Entered as Second Clasa Mall Mattel on January 21. 1931, a t PostoKlo ©1 Omaha. Nebraaita, ocflcr the Act of March 3. 1S79
"Auction Block" at on Wednesday
Tel Aviv Doctor Has Pyonliea .» « „ Lure "
The golf stars of the Highland Tel Aviv CWKS) — A cure for Country Club will be put on 'the pyorrliea, tlie gravest dental dis"auction block" • preparatory •;.. ease kno-s-n, lias been discovered the annual club tourney, when the by Dr. A. 'Wysotzky, Tel Aviv yearly big stag will be held nest Je-vrish physician. Wednesday evening, August 7. Dr. Wysotsky's care consists of AH entries in championship and an injection -which has "been 100 Camp Afclba, Homo second flights of the tourney, will the-Jewish Community Center lias per cent effective since, he began be auctioned off. The backers of just completed its fourth treei cl experimenting with •It-Is 19S3. the winner take sixty per cent of camp program. A group of leading Palestine the pool, the sponsors of the run- . The Camp Akiba Tattler, off!- medical professors, including Drs. ner-up forty per cent, and ten per camp paper, made its first Sondek, Baranick'and Berger, witProgress in life-saving and hu- Moscow ( J T A ) — The-autono- cent goes to the one3 who pick clal I f TOU TTEUt t o COOl appearance last .Friday -with nessed a demonstration cf Dr. mous Jewish district of Biro-BIdman rehabilitation is the essence torrid -weather, t a t e the losing seml-Snalists. Last year edition to follow on each cf the Wysotzky's method and after exo£ the annual report on .the Na- an took first place among far- the "pool" brought in four hun- following the J. C. C. pool. "With just the Fridays during t h e amining a number of patients tional Jewish Hospital at Denver. eastern districts in volume of dred dollars. All Jewish organizations ITS. Oamfes. ETC I>SIKJ; • • camp season. It is edited, -written whom he had cared expressed proper temperature, with the wat- j N e xt December 10 -will m a r t crop-planting, a report made pub- Julian Milder, defending tr er clean and clear as a crystal, j special sao©tisgs. t© discuss &ndi eousiasr Rcii€>Si, re chamand prepared entirely by the chiltheir complete approval of* his disthirty-five years of service by the ic Here reveals. a wonderful shower before j latest rni&vMestatior.s cf persecistioj?. ©5 .Sews, Cs»ttw dren. pion, is favored to retain his title. covery.Despite heavy rains during six hospital to the tuberculosis poor after your flip, you can't help ; &&£&, w s r veterans s n i ElteralF w Wnrf C^tirnsTw, The Arts and Crafts classes of a l l iaiths on a free, nation- weeks of the spring plowing seaI . but enjoy the comforts of one ol j & special coniiaiftce of clercxs ramlcr t i e cfea have been'making excellent progson and a number of other obstawide basis. the outstanding pools in the Kia ! j r ~ j ^ Messlrr rn>?S2it-t5iir ih?. various' TcnroF w i ress. Many of the children 'in tlie e i t s cles, Buryea collectives managed T% -wood-work department have com'^}• " * , t , ! Jsrdsfe Ilfs - - is calling- t l i s s t t c r ^ o i i of ib.p. t^r^v. As in the first institution of has to outstrip; even the State-owned kind America, the hospital pleted their first objects and have attained a distinctive, position in farms in planting, the report says. begun on their second. Book ends, tfe i S rain, sun- or uncertain sanitation I e.qK5ot.eu f^t ^ e i,J,T«0^ ^.ga^m^fm^ < The farms met their planting anti-tuberculosis wortr, a n d its desk sets and ink •well stands have to bother you. Al Oruch or "Lee ! *&e CcsgrsssiEES from tMs district tm& ^111 firs-w u record of service f o x sufferers quota and even exceeded it eleven proven the most popular. The per cent in wheat, while State Grossman, two. capable instruc-j the proper authorities appropriate rcsora'aoHS ex] from tuberculosis is unique. metal craft classes - have progtors, are EIVTETE on fiuty and ready 1 indignation ever EStlerft? '©iitragces. The •work: of the hospital is dear farms only reached ninety-six per ressed equally as "well. "With ash i • to the hearts of Omaha Jewry for cent of their Quota. Take Bip trays and letter openers predom- PresMeat sad Several Misisters to teach the be^inser or to assist j A notice is "being pent to er.ch^ Bad weather hampered* trans-' Beich, Worldseveral reasons. It is supported in improving cne'B style snfi • organisation, asking that the 6?e- | m^nvr. jpfljlrr.^,iT inating* Of TMrtj-Sevea Give by the B'nai B'rith, and at the pcrrtation t>f food,- building mateEtrotes. * cjg! meeting be caller! TithS*? ttie | j_i" !.-" y,.-,,^'" Qmr<M> T Dramatics has proven to be an-to Sefcgees Percent. *-' last convention the work being rials and fuel for tractors and . With the new l o w ECEinier next ten days. ! iy"tl>^ ^t'bl^r'VpiJ other popular camp activity. Sevaccomplished there w a s so im- other farm machinery. rates: Senior Male fS.OO, Senior The* committee ol eleven in-; c o r n c * ^ of'Thi* V-ioi New York (JTA)-—German ex- eral of the older groups of &ir!s Lima ' (JTA) •— Assurances Female 13.00, and Intermediates*jellifies Henry MoiiEfcr, clmircnsnr, i ^i,r ronrv-ed"^i*-j pressive that the B'nai'B'rith votThe inclement weather also inare preparing an original pu ed the same budget for the hos-terfered with Bureya building op- ports to the United States have show based on the theme of the have been given by the President and Juniors under 21, 53.00, now I Milton Abrahams, Abe Form an, j r.«*;;|nSt'Vpt^otie« pital as in the past, despite the erations. As a result, building slumped forty-nine per cent in the camji, "A Trip to Palestine."** They and several ministers that Peru in effect, and with these other fie- ; J. J. Greenberg, Ben KSSLZIOWEICV, t£nifi'nnX "rh-m-ov.e will open its doors to an undeter- cided comforts which the Center j Philip M. Klutznick, N. Levicson, al,,^^',^-1 'VJ,* reductions in the budgets of many projects which should have been last three years. The Reich's world exports have are making their own puppets, de- mined number of Jewish refugees pool offers its saembers, everroae Morris M i n t i n , Mrs. L . K e v e l e " . j other institutions. Also, the hos-begun long ago only got under signing their" oi*m costumes, printshould take advantage of this Joe Radinowski, a n d M r s . •'••', pital is a beneficiary of the Jew- way recently. Delay in completion taken a dip of thirty-seven- per ing the scenery and -writing the from Germany, cent in the same period. swimming facility which the Je"w-•Richlin. i "I !> These assurances were given to ish Philanthropies. of plans and in allocation of neThese are, in brief, the fruits play. This puppet sho-w -will be Dr. Samuel G. Inxsan, secretary is2i Community Ceater offers. tTelein-Bm to i l i n g ; T *j Several /D"maha-ns are on t h e cessary^ funds by the government presented at the bis Camp CarThis committee, on he~hz.lt ol | f; board of directorse of t h e Na- also impeded building operations. of the boycott which anti-Nazis nival -which will be _ held on • Au- to the l<esgp:e of KatioiTs High the organisations, dispatc"hed a \ 'I tional Jewish Hospital. Included About 100 units are under con- throughout the world have waged gust do. The younger tots are Commissioner for "Refugees, Jaxaes against the Tegime In power in teiesrram of cornmericatioE to Sen- j A~ on the ;board are Irvin Stalmaspreparing a version' of the popu- G. MacDonalfi. Dr. Ininan caiae to Germany today. The results of s-tor King *ol XTtah, who has "been. t v ter, Henry Monsky, Sam Beher' lar fairy tale of "Hansel and Gret- Peru on behalf -of the German rethe. boycott are covered in-a stalesding t h e fight in Congress for ,^ Harry A. Wolf, Dr. A. Greenberg, fugees and "especially to gain Eoi al for the same event, tistical report made public this official action on t h e p a r t ol t h i s ! ^ ^ and Philip M. Klutznick. concessions the . Peruvian \ 'from, "Many ol t h e chil&res. have weak /by the Non-Sectarian Anticountry reg's.rclir.s: fbe JV&ci out- \ *?' The National Jewish Hospital government for Nazi League, covering German passed-their first s-vriniiniag tests professors and rajres anS perfeci-tion.s, j^ at Denver is a non-sectarian instii i Intellectuals. 1£ trade for 1932, 1933, 1934 and and-are preparing: for the second. Respj-ntions e.re t>e1t5g: r!rs5.JtPd j tution, though supported by JewIn connection \rltk Dr. Inraan'E STTimmmg, the gymnasium, a=d the first part of 1935. fcy R coniKi5ttee rotiF5sti.T.E ot PMi-j " ish funds. A fundamental prin the Central High grounds pro- visit, an . immigrant. aid consitciple of the hospital's philosophy The report reveals that. German vide many hours of wholesome tee was-organised here..consisting TitliaSc I s AtteC& li Klntenjclx, cljainrn^p; Triton I ^ A*brE."haxns. acfl Joe "EtsgiB.pvfi'ki. \^ is that its service—without a penexports of cotton textiles has fun and physical activity for tlie chiefly. of Gerrsaa. Je-^E, who aaca ny's cost to the patient—Is'to be Any .or^aisizntion rticu fiPB^rer • Li dropped seventy-five per cent. But ^ . t , , , , * ^ . t£I recently took no active part in land- Weil-Sitoatea Near- Water busy campers. extended to all who .need its.care, tlr.E committee to rr.pply us, str-Bl^- [ p ' other figures are even more startJewish social life in Peru. 'The Supply;*.'Suitable for V.It'is Etill possible to enroll chilregardless of race or . creed. In er is asfeefi to CDEir,Bi}.icE.1:€ wftb j ^ ling- .. • • ; • : . ' • . . . " .;....'. • N e w - Y o r k (\VZ\S)—The r d g n t | -- i s t y or w i t i Mrs, IHcfclin, tiicj: 5 --\Orange Slanting . ,For instance, the once,thriving dren for the last tvro vreefcs cf chairman o£ this • cossaittee the practical application, of-this ; Hezr ; Weil. ol iiug-e • a m o u n t s tot J e w i s h CEJ>! camp, and-parents'* -who are isterprinciple tlie National, Jewish HosThe eosujiittee =afe.tai=s cca-jjtal JroEa t i e a=t-SeiaiSc posa-\ Xioadpa-(JTA)•""—-• HacQ Intsr- German, toy export trade has been ested in so fiolsu - or flesire EHX pital islands pre-eminent among j inromatroa* may* -call tlia "J." O^C, -tacts ~Ts-ith~t3ia urops'*" ts Palestine -is j : the humanitarian"institutioiis-of tiias; traea^erossefi-lisw; by :-s" re= 'fur r-exports- Ixsva Bufas S I C 2 S , | mas-king * tbe failure cf agric *Ja. 1SS6. * ' -.' • |society in |>atis t a the world. • - - port ' frora. "Fsmaguebi- In the fered a sixty per cent decline. s,ud will also esta*bliEli contacts i faral and industrial- -derelojnn< During ths past year the Na- Morning Post that, according to : -In -a - statement . accompanying with the secretariat lor. GenssaJi S the' Sewist Homeland "under ressEtatives o£ Jewis! tional Jewish Hospital has been information, obtained ironi the the report, the Anti-Nazi League refugees ol'tlie Lresgue cf Nations.la curtain cl cold," it is di&rged tions held at the 2. C. 0perItmTr7 iiie • ' ^ - ^ ^-^ J ^ . , . , . ^ f c V T TtllrV X.and RegiBtry Office, land held in the hospital of an average of the success of the boycott. If waged a campaign EEOSE. local j the Sionist Revisionists, is E-Ftate- ajEJi and "U three .hundred patients, and with by Jews in Cyprus, now amounts more proof Is needed, it is furJewisa busiaessisea EUS rsaifafac-! men* nade public "here t y the retarr. several hundred additional men, to some 12,000 acres, represent- nished by Mr. Schacht himself, At ii3Ciciea turers to provide • employaent for! Zionist Revisionist Organlsatioc ing an investment of about 72,000 women a n d children receiving the financial dictator of Germany, - "Members of the Omaha Jewisli a certain number of refugees who cf America. that c"g£.v. with care through the out-patient's de- pounds (?360,000.) who has openly admitted that Community are asked to donate shortly arrive here. BrEndins the prosperity of Pal- a tiorcLj i le enpartment ana clinics. About half of this land, accord- Nazism stands or falls with the liberally to the Jewish Kational In order to avoid chaos la the estine "a s i a s i " which is. ""bound tire "NCEI C Over 9,200 days of care have ing • to the • Morning Post, was success or failure of Germany's Fund during the collections at the o" to esd in a b i t t e r disappointbeen extended by the hospital to taken over by new companies, and export trade. synagogues on TIsha B'Ab Wed•••-.'.• . "be laore ment," JabotinsSy declared t li a t! t i o l 3 s mittee has arrived, at an csderpatients from this district of the immigrants f r o m unsuccessful "He lias resorted to means nesday . evening a n d Thursday, st&nding "with Dr. Isnan tiat In ficrisg 15?SS asd 1SS4S while tteia l a i B'nai B'rith during the past year. Jewish farmers. which no government has been August 7 and 8, popnlntl increased t-y every case wfeen immigrants are Jewisli popnlntlon The National Jewish Hospital All" presidents and officers of Although the land was ac- known to use during peace-time, 50 per cent, Jewish lana brought to Peru, tlie local cosat Denver is noted f o r its re- quired at an average price of 6 The > r - c-.-r. that is, depriving the industries the various^ synagogues are re- mittee in Lima is to be conEnlteS | possessioss Jncressed _ only 6 pe-ri search department, probing conounds ($30) per acre — the pre-of the entire country of their pro- quested to communicate in regard first. "The uncontrolled Immigra- cent, E.E& la 15S4 iEdcstrlal pro- j dies, ~CTS trC "^-r c- - - - i stantly f o r new methods w i t h ailing price for cereal land - - fits for the purpose of raising an to ths collection with E. Bloch, j tion of German Jewish Immi- dectios IncreaEed csly 10 p e r , velopinsr r t co T r u r ->--which to combat the white plague. t is really worth far more, ac- export fund of one billion marks, chairman of the J. N. T. syna- grants to Peru would. esGasger. snt "Oat cf ?EC,000,000 invest-jits reperci T h e work started last year regogue collections. 6 by Jevrs In Palestine during: j can hard! garding a definite preventative ording to the newspaper's cor- avowedly in order to subsifiiza the Joe Radinowski, president of the existence of the Jewish. Com-'18S4," he saifi, "only about S per!in the " espondent, since it is well situefforts of German manufacturers niunity here," the committee said, for tuberculosis in human beings ated near water-supply and " is to dump their products abroad at the local Jewish. - National Fund "because too many lain: cent has 13653. allotted to the es-jj "The o in Aiacr- "-m is being continued. Council, appeals to a popular reuitable for orange planting. any price. tahlishnieat of ne-?r f a r m s and j ica on i A vaccine developed In the lab- Orange growing land_ usually sponse to this collection because could not be supported by the .lo"It seems, however," the stateonly 5 per cent to new industrial 1 e r tr cal Jewish, communities. • oratories of the National Jewish (1150) per ment continues, that Mr. Schacht] of the vital need for more Jewenterprises.*" ells for 30 pounds Hospital which proved a successish land in Palestine. All laud omits one fact from consideration, j Attacting the TTorld Eionist Or- of state cv f u l preventive in animals, h a s acre In Cyprus. bought -.vitb. J. N. P. funds beHe may succeed in taking all the ganisation as being €Lomin£.t&& 1: Yauskls Sled Tcrali figures inWhat mates these been tested in a'limited way on comes ths perpetual property of t h e left vr i n s o f " i t s Socialist! Montreal—The Jewish humans. These tests indicate that eresting is that only recently the profits from German Industries the entire Jewish people, sad it Is the vaccine may be further de- new Secretary for the Colonies, in and have the export industries at- hoped that through the continu- nity here Is deisandlag police pro- "Labor party"- and \raming that!the vievrs -e: veloped Into a preventive of tu- his first Parliamentary utterance tempt to sell their goods at any ous acquisition of land the posi- tection forEyaEgogues as a result t h e present regime in P.al estine;'ol July "26, on Palestine and the Near East, price, however, he may scarcely; tion of the Jewish people in their of the second outrage within two threatens t i e CDlonisatioj move-! Bested on i berculosis In man. can. Jewish < meiit utterly "unless the It Is in this field t h a t great came out against Jewish immigra- expect to succeed in finding out- homeland will be strengthened months on the synagogue in V&l tcry Po-^er enacts the iEdispen- i ican- rv side of Germany a sufficient numDavid, a cummer resort in t h e tion into Cyprus, declaring that and fortified. ctrides of progress are expected Laurentisn.iiOE5.ts.ins forty miles sable reforms," Jabotinsky called | B'ritl the government's policy is to ber of people who would be willIn the near future. from Montreal, and'a popular va- upon tlie Jews to "rise now i s a ! isitt.ee, vrltli r< safeguard the livelihood of the in- ing to bargain their reaction to •^orld-T»-iie demand J o r a thor-j ccrrenccs in cation place sisoag Jews. habitants of the island, which the Nazi system of barbarism for be prejudiced by allowing immi- cheap goods." Untnowa persons broke into the ocgh revision of the existing ad- I "arious religi.o-5 minis tratioa. and legislative tys- \ •.here. grants to enter freely into the Is- In the report, for the purpose synagogue durijsg the night ; tern." | " I fully i:n Jerusalem (JTA) — A stole a Sefer Torai. of comparison, the first four of all Arab parties is being conliELEt Mar vandals • Emeared t i e months of 1S32, the pre-HItler The Morning Post predicts that I Trll^ll tl'iCSS "C voked by the Biair Abdullah, for Trails a n d final figures for the expert of Cy-year, are compared with the same the purpose of uniting them tfi ito be Eufferinj L o n d o n (JTA)—Haifa, as a swastika signs. period of the subsequent years. harbor, although only a year old, prus Jaffa oranges will be con- The total exports for that -pe- coiabat Je-jrish Immigration and is already a formidable rival of siderably below last season's rec- riod In 1932 were ?28,000,000. In the sale of land by.-Arabs to Jews, Alexandria, one of the oldest ports ord, partly due to the smallness 1933 there was a precipitous drop it was learned here today, by the of the crop* In the Near East. Paris—The diary 'zrxi memoirs ^•Hl_"bs held Sr:.sS.Ey, AsEnst IE to §20,500,000 and in 1934 there Jewish TelegrapMc Agency. Palestine progress since 1919 The meeting will-probably tats of the late Alfred' Dreyfus w i at "L&kfiTle-s? part.. A fine prograu was what superficially appeared to Is a "revelation." hs.B bsea arrasged lor the occashortly ba pubiislieii in book for be a rise to $2-5,750,000. Bat, it plaee_ at ITablus. Activities of the Jews in t h e sion- Tiere -VFIII "be gaxces for ole was pointed out, the "United" States Holy Land are carried on with and. young, for ^rhich prises vrS meanwhile wen£ off the gold stansuperb efficiency. "be a-warfied. dard and &e.figures for 1934 and These a n d other enthusiastic 1935 represent devalued dollars. Impressions of Palestine are con- Amman, Transjordan (WK S ft & #..* Included in the report i s a long Palcor Agency)—A plea on the tained in a lengthy article by a list of export commodities,-'pracspecial correspondent of the Lon-part of leading Arab n&tableB of don Times, who made his first vis- Palestine tlia-t Transjordanian tically all - of which show decreas- . Alfhoagli • l<Ir. Jos is these long- iovz lady rec! it to the country in sixteen years. sheiks should appeal to the Brit- ed between 1932 and 1935. In sot a. law.student but an ordinary a TQrrz.a tri? to Call-! Because * actual cosslderation be s.'sra?; some case3 the drops a r s . a a s s ish.Gov^rnment and to ths League T h e -writer indicates that he .layman. In a recent experience •was necsassry for the deal. fomia. ing. • *• " " ! • ' - • of Nations against the entrance of was- particularly impressed with -with the government he received A beautiful For instance,, in the first four a-thorough Iessoa,*as to the Traitse a dollar was epeat by tfes parties the new and prosperous coopera- Jews into Transj ordan was denied trie pereolater cosceraefi la order to see that a here on the ground that the enmonths of . the pre-Hitler year,! tive colonies which have sprung of ."coasiderationl" at this time. csnt TTES paid. up through the efforts of the Jew- try of Jews brings prosperity to a 50,000 reichsmarks worth of xaln-| In tiie regular coarse of a regcountry. A number of the most eral phosphates were.exported. By! ish National Fund. . transaction with t l a H. O. mere II "fes Ires In-the opinion of t h e corre- important political leaders among this year, that item had complete- "L. C , Kohlberg was assessed one T.P'VE.KS the Palestinian Arabs held a sernusic ly disappeared, as. far. as exports" spondent, • Jewish and A r a b nacent Is •order to legalise, caa ol ies of conferences.iiere with, variwere concerned. tionalism ultimately w i l l merge 0ous local groups in the hopa of "Even German beer .suffered the deals and show "cosisideraInto a new Semitic nationalism. offsetting current agitation f o r more than a fifty per cent cut (In tioa" for the agreement. Cracotr, {JTA} — Ti plc-se crld iron-i the admission of Jewish immigra- amount of exports, that Is) over don cf General EIcs!; In naklns this Enssn st the tion into TraJEjordan, which is the three year period.' set ol-* BO-CS.1!S3 "Group 3" tjovennnszi ssat V A"TT<.S'* fRBt now unofficially forbidden. In the onSsts, "srho" are'opposed' to t&> special delivery. letter, cosi its formal reply given by the Transs-bsut tTTesty seven cents., He j present Zionist Eiec-stive asd tJerusalem {JTA) — In view o jordaaian chialtalns, it wc.3 n^Sil: spent- tiro- street car fares eraoi .Et-jthe Histadrsta, Palesttse Lab* «s *• tthe rising government surplus "We in Tran£jori!n.a arc isg -to -ssTeatesn- cests to Is: isg | Fed.crs.tica, asnoasced here to . Paris i H 1>V it now estimated .at more than |25 T o n in Palestine aro profiting ula? American TMdlsli actor, ;hs.s tlsre® large iteisised fores irl icli j daj* that a rpecial conference 53 000,000, William Josep) Johnson from t h a !ram!srr.tlon of JS-TTQ, been* Invited "by the • cultural. 3e- bsd. to.* be filled out Ehoirisg the snlst- boaies treasurer of the Palestine govern which hns brought t h e country partraent'. of the .Frenci sialstry payment of t h e cae cent, -cM-tlb orlfi; Unioa IctJ ment states in the official Gazetfc wealth and prosperity. Wo will of. educatlGS, to -estafelisii-.a'.per- | cost ths ;ar.se oa Ac 11m :G « that a tax reduction is now bein n o t oppose the entry o£ J e w s cs? Yiddish acting esrapony | s u a as a MgSt-salarls'I; official i i s vita, tlis ;gst here." in Paris. considered. took • s - half; Aour to • £11 i like
Seeks IMiei Arab A^sssl Jsifis^ Land Sals
By LOU RIKL1N and Nate Kesselman, Abe, Louis and Sam Slutsky, Dr. Abe Fellman, and Al Wamltn.
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What'diminutive shoe salesman at Brandeis Is reported to h a v e , proudly toasted that his way of turning up his dates Is to sit at / one side of the car andL smoke a cigar and read and pay no attention to his evening's engagement? ' . • . The frequent trips to TnHy*fl store by a weH-fcaiwra young lady , has created some comments about ' one of the employes of the store ' and that pretty charmer . . . Wo ' notice that Joan Jennings, who is of Irish descent, is representing cur only Jewish golf group, the Highland Country Club, in t h e ; state tournament . . . In spite, of the fact that they spent time In ; each town that they visited, driver, Harvey Leon, accompanied by Henry Greenberg and Phil Later, ' covered 2,500 miles In one "wee*. Some"speed, eh Harvey? . . . Now t h a t Ellyn Schall, a well-Snown Deauty operator, h a s left town, ' we are uncertain whether one of the Resnick orother'B trio or that tall, handsome counselor In t h e Patterson building Is mere affected by her departure . . . Mrs. J. Rosenthal, of the North 20th grocertia, Is convalescing nicely , . , Baddy Rogers, orchestra playJug at Krng Park t h i s Sunday ' sight will probably break the attendance record at the park.
CHATTY CHIF3 Is it true that Carl who was rowing at Iilnoma . Sunday, was so interested to t h a t petite ferunetto visitor from Chicago, that be forgot hjrnself an4 was troroinjyljr blistered by the blazing pan? , , . Although It is commonly assumed that a dentist Just trarna his patients up, this condition Is now reversed: by X>r. Mi I. Gordon, who just Installed a Tl PrlgJdalre eooltes system In his at office.: It la the only one Installed In dental offices In the Mid-West . . .. Judging by the whole hearted manner in which 1 the members of the Sam Beber A. Z. A. chapter are working in cl these torrid days to Install the playground equipment at the »'J" which they donated to proTide a. safe place.for thochtto •, dren of the Talmnd Torah, they have dedicated themselves to s 1 rapid completion of this fln© Jl project . . . It is rumored that st - TPntrida Murray, the dancer at. the 6O'club, is one of as . . . ' Ralph and T>an Cohen, who f oar Tears ago started o n t with a Stj • corner trait stand, on West HI , Xieavenworth, have expanded so their combined fruit, beer and gs liquor businesses at the same locaiion now covers nearly a half of a elty block . y .
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FLASHES What well-known recent divorcees, both of whom have made their own mark in their respective vocations, still write to each other twice a week? . . ' While on the subject of correspondence, we have discovered that the cute Hollywood Miss who Is visiting her relatives here and in the Bluffs writes torrid eight page letters to her real Interest In Hollywood . . . Dr. Abe C. FeUman, capable, brilliant, young man, for whom the future will certainly bear fmit, has just opened an office ' at the Medical Arts for the general practice'of medicine and • urger> -—good lack to yon, doctor . . . Is the rumor true concerning the hushed merger of the Glenwood, Iowa, business man and. that tall, quiet maiden, Helen G.? . . . Nat Meister, prominent insurance getter, certainly knows how to shape hats peculiar for, his own wear . . , If you are wondering where Justin Wolf is, he is attending the summer school of the University of Wisconsin . . . Iz Bogdonoff and Millard Segal are tho two reasons why the Peerless Cleaners are on a rampage in the city Wttcnball tourney. . .
XI LAMBDA FOBMAI/ While Omahano suffered from a blistering h e a t wave, forty couples who attended the excellent seventh annual formal given by the X L fraternity last Sunday, merrily danced about, fanned by the cool breezes that chill the Highland clubbers In the eve-
irony o£ the Schmeliag situation j VACATION-TIME ; has impressed more than one! The fellow who spread the story . fight fan . . . Here are a couple of t b 8 t Abraham Starr, poor New • , _ . ., ,¥ , ,• . i York Jewish workingm&B, had in- , good lehudim (Joe Jacobs a n d | h ^ a , M O O f O O O from as ancle | Mike Jacobs) chasing a German; in g o u t h Africa should be made ' Frohtnaii. dean of American proAryan and begging him to come jt h e recipient of a big: tunch of ! New York CJTA) — "The Mr. Starr is not any docers; James W. Gerard, former to America to accept some of our' nions s c a .vc lived nuder a shower coin of the real to bring back to nearer to his first million than ambassador to GerLewierlm ] stoEes, ret they will go s s Herr Hitler Germany is driv- you or I and Meyer W. Weisgal, • foreTer," declared Mast Keifibsrat. ing the Jews out of the land and has just in the mssuscript prswiuction manager. her© are a couple of Litvaks go-: of a new book called "Rebirth" JGerrrmxi producer, st a IncclieoB ing over to Germany begging a | which Harper & Brothers will iin his honor here last week just treifnike to come to America Eojpubiigk t }jj s fRjj t t , Maurice jbefore he ssiled for Europe. [erf. In the they can give Aim some easy n j o n - i g a m a e j jg -yrorkjcg on a new novel er . . . I wonder what Sam t-*n-!feut fae d o e g n . t hcve i0 UVMU It theater, literature, 'and tfce «rt» and Rabbi Wise will have j b e f o r e t h e e r j d ol 1 8 S 6 , , , TThere snd pr-iraces — notably Prof. A3to say to these Zoolicks . . .They Eins»ie!& — paid Sowing triYs.rU (WXS) — An ctonT e 3 i t e E p e n 5 | their t would be pardoned if they uttered sfeie eerie* of 20,000 rare enjravtime {hese h o t daT£? George ; b n t e t 0 t b e geEiB« of the fRmoue legs of the French, Dutch, Gertfc*t man Bn& Italian schools has been .house, still working os fcSs 'Tor-j Prof. EicsielE Germany isa t importing any Jew- :g y , , o p e r e t t a . . , Tbe vrritlng etara ; t j g o w s life &n& outlook bequeathed to the Louvre by the ; ish fighters as far as I hare been * j, t b e Yiddish newspapers fcave eEr !chcd by Prof. ReiahsrCt'e vi- late Baron Edmond de Rothable to aseertaia . . . On the other, e m i g a t e d t Q g e a G a t e > t n e C Z CIU-: E 5 O ! 1 £ E 4 skillful guidance. schiid. hand the H'.tlcr Government has | g i v e c o l o n y l n Coney Island . . . j with fcis new bride, tbe former The collection, which Ii issued a ban .-gainst promoter; T & e g e T e n A n s - s t a f t j g n a T j l l s a ! Heleoe Thlrolf; «e*te« next to Walter Rothenbergr for the reason |bRT& Ujne g e t t , n g 0 B 9 weefc-g V8- IW m p re f. ReiEh«.r«t talked t>i his less, inciudei drawings by m&iters and that it found out that Jewish jc a t | o n b e c a n s e ot t n e jewish cal-^isrss ; plans for tor "The "The Eoad of proraise" from the Renaissance to which fcrings N e ^ Tears Is, musical piny fight promotion in Hamburg in in September and &U work has to :a n g j^urt Weili will lie Dr. the past year . . . The irony of it be hammered" out these torrid j Relntarfit'g first all is that the Jewish angel who days , . . Samuel Uutermyer, -rto j tion In ibis i Cen«t«utiBe, • • • • bankrolled Rothenberg is an Arythat the Beefttase Jewish wltnesm hates ocean travelling, wes per- j D r . Reinhsrdt an despite his Litrak-sounding on the BSbie, ' hffr, terrorised a n d threaten*! physician, to go to j pj p p aay,i which is name." Italy Felix i i . Warburg, one |W{ii "tax the present ptracf-tsre «' | witn death, the French preof tbe hardest workers in New e>re,r the trial of th« Artbl N j the -modern tnestcr tc the ctthe biggest American movie stars HD-BITS York, contents himself with ocBd for pfirtlcipatlon in the as a box office attraction . . . Her Onr summer hotels have dis"U"heBCv«5r the Jew* w«r* in porromg Uit July has film "Escape Me Never" Is break- covered a new racket . . . It's the casional cruises on fcis private they clunp closer to the postpone* the t r i a l pendlnj a yacht . . . Heary Morgestfeau, jr.. ing all records throughout the country . . . Another film of her's old matrimonial market game . . doesn't know what the word va- [ Scriptures," d«c5*re<£ Fret Rein-• change of venue. One of th« Arab '"Ariane," played at the New Young men willing to give hope cation means and divides his time j h&r&t, "I belong to the tribe that po£Toral8t« h a« already been selected for the ke!y service. ioccd guilty t i d given a mild York 55th St. Playhouse is on the of marriage to lady guests of the ! between Washington and New 11 see ia the Bible a holy piec* eJ geste&ce but Arab nationaliit I«adstrictly on business. way to a new long-run mark,. . . hotels and showing special gifts York, (Copyright. 1S3S. by Seven Arts jirt, a mirror of the people snd of ers were so overt in thalr thraata Which reminds us that Francis for flirting get a special low rate Feature S f l l t ) } their whole life. against Jewish *itn«siai that the Lederer sent us a little note . . . And if the hotelkeeper is I "It is tbe most betntlful court h&t to adjourn. thanking ns for taking his activi- j lucky enough to have a few eii- J i achievement of the Jew« became ties in behalf of World peace se- gible sons he tells them the sky's ; its characters ar# humfisi KHd of riously but chiding us for telling the limit . , . Propose to every ' an untying Issttact. you that he la making $200,000 girl on our guest list, he Gays, Eosrd and Room 'I wish it were so," adding they can't sue you for New Y o r k (JTA) Commifl-1 fiwea to throw stones st tbe a year . . We understand that breach of promise anyhow since sioner of Markets William Fei- ' — let tfeose w t o ere by he signed tremendous pressure is being ex- j"the recent law forbidding such lowes Morgan, Jr., happened to without sin do so. The Mother and Daughter ercised against Sidney Skolsky, suits . . . Aryan movie s t a r s be present at a meeting of Sfaoch-! lived tinder Ebowerg of stones, In Goo*! Jewish Home they will go on liviBg forever." should take a lesson from Clive Hollywood correspondent of the tim Union Local 4 4 0 in Clinton h ill lii fver Phone Mis* Cohn at Amoce those who pai<$ New York Daily News, because Brook who refused to travel on Hall here Monday Eight when fi 7. C. C—J«. 1888 his syndicated column tells too a Nazi boat although the German near-riot broke oat over the Ques- to Dr. Reinbardt' were much out of s c h o o l . . . Jack: Pearl shipping lines were willing to give tion of •who iras to be chairman. (Baron Munchausen to you) near- him the imperial suite at bargain The kosher slaughterers called ly drowned in Monte Carlo when rates . . . Don't look for any as-[the meeting in "an effort to settle he jumped into the deep end of sociatkm of ideas in this columnjsoine of their tangled affairs. a pool, thinking it was the shalIt's too hot . . . We hear that j Commissioner Morgan told those low end . . .When he hollered for Dr. Magnes' rumored resignation present that their factional strife help his friends burst out in bois- as chancellor of the Hebrew uni- was a result ef racketeering in | terous laughter shouting back at versity is nothing but a journal- the live poultry industry. him "Vaa you dere Sharlie?" istic canard. . . . The University He said t h a t his department thinking the comedian was kid- could not function one day with- would cooperate with Thomas E. out the generous support of the Dewey, newly appointed racketding .9 . \JKJU.&*. Congratulations to Harry mug avuiAUvuo tw uai i j » — — w •*- — - — —— w — — Moses who finally sold the rights {Warburg family and if you listen eering prober, and turn over to to "Old Maid," . . . The Holly- to any of the Warburgs Dr. Mag- him evidence that would result in wood big shots were opposed to nus is Gandhi, Tagore and Ein- a number of indictments in the the story because one of the old stein all In one . . . Reflecting poultry industry. The affray broke out when K&lmaids has an illegitimate daugh- on the recent royal reception which Dr. Stephen S. Wise receiv- raan Shapiro opened the meeting. ter. ed in Palestine we are reminded He was met with shouts that he that the main reason "why Julius "was not an authorized chairman. FT "SCHMELS" Orchids to Dan Farfcer, sports Rosenwald never developed a An Impremptu election held. editor of the New York Daily taste for Palestine was that on his During the tallyisg c! t h e rote Mirror, •who has this to say about trip to Palestine many years ago there was an 'outbreak la which • - S551 FABKAM ST f the proposed Schmeling-Louis and the Jewish population gave him Shapiro was tnockefi down an'd beaten. ' Scnmeling - Baer fights: "The the cold shoulder . . .
i Workers Told Not to Mourn Jews
Art Collection to French Louvre
By PHIMAS J. BIRON THE AMERICAN STUERMER Raymond Healey, "America's Hitler" (self-proclaimed), -who Is still in prison as a result of the Alexander incident, spends his leisure •writing venemops articles for his "Storm," a bimonthly anti-Semitic publication . . . Hcaley's "Storm" carries an editorial note which states that Healey is temporarily confined in solitude because of a conspiracy by American Jewry but that the fight against the "Jewish danger" will sot be discontinued Healey's paper could give to Strelcaer's "Stuermer" cards and spades and still -win. hands down at the busi-
ness ot Jew-baiting Its colBobby Bowman and hisumns actually reek with unprintorchestra, who made their debut able insults against the Jews of ning
at this affair, developed some new melodies and showed their potential rhythmic arrangements, which will undoubtedly gain them popularity hereabouts . . . Norman Belzer'a unique s t e p s heartily moved a few lo Iaug'ite*r . . . Some of the couplas seemed to enjoy viewing tUe Rieersj tetter th«:a Al Wcincr and Snm danclig Finke1. deserve ciedit for planning such an enjoyable affair,
t Keattirms
blisters and burns that he recently received . . . Harold Cherniack, i who talks one of tbe best games of golf at the club, shoots a high score . . . The Jack Lincoln family recently moved into their newly acquired Flynn home . . . Ann Nieman is singing at Krug Park Munich (JTA)—W h e n t h e tills week . . . Norman Bordy exe- Jewish employer of German workcuted some beautiful • dives at ers dies, the employees may not The ColPeony last Sunday ony Club cocktail room will open express their sorrow, according to an order issued here last week by soon . . . . the District Nazi Chief of Bavaria. GREETINGS AND The order was sent to all heads CONGBATULAUONS TO: Ruth Tnebman who will of the Nazi Labor Front with a be with the National Re-em- warning that violation would be ployment service . . . TO: Dave punished by expulsion from the Woods who has been promoted Labor Front, which is tantamount to the managership of the R. & 6. shoe store in South Oma- unemployment. 1 ha .-.. . TO: Norman Bolker for The action was taken after a being awarded a university group of German workers in a scholarship f o r his creative local factory inserted in a newswriting . - . T O : Leonard Leon paper a statement of condolence for ~ winning a Crcighton uni- over the death of their J e w i s h versity scholarship . . . employer.
Why the Unitthis country ed States Post Office permits the mailing of this sheet is a mystery . . . It might'be a good thing if every member of the Jewish War Veterans sent a copy of Healey's paper to-Jim. Farley on his Acation with the query: "Nu?"
Kosher Slaughterers Have Near Riot
An Automobile or Truck Sec
The big protest conference called by the American Jewish Congress and the National Jewish Labor Commutes was a "howlTASTY TALES Jewelers please note! Here ing" success . . . Tho chief trouIs a prospect for an engage* ble-makers were not the Commujnent ring. A well-known young nists but Mr.: William Zift'e Rewholesale Uquor dealer and Ills: YisioniBta who believe, like their nt confreres, that breaking np dark-haired,, attractive, flame ore on flre . • . W h a t young meetings tn good political strategy . The Communist delegates ablady blushes readily when men-, tton Is made of Emil Gross, that stained from the meeting, having Spanish-typed shoe salesman? decided long ago to carry on their >ttttBCXSS»SSXS»X»XSSSS3^^ . . . What sports writer on a anti-Nazi activities through ^Ihe local newspaper is usurping the League Against War and Fascism PRESS SUBSCRIPTIONS ', The Jewish Press Is probably entire attention of that smart- . . . The National Conference of itho world's most widely borrowed looking auburn-haired miss? Jews and Christians is preparing ^Jewish-paper. Week after week, . . . It is hoped that very short- a huge pageant to be produced in ..copies are passed around, sub- ly an explanation can be given a. number of cities on February Bcriber-to-friend-to-friend, etc. for the limp look that prevails 22, 1936, Washington's Birthday . . S. N. Behrman, the playwright While taking a certain modest on the physiognomy of that has been commissioned to write pride In this widespread eagerness curly dark-haired member of tbe Etory of the pageant . . . This to read the Jewish Press, we nev- the J. O. C. staff .'. .-"Kate Cut- may be a very hot time in Jewish Cooled erless urge these borrowing boos- ler, a young sportswiiter, is dohistory but it Is practically Impos' ters to subscribe • on their own ing excellent work and is de- sible to get the leaders of AmerTry on Fur account. Translate'your enthusi- stined to go places in this field ican Jewry together for a meeting Cost* in Cool • • . David Lazarus* whirlwind asm for the Jewish Press into a Comfort marriage blew most of ns off of these days . . . They are all on vasubscription. cation, either abroad or in this ' Accompanying a recent sub- our feet . . . Inquiries concern- country . . . This almost.makes it scription renewal was a note, "I the identity of the blond-haired appear that the Nazis timed their t&lnk $2 Is a very small amount miss seen with local eligibles: pogroms . . . to keep us In touch with our Jew- she is Gertrude Kirschner, of » ish community, informing us of Brooklyn, New York. MAKE-BELIEVE -:the present and also news of the COMMENTATIONS Gottfried Reinhardt, young son future." Remember this and send It is repeated that Soph Taxer, of the Herr Professor, is reported in your $2 for a Press subscrip- a real number from Sioux City, to be considering marriage with tion. still follows the fad of painting a lady who is twice his age both her finger and toe nails of Elizabeth Bergner has displaced LIMELIGHTS a bright red color . . . Mr. and Does that tall black-haired past president, of a Central frat Mrs. L. J. Baer, wbo are searchbay compacts or gold bracelets ing about for a larger apartment, by tho "gross"? . . . We hereby are reported to al*>o be shopping announce the wedding of Zel. for nursery equipment . . . Lou da Snferstein to Morris. Stnl- Feinstein -and Cy Kosburg, formoster five days late, in hopes mer Omahana, plan to open a that we can amend for making cereal business in C. B. this fall . . Has Vernon Shift been ena previous announcement con« cernJng this splendid eouplo tranced out of circulation by a five. days before they made it Sioux City charmer? . , . A n old . . . Even though there a r e Baying expresses the thought that .• thousands of bottles of liquor once a person is affected by a cer; surrounding E d d i e Sonuner, tain cause he will avoid the said '' manager of the Iiouis Sommer'a cause, but not so in Sal Mich','-, liquor dept., he has never tak- nick's case. Sal, who is a snn tan •• en a drink stronger than ginger enthusiast, is now attempting to \ ale. But he is a connoisseur on heal atfd.poothe thq third degree !| liquors . . . Harold "Chick" ! truckman, Harold Block, Har« ',[ old Stein and Jack Fox are tho "Four Horsemen" who gallop \ about regularly every Sunday Black Caracul :\ • morning at Council Bluffs . . . with Silver Fox 'r Al Gnrber, now of Huron, South Collsr— :; Dakota, will blend with Rose Illnstratcd i. CoIIck of this city, on Sunday, $138 • i August IS . . . Now that dell lightful saleslady at Carmans is <> vacationing out of town, Har* 1 1 old Katleman trill be quite lone||. Iy—oh, yeahl
Distributors for Dodge, Plymouth Dodge Comritercials and Trucks |
Shop Oar Windows for These UnheUevsble Value*
tl a 9
| -q 6 X 'i jj
elXS . . . We. worked not only to get STYLE im'd QUALITY . . , bnt to get coats that would require: no selling effort whatsoever and to get the' price do^is to" where we could HONESTLY i a y . . . HERE
Unbelievable Values at
. • •• .
Believe It or Not • ••. Here's - ••-. What Ym Wii Find!
>\ ELIGIBLE BACHELOES ;j The list of eligibles printed here ;j l a a previous issue Is already be,i ginning to bear fruit. Some of the ] | additions to the list are: Al Batt, ii Homer Binswanger, Sam Swartz. ij Sam , Shyken, Al Reuben, S o l j Michlck, Emil Zwelser, Carl Lagj! man, Dave Hahn, Phil and Mayer i\ Monsky, Harry Dworsky, Morris || Cohn, the southside- grocer, "Mur;•'; phy" Rabinowltz, Herman Frledj| man, Marks Lorlg, Cy Silvers, Lee if Grossman, E m i l Gross, Harry ilPlascoe, Art Romm, Meyer Ferer, Harry Smith, Abe Venger, Beo Ravlte, Al Softer, Bea Wolfe, Dr, S. Z, Stern, Joseph F. Stern, Abe
Where Omaha Buys Furs tcith C&nfMence . . .
One Group of Magnificent Three Ways to Buy a Goldstein* Chapman Fur Coat CHARGE ACCOUNTS—Furchctet charged on Ocioher Bill, payable November 10th DEFERRED'. PAYBfENTS—Convenient terms etm ba arranged, WILL CAI£—A smalt deposit holds your eoJ /or -future dtiiverjr..- Storage Free.
• Natural Riswissa Fltcls ©(Jcawinc Htsdsom Seal • Jsp Weasfel CszU • GJTT Siberisst Sqislrrd 8 Axaerieesi Br^sdlall Gj»t»
• E»»sl«as Pony Coats • Rnuian l*©piwd Coat* '•' ® Browtt Kid skl» Coats / • Tropipjil Seal Costs , • Brown B»s«d[tall Coal* • Grey KMeldn Coats
® Black Caracul Coats with Silver Fox Collar • Brown Caracol G»als
• Genuine Black Perslas Lamb Coats • Gre; Broadtaii Coats
I Palestine i Ousted
I »:
Hollywood—Keports are insist-. executire board cf the The Hague (WJJS) — Be- ent that Anita Kurtin . .pardon,; Jewish Committee. June Clar-j Jerusalem (YTNS-PElcor Agon- i cause Duke Von Wied, a kins- she'll fee Ann Loring, on merging Trorth is sponsoring & Little TheaConsul General], man of Queen Wilhelmina, is from the movie mill . . is of theter ffiGYement. Luiss Raiser rss.y j cy)—Germany's; ^ an anti-Semite Her Majesty re- Chosen variety. Her story is onehop into her car and drive . o | t o Palestine, Keinrich TToIff, has | KJ* « * service kAm kmnn ,^_ | been recalled to Berlin, (alleged- j CompEicy, Ooishs fused to pay him a visit, ac* of those "breaks" you hear about New York any minute . . y ovriEg to the Jewish parentage | -———cording to a report in the Haa- but seldom see. Arriving here as 'Patricia Ellis apparently ger Kurier. The Queen was to a Brooklyn beauty contest win- the inclusion, of Jewishness in her >f his tdfe, it V?B,Z revealed here.! lAte iTiPursvnce if. a vicrine visit the Duke in Germany to ner, she tras placed on the SIGM Leftvich connection . . . BO, at The local German color.y, Itielud- j^ps plan TWRUPB s rr.Rn l«-n act as godmother at the bap- stock-company list and forgotten. this late date in her career, says ng the Christian Templarp. and exactly he?,- much Is to br German-Jewish;j posited end exact.!?1 I lie fiaj" tism of his son. The other day the casting direc- she TTfis adopted fcy Papa lieftrefueees, vr s. e shocked hy i h c' •vi'Licli it is to be deposited. tor -was scanning lists, cleaning •wlch . . . So all right! Sylvia SidShortly before she was to In this article the author, one an endless number bearing on the I life under the regime; how is renri , Company p y helps—he p of the outstanding Jewish jour- m o r o serious aspects of Jewish aa they fit Into the new syBtem? leave t o r Germany the Dutcb out dead-wood, sa-pr her name, or- ney and Joan Blondell are each news. had tron the con-{ of the due dat press reported that the whole dered a screen test - - and she's seeking a stage vehicle for them- j f l d e n c e o tWolff there anything that they are nalists, analyzes the Nazi Jew- Ufa under the Nasi regime will t h s e s l v e s . S a r i K a r i t s a s a y s Ehe grrew 1 P a l e s t i n e p o p t i l a - ! i m f l e r t h e life ermltted to do after all the in- distrlc' in the neighborhood ©i a "fink" lsh "policy" in tho light of SO illustrate the position. tioE e r e n o £t h e J e v B hf an inch taller \ - tecanFc o r j F r o y - rsrpif^ Another triumph cf environthree-fourths of the Duka's residence was posmonths of 2tozi persecution. In The official stand of the Ger- unaerable injunctions a g a i n s t h E £ Proverbial courtesy d j . illment over heredity: Little Manny during ths seven ^reets tered with posters and inscripTlew of the recent riots In Ber- xn a.n Ministry of Economics as what they are Jaot to do? "What her b e g . ! tions such as "the Jews are Robinson, Edward's two-year old ness co: the positive Bide of the Nazis' lin and tho information of a well as of the Government as a re:nFees h a fi rotjnd PpPTnE imposFiMe to TUSVP 'h? >'-" swindlers," "ths Jews ara oui BOB, calls his father's sideburns They're raving about the beauty i mas-JeT ten-million dolls? corporation whole has been, practically from eallngs with the Jews? i him co-operative in £.rrangin?r the posits. of the ritual dances created, for; "bell pulls." Robinson, in his misfortune" and similar slofor the salvaging of German the beginning of the regime, that Soon after the.Nasi upheaval a Ijit'e iTiFursTCf is P1<=P e-n r>n;transfer of property left behind "She" by Benjamin Semacli . childhood, •would gans used by Julius Streielter, hare called refugees, this article is espe- Jewish business enterprises, com- B w: and interesting movement mi? tic p o r t of Fp.vinps plan—?•••;-., by them in the Reich. them "pyus." and ditto the t of whom Von Wled appears to cially timely.—The Editor. mercial and industrial, should not arose among the German Jews. It W o l f f -eras appointed to hisr..fter 'vre ha*'*! m a t e only OP?: / ' ? score Jor cams by Frederick Holbo boycotted or molested. Offia B called t h e TJmschichtung be a disciple. present p o s t on December I S , p o s i t , T,"C CRT! l o o k Pt. OVT PF '' i»<: lander both men are ntv7 to The Roosevelt Hotel la KollyWhen it was ascertained that After moro than two years ol cially t h o anti-Jewish . boycott change or transfer of occnpacontxc.OiE e n d pr.ys, "AM i h f >• j these posters had been hung at •wood declined to allow a preview j the screen. National Socialist rule, during ended with the spectacular demon- ;ion). Former professional tb.riif-andfi p* cin'ip.r- fnv n v ?*>»!• of "Nazi Germany," pro-Hitler I "which the persecution of the Jews stration of April 1, 1933.. This hysiciana, l a w y e r s , scientists, the initiative of the Duke the ily It- fppp I flo Tsot l i v e . " *"••' Jessel end Eddie Cantor { has occupied EO prominent a part stand was taken by the Govern- ournalists, artists, all those who Queen immediately cancelled film, on its premises. Announce-* j'areGeorge inpurF.nce p s y s F. mnJi'fs fsn.;". the best of friends . . but Jesnient of the shoeing, sponsored In the programme of the Third ment not EO much out of consid- have been deprived of their work her vlstt. vrlist h e h o p e s to ESVP Tor i>n;i FEI -was a little piqued on heciing by friends of "New Germany," Reich, the Hitler regime still is eration for Jews as out of regard nd means of livelihood, turned O t h e r finvjnps; evFiomz pp.y ^ ' • ' ' i repeatedly the tremenuous fc-acprovoked hundreds of protests. •without a definite Jewish policy. for German industry a n d com-hopefully to skilled trades and to he h a ? "been a b l e t o f ? v e . '•"!•• Cantor enjoyfi on his recent More Nazisms: Goebbels clamps It may sound strange, but i t ismerce, which "cannot afford the manual work. Trade schools were i very difference hoU'p s mar. »' . i»R;" •what?" the Dan on anything and every- European jaunt. nevertheless a fact that nothing is luxury and waste of an internal tarted; training centers were ess.j=t in hip iTssiirr-.nce proprsirri. thing written by Herman Man- bursts Jessel, "So he played more rague and uncertain than boycott. Ye% there is nothing more abllshed and most of the disposNe-r York Gibraltar! ' kiewicz, eceilarist. Latter was the the Nazi treatment of the Jewish real in Nail social life than the essed people flocked to them in originator of the "Mad Dog cf Edward Robinson ms.y find it's ! 15th anti-Jewish riots on T?ertir *Tir r r problem. Jew-hatred in itself is boycott of the Jews. To read the rder to learn some new and usecheaper to hire a chauffeur than ! Kiirfcrstenflamni "were deliberet Europe" idea. no policy. I t may .dictate policy Nazi Press, to hear the Nasl lead- !ul occupation which would ento get police tags. Robinson vras | ly planned by the Nazi part;-, and permeate action. But it Is noters speak, one would get the im-able them to live, no matter how London (JTA)—T h e problem Maxine Beiner changed, her driving ioine from t i e ; •was revealed by Tartar; Fry, c< pression that the several thousand a consistent course of action purhumbly. The movement was pop- of Jewish immigration to Pales- name. No, she didn't "go Holly• {hpy toll? birr; l 1: s studio when he was by aI tor of the L i " rr suing clear aims and moving in a Jewish enterprises still l e f t in ular chiefly among t h e younger tine, legal a n d allegedly illegal, wood." . . . just got married. An cop who wss finally stopped convinced of | •witness of t h e outbreak r.g P. n0 Rr.fi-•f)fTT,itif pr/i7(c Germany form tho greatest probdefinite direction. It is one thing Jewish people, t h o s e who pre- received a thorough airing in theorthodox ceremony dignified the the beginning of the pres ' ! grin<•]a v-eve R p a r t y r.ffpir. to hate Jews and another to know lem .of the Belch. France, Rus-viously filled the universities and House of Commons in the course screen actress' union to Joseph ^ g actor's identitv acd let hint e E t ced rave of terror, on his returi Robinson speeded up I sia, Austria, Poland, t h e econ- academies of learning. what to do with them. of spirited debates between vari- Myerson, local merchant. e United States. [the motor, shifted gears, and j t D It is chiefly this lack of policy omic depression, unemployment, For a time it seemed as if a ous members and the Colonial Sec. Fry declared that Dr. Erne George Burns and Jack Benny ! crash! backed right into the cop's none receives so much attention that has made the lot of the Jews new hope had been born for these retary, Malcolm MacDonald. F. S. Hanfstaer.gl, Kitler"s presis ! P wanted to play golf EARLY Sun-'-motorcycle. Eddie sot a ticket! in Germany BO difficult. There is in German ,public life at present unhappy people, a hope for the The debates -were featured by a Iieutei Pd 10 ;-<i ! ' • € ' **> nothing more trying tor a group as t h e boycott of Jewish shop- construction of a new, simple, but stirring plea voiced by Jjunes de i y morning. George got up at 7 "Watch for Jack Po-well, that the so-called Jewish patrons whose LJ Lk%s,Xl - or 'for an individual than uncer- keepers and manufacturers. I t is healthy life on the basis of plain, Rothschild, son of the late Baron j 1 1 ; m -a n d rushed^ to the studio ^lack-face trick drummer in hissing of a Swedish enti-Semitic tainty; nothing is so conducive to mad© the acid test of loyalty to useful labor. If the Nazi regime Kdraond de Rothschild, Rothschild, that that the the i then remembered the day and "Here Conies Cookie." He's onefilm vras reported to have preciKdiaond de a state of nerves in an intelligent the Nati regime. T h e Stretcher had had the slightest Inkling of a Colonial Office a n d the H i g h i speeded to the golf course. Benny cf Our Chaps. pitated the attacks -were actually highly-strung community w h i c h Press goes to the length of sta-positive Jewish policy it c o u l d Commissioner £ o r Palestine re- lost the first ball, threw a club ' disguised Storm, troopers sect to h a s been bronght up to value tioning camera men in front of have accomplished a transforma- lent in its "hard-faced" attitude after it, then another club. Burns' Another solid gold-rynisni: S a r a . t h e t j , e a t r e to create a disturb*•! U L- «, method a n d order above every- Jewish shops and photographing tion of Jewish economic life in towards Jewish refugees who are luck wasn't much better. They was leaving for a trip, but want- nce. T h e American journalist ended up minus three caddies, ed to retain & certain writer on; ^ thing else in life. I t would seem Germans entering them; l a t e r Germany n o * less revolutionary vainly knocking at the H o l y Iso disclosed that four hours befour balls, all their clubs, and the let until his return. He asked that almost any condition would these photographs are featured in and constructive than that achiev- Land's gates. ore the riot began, Der Angriff, ha easier to bear for the German the newspapers as those of trait- ed in Soviet Russia, o n e which Protesting bitterly against the with a neat score in the two hun- the scribe to give his word of hon- !0 r g£ n of Pr; U 2 CAFE or not to sign up s t any other |G ; e t i b e l g > * a l l ^ Jews t h a n the one existing at ors to the German cause. And al would even have atoned in a full restrictions imposed upon J e w s dreds for each! tion studio. The fellow answered he j !?N RPTFL measure for all the tragedy and present, in which practically every this, while the- Ministry or t h e who are trying to gain admission 'behavior of th« little George Breakston, who is couldn't give his word on that Nazi leader makes his own. laws Government is issuing order afte destruction previously wrought. to Palestine, de Rothschild l a i d or" gives his own interpretation of 1 order declaring that there is to But the Nazi -Government has special emphasis on the contrast twelve, makes his own. radio sets ] so many things might happen in . . . has built a really good ama-jthe interim. "All right, all right'" -existing laws' pertaining to t h e ' * * «,«* ««•»• be- — no *»„..„••. boycott; that anyTm business Bin«iiK not Only not assisted these people afforded by the government's ininstrument . . . and Is now j compromised Goldwyn, "Don't Jews, "A few facts drawn from enterprise in Germany is German whom it dispossessed and uproot- dulgence toward the mass immi- teur me your word of honor irrespective of t h e race of th< ed, it has done everything pos- gration of the Arabs from neigh- striving to pass the examination jj ownera of its capital, and that t h sible to k i l l the Umschlchtung boring countries. which will permit him-to send j just give me & promise;" Government is not at war with a movement. Tha t r a d e schools "The Palestine government," he wireless messages. Come Again! ! i portion of its population, at leas' h a r o been suspended except in said, "has beea grinding underir ?c *r CHIPS AND CHATTER: Sid the case of those which are pre- foot the interests of the Jews in Silvers has wora the same pair of not in the economic Held. Another illustration of the sam< paring youths, for emigration to favor of Arab natives penetrating shoes on Btage and screen for j glaring contradiction is offered b Palestine; t h e training centers into t h e country f r o m Egypt, because he's ea- < seven years me pvntfvt ?<mr Ssterests. . . t h e operation of t h o so-callei have been mostly closed, and the Transjordan and the Hauran." perstitious. June Knight (whose j I IXSCKASCE cf every desChief Rabbi Aslss for Bonation Aryan paragraph. This paragraph entire movement has been given These restrictions upon Jewish mother's laeindins L.IFE, la ets-oEP, tongue was Yiddish) i cription reliable eonjpsESes OKI.X. . . . Let'i is one of tho major contribution a death blow by the order that immigration, de Rothschild de- will have a novel off the press in j talk It to Jewish National of Nazism. It stands out with th Jewish artisans a n d craftsmen clared, are retarding the prosper- a few months'., illustrated, as well j Brown Houses, the Concentration .who graduate from these schools ity of Palestine. !ES written by herself. Louis B. I*C-8 Fsnmm "06" c r WA CISC New' York, N. W. (Special Sis- Camps, tho S. A. and the S. S. as may not compete with Germans. Prior to de_Rothschild'B_speech, j ^&yeT"is a " ae w member to the | patch) — Measures to augment' a, distinctive mark of tho Thin Ths only effective and construc- two sets ot interesting statistics | the American" $ S 0 0,0 0 0 fund for Reich. Now, the Aryan paragraph tive way out of the tragic Jewish bearing on conditions in Palestine IVIV I 1 Palestine land redemption work as proclaimed in April, 1933, an position In Germany has been" cut were made public. c will be taken by the leaders of the never altered: since, excludes Jewi off. The regime which has driven The first indicates the substansynagogues and Jewish congrega- from employment in Governmen the Jews from their old positions tial prosperity of the country. Acpositions and state institutions. I has at the s a m e timo deprived cording to MacDonald, the Palestions throughout the V. S., as i%' IN ^ T-. r N r ^ is™ ? Jews . throughout the world will also limits-tho number of Jews In them of the only means of escape tine treasury on, June 30th last the professions, particularly thos into new ones. All that remains had a surplus balance of 5,557,commemorate the 1,865th anniversary of Tisha B'AY, on August engaged In literature, art, on th in the Nazi attitude toward the S37 pounds. Revenues for t h e stage, and In the press. The mea& Jews, is hatred and malics with- y e a r totalled 5,452,632 pounds, S t h . : •ure, cruel and ruthless as it is out a unifying air or underlying while expenditures amounted to Tisha B'Av, the ninth day in w a 8 never intended to operat the Hebrew month Ab, is, in theanywhere «lse than in state insti- thought; in a word, a complex, 3,330,010 pounds. TTT WI\ not a policy. Jewish calendar, a national and tutions and in government bodies religious day of mourning' since Private enterprises of a 11 kind Tehran (JTA)—The Shah of Nebuchadnezzar, at the head of were expressly exempted from the Rome (WNS)—Dr. M. l<evln- Iran last week sent a personal inhJ * if his Babylonian hosts in the year application of t h i s paragraph. s6n, a Jewish woman dentist, is vitation by cable to Prof. Ernst B8G B. C , and Titus, as command- Moreover, oven within the limited the official representative of theBlumenfeld, famous German Jewer of the Roman legions in theframework of operation of t h e Soviet Union at the International ish physician, to take charge of year 70 of the Christian Era, set Aryan paragraph, certain definite Dental Institute n o w being held the entire hospital system. Qltl fire and began the destruction, re- exemptions were provided in thehere. Dr. Levlnson Is regarded as Professor Blumenfeld was disspectively, of the first and second case of. war veterans, who were one of the greatest dental experts missed by the Nazis under, t h e Temples of Jerusalem. The day is actively engaged at the front, and in Europe. "Aryan" paragraph. annually observed by a fast, spe- their children. And yet nothing cial prayers, and t h e recital of s more flagrantly ignored a n d Jeremiah's Lamentations in the :ontradicted than ths orders of oynagogue. the Government in reference to Today, as the Jewish National this measure. T h e Aryan paraHome is being rebuilt and as Pal- graph is applied Indiscriminately estine is being rapidly resettled by in private as well as in state inJewish pioneers, immigrants and stitutions, and its exemptions are refugees from lands of oppression, flagrantly over-ruled by GovernTisha B'Av will be utilized, In ac- ment bodies themselves. The ofcordance with'an appeal issued to fieial Nasl press Is full of hysteriJewish communities throughout cal denunciations of private peothe world by Rabbi Abraham ple or firms who engage & Jewish Isaac Cooke, Chief Rabbi of Pal- lawyer w h o m the Aryan paraestine, to focus attention, on thegraph h a s expressly exempted land hunger being experienced by f r o m racial discrimination bethe new arrivals In the Jewish cause of his war cervices. Private hospitals and clinics are-not National home. allowed to engage even those JewAn appeal, directed by Dr. Isish physicians whom t'h B Aryan rael Goldstein, President of the paragraph has given permission Jewish National Fund of America, to practice. The last remnant of to the presidents and rabbis of Jewish writers, publicists, a n d Jewish congregations, urges the journalists who had been allowed adopjion of special measures for to work because of their war recthe arrangement of collections In ords was Bummarily dismissed on each synagogue, lor the Palestine April 1st by the Minister for Prop-: Land Redemption. Fund, which aganda and Culture, himself one •will be applied for the acquisi- of the pillars of the Government tion, by ths Keren Le'Israel, of which issued orders to the coni©*" "Si s. * A. t.*» Special yens aew land areas. " ii' tTary. Even humbla Jewish work,*•„*,r '• "In the thirty-four years of Its ing men and women w h o hav® ssg existence, the Keren Kayemeth nothing to do either with Govtisiis haa brought within the possession ernment work or with the profest g ass of our people -extensive land areas sions, and against -whom the Aryan iss Hoortr in Palestine, on which more than paragraph was never intended to /,¥ 100 agricultural settlements have operate, are dally being"dismissed been established, constituting the from t h o shops, factories, a n d xery backbone of tho Yishub. But, Offices where they .are earning Here.isyetir c-ppoi et$ •with the constantly growing in poor living. A n d this is being .a Hoover electric cleaner at a £ flux of pioneers, refugees and im done in open deSanca of tho freG;S0pm>. OMAHA "Ar. 7:20 cm & & «•«.•,:.-*. W : original price. Every Hoover Special is & prevquent decisions of tho our -greatest need in migrants ious'model. Hocver'which hzs. beta eosspleiftlf 8:30 ara Ar. CHICAGO Lv.6:I5gm Palestine today is: Land! More Court (which, as a Tule, still rc~ reconstructed ia the Hoover imzioty by experts. tafna t h o old Social-Democratic Land I Reciting tho Lamentations o tradition) that n u c h. dismissals Jeremiah, JGT73 beeomo aware a r o contrary to social' raorality that tho commemoration of thecad to Nazi law.
M s Staff "Writer)
sriui Against Jews g
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& .•*"% S - ^ • P * ' fT5 <«H'!B*i "
FLOUR, S lbs., 29c 10 Sis, - - 58c 24 lbs. - - $1,10
4 bcx.es
day of our national catastrophe 1,865 years ago, impedes upon us What is to bacorso of all thczs a sacred and ismediato duty: To pGoplo co deprived oJ their translate our national dream into and xaesns of livelihood? "What n national act by redeeming and: aro they to. do ana fcoir ara they sccialming tho Land of Israel for to go on livlas? Assailing that the People of Israel!" declared Born© of tbeso scoplo hsnro made with their rew status, difDr. Goldstein in his Tisaa B'Av peaco p message to the leaders of the ficult a3 it is, and are 171111115 synagogues. adjust themselves to the jiow
Farnam Phene ATIantls SS31 B «L .W. SHAFIPS, Cessra!
one o£ these saacHnes hss a new bearing, beating-sweeping brask, new bag, belt; cord and furniture guard.
MOTHER'S BE FLOUR & Lbs. - - H e 16 L&s, - - « e Si MM. - -
2, 1935.
in the bosoms of their families and become active, self-supporting and self-reliant. After being seesaisgly perturbed by the foreign reaction to Better than a hundred good-will meetings, better than a hunBy GERTRUDE BERG, their renewed attacks on Catholics, Jews, Protert*mts me war Br O. C PASHER Published every Friday a t Omaha, Nebraska, by dred sermons or addresses, the National Jewish Hospital is a Author cf • veterans, the Nazi regime la Germany feas once more thrown the THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY concrete manifestation of understanding and appreciation between "The Rise of the -Goldbergs" full brunt of its propaganda machinery into its fanatical drive Tlirie me from the council of peoples. A cardinal principle of the Hospital is that its service against race and religion. In its latest attacks, clashes with the evil doers, from the .tumult of t h e <i Subscription Price, one year * - - - - •- • §2.00 Are you having a real vacation Catholic church are becoming more frequent. :• .Advertising rates furnished on application. is to be extended to all who neede its care, regeardless of race or workers of feiquKT, who h a v e this summer? Children away at w h e t their fongufi like a sword creed, and in the practical application of this principle the NaEditorial Office: 500 Brandels Theater Building. camp, husband in town, and yourThe Anglo-Palestine bask, Zionist • financial institution, h&v- and have ' fumed their arrow, a : Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center tional Jewish Hospital stands pre-eminent among.the humanitaself established in a gay.- summer ing;enjoyed the most• successful year is its history,, vrill propose j j DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor po sorie d rian institutions of the world. The Hospital is one of the finest resort? With nothing to do butan eight per cent dividend. PRANK R. ACKERMAN - Editor _ Q Goc!.. for the waters . . I amuse yourself all day long? ..... RABBI ORI MILLER - - • > • . - - Contributing Editor I come in evec nntc the soul. I s m assets in B'nai B'rith work. It is of particular interest to note Not many of us are so fortu-FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent 6,500 Jews will be settled in Bureya, Jewish autonomous .ate j sunk in ci*»ep mire, where there that a large proportion of the non-Jewish patients cared for bynate as to be in that position. But •ANN PILL - - - - Sioux City* Iowa, ; Correspondent is no Pt.ap.ding, in the Soviet, during this year. Print Shop Address: 4B04 So. 24th Street the Hospital has been sent to the institutions upon the plea of to those women who actually hare They that hate me without a nothing urgent to do.during the cause, are more thsa the hairs of B'nai.B'rith membersor lodges. -'•"..:-.'..';_ Returns from all countries show that the Labor ticket was summer months a great opportuthe overwhelming victor in the elections for the world Eionist j • 'The research^department has done an invaluable service. It nity offers itself. I wonder wheth- Congress. Omaha Jewry in common with liberals in all,parts of the continues its investigations, into 'the nature and causes of tuber- er many of them grasp it. ! fully, are many. At a summer resort the tempbecome a Etr anger nto my world have been shocked into unified expression of horror and culosis,1, and the work which was started last year in connection tation is great to concentrate on The flight of Jewish capital from arxti-Seraitic countries into : brethren,' iren, snd an alien « nto ray condemnation at the incredible persecutions. being practiced by With'a"definiteipreventive, for tuberculosis in human beings is amusement during all tone's wak- Palestine is covering Tip the failure of industrial and agriculturalj mother's* >er's child ren. fil iin th l d and Palestine l the h homeland, prosperity is only a "sham," 'i the-Nazi regime in Germany against Catholics, Jews, Protestants, being continued.' A: vaccinedeveloped in the laboratories of thej ing hours. Bridge and golf, hik- failure . TALMUD ing and swimming and riding and according to a vehement statement by Jabotinsky, world leader-of [ Rabbi Simon said, "All my'days steel ihelmets and all "enemies of the Hitler, govterninent." National Jewish Hospital which has proven a valuable preven- dancing,, tennis and anything else the Revisionist forces. 11 h a r e grove, up amongst t h e In their blind fanaticism and ignorant barbarism,,the Nazi tive in animals, has been tested in a limited way on human3, and you may think of. Not to mention ~ " j wise, snd I have found nothing the front-porch sessions, when reginie far overstepped its bounds. Condemned even before,the the tests'indicate" that this vaccine may be further developed into groups of vacationers gather to_A cure for pyorrhea h a s been discovered b y ' a Jewish doctor j better f o r m a c . t h e n /silence. ! Words d.o not amount, to v e r y latest excesses by the bar of public opinion the .world over, the a preventive of-tuberctilosis in man. In battling the ravages of gether; to discuss their fellow- in Tel Aviv. | much, but only-deeds count. And Hitlerites have now .brought: upon themselves^ &••: united- front ofa deadly" disease, the National Jewish Hospital is writing one guests. j Trl-iO so multiplier words but does ers informed 500 Jewish, children N But the leisure provided.by th"e of the mcstinspiring chapters in hospital history. not back up by deeds, cause? sin." antagonism. . ' / : > . , " ;• between the ages of 6 and.14 that summer vacation can be used to Rabbi Simeon said. "By three they could no longer use the athgreat advantage by the mother . Despite the cautiousattitude taken officially by this-governj things is the world 'preserved; by letic ground on the outskirts oil temporarily released from her maI truth, by judgment and by peace." ment^ Germany may be considered severely rebuked by the letter ternal'and household duties. AndBerlin. The West End Synagogue, { Robbi said, "Which is the right which Professor Einstein used t o ! written to Jewish organizations in America.by ^illiam Phillips, this quite painlessly and, indeed, | course thst a man should'choose attend, w^is defaced with ' vile very pteasureably. acting secretary of state, in which he declared that he had care! for himself? That which is a pride A diplomatic .storm-still hovers cloudrUke over, the decision "' I refer to the serious reading signs, including one reading, "Get I | to him who pursues it, end whk'li fully i studied the Jewish views on the recent occutenceij in;Ger- of-Mayor Fiorello.H. La Guardia of New-York in. refusing, a muni- for which the busy mother has soout of German}', you swine, you! ; also brings him honor from manBy -E-OBEET STONE xaanyf- and can "fully understand our solicitude';regarding the cipal license to a German, alien on the grounds that American little time during the school year, Jewish pigs. Out with Jews, par-j jkixid? Be as scrupulous ebou't a asites, racial criminals." In when children and household are '-! NORTH: AMERICA" ' experiences" which the various religious and racial groups in citizens meet with discrimination in Germany. '•light precept as about a g r R V e constantly making demands on zig the Jews were banned from I MILLION" DOLLAR INHERIor them I. no wept not t h c Germany are reported to be suffering in;Germanyjv He further of reward f o r esch preThe importance lies in that this is the first act by any admin- her. Every year sees the publicaTANCE OF NEW YORK J E W says: "The concepts of religious freedom and.liberty of conscience tion of many interesting books cept? Reckon, the loss incurred again attacked Jewish ] R N S OUT TO BE MYTH . . . . T U istration authority in this country taking official cognizance of that enrich : the reader's knowl- stores and assaulted patrons.'| A rich-for-a-night'newspaper hoax by t h e fulfillment of ., ... ,. for all constitute the most fundamental principles of ~; bur own ; ea Hitler's policy of racial and.religious persecution. Any attempts edge .and understanding, but forHandbills demanding P "|ths.t broke a heart. ! against the reward secured bv its 'civilization and political faith. This bemg sa, the American people esual relat: reading of which more concen-l "FALASHA PRINCESS" EX-1 observation, end the gain gotten to have.the state department speak;out have failed,.and through the . ,, , . , ., . . i Jews and Aryans, including are always sympathetic in the maintenance, of those concepts in POSED AS NEGRO ENTERTAIN-! by a transgression against t h e political pressure the many official resolutions passed by Con- tration is required than the busy i fis"CByon. ER FROM" HARLEM . . . • . ' I t ; l o s s it involves? Consider three • the United States as well as in other nations." d offenders, , might be a good idea for Ethiopia! things that thou mayest not come gress have been one by one. pigeon-holed. That La Guardia's ac- housewife can give. These books j ^ n t e n c e £ o r : are a joy to read and *now - but jV e r e c 5 r c u l a t e d in Berlin. This outspoken condemnation shows definitely where the j to send a real princess here. j within the power of pin. K n o w tion had diplomatic repercussions, that it embarrassed the state they do take time. Yet I can as-X a z i . 8 S i United Sttates stands on the intolerance and bigotry riding the ' ™' HISTORIAN GOES TO SPAINi^'hst.is above fb.ee—s. peeing: eye, fro m C o K Tp-b ia ports froB1 department, that much editorial comment has opposed the forc- sure you that the time you g i v e <Jrte them will be well-spent, and t t i a t i a n d Hanover telline 'of JPW «r TO PRESENT PROOF COLUM- hearing car, anasi! thy deeds daddle in the Reich. It is no secret that the Hitler regime is in US W A S ing of an international question in this wise - - all seem unimport- the ideas you absorb from them | r e s t e / f o r gnch a I ] are written in a book." SPANISH JEW offenSeS> serious difficulty internally, and the latest veering to the left Raoban Gamaliel said. "Excelant to the American people in comparison.with the outstanding wi 11 add greatly to your ability toj A U s w } n s r a i n g p o o l g &n^ M t h g 8 t | A n d then the Nazis will claim that and allowing.the attacks on the Catholics, Protestants and Jews lent is the study of i h e Torah, A m e r i c a wns E e T c r get the most out of life next win- Schweinfurt, Bavaria were closed i ^covered. fact that the mayor of this country's great metropolis has spoken ter. was to throw "red pepper"'in the eyes of the/people in Germany, ORGANIZE $10,000,000 ECO- combined with some worldlv purto Jews. The Jewish foundation and; acted as the voice and leader of liberal America. for the effect By this time, summer .being|. C ,NOMIC CORPORATION TO All) to BO confuse them as to the real situation, a4d,real danger inside half over, you. have, for that m a t j seashore was closed. , ; GERMAN REFUG-EES . . . . YeR r ' It is regrettable that the German alien as an individual must of'Germany that they would blindly grope i n the vilifying directer, probably grown weary - o f| o f S t e g l i t 2 issued a p r o c l a m a t i o n ! ^ 18,500,000 of it must still be without work must et length be suffer for the.sins of his government, but when we approach S l t camn r tion of Nazi leadership. We also "know that conservative and miliS"?I™Jf-r" rsuit, .* e ° nfrom l* < > ryour "l [ all« Jews,o n thB Pe°P3e t 0 boycott! raised. futile stifi leads to CUE." f cbathing to your tary leaders in Germany have brought all the pressure at their practicalities;the individual is insignificant when the issue at riding habit to your dinner dress. Ee careful with the politicians, CATHOLIC TTAR YETERANS URGE IT. S. BOYCOTT OF OLY- for they pretend to be close to command to bear oh Hitler, showing him vhow dangerous M a stake involves an entire race and all religion. So let the bridge party slide one MPIC GAMES . . . That's the real! y o u in order to promote their course which so thoroughly alienates public opinion everywhere La Guardia is not an impulsive^ hot-head. His experience in afternoon - omit the morning chit- CLEVELAND ORPHAN OOMTPJC »jer»r"imT/^ 'a n s w e r t o 1 J r ' H i t I e r - ^he Nazis .: own interests, appearing es friends chat the next day stay away and isolates Germany without a-moral friend.'We also know that the-House of Representatives as well as his knowledge of inter- from the dance some evenings HUMEi J> MEETING I viU resent American abstention when it is to their cwn e d g , 67th annual meeting and j more than the boycott. ! but t h e y will n o t extend a helping Hitler has tried to restrain his radical underlings, but has tfound national- politics are • highly regarded in the White House. The and read some of the books' that of the trustees directors, ! EUROPE | h a n d when y o u a r e in distress. that i t is too late. He created a Frankenstein, which grows in, Mayor of New York has.looked at the record and no amount of are really essential for the build3 he T U R K E Y ing up of well-rounded person- j cieveU^ljLn *^'™' * I APPOINTS COMMIS-j momentum and has gotten out of controL: The bugaboo which sophistry can deny the fact that American citizens.have been in- allty. Cleveland Orphan Home, » « « S I O N T O A I D ; E W S T U 1 1 K I C I M ! Eugllsl Cclttirc held recently. he hoped would divert the attention of the people has grown sulted, . injured, arrested^ * imprisoned and time again requested (Copyright, 1335. by Seven Art* The home was founded by theTHEIR NAMES . . . What for? It Feature Syndicate), London—A fund if- being- raised into a menace; the seeds planted by Hitler and"his cohorts have to leave the country for no other reason than their racial or reB'nai B'rith in 1868 to serve the will not solve the Cur kish-Je wish here by a g r o u p of prominent : problem. sprouted weeds profusely*. : ligious affiliations or indignation-at the barbarous methods of followingg states of o the the MiddleMiddle Jews to establish a chair in Eng.Local Orgamzations I© the Hitler regime. In* this connection it n^ay be mentioned that west: Ohio, Indiana, Kansas Ken- i 'GREEN* JEWS ORGANISE TO; lish end English culture Rt the It would take either generations or a n e w o r d e r ^ Germany •tacky, Missouri, Colorado, N e w ! D E F E N D REPUBLIC AGAINST j Hebrew. University. . • Protest' MBZI : Excesses Rabbi Ferdinand Isserman--of St. Louis who last year sovividto wipe out the venemous poison inculcated into the minds of Mexico, Wyoming," Illinois, - Iowa, | THREAT OF MONARCHY . . . . j Nebraska, Michigan, • 'North" and j Why can't we Eitck t o our own! the German people. Religious warfare and,racial';bigotry.have ly "portrayed to "an "Omaha audience the "picture of Germany to- , (Continaed from Page 1.) \; Fielsfe m : S«» scarred the soul of .the Reich. Before Germany can take her'place day -'••- was refused a visa to visit- Germany thi3 year on theOlympic Committee extended an South Dakota, Minnesota a n d j"Tzores." • In t h e rasulf .1 Wisconsin. Trustees-and directors I JOBLESS KUKGARIAN ' JEVCS ! grounds that he" has • helped in' the dissemination of "atrocity official invitation to Helene MeyHerri«) among the nations of the world, Hitler and all his cut-throats ; ! ; representing these states were in OFFER TO TIGHT FOR ITALY) er,' German woman fencing chaine vriifr Eel In able •-"" ;' .'"" " •"' - ' / " ' -; . ' must be swept into oblivion.-To that .end, all liberal .peoples must tales.""' ' ' ' | AGAINST ETHIOPIA . . . Musso-j piqn.v now a refugee residing in attendance. c« Today, the home receives a per; . | i n i v i l I h s ! i t h e E S stETxing he work together; for any one group to go off on a tangent would be Liberal America expresses its thanks to the New York California, to come to Germany in capita fee from the membership iroes. - I to harm the common purpose motivating liberty-roving, thinking mayor. If diplomatic usage demands a withdrawal of the La Guar- order to train with the German of the B'nai B'rith lodges of Dis- QUEEN OP HOLLAND CAN-,' i SIS3go . S.vtl-i St. Olympic fencing team. It is, how- tricts Nos. 2 and 6, and is sup: human beings. . .-." , . • dia decision it is to ,be hoped that .the State Department will ever, generally felt t h a t should ported also by individual sub- CELS VISIT--TO-HER KINSMAN' BECAUSE HE'S ANTI - SEMITE j seize the opportunity to express "itself in unequivocal language the present situation in Germany scriptions, federation and welfare . . . . The-Queen of Holland Is the'jf develop i n t o farther outbreaks funfi allotments. against the racial and religious discriminations of the Hitler gov- against the. Jews t h « American | Honored guests at this year's only "man" in Europe. SIS JEWS NAMED TO POLISH j Olympic Committee will not dare alumni reunion were Isaac Cohen ernment. • to oppose p-ublic sentiment as to and Abraham Liebman, both 70, OLYMPIC TEAM . . . . If they ae-i i^econitnended by Marsj I>oeti?'rs The Jewish territorialiat movement has been brought,to life American participation in the in-and both of Chicago, who were cept the nomination they deserve: again by the urgent need to find colonization places for hundreds I ternational meet. the first and third children ad- to be "beaten" in Berlin. - i of thousands of Jewish people from Eastern Europe : afii well as ',22 N. a w h St., Oroaba, Ncfe. A profound impression in Chris- mitted to the Jewish Orphan Home PALESTINE PALESTINE GOVERNMENT-; tian religious circles was created when it was opened in IS68..Four fromGermany. .. ':' ' .. "-,;:--By.PEOF.-MAS BEINHAEDT. by the articles of the Rev. L.'-M. hundred and fifty graduates re- REPORTS $10,000,000 SUR.KLUS ™ A congress of the territorialists was. held in"London last Bi'rkhead of Kansas C i t y , Mo., turned from Chicago, New York, LARGEST IN ITS HISTORY . , . ' r ^ (This Is ihe first and only Statement ever made by.Max who, as a result of a recent visit j Detroit,. Cleveland and elsewhere Which only proves that Palestine ! , v week, with delegates attending from England,-Poland,. France, would absorb twice c.s many Jew-; Belnhardt, theatrical genius, on the Jewish question.—The to Naziland described the activi- to attend . the Alumni, Rumania, South Africa and other countries,^participating in this ' ' - E d i t o r . ) ' . " " / - ;•'/"• ash iiousijr-rp.Tits, • j ties of Julius Stretcher as an at-Louis Schreiver of Cleveland ' • ••••'-"• •••••' ' • ' so-called "Free Land" conference. Among the possible territories tempt to spread the gospel of anti- re-elected president. . j JAPANESE C O M P E T I T I O N J Semitism" through the -world. The Fred Lasarus, Jr., of Columbiis j FORCES AMERICAN - OWNED; for Jewish colonization was considered the offer recently made - In tinies: of ^distressthe Jews,.even in ancient days, have al- Catholic News, in an editorial en- was re-elected president of the I SILK MILL AT RAMATIf &A~S by Ecuador for the settlement of 50,000 Jewish'famiUeg on some ways taken-J&jaxsacred books out of the ark of the covenantand titled "The Nazi Assault on tbeboard of trustees aEd directors. ; TO SHUT DOWN'. . . . Japan is • >Z. \ 200,000 acres of land which the government is willing to set have drawn from "their past strength for the future. Even their Church," declares that the Cath- Michael Sharlitt, superintendent, • conquering: tbe world market - so; j Church in Germany "will not presented his report of the year's! why not Pslestine? aside. According to the-terms of the agreement signed by themarching armies were preceded by bearers of the holy ark, and olic surrender its rights, to a cry of activities, outlining the li i g h j SELECT PALESTINE AS.MA-I president of Ecuador and the head of Emcol, Jewish emigration the walls of Jericho fell before the sound of the ram's horn. 'political Catholicism.' " General standard of child care service in' JOR LANDING FIELD FOR ATE; Hugh S. Johnson, la a syndicated effect under the up-to-date .Cot-i LINE BETYi'EEN EXGLAND ANu | and 'Colonization society, the territorialists Jean start settlement Many may say that today we have more effective and more newspaper article, calls Hitler the tage Plan inaugurated sis years j INDIA . . . . A good military more ,| by accepting the offer. Ecuador's offer makes it very clear that inpder ninstruments of warfare. But I have net the martial spirit. author of a reversal t o . "insane "H-r t even if it will cost more .han it no autonomy i3 intended for the Jewish, colonies and that Span- Ibelohg to the tribe of the Levites, who were dedicated to thebigotry, "sadistic cruelty, megala- ago.This year, through. efficient! will bring into Palestine.. o r «-." « • iaaniac tyranny, paranoiac oppres- ssaaageiaeat and administration, ! ASIA ish will be the official language. '' . .-,- • service of; God. , v sion." Blaming t h e Versailles the Home was able- to keep within ! SHANGHAI CITY C O t ' N C I L Treaty for the resentments felt 1 ?•>•« The Jewish territorialists are anxious that Jewish colonies I beUeve in the divine force.that swells in every work of art, by the German people against the their yearly budget of f 150,000 | BRANDS .NAZI BLOOD RITUAL. to the penny. Since the beginning AGAINST JEWS be settled in free lands with autonomy to the settlers. But in theand I believe that this force will be victorious. rest of the -world, Gen. Johnson of the depression, the deficit had REPORT . . Even Asia '\ BELOUS .that in this resentment the situation which faces world Jewry today, we must make the most The books, of-the Bible, the commandments, the psalms, the adds "seeds of madness sown by per-ranged from f60,000 to $75,0.00 of the situation, and though autonomy wiU-be'denied in Ecuador, stories; of the patriarclis, the judges, the kings and the prophets, verted leadership could e r e *•— yearly. as many Jewish refugee families as possible should be settled the destiny of a people.- have become a work of cacred art of in-! but that docs not czcurc Hitler." there. explicably mystical grandeur, an unforgettable contribution to human history and at the same time a reflection of that burning Berlin (ViTNS) — A that the reler.tlc:s reality.wihch still agitates the world today. drive, which is sprcadias to every, . It is by. no means propaganda which we have here. Propaganda corner of G r r a s a r vith Jncroai»-t violence, will be cHra&xe.I 'J;y'. The National Jewish Hospital at Denver is rounding out has ne,ver created a true work of art, and there exists no propa-! ing legislation z.irr.eA at driving every thirty-five years of service to the tuberculous poor of all"'faiths ganda as-powerful'as the effect which unintentionally emanates f Jew owt of the Reich v s i rounded, by Julius StreJchcr, the rprarhc.d, on a j free, nation-wide basis. The Hospital has become so firmly from a work of pure art. of the anti-Jcw:.Th ran;r«~i1~r>, tn' Nothing can give the Jews greater stature than the fact that imbedded in Jewish philanthropy that we take its.work for granta speech cjhortfng- th« Nrrit r o t this loftiest work, the Book of books, was begotten by them. ed," giving little if any thought to its actual accomplishments! to let-up ia ficir ?crprcu(Ion of v This worli glorifies only God, arid not the people. The people the Jews. "Wehave just read the report on the National Jewish Hqapital Strelcher'o speech, which -lei?.- 1 prepared by A. M. Krensky for the recent B'nai-B'rith district is portrayed as entirely human, all too human. It disputes with j ly intimated thct the radical Naconvention, and it made U3 realize that Krensky is right when its .leaders, it" forgets' its God and dance3 about the golden calf; j zis were detersiir.eS to "rolvr"! he siiys that a service which has brought health and strength but ever again it seeks the way to the Highest Being, to its invis- j the Jewish question'in Gernanyonce and for all by the revi\al of to over 25,000 men, women and children, and through them, to ible Gold — with a moving tenacity, with an elemental yearning • ghettocs or the enactment of laws i countless thousands more, a service which has reached into every in-even the least of ito members, %/ith a bright spiritually espec- which would purge the country of ially when a gloomy fate weighs heavily upon it. Jews, and the continued attacks! state;' in the Union and to practically every city in the country, throughout tl:e country served no- 1 Like all men, the Jews are a mixture of good and evil. Let •, tice on Gcrsr.an cannot be taken for granted. In the files of the National Jewish JCT.TV that their ; | :;.•: ^ Hospital are hundreds upon hundreds of case histories of men, him who-knows .himself to-be without sin be the first to cast a.' doom ' has brcn scsltc. Streichpr i£•_-_•:.-., stone at them. i frankly adE'.iLtcd that the revival' j --'•__,.. ^t women and children who came to the institution seeking a final a v t u l t s were delittr-j* "~ ."• Yet they live in the hail-of stones that has been falling on' antJ-Jevv-ic'i resting place for .their weary bodies and broken Spirits, and who, ately intended to prepare iV.z .- ~:-~'~, c lB "crs'n- , V"^'' because of the -loving ministrations and efficient service whieli them for thousands of years - that alone is no- small miracle;! Gcrir.-« pc"P-= * ~ " "solutior." o! I'LO S*-:r\ rxuc?t'',n. i and.they shall continue to live as long ns they seal: the v.-ay to the theyik'eceived in the Hospital - -without a penny of cost to them?,Ieai2V"h'-o the N-svri xrar CE t! •> * selves - - were-enabled to return home, to take their, places again Highest Being and to their own essential being, which God created j - ^ - v i - c i c o n ^ i p i - f z. - 5 v i ? n . . ' T i ^ D - t r c i ^ i - [ c in His image.—Copyright, 1935, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. olence. Nazi Eccial welfare Tror I;-'*——-«
1 ..
About the Bible
THE JEWISH VISITED IX NEW .YORK M i s s Alice J o y c e Susman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Susman, has returned from a three weeks'' stay in N e w York city, where she visited relatives a n d friends. .
jrjsiL>*i,, AUGUST 2, 1935.
Miss Anna Fingret of D e s Moines vr a s a week-end visitor here. FIVE-WEEK TRIP While spending five weeks on a combined business and pleasure trip, Mrs. Rose Himelstein will visit her son, Dave, in Chicago and will also visit her Telatives in New York, Hartford, Norwich and New Britain, Connecticut.
Highland Ladies Open Day Approximately one hundred worn e n golf enthusiasts enjoyed Ladles' Open Day a t the Highland Country Club last Tuesday. Door prises, bridge prizes End golf -prizes helped make this gala affair an outstanding Euccess, Guests from local golf clubs as well as out-of-town feminine link stars attended. The only Highland member to win a prize was Mrs, Mai .Holzinan, who captured one of t h « many golf prizes.
ire-aged .for, prises SUMMER DINNER BMCE Ladies Auxiliary -of swarded. OF FBI EFSIWN Fi Congreg&tlCQ Of I s r a e l ! A beautiful bufioir pilie* for Rt this t$m». T h e annual . summer dinner The Ladies* Auxiliary of the dance of the Phi Epsilon Pi, Na- Congregation oJ Israel vrill hold Patrenisf: out Edvcr riser. tional Jewish social fraternity will je regular monthly mfieticg, Moobe held for the Alpha Beta chap- day, AugcBt f, at Z p. in., in the ter actives snfi alumni, this Sun- assembly room o" the cynag day, s.t the Paston. Hotel. JPth end J Etreete. 1 WATTSWROOF ASA-F3.Tiro.-* Local alumni of the Alpha Bets Important l»«sinee-s "will j S l ' A U VABKIS1F5, P1.5C chapter 0f Iowa City are in charge transacted. A report on the of the arrangements and have sales of the last card party, lic'c" • OmrV-a #©!sl?Iisf 0? planned a program for all d a y | July T, will be given. ThoBf r h c activity. A combination breakfast- jhiive not-tumefi in their ttrfcr'r luccheon, meeting, afternoon stag to Mre. Sara Casar ere te c"r rv 1 and then the dinner dance in the at this meeting. evening will be the program of All members EEfi their the day. t, p t v %'CVL Ere urged to attend. Fraters are . journeying here from Pes Koines, Sioux City, Daveaport, Cedar Rapids end representatives will convene here from Ladies Labsr Lyceuss all over Western lova and there Cldb •vrill be several Omahans vrho will attend. The Ladies' Lsbor Lyceum r'rl . Fifty couples are expected to CJT ,TrWCLKV attend the dinner-dance in the j will hold their annual picnic Fvrevening. Music will be Art RanAll members and their families dall's orchestra. are -urged to attend. There will bf free ic-cream sservefi. Games fc-' afiults End children have be-cc Fr:i
VACATIONING IN CALIFORNIA Miss Alta Hirsch is vacationing in Los-Angeles, with h e r uncle and aunt, Rev. and Mrs. Daniel Hirsch. Miss Hirsdi will also visit in San Francisco with her uncle, Rabbi Mayer Hirsch and in San VACATIONING HERE Diego, where, she will attend the Miss Isabelle Rosen of Chicago STAXJMASTKR-SAFERSTEIN LAZABXTS-SHKRMAJT Beneath a canopy of interwovMr. and Mrs. Dave Sherman an- Exposition. She will return in the is vacationing here for a few en ferns and baby's breath, set nounce the secret marriage op fall to enroll in the University. weeks and wnile here will be a houseguest of her friend, Miss before a palm banked improvised laturday, July 27, of their daughFannie Katzman. altar at tfce fire place, Miss Zeida ;er, Bernlee, to David Lazarus, LEAVES SATURDAY Miss Florence Mosher leaves Bafersteia^ -was married, Sunday on of Mr. end Mrs. H. Lazarus. ProgressiYe Hebrew afternoon, at tho home of her They will be married according to Saturday to join her family for LEAVES FOR WEST COAST Miss Reba Wexler, w.ho was a parents, Mr. • and Mrs. William the Jewish law on Sunday, Au- the summer at Brown Thrush cotPicnic Saferetein, to Morris Staltaaster, ;ust 11. • " . . • - - tage at Lake Okoboji, their sum- guest: of Mr. and Mrs. J. Tretiak during her stay here, left for Los mer home. , , ' . - . son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis StalThe Progressive Hebrew • club Angeles to visit friends. She •will picnic will be held Sunday, Aumaster. Rabbi David A. Goldstein BAR MTEZVAH AND RECEPTION return here to spend the rest of gust 4, at Elmwood park at S p. RETURNS HOME officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pinko- Mrs. B. A. Simon returned Sun- her vacation. m. Refreshments will be served. Mrs. Jay Malakhock, "who is There will be games and prizes Mrs. Stalmaster's aunt, accom- vits announced the Bar Mitzvah day from Muscatine, la., where w i l l be given. Members panied Leo Marks in playing tho of their son, Arthur, last Thurs- she spent a week with her broth- HOUSE GUEST marches in a piano a n d Tiolin day morning, July 25, at the Beth er-in-law and-sister, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Charlotte Liebo of St. friends are invited to attend. Uamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue, Harry Mark. Miss'Sophia MaTk, Paul, Minn., who is at present visduo. The bride "wore "white lace. Her at 19th and Burt streets. On Sun- niece of Mrs, Simon, accompanied iting with Marian Bialac, will be long gown "was fashioned with a day, August 4, a party for his her back to Omaha for a visit Faye Gerelick's house guest next week. cowl-necked bodice and the skirt friends honoring Artnur will be here. flowing into a train of several iven by Mr. and Mrs. Finkovitz. Mrs. Irvin Levin, chEirsmn of VISITS MOTHER yards. Her veil of finger-tip length On Sunday evening from 7 to WEEK-END GUESTS " the Hadassah medical fend, has 10 p. m., Mr. and Mrs. Pinkovitz Mrs. Peter Heeger of Elk Point, Leonard Leon, son of Mr. and begun the laying of plans for a was caught in a coronet cap with Charlotte and Blanche Warren a chin strap and she carried white will receive at home, 2115 Bur- of Des Molnes were week-end So. Dakota, has been the guest of Mrs. Mark Leon, -who was recom- successful campaign for the comher mother, Mrs. A. Minkin. She mended by the Central High prin- ing year. Toees, eweet peas and baby's dette street. No invitations have guests here. been issued, and all friends and returned to her home, Tuesday, cipal, J. G. Masters, has been . breath. Hadfissah has entered the field are -cordially invited to IN* MICHIGAN accompanied by her sister, Helen, named es a recipient of the Pres- of public health in Palestine; has Mis? Mildred . Saferstein, who relatives . Mrs. Philip Levey and her.sis- who will be a guest at the Heeger ident's scholarship -which is being established hospitals end health was her sister's maid of honor, attend. avearded this year for the first j centers, employing experts in this was in a chiffon of powder blue SXIRPRISB BIRTHDAY PARTY ter-in-law, Mrs. George Levey, are home for a month. time by Creightoji University. ! field; hag brought the best methvacationing for two weeks at shade, a picture frock with long Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. GladRECUPERATING In order to be qualified for this ] ode and practices from the United. billowly sleeves. In her hair was stone were honored by friends at Charlevoix, Mich. Miss Ann B. Goodbinder is re- partial scholarship, the student States and hss educated:the peoa coronet braid of blue chiffon a surprise birthday party Saturcuperating from a serious illness must have been -an honor student ple, fcy wide propaganda on vital BUSINESS TRIP matching the headdress ol t h e day evening. Mr. Julius Solomon returned at the home of her cousins, Mr. at high school and must be se- matters ef prevention and cure of bride. She carried talisman roses. J Tuesday from a short business and Mrs. Samuel D. Nerenberg. lected and recommended by the disease. Mr. irvin Stalmaster served his FOR SUMMER principal of h i s high school. Because of the influx of Jews trip to Chicago. brother as beat man* M i s s Frances Berkowitz of These awards are being given this from Germany, Palestine has more RETURN HOME Among, tho out-of-town guests Wichita, Kansas, will vacation Mrs. M. Mayerowich and daugh- year to the outstanding graduates j need than ever of assistance in •who attended the ceremony were: here the remainder of the sum- LEAVE FOR OKOBOJI ters. Rose and Marian, have re- of 1935 from the various high j this vv-erk, Kaflassah urges everyMrs. Sol GHckesberg and her chil- mer and will be a houseguest of Harold Garber,' Herman BluI one to give every possible co-opdren and Mr. Irving Nalamet of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. mentnal and Norman Bordy leave turned to their home after a two schools in Nebraska. week stay at Lake Okoboji. Leonard, -who -was a member of i eration. Chicago; Mr. a n d Mrs. Louis L Berkowltr. • Saturday for a week at Lake Okothe honor society throughout his The folio-ring ^romen have been Kraniti and Mr. and Mrs. Sam boji. entire four year course at Cen- chosen fcy Mrs.- Levin to act as RECUPERATED Goldman of St. Joseph, Missouri-, TO LEAVE.ON TRIP - Mr, Ab Kaiman, who was laid tral, -was active is journalism, be- captains for the medical fund, Mr. Harry Saferstein, brother of Mr. J>ave Frankel is leaving VISITOR HERE up an infected knee, is now ing the past make-up editor of the their duties •vrill be to me that the bride, of New York city; and Monday, August 5, for a two Miss Edythe Kropman of Mas- fullywith Central High Register, a n d a (ju-otEB are raised by various actirecovered. . Mrs. X»ave Luke and her daugh- weeks' trip to visit his relatives on City, la., is spending two weeks member of the Quill and Scroll, vities: MesdameB Louis Alberts, . ters, Ida Roae and Zelda of Kan- in Des Moines, Rock Island, Illi- visiting here with her sisters, Mrs. He -was a member of the National Max Fromkin, J. H, Kul&kofeky, sas City. nois, and Centerville, Iowa. While Louis Lipp and.Mrs. I. H. Welner. Forensic league, Spanish Club, I. Grossman, Julius Stein, Julius Following the reception which on this trip ho will visit- Mr. and Norman Bolkcr Is Discussion Club, and the Forensic Abrahamson, J.. Rosenberg, Leon was held for the immediate lam- Mrs. Dave Ziffren, Mr, and Mrs. HOUSE GUESTS of Central High, and was Mendelson, Oscar Belzer, Henry Given Scholarship society Ily, the brldal'pair left on a Bhort Dave Rosenbaum and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Goldware a member of the, debate team E. Belmont, D. Epstein, Sidney honeymoon trip. They will be at Mrs. Lou Kramer. and daughter, .Shirley, and son, As an award for his creative which .placed fourth in the na- Katelmsn and JEck Eramson. Ross, of Los Angeles, spent a home.at the Morris hotel, epartwriting while attending Central tional debate tournament t h i s A dance "will he given at Peony, week here as the house guests of . meets on August 5. . "VISITS RELATIVES High school, from which be grad- year. Kenfiay evening, August 19. The Mrs. Goldware's sister, Mrs. MorHarold Karpln, formerly of uated last June, Norman Bolker This scholarship allots $150 proceeds Trill go to the medical BHEJJFEEID-SKIiAR Omaha, now of St. Joe, spent a ris Levey. was notified last Thursday that over the four year course to the tunfi of Hadass&h. Mrs. Leon MenT h e marrlaga of Miss A n n few days here last week visiting he received a scholarshipjto Drake pupils "who receive it. delson. will be in charge oX the Bklar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, his relatives. VACATIONING university. Young Leon, who is IS, is plan- affair. I. Sklar, to Joe Shenfleld, son of Miss Ann Sklar is vacationing Bolker, who was editor of the ning on studying both law and Mrs. Sarah Shenfleld, will t a k e SIX-WEEK TRIP for a week with her relatives and Central High Register, a corre- Journalism, but favors Journaplace Sunday, August 11, at the Jewish Press ^.advertisers merit Bill Joseph and J a y Resnick friends in Rock Island, Illinois. spondent for the Bee-News, and lism as Ms future vocation. yemr patronage. home of t h e bride-to-be. Rabbi left via motor for a six week trip h a d won honorable mention in TJri Miller will perform the cere- to New York where they plan pn GtJESTS .HERE. . , . ' . , several -Quill and' Scroll coa'tests, mony, which will take place in visiting their many relatives. : Mrs. Ben Winner,.accompanied distinguished himself most in crethe presence of the families only. by her daughters,. Fannie and ative writing. ' Marcia, and Mr.,Aaron Raffle of A reception fo r friends a n d AT OKOBOJI He participated in other school relatives will be held from 2 until Misses Marva Cohn, R e g 1 n a Chicago aTe spending t e n days being president of the . BEAUTY''.SALON " 8 0'dock. No invitations l a v e Klein, Helen M a e Salzman of vacationing here as guests of Mr. activities, Spanish club, president of the A new fad in amateur producand Mrs. Sam Epstein. been- issued. Council Bluffs, and Florence GilFeatures forensic society, vice president of tions will be developed locally by insky, accompanied by M r s . I. the Discussion club; was a mem- an experimental theatrs which Shaspo'o and fisger wave 50c Klein, are vacationing a week at FOR WEEK-END BIRTH OF SON ber of the Junior honor society sooa start to produce original THE XEW Mr. and Mrs. Milton Berkowitz Lake Okoboji. Lloyd Banks is vacationing In three different times and was will plays • written by its members. ; Sotos Permanent Wave vrith of Grand -Island, announce t h e Minneapolis for a week and while a member of the Central High Sylvan Frankel, one of the or- no machinery and no electri" birth of their son, Theodore Jo- IN MINNEAPOLIS there he will live with Ms par- track team. ganisers ef this theatre, -who city nseiS at |>S.5O and tip.. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cohn a n d ents and visit his numerous other seph, on July 23. Norman is the son of Mr. and gained prominence locally in amaT1S Brenaeis Theater Bidfr. their daughter, Dolores Jean, and friends and relatives. Mrs. Abraham Bolker. teur productions, when he stole NO-HOST DINNER PARTS" their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. • ' AT. 4333 the show in "The Front Pa^e," a A nb-host dinner.: party was and Mrs. Irving Green, returned TO LOS ANGELES Center Player's production, end given at the 60 club "Wednesday from a week's stay in Minneapolis, Al Batt and Al ; Schwartz dewhen he enterpreted several difOpens Office evening, July 31, in honor of Mr. where they w e r e guests of Mr. parted Sunday, July 28, for Los ficult characters in both Municiand Mrp. A. Babior, who will Green's parents. Dr. Abe C. Fellman announces Angeles, where they "will visit Al's pal University productions and in leave Blvortly ior Los Angeles, brother, Mr. Sam Swartz, -who re- that lie has begun t h e general the Community Playhouse propractice of medicine and surgery where they will make their future TO LEAVE SATURDAY cently moved there from Omaha. and is officing at 1015 Medical ductions, has already written some ' Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Wiesman home. Among the guests were: stits and short plays which irill Arts building. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Milder, Mr. and and daughter, Merrian, will leave TO OKOBOJI be used "by the group. Dr. Fellman w a s graduated Mrs..Paul Bernstein, Mr. and Mrs. Saturday, by motor, to spend a Messrs. I s a d 0 r 0 Abramson, H. Milder, Mr. and Mrs. Bon few weeks at Lake Okoboji and Morris Arkin, William Alberts f r o m the Creighton university • The person whose play is being of. Medicine in 1333, and produced will be the director of i Theodore, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam the Minnesota Lakes. and Joe Freeman will leave San- School since then, has spent a year in- that particular play. The xaem-1 Theodore, day for a two weeks' vacation at terning at the St. Joseph hospital bers Trill fet a well-rounded out IN HOSPITAL Lake Okoboji. experience. and a y e a r in' the Mr. H. H. White is at the Lord A. Z. A. No. 100 At present It is the aim of the Lister hospital. He was injured AT OKOBOJI service. With the weather man playing In an accident, Saturday, July 20. group to perform before meetHe ranked high in scholarship Mrs. Ben S. Shapiro and small I2LS 60. II ST. ings,1 organisation*, and groups right into their hands as promthroughout his entire university •daughters, Marjorie and Elaine, without any charge and at the ised by Joe Guss, the social com- TO EAST course. Fellman will be a memare at Lake Okoboji, where they mittee chairman, the Sam Beber Mr. and Mrs. Louis Scholnick will vacation for two weeks long- ber of t h e faculty of Creighton same time to present some ef the Alephs of A. Z. A. 100 spent an and family left for Chicago and er. Mrs. Shapiro's mother, Mrs. university school of medicine and finest plays that are written ty loenjoyable day at Linoma Beach New York, where they will visit Henry Pollack, who motored up will teach in the departments of cal people. •Sunday, July 2.8. The all day out- friends. Miss Selma Scholnick will with This type of theatre is unusual medicine and anatomy. • them, aas returned home. ing was attended by 25 Omaha spend the summer in New York. He is affiliated with the P h i and there are only a few of this Alephs and 12' Lincoln A- Z. A.'s. S h e is being extensively enterDelta Epsilon, national medical kind ia existence in the country HOUSE GUESTS Advisors Bill Wolfe and Haskell tained by her friends there. fraternity,-and with the Phi Beta and they give their members a Mrs. Harry Winer and her son, Epsilon, social fraternity on the chance to develop their writing, Cohen also attended. Franklin Marvin, of Kansas City, Creighton university campus. producing and acting abilities. The work on the Talmud Torah ON WEST COAST are spending three weeks here as playground- has been progressing Miss Lena Kohen is spending a houseguest of Mrs. Winer's satisfactorily. The project has her vacation in San Francisco at brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and also l?een serving some alepbs as the Sir Francis Drake hotel. She Mrs. Sam Liebovitz. a means of getting into condition will visit'in L03 Angeles before for. fall football. „ George Eltlnge returning home. IN LOS ANGELES and Charles "Weiss, Central High Dr. and Mrs. Barney Kully are football mainstays, are the future RETURN FROM DENVER SIXTEENTH & HOWAKD STKEETS vacationing1 for two jweeks in Los All-Americans benefiting. TRIP Angeles where they " aTe visiting On July 29 an important execuMr. and Mrs. IS. M. Zalkin and .tive committee meeting was held daughter have returned "from a Mrs. Kully's relatives. ' at the home ol Dr. I. Dansky, trip to Denver, Colorado. JJJ.: XXLC , stfnlof advisor. Plans were formulated for the chapter's August BACK FROM OKOBOJI program of activities. First in Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fladennan line Is'-* cultural meeting on the antf tamily, accompanied • by the -Modern Tisha B'Ab. The open Misses Sadie, Etta, and Dorothy forum to be presented at the next Tatelman, have returned from a 'regular meeting" of the chapter, vacation trip to Lake Okoboji. August 5, will -be led by Advisor Haskell Cohsn. -There "s^as: also a RETURN FROM CHICAGO discussion upon arrangements for Mr. and Mrs. Sain- Giller and chapter participation at" the snm- daughter recently returned from COMMERCIAL qf. 25c mer regional A..Z. A, tournament a two-week visit in Chicago. 1 FOR THIS SATS ONLY • in ^>es Molnes, Iowa, on Septemdfr.lEEisn After ? P. K. ber 1-2. A.Z.A.NO.1 S&e. Per Person Jay "Weisman, Alepa Sopher • Installation of officers of the g AH Evening ESe and chairman of the Scout com- Mother chapter of A. Z. A. took Per-Person mittee, who just received his com- place Tuesday July 30, Buy Ticket* in Advance »t mission as Junior Assistant Scout- at the J. C. C. evening, Ben'Ka'zlojvFeilewing Pieces «nd Save master of troop S2, announced at sky, president of Mr. Omaha B'lrfai 3 e P*r Tieksts the executive meeting that the A. B'rith, officiated. the ®«eten Drug Cs. Stsres, 1501 Z. A.- scout troop No. 62, spon- ' Macy Baum, newly elected inFcrnam, 1835 F-Ernsws, 24lh sored by both local chapters of tcr-natlonal vice president, gave and N Ets. the order, will be well represented an interesting report on the camp OLD Furniture May at the National .Scout Jamboree in convention. Uggett'c Drug Store, 15th &nC Be Traded in on NEW "Washington, D.^C-, August 15-30 Harney Sis. Plans for the Talmud Torah esby Jour scouts: Howard Barish KMU5 PARK MAIN OFFICE 11 1 Joe Belmont, Harvey Wine, and say contest and the Des Moines 1 ! Convenient TERMS will be arranged summer tournament w e r e disant Scoutmaster. Morton Margolin, Junior Assist- cussed.
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FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1935. daughters, Joan, and Ruth, of they live. On the contrary, these ol t h e French Academy of SciHutchinson, Kansas, arrived here relations may be an advantage to ence, is still teaching in the ColWednesday for a visit at the home the country in which the respec- lege de France, despite his adof Mrs. Quigley's parents, Mr. and tive Jewish groups reside, a n d vanced age. He is considered the greatest opponent cf Darwinism, Mrs. M. L. Marks. very often Ere." His works have been translated into almost every language \ised Miss R u t h Shyken returned by civilized nations. home Sunday following a ten dayBERGSON DEMIES EE HAS vacation in Ghlcago, Illinois.
MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent ed stops at t h e principal cities and lakes in Illinois, Wisconsin,' and Minnesota.
TIJESSENT OF FIKAL ADMINISMr. and. Mrs. Morris Grossman TRATION' ACCOUNT— (JTA)—Henri. Bergson, Ethiopia—^the little country of Hebrew "Hadas Aviv," the flower Day of Judgment. Their Day ofare spending the week in St. theParis seventy-five year old interna- j in the County court at Douglas countv of spring. Atonement is a curious mixture Louis and Chicago, where they . . a r k-skinned warriors is v e r y ., .... , . In Nebraska. the Matter of the Estate o" JOSEPH Miss' Dora Magilevsky has re-dmuch The "Khma-ant" p e o p l e of of the Jewish Yora Kippur a n d went on a buying trip. in the spotlight these days. F. COKN'. Deceased: tionally known philosopher issuturned from a vacation in Denver Funeral services for M o r r i s AH interested In said matter Abyssinia observe a ritual v e r y the Christian day of Johannan, or War by Italy threatens her and ed an exclusive statement to the r e notified that on the 10th Pill, 42 yes.Ts old, -who died Fri- and'Colorado Springs, Colorado. Europe and America.watch cau- much like the Jewish. They ex- John the. Baptist, in which they Mrs. E. Gilinsky, who has been Jewish Telegraphic Agency, deny- aSay of July, 1935, William Grodiiwky d a y night following a cerebral filed a petition In said County Court, plain their name in the following slaughter "kapporoth" and go toseriously ill at her home at 118 ing categorically that he had em-praying that hie final administration Miss Mildred Katz has departed tiously developments. The resem- curious manner: A Semitic king running hemrooirhage, were held at Mount account filed herein he settled and alVine Street, for the past six water to get rid of their braced Catholicism. blance between Jewish traditions Sinai Temple, Sunday morning, at for Minneapolis, • where she will and Abyssinian modus Vivendi are came from another land and asked sins ("thashlich"). lowed, p.n& that he he discharged from months, is now convalescing and denial was issued ini nriew *"hej\ h'K trust as executor and that a hearing10:30 o'clock. Rabbi David Gold- visit with friends and relatives. so startling that our correspond- them: "Khma ant?" (Who are T h e i r liturgical services are getting along satisfactorily. She of The a report ^ „,_ , u petition ,,,, L ,, 1(JI] before „„„,,„ paid Faia ^ j will be had _ on, _ said stein of O m a h a officiated a i d N a z i p r e s s s t a t i n g t h a t B e r g s o n j court on the loth flay of August 1935. is now permitted to have visitors. you?") similar to our own and are dithat if you fai! to appear before burial was at t h e Mount Sinai Mr. L. Rice, caretaker at theent indirectly raises the question: had given up his Jewish religion. and paid Court on the said loth day of AuW h e n Christianity penetrated into "kedushoth" and "kinBust 1P35 Rt 8 o'clock A. M., and concemetery'• Jewish Community Center, re- Are Ethiopians Jews?—The Edi- the darkness of Abyssinia in thevided Prof. Bergson, who is a member oth," or lamentations. Both the test siitd petition, the Court may prant The Chevra B'nai Yisroel SoMr. Pill was prominent In thecently underwent an operation. tor.Apart from some two or three fifth century, about the time of Christian a n d Jewish Sabbaths ciety will hold a regular meeting the prpye? ot snM petit ion. enter ft decree of heirship. and make cuch other local Jewish community, having Mr. M. Dimsdale is taking h i s score thousand Falashi, or "Black the' close of the Babylonian Tal- are observed, though the latter next Wednesday evening, August O T . GEOBINSKT, MAKER ft and further orders, allowances and deCOHEN and J. HAKOU) SAKS, Atty». plane at the Center until he recreen, as to this Cnurt may peem proper, "served as president of the B'nai Omaha National Bank'Bldgmud, it found Judaism so deep- more strictly so. No Abyssinian 7, at eight o'clock at the syna; Jews," the millions of Christian to the end that all matters pertaining ••'•'•.. B'rith lodge, and president of thecovers. ! to sai 1 estate ma" be finally settled and Abyssinians among whom t h e y rooted that It could not uproot it would work or travel on the Jew-gogue at 618 Mynster Street. Mount Sinai Temple Brotherhood." Notice is hereby piven that the \maer- ] determined. effectively during the long cen- ish Sabbath. Ethiopians apply a ERTCE CRAWFORD, signed have formed a corporation, purHe was a member of the Board Miss Bertha Berger is spending dwell are also permeated with nu- turies that followed. The Abys- similar suant to the laws of the State of Xc- 7-19-33—3t County Jurigr*. criterion of "cleanliness" merous J e.w i s h traditions to a of Directors of the Federation of her vacation this week at t h e braEka: sinian Church has formed a sepin animals (kashrut) to that of most remarkable extent. The name of the corporation is Jewish Social service and was atlakes near St. Paul, Minnesota. BARBARA JOT, INC., with its princi& pmUF.R, Atty». The language of the Abyssin- arate entity since then, for theJews. During the slaughtering of one time! a member of the Board pal place of business in the City of OmO First Kail Bnnk other churches would not tolerate an animal its h e a d is turned aha. The objects for "which this corporians belongs to the Semitic group, of Directors of the Denver HospiMiss Rodgie Kosberg of Kansas ation is formed are: To encape In the J u r i s t i c learnings. T h e ef-towards Jerusalem and the "shocFKOEATE NOTICE business of distributing, selling and tal for Tuberculosis. City, Mo., h a s arrived in Sioux like Hebrao-Phoenician, Aramic, its forts of t h e Russian Pravoslav manufacturing as principal, agrent, fac- n the matter of the estate of SOLOhet" says an appropriate prayer. Syriac, and Arabic. Even in the City to spend her vacation with MON COHEX, deceased: Surviving Mr. Pill are his mothtor or otherwise and In its own behalf few words in which I shall find Church to "take the Abyssinian Burial laws are also in the main Notice is hereby j^Sven: or in behalf of others, poods, wares, er, Mrs. Molly PHI; a son, Rob-her mother, Mrs. H. Kosberg. That the creditors of Raid deceased merchandise, commodities and products necessary to quote the Abyssinian Church under 11 s wing" started Jewish, but they shave their heads ert, and a daughter, Alice, a sisof every kind and character; to manu- •vri'i meet the executor .._ eftid estate, under the last Nicholas and endbefore me. County Judge of Douglas and tatoo their bodies as a sign term, the reader will have no diffacture, sell and distribute cosmetics ter, Mrs. Louis Agranoff, and' a Mrs. J. Kalin and Francis will County Court and beauty preparations, and to acquire, County, Nebraska, at t of mourning—an observance defCunty, OR the the 23rrt 23rd day return this week from Minneapo- ficulty in detecting the affinity to ed in complete failure. hold, sell, alienate or encumber any p.nd Room, in saidd County. brother, Abe Pill. . The h e a d of the Abyssinian initely prohibited in the Bible, as Dr. Lugmayer Advocates Auton- all property, real or personal, -which of September i9"r>, and on the ;3rd day lis where they have been visiting. Hebrew or Aramaic. of November 1035, at 9 o'clock a. m., may be necessary and convenient in nnd y y Sidney Kalin, who has been at. a First one asks: Whence is theChurch is by tradition a Copt, of an "Emorite" custom. omous Jewish School Sysplishment' of the corpora- each day, for the purpose of presenting for the ac their claims for examination, adjustEgyptian descent, but his title is The legend of Solomon and Macamp near Minneapolis will re- term Abyssinia derived? Abyssinia Vacation at Hebrew tem in Austria is a Latin corruption of the Arabic Semitic—Abu Salama, the father kadah (Queen of Ethiopia) is too turn home with them. ^ t o c T i s ,Toh! j their cla, m 8 , fr om the 23rd day 'oC Auof peace. "Chabash," which, aa in Hebrew, well known to be recounted here, Vienna (JTA)—Declaring tliat 000, par value Elfil) per share; School Begins Monday stock i p t I s t T h e high ecclesiatical official b u t it is noteworthy that t h e he rejects absolutely tlie N a z i Common and when issued shall all ERTCE CRAWFORD. be fully!, H e n r y Greenberg, Raymond means "to b i n d together (to County Judge. paid and non-Rssessa.hle. The corpora- { ' Children of the Shaare Z i o n Greenberg a n d Milton Galinsky mingle)," by which t h e Arabs who is in charge of the calendar Abyssinians consider it as an in-blood theory, Dr. Lugmayer, head tion commence business upon the \ Hebrew ;Schobl will begin their are spending their vacation at a meant to Imply that the Abys- is called "Ekubi Shaath" (Cf. thetegral part of their history. The of the educational department of fillnir shall of its Articles with the County of Doupias County, Nebraska, and LEO ABS.AKSOK, Aitomer vacation i Monday, August 5. Theboys' c a m p ' near Minneapolis. sinians were no pure, homogen- Aramaic for "timekeeper.") The kings of Ethiopia throughout the Vienna, came out •with, a project Clerk continue unt'.l January school will be closed f o r three Henry Greenberg is a J u n i o r eous race, but a conglomeration ecclesiastical judge is called "Ha- ages are claimed as the descend- t h a t a completely autonomous shall The hifrhest amount of ii weets, with the vacation ending Councillor at the camp. of many peoples. Small wonder, lacha" (Cf. Halachah, law, in theants of their Menelik the First. Jewish school system be created shall not exceed two-thirds of the capi- j August 26. t h e r e f o r e / t h a t the Abyssinians Talmud).' Sanctuary from credi- When Menelik returned from his in Austria. Mr. S. Krupnick, Instructor, and Miss Clara Goldberg of Chicago themselves dislike this term in- tors or avengers is arranged on first visit to his father, Solomon, "This system should be indeMrs. Krupnick will spend their is a guest this week of Miss Flor- tensely and prefer to be known as the line of the Biblical "cities of he is said by the Ethiopians to pendently administered by the vacation in Chicago. Mill Lillian ence Major. Ethiopians—"dark-faced men"-— refuge." have taken the Ark and the Tab-Jews, just as all purely cultural Romirowslry, a member of t h e whilst t h e y accept the Biblical The Abyssinian version of thelets w i t h him, an action which matters affecting Judaism should faculty, will also spend her vacaname of "Kooshim." Bible was translated f r o m the was sanctioned by the Archangel be conducted by the Jews them-! Mrs. G. C. Levich and children, be emended upon notice os provided tion with friends in Chicago. (Til. The population of about t e n Septuagint. A number of Import- Michael as compensation for Men-selves," Dr. Lugmayer urges. Elaine and Bernard, have left for Bated April 0th. 1933. Said application "trill be presented for 86 millions consists in the main of elik's sojourn in the far and dark ant and very ancient H e b r e w J. HAROLD SAKS. a trip to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, hearing in Court Room No. 8, in the In a statement to the Jewish A. C-REENBEEG. Court Kou« in Omaha, Nebraska, on where they will visit with Mrs. three great and ancient elements: works, the originals of which have land of Koosh. as Telegraphic Agency, Dr. Lugmay- 8-2-So—4t Slondsy, August IS, 1P35, at nine Hamites (Kooshim), Semites, and been lost, still exist in the EthiMenelik and his retinue, in poso'clock A. M.. or as soon thereafter as Levich's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Society News er explains that t h e reason he petitioners ra&* be henrd, a still older race of aboriginals. opian version, notably the Sepher session of the ark, flew from JerEngelhardt. MOXSKT, GEODIXSKT, MAKER & SAM 5IOGIL.AVSKY, for an independent Jewish COHEN nnd 3. HAKO1JJ SAKS, Attys Each, one of these three groups Ha-yovlim, a book dealing with usalem back to Ethiopia on wings. asks KACRF.L MOOILAVSKT, Omaha National Bnnk Bills. system is not because he CKARS.ES M O G I I J A V S K T , has retained its own language to the future of the Jews as revealed "Birds of the skies and fishes of school TEDDV MOGU.AVKKY, cf 'Mrs. jfarold Levy and children, OPEN CARNIVAL fears that Jewish children exerEAET, MOGTT.AVSKT, this very day, and these in turn to Moses on Mount Sinai. the water danced with joy at thecise an unfavorable influence on Notice is hereby jriven that the underEleanor ;a n d Lawrence, of ChiALBERT JIOGI^AVSKT, ti. cago,, have arrived in Sioux City signed have formed a corporation, purare subdivided in no fewer than The full text of Sepher Chanoch coming of the Ark," and when non-Jewish children. Petitioners. suant to the laws of the State of Ne- 7-I9-3S—ii TICKETS SALE seventy dialects, though the offi- was discovered in 1773 in Abys- Menelik reached his homeland he "My many years of experience braska: tg to visit in. the A. M. Davis home. The name of the corporation 1B "CONFBAPEXBTCRO, WERB, BF-BER, DISTRIBUTORS, I N C, The drawing for the car to becial language is that of the Sem-sinia, f o r Sepher Chanoch is a destroyed all idols and introduced as professor at the Vienna High SOLIDATED KIXTZNSCli. & KEUKY, beautiful "diary" of Enoch, of Judaism Instead. It is thus that School, with a large Jewish body with its principal place of business in M r s. S. Sampter of Fremont, iven away at the I n t e r Club itic element—Amharic. 650 Omaha, XaC. Bank Rids:. the City of Omaha. The objects for CO Nebraska, is a guest this week in The head of each of the four Genesis, in which he describes the the Abyssinians prove themselves •which this corporation is formed fire: iouncil Carnival has been opened i of students, are utterly _ at rari. , iTo engape in the business of clistributhoniB of her son-in-law and and committees are at work sell- provinces is titled "Ras" (Cf. thechronicles of his times, his con-a chosen pepole, the "inheritors KOTICE OF IK€OKPONATION OF Wlth t h i s i d e a , DUt I COnSia- j ing-, selling and manufacturing as prinag the O5IAIIA LIQUOR MART, INC. daughter, Mr. a n d Mrs. Hyman ing tickets at ten cents each or Hebrew "Rosh"—a h e a d ) , or versations with his son, Methuso- of the spirit of the Children of r Notice is hereby plven that the underer that the Jews have a right to j ^ J ? ^ ^ i°n £ i £ T £ £h«£ sijrned have Fishgall. formed e. corporation under three for a quarter. The car will Negus" (Cf. Hebrew (Nougesh lah, his impressions of the Gar-Israel," and this is how they pride their o w n a u t o n o m o u s ECQOOl EJ"S- j goods, vares, merchanfiise commodities the laws of the State of Nebraska; The products of every kind' and char- name of this corporation slinll be OMAthi be placed on the street for in-—oppressor or despot). The Em- den of Eden, etc. Another Hebrew themselves In having a king who tem," the head of the educational and acter and to acquire, ho'id. Bell, alien- HA LIQUOR MART. INC., with Its prinMrs. Leon Marx and daughter spection until the date of the Car- peror is known as "Negus Na- book extant in Abyssinian-Ethio- Is a cbi r e c t descendant of thedepartment said. ate or encumber any and - all property, cipal place of iHisineps p.t Oma.hR, Negasti," or ruler of rulers. T h e pian is Aliyath Yeshayahu ( t h e House of David. real or personal, -which may be neces- braska. The jrenern! nature of the busiare in Omaha this -week visiting nival, October 14. The project provides that the and convenient in and for the sc- ness to he transacted end the object and with Mr3. Carl Firth. Mr. Marx OD Whether these and many other autonomous Jewish school system sary complisiiment of the corporation's obMr. Jack Robinson is in charge present Emperor, who a ascended ascent of Isaiah)—-a description " ] purpose for which thte corporation Is orand to maintain a bureau for the returned home after spending a of the car raffle and will be as-the throne in 1928, Ras Tafari, of his travels in the heavens by Jewish features in the life and begin with the. elementary school jects: the i j-anized is to purchase at wholesale and dissemination of. information ttBfl for an " " t o Eels at retail, tvines, whiskies, vinous a d v i c e lew days in. Omaha. tradition of the non-Jewish mil- and Continue UP tO the University. advice service service and and to to render render services services ol of liquors, and all other kinds of beverages sisted by a l a r g e committee of is entitled "King of Kings, Vic- the great prophet. ,.__ _. . . .. ^ \*anous ri kinds k a and aleo to mamtaiB an and a n d liquors to lease, own. iuid operate torious Lion of Judah, and God's Other Jewish influences may be lions of Ethiopia is due to the in•workers. apency and to. . .perform nil ,.,...„ soft „,.,,,. ptnm'9, bar rcnms, liquor "If a Jewish university cannot he advertising Mrs. p . Silverman and daught h services i l l Incident I i d t to t such h j| utores.flrinfc The Carnival, sponsored by the Chosen One"—a title which has detected in their customs of dip-fluence of the Falashi immigrants created in each State, it can be es-otf the usually cocktail room.-. nn<* dining- f-oomn an enterprise. The Company ..shall have I or cabarets, incidental thereto- to acter, M i s s , Minnie Silverman, of ouncil, will be t h e only large been carefully translated in theping the new-born, the slaughter or whether it points to their havE,utiiority to borrow money and issue evo.nire. hold, dispose, lease, pledpe Kndjor to New York City, are guests in the of a fowl as a "Kapparah" (proxy ing indeed been Jews in the days tablished in one State to serve all Idences of indebtedness therefor. The to- encumber real and personal property, of Its kind this year. Pro-seventy dialects of Abyssinia. of Central Europe," the Lugmaytal authorized capital stock is 510,000, nq to do any and ali thinp-a necessary th< home of; Mr. and Mrs. Louis S.affair R With the appearance of n e w of forgiveness), and circumcision. prior to.the fifth century, consticeeds of the Carnival will be allopar va.lue ?100 per ehare; all stock Com-1 or convenient, to the accomplishment of i 1 er plan states. Goldberg-. mon and when issued sball be fully paid " " dangers on the horizon, the Emi the purposes hereinbefore set forth. The The places ol worship are very tutes a subject lor the future hissea cated to the various organizations Touching upon the Question cf and non-assess&bie. The corporation authorized capita! stock shall be $10.peror received the additional title Jewish; the n a m e ls""KdUB torian. who will participate. . shall commence business upon the 'ning- 000.00 ana al! or naid Block shall be aid citizenship rights of J e w s , the of its Articles with the County Clerk of common aiid of the par value of $100.00 "Hailie Salassie," or "May H i sKdusn" (Cf. Hebrew (Kodshe KoMrs. Johanna Mars and daughDoucrlas County, Nebraska, and Ehali per share urn?. shn!I be fully pnld up ami Austrian official declared that continue mil ters, Betty and Doris, visited in Power Be Trebled"—a blessing of doshim"—Holy of Holies); t h e until January 1st, 3 9G1. The non-nssessable. The corporation ahall these rights are inviolable a n d highest amount of indebtedness Shall commence tloinp: huslneps upon filing o£ MANY ATTEND PICNIC which he is very much in need tribune Is in the center, and is wd . Omaha recently for several days. not exceed two-thlrcis of the capita! its Articles with the Covinty Clerk of above all discussion. "The interA large number of people at- at the present moment, and which called "Thabuth" (Cf. H e b r e w " "~~ Nebraska, -. . . The nffairs ot the corporation Doufrlns County, and Shalt tol national relations of t h e Jews," stock. shall be administered by a Board of Di- continue for_a period oi titty years from tendedt h e Annual Workmen's reminds one of the Jewish custom Thebah—ark). In their main temMrs. Mickey Silyerman a n d rectors consisting of not-less, than two enid date. The highest amount of Inhe said, "constitute no obstacle hui daughter, Sally Lee, of Baltimore, Circle Picnic at Riverview Park, of adding a new name to the dan-i ple in Axum the ark is said to nor more than four In number. The debtedness shall not exceed two-thirds to love of the country in which stockholders shall elect Directors at the of its capital etoek, but this restriction have been taken from the TemMd., aro guests in the home of Sunday afternoon a n d evening, gerously ill. . annual meeting to be held the pecond. shall not include. Indebtedness, secured ' BY P . R. S . making the event a social and fiMonday in January of each year. There- j by mortgages or liens. The affairs of Addis Ababa, the s i t e which ple of Solomon and to contain the t h e former's parents, Mr. a>nd after the Directors shalS elect officers, **~*" - -- -be managed by a this corporation Khali NOTICE OF AB3£T!sISTKATION nancial success. was selected by the grandfather original tablets of the Ten ComMrs. Mike Skalovsky. viz.. President, Vice-president. Secre- Board of Directors consisting of not less la the County Conrt o£ Douglas County, tary and Treasurer. The Articles may than three members. The Hnnimi meetA program of sport events and of the present Emperor,' Menelik mandments. No stranger was ever •IT' be amended upon notice as provided for. ins of the corporation shall be held on The Bar Mitzvah of Sam Dia-InNebraska: p the Matter of the Estate cf CATHthe first Monday in January of each Dated March 29th. 1035. : Mrs. Harry Bailin and children games entertained the crowd In (Cf. Hebrew "Melech" for king), allowed to see them. mond, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. DiaERINE McFAKLAND, Deceased. year, at whfch meeting- the stockholdJ. HAROLD SAKS. the afternoon a n d refreshments after his. victory over the Italian All persons interested In caid estate i 8-2-35—4t have returned to their home in Figures "hewn of stone a n d ers shall elect a. Board'of Directo.-s and ESTHER SCHWARTZ. mond, will take place Saturday are hereby notified that a petition h a s ' ags Atkinson, Nebraska, after a two were served. thereupon the Sonrd Shalt elect 8 Presinvaders in 1896 as capital of carved of wood" are forbidden in morning, been filed in said Court alleging that ident. Vice-president, Secretary R n d August 10, at the Chevdeceased died leaving no last 'will Abyssinia, is a version of "Hadas the manner of Jewish tradition. ra B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618said Treasurer. Any two of BRitl offices mny • HOXSKT, GKOTONSKT.. KAKEU month "visit •with the former's and praying tor administration upon his be held by one and the pame person. * COEEX, Attj-s. Abhibha" (the, rejuvenated»flow- The" musical instrument at t h eMynster Street. All relatives and estate, and that a hearing: will be had fro. father, Mr. J. H. Bolstein. These Articles may be amended at nnv To Open Office Here %Z" Omaha Katl. Bk. Bide. on eaid petition before said court on the regular or special meeting of the stockDr. Lionel H. London, dentist, er)—a phrase very close to thetemples Is a ten-chorded h a r p friends are cordially invited to loth day of August 1SS5, and that if they holders by two-thirds vote . of the outto appear at said Court on the eaid NOTICE OF PROBATE OF W i t t Etandinp stock. called "baganah" ( C t H e b r e w attend. No Invitations are being fail Mr. and Mrs. E. E. .Baron and has arrived in Sioux City a n d v 10t day of August 1935, at 9 o'clock In the County Court ol Douglai County, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, e partlei "neginah," f o r playing music). issued. A. M. to contest eaid petition, the Court Nebraska. we children, h a v e returned after "a opened an office at 461-462 new may grant the same and grant admin- In the matter of the estate of SATJIJ have hereunto subscribed their name* three week western trip. There are also objects resembling tl is third dav of July, 193a. Orpheum Building. Dr. London is istration of Baid estate .to John P. McX.EVT. Deceased. R LOUIS P." GOLfBERG Parland or some other suitable person closely t h e Jewish religious obAll persons Interested in a&la estate a graduate of the University of A. A. FIHDLEE and proceed to a settlement thereof. Word has been received . here are hereby notified that a petition has so-t Misses Gertrude a n d S o p h i e Iowa where ha was affiliated with LAWRENCE J. TOBIN. jects of "Mezu zoth," and "tzitBRTCE CRAWFORD. been filed in said Court, praying for In the presence of: of the death of Mrs. Bess CornCounty Judge. the probate of a certain instrument now (of Chicago a r e visiting the Phi Epsllon Pi Fraternity. 7-19-S5—St zoth," and the "pethil thcheleth" Jos. B. Fradenburfr. 7-1S-35—41 for, Reznik on file in eaid Court, .purporting: to be w i t h friends in Sioux City this (thread of blue) is put on t h ebleth of Los Angeles, California, the last will and testament of eaid deHe is the son of Mr. and Mrs. SIDNEY I» EPSTEIK. Attorney at her home Sunday, July 28. She by: week. ceased, and that a hearing will be had Ethiopian b o y when he reaches S01 Electric B i d e M. N. London arid prior to going on said petition before Bald Court on the survived by her husband, Mr. I7th day of August, 1535 and that if 200 to the University of Iowa, made Warsaw (JTA)—Jews who wish the age of "bar-mitzvah," to car-is XOTICK Louis Cornbleth; one daughter, they fail to "appear at "said Court on the ry all his life. The names of the Notice Is he-eby elven that the under- said 17th day of August. 1935 at S Miss Elaine Mushkln h a s re-his home in Sioux City. asic Miss Mae Cornbleth, of Los Anto emigrate from Poland to Pales- days of the week, incluring the signed have associated themselves t o . o'clock A. M., to contest, the probate of home after a t w o week' Recognized as for the purpose ot forminp a cor- said will, the Court may allow and protine will not receive immigration Sabbath, resemble the H e b r e w geles; her father, Mr. S. Krasne sether prej turned poration under and by virtue of the laws bate said will and prant administration Visit with friends and relatives in PRACTICAL P K of Council Bluffs, and three siso? the State of Nebraska. The name of of said estate to Bessie Levy or some certificates from the Jewish Agen- names very closely. the corporation shall be the Omaha Li- other suitable person, enter a degree of and Sioux Falls, S. D. . ThoBe J.0S3? cy unless they first master the The..Abyssinians c o u n t their ters, Mrs. Abe Rosenberg of Coun- quor Corporation. The principal place of he!rship, and proceed to a settlement business shall be at Omaha, Douglas by] Council Bluffs, la. Hebrew language, it was announc- new year from our Rosh Hasha- cil Bluffs, and Mrs. Ben Krupin- County, Nebraska, The general nature of thereof M a x Rothenthal a n d Morris BUTCE CRAWFORD, sky and Mrs. W. Slosburg of Los the business to be transacted and the no jj, Rothenthal spent last week end at ed here by Isaac Gruenbaum, head nah, which they call "Mathkoea" Angeles. County Judge.' purposes for -which thia corporation is t rmed are as follows: of the immigration department of (blowing of the horn), and which Ishi Lake Okoboji. 1. To operate and engage 5n peneral the Jewish Agency. they likewise believe to be the Mr. Krasne and his daughter,liquor business and to deal in all and Mrs. Rosenberg, have been in Los any liquors without limitation whatsoMembers of the Alpha Gamma ever. Mr. Gruenbaum, now on a visit Angeles for the past three months 2. To purchase, hold, use, improve, be f Epsllon Sorority were guests at New York (JTA)—-The appli- here, emphasized that this restricas Mrs. Cornbleth had been ser- rent, lease and convey both real and situs a swimming party at the D. L.cation of the S. S.-and B. Live tion will enter into force in April personal property so far as the same iously ill for a long time. The may be necessary to th© carrying on of Rodin home, Sunday evening. A Poultry Corporation f o r an in-of 1936. tho corporate business. Cornbleths are former residents oft late supper followed the swim. , To borrow money and to secure the junction against the Kashruth Asof Council Bluffs. Funeral ser- repayment "We do not intend to, close the ot the same by the issuance as i sociation of Greater New York to doors of Palestine. We insist, vices were held Tuesday in Losof notes, bonds, debentures,, mortgages, trust deeda or other forms of securi"Pauline and Esther Friedman the? prevent It from enforcing Its sys-however, that prospective immi- Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen- Angeles. ties. visited in Omaha last week. • tem of tagging chickens, will be grants should be best fitted for cy).—An overwhelming majority 4. To conduct & retail business for the . J' ose of buying and Belling liquors given a trjal of suit when t h e life in the country. Knowledge of for the Labor ticket and for pro- T h e Council Bluffs Talmud and|or any other g-oods, wares and merDave! Kaplan has departed for State Supreme Court opens i t s to the retail trade and generthe Hebrew language is one ofgressive Zionist groups in t h eTorah Society will hold a regular chandise ally to do any and all things Incidental Iowa City .where he has enrolled Fall term next September. . to andjor connected with any of the World Zionist Congress elections the major requirements," Mr, meeting next Monday evening, In a special summer course at the Supreme C a u r t Justice Peter herein mentioned. was piled up in the balloting, re-August 5, at eight o'clock at thepurposes Gruenbaum said. The authorized capital stock of the University. Schmuck, denying the application corporation shall be J5.000.CO divided inturns from all centers indicated. to SO phares each ot the par value of The announcement by M r . Palestine's representation to theChevra B'nai YJsroel synagogue $100.00, for the injunction last we«k said and ali of which stock shall he Miss,-Rose Schwid has departed that it was too important a case Gruenbaum is in line with a deci- 19th World Zionist Congress at at 618 Mynster Street. Common stock, and may be paid for In on a for NOT?- York City where she will to be decided by affidavits. The sion adopted recently by the Excash, notes or other property or services at the reasonable market value thereof Lucerne, Switzerland, beginning iinbf spend several weeks visiting with case is in the nature of a test of ecutive of the Jewish Agency in August 20 th, will be largely labor Mrs. Abe Bear end sons, Aaron {and'd"i=hiUi' Vbec h The corporation shall begin business friends. David, and Myron Max, of Leav- •with. the Kashruth Association's power Palestine to give preference in and liberal. . the te filing g of its articles of incorti il th t iR'itlt the S Secretary State off y off S to enforce its rabbinical ban ongranting Immigration certificates A country-wide count showed a enworth, Kans., returned to tueir pporation h State St £ Nebraska, N b k d shall contha o£ and i} Dr..: jjrheodore N. Lewia Is ex-poultry not bearing t h e associa- to those who speak Hebrew. home Monday following a three (50)) years tinue for » periofl of fifty tin r p y vote of 85,001, of which the visit here at the home of t'-creafter~ unless sooner dissotvetljipectedlto-arrive home today after Beginning next year every can- total patented legbands. Mapay received 69 per cent or a wcaks' The highest amount of indebtedness to !_ p : K;pr^; ill's.' monfii'is trip through Mexico. tion's Mrs. Bear's parents, Mr. and Mrs.which didate for an immigration certifiPlaintiff had charged that the the corporation rhall suhject ittotal of 58,554 votes. Julius Katelman. self at any one time shall not exceed association exacted a profit of 865 cate to Palestine will have to pass two-thtrfls (2-3) of its capital stock. Progressive General ZionTSio affairs of the corporation Bhail be he's ; Menjfcei|s of the Debra c l u b per cent on the leg-bands and that a special examination In the Pal-istsThe obtained 5,954; General Zionconducted by of Directors of not Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gotsdiner en- less than twoa board held an jouting in Lewis Park, it w a s motivated by mercenary estine offices in Poland, as well as members or jnore than tojoj: \; MondajK The officers composed of a Pres.evening,; Swimming -was desires. T h e defense, conducted In other countries to prove suffi- ists B, 3,599; Poel Mizrachi, 8,- tertained one hundred guests at seven. ident, Secretary s.na Treasurer and one i e r e e followe'd by a picnic supper. by George Z. Medalie, answered cient knowledge of Hebrew before 721; Mizrachi, 2,664; Mazrachi a five o'clock picnic dinner Sun- o» more Vice-Presidents ere to be electe Ftockhojders at their by d hi that it actually had lost money on the Immigration certificate will Havatik, 765; Grossman party, day afternoon at the Fontenelle ed Any fef isseeuis. Any fef tfee two above o c e s 924; Temanim, 3,904 and Teman- Park Pavilion in Omaha in, honor may be hheld ld b th game person except j by_ the be granted. Moei iieTin ot New Tork City the system. im Ovdim, 2,000. A small scatter- of their son, Yale, whoso B a r he offices of President a n d Vice-Presi-1 caaaj -Is in Siptix City visiting with Mor- The court declared that the or- • Mr. Gruenbaum, addressing a ing of additional votes in Etill ex- Mitzvali took place Saturday. StES, I RACPH /toa>Snfith. Mr.; Levin is a law thodox rabbinate Is "a proper au- Zionist gathering here, condemned pected GERTRUDE K.OTHK0P. : from outlying centers. Isecrporators. student at; Columbia University. thority to determine the laws of tHe Jewish illegal Immigration in- It was estimated that t h o S 0 woaij t h e presence of: kashruth and that its supervision to Palestine. He pointed out that Mrs. John B. Quigley a & d jIn Sidney I* Epstein. delegates to which. Palestine is over involves not only a question most of those who enter Palestine . faniiiy]|lia.ye" returned hpine from of orthodox practice, but also the illegally are undesirable elements. entitled at the World Zionist Con^Oma1i^:iWhBr^;Cttey'""attended: the prevention of fraudulent practice He also emphasized that the Jew-gress will be divided as follows: /•TOddli^^b'tit&^^gioinj^Emilv^td capable o£ resulting in hygienic ish Agency would havo received Labor P a r t y , S2; Progressive Zionists, 6; General Zionists B, 4; j:^dn'^|Epsenthal.':;:3sir.:;arid: Mrs. evil." more certificates from the Pales- P o © 1 Mizrachi, 9; Misrachi, 3 ; :;:3E3^I;:-:l[^ich::;liaye;, returned;'; f rprii tine government i£ there were no Mizrachi Havatik, 1; Temanim Patronize our advertisers. Illegal immigration. 4, and Jewish. State Party, 1.
Hebrew Needed for Admission to
Held for Trial In High Court
Labor Ticket In. Zionist Victory
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