October 25, 1935

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Interests of 'the Jewish People

;Ent»reri ,*» 3econd Class iiai 1 -Matter on January -21, 1031. -At :Po«tnftie< .-of DmzLha. ^Nebraska, nmiier m e Act oof ilarsb 3. :ISIS


Siunne3io Learn Jewls Nazi Spy

AT CENTER DEFER S g Series. in llext ; ' Begin Ttae oil ths mast nutstandins „ ns in the :hiatory of the I, Cmmnnnity J'orum "will be ~pre- j aenteii irom the Jewish Cam-1 rmimity Center :rostrum this sea- , « son, starting JKovEmber -12. , * 3Tive rioted -speakers "will be ".heard—32mil Xn-flwds, John jSs7S.es Jlolmes, Josephine Hache, t JNarman Bap-good, and Hr. -Alfred _Adier. 'tAdvance ticket sales "point to ••* rrecarf breaking attendance a t .the Community J*orum XeetUTe fEerifis this year. I t is most .gratifying "to see ^how easerly Everyone



, OCTOBER . S , 1935

Xonilon fWNS)—.A sensation was . created i n Xondon Jewish ! circles, especially tLt>se in close ^Neighbor Gonmnmities t o Se*-ii I touch with Tiennan refugees, by Delegates to J. C. -C, the disclosure "that on of the chief ^November 3 agents in Unsland of the Nazi secret police is .. Jew by the name j Jewish 3'nai B'rith leaders and of Chaim Beneher. j members in this -vicinity are

According to ^Beneber himself ;nins to attend the Southwest -re!he has been spying on the aetiv- j gional conference of the order to lties of the -refugees and checking! be held in Omaha at the Jewish up on what information Jewish; Community Center Sunday, .Novorganizations in Germany have! ember 3. been sending abroad. j The sessions of the conclave Be also attended the recent; will be open to the general -public, world Jewish conference and the i who willbe invited to participate World/Zionist Congress. ;in the discussions. A luncheon Beneber is understood to be:will be held Sunday noon -at the [ getting JVSO a nonth from the j Center, -and a banquet in the «ve- -k Nazi propaganda ministry.

•*; <S|w*~



i Ottered Xb Adults 1 ondays and

The Re-Irn club., affiliates of I the Omaha Hebrew club, will hold an open meeting Tuesday evening at the J. C. C. An interesting projrraiE has been arranged. Several! tinr !'"•* Tlir authors of the prominent speakers will give \ T n € College of Jewish short talks. Refreshments will be lw i l 1 ^open its season at the Jewish (4 i Examine of its? literary s '" i served. This meeting is open to ' Community Center ne-t Monney. i •" i The bepi-nnrafrs of ren the public. All members are livening, October 28. r.. Gems froif! t h p 5'almiu. J^ i urged to attend. Those who wish to enter but have failed to sign w for the Rabbi Golustein. Thir- cours»f >-••-• The featured speakers at the courses may enrol' at the Centc.- present t h e Jewish woria vifv at conclave T^iH be Ben Samuels ss.& a t " -p. m. Monday evening. expressed ir. t h e Talmm: —1-«lilrs. A. G. I^aufman, bath of ChiThe subject have beer de- Siidrash. It v-il\ iieul wir!; .i:->~ cago. veloped on the basis ci a two- ish legends. nhiioRophy. a»i: .'it'.i. The committees for the conferHT. Abrain X. Sachar. yeaT course oi study, at the end lore. ence: i has .responded to the splendid arof which the student -rill be ec"Will Speak a t J. C. C. ! Conrmrttea »n Permanent —T.:l;i-P:OC-' T. W.. iffon:—Xate Gilinsky, chairmai;, Co.; iay of speakers scheduled lor this titled to E certificate cl gradupTiir- r o t* T r r .'ir. "^T»T«» mi. '.Bluffs; Jack Cotien, Lincoln; Ber. "Dr. Abram X. Bachar, "nationtioi;. gear's Tirogram. To insure admisDr. Victor E . X<€Tinc. T,-iio has CTTNS) T h e Teorgan, Omaha; Abe Jill, Sioirx I C a z l o w s l : y sion, it is advisable to set your All classes will be held tliir ally-noted historian and lecturer, lzation of the Polish cabinet and • City. fnter-t-X :i just returned from -his latest trip year or, Mend?"1-" tine1 Tlurr~d2,y by Mr. K s t i . .Hidaii 'Wolfpnii, ticket now," says ."Harry B. Cohen, ' the appointment of Parian 3yn-1 ^ speak at the Jewish CCTQHarks. chairma'n. Jlrs. Stadiar,. iaculty nwnilts to tiie far north, will tell of hiF chairman ol the T.arum Commiti dram ;KoseiaIkowski as t h e pre-: Omaha; Dr. I. Sternhiu. co.^ Bluffs: ;munity Center nest Sunday tile City Talmiul Tornh. T a e: a r I J i S i o u : £ cit iOke X o n i l I tee. he experience? at the regular meetI mier TnioT in -place nlar* rif Hnlone: Walery; TValerv' ££?;±£££.' ? ™ i? ? lescriptior nt ol Colone: °"^ " ""= ' " ' '""™ * ' "^' "; ninir. ° ' October October rT, r r , at at SSf> p.-m m. His ciassep Til! he 1B hoth •<?.--• 3Jmil Tiuawig, the noted biograSlawek have been -received with! committee on Next 'Meeting:—ur. subject will be "Israel Weaves a ing of the T3'nai B r i t h 'Monde.:and corvcrsauonal lleb"ev undisguised satisfaction bv "Polish • x.eyme, -chairman, sio-ox city, XT.: Tapestrr •• -pj. « T n e Meaning of pher ,anfi outstanding 33urqpean B a r r y TB. Cdheiu evening, October I S , at the Lodge beginnerr ami advanced siiw'i ° , .. '. . , ijtuius Alosko-witz. Co. Jaluxis. i^eo , . * ° champion of liberalism, ^wlll open ^. Tiddisis by Isaac J.Tci room in the I. C. C. He -will also ; SHondEj^—S:15-P:0C T, I I . Jewry. T h e n e w premier is noted . AbramEon. Omaha: .Uan Hill, .Lmcoia. Jewigli History." "the series on Tuesday evening. sicrn. lv lliiw course the K;.u i r e s o£ th? 1. "Written and Conversation:! ; -p i c t Chnirnnm, -Commimity ~Farum. j for j liberal attitude toward i Nomtnathrg Committee:—-r " a S "TJorember 12. I n the United 3 a r r y JB, Cohen, -attorney, is irninarities and Jewish leaders Setarctr T."ith Aaroi Ii.ats. pris u will receive Use principle:" .V." places he States tor -only a are hopeful that under his&a: Joe ;Levin. si' He has •written a readme: ,1IIC. wrjLlilJ. limited .two; 3"onan, chairman tif the Cuuuuxmity rhere aTe honeful that under his'&a: .Toe z^vin. Sioirx cttr. LHSTin's talk, pal ci the City Talmuti Toraii cs msr Resolution!—L e o n B'nai -In honor Tnontas*" lecture tour, .Hi Tegime the overnment, Dubrofsky, chairman, Sioux City: Dr.'. buoK on Jewish nistcry. na? conmalcr r rtuc':' nf Tiikiiab. 1 This course v^ili oii s the first lie has -sive:i instructor. :is being: "Tridely ^acctaimsfl at ^Ul -prasram tjf rirve Hecttrres ITVHI nnaertake to deal since Ills return tc Omahs.. presi- fer a t opportunity lov studenk tc j-with ^the economic -plight of 3>olJnis ^appearances in America. 3£is a t the J. C. "C. :this season. dent .Ben Kailowsky ci the E'nai study the language both i t its subject is "Tiie Hate of Europe, Cohen has a n XX\B and iEache-i ish Jewry. • ji^ntp ^Hiitmick is -rici^-chatrmai:. Qniaha audiences _„. for ths eto- Britli aas declared that the T.Ioi?-! written anc convetsationa1. inrrns. •by Hanbl Beire of j:ior of Science ttegrBe Jrom the | JSoscialkowskl is also -Expected penjvailowsky is president of the lo- ] qn^nce ;ann~Xire""oi -his -ddresses. dsy meeting "Will be X«a3ies" Night. Thi? rouTpe TTIH be fit r "' r 2 Genernl Snm?v of 011 a pe r John HaynesSolmss.lhe noted j University of JJebraska, where he \ to turn -Poland back towards! ' j Capacity CTOTV-CS have attended discover »h e ideas t\i •, all mem-beTE of the'lodge are urg- ^History by Tlabbi V-'ice o' clergyman and orator, -Rill "apeak jwas 3?hi IBeta IKanpa. "Wnile a t jJFrance with a consequent weak-; ; his talks in this city. 1 vltioi'i i h p mas;; of ,M , ed to a t t e s t with their wives. : 1ST lei. This w ill be ar. in trod ucan "Wednesday .evening, ^December jibe • university, .he T?as an ins true-) ening of Polish t i e ' s with Ger-j This will be Sachar's only ap- I x>r. Levine, who is a Tjationally : tory course in .lewish history am" TriiditioT" RTP t h e1 1 A. TJr. S n h n e s is-one of the lead-: tor in accounting. He is region-j.many. pearance to • OsiiJia. this year. .His . famous expert on nutrition and the jrren. with pressior. of h u m a n PS " •• . ' • ing -men in -the -pulpit "today and |;al -advisor of :the Sigma -Alpha Mn j Such a Teapproachment with rpiutiOTIK. KHrj- rop.i ni lecture Sunday is being sponsored ; diets, studied the health habits ci . * Spheres emphasis UVOT. is-noted lor his ability a s a n ura-i fraternity, and ^is a past -vice- j^rancB would do much "to enable | tionalism. I>aciali5m. f-iod, T by the .Men's club of the Beth-El. '; the Eskimos. One of t h e hiph of influence Development of tor and. 3)hitform speaker. JSe [president.tif the"local.'B'nai3'Tith. jPoIish Jewry to continue its anti-i liadicaUsiji, ProETf?KS, T i spats on'his trip WE? his visit to ' Religious Literature :Nazi campaign which h a s been j •will apeak an the subject,'Is Dnr tion atid Education T,-iJ; hr ! tee scene of tiie airplane--erash iu tionp (4; Economic iufhrenfcs. seriously weakened because ofj Civilization TVorth Preserving?" ; which Tvrill Rogers died. Dr. LreYPohmd's close relations with Nazi j Ft Jicwisii T'erstnuilities1 by Tlab"Josephine Pioche, Assistant "Sec' : ine -was there -very soon after the Germany. • bi Coin:. Kr.nbi Emeritus of Terr>retary of the Treasury and head Celebration of .•.fatal accident. b y AiiTor K:;t.-,,; -~-"-S— "itle Israel. IT "thi? rniTr?? be.giTof iJie Department of Child "Welof l&lesime : Dr. 1,-evnn? has brought bacfe tt? • "niup- "^itti tb.^ FBnTi.tBli ^^r^ncl, fare lin Washington "will -speak on FmrnSation ; America -a T2.lua.bie col lection oi ;"Ttabbi Oohn will t5isntsp ib.<= li-v^e?. Wednesday, January S, on .the i-srticles .ci clatlihi$r, "teois, TS-CET>- • «zTii5. 'iii^trrrirtt-l l7RC]v3t.TT?-5ind^ i~>* thT sterr.. subject, 'Social Security—A Can: S_Jryja.g Xsvitas, :&DV~ ' d'ifST*-imd. jeT^elry -asefi s a d TTOTII '-ri-u:tstsnrlin-gr 3e-trisr. T>eTeoiiaIiT.ie!? of h -. _ :— ley}—^Thfi world-wide celebration ; rtier' instructor of Phllcsophv at ; by the Eskimos. He vri!3 ijring in Holiand. 'I t a 1 r, Germaxy. A "tas t e e n trctire lor -over twenty- j Talmud Torah approved thE open-! to the nisei- 'Prance, Xiussia. Eniriand., and bnllefin board containing •o j , l i e ftfteenth. anniversary of tiie University fo Chicago and at S Q C i e n«-t h e , € ^ ^ r-<prisii l^avs?- b y lUili'il years in ^public life and social j-ing of a Branch in ing Alonday. in? course ii; Jowisl a'-news and dates of all coming | 3> i tine Foundation Tund,' the present time Director ol JLCi Ambries., -^"iti'i 2p^?citil ^mi/liasiF a t t b e a es reform "measures. imeeting :hel"d Thursday. jBvents in :the Center, mcludmg ,- t } i e c e n t r a l agency for the rebuild-; tivities of t i e Kansas City Jewish i oa such men as 2Ianassali ben Isc ai wilh Jucikku. Crir JHarpgnad, rioted com: r a e i . Spinoxa. Mendelsohn. Iieine. Evidence. ivil I n hfir i t a n •.••-•• — a The branch will be opened as|T p e c ! a ; 1 a n ? ° T 1 T e i n € n ^ . a ? d f1^! \i n S o f t h s Jewish National Home Community Center, will .be tire pealc on 1 JLri V £. "i QCat ion h a s ! speaker at the celebration B -. ltiBi ta T a I e s t m e , was launched here E o e m e , I l o i l m e a u . I'1 i s r c f I i. rostameni., rrotwrty. Ym O, 1 m ltllE international A. ^ . A. "Day to j -a mass Tnwttag -BX ^ h i c h | obtained, according to Mas George Brauaes, Lord Reading. -auhject oof ._ i niunity -Center's .main .floor lobby : . ^ g g ^ , ^ -read from leading ; be held Sunday, October -T7, "at; TV:lTi\\lfiir ini€TVrvt?i\nv~- o ' is and. Isaac llnyer T>*ice. '"•again this year. impersonalities y t i r o n 5 iiout the 3 o'clock in the -vestry -roams of . j-pected that "the location will be j The monthly lliirachi T,rLr<ve 4, 'Modem •Irwish HcnaiS5nTs.fr rrC 7 ^ w , p.nf. r,r V.r,liiiinfr Collier!B3Iasaiuie, connected with in t h e ^leighborhoofl of 49th and j T h e bulletin board is changed j-srorld, including a ^nessapre from Temple Israel. Malke Eieeting will be held. Sat- ; fcy SRbbl Goldstein. This coursethe leading magazines and publi- Dodge streets. pseveral times a week and, to- i President Txanklin D. Hoosevelt j Miss Ida Gitlin. who is at pres! urday evening at the T>'nai Israel ; win -present T study of th" ' i h l jj ent the featured soloist of the K -srith .other placard-stands cations in the United States and o f the United States. n. t'nirAll "those -who have already j Gotdhlat ir Jewish. ltrrT?t".TT ? at ISth aufl g ^intimately acquainted with gov- registered for the. branch school jjlaced throughout the building,!j i n commenting on the anniver- braska Power Broadcast and of -r-p^pyit 1 The -principal spealier life streets. ernmental and industrial changes. will :be notified in .sailicient tim« can give the public instant in-; S ary celebration President Hoose-I the WOW Cocktail Hour, will es| will b? the .'former T^abbi of tire C herm ok o vs Izy. ~DT. .Alfred AdleT ^7U1 close the lormation on all Center functions, pveit lauded the contributions of \ tertain with vocal selection. bosrar u. T'orum Herles on "Wednesday, as "to the exact location and the •• ! American lews to the rebuilding j International A. Z. A. Day is i^aafi "H*Ihr, Rabbi T r i Sillier. •MondET—!?dG-E:55 T. K. Sate of the opening. 'CP suc) : Ittarch Ml. XIke "Emil Xudwig, :"ThB -present Ttabbi t>f the "Vaad. of J3ZP0HT MEETING SUNDAY Palestine. He said: ;an important day for "all chapters I . TTritteii asifi Conversational ments All those -parents in the west 3)r. JAdler is in America lor a i'liabbi H. A. Bergei will also ad: "I am glad of the opportunity' of A. 2. A. throughout the "Onitefi : dress the meeting. Hebrew by Aaron Ilatz. ihe IJaroi! limJted time only. finaI M r d O T t ^ • ^ ^ ^ • • ^ u ^ ^ ^ L ^ ^ f . ^ ? " ^ . ^ ko send you a word^of Congrats: states and Canada. This day is 2.. Introduction tc thr BibUr by Mir-sidered to be one of the outstand- ^ children to have a Jewish educa-j Tiieetins f or Tv-orkers in the Bethi The annual -election of officers that upon the celebration of the to further .will be held at this time. "Refresh- Ttabfai Wice in which th f ollow- Focief? he 'Tr nsi ing -psychologists in the world to- j tion a r e urged to take advantage \ Bl synagogue building innd cam-! lation (jf t e o l l th anniversary of the 7 a l - ' acquaint f be Jerrish 'nients will be served. Everyone ing aspects of use I ibie will be : day and because nf-his.Teeord and I of the facilities of the Talmud j paign will be held Sunday m o r n - ' the or- ; -with 1 n: (4'* T h e Vp;lp-ri.: >.-.?. dealt with contributions in "the ifield of "^sy-jTorah and communicate with JL. i ing, October 27, at 9:30 a. m. a t The o; t0 a t t e u L ! •s of the! i t also af- is ur: TnovtjTncttt •"-"' TIIP t.Tcnt* iia.ri.. J.-chology he w a s Bingled -out as Ivatz, :pf inc'ipal. 'the Jewish Community Center. the Bible Its historical world have farmed to assist in the fords the members an annual oc-' also invited. thf Kehtliah SF ? m\U CThr .•»?»*— "Vienna's 3onored Citizen." establishment in -Palestine of a; casion upon which they rededi-1 ish OomniUTiity Cnvs-ncii imi; - h ? Tickets lor t a e IForum Series National Home for -t.ib-e ..Je-wisii | cate themselves to their creed. m I'Tiifpr; ,Tfv,-iHl'. Cinjrrmunity"! aTe only 53.00 lor non-members I H H ^ 1 •«•* people. Certainly without the j The ;znem bers of s. combined, T h e r e w i n be n r psmffra* - © I . * to the Center and $2.00 IOT Cenhelp which the Fund has render-; Z. A. X^ay class from the two tration fee this yent. hv.i x K-m^"., ter memhexs. They may be ob-1 ed it would not have been po3- j chapters will be initiated and <. fee of Pl.f"'' Tter rotsrp*1 v-ii; Hfi tained by calling"Mr. Cohen or the slble for the Jewish Agency and • given ihe Pirst Degree. Ernie j mails. It i,- advissbie- tc rej-'tefcs"-*" Community Center. the Jewish people to have accoas-j Nogs and .Kathan Crounse, aleph! HOT;1 bcoaus? r I s? ." f- <= E. T,-;;. 2M plished the .results which h a v e igodols of Chapters-1 and .100, will iinutsd in til? n a a i b c r tn h.- « J(EW BOOKS TOPULAR The collection 3rom blue-white Gross, ."M. JP. Xevenson, _A1 Pinkel, \b G e £ 1 achieved 'in the Jloly Xand.; give activity Teports for t i e last * here are very few Jews, in : get only Japanese slctions. rolled. rctic and ever, those few are are gold mine -vcorlierv are paid it | tiie .Arctic £F UERMY IN J. C.C.I Jewish National Tund boxes in A.f 33. J'rank,.Joseph rPreeman, p j i'Tou .may well be proud of the ;.year. Dr. Philip Shcr is, tit*esi<If>i.. .-ii j Omaha will begin next Sunday, "\ ann, Julius JAbrahamson, Harry '"Part which American Jews have! The public is cordially invited •; fast losing their identity, iaugu- money anS therefore trade ' in thp foUcirf;, WiJliani \VoIff;. vin?Sravrroff, :Robe.rt ..Kooper, Isadore ! p ^ a y e c ^ ™ t ^ s "Work and of the \ to attend this celebration. Re- i age, ami religion." stated'I>T, Vic- money, but iv< the small vili prcsifJcnl. an& Ka" 'Mlchnir.k. JW>The new books, "Call I t Sleep," October 27. The ilocal collection is in conwhich they have contribut- | freshments -will be ^served. I tor ieviae,-who has .just returned there is no money, all transa.fi- TeTriTy-tTeasurpr. ^TichnicV if -siha n d "Claudius. Xevenson, .Bam TVoIf, "Bias X)avis,; by 3ienry J. J . Hosenberg, X 3 a p l a n , Sam ! to-nrard the jPund. I -n-ish you! Iklenibers cf the caniniittse in from over tour :mtjatb;s in the tions carriecL OTJ by .baTteT. thB Bod," by 3tabert Graves, are iunction with ja national ^rive co-wnrkers every sue- j charge are Emi-e ^Priesman, .Sam | Arctic. This was Dr Dr. Irevinp te'is one very in tcv-the most popular "books :in the] the clearance of more than SO,000 Davis, S e n r y Bolig, J. j . ^Frieden.; l c s s s your iorthcomhig eelebra-1 Wolk, and Ray .Sciapirc, of THiai>- j third trip to the "frozen north" e .mg incident oi n r rjoint Center-Council public rrental j ol .these boxes, arepositories i o r I Jack Iramson, 0>ave E p s t e i n , ! ter J., a n d H s s '.Kovak and Harold ! l o r the purpose oi research.. library-at the Jewish Community j small-coin contributions towards J Morris rKatlejszazi, Syrnan Green-^i his ship was passh;<mes a Center, according to a Teport its- '.tlrejland^Tedemptian. cause. _ j herg, 5.:Klutznick,.Joe3ltce,"5lDse s S e from I>resideiit! Zelinsky, of Chapter 100. | Dr. Itevine. who is a member of! islands. Little I)irrv "The lilue-^hite National T u n a 1 kinsman, Byman ^Noddle, Morris '• Hcrasevelt was Tead by Leib Jaffe,! sued this week. "The Torch of " j the Esplorers" club .numbering iDiomede. looking <.z Sam Green. I director of t h e Palestine IFounda- j P J Xife," byOlr. F . Til. ^Rosseter: "An "box was pressed into service at I^iedel, Jack aieicher, _ un da*-. its menifeers sucli men ES • mede one saw Americ 0 1 .Altar in the fields," and " T h i s p a l e s t ine land redemption moTe ;sam ^eltz, Meyer Stein, Harry ! t i o n Tun d, and-was greeted with; r ; Stefansson, Amiinfissii, ItassmuF-' while looking to 'Big TJioniRdE onrof thp OomTnunit^" •jf' •sen, TTillves, zn& Admiral Byre. • saw P.nssif. or- Monda?". Another .People," by Xudwig Xewisohn; i than three decades ago, and :has| Green, S. 3Ioskowitz, ' Sidney i t l i e m o s t enthusiastic applause or • house. will jr t the 'firs; />• l-is ; nas "been retjiiected to turn over j item r e late tl. by thr noctrrr roiv " T h e :New J)ealers," by the ~Un- yielded an amount exceeding S 3 r iUatelman, .31. Civin ~E i^einbers \'fhe evening. I t was pointed oat i talks on "Il "Ileceni riays," \V»^ 'to tae T. B. 'goveniEisn.t nis linfi- i cere? a Jewish woman, thr only official Qhserver; " W a r , " by W. "600,000. " " _A * recent" -bulletin --"-.N. , . Xevinson, , . . _ ..Barry :P.riesman, .J. i t i l a t of f i e "S27.000,000 raised | New Toxic (JTA)—-Tie day niomhig. October i-H), -R;. ':.('. C.-Allen, ana"Jcseithus," by Xion the Jewish National "Fund head- Hahn, ID. rSiiverman, Bam Xeibo--throu-ghout the world for the'Pal- \ investigators of tite Federal 3 u r - ! rags EIKI data on tiie "Eskimos, i J<ew it. Bserins. just c. few milef a:-, ihe Biackston*? hotsl. i:i; Teuchtwanger, :are the .xiOiers quarters in Jerusalem ^reveals the the sponsorship oil the "Temp!; 'leafling tae list ol xental books. interesting fact that one-half of the Talley of Jezrell containing T h e boots Tent l o r ithree cents iu-: course :if- tp COJt til) nJ" iper day to anyone and are Sound 3.^3,000 dunams onTrni.cli'2'B agri- Bam Steinberg,II.Tudelsan,I.~W. -activities of the country, 'mTJT'e; TaC kets which have held the in- ; of all Eiatters ng to 'In-; former BEE. Trrtnciscrt w o RTltl Si llti It mouthv «>i: i cultural settlements have been an ;the library on the second floor H b h h l f was_ contributed t i b t d by b th i.dians and HsliiinDB. faas assured half the: dustry-in their grip .for years, The doctor .1150 nior- \vhi<:h tinifi M-r. Steiisn»*>ti. .HBsenbhitt, T . _A. ^Tully, ' Dave ^ •west, X C. C. The libTary,T7hose established, has been Tedeemed" by Stein, Sti H ;! that. Peter Preuchcri, ni.»JHarry .Hochman, Dave • ' J e T r s o I t h e United States, .In addition, it W E . s .indicated Jf ieftnrp;-;. I.tp plans- * iincome helps maintain Iree loan :the Jewish National .Tund a t a 3rodkey,-H. .Marer, X TPiotkin, j Others "who -sent -greetings 'to ..that the investigators - w o u l d i looks tavorably itpon tire idea, ci thor ol "Eskimc.," from. Wnldi t o >>lev York ir. "'ovemlier a.ni the -price equal to ;the ;yield of the ;scmihirships ifOT ^ o o r girl stuthe jKashTUth Association's; building sanitation X-TD O V, -,g the • book -the famxjup moving picture William TMiider, X :Horgenstem,'celebration -were Governor _ return will givjp a resjian ilents, :is open every evening and blue-white hos. S . ".Theodore, "S. Theodore, \P. | Herbert IB. Xehman of:jfew Torfe, \ system of rtasgiug g g g chickens -^ith i Eskimos in c r c t : to eradicate ;'wasT m a d e , IF B. T>antsh ,inw. CUT?•ent BrosQway proritictinsvs ia those havhig :boses are :Bunnay. i X TTOX "Dr. 1,0-viT!*-'P reruTTi trip tfciP g r o u p . 3T-!rs. IJKO CbaSlro David Jlosenblatt, .l^eo T7axenberg, [.patented .legban'ds to attest that j-tuberculosis "anxens-them. asked ino Jhave -tham Teady l o r col- Z Ziotky, Xevin, .A.;Wdhlner, | George, Xord Cecil, Albert Xin- • they are kosher slaughtered. This j T n e fiocter relates that there is ; from Nairtr tr> Seattle hip shir i t k X^vin I chai rums-, 0 ' tif ; lection when -committee -members Sam Stern, M. Herschmann, X i s t e i n . Preud, :2>r. Stephen j action follows charges by -FJ> jlii Tldfugess g y kosher -no ant!-seniitisin ia tiie -north be- j in hurricane ar.tl tlip doctor bft- by SIrs. Tniil Blotoky, ro-clsiUr, S • call. "Those Qo mat have a SokoloT, JE. .Emile "Vanaervelde, -wbolesalers before tiie < cause of tke small -number .of 3 ; ing the -shirrs -surgeon wa? kepi and fi TOinti\itt»f- 0? ?C, •





liked By






Werlel, Mi- fD.epartmeiit of .Agriculnrre " t h a t ! and .because "life there is so hard i constantly at work setting broken

Herriot ^and Dr.-Cyras AtJ-;.the -plmnha-.system , is a "racket." ; that t i e ;pB0ple its re ~no time IOT : boass anii csrins lor the sick . and "Mr. -A. S. Walters are t h e ; i ^ef Bgte. lor -;-asked-to caU either Mrs. X.Uan- male members'of the committee i l e T - T h e maugurrtinn of the ating." i sailors beside? -atrsnaing some •aid, the ^American Christian Com- . - . _ . •__ • , . » _ Xouis - r _ - = _ Alberts. •••,.._*._ • UrOTlb>-wide Jveren .Hayesod cale-1 or •."Mrs. There are -now only about a : reiBdeer •vrho -were beinp .brought »f«T rmittee 2or iGerman -Refugees and :The local X ._ 3ST. _ hnx •collee; bratixjn was .a solemn convocation I j " ; dozen Jetrs. at ..Xante, although at tc the U. B., therefore IK was v,n- Sirs. 3ieriuar>. JVaukliu n t • *heXhnersency Committee in Aid . t i o n committee iincluaes: ^ftX -ifXWnTTVT AT T r r | a t t e l l ( i e a kv Tepresentativss of all j Itabhi .JFxeaefick Cohn •will;.one time 'during .the ..gold rush. •£ble to write ur- hi" researr.h-ef Q strent. annovsne^d t h a i iht: -of Political 2lelusfiesaramNazism , oUesdamesiS. Pixer, CatlXtiekes, hi/ft JSAnQUET BJ if. 'Cm C. Ithe: institutions of the Tishuv who ! speak i.before the Xincoln. TV 01s- ! about 3.9'00, -there were enmsgh to ami i s now 'hard a t wcrlc prepEr- of her- 7?-ni?Rainration of * -have "heEn trrgariized here under B . .Itosenblum, A. Kips. Thil • i were .gathered in : the auditorrsnn | en's club a t tiie Temple theater "at --make' 'several "mirysns." Tiie injr life -report, tn -semi. Mr. .ICICPS. : Tonxb t r thv Coi3jrre.£rr,.timi tthe chairnianship o± l>r, B. -Paries "Rosenblatt, . 3 . "M. ^Jrnian, S. XagThe intrepid doctor -jiJaxiR yet •»€-]. of Snin.ii Omalre. hsss The -annual f a t h e r .'and Bon ; nt "the Jewish ..Agency TniUfliiig. iXincoln 'Monday, October J3S, a t : two largest-stores there, "aepartCadman. iinan, A. TU. Breenbaum, banquet :at the J . C. C. will he j The speakers of tiie evening in-! 3 p. ~m. "He will speak on tiie; meat stores "toj of the /postponed iniill Sunday, •& very ?risiitivE a n o t h e r t r i p tv 3ir3t committee -will -pro-1 lin, -B. Triedel, Joe Tuchman, A. held .Sunday evening, November; eluded ^liezer Kaplan, rznenrber \ "Italo-Sthiopian "War." i.nature." : are o r 3fl toy Jews. "The . work!'* nsrr year -when iic planE .'.ber I T , E.t. ? p . m. Chris-1 S a t e , Jake :Razniek, X "Haznick, .10, under the auspices uf .the-Bo-1-of the Jewish .Agency Executive,; •rvliie Telief l o r I reaiaistsg -3 ews Either "Erne or • to -penetratp further nortfe tiinii ' Ti'.r pTc^of.tii.ttoii w^.?f K IH. "^loskowitz, J. 3andarin, -J. cial Service counnittee xaf theJew-jXeib Jaffe, X^aac tion ."TfiiugBes, -whose "number ... ".Natfamal . . . . _ . _ ;•.trade ir. "lurs. ..... ' . : a s r "wliite ..3Hac. iias yet been. ,I>r. scheduled for Sunday, Octnhet -^"L2vi,. •.presi-!, .3.erlir—-The .Socialist estinmtea jat B.000, and "the Teldman, Bam 3lichman, IHarry ish "Community-Center anS TVel-j-.dent taf -the Taad Xeumi, snfi .Jo- |3>arty ..of t a e -city o'f Abrey '.last! -"The 'life 'there .is 'V«ry simple :.Xevjne belieres there an?, islands : at V, 7;. m., bat E contact :fc .Afc** , j Biiverman, .ArthuT Cohn, TSIark of .Xfa^snia, who jweek.-pllloTiea .the .nannas of /four! aim unaavascefi. "Tlisre are no'there, -perhaps inhabited, which i made the postponement :»sss«»committee Trill Hevote itself Xeon, S. 3 o r d y , J . Stein, J . J . faTe federation, it was announced ;seph Baratz : "todEy. • .. . jspoke on behalf :of -the "villages !inhabitants of "Wcnsktein "wla-.o ;newspapers ~K&& .tae -people .Oiere : wotiM "make iEiportant communj- : sary. '32veryone fe invltefi-.tr. -&» :£he 3,000 jpolltical 35riBdman, .A. X . Tiiilip Sher :is chairman of |-which were founded vrr saaintain- ;w«T=e.accused nt ijiaying :cards !-^gt "very "little -outsfte "Ttews. &l- '• -cation barcs "suS TmotiW turtltcr tend. 'liefresirarent-e will' 3Er0m -GHnnaijy, iregard.Sarry 3Ialashock, c*|the connnittee. by I h e S e r e n ZELayeso" •wiih -a : JBW in .a -public islatre. ' thoush soms .tovs ""radios they cam i tie thE world tojreliier. 'leas rof *race -nr cree'd.


:'•' PAGE TWO.

Mendelson "taking the D r a k e turing savory salads a n d tasty outstanding piece-of Jewish com- convention to either side of the be admitted free. If enough paid by the response of four jun corned beef you've long wanted bulldog for a ride." It seems that munity service Washington Olympic issue but we know that persons witness these games on ior teams, whereas last J ear then students were requested to bring to eat . . . The third annual series whispers that one of the motivat- two of them are opposed to Amer- Sundays, this policy will be con-was not such league . - the Centhe family bus and decorate it for of Book Evenings sponsored by ing, factors in the appointment of ican participation and two others tinued through the regular sea- ter. the occasion. Minda brought the the Beth El is starting- 2>iovember Bernard Ridder, publisher of the lean ia that direction . . . Keep turned from a four-monthc trip family "bull". The two bandaged 6 . , . Was it the wedding cere- anti-Nazi N e w Yorker Staatszei- your eyes peeled f o r press re- son. Anyone interested iu being el-SPICY SPICS from the Alaskan w a s t e s in it to typify the horrid condition mony or the appetiizers that caus- tung, as New Y o r k director of leases from o n e Ernst Schmitz ther a, timekeeper or a s c o r e •a*>.•• Judging by the infrequency of which he covered over 30,000 of the . dog after the Creighton- ed Jerry Gross to be so prompt WPA, was the fact that he is not . . . He's the American represent- Among the quints already prac- keeper at the Center .ires, see tJieir being together, it is believed miles. He was commissioned by his last Sunday evening date? only a prominent Catholic lay- ative of the German Olympicj ticing for the pre-season lea.gue Lee Grossman. -'that the tall youthful North Om- the United States government Drake - scramble. It maintained for . . . Austin Bevans is rehearsing man of German origin but also Committee . . . Lcruis Pekarsky are: The Omaha Jobbing Co., Xi its poise all the way of the paraha grocer and the uecretary of a to study the causes for the imhis musickers and hasin a position to keep the N e wtells us that there is no such per- Lambda Fraternity, A. Z. A. No. ""large lumber company are merely mature deaths of the Alaskans. ade on the front of the car, amid developed manyregularly novelties for the Dealers In touch with the Nazi son as Jack Cooper employed by 1 fraternity, Psi Mu and the A. i; the large, laughing audience. And friends at present—Bobby Bow- From Nome to Point Barrow he winter dates to be played . Joe situation in New York where tt is First National Studios . . . Jack P. T. fraternity. There is still *'irian is being featured at the an- was the only white person on alas the "bulldog" escaped seri- Solomonow is interpreting. .Big Cooper was the name given by an opening for one mor. team. In hottest . , . ous Injury and the blue jays lost - - Cleaned 5 iiual Jr. HadassaH Thanksgiving the trip. His data and scienHearted Herbert unusually well someone who participated in the [the Junior league, which, incidROUND-UP affair at Hotel Fontenelle—More tific 8tndy on this trip are be- no feathers, for they finished ev- in the practices of the first Cenentally, -will be a real fast one snd .' ' Jewish women should take advan- ing used by the government as en, 6-6. Why was Philip M. Raskin, of- Anti-Nazi League's O l y m p i c ! are: ter Player's Guild production by Jack Sprat Foods, A. Z. A. Games' straw vote at the Baer-1 tage of the •well-planned gym act- a basis for providing sanatar- CHATTY CHIPS that name. The date of this play ten referred to. as the poet laurBlocked We welcome Mr. David Gom- is Tuesday, November 19 . . . I n eate of American Jewry, given the Louis fight . . . This gentleman No. 10 0, Pant's Store and the ivities sponsored by the Centeriums and in o t h e r ways atnot only favored American parComets. Lehrman and Spiegel, Tech Hy tempting to aid the longevity of berg and family to our fair city. a recent speech, a well known In gate by the Jewish National Fund ticipation but filled up his ballot footballers, are m a k i n g a real the eskinios. Professor Levine He is the manager of the n e w addressing h i s group stated, of America after having b e e n with anti-Semitic remarks . . . C The existence of a junior lesg-j showing;, ditto for Monsky, Gor- has many unusual experiences Walgreen drug, store a n d hails "What this organization needs is with the JNF for longer than we (Copyright. 193S. by Seven Arts ue this year is entirely due to the j don and Musk}n at Central—Con- to relate, many of these appear- from Chicago It is reported some able high school fellows like can remember? . . . Harry HershFeature Syndicate) LOUIS PALMER. e f f o r t s of Lee Grossman, who j p gratulations tcrTemp.le Israel Sis- ing In an article which he wrote that the letters a r e very warm Mel Sommer." For your informa- field, master of ceremonies par "Omahs'u PremlOF Hatter" conducted a basketball school last! terhood for winning a prize at a in this week's Jewish Press. and regular between that olive tion, Mel is a senior at Creighton excellence, is going to try sonie414 So. 17th «FA 0390 Spring with the view of building A. Z. A. 100 complected steno and her Iowa U model room contest sponsored by The B'nai B'rith is sponsoring and president of the PI Lam frat thing new He has agreed to We Call and Deliver In Brandeis store—-y?e wonder how an open meeting this Monday fraternity boy friend, who at pres- * . . We hope Esther Ltein learns serve as national chairman of the The A. Z. A. 100 held an old-up material for this league. His Downtown District the S.D/TV pledgees felt upon be- evening at the J. C. C. and both ent is on the west coast . . . . to get in earlier, what do you say, emergency campaign of the Losfashioned celebration of Simchath efforts seem to be very well refttg locked out most of the night men and women are being in- Jerome Gordon, who is n o w at- Max? . . . We are informed that Angeles Sanatorium . . . I. L. Torah,Sunday, October 20, at the because of the Sneak Night act- vited to hear the many inter- tending Harvard University, made one of our prominents w.. s so Singer, author of the sensational- B'naj Israel synagogue. Dr. I. esting incidents which Levine the honor roll at Missouri last "pants eyed" last Saturday eve, ly successful "Yoshe Kalb," will Dansky gave a toast; William ivities last Tuesdayyear . . . It is said that a council that he locked himself in a room make his real entry in the field Poster, newly pledged, aleph, gave will relate. interpretations— of junior women or some similar at a party and the door was forc- of American literature under the a short and interesting story of group Is now being formed by our ed open to let him out . , . Send auspices of Alfred K n o p f . . . the origin, purpose and celebraA KNOCKDOWN WELCOME ROUND TABLE DANCE Sam J. Leon experienced an hiff' in your contributions. Maurice Samuel has been engaged tion of the Holiday; then Dr. Schiff's civic-minded maidens •fc Enjoy the Thrift of a Charge Account "unusual incident. Upon his re- Only HO couples were wise newly opened Delicatessen is feato translate Singer's latest novel Dansky related some humorous which ran serially in the Jewish anecdotes of the celebration of cent visit to Los Angeles, while enough to attend the very sucDaily Forward . . . Jacob Levi of Simchath Torah In Europe when strolling along, he was sudden- cessful opening social sponsored Rochester is scheduled to be the he was a child. •' • ly pounced upon and thrown to by the Round Table of Jewish next supreme leader of the Grand the sidewalk. No, n« was not Youth of this city. 3ven though After the program the chapter • • • • Lodge of New York of the Inde- held a short business meeting. On b e i n g attacked, but Antonio every member belonging to a representative youth organization pendent Order of Odd Fellows . ; . November 10, the -chapter will • Moreno, an ex-film star, thinkwas eligible to attend this excelLevl, who Is now grand warden, hold a drawing at the J. C. C. to ing Leon was a long lost friend, By PHINEAS J. BIRON ; is a cousin of Louis Pekarsky, raise the chapter's Jewish Philtried to surprise him in his own lently-planned dance, • there were a movie version of Sinclair Lewis' Seven Arts' correspondent in Hol-anthropies pledge. Tickets will unique' way: The apologies ac- no stags and the. social register VIA SHORT WAVE Madame Marjan Zyndram Kos- new novel .about Fascism in the lywood . . . Arnold Rothstein's be sold for ten cents. They may corded to him did not entirely of our youth, was present. Due s o o t h e our locaiite's jarred credit should be accorded to Miss cialkowski, wife o£ the new Pol-United States . . . Richard Maim- father is a permanent patient in be purchased from any member Ruth Allen, that charming, able ish premier, is a Jewish girl who baum, co-author of "Sweet Mys- the Beth Israel Hospital in Newof the group. feelings. director of youth activities, for And de- tery of Life," is a nephew of Wal- York . . . T h e elder Rothstein, hails from Bialystok planning such fine affair — Am- spite DR. SACHAR'S LECTURE \ her high station she's a real ter Friedman, "discoverer" of who helped build t h e hospital, " W h a t has been an outstanding ong' the youthful pretties who Jewess . • . When s h e married Primo Camera . . Richard learn- pays $300 a month for the' privA.Z.A. 1 lecture attraction In this 'com- made their debut at Center af- Koscialkowski, the ceremony was ed to write plays at the Univer- ilege of living there and runs the A special meeting of the Mothmunity In -the past' fbw years will fairs were: Hally Bialac, Phyllis a civil one in order to obviate the sity of Iowa Max Reinhardt's hospital synagogue . . . Dr. Rich- er chapter of A. Z. A. was held ije again be repeated w h e n on Befkowitz, Julia Flshbain, Louise need of her to become a convert next film venture will probably be ard Gottheil, pioneer American Tuesday evening, October 22. tails Sunday evening, the Jewry Sayler, Libby Meyerson, Lois Ger- . . She makes regular visits to "The Tales of Hoffman" by Jac-Zionist and professor of Semitic Plans for the program for A. Z. A. <if Omaha will have t h ; privilege Hsky, Harriet Rifkin, Toots Fo- her family in Bialystok and la re- ques Offenbach Sylvia Sid- languages at Columbia Univer- Day, Sunday, October 27, were qf hearing that rare. r.arrator of gel and Charlotte Sacks and num-ported to h a v e attended syna- ney's number one dressing room sity, is the only teacher of Ethi- discussed. Ernie Priesman is •Jewish, subjects, Dr. A b r a m L. erous others whose names are al-gogue this past Yom Kippur . . . at the Paramount .Studios is still opic languages in this country . . . chairman of this program. Sachar, enteppret. "The Meaning ways on the date lists of the best. Signora Attillo Teruzzi, the better vacant and there are no bidders Edward Filene, Boston merchant New committees for the next 4t Jewish History." Although ,a The" a b o v e mentioned are the half of II Duce's leading military . . . Morris Gest, son-in-law of the who has just returned from Mos- three months of the present term Sompaf atively yo"ting man, Dr.coming crop of eligible dates, so strategist in Ethiopia, Is the for-late David Belasco, is back on the cow, is the power behind a na- are as. follows: Cultural, Ernest movement to organize a Sachar has won renown for his take n o t e and save the list— mer Lily Weinman, daughter of Rialto again His first produc- tion-wide huge chain of cooperative depai»t- Priesman, chairman, Max Falk Julian Nathan, seemingly oblivgrasp of Jewish themes and his and Hy Temin; religious, Lou Sig- tion will be an American translaNew York Polish Jews ous to all about him because of masterful methods of picturing tion of a Chinese play Later ment stores nora Teruzzi met the general In chain will Hurwitz, chairman, Julian Nathbis speeches".in the most vivid his being entranced by his eve-1922 when she made her operatic in the year he will present in Lon- set a new high in This competition for an, Macy Baum and Morris Fine; fanner. Without question this ning engagement, Edna Mosko- debut at La Scala in Milan . . . don the last play written by Bel-the existing department stores social. Max Marcus, chairman, will be a r.ea"l enjoyable evening— vity—"the A. Z. A. Sweetheart", Mussolini was the best man at her asco . . . L e w Brown (Brown- because it will be on a strictly Ray Shapiro, Sam Wolk; athletic, So get your ticket and attend. Pearl Bernstein, gliding along wedding and gave her a sapphire stein is the name), member of the co-operative basis . . . Rudolph Morris Adler, chairman, Harold beautifully with 'Milton Robinson jewel case as a present song-writing team of DeSylva, Kayser, t h e other son-in-law of Cooperman and Dave Weiner; •—Solomon Potansky and Herman encrusted gfEATY MICES She rode off on h e r honey- Brown and Henderson, is now Einstein, has arrived membership, Macy Baum, chair::'::: Dr. A. A. Steinberg and Miss Abrams, also newcomers to the moon in King Emanuel's royal wifeless . . . His frau got herself Professor . He is due to join the faculty man, Irvln Ypffe and Dan Mil;fCclia Markal will march under Center activities, making m a n y railway coach . . . The real reason Renovated . . . "Land of Prom- of the University In Exile . . . ler; telephone, Ruben Lippett, jtihe canopy'the "latter part of acquaintances—Alta Elkin, "A. Z.why Dr. David Pirato, chief rabbi ise," Palestine movie, which has Kayser Is one of Europe's chairman, Max Falk and Morris 'i November-«« Could it be that A. Sweetheart" candidate, being of Alexandria, "declined" an ap- been in the works for more than literary "critics "and politicalleading Arbitman. econSfhe tall, dark, attractive heart escorted by Charles Goldberg, an pointment to succeed the late Dr. a' year, will probably h a v e its omists . . . iithrobber is now. In Wichita so out-of-town business executive— Angelo Sacerdoti as chief rabbi of Broadway premiere at the Astor OLYMPIAN HEIGHTS l-'as to make, up her mind about The mystery-of the da;, j was the Italy is disclosed in an article in Theatre There are versions That malicious story about the ?two medics?—Sylvia Silverman appearance of Ronald Reuben and The Nation,'which says that r Pif- of it in almost e v e r y civilized meeting of the Metropolitan A. A. Both seniors and juniors .have ranum Kaplan with' adhesive £is a candTdSte tori'Indian Prinlanguage Boris Morros of the ato was more useful tc II Duce U. which the New Y o r k Daily been practicing regularly lately In across their noses, and later as an Italian propagandist in Paramount Theatre was supposed c e s s at the annual homecoming tape 1 credited to the Associated preparation ;for the; pre-season Spanqnet at Omaha U—7AI ^lay- on Joe GoldwareA.also, appeared Egypt than as spiritual leader of to handle the picture in order (to News Press, was not Aan AP story, we openings of their respective leagMany i?er rewived the fbUdwing" com- .with the same -make-up. aYoid a Hollywood tie-up but it is ; Italian Jewry' learn from' Alan Goulij, AP sports ues. The senior .league will open Don't be sur-now probable that the film will Gown Room Bring* munication tiurouga the mail stories circulated. 4 b o u t these prised if young? David Croll, mineditor-. . . showed us a Sunday, November 3, and the from one of his k i d d i n g nose-plastered individuals, but ister of labor and public welfare be handled by the regular Amer- copy of the Gould story on t h a t Junior league will bei/n play on friends: Dear Mr. Mayer; Don't for the'real r e a s o n ask them in the Liberal cabinet of Ontario ican Palestine Campaign staff . . . meeting and itAP., was eminently fair Tuesday, November 5. The entry /•-be a sla^eri Get out and. fight why.-—The College Club orchestra Province, becomes the first Jew- FOURTH ESTATE : , . The News' version was car-fees and contracts must be In Lee Itfor your country. signed—Halle featuring Miss Ann Nieman de- ish member of the Canadian cabried only In t h e early editions Grossman's possession by TuesWe wonder whether anyone can •Selassie-some fun, eh Ah—Dr. lighted all with their rhythmic inet . . . He is highly regarded by where the AP credit line slipped day, October 29. verify a report that has come to "Wilfred R. Fleisher, a visitor Mackenzie King, Canada's new us that Frederick Blrchall, New in by mistake In later edi• iiifrom San' Francisco, believes BREEZY BREVITIES prime minister . . . Wonder what York Times' Berlin correspond- tions the same story appeared but In order to give the C e n t e r •that Omaha is one of the most ex-King Alfonso of Spain thinks ent, was once co-owner of an An-it was properly credited to the members more for their money, Is it true that business is not I'SrientjUy _. communities in the the only motive for Bill Wolfe's of his new Jewish landsleit . •.;. glo-Jewish weekly in Philadelphia News . . . So the News deserves the p h y s i c a l department has •'country. Among other things Andrew Goodman, son of the vice . . . The Boston Jewish Advocate the rap that has been given to changed the schedule for playing numerous trips to Sioux City he believes that Omaha ia In. . . After an account- president of the Fifth Avenue is offering a rose or a carnation the AP . . . The Connecticut sec- so that a l l pre-srasou class A riflped .fprtonate in having lead- lately? Ing of his many Bar Mitzvah Bergdorf-Goodman store, recently every week to the New England tion of the A. A. U. did not pledge games will be played on Sunday 5ers who -are yotLJg, a b l e and gifts, Julius-Melvin Cohn near- married Mrs. Nena Manach of Jew who has contributed s o m e its six delegates to the national afternoons and Center members -ifconfidentipus — We w o n d e r ly decided to open r, children's Havana, a cousin of Countess Cowhether Max' Krizebnan and his book and pajama shoppe . . . vadonga, one of Alfonso's daugh:S-Counc3i Bluffs attraction have The swanky Club New Yorker ters-in-law . . . Twelve of t h e . jiireached "an" understanding yet? ia the gay spot where our up- banks in t h e syndicate floating i—Leonard ^Kulakdfsky, Norper strata are rendezvousing the domestic German 500,000,000 *man Rips and Pete Milder are . . . We are told that the real mark loan are Jewish-owned . . . •the new pledges of the Juniod • reason for Bennett Cohn's ex- BROADWAYSIDE 1-Pi Tan Pi — Is it true that tra zealous efforts in selling Clifford Odets, last year's fairFashions with the authoritative elegance that fetewart Gilinsky is that way new Dodges and Plymonths is haired boy of Broadway, turned 'kbout a. lovely looker? only comes from perfection of line, details and to accumulate a surplus to meet down an offer of $4,000 a week an "expected expense" . . . from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer to do exquisite materials! . . . slave chains, jeweled COMMENTATIONS young married matron is With an unusually fine speak- What pendants, jeweled pins, mesh belts, nailheads so much enthused with married er, supported by a well-planned life that she desires to organsupply the touch of gold! program, the combined chapters ize a matrimonial agency? . . . <&A. Z. A. will observe their an- Ticket sales for the Temple (Sizes 12 to 20) nual International A. Z. A. Day Israel Sisterhood series featurthis Sunday,: at 3 p.m. in the Ves- ing Edward Steinmetz, jr., are try Room of- Temple Israel. Mr. .very encouraging . . . Oh, yes! living Levitas, director of Kan- Don't miss the grand Hallosas, City Jewish' Community Cen- ween dance which the Sisterter,' and Ida Gitlin, operatic sop- hood is sponsoring at Cocoanut rp.no, will be featured. This will nut Grove . . . be open to the public. Attend and enjoy a .worthwhile afternoon,—• CREIGHTON HOMECOMING Ask Irvln Yaffe why he has been • And if you chanced to witness nick-named '"Frenchie" — Joe the Creighton homecoming parRoltstein and Dave Hermanson ade last Saturday you probably •who are In-the. peanut vending saw Minda Friedman and Rose businesses,,ar_e Inseparables - Universified runi'ors conve;- the news that nearly a dozen handsomes are corresponding with a dancing miss, -who Is on a Mid-Western tour — Creative Jacob Davidson, formerly with the South Omaha Sun, Is now ^advertising, and promotional director for the F & F laboratories — Rufh Bordy who •tfas wed to Al Fiedler last Sunday, secured-her mai.' ge license Thursday, .October 17. This was tBe last.day,of her 21st birthday.





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J. C.C. Sports


Jewelry' Frocks .95


nistem* ibipman


WE. 2 9 1 6

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SIR. VICTdR E.LEVx^E » Dr. Levine, who is Omaha's Heading scientist, recently re-

COMPLETE DINNERS Every Evening Except Sunday



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and 10c per ^ 4 , ^ (CASH AND CARRY

SIS Poultry a t Market Prices


Next Sunday we will have more of the Delicious Barbecue meats





PAGE THREE, sible. That was JIQTF the Germans paid for anti-Semitism. It is very probable that it lost t h e m the war, as never again, not even in March, ISIS, had they as coia' plete a gap in the Franco-British j western front as during the first i gas attack in April, 1915."

By the Service Life Insurance So Says Brisbane in Review of JVjfefe Jo Mrs. Kohst Company, Omaha Book By Professor New York—Fannie Hurst, not-

embrace you," Herr Ludwig said, as he proceeded to carry out his promise. The judge was .'visibly very much touched by the compliments which the internationallyfamed biographer showered upon him. Frpm there on the reporters had to take a back seat, for it was a tete-a-tete between Brodsky and Ludwig, exchanging opinions and letters and chatting about many things. Eavesdropping, we caught the following When Emil Ludwig- c a m e to snatches of dialogue: New York, the first thing he did was to ride in the subway. He LUDWIG—"You have no conwanted to see the seething megaception. Judge, What a tremenlopolis from the underground up. dous effect your courageous words An innocent enough venture for had upon the whole world. You a prosaic mujik of the big city, forced Hitler into a situation that but for our distinguished biomay do him great injury. It. is a grapher-historian this proletarian well-known fact that he made the Swastika the national emblem of b had a somewhat embarrassGermany as a defiant reply to ing denouement. your decision. But by that very He told the story in German, "Will the Jews go back?" lor the specific convenience of the " I am afraid that m a n y of act of substituting the flag of the reporter from the Staatszeitung, them, will. A large section of them Nazis for the red, gold and black, whose presence made Herr. Liud- have sunk their roots too deep in he has outraged the feelings of • wig squirm a little. The Test of the life of Germany to be strong many Germans." us formed-a close circle straining enough to remain outside of the BRODSKY—(with a shy, modfor the unfamiliar syllables in or- country longer than they have to. est smile)—"Thank you, H e r r der not to miss the point.. Personally, I hope that when the Ludwig. You would be surprised "Well, you see," o u r visitor time comes when a new govern- to know how many letters I have said in a rather high-pitched ment revokes the anti-Semitic de- received from Germany from.men voice, "I wanted to see your city crees, the German Jews will say and women w h <>•. sent me their from the bottom up. But t h e to one man: 'No, thank you. We blessings for my condemnation of train was crowded, and being a do not care to return. We prefer Hitler. Doesn't that appear to you stranger, I couldn't be sure that to remain where we are.' How- to be a definite sign of internal I had taken the right train. Af- ever, I am afraid that I know the weakness that may bring about a ter we had gone a few stops, I de- situation' too well to expect this. revolution?" cided to look around for a map There is an old proverb in the LUDWIG—"I am afraid I can't or a guide. But then just as I was Koran which says that no m a n agree with you on that, Judge. making my way toward the end should be married to the s a m e You see, the German temperaof the car, a squareheaded Ger- woman three times. I cannot help ment does not support this view. man with the sharp and forbid- feeling; that the JewB will marry It is almost safe to say that the ding features of a Nazi turned to Germany a third time." German people value . discipline me and said in German: 'Herr regimentation, or what, you Heir' Ludwig spoke with con- wand Ludwig, may I direct you to your siderable enthusiasm about the | o u l d c a U the "goose step" more destination?' How this perfect recent World Zionist Congress in highly than certainly their relistranger recognized me I cannot Lucerne, which he- had attended glon and, one might e v e n say, say. I was annoyed with him and for three days. He described his their bread. No, I don't think I.replied: 'But aren't you a Nazi?' talks with Dr. Weizmann and Dr. there will be a revolution in Ger'Yes, that's-true, I am a Nazi, but Ruppin. He was deeply stirred by many. Only in the event of a war I should like to help anyway,' the the, dramatic atmosphere sur- would there be the danger of an unknown said. Frankly, this was rounding its. .proceedings. The uprising by the German masses." too much for me, I- was furious. spectacle of the representatives The scene between Brodsky. and It no longer mattered where I of more than a million Jews from Ludwig was an unforgettable exwanted to go or whether or not practically every country in t h e perience. Its drama, its sentiment I would ever get there. The imassembling in Lucerne to and emotion, if you will, cannot portant thing was to get rid of world speak for Jewry filled him with a be described here. Please take this man. I did not answer but I peculiar sense courage and our word for it that Judge Brbdtipped my hat, rushed out and triumph. He was,ofhowever, some- sky could have received no more jumped o n ' t h e first train that what; perturbed' by the situation stirring tribute, nor could Ludwig came along. It was, of course, the which ^the question of the discus- have been more deeply moved. Wrong one, but I had successfully sion of .the-Gefnlan Jewish posiAnd for the reporters^ h e r e Slipped away." copy de luxe—headline stuff. tion threatened to create. The was(Copyright, 1935, by Seven Arts It waB a picturesque setting for common talk that t h e Transfer Feature Syndicate) interview. From" the balcony Agreement, whereby Jews coming an Miss Ruth Diamond of Omaha of Herr Ludwig's Bulte on the from Germany, are permitted to roof of the St. Moritz, the green bring their money to Palestine in university, is doing very well with and brown expanse of Central the form of German goods, might her "Wednesday evening classes. Park stretched far to the north seriously interfere with a free and The women are unusually ; en- \ of the city, a rich verdant valley untrammeled debata on the Jew- thused with the program which j engulfed by miles of brick and ish tragedy in Hitlerland frankly she has outlined for this season.' skyscraper. Over all the twilight upset him, he said. Under these cast an unnaturally sentimental circumstances he was greatly reLaw is not law, if it violates glow "that broke down even the lieved by t h e address by Dr. the principles of eternal justice. most hard-boiled reporter's indif- Stephen S. Wise, which vigorous- —Lydia Maria Child. ference. ly arraigned the Nazis for their The incident of the Nazi;in the persecution of the Jewish people. subway led the noted biographer As for the Transfer Agreement, of Napoleon and Hindenburg to Herr Ludwig remarked, "Hitler the Bubject of Judge Brodsky. was certainly the Shylock in this Eagerly and with a deep senBe of transaction." • -.pride he described how the bold "But Hitler has built beautiand vigorous decision in the Bre- ful monument for himselfa in men case had been warmly ap- estine. In a few years he willPalbe plauded and admired throughout rone and forgotten, but in Palesthe capitals of Europs. ine the thousands of German "You have no idea what reper- Jews who have emigrated there ; cussions it has had in Europe. It since his regime went into effect is on everyone's lips. Everyone have, contributed the scientific talks of Brodsky. Where is Brod- and professional ferment that will HEU> sky? I should very much like to enrich the entire Yishub for - - -" YOU TO BS-EDOF see him, I want to congratulate Abruptly, Herr Ludwig left the him," Herr Ludwig s a i d in a sentence in mid-air and turned to pleading tone. the door to see who it was that The appeal touched one of the had just come in. The soft-heartreporters in a v i t a l spot. He ed reporter marched up to our O makes money available mumbled something about fifteen noble guest and with the air of a minutes and disapor twenty for new roofs end other 'master of ceremonies" announspeared. ed that he had just brought in home improvements. Herr Ludwig answered every- Magistrate Brodsky. No other picbody's questions, paying particu- ture than that of a child being Spend first for a new roof and . lar attention to the queries with told that Santa Claus has just arpay for ft out of income.: We wi5l "a Jewish angle" (What has hap- rived could, convey the reaction of bo glad to help you make Ike pened to the Jewish curve?) . Herr Ludwig to t h i s announcesimple arrangements necessary. "What is the ultimate destiny ment. Breaking through our cirof German Jews?" we asked. This cle he rushed to greet the man Bird Thick Butt Shingles are a was the question that Herr Lud- whose words concerning the Swassound investment. They ar^ "The wig had been waiting for. In an- tika have made the whole world Crowning Glory of the Home/' : imated spirit he said: "Hitler will resound with his name. paying dividends m protection be forgotten in a few years, but "Judge Brodsky, how are you, and beauty for years to come." he will have a beautiful monu- Judge? You don't know how hapment in Palestine. "You know, py I am to meet you. When I left and-here the biographer-historian my home in Switzerland, I told seemed to assume the role of a my wife that I w a s going to BIRD 3 in 1 ' patriarchal Jew - - - "The coming America to congratulate you and THICK BUTT SHINGLES of the Nazis was a rather welcome Asphalt • Slate Surfaced thing. So many of our German " • Fire. Retarding Jews were hovering between two coasts; so many of them were ridThe Massive Buits G'rvo ing t h e treacherous current .be- Inspect Year Furnace UQXJl Added Ufa • Added Beauty tween the Scylla of assimilation • Added Ssfey and the Charybdis of a nodding acquaintance with Jewish things Thousands who seemed to be completely lost to Judaism were brought back to the fold by Hitler, and for thai I am personally very grateful to him. "Of course, my re-conversion to the Jewish life (Herr Ludwig had been baptized when he was still a child. His original name had been Cohen.) did n o t wait for Hitler. I saw the futility of our ways thirteen years ago when Rathonau was assassinated. I saw B then that we were doomed," he added. 19 & NICHOLAS 5000 Slave Repair. Works "But the future, Herr Ludwig, what Is the destiny of the Jews in 120S.eS Dooglo*. A? 2324 Germany!" tre- persisted. The medium-sized, stubby figure with the large head and peculiarly arched eyes, separated by an unusually narrow bridge, Teplied: "In ten years there will be no more than 150,000 Jews left in Germany. All their -best talents and brains will be gone, scattered to the four corners of t h e earth, many of them to America, as for instance Einstein, Reinhardt, Klemperer a n d Elizabeth Bergner. After '.3n years of Nazi rule the Reichs-wehr will gain the upper hand a n d unseat Hitler. And the Reichswehr may be astute a n d shrewd enough to rescind the antUewish laws a n d ask the Jews to come back. That would be sad. For I should like to see a Germany without Jews. She has demonstrated that she deserves nothing better."


Riga (WNS) — T h e Volfc*v.-i fen, last remaining; anti-5?*>n^> paper in Latvia, hep been f.i; pressed by the sroveynment. '•" paper had consistently preacho.-; so-called "scientific" anti-J-s»nr Beqceathes $I,4G5.,Q00 Te tism. Jewish Hospital Latest census figures T&''C New York—A bequest of $1,- | that the Jewish population 40.5,000 to the Mount Sinai Hos- j Latvia is now PS,479, n. {I??.".',;, pital was left by the late Miss I of about 1,000 in ttie last .*' Bertha Weinman of New York, it \ years. WEE disclosed by a tax appraisal • The decline is attributed of her estate. i emigration to Palestine,

ed author, has accepted the chairIf you should die tonight—. manship o£ a committee of promYour dependents could not inNew York (WNS)—Germany j vest the principal so as to live on might have won the World War \ inent citizens of all faiths which the income but had not the anti-Semitic prejudice is planning a special jubilee tribute to Mrs. Rebekah Kohut in of You can invest the income alone j *h e military authorities pre- recognition of h e r 50 years of so that they may lire on the pro- j vented them from utilizing the public service. ceeds, and still have the principal. | services of a world famous Ger- i The professional man or worn- j m a n Jewish scientist, it is reveal-1 an who only has $1,000 in bank ie d *>? Arthur Brisbane in a review | T\ L T1 or bond can use the income from Io f P r o C - J - B - S. Haldane's book, j JA-USll I 0 it to purchase $1,500 or $2,000 | "Callinicus, a Defense of Chemi-j of life insurance enough to tide Ics* Warfare," published by E. P. j over the first black year after the j button and written shortly after funeral, and still. leave the origi- j t h * World War. London (WNS)—Scores of nal 11,000, as now intended; the) In his review, which appeared German-Jewish women who a r e professional man with 520,000 onion the March of Events page of'. about to become mothers are now, hand can use the income from it! the New York American, Mr. Bris- I registered at English maternity | to secure $150 a month for his bane points out that Germany was j hospitals in order that their chil- j wife for life, 'and still bequeath unable to follow up the effects I dren may be bora under the Brit- ! the $20,000.* of its first gas attack in April, j ish flag. A newspaper survey re- \ Whether the professional man '• 1915,. because her own troops j vealed that there is a steady! or woman is just making a living lacked sufficient gas masks. j stream of Jewish women coming .or is making good in a big way, In explanation of this Mr. Bris- n e r e from Naziland in order to: the need stands out for insurance; bane Quote Professor Haldane as' £ive birth in England, thus mak-! to provide mere existence for the i fouOws: "The German respirators ing their children British subjects. dependents or to make it possible jw e r e b a { j t o begin with, and later This phenomenon has been apfor them to continue to live as on were not too good as the Brit- parent for more than a year bethey live now and to move in the ish. This was, apparently, be- cause it has become m o s t prosame social circles. cause the most competent physio- nounced since the enactment of logist in Germany, with a n y the Nuremberg "J e w laws" deknowledge of breathing, w a s a priving German Jews of their citiSchiff's Delicatessen Jew. This fact w a s quite well in German physiological To Be Opened Tomorrow jj known MARK LEON WRITES circles, but apparently h i s race 'prevented the military authorities - LIFE - FIRE Tomorrow will witness the for- i from employing him. The result in THRIFT fact, INSURANCE ot Every mal opening of Schiff's Delicates- j was that they were unable to folType - - Strong Reliable sen and Liquor store, a modern low up their gas attacks at all Companies, ONLY and up-to-the-minute food store. closely, but had to wait till the City Finance & Insurance Co. This beautiful fooderie is lo- cloud had passed off, by which cated in "Omaha's newest and time the resistance was again pos- AT 7e67 - 1409 FARNAM - WA 5150 most beautiful building," the Service Life Building, located on I 18 th and Farnam. The exact lo- j cation of this store is 312 South i IS*: street. . ! Mr. and Mrs. J. Schiff, who are | the owners of this new store, have j recently moved here from Chica-1 i go where they were in the delica- j < tessen business for the past thirty j years. . I A full line of tosher delicates- J sen' products, including daily hot |) corned beef and homemade salads, |; is offered. A complete line of wines and liquors of nationally "A Quality Product for Seasoning" £| advertised brands is being handied.

By MEYER F. STEINGLASS Tne writer of this interview happened to be present when Judge Brodsky called on t h e distinguished German - Jewish exile. The result is a fascinating double interview with Ludwig and Brodsky. 'Mr. Steinglass is the editor of the New Palestine and one of the star writers of the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.—THE EDITOR.

zenship. Most of these women return to Germany after their children have been born. It is pointed out that these children, as British subjects, will find it easier to gain admittance to Palestine when they are older.

To Give Birth!





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artists have become London favorites. LATVIA SUPPRESSES OXLY REMAINING ANTI - S E M I T I C PAPER . . . Unimportant, but significant. FALASHA STUDENT QUITS JUGOSLAVIAN R A B B I NICAL SEMINARY TO JOIN ETHIOPIAN ARMY . . . A Falasha is NORTH AMERICA 3 JEWS RE-ELECTED TO CA- Jmore Ethiopian t h a n an EthioNADIAN PARLIAMENT WHILE pian. POLISH JEWRY "TOPES FOR ALL A N T I - S E M I T I C CANDIDATES ARE SWAMFED . . . But: AID FROM N E W PREMIER the issue was not anti-Semitism.! WHO IS FRIENDLY TO MINORITIES . . . Without hope" Polish NEW BOOK NAMES TROTZ-1 Jewry could not go on. KY, ROTHSCHILD AND READ- [ ING AMONG 25 "RULERS" OF j GERMAN JEWISH WOMEN THE WORLD . . . All three are •RUSH TO ENGLAND TO GIVE sick men, thankful if their bodies BIRTH . . . Of course—To give behave. | birth to a German Jew would be MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLA-: cruel. LATIN-AMERICA | PALESTINE REPORT SHOWS J E W I S I I l T S C H ERNICHOWSKY, HEEMIGRATION EXCEEDS IMMI- '•BREW POET, GETS DECORAGRATION TO CUBA, . . . Not so |TION FROM FINLAND . . . Finland has taste. good for Cuba. REVISIONIST W H O BLEW EUROPE GERMAN . JEWISH REFUGEE j SHOFAR AT WAILING WALL ACTRESS SCORES TRIUMPH IN |ON YOM KIPPUR GETS JAIL LONDON DEBUT . . . Seven of jTERM . . . Well deserved. (Copyright. 1933. by Seven Arts is rare indeed to meet a nurse. the most important German stage' Feature Syndicate) Noatak, Noorok. Selawik, and I find that it may be emphaticall of' the anti-Semitic candidates were swamped, every officeShungnak at Kotzebue. j ally stated that the Eskimo would In the shake-up of the Austrian cabinet, featured by the seeker tainted, with the stigma of anti-Jewishness suffering a setJust one day before the tragic fare much better from a health back.;; In contrast, three Jewish candidates were elected to par-'elimination of Major Emil Fey, a cabinet post was given to a bap- death of Wiley Post and Will standpoint if he subsisted on his liament. Political students come to the. conclusion that the Re-tized Jew, Robert Winterstein. The Jewish community is keeping Rogers I arrived at Point Barrow, j native foods which are richer by I met Charles D. Brower, who has far in vitamin content than the consttuctioiust party failed to elect more than one member be- time, waiting to see what effect the cabinet shake-up will have lived there for over fifty years type of white man's foods such as cause their leader,, H . H . Stevens, was connected with the anti- on them. and who is a famous character, white flour, sugar, tea and coftrader and a friend of many fa- fee, with which he supplements Semites. •"••.. ' . mous Arctic explorers. I also met more or less his own particular The Anglo-Saxon countries are noted for their unwillingness "there Dr. Henry W. Greist, physi- foods. to tolerate religious or raciaTbias. The elections in the Dominion (This pertinent editorial by Rabbi Gerson B. Levi, appeared in cian in charge of the Presbyterian This year my major problem of Mission hospital and discussed in resreach wa sthe study of scurvy demonstrate that Canadians, like the English* and the Yanks; are 'the Reform Advocate, Chicago, Illinois, on October 11, 1935.) detail with him the recent epi- among the Arctic natives. I find THE GRAM) OPEMXG true to the ideals of fair play and justice. . "..'A few days before the Day of Atonement we received a very j demic of influenza among the that they seldom suffer from this, but found that latent scurvy was urgent invitation to help solve %e Jewish problem, do good to Eskimos. The trip from Nome to Point present in great extent among ourselves and render a service to humanity by the very simple Barrow was made on the coast them. I find also that white men Omaha workers on behalf of the Jewish National Fund will expedient of abandoning Judaism. The letter was timed to reach guard cruiser, Northland. Per- living in the Arctic are also in a for the trip was secured state of latent scurvy. us before the Day of Atonement for the reason, that the "Yom j mission start ithe collection of the blue-white boxes Sunday. fy~ from the federal authorities at I have made extensive data upi through the intervenThe Blue-White Jewish National-Fund box, which has been Kippur" is the most abominable day in all the' horrible annals of Washington on the subject which I have only tion of Senator Edwaid Burke of on SATURDAY, OCT. pressed into service of Palestine land. redemption more than religion, so use this day for religious independence, and let it be jNebraska and Anthony J. Dimond, very briefly touched upon here In the New Service Life Bldg thirty years ago, has yielded an amount exceeding $3,600,000. an emancipation proclamation to the world. Abandon your tern- | congressional d e l e g a t e from which I shall send to the proper 312 SO. 18TH ST. authorities with the recommendaThis means that the Jewish people in all parts of the world pies and renounce your antiquated creed; and by so decisive an Alaska. The latest Delicatessen Equip tion that more money be spent on merit hat been installed to enable through pennies and nickels are helping rebuild the Jewish Home- act give to the world its finest example of courage and intellec- Everywhere we went the Eski- sanitation and on maintaining mos were indeed glad to see the sufficient and efficient medical us to cater to our patrons tual honesty." There is in the letter an attempt at argument. land in Palestine. The lan<Tbeing bought becomes the perpetual "katoktura oomiak puk," the big men in the Arctic. EVERY DELICATESSEN' NEED property of the Jewish people, and the Jewish masses are the"Not until the Jews give up their religion will they be free from white ship. Since there are no landing places, piers or docks in persecution." ones contributing the major share. '; , , . the villages, it was necessary to TURB GETS B I L L TO BOYTwenty years ago the moneys sent to Palestine, either as cast anchor three to fifteen miles COTT OLYMPICS . . . And it will chaluka or, in later years, as contributions to national funds, Of course the letter is the work of religious adolescents, or off shore, depending upon the be passed. NEW Y O R K JEWESS BEwere for the support of the small local population. Nowadays the perhaps even worse, the work of one who presuming to write with depth of the water or the pres- Q U EATHES $1,405,000 TO ence of rocks or ice tloes. incoming public and private capital is for the establishment of authority for the world but in the name of the "Free Thinkers of Many of the Eskimos did not MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL . . . newcomers or to prepare for the settlement of the many still in America" has forgotten that the first element in free thinking is wait for us to reach the village Mount Sinai Hospital is non-secthe Diaspora^ The building up of as large a land reserve as pos- to think, and the second element is having the facts. The Free but would come to the sides of tarian. the Northland in their open walsible Is axiomatic wisdom. Land is a vital necessity in the life of Thinkers of America, through its president do not have the facts rus skin boats with carved ivory, a people. .-.' . and they are not doing thinking worthy of the name. They have fox skins, fawn skins, siksikpuk and toy oomiaks to exceased growing in their comprehension of what is going on in the skins change for food or tobacco. They development of religion. They are not only ignorant of this detail often remained a while on the but they seem to be ignorant of what is going on in the world in ship to listen to .he talking Service to others is its own reward. . ' . -'• movies which are a daily feature Sirs., Louis Neveleff .has devoted a lifetime to the service of the other preoccupations of the human mind. They have some of entertainment on the Northothers, nor has she ever asked for compensation.. Helping others notion of what might have been the beginnings of religion, but land. For almost all of the Eski. . . the knowledge that she was doing a "Mitzvah" . . . was to her they have quite forgotten or perhaps do not know that the same mos who came aboard at Point Barrow It was the first time they sufficient pay. /But last'week the Bikur-Chplim Society gave con- desperate attempts to understand and. to work went on in all de- had heard sound pictures. creted manifestation of its appreciation of the work of its leader partments of human experience and thought. Medicine had its be- In covering this new territory by signally honoring her at the annual meeting of the organiza- ginning in the medicine man, who seems to have been at the same J was able to /erify my conclusions of last year. I observed that

owned by Jews, were bitterly opposed to communism. Not one prominent or even well-known German-Jewish leader was ever identified with the communist party in Germany. According to authentic figures given under the auspices of the present governPublishecT'-every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by ment, there was only one JJSW among the 70 communist deputies THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY By DR. VICTOR E. LEVINE in the Reichstag of 1930i and not a jingle Jew among the 81 com(Member of the Faculty of Creighton University School Subscription Price, one year - - - - , * " 52.00 of Medicine) munist deputies of the Reichstag of 1933. Finally,-not even the Advertising rates furnished on application. most brazen official mendacity can obscure the fact that while I have just returned from my the most common ailment among Editorial Office: 500 Brandeis Theater Building. there were less than ,300,000 German Jews who were enabled to third trip to the Arctice for the the Eskimos is tuberculosis, arof continuing my medical thritis, chronic tonsilitis, and Sioux City Offlce-^-Jewish Community Center vote, there were fully 6,000,000-communist votes cast during the purpose studies of the Eskimo. Last year such diseases of the eye as conDAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor Republic." I made observations on Eskimos junctivitis and Keratiti's corneal FRANK. R. ACKERMAN. - - - . - - « " " Editor in the lower Yukon region, in opacities are a common occur"Because we have an abiding faith in the spirit that animates FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent Nunapikluak and in Akulurak and rence. the true American," the statement concludes, "we call upon him in Saint Michael and Nome. This Eskimos get very little medical ANN PILL - - ' • - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street not to permit this campaign of slander and libel to go unreproved. year I took in more territory and attention from the government. my observations from There are ten to twelve thousand We are confident that our fellow Americans of all faiths, familiar extended Saint Michael to Point Barrow in- Eskimos in Alaska, most of them with the less, of history that oppression sets no limits to its vic- clusive. in the Arctic, yet there Is only one visited the villages of Sevoon- full time government physician in The Canadian national election last week was interesting to tims, will add their voices in protest against the destruction of ga I and Gambell on Saint Law- the Arctice. ' He is located at Jewish observers; When the dust-was cleared away and an the innocents in Germany. rence Island in the Bering Sep., Kotzebue. There are two other "We are firm in our belief that the American sense of justice and Little DIomede, an island ly- physicians in the far north, one analysis of the situation made, two outstanding pointy registered: and fair play will influence our fellow citizens to express them- ing* off the Siberian coast in the employed at the mission hospital first, anti-Semitism has no mass appeal in Canada, and second, Bering Strait. I also visited many at Point Barrow and the other at selves unmistakably against the ruthless suppression of liberty of Eskimo Canadian Jews have, no use for. Communism. villages both north and Nome working for the governSamuel W. Jacobs polled 13,000 votes in the Cartier division conscience, against the destruction-of human lives and human south of the Arctic circle. I also on a half-time basis. came in contact with natives In every Eskimo village we of Quebec Province, a district with a large Jewish electorate, ideals and against the revival of pagan barbarism in the heart of from King Island and from Igloo find government teachers but it the civilized world." • . while opposed by a Communist candidate who was a Jew. Also, at Nome and with natives from

Arctic Fpisodes Footnotes



A Vote for Tolerance



Blue-White Boxes











tion, paying tribute to the woman who has seiflessly given her time the beginning of the religious unfolding. And if one desires, time and effort toward constructive work in the community, be because of the very humble beginnings of all of the human it in the Chesed. Shel Ernes, or the Jewish Community Center achievements in thinking, one can make up one's mind to resign GEMS OF THE BIBLE and Welfare Federation, or the Vaad, or the Philanthropies, or from the human race. Perhaps the Free Thinkers have done this AND TALMUD the Bikur Cholim, or other worthy organizational activity. and have selected to be—-asses. By O. O. DASHER . For twelve years Mrs. Neveleff has served as president of the Bikur Cholim. And her work in this group typifies the fountain These Free Thinkers seem to live in the past, while they diligently my speech and of communal constructiveness from which her activities spring. boast about their modernity. Do they really not know what is letHear my declaration be in your ear. Here is an organizatibn which • seeks not communal power or going on in Germany? Do they not know that the Sews and half Behold now I have ordered my glory but which thinks only of the lonesome sick . . . flowers to Jews and- quarter Jews and Jews who have long ago forgotten cause I know that I shall be jusits members, bringing with their cheering color good wishes for a Judaism and Jews who are ardent in their acceptance of the tra- tified. Man that is born of a woman is speedy recovery . . . wholesome, kosher food for those who turn ditions of the fathers have been thrown into the same caldron of of short days, and iull of trouble, wearily from "trafe" food they must not eat ; . i many are thehatred. Not Judaism is the reason for the attack, but some in- he cometh forth like a flower and he fleeth also as a examples of the expansive kindliness and •understanding of this definable element called race which seems in the opinion of the withereth shadow. society. The Bikur Cholim -has averaged thirty hospital calls a Nazis to cling to people. From it people cannot resign. Should a wise man make answer with windy knowledge and month, and about the same number of home calls. The friendly fill his abdomen with the east warmth of the members of the Bikur Cholim, theif good wiil, wind should he reason, with, unThese Free Thinkers seem not to. have been doing any readtheir obvious pleasure in their .self-appointed tasks make their profitable talk or with speeches ing in the matter of religious development. They take the state- wherewith he can do no good. visits eagerly anticipated by the friendless or lonesome sick. ments of the ignorant, the undeveloped, the ununderstanding and Thine own mouth condemneth The. Jewish community pays, honor and tribute to the noble post these statements as final truth, when there might have thee, and not I, yea; thine own work of the Bikur Cholim Society and its leader, Mrs. Louis been a very much better understanding through a little more lips testify against thee. Talmud. . N e v e l e f f . • ' ~ . ' '•• •- \ ' : • . - ,'• • '• • . •". :' '' • ' ' ' reading and some more thought. But it is always easier to gush With ten. trials our father Abraout of ignorance than to speak or write only after careful con- ham was tried and he stood firm in them all to make known how sideration. great was the love of our father Abraham for God. ;A lethal blow to "the solar plexus" WEIS dealt the malicious There are seven marks of a and loft-repeated charge of a so-called Jewish^communist link WeTshould have neglected this letter entirely. I t hardly merits wise man and seven of an unculmade by the#Nazis and just recently reiterated by Adolph Hitler the. consideration that we have given to it, or the, use of the tured man. The wise man does at the Nuremberg Reichstag meeting which deprived the German typewriter to say even these few words about it. What concerns not speak before him who is than he is in wisdom, and Jews of their citizenship. The blow, was dealt through a clear, us is this: The Free Thinkers of America, incorporated, .prints greater does not interrupt the speech of straight-forward common-sense analysis issued to their fellow- at the side of its letter paper a list of honorary vice presidents. his companion, he is not hasty to citizens by the heads of three major Jewish organizations in the In that list we find names like Harry Elmer Barnes, John Dewey, answer, he questions according to subject-matter and answers to United States: Dr. Cyrus Adler, president of the American Jew- Rupert Hughes, Harold J. LasM, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Ber- the the point, he speaks upon the first ish Committee; Alfred M. Cohn, president of the B'nai B'rith; trand Russell and others. About the religion of these people we thing first, and upon the last and B. C. Vladeck, chairman of the Jewish Labor Committee: are not bothered. If the religion is. something that has driven thing last, regarding that which has not understood he says, "I This charge of a Jewish-communist link is labelled as a pre- them on to think and to achieve and manifest even only a fair- he do not understand It," and he text under cover of which "The Nazi government has in practice ness, if not a love for their fellow beings, we are satisfied if they acknowledges the truth. The rerobbed the German people of their civil rights; suppressed free- are satisfied. But we are questioning how in the world men and verse of all this is to be found in dom'of speech, of the press, and assembly; has destroyed the free women who stand for Something, in the world of thinking and an uncultured man. War comes into the world for labor unions and confiscated their ^funda; and is now engaged in writing could lend their names to such a childish scribble as this the delay of Justice and for the a pagan assault upon the religious conscience of the Protestant, letter that we received from the president of an organization of perversion of Justice and an acof the offence of those who Catholic, and Jew alike." which they are honorary vice presidents. We do know that these count interpret the law not according The statement points out that "a study of German conditions people have spoken before audiences gathered under the auspices to its true sense. indicates that the majority of the Jews who were permitted to of Jewish organizations. And they have spoke their minds freely. There are f o u r characters men, he who says, "What vote in Germany during the Republic .were affiliated with the lib~ Or have they? If they have, then they must see that they do not among is mine Is mine and what is thine eral,j democratic parties. In the presidential elections- in which belong to the companionship of the Free Thinkers, incorporated. is thine," is a neutral character; Hinclenburg, Hitler and Thaelmann were candidates, Jewish lead- If they have not they have abused a platform that was offered but some say, "This is a character like that of Sodom;" he who says ers Appealed to the German Jews to vote for Hindenburg and to them in full faith. "What is mine Is thine, and what against the communist and National Socialist candidates. German Is thine is mine," is a boor which not know the sacredness of Jews were chiefly engaged in occupations and in callings from The honorary vice presidents should in all justice to them- does the right of property; he who which communists are not recruited; indeed, their own economic selves disown all share in the letter, and should withdraw their says "What is mine is thine, and interests made them diametrically opposed to. communism. The support from the organization, that if it has any distinction at what is thine is thine," Is a saint; he who says, "What Is thine is most influential German dailies in the pre-Hitler period, such as all is the distinction of ignorance and vileness. mine* and what is mine is mine," the '^raiikfurter^Zeitung and the Berliner Tageblatt, which were G. B. L. ho l i i varinirnri man. '







. .


A Malicious, Trumped-Up Charge




















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XHE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1935 ENTERTAINS Last Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Pauline Krizelman entertained fifteen guests in honor of Miss Jeanette Moskovitz, -who recently became engaged to Mr. Sol Krizelman. Numerous informal affairs are toeing planned In her honor.

MH/LER-SHAFER MARRIAGE The marriage ol Miss Rose Shafer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Shafer, to Rabbi Uri Miller of New Orleans, son of Rev. and Mrs. Sam Miller of Chicago, •will be solemnized at tne B'nai Israel synagogue Sunday afternoon, October 27, at 3 o'clock. Rabbi J. Greenberg and Rabbi H. Rubenstein of Chicago will perform the ceremony. Mrs. Leon Mendelson will serve as matron of honor and Rabbi Oscar Fosman of Tulsa, Okla., will cat as best man. The Misses Fannie and Muriel Miller, sisters of the groom, will be bridesmaids, and Mr. Philip Miller, brother of the groom, and George Shafer, brother of the bride, will be groomsmen. Little Rita Swartz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swartz, will be ring bearer and Elaine and Ruth Mendelson will act as flower girl and train bearer. Mr. Erring Miller, also a brother of the groom will sing, accompanied by Mrs. Al Finkel at the piano and Mr. Leo Marx at the violin. A dinner for relatives and outof-town guests will be held at the J. C. C. at five o'clock. SHERMAN-KOHLBERG WEDDING . Mr. and Mrs. J. Kohlberg announce the marriage of t h e i r daughter, Sadye, to Bernard Sherman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Sherman of Milwaukee. The marriage took place at the Fontenelle hotel Sunday, October 20, immediately after a n o t h e r marriage which the couple were attending. Rabbi David A. Goldstein officiated. Mr. and Mrs. S h e r m a n left Monday morning for Milwaukee where they will make their home.


BRAUDE-LICKNER Mr. and Mrs. l»Iorris Lickner of Los Angeles, announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy, to Aaron Braude, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Braude of Los Angeles, formerly of Omaha. No date has been set for the wedding. ^HONORED AT TEA Mrs. Julius Newman entertained at a beautifully appointed ptea at her home Monday afterloon, October 21, in honor of her liece, Celia Mane of Lincoln, e marriage to Dr. A. A. Steinberg will take place in November, id also in honor of Mrs. Lottie lein, aunt of Mrs. Newman, who | m e here by plane from Chicago " visit. 3s Table decorations were carried the fall colors. The centerfece was made up of autumn Dwers. [Among the out-of-town guests Ire Mrs. Harry Marx, Mrs. Louis Marx, Mrs. Phil Caplan and rs. Jay J. Marx, all of Lincoln. Iss Marx is being extensively enetained both in Omaha and incoln. Mrs. Klein is being honored by lanv affairs.

Kitchen Ciiafs By Airs. David M. Newman Caramel Dumplings. *Tafee 1% cups sugar, 1 tablepoon butter, 2 cups boiling wai?Melt 1 cup of sugar In frying stirring until melted and Ight brown in color. Add boil|g water and Btir until sugar Is ssolved. Add the remaining Igar and butter. Bring to boil§S point. Make dumplings with iblespoon butter, % cup sugar, 'teaspoons baking powder, % |p milk, and some flour. Cream butter and sugar together, baking powder with 1 cup Jur and add 10 tablespoons exof flour alternately with milk, •.the sugar and butter mixture, ie a stiff batter. a"nd drop by blespoons in boiling syrup. Covand let boil until dumplings re done. Serve with or without earn. Refrigerator Rolls. »f I Use 1. cake compressed yeast, cup lukewarm water, 2-3. cup atter, % cup sugar, 1 teaspoon E& f 1 cup mashed potatoes, 1 cup gcalded milk, 2 eggs, and 6 to 8 ~aps flour. ;Mash potatoes, add butter, suir, salt, and eggs. Cream well, ssolve yeast in the lukewarm jiter, add to lukewarm .milk en add to potato mixture. Add fted flour to make a stiff dough. Toss on floured board and knead 11. Put into a large bowl and raise double in bulk. Knead Ightly. Rub over top with aelted butter and place in a large Cover tightly and place In fefrigerator until ready to bake. |bout 1 hour before baking time binch off dough and shape Into "rolls as desired. Cover and let raise until light. Bake 15 to 20 minutes at 400 degrees.

BRIDGE PARTY Miss Sarah Fishman entertained at a bridge party at her i home Monday evening. Out-oftown guests were Miss Ethel Epstein of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Miss Dora Greenberg, also of New York, who is visiting here en route to Houston, Texas. A pink and green color scheme was effectively carried out in the table decorations. BAR MITZVAH Mr. and Mrs. Dave W. Bernstein, 1507 No. 52 St., announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Gerald Wallace, Saturday morning, October 26, at the B'nai Jacob synagogue at 24th and Nicholas Sts. A reception in honor of Gerald Wallace will be held at the Bernstein residence Sunday, October 27, from 3 to 5 and from 7 to 10. No cards have been issued. HOXORS DAUGHTER Mrs. Libby Moskowitz entertained fifty guests l a s t Sunday evening in honoring of her daughter, Miss Jeanette Moskowitz, who recently' became engaged to Mr. Sol Krizelman. FROM NEW ORLEANS Rabbi Uri Miller arrived here yesterday from New Orleans, La. Mrs. Alfred A. Fiedler The marriage of Ruth Bordy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Bordy, to Alfred Fiedler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Fiedler, took place Sunday, October 20, at 6 o'clock in the ballroom of the Fontenelle hotel. Rabbi David A. Goldstein officiated. The bride wore a gown of white ace made with a cowl neckline, modified dolman sleeves pointed over the wrists, and a long fanshaped train. Her veil fell the length of the train from a halo cap. She carried a sheaf of calla lilies. Mrs. Seymour Cohn, sister of the bride, the only attendant, wore a gown of ice blue satin, patterned on Grecian lines. Raspberry red velvet was used in the trimming on the gown. Her bouquet was made of American beauty roses. Max Cramer of Council Bluffs was best man, and the ushers were Seymour Cohn, Louis Ricklin, Dr. Harry Rich and Norman Bordy, brother jf the bride. At the reception which was held after the ceremony, Mrs. Bordy wore a gown of black and gold lace. Mrs. Fiedler was in plum colored matisse crepe. Both wore corsages of sweet peas and roses. Among the out-of-town -guests were: Mrs. Benjamin Minkin, MissSadye Kolilberg, and Mr. Bernard Sherman, all of Milwaukee; Mr. and Mrs. A. Bordy, Mr. and Mrs. L. .Predmetsky and Florain. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kavich, Mr. and Mrs, M. Krasne, Mr. and Mrs. Moe""Krasne, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Krasne, all of Fremont; Ben Predmetsky, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Swartz,; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Olesker of Walthill, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Predmetsky, Nate Hurwitz of Tender, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs." Mike Predmetsky, Lyons, Nebr.: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bordy, Silver Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Bordy, Genoa; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weinstein, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bordy and Mr. A. Bordy of Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Abe Pred, Miss Esther Pred, Mr. Irving Light of Aberdeen, So. Dak.; Miss Frances Berkowitz of Wichita, Kan.; Mr. and Mrs. James Fugard of Dallas, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Max Cohn and Robert Cohn, Lloyd Krasne, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Krasne, Mr. and Mrs. Max Krasne of Council Bluffs. .. Upon their return from ' an eastern motor trip the couple will make their home at 612 No. S3 street.

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LEAVES FOR SE .. 1 J R K Mrs. H. Wohlner left Tuesday evening for New York where she will visit her children and other relatives and friends throughout the east. She plans to be gone two months.

GUEST ix sioux crrr Mrs. M. Gross was a guest at the home of her son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Novitsky, in Sioux City. RETURNS FROM SIOUX CITY Mrs. Jacob Siezel of Sioux City returned home after spending two months in San Francisco. While she was there her daughter, Ruth was married to Louis Lazere of San Francisco. Enroute home Mrs. Siegel stopped in Omaha, to visit some friends. LEAVE FOR EAST Mr. and Mrs. Louis Riklin left Sunday evening for a five and a half month business trip in the east

The annual Beth-El auxiliar h e Mount S:nai auxiliary ivbake sale will take place nt the '• hotel1CE rfpiiir.r meet ing. ffKtur election of officer;-, at -l Brandeis store V\*ednesc£y, No- j '^ * S Yps'iiirnn FynsjrojruP. f r.; vember 20. J.Irs. John Faicr is ! chairman, assisted by JUrs. Henry ; ;;nd Scivard. Tuosday Rftrrnon hrr r r . Kelrrplimf nts v i Belmoiit and Mrs. Leo Abramson. i Anyone wishing to place an or- J der for homemade pastries, cake?. . all kinds, fancy cookies for leaf and receptions, ciTrnj-Tnox- rolls. ' XICE large room for young «• f or for single person. All strudel, pies or noodles, p.easc- f vcnicrccs. Call AT 4 5".SO. GIi OHF"; I\Xrs. call Mrs. Faier, Belmont. HA 4O£P, or IMrs. -"62. If you do not reach the above call Mrs. .7, NICELY furnished room lov siiu person or Cor couple. Gfirj.. Blank. HA 73. )2 or Mrs. I. W. Gone' neighborhood. WE 1-!•• O 4. Rosenblatt, WA KE 4 :;?•;..

Tlie first meeting of the Council of Jewish "Women for this year will be held Monday, October 2S, at the J. C. C. with Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky presiding. At this time she is to welcome SO new members of the organization. They will be guests at a luncheon in their honor which will be attended by all the council members. A program is to follow the luncheon. Mrs. Roy Jones will present a dramatic interpretation of "These Changing Tears," by Elizabeth Stancy Payne. Mrs. Jones as to appear in costnme. Mrs. Philip Klntznick, program chairman w i l l introduce Mrs. Jones. The new officers and new committee chairmen are to be introduced and new members presented by the membership chairman. Mrs. David Cohen and her cochairman, Mrs. Louis Lipp.

Pioneer W Women

. The first meeting of the nutrition class will be held Wednesday, October SO, at the home of Mrs. Howard Milder, 319 No. SS Ave. * \JMrs. I. I. Solzman, chairman, will —Constable Photo. be co-hostess and will introduce Miss Cyril Leon. Mrs. B. N. Kilbourn who will be BLOCK-LEOX ENGAGEMENT Minette Louis j the group leader for the series. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Leon anMr. and Mrs. .Aaron Louis an- j nounce the engagement of their nounce the engagement of their j daughter, Cyril, to Sylvan Block, Hadassah daughter, Minette, to Maurice j son of Mrs. Mayme Block. The Katz, son of Mrs. Samuel Katz. | The first Hadassah meeting will; v e d d i n g v i U t a k e p l a e e n e s t Mr. Katz attended Creighton uni- i be held Wednesday, October 0, spring. versity where he was affiliated • at the J. C. C. at 2:30 p. A Miss Leon is a graduate of with the Pi Lambda Phi frater- ! board meeting will precede the Central High school and -attended nity. No definite date has been regular meeting and will begin at the Creighton school of commerce. 1 p. m. set for the wedding. Mr. Block is a graduate of TechRabbi H. A. Berger will give a nical High school. talk D A ' M«- ; ; Goldstein will Glazer, Bess Kirshenbaum, Rose jj the March ot Jewwh Events. Abramson, Revs Malashock, j Jimior Hadassak Ruth Swengil. The Omaha chapter of the JunMiss Dora Freshman, local I tained the first —eek of the memior Hadassah held an important president, gave a talk, welcoming i meeting last Thursday evening, the new members and explaining j ed by the Senior Hadassah of a al drive. October 17, at the Jewish Cointhe purpose of Junior Hadassah. : More than twenty new members ! Mrs. J. Goldware, president,. m i i n j t r Center. Plans were outthat the l o c a l chapter \l i n e d f o r t h e Thanksgiving dance joined at this affair. i Predicts come c l o s e to its goal off t 0 b e c e id a t the Hotel Fontenelle, Miss Froom introduced to the members the Mesdames J. Abra- ' ninety new members. November 28. Tickets are now hamson, Joe Goldware, Sidney j M r s - Pbineas Wintroub, mem- :o n sale and may be obtained from Katleman, and A. Solomon, who j bership chairman, states that the. any member of the organization. are the new sponsors of the chap- i women have been aroused to un- i Bobby Bowman and his Music Masters will furnish the music for ter"; Mrs. Mas Fromkin, retiring usual enthusiasm in this drive. this affair. Mr. Bowman was forsponsor, and fcMrs. Saul Suvalsky, merly saxophone player fith Rudy president fo the Council Bluffs Women's llizracM Valle's orchestra for several years. whom Senior Hadassah; all of

The Pioneer Women w their annual mmruajre sal?: day, October ES, at ISth Douglas streets. Anyone having s. bundle of old clothing to donate is asked to call Mrs. M. Mini;in, WE 051S or any member of the Pioneer Women.

Has the fiey te Your e Problems SPECIALIZING IN CORSETRV

The regular reeeunjv of the Pleasant Hill Cemetery society will be held at the B'nai Jacob synagogue at £4ih and Nicholas streets Tuesday. October EP. at 2 p. in. The hoard meeting- will be held at i p. m.


Jersey - - Ffararaei - - Silk Presses for Fall Are

a this Rabbi Harold A. Berger was ^ T h o u s a n d s of Brand New Nelly Dons the guest speaker at the meeting Priced al $5.9>8. f ? . f in celebration of Succoth. Rabbi Berger spoke on the "Significance of Succoth," explaining the real meaning of the Succah. The nest regular meeting of Rabbi Cohn Gives the Junior Hadassah will be held t i o n t0 t h e or aai2atioa Current Topic Talk | g nest Thursday evening, October "The Italian-Ethiopian war is at eight o'clock at the Jewish Junior Vaad Auxiliary ! SI, as much a test of the League of j Community Center. Nations as it is of either Italy or j . A regular meeting of the Jun- ; Ethiopia," Rabbi Frederick Cohn j ior Vaad auxiliary will be held said in his fir t current topics lee-j Tuesday evening, October 29, at IT WILL PAT YOU ture at the Blackstone hotel Tues- i the B'nai Israel synagogue. An To Consult day morning, for the Temple Is- i interesting program will be prerael Sisterhood. He says, "The i sented. . MALASHOCK'S League-represents collective acMiss Mollie Roitstein and Miss When buying tion as against individual origan- i Goldie Wolfsoa are chairmen of dage. This will be real test of i the committees in charge of the DL4MONDS the League's accomplishment." I membership tea to be held No- WEDDING RINGS Mussolini's reasons for waging i vember 3, at the home of Mrs. L. WATCHES - SIL^TSEWAKE the conflict are ridiculous in Rab- i Neveleff. Assisting the chairmen r.d GIFT JEWELEY bi Cohn's opinion, and are mere j are Evelyn Green, Bess Kirshenpretests. He says Italy is fight- baum, Miriam Kirshenhaum, Rose ing in self-defense and where they Dolgoff, Eva Marcus, Mae Tucker, were willing to arbitrate, Mus- Ruth Wise, Goldie Zusinan, and solini refused. Rose Rubenstein. "Haile Selassie is a champion of freedom, but Mussolini has put Italy into political slavery," stated the Rabbi. r?

Following the program, tea was served at the beautifully-decoRETURNS FRCM LIXCOLX rated table, in a pink and white Mrs. Jack Levey returned from color scheme. Miss Ida Fine and Lincoln after a week's visit with Miss Zelda Charney presided at Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reiss. the tea table.

PHI BETA SIGMA DAXCE The Phi Beta Sigma sorority will hold their annual dance November 1 at the Fontenelle pavilion. Plans for this affair were completed at the meeting held at the home of Miss Evelyn Miroff. Bids were issued last week.


Ml, Simai

Council Meeting


KITCHEN SHOWER The Alpha Gamma Chi sorority entertained at a kitchen shower at the home of Florence and Esther Steinberg Sunday in honor of Miss Rose Shafer, whose marriage to Rabbi Uri Miller will take place next Sunday. The committee in charge of the affair included the Misses Sylvia Silverman, chairman; Bertha Slut-1 zky and Florence Steinberg.



friends who have anything to donate to communicate with any member of her committee: Mrs. A. Greenberg, Mrs. E. Weinberg, and Mrs. Joe Tuchrnan. Mrs. John J. Freiden, who won the silverware set at the recent drawing, gave a generous dona-




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The Bible class of Temple Israel, conducted by Rabbi David • H. Wice, will hold its first meet- j JUNIOR HADASSAH ing November 5, at 1 p. m., at the 1 MEMBERSHIP TEA home of Mrs. Sam Berkowitz, 130 j A large crowd attended the No.' 34 St. Anyone interested is j Membership Tea given by the asked to get in touch with Mrs. Omaha chapter of the Junior Berkowitz. 1 Hadassah at the Blackstone hotel Sunday afternoon, October 20, from three until five o'clock. Miss Minnie Froom presided as chairman. The program included humorous readings by little Miss Shirley Alberts, dauthter of Mr. and Mrs. Louise Alberts. A clever Features playette, entitled "A, Princess Shampoo and finger wave 50c Awakens," portraying " J u n i o r Hadassah activities was presented THE NEW nnder the direction of Miss Ida Zotos Permanent Wave with Fine. The members taking part no machinery and no electriin the skit were the Misses Rosel- city used at §6.50 and up. 716 Branded Theater Bids. Ia Handler, . -Bettye Tuchman, AT. 4SS3 Mamie Brody, Goldie Fish, Ann Kuznit, Goldie

A fine quality Northern Seal—full length dress coat priced at $75.00 * Rock Seal—natural brown color—snappy little swagger at §150.00 Black ^Caracal-Paw coat—slenderizing swagger—last work in design—wears well Price $125.00 . There axe many others. Come in and see them.

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Olhsr Nelly DOES . . . . Sizes 12 to 44 Sold Only crt Heisbergs hx Omaha

IL DUCE EVERYWHERE—This is how an Italian troopship appeared recently as it was leaving Naples to transport soldiers to the East African front. The soldiers procured huge posters showing Premier Mussolini wearing a war helmet and pasted them from waterline to rail on almost every available space on the ship's hull. The morale of the officers and men was reported excellent.

WHERE UNCLE SAM'S LAWS ARE MADE—A new view of the Capitol in Washington, D. C, taken through park foliage. Here the nation's representatives gather and here the laws are made or unmade. The dome of the original building, begun in 1793, was constructed of wood, covered with copper. This was replaced in 1856 by the present structure of cast iron, weighing 8,909,200 pounds.


( • : .



FORTY BAYS ON BOERCTT FLIGHT — Captain Frank Hawks, famed airman, about to take o5 from North Beach airport, New York, for Hartford, Conn., the first stop among IB cities in the United States, to inaugurate a Will Rogers memorial fund for flood, drought, hurricane and hunger sufferers. He expected to travel 16,000 miles for the Will Rogers Memorial Commission.

PRINCIPALS IN ROYAL WEDDING—At left is a new picture of His Royal Highness, the Duke of Gloucester, son of King George and Queen Mary of England, who is to wed Lady Alice MontaguDouglas-Scott, center, in a ceremony at Westminster Abbey, London, Nov. 6- At right is Lady Angela Scott who will be one of the bridesmaids. The betrothal is particularly pleasing to the English people.

CHARGE—Disregarding danger, the~ cameraman, bravedmachine-: gun iire to"'take this picture of native soldiers serving under the Italian flag as they made this cavalry charge to scatter the Ethiopians ; near Aduwa. This dramatic picture, showing the smoke of battle, was rushed to Rome, telegraphed to London and sent by ship to the United States.

FEARS WAR—Edward A. Filene, Boston merchant, who said he expected more wars in Europe, as he arrived in New York from abroad. He is gradually recovering from illness suffered in Moscow, Russia, when he almost succumbed to pneumonia.

BAD FOR CROOKS^-If you were a crook and held a gun against a G-man,;here;is, what he probably would do to you. The scene is a lesson in disarming crooks taught to student G-men on the roof .of the Department of Justice in Washington by Sergeant E. S. Duckworth, jiu-jpitsu expert.

MEN FOR THE WAR ZONE—More than 2,000 men were .added to the greatest.colonial army • in recent liistory when the transport Gange, formerly the Italian liner Presidente Wilson, arrived in Massau$, Eritrea, after passing through the Suez Canal. The ship is shown above, the .rail lined with soIdiersjiThis picture was taken at water level of the canal, by permission of "the canal police. • if.

GOVERNOR — General 11 a 1 o Balbo, governor of the Italian province of Libya in northern Africa. He is remembered as commander of the Italian air squadron that flew from Rome to the Chicago Century of Progress exposition, after which he was "banished" to Libya. By a strange turn of affairs his position now is one of. extreme importance.

WAK FEVEE GRIPS ROME—Scenes like this are of frequent appearance in Rome, Italy's chief city, these days. Here a division of Italian Blackshirts march through the modem city on their way to embarkation for the African front, while thousands cheer. In the background -is the ancient Coliseum. This procession was reviewed by Mussolini.

IN MOM'S FOOTSTEPS—Alice Joyce, silent-film star as she legally launched her 20-year-old daughter, Alice Moore, on a film career. Miss Joyce went into, a Los Angeles court and witnessed the court's approval of Miss Moore's film contract that calls for a salary of $75 to $1,000 a week over a seven-year period. The two are shown reading the contract. . = .. \

ITALY MASSES ON LIBYAN BORDER-While.Egyptian infantry B « ^ L S ^ Libyan frontier, General Italo Balbo, Italian governor of Libya, was^reported toL tanks, airplanes and other forces along the border. Above are some of General led by an Italian officer, as.they appeared outside his palace in Tripoli.

ACTION B t THE BKCTNS—Here is fast work by two of the Bruin football' team, ot the University of California at Los Angeles, J l ing practice work. At left is Jack Hastings, 215-pound Bill Mtapby. 175-poaad quarterback. Both huskies are men on the Brula team. Copyright


Religions Serwes J

"Book Evenings" To Start November 6

The third annual series of j "Book EveningB" will begin No-1 vember 6 in the auditorium of the j Jewish Community Center, when At services tonight Rabbi David Rabbi DaTid A. Goldstein will reA. Goldstein w i l l speak on view "Paths of Glory," by Hum"Genesis, Creation, Evolution." phry Cobt; "Strange Case of SerBeginning this Friday evening, geant Grisha," by Arnold Zweig, there will be a series of discus- and "All Quiet on the Western sions based on the Desra of the Front," by Eric Remarque. The week. Members of the congrega- proceeds of these book evenings tion are urged to provide them- will go to the Beth-El Sunday selves with the book Genesis with school. commentaries, edited by Chief Other books to be reviewed are Rabbi J. Hertz of the British Em- "Vein of Iron," by Ellen Glasgow, pire. November 25; "Grandsons and Next week Rabbi Goldstein will Native's Return," by Louis Adabase his talk on one of the most 16, and "Road to moving and thrilling books that I ^ ^ „December has come out of Nazi Germany. ' by Walter Mills, January 6. Mrs. Irvin Levin is chairman "I Was Hitler's Prisoner," by Stefan Lorant is a prison diary and Mrs. Mose Yousem, co-chairwhich was smuggled out of Ger- man. For any information in regard to these Book Evenings call many. Next Sabbath morning, Novem- either of these. ber 2, Philip, son of Mrs. Harry LECTURE ON BIBLE AS Eisenstatt, will be Bar Mitzvah.



By SIDNEY WALLACH dened with the responsibility for the Versailles Treaty. Jews were occused'of lack of patriotism despite their proven record of participation in t h e German Army. T h e pernicious ritual murder libels were revived. Talmudic forgeries were exhumed. The German people -were told that General Dawes and Owen D. Young were Jews; in fact, that all those against whom they had or could have any grievance were Jews. The most effective a n d widespread lie, one which was made the basis for all t h e subsidiary charges, was • t-h e notorious forgery of the "Protocols of Zion." The high priest of National Socialism, Alfred Rosenberg, gave this forgery a distinguished place in his Nazi clajssie, "The Myth of the Twentieth Century." International syndicates proceeded to scatter the book far and wide. By the simple trick of repeatedly referring to the '"Protocols" as genuine, the belief was fostered in millions of German minds t h a t here was a genuine historical-document capable of shedding light upon the world's problems.

PAGE SEVEN, Omega Delta Delta




The Omepa Delta Delta eovov>ir' recently held an election of o'->-cers and chose the following Marjorie Kaplan, president: Sylvia JouiPch. rire-presidpnt: ]>'">* Ralph Nogrp. pecretery-treapurpr. and Lillian Kooni. treasurer. The group IF pi an time tiir-tr first annual formal nance for November 27 p.t the Kniphtp of Oflumbs. The committee in chsrrf consists of Mrs, Kalpl! Soc£. Ann Fellman, Rose Fox and Tr'* Blacker.

tion throughout Germany. At Please reserve: first it was done with a direct plates for luncheon, Sunday noon, @ fifty quotation of what Rathenau had said. Later the three hundred cents per plate. Entries lor the J. C. 0. handcorporal in the German Army at ball handicap tounu:i ent closf: plates for banquet, Stmday evening, 6;00 the close of the war, saturated October SO. Flay EiP.rtP Novemhimself to the full with the Gerone dollar per plate. p. m. ber 4 . On April 1, 1930, approximate- man Army mentality. He was. as ly twenty newspapers . s h o c k e d Goering later declared, "more ^dollars. Enclosed find check for. Jewish Prese advertisers merit. Germany with a sensation. Their Prussian than a Prussian." Hityour patronage. Warsaw Correspondent reported ler's Prussian military spirit. In the discovery of new documents his book, " M e i n K a m p f , " he Name from which It appeared that in writes of propaganda again and the occupation of the city during again. The most pertinent of ;the "World "War, the commanding Hitlerian wiBdom, not to be found "general had received an invitation in the English translation, b u t Address *from Grand Rabbi Rachmonas to appearing in the original (p. visit his home. A week later, 20JD), reads as follows: "PropaLITERATURE SATURDAY Tear trat and mail to S. Fixer, 111 South 52 street, Omaha. the documents showed, the gen- ganda must not serve the objeceral, surrounded by his entire tive truth, especially not insofar The first of a series of seven Friday evening services will be- lectures on the Bible as Literature staff, drove through the streets of as it might bring out something A. gin at 8 o'clock. Rabbi A. Burial took place in Salina. Mrs. "Warsaw's g h e t t o to call upon favorable for the opponent . . . will be given by Rabbi David A. Berger will speak on "Man or Goldstein Saturday afternoon at Rabbi Rachmonas. They found but propaganda must serve uninMarowitz came from her home to Idea." attcndthe him, an e a r l o c k e d gentleman terruptedly its own purpose." the home of Mrs. Dave Sherman, Saturday morning Rabbi Berdresed in his religious vestments, The direction this propaganda ger will speak in Yiddish at the 127 No. 34 St. Mrs. William Alin a room crowded with his disMr. . pstein before moving to berts will serve as co-hostess. B'nai Israel synagogue. A public appeal for the return j Salina was a resident of Omaha ciples who at once set up a chant, was to take soon became plain. The series will be given the of overdue or missing books and . for 20 years. "Baruch habu, baruch habu, der The first problem of the German Every Wednesday evening the fourth Saturday of every month. ] for the payment of old debts was i miltary clique was to wipe out the General is du." (Welcome, welChevra Chas, the Talmud study Preceding the lecture there will j issued this week by the joint j come, the general is here.) Fol- memory of their disaster. If the group, will meet at the Beth be a short discussion on current Center-Council rental library and militarist spirit and the society lowed, so wrote the correspondHamedrosh Hagodol at S p. m. events. . upon which it w a s constructed the Jewish Community Center ent, a veritable love feast. The Rabbi H. A. Berger will lead the Famous Jewish Women in mod- library proper. were to reestablish themselves, a The library is rabbi and the general exchanged group. They are beginning the ern history will be the subject planning an enlarged program of mutual compliments and-the meet- scapegoat had to be found for the Reactionary forces in England, study of the Tractate Sanehedrin. matter of the general series which popular interest, in conjunction ing ended with the general ac- defeat. As early as 1919, there- France, a n d other countries of will take place the second Satur- with the expanding membership cepting an invitation to a bite and fore. Major General Count v o n urope were not slow to learn The Vaad religious school reday of each month. program of the Center. In order smacking his lips • over a, t a s t y der Schulenberg suggested that he power of the lie. To a slight- opens next Sunday. Classes will "it will have an excellent effect to achieve this program, which dish of gefuelte fish. meet at 10 o'clock. A revised among our people if we told them x degree, because the underlying and improved curriculum has will include purchase of new iconomic forces w e r e in a less That was all. But since the that the Jewish war profiteers books, the library finds it imperaThe alumni of Chi chapter of general ol the story waB Erich a n d draft dodgers have stabbed critical stage, the propagation of been announced. that all delinquencies be Pi Lambda Phi, national social von Ludendorf, German war lord, them in the back." This keynote falsehood was carried on throughcleared up now. out the world. As t h e world's fraternity on the Creighton camreactionary, and violent Jew-bait- was soon sounded from a thouReminders, containing offers of | pus, will give a "Farmer in the er, the sensation spread with the sand passionate throats, in many economic crisis deepened, howAt services tonight Rabbi David special reductions for prompt rerapidity of a prairie fire. To Jews hundreds of columns of news- ever, this propaganda became Wice will speak on "The Slogan Dell" party Saturday evening, turn of books and cancellation of •who read this story it was a pal- p a p e r space, in innumerable more unrestrained and more pow- that Means Death." The theme Ocotber 26, at Cornwell's shack debts, have been mailed this week on the West Benson Highway. pable hoax. Warsaw has no chief pamphlets, books, signs, speeches, erful. will be an evaluation of the war Forty couples including actives to library . delinquents, urging Large. scale lying for political hysteria. rabbi. The name given in the dis- campaign slogans, and all the othio co-operate with the and alumni will attend, This is i *keia patch was obviously humorous, It er paraphernalia of a typically and religious motives has emerg.Saturday morning services will the seventh annual Holloween ' library by prompt attention to was a H e b r e w word meaning efficient machine for the manu- ed in the United States within the begin at 10:30. fjhere's c warmth of qreethq — a restful party given by the Pi Lam's. The them. Missing books returned in "compassion." The chant wel- facturing of falsehoods. It did no ast three or four years. The sucNext Friday evening will be condition, regardless of pecoming the general was a tradi- good to show that Jews had been cess of European demagogues in Sisterhood Sabbath. Miss Jane committee in charge is headed by good comfort and luxury at Hate! President that riod of time elapsed since their tional humorous couplet used by in the German Army to the same achieving political power by dint Evans, executive secretary of the Alumnus Earl Ross. makes p u r visit so much more pleasant. A disappearance, will find & "BO Jewish schoolboys. Besides, the extent as non-Jews: that Profes- of their Jew-baiting propaganda National Federation of Temple Joe Goldware has been ap- charge; no Questions asked" rule splendid location: food that spurs the jaded date of the publication was Ger- Bor Fritz Haber had helped main- h a s encouraged American coun- Sisterhoods will deliver an ad- pointed second lieutenant in the in effect this month. appetite-ail at low cost Garage directly many's April Fool's Day. tain German resistance by his in- terparts to make similar attempts. dress on "The Moral Responsibil- R. O. T. C. Abe Katz has been Books may be Teturned and ' It did Indeed turn out to be an ventions; that another Jew, Wal- An example of native hoaxing on ity to Be Interesting." The fol- appointed assistant biology laboraopposite entrance. payments made either to the CenApril Fool story. Yet long after ter Rathenau, h a d made heroic :he German style emerged recent- lowing ladies will assist in the tory instructor. PERCY TYRRELL Maneg!n$ Director the.exposure it was to plague the efforts to salvage German econ- y with the exposure by Professor services: Mesdames Max HolzMorton Adler, ex-secretary of ter library during evenings and general until he had to institute omy and to organize the German Charles A. Beard of the Benjamin man, M. L. Conn, Sam Gilinsky, the fraternity, is now doing gra-. Sunday afternoon; or to the Cen45© ROOMS with Berth fronf2 or legal suit to obtain retraction. people for their last attempt to Franklin forgery. uate work, at Iowa university; he j tCT^oflice during the and Louis Kuh. ! mail. On February 3, 1934, William •JL'ST ei'T o" TM: NO'SE zcwf* ,.But -even that did not kill the avert defeat. T h e lie persisted did not avail himself of the D. Pelley, a journalist aspiring to scholarship o f f e r e d Mm by story. For in the reactionary cir- none the less. once amazed and shocked by the achieve with the Silver Shirts Creighton. Morris Dansky and Charles Epsisia, 74 cles in •which Ludendort lived,_it Under the stimulus of Hitler, document. He said: "This alleged Abe Katz the other recipiwas no small thing to be regarded a fanatic on the need for propa- what Hitler had achieved with his Mr. Charles Epstein, 74, of as a Jew-lover. Every enemy of ganda activity, the "National "So- Brown Shirts, published a pasSalina, Kan., died there October ..the-generalj;sysry political oppon- cialist - Party-- proceeded: Ao - build sage that purported to be an. ex- should be cleared of t h e crass f Mel Sommer, present res of the 4. He is survived by his wife, e n t who was also an anti-Semite, up- the most powerful peace-time tract from t h e private diary of prejudices attributed to h i m . chapter, was elected treasurer of Minnie; a daughter, Mrs. Arthur quoted the story, commented up- machinery in the; world. W i t h Charles Pinckney, a member of .There is in our historical records the Pan-Hellenic council and was Marowitz of Los Angeles, and a on it at length, and in a hundred Joseph Paul Goebbels at its head, t i e Constitutional Convention of no evidence •whatever of any basis recently appointed to head the son, Elmer Epstein ef Phoenix, Pan-Hellenic dance committee. and one ways made damaging use a man at once inordinately skill- 1787, In which Benjamin Frank- for the falsehood." Ariz., and three grandchildren. For the first time in Pi Lambda of it as evidence that Ludendorf ful and utterly unscrupulous, the lin was quoted in an attack upon As the flood of lies rise wherewas no real German leader since propaganda factory began pour- the Jews that could compete with by Roosevelt the Episcopalian be- Phi history there is no student in he was no real anti-Semite. Den- ing out an avalanche, of lies t h e vilest outpourings of Hitler comes Rosenfeld, the Jew; where- the medical school, all of the j ials and explanations by friends of against which all the liberal or Goebbels. Mr. Pelley's story by Bernard M. Baruch is convert- members being students in the Mobel Specialist Ludendorf were unaDle to put a iorces in Germany, and for that waB that Plnckney's diary h a d ed into Manassas the sawyer; aw, commerce' or arts schools. i by KBET Doctor* stop to the slander on his good matter, the rest of the world, with b e e n destroyed in Sherman's whereby the "Protocols" are fed Residence Fhon* TTEbBter BBSl name. For yearB the assault was t h e i r self-imposed restrictions, march to the_ Bea during the Civil to the credulous in increasing Our human laws are but copies, j Basin era Fhoa* TTEbster B4EC War, but that a copy in the hands repeated, eloquent testimony that were, completely helpless. more or less imperfect", of t h e ' of a descendant had yielded the doses; it becomes increasingly eternal laws, so far as we can j 1422 X. EOtfa Sfc^ O m a h a , N e b . a He will not down. The lie factory,- heavily ma- opinion that he quoted. Mr. Pel- questionable whether t h e tradi- ead them.—Froude. Yet another distinguished GerI chined and staffed, never slack- ley was careful not to state In tional policies of liberalism a r e man of an opposite political faith adequate for their own self-presfrom that of Ludendorf was to go ened. Newspaper organs of this whose possession the copy was at ervation. . through the same experience and propaganda made their appear- the moment. Why not create some instruthereafter this latest libel beto witness the spread of a false- ance throughout Germany. Handment to deter falsehood-mongers bills and wall posters blazed their gan to follow the usual road of hood about him despite every atan axe to grind, from plying men were changed to three hun- message. Street-corner speakers anti-Semitic charges. In August with nefarious trade?. Such an dred Jews; still later to three harangued the passers-by. Packed of the same year an anti-Jewish their instrument could be the inaugurahundred Jewish bankers; and fin- stadiums heard the passionate international news, service with tion a judicial process by which ally to three hundred Sages, of voices of high-powered orators. headquarters in Germany reprint- a n y ofcitizen or group of citizens CartoonB dripped their Insidious ed this alleged quotation .giving Zion. No repudiation, no chalcall upon the malicious fallenge to quote the exact text alt- influence. Sandwich men endless- another source for it. From Ger- could to prove his allegations or ered the determination of Anti- ly paraded their various messages. many it traveled to Switzerland, sifier pay a penalty sufficiently severe Semites to misinterpret and ex- Lapel buttons added to the condi- where a Nazi organ published the to.deter himsfrom further abuses. ploit Rathenau's statemei t. In- tioning influences. Songs, march- quotation giving the German perThe effective administrations of i deed, before long, Rathenau him- ing tunes, and cheers became part iodical as its source. From Switzself was regarded as one of those of a premeditated manual of in- erland the libel traveled to New such a law may be difficulty but mysterious three hundred. In citement. Production went on at York where the correspondent of its potential social benefits enthe anti-Semitic Stuermer in Nur- title it, or something like it, to a t e s t i m o n y before the German top capacity. court, the murderers of Rathenau The strategy behind this prop- emberg, Germany, sent It to his conscientious trial. described him as such. aganda was based on the realiza- paper as another peg on which tion that it was easier to Bcream to hang the villlflcation of t h e By a strange coincidence not hatred than understanding, a n d Jew. Late in September the Jewinfrequent in history, Germany, that a disarmed country like Ger- ish Daily Bulletin reported this which was for the most part vic- many could not w i t h , impunity article as it appeared in the Stuertimized by the superior strategy libel another country but had to mer, and five days later Robert of lie manufacturing of the Allied vent Its passions upon a defense- E. Edmondson of New York, who Countries, subsequently developed less minority within its own bor- has been specializing in the distribution of anti-Semitic handpeace-Jime uses of the lie to their ders. From that point two general bills, sent out this alleged prophgreatest extent. From the very day of the Armistice, if not ear- plans of action developed. One ecy to his mailing list. It was apparent almost from the start When Professor Beard came lier, contending forces in Ger- was a large-scale campaign to vil that the Zephyr's capacity w u too limited many were grappling with each lify Jews, to libel them political across this handbill, he w a s .at to meet the amaiing demand for Kmti other in a vital struggle for con- ly as the destroyers of German aboard the f»mt>oi Silver Streak. Amertrol. At this point the lie fac- morale, to stamp them as enemica's first Diesel-streamline train* tory came into being on a ground- ies of the people, and to picture But how could anrbodf fcutve foreseen er and a more efficient scale than them in other respects as the very that it would curry three times as miny bad ever been conceived before. devil incarnate. Once that w a s passengers at its two steam predecessors? Recognized as The German military man, always achieved the second step was to PRACTICAL MOHEL Another car was ordered btsilt—to make ready to adopt methods and ma- undermine every political opponThis fclg price reduction makes It possible fof Phone. 1050 the Zephyr a four-car train—increasing chinery of other countries that ent by labelling him a Jew. The its seaiins capacity to 112. Council Bluffs, la. you now to have all f the light you want. would contribute to the perfection "stab in the back" legend w a s of his army, quickly realized the made into a cult. Jews were burThe sustained popularity of the wonder WATT SIZES' train of 1934 continues to be sensational value of a highly efficient proparailroad newt. DiEHTL-POWTSH) ganda instrument. A whole carton of S Mazda Lamps "for only; Hitler, though born a citizen of In announcing the addition of the fourth EUH.T OF STAMISSS S i m the Austrian-Hungarian Empire car, the Burlington management desires 90c Keep aa extra carton on hand for emerand having merely the rank of to express to all, its very sincere appreciation of thefine.accepis.nceaccorded gencies. the Zephyr, sad is hsppy in the .expectation that the new fourth car will tempt to set the record straight. render it of still greater service to the traveling public In December 1909, Walter Rathenau, a distinguished German industrialist and later- a minister of SCHEDULE OF THE ZEPHYR • Check tip right away. Sec how msny lampi the Republic, wrote an article in NOSTH «B<2 WEST EAST and SOUTH which he declared: "In the imyou need—buy them by the carton from a conLv. L i n c o l n . . ; . . ; . : ; 8:00 am Lv. Kansas City...... 2:30 pm personal democratic field of econ. . . . ; ; ; : 8:55 ats LT. St. Joseph.;::::: 3:53 pm venient dealer—at these new low prices. Proomics, thTee hundred men, all of tect your eyes with adequate light; whom know one another, direct Lv.Gm&fai 9:39am the economic destiny of Europe Ar.St. Joseph.:::::; 11:58 aaa Lv. O s i t h z . : ; : : : : : ? : 7:00 pm and choose their successors from At. Lincoln..::::::: 7:55 pm AT.Kansas City.....; among themselves." It did not take long before anti-Jewish agitators made use of this quotation RESERVATIONS — TICKETS as "proof" of the existence of InJ. W. SHARPE, General Agent ternational capitalism and Jewish 16th and Farnaaa, Omaha plans for world domination. A Phone Atlantic 6S31 cartographer might have drawn a map of the spread of the distor(These excerpts from an article by Mr. Wallach are presented by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency through Bpecial arrangement "with the American Spectator, - w h e r e the article originally apeared.)


Appeal for Return of Overdue Books

; i


Pi Lambda Phi





Rev. A. Diamond








Meyerscra nual election o£ officers at the 1 and Mrs. Sam in Rochester, N e w York, where NEW FILM COMPANY the second Mrs. Fraz| the role synagogue "Wednesday evening. T Work on the first production of he staged" stock plays at the Tem- siniinni Mrs.- Telpner will tafc« Mr. Morris Grossman was elected j er, the newly-organized Selznick In- ple and Lyceum Theatres for a of "Mabel," the maid. Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will ternational Pictures, Inc., will long period of time, will be parpresident to succeed Mr. Herman j the .part ~p r e 8 ented 'both speak this evening on "The start Nov. 15. T h i s important ticularly interested to hear that The play p Meyerson. Other officers are: Dr. I The plaj Tragedy of Dreyfus," commemor- motion picture producing organi- Hollywood's foremost director of I. Sternhill, rice president; O. Tuesday - night and Wednesday ating the death of. Captain Drey- zation h a s been organized with literary classics for the movie Hochman; secretary; Sam Rosen- night at eight o'clock at the maMISS ANNA PILL, correspondent fus this summer. thai, treasurer; and Messrs. Max sonic Temple. David O. Selznick, formerly of screen is to direct t h e world's On November 2, Rabbi Lewis Pittsburgh, Pa., as president and greatest love story. He is George Harris, Morris Hoffman, J. Rodin, • The Council Bluffs Lodge-No. will address a conference of stu- executive producer. The board of Cukor and his ability and work Dave Fox, Sara Sacks, S. Shyken, 68 8 of the Independent. Order of dents and teachers at Cornell col- directors includes Robert Lehman as a stage and film director are HARRY TRUSTIN TO SPEAK and A. Diamond, as trustees. AT A. Z. A. PROGRAM the B'nai B'rith will hold a reglege at Mount Yernon, la. of the Lehman Brothers banking recognized everywhere in t h e meeUng nest Monday eveThe Council Bluffs Chapter No. world. HJa praises still resoundAbout two hundred persons atfirm of New York; Myron SelzOctober 28, at S:SO o'clock. 7 of the A. Z. A. will observe In- tended the Simchath Torah celeing all over the world for his brilnick of Hollywood and David O. ternational A. Z. A. Day at an bration at the Chevra B'nai Yis- at the Eagles Hall. liant direction of "David CopperRegistration for clubs and Selzniek. Born in Pittsburgh, Pa., appropriate program to be held roel synagogue at 618 Mynster classes will be held at the Jewish in 1902, David O. Selznick h a s field," Cukor has been selected by Irving G. Thalberg (also one of at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel syn- Street last Saturday night. FolProgram of Three Lectures to Community Center,, this Sunday Emmanuel Stad'lan, son of Mr. spent his entire business career us) to direct Norma Shearer in agogue at 618 Mynster Street, lowing the services, refreshments and Mrs. J. Z. Stadlan, particiBe Given at Shaare Zion afternoon, from 2 to • 5 o'clock, in the motion picture industry, By LOUIS PEKABSKY "Romeo and Juliet." Sunday evening, October 2 7, at were served. Mr. O. Hochman, pated 3n a musical recital at the Synagogue and all children, interested in the having been trained for It since eight o'clock promptly. Mr. Har- secretary of the Chevra B'nai Yis- Schmoller & Mueller Studio in various activities at the Center, A QTJIET MTTLE DINNER youth. After serving apprenticery Trustin of Omaha will be the roel Society, served as toastmas- Omaha Sunday. The first in the BerieB of lec- are urged to register at that time. Mrs. Eddie Cantor being in New ships In production, distribution GRAND OPERA CONSCIOUS tures to be given by Dr. A. L. Acknowledging a query from principal speaker and honored ter. He introduced to the comBoy Scouts, under the leader- York, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lewis and exhibition, he ten years ago Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Adler enSachar will be held this evening ship of Herman Rubin, will reg- thought Eddie might be lonesome produced a series of western films Harriet Jacobson, a reader of the guest. Mr. Trustin, who Is a City munity Rabbi Jacob Cohn, who is at 8 o'clock in the Main audi- ister at 4 o'clock, and all boys one Saturday night. Living in the for MGM, after which he joined Jewish Ledger of Albany, N e w lommissioner of Omaha, is a to be the new rabbi and principal tertained the members of their torium of Shaare Zton synagogue. over '12 who are Interested In same apartment hotel, t h e y in- Paramount Pictures. At Para- York, we beg to report that the member of the Supreme Advisory of the Talmud Torah. Rabb; Cohn Evening Bridge Club at their Dr. Sachar has been brought to Scout work can register at that vited Eddie to a "quiet little din- mount, he was successively head Marx Brothers' newest comedy ouncil of the A. Z. A. and a past related his experiences of a Sim- home Tuesday evening. president of t h e Omaha B'nai chath Torah celebration that he Sioux City for a aeries of three time. . of the writer's dept., assistant will be released for exhibition ner." B'rith. Mr. Trustin will speak on attended in Palestine in 1933, Mention the Jewish Press to lectures, by the Ladies' auxiliary Clubs that will be re-organized "It was quiet only at the start," general manager, associate pro- shortly. Hailing themselves as the subject of special interest to when he was with the late Rabbi your merchant. of Shaare Zion synagogue. This are Business Girls Club, Debating Eddie related to us. Here is his ducer and executive pro tern in saviors of grand opera, this famevening he "will speak on "Weav- Club, and three Dramatic Clubs. story: "There were only 8 of .us charge of production. He resign- ous Jewish trio of funsters, Grou- both young and old, and every- A. I. Kook. ing the Tapestry of Jewish His- The dramatic clubs will consist of to start, but soon 8 others drop- ed f r o m Paramount to become cho, Chico, and Harpo, have gath- one is cordially invited to attend. IRVJN C. LEVIN. Attorney Norman Rosenthal is chairman in tory." ! the Junior Dramatics for children, ped in. A few minutes later 20 executive vice-president in charge ered again in Hollywood, after vaT h e : Community Players of 3C1 Electrtc etdg. charge of the program. Saturday evening, the second between the ages of 6 and 12; other people dropped in. Then of production for RKO-Radio Pic- cationing In various parts of the Council Bluffs will open its seaPROBATE NOTICE As this is the first public aflecture will begin at 9 o'clock, Intermediate Dramatics for chil- the crowd started to come by two tures and RKO-Fathe Pictures, U. S. A., to await the preview of son with "The First llrs. Frazer" fair planned by the newly-organIn the flatter of the Estate of Molli* and Dr. Sachar will speak on dren 12 to 16 years and the Sen- dozens. At 10:30 the guest list which studios he merged. Selz- their latest picture, "A Night at next Tuesday evening, October Friedman, Deceased: "Seven Who; Built the Land." ior Dramatic Club for adults. So- reached 110, so I left the 'quiet nick resigned to become vice-pres- the Opera." Irving G. Thalberg ized chapter of the local A. Z. A j a t t h e M a s o n i e T e m p l e . T w o o f Notice is Hereby Given: That the Sunday afternoon, the last of the cial clubs will beorganlzed for any little party' to seek solitude and ident of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. produced it for M. G. M. "Grand the committee in charge urged the leading feminine roles will be creditors of the said deceased wilt the administrator of sa.id estat*. series will be held at 2:30 o'clock, group of 8 or 10 people who wish get some sleep. You know I get He recently formed the David O. opera needed uplifting," s a i d hat all members, their families, played by M i s s June Meyerson meet before me. County Jiiflge of Douglas and their friends attend this proand Dr, Sacliar will use as his to organize. and Mrs. Ben Telpner. Miss Mey- County. Nebraska, af the County up early Sundays to prepare for Selznick Productions, Inc., which Groucho modestly, "and we have rain Sunday evening. Room, in said County, on the subject, "The Credo of Jewish Classes will be held in piano, my weekly radio broadcast." Al- has been taken over by Selznick done it." The merry madcaps are erson, who is the daughter of Mr. Court 2nd day of December, 3935. and on Survival.' proud of the fact that their upshorthand and debating. In addi- though T e d Lewis is an expert International Pictures. the 3rd -day of February, 1936, a t 9 Dr. Sachar is nationally known tion to other clubs registration o'clock a. m., each day, for the purlifting was accomplished with a BABBI JACOB COHX TO a piano, violin, saxaphone, JOSEPH U. COHEN. Attorney pose of presenting- their ctoims for as an authority on Jewish sub- for the Girl Scouts, Brownie With 538 Brandels Theatre Bldg. examination, adjustment and allo-wor even a whole orchestra of in- BUILDS IMMORTAL MELODIES few minor "props," such as an CONDUCT SERVICES jects and world history, as well as Pack, and Cub Scouts will be held struments, and Cantor delights in p.nce. Three months are allowed for Slgmund Romberg, internation- ocean liner, three opera stars, a Rabbi Jacob Cohn arrived in NOTICE OF INCORPORATION the creditors to present their claims, a most eloquent and interesting on Sunday. ally known composer, who h a s 40-piece orchestra, an o p e r a ouncil Bluffs this week to be Kotice is hereby {riven that the tin- from the 2nd day of I^ovembpr, 1955. singing comedy songs, there Was speaker. He is a member of the ERVCE CRAWFORD, written 64 popular operettas, com- house, a piccolo, a section of Cen- the new spiritual leader for the dersiicned have formed a corporation The work will be under the diunder the laws of the State of Ne- j faculty at the University of Illi- rection of volunteer leaders and only radio music at the party. County Judge. posed the score for numerous mo- tral Park, the City Hall of New community. Regular Friday eve- braska. The name of the corporation \ 10-ll-35-3t nois, at Champaign, 111., and is will come under the direct super- 6 NOTCHES IN HIS GUN tion pictures and writes new mu- York, Harpo's Harp, Chico's pi- ning Sabbath Services will be held shall be- 3-*acene Laboratories "with principal pla.ee of business at Omaha, j the director of the Hillel Founda- vision of the Community Center. Sam Appel, t h e gun-toting sic for all his radio shows, never ano and Groucho's mustache. at eight o'clock this evening, Oc- Nebraska. The g-eneral nature of the | LEON and Wt-HTE and LAZAR tion at the university, as well as The clubs and classes will begin gambler KAPLAN, Attys, Kitty Carlisle, stellar singing tober 25, at the Chevra B'nai Yis- ; business to be transacted shall be to Samuel Goldwyn's attended a music college. He was National Director of the Hillel active work the week following "Barbary in et fill M v M t p r manufacture and sell chemical, medi604- City Nat'l Bank educated to be an engineer, but star, Is featured with the Marx r o e li s^^^,^^c-.,o Coast," w a s born in y n a g o g u e a t 618 M y n s t e r , . p . t i o p s : c l n a l o r p h a r m a ( e u t l c a l p r e a r a Foundations. . « registration. New Mexico when that state was turned from constructing huge Bros. George S. Kaufman, author Street. Services will b e Of i n t e r - j to DUV, sell, lease, own, acquire, dis- ! NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Dr. Sachar has recently puba wild Mexican territory, and monuments of steel and concrete of famous musicals, a n d Morrie est to both young and old, and pose and; or encumber real and per- •In the C o u n t y Court of Douglas lished a book on the history of property incident to the pur- ! Nebraska. Rysklnd wrote the original script the entire local Jewry is urged sonal spent most of his life as a deputy to building immortal melodies. poses and uses of this business; to In County. the Matter of the Estate of Paul the Jews, and has contributed to and made the adaptation for the do all things necessary or proper to sheriff in Tombstone and other to attend. Rabbi Cohn has chosen Phiiipp, ....-,-, Deceased. numerous magazines. screen. famous Arizona mining towns. He THE STUDIO FAMILY'S for his subject for the first ser- effect the purposes for which this i AH persons interested in said esFollowing the address on Friis organized. The author- 1 tate are hereby notified that a petpossesses a gun given by Sheriff FATHER, The Marx Bros, are so proud vice as "Twilight of the Gods." corporation ized capital stock shall be $20,000.00 \ ition has been filed, in said Court, day evening, Dr. Saciar will be Council Ber Albord of Tombstone, w h o Who listens to the tales of the of their new opus, they have askRabbi Coha is a 1930 graduate ana ail of said stock shall be common, | praying- for the probate of R certain entertained in the home of Mr. Biuffs, la., last Sunday afternoon, had cut six notches in the butt. par \-alue $100 per share and fully j instrument now on file in paid Court, woes and disappointments, as well ed for a preview in the Metropoli- of the University of Chicago, and j paid up and non-assessable. It shall i purporting- to be the last will and tesand Mrs. M. Seff, 312 24th street. Miss Ruth Riseman, daughter of as the joys and triumphs of the tan House, no less! Ktudipd a t t h p H e b r e w T h e - commence business upon filing- of i f s t a m e n t of said deceased. srtd that a Saturday evening, he will be en-Mr. and Mrs. S. Riseman of Lin- J n S C H l AUEE AT RKO , ' . , r<u*~~~~ IT,, articles with the County.- wClerk of; hearing will be had on said petition famous film folk at the M. G. M. --. _ . . . i . . i i i c o i i ufcs w i n l i e n a u o n s a i n pennon tertained, following the lecture, ological S e m i n a r y of Chicago. H e DmiHa« . . . _Court on the 16th day of Douglas r>™,r, County, Nebraska, .....* and «.»._„!. shall | before said f,- x-^-^v-., Mischa Auer, prominently cast Studios in Culver City, Califor- HOLLYWOOD NEWS BRIEFS coln, Nebr., became the bride of in the home of Mrs. J. N. Krueger, continue for a period or SO years. The i November, 1935 pnd that if they fail was ordained as a rabbi in 1933 Fred Sherman, son of Mr. and in R. K. O.-Radio's "Husk," was nia? The great stars of the silver Merle Oberon, now vacationing highest amount of indebtedness shall! to appear a t said Court, on the said S701 Jackson street. born in St. Petersburg, Russia, screen need someone to talk with in England, returns to Hollywood by the late Rabbi A. I. Kook in not exceed two-thirds of its capita! i lfith day of November, 1935 a t 9 Mrs. Philip Sherman. stock, but this restriction shall not j o'clock A. M., to contest the probate -Saturday afternoon, Dr. Sachar Theodore N. Lewis read and with his mother a n d other them, to advise them, some one of for work on or ?.bout Nov. 1, at Palestine. include indebtedness secured by mort- jo f said will, the Court may allow and will address the Oneg Shabbos theRabbi members of the artistocracy was whose wisdom and sympathetic the Goldwyn Studios. She will be marriage lines in the presence The Council Bluffs Sunday meeting of the Ladies' auxiliary, to flee from the revolution- interest they are sure. They have starred in an original film play School will open Sunday morning, j at 3 o'clock^ The meeting will be of the immediate families and the forced nual meeting: shall be on the first son, enter a degree of heirshlp, and ists. His mother died during the their troubles and uhhappiness by Lillian Hellman, which Wil- October 27, at ten o'clock at the Monday bride and groom. The ceremony of January of each ypar. at held in the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. thereof. flight a n d Auer finally reached even as you and I. liam Wyler, a Jewish director, Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue which meeting- the stock-holders shall proceed to a settlement BRTCE CRAWFORD Max Ginsberg, 102 Sixteenth was held in the home of the New elect a Board of Directors, and thereYork where he Joined his 10-25-35-31 County Judge. One and all they turn to Louis will direct N a t Dorfman, at 618 Mynster Street. All chil- upon the Board shall elect a. Presistreet. Everyone i8 welcome to bride's sister, Mrs. M. Krasne. grandfather, the late Leopold dent. Vice-President, Secretary and Both Mr. and Mrs. Sherman are dren a r e urged to be present B. Mayer, the father of his great Broadway playwright and Hollythe Offleg Shabbos meeting. Any two of said offices FRAOENBURG. WEBB, BEBER, of the University of Auer, internationally known mu- tudio family. To his panelled, wood film writer, is In New York promptly at ten o'clock for regis- Treasurer. may be held by one and the same KLUT2NICK &. KELUEY, Atty*. Admission to the series of lec-graduates Nebraska. She is a member of sic teacher. City preparing to launch the pro- tration. Rabbi Jacob Cohn will person. These articles may be amendomfortable, "friendly office they 650 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. tures to be held in the synagogue Sigma Delta Tau Sorority and he ed at any regular or special meeting . duction of two news plays he has be in charge. go with their difficulties and worof the stockholders by a two-thirds i Will be by ticket only. Members tocders tw REPLYING TO YOURS OP . . . ies; while "L. B." sits on the written. His last play, "Errant NOTICE OF INCORPORATION , t h ' outstandingt t d i k Registration for the Hebrew vote of the' stock. of the auxiliary have sold tickets belongs to the Sigma Alpha Mu Notice is hereby given that the lin^ Judging from the heavy in- sther side of his wide desk, listen- Lady," was staged last season at School commenced Monday a » d IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parFraternity. j f e h&v- h e m m t 0 BUbscrtbed have formed a corporation during; the past month, and accrease in our mail it looks like ng, advising, encouraging, help- the Fulton Theatre in N. Y. He reports Of registration proved names this Hth day of October, Guests from Sioux City at the cording to the committee, the 1 braska. The name of the corporation will have to put a couple of ing them to find the answers to completed scripts for both Colum- very satisfactory, but registra-j w«i£r ^ L - e sale has far exceeded the expecta- wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Philip we" Khali be Sanitary Jce Service Co. with to work acknowl- heir problems. "Louis B." is I bia and 20th Century-Fox Studios principal place of business at Omaha. tlons are still being taken for the ] tions of the group. Tickets are Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kalin stenographers Lillian M. Beard the many cordial letters never too busy to listen to the before he left for the East . . Nebraska. The general nature of the remainder of the week. All par- In the presence of §1.00 for the series of three lec- and Dave Albert. Miss Frances edging business TO be transacted shall be to "kind words about this new itories of even the least import- A number of prominent Jews in ents are urged to have their chil- JOSEPH L. COHEN establish Mid operate a retail ice detures, or BOe for one single lec- Kalin, a student at the University and I0-lS-35-4t Seven Arts' feature and the in- ant members of his famous fam- he motion picture industry in dren register just as roon as posliven' Rnd sale system; to buy, sell, ture. The ticket sale has been of Nebraska also attended. lease, own, acquire, dispose and or SAM ZACHARIA, Attorney , Hollywood were honored at the sible. Rabbi Jacob Cohn, princiunder the direction of Mrs. S. H. Following a wedding trip, Mr. quiries f o r information about ly at the studio. It is said that annual encumber real and personal property 768 8randel« Theatre Bldg. election of the Academy incident to the purposes and uses of Shulkln and MrB. Lester Heeger and Mrs. Sherman will make their Jewish personalities in the motion he never allows his multitudinous ol Motion Picture Arts and Sci- pal of t h e Talmud Torah, anby Publication on Petition for this business: to do all things necespicture industry. We are getting duties as Vice-President in Charge nounces that registrations will be Notice chairmen; with the following home in Sioux City.' s i t y or proper to effect the purposes Settlement of Final Administration letters from every section of the of Production at Metro-Goldwyn- ences'. Cecil B. DeMille, Henry taken from four o'clock until sevfor which this corporation is organwomen assisting on the commitAccount Miss Ida Greenberg, daughter United States and we are endeav- Mayer Studios to interfere with Herzbrun, B. B. Kahane, Irving en o'clock at the synagogue. ij;ed. The authorized capital stock I n t h e C o u n t y C o u r t o f D o u g l a s SIIEH be $5,000 mid all of saia stock tee: Mesdatnes J. H. Mosow, Sam Mr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg, be- oring to answer everyone of them his first interest, t h e happiness Thalberg a n d Robert Riskin Nebraska. sf'al! common, par value $100 per A special advanced class is be- In County. "Weiner, B. Baron, Rueben Mil- of the Matter of the Estate of Mary Bbare be the bride of Sol Fred Seff, as soon as possible. Henry Levy, and welfare of his "children." Mr. were elected to the board of diand fully paid up and non-asler, John Levin, Philip Sherman, came ing arranged f o r boys between Winer, Deceased: se^s'iiblp. shall commence busln*s« : of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Seff, publicity chief of the American rectors, and Irving Cummings, Alpersons interested in fiaid rhat- upon filing:It of A. H. Baron, Robert Sacks, Sam son Mayer" is described as the perfect the ages of thirteen and fifteen terAllare articles with th« hereby notified that on the Couniy Cierfc of its Tuesday evening, at a ceremony ORT Campaign, writes from New fred Green, Norman Taurog, PanCounty, NeDavidson, Ben Baron, Phil Gold- in the bride's home, witnessed by 'father confessor," because he years old, and all boys interested 8th day of October, lSSs», Philip tmska, and shallDouglaB continue for a peS. Berman, Samuel J. Briskin, Greenberp filed a petition in s a i d rjird of no years. The highest blatt, Milton Mushkin, Dora the families of both. Rabbi H. R. York . to ask whether Paulette understands his. brood and re- dro are requested to get In touch with amount B. B. Kahane, Louis B. Mayer, County Conrt, praying: that his final t indebtedness shall not exceed twoBaron, Nick Sherman, Eli Robi- Rabinowltz officiated at the cere- Goddard and Anita Louise are of members all the problems a n d Joseph M. Schenck, David O. Selz- Rabbi Cohn at the synagogue administration account filed herein be | cthirds of its capita! Ftoek, butTthls renow, A. 35roloff, M. Lazere, mony, which was followed by a the Jewish faith The answer heartaches which he, himself, facsettled and allowed, and that he be j striction shaii not include indebtedpromptly. discharged from his trust as admin-1 1 t e s , s s-.cureb by mortgages or liens. in both cases, received from Char- ed, without a n y "father confes- nick, Bernard Herzbrun, Nathan Arthur Kaplan, Joe Kutcher, wedding dinner. istrator and that a hearing- will be j The r.Xfeirr. shall be managed by a Levinson and Robert Riskin were lie Chaplin's Studio and Warner sor" to help him, on the long way Henry Sherman and Max Lasenhad on said petition before said Court | Board cf Directors o£ not less than elected to the Executive Commit- BOOKET-SCHARF Following a trip to Chicago, Bros. Studio, respectively, is NO on the 2nd day of November, 1335, ]tV\> members. The annual meeting sky. .: » Which he travelled from a s h i p Miss Marian Scharf, daughter and that if you fail to appear before [ shall be on the first Monday of J a n Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, Mr. . . . A n d this will surprise you: salvaging business on the Atlantic said Court on the said 2nd day ot No- nary of each year,, s t which meeting tee of the Academy Sam Bls- of Mr. a n d Mrs. Joe Scharf of Sunday noon, members of the Seff and his bride will make their the publicity dept. of Charlie !oast to the motion picture indus- choff. Associate Producer at War- Council Bluffs, became the bride vember, 1985, at 9 o'clock.s. m., and the stockholders shall elect & Board Phi Epsilon Pi Fraternity will home In Sioux City. contest said petition, the Court mayi o » Directors, and thereupon the Board Chaplin's Studio In Hollywood try on the Pacific Coast. ner Bros. Studio has been signed of Mr. Marvin Bookey, son of Mr. grant the prayer of said petition, en-•,s)ihYi elect a President. Yice-Presigive a banquet at the Martin hoalso advises us that Chaplin is not tter er a d e c r e e of of heirship. np?r-RhjT>- and n n d m»ir*s * ^ * — a decree make J -> — * oSecretary and Treasurer. Any Framed and standing on h i s to a new one year contract by Eli Bookey of Des Moines at a such tel, honoring Dr. Sachar who is Dr. and Mrs. S. Gendel of Santa a member of t h e Jewish faith. other and further orders, allow- | fient, two of said offices may be held by Jack L. Warner, Production Chief. desk is the motto, "When y o u ances and decrees, as to this Court one and the same person. one of the outstanding members Ana, Cal., sailed last Saturday on We are quite certain that this inpretty wedding ceremony Tuesday may These arseem proper, 1 to the end that all ticles may be p,menti<»(j fit pny regular of the Fraternity. the S. S. Malola for Honolulu formation will be questioned by come to the end of your rope, tie During the last 12 months Bis- afternoon, October 22, at 4:30 matters pertaining to said esiate may or special meeting: of the stockholders where they; attended the wedding many who felt sure that this fam- a knot in it and hang on." That choff was responsible for numer- o'clock at the home of Mr. and be firjallv settled a,nd determined. by v. two-thirds vote o£ the outstandBRTCE CRAWFOTVD. ing sr<>ck. there Thursday of the latter's ous comedian was one of our own Is Louis B. Mayer's creed. That 13 ous box-office successes and the Mrs. Hymie Milder, 119 North Courity Judge. IN "WITNESS WHEREOF, the parbrother, Samuel Hurwltz, to Miss people, but we are simply telling what he tells his studio family of renewal of his contract Is a re- Happy Hollow Blvd. in Omaha. 10-11-35-St tips have hereunto subscribed their Annette Berk of Los Angeles. Mr. you what we were told by his own men, women, boys and girls. And, ward for work well done. Con- Rabbi David A. Goldstein per- REED RAMACCiOTTl & ROBINSON n;: tries this 17th dav of September, Hadassah Luncheon Hurwitz, a former resident of gratulations, Sam. and EPHRAIM L.. MARKS He; ' formed t h e ceremony under a studio . . . Julius Eisno, an A. Z. knowing t h e m as he does, he Attorney* (Copyright, 1935, by Seven Arts canopy of white roses and palms. Sioux City Is the son of Mr. and realizes that both their sorrows LAWRENCE J. FINKIDL. More than one hundred women Feature Syndicate) 905-S18 First Natl. Bank Bide. A. leader, of Omaha, Nebraska, and their joys are magnified and : The bride was lovely in a gown NOTICE OF PROBATE OF W ! L i - In the presence of attended the opening meeting-and Mrs. I. Hurwitz. writes to remind us that the Ju- that they need a. firm and wise In the County Court of D o u g l a s r H I L I P TT. KL/UTZN1CK of eggshell velvet of floor length Also in the "wedding party were nior B'nai B'rith order was foundluncheon of the Senior Hadassah jo-4-3S-« County, Nebraska. hand to guide them. Being the and carried a bouquet of colonial the bride's mother, Mrs. M. Berk, chapter, held Tuesday afternoon In the Matter of the Estate of Simon ed In Omaha, not Lincoln, Nebr., actresses and actors which they roses. In the Jewish Community Center. and her uncles, Max and Jack as we stated in our sketch of BenNeveleff, Deceased: are, they very naturally dramatize persons interested in sain estate Pledges for the Give or. Get Factor of Hollywood. Miss Betty Bookey of Des |i areAllhereby ny Baker, Paramount player, a themselves, and it is Mayer who notified that on the 3rd were made at the luncheon by a Moines, sister day of October, 1S33, a petition -was few columns back. Mr. BIsno also pulls them out of the clouds and of t h e groom filed Miss Eva Orlikoff is In Minin said Court, praying for the number of women. Mrs. Abe Pill served as mald-of-honor, and Mr. compliments us for our "tradiof a certain instrument no-wand Mrs. Sam Greenstone are co- neapolis this week, visiting with tionally interesting and. accurate down to earth. Lawrence Gross of Omaha served probate on file in said Court, purporting to be friends and relatives there. the last wll! and. testament of said chairmen, of this project. Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen- as best man. information in this column," for —AND CONTENTS NOTED deceased, that a hearing; will be Plans "were made for the anFollowing the ceremony a wed- had on saidand British radio experts which we say "Thanks" . . . petition, before said Court In response to a letter , of in- cy)—Two Word has been received here of on the 2nd day of November, 19S3, at nual card party, which Is Bchedding supper was served for about arrived In Palestine to diquiry f r o m G. E. Bernstein of have the hour of 9:00 o'clock A. M., »nd •uled for; November 5. Among the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. ON M. G. M.'S LOT rect the work of setting up Pal- seventy-five guests. if they fail to appear at said time Chicago, 111., as to whether the those present were a number of Stanley Carl of New York City. and. place and contest said petition, Miss Bertha Schlffer, a reader 'Czardas Princess" was made in estine's first radio broadcasting the Court may grant probate of said Mrs. Carl is the former Miss Rose new members of the chapter. About forty relatives honored instrument of the Brooklyn Jewish Examiner, Germany, we are unable to BUP-station which is scheduled to opas the last will and testaMr. and Mrs. M. Marcus at a sur- ment of the deceased, and may fur- . Mrs. W. C. Slotsky presided at Lipman of Sioux City. Mrs. Sam queries us about the Jewish folks en here in the latter part of Dec ply him with the answer. T h e LIpman is in, New York visiting ther decree and descend all the rea! I prise party at their home at 601 the meeting and Mrs. Louis on the personnel list at the Metro- Motion Picture Producers' Asso- ember. property, which the deceased owned Willow Avenue, Sunday night, OcAgranof£ was in charge of the in the Carl home. at the time of his death, in accordH. M. Ken worthy, formerly di Goldwyn-Mayer Studios. At the ciation in Hollywood, where a l l with the terms of said will, and program. Rabbi H. R. Rabinomoment we can only supply this films are registered, has no list- rector of wireless programs in tober 20, in celebration of their ance trationdispense of this with estate.further adminisDr. and Mrs. JVM. Krlgsten an- information regarding stars and wedding anniversary. The may wltz spoke on the "Nineteenth BRTCE CRATTFORD. of this picture. Perhaps one Kenya colony, will undertake to sixtieth also Mr. Marcus' occasion w a s Zionist Congress;" brief addresses nounce the birth of a daughter on directors. The former are Jack ing County Judge. of our readers in Seven Arts' af- supervise the direction of the new •were made by Mrs. J. N. Krueger October 21. Benny, the three Marx Brothers filiated publications from coast to station while H. A. Rendall has birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus 10-ll-SS-2t and Mrs; Bella Pevsner and Mrs, and Norma Shearer. The latter come here from the B r i t i s h have four children, all of whom FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, Mrs, "M.. Gross, Mr. and Mrs. are George Cukor, who will be coast can give this Interested Broadcasting Corporation for hall were present at this affair. They M. B. Herzoff presented a group KLUTZNICK & KEL.L.EY, and reader of our column the InforGeorge Gasper, Mrs. Sarah Felt- remembered for his great stock of vocal; BOIOS. ALFRED A. FIEDLER, Attys. a year to co-operate in the prep are two daughters, Mrs. Samuel mation he desires. If so, please 650 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bids. man and son, Stanley, all of play presentations in Rochester aratlons for the establishment o: _T Katelman, and Mrs. JL-ouis s. write to the English-Jewish newsOmaha; Mrs. Betty Rabinowltz of New York City and elsewhere in Braunstein; and two sons, Lou NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION the station in his • counry. Junior Hadassah Oakland, Cal., and Mrs. Henry t h e East; Edwin L. Marin, J, paper in your: c i t y using Seven Marcus and E. Marcus. The din- In the C o u n t y Court of Douglas Arts' service. County, Nebraska: Broadcasts o v e r Palestine's •A meeting of the Junior Hadas- Novitsky of Grand Island were Walter Ruben and George Seitz ing room table w a s beautifully In the Matter of the Estate of Hanfirst radio station will be con eah. chapter will be held Wednes- week-end guests at the home of decorated with a basket of pink nah Venn Deceased. LANDS BIG ASSIGNMENT ducted in three languages-—Heb All persons interested said estate day evening, October 30, In the Mr. and Mrs. H. Sol Novitaky and SAMUEL BRISKC^ HONORED roses and chrysanthemums as a are hereby notified that In a petition has In answer to Jerry S. G.'s let-rew, Arabic and English. Jewish .Community Center. The family. centerpiece. A pink and yellow been filed in said Court alleging- that In recognition of h i s sincere ter from Cleveland, Ohio, we are said deceased died leaving no last will Jewish National Fund Committee color scheme was cirried out. and noteworthy service to Temple pleased to announce that Mervyn and praying for administration »ip<fn Tel Avis Asks a Million •will be in charge of the program. Mr. and Mrs. i«arcus were marher estate, and that a hearing wil! be Israel of Hollywood, Samuel * J. LeRoy, brilliant Warner Bros, diMembers of the chapter will ried in Roumania, and came to had on said petition before said court Briskin, prominent film industry rector, has won one of the most For Public Work Program on the 16th day of November, 1935, assist la a booth at the Inter Club Tel Aviv, Council Bluffs fifty-four years and that if they fail to appear at said Jerusalem (JTA) Junior congregation services at executive, was presented with a coveted directorial assignments of 1 Council ! Carnival, and will raffle Shaare Zion synagogue will be handsome certificate of apprecia Court on the said 36th day of Novemthe year—directing the film pro- only all-Jewish city In the world, ago this month. ber, 1SS5, at 9 o'clock A. M. to cona toaster at the carnival. resumed tomorrow morning at tion by the congregation. T h test said petition, the C o u r t may duction ot t h e novel, "Anthony wants $1,000,000 of its recently The Study Group of the Coun- grant administration of 8a.id estate 10:30 o'clock. Rabbi Rabinowitz ceremony took place at the tern Adverse." LeRoy secured this big approved $5,000,000 loan to b to Frank E. Peek or some other suitwill tell the children a story and pie with Rabbi Isadore Isaacson job as a result of his excellent used In a program of p u b l i c cil Bluffs Senior Hadassah will able person and proceed to a settle' Opens Piano Studio hold "Open House" next Monday Howard Sacks will read the Law. bestowing the honor' and express on two current Cosmopoli- works, it was disclosed here thi evening, October 2 8, at eight ment "thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD Miss !Lfbble Olensky has opened Bernard Werner will act as can- ing his gratification .Jnf having work tan releases' which are smashing week. County Judge. a piano istudio in her home, 1708 tor. Refreshments will be served men of the calibre of Mr. Briskin b o x-office records everywhere, The city's municipal govern' o'clock at the home of Mrs. NathPierce 'street, and children have to the children by Mr. and Mrs. to stand by the temple. Mr. Bris Mervyn Is a native of San Fran- ment has instituted negotiation! an Nogg, 3116 Avenue A. A l l j been registered for piano lessons Joe Himowitz, honoring their son, kin is a past president a n d a cisco and his family lost a small with the Palestine governmen members of the Senior Hadassah during Jhe past weeks. David, on his birthday. member of the board of directors fortune in the San Francisco fire. seeking approval of the project are urgeti to attend, and a very Miss 'jOlensky is; prominent in Sunday s c h o o l sessions of and one of the great pillars o At the age of 10 he was selling Confident that approval will be interesting and entertaining prolocal musical circles. She was Shaare Zion will be resumed at Temple Israel. He has been re- newspapers on the streets. granted, Tel Aviv announced that gram IB being arranged. awarded first place in the State 10:15 o'clock this Sunday morn- sponsible for much • of the sue It is starting work' tomorrow on The Council Bluffs Talmud JCusIc Contest when she was a ing. An assembly will follow the cess the temple has enjoyed In a public works project involving XEXT JOB Torah Society held its . semi-anthe nine years of its existence.. regular classes. an expenditure of $200,000. at Central High school. His many friends and admirers

Mount Sinai

SACHAR SERIES Registration THIS WEEK-END J. C. C. onSunday


Hundred Women At

To Set Up First Palestine Radio Station Shortly

Shaare Zion


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