesale and ] tj t hy ' corpprpte to sell E.t Trhiskles. x^inotif; t retail, t i l vrines, i hikl i borrovr hus'new; money amT tc- Fe^ure th« liQUors, and all other kinds oi beverages a>,-merit of ih« same by the issuance end Honors; to 'lease., rovm* anu operate notPR, bonds. rtob<?nt\ir?s, nwUvacos. soft <irinlc etands, 'jer rooms. liquor \ trn^f other form*! o? p^evristores, cocktail rooms and dining rooms' ties. cr cabarets, Incidental thereto; to nc- J 4. To conduct a reirJl b\ip>n(*wi. for thp qcire, ho!dr dispose, lease, pledfre and'or j v-xi.' r^e of linytns: p.v.ft P*-VJVTC 1'nnnr," encumber real and personal property, \ and!or any other poodle, wares and mr-re-Ti^ to do £nr urcd all things necessan' i to the retail .tro«3.e and or conTenicnt th a nth common and of the par T&lue of ?100.005 j c o r p o r a t i o n a h u l l b e ?5,niO.(iP <Vtvid»d i n per share and' shall be fully paid up atifi; $r: i"r- f?harejF PRPh of the ppi^r^ nC Eoxk-assessable. The corporation sha.Il ? 10(1 .'00. ' ana p.U of which, stock shall !>o comtneTice doing* business upon fining1 cC Common stock, sm] rnnj- be paid ior in Its 'ArUcIes •with the Comityy Clerk or! cr; note? or otlier propr-vt}- or £?vvU:c* County, Nebraska, and shs.ll j at the reasonable market value th.ereof continue for s. period, of; titty years ttom [ and shall be non-awfiasaMe ' said elate. The highest amount of in- — The corporation shall snail not exceed two-thirds "^"Hh the fflinpr of *t.p f^rtirie^ of inrorot its capital etoek, but this restriction poration ^-ith the Secretarj" oC Ptate oi.' shall not Include indebtedness secured the Stp.te of NPbraska, and shall conby mortjragreE or liens. The ivffftinss of tinue for p, period of fiftv (5o> yenrs this corporation Eh&i! he managed hy a thereafter unle.^B sooner diepoWerT. Board of Directors consisting1 of not less The liicliesi r>mount of indebtedness in than three members. The p.rinuEl nieet- j vhich the corporation FhnI! Kiib ert Itins of the corporation shall be held or. ^elf p.t one time Khali' not the first Slonday in January of each j two-thjrd/s (2-3) of its capital si<v-k year, at -vrhich meeting the StockholmThe p.'f?.irs o* the coi-jmrntlnn Bha*'I l'« ers shall elect a Board • cf I>trecto-rB and j conducted by a board of TMrectors of r>of thereupon the Board shall elect a Pres-! less than tV-o members or more' thun iflcnt. Vice-president. Ppcretp.ry «. n cl i spv Pn , fh» officers eonspopef! ot rt rrr;rTreasurer. Ar.y two of Eaid offices may | ident. Secretary' j»n^ TrpsflVrpr nn<1 or»« be held by one and the same person. I or moi-e Vice-Presirtents are to be eUv-tT l s w e A r t i c l e s m a y he amenrtefl
p.t STST ; ef! h y t h e Ftocftholflpr.1
n t tJielr
rejrular or special meeting: of the stock- i meetiTifr. Any or tile two abovft off icex OS" OSXIiOG, ISC. Notice is hereby given that the under- holders by two-thirds vote o£ the out- j may hp held by the same person except the cf'ice? of President and "Viee-rresi. signed have formed a corporation unfier i :N T^'ITXESS TTHEEEOF, e pErties cent. the laws ot ttie State ot Nebraska, The have hereunto subscribed their names v: KUBENES, name of the corporation is OSTROG, t H s third day of July, 1J35. GERTRUDE ROTHKOP.. INC, sad the principal pl&ca of transIJOUIS P. GOT...DBERG Incorporators. acting Its business Is the city of Omaha. A. A. FIDDLER r. the presence of: Dousias Coantr, Nebraska. The cenerai LAWRENCE J. TOBIN. Sidney I,. EpBtcln. nature of the business to b8 transacted In the presence ot: is to maintain and operate a real estate Jos. B. ho!<Jing company ana to purchase, lease and otherwise ac<3^3lre, eel!, fiispose ci, lease, alienate convey, mortgage or otherwise encumber real estate and personWe A.« OISLESIOHO. F©r Rent al property and any Interest ami estate in 7«!ther, of every kind and description Two room furnished kitchand in general to fietd in such property, either directly or through ownership of enette. Continuous hot -"water, PE-ACTfOAIi BrOEEL etocte in any other corporation t>r assoslib^er, porch. Adults. Reasonciation; and to acQuire by purchase, subscription, or otherwise, ana to hp;a as able. 1617 No. 22nd St. Ja. COIOSCJO Blnfi's, 1's, investments, and to sell, assijrn, transfer, morteeg-e. pledge or otherwise disC5S5. pose of, any bonds or other securities, or evidences of Indebtedness or any chares of capital stock, of any corporation, public or private, of any association or infi.vidual of the State of Nebran&a or of any other state, territory or country ana while the owner thereof, to exercise c\' the rights, powers e.n« privileges of ov - ' ner&hip. Including: th« right to vote. The'fc amount of capital stock authorized i« 550,000.00 divides into B0fl shares of tl>* ' par value of flOO.OO each, all of •vrhic'i is Common stock and when issued sha" be felly paid and non-asse-satle. Stock may be paiit for in cash, property, services or other thiag-s of \-alue as deter-' mined by ths -Board of Directors. The ', time of commencement of this corporr-,1! tion is June 13, 1933. the date wher-! the Articles o£ Incorpr-xtion were file I in the office of the County Clerk ft Douglas County, Nebraska, end the tSrroi of termination of the corporation it January 1st, Z035, The highest atnoss- t, of indebtedness or SiabiJIty to which th»! corporation Is at any time to subject 1 itself, shall not esceea two-thirds c£ 1 capital etock, proviaefl. that this restrip- i I. tion Khali not apply to indebtedness re->- i f, resanted by notes, bonds or other "
Sam Herzberg, who for the past twenty:yearS: has conducted- a ^women's ready-to-wear department in one of Omaha's leading stores. Is now affiliated with Herzbergs. ;.MIss Bess Orlikoff of New York He was one of the three Herzberg City has arrived in Sioux City to ian invasion, according t o Y o r d brothers who founded their busispend the summer w i t h friends received here frpm Addis Ababa, ness in Omaha twenty-five i years Recreationsad relatives. capital of Ethiopa. ago, and h a s acted" in advisory Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agento HoM (kicks? Programs cy)—One of the effects of pros- capacity at HerzbergB, but during perity in the country is the enor- the past week took on "duties as mous amount of printing w o r k an executive: He/' of*the ; Tv?o ftea ; outdoor entertain that is necessitated • by the Gov- recognized'leading women's coat ments axe being sponsored by th ernment, for not only does it pub- and fur merchandisers in this-city. City Recreation Department thl week. lish a weekly Official Gazette givThe first one will take place ing new ordinances a n d regulaof rpaS esats or other interests !nr the Cffiomit of the secarstl .. Friday evening at 7:30 at Fontions, b u t a volume of routine «dness ftt least 25 per cent. The affairs forms are required to cope with tensile park. TbsrOiBaSa'^Boys-Ct of ths corporation are to be cocducte Paris (WNS)—The a n c i e n t a Hoard cf IMrectors consdstins? ce the r a p i d growth in population vie Band under the direction o! chateau at Chaloas-sur-Marne lias by not less than two r.-or more than "fh r and activity. The authorities have Jack Leighiaan will play an .out- been presented to t h e president directors ES may be fixed by the b»iaws and the Board of DErectors s h s . ' n o w completed"the construction door concert to b® followed by of t&e French Kepublic, M. Leelect a President, VJce-PresiSent, Se^""tary and Treasurer. ' " of the large Printing W o r k s , The Gold Outfitting company, dramatic production and stag< brun, by Charles' Cahan d'Anvers, A. GREENBEJRS. which is bigger than any other' of 624-626 South started-In b tt s 1- show,-produced under the direc prominent Jewish . banker a n d 16th street, who E. S establishment in the country, and ness a short time tiod'of Mrs. Kenry Erion, drama- philanthropist, -who is the father- 7-5.SE—It the linotype and printing machinin-law of Senator A n t h o n y Se ago havo already tic supervise?. : ery is now being mounted. There | \ jlound it necesOa- Saturday the children o Jtothschiid, youngest soa o£ the is to be -a bookbinding section. late B a r o n Edmond de Rothss a v y to enlarge Spring Lake Park will'present Quiet young man waats Some 70 workers will be in reguand secure addi- dramatized version of "Cinder- chiW. Daring Its long history the in. refined Jewish hcaae. lar employment. The present Sutional space - a t ella." The Spring Lake Juvenil chateau has been t h e h o m o - o f Write Ai F., Omaha Credit aafl Quality Service perintendent of Printing and Statheir present-lo- orchestra tinder the leadership. maay families of t h e highest Press. ; tionery, an-SngUshman n a m e d tion. Rea Evans will furnish ths music Freseii aristocracy. Sidlo, is to hav<T"eaarge of tb.8 This texpansion There will bs other Novelty Stag o an works. He w a s previously Goven-acts under the direction of Mrs ernment printer in Bagdad. Efn larged a n d anDaisy Potter. forts are to be made to assure a unexpected .volume of sales. Mr. The public Is cordially invite ^ -c^Cfair share of employment in the Max Goldstein and his associates 812 West Seveatii to either of these programs. worka for Jews. -MStwish, to express, their'thanSa'to
Palestine Government Printing Works Starting
SJOKSKT, GROBINSKT, J1ABEB. & COHEN, Attj-B. IZ" Qmaha, N»it. Bfc,
NOTICE OF PROBATE OF TTITX In the County Court o£ Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of SAVXJ LEVY, Deceased. Nicholas Schenck donated two Al! persons interested In said estate lions to the Prospect Park Soo la are hereby notKiecI that a petiUon 1=HS be^n filed in paid Court, prayinp; for Brooklyn . . . one w a s to have the probate of a certain instrument now been a successor to Leo. T h e on flic In PP-ld Coi!rt, purportinjr to be the last vrlll and testament of paid, doc a g e will bear a bronze plaque ceased, aild that a hearing wii! be ha<! with a tratie-mark. on p?,UI petition before p^io. Con.rt oti Ih^ 17th day of August, 11> r> 5 p.nd if fail to appear at said Court or. the NOTICE BT PUBLICATION FOR SET-they said 17 til day of Aupupt. U'3n v.l :> TLEMENT OF I1XAL A.DMIXI8You knew, of course, that Ado'clock A. >!., to contest tne prolate of TKAXION A C C O O T said will, Uie Cou^-t may allow and prorian, famous creator of glamoisr In the County Court o£ Douslas County, hate said will n:id trrant adniir',! and allure for La Garbo, La Crawof said estate to Bessie I^evy or ponii? Matter of the Estate of JOSEPH other suitable person, enter a decree ot ford, and La Whosis, w a s once In'the "B. COKN. Deceased: hc!rshi]), and proceed to a settlement persons Interested in paid matter thereof, plain Mr. Giasburg. Clothing stars areAll hereby notified that on the 16th EKTCK CRATVFOKn. isn't his sole (or perhaps, soul) day O£ July, 3.SS5, William Grofllrsky County Judge. a petition in said County Court, £-26-35-—2t occupation , . , lie's financially 'be- filed praying -that his- fintU administration hind a cold cream, soon to be na- account filed herein be settled and alKl:LU:V. Attyn. lowed, End that he be discharged 'from tionally advertised. his trust as executor and that a. hearinp: 6S0 Omaha Katl. Emit Bids,. will be had on said .petition before said Court on' the 10th flay of August 1935, OF rNCOKPOJRATTO'N OF Luise Hainer was a w o n d e r and that if you fail to appear before "I5AKISK SAXDHKS HOTOK CO." said Court on the said 10th day of AuNotice is hereby given that we. ths child a star at 16. Her par2!)35 at S o'clock A. M., and. eon-undersigned, have associp.tecl our^eh-es together for the purpose of forniinp entS Were Wealthy . . . s e a t h e r t o I test paid petition, the Court may prant b known asl "15arii--h de- corporation to be t h e finest EChOOlS in E u r o p e Where jt h e Prayer of said petition, enter other Sanders Motor Co." It shall oommonre r bovine f?t tbp time of thf fpinc nf . cree o£ heirship. and make such crees, as to this Court mayfcee'mproper,| Articles of Incorporation with the Comity Clerk o* Douglas County, NobvasKa, Studied art anfl came Writing. orders, allowances and rte. . Then . tne ! and further that all matters p said estate m a - be finally settled and i S,"d continue for a per iod of fifty y r a r s . family fortune dwindled . . . Luise to The principal place oi doing bupiness determinea. shall be hi Omaha. Nebraska. The p<>ndecided to go to work. Without BR.YCE CRATVPORD, ern! nature of the imsJne^ to be transher parents' knowledge, she ap- T-1S-C5—3t acted by the corporation Fhall be the County J buying and selling at -wholesale aii'I plied at the Dumont Theatre, Dusretail,.. of automobiles, motor cars, mo.NOTICE OF seldorf, for an audition. Without In the County Court of Douglas County, tor trucks, icks, busea, bodies,, parts, devices, fra.sollrie, oiis and ??11 artiany previous theatrical esperience In the Matter of the Estate of CATH- accessorie5, cies, merchandise or preparations nece.1*ERINE JZcFAKLAXD. Deceased. i sary, incidental or in use In connection she stepped before the footlights persons Interested In said estate vrith the owning, operating, maintaining . . . spoke lines that she learned areAllhereby "notified that a petition has] and usinp of automobiles, motor in half a n h o u r . . . Signed a COB-! been filed" in said Court alleging thatj motor trucks and buses: also the rcbullilsa!< 4.___4 t . ! - j ~ — B_v, ' i deceased died leaving no last v.ill i inq:, repairing and servicing ot p.utomnQ eo on *v~ tne ..__* spot. rn_ To ithis | End praying for administration upon his biles, motor cars, motor trucks mil! .^earing: will be had | buses, and the said ~rporation sbnll can't remember what that speech estate, and t on said petition before said court on the have the power to accept In payment on was. She was starred in her first 10th flay of August 1935, am! that it they Recount ot its sale?, monies, notf",-, nmrtto appear at said Court on the 6aid j^apres, other property of every fcinti jimi play was inTiteii ij M a x fail _. August „ 10t>- day of 1935. at 9 o'clock character, and any and all forms of inA. M. to contest said petition, the Court [ rtehtertness end shall have power to buy Reinhardt to Vienna declined may grant the same end srrer.t; p.dmin- and sell p.nd ofher^ipp depj. in or><\ banin favor of two years' work a n ! istration of said estate to John P. JIc- dl any and fill other kinds of property. g r e a l p r o p e r l y , necessary, incistudy in Dusseldorf. Thea carae Farland or some other suitnbie person dI necnltuadl i n o r a d v i s a b l e in connection vrith and proceed to a settlement thereof. th© !->usip.eps hereinbefore stated, it beVienna, Berlin, London . . . triBKTCE CRAWFORD, inRthe intention of said corporation to County Juflffe. umph after triumph. She is now 7-19-35—3t have the power and authority in transacting business that an Individual cononly 22 years old . • . has boundducting' paid business would have. Th<* AERASSSOX, Attorney capita! ptoek shall be $35,000 divided less energy for work and p 1 a>.y Court Hons« into two himdred fifty shares of tb.e pnr . . . is Tiracions, enthusiastic, dyvalue of {100.00 each. The affairs of the Notice 5s hereby ptven that on he namic. 11th day of July, 1SS5, Sam Mog-ilavsky, company shall he lnatiaijed by a Boar R h M i k h l l Rachel Moeiiavsky. Charles Mogilavsky.
Committee' appointments were Hollywood—The cocktail party the "main item of-business at the BYF.B.K J t the Ambassador the other sunsecond•• business meeting,-of the down was a combined coming-out new administration1 of the'A. Z.'A. . . or rather . . . coming In-party Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mazie BAR MITZVAH No. 100, held at the Jewish Comor David Seznlck to United Arand sons, Milton and Marvin, left munity Center, July 22.';•£}.good The Bar Mitavali of Yale Gots- ists, and his welcoming : gesture Sunday morning for Los Angeles, attendance was reported. diner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe o the Incoming salesmen, for the After the social, cultural, Gotsdlner. will take place t h 1 s California, where they will spend scout, and}' social-service ' reports Saturday morning, J u l y 27, at United Artists convention. If that six weeks. They were accompanwere.-. made,- the committee-ap- nine o'clock at the Chevra 'B'nal ounds dizzy . . . so was the party. ied by Alfred Herzoff. The Eleventh, Annual Picnic of pointments Were announced ' b y Yisroel synagogue at 618 Mynster SelzrUck beamed as red and bashthe "Workmen's Circle Branch 664 the Aleph- Godol, Kathan Crounse. Street. All relatives and friends ul as a debutante. Gregory RatAbe Bass has departed for his will !ie held Sunday afternoon and The committees appointed are: are cordially Invited to attend. No 11 sputtered Russian a c c e n t s home In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, afagainst Menjou's French. Hymie evening, July 28, in Rlyerrtew ter a few days visit here with athletic, • Ben "wintroub, chairman; invitations have been issued. Fink lensed t h e stars at every Norman Bordy; social, Joe; Guss, Park; Plans have /been made to his parents. . chairman,,Phil Maikin, Paul Saks accommodate a great number of Mrs. Leo Krasne, a n d Infant turn and left with* a camera full, and Henry Malashock; cultural, people, and a full program of M1S3 Jeanette Broches l e f t sou Jimmy Frank, returned home he autograph hounds backed Edgames and sport events has been Tuesday for Chicago where she Sa mKaplan, chairman; Iz Beber, Monday from the Mercy Hospital. ard Robinson, to the wall . . . arranged. will visit with her sister Ruth. Harold Zelinsky, Morris Tatleman The "Brith'"for the baby w a s equested that he put his scrawl Mr. M. Shiloff Is chairman of Before returning home they will and Jay Welsman; religious, Phil held last Friday at t h e Mercy o a blank check. He consented Maikin, chairman and Charles the affair. Assisting him will be visit the northern lakes. Hospital, with Rev. A. Diamond jut demanded that t h e y Eupply Weiss; : social-service, Harold, HabMr. and Mrs. B. Rifkfn, Mr. and serving as "Mohel." he check. And all the perspiralar, chairman; Richard Hurwitz, Mrs..} I. .Victor, Mr. and Bra. J. Mr. Joe Givot departed Sunday ion north of Eddie's collar wasn't Joe Guss; scouting,: Jay Wiseman, FalkJ Mr. and Mrs. M. Taxer, Mr. for Duluth, Minnesota, where he Mrs. Abe H. Marcus and chillue to the heavy sideburns . . . chairman;- property committee, and 'Mrs. J. Guttleman, Mr. and will visit with relatives. dren of Auburn, Nebraska, spent salesman bombarded him. with Paul Saks, chairman; B'nai B'rlth Mrs.i'Max Manaker, Mr. and Mrs. the past week here visiting h e r uestions—in French. Fortunatecommittee, •; Iz Beber chairman^ J. Zeiigson, Mr. and Mrs. A. TlleMiss Mollie Cooper of St. Paul, parents, Mr.' and Mrs. H. SaltzEddie has a splendid memory. vitz. 'Mr. and Mrs. I. Singer, Mr. Minnesota, is a guest here this and advisor, Dr. I. Dansky;; financial, Herbert ^Forbes, chairman, man. G. Elsberg, Mr. and Mrs. Art week in the L. Herman home. and Art Castleman; membership By the way, the dinner menus Stein; and Mr and Mrs. I. Levin. Mrs. Fred Schwartz and sons, n the train carrying the U. A. committee, •. Charles Weiss,.- chair• Tickets have been sold. for Mr. Morris Pill, Alice and Bobsophist Sheldon and Albert, of Chicago, delegates west should have been twerity-five cents per family, and by Pill, will leave Sunday f o r and Paul Maikin; this ticket entitles the holder to Lake Okobojl, where t h e y will publication committee, Harold Ze- Illinois, arrived last Friday for Hays-ed." One began with "Prolinsky, chairman and Jay Wela- a month's visit with relatives in iucer Soup—lots of chicken, very B chance on the raffle. spend a week. Miss Margaret KosOmaha and Council Bluffs. They ittle noodle!" . . . and ended with man. _, . . . . . „ — berg, a classmate of Alice P i l l are "now the house guests of Mrs. "Bromo Selznick." Sam Friedman," the past •. presi- Schwartz's sister, Mrs. G e o r g e T7111 spend the week with her at dent of the chapter .and 'delegate their cottage. Roffman, and Mr. Roffman. NuOddly, Edna Ferber's "C o m e to the Ai Z. A.: Hollister merous affairs are being given in .nd Get It" i3 causing h e r to gave a detailed report of the conMrs. A. Falk a n d daughter, her honor. ome and get it . . . that movie Ruth, were guests In the M. A. vention -activities. Max Ttfoyafe, ;old, we mean. On her first adLevich. home this week enroute who also. attended gave an InterMrs. Jack Steinberg and chilThe Sioux City chapter of the from Madison, Wisconsin, a n d esting andhighly amusing report dren, Donald, and Jean, returned rent into Flickerville she'll colIvre • Club will be hosts to, the Lake Okoboji, to their home in of the trip to and from: the con- h o r n e .Sunday following a t w o laborate on the screenization of h e above novel, receiving t h e vention. • • Ivre; Conclave on September 1 and Qmaha.' weeks' visit with relatives in Kan- ighest salary ever paid a Holly••/Guss, social committee 2, and plans for the meet were sas City, Mo. wood writer . . . a n d she'll not Miss Rose Albert has returned chairmahV announced the arrangebegun at a meeting Tuesday eveDid yon hear about the "stupidning, In the Jewish Community home after spending two months ments for the coming all day out- Rev. A. Diamond spent l a s t rrlte a word! Her task will be to iscuss the scenario with a trained Tiro" w h o described h i s latest Center. with relatives in Hamilton, On- ing between the Lincoln A. Z.. A. Thursday in Lincoln, Nebraska, ontinuity writer. screamie as "somewhere between M?. A. M.Grueskln has teen tario. and the Sam Beber chapter, to be whfere he served as "Mohel" at a hit and a smash?" named chairman of the conclave* held at Linoma beach, on Sunday, the "brith." for the Infaat_son of _ "Uncle Carl" Laemmle encourMrs. Ben Pill is In Duluth, Min- July 28. The-conclave headquarters will be Mr. and Mrs. Charles Poska. On ges ideas for efficiency and econMore nest week. at the Martin Hotel and a full nesota, for the summer months. Haskell. Cohens was -elected•• Ju- Tuesday, Rev. Diamond went to my . . . has pasted up a big sign^ (Copyright 1835, Jewish, Telegrapfelc Agency, Inc. " program for the two days will be nior advisor to the chapter and York, Nebraska, where he served in the studio: "Worthwhile ideas Mrs. S. Segal and son, William the present- advisors, Dr. >I.f Dan- as "Mohel" at.the "brith" for the arranged by Mr. Grueskln and his re worth' their weight in gold, committee. Guests from the Om- Segal of Minneapolis, were guests sky, Dan Llnsman, Bill Wplfe and infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold .et me try yours!" When Stanaha, Lincoln,' and Des Molnes this week in the home of Mr. and Sidney Coyne, who is the scout- Wohlner. ey Levine, mail room boy, subMrs. S. J. Sacks. chapter are expected to attend. master of the A. Z. A.;trbup 62, mitted a measure for saving in were elected for another; term. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maduff of his department, Laemmle handed Mrs. Archie Herzoff visited In Anita, Iowa, and Mrs. Dave Fox him a $25 check. Omaha this week with relatives. of Council Bluffs have returned Accompanying her back to Omahome following a two weeks' visit Peter Loire is a practical joker ha were Mrs. O. Fox and daughSafed, Palestine {WNS-Palcor In. St. Louis, Mo. with a Frankenstein touch. When ter, Esther, who were guests in they were shooting the operating Ageacy)—Sentences of imprisonNewly elected officers of the Sioux City. A Hebrew Class on the Book of scene in his picture, he cheerfully ment and subsequent deportation Junior Hadassah chapter were inEthics, called the "Pirke Avoth," knifed t h e victim and b e g a n were meted out here to 47 men Miss Ann Herman spent Sunstalled at a meeting Monday eve- Reverend. Samuel Miller w i l l Is being held each Saturday after- strewing innards all around. These and women who had tried to enning, following a dinner at Scrib- day with friends in Omaha. officiate at the regular F r i d a y noon at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel were later discovered to be chick- ter Palestine illegally across the binsiMaplelawn. and Saturday services of the Beth synagogue, conducted by Mr. J. en livers pulled out of a concealed northern frontier. A m o n g the Miss Dorothy Merlin was -In- Mr. and Mrs. Moe Lazere vis- Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue at Z. tadlan. Anyone interested in bag . . . but the realism was too convicted prisoners are a number stalled as president; Rose Sper- ited in Des Moiries this week. 19 th "and Burt. The Friday eve- Hebrew Legends is urged to at- much for Director Karl Freund of Christians and Moslems. ling, first vice-president; Marning services will start at • 7:15 tend. •. . he called it a day and let the Miss Fannte Rosofsky has de-and t h e Saturday morning sergaret Saitlin, second vice-presiompany go home. dent; Ida Cohen, treasurer;, Mary parted for a two week visit with vices- will. begin at -S:30. ReverHarry Cohen left Monday-for Greenbaum, recording- secretary; friends in Chicago. end Miller Is the father of Rabbi Chicago, Illinois, a n d Elkh&rt Quips and Quirks: Jack WarnRuth Grueskin, corresponding secUri Miller, lias been a cantor- in Lake, WIs., to join Mrs. Cohen, r, Jr., Is working one one of the . Miss -Lorraine Meyerson, a n d retary; and Ruth Orllkoff, Mollie Chicago for many years.--' He - Is who preceded him two weeks ago. ocal daily papers . . . no salary, R&ppaport, Rose Shiloff, a n d Miss Dorothy; Salsman of Council enroute home and is staying-here They will return home in about u s t education. Ought to be a Mary Rosofsky, board members. Bluffs, Iowa, are guests in Sioux only over the week-end. ten days. n i c e match . . . Louise Rainer Fatcling, N. Y. (WNS)—The Miss Rose P|H, retiring presi- City this week. •The officers of the synagogue (pronounced R y n e r ) and Mas Jack; Steinberg returned home Reinhardt, Jr., going places to- Meyer London Auditorium seatdent, presided, and Mrs. Louis invite' the public to attend these Jules Edwards of Chicago Is in Sunday from Little Falls, Minne- gether. The Jessels, Georgie and ing 3,000 people "was dedicated member of the Senior sota, where he spent two weeks Norma, a r e booked to do "The here at the "Workmen's C i r c l e chapter, Installed the Sioux City this week as a guest of his fraternity brother, A r c h i e officers. at Camp Ripley. Jazz Singer" in England. M a s Camp as a permanent memorial Kantor, Trell, the Bed-tims-story author to the late Meyer London, RusThe Council Bluffs A g u d a s f o r Kings Features, is ghosting sian Jewish immigrant, who beMiss Bert Epstein of Houston, Achim Society, will hold a regular Shirley Temple's autobiography came a leader of Jewish 1 a c o r The Boy Scout troop of the Texas, visited In the I. Bashefkin meeting next Thursday evening, for a national mag There's a rift, unions and -eras the first Socialist Jewish Community Center held Its home this week enroute to Wasau, August 1, at the Eagles' Hall. we hear, in the Harry (Columbia) elected to Congress. Nearly 1,000 final meeting of the season Mon- Nebraska. o h n ' 8 household. Reinhardt's people heard Charles Solomon, Soday evening In the Center. Shakespearian opus won't be reHerman Rubin and Joe Marbn Miss Blossom Kalin entertained 2EOK5HT, CfROJJCfSKT, JIAHLEB leased until October and t h e n were in charge of the troop dur- a group of. friends at a p a r t ? & COHEN. Atiys. only to select taeatres for a limTCI. Omaha Natl BasSi Blflff. ing the season. Tuesday evening. Dancing- w a s ited time . . . if y o u puMease! followed by refreshments. Mac Gordon, song-writer of pro- KOXTCE O F I>X'OKrORATIOS'
MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent
cialist leader, and Joseph Baakin, general secretary oJ t h e Workmen's Circle, praise London as a "grest American in th.e best sense of the word." London "was t h e author of a till for the establishment of a national, system of social fcsarance against unemployment while lie was in Congress in 1915. He was also one of t h e founders of the Workmen's Circle.
, U/-