Inthe Interests ©I
"Entered 03 Second Class Mall Matter CD January 21. 1921. at f ol Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of Uarch S. 18T9
Camels Banished from Haifa
Reiclisfiielirer Adolph Awards Honor to jew
At a stag banquet given for ' officers of the Independent "" , men's Loan association, "" , r ' evening, August 8 , ^ * \ , "^ >i Jaffa (JTA)—The native camJerusalem (JTA)—Reichsfuehtorium of the Cor ~JS " -*" >sel had to give way to the Importrer Hitler has awarded the Hin, Gala Event Behsg This, Despite Hitlerite Fear That ed" automobile here last "week Representatives of Organizations r a e 1 synagogue, denbnrg Cross to Hans DsvifiMeyerson,- treasure! presentand Poliey Committee for Wednesday, Games May Yet Be sohn when a new law was passed by ed with a beautiful ciiieo ring in ohn, Jewish proprietor of t h e ) ! } * * Qf ^ ..-• Pass Kesolntioiis Angnst 33 Transferred $ honor t>f his 53 rd birthday and in Zion the Municipal Council banishing; lion Hotel in the Jewish quarter ii- iti. S i W L W JLJ 2 JL £ appreciation of his long and faithof Haifa, it became known here Judging by t i e elaborate arSeveral matters of community Berlin (WLNS)—Flagrantly vio- the camel from the busy port area. r ful service to t h e organization. lating its olt-repeated pledges not The leisureliness of Palestine's interest were discussed and voted Mr. .Meyerson' is prominent social- rangements which have b e e n this week. planned and the. enthusiasm which, Davidsohn accepted the award. to discriminate against Jewish ancient beast of burden, it is ori at a meeting of t h e policy T committee of the Jewish Commu- ly and in organizational work is prevails among the members of The German Consul here sent candidates for the Olympic team,' the Highland Country Club, the the cross to DETidscim with a letthe German sports authorities stated, considerably impeded the nity Center and Welfare Federa- this city. Mr. Meyerson was also honored a n n u a l "Highland Fling," on ter, in was included a citabarred Miss Greta Bergmann, "wo- flow of vehicular traffic in this tion, to which representatives of Saturday morning. after services Wednesday, Aagust 28, will be tion from the Reichs Chancellory. several Jewish organizations were man's high j u m p champion of rapidly modernizing city. t anti-Hit»«r Berlin ( J T A ) — T h e German I1?" r ' E a result at the synagogue by his friends in one of the largest events of "its invited. Wurtemberg and an almost cerJews will be relegated to the i e&jnpaisx, a JPTT .in Germany I>* memory of the fortieth anniver- kind ever to be held locally. Representatives of the followtain point scorer in Xhs Olympics, I status cf colonial natives or eub- j Jailefl," the newspaper said. ing groups.were present at.the sary of his Bar Mitzvah. Numerous reservations by memfrom t h e annual German track jjecis in the nev: citizenship law j GKESTOIZATTON meeting: bers of other country clubs both and field championship, -which is snow reported in the process of j Berlin (WNS)—While the TU-T Beth El Synagogue, B e t h El locally and out of town, have alone of the major Olympic trials. I preparation. i justi-SemKic campaign coxitir.'.;^.'Synagogue Auxiliary, B'nai B'rith, ready been received, according to The German Olympic Commit1 Authoritative quarters here in- jv , u h x n l b a t e a T i g O T im e v l i T y f r n r ; ; ouncil of Jewish Women, OmaLeslie Burkearoad, chairman of tee is trying to explain away the Jjdicated this week that the inter,- ; throughout the coi:iitry. the vt>* ha Hebrew Club, Senior Hadasthe affair. exclusion of Miss Bergmann by I sification of the anti-Semitic cam- , -\R7i rM^e^or of Jewish niKriTji.; sah. Temple Israel Sisterhood, Nearly every member ^ of t h e pointing out that this "was not jp&ijrn is s. Nasi move to vrova- \ l ^ - i i i ^ T&ME" BAr.keC took "i^ Vaad Auxiliary, and Vaad Ha'Ihr. Highland has signified Ms intendiscrimination against J e TV 1 s h m a i z e the German people in; first s t e p toward Feprepatini; O.* The delegates and policy comtion of having one or xaore guests Soviet Paper Foists Os1.* m w i e Olympic candidates but rather the Biot by Mpaibers of Mstadnitli j > . * * • * « . . preparation for a plebiscite on the ; j e w p \v mittee m e m b e r s unanimously to attend this day cf good-will ^ e t t c when he Tesult of the fact that as a Jewcf Settlers ja l l r - a and Unorganized Workers i reported nev lav,". voted the following t w o ^resolu" — ! festivity which always sees Oras.urai r u i f «ess Miss Bergmann could not beI Meanwhile, the latest step in .' • "". '.'. .Near Haifa tions: World Zionist'Congress to Open jha's leading citizens in attenflrti.prjre j P. t 0 p T'ederption. long to the German Light Ath* i the campaign is to ev>t thtie .Jev-s jjp^-jsh Cultural lTri!ou.: W-?; " 1 . In' conducting an affair— at Luncheon Nest ance. letic Association "which sponsored Haifa (JTA)—One person was play, dance or other function-— '-Tuesday Plans are being made to com- Moscow- {JTA)—A strong at- j off from the life of Germany -was August PI. the championship meet. sent to the hospital and five were there shall be no solicitation of fortably provide for five to s i s tact on the methods of settling i the demand this veek fcy .Tuden"Only IOCR] JeTist' unions v.-iiiiIn other "words t h e Olympic arrested as the result of a clash non-Jews for. t h e purchase of Iiucerne (JTA)—Laborites will hundred people who are expected Jevs In Bureya, the autonomous \ tenner, violent anti-Semitic pubCommittee contends that the Jew- last week between members of wholesale lots or blocks of tic- preponderate at the world Zion- to attend this affair this year. I t Jewish Par Eastern territory, ap- I Ikation, that the German Jevs be inp to work uiuier the lcp.dp"f>5itr of the r.iP-w rierlin bof-.rd Trill •« ish athlete "was barred .not be- the Histadruth, Palestine lab- kets. ist Congress to be held here be- is the most outstanding and most peared en the front page cf ChaT-l imprisoned ic retaliation lor the. permitted to continue euUs;-^.' cause she is Jewish but because or federation, and unorganized Stern, Ukrainian Communist ! anti-Xazi camp£.ign Rbroad. "2. That the solicitation of ginning August 20, a preliminary elaborate one on the calendar of I activity after that date,'5' he. «i^she "was not a member of t h e workers in the Poel Hamizrachi advertising in programs, etc., survey of election returns from activity at the Highland club. Tidfiith daily. The tion also launche liow*?v«v> sponsoring organization. The ef- colony in Emek Zebnlun. The editorial points out that [ an editorial campaign against the i: ciared. Hinkel'p decree, from non-Jews, both individual 24 countries reveals. The program is to start at noon ,. rloes n o t P.pply ff1 JpvipVi pcSmn^ fect of t h i s exclusion on Miss the quota of settlers for the year ! Jewiph Telegraphic Apency for The riot was precipitated, ac- and business firms, be discourAccording to a report issued "by and will continue throughout-the Bergmann's chances for the Ger- cording to eyewitnesses,. w_he n aged." the Congress Bureau, returns 1 rest of the day. Golf competition will not be reached and that of | cabling reports, of t h e renewed ; alfo iorl>fiuF fhe Jrvir-fi Cvl-vr-p man Olympic team is the same, Histadruth members attacked emh drive in Germany. Sam Beber is chairman of the from twenty-four countries Ehowiiias been arranged by Bill Schu- the 10,500 c.i:ota, only 2,500 i aati-J ' Soriety of .PerliT t c yr^r-mt vr'~~ however, since the final team Is ployees of Hamakshir, a coopera- policy committee. Jews have been settled in Bureya ! " " V T cc. c demand that that' 421 delegates have already chart, the club professional. Sevformaiicep by jkvyv.v. GPTJUP.?-. {'!•*»selected on the basis of the can- tive agricultural contracting comj Germ; abroad suffering -morr.l-; R 1 £ ! t j s i E including- Scliiil»r. Gn^i-lir been elected to t h e congress, j era! beautiful prizes will be given in the first half cf this year. didates' records in major meets pany which was working the land. Blaming the Comzet and Ozet, \ There are still about fifteen conn- | to the winners of t h e various i and I,esfiiEK. T h e v.-orkis o i for the past two years. Jewish CDlonisation committees in The Histadruth members were tries to be heard from. The Con- nights. I anrl other IK>"I-C;R™'ess Soviet Russia, for failing to mainBy excluding her from t h e incensed over the refusal of Hapgress this year will have at least i m a n Arj"RT3E m a r s t i " he chovrr,. Harry Cohen, who is affiliated tain the schedule of se^fling sett- { track and field championship the oel Hamizrachi, an orthodox lab450 delegates. 1 \?T t h e Jr^'i^ti CjiitHr?1 Sncl^tT. "srita Louis Somner, has been EJ>- lers to Bnreya and establishing .si ; B j o r t s authorities deliberately or organization, to halt the work This is the biggest delegation pointed to take complete ciarge i T h e Jntens-jfiea N s r i d"':"f•weakened Miss Bergmann's. rec- until the - Histadruth could negothat a world Zionist congress has of the food and he proinises ce- them there, the Stern accuses j i agrviTiSi .TPKF nssismef) p v.fv fn-rtr.. ord. tiate with the organization f o r ever had^ The last congress, held licious: chicken dinners asd other these two bodies of disrupting the j work of building up the Je-vrisk j Meanwhile it became known the transfer of the contract to a I crrran. of S h e H i t l r r f'ppp.lf... N e w Tork (WNS)—Paul in 1933 at Praha, had only 319 delicacies which will snake your territory. I t also declares that the j that behind the new Nazi cam- company employing Histadruth Kress, the German alien who be- delegates. palates water. iirhtEteT-E, X. J. paign against foreign correspon- m e m b e r s . • ' • " . • ' • . The Laborites head the list of came the "center of an InternaA special bar is being installed gnality of the settlers that are rfe h E. F been begun on t h e ; arrest ov: F'SM T-. ?\ dents is the fear that reports of Moshe Bernstein, one of t h e tional diplomatic incident when delegates with 209 out of the 421 for the occasion and extra help being sent to th t e r r i t o r y i s TIE- i PPttlp i liBvsor is ('.inriprtKiru anti-Jewish and anti-Catholic persatisfactory EX.3, Hamakshir. workers. Mayor La Guardia refused him a thus far recorded. is being hired to handle the larg- less '70 P-C-P •''" t b e TUsefc Corps secutions published abroad will was wounded. He. was taken to masseur's license because Gerthe -whole mode ol vrort bv The remaining delegates are cost Germany the 19 3 G Olympic the Hadassah hospital here. Five many is discriminating against divided as follows: General Zion- est turnout which has ever been these tvro ccnmiittees is Games. Foreign correspondents Histadrnth m e m b e.T s, charged American citizens, is alleged to ist Confederation (Group A), T§; assembled at the Highland-'club. there is danger of an. esodus frara An unusual array of.entertainiHTMir T"r>rnfi.t3« iru r,r-v. •were informed that Propaganda -srith inciting to riot, were ield in have been dismissed in 1933 from IVIizrachi. Orthodox Zionists, 64; ar Ebeser's J ment" inclnatasr Minister Goebhels has discovered Jail without bail. _-..[ his job in a New York -Mthhonse General Zionist "Union- {Group orchestra ana. one 'of Omasa's j j.'JS.'S' i^t^TS. • -,"€?CLi'tO3*i£ti a "plot" by them to .spread "atro^The xiot evoked considerable on .LB.T,;-£3-;.;; JeTvish-,Stste-'Party, l<?rilsafiiiig^fl0T5r : B5 " for 2C "city Btbrioa" abroad ;in. order to excitement .-h.e-r-e.-; "^Newspapers Hapoel Hamizrachi, 9;' Yejneairig to Information"'Ye"reiYgs:,by of the evening's ,., , , , . emigration to trades . ti e a create a basis for removing the commented at length. Haaretz, CheMied t h e Non-Sectarian Atni-N a z i ites, 5; and 2 still undecided. v^liere union v~ag:es vrill be ps,ii. \ tiicir identify unfl games from Berlin. D a v e Feder, J. J. Slosburg. Bnreva * ^ e Bfor conservative Hebrew daily, pub-' League from -a man who claims re: .!«r.o- nf E.ii':- Aryan .U' Louis Knlako£slry, Louis Soiaberg To thwart this plot Goebbels is lished an editorial accusing t h e to have • known• Kress for s i x ,r so as' not to ^ecpardize the grer of the Jersey Homesteads, ! they catise is. r u b ic acB.iiclB.1 oi ; and Harry Cohen are assisting the j deporting a number oi correspon- Histadruth members of acting years. ture progress of the Jewish ter- •who is directing the vork. scid i " m a ke hemselves r<oiiee&ble chairman, Leslie Burfcenroad, in dents and intimidating others. hastily and confusing issues. ritory. This man, whose name was not formulating the detailed -plans the sim of the project is tn "cem-: tiseir noisy atiimdr. Officials of the Foreign Press AsDavar, labor daily, laid the which will mate this "Highland! ^ onstrste the possibility of decec- j VjWX'tilX '*1~*-HX~fflR& sociation are ignorant of anysnch blame at the door7 of Hamashir made public, because he is emFling" the most successful a'nd'j %| tralizing an industry." j Mearwhile K'SE! officials fa. "plot1* and point out that many declaring that it is competing ployed by a pro-Nazi firm, ex| The needle-trades vcrkerg crG : Beriin took measures to prevewt. the one "which "will be long reof the foreign journalists in Ber- with Histadruth and attempting pressed readiness to repeat his statement under oath. According j predominantly Jevrish. membered by the community. lin are giving voluntary aid to to lower wage scales. the ir,fiK£ of Jews; to Berlm wharfto this man Kress was employed i Cooperative occupation will be many of them have been "tryinK the German Olympic authorities. Jerusalem (JTA)—-The Palesfrom 1930 to 1933 as a masseur This new development indicates to find rcfug-e from tfep pcTBp.r.i;in a New York bathhouse where tine government finally approved j ALEXANDRIA ASKS AID I poultry plant, grocery stores End that the loss of the Olympic •the Jewish State Party which he made* a good living and had FOR MMI0H FACTORY London (JTA)—Declaring th; , I vegetable gardens. Samuel .". ltf' Games would be regarded as a enough money to become an three weeks ago it h a d denied F i n t l e r . homestead selection major set-back by the Nazi reol CPI:;I1 VJIMI registration, it was learned last American citizen. The Anti-Nazi New Tort (JTA)—Mstzob-iac- "London has-borrowed a page chief, determines v li o sh gime. week. _ • . . . Tarlis po' from Hitler's book," Col. Josiah p. L e a g u e ' s informant contends, Efimitted t o roeinI)ersal Vienna (WNS)—If Herr v o n When the government refused tory experts kindly, communicate Wedgwood, La' cf Its mcrjiitBr c* however, that Kress boasted that The project is financed by ?5C0 with t h e Alexandrian Jewish i Tschammer and Oaten, the suhe would' never become an .Amer- to register the party, it announc- Community, Egypt. Parliament- ana vrarm. friend ol costrifc-utioxiE from, eccli family ' psl lisad o? Berlin: atul Art* Goorlitzcr, .Nr.rJ. p«u'ir chief f *, preme head of Germany sports, Vienna (JTA)T—One thousand ican citizen but would remain a ed that it would be necessary for . The community is building a | the' ,anfi an SS50.000 appropriation "bv II Berlin, ^_^+ Zionist D an aMionrsceK-i«?.iiit was | restricted Olympic training possi- Jewish doctors here, the organization to eliminate a letter to the Lon; ; nVmerteaft Diviare in danger German. rotested bilities for non-Aryans in the of losing their livelihood as a-refrom its platform t h e demands factory which will distribute mat-{i don Times against the Quota be- jt f t £ 5 u b s s t a I c e ; sued that, in the fvUt;re the vr, i to live and <3o biisincKK in BE? same way he did for the national sult of the appointment of a new In 1933, this m a n alleges, for a Jewish'majority'in Pales- sohs among the poor. It is not ing imposed en Jewish doctors in jIsion of the Department 0! 1 would be etricily limii.eii. •. German championships iJid other Medical Board empowered to com- Kress was. dismissed from his job tine and for Palestine as a Jew- exactly sure as to h 0 w to go Palestine. i~~"""" ! i In 8-tiliclpEUtm sports competitions, then the In- pile a- new list of doctors eligible on suspicion of having committed ish State on the basis for its his- about it and invites the suggesCol. "VTedcrwood poiEts out that _,... ^e a swindle, and o u t of revenge toric boundaries. i 01 tiiess iimiitlii ternational Olympic Committee for sick-benefit fund practice. tions cf tedmlcians and co-reli- there - • •• Kasi actually is a shortage of » , £J*| J complained to the license bureau could—and would bs compelled gionists in general which may be | The party's program as finally fa, ilOii • art doctors in Palestine aad that The Jewish doctors, who were that his employer used unlicensed i to-—order removal of the games approved by the government de- useful in buying machinery E3d naisy Arab villages are without j ! 1 from Berlin, it was asserted here in the employ bt the sick-benefi masseurs, although Kress himself fines Zionism as a national move- in getting the factory going. : nCSi IUi:H. medical service altogether. j by Count de Baillet-Latour, pres- funds, fear discrimination be- was working without a license. It ment striving, in accordance with Mrs. Leon Kendslson. chair- In r i v P. 1 "!For 2sany years Vienna had ; cause the new board does not in is also charged t h a t Kress exident of the International Olymbeen the center ot medicise," he man ci the 1-Iaaassaa Medicel ; "StreTtrior. elude a single Jew. The new law pressed sympathy for t h e Nazi the mandate, to establish a Jew- Youthful Amateur pic Committee. . ish national home with historic from Aryan* writes, "but EOW Jerusalem is Fund dance, v:hich vrili be acid | pegrepttioi governing sick-benefit fund pracregime early in 1933. ".'•"; \ Pointing o u t that although boundaries and based on a Jew. Finds Footlights gradually tating its place." Col, Monday evening at Peony Bark, j cue. called l o r tice permits the fund's patients I there is no precedent f o r such ish majority. ,.i n _.j^, : has chosen the following commit-; the eir-ployrneiu. 01 Ar;-ftn iserviuit «*o WeSgvrood also paid glo-wii Far fr action, removal of the games is to select their own doctors from Holland ElectiGa T h e government's approval a list compiled by the Medical tribute to the skill and erficiency | t e e : Mssasnies David K. ColieB., girls "by Jews oncl ihe- c-xpul»inn | possible in case agreements are n Fcier, O. C. Belzer, R. ol Jews having ijitims.Ce Amsterdam—Three Jews were makes the Jewish State Party a Board. Don't ever get t h e idea that j of Jewish refugee physicians | not kept, Count de Baillet-Latour elected to the Dutch Senate, in- legal political- entity. Formalities life behind the footlights is just j i s Palestine^ and.xsked ^vrill th>er, I. Sokolof. D. Eroclkey, i v-itu Ary?.si vomsn. T h P paw:Only a few days ago, the Jewexpressed doubt that the German stead of two as in the last Sen- for registering the party w e r e Genv.p.ns not to u«* ? sports authorities ' would n o t ish Doctors' Association of Vien- ate. Sam- Theodore, Fh/ineas completed more than a year ago. a series of frivolities a n d good Suids the. Government's pc r, c: i Iu£ ci6HE. na issued a manifesto to Jewish . . times. \ abide by their pledges. D. D. Finkle, ii. i FKOM lioung Corinse Wohlaer, -who regards Palestine, cr are the poll- i VTirtroub, \ Paris (WN3)—Reiterating Hit- young men to refrain from studyL Ing, medicina because of the catasthe Naiis In Germany beI " 'Meyper, Irri n Lerin: 7- n p1 Kfporte iroir, provincial recently entered t h e amateur • ler's pledge n o t to discriminate cies of "tha haunt- j GolflvEre anfi K, Pinkie. ] tere indicated iis&i the ranks of the stage producers, ing adopted to pursue the < against Jewish athletes in the trophic condition of Jewish doc; jsli drive r a e caitilcg-. In -when she directed and produced I 1936 Olympic Games, Dr. Karl tors in Austria. T h e manifesto I piece orchestra vill ftirr.iE h t h e !, IIRCC Delis., c Jrwisli xnn? un all star cast children's sho-w even ia P Kiem, secretary of t h e German pointed out that discrimination jmiisic. ' chant, ws;-- fo~cefi to sta-Efi in t^# for the Omaha Bee-Xeirs M i l k Olympic Committee, told t h e practiced by the Minister o Health, makes it virtually impos^ ^ ^ ^ , ^ » ^ ^ I Several cocktail pcrties •^pv.blic iDf.i'ket P'RCB v55h RB s-tftt Fund, stated that stags -work is w r T n m Paris-Soir that "we have made'a forty-fonrth annual Oma- j The first price -winner v? i 11 be serious and exhaustive -work and ; Jewish plscsirti. nrpr.nd: his ner:fr ^ promise and you can rest assured sible for a Jewish doctor to ge ha The Hebrew club picnic -will t a t e j & i v c n a f -~~—--•,-— •••• n~-j not ES is generally imagined. hil p. PtoriTi Troop officer IKC J that we will .keep it. That nrom- an interneship in a hospital here place j while Sunday, August I S , at round trip and concluded with the statement vr.ob Miss Wohlser is the daughter J • vi. JePri ise was that we will not make that dire need awaits the young Lakeview Park. T h e committee to Califorjnar*. Tte'ln. war of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tfohlner. ' at 1\\P Moscow (JTA)—More i 3i a n | , . , in charge V 1 '"~ ™~~~~r—,-^ nia and the ? .any distinction of race or religion Jewish doctor unless he emigrates j Aided by her sister Phyllis and 500 Jewish young aen and -vro-ifliHl A\c<. '• I s ecosdi during the games. Jewish ath- to other countries, or turns to h a s made [ Ellaine Kramer, she staged a real; n e a ^ - e r e graduated last nio^ih ; p l a n s to i '" -.<">• ' \ prize "win- ^ \ r "t T (\ letes will be received the same as another occupation. r a y j: singing and dancing program at f r o m j e ^ i ^ tectixieal and pro- j make this ner -will get f others." -. - ' t!.ririUy which over §5.07 was raised for house. t h e 'outfessioaal ECIIQOIE in-Soviet SHE-; , a w r i s t I. Prague (WNS)—A concerted the Bee-News MSfe fund. s t a n ding •watch. j sia effort to prevail upon Jewish ath3 rsportea low' picnic ever letes from all parts of the world A beau} sy arc OW qualified Epecia -rums'With..Jewish Mars ia the? Ists ia Tarioi; not to participate in t h e 192S tiful floor Olympic Games at Berlin if they lamp a n d I18»ir«tf"S t T ' W * Berlin (JTA)—-American mov- club's Ms- I I p-rOgT6:"S EUCl |7T St.rr-lclieT->?.-f!Fi •Br'rivirig' Ior are selected on the teams to rep- ies featuring Jewish stars will no tory. an electric according tc Mr. fcealth ci;re. fiepressicn," All ave already besn. placed, resent their respective countries be prohibited in Germany, it was M a n y p e rcolater Ear! FrsnlreJ, s Mike Ilotli, 3 'id-Test exploitecr of ierusalena (JTA)—The. Jewish | SOme ia Je-srish collectives itwill be launched here on Septem- announced here by Hans Hinkel v a l a able -will b e i •who risitcc here for ffi tracler, coTRmittcd ! : t i e company Agency .ancoukces the . allocation I us parts of Ssssia, some in the O ber 13 when the World Maccabee Prussian Commissar for "nan- prizes will dra-wn for sen ty junanng f r c i & of another $50,000 -lor the erec-1 gsueral Bussian enterprises, andA I a. le~: day?, be a-ward"Union holds a special conference Aryan" Culture. at this onl : house winflow tai&v he 'am tibn jot fl-wellings lor 400 .ne-sr im- | otters in lbs 2 ed to t h e to deal with the Olsrmpic situatime, Hinkel'3 announcement .. stipu- -winners" of ' arrestea for "race r&TisliIaj migrants, •workers in nine-orange | region is. Bsr tion. Xiord Melchett, president of lates, T h e r e however, that the produc the games ot t li -e corngrowing settlements. . j states. the Union, will preside over the era are •will b e and honestly" * for .adults j r> r e still im. The total .expenditure cl t h e conference "winch, is expected to state m"clearly free danceach cass wMcft of the Tinvp 1>eeu Jewish Agency for Lansing Mred ,7 _ _* - , i _ T _. issue a plea to Jewish." and non-authors, directors or actors are a n d . chiling to the TritJh tfte ti? Swg dren. T h e igric^iltural' trorksrs Jewisi. sportsiaeii • everywhere to J e w s . . ' . • " • • • ' • . ' .'• . I tunes of Acstis. contest beimoants-to $150,000. boycott-the Berlin games. • orchestra. Refreshments "will Hinkel's order explained tha j." long- with. Its grewth, III tserved. . ' ... NEW York <WKS)—Eleven ant each American Him will be sub-t-ween Mica vr^lo liss proStvct-ct ssvrr €?Tit« ffud. aji.4 Bafi HocsxilHges forbefl* Iz Soskin, EE-wIy inii'atod jrxmof thirty leading sports writers in mitted to censorship in order t Helen Fried and M i s s Hannah "i*diKg rucaes STL-Q. lot tfee firsttl>-5; i;.se- >>£' i 1> e public l>stlis -ti? the United States who were polled eliminate parts that are offensive Meyerson "will close at this picnic, j her, -will be in cliarsi. of ir-e r*i is history the AcscleTiir ot Jews,. Cioeli-bclf-;* psper., 'Der •Attfy by the United Press on tha ad- to Germans. ~ ~ —-—--————-—————-—___— j gjjjagg, Albert Kaplan, ehsincsr; tll^ LEi"* t Tui, 'k.-unched. an &tlnc'k OK Jews visability of this country withHome (JTA) .•"--;.I rrb^c* <•* IJQ riSE-rly tvall of its c-wards i wlio seek to escape th« Naai t*»Prof. Bavid has anEOinicsd that he isl-es til ' r'..r= "rors u r - r . J ^ i s d s r Flci=-' 'drawing from the 193S Olympics Jerusalem — Of 2,000 acres oi Phrato declined the offer made coiainittee members to i s there > r "z E""" 1 ;- *"~" t'lie }rm~. This year the Col-jror "by i'ptag emiverted to believe the United States should new citrus land planted last year, him. afe-wmonths ^go to become not later tLan 12 o'cloci s^cn. i°Z PT^-'SP *O~ 'T""*'Ma Sttiflic -w-a s E-wardeS six ' cliclsm ©T Protesta-RtlsTn, In cf ti.? 3 n t - i ' r t c "'-"I- 5 !, not send a team %o Berlin. Thir- Jews in Palestine planted about the Chief Rabbi of Italy to sucAll numbers and xheir sees, ih.iv tJi 5 --, r-*dals for merited productions, j provincial press » demand '* 'l^cl: cf 150 ish-Hcnsarian teen writers favor sending a team _1,250 acres, tha Arab press re- ceed the late Chief Babbi Dr. and friends are cordially invite,! j e were only thirteen. g-iTea i voiced for iaentifyisg all Is t i e seccsd «e"?r t o ; ty Collars"> to pay Ms fare a n d sis were non-committal, ported. "Angelo Sacerdoti. -—to attend this oatstaadiiss affair, enjoy itt tills "sxccUcacx." rear. ' stores as sacli.
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A.splendid project organizations might include in their next year's program is that of paying the expenses of sending some needy children to t h e Summer Home Camp next year. Incidentally, t h e camp whjch was innovated this year was an unusual success . . . What young ' Jewish journalist expects to be accorded national honor soon in a large fraternal organization? . . . Phil Kavich performed in "A La Wales" -1'ashion while horseback riding Sunday . . . Miss Fannie SomDier, who attends the tea dances at tho Paxton, demonstrated that she excelled In terpsichorean iirt . . . A recent bride was so nervous 'that she forget" the wedding license and had to make a trip across Omaha to get it . . . Mayper's department store is demonstrating considerable "progress and in tho face of our present dullness is enlarging • and modernizing t h e entire store . . . Tipsters tell us that since Jerry Gross became .a, driver lor a prominent fooderie, the patrons . h a v e changed their meal times l o r his convenience . . • . .
Bob Singer, who paid S6.C0 to atend t h e . Xevinsky-Louis fight, saw one punch, bent down to fix his shoe string, looked up, and the fight was over . . . No, Florence Whitebrook d 1 d not get her tan from swimming but she spent her vacation on her roof taking daily sun baths . . . We hear that a very shapely miss, w h o exemplifies the adage, "Silence is Golden," corresponds with: several young men while visiting a popular summer resort . . . The entire new Virginia Dare Store is very comfortably arranged for t h e shoppers . . . Have you noticed , that Joe Silber, manager of the Metropolitan liquor department, seems" to be' extremely happy? Well, this is caused by the expected arrival of his fiancee from New York city . . . The largest Jewish picnic of the year will be sponsored by the Omaha Hebrew c l u b at Lakeview park, this Sunday. According to John Feldinan, who has spent a great deal of time in helping to arrange this picnic, dancing will be free and there will be many things of interest. . . For a good laugh ask Ernie Nogg how he enjoyed Tossing Harry Weinberg while playing t h e game of Faith, Hope, and Charity . . . We are told that Dick Hurwitz has also entered tho fraternal rivalry over t h a t "South Omaha miss . . .
LOCALITIES Is it really because she can't stand continual night life that a popular young blonde of southwest Omaha is continually complaining of being tired? . . . What local medico's wife has been cavorting frequently in the hot spots JUICY JESTS with an erstwhile husband whose Rumors persist that there* may wife hns been vacationing In Cal- be something to that friendship ifornia? . . . Bill Flax, a senior at between that talented young actNebraska IT., who ia working in or and the recent Kansas City visthe promotional art department of itor who floods t h e mails with the Bee-News, shows excellent correspondence to him . . . It waspossibilities .., . . "Is my f a c e n't the Chicago air nor the good red?", is the new appropriate ex- times which she enjoyed that has pression of Sophie Beber, a mem- stimulated J a n e . Appleman so ber of the J. C. C. staff, who un- much, but we suspect that it was wittingly walked into the Jay nat- the visit.jwith her boy friend, Dr. atornim upon' boy's day.- In case Wachsman . . . Miss Pearl Dansky you don't know it,-the boys swim of Omaha, is making good as a in their birthdayJ suits . . . There social worker in New York city is a striking resemblance between .,. . Hy Giller and Becky Wiriakur Dr. H. Hir'schmann a n d Hugo of Chicago will march under the Heyn, who by the: way have the canopy the latter part of October same initials-. . . Marian Scharf .•. .We'.understand that - a young will be'rabbi'd "during the middle insurance,' auditor-and his w i f e 'of October > ' . . Two surprising will s'oon be baby bu'ggylrig' . ..: , announcements -will be m a d « Harry Lipsey. a n'd Bill Lipsman Bhortty about one of our commu- have opened a new produce comnity leaders who Is one of t h e pany, Lijsey & Lipsman Produce most promising 'eliglbles-^—watph- Co;: .'«"« T It was overheard that the press : v ; Elsie Lazarus Hor- HermanVCevinson' "has. nicknamed wich experienced a r e a l movie hl3rWlfe,?''Big Shot" . . . Now that thriller when/a. Chinaman.' came Jackie: jf&t'er Is here, certain antiinto her office when she was alone cipated - happiness <m; the part of and aaked her; to type his crim- one of-the locals :has : not1 been inal record f o r emigration- au- expressed "as expected.' - / --' : ': thorities . '. v Dr.^Ben Goldware, B I T S j ' ; - . - ! - ; '': ••'• ? • / : • ' ; • . • '•-.'•-'•: chiropodist," at Herzbergs,-has- tlie- ''*: 'Two 'of ou'r- very' charming. only air cooled chiropodist' office 'young debs,; who enliven their ; in the Mid-west . . . ; ' . ! ' • own circles and-who seem to be! ' quite about •' town, a r e Misses TASTY T I P S . ••:".'" . *:..'.-•'. - Ruth •F'erer and Iyibby Flsbberg What popular young Coun. V . ^Gwendolyn ' Wolf,' the per-. cil Bluffs girl had a free: ride -• eonable • cashier of Dairyland, from the Bluffs to Omaha in on 16th-and Farham, seems t o . an.Omaha police cruiser car? be r ariother reason for -th'e' inFor your information the crease bf,: their -business. lately . fair visitor of Pearl Bernstein . •"•>•'*• Mike Roth, Mid-West exof Council Bluffs is not named _pl61teer of t h e Columbia, p i c Mickey b u t Mildred Guttman tures seems to know more about The Colony Club which was the- stars of his company than to open yesterday' is going to about his own bosses . . . You he a luxurious and swanky cock< a i now locate that handsome, tail room.Good luck to you, eligible, AIMamlin, who is a Ai'tSttiith and Bill Wolf son, onyonr new business venture . . • •„ Fox film ad man, at the Adelphia hotel . . . The J. J. Fried-; Ditto to the Turek Bros., who -man'family are still puzzled as are opening Jake's Grocery at to this. While motoring home 23rd and Iieavenworth In. the; from their vacation, they saw W a r future... .The big annual a sign, bearing the words, "The Sigma Alpha Mu three-day fall Townof a 1O0O Friendly Peoround-up which/ firings to Oma.pie" and a s . they continuedT ha several out of .towners, win driving through the town antake place at the Paxton on the other : sign.^stated-t h"e populalast week end of, this month tion l o b e 1,024. T But; none of . . . It is rumored that the an-, nual summer formal of the Z.. - the. members of .the, family were B. T. fraternity will take place • able-to discover the people who at the 00 club. Plans are bewere not included by the first ing made to accommodate one sign . hundred couples . . . We a r e told that Sue Marks, who is vis- GREETINGS AND iting the B. A. Simons, is said CONGRATULATIONS to be a marvelous dancer . • . TO: Harry Lipsey and B i l l Lipsman upon the beginning of a ODDS AND ENDS .. . new business venture . ' . . • TO: The friendship between t h a t Miss Lee Serf, who has more than Etout and Kidding coalman* BOH, tripled the" size of her hat store, •who 1& a credit man in. a North the Lee Hat Shop.-. . . T O : Morlfith street growing department ris Flieshmari, who is now with store and that peppy daughter of the Banker's Conservative Sava South Omaha grocery operator, ings & Loan . . . T O : The Turek eeems to be progressing to t h e brothers, • upon the opening . steadier stage . . . 'Oh, yes, and friends' a r e asking questions in regard to a youthful North Omaha grocer and a secretary of a lar^e lumber company . . . If tne j J Greenbergs continue to have their lucky streak at the 60 club it migbt be an excellent idea to contribute a percentage of it to the "Golden Book" of the Beth El building fund . . . One of t h e Council Bluffs athletically inclined .recent college grads enjoyed (•) the experience of fallinc asleep in a car and staying S e r e ^ 1 n i g h t . . . The Lee Hat Shop has expanded, and has now moved!into a store next to the Orpheum. By the way, the owner. Miss Lee Serf, is one of us . . . All Oxhaha should attend t h e .dance at Peony this Monday, given to raise funds for- the Hadassah Medical Fund. Mrs. L e o n MendolSon, chairman, assures you an excellent time, so be there . . . Because he was forced to cover Commissioner Myers' accident last week, Milton Altsuler, an.aggressive World-Herald reporter, who Is really going places, was forced to unpack and to delay his weekend vacation to a lajter date . . .
their new grocery . . . TO: Mr. D. F. Green berg, of New Y o r k city, who is the district manage and also in charge, of the new Virginia Dare store . . . TO: Meyer Greenberg, who is n o w env ployed by the Graham Beverag Co. . . . TO: Eva L. Konecky, new secretary of the Talmud Torah . . . T O : Bill Levine of Buffalo, New York, in charge o! the photo department at Neisner . . . TO: Mr. and'Mrs. Mose Yousem, upon their twenty-third wedding anniversary .. . . T O : Celia Lipsman a n d Jack Bronsteln, journalistic students at South High, who recently won scholarships to Drake university for thei creative writing . . . TO: Him! Weiner, who is now employed by the J. & R. Motor Supply Co. . .
Pioneer ¥/omen
The Pioneer Women will have a picnic at Elmwood park, Sunday, August 25. An electric clock and book case will be drawn for Hollywood — Delving in the at this time. All members and their families and friends are tin-types: Harry Cohn, Columbia's prexy, cordially Invited to attend. There will- be games, prizes and refresh- began his career as a song-writer. Next took to vaudeville as the ments. singing half of a song and piano act. Alpha Pi Tau Max Fleischer, considered the The Alpha PI Tau held a ban- originator of animated cartoons, quet Sunday In honor of the new- began years ago with "Out of the ly-elected officers. Tha room was Ink Pot." Today is still one of decorated in the club colors of the foremost cartoonists with his orange and black. recent creations of "Popeye." Short talks were delivered by Jesse Lasky got his idea for Lou Canar, newly-elected presi- "Redheads on Parade" from his dent, and Loyal Kaplan, out-go- own vaude sketch of twenty years ing president. ago. Joe Greenstone was informally Harry Goetz, president of Reinitiated Into the fraternity at a liance Pictures, broke into picMizrachi Women hilarious ceremony held last Wed- tures as auditor for the Crystal The Omaha chapter of the Miznesday. Film Company. rachi Women's organization while Members of the group w e r e George E. Stone got his first not meeting during July and Auguests of Arthur Helphand, new job, after coming to the States gust is continuing its activities. member, at a swimming party and from Poland, as a page boy in the The date for the drawing which dinner in Fremont. Lambs Club, New York. was to have been held July 17, The club is having an outing has not yet been chosen, but -will at Linoma beach, Sunday, August The klieg light on Edna Ferbe announced shortly. M r s . E. 18. Al, Oruch and Phil Katzman ber: She always writes directly Weinberg h a s done outstanding are in charge of the affair. on the typewriter. Alternates her work in the selling of tickets. Th writings . . . one year a novel; Jewish National Fund will get th next, short stories; next, a play; proceeds of this drawing. then back to novels . , . "VariaThe chief project of the WoIn line with the new custom of tion keeps up one's enthusiasm," men's Mizrachi is t h e girls' holding executive meetings at the she believes. Wanted to be an actschools in Jerusalem. There is an homes of the various members of ress when a girl . . . still has the urgent need for this type of school the group, Sam Beber chapter of dramatic instinct . . .speaks aloud in' Palestine and the organization A. Z. A. held an executive meet- her dialogue before writing it. hopes soon to build one in Tel ing, Monday evening, August 12, Started career at 17 as a reporter Aviv. at the h o m e of Aleph Mazklr, on her home-town (Appleton, A campaign to raise funds for Richard Hurwitz. There was a Wis.) newspaper . . . at $3.00 a this project will soon be started perfect attendance of alephs. Ad- week . . . wrote for every departwith the sale of small bricks for visors Bill Wolfe and Dr. I. Dan- ment in the paper . . . later bethe sum of §1.00 each. ^ sky were also present. came sob-sister and feature writAn interesting program is beJ o e Guss, social committee er on the Milwaukee Journal. ing arranged for the September chairman, announced the final demeeting of the group. tails and arrangements for t h e It Sounds Strange . . . but . . chapter's wiener roast to be held in Fairmount park, Council Bluffs, Paul Muni and Gregory Ratoff Saturday evening, August 24. The were born in the same year, 1897. Plans for t h e coming tourna- committee decided to invite the And Irving Berlin was born in ment to be held in Des Moines chapter pledges to this affair. Russia and Emil Jennings in September 1 and 2 were virtually Brooklyn. And in Paris, Joseph Ben Wintroub, athletic commitcompleted at the last meeting of Schenck rates the best publicity tee chairman and aleph in charge the A. Z. A. mother chapter. Fifof any Hollywood celebrity. of the chapter's participation in teen active members will be enthe regional tournament in Des tered in the competitions. Many It had to happen sooner or latMoines, reported progress in conmore will attend as non-contestnection with arrangements for the er we'd, have a Jewish Shirley ants. ' conclave. Transportation for those Temple . . . so . . . Sybil Jason, The regional convention will be attending has already been, set- the latest child sensation (starred held in Omaha this year. Plans tled. Entries in t h e various In "Little Big Shot"), was little have been started to make this events are as follows: Golf, Aleph Miss Jacobs before Hollywood did one of the best conclaves e v e r Godol, Nathan Crounse; Tennis, some retouching. held. A committee of three, Ben Ben Wintroub, and Harold HabShrier, Ernie Prlesman and Macy lar; swimming, not yet decided; Director of the Marx Three lost Baumand advisor, Stanley Levin, baseball, the entire group attend- his balance recently while walkhas been appointed to meet with ing. ing on parallel bars. When prethe other chapter to make plans. Plans were formulated to have vented from a fall by the quick Macy Baum is chairman of this a cultural program at every meet- action of his assistant, he shoutcommittee. Max Baer, assistant executive ing. The next regular meeting of ed, "Let me be . . . death is betsecretary of the order, delivered the chapter will take place, Mon- ter than the Marxes!" Which a pep talk on the tournament at day, August 19, at the J. C. C. gives you a mild idea . . . Joe Gus3 will present t h e first Benny Rubin has his own Writthe meeting. .'. .-.-PT^W.. w ,,'-. ? er's textbook. A sign above his The group : i£.planning a'pre- program of the new plan. .-••»"• desk tournament .smoker for the' near Never use the word PUNK or f u t u r e . . . . •'•••'•..-.'. Ethiopia War Hampers BUM in a script. Palestinian Shipping If it's risque or doubtful don't try to get away with it. Keep it Jewish National Fund The Jewish National Fund'anJerusalem' (WNS-Palcor Agen- clean. nounces the- following . sums col- cy)—T h a Hoyd-Triestino lines Hollywood shuns him, but Engected in the synagogues Tish running between Haifa and TriB'av: B'nai Israel, $10.67; Beth este by way • of t h e Island of land sanmofis fciia. Max Baer Hamedrosh Hagodol, $5.10; B'nai Rhodes have been ordered by the signs a contract for & British picJ a c o b Anshe J5holom, $6.55; Italian Government not- to accept ture . . . will play a - co-starring Adass Yeshurin, $6.00;". Shaarei future bookings • between these role and not as a prize-fighter. Zion, $2.50. • "•'.'• ports, according to stories current here. - - What next? They're outfitting The Italian order, it was said, Pullman cars as movie theaters Lee Hat Shop Expands is designed to bring the liners to . , . one car will seat sixty people. The">Lee Hat Shop, owned and Trieste as quickly as possible in On short trips you can -see newsoperated by Lee Serf, has moved order that they may be used as reels and shorts for 25c . . . on into new quarters next door to the transports to r Italian troops longer runs, features will fill the Orpheum theatre. •-'.; • program for 75 c. bound for the Abyssinian war. Miss Serf states that the moveOfficials of the Lloyd-Triestlno Ing was m a d e necessary by a tine line here refused to make On and off the lots: Eddie Cangreatly-expanded business. S h e any comments,, but did not deny tor's four films drew $9,400,000 now has one of the largest exclu- receiving such orders. under the box-office wicket. And sive women's hat stores in t h e mid-west. A shipment of fifteen hundred all hats has arrived'for the openng of the new store.
A. Z. A. 100
A.Z.A. 1
lately during a week's personal appearance in San Francisco he grossed $30,000 f o r a theatre that averages-53,500 a week. Is he popular? Sally Eilers believes brunettes will photograph better in color pictures, so will darken any minute. George Burns a n d Gracie will adopt another child in Evanston, Illinois, as a playmate for Sandra. Al Dubirt likes to steal off to a San Francisco hotel room when he wants to write a new lyrfc. Jascha Heifetz, summering, at the beach, essayed to sail a boat after reading a nautical book! Mischa Elinan is in town . . . and very quite about it. The Ernst Lubitsch-Vivian Gaye knot is tied. Sidney Fox had to withdraw from starring in "Sweet Surrender" because of sudden illness.
German-Jewish Eefngees Absolved Into. Homeland
estine w h e r e a sound future awaits them. The Association stated that German Jews have brought £4 5,000,000 into Palestine since 1033 and that sixty per cent of the numerous industries that have been launched in the last t v; a years in the country are cvrned by these new Immigrants. Felix Rosenblueth, one of the leaders of the Association, known in Hebrew as the Hitnchduth Old ' Germania, declares that "with ihe increased emphasis given to antiSemitism ia the German Government's program, German Jews must think in terms of emigration to Palestine ii t h e y would save themselves."
Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agency)—Declaring that "Palestine is the sole refuge for German Jews whose position has been further weakened by t h e renewed Nazi activity," the Association of German Jews In Palestine reported that out of 90,000 persons forced to flee from t h e Reich, 27,000 have been absorbed in Palestine, j Commenting on the intensified j Budapest—Minister of Trade, anti-Semitic campaign in Ger-1 Gesa Eornemissza, refused last many, the Association, compris- j week to grant the request of a ing many of the foremost cultur- delegation representing Jewish al and economic leaders of pre- businessmen to permit the SunHitler days, urged their fellow cay opening of Jewish shops othArthur Ceasar, leaving t h e Jews In the Reich to come to Pal- ! er th&n food stores. theatre after a preview, was accosted, by Mr. B, producer of the picture. "M-m-m, is she an actress?" purred the exec. "Is s h e an actress?" echoed Caesar. "Is that a story?" "Is that a story?" responded Caesar. "Oi," boasted B, "is t h a t a hit?" KECT i© cnrncuM T "Is that a hit?" "That's what I like about you." finished the nabob, "always cooperating, always enthusiastic!"
Mew Fall Kats Ar® Fletferers
Come to this new, finer anfi larger store where you'll find advanced styles in millinery sat ell times.
Police Bolstered Tel Aviv—Tel Aviv will shortly get thirty new policemen. Thirty-one Jewish young s e n have enrolled and were sent to the Police School at Jerusalem.
Announces the OF THEIR NEW
On the Third Floor.
Installs this Automatic INSURED CABS
in your home .Wait no longer for the great convenience of Instant Hot Water in your home! Take advantage of these low terms — $1.80 a month — and have sn Automatic Gas Water Heater installed Now . . .
Pay ivith Your Gas Bill!
Your n e i g h b o r hood plumber can offer you the s a m e attractive terms. Ask him.
(Talk of the Towa)
ORIGINAL DESIGN by Louise Mulligan of ribbed wool trimmed with genuine GaJyak, priced at U6.B5.
FASHION Try as you may you won't find Anything smarter than our new Dresses for young moderns—or a
smarter shop to buy them in. Here's where fashions are buoyant—new—enchantingly young. Here's where youth predominates.
Here's where the girl headed for'school or her sister who stays at home will find daytime fashions in silks and wools. Glorious dinner and evening fashions at a moderate price.
nity? Haven't we communities? ery Jew Is registered. The very the need for it growing t o be less organizations In the Jewish popDo we not speak all t h e time idea of the Jew being registered. and less. Such is the inevitable ulation of • the cit.jy of''whatever about the Jewish community?" in a Jewish roster is something fate of Jewish life in this coun- | city, small or large, to wivlcli tht The trouble is that what we are alien to most of us. . Yet how can • try unfier the present form of or[community happens to belong1. Jr. talking about is the Jewish pop- one feel that he enjoys status in i-ganizatioE, religious, eflwcstion&l, • addition, however, to t h <= •\vovt ulation, but not the Jewish com- an organic community unless lie I End pliilsnthropic. I necessary, Eulrnfrniifnuive I'JI r-•?munity. That i s a n entirely diff- knows that there is a comnmnity ! After having given to this com- | tions tOioiiUl include a coinpipfr erent thing. This communal will, j roster on which his name is re' j munal Trill awareness ot itself,. ; registry of mmippp-;. (llra'TPH or will t o community, which has corded, that he is a member of a j t h e Comrntmity Center should 'births find deaths, iiiul olhc-v vif;;~ brought the Center into being, is community that is interested in By the Service life TRST i give direction to Tfte.t wHl. Ant* j statistics. TliCit is a har-ir. f r ? a yearning, a deep-seated irre- his life and that wants to know vrfiRt sTioiria ttiat direction ?>P? It j identifying fill JOVE vlie i'don? Company, pressible yearning. I t is a yearn- something about him, and to do . should be in the direction of cer- | to Jev.ish .life. ing to belong to a fellowship, but for him all that it is in a posi•,.,: By.MORDEGAI S i KAPLAN . Life Insurance is zn invest- • tain specific activities which I cat j (Second I**, t h c Jc^'i^li CCPI TP. rnot to an ordinary kind of fellow- tion to do, to help him live. ment. I t is an investment •which i suggest merely ic outline form, ! Eity KISOUIC d«?Fi.l v i i h those pro"(Reprinted from "The Jewish' Center") ship that only provides friendship This need for the Jewish, com- insures to your family that .part, j The first activity of a united Jewand entertainment. I t is a yearn- munity calls for the existence of connniiiiity should be to &&H -Te?-~.^ FTP t. h e Tict.iiti I believe that Just now t h e tween the Orthodox and the Con- should set up for itself. And that ing for a fellowship that confers that kind of organization in of your income vhicis yen m a y ji ish. minister its affairs -whereby it not live to earn for your loved or* of. t h e i r beinsr .Tev,"s. Jewish Center possesses' an un-servative and the Reformist, is purpose need be none other than upon one status, a place in thewhich, every Jew m a y exercise I would hold together the various (Coofmi.'.ed on I'ase T.) paralleled opportunity to help In not altogether that of religious that which may be derived from world, a place in human life, the suffrage on.all matters of Jewish ones. Suppose y o u r "rich uncle" the upbuilding o£ American Jew- octrine or religious attitude. For the very fact that the Center is afullness of human dignity. interest, in which every signific- made a "will and left TOUT family ish life other Jewish - insti- the most part as it is developing communal institution. What does ant event of the Jew's life would .a. The communal will is a yearnrich bequest. Suppose s o m e tution is in a position to do. ait the present time, it is no less that mean? It means that in the ing to belong to a Callowship be noted and consecrated. Birth, "scheming;" relative planned to Center there are the stirrings of the expression of a desire to The reason that opportunity which is based upon the principle marriage, death, the bar mitzvah presents itself to the Jewish Cen- :limb into so-called upper classes a communal will, representative of mutual responsibility, respon- or the confirmation ceremonies, cheat them out cf what w a s ter more than to any other in- sf Jewish society that marks the of all classes of Jews, who wish sibility not as that phrase is of-should not be merely, synagogue rightfully theirs, w h a t -was institution Is that the Jewish Cen- itinerary from t h e Orthodox to to be united by an articulate de- ten taken to mean, only for one group affairs. They should be tended" to be theirs. How -much 'would you be willter is as yet in the "making. It the Conservative, and from t h e sire to foster Jewish life. another's sins but responsibility something that the Jewish people ing "to invest in your f i g h t . I o r Let me take this proposition, for is a young institution. It is an ionservative to t h e Reformist as a people would take note of, relieving one another's diffi-j •what belonged to them? try to analyze its implications, culties.institution which I would describe congregations. ' because it is only as the Jewish In the same way, Life Insurand indicate to you wherein those people places its stamp of conseas ;being in search of a philosoWe all desire a n d need that cration upon such turning points ance, insures to your family that implications might well constiphy. The Jewish Community Cen- KEEPING S03IE OUT The Pacific Mutual Life ' r kind of a fellowship, and unless ter must have a philosophy U it Worst of all, the synagogue tute the guiding policy of t h ewe find a place In a community in the life of the individual that which. ' belongs to them—3 o u r '•*"•;-<"» >•>*{• ••*•* earning • power. is to satisfy those who are inter- group as at present constituted, Jewish Community Center. The that satisfies this need, we arethey become significant. Insurance Co. through If you •would, fight to t i e last ested in It and those upon whose keeps out those who do not pos- Center could take these implica- bound to live frustrated lives, esYou take, for instance, t h e support and participation it de-sess the means of maintaining tions of its existence and articu- pecially the mass of us who are practice of rabbis officiating at penny.for the bequest •which was | David R. Cohen, agent - - 1 pends. It is t h i s search lor asynagogue activities. There are late them Into a working philoso- not fortunate enough to possess marriages. The theory behind it theirs, way not make a small in-1 people who are religiously disvestment to guarantee to t h e m ; phy. It should not, however, mate philosophy that places in its way • &nno^I^ces a new low-rate distinctive individualities a n d is that the state authorizes the this unparalleled opportunity to posed and who would be glad to the mistake of t h e synagogue that self-sufficiency of the rare rabbi as a representative of thethe continuance of your earning I worship in common with their power? •; j group and call itself a congregabe of tremendous service to Amergenius which makes h i m inde- community to register the Je-svish health and ican Jewryy in the upbuilding of fellow Jews, but who cannot af- tion or a rival of the synagogue pendent of the society of his fel- marriage not only in the roster ford to belong to any of the existgroup. But it should nurture the i h lif of the state but in the roster "of in order that he officiate. If he I American JJewish life. toddfet policy. synagogue groups, and it may communal will into an awaken- lows: the community. But the only ros- would require that of them they have ing I do n not - believe that To satisfy the need for such be that they may find themselves ing of itself, into an awareness David K. Cohen that lie registers it in is usu- would go . to another rabbi who \ given sufficient thought to t h eout of place in "the old-fashioned fellowship, we have to build up ter of itself, give that communal will ally that of his bank book. |would not require it of them; origin and development- o{ t h etype of little chevra. So they find an organic community, organic Jewish;- Community • Center, and themselves out in the cold, so todirection and not help to impedi- within itself and. organically re-, That is not "a w a y of conse- ! What is the meaning to that ment it. for that-reason we have not fully speak, religiously and socially. lated to the rest of the Jewish j crating, or sanctifying the mar- j ceremony? What value c a n it CALL appraised its great potentialities. And, of course, you have as aPITFALL IN WORDS people. An organic community is jriage. Tfiose who are married have for the young people, and what is the actual consequence?. under Jewish • auspices ought to I wish, therefore, to direct your matter of fact, Jews who though I want to warn you against a one whose • constituent members ' attention to the causes that have they are religious in a more phil- danger into which the synagogue and institutions are so related to know that in so far as they are As conditions exist at ."present, brought the Center into being. osophic and deeper sense of the group" -has fallen. By satisfying one another that each regards married as. Jews they are recog- I young couples will go to the rabThe Jewish Community Center is term, do not see eye to eye with the need of those who constituted the others* as necessary to it and nized as married by the Jewish J bi and have a Jewish marriage the resultant" of two distinct fac- those of us who feel impelled to it for self-expression as Jews, it i t s e l f as insufficient without community^ B u t where is that | in order to'satisfy their parents. At Ms office; Friday or Saturday for &n appointment community? If a Jew comes to ; B TI t this situation •will become tors. One factor is the Jewish will express our religiosity in terms of has led those same people to be- them. to live, or the will to-live as Jews. observances, specific observances. lieve that in the synagogue group Only as a permanent historic the rabbi who belongs to a syna- less and less frequent, and they And the other factor is the in- They do not find themselves spir- they have the community. And so group, which, as an organic unit, gogue and who is the head, of a will come to be satisfied" with a Telephone AT 7168* adequacy of the synagogue group itually at home in the synagogue •the synagogue group has attained functions as a totality in all ofsynagogue, it is not necessary I purely c i v i l marriage, which that the young couple should bei means simply that Jewish life is to satisfy that desire or will to group, and so do not find in that the name "congregation," which its parts and c a n confer somecome members of the synagogue j losing out, is disintegrating, and i *>»^*>v\f**f*t%rJ*\ff>i\pii»\ A*^**ij^^ live as Jews. group an opportunity for self-ex- in Hebrew means kehillah, that thing of its own immortality to
Kindly note that I speak ol the word of which so many of us are all of its members, will the Jewsynagogue group. By that term pression as Jews. The result is that t h e syna- afraid. Somehow, the mere men- ish people constitute a morally I refer to the group of-^nen, woand spiritually significant Influmen, and children organized in gogue groups really satisfy t h e tion o£ t h e word "fcehillaa"—I ence in the life of the Jew. do not know whether it is the need for Jewish fellowship only congregations that •worship in Hebrew sound^of It or something synagogues or temples. From a of twenty-five or thirty per cent NEED TRUE COMMUNITY sociological standpoint, this type of the Jewish population through- about it—terrorizes us, dismays No synagogue group by itself, us with the spirit of the ghetto. of social organization is a nouy- out the country. The average afno Zionist organization by itself, eaute, a novelty, an unprecedent- filiation with a synagogue at the As a matter of fact, those of usno Federation by itself, will ever who belong to the congregations y , pfessnt time does not amount to ed thing in Jewish life. really belong to kehillahs, be- give the Jew something to live more than twenty-five per cent, Assuming as it does the term that is what a congregation for as a Jew. Only all of these "synagogue," and knowing that which is about the general average cause The unfortunate thing, together acting as functional orthe synagogue has functioned In Of chuch affiliations throughout means. however, is that t h e synagogue gans of a true community c a n the country. Jewish life throughout the cenAs a result of this inadequacy group has n o right to the use of achieve this. turies, we somehow take that orThis need calls for the existon -the part of the synagogue that term. I t is a misrepresentaganization for granted and regard tion, because i t does not repre- ence of a community in which evit as the continuation of a form group, and of a desire on the oth- sent t h e community or the conof organized Jewish life that has er hand, to live as Jews, to trans- gregation. word "congregaprevailed throughout the ages mit their Jewish heritage to their tion" Is. a The: inclusive word. ifark Leon Says - - This is far from being the fact. children, there has had to arise Look up yourvery Bibles and you will l*t me protect yonr Interests. . . some kind of institution that The synagogue ••'; group,- organized that i t is applied to the whole I write INSURANCE of every desas it In this country and In other would somehow satisfy the need find incladins LIFE, la strmss, nation of Israel, known as t h e cription reliable compaide* OSIX. . . . Let'j countries of Western-civilization for Jewish fellowship and the talk it over. Yisrael." Yet you find is an institution that has come need for the carrying on of the"Kehillat little chevra calling itself City Finance Sc Insnrance Co. into being in Jewish life under Jewish heritage and Jewish mode some by the name congregation. How- 1409 Farasm AT 76S7 or WA SI50 modern conditions, nnder condi- of life. ever large that congregation be, tions that have forced the aues Thus the Community Center should and could call itself a tion upon the Jew as to how he has sought to provide a meeting it society. B u t i t has no right to expects to adjust himself to theplace for Jews in general who assume the name congregation. citizenship which has been grant want to satisfy their need for fel- It makes no difference whether it ed him ever sinc& the -days o: lowship. And that is how the is Orthodox, Conservative, or Reemancipation. Community Center has arisen. form. Congregation should be reBut, so far, that desire finds ex- served t o that group of J e w s " l i v - j i . pression merely in togetherness. ing in a city, the overarching orSYNAGOGUE GBOUP This synagogue group has been Jews get together under one roof ganization of which would have organized to meet the need tha and engage in* transient activities a right to call itself by the name the Jew experiences in common in the hope that somehow out of "congregation." with all other human beings for these activities t h e r e would Let not the Community Center fellowship and for religious self- emerge, some inspiring purpose, expression. Certainly very worthy some definite aim that would make t h e mistake of regarding purposes and very essential to the weld them together into more itself as the community because normal life of the Jews; but nev- than a fellowship, into a spiritual under its roof Jews of all types, representing all strata of t h e ertheless, purposes which in thefraternity.. Saul a very nature of the thing defeat But togetherness by itself can community, happen to meet. So of organization that a synagogue certainly, not satisfy that burning long as there are other organizathemselves by reason of the type necessity which has given rise to tions in the city, Jewish organizagroup must be. .-•• • to your relatives in the U.S.S.R. the -Community Center, because it tions, doing Jewish work, r e Why? We speak of the syna- is a fact that one can feel very ligious, educational, philanthroTorgsin Stores ore located in gogue group being organized in much alone even In a crowd. pic, it can work for-the commuthe larger cities of the Soviet order to meet the need for fellow- Without a purpose to guide its nity. But it has no right to call Union and carry various doship. But fellowship to be satis- activities the Jewish Communityitself or regard itself as the commestic and imported articles munity. Once it is sufficiently fying must as far .as possible'be Center: cannot henceforth conof high quality. unrestricted,- and if it is to betinue to function as an institu- wise t o avoid this mistake, t h e Jewish Community Center can be J e w i s h fellowship,: Jewishness tion that holds out' the hope to Prices compare favorably ought to be the only qualification the Jew that there, he will find a in a position to carry on its projwith those in America that should bind those who are solution, to. the problem how to ect of organizing Jewish life by making that urge which h a s ©. members of the synagogue group. meet his 'fellow Jew on a suffiWes But the synagogue group as itciently wide basis, so t h a t no brought it into being fully aware O r d e r s BOSS is organized in Jewish life for the matter how inuch he may differ of itself. eg esBtSsssrlsejS present time is necessarily con- from him religiously or financialWhat do I mean by this urge fined to those of common back- ly, socially or economically, he to community life being or beground, of unknown belief, and may still feel that he has a broth- coming aware of itself? I mean does not reckon with the n e w er in him. by that, that we should -underphenomen of diversity in belief, • It Is for that reason that I stand what it really means for differences of religious opinion would suggest to those of y o u Jews to be united and live as a and religious attitude. That it who are Interested in finding a united Jewish community. should be necessary for o u rpresent rationale for the Commu- When you speak to Jews about Arntorg Trading Corp. worthy chairman to belong to. two nity; Center that would not only this need they tell you, "What do 281 Fifth Ave., X. X. synagogues in order that,he and justify Its existence but direct its you mean by the assertion that I may be friends "and work to- functioning, the purpose which it we should unite into a commagether, and not to one synagogue group, somehow Indicates that the synagogue group as such is not organized entirely with a view to the highest and most inelusive interests of Jewish life. There is another reason for my saying that the synagogue group defeats the Tery purposes for which itais organized, namely, fellowship and religious self-expression. It is confined to people of similar financial standing. The very structure of the synagogue and t h e nature of its activities ire such as to make it Impossible for those who are not In a position to pay certain fixed dues to belong to such a group. That introduces the element of financial lualification into an organization, F' 'he main purpose of which should be fellowship and religious selfexpression. And one cannot but recognize the incongruity of such i disturbing factor. The worst of -r -• -H it all is that with such a disturbing factor to operate in synagogue groups there arise the well known evils of social climbing, and a listinction between one type of Take Siierman AY©. Car I© Bus at 16th szi Lscesl congregation and another, be-
>^? >v\ '
car ever nPHE .new. Master Luxe Cher•'., :;...;;"} -^ rolet is the 'ordy car In its price ....; :;,:.; range that brings you all of the '[; ';-/'-;; finb car' festttres picfered here! It /Is the"-©sly car' of--Its pries ~vdih
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is much, and the master of the der erd" . . . The Western Jewish ini on August 25th . . . Be sure TALMUD Advocate of Denver in its June to listen in to these Sunday mornJtabban Jochanan used to say, house is urgent." Tsrfon used to eay, "It An Episcopalian publication, "The living: Church," urges the issue published an ad reading: Ing concerts, which will come to "If thou hast learnt with Torali, is Rabbi not thy duty to complete the "Compliments and best wishes to you via the NBC blue network. ascribe not zny merit to thyself, creation of a national organization of Protestants, Catholics and the Jewish community—William (Copyright, 1935. by Seven Arts for thereunto vast thou created." j work, but neither art thou free Feature Syndicate) Jews to combat atheism and materialism. The paper suggests that P. Godel—German consul, 16B3 Rabbi Eliszer said, "Let t h y j to desist from it, if thou h a s t Lawrence Street, Denver, Colofriend's toaor be as flesr to tbee studied much Torah., much rethe National Conference of Jews and Christians "offer leader- rado" . . . Miss Pauline Bromberg Protests as thice own, be not easily ex- ward YTUI be given thee, and ship in such a united effort." Philadelphia — "German gov- cited to anger, and repent c n e j faithful is thy employer to pay of Boston resigned as committeet the reward of thy labor, and This suggestion is directly in line with what we have been woman for the women's track and ernmental policy of increased op- day before thy death." And lie thee field division of the 1&2G Ameri- pression of Protestant, Jewish, further said, "Warm thyself tsy liEPT that the grant of reward editorially advocating for some time. The lines are being sharply can Olympic team . . . Miss Brom- Catholic and other great seg- the fire of the isrise, but beware unto the righteous will he in the drawn, in this country as well as in other nations, for a fight to berg, whose ancesters were Ger- ments of 'the population of Ger- of their glowing coals, lest thou fullness." Jews, is the girl physical di- i many is a backward step in the be burnt; so do not the finish between the forces of religion and the forces of irre- man rector of the East Boston High civilization of a great people," de- become too intimate with the ligion. In this impending battle, the various great religions of School . . , "I could not go into clared Governor George H. Earle •prise, as their critical opinion o£ the world must submerge the points of difference and deepen the a country where I should be re- in an address before a mass-meet- you may change to your detriMohcl Specialist with merely a mask of ing to report on German boycott ment." fundamental, common principles which are being threatened by a ceived itnenflei? by Man} Doclort welcome," she said . . . Which re- work. Rabbi Joshua said, "The evil e Phone VEbster 6635 common foe. . minds us that the Amateur Atheye, the evil inclination e n d Business Phone WEbeter R460 letic Union of America has never hatred of his fellow men shortens N. 20th. St., Omaha, Neb. roted to certify American atha person's life." letes for the 1936 Olympic and Kabbi Jose said, "Let the propwithout this certification no memerty of thy friend be as dear to The question of economic issues in Palestine brings to the ber of the A. A. U. can compete By O. O. DASHER thee as thine own. Prepare thyself lor the study of the Torah fore the problem of Palestine "dumping" in Palestine. As an in any meet . . . So if the A. A. should withhold this certificaexample, during the month of March, the latest on which an of- U. Judge the poor, and the fath- since the knowledge of it is not tion at the eleventh hour, Mr. an inheritance of thine, and let ficial report is available, Japan imported from Palestine only five Brundage and all his colleagues erless; do justice to the afflicted, E!1 thy deeds be done in the highand the destitute; rescue the poor dollars worth of goods during the month, while it dumped goods would be powerless to do any- and the needy, deliver them out est spirit." thing about it . . . Baroness Maud Rabbi Tarfon said, "The day to the value of half a million dollars during that same period. Levi, fifth ranking woman tennis ol the band of the •wicked. is short, tbe task is great, the Competition of imitations made of inferior materials with player of America, known before They h o l d crafty converse laborers are sluggish, the reward against Thy people, they have cheap labor is hard to beat. Palestine as a mandate of England her first marriage as Maud Ros- said,, come and let us cut them enbaum, became the bride of H. WARER is not given the tariff protections of other colonies, and if Pal- Walter Blumental, wealthy New off from being a nation, that the MONSKY, GRODIN&KY, & COHEN, name of Israel may be no more Attorney*. estinian prosperity is to continue, then it becomes necessary to York broker . . . 737 Omaha Nstional Bank BldQ. in remembrance. change the existing status and protect Palestine products. Truth springeth out of t h e STARS AND QUAKES NOTICE. earth, and righteousness hath NOTTOB IS HEREBY GIVEN that. Rumors that John Barrymore looked, down from heaven. the undersigned have associated will marry Elaine Barrie, the O remember h o vr short my themselves for the formation of the iSTATE INVESTMENT CORPORA-1 Jewish high school girl, eoon af- time is, for what vanity hast TION, with its principal office and The High Commissioner of Palestine took a forward step in ter he gets his divorce f r o m Thou created all the children of |j place of businesses in Omaha. Doug-I las County, Nebraska. The corporation the promotion of good-will and amity in the Holy Land when on Dolores Costello, become very in- men! j is being formed for the purpose of sistent these days . . . The other rnaintajning find operating: a general the occasion of the Silver Jubilee Year he pardoned a number of day they were both seen shopping real estate arid holding company; and MONSKV, GEODINSKY, BEARER £ purchase, lease, hire and otherwise prisoners sentenced on charges arising out of the 1929 disturb- for a boudoir set for Elaine . . . COHEN and J. HAROU) 8AKM, Attj-s to acquire and fleal In res! estate penOmaha National Bank Bli3 . erallj", and to acquire as lessee, owner s Albert Einstein bought a house ances. In addition to the fourteen prisoners released in this cate- in otherwise, and to operate theaters Princeton . . . The house Is one Notice !s hereby given that the under- or for the exhibition of moving pictures ?lne>%t in rarbnnat**! b^ ;ory, there were also seventy-nine other criminal convicts liber- of the oldest In the famous uni- signed hay© formed a rorporation, pur- and-or the presentation of other per- The featuring: ous* exclusive upeclal formances, and to borrow money and ; suant to the laws ol the State o£ Neversity town and extremely mod- braska: ated, in accordance with the annual custom. Issue its evidences of indebtedness i % "The Perfect Mixer" est . . . The Professor paid cash The name ot the corporation !« "CON- therefor. The total authorized capital: DISTRIBUTORS, I X C, stock shall be $100,000.00, ptir value! The High Commissioner, in announcing the amnesty, stated because he wants to feel real SOLIDATED ry a bottle of delicious with its principal place of business in $100.00 per share, all of which shall [ City of Omaha. The objects for be common and fully paid and non- j that it was designed to efface the bitter memories of six years master in his home . . . Which the which this corporation is formed are: assessable when issued. The corpora.! reminds us that when the To enpatre in the business ef distribut- tion shall commence business upon I ago, and to indicate the establishment of better, conditions of again selling and manufacturing as prinProfessor negotiated for the rent- ing, cipal, apent, factor or otherwise arid in the filing of the Articles with the j on sale at all fruit markets, public securiy in Palestine. If, indeed, this growth of harmon- ing of a summer house at O 1 d its own behalf or in behalf of others, County Clerk of Douglas County. Ne- ! goodg, wares, merchandise commodities braska. and continue until January I.! grocery stores and luncli stands ious feeling will proceed, it means much for the peaceful develop- Lyme, Connecticut, the owner of and products of every kind and char- 2035. The highest amount of indebted- j the house, one of the big offi- acter and to acQuire. hold, sell, aliento which the corporation shall at; Kanufaciorefi by ment of the country and concentration upon vital economic is- cials of the Marshall Field Store ate or encumber any $.n& all propertr, ness time subject itself shall not ex- i real or per»oral, which may be neces- any ceed two-thirds of its capital Btock, CO. in Chicago, wired to clinch the sary and convenient in anil for the ac- this limitation not to apply to evisues, the solution of which is so badly needed. . of the corporation's obsecured by real estate. The! I®JO So. £Oth St. deal: "There are three garages complishment WE 8043 jects; and to maintain a bureau for the dences shall be administered fcf s i dissemination of information and for an corporation attached to the house for your advice Board of Directors of not less thrn semce and to render services of convenience" . . . To which the various kinds and &.l*o to maintain an two nor more than five in advertising agency and to perform all who shall be elected a t the sr.tiiis' Professor replied: "Thanks, but I of service* usually Incident to such meeting of stockholders held on the *Rosh Chodesh Elul ...... ... .. .—~ -Fri., Aug. 8 haven't a single car" . . . Speak- an the enterprise. The Company shall have second Tuesday in July of each yc>-. authority Sorrow money and Sssne ev. The Articles may be amended at sr.v ing about science it may interest ldences of toIndebtedness 5696 — 1935 therefor. The to- regnlar meeting of stockholders o" you that R e u b e n Greenspan, tal authorized capital stock ia $10,000, any special meeting called for tl p.t' par value IIP0 per share; all etock Com- purpose. With the assent in wriiinr Rosh Hashonah, 1st day .. .— . Sat, Sept. 28young mathematician and earth- mon &nd when issued shall be fully paid of 75 per cent of the outstanding' Cfmnon-assessable. The corporation tal stock voting either in person or Rosh Hashonah, 2nd day ._ .. . . Sun., Sept. 29quake predictor, is taken very and shall commence business upon the filing by proxy, the Directors shall hrve th«> Every Evening seriously in the scientific world of its with the County Clerk of Fast of Gedaliah .._ ...Mon., Sept. 30 . . . A plan has been suggested DouslasArticles and authority to sell and conCounty, Nebraska, and shall power Sunday vey or otherwise dispose of the assets continue ontll January 1st, IS63. The Yom Kippur .. .. .—Mon., Oct. 7 to provide him with a modernly highest amount of Indebtedness shall of the company as an entirety or r o exceed two-thirds of the capital ing- concern, on such, terms and conaSuccoth, 1st day ...~ •™..Sat, Oct. 12 equipped laboratory subsidized by not stock. The sffairs o£ the corporation tions as they shall fleem fit, for Be-1 the League of Nations so as to shall toe administered by a Board of Di- curities, for cash or for capital etnok Succoth, 2nd day _.. _...Sun., Oct. 13 enable rector* consisting of not less than two of any corporation. The corporator him to warn all nations of nor more than four In number. The shall have a seal. stockholders shall elect Directors at the Hosha'ana Rabba ~ _..FrL, Oct.^18 Impending earthquakes . . . D»te<J at Omaha, Nebraska, annual meeting to bs held the *econfl
United Forces
Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by , THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY i
- - -
• Subscription Price, one year - - - • - • 52.00 Advertising rates furnished on .application* 1
Editorial OMlce:: 600 Brandela Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center i)AVID BLACKER • • Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - • • • - Editor RABBI DR1 MILLER - - - - • Contributing Editor DANNIE KATELMAN Council Blutfs, Iov?a. Correspondent ANN P I L L . - - - - Biotx City. Iowa. Correspondent Print Shop Address:? 4504 So. 24th Street
The Same Piece
The needle on the Nazi record has become stuck - - the dolorous discord of hatred, bigotry and intolerance comes without change from the Reich, until the refined senses of a shocked world have been dulled through the constant repetition. Yet, ao enveloping is the effect of German events that a chronicle or review of the Jewish happenings during any week must necessarily touch upon the sorrow in Germany, where men are sinking to the low level of their barbaric and primitive ancestors. The Jewish residents in Germany are still only a part of the Nazi target, which includes Catholics, non-Nazi Protestants, war veterans, and liberals of all types and degrees. If any thought that in the general Nazi campaign against many classes the Jewish attack would be softened, such thoughts were immediately dispelled by the court order emanating from Nazi headquarters to party members throughout .the country that: "August must be made the bitterest month in the history of the German Jews." A drive has been launched in provincial cities to starve out the Jews. Food dispensers were prevented from serving "non-Aryans." In all centers Jewish arrests were made in wholesale lots, with or without pretext. Refugee Jews pouring into Berlin were told they were not wanted. L Involuntarily, the prayer is uttered: How'long can this madness last? And the answer must be: We do not know.
World Zionist Congress
The nineteenth World.Zionist Congress will convene at Lucerne, Switzerland, next Tuesday. Hundreds of delegates representing the Jewry of practically every country in the world, including fifty from the United States, will deliberate at this conclave over the future of the Zionist policies in Palestine. We are thousands of miles away from: Lucerne. Yet, every decision made at the deliberative meeting will affect Jews the world over. Palestine is the focal point of Jewish life today; when the depression caused an economic crisis in every nook and cranny, and as a result the Jews were made the scapegoats of a bewildered fury, Palestine stood forth as a beacon light. In Palesetine a safe haven of refuge awaited thousands of homeless refugees, a refuge among people who were their kith and kin and not strangers. In the crucial moment, Palestine proved its worth - - Shemini Atseret-™. Monday in January of each year. There™_Sat., .'.bet! 19 after the Directors shall elect officers, proved to Zionist and non-Zionist alike that if Palestine could Simchat Torah viz., President, Vice-President, Secre..Sun., Oct. 20 VACATION NOTES ••••••#*••«••••** tary and Treasurer. The Articles may have been prepared to absorb eeconomically many, many more *Rosh Hodesh Heshvan .Mon., Oct, 28 One of the largest Protestant be amended upon notice Eg provided £or. refugees - - then a large part of the Jewish refugee problem would Rosh Hodesh Kislev .... in the seashore resort Datea Karcb 29th, 1SS5. _.Wed., Nov. 27 churches J. HAROLD SAKS, of Belmar, N. J., has Mogen Dav- S.2-25—<t ESTHER SCHWARTZ. have been gracefully solved. The thing which Jewish leaders must Chanukah, 1st day „ Sat., Dec 21 ids in all its stained glass winlook forward now is to so plan the future that Palestine's ab- Rosh Hodesh Tebet . „ _.™Fri., Dec 27 dows . . . Jewish vacationers at MONSKY, GROD!NSKY# MARER & COHEN, Bradley Beach and Belmar who sorpitive capacity should become as limitless as possible. Attorneys. pass the ritzy "No-Jews-allowed" NOTE—Holidays begin, i n the evening preceding the datea T37 Omaha National Bank Bids. The World Congress will be dominated by Laborites, over Avon Inn in the town of Avon, designated, halfway between Bradley and forty per cent of the delegates belonging to this faction. This NOTICE. NOTICE IS H E R E B T GIVEX that *Ros hChodesh also observed previous day. Belmar, are betting that it won't means that the future course determined at this Congress will the undersigned have associated be long before the Avon Inn will themselves for the formation of the INVESTMENT CORPORAlean toward the building of Palestine on a national basis, rooted not only take Jewish guests but TOWN -with its principal of fire and will fee Jewish owned . . . The TION, place of business in Omahs, Douglas to the Palestinian soil and not insecurely looped about the siren reason for this confidence is that County, Nebraska. TT.e corporation is formed for the purpose of mainof speculation. Every precaution must be taken to fight the almost every big hotel on the Jer- being taining and operating a general rea! • • • • sey coast which once barred Jews estate and holding company; and to growth of land and rent speculation. Unless the homeland is built purchase, lease, hire and. otherwise ia now owned by Jews and is an acquire and deal jn real estate generon a*sound national basis, you.could readily imagine what a catBy PHINEAS XBIROM exclusive Jewish, hostelry . . . Al- ally, and to acquire as lessee, owner or otherwise, and to operate theaters aclysm would occur in the event a change in Reich politics brought ZIONISTS HOT fearlessness and liberalism , , . though all the Jewish hotels are for the exhibition of moving pictures and for the presentation other pera flood, of German-Jewish refugees back from Palestine to Ger- A email group of Zionists has Wonder it you noticed the survey jammed to capacity the Tel Aviv formances, and to borrowof money and Mansion in Belmsr is for some its evidences of indebtedness many. Capital is important in any country, but so is labor, so is launched an opposition to the conducted by t h e United Press mysterious reason closed . . . Res- !ssi2e therefor. The total authorised capital present Zionist leadership in sport editors as to whethstock shall be $25,000.00, par value fanning, so is the national spirit of a homeland. These latter A m e r i c a . . . . The chairman of among $100.00 per share, all of which Khali he er America should participate in idents of Paterson, Newark, Tren- common and fuly paid end nonton and Jersey City who are vathe opposition is Maldwin M. the Berlin Olympic Games . . . must be emphasized and re-emphasized in Palestine. assessable when Issued. The corporacationing at Belmar or Bradley tion shall commence business upon formerly: counsel to The results read: 13 for, 11 filing1 of the Articles with the There will unquestionably be a sharp division of opinion on Pertwig, Franklin D. Roosevelt when the against and 6 non-committal . . . find it just as tough to escape the County Clerk of Douslas County. Nepeople selling tickets for bridges braska, «nd continue until January Zionist leadership, despite the strength of the Laborites. Many latter was governor of New- York for the benefit of their home town 1st, 2035. The highest Amount of inSAY IT WITH MUSIC . . . Isaac Carmel is the secretary debtedness to which th* corporstlom are predicting that Chaim Weizmann will once again take the Israel Garbovsky> at one time Jewish institutions as they d i d shall at any time subject itself ahaH . . . All in all there are only eight not exceed two-thirds of Sts capital helm of the Zionist, movement. Others declare that Sokolow pre- members of which Jacob Fish- a violin prodigy who made his back home . . . Within one week stock, this limitation not to apply to 11 public bridges for Jew- evidences of indebtedness secured by sents such an excellent administration record that it will be dif- man, managing editor of the Jew- debut some 30 years ago in Pet> there ish hospitals, orphanages, Talmud real estate. The corporation Jiball h« rograd, is now the conductor of ish Morning Journal, ia the best administered by a Board of Directors ficult to oust him from the presidency. Neither leadership is to known . . . And don't think for a the symphony orchestra in Cal- Torahs or synagogues in Bradley of not less than two nor mor* than and Belmar . . . If you want to five in number, who shall be elected be feared, so there need be no qualms about the political elections. moment that anybody c a n Join gary, Canada . . . He built up the start a panic on the boardwalk at the annual meeting of stockholders orchestra from rair material and held on the second Tuesday in June Both will pledge their utmost to the consolidation of the pros- thi3 select group . . . Your record worked that runs from Sea Girt to Ashof each year. The Articles may be with It for nine years till will be carefully scrutinized and at any regular meeting' of bury Park, N. J., holler, "hey, amended perity enjoyed in Palestine. it was recognized as one of the stockholders or any special meeting if any of the original eight memPractically every Jewish called for that purpose. With the asAnother issue which will undoubtedly be seriously discussed bers object to your inclusion you finest orchestras ever developed judge!" sent In writing of CO per cent of the judge in the state can be encounIn Canada . . . Garborsky is a capital stock voting either at the conference will be the plan of the British Mandatory to es- will be mercilessly black-balled. brother of Mrs. Peter J. Schweit- tered on that boardwalk, and not outstanding in person or by proxy, the Directors have the power and authority to zer, the New York philanthropist with bis ermine robes either . . . shall tablish a legislative council in Palestine, to comprise Jews,'Arabs FOURTH ESTATE sell and convey or otherwise dispose For ihosB of us who can't afford of the assets of the company as an a n d Zionist leader . . . Erich One of the Anglo-Jewish weekand British officials. The World Zionist Congress will without vacation at Salzburg, Austria, entirety or going concern, on -such lies recently published a terrific Korngold, the Viennese compos- to terms and conditions a s they shall question strenuously oppose such a council, which would resem- blast against the u s e of syndi- er, who is now visiting this coun- this year the' American Kadlator deem fit. for securities, for cash or for capital stock of any corporation. Company Is bringing the Festival The corporation shall have a seal. ble a parliament and would put the Jews in Palestine on the status cated material and the very same try, is married to a granddaugh- music to these shores via the that this attack appeared this ter of the late Adolph SonnehHitler-exiled Felix Weinof a national minority. It would also contradict the Palestine Man- day weekly dispatched a letter to our thal, Austria's greatest actor . . . radio, Dated at Ornafea. Nebraska, this gartner on August 2Sth d»y of June, 1835. date guaranteed by the League of Nations, which provides defi- editor applying for the Seven Korngold has a fine sense of hu- 11th, dittoconducting Bruno Walter on AuH. MARQUARDT, mor . . . We had a chat with him Arts Feature Syndicate's service E. SCHWARTZ. nitely for the establishment of a Jewish National Homeland Si gust 18th, and anti-Nazi Toscanthe other day and he told us a Incorporators. . . . An Anglo-American daily that Palestine. Particularly should the Jewish Congress oppose the no longer exists will make its re- new Hitler joke . . . It seems that S-23-SS-4t legislative council because the Palestine government does not wish appearance as a weekly because at a Nazi meeting In Berlin the the creditors—and there are plen- chairman, wanted to get rid of the to give parity to the Jews and Arabs in this representative body, ty of them—believe that there is few Jews who were present . . . but- insists that the Arab should enjoy a larger representation. a better chance to sell this paper He made the announcement that non-Aryans must leave . . . ThlB attitude is taken by the English despite the fact that the if its publication is not altogether all interrupted . . . The New York The leader of the Jewish group Jews have now brought into Palestine millions of dollars and have panorama- as regards J e w i s h rose and stated that ill's group undertaken, a multitude of enterprises to develop the country. newspaperdom will look quite dif- considered themselves Germans "Omaha's Only Aussssemeat Park for Toting &nd Ola ferent next winter . . . We know . . . Whereupon the N a z i anOfficial figures published by the Palestine government this week of three out-of-towa Anglo-Jew- nounced that a l l Jews should disclose that over $70,000,000 are now lying in the banks of ish publishers each of whom Is leave the room and Mr. Schlesinthe leader of the Jewe, smilPalestine ready to be used for different industrial projects by making independent plans to con- ger, quer New York with THE New ingly retorted: "We have been Jews. This is the weathervane which points in the direction of York Anglo-Jewish weekly . . . baptized. We are not Jewish." Sad but true: During Walter Win- . . . The Nazi chieftain, red in the future of the Jewish national homeland.
Tai Power •
Budapest—The Jewish Com. muilyt of Budapest was granted permission'b^ Minister of Education Dr. Valentin Homan to levy a Bpecial tax on its members lor tha, maintenance of t h e Jewish schools here. The Jewish Community Is also empowered' to levy the school-tax J possessing businesses or tk the city. .
Czech Swim Champs Praha—For the fifteenth time the swimming championship of Czechoslovakia was won by the Jewish sports club Haglbor last week. The club also recently won the water p o l o championship of Czechoslovakia.
Mention the Jewish" Press td your merchant.
chell's absence from t h e Daily Mirror the circulation did n o t drop by even one copy . . . Which reminds us that the shakeup in the Daily Mirror which began soon after Arthur Brisbane took full charge some months ago, fs still under way . . . Th© latest victim is Bernard Sobel, dramatic editor . . . The New York Post Is the biggest circulation gainer of the metropolitan area' at the expense of t h e World-Telegram whicli baa dropped most o£ its
24th day- of July, 1935. J. H. SAKS, A. GREENEERG.
down For 21 years the great Kclvinator factories have built only quality merchandise. And this long and successful experience is reflected in the beautiful new 193 S models. Look ftt the Rsodel illustrated below! Grester ice capacity—scientific shelf arrsngesnent which gives more storage space End greater convenience—and a wealth of dcslga and construction features—all at the lowest price in Keivinstor history. See this ' beautiful Kelvinator before you buy. And ask about terms.
the face, burst out: "All baptised Jews get out!" . . . The assembly then saw t a o figure of Jesus Christ detach itself from the cross and putting It's arm around Mr. Schlesteger, saldr "Schlesinger, this means us. Let's go!" . '. .
BERLIN 1083 The newspapers the other day flashed a big headline: "NAZIS ALLOW JEWS O N L Y ONE LEAGUE" . . . To t h i s Jacob -Flshmas commented: "Lies ia
low lefts
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1935. RETURN FROM MOTOR TRIP TO CHICAGO RETURNS FROM VACATION RETURX HOME "RUSH" TEA SVVNDAf Mrs. A. L. Wohlner and h e r Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cirtn and Miss Sally Bernstein will leave Miss Ida Kotler ' returned last BY PI LAMBDA ; daughters, Phyllis a n d Corini)e, family have returned from a The marriage of Reva Golden- Saturday night for Chicago where Saturday from a three-week va- accompanied by Mrs. Rose Krammonth's motor trip to New York berg, she will visit ber brother and sis| cation in New York city. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chi d i a p e r cf Pi LensMe. Thl, er and her daughter, Eliaine, reand Washington, D. C. Hyman Goldenberg, to Edwaxd ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'social fraterriity of Creighton ut.v turned last %veek from a week's VACATIONING I N 1X>S Lincoln, s o n of Mr. and Mrs. Bernstein for two weeks. ' TPrsit.v, will ofijcially open t, h f( s t a y at BACK FROM DENVER ANGELES [rush scasoE, SuntiP.y, AUEWP-1 3S. HOUSE GUESTS Miss Helen Fingeret returned Jerry Hirshmann 5s vacstion- j Late, Iowa. at £:50 p. hi., v:lth fc less, at, -w-^lrl3 Monday from Denver after a two Mrs. Morris Storm a n d son, ! ing for s. month in Los Angeles, SO rushees v.-ill be tueeis. T I; f! BACK FROM OKOBOJI 1 Harry, of Waterloo, la., and Mr.! where he is a gtiest cf Mr. End month's ~ visit with her cousin, I tea Trill take place at flic CGVi'lr ! Mr. and Mrs. Louis Alberts and i William Kreda of New York city, ' Mrs. F . M. KrE.Ene. Miss Charlotte Siletcky. I decovaied taifi re-furnJMhc»l (AIHV! family accompanied by M1 s s * i formerly of Omaha, w e r e the Louse sit £16 No. SIBI El. i Z'eifia Charney recently returnee :tcr house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hy-iFORMER O3IAHAX HERE TO CHICAGO ! A novfil afternoon Iia.s L e f: r. I from a ten day stay at Lake Oko1 TXiie Stein, last week. They stop- Mr. Phil Weiue-r, formerly of ; planted t;y t h e twe-uiy laci.h'*. Mrs. Goodman Cohen and son, ped enroute to Denver where they | Omaha, spent Wednesday a n d i boji. •1 members of t h e frS-tercltr. Jr>;Myron, have gone to Chicago for Go'dv.-crc is 5n charee- o* the fi.fBURROUGHS-REUBEN will attend the marriage of Miss ! Thursflay here visiting bis friends COUCK-GREEXBLATT the rest of the summer. While JIN* ST. I/OtTtS . ' fair. i Mariam Kreda. i and relatives. there, Myron will take special KUPTIAliS The ceremony uniting in marj Mrs. Sam Frohns and her eon. Miss Harriet Greenblatt, daugh- riage Miss Ruth Reuben, daugh- courses in music and violin from ' "s plilton, s l i d Mrs.. X. rriesmsn. 1 \ " ! MONTH'S SO5OURN ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Green- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reu- Professor R i c h a r d Czerwonke, •I S. A. M. ROUND-UP land her daughter, Golcue. sre TBThe annual S. A. M. T a l l noted violinist. • j Miss Betty Kotier is spending 'blatt, became the bride of Mr. ben, to Mr. James C. Burroughs, ; traveling -.-, , , , 5 round-up will talte place August a month's s o j o u r n Harry Colick, son of Mr. and Mrs. son of Mrs. Harry Nystrom, was s 31 to September 2. There will be • through California a n d through Samuel Colick Sunday, August 11, solemnized last Sunday afternoon FROM DES MOINES AT OKOBOJI FOR 10 BATS an informal gathering Saturday, ! Northern Iviesico. Miss Bernice Rudston of Des at a pretty ceremony at the Pax- by. Rabbi Frederick Cohn. Mrs. Dare Sherman end h e r v, -v ' " - '- s a dinner-dance Sunday at t h e ton Hotel. A dinner for the im- j,-,,. , . , M r s. Charles Greenblatt, of Moines, la., is the house guest of | sac, : A. • t / ' ;are Paxton hotel and Labor Day out-FROM BOSTON mediate families followed. Muscatine, Iowa, sister of t h e Miss Helen Stein. s ten days ct Lake Okoj ing Monday. Many out-of-t o w n ! Mr. Leon Mandclson, of Bos\ The bride -wore a b l u e and bride, was the maid of honor. Mr. ton, is spending tea days h e r e ; boji. RETURNS TO OMAHA 1 fraters are expected. •white costume -with flowing sleev- Isadore Mann was the best man. visiting his mother, Mrs. L. Man-KOrSEGI*ESTS Miss Sylvia Weiner returned es and accessories to match. Both Burroughs, who is a senior at j WEEK HERE delson. from a six-week vacation in Chi••were unattended. . CHICAGO the University of Omaha Law Milton Wolsky, who is a stuThe young couple will leave School, is treasurer of the P h i cago and Detroit, where she visDr. and Mrs. ".'orris Sacks of dent at the Chicago Art Institute, ited her relatives and was enter•ATTEND WEDDING August 19 for a six-week tour of Sigma Mu, Jewish legal fraterChicago are vacttiosiEg here ten is spending a week here visiting at many informal affairs Mrs. D i n t Miller, of Chicago, dsys ES house guests of Mrs. California. Upon their return they nity. He also attended Nebraska tained his family. given in her honor, and her son, Bill Miller cf Dav|Sacks' parents, Mr. a n d Mrs. J. •will make their h o m e at 3503 and Crelghton universities and enport, Iowa, spent a ireek here. AbramEon. They win return home Jones street. Mrs. Edward Lincoln served as president and secretaryThey attended the Sfclar-Shexxfeld DINNER AND SWDDHXG treasurer of Sigma Omicron chap- LEATES FOR CALIFORNIA this Monday and accoiiipuny redding last Sunday. David Lincoln, t o o k place SunPARTI* Miss Ethelyn Kay departed last Mr. Leo Abramsoc. who is moSHENFELD-SKLAR. ter of the Sigma Alpha Mu fratday, August 11, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Cooper gave week f o r Berkeley, California, toring there to join his-vile r.nfi :V Miss A n n . Sklar, daughter ol ernity. where she will attend the univer- the bride. Rabbi Uri Miller offi- a dinner aud_ swimming party IN MINNEAPOLIS son, who have been spending the •• Mr. a n d Mrs. I. Sklar, became Miss Reuben received her B. S. sity this fall. M-r. Stewart Gilinsfcr i? VSCE- stinnier there visiting Mrs. Abciated. l a s t Sunday, in honor of their the "bride of Joseph Shenfeld, son degree two years ago and will rea 'occ.util'ul and comtioning a -week in Jlinneapolis. More than 100 guests attended daughter, Liberty, at their EUEIraxTiEon's rarente, MT. a n d Mrs. of Mrs. Sarah Shenfeld, at a high ceive her M. D. degree next June. the dinner which was served afiner cottage at King's Lake. Ten RETURN FROM MINNEAPOLIS Louis Lerinc. After E two veck noon ceremony, Sunday, August affiliated with the Sigma couples were present. TO CEDAR BAPIDS Mrs. A. Greenberg and h e r ter the ceremony. stay, Mr. End Mrs. Leo Atrarason 11. The marriage TOWS -were tak- Delta Tau sorority. The couple left by motor for Miss Betty Fellmas if three children and her niece, Miss will motor home. en before an improvised altar in They are residing at 102 North Rosalie Alberts, returned l a s t Kansas City, Mo. They will make TO OKOBOJI Saturday for Cedar -Rapids, la., the Sklar home. Rabbi Url Mill- 3 ith street. Misses Jeanette Moskovitz, Is- where she -prill visit her brother, Sunday from a six week sojourn their home in Omaha. T1* er officiated. abel Rosenblatt, a n d Minnie Louis FellmsE. in Minneapolis, where they were tk.VV if kn tin The bride was gowned in pink ANNOUNCE BIRTHS RECOVERED Frohra are leaving tomorrow for guests of Mrs. M. Kogan. R u e E e 1 J. Blumenthsl zr<-\i AT lace with powder blue accessorThe Ladies' Auxiliary of t h e a two week vacation s t L a k e Mr. and Mrs. William Raduzinnounces his-association with the j ^ ies. She carried a bouquet of pink er announce the birth of a daughB22, BevnrUim Bite. Congregation of Israel -were hap- Okoboji. EAST BY PLANE lavr firm of Carnf-szr* & Krr.lov.-. ! $ roses and baby breath. Miss Sadye ter, Doris Sue, August 2. Mrs. FROM EXCELSIOR SPRINGS py to h e a r that their president, Mr. a n d Mrs. David islcy, 5S2 JT-'-vrrncf n'e'r. Mr. and Mrs. S'am Platt recentLelbowitz of R o c k Island, 111., Raduziner is t h e former Frieda departed via place YveSce-if1" ly returned from a six-week stay Mrs. Joe Gold-vra.e, has recovered VACATION IN DAVE-NPORT •who attended the bride, wore a Siegel. from her recent illness. Miss.Ethel Cohn Is spending a and will Etop over at Chicago to at Excelsior Springs. powder blue gown. month's vacation in Davenport, visit Mrs. Lazarus' -uncle r-fi Ilr. Shenfeld was attended by MOTOR TRIP Iowa. While there she is visiting aunt, Mr. and Mrs.' M. Shenr.rr.. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krantz an- FROM ST. LOUIS Simon Feldman. Mr. Harry D-R-orsky and Mr. Joe her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. After a brief visit they will rrpMrs. Dave Ferer and h e r A dinner for intimate friends nounce the birth of a daughGoldware a r e leaving Sunday and Mrs. William Miller. ceed to New York city where tticy and relatives was given immedi- ter, Renee, on Wednesday, Au- daughter, Loris, of St. Louis, are morning on a motor trip to the will winter. Mrs. Lasarus is the gust 7, at the Methodist Hospital. visiting Mrs. Ferer's father-inately after the ceremony. A reformer Bemice S law, Mr. A. Ferer. He also has vrestern coast. Enroute they -will AT BIG FORK ception for the couple was held Mr. Haskell Cohn is vacationMr. and Mrs. Samuel Kaiman as his guest, his granddaughter, stop at Denver, Yellowstone Nafrom 2 until 8 o'clock. tional Park and San Diego, where ing this week-end at B i.g Fork, | CONVALESCING Out-of-town guests were Mrs. announce the birth of a son on Miss Jackie Ferer, of St. Louis. they will visit the exposition. Minnesota, where he is visitifig j Mr. K. J. Chapaan, who xtL e n a Miller ot Chicago, grand- Friday, August 9, at the MethodDr. Irving Weiss, formerly of j ceatly underwent &n cperation, VISITING IN CHICAGO mother of the bride; Mrs.. "Wil-ist Hospital. i convalescing. PSI MU STAG Omaha. Harriet Saylen, who is visiting liam dayman of Kansas City, The Psi Mu stag to honor Jay Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Colnic anan aunt in Chicago, is expected Mo.; Mr. William Miller of DavStoler, Al Kaiman and Hymie enport, la.; Mrs. T. Glassman of nounce the birth of their son on to return here about September Glller was postponed f r o m AuSaturday, August 10, at t h e 1st. Los Angeles, Calif.; Mr. I. Poul- Methodist'Hospital. gust 10 to August 31, due to tbe sky of Kansas City; and M i s s fact that so many club members VACATION ON WEST COAST Sadye Leibowitz of Rock Island, . Mr. Ed Ruback is vacationing were away on vacations. ENTERTAINS 111Sam Epstein, president, has the for a month in Los Angeles, Call, Miss Dorothy Tatelman enterThe couple will be at home at honor of being the oldest memtained at home Monday, August yil u _ M L U l r - . ? i f f . . ^.P 545 So. 29th street. ber of Psi Mu, in point of ser12, at a bunco party in honor of RETURNS FROM TEXAS Miss Lena Zollotuchen return- vice. He has been a member for h e r cousin, Mildred Balaban of HOFF3IAN-KREDA Jf: Pint-- BS ed Monday from a seven w e e k 12 years. Council Bluffs, who is her house Word has been received here Softball season being over, the visit in San Antonio, Texas, with of t h e approaching marriage of guest. Those attending the party Psi Mus are getting ready f o r Miss Mariam Kreda, daughter of were the Misses Charlotte Sacks', relatives. basketball. L a s t year, they won Mr. and : Mrs. Hershel JCreda, of Betty Tarnoff, Lillian. Perelman, the Center League championship. TO RETURN HOME Celia Lipsman, Esther Shapiro, Denver, formerly' of Omaha, to Sylvia Lipsman, who has been Mr. Joseph Hoffman, also of Den- Rose Kirshenbaum a n d Shirley visiting friends and relatives here Mareno of Minneapolis. ver. The wedding will take place Prizes were won by Celia Lips- for the last two weeks, will leave August 18. Sunday evening f o r her return man and Lillian Perelman. trip to New York. Miss Lipsman FALK-SXTDER will stop off at'Chicago to spend Mrs. Sam Snyder of St. Louis LUNCHEON SATURDAY a couple of days with Miss Sally Featsres Mo., announces the marriage of The Misses Valda Weinman and 1 h e r daughter, Cecil, to Mr. A Babette Bernsteine will be host- Bernstein. ; Shampoo and finger wave SOe Among the many affairs that \ Falk, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Falk esses at a luncheon at the Bemgiven in her honor were a THE NEW I; of New York city, July.7. Bteine residence Saturday for the were Zotos Permanent WaTfi I After August 20 the couple will Misses Sally and Ann Novak who no-host dinner theater party Mon- no machinery and no electriday evening; a weiner. roast by be at home at 86 Plaza Place. are leaving to attending the uniSophie Halperin Saturday night; city used at 03.30 and up. Stratsford, Conn. versity of Illinois and for Miss luncheon Saturday afternoon by 118 Brasdels Theater Jennie Weisman who is visiting Jdith Ostrovich. Dan Cohn was AT. 4383 BAR MITZVAH her sister. tost to two couples In her honor, Guests at the affair will be the uesday evening; and Mr. a n d Mrs. E v a L, Konecky an•- nounces the Bar Mltzvah of her Misses Ruth Bordy, Cyril Leon, tfrs. Phil Katz were h o s t s to J BOD, Milton Stuart; at the B'na Helen and E d i t h Whitebook, - IT WELL F ' YOU { Jacob Anshe Sholom synagogue Sophie and Babe Newman, a n d hree couples Saturday evening. '* at 24th and Nicholas streets, Sat- Mrs. Mike Levy. . To C !t YORK VISITOR nrday, August 10. Sc Mrs. Louis Appet of L o n g MALASHGCK'S RETURNS FROM VACATION 2Ebs.--57e sland, New York, is arriving toTO WISCONSIN • Miss Bertha Greenberg has just When baying Mr. Max Fromkin will motor returned from a four weeks va- morrow to visit her mother, Mrs. DIAMONDS to Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin, to cation In St. Louis, Mo., -where Clair Horwitz, and her brother- WEDDING BINGS spend a week there w i t h Mrs. she has been visiting with Miss n-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. elicibsf SIselL EOBJ» lge«pkp. v.... Fromkin, who has been vacation- Elizabeth Grossman, formerly of 'rank Ackerman. Mrs. Appet is WATCHES - SILVEBWAEE he former Esther Horwitz. and GIFT JEWELUY Ing there for the p a s t month. Omaha. • . ' •• From there Mr. and Mrs. From"ISITOR kin will motor to Camp Indianola f!-lll like it li VDB tr^" it. Florence Rosenberg of L03 Anat Madison, "Wis., to pick up their TO VISIT IN WASHINGTON Mrs. Henry Jacobson left last geles, California, is visiting at the pon, Bob, before returning home. week for Washington, D. C, home of Rose Kirshenbaum. where she will visit her son-inSTO WEST COAST Mrs. A. J. Kovitz and daugh- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ter, Naomi, are leaving Monday Clarence Kirsteln, and her two T-r"""': "/r: to join Mr. Kovitz and son, Sam, daughters, -Ina and Esther. Mrs. Jacobson will return the In S a n Francisco, Calif., where ',- *1 early part of September. they will make their home. •
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Doctor? Lawyer? Merchant? You can't tell what a baby is going to do in life just hy looking atit.
under managsmeat of
-. Pew people-who- looked at tbe first tele* phone in 1876 coold forelse that it-would grow texts* a natioci-wide communicstioa system that would he used millions of times every Those who did, - formed- an organization to "bring up" the baby telephone. That organization is die Bell System. ' - - .'Indus System, the American Telephone and Tele* graph .Company and 24 Associated Companies, such as-the Northwestern BeE Telephone Company, ar® the operating units. The American Company, parent company of the • ;." System, coordinates their sctMties ssd operates the long distance lines that join these companies to form a nation-wide network. The Bell Telephone Laboratories develop high-fgzis standardized equipment ana the Western Electric Company manufactures it.
10-Rw. - - 5Sc 24-lbs. - - 98c
BSO,OOO Parsons Have Savings Inv®s5ed in the Bcff Systr MTiSsajsaasiss^iSiS-"
PREPARATIONS FOR WAR—While Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia and his councillors tried desperately to find credit and equipment for carrying on a possible war with Italy this Fall, all the War Ministry's available supplies were doled out to troops passing through Addis Ababa. Above is a machine gun detachment of-the regular army in the capital city.
FIVE DIED—^Here is a view of the twisted wreckage of the Southern Pacific freight train near Cochran, Oregon, in which five men were killed, including the engineer, fireman, two brakenien and a bridge worker. The wreck followed collapse of the Little Baldwin trestle. With a crash that could be heard more than a mile the locomotive, tender, gondola and bos cars were thrown more than 100 feet into the chasm.
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SOCIETY IN THE SWIM — Misses Helen and Kav Titus, sociallj' prominent daughters of Mr. and Mr?. Calvin WelLnp Titus of South Shore Drive Chicago, wearing novel two-p-ecc bathing suits of many hues as they strolled along the sand o£ ths Atlantic Beach Club. Long Island.
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VICTORIOUS NEW DEAL FOE —Judge Charles R. Risk, Republican victor in the special Congressional election in Rhode Island, with Mrs. Risk and two of their children at their home in Providence. The children are Charles F., Jr., 8, and Betty. 10. Judge Risk was elected after an anti-New Deal campaign.
: :
LABOR CHIEF—George Meany, -president of the New York State Federation of Labor, who estimated that approximately 15,000 unionized skilled workmen would be taken from Works Progress Administration jobs in New York City because of the •wage-dispute strike. General Johnson estimated 3,000.
C O M E - B A C K — James H. Washburne, who built up a tremendous. fortune in the candy business only to become penniless during the depression, as he now appears, at 81, as the president of a new - $1,000,000 concern to produce candy made from vegetable juices, which he has perfected. He recently peddled the candy from a basket. in
KEIK TO r.ICLLEONS—Held in ths crins of his moihci, here is Baby Vv'iiaa Astor, heir to a vast fortune, as he make*, his first public sppc&rance. He is the son of John Jacob Astor, 3rd, and Mrs. Astor, who was the former Ellen Tuck French. The picture was taken as the family left a Nev Yck hospual
: :
SUBMARINE—Preparing for a test, here is the giant submarine. Nautilus, No. 2, one of the most powerful undersea craft in the United States Navy, as it prepared to dive off Los Angeles, Cal. The picture was taken from a sister ship, Narwhal, during preliminary maneuvers.
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START CRIME CAREER WITH KILLINGS—Peter Mohlsick, 20, left, and Howard Eichler, 21, right, both of Peekskill, N. Y., wanted to be "big shots" in gangland and started out with a gun, 25 cents and a pair of red dice. They begged a ride from Raymond Pearce, shot him and stole his car. Then they picked up two blondes for a joy ride. Eventually they were arrested in Chatham Square, New York City, and police say they confessed to killing Pearce. Their crime career lasted four hours.
FISH STORY —Little L a m Whitehead would have you believe that this martin swordfish caught near Santa Catalina Island. Cal., is five inches longer than the oScial measurement of 12 feet 3 inches The S41-pound sea tiger was caught by A. C. Brode, noted world traveler.
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_._ GOLF STAR—Marion Leachman of San Francisco, a favored West Coast golf star, as she was seen in the semifinals of the Women's Western Golf Tourney in Cleveland. She was paired with Mrs. D. T. Atwood.
YANKEE—When Blondy Ryan was with the New York Giants, the future looked bad for him. He had to quit and go to the Philadelphia team and then was sent to Baltimore. But he staged a come-back and joined the New York Yankees. Here he is in his new Yanks outfit.
?! ; JANE HABBING HAS EO¥ FEIEND—Unperturbed by the legal battles waged by her parents for her custody, Jane Harding, 7-year-old'daughter of Ann Harding, screen star, is seen here in one of her few pictures, she is being entertained at a restaurant in Ecuywooa by *an>L. Lloyd, Jr., son of the bespectacled comedian, who strives to be helpful.
BIOUNTAIN KESCCE—Yosemite I r ' r ' - . ., -r-trvs bringing in Robert Tate after he was rr-cjrc" 4rcrr. c Icci-rsrc or. Half Dosie Mountain. Inset shows h.s t-o : o.„..-,,,. l.^-^c II,_ubeth Lorisier, 23, of Chieopee, Mas^.., rJ..: :.i. v ^i irscjed from a lower ledge. Botli were marcc^'^ L'J :,•-'» f
Ii («*«!!(??»»«?«? E:
S OF THE WORLD BRO UGH' ;???!????5--—
erning board must be so consti- he is expected to manifest must that would hold true of all sizes a fellowship in which every man, ]xn-anuf&cturinf; &a principal, agent, facAN & KHUIF.R, Atiys. or otherwise and tv. itr own tieh&Tf tuted as to encourage the organi- he grows up. As for the Teality and characters cf Jewish popula- woman a n d child would be a \tor jrinrt Nnfl Rart. or ITI behalf of. ethers, poods, VTRTPB. zation of the activities in t h e of Jewish life and the reality of tion. commodities End product?srah^er, and every phase of so-merchandise, every kind end character; to mami-j ommunity Center with the endthe Jewish people, that is to him In this task that I texe out- cial Hie, economic, cultural, and offacture, natter oC the *^tnte < FP<1 anfi distribute cosmetics! I n in view that I have described to the vaguest abstraction. and preparations, and iv acquire. : MON COHEN, ct*i:4>a&en; lined so briefly the Community religious, would be &n objective hold, beauty PeU, alienate or encumber any SIKH you. Contrast that with the position Center needs and should receive o£ collective concern. all property, ren] or rersnnal, winch 1 T h a t the creditor?: r>Z =aid <•" rn&y be necessary and convenient in ami ]vrlW meet th<* <*?;eci-tnv o£ *:» Id The Jewish Center should pre- of our own children in the public that prestige which t h e wholeOnly the establishment cf this for the accomplishment ot ih«? corpora-; hf» fore rn e. Coun •:y .Tu (I pe vi hearted cooperation of the Jewpare the way for Jewish commuschool. There.the child feels not tion's objects. The Company «b&U have!: Countyr XelT-apka, Pti t h e Oouni type of communal organizatioa,- authority need not add, because these al(Continued Prom Page 3) borrow money ami ipsue pv- Room, in KRI{' COUBIV. W. th* T, organisation by a series of t h a t he is merely- developing aj ish Welfare Board alone can con-which would reckon with all Jew- idences ofto IndeMednPw then?for. The •of S*»t>t«>iTiber 3P.TS, rvr\ on t h r C calls for Tocational guidance and ready exist, the social service nity fer upon it, I do not think that total authorised cr-pital stock it* $10.- ]ot Jv (i vem b*»i" J. ^o 5, ts t 9 o' •* j' w k educational activities designed to loyalty for the particular school ish needs and problems, with all ! for efforts at counteracting eco- unctions, health work, provision create the demand for status in cia'-, fo" ih& piirpn-«#- of rv> n00, p a r VP 3US Sl^O per- FViB-rp; s-U FtorSs each * it is possible for the Centers to Common and vrhen issued shall be fully; their ciaimp for f\ir*a vion. n o m l c discrimination against or orphans, the agedr and theJewish life, and develop an un-which he attends, but' that that work as units with any hope of Jewish interests and aspirations, paid TT' P Tit !'- nllov.-fmcc. Thr*?? mor ami nori-sspeFs-able. The corpora- j Jews. If our interest is to keep physically and mentally handi- derstanding of its implications school Is introducing him into the accomplishing any of these tims. will bring about these conditions i tion shall commence Inspires?* upon th* ;fllhrerl for t h e crcilijor* to of its Articles with the County j their rlairas, frora the L'.\vCi r O i - • ! ? • our young loyal to Jewish life, capped, help to those who a r efor each type of Jewish organiza- big loyalty to the American peo- These Centers must in'" turn" re- that will redeem American Jew- fiiingof Douglas County, Nebraska, fcnd • 1 life from its present sterility i Clerk Fhaii continue until January lPt. 3 9fil. | •we cannot expect them: to Temain personally maladjusted, family tion and for the personal life of ple, because he knows that peo- ceive encouragement from the BP.TC county highest amount of indftbtecnesE \ s-z—st ple, because he knows that it Is! and aimlessness. By making the iThe loyal by. merely preaching at case work, and so on. shall not exceed two-third*of the capij Jewish Welfare Board,' which I every Jew. that people which has established furtherance cf such communal i Here you have, • in brief, the tal stock. The affair? o£ UIP corporation f them and telling them "what "wonPlease remember that this idea that school, and it therefore has' regard as the most constructive life the selective principle of its' ehs-li Ue administered by e. Board of T>i- j derful spiritual heritage we hare. direction in which the communal influence in Jewish life within They will take that from us pro- will ought to be made to move that I am advocating here is not a right to speak to him through the last decade or fifteen, years activities "will t h e Jewish. Com-! EtoclvholdeiE. shall elect ZMrectors a t thf* i " munity Center pet itself into the! nnmial meet tn l?o fceUI ttoe so com! I Tided with it we show our sin-T>y those who are interested In something that can just be lis-that school. America. Let it continue this vanguard tened to at once and either acBut where is that people doing in of the movement f o r jMonday in J a n u a r y of each yenr. There- f making: and in having the Jewish cere interest in their life by sharsame constructive attitude and as the Directors sli&li elect officers, 1 or rejected. It implies a anything for the school which he the much reconstruction i after ing their difficulties-with them Community. Center function in cepted viz., . President, Vice-Prepjdent, Fprre- ! translate it into a plan of practi- of Americanseeded complete change of mind, and t&ry and Treasurer. T h e Articles may \ attends as a Jewish child? Does Jewish life. Jewish life at the present time and trying to help them, especial"be nm^ndfKi r.pnn noting an provided for. 1 as we are with pre- he see t h e Jewish community? cal effort by making the Jewish Phone 105f X>a.ted April ?th, 19S5. j ly in those difficulties to which as it should. The role of the Jew- conditioned Center t h e ~agency to build up conceptions that have not helped Does he see Its relation to Israel Council Clnffs, Es. J. HAKOT.n PAKE, j ish Community Center and the they are subjected because they Jewish life on a sound foundaKacHmaH A. GKEENBEKG. • mplementing of such a philoso- Jewish life, it is necessary for throughout the world? N o n e tion. The only way t h e Jewish are Jews. :: us to do that difficult work of whatever. Therefore, the. whole The Kadimah club held a comCommunity Center will acquire a bined • It should not be necessary for phy of Jewish group life, must be unlearning the wrong ideas with idea roller-skating-bicycle breakof being a Jew is to him a to take the initiative and not to # Jewish young people to adjust which our minds, our Jewish con- vague, chaotic abstraction. Such philosophy is by adopting come fast party at Elmwood Park Wedconstitute the whole of the Jewinspiring ideal.that would integtheir Jewishness every time they sciousness, are filled, wrong ideas a thing can never govern his life. rate Its activities and redeem nesday morning. go t o ' a n employment office, to ish community. as to what Jewish life Is, as to The Jewish Community Center them from its present direction- The committee in charge condeny that they are Jews. What t h e direction in which it is to COMMUNITY EDUCATION sisted cf A n n e Pollay, Eleanor less character. good is all our preaching and allis qualified for that task because move, and to the conditions necHere is the opportunity of the ohen, Evelyn \Taldman, a n d it originated in response to the our teaching if when these young essary to create a future for it. Community Center. Let it induce What m o r e inspiring ideal Goldie Azorin. Rabbi Uri Miller, people c o m e to an employment need for Jewish fellowship and it need a long range process all Jews in a city, in a commu- could the Center set before itself spiritual leader, and Mrs. Leon office they are told that as Jews is not handicapped by judicial of We education before we can our-nity, to establish a community than that of helping the Jew toMendelson, sponsor, attended. they stand Tery little chance of commitments, dogmatic precon- selves grasp the implications of educational' system. All children find what to live for as a Jew? getting any employment; a n d ceptions inherited from "another- this idea of "organic community.; should know that they" a r e at- The tragedy of the modern Jew Jewish Press advertisers merit f ps..^: worldly phase of Jewish civilizawhen they look about to find tending a sort of public Jewish is not so much that he is perse- your patronage. And certainly it will take a long what t h e Jewish community is tion, and because it cannot carry time before we will be able to educational system. Let it begin cuted for being a Jew as that doing for them they see "nothing out its intention of being a Com- transmit that understanding and in the simplest fashion with some he himself sees no reason for rebut stony indifference? That is munity Center until It has cre-that enthusiasm, without which kind of supervision which does maining one. That is because for MOVSKT, GKOBIKSKT. 1KAEER & and S. HAJEOt,I> SAKS, Att^B. the surest way of alienating them ated the circumference of which It is impossible to bring s u c h not at all imply the destruction many Jews the vital nerve that COEEX Omaha National Bank Bid It is to be the center. from Jewish life. of autonomy of any one group or has connected them with the orcommunity into being. type of education. There are ganic life of their people h a s Kotice ]s hereby piven fbat the unf'p'-Perhaps in order that we mayany NECESSARY PKQCEDTJSE HELPING ECONOMICALLY have formed a corporation, pi *•enough common needs among all been severed. They are but para- eipned auant to t i e laws oi the State of :>,€•not feel that we are working for In working for this goal, the ' It should therefore be the printypes. of Jewish education to lyzed, decaying limbs cf Israel. The name of the corporation is ciple function of a community, Community (Renter should adopt a very remote future, it is neces- make it possible for a bureau of The task which devolves upon evJOT, INC., with its prirsrinext to knowing its own people, the following procedure and re-sary to suggest something con- education to function and help ery institution, and especially the BAKBATTA pal place of business in the City of Omto help, to make a serious ges- cognize the following conditions crete and specific As a begin- all schools that are doing Jewish Jewish Community Center, is to aha. The objects for which this corporis !ormefl fire: To enfraire in the 1 ture in the direction of helping, as determining its success. In thening, I believe that the Jewish educational work. Let the Jewish heal, so to speak, t h e severed ation business of distributing. Felling and I at least trying to help the Jews, first place, the personality of its Community Center is in a posi- Center, where Jews from a l l nerve. the young Jews especially, in ad-executive director must be o n etion to make that beginning. I strata of Jewish life meet, be the Translated into literal terras, that Is in harmony with this pur- refer to beginning with the work agency to call upon the Jews to justing himself economically. of Jewish education, to make this means that a n y institution pose. He must be thoroughly It is then that the community some such practical, education a process" f o r formulate that does Jewish work must make would he in a position to deal grounded In the cultural and so-Jewish united type of Jewish education. not individual groups alone a definite contribution to the dewith the cultural functions. Pub- cial heritage of the Jewish peo- which should make, themselves respon- After such efforts, the time velopment of organic communal ple. He must be imbued with a lic worship should not be t h e but a process which t h e would-be ripe to follow this up life. An. organic community is function of one group, the syna- desire to see that heritage func- sible, community as such should regard with an effort to bring together not a matter of secretaries and tion as a means of articulating gogue group.' It should be the as Its main objective,-as its main the local leaders in every field ot typewriters, of greater efficiency function of the community. I and directing the Jewish will to task. Jewish endeavor, the representa- In fund-raising, or campaigns, hope the time will come when for live. In other words, if the JewAt the present time you have tives of all important local or- and going over t h e top. It Is the good of the Jewish people as ish Community C e n t e r i s to a whole, and for the g o o d of achieve this purpose, 'which is theJewish education being carried ganizations, to confer on t h e rather a matter of integrating the those whoixy'to serve it, the rab- only one that justifies its exist- on by t h e various synagogue needs of the local Jewish commu- Jew into American life without binate will- not- be an office sus- ence, it must have. as' itB working groups. You have the Sunday nity. Such a conference would destroying his Jewish individutained by religious clubs, for that head a • Jewish personality, be- schools, you have some week-day ensue in the creation of a plan- ality and Jewish morale. This calls for the achievement is exactly, when we look at it c a u s e ' without personality' no schools, and there are a f e w ning commission to outline the honestly, what a religious group plans and no theories can ever schools carried on by other groups social structure which t h e local cm the part of American Jews of '- . " . ' • ' outside of the synagogue groups. community must assume in order an intimate, mutual responsibility is. We all know the inner strug- function. But in each case t h e child to to function as a status-giving or- and status-giving fellowship. In gles, the inner conflicts . that go Secondly, the governing board whom we want to hind to our-ganization. that. fellowship the common lot on, the competition, t h e whole of the institution must also be in Even then, we are not y e t of being a Jew should be sufficompetitive basis u p o n which sympathy; with this conception of selves, to whom we want to transJewish life is organized at pres- the Jewish; Center. I have "known mit this Jewish heritage, never ready to do business, so to speak, cient to weld into a solidarity, ent, the way for instance, that in many- instances where the di-knows what is that Jewish people as a community. We must first rich and poor, believer and free one congregation tries. to g e t rector is a Jewish personality, of which he is expected to be- have a committee, a council to thinker, conservative and radical. members • from other congrega- but he has to serve a governing come a part, and to which he is plan the organization of a com-It should be a fellowship in which tions. I y a s In.a certain'city mid- board to which all these construc- expected to remain loyal. All that munity and to adjust that com- every birth, marriage, and death West, and I learned that if the tive and affirmative Ideas about he knows is his little congrega- munity to each particular city should be registered, in which rabbi of o n e congregation hap- Jewish.Jife are entirely foreign: tion, and that the loyalty which and each particular size and char- every turning point in the Jew's pens to-afctentlservices of another, In. such an atmosphere he- cannot express Itself by ' becoming a acter of Jewish population, be- life should be consecrated a n d congregation) the1 members look accomplish very much. A. gov-member of the congregation when cause there can be no one plan rendered significant. It should be around and say,."What is he: Tiere lor, looking for members?" Ujllu--
Blake It East/ on Yourself These Sizzling,Hoi Days . . . Bleu, Come to The Nebraska for Cool,
If such- a thing should, be possible, can there be a n y worse desecratio than that which is made possible by this individua ownership that the specific con gregation or synagogue group exercises -upon its rabbi! A rajbb" should be. the functionary of, the community, as he was o£ old. Do not delude yourselves, or do not allow yourselves to be deluded by the statement the synagogue has always been t h e center ot Jewish life. To be sure, if by the word "synagogue" you mean the religious expression, of Jewish life was at the hub of it, yes. But If you mean that a little* group that worshipped in common constituted the hub around which everything else revolved, you are all wrong, and y o u are misled, because the rabbi was never the rabbi of any one group in a community. He was always the rabbi of the community. A n d let us hope that the time will c o m e when the rabbinate will be able to function fully without reservation, without holding back, witho u t having to. kowtow to individual idiosyncrasies, l i n t in a position to serve t h e cause of Judaism wholeheartedly. T h a t can only come about, when the Jewish v community will make public worship one of its cultural functions. • Likewise," the Jewish education of the child, adolescent, an'd adult, the operation of a Jewish press, the promotion of literary and artistic expression of Jewish life, the proviBion for recreational activity, which constitute . the cultural functions of the Jewish community; • and, of course, we
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brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Henry G. Schneider; Joseph Kirsch; ctoeneman; Marie Hibbard; Fred W. Forgade; Andrew Fruth; H. Fechtler, ust." 19 35. the Omaha Safe Deposit Katie Kirsch; Liberty Council No. 3, Jt^ley; Clara Nesley; Frank J. Staab; first and ••"real name' unknown;"-Martin Company, Successor Jlrustee, Jiled its Mrs. Ralph Castle. She will re- Jr., O. TJ« A. M., Albert E. Miller, P. D. L. Feaster, first and real name un- Poede; Afleie Cacben; Floyd Getz; C. applicsition in the District Court of C.; Albert Monaska; Mathew T. Fo-known: Miss Ella Burton; Paul Scha- C. Gelwick, first and real name un- Douglas County,' Nebraska, to reorAt a special meeting of t h e turn home after 'Labor Day. ley; Mrs. A. George, first and real fei: Ida Heinecke; Mrs. Carrie Grahl; known; Wm. Goers; Dr. Anton Gut- ganize and refinance the Mortgage Habpnim Monday, August* 12, it lame unknown; Lena Boester; H. 3runo F . Meyer;' Raymond Furrer; ter; . , . . ; . Glllespie, first and real Indenture of Kitchen Bros. Hotel was decided to accept the invitaMrs. Abe. Rosenberg and herVtoeller, first and real name unknown; Louise B. Faris; N. Walden, first End name unknown; i . . "W. Gilbert, first Company to the Fidelity Bank & first and real name real name unknown; Elmer Minor; and real, name unknown; Ids Good- Trust Company, Trustee, dated Febtion of Amor-Ian c l u b of Sioux lather, Mr. S. Krasne, returned \. -E. Krughoff, Hupp Tevis; Arthur N. Winifred McGrath; H . E. Buchenau, man; Jos. A. Grevels; Carl A. Gray; ruary 15, 2029, covering- I/Ots l, 2 and MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent | City to go. there to play a late lome Tuesday from Los Angeles, unknown; Hohenstein; J. L. WaJsh, first and first and real name unknown; Walter Albert C. Gregg; Cornelia D. Handel- the East One-fhird of I-ot S, Biock name unknown; Margaret Hart- K. Hotchkiss; Colo. Nat'l Bank under man; Wm. M. Hayes; M. F . Harmon, 1SS, Original Plat of tho City of OmaSoftball game. A swimming par- 3alifronia, where they Bpent the real man; Mrs. Emma Hubbard; Miss Agree, with Margaret P . Mohn; Anna first and real name unknown; Rebec- ha, Nebraska, as surveyed nnd lithoty has also been arranged for the >ast three months. Hannah Faes; Julia Mann; Albert M. Austin; lrma A. Austin; R. Hanberry; Jos. L. Haw; .Walter graphed, and the personal property Miss Sophie Taxer is visiting Omaha club. Mann; Charles Vanck; H. H. Hop-Williams, first and real name u n - Haasmann; Carrie Hausmann;'August used in the conduct of the inisinesB x>ck, first and real name unknown; known; Wm. F . Barnard: Mary Mc- "Jeorge; Francis George; H. Morgan known as the Paxton Hotel in Omaha, with friends in Milwaukee. The trip Is made possible by Miss Leona Fried returned home " h«w McElroy; Mary McElroy; Hil- Donnell; H. G. Whelan; Catherine A. Jerken; M. H. Gibbs, first and real Douglas County, Nebraska, same beunknown; ?<trs. BeuJah Gimmie; ing- the building- situated tjpon the t h e generosity of Mr. E. Fred- Tuesday following a two weeks' Zastrow; Arthur Zastrow; Mrs. Whelan; Edward Moulihan; C a r l name Ora E. Grimm; Arthur Glusen- above, described premises. The plan Anne Sewing; Mrs. K. H. Oliver, first Rueck; Olive H. Corwin; Lillian H. Mrs. Alfred Albert is spending a ricks, who is allowing the boys stay at Lake Okoboji. kamp; Connor; Katherine of reorganization and refinancing is and real name unknown; William Walther; Louise Kunz; Louis J. Drex- Connor; Clarence Gudale; E. F . Guth, briefly as follow*: week's vacation with friends in the use of his truck and of Mr. tforjjan; Hilda Berg; Anna Berg; Ar- ler; W. E. Parmley, first and real first andMinnie real name C. R. Kitchen Bros. Hotel Company Is to hur W. EUerbusch; A. C. Schaeffer, name unknown; Mable Cooper; Lou Hamilton,- first andunknown; Minneapolis. S. Levin who will drive the truck. Ralph Castle of Brooklyn, New Trustee, -un- immediately withdraw its stay under first and real name un- E. Cooper; Catherine Vogel; Anthony known; August Hanke; J. Harris, the Members who will make t h e York, is spending the week here known; Mamie *ledmond; Henry Det- Kuhn; Blanche Kuhn; Joseph Leo first ana real name unknown; Moratorium Laws of the State of Unprecedented -enthusiasm was Mrs. Laura C. Doenges; Wray H. Es-Connolly; Ellz. Josephine Connolly; Mr. and Mrs. Nate Galinsky and expiring- 'March 1, 3!)S7, and visiting his wife's mother, Mrs. E. mer; Haley; Mrs. Lena Kahner; Nebraska, sex; Ernst Eggert; Agnes Schmidt; Lester Reuss; Wm. B. Keeble; Mar- Carrie evinced by the workers for the Miss Ethel Cohen of Omaha' vis- trip are: Manuel Switko, new confirm by proper conveyances title llinsky, w h o is recuperating Mrs. Lettle A. Traufler; Mrs. Nellie garet A. Hereen; St. Louis Union Phillip Hans; Mary Harvey; J. G. to all of the above described rea! ami member, president Sorlef, P a u l first and real name u n Inter-Clujj Council Carnival, when ited in Sioux City en route to Green, "captain of the team, Ra- Irom a serious Illness. C. Schmidt; Katherine McNulty; Jo- Trust Co.; Minnie Colyer; Marie Klas- Hammel, property «o Omaha Safe Deknown; J. Howard Heine; Dorothy persona! seph P . Welsh; Wm. Voderberg; Phil- kin; Anne Klaskin; Frances Klaskln; Hellis; posit Company, Successor Trustee, Andrew Herter; Ethel Herter; • they met! for a Kick-off dinner Lake Okobojlj benawitz of Council Bluffs, Ben p Miller; Louise Miller; Ida Katherine Mary G. Devine; Clara M. Sido; Kate Phyllis Hewitt; Vernice Heap; Hol- The ssle of said real and personal Kutler, Robert Gerelick, Richard Nathan London left Sunday for Miller; Henry W. Yonker; Dora MT~"2ngelmann; Marie Krenning; Erna L. land Hurter; Barbara Hewitt; Ben to Omaha Sate Deposit Comand meeting Tuesday evening at Successor Tnfptee, conducted -by Grover; F. Nlebur or Louise B. Krenning; Mildred Krenning; Jesse L. Vilas Hicks; Wade Harris; pany, Mr. = Sam Greenstone will leave Hoberman, and Charles Stein. 'ort Dodge, Iowa, for camp at Niebur; Leo. the Sheriff ot Douglas County, NeDr. A. J. Krletemeyer, first Garrett; Delia C. Garrett; Miss Ade- Hibbard; the Elks club. Jacob Y. Hagley; Virginia Hagley; Mackinac Island line E. McClurkin; Eilen M. Hays; A. braska, the £4th day of July, 1935, real name unknown; Lena Krietthis week for All fellows making the t r i p ;he C. M. T. C , to be gone about and Clara Helier; L. J. Hennessy, first covering-on Fifteen:[organizations, affiliated where ha will attend an Aetua the real estate above deemeyer; Florence Marx; Emma Levy; J. Menteer, first and real name u n - and real name unknown; Mary Hea;wo weeks. will meet at the B'nai Israel synMelita Howard; Louis Dauernheim; known; Alvia Troegle; Wm. J . Gun- ley; Bertha Heitman; Henry Heberer; scribed, and the personal property dewith the Inter-Club Council were Life Insurance convention. Anna F. Schulz; Peter J. Wisemann; dall; Inez L. Anderson; Myrtle Camp- Alvin Heitman; Hulda Heitman; Mrs. scribed in the order of sale in the agogue promptly at 7:30 o'clock represented at the meeting and Mrs. F. Wissner, first and real name bell: Edwin H. Skaer; Raymond PSck- Bertha Heinz; Henry Heckle; Mary case of Kitchen Bros. Hotel Company in the morning, August 12. Safe Deposit Co., Trustee, unknown; Miss Emma Kasten; Mrs. up and Meyer Stern, Trustee for Louis Visa Refused Eleafrior M. Held; airs. Mary v. Omaha the representatives pledged themMr. Herman Miller left this ESS, No. 33, in the District Court Anna M. Lash; Naphtali Lodge No. J. H. Hermann; Mrs. Dorothy E. Heckle; Hildebrand; Kate Hilbert; John W Doc. Moots; Isaac Smith; Mrs. W. L. Maselves tffj exert - every effort to- week for California. Mrs. Miller of Douplas County, Nebraska, is to 25 A. F. & A. M., J. E. Zelch, trusWashington, D. C.—The action Herndon; Daniel J. Haiiey; C. D. :ee; Charles Osthoff; J. A. Gallagher, Iruder, first and real name unknown; Henrod, first and real name unknown; be in all respects approved, -ratified ward raching the goal set for theand children have spent the sumif the German consul in St. Louis first Upon the vesting- of and real name unknown; J. F. Iharles Chassaing; Carrie L. Bishop; C. Hough; M. W. Hogan, first nnd confirmed. Carnival. .The goal set this year mer there and will return with to all of said 3-eal Rnc! personal in refusing : a visa to Rabbi Fer- Hennessy, first and real name un- Nelle G. Bishop; Mrs. Mabel Chest- Nellie and real name unknown; John Hott- title property in the Omaha Safe Deposit known; Amelia Hennessy; Julius ney; Edward N. Busch; Harry Luechmann; Louis F. Hoelscher; Anna Huby the Council for the Carnival is Mr. Miller.; dinand Isserman of that city was Meier; M. Shaffer, first and real name tefeld; Russell I. Pickup; Mrs. Louise ber; Clara Humer; Lafayette L. Ir-Company, Successor Trustee, it shall year the carnival upheld by the German embassy ?7,000. Last unknown; Leonore Kaminski; -Mrs. Dietrich; Virginia P . Beall; Eleanor wm, Sr.; Mrs. Chas. Jacob!; Jefferson b y appropriate conveyances grant, in a statement pointing out that Ann Fries; William H, Stark; Dr. M.M. Held; Leo Gegg; ChaE. Arnott; Sa— „„,.„„,., « c l l c l o u u cor gEin and and sell said property to a netted ?5>30<k Mr. and Mrs. A Plotkin and R. Moore, first and real name un- rah Boley Genevieve S. Gosen; BerB I P . R . K. ;he consul Is the only official known; Selma L. Mayer; Arthur .A. tha Gosen; Lena Jacobus and Clara Bank; E. A. Kaltenrider, first and! k Poratlon to be organized and "If wejhaVe the co-operation of children are visfting here In the name unknown; Dr. W. K. i n°wn &* the Paxton Hotel Company n d rreal eal competent to grant or refuse a Zeis; L. P. Sparks, first and real K. Stern: Milton Baer; Elmer J. real every organization, and if each home of Mrs. Plotkin's mother, f i * 1 ? 8 " J } ™ } ?and " a ™ ?_.. u n t P ™c o m p l e t i o n o fi t s o i t i name unknown; J. P. Sparks,. first Bridge; "W. C. Clark, first and real S nown; Harry Homburg; H the said Pnxton Hotel Company is to visa to a resident of his district. organization Is responsible for itsMrs. Eva Woskoff. and real name unknown; Clementine name unknown; J . F . Rasmussen, Hoelsher; Edwin Hoehn; Ryfl. A6a E make, execute and deliver B. new CHICAGO RABBI TO BE Richardson; Joseph Gutohrel; Edith first and real name unknown: Walter Eva Hodg-ekins; Clara Hurst; Mortgage iTiclcnture to the Omaha workers, I know we can make our A. Boyd; R. B. Pollard, first and real W. Blood; Kate Milbert; George E . Holmes; GUEST SPEAKER TONIGHT Elizabeth Humph; P. A. Huhnke. Bank as Trustee in the prinFRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, name unknown; Norma C. Pollard; Egger; quota,"'said Mr. E. N. Gruneskln, Mrs. Squire K. Thomas; Tho- Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Chasen of first and real name unknown; Edward KLUTZNICK & KELLEY. E l i mi of £1,250.000.00 covering all Fay Taylor; Gustav C. Sehickedanz; mas J. Dwyer, S?r.; John A. Myer; who presided at the meeting. Mr. Syracuse, Neb., will arrive here retofore Attorneys. • Richard D. Lee; Velma Lee; Wm. H. Mary M. Murphy; James E. Murphy; Rabbi Jacob Cohn of Chicago, ha Safe Grueskinv'urged each worker to Sunday for a week's visit in the 650 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Blanton; Margaret Patton; John W. Betty Platts; Bessie Plaits; Wm. A. Illinois, will be t h e principal . . .—,.. The aaid Downs; H. E. Johnson; Alice Johnson; Hoffmann; Jennie Jacobs; H a n s take the responsibility upon him- Paul Kaplan home. unknown; Minnette C. Kaufspeaker and honored guest at a n tha District Court of Douglas Rush C. Watts; Ethel B. Rodgers; Wulff, Spec. Deputy Financial Com- name Indenture In to secure an issue man; Edward Kaiser; J. P . Kerr, first self'for S certain amount of the in charge of Fidelity Bank nnd real name unknown; Anne M. County, Nebraska. ' . • Annie J. Marshall; Milburn Dick; missioner °' of in ™I?l? . ^ " d s in the said gathering of t h e entire Council Trust Company; Harry Lichten- Kerr; work that must be done to make Wm. Keim; Mrs. Lydia Keston; Misses Bessie and Molly Ep- Bluffs Jewry to be held this eve- David Blacker, plaintiff, vs. Kitchen John J. Manion; J. E. Miller, first and & o 6 per cent to be stein; Margaret E. Lovall; Helen C. eal name unknown; E. Stapenhorst, Henz; Emma Roth; Catherine Benz; Eva Kennedy; E. C. Kreibohm; Jas. Bros. Hotel Company, defendant. - this Carnival & success. stein have returned home from an ning, August 16, at promptly 8:30 net earnings of first and real name unknown; Chas. : NOTICE Graupner; Camp & Co.; Llnza; Wm. C. Meinert; J. E. Zelch, Florence Mr. Jack Goldsmith, chairman extended trip to the west coast. o'clock at the Chevra B'nai Yis- O: Frank X. Sweeney; Albert M. Getz; first and real name unknown; Mrs. Bry; Wm. H . Krenning; Myrtle B. Moser; Mary E. Berry; Jo- John F . Reynolds; Paul Anderson; of the 1934 Carnival, spoke durroel synagogue, 618 Mynster St. • Nathan Krenning: F . W . Kengstorff, seph J. Lampe; Ida Lampe; J. A. De- ilarissa Anderson; Ernest Burgrabe; Mr. and Mrs. N. Dobrofsky and Rabbi Cohn arrived here t h i s ttary ing the evening, as did Mr. Morey 'Irst and real name unknown; R. B.Hovitz, first and real name unknown; Laura C. Buffo; A. L. Freeland, first Lipshutz,jMr. E. E. Baron, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Berkowitz have morning to remain over the week- VVhalen, first and real name u n - Bessie Powers; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard and real name unknown; J. E. Mc- Kelly, first and real riame unknown; i ^ . . . »....,,, ,,, c „„„-,. jnown; John Doelling; Alois A. "Winer the MortDrikow; Anchor Arcadie Lodge 322, 1. Carthy, first and real name unknown; Kose F . Keil; Sophie W. Keil; P. H. 5"PS, I n a e n t « r < 1 to the Fidelity Barney Baron, Mr. Jack Robinson returned home after a week's stay end. He will also be in charge of erer; Thoa. E . Galllgan;. V. C Pinet, Bank J rus a s O. O. F.; Mrs. Sallie Robinson; J. McCarthy; Lvdia Hackman; Knighton. first and real name u n - T -. t original Trustee "are to and Mr. A. M. Davis. at Lake Okoboji. t h e Sabbath Services Saturday first and real name unknown; J . P . Andrew Grass; Leo W. Schwelss; Hugh L. Grabill; Wm. A. Roebke; known; Leon D. Knapp; Earl Knickrectivc bond for bond in "like prlnriiller, first and real name unknown; Roebke; Chris Groetecke; Lu- meyer; Henry Koopman; Mary C, pnl rar,oiiRt of the Paxton Hotpl Ton morning at the synagogue. Mr. Robinson, Mr. Goldsmith Christina Miller; J . A. Meyer, first rlary A. S c h w e l s s ; A u g u s t cil'e Cott; Roesberger; Mrs. Koopman; Elma C. Kruse; D. J. prny.. All o. the capital stock of the nd real name unknown; Isabel New- ichwelss; Charles Boken; Margaret Emma Levy;Eugene The Alpha Gamma Epsilon soand Dr. H. M. Levin are In charge Rabbi Cohn Is a graduate of lands; Joseph H. Priess; Harry Kronneberg-er, first end real name unA. Hereon; Mrs. Lilly Buck; Albert m t o n Hotei Com Guy F . Kahmann; Louis Anb. i«°rfm.Zed of the car' raffle, and according to rority met Wednesday evening in t h e Hebrew Theological College erson; Mrs. Lulu Caruthers; Mar- W. Buck; Mrs. Arthur Buss; J. Douglas; Mrs. ^Anna. Ott; John known; Smith, Landeryou & Co.; J. ?!rv ssuefi ZRLJ* t° «' dto the Vo...^ 1 Gehrke; M. Feirman, first and real rtelvin Buss; Miss Belle Wall; Mrs. C. Lavian, first and real name un•e v. termp and. conditions Mr. Robinson's report, that raf- the home of Miss Frances 'Jacob- of Chicago, and attended the Pal- garet B . Singleton; Ellen L. Taxiing; Natalie Berg; Emma Nolte; Minnie C. name unknown; Alice Berryman; known; Mrs. Gladys L. Lemon; Emma ^.o>-th in the explication filed Leyh; Katherine Leyh; Mrs. fle is even exceeding the expecta- son. A social hour and refresh- estinian Yeshiva where he re- dolph Bridget McKenna; Harry Ac- Pauline Wingrath; M. F . Geisxnan, Leonard; Chas. Lenza; Myrtle Lenza; artha G. Dana; Leona McDonald; Nolte; first and real name unknown; Mrs. John Lowery; Kath>John K. Lord, J r . ; Mrs. Theresa' ing of said Morttra^e Indenture" tions of the committee. The carments followed the meeting. Westman; Leonard W. kenhauser; ceived his ordination from Chief Delphine Myrick; Jos. Myrick; B. J. Bati- Weber Implement & Auto Co.; Lockner; Locust Groves Church Cem-il.- il P I? a c " bondholder of Kitchen Bros Nora E. Collins; Frank ryn Edward J. Trihey; Farmers & Mer-etery Fund; Mrs. Delia Luckingbill; r ° , . <-ornpany under the Wort/rage is on display on the Sioux City Rabbi Kook of Jerusalem. He is ""rams; mer, .first and real name unknown; amme; Oscar Busch; Mrs. Elizabeth e Savings Bank; Beulah V. SpenA. Kunze, first and real name un- icn fstreets daily and this week was Miss Ida Lipton has returned also a graduate of the University D. Keeling; Louis E. Anfender; Mrs. Bertha Mae Rinek; Walter S. Rlnek; chants e nture herein referred to is to recer; Mae S. Williamson; Jas. E. Hol-G. E. C. Gray, first and real name unknown; Arthur Kuhlman; Zoe Kurtz: | " « voting Trust Certificates repreElizabeth Jones; Laura L. Dunham; taken out to' several small towns home after spending a week at of Chicago. He will speak t h i s •epre weil; Catherine S. Kunz; Lou R. Es-John H. Langmaek; Lumen H. Long-i " " " """"" " " Max A. Unear; Elsie Ungar; "W. C known; Olive Gray; H. B. Livingston, A. L. Magerstadt, first and real Mrs. Mildred Leahe; State Bank of; stock of the near Sioux City, where chances Lake Okoboji. evening on a subject of interest Horstman, first and real, name u n - first and real name unknown; Cather- sex; name unknown; Julia Feustel; Therr for each One ' known; Addle II. Horstnmn; James ine Zoll; Charles Zoll; Albert F. John- esa C. E. Dold; Lillian Drohan; Min- Lenzburg; Dan G. Liebler; Roger P . were sold; to both young and old, and every- L. oono held by him isBarngrove; Clarence E. • Gonser; son; Marlette Johnson; Andrew L. nie Pritchard; Joseph Lanzner; Mr. Swire; Harry Lopata; Albert ManaMelcher; Agnes Melcher; August B. sha; Lloyd Pershing; Matilda Martin; Mr. and Mrs. Mike Herzoft deone is urged to attend the gathJohn G. Dierking; Anna Dierking; „_ .v M, vo — Bros. Hote? Companv A good part of the evening's Elizabeth DeGaris; Ernest Aug. Doctor; Wm. N. Fred J . Schaefer; rtga Martin; Earl C. Lurtz; Elizars. J . A. Fries, first and real name Bauman; F. Littmann; Arthur Vogel; Ruth « ^ d e n t u r e above discussion centered around the parted Wednesday for Chicago, ering at the synagogue at 8:30 unknown; Schultz; Edna Schultz; A. L. Browne, Augusta beth Lyman; I J . W. Markwell: Jos- deswibefl? George J . Grote; Miss Bernard W. Hays; Mr. Edward »P. The Paxton Hotel Comna and real name unknown; Elmer Buddy; C. L. Collins, first and real ephine Mankle W. Rosina Frantz; Elmer Edler; first _ sale of ads for the program. Pros- where they will visit with rela- o'clock. Christine Schuchman; Ed- name unknown; Genevieve McElroy; Mrs. Katie Mrs. C. H . Edler, first and real Schoenlau; pect cards for the advertising tives and friends. C. Lee; Mrs. Elizabeth Fox; Lightenstein name unknown; Charlyne Toung; ward Inc.; Henry Sarah McGiiig: The Belle Bank; Brethauer; Da- Harbke: EdgarEstate, Miss Dora Markovitz will . en- Irene Maloney; Esther Ungar; vid Green; AnnaJohn were distributed, names of new Littman; Alco M. Cos- Slurray; M. O"NeiU; H. M. irs. - F . M. Bartleson, first a n d Baier, first and real name unknown; grove; St. Louis Letter Carriers' Mu- Lewis prospects j&iven out and Instruc- Miss Fern Shafton has returned tertain at a Tea- at her home at real name unknown: O. Schmiedestual Aid Association; Wm. H. Krenn- Meyer home after visiting with friends 609 Mynster Street, Sunday aftertions wero given to the advertisTrcas.; "VVillard A. Mason; G. F.James amp, first and real name unknown; Katherine B. Scanlan; Wm. D. Barry, Jr.; X>r. A. H. Steffens, first and real noon, August 18, from three un- Blanche M. Kelly; Pauline A n g Goltennann. first and real name uning solicitors. The program will be In Minneapolis. name unknown: Minnie Ackenhauser; known; Adele B. Hymsn; George F. known; Minnie Meyer;' Chas. W. j Payable monthly, plus £5 J . . W. Gantz. first and . real til six o'clock in honor of her sis- uish; printed and distributed in. s!ioux ame : unknown; Nellie McHose: Maxk Helen Kllngberg; Mrs. Linda Pw Key- Ryan; Gertrude A. >IcE>ermott; 2VIrs. Meier; M. Mcrcefles, first End r e a l i s e room occupnncj- inco; name unknowir; Ernest Mever: KathMiss Eva Schaeffer, 1114 Villa ter, Miss Tillie Markovitz, whose M. Kendall; T. J . Keefe, first and real senbnrg; Dulaney Playgrounds Board; City the "yreelc of the carnival. W. Rottier: Emanuel P h . Mary E. Wheeler; Carl A. Koerner; erine Metz; Elizabeth C. Nichols; . Hotel Company is to unknown; Paul H . Koenig; Joseph Mrs May Ruth Abramsky; Bertha M. Henry Nicklas, Sr.; Nile E. Nilsson; least ?12,000 per vear in the mai It was -announced at the meet- Avenue, left Tuesday for Minne- marriage to Mr. Edward Weiner name Specht; LOUISB Specht; Rev. John J . Berthe Broyer: Henry Anser; Isa- Glennon; Eugene A. Freund; Agnes Koerner; Theodore Gosen; R o s e of Villisca, Iowa, will take place Lillie I. Park; Marshall D. Parsons'; nance and apolis where she will visit with Lillie I. Park; Marshall D. Parsons: nance and xmkeep unkeep of of pairi jwfc nrnr>« nrnnprfv Ing that;;this, year co-chairmen 'elle Anzer; Thomas H. Fltzpatrick; September first. Assisting t h e ohn Reid; X.ulu Reid; Mrs.- M. Irwln, Tackett; Amelia. Wlttenberg-er; Ernest Hackman: Mrs. Ella Kelly; John J. Mrs. G. E . Paydon, first and real! and is to pay all insurance' noonTmrt headieach committee to light- relatives. Wittenberger; August Wlttenberger; hostess In serving will be t h e 'lrst and real name unknown: Doro- Wm. Wittenberger; Emma I,. Moore; en the wtrk. A check-up on the * y Panhorst; Oliver A. Fablck; WHMisses , Bess Bernstein, Sophie llam McGilligan; Frank Cranfleld; Chas. L. Edwards, Guardian and Cu- known; Hugh D. Robertson; Alice M. sippi Valley Tr. =>' ***' i u j n . j i t : n , j -«-"-'.v-c K>Lk tutf f i m u i n g P-T5P c o n t e n t s advertising committee will be Co.;Mrs. ^tiiLC.&if.of Robt. and Pauline Bankhearn, Tr. Co.; Emma which Intter insurance is to "be paid >Iary E . Lloyd; Paul Terhune; O. M.rator Rosenstein, Ruth Shyken, Sylvia Robertson; Nixdorff-Kretn Mfg\ Co.; Michaelis; Mrs. ."" ~ " minors; August Nollman; Emil Hartmade next week. . H. X. Moss, first find, for by the Paxton Hotei Companv first a n d real name u n Charles Reinhart; Nora Liebig; Adella Martin: Vincent C. Wolf; Al- real name unkr Weiner, Helen/Steinberg and Ber- Kortjohn, Harrv F. Kip- Out of the funds now in the na'nds known; Mrs. C Branieckl, first "and man; vin Mohr; Joseph A. Evers; Edward haus: National inownr City T.-_... Bank; Fred F. H. Lehman, first and real name ^4... ^real - . Koid; ^ - » J . of Omaha Safe Deposit Company. real r a i s e unknown; Albert Guze; A. tha Whitebook. D. Jones & Co.; John April; Alberta Dr. R. S. Morris, first and unknown; Harry Cox: Edward Sheda; Trustee, all the expenses of the re•M. Simon, first a n d real name u n -Ferd Winkler; ilaggie Winkler; Erne- Robinson Shannon; Sophie Eiseman; unknown; S. O'Deli, first andname res! organization of everj- kind and nature Milton Saltzman, Central High known: Mrs. H . H . Robinson, first lia Lammers; Wm. Hettenhausen; Llsette Eiseiaan; Barbara Fisher Ro- nsrae unknown; Chas. Oechsner; Kitare to be paid, including- the compenand real name unknown; C. D. HowMrs. Sam Sacks entertained sixschool student, won the city Kroener; Mrs. Theresla Sch-sen; Edgar N. Fisher; Isabella J . tie H. Oliver; „August _ „ „ _ Pottho"; Reu- satmn aue the Omaha Safe Deposit ard, first and real name unknown; M. Henry Lillian Boesenbergr; L. J. Schad Fisher; Arthur Seiffert; Charles D. ben Pierson; Wilber E. Peter; John; Companv as Trustee, for services ns championship in the Class B divi- teen guests at a one o'clock lunch- it. Sitloii, first a n d real name un- maus; first and real name unknown; Mrs.Bolin; Philip E. Briscoe; C. W. AtMr. J. A. Pemberton, first nnct!euch Trustee, which are to be fixed Mr. and Mrs. S. Riseman of sion of the City Tennis tourney eon at her home at 620 Roosevelt known; Mrs. J . P . Gould, first and Elizabeth kins, first and real name unknown: Peck; Robertson; Stella. Trippel; n n o n ; airs. Catherine ana also including attornevo attorneys real name unknown; Catherine! by court ana name unknown; Cora G. Bahr; J. Ferguson, first and real Wray H . Essex, Sr.; John 7>vorak; Phillips; Peoples Bank of Troy; Mrs. fees and all other expenses incurred Douglas, {Nebraska, announce the held at the Sioux City Tennis club Avenue Tuesday afternoon in real Charles G. Galle; Mr. and Mrs. "W. J .O. Jacob Roll; Harry F . Smith; »"au2 T. J. L. Pierce, first a-nd. rea! name un- by ssia Trustee in all matters relatname unknown; Mrs., Anna Wiese; honor of her house guest, Mrs. I. Hynd, first and real names unknown; engagement of their daughter, c o u r t s . - • , . ••'; : H. S h u m a t e , first and real Roques: Catherine M. Barry; Eliza- known; Prudential Casualty Co.; St. frig to to th t IIndenture of the M Mortirape D. Paine, first and real name un- R. Mendelovitz' of Chicago, who IsN. name unknown . Edna S. Doelllng; beth T. Barry; Chas. W. Parker; Louis Conference Miss Ruth Riseman of Lincoln, to Preachei-s Aid!Kitchen Bros. Hotel Companv to the known; Pearl Paine; Clara K. Stern; Mrs. F Saltzman is a member of the Laura S. Starr; Dorothy Finks; WaiKlemp: Ben H. DeForest; Fund; J. F . Rasmussen, first and real|- idelity Bank & Trust Companv Fred -.Sherman,-, son of Mr. . and Central High football team, bas- spending a couple of weeks here. Bertha A. Burns; Mrs. Lena Fohr- Peter Edna A. Vaeth; Mrs. A. J. Francis, ter Austin; Lydia XJlbright; Emma name unknown; Chas. A. Kedden; j Trustee, above referred to, which a i Miss Bertha Schuebach; F . A.first and Kasten: Mrs. Ada Goodman; Fred R. John Reinhart: Mrs. Kntherine Reis; tornejs fees are also to be determined Another out-of-town guest at the nian; Mrs. Philip Sherman. real name unknown; Mrs. Bc-rger, first and real name unknown; Estelle M. Joffray; R. S. Grable, first Donley; Esther K. Peter; Herman E. ketball team and has won several Roth; Ernest A. Philmon; Mrs. oy the court. The balance of the Miss Hiseman, who •was a re- honors in the inter-school tennis luncheon was Mrs. Fred Schwartz Mrs. Louise Kronsbein; Mrs. W. C.ajid real name unknown; Emma Rlt-Gebers; Catherine Thompson; Harry Emma Lola Piper; Ellsworth R. Pierce: Jack remaining- in the hands of the of Chicago, who is the guest of Setterfleld, first and real name u n - tenhouse; Ida Wurdemann; Mrs. Em- Thompson; Richland Bank of Morri- E. Proost: Geo. W. Price; Herman money cent guest in .the Sherman home, meets. kr.own; H . J . Falkenhainer, first and ma L. Nuoff: Elmer B. Powell; Har- son, Ho.; Blanche Dorothy Omohu- Zousick;John Zuack; Harry Radzin- Omaha Safe Deposit Company, Trustee, after paying all expenses and her sister, Mrs. George Hoffman. real same unknown; Dan Cubbage; old Auld; Beth C. Auld; Mrs. Adele ndro; Rawleigh T. Shephsrd; Jos. sky; Mrs. John W. Rouse; Kenneth attended ; | the TJniverslty ot . Necharg-es shove referred to shall be Following tho luncheon, the af- Rose Cubbage; Mrs. Ollle Duncan: Hemker; J. Wm. Sullentrup; Theo- Hanna, Curator of the Estate of Rapp; braska, irihere she -was a member Elizabeth Remmert; Wm. disbursed pro rata among- the bond"'•eorg-e Burnett; Mayme Finnigan; Gladislaw, J r . ; Louise Wel- Ilichter, Jr.; A. R. Riselay. first and holders ternoon was Bpent playing bridge. Relnholdt Blatt; Edgar W. Meier; dore Muench; Lizsle B. Riggs; Wm.George of Kitchen Bros. Hotel Comof the Sigma Delta Tau sorority. M. Hayes; Dr. E. E. Ward, first and hoelter; Firmin D. FUSJ, Jr.; Carl is. real name unknown; Carolj"n Robin- pany under the Indenture herein r e Melville Tod; Alice Tod: E . M. Pelke, Kraus; John C. Echneil; George A. son; Eug-ene Roseberger; j " . E. Roo- j fered to. real name unknown; Philip Kloess; Mr. Sherman, received his degree 'irst and real name unknown;.T. A. Green; Elizabeth Farrell; Margaret n e y first tvnd real name unknown;! Upon the approval of the plan of Joseph Solomonow left l a s t Blair, first and real name unknown: Wm. Olbrisch or Katherine Olbrisch; Dizotell; from the | University of Nebraska, Peter Steinheimer; Anna J. Herman, first and real name unA non-partisan Literary and Thursday for Foist Leavenworth, John Ray Schuessler; Cletus Schenk; {reorganization and refinancing- by the B. Shaffer: L . L . Latham, first known: Steinheimer; Dr. W^alter E . Eckhardt; I*. •where he- was affiliated -with the Cultural Club was organized last E. C. Kroibohm, first and real State Bank of Slater; Rev. Leo H. (-"District Court of Dong-las County, Neand real name unknown; William H . Dr. Paul Eckhardt; Theo. H . Gosen; name unknown; George F. Wangelin; Kansas, to attend the C. M. T. C. Schloss; Helen C. Schanbacher; John} braska, the Omaha Sefe Deposit ComSigma Alpha Mu fraternity; The "Wednesday.evening, when a group Koch; Fred Klemme; Lizzie Klemme; J. Schmisseur; Mrs- Elizabeth Adeline Hering; Harold A. Weiss; Al- Schoen; F . W. Schwarze, first and! pany is to notify all bondholders of at the camp there for two weeks. Aug. Wesselschmldt;. Harry Brown; Ralph bert. M. Schmelzle; Mrs. Cecile Spen- real name unknown: St. I^ouis Uni-[ the Kitchen Bros. .Hotel Company un•wedding !date has not been set. fteubel; Christina* Rithmann; B. J. Gus Staples; Mabel Staples; Frank Buchert, first and real name un- cer Hunt; Nora Crimmins; S. M. Culot ten people met at the Jewi3h; _its y; Mrs. fc\fc\ Sapp, app, first and an real rea jder j _ s mortREKe of its readiness and Six; Ellsworth A. Murray; John. M. known; Miss Dora Hill; Elizabeth bertson, first and real na^ne unknown; versity; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sherman, Community Center. name unknown: Paul Schnfer; Schfer; Annie! willing-ness to carry a id plan l iinto efname, said g Miss Sylvia Ross was honored Sanford; Norma Hurter; Henry Hur- Healey; Jeremiah Curtin; MIna Davis: B. H. Walter F. Mueller; Llllie Mrs. Theresa ~ Schanas; " feet and is i to t (ake ( k up and d retire and Fred Sherman and Eugene Sherfeet, The club's purpose will be-of a at a surprise party last Wednes- ter; Minnie Frantz: Mrs. Dora Stun- Krelbohm; Mrs. I. Ulbricht, first and Dally, first and real name unknown; FredSchlueter; W. Reng-storff; Emma Rosecancel all bonds of Kitchen Bros. kenbroeker; John Klelnschmldt; John man droVe to Council Bluffs-Sun- literary nature and the organizaname unknown; Meta S. Wied- John Decker; John Devine; L. M. Ad- meyer; A^nes Schmitt; Walter A Hotel Company, and deliver to th« day evening at a wiener roast giv- P. Maratta; A. T. Rosegren, first and real mann; Rev. Casimlr C. Schmidt; kinson, first and real name unknown; Schneider; day, to attend a dinner party giv- tion plans to have an open forum S h i d I S B Henry Schoeneman; Ben I hold holders tthereof h f new b bonds of the Pnxreal name unknown; John W. Mason; en by a group of her friends at Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Henslck; Caro- Teckel. Earickson & Co.; Georgetta Edward Adams; H . J. Aufaerheide, Schonhoff; Mrs. Christine Sclujck- j ton Hote! Company, Voting Trust en by jMr. and Mrs. Millard during the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Koenfg; B. first and real name unknown; Wil- man; Delor&ine Smith; Mrs. Lena i Certificates under the terms outlined Ghost Hollow In celebration of line Schenk; Max Klingler; Emll KUn- Julier; Thomas, first and real name un- helm Albrisch; Myrtle Alperson; Ly- Seyb; Louis SeaJs; James Shanon; R. j in said application, ana the pro rafa Krasne for the Immediate rela-1 gler; Clara G. Hurter; Otto Spinden; E. nest meeting will take her birthday. Following t h e Mrs. known; I. F . Nordyke, first and real dia Albright; lrma M. Anderson; B. T. Shepard, first and real name un-1 share of the moneys due to ench M. Gudalo, first and real name name tives .of i^Misa Riseman and herplace at the Jewish Community Hilda L. Gisi; Mrs, W. Appel, first and real name un- known; E . W. Skaer, first and real | bondholder as n a v b e determined, by wiener roast, the group went to unknown; Mrr. Anna M. Page; J . G Henry unknown; N. Gisi: Loraine J. Schreiber; known; Anna' Armbruster; Rev. Edw. name unknown; H. E. Smith, -.first! the District Court of Douglas-Co'unty fiance. Mrs. Krasne and Miss Rise- Center next Wednesday evening, Waldeck, first and real name u n the home of Miss Ross where the known: Mrs. Katie Hagemann: Mel- Katherine D. Thomas; Ottilia Hogen- Ballenger; Berherman & Johnson; name man arai Bisters. „„., real _„„, „— .unknown; „ name , .• M. , , W. - ^ Nebrasks, upon the failure of any S. N. Grove, first and rea* Bess Ballantyne; W. D. Batcheliar, Smith, August 21, at which time the or-remainder of the,,, evening w a s ville first „and real unknown; K. Carson; Dr. A. J . Eisner, miller; of Kitchen Bros. Hotel first and real name- unknown: Jacob James Stahlman; name" unknown; Charles F . Winters, M. B. Stewart, first bondholder first and real name unknown; M. R.Elizabeth Klein: Miss Luella Clark Berghoffer; Fred L. Beck; Herman and renJ name unknown: ganization of the group will, be spent dancing. Company to present his bonds to the R. M. Stwbbs, Omaha Thompson, first and real name u n - George P . Eiswirth; Fred E. Koelling Bertram; Bertha Bertram; J . Blecfc- first and real • name unknown; At a ceremony in Omaha last completed and plans for the comSafe Deposit Company. TrusMrs. tee, for cancellation known; Otto E. Spinden; Henry V. Sophia- X. Doellins; P. J . Sullivan, man. first and real name unknown: Louis Sievers; David. E... Sims; . F. and retirement L. Friday, Mif?s Bernice Levin, daugh- ing months made. .'•'•"-Deemar; Jennie B . Deemar; James within ninety daj's from the date of Miss Gertrude Gilinsky is leavfirst and real name unknown: Mary Dr. J . E. Maxspin, first and real Smith, first and real -name -unknown; approval Murphy; Alice Murphy; Wm. Bohn ter of Miyand Mrs. A. Levin, beof the plen settlement Coan; Jos. Weingart; J. C. Lov-name unknown; Anna C. Brammeier; Mrs. E. F . Smith, first and real name by the said court, theof Everyone, interestea in the club ing this evening f o r Brooklyn Esther Holm; Miss Anita MeGlnnis E, Omaha Safe Minnie Breuer; J . W. Brady, first unknown; Isaac Smith; rien, first and real name unknown; came the bride ol Jack Mushkin, nith; Mrs. Cecite J Deposit" Companv, at the L. M. Adkinson, first and real name is invited to attend the meeting New York, for a. visit with her unknown; P . M. Adkinson, first and The World Color Printing Co.; Eliza- and real name unknown; E. S. Brifig-e M. Smith; ±TanK Frank Straub; Hugo V. | of saia period, is to file itsexpiration Smith; report in son of.Mr. and Mrs. M. Mushkin, first and real name unknown; O. W.M. beth Boehm; Chas. J . Boehm; Henry Steiner; Lettie Sunbrack; John Sulli- the District Court of I5otisrlas County, Wednesday. It is expected that real name unknown; Miss Sarah Mc- Gerding; M. Thatcher Shore; William Burroughs, first and real name unSIDNEY X. EPSTEIN. Attorney 702 Jonek street. van: .Martin M. Swehla; C. F . Taylor, Nebraska, showingthat it has in nil Gilligan; Miss Mary Havey; Annie over 30 will join the group. 801 Electric BIdff. Otte; Katie Otte: M. L. Busch: known; E. W. Busch, first and real first and real name unknown; W. J.respects csrried out the orders of the Fahey; Elizabeth Dlehl; Lewis G. Henry Both Mr. and Mrs. Mushkin are name unknown; Nellie Beeckmann; Thornton, first and real name u n - District Court of I>ou(rlaf! County, NeL. C. Busch; George Wittmann; ElMr. I. Levine was named secDiehl; Joseph E . -Dilg;. Misa Jennie mer F . Otte; Louis Erohne; MolHe Wm. Burlis; Robert Busby; Dr. J. R.known; J. J. Thaman, first nnd real NOTICE braska, nnd that the proposed plan of graduates of Central High School retary of the group at the organ- Tfotlce jg he-eby Riven that the under Berger; Mrs. E v a G,- Hodgkins; Mrs, Floy Wolfenbarger; Geo. M.Bridges, first and real name unknown; name unknown; C. H. Steinkenmeyer, reorganization has been fully comsigned have Msoclated themselves to- Martha J . Hysingrer; O. J . Herzog, Dolier; and Mr; |. Mushkin attended the ization meeting. - - ' Henry Bumerunle; Laura BroyhSH; W. Brockway; Farmers & Merchants first and real name unknown; TTalter J pleted, and oil expenses incident gether for tho purpose ot forming a cor first and real name unknown; Mary Bank; Mamie Vogel; Richard S. Eis-E Carlson, first and peal name unUniversity;of Southern California. ' and" thereto have been paid, nn-d with reporation under and by virtue of the lawi Jane Mathis; George I J . Stapleton; eman; David Elseman; I. D. Hewitt, known; Dr. J . E . Cashln, first and Sterno; D. A. A. Swaim, firot real name unlcnown; Alan Sydle; Dr.spect to such bondholders of Kitchen of the State of Nebraska. Tho name o the corporation, shall be; the Omaha 1.1- Mrs. Ida Reller; Miss Katherine Jaen- first and real name unknown; G. N.real name unknown: Mrs. Julia By- Robt. S. Taylor; Grace Taylor: Frank Bros. Hole! Company as may not hove quor Corporation. Tha principal place o: ecke; Mrs. Elisabeth Zwlcke; Miss McDavld, first and real name u n - nrs; Veronica A. Byrne; A. J. Cannon, Thien; Ray Thompson; Florence present their bonds for cancellation Miss tPanny Lazinger of Des business shall bo at Omaha, Dougla Helen Meyer; Henry J . "Witte; Elsie known; Gephart Gawer: Charlotte Ga- first and real name unknown; Geo. Thayer; Mrs. Fred Thomas; Mrs. Sam and retirement within- said ninety day ^ijowa, and Martin-LazinCounty, Nebraska. The general nature o: Hosch; Everett G. Brinkman; Chris wer; Alvin April; Charles H. Moore Capps; Central Republic Bank ana Thurman; J. L. Todd, first and real period, said Oranha Safe Deposit Comthe business to- be transacted and thi H. Gleseke; Paulein Sieber; Margaret Miss Nellie Wagner; Ira R. Koenig Trust Co.; George Chrispin; Mrs. An- name unknown; Robt. Taunts; Bar- pany requests that St be juithorlEed ger of Sti Louis, are visiting their purposes for'which thla corporation 1; M. Merritt; Claire Dwyer; G. C. Steinna Bowing; Maxtha Child; Dr. J. F. ney Trauntner: Mrs. Georgia Turner; to deposit with the Clerk of the Disf rmed are as follows: parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Lazinger, first and real name unknown D. R. Bowes; Mayme Palmer Bowes Caskey, first" and real name un- W. S. Trigrg-. first and real name un- trict . Court of Douglas County, NeThe three lectures to be given 1. To operate and engage In genera' heimer, Jay Millard; Johnnie W. Reppel; E s - Clara P . Koenig; Miss Emma Frese known; M. J. Conroy, first and real known; Louis Varel; John G,t Theis; 511 Isabella Street for the benefit of said bondby Dr. Sachar the last week In liquor business and to deal In all anttate of Theodore M. Hunt; Margare Louise Taylor; H . E . Stappenpeck, name unknown; Dorothy Ann Cole; Elmer W. Thoelau; B. J. Thuene- braska, holders, the requisite number of bonds any liquors -without limitation whatso Anna Coan; E. F . Clemmons & Sons; mann, first and real name unknown; E. Tolmlg; Anton Manhart; Karollm first and real name unknown; Feltof the Paxton Hotel Company, Votlns October are scheduled to be held • ' ' • • • C. L . Ulrtch, first and real han Watson; W. S. Hunter, first and Helen Coerver; Laura Prentice; Ther- Deiors Tilen; Elmer Tonsing-; Hilda Trust Certificates and the pro rata Miss Bess LIpshutz left Friday in the Shaare Zion synagogue, and ever. •: 2. To purchase, bold, use. Improve,Manhart; esa Cope; Mrs. Effie Copple; Myrtle name unknown; Alma KJotz; J. "W. real name unknown; Harry IJ. FerguEmma sha>e of the moneys due said bondfor Los ^ngeles, California, where it is expected that capacity audi- rent, lease and convey both real and Kendall, first and real name un son; Ida L . McQtzitty; Mrs. F . C. Cole; Continental - Life Ins. Co.; John Trautner; Lena. Wissner; Alvina Walter; holders, and upon such showing' beingpersonal property so far as the sam< known; Gertrude L. Specht; Clara Crommer, first and real name u n - C Campbell; Mary Ellis Cotton; By- Wagner; Mrs. C. Byron Web• she will Visit with friends. Accom- ences will hear all three. W b duly made to the District Court of may be necessary to tho. carrying on o: Oten Watts; O Rengstorff; Tillie Rengstorff; Sophie known; Albert H . Binder; J. L . Col-ron Cosby; Albert . Collins; Clarence del; Wm. D. Win&et; Mrs. Lena Douglas County. Nebraska, the said the corporate business. panying-her ^was Mrs. Helen ShaDaly; W. A. Denby. first and real Vaughn: Mrs. Catherine Varrel; Eliza- Om&h* Safe Deposit Company reRengstorff; Emma Weindel; Rev. Fr. lin, first and real name unknown; . To borrow money and to secure th Tickets for the Sachar institute repayment of the same by the Issuanc Eg-ger; August Hohlt; Edwin Moell- Percy S. Block; Leo Klos: Clara Hel- name -unknown, Hugh Davis; T. A.beth Valerins; Mrs. Lillian Voney; quests that it be discharged ns Trus•piro of Omaha. went on sale last week and Sioux of notes, bonds, debentures, mortgages, mann; L. 1^ Aubel, first and realer; Samuel T. Cooper; E. E. Clay- Dav. first - and real name u n - John Walker; James A. Walsh: Ber- tee . herein, and relieved of , nl! Its trust deeds or other forms of securi name unknown; F . F . Aubel, first uhd pool, first and real name unknown known; Rev. Wm. J . Dames; nadette Walsh-; Dr. L. J. Wagers, duties,, liabilities; and responsibilities • real name unknown; J . Goodman, firs William Meier; Henry F . Huelamann Miss E«*oBean; John A. Andric, Ot- first and real name unknown: John Misses I Rose and Beatrice Pill Cityans are setting aside the dates ties. connection therewith, For further - 4. To conduct a retail business1 for th and real name- unknown; Henry Susan J . Kelly; Peter Comer, K. C: Durban; Louis J. Drexler; Miss Wack; Iva Walden; Hurry Wapelln; in of the lectures. The lectures are and more complete details of said are spending a week's vacation pu osa of buying ana selling llqnors Josephine Dietrich; Mrs. Minnie DoelSchmoll; T. J . Connors, first and real Marie Westerbers; Mr. Elmer "R'eiss; S; 86, Trustee K. of P . ; Henry A. plan of reorganisation and rsfirmncrn£» to be sponsored by the Ladies' andjor any other goods, wares and mer with friends In Chicago. unknown; Laura Koehler; Mra. Perrlguey, Guardian and Curator, Es- llng; Rev.' E. J. Dooley; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Weidle; J. J . Windsor, firsthand you ere referred to the original applito tha retail trade and gener- name Auxiliary of Shaare Zion syna- chandise Rilta Whipple; Anthony L. Mart; Lee tate of Perrlguey Minors; Daniel J. B Drikow; Mrs. Edna Edwards; Rev. real name unknown; Arthur Wina- cation on flic in the above entitled ally to do any and all things incidents La Rnssa; Sadie I& Juhlin; Mrs. L. B.Donovan; F . P . Gilbert, first and real " Essen; E. C. Eidman, first ana miller; Ewald Wintermnn; G. Wnlers, cause in the office of the C!erk of gogue. to andlor connected with any of th Mr. M. Satin, who became 111 Ambruster, first and real name un name unknown: Fred C. Michael; Lil- ^ a l name'unknown; R. L E H i s , first first sna real name unknown: Bertha the District Court of Douglas County, purposes herein mentioned. Laurence Wcgfrman, Jr.; Nebraska, together with all exhibits The authorized capital stock of thi known; Mrs. Mary Fortel; Thomas EJ lian Michael; Mary A.- Schauwacker; and real name unknown; Harry San- V Wieck; when visiting in Chicago last Wilier; Agatha Wolf; Mrs. Laura attached corporation shall be $5,000.00 divided In Reese; Hannah Perschbacher; Mrs, E. S. Armstrong, first and real name ders Ellis: Thos. Elsberry; Mrs. Era- Gus You nre further noWebdel White; A. Tavltz, first sna tified thatthereto. month, has returned home and Is to SO shares each of the par value o: Rose. Grond; Mrs. Neta Inskeep; Flor- unknown; Beulah J. Kleppisch; Ger- ma oSchbein; J. S. Dictaon, first.and the application of applicant $100.00, and all of which stock shall ence M. Futz; A; W. Gilbert, first an trude Wolf; Robert Eike; Anna Eike; real name unknown; H. _L. Doelang. real name unknown; N. W. Tonkcr, above described, for the Rpproval of recuperating. He thanks his many first and real name unknown; Helen the snid plan of reorganization and Common stock, and may ba paid for l real name unknown; W. G. Lohrum, George Breimbrlnk; John Henry BoWurth; Geo. -TamSnitz; Geo. Betacash, notes or other property or servlcei first and real name unknown; Hulda ka; Olivia Eckardt; Barbara Roebke friends for their gift3 and flowers Mr. I. Weinstein of Chicago, na- at wiH be heard before the the reasonable market valuo thereo A. Wehking; H. C. Wehking, first a » Minnie Parish; Marshall Field & Co. brink; Belleville Finance Corp.; Hilda refinancing-, which ho received during his Ill-tional organizer for the National and shall bo ^non-assessable. Berg; Annie Berg; Mrs. Mary Bierwe; Honorable Frank M. Dinpen, Judge real name unknown; Marie B. Me Chas. E, Grohe; Ernestine Grohe ; The corporation shall begin business Carthy; Lawrence Pickert; Mr. an'Buena V. Cramer; Isabella J. Fisher chel W. Ebeis; Mile F. Edwards; Louis A. Bitto; Richard Bocklage; of the District Court of DOURIRS ness. i • Workers Alliance, visited In Sioux with County, Nebraska, on the 26 th day of the fllinsr of its articles of lncor. Mrs. Edward Giessling; Philip "W. El!a Pettker; W. S. Wilson, first and Chas. H. Edler; Geo. Eggers, Jr.; M. Bohr; J. Harry Boka; Mary September, 1935, at his Court Room pdratlon with the Secretary of State o: Schmidt; Casper Bruening; Margaret City this week and addressed a Emil Ellison; James Ellison; Oscar El- Theo. real name unknown; Alex J. Boka Botz; A- L. BragrsinB, first und in the Court House tn Omaha, Doug* State of Nebraska, and shall conlison; E. A. Elchinger, first and real A. Miss irjorence Smerin of Wood- meeting of that organization held tho tinue for a , period of fifty: (50) yeari Bruening; Mrs. V. F . Moss, first one J. Harry Boka; Edw. J . Eisenhauer name name unknown; Dr. G. K. Bre-las Countj'. Nebraska. unknown; John G. Fpchs: Han- real real name unknown; Robert Hennin Wm. Schifferdecker; Edward L. Heff nah Faes; dell first and real name unknown; OMAHA SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY* bine, and Miss Gwen Meyer- Wednesday evening in the Juwish f-ereafter unless sooner dissolved. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Engert. ger; Emily M. Sehelp; Chas. A. Kleinner; Clara Schlermeier; Marie K. The highest amount of indebtednessi't< W. H. Breuer, first and real name Trustee. B H. Eppman, first and re&l Dr. Bon of Council Bluffs visited with Community Center. which the corporation shall subject it hans; E . I * Roederer, first and rea Kemper; C. Wm. Born: Ray A. Beit- Rev. unknown; Wm. Brockmeier; Mrs. p k Kv O name unknown; Rev. u . PJPo™"" self at any one time shall not excee name unknown; George FeJdbusch; sel; OtUe Pearce; E . C. Henry, first Wends ill Sioux City this week. Mr. Weinstein is making a tour two-thirds (I-S) "of its capital stock. real name unknown, IM. W .Elizabeth Swicke: j FRADENBT7RG, WEBB, B3SB1SB, Henry Eilerman; -Elda Eilerman; J . L.and real name unknown: Wm. Meyer; first and techer ,tm- You and each or you _are ncrecy - . first and and real name naroe .tinof the middle western cities in the The affairs of the corporation shall Lucas, first and real name unknown; Henry Bode; Mary K. Meyer; Regina You and each, of12th you any areofhereby i KXAJTZyiCK *• KET,I,T ' FiaelUjTrust Co..; Fidelity notified that on the AUEI conducted by a board of Directors of no Hornsey; Roy A.; Parker; Frank Thiess: Mrs- Lulu Birchard; Martha MorlE»s* Corporation: Fire Ins. Co. Mr. arifl Mrs. Si Krueger depart- interests of the Workers Aliance. less' than two members or more thai Elza • Syoboda; Katherine Bergman; Roy R. McDowell; Kate M. Felker; Frank J . seven. Tho officers composed of a Prea Gaubain; Philip J . SchaJler; "Wilme Feldman; ed recently lor a motor trip to Adolph W. Toang; U- » iderit, Secretary and Treasurer and on: Schaller; Martin'; Sweeney; Cecile M. Conn, first and real name unknown b. more.Vice-presidents are to bo elect California. . Surplus Smith; Katie Brockschmidt; -Wil Cammie C Conn; James Duncan ed by the stockholders at their resula ,i meeting. Any of the two above office, Myerson: Arthur Kullman;: Mrs Ma rtha. Duncan; T. L. Gosrsey, fu s first and real name unknown; — — be held by tho same person exeep George Luedde; Fannie Stout; D. A and . real name unknown; Hilda LH"> Miss jtfargaret Kosberg .was Jerusalem—The Palestine gov- may first and real name unknown; the offices of President and Vice-Presi Cole, first end real uaraa unknown tleton; William L. Schweitzer; Kd- Farlej', D. L. Feaster, first and rea hostess tiS the Debra Club at their e r a m e n t officially announced dent. Lillian Kaufrnann; ' Minette Kauf- w a r d G . Spence: Norman Terry; Chas. Mrs. name unknown; National BanK, RALPH KI*ABENES, Mr. a n d Mrs. Christ Kauf F Hepo; Roy E . Clemens; Josephine Fidelity Bond andFirst - meeting ijMonday evening. Plans that the treasury surplus [for the Mortgage Co. FlorGERTRUDE HOTHKOP, tnann; man; W, H . George, 'first and real H»rmes; Ben Schnohoff; Oscar Dickence--XT. Fitz; Theo. Florreicb[,Germonth of May totalled 500,000 Incorporaters name unknown; Mrs. El!«si Tilton; er; J. Ry. Roethemeyer; Maude CoU, were made for a picnic Saturday trude Flaren; Ethel Foster; In the presence of: pounds. »Sarah XL Cole; Joseph. S. Berryraan; leb; Henalna Schoeneman; Henry AV. .'evening,j' Sidney X* Epstein.
Saltzman Champion In City Tennis Meet
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