Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
n the Interests ef fK« JevisTb. People
Entered a s Second Clzusa Mail Matter on January 21. 1921. at
Postofflc or Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March J. 1879
18; 1935
VOL. XI—NO. 35.
SAYS. MOSLEYfilf^ f ^ G i v o t to Be
^ N . B.C. Next Saturday
"Despite no synagogue, no or- Weinstein, an American Jew who George Givot, former Omahan, ganized Community Center, and is stationed there with the United will be guest artist with the Shell Nazi Begime in Reich Fashes only one representative . Jewish States army Jewish Welfare bu- English Fascist Ex-Lieatensnt Chateau hour over the N. B. C. organization, the two hundred reau. Economic Liquidation network coming over WOW SatDeclares Movement In members of the Jewish comDuring the lesser holidays of urday evening from 8:SO t o 9:30. Policy Britain Decaying: munity of Honolulu live practic- the year Mr. Weinstein, who is a Mr. Givot recently completed Berlin (WNS)—Under the im-ally the same normal Jewish life student of the Talmud, conducts New York (WNS)—That t h e • t h e Picture, "Paddy O'Day," starpetus of an openly-expressed as we Jews in American cities," the servjees and performs all the Fascist movement in England led \ ring_the child star, Jane Withers. Registration Open for this picture he plays the part j boast that Germany "will be rid of according to Mrs. S. J. Wallen, functions of the religious leader by Sir Oswald Mosley is rapidly j all her Jews -within five years, a who is visiting her brother-in-law of the average American small- decaying and is no longer a polit- j of a Russian cafe owner. Mr. j new campaign has been started to and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Sam J. sized community. ical factor to be reckoned w i t h ! Givot also appeared with Jean j The B'nai B'rith is the only primarily because of its anti-Sem- j Harlow and Spencer Tracy in \ make t h e economic liquidation of <eon. Rabbi Kenneth Zwerin of San representative organized Jewish itic policy is the opinion, expressed | "Riff-Raff," an MGM production the Jews a s complete as is their Registrations are still open political, professional and social Francisco, Cal., was imported to group in the city. It maintains a by Edward York, once Mosley's which will be released on or about! for the junior dancing and degradation. The keynote of the officiate at their High Holiday free loan society through which representative to the British pos- j December 15. dramatic classes at the Center. ' Preliminary registration for new drive was sounded by Prof. services. A large hall was rented the Jewish people can get finan- sessions in America, in a letter to I Annette Ricklin Silverman is Heinrica Hunke, business mana- and properly arranged so that it cial assistance so that they can the New York Herald-Tribune, j j the College of Jewssli Siudie8 *.$.• the Center dancing instructor, ger of t h e German Advertising would serve as the synagogue dur- continue in business and not be . Describing the party as in a and Helen Merritt is the CenPrinted below is ih<? curricu Council, in the influential period- ing the holidays. The Torahs forced to become dependent upon state of "extreme decay," York j ter dramatic instructor. lam of the College of Jewish | i a teener year for tTifthe city charities. and other religious paraphernalia ical "German Economy." writes: "Apart from minor disStudies, with t h e faculty mem- institute. These classes are open to all necessary for the complete synaB'nai B'rith serves the Jewry cussions in the various branches ber teaching each subject. The children between the ages of Without mincing words Hunke gogue service were donated to the Classes v/ill stert MoiKlgv pruin many ways and can be com- and many incidents of dishonesty, The amount contributed to the 5-14. Register now. College will start Jlonflay «>ve» declared "we cannot permit the use of the community by Israel ning, Octbocr 28, and will frf agencies pared to philanthropies Beth-El campaign for funds for a the main reason for the decline ning, October 28, and registraexistence of an economic basis of which exist in many of the smaller of the party is that, despite orig- synagogue building at 49th and hsW. every Monday tions are being taken uovr. power from which attempts may American cities. It is recognized inal protestations to the contrary, Farnam streets had climbed to be made t o win. influence over the BIOXBAT: S: 15-8:00 p. m. flay fvcnlcg. Tve- s as the spokesman of and as-the the policy of the British Union of 131,483.33 by the report meeting life of our people. Nobody can exHebrew—writ-toil a n f l con- be held each of these representative body of the Hono- Fascists has • followed too closely of workers held at the J. C. C. pect us as National Socialists to versational (A. Katz}. —one from 8:15 to P p.m. »n£ lulu Jewry. the ideals of t h e Nazis and Fas-Tuesday evening. buy from a Jew, nor can we acHistory I—General Surrey the other from P:10 to ??'>> jp-roTwo more meetings for workers Because of the little need for cisti of Germany a n d Italy. knowledge a Jew as a leader of of Jewish History (Kabirf DavThe subjects to be taught inan established charity, the few Whether or not the systems of in the drive will -be held at the our enterprise. In olden times the id Wire). clude: Center—Wednesday evening, Oeindividual cases that occur durthese two organizations are suit'.• lirst symbol of the victory of a History HI—tFeTrisls. PersonHebrew, written find convf1?*people was t h e liberation of its Mrs. L. Neveleff was signally • alities (Rabbi F r e d e r i c k A meeting of the executive ing the.year are handled by the able for the countries in question tobr 23, and Sunday morning, October 27. various Jewish people to whom is beside the point . . . In the ca»->e sational; Jewish history; Jewracial comrades from alien servi- committee of the "Western Mizhonored at the annual meeting ' Cohji). _ _ _ _ _ Britain,' however, it is j Campaign leaders expect the and Succoth tea of the Biktir j ish literature; Bible, Yiddish; tude. I t is equally obvious that rachi Zionist Region will be held the need is expressed. Whenever of Great Juitersttire IV—Modern' Jewriiilosophy. definitely unsuited" I referi of i total for this yearns campaign to Cholim held last Monday at the ! ish Renaissance (Rabbi David German men. cannot acknowledge in Omaha on Sunday morning, it cannot be sufficiently~8ared for in this manner, a committee from Oo t h e faculty are: A. Ksi^, _ ;<eome close to $40,000. a Jew as their business chief. If, October 27, at 9 p. m. B t t i Jewish Community Center. • Goldstein). the B'nai B'rith. sees that the per- course, to the anti-Jewish Rabbi David Wice, Rabbi Tvcdbeyond that, the Jewish problem Mrs. Xeveleff has just com-! The western MizrachI Zionist son never has to apply to the city tude in the one case and the ac- Actual construction will begin MONDAY: P:1O-P:55 p. m, crick Colin, Rabbi David A. GoUiis acknowledged in t h e profes- Region is composed of the followtive, or rather, rampart, imperial- as soon as the synagogue has pleted twelve successive years as j Hebrew (A. Katz). stein, Judah Wolfpon, Mrs. .. sions alid not merely in the news- ing states: Nebraska, Iowa, Min- charity for aid. ism.on the other. The continued'! r a i s e d 550,000 in cash. This, ac- president of the Bikur Cholim so- j Bible I—Introduction to the Stacilan, I. Morgenstern, EP.VIJK "Perhaps the extremely warm strength of Great Britain depends ! c o r d l D 5 to indications, will be ciety, whose membership visit the ! paper and" film branches, for nesota, Colorado, Missouri, Okla| j Harold " Berger and r a n i GoWt.climate would not be conductive almost entirely upon her good rewhich cultural aims are decisive, homa, Kansas, Tennessee. ^ cam- ill and bring cheer to the sick • Bible (Rabbi Davifi 'Wice). Literature V—Gtems S r p m j blatt. to most of the activities that are lations with the outside empire. paign, which will be held at the room. Monday the organization j then the Jewish problem must he Rabbi Uri. Miller, now of New sponsored by American Jewry for acknowledged for all business." expressed its appreciation to Mrs. j t h f Talmud. (Rabbi David j Dr. riiilip Slier is president rC When I joined the party in 1933time of the high holydays. j the college. William Wolfe iu This new but by no means un- Qrleaits, La., and formerly spirit- their - respective communities, be- the anti-Jewish problem was prac-., Neveleff for her service and pre- ! Goldstein). j vice-president, and Sal Michr.j.-k expected development has caused ual leader of the Vaad Ha'Ihr of cause the greater part of the lives tically non-existent, and the polsented her' with several bouquets. THURSDAY: S:I5-0:00 p. ! secretary-treasurer, panic-stricken J e w i s h business Omaha, is president of the region. of the people in Honolulu are icy as then enunciated was one ES. Close to five hundred women Other officers of the region: spent out of doors basking in the men to flood the newspapers with attended the affair. The annual Hebrew — Elementary a is fi ! Members of the board of dh-p-~-Rabbi Manuel Laderman, Den- glories of nature," stated Mrs. which appealed to many thinking advertisements offering their busmen. The movement grew almost [reports and hospital summation Advanced (Jndali IVolfson and | tors of the college this year Jrjclnde: William Holsmsn, I> , inesses and clienteles for sale at ver, vice-president; I. Grodsky, Wallen. miraculously, and last summer it i were read, and an elaborate pro- Sirs. I, Stadlan). St. Louis, second vice-president; I Philip Pher, Sal Michnick, Tvi-sacrificial prices. was no exaggeration to say that a gram presented. Cantor E. Sellz Yiddish — Elementary a n d . Elihn Bloch, Omaha, secretary; I Ham Wolf, Franlc Ac/kerTnsr,. Black Shirt majority could be exrendered a group of Jewish songs, Advanced (I. Morgenstern). Virtually every paper is full of Nathan Wilfson,.. Omaha, treasThe Omaha chapter of Hadas- and a Succoth play was presented pected in 1936. Since then, howPhilosophy—My Philosophy I Ruth Allen, Sam, Beber. Rshfr ; notices announcing t h e sale of urer; Rabbi H. F . Epstein, St. is launching the most • amever, the decline has set in; the with Sylvan Frankel and Bess oi Judaism < Rabbi K. Berjcrer). ! Harold Berger, Rabbi Frederi.-iV businesses because of "special cir- Louis, honorary president; Rabbi ;'Colic, F a « 3 Golclblatt, liahh. | bitious membership campaign in Goldware in the leads. Addresses official utterances have become cumstances," a euphonious phrase H. Zeitchik; Des Moines, honorTHURSDAY: ©:10-£:55 p . \ David A. Goldstein, Aaron Ks.;.;,, j its history as part "of a national more and more anti-Jewish, fangiven by Rabbis Karcld " the meaning of which is known to ary vice-president, and Rabbi I. L na. 11. Morgenstern. Mrs. I. SiacUim. atical in "the extreme and "less and | two-year plan of membership en- j jje'rger'and >V W d m a n " everyone. Jews who still manage Levin, St. Joseph, honorary secHebrew—Advanced (.Tadsli {Rabbi David Wice nn$ Jsuit.1.rollinent to be participated in by less - constructive. To sum up to hold on to their establishments ond vice-president. •;' •-.•...,-, IVolXson smd Mrs. I. StaSiEn). ! Wolf son. Washington " (WNS)—-Despite then, a Black shirt movement T i e of the 300 Hadassah chapters. often find themselves excluded Yiddish H—Yiddish litera- j The college was founded ISKS. with a policy wheih has pointed I intensive drive, which-is to desperate last minute efforts by from their operation and manageture (I. Morg'eissteni). continue until November .2 6, is to I ' year ty Dr. Slier, Dr. Carl -^titter,:.head of JJiejeeon- r.eligioQi_bias.and a hinted color- ! t i e until November 26 is to -•• tnent. ;In.jcases where Jews have Literature H-—-lewisb be the opening gun of the twoj J omic division of the German fored bias would disrupt the empire been unable t o dispose of their for (Rabbi E . Berger). eign Office, to avoid it, Germany! a t once, quicker t h a n anvthing 1 3 * ear plan, the termination of j - property in Germany they -are- of! From the preliminary enroiVHistory V—A Surrey o mark the twenty-fifth which - fering to exchange them.for propwas officially placed on the black j else, perhaps, than Communism." !anniversary of Hadassah. i ment figures, it is expected t.Jis.;. Arrangements have, been corn- ish Social Service in list of the United States so far as! erty abroad. niMrs. Joe Goldware, president of! pleted for the address by Dr. : over two hundred will sign for iiis(Paul Goltiblatt).Tickets were issued this week trade is concerned when the State j I various courses. In the smaller towns the situUhe chapter, has appointed a large j Abram L. Sachar,' to be given at. ation is far worse than in the ur- for the series of lectures that Department announced that, be\ All those who complete B fvri membership committee with Mrs.'the Jewish Community Center ban, areas. Thousands of Jews are Edward G. Steinmetz, jr., direc- ginning October 15 Customs col{Tear course will t>p presented vrtiV. ! Phineas Wintroub as chairman, i Sunday, October 27. The address : ? actually facing starvation in the tor of the Community Playhouse, lectors in a l l p o r t s collect t h e a 'diploma. An effort, je b?ini The committee is comprised of i is under the sponsorship of the ; provincial centers- because their will give with the Sisterhood of highest duties on about 100 armade to have the courses at tb^ tne ticles imported from Germany. A tea l o r . committee members i folio-wing: Mrs. Loais Al-JBeth El Men's club. business is being boycotted a n d Temple Israel as sponsors. j college riven university credif. Dr. Sackar, •who is uational dij " This commercial penalty, which of the Jewish National Fund fcox berts, Mrs, Jack Bramson, Mrs. " ' ^ * His first talk in the series on Aryan shops refuse to deal with ! The classes are open to 11; r "The Best Plays," will be given aids the "boycott, toy placing Ger- collection -will be held a t the home *• Hurvitz, Mrs. Peter Greenberg, rector o£ tfee Hillel Toundatjons j afiult Jewish community. A Don-- them. Sam F Freed, Mrs. Phili Philip o* the B'nai B'ritli, is EStionallyd M Wednesday, October 30, at 10:30 man articles at a great competi- of Mrs. Louis Alberts Tuesday, jj M The Men's Club of t h e Vaad {inal 'enrollment lee of one doiis.: a. m., a t the Blackstone hotel, tive disadvantage where similar October 22, from 2 until 5 jj Klutznlck, Mrs. Mart PolonsSy, noted as a historian'and lecturer. opens its 183i i-SG season ol activ- is being, charged for -each coursfe* Z. 'Bernstein, Meyer j Capacity crowds attended his and will be continued each week articles from other countries come o'clock. Anyone interested in the jI I^ i Mrs. M M meeting to be but there will be HI general reginto the United States, was Imwork Is cordially invited to at-j Stern, Mrs. J. Shapiro, Mrs. Sain j at that same time. istration charge. Greenberg, Mrs. Mas Davis, Mrs.and i over six hundred are' expected tober £4, at the B'nai Israel SynaCommittee chairmen are the posed because of Germany's flag- tend. William Wolfe a n & Sal Mi--*Rabbi David A. Goldstein will Henry Solig and Mrs. Sidney to hear him this engagement. following: Mesdames Leo Chaik- rant and persistent financial and gogue club rooms, 18th and Chi-nick are serving ae the enrolAfter completing his studies at cago streets. Katelman. en, tickets; Ben Shapiro, pub- commercial discrimination against give a talk. ment committee, with Sal Mich"We "want to reach a nigh peat Harvard and receiving his master ] At this meeting, Rabbi Harold nick as registrar. The collection of blue boxes The Round Table of Jewish licity; Robert Rosen thai, posters; this country. degree there, he 'went to CamThe imposition of this penalty •will begin Sunday, October 27. in our membership in celebration A. Berger •will be formally preYouth will begin this year's pro- M. . L. Cohn, clubs. Ticket sale Those wishing to join may sJ^r, England, -where he re-: sented to the men's club as the gram with a Simchath Torah Get- chairmen are the Mesdames Harry coincided with an announcement Anyone having a box is asked to of tbe silver jubilee of Hafiassah, bridge, up at the Jewish Community CPRceived his Ph. D. degree in Eng-' Rosenthal,, that Germany had ratified t h e have it ready for collection when which will be marked in the new spiritual leader o£ the Yaad. ter office or else fill in and inuii Together dance on Sunday eve- Rosenfeld, Robert spring of 1937. Hadassah main- Iish history. ning-, October 20, a t the Jewish Izy Rosenthal, M. L. Cohn, Sam German-American treaty of com- committee members call. j and he will respond with an after- this enrollment blank. He has appeared on the lecture dinner speech. In addition, vocal Those who have no boxes but j tains a medical and health system Community Center a t 9:30 p. m. Josephson. Milton Abahams and merce, friendship and consular i platform of almost every sizeable &nd musical entertainment is bein Palestine for all creeds. The Bernhardt Wolfrights, which had previously been would like to obtain one may do j Enrollment. This dance is for members of the community in tee country and has ing planned by Henry Alagz&mln, College ei Jewish Studies refugees that have been pouring The following committee has'jratified by the United States Sen- so by calling Mrs. Alberts or Mrs. Round Table and admission is by into Palestine in the last few contributed to the pages of the chairman of the program commit- Jewish Community Center I. Dansky. •presentation ot special invitation. been named as assistants: Mes- ate. years have come to Hadassah for Nation, New Republic, Opinion tee. The new treaty, replacing the Omaha, Nebr. No stags will be permitted at the dames Sam Appleman, Louis advice and treatment in an effort and Menorah magazines. dance. Blotcky, Paul Blotcky, Ben Brod- 1925 pact, continues the o l d Postponement of Date fur Dinner vrill be served by a com- Please enroll roe for the folto protect their health in a counbut minus the latter's very mittee of the Ladies' Auxiliary, lowing courses: Sunday evening's dance will be key, Julius Solomon, - Sanders treaty Slier Torah Presentation try of such vastly different cli- ^'££DI£ GUILD BAZAAR important most-favored-n a t i o n Steinbach, Nathan Mantel, Harry headed by Mrs. A. ScbvaczMn, »t the first of six big social functions Mrs. Herman Franklin of 3311mate from those they left. Soon " The omission of t h i s fifty cents per plate. AH men fire to be sponsored by the Round Malashock, Abe Somberg, A. A. clause. AT 1. C. C. NEXT MONTH clause forces German exporters to Q street, announced that the date Hadassah is to erect a medical ; invited, and may make reservaTable.. The other five dances Greenberg, Ronald Gladstone. pay the full Smoot-Hawley tariff of her presentation of a Sefer center •where medical research The Xeedle Guild "will hold i t s i t i T O F 8 t t h e Eyriagrogue office, JA. Thursday Others assisting a r e : Meswill follow the Round Table on all articles on which con- Torah to the Congregation of Is- under renowned specialists "will annual bazaar at the Jewish Com-! 0 8 S 7 - or at Dave's Clothes Shop, forums, to be held each month on dames Alfred Mayer, Louis Lipp, rates cessions as high as 50 per cent rael of South Omaha has been be conducted," Mrs. Wintroub Harry Rubinstein, B. T. Friedthe dates of November 24, Demunity Center on Monday and j •"•^* have been granted to exporters of postponed until Sunday, Novem- said. RABBi cember 22, January 5, February man, Henry Newman, Herman countries with Tuesday, Xovember 4 and S. I A number of new activities to ber 17, at 3 p. m. which the United Jahr, Joseph Weinberg, Louis be sponsored by the Men's Club CVRR TOPIC COURSE 9 and March 15. Mrs. B. A. Simon, chairman of ! The presentation was originally Kuh, E. I. Rubin, Richard Ein- States had reciprocal agreements will be discussed at the Thursday the Jewish Federation Division of | The College Club orchestra will stein, Joe Krasne, Jack Farber, or most-favored-nation pacts. scheduled for Sunday, October 27, Anti-Semites Face Trial g. A study and discussion Frederick Colin of Tembe featured, with Ann Nieman as Lawrence Gross, Louis Kulakofat 6 p. m., but a conflict in dates Montreal—Seven youthful anti- the Needle Guild and the Worn- j is being organized. ple Israel is again tv contlnct :iif en's division of the Jewish Comj soloist, at Sunday evening's af Bky, Julius Newman. made the postponement neces- Semites are awaiting trial her© on j Current Tor>?c cowrse under tin? SISTERHOOD BIBLE CLASS sary. Everyone is Invited to at- charges of having posted anti- munity Center and Welfare Fed- j fair and the subsequent dances. j Tem.ple Iprafll Sisterhood sponsorAlso assisting win be the Meseration, who are assisting in the | tend. Refreshments will be served, Jewish signs in the Jewish disTO MEET NEXT MONTH ; Khip, pnd hi? fir!"* lecture will b^ dames Jack Marer, Julius Abrawork of the Guild' this year, Ere and a program will be presented. trict of Montreal. i given at tlie Dlackstone fi.ot^ hamson, Morris Jacobs, Charles anxious to have the exhibit of The Temple Israel Sisterhood j Tuesday, October 2", fit lOiFP Schimmel, Julius Rosenfeld, Leon Bible class, conducted by Rabbi their group the outstanding one Fellman, Jack Cohen, Maurice David Wice, will hold its first and anyone interested in assisting Jerusalem (J T A) — Approved i c'cloclj, Pepper, Isidor Ziegler and the meeting at the home of Mrs. Sam the "work of this organization may by the Palestine GoTerrcment, the Discussing the most pertin«?r:J. Misses Hazel Degen a n d " Helen Berkowitz, 130 No. 34 street, call Mrs. Sisnoa. Hebrew University is now prepar- subject oi the day. Dr. Cohn is t-e> Merritt. " ' .'.-••. ing' to proceed with its program speak on "The Tuesday, November 5, at 1 p. m. - j War." rs. Sam Gilinpfcy is in. of expansion, including the con Those intending to attend this . New York (WNS)—The Soviet Enter Ps stracticn of t h e Rosenbloom chsrg-e of ticket PRIPB, There wli; series of twelve lectures is asked A branch of t h e Talmud Tor- j i£ the branch is started it will be Government is ready and willing OPEN MEETING TO BE be 10 lecturer, in the course ftni: to communicate with Mrs. Berko- a h trill b e opened in-Dtsadee, if; housed at 49th and Dodge. First Nine Month* iB u l W i t j s for tbeTacuitj- of H.H- each to cooperate to the fullest extent will pprtpm to PT? event r>r witz, HA 745«.v SPONSORED BY RE-IM Katz, principal of the TalIn settling foreign a n d Russian • menlties, Earned after the Jfte Sol there is sufficient demand from j Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen\ Torali, reminds the Jewish Jews in Biro-Bidjan, the AmeriThe Re-Im club win sponsor an FittsburgE t&e Jewish parents in that lo-i public that registration for the j cy)—The largest Jewish immi-;. j it was EnEGEDccd Cohn here. can Committee for the Settlement open meeting at the Omaha He- 'BROTHERHOOD NIGHT" •eality. t j Talmud Torah is being held a t ' gration into Palestine,. in history j Other builaings to be erected Conducted .bi-monthly, the l of Jews in Biro Bidjan was In- brew clubrooms of- the Jewish AT TEMPLE OCTOBER 29 At the last meeting of the jthe present time b a t will close! " ^ s recorded here for the first. I are the Students" Dormitory, the turee will be given each eeco formed by the delegates it sent to Community Center on Tuesday board of governors of the City shortly. He urges every Jevlsi. nine months of l$Zo, when over j Institutes for Climatology end End. lonrtfe Titepclay morning Russia to confer with the Soviet evening, October. 29. the month. The Temple Israel Men's rally Talmud Torah, a committee iras j parent who has children of school | 47.C00 JewiEa settlers entered t h e Science, the University offices authorities. The public is invited to attend. and brotherhood night, will .be appointed to study the possibility ether buildings. age to enroll them in the classes, j country, according to & report of {various Miles Sherover, president of held Tuesday, October 29, in the"of such an auxiliary to the classes t h e Immigration Department ofj They are all to be located on t h e Soviet-American Securities vestry rooms of the Temple. A conducted; at the Jewish Comthe Jewish. Agency for Palestine.; HJouut Scopus, site of the Univcr- lc*d m Millmm Corporation, a n d J. M. Budish, Youth Lashed For Picketing buffet supper will be served at munity Center. This committee, London—A millibn-dollar tup» The total f o r this period is |Eity, The bulk of the funds for Jerusalem—Picketing a Jewish 6:30. The election of officers which is to report to the execuwho have just returned from Rusgreater by 5,000 than the immi-j the new buildings wilt, it is ex- cuest to t h e town ot Maniswu sia, told the Committee that 4,000 shop selling German goods drew will take place? Cards will be tive committee of the Talmud gration for the whole of 1834.peeled, come f r o m American Turkey, by e- Jewisfe native Jews from' abroad were settled at a sentence of twelve lashes on the played after the election. All Torah, favors the project. etnigre.ted ag a poor For the month c£ September, the donors. Harry-DuBoff "sr&s elected presBiro Bidjan this year and that hack for Zfi Safra, a seventeen- men of the Temple. are urged to ica and. made a fortune Is deserts _ According: t o . Max M. Barish,} ident of tbe Men's Club of the • immigration was in escess of this number will be-substantially year-old Jewish youth. attend. ed by the Istanbul correspondent president of the Talmud Torah, Beth E l Synagogue at the last! 6,000, or more than 1,500 above! increased each year from now on. In rendering verdict. Magisin the current tesne of Great, Br?rthe branch will open only when j meeting, held "Wednesday, Octob-jthe record for the previous month! trate Bodilly declared he was imand if the Jewish residents in ji er 9, at t h e Jewisli Community j of August. If COUMCIL BLUFFSasc and-the East (formerly Kant the sentence "because the Oppose Ghetto Lmss East s»d India,) Dundee will respond in sufficient | Center. Postpone Legislative Council posing Immigration f o r September defendant is aping those ^pressing \ -'"P r a h a—A strong resolution number to warrant the opening, Edward D. Brodkey vr&s elected j through the ports of Jaffa .. Tbe Sev,-, irtio was & anted J3R1;~ a a d j Bablsi Frederick Cohn will ! Jerusalem-—Creation of t h e t h e anti-Jewish boycott in Ger- against the Nuremberg anti-Jewasfcs that,those desiring such I vice-president and Hy Shrier was | Haifa totalled 5,86' i speak at the Broadway Methodiet kenael. left the money for t h * proposed Legislative Council will many. He is thus • hairming the ish laws was adopted here by the He should inform A. Katz, j selected as "secretary-treasurer. •• -With- the - tourists authorized -to]church in Council Bluffs Monday erection % u. d maintenance ot * be postponed until t h e present in- Jewish people by spoiling wsrld conference of the • German Demo- a-move Talmud Torah principal. Plans are feiug formulated fo?! remain anfi the legal isusigrssts f evesteg, October 21, at S p, in. hospital. Since 3t. was built, ternational situation will be clar- sympathy for t h e snfferers in cratic ; Freedom Party under the Negotiations for quarters for j the raost sctive season in tSe'.tis-j who entered through other fron-]He win review Rachel Field's persons have bees treated i ified, the Arab press here, reports. Germany." chairmanship 'of Senator Kostka. the branch have been started, and Uory of the group. 'tiers, the number topped 6,000. • novel, "Time Out of Mind."
ffered To
i Pledges'Grow to Over $30,000
Mizrachi Zionist Regional Meeting Is Planned Here
Group Honors
Hadassah Plans
United States Puts Reich On Trade Blacklist
TeaforJ.N.F. Box
Ien s II
Ready for Settling of Foreign Jews
Talmud Torah Branch May Open in Dundee
Omah manans-:Thanks for your contributions. The more; items that come into the office, the easier it will be to continue: tills column' as is popularly demanded. Your co-operation Is needed for the continuance of this feature.—Editor.
handsome?—The first meetingluncheon of Temple Israel Sisterhood was so well attended last Monday, that there was a shortage of food. This is a good omen, and It is hoped that this spirit and enthusiasm prevails throughout the year—.
was marked up to five clams or in plain talk, that many smackers, many from the upper strats of Jewry were in attendance. There i3 no couvert charge, regularly, and the minimum is one dollar. You are certain to see the socially listed among the regular patrons o£ this beautiful club—One of these days we are going to pen about a group of "Jews in name only," who do Jewry a great deal of harm by.the manner in which they conduct themselves and their businesses—The Alpha Pi Tau is well represented on the Round Table of Jewish youth, as both the president, Loyal Kaplan, and the secretary, Ernie Nogg, are members of the frat—Congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. M. I. GorCHATTY CHIPS don upon celebrating their twenAlthough the couvert charge ty-third wedding anniversary, for the opening of the elite ren- Tuesday, October 15—. dezvous, the Club New Yorker, heavy loss on the Nebr. g a m e Is it true that one of our elderly wealthy merchant civic leadiers is contemplating "the ties that bind" in the near future? Pep Bogdonoff, Is Novak and Leonard Seiner are working out on the gyin floor regularly with an eye for the championship basketball team—Rose Billio Tolle is blossoming out as one of the most popular among our younger set. Possibly her looks and dancing have something to do with this —The Rosenfeld reception at Council Bluffs for the Leo Ungers, newlyweds, was one of * the finest in these parts.
THE COIiLEGE OF JEWISH BITS STUDIES Temple Israel Sisterhood is The College of Jewish Studies presenting an interesting series begins its season Monday, Octo- of ten lectures b y . Edward ber 28. Last year eleven sub- Stelnmetz, jr., new director of jects were1 taught to approximate- the Community Playhouse— ly two hundred students. Dr. The first lecture will be on Philip Sher, president of the October SO. For tickets or infaculty end founder of the col- formation call Mrs. Leo Chaiklege, is very enthusiastic over the eri, WA 5031—Mrs. Jack Cohn, number of persons who have al- whose family recently moved ready registered this year and he here from St. Louis, is already again hopes to have" capacity demonstrating her executive classes. The par excellence of ability by organizing an artthe courses should be elements craft group for the Temple that shoul.d stimulate an enroll- Sisterhood. This will unment of not less than three hun- doubtedly prove a successful dred students. This institute of- project as it has in other cities fers the adult Jewry of Omaha a —Ronald Gladstones of the chance to further their knowledge Liquor company have .moved to SCOOPS It seems pretty much of a cerin the rich field of Judaism and the Austin apts.—Is it because tainty that the shidduch between to augment their Jewish educa- Max Cohn is wedding-shy that tion and prepare themselves to he refuses to "accompany our the American Palestine Commitkeep abreast with the status of local Jewish misses?—Oh, yes, tee and the Joint Distribution the Jew in the modern world. and after Dr". Brodkey caught a Committee will be off when the present agreement expires . . . Register now at the J. C. C. few football passes, some being That means that the APC and the low ones, _he remarked: "I JDC will have separate campaigns SCRIBBLDfGS • guess I'm 'Not so good' •'—. with, Dr. Stephen S. Wise the best Counselor Eddie Brodkey bet as national chairman of the delights his friends in telling TALMUD TORAH APC . . . So the United Jewish them of the quip in regard to Although Omaha ranks high in Appeal goes the way of the Allied the Rabbinical student putting the percentage of the ^number of Jewish Campaign . . . Just so you on T'villm—What well-known Jewish children enrolled in Tal- won't be .surprised we're telling member of Temple Israel was mud Torah, yet there are hunnow that the Friends of the highly embarrassed when a dreds of youngsters who have you New will officially go prominent ; premium seller's never had even a day's education out ofGermany business before the snow wife mistakenly sat on his lap in Judaism. flies . . . Dr. Schacht, Hitler's oneat a recent reception—A drunk Parents should be reprimanded brain-trust, is inviting Jewwho persisted in -sprinkling for being indifferent to their man ish business men from England, them with, water while they children's acquaintance with Jew- France, Czechoslovakia and even were dining at a popular eatrie ish -customs . and ceremonials. the United States to participate in last Friday p. m., . nearly They, are actually failing in their some Nazi deals . . . The response ••whetted" Judy Kaplan and duty towards their children by hasn't been enough to pay t h e his date, Hermine Hirschman,- being indifferent to their chil- postage on the invitations ... to a more exciting e v e n i n g - dren's need for a Jewish educaOne does not know the real en- tion. joyment of living until that A city Talmud Torah associa- MOUNT OLYMPUS person has had a good workout tion has been formed in which That little shindig at the recent and the proper exerdse fol- parents can lend their moral sup- meeting of the Metropolitan A. A. lowed by; a good slower. Join port in aiding to increase the U.'s convention between Jeremiah the Jewish Community Center number of students registering Mahoney, national A. A. TJ. chief, and enjoy health's treat—Even for the current semester. and lMajor Patrick Walsh, Goththough Frances Sort and Maram A. A. TJ. boss, which preventTa Cohn were managing nicely THE FIFTH WEDDING ed the Metropolitan A. A. U. from in getting their money's worth ANNIVERSARY endorsing an Olympic boycott, at the Food Show Monday This is one of the excellent really had its origin at last year's night, Marva won an expensive contributions sent in this week: national A. A. U. convention in lamp as a door prize—What Miami . . . Walsh, who wanted to petite and delightful K. X. is Congratulations are in line, "we be president, thinks Charles Ornthrilled in the presence of a stein, Jewish Welfare Board reptrust that you recall, tall, bespectacled Z. B. T.?— That Just five years ago today, resentative, wronged him by supMarion Scharf of C. B. and porting Mahoney, and Walsh took you took the fatal fall. Marvin Bookey of Des Molnes You're blessed with two small his revenge by preventing a vote will merge on Tuesday, Octokids. and before we all. gtow on Ornsteln'a anti-Olympic resolu•ber..-. 22—-Schiff-s-: delicatessen tion . . . Incidentally, Orhstein's and liquor Istore in the new.. clumsy phrasing of his resolution Service Life':building will, open We-hope that at least a dozen also had lots to do with Its being more are added to the fold. next week-^-. ' ; So let us pat you on the back and tabled for a special meeting . . . We learn t h a t a modified but give you loud acclaim, effective resolution LIGHTS AM) SIGHTS -For a man- that sticks out five nonetheless will be O. K.'d at t h a t special Last Saturday one of the boyB years, is plenty gosh darned meeting . . . Ted Husing s a y s made a bet on Minnesota and then game. America should enter the Olymgot cold feet and wagered on Ne—SHREDA OSOFF. pics because it "drags the world braska with six points. He won i n t o common fellowship" . JUST JESTING both bets—What member of Wonder what he means by "felMax Barish demonstrated his Omaha's younger married set dilowship" . . . Incidentally, one of rected traffic on "O" street in. unusual ability as a host at his o u r keen lawyer friends points son's Bar Mitzvah reception last Lincoln after the game last weekout that t h e recent Nazi decree end?—-George Givot will be a Sunday. The quality -was only depriving Jews of citizenship comexcelled by the quantity—rArt guest star on WOW this Saturday pletely Invalidates Germany's innight—Dorothy Camel has per- Goldstein's mastery - of the sistence that Jews are eligible for fect features for screen tests, ac- ivory keys saved the day. for her Olympic teams . . . He points cording to a well-known Omahan the songsters attending a re- out that the Olympic regulations who made a study of movie types cent smoker of the Jr. Cham- permit only citizens to represent a ,0n the coast recently—Joe L. ber of Commerce—If Leon country, wheih means. that GerCohen, the young barrister, was Ferer appears down in the man Jews are out . . . What do re-elected to the board of direc- dumps, it will be evident that you say to that, Mr. Brundage? tors of the Omaha Tennis club for he still failed to overcome his . . . Before you're mu'c.h older the fifth times—Brilliant Joseph there'll be an announcement of Stein was awarded two fellowthe formation of a' national nonships to outstanding architectural sectarian boycott - the - Olympics schools within the past four that will takt your breath, away months—Mrs. Annette B. i k 1 i n with the number of big-shot Silverman is rapidly building up Junior swimmers of the Jewish names it will include some large . and well-attended Community Center are taking dancing classes at the Center—, their splashing practices very seriously now as they are trying GOULASH BREEZY BREVITIES to perfect themselves for the first Did you notice that, both JusAn accolade to Rabbi and annual Decathalon which is being tices Brandeis and Cardozo celeMrs. David H. Wice for discov- sponsored by the Center physical brated Yom Kippur by attending ering a group of unusual pic- department. the opening session of the United tures in the archives of Temple "There never was an event States'Supreme Court In. its new Israel and affixing them so which has been anticipated so building on Yom Kippur?' . . . that they now adorn the Temple eagerly as this one," according to Wonder how Rev. Everett R. Clinvestry rooms — The Round Lee Grossman, physical director chy, director of the National ConTable of Jewish Youth under of the J. C. C. ference of Jews a n d Christians, the very capable leadership of Eleven events are on tap for feels about his brother, Rev. RusLoyal Kaplan and Fannie Wit- this swimming contest, and the sell Clinchy of Washington, who kin are planning an array of winners of each event will re- recently delivered a sermon apolimpressing activities this year. ceive points. At the finish of all ogizing for Hitlerism a n d urging The first Is a city-wide dance of these events the person having American participation In the on Sunday, October 20, at the the most points will win the Olympics . . . All the daily papers "Jay." ; Incidentally, no stags Decathalon. will be admitted—Lou Canar The following types of events will probably make that sacred arranged: 20-yard free style, promise near.; Thanksgiving— are 20-yard breast stroke, 20-yard Attractive Babe Margolin works back stroke, 40-yard free style, at the Goldstein & Chapman's 40-yard breast stroke, 40-yard beautiful Junior Shop on. Sat- back stroke, 100-yard free style, urdays—In case Arthur "Snap- 100-yard breast stroke, 100-yard py Cleaner" Grossman-is a lit- back Btrpke and 220 yards free tle late in delivering . your style. : . cleaning, you might.know that According to Al Oruch, J. C. C. he either detoured to see his little bundle from heaven, Ron- swimming director, who will be ald Jordan, or he Is telling one In charge of this tourney, 'there of his customers that the. are already over twenty entrants youngster is a deadring of and it is hoped that there will be twice that number before the him—•• tournaments begins. CURRENT COMMENTS Tickets for the unusual lecture which will be delivered by Dr. A. It. Sachar on October 27, under the sponsorship of the Beth El Men's dub are being sold in quantity. In order not to miss this rare treat, get your ticket nowIsydbr Beber, Earl Kaplan and Celia Lipsman are members of the South Hy debate squad—Is it true that the Harry Breslows, of Lincoln :are watching the calen• dar closfely?—Is 'the reason for the limp look in the orbs of the . titian-halred Helen- Whitebrook, her yearning for a Cincinnati INSURED CABS
trictly Confidential
• •••
muffed the t w o paragraphs in President Roosevelt's S a n Diego speech attacking religious persecution abroad . . . White House sources admit t h a t those paragraphs were FDR's answer to the terrific pressure for some official condemnation of Nazi Germany . . . Professor Einstein has received a ?24 tax bill from Germany on property the Nazi confiscated . . . Among the passengers on the last trip of the S. S. Europa was a New York Jew bound for Nazlland to marry an Aryan girl to whom he h a d proposed through a matrimonial magazine . . . That delegation of Nazi jurists which recently l e f t these shores spent its last day in New York shopping in Macy's a n d from- Jewish peddlers on New York's East Side . . . Jewish fundraising directors will be interested to learn that Albert H. Levene, Jersey City inventor, has won B. $151,996 cash award from a Pittsburgh wallpaper manufacturer for violation of contract , . . DID YOU KNOW THAT? One of the leading Jewish orphanages in New Jersey is quarantined because of infantile paralysis , , • 94-year-old Isaac Adler is the oldest of the three surviving veterans of t h e Chicago smoke-eaters who fought t h a t famous Windy City fire in IS71 . . Edna Ferber now does her writing in the Park Avenue penthouse once owned by the late Ivor Kreuger . . . B i l l y Rose ("Mr. Fannie Brice"), used to be Bernard Baruch's private stenographer , . . Peter Lorre, t h e screen monster, can make a good living as a cartoonist . . . There are" 500 paid Nazi agents in this country, according to Rudolf Vreda, secretary of the World Committee to Aid Victims of Hitler Fascism . . . Vreda has come to America to do battle with some of them . . . The neighbor of George Burns, the sane half of the Burns and Allen team, changed his name, f r o m BIrnbaum to Burns because when he was a kid on the East Side he used to swipe coal f r o m Burns Brothers Coal Company trucks to keep the home fires burning . . . Guido Jung, Italy's Jewish exminister of finance, has gone to Africa to join Mussolini's flying corps In Ethiopia .-. . Hank Greenberg's mama believes it was "beshert" that her son should injure his Wrist in the second game of the World Series so t h a t he wouldn't- have to play oh Y o m Kippur . . . It cost one of t h e leading New York mid-town hotels the price of 16 tickets to the World Series because it risked the ire of its regular Jewish clientele
JOURNALESE The semi-annual statsment of ownership of J. David Stern's New York Post reveals t h a t among the financial backers of he paper, in addition to Samuel Uhtermyer, are Governor Earle of Pennsylvania, Senator Guffey of he same state, Samuel Fels, Philadelphia philanthropist and soap king, and Warner Brothers . . . The news service of the National Conference of Jews and Christians is making giant strides with its religious news syndicate . . . Edior and Publisher carries an ad announcing an expansion . . . It is understood that under t h e editorship of Louis Minsky t h e N. C. J. C. N. will be out of the red by the first of the year . . . The Seattle Jewish Transcript ells us that we must be all wrong with our recent report that the Mantle Club is anti-Semitic . . . It seems that the Transcript's staff artist, who drew the paper's Rosh Hashanah cover, is a member, as is the linotype operator who sets this column . . . We're making further inquiries . . . FLASH We have Just learned that it was the unprintable anti-Semitic language hurled at Hank Greenberg by members of t h e Cubs' team that caused Umpire Moriary to toss some of them out of the game . . i The Cubs were ridng Greenberg unmercifully and while Hank can take it, he bitterly and justly resented the attacks on his face and religion . . . And so you Cub fans who thought M o r i a r t y was discriminating against the Cubs, lay off him . . . (Copyright, 1935, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate)
German Rabbinical Students Register
GOLDSTO N-GH APMANS * Enjoy the Thrift of a Charge Account
,1 )
Life Insurance has . grown to be one of the greatest factors in modern life. Insurance has been used f o r many years to protect one's home, but the extension of this idea into business to protect a man's company and associates who follow in its control and are protected against his death, is one of the latest ramifications of the insurance business. The newest movement is b i g insurance policies for big business men. Life insurance has become indispensable in every executive's business calculations. In just the same way as he protects t h e firm's physical assets against loss by fire, theft or flood, he protects his company against the loss of his business leadership. The average citizen should be convinced by t h e demonstration of faith of big business men in adequate insurance protection. The fact that there has been a steady increase in the demand for life insurance proves that people appreciate more and more its indispensability. The average worker can protect himself a n d his family through plenty of good insurance even though he may never have a business to protect through life insurance against the loss of his leadership. An employer appreciates the value of a well insured worker. He has protected his family and dependents against future occurrences over which he has no control. Showing in this way that he appreciates the value of safety, the empoyer trusts him a n d knows that he is reliable.
.A k
Movement in Spain Against Olympics
Madrid—A strong movement against Spanish participation in the Berlin Olympic Games in 1936 Cincinnati—Reversing the pro- was in fall swing here u n d e r cedure of years ago when both sponsorship of the Culture Federlay and rabbinical students from ation for Workers' Sport. America went to Germany to study, five German rabbinical students have arrived in Cincinnati Temple Brotherhoods Join to begin w o r k at the Hebrew Movement Union College. New York—The Metropolitan The five students are Leo Lich- Conference of Temple Brotherenberg, Alfred Wolf, Dr. Gunter hoods this week joined the movePlaut, Herman Schaalman and ment for a boycott of the Berlin Wolfgang Kaelter. Olympic games with a resolution The Hebrew Union College Is urging "removal of t h e World setting a precedent by financing Olympics to some country where justice and fair play still reside." their education in this country.
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gunnery. He is also a member of] work. Miss Stein is vrorking on 'mulated by two comtYutteeE '•>• the Spanish club and has served Tester's staff, Publications e n d i the Mother chapter and Centr.rv A regular meeting of t h e on the stage crew. Swap Shop. Miss Kr&sne, too, is | chapter, Ben "Wintroub, athlRt'V Daughters of Israel Aid Society Rimmerman is a second year' working on the Publications anfi ; committee head, reported that Jhf will be held Tuesday, October 22, dental student. He is a member Swap Shop staff. She is Else a I chapter ha? entered Class A ir at the Old People's Home, at 2504 of the Pasteur and German clubs member of t h e Co-ed. Councilor the pre-senson basketball tonrjifiCharles Street. All members are and was r\iniier--ap in the univer- organization, a g r o u p vhich tnent to be sponsored by Jewlufc. •urged to attend this important | sity tennis tourney last year. In grades freshmen girls. Community Center athletic tiemeeting. partm-ent. The social servi.-'f: his freshman year he earned the Florence Smeerin, Woodbine, "Yes, I know what you have in second highest average in the la., End Gwendolyn Mej-erson, committee chairman, II a r o I imind and what was responsible Dental college. Council "Bluffs. la., travelled to Habler, stated that on either ill* Sigma Alpha Mu for your original statement. You Pawnee City with the University first or second Sunday in Novr-ir B^och, a Commerce junior, was are just one of the large number Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity of players recently to participate in i ber the chapter will hold p, cirf. v.'This article "was •written t y Mr. lion, most of •whom —- to]; put it great l e a d e r s , and doing fine of Jews in this country who have the TTnlversifr of Nebraska held a staff sergeant in the band and some one-act plays given for the is now second lieutenant in the 1 , Brown while en route to Europe mildly — do-not like us? ;, ..'^ things to make this a happier swallowed whole the negative a successful party following the R. O. T. C. corps. As a fresnman county fair. I Phil Malkin, religious to make a survey of conditions in propaganda against the Jew. If Minnesota - Nebraska f o o t b a l l he won the Phi Beta Epsilon At this point • our auctioneer and better world to live in? Now, Frances Kalin, Sioux City, is a I tee head, announced that Br, * the interest ol the American ORT riend .announced; that' the;'..pool if you don't mind, my g o o d I were to ask you to name a half game. Approximately 65 couples member of Co-ed Councilors and Dansky, senior advisor, has rnn.-ir scholarship award. Campaign for $500,000, of which had been sold rand in a brief 'and friend, I'll hold the floor for a dozen or so of the type of men attended. George Hughes and his the Tespers staff. Rosenbaum, a second year man ! plans for an "old-fashioned" S5irhe is n a t i o n a l chairman. Mr. neat little speech, thanked his short while longer, for I want to you mean, you would have diffi- orchestra furnished the music. Mary Art^itman, Omaha, fresh- : chath Torah celebration this co»"in the college of" Arts and culty doing so, and I will promise Brown, who will visit Poland, ellow passengers for thelr ; liberal pass on to JewB of the present. Many members of the chapter jS c i e nces, is outstanding as a man, w a B chosen as a reporter \ ing Sunday. October £0, £:0f to name ten outstanding J e w s Lithuania, Latvia, Roumania and participation in the- bidding and "What "would you do about are planning on the trip to Man- js c n o l a r > m a king an average of 9 3 for the Daily Nebraskan, Unirer- •p. m. at the ISth and Chicar^ Russia, will record his impres- 'or their patience with his ignor- Herbert Lehman, Governor of the whose n a m e s are known from hattan, Kansas, for the game this istreets synagogue. The during his freshman year as well Eity newspaper. sions of the Jewish' scene abroad ance of all the rules of these auc- State of New York, and Gover- coast to coast for every one of week-end. Included among these as ranking first in the mathemaOpen house was held following i will consist, of stories, offensive are: David Bernstein, Omaha; Arin an exclusive series of articles tions. There .was the usual round nor Henry Homer of Illinois, the surely unknown tics placement test for freshmen. the Minnesota-Nebraska game Oc- j dancing, refreshments of, for the Jewish Press and the Sev- of. appleause and then m a n y ; of both of whom have distinguished Jews you might name. nold Levin, Rosalie; Harry Wein- He is a member of the German tober 12. j cookies, cake and wine, and xtu.r.* en Arts Peature Syndicate . . . the passengers left the smoking- records and have a l w a y s been "We Jews are far from being stein, New York; K a r l Braver- and Pasteur clubs. Officers for tins year are: Flor- other interesting; features. THE EDITOR. room -for other activities . else- known as outstanding J e w i s h perfect. We have our full pro- man, Grand Island; Irving Hill, ence Smeerin, "Woodbine, presiA formal initiation ceremou* dent; Frances Kalin, Sioux City, was held. After the veleornins; where on board ship. . leaders? Would your theory, that portion of liabilities,, but when it Lincoln, who is student chaperone Zeta Beta Tan for the entire University group. vice-president; Muriel K r a s n e, speech of the Aleph Godol, Natter. "No,w, ladies and gentlemen, "I'll answer that last general Jews should not play l e a d i n g comes to character and modesty, Irving Hill was given a signal Zeta Beta Tau will be well rep- Fremont, secretary; and Gwendo- ! Crounso., the senior advisor; ~r>r-, we wiil start the pool-auction on statement of yours — unless - one roles, apply to these men? Would we will m e a s u r e up with, any honor this week by his election resented again in Pershing Rifles, lyn Meyerson, Conner! Bluffs, ; Dansky gave a short inspiring the ship's run. Ton will have to of. the others at.the table would it a p p l y to Justice Brandeis, a group regardless of the propato Pi Sigma Alpha, National Hon- honorary military organization. treasurer. talk. The three men imtisfp.. be patient-with-me for I know lit- care to do so. But before we go J u s t i c e CaTdozo, an Einstein? ganda spewed out against us by orary Political Science fraternity The newly elected pledges are: those who do not like us. were Melvin Rodman, Wiliif; ir. Would it apply to our distinguishtle about how auction-pools work. any further into this discussion, of which Prof. David Fellman, Harlan Milder, Howard Kaplan, Poster and Arthur Gould. But the steward promised to help what is your opinion now of our ed members of the judiciary, the "Do you agree with me that Sigma Alpha Mu alumnus, is local Stanley Slosberg, Jerome Milder, bar to those of our faith who me out. Why they picked on me, Jewish: auctioneer friend, did he the Jew should take his place in Sam Beber A. Z. A. Chapter j Lloyd Malashock, Julian Milder, have made great contributions to every phase of life in this coun- advisor. you will have to find out for do us any harm?" No. 100, held a business meeting ! Jerusalem—Saul Tschernicbov-; At a recent meeting of Persh- j and Harold Perelrnan. the medical profession? ; sky, foremost Hebrew poet, 1i«.» yourselves—and maybe you will try, play his part socially, econYes, and plenty of it. Just ing Rifles, national honorary milLloyd Friedman, Phil Laser, at the J. C. C. last Monday evewant to, if I n e s s up.the eve- because this roomful of people "Would you have our great or- omically, politically, function as a itary science group, David Bern- and Lawrence Green are second ning, October 14, with a fine at- |b een made s Commander oi iht ning." applauded does not m e a n that chestral conductors like Bruno citizen in the fullest sense? If stein, Omaha, was chosen a plat-) lieutenants in the regiment. Rob- tendance of both alephs and ad- Order of White Rose by the GovWe were out of New York, many of them did not say to Walter, KlempeTor, ^Jodanzky, you do, then straighten yourself oon sargent. Max Novak announced ernment of Finland, in recopi.v. ert Stiefler h a s been appointed visors. headed' toward Europe, less than themselves, or to others: 'When Gabrilowitch, musicians like Go- out, see the Jew with underthe probable plane and program ; tion of his translation into J-fcHarry Rosenstein of Omaha first sergent, and Julian Milder twenty-four • hours, - and most of t comes to getting money, these dowsky, Horowitz, Heifetz, El- standing eyes, don't go around "was chairman of the annual out- and Howard Greenwald are plat- for October 27, Internationa! A. | brew of the greater part, of Fit?the passengers were assembled in Jews are always there. No one man, Menuhin, Zimbalist, and with a c h i p on your shoulder ing committee of Phi Lambda Up- oon sergents. Z. A. Day, as they are being for- I land's classic, Kalivala. the for that inter- can deny that they are s m a r t , countless others stop playing in looking for trouble." silon, national honorary chemical Zeta. Beta Tau had a very sue- I (sjjajsjjjss^esjjssssssKS^^^ esting event on every' ocean voy- clever. They are e n t i r e l y tos public because they are Jews? I "The trouble with you, Brown, fraternity. cessful house party last Saturday age—the buying, betting, gambl- lucky for us. Just got to watch suppose you resented the late is that you are P sort of profesMr. Nathan Hill of Lincoln night. Orer a hundred couples at- i ing, or whatever you •wish to call them every minute or they will Adolph Ochs. He was an out- sional Jew and in your eyes the spoke last "Wednseday before the j tended. A t a p fiance by Irving it it, on the daily run of the ship. et the best of you.' I'll bet that standing Jew during all the years Jew can do no wrong." fraternity about his recent trip to | Kuklin featured the entertainThe limited number of passengers half of the non-Jews in this Toom that he was acclaimed as the "You were never more mistak- Europe and Palestine. He illusfor on this early fall voyage, Tiad al- either said • that, thought it, or publisher of the world's greatest en in your life, for there is no trated his talk with six reels of ment. ready grouped themselves and • I felt an unconscious reaction that newspaper. one more critical of Jewish con- motion pictures. Folio-wing his Sigma Delta Tau found myself sitting with several meant the same thing." "I suppose your type of Jev duct than I am. Take your case, lecture, Mr. Hill presented t h e J e w i s h men and women with • Campus activities have k e p t 'My, but you're rabid. A wee must have had a special dislike as an example. I've jumped on ihouse -with two Palestinian paint- members of Sigma Delta Tau at whom I had become acquainted ings. you with both feet for being guilbit of..- an anti-Semite yourself, for the late Louis Marshall, who during the day. The speaker for t h i s week's the University of Nebraska, Linmethlnks:: Now, please don't jump though recognized as one of the ty of an offensive generality. The much bespectacled .young cultural hour is Dr. Bousma of coln, busy since the beginning of ; Does that make me a professional on me for saying that. I don't greatest authorities on constituman at my right who I. had r not the Social Science department of school. Jew? I saw a, lot of wrong in tional law yet was d u r i n g his mean it literally. I do want to Rosalyn Lashinsky, L i n c o l n , the University. suspected was a Jew until he ino to -y.o u'r •; statement - that 'we lifetime the leader in Jewish life, you and am wondering if all this "A Quality Product for Seasoning** £ was recently pledged to Alpha troduced himself to me earlier in discussion has been worth while. social and religious. Mr. Marshall Jews haveV to play the leading Lambda Delta, honorary society the day, registered disgust as, in The chances are, not." role'. I-take it that a general re- was an outstanding citizen -of this Morris Koom Heads for girls who have made "90" ava voice that c o u l d be heard "That's the first thing you mark .of .that kind includes all country and fought the battles of erages during t h e i r freshman around our table, he said: "Jews Phi Beta have said that I agree with. Goodthe underprivileged regardless of Jews who for" one reason: or • anyear. •will be like that." other have played or are: playing race or creed, for over fifty years night" Esther Stein, Omaha, and MurPhi Beta Epsiloa, social frater"Like what?" I asked. "Goodnight." • of his life. Does the late Loins an important .part' in the politicnity of Creighton university, iel Krasne, Fremont, were elected "Like our auctioneer friend." al, social,' religious and economic Marshall come under your classielected" "the"following officers for I as associate sorority editors on "What is wrong with him? He life in this; country. fication: 'Jews will be like that'?" the coining year: Morris Koom, the Cornhnsker yearbook. Both looks all right to me." "Now, wait a minute, you are "Just, where' would you draw president; Albert Rimmerman, girls are also members of Tas"Yes, but yon are a Jew. What At the meeting of the Junior vice president; Harold Bloch, sels, women's pep organization. about our non-Jewish passengers? the line? When does a Jew who, Vaad auxiliary held last Tuesday secretary, and William M. Rosen- Both are active in Y. Tv*. C. A. Why do Jews always seek the for a better-term, is in the spot- Club New Yorker light hurt us or help : us? Tor i n evening a general outline of proj- baum, treasurer. Koom, a senior limelight?" Proving Popular ects and activities for the coming in the College of Commerce, has "Always? That's news to me. stance, ithe late Jacob H. Schiff, MARK LEON WRITES been very active in military I thought I knew something about or Julius Rosijnwaid, two Jews, Club New Yorker, the elite ren- year was discussed. The membership tea will be circles of the university. He is Jews. I'll admit now and then both held' great -positions in the dezvous which opened last week they do, but surely not always." economic iif§-.of this country, and at Nineteenth and Capitol ave- held Sunday afternoon, November a first lieutenant in the R. O. T. In fact, INSURANCE of Every Type - - Strong Reliable "I said always and I mean al- at the • saine-; time were; outstand- nue, is something new in places 3, at the home of Mrs. L. C. regiment, and is a member of Companies, ONLY Phalanx, honorary military fratways", (and this was said with ing ; philanthropists. - Would you of entertainment. It. is one of Neveleff. The Junior Vaad Glee club ernity. At the R. O. T. C. camp, Gty Finance & Insurance Co. some heat) . "here is a case in say that blpause: they" were" a.1-1 **the smartest supper clubs in the will meet next Tuesday evening held at Fort Crook this summer, point. There axe over a hundred ways front"-page .'news;; and con- Mid-West." Koom placed first in machine AT 7667 - 1409 FARNAM - WA 5150 passengers in this Toom, about stantly :before theTpuTilic and alJack Pettis, who has become at 7:30. ways as-Jews, It would "have been one-third are Jews, and yet this one of the most popular orchesfellow makes all of us conspic- better for the Jews' if they had tras in the city because of his uous by spotlighting himself as been played down? Or take the smooth, sweet dance rhythms, is late Nathan Straus who during being featured nightly with his auctioneer." . :.•; "You aTe not m a k i n g a fair his lifetime did'-so many construc- fourteen-piece orchestra. A floor statement of this. case. If I re- tive th,ings such as furthering the show with unusual acts Is also member correctly he said that he cause of * pasteurized milk in this part of the evening's entertainhad been picked and, by the way, country and opening countless ment. The spirit of gaiety, savory so far he has done a good job of milk stations in the congested ; Evidently you are one of sections of New York City where menus, and the atmosphere of # it. IN A those' Jews who .would have us mothers'" could get pure milk for hospitality which prevail at the slink into dark cornere, hide our a pittance. _ Nathan Straus was Club New Yorker highly impress light under a bushel, or maybe always ' a story. A story when those who attend. Plump §>le%* J«r« ef Pelieisat There is no cover or admission you would have us -put out the he gave away m i l l i o n s in this country or established feeding charge. The minimum charge is light altogether." "I won't go that faT, but why and milk-stations in Palestine for a dollar per person. Delicious dinners as well as the choicest do we Jews always have t o play ArabK and Jew alike. wines and liquors are part of the "Did any one of t h e s e men the leading role? Why don'fc we O Xtff D A T I OJN S recognize that we are a minority harm the Jew because they weTe menu. people, a handful in a country of Wit! en§ spun A'Hone hundred and twenty-five milminwm Container cmci Cover, m putting me on the spot," said my complaining friend. " I am not talking about the type of men you have mentioned, but about those Jews who put themselves forward in every public place and thereby add to the resentment against the Jew."
Daughters of Israel Aid
A. Z. A.
Junior Vaad Auxiliary
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lation, the tighter do they simultaneously draw the knot around their own necks. Dr. Hirsch, president of the executive of the Reichsvertretung Dr. Theodore N. Lewis, der Deutscher Juden, was arrested this past week because he had By to Rabbi, Mount Sinai Temple, signed a Yom Kippur message protesting anti-Jewish calumnies. Sionx City Informed circles say that the Nazis intend to hold Dr. Hirsch as SIMCHAS TORAH a hostage until the Reichsvertretung signs a statement that the What more appropriate theme NORTH AMERICA Jews in Germany .are satisfied with the recently-promulgated for a book column than that of CANADIAN ANTI - S E M I T E ghetto laws and asking cessation of the anti-Nazi boycott. But Simchas Torah? Is not the Torah FOUND GUILTY OF CRIMINALthe action of the Reichsvertretung leaders thus far show courage the most useful and eternal of LY LIBELLING A. J. FREIMAN In spite of the making . . . Anti-Semitism is always libel. and fortitude. They Save refused to yield, standing adamant in books? of books without end, is not the REINHARDT T A K E S OUT their refusal to sign a statement which is so obviously meant to Bible the mightiest, most indis- FIRST CITIZEN PAPERS . . . So spread fragrance on a stench. The Reichsvertretung statement pensable and universally beloved has German culture e v e r since of publications? Hitler moved In. read: "We declare with a feeling of abhorrence that the lies which Simchas Torah Is a unique holiNAZIS IN UNIFORM CAUSE are directed against us and the caluninies which are spread against day without a parallel in the an- RIOT AS JEWISH WORKERS IN our religion and its testaments are repudiated by us, root and nals of peoples. Nations regu- NEW YORK GARMENT CENlarly celebrate military victory TER PROTEST "HEIL HITLER" branch." and enlargement of boundaries. CRIES . . . Nazis in uniform have Our concern over Nazi cruelty and fiendishness sometimes Israel alone delights in a Book. no business, in this country. cause us to overlook the significant fact that economically Ger- Annually, on Simchas Torah, FIVE GERMAN RABBINICAL j rejoices In the completion STUDENTS REGISTER AT HEmany grows from bad to worse. The fact that they want the Jews Israel of the Pentatauch, correctly BREW U N I O N COLLEGE . . . in the Reich to publicly tell the world they are satisfied and that spoken of by Jewish tradition as Only five—what a r e the others the anti-Nazi.boycott should be called off demonstrates in itself Torah, and erroneously rendered going to do? English as "Law." MRS. ALBERT EINSTEIN BEthat the boycott pinches. It is not even a state secret that Ger- in Simchas Torah festivities were COMES HADASSAH MEMBER . . many expects an unusually hard winter. Even staple food stocks never restrained nor subdued. She has been doing a lot for Zionare low, and the citizens have been commanded to report to theProudly, boldly and with holy ism—even before she became a did the Jew proclaim his member. police anyone buying more of certain food staples than is actual- ecstasy intense joy. He who has not wit- SCIENTIFIC I N Q U I R Y IN ly needed. At such a time, then, we should not ease up on our nessed a traditional Torah pro- NEW YORK BLASTS M Y T H anti-Nazi campaign; we should push forward with more vigor cession has never seen God in- THAT, JEWS TALK W I T H men; he who has not THEIR HANDS . . . We begin to than ever before. The continuance of Nazi excesses should not toxlcatecl heard the singing of the latter doubt Science. dull our sensibilities; it must make our faculties keener in thehas never heard truly moving and profoundly joyous song. The LATIN-AMERICA struggle against the Nazi virus.
Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
Subscription-Price, one year - - - • - - - 52.00 , Advertising rates furnished on application.
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Editorial Office: 500 Brandels Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - / - - . Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - • • - • " - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street
College of Jewish Studies
Footnotes Headlines
: The College of Jewish Studies at the Jewish Community Center will soon start its second year in the community's educational life. With a year's experience behind it, this youthful institution which holds so much promise for the future seems certain to occupy a permanent.niche in local Jewish affairs. The College of Jewish Studies supplies an adult education background which can prove invaluable. Jewish leaders recognize that Jewish education is vital to the perpetuation of Jewish life Dn a high plane. WitHout a knowledge of Jewish education, Jewish life is empty; without an acquaintance with Jewish history and the priceless Jewish heritage, Jewish life loses its richness and power. v We adults have recognized this by seeing that our children gefc^some kind of a Jewish education—although it must be admitspirit of the day was contagious. MEXICANS DRAG SWASTIKA ted that we have not done all we could or should do in this direcEvery Jew felt himself person- THROUGH STREETS OF CAPtion. But, how can we expect our children to become imbued with ally indebted to God for so preci- ITAL . . . The Swastika Is n o t ous a gift as the Torah. Every even liked by Mexican toughs. the proper spirit toward Jewish education if we ourselves know Jewish circles seeking colonization centers for refugees are Jew acknowledged the d i v i n e EUROPE nothing about what we desire to transmit to them. Before child character of the Torah; accepted education comes adult education. And the College of Jewish looking with interest toward Ecuador, where' the government its provisions, injunctions and BRITISH BOARD OF DEPUStudies offers the adults the opportunity to study such subjects has given Jewish colonization agancies an option to settle sev- d o c t r i n e s with unquestioned TIES REVERSES SELF A N D JOINS BOYCOTT MOVEMENT . . faith. as Hebrew, Jewish history, literature, Bible, Yiddish, and Jewish eral thousand Jews on 1,250,000 acres of land. So must every Jewish body with Why did the Jew rejoice in the self-respect. The land placed at the disposal of the Jewish agencies conPhilosophy. The enrollment this.year should far exceed last* Because he found it to sists of seven parcels, mainly forest land, and can support about Torah? GERMAN GIRLS S W A M P year's. . •••,"' be his chief source of strength, RABBIS WITH PLEAS F O R 50,000 families. The agreement stipulates that the Jewish option light and hope. In the darkest CONVERSION TO JUDAISM . . . must be exercised within five years, that the colonies are to bedays of persecution, oppression Love's triumph over prejudice. and exile, in the midst of bitter built along cooperative lines and that they keep an "open door" grief and cruel suffering, the Jew AFRICA Sunday is Simchath Torah, the joyous holiday upon which the for non-Jewish refugees as wellrepeated with death-defying conBLACK JEWS OF ETHIOPIA While all of us recognize the value of upbuilding Palestine as viction and memorable words of RALLY TO DEFENSE OF COUNJewish people rejoice over their priceless heritage—the Sefer Psalmist: "Had not the TRY WITH CRIES OF "MENETorah. On this occasion, the Jewish people finish reading the the Jewish national homeland and preparing that land for future the Torah been my delight I would LIK, GOD OF ISRAEL IS WITH j Torah for the year, and then the reader immediately turns back Jewish refugee emergencies, We would be blind to facts if we did have perished in my affliction." US" . . . But Italian machine guns j not attempt to solve the Jewish problem in the Diaspora as much This was not a metaphorical have no respect for religious cries ' to the beginning and reads the first chapter of Genesis. phrase, but a fact and a truth, This custom of starting all over again as soon as the Torah as possible through settlement in other lands which are available. vindicated by the triumphant ex(Copyright. 1935, by Seven Arts is completed is symbolic of Israel's eternity. As long as theThe restrictions on Palestinian immigration make it impossible to perience of thousands of Israel's Feature Syndicate) sons and daughters. Armed with care for the thousands upon thousands who must flee but have Je^isbJ people shall follow through on the continuity of their so harmless and yet so mighty a Torah, so long as they shall never let the thread of its influence no haven to which they may flee. The Central and South Ameri- weapon as the Torah, the Jew Women's Gym Classes triumphed over every catastrophe at J. C. C. Grow Rapidly be: broken, they shall remain deathless. As stated in Ecclesias- ican countries deserve our serious attention. Ecuador's project seems to be the best offered thus far inand every adversary. The Torah ticus: "There is none that-hath ever made an end of learning it, was a tree of life, and because The women's gym classes at and there is none that will ever find out all its mysteries. For its that territory. I t has a population of about 1,500,000, of whom the Jew clung to 'it tenaciously the Jewish Community Center held on Monday and Wednesday wisdom is richer than any sea, and its word deeper than any about 200,000 are of pure European blood. The country is rich did he prove imperishable. afternoons have been growing abyss." The Torah answers the riddle of Israel's immortality. in minerals, and mining has not yet been developed. The Jew rejoiced in the Torah rapidly. There are now twentyBut, a headlong plunge into Ecuador and neighboring states because it provided keen intellec- five w o m e n attending these In their long exile, the Book of Books has been the Jewish people's should not be made. Difficulties present themselves, and only tual discipline and stimulating classes regularly. Each member substitute for a country. Within its boundaries they have found mental exercise. Though he is enthusiastic about her work, those fit to survive the difficulties should be considered for this frowned, and rightly, on futile according the solace and comfort from the sordid life surrounding them. to Lee Grossman, the ! So bitter and sorrowful has the life of the. Jew.been in hiscolonization. The equator runs right through the country,, mak- and Injurious ascetism, he defin- Center physical director. placed . the fleeting and ! wanderings through the ages since the dispersion that it is easily ing thetorrid climate hard for Europeans to stand. Also, if tooitely One of the features is a weight momentary pleasures of sense in understood why he so fully celebrated such a joyous holiday as many foreign elements suddenly enter the country, this could eas- a category vastly inferior to the reducing and calisthenics hour rich and lofty and enduring which is followed by volley ball, ; Simchath Torah, finding in his religious ceremony the joy andily give rise to prejudice among the native population, and such pleasures of the mind. Real life, basketball, and other popular merriment denied him in the world outside the Ghetto gates. But prejudice could easily grow into serious proportions. life at its best and noblest, was games and climaxed with inMany families—but not too many—could be settled in Ecua- an affair of mind and not of body, dividual Instruction in the swimwrapped up in the Sefer Torah is more than Jewish joyousness— ming pool by Al Oruch, who is wrapped up in the Sefer Torah is Jewish life. This is reminiscent dor. The project calls for the creation of a cooperative group of thought and not of action. In jthe J. C. C. swimming instructor. his meditations on the Torah and of 1 the dreadful days of famine and disease which followed the of plantations on the Andean plateau, a tile industry, a chemical its ethical doctrines and moral last war—A traveler from America visited a Jewish community in plant and lumber and paper mills. To aid in the realization of exortations, the Jew discovered a He that reveals a well-chosen i superior type of life, one which library, has innumerable dishes, j Poland. The community was practically in shambles, the houses this project, the Ecuadorean government has even declared its transformed his earthly and un- and all of admirable flavor.— • dilapidated, the people on the verge of starvation. An elder man readiness to found a special bank. But the meagre funds of ref-remitting struggle into a chal- William Godwin. I approached the American and begged him for aid. "Tell the ugees and the assistance of Ecuador are not sufficient to meet lenging battle for truth, justice people in America that they must help us," pleaded the old rabbi. the requirements.of such a project. World Jewry must do itsand love. Much of our confusion and vain '•",•• "Tell them not to send us food and clothing first, because we are fair share. searching are certainly due to the used to starving and freezing. But beg the Jews in America to disappearance of Torah from our send us money to rebuild our school and our synagogue. We can midst. Judaism can neither grow Wait a little longer for bread, but if we do not have the bread H o s h a ' a n a R a b b a „.„..-.•..•..••.••—,..—,..•••.•..-•••••..••, ,__Fri., Oct. 18nor function In an environment of Ignorance, of "Am-h'Arazuth." of the Tbrahwewill die." ....Sat, Oct. 19Where there is a dearth of knowl-
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Ecuador Project
Simchath Torah
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HEBREW CALENDAR Shemini Atseret Simchat Torah ..
.~......................... edge, there Judaism decays and —J.—.—-— — ...Sun., Oct. 20dies, as inevitably as a flower in *Rosh Hodesh Heshvan —.—..> ; . ~— ...Mon., Oct. 28 he absence of sunshine. ...Wed., Nov. 27 An informed Jewish laity is .a Rosh Hodesh Kislev ~.~~....... . ' Not everywhere are raciallyrprejudiced agitators going scotprime requisite for a healthy
Not All Bad
— .
Sat, Dec. 21Jewish life In America. To be Chanukah, 1st day ..m.~..m—„.„..... . ~..~ FrL, Dec 27an intelligent and happy Jew one \\ The week's news includes the information that eleven mem- Rosh Hodesh Tebet ~ ; NOTE—Holidays begin in the evening preceding the dates must be tolerably acquainted bete of the National- Radical Party,. Polish anti-Jewish group, with our Bible, our prayer book, and with the more important were given jail sentences for the murder of a Jew during a riot in designated. branches of Jewish literature; *Rosh Chodesh also observed previous day. Warsaw last year. ' with our history and traditions •;•';; And from Rumania comes the story that the Rumanian Minand culture; with the meaning are born are doomed to die, and and purpose of Jewish struggle ister of Interior prohibited the convening of a conference of the the dead to be brought to life and sacrifice. Unless we reclaim GEMS OF THE BIBLE again Anti-Semitic League of Christian National Defense. and the living to be judged, the Torah and become better infree."
' '.-' •.-. .
•'" ;
.••.". ". •' ;.." ' ;_ " .
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to know, to make known and toformed Jews and Jewesses, the Our Roofing Department be made conscious that He is God, future is not promising. will give you a By O. O. DASHER the Maker, the Creator, He is the FREE ESTIMATE Scholarship was, until recently, Discerner, the Judge, the Witness, of the cost to re-roof your home. the most prized attribute amongst the Accuser. He that will in the Is wisdom with aged man, and We will secure your F.H.A. loan. We become inured to hardship. But time should not callous understanding in length of days? future Judge, with whom there Jews. That rabbi was most honNO MONET DOWN ored, most' revered and universpSito inhumanity and barbarity with amedieval tinge.' He taketh away the heart of is no unrighteousness, no forgetTHREE YEARS TO PAT ally sought after who was most nor respect for persons, j Yet, today most of us skim over the news from Nazilatid, the leaders of the'people of the fulness, scholarly and learned. No qual- BIRD QUALITY EOOFS COST land, causeth them to wander in nor taking of bribes of good deeds not itaking the trouble to analyze the horror and suffering under- the wildnerness where there is no In order to forgive for bad deeds, ity, mattered, but, learning. BeNO MORE of an uninformed laity, gone by fellow-men who live under the constant shadow of doom. way, they grope in the dark with- and know also that everything Is cause other qualities have come into to the reckoning, and ;| The fact that Hitler and his brown horde have defied public out light, and He maketh them to according let not thy • imagination give thee prominence today; oratory, good stagger like a drunken man. option throughout^ the world and have made their preposterous hope that t h e grave will be a mixing, pleasing personality, and "What ye know do I know also, place of refuge for thee, for per-similar superficial and commonthreats into actualities in no wise diminishes the quality of brut- I am not Inferior unto you, notforce thou formed, and per-place "gifts." Scholarship, the ality from Nazi acts. Hitler announces to the world that no one withstanding I would speak to force thou „wast wast born a n d thou chief requisite of a rabbi is utterin^Germany shall be barred from winter relief this year. The the Almighty and I desire to rea- livest perforce, and thou Will die, ly ignored "and discounted by conGod. and perforce thou wilt in the fu-gregations and their leaders. wopSs have barely left his lips when an underling who takes di- sonOhwith that ye would altogether ture have to give account a n d Torah has departed from our rect-: orders from him announces that the Jewish people shall not hold your peace, and it would be reckoning before the Supreme midst. receive winter relief in Germany.- • And the order carefully men- your wisdom hear now my rea- King of Kings. All efforts to revive Simchas soning and hearken to the plead-
No Let-Up
tions the Jewish people instead of non-Aryans and studiously ing of my lips. avoids, hurting the •feelings" of other Semitic races or the MonTALMUD golians. The result of ;this is that the Jews in Hitlerland face Rabbi Jose said, "He who actual starvation unless they themselves can raise enough to feed learns from the young is like one : their hungry. Little do the Nazi overlords care that they them- who eats unripe grapes, a n d drinks wine from his vat, and he selves are the ones responsible for the Jewish populace reaching who learns from the old is like thd starvation point. The Nazi leaders mince no words in publicly one who eats ripe grapes, a n d announcing that every weapon at their command will be used ruth- drinks old wine." Rabbi Meir said, "Look not at leBsly to drive those Jews remaining in business out of their the flask but at what It contains means of eking out a livelihood. They are forcing Jewish busi- there may be a new flask full of nesses to be sold for practically nothing, tightening the economic old wine and an old flask that stranglehold on the Jews closer and closer—little realizing, evi- has not even new wine in it." Rabbi Eleazor said, "Envy, cudently, that jnen like Schacht are right when they say that the pidity and self exaltation cause tighter the Nazis draw the economic cord on a part of their popu- premature death to man."
Torah must end in futility, unless they are accompanied by even more strenuous efforts to revive Polish Senate Torah, to make our laity more Warsaw—Only two Jews will intelligent in matters of Judaism, be named by President Mosclckt so that they in turn will encourto the Polish Senate, It was made age Jewish scholarship and apclear last week following an in-preciate Jewish learning. This quiry by a Jewish Telegraphic week-end bids us recall the enorAgency correspondent at a press mous loss we have sustained in conference in the Foreign Office permitting Torah to escape from on- the results of t h e last Sejm us, and to resolve as individuals elections. and as a community to reclaim it It had been previously announc- at all costs. Once the Torah is ed that three J e w s would be restored to its former glory in named. Israel, the American Jew will gain new confidence and joy.
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Rabbi. Eleazor said, "They that your patronage.
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Constructed of sturdy upperleathers <— ser« v i c e a b l e oak leather soles. Every pair made to resist hard wear. Colors: Black or Brown. A Neb r a s k a feature value f o r the boys at $2.95,
Shoes—First Floor
:ast -week-end as a stiest ol Miss Rabbi Frederick Cohn will specie Brown. John Beber, Leo Jill Stern at the Stern «state in. ! Jack Cohen. Jacob Davidson, on "Y\~hy I Am V.'Lat I Am." 1 The Pioneer Women held their Haddanfield, New Jersey. Otter Dessert-luncheon will be served I Richard E. Einstein, Philip Gfi ?cultural meeting at the J. C. C. guests at the house party were ! lick. Arthur Goldstein, La wren."* A departure from the usual at 1:15 and anyone wishing to Tuesday evening, October 15. Mr. Misses Laura Gamble Thomson, j Gross. Ben ICeElov.-fckj", N. •*». methods of fund-raising this sea- join this group is asked to call Dorothy Bothschild, and Eleanor i Kneeter, Joseph Krasne, Leu If Final plans -were completed at I. Morgenstern gave a very interMrs. Krantz. son will be a drawing, the •winner lellogg Talt; and Messers. Louis the last Deborah society meeting • Lastly there is the "Hadassah i Lipp. Herbert Nevelef L Cohen, Richard Fleisher, Charles held Tuesday, for the dessert-! Celebrate Succoth." Mrs. Hyman to receive a trip to Palestine or Sabbath. Group" which will bepin ! Other new meroberp l>einjr hopWhite and Johannes Steel. luncheon and card party to be jBelman sang several songs ac- ?300.00 in cash. Tickets are the season on Saturday. Novem- ' orclert will be the Mepfiamfs A. A at the piano by Mrs.'SI.00 each and can be purchased ber 2, at the home ol Mrs. Her-: Maisel, Al Mayer. H. F. MiUinr.. given by Deborah Wednesday, Oc-1 RETURNS FROM EAST tober 23, at the J. C. C. at 1 p. m. J from any Hafiassah member. Tills man Cohen, 101 So. •"" street. Jack Orlikoff, LeopolrS PIP-UU The regular monthly meeting Mrs. A. Shafton returned from The Deborah society is the j money will go to the Medical Mrs. Ben Handler will CMSCUFP ,1 Morton RlchprdB. W. A, ROSBPa seven-week Btay in Albany, N. auxiliary of the Omaha Talmud j •will be Tuesday, October 22, at current event?, and Rabbi David berg. E. I. RubSn. Chnrlep Rchl»Uthe J. C. C. at 2 p. m. All mem- Fund and any member or non-Goldstein v."ill spes.^ on "Men where she was the guest of Torah. : er, Nathan Turner, David "VVifv-bers are urged to be present as'>member who sells a book cf tick-, her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Declara- ' Samuel Sacharia snfi I. B. KierMrs. S. Frohm, chairman, an- 4.vl~ s~ 3 . A A li I ets (ate: Trill rpppiTe h e r invifnfinn fn^ Who Made the Balfour will receive her invitation to and Mrs. Ben Goffstein. While nounces, "The response of Omaha this is a very important meeting. i FDEDLEB-BORDY MARRIAGE DEMEROFF-SHAFTON tlie annual "Give or Get" lunch- tion Possible." Mrs. Joseph Rosen- I man. there she attended the marriage •women to the call for Talmud berg is chairman of thip group eon. Mrs. Irvin Levin, chairmarriage of MIBS Ruth WEDDING A program following the Uivt!•• f her daughter, Sarah. Torah has been very gratifying. man of the Medical Fund, is inwhich plans to continue the study eon will present Mrs. Roy T. Bordy, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. Shatton anof modern great characters of Many reservations are coming in." charge of this project and anyone RenUen Bordy, to Mr. Alfred A. nounce the marriage of their COUT AWARD Anyone desiring reservations The benefit card party given wishing tickets to Lell or informa- Jewish history and also current ; Jones who will sire, in costumfe. Fiedler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isa-daughter, Sarah, tc Mr. Abraham j a riramp.tic interpretatiois <•• events. dora Fiedler, •will he solemnized Demeroff of Brooklyn, N. Y, The Melvin Tannenbaum, son of Mr. may call Mrs. From, HA 2985 or by the Women's Mizrachi Wed- tion in regard to this project is Changing YearB," hr i "These and Mrs. A. Tannenbaum, was Mrs. Levecson has capably Mrs. William Milder, WA 3055. nesday afternoon was highly sue- ! asked to call her. at the Fontenelle Hotel on Sun-wedding took place Sunday, Sep\ Elizabeth Staney Payne. awarded the status ol Eagle Scout planned this extensive cultural Mrs. A. Schwaczkin and her cessful. All proceeds will go t o ! tember 24, in Albany, N. Y., at day, October 20, at 6 p. m. Rabbi DaTid A. Goldstein -will' per- the home of the bride's brother- Friday, October 11. He is a committee are in charge of thethe Beth Zeirotfi Girls school for j Hada.ssah members and their program to meet the needs ol .; There will be a very each individual and risks every meeting Monday, October £1, *>•'• German refugees In Palestine. in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. member of the Temple Israel luncheon. form the cjeremony. , , „ , _ , , . , friends are asked to remember the member to belong to at least ore S p. m., for the manageri? of th* troup No. 82. jd a t e o ft h e o p e a i n g m e e t m g v h i c h S Mrs. Seymour Cohn, sister of Ben Goffstein. Rabbi J. Bamber! basketball teams. Player's cor° a t eMrs. l ^E. £?™±* of the opening meeting | of¥™1 this "affair. Wemberg itlate October of the groups. akeg l a c e WedneSday, the bride, will be the matron of ger of Albany officiated. A six ! tracts will be distributed. T>" Those "vrishing more informaRETURNS TO KANSAS CITY o'clock dinner was served for the was chairman of the drawing. |s 0 _ T h e r e will be a tea and tliis honor. Mr. Max Kramer will be tion are asked to call Mrs. Leven- I league will Btart on November J.. Miss Cecil Schaffer, who had Mrs. A. Levinson, assisted by Mrs. .m 6 e t i n g i s o p e n t 0 t h e p u b l i c . family and close friends. beat man. i son. been the house guest of Miss R. Sterling, was in charge of reThe couple left for a trip The- ushers •will be: Messrs. Dorothy Margolin for three weeks, j freshments. Others on the comSeymour Cohn, Louis Riklin, Nor- through the eastern states. After left last week-end for her home in The Omana chapter of the j mittee arranging for the affair | Mrs. M. F. Levenson, educationa two-week trip they returned to man Bordy and Dr. Harry Rich. al chairman, has planned an ex-1 Council of Jewish WoSCE Kansas City. Junior HadasBan will entertain at ; included the Mesdames I. Kula-. . Those assisting at t h e recep- Brooklyn, where they trill make tenslve a Membership Tea Sunday after- kofsky, Joe Tuchman, B. Krizelcultural program for tins . Thirty nevr member? will be tion will be: Mesaamea Harold their home. of honor when the CounTO VISIT IN MINNEAPOLIS Loa?Ortobe? 20?at2%0 o'clock man, William Kuklin, Ben nzn-\^™ ^ m the TZRUy gTOXLVSguests it Pollack, Samuel Greenberg, Louis Mrs. H. Gilbert and Miss Es-at the Blackstone Hotel. An in- dler, M. Linda, A. Katz, and L. j l s ""^cu. IML evtuv noud.bdi cil of Jewish Women open? the. Riklin and Misses Cyril Leon, HONORS BRHJE.TO-BE , . . . - • ' "D ^ l.i j.i. ' iiitXiiiJcr Will j-lilU. lutrLlfctlN lilt season with a luncheon end meettelle Gilbert left for Minneapolis, , Bernice Bessel, Dorothy Margolin, Mrs. A. M. Greenbaum enter- Minnesota, where they will be teresnng and entertauun, pro- H ^ t ing; Monday, October 2 8, at 1 Shampoo and finder w»-rc t h e subject she is anxious to pursue. gram is being arranged. and Frances Berko-wltz of "Wich- tained twenty-seven guests at First, for those who would care o'clock at the Jewish Community guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. GreenMiss Goldie Seidman is mem- drawing for the 4 8-piece silver- for a series course there is theCenter. Mrs. Manuel Gredlnsky. TEE NEW ita, Kansas. luncheon at the Elks club Tues- berg. Members of the family asEotos PcnnRiicnt Wa The music -will be by Merriam day noon in honor of Miss Selma sembling from South Dakota, bership chairman, and Miss Min- j ware set. "Jewish History Study Group," president, will preside, and will no mnchinery an<3 no nie Froom is chairman in charge I The organization announces a Fiedlert sister of the groom, who Lotman, brlde^to-be of Lincoln. A Texas and New York are in Minwhich Mrs. David Goldstein will also conduct the board meeting city used et ?C.5O nn& up. donation by Mrs. B. Krizelman on will play the piano, and will be color scheme of pink and white neapolis to attend a family re- of the Membership Tea. conduct. Also a class in "Par-scheduled for 12. noon. A playlette, entitled "The Prini the occasion of her son's engageaccompanied by Shirley Fiedler was carried out In the centerpiece union. liamentary Law and Practice," a The membership committee. cess Awakens," will be presented ment. AT. 4SSS and Joe Lagman, who will play and table decorations. Out-ofseries of 12 lessons for which a headed by Mrs. David Cohen and : : by members of the organization, • the violin. town guests were Mrs. M. Lot competent teacher will he secured, j Mrs. Louis Lipp. the officers end MOTHER'S CLUB with Miss Ida Fine, directing. The Psi Mu basketball team Book review groups will he; directors, assisted by the hospiFollowing the ceremony there man, mother of the guest of hon- The Mother's club of Phi Beta Miss Harriett Bernstein, w h o j -will hold a practice 2:30 Sunday formed according to the wishes of; tality committee, of which Mrs. or, and MIBS Gertrude Lotman, will be a reception at the hotel Epsilon, s o c i a l fraternity of recent won an amateur Contest, from 8 until 9 o'clock. Invitations Bister. at the Jewish Com- those planning to belong. Then Ernest Nogg and Paul Blotcky IT WILL TAT TOU ireighton university, entertained will sing, accompanied by Miss - have been issued. there is the "Hadassah Cultural are heads, will be in charge of On Wednesday Mrs. S. Lagman Wednesday evening, October 16, munity Center. To Consult Group" which will meet the first luncheon arrangements. The bride i a s been extensively was hostess to Miss Lotman at at the home of Mrs. Jbseph Bloch. Naomi Gross at the piano. Any prospective member who and third Tuesday of each month entertained. Among those who luncheon and a theater. Honor guests will include the wishes to join the Junior Hadas- Handler, Goldie Seidman, Zelda at the homes of ihe various mem- following: Mesdames Milton Abrawere hostesses during the p a s t Thursday Miss Lotman was TO RESIDE IN PHOENIX j When btiying bers and will feature current hams, Jay Bercovici, D a, v i d I DIAMONDS .week were: Mrs. Seymour Cohn, honored at a no-host party at the Mr. and Mrs. A. Pltlor and sab. should call Webster 5791 for Charney and Ida Fine, reservations. Any girl wishing to join Junior e T e n t s , a n dm o a e r n Jewish probwho entertained seventeen guests Medical Arts tearoom. daughter left last week for PhoeHadassah is asked to get in touch jl e m s - M r g _ D a T i d K r a n t z i s c h a i r . Plan Dance at a bridge-luncheon at the Fonnix, Ariz., where they will make STTAXWABT; The Junior Hadassah will hold v i t h a n F member of this cemmif- man of this group whose first ; tenelle hotel* on •October 11: Mrs.ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF their home. GTTT Z L Fiedler, and Mrs. Louis Riklin, DAUGHTER t h e i r traditional Thanksgiving t e e meeting is. planned for Tuesday, \ Violin Instructor sister of the groom, jointly enterDance on November 28, at t h e At a recent meeting the presi- | November 5, at the home of Mrs. ] SD25 So. 2 4 Mr. and Mrs. David Manvitz TO ST. LOUIS Near E tained twenty-seven guests at the announce the birth of a daughter Hotel Fontenelle. Miss D o r a dent, Dora Freshman, announced j I. Sokolof, 75 5 No. 5S street, with j For Appointment Call Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Erman will Tudor ArmB on Wednesday, Oc- at the Clarkson hospital Tuesday, AX. 2 1 5 5 Freshman, president, has chosen j that the Southwestern regional j Mrs. Irvin Levin as co-hostess. leave Saturday for St. Louis, Mo., tober 16", and Mrs. I. Berkowita October 15. Miss Kalah Franklin as general j convention will be held in Kansas j At this meeting Mrs. O. C. Belzer Just returned from Chicago where where Dr. Erman will attend a he studied with R. Czerwonky, is having thirteen guests at a chairman in charge of this affair. I City, December 7 and S. j will discuss current events and convention of the surgeons of the bridge-luncheon this afternoon at KRIZELMAN-3IO8KOTITZ _ Miss Ann Hahn is ticket chairWabash railroad. They will reher home. ' man, and Miss Fannie Katelman, Mrs. Libby Moskovitz an- turn on Wednesday. publicity chairman. nounces the engagement of her Arrangements have been made daughter, jeannette, to S o l BOOKEY-SCHARF CONVALESCING with "King" George, personal Krlzelman, son of Mrs. Pauline Miss Edith Epstein is conThe marriage of Miss Marian representative of Bobby Bowman, Scharf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Krizelman. No definite date has valescing from a recent appendix for Bobby Bowman and his Music operation. Joe. Scharf of Council Bluffs, to been set for the wedding, Masters to play for the dancing. Mr. Marvin Bookey, Bon of Mrs. Mr. Bowman was the Saxophonist BAR MITZVAH E. Bookey of Des Moines, will be with Rudy Vallee's orchestra for Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cohn, 113 solemnised next Tuesday afterThe College club of Temple the past six years.' noon, October 22, at 4:30 o'clock So. 55th street, announce the Bar Members of Miss Frohm's comat the home of Mr. and MrB. Hy- Mitzvah of their son, Julius Mel- Israel will meet for the first time mittees are Ann Gorelick, Una vin, at the Beth-El synagogue, this season Sunday afternoon, mie Milder, 119 North Happy Gross, Goldie Zusman, Rosella Saturday morning, October 19. November 10, at the Temple. Hollow Blvd. A reception in Julius' honor Rabbi DaVid A. Goldstein will perform the ceremony in the pres- will be held at the Cohn residence MAR3CST I T K U S T O C X 3 , 'ence of members" of the immedi- Sunday, October 20, from 2 unfesm KsaTtffi attma. til 6 o'clock, in the afternoon. No ate family. cards have been issued. Miss Betty Bookey of D e s Moines, sister of the groom, will be the bride's only attendant, and PIANO RECITAL SUNDAY Abraham Dansky, s o*n of Mr. Mr. Lawrence GrosB Will serve as and Mrs. Herman Dansky, will best man. The young couple will go torender a piano recital at the JosChicago on their honeymoon trip, lyn liemorial concert hall Sunday, and upon their return, they Will October 20, at 4 p. m. The numbers he will play are: make their home in Des Moines. The bride-to-be has been exten- Gigue, Gavotte and Musette from Suite Op. 1 by D'Albert; Prelude sively entertained pre-nuptially. in G Minor; Prelude in F Major; Prelude in C Minor; Prelude in SHERMAN-RIBEMAN F Minor, by Chopin; and t h e The marriage of Miss Ruth Naila Waltzes, by Delibes, arrangRiseman, daughter of Mr. a n ded by Dohnanyi. Mrs. S. Riseman, to Mr. F r e d No Invitations have been issued Sherman, Bon of Mr. a n d Mrs. to this musical treat, and the pubLIME EICKEY Philip Sherman of Sioux City, will lic Is cordially invited to attend. WHITE SODA take place Sunday afternoon, October 20, at five o'clock at the GINGER ALE MAKING HOME HERE home of t h e bride's brother-inMrs. Sanr Riseman and her law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Mildaughter,- Bernice, of Douglas lard'H. Krasne, 427 Forest Drive Nebraska, are now making their in Council Bluffs. home at the Morris Apartments Rabbi Theodore Lewis of Sioux City will-perform the ceremony in FROM CHEYENNE the presence of members of the Miss Irene stark of Cheyenne Immediate families only, followed Wyoming, Is visiting Mr. and Mrs, by a family dinner. Abe Cohen; The young couple will leave Immediately on their honeymoon MAKE HOME HERE ' trip, and upon their return, they Mrs. Bill Levlne a n d son rewill make their h o m e in Sioux cently arrived from Rochester, City. New York, to join her husband Numerous affairs have been and make their future home here. LEMON or VANILLA Coats . . . at the prices given in honor of the bfide-to-be you ask for! Coats pre-nuptially. SIOUX CITY "VISITORS with the new slight Mr. and Mrs.; Hyman Levy of flare . . . not too proBRIDGE-LUNCHEON Sioux City are Visiting here for Florida Seedless California Fancy nounced . . . but it MIBB Lilly Poster gave a bride- a few weeks. Mrs. Levy was for 'GBAPEFBIHT, TOMATOES luncheon Sunday, October 13, Inmerly Miss Dee Borah Silver of makes last year's coat 5 for 3 Lbs. . .— honor of Miss Ethel Epstein, who Sioux City. look old. There's PerORANGES for Juice, APFLES, Delicia or arrived here from New York to sian on Black . . , Doz. 18c Jonathans spend a short vacation. Prizes GUEST Atf STERN ESTATE were won by Mamie Temin, MinMiss Gertrude Hill* who is at- 2 doz. ...„;.„ „ __. "M"ink on Brown . . . Bushel nette Singer, and Sarah Schlaifer. tending Bryn Manr College, spen "Idaho BaMng Fancy Kief er and every rich combi-
Deborah Affair Next Wednesday
Pioneer Women
Women's Murachi
Junior Hadassah
Membership Tea
Myron Cohen
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College Club
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•5 i
as Roman Drums Summon II Duce's Legions—Hindenburg in Final Rest
•J&s&idfcZ'CAl s-:V* *• Js^i.*;: i A
ROMAN WAR DRUMS SUMMON 20,000,000—Emulating the Roman Legions, here are Italian soldiers toRome beatingthewar drums that started the vast test mobilization of 20,000,000 citizens of Italy, within the country and abroad. Bells and sirens sounded as the followers of II Duce rushed to their appointed places to hear by radio the words of their leader. ROME'S TRIBUTE TO IL DUCE—Here is the scene in the square of the battle mented Palazzo Venezia in Borne where more than 100,000 Fascists gathered to hear Premier Mussolini speak, during the huge test mobilization of 20,000.000 Italians. It was before this gathering that Premier Mussolini said: "To acts of war we shall answer with acts of war."
PARADE FOR THE PRESIDENT—Ships of the largest fleet in American history as they gave a tactical demonstration for President Roosevelt at the beginning of his vacation cruise in the Pacific. Boarding the cruiser Houston at San Diego, Cal., President Roosevelt watched the sea parade and then telegraphed a message of congratulation to Naval Secretary Swanson.
CONTRIBUTES A "CUNNEL"—"Colonel" Hubert Julian, widely known In Newo York's wecked it. Mter toathe was assigned to the horse in the Ethiopian army.
AH-H-H-H, DA GOODA MACARON'—Even in far-away Italian , Somaliland the Italian fighting man must have his tasty macaroni as; part of the camp rations. Above is a cook, with a sun helmet replacing hisjchef's cap, preparing macaroni for H Duce's troops •over a field stove in one of the base camps. Note the unique style in which the chef has trimmed his beard.
ON TRIAL—Mandeville W. Zenge, 26-year-old Missouri carpenter, as he went on trial In Chicago, charged with the mutilation murder of Dr. Walter J. Bauer, Kirksyille, Mo., osteopath, found dying in a* Chicago South Side filling station, July 31. Zenge,was said to be a former sweetheart of Mrs. Louise Bauer, the doctor's wife.
ITALY'S DEFEAT—An artist's conception of the Battle of Aduwa, painted in 1896, the year the Italian forces were massacred by the warriors of King Menelik of Ethiopia. Recent occupation of the city by the Italian troops was accepted throughout Italy as suitable revenge. Mounted Ethiopians are g&iown in the painting clashing with foot troops.
ITALIANS PREPAEE A DEATH MISSLE-WWIe the world »!}W to • » _ ing to launch a torpedo during the recent extensive maneuvers.
PRESIDENTIAL TIMBER—Senator William E. Borah of Idaho. consider©4 by some an outstanding Republican possibility for the 1936 Prealdential no^iaMon^He ^ a ^ a t i v e of Faigeld.^IU _ where hejiwas b . o r ^ f ^ n ? 9 i ^ 6 & v e ^ c ^ i d e i y known as Forelm Senate far five terms, 1907-1937, ne is widely Kncgyn as foreign . Relations!Committee cnairmaii. • ,.:..• . •
TO WED—Miss Dorothy Hurd, 18 - year - old daughter of Mrs. Robert Maxon of Chicago, whose engagement to W. Lawson Little, British and American amateur golf champion, was announced recently. Little is a Californian.
G E K M A N WAR.HERO m FINAL REST-Above is the scene as the body of Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg, German war hero, was taken from its temporary grave in East Prussia and carto its final resting, place in the center tower of the huge Tannenberg. war. memorial. •-. - • • . • . . - . • . .
Ky-^-It was a fortunate day for Betty Burgess, 18-year-old Los Angeles girl, when a film scout discovered her. Almost at once she was chosen for the lead in a new musical picture, though she hardly had seen a camera before. Taken from the dramatic class of a Los Angeles High School, here is one reason why the cameraman found it easy to photograph her.
FAMED GRID MENTORS—At left is Alonzo StagE, 73-year-old patriarch of the gridiron. College of Pacific coach, as he greeted Howard Jones, coach of the University of Southern California' Trojans, during his recent visit to Los Angeles. Stagg is the oldest active college coach in the United states. ,, United Newaptctima,
.ODS : services i
; HeisfrarY Allays
Beth-El Auxiliary
A year full of activity is being planned *oy the Beth El Auxiliary, IE according to the reports of the x.izance of the growing, various chairmen given at the last In my undergraduate days, I why a powerful nation should deTemple Hungarian Jewish circlef '.' meeting which took place October developed a deep affection for vote itself to the sole task .of deRabbi David H. Wice will speak 15 in the auditorium of the political r.pproachmpnf. b stroying a harmless minority. things German, - - - German litSecondly, the Marxian doctrine >n "The Jews of Ethiopia—An In- J. C. C. erature, music, art a n d culture. >ar,i Germany and H u n f ' imate Glimpse of This Forgotten The business meeting was folWith some knowledge ol Jewish offers something by way of ex-Group," at services at Temple i<~aa TC a revival of oi\U lowed by a delightful program as an aid it -was easy to acquire planation. "In times of social nn- Israel this evening. ported r.Eti-SeroStisin it1. •>' J consisting of a talk on the "Sigrest and dark problems, fhere is "Sprachgefuhl," a feeling of kinT, t h e Hungarian POT r Saturday morning services will nificance of Succoth," by Mrs.! ship -with t h e language without a tendency to project one's own e held at 10:30. issued an official, sister- i Wm. Racusin; a reading, "The •which there is no real apprecia- responsibilities and shortcomings ing the Jewish popular! n Dead Eshrog," by Sholem Ale- j tion of a nation's literature and upon the backs of a docile minorn.ain calm and to have i chem, given by Mrs. Fhineas Beth-El •way of life. My professor of Ger- ity. With impunity, the Germans Cs!I;np on the Jews; :o man was a most remarkable per- made the Jews its economic scapepovrrnment. thp evpfrn This evening Shemini Atzereth Wintroub, and vocal selections by • hat. Hunpnry will nrvr goat. Yet even here we find no ervices will begin at 8 p. m.Mrs. Hyman Bellman who was son. He was so deeply rooted in reason for such an idiotic policy Rabbi David A. Goldstein's sub- accompanied on the piano by Mrs. rny cliFtmction among i; • the German "Kultur," so infin- on the part of a people seemingly' in race or creed. Mastering Our Al Finkle. A tea prepared by ect will be itely proud of his German back- educated and intelligent. Moods" and will be based on the Mrs. I. Dansky and her commitPointing iti the p~f'- > ' ground, and so completely devotThirdly, it is quite possible that book of Ecclesiastes, Kohelleth. tee followed the program. Mrs. KungXirip.n .levs, i h p f ed to the teaching of his subject Germany's culture was not a prodf ssertp that "jus! RF v.r Julius Conn, who will be BarDave Sherman and Mrs. A. D. that he taught with the passion- uct of its positive virtues, b u t Frank poured. i lots was ma dp h e ' v e e r ,! Mitzvah Saturday morning, will ate fervor of a Messiah. No pupil sprung from a negative s e t of A cultural program full of i on-Jev.-s during: the l?ip chant the Kiddush. The women conld long attend his classes with- forces. Perhaps "Kultur" was but of the auxiliary will be hosts to promise was outlined by Mrs. ve will not rcrmit ar.y out absorbing to some extent his a natural reaction of a few sensiD a v i d Goldstein, educational I;OD= to b° made b^t^'een he congregation in the Euccah. love for the noble flowerings of tive souls to heavy and oppressive in time of pppre." Saturday morning, services will chairman who is being assisted by German life to be found in Goethe and narrow militarism, to thebegin at 9 o'clock. Julius Cohn, Mrs. M. F. Levenson as her coand Beethoven, Heine and Schu- despotic nature of hidebound au- son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cohn, chairman. The first Oneg ShabBritish Refugee Aid mann. thority. Dr. rtulip Sher. will become Bar Mitzvah. Mr. both will take place October 2 6 What emotion other than love Single causes are Beldom plaus- and Mrs. Cohn cordially invite at the home of Mrs. Dave SherCc^acII To End Above are pictured the officers of the College of Jewish Studies, whose sessions for the eeason begin could I have toward a people ible. But in these t h r e e hypo- their friendB to attend the Barman with Mrs. Wm. Alberts as at the Jewish Community Center, Monday, October 28, Dr. Philip Sher is president, William Wolfe, vice•which had produced such glories theses, together with the deep-ly- Mitzvah ceremony of their son. co-hostess. Rabbi Goldstein will London (M'N?)—J-lerpuFfpresident, and Sal Michnick, secretary. . ' . as the "Eroica" and "Faust," the ing psychological forces that go Y-izcor services will begin at give the first of a series of seven lack of funds thp Tritish Registration is now open. philosophies of Kant and Hegel, with them, we h a v e a tripod about ten o'clock. talks on the Bible as literature. demic AFsietance Council, f the weird tales of Hoffman, the which can perhaps bear t h e Saturday night at 7p. m., Sim- The women who attend are asked 4,TieO feet by midnight. Director to find positions for' c-xilrd searching g l o o m of Schopen- weight of truth. Intellectual envy, chath Torah will be celebrated. to bring their Bibles with them. Mervyn LeRoy successfully rec- man scholsrs end rrofePFOv?. hauer? What rich rewards! What need for an economic scapegoat The children aTe especially invited This series will be given the fourth orded a six-and-a-half-m i i s t e have to cipootifnuse 'i'n vn-. divine pleasures of the intellect I and a culture not based on posi- to attend. The usual Simchath Saturday of each month. scene in one "take." Megaphones July SI. jf-^P. it VB? smif had reaped through my study of tive causes, go far to explain Hit Torah procession, with the chilThe general series will consist are obsolete among directors . . . in the Council';-, perond F,rri; German culture. ler'B rise to power. : of papers given by members of dren participating, will be held, evidently the shouting days a r e , port. I became president oforgan"Der Hollywood—Way back in 1919, passes to their show because his^ over. From the death of Heine to th and there will be gifts for all of the auxiliary on famous Jewish Deutsche Verein, a student revpp.lec; The rep; women and will start November the citizens hereabouts w e r e i laugh is ' so infectious that even ization" devoted to the study of birth of Hitler required less than the children from members of the Cheerio, m'lads! 3.?0 0 of the refi .pro' 9 at the home of Mrs. Harry Trus- | startled to see the miracle of huge if the show wasn't BO good the German life and letters. We were half a century. But such a cours auxiliary. • ("Copyright. 1S3E. Jewish Telegraphic have been r-In fee! in nrvtin with Mrs. Arthur Cohn as coj j does not speak well for the ine t g of light shooting into t h e audience laughed anyway. A n d pledged to speak only German, Sunday morning services will Apsncy, Inc.) tions. hostess. This series will be given sky. The curious followed now studios are using him to see among ourselves. I began, to feel tellectual development of a na begin at 9 o'clock. I.I Those placed in the second Saturday of each tion. History, however, is unerr beams to their source a n d t h e as much at home with the lant h e daily •'rushes." He laughs p rftC -«, C c;«TJT, 0 0 0 F hern contributing; month. Current Events will be found Sid Grauman standing be- just where an average audience; guage as one who walked daily ingly just. When HiUerism hai dience; rTOgreSSn e Vaad The Progressive Hebrew club for the relief of t h e i r Irs*-. featured at each meeting. ! hind an array of studio kliegs ' would, and thus execs know how down "Unter den Linden." The become but a vague .memory o: w i l l be will hold its annual election of tunste colleagues. Shemini Atzereth A dinner celebrating 5 years of j d r y i n g the crowds into his Mil- , to cut- the pictures. heavy Georgia woods about t h e evil, Heine will continue to bi ushered in this evening at 5:30 service to the community by Bab- j u o n Dollar Theatre. Grauman j officers Sunday. October IT. at 3 campus, which served us often as "beloved Heine." p.. m., with services in all thebi and Mrs. David Goldstein will! v a s t he fi rs t showman to discover ! a meeting place, we affectionateyou hear about the protest p. m. sharp at the J. C. C. Evcry synagogues. Late Friday night be given EABBI Z. BARBAKOW on November 13 th. Thisjjjje g Jt h e p o e of the huge g sun-arcs to jm e e t i n g of the race relations corn- member is urged to be present. ly called "Der Schwarzwald." One services will be held at the B'nai event will also serve as a wel- j attract human moths. th Since .then then ' mittee- of the Federation of had only to read "Der Brlkonig" Israel synagogue at 8 p. m. Rab- come to the new members of the while seated against a tall pine i become a Hollywood - custom, bi H. A. Berger will speak on congregation. A very fine pro- | whether you want a mob for the Churches? They heard that Al to feel that he was indeed in the Keafoence Jolson was being considered for "Koheleth—a Gentle Cynic." Can- gram is being arranged. enchanted Black Forest of Geri opening of a picture or of a "hot the part of « d e L a \r(l" in "Green tor A. Schwaczkin and the choir many. Here, no tales of wood- ' Two Jewish youths, Sidney EOih S t . , O m a h B . !•-•."}«• By Mrs. David BL Xewman 142C The added incentive of a new j dog" stand. Pastures" . . . and would have sprites or dream-gods w e r e be- Coyne, scoutmaster of . troop 62 will chant the services. building plus the usual enthusiWell, he's still .a good none of it. Saturday morning services will asm on the part of the members yond credulity. And through our and Morton Margolin, were hon It could only happen in this j Mammy singer. Orange Cake woods there ran a soft-flowing ored by being awarded a Black be held at 8:30 a. m. in all thewas evident in the report of the land of shifting shadows. Joseph ,Tse IVz cups sugar, synagogues. Yizkor services will brooklet singing Heine's immortal Diamond recognition and by beWays and Means chairman, Mrs. I Schenck gave a party last week. Zion Meyers (Carmel's broth- butter (scant), 1 cup at 10:30 in all the syna- Jacob Blank. The first project I Among the guests were h i s Bojig of the Princess Use. ing initiated into the ranks of begin er) has had what you'd call an juice, 1 grated orange rind. 1-3 : Jaco B g gogues. Rabbi Berger will preach When undergraduate days had Nani-Ba-Zhu, a local honorary at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol to take place is the third annual \ wifie, Norma Talmadge and her illogical career: He's color blind cup coconut, cut tip. 2 cups flour, ; F g s Mr. passea, I became a member of scout "group on Sunday, Octobe: on "Living Off the Past." so fate picked him as the first 3 teaspoons baking powder, Folgers Sale, atwhich vras jj now-hubbr, George officially Coffee organized the home home Schenck. as as host, host, wentJessel. up to to NorNoro nt o d i ^ e c t c h o r t B u b j e c t E i n "Das DeutEches Haus," a c l n b 13. organized at the jj Schenck. went up •whites of S egps, bsatec stiff, Saturday evening there -will be officially t the : color. ' He's a victim of dog ffright . M ; Cream the butter, add sugar E42" Decr.tuT Coyne has been active in scout "Hakpfus" ushering in Simchath of Mrs. Dave Greenberg on Octo-ima and asked, consisting of people -who-referred k d "Shan. "Shn I I serve,the ber 4th. Mrs. Greenberg is being j dinner now?" "Oh, yes," she an- . . . so he was assigned to make ; gradually, then add juice End A fill! line P ' N?w Vep.r' to G e r m a n y as "Vaterland." work for the last ten years. He Torah. Jewish em' En?!isVi end assisted by Mrs. Dave Cohn, her.j swered, then quickly flushed, a series of dog shorts. As a bridge |flour alternately. was a member of troop 62 and Many nights, indeed, did we sit Add grated Sunday morning services will I'm not the boss co-chairman, and the following j "Pardon me. into the small hours heatedly de- won the ranking honors while an be held in all the synagogues player, he's better at polo . . . ; rind, coconut, baking powder and ' ladies: Mesdames Wm. Alberts, here any more. bating the intricate philosophy of active scout. but he was the guiding voice be- j whites last. Bake is tv-o layers t i o n s . p r a y e r b o o k ? . tP.leipnn. at 8:30. Morris Arkin, Jake Blank, John He was one of the three out of Hegel or Nietzsche over many a hind the Culbertson short reel-1 at S75 degrees from IE to £0 and v-'ool of t h e b?!=t rino^, '>• A fortune-teller read Sylvia T^c-.ynPrnbPr p.l"'^ t o pin r r y o u r Beber, Reuben Bordy, David B. glass of stimulating beer. Truly, approximately two hundred scouters. Now he's producing musicals : minutes. Ice with icing made of Cohn, Max Davis, J. J. Green- Sidney's palm and told her that . . . we'll bet he can't toot a horn, j 2 cups powdered sugar, 2 table- r\ei-r -vvKh TT1P 'O~ ? r . pRroF: c n r no one can long speak the lan- masters in the city who were seIUIOT that if- being imporu-t: b'berg. Jack Kaufman, Phil Klus- j she would have one marriage not even, his own! guage of gutteral sounds and lected as recipients of the Black j spoons butter and orange juice tc nick, Robert Kooper, p Gail Mar-1-which 1 would be lasting and one combined words without beer to Diamond award this yeaT. This i thin out to the right consistency. golin, I. W. Rosenblatt, Phil j hoy. "Nous verrons." revive a dry throat. Happy hours is given to the scoutmaster who 'Round the Town: Jack Benny Rosenblatt, Sam Steinberg, Samj' • •were those spent .in.,staging.the contributed, the -most to camping Pear Sslafi •- lost a hundred dollars to Eddie "moBt'deiicate of .lyrics,.- - - and during; the past'- year;" "Recipients Marinate canned or fresh halvp= often the vulgarest of drinking of this are elected to the countin, Sam Theodore, of pears (cores removed tvC selor group of the Nani-Ba-Zhu. songs. . and J. Wright. j .. peeled) in french dressing a r t collect. K Because Morton Margolin reWhile I was at this high stage Mrs. John Faier, assisted by! chill thoroughly. Fill cente~t king, has contracted to with current jelly and serve or of my sentimental attachment to ceived the Black Diamond award Mrs. Henry Belmont as co-Chair- ji n g t y v i t a drawn revolver, but \'gmake-up Uppiy" ax{"the cosmetics for German-culture, I heard of Hit- f o r his contribution to . camping man will have charge of the an- jm a a e E 0 move to come to the Hit- jg o v i e t - - the crisp lettuce with a dressing mcc> studios. Sybil ler's rapid rise to German favor. during the past year, he was also nual Bake Sale which will take j i er ite's aid . . . A columnist in the ' be Al Jolson's leading Jason lady of 2 eggs, juice of 1 lemon. At first, I . w a s certain beyond initiated into the membership MARCH OF TIME . . . place November 20th at the Bran-1 London Star writes that an in-in "The Singing Kid." Walter \ tablespoon? ?ugar; 1 teaspo:: doubt that through some histori- ranks of the Nani-Ba-Zhu. This Time Magazine, sponsors of the deis Store. Any one wishing spe- ffor mant of his who spent some ~~'ng. ^ going <oing fcsck back to Broadway in in : flour, 1 tablespoon fcuHer. Be:; cal accident the world was* wit- is one of the rlghest honors which March of Time on air and screen, cial orders before the sale please Orm time socially with Hitler says Der j " " s ' t know whether eg;?rs until light. Acid u5 CElt doe E nessing a strange and passing can be accorded a boy scout. is preparing a pictorial version of call these ladies. Fuehrer's anti-Semitic obsession to return as a Wolfe or a King. juice, sugar, fmur (dissolve -Morton, who is the son of Dr. the Jewish situation in Germany phenomenon. But when my fela The Ann Ronnell-Lester Cowan water 1 end butter, stirring' cor 'Announcement was also made has risen to a point where iti eis n f l 5 low members of "Das Deutsches and Mrs. Morris Margolin, is a . . Its newshounds are rushing of the annual dance to take place j real embarrassment to his ^ duet will soon he a solo. For an, cook in double boiler vv Haus" circulated an anti-Semitic first class scout, and is one of around here and there marshal- in February with Mrs. Arthur At one afternoon party, this entire week his Dad's company til mixture thickens, document, I knew that his policy the leading scouts in troop 62. ing facts and figures to be used Cohen as chairman and Mrs. Mas informant says, Hitler spent the , shot movie scenes ail over ir ' fold in xf cup whlppf ol hate was sanctioned even by with scenes typical of Hitlerland's Davis as co-chairman. whole time standing by thejyar . . . estate, and Sammy Goldthe most "civilized" of Germans. persecution of the Jews . . . Won, •dow, pointing out to the astonish, . . |,".,..., Jr.. was in ecstasy. By royal To all those who enjoyed the Prove Bionics Deeply hurt, I hastily divorced der if they've managed to g e t Conservative Capers given last j ed gathering what he thought to jc o l r , m a n d , Gregory Ratoffs "IS myself from all my Teutonic assohold of some action shots of that vear, pa£serst>2 vear, comes comes the m e ,welcome " " ^ u i c news ^^.,^< be - the Jewish traits of n-v,, n^-m,M i n t . t e s t 0 G o - ^ a s viewedfcythe ciates. I could no longer r e a d . The Center gym will he closed Kurfuerstendamm riot That Berlin—In the past few dayF : both Saturday and Sunday on acihat Mr. Milton Kieck has again | in the . ^ f ; ^ ^ with pleasure the language I had would make the Hitler apologists been retained to produce a roadjpany. got the impression tnai; T h e r e E t i n r e m a i a . 1 4 S theatres there have been numerous cases \ mastered so well. Even the operas count of the holidays. over here pretty uncomfortable show which will be given on Tues- \ about SO percent of the German o ^ n e d hy J e ^ s i = D e r K e i h . where Jews seen in the company j of Wagner became to me unbear. And it might go a long -way the Central People were that flay ol Jewun i N a z i s . p l a n t o r e ii e V e them of their of blondes on the streets h e r e j day, March 31, at Although there are many four able, breathing again a revived toward further crystallizing senhave been stopped by policemen I ' licenses hy December 3rd. Further an- origin prejudice. Only in the pages of wall swatters, most of them play timent against American partici- High auditorium. and here been forced to produce | nouncements will be made later. with the view of keeping in shape Heine and Nietzsche w a s there pation in the Olympics . . . COMPETITION . . . • ! T h e Big-Trigs and t b eScrib- evidence that the giris are "con- ; rather than for entering into comconsolation. T h e Aryans." ' con f ere ncinE. Competition-for human interest; b l e r g ^ e r e In the months that have passed petitive play. So because so few HOSPITAL NOTE . . . "we may have a problem like that that charmaterial is pretty keen in the Yidj entries were received lor the presince that first trauma, I have William, Hosenwald, who is(of Germany) right here" . . . dish press these days . . . One <iar ;a c t e r i ! .oaf t i od li ls < ni inB sai o ns t o r v EIOWF up London—Miscliel Cliernit.1;' ' d sought for some explanation of season handball tuorney the con- still referred to as the son of the Heckscher then asked the report- the Forward runs an adOpromis-; "TTell." solved a t h g acti0I1famous cellist who played l>c,oie German anti-Semitism. Historic- test will not be held. But all late philanthropist Julius Rosen- ers, it may further be recalled, ing readers a series of articles on ,b r i g h t e s e C ; <<if r0XL h a ve to have the Russian Czar at the r r r o" ally, it is undeniable that when- players are urged to continue on wald, although he has earned 'how many of our doctors and the intimate details of-the-life of jc h a r a c t e r i z a t i Q n > p u t i t i n . . . seven years, will visit Pales-:nr ii ever there has been born a "Kul- brushing their game up so that philanthropic spurs in his o w njudges are Jews?" and answered Boris Thomashevsky, famed stage; b u t t i t a t t h e e n d s o i t v- "on't March lor a three-week C^M •"••<. turbewegung," an intense German they will be ready for the regular right, is recuperating from an op- himself that they formed "a . ,star . . . The next -day the Day, + . very t h eactlon,,. tour. l cultural movement, there h a s tournaments that will get under eration . . . Injured his knee play- great percentage in proportion to |r n n s a n a d p r o m i s i n g its readers • Although lie has played ji. •> i" r way soon. been a concomitant wave of antiing tennis last Summer Op- the population - - - A situation ,a similar series on t n e life of j Unimportant conversations: than 2.5C0 concerts in all -.i'-i< At present twenty-five new eration was scheduled for August „ „ r - ^ Jewish feeling. Many claim this is bound to cause trouble B e s s i e Thomashevsky, the actor's | Eddie Cantor: "Sar, Parkakar- of the worid, this is the firs; i-r1due to envy of the great part Jews members a week are joining the but he postponed it so that he like this That is our problem of the estranged wife and a famous acharpens when Greek that the famouE Jewish min-'>irr have played in German cultural Jewish Community Center. Wonder what a fel- tress in her own right could make a promised tour of future' The has visited. Palestine, development. To me, this does not four cities on behalf of tin United low like that was doing at a re- two have appeared together on re-1meets p a r f eGreek?" "All's quiet on atartss: There is still two weeks before Jewish Appeal seem entirely true. Heine h a d Speaking of ception to Prof. Reinhardt, which cent occasions in t i e name o f ever been "Lieber Heine," be- the regular -pre-season basketball the U. J. A., here's an interesting was also attended by Prof: Ein- charity . . Yiddish theatre life the restaurant loved without reservation. No, tournament gets* under way, eo note that didn't get into the pub- stein? . . .Speaking of Prof. Rein- has been considerably brightened Our own Ripley Sept.: Al Eoasthe greatest envy and the strong- get in shape. licity releases 1,000 promin- hardt, somebody close to that im- this season by the introduction of berg-directed an entire est chauvinism do not explain ent non-Jewish leaders in various presario has informed us that he a female orchestra . . . An ^ The men's.gym classes held on fields were approcahed by the Ap- tossed all the preliminary script tra of eight women graces the pit | one day! . . Tuesday and Thursday 'evening at peal to sign a statement support- work done on "The R o a d to of the Polks Theatre . . . The m-, t h o ™ 0 r - i r ? : E n d comrietod t h e 7:30 p. m., is proving to be very ing its campaign and socking Hit- Promise" out of his hotel win. + . novation, setting a precedent in j popular and all ihose who are not ler . . . Of the 1,000, signatures dbw, he was that dissatisfied„ with i y i d a i s l l theatrical history, w a s : working out.should become a regof -200 were received, Including it Recognized as .-And then he had to work Ii n t r o d u c e ( i ^y Joseph Eurnshim-', ular member of .this .class and bishops, college presidents and iht i a row until five a h orchestra hestra PRACTICAL MOHEL conducts the learnt to keep yourself in shape. editors . . . Several of the 200 two nights in a row until five a. Opes ETery Night Phone 1050 m, to do it over the way he wanthimself . . . wrote on the statement that they Council Bluffs, la. ed i t . . . Jewish Press advertisers merit would like to make contributions 3IAXT HAPPY and asked how they could do itSOME XAZI TALES . . . your patronage. . On November'1, Sholem Asch, Special and Private- Parties ... Two, who did not sign their be arranged en Monday This one is gleaned i r o n !!Winnames, scrawled on the statement chell . . . "Some of us were bab- the 'writing man; will be ex r Admission .Includes and in the fifty-five years old that "we all should mind our own r to the Park. Kink, bling about t h e Olympic games month t h e following notChecking- an£ SltsteE same business." . . . . . . Most of the chatterers were ables have birthdays: Frankindignant about the Nazi discrimp. Adams (nee Schlossman), lin HECKSCHEB WAS THERE . . . ination against the Hebrew ath- writer, who'll be 54 Ed Among - those present a n d letes, and there was speculation Bernays, publicist, 44 speaking at the recent reception on what measures they had taken ham Flesner, educator, 69Abra. , . to Prof. Max Reinhardt on his re- to disqualify them . . . 'The Jew- Felix Frankfurter, law professor, turn to this country after a trip ish jumpers got. a fair test,' spoke 53 . . . Harry X.. Gluctsnian, soabroad was none other than Au- up one chap. 'They were sent to cial service man; 48 . . . George g n s t Heckscher . . , August, it a concentration camp, walled by a| S i a n e y H e I l E i a a ; al2 thor, 57 . will be remembered, on his refifteen-foot fence. • Those that jG o v e r n o r o J Jruncis Henry Korturn from Europe on a Nazi liner, jump over the fence from a standGeorge S. Kaufman, blithely informed reporters that ing start c a n compete in t h ener, o< playwright, 46 . . . Edgar J a y games An eye-witness to Lauer, New. York State • Supreme the Nazi "invasion" of New York's Court Justice, 64 Ricnard garment center tells us that he Percy Limburg, banker, 40 . . . Highest Grada Enamels, saw one of the brownshirts (there N o t to mention Supreme Court WATESPHOOF &1X-FDBPOSB were sis of them In a track, all Justice Loais D. Brandeis, who'll •VABX1SH, ^1^50 GaDoa wearing full Nazi uniforms) be- be T9 on the thirteenth ES we adti* Omaha Jobbing Compaoj ing beaten by a garment worker vised last week . . . SIT N o . 15 J A SD04 who thrashed him lustily with a Telegraphic stick . . . A patrolman was stand- ' (Copyright
Two Jewish Lads Win Scout Honoi
Kitchen Cfeats
J.C.G. Sports
Rev. A. Diamond
* . i.
orses since he was a lad of nine. three Jailed In Tel !e holds two world's championAviv'-Labor Clash ihips . . . P a u l Sidrer, former y College of New York g r i d Tel Aviv (JTA)—Three of thfttar, Is now playing1 ball with the Mis3 Ida Greenberg, daughter ouisiana State eleven . . . Betty seven members of the Histadruth, BY F. B. K. >f Mr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg, Meyers, spirited Jewish lass from MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent general federation of labor ia, Berlin (JTA)—All Jewish girls las chosen Tuesday, October 22, kmulgee, Oklahoma, winner of iluiliiiiiiiiihin Warsaw (WNS"—Three of the i Palestine, arrested for complicity under twenty-five, serving as is the date of her marriage to Sol ;he 1934 rodeo championship for salesgirls, typists, bookkeepers, four members of the American I in clashes with members of the ; "red Self, son of Mr. and Mrs.Tick and fancy riding, is once SUCCOTH SERVICES Services for the concluding two- nd in other office jobs, must quit chess team.-which won the world's • National Labor Union, were sen- . .. W. Seff, Correctionville, la. gain competing in New York chess championship at the bienRabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will of- City this month for her share of day holiday of Succoth will be- work "for one year," according nial- tournament of the Interna- ' tenced to jail for from three days .| to an official order issued h e r e gin at 5:30 o'clock this evening, ficiate at the marriage ceremony h e winner's money Goldie tional Chess Federation were Reu- ' to one week. One was fined. which will take place at 7 o'clock Bernstein and "Slats" Jacobs, en- October 18, at the Chevra B'nai ast week. ben Fine, Abraham Kupchik and | The clashes between the t w o Under the pretext that "all Yisroel synagogue at 618 Mynster n the presence of the immediate At the annual meeting of the trants from Seattle, Washington, rival unions broke.out when Lamgirls require a year of freedom Jacob Horowitz. street. On Saturday, the mornMount Sinai Temple congregation elatives of the bride and groom. are competing In t h e bareback The third place Polish team port, owner of one of the entering services will commence at from work in order to l e a r n Miss Greenbsrg, who will be rone riding contests . . .? and the Temple Brotherhood, of8:30 o'clock, and Yiscor, the Me-household duties," t h e order was 100 per cent Jewish, the ! prises at RamathGan, dismissed ficers for the coming year were .nattended, will wear a rust-suit, The first Oneg; Shabbos, spon- elected by each organization. morial Services, will be held at tates that even those Jewish girls players being Dr. S. Tartakower, i the Histadruth workers and hired trimmed in brown squirrel, with IBEENBEBG'S BAD BREAK who work for Jews must be re-Paul Friedman, A. Neidorf and H.• workers of t h e National Labor sored by the Senior Hadassah brown accessories to match. Her .Mr. Hyman Fishgall was reHank Greenberg, the outstand- ten o'clock Saturday morning. I Union. The Histadruth declared chapter, •will be ]i held tomorrow elected president of the Temple orsage will be made of gardenias ing Jewish baseball player in the Simchath Torah celebration placed by "Aryans." Friedman. a strike, but the National Labor On the eve of his second major afternoon at 2:30 in the home of congregation. Mr. Mike Skalov- and talisman roses. Competing in an international . will be held at six thirty o'clock big leagues today, missed his Union men continued to work. nvasion of Berlin, Julius StreichMrs. Joe Levin,;3405 Nebraska sky was elected vice-president; tourney for the first time, PalesFollowing the ceremony, a fam- chance of smashing two all-time at the synagogue followed by r, Germany's leading Jew-baiter, tine chess masters finished 15th street. •'':'.;; Mr. Jack Robinson, treasurer; ily wedding dinner will be served. baseball records and of setting up services at 7:30 o'clock. FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, Mrs. Theodore'N. Lewis will Mr. Herman F. Miller, secretary, Sunday morning, the services launched a venomous campaign in the tournament. Mr. Setf and his bride will go a third mark. All through t h e KLUTZNICK & KEL.LEY, Atty*. speak on "Art ; in "Palestine," and Mr. Jake Kalin, chairman of ;o Chipago, Pittsburgh and Cin-1935 baseball season Hank gave will commence at 8:30 o'clock at against Jewish butchers and cat€50 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bide. tle-dealers. taken from- "ThB Moden Pale- the finance committee. cinnati for a wedding trip and ividence of becoming the home the synagogue. BEN E. KAZLOWSKY, Atty. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION With the powerful support of stine." Mrs. Louis AgranofI will Dr. Leon Galinsky was elected will make their home in Sioux run king of the year. It was be532 Insurance Bldjj., City Notice is hereby piven that the u n the Voelkischer Beobachter, Der speak on Jewish. Current Events, president of the Temple Brother-, ity. ! del-signed hax'e formed a corporation Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld lieved that he would even conthe County Court of Douglas j under the laws of the State of Neand Mrs. Joe Levin will conduct hood.,, Mr. Victor Mazie was Out-of-town guests at the wed- nect for fifty circuit blows. Early and Mrs. Anna Ungar entertained Angritf and D e r Schwarztkorps, In County, Nebraska. braska. The tiame of the corporation the three most influential papers a questionnaire on subjects of elected vice-president; Mr. Meyer ling will include Mr. and Mrs. M. this August Hank was far ahead about two hundred guests at a in the Third Reich, Streicher de- In the Matter of the Estate of Fannie shall be Sanitary Jce Service Co. with. Hadassah interest. Horwlch, Deceased '• principal place of business a t Omaha, Levitt, secretary, and Mr. Morris . AdelBtein of Rapid City, S. D.; f the record created by B a b e beautifully-appointed r e c e p tlon manded the closing of all Jewish To the heirs-at-law, creditors, and'Nebraska. The general nature of t h e Tuesday afternoon, the first Skalovsky, treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bllman of Ruth in 1927. However, the long- Sunday afternoon from three un- butcher shops, accusing them of all other persons Interested in said i business to be transacted shall be to regular meeting;; of the Senior establish Mid operate a retail tee. d e incinnati, O., and Jack Green- legged lad from the Bronx fell til six o'clock, at the Rosenfeld poisoning non-Jewish customers estate: Tou are hereby notified that a peti- livery and sale system; to buy, sell; Hadassah will be I held. The meetlerg of Madison, Wis. home in honor of Mr. and selling them unsanitary meat tion has been filed in this court on j lease, own. acquire, dispose and or nto a slump from which he never Ing will follow;' a one o'clock the 24th day of September, 1S35. by ; encumber real and personal property During the past week, Miss •ecovered. In nineteen games dur- Leo Ungar, who recently returned products. Belle Horw-i'ch alleging: that Fannie.' incident to the purposes and uses of luncheon in the Jewish Comreenberg has been the inspira- ing the month of September, from their honeymoon in Cali: Horwich died on the 20th day of Ap- j this business; to do all things ~necesThis drive is taken to indicate munity Center. ; 1924, intestate; that a t the time ratv or proper to effect the purposes ;ion .for several parties. Hank connected for only six clean fornia. Mrs. Milton Rt-Abrahams he government's determination ril, of her death she was a. resident of for which this corporation is orRanMrs. J. N. Kraeger will speak Tu&sday noon, Mrs. L. R. Hur- hits. Although Jimmy Fox tied of Omaha and Mrs. John L. Pyper At a meeting of the Mount Douglas County, Nebraska, and thatli;;ed. The authorized capital stock on her year in Palestine follow- Sinai Temple Sisterhood held last witz entertained a group of him for honors in the number of presided at the tea table which to oust Jewish cattle-dealers com- she was possessed of an undivided in-; shall be $5,000 and all of said stock pletely because of the fact that ing the luncheon. Mrs. M. B. week, Mrs. Herman Miller and riends at a luncheon in the ElkB in and to the following des- shall be common, par value $100 per was overlaid with a Venetian lace "Aryan" peasants have shown a terest home runs poled over the fences share and fully paid up and non-ascribed real estate, to-wit: Herzoff will sing a group of Mrs. Sam Greenstone were, named lub, honoring Miss Greenberg. sewiblp. It shall commence business cloth, centered with a mound of during the year, Hank, nevertheLot Five (5), in Block Seventysongs, accompanied at the piano chairmen of the Sisterhood an- Wednesday noon, Mrs. D. Hurendency to purchase from Jews, four (7.4). South Omaha, an ad- upon filing of its articles with th« yellow and bronze chrysantheless, was far ahead of the field in County Clerk of Douglas County. Ne.dition to the City of Omaha, now by Pierce Wall.. Rabbi H. R. nual Thanksgiving dance. The itz was her hostess at a lunchwhe^se prices are lower than those briiska. and shall continue for a p»« mums, and illuminated by yellow of the government cooperatives. Omaha, Douglas County, NebrasRabinowitz will speak on the re-announcement of the chairman- on for a group of her intimate ;he number of runs driven in. ka, as surveyed, platted and re- ri<.(i of 50 years. The highest amount Slumps don't mean a thing, tapers. r f indebtedness shall not exceed t cent Zionist Congress and Mrs. corded. ships . was made by Mrs. William !riends. . iven the best of the ball-players That said petitioner has an inter- thirds of its capital stock, but this Mrs. Leo Ungar was attired in W. C. Slotsky will preside. Lazere, president. JOSEPH L. COHEN, Attorney The Misses Bertha and Ida Seff hit the doldrums at some time in her wedding gown of white crepe est in said real estate being an heir striclion shal' not include indebte' 538 Brandeis Theatre BldQ. Mrs. Sam Shulkin and Mrs. E. o£ said deceased, said petitioner prays i-ness f^curea, by mortgages or Hens, Mrs. J. N. Rosenfeld, chairman ill preside at a Sunday morn- their careers. When Hank lost his with silver metal cloth jacket. that a hearing be had on said peti- | Thu «-.ffair*, shidl •-be managed by a Rubinstein are in charge of theof the membership committee, ing breakfast for the bride-elect NOTICE OF INCORPORATION afting eye the Detroit Tigers had tion, that notice thereof be given as i Board cf tMrectors of not less than luncheon arrangements. Notice is hereby given that the unwelcomed the following new mem- nd Sunday evening Miss Green- already copped t h e American Her shoulder corsage was of or-dersigned [ law. and that upon said I t"*-i. members. The annual meeting have formed a corporation required abv decree of heirship be en-' shall be. on the first Monday of Jan<bers into the Sisterhood: Mes- terg and Mr. Seff will share League pennant. All through the chids. Mrs. Rosenfeld's formal under the laws of the State of Ne-hearing., tered and further administration of uary of each year., a t which the stockholders shall elect ameeting Boar9 dames Max Rosenstock, Sol No- onors at a family dinner, given season the hitting of those ter- tea gown of ciel blue lace also braska. The name of the corporation said estate be dispensed with. was enhanced by a shoulder cor- hall be Lacene Laboratories with Tou are therefore notified that a of Directors, and thereupon the Boarfl vitsky, F. A. M i r k e n , Roy >y Mr. and Mrs. John Brodkey. elect a President. Vice-PreBU rible G-Men . . . Gehringer, Green- sage of orchids. Mrs. Anna Ungar >rincipal place of business a t Omaha, hearing will be had on said petition , Nebraska. The general nature of theat the County Court Room of said j «<?"t, Secretary and Treasurer. Any Schwartman, Meyer. Levitt, F. berg, and Goslin, had kept the wore a black chiffon gown with business to be transacted shall be to on the 26th day of October. ! tvro of said offices may be hi Burwitz, Tom Lasensky, Milton J. Word has been received here Bengals in the running. It wasa corsage of gardenias. manufacture and sell chemical, medi- County a t 9. o'clock A.M.," and that if i on« and the same person. These a r Commer and S. Pike. cinal or pharmaceutical preparations; 19S3, f the engagement and" approach- reenberg who always hits when you fail to appear a t said time and | tides may be amended a t any regular to buy, sell, lease, own, acquire, dis- place Following the tea, a buffet sup- pose The first lecture of the series and contest the said petition, \ or special meeting of the stockholder! ng marriage of. Miss Evelyn a run was needed. Without deand) or encumber real and per-the Court may grant the same. en-iV>' u two-thirds vote of the outstand. per for sixty guests was served in of three, to be given by Dr. A. L. sonal property Incident to the pur-ter a decree infcus, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. recating t h e virtues of Mickey heirship. and decree! "IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the par* poses and uses of this business; to that further of Sachar, will be held next Friday administration of said ! tiet. \.. h. Pinkus of Lbs Angeles, to Cochrane, fiery Irish leader of the the evening at the Rosenfeld do all things necessary or proper to estate have heirunto subscribed thei* be dispensed with. home. Among the out-of-town evening, October 25, In Shaare effect the purposes for which this n;::oes this 17th day of September ?eter Silverman, son of Mr. andDetroit nine, we believe that it ERTCK CRAWFORD. corporation is organized. The authorZion synagogue. ; The second lecCounty-Judge. s. S. Silverman, ' also of Los was the spirit, the play, and theguests were Mr. and Mrs. M. capital stock shall be J20.000.00 10-4-35-St LOUIS The date for the Inter-Club Hirsch of St. Joseph, Mo., parents ized ture will be held Saturday eveand all of said stock shall be common, LAWRENCE J. Angeles. Mr., and Mrs. Pinkus hitting of the Jewish l a d from In the pi-fsenoe of ning, and the final one on Sun-Council Carnival, originally sched- nd family were residents of Mew York that put the Tigers in of the bride; Miss Rose Hirsch of par value $100 per share and fully IRVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney paid up and non-assessable. I t shall P H I L i r W. KLUTZNICK uled to be held this month, has 301 Electric ~" flay.-. . ioux City, before' moving to Los tor a crack at first money in their St. Joseph, Mo.; Miss Carolyn commence business upon filing of its been changed to November 25. Rosenfeld, who came from Chica- articles with the County Clerk of Dr. Sachar is being brought to PROBATE NOTICE Vngeles. '' ivision. Count}-. Nebraska, and shall go where Bhe is attending the Dougrlas Sioux City through, the efforts of The carnival will be held In the Mr,; and Mrs.. Pinkus gave a continue for a period of 50 years. The In the Matter of the Estate of Moitie Hank made three errors in the City auditorium, and all Jewish . the Ladies auxiliary of Shaare Academy of Fine Arts; Mrs. J.highest amount of indebtedness shall Friedman, Deceased: •eception ,in their home in. Los exceed two-thirds of its capital Zion synagogue. Admission to organizations of the city are co-\.ngeles last Saturday evening irst game of the World Series, W. Johnson of Los Angeles, and not Notice is Hereby Given: Tha.t the stock, but this restriction shall not creditors 'wo were made afterhe had hurt of the said deceased will the lectures including the one onoperating on the project. Lester New of Los Angeles. Include indebtedness secured by mort- meet the administrator onoring their daughter and his hand. We're not apologizing of said estate, gages or liens. The affairs shall be before me, County Judge Friday evening, will be by ticket of Douglas iance. managed by a Board of Directors of County. Nebraska, at the for him by any means. The entire County only. The Bar Mitzvah of Jack Linnot less than three members. The anTiger bunch was demoralized in Room, in said County, on the nual meeting shall be on the first Court Dr. Sachar "was heard by a coln, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam 2nd day of December, 1935. and on Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Levitt, the first game. They came back Monday of January of each' year, a t the 3rd day of February. 1936, a t 9 Rabbi Lewis will speak on large audience wh.en he spoke in Lincoln, took place last Saturday i-hich meeting the stock-holders shall Helen, David, and .Lois Levitt, a. m., each day, for the purSioux City last year, and it is ex- "Simchath Torah," at the service motored Saturday : to Lincoln, strongly in the. next session. It morning, October. 12, at the lect a Board of Directors, and there- o'clock pose of presenting their claims for upon the Board shall elect a Presi- examination, adjustment and allow- i pected that a capacity crowd will in Mount Sinat Temple at 8 here they attended the Nebras- was Hank's homer that put theChevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue dent, Vice-President, Secretary and game on ice for the men from Three months are allowed for | Treasurer. Any two of said offices ance. hear'his three lectures next week. o'clock tonight. Children of the ka-Minnesota game. at 618 Mynster street. the creditors to present their claims, Detroit. Unfortunately, Hank agmay be held by one and the same from t h e 2nd day Religious School will participate of November. 1935. person. These articles may be amendgravated his injured hand again in the service. BRTCE CRAWFORD. ed a t any regular or special meeting Plans are being made by the County Judge. Sidney Kalin spent last week- in the second game—the result of of the stockholders by a two-thirds 10-ll-S5-3t Wednesday, Rabbi Lewis spoke newly-organized chapter' No. 7 of vote of the outstanding stock. before the student body of Wood- end; in Lincoln, Neb., attending a terrible slide. The doctors re- the A. Z. A. for a local observance fused to let Hank go Into t h e LV WITNESS WHEREOF, the par- FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, row Wilson, on his retent trip the. Nebraska-Minnesota game. of international A. Z. A. Day. toties have hereunto subscribed their :ame . . . KL.UTZN1CK 4. K E U E Y , Attys. through Mexico. names this 14th day of October. 1935. Mrs. Bella Pevsner of Palestine 650 Omaha Nat't Bank Bids. Mr. and Mrs. S. Krupnick are Last Monday, the day Goslin's be held at the Chevra B'nai •Walter L. Lace Rabbi Lewis was appointed to who has spent the past week in Yisroel synagogue at 618 Mynster M. H. Goldberg spending this week in Chicago, single decided the series, the medLillian M. Beard Notice by Publication on Petition for Sioux City, was the guest speaker the Sioux City Library Board by 'isitlng with relatives and frienas. cos told Hank it would be all-street on Sunday evening, October n the presence of ' Settlement of Final Administration at two open meetings this week, Mayor W. D. Hayes. . 27, at eight o'clock. ArrangeJOSEPH L..COHEN Account right if he. played. (Don't forget speaking on Jewish questions. 10-18-35-4t In the County Court of Douglas Mrs. Joe Rabinowitz of Rich- last Monday, was Yom Kippur.) ments are being, made for Mr. County. Nebraska. . Monday evening, Mra. PevBner SAM ZACHARIA, Attorney mond, Tex,, is. visiting In the Hank said he wouldn't. Cochrane Henry Monsky ot Omaha to be C nthe Matter of the Estate of Clara ! 768 Brandeit Theatre Bldg. addressed an open meeting of the the principal speaker and honored Holdsberg, Deceased. Late Friday evening services one of her son-in-law and went over to Hank and told him guest. All persons interested in said matBnal Brith Lodge, speaking on daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Abe EpNotice by Publication on Petition for ter are hereby notified that on the the Tigers, would win—without the work: and ; importance of thewill begin at Shaare Zion Byna- stein, Castle apartments. . Settlement of Final Administration The new sponsors -who -were white efftnifinq 27tn day of September 1935 Rosaline him on first base if only GreenAccount gogue this evening at 8 o'clock. J. H.;idsberg filed a petition in said Bnal Brith in;!Jewish life. Mr. selected during the past -week for In the County Court of D o n g H s County Court, praying that her final berg would :say a.special prayer Frank Margolin, president of the uest speaker at the service will the local chapter of the ^.. Z. A. .County. Nebraska. a<hv.inistration account filed herein be Word has ,been Teceived here local chapter,;! presided at. thebe Mrs. Bella Pevsner, who hasby Mr.- and Mrs. Joe Lefkovich, in the synagogue for the Detroit are Dr. Isaac Sternhill, and In the Matter of the Estate of Mary settled and allowed, and that she be STOCK H f i n g f l H0R5C team. Winer, Deceased: discharged; from her trust as adminmeeting, and introduced; the traveled extensively t h r o u g h that their son,' Morris, is the Messrs. M. Bernstein, Louis H. All persons interested Jn said mat- istratrix, and that a hearing will be SHOW f H H J O J SHOW uropean countries and the are hereby notified that on thehad on said eptition before said Court speaker. ! Katelman, Harry Cohen, Louis ter recipient of a scholarship ' to HAVE YOU HEARD THAT . . . 8th day of October, 1935, Philip on the 26th day of October 1935, and Orient^ Mrs. Pevsner will speak Tuesday evening, Mrs. Pevsner Northwestern university, in rec- Jack Dempsey admits to having Bernstein and Henry Mendelson. Greenberg filed a petition in s a i d that if you fail to appear before sai County Court, praying that his final Court on the said 26th day of Octobe addressed an open meeting of the on "Personal Experiences in ognition of his, high scholastic Jewish blood in h i s veins . . . Stanley Passer was chosen as administration account filed herein be 1935 a t 9 o'clock A.M., and contes Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Many Strange Lands." basketball coach. rating. settled and allowed, and that he besaid petition, the Court may grant th Mike Jacobs, boxing promoter Saturday morning, services will discharged from his trust as admin- p-aycr of said petition, enter a decre synagogue, speaking on "Women who is handling all of Joe Louis' istrator and that a- hearing -will be heirship, and make such other an begin at 8:30. Memorial -servas the Builders and Destroyers of The Chevra B'nai Yisroel so- had on said petition before said Court of Miss Lillian Romirowsky defurther orders, allowances and deis contemplating a junket . Worlds/* Mrs. Philip Sherman ices will be held at 9:45. Preced- parted last week.-for Chicago, to fights, on the 2nd day of November, 1935, crees, as to this Court may seem ciety held its semi-annual electhat if you fail to appear before proper, to the end that all matters CSUSiUH introduced: the speaker. Also ing this service, Rabbi Rabino- spend a .week's vacation with her tour of Soifth American countries tion of officers Monday evening and said Court on the said 2nd day ot No-pertaining to said estate may be fin, . His European tour will inappearing on. ! the program were witz will speak on the subject, parents and. friends. vember, 1935, a t 9 o'clock a. m., and at the synagogue. The following ally settled and determined. clude every country but Germany said petition, the Court may BRTCE CRAWFORD, Mrs. M. B. Herzoff in a group of "Scolding or Complimenting." officers will serve for the ensu- contest grant the prayer of said petition, en. . . He refused to allow his Black 10-4-35-3t County Judge. Saturday evening at 7 o'clock songs and Idelle Mittenberg and ing term: S. Shyken, president; ter a decree of heirship, and make Mr. and Mrs. J. Kriv announce Bomber to enter Hitler Germany such other and further orders, allowCaroline Raskin in a group of the 'annual procession with the Sam Sacks, vice president; O , . As far as a Schmellng-Louis Hochman, secretary; Dave Fox ances ' and decrees, a s to this Court scrolls will take place. Flags the birth of a daughter on Octo-dances. « may seem proper, to the end that all ber 6. tight goes, the Jewish promoter will be distributed to all the chiltreasurer, and Messrs. H. Saltz- matters pertaining to said estate may will not hold it in New York and determined. dren, and Mr. Sam Cohen of the Sam Gross and Charles be finally' settled BRTCE CRAWFORD. Members of the Debra club met He is afraid of a strong boycott man, Cohen' Wholesale company has Solzman, as trustees. County Judge. evening in the home of that would ruin all chances of a 10-ll-35-3t Plans navejifeen made by thedonated candy to be distributed Monday Miss Sylvia Herzoff. The meet gate approximating the Baer rumreligious committee of the local to the children. . RAMACCIOTTI & ROBINSON Blckor Cholim society held REEDand EPHRAIM L. MARKS Sunday morning, services wll ing was followed by refreshment! pus . . .Buddy Meyer, field cap- an The A. Z. A. chapter for a series of election of officers Tuesday Attorneys tain of the Washington Senators, Bix Friday evening services to be begin at 8:30 for the traditiona and a social hour. 905-918 Flrtt Natt. Bank Bldg. evening at the synagogue. The became th« first Jewish baseball NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL held in the synagogues here and Simchath Torah observance. Miss Ruth Orlikoff departed player to lead the American following officers were chosen for In the County Court of D o u g 1 a s Cantor Pliskin and the syna other cities. ;: • the ensuing term: Dave Fox, County, Nebraska. league in batting for t h e 1935 At the first three, the A. Z. A.gogue choir will chant the serv- last week for Minneapolis, where season . . . Al Roth, cocky light- president; Morris Hoffman, vice In the Matter of the Estate of Simon she is spending a week's vacation Neveleff, Deceased: ice on Friday, Saturday and Sun> Chapters o£ Omaha, Des Moines All persons interested In said estate weighty who recently lost a 'duke' president; S. Shyken, secretary with friends. and Lincoln, will be the guests of day. are hereby notified that on . the 3rd B. Saltzman, treasurer, and Mrs to Tony Canzoneri in their recent day of October. 1935, a petition was Religious School sessions o the Sioux City chapter. L. Cherniack, Sam Sacks and P, championship battle, will attain filed In said Court, praying for the Miss Sadie Shulkin, Henry The last three services vrill be the synagogue will be resumed on probate of a certain instrument now The people of the United States lead the world in Shulkin, and Miss Anne Cohen, the heights before another twelve Solzman, a strustees. on file in said Court, purporting to be lield in the eynagogues at Omaha, Sunday, October 22. months have rolled by . . . It was using the telephone. Germany ranks next t o this the last will and testament of said spent Sunday in Omaha, visiting Des Moines and Lincoln. Al's lack of experience against . Mrs. Bailey Krasne entertained deceased, and that a hearing will be with friends. country in number of telephones but Americans make on said petition, before said Court 7 Jack Merlhi •will act as cantor the versatile veteran Canzoneri the members . of her Afternoon had on the 2nd day of November, 193o. at more, calls in a month than Germans do in a year. at the BervicQS and Joe Goldstein hour of 9:00 o'clock A. M., and Sid Kahn and Jack LIpman that kept.him from the champion- club at a one o'clock luncheon at the is in charged of the service arIf they fail to appear a t said time This evening at 5:30 p. m. The.United States has more than half the world's home at 519 Oakland avenue and place and contest said petition, Roth's her rangements. ;| Rabbi Benjamin Goldberg will spent Sunday in Omaha, visiting ship several weeks ago Tuesday afternoon. the Court may grant probate of said telephones and averages 73,400,000 calls a day. It has with friends. • managers, p l a n , a nation-wide At a Teceit meeting of the conduct services at Beth Abraham instrument as the last will and testathe best and cheapest telephone service in the world. swing for the Jewish lad . . . This, ment of the deceased, and may furchapter it -was announced that the synagogue. • ther decree and descend all the real they state, will furnish all t h e James Lemson spent the pasi property, date of International A. Z. A. day Tomorrow morning at the Bett This Company and other Belljcompanies are better which the deceased owned week-end visiting in Des Moines necessary: polish the youngster at the time of his death, in accordhas been changed to November 10 Abraham synagogue, Shachrii able to meet your needs for telephone service than ance with «he terms of said will, and needs . . . His stamina and ability services will be held at 9:0 may dispense with further administhey otherwise would be because they have back of to take it is a foregone conclusion tration, of this estate. -rrrrpoRr* o'clock. Reading of the law will DID YOU KNOW THAT . The Council Biuffs Senior them the national resources of the American Telephone take place, at 9:30. Memorial At the Baer-Louis fight an an . . \ He was floored for a count Hadassah opened its fall season County Judge. and Telegraph Company, the BellTelephone LaboratoAt the regular meeting of theservices will be held at 10 o'clock, ti-Olympic organization i s s u e of. nine in the third round of the 10-ll-35-3t Sioux City i Literary club,. held in and Rabbi Goldberg will officiate post card ballots to the ninety Canzoneri scrap but came back to with a one o'clock luncheon at ries and the Western Electric Company. the Jewish <> Community- Center, at the Geshen service at 10:30 l housand fight fans who saw;th( win the very next session the the Hotel Chieftain Wednesda MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & The American Company coordinates the operaCOHEN, Attyt. Mr. Emil Sloutsky spoke on At 4 o'clock in the afternoon h< scrap . . ' . . Seven thousand peo only one he took during the eve-afternoon. Rabbi Harold A. Ber737 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldfl. ger of Omahawas the principa: tions of its associated companies, furnishes them advice "Emotion ;and Intellect." An will speak on "The Joy of tti pie replied to the anti-Olympic as ning Word has just reached speaker and honored guest. Rab andL assistance in all phases of telephone operations open forum.' and discussion fol Torah." Notice by Publication on Petition us that the new gridiron leader of soelation voting against America bi Berger is the new spiritual for Settlement of Final Adminlowed. and owns and operates the long distance lines which Saturday evening, services wi! participation in- the 1936 Berli the Fighting Irishmen from Notre leader of the Vaad group in Oma istration Account tie them together. The Bell Laboratories carry on begin at 6:30, at which time t h Olympics . . . . One hundred am Dame is Jewish . . ..He is Wayne ha. His subject was the genera In the County Court of Douglas County. Nebraska. Millner, varsity end for the past Hakofes'( surrounding the Bimah fifty okayed the move . . research to improve service and keep down its cost. Want Change of Scenery significance of Succoth. Musica! In the Matter of the Estate of Samfew seasons . . .•' Ted Tolces, capuel A. Corneer, Deceased. will take place. "Indian" Yablok, former sta: tain of C. C. N. Y., is a cousin of selections were rendered by Miss The "Western Electric Company manufactures standNew Torfc—A Move the Olym- service All persons interested in said matSimchath Torah services wi ter are hereby notified that on the ardized equipment of high quality. pics Committee, designed to P be held Sunday.morning, with tin at Colgate University, and one o Dave Smukler, the grid sensation Esther Steinberg on the violin 2nd of October 1935 Cara Corneer the few Jewish athletes to make and Miss Florence Steinberg at filed day vent t h e ' holding of "• the 1936 Shachris service, at 8:30, and a petition in said County Court, Evidently g o o d the piano. at Temple praying that her final administration Olympic games in Berlin, ha Reading of the Law at 9:30. Dur good at that institution, Is nowfootball players are clannish filed herein be settled and head football coach of St. Francis More than seventy-five guest account been organized here with Samuel ing the service portions of th« allowed, and that Bhe be- discharged NORTHWESTERN tELL TEUPHONi COMPANY Jack Grossman, former collegiate College in New York . . . L 6 from her trust a s executrix and that attended. K. Maccabb'd as chairman. Aleyoth will be divided among Cohen, n o w a professional••[grid- ace at Rutgers, is stilt the big gun a hearing, wiU be had on said petition before said Court on the 26th George Gordon Battle, John J, the children of the congregation iron player, has the honor of be- of the Brooklyn Dodger p r o day of October 1935. and that if you are honorary chairmen and Rep team . . 9 At 12 o'clock Sunday, the con; fail to appear before said Court on ing the only-Jewish gridder ever the said 26th day of October 1935 a t resentatives'1 'Vito MaTcantonio and gregation of Beth Abraham wi to represent Manhattan Collegi (Copyright; 1935, Jewish Telegraphic In Review 9 o'clock A.M.. and contest said petiAgency. Inc.) London—Field-marshal Sir Ar-tion, the- Court Emanuel Celler,: Carl Sherman hold a dinner in the synagogue . . . . It's a Christian Brothers may grant the prayer chibald Montgomery-Massingherd of said petition, enter a decree of vLouis Lorence ",and Eugene F, social hall, for which the mems c h o o l . . . "Shorty1' Weinstein Every form of human life is will review. 5,000 Jewish ex-ser- heirship, and make such other and Grigat are' vice-chairmen. Dr, bers have made reservations. orders, allowances and dewho hails from the Powder Rivei romantic. —- Thomas Wentworth vice men at the Jewish Ex-Ser- further crees, as to this Court may seem :rVSoSt 8caut.i f u! Home .for Murray E.j! Lewis is secretarySaturday noon, the congrega sector of this country, is one o Higginson. proper, to this end that all matters vicemen's National Remembrance treasurer, i! tion of Tlphereth Israel will have the. f e w bronco riders at t h pertaining to said estate may be finFuncfsis .To Fit AnyPurse Service to be held November 10 ally settled and determined. •_ a congregational dinner in t h World Championship Rodeo . . To be thought rich is as good at the Horse Guards' Parade, BRYCB CRAWFORD, "c;, 12?€ Fsrnam a: T eynagogue. Shorty has been bucking th as to be rich.—Thackeray. Patronize' our advertisers. Whitehall. 10-i-35-3t County Judge. UMMlllinffllM
Sioux City News
Jewish Players Help Jar Jewish Chess Office Girls Win Title
Elect Of ficers * Sit HADASSAH At Mount Sinai ONEG SHABBOS THIS SlmjRDAY
First of Sachar Series Next Friday
Mount Sinai
Step, at
Shaare Zion
United Congregations
Sport Oddities
l a .
literary Meeting