V-i t
Dedicated to theIdealsof Judaism Entered as Second Class Mail Matter on January 2J. 1921, HI POSIOMIC. of Omaha, Nebraska, under the.Act o£ ilarch 3, 1S79
McDonald In Moscow
from Chess Unioai
ates of Six Services for Rabbis Kook, Margolis States Sunday ./. Conference
Moscow (JTA)—James G. McWarsaw (JTA) — The Interca-i Donald, t h e League of Nation's tioilal chess " v ill include Loo'lis of all i a e j ^nion rejected the| Mrs. B. A. High Commissioner for Refugees the Jewish Welfa*- •;" * ' * di- r!-£.ritable organisations w i t h i n;application Of the Germ.an Chess arrived here last •week. In an interview with the Jew- vision of the C -Ud, an- the c-ty. The Women's Division | Union for membership, giving as ish Telegraphic Agency, he said nounces that th-t ,_«ual exhibit fill's yerr through Mrs. Simon's the reason the latter's ' ban on Isaderplijp promises to have an he came here to negotiate "with Jewish chess players. the Commissariat for Foreign Af- of the Needle Guild will be held ere;i finer exhibition than in preThe union came to no decision"! fairs to gain its support for his at the Jewish Community Center;vious years. proposal to establish .a League j oa Monday and Tuesday, Kovem-'i Those working with Mrs. Si- j on the invitation of the German | i saon through the Women's Di-1 organization to hold its nest con-| ber 4 and 5. refugee organization. The' Needle Guild, composed of ] vision a r e : the Mesdaiaes F . J- Al- ^ress in Berlin, leaving that forj He will not, however, he declared, raise the question of ad-j representatives of some forty-five \ berts, I. Abrahamson, J. Bramson, j the individual countries co pris-j V V .
i \ /
u cc ce
cr h n r r p
Season Ends on
Germany | charitable
wSiw f t
Highland CM Golf
mitting refugees f r o m
-NO. 31.
j A Campaign Goal JUkJ UB
organizations' within j Herman Cohen, Sara Epstein, Har-jj E g the union to decide.
j the city, 'is rapidly growing in ; old Farber, Dave Finkel, I. Fied- j
Memorial services for two re»4tA concentrated discussion of jcently-departed importance. Through its activ- j lsr. J. Goodbinder, Jack Kauf-j spiritual leaders •tlttphases of JevYlsh • National Hies, the Guild has been able to j man. Jack Luttbeg, Lawrence Fin-; of Orthodox Jewry will be held provide clothing1 and garments forj&el, Charles Xatfaan, Julius-New-1 "uy 1 work as it affects this dis- Sunday, September 15, at 3 p. m. the city's needy. This year, Mrs.' man, S. dander, J. Stein, I. Stal-; featured the one -day con-at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol B. A. Simon,, who has long been • master, Dave Sherman, Charles' of the administrative of synagogue, 19th and Burt. active in Jewish communal life, \ Ross, Nathan Turner, R. Wright, j I'.onor will be paid to the mem4J£$e Southwest-Begum' of the '_ . ihas been chosen to head the Jew-1 Lawrence Gross, Arthur Colin,, of-Rabbi Abraham Isaac Ben 1* "N. F. in Omaha Iaj»t Sunday, Scrv Kook, chief! Miss Harriet " Bernstein, 18-jish Welfare Federation division, j Dave stein, Ben Silver, Milton Ab-j al e a K en September 8. The land reaerai? rabbi °f of** : ^ who , died .. . .last! operatic soprano, has j Sit: will be ?,bly supported by the!j rahams, J. Blank, Mas Holznaa,i tivparoid Palestine, p
! Highland Country Club official- \ H , e ^ j ^ p , f p r O 1 W t h o m . | ly ends its competitive golfing ; & m e r o b c r s rd t h e Jewish j season next T\ ectnesday, when a | „ Istae eolf and dinner will be held ! * j O n a n u n i t 3 " Center i s Swinging \ at the clr.b. :'mtothe isoiiJ-s-strcieli, with ini Throughout the day there will ; fiications pointing t o w a r d a n ; be various competitive events, and oversubscription <*f t h e ftosi, ; in the evening- at a Bill Schuchart I _ . , n . . TT Registration for the College of testimonial dinner, prizes for the j t i u 5 " i-03jlBTiSS10SCT iiBIXT Studies will open October l' day's play win be awarded. } Trusiia, general c a a h i n s i i of ihf: ,. • . •«. , , , « - • r a b b i of P a l e s t i n e , w h o died l a s t >ear-Old Brown, Wm. Racnsin, j 1, according to announcement; At the same time, the player's ! drive, ifc eiiiliMSlS.siic over t h e e e l c a t the age Of 70, and Rabbi won the right to Compete in the [Women's Division Of the Jewish jHueben- Brow ,t ".n campaign and other activi- r^G a ' J. J- Frieden, A.jjmade today by Dr. Philip Sher, : pool -will be divided. Lion's share reception according tlte momwol£Margolis, dean o f g j •w'ol£°Margolis, of'finals--of the "amateur night" j Community Cer.Uvr .ina WelfareiSam Steinberg, a b rr ii ee l ; V 3 of the National Fund re- the American Orthodox rabbinate, show tomorrow evening at t h e i Federation who are undertakliT^jSomberg, Leon Graetz, Jack Mar-1 president. will go to Loois Hiller. w h o; b-rshjp d n v e . He reports t h a t wnich.Is I. Henry it son Richard for fifty dol- • • "ved new impetus from the who passed away this week in Auditorium, Aditi i h I being b i spon-jt/ne j / work k of f lliie Ne?die N d i Guild G i l d asjcr, j I Rosenthal, R t h l H n r y Belmont, B l m o n t | The school sessions trill offithe„ . .. .,, sored by the Omaha American! •me of tLc-ir urojetts (Simon Pizer, and Miss Blanche cially open s t the Jewish Cornmu-; Tars, aafi will realise apnroxi. York at ther e 8<8 ' xlave. wli Irs- J. Richlin of Omaha Is a ^ * '°} .;, . , Legion Post. a.tely 170. dollars from hi 5 invest-' *"3 * ' • " r I S mc*-litih "^ ( The vxliibit on i>tv£mber 4 a i d j S i | niyt Center building on Monday,. -^president of the region. PhilCantor A. Sehwanbn.mU chant ment, and Dave Markel, who laid ; P ° P ^ j a l ' applTCvaL Although she h a s never taken Malen October 2 8. Those wishing t o ; Ulutznick is a member of the ."=» Rachamim . " I t is= pratifysnj;." p*«tps 'IVTJFa vocal lesson in her life, Miss register have until October TO t o : twenty dollars on t h e line f o r ; ahiistrativo board. At the con' The services will be held under Bernstein won l a s t Thursday Marvjn Treller. will get back SSP, \tin, " t o finrt t h a t On>al»n ^cwifjjfio so. Registrations r.re being s e ; ;nce, two more local men were the auspices of the Vaad.jwith N. which represents twenty per cent j apppprSptr- ifir vital y»J»<-e Vrr. «>»night's audition by singing in a ! ceptesi at the Jewish CorcmtiElty I d e d to the admlnistratire I Levinson, president, m charge. S. ;. t P r buHdinp vrith iff ;>pojprrnm «?>•-' clear coloratura voice a difficult •Center office. i of the pool. .rtl: Balibi A. Goldstein ot tho| Ravitz is chairman of the- com-aria frim "Madame Butterfly" by There will also be entertain- cultural activities fills in o « r j Classes will again be held on • h-El s>"nagogne a n d Louis mittee on arrangements. E. Bloch Puccini'. ' . ) Monday and Thursday evenings. ! ' ment provided on t h e evening's [ rowBinnal life. The :lcmnn of .Council Blnlfs. J will presided: ) tceivev in tM« *T>T»I?V Harriet 5s widely known in A- two-year curriculum is being ! •program. The general public is invitedJewish musical circles, as she has i prepared, and all those who com, i'o further local Jewish Nationtaken a n active part in produc; plete the course will be given a ', Fund' -work, the local Jewish i tions and programs at the Center. Plans are being formulated for j diploma, ,ional Fund Council, of which Tryouts for the first play o l She .had a lead in the Conserva- : t•the i a y e r s GGuild, a South South W Wees st t Regional Regional cconfer-' o n f e D r D_r _ ss hh ee rr >> ^ h o £ o a n d e a t h eC o l . | h e CCenter enter PPlayers' und> B i g ;a iladinowsW is president, will "Big . s l'\ . Is commnnit; Iv, being tive.-.Capers which was produced r H e a r t e d Herbert," will be heia o a : ence of District Grand L o d g e j j j _ s tyyear,- w a s re-elected j .1 a dinner on November 10 to i ^ ' o ,r-1 ' oanvassofl by R volun-under the auspices of the Beth ji S^,^^— f e n o o n_ , ,September n a d a uy^ a resident. g ——~. ^w^-^w^.— 22,! — F ,Number S - of __ the — B'nai — — BTIth,. t o ;ippresident. Sal Michnick will serve ' la an additional one thousand " " • ' <i wcrlccrp. Mrs?. J . J . l l and nd also a t 2:30, and on Monday evening,-. d N El S Synagogue l lastt ffall be held in Omaha, Sunday, No-; secreta-v ?ars for Omaha's quota. I t Is ""•'-f ; chairman of the vrci took a leading part I n . t h e . P u r i m |S e p t e m b e r 2 3 f a t 7 : 3 0 # T h e s e t r y . i T e i a b e r - . i r - ' = {' ' , -ojj, win"!? P e l Midi''mated that 52,500 will be 3 i In addition to these two, the i Play which was sponsored by the Io u t s a r e o p e n t ot h e ^_ The conclave is being called by « executive committee c ' t i e Col- ! ;ed in Omaha through the J. nick h e a t s the youthr-. choir of the Beth El Synagogue. |U c a n d e v e r y o n e interested is urg- i Dr. A. Greenberg, second viceT. boxes in the homes. Other •lege includes Paul Golclblatt, Sam •lieport Os CosstifetioEsI Grand \ A great,deal of her. training has |e d t o a t t e n d {president of the District, and anizations have been asked to World Conclave for Medicos to ; Beber, Y>"illis.m Hol"zrnan. Ruth' L.ofig8 CoEVCSlticE t o S e | The canvasseTf. Tepovt. thsi s r been derived from her memberT h e p l a y . " B i g Hearted Her- Philip M. Klutsnick, a m< 1 this date open, Discuss Problems of j Allen, Firank Ackersaan. and Wil- ', ^ " "?* ! tmusuaUy larsre is umber of ferrship in the Hasomir Choral So-' bert" is a riotous comedy and en- • of the general committee. lyman Gordon of Kansas City, the Day liara YTolle. ciety and from practice with the joyed a- long Broadway m n ; I t ^ ^ — — '. HT rnoinbers^iip?: ^ri? bpirss; cbtair1At the conference a permanent ., was. elected Tice-president Beth El Synagogue choir of which will be presented on November 12 organisation for the lodges of this ^.-dented a c t i v - > d ^ T f e e ? e c r e j C E p p T , V P F r f^., A coiaplete schedule for t h e A year oi , Missouri, to fill the vacancy Lucerne (JTA)—A world Jew- she is also a member. ity will be launches by the Omaha ? i v e s a l ] the r i . 1 t n r R i H n d p h v P , < and 13, and offers t h e seven men area will be formed. - ited by the resignation of A. ish medical congress will be conMiss Bernstein is a daughter of and six women in the cast excepB n a i B'rith Lodge at its first reg-; c a J fleparf.mer,!-. privHffrss to 'ihr•r iss-ae ol t a i - Gellman, who moved to New voked in Tel Aviv in the spring The lodges that will participate : 6 Mrs. X. Bernstein. izlar meeting, to be held Monday, : j a t | , e r ^ mof-her include Sioux Falls, S. P . : .Sioux p" ^, ^ 'RiV 'cMU'.rp'^ tionally good p a r t s . ,-k to assume his duties as pres- of 1936, according to a decisioni September 16, at S:SO p. si. in the .1 l n rter' twctf.ty-onf.'who" ere ] = r U r City, la.; Council Bluffs, la.; The dramatic program as outat of t h e Mizrachi Organiza- adopted at the concluding session L,odS"e BooE-at the J.C.C. Ip^ ]IOIT>P. lined l o r t h e Center this y e a r Omaha, Nebraska; and possibly . -x of America. of the conference of 'Jewish doci Keadliniug 1 the program or,- Th P firp rto'lir mfnihprfiii.ip e r promises a variety of interesting! Des Moines and Mason City, l a . tors held here. ; '' • Monday will "be-a-complete report1, title? tli.e poIdr-T- to r,n of |j,pVi» r Reports Given 'activities. In addition to "Big Business sessions, a. luncheon The purposes of the world con• on "the icternationa] oonve-tion of .-j.P.r T-^npTP-mr. Ti-.rri* -n-i'i h^ fn\ Hearted H e r b e r t . " t h e .Guild will \ si;d a banquet a r e on t h e .At Sunday's session, over which . _ rofessor^-Gustave -.Klausner,^ of gress- will::be: p!ays™on"Jaii-; 'gram ~" There • w i 11 .b.e_as.:intei:-"f " K&: i S ^ a l B'ritll-Jie'cL. .."s-t...."rne In. i rsTKir-le,' Zi'-* riop.ih:-- - r^ty^n xr.i. 1.-'To consider" t h e ' In'"spite of t h e" "downpour of ; D a r y _ 14.^5 a n ( i March 24-25.1-change o* B'nai B'rith ideas, and ; Ind., will t. liOuiSi presided, the comniittee the : Wast!nsrto?i,-B.-C-. ' T:;.epe'T^ports :p j lectures, conWrtK," "rf-c'/v-r ot'flocal Yaad Ha'Ihr this'week-end. I will be given by Henry ?,?ocsky: p,te.nr!ir.c TIE -.'o^e! r-vfi ?r:{ern«^ard reports .Ironv the regional nation of Jewish doctors in therain Sunday, the Jewish National There will be two children's pro- • open forum discussions. This evening, September I S , ] and Sain Beber, who were dele-; tionel Jef.-jpb lep.t;p"E—.frw r^Fund Drive, held under the di- jd u c t i o n - o n e i n December and one' Julius Bisno is general chair'licers and t h e regional direc- various countries. To consider the health rection of Junior Hadassah was man for the conference. Philip Rabbi Berg-er will conduct ser- \ gates from this District. Both ; members. Admiesion to the- pisv* • *, Jacob S. Pearlstien, of the 2. ' rk done during the past four problems of Jews in the countries very successful, according to Miss As a part of the Dramatic pro- '• Klutznick is vice-chairman. Oth- vices a t t h e B'nai Israel syna- i Beber and Monsky took outsi&nd-i by t h e Jewish Center PiavprV Anne Goodbinder, chairman in gram for the year, a Sunday af- er committee chairmen are: Dr. ^ o s n g ^ i s t h and Chicago streets, ; ing parts in the deliberations ol j Guild, «s well as acltmssiOB to thp \ -nths in organizing this terri- with large Jewish populations. . y for. intensive Jewish Nation3. To work out measures to charge of the drive. ternoon Drama Club has been or- A. Greenberg, reception; M a xj starting at S p. m. He will deliver j the convention, and they will tell; chiifirer.'p progrnm,s will also Iwj The captains who assisted Miss Ig a n i s e d t 0s t u d y s t a g e technique. B a r i s h, transportation; E. L. | a sermon in English. .. Tund work. i of the j.reat changes made in the; free to members. Member? vrili combat the tropical infectious disGoodbinder were Sarah Taub, make-up, and stage managing and!Marks, luncheon; Hy Shrier, initi-i Tomorrow morning, September -Order- A feature oi their reports 1 be given e TPCIUCISOD. of one dolls" Pearlstien reported. that follow- eases in Palestine. ; organization of the Southwest -' 4. To consider the establish- Bess Kirshenbaum, Minnie Froom, to engage in a series of one actuation; Simon Pizerybanquet; Sam 14, Rabbi Berger wall again con- : will be the zdion t&fcen 7jy the; on the cost of t h e Coimnunity j;ion at a conference in Kan-ment of a medical faculty at the Una Gross, Anna Kuznit and Anne plays. This group will meet reg-i Green, registrationduct services at the B'nai Israel i B'li&i B'rith on conditions in Ger-'Forum seviee.
j City in June,fievisited some Hebrew.TJniversity in Jerusalem. Hahn. 1 ularly each Sunday afternoon at i In addition to the above, the synagogue, speaking in Yiddish. ' many. The girls who went out on the the Center _ beginning October 13 i following are members of the ", " . i'rty communities establishing Saturday afternoon at 4 p. m. the •: Pians vrul be meae at this meet-, _ , , A special committee of prominWish National Fund councils ent Jewish doctors has been ap- drive were Irene Fishberg, Bertha a n d i s o p e i l t o everyone interest- i general convention committee: guest rabbi will be at the Adass ' ~ 'or the District Council of: ™ to m o n w to me Guss, Goldie Zusman, Lucille Kap- ed. Miss Helen Merritt will have;Henry Monsky, Sam Beber, Sam; Yeshuren synagogue, £5th and "d committees and plans were id for Land Redemption Cam- pointed to make the necessary ar- lan, Kalah Franklin, Dora Fresh- charge of ail dramatic activities | Leon, Dr. Leo Fellman, Al Fied- j s e w a r d. Saturday evening a 'igns. in the fall. Campaigns will rangements and to contact Jewish man, and Sarah German, R u t h for the year. | ler, I. F. Goodman, P a u l Gold- M'Lave"'Malkeh wiSl be held a t S | held in St. Louis, S t Joseph, medical organizations throughout Swengil, Saide Tatleman, Etta. The i U CUl< dramatic committee of the \ blatt, Ben Kazlowsky, Dr. Ben p . ' m . a t the B e t h Kamefirost p.; Omaha, Lincoln,.Nebr.; Tul- the world. Tatleman, and Frieda Soffer, who j Q e n t e r j s by Mrs. S a m ; Slutsky, William Holzinan, Harry j Hagodol synagogue a l S t h E M comprised the winning t e a m ; Theodore as chairman. Those | "Wolf, Rabbi David A. Goldstein,' Burt streets. •\ Ardmore, McAllester, Chikash, which was captained by Anne' working With her are:1 Mrs. Ar-' Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Rabbi j X. ' Leviason, president of thej c o r a l s to President Ben K aE !cw-j ^ g , , ^ ro?,mI,,rp!linR w i u a 1 s 0 „.„ jla.; Des Moines, Iowa; WichlHahn -, Topeka, Leavenworth, Kan- BETH-EL SERVICES thur Cohen, Mrs- Jack Bramson,! David - H. Wice, Dr. I. Dansky, i Vaad, invites all Omaha Jewry to ! & RT, the machinery xor tlus a n r P ; c I l l f i e ^ t h pp r h i l R | r e s o £ t m i; Little-Rock, Fort Smith, Ar;wia be set rolling at. fcionticy f;. b a s k C e R t e r n i P m 1 J e r j.hip, Mrs. J. M. Malashock, Mrs. J. Sol- j Leo Rosenthal, "Leo Abraxnson,! attend, these services. 1 0 START TONIGHT asas; Memphis, Nashville, Chatn5e l fc omon, Mrs. Dave Brodkey, Mrs. H. \ Carl Lagman.and.. Harry Trustin. j i ••- 1 •, . - M r p - Greetiberp'r T c m r a rS,'" * " • Franz. Molnar-in Palestine tooga, . Knoxville, Tennessee; P. Milder, Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, | All sessions and baticjuets will Tonight at 8 p. m>the Beth-El I There wui be beer anc saim-. e r F . v = n v c i p t a r l 1 ? , e i r w Jerusalem—The Palestine lit-Mrs. Irvin ^<evin, Mrs. Philip j be held at the Jewish Community To-Relief Post iiisville,.. Kentucky; Indianap- synagogue will conduct the first ; wiches free to- aieaibers served M^-.f week, Mnce t Y>. erary colony is preparing a series •' •%, South Bend, Indiana. KxzJewskj- e r i r p t o 7 , f s m i , v v,eTnV,BT^ipK u Chicago (JTA)—Dr. Philip L. I after the meeting. Center. Mrs. J. Beber. Friday evening services of t h e of festive . events - in honor of) the work of organizing the year. Habbi David A. Goldstein Seinan, general • director of t h e ; urges, that every active laei^-ber p r : E t a l contimdn-. Ir, Urine n p W !^. o r n e i ! Tror ^p TE- f^vii Crrerh^rs1 •- Hller communities in. the vari- will preach the sermon and will Franz Molnar, the foremost HunJewish People's Institute, h a s ;the Lodge attend the meeting. garian dramatist, internationally 1 states is continuing, as well discuss with the congregation been selected a member of t h e known for* 'Lilion," "The Swan," committee in charge of l-ocal al- -'efforts to organize other com- plans for the coming year. Cobn nnd Mrs. Hp.rry Tr«atm. and other productions. inities where initial contacts j location of t h e .National Youth .! Services a t Temple Israel will- " T h e benefits to be derivrrT The school of Beth-El will open The noted Jewish writer arriv.re been made during the sumWord has been received here | "Warsaw (JTA)—Eleven Polish jj Administration Fund of $30,000 I begin this e r e s l u ^ a t 7:SP p. 151/from Center moiYiborship a r e «r ;r months but the organization for registration Sunday morning ed in company with his wife, Lilli of the death of Mr. Samuel L. j Jews are filing a 1,000,000 mark j to be divided among 4.470 i g h i Rabbi. David I-I.WIce will deliver; self-evident," J ! f 5. Grepubgvt Darwish, famous actress. ^s deferred nntil the fall. at 10:30 at the J . C . C. , a sermonette. jsald, "tlsp.t we cjipect no dsfficuV' Robinson, "6, of N e w Bedford, | damage suit ag airsst the German i school pupils in ChicafeG. 1 a Berlin court as \ : ty in obtriiiing ro.orp <han o n ? Mass. Mr. Robinson died Septemj government in | / Resolntions ,, , , ^ ^ ber 4. Burial took place in New ! a result of alleged ruination of r ; Quota of memberships." |ln the course of the all-day ses1 business and damages from phj Bedford. i • •! ' ^n the Administrative Commit: Mr. Robinson was a resident of ! sical and moral suffering -imder, | discussed t h e material; subThose soliciting family Omaha for 49 years. He had been gone while they carried 02 their •, Ited and adopted the following in the jewelry business and prior j business in Germany, it was learn- , J3W X (>.jolutiona and recommendations: Baiish. Sam Eeber, Davlfl to his leaving Omaha in January, ' ed here. "Resolved, that it is the sense finished the match on t h e 31st Eugene Blaser, Davio. The third time is the charm! Harry B. Cohen, chairman of ' 1 1 with Dr. Alfred Aoler of Tien-' Blarke-, 1934, h e was. associated i n t h e ] T h e action is based on a recent Cf B p n i 'the AdministratSTe Committee green, 6-5. T>rnb?nm, Dnvid OoM! order of-the German government i the Forum Comtaitee. announces !na. Dr. ASIer is one ol the world's • • * ^ real estate business with his'; This old saying w a s proved "I It necessary steps be taken to Paul Blotcky is Highland's sec- brother, J, B. Robinson. (great psychologists End is only in; man, ^ Ab? CnlaFt?h\, Dr. AW true again last Sunday a t Highthat foreign citizens can be com-j another outstanding Forum Ser: I * fmanently organize- Communiond flight champion, by virtue-«f America for a very limited lee-; ^reenberE. David Gfe^niwrg, J. ^T« Survivers are his wife, Hattie; peasated for losses sustained as a j ies for this year. \~ "3 for the Jewish National Fund land Country when Richard Hill- a one-up victory o v e r Manning • ' t53TE tor.ri i GrcfD'jflrs, Vri'liani Grpdinsk*-. The Forum will open in Novemresult of the Nazi regime. one daughter, Mrs. B. M. Achten?< igrain placing an emphasis : on er, a finalist'twice in previous Handler on nineteen holes. ber, .with negotiations under way ; Those serving with Mr. Cob.es i5 ' ? i E r ! i r i f Ksrfile--, Abe Hf-Taberfe, 4 berg of Kansas City, Mo.; five fV continuity of that type of or- years, downed Marvin Treller, The match, bitterly contested Viimfor either John • EriSdne or E-mil :on t h e Forum ComroIiS.ee are: ; I -- O l t i s Hille-, Nathan and Morris of New I Tinization which will adopt" ah 6-5, in a 36-hole match for the all the way, saw Blotcky take a j sons, 1-vriIIIaia. fioliross, J s. c k I.'aror, \S n l n .losephsor, Philip Kit>Bedford, Mass.; Herbert of Chel-i Ludwig. - - Dlit «»|ucational and fund-raising pro- Highland Club golf champion- commanding five hole lead at,the ' Jolin Eaynes Holmes will speak • Frsnk Ackerman, Herman Av.cr--^- &•• Kulafcofsky. Robert Kc sea, Mass.; Sidney of Walthill,! ship. . ' , . ' . end of the first round, when he Nebr., and Arthur of Omaha; sev-1 • irvm iipvuv. Harry on December 4. Dr. Holmes Is oneihaclt, Ecjrene EIa~er, 7S8.vii.Td J B e it' further resolved, that a Hiller, the favorite t o defeat stroked a 44 for Handler to shoot en grandchildren; three sisters, j Mayer, Mori"!)? . of America's outstanding liberal IBrofikey, Arthur A. C o i r , Mrs. ' ^ Ec ": ..Spy of this resolution be sent to Treller, who had reached t h e •A. B.• Frr,r.k. Mr?. I,lzii FromfclE, ?>^raer, William Milder, j'clergymen and a warm frie&S cf Mrs. Simon Pizer and Mrs. Louis') 'ational headquarters and that a finals by upsetting t h e threeBut the Omaha liquor magnate I William" GrodinskV-. 'MEn E ITS P ^TOES]-:;-. i e o Kosenthal. Bmt$ 1 the Jews. K e . is noted for his jmmittee of three be appointed, times champion Julian Milder, couldn't stand prosperity on the Berger, Omaha; and-Mrs. Meyer | ' , ^Tri .^ lability as an orator and his "hrosa- i Hancller. Mrs. J . K. Kulakofsky, i BU.verme,ru Harry Sommer, Irvlte Sioux City;-three broth-j . „ . " i t h the President as one of its played mediocre golf in his morn- nest nine, blowing higher than a Meyer'and Ber-j ,, ® , k - e a . i a , T T 1 1 ^ minded ' and liberal .anproach to • Epliraim. Marks. Krs, Geo. Keu-: Kialm&ster, Karry Trustin, Harry . . , ers, . „ , Joseph Joseph B., B., Me for the Highland i. i H ^ D ,,_^._ ^ ^ ^ ,«-r,C- ^ ^ - « _ •'hous, Rnth Pollack. Dr. H s 1 r r ^ ' T«!."o2f. I. B- Eimmaij, , L * # members a n d i t s c h a i r m a n , t o ji n g eighteen h o l e r o u n d w i t h -,11 # > f nm*"hn' .. 'X 1 ireuer, i B0i.B. reiigjioa snu. ULLZLTR O± state. M „ proverbial sky. Handler was-1 n a r d a l l - o j ' Omaha. ggotiate w i t h t h e National office Treller, and went to lunch one | the ] -Country Club golf title last SUBn't a bit bashful bashful aabout taking adOn January S Josephine Hoclie, i ilicii Dr. A, K. Rtbrnts;, Harrsld \ AbramKoti, Art Cohn, G. Maye!"* n't a bit b o t t k i d ir the purpose of effecting the down to the es-champ. ! day, neither of t h e --contestants assistant secretary cf - the treas- ! Saks,' I ' r s . Ben Silver, Ittvs, Irvin •E o n - ®eT1 Silver. I vantage of Blotcky's blowup and : Wit of this resolution. surprised at. the result. ' 7 h e majors and wortcrs in th# The meal worked wonders with came back to even the match on ury, will speak. Kiss Roche has Sta1 master, and Fired White. VAAD SUNDAY SCHOOL j •was•Ssiae I Resolved, that it is the sense Hiller, apparently. He began on | the eighteenth hole, weeks £go, "while Hiller long bees active in social ref-orin. : ! general 8olicit&tionB<devision.: J the Administrative Committee the very first hole when he card- j On the extra hole, victory seemRegistration for the Vaad Sun- | "was on the top of his game, End , . , __ 1 j . > | v Meyer Beber, major; t* \at such steps be taken as may ed a neat par 4 on the 440 yarder j ed certain for Omaha's Ely Cul- \day school' will- be- held at the-f confident of defeating Treller, he She is president of the Rocky ML .r?ii!fT0,£F T*r$?FT$ £T jElewit«, Eenueit Oohm, SRjji 18th and i*a-as asked by what margin,- he es- t'uel Co. of Coloriicio, lias been I necessary to co-ordinate all to go0aall Heibertson, but'Blotcky looked up 1 i Green, Sam E . Handler, Be'ist t0 g l l e even T e n ^ with i t h TTreller. r e iier. ; ei'ifi to win. acHTttles within the c o n t t a u e d h i s D r i n i a n t playin Z, 1 on an approach shot, topped it, • UE\ Ravitz, Dr. Ben Slutsky, Robe??; coal mining retarmp, irgs rcspoa15. "v h, about 5-5," -vr&s t i e sn•&ion -which shall be a forum for for turning loose a barrage of pars I •and it trickled to within six inches j Noddle, te Palestinian program: and birdies to send Treller five • of the pin, to give him a win. The commissioners of the con-j Julius, Bieno, msjor; ad at present is.in charge ; IBe it further resolved that the down a t t n e ' e n d of t h e n i n e — | But Mrs.-Manning Handler up-j I And then Trailer TT"S cornered j Dr. Abe Feilroam, .Welfare IVork in TCasli- regratlon -of B'aai Israel, lSthjDansky, .fesident appoint a committee, and t h e end of t h e ~7 h o l e s j h e l d the golfing honor of t h e i t i e day bcTcrc tlie n a t c h . R=> VTB.2 \ .and Chicaro stTeets, have aa-! r siai Marks, Aaron IPertis, ;;lpresentative o£ various groups played. On t h i s nine Hiller h a d ! family by winning from Mrs.. A.! Jerusalem—A total o* 5,163 t o s Bounced tas opening of ticket j KSchards, Hyman Shrler, aad forceful,.crater. -Jd parties In the Zionist three consecutive threes, two offH. Brodkey, 2 up on eighteen Jewish immigrants eUered ss.3ss for t?i.e ftfEl?. liolydays, i rls .Stalmaster, Stanley -l*eria Norman Hapgocd. ^nt;* and that t h i s committee tbeni blrdiea, and his card read holes for the club championshJD. tine la July, according to s ; coiamerststCT s: Catit-nr A. ScfcTacEkin and. hisj LesJie Bnrkcnrna«f s a i etis fi politic L<&11 endeavor to have the Ite- 445-352-^35, for a par of 35. ! Mrs. Brodkey had a good chance! Eeial resort mafia pnblic hero Z-Zt [msU ciiofr will te featured at t h e ! W a r r e t i Ack??inan, i>ona?a on Inal Conferences of the HadasricrTtr?" Hiller's hot nine changed the 1 to tie uu the mutch on the eigh-! vree!i. c quer Junior Iladassah,' Zionists v^hole h l complexion l this rmater S£3 sre I't-t". of the battli.ji teeLtli, but three putted her xrzy ' ' l i a r ' s lff.^]c' ir s-T-d ^"ftr T^T.^^^V"^ • Tirl-cfs rn.sr 1)e obtained'at fte|i j * B S r Kaplan, of America, Mis- From one down, lie h a d h&lpsd out of {lit1 in t i e capitalist category, rf s.z.r,~ It (lfT1 syES.EnCTif <?T€rsJngi? from 1 to 5 | Eddie Rosen. . . ., National "Workers" Alliance himself to a five-up j,dv£ntase. j 1>; .si Glosburg porFepjiag1 more than f 5. C T P. Ar.d G-3 t h e third irnsrli in ISIS ESC!, t a s serves in •p. in.. BV,6. giiBdavg from '2:30 to I Morris Burstein,: .»aa|op; 0 r , other groups ..ad or&aniza- Treller then rallied gamely, bat caampionship from Lcs The total nu~il'or rep.ercr.lc rn J • I as adrfeorj- capaeJlr to laanj1 of 16 p, rn, aa« 7;SO to S p. m. T l e j 0 ' Belzer, Dave Croun.se, I. «k»ll~ }S J o i n with this Southwest Hiller played each of the Best Simon, 1 up, in c. spirited eighincrease of ""I? iinmisraiL; over* Civil ,n-sll] ! i r j coiatBfesfouerK declare tltat tickets! s t { ? l n ' J a e k Kaim»», s.. Kateinwwa, KContinued on Page Four.) ' holes in even par figures, and teen hole match. 'Juse, 1S35. * : . r 3 Eis.;-':L Ft~ 153S, •TDET l?e ottslEPd. rcasoaaMy, ' • {Continued OR Pag? 7)..-.. ;-
r r
a t .
.' !
LEVANT FAIR OPENED LIAM MILDER about the B'nai the new senior vlce-commanderIsrael Synagogue, and AL BLOT- in-chlet of the JWV, Harry SchafBY KIMG OF ITALY CKY for a membership In t h e fer of Pittsburgh, is also regardRome (JTA)—King Vittorio Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Syna- ed as a coming man . . . . Which By HELEN ZIGMOND " Errsanaele paid a fifteen minute j reminds us that the Jewish War gogue. visit to Bari where he Inaugur- j Veterans are seeking representaHollywood—You m a y as well ] the chief exec about it . . . suga mem-,tortain multiple loyalties* and all • • « Are you a boarder or that the membership drive is do- AL "WEINER, a handsome, tion on the Joint Consultative know the worst about Sid Silvers,; gested that his days begin at 9:00 ated t h e Palestine Pavillion at ber? This is the, question y o u ing is trying to, impress the Jewry Council which now includes only who is a "wow" in his debut flic- instead of S:30.A long confer- the Levant Fair now taking place should ask yourself -when giving of Omaha that one of their loyal- well dressed, Nebraska university the B'nai Brith, A m e r i c a n Jewish ker, "Broadway Melody of 1936." ence resulted . now writer re- there. Third National Convention Held t h e Jewish Community Center ties should be the support of our Civil Engineering graduate of last Congress and American Jewish The King evinced the greatest H i s entire formal education ports to work at "8:00! trf Friends of New some thought. It is through mem- Center." June, is at last able to fully rea- Committee . . interest in Palestine affairs, askconsisted of two years in Public Germany • berships that the JVC. C. is mainlize why an education pays. For School 66, New York. He is am- Snippings: When asked w h y ing numerous (jiiestions about the tained and kept running. In or- As the IJigh Holidays are near- after hopelessly attempting to LET'S GO SOCIAL bidextrous . . • can write or throw they didn't fly to New York, development tbf agriculture and .N e_w York —-Informed der to make it possible and worth ly upon us the' membership com- make a connection in his field of Mike Bluestone, publicity wiz- with either hand .' . . fingers of Burns a n d Allen murmured, the growth of Jewish immigration by Dr. Kurt Wunderlich, special while for every man, •woman and mittees of the various synagogues ard for the Manischewitz inter- left hand shorter than those of "We'll start flying when trains in Palestine. emissary of Nazi Propaganda Minchild to belong, a cheaper mem- are contacting the prospects for endeavor for the past several ests, is the publisher of the right. In a kid gang fight, he was | start falling up!" George Givot ister Goebbels, that "the N a i l bership with more privileges has new members. There are many months, three lucrative offers Nightly Squak . ; . • It's only and thrown down a sewer and emerg- j returns to these parts. Eddie Canideals ia n o t restricted, to Gerbeen worked out. This year five who desire to join who as y e t were given him recently. He fin-first edition carries the headline ed, with a broken, nose. Had his I tor, scheduled as the chief speakmonthly programs consisting of have not been contacted and doally accepted a position with the "It's a girl at the Bluestones many b u t is needed throughout whole face bandaged for a year j er for the opening of the Comlectures and concerts by outstand- not know whom to see for a mem- Harza Engineering C o m p a n y Mike has entered the publishing the world." and that "h e r e in Chest drive, w a s overing leaders will be given free for bership. For ; information s e e which is doing the -work on thebusiness " to Inform his many once w h e n he investigated a munity America you are its only outpost," heard rehearsing his lines. "dead" firecracker. Bought ticSally members. Numerous activities in HABRY WUJNSKY concerning Nebraska L o o p : Project. SIR. thousands of friends that he's the the American Hitlerites launched the youth''.group's and In the ju-Temple Israel; DAVE GREEN- WEIKER departed last Monday happy father of Miss Jacqueline kets several times to go abroad, Eilers bought out the entire showa new "ruthless fight" against nior groups will soon commence BERG about the Beth-El Syna- for Columbus, Nebraska, where Bluestone and that he and thebut is so afraid of the crossing window display of an exclusive Marxism and Jews under the imbut will be open to members only. gogue; LOUIS EPSTEIN or WIL- h© will begin work immediately. mother, the former R.enee Schil- that he never made the trip. Is gown shop the other day. Joseph petus of a new set of. nationali offive feet three and often buys his von Sternberg's work-a-day cosV Join the Center., now and enJ oy ficers elected at the close of the linger, (one of the most beauti clothes in t h e boy's department, j tuine consisted of overalls and a Lucerne (JTA)—Palestine to- ... Ita activities and facilities. < me c ful women in the world's larges He is thirty-one years old . . . was j black cotton ehirt . . . A Fascist day is annually absorbing half the | third national corvenuon Jewish community-Brooklyn) ar« to Buena Solomon in j maybe already? J a c k Benny's number of Jews that immigrated i Friends of the New Germany. SAM, LO1DIS and ABE SLUS. doing well . . . . . Congratulation married had known her since i wife applauded so vigorously for to the United States in 1907, the j Delegates from 60 branches E.Y, genial operators of Krug 1928 • • • • to Rabbi Bernard L. Levlnthal BU she W was M 13. They have one baby him at the preview of "Broadway peak year of Jewish immigration : throughout t h e country pledged Park, Nebraska's.largest outdoor 70-year-old Orthodox leader of I! a £"e w m "a t -h s^o "l dy Melody" that she lost her thou- into that country, it was pointed \ themselves to "e year of renewed entertainment emporium, a r e Philadelphia, on the occasion of ° By PHINEAS J . BIRON sand-dollar wrist watch . . . an o u t by Dr. Werner Senator of: battle" to imfte "the German eieagleam with, smiles because their marriage to Mrs. Sarah SamInstead of playing marbles and f usher found it for her.Joe Pen- Jerusalem in his report on immi- j ments ia this country in one1 1block recent check-up showed a record SWASTIKA led and Bold at one dollar a litre his that lying kites, Paul Muni spent his j ner's duck will be omitted from gration at the council of the Jew- S in support of the Nazi P ' 1 ^ ^ ^ attendance? at the park this sumo Aryan mothers unable to nurse son . . . . Here's one marriage And I which will preserve the nation in Unwittingly tens of thousands his current picture. There's a ish Agency. will never be renovated mer which broke-all previous atwhich we live and in which mpst American Jews have been heir own offspring and unwilling Belle Baker, the comedian whose hildhpod dabbling in g r e a s e Yiddish fortune-teller much in This figure, approximately tendance records. This fall t h e of o risk their being nursed by nonT rendition of the song "Little Man aint, shaping putty noses, maksending the swastika through the 000, has been attained despite the | of vogue in the colony, but mit soch , , . i - our members are citizens.' 'SLTJSKY boyB are turning t h e ' United States mails . . . . One of The pic- You've Had a Busy Day" con-ng faces at his image in t h e a h'accent, they say. Carl Laem- j fact, Dr. Senator stated, that Pal-. Frits Gissbi, one of the first HitAryan wet-nurses dance hall into a roller skating r a c k e d mirrors of dressingture "Love Me" starring Richard estine of today is economically; ler agents in this country, w a s rink which will be open to the the largest manufacturers of Tauber; the German singer, was quered London last season, is re- ooms, and orating through false mle, Jr., used to c a r r y Louise not developed to the same extent : elected national leader, and Joscenic post cards has been using turning to England to marry 'public every evening except Mon>eards. He trouped with his par- Henry's books to school for her.that America was in 1907. cancelled by the Radio City Mu\ seph Schuster w a s named viceday. Next summer t h e .roller the Nazi insignia as a trade mark sic Hall because Tauber was Charles Langhorn, London Jewish ents f o r twelve years following Justifying the present policy of ; leader. banker . . . . At the risk of comI The first person used at the for .years Leo Mielziner, portrait painter, to discover the tiny swastika im- thought to be a-Nazl . . . . Tauber peting with the society editor of heir arrival in America f r o m father of Kenneth MacKenna, the selective immigration by which! Walter Kappe, editor of t h # * • coaster which was Vienna. Is a German Jew whose pictures ,. "World's Fair will be installed print on the post cards was eagle- are taboo in Germany and he'syour publication we must tell that actor, and Joe Mielziner, t h e preference is given to youth in- J Nazis' organ, the Deutsche Weckeyed Dr. S. William Kalb of Nea daughter was born to Mr. and .along with other entertainment designer, died recently at stead of the middle aged, Dr. Sen- ; ru£ and Beobachter, reported that in- this country because Mrs. Gerald Felix Warburg, and The vice-president of a certain stage ator declared that large scale im- ] the organization has 7,000 duesdevices for the amusement of the wark, surgeon-general-of the Jew- suffering the age of 65. the theatrical world believes him organization described their remigration must be the basis of 1 paying members and declared that Since Dr. the granddaddy, Felix M. ish War Veterans customers. a Nazi . . . Dr. Schacht, that cent conference as a "gathering I the Jewish vork jn Palestine. Ke S "the nevr vigor which we w i l l • Warburg, is very proud ^ Kalb called the manufacturer's to-be Music in the raw! Harpo plays | said, however, that t h e present ] draw from this clear affirmation of G-Men." '..•; The Community Forum, Oma- attention to this matter the newHitler's economic wizard, agrees days . . . . We hope that the en-» a B a c h concerto on a five-cent jstate of the Hachshara (training! of our dependence ot Nazi phil"What-do you mean—G-Men?" that the Reich should be rid of ; ia'8 outstanding, and moat popu- cards turned out by this upstate trance of Erna Kompa Into matriflute in the Marxes' new opera. osophy" will enable the organizacamps for Palestine pioneers) i lar program of speakers and lec-New York firm are appearing Jewish influence but his chief ad- mony with Disk Flshel, former asked his friend. tion to convert and save America. "Just that. It •was a meeting of viser on foreign exchange matters not to be considered ideal. turers open t o ; t h e public, will without the swastika . . • . And Syracuse all-Amerlcan football No d o u b t a b o u t I t . . . Mack Other speakers w e r e Fritz Moshe Shertok, reporting on i e o m m e n c e its season in No-speaking of swastikas reminds us is a non-Aryan by the name of star, will decide her not to go to Galitzianas!" Gray, formerly G e o r g e Raffs the political situation in Pales- Kuhn, leader for t h e Middle Wolfahrt . . . . And the Nazi press vember. According to HARRY B. that the largest gambling house the Berlin Olympics .'. . . In case -COHEN', chairman of this- year's in Saratoga Springs uses a brand is forbidden to mention this . . . . you don't remember Erna is one Rubinoff'a Stradivarius violin ! body-guard, is definitely an actor tine, described the inroads which i West, and Herbert Schwinn, leadwhen he •works he re-the Arabs of t h e neighboring j er for the Pacific Coast. '-•arrangements, "One-of the most of chips with the mark of swas- SPORT of the outstanding American mer- is protected by a hundred-thou-1 now countries are making and declarThere may be another Jewish sand-dollar policy by, Rubinoff' quires his OWN double. <> varied array of, .lectures which tika . . . . To make It kosher, howDonald Baruch, ne- and a policy of equal amount by The merchants who advertise ed that they are undermining the ; will cover a wide scope of activity ever, the swastika-marked chips baseball magnate •• in the big maids ot Bernard M. Baruch, con Believe it or ask Ripley: Hol- prosperity of the country. in the Jewish Press solicit your •will-be offered-to the public'.thia are kept company by chips with leagues before the next season phew the studio. They have a special one of the five most eliu AUi iv ™,. P ,it. ^remains ^ _ _ on „„ lywood's annual salary check is Referring to the need for En j business, and merit your patroni :year. Such nationally known per- the Mogen David on them rolls around . . . . Johnny Kling, sidered it •while bachelors in America, is said guardlot.forAnd understanding between the Brit- j It actually, has a {approximately $76,500,000! > sons as JOHN HAYNES HOLMES, And still on the subject of the one-time Jewish star backstop for gible ish, Arabs and Jews, Mr. Shertok |« i JOSEPHINE ROCHE, NORMAN swastika let us inform you that 1 the old Chicago Cubs of Tinkers to be considering settling down the UHAPGOOD, and DR. AJLPRED was the enterprising Brooklyn to Eyers to Chance fame, Is head- with Caroline Graham, 100 perstand-in- to act as a substitute on |j Johnnie Walker, a star of thesaid it is possible to harmonize i silent days, plans to produce a the interests o* all three in the f'SADIER' nave already been sched- Jewish Examiner that scooped the ing a syndicate that is dickering cent Aryan socialite of Deal, N. J the set. Near East. The Executive's ecer- j ' itfed as speakers' for this" year's entiTe - metropolitan -. press on thefor the purchase of the Brooklyn BERNSTEINIA Of all the gifts he received on j feature picture in Yiddish which call "Jewish King Lear." gies, he said, are being directed j ;;Forum program. -Season tickets story about the Hotel Astor hav- Dodgers. . . . A Baltimore corres- Herman Bernstein may have his birthday this week, Sara Gold- I he to that end. i for these unusually fine month- ing cancelled the convention of pondent chides us for calling lived the life of a great diploma wyn cherishes most the clippings | ly l e c t u r e s are now on sale the Association of German-Ameri- Buddy Myer and Heinle Manush, but he died as a writer . . . . Hi sent to him of Will Rogers' last' Jack Benny w a s literally Mr. Shertok attacked the pro- j at the Jewish Community Center. can \Aechnoiogists because they in- members of the Washington .Sen- financial status was zero . . . story in which the former cowboy breathless the other night when posed legislative council, pointing j This forum is sponsored, by thesisted on displaying Hitler's em- ators* nine, Jewish . . . . Our cor- The insurance he left to his fam described his long friendship •with assaulted by a group of autograph out that as long as there is no Center and is on 'general sals for blem »'...«-...' hounds. "Why I haven't bee"n on Arab-Jewish understanding t h e respondent say3 that neither ot ily was less than $1,000 . . . Goldwyn. §3.00 per season ticket. All mem- MORE NAZI STUFF the screen for three years," he council is to be considered EE them are unsere leite but that When during the last few month bers of the J. C. C. will get a reA scribbler for one of the Inj gasped, "and they still remember hampering the growth of the JewClark Griffith, owner of the Senhe was approached by all kind; We hear that the Mantle Club, duction on tickets this year and dependent companies decided his j me!"' "Yep," supplied a pal, ish National Home. At the same ators, prefers not to deny the of nudnickes with propositions tc will only have to pay ?2.00 for a which claims to be a fraternal or- story of their Jewishness in order help them Taise big funds he him hours were too long and vent to | "but you forget all the beaefits time, Dr. Senator echoed Dr. j der, is really a new version of. the Welzmann's announced intention \ cash in at the box office self had a hard" time getting en you've played since then!" Season ticket. The anti-Semi- to to continue to cooperate with the i Silver Shirts tic sheet, American Key, is; re-One of .these days a boxer by thedorsers for an easy payment loan chance to-start his career on the, ,»*.*+» mandatorv power in all other j name of Yus«el Eisenberg may be . . . . It is the sad truth that both A n a a t _ t SOLOMON, be-mus- ported to be the. Mantle Club's matters. I ENSURED CABS s a m e p a p e r t h a t g a v e h i s t a t h e r ! , _ . *" ° t I ' . \. _ , Ross or Benny the American Jewish Committe tached, go-getting, likeable mana- official, organ v Mantle Club another Barney.-Yussel . . .. . ., z. ,. (Copyright, 1935, Jewish Telegraphic has been and the American Jewish Cong> ger of - the millinery department headquarters In--New York (they Leonard , v Agency, inc.) at Goldstein & Chapman's, who is are in the Chanin Building which signed up by. Hymie CsCplin, who ress failed to accept his offer o his first big opportunity . . . . j also manager of the store's new also houseB the American Jewish saw the 15-year old fighter at thecooperation He was one o beautiful Junior.'.'Shop,- certainly Congress) denies the American Hebrew Orphan .Asylum in Newthe proudest, most sensitive Indi must find it a pleasure In-select- Key Is its organ but the paper is York where he took, some of hisviduals. who . nev.er hesitated. t< ing the shapely misses dt t h e published by the Key Publishing boxers to entertain the orphans. spend his last dollar treating som younger Bet to model the lovely Company whose headquarters are FORE—VETERANS COMING of the big shots to lunch . . . . Hi creations in his' department. just above those of the .Mantle Keep your eye on Abraham j son, David, is extremely gifted as Club'. . . . Believe It or not butKraditor, the Brooklyn lawyer a journalist . . . . It was on. th HYMDE GOSSICK, young ener- the Nazi regime is providing cer- and accountant, who is the newsuggestion of the late Adolph S getic proprietor ot the Harney tified Aryan mothers' milk to'all commander-in-chlef of the Jewish Ochs that Herman Bernstein sent Fruit Stand at 24th and Harney, German babies, no matter where War Veterans . . . .' Those who David to the practical journalism turned athlete.suddenly when he they may be, if their mothers know the new C. I. C. predict that school In Rochester it would ;: was attacked while delivering a can't provide it . . . . Der Fueh- under his administrator the JWV be a fine gesture on the part of 1 case of "beer last Saturday eve- rer has lined up a groups of Ary- will become an important force in the present publisher of the New \ y u xs^ give D David 3 nlng. Tha would-be robber was an wet-nurses whose milk is bot-American Jew.ish life . . . . And York Times id unable to keep up with the speedy !• pace set by GOSSICK so that the only damages suffered were" a few blows and a couple of beer bottles broke when he dropped the Case ot beer to flee. ©seals • * * • SAL MICHNICK, nattily dressia excittad Jeweler, and recent law grad, new versionsi—•fashions Jwho is In charge ot the youth's division in the membership cam: add dignity, to jout figure paign ot the Jewish Community Center, is wasting no time1 In contacting the youth groups and organizations. SAL stated, "A number ot years ago MR. JUSTICE BRANDEIS explained very lumThtf M " inously the fact that 'all men entrunrhnn tebm end ore priced mt$2S >
•I -1
• ' • •
now offers the
'A. Z. 'A. 1
"Who Will be t h e A. Z. A. Sweetheart?" This IB the question that la Interesting Omaha's younger set as the High Holidays again remind them ot the approach of the annual Achar Hataunis dance sponsored by the Mother Chapter. The "Sweetheart Contest" was originated last year, and a halfdozen charming misses, representing various sororities, competed for the honor. ,• The coveted title was won by IMlsa Lottie Kips of the D e l t a Kappa sorority. Petite Miss Rips , was chosen by the popular vote , ot the one hundred and fifty couples attending t h e affair in 'the Jewish. Community Center ballroom, A similar plan will be followed this year, and the names ot the Sweetheart candidates will be announced next week, according to i-ip: Ben Shrier, chairman of t h e Mother "Chapter's social committee. Tile dance will be held the eve ] ' following Yom Kippur, Monday, October 7, at the Center ballroom. The College Club orchestra, featuring tha popular Ann Niemann a n d Gary .Gross, vocalists, will play. r Tickets are one dollar s e r •; couple and may be obtained from members of the Mother Chapter. Patron's tickets are two dollars. Members o£ the dance committee assisting Chairman Shrier are Dan Miller, Lou Hurwitz, Morris Arbltman* and Advisor Art Gross-1
featuringMen's&Young Men's
A P i o u s mode!* reconstructed a t ths Hoover factory
©Single and
Breasted Models. O Business Suits and Sport v
S u i t s - .
• Every Suit With 2 Pairs of Pants ® Stouts J Eegularst Shorts In All Models! These Suits are selling elsewhere in tovm at S( ranch higher price under the makers' own nasac — "My label in these sulta gives you the tame quality for less money*" New Brims! New Crowns! New Colors! New
They're Here Mee! Tilly's
That's what women are saying who want quality of workmanship in the rebuilt cleaner they , buy. But how can theybe sure they get it? By looking for the Hoover guarantee tag which every Hoover Special carries. This definitely assures you that the cleaner has been reconstructed at the Hoover factory.' • No unknown, irresponsible firm, no 'unskilled •workman has-had a part in rebuilding these cleaners. All Hoover Specials' have genuine -Hoover, replacement* parts . . . bag, belt, cord and bail-beart beating and sweeper brush. Detirr P Third
sky, Elihu Bloch, Herman Cohen, j : munily theatres. They have three JMARTA'S EXPECTED Dave Goldman, Eph. Marks. ! sons. i Marts Eggertli, vivacious m'm Kitual and Initiation CommitI [Hungarian concert E I K ; :— tee: Hyinan Shrier, Chairman; r-tcr. nrrirefi in NPIV Tork By LOUIS PE&A3SSKY | WAEBIT.G IX FIX.5I PKO.TECT Dr. Ben Slutsky, Co-Chairman; Day to be sin "uer lone terra OOTV ( Edward M. 1,1. -Warburc of Nev; trai'i v,i;.b Carl Lami-rnle v.i Y'-\~ Julius Bisno, Ralph Nogg, I. F. THE CAS AND tJKE PIAXO Goodman, Dr. A. Greenberg, AfoThe mystery cl who put the cat : York, son of Fells M. Warr-ur?: versa!. After tv-o T;PC1;.P of pipbr ner Kaiman, Nathan Fine, Dr. in Chieo Marx's grand piano has i ana brother of Pan! Warburg;, lis: sfic-inE in. the E ; ^ i . M!P« I^Torir. Samuel Z. Faier, Harry Silverbeen solved. Ch-ico, one cf t h e | been elected treasurer of the Mu- come?-, to rnivprsai City vhore f-Vf. man, Leo Marks, Wm. famous Three Mars Bros., sat \ seum of Modern Art Film Library vdil be starred iu an original -'•»Meyer Freeman, Jay down to record a speciality n s a - j in New York. The Library will iijar.Lic-nHieii'ai picnvro to l>p s\\Sol Taffe. ber for Irving G. Thalberg's new \ undertake to assemble, catalog re.'lod by Paul Kohnor. ,~ov, isb. ?-.?-• Telephone Committee:' Dr. Leon. Mars Bros, comedy being wo- j and preserve outetEncMng: motion sov.iPre- p r o & n r e r . Fellman, Chairman; Dave Finkle, If you had walked up a : certain duced by SI. G. M. Chico's first Pictures showing the development \Copyruvhi. J^--:"', h'y K«v*>r'. A: is. street in a certain city one rainy | note produced a terrific screech ; a n d P r o ^ess; of the art. The Film Co-Chairman; Tiarl Lagman, Leo The sudden deathjof Herman [journalistic and literary work of Jewish affairs anil- did much to- . . ;- • •young Bernstein by no means 1 ward interpreting the Jewish im- Bernstein, S a m Ban, Edward Sunday morning, you would have'front £,he interior of the iEstru- Library will also assemble a colBernstein, eminent" ~" journalist,.. of books arc per>odiccl? • author and diplomat, lias stun- exhausts the total of*'his output. migrant to the American public. Brodkey, Sam Green, Abe Xlctz, iseen, dumped upon the side-walk, j merit, -which by the -way, he plays lection o n moi The merchan^F v h o pciv 3rs pictures and v.-ill jrath- ! Herman Bernstein was a mod- Arthur RoWnson, Alfred Fiedler, j the -vrorldly possessions of the j exceptionally -well, A hurried ! ned American Jewry. Mr. Bern- It is merely an indication that the Jevi?h Free:; polirit a n d critical r historical Earl Lapidus, Leo Marks, Oscar daughter of a man who in his day 1 search revealed EH indignant al'• ^ stein, regarded as the outstand- Herman Bernstein did not • lose est, unassuming personality. He , business, and merit your patron! material. ing Anglo-Jewish journalist, in time in starting out on a career was a better listener than speak- Mayerowiteh, Ralph Nogg, Harry tras one of the prominent busi-|ley cat inside the piano. Every-' ' ape. {one on the studio set pies er. His flair for new and unknown Ravitz, Morton Richards, S a in ness men of the city. addition to his many other which he dreamt and planned. Bernard Rosenthal, IrvInto a Trash boiler, the rem-i nocence, cf course. But w h e n jFREE STI.'TP talents was uncanny. He always Rachman, elaims to fame, was a frequent r . i-r rr Dr. Maynard wants of a once extensive libraryj Harpo, the other Quarter cf the I1 Someth r~ v At the age of thirty-two Bern-j h a ( J a r e a 4 y e a r fOr anybody, a n d j J n s contributor to the Seven Arts of the c - v - - y G ree Greenberg, Dave Freeman, Sol j jj j ^ fl p d, over two chairs j S'our Marses, rolled up h i s at eea UIa e in realized the ambition of l d u r i n g M s T a r ious editorships « « affiliated publications. M r . stein Dave Crounse, Dr. Ben jW a s a ^ m - o ^ t mattress and a i s l e e v e s > ivr0 l o n S scratches were nouncer r t ;. Erainin, editor of the Seven every American - newspaperman: J t h e m o s t acceBs n)ie man in New l sTaffe, \ form Cf * r-^— lntsk3r ' Isadora Elewitz, Dr. Mor-; c o t over all was a piece of w r n - ! s e e a o n h i s ajl2iArts Feature Syndicate, traces He was appointed special c o r r e s - | y o r k H i s contacts with European ris : can Isr- f f= A s a - - - Times - • ' i a n d American ' 'Brodkey, Dr. Samuel Z. Faier, j 0 , j t i i n o I e u m -srhich flapped in the!.. " matter cf fact. I r a n : holiday <,--i leaders in politics, the main lines of Herman Bern- pondent of the New York. i wind. ! into a door," Harpo sal* Sol Krizelman. on a roving commission, to Eu-j f l n a n C 6 j r t ^ j letters were stagstein's career.—The Editor. 1st Ohu-c1 'n w h i l e v e have
rothrope. For thre%years he was one f^tiis" yet hVhad time for the Vigilance: Wm. H o 1 z m a n, j T h ' e ^oman>s the Mar f a t her died when i in mind, we wis'.L to thank ' till s--cs.tr v " V of America's most widely r e a d | D u d d i n ' y o u n g a l l t h o r who insist-! Chairman; Henry Monsky,_ Harry ; s h e ^ . a s u n d e r E g e H e r p r o p e r t y , : ers Of all the titles which were beI George C. B., a constant reader and the c:^»"r foreign correspondents. His inter- e d o n r e a d i n g h i s f i r s t manuscript i A " W o l f - D a T e B l a c k c - I r T i n S " a l " j which amounted to a stowed on Herman Bernstein at master. | views with TVitte,. Metchnikoff, to him. He was not a fanatic as in real estate, was managed •; of the Baltimore Jewish Times, various times during hn. career he National Jewish Hospital: Sam j • : p r uncle until she became of ; H. K-, a subscriber of the Jewish GIRLS, ::r*r^>;Bergson, Rodin, Shaw and Tol- regards any preferred that of newspaperman Beber, Chairman; Dr. Philip Sher, j , ; stoi, to But mismanagement, care- j Press of Omaha. Nebraska, and A trerr r: ' " - F i L. Phillips, a reader of The Heinine bec-f r ; dard in American journalism. On! e, nil contributed to the loss, I brew Watchman, Memphis, Tecu.. ported. / u^m.^1of his newspa- | Wohlner, Dr. O. S. Belser, Isa- j suave diplomat- and imaginative ' ^ r e t u r j l t 0 t h i s c o u n t r y > how-i i fcr their fine comment on this t piece bv piece, of the propertywyn Gir.s 'o" II ] dore Abramson. jI Money left under monthly in- .; column and their inquiries for ineditor cherished above all else his ;• -Rprnsfein fplt thp ne°d for ai TT *• about certain notables picture, v 1 ul r ...„_,. _„ _ r p T , n _ t p _ --.,, . i ever, ±seinsiein ieii tne ne_a ior a • Herman-Bernstein was not an | Jjeo X. Iievi Hospital: Wm. i come contracts cannot be misin- I formation T duction sr-in' . 5 V te 3 l • in I ollyvs-odo. :?^.JL?J* °* L* i-J?™*! \modern Yiddish daily, and lost no! o r a t o r . H e w a s n o t a SC i nt illatin S Grodinsky, Chairman; Dr. M. M. cannot fluctuate in value, has i n t f - i - v o»T Replying to one of these QuerMargolin, Sam Sol Degen, M argohn S a m Leon, Leon, S ol D egen, | c cannot be : m5ssPent. in 1914 launched The Day.! acts for \"hf. v He not one of the ies: The real names of the Marx P h i l i p m n t a m c k , S a m u e l Z . F a i e r , ! . _ _ . « . ' „ „ 13 a s o n e of A m e r i c a ' s o u t s t a n d - For two years he was the eaitor-; -- .oti T1Tint VB _. , _ - j • borrowed by relatives, Mcannot be ; _, .. to elate No r~ Tlt riT1 ifVtriTit»' * , . , , ... . . csensauon-ioving : Brothers are as follows: Harpo, j ence of r ing newspapermen that Herman . David Cohn, I. Shafer, David ]| misspent .by exaggerating Asize,; A r t h u r ; C v, icOi Leo; Groucho, | Goldwyr, Goldman. Bernstein will be remembered. : „ T „ ; cannot be lost, burnt up, stolen But few Julias; Zeppo, Herbert; and Gum-:! trained V His fame a s a foreign correspon- > T-, ,. . ,,_ „„!„_.„„* , . . - . . „ „ v i c n - i a u u u i u a i u i Home: JI«IU>-. **•*—, rLeo t . , . . . tao is Milton. tors at tiT s.T" >r dent will live in the annals o t j P*se English weeHy supplement. 1 m e n i n A m e r i c a n journalism and A b r a m s c m , chapman; Harry Kul-! I' signed, attached or drawn in ad— taken away, and cannot be as! in Jewish affairs have approached ia k o f s t y > L o u i s Hiller, H a r r y J e tl B e s t e l a c writer, is T f>"5 ,-1 America's fourth estate long after j aAs t utteb ..^ h s h e r ™. a n d e d^ ltor o f^ T h^e ! in Jewish affairs have approached his achievements in the dinlomaP ! their tasks with more honesty and for this Crrtohis achievements m the diploma-; Hebrew. There is —> -•• • - - •
'' I
A m e r i c a n
tic, literary and even editorial i field will have been forgotten by I ^
^ o u g h 1916 Herman Bern
'a new g^ieratipn. __ loomed as probably the out- j g r o u p Of objective Jewish leadersH o u s e : Russell J . B l u m e n t h a l , | a s f-nanrfal standing figure in Yiddish and Herman Bernstein, born in-Rus-' (Copyright. 1935. by Seven Arts Chairman; Robert Kooper, A. B. j e d . sian Poland fifty-nine years ago,;
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schools and in Pittsburgh Central t e r of t ' v ->- c1. Feature Syndicate) .. „ .. , _. . Anglo-Jewish journalism in thisi Gendler, Morris Arkin, Maurice j High School. His father was a t o w n of t l <• <^-> •••• came to the United States as a; j Micklln, Hymie P. Milder. j T. |]_. | newspaper man. Irving used to m e n — b ; . ; "."r'l"r ? young man of seventeen. His j c o u n r j r j Besol-utions: Milton Abrahams,! 4 **li 3 , turn the basement of the family tLOII;-.€l t** ^ . J ^ — ^ ^ ' • father, a merchant, was much! Despite his apparent placidity | Chairman; Jack Marer, Harold kerne into a theatre. Strangely a, coinp''':;p T.-'"'; more interested in Hebrew schol-1 Bernstein was, too restless to sit Farber, Philip F. Feldman, Her-1 j enough, he decided to study meo- Two large v — arship than in business. His uncle j i a a n editor's chair for any length bert Goldstein, Rabbi David Wice. !l With an excellent array of t h e : i c i D e w h e n he entered Harvard on their v ; ^ *o Hirsch Bernstein, established and i of time. The adventures of a war : J. J. Friedman,; l a t e s t styles,. Tully's has opened, University ia 191.4, on a scholar- clothes cKc* 1 ?'. edited the first Hebrew newspa-1 correspondent beckoned. When ki As A a freshman he joined the • Kiam. "" Chairman; Joe Freeman, F rde jd | U p o n e o j ^he finest and most! ship. i v r "i- • sg>er in the United States in 1870. ! t n e N e w Y o r k Herald asked him White, £y/oung Herman himself had but I to go to Russia in 1917 he joyverman ne ambition when, as a bewild-i fully accepted- It was on this trip Social red Polish Jewish Yeshiva bo- j t b - a t h e scored what is generally Chairman Mr. Ben E. Kazlowsky, presi- i R a b b i :hur, he set foot on American I recognized "as the outstanding suits a l e two hundred top-coats H a r r ioil: to make Ms mark in journa- ! Journalistic scoop of the war. dent of B'nai Brith, announces jMMa at tt t Harry Silverman, Rabbi i and overcoats will all be sold a t Castle Square Theatre._ In ; t0 f 71 ;ism. Only seven years after he (Gaining access to the archives of the following committee appoint-! D a v l d W ica. At the Califor 'Pichel the one price of $19.50. ments; " | .nded, at the age of twenty-four, j the Russian Provisional, Governi Little Theatre in Lo? Angeles b'Intellectnal Advancement: Eph~~ . ' Consisting of single breasted, me'. Tiolette Wilson. They -were e succeeded. He became a regu-1 ment, he unearthed an extensive Johannesburg—The e r agreem a n ; ]d o J l M c breasted, sport models, and niarried the same year and unill r contributor to the New York | correspondence that had passed raim Marks, Chairman; Arthur Nazi party has reachedGan Robinson, Co-Chairman; Abner ment with the South African anti- pleated bpeked suits, this stock he entered motion pictures thry ivening Post, the Ains-!| between the Russo-Japanese Kaiser and the Czar eB Magazine and Nation, The Independuring the war | ^ { 'Ar&UT A Conen H a r o l d -.vhich is made by one of the oldlent. At about the same time he!The nature oi this exchange oi R u s s e l l Blumenthal, Semitic movement, the G r a y est leauirg men's clothing inanu- appeared together in many eorr•~ T I ; _ T _ ^ J 3 » . _ J: _ x . J_ —*._ i i D r t o r o o n rt telegrams, r f t i p o r n m c x t * h i p rt had r i n . f i . Shirts, by which the latter will and which blished a number of short stofacturers in Julius Bisno, Dr. Leon Fellman, country, -was perwhich appeared in 1902 i n ! a direct bearin onthe causes of Hyman Shrier, John Beber, Nath- receive financial a i d from Ger- sonally selected by Mr. T- A. Tul-j many, it was reported here. LEONABD X.E0X writes I t \<-r* r* H H t form-under the title "In the (the world war, created an inter- an Taffe, Dr. I. Dansky, Harry ly, o-ftTPr of the store. j ,tates of Israel-" Untiring in his i national sensation. President The- Du Boff, Dr. Maynard Greenberg, Paris—M. Spicker, a X a s i A staff of highly experienced 1 Jiterary ambition, he began trans-j odore Roosevelt termed the publl- Milton Abrahams. agent, has been expelled f r o m ; clothing men have been employed in fact, INSURANCE cf Ever; ' lating for the American maga-j cation of the "Wilty-Nicky". corType - - Strong Reiiabie B n d g e t Committee: Stanley France because of his persistant jto give Tully's customers the ser' zines the best of the contempor-! respondence "a signal "service to Levin, Chairman; Al Fiedler, Co- activity In spreading Nazi propa- jvhe tiny are accustomed to reCompanies, cn!y FIHEHCC EBJI ary Russian literature and direct-i this nation and to all mankind." Chairman ; Dr: A. Greenberg, Carl ganda. ceiviuj?. usnrsnce Co. rd the attenticn of American From then on Bernstein was one Lagman, Ephraim Marks, John ~ Other Nazi agents are expected i A T 76S7 1<529 FARNAM W A 51IC book publishers to Andreyev, Tol- of the most-sought-after foreign Feldman, Morris Potash, Dave to be expelled shortly. Patronize our advertisers. ntoi, Chekov and Gorki. He was a correspondents in the American Greenberg, Reuben Brown, David conscientious though not always j Press He went to Japan, Siberia, H a h D r M a x Breslow, D. A- Denen-i >jrilliant stylist, dominated by a! and the Peace Conference in Pa- berg, Edward Brodkey, H a r r y niost New York Herald. He i Frankel, X)ave Finkel, Harry B. ...—.~ serious »^..w—. relationship * r to — liter- Iris for the . i b d post-war E iture. This enumeration of the j described Europe ffor tth h e | C o l l e n f S a m G r e e n i S a m R o thenj| New York American. He covered It e r g > g a m H a k n : i j, special foreign assignments, for; r> f* c n n n T O Membership Committee: Ben E. ' ) J. C. C. blOS.ib 'practically every other important! Kazlowsky, Chairman; Dr. J. Tvl. ; Many basketeers can already be j newspaper in the United 'States.) Co-Chairman; Simon Piz\4l L«J; v'~?T. ,? reen on the J. C. C courts bom- |He had reached the top of the, co-chairman; M a x Barish, • barding the hoop and getting their ladder as a European observer for g a m B e b LeQ AbrarilS0nj S a m, :cye as they want to be prepared the American press, Dr. Sam Faier, J. J., jwhen the pre-season basketball ] Now that Herman Bernstein is Greenberg,. Goodman Meyerson, •season opens about October 15. dead the full extent of his many- H a r r y P r i e s m a l l ) , L e o K osenthal, sided activities, as author, jour-r cilas _- g ;.. B o S B i A . R i c h a r d s , I. p . t The two handball courts at the nalist and diplomat, appears more, G o o a m a n > I s a d o r e Abramson, Max 'Center are already being used by]striking than ever. As editor f o r j c h a s e n > M a s A r b i t m a n > M o r r i s players who want to pull some; a number of years of The Jewish [Ar j I i I1) Reuben Bordy, Meyer Besurprises in t h e tournaments j Tribune he again exhibited 1-ls i feer jjarry 3Dworsl£y Harry Trusv.-liich will be held. This y e a r j special gift for newspaper build-{ tin> H a r r y S o m m e r > P h i l i p Klutzthere will be more tournaments I ing. As United States Minister t o | nick, Dr. A. Greenberg, Max Holzand players of mediocre ability j Albania ' Willi ' i L t Albania, appointed by President | William R Racusin, Lester have an opportunity to win | Hoover, he gained recognition as i Lapidus, Sam Ban, Dr. slut. 0 iome of these consolation tour- [ a tactful, skilled negotiator and s j rT - > c a ' r i Lagman, Mark Polon'leys which will be held especially [ diplomat. As the relentless expos'or them. There will be a tonrna- er of anti-Semitism he contribut•pent beginning on October 1. ed the most comprehensive de| 'bunking of the "Protocols of the] This year the A. A. U. handball i Elders of Zion-" It war also Her-j Dealer in tournament will be held at the man Bernstein who by his suit! Jewish Books and All Other Center and it will be held nearly against Henry Ford compelled the Religions Articlestwo weeks earlier than last year, j powerful automobile magnate to \ WE 6327. :— I apologize for his sponsorship of | 2429 Dccatur St full line of New Tear's cards in , Members of the Men's Health-an anti-Jewish publication. In be-[ A Jewish ana English and also a full Club are turning out regularly to j tween he devoted some, time to} suppjy of the other seasonable religious articles like - machzeirim attend the noon hour volleyball j the American stage, adapting a with Jewish ana English translations, prayer books, taleisim. silk sanies which are held at the Jew- number of German and French and wool of. the best rinos, etc sh Community Center gym every plays and translating -Russian Remember also to place your or;ioon at 12:30. plays. But during all this literary der with me for an esrog anfl a that is being imported by me and diplomatic work he main- lulov from Erez-lsrael. One viewing the brand of vol- tained an intensive interest in Jeyball which is played by t h e Matron women of. the Center would he surprised at their proficiency, but through continued play and practice over the summer months, these women are be! <s£»r coming quite accomplished in this jjame. They are one of the most enthusiastic groups in the center when it comes to regular gymnasJL tics. '.-• ' . .
Clothing Bepa
(. rr'V Bu
FLOU • " 1 0 bs. - - 58c
Tfie One-Day Sale Without a Peer • • •
Presenting the--'Greatest Single Day of Extraordinary » ^ »
Every Evening Except Sunday
£> SiZC
! 1Masseur, is one of the best known 'iin the city. Many of the members yv.-ho don't work out keep in the 'pink by letting Mr. Rose- rub them Mown regularly.
Mr. Rose, 'who is t h e
'Every .Item
to Insure
I.i-Lfe. 45c
that t h e Regional office supply Jews were not represented at the National Minorities Conferthe Talmud Torahs and Sunday ence in Geneva because the Jewish delegation walked out in 1933 GEIS OF THE BIBLE Schools within, t h e region with JNF literature for classes in curin protest against the rule the German-Jewish question could not • AND TALMUD Irent events and discussion groups. be discussed. However, it was reported at the meeting attempts By O. O. DASHER ~ Published every Fridpy at Omaha, Nebraska, by I it vas further recommended were still being made to bring the Jews into the organization. JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY I that the Regions! office create a ' Speakers Bureau and circularize The World Zionist Congress, which elected Dr. Chaim WeizFor the enemy hath persecuted ! the Councils within this region "52.00 ' Subscription Price; one year mann president, adopted a series of resolutions aimed at improv- my soul, he hath crushed my life 1 the list of speakers available for Advertising rates furnished on application. down to the ground, he h a t h ing the situation of the Jews in Palestine. In addition, the cong- made me to dwell in dark places. ! educational meetings to be sponhv "PAUL A. PETERS ; . Editorial Office: 500 Brandeis Theater Building. i sored by the councils; it was furress asked world support in protecting the Jews against Nazi limLord, what is man that Thou ; ther urged that such speakers be i Sioux City OKice—Jewish Community Center takes knowledge of him?. Or the itation of their rights. RABBIS XOT FORGOTTEN . . . | ed session was that in which nommade available to local organizason of man that Thou makest ac-1 1DAVID BLACKER*- - Business and Managing Editor In other important resolutions the Congress: tions a n d discussion groups—_ count of him. Man is like unto 1 Among the thousands in the i inations were being made . . . ! FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - " Editor • adult as well as youth; the coBacked convocation of. a world Jewish congress. a breath, his days are as a shadow | New York area slated to get jobs j iRABBI URI MILLER - - - - . - Contributing Editor in Works Progress Adrninistraj IX NEW YORK THIS WEEK . . . operation 0! the councils and key that passeth away. J Approved continuation of the Palestine-German transfer we learn, are ,\ Al Wirin, Harvard graduate • FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent .... relief projects, ... _ ,, . peode in the communities of this Rescue me and deliver me out I tion agreement. (Jewish State Party delegates shouted "Hitler of the hand of strangers whose | fifty-one rabbis . . . Just what j and asscoiate of Roger Baldwin, J.eg{0K i s being called for to avail lANN PILL - ..-- - > Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent agents!" and stainped out of the hall when the resolution was mouth speaketh falsehood, and sort of jobs they'll be given hasn't | director of the Civil Liberties themselves of this service in orif P r i n t Shop A d d r e s s : 4504 So. 2 4 t h Street their right hand is a right hand been revealed as yet . . . Speak- i Union, is spending some, time in der that a maximum program of adopted.) ing of rabbis, we know several New York . . . Interesting thing education may be carried 011 in Decided to raise $15,000,000 in the next two years for land of lying. who have given up the pulpit for;about this young Jewish attorney ' the region, TALMUD the law . . . Among those now j is that he g a v e up a lucrative acquisition and colonization. Rabbi Eleazer said, "Where writing briefs instead of sermons j practice to devote his time fully,i "Soxt Administrative Meeting there is no Torah there are no Urged opening Trans Jordan to Jewish settlement. is Benjamin N. Parker, who for--to the work o£ the Union . . . He'si The next meeting of the Adwhere there are no manilThe campaign for one thousand new members at the Omaha Asked liberalization of the Palestine immigration policy to- manners, ners there is no Torah, w h e r e merly occupied the pulpit of the j in charge of the Union's W e s t ministrative committee will be ihi^ Community:.Cer.t-cr is now in full swing, and the Jewish ward Jews. ! held, in January in Pes Moines, • there is no wisdom there is no Ochs Memorial Temple at Chat- i Coast activities tanooga, Tenn. . . . Parker, just ] i Iowa. On suggestion of Mrs. A. citizens of Omaha"--are'being canvassed for their memberships. fear of God, where there is no k measures to combat land speculation. • L. Blotcky. Vice-President f o r fear of God there is no wisdom, graduated from Harvard L a w ! OXE FOR The worth of the Jewish Community Center and its activities is Demanded that the government protect Palestine industry where there is no knowledge School, is with Max Steuer's legal t A community center in a west- I Iowa, it is p.greed to utilize the on such a high.communal plane that by every reason of logic and against dumping. He's working on a j ern city h a s announced that . meeting of the committee for a there is no understanding, where emponum case in which his briefs will be ] will run a "Post-Tom Kippur! state conference in lows, feeling it should be unnecessary for anyone to be solicited. The there is no understanding there - Aaked measures for health and sanitation in Palestine. is no knowledge, where there is a opposed to none other than the i Dance" which will include a A brief service v; a F held in one thousand new menvbers should be secured through voluntary Scored the proposed legislative council. want of the means of sustenance famous Isidore Kresl's . . . Par-1 "Sweetheart Contest Feature" . . . memory of Chief Rabbi Kook, of action, with even persuasion unnecessary. ker still keeps his hand in. at ser! and Dr. A s h e r Isaacs of PittPThe American delegates to the congress held a meeting dur- there is no studying of Torah, and Palestine. •i Whefi. the Jewish Community Center building was opened in ing the week and decided not to renew the partnership between w i t h o u t spiritual nourishment nions . . . He's going to deliver a j burgh Jewish Outlook remarks A resolution 'of condolences to Rosh Hashonah sermon at Rabbi j upon "the incongruity o? fasting 1927, we in this community felt mighty proud. The dream of the Joint Distribution Committee and the American Palestine physical nourishment h a s no William Rosenblum's temple in j and wondering- how the dark blue Dr. Alexander S. Wold of St. value." Omaha Jewry, had been translated into actuality; we had a roof Campaign (the joint drive is known as the United Jewish Appeal) New York . . . Another example; wrap will look with, the evening Louip, who lost his son in a tragic Rabbi Eleazer said, "He whose of a rabbi turning legalite is Dr. i gown." . . . accident, was adopted and the foir purely Jewish activities, a building wherein Jewish culture and when it expires at the end of this year. wisdom exceeds his works, to Mitchell Fisher, who's in Samuel! (Copyright, 3S3», Jewish Telegraphic President reouesfed convey t h e what is he like? To a tree whose 'Jewish educational activities could be cultivated, an institution resolution to Dr. Wolf. Inc.) Untermyer's office . . . Nathan' .A gen branches are many but whose which was symbolic of the Jewish consciousness of the Omaha Gordon ' of Montreal also was a Personnel roots a r e few; and the w i n d Jewish people. The day the cornerstone was laid was a red-letter Successful cnTnpr.igns fiave been comes and plucks it up and over- rabbi before turning to the law The Jewish world looks with anxiety to the wiping out of turns it upon its face. B u t he for a living . . . And Lawrence concluded In Oklahoma City and day on the local Jewish calendar; the day the building was first of Lesington, Ky., is going environs, and Fremont. G r a n d Jewish life in Soviet Russia. Unless a drastic change, occurs in whose works exceed his wisdom, Kahn opened for inspection was one of pride and achievement. the way of the others from pulOF NAT1OML Islencl a n d Hastings. Nebraska. to what is he like? To a tree 1 Those people in our midst who gave of their time and energy the trend, two more generations will witness the complete disin- whose branches are few but whose pit to jury room, v i a Harvard i during the month of July. where he's in his last year j (Continued frorc Page 1.) and money to construct this Jewish home had to sacrifice much to tegration of the Jewishness of Russian Jewry. This is especially roots are many, so that though all Law, The Administrative Committee the winds in the world' come and . . . To get back to the work re- j Region of the JKF in one con-' of the Southwest Region includes: a cause for alarm in view of the fact that the second largest attain.their goal. But, instead of complaining, they took joy out blow upon it, they cannot stir it j lief business, it's interesting to 1| v e n M O n Harry Friedberg, Kansas City, of their work, knowing full well that dividends would be reaped Jewish population in the world, over three million, are concen- from its place." j note that there are 1,9 3 0 s i d e Organization of Smaller 1 Mo., Hon. President; Gustave by the future generations long after they had departed this earth. trated in Russina. Ben Zoma said, "Who is wise? i show barkers listed in the TVPA Communities • Klausner. St.. Louis, President; I survey of employables . . • also However, though the spiritual side of the Soviet situation is He who learns from all men as it Resolved, that it is the sense- Mrs. J. Richlin, Omaha, NebrasToday, with the major burden of the task completed, we would is said, 'From all my teachers I ! 2 S bank executives . . . purpose of t h e Administrative | ka, Vice-President; Mrs. A. L. aggravating, we are thankful for the normalizing of Jewish ecoindeed be unworthy of the faith placed in our communal life were have gotten understanding.' Who Committee that an effort be made Blotcky, Des Moines, Iowa, Vicenomic and social life in Russia. At a time when Nazi discrimin. we to shirk the slight burden of helping support that Jewish Comis mighty? He who controls his YOU PAYS YOUR MONEY AND to reach out into the smaller com- President; Hyman Gordon, Kanmunity Center through a membership. There can be only one ex- ation and race poison is being disseminated throughout Europe, passions, as it is said, • 'He that YOU TAKES YOUR CHOICE . . .munities within tills region. £ 0 r : sas City, Mo., Vice-President; Julis slow to anger is better than the The situation is that clear we'll J purposes JNF propaganda ancl ed- • lus Livingston, Tulsa, O k 1 a., cuse for non-membership - - poverty making the expenditure im- it is good to hear that in Russia prejudice because of racial origin mighty and he that ruleth over take bets on either side of theiucation a n d Land Redemption Vice-President; and Ben Deutch, is not only frowned upon but is actually bitterly fought with possible. Especially is this true in lieu of the new membership his spirit than he that taketh a table on Dr. Magnes* resignation j Campaign; that the "j>arlor meet-, Kansas City. Kansas, Vice-Presiscale, with the basic rate as low as five dollars per year. The every weapon at hand. The latest decree of Josef Stalin with city.* Who is rich? He who re- as chancellor of the Hebrew "Cni-jing" method of organization is dent; A. Goodman, St. Louis, joices in-his portion as it is said, members of the Center this coming year will be presented with a regard to school children will be a big boon to the offspring of 'When thou eatest t h e labor of versity . . . If pushed to a deci- | deemed the best and most appro-; Missouri, Treasurer; Louis Finsion, we'll put it this way: If lie priate method for •srork in the , kelstein, Lincoln, Nebraska, Seqprogram wider in scope than previously, including lectures, con- declassed Jews. By the law, the school authorities are forbidden thine hands happy art thou and has resigned (or if he does)-he'll communities not large enough to retary; Jacob S. Peaiistien, Recerts, plays, children's programs, and a variety of cultural to. make any inquiries into the antecedents of pupils and are in- it shall be well with thee, happy reconsider Anyway, barring i organize local councils or commit-1 gional Director; Administrative structed to grant educational equality to all children regradless art thou in this world and it shall 'unforseen circumstances, the fain-j tees; and be it further revolved i Board consists of the following: activities. . be well with thee in the future [ ous educator will still, be on Mt. | that each member of the Admin- Phil Klutznick, Omaha, Nebras. A membership in the Jewish Community Center under the of their narentage. This decree will enable children of the de- world.' Who is honored? He who Scopus •when all t h e shootin's j istrativ© Committee assume re- ka; Barney Baron, Sioux City, new scale of rates is more than an obligation or duty - - it is a classed Jews to take their place in Soviet society without fear of honors others." over . . . Incidentally, Dr. Magnes'' sponsibility, in co-operation vrith; Iowa; Dr. Alexander r». Wolf, St. suffering any form of discrimination for reason of the origin of married sister lives in New York j the regional director, for contact-; Louis, Missouri; Mr. Joseph Brotest of the Jewish consciousness of our community. in the Fall, "Winter a n d Spring j ing and follow-up of the smaller dy, Pes Moines, Iowa,; Rabbi Davtheir parents. '
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to 0010 Next Tuesday will be celebrated in the United States &s Do not be misled or beguiled by reports emanating from the "Constitution Day," marking the one hundred and forty-eighth Reich that restraint is appearing on the Nazi horizon. Much promanniversary of the adoption of the Constitution, which has been inence has been given in the daily press of America to the seemthe bulwark of our form of government. ing change in German officialdom regarding the Jewish question. NORTH AMERICA The Constitution has been more than the fundamental law of The appearance is given that Dr. Hjalmer Schacht's tirade against PELLET, S I L V E R SHIRT the United States - - it has been the foundation stone of the traTO RUN FOR Nazi extremists is beginning to bear fruit and that a modification COMMANDER PRESIDENT ON ANTI-JEWISH ditional broad-mindedness which has made, this country a haven of anti-Jewish discrimination is on its way" The past week press PLATFORM of refuge for the oppressed and persecuted. ' His total votes dispatches declared that German newspapers and Nazi officials will achieve a new low in our hisThe original Constitution declared that "no religious test urged a peaceful solution of the Jewish problem and attacked tory. shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public V. S. STATE DEPARTMENT "saboteurs" for interfering with Jewish trade. REJECTS LEAGUE OF NATIONS trust under the United States." The first amendment to the ConTO ADMIT REFUGEES . . s'titution, which was part of the Bill of Rights, asserted that • We do not have far to look for this sudden abatement of PLEA Immigration laws are based on Jew-baiting by the fanatical Nazis. I t was shortly thereafter re"Congress shall make no Jaw respecting ah establishment of relieconomics not on sentiment. gion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . . " ' , ported that a huge national loan would soon be floated and the HELENE M A Y E R DENIES loan would require Jewish capital. OLYMPIC BID FROM GERMAN In these statements of fundamental right can be found the SPORTS OFFICIALS . . . . The I reason for no official religious discrimination in American history. American Olympic Committee, They have been a pattern to be followed by the various state and please take note. local governments, a beacon, light pointing the.way of true AmerGreek officialdom demonstrated this past week that it will PENNSYLVANIA LAW BARicanism. True, sporadically groups seek to undermine the struc- do its utmost/to combat anti-Jewish prejudice spread by dema- RING RACE AND CREED PREture built by the Constitution and to wedge religious discrimina- gogues in the land. After a certain general Papadopoules had told JUDICE IN PUBLIC PLACES MEETS OPPOSITION . . . Oppo', tion into the woof of American life; but Ahey have.never attained the Serrai military division that Communists and Jews are the sition by Hitlerized Americans. much success. The religious liberty established with the birth of enemies of Greece, General Apapagos, commander-in-chief of the NON-JEWS TO AID $250,060 the nation has withstood the vicissitudes of bigots and intolerant Greek army, issued an order the next day to the entire Mace- DRIVE FOR ROCHESTER Y. M. H. A. I . • . More constructive than demagogues. donian forces to the effect that the Greek Jews were among the all the Tound table good will conOn Constitution Day it is appropriate that all American citi- most patriotic, that the only distinction between Jews and Greeks ferences in the world. zens think out the, basic principles underlying this great docu- was creed and that the Jews "are a valuable element in the pro- N. Y. JEWISH D O C T O R ment, and Should rededicate themselves to the ideals therein cdn- gress of civilization." To impress ita contents, General Apapagos MAKES MAJOR DISCOVERY IS WAR ON CANCER . . . . And tbe tained. It should also strengthen the determination to resist any commanded this order to be read to the soldiers three times. > cry that Jews crowd the medical tampering with that part of the document which will in any way profession still goes-on. EUROPE" Vitiate the sacred guarantees of religious freedom.
and in t h e Summer at a girls' communities contiguous to the id A. Goldstein, Omaha, Nebraska; Louis Katleman, Council camp in Maine owned and oper- members home cities. ated by her husband, Chester Resolution of Edneatiom \ Bluffs, IOT.T- p.nrt R. H. Emlein,
Teller . .
The Administrative Committee , Sioux City. :"v:n. recommended that t h e Regional j NOW THAT IT'S OVER . . . . office institute a regular "senii-1 It may not be out of place to | monthly press service to the Ang- > 4,
ask how come Berl Locker, one lo-Jewish and Yiddish, papers in of the most highly regarded mem- the region on pertinent. JNF fie- ]
bers of the Zionist laborites, wasjvelopments; end that this service; not renamed to his post ss head j shall also be mailed to the JNF ; of the organization department of 1 councils End key people in un- \ t h e World Zionist Organization organized communities." . . . Yv^as lie a sacrifice to the MlzIt w a s further recommended! rachi demands? . . . In this connection, it is recalled that despite their-diametrically opposite viewpoints on many Questions, Locker and Meier Berlin, former world president of the Mizrachi, are fast friends . . . They tell this one on' Locker: At the Congress t w o , years ago in Praha, Locker WES absent when an important committee meeting was being held . . . Rabbi Berlin went out to search for him . . . He found Mm eating in a kosher restaurant . . . Smiling broadly, Rabbi Berlin asked Locker haw it happened that lie, a veteran Socialist leader, w a s eating in a kosher restaurant . . . Locker replied sheepishly—"You can see for yourself, all I'm eating is eggs" . . .
MORE CONGRESS QUERIES . . . Speaking o£ the Congress, won- j der if anyone noticed how well I Dr. Stephen S, Wise and Dr. AWa \ Hillel Silver, who have b e e n ! known to think quite differently > AUSTRIAN NAZI HIRES JEW- about various things, -srorked to- \ ISH LAWYER TO DEFEND HIM gether on the matter of the Pal- j ...Fii., Aug. 8 . . . . Here's hoping that the Jew estine-Nazi barter pact . . . A; *Rosli Chodeali Elul „ , : .„.„ loses his case. meeting Of the American Jewish > 5696 — 1935 Lucerne, Switzerland, has been the scene of several Jewish Congress . delegation to the Con- i BEN GURION\IGNORES SUMRosh Hashonah, 1st day „...„.„. . Sat, Sept. 28 conferences the past few weeks. The Zionist Congress had hardly MONS TO ZIONIST CONGRESS gress was held on a Saturday . . . j ,_-.Sun., Sept 29 COURT BECAUSE IT'S WRIT- No stenographic transcript' was j Rosh Hashonah, 2nd day...— heard the final gavel fall, when the Jewish Agency Council moved »...JMon., Sept 30 TEN IN GERMAN . . . He should supposed to be taken of the pro- j in, Coincidentally, the Committee of Jewish Delegations and the Fast of Gedaliah ........ . ceedings . . . But strangely a tit- I -Mon., Oct 7 ignore it even if presented in He-teen-page stenographic report of 1 ....... .. Zionist Actions Committee met in Lucerne, while in,-Geneva the Yom Kippur Succbth, 1st day ..........;—..——~~...~:.^..—... ».™.Sat., Oct. 12brew. THREE JEWISH PLAYERS the meeting has been received in j Minorities' Congress was held without Jewish delegates. HELP U. S. WIN . WORLD'S this country . . . Maybe the sec- j Suecoth, 2nd day ..S.....—Sun., Oct. 13 The Jewish Agency council heard: C H E S S AT retary at the session wrote the re- > —. -Fri., Oct. 18WARSAW .CHAMPIONSHIP Dr. Arthur Ruppin, head of the' Zionist department of eco- Hosha'ana Rabba . . . Polish papers did port from memory . . . They're ! - S a t , Oct 19 not emphasize their American- still talking about Judge Mack's j jtiomic research and planning, prophecy continued prosperity for Shemini Atseret speech on Palestine as one of the j Simchat Torah ™Sun., Oct 20 j Palestine. best delivered at the Congress . . ,'j ...Mon., Oct. 28 j GERMAN JEWISH MEDICAL Too bad * it wasn't tally reported 1 Dr. Chaim Weizmann, World Zionist Organization president, *Rosh Hodesh Heshvan MEN x o w IN
Slohel Specialist liecommendefi t>r MPBJ Doctor* Resilience Phone VTElwtflr Business Thcno V*"Eb?!«?r P4
K. SOih St., Omafoa,
Wed Nov TURKEY INVIT..wea., NOV. 27 £i I T Q ask for co-operation with Great Britain and oppose the projected Rosh Hodesh Kislev AFGHANISTAN Chanukah, 1st day „ Sat., Dec. 21 Turkey may not give them up. Palestine legislative council. Rosh Hodesh Tebet .'. .Fri., Dec 27 NAZI LEADER INVENTS PEN- A REAL RESIGNATION . . . .Miss Henrietta Szold report 713 German-Jewish children setDULUM TO DETECT JEWISH Hear Irons an unimpeachable tled in Palestine. % source that "Elias Epstein, world NOTE—Holidays begin in the evening preceding the dates BLOOD Some of the honorary secretary of the Jewi&h National Dr. Werner Senator point out Jewish immigration into Pal- designated. Aryan citizens may become fullwill give up his post in fledged Nazis after the blood test. Fund, ' estine (about 75,000 last year) approximately a half the Jewish *Ros hChodesb. also observed previous day. October to devote feissslf to He(CopyriBht, 19S5. by Savea Arts immigration into the United States in 1907, the peak year. "brew journalism in Palestine . . . Feature Syndicate) While on the subject o£ the JewMosheShertok warn the Arabs are undermining Palestine's in Palestine are beginning to take ish National Fand., tfals one kept an antagonistic stand toward the \\. J. leglmumes prosperity and urge harmonization of British, Arab and Jewish the J. N. F. officials and stall in Council. interests. . ' giggles for a week . . . Someone Meraat-ash-Shara, a Tri-weekly | Condemn. •wrote in and askea for & couple It was decided to increase the non-Zionists' seats in the Jeworgan of the Na3hasb.rbi party, Capo May, N. J.—Nazism and of hundred pounds of Palestine ish Agency executive from two to three. Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen- •which, appears in. Jerusalem, de- Fasclsn in the. United States were soli . . . that the Arabs cannot ac- condemned in a resolution adopt•The Committee of Jewish Delegations, which was organized cy)—A concerted eerJc3 of at- clared cept a Council devoid of author- ed by t t s annual convention. o£ tacks upon the proposed Palestine Jn 1919 to represent the Jews at the Versailles Peace Conference, the New Jersey department of the T H E V E T & K A N S A T Legislative Council has appeared ity and competence. 'SARATOGA .-..•• considered problems of world Jewry, particularly the world Jew- in a number of Arab papers in A similar note is reflected in Americas. Lsgion. : Wonder, whether it 'was. the Al Mokattara o£ Cairo, Egypt, The resolution denounced erish congress, plans for the early holding of which were developed. different cities in and outside of which say3 tbat there is a tendenr-ticris in' the United States ponies or the" springs that kept 1 Palestine. Rabbi Stephen-S. Wise wa~S named president of the committee. cy among tae Palestine Arabs to j "owing allegiance to other ssa- the Jewish, war veterans .train atThe Actions Committee arranged the moving of Dr. Theodor The Alnahar of Beirut, Syria, boycott the Council even prior to j tions" and -rigorously opposed all tending sessions-' o'f tfc«ir' receot quotes its Jaffa correspondent as tha publication of tne plan of Its I efforts to introduce annual escsmpxaect at Saratoga Herzl's remains from Vienna to Palestine. reporting that many Arab leaders Springs . . .'Tfce'OSly tally attend-
Press of Arabs Opposes Council
or Fasclsrs Into this «oaatry.
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New Fall Kacix -and Stetson Hats EnougK of tliem here to give every man HIS own individual style in hats. New Bohemian crowns, new Horn-' burgs, new Raw-or Bound Edge &n&p brims. Hew blues, grays, green, rich browns. All that's new.
Other Good Hats, $2.85 to '$$ Sftt»~5Saiii Tims
THE JEWISH PRESS, ' FRIDAY, RETURNS TO OMAHA Mrs. Harry .Mendelson, amateur sculptress, returned to Omaha with her daughter, Leah, after an absence of three months. She spent two months in Boston visiting a sister and studying under Hugh Cairn, one of the leading sculptors in that city, some of whose creations are in the Chicago Art Institute and in t h e White House. Mrs. Mendelson also visited art galleries and eshitits in Chicago, Rochester and New York. , The Mendelson family w i l l
SORORITTT MEETING The T'Ost sorority had its first meeting of the year, Wednesday, September 4, at the home of Miss Etta Tatelman. After a brief business -meeting, the members played bridge and bunco. Miss Rose Sacks was the prize winner.
RESUMES STUDIES omen's Bernard Chapman, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Chapman, l e f t The meeting of t h e Women's September 2 for Champaign, 111., The Beth-El auxiliary vdll hold Mizrachi at the Jewish. Commuwhere he will enter his sophoa meeting Wednesday, September nity Center nest Wednesday, Sepmore year at the University of An extensive membership drive ! tember IS, will be featured by f, 18, at the J.C.C. Illinois. of the Council of Jewish Women j report on the recent World ZionPlans will be discussed for ihr, is being brought to a conclusion j ist Conference by A. Katz, prin- coming' year's activities, OommU-VISITING IN KANSAS CITY by t h e members of Mrs. David | cipal of the Talmud Tors.li. tee chairmen, and nciw metnbp"f.: Miss Dorothy White is visiting Cohn and Mrs. Losiis Lipp's coin- j RETURN FROM TENwill be introduced. Mrs. Davf friends and relatives in Kansas mittee after a summer,campaign. | As this is an open meeting, all Sherman, wil preside. Miss Id*. WEEK TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Louis Riklin re- :ity, Mo. S h e plans to return The committee hopes to include members and all interested in Gltlin will present several im?stethe names of all new members Palestinian work a r e invited to el selections. cently returned from a ten-week next week. in the Year Book being published attend. Tea and refreshments will trip throughout the east. They Two projects are occupying1 t.lir. be served by Mrs. N. Levinson and this month. plan to remain here until after ENROLLS IN UNIVERSITY attention of the auxiliary at. precher committee. A luncheon honoring the new the High Holidays when they will OF ALABAMA eat, the dinner dance to he ^ivon 55TH WEDDING GROSSMAN-STAIJMASTER A board meeting at 1:SO will Sidney Neveleff left last week make their home at 2865 Daven- again return east. members is planned for the first in November RTKI bake and coiiet ANNIVERSARY to enroll, as a freshman at the meeting of the season, Mrs. Man- precede the regular meeting. port. • •'. , Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sherman . Mr. and Mrs. L ^ t a l m a s t e r anUniversity of Alabama at Tusca- ual Grodinsky, president, anA sketch will be presented. The scles •which start, in November. HOUSE GUESTS nounce the engagement of their celebrated their 55th wedding an- RESIDING IN'OMAHA nounces. title of the sketch is "CommenceMr. and Mrs. Sam Kramer and oosa, Ala. daughter, ElBie, to Lee Grossman* niversary with a family dinner for ment Day at Beth Eeiroth MizMr. and Mrs. George Sherman daughters, Doris and Suzanne, are aon ot Mr., a n d Mrs. Charles 55 guests Tuesday evening, Sep- and family, formerly of Tulsa, house guests of Mrs. Edward Trel- RETURNS FROM rachi," and the following will IT WILL TAT TOU Grossman of Lincoln. T h e an- tember 10. take past: Mesdames Charles S. Okla., are now making their home ler for a few days. They are en- EASTERN TRIP Five of the seven children of in Omaha and a r e residing at To Corcswlt The Pioneer Women held a nouncement was made at a family Ross, principal; graduates—Saf.yo Miss Ruth White returned reroute, to Los Angeles where they meeting Tuesday, September 10, dinner at the Stalmaster home. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman were pres- 1009 No. 50th St. Beber, Mrs. Louis Fogel, Mrs. ently from an extensive trip will make their home. Mrs. Kramat the J.C.C. An election of of- j Peter Greenberg, Mrs. Sidney | No definite date has been set.for ent: Dave, Isidore, Mrs. Leo Milder is the former Mamie Splesber- throughout the east. er and Mrs. Philip Rosenblatt of f icers took place and the new of- j Katelman, and Mrs. A. J. Solo-j When buying the wedding. GUESTS FROM CHICAGO ger. Omaha and George of Tulsa, Okficers are: Mrs. J. Feldinan, re- moa. TO LOS ANGELES Mr. a n d Mra. Dave Fagelson lahoma. Mrs. George Sherman a n d family of Chicago spent a .KAGAN-FERLIS NUPTIALS Mr. Millard Sigal left for Los elected financial secretary; Mrs. Selections on the riolin will be ••' The marriage of Miss Gertrude and their three children also were •week here as guests of Mrs. Fag- TO VISIT ON WEST COAST Angeles to visit his brothers and S. Okun, recording secretary; and rendered by Miss Esther SteinMiss Lillian Freedman left Perlis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. here. Morris and Nate Sherman elson's brother-in-law and sister, sisters whom he hasn't seen for Mrs. J. Rich'ii:, treasurer. berg of .Council Bluffs, accompanThe following were ^hosen com- ied by her sister, Florence Stein- . N. Perils, to Moe Kagan, son of of Chicago were unable to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Landman. The Tuesday for an indefinite stay in 11 years. Enroute he stopped in Los Angeles with her sister, Mina, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman h a v e Fagelsons are enroute to Los AnMrs. Rose Kagan of Chicago, took Denver, Salt Lake City and Mex- mittee chairmen: Mrs. J.Raznick, berg. lived in Omaha for 46 years. They geles where they will make their who has been living in California ico. He will return October 1. place, Sunday, September 8,^ cultural; Mrs- J. Kaplan, visitirg The Women's Mizrachi e r e ^ ^ the past two years. Miss Freed11:30 a. m. at the home of the have 18 grandchildren and one home. sick; Mrs. H. Kichlin, telephone; planning & card party for October j ••' ' man plans to stop In Salt Lake great-grandchild. bride's parents. Rabbi David A. Mrs. J. Richlin, WCJF and means; 16, during- the week of Succoth.; VISITING IN FREMONT Many informal affairs were City enroute for a short stay. Goldstein performed t h e cereOut-of-town guests at the din- given in their honor. Mrs. Clair Horwitz is visiting Mrs. M. Minkin, membership; and mony. ner were Mr. and Mrs. A. B- Cherin Fremont for a week. She is Mrs. S. Okun, finance and collecA dinner for t h e immediate niss, Mrs. S. Stolurow and Mrs. BACK FROM TWO-WEEK VISIT ¥ SIOUX CITY the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. tions. Mrs. Sophia Novitsky a n d families only "was given after the L. Abrahamson of St. Paul, Minn., The committee heads will anMr. and Mrs. N.' Perelman re- aughter, Mrs. Betty Rabinowitz Mark Schmidt, former Omahans. wedding. The couple left for a and Mrs. Ben Deutch of Kansas cently returned from a two-week nounce their committees at the L. f Oakland, California, are spendmotor trip to Denver immediately City, Kansas. • next regular meeting to be held visit in Denver and Hastings. ng two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. HOUSE GUEST FROM after the dinner. They will be Tuesday, October 1They spent a week in each place. H. S. Novitsky and children in KANSAS CITY DESSERT LUNCHEON gone ten days. \ Mrs. A. D. Deutch of Kansas i ioux City, l a . ' 1 You Went Dresses Thai Mrs. Rose Kagan was on out- AND BRIDGE ity, Kansas, who came here for The Deborah Society, the ladies SPENDING WEEK HERE of-town guest. J. N. F. regional conference, is A special meeting of the board Mrs. G. Rosenberg and her VISIT IN SIOUX CITY Hi auxiliary of the Talmud Torah, Mr. and Mrs. Kagan will live the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. of the Omaha chapter of Hadasdaughter, Zina, are spending a Mr. a n d Mrs. George Gaspar Morris Friedel. at t-fc_e Strehlow Terrace apart- will give a dessert-luncheon and sah will be held Tuesday, Septembridge, Wednesday afternoon, Oc- week- here as guests of Mr. and and daughter, Thelma, visited in ments upon their return. ber 17, at the J. C. C. at 1:15 Mrs. N. Perelman. Sioux City with Mr. and Mr3. H. Among those who entertained tober 23, at the J. C. C. M r s . o'clock. Important business -will VISITING IN CALIFORNIA ol Novitsky and children for a •til for Mrs. Kagan prior to her mar- Sarah Frohm is chairman a n d Mrs. M. Kurtzraan is spending be discussed and all board memlew days. They are enroute to riage were Mrs. S. Novak, Mrs. N."Mrs. William Milder, co-chair- TO ADDRESS MEMBERbers are asked to be present. Northfield, Minn., where Thetoa several months in California and SHIP TEA . Perlis. Rose Meyer and Sara Os- man. will enter Carleton College on a the Pacific coast, where close relMiss'Dora Freshman, president i trovlch. of the local chapter of Junior scholarship which she was award- atives—whom she has n o t seen Respect the ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF SON for over twenty years—are enterWilno—T h e local authorities Mr. and Mrs. D. R. "Weisblat of Hadassah, will be the guest speak- id by that school. MOGiL-RUBIN MARRIAGE taining extensively for her. have notified the Executive of the The- marriage of Miss Ethel Dallas, Texas, announce the birth er at the membership tea of the Wilno Jewish Community t h a t Sioux City chapter of Junior of a son, Sidney Arthur, SeptemRubin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. GUESTS FROM CHICAGO the Government has decided not Hadassah next Sunday. Sam Rubin, to Charles Mogll, eon ber 5. Mrs. Weisblat is the forMrs. Max Levlne and Mr. End to disturb the famous old Jewish Fashions with enduring of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mogil, will mer Ida Babior of Omaha. Irs. Freddy Levlne and son, all cemetery. smartness . . . fashions take place Sunday, September 15, TO ENROLL AT HARVARD of Chicago, are the guests of Mr. The Deborah society will hold This decision was adopted, the at 4 o'clock. Rabbi David A. Gold- THEATER PARTY with t h e sophisticated Jerry A. Gordon, son of Dr. and nd Mrs. J. Abramson. Mrs. Maxa special meeting Monday after- authorities said, out of respect for stein will officiate. The E. T. C. sorority held a Mra. M. I. Gordon,, left last Fri- jevine formerly lived in Omaha. restraint that marks the Jewish religious laws. noon at 2:30 at the J.C.C. A reception for relatives a n d theater party Thursday, Septemr day for Harvard university where truly elegant. New Sw?m friends will take place from 7:30 ber 5, at the Brandeis theater. he will enroll as a student. En- RETURN FROM TRIP Crepe, Capclla . . . JacA regular meeting will be held route he stopped • in Chicago to to 9:30 p. m. at 1612 Willis Ave. quarci . . . and Metal Mr. and Mrs. Dave B. Cohn and next Thursday, September 19, .at visit Howard and Bernard Chapsons, Gerald and Ronald, have reShot Crepes. the home of Merrlam Lieb. At man for a few days and in CleveKAIMAN-GROS8 MARRIAGE turned from a two-week trip to Mr. Henry Gross announces the this time plans for an ^affair to land, where he visited his uncle, Denver and Colorado Springs. be given sometime in October will Mr. Al Gordon. marriage of his daughter, Helen, While there they were the guests to Martin Kaiman of Glenwood, be discussed. of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harris and Iowa, September 5, at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Jak© Hayutin. Rabbi J. J. Ogle of Lincoln offi- ON VISIT Harold (Chic) Tuchman left ciated, OTHERS TO $98.95 Monday evening, September 9, THREE-WEEK VISIT The couple will m a k e their Sunday fdr Fort Dodge and Mine- e © neapolis. He plans to spend sev- the Sam Beber chapter No. 100 home at Glenwood. Mrs. M. Seidman of Lincoln has Sixth Floor held a business meeting which returned to her home a f t e r a eral days there. To Mcke Your House e was well attended by the alephs three-week visit with her daughBETURNS FROM WISCONSIN Modern. Hozne . . . with v and the entire advisory board. Al- ters,. Mrs.. Dave ,Cohn - and.. Miss Mrs. Wf. Freiden haa returned the Luxurious Addition el! so present at the meeting were Goldy Seidman. after spending the •summer at PROGRESSIVE HEBREW visitors, Max Baer, assistant Eagle River, Wise, with her two CLUB FLAMING PLAYS three executive secretary of the Sup- TO COLUMBUS daughters, Mrs. M. Gilinsky and The Progressive Hebrew club reme Advisory Council, Sol Stein, Mrs. Al Berger. Al Weiner, 1935 Nebraska uniMrs. Freiden will leave n e x t is planning to sponsor a number an alumnus of the Lincoln A.Z.A versity graduate, left Monday for of plays this season. The best and Gerald and Norman Bat Columbus, Nebr., -where he will week to accompany her daughter, Mrs. Berger, to her h o m e in Jewish talent of Omaha will be members of the Chicago A.Z.A. be employed as a civil engineer Cleveland, Ohio. They will travel chosen and playa of Interest to Ben WIntroub, . athletic com- on the Loop power project. by boat from Milwaukee to Cleve- every Jewish person will be se- mittee chairman gave his full reland. Mrs. Berger was formerly lected for production. port on the activities of the chap A show will be put on in the ter at the Des Moines tournament- PHI BETA SIGMA Marjorie Freiden of Omaha. The Fhi Beta Sigma sorority near future, the date and name Aleph Godol Crounse spoke on the Featuring the AM!omafic of which will be announced In results of the meetings held dur- held a special meeting at t h e next week'a Presa. Sam Nepom- ing the tournament, at which home of the sponsor, Mrs. Irving T h e Junior Vaad auxiliary nick is chairman and will be as- meetings plans for the Nebraska Rubinow. Plans were discussed giscs Up to Is opening this year's activities sisted by D a v e Dennenberg, B. Iowa a 1 e p h a association were for a dance to be given at the Fontenelle pavilion November 1. 30-In. Wide, with a dinner at the B'nai Israel Korney, Julius Srieider, E a r l formed. Eeeh synagogue Tuesday, September 17 Goodbinder. Louis Wolk will be &$ 60-f n* hum® At -the conclusion of the meet at 6 p. m. After the dinner a in charge ot the actors. Ing, Aloph Joe Guss, social comregular business meeting will be mittee chairman, and Aleph Herheld. Reservations for the dinner These blinds are made of oxford bert Forbes presented an informam a y lie made with Miss Sarah cedar, are kiln-dried, sad tive "March of Time" ^program The Congregation German, president of the organiwraipped with cords, tapes and: This TVIU be a regular part^ oi zation. The dinner will be 35 By Mrs. David M. Newman top brackets, ready for complete each meeting from now on. cents per plate. installation. Slats 2-inelies or Thursday evening in honor o 16th and Chicago Sts. '•'•' •''. • '.'. " R E C I P E S ' '• / 2 3-8 inches deep. The automatic the club pledges, the C e n t u r y . O n e cup shredded pineapple (8 chapter held an enjoyable smoke stop prevents the blind from Announce the Sale of oz. can), 1 tablespoon l e m o n at Sam Beber's home. Entertaindropping if the cord should §Iip juice, % cup sugar, 3 eggs, 1 cup ment was furnished by Irvfrom the hand. Sizes ore? 12 sq. " in teaspoon va- ing Kaiman, Harold Hablar, Harwhipping cream, Re-orders on these very For the Approaching ft. are 40c per gqusre foot addi* nilla. riet Eeinstein and others. Juliu coats Ere costing 25 t© tionsi. Drain pineapple, add lemon Blsno, executive secretary of th 50 per cent snore t juice and sugar. Mix well a n d Supreme Advisory Council, showchill. Beat egg yolks and whites ed filnrs on the Camp-Convention .© ee © separately and then mix together which was held at Hollister, MisSmsII Dcwz Payment' © Mecv* Pea Green 0 Csrmsn and add to the whipped cream. souri this summer. © Strew Ivory © Chrome Yellow Cenvcztient Terms Flavor. Add chilled pineapple and After the smoker, refreshment and His Highly © Fr?ueh ivery © Peech return to tray of refrigerator to were served by Mrs. Beber with © Fur Sale Croupe STOW, SSS f« §50$ © Ccbelf ES Trained Choir freeze. the aid of a few of the alephs.
Membership Drive • of Jewish Council!
Pioneer Women
Deborah Society
A. Z. A. 100
Junior Vaad Auxiliary
Fur Sale
Announcement - - -
Semi-flat, Semi-wash Wet wash
6c per lb. 6c per lb. 4c per lb.
Snow White Laundry
JA 488-1 Home Phono WE 5S57
Announces Something New for FALL and WINTER It's New — It'a Modern — It's Healthful
Cantor A. Schwaczkin
APPIiE CRI8P Use 1 Mi cups flour, % cup butter, Vi teaspoon salt, 1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon and 4 large apples. : '••-. Peel apples, quarter and l e t stand I n salted water for 20 minutes. Mix butter, flour, salt and sugar (% cup) until crumbly. Place apples in baking pan. Sprinkle with the cinnamon and the other % cup sugar. Dot with butter. Spread the dry crumbly mixture over apples. B a k e. Serve hot with plain or whipped cream.
S. • We Use All Maplo Roller Skatea g
1 Nov/ Opes Every Wight I B -
i for Health's Sake i
In Effect e Present Stocks Last
"Wlohes to announce that he has Just reoaived all kinda of New TALASCt. Silk or Wool; beautiful Prayer Books and Mahiarims, and all kinds of Religious Articles. BEAUTIFUL NEW TEAK CARDS a Specialty. Also, Esrogims and Lullova for Succoth.
Will Chant the Services
Prices ol Tickets
BEAUTY SALON Features Shampoo and finger wave 50c THE NEW ' • Zotoa Permanent Wave with no machinery and no electri* eltyMised at §6.50 and up. 710 Brandeia Theater AT. 4333
• Choice of 10 Colors of Tcpvs!
4 r e p r e s e n t a t i v e will c a l l a t y o n r h o m e t o s K g p ^ ^ color s c h e m e s . N o m i n a l c h a r g e f o r h a n g i n g . C a l l A T 7? ? KHpatrtcfe's Brapery Section—Fonrtb Floor
Yfkezs. It Cosses to Exclusive
Reasonable OPEN EVENINGS FROM 7 to 9 P . M. OPEN SUNDAYS. FROM 2:30 to 6 p. m. and 7:30 to O p. m.
Com© to Hersbergs lor the B©s! to Bs Foimd at
2380 Coming Street « OMAHA Phones! AT 6320, OP HA 7010
Special and Private Partl<J3 can be arranged on Monday Nights •I
As an Introductory Offer This Ad and 25c per person will admit your entire party Regular Adm., 35c per person Including Admission, Checking and Skates FREE ADMISSION TO PARK FREE PARKING
Highest Grado teaiaais, C3.CS eal WAIEBPSOOF MX-PUBPOSB SI'iSJEE VABNISH, $1.50 GaSloa
Omaha fobbing Company \J
317 Ho. IS
A f C s KCT*" tsalc^vcre palfeni •, * . regslly eljicd vcilh its alternate flistes of frosted znd eiecr plass. Tite line Is complete with Mgli fcclig, eld fasMoned tumblers and odd table plcccr.
Magnificence is the keynote of these coats . . . with 'impeccable tailoring to offset the beauty c£ line and fabrics. Lavish with the aristocrat of furs! OTHERS $25 TO $165 Fourth Floor
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THOUSANDS MOURN BELGIUM'S QUEEN—More than 500,000 sorrowing subjects lined the streets of Brussels, Belgium, as the body of Queen Astrid, killed in a motor accident in Switzerland, was born to the royal crypt. Above is a scene as the body lay in state in the royal palace in Brussels, guarded by army officers. Booming of .33 guns started the funeral procession to St. Gedule Cathedral.
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QUEEN IN DEATH—Impressive tribute to the young Queen Astrid of Belgium who symbolized to her people the happiness of home, and of life and gaiety, was paid her by thousands as she lay m death m the palace in Brussels, as above. The body of the Queen, killed m a motor accident in Switzerland, was later placed m the royal crypt.
KENTUCKY RIVALS — At left is Lieutenant Governor A. B. Chandler, 39, and right, Thomas S. Rhea, former chairman of the State Highway Commission, as they prepared for the Democratic primary election for governor in Kentucky. Rhea had the support of Governor Ruby Laffoon in advocating a 3 per cent sales tax, while Chandler was a foe of Laffoon and the tax.
STOBM-WEARY — A r a c e against pestilence was instituted in the Florida area swept by the hurricane, while Federal and 'State officials clashed over high casualties among World War veterans on the keys. Above are storm - weary veterans receiving first aid near a wrecking train at Matecumbe Key where casualties were heavy.
POPE GEEETS NUBSES—Pops Pius greets deieg?.t?s to the International Congress of Catholic Nursss, as they visit him at his summer residence. Castle Gandolfo, at Vatican City, Italy. In a n address to them he made an appeal against recourse to war as a means of settling the Italo-Ethiopian dispute.
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SCALES MOUNT STEELE—Shown with his wife in the Yukon Territory is Walter A. Wood, Jr., who, with three companions, scaled Mount Steele, one of the most inaccessible mountains of the Northwest, for the first time in history.
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AFFRONT—Gaston Jeze, French jurist pleading Ethiopia's case, before the League of Nations a t ' Geneva, whose sarcastic .'sallies ' caused - Guido Rocco, Italian delegate, to walk out. Jeze insinuated that Mussolini was a bully picking on a little fellow.
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LONDON VOYAGES—Kenyon Sills, 8-year-old"son of Doris Kenyon and the late Milton Sills, as he signed his passport in Los Angeles, that will permit him to go to London to join his mother. Miss "Kenybn," stage and screen actress, is the star of a musical extravaganza there. '
SAFETY — Dotted line between Port Inglis and Jacksonville shows the route of the proposed canal that would make Florida an island, but would eliminate such hazards as the Dixie and other ships have experienced in ' rounding the peninsula. President Roosevelt has recently approved $5,000,000 for preliminary work.
FIANCEE — Marva Trotter, 19year-old stenographer of Chicago, who has announced that she and Joe Louis, Negro heavyweight boxing contender, of Detroit, will bV married after his fight with Mas Baer in : New York on Sept. 24. She is a high school graduate.
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4 ^ ^ 4 ^ ^ ^ MEDICAL SUPPLIES FOB ETHlOPIA—WMle nations tried to keep Italy and Ethiopia from war, preparations continued with apparently unceasing energy by both nations. Meanwhile the American Repl Cross contributed medical- supplies to Ethiopia, as above, shown as they were shipped from Brooklyn, N. Y, Munitions are banned, but these mercy aids are permitted.
ITALY'S WAR FLEDGLINGS Premier Mussolini's warriors prepare for confiict in E&st Africa as the rainy season in Ethiopia draws toward its close. Sinews of war are strengthened and here is part of a shipment of hundreds of scout planes for; use in directing the Italian army in action. The planes are shown as they were put aboard a transport a t Naples.
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TENNIS LEADED—Rod - hclrd, freckled. 20 - rear - old Donald Budge of Oakland, CaL, one of the leaders i s the men's line-up of the men's snd women's national tennis singles championship a t Forest Kills, N. Y. His performances a t home and abroad mad® him the j'ear's tennis sensation. Copyright United Newspictttte*.
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THE JEWISH FRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 19S5. sire to link the passion-sfor liber-) I by leaders of the Jewish corcmuty with the history, o! Israel and j | D.ity. Chief Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Korthe Old Testament prophecies. | ; €tz of Salonica visited the coinTJnder snch circumstances it Teas j mander-in-cMef to pretest against j the address. natural that many persons should j see a marked parallel between the j General Apapagos' statement (Continued from page 1) Constitution-of the new Republic] •follows: "All Greek Jevrs are and the form of government in N. Levinson, Henry • Magzamin,' moved by patriotic feelings. They vogue in ancient Israel. The idea, Harry Mendelson, S. Ravits, A.; differ Iron the Greets "only in that the Constitution was based j SchwaczMn. ^ ! religion and tliey are & valuable on the governmental structure of! I s Chapman, major; D a v e .element in the progress of civiliIsrael even fo-und expression, in a' B I a c 5 i er, Harry B. Cohen, Ernest' zation." widely discussed book which at-!^"°EE. Sam Robinson, Louis Som-; Military authorities were ccmtempted to show that the Const!-1 j manded to'' explain to the soldiers Irt Cohen, major; Morris AT-j that no distinction can be gmafie tution's provision for s. chief exSam Ban, Edward Erodkey,; between Greets on the basis cf ecutive, a judiciary, a senate and i I by the sermons of the pastors who house of representatives were!- 1036 ? 11 Cohn,_ Harry Duboff, Phil i creed. drew freely on the Old Testament) ia d a p t a t i o n s ot the^hofet, judges,!Zeldman, Irving Greene, I. J. Sol-1 Meanwhile, t h e governor of Lecky, t h e British historian E a n h e d r i l l a n d congregation o f thej °^°a, Sam Theodore. Serrai, alter an official inquiry I pointed out that "in the majority Hebrew'Commonwealth. The late j Davi<l E, Cohen, major; Her- into the speech, told the Jewish s p , s of instances the early Protestant bert { i i 7 famoas'book i Kaplan, Joseph Lintzman, | Telegraphic Agency the FapafiopM 3t n M 3 t defenders of civil liberty derived | ,.Tile origin of the Republican i i on Mayper, William Racusin, | onlos incident had probably been i i M Willi Ri their; political principles chiefly\ F o r m o f Government in the U n i t - j W i u i a m Wolfe, Sam Zlotky, Mai j exaggerated in order to evoke disTurner Earl R from the Qld Testament . . . The] ed " asserted "m the ' oss, Joe Solo-1 content among the Jews against d states States," asserted that that "m ebellious that were so frequent spirit and essence of our Constitu-1 I the Greek government. Dr J M - - Ernan, major; Dr. in Jewish history formed the fa-1 influence 01 the Hebrew j Hirschmann, Max Kapvorite topic." In other words the Commonwealth was paramount in; 11 Hebraic tradition was one of the that It was not onlj the highest!^ Newman, Abe Pradell, ^ 11direct sources of the republican authority for the principle, 're-1 D r Z. Stern. ^enlment that led eventually to bellion of tyrants is obedience to Goodman Meyerson, a a j o r ; the American Revolution and theGod,' but also because it was in Ben. Kazlowsky. Constitution. itself a divine precedent for a Nate Taffe, major; Is Abram-
Julian. W. M.-ek, I,PKU i,ipr-i Abraham Goldberg r-v.6. ,To?hiip| Goldberg.
New Jersey Commissioner lor United States Constitution Day J New Jersey Commissioner "for United States Constitution Day irWchmabe. celebrated "tiironglioiit the country on September 17th, contributes this scholarly article on The Hebraic influence on American Constitution.—The Editor. Although there -were about 5,000 Jews in this country — many ol -whom had distinguished themselves during the Revolution —-when the Constitution of the United States -was adopted on September 17, 1787, not one of them had a part in the iraming of that historic document. Indirectly, however, Jewish, or rather Kebraic, influence on' the Constitution was great for the moral and cultural mainspring of the men -who drafted it was the Old
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Lucerne ( J T A > — E r 1 ' " r-1 en S. Wise, president. C 1 " * - "° ' r lean Jewish Congres? ^ ' - <• " ed president of t h e C~ ^ ~ r " "~" r n ' n Jewish Deleeations, : ~ " -i '
eoiiiGrencc h e r e . " Representatives ire t T i. >. i tries participated in e ^ ->* r ence, which consider' 1 - » i- l stion of .Tet^F in t h e vr~ """ ~ coi *•- "tries a n d adopted I E T - - ° - i c r <- '» " >lighting for Jewish r c 1 t=!..<.»
L vofctnp s, world .lev:,-}- c-> r r t r ^ *l to tafce up t h e problems OJ. w o n o :""' l l Jewry. I In aufiition to Rabbi Wise-, the ' ; During the years of the strug- pure democracy as distinguished I s™> L e T ° Abraiasoa, Rueben conference elected a presidn.in-i o f ' ] gle . between the Colonies and from monarchy, aristocracy orlf""™- J o l i n Zeldman, Al Fied-1 l o u r consisting of Dr. Nfihiim ; j . . . x ler, ler. Dave Greenberg, GreenberEr. Simon Piz Pi?:-! England the Old Testament arse- any other, form of. •government. I Goldmann, formpr president oJ • 1 nals were the chief source of By that means and to that extent, er, Earl Siegel, Judah Wolfson, } Representatives of 2(1 Countries I the Committee, Dr. Isaac Xri-;| weapons in the oratorical war it had a decisive influence in guid- The majors and workers in the Make Decision at j ditch, A. Pollocfe £ca Mrei" Froy-;i Phone 3050 against British tyranny- Through- ing the American people in the se- youth division: I tin, all of Paris. ; Loyal Kaplan, major; Joe GoldI out the colonies the Old Testa- lection of their form of governCouncil BIH.TIS, ! j A world .executive of fifteen ware, Granum Kaplan, Phil Katz- \ Lucerne (WNS-Palcor Agency) ment inspired the preachers to ment.'1 « I was also elected, including: Judgre : Testament. " man, Dick Hurwitz, Charles, Gold- j —Preparations for the convening point out the Biblical sanction for Thus it is no exaggeration to To estimate the extent to •which ! of the World Jewish Congress, the ! berg, Ronnie Ruben. rebellion' and to encourage the say that although there were no the ideals of the Old Testament Nourished on the Bible and the &TSt history, will be;! fight for freedom by cit- Jews at the Constitutional Con- Ernest Priesman, major; Dan »;'completedmodern motivated the authors of the old Jewish moral and juridicial | People's by Spring of 19SB, it in Miller, Herbert Marks, Lou RikConstitution it must be remem- traditions, the New Engenders 1 S the doctrines and history ot vention in 1787, the cement with lin, Macy Baum, Sylvan Frankel. was decided at a meeting here of , , which the builders of the Ameribered that, the .Puritans of New who had suffered spiritual bond-1 ?™el- Sermons companng George Sarah German, major; A 1 i c e \ Jewish leaders representing 20 England modelled their religion, age and religious persecution In III to Pharoah and inferring that c £ m C o n s t i t n t i o n constructed that Goldberg, Mollie Koitstein, Alta j countries on t h e Committee of! called themselves the same God who had saved _ the c h a r t e r o £ A j n e rican liberties was Elkin. dally lite and government on the England, Jewish t h e interna'"" "Delegations, ' laws of Moses, and that the think- "Christian Israel.". To them Eng- Israelites from the Egyptians heavily mised with Hebraic mortional Jewish representative body Kalah Franklin, major; Ann ers and preachers cf Puritan New land was a modern Egypt. King would free the Colonies from Bri- t a l Goodbinder, Una Gross, Hannah founded at the Versailles Peace England were the chief molders of Jame3 they hated as another tish domination were very comConference to protect Jewish minMeyerson, Esther WItkin. the future character of the United Pharoah. In the hazardous cross- mon on the eve of the Revolution. Ernie Nog-g, major; Morris Ar- ority rights. States. While Jews were virtually ing of the Atlantic they saw the And their effect was greater on An executive committee of SS bitman, Al Oruch, AVillard Smith, t h e eo le ai1 t b e unknown t<y the early New Eng- Red Sea. The barren shores of P P t* speeches of to direct preparations In all lands Irving Yaffe, Joe Greenstone, Lou land settlers, the pioneer colonists New England they hailed as the statesmen and the essays.of pubfor the convening of the internaHurwitz. were, 'according to James Tros- Promised Land. The preachers o f j o i s t s because these sermons emMas Resnick, major; Al Rim- j t i o n a l assembly was elected and low Adams, the eminent historian New England were very near to &W* a language the masses nnl >™ M . Tviii,«™ Grar, firav ss a a -m' merman, WiUiara n includes as American members who is a descendant of one of the the Old Testament- It influenced derstood. F e t a l dge Julian W. Slack; Weinstein, Harold Stein, B o b ! How deeply Hebrew ideas of Pilgrim Fathers, in spirit "Jews their thinking, their way of life, Lipsty, honorary president Schneider, Morris Kooa, s o i L and not Christians. Their God their nomenclature and even their government had impressed the of the Zionist Organisation Weiner, Harold Block. was the God of the Old Testa- oaths. Seeing everything through j m i n d s o I t h e People and prepared Significance Attended-to InterFannie Witkin, major; Dorothy (America; Abraham Goldberg; and them for a government patterned view, Though Definite ment, their laws the laws of the Hebraic spectacles, it was natural Camel, Esther Silverrnan, D o r a Dr. Joshua Goldberg, secretary cf Old Testament, their guides to for the New Englanders to pattern after the ancient Hebrew comTopic Unknown Smsrt tweeds ana novelty fabDolgoff, Bertha Slutsky, Rose the American Jewish Congress, was strikingly revealall of New York. rics in sporty swaggers whose conduct the characters of the Oldtheir earliest legal codes on He- monwealth Kirschenbaum, Libby Dolgoff/ ed on May 31, 1775 when the Rev. The meeting declares that -the colors harmonize with autumn brew models. H y d e Park, N. Y. (WKS)— Testament." Betty Fellinsn, major; Rebecca .Samuel Langdon, president of Foes of American participation in colors and whose styling lends When the famous Mayflower Harvard College, in a sermon beitself to any outdoor autumn Compact was revised in 1658 it fore the Congress of Massachu-j 1936 Olympic Games at Berlin are occasion. I attaching great significance to the ; j a n was prefaced by the statement setts Bay, said: "The Jewish gov-i aaudience ^granted ^ ideTit | iidience bby y Pres President that "it was the great privilege of ernment according to the jorigma 11 . ahon. . , ,RRoosevelt o o s e v e l t tto 0 J Jeremiah e r e m i a n TT. MMahon- '• ern Europe." Israeli of old, and Boe was acconstitution which was divinely | e y > p r e s i d e n t o f t h e A m a t e i i r AthThe Committee of Jewish Deleknowledged by them (Nehemiah established, if considered only in letic Union, who is on record as gations, of which Dr. Stephen S. the 9th and 13th) that God gave a civil way, was-a perfect repub- opposing sending an American Wise was elected president, also them the right judgments and lie. And let them who cry up the ( t e - a m t o G e r m a n y n e x t summer. decided to start upon s. new poltrue Lawes . . . . and accordingly [ icy fey engaging in ^constr-uctive A i t h o u g n n e ither the President wee . . .. can safely say . . . that divine right of kings consider I social relief activities. O t h e r have had an eye primarily that the .form of government n o r M r > M a h o n e T g a T e a n y inkNon-Zionist Members Are Dr. wee ; members of the esec-dtive cornmitunto the aforesaid Platforms-" which had a prope.- claim to a d i - | l i n g a s t 0 t h e s u b j e c t o f t n e i Karpf and Dr. S tee of 2S include: Isaac Ben Evi, it is learned from a reliable Fisk, the historian, declared that vine . establishment was s c a l a r j Hexter i president of Taad Leumi: Dr. in Pilgrims' commonwealth there from, including the. Idea of a king source t h a t Mr. Mahoney outlined^ ! Isaac Gruenbaum; Dr. Fishel Rotwas "the -same ethical impulse that it was a high crime for Is- to the President t h e present stat- i Lucerne (JTA)—T w o Ameri- which has given the history and] rael to ask to be in" this respect us of t h e Olympic situation and ' Special Order t o N e u t r a l i z e A B ; tenstreich; a i d Dr. Ben Sion Moscans, Dr. Maurice. M. Karpf, head literature of Israel their com- like other nations, and when they laid before him the case l o r j sinsohn. AEti-Seisitic .of the Graduate School ot Jewish manding influence in the world." were thus gratified it was rather American non-participation. j Tirade . Social Research in New York, and In .1642 Governor Bradford of j as a just punishment for their Process of Berlin (WNS)—Although there | —— •— The civil policy of Is- is still a fifty-fifty chance that j Salonica <JTA)—:The address Dr. Maurice B. Hexter, formerly Plymouth Colony wrote t o . Gov- folly Berlin—While a Breslau civil of Boston and now of Jerusalem, jrael is doubtless an excellent j ^^ u n i t e d States may boycott Jhe o£ General Papadopoulo to t h e j court was ruling that even talktbe s Massachua t were elected non-Zionist members least some {1936 Olympic Games, t h e Ainer-; Serrai military forces last week j ing to or walking with a Jew consetts Bay that "ye judicials of ' ground model . . . . of the Executive of t h e Jewish l a w s , and orders of it j c a n Olympic Committee has char-; calling Communists and Jews t h e j stitutes "racial defilement," t h e Moyses are immutable and perpe- principal be copied in more establish- tered t h e liner Manhattan to:enemies of Greece resulted in an • Nazi press indirectly called on Agency for Palestine, at the clostual" for the guidance of the col^ , ^ ^ e same ing session here last weefe of the D r . E z r a transport the American team to ; order being sent by General Apap- '• their readers to buy from Jews by j { Agency Council. The third nonpresident of Yale univer- Germany and Frederick "ft*. Rn- j agos, commander-in-ehief of the i recommending the purchase of i | I Stiles, Zionist member elected to the ence w a s further indicated by t h e sity told the Connecticut bien, secretary of the Committee, i Greek army, to all Macedonian j bonds from a banking syndicate, j I Executive is Dr. Werner Senator introduction of Hebrew into t h e bly on May 8, 1783, four years h a s rented two houses in Gar- j forces in which he called the Jews • which includes Jewish f i r m s , ' j curriculum of t h e schools and by of Jerusalem. to quarter; "a valuable element in the prog- j handling the new S5CO,000,000 j | the frequent references to t h e Old before the adoption of the Fed- misch-Partenkirchen Morris Rothenberg, president Testament in colonial statutes. eral Constitution, that the states j t h e American winter Olympic ' ress of civilization." internal bond issue floated by DT of the Zionist Organization of weTe "God's American Israel" and j team in February, j General Apapagos' statement, Hjaliaar Schacht. At t h e same j A century after t h e Pilgrim America, and Lord Melchett weTe that the system of popular govGarmisch-Partenkirchen is one i which was ordered read to the time the city of Bafies warned its j F a t h e r s died the Jewish tradition elected co-chairmen of the Jewemployes t h a t they face immedi- j Temained potent, a n d even spread ernment being developed in Amer- of the many towns where hotels j soldiers three times, came- after ish Agency Council. The Coun.hey have any- j beyond New England for t h e in-; ica was the fulfillment of Biblical and r e s t a u r a n t s h a s posted signs i vigorous protests against t h e ad-j ate flisinisssl if cil, which had b e e n in session Tews. I prophecy handed down from the j reading ."Jews n o t wanted." [dress had been lodged with h i m ' t h i n g to do with fluenca of t h e Old Testament and here. two days, approved all the '' j : '• t h e .writings of t h e Hebrew p r o - days of Moses.' '.', resolutions adopted earlier in the Nor were t h e clergy t h e only I phets were passed on from generweek by t h e Nineteenth "World Lusurious silks .anc*. warm woolation t o generation. In t h e ab- elements under t h e influence of gr Zionist Congress. ens sn higrh style fashions for sence of newspapers a n d other the Old Testament. Benjamin Describing t h e difficulties of every daytime and evening ocmeans of communication t h e pul- Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, upbuilding work in Palestine, Dr. casion'. l\ew hig-h shades, rnxxpit was almost t h e only force for men of liberal thought in reli• . » . W T w-m p TJ*- ma Chaim "Weizmann, newly elected urcs, nsvy and blsck. Style gious matters, were the members moulding character a n d Ideals, that, a-fc seer, only in president of t h e -World Zionist and in the pulpit of pre-Revolu- of a committee named to adopt a more cstiensi^e dresses. Sizes Organization and t h e Jewish tionary America the Old Testa- seal for the United States after Agency, declared in h i s closing ment was paramount. The deeds the signing of tho Declaration of . , . . , . , address: "I hear f r o m several ment was paramount. The deeds Independence. As their a firstdesign prosides that Palestine is too small ot Joshua, Moses, David, Gideon posal they presented to absorb all the Jews of t h e and Samuel were known t o every I P° s a l they presented a design P h a r o a h seated in an world. But I can tell you that four years ago Lord Passfield told ence ^ ' t W Te^'ch^a^s O ^ ^ l^t™ andPa- sword in his hand,*?*£! passing j 4% us * during our negotiations that was no small factor in developing through the dividing waters ol j there is no place in Palestine even in the American people the old the Red Sea in pursuit of the Is- j for a cat, and look at Palestine Jewish characteristics of rugged raelites; with rays from a pillar now! More than 200,000. J e w s individualism, opposition to munof light beaming on Moses whoj entered- Palestine during the last dane authority and hatred of dywas represented as standing on1 two years." ; nastic tyranny.' ; the shore extending his hand over I Commenting on the joint activThe love of liberty, opposition the seas causing it to overwhelm) ity of - Zionists a n d non-Zionists to monarchy and .the passion-for Pharoah. Beneath this scene was' on .behalf of Palestine in t h e free government were ingrained the motto: "rebellion to tyrants Agency's council, Dr. Weizmann in the people of -Colonial America zazr is obedience to God." Although said, "The work of the Council this seal was never adopted, it was shows us that there are not many significant that the revolutionists j differences between the Zionists who had absorbed the history of j A well attended meeting of the and non-Zionists, and your good start shall contribute to the up- Mother Chapter of Aleph"Zadik Israel and guided themselves byj Aleph, took place Sunday after-(its experiences had devised a Jewbuilding of Palestine." Other' speakers w e r e Neville noon; September 8, at the Jewish i *sh seal. The-words "proclaim liberty throughout the land, unto all Laski, president of t h e Jewish Community Center. Reports on the progress a n d the inhabitants thereof," inscrib-j Board of Deputies in London; Abriham Harzfeld,.labor .leader in plans for the essay contest spon- ed^in 1753 on what was to become Palestine, J a c o b Lestchinsky, sored by the chapter in conjunc- the.Liberty Bell, in Independence j were taken directly from the Samuel Schulman and Professor tion with the Talmud Torah and f o r Talmud Torah pupils, were j Old Testament, Schorr of Warsaw, Joseph Sprinzak of Palestine, Menachem Men- presented. Plans on the Interna- j Incidents such'as these not only del Ussishkin, head of the Jewish tional A. Z. A. Day were also dis- paved t h e way for the adoption of a •Constitution into which was " -•• • . • • • . ; - . : ' . National Fund, a n d Dr. Nahum cussed. Mr. Paul Goldblatt, executive breathed the idealism that sufSokolow, newly elected honorary CSTCT ihzl Tzzkcs forrs tnste better!/ TMck EO'jp:. Thin zs~£z. Creisr president of the World Zionist Or- director of the Jewish Community fused- the Hebrew prophets but And fcese's cae 'other isap-ortsst fact ganization and the Jewish Agen- Center, and Sal Michnick, major were indicative of a general de- soaps. •. ..They're all tetter oS served of the youth division in the memcy. " " . to resiemBer. SussMne Hosiier Crsckvith StB^sMiie Kosher Crackers. These New checks, plaids sod n Mr. Laski criticized the Manda- bership drive, delivered some very ers sxs g&sriBtSesd "kosher 'I extra flaky crackers have a delicate weaves tailored into nsrr" u tory Power for its policy of re- inspiring speeches urging t h e sports coats that mean — ''(( ~t p stricting immigration of Jews at Alephs to support the memberili as well ll as style t sadd utility a time when the country requires ship campaign one hundred per Sess&iae Kosher fall'wardrobe is complete v new workers most urgently. Ob- cent. Many of the chapter memoat cne- Sizes 12 to 20. 31 v vision ol ifee Usfion vt Orbers joined after these talks and viously referring to Transjordan, H"»«m j , 1 • tljostes Jemigb. Cengregstisn* he demanded t h a t Government several became members of the • E. 'O. GaeJtasua, land "in Palestine and beyond" drive to help reach the goal o£ a 1 fey Kfifc&t U. & be made available for immediate thousand new members. and intensive Jewish colonization. Plans for the Achar Hataunis At the morning session M a x Dance -were fully presented a n d Ritter van Anhauch m a d e a discussed. All candidates for the strong plea on behalf of Palestine A. Z. A. sweetheart contest this shipping and for maritime train- year have not as y e t been seWSKBOW ing of Jews. lected. • -» s
A. 2. A. 1
1 - 7 . 1
; ' • •
SEPTEMBER"'13, 1935.
regime's persecution of Jews, j Knowledge without integrity is studying nt the • Nev/ York Art Trill resume its sessions Sunday j reporter; and Lorraine Meyerson, j <!rea#ful.—Dr. Catholics and others and request- I dangerous a n d ' treasurer. . .j morning. September 15, w h e n Academy. • • • ed the severance of commercial ;Johnson. j Following the business meeting^ pupil3 will register for the new relations'^s-ith Germany; endorsed Mrs. I.-"Merlin, 1915 Pierce term. The faculty has been or- . Jiiss Passer entertained the mem-! the "fund-raising campaign of the LOUIS E. t-IPF, Street, departed last w e e k for ganized and the first classes will bers at a Slumber Party in celeJewish National Fund of Ameribration of her birthday. Among 504-10 City Nati, Bk. New York City, where she will be held on September 22. Mrs. MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent ca; approved a pending _tefll to visit with friends and relatives. S. Krupnlck will be in charge of those present w e r e the Misses NCTiCE OF INCORPORATION OF to Robthe newly organized kindergarten Pearl Meyerson, Ida Lerner, June ART MEMORIAI.R, INC. Saratoga" Springs, N. Y. (WXS)' grant a complete j e.rdon 1 Notice is hereby given, that the unMeyerson, Miriam Saks, Helen! —Abraham Kraditor, former in- ert E. Lee, commande: in chief of Among the Sioux Cityans who class. ciprsifrnpo. a corporation. Cohen, Florence Meyerson, Dor-< spector-general and adjutant gen- the Confederate States-of Ameri- The name orpnn!z»c] attended the sessions of the Jewof th* corporations Art Russian Picture to 1 jviomormls. .Inc.. anii *hp pvincipa) othy Saltzman, Lorraine Meyer-. eral, and a leader in Jewish af- ca, and endorsed a measure to esNational Fund Conference place for the i.ranssotlon of Jt« busiBe Shown on Tuesday ish json, Sylvia Endelraan, and t h e ' tablish the last Sunday in SeptemSunday in Omaha, were Dx. Jf N. ness is thfl City of Onifiba, l>ouelai> fairs in Brooklyn, was TinaniiaouE-! Children of Mount Sinai Tem- hostess. ber as National 'Gold. Star Moth- County. XebrasKn. The ec-nerai naturo Lande, Mr. and Mrs. Barney ly elected commander-in-chief of^ of its iniBinecs ip tc buy, fel!, own, With Walter Wlnchell's words, Baronl ple will register f o r Sunday l^^tsp and p?'r«onRi pmn^^ty whe?'the Jewish War Veterans of the:ers Day. "It's a wow!1.' as ran incentive, a ^siaie end personu! propertj' 1 wherMiss Carolyn Rosenfeld left: United States at the close of thej School, Sunday morning, Septempyer sitKRted: to rnnnnfactisrf , pell, Chicago representative, of the AmHiss Dora Freshtaan, of OmaMiss Ruth- Reisman of Lincoln ber 15, at 9:30 o'clock. The chil- Sunday night f o r Chicago, Illi-i organization's 39 th annual na-j job. storp and ri^al jn memorial", kino Pictures Corporation secured nois, to resume her studies at the! dren will be assigned to t h e i r iia, Nebraska, president of t h e nionnments &n& ortianifinis of stone visited over the week e n d in tional convention. Elected to serve I nnri other mp.lp.Yip.h;; in n-p.n. J*ase RTid It Academy of Mne Arts. I with him were Harry Schaffer of! Junior .Hadassah chapter ot that permission to: present - "Chapayey, Sioux City^ in the home of Mr.classes at that time. operate quRrri"**: to if?F?ie promi??3or>* The Psi Mu fraternity will hold notes, debentures, bonds, mortfraitres city, "will be the principal speak- Tho Red Commander," to r, Sioux and Mrs. Philip Sherman. Miss Regular Friday evening classes Pittsburgh, former national junior City audience, and has itsinitial snrt other ovirtenee? of inae3vte<]neEs. er at the Membership tea to be Mrs. Aaron Richards a n d jvice-comiaander-in-chlef as senior'. its first .meeting- oi the fall seaReisman'B engagement to Mr. will begin next Friday evening at total authorized capital stock given Sunday afternoon, Septem- showing; at the Granada theatre, Fred Sherman, son of Mr. a n d8 o'clock. daughters, Joyce a n d Iiene, ar-! vice-eomiaander-iE-chief; Maxwell; son Monday, September 16, at the of The this corporation shall he $TO,000.0« ber 15, by the local. Junior Hadas- Tuesday, September 17, for twoMrs. \Phiiip" Sheman was recently Tickets for t h e Holiday ser- rived here Sunday from Chicago,! Cohen of Boston, junior vice-corn-; J. C. C. dirlcied into 100 Fhares of th»> par days only. sah.'chapter. vices may be reserved at the Tem- to join Mr. Richards who preced-1 raander in chief; Herman Brams! A varied program is being value of $100.00 each, to be paid for announced. •' in rash or propertj' pncl be. n o n a s It is said that .-'Chapayey'* is ple, Sunday morning from 9:30 ! ed his family here, to reside - in jof. Newark; judge advocate gen-! planned, inducing basket bail, sessable, Miss Freshman has been active when iBBiiod. The time of the commencement of the corporation In the Omaha chapter for several the only Russian, picture ever to Mrs. M-. Hendlyn and Mrs. Joeuntil 12 o'clock, and during the Council Bluffs. They have taken ] eral; Dr. S. .William Kalb of Xe-'dances, banquets, stags, speakers, shall br t h e £Stli day of Awfe-ust, 1935, debates, and lectures. ' years, and has been a member of have been' acclaimed so majesti- Hendlyn departed last' week by week from 7:30 to 9 o'lock in the an apartment at t h e Katelman! wark, surgeon general; and Rab-| p.nf: its te?TT>iT!f!f'on shp!l l>e fifty Apartments, No. D, 307 South' bi Jerome Rosen of Schenectady,' Plans were formulated at an years thereafter. The hjprhest amount the Regional Board of Junior cally by critics 'and t h e public motor for .New York" city where evening. alike. This is probably due to they •will visit with friends and indebtednePH to wliich «lie corpor* Eighth Street j X. Y., chaplain in chief. The'La-' executive meeting held ' Lun'cay. of Hadassah. Rfion pt any time phttV- ptjhfert itself Officers are: Sam Epstein, presiThe tea, Sunday, •will be held Its being a sturdy, dramatic film relatives. shsii not exreecl two-thlr<5n of its enpdies Auxiliary chose Mrs. Anna! stock. The affairs of the cortvoraat the Warrior Hotel from 2 to 5 abounding' in humor and romance The Council Bluffs Lodge No.! Golfistaub of Brooklyn aj; national1 dent; Iz Tretiak, vice-president; iisl tinn arc to be conducted fry p. hoard o'clock in the "War Eagle Room. and utterly devoid of political 688 of the Independent Order of president, Mrs. Blanche Branis ol] j£be Bergman, "secretary; Morris of not )e.«f: fhsn two nor more than Mrs. Otto Graf of Ann Arbor, philosophy. . . . . '.".. . directors \rho jsbals elect a r*re»Members of the chapter and prosthe B'nai Brith held a large meet- Newark as senior^ vice-commander Bloom, treasurer; 1. Bogdonoff, fire Michigan, is a guest in the home ifieni. ^'Jce~Preside?it, Secretary «n(5 pective members have b e e n ining Monday evening, Sept. 9, at j and Mrs. Elizabeth Clark of Newsergeant-at-arms; Morris P a l "k, Treasurer. OfJ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam vited. the Eagles Hall. Rabbi Reuben j Britain, Conn., as junior vice-' Parliamentarian; H e n r y GinsJJ. KATT.AK". Werner. ' BY F. R. K. V. Rl'HXKE. • Deitz of Chicago, who spent t h e ; commander. The program will include Miss burg', reporter. 1r. presence of: l-iouis E. l.ipp past week-end in Council Bluffs, Freshman's address, an address The'Ivre Club'-will meet next !>-13-S5—4t was the guest speaker. Mr. George of •welcome by Miss Dorothy Mer•The convention urged the A- A. IRViN C. LEVIN, Atty. M I s 8 Charlotte Rosenstock, Wednesdayv evening•"• in the Jew-UXGAR-HmSCH WEDDING lin, president of the local chapter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.- Emil ish'Community Center. Mr. J. M. The marriage of Miss Alice j Greenspun of New York City, who U. not to certify American athHYMAN LEVIN. Atty. 301 Eiectric E!d0. Patterson- Bldg. field representative of t h e ! and several musical numbers. Rosenstock; 2211 Jackson street, Goldsmith, president, will preside. Hirsch, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs.is ! NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION United Jewish Appeal ol the Joint! Flans for the t e a -were com- has chosen her birthday, Septemn the American Olympic to M. Hirsch of St. Joseph, Missouri, In the County Court of Douglas Coun- NOTICE BV PUBH-ICATiON ON PEpleted at the first Board Meeting1 ber* 19, as the date: of hermar.. ; TiTlON TOR SETTLEMENT OF Mrs. j&. 'Cohen of Omaha is a to- Mf. Leo Ungar, son of Mrs.Distribution Committee, s p o k e ! rescind its acceptance of Ger- , t-l'.Nebraska: also at the meeting. A number of J FINAL ADMINISTRATION of the season, held last Saturday riage to William Wolf of Austin, guest'this week in the home of Anna R. Ungar of Council Bluffs, many's invitation; asked Presi- A 1 1 ACCOUNT members of the Omaha chapter of evening I? the home of the pres- Minnesota, son of ..Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and' Mrs. Philip Sherman. Persons interested in said estate In the County Court of Douglas was solemnized last Saturday, dent Roosevelt and Congress tO the B'nai Brith were also guests ident. • . • • " . . ' Mler Wolf of Mason City, Iowa. County, Nebraska, September 1, at 5:30 o'clock at express condemnation of the Nazi that said deceased died leaving- no last Jr. fbr maiter of the estate of BESSIE of the local lodge. Misses Margaret Saitlin, R o s e the home of the bride's parents, deren^eci. The private ceremony -trUl'take Dinner Dance Opens I wili and praying for administration ; AllOSHEROfT, Sperling, and Ina Leah Kroloff in St. Joseph. • persons interested in eai<1 matfet h e r estate a n d th a place at 7 o'clock at.Mount Sinai > t hearing are In charge of t h e arrangeA. Z. A. before nre hereby notified that on the 4th be h a d on said p e . j t l o n Fail Term of. A. Z. A. Miss Rose Hirsch of St. Joseph, Miss Yetta-Wolinsky of St. Joday of September, 3935, Harry Osh*ments. The officers a n d board- Temple Thursday evening, with 5 h day of October seph, Missouri, left Monday for A very successful stag smoker sister of the bride, was the'maid \ ^ l f Tnd^that^f ^ , - ernff filed a petition in F-aifi County v Dr. Theodore N. Lewis officiatmembers will assist the commitprayine that his firjfi! adininat"said Court on the'saifl 5th SayCof I Court, ing. •.. -. • . ; ' An exclusive A.. Z. A. dinner of honor, and Julius Rosenfeld of her home after spending several wag held at the home o! B o bOrt istration account fi!?d herein be settee in charge. i °t>er, " 3 5 . a t P o'clock A. M. to ! tled days here visiting at the home of Sternhill of Council Bluffs l a s t dance.'-to be held this month will Council Bluffs, uncle of t h e and filio^'ed, p.nrt that he he (l\nThe bride, gowned In white \ sharped from his trust BS nflminlf=brother-in-law and sister, Mr. Tuesday evening, as the first step satin, with a. cap and veil of real be.'the.'method of welcoming the groom, served as best • man. A ] her | trntor and that a hearing will be had ni organizing an A. Z. A. chapter tion of said estate to RernRrf on ssid petition before said Court on duchess lace from t h e wedding new,fall officers to their respec- wedding supper followed the cer-and Mrs. Leo Meyerson. man or some other suitable person there. the 2sth day of September, 1!>35. ami emony. and proceed to a. settlement thereof. ,| that gown of her motheri will be at-tive positions. ; if you fail to npr»ear before !»ai'! Ike Krasne returned home SatDr, I. Sternhill, an active B'nai ERTCE C~ Dinner will be served in t h e Among those who motored to j t.'ourt on the said !;Sth day of Septended by her sister, Miss Doris < : timber, 19US, Ef P o'clock A. M.» ai\d Rosenstock, maid of honor, and Empire State Room of the West St. Joseph to attend the wedding j urday following a two weeks' stay B'rith member, has been selected 9-13-35—3t •' contest said petition, the Cou.pt may as a senior advisor and with the Hotel. Following the service of were the groom's mother, Mrs. i at Manitou, Colorado. her youngest sister, Miss Betty; I prant the prjiyer of j?ai<i petition, enSioux City's young men a n d FRADENELJRG. WEBB, EEEER, : ier a decree, of heti'Khip. ami rnaktaid of Joe Solomonow, former will be bridesmaid. Little dinner! the induction ritual will Anna Ungar, Mr. and Mrs. Julius KLUTZNICK & KELLY. Attys. pnch otl)pr ami further orders, allo-vv•women' are leaving this week for who grand Aleph Mazk'lr of the entire take place," with each former offiRosenfeld, and daughter, Miss Misses Roe Bernstein and Paul- j 630 Omaha Nat'l Ek. BideBertel Rosenstock, cousin ot the anres and decrees, as to this Court various colleges and universities, bride, cer.' turning;'o.ver his office to theCarolyn _Rosenfeld, and son. Ja-ck ine Bernstein entertained at a one [order, is attempting to organize may seem proper, to the end that all will be flower girl. Miss to continue their studies. Many Doris will wear a frock of gold new. candidate^ Immediately af- Rosenfeld; Mrs. Rae Abrams-an.a i o'clock luncheon at the Hotel a chapter in the Bluffs. . matters pevtsining- to sr-)<l e.stp.te may NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION of LEK KOUXTZE HARDWARE be finally settled find deferminrrd. of them return to schools they at- satin and Miss Betty will *weaf ter the. induction ceremonies, the Harold Cherniak, all of Council Chieftain, Wednesday afternoon, ! BRTCE CKAIVFOnn. The first meeting of the new COMPANY of Omaha, Nebraska. tended last year; others are June bronze -satin. , Abbott' Wolf will entertainment will begin, featur- Bluffs; and Mr. and Mrs. Harry September 11, in honor of Miss j ^ J ! ^ " M e n b>: These Presents: : D-e-So-"!-. County Aleph Sadik Aleph chapter will graduates of this year and •will act as best man. . s t a meeting of the Stockholming .a' floor show'. The. program is Rosenfeld and .daughters, Har- Marian Scharf and. Miss Rath be held at the synagogue and the!: ersThat ; of the I^ee Kountze Hardware Pombegin their college work t h i s p a T i y fiu lj entitled "surprise" and will pre-riett ajid Frances, of Omaha. • . ' h r i d a t $ h * of"<"e of" the MONSKV.' 6RODSNSKY. MARER #. Riseman, two brides-to-be. Cov- details for permanent organiza- J Miss Gertrude Trowl, organist, sent-three surprise novelties. Almonth. COHEN & J. HAROLD SAKS, A«v», Ungar and his bride left ers were laid f o r tvrenty-five tion will be formulated and de737 Omaha Nat'l. Sank E d | Sa^rVm.' a? ^^1^%^^ . Iowa City will claim the larg- will play the"wedding march and though' t h e' program planned Is on Mr. iholders were present • and voting, a a month's honeymoon trip to guests. Bridge "was t h e after- cided upon.at this meeting. recessional. Following the cere^ est number of Sioux C i t y stuPROBATE NOTICE brief, it is also splcy'.and whole- California. Upon their return, noon's diversion. Every young man over the age IX" THT5 MATTKR OP THE ESTATK dents. Among those who left this mony Mr. Wolf and his bride will some. Dancing,will terminate the they will reside at the Hotel ; <*orrw>ration cease to do business, and of fifteen years ,s urged to attend OF SATTIv LEVT. Deceased. week: for- the University of Iowa' stay at the Temple to receive the evening's,. iestivities. ...- Arrange- Chieftain in Council Bluffs, where ! that the same be dissolved: accordXOTiCE IS KKHEBY GtYEK; That are Henry Greenberg, Perry Os- congratulations ;"of-their 'friends'. ment^ are in.the hands of the new they have taken an apartment for I Mrs. Leo Blank and son, Lane, | this meeting if he is interested in ^ng-iy notice of such action and of the the creditors of PRI<' decea^prl Tt-il? dissolution nf the said Lee Kountze meet the executrix of paid eetfite. beof Minneapolis, Minnesota, arriv- joining this new A. Z. A. chapter. \; Hardware ; nowltz, Isadore Shindler, Bazelle A wedding dinner will- follow the Aleph; Gddbl,. Sam Sadoff, Archie the winter. Company is hereby given. fore me, County Jod.se of IVmpias ceremony. T h e dinner will'be ed this week for an extended visit j Abraham. Dorothy London, Dorj In Testimony Whereof, witnes-! the Couniy. Nebraska, a t the County Kantor, ;AI ^Herzoff and R u d y n a t I e s n with her father, Mr. B. Gilinsky I rived here today from Los Anothy Gelson, Neomi Sacks, Ernie held at the Warrior Hotel, and Schihdler. i?£ ! J t t h e 4 corporate sea! of Court Koom, in said County, on thp About thirty guests atended ' a and family. Mr. Blank will join ! geles, California, for an extended 'the said TI>e Kountze Hardware Com- 21st tiny of October. 1S35, p.nd on the Epstoin, Milton Barrent, George the'tables; with places set for. 60 Archie Kantbr, chairman of.the 21st- day of December, 1935. at fl ipany hereto affixed by its duly au- o'clock Stag Smoker Tuesday night at the guests, will be : graced with. aphis family the latter part of this j M., each ds.y. for the purKuntz, Buddy Wolfson, Morris visit with relatives in Omaha and ffi< s t lis 7fh dsyof pose ofA.presenting degree' team has announced that home of Dr. Isaac Sternhill, 304 their claims for month, to stay over the Holidays. Council Bluffs. While in- Council I ^ ^ ^J.EK • ^ °" " * Bernstein, Edward Miller, Loyal pointments in the bridal colors of the.wheels and machinery of the kotrKXgK examination, adjustment End allowGrace Street, given for the purbronze ahdgold.V: . : They have taken an apartment at COMPANY, Keir, Bernard Skalovsky, Morris ; Bluffs, they will be the guests of ance. Three months are allowed for .truck are being over- pose of reorganizing a local A. Z.the Hotel Chieftain. the creditors* to present their ctoirr>sf Marsh sanA Dena Baron. ' Guests from away will, include initiation Mr. B. Gilinsky and family. Mr. from the 21.«t flat' of Sept-cmbpr, 193t>. hauled;, and oiled and will be A.: chapter. Dr. Sternhill is chairGilinsky •will Join his family here Attest: HARKXESS KOUXTZE, sec. Students leaving, for Nebraska Mrr and Mrs. Mier Wolf of Masoii ready,for active'service within the man of the B'nai Brith committee BKTCS CKATTFORD. In presence of Sam Beber. i County .Tilde*. University at Lincoln, Nebraska, City, Mr. arid : krs...Louis" Wolf next. two weeks.. Rudy Schindler, in charge of the organization of Mrs. Al Gilinsky and family ar- in about two weeks. i 9-1S-35—4t S-Sfi-35-St. will include Mina Slotsky, Fran- and Mr. and Mrs.' Abbot Wolf of the hew Aleph Shfdar, announces the A. Z. A. and was assisted by ces Kalin, Rose Albert, Alice Pill Mason City; Mr. and Mrs. George that the first issue of the chapter Dr. Julius Moskoyitz and Mr. and Gerald Cohen. Wolf of Albert Lea, Minnesota! publication- "Aleph Chronicle," Nathan Gilinsky. Temporary ofTo1 the University of Minnesota Mr. and MrsV Charles. Coddon of will be. distributed at the dinner ficers . of t h e newly-organized at Minneapolis will go Arnold St. Paul, Minnesota; Mr/arid Mrs. dance. chapter are: Herbert Rosenthal, Baroii, Bill Lansberg and Henry Julius Woif of .Des • Moines; Mr, president; N o r m a n Rosenthal, Ginslierg. and Mrs. Victor Friedman : of St. secretary; and Dave Rubinstein, Philip Dobrofsky departed this Louis;' Mrs. Harry .Rose'nstein; of BRISK TICKET SALE treasurer. Mr. Julius Bisno of week, for Chicago to study at theGainesville, Texas; Mr. and" Mrs. Omaha presented pictures of the FORSACHAkJ£CWRES Fred Rosenstock, Mr. a n d.-Mrs. Art Institute In Chicago. A. Z. A! Camp at Hollister, Mo. Ethel Baron left Thursday for Dave Rosenstock,, Mrs. Adolph ,Advance.". ticket sales for t h e Dr. I. Dansky of Omaha gave, a "Welltiely, Mass., where she will Froman and Mrs.; Isaac Kahn of series of three lectures, to he giv- group of humorous readings. O m a h a ; ••••• ':•" ' ; ' • • : , • . ' : - ' • •/;. ' .' • enroll at Wellesly Cpllege. Short talks were also given by Dorothy Epstein will leave SunAfter a motor.' trip, ;hlr.". Wolf ea by Dr. A. L, Sachar, have been Max Baer and Macy B a m of unusually large according .to Mrs. day Cor the University of Minne- and his bride, will m a k e their Omaha. Following the program, sota, where she will enroll in thehome in Austin, vMihtiesota.1 ;'. S.-.H., Shulkin, chairman of the a midnight lunch was served. lectures; . . - •' - , . . . School of Dental Hygiene. ..The new chapter of the A. Z. A. .Dr..-Sachar. is being brought" to Bernice Gallnsky departed last will hold a business meeting next Miss Rosenstock. has . been en- Sioux City by the .Ladies, Auxilweek for Champaign, Illinois, to Sunday afternoon, September 15, tertained' at; .numerous parties iary of Shaare Zion Synagogue for continue her studies at tho Uniat three o'clock at t h e Chevra of ; .three lectures 'to be versity of Illinois, and Morris during the past- week. Miss Ida .a'..series, B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 61S 1 Lefkovich left this week f o r Greenberg was her: hostess: at a given in - the"synagogue October Mynster Street. All boys, between luncheon Wednesday afternoon, 27; 28, .and 29. , ^Northwestern University. the ages of fifteen and twentyand Dr. Delia Galinsky entertainHe is" nationally known as an ed 20 guests at an evening-, of eloquent a n d inspiring speaker. one, are invited to attend. bridge Wednesday honoring her. Br. Sachar Is a professor of HisWelcome Meeting for tory at the' University of Illinois, Mr. and Mrs. George Krasne ! Mrs. Krueger Sunday Mrs. H..'Fishgall< will entertain and^National director for the Hil- returned home Tuesday following for her this noon at luncheon arid • . . a two weeks' s t a y at Colorado Plans have been completed to this evening, Mr.- a n d Mrs.. V.lel Foundations. Springs, and Manitou, Colorado. acconiodato more than 350 people Weinberg will, give a small diniat the "Welcome Meeting" for ner party as a courtesy to Misa Auxiliary Luncheon Maurice Gilinsky of Milwaukee, Mrs., J. N." Krueger, Sunday eve- RosenBtock, in the - Martin Hotel. Wisconsin, left Sunday f o r his ningj'September 15, in the Jew- Luncheon hostesses Saturday home following a week's visit ish Community Center. The meet- will be Mrs. -Johanna < Marx and At a recent Board Meeting of here at the home of his parents, ing is sponsored by t h e Jewish Miss Ruth Marx. Sunday Miss National Fund Council of Sioux Frances Emlein 'will' compliment the Ladies: Auxiliary of Shaare Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gilinsky. City, welcoming back to Sioux her at a breakfast > in the Sioux Zion Synagogue, plans were completed for a luncheon Jind bridge, City, Mrs.- Krueger, who has spent Teashop. Mrs. Frank Fried and daughto be held in the synagogue social ter, Tyba Lea, of Houston, Texas, the past year in Palestine. Mrs. Krueger, who. Is an active Zionist Miss Ida Plotkin, daughter of hall, Tuesday, September 17. Mrs. who have been spending the sumand interested member, of the J. Mr. and Mrs. Sam 'Plotkin, and J. Mosow, president of the Auxil- mer months in Omaha visiting N. Fi Council here, will' be theLeonard Hall, son of Mr." and Mrs. iary will; preside'. Mrs. Fried's parents, Mr. and Mrs. principal speaker of the evening. Morris Hall, were married Sun- The ' business meeting which S. Katelman, spent the past week She will tell of her year in Pales- day evening in the Shaare Zion will follow the luncheon, will in- in Council Bluffs as the house tine, and of the work being done Synagogue with -Rabbi, H. R. Ra-clude a- financial report by t h e guests of their uncle and aunt, there i binowitz and Cantor A. PHskin Auxiliary treasurer, and an out- Mr. "and Mrs. Julius Katelman. line of, the-proposed activities for They will spend .another week in Mr. Barney Baron will act asofficiating. ( toastrnaster" of the evening. The Mrs. Otto" Graf, 'accompanied' by the' coming year. T h e luncheon I Omaha before returning'to their Shaai'e Zion Hebrew School choir Miss Sally Halperin at the"piano arid meeting will also be a •.wel- ' home in' Houston. •will sing a group of Palestinian sang preceding t h e ceremony. come-home for M r s . J . N.- KrueYour greeting problem- is sfelved hj this consong* in Hebrew, English, a n d Miss Esther Mirkln was brides- ger. 'Bridge will conclude the af- Mrs. B. . Saltzman returned ternoon. Member's ot the AuxilYiddish. maid and "Dave Kaplan, groomshome Sunday following a two venient method, of wishing jenr relatives, and • T h e meeting ,wlll begin at 8 man. Other attendants were Mr. iary, have b e e n asked to invite weeks' stay in Denver, Colorado. o'clock and tho admission charge and Mrs. Sam Eallla and' Mr. and their friends to the affair. friends a Happy New Year . . . as dasger of -wish Mr. and Mrs.o£ twenty-five cents a person will Mrs. Abe" Wisott." Mrs. Sam Sacks and daughter, their friends both far and bo turned over to the Jewish Na- A reception and dancing in the the entlbErr&ssinsiif #1 Esther, are expected home today near A Happy and Prospertional Fund. social hall of the synagogue, folous Nev; Year. The ticket committee lor thefollowing a week's visit with relRojCreshmenta -will be served lowed the' ceremony.' After a no trouble . . • time and following the program. Members northern trip, Mr. and Mrs. Hall seat sale for the Holiday services atives in Chicago, Illinois. and Mr. . I Mrs. of the Jewish National Fund will make their home In Sioux will be at the Shaare Zion Synafamily extend to t h e f r Mrs. M. Bernstein returned gogue Sunday morning from 10 Council are in charge of the ar-City. • , friends sincere wishes for A o'clock until 12 o'clock noon. Ticr home Tuesday following a t w o These grcctiags will ht published Is o«r Rosh rangements. 'Happy Xcw Tear. weeks' vacation at Manitou, and kets will' also be on sale before Mrs.-M. N. London and daugh- the Schlfches Service, September Colorado Springs. Hashonah t d i f a , Scpletibcr 27. The charge Mr. and Mrs. and MEMORIAL SERVICES ter; Dorothy London of Chicago, 21. During the week, tickets may family TrSsh their friends Cattfor A. PlisSln will continue visited in'Sioux City • this • week be obtained from Mr. J. Kuntz at willfee$2M,h? each Grecticgr - - - mail any The ."Emesel" Club held a health, happiness and pros* to conduct Memorial services at with Dr. and Mrs. Lionel J. Lon-thet Standard' Jewelry. According meeting 1 a s t Friday evening at perity in the coming year. the Jewish Plot In Floyd Ceme- don, Sydney Apartments. During to the committee the sale on tic-the home of Miss Thelma Passer. of the«® forms, er phose yeur Greetisg. tery <'on Sunday mornings, until their stay here, they are also vis- kets has been very brisk and theOfficers for the newly-organized Mr. and Mrs. — take the holidays. This Sunday he will iting in the Barney Baron hbme. congregation Is urged to m a k e Club are June Meyerson, Presithis means of extending1 also !be at the cemetery from 3 They "are- former, residents of early reservations for their seats. dent; Pearl Meyerson, secretary; greetings and hearty good Sioux City. o'clock in' the afternoon. The Shaare Zion Sunday School Dorothy Saltzman, historian and Call •wishes for A Happy and Anyone wishing to havo t h e Prosperous Year to their Cantor conduct the service at the Morris Gordon visited' in Sioux frieads far and near. JEWISH PRESS, Atlantic 1450 grav£ of their departed during City with his parents'tHTs'.week the vesk, can call his home for before going to Lincoln, Nebrasan appointment. The service is a ka, to resume his duties as intraditional one observed during structor in the Art Department the tionth preceding R o s h HaTat t h e University of Nebraska. | shonaih. Mr. Gordon spent the,.summer
Jewish Veterans
Mount Sinai
Students Leave to Resume Studies
Rosh Hashonah Greetings
Through the Columns of the
Shaare Zion