*ls lite if fie
supfc Enteret! 33 Second Class Hal) Hatter on January -21, .1321, at _FostofZic< ot Omaha, Nebraska, cnacr lbs ^xt -ot aiareh -3, 1373
23, 2935.
Find'"Chosen People" Passage g - Win
"New -X«sw IBroMMis Cresfl or Color Harrisfourg, 3>a. (WNS)—-Tie' constitutionality ol:a--new l a w that •prohibits discrimination in public places against any,person because of race, creed or color xnay be tested by the hotel-and restaurant .men of Pennsylvania. JZassed by 130th, houses of the legislature and signed by Governor Earle, the act, "which becomes effective September .2, stipulates specifically "that -there shall be n o discriminations :in inns, -taverns, TDadhouBes, hotels, .restaurants, buffets, saloons, Ijarrooms, i c e • c r e a m parlors, confectionaxies, soda ^fountains, drug stores, dispensaries, clinics, '.hospitals, bathiouses, theatres, ^notion picture iDUses, airdromes, roof gardens,tmnsic halls, xace courses, stating Tints [amusement a a d xecration parks, fairs, bowling alleys, gymnasiums, shooting galleries, billiard and pool parlors, public libTaries, kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, high schools, academies, colleges and universities, garages and all public conveyances such as streets cars and "business.
RabK Wolf Gold
New York- (7VT lected, bnt Trill he chosen "within find-a Bible panrr-^ the nest lew days. The testimonial dinner honor- effect that "the Jsv B I S B BiMss Classic r " "Ie?" ing Rabbi Miller is open, to all (or the Lord's) die: > Sessi-FissI members of the community. Ke- If you can there is a f-~- ~Ii~ giving Hay tnrhey offer' ' : servations may he made by calling the Jewish Community Center regard by .Dr. A. D. A!!:'- ~z•t of A community--wide testimonial -Knosville, • Tenncrses. 2~. AlSemi-finals of the annual Highoffice, JacfesDn 1366, or Sirs. A. dinner in honor of Habbi U r i bright made his olTer is. t, note land Country club golf tournaSrfrsracskin, Atlantic 5534. Miller is 'being planned for iabor to Arthur Brisbane TIIO r*-^' ment Trill-be held this ireek end liocal Vaad leaders stated that ed it in hia syndicated -J.it; Day, Monday, September 2, at tlie hecaiise of the greater opportu- •column, "Today." Dr. JJlrizcria! •Kith Julian Hilder, wh-o is favored Jetrish Community Center. to retain his title for the fourth nity Icr service in Ke^w Orleans, address is S o o a 2CZ, H~ Jtabbi jttiller, vsrho Tins b e e n Habbi Miller -was Teleased from Building, Snosvllle, Tcs.^z—z,pire year, playing lilarvia Trelier this spiritual leader of the Taud Ea'Sunday -while in the lower brackthe balance o£ his contract. Ihr, , Union of . Orthodox Synaet, .Ed Rases, the dark horse of Sabbi Miller's ne-w congregagogues in Omaha,* since January, the tourney, trill meet xl2chi»rd 1933,"'Trill leave the -first -week of tion is the largest and oldest in HiUer in Trhat promises to be one September -to assume his duties as the south. The'tBeth Israel CDnof the closest matches cf the enhead of the Beth Israel congrega- sregaiinn. .maintains its o^m Taltire tourney. mud Torah and its o t a Coinmntion'in "New Orleans, La. In the second flight .Paul BlotcS i s successor has not been se- -nlty Center, of "which Sabbi Millky -will play SSorrls Cohn and the er vrill be head. •winner cf the Morris Ferer-HarSince .-earning to Omaha from old Farber match -Trill meet KsrTerre Haute, Ind., in January, ny .Handler in the other semi1923, Babbi Miller has heen acMiss .Hannah .Meyersoa tras the final .match. tive in the local community- He iriimer • of Omaha Hebrew c l u b One of the Eensstisns of the organized the Omaha Vaad a n d c t e 5 t concluded at tourney TTSS the upset of Mickey 1 its affiliated groups, ana -was ° "! t-.h e lorty- Kmpinsky t y S3 "Roses, vrho i~ very active in the Talmud Torah. ' fourth aa- the surprise of the tourney. The He -sras a contributing editor to - anal picnic finals of both flights Trill be After reacllng .numerous pampn- the Jevrish Press, -writing a series h e ! a a t played off "by September 1. ets "which stressed safety and the of ^weekly editorials. Outstandins liA^. evisTV necessity lor caution In driving, in Mizrachi circles, lie -was elected *• par^, S u n Mrs. 3 . T. Friedman, "whD is a president of the district Jlizrachi . day, An- nrr strict adherent to the "Stop, at the conclave held h.-e r e last ISth. .ook, Liaisa" slogan, "was placefl spring.
Gold, president of the American MizracSI, Orthodox Zionist Organ- • isatinn, TTEE last vreek elected' president of t i e Mizrachi TTor';1 1 Organization, at the close cf -t: conference here. Itabbi Meyer Berlin, f~-ir'~ preEiaest, Rabbi J, r \ '-b e r s cf "tiie Misrachi "rrorld e"»"c»tive v»-ere n o t .re-elected. Tiie cnnlereii.ee s t r u c k iro— ^1r
satica t h e requi-ement that c — r xSizraclii m e m b e r b u y E s h e ' - ' r r sign of official subscription ;~i™ Zionist Basle p r o Errata s n d ; h t discipUne o i t i e "fforla r —."t OrsTkEizati on.
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Tliere is another .Einstein :i. ,._ raaiirs, according to iris: -L . the San Beber family vhc .L' • c bees astonished by the t r t ~\^z. a i s d ol icur-year-oid " a - . ; Bsber.
in an uneasy and'nervous predica; -E-SD2. -will ment joh her recent motor trip to EugD Keys. Several v-esks- r r " " bs .given a hicago. J Harley -sras introduced to Mi s.:- v , .r Clubs and other places of a priround trip Mrs. "Friedman vras Bitting in vate nature are esempt from the • to. t h e occurred which would i t i u ."• la"w, Trtiich carries Trfth it penal- the haclr seat of the car ;£n "inch • coast. Miss inark the impression o£ tl r - i ties of $100 to £500 and impris- position as to be able f£xi "watcl ' H e l e n the dashboard, ED that she could troduction. Yet last T-er ,> onment of 30 to 90 days. i Fried, Eec- New .York Oar-palpi Poultry Trs2.s -of Although the law is primarily caution the driver in case he . o n fl prise was asked who they "were t " van intended to end- discrimination •would attain an excessive spesd. Believing the dial -which s h e able to tell their first an. ":.-. _ against Negroes, it -will be applici v e a Ne-w'Tork (WICS>—•Undenrorld s i E s s anfi the date he ha- rr- •*-' able to t h o s e discriminating -was -watching to be t h e speed- livery "Effort to .Be. liaSe to • ometer, this careful motorist Eat • elements suffered a decisive &e- them. against Jevrs. Curb Gambling en back nervously and 'bit her nails' | feat when Local 440 of the -Shochwhile she imaginefl the car to be A record ! tim's Union, fistsminsd to ri2 t i e to Even s" auto csrperts ar£ r t re one look z.t an autaii ^ . ^ traveling at t i e rapid spssd frMefc. Xucerne CJTA)—The Jerrish j over fifteen "hundred jsscple atthe dial iridicateiL I racketeers, ousted its racketeer- but to young Beber this is E.Z ; c U, ,. Several miles sped v "by before National 'Fnnd aeclsred TTET on jtended the-picnic. Thers -were i controlled administration a n d Se lias developed ais xnemo-; d _ land speculation in Palestine as various ;kinds of games for tosth another member of the party j elected a. n e w set of officers power of observation S3 vre" ^ . . . noticing rhss to be very nervously a force inimical to t h e Jewish adnlts .end children for Trfcicn all lie needs is a glance E-t i i i_ _ _ _ ^._ •watching the dashboard and re-homeland last "week, at an inter-prizes Trere given to the T-iimsr. [ fighting to dean up the poultry natlDnal conference here. : Hefresninents "svere SSTTSCL membering &ET as being a very trade. "Lacerne (JTA)—Palestine ofcars£ul_motorist, enflsd Jier need- A series ol resolutions afloptea. There T/as dancing to l&s tunes Under the vatehlnl eyes of offifices thronglnrat, the isrorld vriH be less -ankiety concerning the speatl at the first iroria ccHfereace in ol Austin." Sevan's crcacrtra. cials cf .its _ department a!. rnvr-hicls.• • ^ _ _ _ .* directed-to grant I'alestine imrnJSir. John Teldsan, treasurer, ol the car by.-showing .her. that sis years urged Jewish financial gratiott certificates only- to irppllinstitutions, to.. .csrsJuIly .iEvestl•tfie Hint•.apaa.-wM^Jh_er^:a.ttentina.. .cssts:"33BJJ735'ir". HelirsTr,. -£t Tr-a :s !had >BE3i -locnsea'rWas s, .radio dial gate" before esi'sading credits "lest part Gf the -.affair at ihe next j cuior Tn.um.as E. Devsyi offics. Ifa'closed here last/Tireefc "by Isaac they be used'to gamhle .in'Pales- meeting of the -club. He asks till iiat .the' Epeeflomster. of whom WCTB -yamniIkES, ths Sruenbaum, director of the •.?«• tine land. niGinbsrs i7ho still tave tickets iIall bearded • schochtiin captured coa.i8h Agency Immigration depart"After 53 years of Zionist act- to turn -them in to Mm, EO that I trol of the usisa "rom. th*- hsnehment at the World Conference of ivity," declared Henachem Men-) an accurate report may be made Palestine Offices. del TJssishkin, Tr o r 1 d J. IN. F . on the' ticket sales. Sir. Fei&nsn I racketeer, who • was recently reMr. Grnenbaum reported that president, in a forthright Address, reports, "The picnic was a great I placed as tlie imicn's business the -Agency is stamped Tsdth ap"the Jewish people is still de fac- success -both financially and soi agent by Jacob-Hosanblnm. plications for certificates. Palescially." New y o r k (WNS)—-Sather to-without land in Palestine. «UHI» 'if
tine citizens alone, "he-said, filed 3.7,000 applications lor permits to bring "wives, .relatives and chilrLren to the Holy T^nd. Ilr. G r it e n b. a ii m annomcefl •twenty p er cent of certificates "will be assigned lor. relatives of Palestine Citizens, ;:fifty per cent lor
He pointed out that Trhile the than permit the display of the j president, llordecsi Heltser, Ticsswastika i n one of its private din- Jerrish population in Palestine noT7 reaches over 26 p e r cent, ing rooms, the Hotel Uew Yorker ! secretary, all Herbert fcllc~crr, .allffwed the Association ol Ger- Jews in the ccuntry control only felended the TEekstser, r.t', ZT~Z. man-American Technologists to 6% per cent of the land, and it tlireats asainst the TEDEIS a n i t i r EMf t. its annual convention Irom is becoming increasingly difficult 33russels CWNS)—Three thou- procGsaeS to elect a nev csccutho 2NeT7 Torkef to the Hotel AB- to obtain land because Arabs are unwilling to sell to Jews, and the ot the I " ' new citizens, twenty per cent lor tor -where the Nazi emblem will government, loo, is hampering sand .-Polish-Jews-.resident in Bel-jtive committee. giuin are'likely-.to i>e deported as Chapter of A. S. A. to spor-~ r r artisans and. ten per cent lor ori-lie aisplayea. Jews in the acquisition of ne-w the result Df a decree 'beins draft- J Find-in^- "theiaselves onfc-cra"The management. of the Hotel ! bered, the ualnn's officials cult sntal Jevrs. acreage. ed-'by.-the "ministry o£ commerce j the meeting and rsf used to turn Torah. stufisnts has recsir^. .1 New Torker announced t h a t it As a measure to foresfell -Bpecforbidding Polish' clti^sns to en-I over -would not. allow the display of -•union's, "books and rec-sew administration. the swastika as "a precautionary ulation, the conference adopted a gage in trade in the public mar- j to measure to preserve the property resolution .asking the Zionist Con- kets or as peadlars. Since job- ] £ o t i r t action is so Tjjidsr tiie .rules cf .tlie TI^I. _^ i lanned ] ^of the notel and insure the safety gress to :set up a central "body -to less aliens aTe subjected to deA. S. A. chapter Trill ciier z, ~ *_ 1 control land grants, to Jews in portation, this decree leaves the j to eliminate the racketeers a i £ medal to • Iks student "vrrit;*" z. ^ Brussels (JTA)—A resolution of our guests" and because the Palestine. Jewish"peddlers and market men their supporters. , • display of t he' swastika "on a best .essay on a Eubject c£ . " c ^ -to asfc all governments to prohibi In his address opening tlie con- at the inercy of the siinistry of liistorienl interest during the r~r shechita, "the orthodox manner of number of recent occasions here ference, Hr. Usaishkin "declared commerce. ing year. Mlling animals for kosher meat, in JNew TTork incited Tiots a n d acguisition of land in TxansjorNinety .per cent of .-all the Polin accepting the offer on 1 1 ill •was adopted unanimously at the major'- disturbances." Kndoll "Wil- dan would not solve t h e Je'ws' ish • citizens in Selgium are Jews. PraguB— "Anfbrnch," nntori- of the Talmud Tcrah. P r r c . eighteenth "world congress of So- flfirinan, president of the Associa- problem, Bhice Arabs "would "be at The ministry of: commerce has ous anti-Eemitic paper, .has been cieties for Prevention "of -Cruelty tion, called the lear of disorders their hacks there as T7ell us in denied .'that such -a decree is to suppressad fcy the Czechoslovak" a liuge joke" -and attributed! the to 'inspire ^dded ir to A-nimnls. Palestine. • bs issued in Agitation against shechita; has ban indirectly to Mayor l a GnarThe terms upon "which the J. been carried on in many countries dia's xecent raction in refusing a "N. "F. ;TVII1 interest itself in the license i o a .Gsrman alien. ior several years. One of the so\ •Wilderman also claimed t l a t Huleh concession, xecenfly acciety's chief objections to shechita auired Tsy a private company, are is that the prescribed method -of i i s organisation includes many 50 per cent oTraership, Hr. TJs.Austria lias forbiddsa all Aiustriaas t o sngE|re i s any German EifftL ol ills healthy Jewish t : -1 casting t i e animal, throwing it Jews among its members. sishkin stated. . . ana Bentisient towards Trki ~ on its back and bringing the neck Participants in & fiiscuBsiun A. H. A. aspires." in position BO that it may receive which followed t h e address de- in this coimtry sontiiiisad to gain ground. the cut, is cruel and inhumane. Ottawa—In order not to dis- manded that extreme measures be ,A-n .s,d"?rance indication cf ~h.ov? welcome Jerws "Kill be s.t the Berlin—lifting t h e ban" on the franchise Jewish voters the date taken to prevent speculation, even Berlin Olympics nest summer v^as :afford2d to Tv"orld public opiaJuedische Hundschau, organ of of the Canadian general election to refusing .admittance to Paleslan when. Jfsd off Mais a t GBnaisch-pEXteaJarchen, -the Eceae cf the German Zionists, t h e Iteicb. was-moved ahead from IJEonday, tine schools of speculators' chUtlie -essay contest ivlll the "mater Olympics, crSered .all 5e'?rs tmt of tcrrs. JB.-
press chamber ordered the s u p -October 7th, T7iich is Tom Eippression . f o x "three months of pur, to Monday, October 14, ac- A resolution "was adopted authe Israelitische ^Familienhlatt of cording to an announcement "by thorizing* change in the constituPrims Minlsi&t.JL B. BennEtt. Hamburg. . . . tion to permit rEBresentation for
I -4
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g "3s-w% are .sol admittea"appBErea en and at the.hotels sad rssts-nraats.
Zionist slid non-Zionist organisations in the J. "K. .P. council.. -It -was disclosed that .an agreement Tras adopted with the "Eeran Hayeaod, an'other .Zionist Jirafl, to prevent'clashes .-ijfitween the two. The' Egreemsst -Br..as later sub-. Here i3 another yam for Hip- couldn't recall just "wnat it was— Jesrted to a -scathins attack -and ley. Although Hannan Heyerson just-than "Hannah, 'and •was scheduled to be .taken up at. -was overjoyed upon hearing of came strolling .into ths store and the Congress. " lier victory in "the recently con- t l s : girl's entire Dr. .Israsl' Goiastein, president • ducted Omaha Hebrew Club pop- briglitened as she .quickly.•march- •of the AmericEn;.J.'2\. F., "was ularity contest, a decided elemsnt ed to-the counter and; purchased the .speakers'. of madness tinged her happiness, some cups and -saucers. . because ,ths prize only providfid a ' pfftT^Tsri;)') i n i d X^OUlSB, ~*73lD « uU.<^ trip lor Jierseif.. - • • - - • nelglibon:, sat -usst to each other fyjrp -irxszced totcl zl ZZ1XZZ,T^ in Palc-J:.i '•.No,..Hannah dia.not want to in their elasses, could-sing take i e r family with her, but just of their own, entitled, "For XSver Berlin (JTA)—Ko Httlo nurThz ztcte CJ. T*r.r:.^rr!"^iiJi hie £msi2i 2, Iz.'' zi."~Z"~iz.~ a ehapeiua in ZuB personage of Since Our "World Sessn," iaving priss T733 evoliea tere liLSt 'veeS; Xiouiss Kathan. made their initial- entrance into or, | en the Hannah snd Xaouise have often this wide irorlfl two Tracks apart B.eisch3i.ue1irer HItlcr'3 al', "been likened to the "Siamese in t l i e dreary month of Twins" because of their close 1317. They hart, besn companionship and irientLMp. In cosapanions siacs t^fcy liast ihct th- Jcras Cv'jis mcili.11 — t-ft n"l*I* connection tviOi Hieir coiapanionTiey both Graduated saip tho story is tolfl cf a young Soath Hisa nchool, JiavJES cozsrsa tv Sirl -wlio was Bent on *is er-end jslcted th.3 cams co-rsc, hs.Tiss Tjy "her mother »o make nsvoral received tJis crane srafics nud purchases. Upon xeacMns i e r liKTing "fassn enrolled in every Ttrcpher, Ttia r a a c.:=mfc3cd irsn''sccssra of s, clrdrct "rr^TOTCSi^ait cf csrir.32ile coaiiti destination, the girl Jforsot o n e X3 to^Bther s s d both iava ihs Hona UaiTerEity Trtisi th- I'lsrls! crr-'EiCsd that CeTrl^Ii t c l z j t i s vriH hsczDx irasa ths lifticg1 wf Ertide, 2nd lay as Hhe mfelit nns ambition for their luttire. to pcrr-sr. • tiie bcs3.
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either in tho form of resolution formal expression of the opinion n or otherwise to their views or of the public as a whole. Nazis Annoy Jewish Wife opinions with reference to a n y "I judge from your communiWarsaw—Every one of t h e •:• of Italian Envoy subject of public Interest. I llke- cation that you are apprehensive , beggars and paupers in the town wiso reeoRnlzQ the right of anythat the resolution as adopted ! of Bidgadcz will become wealthy persons fcoling nggrleved to voice may prove injurious to the govBerlin (WNS)—Relieved oi Johannesburg (WNS) —TV i t h! as a result of R decision by the his post on his own request be- Morris Alexander, member ol par- i'Polish Government authorizing an Crounse is becoming interest- their protests. Personally, t do ernment which you represent, and MEATY BE3VIABKS not find roysott In accord with to* this view I cannot subscribe, cause his Jewish wife could no liament, as chief propagandist, ; the municipal council of Bidgadcz ed in a South Omaha miss? , , , It looks lilse the remark conyou In your views with reference since ' history teaches that perselonger endure the ill-concealed the.newly-elected executive coun- i to accept a $500,000 inheritance We are told that the wito of a cerning that handsome, curlyto the action taken by-the gener- cution and oppression beget pertaunts o f . t h e Nazis, Vittorio cil of the South African Board of |-left to the poor Jews of that town Lucerne, Switzerland (WNSwell-known salesman imbibed too hftirecl, talented, amateur draal court of .Massachusetts, believ- secution and oppression a n d inPalcor Agency)—The Jewish NaCerruti, Italian ambassador to Jewish Deputies lias launched a I by Mrs. Lena Cohen of the United freely last Saturday at the 60 club matist that appeared in- this my opinion the adoption of the ing as I do that the protest is Germany, left Berlin for Paris vigorous campaign of counter- : States. column last week hit the spot and became unable to eat h e rtimely anu* represents an honest resolution may serve a dual pur- tional Fund, from i t s inception to assume his new post as Ital- propaganda against the virulent i When Mrs. Cohen's bequest steak order so that her husband until 1935 invested §11,500,000 and according to o u r society First, in ending persecution ian envoy to France. anti-Semitic activities of the Grey ! was made known the municipal Unpi editor, he left for Kansas City was forced to eat it along with nnd open expression of the sec-pose: and oppression, and secondly, in in land and propertyin Palestine, Test opinion ot Americans generShirts and the Gentile Protection: council, which was controlled by evincei for a short stay. Can the rea- his own order . . .What downtown ally. Massachusetts from the be-emphasizing in no uncertain terms Dr. Abraham Granovsky, Secre-. League. j anti-Semites, refused to accept Inter-0 son for this trip be the recent cleaner's wife whose husband is gining of our government has that a pursuance of the program tary of the organization, disclosed Mr. Alexander is now touring :the bequest on the ground that affiliated w i t h a wide-awake been regarded as the one place that has been followed during the at the J. N. F. conference being -EL; & Visitor that he was seen :they ijthe Union, to contact Dutch church I Bidgadcz had no poor Jews. Afwith daily daring her s t a y company, was still feeling v e r y in the world In which the public past year by the Nazi Government held "here before the opening of and m| preachers and public officials and i ter protracted delays it was finalThose in the know good last Sunday morning after could assemble and give honest ia abhorrent to right thinking the Zionist Congress. The value to calm the outlying Jewish, com- ' ly decided to divide the money the EIS* Informed us that the en- imbibing freely the night before ? expression to' what they rightly women and men the world over of the Fund's property in Palesmunities who are In fear of thej among all the poor of the town, . . . It is rumored that Al Lew of and not iri*keeping with the spirit tine today, he stated, is 525,000,Flftq - geigement* announcement beregard as oppression or persecuanti-Semitic propaganda. j regardless of religion. Lincoln will replace Bernie Schimtion upon the part of any nation of the times and must inevitably 000. •with tl tween that dark, quiet Jaw stnThe board is also publishing e mel in the near future . . . Joy work greater injury to its proclent, who is the son of a North in the world. As to the merits or repress In the last fifteen years, Dr. popular edition of Dr. Herman's the rej side waster material dealer, and Yousem, young daughter of the the case, I am quite,certain that ponents than to those against Granovsky said, the Fund had in"History of the Jews in. South. AfBill. Yousems, experienced a real whom the persecution a n d ophis heart beat will be made in the action taken by the legislaselves j creased its acquisition of land .Recent Incidents Indicate rica," which deals with the pionthe very near future . . . Har- thrill recently when she danced ture of Massachusetts is but a pression are directed.".•ward more than Eighteen times—from eer Jews cf the Union. Copies sre Trend Away From Carnivi riet Bernstein, daughter of Abe with the M. C. of the 60 club . . . 19,000 dunams to 352,000 dunto be circulated amongr members Could the reason f o r Bud SlosBernstein, -was selected as the by the ams. Today, only the Palestine Hitler . of parliament, church dignitaries, $7,000; woman, representative, of the burg's desire to attend Missouri Jewish Colonial Association holds libraries and officials. U be a student of Stevens college? south side of Douglas county for set ted more land than the Jewish NaWarsaw (JTA)—The Polish A pamphlet entitled "Truth the final vocalist's meet in the • * • • tional Fund. Unfortunately, he government -was seen swerving Will Conquer" is being distrib"It Midwest Music festival on An- JUST BITS said, during the last three years j away from araity with the Nazi uted in Natal. It is to be transevery gust 24 . . . There is a reason When Dick Hiller plaj-s Ed Fund land purchases had drop- government in two incidents here lated into Afrikander for circufor Sam Teper's extremely hapRosen in. the semi-finals of the ped from 60 per cent of the total last week. *i lation in other provinces. irkeif-- py' arid carefree mood a t ' t h e think that he's Charlie Chaplain Highland club tourney, who Jewish land purchased to 30 per The first was the warm recepSPORTLAND present time. T h - a t reason is will Marjorie cheer for? .' . . If your local paper carries a . . .Jacob Fishman enjoys noth- cent. Dr. Granovsky added that tion which the Polish Foreign ofMiss Iiouise. Moskoyitz of St. „ * ! ' • Will i t be Handler, Brodkey or plea from a Mr. Arthur E. Grix ing better on a sea voyage than speculation prices had not reached fice gave to a delegation from the Lonls, who is visiting here . . . Jewish Press Advertisers merit j GruesK" Josephson who will win the cup" of 665 Fifth Avenue, New York writing short sketches of charac- their peak but that inflation of German Refugee Committee which your patronage. i .take *$-- The Hadassah dance at Peony ENSURED CABS ters he meets on board ship . . . in the women's golf tourney to land values w a s absolutely un- called to protest against anti-JewCity, urging that politics and reseJf i o | Monday,night was a successful All this reminds us of bidding be started in the next few warranted. He disclosed that in ligion should not interfere with ish activities in Danzig. fund-raising affair . . . What weeks? . , « Jackie Ross, that the holding of the Olympic Games farewell to Mr. Arnon R. Rojan- the Haifa Bay area alone 150,000 The Foreign Office promised to this C prominent doctor's wife brings new Jewish singer at t h e 66 in Germany, you can do a useful slcy, a handsome Impressive look- Jews could be settled on l a n d investigate the position of the bear own cinnamon roil with her Mr. dub, is an S. A. M.- from Lin. - piece of reporting by informing ing gentleman, who is the royalowned by the Fund and that 80,of th« when .she drinks coffee at the coin . . . The Men's Club of the sporting editor of your local Jugoslav consul for Palestine . . . 000 empty plots -<vere available in Jews in the Free City. Faxton-Hotel? , . . Raydejle T h e second indication of a, ing the? the Beth El synagogue will" paper that Mr. Grix Is an em-Rojansky spent a few weeks in Tel Aviv for - the settlement of swing away from the Nazis was Lipshiaf VTosephsbn, who is reported to sponsor the-prize treat of the ploye of the German Railways and this country just taking in t h e more than 1,000,000 people. He the readiness with which the auBarnejrj' have been practicing very regWliere Omalia Shops With Confidence season when they bring Dr.. the German Tourist Bureau whose sights-. . . He is a very prosperous also declared that it would be thorities granted permission for and MJE= iiijirly, >,is shooting the lowest V A. S. Sachar here on a one day offices are located; in Rooms 201- business man In Palestine, a n c necessary to increase the receipts the staging of an anti-Nazi meetMr. VJ score among the women memengagement on Oct. 27 . . . One 210 at 665 Fifth Avenue, N e w when the diplomatic corps In Jer- of money from lease holders of ing in t h e Jewish community and Drk bcrs of i the Highland . . . Al of the;< .Ornch, firmly believes in t h e of the fine eligibles across the York City . . . And speaking of u s a l e m expressed condolences Fund property in order to repay building. Since negotiations with Mr. £<;• B^rig) "Jjove Thy Neighbor." :, river believes in the motto, "if the Olympics reminds us that Bar- when K i n g Alexander of Jugo- the interest on loans made by the Berlin for,- a trade agreement had first you don't succeed, try on Gottfried von Cramm, German slavia was assassinated Mr. Rofie is IJ'vFor particulars, inquiries may organization. begun, the authorities had been again," and is soon to embark tennis star who almost beat Perry jansky stood in full regalia at the It was suggested at the confer- firmly curbing anti-Nazi activity. tions jd be made of dark-eyed Rose is on H Flanchek . ,»•> . Approximately' on his. second matrimonial ven- of.England, will be barred from door of t h e Greek Orthodox ence that in the future A-l cer- At the rally, which was held streetst" 150» including activea, alumni, ture . . ' . There was about 8,500 the 1936 Davis Cup tourney be- Church to receive these expres- tificates be distributed on the bas- last week, local Jewish leaders taken it oisd rushees, are expected to atpeople at t h e Omaha Hebrew cause his wife is Jewish . . . Asions of. sympathy . . . Rojansky is of 50 per cent for Chaluztim j voiced vigorous protest against near St tend the annual summer formal picnic last Sunday . . . There plan to send Von Cramm to theis not only a Jew but a fervent with Hachsharah (pioneers who j the intensification, of t h e antiWere SC of; the Z. B. T. fraternity to be seems to be a Jewish sector in United States to participate in the Zionist whose political skill will have been trained in foreign lands | Semitic campaign in Germany. the Kipling apartments, for the national tennis championships' was jlead him to great success . . . A g ^ given nt the 60 club next Monf o r agricultural work in PalesJack Davidsons, Jay Bercovicis abandoned for the same reasons tine) ; 20 per cent f o r artisans and Harold Brodkeys ore living . . . Believe:it nor not but three cUscusal. d a y••. : '' and stilled workers; 20 per cent "HEIL HITLER" next floor to each other on the of the five leading batters in the j B E L E N 1JNCOLN PARTY About.two weeks ago the Nazis for relatives of Palestinian Jews, American League at this writing pect C* o n e o ( t h e most outstanding third floor . . • in Yorkville staged another dem- and 10 per cent for Jews from were are Jews, Buddy Myer of Washvarious Oriental countries. T h e •? pajMes of the season was given GREETINGS AND ington, H a n k Greenberg of De- onstration which eventually re- executive of the World Zionist OrProspecjbyj Mr . a n d Mrs. Jack Lincoln, CONGRATULATIONS sulted in a riot . . . Police -were ti0 8 troit and Moe Berg of Boston . . . ? ^ last Tuesday evening* in their pacalled out to establish order . . . ganization announced t h e grant TO: Phil Klutznick upon h i s Washington (WNS)—Making of $50,000 to increase H a c h - his first call at the State Departing solil | a t j a l home,; ^ -which they hon- recent federal appointment . . . City College will h a v e another} 1 One o f - t h e bluecoats, a .husky, Jewish varsity coach next y e a r , printed. o ^ t h e U . daughter, Helen, upon TO: James Lemson who has been typical New York cop, jumped sharah activities and facilities in ment since his return from GerCity tht.jjgji: sixteenth birthday . . .Among transferred from Ottumwa, Iowa, when Irving Spanier, C. C. N. Y.into the fray and while using his various countries. The conference many, Dr. Hans I/uther, German It wa^jjajguestB were many of the most to manage the R. & S. shoe store baseball captain in. 1934, succeeds club freely, shouted, "Hell Hit- w a s informed that in renewing ambassador, is reliably reported thaprtimlnent youthful deba and their in Council Bluffs . . . TO: M. Dr. : Harold J. Parker as mentor ler"—"Down with the Jews" . . . certificates for immigrants pos- to have received a private b u t he^egeiirts . s. . whether the presence' Venger and Sons upon their re- of the City College diamond team His club played havoc and t h esessing at least ?2,500 the Pales- straight-from-the-shoiilder warnen titejof :^he columnist as the chaperon: cent expansion . . . TO: Grace . . . . Barney Ross's proposed inva- Nazis acclaimed him as a comrade tine Government insisted that in j ing by Secretary of State H u l l advertls-waii one- of the reasons for un-Levin upon her new radio work sion of the Pacific Coast may be in arms and a true follower of addition* the Immigrants also pos that diplomatic protests against •.n.'iJn.Vw ' - t i l o - , f «,v',p"';V made B*Ti8U!il quiet or whether there wer^i ..; . TO: Hannah Meyersbn and to postponed. He got such a b a d [Herr Strelcher . . . An observer sess 20 dunams of land. anti-Nazi reports in the American case of sunburn, after & yatching etlifelent lookouts stationed press a n d speeches in Congress lielen Fried for:, •winning the first trip that he can't do any training noticed to h i s amazement, howi "who warned the ^nd second prizes in'the recent '.-. and the various state legislatures Isceine of;*gaiety, ever, that the cop's club descend. Barney's kid brother is planattacking N a z i discrimination ipaiticipants of my approach. BtlU Omaha Hebrew club popularity ed exclusively on Aryan skulls Suspend Pcblicatioa ning to enter t h e University of could not and would not be stopfjuizlea me; but 'In..spite*'of this contest i . ' . and that in one time he laid out • ' Wisconsin this fall . . . Yes, you London—Great Britain was left ped because free speech and tree ^caution on the part of the guests, guessed it, the U. of .W. has one a few dozen Nazis, all the time with only one Jewish daily paper, j press were still guaranteed to the Mr. [ftW(j of the "Gableing" couples of the best • boxing teams in • the shrieking, "down -with the Jews" the Yiddish language publication, j American people. Middle West -. . ., If you are won- . . . The cop happened'to'be the Die Zeit,. when the Post and Exengagen:mo*0<l . . . although the birthday Mr. Hull and Dr. Luther were dering who is Sylvia Annenberg, son-in-law of a prominent Yiddish press* 40-year old Yiddish daily, Miss RS C at e showed that Helen was sev\ writer . . . • . . closeted for . several hours while who is capturing all the women's suspended publication as & result Fred S-enteen years ot age, thlB hoax, of' t h e German envoy conveyed to golf .titles in the East, try to re-, of financial difficulties caused by Mrs. Pbao-niTiB' herself did not work g member that she. is the former RIVER OF LIFE the launching of its .English lan- the Secretary of State an Informal Mlss|th# very attractive Miriam Tolle, Mrs. Leo G. Feder'man who re- It seems that we will be right guage editioiv, the Jewish Daily protest against the rising tide of cent gUiwho is called "Mimi," made a cently resumed'her maiden name about t h e replacement of U. S. Post, which also suspended after anti-Nazi sentiment in this country. attendepeal impression upon many of the after a' little job of -Renovating Ambassador Straus. In Paris . . , an existence of sis months. It is also learned that a probraska,fh&jmen sex who were present... MassachusettsGovernorRebuliea One of the Vincent Astbr family posed German-American trade of the llryirig Lincoln and "Mlmi1? cerNan Consul for Prois slated for the job . . . . . V e r y first of the month . . . Incidental- agreement was discussed. Mr. Shfetainly took their ..time when, they testing Resolution much in the .spotlight in Washing- ly Berlin's famous song, "Alexanfrom titdrbve after the ico cream . . . LAUGH, PLEASE! ton is Ben Cohen, whose presence der's -Ragtime Band" was named where jtjerry Gross, Bubs Chaiken, and The merchants who advertise Boston (WNS)—A new interThis story comes to us, directfy at the,meeting of the joint Con- after his brother-in-law, AlexanSigma IBobby.Stlefler seemed to repre- national in t h e Jewish Press solicit your incident, appeared to be from Eddie Cantor in a P., S. to a gressional committee . discussing der Henkin . . . weddin|sent the "wets" at the party* but in the making here as a result of business, and merit your patron(Copyright, 1935, by Seven Arts ld ri |none of them admit heavily spik; the strongly-worded rebuke sent letter in which-the famous comed- the utility holding corporation bill age. Feature Syndicate) ian confides that after all he may caused three members of t h e F r e ( j " g p n g allot the punch, forcing some Governor James M. Curley of not come: to New York for that House to leave the committee man a r |o£l the guests to drink water in- by to Baron Kurt von musical revue . . . "An immigrant room . . . Cohen., is one of the day t o l 8 * ^ '••''•• • those that exchanged Massachusetts itfW^^WlVM.. t * I Tlppeiskirch, German consul gen- woman, from Poland had a 'sav- most important New Deal figures r . ' ij_ |<Sates asked to keep it a secret, eQ eral in Boston, in reply to t b e czrz: Krasne jDift it was done and you'd be sur- consul's protest against a resolu- ings account and when she made . . . He is very wealthy but, has tives oi*^ s e < i b y/ w n o m • •' • Bubff Chaik- tion adopted by the lower house a deposit, she always marked an no regard f o r money . . •. He T fiance B®1^ PutUon a hilarious skit at theof the Massachusetts legislation 'X' on the receipt for she did not dresses worse than a panhandler know how to write her name . and shaves not more than once a ." Cocoanut Grove and unlucky for denouncing religious persecution On one occasion, however, t h i s week . . . Whenever he's invited jhim there were no movie scouts in Germany. \ literary lady made a circle instead to the White House, which hap•' At a Pointing out that there is no of an 'X' on her deposit slip . . . pens very frequently, he sends out Friday, JEWISH1 PRESS : : law. which prohibits the legisla- 'How does it happen y o u don't his stenographer to buy him a new ter of M j S Shakespeare's widely quoted ture from "giving expression, make an 'X' as usual?' the bank collar . . , This may not be of came t h ' laying, "Neither a borrower nor either in'the form of a resolution teller asked . . . 'Well, I got mar- great political importance b u t son of fi a lender be," is very appropos or otherwise, to their views or ried yesterday and changed my Shirley Temple has a Brand new 702 Joni jn explaining why you should opinions with. reference to anyname,' the woman proudly an- guardian in the. person of Sidney Both ; rnbscribe or pay up your pres- subject of public interest," Gov- swered." . . • • . . ' . - " H. Rosenau who represents the graduat? ent subscription to the Jewish ernor Curley attacked Baron von Achieves New Pinnacles little movie star In all her finanTippelskirch's charge t h a t the and Mr 3?tess. cial interests . .- • Some of t h e of Fashion Importance wa3 an "unwarranted ARNON R. ROJANSKY Universtt | For less than 4 cents a-week, resolution newspapers were v e r y : nasty in The other day we went to see a n d unpardonable interference •% in These Jrou may have for your own, ! off delegates to the Zionist World connection with the suicide cf IrvMiss tfheR-n authentic news from o u r with domestic matters of my Congress . . . . Louis Lipsky, be- ing Berlin's sister, Mrs. S a r a h correspondents in many country," and emphasized that he Moines, *>' Henkin . . . They wrote sob storger or & foreign centers and news of na- regarded the legislature's protest lieve >it or not, travelled" tourist ies contrasting the easy life of the arid insists on being 1 e f t alone as timely a n d representing "an parents,, tionwide interest, timely feaduring the trip . . . Abe Goldberg famous song .composer a n d his "511 Isa't ^P 18 articles by well known honest and open expression of the usually has to s i g n autographs poor relatives . . . The fact is that secret opinion of Americans gen'. iJmters, and even more t h a n when travelling because flappers Irving Berlin sent her $100 every erally." Miss i *?**? y o u wiii l t u i T e a newspaper The German diplomat, who is for Los . ijhat enjoys an excellent covershe will; age, of local news and activities. expected to call upon the Reich panying i '{ The Jewish Press has stimu- embassy to make a formal propirooTc ^ t e d interest in all synagogue test, was also put in his place by activities and iin all club and Leverett Saltonstall, speaker of Misses organizational activities. It has the house, to whom Baron von are snei P'o^oted every civic and phil- Tippelskirch had also protested. ... ? .< anthroplc enterprise in o u r Mr, Saltonstall said, "in my opin'August Sale Priced irn ^ These new radios are a delight to everyone who teses It is the only me< ion the adoption of theso resoluthem. Every worth-while foreign aisd domestic short. fjUum for publicizing a n d en- tions in no way interferes with couraging Jewish activities in the domestic matters of your wave service; police banas^auxntft, country, which are obviously outOur city. amateurs and the high fidelity cfesa•j For .4 cents a week yon can side our jurisdiction. It merely Beautiful cabinet. subscribe a n d support your expressed the opinion of a group 3 friends .„ i strongest and most essential of citizens of Massachusetts on a which ji goodwill representative which subject which has excited worldness, j jiah exist In an organized Jew- wide interest." The German conYou'll marvel at the manj masterI ,i cul added fuel to the incident by i, £sh' groap. Mlv designed, carefully made, beauaccusing the Governor and SpeakMiss jj-;f ,,e • Ak saapufieest mamtiJReeat raija raila *"^&. M <I1 0.1*50 4 tEBteg r&agss (520 t o er Saltonstall of "grave discourbine, Ia; JUICY JESTS ^ tifully trimmed coats ia tMs collection ^JLO I 2S.O0S kc) s a d the famoas son of Cj ;!Wo wonder if anything will de- tesy" in releasing their letters to ^..fashioned of finest Forstrnans Selectoriite Dial. friends Ivplop' between that former jewel- the press before he received him. ri s s I 1 s a t m l i r t e d "CONVEKiENT •™ ?. ' and interlined .':etj and that exclusive ladles' mil- He also said that the speaker's UiEKAL TRASE-iM witii finest lambs' wool. ' ALLOWANCE Mr. ai!iB?ery operator, who are seen to- reply was "lame" and "absurd" ed receidgpther a good deal of late . . • and charged him with "lack" of Sizes 12 to 44. ' ' CaliforiMSojfhls Halperin was .the hero of manners. ,?* [[Sue Corenman's recent pajama After acknowledging receipt of Miss p y when a drunk was too In-the Baron's letter and quoting his , c o a t s ^ c o s t at least. hostess siEtent in wanting to be one ofprotest, Governor Curley saiS: to $175 after Sept. ..1st. tiie guests guests . . . At At a recent affair "Replying to your communicameeting jtiie THIRD FLOOR' ' • kd tht were- maMhirray y Wintroub remarked that tion; I beg to state that I know of no law which prohibits the genjhji th th b t date he eveningjhjis mother was the best date he had Is It true that Natbr eral court from giving expression
South Africa JewryBegin Counter-
Nazi Diplomatic
.No. 82 ALL WAVE _
Appoint Klutznick • to
Formal Dinner Dance to End Social Season
it la
WINS CAM? HONOSS Bob Froroln-n, t r n •'•rr.^-r.t, r ~<-< of Mr, a n d K r s . ?,". •,; < > - • ' • • • •
Although he is a comparative 1 Madison, Philip Klutznick, Omaha attor- newcomer inline art of ping pong, ! ey," has been" appointed legal ad- Joe Hartz won the summer table ] I n closin-r t h e social season of | c r i T r ,p honori?. tennis tournament at the local Y. riser to the Public Worts aaminj t h e H i g h l a n d C o u n t r y Club,a for-; / . t n o n p h i s privpfi f~«j. stration housing division, Omaha M. C. A. ! inal d i n n e r dance is going t o bejpp-^- -n-p inrsro silver env •' In face of some of the toughest By the Service Life lascras i lreld on .Saturday, August. " 1 , p.tl prepePteflB To him PK t h e ~i~-'~' projects. . ny, O Klutsnick received the appoint- players in the city, Hartz w a s a the club. trfi.cl; -pcfl c ment to this responsible position able to cause sufficient upsets and ccM best in The world in which w live is j Special fieeoTEtions and elabo-j sec e from United States Attorney Gen- out-steady some of the best piaya great puzzle, with an ar-! rate plans will aid in making; Ihie i eel eral Cammings. T h e position Is ers in the city in winning this rangenient so intricate t h a t t i e closing event one of t h e finest afo last for an indefinite.period of title. 'it' is expected- that Hartz will | successful locking of the various j fairs of the^eason. Leslie Berkeu•ears. Senator Edward ...Burke ieces s e e m s impossible. Here is , roaa, *rno is chairman o, the ar- A meeting Co Frslorilv :rged Klutznick's • appointment, inake a good show'of his ability | » The American, spirit of fair problem is simply solved: . They' ments of the earth have been re- a n d at his insistence Klutznick in the coming raeets which will an economic development which; rangements, stated t h a t between was hekl Wednesday evm'ti play is on test according t o Al will not enter these contests and luctant to speak the abhorrence •was named. soon • get ..under • way under the seems, -at first thought, unsound ; one hundred and one hundred gust 14, in the Lodge voori Segal's forceful indictment of thus they will "win victories for, which they feel; the voice of good are espectejl to attend, the 5. C. C A number ot xi^'-t •sponsorship of;.tne Omaha Table a n d Klutznick Is not entirely new sportsmanship falls with condemtended this meeting by epp; German "Fair Play" in t h e their self-respect. great economic change so radical j-dance. Tennis Association. t o the housing program. He has quest of fratority TOOIV, !>; forthcoming Olympics at BerMore painful would it be to see nation far more damning than the een actively interested for' t h e •or stow SEC that it transforms tbe An excellent ' part of their menibershln lin.—THE EDITOR. America fallen for the moment so sugared words that parliaments ast two years, since its. instigaHere is a hit of change in thought! Austin Bevans* morally abtuse as to Join with might give. that will cause future historians the entert ion, and has voluntarily "worked This nation and that carry off toward realizing. the project for Sometimes I. play pofcer. As a Nazis in apotheosizing g o o d to write relumes njpoa its effects. for the evening, Kf.f.y lioTeHie.p j a. -relcom* speech for the v The Chevra Sha'as of the Vaad poker-player I am no champion sportsmanship in Olympics at Ber- the Olympic victories . . . the pen- Omaha, even making a t r i p to But when you' find, life insur- have been arranged BO ar- to aid | and Miss Esther Witkin. r-v: and, in fact, lose more than I -win. lin. This "would he like marching tathlon, the decathlon, the broad- "Washington in connection "with •will hold a Siyum next Wednes- ance and fit it into the picture. the evening's enjoyment. j| also spoke, Miss Po!W.: day at S p. Ea. at the Beth Hatce- the ptizzle is. sol-red, t h e pieces greeted members who !•> A pofcer-player ol mere amateur with unregenerate prostitutes on JUmp and the running jump, the housing in Omaha. _; . , Reservations for this fintl so-i turned from their va call •'-•••• marathon, but for absent Ameridrosh. Hagodol Synagogue on 19th l o c k standing, I can tafte the game or a crusade of virtue. securely, the economic He., is very 'enthusiastic o v e r & Burt streets. cial event Trill be fl.50 per plate,! IMiss Sylvia YVeiner let it alone, as they say. changes which at first seemed out It "would he America playing ca there is such a prize as has housing here. This is an adult class which has of harmony.-now s'wins: into place; "o mate reservations call tlie I ffious'r elected reporter • And yet I am quite particular foul-players who have scorned no never been won before in ancient "I believe the" housing project CouEtry Club, WA. IclTlb. or modern Olympiads: A moral been studying,one of the books of the happiness and welfare of the \i Highland with -whom I play; for there is no falsehood and no treachery for r in Omaha is one of the most out4S7. the talnmd aac'^Has been meeting people continue to. increase. J The dues of t h e or-r-*. pokef -without honor on all sides. their ends; rotters vrho have beat- victory. tanding from a social point of (Copyright. 1935, by Seven Arts for the last two years. This seswere voted to be raiso.'1; Not that I ever play for states en women on the streets; blackview. It alfpr&s persons cf a low Feature Syndicate) j cents per month. that. Tvould cause me any great guards -whose mouths reek with income the proper environment, sion next •week -will be the .conThe program inohscle;: loss even at the hands of a cheat; false witness and whose hands are and raises the standard of living cluding meeting of he group. Worker's' Order and Harriet Ilifkin. 1 <' *= but -when I sit down to play I lite stained>with blood of torture and Rabbi XJri Miller will deliver in the,city," said Klutznick. A special meeting of the Inter- j Lois Gerlisky and Fanny to feel that my playmates aTe men murder. The housing project will con- the traditional "Hadron," that is, national Worker's. Order, Branch i of character if for no other reaThe question -whether t h e sist of erecting new dwellings in he "will give a dissertation on the A new arrival In the local Jew-', p.-, son than my own self-respect. book studied by the group. There United. States shall participate in present slum areas in North and Vv'ednesday evening, August 28, j will be refreshments and drinks. Certainly, I Ehall not be seen the Berlin Olympics is not Jewish (Continuea from Fage 1.) ;outh Omaha. ~ Klutznick's duties came here recently from St. i The public is invited to attend at 8:20 o'clock. All members are! playing poker -with a man of evil at all; it is. a moral question that and providing for about five OT w i l l he strictly in an advisory r I in Jiistory t h e ancient r this meeting..which will be of un- urged to be present as very Im- Paul to make his tome in •reputation. Not only would I feel touches the simple decencies of six hundred people "who will at- capacity. Eaphclad a n d J e r u s a l e m •*•-, and engage In the retail liquor portant business will be discussed. t that my money was' not safe but civilized conduct. It lias to do tend this. "Highland Fling" have usual interest. . nneciec ectefi Although his new dutieswill business here. He is opening sev-1 bj The winner of t h-e occasional also that my own good name was with the- same moral revulsions lnREter take a great deal of his time, Mr. been completely formulated. No iere, the f i r s t ! Genera; w mis jr. :-. r eral liquor stores chair • drawing which took place j that restrain decent men from- asin bad company. of r expense has been spared in mak-Klutznick has stated that bis law at Elmwood park, August 11, was j of which is the South O m a a s | Palestine spoke for a iYv So I play only with gentlemen, sociation with scamps. practice will continue w i t h no Mr. Mas Plotkin, the organization Liquor Mart, which opens this ! «tes with the Postnirrsfr*" i"-;,; My self-respect as an'American ing this the calendar day of High- changes. as do a l l honorable Americans land activity. announces. Saturday at «4th end M street, | of Iraq. -when they engage in t h e most recoils at the thought of grasping Mr, Oolfiherg is -?, former member i Tlie new telephone line !«••'•• Starting at noon the program honorable game of poker.' There- the Nazi -hand -in communion of ' <••>.' will then continue the entire day. of the St. FP.U! ASA chp.pt.er ard ; the two cities ioliowg the :« fore, I am rather surprised ; (if good sportsmanship, my tongue New-LocoaoHves j j completed pipe line ol is at. present a member of B'rml not shocked) at Mr. Avery Brun- withers in forming the salutation, Bill Schucart, the club professionOslo,- Norway—The first ship Jerusalem—Six n e w locomo- B'rith, and hopes to talre F.n sctivpi Petroleum Company whir.l"Ah, my Nazi friend, we are good al, arranged the various golf com- built; by the Norwegian Steamship dage. Culver, Indiana (WJCS)—In.an tives, each capable of a speed of part in local community sftairs. i western terniimiB at 3Uii;'si Mr. Brundage (if he is a poker- sportsmen together!" My sense petitions. He states that many of !ompany . exclusively for t h e all-Jewish final match, Isadore ninety kilometers- an hour, -were While at the University of Kinne- j , Telephone comimuii^J-. i.">: the matches will be highly enterplayer) certainly d o e s as I do of humor laughs; my moral sense transportation ...of citrus fruits Bellis of- Philadelphia defeated p-at into service here Dy the Pal-sola, where he taining. a member of!|! tween t h e two cities, wiii >>' about t h e j>oker company .he feels shame. from Palestine-was launched in Seymour Greenberg of Chicago estine Railways. The new engines Tan Delta. Tau Fraternity, he wag eel for piibHc use follov ii. in At about seven P. M. the din-Oslo, in: the, presence of GovernThe Olympic Committee will keeps. He chooses men of honor sets, 7-5, 6-3, for the-na- will be used for express service prominent In athletics at school \ ^ tire tests of i\w. r f v for table companions. He would not serve the moral s e n s e of ners will be served and Barry ment officials, representatives of straight G overn rn en t t>. n ron v .••*>/. tional boys' tennis singles cham- between Kantara, on t h e Suez and in the ASA. j ciallT_ scorn to be seen playing with men America if, despite the almost Cohen, who is affiliated with shipping companies a n d local pionship. Canal, and Haifa. who know nothing of fair play, universal revulsion against a Louis Sommer, is in complete fruit exporters. The Palestine Government, it Joseph Pishback of New Tort, in "whom elementary decencies of sporting- association with- hood- charge of the food and he promiThe new ship is to be named who was eliminated in the semi- was stated, hopes to reduce Its character -are absent and whose lums, i t decides for American par- ses some of the most tasty mor- the Mount Carmel and others deVenice, Italy—"Land oC F ; r n i •x-r > reputations are badly spattered. ticipation in the Berlin Olympics. sels that could be served on this stined for the same route are to finals ..by. Greenberg, paired with losses in running tee railroads fcy ise," a film on pioneer lite in n r speeding up the service on all the William Uinstadter of Milburn, N. I can conceive of America win- occasion. Indeed, Mr. Brundage would be built in the near future. estine, made l>y the Keren Ilr^eU., to capture the national boys' lines. feel slandered were. any even, to ning a great victory at t h e s e sod, Palestine Foundation T\ I '. ' The special bar which was indouble crown with a 6-2, 6-2, vicsuggest that he join in a game Olympic g a m e s without *being stalled for this occasion is comwas shown at the Inteniati •Tn tory over Greenberg and Richard Romaasla Acts with men of that sort . . . " I , there at all: Sbow 'Gratitude. Film Exhibition here ana rrrr •• pletely equipped to serve in the Hainline of Rock Island, Illinois. Brundage, should play with peoThe Olympic stadium at Berlin same way as the regular club bar. Saloniki—Out of gratitude for Bucharest—Acting swiftly to ed exceptional applause, it wr< -c ple like that?" is full even to the last seat; riot- Some of the city's well known bar- the refusal of the leaders of the suppress periodic attacks on Jew- ' portci hsre. Y e t this : same-Mr. Brundage bus is the flutter of the flags of tenders have been engaged to pro- recent abortive rebellion on the GasBsirage'. ish summer Tesorts along t h e ——(as head of the, American Olym- all the nations, except one. This vide the proper service for this Island of Crete to accede to the Bucharest—A barrage of-ga.s Black S e a , t h e R o u m a n i a n Go T '- \ pic Committee), says, t h a t the one missing flag is more conspic- observance. demand of Venezelists that the bombs was used by the gendarmes e r m a s n t o r d e r e d t h e i m m e d i c t r ; \. Nazis are-good enough for: Amer- uouS'than all the others together. revolt be given an anti-Semitic and soldiers to. force two score c i s h a n d m e n t . of a l l I r o n Guard [ In the array of entertainmen icans to play with in the Olympic -Everyone says: "America"is not character, Jewish residents of the anti-Semitic students' to evacuate camps in. the seashore area. Pre- : will be a floor show composed of island are . now giving shelter, to an iniprovished barricade behind vionsly a tear gas barrage T ; : games at Berlin next year. Mr. here." :' Brundage says he has • assurance . The roar of voices cheering the some of our most talented danc- the leaders of the rebellion. Dur- which they had sought* shelter af- laid down by police at Bad Car- j from t h e Nazis that everything athletes, hut louder is the silence ers and singers, and to top this ing the two days that the revolt ter' attacking Jewish gaests at a i men Silva to rout a inoa cf art'- * will be.:?§&!: and,: square._•; ; „ ; J J of America. • Itjia;qn every con- off, Freddy Ebener's orchestra lasted the Jews of Crete were in Blacfe Sea- snranier resort n e a T | Semites who hsd been terrorizing ' f • Were Mr. "Brundase a s meticur science; its ;reproach. is. in every will furnish- the melodies for the danger, of pogroms. Constanza. ' vacationers. i lous about "Nazis as he would be German ear: "We shall not play affair. about poker-company, he ' -would with foul-players. We cannot in The committee who have so dilLIM3S BIC7KEY V say: "Certainly we may not play self-respect join, in celebrating igently formulated t he detailed with foul players in~ games ^which good sportsmanship" in' a land that plans for this year's "Highland WHITE SO-B,:1. are the finest expression of good has made a mockery of fair-play- Fling" are lieslie Burkenroad, sportsmanship; we may not play ing. "We do not play, with rot- chairman, Dave Feder, J. J. Sloswith people who" in" simplest; hu- ters." burg, Louis Kulakofsky, Louis man relations have been guilty of T h e bitter reproach is heard Somberg, and Harry Cohen. the foulest play." around the world. The governThe fact that qualified Jewish Histadruth.Boat Service 1 athletes caimot with self-respect 1 ; V.' Haifa—Jewish tourists and imA. Z. A. 100 L L V1-' participate in the games at'Berlin migrants landing at the port of With a good attendance of both does not. trouble me much. Their alephs and advisors, the S a m Haifa will be brought to shore in iv Beber ,A. Z. A. chapter No. 100three large motor boats operated held an. important business meet- j by members of t h e Histadruth. Qa Central Labor Federation of Paljing a t the J. C. C , August 19.. estine, it became known here. After old business and the reThe new shore motor boat ser--** port of the executive committee meeting on August 12, by Aleph vice follows successful negotia«=O-»* S'gan Max Novak, Ben Wintroub, tions between the Histadruth and '-- O -» athletic committee chairman and the Arab -boatmen who have had (Continued from page 1 ) a monopoly, on lighterage work in aleph in charge of the chapter's cles, notwithstanding the fact that participation, at the summer re- the port up to now. •.y The successful conclusion of the strict foreign exchange regu- gional tournament in Des Moines, lation make it impossible for emi- on September 1 and 2, announced the-negotiations marks a second CO1SPISBTB sa every ceteil, grating Jews to take -with them the final and complete arrange- important step taken by the. HisIIS "big ice cubes —12 \% tadruth in' securing work for Its more than a pittance. ments of the tourney. a -t service esJoe Guss, the social committee members in the most importan F i •.*!^'"™'~ r " • r i ' iT- '* r' *rvAdmission of Boycott's chairman, gave a concise report port- in Palestine. inal S K Effectiveness on all of the details of transporBerlin (WNS)—Foreign obser- tation, food and entertainment for Quebec Premier . vers see in the plea of Dr. Hjal- the chapter's weiner roast to be Expresses Regrets . mar Schacht, Nazi economic dic- held at Fairmont Park in Council Montreal (WNS)—A pledge to tator, f o r state controlled anti- Bluffs, Saturday evening, August make a sweeping investigation ti Semitism instead of unregulated 24. In addition to being a date fix responsibility for the series o violence and persecution a tacit affair, the outing will also be at- anti-Semitic outrages in Val Dav admission that Germany's econ- tended by the chapter pledges. id, a popular Jewish summer reomic situation is fast approaching As "part of the cultural program sort in the Laurentian Mountains a crisis because the opposition of of each meeting Dr. I. Dansky, near Montreal, was made by Prethe world to Nazi policies is be- senior advisor of the chapter,' mier' Tascherau of Quebec Prov r r r * *C O «. J>« ! ing expressed in an ever tighten- spoke on the "World Zionist Con- ince in a telegram toHhe Canad ing boycott of German goods. gress" which at present is con- ian Jewish Congress expressing V While denouncing those w h o vening at Lucerne, Switzerland.. his Vegret for the acts of anti "heroically smashed windows in The cultural program of t h e Semites who thrice desecrated th the night.time and attacked Ger- next meeting will be the Jewish Val David synagogue. mans as traitors for buying goods March of Time a n d will be in Premier Tascherau told t h in Jewish shops" and warning charge of Joe Guss. Spscisl added Congress that he had instruete slso in the beautiful 5.4 that "it is the. "business of the the police, to undertake an imcu. ft. "Crusader". Makes central government to decide, mediate inquiry to fix the blam SO ic* cubes —S lbs. ice. •whether and to what extent a lim- ;•••;,• . ' . ' A . . Z . A . i ; . ; • ; for the anti-Semitic incidents an See i t itation shall be placed upon Jew- . . An executive meeting of t h e ish activity," Schacht plainly in- Mother Chapter.of A, Z. A. waspromised rigorous punishment fo: dicated that he is not to be re- held Tuesday, August 20, at the the guilty persons. garded as'an opponent of N a z i home of Ben Shrier, vice-presianti-Semitism. dent of the chapter. Plans for participating in the Emphasizing that Jews should be considered "not subjects of vi- Des Moines summer tournament Blqhel Specialist by Many Doctors olence but subjects of law," on September 1 and 2 were forSchacht's speech was interpreted mulated. Discussion concerning 4 Residence JKJSBS WEbster ES2S Business P&OD8 WEbster E4E9 as an attack on Julius Streicher the regional winter tourney which and other violent anti-Semites. is to he held in Omaha this win- 1423 N. SOtb St., Omaha, Ifeb. a*^!-r Isy Actually, however, h i s remarks ter was also part of the business O Here's year cizess to win a 1SS5 Wertts^iir-txJT Strcasa'Ize I are intended to relieve the Nazi of the meeting. os "Crist TTeailsslicaja festsrs sppsals ™crt »? j*ct:» 1'r^r CTJ^T government of responsibility for Pairings in the chapter tennis words or feirsr Is a3-W2 Tvsat—cn.5 your £,r.G^£r "say trii. Hi the actions of Nazi party officials. and golf tourneys have been comT^ZC:ZT<, «;X:SS&1 leaHe made this clear when he said pleted and play is under way. Lou Inspect fee 1SS5 YFes£ii"g;!ioEss Strcsalisc Eefrlgcrcvor. I»ci : he accepted the legal and official Hnrwitz, athletics chairman, stat-. I "«SIE3J at - - teres. Besislliae for Hie ecntsct is SstaxSsj, Acgest ^J-tth. « c t measures against Jews and other ed that all of the matches would opponents of the Nazi regime, as- be finished at least by next Sun"Eveif serting that the aim of those who day and the winners will be enEseepS SssaSay attack the- Jews "is everywhere tered as representatives of t h e right and good." Lest anyone re- chapter in t h e summer tournagard his speech as friendly to the ment in Des Jrloines. Jews he said, "Jews must reconAll members of the chapter cile themselves to the fact that must be present at the next regtheir influence ambnR us. Is over ular meeting, Tuesday, August once and for alL We want to 27, if they wish to attend a prekeep our people and our culture tournament smoker planned f o r FLATIEON HO1EI, pure and our own." : 'next week.
.To,Hold .Siyum
Bellis Wins National Boys' Tennis Crown
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Published ever; Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - • -• - • • • $3.00 Advertising rates tarnished on application*
Interi; they 'j and i the El Flfjj with 'i
I Editorial Office: 500 Brandeis Theater Building. \ Sioux City OHice—-Jewish Community Center j >AVID BLACKER - - Businesa and Managing Editor FRANK R.ACKERMAN - - • - - - • " - E d i t o r I RABBI OBI MILLER . - » • > Contributing Editor FANNIB KATELMAN Council Bluffs. Iowa* Correspondent 'ANN PILL • - • - Sioux City. Iowa, Correspondent | Print Shop" Address: 4504 So. 24th Street _ _ _ _ _
right. I don't know why they'd be any different.in Germany. I GEMS OF THE BIBLE expect that Germany has lost some fine people. Think of driving away people like Einstein - - just as pleasant a fellow as I ever AND TALMUD saw. He don't look like a Communist. Why, he don't even look By O. O. DASHER like a scientist ' 'Tve got tremendous faith in the tolerance of 80 or 90 per Teach ss to number our days that -we may get us a heart of cent of the people of this country and I know Jews have, too at wisdom., heart. The petty injustices the Jewish folk suffer are isolated Light is sown for the righteous, instances and aren't the will of the people. In no way is the posi- and gladness for the upright in tion of the German people equal to ours. We're worse off econom- heart. Mine eyes are upon the faithful ically than we ever were, but we're still a dern sight better off of the land, that they may dwell than anybody else. Cranks join up with these rackets, like the with Me; he that walfceth in a of integrity, he shall minister Klux and stuff, 'cause men seem to join everything that comes way unto Me. along. Even when the Ku Klux wa3 rantln' around - - that was a Happy are they that keep Justerribly uncalled for movement * - I^don't think most people took tice, that do righteousness at all them seriously: I don't believe anti-Semitism can ever gain much times. TALMUD headway over here." Rabbi Akabia Said, 'Consider
16,772 Jews Quit Poland First Half of 1935
Footnotes +** tjO +**
Question of Treatment
Warsaw (JTA)—A total of 16,'72 Jews emigrated from Poland in the first sis months of 1935. Of these, 12,3 72 entered Palestine. This brings to about 400,000 Split' ©n the number oi Jews w h o have left Pol&nd tmd settled, in other countries between 1918 and 1935.
New York <JTA)~-A split In year if they are not held in Berthe American Olympics Committee on the Question of boycotting lin." the Berlin games next year beMON6KY, CROD5NSKY, MARCH cause ot E,nti-Jevrish a n d anti<S. COHEN, Catholic discrimination Attorneys. 73? Omah« Notional Bank Bldg. likely this week after a objection by Jeremiah T. Kar r NOTICE, hoaey, head of the Amateur AthNOTICE IS HEREBY GUT3N that BelTe! German letic Union, to American partici- the i]nderRignP<1 have associated three things and thon wilt not AND CATHOLICS j One would hazard the guess that no fault could be found for the. formation of the diplomats will eventually force the pation in t h e event brought a themselves come . w i t h i n t h e p o w e r of sin. STATE INVESTMENT CORPORACarnil with, a law in these United States which prohibits discrimination S tate to heated reply from Avery BrunTION, with its principal office and Know where thou comest a n d ! v department act—a n d plac; of business in Omaha. Dougrfiage,. head of the Committee. by thi'against any person in every kind of public place because of race, whither thou art going, and be- then they'll be sorry. | las County. Nebraska. The corporation The new electoral system in Poland was fought bitterly by Former Supreme Court Justice Is beinp formocJ for the purpose of $7>00 PREMIER EXPRESS| creed, or color. Yet a barrage of criticism has been aimed at just Jewish, representatives, and now that the system is in effect many fore -whom thou wilt in the future- ESQUEBEC Mahoney, » member of the Com- maintaining and operating: a general REGRET OVER DESECRAne to give aa account and reckreal estate and holding company: and "jfrsuc5a a statute, enacted into the legal books of the state of Penn- Jewish elements are still definitely opposed. In the election So- have purchase, (ense. hire nnd otherwise oning. Whence thou comest from TION OF SYNAGOGUE AT YAL mittee, declared at a dinner of to Require ami deal In real estate geneveryj'sylvania, and already the hotel and restaurant men of the state cialist Zionist and General Zionist groups decided to boycott the a fitid drop, whither thou art go- DAVID . . . Regrets! But h o w the Jewish Education Association erally, anfl to acquire as lessee, owner that holding the games In Ger- or otherwise, BTKI to operate theaters ng, to. a place of dust worms and about compensation. organ!j^. preparing to test the law's constitutionality in the courts. balloting, .while Mizrachi and the Agudah chose to participate. PENNSYLVANIA O U T LAWS a a n y would violate American for the exhibition of moving pictures maggots, and before whom, thou Vr tind-or the presentation of other perof sportsmanship. °lf^> The law provides for elementary human rights to all Ameri! formsiices, Rnd to borrow money and The new system is rather complicated, but as far as we are wilt in the future have to gi^e DISCRIMINATION ON GROUNDS principles recalled,a resolution of the ! issue Its evideneps of Indebtedness •who s c a i i . It makes it illegal to refuse equal rights to any one in res- concerned the net result is that fewer Jewish representatives can an account and reckoning, before OF R A C E , CREED OR COLOR A. He j therefor. ^The total authorised capital A. U. in 1SSS to the effect that jstock . . . Will the German consul of Grue shall be $100,000.00, par valu« the Supreme Kings of Kings, the | taurants, hotels, hospitals, bathing benches, theaters, schools, be elected to the Sejm. it would take no part in. the games 51.00.00 per Fhf.re, pM of which shall Philadelphia protest against this Holy One, Blessed be He." 8 becommon and fully paid &Tid*>Tionif it could be proven that there assesssbie when law as a siur against Nazism? seff 1 libraries, universities and conveyances. The biU was passed by Sseuetl. The corporaJewish rights in Poland have dwindled so appreciably already Rabbi Chaaim saifi, "Pray for •was discrimination against Jewtion shall commence business upon CATHOLIC AND PROTESTworkfr both houses of the Pennsylvania legislature and was then signed that a further slicing affects the populace little. A full million of the welfare of the government if the -flllnp of the Articles With the JOURNALS IN U. S. A. ish athletes. Ke said the organi- County Clerk of I>oUKlas County. Ne* h i s § b y Governor George H. Earle, who is rapidly gaining face as an the three million Jewish people in Poland are enduring a living not for the fear thereof m e n ANT zation will probe this question at brsskR, and continue until January 1, swallow each other alive." URGE BOYCOTT OF OLYMPIC its convention this fall. 2035. The hiphest amount of tndebted- ^ o u t s t a n d i n g exponent of traditional democratic and liberal hell, and any plans of Jewish organizationa for Jewish emigra- would GAMES . It can bs done if jneas to which the corporation shall »t Rabbi SIxnoa said, "If threee "I personally "Kill vote against j any time subject itsolf shall not exJewish leaders step wasting their ing tj| Americanism. have eaten at a table, and have tion should include as many of the Polish Jews as possible. such participation end I will urge j ceed two-thirds' of Us? capital stock, limitation not to apply to lndebtspoken there no words of Torah, time with "futile protests. others to vote against it if any j' this * " "'' l i t is no compliment to us that a state'finds it necessary to edness secured by real estate. The FOUR JEWISH STUDENTS it is as if they had eaten of sacevidence of discrimination is corporation shaH be administered by a w , _ j such fundamental rights into law. But it is indisputable that of Directors of not less than rifices to dead idols, of whom It found," he said. He indicated that Board two nor more thurs five in number, OF MICHIGAN BECAUSE OF is said, 'For all their tables are Mr| the ^prejudice at which the law is aimed exists. If such discriminashall be elected at the annual ANTI-FASCIST ACTIVITIES . . . the burden of proof may be placed who and meeting1 of stockholder!) held on the Upbuilding i n Palestine continues apace, despite t h e destruc- full of vomit and filthiness, the They were propagandizing f o r on Germany. i | tion cannot be eradicated by education, then the best way to fight I Reconfi Tuesday in July of each year. All-Present Is not in t h e i r After t h e New York Daily j The Articles may be amended at any ^rth^ it is with.legal "weapons. The anti-Nazi law of New Jersey was tive news from other p a r t s of t h e world. . thoughts'; but if three have eaten peace, Mr. Chancellor! I regular meeting of stockholders 01 ANTI-SEMITES URGE GHET- News, the Commonweal, Influen- j any BpecisI meeting called for that J u s t t h i s l a s t week w o r k b e g a n on a n o t h e r n e w colony at a table and have spoken there lie i s | also attacked as unconstitutional and in violation of the guartial Catholic weekly, a n d other purpose. With the. assent in writing of Torab. It is as If they TO FOR CANADIAN JEWS . . . periodicals throughout the coun- of 75 per cent of the outstanding: capi*f°H| antees of free speech, free press and free assembly. Though the n e a r Petach-Tikvah, w h e r e t w o h u n d r e d German-Jewish families words Just a headline. Don't let it scare ta! stock votinp either In person or had eaten at the table of the Alljtry had voiced vigorous protest by prosy, the Directors Bh»U h*ve the you. "" New Jersey law has not yet been tested in court, the fact that will b e settled - - Maimonia a n d Kf a r Syrkin. Present." power and authority to sell and conNEW YORK JEWISH JUDGE I against American participation, or otherwise tiiBpose of the asseta Rabbi Chanim eaid, "He w h o RULES SON OF JEWISH FATH- I Mr. Brundage, in a radio address, j vej» it is on the, statute books has virtually eliminated overt Nazi Palestine still serves a s a well of inspiration t o t h e despairing, of the company as an entirety or goconcern, on such terms and condiwandering J e w . W i t h o u t t h a t hope,, t h e plight of t h e homeless keeps awake at night and goes on ER AND CATHOLIC MOTHER I argued for participation, declar- ing £*** | propaganda in New Jersey tions as they shali Seem fit, for sehis way alone, while turning his SHOULD BE REARED AS CATH- ing, "Pledges satisfactory to the curities, for cash or for capital Btock Sometimes'it •.becomes necessary to put even the obvious and wandering would b e well-nigh unbearable. " L ' S h o n a h H a b o h heart-to vanity, such a one forany corporation. The corporation OLIC . . . Wonder what a Cath- international and American Olym- | of "Ail- in black and white. ehflli have a ?esl. B'Yerushalayim" m a y n o t apply t o m a n y of o u r contemporaries, feits his own life." pic Committee have been made fcy iscu^ olic judge would have ruled. Dated Rt. Omaha. Nebraska, this Rabbi Nechnuga said, "Whoso Bale-e-jf• b u t i t daily ^ a i n s a d d e d significance f o r t h e generation t o <some. BEGIN CONSTRUCTION ON Germany respecting the treatment 24th day of July, 3935. receives upon himselfthe yoke of of its own athletes as well EE -pect J. K. SAKS, FIRST JEWISH SUBSISTENCE A. GFJ3ENBERG, the Torah from him the yoke of COLONY IN NEW JERSEY . . . those of visiting countries." Incorporators. taxes executed by the government, Its development will be watched Daniel A. Ferris, eecretary- S-16-SS—i% and the yoke of worldly care will treasurer of the A. A. U., stated tions * ^Keen observers of theGerman scene have oft repeated that with interest. »Fri., Aug. 8 be removed, but whoso breaks off GERMAN ALIEN TO WHOM t h a i "the Olympics probably ing "soli" the: Nazi insanity has not infected true Germans. Incidents of *Rosh Chodesh Elul from him the yoke of the Torah LA GUARDIA DENIED LICENSE would be called off eutirely nest 5696—1935 Brbik Tf^tl anti-Nazi sentiment in Germany are in the main kept under cover upon him will be laid the yoke of RETURNS TO REICH Thus Rosh Hashonah, 1st day . . » _ —Sat, Sept 28 ;overnment taxes and the yoke of CARNA20 & KAZLOWSKY, A«y*. it w- because of the iron-clad censorship clamped down by the Hitproving that he,belongs there! insurance &ld Rosh Hashonaht ».Sun., Sept 29 worldly care. I n t h e C o o n t r Court of I>OUE1ESi © EUROPE P JL County, Nebraska. j Fast of Gedaliah JMon., Sept SO ^ However, three isolated examples from the. Reich are sympNAZIS GRADUATE 1,500 FOR- In the matter of the Estate of MOSES j JACOBSON, also known as K. E.! —Mon., Oct 7 EIGNERS OF GERMAN ORIGIN JAQOBSON, adTerdtpmatic of what is. going on underneath the surface. The offi- Yom Kippur ...« deceased. j made AS ANTr-SEMITIC MISSIONARSuccoth, 1st day ~ ' All persons Interested in said matter j Oct 12 | i cials of a provincial center defy the Nad lordhngs and actually a e are hereby, notified that on ,the 18th i Tfee finest, IB IES . . . Anti-Semitism Is the nevr day of August, 1S25. Molly Jacobson! -Sun., Oct. 13 featuring ear exclusive special % distribute circulars which say "Buy from Jews," despite the fact Succoth, 2nd day religion of the Nazis. tiled 6. petition in said County Court,' Hosha'ana Rabba praying that her finsi aCminSetr&tlor; i Oct. 18 PALESTINE REPRESENTED ©4% "The Perfect Mixer" In the semi-finals of the an: that they themselves are non-Jewish. A number of Catholic .account filed herein b« eettled and! _Sat, Oct 19 nual B'nal B'rith g o l f tourney, AT WORLD CHESS TOURNEY (allowed, and that she be discharged j groups have organized to boycott all Nazi stores. Dr. Schacht, Shemini Atseret'.'Trj- & bottle of FOR FIRST TIME } from her trust as administratrix 6nfij Simchat Torah ~Sun., Oct 20 Sam J. Leon was matched against IN. WARSAW j that & hearing vrlll be. had on eaid | Mr. ; reischbank president a n d considered t h e economic dictator of . Most of the other countries Joe Rosenthal and Dr. M. Stein before said Court on the 34th I *Rosh Hodesh _JMbn., Oct 28 was scheduled to play Harry "Mal- are represented by Jewi today. I1petition day of Septernber. 1P35. a t 9 o'ctock! Dougia; Germany, i n a spirited address openly flays those individuals s&le at RII frsit market!, ! A. K., anfl contest said petition, the; f Rt»h Hodesh Kislev CZECH JUDGE RULluc. NON- i Court msy grant -Wed, Nov. 27 ashock. the prayer of said M i s s ^ w l u > a r e engaged i n anti-Semitic activities a n d pointedly pictures store* and lunch stands A R Y A N ORIGIN OF NAZI'S t petition, enter & dscree of heirship, -: —.Sat, Dec. 21 : and rnske micls ©User and further; Fred l t h e losses t h e Reich i s suffering because of t h e i r insufferable Chtmukah, 1st Miss Ethel Abrahamson w a s WIFE NO GROUND FOR DI- ; orders, alJowances ana decrees, as tc; Rosh Hodesh Tebet ._.JPrL, Dec 27 married Mrs. Impolicies. " ••-• : VORCE . Really—what gener- • this Court ma>* seem proper, to the] to Mr. Ralph Dobrhu j end d that t h t all ll matters tt pertaining t i i toj tj osity! said estate m&j- be fiaajly settled and i Missi ij^e casual reader of these facts would j u m p t o t h e concluNOTE—Holidays, begin in the evening preceding the dates Over 5,0 00 people attended the W O R L D - W I D E D R I V E II determined. | EKTCE CRATTTOKD, , a u e n d l &on ^ ^ because of such a n underlying atmosphere of hostility designated. thirty-third annual Omaha He- AGAINST SHECHITA LAUNCH- S-23-S5—St County braska; t o t h e Nazi radicals, t h i n g s m u s t really n o t look' s o b a d / f o r , t h e brew Club Picnic, which was held ED IN BRtTSSELS BY CON*Ros hChodesh also observed previous day. at the German Home. Albert GRESS" OF SOCIETIES F O R o£ the ! f ^ o r e . This" is only a n illusion. T h e cloud over NazUand i s deepKaplan was t h e general chair- PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO from t ening. T b e anti-Hitier elements have been ruthlessly t r e a t e d ; t h e i r ANIMALS . . . But w h a t about man. cruelty to Orthodox Jews. where -,- leaders have been removed, t h e i r spirit beaten senseless. Only i n FRENCH DRESSMAKERS TO SIg Miss Anne Selicow was wed to ™^ ;. t h e church struggle i s t h e r e a n y hope f o r t h e Hitlerites t o be^ BOYCOTT GERMAN SHIPS . . . Mr. Phil Schwartz. French dressmakers might create i feated i n German internally. Externally, a l l roads point t o w a r d Mr a new style for the boycott. Hollywood—The Nazis h a v e Mr. Harry Z. Rosenfeld, v i c e ant and leta the; latter do t h e Fred S' warfare, sooner o r later. T h e hostility of t h e countries t h r a u g h LABOR TO HAVE 220 OUT e o m a to Hollywood! Unit of a yelling. president of Temple Israel, was man d ^ o u t t h e world i s wreaking havoc with Germany's foreign t r a d e . Nazi film company,: headed by OF 450 DELEGATES TO 2IONappointed to represent the state IST CONGRESS . . . Palestine e n 7 ' b r Wages a r e decreasing, while prices a r e increasing; The. populace, Luis Trenter, is here, t t "shoot" A Httle o'thia and o'that: Al of Nebraska on the finance com- Labor is ia full command today. (the quotes are advisable) Calimittee o£ the Union of American Krasne" feeling t h e anti-Nazi spirit a s indicated b y t h e symptomatic in' REPORT JEWISH. DIAMOND fornia gold field -scenes for "'Sut- Jolson had an orange crop on his Hebrew Congregations. tive3 c d d e n t s , a r e forced t o submit, w h e t h e r t h e y like i f o r n o t . Clubs, ter'B Gold." Will teutbnize t h e rancho this year that netted him DEALERS IN BELGIUM ENDING ANTI-NAZI BOYCOTT . . . story, tagging It "The Kaiser of $300. Joe Penner ^has "tzaurns' a ; ' g^rns, bayonets a n d concentration camps see t o t h a t . T h e Schachts. Bill Yousem was the victor of II it's t r u e , a. diamond boycott . . . a dash light on his foreignCalifornia." Coincldently,C a r l ; know t h e abyss ahead, b u t their warnings a r e lost echoes i n t h e Laemmle plans the- same yarn- for make car burned out and he had the first flight in the Highland may be t h e medicine to bring ft to send to Italy for one. Harpo Country Club P i n Golf Tourna- them to their senses. ". mountains. T h e radicals like Goebbels, R u s t a n d Rosenberg; would fall production. struck the ludicrous note at the ment. to throttle the Schachts but can't But they do feel that PALESTINE Constance Collier's party honorter Her name is Rosemary Labee Ing Edna Ferber. . . his tea-time ANCIENT CITIES OF JERUcame t', Stretcher can outshout S c h a c h t . . . and he does. Miss Helen RIekes was married (at least, professionally). She's SALEM AND BAGDAD LINKED e more costeeume" was a striking comto Sam Beber. 7 o*2 J*"' ' ^ discontented elements, that appear in Germany, blonde, 19, a n d a stenographer BY PHONE SERVICE . . . A modfrom Chicago w h o does a little bination of corduroy trousers and T h e Halperin The engagement of Miss Ruth ern footnote to ancient history. B o t } l however, the more hostile grows world opinion to the Reich. acting for fun at t h e Goodman pajama uppers. ITALIAN SHIPS REMOVED gradual, When diplomats will put an anchor on a poUcy of diplomacy which Theatre. When she visited t h e brothers will put "The Famous Harriet Perelman to R e u b e n FROM PALESTINE ROUTES AS Dreyfus Case" on t h e screen. Vann was announced. and M jjgg miserably failed, then forward steps may be taken to appease film, capital three producers of- Plans are going ahead on that NEED FOR T R A N S P O R T fered screen tests, but • . . oh, Miss Celia Atorin was wed to STEAMERS TO E T H I O P I A world opinion and through-forceful action . . . as economic sanc- dear, . . . she just ca-a-n't decide! King of the Jews" vfilm . . ..in GROWS . . . The Palestine shipcolor. . . with Conrad Veldt in TKe WorhFs Smarte$tf Most Famout Mr. Joseph Marks. Mls3 tions . . . bring Hitier and his cutthroats to heeL ping company will not protest. the lead. It may not be derogaFeatherweight Matt Moinesr , " ' . ' - ' " •... It happened to Ted Lewis dur- tory to the Chosen, but you know START C O N S T R U C T I O N ger ot i ing his recent illness. He WTVB WORK ON TWO NEW SETTLEInflammable that subject is Hew German-Jewish parents moaning and groaning in'his hos- how MENTS FOR GERMAN REFUabout Christmas time. The ChapSettlements; . "611 isa [ , pital bed, giving free vent to his GEES NEAR PETACH TIKVAH celluloid will bear the newsJerusalem—Work h a s begun . . .• Hitler vrill yet receive a mon; , Strikes and boycotts are common, ordinaiy occurrences in suffering, when suddenly an ebul- lin reel title 6f "Charlie Chaplin in friend bounced in shouting, Modern Times," a sort of hysteri- on two new settlements near Pe- ument in Petach Tikvah. Miss; this day and age, but even then it is odd to read about a boy- lient tach Tikvah to be named for Kfar 'Is everybody happy?" cal ; . .pardon . . . historical com- Nachman Syrkin, for the idealoREPORT GERMAN J E W S ^S of the mails. ' edy. Harry Rlchman files himself gist of the Zionist labor move- BROUGHT 145,000,000 TO PALYet, in a suburb near Haifa, Palestine, residents have decided Few people know It but Jack Into town. A Hollywood marquee ESTINE . . . I f they had walked ment, and Maimonia. Warner has a policy of kindness blazons, "People Will Talk," "The piro of „ to organize a boycott of the mails, wrought up at having to walk that is greater, than charity. He Nitwits." Approximately $350,000 Is to out naked, Hitler •would hare had . The Knox Vagabond^ Roll it! A lnile3 f o r be spent on building homes and that m«ch more. Misse' ^ ^ ^ ^ y w^ because the government wouldn't give retains, on a weekly salary, a PALESTINE SHIPPING COMclearing land for the new settlers, handM of compre^^sible felt. number of former big-timers who are spe them their own post-office. Rubinoff i a a friend f o r fid- who are mostly German-Jewish PANY TO EXPAND SERVICE are now bucking hard luck. They Unroll itS. A hatful o£ Irrepressible •with fr!- ;, . . . Everything expands in Pales; are - used occasionally f o r extra dling . . . after the usual four refugees. tine. style! Put it on your head. Mote hours of rehearsal with his orThe money for the construction and bit work. Mr. i 1S35, by Seven Ant chestra, he personally paid f o r •was supplied by the settlers themits .inimitable' rakish lines! The Feature Syndicate) •when r three more hours of ensemble selves, the Jewish Agency for PalKnos Vagabond has'something all month,, ': This country still mourns and will mourn for many months Manny Seff, scribbler, w a s work and then nearly bo^sd off estine and ths Keren Kayemeta, recuper; j-o come the tragic passing o£ Will Rogers,'internationally-famed called into his boss's ofHce to dis- three solos; lightweights strive to attain but Jewish National Fund. friendS' cuss a certain angle of bis story only Knox achieves. The price— which =1 kMiosopber, humorist, writer, and actor, who waa killed with on which the boss and the direcEdna Berber's colored "chef de The merchants who advertiM ness. \ Wiley Post in a plane crash. tor could not: agree. S e l f , hesiweighed both views, then cuisine" is the only known cook ia the Jewish. Press solicit your *jj The untimely death of Rogers recalls a recent interview he tated, Algiers (WNS)-—Several score declared frankly t h a t he didn't to be under long-teria contract. business, and merit your patronMiss": gave about Hitlerism and anti-Semitism. Jews &&& Arabs were injured in like to take sides, but he honest- She is so famous for her culinary age. bine, Is concoctions t h a t Miss Ferber Qraii smS Sidl bel AM>es ia aa son ot il ' 1 just can't understand anti-Semitism in Germany," said ly thought the director was right. signed her up to ward off hi&her •outbreak of anti-Jewish rioting "Oh," topped the exec, "so you Avon, and wish to wire the Sard's salary offers, and fih.6 always ac- own theatre for sound! Rogers at that time, "but the Jewish folks in America don't need won't make a decision, eh?" on the tint anniversary of - last New Fall Colors: Gr&ys, Blues, companies the -writer on h e r year's bloody pogrom ia Const&a* Mr. a} 3o worry none. There's a lot of tolerance in the general run of T&ns, Greens, Browns travels. Gregory Ratoff crowed breez- tine. ed rece America." The man who waa known as the modem Mark Twaia Eccentricities: Jack Benny is tisd ily about a picture that he hopes Inflamed by THE KNO^TAGABOKD IS SQI,I> IN OMAHA Califon i a d the following to say of Hitlerism: "If i live a hundred years, fearful of* broadcasting stations y agitators Although William Fox lost his to iaakei sotae d&y . . . enumerONLY AT TH& NEBRASKA . . . dashes in for bis program and flooded the two towns "with signs recent lawsuit about "Tri-Brgon' ated "its sroa&erS . . . described its Miss I'll never be able to understand that dern German situation. I rushes right out again. urging "death to the Jews," Arab patents, he returns to t h e fray m*gnlficenc« . * . then w i t l i > hostess iin see it from a popular mood - - people all gittin' together Charlie Chaplin pats his fingers with a fresh campaign. A l/ond •worfemeH made- « gu€d«a sortie meeting In his cars when viewing a "take" paper dubs him *"Tri-Breain" Fox. flourish, concluded* "And believe on the Jewish .quarter. ill fe bj , were mi .•GosnT I'm mostly Indian, and if they all banded together and by which'simple expedient his visThe Jews met force 'with Jo«e me . fioney willfe®ao objec sad another, pogrom mlgfet.bar* evening^ jyranted to run the white folks outa the country, f<l join up! But ual sensations aren't disturbed by : tion!" occurred fc&cl it not" been tor the Warners' are negotiating for & ! 1 jeridualy, I can't imagine this Hitler business embracing the sounds. More later. Sidney Franklin, the Director, world premiere of "'JVHdsumiaer tlmel? arrival of the police .asd States. We seem to get along, with the Jewish folk all whispers.his orders to his assist- Night's Cream" at Stratford-oa soldiers who dispersed the rioters. Inc.)
therlFundamental Americanism
Polish Jottings
Looking Ahead
p g
Rogers' Philosophy
VISITS IS KANSAS CITY Mrs. Louis Baum, -who has been recuperating from a recent illness, spent ten days In Kansas ity as a houseguest of her daugh;er, Mrs. Ben Waacow.
SPENDING A WEEK HEBE Mrs. G. Col ton and h e r son, David, ot Hastings, Nebraska, are spending a week here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Soskin •while attending Market Week functions.
23, 1935.
ception was held and in the evening a. dinner was given at the Hurwitz -home for 75 guests. Miss Hurwitz was a graduate of Technical High School and has served as secretary of the City Talmud Torah for the past four years. Mr. Widman and bride h a v e gone oa a 3 week's motor trip to California. They .nJ31 reside at the Austin apartments upon their return. T h e bride's traveling ensemble was a two piece suit of navy blue sheer crepe with matching1 accessories. Out-of-town guests -were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Greeaberg, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snovsfcy, Mr. and Mrs. Max Halicman, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Friedman, Mr. and Mrs. Gail Friedman and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Friedman from Sioux City; Harold Margolin, Kansas City; Dr. and Mrs. Milton J. Margolin, Perry, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mirviss, Minneapolis; Mrs. Zelda Altsuler a n d Mrs. Williaia Renezr Lansing, Michigan; Mr, and Mrs. Max Mozer, and Mr. a n d Mrs. Max Platt and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kuklin, Lincoln; and Mr. a n d Mrs. Ben Margolin, Columbus, Nebraska.
bride's only attendant. Out-of-town guests attending PIONEER WOMEN the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. PICNIC SW Harry Chandler of Pierre, So. Dakota; Mr. and Mrs. Hy Garber of i The Fsoneer Women will Huron, So. Dakota; Mr. and Mrs. tlieir annual picnic at Mas Garber of Missouri Valley,! K.r,<la.; and Mr. Sam Kalin of Mitch-j park, SUIHIRT, AupuPt £5. prizes will be given for the ell, So. Dakota. The couple left for a four-week for nilulie End children. .Refr motor trip to LOB Angeles end meats will be served. San Francisco. They will mclce All members holding ticket* their home in Huron, So. Dak., the drawing for tl\n electric r upo& their return. and bookcase are esked to Mrs. Garber -w & a honored at there n o t Inter than S c'ei several parties pre-nuptially b}' Mrs. S. OLim is in charge of the Misses Bertha Colick. Helen drawing. She Tiill be cselstwl Garber, F a y Weiss;, Minneile Mrs. J. Foldman. Louis, Helen Robinson, Naomi The picnic committee Iticlt Ber.koTritz End the Mesdames Lea Mesc1am.es .1. Kichlin, J. 'Rasr. Fried Efifi Leonard Posler. A. H. Bernstein, and J. liapln All members and theSr f»rn-;M;>»MOTOR TRIP and friends are cordially Mrs. P. H. Fine and her tlauph- to «ttend this R*fs;ir. 'ter, Ida, and hpr BOB, Kpte, departed last Monday vis motor for A MCT.~ elnb is being organ!«*/. a week's trip to Glee, Michigan. •where the will visit her daughter, for parent? whose, children *•:• * * Mrs. Irvia Osheroff. Mrs. Osher- married and for couples mlso 5•>«•*'^ 11 o children. The purpose of fl;i* off was formerly Rose Fine.
TO CHICAGO laiLLBB-SHTAPER Miss Sylvia Silverman accomNO-HOSTESS BICYCLE PARTY ENGAGEMENT A no-hostess bicycle party will panied by her uncle, Irving JanMr. and Mrs, I. Shafer an- be held Sunday morning, August _;er, departed Wednesday via monounce the* engagement of their 25, at Eimwobtf I>ark> Members tor for Chicago, where they will daughter, Rose, to Rabbi Uri of the party -will include Bobbie "vacation for a week and will visit Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam-Baumer, Sarah Beber.LU Bern- their relatives. uel Miller of Chicago. * stein. Freda Bernstein, F a y e Miss Shafer is a graduate of Katzman, Libby Saylon, and Ce- RETURNS FROM KANSAS CITY the Municipal university of Oma- lia Lipsman. Miss Jean Beber returned Sunha. .; ••••;• • •••".;. . The •wedding will take place the RETURNS FROM "WEST'COAST day from a ten-day visit w i t h early part of November. Mrs. Leo Fox returned from the Miss Dorothy Milgram of Kansas west coaat where she spent the ity. summer with her children. EnThe marriage of Miss Anne "Wit- •oute home she stopped In Den- IN ESTES PARK jrrovip will be social Rfui int.p.i'?••*• Messrs'. Sam Theodore, Saul ten, daughter of Mr. a n d Mrs. ver to visit her friends, Mr. and tiipl c-pveloptnpnt. For fnrtli«r J«*IN BLACK HILLS Joe Witten, of Des Moines, Iowa, Mrs. Henry Zeliriger, formerly of Graetz, I. Shaelfer and Leo Marks are spending ten days vacationing Mr. &n& Mrs. TTiilianj J. Fester formp.tioR call S. Kenyon, *-*•**— to Joe Blumenthal, son of Mr. and Omaha. : Mrs. E. I. Widman Mrs. Albert A. Garber in Estes Park. are spending one vcek vacationMrs/Harry Blumenthal of t h i s Miss Pauline Hurwitz, daughcity, took place Sunday, August RETURNS FROM VACATION " Miss Rose Colick, daughter o£ ing in the Black Hills. ter of Mr. and Mrs. 1. Hurvriti, TO LOS ANGELES 18, at 5:30 p. 4 m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Colick, beMrs. Philip Levey returned this O3f BUYING TRIP : Mk.ilPSt Unit Kniimclt, M e became t h e bride of E. Isidor Miss Bess Cohn, of Herzbergs, the bride's parents. Rabbi N. H. week after a one-month vacation came the bride of Albert A. Gar- ZETA BETA TAU TO Ab Kaiman, accompanied by Widman, Sunday afternoon, at 2 ! Zeichik officiated. * with Mrs. George Levey of Detroit. is spending two weeks in the East in Studio 1, Lyric building. Ap- his daughter, Blaise, left Wed- ber, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sl-AK t&RNISn. $1.5© c Gl¥£ FORMAL DANCE i David ' Garber, at a four o'clock The bride wore a sport outfit They spent the time at Macka- visiting the various markets while proximately nesday, via motor for Los An175 guests, including on her buying trip. i Job The annual Bummer formal of i S-cndar, August IS, at of blue wool crepe trimmed in nack and the luxurious summer a large out-of-town delegation at- geles, where he will sojourn for ceremony, the 2eta Beta Tau fraterr.it? < > the home of the bride's paresis. I. krimmer and navy blue accessor- resort -In Charlevoix, Michigan, a month visiting his friends. tended this beautiful wedding. BACK FROM NEW YORK Only the immediate families at- I Nebraska University will be lieu" ies. Her corsage was of white gar- and Chicago. Rabbi David A. Goldstein officiMiss Nellie Ferer recently retended. The couple were •vred un- | on Monday, August £6, at the < f denias. VACATIONING HERE turned from a three-week sojourn ated. Mrs. Frank Brody, sister of the RETURNS Mrs. Lou "Waldorf of Cleveland der a canopy covered with sstors j! club. Mrs. Al Finkle, sister of t h e According to B o b StieC^-. Ephraim Marks returned this in New York city. bride, was matron of honor and and her sister, Miss Sally Slutsky a n d interwoven with babies -chairman, bride, and Max Yaffee played the "Plans ere being m"ci<IT breath. Rabbi David A. Goldstein Miss Evelyn Blumenthal, sister of week from two weeks at Fort of Washington, D. C, are vacaf NORTHERN MINNESOTA wedding marches and accompan. for an cttendance of one hunf'rpf"1 officiated. Snelling and Camp Ripley in the groom, was maid of honor. tioning here for ten days. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Weiss Te- ied Mrs. Hyman Belman, cousin land fifty people. This will include . • Herman Blumenthal was best Minnesota. The bride's gown was of white the actives, alumni and rushees. j of the bride, w h o sang. White turned from a two-week vacation BSAL man. Sydney Levine and Ben Alecon lace over a crepe bodice, flowers and trailing ferns were FROM DES MOINES in northern Minnesota. Witten of Des Moines, and Harold FROM ST. LOUIS the neckline high with a roimd When buying Miss Ruth Asarch of Des Moines used in the decorations of t h e Miss Louis Moskovits of St. Blumenthal and Philip Rosenberg is vacationing here for a week. draped collar and sleeves full | DIAMONDS canopy beneath which the couple TWO-WEEK VACATION J. N. F. of: Omaha, served as canopy hold- Louis IB vacationing here for a While here she is visiting Miss above the elbow sad tight at the j The Jewish National F « n r! ' WEDDING Ea T GS Sylvan Frankel is spending two took their vows. few days while v i s i t i n g h e r wrist with points over the hand. Betty Burnstein. weeks vacationing in Kansas City A lemon colored lace bridal Her veil, finger-tip length, was ofi Council is planning a dinner for !1 WATCHES A dinner for sixty-five guests friends. and St. Joseph where he will visit gown, which had a slight train, tulle with a cap of Alencon lace. October 27. This'will be an out- r,r?< was served after the ceremony. EASTERN TRIP his numerous friends. standing city-wide affair. All orwas worn by the bride, who chose The couple/left for a motor trip TWO WEEK VISIT Mr. and Mrs. Leon Greenberg The bouquet was. a colonial one | ganizations are asked to hold that a shoulder-length veil of matchof gardenias. " to Lake Okoboji and Kansas City. , Mrs. flyman Noddle is leaving AT LAKE OKOBOJI date open. More details will be ing color, fashioned with a tiny and children left last week for They will make their home In Saturday for St. Louis and Chia several weeks' motor trip to Little Miss Joyce Weiss, who Mrs. Sam Wolf and family are cago for a two-week visit with vacationing for two weeks at cap of lace. S h e carried white New York and other eastern cities. served as flower girl, was t h e published in a. later issue of the Omaha upon their return. i Press. roses. Mrs. Blumenthal was extensive- relatives and friends. Lake Okoboji. . Mrs. Louis Fogel, sister of the «x3ssxj«esj»i^^ ly entertained here and in D e s bride, who served as matron of Moines prior to her marriage. VACATIONING IN CONVALESCING honor, was gowned in peach colMINNESOTA Among her hostesses here wo Bachman is convalescing ored crepe, and Miss Dorothy Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fried were at Anne Mesdames Dave Epstein, Morris the Lutheran hospital from an Margolin, cousin of t h e bride, Brick, Libby Kaplan and H. Blu-vacationing in Minneapolis a n d appendectomy. wore pink organdie. Both carried other parts of Minnesota during menthal, mother-in-law o£ t h e colonial bouquets. Hyman Finthe past -week. bride. RETURNS FROM NEW YORK kelstein was best man and the Miss Ellyn Schall recently re- groomsman, was Louis Fogel. IN CHICAGO BAR MITZVAH OSAKA'S STiLt CENTER, ' f ? ? UTK The bridegroom was given in Mr. E. A, Singer, who is a^floor turned from a five weeks' stay in Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bernstein New York city where she visited marriage by his brother and sis701 No. 32nd St.,-annonnce the manager at Brandeis, is spending ter-in-law, Mr. a n d Mrs. Arden Bar Mltzvah of their son, Shel- ten days in Chicago where he is her sister. Miss Louise Schall. Widman of St. Louis. Mrs. Widdon, at the Adass Yeshurln syna- visiting his sisters and brother. HOUSE GUESTS man wore a charteuse green lace, gogue, 25 th and Seward streets Mrs. Sam Bender and her son, and Mrs. Hurwit2, mother of the at 9 p. m., Saturday, August' 24 AT EXCELSIOR SPRING Mrs. Sam Hornstein and h e r Harvey Lee, of Chicago, a r e bride, was gowned In sapphire AH "relatives and friendg are cor dially invited. No cards have been son, Marvin, are vacationing at spending two weeks here as house blue lace. Both w o r e shoulder guests of Mrs. Bender's father corsages. Mr. and Mrs. Hurwitz Excelsior Springs, Mo. . issued. ,^_ .... and mother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. gave their daughter in marriage. Out-of-town guests' w h o have Harry Bender. Following the ceremony a reAWAY A MONTH come for the occasion are Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin TeMrs. Sid Corenman of Danville 'I » 1 . k HI./ brother and sister-in-law, o: turned home Tuesday f r o m a I ; >" - i [ ' . , I | Mrs. Bernstein; and Mrs. Morris month's vacation in Wisconsin. Kleinbefgi formerly of Benton Before returning home, they moHarbor, Mich.^ a niece ot Mrs tored to Camp Indianola at Madison to get their son, Bob, who /Bernstein. o spent the summer there. ONE OF THE OUTSTANDING FEATURES IS BIRTH OF DAUGHTER THIS UNUSUAL GROUP O f Mr. «md Mrs. Isaac Dloogoff an BACK HOME Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cohn and nounce the birth of a daught' Marlene,' August 16, at ^he Luth- sn, Julius, have returned from eran hospital. Mrs. Dloogoff is Chicago - and Madison, Wise, Julius spent the summer at Camp the former Miss Tillie Zusman. Indianola at Madison. PICNIC SUPPER ••'• Miss Ann Hahn was.hostess.to TWO WEEK VACATION Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gross thirty guests a t a picnic supper at Elmwood park, Thursday eve- motored to Chicago last Sunday to ning in honor of Miss Anne Ber- spend a^weekfat the Edgewater man of Kansas City, Mo. Other Beach hotel. out-of-town gueste sharing honors were Mrs. M. Grossman of St. TO MOTOR EAST "Louis, Mo., and Miss Sadie Daytch /.. Mr. and Mrs. Horace ,L. Rosenblum and Mr. and Mrs. J. Berof Kansas City, Kansas. covici are leaving today via motor for Pittsburgh where t h e y WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roltstein will spend ten. days. Mr. Rosenboth for entertained Sunday at a family blum, who is vice president of the picnic in honor of their twenty- pres3 section of the Fraterna' Congress of America, is attending third wedding anniversary. the annual convention while there The- Bercovicia will visit their rel$1 Down—$1 a month. SURPRISE PARTY Miss Lena. Zollotuchln was hon-atives and friends. ored at a surprise party Saturday, August 17, at her home upon the RETURNING HOME Miss Sue Marks of Muscatine occasion of .her return from Texas. Seven couples attended t h e Iowa, who has been vacation for • a f f a i r . . . : . ' • ' • •••'".. • • • the past three weeks as a guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Simon, is returning THEATRE PARTY after being -extensively fe.tMr. and Mrs. I. Hurwitz enter- home ed by the younger set. tained at a theatre party, Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs.TO SAN FRANCISCO A. Widman of St. Louis.. Miss Selma Levin departed Tuesday for San Francisco where BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lincoln en- she is taking over .the duties ot tertained thirty couples, at their editing a-hotel paper. She was home last Tuesday evening in widely known here as Kay Leonhonor of the sixteenth birthday ard, editor of the. Fontenello Hotel magazine. ot their daughter, Helen. ,
' • •
^ ^
_ j^,
* - * , -t.
"Satisfied Buyers" DRAMATIC
out the OF ALL "
TELLf S in Our
WEEK-END IN SIOUX CITY VISITORS FROM EAST Miss Tillie Tessler spent t h e Dr. Rose Mikelberg and daughter, Elinor of Philadelphia, Penn.,J week end in Sioux City visiting are visiting here with Dr. Mikel her friends. berg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.VACATIONING IN CHICAGO Minkin,' and her brother and sisMiss Sarah German is vacation ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S a m ing In Chicago for two weeks and Minkin. while there will visit her relatives They are also visiting Dr. Mik-aid friends. elberg's brother-in-law and sister in Fremont, Mr. and Mrs. S a m Weinberg. They plan to return east Labor Day. THREE WEEK STAY HERE Miss Rosaline Pizer of New York city, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon J?izer of Omaha, arrived home Wednesday io spend a three-week, vacation here. Miss Pizer went by boat from Buffalo to Chicago and thence by train to Omaha. Miss Pizer is connected with the publicity department of. the Disney studios in New York.
BEAUTY SALON Features Shampoo and finger wave 50c THE NEW Zotos Permanent Ware with no anachinery and BO electricity used at ?0.5O and up. 716 Branfiris Theater AT. 4S33
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FOE LIFE—Convicted of slaying Howard Carter Dickinson. New York lawyer, here are the self-styled "cocktail-bar, racketeers" as they were sentenced in Detroit to life imprisonment Left to right: Florence and Loretta Jackson, Jean Miller and William Schweitzer. But for faces deathly pale, they -, were more composed than during the trial.
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SEEK METHODIST HNIONern church has been suggested to right, are Southern Bishops 1. ~, , Charlotte; E. H. Hughes, Washington; J. M. Moore, Dallas. Stcr-SIns: W. N. Atnswcrth, K?conA. G. Moore, San Antonio; J. C. Brookfield, Pittsburgh, and Paul B. Kern, Greensboro.
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EMBARRASSED — Marvin E . Mclntyre, the President's private secretary, who was embarrassed w h e n discovered at a dinner riven by S . B. Robinson, Washington representative of the Associated Gas and Slectric Company.
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NAMES IN GOLF—Here are two youngsters with famous names who appeared a t the Western Junior Golf championship a t Blobmfleld, Mich. At left is Bobby Jones, though not related to the famous golfer, with Walter Hagen, Jr., son of the great "Haig."-They made creditable scores.
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m s HUMOR SI1LLED—A recent picture of Will Rogers, beloved American humorist killed in the crash of Wiley Post's i a n e in Alaska. His William Penn. Adair Rogers. pplane in mother Alaska. wanted His full lull name name was was and his - wiuiasa renn.AO.au: • • • - •itogers. -• and his mother wanted him to become a minister. Instead, he roped his way to fame as a cowboy philosopher.
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CAEKIES «FA3SOUS el ihr & * 5 J . U ' W . S JNAT£E—Will ^ / ^ f ^ i ^ — U «j.l rRogers. v U ^ C ' b . iJr.. ' i . . loldest i i u u a u Wi ull three children of Mr. and ICrs. TCLl Rogers, head, or the r&rnilj - a ,s f aat ht a^ » ss Gd «, st tnl l tEAP 1S?«.E, „ „ above a«-hec entered &n airSince h u * *c .^^~ *~r. ^ ' v>.- „,•..,,.,.„,. ~w " " a Q^ -e^<*' " " " '- n r ' v-^ C - -C ~ - r,,~,v» Br ^ l a n e a t Seattle *or Vancouver, last Spiing, cs a me^ocx ox we Stanford University debating team. VAJfefklXiB
PLUNGES TO-DEATH—Wiley Post, famous round-the-world. who crashed to death in his plane near Point Barrow, ffl ^ka Lost ost in a white mantle of fog, with his engine skipping, his ship pplummeted l u m m e t e c i to the frozen tundra-driving the motor the cabin and killing him instantly. •I i '
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-. ..• ... • • * « , „ « . * ^ , wii/rn« WIDOWED BY CRASH—Mrs. Wiley Post, 28, the former Ma,y Lane of Sweetwater, Texas, widowed by. the death ofher efamous flier husband in Point Barrow, Alaska. She «>caP~ ° a u SJl* giving up her seat in the ill-fated plane 1O to Will Rogers. Post met her while on a barnstorming tour in °' 7
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" WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ?—Suppose Hank Greenbers, slugging first baseman of the Detroit Tigers, were to carry a bat this Size-into every game—what then? As it Is he holds a batting average of ^39. • ^M«M»»«B«a»«B..BBB»B«aj,».aa««».uB«M...M.i...;.;^u;:..;:i«:.i....:...i....:
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GUEST — Virginia Middleton French, one of the season's debutantes, who was a guest of honor a t various social functions at Newport, R. X. A sister " of Mrs. John Jacob Astor. 3rd she was squired at a recent ball bjrher widely linovra brotherin-law.
rXSIPLNITAL srHLr—A do30 ur r : r Camp, N. Y., these powenui searcni*&"« "-*- —"~,7:"~ ii,; i,"p-h*'? air raids. Men of the 62nd Coast Artillery are working the iign.s
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vi«w "The American Tradition of should arise on t h e decision. I t Aryan paragraph to chess players Joint Distribution Committee in- MONSKT, oiwmrswKT, MAKER Civil and Religious Freedom." seems to me, with all the tur-in Germany. There are a nunVber formed Dr. Lvovitch that it had COHEN nnfi .*. HAKOI-B SAKS, A Omaha Rational Bank d Attorney General Homer S. Curamoil involved, -with the different j of Jews among the organizers of iallocated ?10,OCO to the ORT for Xotice if? hereby Riven thai th*i wi"*' mings will discuss "Organized Reraces ' a n d religions involved j the Chess Olympiad. Virtually ev- 1 the balance of this year. \ signed lie. '? fovnsed R corporKt'On, ligion a n d Crime Prevention." among the contestants competing j ery team entered has at least one ! Buant to the lsuve c£ the State oi' > | bra^ka: Other speakers will be Dr. Tylor in the Olympic Games, t h a t it i Jewish player. ' The name of t h e corpora! lor lI But dost then lore life? Then Dennett, president of Williams ! might result in very bad feeling ' | BAKBAKA 0OT, INC.. with i « r " | do not squander time, lor that 3 E I r a i rlnce of business in the Citv of C College, Newton D. Baker, for| being engendered. I am wonderj K.ha. The cb.iects for v.hieh tlim e " ^ ' [what life is made of.—Benjamin 3ner Secretary of War and Protj ation ip former! P.r<?: To elifrptre ir. • •WILL LAUKCK ' j ing if American sportsmen should ! buFtneBB of cti?*tTih!.sting', sellinc- *• ' Franklin: Poor Richard's Al, estant Co-Chairman of t h e Na- Senators Come t o Fore In Drive ; n o t . £ive serious consideration to j msr.ufncturiTipr tts t>rincipftl, mrpnu. •** $259,001! CAMPAIGN tional Conference of Jews a n d tor or otherwise ftnri in it? own lvii: the question of whether we should ; or in toohRl.? of others, j?oocl&, **'i.Agaisst Participation Christians, Dr. Herbert A. Miller ^fOXPKX. GEOBIXPKT, MAKER & participate in the Olympic Games me.rchanuiFe. eoron':oO.Uiep PTHS p<-fv!n. At t h e Williamstown Insti- doubtedly at the Io-west point in of Bryn Mawr University, Dr. I, New York (TVKS)—A national COHEN nnd J . E A B O U ) SAKS. AttJ'S of every kind, em! d i a m e t e r ; to p>; * at Berlin if conditions in-'Germany continue tute of Politics in "Williams- decades, and -while anti-Semitism M. Rubinow, secretary of t h e campaign for $250,000 w i l l be as they are." and beauty prcrftrp.Uoi'S, and to tomi. Mass., a new experiment • is to some extent prevalent, it is B'nai B'rith. Dr. Frank Porter Backing up Senator Gerry, Sen- launched in t h e fall cy t h e P e o!- Notice ir. hereby riven t h a t th» tmfler- hokT. sell, aliens.t Washington, D. C. . (WKS) — y~?<in?1, will be Inaugurated. Repre- at a significantly low ebb consid- Graham, president of the Univer"have foripea a corrnration, r « r - all properly, re. ORT Federation, American 'i si-r.ed [ •entatir? of t h e Protestant, ering the privations of the eco-sity of North Carolina, Dr. Ber-The nation-wide n o n-sectarian ator Walsh said "it is an Ect of [Pie's suant to the Jaws oi the State c£ Ke. mfi.y be urcPfiW-Hfor t h e Hcoornpl' ska: The Catholic anfl Jewish faiths will nomic depression and the provo- nard Clausen of Pittsburgh. Alex- drive to Seep the United States international amity to call atten- ia f f i I i a t e of the World ORT Union. ii braThe tior'F object r.smp of the rnrpor?fjor. in "CONmone out of the 1936 "'Olympic Games tion to something more than the Ut was announced here at a luncha u t h o r i t y to ! SOwIDATE.P DISTRIEUTOKS, X N C-, ©onrene on August 25th for a cations of TJazi propaganda. In ander Woolcott, dramatic critic, eon given in honor of Dr. David i Tvith Us priTtcir?F.l plarp cl biminpFF in t o t a l Ruthori^p ^ ranitp •flve-rtay session to deliberate fact, one may remark that there Dorothy Canfield Fisher, writer, In Berlin gained increased mo- differences between two countries j I the Ci-y of Omaba. The ol-jects f"T '000, p a " vr>!nc !1"C per this corporation IP formed R--e: Common End -when issued d ?phaii bo on hnrann relations between all was considerably more open anti- Dean Robert .' Russell Wicks of m e n t u m w h e n Senator P e t e r G. I over t r a d e b a r r i e r s , " a n d added j Lvovitch, vice-president of t h e |i v-hicli To cr.craTre in the busine?F oi clistT-iMit- PfticI pno noli -j$«.~e. en*h]p, ' Gerry of R h o d e Island, prominent j t h a t i t w a s entirely proper for j "VTorld ORT Union, on t h e e r e of religious a n d racial groups. Semitism during the .reign of the Princeton University a n d John ! incr. eeil'-nir and jnamifacturmt: aF priTt- I tion phall romnien-:^ bll^lrn i s d e p a r t u r e for Europe. I t was ! cSpa;, sipcp.t, factor or cithprv.-ipe End in filinc of Uv Arti«"!*P tvj-'h T h e "WillinmstoTvn conference Ku Klux Klan in; the 192-0's than Daniels, former secretary of thesportsman a n d t h e descendant of I t h e State D e p a r t m e n t t o inform p'also its cwn behalf or ir. behalf of others, ! nip-k announced t h a t 515,500 -was ;' poods, a signer of the Declaration of Inj Germany or Mexico that suppresvrares, merchandi.^^ conirnodiiJeB of ui&piontous significance -will at the present time, English Speaking Union. continue u n t i l ,Tanu . raised in t h i s country l o r t h e ] and products ot c.-pry kinc?. end rhfir- T h e dependence, suggested in a speech j sion of. religious beliefs a a y bo known as the Williamstown i acter end TO acquire, hoid. sell, alipno£ tl\e, n ot It is apparent that the masses or encumber ?irir nnd all rroperty, I tti! Institute of Human Relations of the American people sense the What will come o u t of Wil-in the United States Senate that cause unfriendliness and discord. ORT emergency campaign. T h e ii ate real or -personal. T""hich may bP necesb y liamstown? Out of the Institute i shall be adm'mister^d American Sportsmen should give a n d trill be addressed among fact that prejudice a n d bigotry i savy Bnfi convenient in End for Ui© RC- r e c t o r s cons'-"Ur>f: of Mahoney Ke-Iterates will emerge a clear plan of action "serious consideration to t h e MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MAKER I complishmen-t of the corroratior-'p ob- | nor more thn.n foir:others by Governor Herbert H. a r e diametrically opposed to for New York (WKS)—Jeremiah j ieets-; and ta ns-intain E bureau Jnr the ' sto>--khoMerp phali <?!«' &. COHEN, leaders in various fields. Edquestion of whether we should j dif--perriination of iniCrrn?.ti«Ti end for pn Lehman, Professor Robert Mc« Americanism and religious prin- ucators will learn what r a n be n5r to o Attorneys. T. Mahoney, president of the Amservice ana to render services of.; jtomlay in J a n u a r y c! encj-; y p a v . 7'i-u.~oElroy of Oxford, former Secre- ciples. I t may be that the. Nazis done, on t h e college campus to participate in the Olympic Games ateur Athletic Union, reiterated | 7S7 Omaha National Bank Eldjj. !! aflvice vp.rious kinflE er,a E.1FO to maintain p.n ; ft»r the Pirpcto •»'ii fi"rr i>rf{.-i..-» [.advertising Brency p.ncl to perform Rll j viz.. President. Tice-T'^e*<iiiw tary of "War Newton D. Baker. have overdone their anti-Jewish eradicate -prejudice and '. establish if conditions in Germany continue i his personal view that the United j NOTICE. i of the services usually incident to euch tary «.ncl Trenptirev. 'The Articles This article analyses the im- agitation to such an extent that cooperation. Religious leaders as t h e y are." Senator Gerry's j tates should not participate in the NOTICE IS HEREBY GHTX that ! an enterprise. The Company shall have j be amonand upon nnl'op BP pro\-!d»r fhe tindersiirr.ed have associated c\ithority to'borro^r rnor.ey rind i?f\ie ev- \ X^ated April P!h. 10"^. portance of this conference.— a feeling of revulsion and disgust will establish 'how the . churches proposal was supported by Sena- Berlin Olympics if reports of dis- themselves .T JTAKOT.T) PAKSfor the formation of -the'. idences of-indebtedness therefor. The to-i THE EDITOR, ' has set in. Perhaps, the J e w s can be utilized for harmony and tor David I. Wilsh of Massachu- criminations against Jevrs a n d TOTTN IK-V-ESTJXEXT a ! authorized capital B-.oc-k is $10.no0, i A. GIIEEXEERCJ, CORPORA- i; tpar value S*00 per e h a r e : a!* stock Com-' setts, who declared that the State TION, Trith its principal office and end -when issued E1IP.11 be fully paic have been held responsible for goodwill. Women's c l u b s will Department should give tha mat-Catholics were substantiated, in place of business in Omaha. Dongrlas ;; nion and non-assessaMe. The corporRtior, County, Nebraska. The corporation is ; sha.U commence busine^fi upon t.h*> filing! The persecution of Je-ws, Cath- so many calamities in Germany leave Williamstow narmed with t e r its "very serious considera- accepting from t h e American being formed for the purpose of main; or its Articles v-ith the Ccur.ty Clerk o( j olics a n l Evangelical Protestants that the American's sense of cred- the outline of some definite pro- tion" a n d by Representative Youth Congress a resolution call- j taJair.g anfl operating- a g-eneral real There is BO education lifccing upon the A. A. U. not to cergram which women can put into" ! estate and holdinjr company; t n c to ulity is over-taxed. continue tm|ii January 1st, i n t l . - The ' versity.— -Disraeli, in Germany h a s taught us, or Emanuel Celler of New York, who ] purchase, lease, hire and othern-iFe hichest amount o? indebtednPEsB ^hp.li ought lo teach ns in America, one The -fires of this crisis h a v e action. Every individual coming introduced a resolution forbidding tify American athletes for coin- i acquire and deal in real estate grener- not e7,:rped t^'o-thirclR of the ci?,p!tRl to Williamstown will learn how petition in the 15S6 Olympics at jally. and to acquire as lessee, owner stock. The affairs oi' the corporation tinug: It is suicidal for Ameri- melted old forms of human relathe use of Federal funds to fior othenvise. and to operate theaters sbs.U be p.cTminlstprecl by E Bosrcl of Directors -con^jstinp of not less than tv?c can religious groups to quarrel. tions. Now, while t h e situation to apply the deliberations at thenance American entries for t h eBerlin. for the exhibition of moving^ pictures nor more thnr-. four ir> number. Th* The resolution w a s adopted and or the presentation oJ other perAs Iocs; as American cultural or is liquid, better patterns of inter- Institute in h i s own sphere of Berlin Olympiad. stockholflers shall elect Dirpctora at the formances, B.nd to borrow money s.nd life. unanimously by the Congress' najahjrious groups indulge in inter- group relations for a new d a y Representative Geller's resoluissue its evidences of indebteflnesE \ J J ^ L ^ ^ E ^ ^ . ^ ^ T ^ e " I necvafl welfare they leave them- must be faBhioned. This is why !s no exaggeration to say, astion, which is believed to have a tional council which represents therefor. The total authorized capital | a ' f t e , ihe~ T>lrec:ofF shell' elect" officers. • PK&.CTICAI, MOHI51, 1,550,000 members organized in « «fnn ' v ^ t2o.000.00. _ par value ;r i a . . President, " Vice-TTesitlent, Secre-;1 Be)vea exposed to the attacks of the National Conference of Jews one editor has already done, that fifty-fifty chance of being apJ1O0.O0 per share, all of -which snail be; tary and Treasurer. The Articles may Phone 105P the enemy. And. there are quite and Christians' 'is holding the Wil- the eyes of the world will be onproved, declares that '.'in order to S57 youth organizations. common and fully paid and . non- ! be amentied upon notice as provided for. i Council ESinfffi, I s , assessable when issued. The corporaMadrid (WNS)—A pamphlet Williamstown. enough enemies threatening a l l liamstown Institute. discourage American participation demanding that the Spanish Gov- tion shall cornmerjee business upon Dated (Copyrisht, 1935, by Seven Arti groups to give us cause for confllirff of the Articles with "thej&-5-3»—«t in the Olympic Games to be held ernment withdraw its grant of the The Institute will make a sciFeature Syndicate) County Clerk of. Douglas County, Ke cern. Totalitarianism, paganism, entific approach to t h e problem in Germany, a n d as a protest 400,000 pesetas to erect a Span- bra,e.ka. end continue until January! atheism, communism, t a s c i s m , of how the energies of American 2(135. Thehiphest amount of in- ! against the unsportsmanlike atti- ish pavilion at the Berlin Olyrn- 1st, flebtedness to vhich the-, corporation:; materialism, blgroty are dangers religious and cultural groups can tude of the Reich, no public or pics and to finance the Spanish shall a t any time subject itself shall Start Producingg confronting'all of us, -whether EP-Tni-puhlic funds, such as Public be directed a 1 o n g cooperative not esceea two-thirds of its. capital a r e Protestants, Catholics or lines.. The social sciences will be "Worfc Administration moneys, in- team to the games is being cir- stock, this limitation not to ..apply Palestine Poiasli Jews. TTj e basic struggle today brought into play, followed' by cluding the' ?4,800 Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen- tofore appropriated <> may t e summed up in the state- the experiences of leaders In their ment that the principle question own communities, a n d supple- cy)—On the sits of the ancient lotted or used to defray exper confronting the -world is -whether mented by discussion of states- Biblical cities of Sodom and Gom-of any American atnletcs to par-and doctors. at ineetinrr of Etockholdeis ne th£.ax:2iual on the Tuesday in Jure religious principles or pagan con- manlike and intelligent behavior orrah, the Palestine Potash Com- ticipate In t h e Olympic "winter j o f We a c h y e a r _second London The Art.;cies jj cepts are to dominate its think- to be exhibited in these times by pany has completed .the construc- Games to be held in Gannisca- pleton, track eoacn ot Stanford j amended at any reg-ular meeting c ' stockholders or any special meetinp l 1 ing. . California, and a for- called both Jews and Christians. Reli- tion of two pumps of 175 horse- Fartenfcirchen, Germany, Februfor that purpose. With' the asx power each. mer Olympic coach, has urged the sent in •writing' of. 60 per cent of the f Protestants, Catholics and Jews ary 6 to 16, 1936, or in t h e education, public school opoutstanding capital stock yotins eithtThe pumpaare capable of pour- games of the Eleventh Olympiad, International Olympic CJoiaiaittee r. . are equally concerned that reli- portunities, •work on college- camIn person or by prosy, the Dirccto""7 I* gious principles s h a l l prevail. p u s e a, women's organizations, ing 1,000,000 gallons of brine to be held In Berlin, Germany, to cancel the 1936 Olympic Games shall have the power and authority to snfi convey or otherwise fii into four pans, each of which has August 1 to 16, 1936." £\ Moreover, surroundedfcyhostile community committees, and the at Berlin and remove them to an- sell of the assets of the company as ^ forces, the battle has become the press "will be discussed. "What a capacity of 320 dunams. The other country, according to an unSenator Gerry came to the supas they jj?-common responsibility of all re- Americans can l«mrn from inter- first section, known as 1X3, is de- port of the forces demanding confirmed report received here!" . for cash o &t-' ligious -.-groups. Blgned for the production of. poE a y | Mr. Templeton is quoted f o r c a p i t a l E t o c k American abstention from t h e of any corpora tion group experiences in Germany, have a '' - • The survival of religion, many Mexico and Canada, will also be tash, at thB southern end of the Olympics by saying that it seems ing that it is impossible any long- j The Torpor at Omaha. Nebraska, this >j have come to Bee. is dependent in considered. .'••• Dead Sea region. to me -with conditions such ES er to beliere Germany's of June, 19S5. /,, part upon the extent to -which all This section, soon to "begin opK. those which exist in Germany, ful promises" that there •would he Evening talks w i l l be given E. SCHWARTZ, religious groups c a n effect a daily in w h i c h distinguished erations, will, produce 100,000 with the animosities which a r e no discrimination Incornoratcrs. united front. A degree of coop- Americans a n d foreigners will tons of potash annually. Aryans. s.16-35—it bound to be engendered, that it eration among Protestants, Cath- lecture on various phases of huWarsaw (WNS)—Germany might bo a serious matter, for esolics and Jews has been achieved man relations. Professor Robert Adversity is sometimes hard ample, If an American of Jewish not represented in t e e interna•which "would not lave been con- McBlroy of Oxford University, upon a man; but for one m a n extraction should win an import- tional chess tournament now sidered possible in foriner years. England, will talk on "The Totwho can stand prosperity there ant event^ in the Olympic Games ing held here becacse^ the manV a r i o u s interesting proposals, alitarian Idea in Contemporary are a hundred that will stand ad- or if there were some question of agement of the tt such as that made by the Epiaco- Civilization," Governor -Herbert versity.—SCarlyle; Heroes a n d a dead neat* inrolving BUCTT an extend an invitation -to the Helen ' palian "Xirring Church," * t i l a t H; Lehman ;Of Tfew York will reAmerican - a n d a j controversy on account, of. the: application .of Hero Worship; - Protestants, Catholics -and Jews 1
unite in .."a campaign against theism, a r e ' being constantly made, and illustrate the trend of thought in America today.
Perhaps t h e rnpst significant event heralding this. new interfaith cooperation is the forthcoming "Williamstown Institute of Human" Relations to he held at Williams College in Massachusetts from August. 25-30, under the sponsorship of t h e National Conference of Jews a n d Christians. Here more than 500 American citizens of a 11 faiths from our urban, rural, chUTch, college and industrial life, -will gather to consider, how America- c a n be saved from the disastrous convulsions which have .engulfed Germany and other countries.
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But Tour Bodgef
The fact that American leaderswill gather: at such • a*n Institute to discuss bow\ this country can be made safe for differences while at the same time, in Nazi Germany, differences are being ruthlessly crushed, is the most hopeful sign, for the future of -interfaith relationships in America. Plainly, Americans do not intend to become victims of. toialitarianismi They want to t a k e adequate steps far ahead to make sure that they will avoid the pitfalls of other countries. This reaction is not simply confined to the leadership, b u t is common to the masses of t h e people. There is no question but that religious intolerance has declined in this country during the past few years. Bearing in mind the fact that America ir now in the sixth year of the most devastating depression it lias ever experienced, this fact is remarkable Indeed. The tension between Protestanta and Catholics Is un-
We Thhiiz I
Through the Columns of the
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STYLES Mr. and Mrs.their friends tooth far and near A Happy and Prosperous NeT7 Tear. and Mr. a_ J Mrs. « family family ' extend extend to xo t h e i r friends sincere -wishes for A Happy Net? Tear.
4: ' ^ ^ -."
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and Mr. and Mrs. their friends 9 family health, happiness and prosperity in the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. — tako this means of extending greetings and hearty good •wishes for A Happy and. Prosperous Tear to their friends far and near.
Tonr greeting problem Is solved by tMs convenient method of vnsKzsg jroitr relatives and friends a Happy Kaw Yanr . . . no danger of the embarrassment ©I forgetting SGEISGQS . . • no trouble . . •fessisd E&SUST s These greetings vnfl be psbEshed in car Hasaonsh editios, September 27. T&e charge will be $2.00 hi each Gresting - - - moil aay; of these forss, cr ptons yonr Grosti
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Fur Price$ *jirc A But Our what s >."Thpy wpnrwell, prr* ?-•>£ many
!hoir Is Organized for High Holydays
Monday after spending the past man; W. H. George, first and real i er; J . Ry. Roethemeyer; Maude Cottunknown; Mrs. Ellen Tllton; "eb: Hermine Schoeneman; Henry W. two months at Camp Indianola, at name Sarah E. Cole; Joseph S. Berryman; iefcoeneman; Marie Hlbbard; Fred W. Madison, Wisconsin. Henry G. Schneider; Joseph Kirsch; | Jt,Eley; Clara Nesley; Frank J. Staab; Katie Kirsch; Liberty Council No. 3,D. L'. Feaster, first and real name unJr., O. U. A. M., Albert E. Miller, P .
ust, 19SS, the Omaha Safe Deposit trude Flaven; -Ethel £ g Company. Successor Trustee, filed Its 5"orgade; Andrew Fruth; H. application in the District Court of .•irst and real name rataown,» County, Nebraska, to reorSoecie; Adele Cacken: FSoyd Get*. C. Douglas ganize ami refinance tli<; MortRaKe C. Gelwick, .first, and reai name un- Indenture of Kitchen Bros. Motel known; Wm. Goers; Dr. Anton Guf- Company to the Fidelitj' Bank & ler. . GHlcspie, first e.n& real 11 Trust Company, Trustee, dated Febname'unknown; A. W. GUbfrt- fl" ruary 15, 1B29, covering- Lots 1, 2 am! knd real name unknown; lun <JOOOp Cart A. Gra>, the. "East One-third or Lot 3. Block p n; ; Jos. A. Grcvelu; 1SS, OrifdiwA Plat of tho CIU' of OmaC l U J3 J^noeh Albert C. Gregg; CornelU J3.
Miss Ella Burton; Paul SchaMr. and Mrs. I. Mendelovitz and C.: Albert Mor.aska; Mathew T. Fo-known; "ei: Ida Heinecke; Mrs. Carrie Grahl; ley; Mrs. A. George, first and real Bruno F. Meyer; Raymond Furrcr; Cantor A. Pliskin of Shaare daughter, Phyllis, of Chicago, left name unknown; Lena Boester; H. Louise B. Faris; N. Walden, first pud MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent Zioa .Synagogue has organized a Sunday for their home following Moeller. first and real name unknown; real name unknown; Elmer Minor; A. E. Krughoff, first and real name Winifred McGrath; H. E. Buchenau, boys choir for the services to bea two weeks' visit here at the unknown; Hupp Tevis; Arthur N. "irst and real name unknown; Welter hold on Rosh Hashonah, Yom home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sacks. Hohenstein; J. L. Walsh, first and K. Hotchkiss; Colo. Nat'l Bank und^r Mrs. Philip Sherman and Eu-Kippur and the Schlichos Ser- Numerous •; affairs were given In real name unknown; Margaret Hart- Agree, with. Margaret P . Mohn; Anna man; Mrs. Emma Hubbard; Miss M. Austin; Irma A- Austin; R. D. gene Sherman are spending this vices. heir honor during their visit. U n V o ^ c H M o r V a n I Douglas County, Nelirnska, same beHannah Faes; Julia Mann; Albert Williams, first and real name unl H GW« first and^ rea! liner the building Bituated upon tlie week at Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mann; Charles Vanck; H. H. Hopknown; Wm, F. Barnard; Mary McThe choir has been meeting unknowi"Mn. Beulah Gimmle; above described premises The plan pock, first and real name unknown; Donnell; H. G. Whelan; Catherine A. Or\ E Grin-m- Arthur Glupen- of reorgnnizivtion and refinancing Is regularly this week- for. rehearsals . Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kubby re- Mathew McElroy; Mary McElroy; Hil- Whelan; Edward Moulihan; C a r l Mis3 Frances Raskin of De- ri^pnoe Connor' Katherine briffly as follows: under Cantor Plishkin's direction. urned home Monday after spend- da, Zastrow; Arthur Zastrow; Mrs.Rueck; Olive H. Corwin; Lillian H. r - S o S f e P . OuUv Kitchen Broa Ho Co . tel. Companj' is to Sewing; Mrs. K. H. Oliver, first Walther; Louise Kunz; Louis J. Drextroit, Michigan, is visiting in Sioux The personnel of the choir in- ng the week-end at Lake Oko- Anne d ronl " l name" "unknown; k C R'. R immediately withdraw withd it an3 C. its stay under and real name unknown; William ler; W. E. Parmley, first and real City with relatives. Miss Raskin :ludes Sam Rivin, David Televltz, boji. ton tint and real name un- the Moratorium Lawj of the State of Morgan; Hilda Berg; Anna Berg; Ar- name unknown; Mable Cooper; Lou • Aucurt Hanke- A. J. Harris, Mebraska. expiring March 1, 1S3T, and thur W. Ellerbusch; A. C. Schaeffer, E. Cooper; Catherine Vogel; Anthony When Mr. and Mrs. Max Ro-Is a former Sioux Cityan. Jharles Shindler, J o e Maron, • - fc ----- 'confirm by proper conveyances title real- name unknown; Mrs. Trustee, first and real name un- Kuhn; Blanche Kuhn; Joseph Leo first and senBtock and daughter, Bertil, arHarold Slotsky, Harold Weinstein Carrie Haley; Mrs. Lena K«hner; to all of the above described real and known; Mamie Redmond; Henry DetConnolly; Eliz. Josephine Connolly; Mrs. Jules Sholdar and aughHans-' Mary" Hafvev; J." G. \ personal property to Omnha gnf© Demer; Laura C. Doenges; Wray H. Es-Lester Reuss; Wm. B. Keeble; Marrived • in Sioux City from Germany Sid Kahn departed recently for md Philip Zeligson. r ers, Sandra and Barbara, of Chi-sex; Ernst Eggertj Agnes Schmidt; garet A. Hereen; St. Louis Union Hammel, first and resd name nn-1 posit Company, Successor Trustee. two months ago, and decided to New York where he will visit with known; J. Howard Heine; Dorothy j The Bale of said real nnd personal Mrs. Lettie A. Traufler; Mrs. Nellie Co.; Minnie Colyer; Marie Klasago, arrived here last" Friday to C. Schmidt; Katherine McNulty; J o - Trust make;. Sioux City their home, it triends. kin; Anne Klaskin; Frances Klaskin; Hcllis; Andrew Hertpr; Ethel Herter; l»roperty to Omaha Safe Deposit. Com'visit at the homeof Mr. and Mrs.seph P . Welsh; Wm. Voderberg; Phil- Mary G. Devine; Clara M. Sido; Kate Phvllis Hewitt- Vernice Heap: ilol- pany. Successor Trustee, conducted by Annual Talmd Torah P was a fortunate day for the Jewip Miller; Louise Miller; Ida Katherine Engelmann; Marie Krenning; Erna L. land HurtlrTB^rba™ Hewitt; Ben H. the Sheriff of ^DouplaB County, NeMax Steinberg. Miss Tillie Bass has returned Hibbard; Vilns Hicks'; Wade Harris; brcska, on the *4th day of July, 193o, ish Community here, for they are Miller; Henry W. Yonker; Dora S T T Krenning; Mildred Krenning;, Jesse L. Picnic Is Held Sunday Grover-; Leo F . 'Nlebur or Louise B. Garrett; Delia C. Garrett; Miss Ade-Jacob Y. Hagley; Virginia Haglcy; covering the real estate above denot only an interesting family, Irom Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where Dr; A. J. Krietemeyer, first line E. McClurkin; Ellen M. Hays; A. Clara Heller' L. .T. Henm-sBy, flret scribed, ana. the personal property deMrs. William Bernstein re- Nlebur; wlthja deep insight and knowl- ihe spent her vacation -with her and real name unknown; Lena Kriet- J. Menteer, first and real name un-and real name unknown; Mary Hea-|"cribed in the order of sale in the More than 250 people attended lev Bertha Heitman; Knjiry Hcb^rer; jfafie-of Kiichen Bros. Hotel Company edge :lpf Jewish lift, .but charming irother and sister-in-law, Mr. and he first annual Picnic ot t h eurned home Tuesday following a emeyer; Florence Mara; Emma Levyj known; Alvla Troegle; Wm. J. GunOl E la S a f e Deposit Co., Trustee, Inez L», Anderson; Myrtle Camp- Alvin Heltman; Hulda KeJtmnr.; Mrs. y- ? ' . he weeks'; visit with relatives In Mellta Howard; Louis Dauernheim; dall; Mrs. Abe Bass'. additions to a community. Bertha Heinz: Henry Hecklt; Mary IJOC. *o3. ISO. 33, in the District Court bellEdwin H. Skaer; Raymond PickAnna F . Schulz; Peter J. WJsemann; iVest Side Talmud Torah at RIv-Chicago, Illinois and Uuion Pier, Mrs. F. Wlssner, first and real name up and Meyer Stern, Trustee for Louis Heckle; Eleanor M. Held; Mrs. K«ry|J>f Douglas County, Nebraska, is to MrL Rosenstock i9 a brother of rview Park, Sunday afternoon Michigan. unknown; Miss Emma Hasten; Mre. J." H. Hermann; Mrs. Dorothy E. Hildebrancl; Kate HilbeTt; John W. be >n all respects approved, ratified . ' Mrs. J. Levin and son, Arnold ,nd EmllJRosenstock of this city, and Anna M. Lash; Naphtall Lodge No.Moots; Isaac Smith; Mrs. W. L. Ma-Herndon; Daniel J. Halley; C. IX »"rt confirmed. Upon the vesting of evening. A program of games, 25 A. F . & A. M., J. E. Zelch, trus- Gruder, first and real name unknown; Henrod, first and real name unknown; >.ule . tu all of spirt ren! and pfrsona! beforje coming to America this jevin of Rosalie, Nebraska, visit- iports, a n d entertainment occutee: Charles Osthoff; J. A. Gallagher, Charles Chassaing; Carrie L. Bishop; Nellie C Hougrh; M. W. Hogan, first I property in the Omnha Safe Deposit year'jto make his home, visited idr with friends in Sioux City this ied. the afternoon hours and a first and real name unknown; J...F. Nelle G. -Bishop; Mrs. Mabel Chest- and real name unknown; John Kott- Company, Successor Trustee, it shall Seize Immigrants the! TJnited States several times. eek. first and real name un- ney: Edward N. Busch; Harry Luech- maim; Louis F. Hoclscher; Anna Hu- £J* appropriate conveyances grant, iafeteria supper was served in the '. Jerusalem—^Fifty Jewish immi- Hennesay, known; Amelia Hennessy;Julius tefeld; Russell I. Pickup; Mrs, Louise ber; Clara Humer; Lafayette -L. Ir- bargain nnd sell said property to a Mr. and Mrs. Rosenstock b o t h : to be organized and venlng. Meier; M, Shaffer, first and real name Dietrich; Virginia P . Beall; Eleanor win. Sr.: Mrs. Chas. Jacobs; Jefferson corporation Eugene Rosen of Sioux Palls rants, mostly women and chil- unknown;. Leonora- Kaminskt; Mrs. M, H*ia: Leo Gegg; Chas. Arnott; Sa- Bank; E. A. Kaltenrider, first and! Known as the Paxtori Hotel Company, visited'Sioux City on their honeyu n c m The Mothers Club of the West real name unknown; Dr. W. K. I P ° " Ptetion of Its organization 'isited with- relatives in Sioux dren, were caught by frontier po- Ann Fries; William H. Stark; Dr. M.rah Boley Genevieve S. Gosen; Ber- Hotchkiss, first and real name un- i >-ne ssi" Pnxton Hotel mo6n, seven years ago.: Companj- is to Jide Hebrew School w e r e in tha Gosen; Lena Jacobus and Clara R. Moore, first and real name un' ice on the northern border last known; Selma L. Mayer; Arthur A. K. Stern: Milton Baer; Elmer J. known; Harry -Homburg; Ryd. K.! make, execute and deliver a 'new Mrs. Rosenstock is vitally In- !ity last week. iharge of the arrangements, and week Hoelsher; Edwin Hoehn: Ada E. 1 Mortgage Indenture to the Omaha as they, attempted to cross Zeis; L. P . Sparks, first and real Bridge; W. C. Clark, first and real •r-r.-, terested in Palestine and t h e TT,— T^-^—,„• ~. name unknown; J. P . Sparks, first name unknown; k ; J. F . Rasmussen, j Holmes; 'Eva Hodgrekins; Clara Hurst; 'National Bank as Trustee in the prinMr. and Mrs. Herman Levinson roceeds were turned over to the he border illegally. Zionist work and in an Interview and real name unknown; Clementine first and real name unknown; Walter Mrs. Elizabeth Humph; P. A. Huhr.ke. cipal Bum of $1,250,000.00 covering- all chool for the upkeep and mainOmaha arrived in Sioux City Richardson; Joseph Gutohrel; Edith W. BlooJ; Kate Milbert; George E. fir^t and real name unknown; Edward real and personal p-opertv heretofore told ibf ..the work of the Women's enance. Boyd; R. B. Pollard, first and real Egger; Mrs. Squire K. Thomas; Tho- Jaeeer; Mary Jaeger; J. C. Jennings, conveyed to it by the Omaha Safe Zionist organization in Germany. .his week, for a two week stay. FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, A. name unknown; Norma. C. Pollard; mas J. Dwyer, Sr.; John A. Myer; first and rea! name unknou-n; _ , , Warren , , „ ^Deposit Company, Trustee. The said KL.UT2NICK & K EL LEY. Fay Taylor; Gustav C. Schickedanz; Mary M. Murphy; James E. Murphy; Jones; H". A. jungr, first and real | Mortgage Indenture is to secure an "Every Jew in Europe now isMrs. Levinson is associated with srannnnmsnimnmniimnn]! Attorneys. Richard D. Lee; Velma Lee; Wm. H. Betty Platts; Bessie Platts; Wm. A. name unknown; Minnette C. Kauf-i l s s u e O l income bonds in the said the Maison Lorenzo here. interested in Palestine and t h e Blanton; Margaret Patton; John W. Hoffmann; Jennie Jacobs; H a n £ man; Edward Kaiser: J. P. Kerr, first j amount of $1,250,000.00 tvering- inter650 Omaha National Bank Bidswonderful work the Zionist orDowns; H. E. Johnson; Alice Johnson; Wulff, Spec. Deputy Financial Com- ond real name unknown;; Anne A n e lM. L ief* "P t o 5 P e r cent te be paid out C. Watts; Ethel B. Rodgers; missioner in charge of Fidelity Bank Kerr; Wm. Keim; Mrs. Lydis Keston; ss • Mr. and Mrs. I. Rivin a n d ganization is doing. Now, their In the District Court of Douglas Rush -.»-_ T.-..__. •*,— , _ _ , . — . Annie J. Marshall;. Milburn Dick; & Trust Company; Harry iLichten- ,.Eva, Kennedy; E. C. Kreibohm: Jas. of SO per cent of the net earnings of interest is even keener, for every laughters of Chamberlain, will County, Nebraska. John J. Manion; J. E. Miller, first and stein; Margaret E. . Lovall; Helen C. E. King; Inez Kitchen: Lorelda K. the Paxton Hotel Company, and 20 per cent of the net earnings to go David Blacker, plaintiff, vs. Kitchen real name unknown; E. Stapenhorst. Henz; Emma Roth; Catherine Benz; Lindenheil; family has some friend or relaive in Sioux City, this week to Joseph Knittel; into a sinking- fund to retire bonds of ' Bros. Hotel Company, defendant. first and real name unknown; Chas. Florence Graupner; Camp & Co.; K l l ^ Jos. Kraus; Louis B S F . B. K. tion living in Eretz Israel," said make their home. the Paxton Hotel Company pany on tender. NOTICE Llnza; Wm. C. Melnert; J.' E. Zelch,Frank X. Sweeney; Albert M. Getz; Krohne; Olge Krohnei Carl A. Kaei- and said interest shall not be cumuMrs. Rosenstock. TO: first and real name unknown: Mrs. John F . Reynolds; Paul Anderson; ner; Dr. Geo. \Y. Ivoeni^g; Jos. G. lative. Bondholders of the Kitchen B r s Nathan- Bry; Wm. H. Krennlng; Myrtle B. Moser; Mary E. Berry; Jo- Clarissa Anderson; Ernest Burgrabe; Koiicen: 'Mrs. Louise T. Kratz; L, A. | ' - Hotel Company under the MortThe Debra Club met Monday Both Mr. and Mrs. Rosenstock Krennlng; F . W. Rengstorff, seph J. Lampe; Ida Lampe; J . A. De-Laura C. Buffo; A. L. Freeland, first Kelly, first and real name unknown; f a E° Indenture to the Fidelity. Bank The. Council Bluffs Lodge No. Mary are taking an eager interest in ivening with Miss Rose Rozofsky, first and. real name unknown; R. B.Hovitz, first and real name unknown: and real name unknown; J. E. Mc-Rose F . Keil; Sophie W. Keil; P. K. & Trust as original Trustee are to Whalen, first and real name un- Bessie Powers: Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Carthy, first and real name unknown; American customs and life, and 100 Jackson street. A social hour 83 of the Independent Order of known; ancS real name u n ond in like princiJohn Doelllngr; Alois A. Win-Drikow; Anchor Arcadle Lodge S22, 1.Clara J. McCarthy; Lyfiia Hackman; known; Leon D. Knap'p;'Eari"'Knick-i lial aTi 'o«nt of the Faxton Hotel Comhe B'nal Brith will hold a regu- terer; Thos. in the short time they have been ollowed the business meeting. ?ny A H E. Galligan; V. C. Pinet, O. O. F . ; Mrs. Sallie Robinson; Hugh L. Grabili; Wm. -A. -Roebke; meyer; Henry T Koopman; Mary C. j £ ni _ the -capital stock of the ar .meeting next Monday evening, Irst and real name unknown; J. P .Andrew Grass; Leo W. Schweiss: Mol.ie Roebke; Chris Groetecke; Luhere, have become an integral A u g u s t rille Cott; Eugene Roesberger; Mrs. Miller, first and real name unknown; Mary A. S c h w e i s s ; Aug.*26, at the Eagles Hall. part'of the community. Mr. and Mrs. Alvyn Lowe of Christina Miller; J . A. Meyer, first Schweiss; Charles Boken; Margaret Emma I^vy; Joseph H. Priess; Harrv and real name unknown; Isabel New- A. Hereon; Mrs. Lilly Buck; Albert J. Douglas; Mrs. Anna Ott: John C. Lavian.""'first and""feal nanTe'un-j » 8 set forth " in the "appiicaUon" filed _few York City, are guests here Buck; Mrs. Arthur Buss; Gehrke; M. Feirman, first and real known; Mrs. Gladys L. Lemon; Emma ?. e r e l n , ' o r t n e reorganization and relands; Guy F . Kahmann; Louis An- W. Flans are being made by Dr. in the home of the latter's parunknown; Alice Berryman; Leonard; Chas. Lenza; Myrtle Lenza: j J,'"f ncin £ f i_B/, , , ort ? a iL? Indenture, derson: Mrs. Lulu Caruthers; Mar- Melvin Buss; Miss Belle Wall; Mrs. name Wingrath; M. F. Geisman, John mts, Mr. and Mrs. Max Bergen. saac Sternhill to reorganize the garet B. Singleton; Ellen L. Tarllng; Natalie Berg; Emma Nolte; Minnie C. Pauline K. "nrfl ~~* ~ "" *• bondholder of Kitchen Bros. - "f Tr '• ' " iiire ""Thprew .i=a" n< •f-i each first and real name unknown; Leyh; Katherine Leyh; Mrs. Nolte; Bridget McKenna; Harry Ac•' T '. Must Groves . . Church Cem- H o t p i Company under the Mortgage 3efore her recent marriage in ocal chapter of the A. Z. A. AAdolph Implement & Auto Co.; Lockner; Martha G. .Dana; Leona McDonald; kenhauser; Mrs. John Lowery; Kath- Weber etery Fund; Mrs. Delia cnurcn Luckingbill; , Locust Oro\es cem II n c ! e n t u r e h e r e i n referred to is to reNew York city, Mrs. Lowe w a sStag party is being arranged for Delphine W e s t m a n ; Leonard W. rj-n Myrick; Jos. Myrick; B. J . LaU-Edward J . Trihey; Farmers & Mer-G. A. ICunze, first and rea! name un- ;ceive Voting Trust Certificates reprechants Savings Bank; Beulah V. Spen- known; mer. first and real name unknown; Grams; Nora. R. Collins: Frank A group of Sioux Cltyans mo- Miss Ethel Bergen. Arthur Kuhlman; Zoe Kurtz;! he early part of September to be amme: Oscar Busch; Mrs. Elizabeth Bertha Mae Rinek; Walter S. Rinek; cer; Mae S. Williamson; Jas. E. Hol; man; ! f f f, £ ^oek H. Langmack; Lumnn H. Lon^; ! g a f t . c f / ^ f ; Company for ach e One tored to Chicago last Thursday to Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Bergen held at the home of Dr. Sternhill, D. Keeling; Louis E. Anfender; Mrs. E. C. Gray, first and real name un- well; Catherine S. Kuni; Lou R. E s -John Mrs. Mildred Leahe; State. Bank of Sundred Do o d held by him isl l a r b n him isA. L. Magerstadt, first and rea! m ! Klf e attend the "wedding of William .ill hold open house from 2:30 and every boy, between the ageElisabeth Jones; Laura L. Dunham; known; Olive Gray; H. B. Livingston, ses; Lenzburg; Dan G. Liebler; Roger P. , " t e Mfo r t" &Bros. Hotel Company A. Ungar; Elsie Cngar; W. C. first and real name unknown; Cather- name unknown; Jnlia Feustel; Ther- Swire; H a m ' Lopata; Albert Mans- t ? n d e ^ h 5 & se I n d e t b Kutcher of Sioux C i t y to Miss ;o 6 o'clock in the afternoon, hon- f fifteen and twenty-one, is cor-Max Indenture above Horstman, first and real name unZoll; Charles Zoll; Albert F . John- esa C. E. Dold; Lillian Drohan; Min- sha; Lloyd Pershing; Matilda MarUn; | Shalamos Dorenson of Chicago, iring their son-in-law and daugh- dially Invited to attend. Reserva- known; Addle St. Horstman; James ine son; Mariette Johnson; Andrew L. nie Pritchard; Joseph Lanzner; Mr. Ruth. Martin; Ear! C. Lurtz; ElizaThe Paxton Hotel Company is to Fred J. Schaefer; Elizabeth DeGaris; Barngrove; Clarence E. Gonser; Melcher; Agnes Melcher; August B. daughter of Mr. and Mrs; M. Dor- er. The open house will be held ions may be made by calling Dr. L. Lyrnan; L. W. Markwell; Jos- lease to Kitchen Bros. Hotel ComJohn G. Dierklng: Anna Dierklng; Bauman; Ernest" AUK- Doctor; Wm. N.Augusta F. Littmann; Arthur Vogel; beth pany Lots 1, £ and the East One-third ephine Mankle; Kev. . John Marion; enson of Chicago. T h e wedding _ their home at 2315 Douglas. ternhill, sponsor, phone 226. Mrs. J . A. Fries, first and real name Schultz; Edna Schultz; A. L. Browne, Bernard W. Hays; Mr. Edward P. Mrs. Katie Marxer; Wm. Mayes; of Lot S, Block 138, Original Plat of unknown; George J . Grote; Miss first and real name unknown; Elmer Buddy; C. L. Collins, first • and real Sarah McGiligan; took place on Sunday. , Mo invitations have been issued. City Bishop Wm. F. Meg ; h o p W m . F . Me ^ y of Omana, Isebraska, and W. Rosina Frantz; Elmer Edler: Schoenlau; Christine Schuchman; Ed- name unknown; Genevieve McElroy; Murr e r s ! per U Q t h e c o F d M i h M Fred Meriwether; Major f' ^ , P™ p ^ .'" ": inc.; Henry M u r r a y ; Among the Sioux Cityans; who Mrs. C. H. Edler, first and real ward C. Lee; Mrs. Elizabeth Fox; Lightenstein Estate, §3 Mr.and Mrs. Harry Chernlss name Alvina d u c t , ,o ?? «>e «>e P Paxton Hotel <Jn said Lewis M e a n s ; M a Mets; Mets; axton H o t e l <Jn unknown; Charlyne Toting; Belle Bank; John Brethauer; Da- Harbke; Edgar Littman; Alco. M. Cos- Mever•were present were Mrs. R. KutB M McCoV Dr Premises Premises, period of three years, M r s N l l B C V D for e p r i d f t h grove; St. Louis Letter Carriers' Mua n d f £3 have returned home following a Irene . Maloney; Esther Ungar; The vid Green: Anna M. O'Neill; H. M. MdHent?! || °? wHiccknhv; ; Lora MdHent?! ? ^ ^ «™ ™ or or*SS,0O0.00 *SS,0O0.00 per per year year cher, the. bridegroom's mother, Mrs. F. M. Bartleson, first and Baler, first and real name unknown; tual Aid Association; Wm. H. Krenn- Jam's' nd real name unun payable monthly plus 2=» per cent of lx-weeks' trip to the Pacific real McCasIin. first and py monthly, name unknown; O. Schmiedes- Katherine B. Scanlan; Wm. D. Barry, ihg. Treas.; WlUard A.'Mason; G. F .R. 3 Mr. "and Mrs. Joe Kutcher,. L. C. Minnie Chas. W. $*jor>^m occupancy Income In « X « B k M i i Meyer: M Ch W $* Joast. While in Los Angeles, Mr. kajnp. first and real name, unknown: Jr.; Dr. A. H. Steffens, first and real Goltermann, first and real name un- known; M Mercedes Mercedes, first an<?d < reall £ ,000.00 • per annum. Kitchen Kutcher'and L. J. Kutcher. H3 Blanche M. Kelly; Pauline Ang- name unknown; Minnie Ackenhaaser; known; Adele B. Hyman; George F. Meier; M. Cherniss attended the American Bros. Hotel Company is to es)»end at name unknown; Ernest *Meyer; ^CathRyan; Gertrude A. McDefmott; Mrs. S3 uish; J . W. Gantz. first and real Helen Klingberg: Mrs. Linda R. MeyAfter a wedding trip, Mr. Kuterine Me.tz; Elizabeth C. Nichols; least ?12,000 per year in the mainteBar Association convention. They name unknown; Nellie MeHose; Mark senburg; Dulaney Playgrounds Board; Mary E. Wheeler; CarlA. Koerner; Henry cher and his bride will maketheir KlcKlas, Sr.; Kile E, Niisson; nance and unkeep of fairt property. M. Kendall; T. J. Keefe, first and real Joseph W. Rottler; Emanuel Ph. Mrs May Ruth Abraiissky; BeEttaa M. Isited the exposition in San Diego Lillie I. Park; 'Marshall' T>. Parsons; and is to pay all insurance upon &ai<l The first check-np/meetings for Koerner: TheodoreGosen: R o s e name unknown; Paul H. Koenig; Specht; Louise Speeht; Rev- Jolin J . home, In Sioux City. • Hackman; Mrs. Ella Kelly; John J. Mrs. G. E. Paydon. first and real property to protect the Paxton Hotel he workers on the Annual inter- .lso, and spent some time visiting Berthe Broyer; Henry Anzer; Isa- Glennon; Eugene A. Freund; Agnes Hennessy; Kate Kennessy-; Emma name unknown; Ufiiah Laib Paraflio- Company, except, fire unfl tornado inill bella Anzer: Thomas H. Fitspatrlck; Tackett; Amelia Wittenberg-er; Ernest in San ^Francisco. lub Council Carnival will be John Reid; Lulu Reid; Mrs. M. Irwln, Wittenberger,; August Wlttenberger; Heiligenstela; Le»nda Sell; Dr.- B. F.tnol Club; Kose Peterson; Mrs. Electa surance on the building and contents, 11 After spending the past t w o Swlsher, first and real name un- M. Peters; ^os. L. Mitchell; Missis- which latter insurance is to be paid first and "real name unknown; DoroWm. Wittenberger; Emma L. Moore; fr.ti months in New York City, Rabbi held, next week,' when detailed rethy Panhorst; Oliver A. Fabick; Wil- Chas. li. Edwards, Guardian and Cu-known; Hugh D. Robertson; Alice M. sippi Valley Tr. Co.; Mrs. Emms for by the Paxton Hotel Company. Miss Dorothy Handler of Oskaorts on the progress of the CarOut of the funds now in the oands : Mich&elis; Mrs. H. T, Moss, first anfi liam McGHUgan; Frank- Cranfield; rator'of Robt. andCTiUUneBankhearn, Robertson; Nixdorff-Krein Mfg. Co.; and Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz and oosa, Iowa, returned home fqlMary E . Lloyd; Paul Terhune; O. M.minors: Aug-ast Nollman; Emil Hart- Adella Martin; Vincent G. Wolf; Al-real name unknown; Harry F. Kie-of Omaha Safe Deposit Company. Ival projects •will be 'made by the daughter Sgooleh arrived h o m e first and real name un- man: Charlei Relnhart; Nora Liebig; vin Mohr; Joseph A. Brers; Edward haus; National City -Bank; Fred Nold; Trustee, all the- expenses of the reowing a five weeks1 visit here a t KortJohn. ommittees. • of every kind and. nature D. Jones & Co.; John April; Alberta Dr. R. S. Norris, first and real name organisation known; Mrs. C. Branieckl, first and tit thia week. are t o b e ai Si? the home of her uncle and aunt, real name unknown; Albert Guze; A. F. H. Lehman, first and real name Robinson Shannon; Sophie Eisemaai; unknown; S.' O'DcIl; ;.'•"* *yiV""lpkVi a t n ueP t!d, Including aha Sthe a f e compenAccording to E. N. Grueskin, deposit Simon, first and real name un- unknown; Harry Cox; Edward SReda; Llsette Eiseman; Barbara Fisher Ro- name unknown: Chas. OelhsnTr;, Kit-| ^ j° A -- "£_.2™ .sales on the drawing tickets :for Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyerson. SI Ferd Winkler; Maggie Winkler: EmfeCompany as Trustee, for services us. sen; Edga'- N. Fisher; Isabella. J. tie H. Oliver; August "Potthoff; ReuMrs. H. H. Robinson, first Wallace. Rosenthal, son of Mr. ;he car have" far surpassed those Numerous affairs were giv^n in known; Ha Lammers; Wtn, Hettenhausen; such Trustee, which are to be fixed Fisher; Arthur Selffert; Charles D. ben Pierson; "U'ilber E. Peter; John and real name unknown; C. D. Howand Mrs. Joe Rosenthal, will cel- i last year. Peck; Mr. J. A. Pemb&rton, first and by court and silso including attorneys ard, first and real name unknown; St. Henry Kroener; Mrs. Theresia. Sch- Bolin; Philip E. Briscoc; C. W. At',-.»••• ; her honor during her stay. maus: Lillian Boesenberg: L. J. Sehad fee? End sir other expenses incurred ebrate his Bar Mitzvah, Saturday M. Sitton. first and real name un- first and real name unknown; Mrs.Wns, first and real name unknown: real name unknown; Mrs. Catherine by said Trustee in all matters relatCommittees are working on the known; Mrs. J. P . Gould, first and Klirar;eth Robertson; Stella Trippel; Wray H. Esses, Sr.; Joim j>vora.k; PhSSlips; Peoples Brink of Troy; Mrs, ing to the Mortgage Indenture of morning, August 24, in the Adas )rogram advertising- a n d - report Jacob Roll; Harry F. Smith; Paul T. J. L. Pierce, first and real name un- Kitchen Bros, Hotel Company to the Mrs. Max Harris entertained real name unknown; Cora G. Bahr; O. J. Ferguson, first and real Roques; Yeshuren Synagogue, 7 th. and hat they are meeting with coCatherine M. Barry; KUza- known; Prudential Casualty Co.; St. Charles G. Galle; Mr. and Mrs. W. J.name unknown; Mrs. Anna Wiese; Fidelity Bank & Trust Company, fourteen children at her home last beth T. Barry; Chss. W. Parker; Louis Wall Sts. first and real names unknown; R. H. S h u m a t e , first and real Conference Preachers Aid, Trustee, above referred to, which Rtjperation.. and success on the pros- Thursday afternoon in .honor of Hynd, Laura S. Starr; Dorothy Finks; WalN. D. Paine,, first and real name un- name unknown Edna S. Doelllng; Fund; J. F . Rasmussen, first and rea! jtorneys fees are also to be determined In the afternoon, Wallace will ect list of the ad committee. known; Pearl Paine; Clara K. Stern; Mrs. Edna Klemp; Ben H. DeForest; ter Austin; Lydia. XJIbright; Emma name unknown; Chas. A. Redden; | by the court. The balance of the her daughter, Betty Lee, who entertain- a' group of his- friends Bertha. A. Burns; Mrs. Lena Fohr- Peter A- Vaeth; Mrs. A. J. Francis, Kasten; Mrs. Ada Goodman; Fred R. John Heinhart; Mrs. Katherine H.eis; money remaining in tlie hands of tlie celebrated her twelfth birthday. Eian; Miss Bertha SehuebacM F. A.first and real name unknown; Mrs. Etonley; Esther K. Peter; Herman E. Emma Iloth; Ernest A. Philmoii; Mrs. Omaha Safe Deposit Company," Trusat a party. ..••-first and real name unknown; Estelle M. Joffray; R. S. Grable, first Gebers; Catherine Thoropson; Earry Lola. Piper; Ellsworth R. Pierce; Jack tee, after paying all expenses and Among the out-of-town guests Ik-rger, 4li Louise Kronsbein; Mrs. W. C. and real name unknown; Emma Rit- Thompson; Richland Bank of Morri- B. Proost; Geo. W. Price: Herman charges above referred to shall be TALMUD TORAH SESSIONS were. Beverly Krasne of Fremont, Mrs. Setterfield, first and real name un- tenhouse; Ida Wurdemann; Mrs. Em-son, Mo.; ; Blanche Dorothy y Oraohu- Sousick;John Zuack; Harry Kadzin- disbursed pro rata among- the bondMrs. S. Gendel and daughter, d ; Rawleigh R l i h S d ;•JJJos. g T Shephsrd; S hph h s . sky; Mrs. John W.' Rouse; Kenneth holders of Kitchen Bros. Hotel Comknown; H. J. Folkenhalner, first and ma L. Nuoff; Elmer B. Powell; Har- ndro;. and Bernard Schwartz of Walthill, t% TO BE RESUMED SUNDAY Dee of Los Angeles; are real name unknown; Dan Cubbage; old Auld; Beth C. Auld; Mrs. Afiele Hanna, Curator of the Estate of Rapp; Elizabeth Remmert; Wm. pany under the- Indenture herein reH C h who were, the house guests of Mr. v i Marilyn Rose Cubbage: Mrs. Ollle Dun-can; Hemker; J. Wm. SuHentrup; Theo- George Glaflislaw, yJr.; Louise Wel- Richter, Jr.; A. R. Riselaj*, first and feretl to. • inSioux City, visiting with Mrs. George Burnett; Mayme Finnigan; hoelter; Firmin X>. 'Fusz, Jr.; Carl Is. dore Muench; Lizzie B. RIggs; Wm. real name unknown; Carolyn RobinUpon the approval of the plan of s I Gendel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I . Tajtmud Torah Classes' at Shaare and Mrs. Harris. The afternoon's Rehiholdt, Blatt; Edgar W . Meier; M. Hayes; Dr. E. B. Ward, first and Kraus; John C. Schnellr Gieorg© A. son; Eugene Roseberper; J. E. Roureorganization and refinancing by the diversions were- games, followed Melville Tod; Alice Tod; E. M. Pelke, real name unknown: Philip Kloess; Green; Elizabeth Farrell; Margaret ney. first and real name unknown; District Court of Douglas County, NeHurwitz, Dr. Gendel will arrive ion Synagogue will be resumed byrefreshments. A color scheme of first and real name unknown; T. A.Wm. Olbrlsch or Katherine Olbrisch; Dizotell; Peter Stelnheimer; Anna L. Ray Schuessler; Cietus Schenk; braska, the Omaha i^afe Deposit ComIn'jstoux City in September to join Sunday morning, August 25, after Blair, first and real name unknown; State Bank of Slater; Rev. Leo K. J. Herman, first and real name unpany is to notify sill bondholders of Stelnheimer: Dr. Walter E. Eckhardt; yellow and green was carried out. John B . Shaffer; L. L. Latham, first known: E. C. Kroibohm, first and real Dr. a three week vacation. hia f a m i l y . ' • ' • . . Paul Eckhardt; Tlieo. H. Gosen; Schloss; Helen C. Schanbacher; John the Kitchen Bros. Hotel-Company tinand real name unknown; William H. name unknown: George F. Wangelin; Adeline Hering; Harold A. Weiss; Al- Schoen; F . W. . Schwarse, first anfl der its mortgage of its readiness and Miss Lillian Romirowsky. a n d Koch; Fred Klemme; Lizzie. Klemme: Ralph J. Schmisseur; Mrs. Elizabeth bert M. Schraelzle; Mrs. Cecile Spen- real name unknown; St. Louis Uni- willingness to carry si»id plan into efdg Mr. and Mrs. Archie; Kroloff of Mr. S. Krupnick, instructors at Abe Markovitz has' returned Aug. Wesselschmidt; Harry Brown; Reubel; Christina Rithmann; B. J. cer Hunt; Nora Crimmins; S. M. Cul-versity; Mrs. S. Sapp, first and real fect, and is to iake tip nnd retire and Staples: Mabel Staples: Frank Buchert, first and real name un- bertson, first and real name unknown; name unknown; Paul Schafer; Annie cancel all bonds of Kitchen Bros. Plieonix, Arizona, and Mrs..Philip the Hebrew School,, will again be home following'" a fixe weeks Gus Ellsworth A. Murray: John M. known; Miss Dora Hill; Elizabeth Jeremiah Curtln; JHna Davis; B. H.L. Scblueter; Mrs. Theresa Schanfls; Hotel Company, and . deliver to. the '. S motor trip: through Arizona and Six: Koolish o f Los Angeles, spent in charge of the' classes. Sanford; Norma Hurter;rs Henry Hur- Healey; Walter F . Mueller: LSllie Dally, first and real name unknown; Fred W. Rengstorff; Emma Rose- holders thereof new bonds of the PaxM - Dora Stun- Kreibohm; Mrs. I. ITlbrlcht, first John Decker; John Devine; L. M. Ad-ineyer: Asnes Schmitt; Walter A. ton Hotel Company-, Voting Trust The Board of Directors of theCalifornia. He visited the exposi- ter; Minnie Frantz; Sunday visiting with' friends- in John Klelnschmidt; John real name unknown; Meta S. Wied- kinson, first and real name unknown; Schneider; Henry Schoeneman; Ben Certificates under the terms outlined Hebrew School • urge the parents tion I San Diego, and also visited kenbroeker; Sioux City, enroute to Chicago. P. Maratta; A. T. Rosegren; first and mann; Rev. Caslmlr C. Schmidt; Edward Adams; H. J. Aufderheide, Schonhoff; Mrs. Christine 'Schuck- in said application, nnd the pro rata Deloraine . Smith; Mrs. Lena share of the moneys due to each to see t h a t • their .children are in San - Francisco and Oakland real name unknown; John W. Mason; Teckel, Earickson & Co.; Georgetta first and real name unknown; Wil- man; y ; Louis ; R. boTi<?_holder as may be determined by Mr.. and Mrs. Ernest Hensick; CaroSeaJs;and James Mr. and Mrs. Carl Koenlg; B. helm Albrlsch; Myrtle Alperson; Ly-Seyb; real Shanon; name unT. Shepajrd, ,Miss Lillian Singer has return- present Sunday at t h e opening While in Oakland, he; Visited Mr line Schenk; Max Klingler; Emil Klin- Julier; E. Thomaa, first and real name un-dia Albright: Irma M. Anderson; B. known; E. W. Skaer, first and real j t h e District Court or IX>uSlas County. • '. ' Clara G. Hurter; Otto Splnden; known; I. F . Nordyke, first and real W. Appel, first and reai name un- name unknown;. H. E. Smith, first Nebraska, upon the failure of any ed from Chicago where she spent sessions;. and Mrs. Max Greenberg, former Bler; Mrs. M. Gudalo, first and real name name unknown; Hilda L. Gisi; Mrs, known; Anna Armbruster; Rev. Edw.and real • name unknown; M. W. j bondholder of Kitchen Bros. Hotel her vacation. Miss Ann Singer of residents of Council Bluffs. -••• unknown; Mrs. Anna M. Page; J. G.Henry N. Gisi: Loralne J. Schreiber; Ballesger: Berherman & Johnson; Smith, first and real name unknown; j Company to present his bonds to the Waldeck, first and real name un- Katherine D. Thomas; Ottilia Hogen- Bess Ballantyne; W. D. Batchellar, James' Stahlman; M. B. Stewart, first j Omaha Safe Deposit Company, TrusCnlcago •returned to Sioux C i t y known: Mrs. Katie Hagemann: Mel- miller; S. N. Grove, first and rea' a reel name unknown; R. M. Stubbs tee, for cancellation ana retirement if irst and real name unknown; Jacob te _, II, with her sister for a two week Habonim Loses to ville K. Carson; Dr. A. J. Eisner, name unknown; Charles F . Winters: Berghoffer; Fred L. Beck; Herman first and real name unknown: Mrs. within ninety y days y from m the date of o Miss Marian Scharf and her first and real name unknown; M. R.Elizabeth Klein; Miss Luella Clark; Bertram; Bertha Bertram; J. Bleck- Louis_ Ssevers: ^David - - , . , -^ ~,, • T, 'approval visit. approval of of•• the the plan plan of of settlement settlement E. Sims; F. TL. Sioux City Team house gue3t, Miss Betty Bookey of Thompson, first and real name un- George P . Eiswirth; Fred E. Koelling; man, first and real name unknown; Smith, ^.first and real name unknown; by th© said court, the Omaha Safe Otto E . Spinden; Henry v . Sophia K. Doemng; P, J. Sullivan, Dr. J . E. Ma.upin, first and real Mrs. E. K. Smith, first and real name Deposit Company, £t the expiration Des Moines, returned to Council known; Deemar; Jennie B. Deemar; James first and real -name unknown; Mary name unknown; Anna. C. Bramrneier; unknown;" Isaac"' Smith;" Mrs"* Cecjie j ?£_s?|?_. Eeilioi!L..!fVt^ • i Miss Lillian Shine of Lincoln Members of the Omaha Habon- Bluffs Sunday following a ten i Alice Murphy: Wm. Hohn; E. Coan; Jos. Welngart; J . C. Lovthe District Court of IXniRlae County, Minnie Breuer; J. W. Brady, first Nebraska, is visiting in Sioux City mi Club visited Sioux City Sun- day stay a t Lake Okoboji where Murphy; Esther Hohn; Miss Anita McGinnis; rlen, first and real name unknown; and real name unknown; B. S. Bridge M. Smith; Franlc Straub; Hugo V, Nebraska, showing- that it has in nil r ijettie Sunbrack; John Sulli- respects carried out the orders of the this week, with h e r aunt, Mrs, day and the baseball team of thethey were the guests of Mrs. Jack L. M. Adklnson, first and real name The World Color Printing- Co.; Eliza- first and real najne unknown: O. TvSteiner; .van; Mar-tin-M. Swehla: C. F. Taylor, unknown; P . M. Adkinson, first and beth Boehm; Chas. J. Boehm; Henry Burroughs, District Court County, B h f i d reall name tin- fi first and i ^ i a nd d ' r e a lT name"unkncwn; "wV « Mi -----: , - -uof • - r>Oii{?!as — - K?e•-, William Kantor. dub played the team of the local Marer of Omaha, who had a cot-real'name k WJ unknown; Miss Sarah Me- Gerding; M. Thatcher Shore; William known; E . vv., Busch^ first and real Thornton, first;" and real name un-) braska, and that t h e proposed plan of Miss Mary Havey;. Annie Henry Ott<s; Katie Otte; M. U Busch; Amorian Club. The local players tage there for the month. Mrs GilHgan; Fahey; Elizabeth Diehl; Lewis G. L. C. Busch; George WHtmann; ElWord has. been received of thedefeated the visitors with a score accompanied them home Dlehl; Joseph E . Dlig; Miss Jennie mer F . Otte; Louis Erohne; Mollie birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs,of 22 to 5. Before returning to Marer Berger; Mrs. Eva G. Hodgklns; Mrs. Dolier; Floy Wolfenbarger; Geo. M. a mb n David Slegelbaum of Kansas City. Omaha the guests were entertain- Miss Bookey returned to her home Martha J..; HySlnger; O. J . Herzog, Brockway; Farmers & Merchants E. C a o n , In Des Moines Monday. first and real name unknown; Mary Bank; Mamie Vogel: Richard S. Eis-known; Dr. .J. E. Cashin, first and Eobt."i!"Tay'l'orrGrace" TayiorTrrank j i1^ j S l t l M™ e i r * l!?PJ?*1 foJ". ,«», nce j te tj? n Mrs. Slegelbaum is t h e former ed by the local group. Jan© Ma this; George L. Stapleton; eman; David Elseman; I. D. Hewitt real name unknown; Mrs. Julia By- Thien; retirement within said .ninety day Rav Thompson;" FlorVnce Mrs. Ida Reller; Miss Katherine Jaen- first and real name unknown; G. N,RI-S; Veronica A. Byrne; A. J. Cannon, Thayer; Mrs. Utarion Braver of this city, daugh d J «said ^ O j Omaha T i f l h a SSafe a f JDeposit lnsit j>m Fred Mrs. Sam I1Period, M F d Thomas: Th M S 0 si first and real name unknown; Geo. pany requests +>^+ that It. vbe authorised ecke; Mrs. Elizabeth Zwicke; Miss McDavld. first and real name unThurmnn: J. L. ToM, first ft fid r e a l " " " ~~.—»-«"• Miss Betty Weltzman of Chi-Helen Meyer; Henry J. Wltte; Elsie ter of Rabbi and Mrs. M. Braver. known; Gephaxt Gawer; Charlotte Ga- Capps; Central Republic Bank ana name unknown; Robt. Taunts; Bar- to deiKisit with the Clerk of the Discago,. Illinois, left Sunday for her Trust Co.; George ChrispSn; Mrs. Antrict Court o ' BOHITIBS County, • NeHosch; Everett G. Brlnkman: Chris wer; Alvirt April; Charles H. Moore; ney Trauntner: Mrs. Georgia Turner; To Open Dramatic Studio home following a two weeks' visi H.-Gieseke; Pauleln Sleber; Margaret Miss Nellie Wagner; Ira R. Koenig: na Bowing; Martha Child; Dr. J. F .W". S. Triggr, first and real name un- braska, for the benefit of said, bond' Mrs. Ben Pill, Alice Pill and M. Merritt; Claire Dwyer; G. C. Steln- D. R. Bowes; May me Palmer Bowes i Caskey, first and real name un- known; Louis Varel; John G. Thels; holders, the requisite number of bonds Bobby Pill left last week for Du- Mrs. Leon. Marx has re-opened here at the home of her undo and heimer, first and real name unknown; Clara P . Koenig; Miss Emma Frese; known; M. J. Conroy, first end real Elmer W. .Thoelau; B. J. Thuene- of the Paxton Hotel Company. Voting : Bhs-'l Millard; Johnnie W. Reppel; Es- Louise Taylor; H. E. Stappenpeck name unknown; Dorothy Ann Cole; mann, first and real name unknown;, Trust Certificates and the pro ; „ . _fata .. liith where they will spend sev- her dramatic studio in her home aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Stein- Jay h f d id b tate of Theodore M. Hunt; Margaret first and real name unknown; Felt- Anna Coan; E. F. Clemmons & Sons; Delora Tilen; Elmer Tonsing; Hilda f share of the moneys fine said bond-1 berg. Numerous affairs were given Helen Coerver; Laura Prentice; Ther! s n e r eral weeks. E. Tolmig; Anton Maaihart; Karoline han Watson; W. S. Hunter, first and 2829 Nebraska for the fall s Lena ^ ? > Trautner; — holders, ana upon such showing being Manhart; C. L. Ulrich, first and real real nams unknown; Harry L. Fergu- esa Cope; Mrs. Effi© Copple; Myrtle Mrs. ^ A H 4 n * duly made to the District Court of Cole: Continental L!f«v Ins. Co.; John tl son and has begun registering in her honor. name unknown; Alma Klotz; J . . W, son; Ida L, McQuitty; -.Mrs. F . C.C. *]yl j Dougrias County, Nebraska, the. said Campbell; Mary Ellis Cotton; By"! Miss Nettle Oppenham of De pupils for the term. " Kendall, first and real name un- Crommerw first und real name un- roa Cosby; Albert CoIISms; Clarence Omaha Safe Deposit Company r e a Mr- and Mrs. Nathan Gilinsky known; Gertrude L. Spechtr Clara known; Albert H. Binder; J. L. Col-Daly; W. A. Denby, first and real Vaugh--.._._ Moines, Iowa, Is visiting- with .that St be discharged TrusMrs.. Marx, who attended t h e tee herein, and relieved-, ofae all Its Tillie Rengstorff; Sophie lin, first and jreal name unknown; name unknown; Hugh Davis; T. A.beth -Valerins; Mrs. Lillian Voney;- jqueste an friends In Sioux City this week. Grace Hicox Studio in Chicago, accompanied by Miss Ethel Cohen Rengstorff; duties, liabilities and responsibilities Rengstorff; Emma Weindel; Rev. Fr.Percy S. Biock; Leo Klos; Clara Hol; g John Walker: James A. Walsh; Beri d l name unin connection therewith. For further returned home Monday following Egger;.. August Hohlt; Edwin Moell- ler; Samuel T. Cooper; E. E. Clay- Day, first and real naflette Walsh; Dr. L. J. Waeers, before coming to Sioux City, hai J. Dames;; first and rea! name unknown; John and more complete details of said Re Rev. Wm. ' Ii. L. Aubel, first and real pool, first and real name unknown; known; '! Miss Pae Reider of Marshall distinguished herself here In th a ten day stay at Lake Okobijt mann; name unknown; F. F . Aubel, first and William Meier; Henry F . Huelamann; Miss Effa Bean; John A. Anflric; Ot- Wack; Iva Walden; Harry Wagelin; plan of reorganization tun:? refinancing to C. Durban; Louis J. Drexler; Miss Marie Westerberg; Mr. Elmer ."Weiss; you mre referred to the orteinal sppli1;own, Iowa, Is a guest this week past few years for her work in While there, they stayed at Man real name unknown; J . Goodman, first Susan- J . Kelly; Peter Coiner, K. R-JosepTsiue Dietrich; Mrs. Minnie Doel- Ben WeWle; J. J. 'SVintiHor, first an<a eattoii on file in the above «ntitled and real name unknown; Henry S. 86, Trustee K. c ! P . ; . Henry A, In the home of Miss Dena Baron dramatics and with the local Lit- hattan Beach. cause in the office -'of tlie .Clerk of Schmoll; T. J. Connors, first ana real PerriffUBy* Guardian sthd Curator, Es- iing^ -Rev. F . J. JDooley; Mr. and Mrs.real name unknown? Arthur Wind, the District Court of E>o«B'lB.s County. B. DrikoW, Mrs. Edna Edwards; Rev.miller; EwaW Winterman; G. WStters, name unknown; Laura ICoehler; Mrs, tate of Perrisruey Minors: Daniel J. tle Theater Group. After complet Nebraska, • tc-S'ether with with «li «li exhibits exhibits Whipple: Anthony L. Mart; Lee Donovan; F. P. Gilbert, firsf and real F.- Eggen; E. C. Eiflmsn, first and first and real name - unknown; Bertha a t t c h s th ree 1, Miss Sophie Holland of MilIng her work in Chicago, Mrs Miss Shirley Plrsch left Sunda. RHla real name unknown; R. L. EHis, first thereto. Y Yon Rre further noLa Russa; Sadie L. Juhlin; Mrs. L. B. name unknown; Fred C. Michansl; Lil-and real name unknown; Harry San- V. Wieck; Laurence "VVeggnian, ST.; •waukee, a former resident o Marx was on the stage for several for New York City, for an extend Ambruster, f;rtt and real name un- lian MichaeS; Mary A. Schauwacker; ders EHis; Thos. Elsberry; Mrs. Em-Gus Wilier; Agatha "Wolf;'Mrs. Laura. tified that the application, of applicant known; Mrs. Mary Fortel; Thomas E, E. S. Armstrongs first and real name ma DischbeJn; J. S. Diekson, first and Webdel White; A. Tavits. first arai above described, for the approval of ed visit with relatives. fSloux City, Is a guest ,£his week years. Reese: Hannah Perschbaeher; Mrs. unknown;: B«ulah J. KleppSsch; Ger- real name unknown; H.'XJ. Doelling; real name unknown; N. "\V. Yonker, 1 the sal A plats of reorpTinissation and first and real name unknown; Helen | refinancing-, _w!S! be heart before' the nsi 5i the home of Mr. and Mrs. S Rose Grond; Mrs. Neta Inskeep; Flor- trude Wolf; Robert Eike; Anna. EiHe; and • real name •unknown; Geo. Mrs, Louis H. Katelman and ence, M-Futz; A- W. Gilbert, first and George Breimbriak; John Henry Bo- first Snovsky. DoeJUng; Theo. L. Dreyer: Rev. D. p., real name unknown; W. G. Lohrum, ka; OUvSa Eckardt; Barbara Boebke; E. G. Eby; Henry J. Ebers: HeisMemorial Services children, accompanied by he first and-real name unknown; Hulda Minnie Parish; Marshall-Field & Co.;or chel -W. Ebeis; Mile F. Edwarfls; A. Wehklng; H. C. Wehkingr, first and Chas. E. Grohe; Ernestine Grohe; Chas. H. Edler; Geo. Eggers, Jr.; LouTs " A . ""Bitto; ' Richard Bockjage; Hi ?Edward Kantor departed thi mother, Mrs. S. Gross of St. Louis ka;~M"ary in "the • Court House In Omaha, Buena V. Cr»tner; Isabella J. Fisher; Emil Ellison; James Ellison; Oscsr El- Theo. M Bohr; J. HaiTy Boka; name unknown; Marie B. McEOT ^•eelt for Duluth; -where lie -wil Cantor A. Pliskin will hoi Missouri, who arrived here thi real first (m& JaK County, Nebraska. Carthy: Lawrence Pickert;- Mr. arid El!a Pettker; W. 8. Wilson, first and lison; E. A. Elchinsrer, first .and real A. Bote; A- L. B r a i n s , iirsi real name unknown; Dr. Is. • H. .Bre- OMAHA BAITS U B P O S I T COMPANX". reftl name unknown; Alex J. Boka: Mrs. Edward Glessllng; Philip W. memorial services at the Jewish 'week for a visit, are leaving toda; i^siieri& his vacation. unknown; John G. Fuchs; h a n - dell, first and rea! name unknown: j i Harry. Boka; t d w . J.. Elseahauer; name Schmidt; Casper Bruenlngr; Margaret nah Faes; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Engert; • -.. - - . ..Trustee.-. ' • m ^ ' - : ^ ^ ^ • ' • " : . . • - ° - ; V • : - • • . . Cemetery In Floyd Park Ceme- for Des Moines and Burlington Bruenlng; Mrs. V. F . Moss, first and Wm. Schifferdecker; Edward Li Heff- Rev B. H. Epprnan, first and real Dr. W. H. Breuer, first and real name nor; Clara Schiermeier; Marie H. name unknown; Rev. .O. P. Foreman, unknown; Wm. Brockmeier; Mrs.' ' i l George Singer ot-;Washington tery,- every Sunday morning a Iowa. They expect to be gonreal name unknown; Robert Hennin- Ksmper; C. Wm. Born; Ray A. Beit- hirst and real name unknown; N. W.Eiizebeth--Swicke: • .. ' . ger; Emily M. Schelp; Chas. A. KleinFRADENBUKG, WEBB, BBBSB, ' I D ^ C . ; arrived In Sioux City thii 10 o'clock during the month o about a week. Tou ana each of you are'hereby hans; E. L. Roedei-er, first and rea zel; -Ottl*>i Pearc»; .E.. C. .Henri", first F#uerbac!rvr. first and real name unT y hereby KLVTSKlCtC & KELLY, . s^id-real name unknown; Wsn. Mey«r; Elul. This is a traditional servic .-Oa; fw^eit to spend his vacation witl name 1unknown; George Feldbusch Trust; Co.; Fidelity notified that on the ISth dny of f AugAug ii I Att ''•:Jt«'iAWWBBfS*. -Mary K. Meyer; Regina known; Fidelity Ellerroan; Elda EHerman; J. L Henry. Bode; Corporation: Fire Ins. Co. %2^jparents r : Mr. and Mrs.. S for those who wish to remembe Dr. Isaac Sternhill spent Tues Henry Mrs. Lulu Birchsrd; Martha Mortgage of Chicago; M. Fltzpatrick, first and Lucas, first and real name unknown, ThJeaa; McDowellf? Kate M. Felker; Frank J. real na.Tn-3 unknown; Sirs. Goidie Forthe dead during the month pre- day and Wednesday at Lorimer Elza Hornsey; Roy A. Parker; Frank FeWman; W. Touner V. f : Fraukel; Hug. Manat; Svoboda; Katharine Bergman; Roy -R. Conn, totAdolph ceding the High Holidays. Iowa, where he conducted a Bab;Gaubaln; real name, unknown, svth:--Harry Mrs. Myrtle S. Fuller; S. S. Farrow, Philip J . SchaHen Wllmer Camroie 'Cand ' Cennf • Jsimes Ijuncan; first and real name unknown; XA.E. During the week, anyone wh Clinic, under the sponsorship o }|; Mr. Irving Goldstein o£ Ch Schaller; Martin Sweeney; Cecil© M.MaHna Duncan; T. L. Goanej,: first Smith; Katie Broc&schmtdt; Wllma and real name isnlsnown; Hilda Lit- FSsrley, first and ra&l name liBKnown; jc?.go arrived in Sioux City to join wishes the Cantor to conduct sim the Women's Club. Myerson; Arthur ? Kullman;. Mrs. tleton: William I - Schweitser: Ka- Mrs D. L. Feaster, first and real Mrs., Goldstein and children, h ilar services at the grave of the! George Luedde; Fannie Stout r D. &,ward G. 3pence: Norman Terry; Chas. nPiTW? unknown; First Xational Bnnk; Cole, first and real name unknown; F Hepp; Roy B. Clemens; Josephine Fidelity Bond anci Mortgage Co.; Fior-, Irving Cohen, son of Mr. andLillian Kaufmann; i r e visiting with. Mrs. Goldstein' departed, may call him at h i eace M. Fits; Theo. Fiorrcich; Ger- , Minetto Kaufhome for an appointment. jpiotlier, Mrs. Leah Baron. Mrs Harry Cohen, returned home mann; Mr. and Mrs. Christ Kauf- Hermes; Bea'Schr-ohoff; Oscar Dtcn!
Famffly Plans To
Society News
Carnival Check-up Meetings Planned
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