October 11, 1935

Page 1

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

Interests of the Jewish People

Entered A» Second Class ilatl .Matter on January 21. 1921. a t POEtofficc o l Omaha, Nebraska, under th« Act of March I. 1878

Aristocrat Gives Up Reich Title As Protest


VOL. XI—NO. 35.



Shortage in Food * Threatens Nazi Regime


Berlin ("WNS)—M. Von OsterBerlin (WNS)—A food shortff-^ en-Marnitz, wealthy German landa g e rs u c h s e r i o u s ° Proportions as owner and member of the o 1 d Chicagoans To Address District ! to constitute a real menace to the aristocratic Hohenzollera circles -Conference of B'nai future of the Nazi regime has decreated a sensation throughout B'rith veloped here, • with housewives \ trmany by resigning his title as 1 feverishly storing up necessities; honorary citizen of Koenigsberg ILL JL^Cctvi.Ci £$ LAUCtt Ben Samuels and Mrs. in protest against a demand by Lautman, both of Chicago,' will be |fad .police patrolling food stores the featured guest speakers at the j ^ f v e n t smuggling end prolitthe Nazi mayor of the city that he discontinue selling the produce regional B'nai B'rith conclave to eering. of hi3 land through a Jewish com- be held at t h e Omaha Jewish While the authorities tried desRegistration for the City Talera mission merchant. Sundav • ' P tely to allay alarm, the supTorah will begin next MonCommunity Center on *' i Ply of fruit, fats and meats and Von Osteren-Marnitz defied the October 14, and will continue Nazi mayor and-said ha had al-^°De5gates and visitors from the ; P a i n rapidly reached the _ vanish- If o r two weeks, Snccbtti, the harvest festival The annual meeting and Sucways dealt with Jews and would neighboring B'nai B'rith lodges | "JSPoint w:th prices going sky Aaron • — - Katz, — principal of t h e A total of $27,905 in pledges campaign, emphasized the fact of the J e w i s h people — also coth tea of the Bikur Cholim will continue to do so. Talmud Torah, urges all parents high. will attend the conference, when >een ternefi in by Wednes- that the returns to date are PC to enroll their children, as t h e far ahead of what the loaders oE ^ known as the Feast of Taber- be held next Monday, October 14, B'nai B'rith and general Jewish new classes will get under way | day in the Beth-El sjnageguc t h e d r j V e anticipated that, the go?! at 2 p. m. at the J. C. C. All the problems will be discussed. The nacles — will begin this evening, at the conclusion of the Succoth !campaign for $100,090 for a new ! of SIOO.'OOO ought to be renchpf! general public will be invited to women of the city are inOctober 11, and will last until Jewish I holiday. attend the forums and sessions. building on their site at 48th in .three years instead of the planvited to attend this outstanding ned fire years. I All members of the Jewish comOctober 19. Samuel is general attorney and affair, which is open to the pubmunity are also urged .to join the and FE-ms-.ni streets, According; to original plans, tl'f president of the Chicago Yellow In tlie Bible the festival is also lic. I1/-1/ ••.'"•' ". ly-formed City Talmud TorThis unusually large amount is intended to hold fivp Cab company. He is a past presicalled the "Feast of ingathering," Association, membership to the result of the preliminary can- annual campaigns. On such a proIn addition to the annual redent of District No. 6 of the B'nai for at the time when the Jewish ports and hospital summation, an j which is open to all a t the nom- • vassing. The first meeting of the gram. e a c h annual drive would. B'rith, having served as president people dwelt in Palestine and elaborate program has been prej inal cost of one dollar. workers was held at the Jewish net £20.000 in contributions. Aft! in 1923-24. were tillers of the soil, the char- pared. Rabbis N. Feldman a n d Special Cable from Pierre The athletic department of the He is active in Chicago Jewish Community Center Tuesday eve- the first campaign lias fcr pasi^u acter of the holiday was agriculJewish Community Center has an- communal affairs. At present he von Paassen, Seven Arts Staff ning, with seventy enthusiastic that, mark before even getting y>v.~ Harold Berger will speak. Cantor tural. . . . nounced its fall and winter sched- is on the administrative commit- Correspondent. workers present. Cards for pros- cfer wey officially. E. Sellz will render a gTOup of Coming at the close of the agAddis Ababa, Ethiopia (WNS) ule, which is now in effect. pective contributors were distribtee of the District, is a director Jewish songs. A Succoth play will J. J. Green here, prppkiprif. n« ~ ricultural and economic year in •—Amid frenzied cries of "MeneThe schedule: uted £t this time. of the Leo N. Levi Memorial host h c Beth-El, in commenting or Palestine, Succoth was an occa- be presented, with Sylvan Frankel Women's and Girls* Swimming pital, a director of the National ! lik, God Israel is with us," thouSam Beber, chairman of t h e the splendid returns thus far opsion of thanksgiving for the fruit and Bess Goldware in the leads. Junior Girls?—Monday and "Wed- Jewish~Hospital for Consumptives j sands of Falashes, the black Jews Rehearsals for "Big Hearted timistically declared tlir-t lie exharvest and for nature's bounty-i nesday, 4:45 to 5:30 p.m.; Sun-in Denver, a trustee of the Cleve- l0f E t h l ° P i a - a r e p o n r a s into A d - ; H e r b e r t i . . t h e f i r s t p r o a w . t i o n o pected the campaigners 1o wnif ais a t 0 3 in their taan during the year ;iast. All male Isday 3 to 4 p.m. land Orphans home. A graduate j j ^* ?» ° ^°.™ I the Center Players for this seaclose to the 540,000 mark in this, aild raelites above the age of thirteen Business and Senior "Women— of Harvard in 1903, he is reputed j Mohammedan compatriots m! s o n a r en o v u n a e r v a y - T M s p l a T year's drive. journeyed to Jerusalem for the Monday and "Wednesday, 6 to 9 to be an interesting as well as defense of their country against will o p e n - t h e Guild season on Mrs. J. H. Kulakofpky ami Hprannual celebration,; often the wothe Italian invaders. p.m.; Sunday 4 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, .November 1'9. forceful speaker. ry Silverman a r e vice-chsurnipr. men' and older children, as well Kunners arriving here from the Matron Women—Monday and The cast selected for the proMrs. Laufman, who will be'the in the campaign. NfiShac. N o $. £.. as the servants of the household, Wednesday—10:45 to 11:45 a.m. main speaker at the luncheon, is Falasha settlements report • that; d u c t i o n a r e : Big-Hearted Herbert. and William Kacusin are ?e«~vr journeyed with the master to the Special classes for beginners a past president of t h e District c^l a l F a l a s h a s a r <\ ™ obl f V** E p !" j Joe Solomonow; Elizabeth, his tsries, and Harry B. Simmsn i* city of David, which w a s so regiments which will be rushHimelstein; Alice. Geneva (JTA)—A report on treasurer. Cambridge, Mass. (JTA)—Har- started. Meet Monday and Wed- Grand Lodge Auxiliary f o r woMartha crowded with visitors that many vard College will not send rep- nesday, 9:45. ed to the front. the. daughter, Bess Goldware; ; the nominations of the five mem-; men. She will speak on the work dwelt during their week's stay in resentatives to the Olympics in In Addis Ababa itself half a Junior, the son, >1 Oruch; Rob-: bers of the expert commission of! The planning committee enr"Women's and Girls' Gym of the auxiliary. booths outside the city's wall. German Jewish refugees, ert, the younger son, Alden Lin- \ the League Council to study Nor- sisis of the officers of the cntvBerlin next year if the German Junior Girls- (10 to 14)— Mon- j " P r i " m e movers in the calling of'] fdozen paign arid the following: M e. %. rjner When the Jewish State in Pal- government attempts to bar Jews day and Wednesday, 4 to 4:45 It h e c o n { e r e nce are Dr A. Green- ! ° officers in the Reich army,; c o l n ; Martha, Una Gross; Amy, i way's proposal for the eetablisharish, Pare Cohn, A. D. Frank. are estine fell and the Temple in Jer- from the games, the Jewish Tele- p . m . -•: , second vice-president of Dis-! feverishly drilling Ethiopian jKe becca ICirschenbanm; Jim, Ales ; ment of the special refugee organ- ^ . J. Greenberg, J. H. Kulpfcoiof usalem, the form of the Succoth graphic A g e n c y was told last Business and Senior Women-— trictVo. 6, and Philip KlutznicS, itribesmen into some Andrew, Dick Hurwitz: ization under the aegi : sky. Irviu Levin, Harry TrusJin, an celebration was changed to suit week -by William J. Bingham, Monday: and Wednesday, KedncAmong the Jewish offi- ;M r s _ Goodrich, Bess Cooper; Sir.' Leagne of Nations, was this week ;EBd Hsrrr Woll. i ber"of the general commit"the newer conditions. The Jew- ^HarrarTi: -director «f-Athletics;, ~-— i n g c l a s s e s ^ t>.m.; Volley ball,: 7 | at gmee m submitted to the Council by the J ' ^ r s i a t the front with -the, Norman Wohlner; Mrs. j Beber rcportefi s m-mbr!'*, n" 7| - J' ish peopTe" jib longer had F a n d ' In .addition, harvard will not p.m.; basketball1,' 8 P-m. Dancing, j j u i i u s Bisno is general chair- I P ! a n s is^Captain^Abraham Zogrov- : Havens, Marva Coin;. Mr.' Hav- : representative of Ecuador. • pubstsntia! gifts iroir nnn-snpii:sky, a Polish Jew. which they could till: where they make its"•. usual contribution of ens, Nate Cutler. The expert commission will in- j 1_ '^' man of. the conclave a n d is in ' Wednesdays. . i ; . •"-••»-». The colony of German Jewish lived they were barred from agri- $1,000 to the general Olympic This play will be one of' five '. elude one member each from! %"' charge of arrangements. r t h f TrorVfrp refugees h e r e is doing yeoman plays to be presented by the" Gen- j Great Britain, France. Norway. cultural pursuits. But the holiday fund if persecutions of Jews and . Matron Women—Monday and In [ Teusday Beber declared- that I T Volley ball for beassumed an even greater signifi- other minorities persist, declared | Wednesdays: work in organizing a medical |t e r Dramatic Department. Helen Czechoslovakia and probably also ginners, 9:45 a.m.; reducing classhad never in h i e -experience <r><' cance. The Jews built succahs, or Mr. Bingham, who is a member of es, 10 a.m.V volley ball, 10:35 a. corps and and directing the flow of Merritt is in charge of all Center Switzerland, it was learned, booths (symbolic of hope), in the American Olympic Commit- m. supplies. • dramatic activities. | In submitting the report, t h e campaigning for communal ftnulK their ghetto yards; they ate their tee. Dr. Ma-rtin Jacobson has been Men's and Boy's Swimming '; | representative of Ecuador stated seen so much Bincsre enthusissm meals in these booths throughout entrusted with the job of directJunior boys — T u e s d a y and Although Harvard does not dii that the nomination committee for a ceuse. He reported a is um1 the week of the holiday as a re- rectly enter contestants in the Thursday, 4:45 to 5:30 p.m.; ling t h e entire medical service. [was Ecsious to secure as members ber of substantial gifts from mm minder of the time when t h e Olympic games, athletes under4its Sunday; 10 to 10:45 a.m. Loyal Kaplan was elected p r e s - j A d o l f B e l ] > president of the XaI of t h e expert commission "per- members. "I want to thank t h e many Jews dwelt in such booths during colors are entered in the competiident of the Round Table of Jewj society of Abyssinia, Ethiotional Senior Men — T u e s d a y and I sons possessing the requisite qualthe forty years 'that they wander- tions in this country, from ^which Thursday, G p.m. to 9 p.m. Sun- ish Youth a t the first meeting of ! p i a ' s leading bank, is mobilizing ! ificatioEE, but who, at the same Jewish friends of our fiynagogi'*. the Table Representatives ed through the desert after their are selected the members 'of the day, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. th Round R d T bl R t t i j t h e c o u n t r y ' s economic resources ' time, are not associated directly in the community at large." hr deliverance from Egyptian bond- American Olympic team. Business and high school boys this month. He is president -of the f o r t h e struggle with II Duce's ; Plans have been completed by !iwith organizations dealing w i t h saifl. "Their gifts PTP ar. exop'.rage. The roof of the succahs were ; eiU. clcmoTiPtratio of good-wiK j the Temple Israel Sisterhood, to ;• refugees." Harvard will not allow its ath- —Tuesday and Thursday, 6 to 8 Alpha Pi Tau fraternity, had been j f O r c e s. active in the Round Table proleft open, that the children of Is-letes to enter these competitions p.m. I present Edward Steinmetz, Jr., | The expert commission will and Jewish co-operation. gram last year, is a student at rael might look up to the BtarB under Harvard colors stated Mr. ] new director of the Community ji meet in Geneva in December to 1 a.cecl by this vrondcrful rx Men's and Boys' Gym Creighton Law School and is and raise their hearts in hope. Bingham. Playhouse, in aeseries of ten lee- ii draft its report. j of help from the .Tewiph Health Club: Calisthenics class The palm branch, or lulab—as it I tures, beginning Wednesday, Oc- i Ir.ity, we promise to do < bps-'. —Tuesday and Friday, 12:10 p. prominent on the Creighton campus. is called in Hebrew; the ethrog, tober SO, a t the Blackstone hotel, \ i to prr.ct the kinrt oX By m.; Sunday, 11 a.m. New York (JTA)—The likeliFannie "Witkin, prominent Omaor citron; sprigs of the fragrant Mrs. Mas Holzman, president, an• r \ which w i l l he the pride of Om»Volley ball: Daily at 12:30 p. ha IT. student, winner of l a s t myrtle, the boughs of the humble hood that other colleges and uni- m.; Sunday at 11:30 a.m. Rabbi Harold Berger will make j nounced. j • he Jewry an.fi a credit to the c ' i ' versities ; throughout the country willow of the brook symbolize the Volley ball league plays Mon- year's Round Table debate tour- one of his first talks before a | Mr. Steinmetz will discuss cur- j ; of O m a h a . " will take action similar to Harharvest character of the festival day and Wednesday, 12:30 p.m.nament and member of Alpha c o m m u n i t y-wide organization rent and contemporary produc-' ,T. .1. Greenberg;.. president IM. vard's was admitted by a spokesGamma Chi Sorority, was elected when lie speaks at t h e regular tions_ and stress particularly those ' and are brought to the synagogue and Sunday,-10 a.m. Beth-El, stated: " I want t o ihKV.U man for the American Olympic E r n e s t Nogg, meeting of the B'nai B'rith on i plays of the season meeting with; Berlin ' f JTA}—An internal or-^ the men and women o£ tlie _ . to form part of the service for . Junior Boys (10 to 14): Tues- vice-president. Beilt Committee. He said the committhe day. day and Thursday, 4 to 4:45 p. prominent Z. A. and^ Round M o n d a y evening, October 14, atiBrodaway success. He will speak ;d e r e s c i u din E all Jews from Win-i El synagogue for bringicg nesr tee would make no move to block T aWe r o rin a mA. s Sacrificial offerings c a n no wholesale boycotts of the games m.; Friday (Midget Basket ball P f - ^ " elected sec- ( t h e l o d g e r o o m - n t h f i j _ c_ C J each Wednesday morning at 10:45 ter relief, was issued here last realization our dream of a retar5 longer be carried to the Temple by educational institutions. "> a n dJ o eG o l d w a r e - C r e 3 s h - i The meeting is scheduled to Etart | o'clock. An informal discussion week, t h e Jewish Telegxcphic ful pyna£O£ui> on ^ h P ^ ^•T" league), 4 p.m. t o n l a v EEt tuuddeennt t aa nn dd member of | at 8:30 p. m. i -will » * -follow « — -his - talks. — in Jerusalem, but since the Jew William J. Bingham is chairmember of Ssnior Men's classes: Thursday t o n Agency learned from most reli- ncm. Onr people hsve p r m tanhas come to believe that charity man of the American Olympic — Health-body-building class at Pi Lambda Phi fraternity, was Rabbi Berger, who is the new j Tickets will go on sale n e x t able sources. gible demonstration of their efp*ras well as prayer takes the place Track and Field Committee and 7:30 p.m.; volley vail at 8:15 p. elected treasurer. spiritual head of the Vaad, occu-! week, with Mrs. Leo Chaiken in The order, based on the Nur- CFt desire lor a pynagopue, pnf; of sacrifice, the Succoth offerings was to be manager of the track m.; Sunday—Calisthenics at 11 a. The y e a r s program will begin j . d t h p u l p l t { o r t b r e e years at j charge. Assisting team chairmen emberg laws, stated that not only with a continued response v-p with a Simchas Torah Get-to-geth- Gary, Indiana, where he acquired will be Mesdames Robert Rosen- will no Winter relief be given, to hope to be nble to Ftsrt actiu;: are usually distributed among the and field team at the Berlin Olym- m. Bick end needy. Business and high school boys: er Dance for all members of the a wide reputation for his oratory thai, M. L. Cohn. Sam Josephson, ' Jews henceforth, but contribu- construction within, a year or (?n,'* pics, the-spokesman said. The local Succoth services will (Coaching in Basketball) Tues- Round Table on Sunday, October and brilliant scholarship. He was Bernard Wolf, Milton Abrahams., tions will not. be polocited from 20, at the Center auditorium at! graduated from the "University of Harry Rosenfeld, and Izzie Rosen- Jews for relief funds, be found in the "Religious Serday and Thursday, 6 to 7 p.m. _, 9:30 in the evening. This dance] Chicago and t h e Hebrew Theo- thai. vices" column. Special This order nullifies the person• \JSSS6S Men under 21 are not _to use will be open to all Round Table logical College. al promise made by Reich Chanmembers. . • . the gym before 1 p.m. Sunday. Other features on the evening's cellor Hitler that "everybody will The basket ball league schedules: program are a review of the news enjoy Winter relief in the Reich." Class A. Senior league: Sunday, JOSEPH STEIN WINS by Max Baer, assistant executive Owing to this or(?er. relief will The J e w i s h National Fund 2 to 5 p.m.; Class B games Tuessecretary of the A. Z. A., and a be granted in some'localities fiiCRANBROOK FELLOWSHIP semi-annual ^collection of boxes day, 1 to 9 p.m. short business meeting which will The Ladies auxiliary of the from Nazi headquarters, ' I occupy itself with t h e member- Congregation of Israel, held their rectly wil be lield the week of Sunday, Boxing, wrestling and tumbling while in others it will be distrib- 1 rnatics nnd dancing will begin »•, October : 2 7. Everyone having box- classes will be formed at request. Joseph Stein, son of Mr. "and j ship drive to start within t w o regular monthly meeting Tuesday, uted under the supervision of the Jewish Community Center on : jes is ask id to have them ready Mrs. Julius A. Stein, was awarded j weeks, and with the Regional October S, in the assembly room I Jewish" charitable bodies. The Plains-States regional con- for collection when the commiti Tuesday of the coming week, *n£ a fellowship at the Cranbrook Conclave to be held November S. of the synagogue at 25th and J While Jews Ere excluded from all children interested are target; ference of Jewish Community tees call. Those not having boxAcademy of Art. streets. Officers were elected for relief, "non-Aryans" who are not to join now. Centers and Welfare Federations new term, beginning November 21. Jewish, however, will continue to • The dancing classes will be hrMt Stein, who is the possessor of will he held at Des Moines, la., es but who would like to get one Mrs. Joe Goldware was re-electthree degrees, has attended the November 16 and 17, it was an- can do BO by callin- Mrs. L Daned president for the third t e r a . ireceire relief accordins to Hitler's on Tuesday *»nd Thursday Rftor-sky, Ha. 7198 or Mrs. Louis AlUniversities of Nebraska, Illinois nounced this week. : noons from four t.o five o'clort Temple Israel will have its an-and Fontalbleu, which is located Other officers elected are the I c e C i R r a t l 0 P ' 3 t l s l e a r a e r L Henry Monslry and Sam Beber berts, Ja. 6266. j a in?, «"il! he under the direction nual Succoth dinner Friday eveA tea for the committees will Mesdames I. Perelinan, vice-prea- j in a suburb of Paris, France. He Of Omaha will read major papers lot Annette Ricklin. She will nfbe held at the home cf Mrs. Al-ning, October 11, in the vestry has an Arts degree, a Bachelor of ideixt; A. .Kazlowsky, secretary at the conclave. •' fer instruction in tap, ballet B.HIV MAY BAN STREICBER'S room of the Temple. After the SL L o u i s (WNS)—Hank H. Fladensan, treasurer. berts Tuesday, October 22. AnyArts degree and a Master of Arts A large local delegation is exacrobatic dancinp. Greenberg slugging first baseman one interested in working for thedinner a harrest festival cere- degree. QUACK MEDICINE QRGA® i Miss Helen Merritt, r h o for ih& Those on the board of directors pected to attend. National Fund Is cordially Invit- mony will be leld. Consecration After graduation last June, lie of the Detroit Tigers, American'are t h e Mesdames L. Katzinan,, past year has directed the Gi?i)<S ed to attend. Information in re-of young children in Sunday was honored with a fellowship to Leagtfa. pennant winners, was the ! M. Lipsman, L. WoHson, and M. i Berlin (WNS)—Julius Streich- : plays, will instruct, t h e drama iU: gard to working or getting boxes Bchool for the first time will take t h e Massachuetts Institute of ™ o s t valuable _playcr in Ms league jKatzman. jcr, Germany's high priest ol atsti- classes for children s t the may be obtained by calling Mrs. place. The children are Jack As- Technology, b u t after receiving! the 1935 season, accord-j Mrs. Sam Casar was appointee! \ Seraitism Eufi Hitler'F i n t o t l t l e byll, Lita Joy Brandt, Marjorie the opportunity to attend Cran-! S unanimous decision of j chairman of the ways and means \:panion. isis about to receive RE olfi- •' o l Teusday and Tburs'lay a£t«r-Dansky or Mrs. Alberts. a Brodkey, Patricia Burkenroad, brook, Stein immediately took Ed-| national committee of sports ' committee « ^ nrr«- •v=ti,»T, - P ^ . Hal rebtik in the form oi a ban. ' Nathan PerHoward Fritz, Rosalie Garrop, vantage of it in preference to the *'wri!;ers» j t "*"as announced here by 1 elman chairman of the program ;-on his periodical. ' •Deutsche Volfc-: noons from five to six o'clock. Thft Jerusalem (JTA) — With anfae Health).' classes will offer instruction t» Richard Goldman, Nancy Kully, Massachusetts Institute scholar-! other factory shut down and oth- Bamberger Institute Sporting News.' I committee. • jsgesundheit" • (Peoples <p e scholar- t TMF publication has been engag- i voice, dramatic expression anfi Harry Leon Lewis, Barbara Trasers faced with closing their doors Princeton, N. J. —The school Greenberg is the thjrd player ship. ed in a violent campaign against i technique ana will prepare t h « ander pressure of foreign dump- of humantlstic studies and t li e tin and Jimmy Weiss. At present Joseph Stein is one i n t b e history of. this poll to remodem meflical science, attackine :. children for parts hi the prochscing, '•' the Palestine government school of economics and politics Festival decorations will be of the fifteen students who were ceive a unanimous vote, the othcalled a special session of the re- will be opened as the second and carried out in the religious ser- fortunate enough to be enrolled er two having been Babe Ruth in it ES "Jewish" and "nn-German' : tions of'the Children's Theater, cently organized industrial Com- third units of the Institute f o r vice. • ; and fiemandirig that it be replac-1 1923 and Carl Hubbcll in 1933. at Cranbrook Academy this year. mission to consider protective Advanced Study, founded five j 0 g Cfifftolk Wh$t€ Greenberg, who received . 64 Riga (JTA)—The Brjth Hach- ed by Quack heaMng remedies. measures. ' ; The impenSing ban-on the pub-JNew T •"- -"Th« T t ir- Na«l years a g o by Louis Bamberger TOPRESEWT-SEEFER TORAH votes, is the first Jewish player ayai. Jev.*ish war veterans" orgs.1!The action -was taken after the and his;JBister, Mrs. Felix Fuld, to be so honored. During the sea- ization sponsored by. the Zionist: lication is not, however, a con-j Germany". puVIis" d by the Am* Mate Skips. Nesiti Mrs. Herman Franklin.'of 3311 Gereb stocMng factory had shut with anJ Initial endowment of Warsaw—Because of the steady j son Greenberg led both b i g Revisiosiist movement, extreme ' cession to the Jews but rather s. j erienrt Je *i&h Cammitte', is ot»* Q S t , will, present a Sefer Torah increase of Jewish emigration to j leagues in rubs batted in, tied right wing group, wa» this week • victory for the German chemical ! of the two books b*» Jews eft tfe* its doors as a resnlt of competi- 55,000,d00. tion trom Czeccoslovakian prodThe two new units will open to the Congregation of Israel of Palestine the Polis'i Shipping Co. with Jimmy Fox of the Athletics officially ordered closed "by the | industry whose sale o£ patent! fall "white list" of • *w CatliolJe South Omaha Sunday, October 27 has rushed to completion a new for the home run crown with §6, Latvian authorities. ucts. Recently, the Meshi Silk with the new semester. j medicines l i a s been affected by jj Book Suivey p u f i s h r i toy the Factory, operated by an American Dr. Albert Einstein is a mem- at 6 p. m. Everyone is invited to -i-35el, the S. S. Koskhis^o. which led his league in doubles, a n d T i e authorities also prohibit efi \ Streiclier's camp&igrn. (Cardinal Ha; es L.;t.:atwre ComJew, was forced to dose as a re- ber of the faculty of the school attend, Refreshments will be will go into the Danzig-Jaffa ser- i finished sixth among the leading the only remaining anti-Semitic \ Nazi physicians have also co -1 mittee. T c ^: is '"The-P*e» sult of Japanese competition. of mathematics, the first unit. vice within a weak. ihftters of Ms league. journal 'in Latvia, "VolkEwaffen." jislained. j careila Fami" " by "*T«nE Wcrfel, served.

Feast of Tabernacles Succoth Tea and , Anntial Meeting To Continue Full Week of Bikur Cholim



Yearfs Contributions to Reach $40,0*


Select Cast for . Play By Gui

.s for

Athletes From Olympic Games

Bocfy Submitted;

Loyal Kaplan To Head Round Table


B'nai B'rith To


Set Conference Date for Plains-States Region



Succoth Dinner at Temple Tonight



m i/ramabcs and Dancing at

I. C- C.




fraternity brothers . . . T h a t Prince of Wales Dresser, Dan Levich of Sioux City, and his evening's engagement, Marva Conn, made the rounds of the cocktail bars between dances . . . Glad to notice that Dorothy Catiel, who recently had her appendix removed, was able to attend the affair as a spectator . . . Leo Fried, the attorney, and his Mrs. nearly won the prize dance . . . Both Gary Gross and Ann Nieman, popu l a r entertainers, contributed JUICY JESTS la order to nave more confu- their ample share to the evening's sion—It Is not the attorney but enjoyment . . . By popular demand, the Jewish Press offers this local column of spicy comments. Its continuance an a weekly feature, however,. depends on the cooperation of t h e renders— the ultimate fountain-source of our jnows. If you wish to see this column weekly then send in y o u r contributions.—Ed. Note.

the Eddio Brodkey of the Appliance DistributorB who JB engaged to bo wect . . . Sophie Rosonstoin, principal iof the! Both El Sunday Bchool, is also a teacher in the Omaha Public Schools . . . Is it true that a local insuranco eteno is now wearing a former Iowa U. student's if rat pin? He is at preBent in Lou Angelos . . . What Iowa U griid is counting the days till homecoming so as to see h e r present appeal? He's a dental student .; . . Few readers would

SO THEY MARRIED RUTH Morton Richards, Art Goldntein and Sheff Katskee, who are close friends and fraternity brothers' and who probably h a d similar routines while at college e v e n continued their sameness by wooing girls with identical first names. As y o u probably know, they all married Ruths. M o r t married Ruth Reikes, Art became singled to Ruth Cohen and Sheff centor-aialed it with Ruth Fox.

actually believe it, but in one of HITS AND MISSES What family law firm recentthe High Holiday sermons t h e World Serlea was used as an anal- ly s t u c k a certain railroad • ogy and iia a result of this, many for a sineable sum by reason of followers of the games stayed in a cinder in their client's eye? the synagogue instead of listen- . . . Zerlino Somberg is the new ing to the saries . . . Max Bres- secretary at Temple Israel . . . low's nru baby buggylng. He As forecasted some time ago, owns the auto parts company on Nate Cutler, a youthful sports' North 20th , . . We are told that scribe, is doing excellent work an Omahan who j u s t returned at the Bee-News . , . Has Jane from Hollywood was the object of Appleman forgotten her recent an heiress' desires . . . medico heart throbbcr? . . . Wo hope that t h e prominent LIMELIGHTS Jewish citizen who w a s seen Rabbi H. A. Berger, new loeating at a well-known dlnerie cal Orthodox spiritual leader, on Yom Kippur wasn't consumis a real orator and becauso of ing pork . . . Louise Fitch is his fascinating personality will broadcasting regularly for one undoubtedly m a k e numerous of the cosmetics companies . . . friends in our community . . . Miss Adelaide Goldman was What young Omaha secretary presented with a beautiful gift to a downtown department by tho Bee-News for her good store owner is wearing a new work in advertising during the diamond? A n d la it t h e month of September . . . Wo "Kats!" . . . The Ben Elkina, are told that tho Rabbi Milleri who recently won a Lafayette Rose Shafer wedding on Octob» auto in a theater drawing, sold cr 87 will ho one of the high it for a nlco little sum . . . As lights of tho social season . . . Oiuahaivj become better ncHarold Farbers are irifanticiquainted with the new Center pating . . . director, they admire him more and more. Whether it's in the CONSERVATIVE CAPERS handball court, on the p i n g 1935 EDITION pong tahlo or in the clabroom, OFWe from one of the many you will find him a most like- letters quote received In regard to the able person . . . Rumor hath it road-show sponsorod by the Beth that the stork is hovering over El Synagogue last year: ". . . the the home of the William Al- performers, who volunteered : berts . . . Can It be because Phil talents derived t h e greatesttheir ' Lazer desires to date a blonde pleasure from working in t h of is individual that he prohibits one show, which was in a state of reof the. Z, B. T. pledges from hearsal tor but one month . . . dating on Saturday eves . . , the finished product proved The swnnky Jack Pettis' Cluh yet beyond a doubt that tho cast in New Yorker at IQth and Cap- this huge 'play' strove diligjntly itol, which opened last night, to attain proficiency in their choswas a $5 invitational b i d af- en temporary field of theatrics. fair . • « .'.= •• The players willingly sacrificed several nights a week for rehearsals, which were carried on in THE A. Z. A. DANCE Although t h e most publicized quite the manner of a Broadway ' '. ' feature of t h e A. Z. A. Achar rehearsal." Hataunla dance was the selection •'It is with keen interest that of tho "A. Z. A. Sweetheart for the writer Is keeping his eyes and 1935," the mo3t important accom- ears open, in hopes that he may plishment of this affair was that s e e or hear of some announceit enabled over four hundred and ment that tho 'show will go on' fifty youag mea and women from again." all groupB of Jewish social life to Very truly yours, frolic In e a c h other's company A Person Who Enjoyed Last and become more friendly a n d Year's Show. better acquainted. Whole-hearted support should be given to these CHATTY CHIPS young men who through the'year Sam Epstein, the waste maatrlve to sponsor affairs which terial and Annette Foserve to acquaint young men and gel willdealer, Rabbid early in No« women of this city with one an- vember .be . . Sam Rosens are exother and strengthen the bonds pecting their bundle from heavci friendship. en. He is associated with the On with the dance . . . . the very O m a h a Market . . . Charles lovely Miss Pearl Bernstein of Welsman, who was at Beatrice Council Bluffs wa3 selected as the all summer successfully operat>'A. Z. A. Sweetheart of 1935" ing an amusement pork, is « . .Over 450 people from six home at present and renewing cities attended this annual affair old friendships. Glad to s e e « . . EJ? n i e Prtesman's College ypu, C h u c k . . . Handsome Club, who syncopated for t h e Aaron Corenman now in Sioux dance, opened their season in a City seems to be rushing beaugala style . > .Ab Katman. who re- tiful Annabelle Emleln . . . turned last Saturday from an ex- Henry MagzamIn recently was tended stay in Hollywood, w a s appointed credit manager of the new People's Store . . . We are t h e master of ceremonies . Lottie Rips, "A. Z. A. Sweetheart beginning to believe that Lazer of 193i t " observed tha first an- Kavich is ga-ga over an 8. D. niversary of her reign by accept- T. pledge . . . What South Omaing the fraternity pin of her real ha Butter and Egg man is still desire, that dark, curly-haired Phi pondering how to get returns Bet . . .. Refreshing Peggy Fried- if he sent out four $1 hills inman sure looked nifty in her Pea- stead of chain letters? . . . You cock blue gown , . .Phil Katraan ia still raving about his R o o k Island Miss':; . . ditto for Herbert Marks and his Cheyenne femme . , . That dark-hatred beauty. Miss Shreda Osotf, was among the most popular dancers on the floor „ , » Pill Kavlch escorted Ruth Per«r . . . Those spitfire Friedman Twisntes of Sioux City helped pep up the affair . . * Rhoda Gilinsky nnd Art Lustgarten did some beautiful aad difficult steps before they- won the. elimination d a a c t i contest . . . Delightful Jackie L l p p out-did herself by capably escorting tour X L

Pledge By 10,000 positionists* party had lifted the fore a group of high school seniors on "The Business Cycle and cream from the dish . . . . Brussels—The greatest Jewish ! New York—A resolution pledgthe Value of Money as a Basis meeting In the history of Belgium ing members of the American Na- ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT of Price Levels." j was held here when over 10,000 tional s Society of Mural Painters Max Baer's father and brother The officers of the pledge class i Jews gathered to protest against not to participate in the exhibi- don't talk to him any more be- recently elected are: Morris Lipp, Dr. Abram L. Sachar, promin- • the new anti-Jewish campaign in tion of paintings to be held in cause they think he quit in the president; and Maurice Tatleman, ent lecturer a n d veil-known to '' Germany took a solemn oath to connection with the Berlin Olym- Louis fight . . . . Did you know secretary-treasurer. j Omaha audiences, will speak at : continue the anti-Nazi boycott unpics next summer was adopted by that City College and Brooklyn Chapter officers are Jerry Cohn, \ unanimous vote at a meeting of College, whose football teams are Prior; Henry Swartz, Exchequer; i the J. C. C, October 27, under til the Nasi regime halts its perthe Society. 90 percent Jewish and whose William Flax, Recorder; David j the auspices of the Men's Club secution. The meeting was attended by coaches are non-Aryans, opened Goldware, Assistant Exchequor; of the Beth-El. Last year he addressed capa- virtually every Jew of promintheir gridiron season on the eve- and David Bernstein, Historian. city crowds here. "The announce- ence, among them being C h i e f ning of September 28th, which, ment of Dr. Sachar's coming," i Rabbi Joseph Wiener, Professor in case you've forgotten, was on s a i d Arthur Cohn, president of ; Phillipson, Dr. Natchlach and Rosh Hashanah . . . . Viki Barna, •••• the Men's club, "has thrilled our Manfred Levy. the world's ping pong champion, people. We expect to agaiE have is probably finished as a player By PHINEAS J. BIRON The Center physical department five to six hundred people out to .. . . He's in a Budapest hospital POSTMARKED BERLIN knows that his frau, the former for an operation on his arm which will be closed from Friday, Oc- hear him." We saw Magistrate Louis B. Emmy Sonnemann, plays opposite was badly injured in an automo- tober 11, till Monday, October 14, Tickets are on sale by members Brodsky the other day . . . .Amaz- Conrad Veldt, a Jew, In the Ger- bile accident in Paris . . . . Bar- on account of Succoth. of the Men's club. ing as it sounds he is submerged man film, "The-Legend of Wil- ney ROSH may go to Australia this A basketball meeting was held with mail from Germany com- liam Tell" . . . . When you see •winter to defend his welterweight last Wednesday a n d another mending (yes, commending) him June Travis (June Grabiner) fly- title Keep your eye on Dick for his courageous remarks In his ing in her new film it won't be Sklar, brawny guard of the Uni- meeting will be held next Wed- MRS. M. MERRITT celebrated verdict anent the swaB- any trick photography or a stunt- versity of Kansas eleven . . . . Out nesday to formulate plans for the DIED LAST SUNDAY tika . . . . We were shown open ing double . . . . June has really where the tall corn grows they league which will start on Ocpostcards postmarked Berlin hall- learned how to pilot her plane expect him to make tUe All-Am- tober 2 7 with six fast teams comTO Mrs. Monette Merritt, fashion peting. ing in German Brodsky's words and her teacher was Amelia Ear- erican this year . . . . model, of 519 South TwentyYOUR and declaring* that they reflected hart . . . . The five pictures Ed(Copyright, 1935,toySeven Arts the sentiments of every real Ger- die Cantor made for Samuel GoldOne of the most popular classes eighth street, passed away early Feature Syndicate) man . . . . Strangely enough Mag- wyn have grossed $12,000,000, in the Jewish Community Center Sunday morning at a local hospiistrate Brodsky has received very making Eddie tops as a box ofphysical department is the Men's tal following a three-week illness. Funeral services were held Sun- Terasin Stores erf locoted M Sigma Alpha Mu few letters from American Jews fice attraction . . . . Don't be surHealth Body building class which afternoon at the Jewish Fu- the"lcrgcr cities of rh« Soritt praising him or from American prised if Lulse Rainer, the HunSigma Omicron of Sigma Alpha | meets every Tuesday and Thurs- day nerla home, with burial in Beth Union end corry various doNazis threatening him . . . . j day evening at 7:30 p. m. garian Jewish film star, and Gott- Mu fraternity at the University of Hamedrosh Hagodol cemetery. mestic end imported articles This class is specially conductfried Reinhardt, son of Max, get Nebraska will entertain members OLYMPIAN HEIGHTS Surviving are her divorced hus- of high quelity. ed for those who do not particihitched pretty soon . . . . Max of the Minnesota chapter and Is it true that the physical di- Reinhardt has arrived to assume alumni from Omaha at a g a l a pate in basketball or in handball. band, Joseph, and two children, Prices compare favorably rector of one of the largest Jew- full charge of Meyer W. Weis- party to be held at the chapter Thorough workouts a n d special Carolyn, 16, and Jackie, 9. ish community centers ,in New- gal'a production of Franz Wer- house following the Nebraska- exercises are given. with those in America Jersey is going to Germany as fel's "The Road of Promise" . . Minnesota game. Approximately TUXE IX coach of the American Olympic . . Announcement that this great sixty-five couples are expected to "Melodies of New RuUl«" Reservations for the annual gymnastic team? . . . . The Jewish work will be given in the Manhat- attend. Thursday—6:48 P. M. pre-season doubles handball tourStation—KOIL. War Veterans are considering a tan Opera House created a senThe members of Sigma Alpha national conference of all organ- sation because this famous land- Mu have been very prominent in nament are coming very slowly, but it is expected that the outizations, Jewish and non-Jewisb, mark of the American theatre has campus activities. Mrs. A b r a h a m Handclman, teoal task «r MtlwrtM* standing teams will be signed up who have placed themselves on the largest stage of any theatre in Irving Hill, Lincoln, officer of within the next few days. |201Vs South Twenty-fourth St., record as opposed to sending an New York . . . . The house Is be- the Innocent Society and presi; died Saturday evening at a local Among those who have signed American team to Berlin next ing completely renovated and dent of the Student Council, adShe had. suffered a summer . . . . Avery Brundage, transformed into the most mod- ministered the Cornhusker oath up for the tourney are: Jake Ad- •hospital. Thursday. American O l y m p i c Committee ern and attractive playhouse . . to all incoming freshmen at the | ler-Max Turner, Art Welner-Lou ! stroke services were held Sunchairman, has been quoted as-say- . , Mrs. Reinhardt, the former traditional freshman convocation ! Riklin, Norman K o r n e y-Art j dayFuneral morning. Burial was in Gold| Grossman, and Murray Wintroubing that all the protests in the Helene Thimig, Europe's greatest held at the Coloseum. Hill has en Hill cemetery. world won't prevent the United theatrical star, has been definite- b e e n selected University of Ne- i Abe Faier. T R A D I N G CORP. It is scheduled to start on OcStates from being represented ly cast for the leading role of braska representative to the Na2*1 Fifth Avenua. New Yerk. N.V. Jewish Press Advertisers merit tober 15. when the 1936 Olympiad opens In Ruth . . . . tional Student Council convention your patronage. Berlin in 1936 . . . . You may to be held in Kansas City late in expect other cities to follow the FOURTH ESTATE December. He is also senior repexample of the Baltimore city resentative in the interfraternity The New York Times is one council in demanding American paper that believes the Anglo- council for the chapter. withdrawal from the Berlin Olym- Jewish press is a good school for Dave Bernstein, Omaha, has pics . . . . That straw vote on the training future Times executives been selected one of the h e a d Olympics taken by the Non-Sec- . . . . Jack Cominsky, who used to cheer leaders for the coming year. Geneva (JTA) — Placing retarian Anti-Nazi League at the be with the Rochester Jewish Led- He recently has been appointed to sponsibility on Hitler for the Baer-Louis fight disclosed some ger, has just been named national Corn Cobs, national pep group, in treatment to -which Jews are now ir Enjoy the Thrift of a Charge Account piquant information . . . . A Mr. advertising manager of the Times which he has been chosen a mem- subjected in Germany, the ExecuJack Cooper of the First National . . . . You may remember that the ber of the Eales committee. Bern- tive of the Women's International Studios, Hollywood, not only vot- late Louis Wiley, business genius stein has been appointed to the League for Peace a n d Freedom ed for sending an American team of the Times, was also a graduate advertising staff of the Cornhus- sent a letter to the Reich Chanbut wrote oh his card: "you Jew of a Rochester Jewish weekly , . ker, annual school publication. cellor stating that it "views this bums, mocky skunks" . . . . Ten . •.. We hear that Mark Hellinger, He has also been appointed junior treatment with an increasing percent of all'those who opposed the Dally Mirror columnist, is pre- political faction representative of sease of horror." American participation were non- paring to quit journalism for the chapter. "Such inhuman treatment disJews .-..•good and hie himself to HollyArnold Levine, Rosalie, has regarding .human rights," the letwood . . , , The New York Jour- been reappointed news editor of ter says, "definitely lowers GerFOOTLIGHTS AND SPOT. nal needs an expert-on Jewish af- | the Daily Nebraskan for the cur- many in the eyes of the civilized LIGHTS fairs . . , , In its issue of SeptemNow that Sylvia-Sidney is Mrs. ber 27, the day before Rosh Hash- ! rent semester. Levine has been world." The League h a s been active Bennett Cerf, we can tell you that anah, it carried a picture of an selected by the Student Council throughout in t h e fight against to the Chairmanships of three imher real name was never Sidney aged Jew blowing the shofar, and . . . . She was born Sophie Kosow captioned it "ushering in Rosh portant campus committees—t h e the suppression of minorities in . . . . . When her mother divorced Hashanah" . . . . Even the kids In J campus rally committee, publicity Germany. On August 19, it acKosow for non-support and mar- the first class of the Talmud To- ! committee, and speakers commit- cused all w h o remain silent as ried a dentist, the latter official- rah know that the shofar is not } tee. He has also been appointed "accomplices of criminals fighta member ot the senior class or- ing against civilization and huly ^adopted Sylvia, who had been blown on Saturday . . . . ganization committee and h a s manity." educated with funds her mother been selected senior faction repearned by doing some fancy sewresentative. ing for the hoi pollol of New York ZIONIST FRONT Although the next Z.O.A. conJerry Cohn, Sioux City, h a s . . . . Sylvia's adopted father's name was not Sidney either until vention is still nine months away j been appointed chairman of the he graduated from dental college the Zionist pot is already boiling j program committee of the local . . . . Mary Picktord was one ot m e r r i l y . . , , The opposition chapter of the American Society the few stars who did not parti- group, headed by M.-Maldwin Fer- of Chemical Engineers. Every Evening cipate in the UJA's "Night of tig and including, among others, On the staff of the Daily NeExcept Sunday Dr. A. Coralnik and Isaac CarStars," but she partly made up braskan, Leo Eisenstatt, Omaha, for her absence by contributing a mel, stole a march on the Zionist a n d Morris Lipp, North Platte, substantial check . . . . We won- powers that be by arranging a have been very active. der whether G e n e r a l Goering successful dinner party at which David Goldware, William Flax, ouis Lipsky reported on his Zion- both of Omaha, and Irving Zveiist Congress impressions . . . . tel of Grand Island, will take part Since the official Zionist xneetins in the forthcoming production of NICOLINI'S CAFE Frank Meares at to review the Congress was not the University Players. FLATIEON HOTEL * His New Location held" until the next day the op- Max Canar of Omaha spoke bedon't mean to toll us that the garage man's daughter, T. G., is really going to marry t h e grocerman's son, H. S., in the very near future? . . . All six of the Central Hi students who passed the 100 work transcription test are Jewish . . . Don't forget to phone in your items for next week.

Prepare for Sachar Series

Marcl Painters Vote Boycott


J. C. C. Sports



Women Protest Nazi Atrocities



40c and UP

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415-17 So. 16th St.


"little Lord Fauntl«roy" illustrated is an original by L o u i • • Mulligan at $25.

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This handsome suite, with solid mahogany, carved frame is upholstered in a beautifol friers mohair in your choice of gold, brown, bine, rose, bursendy, rast aad greea. Carries our black sad gold label of guaranteed construction ———







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Conversion P l e a s Aryan Girls In Germany

Berlin (WNS)—Rabbis in the leading cities of Germany a r e being swamped with appeals from Aryan girls and women who want to be converted By the Service Life insurance Company, Omaha to Judaism in order to circumvent the new law prohibiting Most men make financial plans Jews from employing domestic for the future—saying, "Some servants under the age of 45 I'd like to have enough money and outlawing marriages be- day to do this or to do "that." Some tween Jews and Aryans. men realize their plans—others only dream of them.

! a new trial will show that neither | Pontius Pilate no1" tlie rabbis her! ] grounds f o r executing Jesus ol Nazareth."

Two Groups To Aid German Refugees



New York (JTA)—Two American agencies have been set up to give financial aid to Christian refugees from Germany who hare fled because of racial or political Sensational Dispatch Credited i persecution, it was announced To United Press; Date-

ardt l o t>e

American Citizen

New York (TTNS)—Mas RtinJliEirdt will become sti American this week. lined Paris ! citizen and sott'.e permanently in The American Christian Comi California, the woi'ld-ia.mous tliemittee for German Refugees, 2S7 lurid I atries.1 director announced on hit; New York ("VYXS)—A Ave., headed by Dr. S. landed them in a New "World on ployed Italian his letters w e r e Fourth g t h e coincidence of Parkes Cadman, will deal with• story credited to the United Press ' return from Europe to assume. Columbus Day and Snccoth, Mr. clumsy and un grammatical ef- the seventh day of t h e festival Christians of Jewish origin, num- I and date-lined Paris to the effect , full charge o£ Mcyt-r Jonas reveals in this timely forts; all the names he gave to which commemorates God's guidBut"whether ""sTxaan is in the I Bering between five and sis thou- I that unidentified but so-called ; production of Franz holiday article that Columbns, the places he discovered, on his ance of the children of Israel durm a m m o t h Biblical spectacle, "Tlie T^hom many historians believe first two voyages "were the same ing their 40 years of journeying realizing stage or the dreaming sand. The Emergency Commit-| "influential, learned Jews" have Konrl of P r o m i s e / ' tee in Aid of Political Refugees j launched a movement for the "rethrough the wilderness from the xras a Marrano, actnally discov- as those in the Spanish province stage—he objects to life insurRemhaiflt. revealed t h a t t h i s lance because to him it means the from Nazism, 20 Vesey St., head- j trial of Jesus Christ" in order to ered America on t h e seventh of Galicia where he "was born; his slavery of Egypt to the freedom ed by Francis A. Henson, will deal \ determine whether, under t h e work will have n onirt of "00 a m i day of Snccoth.—THE EDITOR father, Domenico de Colon, ajof Canaan. One may also imagsubstitution of a new plan for his with political refugees,, regard- civil laws of a n c i e r i Jerusalem, or ' a chor LI c.f IPO, all ol whom wil! map-maker, came of a prominent ine how happy must have been cherished plan. Spanish Jewish family of t h a t I the hearts of the Jews on ColumBut life insurance does not less of. race or creed, who were the canonical laws of the Temple. be Ar.ifi jeans, exr.epl i b e heroine, Tomorrow, Columtras Day, is name, many of, whose members bus' flimsy ships when they peeribreak down the plans inade; rath- forced to leave Germany because Christ was condemned to death who v i ' l *ie F r a n Ilfnnkimlt. also the first day of Succoth. The were burned at t h e stake f o r ed in t h e distance on -Hoshana The IKUPVI director alto disclosjustly or whether he was crucified er it serves as a basic estate fac- of their liberal opinions. coincidence of these two holidays openly professing Judaism; when Rabba and glimpsed land. ed plans for cstaWishinp an n ca fibecause of personal jealousy has Both committees will cooperate ' tor, an underlying fundamental is particularly striking because asked where his father was really rm y to train yovini; actors, dam-They who had just left behind London (JTA)—Doubts t h a t : foundation upon which all plans closely with James G. McDonald, aroused widespread comment E.ncl pr Christopher Columbus discovered born, Columbus' 'son, Fernando, them their Mnsmen fleeing from there will be drastic enforcement j League of Nations High Commis-1 no little resentment in Jewish cir- ? and Binders, both for the be based, America during Succoth. If you said it was a '"secret," a secret the fury of the Inquisition fiid not or the Nuremberg anti-Jewish jc a nWhen a man dies, he disposes sioner for German Hefugees, and | cles i?re: tinrl t h e 1eritimp.tr? piRp p . ho•will examine a Jewish calendar which may easily have been the know that they had discovered a laws are expressed by A. J. Cum- j f } property, h i s investments will raise money largely among j The sensational dispatch. head- carife of t.tiP invpsion of Hollyo n s you will find that between Tisha Christians. ii n e d i n the Daily News "JEWS wood by the stars ot Broadway. B'ah» (the ninth day of Ah) andfact that he was a Jew and since j new world which would prove an mings, prominent British journa- ja n ( i h i s c a s n D y will. But there TO RE-TRY CHRIST TO GIVE Jews w e r e suspect in Spain he j asylum for all the lands t f intollist, who has just returned from Hoshana Kabba (the seventh day preferred to identify himself as ! erance. On Columbus' ships there I Germany, in an article in t h e is another form of property which HIM JUSTICE," asserts, among; he cannot dispose of by will; it is Jewish Presr- advertisers merit. of Succoth) is exactly 71 days. an Italian; it was a Marrano Jew were no succahs Neither could "News-Chronicle." represented by his ability to earn other things that if the '"personal V our patronage, Then go to your encyclopedia and Although he declares that Hit| jealousy" m o t i v e is justified you will discover that Columbus from Pontreveda who introduced the Jews raise their lulabs and ler is secure in h i s leadership, a good living for himself and for "leaders of the movement believe set sail on his epochal voyage on Columbus to Queen Isabella; the esorgs and chant. "Ploshana" but "National Socialism has no chance his family. inwardly they must have uttered navigator was also protected and The money-earning value is Christ not only will cease to be MARK LEON WRITES August 3rd to October 12th is of surviving," he states. "Ger- none the less real than money in Bucharest (JTA)—A firm den- considered heretic by the rabbis exactly 70 days. In other words befriended by Jews; he quoted the words and their hearts must ial that he has any anti-Semitic! and revolutionary by the legalists if Columbus left Spain on t h e the Old Testament, regarded him- have pounded with a peace and j mans themselves laugh in secret < the bank. It is just as real as the inclinations is contained in a but will assume an almost, equal In fact, INSURANCE of Eve'-v tenth d a y of Ab (August 3rd) self as another King David and joy that could not be given ex- j at its more absurd manifestations. I salary check a man cashes. Typ e . . Stronp Reliable Even t h e extreme anti-Jewish The only method by which this statement by former Prime Minis- place among Jews that he h a s and reached the New World 70 the advance agent of Jehovah; in pression. Companies, ONLY among Christians." (Copyright, 1933, by Seven Arts laws find no real echo in t h e value m a y be protected against ter Dr. Juliu Maniu, reprinted in h i s journal there were repeated days later he arrived there on the Feature Syndicate) minds of the great majority of The most amazing sentence in loss by death is through the creThe Jewish Courier, organ of the references to Jews. j Ciiv Finance & Insurance Co, 21st day of Tishri, which is the German citizens. Hitler is con- ation of an estate by contract— Union of Roumanian Jews here. the dispatch Bays that the spon- ! AT 7667 - 1409 FAR NAM - WA E15C In the face of this impressive seventh day of Succoth. cerned to show that there is to the life insurance method. Dr. Mania's statement reads:. sors of the movement "i'eel that array of evidence it is significant be no weakening in the rigid apThe day before Columbus sail- that Maurice David, a Jewish his"I firmly state t h a t I never pli'*ation of Nazi principles. Yet ed from Palos in search of the torian, is now in Madrid to lay was, and I am not now an antiI doubt very much' whether he Indies the Jews of-Spain w e n t claim to t h e Spanish GovernSemite. I respect every loyal and ; will compel a drastic enforcement into exile. It was the intrepid ex- ment's prize of ?40,000 offered honest Jewish citizen. I want it j of the new laws passed at Nurplorer- himself who linked those for complete and unassailable understood once and for all that j two events when he wrote in his proof that Columbus was a Spanmy attitude towards the Jews has j Berlin (JTA)—Jews may notemberg. Many Germans of t h e [or journal on ^August 3rd that "on iard,- and not, as generations of be given any credits by German purest 'Aryan' blood are certainnot changed, and I sincerely hope ] London (WNS)—Reversing its ly of the same opinion. the day Their Majesties ordered school boys have been taught, an banks, but "Aryans" may freely of opposition to the boy-tliat no realiirraation to that ef"In any case," Mr. Cummings i position the Jews to leave their lands, on Italian. David says unequivocally obtain credits from Jewish banks, cott, t h e Board of Deputies of fect will be necessary in the future." the same day they provided the that Columbus was a a Spanish according to an order issued by continues, ma, Jews are means for me to set out on my Marrano who passed himself off the official Economic Service. • record as wholeheartedly in favor search of new' lands." The fact as an Italian in order to escape "In the future all hanks will w o r s e o f f m a t e r i a l l y t h a n t h e y ! that Columbus coupled these two the fate of his fellow Jews who apply in dealings with Jews strictriSc pressure during the past two Berlin—A new warning to Jews happenings—one marking the end had earned the wrath of the In- er measures t h a n those applied | ditto t 0 General Goering's prom- ] years, the Board of Deputies con- to "beware of provocating t h e of the history of the J e w s in quisition. Studying photostatic hitherto," the official order deGerman people," was issued this Spain, and t h e other signalling copies of Columbus' letters to his crees. "It is advisable that in "A Qcality Product for Seasoning*' cott. week by Viktor Lutzke, Chief of son, David deciphered cryptic cases where doubt arises, public but 'Aryans' servants. the beginning of Jewish history in The decision to join the boycott the German Storm Troops. "My own belief," he says, "is „.„ . , , America—has been cited as the symbols in t h e signature which credit institutions mate theri dereveal t h a t Columbus actually '< cision after consultation with the most convincing proof that he was , , , was reached at an emergency I unobstrusive relaxation of t h e ery prominent Jew in England a Jew, or at. least a Marrano, a used Hebrew prayers in his sig-proper Nazi authorities. * ? ^ ? l ^ i r f ^ l - e e t i n g attended by virtually evconverted Jew who outwardly pro- nature and that he employed an I The other points out that when harshness of t h e administration and presided over by Neville original form of the Star of Dava Jewish bank requires informa- on the political side—partly be-j ki _ T n fessed Christianity but w h o in£ Tesowardly clung steadfastly to h i s id. The Jewish historian has also tion from a German bant regardwhich was adopted nnanifound hitherto unpublished esthe saddle and partly because it ing an "Aryan firm," such inforancient faith. mously, follows: But this is far from being the says in which Columbus appealed mation should be given "because seems to be Hitler's policy to "We, representing the Jews of if denied it may lead to a refusal j avoid internal as well as external t h e British Empire, solemnly only piece of evidence that t h e for the relief of the Marranos. discoverer of America may have place on record our indignant proThis new-found evidence of Co- of credit by the Jewish bank, and j crises." been a Spanish Jew. As a matter I u m b Ti s' purported Jewishness this is undesirable under the prestest against the cruel and continof fact there is a vast literature also brings into striking relief the ent shortage of capital." Jast en Echo uous defamation and persecution "Jewish capital still in Geron this intriguing subject which numerous Jews who accompanied Geneva—An echo of the recent j of Jews in Germany. We affirm has been heatedly debated by his- Columbus on his first voyage. many," the order reads further, "Protocols of Zion" trial at Berne {that no self-respecting Jew will torians and scholars since 1S9S How many Jews sailed on t h e "should be" utilized for the fur-was heard here when Major Leo- i handle German goods or utilize of German economy. nard, leader of the Baslo FronteE, j German services so long as this when Don Celos de la Biega, a Pinta, Nina and Santa Maria 'is therance Spanish statesman, startled the not known since only a handful of There is no. ground whatsoever one of the Swiss Fascist groups, j policy endures. We pledge ourGeographical Society of Madrid names have been handed down. why -"Aryans" should refuse cred- filed suit for libel against Dr. A.! selves to pursue by every lawful by announcing that he had found "We do know, of course, that Luis it from Jewish banks." C. Loosli, the government expert; means, with inflexible determinamaterial which showed that Co- de Torres was the official • trans"The argument that by accept- at the trial. J tion. a fight which is not of our lumbus was born in Fontreveda, lator, that Gabriel Sanchez went ing Jewish capital, German firms Major Leonard charges that Dr. j seeking against this systematic Spain, in 1437 of Jewish parents along on the express w i s h of become enslaved to the Jews is in-Loosli libeled the Fascist move- j and barbarous denial of those and that his real name was Cris- Queen Isabella, that Rodrigo San- correct," the Economic Service ment by testifying that it was sub- principles of liberty and equality We're proud to be tobal Colon. De la Eiega's thesis, chez, a' kinsman of Gabriel, was says, "because German banking sidized by the German propagan- to which all are entitled, irrespec"Omaha HeadquarWhich now has the support of a on the Santa Maria, that Marco regulations are applicable to all da bureau. tive of race or creed." ters" for famou* whole school of historical scholar- was the surgeon of the little fleet Jewish banks." -Munsingwear . . "synship, is based on a vast accumu- and that Bernal, who had escaped The order declares, however, onym" for sleeping lation of documentary evidence from the Inquisition at Valencia that Jews should n o t be given comfort end lounging uncovered in the archives of in 1490, w a s ship's doctor. It credit by German banks "because 0 BCWSJ rssrm CEWTOU. smartness! Spain may well be that a majority of that would be helping 'Jewish



Maniu In" Denial He's Anti-Semite



British Deputies Join in Boycott



In support of the thesis t h a t columbus' crew were Marranos business to the detriment of the Columbus w a s both a Spaniard since King Ferdinand had offered businesses of "Aryans." and a Jew t h e following facts a pardon - to all~ prisoners w h o have been marshalled: m o s t of Boned From Jewish Houses his writings were in Spanish and igned up for the voyage. Berlin—Participants in t h e on the rare occasions when he em- At any r a t e the little fleet .sighted the coast of t h e Newforthcoming Olympic Games as World on" Hoshana Rabba, 70 well as foreign guests will be predays after leaving Pales. Remem- vented f r o m lodging in Jewish ering that they had sailed a day houses in Berlin, it became clear after: the expulsion of the Jews from an official order issued here from- Spain,. Columbus and h i s last week obligating those renting ewish sailors must h a v e won- rooms "during the games to hang dered-about t h e destiny which out the German swastika flag.


New York (WNS)—How the long arm of the N a z i regime reached into the United States to acquire by trickery and coercion from a Hungarian-born Jewess, now a naturalized American citizen and wife of a non-Jewish German, $32,000 she; had on deposit in New York City banks was disclosed by Mrs. Louise Krets Lehmann, when she filed suit in the New York State Supreme Court against three N e w York banks, Otto Siegfried Mangier, an alleged agent of the Nazi government, and the New York branch of her husband's machine tool company. As revealed in Mrs. Lehmann's affidavit the case grew out of the following facts: In April, 1934, Nazi secret police raided the Lehmann home in Dresden and confiscated : bank books showing deposits in the National City Bank, Union Dime Savings Bank, Emigrant Savings Bank, Greenwich Bank a n d Chemical National Bank, all of New York, and banks in Prague, Zurich and Paris. After the raid on h e r home Mrs Lehmann was arrested and held in priEon incommunicado for one month where she was forced to sign a power of attorney enabling the German government to obtain control of her funds in this coun t r y .


• ' '



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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year • - - - - - - $2.00 Advertising rates furnished on application.

Editorial Office; 500 Brandeis, Theater Building, Sioux City Office-rrJewlsb. Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - -.' - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Ipwa, Correspondent ANN PILL - ' - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street

The President's Stand

as far as in us lies, help our brethren in their hard lot. Steadfastly shall we follow the teachings handed down to us in our Torah and Talmud. No defamation of these, teachings shall shake By Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis our loyalty to our sacred heritage, which is the Bource and inspiraol Sioux City tion of righteous living for mankind. 'The grass withereth, the Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis, flower fadeth, but the word of our God shall stand forever.' leader of t h e Mount Equally firm is our faith in the deathlessness of Israel. The God spiritual Sinai Temple In Sioux City, will of our fathers has given a law of truth into our keeping and there- regularly contribute book reby planted everlasting life within us. This knowledge fortifies our flews on works of interest to Jewish people. Herewith is courage and self-respect in the face of calumny and persecution. the printed the first of his series of We draw comfort from the Divine promise: 'No weapon that is scholarly interpretations.—The formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall Editor. rise against thee in judgement thou shalt condemn." God of the SEFEK HASHANAH spirits of all fleah, who art sanctified by righteousness, bring to The American Hebrew Yearbook nought, we beseech Thee, the designs of those that hate us. Pur- Published by the Histadruth Irify the hearts of those blinded by malice, and endow all men with rith of America, Edited by SI. Bibalov and S. Bernstein the understanding to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly That Hebrew is a d e a d lanwith Thee. Our Father, our King, open the gates to Heaven unguage is a belief held by a minto our prayers and bring us back in perfect repentance unto Thee. ority of American Jews who, sufSpread the tabernacle of peace over all the dwellers on earth, fering from an inferiority comand hasten the days when they shall form one brotherhood to do plex, are pathetically striving to establish for themselves in t h e Thy will with a perfect heart. eyes of non-Jews a one hundred "Amen." per cent Americanism. Subscrib-


In their concentration upon the welcome declaration by President Roosevelt in his San Diego speech that the United States would carefully a.nd energetically avoid any entanglements with foreign powers which'might lead us into another war, most Americans lost sight of a by-product of that address. Without mentioning Germany by name, the President let it be known in no doubtful terms just what the American people think of the abing to chauvinistic, to undemohorrent religious persecutions symbolic of the Nazi regime. cratic and to dangerous theories of American nationalism, Hebrew , To quote from the" President's address: "Our national deterculture becomes anathema, dismination to keep free of foreign wars and foreign entanglements The greater representation and at the same time the concen- loyalty. cannot prevent us from feeling deep concern when ideals that we tration of fixed responsibility which marked the revamped conT h e great mass of American have cherished are challenged. In the United States we regard stitutional set-up of the City Talmud Torah augur well for progress Jews, however, guided by a pragmatic need, clings to the Hebrew it as axiomatic that every person shall enjoy the free exercise in the administration of the educational institution. But admin- language, even though it be with of hjs religion according to the dictates of his conscience. Our istrative progress is easily nullified by lack of parental and stu- tender and weak links. The rebirth of Hebrew In Palestine flag for a century and a half has been the symbol of the principles dent interest. where it is one of three recognizof liberty of conscience, of religious freedom and equality before The increase in the enrollment at the City Talmud Torah is in ed languages and the daily speech the law, and these concepts are deeply infringed in our national no wise sufficient for a city of Omaha's size. It is not exaggera- medium of Palestinian Jewry, has . character. It is true that other nations may, as they do, enforce tion nor editorial hyperhole to say that at least four times as given the sacred tongue new imBut, and this is encouragcontrary rules of conscience and conduct. It is true that policies many children should attend the Talmud Torah classes—an in- petus. ing as it is significant, the ancient that may be pursued under flags other than our own are beyond crease of four hundred percent sounds large; yet it is, not an over- the study of Hebrew is a major our jurisdiction. Yet in our inner individual lives we can never statement of our need. In this season of the holidays, test your speech is flourishing here and inbe indifferent, and we assert for ourselves complete freedom to youngsters. Determine concretely how well-grounded they are all lands with sizeable Jewish communities. With few exceptions embrace, to profess and to observe the lofty principles for which in Jewish education. Have they been denied the spiritual heritage element in the curriculum of all our flag has so long been the lofty symbol. As it was so well of their fathers? Have they been shown the key to the Jewish Jewish schools. Hebraists in the United States said by James Madison, "We, hold it for a fundamental and in-treasurehouse of knowledge? Have they become acquainted with are banded together in an assoalienable truth that religion and the manner of discharging it can' the Hebrew language, the sword and buckler of the Jew in his ciation, the "Histadruth Ivrith," be directed only,by reason and conviction, not by force and viol- survival through the ages? the president of which is Dr. Solomon Goldman of Chicago. The ence'." If you have children, you are failing in your duty as Jewish Histadruth publishes a Hebrew When the president speaks of other nations that enforce con- parents not to give them as much Jewish education as possible. weekly, the "Hadoar," now in its trary rules of conscience and conduct, conducted under flags other And, whether you have youngsters you can send to the Talmud fourteenth year, which compares from a literary a n d than our own and beyond our jurisdiction, he is unquestionably re- Torah or not, the very least you can do to show your moral and favorably, cultural standpoint, with any of ferring to the swastika of Hitlerland. When he states that we can integral support of local Jewish education is to pay the nominal our better English weeklies. What interests claim profesnever be indifferent to the principles for which our flag stands, sum of one dollar for membership in the City Talmud Torah sional Hebrew writers, and what Association of Omaha. he undoubtedly is indirectly giving his approval to the outspoken does t h e Hebrew-reading public expressions voiced by so many public and civic leaders, condemndemand? An answer can be found ing Nazi Germany for her barbaris treatment of minorities. To by an examination of the Sefer Hashanah, the American Hebrew those who would have the president of the United States be more Two hundred and eighteen notable Americans, all of them Yearbook, published recently by definite, we must answer that the president cannot say more. As the Histadruth, and edited by the the head of this government, he must consider his official position non-Jews—including bishops of various Christian denominations, gentleman who presides over the and for the sake of his country cannot make .statements which college presidents and other leaders of public opinion—have joined "Hadoar," Mr. Ribalov and Dr. S. might in any way bring about a state of affairs which might in a signed statement condemning the Nazi medievalism and call" Bernstein. The Yearbook is a memorable possibly lead to war. The German embassy knows who wasing upon "their fellow-citizens to repudiate the Nazi program of achievement in the world of Hemeant in that speech; we know who was meant. The rebuke is racial persecution and to help to repair its ravages." The state- brew letters. Scholars a n d auof note from this and other all the more severe when the Nazis must consider that they were ment declares that to voice indignation at the anti-Semitic policies thors lands have enriched its pages with of the Nazi government constitutes no interference with the "intold what the Americans think of them, yet told in such a manstimulating contributions of a perternal affairs of the German people" but reaffirms only "funda- manent character. It is dedicated ner that they have no avenue of protest. mentals of civilized human relationships" and goes on to stress to the memory of one of the most and divinely inspired of Isthe fact that by rendering thousands of persons "homeless and gifted rael's singers, Chaim Nachman hopeless," Germany had created- a problem for the world at large Bialik. The opening essay, by Mr. Ribalov, is a splendid study of Succothi the Jewish Thanksgiving, will begin Saturday eve- to solve. The signed statement: phases of Bialik'e poetry. "Believing that the standards of civilized society are lowered certain ning. Jewish life is so saddened with sorrow that it is with a Among the more important esthrowing off of restraint that we await a joyous holiday, one in and the security of international peace endangered by racial and says are Nahum Sokolow's "Hereligious persecution, we unequivocally voice our protest against brew Nationalism"; Joseph Kalwhich the people of Israel can be happy and merry. usner'a "Jesus the Jew and Paul Succoth in & sense symbolizes the worthwhileness of Jewish the continued and intensified program of the German Government t h e Christian"; Dr. Turov's faith, and the cycles by which Jewish destiny inscrutinably work. for. the spriitual and economic destruction of the Jewish people in George Santanyana," written in commemoration ot t h e philosoThis Feast of Tabernacles was in ancient times an agricultural Germany. seventieth birthday; S. Ro"To voice indignation at anti-Semitism is not to interfere pher's holiday, the great late-harvest festival. It suggests by its name senfeld's "Maimonides," the eight the time when the children of Israel, wandering through the wild- with the internal affairs of the German people. It but reaffirms hundredth anniversary of whose waa recently observed. More erness for forty years, dwelt in tent3 or booths. Later, when the our conviction that the progress of all mankind is hindered when- birth popular themes a r e offered by Hebrews lived in Palestine, it was a custom among the farmers ever any part of this interdependent world forsakes and repudiates Frishberg, who writes on Chazato build rude booths, or succahs, for themselves out in the fields the fundamentals of human relationship which civilization has ac- nuth; by Dr. Bloch who discusses Solomon Shechter; by Abraham where they slept during the harvest season. The pilgrimage was cepted for its physical and'moral preservation. Goldberg, who analyzes the quali"The German Government has barred Jews from a place of made by all of Israel's menfolk to Jerusalem, where thanksgivties of Chaim Weitzman, and by ing-prayers were offered for the fruit harvest and for nature's honor and self-sustenance; it has forced tens of thousands of Jews Dr. Israel Shapiro w h o contribounty. Then came the day of bitter exile. .. As the years passed to leave, their country. It has added persecution to the removal butes a fascinating article.on the "Kohuts." Poetry and fiction reon, the Jews were not only exiled out of their loved land, but of opportunity for economic maintenance, More than 80,000 ref- ceive generous, space. J e w i s h they were forbidden to own land or till soil in the lands wherein jBgees have been thrust out into the world during the, gast two theology is represented by an esthey resided as aliens. Still, despite the passage of years, the years, according to Mr. James G. McDonald, League of Nations say from the pen of Samuel S. Professor of Theology at Jews did not forget the joyous harvest days of Palestine. In squa- High Commissioner for Refugees. By her actions, Germany has Canon, the Hebrew Union College, Cinlid .ghettos, they, reared tiny booths and sang hymns of thanks for compelled other nations to take notice of her policies, for the cinnati. To readers of Hebrew this book a harvest never gathered. The succah became the symbol of problem which she has created is presented to the world at large a feast offering all types of hope. The roof of the succah built by the Jewish families was left for solution. She has put the burden of her exiled refugees on all Is literary and spiritual fare. The open, so that these people of Israel might look up at the stars and other nations. style is vigorous, smooth and free "Parallel to our obligation against conditions which made from foreign terms. The subject raise their hearts in hope. Today, decades later, the Jewish people Is of current Jewish and are again becoming an agricultural folk in their homeland, Pales- their plight possible is our responsibility to the men,.women and matter general interest. The Sefer Hatine. There, away from spiritual and physical ghettos, the re- children who are being rendered homeless and hopeless by the shanah proves beyond doubt that juvenated pioneer spirit of the Chalutzos is rebuilding a land from German Government, If we have the right to condemn Intoler- Hebrew is not only a beloved, but also a living and functioning lanthe soil. ' No longer a people without a land, free to reap their ance, we also have the duty to repair its ravages, guage in which the highest aspir"We join, therefore, in the plea to the people of America to ations harvest so long celebrated with empty hands, the Jewish people of man can find today, as today find new faith and inspiration in Succoth—lending them the respond immediately and generously to the United Jewish Appeal, of old, not only adequate, but rich courage to face the difficulties in the Diaspora with the thoughts the organized efforfcin this country to provide for belief and re- expression. habilitation of the Jews of Germany and of the refugees from Gerof Succoth in Palestine. • many. These refugees a.re now at the mercy of unstable political GEMS OF THE BIBLE and economic conditions Jn various countries. -Our failure to offer AND TALMUD them aid would totally deprive them of their remaining courage By O. O. DASHER A new prayer—drafted by nine leading rabbis of Europe- and will to persist. was read for the first time last Sunday after Kol Nidre in every "The voice of Ameri^a-bas ever been raised on behalf of the Should sot t h e multitude of synagogue in Europe. The authors of the prayer are Dr. J. Hertz, hurt and the wronged. The heart of America has always .been open words be answered? And should chief rabbi of the British Empire; Israel Levi, chief rabbi of to the suffering and the oppressed. In our ears there now sounds a man full of talk be accounted right? France; Dr. Moses Schorr, chief rabbi of Warsaw; Dr. Marcus Eh an anguished plea for help which should pierce the conscience of An empty man will get underrenpreis, chief rabbi of Sweden; Dr. David Feuchtwang, chief rab- every American who values his own freedom of worship and his standing when a wild ass's colt is born a man. bi of Vienna; Dr. Joseph Niemirower, chief rabbi of Bucharest; own right to live, The eyes of the wicked shall S. Federbusch, chief rabbi of Finland; D.r. Jacob Littman, chief "Coupled with our condemnation of their wrongs must be a fail and they shall have no way rabbi of Zurich; and Dr. Emanuel Low, chief rabbi of Hungary. generous outpouring of aid which will enable the Jews of Germany to flee, and their hope shall be the drooping of the soul. The1 full prayer is as follows: to survive." " ' No doubt but ye are the people, "On this holiest of days we; children of the House of Israel, The Christian leaders who signed this appeal speak in the and wisdom shall die with you, fleeing from the turmoil of life to the peace of our synagogues, name of intelligent and enlightened non-Aryans, horrified by the but I have understanding as well seek strength in-reconciliation with God and man This year our uninviting picture of a modern nation fallen into the hands of mad- aa you, I am not inferior to you. TALMUD hearts turn once.again to our sorely tried brethren who are denied men and raising their Voices in a plea for justice and an amelioraRabbi Mattithiah said, "Be behuman rights and whose dignity is daily trodden underfoot. The tion of a great wrong.~ So long aa men like these lead, civilization forehand in the salutation of pernicious doctrine is proclaimed that racialism and not justice can look to the future with hope. peace to all men, and be rather a tail to lions than a head to foxes." is the moral foundation of society. The cause of our brethren is Rabbi Jacob said, "This world our own and that of ell who cherish the things divine in human Modesty seldom resides in a breast that is not enriched with is like a vestibule before the fuU ' l . I n , feuinbte resignation, tq God's unfathomable" will, we shall, nobler virtues. ture world, prepare thyself in the

Talmud Torah

Enlightened American Opinion

Hope of Succoth

A New Prayer

vestibule that thou mayest enter into the court." Rabbi Jacob said, "Better is one hour of repentance and good deeds In t h i s world than t h e whole life of the world to come, and better is one hour of blissfulness of spirit in the world to come than the whole life of this world." Rabbi Simeon said, "Do not appease thy fellow in the hour of his anger, and comfort him not in the hour when his dead lies before him, and question him. not in the hour of his vow, and rush not to see him in the hour of his disgrace." Samuel said. "Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad w h e n , he stumbleth." Elisha said, "If one learns as a child it is like ink written on clean paper. If one learns when he is old it is like ink written on used pape'r."

will receive such acclaim as is


indeed rarely given a celebrity. Yes, even in Hollywood, the crossroads where celebrities meet, the #** t o *•** honor and tribute that he will receive when his first American motion picture has its premier showing, will be unique. Incidentally, the master artist of the world theatre, plans to build a perma- NORTH AMERICA GREENBERG NAMED AMERnent home in Hollywood. ICAN LEAGUE'S MOST VALUABLE PLAYER . . . The Jew has MISTAKEN IDENTITY George Jessel was the guest of finallv arrived in baseball. BALTIMORE CITY COUNCIL honor at a banquet sponsored by a Jewish group the other night. D E M A N D S AMERICA WITHAs he entered the auditorium, one DRAW FROM 103 6 OLYMPICS Jewish women guest nudged her , . . But Washington, so near, ig neighbor ES her eyes followed Jes- vet so far. sel: "Oh, my g o o d n e s s , here ! FEDERAL COURT IN NEW comes Eddie Cantor." Her neigh- I YORK WEIGHS CONSTITUTIONbor gave her a look of disguest IALITY OF BAN ON MUSHROOM and replied: "You are mistaken. I SYNAGOGUES . . . ConstitutionHe isn't Eddie Cantor. He is Al ally you can't s t o p synagogues Jolson." from springing up. BOOK PUBLISHED BY AMERSTUDIO NEWS IN BRIEF ICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE INEddie Kaufman, well known writer and producer of short film CLUDED ON CATHOLIC WHITR subjects, Is producing his first LIST . . . Nothing surprising—it feature length picture for RKO- merely pointc the way to CathoRadio Studios . . . . June Travis, lic-Jewish understanding. MICHIGAN U N I V E R S I T Y young Chicago socialite, who has By LOUIS PEKAESK¥ been under contract to Warner BARS THREE JEWISH STUSIARTA EGGERTH ARRIVES Bros. Studio for four months, but DENTS FROM ANTI-WAR ACThat vivacious blonde Hungar- has played only a few minor roles, TIVITY . . . Pacifism is still a ian-Jewish star of grand opera, will get her big opportunity as crime in some American Univerconcert and the cinema, Marta the feminine lead for James Cag- sities. Eggerth, joined Hollywood's fast ney (the Irishman who speaks growing ranks of musical "greats" Yiddish, better than many Jews LATIN-AMEIUCA CUBA JAILS JEWISH WRITthis week when she arrived here we know) in a new drama of comHAVING LETTER to accept a long term contract mercial aviation . . . . Miss Travis ER F O R | FROM MAXIM GORKI . . . If he with Universal Pictures and to be- is regarded as one of the most, gin work on her first picture for promising actresses in Hollywood Ihsd had a letter from Hitler, he this studio in another week. Star . . . . Sam Coslow, songster, has i would hnve deserved a etraitjacof 20 European pictures made in received a long term c o n t r a c t i fret. five different languages, Miss Eg- from Paramount Studios . . . . Did j EIROPE BEGIN* CELEBRATION OF gerth has advantages over her op- you know that Willie Howard, the | eratic screen rivals in that she is Yiddisher cowboy in a Paramount I TERCENTENARY OF AMSTERyounger in years and older in picture, began his career as "gal- JDAM JEWRY . . . Amsterdam is screen experience. lery singer" in a show with Anna i a swell place to live in. j PORTUGUESE M A R R ANOS Miss Eggerth made her debut Held? . . . . I READY TO EMBRACE JUDAISM on the concert stage at the age of i OFFICIALLY . . . Nowjt does not ! PENXER GOES CALIFORNIA* 10. Two years later she toured the Scandinavian countries sing- I Joe Penner, the Hungarian- j require heroism. ing in eight languages. At 13 she Jewish comedian and America's i LITHUANIA BLAMES JEWappeared with the Budapest Phil- best known duck Balesman, is 'iSH EMIGRATION TO PALESharmonic Orchestra and at 14 she I "sold" on the wonderful climate jTINE FOR ABANDONMENT OF was prima donna with a Budapest | of California (Chamber of Cora- ;GOLD STANDARD . . . Well, if It light opera company in an open | merce please note) and has de- ! is justified. German marks will written expressly for her by a fa- cided to make his home near i soon enter inflation. mous Hungarian composer. When Hollywood. In the future he will 1 PALESTINE she was 16 Marta took part in divide his time between making 1 BULGARIAN JEW T R I E S 260 performances of grand opera pictures and doing his famous ra- HANGING WHEN REFUSED ADand also began her career as a dio act from the Pacific Coast. MISSION TO PALESTINE . , . motion picture player. Carl Laem- Joe, now in Hollywood working What a comment on Bulgaria! mle met Miss Eggerth in Europe on a picture for Paramount, has ! MRS. SOL ROSENBLOOM OF two years ago and her arrival in several radio contract offers for PITTSBURGH GIVES 5500,000 the world's film capital is the re- the fall and winter, but he says JTO HEBREW UNIVERSITY . . . sult of negotiations begun short- he will cot sign any that will not j Well done, Mrs. Rosenbloom— ly after the Universal chief first give him permission to broadcast : but you are stiil buying irnmortaltalked with her. One film in which from Hollywood. Penner bought Miss Eggerth appeared and which ja house in San Diego, California, ! ity at bargain prices. (Copyripht. 1S35. by Seven Arts was made in Rome last season for his parents who now live in Feature Syndicate) has just been awarded the Mus- Detroit, Mich. solini Medal for outstanding artPatronize our advertisers. istic achievement. Two other Eg- AN EX-BALL PLAYER gerth films have run for more With the World Series just ovthan a year in Paris and Berlin. er, it is timely to recall that Ben Radio appearances, operatic per- Stoloff, RKO-Radio director, deformances and phonograph re- serted professional baseball to Inspect Your Furnace 40Wi cordings have also • made this enter the movies. He formerly young star one of Europe's fav- played with the St. Louis Cards orites. in the National League, with St. Joseph, Mo. in the Western League, and with Portland, Oregon, A GREAT IMPRESARIO When a Los Angeles citizen be- in the Pacific Coast Baseball circomes a w o r l d figure through cuit. (Copyright, 3935, by Seven Arts bringing to Southern California Feature Syndicate) over a period of half a century the greatest dramatic and musical talent of the age, and when so re- Plebiscite on Olympics nowned a man in the world theaAmsterdam—In view of the ter as Max Reinhardt s e e k s to widespread opposition to Dutch honor this man, then his fellow participation in the Berlin Olymcitizens may rejoice in the priv- pics next summer, the various athilege of paying tribute to him. letic orgonizations of H o l l a n d Upon learning of the presentation have made plans to poll their date of his first American motion members on the advisability of Steve Repolr Works picture production, "A Midsumsending a team to Germany in 1206-C6 Peuglcs. AT 2524 mer Night's Dream", Max Rein1936. hardt immediately cabled his close friend in Los Angeles, L. E. Behymer, requesting him to direct its presentation, as he had "The Miracle" the super-drama of modern times. Behymer, the great'Jewish Impresario, acceded to this request and, in apreciation, Reinhardt cabled prominent Los Angeles citizens asking that they arrange a testimonial luncheon honThe cheaper furs have been so active that the prices have advanced materially. The better furs oring Behymer. The luncheon, are still low in price at Aulabangh's because they with 400 leaders from every walk bought in advance to protect their customers. Orof life in attendance, also marked der your fine fur coat quickly now sue! save mothe end of 50 years' activity in ney. Aulabaisgh is capable of designing a. coat of bringing world renowned artists siiperb style. Come in and talk it oi'cr •-— BO obof the concert stage to the Pacific ligation. Coast.



are the bargains now

A REIXHARDT TRIBUTE Max' Reinhardt is very much in the Hollywood and national news these days. It is c t e r t a i n that when he returns to America from the Salzburg Drama Festival, he


of the Hat World's

New Fall Hats When a man buys a hat he ought to be as careful about it is we are—we require first choice of America's Firsts in hats and here they are . . . Knox Hals, $ 5 t o $7 Stetsons, $ 5 to $ 1 5 Mallorys, $ 4 and $ 5 Hats, $ 1 0 4 *' •

And Other Goed Bats $2.85 to $&85


THE BAB Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Barish/ &12 Mercer Park Road, announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Buddy Howard, Saturday morning, October 12, at the Beth-El synagogue. A reception in Tionor of Buddy Howard will be held at the Barish residence Sunday, October 13, from 2 until 6 o'clock, No cards have been issued.


FROM LINCOLN Miss Lillian Shine ot Lincoln was a visitor in Omaha the past week-end.



Sisterhood The opening meeting of t h e Temple Israel Sisterhood will be a 1 o'clock luncheon Monday, Ocober 14, in the vestry room of the Temple. This luncheon will honor the new members. After the lunchaon Professor Benjamin Boyce, head of the English department at the Municipal university will give a talk. Mrs. Mollie Cohn is in charge and is taking reservations.



"Ghetto Laws" Put on

The Women's auxiliary of the I Hollywood—The relative val-ae ] Phillip Reed, they tell me. also Beth-El synagogue will again pre- o* being a relative is not so greEt \ belongs to the Lodge. He was forsent Rabbi David A. Goldstein in | as heretofore imagined. A cross-j merly Milton LeRoy . . . and be- A m F-t G rcl P m (JTA) —A to pi;t HIP question , of the p::^ a series of book evenings. T h e ! section of relativity (not Ein- j fore t h a t probably something pun-Jewish ]?WF in Germany r>r. j stein's) reveals: i more Semitic. first lecture on "Paths of Glory" the FfTPcdP. of the next ITIP«..1»I£ Sylvia Thalberg verted, under will be given Wednesday evening, of the International I'nior, •<">• I Paul Muni has finished his picdifficulties at M. G. M. because November 6. League of Nations Societies, vs.* t u r e on the life of Pasteur, the she was considered just Irving Mrs. Irvin Levin, chairman o£ the book evenings committee, re- Thalberg's sister. Then she wrote ! scientist,. and they're searching adopted by the Dutch brand:. .-•• ports a seat sale that promises to ja novel, "Too Beautiful," signed j for a tag. So a lev of the scrib- the organization. The council of tlie InternaUo''Council of Jewish exceed last year's. She announces up •with another studio, a n d is biers crened their craniums and. ai I'riior vill shortly in e t i. Jr. profiuced the following suggesmaking good without "connecthe following three titles for the Women tions, which you may he pure will Geneva to discuss the Dutch p:*."*-first part of the season: "Vein of tions." Iron" by Ellen Glasgow on No- Ruth and Miizi Cum'mings. be rejected fcy Mr. Muni: "An- posa.1. "Nutrition" has been selected vember 25; "Grandsons" and nieces of Louis B. Mayer, were thony Anthrax." "B a c k to Eacas the subject to be considered "Natives Return" by Louis Adarn- put in the relative category and teria," "Pet end Microbe," cnc; by the study group of the CounJewish Solikn Lceve far I ic on December 16; " R o a d to not given much chance on t h e"Don't Bacilli." cil of Jewish Women when memj War" by Walter Millis on Janu- home lot. So Ruth wrote a book, j bers meet for the first time this "Song of the Flesh.," which rated i Economy E la Hollywood . . . I ary 6. Sfuonif-a-—A number of Itfc'SfcT. year Wednesday, October SO, at good reviews . . . and Mitzi has E ; They're building a new stage on Jewish volunteer soldiere left hn"t The titles for the last two lec1 o'clock. Mrs. B. N. Kolbourne writing job on the fan magazine,! one of the major lots . . . BO-O-O, for Rome to en'iFt in the- (•"%' of the hoard of education staff is tures will be announced later. holding it purely on merit. j scotch-like, t h e studio chiefs fighting the Ethiopian canipfcSi-'to be discussion leader. Mrs. I. I. Harry Rapf's son, M&urlce, did .pushed a sound-recording, ma- They were vmcU-.r the rommeft '">Solzman is Council chairman. Women's Mizrachi several pieces of good scribbling chine within ear-shot to garner in 8 Jewish officer nanieci Morii&n.".This group meets weekly in the at Pop's studio, but is now carv- the noise for future flickers.

ZALUfSKY-SOSLIN Mrs. Molly Rosenblatt of this ENGAGEMENT city announces the marriage ol Mr. and Mrs. Harry Soslin of ANNOUNCE BIRTH her daughter, "Ann Ronell, to Mr. Kansas City, Mo., announce the Mr. and Mrs. David B. Bern"Lester Cowan of Hollywood. They engagement of their daughter, stein announce t h e birth of a •were married last Saturday eve- Bertha, to Isidore Zalinsky of daughter, Lois Ann, September ning on board the steamship, Kansas City, son of Mr. and Mrs. 21, at the Lutheran hospital. = Santa Elena, bound for Central Jharles Guss of Omaha. America and New York. Friends of the couple heard the VISIT IN SIOUX CITY Mrs. Cowan Is a graduate ot announcement at a reception givMr. and Mrs. Boris Levine of en by Mr. and Mrs. Guss. Out-ofCentral i i g h school and Radcliffe Creston, Iowa, and daughter, Norcollege. After leaving Omaha, town guests at the reception were ma Sue, and Miss Fannie SirotMr. and Mrs. A. Bogdanoff a n d Bhe won world fame as a song daughter, Shirley, Miss Eva Bog- kin, spent the Yom Kippur holi•writer. Her first hit was "Baby's danpff, Miss Zona Zalinsky, all of day in Sioux City with relatives. Birthday Party." Then she scored Benefit Card Parly 1 ing out a niche for himself in Before returning home they visit- homes of its members. Kansas City." "with such successes as "Willow ed in Omaha at the home of Mrs. Ferpon who took v.-ronp e:n • S New York. No definite date has been set Abe Lipman, 3921 Davenport St. News and notes; In the "Great . "Weep for Me," "Rain on the The benefit card party by the j A n d ^ m m Mantie. r.t dartre MOTHIPV niflit p l o w for the wedding. • Ziejrfeld," Fanny Erice vill do R Jr. Vaad Auxiliary Roof," and the "Big Bad Wolf." They left Tuesday evening. 'omen's Mizrachi will be h e l d „.-„..„ o l 1 __» t " fln t v e ;_ -n-p,.!fall Atlantic 47<14, parodr of Sally Rand's fan dance A regular meetin, of the Jun-: nest W e d n e s d a r a f t e r D O o n , Oc- J ^ g ^ S o* a£n Mr, Cowan, a graduate rf Lethat has the whole company conTO HONOR RECENT BRIDE ior Yaad auxiliary will be held TO ANGELES tober 16, at the J. C. C. | B a f i d v 5c h\ilberg, B. P.'s pride, vulsed during rehearsals. Edward land Stanford university, is a Mrs. Leon Graetz and Mrs. Sam Miss Evelyn Blnmenthal recent- Tuesday evening, October 15, at All proceeds will go for t h ej won ] producer associated with Univerplaywright honors at DartDad's Zeiroth Girls school for Ger- mouth before talcing a try at Hol- Robinson's sonny uses hir 1 sal Pictures; He was the former Theodore .'will entertain at a tea ly left for Los Angeles to visit the B'nal Israel synagogue. Plans JmBeth IT WH.L, FAT YOU best Dutch smoking pipf to push a for the membership tea will be I n refugees in Palestine, one of lywood. N O T he's writing screen- golf balls round the yard. June execntive secretary of the Acad- at the Graetz residence Wednes- her brother, Herman. To Consult discussed. An interesting Suc-! t h e Projects of the Mizrachi. arios . emy of Motion Picture Arts and day, Ocoher 16, from 3 until 6 but not at the pater's Travis vill have her BIG chance Sciences, and i t was while acting o'clock in honor of Mrs. Marion WEEK-END AT COLUMBIA coth program is being arranged Prizes will be awarded, and all | as the lead in "Ceiling Erro" , . . Miss Adelaide Goldman spent by Mjss Anne Hahn, program the Jewish women of the city are in that capacity, representing the Jraetz, who was formerly Miss and she's being coached for the When buying invited to attend. Admission is 3 5 academy a t the NRA code hearing Mariorie Finkelstein, daughter of j t h e l a s t -^ek-end at Columbia, chairman. aeronautical role by Amelia Ear- DIAMONDS The San Francisco Chapter of cents. visited her e She in Washington two years ago that Mr. and Mrs. I. Finkelstein of; Mo> w n e r^ Hadassah is planting an ever- hart, no less. Little Jerry Tii'l-c The Junior Vaad Glee club will 0 > e The organization has announc1 he met his recent bride. Lincoln. j brothers, Raymond and Leonard, meet at 7,- preceding the regular ed that the drawing for the 4S-green tree in the George Wash- (of the Senate family) ha r "n rf opportunity to show his t J In t r ington forest of Palestine as a Mr. and Mrs. Cowan will arMr. and Mrs*. Graetz were m a r - j s t u d e n t s there. Miss Goldman al- meeting. i piece silverware set, donated by | "Anything Goes." Abe L y i v r fp. memorial to "Will Rogers. rive in New York, after their ried in Lincoln September 15 by is o v i s j t ed the university, which is I Mr. and Mrs. M. Venger on the 'Eleanor Powell sealed it i ' < 1 honeymoon cruise, about Novem- Rabbi Harry Jolt, brother-in-law; a l s o her a l m a occasion of their fiftieth wedding I colossal sparkler. Before t'1"1 ' [ " ber 15, in time to witness the of the bride. Both attended the Film fun among the kiddie* : anniversary, will be held at this When Lionel Stander's aiitomo- • ous bout of "Waterloo, a < f opening night performance of University of Nebreska where Mr. RETURNS FROM HOLLYWOOD Mrs. L. Neveleff, president of :\time. bile collided with another car the ; agent left for the east wilt t George Gershwin's new show, Graetz received his Bachelor's de-j M r . Ab Kaiman returned Sat- the Vaad auxiliary, has announc- j Eree in the college of geology, ju r d a y f r o m a n extended stay in autograph fiends rushed upon the i ture contract in his poctt 1 r> • ••Porgy." ed the following program plans j The couple are residing in Omaha. Hollywood, Cal. i Max Baer—IF he won. actor for his signature! From there they will return to for the coming year: An evening j Another day the autograph jj Hollywood, where Mr. Cowan Is bridge party at the J. C. C. TuesAll Jewish women of the city GUEST hounds at the tennis matches j! Eddie Cantor says: <;A b e P. fl slated to produce a musical ex- ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF day, November 5, with Mrs. D. B. ' • Mrs. Louis Zabel of Chicago is Epstein as chairman a n d Mrs. are invited to be the guests of the trailed Charlie Chaplin to the bar never begins to swell nr.til the travaganza for Universal. Mrs. DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Max Platt of Lin- spending 10 days here as the Sidney Katelman, co-chairman; a Beth-El Auxiliary at the Succoth where he ordered a double choco-:; brain stops functioning!" Cowan, who wrote the songs for tea, Tuesday, October 15, which Shirley Temple's latest picture coin announce . the birth of a |gU est of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Chanukah carnival to be h e l d will be the first meeting of the late ice-cream cone a n d calmly; daughter Friday, October 4. Mrs. j Benjamin Rothenberg. Sunday, December 15; a fall rum- auxiliary this year. Tea will be ate it perched upon a stool. "Poor Little Rich Girl," will It seems a certain supervisor mage sale and a bake sale to beserved in the Euccah, and a prowrite the music and lyrics for Platt is the former Dorothy Marcame to work one morning very S. A. M. MOTHERS CLUB held January 8. some musical shows to be pro-golin of Omaha. Did you know that Al Jolson much wrinkled E n d rumpled. gram under the direction of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. S. Platt of OmaThe first important meeting of Mrs. Leon Mendelson has been i stands second in the Crossly air "Good heavens." exclaimed his duced by Fox pictures. ha, grandparents of the baby, mo- the season of the S. A. M. Moth- appointed chairman of the ways Sam Theodore will be given. Mrs. William Racusin is to j ratings, led only by Major Bowes ; boss, Mr. Producer, "you iook tored to Lincoln, Sunday. ers club will be held Wednesday and means committee and Mrs. M. j E p ea }- o n <"rne Meaning of Sue-i a n d f ° l l e d b3" Rudy Vallee? He's though you'd slept in that suit ANNOUNCE BAR 5IITZVAH October 16, at the home of Mrs Burstein, co-chairman. Chairman ;c o t h j . . a n d ' jjrs. Phineas Win- \tllat '"I did. I wore it to the preview Popular! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Priesman HIGH IN TEST G. Goldstone, 3430 Webster St of the other committees will be of your picture last night!" troub "trill give a humorous read- > 2211 Pratt St., announce the Bar Six students passed the 10Q- All mothers are urged to attend announced soon. ing, "The Dead Esrog." A xnusi-! . A little of the lowdown: X\'e Mitzvah of their son, Justin, at word transcription test in Cen- The meeting begins promptly ai 'S all, folks. The regular meeting date has cal program is a l s o being ar- ! met a "landsman" of Paul Lukas to you: the Beth-El synagogue Sunday tral high school classes, all being 1:30 o'clock. been changed to the first Tuesday ranged. IK'.. Jevisli Telegraphic (Copyright, measure . the other_ day who definitely conmorning, October 13. Agency. Inc.) Jewish. Those who scored this of every month. first quality skinf; , . . firmed t h e Hebraic ancestry ot A reception in Justin's honor 100 per cent Jewish triumph are GUESTS FROM KANSAS CITY p.ncl by expert, furriers, ye I Mr. Liikas. Few people k n o w •will- be held at the Priesman Tesi- Celia Bachman, they cost no more thsx Mr. and Mrs. Carl Studna anc Ahuvah GerPioneer Women this . . . and he's been in pictures Ckcssiik Rabbi Dies Deborah ordinarjr ready-made furs. dence from 3 until 7 o'clock in shater, Betty Llpp, Jean Pepper, :hildren, Harlan and Phyllis o hold The Pioneer women will for eighteen years. Vienna—Israel Meyer Heschel regular meeting of theDeNo cards have Pauline Rosenbaum and Adeline Kansas City, Mo., were the guests the afternoon, their first cultural meeting of the Likewise, you can "gut. yontov" known as the Kupitschenecei !'.-•( E»OrCI.''>f STREET borah society will be held Tuesf the D. Blumenthals for t h e Speckter. Miss Speckter will rebeen issued. season Tuesday, October 15, at Francis Lederer . . . but he won't Rebbe, scion of a not' "' "" •" ""'"" day afternoon, October 15, at ceive a pin for having the most holidays. dynasty, died here th *• v «•' 2:30 p. m. at the J. C. C. Final the J. C. C. A rery interesting like to be reminded. perfect paper. plans and arrangements will be'musical program has been arHARVEST MOON DINNER . made for the annual dessert- j ranged and a prominent speaker Mayme Adler Block ARTY luncheon a n d card party to be I secured to address the meeting, The E. T. C; sorority will hold Bfouldiste given Wednesday, October 23, at according to an announcement by . "Harvest Moon' dinner party Has tlie Key to Your at Murphy's Chicken Hut Satur- 1 o'clock at the J. C. C. Those Mrs. J. Raznick, program chairligure Problems By Mrs. David M. Newman day, November '•%.• This affair is still desiring tickets may get them man. by invitation only. Jacqualine from t h e chairman, Mrs. S. All members and friends are Frohm, Ha. 29 85 or from Mrs. RECIPES SPECIALIZING IN ipp, chairman, assisted by Rose urged to attend. CORSETRY William Milder, Wa. 3055. Banana Puffs Kaplan and Edith Schneider, is After the meeting members are Use your favorite pie crust and in charge. 533 nvited to go into the Buccah. roll quite thin. Cut Dananas into Securities Bldg. Germany Fraternity The sorority recently joined 2 inch lengths then cut crust in Phone At. 3888 Dissolved he Round Table of the J. C, C. strips long enough to tuck around Moderately Election Demagogues Berlin—The Kosener Student Priced . . . bananas and wide enough to close acgueline Lipp a n d Mildred Ottawa, Ont. — A n t 1-Semitic Korps, ons of the oldest and best Berg, president of the sorority both ends. Expertly and leaders in the Montreal and Ot-known student f aternitiis in Gerscientifically fitted. Mix % cup sugar, 1 teaspoon are representatives. tawa districts havq entered ac- many, was ordered dissolved folcinnamon a n d Toll banana into tively Into the campaign for thelowing its refusal to expel its Jewmixture. Roll up in pie paste and Federal elections. ish members. prick with a fork and sprinkle with sugar mixture. Bake LEE HAS THE EIGHT lightly 15 minutes at 475 degrees until FAIL HAT FOE YOU brown. One of t h e largest crowds in B very Whip % pint cream until stiff, fashion is add 2 teaspoons sugar and pile on the history of the Jewish Commu5T? .1HH AN? here, every top of puff when serving. Can be nity Center witnessed the crowno n tstanding of Pearl Bernstein of Council served hot or cold. i n g fabric Bluffs Monday as the "sweeta n d style heart" of the Mother Chapter of Orange Biscnits .-»:. N e w Aleph Zadi kAleph for 1935-1936. models arteaTake 1 % cups flour, 1 Miss Bernstein won the coveted rive every spoon baking powder, 4 table- prize by the vote of those attendday. Every, spoons shortening, •% teaspoon ing the dance, over Miss Esther headsize. salt, 1 teaspoon sugar, rind of % Silverman and Miss Alta Elkin. •an orange, % cup orange juice Miss Bernstien received a beautiand % cup milk (more if needed). ful bouquet of flowers and an ofMix flour, baking powder, salt ficial A. ZJ A. compact engraved and sugar together. Cut in thewith the A. Z. A. emblem. WINKELMAN ONLY offers the choice of over a hunshortening, add rind of t h e s. pol'tc*, uvietiot tieme»!ie Ben Shrier was the general dred styles featuring the new felt heels. The "Flatorange, juice and milk. Bake at r Otab> •nd omotfsur cell*. SiWCCOO Vs». chairman, assisted by Macy Baum 475 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes. terer", as shown in black and brown suede, flO.OO. New Location Band-Sprecicler, Musie-Sp««ch These biscuits are different and Morris Arbitman, Dave WeinConIro!,AufemaliG Volume Can- ^ 407 IjjXfit •*»§ S. J* 16th l o i n Si. «**• "* OTHEE SMART STYLES, $8.50 to $18.50 from the ordinary kind and have er and Ernie Nogg. ttol end Tone Csmpsnsniiwn, # \ Nert to Orpheum Theoier f a very good flavor. C O W A J M R O N E L I J STJPTIAIiS

Vaad Auxiliary

Beth-El Auxiliary

?earl Bernstein Is Chosen'Sweetheart'

So New...They're a Year ahead


the opening of the

The Omaha chapter of Hadassah will hold i t s first meeting Wednesday,, October 30. Mrs. O. C. Belzer is arranging an interesting program and Mrs. Sam Theodore and her committee will serve tea. All members and friends are asked to attend the meeting.


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Warsaw — R a b b i Professor Schorr, r e c e n t l y nominated a member of the Polish Senate by President Moscicki, waa again appointed by the Ministry of Education as a member of the Government Board for public Education. R a b b i Professor Schorr will represent the Jewish religious community on the Board for period of three years.

BEAOTT SALON Features Shampoo and finger wave 50e THE NEW •: Zotos Peraianent Ware with no machinery and no electricity csefl s t §3.50 ^nd np. IIS Rtaadeii Theater AT. 4S3S .


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Suez Canal, Privately Owned Waterway, a KeyPoint In War Arena of the Mediterranean «





' PbSSIBLE WAR ARENA—Here may be observed the conditions considered by France and England as they contemplated closing the Suez Canal to Italy. If the Canal, privately owned, with 21 Frenchmen, 10 Englishmen and one Dutchman as directors, were closed, Mussolini would have no near access to Africa except through Libya, an Italian colony, and across the Egyptian Sudan, which is British. Upon such action n Duce was reported as saying he would shoot his way through. Hence, Britain concentrated her fleet in the Mediterranean. .

CONCENTRATION GATE—Ancient drums beating a rhythm in Ethiopia summoned fighting men to war. One of the concentration points for men of the central country was at Addis Ababa where they were to report at the Ministry of War. The picture shows a guard detail in front of the ministry gate while a beggar stands nearby, at the right.

XION$ OF THE LION OF JUDAH—Symbolic of Emperor, Haile Selassie's title. Lion of Judah, are the great beasts which guard his pa&ce in Addis Ababa. Above is one of his trainers with two of the; pet lions evidently out for a strolL Recently three of. the beasts escaped into-the palace gardens and killed one person before an officer, shot them.

Jf NJilllPP^

iiBili SUEZ CANAL A KEY POINT—A scene at the Port Said entrance to the Suez Canal, which is a key point in the Italo-Ethiopian conflict. Thousands of Italian soldiers aboard troopships already have passed through the artificial waterway, which does not belong to England but is privately controlled. While Englishmen hold about 44 per cent of shares in the company. Frenchmen maintain a controlling interest.

-HOT-SAND TRANSPORTATION—Hot sands, a vast waste area • and'intense heat face Mussolini's troops if they invade Ethiopia ~ fronvthe south, over a terrain where only camel trains now pass. .Here afe newly arrived Italians in Somaliland grouped about a native'camel-driver and his beast, as they halt war preparations to view this ancient means of transportation.

I -

CONSUL — W i l l i a m Perry George, new American consul at Valetta, Malta, who has been beseiged by Maltese seeking to obtain passport visas for the United States. Only a few visas were granted.

"' mm^bcASGETS NEXT—Fierce Ethiopian warriors spurred on by primitive fanatical frenzy, charge * ttie-ltalians with spears and knives. But Italy is a modern nation with modern war machines and V weiktratoed troops. Above is an Italian machine gunner at practice in Italian Somaliland with, his ^ ^ y « a y sweep Ethiopian masses into lifeless neaps. He is, atripped'to'the waist'because of

MINISTER — C o u n t Alberto Marchetti, new Italian minister to Mexico, as he arrived in New York aboard the S. S. Conte di Savoia.

FRENCH COLONIALS TO AFRICA—Military observers assert that a European war, under certain conditions, is inevitable. Already France and Britain are rushing troops to protect their colonies in Africa and here is a regiment of French Senegallese troops leaving Marseilles, where they were in training, en route to French Somaliland in East Africa.

THROUGH THE CANAL—Closing the Suez Canal, so that Italy's army in East Africa would be bottled up, could be accepted by Mussolini, military observers assert, as an act of war. Here is one of H Duce's troopships passing through the waterway en route to Massaua, in Eritrea.

ETHIOPIA'S ENVOI-TO JAPAN—In center is Daba Biryu, said to have been sent to Tokyo by Emperor Haile Selassie to seek support in the event of a war with Turkey. Here he is being escorted. to the Imperial Palace in Tokyo to pay his respects to the Japanese emperor, after having received a warm reception on his arrival in the Japanese city.

BRITAIN RUSHES SHIPS TO MALTA—British warships churned under forced draft from all parts of the world toward, the Mediterranean Sea and the harbor of Malta, while citizens of the islaai fortress frenzaedly prepared for a siege. Malta is 60 miles from Sicily, where Italian submarines aitd bombing planes were concentrated. Above are some of the ships of the British Mediterranean fleet at anchor in the harbor of Malta. % Copyright Unite* Ncwspictam





Nazi anti-Semitism. I discovered j the German Consul in that city tion from Captain von Tsc that the "Jewish question" stands! said nix cum raus? . . . . And how mer nnd Often to represent as one of the strongest barriers! the young rabbi who gained namany in the Olympic £ame*. between Nazi Germany and the j tional prominence when he sat on civilized world. I firmly believe the platform with Father CoughTec; Book that without the outcry of liber- lin at that Detroit social justice Fliiladclptiia —E i o g r a p ^ ( als in every land the plight of the rally tried to get the visa through sketches of t h e laic Afiolpi Jew in Germany would have been j Washington diplomatic channels? Berlin fJTA)—Kelene Meyer, •Ochs. Max J. KoMfT ami Et>" infinitely worse. I . . . . And how he had to sail for I Succoth services Trill be held in \ fencing etar at present in Oak- • Wol£ E.6 well as Moeeb M&imoi'U'.1: Moreover, it is say conviction, J Europe without that visa? . . , \ [ the synagogues at 5:30 Fri- , land. Gal., is in danger of immed-'. and a comprehensive article •' Late Friday evening services i iate arrest if she accepts tbe inafter a period of study and ob- Well, Rabbi Isseraan, believe . , the " J e v in Agriculture in i} servation in Germany, that when \ or not, got into Germany after } * * cHanMhejpecial^SnccoJi . vitation of Reich Sports Comniis- t'r.itecl. States" are the f e a t u r e . • : 11 A n dh did Eneak ue 3 a D1 A e r « ='* ac-i£°E, «* *> P- ^- ^ " f- - ( ^. v " sar Captain Hens Ton Tscham- ',volume S~ o* tbe American -1-"1 Hitler has been defeated, as he * '- • • • ! must and will be in time, that the ross the border in a trunk with a sets sermontopic wi.l be; ihe : xner und Osten to come to Ger- ish. Tear Book, the "Jpv.-jpii \ m . ' Jew—the Middleman of Culture." He was visaed for German culture and civilisa- thing that will have defeated him false bottom many and represent is country : almanac," which liar j u s t b And he spent ten days Cantor Schwaczkin and the choir ji n t ^ 0 ] y T n p l c e a i R e E n e n : - e a r, | tion. i 5 i r . ,TPl1ViPV. will he the anti-Semitic program. across |,rre p The financial assistance which After all, there were no protests j rubbernecking in Berlin, Nurern- will chant the epecia Succoth serit TBE learned en the bes=t author-. n c s t ion Society undf>- ihe is being extended to the persecut- of any conseauence against h i s j b e r g , Munich and other Nazi cen- | vices. And If the reader prom-j . A reception in tbe Euccah Trill; it p,{jEF Greta Bergmann of Str.tt- '. ship of ed Jews of Germany must be con-brntal treatment of other groups. ters F i s t E D t peerctp.ry of th? tinued. And also the protests of But the civilized world has united ises not to relay this information | follow the services. I g s n , nigh jumper, the' other cthCommit lev. every civilized person and of lib- in its denunciation of the ruth- to Mr. Hitler or any of his satel- j . • Icte ol •Jewish blood whom Caperal groupts m u s t be increased less crushing of the Jews. And lites over here, we'll give the low-1 Saturday morning services tain von TschETniner hnu t-picl he and publicized. Nazi Germany has these world-wide protests have down on how the rabbi got into | begin at S:SO in all the syna-ivras inviting, was believed CTE^^ Jewish Press advertiser* »' been more sensitive to these pro- called the attention of all civil- Nazlland despite his blacklisting j gogues. Rabbi Berger will preach! to participate. tests than she has to the suffer- ized peoples to the real character Arrived in Paris. Issermau | in Yiddish at the Beth Hamed-; in any event, it was made 1 ings of the persecuted Jews. The of Hitlerism. Liberals and civil- got into conversation with somsjrosh Hagodol synagogue. that no more than two J r v : groans and painB of German Jews ized people in every land must American newspaper correspond-! Trill athletes would be invited, to i d ! Sunday doming services i ke have not touched t h e fanatical help not only the Jews but the ie n t s . . . . The latter tipped him j be held in all the synagogues at part in the Olympic games. leaders of Nazi Germany. But the civilized citizens of Germany to! ofl that he could get across the S:"0. Special Lilab ceremonies > In a letter to General Chrr"e.cries and protests of liberal civ- rid themselves of the pestilence j border by applying at any one of be held. Rabbi Berger "will: H. Sherrill, American m e m b " n' ilization on other lands have re- of Naiiism. And in doing this I j the tourist offices in Paris ! speak at the B'nai Israel in Eng- the International Olympic C~n-strained the activities of Hitler's believe that we shall be "turning j "But "Bt it'll it'll be b t o utg hh oa you if j n S h. His subject will be "The; mittee. Captain von Tscha:nmer Specifsl and Private- Panfc!«?» mad followers. The o n e thing the tide against dictatorship and you're recognized in Germany," Yerdict." be arranged on Monday had cited invitations to Miss Mayabout which numerous Nazis ex- toward democracy and a liberal they warned . . . . Through the er and Miss Bergmann as proof T-.iri' pressed themselves to me vigor- form of society. Paris tourist office, then, the that Germany was not disrrimJtsously was the American protest young pulpiteer got his visa with' ating against Jewish e.thlef.es. meetings and resolutions against (Copyright, 19S5, Jewish Telegraphic out any difficulties . . . . He ad- S u c c o t h services -will begin ' Agency, Inc.) mits that once on the other side Friday evening at S p.m. The Oakland, Cal. (JTA) —Miss of the Franco-German border he service will be preceded by a con- Helene Mayer denied this v.-eek W

Religicies Senices

Helene Mayer Faces Arrest


By the Rev. L M. BIRKHEAD of Kansas City

A dlBcovery that upset me more would mean to the world. Wurm, than any thing else during my who is Stretcher's mouthpiece and period ol study and research in international agent, proudly boastGermany was that JuliuB Streich- ed to me that "we intend to drive er, the unscrupulous and b o l d t h e Jews off ihe face of t h e leader of anti-Semitism among e a r t V ' the Nazis, proposes to take his Here, it seems to me,' is a real campaign, against the Jews into challenge to western civilization. every land under the sun. Indeed, Nazi Streicher would engulf the I discovered that he is already whole world in the mire ol bigotcarrying his message to anti-Sem- ry, cruelty, and the ruthless and ites everywhere. unscrupulous persecution of the I -went to Nuremberg to inter- JewB. He would destroy those view Streicher and to find o u t previous achievements of the hufrom his own lips the whys and man race which we know under wherefores of his anti-Semitism. the name of liberty, tolerance and But he avoided me for two days respect'f or minority rights. and finally I became so persistent Peace lovers everywhere have that the office of "DerStuermer" sent me to what waB described been disturbed by Hitler's re-armto me as Streicher's "secret of- ament of Germany. And rightly fice" where his plans for foment- so, I believe. But equally importing world violence against t h e ant, and I believe more imminentJews are promoted. Paul Wurm, ly so, is the real menace to goodIn charge ol this office, which has will to be found in Streicher's over its doora the legend, "Fenc- fanatical plans to reproduce his had several attacks of the knee- i gregational dinner at 6 o'clock, that she ha.fi received an inrita"TWffgsr ing School," unfolded to me the Nazi program of hatred, brutalshakes . . . . He's back in St. Lou- j Reservations for the dinner may ity a n d* violence in every land. plans which Streicher has laid for is now and before long Propagan-jbe made with Mrs. Mollie Cohn, starting trouble against the Jews To reproduce on a world scale da Chief Goebbels will be reading V a . 7144. what I have recently witnessed in In every country. During the services the . young all about what Rabbi Isserman the Kurfuerstendam and other saw during his stay in Germany children in Sunday school for the I saw the files which contain sections of Berlin and of Gerand some square-head of an of- first time wil be consecrated. the books and papers and pamph- many—and, believe me, Streicher ficial in the German consulate in Rabbi David H. Wice's subject lets which Streicher has collected is the head and front of the Nazi Paris will be waking up in a con- will be "Consecration". from anti-Semites from all over anti-Semitic program—would be centration camp and wondering iy PAUI/A1 PETERS Saturday morning services will the world. Also, Wurm said, "we a world calamity of the first orhow and why it all happened . . . . be held at 10:30. are in correspondence with all of der, and. would threaten the very these people." foundations of western civiliza"We propose to teach them the tion. The liberals of the world ECHOES OF A SEXSATIOX . . . of (ssh!) bacon and h a m Mystery Story . . . . The man who may, rightly or rocketed in the period under obGerman technique of dealing with will discover that in Streicher and We're not going to-tell you one Friday evening services will be From 4,292 to 9,the Jews," he boasted. these fanatical Nazis they h a v e wrongly, go down in history as servation But, another . . member of the . „ I held at 8 o'clock. Rabbi GoldAnd we can prove having, with one crack, made a 403 kilos I was s h o w n an ti-Jewish unrestrained and unmannered and sermon. CanJewish Telegraphic Agency staff ^ ^ fa tb( pamphlets from America, several unscrupulous opponents unlike nation change its official flag, re- it, too . . THereqisteroTHote has written one that has been a c - j t o r g e U z £ n d t h e choir led by South American countries, from any others they have encountered ceived no less than ten thousand President reads like a Harry Braviroff will lead the serletters from people who read TRAVE10ER . . . claimed the best of the season by , England, France, Spain, Italy, the in recent human history. the New York Times book review- T } c e _ A f t e r t h e B e r v 3 c e s t h e c c m _ ro! I call of the Ndt jorfc about that crack in t h e papers Dr. Maurice J. Karpf, who was Balkan countries, a n d China. T}ce_ A f t Th t i "DthCt creat Those vAo can command 11 be guests of the . . . Our private little bird who last reported in Russia accompan- er The story is "Death Cuts i g r e g a t i o a Wurm also said t h a t Streicher Sees Situation Hopeless a Caper" (a swell title for for a a Women's auxiliary in the Succah. the very best anywhere invarics% r' (a swell title perches on the desks of important ied by Dr. Joseph Rosen on a surwas in touch with haters of the I regret that I must say that thriller, no?) . . . . The author is Justin Priesman and Buddy Barselect this world famous hos Jews in Russia. But the point the situation of the Jew in Ger- people and hears all, knows all if Jewish that most pleased Wurm was that many seems hopeless. I.came to and'tells us the best of it, chirped a look-see a t Biro-Bidjan before I David .Margashack, cable editor in ish, who will be Bar Mitzvah on Youteacan enjoy this comir'i his office was able to make con- the conclusion that t h e Jew in in our ear that of this flood of he returns to New York and his j the London bureau of the J.T.A. the first two days of Succoth, will and luxury ct lew.'cost Fcodt'vf: tacts with Arabs in Palestine and Germany must either emigrate or fan mail, only about half a dozen duties as director of the Gradu-; . . . . Beckvrith in the Times says each chant the Kiddush. is nationally famous serve "there," he said, "we shaU have ;o back to t h e Ghetto. There letters panned Bold Boy Brodsky ate School for Jewish Social Work j Margashack's story is "told in EO Saturday morning services will WITH BATH the Coffee "Shop or the Wo skilled and fascinating a manner begin at 9 a. m. At about 10 a. m. some real fun with the Jews." Beems to be no other alternative. for his scathing "black f l a g of Room. Garage right oppos'ir as to gain for it the reviewer's Buddy Barish will be called to Germany is headed for a military piracy" decision . . . And the same h l first preference among the Authe reading of the Torah and the Knows All Bigot Groups dictatorship, according to my little bird tells us that there's ab- ROSH HASHOKAH TALE . . . tumn issues, thus far, of detective Haftorah in recognition of his beIf there is anti-Semitic organ- judgment. And this will bring re- solutely nothing to the talk that On Rivington Street in New ization in America that Streich- lief from Hitlerism to cowed and a staff member of the American York's East Side that is usually stories." . . . . Here's h o p i n g , coming a Ear Mitzvah. Mr. and er'B secret office has overlooked frightened Germany. But this Jewish Committee composed the described as "teeming" . . . An though, Dave keeps the mystery Mrs. Max Earisa cordially invite their friends to attend the B a r I was not able to think of it. I new dictatorship will come t o o famous ruling that freed live of actor became a chazan . . . In an stuff out of his cables . . . . Mitzvah ceremonies of their son. asked about everyone that came late to bring relief to the Jews. the s i x swastika terror-downers orthodox synagogue . . . And rab_ to my mind and Wurm was able The damage has been done. The . . . That yarn is just so much of bis in the neighborhood were in- Birthdays Again . . . . Sunday morning services will to produce evidence that he knew minds of German youth have been what is known as columnar wishbe held at 9 a. in. At ten o'clock Supreme Court Justice Louis . So much so that the censed of it. (And incidentally, Wurm poisoned against the Jejvs a n d fulfillment . . . Justin Priesman will mark h i s BALTIMORE AT Dembitz Brandeis will be entering actor-chazan had to be escorted showed me what seemed to^be a Jewish-youth have been treated so 14TH STREC from the pulpit' by police ~ v . M s eightieth year November 13 j becoming a * a r Mitavah ^ ^ e i E f , conrpfeler -"set" of,'tHe "cartoons and ruthlessly' by the Nazis that they The rabbis demanded that the ac- . . . . If past performances is a n y ; c a I i e d t o t h e reading of .he xorahi YOUR ERROR, MR. and tlie publications of the Jewish Tele- c a n never recover their respect Haftorah. Mr. and Mrs. tor-chazan s i g n a statement re- criterion, Mr. Justice Brandeis i PRESIDENT. . . . graphic Agency. In his letter to the United Jew- nouncing his former life and i will not celebrate his seventy-! Karry Priesman invite t h e i r to be present at t h e i r From this office I,learned that For him it ish Appeal commending the aims promising to adhere to orthodox | ninth birthday Stretcher believes that America iB The a c t o r- will be just another day on the son's Bar Mitzvah. and purpose of t h e "Night of religious ways completely controlled by the Jews. . There's been a move- j Stars" benefit show October 2 at chazan, who got the ?2,000 con-{bench Wurm told me t h a t Americans the Madison Square Garden, Pres- tract in competition with profes- ment on foot to celebrate his i were asleep and didn't seem to ident Roosevelt, addressing him- sional chazonim, refused . . . A eightieth birthday nest year on a 5 know that our President's r e a l self to Harold Jacobi;- chairman truce was finally reached by the world-wide scale . . . . Chances name is "Rosenfelt" and that he of the Appeal's business- men's di- Rivington St. synagogue agreeing are he'll discourage it . . . . The is Jewish. I also was told that Berlin (JTA)—The Nuremberg j vision, referred to the objects of to employ an assistant chazan venerable justice is one of Wash• / , Professor Hexford Tugwell, A. A. New York (JTA) —The first the benefit as Jacobi's "fellow whose religiosity was unquestion- ington's most famous recluses . . . anti-Jewish laws were openly ecu-: Berle, Jr., Raymond Moley, Gen- impression received by a group of last week by the presiputting Mr. Jacobi w a s ed The actor-chazan is Moishe . . And And while whle you're yure p g n eral , Hugh Johnson, and numer- Nazi jurists visiting the United refugees." deIlt Oisher, who recently returned mes in your little birthday-card | of the Keichs Court, Profesous other Roosevelt appointees States was distinctly bad. They quite surprised to learn that he sor Walter Simon, addressing from a tour of South America . . . book, jot these down are either Jews or are completely were forced to pack up and leave was a refugee . . As a lad in Bessarabia, he acted Abraham Arden Brill, internation- gathering here of Friends of the. '"owned and controlled by Jews." the Governor Clinton Hotel beas meshoirer (choir boy) to the ally known psychiatrist, will be German Academy. I t occurred to me that Germany cause pickets paraded before the BERLIN CAN'T SEE IT . . . "The Nuremberg laws deserved •sixty-one tomorrow (October 12) If Berlin lovers of Shakespeare chazan . . . has-frequently protested to other hotel with signs, "We protest the to be somevhEt different. Since The following day, Prof. nations that the Jewish problem presence of Nazis in this hotel." (assuming any are l e f t there) Richard James Gottheil, noted I they were proclaimed, -however, want to see Max Reinhardt's spec- ODDS ASJ> ENDS was. her o w n domestic problem .scholar as the headlines invariab-1 they must be honoured because! tacular tilm "Midsummer Night's has applied for The 45 members of the AssocArnold and that other nations, particularI ly describe him. will celebrate his i the brutalities they impose a r e Palestinian citizenship . . . The ' seventy-third birthday . . . . And | seemingly necessary brutalities," ly America, had no right to hold iation of National Socialist Jur- Dream," they'll have to hike . . The film is being shown simulGerman-Jewish writer will make protest meetings against G e r - ists, who arrived here on the Enon that same day the irrepressible I the jurist declared. many's, persecution . of the Jews. ropa witb swastikas on their la- taneously in London, New York, his home in the Holy Land per- monologist, cartoonist and beforeThe Nuremberg laws by impliBut here is a leading Nazi offi- pels to see what America IB like, "Vienna, Paris and Sydney . . . manently after n e x t April . . . and-after-century milestone . . . . cation indicate that the anti-JewAnC the last laugh is with ReinWhen Arnold Bernstein rides the cial, governor of Franconla and a were forced to leave the Governor The grand old man if the B'nai ish boycott is legal, it v<-as empha!, close personal friend of Hitler, Clinton and stayed at the Hotel hardt, whose Jewish blood made ocean waves you'd think he'd do B'rith, Senator Alfred M. Cohen (sized by Carl Wilhelm, member him persona non grata to t h e it in one of his own liners . . . " deliberately trying to foment anti- Chelton. Supreme Court of Munich, The president of the Red Star and becomes seventy-six on October IB j of the Semitism in every land and also This week they left New York Nazi bigwigs in Berlin . . . . . . . Song-writer Moss" Hart, a! ia a » article appearing today in the Arnold Bernstein Lines left Becking opportunities to teach the for a three-week trip through the mere stripling, chalks up his thir- j the publication o£ t i e Academy Nazi technique of anti-Jewish Middle West. They were to stop BEER, GIN, AND CHAMPAGNE New York recently on the French ty-first year on October 24 . . . .'for German Latr, Line's lie de France . . . From IN PALESTINE . . . riots to the fanatics of every land, at Niagara Falls and Chicago afAnd the inimitable but oft-imitat"Anything giving the 'Aryans' The August issue of the Pales- his hay-feverless retreat In t h e even Palestine. These are facts ter which they were to return to ed Fannie Brice will receive conthe. upper hand over J e w s In tine Commercial Bulletin has just White Mountains, Dr. Samuel that should be filed with the for- New York. economic life is justified," Wil- i Margoshes, editor or the Day, It's full of • elgn offices of England, France Before leaving, Dr. Ludwig reached our desk wrote a column in which he Etart- birthday when the calendar gets helm argned. "The boycott and America. Fischer, spokesman for the group, the most fascinating figures . . . And therefore nothing but economic ed a paragraph this way, "What around to October 29 And we don't mean girls, either Streicher, I discovered, really declared, "Decent Americans do competition against the Jews un-j our secretary, Harriet Bienstock, I know about the world today is . . Here's one statistic revealed believes that there is a wave of not approve of this demonstrader the law even if it is thus looking over our shoulder butts in And then anti-Semitism sweeping over the tion (the picketing) and are. very in its columns that should make three weeks old" , manifested in its roughest form." to say that we forgot to mention tradesmen to tipplerB open their he wonders whether, in the perworld and he proudly claims re- friendly and hospitable. What I that her twenty-fifth natal day sponsibility for it. saw of the demonstration was ex- eyes and start hunting for those iod he hasn't seen a newspaper, fell on October S . . . . Hamburg—All German law and : elusive Palestine certificates . . . t h e "World Zionist Congress at clusively Jewish." jurisprudence must be in the in- j Streicher's Plan In the month of April last, 82,763 Zurich is still deliberating'-' . . . ture based on the racial principle The picketing resulted when litres of bottled beer were im- When the good doctor returned After seeing with my own eyes Odds and Ends . . . . according to the Nazi party, the Nazi violence against the Jews I 100 members of the Fur Garment ported by the Holy Land . . . to his post the other day, some Rabbi Solosioa Freehof's ser- conference of Nazi jurists was in- \ Salesmen's "Union, meeting in the can well understand what t h e Which compares with a mere 2 8,- •wag on his staff is reported to mons, which are printed, are in here by Chief Justice spread of this Streicher pestilence Governor Clinton, said they heard 271 litres the previous April . . . have niftied that what the boss great demand among Pittsburgh's | strutted" Rothenberger" oV members of the jurists' group ar- Either Palestinians don't like knew was a good deal more than the Hanseatic 1 Gentiles The "Night of | S a p m n e C o u r t # rive at the hotel, wearing swas- champagne or their prosperity three weeks old' Or was that | stars" benefit run by the United j [ tiksfe and greeting each other with isn't what it's cracked up to be Zurich Just a typographical error? 1 Tke smoothest, fastest iron eves:, made! I t shouts of, "Heil Hitler!" Picket- . . .There was a marked decline . . . Leonard Lyons, N. Y. Post Jewish Appeal netted about £30,has a bigger ironing surface without extra 000 , , Fewer Annie Oakleys ers were mostly members of var- in the champagne imports from columnist who specializes in Nazi weight. Free^action handle for quicker sleeveRecognized a s were distributed for that performIOUB fur unions. 2S7 litres in 1934 to 121 in the nifties, remarks that the histor- ance than for any benefit show in Deaier In PRACTICAL MOHEL ironing! It's completely automatic. Does Robert J, Glenn, manager of 1935 month Jewish Boobs end All Other Gin, the p o o r ians working ra t i e Hitler re- recent years, we're informed . . . . 15% to ZZyi more ironing than yottr old iron Phone 1059 tho hotel, then Informed the group man's pleasure, on the other iiand gime have h i t upon a one-sen- Harry Sactler, author of the highReligious .Articles. •with e\rer3r stroke, Council Bluffs, In. it would be for their own best experienced a sensational rise in tence description, to wit: "Nazi ly praised "Festival at Meron" ZitS Decstur 'St. ¥ 1 G3S7. interests to leave. imports going from 441 litres last Germany has run the whole gam- was at one time secretary - in the A full line of JC«w Tear's cards in year to 1,149 this year Inci- ut of barbarism to decadence record department of the S.O.A. Jewish end Eng'Ssh Enfi also a full supply of the other seasonsble redentally, digestion m u s t be im- without touching civilization" . . . . He has a marvelous memory ligious articles like inEchseirisn proving in Eretz Israel, for the Can't understand why it is that and Is described by "his intimates with Jewish e.v.8. Enplish trar.slaCommercial Bulletin reports that none of the blgtime press h a s as-a veritable walking encyclope- tions, prayer books, taleisini, silk and •wool ol the best rinos, etc. imports of that favorite after-sa- caught wise- to this: How c a n dia . . . . Remember also to place vour or&er vith roe ?os an esrog- and a lami-potion dropped from 10,350 German Jews be asked to repreBrisg in that old vTorr. cut iron of yours and ; lulov that is being- iraportesi t y me kilos last year to a mere 4,000 sent Germany in the Olympics In from Erez-lsrael. get $i for it whsn yon bva? this Thomas.A. this year And land specula- view of the fact that they are now New Year's Greetings . . . . Edison iron. It.will xsake irbning easy for th* Ea-1 tion isn't the only form of gamb- non-citizens and non-citizens ac- . , . . , tot . . .Roah , j ling that's on the increase in Pal- cording to tbe International olym- *™±™™_»**1?£* y_J?: \ estine judging from the fact that pics regulations, are not permit- eral score Anglo-Jewish weeklies,! imports of playing cards jumped ted to compete for the country in the •wrolf ehoald be far, far frosi f T during the year from 9,495 to which they live . Or maybe their collectire doors . . . . T4 hich 17,198 packs . - And here's one •we're all moist and the Jews of reminds ns that the New T o r t that made us blink Imports Germany still are citizens a n d Times ran more New Tear's greet( I t Hitler and the Heielistag -was only ings than many of the "Anglo-/. • . o r : :.•; ' ' • • / joking yh&n. it said they - w e r e Jevish weeklies . . . . We counted in the seighhorhooa cf 100 in its not . . . . Sunday edition . . . . . WATESPBOOF Ali-PTFBBOSE 1SS5. Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Inc.) , Isserman Mas the Xiast JLatzgb . . . SPAR VAKOTSH, $1,50 GsSXm Remember that rumpss kicked Courtesy • Service •. Lew Rsstss" Omaha Jobbing Company •np last Summer Tvhen Rafebi Fer317 fio. » JA dinand Isserman of St. I<oiiis Je^wish Press adrertisers merit

Temple Israel



Pickets Force Nazi Jurists To Quit Hotel


Jurist Flays . 'Ghetto Laws

Rev. A. Diamond



iee Your Dealer

Nebrdskd F'ower Co.


tried to get a TIES to Germany and TOUT patroaasre.


PAGE EIGHT. iniiinnnininHiiiiirininitniniiiiiinniininininniinnninni

Sioux City News

Progress Is Reported. At Carnival Meeting


Reb Motel-PuppetCelebrates Succoth

ent regime in Germany is desir» able.'' Ton fnmmjtnslisteilts His statement followed a unanof t l e n Lomraanameets | imous _ffloug rresolution o h t i o n o f the Columbia Student e sBoard to support a boyBremen, G e r m a n y (JTA) — cott of the Olympics if they are "The Ten Commandments are notheld in Berlin. Racial and relig-

Charge 'Stealing' of

A check-up meeting of the committees working on the Inter-Club BY F. H. K. MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent Council Carnival was held In the a. liiroiniis Jewish Community Center Tuessenberg, ideological leader of the the reason for the day evening, with Mr. E. N. GrueThe Council Bluffs Senior Hadaughter, Libbie Lee Shiloff, who skin, chairman, presiding. Nazi Party and moving spirit of Jewish Press advertisers merit will join her parents, Mr, a n d Reports from t h e advertising dassah will open its fall season the pagan cult, declared t h i s In this piquant Succoth inanything about the plays." of activities with a o n e o'clock our Mrs. Herman Shiloff in Los An-and drawing committees w e r e week in a message to the Reich I >" patronage. terview with Reb Motel, Miss "Oh yes, the plays. You see luncheon next Wednesday after;eles. convention on German history In heard and progress by' all com- noon, October 16, at the Hotel Seely introduces us not only I am not the.only Jewish puppet. IRVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney mittees wa3 noted. There are about fifty of us andsession here. Chieftain. Rabhi Harold A. Ber- to the dean of the famous 301 Electric Bldg. Mrs. William Wolf has departExpressing "regret that the Jewish puppet actors but to we have to make a living, so we ger of Omaha will be the princied for her home in Austin, after PROBATE NOTICE world bases history on the Jewish their creator, Miss Jacqueformed a theatre group and act pal speaker. Mrs. Herman Marospending the past week here with Sisterhood j Bible," Rosenberg stated that the line Simone Henri. out Bible stories." In the Matter of the Estate of Molli« h e r mother, Mrs. Emil RosenThe first regular meeting of witz is program chairman, and is Friedman, Deceased: was actually inspired by — THE EDITOR. "That must be v e r y interestalso arranging for a musical prostock, who recently underwent an Notice is Hereby Given: Tha.t the the season will be held by t h e dfadam Bella I Pevsner, Zionist Babylonian and Indian culture, creditors of the said deceased will ing." ram to be included In the Sucoperation. Mount Sinai Temple Sisterhood meet the administrator of said estats, which are really ancient 'Aryan' Worker, To B e Guest "Oh yes. Children love our before me. County Judge of Douglas this afternoon, following a o n e coth program. The luncheon is As I left the busy New York cultures. Speaker County. Nebraska, at the County open to both members and non-City Street and stepped into Jac- shows. We have quite a reperMembers of the Ivre Club held o'clock luncheon. "The Ten Commandments a r e Court" Room, in said County, on the their regular meeting Wednesday Miss Delia Galinsky, program members of the Senior Hadassah. queline Henri's studio, I realized toire. For Chanukah, we do a nothing but material rewritten 2nd flay of December, 1935. and on Madam Bella Pevsner, interna- evening in the Jewish Community chairman for the year, will pre- Reservations may be made with I had entered into a world of fan-play about Judas Maccabeus. I the 3rd' day of February. 1936, a t . 9 a. iTi.. each day. for the pur^ tionally known! Zionist -worker, Jenter. A smoker and social hour side at the program which will either Mrs. Marowitz, phone 3257- tasy. The puppets, which were play Mattathias. I like the part from the nine commandments o'clock pose of presenting their claims' for composed by ancient 'Aryans,' " •will be the guest speaker at an followed the business meeting. follow the business meeting. Mrs. J, or Mrs. Nathan Gllinsky, phone lying all about seemed to fill the b e c a u s e I can drink tea allthe Nazi spiritual leader charged. examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for open meeting Monday evening, William Lazere, president of the3859-W. Mrs. Saul Suvalsky is room with excitement. On a small through the first act. It sorta the creditors to present their claims, October 14, in the Jewish Comfrom the 2nd day of November. 1835. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Feder and Sisterhood, will preside at t h e president. table were p i l e d high fruits, warms me up for the rest of the BRYCE CRAWFORD. ' munity Center. The meeting, s o n of Madison, South Dakota, meeting. play. Of course, I die pretty ear- Colleges Rally To leaves and flowers. County Judge. •which will begin at 8:30 o'clock visited in Sioux City over the hol- Mrs. M. B. Herzoff will present SUCCOTH SERVICES 10-11-35-St "You see, we're preparing our ly, but then I can sneak out front Olympics Boycott will be sponsored by t h e local idays. "Suceoth" begins at six o'clock Succah. It's the first the puppets and watch the others. We have a group of vocal solos, accompanB'nai B'rith lodge, and will be FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, ied at the piano by Pierce Wall. this evening, October 11, with ap- have had," Miss Henri explained. some pretty promising young pupNew York—A rising movement KLUTZNICK & KELLEY, Atty«. open to the general public. Mr. and Mrs. William Maron Mrs. Louis Agrai-off will speak on propriate services at the Chevra 650 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. I looked about. Why, there was pet actors in our company. Par-1 among American colleges and uniMadam PeTOner has visited of Osmond, Nebraska, w e r e in he festival of Succoth and a sur- B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618 ticularly the ones who play the versities to boycott the Berlin Queen Esther, and there, right practically every country, visited Sioux City over, the holidays. by Publication on Petition for prise skit will be presented by Mynster street. On Saturday, the near her were Judas, and David, parts of Judas and a girl named Olympic games was lent impetus Notice Settlement of Final Administration hundreds of cities and addressed morning services will commence the Mesdames H. Slotsky, L. S. Account and King Solomon and Moses and Leah. They also act together in by the assertion of Dean Herbert In the thousands of gatherings. In her of Douglas Goldberg, Nathan Gorchow, T. N.at 8:30 o'clock, and the evening many other familiar characters. our Purim Play—Queen Esther. E. Hawkes of Columbia College j '"county, County Court ^braafca! travels she has visited not only services at five o'clock. On Sunjewls, and Dr. Delia Galinsky. [ I'm in that one too—as Mordecai. It seemed as though all the Peosizable communities, but out of Matter^Deceased. of the_ Estate of Clara Holdsberg, Mrs. M. Mushkin and Mrs. I. day morning, the second day ofple of the Book had come for Then, we act plays about K i n g that "anything that can be donej pjhe the way hamlets. She has appearAll persons interested in said matto show disapproval of the presMiller will be in charge of thethe holiday, services will start this unique Succoth celebration. Solomon, Jacob, David and Golter are hereby notified that on the ed before numerous B'nai B'rith promptly at 8:30 o'clock. luncheon arrangements. 27th day of September 1M5 Rosaline I felt a pair of eyes following me. iath, and Moses. I'm in all of chapters in the United States and SAM ZACHARIA, Attorney J. H^idsberg- filed a petition in said The annual large Card Party 768 Brandels Theatre Bldg. C")itn(y Court, praying: that her final I turned and noticed that Reb these too. Of course, I don't alhas addressed numerous district AT HOME fidr.inistration account filed herein be sponsored by Mount Sinai SisjerMotel was watching me. Miss ways have a big part, but it's just Notice by Publication on Petition for settled and allowed, and national conventions. and that she be Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld Henri was "polishing" him up a hood will take place Wednesday Settlement of Final Administration discharged from her trust as adminas well. Play acting is pretty She has devoted her entire life The first meeting of the Junior and Mrs. Anna Ungar will be at Account istratrix nnc! that a hearing- will be evening, October 1G; in the Anto Jewish work and has earned Hadassah chapter was held Wed- home on Sunday afternoon, Octo- bit, but he paid no attention to strenuous work for an old puphad on said eptition before said Court nex of the Temple. From the reIn the County Court of D o u g l a s her. I winced as I saw her stick on the 26th day of October 1935, and the, admiration, of her hearers pet." Very wistfully, he looked nesday evening, in the Jewish ber 13, from three until six County. Nebraska. that if you fail to appear before said •with her polemic qualities, her ex- ports of the ticket committee, a Community Center, with M i s s o'clock at the Rosenfeld home at a pin into him, but still he looked at me. In the Matter of the Estate of Mary Court on the said Sfitli day of October tensive knowledge and her color- capacity crowd will attend the af- Dorothy Merlin, president, presid- 295 South Eighth street. Council at me intently. Then he spoke: 19.15 at 9 o'clock A.M., and contest Quickly, Miss Henri spoke ag- Winer, Deceased: !air. , All persons interested in said -mat- said petition, the Court may grant the ful background/ . / ain. "Reb Motel, you must be ing. ter are hereby notified that on the ivayer of said petition, enter a decree Mrs. Meyer Marks and Mrs. SI Following the business meeting Bluffs, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. "We have gathered these fruits very tired and rre must finish the jSth day of October. 1935. Philip of heirship, and. make such other and Madam Pevsner's appearance In Leo Ungar. No invitations have o>* the harvest to prepare our Greenbersr filed a petition in s a i d Krueger are in charge of the arorders, allowances and deSioux City Is of special interest and reports of the various com- been issued. Mrs. Leo Ungar was Succah, that we may commemor- Succah this afternoon. Don't you County Court, praying that his final further crees, as to this Court may seem also to those affiliated with Zion- rangements and are being assist- mittee chairmen, a program was Miss Alice Hirsch of St. Joseph, administration account filed herein be proper, to the end that all matters ate the forty years the Children think you should lie down for asettled and allowed, and that he be pertaining to said estate may be finist organziationB, since she h a sed by a committee of Sisterhood presented. . discharged from his trust as admin- ally settled and determined. Mo., prior to her marriage on Sep- of Israel journeyed through the while?" members. lived in. Palestine for the past 15 istrator and that a hearing-will be Miss Lillian Romirowsky spoke tember 7 th. Diplomatically he gave in. "I had on said petition before said Court BRTCE CRAWFORD. Wilderness to the P r o m i s e d years. County Judge. on the recent Zionist Congress do tire easily. I certainly enjoy- on the 2nd day of November," 1935, 10-4-35-3t Land. 'Ye shall dwell in booths The .meeting Monday evening and skits were presented by the The Council Bluffs lodge No. seven days; all that are Israelites ed your company, Miss S e e l y . and that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 2nd day ot NoFRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, will be open to the general pubfollowing members: Tillie FrankPlease come and talk to me again vember, 1935, at 9 o'clock a. m., and KLUTZNICK & KELLEY, Atty«. lic and the B'nai' B'rith Lodge is Succoth services at Shaare Zion in, Rose Reznik, Jeanette Broch- 688 of the B'nai B'rith will hold born shall dwell in booths: That —you haven't told me a thing contest said petition, the Court may 650 Omaha Nat'i Bank Bldg. urging everyone to attend, since synagogue will begin this evening s, Ina Leah Kroloff, Mrs. Wm.a regular meeting Monday eve- your generations may know that about yourself—and a Happy New prrant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship. and make ning, October 14, at 8:30 o'clock NOTICE OF INCORPORATION I made the children of Israel to the opportunity to hear Mrs. Pev-at .6 o'clock with the early service. Kutcher, Eva Gordon, Ida Cohen, such other and further orders, allowNotice is hereby piven that the undwell in booths, when I brought Year." aances n c e s aand n d decrees, as to this Court dersigned have formed a corporation sner Is so unusual. The late Friday evening service Frances Jacobson, Lottie Fein- at the Eagles hall. Voar to -pmi " decrees, as to this Court "A Happy l e a r to you. may seem proper, to the end that all under the laws of the State of Nethem out of the land of Egypt.' " ;•" The committee in charge of the will be held t h i s evening at berg, J e a n Montrose, Saretta ! matters pertaining to said estate may braska. The name of the corporation "Ach, if I had my health Rabbi David Winchester of ChiAnd so Reb Motel, standing on meeting is planning to accommo- Shaare Z i o n beginning at S Krigsten, Rozena Sacks, I n e z shall be Sanitary Ice Service Co. with a,nd determined. cago, 111., who spent the High the hand of Jacqueline Henri His sentence stopped abruptly. |Ibe finally settled principal place of business a t Omaha, date a capacity audience. • BRYCE CPwUVFORD, o'clock. At that time Cantor Plis- ieaff and Mrs. Emil Levich. Nebraska. The general nature of the County Judg-e. Holydays In Council Bluffs, left wisely told us about Succoth. Miss Henri had taken him off Mr. Frank Margolin, president kin and the choir will chant the business to be transacted shall be to Refreshments concluded t h e Wednesday for his home in Chi10-ll-35-3t establish &nd operate a retail ice deI had i n t e n d e d to interview her hand and laid him in the litof the local B'nai B'rith chapter, service and Rabbi Rabinowitz will evening's program. j livery and sale system: to buy, sell. cago. Rabbi Winchester, who is Miss Henri, one of our leading tle Succah. Immediately he had_ _ _ will preside at the meeting Mon- speak on "T h e Festival of HuRAMACCIOTTI <£. ROBINSON lease, own. acquire, dispose and or a graduate of the Hebrew Theo- Jewish puppeteers, but Reb Mofallen asleep. Reb Motel was very REEDand manity." EPHRAIM L. MARKS day, and introduce the speaker. encumber real and personal property Attorney* logical College of Chicago, was incident to the purposes and uses of tired. Saturday morning, Succoth sertel was in a very talkative mood 905-918 First Natl. Bank Bldg. this business: to do all things necesthe guest Rabbi at the Chevra that day, and Miss Henri admitBut before falling asleep he vices will begin at 8:30 o'clock. NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL F.ITV or_ proper to effect the purposes The Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare B'nai Yisroel synagogue during In the County Court of D o u g l a s frr which this corporation is organRabbi Rabinowitz will speak on ion Synagogue will hold an open ted that he could tell more about had also told me something about County. Nebraska. ised. The authorized capital stock T h e Festival of Democracy." meeting in the Synagogue Social the services. He spoke of the her Jewish puppet shows than his creator. In the Matter of the Estate of Simon shall be $5,000 and all of said Stock meaning of "Yom Kippur" in Yidshall be common, par value $100 per iunday morning, the service will Hall, Tuesday evening, October Jacqueline Simone Henri was! i x she. "You see," she said. "Jews h a e arm and luuy fully paia paid up up and All" *"=«="»= persons inieiwieu interested in in Baiu said esiHie estate ; MiEie <~ n .. - i _ -i*___ j ana non-aeiegin at the same hour and the15, when Mrs. Bella Pevsner will dish at the K o l NIdre services ish p u p p e t shows are his very m if a r 1 S, b ranee and Was jdarey ohereby notified that on the 3rd | s t a b l e . It shall commence business t Sunday night, and on Monday Rabbi will speak on "The Greater be the guest speaker. brought to the United States a t ?October. 1935, a petition was j upon filing of its articles with the life." Reb Motel is only fifteen , . . 1 filed in said Court, praying- for the I County Clerk of Doug-las County. Nethe Investment, the Larger t h e Mrs. J. H. Mosow, president of morning he spoke in English. inches high, with a venerable an early age. c&ne was raised and | probate of a certain instrument now I braska. and shall continue for'a pe» Return," the Auxiliary will preside at a BO years. The highest amount "" in said . - Court, - . purporting to be j Hud of -Mr.Barney Baron, 1810 Grandbeard almost aa long as he is tall. educated in New York Gity and on file Mrs. Harry Perimeter and small He has a Jolly old face and allgraduated from Hunter College the last will and testament of s a l d | r f indebtraness shall not exceed t w o The Synagogue Succah h a s brief business meeting which, will view Boulevard* waB elected presdeceased, and that a hearing- will be thiixis of its capital stock, but this reident of the Jewish. National Fund been decorated and is open to. the precede the program, and she will daughter, Connie, of Kansas City, the trouble in the world would in 1930. While she was at col-had on said petition, before said Court striction shal> not include indebtedthe 2nd day of November, 1935, at ness R^cureo by y mortfraKes frK or liens. en. introduce Mrs. Philip Sherman Mo., have returned to'their home i>ever change his happy outlook. lege, she studied for the theatre on Council, at a meeting of the Coun- congregation. the hour of 9:00 o'clock A. M., and T Th lfi hll b b a he a n g dd by shall be managed cil held Tuesday evening in. the Religious School sessions will who will be in charge of the pro-following a two-weeks' visit here I asked him how he manages to but gradually turned her interests if they fail to appear at said time Board, cf Directors off not less than i l place and contest said petition. f*-f members. The annual meeting Jewish Community Center. be suspended during the holidays, gram. Adelle Mittenberg a n d at the home of Mrs. Perimeter's smile all the time and he explain- to puppetry which at that time and the Court may grant probate of said shall be on the first Monday of Jannstr um a Mr. Baron has been active in thiB Sunday and next, and will be 'aroline Raskin will also appear parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Nogg. of each ypar,. at which meeting ed in. his deep, mellow voice that was becoming popular again. Ev-'i , ent L s j the last will and testa- uary on th e program in a group of the stockholders shall elect a Board Zionist circles for many years and resumed October 27. en before her graduation she If you look happy it helps so of Directors, and thereupon the Hoard dances. Dr. S. Meyers of Des Moines, is a member of the administracomplished some notable -work in i Property, which the deceased owned sli&ll elect a President. Vice-Presin.uca. a t t n e t i m e o f l l ! s Ia , spent the week-end and Yom clent, Secretary and Treasurer. Any tive committee of the Southwest The meeting will begin at 8 ; After leairjr.tr -Ml.^o »*, o l death, ill RCCOrd- tw-o of said offices ' That's what I always tell the art may be held by Kippur here as the house guest of Region of t h e Jewish National o'clock. art. A l t e r leaving college, she! a nce with the terms of said will, and one and the same person. These a r children," he said. Reb Motel is Leonard Krasne. Dr. Meyers and s e r v e d * an apprenticeship With j may dispense with further administicles may be amended a t any regular Fund. He succeeds Mr. R. H. Em- The Board of Education of the or special meeting: of the stockholders Mr. Krasne were fraternity broth- the Mend of hundreds of children T a r i o u s professional puppet | t r a t l o n ot thlsBRYctE CRAWFORD. lein. Sioux City Hebrew School held its by a two-thirds vote of the outstandwho have seen him in Miss Hen- groups. Within a year, however,! ers at the-University of Iowa. „ County Judge. ing STOCK. Mr. Emlein ~w a s elected vice- regular monthly meeting and de10 I1 35 ri's Jewish puppet plays. They "INT WITNESS WHEREOF, the parshe had organized her own com-j * ' "!l. president; Mr. Sam Krupnick, cided to hold registration for the ties hav? hereunto subscribed their The Chevra B'nai Yisroel so- all respect and love him. "What pany which has performed with] secretay; a n d Mr. M. Hendlyn, new Semester of the Hebrew names this 17th day of September, GRODINSKY, MARER &. ciety will hold an important meet- do you think of Hitler?" I asked. great success in many theatres, MONSKY, COHEN, treasurer. Attys. School, on Monday, October 21, ; I-OUTS "WEINER 737 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. ing Monday evening, October 14, 'Reb Motel shook the air with his department stores and for clubs Plans were made f o r a city- from 4 to 6 o'clock in the Shaare LAWRENCE J. FINKEL promptly at eight o'clock at thetwo small fists but ritill the and community groups. Tn the presence of •wide box collection during t h e Zion class room's. Registration Notice by Publication on Petition PHILIP W. KLUTZNICK , Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue kind expression on his face re•week of Succoth. Plans were also will continue all that week. At the request ot several rabfor Settlement of Final Admin10-4-S5-4t istration Account' at 618 Mynster street. An elec- mained unchanged. I decided to bis who were enthusiastic about discussed for a city-wide banquet The Board urges a l l Jewish of Douglas to be sponsored by the J. N. F.parents to register their children drop the subject. Miss H e n r i ' s performances in Berlin (JTA)Terming individ- tion of officers will take place. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, council during'the week of Chan- for the Hebrew School during the ual anti-Jewish acts "an act "Will you tell me a little about their synagogues, she produced in In the Matter of the Estate of SamMANAGEMENT. ETC.. OF THE uel A. Corneer, Deceased. JEWISH PRESS ukah. :i The Emesel dub is giving a one the Jewish puppet plays?" He 1932 her first Jewish festival All persons interested in said matweek following the holidays. against the State," Propaganda Required by the Act of Congress of The chairman of the Board, Mr. Minister ;Paul Joseph Goebbels, o'clock luncheon at King Fong's settled himself comfortably and program for Chanukah. This was!*" 1TJL day of October 1D35 Cara Corneer March 3, 1933. Jack London, reported the gift of this w e e k took a strong stand in Omaha this afternoon, and will then started to speak, slowly and so successful and so well filled a {2nd filed a petition in said County Court, Statement for October 1, 1935: Pubbe followed by a theater party. very seriously. "It was a b o u t great need in the field ot Jewish praying: that her final administration lished weekly at Omaha, Nebraska. $25.00 from A. Mazie, and theagainst those who have not heedaccount filed herein be settled and Editor. Frank Ackerman: publisher gift of ?10.00 from Mrs. William ed Reich Chancellor Hitler's ad- ; three years ago that—well—er— education that Immediately her j allowed", and owner, David Blacker: known and" that" she Among those who attended the Kantor. * monition to refrain f r o m antithat Jacqueline, that's Miss Hen- show was in great demand. At! from her trust as executrix and that stockholders, mort^rafcees and other a hearingwill be had on said peti-^.j security holders, holding- one per cent Jewish terrorist activities on their B'nai B'rith Yom Kippur dance in ri, you know, made me. Before Mr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg antion before said Court on the 26th | or more of bonds, mortgages and othpresent, Miss Henri has a reperSioux City, Io., Monday night own initiative. that I existed only In the hearts day of October 1935. and that if yon I er securities, none. nounce the engagement and aptoire of six Jewish festival shows fail to appear before said Court on fPijrned) DAVID BLACKER. proaching marriage of t h e i r "Whoever acts against t h e were Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gilin- and minds of many children. said 26th day of October 39S5 at Sworn to and subscribed before me sky, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Fr,ankel, which have been designed for the9theo'clock daughter, Mies Ida Greenberg, to A.M.. and contest said peti- this 1st rlay "How did she make you?" y of October. 1035. Succoth services will be held at State will be destroyed," Goebbels Miss Ethel Cohen, Miss Helen N FRANK R. Sol Fred Sett, son of Mr. and Mrs Mount Sinai Temple this evening declared, pointing out that t h e "Well,, she must have known purpose Of bringing to children in {tion, the- Court may grant the prayer Public. S ^ (Commission expiresNotary A. W. Sett of Correctionville, at 8 o'clock. Dr. Theodore N, Jewish question -would now beSteinberg, Mr. Joe Solomonow, me ever since she -was a little Jewslh community centers enter-|feii^p> ^ T ^ l L Z July 9. 193T.) Tows. Octoberl 22 has been t h e Lewis will speak on "Why thesolved by t h e State. "Whoever and Mr. Albert Fox, all of Coun- girl. When she grew up, she be-tainment which Is modern, edu-! further orders. _ ^allowances and decil Bluffs. date set for the wedding. cational, amusing and entirely ! crees, as to this Court may seem Booth Survives." A succah h a s now, after the l a w s governing came a puppeteer and one day i proper, to the end that all matters . i she was working with her pup-suitable to them. It is h e r a m - ' pertaininK to said estate may be ficMiss Greenberg is a graduate been erected in the Temple, and Jews have been enacted at Nurl t is n e r am P determined. settle& anrt emberg, commences excesses on Mrs.. Sam Rosenthal, who reof Central High School and at has been decorated by the Temple pets, she remembered me. And bition to create enough puppets BRYCE CRAWFORD. tended the Columbia College of Sisterhood under the direction of his own initiative will be consid- cently underwent an operation at there I was!". 10-4-S5-3t County Judge. and write and produce enough ered as acting against the State, the Evangelical Covenant hospital Expression in Chicago. Mr. SetMrs. E. E. Baron. "As if by magic!" I exclaimed. plays to bring to life as much of he said, "and will be called to ac- in Omaha, Is now convalescing at is a graduate of the University BEN E. KAZLOWSKY, Atty. "Oh no. I was rather a lot 532 Insurance Bldg., City count by the State." of Pittsburgh:! and a member o her home at 1730 Third Avenue. of trouble. First she modelled my Jewish history as can be interpreted in this delightful manner. the Phi Epsildn PI fraternity. Goebbels was careful, however, In the County Court of Doug-las (Copyright. 1935, by Seven Arts Morris Rodin returned home head—of course, I don't rememThe red letter day of the A.to emphasize that this admonition County, Nebraska. Feature Syndicate) ber ms far back as that, but JacIn the Matter of the Estate of Fannie | Tuesday, after spending the Yom Newcomers !to Sioux C i t y in- Z. A. "calendar is set for October had no bearing on the/antl-JewHorwich, Deceased. I clude five families who have mov- 27, and the entire local "A. Z. A.ish boycott, which remains a le- Kippur week-end visiting rela- queline told me about it. When To the helrs-at-law, creditors, and 1 all other persons interested in said ed here recently and have already chapter is enthusiastically pre- gitimate instrument for every tives and friends in Sioux City, la. my head was finished, Jacqueline gave me a long beard and wig estate: taken an active interest In thepared to work to make the forth- Nazi, he said. You' are hereby notified that a petiJewish community. tion has been filed in this court on coming International A.'Z. A. Day In similar vein, the Nazi press The Council Bluffs Agudas made of the softest, silkiest white wool. She combs them for me, the 24th day of September. 1935. by Achim society will hold a regular . Mr. and Mrs. Milton. Commer the finest and-most elaborate af- made clear that the Nuremberg Chicago (JTA)-—What is be- Belle Horwich alleging that Fannie and son, Richard, who is six years fair of the season, according to laws must be understood as ap-meeting next Thursday evening, too, everytime • we go out. Then lieved to be the lirst murals on Horwich died on the 20th day of Apold, came to Sioux City from St the chapter president, Sam Sad-plying also to the field of econ- October 17, at 8:30 o'clock at the she made my body and "wonder- record ordered tor an orthodox S ^ ^ t intestate; time r S V ^ that ^ V at ^ athe n T f ful black velvet coat and a beau- synagogue are being shown here. [ Douglas County, JNejt>rasfc;.a_>J.a.IK|_J:hat . . Louis, and are residing in t h i off. A three day celebration, pack- omics. "Each German must con- Eagles hall. was possessed of an undivided intiful tallls for going to schule. They were commissioned by RabJ>arkview Apartments. ed with thrills and action is in sider it his duty to free himself b she terest in and to the following desMr. .and Mrs. S a m Burwit store for the entire Jewish com- economically from the Jews," the Miss Helen Steinberg spent the Finally she let me look at my-bi Elias Gamze of the Leep Or- cribed real estate, to-wit: Lot Five (5), in Block SeventyYom Kippur holiday in Sioux self in the mirror and there I thodox Synagogue and painted in nave zdbved h e r e from Omaha munity. press declares. (74), South Omaha, an adwas — just as I always felt I true fresco by A. Raymond Katz, four Nebraska. A son, Bob Burwitz Further details will be an dition to the City of Omaha, now In a number of cities, "Aryan" City, la. Omaha, Douglas County, NebrasIs attending Central High School nounced in a forthcoming issue employes of Jewish shops h a v e should look." a Hungarian-born Jew. ka, as surveyed, platted and re"But where are your strings?" There are ten murals depicting Mr. Joe Edward Solomonow reand their, daughter Sally has en- of The Jewish Press. corded. been ordered to report the names That said petitioner has an intertered Hunt School. "How l o n g do you think I the Ten Commandments. Hebrew of all non-Jewish customers. Anti- turned' after visiting in Sioux est in Raid real estate being an heir Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. SchwartzJewish placards urging strength- City, where he was the guest of would last if someone was always letters are used as motifs. Among of said deceased, said petitioner prays man and 16-month-old daughter, TO ADDRESS LIBRARIANS ening of the boycott agr.inst Jews his fiancee, Miss Frances Jacob- tugging at me. You know I amthose who have visited the syna- that a hearing be had on said petithat notice thereof be given as Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz h a s are now conspicuously visible not sen. Susan Jean, came to Sioux City an old man and . . . . gogue to see the murals are Gov-tion, required by law, and that upon said been invited to address a meeting from Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. Miss Henri interrupted: "We ernor Henry Horner and Al Jol-hearing a decree of heirship be enonly in the provinces but in the tered and further administration of Mr. and Mrs: Morris Grossman all know you have your bad son, Ben Bernie, Sophie Tucker said Schwartzman i s district manage of the Librarian's Convention to center of Berlin's most popular estate be dispensed with. be held in the Warrior Hotel toand daughters were guests of of t h e Equitable Life of N e w and Jack Pearl. days." , You are therefore ' notified that a thoroughfares. day. Rabbi Rabinowitz will speak hearing will be had Son said petition York. . Reb Motel looked at her reThe synagogues in Hoheinade relatives in Lincoln, Neb., -where at the County Court Room of sair" this afternoon on "The Jew in they attended services. Mr. and'Mrs. Sol Novitsky and County on the 26th day of Octobe sentfully for a moment and then Boycott Parley Pfaltz, was sold for 000 marks 1935, at 9 o'clock A.M.. and that i daughters, Lois and Gloria, are Modern Literature." they both laughed. • "No strings, to an "Aryan" who will remodel vou fail to appear at said time and New York—Several hundred former residents of Omaha. Mrs place and contest the said petition, the building and convert it into a Propaganda Minister Goebbels, in no Sir," he went on, "someone delegates representing Jewish and Court may grant the same, en-Novitsky was!prominent in t h eFORMER SIOUX CITY AN DIES private residence. The synagogue printing the item, utilizes the ocAIC-S&IMEH CfiLESEUH just puts me.on the hand and I non-Jewish organizations from all the ter a decree of heirship, and decree -Hadassah -work of that city. that further administration of said Word has been received here o was deserted when • the entire casion for a strong anti-Jewish come to life. Would you like to parts of the country interested in estsvte be dispensed with. Mr. and Mrs. S. ."3. Gelfand an< the death of Mrs. A. Rudin, in Jewish population was forced to attack. try?" the prosecution of the anti-Nazi BRYCE CRAWFORD. 'children lived in South Dakot Los Angeles, California. Mrs. leave the town because of t h e Reticently, I consented. I putboycott are expected to attend a 10-4-35-st County Judge. before cominjg to Sioux City. Rudin w a s a resident of Sioux anti-Jewish boycott. him on and there he-was just as national boycott conference called 7' and 'Mine* Oatmodes Edith Is 8 years old. Miriam is 4 City for a number of years before Two Jews, Sigmund Bartmann Toronto, Ont.—-The pronouns live as could be, but I'm sure he to meet in New York City on Noand'a_ son* Jay, Is 9.months. moving to California ten year and his father, of Hener, In "I" and "mine" are disappearing had a very bad-day after that. I vember 10 and 11 by the Nonago. Westphalia, were arrested on thefrom the vocabulary o*. the Pales- think I barely heard a sigh of Sectarian Anti-Nazi League. Mrs. M. Shiloff will depar Surviving are the widower; two charge that they attacked a sol-tine Jews, so perfect is their so- relief as Miss Henri put him back The object oi t h e conference, next -week: f o*1 Los Angeles wher sons, Harry a n d Ed Rubin, •:,••• .....Funerals To;.£tt A dier and beat him up severely, the cialistic self-abnegation, Rabbi on her hand. Reb Motel Is very the second of its kind, is to take Bhe will vlflitjwith relatives. Sh daughter Minnie, a n d a sister Voelkischer Beobachter reports. polite. measures to intensify and expand c HArncy 1226 ' Fs Maurice N. Eisendrath reported to will.be accompanied by her grand Mrs. M. Shiloff of Sioux City. The paper, personal organ of the Canadian Jewish Congress. "You haven't told Miss Seely. the boycott. "



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