Dedicated to the Meals
EntereC aa Second Class Kail Matter on January 21, 1221. a t . • oJ'Omaha, Kebr&s&a. under the Act of March S, 1S79
ewish Scientist Aids Partially Blind
VOL. XL—NO. 29,
New York (WNS)—Close to Camden, N. J. (WNS)'—Thanks alf.a million persons In t h e to her husband's adoration of HitVaad 'Babbi To Be Honored at falted States with Ies3 than two ler, Mrs. Emile Warnke, 48-year• • .Community Affair e r cent of normal vision will have new hope for visual Tehabold German woman, was granted lita'tion, increased activity a n d a divorce from Marcus Warnke. independence through a new op- Rabbi Uri Miller, spiritual leafiMrs- "Warlike told the coiirt that ical, device, the mlcrovision spec- er of the'Taad Ha'Ihr In Omaha tacles, which Dr. "William Fein- since January, 1933, will be hon- her husband believed Hitler "had loom, research Jellotr at Colnm- ored at a community-wide testi- the right idea" a n d disappeared ia University, demonstrated for after telling her he was going to he .first time at the 14th annual join the Storm Troops and -would meeting of. the American Acadmy of Optometry. return only "when Tre got a ssan Three years ago Dr. Feinbloom like Hitler in the United States." invented a telescopic lens which Testifying that "Warnie never ided in bringing-sight to persons liked this . country, Mrs. "Warsfee with as little as two percent normal vision. said, that her spouse used to pracThe new development will aid tice the Hitler salute at home and -• i those who have less than two perihat "all we had was Hitler, morent normal vision, but who have •, noon and night." light and form preceptlon.
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tablishlng a colony in Palestine Miss Ssold'a name. A blistering attack on Jews i., , u •who go to Palestine to speculate rive T ?,.£? in land and skyrocket land values r ., h*ZX beyond the reach of. Jewish seters was made fcy Menahsm TJBHIT I'LZZ IKLICL: ishkin, president of the Jewish ;.*.-.-. Lucerne (JTA)—Dr. C n a I m National Fund. Weizmann, former president • of During the memorial Bervice } • F •> rr~—P>)".~ 1- 1 r - f tha World Zionist Organization, or Zionist leadera who died since, r v ,!-;.Or.-r ^ t •who retired from active leader- he last Congress tribute was paid ship at the 1931 congress, was o Leo Motzkln, Chaim Nachman elected congress president. ialik, Victor Jacobson, Johann * -i t r - i « ' s \ ' 1 T *• r t r v He tras opposed by the Jewish. Kremenetzky, Baron Edmond de , . „ „ —^ State Party delegates. Dr. Rosen- Rothschild, Daniel Sieff, Chief Aaronson o£ Tel Aviv, Sir bloom, speaking: for this right- Rabhi Francis Montefiore, Oscar Kohn, g group, declared-that the faction's opposition to Dr. Weizmann Heinrich York-Steiner and David •was based on the fact he stated Trietsche and Dr. Shmarya Levin. T h e uppealinsr ecrJes o t "»:2-^•in 1931 Palestine conld not be- A brief flurry of excitement el ^*"" „'i was created at the Congress when *" j three-act, plays Eivec. fcr t h e .1, •'. come a Jetrish state. 1 y^^^^'S I C, PterpTE O?"i!<1 Tl-H? nlpr- hP f-".">Mizrachi, orthodox Zionist or- Meier Grossman, leader of the j A s entirely n e w plan of Jewish •tp me-mberFjss? wil* tbe rpjl^r^: ', V ganization, refrained from "voting. Jewish State Party, entered the j Co-mMiimlty Center membersbiii, i p i - r s Dr. Weizmann "was swept into of- hall in the nniform of. a steward, garb effected by his group; I t I iDcladius a fuller pvogvtan of | " J J ^ ^ . , , o C t h e ^ ^ . j ^ v..;:-. fice by a large Laborite-Group A was pointed out that this w a s i m e m b e r s h i p nctlTities a n d priv-! r -!p^ ^ e ^...^^ip,! i r p .! o'i'--~ bloc. contrary to a decision taken at |ileges t o g e t h e r w i t h a. lower basic | C!. .CMOE 5I>' "thp p^-icp o^ tiip pp-ir-i V He -was greeted by an ovation | m e m b e r s h i p r a t e , h a s been a i ! « ! . , r i . . . *„ .^ ,-,* _, '", ' T , ;he 1933 Congress, where unias he mounted the rostrum to asnoTiuced by Paul Golfiblatt, .,«,"orms were ruled out of place at ; T h e F o r u m t f c i s v e a r p , a n p „. Women's Tourney a t j sume the duties of Ws office. Statement Made to Correct entave mrector of t h e ^ e v i s h : ' b r i n E 6 u c k o u t B t B n d l a K w o?ld ,i;, Country CMb Starts In a-report on the refugee sit- ;he Congress. This was done in Batbi Uri Miller Impression of 5. ' . _--r_-' • ' >rder to preventa conflict beTuesday uation, Dr. Weizmann declared monial dinner to be held at the lfuCLin.u.1, 'Novnian Haj-igood, Mist .loRep!.!;^ Palestine's absorption of 25,000 cause ol Jihe possibility that ReJewish Community Center on The memherEhzp r ^ T wi,.: ptFTt | ^ Q c 1 , 6 r . . v . r„..-,.,!-,,,.. ,.,,,(; -,-,.. German Jews is proof that Pal- visionists -srotild -wear their brown Tuesday, September 3. The date IHarvin Treller ' a n d Richard 1 New York-—A press dispatch ,011 October I, T i e Center ^ ^ ^ - ! Aiu^d* ACk-rr M "*1"-1*'. < i > " ' :;' : estine stands the test as a Jewish Tiniforms. The Grossman incident from was changed to one day later than Hiller will cross clubs en Sunday, : Jerusalem, stating that Hawas temporarily settled by a rul,.",£. A . ft US iberPhir annual fines has been pet | ^ y Th^'''no-!^ rVp"''r^-R« ; u' > national home. He reported as previously announced so. as to September 8, .for the golf chamdassah, the Women's Zionist Oring that the decision of t h e E t t h e l 0 W fiFIire O t ? ? P€> yeRr l chairman of the Jewish Agency's D 5 o n s h l D |! !i-icl!:Pt, ;anization of America, will grad- avoid conflict with the Labor Day pioasidp of the EigMand Country ,p*.U:iiwi.ti^ lchnsr Vlit3e"mrciferf t.bnir for tv-r Vr^ri;TJ o ? a JJJ^^ Troman or. child. Central Bureau for t h e Settle- 'rague Congress on this matter ually holiday. ! Club•^^—• '?\Ti(™i+ n n ^ T * ^r~i 11 •*• J-* 5 c f o c i is *"?rtT*j* « i —-. relinquish. Eome of its medNot only vrill this fee afford a i was not binding on Lucerne. Tl^^•^l^{>!*p ment .of German Jews. Rabbi'Miller, leaves the. follow-I Treller palled the biggest npOn the basis of present devel- cal activities In Palestine to theing day, September 4, for Jfew 'set of the'tourney when he ousted In the report, Dr: Weizmann Jewish coinxmmlty there, brought voiced confidence that Palestine opments, 1,000,000 Jewish fami- forth today an explanation a n d Orleans, La., where he will be-J Julian Milder, one up en t h e lies will be settled in Palestine in would stand the test in ever instatement of Hadassah's policy by come rabbi of the Beth Israel con- nineteenth. Milder has won the creasing measure if greater sup- the n e x t quarter of a century, Mrs. Moses P. Epstein, acting na- gregation. title for the past three years and "not at the expense of the Arabs port in given by the Jews of the dinner r-was favored to repeat this-season. Sar-Bes learne title, -with twelve tional president in the. absence of Reservations for the hut. for the creation of new op.-.- world. However, Treller started out in Cultural Activities Mrs. Edward Jacobs, who is- inmay still be made by calling the ..sad three losses. Dr- Weizmann praised highly portunities of livelihood f o r 'alestine. .Mrs. Epstein declared Jewish Community Center office, ] earnest, holding a commanding victories The. last Jewish team to win an I A. Jewish forum, lecture a n c This F.eripp, ews," it was predicated by Davthe. effect of German-Jewish imthe statement was necessary in Jackson 1366 or Mrs. A. j four-hole lead at the end of six. xnaha araatesir ball champion- j concert geries will T?e cogfectM ; ^ - ' ^ ' y - - ^ ^ ; ^ ^ ^ ' " ' ^ ^ ' ' ^ ^ migration on the building of the d Ben Gurion. order to correct the erroneous Im- kin,. Atlantic 5534. The' general | Milder then began-a strong coae- ship was the Jewish Press team Jewish national home. He pointed I back and though ha evened the of eight years ago when the team pression created by the Jerusalem public is invited to attend. out, however, that despite all efM. Burstein is chairman in j match he was unable to forge into was hurled to victory by the -wondispatch. forts the refugees' problem h a s me-n-ibers, •ffiiiie a cliarpe vri\X h;charge of arrangements. 'the lead. On the nineteenth, Trel- derful pitching of Smiling- Sammy "Expansion, not liquidation, is not yet been solved. Eiafic t o EDTi'Tnc-aibera, T The Beth Israel congregation [ ler shot a birdie to best the par Kaufman. Hadassah.'s cardinal principle in in New Orleans is the largest and j four cf Kilder's. • While the plight of the refuThe* .of the" A.' S. A. Palestine," Mrs. Epstein asserted. oldest gees is rapidly becoming, worse, in the south. It. has its own j Hiller reached the finals by de'Beginning.firstwith, curative he stated,; appeals -from-• t h e .^Tora'h.'..and.-"-Community] fitting an intimate friend, f i l l r o t ine:U'«!= JTRF ot the gynwork* snore than- a score' of years Talmud jrr Nation's- high, -commisCenter, and Rabbi Miller will also Rosen. Hiller has been Maurice Adler, Irving Taffee ana | (,'TA)—The sioner io the •various governments .New T o r i : ( W S f S ) — " T i e ago, then entering, the field of have charge of these. in the best golf of his career, and Samuel caterers—Ear old Zionist Congress decided tc ; lies. The cultural priv51egre(s if have hardly found an echo. The United States is a Christian coun- preventive medicine, and now, has won all of h i s tournament. Eooperman and Arthur Afiler, j. establish a ___. _ xo „., . In Palestine j tioneel abe-re -rill fee included it. through the proposed BothschildTesult of this failure to respond try," Alfred E. Smith t o l d the matches.handily. He has been, a! outfielders—David TTeiner, Hy- j bearing t h e naiae ot Eenriettc i ttie physical aeparinieiU a c Hadassah-University Medical Cen3rd annual meeting of t h e on the part of the governments finalist in the Highland tourneys j maa-Temin, -Jacob Temln, David | gEC 1P for rorr, orrr ?<'i.. c f Baltimore. he said, has been to overwhelm Knights of Columbus in a speech ter, taking a leading part in medthree times, but has so far been i Richards,-Max Marcus, infielders j fox young jnen from IX. u w a n ; a n sionist leader, in appreei-jsio the Central Bureau with pleas for in which he bitterly attacked Ger- ical research and teaching in the unable to annes the crows. —Jacob • Adler, - Eaymond S h a - j c t i o j , oi i.e7 ^ o r t | E Eiclnf; set- i - 1 . ana ff f * r 3>crfc under "f:: many, Russia and Mexico for their Near East, Hadassah has g o n e immigration certificates. Treller is a former Highland piro, Arthur TTeiner, with Karts j tlement of German-Jewish chil-l'SlC Xor ircmeii over IE. snC ?•£ from step to step in expansion. The report reviewed all. the war on religion. Asserting that champ, having won the title some and Cutler playing .first • b a s e j r.r.clor It, In o **!.-<: &Ten i n Palestine. The resolution''c x- pirls "Since 1830, at the express measures taten f or the settlement "Russia, Germany a n d Mexico half dozen years back. The date" when. not pitching. I for this colony was adopted unan- I words, physical dsp"",t tfpp.tMiami (WXS)—Carl T. Byoir, in Palestine of German Jews and can continue their governments mandate of Its annual convenhad to be set up to September 8 Practically the same lineup will j imously. " ' !v*iU taciud? full Center pririiprn* stated that work h a s been Te- only by the force of arms," the tions, Hadassah has been gradu- press agent a n d propagandist, because Treller will "be o u t of take the-field at-Des Koines on j ij], s-Eggestion w a s made by ! also. •whose organization was condemne former governor, in his reference ally turning over its curative stricted by limited funds. town on business. September second in an effort tOjjy ri chaiia Vs'eismann, p^esidcEU Fanifly BfenilKweMns: to Nazi persecution of ^religion work to .the Jewish community ed by t h e McCorinacli Cc In the second flight, Paul Blot- win the District A. S.-A. soft.tell j Family memberships. t,i fEi- » For Palestine Development o £ t h e congress, alter Kiss Szolfi i said that "in Germany—well, i while at. the same time expanding sional Committee to Investigate -TOWE. The boys are coached and had reported about the settlement 1 rear vail d s o be. stressed, 'Vht Lacerne (WNS-Palcor Agency) J e w ain't a man, although hi! the preventive aspects of the med- Nazi Propaganda for representing M. Cohen, 6 and 5. H managed -• ty • Advisor Stanley - F. ol cliilfiren in Palestine. Her re-;f*:5 RETniai family Renewing a proposal that he people sent the Redeemer into the ical program. Hadassah h a s al-the-German Government and disfirts made in 1D23, Dr. Arthur world. A Catholic is not a man ways held fast to the principle seminating Nazi propaganda, was meet the winner of the Manning Lrsrin,-who-was the secretarv o f j p o r t ^ a E h a i l e i i enthusiastically | Cues inc;?ific Ir.ll use or si! nVthe winning Jewash Press team at; fc7 t h e German fielejr&tes. ) ^"^ fccuitiFc, toretl'e? vri!T\ Tr.v. Buppin, chairman of the Zionist itner, although, in his veins Dow that it shall initiate and establish given a contract to do publicity, Handler-Harold Farber match. k for the-city of Miami after . The third flight h a s reached the time-of the letter's peiisaut Executive at Jerusalem, a n d a the blood of the King of Kings. institutions and develop them unsreetea K I s f IcrUiirni ?.ct1ritieP, for Ihr Upt*.-.-. D r . ^eizmzjui foremost agricultural expert, de- A- man there is one who has the til they can be taken over by the he revealed that he had severed the semi-final stage. B u d Slos- T i c t o r J'• • Szola on the platform, on the oe-1 mother cnv. rM cliitdrrn vvA?~ S~S burg will tangle with Dr.* A. manded of the Zionist Congress blocd of barbarians in him. growing Jewish community. Thus all connections with t h e German Greenberg, "while Bob Kooper that a series of holding companies day as the audience of cieleg&tee ! "The Bxpcutivp "Warning Americans to be onthe hospitals established by Ha-Government. meets up vrith Lester Simon. Federation Needs be formed in Palestine which Guard against religious persecu- dassah in Tel Aviv and Haifa are and guests gave her an ovation. ! ognisea thp necessity of jn? Byoir's disclosure resulted from Nest Tuesday the long-awaited would serve as the central financ- tion jhere, Mr. Smith declared, now largely provided for by thea city-wide protest against awaTdr Kiss Szold disclosed that K",-J3t possible for every Jewish ing agency f o r Zionist develop- "we hive -:$i duty to -perform in organized Jewish groups in these ing him the contract. Because of women's tournament will swing I C 00 pounds have b e e n asslrnefi i voms.n aitd child tc be a nsoreinto action. ment. j her to confiuct her work. She re- • ber cl tlie Center and entii.u«i«rthis country, to keep our eyes on cities. The Bame is true of thethe protest a committee consistMatches will be played i-y the Asserting that this was urgent this situation and to crush i rural - medical service in forty- ing of, Judge D. J. Heff erinan, f ported that 71S children hsve ai-| ticclly Endorsee' (lie vvopo^ni ni. to protect the highest national in- wherever it rears its ugly head." three villages. Hadassah is con-Rabbi S- M.'Machtei, H. "O. Feibel- feminine links artists every day, ' " j ready "been settled in various Pal- i making t h e t-aBir:" HiPiubfcT-BMr. and it is hoped that t h e finals ; terests of the Jewish people, Dr. An appeal.-is made to • Omaha • estiue colonies. rp.te f.s lot".- CP J'.> per yenr nvK.itJHartin H. Carmody of Grand tinuing this plan of gradual re- man and J. Louis Shoehet was ap- may be reached by Friday. Buppin. emphasized that greater Rapids, Mich., supreme knight o linquishment over a period of pointed by the city commission to Jewry for clothing by the "Jewish. . j able to all," r-sifi Mr. Gr-lciViHi.a,coordination in Palestine's econ- the K. C, in. '.'As annual report to years, only to the degree that the interrogate Mr. Byoir. "Welfare• Federation. • " • jf ; rrj« T-p ^ TrT*^<**.TJr'r^Tr / ^ • "^" : "h t"hp nevr prorrram o? wcV: omic activities was made essen- the meeting, warned that it migh Jewish -communities c a n substi. ClotMsg is •-'needed for school I isii'iu^. J.vii4i Lifklj" Salvili, *fefe> : tur&l, ecwcational Pt>.?ia! a.-:--*During t h e investigation he tial by the promise of increased De necessary to sever diplomatic tute for Hadassah in \mainten- stated that Carl Dickey, his part-! I Seek Official Protest | children, as well-ss fall and win-J P ^ ^ W F l fe W A T SFIWi*^|iY ! vlties, the ."Je^-iRh OomirnmtL*StiitBU LUUli. 1/IU1 JJlv^IiCJ, ilia i " i c . , activity in the coming years. If a relations with countries that deny ance. The growing social con* ' ' ! CP""'*^1^ •W'H] ^jifrpK-?)'>T»«<>Tv >){. -jjner, who had signed the contract Federation Minneapolis — The Minnesota ! ter garments for men asfi Tromen. i series of holding companies were the existence of God and religious sciousness of the Jewish commu- with of Labor in convention t h e German GoTerament, n t i "Wing, f L bMinnesota o r in conTentlon re' "^ formed, Dr. Buppin said, all econ liberty. nity in Palestine and its increas- was no longer associated with him F at d Red asked meet thcrs n"cl b-fc-c omic undertakings would consti j opens czl b"f>. c ^ - Ic1^--1.. ing ability to maintain fundamen- and that the contract "was ecded, the United States ovemment tojoP£~s "I K ' Tr tute a standard investment J o i tal health institutions have dic- and he • also disavowed all un.voice its official protest against - "-' the Jewish public. tated Hadassah's policy of devo- American principles. \ the Nazi persecution of minoric- c" In reviewing the economic prolution. It is not a new policy, it ties. Following this, objections to his gress of Palestine, Dr. Buppin is one with which everyone is fa- getting • the Miami contract were The resolution was adopted ESS 1said that 90 per cent of the 350, miliar, since it was initiated some Bisno. without a dissenting voice. withdrawn. After some extensive repaint- years ago and adhered to contin000 Jews are self-supporting, and added that "the pioneering period ing, repairing and refinishing, th uously. .."_!' is over. The stage of expansion Jewish Community Center gym s <• "Having done pioneer work in r *w'f r. > and consolidation is now begin was reopened Wednesday. the curative and preventive fields The entire gym Door was rening." All the Trvntzoth showed JX I t •'S1'profit in 1933 and 1934, he de-finished and is in as good a con- Hadassah is. now turning to re\ f>Pl.l* clared. Produce of Jewish planta dition E3 it was when first laid search and teaching through the I U ii.f tions is valued at §6,000,000, he The entire locker-room and show- new medical center which, it Is to build on Mt. Scopus together " T C er-rooms were repaired and prereported. with the American Jewish Physi- •Leaden skies failed to dampen [with Emil Bee!:, cl Dundee,, to Tie total number of Jews in pared for fall activity. Plans are Committee. Hadassah will the enthusiasm of the three hun- I break even at the end of. _ eigh£'industry is now 25,000, he told under way to paint and fix up the cians' more and more concentrate 11 E handball courts. the Congress. 'dred members and guests -who] teen holes with. K-odsey Bliss cf According to physical director, energies on building a n d main- made merry at the annual "High- j Happy Hcllow and Bob Fraser cf Dr. Bnppin also reported thai taining the new project. The xaeSthe 25,000 German Jews -who en-Lee Grossman, the attendance ai ical center "will be.the high mark land Fling," red-letter event on j the Country Club, Leslie Bcrkenroa-d. was chsir- linE" m« tered the country brought w i t h the swimming pool this summer in sclentilc. development toward j the Highland Country Club calenof th© committee in charge them from §30,000,000 to §40 was the largest it izas ever been which Hadassah has striven fiur- dar, -which, was. held Wednesday. A"* « Z^ .-..«— ' -* ' -V - "" in the history of the center. A- full-day's festivity was en- of the Fling, assisted Tby D a v e isarr cZ t. 000,000. the period of nearly a, quarter . $ o 1 £ Feder, J. J. Slosburg, Louis KulaDr. Ruppin's report preceded a ji featuring varied geer *n . of it ... has .been es-• t3events, . a. delicious . . . . canner. ,.__ _ kofsky, Louis Somb-erg and Harry thunderous ovation accorded * . .a. .century . . health • that institutions vc iU tablishing and -. ? " ANTI-SEMITIC DRIVE .. Cohen. Miss Henrietta Szold, veteran c 7 ins £2tertaiET3ieirt. 5w e health standards in Pal^ ' Freddy Ebener ana his crches- Nev Tc feminine Zionist leader and chairThe program started"-at soon ''BREWING IN AUSTRIAraisingestine. man of the children's department and continued with s steady par- tra furnished the msisic. — — of the Jewish Agency's Central ade-of events until the wee hours. J "Vienna CWN3) — A new antiOil? CCC* Bureau for the Settlement of Ger * * f i t r », "Winners of the golf events: j ROSEHBWM IS E1MTEB man Jews in Palestine. Speakin Semitic onslaught in Austria was Blind "bosey, Gtis A. >"niscn; j 5' f f » * Berlin — The municipal auth- high score, II. Miller; IOTT gross,] from the 'flower-wreathed TOS- foreshadowed by the Deutsehi Vfc , i t orities o: trum, Miss S-old, founder of Ha- Volkablatt when it published Rodney Blisrs; tcntli I o — cress, dassah and one of £ha oldesi bitter attack on what it calle hsve forbidden Jews to enter the DGH sct; twe^tletli lew gross. Eorace ^arcntlun wr>3 c!^:tr3 , members of the Congress, report- Jewish influence in Austria. town, it was reported here. rrcrident r * t^- prsr?n s^ctlcn cf In a two-pas© article, the pape ed that 72^3 German Jewish chilIn addition, the nurlc2?alltrj y re a. Ecntcr; fortieth low dren had already been settled ant analyzed the so-called "JeT-ifies- barred Jews from owsins laud cr(D r , A . Gror«: least:t &*& that another 450 would ha pro tion" of the country and charge renting town property. j Thorc eosiE<: clrscst cnjproixp this rrszlz at j vided for before the end of thethat though Jews represent onl The Oppcsieia smafcipaJiiy • etcli Lela: 1 Hoficer21ic?; cz-r.TC£lizzi lact year. At the clone of h . e r re-5 per cent of the population, 2,50 further fi-crcwd that relic: s r a s b l s a r r t t ; 3 Fill Altos; 4. , Ecb/He sirred c —"• t ! marks, Dr. Weizmann, president of tao 3,100 physicians anft sur- irill fee canccllsa Icr "Arjaso"i Cra^rforil; 3, C. II. CsiJ'.f Cs HcseaKsin Delivered ..zrc rf t. fi of the Congress, read a letter geons are Jews and that sjmila found sssoclatins rdtli JsTi'^-JCochraa; 7 C, K. Srciti; GK. •?In. cr'Srcrass - t the ccnc!c*e. in* T from the Beichsvertretung, rep- large percentages are found in th "Aryaas" vbo s.ra B J I oa relief! GISDII; 5, Srnxe NessHe Is rilicr of t i e Cavcrdc j "--ii. I ' resentative body of German Jew- universities, banks, schools an.' will bo punished by sot rccdvlas!i In t i c cptcial fsarccm t . Bill Cn.s v'L ry, announcing its intention of es- newspapers.j cire 3 tax respites. cir~
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"Whajt can\ be consldered^aa on of the i most, important campaign; in our community, the campaig to increase the membership fo : supporting the Jewish. Communit Center!: will soon get under wa with HARRY' TRUSTIN, popula: city commissioner, past command : er of American Legion Post num ber l,:;and past president of th B'nai ;B'rlth, as general chair man; MRS, J. J. GREENBERG one of idmaha's very active com munali: workers, is chairman o the women's dlvlalon. And SAL 3nCHKlC.K, nattily dressed, dramatist,' ; recent law graduate, wh was outstanding In the youth act ivities last year, will be. the hea of the'; youth's division in t h drive for members. •
. Omaha's city-wide Talmud Tor ah, supported by all branches o Jewry, which recently opened its fall semester, has an enrpllmen of over three hundred youngsters These youths are being taught t read • and write -Hebrew and ar learning of Jewish life and. his tory. This Institution is undoubt tdly one of the' most vital com luunal necessities a n d certalnl: deserves both the.cooperation am support of all of .us. : -
Mrs. Fred Schwartz and children, Albert ana Sheldon, of 'ChiMiss Rose Mendelson is expect- cago, left Saturday evening tor ed horse today following a three j their home folio-ring a five weeks weeks' visit in Chicago, where she ! visit here with relatives in Omawas the guest Of her uncle and; ha and Council Bluffs. While in aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Levitan. j Council Bluffs she was the house guest of her sister, Mrs. Georpe UHHiis liottrnm, - a n d when -in, Mr. O. Hocbman Is leaving toWEIXER-MARKOVITZ; visited with her .parents, Mr. p.nrt day for Chicago, IllinoSis, to be WEDDING Mrs. D. Kohn, Mrs, Schwartz was jgone for geversl days. The marriage of Miss Tillie extensively entertained d u r i n g Markovitz, daughter of Mr. BarMaurice Greene and Adolpli! her stay here, ney Markovitz of Council Bluffs, to Mr. Edward Weiner of Villis- Fchrman of Chicago spent a few The Chevra B'nsl Yisroel Soca, Iowa, son of Mr. a n d Mrs. days here this week as the guest , of their cousin, Mr. Aaron Rlchciety will hold a regular meeting William Weiner of Omaha, •will take place Sunday afternoon, Sep- i arfls, en route to Los Angeles, nest Wednesday evening, September 4, t.t eight o'clock at the syntember first, at four o'clock at California. agogue at 6IS Mynster Street. t h e Chevra B'nal Yisroel eynagogue at 618 Mynster Street. RabAmong those who attended the | bi Url Miller of Omaha will offi- Iowa State Grocers' Convention j Lawrence Kraene left Wednesciate. at Waterloo, Iowa, the early pert! day night for New York City on a Miss Dora Markovitz will be of this week were Messrs. and j buying trip. her sister's only attendant.- Mr. Mes&ames Nathan Nogg, Herman j Henry Weiner of Omaha will Meyerson, George Roffman, Joe Gotsdiner, Mas Cohn, Ssm Meyer- j serve his brother as best man. Following the ceremony, & fam- son, and Messrs. Saia Bubb, Mas! ily dinner will Be held at the M&r- Steinberg, Sam Lincoln, B e n kovitz home for members of the K l ^ and Joe Passer. two immediate families only. Miss.Markovits has been extenJ. Mendelson returned home Wednesday after spending several sively entertained prenuptially. days visiting ia St. Louig, MisThe Sisterhood of the T&laud souri. Torah will open the fall season with a regular meeting to be held Miss Mickey Guttman of Chi-, next Wednesday afternoon, Sept. cago has returned to her home | 4, at 2:30 o'clock at the Chevra following a three weeks' visit B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 61S here &t the home of Miss Pearl Mynster Street. All members are Bernstein. CABS urged to .attend. L. Marks.
NAZI-SCOOPS That was in the days when Adolf The eulogies on the grave of was. still far from the chancellor's late dowry-chaser, "Prince" chair . . . Rogers refused the inBroadening of Nazi War Agains the Alexis Mdvani, killed in an auto- vitation, telling P u t 2 I HanfGerman Jewry Has mobile accident in Spain, forgot staengi, "I'm not interested in the 111 Effects to mention • that Alexis supple- subject of house painting" . . » mentedi his.income by working as Berlin (WNS) i - Jews in tun', a special Nazi .intelligence agent SKIP IT Michael Gottlieb qt New York dreds of small - towns in German in foreign countries ^» • His comare now faced with the menace o panion, on his last ride, Baroness has established himself in London hjinger as a result of the broad- Von Thyssen, belongs "to the Ger- with the intention of making a ening of the Nazi war on Jews t man industrial family, which fi- million dollars a year Mr. include a ban on the sale of food nanced Hitler during his climb to Gottlieb's plans.are to. become the A brilliant lecturer upon beini stuffs to Jews. '' . . dictator of the bridge world In questioned as to w h y he couli . Motor tourists travelling o p o w e r . »'. Princess Catherine England and to organize a bridge elucidate upon the most intricat roads off the main line, of trave' Radziwill, submitting an article Davis. Cup tournament • . . Ormatters . to any. audiences a n i report that in virtually ever; on the Rothschilds to bur manag- chids to Westbrook Pegler for his drive his point home, stated "tha town . food stores, - drug stores ing, editor, reveals that her fam- forceful and outright appeal to he spoke, in the language of thi restaurants, cafes and hotels hav ous siries, of articles onHitlerism American sportsmen to stay away In Liberty Magazine, in 'which she audience." posted signs announcing ' tha charged; on&: o'f the German Roths- from the Berlin Olympics . . . We Now, If pacifists would do thii Jews are not welcome and tha childs with- participating In the hear that London is losing Its e L E S L I E L. BTJREENROAD very a n d" publicize thei: they will not be served. movement which. financed Hitler, thusiasm for German refugees bedark-brown haired, bespectacled views thing in words which would b< furrier and former university ath understood -they would certainly In some places storekeepers ar were read and approved by a caufee* too many of them have eslete, directed" t h e arrangement convince more people about peace making food deliveries at night i prominent member' ot the Roths- tablished themselves in the theat and movie worlds . . . Even for thb ; "Highland Fling," thi Two good quotations on this are order to avoid the ire of th child -family In inner N a z i rical Conrad Viedt is no longer BO much circles.'at Berlin PoIa^Negri, who blue ribbon day for the Highland "If the word 'Butchery' were-uni N a 2 $ s . . . _ ; . . , . . - " . !':. .. • ' • . : - • Elsewhere Jews are dependln may be a has-been, in._ this coun- in demand . . . Here's a hot one Country Club, which w a s held versally substituted for 'War/ i last Wednesday with a record at would probably be a greater In< on> food supplies sent by mai try, but seems to have enough S. . . . A confidential flash comes to tendance.! The city's only Jewish fluence for peace than any amount from Berlin, Hamburg and Mu A. for the N. S.'A.' P. officials. us that Herr Goebbels is Berlouscountry club certainly strengthens of o r g a n i z e d propaganda."—- nich but with the ever tightenin holds the spotlight She her- ly considering appointing Paul restrictions agajnst any sort o self helps to spread t L e rumor Kress, whom Mayor La Guardia the goodwill between peoples at Bruce Barton. trade with Jev& the latter fea: that Der Fueher has taken the made an . international celebrity this gala affair. Members of both "Most of the recent great wars that their food supplies 'Will b place of the late Rudolph Valen- by refusing him a masseur's lilocal a n d out-of-town country cense, as German consul general •...-... . tino In her heart elubs enjoyed a full day of frlend- have not been economic wars, but cut off. It has been in New York . . . outbreaks of collective /frenzy."— ship-buildlag activities and.were, Meanwhile it became lncreas noticed that'Herr Hitler devotes \ . much moreattention to his atgiven ail opportunity to gain an Andre Maurois; ingly clear that Dr.. Schacht's CHUTZPAH unprejudiced a c q u a Intanceshlp fight against extremist anti-Semt tire than ever before and that he We heard a story the other day Plans a r e searing completion HORACE ROSENBLUM, quiet tic actions is a one-man battle misses quite a few cabinet meetwith Omaha Jewry who .particiwhich might be entitled "The for the A. Z. A. Stag Party to be smiling young journalist, editor • pated In this affair.; without any effect. In Magdeburg ings The near future will tell Height of Chutzpah" . . . A chutz- held in the near future at the of the Sovereign Visitor, a Wood- Jews were forbidden to use t us- whether P'bla Negri will be- pinlk met MIscha Elman, the vio' During one of the many "match- manv of the World publication, trolley cars, all _ cars posting come the official or even unoffi- lin virtuoso, who was one of the home of Dr. Isaac Sternhill, local was accorded' an unusual honor cial . first lady of. Naziland . . , most famous child prodigies of his A. Z. A. sponsor. This affair is es that: were played during the signs, "Jews not wanted." open to all local Jewish boys bewhen last Monday he was elected Leni Riefenstahl, the blonde act^'Highland Fling," a dub golfer Other developments in the retween the ages of fifteen a n d time '-'Are your children muto presidency of the press section was vainly trying to get out .of entless anti-Jewish campaign in ress of questionable Aryan ances- slcal?" was the qoestion put to twenty-one years old. The comthe- rough. But all he succeeded of t h e National Fraternal Con- eluded the publication of an open try, who is said to-hold the dual Elman . . . "Oh, yes," was the mittee in charge are In doing was to disturb the terta ;re3S at its conclave in Pitts- etter by the Reich Asaociation o: jposition. of-director of Nazi film reply, "my girl Nadia plays the novel entertainment. burgh. T h i a .is. a npn-sectariah propaganda and special l a d y iirma. His antics frightened two piano, and my son Joseph plays T fraternal group of Insurance or- Maid Servants ordering its mem little bugs In the- vicinity.' bers not to serve in'Jewish house- friend of Der Fuehrer, is not go- the violin"-... "I am pleased that ranizations' publicity directors. Miss Sonla Saks, who spent the ; Aiter the. golfer's tenth futile holds; the beginning of a drive to ing-to the intrusion-of Pola Joseph plays the violin," was the swing, one of the bugs, turned to As a matter of comment of our chuttpinik. "May- past six weeks in Oakland, Caliremove foreign Jewish agents o: lying down the other and said: "Let's get up JOHNNY B O S E N B L A T T , erman film producers; an off! act this duel might develop into be one day he will grow up to be fornia, where she visited her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and on that golf ball. It's the safest speedy veteran diamondeer a n d c Ial i a n on. the further production a battle royale with Frau Goer- another Yehudi Menuhin" . . . Mrs. Max Greenberg, is expected place for us." cage stai1, recognized as one of of Richard Strauss' new opera ing, wife of the flamboyant Prushome Sunday morning. She will he leading players on Omaha's 'The Silent Woman," because its •sion premier, joining In t h e XOX-ARYAX POLICY For the past eight years Jew- andlots, unnecessarily went from ibretto was written by ..Stefan scramble for' premiere feminine It is rumored that a particular- b© accompanied back by her S5Eish ball1 teams haife participated he national Semi-pro tourney In weig; and an intensification of honors in-Hitlerland . . . ly old and fashionable, hotel In t*r, Mrs. Greeaberg, aad the l&tsmall son, Michael Lee, who In city leagues without even be- Wichita,-..Kansas, last Sunday, to he campaign against Jewish L a k e Placid, with a.traditional ter's will visit her parents, Mr. a n d J. GEORGE FREDMAN ing close to winning a champion- Cojucil Bluffs so that he might 'race ravishers." reputation. of excluding Jews—is The,opening of the annual en- now under management of a Jew Mrs. Phil Saks. ship and it remained for the bolster up the chances' ot t h e campment of the Jewish War Vet- ot reputed good Jewish backMother Chapter, A. Z. A., under Roberts team. The Roberts were erans of the United States In Sar- ground . . . The policy of the hothe managership of its head ad- articipating In the Southwestern Mrs. B. Saltzsasa left Saturatoga Springs this week reminds tel, however, remains unchanged day evening for Denver, Colorado, visor. STANLEY F. LEVIN, to bwa diamond meet a n d wired us that it was J. George Fredman and is even more Aryan than ever for a two weeks' visit. finally b r 1 n g a championship im to come to the tourney. Perof Jersey City, a past commander- before . . . Since President Roosetrophy into the Center. The al- aps the dashing train' ride af;n-chief, who~ fathered the anti- velt is expected to visit Placid eplis became champions of t h e fected his play, and the best he Miss Goldie Gilinsky returned Nazi boycott' in this country . . next month to attend the official home Ak-Sar-Ben Softball league l a s t ould do was to draw'a pair of Monday from Minneapolis, Ffedman, a lawyer -by; profession, Sunday, by: over-running their op- alks and, -even then, his team opening ceremonies of White Face Minnesota, where she spent sevis-one of those quiet, determined Mountain, we hope that, as al- erRl days visiting her brother-inponents by a score of 12 to 3. ost. .• V. "j •'".; •.;•;' ':. , ~V v..->i' personalities who will sacrifice ways, he will have the good taste and sister, Mr. aad Mre. Leo Assembly Told That America, Is everything f6r an ideal, without of selecting a hotel with a more law Blank. any ado v . . ' He^s a practical 6r- liberal policy Maccabi anlzep .'and-:if, as;;we hear, the Olympic Committee The is in a big glons ;&nd Mrs. Irving Rosenberg A group of leaders in the/PalBERNARD DEUTSCH , Jewish^Veterans"are" looking for mess . . . The officers t who went andMr.children, Alice and Murk, cf estine movement had 1 gathered to -Washington; < D. TC." (JTA) — a- new' ifational • cdmmander-inFORGES AHEAD to Palestine to take the bows and :hicago, arrived here Monday for When Bernard S. Deutsch say farewell;^^lieo; Herrmann, merica is against racial and re- chlef, he-is in our Judgment the relished in kow-towing to L o r d a visit at the home of Mre. Rosstepped from the Presidency of the Palestinian, who had been Igious persecution in Germany. most logical candidate T h e Melchett are reluctant to. clean up the American Jewish Congress production manager of the film on'gressional,1 labor arid religious ob of commander-in-chief of the the financial obligations incurred enberg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. into the Presidency of the New and who had been editing It In eaders -of this country last week fewish War Veterans is no sine- in sending the team over . . . This York Board of Aldermen there the New Yftrk studios: While the old more than 2,500 Jews, Cath-. cure at this time, so if Brother is the wrong time to give t h e were many people who were irL- luncheon was going 6n several ilics arid Protestants who met to George refuses' to serve, draft Jewish Olympics a bad ere .•. . clined to judge him_by. the rever- men were in a near-by, room nego- rotest Hitler's policies. (CopyriRht, 1935, by Seven Arts him, brother-in-arms, and,- If necberating" mass-meeting speeches tiating with Rosoff to take: over • --Feature Syndicate) issary, order him not to refuse . , , Senator Millard E. Tydings of the distribution. in a large-scale he delivered. For a time he bomMaryland declared that "in t h e barded the city with a similar way. It seemed, a far cry from States of America the pub- •ERSOXAL brand- of *' stentorian eloquence. subway digging- and bus owner- United opinion of our people stands - Governor Harold Hoffman of Threaten Abolition There was a mild suspicion that ship, but Rosoff was convinced ic ike a rock against the persecu- tfew Jersey Is going to be in the of Jewish Schools the new incumbent was no con- that the showing of the film to tions of our fellows for religious headlines during t h e month of siderable - improvement over his the maximum number of Jews nd racial eptember and the subject will be reasons." . " • Czernowitz (JTA)—The threat and Christians would be the predecessors. ••',•• special Interest to. y o u , my of. abolition hung over all minoriHe said that religious Intoler- of greatest service to ' the Jewish friends . .- . Dr. Chaim Weizman ties* schools in Bukovina this Today> however, Bernard S. nce is "a disease which must be Will-be the 31 ew president of the week as a result of the order isDeutsch has strongly entrenched people at this particular time. ought with public opinion tound- World Zioniat Organization when sued to all school inspectors In "Well, I'm with you,"' the d on truth. himself ; In the admiration of ...._.• he'Zionist Congress closes at Lu- the district demanding the comthousands of the city's liberals chunky builder said. "1 gueBS we The -job of the American peoSend a * " « i and progressives Irrespective of all got to do our share. That's a ile, he said, is to build moral op- :erne • Morris Rothenberg, be- pulsory use of the Rumanian lanparty. On every advanced econo- wonderful place out there in Pal- losition to the persecution poli- ore sailing for the Congress, told guages in all public schools. mic and! social issue he has stood estine - - they're taking in lots of ies of Hitler. "No nation can a gathering of twenty people that This decision is viewed w i t h solidly;-frequently solitarily, with our people, and we ought to do Ive: with all other nations in mor- he will definitely reject the pres- great apprehension by the Jewish to p u r relatives In th® U.S.S.R. something to let everybody know Independent Mayor Fiorello H. idency of the Zionist Organization Community here, which only ' a 1 opposition to It," he declared. Torgsin Stares. ere beated in LaGuardia. In recent w e e k s - about it." Which, on the surface Senator William H. King of of America a t t h e next conven- few weeks ago was victorious in a the larger cities cf-tlit Soviet Deutsch; has'been insisting that and' beneath the surface too, Utah warned that "in dealing ion . .'". Meyer W. Weisgal, for- sensational court case against the Unisn end carry rsrbus ds» -Columbia University give a fair seems about the most Ideally mo- with the mer Z. O. A. "cochleffel" a n d Minister of Public Worship, who Hitler regime, soft words mestic end imported erticies 1 and public hearing to six medical tivated, motion-picture concern will fail to resent theatrical producer, Is sought to abrogate the autonomy accomplish the result. ' launched in recent times. . students, who were expelled beof high qvslity. now a guest of Professor M a x of the Jewish Community. He said, "I would not hesitate to cause they were alleged to. have Reinhardt at Leopoldkronschloss, vote to rescind t h e commercial Prices compare favorably distributed circulars urging peace. LNO MORE SCRIPTS Salzburg Reinhardt, Franz with those in America Nicholas Murray Butler, Presi- Herman J. Mankiewicz used to reaty between the United States Werfel, Kurt Weill and Weisgal Abandon Anti-Semitism dent of Columbia, who hails him- write excellent motion-picture re- and Germany .if" the Hitler regime re completing final production Prague — Complete abandonself as the world's prime exponent views for the; New York Times ontinues its cruel and paganis- lans for "The Road of Promise," ment of anti-Semitism as a tenet of peace, seems to want nocoinpe- not so long ago. Whatever criti- ic course against the Jews, Cath- cheduled to open in N e w York of the Czechoslovakian Fascist titors -,- for which reason he re- ciam/he had usually revealed fun- ilics and Protestants." not later than December 15 . . party was announced here followfuses to; do anything-to aid the damental defects. The particular •Franlt Morrison,- secretary' of One of our newly-hatched imitat- ing the party's annual convention he American Federation of Lab tinjustlyr suspended students. But movie moguls whose business It rs whispers "the secret" t h a t which resulted in a split over the Bernard: Deutschj as a city offi- is to notice good picture criticism r, reported that the boycott was Samuel Margoshes, editor of .The Jewish question. • weakening -Germany, a n d should cial, has; the power to Irritate Co- in the^papers .looked favorably-on is on his way to Europe . , A minority faction which in** ' ' Day, lumbia,': which comes before' the "Mank" Borne, years ago and en- "ie continued. For the informatloa of our young, sisted that the party should concity for. tax exemptions. President ticed him away from: Times bnfrers let it be known that Drj tinue " its campaign against the j Deutsch insists that until the six Square to Hollywood. And since IRISAAWSAACSTO largoshes is vacationing in the Jews seceded when it was over;. students! .are/ squarely dealt with that time "Mank" has been turn/ ' Amtorg -Trading Corp. White Mount'ainS) trying to g e t whelmingly defeated. i Columbia University will have to ing out scripts both good and bad, 261 Fifth Ave., >\ X. RETIRE AS GOVERNOR id of his chronic hay fever . . . j rVbe regarded on! the tax rolls as a b u t m o s t l y o r i g i n a l a n d e n t e r t a i n by the way, young man, -we Patronize our advcrtlrcr--. i. private ' f Institution subject to i n g . :.; .-.• .;•.;•. ••;,;..•.: .' ••;•;•:•' - • Melbourne (WNS)-—Announce- Lnd, on't like your: sentence which •heavy taxation and not a,public - But since Metro-Goldwyn-May- ment from London that Sir Alex- ays, "President Roosevelt wasn't 'educatidhaf project privileged to er has begun to rely on Mankle- nder Gore Arkwright Hore-Ruth- he first chief executive of the exemptions. In a town like New wizc as one of its chief supports ven governor of N e w South Jnited States to rely upon Jews" SH York, where Hearst is pretty pow- in script production and adapta- Wales, has been appointed govIt's that kind of talk that erful and where the progresslye- tion, his name has;'" frequently ap- ernor-general of. Australia,- h a s ets. us Dutch not only with baiters -jgrow stronger dally, It peared prominently on creait ti- addened Australian Jewry be-' ur foes in but also with our friends tles in the films. Dr. Paul Joseph took rib 11 t]b 1 e courage on ause it means the retirement of Deutsch|s part 'to foildw through Cloebbels, the' Nazi Minister of "ir Isaac Isaacs, the present govwith his; lone stand In the inter- Enlightennient, saw many movies rnor-general, who has won the ROGERSIAXA ests of "(genuine propaganda for in Berlin and saw... that name, ove and admiration of a 11 eleOne of' the last people to talk : p e a c e . ^ p ; . " : ' - y : C • - • • - . '\ • y :: ••'.-. ••• Mankiewicz. . He made inquiries ments of th& population. 0 the late lamented Will Rogers and discovered that it wasn't PolSir Isaac, son of a poor Jewish efore he. crashed to h i s death ROSOJFif, F D ^ f DISTRIBUTOR ish and it wasn't Swedish. It be- allor, became t h e first native- as Israel Goldstein, mayor of ; Samuel Rdsof f> husky, rosy, in- longed to a Jew. And so Metro- orn . governor-general" of Aus- uneau, the capital city of Alaskaarticulate, has added a new indus- Gbldwyn'fl office in Berlin has ralia when he was named to that . Will Rogers was a very close ,'*• i. try to, ttta variegated activities of been- Informed that hereafter ost In 1930. riend of Dr. Stephen S. W i s e their films must not carry the 8ubway|j builder, steamship-line He came to the governor-gen- whom he visited every time he owneri Jbttildingvcontractor, etc.» name of that offensive person, for ralship after a brilliant judicial ame to New York' . . . Rogers etc. Lasti week- heentered into the fear it will contaminate good ecord, having served , as chief onated considerable money- to , motion-jjicture distribution game, Nazis. ' There ia no indication u&tice of Australia. ustave Hartman's Israel Orphan Sir Isaac Is now 80. . 1 • formingj& company which.will ex- whether a promise was also exsylum, although Will never adtracted that "MankV was to do hibit ' tU&: first^paiestlne. talkie, ertlsed his contributions . . . One no scripting for M-G-M. If would called; ''iirand 'p^Prdmiee."wmmm f the comments of'.Will Rogers have seemed fantastic a few years ArabKJlkd hat never saw print referred to -'.'-.•• I t waa^at ja luaeheon-at th6 As- ago, but liera is the long arm of Jerusalem — One Arab was ; tor thatjtRosoff ! took the: -Plunge. Hiilerland Teaching into :,•! this illed when a group of Arabs at- he incident when one of the best ^A••.; few'laaye^prfeviously,:! h e ' 1iad country-- and definitely affecting acked Jewish workers ploughing nown American politicians reseen: tb^i [Palestine pictured By the the lives of American citizens. n disputed land in Kfar Tabor elved 'a Nazi diplomat In pajam. . Will said: "He should have time the! jreelsliad been f u n off; tie What should stop Goebbels from ear Kfar Hatiyah, in the northmet him and greeted him with the was s i a p n g - t h e ^ e m e song afid decreeing that *n& Jew; should pro- \ rn part of Palesrine. room and 'the -dustpan in h i s -. sayingr': •itihat •;: ::.B'They^r&-: --a -^great jflueo'ftttas eshlbiled'in Germany? Two Jews were arrested. and" . . , - F W know that Will buneb.2 pfr fellcrwk''-^itQtening to It pfobably won't be long now. ..... ., : ; Rogers, while in Germany, had an •:.tne';Chai^tzim.---;^': \-x.'..•-.•'••- :-'•&:?-'•'• V .Patronize our advertisers. opportunity to meet Hitler . . . '
- .
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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST SO, 1935." The Acting High Commissioner emphasized that the school h a d benefited all of Palestine &£ spreading the doctrine of agriculturally trained stutents a n d - by making information .developed i s the school available to alL The development of the-sc!ioc] through 65 years of practical act-,. ivity-was surveyed by Dr. Kraase. principal of the institution,- who reported that more than ,3fetf students have graduated- during'the years from . this uziigue training center, and that the present graduation class consists of. 60.
P- A "KTT- t?' T ^,-
c£ X2.z
Managing-' Editor, • .The' ..Coriunonweal : We present the foil text of widespread ! w a s • the distrust of ,nce with. the spirit of the Cov-Jews Beiag. Barred .•.'" an Address delivered by George "political Catholicism" among the inant, of the League of Nations. '••• f r o m "O -Land K. Schuster, Managing Editor Protestant clergy that the phrase Even if it were broken, t h e r e of "The Commonweal," a Cath- itself must be laid at their door- would gradually be created a body Berlin <JTA)—The;-.'campaign olic tveefcly, at the Bound Table step, where the Nazis picked it of precedent upon which a less conference on "What Can We up. In 1932 there was no more orely troubled future generation to prohibit r Jews . ,trora owning liearn From Germany?" at the vigorous fulminator against Cath- might successfully base its hopes property in Germany -gained" moWilllainstown Institute of Ha- olics in government than the now for a nobler and better common mentum this week when Jews in Assemissen, Greste, and Beclsterinan Relations l a s t Monday. famous Pastor'. Niemoeller. My ife. dissen, communities in ; Llppe; Mr. Schuster's views are of spe-: own good friends among the Luwere forbidden to own land there. theran clergy of Prussia did not clal significance as coming from In Thuringia, t h e owners of one of the best Idiom* Catholic disguise their' antipathy to Dr. cinema houses in three communilay-leaders. of this country.-— Bruening. They believed t h e y ties, Apolda, Bad Berka'and'Blanwere not hostile to the Catholic THE EDITOR. kenheim, • prohibited Jews . from Church, but,in spite of that they atending the movies.' • lived in constant fear of the disFor us the puzzling and really trust of that Church. useful question 1s: Tvhy do t h « Jewish Press Advertisers merit Catholic • jpermany, for its part, -;- tliree major religious groups in your patronage.- - : ;'. Germany find • themselves in so suffered trpm. a minority complex difficult a position? No doubt a of,: of, long £standing. During t h e First Ho Be EstablMiea part of the answer must -jei Bought 187O's It ^ been necessary to Palestine £or Training in the realms of politcis, econhold the fort against the numer: of Youth omics, psychology, and metaphy- ous onslaughts which m a d e up U t me {arotpct year' tatensti.;.. . . sics.-But at least an equally large the KultuTkampf. A n d though I write UiSUftAKCTE d - ercrjr •:>*•»• criptlon , iscisdlzie LIFE, la streae, Mikveh Israel, Palestine (WNSpart can .he dng out of the, his- fifty years had passed, Catholics reliable compaSSes OKLX.'. . fctt Palcor Agency)—The first agri- talk it orer. •: " tory', of -inter-group relations, and were B t i l l on the defensive in 1 - it is^wlth this I shall deal. 1920 to 1932. They clung tena- cultural school in modern Pales- .City finance.-& Insurance "What is the.present attitude of ciously to every boon which poli- tine, founded here in 1870 by the 1403 Efcraaia &.T « S T or WA'.SIM orthodox Catholics and Lutherans tical fortune brought them, and Alliance Israelite UniverEelle of . -!. , in the Fatherland tovrard one an-far too infrequently realized that Paris for the agricultural train', " other? Never since the Refonna- this.political fortune was a side Ing of the youth, celebrated "its - tion has there" prevailed such a issue dependent upon the whims 75th anniversary here with elabspirit' of friendliness "and mutual of fate. While they courteously orate exercises, at which the prinrespect Here "are some examples respected the laws of religious cipal speaker was John Hathorn of what Catholics are saying. Dur- peace, they remained for the most Hall, Acting High Commissioner 1 ing June, the clergy of the arch- part firmly locked up in the Cen-of Palestine. Every Evesiag Festive decorations garlanded diocese of Cologne issued a col- ter stronghold and made.: few efExcept''S&nday.' '-i'; lectire response to an attack hy forts to understand or cooperate the village, which consists of with the religious life outside the 2617. dunams, which gTew up "-' Professor Boerger. They said in around the Mikveh Israel Agripart: "It is repeated again a n d Church. again in the speech that it is time The two Christian groups lived cultural School. All the speakers © ': to stop the disputes between.the in the light of historical tradition paid tribute to Charles Netter, who received the ground for the C h r i s t i a n denominations. TVe rather than of the present. The NICDUIFS CAFE •k, know of no such disputes, hut westrength of anti-Semitism inside srhool in 1869 on a 99-year lease ,-- do know of a vehement struggle both was formidable. It was gen- from the Ottoman Government at MAHEON HOTEL'; i- against both Christian Churches, erally believed that obscene the- Constantinople. ,*'' in which they h a v e to,defend aters and cabarets were Jewish |l' themselves against neopaganism. products. The glib irony which a •i% It Is this struggle which Jtroubles few metropolitan newspapers con*fe our people." On November 11, trolled by Jews permitted them•>M~ 1934, the'official organ of t h e selves to use -when discussing reiSBfe diocese of Berlin declared that ligious events or issues was bitCatholics and Protestants cherish terly resented in clerical circles, certain treasures in common. It Further proofs of Jewish perverpraised t h e Lutheran pastors sion and irreligion were found in It "who have : in these days fought the; emergence of Jewish Commua self-sacrificing battle for t h e nists. Though-intelligent men unFaith, deriving strength f r o in derstood- fully that regardless of ^ IlICKEY'"-. ..: profound religious conviction." What individuals might do, it was Catholics have,' the Journal con- preposterous to. hplS;: p Qjj the bulk of tinued, "for "spiritual reasons fol- German Jews responsible for any or VamDa lowed the struggle with great widespread moral .ill. Neverthe2 oz. bottle, 19c sympathy." I n : h i s sermons on less race prejudice had taken root "The Freedom of t h e Church," in many Lutheran hearts, and I Cardinal Faulhaber declared: "It must admit that -not a few Cathis not true that the confessional olic leaders suffered tr o m. the schools direct t h e attention ' of same disease. -'• children to the gulf between the : Today .Judaism, is fully contwo Christian Churches of Ger- scious of the struggle for. decent many and therewith educate them inter-group relations waged by in the spirit of religious conflict numerous heroic -Christians. Bu . . . The believers In the two oldin the-1930's a quite different sit confessions live in religious peace. uation^ existed. How "wa3 it posJobnsohV liquid Hatred and disruption of the na-sible that at the same time the tional solidarity do n o t spring fidelity of Jews to German cultur '",s from the differences between the al and social ends was being pro• ' Catholic a n d Protestant creeds. claimed,1 a Jewish nationalism un 5 V_ Today they are the result of the der the ; guise of ultra-Zionism Pint--S3c %^ antithesis between ' Christianity was also being fomented? Why s2- and paganism." -95c was it deemed wise so to stress v The testimonials that might besolidarity that foes could name adduced from Protestant sources every pornographic playwright or KOSHER" SALAMI; Ih. -.;, are at least equally impressive. I shoddy pamphleteer to the post • shall quote just one, from a pri- of accredited spokesman for JewKOSiffiR--WIENERS, I b . - _ . i vate letter written by a,Lutheran ry? •%•••••;•;' ••". •• . .. • > Clergyman: "After assisting. at KOSHEE DILL PICSLES, qt;..,.: It seems to me that anybody -;'' two Masses in the Catholic church', who weighs the conseriously jit, KOSHER STYLE SAUERKRAUT, '"i here (in Koenigsberg), t h i s trasts between the German yesf- dreary, rainy: Sunday morning, I terday and the German today, or ..25c: KOSHER TOMATOES, gaart am convinced that the: only salva- who reflects on t h e questions tion for Western Christian civili- which how trouble civilization as zation is the Catholic Church . . . a result of re-awakened race prejThere was hardly a dry eye in the udice, Will conclude that the majcrowded church after: the Catho- or religious groups must shoulder lic-army chaplain had preached so a goodly part of the blame for convincingly of the. unity of faith what has happened 14b. - - 29c 5 If they in the Church and charged • us to had manifested onesince. tenth of the -2 lbs.-.-'-57c .--1.9c ; love with true Christian patience desire to respect and sustain one • • all those who are attacking the another which n o w animates Faith." -MILS,al!sraBds; ™._,.4 -tall cass.25c them, the genius of Adolf Hitler And what is t h e relationship would have expended itself on inbetween the Christian faiths and terior ; decorating. The lesson is Judaism ? In hi3 Advent" Sermons not BO difficult to grasp,, and it of 1934, Cardinal Faulhaber' outf may be of considerable value to lined the point of y I e w whlcid the United; States. seems to prevail generally outside Naturally it is difficult to sugNazi circles. He Eaid that it would gest anything that might improve '. 3 siiej No. 2 .'size be futile to overlook: a number :of conditions in Germany. Certain problems arising out of raciaTdif- general. conclusions might, howferences, but declared that t h*e ever, be drawn from our collecChristian is bound not merely-to tive experience with those cqndiregard the Jew as fully entitled tions. I think it high time to reto salvation, but also to cherish alize that ~no persecution of reS Ubs, - - 27c Hebrew tradition as t h e -lunfia- ligious 'minorities by a modern 24 Lfcs. SSo ment -accepted a n d ' established state fails to affect profoundly the anew'by Christ. TVe have all been relations between that state and Sstra fasicy Elberfa -witnesses to the heroic struggle others. Might we not, therefore, Feaclies, per carried on by Protestant clerical In the hope of serving the cause and lay leaders to safeguard the of international peace as well as Market Baslist, position of the convert Jew in-the causes of personal and reliegmtl to hex. side the Christian Churches, and gious freedom, suggest that our to defend the values enshrined in government-take the initiative in the august Jewish traditions. Ger- drawing up an international man Catholics have, acted similar- agreement, similar to the Kellogg ly, as a thousand documents at- Pact,-the signers of which agTee test. to accord full spiritual liberty to Such'is the picture today. But their subjects and to permit inExtra Fancy Sslectei POTATOES, what was it five, e v e n three jured minorities to present their years ago? I think -it not incor- grievances to t h e World Court? rect to say that the final tragedy Such an agreement would seem of the Weimar Republic could not moreover to be fully in conson.have occurred if the bitterly antiCatholic bias of prominent Protestant leaders had not succeeded In poisoning many, even tha aged Slohel Specialist Field Marshal' himself. For Hufcy *Iasy Doctors genberg and his associates, the UliidScaio PhooB VWbstcr $625 social reform program o£ Bishop BusJaesa P i o u s "VTZ&stsa S4S0 iron Kettele'r and his associates in :ho Catholic hierarchy was noth- 1422 3S. 2Q& Sfc^ Omaha, 2«e2>. ing short, of "Bolshevism." So
tJ-TO.R'totlie :Eapsrs' spe'&ss impraetical'-Meinspirmg ^;' tr2i e of.' d-estraetiTe
at is ayesy-polite f .pp: tti it,, biiti t TT3 rri^lit as'•well speak
pc::tclj : of: -Obe ; plajfel £,nd impulsive'•• aequisth s of:ilie gentieg n^n. vrho tiinrnps '• iis •en t i e li?ad and err pockets:.-at..'..some
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As a ni&tier-of fact, "therie.-is :notMng i theetax
There Is nothir.g inrf^cticd-,&l>ont:It.,... J£is t t emost pf^ctiijnl plies of'pntiicTdb fb'Id It is a graft, p;are and simple, and it supports ^ "vortHess people'^liigii'fali the oilier i:prSis ^ _ p | . g r a f t . -Tlje faiki2res -of-the politicla'nslif e upon "it eveh'f o the
d t d f e t t l t i f '
• ^TJ^'c'fBeiSs ofjfcWpdHiieisns lire :upoa it. Tlis fas^MesTof ;the *frien3s. of'"tlie'-.politicians live v J ' " ' '''' '
'•'•'.THersnpporters.of r-the politieians lire.upon-it
and i!ie:faxEOies,:o£''.tlie, supporters of :tbe politi. oumsfJBB'd'tfae friends of tiie families' of-the suppprteTs.;qf"the.-'gplitiaaiis-aiid tlieir "friends': and tKeg^faTfnies^llTe n^oa it.; . . ' . ' .
I33re bigfieas"wMc&haTe little'fieas'upon tlieir backs'-to-bite '-em and the Httte'fieaVmfhlesser fieas-~and;so ad'infmitaisare notMsg; compared to->the?poMtieal-parasites and' T H E S -political 1 parasites-'and all 'the• parasites;• of • tie'PJJRASEEES!"clustered' on. the backs "of the- taxpayers tfciln&e'~thenv and bleed them and <livs
For the good cf the conn'try, he mist cleanse" Ms hide.. o£-psrasltes. . . For tBe good of tlie' country, lie must teach the voters tint ths politicians JITC living upon THEM; that the politicians are eating the substance "which should a s b for prosperity; that they ere costing'the ecniiitre millions of-dollars labor-creating industry;! ihc energies of. the nation nowadays are going to the support of useless, uiaecnstructive. Tin-creative politicians; that the politicians not only do BO i.UT
Thej have been for the roast part failures in the varieties cf activities which, they liare previously pursued, end if they bad to JTO back to work would be failures again. ' Still, the politicians fee! that they must do something to justify their cxistcDee z.vA tlieir position on the public pay roll, so they meddle and isuddle and Minder zno. hars-per and i-njt and interfere cud put burdens on "hn^teess drop monliGT Trrenclies in the inadimory of industry and plunder and blunder ana .prevent progress and prolong the depression and keep production from increasing and unemployment' from decreasing. -• AE-the time the politicians are assuring.the people that they ere doing1 all this damage in the-public interest, when they are not even tMniing -of the public interest, vtheii tliey are iMnking of nothing but the interest, of the.politicians snd the re-election of the politicians to office End the retention of the ffimiiies of the politicians and the friends of t i c politicians and the .supporters of the politicians- on the public pay rolls. SELF. The Dolitician taxes cvcrybocly but HIMSELF. * . Ko burden of taxation is aliotred to fail on his carefree shoulders.. •B Ifc ri 1^
.it-i-ivwMAJ. W
<dJ- VV <£Si- '
Jiwi. \.. W-'
~ »..S.i- i *
• • His secretaries, Ms persons! oTgMi -free. -" - •ise' the' swarms-of-political .His .business quarters are free. , •' •'increase, and -fatten: ajndVprcps^ate...-' • y ipve - thousand-^inilMoiiT dollars "• . Bis travel erpsnsss to' and fro are free. Even Ms in>s^res;to.poitidas£rep£iddi2t l i t i d i d kh krhryyesx il is free. : bj-lhe.-.taxpaTers of this coustrTrand.tMs .eiK>rAnd Ms Congressional speeches, those wimy, nH>us> increasing'-.eY^rj•;.£€&?.-.••-".••:••:" • ' wordy speeches, most of which are not even de-three -.millioB. twd;:-hiiridred-'aad.'f^tT " States,' at a cost to the TAXPAYEBB, to the useful,. productive element of the commimity, of over seven thousand dollars A BAY, number, is, increasing.; every, yes : •>!Hie parasite politician is a free talker,, a-free Over ninety thousand-ne$r' sames t?erea«ic liver and a freebooter, .--.-.lo the Federal pay rolls alcre kstyerr, asd ""iier® were-proportloncte" increases in ell the one hunEe rides free, and lie rides on the bowed -ba<3£ dred, and; seventyrfivs thousand taTz governof the-burdened taxpayer. "• ments "toTmship governments, city, gevcrnraents. State governments of'this afflicted ustics.' . "All &e junnecesss.ry gDTernra^nta c^i all the STP^erSons politicians are "dcmr.rfing and im^sing'inore and more tares en ini'istry, more a5id£xnore_taxes,oii}prcp*rty, .more and more ' aSsonprqdiictive-p'irsiiits, Eno.rjoresnd'more *~~-^-^ " I public gcaeisEY.
are the taxpayers going to do about i t t .' Senator Norris,-of Nebraska, a splendid -example of the honest, patriotic type'of politician* 'has-shown how to get rid of the parasites. .He has, hj pop tilar .referendum, created a law "which abolishes one house of the State Legisla•ture.'-
' • - " ' • • •
Mary "' The main biisiseis, and rp-parently the.only business, of most oi-tfcese .politicians Is to 'devise plans-to plunder tlie-pco-pl? cna to secure more ieep more-pcratites on ths public pay rolls, until now over tianccn-Tnc^s^nti niiilsm dollars a yesr, nscrlyxns-tiird cf itz rrlaole naEiantly mo-ontir^: cos ;s-c~ iii2iric:e~'i j, t T ermasu and constantly, is-sressirj x-or^b^rs of-useles thl*litid : Sloreover, these-iacrer;rc5'2*i crp-^scs. these increases in psredtic^cr-ths rr-Tr !*„? l??dy powill cbpii^ne uniil»tl:e.vic4irj vliw i& lbs taxpayer, sicifiss.'ani oibs. or •Lutii he jnc^rdres sence enonjit end £trSw^i self"of"tlfe"politic*** Tcm*w»> • Ail tre patient ns^-ds is a ou-conrot erpsct u s * nrariics io cr^plc fucta-t en tl
9- Q. -d«ilS>l>V
Tietizii cSof
^ ^s ciiS-cr ^stil tne
and simin riotous
'cf;:rc t o •
th?{ the no
pf evxil^. p ll fed that wber? there is no public er there - are no parasites. Jkt least three laillion of the three and a ^q ter iaillios parasites on the public pay roll lose'their-enthusiasm for public pcrriee if their jmsi; of. the. five-tliousand-iriillton-dollar paj; cheek is not -regularly f o r t h i *
-Genflemen'Of the taxpayer* protective ganis&tiom, it i s tame-lor-aetion. What.tic country needs is the diminaticm of ..all politisiaus except a lew honest wad-competeat ones. . ' . , . . . AM .if we have ©slj-tlieioBest asc! eoamet-enl ihey .willfeefew enough, 0oei ko©^"S? and uod b t
run''of the refugees Latia-Ainerica offers few opportunities unless they are prepared to be farmers. He did, though, find that scholars, scientists and technically-trained men and women among the refugees are in demand in the countries south of the Rio Grande. Exceptions to this, however, are lawyers and doctors, there being an overabundance of these everywhere. In warning against any excessive mass immigration of refugees, Inman points out that all plans for refugee colonization in South America are dependent upon the availability of substantial funds. Even though the Inrnari report is discouraging, it serves a valuable purpose in clearing up much of the cloudiness surrounding South American colonization and in deterring those Jewish groups that announce, without thorough investigation, colonization plans which are unrealizable and impractical.
Clear College of
automobile i HE GOT THE : drivers whs By O. O. DASHEB DISPENSATION . . . accidents . . . Dr. Wolfe was the . .Published every Friday at Omafefl, Nebraska, ^ They'll be telling this o n e eon of Dr. Alexander Wolfe, noted •THE JEWISH PBESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Give us help against the adver- about Prof. Gustave Klausner of dermatologist ol St. Louis, who New Brunswick, <N. J. (vTNS) sary, for vain is the help o£ man. St. Louis University for many a was secretary to Dr. Theofisr 92.00 SubEcrlptlon Price, on© year day to come . . . Alumni of the For the mouth of the wicked school—a Catholic InstitutionAdvertising rates tarnished on application. and the mouth of the deceit have wanted to have meat at their anthey opened against me, they nual get-to-gether dinner which pertmfmi, were cleared rf charges Editorial Office: BOO Brandels Theater Building. have spoken unto me with a ly- fell on a recent Friday night . . . of Nazi propaganda and anti-SemSioux City Office*-Jewish Community Center SOUTH AFRICAN JOK15 . . . ing fongue, they compassed me So it devolved upon Prof. KlausDAVID BLACKER - - BuBlnesa and Managing Editor All the way from Johannes- itism by a committee- of trustees about also with words of hatred ner as chairman of the dinner burg, via the Zionist Record, of Rutgers University w h i c h FRANK R. ACKBRMAN - • • - • • - - - - Editor in return for my love they are committee to approach the Arch- Comes this one that's worth pass- ] found no basis for the allegations RABBI URI MILLER . - . - - Contributing Editor my adversaries. bishop of the St. Louis diocese ing aibng . . . A member of the i' of Dr. Lelnhard Bergel, German FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent Well is it with the man that and ask for the dispensation . . . congregation remarked that "'pyn-[ Instructor st the women's college, dealeth graciously and lendeth The professor ssked . . . He was ANN | PILL - - " • • - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent after Ml are rather like that he was dismissed because he that ordereth his affairs rightful- told nix . . . He asked again •with motor cars. If they get petrol they; opposed the two-Nazi N i © Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street views ©ff Dr Dr. et p y; ly^ for he shall never be moved, the same response . . . But he reF J H the righteous shall be had in ever turned to ask yet again and this run smoothly." . . . To which t h e ;l F . J- Hauptmanr.. head of t h e lasting remembrance. time he pleaded so earnestly in Rev. Ephraim Levin in reported German It wasdepartment. Dr. Bergel'e accusation to have replied . . . "But motor I said in my haste all men are behalf of his Gentile confreres against the German department When a dispatch from Jerusalem recently disclosed a policy cars are often started' by cranfes" Modem Jewish history is being moulded today by delegates liars. that the Archbishop relented and which precipitated an investigaTALMUD from all parts of the world who are meeting in Switzerland for of liquidation of Hadassah clinical work in Palestine, the news gave the necessary dispensation tion by the committee. The comRabbi Jacob said, "He who has . . . .So the alumni, though it was could not help but be saddeningA Hadassah, noted the world over mittee heard 110 witnesses and the nineteenth biennial World Zionist Congress. There, on. the A iTFPGE AM) HITS "WIFE . . . decided the way of h i s future helfi 2S public hearings during a Federal Judge Merrill E. Otis for outstanding hospital work and care of unfortunates, was emfish day for them, had their meat banks of the Luzernsee, where once heroic William Tell fought for career to study and before he is\ period of three months*. The com. . . And those in the know as toof Kansas City is married to a the freedbm of Switzerland, the Jews of the world are assembled barking on a program of retrenchment, and that spelled an un- through with the course of hishow they got It had their giggle Jewish woman who" is actively <s,l- mittee's report not only gave the study he quits and becomes an afcont every import import-[ German department a clean bill fiJiated with about to fight for the freedom of Jewry. Two cardinal points stand out mistakeable backward step in Jewish progress. admirer of nature's beauty, for- . . . Incidentally, Prof. Klausnef just celebrated his sixtieth birthant Jewish organisation in the ri- of health but found that the case Consequently, yre were happy to receive a communication feits the future of his life." in that combat - - the right of the Jewish people to rebuild Palesrecently j "clearly indicates that the controday . . . He's one of the most popcinity Judge Otis Rabbi Chanina said, "He in tine as a national Jewish homeland as promised by the Balf our from Hadassah headquarters which deplores the "liquidation" •whom made the headlines in a big way jversy had its origin ir. a feeling the fear o£ sin. preceds •wis- ular members of t h e faculty when Kansas farmers threatened! of superiority v.pon the part of. story as erroneous and points out that expansion instead of Declaration, and the inviolability of equal rights for Jewish citidom, his wisdom shall endure, but which, of course, Is largely Cath- to "fix" him for his railing in the j Dr. Bergel which developed into liquidation is the Hadassah policy in Palestine. To ^juote from he in whom wisdom cosies before olic . . . zens in various countries. mortgage foreclosures . . . T h e * charge of discrimination bethe statement of Mrs. Moses P. Epstein, acting national presi- the fear of sin, his wisdom will ADD TO WHZL ROGERS Judge took the dare, came to thecause ol political reasons." What win be the ultimate conclusion of the Congress, we do not endure." section o£ the State where t h e ] Dr. Kauptmann •was cleared of dent of Hadas3ah: • Rabbi Chanina said, "He whose BIOGRAPHY . . . not know: at the present time. The combination of the Laborites charges of being aa anti-Semite "Beginning first with curative work more than a score of works exceed his wisdom, his wis- Will Rogers, the lariat.tossing, farmers were most burned up jand a Nazi propagandist by the and the Group A Zionists effected an overwhelming election of about the foreclosures, made years ago, then entering the field of preventive medicine, and dom shall endure, but he whose gum-chawin' philosopher, whose speech and went on hSs way with-j report. Dr. Bergel has appealed Dr. Chaim Weizmann to the presidency of the World Zionist Or- now, through the proposed Rothschild-Hadassah-University Med- wisdom exceeds his works, h i s death caused more real grief than out even a pebble being tossed E t j t b e committee's report to the full the passing of any notable in genganization. Always a dynamic, striking personality in Jewish life, ical Center, taking a leading part in medical research and teach- wisdom will not endure." board of trustees. Rabbi Chanina said, "He inerations, once astonished a Jew- hi:n Weizmann retired from the presidency in 1931 because of poli- ing in the Near East, Hadassah has gone from step to step in ex- whom the spirit of his fellow ish audience by addressing it in The merchants who advertise . . . He insisted t h a t it THEY SAY . . . tical differences, but it is expected that he will in the near future pansion. Since 1930, at the express mandate of its annual conven- creatures takes delight, in h i mYiddish If Dr. N&hum Goldmann had in the Jewish Press solicit your was his native tongue . . . And anthe Spirit of the All-present takes add the needed touch to Zionist endeavor and lift Zionist work to tions, Hadassah has been gradually turning over its curative work delight." nounced he had corae to t h i s been named to the presidency of jbusiness, and merit your patronthe Congress at Lucerne, wbich j heights from its present critical outlook. Rabbi Dosa said, "Morning country with a troupe of Russian he had hoped to be, most of that I age. to the Jewish community while at the same time expanding the new actors . . . Later it developed that mid-day wine, childish babEvents which darkened the Jewish horizon in many corners preventive aspects Of the medical program. Hadassah has always sleep, idea of holding a World Jewish | bling, and attending the house of Eddie Cantor's Yiddish-speaking Congress somewhere . in Europe of the globe have caused world Jewry to realize more than ever held fast to the principle that it shall initiate and establish insti- assembly of the ignorant waste a stooge had written the speech for nest year would have been forWill in Yiddish-English . . . that Palestine rebuilt is necessary to provide a haven of refuge for tutions and develop them until they can be taken over by the man's life." gotten . . . But Dr. Weismann got Rabbi Eleazer said, "He who the c a l l . . . And now, they're saythousands upon thousands of our brethren, forced to seek a new growing Jewish community. Thus the hospitals established by profanes things sacred a n d de-HE DIDVT APPROVE OF ing, Dr. Goldmann will be work- @ £*. JLt> JSTR. HEARST . . . ing overtime to get that W. J. C. home because of unbearable persecution. More than five hundred Hadassah in Tel Aviv and Haifa are now largely provided for by spises the festivals, and puts his There's quite a tale to tell going. He was, if you remember, fellow-man to shame In public ~ ates came to Lucerne, elected by approximately one and onethe organized Jewish groups in these cities. The same is true of o delegates came and makes' void the covenant of about the young reporter on the of the leading epirSts in the quarter million Jews in all parts of the world, the largest repre- the rural medical service in forty-three villages. Hadassah is con- Abraham, our father, and makes Dally Mirror who turns out col- oae The finest In carbonated beverages movement last Winter . . . onr exclusive special sentation in the history of the Zionist movement. With mass sup- tinuing this plan of gradual relinquishment over a period of years the Torah bear a meaning other umns of reading matter about the (Copyright, 1635, Jewish ' "elegraphic Agency. Inc.) than the right, such a man even United Jewish Appeal's forthcom# 4 % "Tht Perfect Mixer" port growing and the Zionist ideals more greatly needed, theonly to the degree that the Jewish communities can substitute for though knowledge of the Torah ing "Night of Stars" . . . When Try a bottle of delicious world Zionist organization is presented with an ideal opportunity Hadassah in maintenance. The growing social consciousness of the and good deeds be his, has nohe was at Brown University, he Factory Set Afire Jewish community in Palestine and its increasing ability to main- share in the future of the -world." was editor of the campus publica- Salonica — A factory owned by to forge:new Jewish history, tion . . . He wrote several biting the president of the Xantfas JewThe;delegates heard Zionist leaders voice opposition to: the tain fundamental health institutions have dictated Hadassah's editorials about Willy Hearst . . . ish Community was set afire by on sale at all (rait markets, Somehow they caught the atten- hoodlums in a renewed wave of grocery stores anfi lunch stands legislatiye council in Palestine as a project that would fix the policy of devolution. I t is not a new policy, it is one with which tion of Arthur Brisbane who sees anti-Jewish terror which broke Jews in a minority position ;Jhe "robbing" of the Jews by Great every one is familiar, since it was initiated some years ago and all, knows all and forgives much out in that city. Uarrafnctiirec! by 00* 000 . . . Brisby called the youth in and In addition, the local synagogue Britain of immigration possibilities; the danger of speculation in adhered to continuously." gave him a Job on the Winchell was defaced. Several were arrestPalestine as building on an unsound foundation; the ill-effects We are exceedingly glad to learn that Hadassah will contabloid . . . Whether or not this ed and charged with Incendiar- ISiO Ko. 20th St. WE 8043 on Palestinian trade of Japanese dumping. Demands were voiced tinue to keep its eyes ahead, instead of looking behind. The Jew.was intended as a punishment ism. suitable to the crime, the young that Trans Jordan be opened to Jewish immigration; that barter ish people have appreciated the pioneer work done in the curative AMERICA reporter is not saying . . . The rebetween Palestine and Germany cease; and that more Jewish and preventive fields of Palestine medicine. We expect just as NORTH NEW YORK HOTEL SACRI- porter referred to is Amos Landrefugees be transfered to Palestine. Among thef more significant much from Hadassah in their latest concentration upon research FICES CONVENTION RATHER man, son of Rabbi Lanfiman of THAN PERMIT DISPLAY OF New York . . . statistics presented to the Congress were: and teaching through the new medical center. SWASTIKA . . . In the final analGerman Jews have brought ?25,Q00,000 to Palestine in the ysis—It's good business. THE LATEST IS? TENNESSEE PHYSICIAN OF- CHAIN LETTERS . . . past two years. FERS TURKEY AS PRIZE TO Jeremiah T. Mahoney, presiIllustrating land speculation: 48,000 dunams of land have ANYONE "WHO CAN FIND REF- dent of the Amateur Athletic The sentiment against the Nazis in Germany continues to ERENCE TO JEWS AS CHOSEN Union, who Is convinced t h a t passed from Jews to Jews in the past year. • mount into an ever-growing pyramid. As the Hitler regime tight- PEOPLE IN BIBLE That'll America should not participate in Palestine has 180 agricultural settlements occupying 1,300,- ens its strangle-hold on Jews, Catholics, war veterans, and liber- be an extra Thanksgiving Day this the Olympics and -will use his influence to that end at the Decem000 .dunams with 70,000 population including 40,000 agricultural als, more and more frosty becomes the opinion of the world.year. OF CANADIAN NA- ber convention of the association, DATE w o r k e r s * • ' " • ' " : '•"•. • ' '.• ', ' ' ' • \ • '• • As an example of what is occurring in this country, last week TIONAL ELECTION ADVANCED is being flooded with letters these Jewish population of Palestine to date is 350,000 comprising in Albany and Minneapolis American Federation of Labor groups TO AVOID CONFLICT W I T H days . . . The letters are of the YOM KIPPUR . . Good politics. genus known as chain . . . They twenty-six per cent of the total population. denounced Hitlerism and pledged support to the boycott. In Wash- GOVERNOR LEHMAN B E - urge the Judge to do his best to With the reports out of the way, general debates are on the ington, a mass meeting was held, at which Senators, Representa- COMES FULL-FLEDGED MEM- see that the Olympics, if they're OF JEWISH WAR VETER- held In Berlin, are minus the schedule, and before the congress is adjourned, many will be the tives and religious leaders' expressed horror at Nad persecutions. BER ANS. . . . This means tho Gover- Star Spangled Banner squad . . . heated controversies on every aspect of Zionistic work. If-the Throughout the country similar indignation meetings are being nor's approval of t h e anti-Nazi The letter was started by a group Congress does not stop with talk, but, lets the talk be a prelude to held. boycott. of Protestants Perhaps it J E W S FIGHT might better have been addressed COLORADO constructive action, then will it have proved its worthiness. Meanwhile, the Nazi organizations in this country are con- PASSION P L A Y PRESENTA- to Avery Brundage, president of tinuing their offensive of venom. At Yaphank, L. L, five thousand TION AT STATE UNIVERSITY the American Olympic Commiti . A correct attitude. Passion tee, who ieemg to be dead certain German-Americans foregathered to eat, drink, make merry, and plays arouse passions. that the world Is being misled on v Aii inkling as to the trend of the world Zionist organization's watch their storm troopers parade and hear officers of the Friends NEW JERSEY COLLEGE FOR the subject of Naxl discrimination WOMEN CLEARED OF CHARG- against Jewish athletes . . . workitt the near future may be gleaned from an interview granted of New Germany, urge a boycott against Jewish business. OF NAZI PROPAGANDA . . . by Drj; Chaim Weizmann, restored to the presidency of the world ^ T h e sooner this xountry gets rid of such bigoted, un-Ameri- ES Cleared yes—but not cleaned. VISITORS, PAST, PRESENT EUROP.E group at the nineteenth Congress. can parasites, the better off the nation will be. • AND FUTURE . . . J E W ARRESTED IN GEROne of Detroit's b e s t According to Weizmann, three things are needed for the reMANY FOR SELLING STREICH- publicity gals breezed into town building of the Jewish National Home - - - people, land and money. ER'S ANTI-SEMITIC SHEET . . . recently to have a lookBee at how Serves him right. He should be New York's social welfare agenWe have more than enough people who want to. enter Palestine, *Rosh Chodesh Elul _. -...— ... -...Fri, Aug. 8 electrocuted. cies operate during t h e it's-notpeoplelwho beg for a visa. As regards land, the'Jewish National M A N D A T E S . COMMISSION the-heat-it's-the-humidity days . . . 5696 — 1935 Fund :ia doing monumental work in acquiring Palestinian soil JAPANESE DUMPING IN Gertrude Sarashon, who publi„, Sat., Sept 28 RAPS kosh Hashonah, 1st day .. ...~ PALESTINE . . . Japan acts with- cizes the activities of the Detroit which;becomes the perpetual, property of the Jewish people. But .......Sun., Sept. 29 in the law. Rosh Hashonah, 2nd day ,.J.....~_.....~_ Jewish Welfare Federation, rethis is not sufficient to care for the thousands who seek to im,«Mon., Sept. 30 NINE JEWS NAMED CANDI- turned to Fordtown with a lot of Fast of Gedaliah ..„..............._,.««>.......... FOR POLISH PARLIA- ne"w ideas migrate to Palestine. Weizmann openly voices the hope that addiLouis B. Green...Mon., Oct. 7 DATES Yom Kippur ............ !•*»*•••«#••**«•• MENT . . . But they are hand- berg, formerly associate* editor of tional5 [land may be found in Transjordania, which neighbors Pal- Succoth, 1st day ..... -...Sat, Oct. 12 picked by the political bosses. the Kansas City Chronicle, is now estine^ Though admitting this possibility may not exist politically, Succoth, 2nd day „. _.Sun., Oct 13 AUSTRIA BANS ALL SPORT- in New York which he will make MEETS WITH GERMANY his permanent home . . . He's enhe strongly urges that it does exist economically. At the present Hosha'ana Habba ~ _...Fii, Oct 18ING . . . That opens the way for other tering social service work . . . time Jewish immigration into Transjordan, which was cut off from Shemini Atseret .....Sat., Oct. 19 countries. George Latham, chairman of the Palestine by the British Government in 1922, is discouraged, Simchat Torah .._j . .Sun., Oct 20 C Z E C H FASCISTS D R O P British Non-Seeretarian Anti-N&si FROM PARTY Council, will visit this country and it is to be hoped that the new Zionist administration will be "Rosh Hodesh Heshvan .Mon., Oct 28ANTI-SEMITISM PROGRAM Just a temporary September 9 . . . Ke'g a charming able to bring enough pressure or persuasion to bear to change this Rosh Hodeah Kislev .... .Wed., Nov. 27 move to silence the opposition. fellow, take it from G. E. Harrisaaa, executive secretary of the unfavorable situation. . AUSTRALIA ' Sat, Dec 21 Chanukah, 1st day SIR ISAAC ISAACS RETIRES Non-Secretarian Anti-Nazi League The third point on Weizmann's list of needs is money. His Rosh Hodesh Tebet ............. ........................ -Fri., Dec 27AS GOVERNOR GENERAL OF suggestion in this regards is worthy of deep consideration. He He'll remain in AUSTRALIA expresses the opinion that the time is now ripe to float an inter- ' NOTE-r-Holidays begin in the evening preceding the dates history as the first and only Gov- A FEW QUERIES . . . Why . didn't Dr. Samuel Marernor.national loan for $25,000,000, opining that such a loan is nowdesignated. goshes, editor of the Day, go oa *Ros hChodesh also observed previous day. PRIME MINISTER H I N T S practicable to accelerate Jewish rebuilding in Palestine. Sound his more or less annual jaunt to COMMONWEALTH M A Y REEurope this year? . . . Maybe, lie banks' have recently shown their faith in the upbuilding of PalOPEN DOORS TO IMMIGRATION Country Club tourney were: Sam heard that there was going to be . . . There's plenty of room-—way estine through Jewish initiative and labor by floating several Wcrtheimer v. H. Wertheimer; . . Sires f fe 1§ a: World Zionist Congress there not? Jarohm Heyn v. Bill Yousem; Dr. loans; to municipalities, at a low rate of interest While the rest this year . . . . Or maybe lie figAFRICA • ; Fifteen hundred Omaha., Jews B. Friedman v. Ben Handler; Sam Boys* newest sport models featuring that t h e White'Mountains of the world suffered the distress of depression, Palestine re- witnessed the laying of the cor- Leon v. Harry Malashock; and J. JEW, MISSING FROM PO- ured would be . more kind to Ms. Say Double-Breasted Sport Back, Single- 1 for the Jewish Commu- H. Kulakofsky -v. Henry Monsky. LAND FOR DECADE, FOUND maintjd a prosperity spot. It has proven its possibilities and with ner-stone Wonder why Samuel SERVING AS OFFICER IN BTH- fsver Breasted S p o r t . . . New Fancy Blue, nity Center. Be prepared TJaterayer didn't get tk&t attdiIOPIAN ARMY proper, leadership and material resources, the potentialities of Dark. Brown, Navy, Oxford, Grey, Omaha Jewry were being urged for the discovery of aa ence with, the Pope? . . . Or Bi&yPalestine are limitless. Nathan E. Green, director of to pay their subscriptions to the : Tan at $16.50. ,\ ba he••did and the eatire press the Monjfs Levy Camp for boys, Jewish Community Center build- jewisH.-general. (Copyright, 1935. by Seven Arts muffed it . . . • ' reported t h e . splendid aid t h eIng BO as to provide funds f o r Feature syndicate) Other Two Long Psnts School Suits camp has been to the undernour- continuing work on the construcT .. • $12,50 to $l$,$0 O1S ACCIDENTS WHILE ished youths attending it. tion of tho Center. The hopes of many Jewish leaders that South America would Citni* Cr©p Higte DRIVING' • . . ' i©YS8 NIW PALL TWObe ts. haven for large numbers of refugees was blasted by the dis- .Cantor Rosenblatt was playing Three" hundred pupils o ! t h e • Jerusalem"-— This year's citrus Shortly before Dr. W. Beran week's engagement at thQ World c i t y Talmud Torah returned to crop Is expected to be S»500,000 Wolfe, brilliant young psychiatrist -KNICKER SCHOOL SPITS appointing report of Dr. Samuel Guy Inman, who, as assistant atheatre. boxes of oraages aafi 1,500,000 wbo met his ec-ath recently la an regular classes on August Z, after boxes of grapefruit, according to autcaioMls scoi-isct i s Europe, to Refugee Commissioner McDonald, made an 18,000 mile tour of a two week vacation. • •' • a l jrcat sferoaS tteera appeared over ©f• t" i ePPalMiss Bernice Polonsky became Sixteen countries in South and Central America in order to study an official eJjtisn&is Other Tm> Knicker Suits $12J0 to $t$J0 "kis signature an article k t h e govern neat. engaged to Max Megeth. possibilities for German Jewish refugees in those vIands. Red Boofe Magazine listing ten or Is narkedly This year's crop Mention the Jewish Press to twelve different types ®t sesrctlc Dr. Inman states without equivocation t h a t for the general' gemi-finaiists i& the Highland your merchant. - •'•••••.•'.,. ",-.-•..• larger thaa l&st year's.
Expansion, Not Liquidation
Sentiment-, Grows
SO, 1SB5.
Formal .Dinner-] mce at HBgMand •
«n Ue rfcimes jear Natur
Mrs.. Leo Fox was tie dinner of the electric clock a n d book case drawing held at the picnic fc3e5.iuu.ciy <© of the Pioneer Women, at ElniAn expectant throng of 125 are [ Mas Riekes of Des Koines; C. S. •wood Part, Sunday, August £5. anticipating a. gala -week end of Baron, Rabbi Jolt, and. David A successful social season at to w dp fun and. frivolity, w h e n Sigma Wohlner of New York CSty; Hen- A large crowd attended this Suc- the Highland Country Clr.b will I (lieNorn Levin cessful affair, \rnieh. is annually Oiaicron of Sigma Alpha' Ma ry Rowan, Max Glazer, L»eo Beisbe climaxed tomorrow evening, Grnrr- Levin, vlic recently stages its seventh annual P a l l piel, Jerome and Louis Diamond sponsored by tlie organization. August SI, with a formal ciinner i H! IIPT pfpitioin. with P Round-up in Omaha over the of Chicago; Abner Sadoff and j ' dsnee. ; is JIOTJ; jVIip' CrTP.rjp B Labor. Day: holiday. The Round- Louis Goldstone of Los Angeles;- weeny s.t Casting-director Rufus Special decorations end enter- ; lie- pnrop to i. Ii p *i up has gained nationwide atten- Phineas Dubrow, Jules Mosow, LeMaire's house will be named t fes.tiires are being plen- ! p * T>r o'rsr- ion r-1 F.FITIPK. tion in fraternity circles, and Fred Sherman, Mas Rosenthal, George after Rufns' committee in c.hvrpe, i Li&ireu young dramany members from all parts of and Gerald Cohn of Sioux City; brother. Eddie Cantor should headed the" by Leslie Surkenrcnri. j malic and daiiccr lies LUNCHEON AND BRIDGE expected to atJackie Ross of Buffalo, N. Y.; COHEN-TESSLER WEDDING aci"s:really postpone his visits to the the country are Austin Bevans' Royal High- j Eijrned a cont •Re! to appear <u*er Miss Shirley Tessler, daughter Mrs. Louis London of Council Louis Finklestein, Hynian Rosen-' hospital, for he's keeping Ted landers will furnish t h e music, j tend. radio stations KFATv. KF011, Mid of Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Tessler, Bluffs entertained twenty-f o u r The festivities are to be cli- berg, David Rosenberg, Irving Lewis in stitches , . . b u t the There "rill be a floor shew as veil j|1VOVv in tlio the Omar Baldng oom•will be married to Nathan Cohen, guests at luncheon arid bridge at Hill, Aaron Finglestein, P a u l maxed by a huge dinner, dance at wrong kind" Aline McMahcn, the as novelties. Reservation? m v. y pany dai y skits. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cohen, the Hotel Paxton, Saturday, AuMarx, and Jacob Finklestein • of the Hotel Paxton, Sunday, SepYiddish-Irish, coleen, will have a j still be made by callisg the KighOther members of the family Sunday, .September 1, at- a home gust 24, in honor of her daughter, tember 1, at which time Arlie Lincoln; Leo Hill of Salina, Kan- choice part in "Ah, TCHderness." land, have bec ome lainvn under ppetisas; W. Z. Lerner, Iz Mlnkin, and ceremony at 3:30. Only the im- Edith, of Los Angeles, Calif., who Dunn and his Kentucky Blues 1 Harry Ruby, write.r of popular | clonymp, Misf. Prim? Levin, moi * mediate families .will attend. The is visiting here. Miss London was will furnish the music. 'The pro- Ed Harris of Kansas City; Milton ditties, entertains his guests with the Mark Hopkins Hotel si:-. Ladles couple will make their liome in presented "with, a beautiful ante^ gram also includes an informal Berkowitz, Irving Zveitel, and phonograph recordings cf symFiT.r>.eisco, if. knovi-n OF MISB lope brown bag and -matching The regular monthly:rr meting Sioux City. dancing party at one of the city's Karl Braverman o£ Grand Island; j phonies and tee classics. Director Leonard. Miss Leonard also gloves by her mother. This-weekthe Ladies ; Ka night dubs, on Saturday night, a auxiliary Eddie Rosen and Sid Daskcvsky Earl Freund's colored chauffeur V jre« in vp(7iio vork. horo, beend Miss London will visit friends BAR MITZVAH smoker on Sunday afternoon, and of Minneapolis; Arnold Levine cf from Abvssiiiia speaks Italian and ] Congregation of Israel winc i ing: vitji TV.AATT p,)ip ip JIOV <io» scheduled for Monday, Ser Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fogel will in Des Moines. , an outing on. Labor Day. tembei Rosalie; and Sain Fleishman of Yiddish June Travis i 2, has been postponed to ! ins; publicity v o k for the IMavk t>3 at home, Sunday, September 1, The Round-up furnished an op- St. Joe. PS (nee Grabiner), daughter I Hopkins f.P vrell fs editing their September 9. from 7 to 10 o'clock in honor of WICES RETURN portunity for all members to con- . The committee in charge of af- Chicago baseball manager, will j house pppor, the Bar Mitzvah of their grandRabbi and Mrs. David H. Wice vene, rounding out the summer's fairs includes Alfred A. Fiedler, make her first screen appearance Iii B Baxter, !• c former son, Harold Marsh. No cards have are now at their apartment in the activities and opening the school Henry G. Chait, Harry B. Cohen, in "Si, Si, Senorita." The Norman | Bee been issued. All friends and rela- Blackstone, having recently reyear,' fore-running the return of William Flax, David Goldware, Taurogs have rented the late Lilknown here for her work over tives are cordially invited. turned from their vacation. Rabbi th© active chapter to school at and Jack G. Epstein. The Round- van Tashr aii's beach house . . . She is nov: with KST.P Sc Mrs. Max Leon,'mother of the Wica atended the Central Conferthe University of Nebraska cam- up is put on jointly by the active the color scheme of t h e entire boy, a n d Mrs. Irving Cassman, ence of American Rabbis in Chipus. Among the out-of-towners chapter and t h e Omaha Alumni house is red and white. Lillian both of Chicago, are coming here cago, expected are: Carl Sokoloff and Club. v uua Levin. t 1* f " p Roth and hubby, Judge B e n ] Albany, N. Y. (YTXS)—A hint for the occasion. Schallek, were seen lunching at that the American Federation of COP." v-,Tts known r t h e v-'VP COMMITTEE MEETINGS th© Brown Derby. If preview no- Labor would support Governor ring several year •ipc P.E "Duke ENTERTATN'S AT A TEA Members of Mrs. 'David Cohen's tices mean anything, Sid Silvers Lehman for any higher public oi- Levinsky,'" filleged younger broth—Rlnehart-llarsden Photo. Mrs. John Faier entertained a i d Mrs. Louis Lipp's memberis a big "sockcess" in pictures. Ice he may seek w a s given by ev of the cpieliraied "Kini Miss Annette Fogel forty guests at. a beautifully ap- ship committee of the Council of Dinky Dean Riesner, who used to Tv'illiam Green, president of the BUG v;as claimant to the nv. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fogel anpointed tea at her new home at Jewish "Women met Wednesday at be a child actor, will play a bit A. F. ol L., when lie told the an- J e V i g Ii hesvywcie'ii wrestiing B074 Jackson street, Sunday, Au- the home of Mrs. Lipp for a re- nounce the engagement of their part in his father's movie. The nual convention of the New York chatupionship. Hollywood—Business is busi- tion is his island in the middle of father, Director Chuck Riesner, is | State Federation of Labor that "I gust 25, in honor of her.sister, port on the -membership drive daughter, Annette, to S a m Epstein, son of Mr. Henry Epstein. ness! Latest edict from Naziland a V?rmont Lake. Mrs. Mollia Madison of Denver, conducted during the summer. this month celebrating twenty- j venture to predict that Governor Patronize our advertisers. A meeting of the year b o o k The formal announcement w a s is that imported pictures in which five years behind the megaphone. ! Lehman "will be called xivon to Colo. Mrs. Madison has been exi serve his country in a big^T r.r.' Pity Abe Lyman, the bandnian! Previous to this career he was a entertained -while here. committee was held Monday at made at a reception at which in- Jews have . participated (acting, "V tensively j broader vray, and when t. 11 (;'". She plans to return home Labor the home .of"Mrs.-Manuel Grodin- dividual ice cream molds carried writing, or directing) will be per- He is receiving all sorts of un- vaufie actor. r'.v TOXJ I comes let it be this year <^- r ".' sky, president. A crew of work- an engagement ring emblem. The mitted in Germany. Argument for welcome mail which belongs to I Day. •' • \ ers are selling ads for the year table center-piece was of pink and this sudden turn is that the Aryan Abe Lyman, a radio announcer. Most amazing separation of the ihe will ind the hosts cf t i * ? question is "purely" an internal And when he requested the latter season is Joan Blondell minusing united behind him in full book this week under the direc- white roses. ANNOUNCE BIRTH : MOCK'S No definite date has been set problem and shouldn't interfere to change his monicker and avoid George Barnes . . after all that cf support." Mr. and Mrs. Manny Green of tion of Mrs. B. A. Simon and Mrs. Although Sir. Green refused I r with the international film busi- confusion, he found out that the billing and cooing for the wedding. Boston, announce the birth of a William Racusin. amplify his remark, politicrl c:"ness. air-wave orator was born t h a t daughter, August 20. Mr. Green that the l&hcv cLit-iway . . . whereas he, of the baton, IN CINCINNATI * r: Is a former Omahan and is widely HONORS VISITOR A writer, newcomer to t h e cles surmised was booming t h e Govc-r,— Miss Adele Wilinsky Is filling Mrs. Julius Schneider enterWanted a Job in the movies by was only Abe Simon at birth! • known here. screamie-scene, was having his tain tained at a luncheon and bridge a vacancy with. the Union of Halley Chester, sixteen-year-o 1 d first taste of literature "as she for the United States Senate. .\ '>.A certain very temperamental is wrote" oat Hollywoodway. His ed whether his statement cci. .1 party Monday for eight guests at American Hebrew Congregations New Yorker. This youngster acted BOARD MEETING be constrtied to mean thri '•; ov The first board meeting of the the King Fong in honor of. Miss in Cincinnati and is serving in the on the Yiddish stage f o r eight actor was invited to a banquet in supervisor instructed him, "What believe Governor Lefcmar. i" r *Vivian Glick of Milwaukee who is capacity of business manager ^of years of his short life! Now he's his honor. „ .The appointed night we need is a smash ending . . . Beth-El auxiliary will be held •i day be a candidate fo~ ^ T C Wednesday, September 11, at 2 visiting her cousin, Mr. N. Mar- Young Israel, a magazine pub- seeking a "break" in Hollywood. arrived . .'. the nost ordered ev- write that . . . you can get the some ident," Mr. Green replied, ' J E-C° lished by them. t h e story later!" p. m. at the J. C. C. All members tin and family. erything of the finest a lot of things." guests appeared, but not the actare urged- to attend. Plans will Cinematown will be a quiet or . . .They waited and waited r . . VISITING RELATIVES be completed for the first general RETUBNS TO LONG ISLAND Ean Hoffesstein, playwrigMplace next week when the Three finally -sat down without him. Mrs. Louis Appet of Winfield, Mrs. Henry Horwich of Chi- Mischieveers leave town meeting to be held, Wednesday, poet, puzzles strangers with his [URGEMORE EESPQKSIBIU Chico Long- Island, returned to h e r cago, Mrs. Henry I. Marx of Al- accompanies his daughter, Max- Next day the host called to ask if Irish-accent, but a friend fixed it September 18, at the J. C. C. London (WKE)- •Increasea re Increas home after spending a week here exandria, Louisiana, and Mrs. ine, eastward to begin her musi- he had forgotten, the invitation. all right. Hoffenstein, he" explainthe League ol Na-| with relatives and friends. Dade Stine of Hollywood, Florida, cal and dramatic education. Grou- He answered No. Was he sick? ed, had kissed the Blarney Stein! sponsibility tions lor refugees is demanded by ] are visiting their father, Mr. Ay- cho hies north to rest (can you No, feeling fine, 'Then why didthe executive committee oJ t h e ! WISCONSIN TRIP rum Singer, and their sister, Mrs. imagine a cyclone resting?) at n't you come?" 'Oh." shrugged *S long. sine, iingcr V-TB.VC 50C Society of Friends (Quakers) I Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Chapman Nate Kort. They will remain here The Mother Chapter, with a , 1955, Jewish • the other, "I wasn't hungry!" Harpo's destinaDel Monte which has sent to every delegate i Ag-encr, Inc.) TEE KEW delegation of twenty-five mem- and son, Bernard, left Saturday until' after the High Holidays. to the League and to all foreign ! Carinel Myers isn't looking for bers, are motoring down to Des morning by motor for Mukwonoffices in the world a meraoran- i no tnacMnerj'- snfi no clectrf- f TO VISIT IN DETROIT a comeback. She's very m u c h Moines, to participate in the first ago, "Wise. They returned Monday IN EXCELSIOR SPRINGS dura urging the League to extend j city csefi at SS.50 and n|>. I Miss Shreda Osoff, who is emhere . . . recently s o l d several annual summer tournament on evening, bringing back with them Mrs. P. Nerenberg and son, ployed in the H. O. L. C. here, is its present responsibility Tor re-1 their daughter, Helen Jane,who songs to Schirmer's music pubSeptember 1 and 2. Carol Lee, Mrs. J. Brookstein and Berlin (WNS)—The Howard fugees to include all refugees who • Softball, tennis, golf and swim- spent the summer at Burr Oaks daughter, Charlotte, and Mrs. S. departing tomorrow evening for a lishers, and Al Jolson signed her AT, 43SS vacation with her fam- to appear on his radio program. League for Penal Reform, one ol have lost their nationality from j , ming will bo the competitive camp. Ash are vacationing in Excelsior two-week causes outside their control. j ily in Detroit. the most importsat organisations Springs. sports of the meet. In tennis, Lou That Sylvia Sidney salary tan- of its kind in Europe, is not repRiklin and Macy Baum will play RETI7RN FROM DETROIT Mrs. J.: Tatelman and daugh- VACATIONING VISIT IN DES MOINES gle isn't straightened out yet, but resented at the Hth Internationa! in the singles and doubles comMisses Edith Schneider a n.d [ paramount is o n e strike ahead Penal and Penitentiary Congress petition. Ernest Nogg, last year's ters, Florence and Adeline, have Mr. Sam Hornstein is vacationJacqueline Lipp recently returned . . . They started her present pic- now ia session, here because the ' - champion, will represent t h e returned' t r o m Detroit, Michr, ing at Excelsior Springs, Mo. where they spent the summer. from a ten-day stay in Des Moines, ture three days before her con- German government informed the , chapter in the golf tourney. where they visited Misses Mary tract expired and she has to com- League that its Jewish, president -."*" The formation of a council of RETURNS FROM NEW YORK plete the film at the old salary •would be persoaa soa grata. •~: chapters in this region will prob- RETURNS TO O3IAHA Miss Selma Scholnick has re- and. Bell Mogolov. ©! ably take place at this .tournaMiss Rose Rosenstein. has re- turned from a five-week vacation As a result cf this action the rate cf f2,500 a week, She •tie- ment. Macy Baum, grand vice- turned to Omaha after a two-year in New York city. League,.,always an important parmands a raise. ATTENDS COXVENTIOX lipresident of the order, is one of stay in Chicago. ticipant at past Congresses, reMaurice Newman spent the past "the organizers of this ,council. Cracklings: The five days in "Waterloo, Iowa, as a teeny- fgsed to send delegates to Berlin. WEEK IN CHICAGO , ;Ben Shrier and Ernest Priesman RETURNS FROM NEW YORK Mrs. M. Rosenstein, daughter, representative of the ^Nebraska 'are the chapter's delegates to this Miss Ellyn Schall, expert man- Ruth, and sons, Sam and Harry, Consolidated Flour Mills, attend.council meeting. icurist, has returned from a six- spent a week in Chicago visiting ing the Iowa Grocers' Convention. Try on Neio Fashions in Comjori . . » The baseball team sponsored b^ week vacation in New York city, relatives and friends. . • In Our AIR COOLED Dress Dcpts. J the Mother Chapter won t h e where she visited some of t h e GUEST FBOM CHICAGO "championship in the Ak-Sar-Ben finest beauty salons. She returns VISIT HERE • Mrs. M. Magnus of Chicago is league, which was sponsored by to the Krasne "beauty salon with Mrs. Ben L". Herzberg and her visiting here lor three weeks as the Bee-News. This is the first thei latest shades Jn nail polish. children, Bobby and Adrienne, ol a guest of her brother-in-law and time a Jewish team has won a Chicago, arrived Saturday to visit sister, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Singer. championship in t h e past eight BACK FROM CHICAGO her parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Fredyears. The team was under the Conn and h e r firotrier-in- FROM MILWAUKEE Miss MinniB Kutler has returnmanagement ol the chief advisor ed from athree-week stay in Chi- erick law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bea Mr. and Mrs. Harry Soreff and of the chapter, Stanley F. Levin, cago with her~ sister. D. Silver. family of Milwaukee a r e .vacawho was coach, and aleph Sam tioning here and are-visiting their "Wolk, who was manager. RETURNS FROM many relatives and .friends. TO RETURN TO SIOtTX CITY All those who are intending to KANSAS CITY After a two week stay here as make the trip to Des Moines are Miss Sophie Jacobson has rehouse guest of Dorothy Zolloexpected to meet at the Jewish turned from a three-week visit in the tuchen, Miss Edith Farber Community Center at 4 a. m. Sun- Kansas City where she was the Sioux City will return to her day. The entire delegation will guest of her brother and sister- home this week-end. return Tuesday morning. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan ,,-Sf Kraft. WEEK-END Mr. a n d Mrs. Henry Krasne ARRIVING FROM CHICAGO s p e n t the week-end visiting Miss- Anna Frisch 13 arriving friends in Sioux City. With, perfect weather and an today • from Chicago to visit her ideal .location, the Sam Beber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Frisch, RETURNS FRO3I EAST Miss Rae Borsky recently rechapter, No. 100, made their for a week. turned from a two week's sojourn weiner roast, which was held in r in New York and Washington, D. Fairmont Park, Council Bluffs, C. Miss Borsky .returned by plane. Saturday evening, August 24, a Expertly and very successful one. j scientifically fitted WASHINGTON VISITOBS The affair was attended by FALL'S N E W DRESS Dave and Norman Schlaifer, twenty-five couples, including acwho are employed by the United tives, pledges, advisors, and memSI1.HO U ETTE States government at "Washingbers of the Supreme Advisory Council of the A. Z. A. order. Geneva (JTA)—Accusing a l l ton, D. C, are vacationing: here You'll like the hvzia trimOn August 26, an important those who remain silent in. t h e with, their family for thres weeks. ming?, the flovrirc; sleeve?? executive committee meeting was face of Nazi persecution of Jews CaUsa deep ermboles, rnd rrc,dc-~s T * held at the home of Junior ad- in Germany of being accomplices TO RESIDE IN NEW YORK .flare from; wcirt to horr.. i Quaa&a Jobbing Company Mr. L. A. Arielli left Monday visor Bill Wolfe. Aleph Godol, "of criminals fighting against the Interpreted in crept: tzd Nathan Crounse, appointed a com- civilization of 'humanity," t h e evening for New York city, where 311 So. 15 '• 3A SflM mittee consisting of: Max Novak, Women's International League for tie -will mafea his future home. •slieers, rabtly Paul Sacks, Ben Wlntroub, and Peace and Freedom, meeting here Richard Hurwitz to meet with the this week. Issued a manifesto to dbsiner!... Pin Money Frceb Mother Chapter and formulate th© Christian world protesting J, plans for the International A. Z. against t h e silence Of civilized Tali* u&vmme el thk «i*8clfi! efef . . . it saecES 6. fed saving lor yon. With the ; A. D"ay celebration. Committee Europe on the Nazi atrocities in • ; 7M r wish ICO pETcttfise t>t * Btw Premier Grand or Prc» ' chairman for the coming winter Germany. . inter Dapks we will give the worid-lanscmii \ conclave were announced by the The League accuses those who Fashion Frccb Pretn'ier Spk-Spso hand type elesrtier IN E>j«rf ? president. remain, silent as being influenced E X C H A N G E FOR \'GU& OLD According to Harold Zelinsky, only by busiaess reasons -to asCLEANER t Safe the BC«F Premier tois.y chairman of the chapter puulica- sume their apparent indifference. mi esl. us ta siio-w you Premier's sessatioemi Ji H.B." test t i o n . committee, approximately "All who have courage," says the hit to s«« Sizes 14 ta S3 ,. three hundred papers will be tak- manifesto, "ought to condemn the down is 'fils yoa ®mi^ os fir»t this i •int. UuU £3 i s 43 j en to Des Moines for t l i e trip. disgrace with which Hitler Is covBalanc* is Eleven alephs are planning to ering Europe." Sixth Tlacr motor to Des Moines to attend the f —m 'phooc'lor * ^ p Labor Day tournament there. * test la your OWE borne. Nc- eblijfifkm* The Talmud Torah playground FOB EEN2 is rapidly nearlng completion. 2 BOOMS -"- Bdvato bath, The ground has been-well graded adults only. Also single and the installation of equipment Is now taking place. When, the rooms. Board if desired. Bo equipment is Bet up and the fine phone calls. [*%£^1ffi&^4^}^£ S03 ^ o . S8 Ave. dirt in place on the ground, the playground will be ready lor use. _
looming for Higher
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HUMOEIST HONORED IN DEATH—Honored in death as no private citizen lias been honored in the nation's history, here is the tribute paid Will Rogers, homespun humorist, as- more than 150,000 persons passed by the bronze coffin in which his _body lay in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, Cal. A floral flag from the Rogers family is on the coffin, while an honor guard stands by. N ©ESESVESg—RQlitary attaches from six nations were observers at the war games at Pine Camp. N. Y, Lined up, left .to right, they were: CaptainTasuto Nafcayama of Japan, Major Jose Vidal of Spain, Brigadier General. Juan P. Azcarate of Mexico,' Lieutenant General Friedrich von Boetlicher of Germany. MajorGeneral Dennis E. Nolan of the United States. Major General Vladimir Begunov of Russia, Lieutenant Colonel Enmarw" Lombard cf Fxanoe, ana Captain Eduardo Hiuttich-Palmer o* Xc STEEL FOB; THE ENEMY—Despite modern mechanism in warfare/ with* huge craft in the air and deadly chemicals in the wind, the man withthe bayonet is still considered an important 'factor. ' Above is the American fighting man of 1935, portrayed by a. inem-, ber of Co. C, 108th Infantry-of the 27th Division, in action at Pine Camp, N. Y. -
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ASKABIS—Many; natives .have volunteered for servicewith.Italy in the East African campaign. Here a ^native officer-' instructs the ^'Askaris" (colored"• troops) somewhere in Eritrea. .
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EOT TFEATHE2 — "They must be having hot weather in Washington," was the only political comment Andrew W. Mellon, abote, 80-year-old former Secretary of the Treasury, would make as he arrived in Ksw York from a tour abroad.
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FIKSSIDS TA&K—This is tSie latest- picture of President R-oose-. velt, tBiksa ia ITashinpton in preparation for the fireside talk'from. his study In the White 'House. .No pictures were to be permitted during the talk &n& cameramen were invited to photograph • the P i d e i S i a few daj-s ir> n^vcncc.
left is senator
Joseph F.CKiffey of Pennsylvania, co-author pf the Gufiey-Snyder coal bill, whiph re-establishes government control of working conditions, prices and trade practice in the bituminous coal industry, congratulated: by. Senator Matthew M. Neely of West Virginia, after passage; of the bill. , ^^^A.
FAB EAST BOY SCOUTS—A group of Chinese Boy Scouts, headed by Dr. Benjamin Yen, as they arrived in New York for a good-will visit and a sight-seeing trip about the city. The youngsters Isft C h m a before news reacned ^ e m that the Scout jamboree in Washington had been cancelled. Dr. Y e n ^ faeln& greeted, above, by the Chinese Acting Consul General, T. K. Chang. After seeing New York it was expected they would go to Washington anyway.
FLEADS — Gruff, bewhiskered LaboFoppoltira'in ea the r British Parliament, who said the United States could not keep out of war.
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OF" IikBOfe—Mas,Baer, in training a t Speculator, N. "ST., r M s bout wife Joe Louis at Yankee Stadium, on Sept. 24 points callouses* <m his hands. The New York State Athletic^ Comn insisted Ws hands be in perfect condition before tie-'fight.
KSAGUE 1.EABSES—^Here is the Detroit Tigers posed for a group picture on the home grounds Second row: Gehringer, Shelley, Owen, Hayworth, and Wfilker.-Rear: Carroll, trainer, Rogell, Hogsett, Joey Hoggins, batboy, and BrMess, , —
EOYAL. SKOOrEF?—-Harfilr thr^t. Ee's t i e Duke of Yatk, ®a catiiusiastic amateur ,r^otcgxaphsr, opcrj.,iing a mouoa jsictssr® eaacra as lie prepares i<s record activities at the "tew cam» p ih» conducts at SuSolk, Eneiasd. -® ^_
Copyricltt Ualiei
wee bit more synonymous than ticeship should' serve, the court stating, "The present state conLake Tiberia?" set out, not only to give the min- ception is opposed tc- marriages or & trade training but an oppor- j between "Aryans" m i "nonFORCE OP tunity to become acquainted with I, A famous Russian Jewish "Oriworld politics is the National Soentalist was once asked how eo cialist spirit. jnerchantr who advertise profound a Hebrew scholar as Another decision, handed cio-sm in the Jewish Press solicit your himself could have become a conBerlin <JTA)—The J e w i s h by the Law Court at "Sell, refused business, and merit your patternvert. statutory "poor person" I -e g a r Because of conviction," re- Scholars sad Fanaers (My Ones racs is so coapletely contrary to services to an "Aryan" girl who; plied the professor. all that is Gera&n that & German wished to sue to compel her iath- Able to Enter, Says MONSKY, GRODiNSKY, MAKER "You became convinced that minor cannot be appreaticed to & Ic r t 0 jk. COHEN, her with a. marriage Seport Judaism is inferior to ChristianJewlsh • business-san, according outfit to wed a "non-Aryan." j 737 Omaha Attorneys, National Bank Bide. Ity?" to & decision of the Law Court t t Tbe court •upheld, the father's ! "No, not at all," replied the pil- London. (WNS)—Opportunities published in the current j confione the r e f c E a l t 0 NOTICE, lar of learning blandly. "I be-for settling thousands of German issue of Deutsche D t h Justlz, J s t l organ r a off .KOTICE IS GIVEN thfii; came convinced that it is much refugees exist in South American the Reich Ministry of Justice. countries provided adequate funds MONSKY, CROaiNSKY, MAKER &. p.priTp^]yp<? "'OT~ thf 1 frtvmat^O" Of th*> The Nazis have published a on tha earn© "scientific" the resorts of Nice or Baden-Ba- better to be a professor in Petro- are reported, it was Etated in a The court refused to sanction COHEN &. J. HAROLD SAKE, Attys. ?STATE' 'iNTliiSTMEN'T CORPOKA : grad than a poor Hebrew teacher report prepared by Dr. Samuel an apprenticeship agreement be' Net'!. Bank Eidg. den.' Bible of' anti-Semitism which theory. .. v place, of business! In Omaha, Poueronly 100-per: cent Aryans can Every approved subscriber is as- The editors promise their eub- somewhere in Lithuania." PROBATE NOTICE Guy Inman, New York Hispanic tween th© guardian of a minor "IBS Cnrety, N>V>rask!\. The corrr>n>.:'tor, purchase. The \nrltec of this ar- ured that his identity will be scribers an anthropological col- LOGIC IS THUMPS girl and' a Jewish business-man, j UC_THE 1IATTER_OF THE ESTATE . if, • l>pUir,' fortt^ccl for th.£1 purpose **>' scholar, and made public here by OF SAUL LETT, .maintaining' pnd op^rsiinR e. penerpl A Jew, a Catholic and a Mo- James G. McDonald, League of ruling ticle cnmo; into possession of kept Beeret and the transaction lection of Jewish portraits of not! KOTICE IS KEKEST G1VEX: That reel] estate £.TK"! TjO'KliTtjr company; agreeme *i!ul thig secretly printed and secret-. conducted confidentially. *?or are world-wide interest, that will fin- hammedan were " arrested for Nations High.. Commissioner f o r ia the interests cf the girl, the ithe creditors of said deceased will I to purchase'. laape. hlvo suit! otherwise gambling. When brought, before the executrix of saici este.te, be; acquire and deal in real estate penJy distributed Encyclopedia and tha names of the authors dis- ally prove the Jews to be no hu• • • German Refugees, who sent Dr, state o? the natioa. « ,^w,v. me, Count?* Jud£e of Dou^U?.? -trails rjnd tc frcpuSi'*' nc. le?'??*"'. own?-r reveals its content in this amaz- posed, for "many wild beasts and man race at all, but an "anti- the Judge each denied the charge. Inman-to 16 Latin-American Tey e a r 01 v o c a t i o n a l a p p r e n - j County, Nebraska, e.t the County lor otlie'-v-ise; p.nti to operate theaters i Court Room, in said County, on the • £,-)r the exhibition of movine pictures ing disclosure.-!—The Editor. real criminals . are at large-" race," a pathological race of par- First the Catholic swore that he publics to make a comprehensive 21st day of October. 1935, Encl on the'ana-o-- the pr---s« of other perthough the:editors do not forget asites. The collaborators of the did not play cards. Then the Mo- study .of refugee settlement .possiNOT'CE OF SALE 2lBt d&y of December, 1935. et S ; formanceB.' P.VA tc borvov money en.l1 . • ' ' o'clock A. 3vl., each day. for the pur- ;> issne 3te evidences of iiuiobtednoR1 : Berlin: "I am not of Jewish o assure the Jews that this pre- "Sigilla Veri," it is declared, "Will hammedan followed suit. At last bilities in those lands. Kotlce is h e r e t y riven "that en the pose or prepenti-n-r their clPims for therrfor. The- fo'ni f ti<hor!?o<i cRrf^ descent'and I nave no Jewish Tel- caution is taken not out of cow- not be content to finish their task it came to the Jew's turn to de- t>r. Inman's report disclosed "1st d a y ol September, 1S35, a t 10 a. j examination, afi.iuFtmer.t unfl s'llow. i p t o r j . p^al'i be fli', T*»r \».Ui» fend himself. and return to their private lives a t t h e Ferrin Van a n d Storage i ance. Three months a r e allowed for j sioo.oO tier Bhsre, «H ot v,-hic?i eb&U a matter of "conatlvesi nor have I any Jewish ardice, but as that while there was no chance m., : Company, 1422 CEpito! Avenue, Oma-! the creditors to preeent their claims, i i,f, con-tnon nn<5 fiillv I'PKI Pnrt and occupations, but will sacri- "Tour Honor," he said quietly, for any larga ecale mass emigra- ha. blood tome. I promise not to-sell venience." : -Nebraska, the Ferrin V t a anfi j from the 21ft clay^of^ert'-niber^ 1SS5. ! E S v.'hprs iP^ued. Th^ corpora"why go to this.trouble? I could- tion, there were many opportuni- Storage EHYCE n.WrO Company -will eell to t h e h S e h - j . tion Phal'i1 commence biipines- uivin - this .book-to anyone or give it The work is faultlessly arrang- fice themselves to form the nu n't County est bidder for cash t h e folio-wing a r the filins of tlie Articl^K i»'il'i tbp have played alone." ties for refugees . with scientific ticles, formerly belonging to t h e fol-1 S-SO-35away as a present. I testify on my ed in-true German pedantic style. cleus of a World International of County Clevli of poup-las Coiint^'. » anti-Semitism. braskn. rim) r.ontinue tintit J«.!nV!«vy 1. and technical training. Profes- lowing: •word of honor, that I am not act- Many pages are devoted to biblioTHE OTHER FELLOW MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER i 2O"5. The hi^he^-t amount ov ivsdehffHJ BsJretTIDourrh Tilser, L s ing as the agent of "any other xaphy,. references, abbreviations, "Sigilla Veri" (the stamp of & COHEN, A. foreigner' walking along the sional' men, Euch as lawyers and Ik>uEii Box, £' PefiSIes. £ BoariSs. • | nests to wliieli the corporation t-liall i>( Attorneys, I any ttme subjecl itPelC pbp.U. not ex~ signs, divisions and Bub-divisions.. truth is first and foremost to beKurfu'rstendamm in Berlin no- doctors, however, cs,nnot_be plac- Kay Irenes: Typewriter Deslc I I party."' . -, " ... - ' . : • M • - •' 73? Omaha National Bank Etdg, i Bk 12. Cartons, j oeea two-ihirds of Us cftpiifil Kock. This is the certificate/you would A true masterpiece of art, care made an international work',); To ticed that every Jew who passed ea because South America Grips, s Emoktr.s stands, 2 Paper ; this limitation not to p.pplv to 'ndebt' that end, negotiations are on foot carried, a placard bearing the ready suffering from an oversup- Baskets, Golf Bag, 2 Fishing Poles, and diligence. NOTJCE. "' • have to sign'before you could S Cuspifiors. 2'Tables, Safe, Filcorporation shall <»P B<3mintBtere& by B. ! NOTICE IS KBKEET G1VEX |ply of them. Emphasizing that Desk. S hope to obtain a copy of "Sigilla A. rather curious reason is" giv-with publishers in France, • Eng-words: "Number Two." i i rCabinet, C 8 E C EE .Arm i the Bnaer6rE:r.eaJ" trave ""nsse.-uaVec Tiouru of Directors o ' no!. les« "Chairs, s bt 1I f S i w Ew!ve! land, Spain, . Sweden and else, , ' ^ S , f ° ° S • • , , ! themselves for t h e formation cf t h e : two nor more th.m five if numb?., the opportunities in South Aaer"What's the meaning of that?" „' Vori" (Tha Stamp of Truth, the en for the fact that the encyclo- where for the publication of "SigMary FitzpstrSck: Piano, P I S B C I " he asked of a Nazi official stand- ica lor scientific research a n d Btool, paedia is arranged not in order of Boarfl. 2 \ first anti-Semitic Encyclopaedia technical experts -would n o t beSpring, pg, B Bed E Ends, , 6 Dining ng Chairs,, the economic groups of Jewry but illa Veri"' in'translated form, so ing beside him. E k V J t l D ii T b l Bar B *"t ever pnblished, four of the Eockers. VJctrola, Dining Table. that "it may become a text-book counteracted by any anti-Semitic "Well, you see," explained that 1n alphabetical. order. "Jews," it rel Jars, E4L T&Me Xieaves, Librsry purpopi '" volumes of which have already for the nations." feeling. Dr. Inman's report point-worthy, "in the Third Reich one ting1 callee for rable. is argued, "neither have .nor recG.T.& operating- E. frenerai renl ; any T> peared in Germany. S Boxes tain;ng ifee. With the as-'ppnt In twMi ed out that refugees prepared to The editors boast of "generous estiilo &Xi6. holclinc company", end t o 1\V' ^ . ' out of every two Jews is marked 1 Marie Ekaife: t>ar BeS, ; Ironing Board, Sweeper, purchase, lease, hire pc-^" cr-rt. of tljp putp^n^nfi- r& I am lucky enough to be in pos-ognize limitB and divisions. A Jewsupport* by th& eons of all nations for persecution. Tfaey all vant to go oa the land could be absorbed Contents, Wop, Chest Drawers, 2L*.mp, 2 Enfi . ipek votinp either in p»rso!5 tc,.c,., Is born in'Galicia, he becomes a j. session of a photographed copy of Tables, Mags.Eine Rack, Baby Bu£rpy. ally. a,nd trv sccnire as lessee. owner ', by'jiroxy. the I'ircotors Bh»1l lipvt the of the earth," thanks to which the convince us that they're the other ia almost unlimited numbers. Kadio, Lamp Enafie, Boiler, fipc! piu'norJtr 'to Pf'H i^Tirl OOT'this encyclopaedia on Jews and Senator or a sectional church financial basis of the encyclopae- one." Dr. Inman's report also •warned Boofeease. RolJ Kugrs ^'P3r or otherwise clispos? of the R!??^;^ pieacher In America, and dies in JuflaiBm, published in Nazidom. I tons, Ba: oi the company KB an en tire tj' or goagainst an escessive mass immidia has been assured, and they _^_ ___ ing: concern, on cucii terms and ronfiu have known for some time that Africa as the owner of a gold- express their hope that "now theJEWS EVERYWHERE gration of Jews to South Ameri- tresses Suite, 1 Barrel, mine. The Jew is everywhere and 'Jn-'feVi'teclTlf-B? i tlonr fifthey p?iali <T*"Tn. fit, for f Its evidences such a work was being prepared, Yankels Horowitz sat next to ca, referring to Ecuador, -where Ethel Staeer: 2 Suitcases, Electric nations will understand that no rireV' cppital 1 curiti^F. i'or casVi or fnr^ Ft*U'V refor. The totRl : yet nowhere. A Jewish poet is si«C (ii-,v corporfetion. T h e 'corpora.tio<> •. but I also knew that it was not on be S2S.00C.OU. par Germany is their foe, t u t Jewry.' an imposing looking Pole at a Ujje government lias given its apshRl' have « P»BI. $100.00 r e r share, all ofvhicfc F: The proval to a plan dill h i W W The ] Bale to any but approved or well- multaneously a theatrical magnate The chief editor concludes: in vaudeville Bird" StanS. Trunk. LATCP, Floor Dnte<l a t OHIHIIF).. Nebraska, tli'ft nonI commoTi and felly pa!(? enfl and a white slave dealer; a JewLa rap, Broom. Mop, Mirror. -was a young violinist ally 50,000 Jews might be brought . recommended persons, certaily not assesseble when issued. The- corpora- 24iU day o£ July, "f"r>. "The quarrel between us Gerperformer commercial counsellor Is a To ERtJsfy 5tB lien for etor&g-e ana ,T. H . KAKK. the Pole became vocal In his into the country. "An endeavor other charges cvred on the eaid ar- tion Bhall commence business upor. 1 to JewB or pro-Jewish Gentiles. mans and the nations must cease and the fiUni? cf th« Articles •with the Communist, from time to time a appreciation. The most interesting part of Rnd accruing: costs. 1 TI corpora tons. County Clerk cf Douglas County, Neto carry oat completely e s c l i a it only serves the Interests of the * VAN AND STORAGE CO. br&ska, onfl contir.ue •nntiJ January 4 t h e en'cyclodaedia is undoubtedly poet, and an ethical essayist; an Jews.- The nations must solve "He's a Semite," -whispered v a s t plan," lie Eaid, "-would, of Ey Miss H. Wilson 1st, 2035. The hiphest amount of inI the preface. and the introductions economist among them suddenly their problems in unity and coun- Yankele. course, be exceedingly unwise end ciebte3neEE to which the corporation shall at anj* tim* subject Hseif phr>]' by the "editors, publishers and turns into a manufacturer of teract the 'Alliance Israelite Uni- The violinists number -was fol-have fatal results, since neither not exceed two-thlrfis ot !tfi capital io-wed by a dance act by a dark- vrcrald most of t h e refugees be CARNA2O & KAZLCWSKY, Attys, stock, .' others, , of which we may avail works of art.' this lim'tEtion not to epply to yerselle*' by a united non-Jewish .V- ourselves for the purpose of illus- The encyclopaedia deals not race-pura and racially healthy eyed damsel. evidence* of lTifiebtedneep peci'nso. t\y Insurance 6ldg. able to adEpt themselves to the the "encyclopaedic' real estate. The corporation Phall be ] tration -or only with Jews and those descend"She, too, Is Jewish," -whis- very difficult and rosigh tropical I s t h e C o a u t y Court of adrainisterefi by & Board of Directors Federation, under the leadership Veri" Is "dedicated ed from Jews; it enlarges also on ; Eplrit. ^' County. Nebraska. PJiACTICAi. pered the Sew, than two Tior men country life of Ecuador nor -would In the rn&tter cl the Estate of KOSES of not of the Nordicrace. The first obto JeWB,, pro-Jews and anti-Jews five in utiTn'ber, ^*ho shall be electeel i J "Jewish slaves." ss 3M. The third performer -was a such a- great.number of one race *ACOESOX, Rlso jE.t the fcinuai meetlti£ o£ 'ptackhoVders JACOBSOK. -fleceased. • o£ all'times and all lands, espe- "These are people of Inferior ject of' the Federation should be singer. Once more the Pole's adpersons interested in ssdfl matter j held en the Eecong TwsSay.- in June cially of Germany; their Torah, mentality, often physically infe- the abolition of Jewish rights. miration "was clearly in evidence. • fee able to enter a country with- sreAllhereby y be jiot'Jiefi that on the 19th i of each' rear. The Articles out creating eaonsous prejudices their, manners and customs, their rior as well, who have at some The .mills of God grind slowly. In "Another Jerrish lad," vrhls- that -would react against them." ' thieves' tongue, their assumed time become Infected with the less than.a hundred years there p e r e t i y a n k e l e . _ . . names, their secret circles • . . " Jewish parasitic poison, at school •will' be no Jewish problem. They 'Oh, Jesus !' r exclaimed the filed .herein be settled and Bent in Trritinfr of-6i> per cent cf the] Bucharest (WNS)—Because of •will eimply disappear f r o m Each of the four volumes puballowea, and Jhat Ehe .be -fiischarsed outstantlins capit&I stock ivotinr either) Pole.. at home or in the Church, by "r, lished contains 1,2 0 0 pages. The Jewish literateurs, doctors or ad-amongst the nations, and no one "Also a Jew," whispered Yan- the steadily. increasing trade be- from lier trust ES aflmlislstratrli and | in person -or br proxj\ -the Direotorf i tween Palestine and Rotunania vj publishers are "The W o r l d vocates; themselves unnerved •will kno-w 'them or -want to know kele. •••..'• the Bouinanian governsieat has •I League Against Falsehood" and they admire the- energy of the them. and contest BE'S petition, the entirety ' or• polns1-concern, or,' decided to inaugurate a coramsr- A.*M., Coart assy prairt the -praj-er cf sai<3 terms end eoTifiitions RE they Khali "But the leaders ot the nations SHOBT BtTT SWEET -^}"The Federation of Aryan Chrispetition, enter a decree- of heirship. deem -fit. ..for securities, for cafih or must have counsellors, -who mast A would-be scholar brought to cial T'.T line between Tel Aviv sad knS. make sucTa ether anS farther for capital etocU of any corporption, f^tians." Every precaution is taken Bucharest. "Jewish * encyclopaedias a r e eh all lis^t a. seal, the local rabbi the manuscript of orders. a l l p a n E end fiecress, a s to The corporation p vfso that the. Encyclopaedia Bhall characterized t~: "decorated Jew- continue to study Jewish life and t 1 the. th j Dated" D t d " Et t Omaha. O h N b k this Court irss.y -seera prorter. to Nebraska, iie j The new a i r lina will reduce his "Commentary on LameataJudaism in order to be able to enfl that &U matters pertEirsSng to^SSth cay oj June, 1!)35. i | ' not fall into the.hands of any un- ish dames of the type^roii.zneet in r H. ivIAEQtTAKpT, guard 4he nations from the dan-tlon," inviting the rabbi i a in-+±he>-&aveling time between t i e ES.12 estate zasy *c liaalJy eettled 5$' desirable person,- j>articulariy a ger " olCJiallins once more tinder spect it and add whatever he two cities from lour days to 12 fietermlned. ESTCE Iticorporators. 1 *'\ Jewi'ATEpecial'inscription on the sf. 25c v hoars. S-1B-35—4t County the yoke beneath T?hich the chil- thought necessary. 8-23-35—St 'y\; frontispiece proclaims, the -wotk to A few -weeK-later the manudren of Jacob and David liave ^ be: "In memory of the fallen of through the kept them lor these thousands of script came -'--jail nations in -the "War of 1914mail with* a t:-gle •note, in the years."-," • • \ •, . . r"W21918, the War that resulted from Thtis it is, that. Nazidom plans margin: % the maeMnationfl of commerce anfl to achieve the destruction of the "I have nothing to add except The Jlst of authors and contrl* the pretest of saving lamentations' on your, commen. ' • . -• S tutors, ia extremely cosmopolitan. the-world from destruction. • tary." •-•;" . I' There- -are .correspondenta tram (Copyright. 1335. by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) . "Swit2eriand,. America, F r a n c e i Coacetted Drive ior Funds Is A prominent Reform rabbi was Italy,- England, BoanainaTia, Jaobserved at the lunch counter of Planned by Jewish Kapan, even Russia,:and,.; of course. the Grand Central Station contional Fund Germany-: • : ; , • : . .. tentedly eating a ham sandwich. The.preface .offers an apology Tor a long time the teacher in to all"those "who have been mis-; Lucerne (JTA)—The raising TPhen. a non-Jevr hears a Israel endured the furtive glances taken for. Jews or half-Je-ws, and of $5,000,000 within the next two Joke lie laxigns. "When a Jew cast in his direction by a small, •- iji goeson to "warn* Je-vre that all de-years Ior the redemption of land hears a joke h e smiles and lean co-religionist of obviously ! nials, arguments, • or legal pro- in Palestine through the Jewish sighs, "That's aa old oae. « I Orthodox leanings. At length he ceedingsthat they may Institute National Fund; was demanded by heard .It.'already." Here are could stand it no longer. against the publishers -will be Ig-Menachem .Mendel TJssishkln, 72- some old anfl new ones • so -"I- suppose," eaid.the Reform nored, since the editors aie ofyear-old world president of the have a gdofi time.—F* J; B . rabbi casually, strolling up to the opinion that one could not very Fund, at the World Zionist Con•ZBalous guardian'of the Torah, "I gress. . THE AGAIN i -well have a duel -with A Je-w or^ suppose you're surprised at my In a ringing address in which "It's the' Fuehrer's fault, it's eating a ham sandwich." • go to law -with him. "The code or honor of the human race is total- he condemned land speculation in the Fuehrer's fault," muttered the "Not at all,*' replied the zealot, i 1 ly different from that of the 'anti- Palestine and denounced the in-Berlin Jew -to himself as he re-assuringly, """I'm surprised at £*•* raee' and its hangers-on . . . " difference of Jews to the problem strolled down TJnter den Linden. your being a rabbL" "What do you mean, Jew," f Of special interest Is the con- of land acquisition t"here, 'Ussisb.(Copyright, 1335, by,Seven Arts FeatnrB Syndicate) ception of the new "word "anti- kin severely criticized the tinhelp- roared a passing S. A. man, "what race" GegenrasBe description oft- ful attitude of the Palestine gov- are you saying against the Fuehdeclaring that the Gov-ror?" JERVSALEM TO BECOME en used for the Jews in Germany. ernment, Is not -willing to further **Pardon," said the Jew quiet* Tha introduction tabes g r e a t ernment PEACE HEADQUARTERS acquisition of anore land hy ly, "it's our Fuehrer I'm talking pains to demonstrate that Jews the Jews In the country. Jerusalem (WNS>—Jerusalem, of, not yours. If he hadn't led as a r e a "counter-race" a parasite a holy city to the three leadiag: out of Egypt, -we'd all have had TJBSlshkln asserted that he is t nation, from the very Beginning of the world, is to betr of their history. Tha author of unable to -understand t h e tran- British passports by now, and all religions the international headquar' this chapter, -who copies the med-Quillity of Zionists while less than this Palestine immigration trou- come ters of the peace movement. The ble wouldn't arise." six per cent of the land in Palesiaeval "theory" of a Christ and International League f o r* World tine is in Jewish hands. The new an anti-Christ, supplying it with WHAT'S.'IN A KAlMQBr. - -' -Peace "has acquired five acres of Executive to be elected by t i e a pseudo-scientific coloring on biYoung Isaacs stood In line at ground not far from the Hebrew ological foundations, one Shike- Congress, he said, must concen- the library to take" out & boolr. Tniverslty on which It intends to trate more attention on the redanz - - the author of a -whole volWhen his-turn cams he asked re- build a Peace Palace. demption of land for the Jews. Among the Palestine members Ho also pointed out that de- Bpectfully: "Please give me^liOulsa M.: Al- of the .League a r e Chief RatiM spite the increase of Jewish Na•+Q* . Kook, Mayor Disengoff of Tel tional Fund receipts last year, the cott's Jewish book." "A- Jewish book by Mies liouisa Aviv and David Yellin. increase in income of the- Fund still lags far behind the rise in M. Alcott!" queried tha librarian, the price of land. "More money puzisled. said Isaacs, "her Jewish buys much less -and now," he de- "Yes," book.;1 •: clared. Year freeftDff.jproblem Is solved if tMs cori"Do you remember the title?" announced that new Serlin (JTA)-—Germans a r e "No,-but it's her Jewish book," and -©I wisMg y will e o o n . b e estab- Isaacs still leasing grazing lands to Jews insisted. . Jerusalem (JTA)—Ragheb Boy settlements lished in the Beisan area where in the northern-peasant-districts, Nasshashibl, mayor ot Jerusalem, the Jewish National Fund a few "Well," replied the librarian, friends a Huppir New Year . . . no cr cf and expected to be appointed pres- months ago acquired a large con- "I'll read over some of the titles complains Herr Abel, chief dis- • Mr.' tJieir friends both far a&d leader l o r Oldenident of the • Legislative Council cession In an exchange with the of her books to you, and perhaps trict peasant the sear A Happy and Prosperfor in the Oldenburger'Sfaau•which the Palestine government' Arabs. Among tha settlements you can tell me the one you want sburg, ous New Tear. eitung. '••-.when you hear it.;There is 'Little contemplates Inaugurating, t h e will also be Kfar Masaryk, named no trouble se and moneyThere are.plenty of German csArab publication, Al Balagfa, re- in honor of t h e Czechoslovakian Women', 'Little Men% 'Under the raciala and Mr. = • ! Mrs. w h o would gladly lea.33 ported this week. '• ianily eztasd to t h e i r president, wha has ever been a Lilacs," 'Rose in Bloom.'*' "That's it!" cried Isaacs. "Ee- the lands, he declares. Abel holds NaBhashibl will be named vice- friend of the Zionist movement. friends Blnc;ra Irishes for A that it' is irreconcilable with• t i e president of the'council in t h eA large tract of land h a s also senbloom!" szx? Tcsr. German Idea of "blood sad sell" event a Briton is named to thebeen acquired lor the Kfar Uss- S Y N O N Y M O U S - : y ' \ .',:..' .- " to •:allow, "aliens"- to lease lards. Hadiessah The charge Mr. presidency, tne- newspaper de- ishkln colony, he eaid. This set- An exuberant lady:pushed. her Mrs. faaily ei thair friesds clares. These concessions are said tlement was undertaken last year way through ths crowd at the end - - mail a&jr lic-alth, hsjpisccs &rd prosto have been granted Nashashibi following a resolution by the last of a . service , coaducted : by - Br. I Jpsrliy ia the csniag Ir. return for his promise to theZionist Congress to establish a Stephen S. Wise* I' Higli Commissioner" that t l i e colony ia. honor of TJeslshkin's "Rabbi," she gushed, "all you Mr. aad Hrs, • •• taka Arabs _ will consent to the intro- seventieth birthday. said about Palestine is true. I've^ this msaas c£ esteaairtg duction of the council. Ussishkln concluded with t i e just been there fnd I was parti-1 greetings arfl teany good Meanwhile, Haarets, conserva- hope that this Congress "would cularly impreseed*^rith Lake Tib- J wishes fo? A Happy tive Zionist daily, declared in an mark the beginning of a new eraerlas and the Sea of Galilee." I Prosperous Tear to editorial that tha council issue is for tha Jewish people, for t h e "But the Sea of Galileo asfi friends far ess nesx. o£ $rim@ Importance. JevfiEh land, and for the Jewish Lake Tiberiss are Eynonymous," Haarets disclosed t h a t last National Fund, and that an econ- replied Dr. Wiss, trying to hifls rear High Commissioner "Wauc- omic Ghetto B u c t. as threatens a smile. j faops agreed to a postponement Palestine Jewry in its present ur"Of course," gushed tho exu-i . nf the inauguration of the coun- ban centers which grow up over- berant oge, "but don't you thisk | ing." cil for only two months. that the Sea of Galilee i s just a
' Minor
By Seven Arts Reporter
Rosh Hashonah Greetings
Through the Columns of the
Cal JEWISH PRESS, Atlantic 1450
AUGUST SO, 1935.
ame unknown; Mrs. Ellen Tllton;! ebt Hermlne Schoeneman; Henry W. Forgader. Andrew. Fruth; H. Fechtler. Comoanv,' Siicceasor Trustee, filed its iarah E. Cole; Joseph S. Berryman; Sclhoeneman; Marie HIbbard; Fred W. first and real name unknown; Martin WMcrfra- l a the District Court^of Henry G. Schneider; Joseph Kirsch; tEley; Clara Nesley; Frank J. Staata; Goede; Adele Cacken; Floyd Gets; C. Douglas County, Nebraska, to reorKatie Kirsch; Liberty Council No. 3, D. L. Feaster, first and real name un- C. Gelwick, first and real name un- ganiae and refinance the Mortgage - •., O. U. A. M., Albert E. Miller, P. known; Miss Ella. Burton; Paul Scha-i known; Wm. Goers; Dr. Anton Gue- Inaenture of Kitchen Bros.. Hotel ? n v - - t o .the Fidelity Bank & . . ; Albert Monaska; Mathew T. Fo- lei: Ida Heinecke; Mrs. Carrie Grahl; ter; . . . . . . GUIespie,- first snd real ey; Mrs. A. George, first and real Bruno F. Meyer; Raymond Furrer; name unknown; A. W.. Gilbert, first T?S? Company, Trustee toted FebFuneral services for Mrs. Solame unknown; Lena Boester; H. Louise B. Faris; N. Walden, first snd and real name •unknown; Ms Good- ruary 15, 1929, covering Lots I, 2 a n * One-ihird of IjOt 3,, Block hie Stein, 85, 1008 Eleventh St., VIoeller, first and real name unknown; real name unknown; Elmer Minor; man; Jos. A. Grevels; Carl A. Gray; the East Oneihird / O i i l Plat P l t off the th City off O i. E. Krughoff, first and real name Winifred McGrath; H. E. Buchenau, Albert C. Gregg; Cornelia D. Handel- 135/Original Omaho died in her home following nknown; Hupp Tevis; Arthur N. first and real name unknown; Walter man; Wm. M. Hayes; M. F. Harmon, ha, Nebraska, as surveyed and Htho.n illness of six years, were, held Hohenstein; J. L. Walsh, first and K. Hotchkiss; Colo. Nat'I Bank under first and real name unknown; Kebec- ETaohed, and the personal property real name- unknown; Margaret Hart- Agree, with Margaret.P. Mohn; Anna ca Hanberry; Jos. L. Haw; Walter used in the conduct of the business ast Thursday in her home. Rabman; Mrs. Emma Hubbard; Miss M. Austin; Irma A. Austin; R. D. Hausmann; Carrie Hausmann; August known as the Paxtpn Hotel in Omaha, Toronto (JTA)—A protest to Hannah i M. Braver officiated. Faes; JttHa Mann; Albert Williams, first and real name im- George; Francis George;. H. Morgan Douglas County, Nebraska, same lieHitler was sent by "Mann; Charles Vanck; H. H. Hop- Tcnown; Wm. F. Barnard; Mary Me-1 Gerken; M. H. Gibbs, first and reaS ing the building situated upon th« Mrs. Stein was born in Russia leichsfuehrer lock, first and real name unknown; Donnell; H. G. Whelan; Catherine A. name unknown; Mrs. Beulah Glmmie; above described premises. The plan he Canadian League against War In IS50 and came to this country ,nd Fascism as the result of a Jathew McElroy; Mary McElroy; HH- Whelan; Edward Moulihan; C a r l Mrs. Ora E. Grimm; Arthur GSuaen- of reorganization and refinancing is „«.. •*•*¥•. ,nd direct to Sioux C.ity 22 years esolution adopted at a mass- la Zastrow; Arthur Zastrow; Mrs. Rueck; Olive H. Corwin; Lillian H. karnp; Clarence Connor; Katherine briefly ee follows: ,' Anne Sewing; Mrs. K. H. OUver, first Walther; Louise Kunz; Louis J. Drex- Connor; Minnie Gudale; E. F. Guth, Kitchen Bros. Hotel Company is to -ff,go. Surviving are four daugh- meeting aid real name unknown; William immediately withflraw its stay under of Catholics, Jews a n d Morgan; Hilda Berg; Anna Berg; Ar- ler; W. E. Parmley, first and real first and real name unknown; C. R: the Moratorium Laws of the State of The National Workers Alliance ers, Mrs. Helen and Rose Feinname unknown; Mable Cooper; Lou Hamilton,- first and real name unhave announced activities for the erg of Elmer, N. J., a n d Mrs. rotestants here. thur W. Ellerbusch; A. C. Schaeffer, E. Cooper; Catherine Vogel; Anthony known; August Hanke; A. J. Harris, Nebraska, expiring- March 1. 19* *, anil Trustee, first and real name un- Kuhn; Blanche Kuhn; Joseph Leo first and real name unkno'vm; Mrs. confirm by proper conveyances title season 1935-1936 and -according ibe Miller and Mrs. Harry RaginThe resolution and protest mes- known; Mamie Redmond; Henry Det- Oonnolly; Eliz. Josephine Connolly; Carrie Haley; Mrs. Lena Hahner; to all of the above described real and to the plans worked o u t at "a. ;ky of Sioux City; three s o n s , age called on Hitler to cease "re- mer; Laura C. Doenges; Wray H. Es- ..ester Reuss; Wm. B. Keeble; Mar- Phillip Hans; Mary Harvey; J. G. personal property to Omaha bete l>eex; Ernst Agnes Schmidt; ;aret A. Hereen; St. Louis Union Hammel, first and real name un- posit Company, Successor Trustee. Approximately a Hundred Dele- meeting held recently, it was de- dorris and E. I, Stein of Sioux ression of working classes and Irs. Lettle Eggert; A. Traufler; .Mrs. Nellie Trust Co.; Minnie Colyer; Marie Klas- known; J. Howard Heine; Dorothy The sale of said real and personal cided to hold "an educational meetr ilnority groups." C. Schmidt; Katherihe McNulty; Jo- Ttin; Anne Klaskln; Frances Klaskin; Hellis; Andrew Herter; Ethel Herter; property to Omaha Safe Deposit Comgates and Guests Are 3ity and Nathan Stein of BrookP. Welsh; Wm. Voderberg; Phil- Mary G. Devine; Clara M. Sido; Kate Phyllis Hewitt; Vernice Heap: Rpl- panv, Successor Trustee, conducted by ing the last Wednesday of each lyn, New York. Speakers at the meeting were seph j- Expected p Miller; Louise Miller; Ida Katherine Engelmann; Marie Krenning; Erna L. land Hurter; Barbara Hewitt; Ben H. the'Sheriff of Douglas County, Nemonth during the coming year. iabbi Joseph Fink of Buffalo, N. Miller; Henry W. Tonker; Dora MT Krenning; Mildred Krenning1; Jesse L. Hibbard; Vilas Hicks; Wade Harris; brcsKa. on the 24th day of July, 1935, Mr. Max Kaplan is chairman of Grover; Leo F. Niebur or Louise B. Garrett; DeUa C. Garrett; Miss Ade- Jacob T. Hagley; Virginia Hag-ley; covering the real estate above . deRer. A. B. Belden of Eng100 guests and delegates are Dr. A. J. Krietemeyer, first line E. McClurkin; Ellen M. Hays; A. Clara Heller; L. J. Hennessy, first scribed, and the personal property demeetings. Various Questions and, and Dr. S. B. Hurwich_ of tfiebur; ,nd real name unknown; Lena Kriet- J. Menteer, first and real name un- and real name unknown; Mary Hea- scribes in the order of sa!e in the expected to arrive *n Sioux "City the concerning Jewish life will be dis.he Toronto Jewish Workers Conimeyer; Florenca Marx; Emma Levy; known; Alvia Troegle; Wm. J. Gun- ley; Bertha Heitman; Henry Heberer; case.of Kitchen Bros. Hotel Company Sunday morning, September 1, to cussed, and: the meeting will be Melita Howard; Louis Dauernhelm; dall; Inez L. Anderson; Myrtle Camp- Alvin Heitman; Hulda Heitman: Mrs. v. Omaha Safe Deposit Co., Trustee, lerence. attend the! annual Ivre Conclave in Anna F. Schulz; Peter J. Wisemann; bell'. Edwin H. Skaer; Raymond Pick- Bertha Heinz: Henry Heckle; Mary Doc. 283, No. S3, in the District Court the form of an open forum at Mrs. F. Wissner, first and real name up and Meyer" Stern, Trustee for Louis Heckle; Eleanor M. Hel<i; Mrs. Mary of i>ou£las County, Nebraska, is to to be held Sunday and Monday which Committees for the sale of adparticipates. All nknown; Miss Emma Kasten: Mrs. T. H. Hermann; Mrs. Dorothy E. Hildebrand; Kat© Hilbert; John W. be in all respects approved, ratified •with the Sioux City chapter as friendlyeveryone The danger of Germission tickets to the annual Inconfirmed. Upon the vesting of Berlin inna M. Lash; Naphtali Lodge No. Moots; Isaac Smith; Mrs. W. L. Ma- Hernflon; Daniel J. Hailey; C. D. and organizations are asked title th al! of said real anS personal hosts. The; conclave headquarters by the National Workers to leave er-CIub Council carnival h a v e mans unwittingly buying from 5 A. F. & A. M., J. E. Zelch, trus- Sruder, first and real name unknown; Henrod, first and real name unknown; property in the Omaha Safe Deposit will be at'lthe Martin Hotel, and this date ope$. ee; Charles Osthoff; J. A. Gallagher, Charles Chassalng; Carrie L. Bishop; Nellie C. Hough; M. W. Hogan, first Company, Successor Trustee, it shall een named, and will begin "work ews at the fair in Goerlitz, Sl- :irst Nelle G. Bishop; Mrs. Mabel Chest- and real name unknown; John Hott« and real name unknown; J. F. a full program for the guests and esia, was removed when an agree- Hennessy, first and real -name un- ney; Edward N. Busch; Harry Luech- mann; Louis F. Hoelscher; Anna Hn- by appropriate conveyances grant, week. end sell said property to a The organization campaign held ext delegates has been arranged for ment was reached between the known; Amelia Hennessy; Julius tefeld; Russell I. Pickup; Mrs. Louisa ber; Clara Humer; Lafayette L. Ir- bargain Co-chairmen named to head the corporation to be organized and Dietrich; Virginia P. Beall; Eleanor recently was reported .to be sucMeier; M. Shaffer, first and real name wln, Sr.; Mrs. Chas. Jacobi; Jefferson the two d a y meet. Mr. A. M. known as the Paxton Hotel Company. ommittee include Mrs. E. E. :air authorities "and Jews confinLeonore Kaminski; Mrs. M. Held; Leo Gegr; Chas. Arnott; Sa- Bank; E. A. ICaltenrWer, first and Grueskin, jmember of t h e Sioux cessful. Mr. N. . Widesky w&s 3aron, Mrs. J, Kalin, Mrs. W. C. ng Jewish stalls to a special cor- unknown; Upon completion of Its orsranlsation Ann Fries; William H. Stark; Dr. M. rah Boleyr Genevleve S. Gosen; Ber- real name unkno-wn; Dr. "\Y. K. Moore, first' and real name un- tha Gosen; Lena Jacobus and Clara Hotchkiss. first end real name un- the said Paxton HoteJ Company is to City chapter is chairman of the named chairman of the member- lotsky and Mrs. Rubin Miller. er of the grounds, the , Nazi "*. K. stern; Milton Baer; Elmer J. cnown; Selma L. Mayer; Arthur A. known; Harry Homburg; Ryd. H. make, execute anfi deliver a nev,ship campaign. and Mesdames S. arrangements. hopkeepers Association of Goer- Zeis; L. P. Sparks, first and real Eridjre;' W. C. Clark, first and real Hoelsher; Edwin Hoehn; Ada E. Mortgage Indenture to the Omaha Levin, N. Widesky and L. Shindname unknown; J. F. Rasmussen, name unknown; J. P. Sparks, first Holmes; Eva Hodgeklns; Clara Hurst; National Bank as Trustee In the prinitz announced. The conclave program w i l l and real name unknown; Clementine First and real name unknown; Walter Mrs. Elizabeth Humph; P. A. Htshnke. cipal sum of $1,250,000.00 covering all open Sunday morning when dele- ler, as social committee. ' W. Blood; Kate Milbert; George E. Richardson; Joseph Gutohrel; Edith first and real name unknown; Edward real and persona! property heretofore The major topic of discussion k. Boyd; R. B. Pollard, first and real Egger; Mrs. Squire K. Thomas; Tho- Jaeger; Mary Jaeger; J. C. Jennings, conveyed to it by the Omaha Safe gates will .register; at the Hotel FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, lame unknown; Norma C. Pollard: mas J. Dwyer, Sr.: John A. My erf first and real name -unknown; Warren Deposit Company, Trustee. The Baid KLUTZNICK & KELLEY. Martin. At, 5 o'clock, Sunday af- at the meeting held this WednesFay Taylor; Gustav C. Schickedanz; Mary M. Murphy; James E. Murphy; Jones; H. A. Jung, first anfi real Mortgage Indenture is to secure an Attorneys. Richard D. Lee; Velma Lee; Wm. H. Betty Platts; Bessie Platts; Wm. A. name unknown; Minnette C. Kauf- Issue of income, bonds In the said ternoon, a'dinnerette will be serv- day was the re-organization- of Isadore Bashefkin, 42, died Jennie Jacobs; H a n s man; Edward Kaiser; J. P. Kerr, first amount of $1,250,000.00 bearing- interBlanton; Margaret Patton; John W. Hoffmann; 650. Omaha National Bank Bldg. ed at the Martin. In the evening, the Zionist movement into o n e uesday In his. home, 2 0 0 6 Jones Downs; H. E. Johnson; Alice- Johnson; Wulff, Spec. Deputy Financial Com- and real name unknown; Anne M. est up to 6 per cent to be paid out Federation. Current Events were missioner In charge of Fidelity Bank Kerr; Wm. Keim; Mrs. Lydis Keston; of 80 per cent of the net earning*! of an informal dance will be held at Rush C. Watts; Ethel B. Rodg-ers; itreet, after an illness of several ;n the District Court of Douglas Annie J. Marshall; Mllburn Dick: & Trust Company; Harry Lichten- Eva Kennedy; E. C. Kreibohm; Jas. the Paxton Hotel Company, and 20 given by M. Mason. the Sioux City Country Club. ears. . Mr. Bashefkin formerly County, Nebraska. ohn J. Manion; J. E. Miller, first and stein; Margaret E. Lovall; Helen C. E. King; lues Kitchen: Lorelda K. per cent of the net earnings to go A business meeting will occupy Blacker, plaintiff, vs. Kitchen eal name unknown; E. Stapenhorst, Henz; Emma Roth; Catherine Benz; Lfndenheil; Joseph Knittel; Wm. into s sinking- fund to retire bonds of lived at Yankton, South Dakota, David Bros. Hotel Company, defendant. irst and real name unknown; Chas. Florence Graupner; Camp & Co.; Kleinschmidt;; Jos. Kraus; Louis the Paxton Hotel Company on tender. the morning hours on Monday. Frank X. Sweeney; Albert M. Getz; rhere he was engaged in buslLinza; Wm. C. Meinert; J. E. Zelch. NOTICE Krohne: Olge Krohne; Carl A. Kaei- and sals interest shall not be cumuThe meeting •will be for the deletlrst and real name unknown; Mrs. John F. Reynolds; Paul Anderson; ner; Dr. Geo. W. Koenig; Jos. G. lative. Bondholders of the Kitchen 'O: ess. . ' • ' . ' - ' Clarissa. Anderson: Ernest Burgrabe; Koncen; Mrs. Louise T. Kratz; I_ A. Br,s. Hotel Company uncler the MortMyrtle B. Moser: Mary E. Berry; Jogates. The [place for the next conBry; Wm. H. Krenntng: Surviving are tbe widow, Mrs. Nathan seph J. Lampe; Ida Lampe; J. A. De- .aura C. Buffo; A. L. Freelana, first Kelly, first and real name unknown; gage Indenture to th© Fidelity Bank / • Krenning: P. W. Rengstorff, Hovitz, clave will be voted upon at this \i first and real, name unknown; and real name unknown; J. E. Mc- Rose F. Keil; Sophie W. Keil; P. H. & Trust as original Trustee are to irst arid real name kunknown; Returning from a year's stay libby -Bashefkin; a daughter, rid l R R. B B. Bessie Powers; Wj Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Carthy, first and real name unknown; Knighton, first and real name un- receive bond for bond In like prlnelmeeting and officers elected.' (Vhalen, first and real name unabroad, Mrs. J. N. -Krueger ar- Miss Rose Bashefkin of Sioux known: -' John Doelling; Alois A. Win- Drikow; Anchor Arcadle Lodge 322, I. Clara J. McCarthy; Lydia Hackman; known; Leon D. Knapp; Earl Knick- pal amount of the Paxton Hotel ComMonday noon a luncheon f o r rived in Sioux City last week. She O. F.; Mrs. Sallie Robinson: Hugh L.! Grabill: Wm. A. Roebke; meyer; Henry Koopman: Mary C. peny. Al! of th© capital fitock of the a brother, William of Sioux erer; Thos. E. Galligan; V. C. Pinet, O. newly organized Paxton Hotel ComAndrew Grass; Leo W. Schweiss; Moiile Roebke; Chris Groetecke; Luthe women guests will be given sailed on the S. S; Majestic, which City; irst and real name unknown; J. P. Koopman; Elma C. Kruse; D. J. two brothers, Leonard and _,Illler, A u g u s t cille Cott; Eugene Roesberger; Mrs. Kronneberg-er, first and real name un- T-any is Jo be issued to the Voting first and real name unknown; Mary A. S c h w e i s s ; at the \Varrior Hotel at o n e docked in New York City, where City; lam Bashefkin of Los Angeles; Christina Miller; J. A. Meyer, first Schweiss; Charles Boken; Margaret Emma I<evy; Joseph H. Priess; Harry known; Smith, Landeryou & Co.; J. Trustee? on the terms and conditions o'clock, and at the same time a she was met by her daughter Miss real name unknown; Isabel New- A. Hereon; Mrs. Lilly Buck; Albert J. Douglas; Mrs. Anna Ott; John C. Lavlan, first and real name un- as set forth in the application filed a sister, Mrs. Revia Carney of ind Buck; Mrs. Arthur Buss; Gehrke; M. Feirman, first and real known; Mrs. Gladys L. Lemon; Emma herein for the reorganization and reands; Guy F. Kahmann; Louis An- W. luncheon lor the men vwill be Nettie Krueger of Chicago. Miss and Chicago. ierson: Mrs. Lulu Caruthers: Mar- "Melvin Buss; Miss Belle Wall; Mrs. name unknown; Alice Berryman; Leonard; Chas. Lenza; Myrtle Lenza; financing of Enid Mortgage Indenture, served at' tbe Martin. Natalie Berg; Emma Nolle; Minnie C. "Pauline Wingrath; M. F. Geisman, John K. Lord, Jr.; , Mrs. Theresa anfl each bondholder of Kitchen Bros. B. Singleton; Ellen L. Tarling; Krueger returned to Sioux City Funeral services were held at garet -. jt> and real same unknown; \.dolph Leyh; Katherine Leyh; Mrs. Molte; Bridget McKenna; Harry Ac- 'Irst Locust Groves Church Cem- Hotel Company under the Mortgage The highlight of the convention with her mother for a visit. tore* JL. ;he home Wednesday, with Rabbi _VIartha G. Dana; Leona McDonald; kenhauser; Mrs. John Lowery; Kath- Weber Implement & Auto Co.; Lockner; etery Fund; Mrs. Delia Luckingbill; Indenture herein referred to is Will be the formal dinner dance cefve Voting Trust Certificates repre" ryn Myrick; Jos. Myrick; B. J. LatiJ. Trihey; Fanners & Mer- G. A. Kunze, first and rea! name unMrs. Krueger spent most of her [. R." Habinowitz and Cantor A. Delphine "Westman; Leonard W. mer, first and real name unknown; Edward ' chants Savings Bank; Beulah V. Spen- known; Arthur Kuhlman; Zoe Kurtz; sentlnfc one share of stock of *he to be held Monday evening at the year in Palestine, and also visited liskin officiating. Grams; Nora E. Collins; Frank Paxton Hotel Company for each One amme; Oscar Busch; Mrs. Elizabeth Bertha Mae Rinek; Walter S. Rinek; cer; Mae S. Williamson; Jas. E. Hol- John H. Langmack; Luman H. Long; Martin. Elaborate plans h a v e France and Czechoslovakia. Hundred Dollar bond held by him Is>. Keeling; Louis E. Anfender; Mrs. E. C. Gray, first and real name un- well; Catherine S. Kunz; Lou R. Es- Mrs. Mildred Leahe; State Bank of been made;for this final event of Elizabeth Jones; Laura L. Dunham; known; Olive Gray; H. B. Livingston, sex; A. L. llagerstadt, first and real Lenzburg; Dan G. Liebler; Roger P. sued by Kitchen Bros. Hotel Company An article telling of Mrs. KrueMas A, Ungar; Elsie Ungar; W. C first and real name unknown; Cather- name unknown; Julia Feustel; Ther- Swire;-Harry Lopata; Albert JVIana- under the Mortgage Indenture above the conclave. ger's views and experiences in Horstman, first and real name un- ine Zoll; Charles Zoll; Albert F. John- esa C. E. Dold; Lillian Drohan; Min- sha; Lloyd' Pershing; Matilda Martin; describes; As in past years, the conclave Palestine will appear In a forthnown; Addie M. Horstman; James son; Mariette Johnson; Andrew L. nie Pritchsrd; Joseph Lanzner; Mr. Ruth Martin; Earl C. LurU; Eliza- The Paxton Hotel Company Is to i. Barngrove; Clarence E. Gonser; Meleher; Agnes Melcher; Augrust B. Fred J. Schaefer; Elizabeth. DeGaris; beth Lyman; Xt. ^W. Marlrwell; Jos- lease to Kitchen Eros. Hotel Comwill hold :the spotlight on t h e coming issue of The Jewish Press. ohn G. Dierking; Anna Dierking; Bauman; Ernest Aug. Doctor; Wm. N.Augusta F. Uttmann; Arthur Vogel; ephine Mankle; Rev. John Marion; pany Lots 1, £ anfi the East One-third Members of the Senior Hadas- ilrs. month's social: calendar and will • J. A. Fries, first and real name Edna Schultz; A. L. Browne, Bernard W. Hays; Mr. Edward P. Mrs. Katie Marxer; Wm. Mayes; of Lot 3. EJock J3S, Original Flat of ah, under the direction of Mrs. mknown; George J. Grote; Miss Schultz; 'Irst and real name unknown; Elmer Buddy; C. L. Collins, first and real Sarah KcGilig-an; Bishop Wm. F. Mc- the City o* Omaha, Nebraska, and attract many out of town guests. Mr. and Mrs. Max Bergen Te- harles Raskin and Mrs. M. Laz- V. Boslna Frantz; Elmer Edler; Schoenlau; Christine Schuchman; Ed- name unknown: Gene vie ve McElroy; Murray; Fred Meriwether; Major all persona! property used in the con.Irs. C. H. Edler, first and real ward C. Lee; Mrs. Elizabeth Fox; Lightenstein Estate, Inc.; Henry Lewis Means; Wa Met?.; Alvina duct of the Paxton Hotel on said ceived their friends and relatives iowich, will hold their annual lame unknown; Chartyne Toung; The Belle Bank; John Brethauer; Da- Harbke; Edgar Littman; Alco M. Cos- Meyer; Mrs. Nella B. McCoy; Dr. for » period ot three years, at an Open House Sunday after- Vlilk Fund Drive next Tuesday, rene Maloney; Esther TJngar: vid Green; Anna II. O'Neill; H. M. grove; S t Louis Letter Carriers' Mu- James W. McCarthy; Lora McHenry; premises, and for the mim of §§3,000.00 per year, F. M. Bartleson, first and Baler, first and real name unknown; tual Aid Association; Wm. H. Krenn- R. McCaslSn, first and real name un- payable monthly, plus? z§ per cent of noon, honoring their son-in-law eptember 3, when homes where Urs. eal name unknown; O. SchmiedesB. Scanlan; Wm. D. Barry, "np. Treas.; Wlllard A. Mason; G. F. known; Minnie Meyer; Chas. W. the room occupancy income In excess and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Al-lie milk fund bags have b e e n :amp, first and_ real name unknown; Katherine "A: Dr. A. H. Steffens, first and real Soltermann, first and real name un- Meier; M. Mercedes, first and real Of $260,000.00 per annum. Kitchen name unknown; Minnie Ackenhauser; known; Adele B. Hyraan; George F. name unknown; Ernest Meyer; Kath- Bros. Hotel Company is to expend at vyn Lowe of New York City, eft, will be visited.' Blanche M. Kelly; Pauline Ang- Helen Klingberg; Mrs. Linda R. Mey- Ryan; Gertrude. A. McDemjott: Mrs. erine Metz; Elizabeth C. Nichols; least S12.0O0 per year in the maintew. Gantz. flrst and real guests In their home. Before her Nicklas, Sr.: Nile E. Nilsson; nance and unkeep of said propertv. lsh; unknown; J. The Milk Fund drive Is a part iama Nellie McHose; Mark enburg; Dulaney Playgrounds Board; Mary E. Wheeler: Carl A. Koerner; Henry recent marriage in N e w York, f the Infant Welfare work of the I. Kendall; T. J. Keefe; first and real roseph W. Rottler; Emanuel Ph. Sirs May Ruth Abramsky; Bertha M. Lillie I. ..Park; aiarshall D. Parsons; and is to par all insurance upon said Mrs. G. E. Paydon, first and real property to protect the Paxton Hotel Rose ame unknown; Paul H. Koenig; Specht;. Louise Specht: Rev. John J. Koeraer; Theodore Gosen; name unknown; Udiah Lsib ParadioWith cold weather approaching Mrs. Lowe was Miss Ethel Bergen. tenior Hadassah. Milk fund bags 3erthe Hackman: Mrs. Ella Kelly; John J. Company, except fire and tornado inBroyer: Henry ARZBT; Isa- Jlennon; Eugene A. Freund; Agnes Kate 'Hennessy; Emma thol Club; Rose Peterson; Mrs. Eiecta surance on the building and contents a great demand for winter cloth,re left In the homes and the ielle iA.nzer; Thomas H. Fitzpatrick; Tackett; Amelia Wlttenberger; Ernest Hennessy; M. Peters; Jos. L. 2Vtitcheli; Missis- which latter Insurance is to be paid Heiligenstein; Leanda Zell; Dr. B. F. Wittenberger; August Wittenberger; ohn^Reld; Lulu Held; Mrs. • M. Irwin, Mrs. Joe Brown and sons, Bob- money saved in the bags, collect- irst and real name unknown; Doro- Wm. Wittenberger; Emma L. Moore; Swisher, first and real name un- sippi Valley Tr. Co.; Mrs. Emma for by the Fasten Hotel Company. ing is being made at the Jewish Mrs.-H. T. Moss, first and Community Center for needy fam- by and Morris, of Atlanta, Geor- id once a year. ot the funds now in the nands . hy Panhorst; Oliver A. Fabick;WU- Chas. L. Edwards, Guardian and Cu- known; Hugh D. Robertson; Alice M. MJchaelis; real name unknown; Harry F. Nie- of Out Omaha Safe Deposit Company, jklcGHligan: Frank Cranfield; rator of Robt. and Pauline Bankhearn, Robertson; Nixdorff-Krein Mfg. Co.; hsus; ilies. ., Those who have old clothes gia, departed Sunday for their The entire collections for this lam National City Bank; Fred NoW; Trustee, Adella Martin; Vincent C. Wolf; Ala!l the expenses of the re.lary E. Lloyd; Paul Terhune; O. M,. minors: August Nollman; Emil HartR. S. Norris, first and real name that are wearable, are asked to home after spending the summer ork concentrated in the -Cortjohu, first and real name' un- man: Charles Reinhart; Nora Liebig; vin Mohr; Joseph A. Evers; Edward Dr. of every kind and nature unknown; S. O'Dell, first and real organization D. Jones & Co.; John April; Alberta F. H. Xiehman, first and real name are to be including the compen- ' known; Sirs. C. Braniecki, first and get in touch with Miss Dena Bar- with Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. ne day drive. unknown^ Chas. Oechsner; Kit- nation duepaid, unknown; Harry Cox; Edward Sheda; Robinson Shannon; Sophie Eiseman; name the Omaha Safe Deposit raise unknown; Albert Guze; A. tie H. Oliver; AugustPottho'f; Reuon at the Jewish Community Cen- and Mrs. B. Bernstein. Llsette Eiseman; Barbara Fisher RoCompany as Trustee, for services as >I. Simcn, first and real name un- Ferd Winkler; Maggie Winkler; Emeben Pierson; WiJber E. Peter; John sen; Edgar N. Fisher; Isabella J. lia Laramers; Wm. Hettenhausen; such Trustee, which are to be fixed known; Mrs. H. H. Robinson, first ter, and a; car will call for the Mr. J. A. Pemberton, first and by court and also includingattorneys nd real- name unknown; C. D. How- Henry Kroener; Mrs. Theresia Sch- Fisher; Arthur Seiffert; Charles D. Peck; Aa Llm A* articles. s real name-. unknown; Mrs. Catherine Miss Lillian Romirowsky arBolin; Philip E. Briscoe; C. W. Atfees and all other expenses incurred ,rd, first and real name unknown; M. maus; Lillian Boesenberg: L. J. Schad ; Phillips; Peoples Bank of Troy; Mrs. kins, first and real name unknown: first and'real name unknown; Mrs. by said Trustee In all matters relatrived here Monday after spending it. Sittoii, first and real name- un-Quilts, riiattresses, as well as L. Pierce, first and real name un- ing- to the Mortgage Indenture of Mrs. J. P. Gould, first and Elizabeth Robertson; Stella Trippel; Wray H. Essex. Sr.» John xJvorakj J. Fifteen members of t h e local known; known; Prudential Casualty Co.; St. clothing for adults and children a three week vacation with relaand real Jacob Roll; Harry F. Smith; Paul T. Louis Kitchen Eros. Hotel Company to the real name •unknown; Cora G. Bahr; O. J. Ferguson, first Conference Preachers Ai<3 . Z. A. chapter will go to Des Roques; Catherine M. Barry; Elizatives in Chicago. name unknown; Mrs. Anna Wlese: Fidelity Bank & Trust Company. Charles G. Galle; Mr. and Mrs. W.. J. can be used. Many children will J. F. Rasmussen. first and real above referred to, which atfirst and real names unknown; R. H. - S h u m a t e , first and real beth T. Barry; Chas. W. Parker; Fund; iloines Saturday to participate in Hynd, need : clothes before starting to name unknown; ChaR. A. Redden; Trustee, fees are also to be determined"V. D. Paine, first and real name un- name unknown Edna S. Doelling; Latira S. Starr; Dorothy Finks; Wal- John Mrs. Kstherine Keis; torneys Dr. M. Blank, Sioux Apart- he summer A. Z. A. tournament <nown; Pearl Paine; Clara K. Stern; Mrs. Edna Klemp; Ben H. DeForest; ter Austin; Lydia Ulbright; Emma EmmaReinhart; school and 'those who have clothes by the court. The baiance of the Roth; Ernest A. Philmon; Mrs. money remaining: in the hands of the Bertha A. Burns; Mrs. Lena Fohr- Pater A. "Vaeth; Mrs. A. J. Francis, Kasten; Mrs. Ada Goodman; Fred R. Lola Piper; to be given are urged to commu- ments, has returned home after o be held there. Sioux City will nian; Ellsworth R, Pierce; Jack Bfirtha Schuebach; F. A. first and real name unknown; Mrs. Donley; Esther K. Peter; Herman E. E. Proost; Geo. W. Price; Herman OnSWha. Safe ^Deposit Company, Trusa two week vacation in northern nter a ball team and a tennis Btrger,Mis3 nicate with the Center office. Gebers; Catherine TBompson; Harry ' efter paying- eli expenses and first and real name unknown; Estelle M. Joffray; R. S. Grable, first Zuack; - Harry Radzin- tee, earn in the contests. charges above referred to shall be • Mrs. Louise Kronsbein; Mrs. W. C. and real name unknown; Emma Rit- Thompson; Richland Bank of Morri- Zousick;John Wisconsin. son, Mo.; Blanche Dorothy Omohu- sky; Sirs. John W. Rouse; Kenneth disbursed pro rata smonf the bondtenhouse; Ida Wurdemann; Mrs. EmSetterfleld, first and real name unThe Tournament will be held known; H. J. Falkenhalner, first and ma L. Nuoff; Elmer B. Powell; Har- ndro; Rawleigh T. Shephard; Jos. Rapp; Elizabeth • Remmert; Wm. holders of Kitchen Bros. Hotel ComAuld; Beth C. Auld; Mrs. Adele Hanna, Curator, of the Estate of Richter, Jr.; A. K. Riselay, first and pany under the Indenture herein reMr. and Mrs. Hy Raskin of Chi- Saturday, Sunday, a n d Monday, cai name unknown; Dan Cubbage; old Hanker; J. Wm. Sullentrup; Theo- George Gladislaw, Jr.; Louise Wel- real name unknown; Carolyn Eobin- fered to. Rose Cubbage; Mrs. Ollie Duncan; cago viisted in Sioux City this and chapters from Omaha, Lin- George Burnett; Ma3Tne Finnlgan; dore Muench; Liz2ia B. Riggs; Wm. hoelter; Firmln D. Fusz. Jr.; Carl B. son; Eugene Roseberger; J. E. RooUpon the approval of th© plan of M. Hayes; Dr. E. B. Ward, first and Kraus; John C. Schnell: George A. ney, first and real name unknown; reorganisation and refinancing by the week enroute from their home to coln, Council Bluffs, Sioux City Reinholdt Blatt; Edgar "VT. Meier; real name unknown; Philip Kloess; District Court of Douglas County, NeL. Ray Schuesslet; Cletus Schenk; and Des Moines •will compete. Melville Tod; Alice Tod; E. M. Pelke, Green: Elizabeth. Farrell; Margaret Fall activities w e r e begun by he northern Minnesota Lakes. Olbrisch or Katherine Olbrisch; Dizotell; the Omaha Safe Deposit ComIrst and real name unknown; T. A. Wm. Peter Steinhelmer; Anna State Bank of Slater; Rev. Leo H. braska, J. Herman, first and real name unpany is to notify an bondholders of », tna local [Jewish National Fund Blair, first and real name unknown; Dr. Walter E. Eckhardt; Schloss; Helen C. Schsnbacher;• John the Kitchen Bros. Hotel Company on•% E. C. Kroibohm, first and real Steinheimer; Schoen; F. W. Schwarze, first and John B. Shaffer; L. L. Latham, first known; Mr. and Mrs. I. Liberman of Dr. Paul Eckhardt; Theo. H. Gosen; Council, Tfhen the first meeting unknown; George F. Wangelin; Adeline Hering; Harold A. Weiss; Al- real name unknown; St. Louis Uni- der its mortgage oi its readiness and -I" and real name unknown; William H. name ios Angeles visited 'in the home Ralph J. Schmisseur; Mrs. Elizabeth to carry ssld plan into efof the season was held last night Koch; Fred Klemme; Lizzie Klemme; Reubel; Christina Rithmann; B. J. bert M. Schmelzle; Mrs. Cecile Spen- versity; Mrs. S-.- Sapp, first and real willingness fect, and Is to take up and retire and name unknown; Paul Schafer; Annie Cantor A. PliSkin will hold Aug. "Wesselschmldt; Harry Brown; Buchert, first and real name Un- cer Hunt: Nora Crimmte; S. M. Culin. the Jewish, Community Center. f Mr. and Mrs. J. Olensky this cancel all bonds of Kitchen Bi-os. Staples; Mabel Staples; Frank known; Miss Dora Hill; Elizabeth bertson, first and real name unknown; L. Scblueter; Mrs. Theresa Schanos; Hotel An Interested group of men andweek, enroute from New Y o r k memorial services at the Jewish Gus and deliver to "the l\x; Ellsworth A. Murray; John M. Healey; Jeremiah Curtin; Mina Davis; B. H. Fred W. Rengstorff; Emma Rose- holdersCompany, thereof new bonds of the PaxWalter F. Mueller; Lillie iemetery in Floyd Park Cemmeyer; Agnes Schmltt; Walter A. city to their home. Sanford; Norma Hurter; Henry Hur- Kreibohm; Mrs. I. tHbricht, first and Dally, first and real name unknown; "women, representing the various Company, Voting- Trust Minnie Frantz; Mrs. Dora StunDecker; John Devise; L. M. Ad- Schneider: Henry Schoeneman; Ben ton Hotel under etery, every Sunday morning at ter; Zionist organizations of the city the terms outlined name unknown; Meta S-. Wied- John kenbroeker; John Klelnschmidt; John real kinson, first and real name unknown; Schonhoff; Mrs. . Christine Schuck- Certificates in said application, and the pro rata 10 o'clock during t i e month of mann; Rev. Casimir C. Schmidt; Mr. Sam Kroloff has returned man; Deloraine Smith; Mrs. Lena attended the meeting and partiP. Maratta;; A. T. Rosegren, first and Teckel," Earickson & Co.; Georgetta Edward Adams; H. J. Aufderaeide, g share of the moneys due to each l name unknown; k J h W Mason; Juller; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Koenig; B. first and real name unknown; Wil- Seyb; Louis Seals; James Shanon; R. bondholder as may be ftetermttied John cipating in. drawing up plans for home after a business trip to Chi- Elul. This Is a traditional service real by T. - Shepard, first and real name un- the District Court, of Douglas County, helm Albrisch; Myrtle Alperson; LyMr. and Mrs. Ernest Hensick; CaroM d M E t H ^* for those who wish to remember line Schenk; Max Kllngler; Emil Klin- E. Thomas, first and' real name un- dia Albright: Irma M. Anderson; B. known; E. W. Skaer, first and real cago. the coming months. Nebrasku, upon the failure of any 0 known; I. F. Nordyke, first and real W. Appel, first and real name un- name unknown; H. E. Smith, first the dead during the month pre- gler; Clara G. Hurter; Otto Spinden; name bondholder ot Kitchen Bros. Hotel Plans were begun for the disHilda L. Gisi; Mrs. known; Anna Armbruster; Rev. Edw. and real name unknown; M. W. Mrs. M. Gudalo, first and real name Henry unknown; N. Gisi: Loraine J. Schreiber; Ballenger: Berherman & Johnson; Smith, first and real name unknown; Company to present his bonds to the tribution of the Jewish National Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mushkin ceding the High Holidays. unknown; Mrs. Anna M. Page; J. G. Katherine Safe Deposit. Company, TrusD. Thomas; Ottilia Hogen- Bess Ballantyne; W. D. Batchellar, James Stahlman; M, B. Stewart, first Omaha Anyone who wishes the Cantor Waldeck, first and real name • un- miller; S. N. Grove, first for cancellation and retirement Fund stamps, a n d tentative ar- of New York City visited in Sioux and real first and'real name unknown; Jacob and real name unknown; R. M. Stubba tee, known; Mrs. Katie Hagemann; Melwithin nSnety days from the date of rangements were made for a re- !ity this week in the M. Mushkin to conduct similar services at the ville K. Carson;" Dr. A. J. Eisner, name unknown; Charles F. Winters; Berghoffer; Fred L. Beck; Herman first and real name unknown; Mrs. approval of the plnn of settlement Elizabeth Klein; Miss Luella Clark; Bertram; Bertha Bertram; J. BleckLouis Sievers; David E. Sims; F. L. grave of their departed during first and real name unknown: M. K. George P. Eiswlrth; Fred E. Koelling; man, first and real name unknown; ception for Mrs. J. N. Krueger, home, enroute to New York from by th© said court, the Omaha Safe Smith, first end real name unknown; Thompson, first and real name unDeposit Company, active J. N. F. worker, who re-Los Angeles where they visited the week, may call. him at his known; Otto E. Splnden; Henry V. Sophia K. Doelling; P. J. Sullivan, Dr. J. E. Maupin, first and real Mrs. E. F. Smith, first and real name of saM period, is toatfiletheits expiration report in and real name unknown; Mary name unknown; Anna C. Brammeier; unknown; Isaac Smith; Mrs, Cecile the District Court of Douglas? County. turned this week from Palestine Mr. R. Mushkin of Denver also home for an appointment. Deemar; Jennie B. Deemar; James rirst E. Coan; Jos. Weingart; J. C. Lov- Minnie Breuer; J. W. BraSy, first M. Smith; Frank Straub; Hugn V. Nebraska, showing- that at has is all Murphy; AH eg Murphy; Wm. Hohn after a yjaar's stay. visited with Mr. a n d Mrs. M, first and real name unknown; and real name unknown: E. S. Bridge Steiner; Lettle Sunbrack; Jehn Sulli- respects carried out the orders bt the Esther Hohn; Miss Anita McGinnis. rien, World Color Printing Co.; Eliza- first and real name unknown; O. W. van; Martin M. Swehla; C. F. Taylor, District Court of Douglas County, NeSioux City Jewry, under t h e Mushkin this week. L. M, Adkinson, first and real name The Boehm; Chas. J. Boehm; Henry Burroughs, first and real name un- first and real name unknown;. W. J. braska, and that the proposed plan of unknown; P. M. Adkinson, first and beth leadership^ of t h e Council, will Gerdlng; M. Thatcher Shore; William known; E. W. Busch. first and real Thornton, first and real name un- reorganization has been fully comreal name unknown; Miss Sarah Mc- Henry Otte; Katie Otte: M. L. Busch; name unknown; Nellie Beeckrnann; known; J. J. Tharaan, first and real pleted, aad ell expenses Incident take an active part this year in Gilligan; Miss Mary Havey; Annie L. C. Busch; George Miss Elaine Mushkin visited Wittmann; El- Wm. Burlis; Robert Busby; Dr. J. R. name unknown: C. H. Steinkenmeyer, thereto have been paid, and with reFahey; Elizabeth Diehl; Lewis G. mer F^. Otte; Louis Erohne; tbe Palestinian Land Redemption with Razelle Abraham in MapleMollie Bridges, first and real name unknown; first and real name unknown; Walter spect to such bondholders of Kitchen Diehl; Joseph E. DUB: Miss Jennie Dolier; Floy Wolfenbarger; Geo. M. Henry Bumernnle; Laura Broyhill; W. Sterno; D. A. A. Swaim, first ami Bros. Hotel Company as may not have Campaignj which will be nation- ton, Iowa, this week. Berger; Mrs/Eva G. Hodgkins; Mrs. Brockway; Farmers & Merchants E. Carlson, first and real name un- real name unknown; Alan Sydle; Dr. present their bonds for cancellation Martha J. Hysinger; O. J. Herzogv wide, to'facilitate the acquisition Mamie Vogel; Richard S. Eis- known; Dr. J. E. Cashin, first and Robt. E-. Taylor; Grace Taylor; Frank and retirement, within said ninety day first and real name unknown; Mary Bank; of additional tracts of land in name unknown; Mrs. Julia By- Thien; eman; David Eiseman; I. D. Hewitt, Ray Thompson; Florence period, said Omaha Sate Deposit ComMiss Dorothy Merlin returned Jane Mathis;: George L. Stapleton first and real name unknown; G. N. real Veronica A. Byrne; A. J. Cannon, Thayer; Mrs. Fred Thomas; Mrs. Sam pany requests that St be authorised Palestine.: Mrs. Ida Reller; Miss Katherine-Jaen- McDavid, first and real name un- ars; home last week' from Chicago and first and' real name unknown; Geo. ecke; Mrs. Elizabeth Zwicke; Mist known; Gephart Gawer; Charlotte Ga- Capps; Central Republic Bank ana Thunnan; J. L. Tod<5, first and rea! to deposit -with the Clerk of the Dt»» A report of the Conference of Des Moines, where she visited name unknown; Robt. Tauniz; BarHelen Henry J. Witte; Elsie Resent Failure of Zionist Ex Hosch; Meyer; Alvln April; Charles H. Moore- Trust Co.; George Chrispin; Mrs. An- ney Trauntuer; Mrs. Georgia Turner; Urict Court of Douglas County, Nethe Southwestern Region of the with friends. Everett G. Brinkman; Chris wer; Miss Nellie Wagner; Ira R. Koenig na Bowing; Martha Child; Dr. J. F. W S Trigg. first and real name un-iuro-ssfi, &>r the benefit of said bondH. Gieseke; Paulein Sieber; Margare' ecntive t© Enforce ReCaskey, first and real name unJewish National Fund, held last M. Merritt; Claire Dwyer; G. C. Stein- D. R. Bowes; Maytne Palmer Bowes known; M. J. Conroy, first and real known; Louis Varel; John G. Theis; I holders, the requisite numtjer of bonds June in Kansas City was given. ligions Observance helmer, first and real name urknown Clara P. Koenig; Miss Emma Frese name unknown; Dorothy Ann..Cole; Elmer W. Thoelau; B. J. Thuene- of the Paxton Hottl Company, VotinE Miss Inez Cordon of Los An Jay Millard; Johnnie W.' Reppel; Es- Louise Taylor; H. E. Stappenpeck, Anna Coan; E. F. Clemmons & Sons; raarai, first and real name unknown; Trust Certificates and the pro rata Mr. Barney Baron represents geles, California, is spending sev bondy flue snid n of Theodore M. Hunt; Margare first and real name unknown; Felt- Helen Coerver; Laura Prentice; Ther- Delora T.Uen_: .Elmer. Tonsing; Hilda share,, of the moneys ld flupon h showingh bi g Sioux City on the. administrative eral days at the home of her un- Lucerne (JTA)-—The Mizrachi tate , p showing such being Wissner; Emms h E. Tolmig; Anton Manhart; Karolim han Watson; W. S. Hunter, first ana esa Cope; Mrs. Effie Copple; M5"rtle Trautmer; holders, made tto theCourt off th District Diti C t Mrs. . ASvina Walter; duly name unknown: Harry L. Fergu- Cole; Continental Life Ins. Co.; John Wagner; board for the Southwest region cle, J. Jacobson. Miss France orthodox Z i o n i s t organization Manhart; C. L. Ulrich, first and rea' real, d l DOUJCIBS County, Nebraska, the eatdi Watts; C. Byron Webunknown; Alma Klotz; J. W son; Ida L. McQuitty; Mrs. F. C. C. Campbell; Mary Ellis Cotton; By- Oten at the conference. Mr. H. H. Em- Jacobson will be hostess to a boycotted the sessions of t h e name Omaha Safe Deposit Company redel; ' • Wm. D. WinJet;Mrs. Lena Crammer, first and real name unKendall, first and real name un ron Cosby; Albert Collins; ClaMnce that St be discharged as Trus* leln presided;at the meeting. Gertrude L. Specht; Clara known; Albert H. Binder; J. L. Col- Daly; W. A. . Denby, first and -eaf Vaughn; Mrs. Catherine Varrel; Eliza- Quests group of friends at a weiner roas World Zionist Congress in pro- known; tee herein, and relieved of all its Rengstorff; Tillle Rengstorff; Sophie lin, first and real name unknown; name unknown; Hugh Davis; T. A beth Valerius; Mrs. Lillian Voney; duties, test against the alleged action o liabilities and responsibilities John Walker; James A. Walsh; BerPercy S. Block; Leo Klos: Clara HelSaturday evening, at the Kiwani Day, first and real name unRengstorff; Emma Welndel; Rev. Fr. connection therewith. For further Rev. Wm. J. Dames nadette Walsh; Dr. L. J, Wagers, tin August Hohlt; Edwin Moell- ler; Samuel T. Cooper; E. E. Clay- known: Cabin, * complimenting Miss Gor the Zionist Executive in not en Egger;. and more complete details o( said first and real name unknown; John pool, first and real name unknownMiss Effa Bean; John A. Andric; Otforcing its. demands for enforce mann; L. L. Aubel, first and reai William Meier; Henry F. Huelamann. to plan o? reorganization and refinancing don. C. Durban; Louis J. Dresler; Miss Wack; Iva Waiden; Harry Wagelin; you name unknown; F. F. Aubel, first anc Susan J. Kelly; Peter Comer, K. R. eve referred to the orig-inal appliment of religious observance In Westerbergr; Mr. Elmer Weiss; real name unknown; J. Goodman, firs; S. 86, Trustee K. of P.; Henry A. Josephine Dietrich; Mrs. Minnie Doel- MarieThe ' Ij^r s!t Junior Hadassah cation on file In the above entitled ling; Rev. F. J. Dooley; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Weiaie; J. J. Windsor, first and came Palestine. and real name unknown; Henrs Perrlguey, in the office of the Cierk of Guardian and Curator, Es- B Drikow; Mrs. Edna Edwards; Rev. real name unknown; Arthur Wind; Board meeting of the season -was Members of the Alpha Gamm Schmoll; T. J. Connors, first and real tate of Perriguey miller; Ewalfi Winternrnn; G. Wlllers. the District Court of Douglas County. Minors; Daniel J. The Mizrachi refused to parti name unknown; Laura Koehler; Mrs. heli_ Wednesday evening in the Epsilon sorority enjoyed a breakDonovan; F. P. Gilbert, first and real F. Eggen; E. C. Eidman, first and first and real name unknown; Bertha Nebraska, together with at! exhibit* Whlpple; Anthony L.-Mart; Lee name unknown; Fred C. Michael; x_i- real yfibine of |)theji>resldent, Miss Dor- fast hunt Sunday morning a cipate in the steering committe Rllla name unknown: R. L. Ellis, first V. Wieok; Ijaurence Weggnan, Jr.; attached thereto. Ton are- further noLa Bussa; Sadie -I* Juhlin: Mrs. L. B Han Michael; Mary A. Schauwacker aad real name unknown; Harry San- Gus Wilier; Agaths Wolf; Mrs. Laura tified that the Application of applicant of the congress comprising repre /otiiyCMej'llri^! Plans for the An- South Ravine. • Ambruster, f;ret and real name unEnis; Thos. Elsberry; Mrs. Em- Webdel White; A. Tavitss, first end above described, for the approval of sentatlves of all groups which known; Mrs. Mary Fortel; Thomas E, E. S. Armstrong-, first and real name ders nual ^tahefehip tea were made ma DSschbein; J. S. Dickson, first and real name unknown; N. W. Yonker, the said plan of reorganisation anil Reese; Hannah •• Perschbacher; Mrs, unknown; Beulah J. Kleppisch; .Ger- real name unknown; H. L. Doelling, first and rea.1 name •unknown; Helen refinancing1, wil! be heard before the will negotiate formation of a new sndjcoinjinittees for' t h e coming Miss Bess Cooper of Omaha 1 Rose- Grond; Mra. Neta Inskeep; Flor- trude Wolf; Robert Eike; Anna Eike- first and real name unknown; Geo. Wurth; Geo. TamlnHi; Geo. Belm- Honorable FranK M. Dineen, JudjjNl ence M. tFutz; A. W. Gilbert, first ant George Brelmbrink; John Henry Bo- Duelling; Theo. L. Dreyer; Kev. D. C , brink; Belleviile Finance Corp.; Hilda of the District Court of I>o«g!a« tajjipbiiited. : > spending the week-end at the L coalition executive. real name unknown; W. G, Lohrurn ka; Olivia Eckardt; Barbara Roebke or E. G. Eby; Henry J. Ebcrs; Heis- Berg; Annie Berg; Mrs. Jt&ry Blerwa; County, Kebrasfca, on the 25th 4ay ot Its delegates also refused t first M. Rice home. and rear name unknown; Huldi Minnie Parish; Marshall Field & Co. chel W. Ebeis; Mile F. Edwards; Louis A. Bitto; KicharcJ Bockte.g«; September. 1936, at his Court Room take part in the general debat A. Wehking; H. C. Wehking, first am Chas. E. Grohe; . Ernestine G™e Cihas. H. Edier; Geo. Eggers, Jr.; Theo. M. Bohr; J. Harry Boka; Mary In the,. Court. House in Ounaha, Dougy las County, Nebraska. L B i y f i ;t fi name unknown; Marie B, Me Buena V. Cramer; Lsabeila J. Fisher Emil Ellison; James Ellison: Oscsr El- T B Miss Rosabelle Wigodsky wa and would not accept membershi real r a g g g , first f i s t unfi nfi Bragging, Carthy; Lawrence Piekert; Mr, anc Ella Pettker; W. S. Wilson, first and lison; E. A. Elchinger, first and real A. Botz; A- L. B in the praesidium. real ssme unknown; Dr.G. H. Brereal name unknown; Alex J . BoSa* l D G H B OMAHA SAFE DEPOSIT*-COMPANY, Mrs. Edward Giessling; Philip "W, name unkno-wnt John G. Fuchs; Hanhostess to the Debra Club Mon ^ntR^oA •*• Harry Boka; _.«\r.' J. Elsenhauer. nkb. Faes; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Engert; dell, first. «n<S real name unknown; Trustee In addition, at the election o Schmidt: Casper Bruening; Margare' J. day evening. Dr. ~W. H. Bresier, first and real name Wm. Schifferdecker, Edward L. HeffBruening; Mrs. V. F. Moss, first an< Rev B. H. Eppman, first and real Ey congress president last week, th real name unknown; Robert Hennin ner; Clara SchJefmeier; Marie_ «.. name unknown; Rev. O. P. Foreman, unknown;, Wm. Brockmeier;, Ers, C. Wm. Born; Ray A. Beit- Hirst and rea! name unknown; N. W. Elizabeth Swlcke: , PKAtSEKBtTRG, WEBB, BSBER, H t^iljjalce-l and sold by ; \r:. •. Mizrachi delegates, numberin ger; Emily M. Sch'elp; Chas. A. Klein- Kensper; You "and each' of yoa are hereby KX.UTSX1CK & KE1JUT, zel; Ottio Pearce; B. C. Henrs;. Krf Feuerbachci. first and real name unnans; E. L. Roederer, first and rea; and about 65, refrained from voting namereal name aakuown; W a . Meyer. known; Fidelity Trust Co.; Fidelity notified that on the ISth <5s.y erf Aii8t« Its Attornej-B. unknown; George Feldbuscn; Henry Mary <K. Meyer; Regma Mortgage Corporation; Fire Ins. Co. u8trs.18S5. ths Omaha, Safe Deposit S 8-I6-35-4 After Dr. Welzmann's nomina- Henry Eilerman^Elda'EUerman; J. L. Tbless; Bode; Mrs. Lulu; Blrchsrd;_Marth& of Chlctisro; M. FlCzpatrick, first and first and real name unknown McDowell;' Kate M. Felker;. Frank J. Regular rehearsals a r e bein tion to the presidency, Rabb Lucas,Hornsey; Roy A. Parker; Franl Feldman: Adolph W. Young;, «• -B real n&nhi unknown; Mrs. Golfiie For>und today held for the boys choir, "Which has Brod, speaking for Mizrachi, ha< Elza Svoboda;: Katherine. Bergman; Roy R Conn, first and real name tinknown syth; Harry Frankei; Hug. ftfendt; Myrtle S. Fuller; S. S. Farrow, been organized by Cantor Pllskin declared that the Mizrachi woul Gaubain; Philip J. Sehaller; Wilmei Camraio C. ••. Conn; James Duncan, Mrs. 'Martin Sweeney; Cecile M. Jdartha Duncan; T.. L. Gosney, «rst fiirst and real name unknown; L. E. for the Holidays. The choir wil not participate in the praesidium Scballer; Farley, first and real name unknown; osney, Smith; Katie Brockschmidt; Wilma Martha D Mrs. D. L. Feaster, first and real :: .-ii|-»Kion6:'«a6s_», v." "\-V. -:' sing at t h e Shaare Zion syna After his election, Dr. Welzman Myerson; Arthur Kullman; Mrs. and real name name - uiui^ivwu, Hilda ana real ium» LSt«•Kd nsttne unkntrirn; First National Eanlc; l WUliam Li Schweitaer; _KdLuedde; Fannie- Stout; D. A. tfetoa; William during the Schliches, Ros announced that a place in t h George Bond and Mortgage Co.; FlorCole, first and real name unknown •ward G. Spence; Normaa*Terry; Chas. Fidelity SIQTTX CITY « IOWA ; ^ gogue, M. Fits; Theo. Florreicb; GerHasnonah and Yom Kippurr ser- praesidium would • be kept ope Lillian Kaufmann; Minette Kauf- F. Hepp; Roy __•'-Clemens;:Josephine- ence Mr. and Mrs. Christ Kauf^ H»rmes; Ben Seltn«hoffr Oscsr Bjck- trcde Flaven; EtheS Foster; Minnie vices, for Mizrachi. , Rabbi B r o d .then mann; man; W. H. George, first and real er; J. By. Koet&emjeyer; Jiaads Cot.-.
ibux \
made a second statement to the ffect Mizrachi would participate if its religious demands were met.
Toronto Mass-Meeting Sends Hitler Protest
MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent
Committee Chairmen for Carnival Named
Society News
Milk Fund Drive
Old Clothing Needed at ' Center
Jimior Hadassah
Skiits-ker Floden
Children Rehearse