Dedicated to the Ideals 0!
In the Interests of tKe Jewish People
Entered aa Sacond Class Mail Matter oo January 21. 1821, at :. Fontoilicc ol Omaha, Nebraska, under tlie Act- of-ilarch 3. 1879
Dr. Cadman Policies Nazis
i on Anti-Semitic iators
New York (WNS)—That t h e Bucharest (WNS)—T h e Ru- i German religious situation will be manian government will make ev- j discussed a t the World Alliance Julian MiMer, Defending Chamery effort to prevent anti-Semitic of Churches meeting in Switzerpion, Brings In thte disturbances and agitation, i s the land this month is tlia view of lest EM Dr. • S. Parkes Cadman, noted future, Interior Kizister Inculets j J Brooklyn minister, who has sailed Reminiscent of t h e ancient has declared. Progressing for this and another religious con- "auction blocks" of slave days, IXcl *,»«, v * v • r * H L As the hot-bed o£ anti-Jewish jr f ersnee. .; • the members of t h e Highland agitation is in various student or- i rOF In a statement made before Ms Country Club put the stars of the ,»_„*»„_ departure Dr. Cadmas said that golf tournament ""en t h e block" Are you in the market for anHitler is "entirely wrong" in Ms a t a ^ e I 1 _ a t t e a ( , e a ^ with the cooperation of the Cul- . * Jexcellent set of golf clubs a n d persecution of religious ana racial dday w^ir-etural Ministry, to give to univer- ' ___ a v evening. r zi pcireweakness." Flaying t h e foreign g o l f paraphernalia, at bargain groups, adding that -while m e n Each of the top-notchers in the sity professors fuller control over The Jewish organizations of ress, Goebbels warned that "we prices? Well, you might be able have always been taught that the first and second flight were "sold c- ] c T Omaha are liolding special meet- and not the foreign press are .run- to prevail upon Judy Kaplan to Church is t i e bride of ..Christ, cnder the" T h e pur- such organizations, with a view | r r- " ings to consider tiia recsat Nazi ning Germany. W h e n someone sell you his set, as he has nothing "Hitler would make the Church a chaser. of the winner ^ets sixty to preventing- the rpreafi oJ art!- -, c prostitute of the State." excesses against Jews sad other ooks cross-eye-i at a Jew on Kur-else to play for. percent, the buyer of the runner- Semitic doctrines. Yes, you guessed it; he shot minority groups ia the Belch. up gets twenty percent, while the urstendamm, there is a hullo- a hole in one. While accompanied other two semi-finalists get ten The attention of each organ-. baloo from. London to Peiping." by Simon Gerelick and Ely Zalpercent each. t i t ization. was called to the latest •ashing; out at the Jews, Goebbels kin In playing the Miller Park Julian Milder, d-efending-chamre manifestations of the Hitler psr- called them "the jackals of busi- course last Sunday morning,.Judy pion, was auctioned for the highe sf secuiions by a local committee ness" and accused them of "al-Kaplan accomplished what golfest price," bringing- | 6 5 into the of eleven under the chaSrman- ways provoking trouble." ers dream about—shooting a hole pool. Morris MiMer was the purin one on the fourth hole of the ship of Henry Blonsky. chaser. fanatic Propaganda minis- course. Practically all of the groups terThe Damascus, Syria (JTA)—At a Jerusalem (JTA) — H a d a s s a h , „ The other leading "pullers" in also announced that in the Even though he had only played stormy meeting of t h e district the championship flight and their American Women Eionists Org-ajii- c T are sending telegrams to Sena- future mixed marriages between zation, which h a s for years car- ,._. tor George W. Norris, Senator Jews and Aryans will "not be tol-this course the second time this council a t Alesandrette, a major- bctckerE: Edward B. Burke, and Bepre- erated a n d promised immediate year, he shot par on two differ- ity of Arab members o£ the coun- Mickey Krupinsky, bought by ried on a n intessiTe medical aid ^.: holes and was the low mancil voiced vigorous opposition to Max Barish, 560; Richard Killer, activity in Palestine, "will sentative Charles F . BIcLaugh- action to suppress the confession- ent of the threesome. Counsul Dnrieux's proposal bought by Louis Killer, | 5 0 ; Abe i begin to liquidate its clinics and lin, voicing their indignation a t al press of Protestants, Catholics If you are not interested in theVice to grant concessions for -Armen- Pepper, bought by Morris Milder, dispensaries here, it was disclosed and Jews. In Wurttemberg the the newest Nazi outbreaks and purchase of the g o l f set, butian and Assyrian colonization in. §25; Marvin, Treller, bought ty'iin sn announcement made public asking their co-operation toward minister of the interior took the would like to see the ball that the Al Oinek area, which, has been Sam ,^- - r ?20; B i l l Tou-jkere. first official action to bar marUnited States official action con- riages between J e w s and non-was responsible for this unusual frequently mentioned as a pos-sem, Josephson, making the announcement, ^ - - * bought by Sain Josephsos, demning the .Nazis. Mrs. Ed-ward Jacobs, president of *" ' Aryans. The Nazi leader of Kur- accomplishment or would like to sible site for Jewish colonization. 117.50; Eddie Rosen, see the original score card of this The Durieux proposal, which Sam Beber, ?15; Richard Gordon, ] the American Kadassah, wao is ^, The committee of eleven con- mark, Wilhelm Kube, issued a memorable game, it is being saved would preference t o the Ar-bought by Sam Hern, $10. \no-w on a visit to Palestine, fie- i,' sists of: Henry Monsky, chair- statement branding .the Jews as and ean be viewed by appoint- meniansgive and Assyrians over the foes of the state a n d declared High man in the second flight clared that Kafi assail Trill concenman; Mrs. D o r a Richlin, secrement with. Mr. Kaplan. . Jews, was greeted. with such, a was Harold Farber, who brought trate all its efforts on the erec-' tary; -Milton Abrahams, A. For-that "as much they must be constorm of protest that it Jailed to ?2 5 into the pool through t h e tics of t i e large hospital at the ^ . sidered a n d treated." Public man, J. J. Greenberg, Ben Kazbe approved by the council. rr | Hebrew University. baths, sport halls, t ' h e public purchase of Les Barkenroad. lowsky, Phil Klutznick, N. Levin.•ft,-.- < _ . Spokesmen for the Arab counOther'high men in the second All other institntiojis crganised son, M. Minkin, Mrs. L. Neveleff, schools were barred to Jews at" cillors angrily demanded t h a t flight: Gladbeck, w h i 1 e at Dortmund and maintained by HadEss&it, sitch and J . Hadino-STski. Jews be permitted to colonize the they were prohibited the use of Paul Elotcky, bought by Al! as its medical and dental clinics. territory. They insisted that Jews Slayer, $20; Louis Hiller,. bought its" dispensaries and preventoria. Telegram t o King the meat markets. In Berlin unido n o t endanger their interests by Harry Trustin, $20; H a r r y she said, The committee sent the follow- formed . Storm Troopers drove gradually be transwhile t h e others.-would seriously Malashock, bought by Al Wohl- ferred to the direction of the Jewing telegram t o Senator King of through the streets in trucks disimpair their position. Utah, -who has been leading t h e tributing l e a f l e t s advertising n e r, $10; Manning Handler, ish. ConEiuiLity in Palestine. , fight in Congress for official con- Streicher's anti-Jewish campaign. bought by Louis Hiller, $10. LC-I ~\ Sofie (JTA)—A'special delegademnation of the Nazis: The public park at Darmstadt was Morris Ferer w a s auctioneer, j tion representing t h e Bulgarian placarded with signs reading "this Ernie Nogg was chairman o "WHEREAS, t h e undersigned stag. are a, duly constituted committee park for criminals like you, wasJewish communities was received representative of the Jewish pop- not intended, cheeky Jew." Derlast -week by Premier- Andreja Pairings for t h e . touraameffl ulation of Omaha, Nebraska,, and Angriff, Goebbel'3 organ, pub- Toscheff. T h e delegation- dehave already bees, draws, a n d d': another srticle by General manded; that the national status I t ' ' • ;••••• empowered to consider for and on play will •faegfai t h e Jewish _.minority^ in..'3ul.-'• bebalf'-of JOmafcs'.Usiirs^kya and •aria- be preserved and that the means of most effectively express- Prussian: police, charging t h a t minorities electoral principle, be There Is an old saying t h a t So a s n o t to divulge the Idening t h e sentiment-and opinion of the Jews are t h e chief criminals abided by. there Is "nothing- ce'w under t h e tity of ...this locallte, we will desigottr people vritli regard t o recent of the world.' ECU. Well, the business of cleanThe Jewish Communities sent nate him as Mr. A. events in Germany, and | ing a n d pressing playing cards, In Strettin, a seaport, city on the delegation t o t h e Premier as . Mr. A. ordered a ham sandwich Imay or may not be EeT under "WHEREAS, t h e present pol- the Baltic, a mob of 30,000 Nazis the result of a proposal m a d e during his regular meal in one of the sun, t u t cue t t i n g is cericy of t h e N a z i government in demonstrated against a group of here two weeks, ago- for a newthe. Farnam street eateries earlier tain—it is EBTT locally. persecuting Jews, Catholics, labor Jewish business men who dared law to deprive t h e national min- this week. In conjunction with, the changYoung E d KirOnn, who 5s the and other minority groups; is bar- to send a telegraphic protest to orities in Bulgaria of their n a Noticing another "1 o n s in a n " baric and destructive of the high Dr. Hjalmar Sehachti minister of tional status. The new law would near him and wanting to exMMt ing of the national A. Z. A. peri- j operator E S d proprietor cf standards maintained by civilized ecmomics, against the : anti-Jew- consider, t h e Jewish minority his- knowledge of kashmth a n d odicals, Macy.Banin, son of Mr. ' unique playing card cleaning anfi ~ nations, and ish boycott. T h e protest said: as a religious body, and would de- his- strict kosher habits, 'Mr. A.'and Mrs. Joe B a s n , has been B p - j pressing^ ^business, h&s succeeded "WHEREAS, t h e maintenance 'T h e. season's closing sales a t prive t h e Jews of autonomy in examined his sandwich, and upon!p O i r i t G d as managing editor of the. 1111 b 5 I l I a i E S a regular business of such, a program by t h e Nazi JewiBh shops a r e being severely their internal community life. finding his' bread buttered com--| S ] l o f e r t n e GffiCial paper of theamong the prominent bridge clubs „„<. of this city. F__ government disturbs t h e peace handicapped by anti-Semitic displaned t o t h e -waiter t h a t he The law would also empower Although Minkis d o e s not , and equanimity of nations of theturbances.- Pickets, patrols, hand- the Government to intervene in should know better than to serve At t h e recent international claim the credit for the develop•world, and brings grief and sor-bills, transparents, street signs the financial affairs of the Jew-him meat with butter. camp-convention, held at Hollis- ment of this Idea, he proudly and insults t o buyers are hurting row to a large portion of the popish, community and in the operaTo quiet him, the waiter scrap- ter, Missouri, early in July, Macy. states t h a t lie is in a business ulation of numerous nations -who business. Without immediate and tion of its schools. - i -z c ' ed off the butter surface of thewho. is a past president o f ' t h e feel a natural kinship to the in-drastic help, business w i l l be The Premier admitted that the bread b u t this didn't satisfy the Mother "Chapter, was elevated to field whici. is still undeveloped _ _, and lie boastfully remarked that gravely imperilled." No answer Jewish demand was justified and nocent sufferers, and customer. Mr. A. threatened to • t f l e o I f i c e o { g at the present time he is in comrice president was received,from Dr. Schacht, p fl e o I f i c e o promised the delegation t h e sup"WHEREAS, Senator King of d th i out, and h eanother waiter w s s jjo I t h e e n t j r e OT&eT. He was also plete control over t h i s business the State of Utah h a s taken a but t h e Storm Troopers, of Stet- port of the Government,, saying, walk forced to bring him sandhi th d selected as the consular in Dis-locally and is one of t h e fe-w in Tiindly interest i n t h e situation tin Teplied to the protest by or-"My Government is very favor- wich without butter. such field cf endeavor in t h i s ganizing a n impromptu parade able to the Jews, after all, we are This kosher customer then pro- trict six. and has urged our government to country. through t h e city's, streets to t h e Other members of this n e w all members of one big family." concern itself -with t h e diabolic ceeded t o p o u r cream Into his cof-staff a r e : Harry Rothnan, of St. Sd, who is I S , is a-senior s.t i jO i ) i r p i a u t c he i i * i u t a J-^.--j.t.1 public square where a crowd was jpskeel to ?sgn; : next year in s. strongly worded effects of the activities of these delegation also expressed fee and drink it while eating his harangued by a. brown-shirt ora- its The Louis, associate editor; Julius Tech. High school s.nd is the EOE j (lie Kday, Augissi " i editorial which scores ifee tactics forces of darkness. apprehension about the legaltor. The latter informed the mob ization here last, week of t w o"milechdikeless"" sandwich. iI oi the Nazi government. "V'e i r o Bisno, editor; and Max Baer, as- of Mr. Louis Minkin. "0 to V, :00, Supper "NOW THEREFORE, BE I Tthat the protesting Jewish busisistant editor. \ EinnEioii each every org-&nizaRESOLVED by t h e undersigned ness men had "voluntarily" with- anti-Semitic .organizations, Rodna €1 ition idEiitiSed with the Church to The Shofer has been changed 'MASTER OF MUSIC" for and on behalf of the Jews of drawn their telegram and had ad-Zacjota and the National Legion. | make it clear to its memberE tlint. f r o m a monthly magazine to a Omaha, Nebraska, t h a t we ex-mitted that "neither the National Stockholm (JTA)—King GusI participatioa In the r.pp~OE;cliinj: IViaeea 'ori as d press to Senator King our heart- Socialist movement nor its memtaf V of Sweden has appointed semi-monthly newspaper : games mes.r,s enflorsc-ir.ent. o* v l l will be published eighteen times felt and genuine appreciation and ber organizations h a d been In- TAUiUD TORAH P1CEIC the famous Berlin Jewish conduc••f-i °.n3. VIOISE.1 rrserrition,"-the :u encouragement for his obvious in- volved" in the incidents of which tor, Leo Blech, as Master of thea year and will vary from, a four ri&l SET"P to a eight page paper. An A. S. one pairst, sr*d WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON London King's Music. terest and helpful leadership in the Jews had complained. An offiTUB t O t the of ii- I eM m another iecieree . Mr. Blech is a t present ^uest A. comic strip by Milton Schwartz number cf delegates to .r.R j•-!->.- \cat this crisis, anil cial statement a l s o announced ial K a s i of Huntington park chapter in 1st Congress to be held at Lucerne. | literature "is not mereThe Talmud Torah picnic will conductor a t t h e Royal Opera "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that 30 former Marxists had been Los Angeles will also be a newSwitEerlaaa, for several days be- i ^ anti-Seniitic cud brutal stun, j London (JTA)—The that this Resolution be spread on arrested for "provoking" the in-take place Wednesday afternoon, House in. Stockholm. I of the Maccabi World Union feature in the Shofer paper. ginning- August 20th will be 450, I ^ t is pagan to the core." August 14, a t Krag Park. Those Herr Blech was formerly music cidents. the minutes of the proceedings of participating will be_ the children Besides this there will be a lit1 it is estimated conductor a t the Berlin O p e r a Avery Erundare. president oi I n on need here today that the i i well-informed this committee and a copy hereof "Bcuia confrress viV; of the Talmud Torah, members of House. Forced out of this post by erary publication of the Shofer j circles here. Of this total 220 the American Olympic Committee, jMaecfiln : Pogrom Atmosphere be mailed t o Senator King. feeld \v. Bruno, Cr?rhoBiov«i the board and t h e Deborah sothe Nazi regime because he Is cot delegates will represent Labor, SO i asd former president cf the Amawhich will bs issued every -four Berlin (JTA)—A pogrom a t '•from tin? 11 tii to the K t h of . 'Suggested Form an "Aryan".' Herr Blech Is the J months and will contain articles the Weismann bloc cf General j teur Athletic Union, still can see mosphere pervades B e r l i n . ciety. The resolutions committee con- Throughout t h e country governMrs. M. Tatle, president, r e - composer of many musical works, of Jewish interest, verse, stories, Zionists, €0 the General Zionists; no reasoti Tor Americpri ncrs-iv&r- .1! tern her. lfS;i. v sisted of Philip Klutznick, chair- ment officials are rising t o newquests all members of the Debor- including two operas and several and other contributions cf t h eof Group B, 70 the KiEraelii, and ;ticlpaiion in the Olympics, h u t 'Tl=f' CoRfr *?Pis v\V.fl""lwii.!;. i problems o" tiie] anft n man, Milton Abrahams, and Joeheights of investive in their cam- ah Society t o be present a t t h eoperettas. ' alephs. 20 w i l represent various of the ievil.ixi.r< head o* t h e A. A. " . , f Radinowski. paign to incite the German people annual City Talmud Torah picnic groups. Has&ir) I Yosilfc. boycott cd the Berlin ps/rc. . The A suggested telegram f o r m against the Jew. to be held a t Krug park, WednesIn t i e Bri iiritisa elections to iiij," ilielr circueent to the organizations: Elenist Congress a total of I S fisl- News, tabloid daily with The campaign is hearing i t s day, August 14, a t one o'clock. t HK1, ¥:!"«£' "(Name of organization) con- fruits. The children of the Talmud To! castes were chose::, 7 represest- lation cf orer 1.000.00C, lias come . . SSlf-U'tBC?;' t sisting, of (number) members a' r ; the Weixrs&En group of Gen-out eidtorially in farcr cf t h^eP \ rabi Last Sunday night storm troop- rah will meet a t t h e J . C. C. early -iHraE. in United. States "refusing to special meeting resolved t o r e -ers under t h e command, of Nazi enough t o be taken t o the park eral Zionists, S representing the any representatives to the Olymspectfully "urge president and con- officers demonstrated on t h e K u r - by buses i n order .to be there by and 2 Labor, pic Games Best rear," The A. A. gress t o express to German gov- fuerBtendamm—-Berlin's Broad- one o'clock. . U., however, is m the meanwhile INXseeabi coionipF (TCfpr >•?» ernment their abhorrence a n d way—for a n hour. They arrived Refreshments and fun for all "T» * , the organtsatipjB of condemnation of Nazi oppression, in buses, shouted abusive epithets are promised. Maces Mad. and, -final'?", the Js persecutions and atrocities com- and picketed cafes patronized by " M r s . M. Tatle is in charge of ins. of a Katiorsat Collejre tor mitted against Jews, Catholics, J e w s . ' ..•.;.. '•'..'. arrangements. Mrs. J . Finkel and •". ••.•• ' . . ' , ' " . ""-a-nf-f religious groups a n d minority The Jewish patrons fled terror- Mrs. Charles S. Boss are in charge too many fish is sot aa uzmsaal Tl'1 .pais. is sendingt r : opinions stop we bespeak y o u r stricken from the section. of refreshments. a Genera] Zionist. "Whether It is t h e attractive cooperation toward this end. Total isolation of t h e Jewish V'tt Ji fisherman's hat that is worn by President *. . • • • • • — • • • • . . . . . , ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . population is reported i n several 1 jLf>rf y Trilling, which, l i k e a magnet, Secretary . r—— German cities. Deutsche Justis, seems to draw fish, to their hooks. At & special nesting the Ministry of J'Justice organ, Newest Developments lor whether their constant catches Omaha Hebrew CluS this Sunder. comments that "municipal counPlefes Aid'to Jews Berlin (WNS)—-Lumping Jews, are. the'..result of just knowing Catholics, foreign correspondents, cils who a r e deciding t o . isolate khow, is the question which seesas club • Trill he initiated In the Jews a r e only acting in acMasons and' dissident Protestants Je r it s a 1-e is Salonica ( J t A ) — H i g h tribute ] to perturb • their friends who Ereinto t i e folds o : under the heading of "state en- cordance with" our -ultimate aim to the patriotism of t h e Jewish aware . of their lazgs Stssday Club. e m i e s , " • ^Propaganda' Minister of preventing t h e bastardization population of Greeca and the catches. To Settle 6.S0Q Jews Goebboels, in a Jjviolent speech, at of the German nation." promise.of financial assistance to ; Anyway, for the past lev? Sunare urged, to atiesfi jostskirts In Dresden public benches have the hard-pressed Jews of this city days these asglers have reported Essen, served official notice that the Nazi regime was prepared to been painted with signs, " J e w s are contained in a letter by t h every large hauls, and one cf their crash, its foes and is even now- prohibited from sitting here." new Governor General, Verxio- E-asiher t a s boasted that t l e y - Or?y t ,i (t laying plans for intensifying the Employes o J . l h o Ministry of poalos, to Councilman Baniel Al- have r u a cnt cf rE^dar t&t ill sett'p in B!ro B*ajJ.r .« drive against them. "We are con-Justice cannot w e d before sub- lalouf. v e r e forced to c a t t;p come scious of our own strength," lie mitting names a n d geneolosical l a Ms letter, xnads public liy tfceir Emr.lisr ZZA tiixi izzz Vicz said, "and we also know our foes histories of prospective mates to the Jewish member of the City as talt. e'es* tpsf I and warn them t h a t we shall the Ministry, i t wa3 ordered this Council, t h e Governor Gancrsal It nsa ccao to a pslnt v i - r c en trample them in the dust. They wesk In a move to prevent mar- states that " t h e Jewish thscs ifshermca. actually tell thei .~1 r c T r t CA. t i a entire >t must not mistake our patience for riages to Jews. nity can rely on my sympathy. wives how many fi:^ t*iey vfil t
Judy Kaplan Shoots a HoleIn One
"Treife'AnyWay You Look at
.!> ^
<r J*
?S|IhereIsSometImig t I New Under the
Pioneer Women
The Mount Sinai auxiliary will ™e nnmtal Picric of the Plon- hold a, regular monthly meeting, j per Women will be held is EJm-
August 14, at t h e
| A d a £ e Yesnurln synagogue at The International Workmen's orid Park on August 25. Phi Beta Epsilon, Creighton The medical fund of the Omaha An fclerfric rlo<:k and bookcase : Order, Branch 126, together with university social fraternity, held hapter of Hadassah will give a £5lh and Sevard streets, at. 2 p. ill he dt-sw-n for. Mrs. S. Okun |^m. All members are urged to atlance at Peony Park, Monday an informal banquet, Tuesday the Ladies' Independent club end eliairrnan of HCURIR. M r B. .T. .; tend. August 19. Mrs. L e. o n j evening, a t t h e home of Harold the Icor ot Omaha, will have a r-ldraflxi is co-chairman. Assist- , klendelson is chairman of t h e af- Bloch. Dr. Leon Fellman, presi- family picnic &t Elmwood perte, .1. I'l&zskk. Un. 1L I dent of t h e alumni association, Sunday, August 11. There will ig ttt Mm. air. ;-.. IXl«;hl!n. HT.A M r s . A very entertaining evening has acted as toastmaster and present- also be a drawing of an occasion* Workmen's Order een planned. A good orchestra ed the awards and honors for the al chair. A regular meeting of the InMrs. A. Klein is in diRrge of as. been secured for t h e occasion, past year. ternational Workmen's Order, Laciks Labor Lyceum Max Kesnick,. president, w a s ticket sales. She asks all mcm Th» veryone Is invited to attend. Branch No. 1E6, will be held liftfiifn' I,R.l>f?r ttycpKm ft tickets to maitn an awarded the trophy cup for hav-bers who Wednesday evening, August 14 at CT f wl irh ing maintained the highest schol- effort to sell them. All tickets jf™"»| ^ . V \ ' 8 P. m. at the J. C. C AH memlast astic average in t h e fraternity. will be turned in at. the- picnic urged to "be present. •
VACATIONING IX EAST While combining business with est between his Des Moines de- pleasure, Mr. Fred White is vacaSCRIBLINGS tioning for three -weeks in WashIt .1 was indeed educational sire and a Hollywood visitor ana Inspiring to watch t h e Bill Qerelick is making calf eyes ington, D. C., New York, Boston Paul Whiteman's or- and Naples, Maine. g V yonthiful JPhilRlngle and Jul- again ius *Voh»ii co-managers of the chestra to be at Peony soon . . TEN DAYS TS MINNESOTA Metropolitan drug store, handle JESTS The foursome of Dave Crounse, the overflowing crowds of CUSAlthough S a m - Rachman, Carl Lagman, J. Lagman a n d tomei-s who came to participate who during-his.-two'.weeks va- Alex Walters are vacationing lor in t £ e store's expansion sale cation, was seen dally a t the ten days at Leech Lake, Minneheld last week-end. They both recent Ak races, he is still sota. on ncfnur.t. of rain, reveal latent talents In execuResnick, who has the' honor of fore' 5 o'clock, at which time the \ 8t B!mv,-c»o{t pnrk. f I1><? tive management which we are forced to work to earn n living drawing will take place. being the nrst person to win the A s l . . . I t seems that shapely Revo sure ,they wiU develop and be RETURN FROM OKOBOJI There will be e*me» and prlK-Jj"a?- " * « ] U Jh"e, vriU *u cup twice, has led his class for compensated therefor . . . We Lipsman is the cause of n real Mr. and Mrs. F . J. Alberts and Montreal, C&nada—The local the past two years. He Was also Art Robinson, -well-knotvTi in for adult* and children. \ children. Refreshments will he .Tev.'isjh community is aroused by wonder whether the tall, charm- rivalry between two Creighton Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Solomon re- rapery circles, is now associated cited for having won a scholar- raents will be served. served. ing, Nebraska V. coed who was "U" fraternity brothers . . . turned last week from a ten-day with the drapery department at ship to the university of Chicago anti-Semitic excesses taking place S e v e r a l prominent Omahanfl stay at Lake Okobo}i. For five A drnwir.c for B bncJoir vacationing there a t that time, in a Laurentian mountain BumLaw school. Hayden's. will take pit en nt tltl* pirni?.. All mer resort, Ye.1 David, not far was :i the reason > for L l o y d are contemplating the installa- days they had as their guests Miss William Gray was awarded the Robinson formerly owned the rnomVTR and iheir fr/mUtes Ere from here, wliere the synagogue Banks' going to Lake Okoboji tion of slot machines in their Ruth Greenberg and Mr.. Henry Nebraska Drapery Company. He bronze plaque given to the pledge The Jewish National F u n & first jmd then preceding home homes in order to save money Grabois, who returned -with them. las been connected with the dra-making the highest scholastic av- Council of Omaha wishes to an- : cordially invited to attrml. was broken into and a holy scroll . . . Those delicious steak dinA meeting of the L&CAes' Labor w a s stolen by French Canadian on his recent vacation trip? erage. In 1933 tho plaque w a s nounce the following contribai ery line for the past fifteen years Lyceum club will be held, Tues- tEnatics. How abont It Lloyd? . . . I t is ners of JUnry Stein, new High- LEAVES FOR CHICAGO aud built up a large clientele In awarded to Edward Rosenbaum tions by the mothers of the 19' A said that Martin FaMc, now re- land Club chef, are sure causconfirmants of the Beth-El Sun-' ^ « « s l 1 S - ^ 2 / ' ra.' a * t n 5 and In 193 4 to Harold Bloch. Miss Ruth Platt left last SaturL bor siding In 81oWCity, is begin- ing evening turnouts a t the club day for Chicago where she will Omaha. day school: J. lloaen, I "» Lyceum, 22nd and Clark Bernard Fox w a s presented At Haydett's Robinsoa is offerSchecter Ben ! streets. AH members £re urged to ning to pay keen attention to . . . Don and Eddie Brodkey, remain for a month and will visit Jack LJpsey, R. with t h e alumni activity medal ng personal service. He will gladlawyers and cousins, h a v e h A V Rub-1-attend. £s important business will t h e ! attractive Bernice Goldher friends and relatives. y call at your residence to make for being the most active person Newman, Joe Bloch, A. S. Rub- j be transacted. steto] also of that city . . . "We. formed a firm, thereby relievH. Osoff and J. Mendelson. !ree estimates and give you the In fraternal affairs. wonder whether Irving Simon ing their relatives (who are. a TO SIOUX CITY Property Management The contribution will be need to Sam Welnstein was cited f o r enefit of his vast experience by legion) of a delicate a n d cmg) still i| believes that Bob Silver* —— General Insurance — plant trees in Palestine in honor h I s prominent participation in Mrs, Sarah Feltman and son, The w&r Addis-Ababa Miss dviee on drapery furnishings. ti barrassing man's new Packard has flexible b a r r a s g situation cheerleading activities at t h e of the children. Stanley, Mrs. Hymie Novltsky and clouds that hover c%-er Abyssinia • ANNOUNCES T H E fenders, if BO, why doesn't he Babe Margolin went to Sioux Miss Thelma Gaspar left Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Coren gave threatens not only- the 250,000 school. PURCHASE bend! them and aee? - . .David «ity . .-. Why? . . . Numerous for Sioux City, where they "Will Morris Kook and Al Rimmer- a contribution to t h e Fund in native Jewish population, the FalH. Brown, who ia probably the inquiries have flooded our of- join Mrs. H. Sol Novitsky a n d honor of their stiver wedding anman were commended for having ashafi, tut also percral hundred FLEISHMAN & SOSKIK only (Jewish court Mporte* in flco as to whether t h'a t well- daughters, Lois and Gloria, bewon, respectively, t h e fraternity niversary. recently arrived Jewish families, this Btat«> placed fourth three known young wholesale liquor fore motoring to Lake Okoboji Vmperty Mannpement «nd Anyone wishing to make a gift who include a group of refugees golf and tennis tournaments. <#en^?»l Insurance Aicencj' yearii ago in the New York civil dealer and his dark-haired at- where they have taken a cottage Although Harry A. Frankel has to the Gift Fund of the J. N. F., from Germany. Short addresses were made by service conrt reporting examinSuccessor to Xi. Harris tractive f l a m e journeyed to for ten. days. 3nly been in the property man* Dr. Abe Fellman and Aaron Per- can do so by calling Mrs. J. LIs- The German Jews have organation; while In competition.with Chicago only to attend the lieigement a n d general Insurance lis. mEn. Ha. 4229. ized their own Jewish community, S,'; lVuf;!«« Block several hundred applicants . . . vinsky fight, but we are happy GUESTS'HERE UBiness for approximately t w o iTA ISZ6 and have opened the first depart"Love Ilath Power." This pro- to be able to congratulate this W h i l e " enroute to Chicago, rears since he succeeded L. H&rment store of this country. JR. BADASSAM BUEAKFABT TerbEal fact Is very appropos in couple, Cy Silver and Dorothy Misses Sarah Devine and Lilly •is, who was in the business here «da connection as it is reported Muskin u p o n their marriage Barone of Denver, -will spend a 'or nearly twenty-seven ycars^ he The Junior Hr.dassah will have that|the 1,200 mile motorcycle a breakfast at Elmwood, Sunday Tuesday while in Chicago . . . few days here as a guest of Miss last week, purchased the Fleishtrip that la Hornstein is mak- Girls, here Is a h o t tip! We Minnie Sherman. morning, at 7:30 a. m. mand & Soskin agency, also an Brodkey, s o n of Mr. ing to AUantaY Georgia, w a s understand that the tall, handAbout twenty five members of insurance and property manage- andDonald Mrs. Harry Brodkey, and Ed-the organization are expected to stimulated by a n Atlantan fem some leather salesman, H. P., INDEFINITE STAY ment business. ' > • ward D. Brodkey, son of Mr. and » . . Hand pats to Daniel Green- Is once more in circulation • • His business h a s enjoyed a Mrs. M. D. Brodkey, announce the attend according to Miss R o s e Doris Lesnner of Chicago field^ a modest hero, w h o re- Dr. I. Sternhill is helpingr to ia Miss Abrahamson, chairman of the arspending an indefinite stay here teady growth and his purchase of a new law firm of rangements. Misses Goldie Zuscently saved M r s . - E l i z a b e t h reorganize t h e Council Bluffs as a guest of her uncle and aunt, of this agency will double h i s formation Brodkey and Brodkey, which will Iiewis a t Airport Beach. A. Z. A. chapter . . . present business. In view "of the engage in the general practice of man, Ruth zwengil and. Una Gross Mr. and Mrs. S. Swartz. times when conditions have re- law a t 576-579 Insurance build- are also on the committee in TIMELY TATTLING charge of the arrangements. duced property to such low val-ing. Where Omaha Buys Furs With Confidence PHI:-I3PSnW)N -MFOEMASJ It seems that a forecast made TWO WEEKS AT OKOBOJI ues, t h e growth of Frankel's Mrs. Jack Marer and her son, last week in this column that the Zest and the .atmosphere of Mr. Donald Srodkey, who is an good ;$heer indicating strongly the departure of Ellyn Schall to N. Y. Alan, and Mrs. Charles Levenson agency is close to remarkable. honor grad from the University of Ladies Auxiliary Frankel handles general Insur- Iowa, h a s been associated with existence of genuine fraternal would affect one of the members are vacationing at Lake Okoboji A regular meeting of t h e ance and is handling numerous Ziegler and Dunn for t h e past spirit1j marked t h e dinner dance of the Resnlck brothers trio, was for two-weeks. Ladies' auxiliary of Congregation properties in his property man•which ' consummated a f u l l day correct, as we notice, that one .of year and & half, while Mr. Edagement department. He will con- ward Brodkey has been associated of Israel took place, Monday, Auprogrim, of activity for the Phithe Resnlek boys Is motoring to TO ESTES PARK 5. Due to the illness of Mrs. The friendDr. David C. Platt left Monday tinue to do business in his same with the firm ot Fradenburg, gust Gold-ware, Epsilon Pi's who attended the an-New York now Mrs. S a ra Caaar, nual summer formal a t the' Pax-ship between that very attractive afternoon for a week's vacation old location at 35 Douglas block. Webb, Beber, Klutsnlck & Kelley Joe vice-president presided. recent blonde graduate and that at Estea Park, Colorado. -ion Hotel last Sunday . ' . , Maybe for the past year and prior to the punch was spiked, but quiet blonde up and coming journalist that he was an associate of Ru"Tony" Seymore Cohn was trying IB getting to be quite a close one TO MINNEAPOLIS binstein and Rubinstein, a, ChiBIKUR CH0UM to piish Mort Bopkey ot. D e B. . . T h e comic exhibition a t Peony Mrs.- Julius B. Solomon and cago law firm, for a year. The Bikur Chplim society On August 5, 1935, at the JewMoines across the ballroom on; a last Sunday certainly waB an un- daughter, Phyllis, left Saturday While a t Iowa university, Mr. hold a'regular meeting, Monday, chair;. . . Stanley Swarzman,' a usual one A local y o u n g evening for Minneapolis where ish Community Center, Sam Beb- Donald Brodkey was affiliated August 12, at 2 p." m,, at the J. typical scholarly looking attorney, couple, who agreed to disagree a they will spend two weeks visit- er A. Z. A. chapter No. 100 in- with Phi Epsilon Pi, Phi B e t a C. C. Very important business of Des Moines, vr&s certainly cut- few years ago and -who were re- Ing Mrs. Solomon's mother, Mrs. augurated a series of new a n d Kappa, was a member of the Or- will ba discussed. All members ting up with'-his weaving and con-knotted after a short tiff are pre- Oscar Cotlow, while Mr. Solomon better meetings. In addition to a der of Coif, honorary legal frat- are urg.ed to attend. very good attendance ot t h e ernity,, and the Order .of Artus, tortionist dances . . . The, pretty paring f o r a permanent disoiu- is in New York. . . - * .-^~alephs and the entire advisory honorary economic fraternity. At Omaha debai in their lilmy frocks tlon. The details concerning this apparently have been hushed .;. . board of senior advisor Dr. I. present he is a trustee of Temple TO CHICAGO Allooked m o s t alluring Mrs. Louis Margolin and son,Dansky and junior advisors Dan Israel Brotherhood and is a past though It was o n l y c. whisper, No, you a r e •wrong again; that Harry!, Rich, a. young Omaha den- unusually happy mood, which Millard, left Friday, for Chicago, Lintzman, Sidney Coyne, scout- president of the College Club. • > tist, who will «oon be hoping to seemed to affect Howard Kaplan where they will visit with Mrs. master of the A. Z. A. scout troop, Mr. Edward D. Brodkey is a was not caused by what you are and Haskell Cohn, there w e r e Margolin's sister, Mrs. Jr B. Elget into y o u r , teeth, was overgraduate of the University ot Neheard to hav« said, "Gosh, I wish thinking, -but the real cause of lison. Before returning h o m e, Julius Bisno»and Max Baer, exe- braska a n d is also a graduate the Ughta were; out" . . . D o n his happiness was stimulated by they will stop at Elkhard Lake, cutive and assistant executive sec- from- t h e University of Chicago • . . . . - . retary of the S. A. C. Brodkey, young Omaha barrister, the presence of the beautiful Ros- W i s e : • Law school. He is a past presiAt Max Baer's suggestion the dent of the Nebraska University was i certainly managing to keep aline Lashlhsky, who has b e e n meeting began with the A; Z. A. chapter of Seta Beta Tau, nationthings in order>. . . Lorney Gross viBltlng • here for" t h e past week HOUSE GUEST FROM song, "Up You Men." sure iwas feeling good . » . Exquis- . . . Krug Park IB going to keep SIOUX CITY al social fraternity. ite Peggy Friedman -was one ofits dance hall open all winter . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Morton Plotkin After the social, cultural, scout, have as their house guest, Miss athletic, and social service reports who, added to the GLEANINGS Connie Saitlin of Sioux City. Mis were made, Julius. Bisno gave an enjoyment of the evening . . .. A Over 550,000 Jews reside in It's silly, but it's still in cir- Saitlin is being extensively enter- inspiring pep talk on the summer England a n d the United Kingthrilling pillow; football game en- culation: Two birds were seat-, tained here. regional tournament to be held at livened the intermission . . . En- ed in a tree. O n e of t h e m ' INSURED CABS Des Moines, Iowa, on September dom. trancing Batty Bookey of D e s looked down' a n d remarked: 1 and 2. After a chapter survey Moinjes a n d Mark; Goldstein of "Who Is that man. on the bench" TO MAKE HOME HERE „ Columbia, Missouri, certainly did below us? He looks like Hat? " Miss Elsie Eisman, who has it was found that approximately Strut in eshibitlng the :'!Zebe' ler." Why BO it Is," his feath- lived in Milwaukee for the past fifteen members of t h e chapter dance . « . W o r d s ot pralBa to e r e d companion, ejaculated. year and a half, has returned to are planning-on attending t h e Laaar Kaplan and. to Don. Brod- "It's Hitler." Both birds looked make her home In Omaha. She tournament. Joe Guss, the active social comfcey for planning this -unusually at each other f o r a. moment. will live at 2505 Franklin St. mittee chairman, announced that fine all day get-together and sum-Then t h e first said: "Well, the chapter will h a v e a weiner mer formal. • . : what are we waiting for?" MOVE TO BLAIR roast on Saturday, August 24, at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Newberg, Another observer ,on the MusSAMDBNT STATEMENTS ]: \ sOlinl-Ethioplan dispute submits moved to- Blair, Nebraska, last Fairmont Park at Council Bluffs. Something smart and differ-* that it looks as though Italy will Sunday, where they will m a k e It will be a date affair and Herentin cocktail lounges .will soon" give Ethiopia the Duce and the their future residence. Mr. New-bert Forbes and Joe GUse will be he opened in Omaha, when Art^ Black men will give Italy Halle. berg was formerly the manager o in charge of the arrangements on It. Every dey v,-e receive word that Furs are groirsg up! That Smith and Bill Wolf son, Pi ~ Ed Hlmelstein contributes the the downtown Hinky-Dinky store, The work on the Talmud Torah lams, open their Colony Club following: we ennnot possibly hv.y the some CORSS we bought for :•/.. , .-. playground is very rapidly nearCocktail Iionnge on 10th a n d CBr AcpisS Sale Bt anywhere npEr the erigsnnl prices.. SLUMBER PARTY ing completion. The fine grading Farnnm very shortly . . ..If yon., Advice to t h e love-lorn receives Teke advantage cf xhc snvings by bEj-ing now! E . . T. C. sorority held a of the surface is now in progress over Bee Al Ornch and Vivian •''• my attention, successful slumber party a t t h and the playground will undoubtA heart smashed to bits requires Stein pulling their Chevroleit' home of Jacqueline LIpp, last S a t edly he completed by the end of vast comprehension; Coupe apart, you'll know thai urday night. miih tlie strongest points in • Each day I find time to sit right the month. they a r e severing their part'•-• A regular meeting will be held down and read it, "When t h e regular business nership . . . We wonder who is Mendoza Beaver, Northern Seals, Preat t h e home of Bertha Slutsky meeting was concluded the culahead, the 00 club or "Bubo" Oae can never tell when a body Thursday.: miuin Beaver Dyed IVorilicms, NorthActivities for t h e Fall might need It. Brown? . . . Evidently Henry tural program under t h e chair' • *. ern Seak, Fitcb Trim; Northern season will be discussed. Rlekes Is changing his policy,'•• manship of advisor Haskell Cohn, Seals, Jnp Mink Trim; Northern Seals, the price :heUt& reduced t@ as last week it was noticed that began the program consisting of Ermine Trim; Blocked Lapins. Ske» he had a date for a change . . . A.Z.A.1 an introductory speech on t h e 11 to IS Jr.; 12 to 46 Judging by the largo numbers At an executive meeting of the v T h e merchants, who advertis topic, "The Modern Tisha B'Ab," who are vacationing out of mother, chapter of A. Z. A.,; Tues- i n . t h e Jewish Press solicit youi by the chairman. This was foltown, depression la just another ' day, August 6, it was decided that business, a n 1d merit your patron- lowed by a discussion of the enTrord in the dictionary . . . An- the chapter would*attend the Desage. -; , ..; .•'-}.• "...-• _• •:, .. .tire chapter. other sign of better times—Joe Moines summer tournament in a Katnral Ensslan Fitches—Genuine Hudson Ses?s—Jap Weasel Greenberg Is now driving a Max body. Teams will be entered in Coats-— Gtt-y Silicrian Squirrel—American Broadtail—Kidskins— Btirish special since ho returned most of the activities. Black Caracnl with Silver Fox from his vacation . . . We wonThe regional convention of A. Cellars—Brown Caracnl—Hns- ^.^w mtg{$> £' der whether Say Wilson kept Z. A., which Is to be composed BIEIS Pony — Enssian Leopard mTf h e r appointment with "The of chapters from Lincoln, Des Cat*-—Brown Kidskjn—Tropi* **•"' fSi "Hollywood Kid," Sam Fried at Moines, Sioux City, Kansas City, tal Seal Coots—Brovm Broad» the Yaxtoa, Hotel, Sunday A. and Omaha, will take place in laS—Grey Kidskin — Gennsne Omaha this year. Plans for< the conclave are progressing rapidly Persian Lamb—Grey Broadtail and are to. be elaborate and exKRISPY K0MMENTS We note that eligible Harry B. tensive. / Cohn was in Kansas City again. Plans for the history essay con..V Rising Fur Prices Affect We wonder whether It is the same test for pupils of t h e Talmud party as last time? . . . Upon the Torah are being concluded. The © Tep much" more elastic tissa ©"disscsry «» arrival of Abe Rovack of St. contest will probably begin when esdro, wsci. " "" Louis. Bernice Sessel certainly Talmud Torah session start next has . developed a contented look week; © Top cslsofcxH'of"dimaoads" t . . each ,.'.' What former Minneapolis girl A regular meeting of the club i —But we were 'smart enough to anticipate thh rise—and is c ruRsiop. whose husband is in business here will take place next week. bay tremendous' Blocks of exquisitelf furrcfi. i'l«tb makes frequent trips to her home 'WhSe this stock laeSs there will |i • Also "2 other ronsfops drclizsg CHe welt. town? . . : . Our Omahaa of a thoufee BO rise in ColdstetB-Chapx «:"J sand talents, "Ab" Kaiman, who ® & super Tool . . ."heel vdifcSn h@©I '<md ?e« .Fratonty man's prices! In this group SPB " j wati master of ceremonies at ..the The Fratorlty weiner roast was iafsrc®d toe* : .intlnded". Persian Lamb; Kelin> 60||club Tuesday, "was offered a held a t Johnson's F a r m , Satursky, Badger, Fitch, Sqairrel »n4 l a ' A M I f i e * They're.••• very lucrative sum if ha would day evening, August 3 . This was ssiSEy odscs fine itktt! • eontlnue In that capacity . . . Mrs. t h e first outing since t a s new ofJ. JVI. TDrman is a cousin of Helen ficers were installed, a n d served Eirfjcnond,vthe author of "Our Film to open t h e membership drive. .Third Floor Folk" column in the press . . • Forty members were present. liobr Hosiery S Phil Blomberg, -. that blondish, oeit-sppearlng Insurance adjust- Mention the Jewish Press to to be dividing bis inter- your merchant.
J. N. F.'Council
A. Z. A. 100
due TItose for
• • ; ; • - : .
f\ it
9, 1SS5.
Zionist work, cranks -frith pan[End raw .materials, many of tftem , rrnrapi f, 35 "psprvinp iff5 aceas for all Jewish ills, as "well . help it n p P t fijiy po^MM 'TOII be forced fo shut dovrn. as hosts o£ students and Jewish In an interview v;I;.t "William •'sion in i b e<re. nr- s youth. Every means of transporJoseph Johnson, tree' ~e c r ~"ri tation is utilized to come to the ?IK(j A. estine, sixteen shin r-"" ' r i Congress. , Many even hiko or 1< > , timated --^-,-, ers hitch—hike through several Euro; dumping in Palestine r°r"< -i pean countries to get there. I them to shut down f i i f~e n During the weeks of the Con! than SCO vrorkers in fiF ~ e~"> |1 ( • gress, numerous lectures are held. Minorities of Saar Persecuted , Unfair" Foreign Competition Is | Johnson assured tfrp r " n f Artists arrange exhibitions of 5g Vehemently la Usual Nazi turers that he Trill lock r i c 1 c their works. Dramatic performPretested situation. He also p~t.e*oJl ri_ Manner ances are given in various lanj quiry into the c Co/ g o r guages. Booksellers display interLondon (JTA)—The Nazis have Jerusalem (JTA)—The gcrern- ! Sechs Silk Mills be~e T ^ r esting Judaica. Hawkers sell sou- Ignored every treaty and agree- meat protection of Palestine in- owned End cperritec 1 Of venirs. Palestine products are on ment to respect the rights of min- dustries against cuaping from can JeTT, from Fas<Ti Li sale everywhere. orities In the Saar and are perse- Japan, Czechoslovakia., and other i ssr, v;ere sard dovi. "I l c " Nevertheless, debates are usuGrown tremendously In Import- of smaller countries. But in no This whole huge mass mingles cuting Jews and Catholics there as declared, Japrre ance and in following, since the case can a country be allotted a ally quite lively and Interesting, and intermingles with the dele- in the characteristic Nazi manner, countries, \ras urged by a special 3d ruined their K.i: delegation of leading Palestine war, the organization ol the "World delegate on less than 1,500 shek- and when an important resolution gates a n d . press-representatives, according to Max Brauc leaSer ritli i At the annual niee ting oi trie comes up for a vote, the atmos- advancing pet ideas, and awaiting of the Saarland battle agaiast tHe {tJe ^igh* Commissioner Zionist Congress represents a lim. Sir AT- ' Palestine Chamber of Ccnimerce, really Herculean tasTt. First, elecThe 18th Zionist Congress, held phere is tense. Delegates will not eagerly, excitedly, every b i t of Nazis in the Saar plebiscite last ._„_ a _ W a u c h o T l . . ' earlier in the "week. JIr. Johnson tions for delegates to the Con- two years ago in Praha, had 319 dare be absent when an import- news filtering through from "the January. The delegation pointed out t h a t ' t a d declared that Palestine is the ant resolution comes up, for resogress must be organized in more delegates representing 37 counBraun, is not Jewish, is inside" about party negotiations several industrial enterprises in : only country in the •*• oriel that is than thirty countries. Then a tries. In. 33 countries the dele- lutions h a v e sometimes failed and expected results. now a refugee living in Paris. He suitable place has to be chosen, ates were elected by popular simply because the interested parImmediately after the close of! niade his accusation vrMle Tisit- Palestine are being seriously af- '• contemplating cutting taxes. ty "was minus the few votes of its fected by the competition from ' This is made possible, he said, and a convenient date is set. Then vote, a n d In 4 countries there the Congress, there is also a ses- ing London in connection irith an these countries, and that unless . by the tact that the grovernment the machinery of the Congress It- were no elections, delegates be- absentee delegates. sion of The Jewish Agency, and investigation of Nazi terrorism di- tariff exemptions a r e permitted. ; surplus has this year b e e n inAtmosphere at the Congress self has to be set in motion. All ing apportioned among the par'5-ON MOTEL numerous other conferences, by rected against refugees. The atmosphere attending a various Zionist bodies are held. this requires "weeks and months ies by mntual agreement. "The Chief Rabbi is in prison," by the government no machinery 1 creased by S9 per cent. The JTOTof arduous preparation and or- Place and Time of the Congress Congress is quite festive. ThouOne feels, that here veritably he is quoted as declaring. "Jewganizing skill. " The Congress must take place sands of guests from all over the is the Jewish National Congress ish deputies and some of the JewMonths before the Congress is n a country that Is most acces- world come specially to witness in embryo—a Congress reflecting ish, youth leaders are in prison. schtduled to take place, the vari- sible to the majority of delegates. its proceedings. There are .even the pomposity of parliamentary Shops are boycotted. The Cathoous Zionist bodies In each coun- It must also have good telegraph those who have never missed a bodies of other nations, but so j lies are a 1 so being persecuted. try meet together a n d organize and postal service and must be Congress. All types can be found much more colorful and so much None of the treaties lor the safety a General Shekel and Election friendly in its relations with its in the Congress hall—men with more exciting. and fair treatment of non-Nazis Board for that country. This own Jewish communiyt. Most ol great plans for the salvation of j .. (Copyright, 1S35. Jetrish is being kept. They are simply board consists of representatives the Congresses have been held in Jewry or for the acceleration of' ignored." Agency, Inc.) of all Zionist parties in the coun- Switzerland, which is a neutral Dr. Rothschild, the chief rabbi try, according to the proportion territory. The last Congress was of Saarbruecken, whom Brann deof delegates sent by each party to held In Praha. The forthcoming clares to be in pTison, was recently reported to have been released. the previous Zionist CongTess. 19th Congress will be held in Describing conditions in t h e The board also organizes district ucerne. Mf HELEN ZIGI1ONP The time of the Congress must Saar, Herr Braun d-eclared that and community boards. food prices have jumped while The number • ot delegates al- also be adapted to the conveniHollywood—TJnring the filming pendous" idea to put into work wages have been reduced. Unemlotted to each country is deter- ence of the delegates. Since delemined by the number of shekolim :ates to the Zionist Congresses do of "Barbary Coast" some interest- than he found someone else tad ployment, according £o Xazi stasold in that country.. For every not receive salaries from t h e ing facts came to light . . . f'rin- the same idea and had already tistics, has increased from 34,000 3,000 shekolim sold, the country 'Zionist Government," and since stance . . . "Solomon Levi," that made the picture. Jessel has to to 74,000. be on'call at all times to aid in The workers of t i e Saar, he is entitled to one delegate. Ac- the Summer is usually vacation popular ballad of the 70*8 originated by one Solomon Levi, the construction of every script said, were "quickly disillusioned" time, most, of t h e Zionist Concording to the Constitution of the a merchant of the Barbary Coast, by these conditions. Zionist Congress, Palestine is en- gresses have been held from the •who gave every customer a card to be scenarized. titled to one delegate for every 20th of August to about the 1st on which he had printed the verse Can you bear up under the 1,500 shekolim, a n d exceptions of September. The Congress usu- about the "clothing store on Salnews that there will be two more HUNGARIANS KEPT IN .DARK are usually made also in the case ally last about two veeks. em Street" . . . a primitive sort Marxes In the business? Graaao, The Congress Machinery of advertisement. Thereafter, sail- the fifth brother, is joining Zeppo 01D1SWRBAECES IS REICH To handle the tremendous or- ors and others added more verses as an agent. Arthur, Groucho's ganizational task involved in con- and it became the popular song 13-year-old son, intends to enter Budapest (WNS)—By reading voking and holding a Zionist Con- of the decade. their newspapers Hungarians can a dramatic school, making hisgress, a special Congress Bureau learn nothing of the disturbances trionics his career. is established several months benow current in Germany in conEdna Ferber Is a good interfore the Congress takes place. The Did you hear about the erec, junction with the renewed antiviewer but a had interview. HavBTF.B.X Congress Bureau negotiates with who had his scouts search every- Jewish, anti-Catholic and anti-libing been a newspaper woman herthe local government about t h e for the right vehicle to star eral drive. suns best possible arrangements for self, she becomes so interested in where one ot his important players. One The Hungarian press, apparentthe questioner that she finds herBAB MTEZVAH welcoming, housing a n d enterday one of the readers came to ly desiring to cooperate with the self asking instead of answering The Bar Mitzvah of Sam Dia- taining • the Congress delegates him with an enthusiastic descrip- Nazi government, is suppressing mond, son of Rev. and Mrs. A. and guests. It also negotiates with queries. tion of a s*ory by Dumas. "All all accounts o£ the Berlin rioting. Diamond, will take place this Sat the governments of t h e various right . . . all right," snapped the If you feel as we do »rday morning, August 10, at the countries about visas for deleNabob, "have this fellow Dumas Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue a gates and- guests, for whom spe- that "Merchant of Venice" should get in touch with me, a n d I'll not be put on the screen, speak to Mark Leon Says 618 Mynster street. All relatives cial privileges a r e necessary in They're new 3a pattern, new in Irving Thalberg ; . . He's contem- have a talk with him!" Let roe prctpct y«nr SEtErests. . . and friends are cordially invited many cases. • I write PTSCRAJtCE c i every cseplating it as a followup to "Romeo color effect* nc\? in construction to attend. No invitations have The last Congress had, in addicription inclodlns lAl'ii. ia strra»g\ Such is Hollywood. reliable MEpailej GXLX. . . . Let's been issued. • tion to the 319 delegates, and the and Juliet." talk it over. (Copyright, 1SS5. Jewish On Saturday afternoon, Sam various representatives of Central A Inc.) Mitzi Green, now 16, will play City Flnsrice & Inszrsrea Go. Diamond ivill . entertain,... abon btgsn's -and- institutions, also 265 KC3 r a r a s u a AT trCT cr TT& XXXZ twenty ot Ms-To^iiS: IWen&s at a press"Frepr~esentattve8t*~aiTl . about Ingenue parts in a Maine summer Patronize our advertisers. stock company. She'll also create Theater Party at, ;the Strand 6V0 00 guests.: ' the lead in a new play, "Service theater in honor of his liar MitzFor their: convenience, the Con- for Two," and IT it's a success, Tah. gress Bureau, establishes a special her parents will take it to BroadPost Office, a special Telegraph way for fall production. "WEDDING DATE SET and cable office, and even a speMiss Tfllle MaTkovitz, daughter cial telephone* exchange. Banks, Adrian onght to do something) of Mr. Barney Markovitz of Coun- sight-seeing companies, travel about Josef von . Sternberg . . . j cil Bluffs, has" chosen Sunday, agencies and hotel bureaus also September first, as the date fo set up special offices at the Con- latter's wardrobe includes velvet \ her marriage to Mr. Edward Wei- gress headquarters for the con- coats with pastel-colored linen ner, son of Mr. and Mrs. William venience of Congress guests. Spe- trousers, a black suit trimmed in .Weiner of Omaha. cial quarters, operated on a co- white corduroy, and other fantasLCffi EICSET Numerous affairs are being giv- operative basis, are also arranged tic habiliments. WJ&1XE SODA en in honor of Miss Markovitz for the youth delegates a n d Another of Our Daughters is guests. prenuptially. Lesson or VtssShx GEN'GES ALE The Congress Bureau also pub- "flickering" . . Marcoreta Hell2 02. hottis, 19c The Council Bluffs Lodge No lishes a daily newspaper, "Con- man, daughter of the banker, 68C of the Independent Order ol gress Zeitung" in Hebrew a n d plays a part In "Dr. Socrates." Jolisson's the B'nai Brith will hold a regu- German editions. The Congress 111 lar meeting Monday evening, Au- paper in 1933 was Issued In 13,-' And did you hear about the I 000 copies daily. Reports to the filmogul who was considering the ' gust 12, at the Eagles HalL ROUR, 5 lbs., 22c Congress, and the stenographic "Outline of History" for a movie? I Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sacks hav< protocal of the Congress are avail- He finally rejected it because "he j 10 lbs. - - 58c didn't like the "ending!" Pint - - 5Sc as their house guests Mr. am able in printed form. A few days before the Congress Mrs. L Mendelovltz and children Walter King's childhood ambi24 lbs. - - $1.10 Qs&rt - - 05c of Chicago, who arrived here Sun- opens, the Congress court, elected at the previous Congress, meets. tion was to be a one-man band ] day for a two weeks' Made of genuine imported This year the court sessions will . .grown up- he optimistically | gamusn Irish tineas in white and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burton begin on August 14. The court continues . . . is working on an i nctraral shades. Single sad douhears complaints regarding elecinvention whereby one man can announce the birth of. a Bon, born ble-breasted models. tions and other disputes between play all the istruments simulMonday, August 5, at the Jennie Edmundson hospital. Mrs. Burto: organized Zionist bodies, and re- taeously. P was formerly Miss Sadie Endel ports to the Congress the list of accredited delegates. A certain film factory has pur--Ay-man. . How the Congress i Functions chased the talker rights to ElThe Congress is divided into mer Rice's new play In which the Miss Betty Bookey of De several commissions, which have principal character doesn't utter j ECOSHER SALAItiE, Ih Molnes, Iowar is spending th< the responsible duty of preparing a single word. A great idea for' .35c KOSHER V/IEKERS, S . week here visiting at the home o resolutions. T h e commissions, the "silents' and seven years too Miss Marian Scharf. ICOSHER BILL PICKLES, qt like everything else at the Con- late! gress, function on the basis of l£c KOSHER STYLE SAUERKRAUT, qc=rt Mrs. George Hoffman entertain i party groupings Odds and Ends: Louise Rainer ] ed thirty guests at a one o'clock As a matter of fact, the dele- changed her residence, but re- j i KOSHER TOI.IATOES. q ..25c luncheon at her home at 625 Wil- gate an individual plays hardly fused to have a n e w telephone j son Avenue "Wednesday afternoon, any role in the Congress. T h e number because it took her so j Special £33 Siza Entirely new achievements in stylAug. .7, in honor of her sister, Congress is sharply divided along long to memorize the old one. Ed- ' Icica Oranges, 2 cos. ing, these Goodall tailored Palm Mrs. Fred Schwartz of Chicago, party lines, and the delegate;is mund Lowe, whose wife was the J Central Special Beach suite in ^hite and new who is spending the month here. bound by strict party discipline. late Lilyan Tashman, evidently j I WAX or GESEN Bridge was the afternoon's diver- The respective leaderships of the colors sxefee,hit o! 1935. COFFEE, Ib. he .and 11 BSAKS, II) sion. Another out-of-town guest at various parties actually dictate prefers the Chosen ] Alberta PEACHES, ICS TEA Louise Henry are often seen twothe luncheon was Mrs. I. Mendel every move. Thus, the praesldium gether these days. Joseph SchildBLEND, IS. . ovitz, also of Chicago. and most of the commissions are kraut will return to Broadway in already determined in advance ac- the flesh .-. ; plans to produce a Mr. Reuben Brown of Council cording to the proportion of dele- Viennese play with his own comBluffs, and Messrs. Julius Bren- gates from each party. pany. Ted Lewis' BO journed at the nen, Louis Arastein, Nathan PitIn the debates, top, the indi- hospital appendix trouble. lor, Haizie Frunsbaum, Isadore vidual delegate surrenders h i s Ditto Binnie Barnes. Mayba the .€ C Blumstein, and Morris Givin of rights to his party. Thus, If the landlords don't fancy , ducks . . . Pkf. 5c Omaha, returned home Tuesday time allotted for debate is 5 min- Joe Penner moved four times in after spending several days in utes per delegate, and the party one Tfeei.' His latest abode is a j I northern Minnesota- on a fishing has 60 delegates, every delegate little unpretentious shack •with. I \~ trip. They made the trip by mo- will ask for the floor, surrender only a" swimming isool. Charlie i| unkbt TOIIATO JUICE s s s i r • wardrobe wi& tropics! wor^eids. tor. his privilege to the party, a n d Chaplin is the richest player in total time will be bunched to- filmdom according to the tas rec ie-yy Taristioni is la&ric coustaictlon, many Mr. Max Lerner and his daugh- gether, thus giving the party 60 ords . . . his personal property is i | "new'color effects, sassy sew wesres neretofore unknown in ter, Miss Ida Iierner, left Tuesday times 5 minutes, or about 5 hours valued at more than ttro-and-onc- j SsiMsf COPJ, -whole Kerael _.. evening for Chicago, 111. They ex- for debate. The party then choos- half million dollars. But the colla©, woo sise rcaige.. Wonderful Tolaes—•$15, $20* ^ S . pect to be gone about two weeks. es two or three spokesmen, from lector says Mae West's "jools" .2i/ 2 j among its leadership, to speak on aren't "worth jaors than ?4,€00. Messrs B. Saltzman, Ben Cohen, its behalf. •JA«1 OUR WINDOWS TODAY! and Harry Satlzman are expected Since the principle work of the If you -want to be something home today after spending several Congress is done in committee else in the movies, • begin as a , , days visiting relatives in Madison sessions, and since the committees comedian. Benny Rubin thought |r ] "Wis., and Cedar Rapids, la. They are made up according to party the gag3 "v?ere -wearins thin, EO representations, it is evident tha't turned to directing for a livinc. j made the trip overland. a resolution passed In a commit- And George Jessel drops the ges- ; The Council Bluffs Agudas Ac- tes will usually also pass on the tures to take up a pencil , . . Trill him . society will hold a regular floor, the vote usually being on scribble for Twentieth. Century. meeting next Thursday evening, the same order as in the commitBat the boys have their troutee sessions. August 15, at the Eagles hall. bles. Benny so sooner had a "G!IL-
Doni Swelter Another Day Get In Now for Your
B^tle - -
- •
-•.. i - .
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, • "^^s^^js^^sm^Sfsms^ trg&t enterprises, asitnme national liked an# esteemed and to^ay Is Secessions, etc., w^&uld find con- considered ©se of t h e coimtry'8 Blderatlon o£ Albania fruitful. greatest 'Jyte&ils. Their efforts, however, would Tins, in brief, ia the situation. open the field f o r these other A small, agricultural country with Published every Friday a t Omaha, Nebraska, by categories, great natural resources offers ft JEWISH PEESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Albania economically, is a. sup- home and prospects to a number plier of raw materials and food- of Jews who would aid the counSubscription Price, one year - - - - - $2.00 stuffs, buying almost every fin- try in its ambitious program of Advertising rates furnished on application. ished produced required from the rnoclerjilration arid development. welcome Jews able countries with which, she deals. Albania will 'i Editorial Office: 500 Brandels Theater Building. .Tilling1 to meet these condiThus, she ships thousands of hides ; ! Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center The agitation to have the 1936 Olympic game3 removed from annually to other countries. from Cr BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor which jshe buys the finished'leath- < 'r;-ri«.:bt, j ^ Berlin is gaining momentum despite the complacency of the R. ACKERMAN - - - « - - - - Editor: London—A fertile country pos- sorptlve capacity of thfi country | or goods, Italy and Greece -purhead of the U. S. Olympic committee. sessing great natural wealth and is limited by iho pr^vaiilng «con- chase &I1 the RisrjiJtiE grains, fish RABBI URI MILLER - - - - Contrlbutinjj Editor The Christian Century, one of the outstanding Protestant re- untold resources is open to settle- osxtic situation of the country and land other food-stuffs •which primFANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ment for Jews possessed of cap- any expansion ol this limit can itive methods smpply. Small inANN PILL - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent ligious publications in the country, in making a direct appeal to ital 1 and prepared to adopt the only follow t h e development of dustries would satisfy the AlTmnPrint Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street transfer the games as a protest against religious restrictions citizenship and obligations of thefields of enterprise by new cap- j Jan market of something over a ital. New capital will open sew : million people a n d . intensified prevalent in the Reich, succintly points out editorially that the land. Europe's least-known country possibilities. Thirc Its no opening . methods could vastly increase the ; New Yor, N. Y. (WNS)—Spetransfering of the games to another country "would do much to and one of her newest States is for large-scale immigration at - supply of raw materials and food- i cial police guards are being provided for all German liners arstuffs for foreign, markets. From week to week Jewry in every part of the world con- bring home to nazis the realization they cannot continue to per- ready to welcome Jews able and present. riving at or departing from the willing to help her develop her- Xo Invitation Tendered tinue to eye the Nazi horizon, anxiously awaiting an unknown secute without being scorned by the rest of mankind as tyrants self and her resources and create Tourist Traffic Could Be j port of New York, to prevent ceIt is because of these condiDeveloped | currence of the demonstration and danger. The dirge out of the Reich is the same, except that the and cowards." out of her potentialities a mod- tions that Albania has cot tenThe country also offers scores i rioting which took place at a reern, progressive land. As a counterbalance to this right-thinking editorial, the Codered an invitation to the Jews to intonations of sorrow grow sadder and sadder with each addiof other opportunities which Jew- | cent mailing OL the S. S. Bremen lumbia Broadcasting System arranged for an international broad- Albania, the tiny kingdom on settle there and undoubtedly will ish capitalists cocld investigate and which resulted in an exchange tional report. the eastern coast of the Adriatic, not do so.- It would be raising on the spot without formalities. i of diplomatic notes between the In thfeir desperation to cloak the economic catastrophe which cast in connection with the Berlin Olympic games, the broadcast predominently Mohammedan in false hopes to fctate that Albania Among these are development of i State Department at Washington lurks behind the corner due to their policies, the Nazis will do taking place on August 1, exactly one year before the scheduled religion, simple, not as yet mod- could become an important place Albania's growing tourist traffic. End the German government. The dependent mainly f o r of refuge. Individual Jews will Albania possesses many spots of prisoners taken curing the Bremanything to divert the people's attention. Hence, side by side with date. This took the form of a preview and included official greet- ernized, livelihood on agriculture and cat- be welcomed, provided they are wild scenfc beautf, h a s varied en riot arc still availing'trial, but their anti-Semitic campaign, the Hitlerites have concentrated ings to America by Reichsportfuehrer Hans von Tschammer und tle-raising, is fast emerging from ready to accept Albania as their fin n ting:, fisfeing and other sportsthe fcigh bail set for them has their verbal and written barrages on the Catholics," non-Nazi Pro- Osten. Everything about the broadcast has the appearance of a the political difficulties that en- home, but large-scale immigra- and in recent years has attracted b e e n reduced in a number- of shrouded its first independent tion is certainly out of the ques- hundreds of tourists from t h e cases. testants, war veterans and foreign correspondents. The very shameless piece of propaganda. years. Under a government keen- tion in t h e country's, present Continent, England and America. Mayor Lr.Gusrcia, upon receivrange, of their bombardments will eveentually prove the undoing Despite the friction among officials concerning the with- ly alive to the country's economic Etate. This could offer possibilities. Al- •in?r reports that members of York1 possibilities and eager to develop "My Government would favorbania grows an excellent tobacco vills NEIEI groups carry firearms of the Nazis. Almost seventy per cent of the German people are drawal of this country from the Olympics,'plans are going ahead ' them to the fullest, Albania is on ably consider any application for a fine cigarette which, as fit their meefsiipp, has instructed now either directly or indirectly being maliciously condemned by for our inclusion. One sure way remains open. The campaign the verge of an economic and in- settlement in Albania of J e w s making yet, is hardly known outside the the poiif-e to ira-Rstigafc the matwho would be desirous to estab- country. It has magnificent stands ter and to arrest any individuals the Naiis- A foreigner, an Austrian, heads a minority group of for funds soon begins, and through tightening the pursestrings dustrial revolution, lish themselves there and to in-of timber, ample water-power found carrying s u c h weapons. madmen who call everyone in sight an "enemy of the state." Hit- so that no team may be sent to the capital of anti-Semitism and Needs Capital to Exploit vest funds in the agricultural and sources, coal deposits and unde- While still refusing to grant the Resources ler still.clings to his written theory of propaganda, based on the anti-Catholicism, American sport lovers can demonstrate that Albania, requiring capital from industrial enterprises of the coun- veloped oil-fields in which for- much-disputed license to a Geridea that if you tell a big enough lie and repeat it often enough, they will have nothing whatsoever to do with a team headed for outside to exploit her resources try," Dr. Fuad Aslani, Albanian eign concerns are already mani- man masseur, the Mayor has inwould prefer to obtain it from Minister at London, informed the festing interest. Utilities and the dicated his willingness to have the populace will believe it. Lies, provocative ones; are broad- the Hitlerland. field of transport offer a fertile the license issued RE goon as the people willing to adopt Albania Jewish Telegraphic Agency. jcast without discretion, tossed to the winds as it-were. And the And no funds would mean no team. * " S u c h Jews," he declared, field for enterprise. masseur becomes an American as their home and country, to reaction I was inevitable. Deeper and deeper into the morass sinks citizen. take Albanian citizenship and be- "would meet with facilities from An -unofficial Jewish delegation come part and parcel of Albania's the part of the Government in visiting Albania to study the posthe Reich. Only the iron hand of dictatorship keeps the Nazi life. These conditions, naturally, acquiring Albanian citizenship. sibilities on the spot would find regime from being torn asunder and cast out. And while that limit t h e number of people to "On the other hand," he point- the authorities cooperative a n d I Z . £S>itt\i (dictatorship is in the saddle, the life of the Jews, Catholics, nonHow little the Arabs fear being pushed out of the country •whom Albania can offer attrac- ed out, "no invitation, official or could determine whether the posMohcl Specialist Nazi Protestants and Steel Helmets grows steadily worse. by the influx of Jewish settlers, was indicated last week when tions—but they intensify its at-otherwise, has been as yet ex-sibilities of the country should bo Recommended by Man) Doctors tractiveness to the number whom tended to Jews to settle in Al-further considered by the repre- j As regards the Jews, the pogrom-leader Count Wolf von Hell- in Syria, a neighbor of Palestine, an Arab majority shouted down these conditions can only be wel- bania, and no delegation has been sentative KeslSence Phone WEtister 563B Jewish organisations or Business Phone WT3J>=ter 14 60 dorf, threw many off their guard when he banneed individual acts the proposal of the French Vice-Consul to grant a concession to come. Jews meeting these quali- asked to go to- Tirana to discuss agencies. 1422 E. 20th St., Omaha, Neb. fications will' find the country the subject.''. of terrorism against the Jews. The real import was contained in" Armenian and Assyrian settlers instead of the Jews. "The Jews ready Albanians Are Tolerant to receive them. his announcement that "further pressure against Jews . . . " are no danger to us," the Arabs insisted, "but the others would To protect the country from Will Scrutinize All Requests As to the attitude of the popuM. Beratti, Minister for Nation- lation toward the Jews—it would peaceful absorption by interested * would be in the hands of the State. "The fight against Jewry," endanger our position." foreign powers, Albania long ago al Economy, told the Jewish Tele- be determined more by the consaid his edict, "will be conducted by the state Nazi movement in The Arabs knew only too well that impoverished Armenians adopted laws prohibiting the own- graphic Agency that "the Alban- duct of the new settlers, t h a n another way." This "other way" soon became manifest. In Ber- and Assyrians would be a drain on Syrian economy. But Jewish ership of. rural land by foreign- ian Government will carefully es- any other factor. Albania has a amine every request coming from few hundred Jews who have relin a warning was issued to Jews from the provinces not to come capital, enterprise, technical proficiency and industry, would cre- ers. This law is still in effect and Jews desirous of establishing sided there in peace and happiundoubtedly will remain on the to the capital city. It is estimated by the Nazis that about 20,000 ate work, raise the standard of living and bring prosperity, just statute-books. But for Jews pre- themselves in Albania and invest- ness for many years. In Valona, : Jews have settled in Berlin in the last year. Forced out of their as in Palestine. pared to invest capital in t h e ing capital here in agricultural or one of the largest cities of Al- \ • bania, where there ere only sis' T h e country a n d to adopt Albanian industrial enterprises." businesses and professions in the provinces, and subject to uno u r «?sc3us.iTT© s p e c i a l Immigration into Albania is Jewish families, a Jew has been citizenship, the government is controlled anti-Semitic persecutions in the smaller communities', prepared to make important con- free and •unrestricted and t h eelected vice-mayor. Members of '4% "The Perfect Mixer" Government imposes no residence t h e Government would be symthousands have flocked to Berlin in the hope that the bigger city cessions. pathetic and friendly to the Jews. Try s hoitle of delicious The blight of bigotry is a dark blotch of shame on the es- It m u s t be clearly borne in tax on foreigners. would offer some sort of refuge. Many of them have come to BerSmall merchants and artisans, The people are a simple, tolerant mind that Albania cannot at this mf*. lin in order to utilize the services of the Central Jewish Emigra- cutcheon of any country or state. As a whole, Nebraska has rea- time or in the near future offer however, would find f e w or nofolk and a religious issue would tion Advisory offices and other Jewish aid institutions, and have son to be proud-of her citizenry for their broad outlook on reli- a refuge and a new home to any prospects in the country. Labor- not be raised. cm sale at all fruit; markers, would find none at all since The presence of Herman Bern- grocery stores and lnnch stands abandoned their original intentions of emigrating, remaining in gious questions and the harmony and good-will which aids com- large number of Jews. The ab-ers there is a great abundance o£ un- | stein, American-Jewish editor and Berlin. This influx of Jews into Berlin, says the official decree, munity co-operation and results in greater progress. skilled labour in t h e country. (author, In Tirana f o r several y Only those •with sufficient capital j years as American Minister, did It is accordingly revolting to right-thinking people to read "is entirely undesirable and contrary to the Reich Government's to operate large farms or engage much, to further respect and likmeasures." In the future, therefore, such needy Jews will be sent in the newspapers where the Ku Klux Klan is being re-organized in large-scale cattle-raising on ing for the Jews among the Al- I81.O JKo. 20th St. -.-WE 3043 to the lodal workhouse, where they will be supplied only the barest in western Nebraska. Naturally, the revival of this ugly vulture modern lines or establish Indus- I banians BE he was universally By O. O. DASHEB necessities, and they will be sent out of the city as soon as pos- on prejudice is not a spontaneous decision - - as is always adver-
in-laws have broken the original marriage agreement, in which each allowed the other to select the religion of the child. "God rules the world through justice and love," was a sentence in the agreement between Mr. and Mrse. Miller. And the object lesson of this intermarriage has been repeated again and again . . . it has become part of the drama of lif e.
Spirit of Sports
German Lines
tised - - but' is the result of the .work of a paid agitator. Some ' sible. I Heproaca h a t h broken my Where they will go, is a problem with which the Reich lead- are always ready to feed on the wages of intoleerance, taking heart, and Jt am sore sick, and I ers are little concerned, for similar decrees, prohibiting Jews from advantage of hard times and ignorance to swell their own in- looked for''some to show compassettling within their city limits, have been adopted by a number come through the sale of hatred. Gail S. Carter of Chicago, grand sion but there was none, and for comforters, but I found none. ' of German communities, especially in the Mosel 'district, and of- dragon of the notorious K. K. K., addressed three meetings - - Cast me not off in the time of ficial action in Berlin augurs .extension of the same policy at Morrill, at Bayard, and at Mitchell Pass. In one place a pastor old age, when ray strength failthroughout the Reich. At the same time the anti-Jewish boycott is so forgot the noble calling under which he masks as to introduce eth, forsake tne not. Thou, who hast made me to see being pressed on all fronts. Jewish shops are being attacked and the speaker whose official title proclaimed that he would spout many a n d sore troubles, wilt windows (broken. Pickets are "posted before Jewish shops to warn out venom of hatred in direct violation of every creed pronounced quicken me again, and bring me customers away. Names of "Aryans" caught dealing with Jews by the founder and leaders of the Christian church. Naturally, a up again from the depths of the are published in local papers, and in many cases photographs of membership drive was started - - and so strange to say - - dues earth. Let the mountains bear peace , "Aryans" in the doorway of Jewish establishments are promin- and fees asked. to the people and t h e hills, ently posted. Jewish stores all over the country are being forced In the hour of crisis, Jews and Catholics and Negroes have through righteousness. TALMUD to shut down, while others are barely hanging on. suffered the same as the rest of the populace. The woes of all Rabbi Hillel said, "Separate The'course of action for Jewish groups to follow in the pres- of the people have also been their,woes, the economic difficulties not thyself from the community, ent criste is obvious. Our interests are directly intertwined with of the country have reacted to their own personal loss. It is bad trust not in thyself until the day the interests of the Catholics and non-Nazi Protestants. Separ- enough to watch demagogues was wealthy at the expense of mis- of the death, judge not thy neighbor until thou art come into his ate action is weakening; concerted action will bear fruit. guided citizens who will subscribe to a program of bigotry and place, do not express yourself in I intolerancee, but it wounds deeply to know that in America, the such a way that your words may be understood only after careful land of enlightenment where education ia •universal, the land study, and deep .thought, but let which was founded on religious freedom, founded by pioneers them be clear and Intelligible." The jrealm of speculation opens as many vistas into a wide un"Say not, when I have leisure I who built up the country despite privation and suffering in order known. .Xnd now . . . queer thought . . . we just happened to will study, perchance thou wilt wonder what would happen should that "lovable" character and to escape persecution - - - it wounds deeply to know that here in have not leisure." "appreciative" soul, Herr Adolph Hitler, decide to reward Mathew our midst our men who have th'e temerity to call themselves Rabbi HHlel used to say, "An empty-headed man can not be a Solomon^ the Jewish policeman of New York, who wa3 injured good American citizens and yet are in their blind ignorance will- sin-fearing man, nor can an igwhile trying to protect the swastika flag on the ship Bremen dur- ing to forego the heritage of their people, the legacy of the found- norant person be pious, nor can a ers of these United States. To prattle words is an inexpensive man who is ashamed to ask quesing the recent disturbance. pasttime - » the K. K. K. arrogantly assumes the mantle of tions for fear of exposing his igThe'Jewish cop, unless we are mistaken . . . and we hope we norance acquire an education, nor are not J\ . , would send the medal back to the Reichsfuehrer with Americanism, 100 per cent Americanism, mind you, yet their ba- can a person who has a quicktemper teach, nor can one who is the salient comment that "I defended the swastika flag in ac- sic principle is as un-American and as alien to the true Ameri- engaged overmuch in business canism as are kidnapping and murder. Every American worthy of cordance | with my duty as a policeman, although I despise your grow wise. Do not boldly push emblem.:As a Jew, I would gladly relish Beeing your flag tucked the name will denounce the K. K.-K. and all it represents - - - it yourself iorward, but where there is no one to fill the position of a away wtifere it belongs - - in a museum as a relic of a twentieth is one of the acid tests of Americanism. leader, and you have the qualificentury's! barbarian age which is eternally dead." cations, do not shrink from be-
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SeaufifuS lusfrout qusufy northern *taf coats rn new swegger lengths.
ing the inan." Rabbi Hillel once saw a skull floating on the surface of t h e Another of Germany's neighbors givea added proof of itswater, he s a i d to it, "Because An object lesson in intermarriage was given in New York determination to keep the poisonous venom of Nazi anti-Semitism thou didst drown others, they have ! j n drowsed thee, and at last they this weelf, when there was aired in court the marital tangle of out of its veins. that drowned thee shall themJacob Miller, Jewish truck -driver, and Helen White, the Catholic In Hungary no less a source than the Pfeilgreualer, Hun- selves be drowned." girl whoia he married sis years ago. They both seem to care for garian Nazi organization, has announced its failure to gain any Rai>bi Hillel used to say, "The [I more flesh, t i e more -worms; the .,each other and are not particularly troubled by religious scruples. ground. In an effort to do better, the group is being reorganized, more property, the c o r e anxiety; V But the recent situation in Germany seems to have made Jacob with new leaders and new methods. Reassuring, however, are the the more women, the more witchthe more maid-servants, more interested in the faith of his offspring. words of the Jewish leaders, who say that no matter how the craft; ths more lewdness; t h e more Wheji they had their first child, the girl was named Delores, Nazis reorganize their machinery in Hungary their activities will men-servants, the more robbery; the more -Torah, the more life; and Mrs,';Miller had her baptized a Catholic. But six weeks ago come to naught. the more schooling1, tne more wisthey had.ia boy, Robert, and then began the struggle for its spirAs an indication of the direction ia which the wind is blow- dom; tb© more counsel, the more itual life]! The father wants a Jewish boy. The mother is equally ing, the Hungarian minister of trade has declared that the Sun- understanding; the more charity, determined to have him reared a Catholic. Justice Meier Stein- law ia hungary will be relaxed so as to enable £he Jewish popula- the mare peace, lie who lias aca good came, has acquired brink couldn't untangle the matter, so he Solomonically postponed tion of the country to keep their establishmsats open on Sundays. quired it for hlmssif, b$ who has ac,- the case jjo "that a priest and a rabbi could solve.the puzzle. quired for himself vrords of the Torah lias acquired for himselt • The W e s t s of Jacob and of Helen feel that their respective ! The daughter is as the another was. life la t i e tutars of UJS "
It Yea Hav© in M'md a Gesd Looking Seo the Voices ia Ossr Ai2jjast Sale ttt /""
• -.-.* . ; - - '
RECENTLYWED &®mmmmmmmmmss&
mm mmsssmi
V, 0 SILVER-MUSKIN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Muakln announce the marriage of their daughter, Dorothy, to Cy Silver, Bon ol Mrs. Sarah Silver, in Chicago, on Tuesday, August 6.
WEDDING DATE SET Miss Rose Colick h a s chosen Sunday, August 18, as the date of her marriage to Albert A. Garber. The wedding will take place at home in the presence of the immediate families only.
"Word has been received here of the marriage, July 15, of Miss Shirley Feldman, to Mr. S a m Bloom, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Bloom of this city. The ceremony took place at Santa Anna, Calif. The couple will reside at Venice, California.
SURPRISE SLUMBER PARTY The P h i Beta Sigma sorority held a surprise slumber party for Miss Jeannette Marks at the home of Miss Evelyn Miroff, Friday, July 26. Miss: Marks recently returned from Chicago, where she visited an aunt for several weeks.
SHEISTTELD-9KLAR The marriage of Miss Ann Bklar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Sklar, to Joe Shenfleld, eon of Mrs. Sarah Shenfleld, -will take place Sunday, August 11, at the home of the bride-to-be. Rabbi TTrl Miller -will perform the ceremony, which -prill take place In the presence of the families only. A reception for relatives and friends -wilt be held from 2 until 8 o'clock. No card have been issued. All friends and relatives are cordially invited to attend.
VISITS SISTER FIRST TIME IN 35 YEARS Mr. Max Zweiback is visiting in New York with his sister, Mrs. Evelyn Sterling, whom he had not seen for 35 years. He will return in about three weeks. Mr. Sam, who accompanied h i s father to New York, returned last week.
BRODKEY-BERNSTEIN ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bernstein of Council Bluffs announce t h e engagement of their daughter, Rae, to Mr. Edwin Brodkey, son of Mr. and MrB. Ben'Brodkey of Omaha. No definite date has been set for the wedding.
I lip tap
ST. PAUL VISITOR Mr. Irving Weiner of St. Paul Bpent four days during the early part of the week visiting h i s friends here. WEEK-END HERE Miss • Bernice Lieberman of Sioux City spent a week here as a housegucst of Miss Sarah Rifkin.
,'ISITORS Misses Sophie, Sadie and Moe Deutch of Kansas City, 'Kansas, are spending six days visiting their friends here. Both Sadie and Sophie are houseguests of Mr. and Sirs. Morris Friedel.
TO JOIN HUSBAND Mrs. Jacob A. Davidson arrived n Omaha from Chicago Thursday o join her husband, who for the » " past three months lias been ad- \4 vertlsing manager of the South Omaha Sun. They are making heir home at the Kipling, 109 So. 32d Ave. '
TO NEW YOUK AT BLACK HILLS KANSAS CITY Mrs. Labby Kaplan rain her p«n, Mr;-and Mrs. M. -D. Brocikey, Miss Esther Goldberg:, of Kan;> and their' son, Edward D. Brod- sas City, is a. houseguest of Mr. Morris,, and Jier sipter-in-law, JNi -s1 Morris Kicks, of Missouri Vs'.U-; , key, and Louis Barish are spend- and Sirs. I. Bernstein. left yesterday, via motor, for K«-v. ing three weeks vacationing in the York city v, here they vill joiu AT FOET CROOK Black Hills. Kaplan's daughter, KarM.. Herman Faier is encamped for Mrs. act1, then they will visit Canaiistwo weeks at Fort Crook with the WEEK-END GUEST find will return to Om&h». throisi-l'1. : Nebraska K. O. T. C. ttUESTS Miss Lillian Zimmerman, of the southern states. They plan •> ' >•• Miss Myra Ginsberg and Lois Chicago, was a week-end guest of spending a month on this trip. r her sorority sister, Miss Shirlej RETURNING HOME Polsky of Des Moines, who came Miss Shirley Kay, of Berkley, Earish. here to-attend the Phi Epsilon Pi California, ivho has been a house-formal, were week end guests fcuest of her cousin,. Ethelj'n Kulhere. HOUSE GUEST FROM i akofsky, for the past six weeks, Board! and Eoom bv DES MOIXES TO DES MOINES Miss Betty Bookey of D e s i is returning home this Sunday. - Motiicr BTifi Daughter / Miss Bluma Neveleff is leaving I n Good Jewish MOMH* Moines will spend a week here vafor Des Moines Sunday, where she cationing a n d will be a house- VACATIONING IX MINNESOTA Call Miss Coheu at .1 . C. C. Miss Bernice Shermsn. will attend the Oppenhani-MarkMr. end Mrs. M. E. Chapman tin. XSiSh guest of her cousin, Miss Ethelyn ham wedding and while there she Beneath a canopy of green, em- j Kulakcfcky. She will also spend are vacationing at Bernied;'!, Minwill be a house guest of Nettie banked by palms, t h e religious I a few days w i t h Miss Marian nesota. They I,1E.II on $:.t£.yiu£ Oppenham. there for ten days. wedding ceremony of Miss Ber- jScharff, of .Council Bluffs. nice Sherman, daughter of Mr. IT BTT.r, r A T VOX OX EXTENSIVE TRIP and Mrs. David Sherman, to Dav- VISITING RELATIVES ! WEEK AX OKOB.O.TI To ConsnU Mr. and Mrs. David Greenberg id Lazarus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Morris Peltz and his da.tigh- • Mr. and Mrs. Louis Somberg, and family departed last week via Harry Lazarus, will take place at ter, Phyllis, of Chicago, are va- j accompanied by Herman Gold: motor for a sixty-five hundred 4 o'clock, this Sunday, at t h e cationing with their relatives here ] stein, spent a week vacationing at mile trip to Yellowstone National Blackstone Hotel in .the presence for a week. Lake Okobcji. Park, S a n Francisco, Seattle, of the immediate families. "Washington, and Portland, Ore[GUESTS HERE Miss Bernice Sherman w i l l j Mr. and Mrs. Sam Altsuler have Highest Grade Enamels, (£.00 Etii gon. They plan on taking from three tto four weeks to make this wear a brown crepe dress with a I as their guests Mrs. Altsuler's eisWATERPROOF A I X - r m r O ^ E rr.f. velvet tunic coat and brown ac- i ters, Mrs. Rose Arkus, of N e w extensive trip. Sl'AK VAKMSn, ES.oC GallOB cessories and will carry a colonial | York City, and Miss Pauline Kukbouquet. Mrs. D. David Kef sky of lin, and their niece, Ida Kuklin, Omaha Jobbing Company TO KANSAS CITY Miss Bernice Bramson left for Lincoln, a sister of Miss Sherman, of Chicago. They plan on spendher home in Kansas City, after will be her sister's maid o£ honor. ing an Indefinite stay here. spending two weeks here as a Mr. David Krantz, brother-in-law guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. of David Lazarus, will serve him as the best man. Rabbi David A. and Mrs. Jack Bramson. Goldstein is officiating. Following t h e wedding cereHOUSE GUEST Shop £a Corsfcrt In Our New Aip-Coolffd Fur Seel lor* Mrs. Morris Stalmaster Mrs.^ Dave Goldware, of Chi- mony, there will be a reception cago, is spending a week here as for the members of the immediAbove is pictured Mrs. Morris a houseguest of Mr. and Mrs. Samate families only. Stalmaster, who was wed on July Yousem. Mr. Goldware was for28. Prior to her marriage,. Mrs. merly of Omaha. Stalmaster was Miss Zelda Saferstein. She Is the daughter of Mr. IN OZARKS and Mrs. William Saferstein. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hornstein l»are vacationing for two weeks in AT ESTES the Ozarks Mountains. Features Mr. ~and Mrs. Samuel Zactiaria are spending a week's sojourn at AT KING'S LAKE Shampoo end flager Trave 50c Estes Park? Miss Gladys Bernstein is vaca- THE NEW tioning for ttro tveeks at King's Zotos Peraianent 'Vrave vrith ^" O Lake. FEW DAYS HERE v no machinery anfl no electriMr. and Mrs. Herman Gross of city used at SP6.50 and xsp. Peoria, Illinois, and Mrs. Gross's FROM ST. JOSEPH Tie Bmnsseia Theater Miss Mary Caplan of St. Joseph uncle, Mr. Ed Levy, spent a few AT. 4SS3 days here while, enroute to Estes is a houseguest of h e r cousin, We ere presenting a truly superH collection o! furs—dramatically Park and Pikes Peak and expect Miss Rose-Slutsky styled in the newest winter fashions. AH !h@ most importcmt new to stop off here on t h e return trip. advance fashion influences, in furs and colorings. All beautifully
For Rent
CMEiCIAL' «f. 2Se
FISHING TRIP Sam Yousem, A. P. Goldware and Julius Brenner a r o leaving for a week-end fishing t r i p at Central City, Nebraska.
iTRIP THROUGH MID-WEST1 ! LEAVES FOR LOS ANGELES CHICAGO VISITOR Sol Dolgoff is taking an extoi:Miss Bess Goldware, formerly Leon Ferer left last week for of Omaha, now of Chicago, is vis- Los Angeles where he will visit ! sire trip through t li e Mid-Wet". iting her friends a n d relatives his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. I and through eastern cities v- w twhile vacationing here for t w o and Mrs. Phii Krasne, for three will spend several woelvF Sn Krv weeks. York City, where he will visit i-i.rweeks. merous relatives. VACATIOXIXG IX CHICAGO TO ATLANTA Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Dolfoff ETC j SIX-WEEK VACATION Israel Hornstein departed Sunday morning via motorcycle for a vacationing for ten days in ChiMiss? Kuth White recently {imtwo weeks' trip to Atlantic, Geor- cago, parted for a. six week vacation gia. She will visit her relatives 1B d'^ TITO WEEKS AT OKOBO-TI er.go, Nev: York, riUsburizh, rv>:<TMr. end Mrs. Harry Malnsfcock adelphia and Atlantic City. Mr.r.fVACATIONING IX MINNESOTA Mr. and Mrs, Abe Herzberp are and their E=ons, Lloyd and Irvinp, informal Bffrdre arc being pltmnfv; vacationing for ten days at Rad- are vacationing for two weeks Pt in her honor. ison Inn, Excelsior, Minnesota. Lake Okobojl.
WEEK-END GUESTS Misses Nettie Oppenhaim of Des Moines, and Betty Rapoport of 3edar Rapids, Iowa, who came in o attend the Phi Epsilon Pi formal, were week-end guests of Miss Bluma Neveleff.
RETURNS TO SIOUX CITY Miss Lucille Kronick, of Sioux City, departed last week after vacationing here for ten dayB as a houseguest of Miss Irene Fishberg. Miss FiBhberg accompanied SHERMAN-RISEMAN Announcement lias been made her home and spent a few days ef the engagement of Ruth Rise- in Sioux City. man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Rlseman of Douglas, Nebraska, to TO MASSACHUSETTS Fred Sherman? son of Mr. a n d Mrs. Ed Berg and her daughMrs. Philip Sherman of Sioux ter, Frances, departed last week City, Iowa. ' for North Adams, Massachusetts, Miss Riseman attended the uni- where they will spend the remainversity of Nebraska and is a mem- der of the summer visiting their ber of Sigma Delta Tau sorority. relatives and friends. Mr. Sherman is a graduate of the University of Nebraska and is a RETURNS FROM SIOUX CITY member of Sigma Alpha Mu. Mildred Berg recently returned Definite plans for the wedding after vacationing tor ten days in have not yet been made, but will Sioux City, where she was a guest take place in the Fall. : of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Millard Krasne of Council Bluffs are entertaining at Mrs. L. Rice. a dinner, Sunday, fof the immediate families. Mrs. Krasne is a sis- ON VACATION Mr. and Mrs. Phineas {Wintroub ter of the bride-to-be. are vacationing at Lake Okoboj for ten days. SETS WEDDING DATE WEEK IN SIOUX CITY Miss Pauline Hurwitz, who will SUMMER IN OAKLAND Mrs. Leo Chaiken is spending become the bride of E. Isidor Mrs. S. Corenman Is spending WIdman, has chosen Sunday, Au- the summer at the home of her a week in Sioux City visiting her gust 18, as the date of her mar- son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and grandparents. riage. \ *• . Mrs. E. I. Kushner, in Oakland Miss Hurwitz has been exten- California. She will return to Om- TEN-DAY STAY sively entertained. Among h e r M i s s Ida Blacker departed hostesses have been the following aha for the High Holidays. Wednesday for a ten-day stay in Mesdames: I. Hurwitz, mother of Detroit with her cousin, Miss Rose the bride-to-be, and L. E. Fogel, FROM NEW YORK Gelfand. S h e will stop over in Miss Sylvia Lipsman arrived In Chicago for a few days. Bister, who entertained at a luncheon, and bridg© at t h e Medical Omaha Monday to spend two Arts tearoom; 'Morris Margolin weeks at the home of her mother, TO NEW YORK and N. S. Yaffe, luncheon a n d Mrs. A. Lipsman. Miss Lip&man Miss "Marjorie Kaplan l e f t bridge a t ' the Tudor \ Arms tea- who resides in New York, wil Wednesday for a month's trip to room; Gail and Louis Margolin, motor to Lincoln- to visit he New York city where s h e will luncheon and bridge a t t h a Ac- brother-in-law and sister, Mr. andvisit her friends and relatives. quila Court tearoom; 4 Lawrence Mrs. Phil Katz. Many affairs are Finkle, Joe Bernstein and Hyman being planned to entertain ' he TEN DAYS HERE Belman, luncheon and bridge at during her stay. Melvln Riseman of Ottumwa the Elks Club; Al Finkel, sister Iowa, is spending ten days here of the bride, studio bridge; Jules RETURN FROM TRIP as a house guest of his uncle and Shapiro, luncheon and bridge at Mr. and Mrs. Max Jacks a n d Mr. and Mrs. Charles Risehome; J. J. Michnick, bridge at daughter, Marcaliene, of Hast aunt, man. home; H. Lippet and Miss Martha ings, Nebr., have returned from a Lippet, bridge at home; and Miss trip to New York, Cleveland and THREE-WEEK VACATION Ann Fogel, a theatre party. Niagara Falls. Mrs. Jacks Is the Miss Ida Borinson is spending Mrs. Max Mozer of Lincoln gave former Lillian Lazer of South three weeks vacationing in New a dinner and bridge in Miss Hur- Omaha. York city. witz's honor. • ' Miss Rose Dolgoff will be host- FROM PHIIiADEL.PHIA GUEST HERE ess at bridge, Sunday, August 11, Dr. RoseMikelberg and daughMiss Helen Ravitz of Salt' Lake at home, to honor the bride-to-be. ter, Elinor, of Philadelphia, ar City is spending three -weeks here rived Wednesday for a visit ai as a guest of her uncle and aun$ LUNCHEON AND BRIDGE the home of Dr. Mikelberg's par- Mr. and Mrs. L. Whitebook. Miss Irene Hirsh" entertained at ents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Minkiri a 1 o'clock luncheon and bridge, The visitors will spend t h e Saturday, at the Tudor Arms, In week-end at the Sam Weinberg honor of Miss Harriet Greenblatt, home in Fremont; ,. bride-to-be. Among her guests NICELY furnished room in •were: Misses Rita Mantel, Ruth ON BUYING TRIP modern Jewish home, for gentKcndis, Goldle Siedman, Ida Han- Mr. J. M. Resnlck is. in the eas' leman. Reasonable. 3035 Lindelman and Harriet Greenblatt, on a buying trip. coln Blvd. Harney 5804. and Mesdames Leon Fellman, Jack Newberg, Harry Greenblatt, TO OKOBOJI and Leonard Posley. Miss Rita Mrs. H. S. Novitsky, and daugh Mantel and Mrs. Posley won the ters, Lois and Gloria left Monday prizes. morning- for a ten day stay a Lake Okobojl. They will be Joined ANNOUNCE BIRTH by Mrs. Sarah Feltman and son Mr. and Mrs. Julius Wolk, 2437 Stanley, Mrs. Hymie Novitsky and No. 33rd Ave., announce the birth Miss Thelma Gaspar, of Omaha of a son, Leonard Philip. GUEST FROM ROCK ISLAND BARMITZVAH Miss Sadye. Leibowitz of Rock Mr. and Mrs. J. Crounse an- Island, 111., is the guest of Mis nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their Ann Sklar, 3107 Hamilton street f son, Paul, Saturday, August 10, at the B'nai Israel synagogue at 18th IN CHICAGO and Chicago streets. All friends Mrs. Sam Singer, accompanied and relatives are cordially invited. by her son. Bob, are spending ten No invitations have been issued. days in Chicago visiting friend and relatives. 3SIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forbes gave IN SIOUX CITY s birthday party in honor of their Miss Babe Margolin Is vacation daughter, Anita, five. Ten chll« Ing in Sioux City f o r a week dren were entertained. Friends While there sho will be a gues and relatives were also present. of the Friedman twins. VISITING PARENTS MiS3 Minnie Sherman, who is a traveling representative for a cosmetics company, is spending tv?o vreeks here visiting her parents.
.What an offer! Every housewife wants this Laundry set. This is the famous G-E Silent .Wssher., Does a perfect washing job . . . sturdily built . . . will grfre years of fine service. Comes with 2 fine drain tubs.
J\ m u
° M>
This Ironing Table is Automatic It 'sets itself op." . . . no tugging and pulling. The iron.- has a dossir different "heats at the touch of a flng-% er . ... completely automatic Come in for a demonstration.
Imported IKfdel d Cat Wvessel Hudson- Seal Fitch
Sizes 12 i*» W9 M to 'M Cs Second Floor
BUSS ANNA PILL, corn jnsEnnniBnraiiEiriSEiMnniinia'jiiiKiiiiiiffliii
Ope Hundred Workers Are Expected to Attend
1 1 J < 3
.1 3
1 i 1 * "Jt
• " .•
A Kick-Off Dinner lor all workers on the Big 1935 Inter-Club Council Carnival will be held at the Elks Club Dining Roonj, Tuesday evening, August 13, at 6:30 o'clock. An etfort ia being made to get every available worker to this dinner, and plans are being maue to accommodate more than 100 workers. • v The Carnival this' year will be held October 14 in the City Auditorium. The committees in. charge hope to raise $7,000 through this large project. Last year the Carnival netted. $5,500. Many new features have been planned lor this year's Carnival. One of the outstanding n e w features'of: this year'B event will bo the drawing for a Thirty Day trip; for two people to Chicago, New, Orleans, Havana, Panama, and Central America. The committee in charge of this major drawing met Monday afternoon, and they hope to make this event the biggest new feature of the Carnival. Those who niet Monday to plan this raffle included A. M. Davis, Mesdames E . E . Baron, Ruben Miller and J. Kalin.
NORTH AMERICA LIBERALS QUIT PUSHKIN CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE AT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY BECAUSE OF SPONSORS' ANTISEMITISM . . . Even when" out of power, Tzarlstic Russia retains its anti-Jewish bias. CANADIAN JEWS AROUSED AS VANDALS STEAL TORAH SCROLL FROM SUMMER RESORT SYNAGOGUE . . V A. thief works. without prejudice to race, A group of Sioux Cityans spent religion or color. 1,815 JEWISH IMMIGRANTS Sunday in Omaha, attending the activities of the Annual Phi EpENTERED UNITED STATES IN Day sponsored by the Alpha Beta FIRST FIVE MONTHS OF 1935 Chapter of the P h i Epsilon PI . . . Which means that Jewish imFraternity. T h e activities were migration to the U. S. belongs to held in the Paxton Hotel, the dayyesterday. opening with a breakfast a n d EUROPE business meeting, and concluding WARSAW JEWISH, EMPLOYwith a dinner dance in the eve-ERS SEEK ONLY CHRISTIAN ning. WORKERS . . . Not out of their Amog those from Sioux C i t y free will. ' who attended w e r e Dr. H. A. HUNGARY PLANS NUMERLazere. Alfred Albert, Dave Al- OUS CLAUSES FOR JEWISH bert, Morris Bernstein, Edward LAWYERS . ; . "Plans" is funny!
Attend Phi Ep Day in Omaha
Miller, David Levitt, Milton Barrent, Morris Lasensky and George Kuntz. breakfast Sunday morning, honoring Miss Clara Goldberg of Chicago, who visited her this week.
£= country.
„ As a result, Syria has been able gjto export large'Quantities of cfaoc1! olate to Palestifie,' The cutting ol l i t h e sugar duty will enable Pales-
snics, the ministry of the interior has appointed a special commission to cooperate with J e w i s h leaders in this process ol name
is tine industries to compete In the ' " "" " domestic ss well as i s the foreign Jewish Press advertisers merit to a committee of nationally prom- market. VQV.T patronage. inent spiritual leaders of Orthodox Jewry to meet with you in MOVSKV, GEOBIKSKT. MAKER Washington, a t your convenience, Nam® Cfeange " '• COHEN, Attorneys. to petition you for advice and asIstanbul (WNS)—Because the sistance in this bitter h o u r of have been slow to carry out 'TJfr; VX FVBMCATION FOB SETgrief for Jews all over the world." a recent government decree orderW R f T O F FINAI; ADMIMSl!fliIII!11!llll!i!li::li!!1!1!l!li!1 Ii;i!I ;ll!!ilI!ni!!ll ! ;l :1!l;:lllilf:p:S
Dispky Tabooed Milwaukee, Wis. ( W N S ) — T h e swastika will not be displayed at the annual German Day celebration here on July 27 as a result of a decision reached by the Wisconsin Central Federation of German Societies. By a vote of 27 to 14 the affiliated organizations rejected a Nazi demand that t h e swastika be displayed a n d later by a vote of 53 to 19 the Nazi delegates were ejected from the meeting.
Name Palestine 'School
Tel Aviv (WNS-Palcor Agency) —The newest technical school of the Histadruth was named after Max Pine, late "New York Jewish labor leader, as 11 s cornerstone •was laid by Sir Arthur Wauchope, High Commissioner of Palestine. Max Pine, one of the foremost figures in the American labor movement, had headed many campaigns to raise funds for the rebuilding {Copyright, 1935, by' Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) of Palestine.. Among those present at the exercises were Rabbi Samuel Wohl, of Cincinnati, and Isaac Haralin, New York, heads of the American League for Labor • • • • Palestine, and I. Tasilersky, New York, official of the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union.
' XBAT5ON ACCOCNT— the County Court oj Douglas County,
Resi&ns As Mayor
FEIEBBIAX & SHRIEK, A ,40 First Katl Ban*
Atlantic, City, N. J. (WNS) — Harry Bacharacii, mayor of this PRORATE NOTICE the matter of the estate of SOLOm o s t famous of American sum- In MON COHEX, deceased: Notice is hereby given: mer resorts for more than a deThat the creditors of said deceased cade, has resigned to devote his •will meet the executor of BHid estate, of Douglas full time to the position of president of the New Jersey board of p u b l i c utility commissioners to which he. was recently appointed f o r another six-year term.. Mr. Bacharach, a brother of Congressman Isaac .Bacharach, is a former postmaster of Atlantic C i t y , a ERTCE CRAWFORD. member of its city council and a 8-:—St , County Judge. leading banker. He w a s first LEO ARBAMSOJT, Attorney Court House elected mayor in 1911, re-elected in 1916 and again in 1925. Notice !s hereby driven that on the l l t h day of July, .1935. Sam Moprilavpky, Rachel HopilavBky, Charles Moellavsky, Teddy ^togrilnvsky R minor, Earl Mo^navfiky, a minor. Albert Mopilavsky, E minor, by their brother and next friend, Charles 2\rocrnavsky, -filed a petition in the District Court of Douglas County, Nehraska, the prayer of which Is for er. order the surname of each of said petitioners from JIogHaissky to Mo-
In N th b e r a aiSter of H™ E«trUe ot JOSEPH T COHN. X>cr(M>.pert: All Wrsons interested In *ala matter a r e h p r e l . v notified that on t h e W h rt"' of .Tub'. I'-'.'iS. WHllnm G r o d ^ y filed e petition In sai.I County Couiv, prpvinp that his final administration nccmint filed herein be settled and alf and that he he discharged from 1 * » » a heanntr
v.-cer. BS to this Court mf.y seem proper, to tlie end tli&t nil matters perifiinini; to sail estate ma-- be finally settled end determined. ERTCE CRAWFORD. County Judg». 7-19-S3MOXSKT, C.KOTUNPKV, 3KAKEK * COKES and .T. HAIIOU) SAKS. Att.v». Omnbn Xntionn! Bank Bids.
Notice is hereby piven that the undersigned formed R corporation, purEuatil to the 1RV.B O£ the State of Nebraska: The name of the corporation !« BARBARA JOT, INC., with i<» princien. pal plnoe of business in the City of OTnobjects for this oorporSaid application -will be presented for ntion Is formed a r e : To encace In the hearinc in Court Room No. 8, in the j| business oC distributing, p-plling- and Court House in Omaha, Nebraska, on manufacturing SB principal, atrent, facMonday, August 19,' 1935, a t nine tor or otherwise and in its ov,-n behalf o'clock A. i»t.T or as soon thereafter as or In behnK of others, roods, T.-nrf1*, Hope to Work Oat Program petitioners m a r be heard. merchandise, commodities ftnu rrod\*pr?i SAM JfOGII/ATSKT. of every kind and character; io manufor Three and One-Half Mil- . RACHEL KOGILAVSKT, f facture. sell and distribute CHARLES MOGILAVSKT, • p.nd beauty preparations, nnd tocosmetics lion Indigent tfews acquire, TDDi)V JIOGIL.AVSKY. hold. 3eli,-alienate or encumber any airi EARL MOGILAVSKT, ail properly, real or personal. vh:<-h ALBERT MOGILAVSKT, nmy he neoesnp.ry nm! convenient in nnO New York (JTA)—-The FederPetitioners. ff for r-is-s -it the accomplishment of the corporaation of Polish Jews in America tion's objects. The Company fihali h,iv.= authority to borrow money am! issue evSIDNEY-U EPSTEIN, Attorney last treek chose five delegates to idences of. indebtedness therefor. Th1!? SOI Electric Eldgr. represent it at the World Confertotal fuithorized capital stock is ?!> ,000, par vrlue S100 per phnre; all NOTICE ence to be held in London, SepNotice is he-eby friven that the under-j Common and when issued HIIRII be ful!> tember 7 to 11, for the purpose Bigned have associated themselves to-1[ paid pate nnd non-asseFitalile. The corcorng-ether for the purpose o{ forming e. cor-i tSon u^inep^ upo of' ice shrvll commenr p o ! . a t i o n m ( 3 e r a n d b ^ ,-irtue or the l y of its Articles with the C - -State of Nebraska. T h e name of j fiHnr: of the three and one-half million of- the Clerk of, Doupiiss County, Nebraska, HIT! the corporation shp.ll be the Omcha LI-JphaH continue until January 1st. ijr.l. indigent Poland, csuor Corporation. The .principal place of \ The hiprhest amount of. indebtednepg The L o n d o n C o n f e r e n c e 'Will ! business shr.U be at Omaha, ItaugletMshnU not exceed tiro-thirds of the caiu{ Nebraska.. The g-eneral nature of f tat ptock. The afi'fiirs of; the corporation consist of delegates of Polish Jew- j County, the business to be transacted and the-1 shall be r' hy Board u rectors consisting1 tli an ish organizations and societies in i y n>oses for which this corporation is I nor IB ore f hnn 1 f . . . _ f rmed arc as follows: enprape In jreneral stockholders shrt! : elect Directors RE the operate »nd :o tleal in all and annual meeting ?c be held the ^"conu many countries. The Federation \. i. limitation -whatsc- JvVontlay in January of each year. Thereof Polish Je'ws in America will be j _ after t h e Directors shaH elect officers. purchase, hold, use, imprOTe, I viz.. President, Vice-President. Secrprepresented by Benjamin Winter, [ ever%'olease and convey both real and j ta-y and Treawnrer. The Articloa may ei)tf - j rpersonal property so far as the same be amended upon notice as provided for. G. I. y be necessary to t h e carrying; on of Dated April 9th, 19";. del, treasurer; Dr. Samuel Mar.T. ITAItOI.D SAKS, . To borrovr irsoney and to secure the A. GKEEXBERG. goshes, honorary rice - president; repayment of the same br the issuance 8-1-35—44 notes, bonds, debentures, mortg-ares. and 2. Tygel, executive director. o£ trust deeds or other forms of securiBJOXPKT, GROniVSKT. MAGER « ties. S r n d X. 15AKO1.I)- SAKS, Atl}-» «.. To conduct a retail business for the t ' O E EOrnate Buenos Aires (JTA)—The PolKRtionaS Bunk IMd pu ose of buying- and selling liquor? ish Jewish societies in. Argentine and|or any other poods, vrares and merchandise to the retai! trade and p-enerbe represented by three dele- al!y Notice Is hereby p n {]iat the underto do any and all thinsE incidental have formed corporation, purgates at the forthcoming world to andjor connected *vith aBT of the signed suant to the laws < the State o£ Nepurposes herein mentioned. brastea: conference for the aid of Polish The authorized capita! [stock of the The name of She eorporniion it Jews. Conferences to choose dele- corporation shall he 55,000.00 divided in- SOLIDATEP DISTRIBUTORS. I N C, place of bu.sinesfi in gates will also shortly be held in, a n d jilj h i c h - sstock t o c k shall s h a l l Tie T i e ' ttiie h e C'"r of O nnlm ^hc (.-ft* for fill of of w which City oi Omalm. The oi. oi.jfc*s C L
OUT gossiper, having chiseled driving them back into the Ghetont a week's vacation, we are f or- to. They who have preened them- Threatens to Qeit tnnate to be able to present, selves as Americans, as world citVienna (WNS)—At a stormy through the courtesy of The New izens, as individualists long eman- meeting of t h e German cabinet Yorfe Mirror and with the cooper- cipated from the little cul-de-sac held immediately after the July Mr. M. Arielli, instructor at the ation of Walter "WinchelV Ben civilization of Israel, find them- 15 th anti-Seinltic riot in Berlin Omaha Hebrew Schools spent last Hecht, famous playwright and au-selves abruptly returned to a race General von Blomberg, Nazi minweek end in Sioux City, visiting thor, as gnest columnist.—THE they have outgrown. They look ister of defense, and Dr. Hjalmar with friends. : on themselves with confusion, and Schacht, N a z i minister of econEDITOR. ' a sad, belittling sense that they omics, threatened to resign unless Miss Rose Feldman left t h i s In the old days, when the world are interlopers a n d not citizens Hitler took prompt action to curb The New Terraplane which is week for her home in New York was pushing; them around a bit, empties their new world-spirit of the violent Jew-baiting of Julius to be raffled at the carnival is Ctiy after a two week visit here the Jews knew why they w e r e its strength. . Strelcher and his gang, according being shown on the street and with her father, Mr. H. Feldman. hated. It was the reward for be- It is not without a certain thrill to a report reaching here f r o m the committees report that the ing a Jew. God loved you but the—this spectacle of financiers, so- Munich. The report asserts that progress on thi3 raffle - is. f a r Mr. A. H. Baron and Mr. Edwin goyim hated you. And this seemed c i e t y leaders, literary talents b o t h Schacht a n d Blomberg ahead of last year. Jack Robin- W. Baron spent last week-end in to them fair enough. emerging as Jews under attack. warned Hitler that Streicher's tacson! Dr. H. M. Levin, and. Jack Minneapolis. Mrs..- A. H. Baron But today, when it is obvious Painful though it is, I have a tics were doing tremendous damGoldsmith, co-chairmen of this and daughter, Beverly, are spend- that God loves nobody—least of feeling' that this Jew conscious- age to Germany. raffle, are very enthusiastic; over ing this moh'h in Minneapolis all the Jews—the hatred of the ness is rather good for the seemthe progress of this phase of the with Mrs. Baron's parents. goyim is a little more complicated ingly assimilated Jew. There is carnival; . . . and infinitely more difficult; to a certain strength in shaking Revisionist Congress The advertising committee rehands, however briefly, with so V i e n n a (WNS)—The rump Miss Rosanna D'ikel was host- bear. pbrtB that all t h e ' preliminary ess to members of the Debra.Club valorous a historic sire as t h e world congress of the independent work has been completed. This Monday evening. The meeting was Zionist Revisionist Organization Religious folk don't mind be- Jew. committee has a list of over 650 followed by a social - hour and ing hated. They, as a r u l e emwill be held in Vienna on Septemprospects to be solicited for the refreshments. • I have a feeling also that the ber 8, it was officially announced brace the hatred of the infidel as Carnival program. About 500 ads a testimonial to their piety and German Jew • phobia Is going to here. were sold for the program ina test of their spiritual Jvalor. And hurt t h e Germans much more Mis3 Lillian Romirowsky. left 193'i. The-advertising' committee if need be they go singing, rather than the Jews. This, of course, Heads School Beard last week for Chicago where she expects to have at least 50 work" smugly, to their death, leaving pleases me. will, spend her vacation. ers,:; divided into 25 teams workMilwaukee, Wis. (WNS)—VotBismarck said of the Germans the world to the devil and h i s Ing!; on the Advertising solicitathat they made pretty good sold- ingrunanltnoasly- for the :.first time Brazil, XTraguay, Paraguay and C o m m o n « t o c k . a n d m a y b e p a i d t o r i n \ £ myrmidons. Mies Dorothy Merlin will leave '^ ? ^ \ % r , M fo'mVri „„ • tions by August 20. An effort In 20 years, the Milwaukee board css.-s, c o t e s o r o t n e r p r o p e r t y o r s e r v i c e s . In th» buplnn«<! oC tiistril-n'ess The Jews today, alas^ are not a iers but much better waiters. tomorrow for Chicago, where Bhe Chile, it was learned here. at the reasonable m a r k e t value thereof ^ ^ ^ Rnrt f n p n u f ^ t n r i n q : P., r r i n will be made to complete the. adof education elected as its presiOne can understand the mania religious but a,social folk. The will spend a week's vacation. vertising solicitations by Septemcontinuation of the old persecu- for purification that h a s come dent Harry V. Meissner, Jewish Mexico ( J T A ) — I I . R o s e n b e r g , ber 20. ' Mrs. Irving Goldstein; and chil- tion finds them therefor unarmed. over the Germans. When an en- attorney a n d former vice-presi- e d i t o r of t h e only Yiddish ne-wsand products of every kind arid chardent of Congregation Emanu-Bl1<sc> h fffIon? acter p.nd to acquire, hold, ?>?!!, nlicntinue dren, Bernadine and Paul Gene, As a religious folk, they were as tire nation bends Its energies to p a p e r i a Mexico, " D e r W e g , " vraE | / « • » period of fifty ate or encumber any p.nd all property, x_ ^, , -^,.,...^. dissolved. . , . . . . », . _ . I t-ercafter tereafter unless unless sooner sooner dissolved of Chicago, arrived In Sioux City spiritually valorous as any O l dwipe out an inferiority'complex B'nal Jeshurun. Mr. Meissner . ,. ! real or personal. v*'hioh. may be noef'swas elected to the echool board :\v and convenient in and for the acCXlOSen t o r e p r e s e n t POiSSh JeWS j The highest amount of indebtedness to Monday for a visit with the for-Guard, and they held their heads and remove by hook or crook a mer's mother, Mrs. Leah Baron, high against calumny a n d car- case of chronic halitosis, one feels in 1924 and re-elected In 1932. nage. As a social folk, however, 606 Virginia Street. Mr. a n d Mrs. Abe Mason of they are a rather new phenomena a certain logic and even sympathy Gates Defaced Maaon City, Iowa, are spending Mrs. Philip Sherman of Chi- and they haven't learned how toin Its decision. The Idiocy of Jerusalem (JTA)—A Nazi swathis week in Sioux City visiting cago is a guest at the J. Shindler take a* snub.. Even when the snub blaming the Jews for their bad stika sign -carrying the Inscription with frlendB and relatives, " cottage at Lake Okoboji. Mr. is administered by so declasse a odor, however, alienates one's Honoring them, Mr. and Mrs.Sherman will arrive in Sioux City human being a9 the androgynous mind, even if one Is not a Jew or "Hell Hitler" appeared last week a friend of Jews. I am sure of on the "Gates of Zion in JerusaLouis Dvorkin gave a picnic sup- Sunday for a visit with relatives Hitler. lem, opposite the tombs of t h e in September: M. Grosskopf, M. The corporation this. per, Sunday evening. and friends. KAT/PH EUEEXES, shall commence business upon the filinir Jewish kings. GERTRUDE KOTHKOF. J. Freid, Tice-president of FederMrs. S. Levitan entertained a SIK Artioloo with the Comity Clerk of On the other hand, I suppose Incorporators. H'g-laF County. XenrnpUa, nnd plmK group of intimate friends Tuesday the presence of: It would hava been much more '. The sign was obviously painted ation of Polish Jews in Palestine, in Sidney | continue unfil January Ipc. 19<-1. The Mr. and Mrs. Joe Merlin of Chi- that nobody could have hurt the X » Epstein, • by Arabs. Palestine police au- Dr. Friend, J. L. TVoIlman and A. at an evening o£ bridge. > hlphest Amount of Indebtedne?5 sh'ill cago will arrive In Sioux City Sun'- Jews as much as Germans. And sensible had the Germans decided thorities a r e investigating t h e 11i«n exceec! tvro-ti>i-(Is of til? cnpit-i! Weiss. Mr. and Mrs. Mason will leave day to spend their vacation with the* blame, sadly enough, belongs to alter their haircuts, to cut KOKSKT. GROT>IKSKT, i Etock. The affR-irp o? the corporation case. * COKES, Attvg." shall be administered by p. Board oC PiSunday for home and will be ac-friends and relatives. to the Jews. When this tough and down on their eating and restore !ST. Oiaaha- Ketl. Bk. BWg, rectors con^i^ving;- of l?of, 1PS,« than tvro their normal girths, to learn how Montreal (JTA)—Polish Jevs companied by Mrs. S. Levitan, nor more 5 tlmn four in nuniher. The cantankerous religious sect began to dance without hopping up and here decided to send one delegate Florence Joy Levitan and David Jews Threatened NOTICE OF rKOBATE OF WIXX, Misses <• R o s e . ' and Jeanette to suffer its first great spiritual down like kangaroos; or gone in ^County court or Dougla,- OoTmy .1 ^^SSSjZ^f£^^1 5 S Dvbrkln, who will make a t w o Sofia (JTA)—The entire Jew- to the Conference of Polish Jews dissolution in the early 19th CenBroches, 620 Virginia street, have I sifter t h e Directors B'oni! elect otfi'-T?, for a series of national electric ish community of Bulgaria w a s in London in September, and also week visit in Mason City. tury, it learned to walk as a world vis.. President, Vice-Pre«i<ien':, Peorpreturned from a trip to Chicago treatments to refine their stodgy decided to send A. Wolkofsy to t a r y , and Treasurer. The Ariielv-'s may citizen on German soil. It learned sensibilities, or summoned Freud agitated last week by the proposal Toronto, to persuade Polish. Jews Mrs. J: Shulkin has departed and Milwaukee. . : a new language almost overnight and his psyche; menders, to lec- of a law to deprive minorities in in Toronto to do likewise. for^her home in- Los Angeles, afand this languag ewas an amus- ture them . out'of their frustra- Bulgaria of their national status. ter visiting here with friends and ing distortion of t h e German tions' and inferiorities—it would | the inst wiU nr.d testament ot tuid relatives. L.ondon ( J T A ) — T h e C e n t r a l 1CCRBefi- *-na t h E t a. hearing tan be tongue. • have been much more profitable Drive Agalasi Jews in charge- of organizing I i^&FWlgg? f?lf - ^T^ So n^f 1 and curative^ to Barbarossa's chilRodgle Kosberg, Serene BarBerlin (WNS)—Notwithstand- tBureau v r h e f o r t h c o m i n g W o r l d C o n f e r - j^ f i 7 t h ( ^ Mlt C o .T-V In the course of a half century- dren than this present imbecilic f *"*" rent a n d Lucille Barrent spent ing repeated official assurances The Ladles' Auxiliary of Shaare all the Jews. In the world began business of washing themselves by ence of Polish J e w i s h Societies to | o'clock A. at.,"to contest the proimte «• said will. th« Court m a r al'iov.&n& p cSunday in Omaha, where they at- Zion Synagogue will bring Dr. A. to seem like Germans, whether that Germany will not discrimin- plan a relief program for their fpi<1 trU' R'u'' r t tf! tended the Phi - Ep dinner dance S. Sachar to Sioux City this fall they wanted-to or not, because plunging into the eternally filthy ate against Jews in the Olympic indigent brethren in Poland, an- os*?e of said Snie to to Bes Bessie t*vy or somr bog of bigotry. other euitahli? person, enter a detvree o i ll ! Sunday evening. Games, the sporting publication, t for a series of three lectures. The their nomenclature ^and their lannounced last "week that it has reCosinci! Bluffs, Uicreot. fend proceed to R nettlcmect! J "Auto," announces t h a t a new ceived information from Polish hi'rship dates for the lectures have been guage were related to the GerEHTCE CEAWFOSI), Hiss Ruth Nelsen of Minne- set, and the first of the commit- man. drive against Jewteh athletes has Jetrs in most European countries Whenever I hear Jews talk apolis, Mrs. Louis Kaplan a n d tees for the ticket sales will be And, In their new born ambi- about Hitler I come away with been begun. One of the leading that they •will send delegates Celia Kaplan of Chicago, a r e named this month. tion to become world citizens one sad hope. I wish they would women's handball teams of Ber- the conference. guests this week in the home of The first lecture is scheduled rather than synagogue recluses, stop suffering for just a few clari- lin h a s been barred from t h e Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kaplan. for Friday evening, October 25; this pleased, a goodly part of the fying moments and remember who Olympic trials because it played It is cow definite that Holland !! the second, Saturday evening, Oc- Jews. They became proud of their and what the Germans are. They against a Jewish team. The pubbe represented by Dr. Taubct ] \ Mr. S.: F. Matz, Mr. and Mrs.tober 26, and the final lecture for Culture, their worldiness, their are really not superior types of lication also cites a number of and Austria by Dr. Kreppel, I Ben Schnitzer of Chicago are in Sunday afternoon, the 27th. Jews, as the German Semites £O attacks in various o t h e r papers embnrg, Germany, Francs anc similarity to Germans. Sioux City this week visiting with against J e w s who ventured to Belgium have also already choser reverently Imagined. Dr. Sachar spoke in Sioux City relatives and friends. last winter and thrilled a large .It is the present tragedy of the They are a rather disastrous participate in Olympic trials. delegates. The Central Bureau or audience with his lecture. the Jewish Cooperative End EcoaJew that he had to pick out Ger- race. Miss Sophie. Merlin of Chicago Mrs. S. H. Shulkin is chairman mans to imitate. He presented as (Copyright, 1935. by Seven Art* oisic Committee in Poland will Jews ©a Olympic Team Feature Syndicate) arrived this week in Sioux City for the arrangements and ticket a gift to h 18 flat-headed stepsend observers to the Conference Warsaw (WNS)-—Poland's ento visit with relatives. sales. mother, her two great arts—Music try at the 1935 Olympic Games and the Theatre. And In return To Head Youth Miss Evelyn' Kushner of Cedar Washington, D. C. (WNS)— in Berlin will include six Jews, It Government Announcing he borrowed the stiff and irritatRapids, Iowa, visited with friends ing manners of Europe's m o s t Charles H. Tausslg, wealthy Jew- became known when tlie Polish Sugar Tariff Reduction In Sioux City this week. A successful drawing was held parvenue a n d inferiority-ridden ish sugar magnate and one of the Olympic Committee administered the Olympic o a t h to 29 Polish by the West Side Hebrew Moth- race. In his naivete as a world original m e m b e r s ot President Jerusalem ' (WNS-Palcor Agea- I Morris Lasensky is in a local ers Club, recently, and proceeds citizen, he thought these manners Roosevelt's so-called "brain trust" athletes. The Jews who were givcy)—The Palestine GoTernrnerst hoiipital, recuperating from an op- were turned over to t h e West were pretty hot. has been .appointed chairman of en the oath, were M. Rotholz, box- bas anaounced s reduction is the , • I er, Leon afld Gershon ShrelbmaB eration for appendicitis. Side Hebrew School toward its It is this repudiation by- the the National Advisory Committee tariff of 50 per cent per ( Poland's champion swimmers, and of the National Youth Adminisupkeep. stepmother that spreads pain and kilo~ra~, ir. xievr cf tte ratisfec-j Marlla Frcivald ar.d M. Pilnil:. Miss Sadie ShuIMn has returned Mrs. It. Herzoff was chairman confusion in the Jewish, soul, at tration. This body, to which §50,tcrjT Ftate of its ceurtrr's homo alter spending her vacation of the raffle with the following least in the German Jewish soul. 000,000 of work relief funds has been allocated, is in charge of the at Green Lake, Minnesota, women assisting: Mesdames M. ja=d"c=,r!ij- W ~ is iO mil- rer program of rehabilitating Aslt RoCSSTcU's Ai5 Lazere, C. Levich, L. Herman, L. The American Jew, however, greatBetaa" N. J. (WNS)—The aid | IiilcErran. unemployed ; youth. Mr. Taussig Miss Jean Shindler, 1934 Mc-Welner, D. Shapiro, L. Dvorkin, suffers for another reason, more Donald, departed Tuesday for New Morris Levich and M. Levltsky. intangible b u t somehow deeper. h a s been a Presidential adviser Of Pre-ideit Rcocevelt In beh&II j Supar, t i c rrin:r.rT Ir^ri The raffle was won by Mr. E.The American Jew suffers from for two years although he had not Of the -ei-.-eci.tcd J P V E cf Gcr-1 ct t h e crrdy r-si:n;po:ur;: Yoik City-, where she will visit Barish. hitherto held a n y official post. m a n y ' : ? t - i r ~ rougftt fcy t i e , - ^ ' a- j r f T T ; - ! -.rdvt-j •with relatives. the astonishing fact that he 13 a Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the j to be inserted to Syr a He will serve without pay. J e w . . . ' • ; • • • • ' • , 1 United States and C^5^ada. At an s C"ty £5 per Mrs. L. WIgodsky and Jimmie WTER.CWB COUNCIL ...^ •», . , „ • There are quite a number of ?merg:ency rjeelisg of the Union's departed : Sunday f o r Excelsior Jews in New York who have al- Jewish Offksr Honored executive committee a mes; age paylas ISO pt-r cent. " Springs, "Where they will visit. • TO MEET OM SUNDAY ways been Jews, who have lived dirpa!c5ieu to the PrcslUett" j i r i c lc-s~ -"-ages, "t Miss Sarah Asarch of D e s Moines, Iowa, visited with friends in Sioux City Sunday.
w T
Society News
Mr. and Mrs. S. Krupniclc, acThe Inter Club Council will companied' py thoJr guest, Mr. Iz hold an important meeting, SunBernstein, left Sunday f o r Chi- day afternoon, August 10, in the cago, where they will spend their Jewish Community Center. vacation. • Every member of the Council
is urged to attend this meeting Miss Florence Major was host- as several matters of importance ess"! to a group of friends a t a will be discussed and acted upon. ii,
clannishly and within the confines of the Jewish temperament. But there are also quite a number who have shed their Jewish stamp a n d f o r several generations emerged as individualists. These latter suffer the more.
Brussels (WNS)—Colonel Leopold Wiener, scion of cae ol the oldest Jewish families In Belgium, has been appointed chief of the Belgian Military Academy, one of the highest'Ejilitary offices in t i e
land, by King Leopold II. Colose1 Wiener is the son of the vrko was the personal legal adviser of The Hitler hov.'l is like a lash King Leopold I.
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