October 4, 1935

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Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

fafceresis of tine Jewish Fcopk

Entered u Second Class Mall Matter oo January 21, 1921, at • Poatofilor of Omaha. Nebraska, under (he Act of March 3. 1879

Yom Kippur to he Ushered In Next


aclc Marer Heads Barristers Club Jack W. Marer was this week


4, 1935

VOL. XI—NO. 34

fe^^pur Ji

Madrid (WNS)—For the first time since 1492 the famous Cor)maha Barristers club. This hon- Omaha L o d g e Preparing for ; doba Synagogue w h e r e Moses r 'follows immediately after his Many Visitors As Well Maimonides preached will be oprequested to nand. in their mem- election as a member of the execAs Delegates ened for Yom Kippur service. orial cards before the- Kol Nidre tive committee of t h e Omaha Bar' association. service. The Omaha delegates and alter- Jhaim Glanczman, vice-chairman In addition to h i s duties as tates for the regional B'nal B'rith of the Barcelona Kehillah, has arMonday morning Rabbi Goldstein will-speak on the subject,' eputy county attorney, an office onclave to be held at the local ranged a special service - which he has h e l d for a number of ewish. Community Center on will be attended by representative These Souls Do 1 Remember." The Omaha Hebrew club held ears, Marer retains his private iunday, November 3, were selectJews from all parts of Spain. its annual memorial meeting for >ractice as a member of the law id at a meeting of the lodge held Vaad The plaintive chanting of Kol irm of Monsky, Grodlnsky, Marer tfonday. The Cordoba Synagogue was of- those of its members who have Kol Nidre, ushering In the Yom Nidre, the traditional prayer of died during the forty-four years holyday, will start Sunday- and Cohen. The delegates: Leo Abramson, ficially returned to the Jewish of the organization's existence, repentance-for the Jewish peo- Kippur community last April by the SpanHe' also "teaches criminal l a w iphraim Marks, Ben Kazlowsky, A fixing of responsibility in an ciation of the Talmud Tor&li. Al evening at the orthodox, synaple, will usher in Yom Kippnr gogues at 5:45 p. m. and procedure at the night law Dr. A. Greenberg and Julius Bis- ish government during the celeb- 149 members in all, at the J. C. executive of thirteen, with, an in- the annual meeting of the entire , Wednesday evening, October crease in the number on the board ration of the Maimonides octowith the setting of the sun next Sunday night Rabbi Harold A. chool, of Omaha University two o. 2. Nathan S. Yaffe was chairman of governors, featured the n e vr membership of the Talmud Torsh, venings a week. centennial. Sunday, October 6. Berger, n e w spiritual leader of Alternates named include Siand was assisted by a committee constitution and by-laws of t h e seven more members shall tif mon Pizer, Dr. Philip Sher, StanYom Kippur, the Jewish Day the Vaad, will conduct the sercomposed of J. J. Friedman, Hy- city Talmud Torah, adopted at a elected. ey F. Levin, Philip Klutznick and In addition to the four electw" of Atonement, is the most sol- vices at the Beth Hamedrosh; Haman Shrier and Sam Klaver. capacity-attended- meeting of the godol synagogue, 19th and Burt. Harry Sommer. Rabbi H. A. Berger delivered board of governors Tuesday eve- officers, the nine other member* emn holy day on the Jewish His sermon subject will be: Omaha will be host to the deleof the executive will be appointed the eulogies, and A. Richards ning at the J. C. C. calendar. It is a day of fasting, Deed—Word—and Thought" or gates and visitors from the neighby the president of the Talmufi chanted El Maleh Rachamin. prayer, self-scrutiny and repent- Sanction or Defense.". The officers of the Talmud lodges of B'nal B'rith -at "The officers and members of Torah will be elected by the Torah, by and with the conseti." ance. It is the culmination of he conference. A South West reMonday morning Rabbi Berger the Omaha Hebrew club give board of governors. This board of the Board of Directors, wish gional conference will be organiza ten-day period of penitence will officiate at the services at thanks at this season for the fact •will consist of representatives of the following restrictions: d at this gathering, according to One member shall be selectp£ which begins with the religious the B'nal Israel synagogue, 18th that they lost only two members the various Jewish organizations present plans. from t h e three b"oaf"d 'member"* and Chicago. His theme will be: by death during the past year and New Year. Banks Refuse To Extend Credit The conclave is being called by C a m p a i g n Begun to Raise pray that, in the year to c o m e in the city. Every individual who representing the Vaad; one memEssential to any real atonement "The Real World Series." contributes to the Jewish Philan$100,000 for New Dr. A. Greenberg, second viceTo Jewish Property their membership will remain in- thropies shall be considered » ber shall be selected from the f!v*. are not only true repentance and Cantor A. Schwaczkin and his resident of District 6 of B'nai Boilding members representing the or theOwners tact," stated Louis Morgan, pres- member of the Talmud Torah. prayer for forgiveness, but also a choir will chant the services at B'rith, and Philip Klutznick, a dox synagogues; o n e memter ident. change of heart, enobling the will the B'nai Israel synagogue. Berlin (JTA)—The drive to member of the general commitWith the campaign machinery from the Beth El representativpt,; Selection of Board and resulting in an effort to do force Jews to yield their real es- ee. set for concentrated activity, the The new constitution provides one member from the Temple fp better. Penitence, prayer and ate property to "Aryans" is asJulius Bisno is general chair- Beth El Synagogue drive for for the selection of the Board of rael representatives; one charity serve as man's intermedisuming an organized character, man for t h e conference. Philip 5100,000 for a new building to be Directors in the following man- from the five designated by th* aries at this time. reports received here from vari- Klutznick is vice-chairman. J: C. C. and Welfare'Federation; erected at 49 th and Farnam ner: '." \ . . . . .. '_• .. To make his record clear, the ous parts of the country reveal. The convention sessions will be streets is under way. one member from the five repreJew must not be satisfied with reEach synagogue affiliated with Coming from the most reliable open to the general public. ParChairman Sam Beber announcpentance and the resolve to tread the Vaad shall appoint one mem- sentatives designated by the Desources, these reports relate that icipation in the open forums and es that the selection.of personnel the path of righteousness; it neber. The Vaad itself shall desig- borah Society; one member from n many cities Jews owning real- discussions will not be limited to the three appointed by the for the campaign has been pracEarly registrations for the Colcessitates retribution for whatTo enable the women's a n d nate three members, the Beth. El dent; one member from the sev*»r< ty, have suddenly as though by a delegates and visitors, but all tically completed and that the en- girls' classes to receive more per-! two members, and Temple Israel ever sinful deeds he m a y have lege of Jewish Studies at the Jew- special order, received notice from committed toward his fellowman. ish Community Center point to a t h e banks that their mortgages present will be invited to take thusiasm voiced by the workers sonal direction while attending two memhers.Each Jewish organ- representatives elected at the *•';part. and the early response by t h e the gym classes of t h e Jewish ization wjnieh.'shall. contribute $50 nual meeting of the membershiT>; Wherever it is possible, the Jews highly successful year. become due immediately a n d and one member from the repreAt the last meeting Of the Lin- public augar well for a highly While the official registration must be paid forthwith. Refused should make amends for any Community * Center, Miss Ruth or more- per year to either the sentatives designated by organiccoln, Nebr., lodge of B'nai B'rith, successful drive. will not start until October 21, wrongdoing toward their fellowDiamond, one of the outstanding Talmud Torah or the Jewish Philcredit byrthe banks, many. Jews men and bring about reconcila- registrations are now; being taken are unable to comply with this Dr. Greenberg and Bisno addressVice-chairmen in the campaign physical directors of the city, has anthropies.shall be entitled to ap- tlODS. ed the members on the "forthcomtion between those who have been at the J. C. C. office. Classes will demand, and their properties are are Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky and been engaged as an assistant to point one representative for memCharge*! With be held twice a week, on Monday put up for auction. In most cases ng convention.; An "On to Oma- Harry Silverman. Secretaries are Lee Grossman and.-will teach the ! bership on the board. The J. C. estranged from each other. The executive committee win ha" committee was formed, to In ancient times Yom Kippnr and Thursday evenings. A bal- it is prearranged that the highest feminine gym classes of the Cen- C. and Welfare Federation shall be charged with full R n d corn Nathan Nogg and William Racusstimulate interest in the conclave was set aside f o r special sacri- anced curriculum is being work- bidders are "Aryans" to m a:k e appoint five members. The De- plete responsibility for the adminand to charter a bus for a. large in, while H a r r y B. Zimman is ter. fices in the Temple. But the de- ed out. Miss Diamond, w h o holds a borah Society, Talmud Torah aux- istration of the affairs of the TK-treasurer. sure that the properties will.pass delegation. . :?" ; Dr. Philip Sher, who founded Into "Aryan".hands. struction of t h e Temple meant The planning committee in- Master's' degree from Columbia iliary, shall be entitled to appoint mud Torah. Bisno was in Sioux City last the end of sacrifices upon the al- the College last year, has been In addition to the elective offieludes the . officers of the cam- University, h a s been a' physical five members. The president of This system has recently asweek, and'the.B'nal B'rith memtar. Prayer and charity, taught re-elected president. Sal Michnick the Talmud Torah shall appoint cers, Dr. Philip Sher h a s he-^r. education .teacher at the Municiand the following: Max paign sumed such a widespread charac- bers there promised,. to co-operate. the rabbis, would take the place is secretary, and William Wolfe three members-at-Iarge, o n e of elected honorary president, of t t r ter that many Jewish owners, of Dr. Greenberg and Klutznick ad- Barish, Dave Cohn, A. D. Frank, pal University for the past five . ... of sacrifice. Yom Kippur, from vice-president. •whom shalFbe 'designated to rep- Talmud Torah for life, a n d ft. years; • • . - . J. J. Greenberg,-J-. H. Kulakofbuildings and land are practicalv dressed the Sioux City B'nai The enrollment this year "wil the day of special sacrifice, grew resent the Parent-Teachers Asso- Ravits;, honorary vice-president*. In recognition of • h « r ly compelled to auction off; their B'rlfli-lodge meeting' Wednesday sky, Irvin Levin, Harry Trustin, to be the day of special prayers. be- .limited.* ~A*fter registration ence-and -ability ..in this work, Miss 'fe and Harty concerning; ths-tceaference.-.-•—-• •' "• S e r v i c e s - •--'•.••r-.'-n?:-,:;*.. Closes? ;3iji Diamond was chosen as chairman important group, will consist n: J. J. Greenberg Is president of accepted until the next semester. bally nothing. of the National Physical Educathe Rabbis and -t i v e addition*.! the Beth-El synagogue. In connection with this drive/it All Omaha houses of worship An attempt is being made to members who frill be appointee T h e $100,000 will be sought tors convention, which was held will hold Bpecial Yom Kippur ser- receive University recognition of was revealed in leading Nazi cirhere last March.' by the president with the advio*. over a period of f i v e years cles that there is a plan afoot to vices. credits obtained at t h e college. Because of her wide experience and consent ot the board of directhrough annual drives. Each create . a "liquidation bank"' to Those completing the two-year in physical education, she will untors. pledge is for a twelve-month perMos cow (JTA)—An additional • Temple Israel course given by the college wll take, over Jewish-owned properThe new constitution, and 1:rties. od, with separate campaigns be- doubtedly introduce many n e w 150,00 hectares (about 370,660 Kol Nidre at Temple Israel will receive a diploma. features in her classes. She will laws were drafted by a commit*?"' Three feminine members of the 1 ing planned annually. The purpose of this -bank will acres begin Sunday evening at 8 p. m. "The preliminary registration, Biro Bidjan will be of six,- Nathan Levinson, Sim or, have a dancing class on WednesWednesii1 > younger, set—Pearl Bernstein, Esbe, it is declared,^ "to help Jews The auditorium of the new synMr. Harry DuBoff will sing Kol declares Dr. Sher, "indicates an ther Silverman and Alta Elkin— agogue, when built, will seat from day which will be entirely new in i brougrht under cultivation in or- Pizer, Max Fromkin, Harry WoKNidre. Rabbi David H. Wice's ser- enthusiasm which is most grati- once a n d forever to leave Gerwill cotnpete for the title of offi- 1,000 to 1,200. There will also be the physical department curricu- der to make possible the settle- Harry Silverman. and Henry Mnnmany." It will also ensure that mon topic will he "Reclaiming fying." ment of 200,000 Jews in the au- sky. Monsky, chairman ot t +• *? lum. Jewish property shall pass i n t o cial "A. Z. A. Sweetheart", at the eparate classrooms. What Is Ours." tonomous Jewish territory in the committee,, presented ,the constiannual Achar Hataunis dance to "Aryan" hands at prices that the Yom Kippur services Monday Holy Land Trilingual nest few years, according to Personnel tution Tuesday. liquidation bank finds fit to pay. be given by the Mother chapter DUTCH FRUIT DEALERS morning will begin at 9:30. The plEn w p r o v e 4 thl , „ . „ by Following are the t e a m coMax Barish, president of th* at the J. C. C. Monday evening. Radio Broadcasts Set The plan does not say whether Ballots cast by those attending chairmen for the campaign and subject of Rabbi Wice's speech BOYCOTT NAZI SHlrb special conference of the Talmud Torah, presided. Jews will be permitted to t a k e will be "Our Responsibilities." cultural Commissariat here. Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen- their money out of Germany. The the dance will determine the win- the workers under each: Amsterdam (WNS)—Shippers Children's services at 1 p. m. will Talmud Torah. Association The conference also decided to cy)—The voice of the Holy Land announcement of t h e plan care ner. Last year the contest was Julius Bisno, co-chairman; Isabe conducted by Mr. William transporting goods for the Netherdevelop Biro Bidjan into the bigA city-wide solicitation of ; will be h e a r d throughout th fully avoids to mention the fact held for the first time, and the dore Abramson, Irving Greene, Holzman. Memorial services will world in three languages—Heh that Jews will actually be forced coveted title was w o n by Miss Harry H. Priesman, Erwin J. lands Association for trade in Dry & e s t c e nter of light industries in I bers • in the recently-formed CUj be held at 3.30 in the afternoon. Semi-Tropical Fruits, Spices a n d | t J l e Far. East. Plans for the ex- Talmud Torah Association oV ew, Arabic and English—begin to surrender their property. Lottie Rips. ' The "sweetheart" Wezelman. Kindred Articles must henceforth j pioitation of coal fields in the re- Omaha Is being 'conducted ning in December, it was anArthur C o h n , co-chairman; In a statement accompanying winner this year will be presentt Beth-El I present. nounced by the Palestine Broad the announcement of the plan i ed with an A. Z. A. compact and William Alberts, Morris Arkin, use non-German ships, the Associ- J g j o n w e r e a i S o acted upon. ation declared in a statement emKol Nidre services will begin casting Company, a branch of th Membership at the These plans must first be apis pointed out that because of the will be honored as one of the Paul Bernstein, T. A. Tully. phasizing that it wanted foreign proved by the Soviet government cost o£ $1 is open to everyonf:. promptly at 6:30 p. m. Sunday. Palestine Government. official hostesses at the regional new anti-Jewish legislation a n d Dr. I. Dansky, co-chairman; O. ports to "learn that Netherlands' Positively no one will be seated the purpose being to before they can go into effect. Palestine's first broadcastln the intensified anti-Jewish boy- tournament to be held h e r e in Fox, A. Simons, Dave Stein, A. civilization is protesting against during the Kol Nidre. The con- station is now being completed a moral 'support for the February. cott, Jews are again showing an Theodore. Rome—Two rabbis have joined gregants are urged to be in their Ramallah. the unjust, inhuman oppression Torah activities and create increasing tendency to leave Ger- . Feature numbers Monday will Morris Friedel, co-chairman; and persecution of a small minor-j the Italian a r m y in Eritrea to er interest in the institutioi v seats no later than 6:15 p. m. Broadcasts will have an anten many and thus "a liquidating include a prize waltz and a novel- M. D. Brodkey, Max Goldstein, Ity which since the eleventh cen- minister to the large number of program, . Cantor E. Sellz and the choir na strength of 20 kilowatts an bank to facilitate the.taking ove ty "elimination dance," Dr. Nathan Muskin, H. Noddle, T h e membership comtnU?*»» —1 e d by Harry Braviroff—will Gary Gross will be featured as R. Noddle, Joe Richlin, Hy Shrier. tury has given its best energies Jewish volunteers, it was anwill operate In the CO0-700 kilo of Jewish enterprises now be consists of N. lievinson, cH«.!?~ conduct the service. Rabbi David nounced here last •week. guest director of the College Club cycle band. ',• comes a prime necessity." I. F. Goodman, co-chairman; to the German nation." man; Simon Pizer, Dave CromiRs, A'. Goldstein will speak on t h e orchestra. He was formerly with Leo Abramson, Louis Albert, John H. Marcus, R. Bordy, I. Morgwtheme, "Before"Entering the Holy several outstanding eastern bands. Beber, Dr. Samuel Z. Faier, David etern, Mai Kirshenbsum, a n iL of Holies." Ann Niemann, regular College A. Freeman, Sam Green, Dr. MayMrs. Charles Ross. I. Goldsteiu ik Yom Kippur day, Monday, serClub orchestra vocalist, "will also nard Greenberg, Abner H. Kait r e a s u r e r . -•••-• vices will start promptly at S-30 appear. man. 8. m. The reading of the Torah In charge are Ben Shrier, chairPhilip Klutznick and Harry will begin at 10 a. m. The memBASKETBALL MEETING:-• . man; D a n Miller, Morris Arbit- Kulakofsky, co-chairmen; Dave orial service will take place at man, Ray Shapiro, of A. Z. A. No. Blacker, Gail Margolin, Louis •• ' WEDNESDAY EVENING 10:30 a. m. The congregants are 1; Harry Weinberg, Arthur Gross- Margolin, Dr. M e y e r Beber, J. "A revaluation of Judaism and ] with Omaha's new rabbi reveals Plans for this year's basketb»l<' A 29-year-old ex-king—J. Leon lected Information brought man * advisors; Alfred A. Fiedler, Harold Saks, Max Barish. a reconstruction of Jewish life in j his intense studiousness and bril- season of the Jewish Comraimifr ben-MLCS Lazarowitz—f o r m e r their attention by Lazairowitz. In charge of B'nai B'ritb. co-opIrvin Levin, co-chairman; Jul- terias of that revaluation," is a | liant learning, the depth of which Center "will he iorrmilatect at. th« ruler o£ the hobos, spent the Rosh Despite what the world In gen- eration. ius Abrahamson, I.. J. Adler, Dr. dire need of Jewry today, In. the j belies his youthful years. He Is first basketball manager's mintHasbonaa holidays in Omaha. eral, may think of h i s "profes O. S. Belzer, Sam. Cohen, M. F. opinion of Rabbi Harold A. Berg- j twenty-eight years old, and his ing which will be heiS at t-he •,»-, A veteran knight "~bf the road sion," Lazarowitz strenuously de Levenson, Morris kinsman,. A. er, who last week assumed his! pleasant appearance is enhanced C. C, on Wednesday evening, Ocfor the past fourteen^years,' Lax- lends It. He vehemently declares Athletic Committee Pradell, Milton Mayper, Dave duties as spiritual leader of the j by a charming boyish smile. He tober 9, et 8 p. TO. arowitz claims that happiness ;is that he never "panhandles" bu Meeting at J.C.C. and his family—his -wife and fiveVaad Ha'Ihr in Oraaha. Robinson, Both the junior snd senior his constant companion on h i s always works for everything h month-old-daughter, S h e r n a— league plans will be determine*; An ardent exponent of neo-Or.Harry Malashock, co-chairman; Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen wanderings over the American obtains. He calls the hobos "tour At the first meeting of the ath- Henry E. Belmont, Dr. M. I. Gor- thodoxy, Rabbi Berger declares: moved to Omaha from Gary, Ind., at thi<5 meeting end rulee for th« cy) — Palestine is becoming an landscape. ists without funds" and minutel letic committee of the J. C. C, don, E. I. Widman, N. S. Yaffe. 'Many say that what Judaism where Rabbi Berger had occupied coming year -will he clarified. He further lays claim to being distinguishes them from tramps which was held last Monday eveimportant source of s u p p 1 y to Maurice Micklin, co-chairman; needs is reconstruction. Recon- the orthodox pulpit i w the past All teams who are expecting *« both the Italians and the Ethio a strictly orthodox Jew, never bums or schnorrers on the road ning, plans for fall a n d winter M. A. Bercovici, Bennett L. Cohn, struction presupposes something j three years. enter either the junioi* or plans in East Africa, it was learn- "traveling" on the Sabbath or -Lazarowitz deciphers his. name. activities were discussed and ar- Dave Katleman, wrong that needs rebuilding. Wei Rabbi Berger completed his league play at the J. C. C. ed by the Palcor News Agency holidays. In fact, according to his J. Leon.ben-MLCS Lazarowitz," a ranged. - - . also believe in reconstruction—; secular education at the Univer- season are urged to have rep?*-» Isadore W. Rosenblatt, co-chairwhich discovered that the Italian own diary, he was monarch of the follows: "Joseph Leon—son o Earl Siegel, who represents the not reconstruction of Judaism, but | sity of Chicago as & student of sentativee at this meeting. hobo realm from 1927 until 1934 Morris Lazar of the Cohenit* Psi Ma fraternity, was elected man; Joseph Bloch, Morris Fox, army is now negotiating with reconstruction o£ American Jew- mathematics, history, a n d philDave Sherman. The class A league will get unJewish leather factory, in T/el and would still be wearing the tribe." Siegel Is his mother^; secretary of the committee. osophy. He continued his Jewish der way on Sunday afternoon. ish life." B. A. Simon,. co-chairman; I. Aviv for the .purchase of $100,0-00 ermine of hoboland had not the maiden name' and Lazarowitz'th< This year's committee is as fol- Berkowltz, Jake Blank, Dr. H. "Neo-Orthodoxy," he expounds, education through Talmud Torah tober 27, and the Juniors will worth of cartridge belts for ship- April 25, 1935, convention fallen family name. . lows: Irvin Levin, chairman; Ar- Hirschmann. "recognizes the results of science into YeshJva Etz Chains, on into gin their competitive ment to Massaua, Eritrea. The OD Passover, thereby automatical-;, He is •well-posted on Jewis thur A. Cohn, Sam Epstein, Phil and cognate subjects, as anthro- the Hebrew Theological College season on Tuesday evening, OcHarry .Trustin, co-chairman; A. Ethiopian government has order- ly excluding Lazarowitz f r o m news, and speaks Yiddish, fluent Feldman, Roy' Feltman, William H. Brodkey, I. Chapman, Hymie pology. It does not stand lor ob- of ChicEgo, receiving SmlchR from tober 21. ed ?40|000 worth of lemonade traveling to the scene of the ConL. Holzman, Mrs.,Ed. Lincoln, J. Milder. Iy.- He makes a regular gift of scurantism, bet it is our conten- that institution In 1932. juices from .the Assls factory in clave. M. Malashock, Oscar Mayerowltz, leading Jewish monthly to t h tion tjtat even in tUs light of Eci-j While at Gary he demonstrated Al W o h l a t r , co-chairman; Pepys kept no more complete Tel Aviv. Brownsville Branch of the Brook DT. D. C. Platt, Dr. Philip Rom- Charles S. Ross, Louis Sommer. ence and anthropology, Judaism his initiative by introducing the 0H Rogers Memorial'" diary than does ex-king Lazaroonek, Earl Siegel, Dr. A. A. Steinlyn Public Library. Other, co-chairmen,, w h o s e —in its historical development as stufiF of Hebre'w into the public Commissi&n witz. Every c i t y visited, every JEWISH NATIONAL FUND He also carries "teflllin" wit berg, Harry Trustin, and Phlneas workers have not yet i>een fully a national religious philosophy j high school, developing the best Washington-—Eleven national bunk Blept in, every meal * eaten, Wintroub. ' selected, Include: Reuben Bordy, •with emphasis on the r e l i g i o n - educational institute in northern ly-fcnown Jewe w e r e named hy COLLECTION IS PLANNED every dollar earned is carefully him. A confirmed Zionist, Lazaro Simon Bordy, Dave B. Cohn, Dr. is still a valid and most effective Indiana, a n d publishing several Vice-President Garner to the comrecorded. His log-book shows that textbooks used in the educational mission which <« arranging a The city-wide Jewish National he has been in every state of the witz say3 he is registered in th> COMMANDER ON ETHIOPIA Leon Fellman, Dr. A. Greenberg, philosophy." system for the study of Hebrew manent memorial to the late He stresses the concrete conChalutz office and if he had th Greenberg, Robert Kooper, Fund semi-annual collection of union, as well as in eight provBORDER SEPHARDIC JEW Philip Mark Leon, J a c k Marer, Ernie cepts of Mitzvoh and Halocha. and Torah. boxes will be held the week. of inces in, Canada and eight states necessary $150 he would go t Rogerts. Jewish member* of tb*>. The new Vaad head fears an cotamission ate Bernard M. B»r» Palestine. In fact, he is seriousl Bucharest (WNS) ——-General Nogg, Simon. Pizer, J. Rosen, ''To make any change in Judaism Sunday, October 27. Everyone in Mexico. intcasification of anti-Semitism in having boxes Is asked to h a v e p j Block,, Eddie Canto?. In his meanderings, Lazarowitz considering foregoing his contin Rudolfo Graciano; commander-In- John A. Farber, Harry Du Boff, from what it was la its historical Europe because "there has been H e r b ea i ar t FSeischhaeker, Mwt them ready f o r collection when has had many occasions to con- ual traveling until he saves u chief of the Italian forces on the Dave Cohn, David Greenberg, Isi- background—In Mitzvoh and HalEthiopian frontier, is a Sephardic dore . Sokoloff,. Harry Sommer, ocha—-means to reject Judaism. no headway in solving the under- Fieischmasa, Harry F. the committees call. tribute his share toward* alleviat- tiie needed sum. lying cause of the trouble—t h e helm, Albert. D. Lssker, Eugene If r-othing else, his experiences Jew whose family hails from Rou- Harry Steinberg, S a m Stern, T o u can't change a philosophy Anyone wishlngT a National ing1 Isolated cases oC flagrant antieconomic problems." However, in Meyer, Mrs. Adolph S. Ocha, Moi•without rejecting It." Nathan Turner, Leo Waxenberg, manla, it was learned here. GenFund blue box Is ' asked to call Semitism. His scrap book is load- are colorful—and some day wi his opinion, as long as the status ton Sehwarts: and Arthur H a y e Studious Mrs. I. Dansky, Ha. 7198, or Mrs. e.l with letters from.-many, sources make -interesting reading if put in eral Graciano has many relatives Sam.. Weinberg, Phineas WinSulaberger. troub, Mose Yousem. A few moments conversation (Continued jn next page) in Bucharest. the form of a book. thanking him f o r hitherto negLouis Alberts, Ja. 6266. .

Kol Nidre Service to Begin Atonement

Memorial Service By Hebrew Club




Ruth Diamond To Teach Gymo Classes at J.C.C.

Registration for Jewish College Shows Promise


:ss is

Is Claim ©f

Palestine War Aids To Ethiopian Front

Executive to C^islst of Thirteen Number on Board ofGovernors



Revaluation of Judaism eeded7 Says



Strictly Confidential

• •••

By PH1NEAS J. B1R0N POMTICAIi MERRY-GO-ROUND Isaac Bacbarach, New Jersey's only Jewish Congressman, is going to have a Jewish opponent in 1936 i . . Dr. Isaac Stalberg will be the Democratic nominee from Atlantic County next year and may give Bacharach some trouble . . • James Landis, the aew boss of the Securities Exchange Commission, used to be law secretary of Supreme Court Justice Brandeis . . . Former Supreme Court Judge Jeremiah T. Mahoney, A. A. U. proxy \ and foe of American par* ticipation in the Berlin Olympics, is reported to be a candidate for the Democratic nomination for mayor ot New York City in 1937 . . . We hear that former Govern o r Julius Meier of Oregon is planning a political comeback In .1936 . . . . Max Manischewitz, the matzoth magnate, now - has t h e rank of colonel on* the staff of Governor Ruby Laffoon o£ Kentucky ... •. .. .-..*.. .


t a G S n t:

n 0 P A b

c! n> 2 B M u:

TELLING XOTT There's a rumor making t h e rounds that President Roosevelt will shortly issue an appeal for funds to support t h e American Olympic Committee . . . ¥ e caa: tell you now that this tale isyjtlBt; pro-Olympic propaganda . . . Post office boxes 526 and 324, General Delivery, Chicago, are the sources ef a new flock of anti-Semitic Nazi literature... . . New..York station-' «ry jobbers-are selling a two-color Gef man-made pencil which Is named "Liberty" •... Mathew Solemon, the New York Jewish detective who got a licking for de-

FRIED MEYER NOW ASSOCIATED WITH NEBRASKA CLOTHING Fred G. Meyer, who has f o r many years conducted: & man's •pparal shop In the Omaha Ath-

rn rii. at gi

fending t h e swastika, is telling his fellow cops that the guy who beat him up was a Nazi sailor and not a Communist . . . The AngloJewish press will be welcoming a new member when Trenton's first Jewish paper appears . . . Asbury Park has practically clinched the 1936 convention of t h e Jewish War Veterans . . . Hitler has a mad on with Goering because the general of t h e many uniforms spent $20,000 on a ritzy bathroom in his Berlin palace . Yorkville's Nazis don't know it (or do they?) that the Casino, which Is showing Nazi films, is owned by a gentleman who would not be eligible, for anything but a ghetto in Hitlerland . . .

r r s A FACT Influential circles In Washington are booming Mrs. Estelle M. Sternberger for the; Nobel Peace Prize . . . Those In the know say that, Bstelle rates that honor for .her part in putting through the munitions Investigation and for a swell j o b as director of World Peaeeways .;.;. : The youngest,publisher of a dailyl newspaper in the United States* i? 23-year-old"Ben Kantmah,,of,JllajnmoB'iii.' Indiana, whojias -jnst bought the Spencer, Indiana, Evening W o r l d ." •. . There's a cabaret up in Boston that occupies a, building that was a, synagogue in 1843 . . . Among the WPA projects for New York JClty-i*.a/.*tudy. Jof the total ^eJwish child population by boroughs . . . Uncle Sam put up 111,950 to finance the inauiry . . . We hear that friends of the late Herman Bernstein are .'undertaking to help hla family . ; ; Bernstein left debts totalling f 10,066 ^ . . Incidentally we were too rash when we reported that the American Jewish Committee gave Bernstein- the go-by . . AB a matter of fact it Was toe Committee which made possible the publication of his last book, ''The Truth About the Protocols of ZitoTi" •; . . Bernstein wipteit.0ai.W9 'own", but the Committee gave him an honorarium of 9500 and guaranteed his publisher against loss .

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DID TOTJ KNOW THAT Xavier Cugat, the Mexican orchestra maestro, is a non-Aryan . . . Ruth Norden, one-time secretary to Max Reinhardt, who lost her Job in "Berlin when the Nazis came into power, is working on Living Age in New York . . .Ben Bernle's real name is Anzelevltz V . ' . Rube Goldberg got.his first job-^on- the- old ^Tew- -York Mair because Tie refuseel to change his name . . . M a x Fleischer, "Betty Boop's" creator, used to be a photo* retoucher on Popular Science Magazine . . . T h e description of the• brothel-.keeper 1B L e w I B •Browne's latest novel "All Things Fred G. Meyer Are' Possible" r(page 103) tallies letlo Club building on Douglas with that ot a prominent Jewish Street, has Joined t h e merchan- personality In Cincinnati . . . The dise staff of Nebraska Clothing secretary of one of the leading national Jewish organizations may Company. . Mr. Otto Bwanson, commenting be looking f o r a new job soon » . . on Mr. Meyer's, association with NewrYork.is to haye a sequeino I i h R J t h T i Nebraska Clothing Company, re- "AM' marked: "Mr. Meyer's wide, ex- A n n e N i c h o l s . . . . -— perience and rare good judgment fal men's clothing and kindred WEDDING BELLS merchandise will make him a valThey won't admit it but, Jan uable addition to Nebraska Cloth- Kiepura, the romantic Polish Jewing Company." . V. ..:,; ish actor-singer, jL^d Martaj^gIt is understood Mr. Meyer will gerth, the Hungarian J e w i s h be!available to jerye.his patrons screen star, are^jfi'tfii'littfl wife;'.". . In all departments of T h e - N e - Postmaster General Farley's kinswoman, Jean Tobiri, was recently braska. joined to a Jewish lawyer . : . . Leon Mandel...Chicago department

More Sales of Gas Hot Water Heaters

•> Omaha homes '"ire really "gofogimodern," This is particularly true of automatic hot water eer vice. A few years ago an automatic gas hot water heater was •'i,'/:.rarity—today It is estimated that sixty per cent of the Homes in metropolitan Omaha are equip ped with automatic gas hot water service. Tremendous sales increases, in the sale of automatic water heaters Indicate this trend. "Sales volume on ^automatic gas water heaters in Omaha has doubled over last /year," states ,W. J. Barber, Assistant to the General Manager of the Metropolitan Utilities District. tower prices and attractive installment terms have b e e n important factors. Special effort has been made by t h e Metropolitan Utilities District sales and adver tfsing departments, in coopera tlon; with registered plumbers; to acquaint the publio with the distinct advantages of automatic gas •water heating. General business improvement Is also partially responsible,' along w i t h a nation wide movement toward household modernization.


store magnate, is about to wed Virginia Morari . . . Morris Alexander, Jewish member of the South African parliament, t o o k the marital plunge for the second time when he married Enid Banmberg of Sydney, Australia . . . The first Mrs. Alexander, who divorced the M. P.,' was a daughter of the l a t e Professor Solomon Schechter . . . S y l v i a Ann en berg, the ace Jewish woman golfer, is s a i d to be engaged to Maurice Ades of Minneapolis . . . P h i l Weintraub, the Giants' outfielder, had to postpone his marriage to Shirley Kaufman because h i s bankroll got an unexpected wallop whon the Giants failed to cop the NatiODal League pennant . . . SPORTS ROUXD-UP Abraham Segar, inside left of the New York Hakoah soccer team, is a nephew of Louis GoldIng, the English novelist . . . Eric Seelig, who lost his titles as German amateur light-heavyweight champion to Hitler, used to be a member of the Berlin stock exchange . . . The n e x t British heavyweight champion may be young Eddie Phillips, a Jewish bus driver from London's ghetto . . . Hank Greenberg's landsleit In the Bronx are sharply divided as to whether he should play on Yom Klppur . . . The sixth game of the World Series is scheduled for October. 7th,* which Is the Day of Atonement . . . Some of the Greenberg clan hold that Hank must play and others insist that he shouldn't and won't play . . . Dave Smukler, the battering fullback of Temple University's powerful gridroen, is an almost sure bet for All-American honors this year . . . • (Copyright, 193B, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate)

The lives of new arrivals In Palestine a r e being re-shaped. Here are shown former Jewish lawyeru who have turned to carpentry in Tel Aviv, the allJewish city of Palestine, where economic prosperity c r e a t e s

WRITTEN PROMISE BY NAZIS PLEDGES NO DISCRIMINATION Hitlerites Battling Desperately To Retain 1936 Olympic Games


opportunities for

said that the letter and invitations were given "as evidence that Germany is acting entirely within the spirit of the Olympic statutes" and that "these members of the German team will receive the same treatment as other candidaes, although they are Jewesses." General Sherrill expressed himself as completely satisfied with these promises and announced that he would Tead the letters during his speaking campaign in the United States in behalf of the Olympic Games. San Francisco (WNS)—Commenting on the report that the German Olympic Committee had invited her to be a member of the 193 6 German Olympic team, Helene Mayer declared that she had received no such invitation and expressed the opinion that none had been or would be extended. Miss M a y e r asserted that her name was being used in the Olympic Question to complicate matters. Cambridge, Mass. . (WNS) — William J. Bingham, director of athletics at Harvard University and c h a i r m a n of the United State Olympic track and field committee is opposed to sending an -American team- to the -'Berlin Olympics next summer- -If Jews


Jerusalem (JTA)—A net «ur- ! plus Of over $4,500,000 is expect-! ed by the Palestine Government' this year, according to its budget for 1935-36, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency learned. According to the budget the estimated Income for the year is 5,560,000 pounds (approximately ¥27,800,000). The estimated ex| penditures for the year are only i 4,6 ? 0,0 0 0 pounds ( approximately H23,H)0.000). | At least 85,000,000 will be spent on public works this year, the budget report discloses."

Ibrllcve no e . folk*, I have the « l > l "?. iityle and price. Come In, you don't have to boy. Just l«ok them ever »nd d A e I « e f «r 5'onrwl'.


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GOLDSTEIN CHAPMANS * Where Omaha Shops With Confidence


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The Standard Shoe Repair, under the ownership of J. L. Krage, has moved tq Jfs new location at 1,6 JJ! Haraejf street,. on© door west of tK& Cemrar Market. •




New Thomas A. Edison

Goldstein-Chapman's answers your appeal for something slightly dressier. The new crepes in -blacks and colors with jewel and lace trimmings -are-perfect for your luncheons, afternoon-occasions-and dinner.

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The smoothest, fastest iron ever made! It has a bigger ironing surface without extra weight. Free-action handle for quicker sleeveironing t It's completely automatic.. ,Does 15% to '22% more ironing than your old iron with every stroke. '


$ 1 Trade-in Allowance for Your Old Iron Bring in that old worn out iron of yours and get $1 for it when you buy this Thomas A. Edison iron. • It will make ironing easy for you.

Nebraska Power Co. Coortny • St rvtc* • U * Rates INSURED CAB9


Through a thorough process of re-orientation, the immigrants from all walks of l i f e are becoming a most valuable element in the new Palestine.

See Your Dealer or

to •


Palestine Expects $4,500,000 Surplus


tioF" Geithe' an;




tlo) Nabet cur aut lice Dir^ 1

Lives Reshaped

Paris (WNS)—Battling desperately to retain the 1936 Olympic Games, the N a z i government, through Captain Hans von Tschammer und Osten, Reich sports leader, has given to General Charles H. Sherrill, member of the American Olympic Committee, ofRevalnaiton of Judaism ficial written pledges that it will Needed, Says New Rabbi adhere to the Olympic code which forbids discrimination against col(Continued from Page 1.) or, creed or race during the Olymquo remains in this country there pic Games, These assurances is no danger of increased racial were In the form of a letter from hatreds here. "Economics," he Tschammer und Osten to General opines, "is the fundamental force Sherrill. which causes international hatThe letter also included v o n reds, and, naturally, the Jew is Tschammer und Osten's invitation the victim." to Helene Mayer, refugee German Jewish fencing champion, and Palestine While Rabbi Berger thinks Greta Bergmann, German Jewish that the Histadruth (Laborlsta) high jumper, to becom© members in Palestine present t h e proper of the 1936 German Olympic economic philosophy for the JewT team. •_ • ish homeland, he believes' t h a t 'tthe ple3ge',tb General Sherrill their economic platform Is not in-; compatible with the spiritual pro- system for building up their perMARK LEON WRITES gram of the Mlzrachi, which he sonal institutions." advocates. Following the Succoth holiday, The rabbi thinks that Russia Rabbi Berger will conduct regu- In faet, INSURANCE of Every has shown the way In stamping lar Friday evening services start- •> Type - - Strong Re|r«bl«Companiec, ONLY • out anti-Semitism—solving t h e ing at 8 p. m., at the B'nai Israel Jewish problem from the refugee 'synagogue.; Cantor A". 'SchwaczCity Finance & Insurance Co. standpoint* However, from t h e kin and his choir will chant the AT 7667 - 1409 FARNAM - WA 5150 . spiritual side, he deplores that the services. Soviet does not give freedom in the development of Jewish expression. He predicts that religion, the God-idea, will return to Russia. Rabbi Berger strongly favors a strengthening of Jewish education. "If there is anything upon which Jews c a n be united, besides the collection of money," he says,' "it Is on a unified coordinated Jewish educational 'system. Educators recognize that the philosophies of Talmud Torah education and that of Sunday School education are incompatible, especially among those who f e e l that the synagogue is the fundamental expression of Jewish, life. Therefore, we should .see that this incompatibility is reduced to a minimum. It can be done Ijy coordination and unification. Furthermore, it Is dangerous for groups of diverse theological opinions to use t h e educational


KragCliaChaJC^iUitriSryears .of experience ln*the'-*hoe'repalr business on Fainato.T Street. He bought the first Goodyear s h o e repairing machinery in the state. According to Krage, the same .duality* aqd workmanship will be offered at. the .new location as in the past.

are prevented from competing. Mr. Blngham made that statement in an interview with the ' Harvard Crimson, undergraduate I newspaper. .'Because of his dual \ position as a Harvard official and j member of the American Olympic. (Committee, Mr.-Bingham made-it clear that he spoke in the latter capacity.




We Had "Louise Mulligan" Design 2 4 New Styles in DRESSES for JUNIORS " -V..V. a t - "




16 , 0 29

Bright wools, dressy crepes all with filing fit, -the -bright new ideas in detail* — the trimmings you love — the fashion points that only Louise Mulligan can feature.

Others $7.95 and Up!



PAGE THREE. OMITTED BY ERROR F €§EE W SPEAK Through an error in t h e ?rAT YM£.A. Of TUESDAYMemoriftTti list, the names of Jnhr;

Beth-EI Men's Club • Meets Wednesday % leifTOIS. By the Service Life Insurance Company, Omaha .


. Life, insurance : is more t h.a n practical ; evidence that a man loves'his family.,. ,~ , . • . . . ' " I t is building t.h e foundation for financial happiness, setting up a safeguard.. t h a t guarantees home, education, opportunity for wile and : children,. using a' thrift plan that brings results, guaranteeing ease -when old age comes. Life insurance costs money. Certainly. . . But If your ' income ^ere cut ten per cent, you would keep on living, wouldn't you? Cut it yourself and put the money where it will do you and your family the most good. Remembering that, the man who does' not provide a. f a i r amount of. insurance makes a bet that he will live—a b e t which wife and children pay after he is dead.

(Xhe J e w i s h Telegraphic Agency presents this article by the noted commentator and newspaperman by special arrangement with the New York •V^orld-Telegrani, where it originally appeared.) The Editor.

The first meeting of the season for the" Beth-El Men's club will be held next Wednesday, October 9, at 6:30 p. in. at the Jewish ommunity Center. Election of officers will be featured. Included -on the program will be the Tech High quartet and an amateur contest. Reservations must be made for this dinner, . as • only a limited number can. be . accommodated. Reservations' may be m a d e by phoning Arthur Cohn, Glendale 34 86,; - • Morris Arkin, Glendale 1486; or the Community Center.

* '

A survey of Current TTorlcl Sit- Corby, 6 0, r.tsd Mrs. ,l>miif: Ct.~uations and their Significance by by, Ef\ vere omitted in the Fo>;3; Rabbi Frederick Colin will feat- KaishoTfS.li edition. ure the second open community night at the Y. V:. C. A., Tues- First Pole day evening at 8 p. si. New T c r fc—A. AT. S. KOBPTRabbi Cohn will review Rachel bar.h. president of the Ameri.^c Field's "Time Out ol Mind" be ' . " p v s h " •• i " " S-n~ i •* 1 B '• •" fore one of the women's group1 r i . I r r ; " r ' ; k . - : " c r ." " '• •" of the D u n d e e Presbyteric r T ! . ! • T , 1 I ' I . I ! u ' . , r . - , . r church, Wednesday, October £>, ir* n i t i •• r - - ^ : . ; ^ ' - \ i • the afternoon.


Tonight—Sabbath Shuvah, the Sabbath, of Repentance—the Beth El synagogue will conduct Eervices beginning at S p. in. Rabbi David-A. Goldstein will speak on the subject, "Preparing for Atonement." The choir, led by Harry Braviroff, will participate in the services.

lies fairly at the door of-American estfd in is the religion of the officialdom. practitioner who. attends you. In: "'*/- '.Z"- C And yet that answer isn't good deed, some of us under painful enough. We. must a d m i t that here symptoms '. may "grow a little in our own land • • there\Is preju- weary of .our own religious faith, Vaad • • dice, some of which derives sup- if any. Friday evening Rabbi H. A. port -from"institutions which are And so I say that in the trainBerger will speak at the B'nai Isat least semi-official in character. ing rt physicians and surgeors rael synagogue. His sermon will I mean specifically that'there are the welfare of the community is be "God's Faith in Man." a number of American .colleges bound up with the choosing of tho David Slobodinsky will chant A. A. Fiedler was elected as adOne challenge flung out by the which discriminate g r a v e l y best, and none but the best, for the services. visor of the mother chapter at Hitler partisans deserves a fuller against Jewish students.- In a very training. Saturday at S:SO Rabbi Berger the regular meeting of the chapanswer than vre Americans have few cases it is done frankly. The Here, again, I have no dispositer held at the Jewish community will give a Halachic dissertation given as yet. When protest conies more usual practice is to establish tion to generalize. The fac; that Center Sunday, September 22, at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol from here against the cruel and a so-called "psychological test," 1935. . Mr. Fiedler is a former synagogue. Saturday morning he stupid anti-Semitism of Nazi Ger- and the name of Amory or Wig- many of the most eminent medical men in all the countries of the member of the chapter and is now will be at t i e B'nai Israel. many defenders of der Fuehrer gles-worth is' psychologically prethe chairman of the B'nai B'rith are fond of saying, "Well, hcrw ferred before that" of "Jacobs or world are Jewish does not necessarily prove that Gentiles in gencommittee for the cooperation of about yourselves? Is there no pre- Icosengarden:. ' eral are less adept in learning the A. Z. A. chapters. Mr. Fiedler has judice in the United States?" Friday evening is the Sabbath "here is a tragic irouy. in this taken charge of the sale of pat- of Repentence. Rabbi David H. Now, that can be1 answered part- situation. Blanket eulogies are art ot healing. ron tickets.for the annual Achar Again, I say, let skill and caly by saying that the German probably just as fallible as blanWice will speak on "The Book of Hautaunis dance sponsored by Jonah." drive against Jewish citizens is ket indictments. And yet I th'.nfe pacity be the test. The good docthe chapter, which takes place festered and fomented by the gov- it is fair to say that among those tor is a man who has learned to Saturday morning services will Monday, October 7, at the Jewish be held at 10:SO. ernment itself. No such charge groups of students who are avid look facts in the face, to go beCommunity' Center ballroom. yond prejudice, hunch and guess. for education, who make desp*,r He goes to the laboratory for exLou Ricklin spoke to the chapate sacrifices In order to go to actitude in his finding. But his The A. Z. A. No. 100 heia its ter on the activities of other chapciiage, there is a very high pro- springs of information are pois- first fall meeting Sunday after- ters thron ghout the country, hav- MllS DEVELOP NEW PROPAGANDA SCHEME The first men's health, b o d y portion of Jews. And so it seems oned at the source if his own noon, September 22, at t h e J. ing just returned from an extentuilding class was held last Tues- not only cruel but silly to close medical school goes upon the C. C. sive tour. ..Alephs Ben Shrier and Berlin ("VTNS)—A new scheme Aleph S'gan Max Novak an- Ernest Nogg were elected to be day night and, was well attended. or limit in any way the enroll- wholly unscientific -theory that All who are interested in getting ment of those who go to college racial heritage or religious belief nounced the tentative plans.being chapter delegates to t h e Round for spreading Nazi propaganda into this class which meets on .with the greatest enthusiasm for makes one man fundamentally formulated by two special groups Table of.. Jewish Youth, replacing among Germans abroad was disTuesday evenings, a r e requested the things which a college is sup- better than another. You can't of the Mother chapter and the Ernest Priesman and Macy Baum. closed when the League for GerCentury chapter for the celebra- Plans for the -dance were com- manisms Abroad called on all to enroll at once as this class will posed to give. .' . . prove that, in any test tube. tion of International A. Z. A. Day pleted at a special meeting held German citizens to submit names probably "be the biggest and most I am, of course, quite ready to And so when we condemn the on October 27. . popular, and in order to properly admit that certain universities at the Jewish Community Center of friends a n d relatives abroad who have become citizens of othoutline the class schedules, a l l crust pick and choose among their excessive and the flagrant forays Aleph Phil Malkin was appoint- last Tuesday, night. er countries. who plan on being in the class applicants. There ' are colleges of Hitler against a single group ed by Aleph G o d o 1 Nathan The League, which spreads should mate it known now. which simply" do not possess the in the German community we Crounse to, make plans for the propaganda among G e r m a n s physical capacity to take in all should be reminded that our own chapter's special religious activi- Nazis Sentenced record is not perfect. Even as Riga, Latvia—Five founders of abroad, intends to circularize The doubles pre-season hand- comers/But if there is to l.e cur- things stand we have a Tight to ties to begin immediately after the German Nazi Party of Latvia these people with Nazi literature the High Holidays.. tailment the only fair method i3 ball tourney will start Monday, criticize the German regime with Aleph Joe Guss, chairman of were sentenced to imprisonment in order to "enlist them o n c e October 14. Make your entries to base selection upon competitive the utmost ardor. But 1 think this week for carrying on illegal again in the unity of the cation." now. This is the first competition examinations. On the whole,' that that our protest will carry an the social committee, and advisor political activity. They had been is the general theory followed, by of the year and you can test your even greater weight when we Hask'ell Cohen, are making plans also accused of conducting antiJewish Press advertisers merit suchnational institutions of f o r a social affair, probably a ability by getting into this tourhave sedulously, striven to remove Semitic propaganda. your patronage. learning as West Point and Andance, to be for old regular memney. napolis. I am admitting the fact the beam from our own eye. And bers and newly initiated Sam Bebthat in these training. schools in watching the mounting height The physical department of the physical fitness is also a proper of racial prejudice in Germany we er chapter alephs only. Alephs Sam Kaplan, cultural Jewish Community Center will be sphere affecting choice. But, as should be warned by the example. closed from Sunday afternoon, Oc- far as I know, neither West Point It ought to teach us that even the committee chairman, Phil Malkin, tober 6, till Tuesday,. October 8, nor Annapolis goes beyond the minor manifestations of prejudice Teligious committee chairman, and in observance of the Tom Kippur simple figures of medical and are the seeds from which the Max Novak, religious committee for holiday. great oaks of agony and bloody head, • presented a Jewish March mental examination. of Time. folly come. Perhaps the cruelest Injustice ' Every student of the City Talm u s t go down to the very mud Torah is eligible to attend of allds the quota system which roots. It isn't good enough to say, tion another Nazi .regime" could afflicts many of our medical the gym. classes which are held "Well, after all, such prejudice as be built. And certainly, the very daily for them in the Jewish Com- schools and is also beginning to exists in America merely extends best answer that Americans may itB ugly head in law. schools munity Center gym, from 5:00 raise as well. Xet's be sensible and re- to a few summer hotels, some make to Adolf Hitler is to watch till 5:30. The girls meet on Mon- alistic about' this. When, anybody apartment houses, certain clubs, and observe the things he does days and Wednesdays and t h e goes to a. doctor he wants the best some jobs and maybe quite a and then turn sharply and walk "A Quality Product for Seasoning" as rapidly as possible in precisely boys' classes are on Tuesdays and informed and "the most"• capable number of colleges." ; <he opposite-direction. Thursdays. . That Is a pretty poisonous list i y ; are 1 £3»&3»$&$3S3«£X$XX33»3t$3^^ sick the.^ast thing yoii are inter- ol prejudices. On such a foundaIn order to interest the junior members of the physical department, Lee Grossman, who ".is in personal charge of these junior classes, is inaugurating a competitive point system, which Is based on attendance, sportsmanship, for winning various contests and for neatness in gym clothes. Over 22 yonngsters attended the first class which, was. held Monday from 4:00 till 4:45J It m e.e t s Monday and Wednesdays f r o m4:00 till 4:45.




36-CAR TRAM TO BUEEYA C0L0KIE5 Moscow (JTA)—The firBt experiment in mass-emigration ol Jews to Biro Bidjan, t h e autonomous Jewish territory, w e £ made last week with the departure from here of a SG-ear tram carrying 60 0 settlers to the Fcr Eastern province. The train includes a diner, rhospitai car, a library car, and seven cars of supplies. here.

Every • Evening Except Sunday






A. Z. A. 100

J.C.C. Sports




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Physical director,. I<ee~ Grossman is forming a beginner's volley ball class for -women. All the elements ol volley ball will ue taught in thiB class. This group will meet on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 9:45 till 10:10 a. m. And at 10:10 both the advanced and beginner's class will be given, reducing exercises which will last till 10:40. Then after the beginners go into the swimming pool, the advanced volleyball players will h a v e their regular competition.


PANCAKE Zy2 Ib. pkg. 23c wholewheat pancake flour 35c


CAMPBELL'S TOMAO SOUP, .dozen 90c LIBBY'S TOMAO JUICE ____ ..dozen 95c FANCY DELICIAAPPLES_ „ 1.19 ..dozea 288 SIZE ORAGES _ _ i — FANCY CALIFORNIA GRAPEFRUIT _ J > for 25c JELLY GRAPES ....^- ..._.-..™...-...jnkt. basket 29c NEBRASKA JONATHAN APPLES .__..bnshel 1.15 IDAHO ITALIAN PLUMS IIILLLJA bushel 1.15 OMAHA FAMILY SOAP 10 bars -35c -FLOUR 5 lbs. - - 27c BLUE BARREL SOAP 10 lbs. - - 52c 6 bars - 25c 24Ibs.--SSc


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This is s fabric made ol black face f anx... tmusaal in crppeoare s s e caxd more imtmial In wearing ability. It k-esctra strong c a d pliable . . . . en Jinsssican reprothorn, hctll fH? pivT,


10c 1514-16-18 Dodge St.



15th and




Ccj nei

od a cold aloofness in the spheres I new "ghetto laws" In Germany, of British authority in which, he j to request their customers not to Las moved, he fess shown it a i ship goods by German boats. The world moves in cycles. / thousandfold in h i s relation to I "This action," the decision reads, Generations have passed in review in the parade of history, | "will demonstrate to foreign ports the life and problems of the peoPublished every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by | that Dutch civilization is outraged ple into wnich he was born. The since that memorable though ghastly fifteenth century when reThe Marquess of Reading the seat of judgment to the throne THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY i by the oppression of minorities." storms a n d stresses through of Imperial India. ligion-crazed inquisitors sought to force the Jewish people to will celebrate bis 75th birthday A brief period as Secretary of which the Jewish people have Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - *2.00 embrace the dominant religion of the time. This caused the be- next week. This profile rpreState- for Foreign Affairs under passed during the last half cenAdvertising rates furnished on application. ginningof the Marranos, converted Jews in Spain and Portugal sents an incisive analysis of one* the National Government, has ap-lury hare had Reading as an in- .__,vwv For University Jerusalem—Mrs. S o 1 Rosenwho outwardly became baptized to' the religion of their persecu- of the most amazing personali- parently concluded the long suc- terested spectator—rarely as an Editorial Office: 500 Brasdeis Theater Building. bloom, widow of the Pittsburgh active participant. His counsel in tors but who secretly and at the danger of being burned at the ties of our day.—THE EDITOR. cession of glittering prizes of high time of trial has always b e e n department store magnate, has Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center public offices held by t h i s reDAVID BLACKER - - Businesa and Managing Editor stake practiced their true Jewish religion. sought and ever-reafiily given. agreed to contribute §500,000 for It is about thirty years n o w markable son of Jewry. The dim- Bat his advice has always been a new auditorium building of the FRANK It. ACKBRMAN - - - - - - - - Editor he M a r r a h o s lived through the centuries. Their children since the Rufus Isaacs vogue ming twilight of a magnificent en the side of superlative caution Hebrew University on Mount ScoFANNIE KATBLMAN Council Blutfa, Iowa, Correspondent and children's children continued the forms of their secret Jewish swept over England with an irre- career finds Rufus Daniel Isaacs, and colored by the British tradi- pus, it was learned here by the ANN FILL • » - - Bioux City, Iowa, Correspondent first Marquess of Reading, in the rituals—-some knowing why, others not knowing why. Five cen- sistible fury. There was no es-placid waterB of elder-statesman- tijn and tinged with compromise. Palcor News Agency. i Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 2 « h Street caping it; day in. day out, It obThe n e w structure, to adjoin turies later, thousands of these Marranos are returning to the truded Itself from the pages of ship, austere, dignified a n d re- He has rarely, if ever, stood in the Hebrew National and Univerthe forefront of the perennial Jewish fold openly. Only last week two thousand more Marrancs the daily press; it shouted at usspected in the councils of t h e sity Library, Is the second large i warfare which Jewry has had to from the weeklies; conversation British Commonwealth" of Na—from* Oporto, Portugal—offidally e m b r a c e d Judaism. In wage on a myriad of enemies. gift from Mrs. Rosenbloom who, languished Into a Rufus Isaacs tions. several years ago, gave $500,000 The holiest of Jewish holy days, the solemnest day on theSpain and Portugal the official bans upon the* Jewish religion monotone; so far as Jewry was To speak of Reading, in terms Great movements and great emer- in memory of her husband. Jewish calendar, will be observed by world Jewry starting at sun- have been lifted. Judaism as a religion flourishes in the soil which concerned, it developed into an other than of awesome reverence, gencies have swept Jewry but obseEfci'.n. I do not even hesitate would be something In the nature Reading, man of exceptional gifts, was supposedly "made immune." down next Sunday, October 6. to Bay that it came to be a men- of lese majeste. He has that air wielder of incalculable influence, Yom Kippur does much to purify us as a people. It is a day The world moves on . . . the cycles continue . . . and Judaism ace lo many a Jewish household. of-regally frigid aloofness, born worshipped and idolized by h i sEiectrific&tion Moscow—Forty-t h r e e Jewish people, has declined the leaderIt all arose over the discovery of of the sceptre and purple. of introspection, when e a c h opportunely subjects himself to a remains deathless. * settlements in the Kalindorf Jewship ct a nation which has scan* veritable darling of the gods. A searching analysis. It is insufficient for us to review our life durhimself with that un- ned tlie horizon despairingly for ish national region in the Ukraine young London Jew who had run He bears frigidity which we asso- guidance and the inspiration of a will eoon be provided with elecing the year just past and decide that we shall better our characaway to sea, roughed the stormy yielding ciate with life-long power and au- guide. Removed from the centre tricity according to a project for seas as a cabin boy on a tramp, throity. ter in the days ahead. The purpose of our self-inventory is to of the Jewish arena, he has play- electrification of the district apWe have been disappointed again and again by a weak-kneed returned contrite and chastened, learn through our own misdeeds exactly how we should better sobered down to life in the big Actually, there Is a k i n d of ed his part, •when called upon, in proved by the Ukrainian Soviet conduct ourselves.- -We may be able to "pull a mask" over the vacillating League of Nations which has not used the proper city, entered the stock exchange, pathos lurking behind this c o l d the inner circles and behind the Government. exterior. Is it a deep-rooted sense scenes of conflict. But Jewry has eyes of our neighbors, but we cannot delude our own conscience dynamite in protesting against the atrocities being committed in failed to prosper; sobered down of greatness-fallen-short that has looked to Reading in vain for the further and read hard for the bar, nor our own heart. There, honesty places our acts in proper per- Nazi" Germany. prospered exceedingly a n d In drawn a cloak of impassivity man whom they could lollow in We know only too well that League leaden are well awaie next to no time was in the dazz- round this overtly magnificent the light of noonday. spective, where the focus cannot be blurred through false sophisfigure? In Lord Reading there was Irsspec-t Your Furnace NOW! try. None of us is a paragon; we all make mistakes. To admit of true happenings in Germany. Reliable newspaper reporters ling brilliance of the limelight as Discarding the raiment of high born a great and noble citizen of the silver-tongued advocate for and unimpeachable testimony have definitely put the stamp of that we have erred is the first step toward correcting an evil; whose services litigants fought, authority in which Reading has England, but his own people from then on, it is a test of strength of character as to how far world disapproval upon sadistic Nazidom's activities. But right and upon whom t h e golden re- all h i s life been garbed, there sigh for the great Jew who might and justice, civilization and humanity sink into insignificance be- wards of success showered in un-stands revealed a man whom for- have been. we shall remedy the past and live better lives. tune has adorned with m a n y ceasing flood. (Copyright, 1935, by Seven Arts .. Nor should we lose sight of the fact that on thsi Day of fore the "diplomacy" of the topnotchers. The powers 'cry about crowns, but who has not wielded Feature Syndicate) Add the magic of an arresting the sceptre to lasting advantage. Judgment, when we seek forgiveness for our sins of the past social justice, they preach of humanized civilization— yet their presence, and a strikingly hand- In the House of Commons, h i s year, we must first forgive our neighbors for any offense they every act is motivated by their country's material or imperial some mien to the dignity of a. political abilities fell short of the , may have committed against us. A forgiving soul takes its own gain. King's Counsel, and the dream of dazzling promise of his legal careward • in mellowed happiness, while hardness carries its own 'When the question of Nazi activities in the Saar and in Dan- a true hero of modern romance reer. It is said that he deserted came vividly to reality. Many a Parliament for the bench, not only punishment On Yom Kippur let us remember that life is short zig came up before the League of Nations Council last week, Cap- Jewish lad's heart fluttered in thewithout a Qualm but with a sigh and the human is a creature of a day, which passes shadow-like tain Anthony Eden, British diplomat, warned of the consequence ecstasy of ambitious imitation: of relief. As Lord Chief Justice away into the great beyond. L«t us therefore determine to quick- of anti-Semitic, activities in Danzig, and a resolution warning .he many a Jewish mother trembled of England, his judgments, 6ound Amsterdam (JTA)—A boycott in anxiety lest the temptation to and just though they were, rarely en our spiritual vitality through following the path of right,liv- Nazi-controlled Danzig senate that it is violating the constitution emulate t h e Isaacs romance struck the note of greatness or against German ships was urged was adopted. Warnings and resolutions which are not backed up should wrest her offspring from originality; nor did they form any by the Netherland Union of Mering, where the rainbow will be found at the end of the trail. new groundwork of legal history chants for Dry and Tropical more concretely are meaningless; The events of the past few the maternal hearth. Fruits and Spices last week. Stave lepalr Works Exquisite fortune urged Rufus or create many precedents so dear years have demonstrated amply that Germany cares nary a oit 1206-88 Doubles. AT 2S24 Daniel Isaacs gently forward from to the lawyer. In his Viceroyalty T h e merchants' organization for warnings or resolutions, as long as she knows that no action the knee to tne lap of the gods. Reading carried h i s high office decided, as a protest against the Inter-religiouB good-will by deeds—not words—is exemplified will be taken. We know, England knows, the League powerotoew Fiom the bar to the House of with dignity and success, but without undue distinction of adIn the announcement by Rabbi Sidney E. Goldstein of New York, that Germany is violating her agreements in Danzig and the Saar Commons, from Mr. Isaacs, K. C.rministration. to Sir Rufus Isaacs, Attorney Genchairman of the social justice commission of the C^ntral^iQonfer- as regards the Jewish residents and every minority living trer i. eral of England, and thence to the Notwithstanding the onset o£ a ence of American Rabbis, that a committee of Jews is being form- And we also all know that Germany will continue along her bar- majesty of the judicial Bencn, new wave of political ideas in InLord Chief Justice of England, ed to raise funds to aid "The Churchman," newspaper of the Pro- baric path despite resolutions or warnings. What is needed is head ot the English judiciary. dia, notwithstanding t h e emertestant Episcopal church and the oldest religious publication the invoking of economic sanctions to show the Nazis that the The climax of a career, the realis- gence, in his time, of Gandhi and the New India, Reading left Delhi ation of ambition? Not yet. in the English-speaking world, which is threatened with extinc- threats can be translated into action. without any startling or lasting Th© cheaper furs have been so Relive that th» To discard the mantle of theimpress of his personality or polition by a $10,200 libel judgment obtained agahist it. prices have advanced materially. The better fnni law and to exchange it for thetical ability. Nothing that h a s An appeal is now pending on the judgment; which was obtain»re still low In price at Anlahaugh'g because they gorgeous vestments of Imperial bought in «<3vance to protect their customers. Ored by the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, dignity was but a simple gesture since happened to change the der jour fine fnr coat cpsieklr novr and pave mopolitical face of India is traceable J f on., Oct. 7 for Rufus Daniel, first E a r l of to the Inspiration of Reading, or Inc., in a suit based on. an article in "The Churchman" printed in Yom Kippur._ ney. Anlaban£h is capable of designing s coat of Reading; he moved easily from etsprrb style. Come in and talk it over — no ob...Sat, Oct. 12 to his accomplishment. 1931 in connection with itB campaign against indecent moving pic- Succoth, 1st day . ligation. Succotn, 2nd day — -Sun., Oct. 13 Ai a. Jew, Reading joins t i e tures. Should the appeal fail, the Jewish committee will start the and the crown of royalty; but the .-FA, Oct. 18crown of a good name excels them long line of illustrious men who raising of funds t o keep "The Churchman" going, because, Dr>. Hosha'ana Rabba — have adorned the story of nations ..Sat, Oct. 19all." Goldstein states, "of our deep respect for the publication. No reli- Shemini Atseret ~~~ other than their own. Whether by Simchat Torah —..... JSun.. Oct. 20 Rabbi Jannai said: "It Is not In design or unconsciously. Reading our own power to explain either has walked in a path far removed relationship between racial and religious groups, and no paper * R o s h H o d e s h , , H e s h v a n — -,— nil , ,.., ,„....„ ,.,, —Mon., Oct. 28the 1814 FARKAM ST. prosperity of the wicked or from the core and heart of the could have been more courageous and intelligent in the crusade R d s h H o d e s h K i s l e v ..„.••• ..Wed., Nov. 27the afflictions of the righteous." Jewish people. If he has exhibitSXXSXaOCTaOBCSSSSSXKXXSX^^ Chanukah, 1st day ~..~ ; -.—«_. against indecency on the screen." Sat, Dec 21 . ; _«. Such acts of religious co-operation do more than a hundred Rosh Hodesh Tebet M....Fri., Dec 27 NOTE—Holidays begin in the evening preceding • the dates good-will meetings toward cementing better relations and a fuller . understanding among creeds. • ' • - designated. *Rosh Chodesh also observed previous day.


Chaos in the Reich



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The Marquess of Reading By A. L EASTERMAN

YomKippur Meditations

Need More Than Threats

Dutch Merchants To Boycott Nazi Ships

Real Good-Will

FINE FURS are the bargains now

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1492 . . . A rather Ions intermission. AFRICA FIND ITALIAN COMMANDER ON ETHIOPIAN FRONTIER IB SEPHARDIC JEW . . . Nothing startling. Jews make better generals than privates. (Copyright, 1985. by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate)

The chaotic conditions making life miserable and unbearable for German Jewry grow steadily worse in the Third Reich. The new year opened with an important manifestation in Jewish life— 00* the German synagogues were more crowded than in any recent years. Just as a child—beaten and bruised by rowdies-against whose company he was warned—finds xo-adort'in- his -mother's arms, so do the Jewry of Germany find comfort from their "spirit- KORTH AMERICA JEWISH COMMITTEE FORMual bruises by a return to the God of their fathers.'•••'••».'.":".'.'Z2"^ ', ED IN N E W YORK TO SAVE The Nazis, however, do not find their Jewish problems with- "THE CHURCHMAN," OLDEST out thorns. No sooner had thie new ghettolzing laws been pub- PROTESTANT E P I S C O P A L JOURNAL THREATENED WITH lished, than whatever saneness that is left in official Nazidom EXTINCTION BY $10,000 LIBEL By O. O. DASHER realized-that the opinion of the world excoriated them even more JUDGMENT . . . Religion should than before. In no uncertain terms did the press of the world let lead the way In human relationWhat is man, that Thou shouldship. Germany know that their action was considered a return to me- RELIGIOUS P E R SECUTION est magnify him and that Thou dieval darkness hitherto considered impossible in this so-called en- ABROAD FLAYED AT CATHO-•houldest set Thy heart upon him, that Thou shouldest rememlightened age. The Nazis are willing to flaunt world opinion, but LIC EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS and IN CLEVELAND ... . But the Ger- ber him every morning and try they cannot afford the economic pinch. Day by day the economic mans trill never hear about it. him every moment? Though thy beginning w a s pay-off comes closer and closer. Inflation is a step away; official DETROIT JEWS PRAY FOR small, yet thy end should greatGermany's credit is dissipated; economically the country is onRAIN ON OCTOBER 7TH TO S A V E H A N K GREENBERG ly increase. the brink of disaster. And so, alarmed' lest the new anti-Jewish FROM Behold, God will not cast away PLAYING IN WORLD laws would further intensify the world-wide anti-Nazi boycott, SERIES ON YOM KIPPUR . . . an innocent man; neither wilt He the evil-doers. the Nazi regime attempts to create the impression for foreign But he will play i t the game is on. uphold My soul is weary of my life. I NEW YORK ORTHODOX RABconsumption that its anti-Semitic policy does not ajpply to trade BIS RULE ACTOR WHO TURN- will give free course to my complaint. I will speak in the bitterand commerce. The'Nazi Trade and Industry Organization accord- ED CANTOR MUST NOT INness of my soul. TONE HIGH HOLIDAYS PRAYingly issues an appeal to its Aryan members not to boycott JewERS . . . Since when actors taboo ish shops and publishes pamphlets urging Jews to resume normal in a Synagogue? TALMUD business relations with Aryans. This is for foreign consumption, EUROPE Rabbi Meir said: "Lessen thy but actual events point in a different direction. Hitlerite bankers GERMAN JEWS SEEK GOV- toil for worldly goods a n d be ERNMENT'S PERMISSION FORbusy in studying the Torah; if prove the name of Shylock misapplied by suddenly demanding all EMIGRATION TO ECUA-thou neglectest the Torah, many loans from Jews to be due immediately and then froeclosing on MASS DOR . . . They'll get the permis- causes for neglecting it will pretne mortgages at ridiculous prices. Nazi employes band" together sion if they agree to- walk o u t sent themselves to thee, b u t if thou laborest in the Torah, He and offer small sums for Jewish businesses and force the pro-naked. has abundant recompense to give POLISH JEW ON TRIAL IN thee." prietors to sell out at their price. Even in sports, the Reich WARSAW FOR INSULTING HITRabbi. Elieser said: "He who sports commissar sends General Sherrill, American member of LER IN LETTER TO GERMAN does one precept has secured himthe International Olympic • committee, a written promise that FIRM . . . Lose or win, the de-aelf one advocate, and he w^h o fendant stands vindicated. there would be no discrimination against Jewish athletes and the HOLLAND REMOVES BAN ON commits one transgression has next day this same commissar-issues an order that Jewish athletes MARRIAGE BETWEEN GER- gotten himself one accuser. ReMAN JEWS AND DUTCH CITI- pentence and good deeds are as could not wear' the German sports emblem. ZENS . . . Holland never had any a shield against punishment." Naturally, the reaction of German Jewry is one of deep and bit- use Rabbi Jonathan said; Every for Hitler's racial theories. assembly which is in the name of ter resentment. But that resentment cannot find audible expresHUNGARIAN RABBI ADMITS God will in the end be establishsion. However, the Juedische Rundschau, Zionist organ in Ger NAZI LEADER IS HIS ADOPT- ed, but that which is not In the many, came closest to expressing this resentment by discussing ED SON". . . Herzl's Bon convert- name of God will not in the end ed himself—the sons rarely fol- be established." the latest anti-Jewish laws in guarded language and urging that low their fathers. Rabbi Eleasar said: "Let the the Hitler government take steps to end the libeling of Jews, and NAZI MOB STONES POLISH honor of thy pupil be as dear to that the Jews be accorded a semblance of commercial, liberty, the JEWISH FOOTBALL *>LAYER thee as thine own, and the honor right tp emigrate and an opportunity for independent cultural act- TO DEATH IN SILESIA . . . A of thine colleague be lika the fear Sample of fair play at the Berlin of thy teacher, and the fear of thy ivity. Olympics. teacher like the fear of God." \



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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 19S5. BROWJf-SEST Word has been received here by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brown of tbe marriage of Mr. Brown's brother, Bert N. Brown of Memphis, formerly of Omaha, to Erma Janet Sest of Philadelphia. The •wedding took, place Wednesday, September 18, in Philadelphia.


ARMY PROMOTION ter . . . then consecutively became j £JJffJJJ CHOUOM ANIlUAL Mrs. Anna Stern has received assistant director, -assistant pro-i >rr t t vn WFTTfih" M3 word of the promotion of her son, ducer, and at 30, a full-fledged j ™ _ «*«'"*< Benjamin, to the rank of Captain producer of RKO. He look? so j Cholim finntial tn* in the Signal Corps of the V. S. young' he's sometimes taken lor j The be held at t*1* Army. ' the office boy, | and meeting w Hollywood—Another daughter! iMjn and returns answers via the ! ,T. C, C , October 15. Eabbig N. Captain Stern formally attendI Feldmsn and H. A. Berper wUi ed Central High school and of Judea will soon embellish, the same route. Something new in Cnico, with Marxian humor, Creighton university here. He is marquees of your town—Fran- teLEGgrapay! address the meeting. The Center decided to surprise the kids a graduate of West Point Military cine Larriroore, after a series of Players Guild will present R ourBnbinoff, if you didn't know, swarming a local theatre w i t h act skit. Academy. The Captain is n o w screen tests, was signed by Irving ANNOUNCE BIRTHS autograph boi>ks. He strode over Thalberg, who declares her t h e has an eccentricity (polite term) Mr. and MrB. Ben Reltser of stationed at Pasadena, Calif. His Mm. J. Finkel and her commitmost valuable screen find ia many —he takes every opportunity . . . to the group end asked, ""Would Chicago announce the birth of a family is with him. years. Her stage debut was made and some that aren't opportune you like my autograph?" "Who're tee are in charge ol the tea, son, September 6, at the Lord LesMembers and their friends s~* as a small child In "A Fool There to be photographed w i t h y o u T piped an urchin. "TV h y, cordially invited to attend. ATter hospital. Mrs. Reitzer is the IN INDIAN SERVICE I'm C h i c o Marx." "So what?" Was." (Remember Theda Bark'« celebs, OTHER celebs and in. former Sarah Simon of Omaha. Mr. Samuel Gerson, who came s, damper £rom the rear of nu<il reports •will he rea.fi. KorSTEINBERG-M^KX RAVITZ-COOFER * version of that?) poses so fluttering to himself! She plans to return home the latthe first director of the J. C. C. pital reports will be {riven. ENGAGEMENT the crowd. ENGAGEMENT' here and who recently was head Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marx of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cooper of ter part of October. That _Sylvia Sidney-Cerf alliof the F. S. R. A. in the state of Moricland Merry-Go-R o v. n d : Lincoln announce the engagement Albany, New York,-announce, the ance will be effected before the Mitsi Green, appearing with a See nezt chapter. Jewish Press advertisers Montana, has sow gone into the Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Schreibman of their daughter, Celia, to Dr. A. engagement of their daughter, print is dry on this ssuib. And her your patronage. (Copyright, 1955, Jewish A. Steinberg, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Frances, to Mr. Ben Ravitz, son announce the birth of a daughter U. S. Indian service. He has just Mama long-distanced from N e w Etoct corapany in M&ine, popB up Inc.) A !._ Steinberg of Omaha. The wed- of Mr. Samuel Raritz of Omaha- at the Covenant hospital, Septem- been appointed. Regional Special- York to ask If Sylvia is sure she'll the audience with Hollywood imist In charge of the Indian Repersonations after her legitimate I ber 26. ding will take place in late fall. Miss Cooper, who attended New IT P I L L FAY YOU habilitation and will be stationed be happy. stint. Mrs. Leslie Carter is seen Firei Miss Marx, w h o comes of a York State College for Teachers at Berkley, Calif. His region comalmost nightly at the Gotham, To Consult prominent pioneer Lincoln family, and Columbia Library School, is TO THE EAST Berne—Continuing Its drive on They've re-re-rewritten the Ed-Cinemaville's best known Jewish Miss Ida Daytch 'will leave Oc- prises the states of California, attended the.University of Ne- now at the John A. Howe branch Nazism, t h e Swiss Government, die Cantor "Shoot the chutes" so of the Albany public library. She tober 15 to spend the winter with New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and many times that the latest ver- delicatessen . . . whether H'E tbe through the canton&l council of gefulte fish or the pictler herring When buying1 is a niece of Mr. Jacob Kooper of relatives and friends in New York Utah. Dr. Steinberg Is a graduate ol sion is designated, "The semi-final that draws her we h&ven't fiiseoT- Berne, dismissed Dr. Porsig, proCity' and Brooklyn, N e w York. DIAMONDS the University of Nehraskii medi- Omaha. pre-preliminary script." Where do cred. When Ed "Wynn, at the cs- fessor of Germanic languages at Enroute she will s t o p to visit SORORITY PLEDGING cal college and of the University Mr. Bavltz is a graduate of the the University of Berne, after Ms WEDDING EIKGS we go from here, boys? The Alpha Gamma Chi sorority plraUnn of hii _eoatract._ demand-|r c f n g a ] t o q u i t t h e 3 o c a l N a B , ^ of Pennsylvania, He is affiliated University of Nebraska where he friends In Rock Island and ChiWATCHES - SILVEEWARH: cago. ed $7,300 per broadcast of Omaha University held a Pref•with the Phi Delta Epsilon frater- was affiliated with the Zeta Beta When Adrian, t h e designer got the gong! Kanfe Mann, retir- ** n i s a t 10G> ° f ' h l C h h e i s t h e GUT JEWELRY erence party Saturday, September fl nity. . - . - . - • Tau fraternity and Is a member (Ginsburg, to you) was o l d lag from the rerta-crant besiness, !•leader. RETURN TO CHICAGO 14, at the home of Rose Fisher, of the Compeer club of Omaha. enough to hold a pencil, he dec- announces that all the actors who The cantonal council declared SKXAR-GIKSBURG Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wise and 4520 Mayberryv M i s s Jaaet The wedding will take place In ENGAGEMENT Graeti, rush chairman, w a s in orated the pages of every book "pot it on the enfi" can just for- that membership in a foreign poson, of Chicago, returned home Albany, November 3. that came into his hands. His get their debt. Aaron Rosenbnrg, litical movement its incompatible after a three weeks* visit with charge,, assisted by Bertha SlutiMr. and Mrs. M. Glnsbure of mother, sensing talent, t o o t him noted football star, is acting in with the tenure Mrs. Wise's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ky, Sylvia Silveraan, Geraldine Denver, •'. Colo., formerly of Oma- StTCCOTH TEA to EH aged artist who placed two "Paddy O'Dar." Arthur Kober's Strauss, and Betty .Fellman. M. Lipp. Mr. and Mrs. Wise spent ha, announce the engagement of All the Jewish .Women of the bird* on a stand for tbe boy to new book, "Thunder Over the their daughter, Fannie, to Morris city are invited to be the guests some time in Kansas City and Ex- The new pledges a r e Harriet draw. Adrian turned his back on Bronx," will be cat this week. JoSklar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis of the Beth-El synagogue auxil- celsior Springs. Bernstein, Evelyn Dansky, Bertha them . . , refused to copy . . . he Bef von Sternbert must h&re Sklar of Newark, New Jersey. No iary at their annual Succoth tea Greenberg, and Ellabell Korney, •wanted to do original things. ANNOUNCING dropped his fancy la-de-das and date has been set for the wed- to be held in the Succah of the TO WINTER SOUTH all of Omaha, and Esther Steingotten down to work . . . he finding. Miss '. Ginsburg is making J. C. C. on Tuesday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Wiesman berg of Council Bluffs. When Fanny Brice faced the ished "Crime and Punishment" In her home In Elizabeth, New Jer- October 15, at 2 p. m. and son, Charles, and daughter, Formal pledging w a s held at cameras for a test the other day, four weeks! Gene Fowler {not e sey. She is now on her way to SHDIf An outstanding program Is be- Merrlan, are leaving the 10th of the h o m e of Esther Sllverxa&n, he expected to sing her old stand- Tribesman), describing his recent Denver to visit her parents and SHINEP October to spend the winter in 1525 Vinton street, Monday eveing arranged by Mrs. Sam Theoby, "My Man" but she went trip to Jerusalem, says he found stopped in Omaha to visit h e r Arizona and California. ning, September 23. blank, forgot the words. A search the food generally poor with the brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and dore and her committee. Plans SS Y«arc «m Ftmsm Miss Wiesman will enter h e r Miss Rose Klrshenbaum has .Mrs. Louis JTeUman. Miss Gins- are being made to accomodate the freshman year at the University been elected vice-president in n the studio library brought exception of one good meal—at large crowd which alwayB attends lorth an old copy and ehe sang the Y. M. C. A. What will the burg was extensively entertained of Los Angeles. place of Beth Platt, who is not this annual affair. t—newly memorised. during her visit here. Zionists s&y? attending school this year. SPEND HOLIDAYS HEBE DEBORAH DESSEBTDirector Charles Relsner lives <EEECHEN KUSHNEB Messrs. Ben Rich, Bob JacobA certain "Quickie" producer n Laguna, sixty miles from the The marriage of Maxine Kush- IiUNCHEON, CARD PARTY son, Sam Weiss and J. M. Lasser was having his "txanron" . . .CanZeta Beta Tau will be active on studio . . . telephone tolls are a ner, daughter of Mr. and MrB. S. "The Deborah society is mak- came to Omaha from Kansas City cellation after cancellation of his EXPERT f-HOES CYEO ing splendid progress for the desthe University of Nebraska Cambig expense . . . so "Chuck" found KuBhner of Cedar Rapids, la., to WORKMAN by airplane to spend the Holidays. EV '• product was pouring. Finally one i sert-luncheon a n d card party pus throughout tbe coming year. a way. He trained a carrier pigeon SKIP Abe Beechen, son of Mr. and Mrs. EXPERTS The chapter has appointed Rob- o flit between home and the of- customer wired, "Cancel my orMorris Beechen, of South Sioux which they a r e sponsoring Oc- VISIT IN CHICAGO der immediately." In desperation ert Stiefler as its representative fice adjoining his at the lot . . . City, Nebr., took place Sunday, tober 23, at 1 p. m. at the J. C. The Misses Rose and Pearl he wired back, "Can't cancel imSeptember 21, at t h e home of C," announced Mrs. S. Frohm, Meyer, who have been visiting in in Corncobs, the campus pep or- He ties messages to the bird's leg mediately. You'll have to t a k e chairman. ganization. In publications, t b e . his studio neighbor receives Rabbi David A. Goldstein, who Chicago for the past two weeks, fraternity will ably be representyonr turn!" FIBCT DJKJK «VERT O r cnNTBAI, Reservations for tables may be officiated. will return home the first of next ed by Lloyd Friedman, Robert made hy calling Mrs. Frohm, Ha, A dinner for the guests, the week. •- Pandro Eerman is one of our Stiefler, and Howard Kaplan on immediate family only, was held 2985, or Mrs. William Milder, coyoungest important film ezece. He the editorial staff of the Dally chairman, Wa. S055. The benefit card party of the Z. B. T. MOTHERS CLUB In the Mayfair room of th~e FonThe first meeting of the Z. B. Nebraskan, a n d Warren Acker- Women's Mlzrachi will be h e l d hails from Pittsburgh . . . finishtenelle hotel after the ceremony. ed high school . . . then started T. Mothers club was held at the man and Stanley Slosburg on the Wednesday, October 16. ChfSpr Account et The couple left for Minneapolis, BERNSTEIN-IJOTMAN work as an assistant film cutter business staff of the same paper. Mrs. E. Weiaberg and Mrs. M. home of Mrs. Sam Friedman. Minn., for a wedding trip a n d ENGAGEMENT . . . worked up to head film cutupon their return will make their Mr. and Mrs. M. Lotman of Lin- Twelve new members were pres- Bernard Eirenbnrg is on the staff Brodkey are co-chairsnen for this of the Ag'wan, campus h u m o r affair. .home at the Sidney apartments in coln, announce the engagement of ent. An election of officers took Prizes will be given, a n d all Sioux Cityr la. their daughter, Selma, to Nathan place. The new officers are: Mrs.magazine, and a member of the band. :.~ • proceeds will go toward meeting Ta*e guests at t h e ceremony Bernstein of Iowa City, la., son Ben Stiefler, president; Mrs. Max Herbert Kaplan was the author the organization's Quota. were Mr. and Mrs. Kushner and of Mr. and Mrs. H. Bernstein of Kaplan, vice-president; Mrs. K. of a debate printed in the UniTrilling, recording secretary; Mrs. Omaha. The wedding will take laxnily, Mr. and Mrs. Morris BeeHarry Malashock, corresponding versity Debaters annual. chen and family, Mr. aitd Mrs. place November 3. The Glee Clnb of t h e Junior j Junior Hadassali The chapter was. host to five Rube Miller of Sioux City, and The bride-to-be is a graduate of secretary; Mrs. S. Friedman, men from the Chicago chapter, inAn important meeting of Jun- Va&d Auxiliary will meet Tuesday j Mr. Jack Goldsmith of Sioux City, the University of Nebraska. Mr. treasurer; and Mesdames M. Kapcluding Ed Perretz, who played ior Hadassah -will be held Thurs- evening. October E, at 7:SO p. m. und Mr. and Mrs. James Coren- Bernstein graduated from the lan and A. Lazerowitz, telephone ! left end in the game ..during .the day. October-10, at & o'clock at at the B'nai Israel eyB&gogue. n a n of Omaha. ^ „,.' » „ University of Iowa at Iowa City.- committee. Miss Blunia Nereleff is • direc| ha" Jewish Community Center. Chicago-Nebraska game last SatAt this meeting, details of the tor cf the group, and Miss Bose urday. There will be a house party on membership tea to be held In the Steinberg is accompanist. Saturday, October 12,. the night near future will be given, full announcements about the Southwest of the Minnesota game.' Justin R. Wolf Is one of the Regional Convention of Junior "Wanted — Yocng man with student editors of the Nebraska H&dass&h to "be held in Kansas clothing experience and Ehow Law Bulletin. ' -.--._...-A ... City will be made, and tickets' for card writing. Twenty-five attended the meet- ho Thanksgiving Dance will, be distributed. ing of tbe Omaha graduate club Prospective members are inof the Zeta-Beta Tau fraternity So. S4 St. Sosth O3aah« held at the Paxton hotel last vited to attend. week. Herman Rosenblatt was elected president and Alvin Friedman, secretary-treasurer. The next meeting of the alumni will he held Thursday, October 10, at 6:30 p. m. at the Paxton. At this time a winter program will be adopted.




Zega Beta Tan


Jr. Yaad A Glee Ckls

e bportmg




to Wear....


Israel Auxiliary All members of the Ladies auxiliary of the Congregation of Israel are urged to attend a very important meeting Tuesday, October 8, at 2 p. m., in the assembly room of t h e synagogue at 25th and J streets.

Mayme Adler Block

Boy a


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COLONEL LINDBERGH STUDIES ROCKET—After study by Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh it was announced the Guggenheim foundation would supply funds for further moon-rocket experimentation by Prof. Robert H. Goddard at Roswell, N. M. Above, shown at RoswsU, are: A. W. East, assistant; Harry F. Guggenheim; Professor Goddard; Colonel Lindbergh, and N. T. Ljungquist assistant

'TiyaBAN"..SEEira ; I«NELY--John"CaUl3an^Ban7more, screen star, as r ne ; arrived at the* home of his brother; Lionel, In-Beverly Bails, Gal./aftef a hectic trip from NewYork during which he was •pursued by his former protege, Elaine Barrie. Sued for divorce by his wife,"the former Dolores Costello, the man of the famed profile here appears lonely.- '. - .----• - --~

MONSTRANCE—An aerial view of Cleveland'smunicipal stadium taken as 22,000 marchers formed a huge -human monstrance before 150,000 worshippers in the closing rites of the-7th National Eucharistic Congress. More than 500^000. spectators lined Cleveland's sidewalks to watch the procession'from St. John's Cathedral to rtiie stadium. A bene- . diction broadcast by Pope "Pius closed the Congress.

.PRINCES RETURN—Prince Serge -and Prince David Mdivani, Georgian royal brothers, as they arrived in New York from a trip abroad, called there by the tragic death of their brother, Alexis former husband of Barbara Hutton, now the Countess HaugwitzReventlow. The princes returned from Paris on the S. S. Normandie.

COMMANDER—J. Ray Murphy of Ida Grove, la., elected national commander of the American Legion a t the convention in St. Louis. Mr. Murphy was captain of a machine gun company, 133rd Infantry, and went overseas in 1918. He is a graduate of the State University of Iowa and a lawyer, serving for four years as county attorney and now in his 10th year as city attorney.

VOTAGER FROM ABROAD—Among voyagers returning on the S. S. Europa on its recent arrival in New York, was Mrs. Vincent Astor, above, charming New York and Newport society woman, who had spent the summer abroad. Her husband is the head of the famous family, following the death of his father, John Jacob Astor.

BOXINGS CHARGES FRAMING—Warren BL'BiUingsMef t, with ••Thomas'J.Mooney, convicted 1916 J»reparedness Day Bombers, as they-met inSan, Prancisco.for the first, time ^in 19years. BilUngs, • x taken from Polsom prison to San Francisco, charged in Mooney's : habeas corpus proceedings that he and Mooney were "framed" by . a detective. •. • IT'S LACE—While most of us prepare-; to .-face a hard winter and dust off the coal shovel and peer at the heater's yawning maw, • pretty : Madelyn. Earle, screen actress, dons her new lace beach costume and prepares for a swim at Santa Catalina, Cal. She wears a coolie hat with the bathing suit. ,.„

CONSOOij WJbusNFOlJlfflDrrGroyer Whalen, Jr.; 14-year-old v ol['thte'fprmer police-commissioner of New'Ybrk City, discoviatcongclqus. after he had fallen off a ledge, ieredd iatcongcq g , at Dbbbs bbbs Perry, t l ? t b p e r s : : Dobbs Perry police andd voiunteefrs i t f r had h d conf N..X' S Stal?e?trobpers, 'tiucte'dt ^Twiaecsearchiforhim, but.bloodhounds found him. *

-35* SHERLOCK HOLMES?—Hardly that famed fictional investibator. This is Henry Ford, automobile magnate, examining a flaw detector while he was a guest at an electric plant in Schenectady, N. Y. The detector was being used in "the building where his 110,000 kilowatt turbine was undergoing a test.

FORDHAM RAMS COACHED BY ROCKNE PUPIL—Fordham' Rams preparing for the opening of

HONORS—General Gustav Orlicz - Dreszer, president of the Overseas and Colonial League and inspector of the Polish army, pays honor to the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery by placing a wreath on the tomb. The General was among a group of Polish notables who arrived in this country recently aboard the new liner Pilsudski.

THAW HX—Harry K. Thaw, notorious play boy, who killed • Stanford White in 1906 over the love of- Evelyn Nesbitt, who was ill of double pneumonia in Quebec, after he had been taken i n a delirious condition from the liner Empress of Britain. Thaw, now 64f is a member of a wealthy and socially prominent Pittsburgh family.*" '

HE WAS A.CTAHnDN—John Lester-Johnson, who won the heavyweight boxing championship by knocking out Jim Jeffries Reno OJT July 4 19101, and who was himself defeated by Jess lard in Havana in 1815, as he appeared recently in New York where he is writing a book.. . . Copyright United Newspictme*







his agent, Zeppo-Marx, was able to get him a contract with Paramount, and now he draws a weekly salary and is on the road to fame. (Benny has a sister, Mrs. Morris Missman, living in Philadelphia, Pa. His parents h a v e given up their business in Brooklyn, N. T., and are living in Hollywood. -

Staats Seitung, was one of the founders of the party in Illinois and later became a delegate to the Republican Nstional convention that nominated Lincoln for the presidency. . Schneider's vork in Illinois -was paralleled by similar services on the part of York (JTA) — The historic role of American shared in these theological discus- Lewis Dembitz in Kentucky, Pin- c o u r t s heed no IRW; tney £-#• Jerrs in helping to emancipate sions and most of the rabbis were ner in Kansas, Maier Hirsch in iply cy tlic £ict«.t«s t,' n p t • Oregon and. A. J. Dittenhoefer bound LOT7ISE CARRIES OX the Negroes is told here. opposed to slavery and did their puperiors, declared fjj snd Eigisxnund Kaufman in New e Again a Hollywood actress was hesitate to say go, even at —THE EDITOR. SoTijs. Bran ting, j K d i; «' (nT*l<» forced to "carry on" while the risk of bodily injury. The prin- York. Sweden, Domestic '-^ The Civil TTar and the adoption cameras ground in the face of rabbis then -vrere David London.— "Helations between munities is established. The widespread moral indigna-j Ein ircre nark for the whole city. Allations Court, errivinp here .fretrr. or the 3eth, 14th sncl 15th the Jews and Arabs In Palestine He expressed doubts whether, together, Mr. Auster revealed, torrow. Work on scenes for tion that resulted froa the colos-)M horn. Benjamin Szold, Isasc amendments to the Constitution the International Penal Cosf:"»«Jare much -worse than they •were he proposed legislative -council ?250,000 will be spent for Louise "Henry's production for sal failure of Prohibition and the' l i -a r Wise, Morris Raphall, Eernforever the psrnsric in- In Berlin. Universal were rushed so that she . ensuing political upheaval t h a t ! d Felsenthal, Liebmann Adler, ten years ago," declared Daniel lor Palestine would improve poli- public parks alone this year. Kme, B r s i t i n p.'- "^Jtp %*• •-!**• le part of stitution of slaveryAuster, deputy mayor of Jerusa- ical relations between Arab and o u t o f [ Samuel Isaacs and Sabto Morals. in addition, the municipality could complete the part in time l i f t e d t h e m h &I!ieri&T:i^t lem, In- an interview -while on a ew. He emphasized that political recently passed a by-law compell- to catch a plane for New York to | t h e constitution had their historic i A " t u t Raphal were outspoken American Jews in the Civil "War, cisuphtrr-of t h « ?ate P w * t!. ! ••-V the funeral of her father, and both in the Confederate &T>& prime minister, scored t h e KK&[ short visit here. greement would follow economic ing owners of houses and plots to 1 counterparts in the agitation t h a t j courageous foes of slavery. rrpime end n.dvocatefi a boy<^' • r'--~ He was pessimistic on the sub- accomodation. pave the, 'streets adjoining their Dr. Jesse Strauss Heimann, known ' aroused the country to the evils Wise, for some reason, took no Union r.rmieP, is too well known of the Berlin Olympic as one of New York City's outto need repeating here. But one Turning from politics ,to; thje ject of politics, but later -when the property. .. of slavery and "Witbdrswd of the Several years the Civil war led inevitably to jstand on the question. thing is deer. In the struggle discussion got around to civic im- more congenial subject o|.ihe de- v.'; Another: by-law . under consid- standing surgeons. . . . . , ...__„ ~ _._ _._,,_ the ___„ 13th, _.„.__,14th| _.„___, Rabbi Eishorn, who wss the p.thief??." r-hc to wipe out slavery the Jews of provements, he spoke enthusias- velopment of Jerusalem, s eration -would force shops to close * ! i _ h L 8 - ^ ? i n i ^ n ! i i 0 ^ L r ! ; l a n d 15th amendments. With the | minister of Har Sinai con^regat he saved the life of exception of Charles Lewis Levin ' this country did their share. Thefollowed br similET PxtipPF ,r, Vvtically of new water -works and- ter declared the new water early.;; This measure, the deputy nown when ropean conntrieis. -TSicre TOC'.' tion in Baltimore, repeatedly deof their own long yeare paved streets and public gardens. ply system under construction mayor said, is being opposed by Carl Laemmle Sr., when the pi-of Philadelphia, who "was elected be no Olyxrr-ic-P In <rPrmfi.Jiy." nounced slavery from his pulpit ^eniory oneer motion picture magnate was would be finished*iy;.tlie'end lof Mr. Auster appeared promin-' Arab councillors who resent the to Congress in the 1S40E on a tern- j and in the'columns o* his Ger-of oppression and the codes of "No matter how much ot?e rov e n t l y i n the Palestine news last! t h i s year.- At present, he.said, Infringement on the personal lib- stricken on a liner at sea. Dr. paper, ' "Sinai. .mercy ^ and humanity which are Heimann took the next boat, pre- perance platform, no Jew has; man-language * Li religious practice read of. conditions 3n G January -when he demanded that water Is so scarce_ that distribu- erty of the Arab shopkeepers. been prominently identified I Criticism ofbusiness slavery in Baltimore 1 P^r^s o scribed treatment by radio until ever was risky because the save the Jews a feeling of kinship.; the reelity it a JewiBh mayor of Jerusalem be tion is made only^nce every four l t h t h vo.rsr, T h e Jerusalem municipality, ^ . \ Prohibition movement. elected only to find that the Arah days and the inhabitants ' a r e} Mr. Auster continued, is contem- the liners docked in England, and ; perhaps describe to you tbe because Jews are seldom i Public sentiment was extremely, with the enslaved * „ „ > „Negroes. - „BTc,^ obliged to be very, sparing" in, us-* mayor, Dr. Khalidi, -who was plating a loan of 50,000 pounds, then operated. unfriendly to abolitionists. As a i majority of American jews, rep- nonce I felt at vhat 1 I associated with a cause that seeks ' -* _ (about $3-50,000) to be used in elected, barred him from the Mu- ng water.I to limit'personal liberty. In the i matter of fact Rabbi Einhorn's i resenting recent arrivals from hferd fit that congress in T:pr.:f... OUT WAX. nicipal Council for a while. road construction improvements Hellman, playwright, | fight to wipe out slavery, how- j anti-slavery v i e w s eventually ! Germany and Austria where they The iutlge.in » Gctrnrnn court, is Lillian Get Running "Water n n a Ge to liberal no longer - bounfi by hut: ^ But now, Mr. Auster s a i d , in the drainage system and thewho devotedis now writing an . original ! ever, -which began just a centurv! forced him to flee Baltimore for ' had * 1 But by the beginning ot next laying out of public gardens. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '•K'PS to follow his inner fw' tne'morVTympathetic^recincVof enterprise?, were-natural allies of there is "full and harmoniouB coscreen play for Samuel Goldwyn, ago, the Jews of the United t h e t h . anti-slavery operation between the six Arabs year, he said, there will be con- One of the improvements plan- is in New York, at t h e Plasa,. States,played an important role. Philadelphia. Rabbi""-vforaiS. ~RabI nntislaverr .movement movement snfl snfi .me—that Is. the irtererie »Z V-' and the six Jews on the council, stant running water, brought a ned, minor yet very important in working on the story. She plans It was in the early months of bis Felsenthal and Adler in Chi-t h e s r £ympaU-ies were res.culy en-.; sspO Tlors." which he attributed entirely to distance of about forty'kilometers a large and rapidly growing city, to .return to Hollywood by. plane 1S33 when the American Anti- cago. Rabbin Szold in Baltimore j "sted • to-wtftETts : freedom for nw-\ • ' ; , -_. .-. M C . tnci. "the fairness and honesty" of Dr. from the .Yarkon by four pump- is a system of public lavatories, shortly with the finished product: Slavery Society was organized and Rabbi-Isaacs "in New .York all other X . Mention, the Je^it* ing stations. "Water will be plen- plans for which are n o w being Khalidi."( . . . Did you know: That Al Jol-| that the abolitionist Question j spoke .and worked earnestly in be-to be srete tiful for the first time, Mr. Austheir strttggie for wliat Itsey .felt i 1 1 1 Di "In any question affecting the considered by the municipal coun- son h a s been a talking motioni became a heated national p o l i - ^ Negro emancipation. • to be the cause. o_ just-ice. - ••- : I Jewish community," he pointed ter said. cil, Mr. Auster said. picture star longer than any oneUical and moral issue. Until i National Issue The cost of water will be cut bv pevnn AriiB ; : out, "the Arabs would: naturally else? . . . . T h a t Binnie Barnes j then it had enjoyed the support j The Jewish point of view on I •"••"*in half. At present Inhabitants Plan Education Tax $£•« be expected to unite against the Concerning education, the mu-once did a rope-spinning a c t in j of only limited groups, consisting j slavery became a national issue i T C ^ S " —Tlie •PoTis Jews, and Dr. Khalidi having the pay one shilling eight p e n c e South Africa, billed as the most part of good-hearted ; shortly before the outbreak of deciding vote, the decision would (about forty cents) a cubic meter. nicipality .-. has taken little action That critics r a t e j women and impractical idealists j the Civil "VTar when Rsbbi in fact be always against t h. e Another c i v i c . ; Improvement as yet, he said, but a sub-commit- Binnie"? about -which Mr. :Auster spoke tee is at present studying a pro- Benjamin Glazer, Paramount as- who failed to appreciate the eco- \ Raphall delivered a sermon in • T"a'r e voliirnes' of Polish Jews. glowingly. is the drainage system posal to introduce a special edu- sociate producer, as one of the nomic significance of slavery, j ^hicli he justified slavery as he- literature' a?- a gift from- the Pol•"stlt~N6r ITS' Arrangement With Mayor j From colonial days on, slave- ] j n g sanctioned toy the Bible, This ish Government. which will be completed in about cation tax, proceeds" of which will six best writers in America? . . -;From "Such a regrettable incident two years—a system modern In be "divided equally between Jews That Eddie Cantor expects to ap- j holding had been common among _ _ published „ „ „ _ „ „ _ in __. pamphlet ^__, i , u ,_. has never yet occurred in import- all respects, he said, and a great end non-Jews. The Jewish share pear in. a musicaljhow on Broad- j landowners both In the north and \ form, precipitated a heated deant questions because of an ar-forward step in modernizing the would be given to the Yaad Le- way n e x t December? . . . That in the south. The first Jewish | bate throughout the country- It rangement reached between May- ancient city.: umi, Jewish representative coun- Sylvia Sydney can't think of a settlers, whose _ _ _ interests j was so widely denounced end so economic or Khalidi a n d myself whereby Road construction is also be- cil,'and the non-Jews' portion better pastime^ t h a n _knitting a j naturally alligned" them the i bitterly resented by the anti-" the Jewish and Arab councillors ing planned, said Mr. Auster. Sev- would.be used to maintain a mu• | aristocratic elements of the popu- | slavery forces thi_t Senator Wade, whom U. • i t always meet in separate sessions enty per cent of the money ear- nicipal school for members of the n , ( T .Ted V T »Lewis w - is • up 7 and *'• ' • ; ji l ai t i o n ' accepted the institution of; coupling Raphall-s , sermon with to discuss points at issue and a marked for roads will be spent non-Jewish communities. That around „ _ j / ^ . E aTery t h e y found n Aaonfe t L p r s l E T e r T 8ctlr tT of Sena compromise is usually reached for improving highways in the Mr. Auster himself appeared in before the formal session of the and occupying a bed at a Holly- s ^ T o w n ^ L f ^ t IT.w Zlll't0™ B e n f m i ° «fl JTulee. took i . Jewish section of the city, because excellent health. He expected to wood council." hospital? . . . -That Miss slave-owners and not a few. ulave: occasion to slur the Jews in a these sections were very m u c h return - to Jerusalem shortly to Harriet JForbstein, daughter of traders. To illustrate the spirit of co-neglected until now* . . j speech in the Senate in which he take up his duties. In addition to operation shown by t h e ; Arab Theand march of economic prog-1 referred to "Israelites end:Egypbeing deputy mayor and member L'eo'Fbrbsteln, "Warner Bros, .mu-j ress an altered social ont- | ti&n principles." $250,000 for Parks councillors, particularly the mayof the Jerusalem Council, Mr. steal-- director, is on a honeymoon gradually did away witht. The most vigor and • most O t h e r improvements contem- Auster is a lawyer of some note trip to Canadian resorts with her or, Mr. Auster cited the fact that TT»% Rahhi husband, Melvin Dellar of L o s the latest large contract for pub- plated by. the city council a r e j - n P a l e s t i n e o n the butnot iaonly|c the , effective reply to public gardens in every quarter (Copyright, 1935. Jewish Telegraphic Angeles, following their marriage iE O n t h yG c in ^ l c north necessity lic works was granted by t h e S me from Michael Heilprin, one n c o n r a s e d OW L U t raafie o f t h e f i r s t oft h e Jerusalem municipality to Jewish of the city and a large forty-five Agency, Inc.) last, week? . . . That Samuel Jo-1 ? **",. *? practice. ° * RnsEian^Tewirt established The iI immigrants. Heilprin had been seph. London's noted book deal-ji^ labor, although Jewish labor decotton planters, who were j intimately associated with Louis er.-is iiow in Hollywood-an 4 that mands a Tiigher wage than Arab. School. • He attended Xiincoln fairly numerous, also owned jKossuth's" efforts to free Hungary j The Arab councillors did not obHigh School in. Jjincoln, Ne- his wife is Binnie Baraes?: . " . . slaves. Even in the south, how-;f ro:n Hapshurg rule End Then he j That Luise Rainer, whose debut ject,; he said, because, contracts braska, where he captained the ever, in the early years of the I came to America he saw but one j for Jerusalem public works are basketball team and also play- on American movie screens is a 13th century there were scattered | struggle here and in Hungary and! sensation, is expecting her father distributed on a fifty-fifty hasis, By LOUIS FEKARSEY ed football. Benny went to the L IV voices crying out against slavery. I his sympathies were actively en-1 either by direct allocation of fifTalmud Torah. a t 24th and and mother and two brothers to Among these were Jews who; gaged in the anti-slavery move-! REES'HABDT'S RETURN SET ty per cent of the contracts to Comings Sts.' in Omaha and come to the U. S. from their home showed the way in emancipating : ment. Kis fiery refstation i: Here's, good- news! A. cable- was •c: : Arabs and Jews, respectively, or a charter member of the on the Continent t o make their itheir own"slaves and urging their \ R&pfiall's views;"apep-Lrea in" the; by-the stipulation that-every con gram Irorn Max Keinhardt»,now Aleph- Z « d e k Aleph, Junior home with""hex? . . V .'ineighbors to do likewise. The^e-w York Tribune and com-: {Copyright, 19S5." by Seven Arts tractor employ half Arab ant}, half in Salzburg, Austria, advises" Jack B'nai Brith order. After leavFeature Syndicate) L. Warner, president of Warner ing school he worked as an er! outstanding southern Jewish ex-|manded wide attention. Heilprin.: Jewish labor. I ponent of freeing the slaves wasj^-ho had already Tendered notable! This will be a standing ar- Bros.. Studios, that he will sail rand boy, on the Xincoln, Neb., S20' Gr»m Eschangr AT. | the famous philanthropist andj s e r T ice to the aholititgiist cause ; rangement for public works Mr. for America in 'ime to arrive ,in Journal. • ... .C. B. McCCTTEft, Big Hollywood' on October' 16 for. thei merchant, Judah • Touro, whose j y his trenchant speeches in i D AuBter said, although it has not formal premiere of "A "Midsumjbeneficence^ls still remembered icj Philadelphia ."where on one occa-j yet been decided which of t h e . When -he was..17 h i s family , . jNew Orleans where he lived mcstj E 5 O n he was beaten up by a pro- I two methods-will be used. ^An- mer Night's Dream." Thus,' with- -moved" to .Rochester, New. York, in a year of Reinhardt's triumphs ' /TTTXTC.\ ^ v v i ! of his life. But the Shepard family |s i a r e r T m 0 h , succeeded .in arous-i o t h e r instance of "cooperatio'n where he lived for .several years Geneva (WNS)—The Nazi gov-,^, +1 , whom -^ v ^-« he •(,= ilived ; ^ ^ ^r,-. - O , ^ I\i. T_._z _^"_ public -u,.-. in __ more narked -..__. for An 40 T years, which Mr. Auster cited was that ant productionT of t h e: great (at 03 Joiner St_). His lather, ernment of Danzig has acted and with Shakespearean fantasy " a t t h e were owners of many slaves.; degree than anv other Jewish vacancies among municipal emworld-famous .Hollywood B o w l , Max Zifkin, worked in a Jewish legislated contrary to Danzig's Shortly before his death. Touro ] anti-slavery champion because of ployees are being filled for the nakery. Benny landed a job as a democratic constitution, which « ;p n r c hased the freedom of all the large part by Jews to balance the! America's greatest outdoor the-; bundle boy in_ ihe cutting dept. of scholarly writings and his by th present predominance "of Arab, of- atrei an even greater triumph .fpr| ,t.h.e ' Keller-Heumann-Thompson _td dresses. all laws tions, and which Jews ards and provided them with the master-producer, is awaited ficials. • clothing factory in Rochester and A journalistic contemporary of and Catholics in Danzig have comeagerly by all Hollywood. ' T h e funds to establish themselves In jHeilprin was Moritz Pinner who worked there six months. Later Economic Cooperation Needed plained in petitions filed with the opening; of this million dollar! Looking into t h e future, Mr. Warner Bros, picture, described; he clerked in the Duffy-Powers League are unconstitutional, the the north. During his lifetime, founded the Kansas City Post at Kansas City, Kan., in 1S59 at a Auster w a s pessimistic -about as Hollywood's most ambitious ef- department store basement. Next Council of the League declared in he trained his one and only slave '> Arab-Jewish relations. In h i sfort since the advent of t h e aud- came a candy butcher's job at theapproving a report by a commit- for business and then freed him time when Kansas was seething view, no improvement is possible ible cinema, bids fair t o endure Gaye'ty Theatre across the street, .tee of three jurists branding re- I after giving him money and valucivil war over the slavery unless some sort of economic co- as one of the most glorious pages and- as a sideline he operated a cent decrees of the Danzig senate able counsel. In one of its early question. Despite the fact a g a i n s t minorities unconstitu- reportR the American Anti-Slavery | K a n s a s operation between the. two com- in the history of the motion pic- concession at Sea Breeze Park. 3.S pro-slavery, Pinner Society commented on the fact |'maintained his views and gsve He toured the East as a comed- tional. ture industry. The New York a l n a b l e aaid i dt to o J John o l m E Brown, l w n , the iandn a play which ran for seven In an official statement aad Jd; t:h a t "some Jews In the Southern j! Tvaluable the Intelligent JewiBh couple wish- premiere is set for October 9. weeks. His first good break came dressed to the Danzig government js t a t e s have refused to i a v e any ,f a n a t i c a l 3 e a f i e r Of the anties to share an apartment or BENNY BAKER—A r w-hen'he was given a comedy bit the Council declared it to adhere I P °Perty in man, or even to have jE l a T e r y g. r o u p i : i K a n s a s . The house—furnished or can bring RISING STAR There's afrisndK' q^ctinq cwaitinq you the moment ^ s l a v e s aabout b o u t tthem h e m because the to do in "Crime," a play produced to its constitution and to submit ! a n y slaves because the win. Kansas to the to own furniture. Can give best you enterthe President. Lvery comfort an£ luxury at Folks, meet Benny Baker, re- at the Lyceum Theatre in Roches- to the next session of the Council | cruel persecutions they them-; abolitionist cause is anepic of to tended to references. cently signed as a featured player ter by George Cukor's stock com- a.report on how it is carrying o u t ! s e l v e s : low .erst. JinesLof/ood r the Cz^hz Sh?r or the Box 10 —Jewish Press. make them friends of universal Brown's associates were three j by Paramount Pictures, who Igpany. (George is a l s o Jewish). the League's instructions. Mjlnut Kaom. Garz^ 6 considered one of the most prom- After two years of acting in small If Danzig carries " out t h e freedom." Jews, August Bondi, Theodore | ising comedians of the screen. roles Cukor promoted him to theLeague's orders, Jews in Danzig Pro-Slavery VTeiner and Jacob Benjamin. At PERCY TYI^ELl Rochester, New York, and other j o b of assistant stage manager, may expect to be freed of antiBy and large, however, the the time of the bloody struggle Eastern' cities and everywhere with occasional assignments in Semitic agitation and violence. Jews of the south and the border! in Kansas, Eonfii was a youth of else are; particularly interested. in stock shows at both the Lyceum Dealer In states ewre ardently pro-slavery j 21. the news of this .Jewish youth's and the Temple, which starred Jewish Books and All Other and vigorously defended slavery j The most important political success in the movies; We inter- such personalities as Louis Calas the basis of southern prosper- I development of the anti-slavery . • Religious Articles. p viewed Benny, who is cheriibic in hern, Aline McMahon, Sylvia Syditjr di jj agitation g 2429 Decatnr St. : WE 6527. appearance, has Coinciding with the announceof the most outstanding was the formation of I \ g^=. s11 ^eyes and aned, Dorothy Burgess and others. A lull'line of New Year's-cards in voiced party out of the ___ PP°rters of slavery, id j the Republican p Jewish and English and also a. full rosy complexion, at ths,-CBtudio - Baker went to New York to act ment of a, program of expansion t h e i of!remnants f sentiments of the-isajority of the moribund Whig! £ = = j for the Hebrew University in Jersupply of th» other seasonable religious articles like machseirlm yesterday and learned a few facts with Lou Hbltz In a vaudeville act usalem, as formulated at the t h e southern people, were Jews: 1 dedicated to the abolition of •with. JewiBh and English transla- about his life which. V are pass- which played a long engagement meetings of its board of governors D a T 5 d Yulee Rnd Judah P. Benja- j slavery. In the foundation of the tions, prayer books, talelsim. Bilk ing on to you. Two weeks ago at the Palace Theatre. He also In Lucerne (Switzerland), Dr. A.m i n y and wool of the best rinos, e t c Yulee was a wealthy plan-jjRepublican party the Jews, parp Keroeniber also to place your or- Benny was featured, "with7Jafck appeare'l there with Jack Benny. in Lucerne (Switzerland), Dr. A. d hi der with me for an esrog and a Oakie, Ethel Merman, Carl Bris- Later he'"was. on the radio with s' W. Rosenbach, president of^^ the Nation"owner in Florida and his j ticularly the newer immigrants, lulov that Is being imported by me ik 1CChesterfield, h t f i l d Lou L X l t e andd American Friends of the Hebrew I estates. were worked by slaves, participated actively. George ; ^ ^_. from Erez-lsrael. _ son and other famqtt8;jtagf oH%a •ikein j Scaneidcr, editor of the Chicago \ N. C. C. •-. national-.radioT'^padVafit Rudy Vallee programs, and thou- •University, made public t h e ap- j Benjamin, who rose to.anpower aristoof Samuel B. Finkel, of Louisiana,-'was also an ow_aed in connection with the Trorld-pre- sands -pi-.radio' fans will Teadily ppintment Boston, as directrr of the Amer- cratie cotton grower miere of "The Big ^BroadcastT of recall Him as "H. Leopold Scha- ican Friends of the Hebrew Uni- slaves. When they both 19S6." in which-h& has, a^part: wowski."';.:.'- ; elected to the United States Senversity. • a e Benny fiTst. came to Hollywood •Benny'a real' imme i s •Bej»ii;y "Mr. Finkel, who wasrecently * they "became prominent memRecognized as • in%'34 .to make two shorts with Zifkln, He iras bona in• StV Jore-elected president of the Nation- bers ". of the group of southern FBACTJCaii MOHEL seph, Mo. His famlljr Bjo'ned; to Loa Holfz for Columbia. His first al - Federation" of Temple Brother- senators who fought to extend the] Phono 10S0 ^ ' p a r t was in "Hell Cat." hoods, -will be'in charge of theboundaries of the slave states and! Omaha, Nebraska,'• ^ Council Bluffs, l a . part in Mae West's "Go- activities of- the American office bitterly opposed all legislation de2 and he lived in but his scenes - with of the Hebrew University. He signed to curb the growth and exhe was IS, attending ; Mae'.-were cut out. Next c a m e succeeds Mr. Herbert Aekwith, pansion of slavery. paTtsV'Tn" "Wanderers of- t h e In the new Jewish settlements who has resigned.to devote fcimWasteland," "Love in Bloom," sef to other Interests. In the Ohio and Mississippi val."Thanks a. Million," starring Fred leys the Jews were for the most Allen, "Annapolis, Farewell," and part anti-slavery. These Jews '•The Blg,Br<&deastof 1936." His tailed froia Germany and Austria bit in "Love.in.Bloom" /won BO •where they had been leaders fa much applauge'-. at a "preview- that the abortive' liberal' revolutions. Jerusalem (JT&)—fA.; total--of When toey came, to' America t£sy 1,5,334 dunams (approximately 1,- naturally allied themselves with . 3S5 acres) of land ia:ths -western liberal-groups that wsre oppesefl 1 rart. of Ernes Esaralen a n d iato slavery. The Jewish communiSt. j,Bethssn 1n t h e central; part of t i e s i n Cincinnati,Palestine were last- week transClevelaud and Cilcag-o fprre,d to theJewish National were important links in.-.-.the soI Fund, Zionist land purehasiiss called "underground railway" | agency. which aided slaves to escape Into " j I This brings the total • of land Canada. registered .by tne Fund sine* last The major Jewish activity i s ] October to 15.4S9 dnisains. the slavery controversy, -which be-j Two German-Jewish yonth. setto grow tense aafl bitter after; tlements are participating In de-1850, was in connection vrith tftej fraying the cost ot the most re- dramatic religious disputes that j cent purctasc. developed over slavery. The out-



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Rev. A. Diamond

1,335" Acres to J. N. F.-• .". •-" . In Ceatral Palestine







ADOPTION NOTICE Club: at. her home at 600 Roosevelt Avenue, Sunday afternoon. rn the County Court of Douglag Following t h e regular meeting, County, Nebraska. In the matter of the adoption 08 the members played bridge," and DGXA «LEE NELSON, "minor. moving pictures of the members To the father of• said" minor and an. were taken. The Club will hold other persons interested In said MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent a'Steak Fry this evening, October Regular services will be held You are'-heerby notified that on the 4, at Fairmount Park, which will 12th day of September, 1935, a petithis evening at Mount Sinai Temtion was filed in said court by Adolph be • followed by a gathering held ple at 8 o'clock. Dr. Theodore N. William Gebhart, a .resident of DougYom Kippur, the Day of Atonelas Countv, Nebraska, praying- for the Lewis will speak on "A Year of ment, will be appropriately ob- at the home of Miss Miriam Saks, adoption 'of said mirror. That the 120 Third street. Jewish History." parents of said minor were divorced served with fasting a n d prayer and the'custody of said minor grantYom Kippur Services at Mount throughout the world by J e w s ed to V.nth Gebhart. who-is-'the mothSinai Temple will begin Sunday from sundown Sunday, October • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trochtener of said child, end that the whereberg of Griswold, Iowa, are spendevening at 8 o'clock with the Kol abouts of f-p.iti minor's father is unPhilip Klutznick a n d Dr. A 6, until sundown-Monday, October known; that a hearing will be had ing the Holidays here visiting Mr. Nidrei service. Monday morning Greenberg of Omaha, Nebraska, 7. Kol Nidre Services will begin on said petition for the adoption beChairman lor Beveral commitYom Kippur Services will begin Sunday evening at 5:30 o'clock at Trochtenberg'-s mother, - Mrs. H. fore said Court on the 14th day of tees of the Senior HadassaH chap- visited the meeting of the loca at October, 1935, at 9 o'clock A. - M., at Trochtenberg. 10 o'clock. B'nai B'rlth lodge, . Wednesday t h e Chevra • B'nai Ylsroel synat e r >were appointed at a board the County Court Room of Douglas Sunday evening, Dr. Lewis will gogue at 618 Mynster street. County, Nebraska, and unless you apmeeting of the chapter, held last evening and addressed the -mem pear Rt paid time and place and conspeak on the subject, "What We On Monday morning, services week In the home of Mrs. B. N.bers on the work of t h e B'na: test said petition, the court may Can Do for Judasim"; Monday B'rith. The meeting was the open grant the prayer of paid petition, will commence at seven o'clock at Grueskin. whereby said minor shall be adopted morning his sermon topic will be Mrs. M. A. Marks was named ing session of the winter program "What Judaism Can Do for Us."the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synaby said' Adoiph "VVillfam Gebhar't. gogue. Rev. A. Gendler of Omaha chairman of the Hadassah Card Frank Margolin presided. BRYCE CRAWFORD, Regular sessions of the ReligPlans for' the' Yom- Kippu and A. Diamond of Council Bluffs S-2C-35-3t County Judge party, -with. Mrs. Charles Baskin ious School will be held Sunday dance • sponsored by , the "B'ha will conduct the services. Rabbi co-chairman. REED, , RAMACCIOTTI «. ROBIN. morning at 9:30 o'clock. David Winchester of Chicago, who Mrs. J . N. Krueger was named B'rith lodge were completed and SON and EPHRAfM L. MARKS, is spending the Holidays here, Attorneys. chairman, of the Jewish National announced at' the meeting. S05-S18 First National Bank Bldfl. will be the guest Rabbi, and will Fund, .committee, with Mrs. Sam The dance will be held nex: speaTc on a subject of special inBaron assisting as co-chairman. Monday evening in the Bellevue NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE Yom Kippur services at Shaare terest to. everyone at eleven Mrs, ^oe Levin w a s selected Ballroom,; with Lester Davidson SALE o'clock Monday morning. The Notice is hereby given that on the chairman of t h e Oneg Shabhos vice-president -of the lodge, to Zion Synagogue will begin Sun15th day of October, 1935, at 1:00 p. day evening at 6 p. m. with Can- memorial services, Yiscor, will project with Mrs. Theodore N. charge- of the arrangements;' m.. at 323 Securitiep Bldg., Omaha, follow at about 11:30 o'clock. . Tb.e ' dance ' is an annual even tor A. Pliskin and the c h o i r Nebraska, the undersigned will sell at Lewis, co-chairman. ', . '::. . public, auction to the highest bidder Everyone is cordially Invited to Mrs, IVIt. Lewis-and-Mrs. H. and in past .years has drawn a singing the Kol Nidrei. Rabbi H. for cash the following' described articapacity crowd. ' . ' , R. Rabinowitz will speak on "The cles: attend all. the services. R. Bablnowitz w e r e named adThe American good-will plaque is presented to Governor Hoffman of Island Within." One platinum wedding1 ring, set New Jersey at Sea Girt as the outstanding opponent of racial discriminavisors of the Junior Hadassah with 30 small diamonds covered by Monday morning the service tion for the Jewish year 5695. Left to right are David T. Wilentz, New Plans are being made by the chapter. chattel mortgage and pledge agreeJersey attorney-general, Governor Hoffman and Joseph Brainin who ;• fne.nt will begin at 8 o'clock. A Memor- Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah in favor of the undersigned Mrs. R. H. Emlein Will be made the presentation on behalf of forty-eight editors of American-Jewish I signed by Mrs. Olive Reinans, dated ial service will begin at 9:45, and to open its fall season with a Succhairman t of t h e Annual Linen 1 April 19, 1934, on which there is now publications. Rabbi Rabinowitz will use as his coth Program to be held at the I due the sum of $20.25. shower,', and Mrs. Meyer Da'skoTI One diamond ring with whjte gold sermon subject "Is It All t h e Hotel Chieftain on Wednesday afsky will act as co-chairman^ j mounting covered by chattel mortgage Same?'.' * ternoon, October 16. Further de; and pledge agreement in favor of the The first meeting of "the Senior With advance ticket sales as an 1 undersigned." signed by Herbert J The Religious School will hold tails will be announced next week Hadassah .chapter this fall will be ] Smith, dated Dec. 11.. 193.4, on which held October 23, and will follow indication, the ShaareZion Ladies its regular session at 10:15 Sun- by Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, local presi there is balance due of S36.45: Auxiliary plans to accommodate day morning. ident. One Elgin Fold filled watch covered a one o'clock luncheon. r The' Rosen sons presented a gift .The- first meeting of the Oneg a capacity .'audience at the three Miss Marian Scharf is leaving signed by James J. Curtin dated- NoShabbos will J>a held October 19, lectures to be given by Dr.' A. L of $50.00 to t h e synagogue in New York (WNS)—Further i Salzburg, Austria (JTA)—Mas vember .24. 1934. on which there is In the_ home of Mrs..A> Lr Galin- Sa&iar: on" tJcto Bfer;2$^ 2$f "and" 2 7: memory of their mother, and today for Des Moines, la., to visit David Admission to the "tfiree' lectures placed two memorial tablets in over _ Yom Kippur at the home of emphasis was given to the split in j Reinhardt, noted German-Jewish j Vn'Tsmafi dLmonf ring white ™iA • which includes the. one on" Friday the synagogue in memory of their Miss Betty Bookey. The marriage David A Brown noted p h i l a n - l t t e r a n k s oi N e w York's German- . impressario, revealed that he i s mounting;, covered by chattel mortAmerican evening, 'October 25, will be byfather and mother. it was jj considering organization of a peo- jjoT^e^rt^CTed^^eS o of M i s s Scharf to Mr. Marvin thropic leader, has accepted t h e !a n n o u n c e d Pt h° aPt ^ Ot icot onb ewhen ticket only. Tickets for the series h i h i f American ORT's a n n o u n c e d t h a t O c t o b e rr 66 tthh Ger; pies' dramatic festival in conjunc | H New members in the synagogue Bookey of Des Moines has been chairmanship of re - Ger-; conjunc1934. ed of three are on sale for $1.00are Morris Rubin, Harry Holdof- definitely set for Tuesday evening, man Day, will be celebrated bv ipies' tion dramatic with the festival Levant in Fair in Tel|H. it h oUMiller ^ ^ ad' aatn c eJune due6, of ^sTs.'on." lle . diamond Bet in . white eoia which admission for a single lec- sky and H^Erinberg of Osmond, October 22, and will take place at newly launched §500,000 cam- two rival meetings, one under the ! Aviv, Palestine, next year. mounting, paign for constructive r e l i e f g covered red by by chattel chattel mortmortture^'w?ll be^o'cents:^ _;"- ^ ~ ; - Nebraska. auspices of the Friends of t h e i In an interview with E. V.gage and pWg-e agreement in favor the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hymie among east European Jewry. .Complimenting Mrs. W. Os- Dr. Sachar,' who was Born in by William R a b b i Rabinowitz officiated Milder in Omaha. He left immediate1 v for Europe New Germany and the other spon- ! Zerow, one of the .organizers of 1 v. uaieu Jan. &, 1935. on troff and'Mrs.'Sam Levin, both Stl Louis; :Md.; 16~- the^sitra' of a Monday at the dedication of the sored by the United German So-j the fair, he declared-that one of is balance due of $60.95. on a tour of inspection. of Los .Ahgeles, Mrs. M. Masdn prominent rabbi of 'sti ^ouis.'Af- Memorial Stone f o r Mrs. H. will be for the cieties. . I the features of this'dramatic fes- Said Word has been received here of entertained at a 1 o'clock lunch- ter completing his studies at Har- Levin. The rival meetings developed; tival would be a performance by agreements, for costs of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and eon Thursday in the Davidson Tea vard and receiving his Masters 1 accruing costs, and for when t h e Friends were omitted j Habimah, the world famous HeMrs. Bernard Leibovitz of S a n o f • " - • • - * - - * - - •• Room. Bridge at three tables fol- Degree there,! he went to Camfrom arrangements for the United j brew dramatic group,'of a- dxima, thpreon^n! a b m e s t e w i Antonio, Texas, last Thursday, lowed the luncheon. bridge, England,' where he receivGerman Societies' meeting and! tised Version of Franz Werfel's -VXITSD LOAN CO., , INC. NC. ' Sept. 26. Mrs. Leibovitz was forRecent parties for Mrs. Ostroff ed his Ph. D. degree in "English M later offered a place in the cere-! "Forty Days of Musa Dagh," a 9-20-35—3tt Mortage^ 1 merly Miss Marian Fonarow of and' Mrs. Levin include a lunch- History., Early Friday evening serricea Seek Probe mony provided they would forego historical novel, taken by many FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, eon given by-" Mrs. Oscar Gordon "Dr. Sachar is" aprofessoF of i be held tonight at 6 o'clock Council Bluffs. Jsew York—A request that the a place on the' speaking program I to be a parable on present-d a y KLUTZNICK & KELLEY, Atty*. - and Mrs. Joe Guttleman, who en-history at the University of Illi- n the Beth Abraham synagogue. 650 Omaha Natv Bank Bld and keep their uniformed guards! life of the Jews in Germany. Mrs. '• Isaac Sternhill and son,Department of Justice investigate away. This t h e Friends refused I tertained a group of 28 friends nois, and Is nationally known as At 8:15 this evening, the lirst the activities of the pro-Nazi ; NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Vernon, left last week for Den» in the Davidson grille. Notice is hereby given that the unan eloquent and charming speak- of the late Friday evening ser- ver, Colorado. They expect to beFriends of the New Germany has and announced their own meet-1 | dersipned have formed fl. corporation vices will be held at Beth Abrai BULGARIAN EMIGRANTS er, and an authority on historical been made by Eugene F. Grigat, ing. j under the laws of the State of Negone about a month. director of the anti-Nazi Friends Word h a s been received here and economic questions. He hasham synagogue. Rabbi Goldberg i^ra^ka. The name of the corporation The reason for the split is the CAN REMOVE ^hun b» Sanitary Ire Service Co. with Of - German Democracy,, in a let- feeling on the part of the United | that Jack Greenberg, eon of Mr.appeared on the; lecture". platform will speak on the.subject "Whom jrrincjpal place of business at Omaha, and-Mrs. A. Greenberg, was elect- of almost' every.'sizeable commu- Are You Going to Marry?". . : . - Harold Mlchnick of Chicago, Il- ter to Attorney-General Homer S. German Societies that while Naz-1 ! Nebraska. The grenerfll nature'of the u c i j u a u ovji-rcucs u « wmie i\az-1 c;nfi-> HTAI T^T,-,. ««,-•—„*• i. • — .b ce t R<-uei-»i the linois,who spent • the Rosh HaSofia Tomorrow morning,. "The .Satbi r s n S c t dnature h l or l b nity in the United States and has Cummings. . : ed president of the Zeta Beta Tan shonah Holidays visiting his parto Palestine will be permitted urday ol Repentance" , Shachris i s m is all right f o r G e r m a n y , it | ^Jinl^m^ JrHmTtl! S ^ = ^ S ^ ^ ^ ! t0 c Fraternity Chapter at the Univer- contributed' to the .pages, of the .Calling the Attorney-General's has no place in this country. i fake out their capital in the form I lease. own. acquire, dispose and or Opinion, Nation, New , Republic ervices, will be held at 9 o'clock. ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Michnick, attention to the violent utterances sity of Wisconsin, at Madison. of exports of Bulgarian goods acThe reading of the Law will take returned to his home in Chicago, of spokesmen for the Friends, esand Menorah magazines. Monday. | coiding to the terms of, a transfer j this business: to do all thing's necesplace at 9:30, and Musaf services Jewish Physicians Develop Sioux Cityans have s e t aside pecially • those in which t h e y Mrs. Sam Pickus departed this ' agreement reached between t h e Faiy or proper to effect the purposes at -10:15. At 4 o'clock Saturday boasted that they have their own week for New Orleans, Louisiana, these dates in October and are which this corporation is organMr.- and Mrs. Charles Weinberg Serum for Dread Disease! Bulgarian government and M. | for V.ed.""The a u t h ^capital X M istoelt ° S storm troops in this country, and ; • v ~he "authorized where she will visit with her sis- ooking forward with eagerness to afternoon, Rabbi Goldberg will sh daughter, Barbara, of HarRlielushe, a Jewish representative ' sH - "=•""" - -speak on "Israel as a Nation." S5.000 and all of said stock hearing Dr. Sachar again.. ;. that, "a day. of reckoning" w a s ter. span be common, pnr value tlOO per Sunday evening, Kol Nidrei ser- lan, Iowa, are spending.the Holi- coming, for American foes of NazChicago (WNS)—Development irorn Palestine. share and fully paid up and non-asices will begin at 6 o'clock, witn days here visiting at the home* of ism, Grigat asked whether there of a serum for the deadly haemo- ' Sugar will - be the principal ; sef-sable. Jt shall commence business Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foreman of upon filing- of its articles with the commodit Rabbi Goldberg and choir offici- Mr. and Mrs.- M. Passer. y to be exported. is not some.law on t h e statute lytic streptococcus is reported by I Couniy Clerk of Douglas County. NeMadison, South Dakota, spent last ating. Mojnday morning the serbraska, and shall continue for a pebooks' to' halt the propaganda'actwo Jewish physicians, Drs. WilWeek* end visiting in Sioux City, rierf of 50 years. The highest amount Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Adler en- tivities of aliens and agents of a liam Thalheimer a n d Sidney Q. vice ;will "begin at. 7:30 o'clock, IRVfN C. LEVIN,'. Atty, rf indebtedness shall not exceed twodepartingv for home Monday. 301 Electric Eldg. with Mr. Joe Dimsdale, president tertained fourteen, guests at a t.hirris of its capital stock, but this reLevinson. • Opening the administration of >f the Congregation- officiating at -Bridge Party- :at .their* home Sun- foreign'government. striction shali not include indebtedBy means of a serum obtained NOTICE BY PUBLICATION- ON • PE ness secured by mortgages or liens. ',-...-. I. Merlin, Mrs. M. Hend- Sam Sadoff, newly elected' Aleph h e Shachris service. At 10:30day evening. r . . TITION FOR. SETTLEMENT OF" • Tht affairm shall' be managed by n. from t h e blood of convalescent Godol of Sioux C i t y A. Z. A., lyn and Joe Hendlyn returned last FINAL ADMINISTRATION I Board of Directors of not less than he Reading of the Law will take Ger Rabbi In Palestine scarlet fever patients, the two ACCOUNT •sltwi, members. The annual meeting week from New York City where chapter. 12, ;was, the .dinner dance place. Memorial services will.be . Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear a n d doctors obtained a substance In the County Court Douglas I »al! be on the first Monday, of J a n -1 Haifa—A thousand Chassidim held last Sunday evening in the they "visited. uary of each year,, at which meeting held at 11 o'clock and at 11:30sons, Aaron David r.nd Myron Colorado -room of the Jackson Ho- Rabbi Goldberg will speak on theMax, of. .Leavenworth, Kansas, and representatives of all the na- which, when injected into persons I . _..„ ,,., ,..,. l l l c "estate o f ' S A M ' t n o stockholders shall elect a Board tional institutions in at which" the" impressive offi- subject "Return Oh Israel.";. At who spent t h e . Rosh Hashonah Palestine ! suffering from haemolytic Strep-| MARGOLIN deceased; ^ . : of directors, and .thereupon the Board Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wigodsky tel, i £ ^ s i*%2.*M. * on-aid, matter!?.*" etect, a Pand r e s eTreasurer. t . -Mce-Pr*.!cial Induction cerimony' r6i A. Z.12 o'clock Rabbi; Goldberg a n d Holidays here visiting Mrs. Bear's welcomed the "Wonder-Working" 'tOCOCCUS has proved helpful. iI1 £ are hereby notified that the 14th | Secretary Any and -sons of Yank ton,. South. Da- A.'Was Rabbi of Ger, Poland, when the flay of September -1955, Jennie ; Rifkin two of said offices may be held by presented. . ^.•'.'" parents, • Mr. and Mrs. Julius Katk o t a , spent the holidays in Sioux he choir w i l l , officiate at the filed a petition in said County. Court, one and the same person. These BX« boat carrying the famous leader BEN E. KA2LOWSKY, Atty. Rudolph Shihdief," outgoing Al- Musaf service a n d at. 4 p. m.elman, left Monday for their praying- that her final administration , tides may , ; be- amended ----- - - a t any •• regular >^»"" City with friends and relatives. S32 Insurance Bldg., City eph Godol", was In charge of the Minchach services will be held. home. -'They made the trip by arrived at the Jaffa quayside. account filed herein. be settled and: ? r special meeting: of the stoekhorders s w h i r d s v o t e The Ger rabbi did not, howallowed, and that . she .be discharged 1 r i l L ? _ of the outstandinduction ceremqnyand presented motor. the County Court of Doug-las from her trust as Administratrix and inar st^ck. Miss Doris Rosenstock depart- the new officers W the assembled The Yom Kippur Services will be ever, disembark at Jaffa, remain- In County, that a hearing- will be • had. on said Nebraska. IX WITNESS. TVHEREOF. the parheld at the Beth Abraham synaed laBt w«ek for Madison, Wis- Alephs andUheif dinier iJartners, ing on the ship till it docked at In the Matter of the Estate of Fannie petition before said Court on the 14th ties have hereunto subscribed their day of October 1935. and that if you | -r •i " r > e s this 17th day of September, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cohen of Haifa. Horwich, Deceased. consin, where she will continue after explaining the meanings and ogue. fail to appear before said CourtTarkia, Missouri, are spending " fc>r itudies" "at_ the University of responsibilities ;'6t..'thefrT'offlces. The rabbi intends wintering in LOX'TK TVEINER said the Holidays here visiting at the Palestine where a new homo was estate: LAWRENCE J. FINKED r Wisconsin! * - ; ••-.' The new' Aleph' Godol g a v e' a presence You are hereby notified that a peti- j P o t i o n , the Court may- grant t h e ! * " . ,,..-.-••- of home of Mrs. I.'Kramer. built for him as a, gift from a tion has been filed in this court on cPraytr of said petition, enter H de l i h l U P V. KX.TJTZNICK speech of acceptance --and apprer e e c f neirship. and make sucn otli10-4-35-'4t wealthy follower. The establish- the 24th day of September, 1935, by and' presented a.'r'esunlei of Sidney Bergen departed last ciation — ' Mrs. Sam Rosenthal underwent ment is a luxurious structure in- Belle Horwich alleging that Fannie i " a n < 5 further orders, allowances and ; 1 week tor Chicago where he will the plans for the chapter for the Horwich died on the 20th day of Ap- I decrees. a.s to this Court mar seem j WEBB, BEBER, an operation; at the Evangelical cluding all modern conveniences, ril, 1924, intestate; that at the time I Proper., to the -end that all inattersj FRADENBURG, atudyv . .... _. KL&T2NICK &. KEL.LEY, Attyt. coming term; " ; ' of her death she was a resident of j Pertaining to said estate may be iin- j Covenant Hospital in Omaha. Mon- as well as a private synagogue. 650 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldo The. program was turned over Douglas County, Nebraska, and that j a I ! * ' settled and determined. day, and is getting along satisfacshe was possessed of an undivided inr, *Joe Miller departed Wed- to '^Alber t' Herz'of f, niasterL bf' cerewA i Notice by Publication on Petition for torily. terest in and to the following- descount}-Juc n e. 1 S e t t i e m e r , t e1 F j n a , Administration New York . (JTA)-—Renouveau, 35-3t cribed real estate, to-wit: 'for Chicago where h& will monies, ' wiio \.' fhtro<iu'ced 1 Julius No Choice Account Lot Five (5), in Block SeventyBlsno,/ trayelifig" Secretary Jof - the raining farm for German-Jewish Tiait. In the. County Court of Douglas New York—Criticism against four (74), South Omaha, an adA. Z. A. OFFICERS NAMED IRVIN C. LEVIN, Atty. Senior Advisory' Council/ who refugees in southern. France, esCounty, Nebraska. / the City of Omaha, now . 301 Electric Eldg. Mathew Solomon,' the Jewish de- dition toDouglas I nfhe Matter of the Estate of Clar* County. NebrasMax Rosenthal left Sunday for gave a very Inspiring' address, tablished a n d directed by Dr. The newly-organized Chapter tective who was' seriously injured Omaha, Holctsberg, Deceased. ka, as surveyed, platted and reNOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Chicago, where he will make an using the life of Captain Alfred Dmitri Marianoff, has been tucn- No. 7 of the A. Z. A. held a meet- in defending the swastika during corded. All persons interested in said matIn the County Court of Douglas .Counterr are notified are hereby h b tifid that on the Dreyfus as a medium • of compar- ed over to the World Mlzrachi Or- ing Tuesday evening, October 1, That said petitioner has an interty, y, Nebraska: extended visit. , v.. 1935 , Kosalinf Rosaline th matter of the estate of. MOL-2"?th day of September anizatlon, Dr. Marianoff an- at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel syn- the riot - aboard the Bremen last est in said real estate being an heir In the ison with A. 2 : A;'ideals:; ~ J H i d b fi J. H<idsbergfiled a, petition in, said said deceased, said petitioner prays LIE FRIEDMAN, deceased. agogue. The following new offi- July,-for accepting a reward- of of : nounced here this week. " Bill Wolf of -Omaha, who acCiunty Court, praying-, that her final that a hearing be had on said peti,.- .Mis8..,Xaa. Heshelbw returned All persons interested.in said estate tion, that notice thereof be given as are hereby notified that a petition aflpiinistrfition account filed herein be T h e . MIzrachI Organization, cers were installed: Aleph Godol, $150 from the German-steamship required 1 34 1 11 settled and allowed, and that Bhe be ^hls week from Phoenix,' Arizona, companied r Mr. fiisnof,f, ^waflf ^waflf introintro lav,; and that upon said 1. 1. i , , j " ~. •a"A" " i"- - - '-' < settled a n d allowed, a n d _-,,--..-. . trust as admindd ,to the;; chapjter"aif"if'* ;hrough, its French branch, will Herbert Rosenthal; Aleph Sgan, lines, is, not. justified. because he hearing abydecree heirship be en- has been filed in said Court alleging-1 <jt "where"she was called by the;"ill- duced from' her trust r't4e* Salscnarged Norman Rosenthal; Aleph Maz- had to take the. reward „ in. ac-tered and further ofadministration hearing- vwill of operate the farm as a training that said deceased died leaving- no last j s t n , t r i r „_,, t n s t „a ».„„,.,__ ,j,,. , p nesa of her father. Mr. Heshelow anee'of the-evening-was="devoted estate be dispensed with. will and praying for administration | 8 Ton eaW eptHion before slid' Court•t lenter for, chalutzim before .they kir, Meyer Maltz; Aleph Gisbor, cordance with police- department said ia recuperating. '••' to-dancing.; ' -'",-';"' ' !1 You are therefore notified that * upon _her_ estate, .and ttirt a-hearing | h a , .,.,d . October 1935, and Norman Abrahamson; Aleph Shoregulations,. it was' disclosed by 6th d a o f l of, l October, t t l a o n t hliffe 2you-fail" are sent to Palestine. Refugees hearing will be had on said petition to appear before said court on the 5th day The new officers a r e as folS;i ^L ^if they £ ^ S-appear « ': on vonrail to bf October d tare Godol, Hymie Diamond; AlCaptain Thomas F.-Dugan, Soloat the County Court Room of said the said 26sh day-of 19S3. and that fail to | lows: Sam Sadoff, Aleph Godol; will continue to make up the bulk eph Shotare Kotone, Meyer Diaat 9 o'clock A.M.. and contest County on the 26th day of Octobers at said Court on the said 5th day of' mon's commanding officer. 1935, at 9 o'clock A.M., and that if October, 1935, at 9 o'clock A. M. to said petition, the Court may grant thfi Irvln Manji, Aleph S'gan; Her- of Kenouveau's student farmers, mond; Aleph Sopher, Abe Raben; fail to appear a t said time and contest, said petition, the Court may P'-aycr of said petition, enter * decree man Rubin, .AleptfMazkir^ Tjeon- who will be trained in accordance and Aleph 'Kohen Godol, Robert • When ; Solomon, returned to you and contest the said, petition.! grant the same and grant administra- of hfirship, and make such other p.n<5 duty, - Captain Dugan , explained place ard, Lebowich, Aleph Glzbor;' Mor- with orthodox MizrachI principles. R o f f m a n . v • • • . - ' . the Court may grant the same, en-I tion of said estate to Bernard Fried- further orders, allowances find flethat. the . "reward" .was to . com- ter a decree of heirship. and decree • man or some other suitable person crees, as to this Court may seem Dr.' Marianoff, a son-in-law of Mrs. Ida. JRozen, 90 years old; ris Lebowich, Aleph Shotare Go- Drof. ' T h e new Advisors for the Chap- pensate-the Jewish officer.for- the that further administration of said-!ana. proceed To asettlemPnt'~thereoT'|P ro P e . r '. t 0 . t l i e ,e.nd .th.ftt s l ! mattfirs Albert Einstein, .announced dol; Earl Novich,' Aleph .Shotare B R T t E CRAWFORD j pertaining to eairt estate may be finestate be dispensed _with. ft resident of Sioux City for 40 ally settled and determined. BRYCE CRAWFORD. 1 "5-35-33—5t, he- had turned over opera- ter will.be announced at the next, loss- of his revolver,, which is. his County Judge. years, died last Friday in t h eKotan; Rudy Schindler, Aleph hat EKXCE CRAWFORD, meeting to be held-on Sunday af- •personal property, and the dam-10-4-35-3t . ..County; Judge. ion of the farm to Mizrachi beShofer; and -Perry psriowitz, Al10-4-35-St County home of her son, Ed Rosen, in ternoon. October 13. I WONSKY, GRODINSKV, MAKER & NV, age to his clothes. Police Comcause he was establishing his resCOHEN Att LOUIS E. LIPP,« Attorney Sioux Falls* where she made her eph Kohen Godol. COHEN, Attys. FRADENBURG, WEBB, 0EBEK, • dence in the United States. He missioner Valentine- hadapprpved 504*10 City Natl. Bk.' Eldg.: 737 Omaha Nat'l Bank home for-the past two years. FuKLUTZNICK «. KELLYf Attys, : Mr. Henry Monsfcy of Omaha it-and'Solomon had to accept it. s retaining secretaryship of the 650 Omaha Natl Bk. Bide. • neral services were held Monday Notice, by Publication on Petition NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF as guest speaker at t h e local project. Lord Molchett Is presifor Settlement of Final Adminafternoon at the Shaare Zion syn- ART, MEMORIALS," INC, :.-.• NOTICE oF~D1SSOLUTION dent and Prof. Einstein honorary Council of Social Agencies meet.. -.- . , jft^ation Account Notice is hereby given: that tbe unof LEE KOTJNTZE HARDWARE agogue with Rabbi H. R. RabinoKehiilah Leader . 'nT'.Jh'e";.'.JJouh'ty Court . of Douglas ing -which • was held • Monday at dersigned organised a ; corporation,' hairman of Renouveau. COMPANY of Omaha, Nebraska. wltz and Cantor A. Pliskin offiCounty, Nebraska, The name of the corporations , Art Know All Men by These Presents: the Hotel Chieftain. Mr. Monsky, '' Prague' (WNS)-^-The-only way Memorials, a; the Matter of the Estate of SamInc.. and tbe ,principal That a t a meeting of the stocktroldciating. A committee to be in charge of who is a director of the National to solve the Jewish problem in place for.the transaction.of its, busi- UBI A. Corneer, Deceased. ers o£ the Lee Kountsse Hardware ComMrs, Rozen came to the United the arrangements of the Annual ' All persons interested in said matGermany is to help all the Jews ness is the City o^. Omaha, Dougias] pany duly held at the office of th« Council • of Community .Chests", ; Cotinty, Nebraska. The general nature l t e r are hereby notified that on the corporation, on the 21st d day any of JJan States from Russia. She had 10Sisterhood • Card party has been told the members that only in the Reich to emigrate immedi- off its it business b i i to t buy, b l sell, l is own, j' j w a a y ^ o f O c t o b e r 1935 _Cara Corneer uarj", 19S1, 19S1 att which h i h all ll the h stockt k sons, 30 --grandchildren and twonamed by Mrs. William Lazere, ately, Dr. George Karesfci, former personal -propertywher-jfUed a petition in said County Court, j holders were present and voting, h l d lease andthrough, a Community Chest can t i ti a president of the Sisterhood, and estate and Jpersonal property • wher- P.raj'iftg „that her final administration i resolution was dulv offered «nd v great-grandchildren. wan a community give for community president of the Berlin Kehiilah, - to,- manufacture,, ; sell, j accoirnt . filed herein be settled and | unanimously adopted that the Bald ! ever situated; preparations for the party are unThe sons who survive are Ed Ottawa, Canada (WNS-Palcor needs. Dr. Isaac Sternhill of told a mass meeting of 5,000 job. store and of Sioux Falls, Gus of Cleveland, der way. The Card party will be Agency)—-S. A. Cudmore, Editor Council -Bluffs was - one of - the Jews, many of them in tears, upon monuments and other materials Ohio; Max of Chicago, Joe -and held in the Annex of Mount Sinai f the Canada Year Book, h a s board members . chosen at thehis arrival from Germany. : oand p e r a t e q u a r r i e s ; tw .* ~ »^ ^ , .. — ---•*... v-.^.^v..^.^.^.! *,± , ; 0 ^ ^ ^^KT n u u i t i ^ Isadore of Pueblo, Colorado: Temple, October 16. Mrs.- M. A. een loaned to the Palestine Gov- meeting to serve as Director of Octobfir 19oo. and that-if you 1 Hardware Company herebv given Pleading that the German Jews notes, debentures, bonds, mortgages [«aj' tof Cmpany is hereby eiven. o a: ar befor e Esi evidences ^ofj dindebtedness, j.fjil ,, 2?f, , , e ^ said 4 Court • ~ •• -Whereof, witness - " the ^ a ^ e s t p Court on on In Testimony Ralph of Philadelphia, Henry of Marx has been named chairman rnment for three years to organ- the local Community Chest. He must be helped to leave the Reich andTheother total authorized < " • ' » * • • . • — . . ed capital stock ] the said £6th day of October 1935 a t signature and the corporate (real <>f LOB Angeles,, and' Abe of Little and Mrs. Si Krueger will act as ze the Tatter's Bureau of Statis- represents the Boy. Scout - group. now that there is still a chance of this corporation shall — .$10,000.00 _ „..„..„„ „ , hall'be ?,.o'cloc k Court ^- J I -j and saidprayer peti- [j,pany the saidjuee-Kountse Hardware Comco-chairman. " divided into 100 shares of the par tion, the may.contest grant the hereto affixed by its • duly" an Bock, Arkansas. for them to take some part of t s on the same principles and value of $100.00 each, to.be pa!d:for|ot said petition, enter a decree ofithorized officers on this7th, day vofi c Assisting Mrs. Krueger and ractice as the Dominion Bureau their /property with them, Dr. in cash or property and be non-as-1 neirship, aiia make such other and • '—•-—»—-"«-• * Septembpr. IJ35. , Max Harris and daughThe time of the'!'further orders, allowances and deMrs. Marks will be the Mesdames f Statistics, i t was announced by ter,Mrs. Kareski warned that If a mass sessable when issued. LEE KOT7NTZJS • HARDWARE Betty Lee,are leaving. today " ' as to' ,'this Court may seem of, the . corporation; cement COMPANY, Hyman Fishgall, M. E. Skalovsky, li e Canadian Department of for Fremont,. Nebraska, to visit emigration movement was n ommmea t be the-38th-day Of 'AagBSt,.'183S, projier, to ""~" tne end' " thai 'hat all matters snail its termination - shall be -fifty pertaining to said estate may be fin- (Corporate Seal) The f.irst meeting of the fall J. Robinson, M. A. Weiner, Mike 'rade and Commerce. By A.- A. DI DI-ETZ,- Pres, launched at once world Jewry : B and . ihet-^after. „ . . . . . The Mehest amount ally settled and -determii with friends and relatives for the mined. Attest: A'A HAE.KNESS •KOVtttlZB.^CSee. : Beason-of t h e Junior Hadassah Grueskin, Joe Levin, Victor Mazyears thereafter. The highest amount would regret it. "SKTCE The request for the Canadian Yom Kippur. Holiday. , In presence .of.'Sam Bebtr. "• "5Cof indebtedness to which tbe-corpor•will be held next Wednesday eve- ie, William Bush, Sam -L. Cohen, ditor to form the Palestine BurCounty Judge. 19-13-35- ' atfan a t . a n y time shalJ subject itself , 10-4-35-St ning la t h e Jewish Community William Lazere, A. M. Davis, Wil- au came from the Palestine- Govshall not exceed two-thirds of its cap- ~ Simon Steinberg, .who has been Swedes Boom Litvinov ital stock. The affairs of the corporaCenter. Miss Dorothy Merlin, who liam Galinsky and Dr. Delia Ga- xnment through the British Cotion are to be conducted by a bonra seriously ill. at his home at 710 Stockholm—The Friends of theof begins her "term as president of Unsky. not less, than two nor more than onial Office a t London. Cud- Willp-wvAvenue, Js improving and five who shall elect a Presthe chapter, will preside. Soviet "Union in Sweden., have ident,directors The first Sisterhood meeting of more, who is a former newspaper- getting along satisfactorily. Vice-President, Secretary an$ nominated Maxim Xlitvin'ov, Soviet Treasurer. A program will follow the busi- the winter season will be held man and a former Professor of - - - I* KAPLAN, commissar for foreign affairs, as ness meeting, and committees for Friday afternoon, October 11, and "conomics, will sail for Palestine V. HUHXKB. • Miss June Meyerson was hosta candidate for next year's Nobel the year will be announced. will follow a one o'clock luncheon in October. In presence of: Louis E. Lipp ess to the members of the Emesel Peace Prize. 9-13-35—st


Sioux City News

and program. Mrs. M. Mushkin and Mrs. -1. Miller are in charge of the luncheon arrangements.

Jewish Editors Honor Hoffman

Mount Sinai

Omahans Address Committees for Senior Hadassah BWBVith Lodge

Ort Chairman




s k y . '


" ' • ' • •

' - •-•-•-••;-••


..• •=-.

Society News

United Synagogues






a n (


Training Farm for Refugees ToMizrachists



Canada Editor to Aid Palestinian Government


Junior Hadassah


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