Entered as Second Class Mail Hatter on January 21, 1921. at PosiaIfSe« ot Omaha. Nebraska,. under the Act of ilarch S, 1879.
Official Golf Seas r .5 "*^ E n d s ; . . . '*'
\ SEPTEMBER 20, 1935.
VOL. XL—NO. 32.
srman' jews on to
Ecu ador
Berlin (WNS)—A program of The final golf stag of t h e seaRabbi H. A. Berger, -who has he graduated. According to Dean large seals Gerrn&s-Jevrish emileen the orthodox7 spiritual lead- Greenberg, Rabbi Berger was one son, a t the Highland Country Club j Last Vestige of Emancipation er at Gary, Indiana, has b e e n of the most brilliant students and •was held Wednesday. It i r a s j Selection Eais Sensors - Tfest gratioa to Ecuador under the anspiceg of the Reich FeSers,tioii of named rabbinical leader ot t h e powerful orators of his class. He Bill Schuchart day," honoring in Nazi Dr. liagnes Weald Non-Aryans Interested in EmiVaad Ha'Ihr, or Union of Ortho- is reputed to be accomplished in Schuchart on completion of h i s Gensany grating to South. America will be Beslsrn English, Yiddish and Hebrew. dox synagogues, of-Omaha. first year as club professional. launched here with the appointHe w a s ordained three years . Featured.- on the day's -golfing He succeeds Rabbi Url Miller, Lucerne (JTA)—-Dr. Judaa L. 1~,ent o£ a committee to visit EcuNuremberg (Y7NS)—-The last who left early this month for New ago." He received his master' program was an exhibition by vestiges of t h e emancipation Orleans, La., to assume the lead- gree from the University of Chi- four of the leading golf pros in Magnes h a s been elected presi- ador and' mate arrangements for freed the Jews Irom t h e rship of the. Beth Israel congre- cago, where he was also an honor the state: P a t Wilcox of Norfolk, dent of the Hebrew University in the Eettlemert of the first colony. ghetto disappeared in Germany ;ation of that city. Stanley Davies of the Omaha Palestine, i t was officially an-j According to spokesmen __„ ___ student. Trypnts for "B5jc Hesrted •when a cowed and submissive Rabbi Berger will be here in Field club, EmU Beck of the Dun- nounced here following a meeting j Federation it has signed a conRabbi Berger was selected at a rEiiaing, Mgh for Herfeert," first production ot Reichstag unanimously voted a board of .governors meeting held time to conduct the services at dee club, and Ole Clark of Lin-i°*-.the university's Board of G o v - j t r a c t w i t h Ecuador for 1,212.EOC in Jewisit Ck» Center Players to? tins season, 1 series of "Jew laws" which brand Wednesday evening. He w a s the Vaad synagogues for the high ernors. acres ol free land. coin. wiil be Tielfi on SmsflsT afterthe Jews o£ Germany as an inof the university Tie first settlers are holydays. Chancellor An entertaining evening for the noon, September 2 2, a t 2: SO p. ferior people and reduce them to ;uest rabbi. in Omaha last weekThe Gary congregation released members and their guests' follow- I since its establishment in 192S, to leave for Ecuador in April or 1 m., and '"Mosfisr evening, Sep- ! eoirilMg; t-o end, conducting services in both a status of political, economic and i in his new post Dr. Magnes "will | jjay. Rabbi Berger from his- position 1613138? 23, at 7;"C p. m., c.t social slavery. In the most sweep- English and Yiddish Friday eve- there, so that hs could assume ed the golf events. continue to exercise adminlstra-1 ning, Saturday morning and Satthe Jewish Community Center. ing anti-Semitic measures adopttive powers. However, in accordthis more important post in Oma' Everyone interested is in- ! BOW ed since the Nazi regime came urday afternoon., ance withhis, some of the ha. S. Ravitz, chairman of the Vaad vited to participate in ihene into power two and a half years administrative details connected Five local orthodox synagogues tryoxits. ago, the Reichstag, meeting in the rabbinical committee, reported to with the post of chancellor will capital of Jew-baiting, completely the' well-attended board of gover- are affiliated with the Vaad. They be turned over to the school's recso that tbf? €iriv<p %yin. vindicated the violent policy of. nors meeting that t h e orthodox are: B'nai Israel, ISth and Chitor who is to'be appointed by the cago; Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol, community, was enthusiastically iefecs u n t i l the 5>ip1t hn Julius Stretcher, arid the extremsenate._ ist wing of the party by bringing in favor of Rabbi Berger, follow- 19th and Burt; Adass Yeshuren, rs?. J . «T. Greenberg, vlm Dr. Chaim 'Weizmaim, newly hi K to realization virtually the entire ing his conducting of services 25th a n d Seward; B'nai Jacob, elected president ot t h e World 24th and Nicholas; and the Conanti-Jewish ;phase of the Nazi par- here last week-end. His selection tlipup her workers, smil n gregation of Israel of South Oma- Newlv-Oreanised F r l e a d s ef'Zionist Organisation and presi- Creation cf JewisSi Majority . ty program. The new laws, which was unanimous. men's csnv&sginj; Iios reac'i fient of the university since its ha, 25th and J streets. Both SISes cf <for3sa. The new Vaad leader comes to Democracy^Beclsre become effective January 1, proHenry Pcllect, 6 0, fiieS V? afivRnrcd Ftage vill FtRrt tls inception, has been named chairRabbi Berger's headauartera vide: (1) Marriages b e t w e e n Omaha highly, lecommended by on Swsistika SECULV morning Et. t t e Clsrl man of the Board of Governors, will be at the B'nai Israel synaJe-ws and German citizens are for- Dean Greenberg of the Theologi3spital, to tier. a new office. It w a s also aa"Vienna (JTA) — Adopting s ! TLs funeral Trill t t t e pls-cp bidden; (2) extra-marital rela- cal Seminary of Chicago, where gogue. TtiC VfPTnCTl. TO^lvC"? yr?i\ New Y o r k ( W N S ) — P l e d g e d t o i | n o i i n c e a t h a t D r . W e i z m a n n , a the crea- j constitution tions between Jews and Germans from Enrket's cft.s.Te; l i " jj ^orisrenowned scientist, Et t l! P llPTTJP r.f T'.TTf-, €•>VP fight " t h e r o t t e n H i t l e r policy," will g scientist, are prohibited; (3) Jews are not d o £ | participate actively in the univer- tion of a Jewish majority on bota j io a, m., with -burial in Flessp.r.t. t h i s a f t e r n o o n , P^ptPTiii'pr o, the recently organized Friends permitted to employ in ' t b. e i r l : S ( i p . m . A l l 11< c rftrds y, an organization o£ \s U y , g S C i e n c e department. Dr. sides of the Jordan and the estab- j Hill. Rabbi Frederick Colin Democracy, households German servants unGermans, declared open h \ ' e i z m a n n > a chemist, is director lishmeat of a Jewish State in Pal- • officiate anti-Nazi der the age of 45; (4) Jews are r*c 1 x he Friends of the New ]o { - a n agricultural agricultural eexperimental estine on the basis of "reason and j Serviicrj war on the 1 forbidden to fly the swastika, but Miss Pearl Osoff, 16, Creighton Germany and the swastika in * I station at Rehoboth-in Palestine. social justice in the spirit cf the | daughte™ -, 1 may display the Zionist blue and University freshman, ranked first i statement announcing t h a t 3_t ' ^ ^ - Bible," • .the constituent congress i Miss Fa. ..h u u i : M i l ) ttt i C C C i J t ^honor** oShocten, at Fpresent white flag; (5) Jews are deprivin " t h e English placement tests hrould mobilize all German-Am erj treasurer of the Hebrew L'ni- o f t h e X e w Zionist Organization ed of German citizenship which lf~ Wr> a which w^re given to 300 fresh- icans In opposition to the Kasis. |y e r g i t y > ^as ^as been named chairman closed last weetpp is to be accorded only to thos.ei.of Closing addresses were raafie i men last week. H d d by b Eugene, E e n e F. F Grigat, Grigat 11o f t t e E c n o o i s executive council. il Headed German blood, those maritally refr -r "d founder fd She was an honor student at an Aryan-German and off j The board, called -upon to con- by Jacob fie Haas of. New York, icoiae to rtl >• c lated to Germans or those who $500,000 Drive for Constructive Central High School during her the America First and Always Sofrom Ai *r : veteran American Zionist, and rr" SeKef Among European " sider J3-. Magncs* resignation as by their conduct earn the righ entire fonr year, enrollment. Pearl ciety, the Friends, of Democracy chancellor of the university, de- Vladimir Jabotinsky, leader of ir-e to the honor of citizenship; (6) is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. declared that "the uncivilized, cided to suspend the post of chan- Zionist Revisionist Organization the swastika, which General Goerf T un-American activities carried ca cellor, Dr. Magnes agreeing to An executive cf eleven per. H. Osoff. ing called the "anti-Jewish sym New York (WNS).—Revoluby the Nazi element in this coun- serve in the capacity of president. WES elected consisting: of. S. Trbol of the world," is proclaimed tionizing Jewish public opinion in try are mating the Germans in V ! The academic officer of t h e eaty, Schw&rtzm&n, Kiiuger, r*r. as the sole and official flag of the this country on the problems conthis country hated again as tisey university Li. Schecttman, D. Jaen, Kaganovltr., will be the reetcr, who Reich. fronting woTld Jewry, David- A. r" were in 1916. Ari Levy, Jacob Spefctor, I n ; Brown, - internationally known rr realize that it Jungster,. S. Tiomkin anfi Oscar i These laws were announced in philanthropic leader who has raisF ' a condition 3,000 miles away and senate. Deans .will .be. chosen, by Rabinovitch. | ; a brief b n t fiery speech whic ed hundred of millions of dollars Ft overlook the same condition right the -various faculties comprising The constitution was rea 1 by: . Hitler delivered before the Reich for relief purposes, will attempt o here in Yorkville and Ridgwood. the university. Jabotinsky a n d unanim susly: stag. In the course of his addres to direct the interest of American Alien agents of the Nazi-party, "Expresses Satisfaction adopted fcy • the congress. he plainly admitted that the Jewry toward the plight of, the •proponents of the Hitler regime, nation i New YcTk"(JTA)—Satisfaction! ^carter calls-for t i e Reichstag was called to. meet in Jews in eastern Europe by acsre now freely spreading th& poisthe; ECT ezecutive .setup cf :e Pel'Political Economist of 8li"JeWs listing. ID Nuremberg ^because "it is intim- cepting the national chairmanship on- of Intolerance against • Jews, "Hebrew ...University, •. ES £=-. ately connected" jwith ^ s>Z JthB;;.Aemncan, OILIF,'s< g Catholics."and especially, against"jnounced from' rne, iras voic- dation.of the Diaspora. laws," denounced the Brodsky de^" campajgn for constructive relief Aniericans'of: German descent who |ed |,y Felix M. Warbarg, member BslMgereacy According to the constitution, '•League C" Cision, and. warned that it t h e among European^ Jewry. AnNew York" (JTA>—If -the/im- refuse" to adopt the rotten- Hitler;. O.f , t n e .Board New Sionist Organisation de-j. take., iinew laws did not put the Jews in nouncement of Mr; Brown's ac. . of Governors and , their place other measures would ceptance of the chairmanship co- pending war in Ethiopia is local- i philosophy. jone of the larg-est contributors t o j c - . £ r e s itself-to be the basis" We say that there is no "room j the university, In a statement to be taken. "The insult to the Ger- incided with his departure for ized, Palestine will h a v e great organizing t i e Jewisli nation sn I ganizat ~ man flag in the United States, for Europe on a tour of Inspection of prosperity, but if the war spreads, In" this ' country for the" swastika i the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. cccordacce with the provisions of | lems which the United States apologiz- ORT trade, schools and farm col- immigration to Palestine " m a y because the- swastika^ is. not the j .IThB Errangement, which -ful-jthe Palestine Mandate. It assumes; and otLc- Jr-c cease entirely, Dr.- Philip Joseph flag of a friendly nation, but .the fills our hopes," augurs well," he the right to is die ell Questions:; to crer ~ ed in dignified form, shows "how onies. . constructive work look- connected wl the function of sfi-j posed rf T of Tel-Aviv, expert on Near-East flag of the Nazi party. We Amer- ; i d ? ,,__. f far the international Jewish agiMr. Brown . will visit Poland, 1 •with, the '•• states • c «• tation has progressed," he said. R o u m a n a . L a t v i a , Lithuania, Rus- political economy, who arrived in j leans of German origin, will there-j i n g t o w a r d t n e development of vising aca coopera New York on the Cunard liner fore endeavor to see to it that the : ,,1-^ej.sity. i am confident t h e Manaatory "It is an illustration of the feel- sia and France in the course of Power. The constiiu-. and re;p~ Ing of Jewry, even in an official his tour of ORT's 101 trade Majestic for a tour of the United swastika is forbidden in this coun-; t h a { . t h J g deTe i O piaeEt will be of tion E.1.CO reserved the right for j A xn" try; that the storm flags are re- I{ h e r i g M q u a l i t y a I l d l a t n e right the New Zionist Organisatiois to j session C % - - " •» capacity toward Germany, and an schools,. 103 agricultural colonies States declared, last week. Because of Palestine's importturned to Germany; that N a s 1 j a i r e c t i o r u effective confirmation of the cor- and 28 colony' trade schools In of the League cf Nations | TTSS rr r< " ~~- n «•- " ' uniforms disappear frosi t h e as a British base for both rection of our National Socialist those • countries. The European ance that it be recogBiied ss the repre-p/'alera, - " c ""-* r f ; halls, highways a n d byways in ] the Meditteranean and the R e d legislation which from .the begin- trip of-Mr. Brown is the first ssntatlve of t i e entire Jewish x.E-!Free S*F F, ?*~ -•">" Sea, Dr. Joseph said at the Hotel | America; and that alien Nazi ning aims at preventing once for tion, when the new body shall; vor t h r r - - ^ i - ' - ^ ELECTED TO step in the newly launched ORT e sent to a place it may become the scene propagandists all similar incidents/Should there re&ched a "progressive point j-^ould l i e LC 1 FT^ ' .. j o j Anglo-Italian rivalry for su- where they may give the Hitler POLISH. PARLIAMENT have be necessary, however, further campaign-of fievelopmest." i question c . u PC 1T " In accepting the leadership of salute to their hearts' content." | emphasis of this in our conceppremacy. Provides for-Jewisli Parliament i tee. tion, then it is amply explained the American ORT campaign Mr. Palestine's position in the EthW a r s a w . (WNS)'—Latest reThe charter provides for the es-j The "L,^-1-^ i , - - ' f -r Brown stated that he did so beby the Tenewed boycott of Jews iopian war, he continued, depends turns from the Polish parliainentabllsniaeEt of a Jewish Parlia-|repreEe*"*r >.•""• c ^ i Face Starvation starting against Germany. The cause be knows of no other or- on whether the war is localized or j Gernaany i tary election show that four Jews ment-to be elected hy all Jews,: posal. I,.1, t t T ~ Frankfurt-Am-Main, ganization ; that lends 'itself as German people have become imwhether "Italy locks horns, with j were elected to the chamber of whether . oEicial members of the I study 1 ' f t ^-c—T patient because German Jewry, well to the cause of constructive any other European power con- -An "intense anti-Jewish cam- depnties. • Dr. Gottlieb of Warsaw j the • New Eionist Organization . or j Gi encouraged by international prop- relief as does the ORT federation- cernrd. If it is localized, even paign conducted by Nazi district who was reported elected wasfie-1not. The parliament is ta bs I tives r~ aganda, believed it could stage "While' I recognize the absolute greater prosperity is expected in Thorneed in many European countries suiting in a number, of cases of feated by less than S00 v o t e s 1 i j r i O w n a s the Eionist National! similar protests in Germany. Palestine because supplies will be actual BtarvE-tlon, It was learned! when another Jewish candidate i Assembly, and will be convoked | are: • temporary relief," he said in i d the situation of Palrequire( an "This international unrest in | split the vote in the Jewish fiis-|0ECe j n three years. letter of acceptance to Dr. e s t } n e I s s u c n t h a t the merchants this week. the world, unfortunately seems to 500,000 trict and enaMed an' anti-Semitic | A resolution cailing upon El!; Sweder Henry Moskowitz, chairman of the Jews in this city o of Palestine will be able to fill h a v e awakened a conception Jews and son-Jews the world over' Yugosl'1 have found it impossible to pur- candidate to win. among Jewry in Germany t h a t board of directors of American much of t h e demand. ase d to help fight "for the self-defense ! "Should the sphere of• conflict < * ^°° -.. Shopownen; are *n- Chief Rabb! Kubesstein of now perhaps the time has come ORT, "I have long realized with been of German Jewry" and to make! T^, « to confront Jewish interests -with other socially-minded men, that become enlarged and the Question ^ r strict orders not to deal with !na, a t first believed to | t i e boycott against Gcrssa.E.3 . i defeated, vras e.eceu.German national interests. Ser- it is not a solution of the prob- of naval domination of the seas "-non-Aryans." T?orld-wide complete, -was! lem. Necessary though it be, es^. • be an issue, then it is fairly cerious complaints have been launchadopted following a report by S. I ed from numerous sides about the pecially, in'such countries' as Po- tain that immigration to PalesJacob! on persecution cf Jews ia i provoking behavior ot individual land -where the situation of the tine will cease during the conthe Third Reich e.nfi the Pales-! members of this race, so in the Jews is one of dire tragedy—a ilict, but that nevertheless the lothing that I h a v e repeatedly The New Zionist organisation, founded by "the ReTiBionists-.jtine-Ger.inE3 barter pact cal community will enjoy prosremarkable increase of and conas a'.rival of the World Zionist Organisation froa.'which it seceded,' formity in the: complaints, a cer- pointed out in my published ar- perity." Dr. Joseph is writing • a book elected Vladimir Jabotinsky as president at the conference held tain plan of action became appar- ticles and public ntterance ent. Thi3 conduct climased dem- something m o r e fundamental. on Palestine political economy in Vienna. The new body claims to represeat all 'Jewry.onstrations which occurred in a something more durable must be which will be published soon. He Berlin movie house against" a attempted if the problem is to-be was -formerly a Quebec governThe crisis resulting from reports that Dr. Ju<2ah L.. M&gnes j harmless, foreign " film through met on a plane which its magni- ment scholar and a fellow of; the would' resign as'chancellor of the Hebrew University .in Palestine J which, however, Jewish circles tude requires. Rather, construc- Rockefeller Foundation. :ie *"—r i believed themselves hurt. . In or- tive relief-must take its place side •was dissipated by his election to.the presidency of the University j C1SB8G *.rt 1 der to reach an: amicable relation by. ..side, with temporary relief. ccii G . r by the board of governors. " . ., between the German people and Men must be fed,,but they must ie~rcould * " . " _———___' • mats a- study, of iow to prevent tion. the Jews the government will try also be trained so that they may The first conference of Jews'-in "all parts of the .world ofixasri propsgasdists from g-etticg Thfi resolution aoopted by the to bring about legal regulation. in time be enabled to feed themPolish descent was held ia London, where aworld.fedsrs.tioa of iinto the United States. The law, which will be read by selves and their families. Jewish "X&si Germany has nEflertaken G o e r i n g,. constitutes, however, youth must be trained for agriPolish Jews^was formed and Benjamin Winter of New York aaaisd jIfor-a EEiphasiziJig thatfeeBright ESW ' Coagressioaa] investionly an attempt at legal regula- culture and for the mechanical president.' • • • ....." | gatios cf KasI propaganda at the net v-Xsl^ to esterminste the Jews Antwerp (WNS). tion. However, should this not trades, fields in which there_ exn e i t sessioa of Congress "if of Germany Imi liss lauisched a thet the Jewish Geneva (JTA).—^The Nazi maNazi.Germany reached a new low .in inhinnanity.-when the !things •work "we "will have to take it up ist opportunities for the earning are! ejiTnpaljrn -Rgaitist Jewry ES & ChEBtE Of BelgiRTB have keep ca lr,g as IsazI actions are coatrarj' once again. If Jewish agitation of an honest livelihood. This is jority in the Danzig senate has Reichstag adopted'the so-called "Jew-laws" tj which the-German j ^^. tsreating1 the •within and without Germany con- a labor-to which. ORT has contin- no right to exclude Jews from leu's Tv-ere deprived of .their citizenship" rights and. all human j ^ 1.0 the pri Sfftixist Serm&siY urttl tnerebf t." ofiice, according to a re-" tinues,-we will then examine the tiouslj- dedicated itself in its 55 ppublic rights. . ' . - . • - • , • ' . . " • . . o r tt i Francs to consult with VEriotis Tfln-J •i,T im submitted to-the League of situation again." r M^«fc«« i , SciE.Is Esfi to inctii^e from Amer- i •of assembly last _ week by _a years of existence. Today the im- ^ ^ ^ ^ „„„ >.,„.,__* _ . , : ^_ e4 that It w!U .With the backing of England, France ascL Bussia, .the plan j j consuls -upon whet basis they I C a 3 1 portanceof the work is becoming] ommittee of legal expeivo, , ,, . . .. , ,, ^ tile relstioBS with t-io•us. of Xaticss j iss-as vises. '< more generally recognized. It is jappointed last May. . j of .the Norwegian government to • give the _ J u d g e Fcchs.Back'-* •••'. taany, thns breaking ivS»?: ^^ be'aufe I believe that an expanThe committee, named'to 'in-j- to power to deal with the problems of refugees see: .aksost certain 1i ET£2. I eat of the Ptrosgest liBfes -in tfc*. the validity of be approved. I n Public. Eye'-.- * " •; - '• sion of this sort of training is vestlgate , i, boycott chsis. lbe.t its aifilJatBoston—Judge E m i l Fuchs, absolutely essential and because I claims against the Dansig- senate, The fesj-e ratios, of §'ummn&. T? ?r.^ r'h Evidencing the growing resentment "ia"Carman-Ameiicsa cir- sued -iby'the Keic. iatlaenee the .nistnes of ec orcsi-iz&t former boss of Babe Ruth :when believe that no organization now ! held that no. election results can the homemn Idn^ was a memoer existent lends itself more to the overrule the statutes of 'the. Da-n-rcles against Nasi propaganda is German-Axaericsn organisstlciis, i ciltitre prcMbitir,g .J e w E to at- peoples anioa Oat «;e refusal ol the of t h e Boston National League cause of constructive relief than ig constitution. the Sclsnd Democratic Socfety, an c-gnxij ,t5on of 'Gersaso.- t e n cinema, t eaters ttrou ioia in the bo cott, ia.BE strstigthT3 tO * ORT that The campaign of defamation of Americans affiliated baseball club, bounced back i n t 0 1does i^i^atlon to I accepted your ~tj, is u.rgi3,g && GciTiiB-Ey. it T t s disclosed b.1 a.l' fiirlfesT 5 public life -when Governor Curley; ^ ^ ^ o J . become national _ ! Gensan-Ancricoss to ciiun t i c cctfiitlcs cf" tin-American.'socie! less. e $500,000 Laws to this effect are E1~C5' "appointed him a member of the paign." . flis ftoycott fore should not be tolerated by ties cf Gersi2^i-Ais.erics,ru!! tcciusa they era. ruiacnis to the best is operation ia Kiel EBA in s newly-c r e a t e d Unemployment interests of the Gcrraan-iijncri;an2. - .. <!f|&!f;tee «•f fee <!iasst>»€ Ini Bisrous saali-sr cities. The eli the police, the report adds. cair —- Ts-eive Compensation Commission "which. I is to &e I Ka 3 Ia Polasd of . Hie new ceereo "ero*i!d Be The committee vras named afthe siXiti-SBinitie will administer t h e unemployTh2 cash s'urpte cl This hasi tion ia Poland.. were errestedL lsl» ment and old-age Bill aau. nit Warsaw—Tee National Demo- ter the Danzij government g assistance . Jitlv. signified wiilingneFs to Tescind Its to above $28 CC0,C03 d i c x l tfcus i50JE.te t h e ifiwiviS the, discorery "by police ©f cratlc (Endek) and Catholic anticf f Judge Fuchs recently lost con* teF r.a.s-tric£feg • sslir.feogrtijili esjiil^KiSfit wfeic-li cles liere a s d the ljev,s.. ftir trol of the Boston baseball club Semitic papers h a v e renewed anti-Jewish legislation, If it PoIfe«g-aK-«tte, calls A natiO2-Tr!c!e c a s to rclsa £?00,-050 for-Palestine.lansl]only-to£ arranged by -they i i e e d to • .print vrhen he 'was unable to raise ajthelr agitation for an anti-Jewish sBo-srn to tare violated its eoa-| propaganda. boycott'in Poland. substantial lund • Poland stitatios tae Jewisa Cultural Assoc'iatioss. stitatios. redemption vdU be launch ta during th^ Higli Holidays.substantial lund.
duplicate what the xe-champ did to the Italian behemoth. . . .
J. €. C. Sports
Boys* Leader Club Because of its fine facilities and Will Be Organized
• - • A .2 . A .
An executive meeting of t-.h e Sara Beber chapter wag held last •• • • XAZI LAMENTATIONScapable direction, t h e Jewish This'is ho'w a Nazi bridegroom j Monday evening, 'September • 16, A Boys' Leader club, consistCommunity Center has again been advertises the smash-up of his ro-\ Et the h o m e of Junior advisor By PHINEAS J . BIROff Who TVIII "win the coveted title ternoon at the J. C. C. Thfs Is awarded t h e annual A. A. U. ing of young men between t h e mance. . , . We cjuote verbatim | HaEkell Cohen. Of. "A. 55. A. Sweetheart" t h i s the only group in the city which handball tournment tor 1936. ages of 16 to 21, to assist in su- LONGISMS BOYCOTT offers the Jewish people an opfrom the Westdeuteher Beobach- I A committee was appointed to year? This is" the timely quesThis year for the first time the pervision of the Talmud Torah For those who think that R. ter. . .' . "I hereby dissolve my ! cooperate with the Mother ChapSeymour Weiss, treasurer of tion that is Interesting the young- portunity to participate in theat- A. A. U. will sponsor a volleyball students and to aid the physical ! ter for .arrangements on Internaer aet, ris the Higlr Holidays sig- rical activities and enables them tournament which will also be director, will be organized next the late Kingfish Loag's person- H. Rlacy & Co. is still selling Ger- engagement with Miss Else Matl- tional A. Z. A. Day. Aleph Ben man goods we might tell that nify tho;approach of the annual to - express themselves in r e a I held at the Center. Tuesday evening, at the Jewish al political empire, suffered many Delos Walker, vice-president and wog. . . .• Although Miss Mallweg j Wintroub, chairman of athletic anxious hours before he managed Achar Eataunis Dance -which is theatre work. 'Under the capable knows my feelings, she bought Community Center. sponsored by the Mother Chap- direction of MISS HELEN MERto prevail upon the various press general manager of Macy's, was her trousseau from a Jew . . . committee, announced plans are Turnouts for the women's matEvery member of this n e w being laid for the following tourone of the guests at a luncheon ter. This year t h e alepha have RIT];, who: so ably directed it last ron classes which are held during group will receive some valuable associations to broadcast the inBut not even this was enough, jnaments: snooker, ping pong and given by the Non-Sectarian Antiyear, the theatre is planning upon been extremely fortunate in se. . . In spite of lay prohibition the mornings are v e r.y popular training in leadership work and formation that he was not relatlecting some of the; most charm- the production of three plays this and now there is the largest at- •will profit greatly by the experi- ed to Dr. Carl Weiss, jr., the Nazi league to George Lathan, she advertised our engagement \ checkers which are to be a part i of the chapter's fall athletic prochairman of the British boycott ing and popular misses in this I07 season. All who are interested or tendances since the beginning of ence derived. Kingfish's assassin. . . . Seymour organization. . . . Mr. Walker was among Jewish advertisements snd gram. cality as candidates for this title. believe that they have some tal- these classes. With the opening of the newWeiss and Abe Shushran, presi- seen applauding vigorously all wrought thereby contempt to my I The meetings of. t h e chapter It can honestly be stated t h a t ent along this k I n d of activity playground at t h e Jewish Com- dent of the New Orleans Levee references to the boycott- . . . good name . . . All this compels j hare b e e n changed to Sunday! should be present for the tryouts. these candidates would, do Justice munity Center and the increased Board, were high ranking mem- General Hugh Johnson, who wasme to cancel my .engagement: I j hereafter. Handball players will take note to any contest of av similar kind. r. because of the increase in the size ot Center classes and increas- bers of Long's brain-trust. . . • invited to the same luncheon, do not think that I could- become I The next regular meeting' of This popular affair is being planUpon checking the club activied physical department activity, Because of his friendship with didn't corne because J. David happy with a woman who buys ! the Century Chapter will be held ned with the usual verve and in- ties of Tech High School, we Hod number of players, please call in the members of the group will be Long Shushran has a permanent Stern, publisher of the New York from the Jew and who has pub: at the Jewish Community Center, genuity. The dance will be held that of the five debate clubs, three your court reservation early BO enabled to be In charge of a reg- memorial in New Orleans in the Post, was chairman of the com-lished her announcement in Jew-i September 22. Alephs Sam Kapthat you will be able to g e t a at the Center, Monday evening, of them a r e headed, by Jewish ular function. court at the time you desire. Shusban Municipal Airport. . . . mittee. . . . The General and ish company. . . . Otto Fuengler." lan, chairman, of cultural commitstudents, who serve as presidents October 7.. AH who are interested in join- Had Huey Long lived to occupy Stern didn't get along. . . . But • • * tee, and Fhil Malkin will present of these organizations. MISS ESLeaders from the new Leader's ing this group will meet n e x t Johnson sent a telegram in which another, .interesting cultural proISEO ABRAMSOJT, quiet, smil- THER WITHIN is president of Club will aid Lee Grossman at Tuesday evening at 7:30 at the the White House his press secre- he announced his approval of the FRAXCESKO New York is welcoming these gram. ing, energetic chief clerk for the Cogide, IRVIXG X O G 6 is the gym during games and dur-Jewish. Community Center. This tary would have been Herman move to keep America out of the days two interesting personalities. James P. Hoctor, county clerk, president of the Ecrommoc a n d ing tournaments and other func- group is being organized by Lee Deutsch, crack New Orleans reOlympic games. . . . And speaking, and also the secretary of .the LILLIAN MOIfOVITZ is president tions. Grossman^ Center physical direc- porter. . . . One of the few Louis- of The Post reminds us that tl'^t, . . . One is Kurt WeiU, composer NEW BOOKS-AT iana political officeholders "who of the music to Franz Werfel's Board of County Commissioners, of the Prinar. With these capable tor and Haskell Cohen. fighting paper is almost out of the "Road of Promise." . . . He looks successfully defied the dictator of ia taking an important part in officers at the helm, t h e Inter"If you are planning to enter the present analysis a n d study Club competition should be very the various handball tourneys, the deolta was Judge Nat Bond, red and will be making its entries not more than 22 .but he has which the commissioners a r e close. youngest member of the Louisiana in black after the first of the reached the "ripe" age of S2. . . . Among the new books pur* you had better get in shape and year. . . . making ;in order to. properly reHe speaks English with a French chased by the "Omaha public libAn executive committee meet- tivi court, who is a son-in-law of get those pinners down, or you duce the county expenses and de- Two new groups are being will find yourself an easy victim ing of the Mother Chapter of the late Martin Behrman, mayor accent, although he was born in rary Ere the following 'which termine a budget for the ensuing formed at the Center which will for some of the gunners who have Aleph Zadik Aleph took place last of N'-.v Orleans for 16 years. . . • TID-BITS ~" Berlin. . . . The other personality would be of interest to Jewish readers: Puzzled America, Anderyear. This recognition of AB- enrich the curriculum of activi- been practicing for months," ad- Sunday, September 15, at the J. Judge Jeremiah Mahoney, A. A-is Francesko von Mendelssohn, son; Russian Revolution, ChamBAMSON'S ability a n d sound ties already in existence there. A vises Lee Grossman. granfinephew of Felix MenfielsC. C , with vice-president Ben THIS AND THAT U. prexy, believes that the genberlain ; Redder Than the Rose, practical knowledge was evidenc- Sunday Afternoon Drama Club Shrier in charge. tlemen of the American Olympic sohn-Bartholdy, the composer. . . . Forsythe; Children's 'Hour, HellThe first monument to a Jew ed last year when the B'nai B'rlth which will meet regularly a n d Plans f o r the initiation of a in New England is due to be dedi- Committee who are pooh-poohing Francesko is so handsome that he man; Renascent Mexico, Herring lodge enjoyed one of Its most suc- provide a' program so that its new membership dass were dis- cated In Maine on September 22 j the move to keep the United could easily get into the movies. and "Weinstock; Sex and Tempercessful and constructive years un- members can become fully accussed. Final plans for the an- by the Jewish War Veterans ini States out of the Olympics are . . . He is Max Reinhardt's chief femeEt in Three Primitive Socieder his guidance as its president. quainted with stage mechanism nual Y.o m Kippur dance which memory of one of the • Jewish'motivated only by a desire for a assistant for Meyer W. "Weisgsl's ties, Mead: Mr. Justice Cardoza, * • • • •- _ _ and the technique of dramatic art will be held at the Center on Mon- heroes of the late unpleasantness I free trip to Germany next sum- great Biblicsl spectacle, coming Bollard; Nazi Dictatorship,' Schuday evening, October 7, were dis- across the pond. . . . You'd never | mer. . . . The next time one of to New York this winter. '. . . rnan; American "Way, Studebake'r. Because many of the prospects is one of these new groups. The have as: yet not been contacted, other which will be of interest to Sea Girt, N. J., (WNS)—The cussed. know it but both Albert Einstein J those Nazi apologists says that Francesko brought to New York The n e x t regular meeting of and Dr. Haas Luther, the Ger-1 all the fuss about boycotting the ten cellos- . . . He has a cello for t h e very successful membership aggressive young men with lead- American Good Will Plaque, votcampaign ot the Jewish Commu- ership ability will be the forma- ed annually by the editors of the the chapter will be held Sunday, man ambassador, are disciples of j Berlin Olympics because of dis- praeticaly every mood and is re* Bity Center, trill be extended for tion of a Leader's Club. The first Anglo-Jewish publication affiliat- September 22, at the J. C. C. at Prof. Franz Pppenheimer, world- j crimination against Jewish ath- garded by those in the know as another 'week. Workers report the meeting of this will be held next ed with the Seven Arts Feature 2:30. All members are urged to famous German Jewish economist jletes is needless since Jews never one of the best cellists in Eurvery enthusiastic reception "Which Tuesday evening at the Center. Syndicate to the American Chris- attend as some v e r y Important and scientist, -who is coming here i amounted- to • anything in OIVEI- ope. . . . As soon as he reached they have been receiving f r o m tian who was most outstanding business will be transacted and September 27th. . . . Oppenheim-! pics don't be surprised to read a these shores he got a wire irons ', the people they have approached. ELMER GREENBERG, portly, during the past Jewish year in an excellent.program with one of Professor Einstein inviting him Every Jewish man, woman a n d likeable new athletic coach and furthering Inter-religious amity, the city's new football coaches as er'3 ideas on land ecocomics were statement listing the names of to comei to White House in Old the basis of a n^w party in Hol-Jews who took part and scored Lyme where the professor is child should make it their duty mathematics instructor of Tech- wi)l be awarded on Sunday after- a guest-speaker will be held. land. - . . Some o£ his theories are points in- every Olympic meet spending the summer. . . . . The to join the Center, even though nical High School, because of his noon, September 22d, to Harold be may not be approached to do youth and ability to understand a G. Hoffman, Governor of the Progressive Hebrew Club also being applied in Palestine since 1S96. We wonder why wire said: "Please bring out five where his son works for the Ag-none of the papers thought It im- cellos." , . ". Einstein's ' greatest so. The membership privileges student's desires, is one of t h e state ot New Jersey. The plaque A special meeting of great imhave been expanded and develo'p- most popular members of the fac-will be presented to Governor portance will be held Tuesday, riculture Experiment Station. . . . portant to mention Helene May- pleasure is to play the violin to In Germany Oppenheimer still has er's denial of the report that she the accompaniment of Francesko. ed so that a member of the Jew-ulty. Though he w a s coach of Hoffman at the summer executive Sept. 24. an enormffus following and some has been asked to be a member ish Community Center will be af- small Crawford, Nebraska's, high munsion in behalf of the editors Every member is urged to atforded the opportunity of receiv- school team, he turned out one of of Anglo-Jewish publications by tend. The date of the play spon- of the Nazi economic dogmas of the German Olympic team. . . . ing the benefits of one of the fin- the best football teams in t.h e Joseph Brainin, editor of the Sev-sored by the club will be decided were taken from his books. . . . And by the way, who is the fel- Copyright 19 S 5 by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. INSURED CABS est progTam3 ever sponsored by state. GREENBERG is / w e l l - en. Arts Feature Syndicate, and upon at this meeting. The name But that didn't save him from the j low Jimmy Powers -who said in a our Jewish Community Center. known here because he starred in Bernard Postal, managing editor of the play is "Abiges Wanderer." Aryan law. . . . Ben Cohen, New j column syndicated by the Chicaathletics at Central High School of the Syndicate. A distinguishThe announcement ot this play Deal brain truster, thinks he has j go-Tribune-N. Y. News Syndicate and was a three year letter man Tryouts for the Center Player's ed committee of prominent Cath- will be publicized in next week's a double. . . . That's the only ex- j that "New York teeming Jewish planation he can offer for an in-j center, is full of frenzied speeches Guild will be held this Sunday af- at Nebraska. olics, Jews and protestants will Press. vitation extended to him to join j for an Oympic boycott but the attend the ceremony. the violently anti-New D e a l rest ot the country prepares to PALESTINE Governor Hoffman was voted American Liberty League. . . . In- compete In Berlin. . . . History CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY AC- the American Good Will Plaque cidentally, Cohen, who used to be shows boycotts always boomerang TIVITY ALARMS. PALESTINE for the year 5695 in a nationsecretary to Judge Julian W. jon instigators." . . . The new gridJEWS . . . If Palestine Jews can- wide poll of the editors of the AnMack, is credited "with having had ] iron season may yield another not withstand it—too bad. glo-Jewish; publications in recoga hand in -writing the Palestine pigskin star with the famous foot-! _ PLAN WORLD. PEACE CON- nition of "his outstanding contriThat Mr. W. J. ball name o£ Friedman- . . . . FERENCE IN JERUSALEM IN bution to., the furtherance of Inte^ Washington. (WNS)—After Oc- Mandate. . 1936 . .-". Too late.' It is"needed religious -amity" and the advance- tober 15 imports from Germany Camerone who recently told aiISO-pounder by that name is.slatconvention " ol • Ford dealers thatjed to be the star fullback of the ment of the traditional American will be.placed" i n ' a special cate- the Roosevelt tax program ''is eleven from Rice University in NORTH AMERICA (Copyright, 1935, by Seven Arts Ideals' of racial and religious gory subject to higher tariff rates Feature Syndicate) Max Baer's GOVERNOR OF PENNSYLequality for all." Governor Hoff- than those charged on the imports just a break-up Ford campaign" Houston, Texas. VANIA DEMANDS U. S. WITHman's specific contribution to good from countries enjoying most-fav- is the same gentleman who edit- kid brother, Buddy, is comhsg DRAW FROM OLYMPICS . . . will during the past year was hisored-nation benefits, the State De- ed Ford's Dearborn Independent I In the world. . . . He's been offerNazis will call Governor Earle a signing of the New. Jersey bill partment hats informed the Ger-when that sheet was the Amer-jed $5,000 to go a couple of lean equivalent of Der Stuermer. rounds with Primo Camera In non-Aryan now. forbidding incitement to racial or man embassy. Hawaii. . . . Maybe Buddy can NEW YORK JEWISH DETECreligious bigotry, the first law of The effect of. this step is to TIVE REWARDED BY GERMAN Its kind in the history of the compel German exporters to pay SHIP LINE FOR SHEDDING HIS t h e full tariff rates on several Jerusalem (JTA). —Demarca- United States. BLOOD IN DEFENSE OF SWAS- tion of boundaries between PalesThroughout his • public career hundred articles on which conTIKA .,:, . And he accepted the tine and Lebanon and regulations Governor Hoffman has champion- cessions as high as 50 percent are money! fixing possession of arms and ed racial equality a n d religious made to countries with whom the TWELVE Y I D D I S H THE- camping spots ot Bedouin tribes freedom. . As mayor ot South Am- United States h a s reciprocal ATRES,TO OPEN NEW SEASON have been agreed upon by Pales- boy he fought the Ku Klur Kl&n agreements. . . . But how long will they stay tine and Syria, the Arab press re- which -was a great power In South The reason f o r this action openr—is the question. ported this week. . Jersey. . While a member of the against Germany is her persistent ORTHODOX R A B B I N A T E and f l a g r a n t discrimination to the report the 70 th Congress his voice was al-against American Imports. T h e PROCLAIMS DAY OF PRAYER a Accordingm FOR GERMAN JEWRY-. . ' . Will f f «nt has already been ngn- ways raised in support of move- new policy goes into ellect simment? to further the cause of inthey adress their prayers to theed by deputies for the high com- ter-religious understanding- Dur- ultaneously with the expiration of missioners of Palestine and Syria, Jewish or Nazi God? the German-American commercial and its purpose Is to protect pro- ing the years that he was Motor treaty which was denounced by Vehicle Commission of New JerEUROPE posed colonization in the Huleh the Reich last year. L U C E R N E MEETING AN- region where Jews recently ac- sey he was a frequent speaker beWhen the Treasury Department fore various Jewish organizations NOUNCED WORLD J E W I S H quired a large concession. * starts collecting full tariff duties CONGRESS TO BE CONVENED It wets recently reported that and groups. on all German goods,. imports IN SPRING OF 1936 . . . What- work at Huleh has been stopped from the Reich will be placed at ever the results t h e steamship by the Palestine Government tor Brandvein, Tahnudist, Dies a tremendous competitive disadlines will profit. three months • because of Arab Czernowitz, Rumania —- Zanvil vantage in all cases where similar SOVIET D E C R E E S ALL claims to several thousand acres Brandvein, noted Talmudlst a n d imports from other countries are SCHOOLS OPEN TO ALL . '. . of land. Bible-scholar, died here f r o m admitted at less than full tariff Jewish declasse children are celeheartstroke. He was 40 years old. rates. brating.' Berlin—-Martin Wolff, one of GERMAN JEWS PLAN MASS' the last known jurldlclal experts EMIGRATION TO ECUADOR . . . in Germany arid a.member of the Why not Palestine! law faculty of the Berlin "UniverINTERNATIONAL C H E S S sity, "waa dismissed last week beFEDERATION R E F U S E S TO cause he is a Jew. _ That Has Captivated \ HOLD 1936 TOURNEY IN GERProf. "Wolff had been at the l a MANY,. . . No wonder—90 per Berlin University since 1921.' He Paris and Given \ cent of the players are Jews. also taught at Marburg and Bonn. TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST NAZIS TO SEGREGATE JEW- He was'particularly noted for his the World Completely Modernized from Top to Bottom ISH CHILDREN IN SEPARATE works on German civil law, interSCHOOLS . . .Judge Brodsky did national property laws and.; comEntrances: 16th, Bodge and Douglas Sts. THE mercial law. : •
• •
A. Z.A. 1
. .
Tariff Favors to Reich End *'on'October 15
n o w .
' . • " ••••'
: '
•• :
Palestine, Lebanon Boundaries Fixed
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By HQE< ZK2I0KB Tienna (ITKsO — J e w" z ire outlawed in "Nr Germany but when a shirt sets -into tr. v.tle in tria he thinks it onite all By -.the "-.Service Life to engage a Jewish Company, Omaha heard that Miss-Gordon was to j g ts, a kiddie ear, a scooter, and Steinheisel, former Xaci p J appear in Davenport, p , Iowa,, s h e ] a sand box. Gold-pryn announces official of Vienna, c o r on - "UNEARNED • EfCOME journeyed with Helen all the way | that lie doesn't intend to use the for treasonable activities, Life .insurance' Is . an engaged M. BerterniE.nn. p ment. .It is an investment -which from .Rock Island; Illinois, to meet I subject-:-atter of the play sor its inent Jewish attorney, to the actress. -Thus began a helpsound very shrewd title. Doesn't insures t o your family that part blank paper is; fend him. which you mayful friendship. It "was big-hearted from GoldwynDuring the World - War > Gome tates, thousahds-'of miles from ie demobilized in Palestine "was of your'income 1 Vera that paved the way to the I Quite" cheap nowadays. ot granted." The men were sent heir adopted country. = not"•live ; to earn for your loved 4,000'American Jews saw service Professional Children's School in xiiressiori^wlll be given to "the .ome, there to be demobilized. in tlio Jewish Legion, a" part o£ ones. Hollywood speed: Joan ElonNew Yorkv and that later providy o u r 'rich uncle' There were" a scattered few the British • army, which helped egionnaifes' hopes and demands Suppose win Palestine from t h e Turks. t a convention to be" held this mndred -who remained in the mad.e Ja will and left your faraily ed t h e necessary contacts with •dell" was George Barnes' fifth wife!-And-he's young yet. ii v Promises "were made that ; those December in New York/ Dr.' Ravid ;ountry through Sevious means, a rich-.bequest. Suppose s o m e Broadway, theatrical agents. who •wished to.remain would "be a i d , v-- / - ' ^ - • ^ ' v ^ ; ; % ; . ; : • •<*• -••,;;• 'hey lived a hard life, keeping 'scheming' relative planned to Alger story;. .". c o m e closer, -•'.In you'd like to knovr given land and would he able to *• Thej same fdesire: and .the; same ody and soul together by -work- cheat them out of what was rightcn nr7 settle there for the'rest of'their emaridsi have-bein: expressed fre- ing at various trades. It was a fully .theirs, what was intended kiddies . . . Young Dave Marx-wasjmore.about little Sybil Jason . . . general cleaner-upper a n d prop--She..was-born in Capetown, South to be~theirs. , . . . . " uently^.iff^t h.e' -last"'seventeen day when colonization ofjand was ' lives. • '••'.' -• -.- '•:-•'.•• "How' much would you be will- erty boy a t a major studio. He | Africa; yearly six years ago, the ' Soon after the war ended,' how- 'ears,'.- but with^prac'tically. no" TO- by-word. And the soldiers had ing t o 'invest' in your fight for considered his position . . . decid-jSaugiiter of I«Ir. a n d Mrs. -Jack Compulsory Segrep afion fr * ever, t h e soldiera w'ere imcere- ult.. Every) Zionist" Congress>and no land to colonize. ed to improve his station, in-life j Jacobs;--Her father was a trsvelFinally, the Jewish National what "belonged to them? Xontlis. ii x tc monibusly placed on transport ionvention has been. importuned "In the .same way, life insur- . . . tackled the casting., offices {.'lifts- salesman with headquarters .ships and sent hoine. "A few hun- o aid the.IJewistf.Boldiefs.' Cable- jiind granted-them the small colFcrartee n dred somehow • managed • to'•• avoid grams were; sent *to" British offi- my. Some thirty families settled ance! insures to your family that ... . and finally by sheer luck, .6r|'in;ihe:BrItish colony. At the age repatriation and' kept;themselves ials. .Whei P'rime Minister .Kam- here and tried to" build an agri- which -.belongs to them—y o u r determination, was returned to! of two,-• Sybil memorised simple Berlin (JTA). - Compr as an-actorlsongs, words and music with ease. his original jstiifiio alive by finding various odd jobs. ;ey J^acDpnald; was-in New'Yofk cultural colony. They, had prac- earning power. -. segregation of a 31 Jevisb. T up'i: Ellas' ^Ginsbui'g,;:.t Ti!'-e n tically no funds. They were con'llf you would fight to the last A little later she learned to acfor a fight scene. Today, there i s in the TJnited ecently, ! frora six to fourt e e s years o f e~r company herself on the piano. At into States an organization ;ino"wn as head 6f ••the"-' organization;- s'en t stantly harried by the Bedouins. penny ;for the bequest which was special pub There were a number oi skir- theirs,: why not make a small inAn interesting group is the] three she could sing, play, dance ordered "by Minis He schools hr-the- American "Palestine: Jewish him a :plea'in behalf of the ei'.cr of Educ Etior : e r v i c e i n e n ; " . " ' •"-•••.' • "•• vestment to guarantee to them mishes.. In 1933, Joseph B e n "Younger" Set," comprising the and mimic famous personages. Legion headed by Dr. Jacob . 'Ji. Bernhard Rust. Ravid of New York, whose priBut there •was lk.tle;tangible re- Yemini was killed in an attack. the continuance of your earning offspring of some of the import- Her lame from Capetown The order, enibracinp ,7 rvriO mary purpose is; to. find ways and ult,. Zionist congresses and con-Today his son is one of the set-power?" ant cinemalltes. Eddie Cantor .islto London, and it was there she, ,„..„. means of settling ex-legioaiiaires ventions found • themselves able to tlers—young, vigorous and entheir backer . h i s daughter,! made her professional debut in a ^ ™ J ^ ™ ^ " * : in Palestine. • :: : : T ': aid the legionnaires;but little, ial- husiastic. Edna, is one' of the leading act- charity concert at t h e ^ i W - eJews ^ - a with oesce^, bu. grandprr1 one Jewish With the §40,000 Zundelowitz resses- Other members who are Theatre. A film producer put her There are about.20Oexrlegion- hough mrmerous' resolutions .of ent, will go into effect next Apr.:. serious about their stage w o r k in "Barnacle Bill," which vras \ In his decree, Minister Rr'-| naires, Dr. Ravid told : us,; -who sympathy arid support were pass- bequest, the colonists first began are L. Wolfe Gilbert, "Jr., Max-eventually seen by a Warner rep- j ruled that Jewish pupils in earjwould leave - with their families d. Great Britain turned. a deaf to make the colony flourish. They built pipe-lines," planted oranges in e Marx, daughter of Chico, Bert Tesen'tative. NOT she's In Holly-ul coniniunity must number &t ler^i tomorrow to live > in . Palestine- ear to their plea. • The only aid . they . received and erected homes: and a school. Kalrnar,; Jr., Toby Ruby, daugh- wood, an instant success in "Lit-j twenty before a special school v,-;;; it they were given the: chance. ; tie Big Shot." . | be built for them. The ter of Harry. But because of lack of funds,: in- cairie through the Zionists. The But'there was no money left for ability to -way;of Jewish. National Fund,"through the legionnaires in . t h e United Paris (JTA)—Charges t h a t system for Jevrs w: getting lands. if; they could, enter he good, of flees, of ; M. -M., Ussish- States. A brave scenarist ac KG?,:, I-school Insidious, pernicious, anti-SemNazi agents fomented last year's supplemented by pri"Shoo Palestine, they remain here and kin, provided "a parcel of land at To 'aggravate the situation of an ti-Jewish excesses in Algeria itic propaganda, from that poison-1 handed "in a script titled, schools. Wadi . Chavareth. A number of w a i t . " . . - .-.:.'•... ' ". ••: : • - : • • he legionnaires here, m o s t of are contained in "The Brown Net- ous pool in central Europe is seep- the Wild Mayer'" The segregation of the pupil r These- legionnaires feel t h e y egionnaires .who were already in theni have by now passed the age work," a book published by the ing into" Hollywood. An attempt nade clear, v have a claim against the .British Palestine were settled •'? on t h e imit for labor certificates. Editions du Carrefore last "week. is being made-to-vilify and pre~ Josef von Sternoerg lias on race rather than religion. government. After all, they-say, and. They, proceeded, i hampered Hollywood product be-jbusily, engaged with a £ sculptor in j scribe the Yet the legionnaires go - More than SO anti-Semitic leafthey gave up jobs here and. risk- as they were by lack of funds* to o Palestine. They h a v e waited lets were published by the foreign causa of the he large proportion of-I "the work of perpetuatin g and pre- S It was indicated the system build homes, " industries a n d ed their/lives for the British govJewish producers... Even In Euro-i serving his, Josef's profile for I e£res-Etion in high schools wout: patiently for seventeen years and propaganda office in Arabic and ernment. They?were given: to un- scliools for themselves and their their ardor has not been dampen- Oriental languages f o r distribu- pean countries. other • than • Ger- posterity. When it was finished, ! be tightened up in coBformiiy1 i with the new elementary schc c derstand that the country would families. ed. They hope that eventually tion in French North Africa, the many, they're working toward the von Sternberg remarked in sur-; welcome1 them after the war. And .The. only funds' the legionnaires Great Britain will take cognizance book alleges in a section devoted dismissal ot. Jews in American prise that there -was no chin! "I'm I decree. a sculptor, not a plastic surgeon," j Minister R v. B i imaec.r .cT now they are1 back in the ttolted received came thr-ough-the Zion- of a promise it made w h e n it to "Jew-baiting ES a Branch of film offices abroad. ist Organization.. Albert Zundelowas the cool rejoinder. Pardon, | ffl0Ted t 0 b c i l Q E ? e c i a i s c l l o r ' c:«~ Hitler's Foreign Propaganda." witz died leaving §40,000 to be needed aid.. j Jews ' o r ordering a censv.r The Legionnaires hold frequent "Through-an indiscretion of the Louise Henry's father, Dr.. Jesse did we hear a crash?. j Jewish pupils to determine used for Zionist purposes. The Z. ! number of buildings necess: — O. A;, the executor of the bequest, meetings in New York and other German Propaganda Ministry it Strauss Heimann, is credited .with See "you nest week. The aim of the segrsg., r turned over the money t o ; t h e large cities and recall their bat- became known that Dr. Goebbels having saved Carl Laemtale's life. (Copyright, 1S55, Je-wish tles on Palestine soil. After sev- had spent no less than S,560,000 Once, when. Uncle Carl w a s . in j.the decree said, is to coinpio Ag-ency, Inc.) legion. ••:•••-: enteen years of agitation to be marks.for propaganda purposes mid-ocean, Europe-bound, he bej isolate the "foreign body in -The need of the Wadi Chavar- transferred .to Palestine—to <be in French North Africa, Egypt came seriously ill. A cable brought I 'Aryan' pupil-and-teacher .•>"'" v eth' colonists "was. great,' arid al• New :Yorfc (WN&)—Alarmed repatriated, as they call itand - Palestine," the -author says. the surgeon by the aest boat, and J e r u s a l e m — A t o t a l of 4,S56 | comiaunity," most the entire -fund was conover ^ e increasingly" violent nadoubts arise as to whether they "As a ^direct result of this prop- an operation w a s performed on Jews'entered Palestine during the |. Attendance at the specia" ture, of7the: tactics'ot the Friend's sumed for the settlers already in will ever h a v e their hopes ful- aganda, . th. e . Jewish pogrom in docking in - England. Coincident- month of August, making a total | Palestine. , N o n e of-it could "be ii schools Trill be compulso-y 6t the "New Germany, Willy "W filled. Constantlne occurred, to the great ly, Louise Henry is now. cinema Je-R-ish immigration in escess of j .Tc-B-isb. children, the order r;'(" e necke, secretary of the United used'to transfer the impatient esThey know that the Zionist Or- delight of the German rulers." acting on the Universal lot. 43,000-for the first eight months! German Societies, announced "that service men in" the United States ganization, for all its •willingness The .book also^charges that the of 1SS5, according to a preliml^* MB organization has refused the to the Holy Land. can do little. There are German German club attached to the Ce- It had-us suessing f or s o in e ary report issued by the lEaraig-aM e n d s ' permission to participate •TT"""""""" i \ refugees and Polish Jews whose cil Rhodes Foundation is a-Nazi that very Christmasy tion Department of t h e Jev jsh time ia> the annual German Day celeThe idea of a Jewish legion'' be- need is direr than theirs. propaganda . center : in England front nanie of Xoel Madison . Agency for Palestine which polrtbration at-Madison Square Gar- gan'.in 1914 when a group of Pal- But they, still'look'to' Britain. and that "the chief center, of the looked like Leon in reverse. Butted out that this is the largest reden, on 'October 6th. estinian Jews, anxious , to serve They point to maps showing large Nazi propaganda in t h e British no, "Papa Maurice Moscowich gave j corded Jewish, immigration imo \ "\' fcSP f At'the same time C. K. Froe- Great Britain, organized the Zion tracts of unsettled land and won- Empire is in-the Near-East.;Some us the clue t it. e other night'. by' Palestine in history. Corps which saw der when the Mandatory . Power of the-Arab agitators in the Near Hch, passenger traffic agent o: Ttfule Transport : East have received special:trainthe Hapag-Lloyd Line, ttio united service a t the Dardanelles. The will keep her promise. Their hopes are summed up in ing in. the Munich Brown House. German steamship company,^ re corps were engaged in work highr signed as president of the United ly important to the i(3 cablegram the legion sent to "The -Palestine Arab National tierman "Societies, on the reques and wa3 frequently. cited for jits the Lucerne World Zionist Con- Socialist Party receives substan«r=n gress: of the line. In explaining his re-Tbravery and efficiency. tial subsidies from Germany, and \->H)\ [ ! i-. s "' * i The second Jewish t Legion— signation Froelich said* th'at the "Those who fought for the reArabic leaflets distributed in Pal; company regarded it as unwjse to tho legion that becariie :famous-:— demption of Palestine are still estine , are - printed in Berlin and came into being after the Balfour waiting to be settled on the land Hamburg and "brought to Palesbe drawn into th-e struggle be2 lbs, - - 56c : r-r tween Nazi a n d ' anti-Nazi, ele- Declaration was issued. M o r e of Palestine." tine in German boats." ments among German-Americans than '4,000 American Jews,' stir- (Copyright, 1935, Jewish Telegraphic " Inc.) The rebuff to the Friends o red by the British promise to aid ItaKaa Jews ia- • the New Germany by the-United in the erection of a Jewish home-MEET'SIR. I B t l S Q land, resolved to ;make the homeGerman Societies" grew out of the Turkey .Volnateer.' : 1 W^l W « L EUMtt feelings on the part of' that or land a reality "by •wresting t h ' e i A H B H E D I . . . t h e thousIst^tibul— You'll know Mm better if we ganization's leaders that^since th country from the -Turks. German elements here are alleg They enlisted to :serve in. the refer to him as Bert Lahr, but heands of Italian citizens resident . 1 \. edly overwhelmingly in^favor o "British army at the British Cana- was born Irving 3Lab.rh.eim . . . in Turkey who have volunteered to serve with the Italian army in the New Germany the violen dlami Recruiting' Mission In New1 lie comedian is a very serious F :\ speeches by leaders of the Friend' "York City. In.rdue course, they chap off the stage - . -Not crcss- Ethiopia, are, at least 100 Jews, according to reports in the Turk1 can only harm .Germans;; in this -were transported to Palestine: and eyett . . . Nervous, plays "with his in every kitchea. It roasts country. '"''-. .; organized into four.-battallons'of buttons . . . Is. quite a golf play- ish press; tnsat or fowl . . . bakes ••These two developments•are'- a the-'Royal Fusilliers.':. These four er, being champ of the club in direct resuitof a , speech "by? "Wal battalions -,were-given tile-ilenor- "Westport, Conn- . .• - He's now wonderful cakes, piss, bister • Kappe, editor of the Friends ab. ;as • their -.emblein . arid .they be- rehearsing in G e o r g e White's fries steals, cuits Dealer In paper,: in .which . he announced caine the' famous = Jewish Legion. newest edition of the Scandals . . . that his organization-has. launch • -Unaccustomed; to the • climate IiETTEBS FROM REFUGEE Jewish Books and All Other chops £nd eggs. It even ed • a'; program -to establish the suffering from scarcity of water, DOCTORS . . . Religious Articlescans fruits and vegetables. The Joint Distribution Commit"complete-"principles" of Nationa the-JeTrish'Legion., made a notable 2429 • Decatur St. •" WE 0527. N'CVJET heats tip the Mtcb.Socialism In" the United States." . record for itself. British^military tee has some very interesting 'let•BVi it "* « ^*n* f*-n full line of New Tear's cards in - Addressing/a meeting- called t records have -many, tales; to.'-'tell o: ters irom refugees in. its posses- A Jewish and English and also a lull protest .Magistrate Brodsfcy's de- braverj'in- this -volunteer force. sion . . . Three recently c a m e supply of the- other seasonable r e Food cooks Itself. Plug cision, Kappe said that- this. deci •Cpniiected •'with the legion were -from German-Jewish, doctors now ligious . articles like machzeirlm it in any place. S331B IT Je-wish and English translasion "has done ns^a great^servic such leaders as'Colonel Henry settled in the-Soviet". .-."They-all •with tions, prayer books, taleisia, sills IN-' THS ELECTRIC because'it has made thousands-oi Patterson,.. : Captain Joseph"..Trum- say they're tremendously happy and wool of the fcest rinos, etc. orreal - Americans Jews-, conscious.' peldbr arid "Viadimir Jabotinsky. with their new life . , . One of Remember also to', place your SHOP. 1 der with ine for an esrog and a 17 During the time they w e r e them married a Russian girl one lulov _ Announcing that, the Friends oi -that is being imported by me year, after he arrived . . . from Erez-Israel. fighting, ithad,.been -understood : the Neyr Germ.a.hy-"were to-America.' what the• Storm • Troops =ar the legionnaires -would - be able to P to Germany, Kappe -warned /of ", reritain in : Palestine ak_ permanen settlers. 'After 1 the • armistice, a day . of. reckoning!' : when >s th i\ ^Friends would deal with Magis poll was taken, and 1,000 m e n .trate Brodsky, Governor. Earle o signifled their, intention of re•Pennsylvania, Samuel .Untermyer maining in the country. > "and Representatives ^Dlckstein In 1*915, an a r m y ordinance and Celler. was issued to the effect that tho& : Berlin (WNS)—*!We recogniz who trlslied to -remain in Pale& as- our duty the awakening and tine would -^D6''glvea'government unifying of all German-'Amerkan land.- That"pronilse "was" never in strong cultural, political an Kept. 1 The soldiers were sent ;home. economic activities and "racia unity on the oasis of Nazi doc Even the request that' the legion trlnes for t h e best interests o two friendly nations, Germany MABS 1EON WSIT1S and America," the Friends of th New Germany cabled to.the head quarters " here' of the Association In fact, INSURANCE of Every Typs - -• Strono Reliableof Germans Abroad. Companies,'.ONUY Admitting in effect that the . CITY J51NA2M3E & have no "Intention of becoming -ISSmtAXCSl CO. permanent part of the . Unitei A T 7SS7 - 1403-FARNAM - V / A 5158 States, the JViends said "we as sure y o u we feel ourselves enrolled on a world-wide front oi | _ ^ racial and historical unity of al TKs Sandy electric casserole snakes'cooHag easy German.*' *• Did you know that 1 mentioning, so Nathan. Mosco"wicS protegee? Helen's Mania had early determined on a stag-e career for Goldwjn took a ribbing IBSSTSECS he bought "The
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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1935. he should not have used his official position when attacking the Nazis. So, here, Brodsky was right in what he said about the Nazis and American public opinion knows he was right . . . but when he uttered those colorful metaphors, he should not have been wearing the robes of the bench,
JMiscba Eiman one day was asked | by an acquaintance how his eon i and daughter were doing in the musical line . . . ?«Iischa (or so 'i Published every Friday a t Omaha, Nebraska, by says Rubenstein cl the Day) anBy Q, O. P&SBEB swered they were doing' swell and THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY permitted himself particularly to Naked cam® I ia this world and brag about the BOH who was deSubscription Price, one year • • - • • • » 12,00 naked shall I. return thither. The Iveloping into quite a fiddler , . . ' , Advertising rates furnished on application. Lord gave and tha Lord hath takj The acquaintance voiced his pleas. iv Bvux/'A. PETERS | lire . . . "That's fine," he said, The easiest thing in the world is to make a. claim. The hard- en away. \ Editorial Office: 5 0 0 Brandeia Theater Building, the day perish •wherein I ! "1st Mm keep it, up and maybe Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center est thing is to substantiate a claim fashioned out of thin air or, was born, and the night -wherein he'll"grow up to be a second YeDAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor more appropriately, out of "wind." Weiss' ancestry w a s printed 'in it w a a said, "A man-child is A SHIP, NOT A FLOATING The chairman hufii Menuhin" HOTEL . . . FRANK H. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - Editor the Daily Mirror, not the \ o e i - | o f t } , e B o & r d o f E x a m i n e « o t t n e The New Zionist Organization held its constituent congress brought forth." The Queen Mary, Britain's sujkisoher Beobachter, or some other! DANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent For anger feilleth the foolish N e w Yofk C U r BoPT& of E d u c a . in Vienna last week, elevating the Revisionist notable -.. - fiery man. and envy slaygta the silly perliner n o w in course of con- Nazi sheet as one might hare e x - j t i o n jt . n a m e d " Henry Levy . . . ANN PILL - .-..-• - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Vladimir Jabotinsky, to the presidency. This New Zionist Organi one, though I have seen the fool- struction, is being described by pected — though there's little; H e . g C a t h o l i c . believe it or n o t Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 2 4 t h Street zation claims to represent all Jewry and will seek League of Na- ish taking root bat suddenly his Britishers as "a ship, not a float- doubt but that" Der Stuermer for. Joseph C. Hyman, secretary ing hotel" ia cursed. And Mr. Hitler of ose will pick it cp and spread ii<0« the J. D, C, is back in New tions recognition as the Jewish Agency for Palestine and, even- habitation Germany, whether he knows it or For affliction cometh not forth for all it's worth . . . Under thei Y ork . . . He. was in Lucerne to tually, a seat in the league, v from the dust, neither ^oth trou- not, is playiBg a role in the big caption "Weiss' Racial Heritage," : at tend the meeting of the Hebrew An enlightened civilization has known for some time - - alObviously, such a claim by the New Zionist Organization is ble spring out of the ground, but boat's building . . . Two of the the Mirror reported its discovery;Umversitv'E Board o( Governor* most three years - - that Hitler and his Nazi cohorts were ap- preposterous on its face. The World Zionist Organization is old man is born unto trouble as young Jewish artists he made into t h a t t h e slayer of Senator Lon :;aB personal representative of Felrefugees are teurd at work on the was by origin . German-Jewish j j y Warburg . . . Morris RothX u proaching the outposts of medieval barbarism. But now, Hitler and established; its component parts includes many diversified sjiarka fly upward. decorations for the liner tbough Roman Catholic by birth | enberg won't be brck for 8 o m • ' TALMUD has finally arrived at his destination of reverting back to the opinions in Jewish Zionist life. For the elections, preceding the Ben Azzai said, "Hasten to do ANDY MELLON'S NEPHEW . . . . . . Weiss' father, the tabloid re-j time, having gone ahead to PalMiddle Ages. Not since those black days which are a blot oh last world congress at Lucerne the largest vote in history was even ported, was from a German-Jew- • estine lor a few weeks . . . Mr«. a slight injunction, and flee Mellon, nephew of the ish family which came to Louie-'; Fanny Sachs Long or Wilke« human soeiety has any nation on earth turned back the pages from transgression for one virtue polled. former Secretary of the Treasury, Ail mem- Barre, Pa., who was the only Jewto another, and transgres- knows how to break into the newf iana 100 years ago progress as has the Austrian demagogue who through gangster / Despite this, however, the new Zionist group is a factor to leads sion draws transgression in its . . . IJe has just sailed on the bers of the family have been ish woman on the American dele" methods assumed dictatorial control over the life and death o'f be seriously considered by world Jewry. Though we are mindful train, the reward of a good dead Cattolicg . . . gation to t h e international penNasl ship Europa . . . Showed the a once-great country. The new laws promulgated at Nuremberg, of the truism that Competition is the essence of progress, we nev- ia the divine pleasure which you reporters ology conference in Berlin, didn't a Nazi flag draped ov%r fro «o the conference after all . . . Germany, at the Nazi convention this week will once and for all ertheless think that at the present moment Jewish Zionism needs experience -when performing the his berth . . . Said he admired NOVELIST DOESN'T KNOW deed, the punishment of transShe exercised a woman's prerogaHIS BIBLE unmask any protestations by docile-minded individuals who,have every bit of unified strength it can muster. Opponents of Zionism gression tive a l J ( 1 is the guilty conscience liitler because he stopped the Lester Cohen, youthful movel-1 d i n g e d her mind been saying for some time that the reports of anti-Jewish legis- like nothing better than a split Zionist group, which must neces- you are suffering when perpetrat- Coniniunists from seising power 1161 6 1 b ht tto readd th Bibl " '* ?= twelve theatres iin the ist, ought the Bible more; T . . . Matthew is the same chap ing the sin." jation in the Reich is the imagination of Jewish agitators. whe offered Harvard a $l,&00 carefully In an article on New York area putting on Yidsarily weaken the Zionist position. The strength and energy exBy the words of the fanatic Hitler himself the world was pended in fighting one another should be directed against the Ben Azzai said, "Despise not scholarship for study in Germany New Masses, Mr. Cohen writes | dish Ehows when the season openi any man and carp not. at a n y only to have it turned down . . . Palestine in a recent issue of t h e ! • • told that the Jewish people in Germany would be stripped of their common foe. thing for there is not a man that Harvard refused the offer l a s t that "now we were &t the Jor- j < Copyright, 193.-. Jewish Telegraphic citizenship rights, being merely" "tolerated;" that they could at no - - • Agency, A g Inc.) I) which inspired one of the So much for theory. In actuality, we must face the prospect has not his hour and there is not November because t h e Mellon i time be placed in a position of "service to the state;" that Aryans that the New Zionist Organization will do.its utmost to pull as a thing that has not its place." man h a d so explicitly identified I most beautiful lines 5n the Bible, Rabbi Levitas said, "Be exceed- his intentions with those of "Put- j the one about we sat by the watand non-Aryans were forbidden, to inter-marry on pain of a pen- many as possible toward their group on their three-point pro ingly humble of spirit since the zy" Hanfataengl, whose scholar-| er s of the Jordan wept when E!LK or WOOL itentiary sentence. The so-called fuehrer was surrounded by a gram of "high Zionism": (1) Establishment of a Palestine Jew- hope of man ia but the worm." ship offer was earlier turned we though of our native land" DKESSES Rabbi Joch&nan said, "Whoso- down by the same unversity for . . . Mr. Cohen must have meant rubber-stamp collection of six hundred deputies who performed ish state on both sides of the Jordan, (2) Liquidation of the Dias MEN'S or LADIES' ever profanes the Kane of Heav- reasons everybody knows . . . this quotation, taken from Psalms SUITS the Nazi salute whenever" demanded in automaton fashion, but pora and return to Palestine of all Jews who wish to return, and en in secret will suffer the penal- A SCIENTIST'S HOBBIES . . . WINTER or SPRING £ 137—"By the rivers of Babylon, even this group of mechanised mummies tittered when the "one COATS ^ (3) Creation of a national center of culture, radiating its influence ty for it in public and this wheth- A nan who is credited with there vre sat, and vre also vept er the Heavenly Name be ero- having m a d e an important Ed-1 when we remembered Eion. Upon and only" declared that Jews would be forbidden to engage doOr Combine as You Like all over the world. faned in- ignorance or In wilful- vance in the field of cancer re-! the willows in her midst had we mestic help under 45 years of age, with, a ye'ar in jail, a fine or Thoroughly Cleaned and Pressed ness" Yet, the Jewish public must be impressed more than ever up our harps" The lines We use K pTpnuine Stoddard Polsearch Hkes nothing' better than | both as punishment That an Austrian can even by terroristic Bibbl Muaanl said. "He -who vent made In- t h e Milder <>ii Co aa artist's smock, thumb- j tave inspired many beautiful ilmethods get so many Germans to "heil" him synthetically and with the necessity for battling for the cause of Zion with unity learns the Torah in order to teach donning Our Plant is Open to All for ing a palette, standing before an | lustrations, incidentally «nspectton to him the means •will be granted easel and painting . . . He's Greg- the same article, Lester pulls swallow laws against Germans who are rooted to the German and co-ordination instead of bickering and self-destruction. both to leara and teach, but he ory Schwartzmann, head of ,t h e •what is known in the trade as anland and part and parcel of it for centuries is a stain on the huwho learas ia order to practice to bacteriology department at Mount other'"bull" Then he refers to man civilization which will show up blacker and blacker with the him the means 'will be granted to F R E E P I C K U P AMD He's only 40, the murdered Dr. Chaiia Arlosorlearn, to teach, to observe and to Sinai Hospital DELIVERY passage of time. It is almost reminiscent of the fiction tales off as "Lasaroff" . . . Polish Jewry, who might be termed "the forgotten people" practice. Hkes horseback ridiag, walks to WA 3751 4€16 Hamilton VVA 3751 whereby some outsider comes to a strange land of natives and in the Jewish body politic, now have a strong and staunch right work snore often than he rides . . . and says he has enough work ODDMEXTS the natives, knowing not whence he comes, make him their ruler. arm in their defense. to keep him busy six years even j , j , s « n g e r i author of "Toshe Nor is this so far fetched, when we consider that one of Hitler's The first world conference of Jews of Polish origin has just if there are no new trails to f o l - j K a l b i . ' ^Mch i 8 bowling over underlings at Nuremberg blasphemously declared that Hitler must been concluded at London, with representatives from seventeen low in his research . . . His work Urea the staid London critics, sevis supported by various funds . . . I e r a l y e a r g te f ore fce T r o t e the By AL SEGAL be the God of the German people, that Nazism is Germany's countries and four continents participating. The.economic conMohcS Specialist Which are never quite enough to publicly resolved never to religion with the Austrian usurper the Mohammet. Recommended by Msnj Doctor* dition of the Polish Jews has been retrogressing from bad to Now the Pirates' Guild was in meet the needs of his department play Residence Phone ffEbiftr B6SB write literature again . . . He was session and who doesn't 23us3ness Phone STISbster £450 But let us look further at Nuremberg. Let us quote just a worse during the past two years, yet the world Jewry was so know how angry a pirate can . . . Rabbits are one ot the big-1peeved. at criticism by the Yiddish g€st expense items . . . They cost I literati of his Journalistic contri- 14532 N". 20th St., Omaha, Neb. small section from Hitler's speech of Monday:, ."Memel « . . has wrapped up in the Nazi problem that they seemed to neglect the A pirate's anger is almost 11.25. each at the present time jfc tiOEE to the Yiddish press . . . U for years tortured Germans only because they are members of dire plight of the Polish Jews, three million strong in numbers like the eea's when it heaves and and he uses an average of 100 a ; makes ebort shrift even of week in his experimentation . . . 1 the German nation and because they wanted to remain Germans. but woefully weak in other respects. At least one-third of Po- staunchest ship. He used mice in his cancer ex-! They are treated worse than criminals in other countries just be- land's Jewish population are unemployed and on the verge of What were the pirates angry periinents Another important cause they are Germans." These two sentences would give a starvation, without prospect of rehabilitation unless outside as- about? They had enough to be announcement is coming out of laugh on the world's stage for their comedy effect, where not sistance is forthcoming. It ia therefore fitting and proper that angry, It seenss, * and as proud his Mount Sinai laboratory withthey burned to read what in the next few weeks . . . human people involved who are lashed by the whip of cruelty. those Jews of Polish origin should take the initiative in alleviat- men Judge Brodsky of New York had Hitler talking in this manner about Germans in neighboring ing the critical suffering of these people. AKD BACE Bald about them. The pirates Memel. Indeed, here is cause for bitter laughter, mirth •without While speaking of the Polish situation, it is worthy of com- Guild had assembled in plenary That item about Dr. C a r l from the seven seas in dea smile. Should we even trouble to throw back in Hitler's teeth ment that Poland - - a signatory to the Minority Rights clause session ense of their flag. Its hurts us as much as his own paraphrased words: "Nazism . ... has for years tortured of the Versailles Treaty - - has not fully lived up to her pledge to They had always been Jealous victims. it hurts them; for which Tessoa German Jews only because they are members of the Jewish peo- extend civil and political equality to the Jew3 in Poland. Minister of the honor of their flag whose we devise the method of walking ple, whether;they want to remain Jewish, or not. They are treated o i Foreign Affairs, M. Beck, declared at the assembly of the skull and cross bones draped the the plank by which It is all over in this meeting place. in an instant. worsa than criminals in. other countries just because they are League of Nations last year: "Pending the bringing into force of rostrum "Gentlemen, can w e t a k e "In view of these facts we reJ e w s . " ' - - • • : • • ' • : ' / . -; ' / . / - '. - . " . ' ..'• '• ' . . ' • , a general and universal system for the protection of minorities, hat?" sent the insult that ascribes to It was evident at once that our flag such deeds as are comMadmen have flashed across the stage of iiistory before. And my Government finds itself compelled to refuse as from today all Judge Brodsky's words were like mitted under the swastika. Mass they have been Tecognized for their madness. It- is unfortunate, cooperation with the international organizations in the matter of a. stab at every pirate's heart and torture, as under the swastika, that the German Jews in common with so many other true Ger- the supervision of the application by Poland of the system of as the chairman repeated them, never has been practiced by any mans are the victims of the Hitler mania, but time and education minority protection." Later, at the meeting of the sixth Commit- he pirates' anger became like a member of this Guild. Starvation and a monsoon in one. •was never a weapon in our hands and concerted opposition are the weapons which must be utilized tee of the League of Nations Assemblyr the Polish Foreign Min- hurricane Indeed, it was some time before but only the quick sword cr the ister was obliged to withdraw his proposal to generalize the Min- any of them had subsided though pistol. Destruction of people j to the fullest* ....... d ority clauses but declared "that this did not mean that Poland had to give his ralnd to action; so never has been, a studied angry do pirates get. When at pleasurable purpose under our| in any way abandoned its points of view." ' length there was a semblance of Sag, but cnly a painful necessity) A body organized along the lines of the world conference aim, a hundred voices arose: to be disposed of without delay."! Next, let us consider the cause for Hitler suddenly-assembChairman! Mr. Chairman!" He said that to embrace the! ling MB cream-puff reichstag and the ordering of the swaatika- decision can do much to officially aid the position of the economi- 'Mr. And when at last one' was recpirates' Sag and the swastika in bedecked flag as the official flag not only in the Reich but also cally-declassed Jewish people of Poland. ognized he spoke with Bolemn one condemnation was most inept words: as well as unjust. in commercial relations. "Mr. Chairman, this is a mat"The swastika is the emblem of \ The cause of this action was the decision of Magistrate Louia .er that requires "strong and stern such hates, such meanness of the Brodsky of New York. During the trial of six men (all "100% , Roger Babson, nationally-noted economist and financial ad- representations from this Guild. spirt as no pirate would permit Aryans") who were arrested for having taken the Nazi flag off, visor, in a special letter to his clients sounded a warning to the The honor o£ oar flag bas been as- to defile, his jolly heart. It the S." S. Bremen and tossing it into" the swirling waters of the Jews of America to slow down the pace of their commercial ac- sailed and we must act. I move stands for such depravity of Mr. Chairman, that a com- character as the good sportEin&sHudson, Brodsky not only dismissed five of them but, further, tivity. Denying intolerance and denouncing the-treatment of you, mittee ot this great international ship of no pirate can tolerate. went out of his way to aim a few choice words at the Nazi govern-: German Jewry as inhuman, unjust and certainly unchristian, he ody be appointed to draft a pro- "We believe that Judge Brodment.; One of his similes will probably go d.own in history, he declares that "fear and hate remain great underlying forces," that test and to present same to the sky's animadversion was prompt-i State Department." ed by a mistaken understanding! likening the Nazi symbol to "black flag of piracy." An official in a few months a demagogue can destroy what constructive American The motion seconded and car- of the ideals of pirates. Neverprotest was immediately forthcoming from Berlin. The United statesmen have been years in creating," that "movements against ried, the committee moved quick- theless, we feel that a great InStates government formally told the.Nazis that we "regretted" a race are contagious" and that although he has "enough confi- ly toward the drafting of a pro- justice has been done us by this the incident and that an investigation would be had. It is reliably dence inJ the character of the American nation to feel sure it is test that would leave no doubt hmnlliation- before the eyes of j In anybody's mind how deeply the world." j reported that the Austrian dictator of the German people became civilized" it Is "not beyond imagination to picture Borne cheap poli- Judge Brodsky's words had hurt He pointed out that Judge \ incemied over the magistrate's words and accordingly determined tician popping up and trying to arouse the rabble 'throw the Jews every pirate who loved his fiag. Brodsky's insult to the pirates' The appearance of the commit- flag would have an injurious efto make the Nazi symbol the official flag for all commercial out of America.'" ;ee of ten pirates in defense of fect on the spirits of the pirates' dealings with Germany. : • Warning that "any group which is successful ultimately be- heir flag was close upon the de» children who were being taught Yes, another important addition Meanwhile in Germany and in this country Nazi groups are comes a target for persecution" and that "the same reaction from arture ot German Ambassador to kill only when Eecessity reto the shoe store o! Omaha . . . and then humanely, to kill making the most of the incident as a demonstration of what Jews which the banks and utilities are now suffering could be switched ,uther who had just spoken to quires Stetson Shoes Ere world famous state* department In behalf without hate or prejudice and throughout the world are trying to do to Germany. But it seems against the Jews," Mr. Babson said: "I hope, therefore, that the >he without needless torture. for their fine craftsmanship, qual* f tbra swastika. strange that the Nazis did not react this identical way when un- overwhelming numbers of you who stand for what is right and ••Sir," the chairman ot the pl- "Our children now may say, 'If ity, exceptional fitting features mitigated tirades against Nazi barbarism were made by such non- best will make a resolute effort to overcome anything that might •ates began, "a matter vital to they say we are like Nazis we snd flexibility. he honor of our flag brings us may as well behave like them!' . Aryans as Governor Curley of Massachusetts, Governor Earle of foster animosities. Anybody is giving yo*u bad advice who says here. "The evil result of all this may I refer to the insult it has Pennsylvania, or Senator King of Utah. The answer is simple: that power is got by^further edging in on Wall Street or Main ately suffered in one of the New bs 'that the nest generation sn&y Brodsky's Jewishness is the difference. ' . ' Street or even in Washington, until the world once more comes to York courts and we have com© ses toe swastika on our mastStetson Shoes require NO with protest for which we heads . instead of the skull snid bre&king in as in their sysIn calm study of the situation, we cannot wholly exonerate its senses . . . . It is often wiser, far, "wiser, to drop out of picture here crossbones-" -eg the liberty to read." tem of construction Stetson Brodsky. Every metropolitan paper seems to take the stand that temporarily rather than to stir up unnecessary animosity." .The pirates demanded an (apol- He pointed out that Judge walks the first 10 miles. from the government. HowBrodsky was right in dismissing the five men. But several of the We do not for a moment doubt the sincerity of Babson's ut- Brodsky's linking of the pirates' ogy ever, as the government pointed, New JYork dailies add that he should have let the matter go with terances. In fact, there are many American Jews who agree with ag with the swastika was as oa- the insult was given by a local ofUled for as it was unfortunate. the dbmissal, instead of adding his own personal remarks which the course he suggests. But, in our opinion that is not the wisest HO went into the history of the ficial, not by any representation Once a Stetson had nothing to do with the judicial point in question. We are in« approach. The fundamental principles underlying the foundation irates' flag oa all the eeas, call- o f . . . t h a national government. Therefore, there w&s nothing the Always a Stetson clined to agree with this thought, because we think that what he and success of the United States call for equality for all; it i3 un- d attention to the f&ct that aer- government could So about the r under this Sag was torture psr-All Stylet said should have been said in an unofficial capacity instead of as American to discriminate in any way because of race, color or ietrated but only the quickest Blatter, however much the pirates felt oSened. a by-product during an official hearing. No question but the religion. It would be cowardly, it would be a surrender of our eath. However, it was suggested, the Nazis' had it coming. And no question, either, that while they basic rights and privilees; it would be' a denial of our American""We kill without hate, quickly First Floor pirates could go for relief, to nd for convenience only, Elnce seem to think it their escclusive prerogative to heap vitriolic abuse ism to refuse office in the government or purposely submerga ; ships are aot iarge enough to Judge Brodsky himself. The ' piand falsehood about an innocent people, they, themselves must business activity because of the false and malicious slanders of >ur arry all our prisoners. We kill rates then tools train for • New • • • not be reproached. Like the typical bully, they can "dish it out some bigoted, professional anti-Semitic propagandists. The way ith regret and ofttlnes with Y o r k . - but they can't take it." When LaGuardia refused to give the for Babson and the rest of us to fight the poison of anti-Jewish- pology. "We hare only the best It is felt that Judge, Brofisky will for our prisoners who is a Just judge will ptoraptGerman masseur a license because of discriminations in the ness is Hot to warn those who are suffering from it but instead to if,ndgood y apologize to the pirates for the dispatch them with a l CORRECT AFFAREX, FOR K E N ANO WOMEN Reich) the first thought of mo3t people'was to praise him for his, battle with every legal and moral weapon those who are respon- "We give nisath quickly unfortunate error which seems to, ••ifumanely and take no pleasure in put the pirates* Sag in the earns courage and daring, but sober reflection revised that opinion . . . sible for the spread of the virus. class with the swastika. he anguish of' the unfortunate
Two Zionist Organizations
Back to the Middle Ages
To Aid Polish Jewry
Among the Pirates
The Brodsky Iiicideiit
. •
Here's 'Another Piece of Good News in Shoes!
!1 i I
*i t :
y y
RETURNS FROM TWOWEEK TRU? Miss Shreda Osoff returned last Friday from a two-week visit in Detroit, Mich., -with relatives and friends.
£0, 1SS5.
RESIDE IS TKSTXOR, ish Community Center. j XE\T JERSEY Mary Clare Franklin, a former ] Rabbi and Mrs. Matirice Kleinpresident of Junior 'Hadassah and ; rhe J til-! or V a a d Auxiliary ! berg,', -who had made their home Advisors and Chairmen a n d also ol the Southwest Region of I its season with a dintspr • in Benton _ Harbor, Mich., where! their respective committees f o r j Junior Hadassah, w&s the guest j n >.ting- lapt Tuesttay evening j Rabbi Kleinberg served Temple ; the coming Junior Hadassah year speaker. Sylvan Frankel gave sev- i ** e Men's ch;b of the Beth-El, are now living, in Vent-1 w e r e n a m e d ' b y Dora Freshman, I eral dramatic presentations a n d ' a T the B'nai Israel synagogue. •' pos-ue is bringing Dr. A. Miss BlumaNeveleff rendered one ; noted g a natlonnllr RETURNS TO LOS ANGEI<ES nor. New Jersey, where he is fill- ; president. J Naomi Grs Gross played several piano of h e r oriefeal pi&Bo compos-; i a n — , e c t l ] r O T i here O E S u I l d E , •'• Miss Edith London' of Los An- ing t h e pulpit a t Temple Beth-I Under a new plan worked out! selections. lions. MIPS Rose Soter gave a October 27. The subj geles, Cal., who has been Tisiting Judah. i by the executive board of Junior Jewish recitation, a n d Mrs. L. of Dr. Soohar'f; lecture w 5 31 here for the past two months, reMrs. Kleinberg is t h e former j Hadassah, four women were se>seveleft, sponsor of t h e group, "Israel Weaves a Tapestry— turned to her home Sunday. Miss Ida Tennenbaum of Omaha. lected to serve as sponsors during Women's MEZTECH ot jrare a very inspiring talk. London was extensively entertainthe Mear.iuE of ,1e-v,"ish History." j the coming year. Those selected The following committee chaired during her stay. Due to thP fact that Dr. SarV.BUSH PARTY Mrs. J. Abraharason, Mrs. A. A large attendance enjoyed the were appointed: Program. KT'B lecture peries ere in cuch c>fw The Delta Kappa Sorority will j Solomon, Mrs. S. Katleman, and meeting of the Women's Mizrachi • men 7 ^ ' " 'HaW^rnemb^rshi-n." hold its semi-annual rush party 3j r s _ j Goldware, president SenAWARDED A SCHOLARSHIP Mollie maud he will be here for one evpGABROP-GILIiER MARRIAGE HONORED AT SURPRISE at the Jewish • Community | R o - i t s t e l n o c i a l G o l e , c ninp only finring the fntire year, Mlsa Esther Silverman, daugh- at the Green Garden tea room, ior Hadassah. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron GMer an- PARTY C e n t e r , Wednesday afternoon, jc o u r t e s y > R l l t t W i g e ; E TickiF are fifty cents r«nd mET nounce the marriage . of tlieir Mr. and Mrs. B. Gross, upon ter of Mr. and Mrs. David Silver- Sunday, September 2 2 . Seven j chairmen of the various stand- September I S . t n ! Rose Safer; daughter, Rose, to Sam B. Gar- the occasion of their 45th "wed- man, -was awarded a Junior-Sen- rushees have been invited to the ing committees and their respec-j A A. ii.axz, K"atr p».ncipai -n-^rrirtai oi of i^e t^f Tpl-'""""„'""*"*' " m e a n ! : t D " i b P purchased f r o m u i i I l i e j p r o o m . —•'" a E g cultural, Eluma; ! the SIBE'S Club or may havs rop, son of Mr. ana Mrs. Ben- ding anniversary, and Mr. a n d ior scholarship for- t h i s ' year at lunebecn. tive committees are: Torah, reported on the reMiss Merrian Wiesman, r u s h ! iriRiietl t>T callinp Arthur A, jamin Garrop, Saturday evening, Mrs. A. GrosB, and their daugh- the Municipal University of OmaProgram Committee • Fannie jc e n ^ world Zionist conference beld juciue] Gl. "4f-6, •••..'-'•. • . ' • - . chairman, is in charge. She is j Katlemaa, chairman; assisted b y i a t Lucerne, Switserlsnd! at the home of EabW N. Feld- ter, Sonia, who a r e leaving to ha. ••'.•.' . , ± . .Kaplan were appointed to repre-; A. , , ,,_ assisted by t h e Misses Helen Anna Kuznit, Helen Stein, I d a jnaa who performed tho cere- make their home in San Diego, Eotndi A sketch, entitled "Ccmmonce-; eei.t t h e c r o u p i n t h e Greenberg and Pauline Margolin. MOVE mony. OnlyyWmbers of the im- Cal., "were honored at a surprise Fine, Julia Zucfeer, Ross Abramour advertisers. ment D a y at Beth Eelroth Miz-; . • Mildred Saferstein is t h e new-.S 0 D i a n d F r a n c e ! E Kornfeld. Table oI Jewisll Youth Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Robinson mediate family attended. party a t ' t h e Stein Gate, Wednesm M l WES preE!entea V l t t o th! w * i A* i ' ' M A xaemberEliIp affair IK being day evening, September 18, at 7 and Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro ly-elected president of the sororT Cultural Committee •Ethel Ad-1following Jn the cast: Mrs. B. E i P - , £,-i +o »e held «V>*"H- - f i l p. m. Fifty guests, all relatives, have moved to 3122 Myrtla Ave. ity. HERZBERG-KLTUN ler, chairman; assisted by Sarah j enberg, Safiye BeUer, Mrs. Louis i " " "*idavs." " " *" " ENGAGEMENT German, Anna Goodfeinder, Lil- j Fogel, Mrs. Petsr Greenberg, Mrs. j VISITS IN ST. LOUIS lian Koom, Etta Tatleman, und | Sidney K s i e t e a n , and Mrs. A, J. j "Word haB been received here o t FAREWELL PARTY Mrs. Max From&in left Thursthe engagement of'Miss Dorothy Mis9 Anne Kuznit entertained tnmnn %r» »n AtivniABV •S y b i l C°0P e r m a n i Solomon. The sketch was writ-} " Klein, daughter of Mrs. M a x fourteen couples at a farewell day evening for St. Louis; Mo., JUlUVii:VAAU AUJUUAKI i Membership Committee — Gol-|ten by Mrs. Ben Kandler, v~o-\ Klein of Los Angeles, formerly of party last Saturday evening at where she will spend the week.. j die Seidman, chairman; assisted j gram chairman. ! The first meeting: ot Omaha, to Dr. Benjamin Herz- her home, in»honor of her cousin, end visiting friends. She will rePlans are being made for a glee j by Kalah Franfclin, Isohel Rosen-1 Violin selections were played'! of the Beth-EJ Men's Clt ^ v . / club under the eponsorship of the blatt, Mamie, Brody, Betty Bur- by Miss Esther Steinberg, accom-! held October 9, at berg- of Phoenix, Arizona. T h e Miss Mildred Adellane of New turn Tuesday evening. r £r c Junior Vaad auxiliary? Miss Blu- stein, M a r y Garfinkle, Goldie! panied by her sister, Florence! A very interesting meeti-r i marriage "will take place the early York City, who returned h o m e jjart of next year. ma Neveleff, who has had special Gorelick, and Evelyn Glaser. after a three month's visit here ON EASTERN TRIP i ing- planned hj* I. TC. I Steinberg. Mr. and Mrs. Cy "Silvers l e f t training in glee club leadership, F u n d Raisins Committee— Tea and refreshmeEts w e r e ' ; Maurice Arkin, a n d T-T---T TV with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Jeanette Resniek, chairman; as- served by Mrs. N. LeYinson and; Boff, who are in charge C :l COHEK-HECHT ENGAGEMENT-. Mrs. N.. Kuznit. Miss Adeilane Wednesday evening for New York will conduct the group. The first meeting will be held! sisted by Goldie Zusman, Fannie committee. .j dinner-meeting. Eiectio* rf c'fi Mr. and Mrs. Hecht of Paeblo, was honored at numerous affairs city, and other eastern points. While there they will see t h e Tuesday evening, September 24, IKatelman, M i l d r e d Whitman,} A board meeting preceded t h e ; cers for the coming ye£f v .1 * r Colo., announce the encasement while she-was here. Baer-Lewis fight. Mr. and Mrs. at 7:30 p . m. a t the B'nai Israel j Dorothy_ Berg, Goldye Fish. Una I regular meeting at 1:30 p . in. jhelfl at this time. of their daughter, Doris, to Max Silvers plan to return in about synagogue. j Gross, Rose Sacks, Freda Soffer, Cohen of Omaha, son of Mr. and ENTERS SENIOR YEAR All young men and women who j Sadie Tatleman, and Goldye "WezMrs. Morris Cohen of Pueblo. Herman Goldstein, son of Mr. three -weeks. a r e interested in group singing I elrnan. • and Mrs. Abe Goldstein, returned are asked to be present at this \ Jewish National Fund Coraraitto Philadelphia, September 18, to VISITORS &KSOTTSCE BIRTHS Open a Charge Account tee—A n n e Goodbinder, chairMr. a n d Mrs. Herman Nichols meeting. Mr. and Mr$. Arthur Grossman finish his senior year at t h e man; assisted by S a r a h Taub, had as their guest for the past announce the birth of a son, Ron- Wharton school of business a n d Bess Kirshenbaum, Sarah Gerfew days, Mr.' Ben -Witrogen of ald Jordan, September 15, at the finance. | man, Minnie Froom, Una Gross, Wichita, Kansas, who was accomClarltBon hospital. panied by Mr. Jacob Witrogen HEAD TECH DEBATE TEAMS j Goldie Zusman, Anne Hahn, Anna VISITOR FROM CHICAGO Three Jewish students are pres- j K « a i t - R o ? e ™S°a- I r f e ^ F i fMr. and, Mrs. Irving Baiter of and Mr. Mario Stone of Havana, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Burstein anCuba. idents ot debate organizations'at £ e r s ' . B e r t h a G u E S ' a n d R n t h nounce the birth of a son, Sep- Chicago arrived Monday, SeptemTechnical High school this quar- Swengil. tember Iff, at the Methodist hos- ber 9, to visit with Mrs. Baiter's SERVICE parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Rosen. The opening meeting was held pital. ter. bloom. Mrs.* Baiter is the"former APPOINTMENT Esther Witkin is president of | J h u r sid a,y evening September Miss Anne Bachman, daughter t h e Co ide; Lillian Monovitz 1 9 t h at. 8:00 o'clock at the JewShirley Rosenbloom. BAR MITZVAH SATURDAY S of Mr. and Mrs. H. Bachman, b ~ a d S t"h7pr7nar and" Irving Nogg Mr. and Mrs. David Silverman leaves Sunday for Washington, D. announce the Uar MitzvaTi of their TWO-WEEK VISIT is at the helm of the Ecroramoc i Miss S o p h i e Greenberg of C, to accept a civil service ap- Debating Society. Grade Enamels, fZ.09 cmi son, Stanley, Saturday morning, September 21, at 9 a. m. at the Willies Barre, Pa., is visiting two pointment in t h e Treasury DeVTATCSmOOF AIX-FCEFOSE SI'AH VAKNI^TT, f1.M OsJJoa B'nai Israel synagogue, at 18th weeks with her brother-in-law partment. Miss Bachman will join Rabbi Speaks in Churcii and Chicago streets. A reception and Bister, Mr. and Mrs. Sain her sister, Goldie, who has lived there for the past year. "Wilmington, Del.—Rabbi HenIn his honor will be held Sunday, Plotkin. Miss Greenberg is being ry Tavel occupied the pulpit of extensively entertained during her Septembet, 22 at home. RETURNS FROM TRIP TO the Methodist Episcopal Church stay. MILWAUKEE RETURN TO HOUSTON Miss Sylvia Jonisch has returnMrs. Frank Fried and daughed from a trip to Milwaukee, •WisGoldie Meyerson Club ter, Tyba X.ea, of Houston, Texas, The Goldie Meyerson club held consin. left for their home Sunday after a, three month's visit here at the an important meeting and elecborne of Mrs. Fried's parents, Mr. tion of officers Tuesday evening, GUESTS FROM CALIFORNIA and Mrs. S. Katleman. Mrs. Fried September 17. at the J. C. C. Mrs. Dr. Wilfred Fleisher a n d his bad been extensively entertained Harry Bush was elected presi- wife. Dr. Rose Fleisber} arrived dent. Other officers elected were: Tuesday evening from San Franduring her stay here. Mesdames Morris Disher, vice- cisco, Cal., to spend two months O Zesrfu! fell end v?;sfer fren«!s ere president; A. Brookstein, finan- as the guests of Dr. Rose FleishMrs. Bertha Linsexpressed in CsrmaM's ne*1 -frocks for cial secretary; S. Friedel, record- er'a mother, man. ! . every occasion. The new deyiime frocks ing secretary; and L. Lansky, The Zeta Beta Tau fraternity ere crecefu'W sitm—-btri1 never stiff end treasurer. at the University of Nebraska, at jTe RESUMES STUDIES ••« A membership^ xLr. is being strarghfl A cnarming elr of feminin'fy ii a stag held at .the chapter Jiouse Isidore Richlin, son of Mr. and reflected ?r, their sabtse flares, shin-Ings, Monday evening, September 16, planned with Mrs. Morris Friedel Mrs. J. Richlin, is leaving Mon" crepenes end pleeilncs:—which 9lve c formally pledged the folio-wing in charge. . At this meeting, the first meet- day for the University of Chicago, nlcs feeling of movement to even th« men: Julian Milder, -Harlan Mildwhere he starts working for his er, Jerome Tdilder, Hcrward Kap- ing the winter season, plans for slraplest dresses. Black, ihe adored color work for t h e coming year master's degree "in physiological lan, Ervine Klein, Harold Perelcf the Parislenne, shares pepulenty with chemistry. man, Stanley Slosburg, Warren were discussed. bronzy shades of brown, purplish b!uest This group, in conjunction with AcSennan, E a r n e s t Wintroub, vivid reds end yelicvnsh hunter's creen, the Pioneer Women, the Junior Uoyd Malashock, all of Omaha; Necklines for sports ens tailored dresses Stanley Sandlovich a n d Irving Pioneers, and the Elislieva Kapsre sfis! high but cut -with flattering new lan club, is looking, forward to Kuklin, both of Lincoln; Delvan details; and for more forma! daytime Becker of Mitchell, So. Dakota^ hearing a n d seeing Eliza Chid- "Wishes to announce that he has occasions there ere soft touches such es lowsky of Kinereth, Palestine, just received all kinds ot New a n d Bernard Eirenberg of Oslace, frills, bows er flcwers eccetrKrsg who is a well known and brilliant TAI^ASIM, Silk or "Wool; beautiful mond, Nebraska. Prayer Books and JIahiarims, and ds»eided!y lowered necklines. Ana S h e will speak on Abe Goldenberg of Lincoln, a speaker. aU kinds of Religious Articles. charter member of the fraternity, I "Economic and Social Life of er» held In glorious profusion . „ made the principal address. Other Palestine." The group Is also BEAUTIFUL NEW YEAH CARDS new glorified f«B dresses. a Specialty. Also, Esroglms and speakers were Lloyd Friedman of planning a dinner in honor of LuHovim for Succoth. Omaha, Herman 3.osenblatt of their distinguished guest. Omaha, J. Edward Roaenthal ~and A council meeting of the four 2360 Cumins Street - OMAHA Leon Nefsky of Lincoln. groups was held at the J. C. C. Phones: AT 6620, or HA 7010 The present officers of t h e Thursday evening, September 19. Any married woman between fraternity which was organized on the Nebraska University campus the ages'of 19 and 30, who is infifteen years ago, are Lloyd terested in becoming a member is Friedman, president; Phil Laser, asked to call the sponsor, Mrs. J. vice-president-; Robert Stiefler, Richlin, Ke. 0244. • secretary; Lawrence Green, trea-» BEAUTY SALON surer; and Harold Sommer, hisKadimah torian. Features Louise Saylan was unanimousThe fraternity w a s first in ly elected reporter of the KadimShampoo and finger wave 50c scholarship the past year on the oh club at a meeting held Septemcampus. xws NEW ber 15, at the synagogue at 18th The- Omaha graduate club, of Zotos Permanent Wave with and Chicago streets. the Zeta Beta Tau which is headno machinery and no electriPlans are being made for a percity nsed at 30.50 and up. . ed by Richard Hiller is planning manent- constitution. The group a party the first week in Novem716 Brandfla Theater Elds. decided that any girl from t h e ber to honor: the active members AT. 4333 age of 14 to 17 who Is in high and the pledges. school is eligible to join. T h e club Is also planning an initiation party . and' membership ! drive. Sigma Delta Tau The Sigma Delta Tau sorority at the University of Nebraska, 0 Lincoln, announces the following Max Bedacht, general secretary pledges. * ' : of the International Workers OrMary Arbitman, R u .t'h Ferer der, will speak on "Social Insurand Josephine Rubnitz, Omaha; ance and Proletarian FraternaRose Albert, Alice Pill and Myna lism," at a lecture sponsored by Slotsky, Sioux City, Iowa. the Omaha chapter of. the Order, at the J. C. C, Wednesday evening, September 25, at 8 p. m. Sigma Alpha Ma The University of Nebraska Admission will be fifteen cents. chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu fratLsSong's pepiums end ft&res . . . Vioitnet's panels Mention the- Jewish Press to ernity at Lincoln announces the and panniers . . . ScWaparei's charming lift e t i h e your merchant. , following pledges: • MorriB Gatelman, Leo Eisenhemline! New end flatiering colors . . . in statt, Omaha; L e o Turkel, LinroyaF enough for any court. coln; Harry Ginsberg, Dakota 1 City; Henry Greenberger , Grand Island; Morris Litt, North Platte.
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FLEDGE FOR THE G. O. P.—Four hundred Republican women of northern California, at a luncheon given in honor of Mrs. Edith Van de Water, national committeewoman of Long Beach, in San Francisco, pledged themselves to untiring and patriotic party effort in 1936. Left to right are: Mrs. Van de Water; Mrs. L. P. Boyce, president Northern California Republican Women's Federation, and Mrs. Herbert Hoover, former First Lady of the Land.
WAS.H1ORS — Observers report that whatever action the League of Nations takes at Geneva, Premier Mussolini appears determined to go ahead u-ith his prospective invasion of Ethiopia and consequent trar. Meanwhile war preparations continue in Italy. Above are some of 5,003 volunteers, each equipped in heavy marching order, boarding the S. S. Saturnia at Naples. Among them •were the Premier's flying sons, Vittorio and Bruno.
• J
KAIL ESfFIKE AT AUCTION—Control of the $3,000,000,000 Van. Swerigen railroad empire, which cams into the hands of Wall Street brokers, will be sold at auction Sept. 30. Above are M.'J,' left, and O. P. Van Swerigen, Cleveland railway and realty., pro* rnoters, who announced they had arranged to regain the control.
... (^
BSSTJSH NET STAB WEDS—Racing to escape fcsing marriea on Friday, the 13th, Frederick Perry, British tennis star, hurried Helen Vlnson, motion pictureactxess, to the town hall a t Harrison, N. Y., following his defeat by.Wilmer Allison at Forest Kills, and there they were wed just before midnight. Above, the happy couple are shown at a New York hotel.
AMBUSCADE—Carl R. Raswan, author of the recently published book, "Black Tents of Arabia," forced to use gruesome breastworks during a desert ambuscade. While on the Hamad desert of Arabia, in 1931,' his party was raided by tribesmen. This posed picture was taken by Prince Amir Fuad of Arabia a few minutes after the raid, showing how Mr. Raswan had to use the body of-the chief's slave.
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SHUSLEY TEMPLE ? PRESENT !—Curly-haired Shirley Temple, film starlet, is pictured at her desk in what is believed the country's 'smallest school. It's a side room in her Hollywood studio bungalow where America's junior sweetheart is the only pupil, for lour hours every day.
OXE OF 2,000,000—Ethiopia is reported, to have 2,000.000 mounted infantrymen ready for service in the event of war with Italy. Here is one of them in his saddle, with Ills servant who catches the stirrup strap and runs alongside. Donkeys carry their riders over unbelievably steep trails to heights which the Italians may find it hard to reach.
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HEU>—-"She shot herself!" cried Henry Huddleston Rogers, Jr., oil heir, above, Vhen he was held in connection with the mysterious death of Evelyn Hoey, Broadway torch singer, at his home near Dowingtown, Pa.
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.DETROIT BOMBER MEETS THE BOYS—Joe Louis, center, hails from Detroit, so when the Detroit Tigers were in New York to play . the Yanks, at the Yankee Stadium, Joe came out and met Mickey . Cochrane, left, Tiger manager, and Joe McCarthy, boss.of the Yanks. This is how they looked.
CHAMPION — California supplied the 1SS5 national girls' tennis champion. Here she is, the lovely Patty Henry, daughter cf a Los Angeles sports columnist, who gave her dad something to write about when she defeated Elena Ciccone of Newton Center, Mass., in' a' '45-minute final match • over.,the courts of the Philadelphia. Cricket Club. seen with,the trophy.
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•• BBITAIN'S YOUTH TBAIN FOR WAB—Movements of British troops to strengthen positions along the ^rentiers of Egypt and the Sudan, on the edge of the prospective war zone, go forward. Meanwhile Britain's young men at home are studying warfare. Above are.some of the 1,400 recruits between 18 said 19 years old, in training at Royal Artillery hsaaquarters at Woolwich, England. 1!
HUBBIES PRACTICE QE1B played away from horae^—Yale> Baltimore—there is home work out on the pushing machine Coach
vi FASTSXT IK \rT*—n*i,u an unofEciel speed t v .«s an hour ir> ius $irc,OD: c«:pet&?e?:r*rlan'-. I'cvf-d ttufe'-vs. vxal Texas oil men. p-?r prndveer sac s^orr^-Tssn, rbwr. befrctrd world, record of r i i . r i P ru:lcs 'npd? ^5• Ff»Ytr>oisd Dplmotte of France ard iiscn c^ci-ed rr> his plane vhen he tried lor a Ixigher mark, on the race coarse at Saa^a Ana, Cal Mr Hughes was not injured.
it that Sylvia Sidney, film actress, and Bennett * Cerf, vrealthy publisher ot New York City, are headed for the altar, she denies __ By LOUIS PEKABSKS that wedding bells will soon . be j §= ringing for this dainty star and Berlin ' (JTA).—Statin? tTr* DOES HITLEB KNOW? the New Yorker. Rumors of the "net the dead letter of t K e Try M a r t a Eggerth, Hungarian engagement of Miss Sidney have Beth-El but the meaning of the l ? v r u opera, concert an.d cinema star, been current in Hollywood for The Beth-El second Friday eve- der the Nazi racial principles" now under contract to Universal several weeks. The romance is S t ^Rabbi ^ r ^ David S ^ GA. oS s t S ^ ^ t be considered, the district i Itot Coition of PftltoH Pictures, is contemplating a trip reported to have had Its inception S night. Goldstein, to Berlin in December to sins i n ' at a house party in Connecticut. will devote his sermon to E.n e s - i c o u r t a t Aachen Is MeM In. border, last j five operas. We wonder if little \ planation- and interpretation o:.«! near the B l i Atiolph Hitler k n o w s about it. j the principal prayers in the R o s h i ^ e t rejected the . writ of tfcej Marta is the only child of a Ger-j FOB RADIO FANS Hashonah. services. ' ' {Jewish cattle-dealers against t.hej - - e n d o n - (JTA)—Benjamin. .„„•„.+,...: This itf a bird's eye view of ished. Showering his three plays he La Bergner of the newspaper man father a n d a Hungarian j The millions of admirers among The schedule for the Rosh H a - ! l o c a l •' milk-marketin cooperjune; winter of New York, president 'ol radio fans of Jack Benny -will be the last theatrical season, on •'. )n a public that had: never heard ilipplngs and advance laudations, mother. She was born in Buda-j 1 the American Federation of Polto learn that his broadcast shonah services is as follows: Fri- | society. the eve of the opening of the if him before, except in the minor t may be accurately said that pest, ',. Hungary, September 17, jhappy The Jewish u a R - i"<-«~---t "i.ish Jews, was elected president *tf series will oe resumed on ^ | day evening .services at S p.m.; s e a T apacity of a member of the Broadway had a Bergner issue— 1914.'. I new Beason. Mr. Steinglass gives the -cooperative for refusing it h e W o r I d F e d e l . a U o n , a l l l e f I w morning . services at i rroup Theatre, Odets took Broad- an issue that continued to per- Despite rumors. Miss Eggerth j night, September 29, at 7:30 over Saturday, us a. complete and fascinating S:SO a. a..; Saturday evening ser-j to p a y t h e agreed rice to Atria- ., c o n j e r e l ! C : e -^hich dosed here last picture of playwrights a n d way hands down. There w a s urb the gotham's critics for days is h e i vices a t sundown; a n d Sunday j ers dealing with J WE. week. pany's Blue Network, from t h e plays that made history daring "Awake and Sing," autobiograph- iter this extraordinary actress name—is neither married nor enxicH^EiUTi. services-at S:SO a. m . j •>Dr. Nahuni Sokoio-K, lionorav?. ical, indigenous to New York Jew- became the White Way's first gaged. Her interests and talents Pacific Coast, most Sikely Holly• last season.—THE. EDITOK. deal-; president of the World Eioa'W I warne local business men wood. Sit Mr. Daniel Fr'ohman do"wn ish life. I t gave the young Adlers, ady. The majority verdict ruled cover a broad field. She carries |ling with Jews that they would. Organization a it il the Je.wjdb Temple Isi on a sofa next to Clifford Odets tella and Luther, an unusual op- hat Elizabeth Bergner was mis-a trunk full of dolls -with her at When Phil Baker landed t h e i not receive orders Irorn the muAgrency, •<*• a s named honorr.":' radio program on which Will ortunity. Stella became a cor-, tress of the histrionic acts. RightServices -at the remple ' and you have the essence of the all timu-s. Why, -we don't know. ! niclpality. It also warned that president of the Federation. American theatre* today, yester- ulent Jewish mother. Luther in y they proclaimed that her "per- You guess. "She is an. excellent Rogers formerly appeared, he start this evening -at 7;SO. ; jotliers dependent on the munici- AE executive o£ -twenty-two «W.i from such stars as J o e h i s full maturity as an actor, ormance in "Escape Me Never" New Year's eve services day, and tomorrow. The chinhousekeeper and. boys, she likes Beraplng collar of ,the dean- of the gave a striking performance that revealed a lustrous a n d unique to cook, believe it or not. S h ePenner, Eddie Cantor, H a r r y Friday will begin at S p. rn, ftn 1 Yankee stage is as widely known dominated the play. His strong alent. The minority was n o tdrives a fast motor car, plays the Lauder, and Victor Moore, all-of bi Wise's sermon will be " : caught-dealing with Jews. and Morris eli feeling against depression led swayed by a contradictory view, piano and has •written lour "film •whom had been offered to that Jewish Toast to\Life." night Columbia Broada symbol as the late David Belas- OdetB to write "Till the D a y I t simply could not gracefully manuscripts and several waltz Sunday System oil sponsor. co'fl turn-around neckpiece. Both Die," a one act play depicting the down its reluctance to Join the songs. She can pound the type- casting Le^s in me community. uenos Aires, Argentine. Rumor has it that if Ed Wynn's are relics, Indigenous antiques lor suffering of the Jews under the chorus of "hosannas.. B u t while writer like an expert stenograph- former Eenclics In all public parks in | -riie la fpueratioii will 1 sponsor is able to l a n d Nazis. It was dramatic; it w a s he critics weighed the pros and er, even, likes to darn socks and which we can manifest little more the town have signs reaiSing,; 5ig B'nai Sholom office in London fir;.Holts, • Belle Baker and anthan the perfunctory respect be- compelling but the least success- cons of the situation"-New ; York knit and crochet. Marta also Lou Sho- "Use by Jews not permitted." !branch offices in Pslontlne T i e Congregation B'nai other equally famous headline ul of the three. '--.-.• audiences were unanimous in takdances the folk dances of six naPtowed upon museum pieces. If in Rcmmesheim-Ein-Rheln York. team, Block a n d Sully, f o r h i slorn will tali High Holiday serng the diminutive star froia' ViMr. Frohman or Reverend BelasS. 1ST. -Behrman did a m u c h enna and Berlin to- their bosom. tions, plays tennis a n d rides a program, he,will have one of t h evices-at the Elks club. " Everyone oers were-issued forbidding An p.rre i to every or horse well. She is five feet, three co had • the American theatre toy more_ effective piece of work on is invited : to "attend. Those who ii to park automobiles in public| j e - r and Christian to imltp t»>*••' most expensive, programs on t h e In this case, as in numerous othinches, tall a n d -weighs 105 the throat so to speak in t h e the Hitler theme in "Rain From cannot- afford to pay for tickets ! parking places. cause of peace,- V.-RP voiopfl at fh.*"mauve, purple, . a n d golden de- Heaven." Mr. Behrman is not a ers, Hitler's loss was America's pounds. Quite a lot of talent for air. are * invited to attend free conference by George Lansbury-, such E little girl—No? cades, Mr. Odets, without benefit new name on Broadway. He is as gain. charge; titular head of the 'Labor P s r t r SHE'S CHANGED n of outlandish collars, has it by the well established a playwright as Many a dark horse has run a itSfiElt >a3 and member of the House ol ComKatherine De Mille, daughter SEW PRODUCTION* CHIEF oesophagus in.the.breadline era. George S. .Kaufman, Robert E. winning race on Broadway which mons of the great C. B., came out of a l>ee Marcus, n e w chief in Cfarisilsn Science As is a sport of angels, if not kings. The changing theatre as illus- herwcod or Sidney Howard. He month's hiding to let Hollywood ff A p p e aling i o r p e a c e w h «• ft charge of production of RKO? J The prize dark horse of 1934-3.5 us trated by the oldrworld Fronman used to be a school teacher but know she had changed her type A § T S | " H i t l e r a n d a l l l i o r r o r s of ffte-and th& new-world Odets would has lived it down nobly since, al- was the ex-press agent w i t h a Radio Pictures' comedy-producing of acting. She reduced 14 pounds ; cism s h a l l b e e w e p t E w a y , " L&UR-" make an illuminating study. But though his speech is at times un- shoe string and a ton of nerve by unit, first saw daylight in Bufand had to buy an entirely new Berlin. (Tv'KS)—A N&ci b a n on ! b u r y d e c l a r e d t h a t J e w s a r e «n!* we are not interested in them as comfortably meticulous. He lives the name of Alex -Yokel. This falo, New York, and was educated Christian Science similar to that strengthened by persecutions. wardrobe, so that she could play Berlin <JTA)—The German "movements", currents or barom- on Park Avenue but it is surpris- gentleman was down on his heels in the public schools of that wininvoked against Masonry in Ger- Other speakers were modern American roles instead of dy city. He also was educated in financially to the point where government is contemplating reeters. "We merely wish to sift the ing how vigorously he was able many was foreshadowed, by the j I,aski. president o the Bonnl "heavies." She has the ambition calling Hans Luther, ambassador yellowing clippings ot t h e past to present the case against Hitler Yokel was more than h i s sur-the tough old school that teaches to follow in her father's footsteps to the United States, as a gesture I Judenkeiyser, anti-Semitic publi-i Jewish Deputies ir. Ijondon, all the problems' motion picture name. Today the emphasis is on year, snip them here and there, without forsaking the suave Park •\Vinter and Tyge! and ultimately become a director. of protest against the decision of cation, when it attacked Christian piece them together, give you a Avenue manner. Once or twice Alex and Broadway will not re-exhibitors have to face. After the In fact, so determined is she toMagistrate Louis B. Brodsky of Science as a movement "directed N e w :ork. World War and service overseas, sent it if you quote it in full as helter-skelter cutback of t h e something of the rebellious spirit make her motion picture career New York in freeing five defend- by Jews" and "a Jewish F r e e Broadway season 1934-35. A n d unbecoming a society wag came 'AlexHhe Great." Alex Yokel put he went to work as a film salessell-made, Katherine has set her- ants accused of inciting to riot in Masonic orgsnization in disguise.'* In the May and December hilling to the surface. - Then Mr. Behr- the precious little he had on a man for the Real Art Film Co. of The paper said that it is pl&in i «5fi3i <LQT i self up in • business as her ownconnection with disturbances o Buffalo, N. T. • In turn, he was a play called "Three Men on a •of Frohman and Gdets (how wezrian wrote brilliantly, and with - \^UAA±itv.uua v> ILIA U.LILUI y a u k . ^ ^ vii t h a t t h e doctrines of Christian | Berlin—A desperate attempt it' "booker," salesman and executive would-like to see them, do a buck fire But Mr. Behrman is a gen- Horse." He bet it on the nose agent. Despite the fact that she t h e l i n e r Bremen, July 2E, it was Science a r e irreconcilable w i t. h j save h e r j o b by falsifying hat salesman and then became assistis under contract to Paramount and now he has enough money to , and wing) you have the whole tleman who will not loosen his authoritatively reported. „ ' t h e racial and nationalistic ideals prandfg.tber's death certificate be worried by the new tax legis- ant sales manager w h e n RK0- Studios she is making the rounds subject nearly summed up. O tie about many things. It was understood Herr Luther lation. "Three Men on a Horse" Radio bought out F . B. O. In of all the other studios trying to would be replaced by another Em- [of National Socialism. . Hence cost a Berlin Jewish pirl clerk course, there is this poker-faced The fluff, froth, and whiskey is a harmless farce comedy about 1929 he was made president of sell, directors the idea of borrowChristian Science should fall un-i only her position but fourmonUn,' senor of Six Avenue, the padre o bassador, .whose • name could not | tier t h e same ban which h a s supRKO-Pathe. ilarcus knows t h e ing her for roles from her home imprisonment; Caspar Milquetoast. Mr. Milthe purple patches and the green and soda department was manned be learned. this year by Samson Raphaelson S pressed Marxism a n d Free Masonproduction branch of the business Because she reauired. •docun>f«%quetoast not only composed greetstudio. "Even though it is a I pastures' of the Rockefeller haciw h o gave Broadway a love-bery in Germany." from end to end, or A to Z, or I tary evidence of ber Arye.n origin tough grind, I prefer to fight for, enda, Max Gordon. But he is a ing card verses, but he had an 1 to retain her 3ob Phe eraspcl tbfpj In parts this way rather than sit by j JfiWS theatrical season in himself. Show gins-at-forty fairy tale called "Ac- uncanny feeling about h o r s e whatever expression you prefer. i word • "Jewish'" from her gv&.xiiiand wait for favors," K a t h e r i n e ! Moscow—On t h e occasion of | -^ business has a strong case against cent on Youth." Samson is strong races. This strange clairvoyance j father's death ccrtiflcatr and f.5;"h-the •'fifth ' anniversary of .Stalin-j IraESsSI AikepanCS said. . Senor Gordon. He has given "col' on what is known as effervescent sets many things going. In fact, STSMST dialogue which Hollywood h a s One of the world's most noted (CopjTigrht, 19SB, by Seven Arts dorf Jewish Tegion. t h e Jewish) 'Belgrade—Members of the fam-; Etitnted it with the word "Evf-icor" a wide berth, conducted hi it was powerful enough to become Feature Syndicate) fashion designers is a very young settlers' sect a message to Stalin j ous German-Jewish. Mosse family, j gelical." business in tight-lipped executive been gobbling up in carloads. He the town's blue ribbon comedy. and modest man,, a son of Israel, Jerusalem—The Afghan Gov- declaring, "We. found our pr-ia- j former publishers of the Berliner j ~ ; —« fashion, which has thrown a cloud is very successful because he O n e might go on indefinitely ».^™.m, ..,». .^,..,^.,^ of mystery about him, w h i c h writes for Years ago discussing the season t h a t has named Bernard -Newman, who_ has eminent has exiled all Jews, from ised .land .here in. land of the So- I Tageblatt and owners of one ol! p— ths • largest German publishing 11 should in the final test be a fair- Raphaelson provided George Jes- just made its exit. Whatever the been weaned away from N e w Kabul to a remote village, Faraii, viets." ly good substitute for color oi sel with the vehicle that was to verdict or comment on trends or York- City and-signed to a. con-in the western part, of the counM. Khatayevitch, president of houses, have tract with .RKO Pictures. Coining jtry near the Persian, border, Dav-1 the Dnepropetrovsk Soviet "de- in Belgrade. collar. All would no doubt h make the young comedian an unhappy misfit ever since. "The Jazz movements, these comprise the to Hollywood a few months ago, ar, Hebrew-daily, reports. T h e Mosses, -whose property | forgiven if the maestro of t h clares in a message of greeting"Who's Who" of the best of last L MOfflEI, to the Jewish settlers "The sue- j was expropriated by the Nazi re- j musical, stage did not cling to hisSinger" made a dramatic outcast year on Broadway: Clifford Odets, Newman says he h a s already The Jews of Kabul are despairof Jessel and a movie hero of A learned to like Hollywood much 1O5& cess of the Jewish settlers dispels • grime, are planning to establish an I gold-rimmed glasses.. ing at having to live in a village Jolson. Age triumphs nobly in Lillian Hllman,: Elizabeth Berg- better than New York. Council Bluffs, Is. with 600. Afghans and no the anti-Semitic slanders that j important publishing house in i Every year Broadway's calm "Accent on Youth" where it puts ner, S. N. Behrman, Samson Rap"There is little doubt that HolI Jews are-" unfit for agriculture." Jugoslavia. " the report says. (If it canibe said to have a n y to Hlght young - and. athletic ro fc'aelson, Geor-se-5.—Kaufanau.}-Ed- lywood will set the pace for wosuch thing) is; turned askew b; meos and bestows the loving cup na Ferber, Stella indiiUtberAd- men's fashions," he Eaid Jn a messome irreverent, youngster from nn ft rira.Tnnttat. on thei shady side ler, Kenneth MacKenna, Max Gortn-nnr feminine rpaders. "Of the" Bronx or Brooklyn, who aim: ol forty. It was a piece with a don and Alex l o i e i . - -•.'- " r r (Copyright, 1935, by Seven Art* course, Paris, the traditional leadfor nothing short of the Pulitze: strong accent on possibilities for Feature Syndicate) er in'women's styles, will have to Prize. In the fancy forties, in the the silver bed sheet of Hollywood. approve before our creations ar& more exclusive drinking places At this point enter Mr. George widely: accepted." - ; the. small talk spills over into the S. Kaufman, deacon-face a n d coming season, but anyone of th( sombre, escorting Miss Edna FerTHREE -JEWISH. MUSKETEERS : producing mugwumps will con her, who wades into the dramatii Three -.Marketeers' of.'- t~h'e" -mocede t h a t the unpredlctabli waters every now and then during tion picture Industry are Joseph youngsters as _ a class added breathing spells between best sellM. Schehck, Darryl F. Zanuck and much needed pinch of spice an ing novels and trips to Palestine. William Goetz. Zanuck is the elan to the theatre. Mr. Kaufman is aB much of an new president of Twentieth CenV i e n n a (WNS)—The New Clifford Odets and Lillian Hel American, institution as the Sattury—Fox Film Corporation and Zionist organization, founded by man made the Broadway season urday Evening Post or the fivedraws a salary of $260,000 a year what i t was last year. In "Wait- cent cigar. He has been turning the Revisionists as a rival to the plus traveling expenses. Schenck, ing for Lefty" a n d "The Chil- out successful plays for the past World Zionist Organization from executive^ head of production in which they seceded, will be prodren's Hour," these gumptious ten years. He is t h e American corporation, is under conclaimed as a world community of gamins brewed a dramatic broth theatre's keenist wit a n d most tract for ?130,000 per year plus Jews .when it is" sufficiently dethat upset the delicate stomachs caustic satirist., There is a third expenses. Goetz is an associate of the Pulitzer. Prize professors dimension to his work at all veloped and must take over offiproducer. Manned by this visionr and sent them running for cover times. The last of Mr. Kaufman's cially the functions of represenary, ambitious trio, Twentieth tative of the Jewish people as laid under t h e ' skirt of "The O l dworks was the life drama of a Century-—recently merged w i t h down in the Palestine: Mandate, Maid." Young Odets is more than white-haired boy in the role of a Fox—skyrocketed to film fame, Dr. Oskar Jlabinovlch told t h e a playmaker—he is a phenomen- playwright under . the happy-goboth in production output and fion of a theatre of fighting real- lucky title of "Merrily "We Roll conntituent congress: of the organnancial gain, in the short space of .;.•.-.:•'• ism,: of a theatre with muscle and Along." It was not on a par with ization. , He emphasized that it' m u s t two years!' guts, of a theatre that brings you the best plays bearing the Kanfhave a seat in the league of Na- Back in the gay 90's, Schenck, the cauldron turbulent.and Unpol- man-Ferber trade mark but the tions and receive all t h e rights then a young stripling who clerkclever m OT I e • flash-back style usually given a nation under in- ed in a drug store" on New York's helped-to make it one of the seaternational law. In outlining the Bowery, saw a shadow-film^ * He son's pleasanter evenings in the became so inspired,- that he quit organization's program, Dr. Ratheatre. For one think, it gave his job and eventually found anbinovich said It demands t h e Kenneth MacKenna, of the Mielother with the theatre. Later," he opening of Transjordania to Jewziner tribe, an opportunity to discame to Hollywood. Still later, ish settlement, the creation of a tinguish himself as the playwright figuratively speaking, his n a m e Jewish state on both sides of the who made good too well. went up in lights over the cinema
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Through the Columns of the
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Jordan, the settlement of 1,500,-
Few seasons have had such a 000 Jews "within ten years a n d world. In 1933 he set out f o r wide and rich variety of plays as the national emancipation of thehimself with the baby film comProposed Institntion Would Be the one that has just taken its Jewish people. • • • pany of Hollywood, known as Housed at Hebrew last curtain call. Comedy, farce, A crisis was narrowly averted Twentieth Century. costume dramas, thesis plays, raw in the congress when M. LazeroDarryl F. Zanuck, once a steel University realism and flighty fancy rubbed witch declared that only Revision- mill riveter, then a press agent Lucerne (WNS)-—^Emphasizing elbows in a grand, robust m e l - ists are creating the new move-for hair tonic,- then a story writthat Palestine is primarily an ag-ange." To top everything off the ment ' and only • Revisionists can er, came to Hollywood. Barely five years ago he hiked four miles ricultural country and that be- ambitlouB Mr. Gordon moved half belong to it. cause ot its small size it must of old Vienna to -.the'.-Rockefeller A' group of Orthodox delegates! a day to the Warner Bros. Studio utilize a l l advanced scientific Center Theatre. The Blue Danube attending the congress protested seeking a connection. His persismeans to achieve the greatest ag- came to town in the disguise of and they were mollified by Vlad-j tence won him the job of producrlcultural results, Dr. Judah L. "The Great Waltz," bringing with imir Jabotinsky. Another Revi- tion manager. O n e morning in Magnes, chancellor of the Hebrew it a high powered magnificence sionibt delegate urged the crea-l 1933 w h e n Twentieth Century University, reporting to the meet- that New York had never seen "be- tion of Jewish legions and Jewish was organized, we found 'Zanuck tag of t h © University board of fore. Here: was a spectacle that militarj attaches in various coun- and his bag of ideas installed on gavernors, recommended the cre-defied everything for " brilliance, tries.-;-.. . -- •••. ;-'- .. ' " ' . .-•-. the lot as production head. -wish" Mr. and Mrs.ation ol an agricultural school at color and extravagance. Stages R o m e (WNS)—T h e official -. Then there was William "Goetz, • their friends, botb. far and floated throTigh the air and or-Italian p r e s s agency, ' Orients, more handicapped, perhaps, - than the University. , near A Happy end ProsperUrging that the school be open- chestras swung to a n d fro \ on commenting on - the Revisionist helped by being the son-in-law of " ous New Year. Chandeliers congress In Vienna," declares that another film magnate, who sold ed in.time for the academic year g i a n t platforms. 1937-38-, Dr. Magnes called on mushroomed from ceilings. Every- the "New Zionist Organization has his services to Schenck and Zan- | Mr. .-.. I Mrs. and the board or governors to appro- thing was brought into the the-the full sympathy of Fascists be- uck as an associate producer. •• family extend to t h e i r prite 535,000 to finance the in-atre except the Blue Danube, cause Jabotinsky is a nationalist, . frlesds sis-cere wisiies for A stallation of equipment needed which perhaps could have been has a military organization under DENIES MARRIAGE-HUMORS. Happy New Tear. installed In the center aisle with him and aims to destroy left wing - Although Hollywood gossip has for an agricultural college. >'. Mr. and Mrs. and Dr. Magne3 also informed the the ushers diving for the seats. labor movement." The agency ^* family • "wish iicxr frisnds board that it would soon be nec- If the past season will be re-also says that Jabotinsky will be health, happiness s.nd prosessary to enlarge the facilities of membered for the power and dra- able to come to an understandperity in the ccmiiis year. the library to mate room for 50,-matic writings of Clifford Odets ing with Arabs sooner than the 000 volumes as yet uncatalogued, it will be no less historic f o r World Zionist Organization bs' Kr. sad 11 irs. taka and aslced for tile construction of bringing Elizabeth JBergner to thecause the Arabs are also nationthis EIBS.ES cf extending students' dormitories. American stage. Frauleia Bers- alists a n d they will uade-Etsnd ' greetings and iearty good At tho beginning of tho newner's debut on Broadway was Jabotinsky better thua t h e y do wishes for. A Happy and academic year on November 12th quite deservedly preceded by a the Jewish Agoncy. ^Prosperous Year to their there will bo 454 students regis- deluge of publicity. From t h e &Ieads far s£d. near. tered, compared "wltb 300 last very, very nice notices of the ear- Toronto—}.Iorri3 Fox, veteran year, he said. Among tho stu-ly weeks tag anticipation of the Montreal ches3 player, won t h e dents are 190 from Poland and petite German-Jewish actress' ar- Canadian c h e s B championship 36 former students in German rival crystallized into a debate in with a seventeenth round victory universities. One third ot all the•which the flesh and blood Eliza- for a final standing of thirteen f * * ';.« students are women, he said. beth Bergner was pitted against wins, two losses and two draws.'
Your greeting problem is solved by ibis con-, venieat meiaod cf idsHag y©ar rektifes .and friends a Hcppj* It cw fear . . . no danger of tibe erabsTrassaest of forgetting someone-.. • no "These
s pi"H;rr;c£ i™
will ht $ZM hi ecd: Greeting- - - - mail &s® of these ferns, or pbone V®T$T Greeting. Cai
JEWISH PRESS, A t M c 1450
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Sioux City News
jjpiere he will conduct special H. Katetaian were guests of the i they gave a detailed report of the Holiday services at t h e • Chevra Omaha Chapter Xo. 354 of the annual convention of the District Gran.I I'.cflge* No. 6,. which-they B'nai Yisroel synagogue for Rosh B'cai B'tith st their opening . ashonah. Rabbi Brown-is highly meeting, Monday .evening^ at the j attemTe.d- in Minneapolis. educated. He will deliver a ser- Jewish Community Center, where IRVtN C.-LEVIN, Atty. mon in English. 301 Electric Bldp.
This evening, Rabbi Benjamin Goldberg will conduct services at .he Beth Abraham synagogue. .*• Saturday morning,' September ' MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent 21, Shachrls Bervices will t a k e ADOPTION NOTICE place at'9 a.: m. -Rabbi Goldberg ' The Emesel Club held a meetNOTICE OF ADMfNIStRATION ; the .Countv Court .of Douglas- In the County Court of Douglas Court* will officiate^the services in honing last Friday at the home of In County, Nebraska. who presented a group of' piano or of Mr.'S.'Kriv's 64th birthday; ty, Nebraska: Miss Dorothy Saltzman. Miss Ida In the matter of the adoption of In the 'matter of the estate of MOI/« solos. L E E - NELSON, mlnos , W E FRIEDMAN, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Kriv are presenting Lerner w a s chosen as sergeant- ToDONA i-' the father of said minor and sll jj AAll Refreshments closed the after- a white" silk cover "Mantele" ' for l l persons persons Interested Interested in in sa said estate -of-arms, and Miss Thelma Passer other persons interested In eaid interested In eaid || a r e herebyy notified that a petition noon's' program. he Torah.- After the services," re'' has been filed lli w a s chosen as music chairman. matter: h b i l d iin Sfiid i Court alleging B^MILLUDWfG y notified that on +he (hnt (hnt !<aicl !aicl deceased died leaving no last reshments will be-served by Mr.1 are heerby The Club will hold their n - e x t You 12th day of September, 1935, a poti' •*!!! ,, cl praying for administration l i f di n 12 -wa? filed in saidb court 1935 Jake Kriv.'son of Mr.S.-KrJv, in * Emll" Ludwlg,. n . o k e d bio« gregate- the exiles,, the -objects -of meeting Sunday afternoon, Sep- tlon At a luncheon meeting of the LOCALS TO AID IN LAND X>y Adolph upon her estate, and that a hearing honor of h i s ' father's • birthday, 'graphcr and man o t letters a m i . hatred or "Ill-will; andt the city tember 22, at the home of the William Gebhart, a resident of DOUR- •»•,» be had on said petition before Ladles Auxiliary of Shaare Zlon las County. y Nebiaska. pTaj'nR p j R for UIP S aui rourt on the REDEMPTION CAMPAIGN he public is invited to attend. e 6th th day day of of October, October. Synagogue held Tuesday In t h e onoof the ranking extfes from and-all its buildings, the , l a k e Misses Pearl and Florence Meyer- adoption, of said minor. minor Thpt the the j.p,-jn, jp-jn ?? nn a a that that If If they they fail fail tto appear synagogue social hall, an outline parents of said rniior were divorced t Fatd Court on the" said 6th day of Saturday afternoon at 4:30' - Xaziland,, contributes .these spe- shore and "the fountains glowwjth son. P qnd >ht> ciittodv of said minnr Eravt- O r t o b c , 1935, at 9 o'clock A. M. to of the year's program was pre- Mr. R. H. Emleln was named o'clock" Rabbi Goldberg will speak dally -written • impression^; of. thousands of electric lights that 1 ed to Huth Gebhart, who is the moth- contest Bald petition, the. Court may sented to the members present. to the Administrative > committee >n the subject VShliches." Satur- ,-thc Lucerne Zionist ? Congress. shitie''~in tneir honor. • Outside", j t r o i c child, vt and 1>that the whei e- ! grant the same and grant administra'Mrs, Fannie Braunstein, 68 |abou'ts of trio 'm1nor minor sh father fat ho r jis s -imr n tion t s i d estate t t to t Bernard B F a b O uta'or=*fcp.Ya off said FriedIt includes the following dates of the Southwest Region of the day night at 12 o'clock midnight, Lndwig,' whose- origijipL name surrounded by hundj-eiis.'of"Swiss Jewish National Fund at the Rabbi Goldberg and the syna- was Cohen, in this article" idenOld, passed away at her|known;_ that^ a, hearing will be hadman or some other suitable person and activities. on the Octohe^ 15: Joint meeting of meeting of that group in Omaha gogue choir will officiate at the tiles "himself for the "first'time dance in an illuminated square at ERTCE CRAWFORD. October, 3935, at 9 o'clock c A. M , at D-IS-SE—3t County Judge. Auxiliary|:and congregation; Bella last week. The meeting in Oma- Sliches services. The public is in- with the Zionistiwing'ofvJcwry, this jjiianight hour. They dance September 18. She is survived by the Cou"t> Court l Room of two daughters, Mrs. Hymie MildCounty, Nebraska, and unless you a p - | Pevzner of Palestine, guest speak- ha was attended by men and wo- irited to attend. whose ideology he Jias" combat- and sing—"t-wo hours' away' 11 e s LOUIS E. LIPP, Attorney er of Omaha and Mrs. Rae Braun- pear a t said time and place and conof the region interested in 501-10 City Natl. Bk. Bldfl. Ticke'ts for the Rosh Hashonah ed 'hitherto.—THE EDITOR.. . the, land_ -where their people are ste'n of Council Bluffs; -and onetest said petition, the court may i er; Mrs. •Philip Sherman, chair- men the work of the Jewish National and Yom" Kippur services may be the prayer of said petition. sn object Of sneers, but .far away, S o n E . L . B r a u n s t e i n Of P i t t s - j grant man. , whef-eby "said' minor "thall'"be adopted , NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF Fund and in the Land Redemp- obtained from the officers of the b sa! * * . , - .0 - .p . - I ART MEMORIALS, INC. across the sea, their ancient new Octoheti 25, 26, 27: Lectures hy tion Campaign which it is n o w • It' is • midnightras'I*write these .burgh, Pennsylvania. Funeral ser- >" "?'^ ^ ^£U : i? I p ~ . . United Synagogues of t h e ."West lines _io. give "expression^ to deep home awaits them. e is hereby given that the \xnDr, A. Ur Sachar; Mesdames S. sponsoring. vices were held Wednesday after 9-I0-35-St p organized a corporation. Counts Judge Side. , . ' The name of the corporations Art e m o t i o n ! ' I : "write a s f a : I e * , ^ a H. Shulkln a n d Lester Heeger, Hoon at the home of her sisterMr. Barney Baron Is a l s o a : iMemo'ials, Inc., and the principal Swiss citizen; arid • a -E.uropearii _"•; iii-law, Mrs. J o e, Scharl, 228 chairmen. , IfiViN C. LEVIN, Atty. j plare for the transaction of Us buslmember of the administrative : r ec<! i s e 301i;r Beforehand below^me* I 'seeva •Frank Street.. The body!was sent Electric Bldg. " * " City of Omaha, Douglas November 4: First of the ser-committee. Among the Sioux Cit: C o n r t j . Nebraska. The Keneral nature circle'of interesting ^heads '•which that : night to Pittsburgh, Pa., ies of B o o k Reviews, given by yans who attended t h e meeting BOARD MEETING OF of it« business is to buy. sell, own, : Iea< p n d I mentally"compare --with•«scenes wtiere burial will take ".place. Rabbi H..R. Rabinowitz and spon- were Mr. and Mrs. Barney Baron " " Personal property wherSISTERHOOD IS HELD of the -Nuremberg party; gatherp 0 **t;*te 5 n < J Personal property whersored by i the Auxiliary; Mrs. R. and Dr. J. N. Lande. FINAL S to manufacture, Sell, rVPr Mtuatea: ing. • Venerable President Sbkd-^'.Messrs. O. Hochman and Louis In the Counly Couit Sacks, chairman. BX F . R. E . Job p;ore and deal in memorials, Opening its fall season, the Icw, whose addresses• shift-fronv of Douglas monuments and ornaments of stone -November I S : Meeting a n d County, >.ebraska. Mount -Sinai. Temple Sisterhood any, one: of-four : languages Ho-.'an. _ . _ _ - a n d other materials; to own. lease and Thanksgiving program; Mrs. John LITERARY CLUB of the estate of S A M ; o p e r a t e q u a r V i e S ; to issue promissory ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR, Attyt. held its first board meeting, Tues- other, without the slijglUest hesideceased: notes, debentures, bonds, mortgages "Slichoth" services will be held . 400 Brake's Theater Bid C. Levin,' chairman. afternoon, at the home of thetation, here sits between j two gensaid matter and other evidences of indebtedness. HOLDS MEETING day this Saturday night, September are hereby notified that on the 14th December 10: Auxiliary Annipresident, Mrs. William Lazere, uinely humanistic :'figures; the The total authorized capital stock 1IK n rtay of September Jennie 5^ Rifkin NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS 21, at midnight at th"e Chevra . Notice V»Ja*" • 3C »;if'""7 r 1935, i»5». Jfnme ' ! of this corporation shall be $10,000.00 versary .and Card Party. 2616 Jackson. Street. . is hereby given that all exfiled a petition, in said County Court, ; of the par d i vlded into a n 0 shares thinker and? the fighte'r, the scholThe first meeting of the JewDecember 17: Meeting a n d isting aeois debts or of j»jjnr» JOHN "UNDER LaiNDUKi Praying that her finar administration; v a l u e of $ioo.00 each, to be paid for Plans .for. the' year's, activities ar and the man of- the people sit B'nai' Yisroel synagogue" at 618 iKtinc ish Dramatic and Literary Club WHOLESALE COMPANT,on Sep-1 account filed herein be settled and i sh or nrnnprtv nntl nn-as. Mynster Street.. Rev. A.;Gendler i n r H cul cash or property and h., be nnon-asChanukali, program; M r s . S. : " " Uember i7"*1935, amounted *to "the sum! allowed, a i d thar"Khe"'be"'dischargod A-"-" Y when issued. The time of the was held last Sunday evening, were outlined, and a date set forat his"- right and' his left, as in aniof^ uO»mi ^a nO ai . ca «n .d; R"e"v..' :'A,. Krupnick, chairman. JJiamono. j { J29.745.49. • • . |from her trust a s Administratrix and O he first general meeting; of • the commencement the corporation JOHN O. LTNPER. I t h a t January 2 1 : Meeting and pro-with Mr. I. Levine, president, in group. The, Sisterhood will hold allegorical picture. The first of of Council Bluffs-will conduct the .-, ; . President. these I know welt, for it is just charge. services. Everyone is.cordially"in- ^ John O. Under, Leonard'.T.Heinsen, gram; Mrs. Nick Sherman, chair-ex- vited to ; attend. • The program included a Mon- As first luncheon meeting In thetwe"nty years -'• since" Riippin being- a. majority of .the Board of Diman. ; Temple Annex; on October 11. On plained - the '"principles of Zionism rectors. February 18: Joint meeting of ologue by I. L. Peretz, given by October 16, a card party'will be to me at-Stamboul; his utter "silAmong the students, who left j 9-20-35-u not exceed two-thirds of its cappe;ition, . t h e Court .may. grant .the shall Auxiliary, and congregation; Pat- Mrs. I. Levine. A lecture on •iven under the auspices o f the ence and calm features • contrast this week for Iowa City .to attend ital stock. The aifairs of the corporapray«r of said petition, enter a. de"What Is Moral" by Mr! I. EpABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR. Atty*. cree cf heirship,-and m a k e s u c n ctii- tion are to be conducted by a board , riotic program;.Mrs. A. H. Baron, strikingly with the beautiful tri- the University of Iowa; for. t h e not less than two nor more than stein was followed by -a general listerhood. 400 Brandei* Theater Bldg. er and further orders, allowances nnd of chairman^ five directors who shall elect a Presangular head of Ben'Gufion, who coming year w e r e Miss Maxine discussion. The program was con. , , . decrees, a s to this Court mav .r?.™ i Went. Vice-President, Secretary «n4 March19: Anniversary Dance. cluded by a reading from Sholom NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS T>rope-\" to the end that all matters Treasurer. looks for a i r the wcrld:'like a" re- Leibovitz, and Messrs..Robert RoNotice Js hereby_gl_ven.:that 'all ex- pertainins to said estate may be finOneg Shabbos . ' Marchj;17: Meeting and lunch- Aleichem, presented, by I. Levine. L. KAPLAN, ligious zealot.' ' v; ; senfeld, Yale. Meyerson, Bernard istinjr debts of CENTRAL DAIRY ally settled and determined. V. HUHNKE. eon; Mrs. Eli Self, chairman. The first Oneg Shabbos: meet- •- This ; nation which/ while' not Balaban, Morton Adler, Jack Gor- "PRODUCTS. BRYCE CRAWFORD. INC... on September 1. The next meeting will be held In presence of: Louis E. Lipp 1935, amounted to the sum of 82.444.57. County .TuCjje April 3 1 : Joint meeting of Auxng of the year sponsored b y the unmixed, h a s remained purer don, Sidney Maduff, and Donald . : evening, September 22, at tadies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion J . HARRY KULAKOFSKY. j C-20.35-St FY. iliary and Congregation; program Sunday through" the- centuries than any Rosenfeld. president, i 7:30 In' the Jewish Community will HYMAN LEVIN, Atty, be. held tomorrow afternoon, chairman, Mrs. Sam Davidson. J. Harry Kulakofsfcv, Louis Kula-i Patterson Bldg. Center, with Mr. G. Gurshtel pre- September 21, at 3 o'clock in'the other people' in-Europe,. is-reprebeing a majority of the Board j FRADENBURG, WEBB. BEBER, i May 5 : Annual Mother a n d siding. A daughter, was born Tuesday feofsky. sented in" the brilliantly illuminKLUTZNICK A KEULY, Attys. of Directors. 650 Omaha Nat'l Bk. BiriShome "of Mrs. I: H. Levin, 2201 ated Hall -byesome hundreds of night, September 17,'to-Mr.' and 9-20-35-lt daughter; Mrs. Rueben ' NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PE«! Plans were made and a direc- Jackson Street. Mrs.. A. H. Baron, T1TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF jliller, chairman. heads, the variety a n d amazing Mrs. Leland R. Goldberg of Shentorium committee appointed to FINAL ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION ' May. 19: Closing meeting and select a 4-act drama which will chairman of the Oneg Shabbos, range of expression "•'of which andoab, Iowa.- Mrs.' Goldberg Is ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR, Attyt. ACCOUNT of ' L E E " KOUNTZE HARDWARE 4<K> Brandel* Theater.Bldfl. will preside. In the County Court of Douglas luncheon; Mrs. J. H. Mosow, be presented by the group. COMPANY of Omaha, Nebraska. should'. suffice' to put: a. stop - to the • former Jeannette Gilinsky, County, Know All Men by These Presents: I y, Nebraska. Mrs. -J. N. Krueger will speak anti-Semitism from the physiog- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A b e chairman. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS &t a. meeting of the sfookholdIn the matter of the estate of BESSIE That t sfookhold -" Notice Is herebv. g-iven that all ex- ers off the on her year in Palestine, and an nonVic^—which i s ; the traditional Gilinsky of Council Bluffs. May 23: Closing meeting of the th Lee L Kountze K Hd C OSHEROFF deceased, d d Hardware Com-' OSHEROFF, istinjr debts of CREST MANUFAC- pany duly heW a t the office of the All persons interested in said matter open forum for questions will fol- —point of view. - - -•-.-': ' , Oneg Shabbos group. TURING CO., o n . September 1. 1935,corporation, i on the h 21st day' d oT .Ian1 are hereby hb notified t i f i d that t h t on the th 4th Miss Edith- London of ^Holly- amounted to the sum of $2,914.45. ow. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will uary. 1931, a t which all the stock- day of- September. 1936, Harry OshMany at Reception EDWARD ABRAHAMS. wood, California, left Sunday for .holders were. present and voting, a i eroff filed a petition in said County jive Current Events, and will -Most amazing of all is the fact President. I resolution was duly offered and was : Court, praying- that his final adminher home in Hollywood,' followfor Mrs. Krueger speak on the Symbols of the com- that this drama is being-played ing'a; Haro'.d Abra-; unanimously adopted that the said' istration Recount filed herein he setEdward Abrahams. two months' visit' here at hams, being a majority of the Board j corporation''cease 'to~do business, and tied and allowed, and that he be dising holidays. at a distance of-just-two hours that the • same be- dissolved: accord- j charged from his trust a s adminisfrom the German- border. - T\w o the home of her parents", Mr. andr>f Directors. More than 2.50 people attended ingly, notice of such action and of the 1 trator and that a. hearing will be had ? Sunday afternoon, September Mrs.". Louis London. * She visited hours', :f r o m '• the' border • the:| dissolution of the said Lee Kountze '• on said petition before said Court on ; 29, the second day of Rosh Ha- the reception and meeting Sunday HITLERITES BAN PUBLIC relatives in Omaha • during h e r .Hardware Company is hereby given. ; the 2Sth 6n^- of September. 19"5, and Swiss Government, in -"the splenevening, given in honor of Mrs. REED, RAMACCIOTTI A ROBIN- I In Testimony Whereof, -witness the that if you fail to appear before said shonah, Rabbi and Mrs. Theodore J. stay also. Miss London was ex- . SON and EPHRAIM L. MARKS, did' address; of its' representative N. Krueger, who recently resignature and the corporate seal of Court on fhu said 26th day of SepSALE OF JEWISH PAPERS Walther, pays- homage to thespir-, tensively- entertained 'during her N, Lewis will be at home to their turned from .a year's stay in PalAttorney*. . the said'Lee Kountze Hardware Com-j tember, 1935, at 9 o'clock A. M., and 905-918 First National Bank Bldg. I pahy hereto affixed by Its duly a u - contest said petition, the Court may friends 1 r o m 3 until 6 o'clock. estine. . ' .. it of the darkly.fiery man whose visit here. J thorized officers on this 7th day o f ' g r a n t the prayer of said petition, en1 Berlin (WNS)—After October They will receive their friends at ; ter a decree of heirship, and make The meeting, held in the Jew- 1, Jewish newspapers and period- face"looks - at Jus from the' tack- :, Lawrence .K r a s n e.-j returned- NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE '- September. 1835, their home, 711 23rd Street. L E E KOUNTZE HARDWARE such other and further orders, ailowish Community Center, was spon- icals published, in Germany "will ground." The • cordiality \ of -"• t h e,;home Sunday,"following. a • three! '-'• Notice is hereby given that on the COMPANY, ances and decrees, as to this Court . may seem proper, to the end that all sored by the Jewish National be available only by subscription, Swiss•; Catholic 'speaker wii^ over1 weeks' stay in -Montreal, ;Canada,j -15th, day of October. -1935,. at- 1:00 p. (Corporate Sea.ll By A. A.'DTETZ, Pref^ matters pertaining: to said estate may all i.his audience-and- perhaps- has-: m.v a t 323 Securities. Bldg-.. Omaha. Mrs. Philip Agranoff, who with Fund Council of Sioux City. according^ to_'a decree'.t h e won "over." aicentire: natron" whi and New-Yorfc-City.. Nebraska,:~the undersigned "will sell "at i Attest: HARKNESS KOUNTZE, Sec. be finally settled sn<l determined. : . her son, Eddie, has been-a guest BRYCE CRAWFORD. Mrs. Krueger spoke of her stay Reichs-press chamber forbidding public auction to the highest bidder In presence ot Sam Beber. County Judge. ; 9-fi-3S-3t. .ijTor"cash the foUowing described arti- 9 1 3 " ! 5 4 t in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mor- in Palestine, told of the work be- the sale at newsstands-or .stores he- says:-: "Thie. people of"-Swjtzer-' ; A. ineetingj of. the \newly-organ-; dies: 1 ris Shulkin, lias been the'inspir- ing done there by the Zionist and of any publications 'issued for IHndj who fought so long for thejr" ized: Couiicil Bluffs A. Z. A. Chap-: One platinum :- -wedding ring, set ation for, a number of parties dur- H a d a s s a h Organizations, and Jews. .Complete suppression of freedom, hohor-aad aid-the strug-i ter> will be-held' Sunday aftjernoon,- with 10 small fliairtonds covered by chattel mortgage and pledge- agreefor its; ing the past week. stressed the importance of t h e the public'sale of such papers and glp: of every other nat ion ment in favor of the undersigned : September .22,. at 2:30^o'clock ati freeuom/' .As bnet-Whp' has; livedij *;j signed by Mrs. Olive Reinahs, dated Mrs. Leon Shulkin entertained Jewish National Fund in purchas- magazines will'be carried out byin "Switzerland for almcst • a•*gen-;! the Chevra . B'nai •.-Y.lsr.oel--- syna-i .-'i i-r,v.n io lo-sj «n •^•MrA, there is now ? at an evening of bridge Tuesday ing the land in Palestine. the association of German publi- tration-and-whi>; has';been,ajS/^iss gogue,•*• 6i8 Mynster. street. Sev-i due the sum of $20.25. ' Mr. Barney Baton acted as cation- wholesalers and' retailers. One diamond ring with -white gold 'honoring Mrs. Agranoff. Wednescitizen for; a, n'u^mber-sbf • jears,1'!!! feateen.-yS^pg: men-willibe; formiil-;mounting covered by chattel mortgage day, she'was guest of honor at a Toastmaster of the 'evening. A At. the same time it was an-fscl a^deep juy. in -tlie; tompestu-i ::initiated into- the- organteation; a!hd pledge agreement in, favor of t h e small dinner party in the home musical' program • of Palestinian, nounced' that there are now only ous • applause with->.whlch t.h'l s by . jinderslgned. signed by Herbert J. - ot-the Supreme Smith, dated D e c 4 1 , 1*34, on which of Mrs. A. Shulkin, and later in Hebrew, and-Yiddish folk songs, 1,316 Jews .in the German univer- greatest'; representative' assembly Tisory .Council . o f lOntaha'.: All there is balance due of 536.45. the evening guest at a party giv- was presented by the Shaare Zion sities, which have a total -enroll- of f Jews expresses'• its;" thanks, to. members,are,urged to"attend.; . • One- Elgin gold filled watch covered ' . I N CHICAGO NOW : by chattel mortgage and pledge agreeen by Mrs. William Shulkin. Mrs. Hebrew School choir. Refresh- ment ot 991,480.- Of these Jewish the spokesman 'of :"Switzefland.= ment in favor, of t h e undersigned, D. H. ' Shulkin was her hostess ments concluded the evening. signed by James J. Curt in, dated Nostudents only 656 are 100 perMonday,',evening, a n d Thursday -The spirituaL awakehing,of the • " Mr." and Mrs. Sam Gross, ac- vember 24, 1934. on which there is cent non-Aryans. toalance due of $20.25. evening,; she was a guest at an past. twoc years,! and; the ?• tremen- companied '• by t h e i r daughter, One- small diamond ring, white gold Mrs. MaxShostak, hare returned intimate' gathering in the B. Ormounting-, covered by chattel mortdoiis • davelcpment - of Palestine- in : gage and pledge agreement in favor Greek-Jewish Papers Merge likoff home. This evening Miss thisi per tod, fills us i with a feel- h- o m e following a-three weeks' of The first Friday evening serthe undersigned, signed b y Louis Ann Shulkin will entertain at a vice of the season will be held at Salonica—^La - Prenza a n d . Ac- ing of.- irbjaic gratitude'to Ger- stay at Excelsior* Springs," Mo. H. Miller, dated June 6, 1934, on which fc*v i there Is balance due- of $l?.00. theater party for Mrs. Agranoff. Mount Sinai Temple this evening tion, two Jewish newspapers pub- maby and;Vniakes usjreallze ; that ; . One One diamond m o d set et in -white w i t e g*d ; Miss Gwendolyn; Meyerson left mounting, covered by chattel mortthe only r'permanent*res^it.of'.that! at 8 o'clock. The service will be lished here, have merged. for.:Lin'colti, Nebraska,. to resume gage and pledge agreement in favor racialmadness "wili' be .t^e". renewThey gave as their reason the" ; Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Levich were a Memorial Service for Mr. Mor- economic depression which ' al-ed -growth! of .'the: Jewish';.hbme- to studies at the Un"itersity? of Ne- of the undersigned, signed'by-"William : ris Pill, member of the congregaV. Brown, dated J a n . .5,, 1935. on hosts at a 6 o'clock dinner for braska/ ••• ; •- • .• •'•: •""~.-; • ..'.' which there is balance due of $60.95. land. ;• -'.- . ' = . - ; " •"•;•>'•-••• •-.,- [ i s ' - ' - 120 guests, Sunday evening at the ion, whose death occurred last ready has for'ced three other Jew- ';v Here,^ in) the^'heart '< of Europe, r rSaid sale will be for, t h e purpose ish papers in Greece out of existpf foreclosing, said chattel mortgages Shaare Zion social hall, honoring month. a great drama is taiing-place;*: In "' Rabbi Reuben' Brown of J ^ and pledge agreements,- for costs of Regular sessions for t h e Re-ence. Mr. and' Mrs. Emil Levich, whose s&le a n d . all accruing costs, and for T h e amalgamated periodical the summer, of- 1935, under the ta, Georgia, will" arrive here, the!! •the purpose' of satisfying the amounts marriage was an event of l a s t igious School will begin Sunday A protection, of the^ freedom "of the early -part -of the week to spend now due thereon as above stated. morning, September 21, at 9:30will be the only remaining Jewmonth.M smallest' and oldest republic,, con-: the,Holidays In Council Bljiffs,[ TJN1TED LOAN CO., INC. W0EIDS CMMPION Out'.of town guests Included o'clock. Pupils registered at the ish publication. .. Mortagee. -9-20-35 -St • Sunday School last week. HowMr. and Mrs. Julius Altman, Mr. SKATERS OH 1 0 0 0 and Mrs. Ed Falk, Mrs. A. Falk, ever, new pupils may still regisMiss Ruth Falk, Mr. and Mrs. R. ter next Sunday. FEET OF REAL ICE Tickets for the Holiday services Middleman, Mrs. J. Rosoff. Mr. Ed Gilbert and mother, Miss may be obtained from the Temple B O M »LtAK; VEBNB BUSHER1 ^Ff^f? Phylls Soreff,- all of Omaha; Mrs. every morning during the week Wm -SUPSTAB «05CJKR JOHNSON. S. Levia and Mrs. W. Ostrow of and Sunday morning from 9 to nings, from 7:30 until 9 o'clock. Los Angeles, California.
Auxiliary Outlines Program of - Year
Society News
; . - • •
• -. •
lencas Uutstanding
Mount Sinai
Railroad Leaders Optimistic for Future
Shaare Zion
Mrs. [Sam Levin and Mrs. W. Ostrow and son, Leon, of Los AnSliches services at Shaare Zion geles, California, are visiting their parents; Mr. and Mrs. M. Jacobs, Synagogue .will, -begin tomorrow their brother Mr. Max Jacobs and night, September 20, at. 12 o'clock family,--<^nd numerous friends in midnight. The service will be concluded at one o'clock. Cantor A. Sioux C Pliskin a n d a boys' choir will •it chant the service. ,Mlsal Pearl Olensky left Sunday Tickets for the Holiday services evening for Iowa City, where she may-be obtained-from 10 p. m. will enroll at the University of until the beginning of the Sliches services Saturday night. The ticj ket committee will also be at the Arnold Rosenfeld, son of Mr.synagogue with tickets- Sunday and Mrs. Adolph Rosenfeld, cele- morning. • •• brated ihlB Bar Mitzvah, Saturday The . Religious School will bemorning at S h a a r e . Z i o n Syna- gin its regular session Sunday gogue, ; morning afc 10:15 o'clock, opening with a general assembly. ;3i;^r^n4iiii![ro.rA-. ; | ) i fe ®i' a 'nnounce: Teachers who have been appointed so far include , Mrs. S. Krup:^tire;;'b^|;h;^t:.JS'vdauBhter.^;;,:'.••:' y;-[. nick, Misses Llbble Olensky. Inez Leaff, Hazel. Kantrovich,' Esther ^jrost^tlYjEr meinbera, of i;tnJKJun- Rivin, Ina Lea Kroloff, Marion Shiloff, and Delia Shiloff, registrar. ti fli^^Pf ttn^M^bei^p^ea^'-giyy
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Oifeat- Floor •;;Siiow |jJ|:
jJgttljibifH ^etueE^ter^liSjmSajr,: jaf te'r-; uyuiw
Dora Freshman, president Omaha chapter of Junior
h the Heartof the Loop m
Memorial Services Cantor' A. Pliskin will
HadaSpah ^?as the guest speaker memorial services at the Jewish "\& t h "uests the work o Cemetery at Floyd Cemetery Sun day "morning, from 10 to 12 and at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon, for • Consistently • improving busip|:|l|Il|^^P^irt^it«re^eirt those who wish to remember their ness conditions'were-ee e n by dead-in.-this traditional manner members ot 'the hoard' o f direcduring the month, preceding the tors of the Chicago & Great'West1 1 ' ^]^^ ^|||'^ p^i|iat' High Holidays. During the week ern Railroad, who "were in Omaha ho will conduct-similar services ,last Tuesday. "" by special appointment. Patrick -H.I Joyce,-i>resldent-ol
.DINEandDANCE -witli,
c" t h e bo&rd, charge of arrangements f o r t h e the '"road",-" said: "I-; am convinced Suuuy, that business is. going, to get bet-John' . W . : O'Leary • - a n d AM. -.:W. directors stay here." Grfggs.,;.' , * - -v - " • . • „ - . ." I A t a luncheon a t the Fontenello ter—It's- bound to' db; so." ' Besides'Joyce, other, road ..di- . J, *E,^ Davidson Jpresi,dent<( of the.1 at s o o n , Joyce praised Davidson XebrtLfJM-Power.'JCoro^3"ay' and. a >iigJily for h i s service t o the ratk rectors' who1were 'jn'-Qhiaha were: road. Arthur "W." CuCten; ~Ber;aard~:E. >tKe: