In die Interests ©f tne Jewish People
Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Entered aa Second Class Mail Matter on January <!1, 1921, at Posiofffc< of Omaha. Nebraska, under tiip Act of March 8. 1S7>
branch is thirty. Dundee Jewry are urgea to. communicate with A. Exhibit Monday and Provide Clothing for Katz, principal of the Talmud City's Needy Torah, -with, reference to the enrollment of their children. Program of Southwest , „ „ . , , Mrs. B. A. Simon, chairman for Miss Jane Evans, executive secThe Dundee branch of the lo- According to Max M. Bansh, t h e J e w i s h W e l I a r e F e d e r a t i o n retary of the National Federation Regional Conference cal Talmud Torah will open next jp r e s i d e n t of the; Talmud Torah, division of the Needle Guild, anh ill be b of Temple Sisterhoods, will of B'nai B'rith guest speaker at Temple Israel Monday, November 4, a t 105 registration is still being taken nounces that the annual exhibit i for the Talmud Torah classes at of the Needle Guild will he held, this evening, November 1. Her South 50th Btreet. At J. C. C, November S Classes •will be held there daily, t n e j _c c_ H e appeals to the at the Jewish Community Center( on Monday and Tuesday, Novem-1 except Saturday, from 4 to 6 p. m.Jewish parents to give their chil- ber 4 and 5. ' 30 A. M.—Welcoming adThere will be three groups, rang- dren a thorough Jewish educadresses by Julius Bisno, genThe Needle Guild, composed of n e n t r o c i o m i l o r p n n i z n t ion t'ormrxv An all-day regional eral chairman; Ben Kazlowsky, ing from beginners to advanced tion by enrolling them in the representatives of some forty-five of the Southwest repon of the Talmud Torah. I charitable organizations within president of Omaha lodge; Dr. \ pupils. B'nai B'rith will be held s t the Rive t b r |->'MHcij»i>l «0<lrPs«; "i A. Greenberg, district second Graduation exercises for the ; the city, is rapidly growing in irajj thv h;iii(j«e>( w h i c h will rlii»j,v I i Mrs. J . Stadlan of Council Omaha Jewish Community Cen- I h o n m d i i v r in <'»e c v o n i n j vice-president, and Roy X. outgoing 569 6 class of the Tal-1 portance. Through its activities, Bluffs, an instructor of the Tal- j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t h e it h e G u i l d h a s b e e D a b l e t 0 p r o . ; ; be ^ Towl. mayor of Omaha. Preter this Sunday, November 3, ?i!rs. A. i-*. I jtii; i tnar», also. n. mud Torah, -will teach at the j j c c on Saturday evening,! vide clothing and garments { o r ; . siding officer, Philip Klutznick, Jewish problems on the nstiontfl member of district general al and international Jewish scene November 16. Details will be I e city's needy. This year, Mrs. branch. f;* f]ir iF.nt'lipOT; fn ]>r l?rlvl Stn%committee. will be discussed, P.ncl v. pnrmaThe present enrollment for the ! announced in next week's issue of! B - A. Simon, who has long been; | day noon. ; the Jewish Press. i-n Jewish To«-icT, communal - " > " « ' " " ' life,.' " ' » ' •j•«»#•«« active in 10:30 A. 31.—Committee reT h f f p n ' r v p of (lip sfifrrn.'ir. Ben Samuels. ports by conference chairmen: pespinri •wiii l>fi n n OPCTI forinn •'.;>• Enrollment in the T a l m u d t a s t e e n c h o s e n t 0 h e a d t h e Welfare Federation division, i Nathan G i l i n s k y , Council ciiPP^OTi o r ''T>'ppi T^'riMi •pnli.-i.'^ Torah has been progressing stead- ish She will be ably supported by the ! Ben Samuels will deliver the Bluffs: Ephraim Marks, Onain J e w i s h nrvior : ;>l n n d iritfviii: ily, but tbe Talmud Torah lead- Women's Division of the Jewish j principal address at the regional : 'ha; Dr. Levice, Sioux City; iionBl ill fi! !' - S.'" i o lir- lPfl h y >,]!••;,:-• ers are anxious to have every of the B'nai B'rith at I Sidney Poska, Lincoln; Leon M o n F k y . p. m e m b e r o" i h e iii;r-child of school age obtain the ed-Community Center and Welfare ; conference the J. C. C. Sunday. Dubrofsky, Sioux City. ucational advantages of the in-Federation -who are undertaking n ; u i o n n l r x e c u t i y r of t h - r'l.r. Samuels is general attorney j the "work of the Needle Guild ES stitution. 12 Iv'oon—Luncheon at J. and president of the Chicago Tel-' one of their projects. C. C. New York (TTNS)—Thp polirc Solicitation of membership conLeslie Burkenroad "was elected CaTa company. He is a past i The exhibit on November 4 anS j 12:45 P. M.—Address by have called a halt to the practice p p f r s f r o m ; l i p p f i r b b o T i n r r n n president of the Temple Israel tinues for the recently-formed 5 -prill include booths of all the j president of District No. 6 of the j Brotherhood Tuesday night, at a City Talmud Torah Association of charitable organizations within \ B'nai B'rith, At present he is on ; Mrs. A. G. Laufman ol Chica- ol uniformed Nazi storm trooper? in u n i t ir,= rvr pxpfffp-ri ic p ' r . " p . go on "Women's Auxiliaries." marching in map? fornirtion on i l i e r o T T ' p v p . meeting in the Temple vestry Omaha. The membership is only city. The Women's Division i t l l e administrati-re committee of j rooms. He succeeds Homer Bin- ?1 and is open to everyone, the jt h i s y ga r through Mrs. Simon's \ the district, is a director of the i Ben Kazlowsfcy presiding. In- the sidewalks of » T T York. MISS JANE EVANS Following repeeteci -prorests by EiT t e n d p i ! p p p p i o i i p p.nfi i n n r i i.-ir;s. purpose being to marshall moral {leadership promises to have an I L eo N". Levi Memorial hospital, a vocation by Rabbi David Wice Executive Secretary of t h e NaOther officers elected were: Dr. i support lor the Talmud Torah j e T e n t i n e r exhibition t h a n in ! director of the National Jewish and benediction by Rabbi Da- Eugene F . Grirp.i. niiliinnt non- K e F " r v R { i o n P f o r ( h o h i i i r b o o i : . v tional Federation ol Temple vid Goldstein. Introduction of Je^ish foe of Hit.3erism mid exec- b s n q u p i m a y hr m a d e p.t l l i p . ' r \ - M. I. Gordon, Tice-president; Har-1 activities and create greater in- p r e v j o u s years. • I Hospital for Consumptives in Sisterhoods. speaker "by Mrs. Meyer Beber. utive secretary ol the Friend? of i s l i C o n i m \ ; i u i . y C C I U P V . Old Abrahams, secretary; Edwin j terest in the institution's proThose working -with Mrs. Simon ! Denver, a trustee of the Cleveland Democracy. Police Inspector Neid1 P . >I.—Program of entersubject will "be "The Moral Obli- Sommer, treasurer. A Board of gram. O p e n s «« 1 0 A . M . through the Women's Division Orphans Home. ig of the 4ih Ijispection Division. tainment. gation to Be Interesting." Trustees, consisting of D a v e are the Mesdames Mrs. P. J. Alactin?: under orders from j\>li<JC 2 I*. 31.—Afternoon session. Tonight is known as Sisterhgod Feder, Joe Pepper, Horace Rosen- \ ] berts, Mrs. I. Abramson, Mrs. J. d a y m o r n i n p p t If- «.. m.. •>••;> Commissioner Vnlcntins, h v o k c 2 to 2:30 P. M. Unfinished Sabbath, and the following, be- blum, and Jake Slosburg, -was j Bramson, Mrs. H. Cohen, Mrs. S. v.-elcominf: HCUIVCSSPP b y .'.i>:ii;>up one o[ these Nazi par? do? business. sides JVIiss Evans, will participate elected. Epstein, Mrs. H. P. Farber, Mrs. The new and outgoing j Disnn. pr-nrrr.l ••!:nirn\an; :-;.--i issued instructions S o forbid thrm 2:S0 P. M.—Open forum disin the. service: The Mesdames president •will serve as members D. Finkle, Mrs. I. Fiedler, Mrs. J. K s ^ l o w t k y , ]sroc:i(li/i!i ol' \h<: f.-i.-'t.. in the futiire. cussion, led "by Henry Mor sky Max Holzman, Louis Kuh, Sam Goodbinder, Mrs. J. Kaufman, ex-officio of the Board. C ' r . n i B ' r i t l i l o f l p o ; ] > r . A . I"'4-.T.I-of Omaha, on B'nai B'rith poliMr. Grigat hnrl complnirfcl thnt Gilinsky and M. L. Cohn. Mrs. A. I. Kulakofsky, Mrs. J. Preceding t h e election, a dincies in Jewish national and inthe Nasi storm trocpers •*•?:•? in Ushers a t the Sisterhood Sab- ner prepared by Louis Somnier Luttbeg, Mrs. L. Finkle, Mrs. C. l o d s r e . m d K e y X . T o v i , m:.--c>ternational affairs. the habit of marching to and from . P h i l i p K l i i i r . n i c k . m e m b e r nf . ] . ; bath service will include the was served. A talk on scouting Nathan, Mrs. J. Newman, Mrs. S. their meetings in Yorkville in nra;mi.l f o m m i t i c e OL t h e <lis;; >.•:.. 3:30 P . M.—Initiation of Mesdames E. I. Rubin, Sam Wolf, was given by Scoutmaster Dave j Olander, Mrs. J. Stein, Mrs. I. Sam TVertheimer, jr., and Milton Newman, and later in the evening, Membership Drive Decided Upon, stalmaster, Mrs. D. Sherman,; First Talk on 3, C. C. Lecture Conference c l a s s by degree formation, pushing cif.izetis off will prppirlc. team headed by Hy Shrier. ! the FiclewBlkp and prnrral'y comAbrahams. cards were played. About sevenAt Conclave Held Mrs. Chas. Ross, Mrs. N. Turner, C o m n n u p p r e p o r t " v,-j!l he <.•;••.*-.! Program Novem4 P. 51.—Election of offi- i porting themselves as il they vrerc Mrs. Frederick Cohn is chair- ty attended. Mrs. R. Wright, Mrs. M. AbraI'T t h e f f l l o w i n s : c b P i v ru r ; ^ Sunday ber 12 cers." j in Germany. man of the religious activities for Burkenroad stated .that a meeti hams, Mrs. Ben Silver, Mrs. J. Na;nni} i.Iilinsl.y. C o u n r i l T>!i;;';'s 4:SO P. M.—Closing business Investigating these complaints. r n " ' n i ii( o r o n P'~T"l"P"nt o^irr-T^ (-,;*• the Sisterhood. Mrs. H a r r y ing of the new officers and t h e A concentrated membership j Blank, Mrs. L. Gross, M r s . M. Emil Ludwig will o p e n the of conference. | Inspector Neidig stationed a po- l i o n : Rosenfeld is helping with the hos- board would soon be called to campaign for the Mizraehi was j Holzman, Mrs. Phil Levey, Mrs. Er'irfiiip jisvks, Otn;, Ju. lice patrol outside Nazi headquarpitality committee for this occa- formulate plans for the year. Hej decided iipon at a meeting of the iR e t L ^ e n Brown, Mrs. S.''Steinberg, Omaha: Community Forum series 6 P. M.—Banquet at J. C. C. h e r e o n ters. At. the close of a merlinc sion. Main address by Ben Samuels also';saJd that he he wou would .m .make an]]executive committee of the West-jjM r s _ j __ p rri eeden, Mrs. Abe SoznJ. evening, NovemSoznJ. b e r 1 2 aTuesday also;saJd that 1 : TO 'ur.iloris.ed X'B.BtK"vaT:"e •nurrvh-of rCJiH?ags-. la-vocation by Rs"bbi b e r1 2 at tt h e J e r l f f i ; ;Cainmuniry :-'••••• A* "''-reception '-"will follow t h e ift : tlfia"'"' : : flS"\'Br6lfieT'fib6aieni Mizrachi Zionist r e g i o n h e l d • ^ M A C h M B A Cainmuniry Mrs. A. Cohn, Mrs. B. A. ta-lfoia"-'-"' flSc"-\'Br6lfieT'fib6aieni Mizrachi Zionist region,,.held •. ing out and fell in t o line. At thr-.t Harold Berger and benediction services. The public is invited. eifprt" Center. in Omaha last Sunday. dinners -once a month. Simon, Mrs. W. A. Racusin, Mrs. n r y PosUn. L i n c o l n . i\;-.~ii by Rabbi Frederick Colin. In- : point the police stepped in and e n m n ^ i t t o e : Rabbi Uri Miller of New Or- jL . Graetz, Mrs. I. Rosenthal, Mrs. I M r - Ludwig is sn international Speaker. Leon Hultrn."-;^ ; ordered them to dishar.1. warntroduction of speaker by Sam -j leans, formerly 7>ead of the Taad j JJ. Ferer, Mrs. M. Davis, Mrs. g. j author whose biographies of NaSioi-.x City, on rr : r-n'i Miss E v a n s is well-known le in Omaha, presided as president, j Da-rig> Mrs. R. Bordv, Mrs. F . H. P° °n. Goethe, and Bismark have Beber. Toast-master, Dr. A. ing that they could not march in l i o n , •^ throughout the country as a lec•mass formation on the sidewalks The region includes the states of | Roddy, Mrs. J. Mala'shock, Mrs. j b e e n translated into all modern Gree-nberg. turer. She attended New York and could only m a r c h in the The public is invited to all Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Coloj x. Dansky, Mrs. J. Marer, Mrs. E.! languages and rated as best selluniversity, where in addition to •At ; n p "inn-hpoii t o h e ]i^\;\ : street if they had a parade perrado, Missouri, Oklahoma, Kan- \ Simon, Mrs. S. Pizer, Mrs. H. Bel- je r s *nt w o hemispheres. His sub- functions. courses in art, she did consider: ect n e r e R iu b e T n eF a t e of n o o n at tlif ,T. C. C, t!i t - F-UUS-. niit. sas, Tennessee. I mont,"* Mrs. J. Farber, M r s . D. p* " ' " able work in the field of Educai. j Inspector Neidic served notice w i i i h e EIVPT- hy X"!-. A, n . .".;. The Mizrachi membership goal j stein, and Miss B. Zimman. j Europe 1914-1940." He • is well j 1 tional Psychology. Prior to her m s n o [ C h i c a g o , pnsi, p r o s i d n . . . ion the Nazis that hereafter the is 25,000 new members. A speafeequipped to discuss this Question i association with the Sisterhood Gvnrir] Lofipr- :'. Rehearsing tor I police wpTild hrep"k up F;IT v.r.i- i h p P i s t r i c t ers bureau headed by Rabbi ! having observed the European; Federation, she was engaged in v,-ho will sprn't. ; formed Nazi proxip? inarchinp in W o m e n . scene f r o m neutral territory of j The College of Jewish Studies j Manuel Laderman of Denver will : art work. :"--.' formation, t h u s ficrorriplishinp: " W o ni e n ' f- Ai.:\iiinric>,' Switzerland since ISO". j The Sisterhood of Temple I s - opened Monday evening, at t h e a d d r e s s the communities in this the first ror.t of Hiiler s t c r rn Ivar,lowpV:y v i l l p r e s i d e , r.jwi ';' Ludwig, a German Jew by j rael is one of 352 groups of the ; , , -, ,, _, . .,-. !months locality to within the next two stimulate Mizrachi birth, -voluntarily exiled himself' The Center Players will open troops in this country hy official M n y r r F p h c r ^vii] iiit.rodli.-r , National Federation which has afspenkcr. K r b h i iTn-viri >\'i,-r i , Jewish Community Center -with a; membership. ^ ^ ^.— , , from Germany in 1907 and be-; the 1PS5-SG season w i t h "Big action. + lotn Ml>MAl filiated u n i t s throughout the frivp t h e i n v o c a t i o n , P I K ! U;;]i The current "amateur hour; gan his writing career as a dra-Hearted Herbert," the sensationUnited States and in Canada, good students who wereTounable en- At the meeting it was decided I attendance. permit to those D r v i d GolrtsteiTi i h o heiioii n-i i.-n. Panama, England, and Johannes- roll this week, the College will that t h e next annual conference! craze," will find expression here jm a t i s t in Switzerland. "Ultimate- j al Broadway comedy success, on At Z:',V p . m,, ih.p oi"'i- ^'a-.-i. burg, South Africa. It built and extend its registration during the i of. the region will be held in St. j in Omaha when the Temple Is- ly his studies led to the field of ;Tuesday evening, November IP. u i s e u s s i o n ^"i!l lie h~Ul. x\mu>: .\ at S p. m. maintains the dormitory a t the Louis, May 3, 1936. An eight- r a e i sisterhood will stage a "Ma- historical biography. As a bio-, l e a t l e r s h i p of "H^nry M o n s k v , ".') ! page bulletin will be published by j o r B o z z Q p r o g r a m , . i n c o n n e c t i o l l grapher, Ludwig's outstanding \ In reviewing the play the New Hebrew "Union college in Cincin- coming week. p u b l i c is jnviipcl t o I'-srni'in^ t-.. g y under the Classes meet every Monday and j j gift has been to combine histori- j York Herald-Tribune says: "Even nati. It grants scholarships to region monthly with their dinner on Wednesday cal accuracy with dramatic vivid- j the soberest of us first-nighters Thip v i n j.e folloT.T'.; by .3 worthy students at the college Thursday evening from 8:15 to | editorship of Rabbi Miller. iuitifition of t h e CottVcrrncf ^ I ; , ' Mizrachi English-speaking evening, November 20, at 5:30. ness. On the lecture platform he. forgot our dignity at the Biltmore and spreads programs of religious 9:55. The courses being offered i r c l u n i n p n r v : rapml>Dr" of ihr : The dinner and program will displays the same "brilliant qual- jlast evening End abandoned oureducation throughout the country. on Monday evening are: Hebrew groups will be established in each A. Kitz; General Survey of of the Jewish communities in thebe held in the Temple Vestry ities which distinguish him as a Iselves to shameless smiles." The National Federation has by Jewish History, by Rabbi David region. In each of the communi- rooms, and the general public is writer. On his limited lecture tour | Joe Solomonow, who TSade his I>r. Abram L. Sachar ;h?-illpd F, broadened its scope of activity Wice; Great Jewish Personalities in America this fall he is being ties a Mizrachi concert will be invited to attend. larce audiencp Sunday P( the J. of O m n h n Lmifv- K o . "-.'• first appearance in t h e "Front and introduced many new proj- by Rabbi Frederick Cohn; ModPage" last season, will be featur- C. C. with his worcl-pirrures r,s he?find by I]-- fihrior. ects since Miss Evans assumed ern Jewish Renaissance, by Rabbi presented for the benefit of the Mrs. J. J. Friedman and Mrs.widely acclaimed. T h r iniiintioTi i-?~m i t u i n f s r Mizrachi. All chapters of t h e Louis E. Lipp head the circle Other speakers on the Forum! ed as Big Hearted Herbert, the her position two years ago. he spol-;e on "Israel "^VCTVCS a r 1 David Goldstein; Introduction to Among these is the publication the Bible, by Rabbi Wice; a n d Mizrachi shall have monthly gath- sponsoring this affair and will re- lecture series this year are Jchn ; self-made bnsinegs mon who in- Tapestry," or "The iJc'uung oi" T' n S l u i s k v , IT. I , , \!ry!-:s. f. ;,' X o p n . A l F i i \ k p i . J u l i u s P.Ui erings in t h e form of "M'Lave ceive reservations. Tickets are Haynes Holmes on December 4,1 sists thst t h e family must be of "Topics and Trends," the offiJewish History." cial bulletin of t h e Federation, Gems from the Talmud, by Rab-1 jyialkes" in order to popularize seventy-five cents for the dinner Josephine Roche on January S, jbrought up in t h e plain tradiNorman Hapgood on. February 5,j tions, while Martha Himelstein and program. the ideology of the Mizrachi. bi Goldstein. edited by Miss Evans. and Dr. Alfred Adler on March j plays Elisabeth, his wife. It. is Omahans on the executive of On Thursday t h e following Also, under the supervision of 11. Tickets ia.ay still be obtained I she who finally turns the table on n 1 ' - 1 Miss Evans, two new series of courses are offered: Hebrew, by the region include: Elihu Bloch, HAZ0M1R CHOIR TO OPEN for the entire series by calling the jHerbert and "before his best cussecretary, and Nathan Wilfson, program study materials have Mr. Katz, Mrs. J. Stadlan, a n d JEWISH PROGRAM SERIES Jewish Community Center or' tomer serves a plain Sinner of been prepared: "Dramatic Mo- Judah Wolf son; Yiddish, by I. treasurer. Harry B. Cohen, chairman of the Irish stew and apple pie in the Morgenstern; My Philosophy of ments in Jewish History," by Dr. The Hazomir Choir n n h r the F o r u m C o m T a i t t e e . plainest manner possible. Judaism, by Rabbi Harold Berg- VAAD AUXILIARY A. L. Sachar, and "The Jew i direction of Cantor A. Schwazkin These and many other humorLooks at W a r and Peace," by er; Jewish Social Service, by Paul Goldblatt; a n d Jewish Law, by ous situations promise to make ^ F Roland B. Gittelsohn. AFFAIR TUESDAY i "s7iI1 open t h e Jewish Concert and ] this the comedy-hit of the season. Miss Evans has also inaugur- Rabbi Berger. The third annual Taad Auxil- munity Lecture Series on Sunday of theevening, Jewish Com Ko-]j - P R O G R E S S I V E H E B R E W ' Others in the cast are Aides A registration fee of ?1.00 periary card party-will be held at the i vember 24. The choir has pre-j ated a new series of child study " u u i u a ^ i ^ * , Lincoln, who plays the juT-ecilf 1 ' material on the subject, "Adjust- course is being made. J. C. C. Tuesday evening, Novem-j pared an excellent program of; ^ Hebrew club ^ gc.iTe s. J r ing the Jewish Child to His ber 5. There •will be table prizes!-well known Hebrew and Yiddish', . . . , , fe . " ^ * . , i lead of the young son; Bess Gold-. , .. . . j . 3i .,. . . i held their semi-annual election of ware, Dick Hur'witz, Al Ornch eWorld," written by Dr. Samuel land refreshments •will be served, melodies, and is rapidly gaming! . . . _ „„ ,.,»,._„ .v^c.-r, "Una Gross, Rebecca KirschenH. Markowitz. 1 Sunday Drama Group Mrs. D. B. Epstein is chariman distinction in the musical circles | J « " "am ^epomnici pre5i5ent° baum. Alex Lipsman, Nate Cutler. To Meet This Sunday j and Mrs. Sidney Katelman is co- the city. |L o u i s W o l ] j . f i r s t vice-president: Marva Cohen, Bess Cooper and e p ! chairman. HIGHLAND COUNTRY CLUB Norman TTcfclner. Saul Kaston. • the celebrated ^i ' Be^d T - c e . . Jewish painter, will bring an ex•. , ^ . ^ ^ _ The first meeting of the SunTickets are thirty-five cents ..., , . . . . . f ident; Ben Klayman, secretary; WINTER STAG TUESDAY day Drama group-will be held this ] and may be bought f r o m any ,hibit Helen Merriit is directing the of his paintings here -on ; .D_a-v. e_ , • • . - , _ • . •• n » ^ w m LA -II l Deneaberg, treasurer. production. December 10 and 1 1 . j Those on t h e Board-of Direc- j The Highland Country Club Sunday afternoon, November 3, member of the organization. i i-> , i Other attractions on the Jew] tors are Earl Goodfeinder, Dr. S. I will have their first winter stag at 2:30 at the Jewish Community ,r(i ' ' • 1 ish Concert a n d Lecture Series Book Evemngs" To j A. bsherbff,. H . . Jasoff, M. Col- I Tuesday, November 5, at the Pax- Center. The meeting will be open will be Marvin Lowenthal, well I nick. Trustees are M. A. Epstein • ton hotel at 6:30. Manning Hand- to all persons interested in the Start on Wednesday ; known writer a n d commentator ler is in charge of the entertain- study and production of plays. o£ The third annual Eeries j on January 22, and negotiations' and William. Monovitz." ment. . At „ ir r \ - d e r . way to bring Mordecai !| ritt, vember 6 in the auditorium of the j Kaplan of the Jewish Theological netttgee Jewish Community Center, w i 11Jewish Community Center, when i Seminary and o n e of the out1 I .. Arrangements are being comBAZAAR AT LYCEUM . Geneva — The first meeting of discuss "The Place and Purpose The Labor Lyceum Association, of Amateur Theatricals." There Rabbi David A. Goldstein will re-I standing thinkers in Jewish life the committee of. experts appoint- pleted for the ESEiisi Father ED£ together with the Ladies Labor will be a presentation of t h eview "Paths of Glory," by Hum-! today here. ed to weigh the refugee problem Son banquet to be held at the • Lyceum, will sponsor a.hazaar be- year's program, and as an added phry Cobt; • "Strange Case of Ser- | land consider the. advisability of .Jewish Community Center, Sungeant uris&a, Grisha," hy Arnold zweig, !i £ ! _ „ „ s ginning Saturday evening, No- j<=<"».*"ub*•"*»>--<""*. <» " " — — geant by Arnom r | the proposed League of Nations day evening-. November 10. under S c r s vember 2, and continuing all dayattraction the cast of "Big H e a r t - | a n d ... A U Q n i e t o n .t h e Western iiimSaTy ! organisation for refugees will be the auspices of the Social Service Oeraiffll committee of the Center and "WelSunday, November 3, at the Labor the ; field November 2Sth. ed Herbert," the firstwill offering " by Eric Remarque. The!Iman B ufilms d a p e swill t — in Exhibition of GerCenter Players, offer of a j Front proceeds of these book evenings effect be barred fare Federation. Lyceum, 22nd p.nd Clark streets. series of scenes from the play. will go to the Beth-El Sunday If r 0 l a Hungarian theatres s s tfcej Eugene Blaser Is chairman oi The public is invited to: attend. d sputa tion of the affair. result of an order "by the Hun-! Salonica.The Sunday Drama Group will school. Many bargains will be offered for Other books to be reviewed are I garian Government forbidding the '• Jewish leaders which called upon The program v-Hl include: commeet every Sunday afternoon a t sale. ...-"'-• M -"Wandas,-new G-oTersor cf'Ka- munity singing, movies, tricks t j the Center, and will offer to its"'Vein of Iron,".by Ellen Glasgow, showing of any Nazi" films 'pro-': b : members an opportunity to study November 25; - "Grandsons a n d idnced in accordance with the Ary- cedonia, was assured last Thurs- a maglcis.n, a talk "by a- lathe: Bomb and take part in amatenr produc- Native's Return," by Louis Ada- an laws. I fiay that he has the fullest syin- and a response "by a son. "Warsaw • -An infernal mach- tions. S u c h phases of dramatic mic, December 16, and "Road to This order is "In retaliation for|P a t f l y for Jewisa " interests. ? IT Reservations at sixty-five cent? ine, planted by an unknown, per- work as makerup, scenic design- %Var," by Walter Mills, January 6. | Germany's recent action ia -ex-j " I am at"'t^s" disposal - d • the per plate -will be taken at the J (il son or persons, wrecked the head- ing, and dramatic expression will Mrs. Irvin Levin is chairman i pelling a number" of Hungarian; Jewish Community i s helpini C. C. until November S. 1 quarters of the Revisionist Party j be'studied. Outs'de speakers will'and Mrs. Mose Yousem, co-chair-| Jews from" the German film in- ; s o I v e its problems," Governor , ! . J . O A l l ! r n ' ^n, C«i.l . Ka Dr. Philip Sher is chairman of , 1 1 at Stanislawow, Galicia. brotherhood. be presented from time to itme. man. j man, and Harry Trustin. Man das declares. the social service committee. ' dustry. Executive Secretary of Sisterhoods Here -on Sisterhood Sabbath
Classes at Dundee Auxiliary Will Start Nest Monday
*. * Neighboring Communities s to
Tf *
A !
£ ~*
T7* A Jt 4* M#* J. > _ m^
New York Police '. Ban Marching of Storm Troopers
1 mm T
Is Named Head of Brotherhood
I Sisterhood Plans for Amateur Show
Play By Guild
Father, Son Banquet at J. C. C. Sunday, November 10
-:-Our Omahans-:SCOOP A column ago -we carried the Item rumoring a definite understanding between enterprising Max Krizelman and his Council Bluffs' i attraction, Miss Freda •Zppr'will." Now we have definitely discovered that the announcement will foe made this Sunday eyenirigj.. . ..To acquire a new Jewish word in your vernacular, ask Phil Friedman, who is associated w i t h the Laserowitz Hardware Co., what his friends havfr nick-named him . . . A t the annual Tech-Central grid scuffle, last Saturday, Hub Monsky's drop kick was the point that gave Central the edge.. Both Monsky and Dick Gordon shined for Central, while Spiegel and Lerman ably represented Tech . . .
dinner on November 20 . . . Rabbi TTri Miller "Gableingly" emphasized his affection for his bride at the "canopying1? last Sunday . . . Oh, yes, there were nearly 8.00O people who witnessed the . ceremony . . . T h e r e w i l l undoubtedly be many unique costumes worn at the numerous Halloween nf• fairs that are being given . . . It is reported that Dave Block, who Avas one of the GIgoloes at the Temple- Halloween dance, was one of the' most popular persons present . . . Is it true that the Frank Brooksteins will be watching the calendar closely before long? . .'v She's the well-known basketballer . . ... little Sam Wolk seems to. be mighty interested in Doris Makofsky . . . Social tips . . . Martin Polacheck, of Chicago, is the new attraction in the Met-' ropolitan Liquor department. Really he's worth meeting . . . Oh, yes, and we noto that Esther Rosenberg, one our very attractive lovelies, is back from Chicago to stay . . . Nope, no charges for the above information . i . T h e O.-D. D. hopes to have the nicest affair of them all this year when they have their formal at the K. C. on November 27 . . .
i n t s O u t : H o w A. A. U., 13 asking the resigna- J page when John B a r r y m o r e s n u b b e d her, is assuaging her tion of the German. Olympic combroken heart with the. son of a mittee head because he is merely j!New York rabbi yrho is in, the is b e Mrs. A. G. Laufman of Chicago will be the main speaker at a governmental front and _ ; 't n e a trical business . . . Bernard ing used to conceal the most jj the luncheon luncheon of of the the reg regional B'nai B'rith convention to be held ; ^ ^ s o o n a d d T ^ | the flagrant violations of the Olympic | nephew to his non-Jewish ! Sunday noon at the J. C. C. She will talk OH women S auxiliary l ideals of fair play. We wonder j '"Jewish college fraternities imMarina Rosemary Barniece work of the B'nai B'rith. tac lh r what the opinion of our local paMrs. Laufman ia a past president of | « memle™ win » deeper uch, daughter of Dr. H e r m a n pers and sportsmen would be. if Barucb, Bernard's brother, is enthe District Gran. Lodse Auxi.iary for | g « * 1 » " HaT.Sn, ' S S S S they , expressed themselves on this? . . . If you are in search of gaged to "Wiiiian Garth Candee . women. At present there are twenty- ; g e c r e t a r r of t n e s , g m a A l p h a CHATTY COMMENTS We hear that Arthur Kaslow a night spot exuding sophistica- . . Francis Lederer, the screen one auxiliaries in this district, having rMlI) v h 0 ^-fsltecl here last week(sky) who is interning at the ex- tion, boasting lilting dance tunes star, informs, us that he Is not 1,700 paid-up members. During the j end. to Anita Loos, the novelclusive Hollywood hospital is hob- and featuring a swelegant floor Iengaged last fiscal year they donated $5,300 to I According: to Hamerstein, the st A n d w h a t s m o r e th nobbing with film lites Earl show,' Club New Yorker is justi h e ••s b•e •e n s e e n w i't h i s n o t eA nlady the various B'nai B'rith philanthropies ; Jewish fraternities have aided Sta the place . . . Congratulations to I ' Kaplan is a cheerleader at South Loos b u t Mar A n l t a Loos the in this district. j their members to participate in > y , . Plenty of rumblings at pres- Mr. and Mrs. M. Marcus of Coun- ! _. ," ., . . I campus activities. He told of sevniece . . . His relationent about our participation in the cil Bluffs, who recently observed snovelist's hl P w i t h MaT? A n i t a l s o n e o f Olympics. We note that J. T. their sixtieth wedding anniverThere are also six junior girls auxil-: e r a l i n s t a n c e R ,. h p r e t h e m e r e ex_ parallel intellectual lursuits and Mahoney, president of the U. S.jsary . . . iary groups. Last year they endowed; i s t e n c e of a Jewish group on the nothing more. 38 beds at the Leo N. Levi hospital at; campus aided to bolster the (Copyright, 1935. by Seven Arts Hot Springs and the National Tubercu-: amorale of all the Jewish students Feature Syndicate) t
. n i ..I A •••!• I -.-J«»P° nth Auxiliary Leader] Fratern iti es A« B»naiB Fraternities Aid
than 13,000 permanents. You can arrange yours by appointment . . . What dark, curlyhaired attraction, who ents daily at Brnndeis Cafeteria, became so excited last Tuesday at the appearance of her ideal that she ruined - her meal by using sugar instead of salt as a flavoring . . .
Jewish Students
Strictly Confidential
lar hospital at Denver. ! them those schools and stimulated to They aided three Hillel" foundations ISGlves actively concern themin the district, at Champaign, Ann Ar- : ignore of the school funcv«. . . J M . J ; . i tions. Also, mter-fraternity ac-
i: i,Madison « _ ]tMiv> he po!nted out> engenderg Mrs. A. G. Laufman The Women's District grand lodge is ia c l o s e r f r i e n d s h i p and better Press will publish simultaneously GENTLEMEN OF THE PKESS three years old. It has increased 350 : understanding between J e w i s h Some of the biggest shots in with the stage production and that many groups are per cent since its inception. I t s contributions last year were three andStating non-Jewish students. American Jewish life, Including that Reinhardt w o u l d just as now developing programs of a hundred per cent in excess of previous years. Felix M. Warburg, Stephen S. much think of rewriting Werfel's Jewish nature as part of their Wise and men of that stamp, are drama as to try to improve on Convention of National Amateur whelming majority in favor of regular activity, Hamerstein cited American participation and the due for a ribbing on the Yiddish Shakespeare's dialogue . . . And Athletic Union To Be his own fraternity, who this year statement by Avery Brundage Z. H. Rubenstein, city being in a corrective mood we alstage Hotly Fought elected Rabbi Ferdinand Isserthat the United States will posi-, e d i t o r of the Jewish Day, has so generously donate to our conman as its first national chaplain. As the all-Important a n n u a l tively be represened at Berlin written the first Jewish political | temporary the inside i"ope about the recent Jewish Daily Forward Mr. Hamerstein believes that next summer. To emphasize this convention of the National Amasatire called "Good Sabbath, Good the fraternities are becoming Year", which Molly P i c o n will —Jewish Day tug of war on Boris teur Athletic Union, scheduled to statement it was announced that Thomashefsky's memoirs . . . Z. be held in New York December the American skiing, bobsledding, | more firmly established and more when it appears it produce N e w Y o r k (WNS) — Mrs. '• Rn( j more are "Having the fore in will do for the Jewish scene what H. Rubenstein signed up Thomas- 6th to 8th, d/aws near, the bit- speed skaing and ice h o c k e y F r a n f e l i n D hefsky for The Day whereupon encouraging: the Jewish students - Roosevelt rebuked to "Of Thee I sing" did for Amer- Boris rushed to The Forward and terness engendered by the Olym- j Olympic teams would sai! for GerSTILL TATTLING tendency of so-called "native Am[ -Participate freely and more acpic controversy is mounting in inmany on January 3d on the S.S. B. C. Vladeck ican politics Thanks for your Pi Lam in- will not be general manager of made them come across for double tensity and is beginning to rival Manhattan to take part in the ericans" to regard themselves as ;i tively on the campus. formation. We heard from other the Jewish Daily Forward after the amount on the same feature the attacks on the New Deal and winter Olympics at Garmisch ParWhile here Hamerstein ad. . . Rubenstein, who never gives the Italo-Ethiopian war for front tenkirchen. This announcement superior to those whos ancestors ; dressed the S. A. M. alumni, who sources that if the success of a January 1, 1936 It will be not come to this country until , honored h i m at a banquet last party is judged by the amount of monthly and will serve as the or-jup, signed up the very next day page space and public attention, caused considerable surprise since p c . ] Thursday evening noise, it was an unusual success gan of Young Israel . . . With its Mrs. Bessie Thomashefsky, the what with charges and countermore recent time . . . We wonder whether Cappy November 1st issue the American I H«t and longest-lasting wife of charges flying thick and fast. Re- the bobsled and speed s k a t i n g d r e s s e d 1 6 0 0 dent ' s« s of Barnard Lieberaan demonstrated s o m e H e b r e w will appear in a new 1 Boris, and before the Forward cent charges by Judge Jeremiah teams are under A. A. U. j u r i s - 1 imports More I han Lxports p p ; new steps when he weavingly dress . . . The paper's size will be;had a chance to anounce its fea- T. Mahoney, A. A. U. president, diction which will not determine \ College. r its final a t t i t u d e toward the! " have received many, many, Jerusalem — Palestine imports danced to the tunes of "Turkey reduced to about that of The Na-|ture The Day was already run- that Nazis are in control of the she said, "which say 'I have exceeded exports to the exin the Straw," which was being tion but the number of pages will jning the memoirs of Bessie Thorn- Metropolitan A. A. U. were coun- Olympics until the December con- aletters," vention. Meanwhile a group of m a native American; my fore- tent of $355,000,000 in the last played by Regina Klein? . . • The be increased . . . James Water- ashefsky . tered by a blast from Avery Brun- Olympic Committee members w h o b e a r s c a m e o v e r o n t n c M a >-. twelve years, it was reported here Dr. Sachar talk was an excellent man Wise is one of the editors of I dage, chairman of the American have not committed themselves to flower', or its equivalent. How a t a meeting of Jewish industrialone. Congratulations to the The People's Press, a new nation- j MELANGE Olympic Association, that the or-{either side of the question, are* a11 t h e people who came to this Beth El synagogue Men's club for al weekly tabloid which you will A. H. Friedland, head of the ganizations and individuals. lead-} pressing for a full and open meet- country in the Mayflower were INSIDE STUFF bringing such a luminary to speak Cleveland Jewish school system, ing the fight to keep the United) ing of the Committee to thrash: contained 5n the Mayflower I o f u s find on your newsstand around Last Monday tho B'nai B'rith here . . . We are asked to tell h g v e a l o n g l i n e o f fla_ It will be dedi-iis a very sick man and all his States out of the5 Olympics have i out the q u e s t i o n . Brundage's don't know. That sense of super- t i v e held its first Ladies' Night of the Jule Bisno to get his union card Election Day f bearB, to look down on ore Communist connections. Unper-j statement was immediately coun-, iority because you think you ere ' t n e m . year and Professor Victor E. before he operates any more cated to fighting Facism and to jj f r i e n d s (he has thousands of little Inore turbed by the storm of protest! tered by a statement from J a c k * native than some_ exposing political corruption . . .'them) are rooting for him Levine, bur intrepid Jewish Scien- movie projectors . . . Youthful elKe i s something we have j tist, who recently returned from xving Levitas, director of activi- Ann Silver, ace publicity writer,; Rudolph Kayser, one of Dr. Ein- aroused by his warning that Am-'Shea, 1932 American O l y m p i c tbody o et o r e r skatingg champion, £ p p , who dep - because every race! his yearly survey of Eskimo life, ies at the Kansas City Center, deserves some kind-of a prize for j stein's sons-in-law, will officially erican Jewry would bring about a I speed and has that feeling- Un-; gave a splendid discourse about rendered an inspirational treat her swell promotional job in be-'join the faculty o." the J e w i s h wave of anti-Semitism in this nounced the Olympic chairman ; l e s s nation half of Raydence Liquid Powder [ Teachers Seminary — People's country by its anti-Olympic agita- for injecting race and politics l n ~*e c 8 n divest o'-.reelves of his experiences . . . We hear that when he spoke at the InternationDr. Joshua Gold- tion, General Charles H. Sherrill, j to the Olympic issue and cited the t h a t self-righteous feeling of FUVLevirie's cold talk did not freeze al A.' Z. A. Day celebration last . . . A couple of months ago this University product was unknown but now, berg is out as executive secretary Amerlcan member of the Interna- names of 24 former American eriority we are going to find it•= out Mrs. Jack Orlicoff as she liter- Sunday . . . Sylvia Lefitz, JJorman thanks to Ann, It's to be found of the American Jewish Congress tional Olympic Committee, tried i Olympic champions who petition- hard to understard how other: ally bombarded him with ques- Berg and Harry Landman have He's returning to his con- to put Judge Mahoney, now thejed the international Olympic Com- People feel about their people, j tions -.: . . Practices for the. first 3ome important roles in the Tech featured in all department stores Center Player's Guild production, Hy senior play . . . Tully is still . . . Did you know that the Book jgregation on Long Island recognized leader of the boycott- mittee two years ago to move the their history, t h e i r heroes and • achievements. They have jnst as •?Big Hearted Herbert," are pro- expanding and is now adding a Union is an organiiaion devoted j Frank Oppenheimer, of Chicago, the-Olympic drive, on the spot by 11936 games from Germany, much right to feel proud of them gressing very nicely . . . Smiling higher priced nationally adver- to fostering the publication of the j a nephew of the famous Franz asking why he didn't do someNew York- -Under -the will of as we have of ours. People who kind of books that Hearst and his j Oppenheimer, is working on an thing about the discrimination Sam Teper, manager of Goldstein tised line of suits . . . fledgling Fascists would like to ! invention that will'shortly make against Negro athletes by A. A.jthe late Edward J. King, Mount came here after the Mas flower, & Chapman's Shoe department, 'him a millionaire . . . Frank i s i u . groups in the South and about jSmai Hospital is named residuary: made their choice supposedly besuppress? . . . is one of the best handballers at A SCOTCH TELEGRAM an engineer with the Harvester!the "no Jews allowed" p policy of!legatee in $830,000 and 12 other cause because they i k e d the Mrs. Mayme Adler Block, the the J. C. G. . . . .What young enPOMTICAIiLY SPEAKING • j J i t it corsetrist, contributed this. It gaged couple may take that fatal 1 Company . . . David A. Brown will t h e New York Athletic Club of j Jewish and non-sectarian institu- chance this country gives its citi-11 UvSUKED CABS Mahoney is a prominent | tions receive ?33,000. Justices ot the United States; celebrate his 60th birthday on ' zens. And we have no right, those step quietly in the very near fu- might serve as a basis in saving on your future telegrams . S u p r e m e Court are famed "for j November 3d while on board the ture? ; . . Enrollments for the member. College of Jewish Studies are still 'Bruises hurt erased a f f o r d their reticence off the bench but [boat bringing, him back from a The forces opposed to sending coming in and it Is still not too erected analysis hurt ioo infecti- Justice Cardozo recently made a! tour of Europe In behalf of the an American team to Germany, late to enter classes. The college ous dead." . . . The interpreted statement In private which ought JORT . . . A new art form known encouraged by the action of ten •will be conducted as an accredited meaning is. "Bruce is hurt. He to Teceive wide currency . . . Told j as tapestry painting has been de- regional A. A. U. associations in raced a Ford. He wrecked It and that his s e c r e t a r y , "William j veloped by Marguerite Zorach, instructing their delegates to the school, Enroll now . . . Alice "is hurt,, too, in fact, she is Stroock, son of Sol Stroock, chair-1 wife of William Zorach, one of national^ A. A. U. convention to -kWhtrt Omihsi Shops With Confidence EMEIiY BITS dead." man of the executive committee the greatest of American sculp- vote against "American participa-With an outstanding array of of the American Jewish Commit- j tors . tion, received an unexpected setspeakers,' the Community ForSNAPPY STATEMENTS tee, had been asked to. move from j . ^ back when the national physical tun will undoubtedly be one of If you ever hear Lee Gross- his home because the lease con- HEART BEATS education committee of the Y. M. the focal lecture programs in Sylvia Sidney Is all burned up C. A. unanimously adopted a resoman mumbling to himself don't tained an - Aryan paragraph. Justhis-city. It starts November tice Cardozo declared that "In my ; over the report that her recent lution favoring American particiworry, for he is merely memor12. Center members get a dolizing the Hebrew marriage opinion. a contract with a clause; marriage to Bennett Cerf has al- pation. Less surprising were the lar reduction on their season vows. He will repeat them of that nature is not valid." ready gone on the rocks El- results of a poll of the 62 memticket, others pay three dollars. publicly on November 10 . . . Only the fact that young Stroock laine Barrie (Jacobs to you), the jbers of the American Olympic Elan on getting a season ticket Is it true that there is a sizzling is Cardozo's secretary prevented j little gal who ma *e the f r o n 11 Committee s h o v i n g an over' or you'll miss this educational romance between a; sweet and the matter from getting a legal treat . •>•... What young married affable brunette film row sec- test . . . That rumor about Henry .couple spent a sleepless night retary and a former shoe clerk Morgenthau, Jr. resigning as Secall because a certain one of who is now a knight of the retary of the Treasury and retheir guests absent-mindedroad? .. . . The Beth El syna- placing Jesse Straus as ambasly (?) walked off with their gogue's Victory Dinner on No- sador to France, is making the anniversary check? . . . It is vember 18 will be filled with rounds again . . . One of the new shameful that many J. C. C. many surprises . . . Ig it true owners of radio station KPCB on members are in poor,: unhealthy that Morris Klein, the manager the Pacific Coast is Saul Haas, U. condition, when they can easily of Berlands, secured his admit S. Customs Collector in Seattle. get into a proper class and stay to the recent Nebraska-Minnein the pink . . . What young sota game via a pretty pretty of SETTING A CONTEMPORARY groom, who is now on his Minneapolis? . . . Buy Folgers' STRAIGHT honeymoon will come back and coffee as the proceeds of this One of the Jewish columnists find his private stock depleted? week's sales go to the Beth El commented on the recent civic re.. ; . Now that a Dundee Talmud auxiliary"'. . . Bobby Bowman's ception tendered to M a x Rein48 lb. Sack .....$1.98 Torah branch will open Monorchestra, who will play the hardt at the Waldorf-Astoria in day, the westslde p a r e n t s 24 lb. Sack .$1.05 annual Jr. Hadassah Thanks- New York . . . The funny thing should have no excuse for not giving affair, is clicking nicely is that the columnist in question 5 lb.Sack 27c ' availing their youngsters of this and the same goes for Hal Kenwas not present and his report important schooling . . . dis and his crew who have been serenading the Omaha U groups that August Heckscher spoke at BKKEZY BREVITIES . . . We wonder why "Capital that function is imaginative to a* LIME RICKEY -; Last winter's deep snows were Bindery" George Dolgoff sud- high degree . . . The same "scooprecalled recently when your press denly c e a s e d corresponding ster" also refers to Reinhardt's WHITE SODA v :correspondent Tvas jibed about be- with his Des Moines nifty? . . . rewriting the Road of Promise GINGER ALE ing always prepared so as not to Mr. Martin, the South Side "script" . . . Doesn't he know that get stuck, by constantly carrying beauty expert, has waved more this "script" is a literary work by a shovel and gunny sack in his 2 Franz Werfel which the Viking car. Joe Fellman, upon hearing this immediately retorted t h a t your scribe s h o u l d carry this equipment all year around . . . Lots .of luck to Rabbi Jacob Cohn of Chicago who is the new Coun cil Bluffs city rabbi.- You'll enJoy, hearing his Friday evening services at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue . . . What is perhaps the most elaborate and most beautiful news summary of the LEMON or VANILLA Ak-Sar-Ben Ball appears in the November issue of "The Sov' ereign Visitor," which is very capably edited by a lonzman, Horace : L. Rosenblum . . . Arthur Jersey SWEET ORANGES, Doz. 18c Cohn had the lead in the annual ! 2 for 1 ..: POTATOES, S lbs. Thomas Kilpatrick minstrel show CABBAGE, BRUSSEL 171/or last!Tuesday night . . » JUICY JESTS What hree young "gunners" went pheasant hunting on the morning. of the Fiedler-Bordy wedding and bagged an owl, a hawk and a rabbit (by mistake?) and were so enthused over their success, that they continued their "bxinting" at the wedding reception . "With such players as Rosen, Goldberg, Sigal, Safiofsfey, Bogdonoff and Stoler, the Psl Mn fraters hope to win the Center Class A league again this year .'". t With six riftings occurring here at present, there is still no off publicity. They must be silent part (ner) ings . . . Glad to hear that shapely Helen Sjhrier is now employed in the Nebraska Clothing Prep Shop and that Lottite Zlotkin is employed at the Vogue . . . The Senior Hadassah is sponsoring a drawing for a trip to Palestine or a §300 cash award. It's their only project this year, so do your bit . . .
Native American Pose Rebuked By Mrs. Roosevelt
Mothers Best FLOUR
Pound 29c 2-lbs. 56c
lb. pkg. 23c Bottle 12i/ c
Pkg. 23c
2-oz. Bottle 18c 4-oz. Bottle35c
A eah. c day e; Jewish Jewi •will
Mel) assists Coundj a toaa
TOFICAIi TREATS ;We are informed that a goodlooking blonde from St. Joe, whose first initial Is the same , as her last, is contemplating on Mis enrolling at the University of a piari Illinois this next semester bePierce! cause she has set her cap for a been i young Omahan who is enrolled .during there . . . Amateur entertainers Mis and other time wasters please local note!! The Temple • Sisterhood awarcl is-going to sponsor a "Major Mnsic | Bozzo Amateur Hour" at their studen.
SPROUTS, lb. „.—1 I
IL\* Wisconsin, lb
For the Afternoons That May End in Dinner
35c 2c
GRAPEFRUIT, Texas Seedless, 5 f o r . . _ . - 25c JONQTHAN APPLES, Guaranteed Bushel $1.25 Market Basket — 35c
Idahd Baking POTATOES, 15 lb. doth Bag ~ 2 9 c Snow White CAULIFLOWER, each ....._-..... 15c Pascal CELERY, 5-6 stalks to bundle _ . - . . -20c I tocyWax or Green BEANS, lb.^......^ ^ . - 1 2 ^
• Frocks for street, dressy afternoons, . cocktail types, double-duties, formals. • Kew crepes . . . jacqnards, drlszei, matelacse, satin-back Canton . . . crepe with lame. • Frocks with light tops, tunics, front draped skirts, draped necklines, exciting sleeves, Grecian girdles, boleros, peplums, jackets. '
Third Floor
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1935 contrevene the mind of the Fuehrer at the time. It is then evident •orts that these arrests are not for the violation of the laws of the land "With all of the teams practicbut for holding opinions against ing and the various players getthe accepted views of the party. ting into tip-top shape, the openThe amazing character of these ing senior league games this Sunlegal principles is not yet appreday Trill be well worth •watching. ciated in foreign countries. Very Members of the J. C. C. trill be little has been said about t h i s j By the Service life Insurance admitted free. T h e games -will Penal congress here in America. start at 2:15 at the Center gym. ' Company, Omaha The London papers have b e e n Attend and enjoy an entertaining I more outright in their denunciaBy REV. ARTHUR J. CULLER Owning a life insurance policy afternoon. tion of Nazi justice. The sad factj ^ ~Q±~~l ^e"thiTgs 7haT mute , After a summer in Germany, to find out. A high American of- Christianity) o u t at the s a m e ^^IJL™™51}! l a Promising young person. It is a | Thev senior league pre-season Her. Culler,' a prominent Cleve- ficial told me that the entire pro- time. T h e most blasphemous !U™L students are so complacently ac- j m ^ ^ ' that I P^y iM "?et underway Sunday lls t]ie land minister, sets down his ob- gram its the deliberate and plan- falsehood, however, is that the cepting these ideas and all'their j t e o r s l l e h a st eforesight, can looki"5"111 s i s teams participating in servations of the effect of Nazi ned policy of Hitler's cabinet. Hit- Jews, living at the cross-roads of implications. The Hitler move- ]a n f l p ] a na t e a ( i { o rt ^ e premiums, | the league. They are: A. Z. A. 1, legislation on human rights. ler's b o o t , Mein Kampf, toned the ancient world, intermarried ment among youth is grooming •a n d t ] l 6 y o v m g p e r s o n w ho ]Ooks I Omaha Jobbers, X L's, A. P. T., Rev. Culler is heafl of the down in the English translation, and thus committed the "Sin ofthe young men with the lure of | ^ T s ^valuabTelersoa a n v the Psi Ma and the Ramblers, In aIl Heights Christian C h u r c h , in the German is vitroalic in Its the Blood." To atone for this they class B league which will start position m state and industry in | j instituted human sacrifices of ( i n eo Cleveland. He was f o r some hatred of the Jews. He is a pal ! years dean a n d ' professor of and confidante of Streicher. His which the death of Jesus is the order to win their enthusiastic ' Inasmuch as Insurance is the play Tuesday, four teams have 3few Testament at Hiram Col- only comment on a written report most conspicuous. support. They are told that any-| m o d e r n m e t h o d bj v M c a m e n ! entered. They are: Pants Store, lege.—THE EDITOR. of Mueller's severity on the pasScience Debauched thing the state does is right. The ,ma] _ e t h g ^ ^ , . 3 ^ certain, and ! Omaha Jobber Juniors, A. Z. A. tors was a pencilled note, "MellIn the universities Science has millions of the poor people ;t h e u n e q u a l e q u a l > i t i s t n e m e a n s j 100 and the Jack Sprat Foods. been prostituted with debauched silent "We have long ago become re- er remains." injustice as the Naziwith party is con£uccess 'is alrnost guar. ' Over 41 have entered the hanare being chains of jj by -anteel^^surt^cels^arTchliritv its position for a Ions conciled to the loss o£ our politiSometime before the death of Nazi falsehoods. A whole series solidating shackled it is part business . . . but itj d i c a 2 handball tourney. Play cal rightB," said a tamous Jewish Moses Mendelsohn, the famous of pseudo-sciences are being ele- tenure of dictatorship. is all common sense. Through its starts on NoTember 4 and t h e historian. "Are we now doomed Berlin banker who was president vated to the r a n k of scientific To my mind religious freedom operation the support of the weak schedule "will appear in next Frito lose all human rights?" This oJ the European Chamber of Com- knowledge. Scholars of world in Germany is but one part of the j jg taken care of" by the strong, jda J"' s Press. This tournament is ; was thinking not only of his fel-merce, some influential German renown are being dismissed and j struggle to maintain basic human ja n ^ the -^-eat secure, not by favor \ sponsored to encourage all handlow rabbis b u t of all pastors, j friends asked Hitler to meet him, j their chairs filled with cringing j rights. The immediate task of the jb a t b y right, duly purchased and j bailers because they are all given teachers, authors, a n d liberal | not with the intent of making a Nazis. O n e dismissed professor world is to measure the serious- paid for, the support of the j an equal chance, fellow-thinkers in Germany. The plea for his people but one tosaid to me, "There is nothing left ness of this issue for the "whole strong. • Nazi state makes no distinctions meet a fine and gracious as well but to commit suicide." Truth is structure of human justice and Every insurance policy is a Juniors in both boys and girls in its contempt of human rights. as "world famous Jew. Hitler re- murdered and her naked. corpse freedom will stand or fall as Naz- declaration of i n d e p endence, I swim classes are practicing reguwins or loses this struggle. There is little need of multiply- fused. thrown to the dogs of propagan- ism therefore, every business man ! ll oa rnI ^ i n Preparing for the decath(Copyright, 19S5, Jewish Telegraphic ing the facts. The Associated da. Historical documents are peris a big enough business man I 'which is being sponsored by Likewise with the pastors every Agency, Inc.) Press of Berlin is one of t h e fundamental principle of justice verted, the very name of Luther to give a youth the right kind ofaj tnh de i sJ - c - c - Physical department world's most accurate and alert has been violated. Hundreds of is left out of school histories and opportunity thinks more than he j under the supervision of Al n news agencies. I read nearly two them have been seized in their the verified results of ethnology ILithuania Ousts Only would otherwise of the young per- Oruch, J. C. C. swimming instructhousand dispatches relating to churches or homes or on t h e are distorted into the ravings of Jewish Judge son who has thought enough tor. its treatment of the Jews and the streets and sent to the concentra- "pure Aryan" falsehood. T h e | about life to keep up a life inchurches. Those items in c o l d tion camps to do hard labor. I irony of it is that the Nazis are Kovno—Jeremiah Berman, the j surance policy. print cannot, however, give any personally read the detailed offi- too dull-witted to know how cruel only Jewish judge in Lithuania, j MARK LEON WRiTES idea of the lewd and loathsome cial- dispatches of over a hundred the mental suffering of their vic- has been removed from office by j Lodz—The Lodz Town Council 1 THRIFT - LIFE - FIRE cartoons, or the false and insid- cases. They were imprisoned tims is. order of the ministry of justice, j nominated by the Polish govern-; !n fact, INSURANCE of Every ious propaganda or the insulting without a formal charge, -without How largely these violations of ment last -week annulled the rulType - • Strong Reliable reason was given. signs that meet the Jews at bath- a trial, without information given human rights are the policy of Companies, ONLY The recent decree prohibiting iin& Uy the dissolved anti-Semitic I ing beaches, cafes and social re- to their "wives as to. "where they the German state I realized only cl T t I at l C1 f ° ^ \f o ?I°r £™?L J _ _ *t ll \ were or when they would be re-at the World Penal Congress held he export of gold has seriously | prize sorts. literature could be City Finance & Insurance Co. affected Lithuanian Jewish stuAT 7667 • 140S FARNAM - WA 5150 leased. in Berlin in August. This Con-dents studying abroad because awarded only to an "Aryan." The notorious editor of the "Stuermer," Julius Streicher, is a gress so largely dominated by No Charge, No Trial their parents can no longer send neurotic with a filthy mind and The same thing happened with Germans became a sounding board them funds. sadistic tendencies. To a vast con- newspapermen. T saw the original for the most amazing theories of course- in Berlin hi? shouted in documents of one editor who wasjurisprudence the world has ever strident {ones, "The Jew violates taken to prison and whose wife known. The hand of justice was Ex-Nazi Leader Repudiates your children, ravishes your wife told me personally that when she turned b a c k to primitive times for and sisters, murders your par- inquired where he was and whybut with refinements of cruelty Anti-Semitism ents, steals your prosperity; des- he was put in prison they sen- which even they did not know. Prague—Otto Strasser, one of troys your church a n d infects tenced her to four weeks labor in j The Reichminister of Justice, your race." His regular headline the fields. A letter written by theDr. Gurtner, discarded the fam-he earliest followers of Hitler in is "The Jew is the source of your Minister of Justice in answer to ous legal maxim in "The Declar- he organization of the Nazi parmisfortune." "When I was in Ber-a query by a third party states ation of Rights" that punishment ty, but now a refugee in Czecholin in August he came there to that they have no charge against can only be inflicted for an actslovakia because he opposes Hitorganize a world committee to this man but that he was held by in violation of law and declared er's policies, has announced that carry his "Cold pogrom" against the political authorities for thethat in "Nazism a crime is "any of- he opposes anti-Semitism. Strasser's brother was slain during the Jews to every capital in Eur-good of the state and would be fense against the demands of theHitler's "A Quality Product for Seasoning" blood purge in June, ope and prided himself that he released at such time as they saw national life even when no 1934. law threatens it with punishhad discovered the technique to fit. drive them out of every land on I. met the editor of a former ment." Again, the Nazi state "re- i i! the continent. The Nazi party or- Catholic journal in Budapest. He serves the entire leadership of the ganizations in Danzig, Bohemia, was suddenly placed under "pro- people, and hence also the legisAustria, Holland and the Scan- tective arrest*' and sent to prison lation for the Fuehrer." Speaking dinavian countries are to be thein Munich, No charge was ever of actual decisions he said t h e channels for this insidious cam- made and he has never h a d a Judge "finds both in the Fuehrpaign. . trial. His wife for seeking his er's will and also in the national A Preconceived Policy \" release was also imprisoned. Af- consciousness the bearings from So often I had heard it said ter six months he w a s released which he can obtain the guiding line for his decisions." This nathat the persecution of-both the and left Germany. Jews and the church was not a There is a malicious tie-up be- tional consciousness, "Dr.- Goebbels policy of Hitler but the sport of tween Jews and Christians in thesaid, is at a given moment "the Ms Tinderlings that 1 determined perverted Nazi ideology. Prof. consciousness of the nation as it Hauer calls Jesus "an alien teach- exists in the mind of the Fuehrer" and says, "Why should any er." Magna Charta 'Silly* (Jewish) history be holier than These men poured their bitter Germany history?" "To h a v e Luther or not to have him" casts scorn on democracy and 'liberal' something other than thought ideas of law. They scoffed all individual rights and called the 51,440 homes in Omaha—-every over Dr. Rosenberg's brow. He Magna Charta 'silly.' Under the commends Luther f o r kicking residential electric customer— specious guise of these principles will obtain a saving in their elec- Rome out of Germany but says he Germany justifies spys and agents did only half a job in that he did tric hills when the latest volunprevacateur in times of space, imtary rate reduction goes into ef- n o t kick Jerusalem (Pauline prisons men without charges and fect January 1. without trial or without evidence Announcement of this big vol-Business Causes on the case. Even these acts are untary rate reduction was made not done for supposed crimes but during this week by J. E. DavidTufly to Expand for holding opinions which may son, president of hte Nebraska Although it is only six weeks Power company, in a talk before since Tully, "The Hatter in This the City Council; "The voluntary Tate reduction Man's Town," became the "suitin Omaha follows our policy of er" also, he is already expanding Inspect Your Furnace NOW! furnishing electricity to our cus-in both his suit and coat lines. The nationally advertised line tomers at the lowest possible rates consistent with a high standard of of Ambassador suits which w i l l sell at ?40 and coats for ?27.50 service," said Mr. Davidson. "Electricity has always been are the two' new lines which are cheap in Omaha, but now electric being, added to the $19.50 suit service for all uses in the home and coat line which Tully is now will be cheaper than ever before." carrying. "It is a real satisfaction and a Mr. Davidson explained the rate reduction in the following man- compliment to my store that Come into see radio's latest l l d 'top ' t ' rate is Omahans have forced me to enner: "Our so-called large both the number of lines now 5%c a kilowatt hour This and hear performance to 4% a kkilowatt and the size of the stock on hand •will "be cut to 4%c the short time that I have been hour, giving to this city one ofin the clothing line," stated Mr. which only a, demonstration the lowest electric Tales in Amer- in T. Tully, owner of this popica. This reduction will leave in ularA. store. effect our very low 3c rate for OMAHA can do justice. The new, A. full array of styles and sizes the next block and l % c rate tor Stove Repair Works in both suits and coats is one of the remainder. : greatly improved Magic 1206-03 Douglas. AT 2524 the outstanding features of Tul"To illustrate the savings: The ly's stock. . '..•••• customer who now pays an. avBrain r a d i o s a n d radioerage of ?3 a month will save approximately ?5 per year. The phonographs are here now. customer now paying §1.80 a " month will save an average of $3 They are as startiingly difper year. Either of these savings is almost equal to two months* \ of free electricity. . erent as a streamline train! "This total savings- to the will bring comfort anil economy into your home. It is prehomes of Omaha will bei $230,000 ferred and praised for its performance by hundreds of 9*TUBE MODEL a year. Other savings will go to Take a Year to Pay on tha New Omaha Home Owners. certain commercial and industrial 540-18,000 kcs. Magic Eye! New Magic-Brain! customers and to Council Bluffs C. I. T.-RCA Vieier Fincnce Planl Metal Tubes! Colorband Dial— We Will Install One in and rural customers. Automatic Volume Control, and "The magnitude of this' rate TeYour Home for Only Tone Compensation, etc On!y duction can be seen when- one realizes that over a period of only Bay your RCA Radio now from one of t h e oldest RCA Radio Dealers in -Omaha &n<I five years our customers will have saved more than two and. one-half operate it economically due to your new low e l e c t r i c rates. million dollars in their electric bills. "We are making this reducComplete With Tank tion in electric rates in face of steadily mounting taxes and other On Terms to Suit You—We Invite Tour Inspection expenses because ol the increased use of electricity by our customers. Also, we are confident that our customers will take adOpen Evenings Until 9 F. II. FARNAM ST. AT. 4485 vantage of this reduced rate in making even greater use of electric service in banishing drudgery a&d in making their homes more ' H E W U I F E ' . F O R ANY--. R A P I 0 I_N R C A . I-UB I $ comfortable, happier and more contented places in -whiciv to live.
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the front pages of Arab papers.
^JEWISH PRESS Published every 'Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by \
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - $2.00 Advertising rates furnished on application. Editorial Office: 500 Brandeis Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: ,4504 So. 34th. Street
Olympic Controversy
ity were the imprisoned leaders RABBIS WANT TO BE PROPHmany and we do wish to restrict the part played by the Jews as M A N D A T E S COMMISSION of the opposition parties, h&ng- ETS . . . And could have added— guests in our country." A G A I N REJECTS PETITION hof relates how upon the arrival most of them believe they are. At first blush, it seems that the madmen of Germany have By Dr. Theodore N. of Fritz Ebert, son ot the late JERSEY CITY RABBI DE- FOR JEWISH STATE IN PALESReichs president, and three colMANDS JEWS VIOLATING BOY- TINE . . . How many times must become even madder. This "directive" blows hot and cold at the Rabbi, Mount Sinai Temple, leagues, all Social Democrats, the COTT BE DRIVEN OUT OF gignor Jabotinsky get slapped to Sioux City same time, in reference to the repeated doctrines enunciated by former was given a lath and or-JEWISH LIFE . . . Some cities stay put? (Copyright. 1035, by Seven Arts the, Hitlerites. But analysis shows the purpose. The Nazis—from dered to beat bis comrades with would turn into cities without Feature Syndicate) RUBBER TRUNCHEON whom he was pushing a lorry. j Jews over night. the first momeat they started to gain poweiv-were willing to find By Wolfgang Langhof, with Ebert, courageously f l u n g the 5,583 JEWISH IMMIGRANTS any scapegoat or to sacrifice anything in order to gain a stronger a forewartl by Lion Feuctat- lath at the S. S.' guards' feet and | ENTERED TO REVIEW BOOK U. S. IN FIRST NINE foothold.. Their racial policy served as a smoke screen behind wanger. E. P. Button & Co. said: "I am willing to do the MONTHS OF IS35 . . . Nothing to 319 Pages. $2.50. work of my three comrades as Rabbi Frederick Cohn will rewhich they could mold .Germany to their wishes, Now, they have This is an. incredible, and nec- well as my own, but I won't beat boast about. view Bess Streeter Aldrich's latEUROPE colonial dreams and aspirations. They look forward to the day essary story of thirteen months them." 10,000 JEWS FOUND WORK- ! est novel, "Spring Came on Forof torture in a Nazi concentration when they can wield a terrific influence: in the Near and Middle camp. Langhof was released on the ING IN ORT COLONIES A N D | ever," at the First Christian The publishers do not exEast as well as in Africa. Hence, they about face in their rcaial aggerate when they call it "sear- of March, 1934, with as lit-WORKSHOPS IN THE SOVIET Church Tuesday, November S, at tle explanation as he was arrested. UNION . . . That is constructive 8 p. m. policy. They are no longer anti-Semitic. That would be to an- ing and unbelievable." Nazi cruelty and persecution, relief. Wolfgang Langhof, the author, tagonize people whp may later be useful. Besides, there is however, pursued him even outN A Z I S RENAME STEAMER First Dmg Factory a Christian (Aryan) was born in side prison walls. No theater in ALBERT BALLIN BECAUSE IT | Jerusalem •— The first factory important trade with the Jewish firms in Palestine, not to men- 1901, near Berlin, and lived at Reich would engage him be-WAS NAMED FOR JEW . . . But tion Jewish institutions in all parts of the world. So the Nazis the time of his arrest at Dussel- the cause the government authorities history will have to admit that I specializing in the manufacture suddenly find it convenient to abandon their anti-Semitism and re- dorf, where he was a leading ac- refused him admission into the the late Albert Ballin built the ! of pharmaceutical products has tor. On the night of February been opened here. strict their antj-Jewishness, Why, you might ask, do they then 28, 1933, the secret police in- State Cultural Chamber. His de-German Commercial fleet. cision to go to Switzerland was LONDON HEARS ETHIOPIAN continue to- wreak hayoc with the Jews in Germany, who con- vaded his home, and after a rigor- temporarily blocked when he was OFFER OF SITE FOR GERMAN.- r NICE large room for young ous and none too polite search of tribute only nine-tenths of one, per cent of the population? The the premises took him to prison. denied a passport. With nothing JEWISH REFUGEE C O L O N Y couple or for single person. answer is two-fold: They are too deeply enmeshed in their Jewish Innocent of any wrongdoing, even but starvation ahead, Langhof WAS REJECTED BY JEWISH All conveniences. Call AT. risked crossing the border illegel- LEADERS . . . Does L o n d o n 4530. program to safely withdraw. The Jews there serve as the per- of open anti-Hitler activity, and ly, with the help of loyal friends. blame the leaders? knowing his constitutional rights, fect scapegoat with which to fan public opinion away from the Langhof expected speedy release, Only on Swiss soil was he beyond RUSSIAN SCIENTISTS' EXreal dangers. And the Jews in Germany are not only utterly de- with an apology, and even com- the reach of Nazi fury and op-PERIMENTS BLAST THEORY pression. INFERIOR RACES . . . Look- RABBI Z, EARBAKOW fenseless but some of them sjtill have some property or money pensation for false arrest. Surely, Why does Langhof write a OF ing at t h e Ge-man Nazis, we he thought, a mistake must have story that must bring discredit to which the Nazis can confiscate. . . Slohcl Specialist doubt this blast. been made and will be speedily
Whether or not America should send a team to the Olympics scheduled for Berlin next year has become a national issue, with . opponents to participation waging an uphill but determined battle to win in a game in which the cards are stacked against them. Charges and counter-charges have thrown a mist around the controversy, beclouding the real issues at stake. General Charles H. Sherrill, the American member of the International Olympics committee, returns from Europe with the statement that an antiSemitic drive that "won't stop for twenty years".is in prospect • for American Jews if they do not stop agitating against American • participation in the Berlin games. Avery Brundage, chairman his native and beloved land? The PALESTINE Reeonimenrted tiy M»n> Doctor* remedied. Resilience Phone WEbit« K i t " o f the American Olympic Committee, brands the opponents of closing paragraph of the book is ARABS CALL NATION-WIDE Instead of gaining freedom, his answer. "Because what is Business Pliant WEbitir 14(6 STRIKE TO PROTEST ALLEGparticipation as communists and meddling politicians, and issues Langhof was put under 'preven- happening now in Germany Is not S422 N. 20th St., Om»h«, Neb. ED JEWISH ARMS SMUGGLING a warning which in no way credits him. Throughout all of the On this day, November 1, six hundred and forty-five years tive arrest,' a eupheumism for truly German, or at least only . . . These strikes only spread on denunciations of the pro-Olympic spokesmen runs the vein that ago, some 16,000 Jews left England, driven out through the big- arbitrary imprisonment without part of it, the ugliest part. Those specific charge, without trial, and speak today of their love for , this is a "Jewish agitation." otry of these in control of the country. These sons and daughters without definite sentence. Though who the Fatherland, of German vir; • ; • It so happens that this is not a Jewish agitation. It is not a of Israel comprised the whole of the Anglo-Jewish community ex- free from any and all crime, ori tues and German character, and even petty wrongdoing, he found who in their fight use murder, question of Jewishness or Catholicism; it is a question of Amer- cept perhaps for a few stray individuals who managed to conceal himself outside the law at the and all the dark forces icanism. In the realm of sport, America has always stood for fair themselves under the guise of Christianity. For three hundred absolute mercy of cruel guards, treachery, of barbarism as weapons are not play. The Olympics is tho. greatest international athletic meet, and sixty-five years, officially there were no Jews in England, and whose task it was by beating, justified in calling themselves the and abuse to de-humanize best sons of my country. Time and it would be a mockery of the traditional American sense of it was not until the time of Manasseh ben Israel that the residence torture their innocent victims till they will prove it." : sportsmanship and athletic squareness to be part of an interna- of Jews in England was recognized. lost every shred of human dignity The volume Is, of course, suptional sport competition where the hosts violate every thought of The eviction of the Jewish people from England near the close and self-respect. p r e s s e d throughout Germany, "In the Bunker," is one of the where even mild criticism of the fairness and equality of opportunity to athletes. Judge Jeremiah of the thirteenth century was not a sudden occurrence. It had most gruesome tales of sadistic T. Mahoney, president of the Amateur Athletic Union, is the lead- been in the offing for a long time. Prior to that the Jewish fin- torture ever penned by an out-dictatorship, verbal or written, is severely punished. The masses er of the opponents to American participation, and his protest ancier had been an essential to the country's economics. He had raged soul. The chapter relates in Germany do not know and have •i has been given approval not only by Jewish bodies by by hundreds been most productive for the kings. The Jews were classed as the author's prison "examination" no means of learning what the lasting hours and consisting of ' "of Catholic and Protestant organizations in meeting assembled. the property of the monarchs, and as the kings wanted more and nothing but blows, punches, beat- Hitler regime is doing to their best and noblest men and women. Also, .already ten regional associations of the A. A. U. have al- more money they brought more and more pressure upon the ings and kicks at the hands of However, for citizens of free ' ready instructed'their delegates to the national A. A. U. con-Jews to keep them supplied with funds. Such pressure could seven S. S. guards "who ceased lands, no excuse exists for retheir murderous a s s a u l t only maining Ignorance of, or indiftention, to be held in December, to vote against sending an Am- have only one end'— the Jewish bahkera themselves became im- when their helpless victim lapsed to, the methods, aims and trerican team. Outstanding civic, religious and athletic figures in poverished. And the Icings, no longer having any material gain into a state of semi-consciousness. ferent so-called "ideals" of Nazism. ""American life, representing all races and creeds in every walk of from their Jewish subjects, refused them the protection which Despite the heroic efforts of "Rubber Truncheon" deserves a "Thmniu to The 'wife to procure his release, large hearing. This damning, Ntbrawka, nil el "life, have publicly denounced the Nazi violation of the spirit of had once been prof erred. With religious intolerance and bias his Langhof was ordered to the Bor- trustworthy and convincing evimy Shirts are athletics and have demanded that America stay out of the Olym- in the ascendary and the support of the rulers cut away, the gemoor Concentration Camp, near dence of H i t l e r gangsterism MoBozummed" Papenberg, where the process of should be disseminated far and pics unless the scene is changed from Berlin. Jews had no one to whom they could turn. And, to top things dehumanization and degradation These people protest in the name of fair sport. The Amer- off, they were ousted from the general economy of the country at the hands of brutal and sadis- wide. ican Olympic Committee pledged not to accept Germany's invit- by the influx of the Lombards-and other European financiers tic guards-—whose main business, the author testifies from personal ation if discrimination were proved. Yet the committee is obliv- who had come to England with money to lend. Thus, it came about observation was, is, and even will ious to the proof offered. Mahoney prepared a full and complete that on the 18th day of July, 1920, the Jewish expulsion from the be drinking—continued with refined and ingenious savagery, report on-Nazi discriminations; yet the report was not even country was decreed, and on November 1 they left the realm. ##«• t O *••* making the lives of hundreds of studied by the committee. The A. A. U. convention in December Six hundred and forty-five years is a long time. Much hist- defenseless and innocent and obis to decide whether or not American athletes under its jurisdiction ory has-been written and erased in that time. But it is a solace scure prisoners a living hell. shall participate in the Olympics. " Yet the Olympics Committee and a comfort tb; the people of Israel that in their present dark On November 29, Langhof was ; high-handedly and wantonly arranged ship bookings for the hour they can look back on the anniversary of their expulsion transferred to, Lichtenburg CasBy ROBERT STONE tle, another concentration camp ': athletes without waiting for. the decision and announces un- from England and know that in no other country today equals where the same system of "eduXORTH AMERICA equivocally that the United.States will participate. And, as proof the tolerance and liberality of England. cation" and "training" in German GENERAL SHERRILL WARNS citizenship" continued with rigor, T H A T AGITATION AGAINST of the non-discrimination of the Nazis, Sherrill self-satisfiedly ferocity and inhumaniyt. OLYMPIC GAMES WILL CAUSE points out to the fact that he personally got Hitler and Sports Concerning the chapter entitled, ANTI-SEMITIC WAVE IN UNITCommissar von Tschammer und Osten to send invitations for "Hut Eleven," Langhot writes: ED STATES . . . Participation in No matter how deep the cloud, a ray of sunshine will event- "Never in all my life, never shall the Olympics means surrender to two German Jews to represent Germany. If there was no disHut XI. Always I shall anti-Semitism. crimination, why was it necessary for Sherrill to get Nazis to give ually permeate through. The situation of the Polish Jewry has Iseeforget them before me, the sad com- DEATH KNELL OF RACKETlooked black indeed, but for the first time in months the Jewish pany of the arrested men, when EERING IN KOSHER POULTRY the invitations? in the mornings or nights they INDUSTRY SOUNDED AS FEDIn line with this, we do not doubt for a moment that the leaders there look to the future with a semblance of hope. led to the latrine, one be-ERAL GOVERNMENT ORDERS The cause is the attitude .of the new Prime Minister Koscial- were Sherrills and Brundages of this country will make capital out of hind the other . . , their beaten- POULTRY DEALERS LICENSED the fact that Helene Mayer, the German Jewish fencing star who kowski. In the cabinet shakeup which brought Koscialkowski to up faces paralyzed, masks of . . . It took the City of the G-Men hobbling and limping, or— to clean up this age-old mess. fled Germany and how teaches in Los Angeles, has accepted the the helm, a trend is seen away from the Nazi-Polish alliance. The stone, if one ot them had tried to end HEBREW UNION COLLEGE new regime seems definitely pro-French and in favor of steering German invitation to represent Germany (one of the invitations his suffering by cutting his ar-PRESIDENT SAYS TOO MANY Sherrill referred to). Mias Mayer holds the indoor and outdoor clear of the Hitlerite influence. Also, the new premier has long tery—with his arm tied right up. shall I forget that these fencing championships of America. Before we condemn her ac-been known for his liberatness in viewpoint and is not tainted with Never happenings were no i s o l a t e d prejudiced bias. tion too quickly, let us refer to her words uttered in an interview events, no temporary measures, When the Polish prime minister outlined the government's but an institution, deliberately in April, 1934, when she said: "You must realize that I cannot created and carried on with full say anything of what has happened to me in Germany aside from program before the Sejm last week, he pledged equality for all,knowledge With by those In high auemphasizing that the principle of Justice and equality of treatthe fact that I have been expelled from the Offenbach Fencing thority. Never shall I forget it." Double Club. What I would tell you would be printed in your paper and ment for all must be carried out by all branches of the govern- Singled out for extreme brutalSatisfaction Unusual Quality Manhattan ; would be seen by German eyes. I'have a brother in Germany who ment. qu&llty; he who understands with When Simons tailors We have heard such lip-service to the principle of justice difficulty and forgets quickly his White and Solid Color Broadcloth Shirt* might suffer the consequences." I t is easy to believe that for the your furs you select and equality before. But we can hope that this time it is more is a bod quality. the skins, the style same reason Miss Mayer accepted the Reich bid. with Manhaitanhed Collar* and see the coat in There are four kinds of charity than lip-service and will result in concrete alleviation of a desThere is a fifty-fifty chance that the A. A. U. convention will the making) double dispositions. He who desires to assurance of getting go on record as opposed to sending an American team to Berlin. perate situation for the three million Jewish people living in give but that others should not Just what you want, Poland. give his eye is evil what apertaing Unless the Sherrills and Brundages warp the American consciousand the prices are to others; he who desires that very attractive, too. ness through malicious threats and outright falsifications, the stands and quickly forgets his others should give, but will not American spirit of fair play and squareness in sports must assert gain disappears in his loss; he giro himself hia eye Is evil GEMS OF THE BIBLE who itself in refusing certification by the A. A. U. understands with difficulty against what is his own; he who
English Cycle
Footnotes Headlines
Polish Ray of Hope
: Educational Tonic
The civic, educational and communal stimulation derived from . the Community Forum program under-the sponsorship of the - Jewish Community Center is an annual tonic to the lecture-health of the city. This year is no exception, for under the chairmanship of Harry B. Cohen an outstanding program has been arranged which brings to the Community Center rostrum such notables as Emil Ludwig, John Haynes Holmes, Josephine Roche, Norman Hapgood, "and Dr. Adolph Adler. • These five splendid speakers supply a well-balanced, nutrtt tious forum diet. The Forum serves a highly-useful purpose by presenting to the public a varied picture of current problems, » with experts leading the discussions. Those who have heard the previous forum programs .will want to attend1 again. Those who have not heard them previously will enjoy a treat by buying tickets for this year's* lecture series.
and to whom is hard to forget his loss disappears in his gain; he who understands quickly and forgets with difficulty his is a good
What knowest thou that we know not? What understandeth thou that is, not in us? With us are both the gray-headed and very aged men, much older than thy father. What is man that he should be clean? ' And he that is born of a woman that he s h o u l d be righteous? Shall windy -words have an end? Or what provbketh thee that, thou answered?-— I could speak as ye do if your soul •were in my soul's , Btead, I could join words together against you and Shake my head at you. O, earth, cover not thou my blood, and let my cry have np resting place. TAIMCB There are four kinds of tempers, he "whom it Is easy to pro- Here is a quotation from a "directive" to- the German press, voke and easy to pacify MB loss disappears in his gain; he whom isoued by the Nazi "Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propa- it is hard to provoke and hard to ganda" : pacify his gain disappears in his "The attention of the German press is drawn to the fact that loss; he whom it is hard to provoke and easy to pacify is a saint; the National Socialist movement may be called anti-Semitic no lie whom it Is easy to provoke longer, but only anti-Jewish. We have nothing against the Arabs and hard to pacify is a wicked and other Semitic peoples, not even against the Jews in Palestine. man. There ara four qualities In But we are opposed ,to the international Jewish influence in Ger- discipes. He who quickly under-
Transparent Designs
gives and wishes others to give is a eaint; he who will.not give and does not want others to give is a wicked man.
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They're typical Nebraska quality . . . They're made by Manhattan of celebrated Manhattan broadcloth — and the collars are Manhattaniied, which means the last word in no-wilt collar construction. The monograms give tone and distinction—they're monogrammed The Nebraska way by our own expert, who specialized in fine workmanship. r—Monograms
in 'Any Color
FREE—Any Shirts Ym Select fnm Tim Nebraska'. Vest Shewing Will B* Free SEE OOR WTND0WI TODAT
*" Vaad Auxiliary
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Winokur of Chicago announce t n e marriage of their daughter, Rebecca, to Hyman Glller, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Glller of this city. The ding took place Sunday, October 27, in Chicago. -After a honeymoon in the east the couple will reside in Omaha.
TO DENTA1 CONVENTION Dr. and Mrs. Mr I. Gordon will leave tonight to attend the National convention of the American Dental Association at N e w Orleans, November 4 to 8. From there they -will take a short trip to Havana before returning home about November 15.
There will be a meeting of the
Head of Pi Tan r i
Vaad Auxiliary Tuesday, Novem-1 Sigma Rho chapter of Pi Tau ber 5, at the B'nai Israel syrta- JPi fraternity recently initiated gogue at 2 p. m. Members of the j four new members into the orAuxiliary will honor Mrs. H. A. j ganization. New members are Berger at a tea after the meet- ; Lazar Kaplan, Harold Sachs, ing. • Melvin Berkowitz, and Jack NewMrs. Charles Fellman, program man. chairman, has arranged an interA banquet in honor of the new esting program. Miss Elaine Lag- initiates was h e l d at the Hotel man will give several recitations Paxton. and Miss Shirley Fiedler will play Lester Burkenroad was selected a number of violin selections ac- to serve as president of the orcompanied at the piano by her ganization for the remainder of sister, Marian. the year.
A.Z.A. 1
Alpha Gamma Chi
A. Z. A. 100
The first Hadassah Sabbath Mrs. John Faier and her group will meet Saturday, Novem- chairman, Mrs. Henry B ber 2, at the home of Mrs. Her- %TP entertaining1 member* of tTmlT man Cohen. 101 So. 53 street. Bake Sale committee at the Trninif Rabbi David A. Goldstein will ad- of Mrs. Faier today, November V.,. dress the group on "Men Who I The, sale takes place Novf-rohat Made the Balfour Declaration £0 at the Brandeis Store, but ar.— Possible." Mrs. Ben handler "will | one wishing special orders up •*•"" discuss current events. Mrs. J. : that time may hare them lay .".(.i.1Rosenberg is chairman. All mem- jing either of these two. berg and their friends are cor- i dially invited to attend. A desThe cultural program of t i- * sert-luncheon will be served pre- Auxiliary began last ceding the meeting. when over sixty women n.t she home of Mrs. Dave P5 Mrs. Phineas "Wintroub, niem- ruan to hear Rabbi Goldstein : bership chairman, reports S3 new course on the Bible. Mrs, ivi. I members. The goal of tne local Lpvenson gave current events. • chapter is 00 new members. The next O n t f Shabbor take place November 9 et i J-. t A large attendance marked the home of ViTH, Harry Trus opening meeting of t h e Omaha where the first talk in the RS cbapter of Hadassah vrlnrh v a s of "Great Women in Jewish K facheld Wednesday, October "0, at tory" will take place. the J. C. C. Rabbi Harol" Berger gave an interesting: telk on Zion: ism. Mrs. David Goldstein spoke Ladles Auxiliary ©f ; on the Zionist Congress. Tea was Congregation ©f brae! • served by Mrs. Sam Theodore iind ! her committee. All members of the Ladles .Auxiliary of the Congregation of lrThe cultural group of the Senior Hadassah will hold their first' rae.l are urged to Rttend e, :w meeting Tuesday, November E, at . important meeting: to be h « /> the home of Mrs. I. Sokolof, 7 5 5 : Monday. November 4, at 2 p. TU, No. ESth St. Mrs. Irvin Levin will , in the assembly room of the cyragofrue. £5th and J street*. be co-hostess.
The Alpha Gamma Chi sorority The initiation of a new class t of members of the Mother chap—j of the Omaha University won first ter took place at the annual In-' place for the best float in the ternational A. Z. A. day program \ homecomiqg parade last Friday. held in the vestry room of Temple ; Evelyn Dansky, dressed as En InGUEST HERE Israel last Sunday afternoon. | dian, stood on the float. A banUPFTECH-IOLEIN Mr. and Mrs. L. Katzman have Irving Levitas of Kansas City : ner was presented at the homeTSNGAGEMENT as their guest Miss Nettie Malawas the guest speaker at the ob- jcoming banquet Friday evening. Mrs. Max Klein of Los Angeles, koff, a cousin of Seattle, Wash. servance. * j The committee in charge included formerly of Omaha, announces Miss Malakoff is enroute to New Fannie Witkin, chairman, and EIt h e engagement of her daughter,- York where she will remain for Ernest Nogg, Aleph Godol of j labelle Korney, Rose Fisher, Berthe chapter, inducted the new \tha Slutzky and Sylvia Silverman. Bosella, to Mr. Sidney Lipfitch of an Indefinite stay. She will be class which includes Joe HohaLos Angeles. here a week. Rose Kirshenbaum was elected j stein, Joe Harris, Albert Gilvert, Mrs. Klein recently announced and Alex Lipsman. A new cere- j captain of the soccer team. Berthe engagement of another daughRETURNING TO OMAHA monial, never used before, was \tha Slutzky has been elected viceter, Dorothy- The t wsoartest Mrs. Uri Miller used to initiate the group. j president of Feathers, pep organter, Dorothy. The two sisters will . Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fiedler, —-World-Herald Photo. ization of which Rose Fisher and Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky. probably bo married about t h e who have been in New York since i The marriage of Rose Shafer, The next meeting of the moth- j their marriage October 20, a r e daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Shaf- er chapter will be held next Sun- jEllabelle Korney are also memtint of the year. 'President of Local Council of expected back in Omaha n e x t er, to Rabbi Uri Miller, son of day afternoon at the J. C. C. All jbers. Rabbi Frederick C o h n will . Jewish Women Rose Fisher, Bertha Slutzky SHAPXN-GOLDBEBG WEDDING week. talk on "Why I Am What 1 Am."! Rev. and Mrs. Sam Miller of Chi- members must be present. An! JR. YAAD GLEE CUJB cago, took place Sunday, October interesting program has been ar- and Rose Kirshenbaum are serv»- Invitations have been received The Council of Jewish Women Mrs. Oscar Belzer will review cur- \ ing at the reception in honor of ' 27, at the B'nai Israel synagogue, ranged for. here of the approaching marriage RETURNS TO CHEYENNE The pie* rlub of the opened its year at the Commu- rent events. President Haynes this evening. Miss Irene Stark of Cheyenne, j at 3 o'clock. Rabbis J. Greenberg of Mlaa Reva Goldberg of Chicanity Center Monday with 125 wo- Mrs. David Krantz is chairman Vaad Auxiliary will meet: T go, formerly of Council Bluffs, to Wyo., left for her home after va-1 a n d H. Rubenstein of Chicago men in attendance, SS of them of this group. Mr?. M. F, Leven- ; evening, November h, at. *»:?'•. »•• son is sponsor. \ the B'nai Israel Kyn&pogue, x'ii Mr, Milton J. Shapin of Chicago, cationing here with Mr. and Mrs. performed the ceremony. new members, who were presentWhich will take place on Sunday Abe Cohen for the l a s t three girle interested in the glee f,'i > At the last meeting of the CenMrs. Leon Mendelson served as ed by the president, Mrs. Manuel evening, November third, at the weeks. may join at this meeting. matron of honor and Rabbi Os- tury chapter of the A. Z. A. Aleph Grodinsky. Chicago Beach hotel In Chicago. car Fosman of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Godol, Nathan Crounse made the Mrs. Fred Levey, 26, of HolMiss Goldberg is a sister of Mrs. BUNCO PARTY The council voted i t s annual announcement of an anniversary was best man. stein, la., formerly of Green Bay, " Sau Suvalsky of Council Bluffs. banquet. A committee composed Wise, died "Wednesday, October contribution to the Community Mrs. Sam Hornstein entertainIT WILL FAY TQU has been received here : The Misses Fannie and Muriel Chest and made plans to assist of Word ed 16 couples at a bunco party Miller, sisters of the groom, were of Jay Welsman, chairman, and 30, in an Omaha hospital. To Consult the death of Mrs. Eugene Poll, BAB MITZVAH at her home Thursday evening, bridesmaids and Philip Miller, Ben Wintroub, Herbert Forbes, She is survived by her husband, in the "sale of seals for the Ne- 48, of Chicago, formerly Minnie . s r » f lI CEIA#*IT»C Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eisenstatt October 24, in honor of h e r brother of the groom, and George Joe Guss, and advisors Loyal Kap- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barney braska Tuberculosis association. HirBchinan of Omaha. lan and Dr. I. Dansky will make announce the Bar Mitavah of their daughter, Dorothy, whose birth- Shafer, brother of the bride, were When bujrta Mrs. Roy Jones, presenting Miller, and two sisters, of Green Mrs. Poll is survived by h e r plans for celebrating the seventh Bay. son, Philip, Saturday morning, day occurred on that date. Prizes groomsmen. Payne's "These Changing Years," husband, DIAMONDS one daughter, Florence anniversary of the chapter with November 2, at the Beth-El syna- were won by Morris Lagman, Funeral services will be held appeared for her review first in and one son. Harry Fred': t w o 1 WEDDING KINGS Mr. I r v i n g Miller, another a garlanded o f f-t h e-Ehoulder brothers, Harry Hirsehman of i gogue. Jeannette Singer and Morris Rud- brother of the groom, sang ac- a banauet to be held Tuesday, this morning in Green Bay. WATCHES - SBLVEBWAEI gown of long ago, then In a mode erman. The guests spent the eve- companied at the piano by"~Mrs. November 5, at 6:30, at the Mary Omaha and Al HirBchman of .San- GE5 GIFT /iEWELET Stein cafe. All alumni of the WEDDING ANNIVERSARY of the late nineteenth century and tedro, Cal.; and one sister, MrB. ning In dancing after the games Al Finkel and at the violin by chapter and Ben Brlths are corfinally in a current fashion. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Shafer were over. Leo Marks. Morris Cohn of Chicago. dially invited to attend. An exThe Junior Council of Jewish were surprised by a group of relThe bride's gown was of egg- ceptionally fine program has been women will meet at the Paxton Mrs. Poll w a s a niece of D. atives with a party at their home SLUMBER PARTY shell velvet made with full sleeves arranged. Reservations may be Hotel Monday, November I, 8 Jewish. Press advertisers merit Blumenthal a n d Louis Blumen- , October 24 on the occasion of Miss Lena Zollotuchen held a tapering over the wrist. Her veil a|j|Hjn^^^SK| your patronage. thai of Omaha. their fifteenth wedding anniver- slumber party at her home Sat- was of tulle, also egg-shell, fin- made by calling Nathan Crounse, p. m. JA 2982. sary. urday evening for five girls. The ger-tip length. She carried calla The next meeting of the chapMr. and Mrs, J. Kanofsky and guests w e r e the Misses Louise lillies. « j ter will be held at the J. C. C. j daughter, Annette, of Sioux City, Saylan, Anne Pollay, Frances A dinner for relatives and outwere out-of-town guests. Rubin, Shirley Cohn and Eleanor of-town guests was held at the. Sunday, November 3, after which Aleph Sam Kaplan, cultural comCohen. Jewish Community Center at five mittee chairman, will present ft TO CHICAGO o'clock. new Jewish March of Time. Mrs. David M. Newman l e f t CORNHUSKER FROLIC The couple left immediately afyesterday for Chicago where she The Lincoln chapter of Junior will viBlt for ten days. Mrs. New- Hadassah and tl Lincoln A. Z. ter the dinner. They will motor man will stop at Milwaukee be- A. chapter-No. 3 \ r e jointly spon- to St. Louis and Memphis, Tenn., fore returning home. Boring the Cornhusker Frolic to before going to New Orleans, be held at the Cornhusker Hotel where they will make their home. Mrs. Lena "White, widow of A. in the Ballroom, Saturday, No- Rabbi Miller is head of the Beth DRAWING .HELD "White, who died abDut five years vember 2. Everyone is cordially Israel Congregation there. The table lamp drawing held at ago, passed away h e r e Sunday, the home of Mrs. W. Kuklin, Oc- invited to attend. morning. The funeral was held tober 23, was won" by~Dr. R. J. Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock Yeehout. Proceeds of the drawPostpone Tea from the Jewish Funeral Home. ing are for the benefit of a poor The Omaha chapter of t h e Interment was at Golden Hill family here. The second annual membership Junior Hadassah is completing artea of the Junior Vaad Auxiliary rangements f o r t h e a.nnualj Survivors _ _are . three . daughters: _. . which was to be held Sunday af- Thanksgiving Dance to be held at r ^ l ' ternoon, November 3, at the home the Fontenelle Hotel, November! Mrs ? ^ * £ » « ^ i * * r field, and Ma'i^orie White and one of Mrs. Ii. Neveleff, sponsor of;28. Miss Kalan Franklin, general Is o n > H a r r y W h l t e . the group, has been indefinitely By Mrs. Davia ML Newman chairman, has announced that a ! ~~~"~"""~~~•~—~~~^—~— postponed. prize will be awarded to the mem-! ket chairman, announced a simiJewish Press advertisers merit ber bringing in the most money lar prize for the member Belling Whipped Cream Cake i for ads, and Miss Ann Hahn, tic- the most tickets. Take Vs, pint whipped cream, your patronage, 1 eggB, 1 cup sugar 1% cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, y^ teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon lemon. Whip the cream until very stiff, drop in whole eggB one at a time, and Btir easily. Sift sugar 3 times and fold in. Sift flour, salt and baking powder 4 times and fold. Add flavoring. Bake in layer pans 400 degrees 20 to 35 minutes depending on the size of pan. When cool put together with Orange Cream frosting; USB juice and rind of 1 orange, 2 tablespoons flour, % cup sugar, 2 egg yolks or 1 egg. Mix all ingredients together ex• • a cept the cream. Cook in double boiler until thick. When cold fold the mixture into the whipped cream. ..
mmB M B H
Jr. Council
Jr. Hadassah
Kitchen Clials
WEB. 3720
1619 No. 24
Huffy Orange Omelet TJae 2 tablespoons butter, 4 eggs, 1-3 teaspoon salt, % teaspoon pepper, 3 tablespoons hot orange juice. Separate yolks and whites of eggs. Beat yolks until lemon colored and add hot orange Juice. Continue, beating. Beat whites, add salt and pepper and fold the two mixtures together. PJace in a plain omelet pan and set over^ low flame until omelet has crusted lightly. Place in oven at 325 degrees for 20 mlnuteB. Bemove and serve at once.
Grade Enamels. S3.00 sal SFAR VAIWJISH. $1.30 Gallon
Omaha Jobbing CompjiuY Mr No. 15
Roller Skating Open Every Night (Except Monday) Special and Private Parties can be arranged on Monday Nlghtt Retrclar Admission Includes Admission to the Park. RinK, Checking and Skates
Krug Park
An Open Letter ** To the Jewish People of Omaha — For twenty-nine years, we have been in the KosHer Meat business. During this long period of time, it has been our good fortune to develop a large clientele whom we have served with the Highest Quality meats the market afforded. To this Clientele, we want to say that we have at all times sold our meats at fair and reasonable prices and pledge ourselves to you, that when fine meats from a sanitary Butcher Shop rendering excellent service can be sold at lower prices, that we will quote those prices. We thank you for your confidence in the past and solicit your good will for the future.
J* Shukert
giving jou assurance of finest quality and -ralue in
HOLEPROOF HOSIERY • . . now made both Sheerer and Stronger .. .... with $250,000 of improvemenis! This answers all questions as to what brand of hosiery tut isjy. Good Housekeeping experts have retried that for you. See what they say above. After months of tests—combining sH that their laboratory could discover with all that a itwear squad" of active young women could prove—they authorize us to place their Guarantee of Quality o a Holeproof Hosiery! Come and see this
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siery. Made both sheerer and stronger through new methods developed by Holeproof! With, improvements that cost Holeproof $250,000 but cost YOU not one cent extra! See these 10 features of superiority at our Holeproof counter . . . and you'll want at least a half dozen pairs. Beautiful shadowless chiffons and light service weights are shown in all the new shades $ O 8 S at this modest price. Betides the Goocl HeuM&MpbiC guaranty,, Hskpveof Hosier also bears the esveted teal «f approval of the Better Fabrics Testing Bureau, k is the cmlf
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ARMED MIGHT IN A CRISIS—A co.r.panr of the armed Heimwehr from lower Austria, who are commanded by Prince Ernst von Starhemberg. as they marched through the streets of Vienna durin* the recent military coup. Their appearance strengthened the position taken by the Prince as virtual dictator of Austria after the purge of the Cabinet and the ousting of Minister Emil Fey. ; ^y.\,'.
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VICTIMS—An air view showing two victims of the September hurricanes that were pounded and battered on Southern reefs In the foreground, shown at the docks of a shipyard in the Erie Basin, Brooklyn, N. Y., is the Holland liner Rotterdam, that went aground off Kingston, Jamaica. Behind her is the Dixie, held fast for a time on a Florida coral reef. Both ships are undergoing repairs and reconditioning
EN BRIDAL GAKB—Charming Marie Mclntyre, daughter ot Colonel Mania Mclntyre, secretary to President Roosevelt, preparing for her wedding in Washington to Frederick Warren, posed for photographers in her bridal gown, as above. The wedding was expected to be a high social event.
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DUTCH SCIICLTZ' 1VIOTHER—A tragic picture of Mrs. Emma Neu Flegenheimer, mother of Dutch Schultz, 33-year-old racketeer slam in Nev-aik. N. J., as she vcs assisted at a Newark hospital p.tei being told that her son vas dead. She •was spoken of as a patient, I;aid-TT orkmg T"oman v ro did her utmost to tram her son for some respectable tiade.
LEADING LADY—Her name is Darla Hood and she's only 4 years old. But already she is a leading lady. She Is shown in Los Angeles just after the^ Superior Court of California' approved her contract to appear as the feminine star of a juvenile film comedy group. She is a blonde, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hood and her father is a banker in Leedey, Okla. She will receive a salary of $75 to $^50 a week.
BRIDESMAIDS—Clare Phipps, left, 15-year-old daughter of Lady Sybil Phipps of London, and, right, Ann Hawkins, young daughter of Commander Geoffrey and Lady Margaret Hawkins, who will be bridesmaids at the wedding of their aunt, Lady Alice Scott, to the Duke of Gloucester, son of King George and Queen Mary. The wedding is set for Nov. 6 in Westminster Abbey.
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1GAINST THE INVADERS—Preparing to repulse Italian invasion ly the air, here are Ethiopian gunners practicing with an antilircraft gun in Addis Ababa. The Ethiopian capital lies in an earth depression and enemy planes overhead would probably be within reach of fire from such guns.
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RADIO MEN IN ETHIOPIA—Here are the four radio men sent to Adfiis Ababa by the Navy Department to set up and have charge of the radio station there requested by the State Department of the United States. Upper left, John L. Cauthen, 28, Auburn, Ala.; upper right, John W. Anslow, SS, Medford, Mass.; lower left, Cecil F Cavanausrh. 27, Philadelphia, and. lower right, Walter E. Tanner, 31, chief, New London, Conn. The station is at the American Legation.
ANTARCTIC—Lincoln Ellsworth, chief of the Ellsworth-AransA n t a r c t i c flight expedition, standing beside his airplane Polar Star, just before he left Montevideo on the first leg of his trip to the Weddell Sea. The famed transarctic birdiaan expected to use the plane to span the Antarctic continent early in November, provided good weather prevailed.
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B A R A R - A view of the old wal'ed town of Harar, Ethiopia a key point to the Addis AbabaDjibouti railway, expected to be the next important objective ir the drive into Ethiopia by the southern Italian army.
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PKAItLS 7IAKV CfeTEK?—Lin aue coctum.s were seen at St. Mar* Maqailenti chuich. London durin- tlic lecent harvest festival wnen membeis of \ai'oir tiade and benevolent acsociatlons brought gifts of fiuit anci b'ead ALo^c v a family with then clothing bedecked with pscul buttons, as they attended.
>IORMON—Brigham Young, V. descendant of the founder of Mormonism. as he prepared to embark in New York with 30 other Mormon missionaries for work in Europe. His home was in Utah.
TIMES SQUARE IN ADDIS ABABA—Here is a view of Ethiopia's leading city toward which the I t X n s w e r e ^ h t a g o n - t ^ £ S n ^ a s their eventual objective. .Emperor Hade Selassie^ said to be a progressive monarch who has done much to modernize his capital. As may be seen, here is a traffic station to direct an American-made automobile amid native atmosphere.
GRID COACH HOKOEE0—At right is Glenn (Pop) Warner, famous' football coach at Temple University, Philadelphia, as he was presented the Poor Richard Club's silver medal for achievement, by the president, Charles H. Byles, left, in Philadelphia. In center is John C. McAvoy, coach of Ursinus College team. Onited Newspictant
Beth-EI Plans To Honor Rabbi, Mrs. Goldstein
Religious Services
Round Table | Youth Forums
The Round Table of Jewish Youth will again sponsor a series Rabbi and Mrs. David A. Gold«• * . * ^ *.*. *,. .„ . i Sisterhood Sabbath wtfl be ob- of Youth forums this year on tlic stein will be honored by the mem- js e r v e d a t T e m p i e I s r a e i t h i s e T e . general theme "World Jewry— bers of the Beth-El congregation ning. Miss Jane Evans, execu- Today and Tomorrow." Through at a dinner to be given on Novem- tive secretary of the National these forums a picture of World ber 13, marking five years that ^ d e r a t i o n of Temple Sisterhoods, Jewry will be presented in which _ , . . • , , . ". . . ;will be the guest speaker, her t h e organization of Jewish life, Rabb! Goldstein has been spirit-,,t o p i c b e l n g ,, .. TT hh ee M o r a l the internal and external forces ual leader of the synagogue. The j tion to Be Interesting." affair will be open to members j Those participating b e s i d e s at work, ' the professional and I Miss Evans are the Mesdames Max economic status of the Jew and only. The dinner will also serve as a , Holzman, Louis Kuh, Sam Gilin- the possible trends of Jewish life victory celebration, ending the; ^ BJlA M - L - Cohn. in the next decade will all be disfirst building fund campaign for i t-'shers at the service l m- cussed. The forum series will the new synagogue building to be clude the Mesdames E. I. Rubin, open on Sunday evening, Decemerected at 49 th and Farnam Sam Wolf, Sam Wertheiraer, jr., ber 1, with a discussion o£ "RusBtreets. and Milton Abrahams. A reception will be held after sia a n d Biro-Bidjan" by Rabbi Reservations may be m a d e '_ ! Harold Berger. The other counwith Mrs. William Alberts, GLen- the service. The public is tries to be presented and speakvited.
States" on Sunday eveEing April 12. j The regular Sunday evening dances of the Round Table will j follow these forums in the Center ; auditorium. The dancer will be j similar to the first Round Table j Dance this year and will feature I Geneva (WXS-Palcor Agency) the College Club orchestra with —The League of Nations, under Ann Nieman, soloist. whose control the Mandate f o r The Round Table debate tour- Palestine is administered, hs* nament will begin in November again rejected a. petition that. and the finals for the Irvin Stal- Palestine should be developed B* master Trophy will be held on P. Jewish State, it was learned h--r December IT. the Palcor News Agency. Other activities for the r e a r The decision was made by th* will include the annual oratorical Permanent Mandates Commission, contest in February, the dramatic which is preparing a report t i tournament in January, and the the League Council embodying >tr. Purim Carnival in March. conclusions on petitions submitOfficers for this year are Loyal ted by the PnlFFtine Revision^; Kaplan, President: Fannie Wit- Organization, similar to thos*kin, Vice-president: Ernie Nogg. presented las* year ann dismlsFpri. Secretary: Joe Goldware, Treasurer; ;
League Denies Plea for Jewish State
On November S3 Greece Iege as a privilege granted to a by the Venizelists, Jews were athave a referendum to deter- minority group. Then came the tacked and Jewish property lootmine -whether the monarchy rise of the anti-Semitic organiza- ed while the royalist government should be restored. In view of tion, E. E. E. (Ethniki Enossis tried to protect the Jews. Nor the recent royalist coup d'etat Ellados), who In June, 1931, have t h e Jews here overlooked the outcome of the plebiscite is brought on the tragic Campbell the fact that the Greek royal famhardly in doubt. In this timely incident, the first pogrom in the ily is now related to t h e royal review Mr. Mordah reveals what history of modern Greece, during family of England which is trathe Jews of Greece hope from which the entire Jewish quarter ditionally friendly to t h e Jews the return of the king and the was razed by an incendiary fire. a n d hostile to all governments monarchy will mean to Greet More recently the Venizelists have engaged in racial a n d religious First Scholarship Fund allied themselves more or 1 e s B persecution. The reassuring words Jewry.—THE EDITOR. ' \ ~ Bombay—The first openly with t h e anti-Semitic of the hew premier, General Kon-| dale 3428; Mrs. Isadore Abramers are "Western Europe" by 191,482 JCWS in Vienna fund for Jewish students in t h f forces and Venizelos himself has On November 3d there -will be dylis, w h o is acting as regent,! son, WAInut 6906; or Mrs. MorServices Saturday morning will Rabbi David Wice on Sunday eveVienna — N e w c-n-nis figures history of India was establifhefl I begin at 10: SO a. m. a nation-wide plebiscite in 'Greece permitted his party organs to en- pledging his protection to t h e ' ris Arkin, GLendale I486. to determine •whether the present gage in a continuous campaign of Jews, and the fact that the two j The program will include greet- i T h G f i r B t B i b l e c l a E S meeting j ning, January 5j "Central Eur- show that the Jewish population here when the Sir 1 David J. Sapsoon Charity Func Trust approrepublio > should be replaced by a vituperation against the Jews. Be- Jews in the the Greek senate are are both ' ings from the local Rabbis and ; y i U b e n e l d Tuesday, November j ope" by Rabbi Frederick Cohn on of this city is 1P1.4S1. which is monarchy. In view of, the recent cause of all this amicable rela- members of t h e royalist party, j from Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz of j 0, at the home of Mrs. Sam Ber- i Sunday evening. February S, 2.8 per cent of the city's total priated 5 0,00 0 rupees to be seJ, aside in a special Sir David SRFbloodless coup d'etat in which the tions between the Jews and the have also helped to align the Jew- | Sioux City and Rabbi H. Jolt of kowitz, 130 No. 34 street at 1936; "Palestine" by Rabbi David population. soon .scholarship to help Jewish. Goldstein on Sunday evening. militant royalists captured con- Venizelist party were hardly pos- ish population with t h e royalist j Lincoln. A skit, "S. S. Member- 1 p. m. students continue their education. Patronize our advertisers. Twelve lectures will be pre- March 15, and " T h e United trol of the country the result of sible. A few attempts at a re- cause, j ship," will be*"presented by twenapproachment w e r e . made, but the referendum is a foregone conIn other words, t h e great jty members of the congregation, sented in the series. The cost clusion. Before many days Greece failed miserably. change which confronts Greece is j It was written by Mrs. David is 51.50. will become the ih-st country, in The house of Gluecksbourg, equally important for the Jews i Goldstein, Mrs. A. Berman, and Europe to abandon the republican from which the Toyal Greek fam- of Greece. This is why they are Mrs. Sam Theodore, form of government in favor of ily stems, on the other hand, has now displaying a most lively inNo meeting of the Auxiliary I Services will be held at t h e a return to a monarchy. always Bhown a disposition to terest in politics and political de-! will be held during the month of B'nai Israel synagogue at 8 The impending return of t h e give the Jews fair treatment and velopments. The result of t h e ! November, o'clock tonight. Rabbi H. A. Bermonarchy has, strangely enough, protection. It was Prince Nicho- plebiscite, which may put an end j ger will speak on the "The Clergy aroused hopes of better times for las, premier of t h e monarchial to t h e internal conflicts, which j j n Einstein's Native City J Replies." Cantor A. Schwaczkin Greek Jewry which has been suf- government at the time, who did have rent the Greek nation, will and the choir will chant the serBerlin — Albert Einstein, the fering for nearly a decade from away with the charge that the undubitably he of great signifiintermittent anti-Semitic provoca- Jews had poisoned Greek soldiers. cance jto Greek Jewry. Their hope most distinguished son of the city j vices. Rabbi Berger will speak at the tions and economic distress. It is It was Constantino, then heir to is that it will definitely put an . of XTlm, where he was b o r n in one of the ironies of recent Greek the throne, who put an end to end to the period of instability! 1 8 7 9 ' " ras deliberately snubbed Adass Yeshurin synagogue Saturpolitical history that the republi- anti-Semitic incidents during the and insecurity through which the j °y t n e city officials when they day morning. can parties have permitted, a n d early period of Greek occupation Jews of Greece have been passing \s e n t pictorial greetings to 200 even encouraged, a n t i-Semitism of the New Provinces. And it was for more than a decade. former residents of TJlm in commemoration. of German Nationand extreme nationalism to flour- George II, the exiled king, whose (Copyright, 1935, by Seven Arts At services tonight Rabbi David Feature Syndicate) ality Day. A. Goldstein will base his eerish within their ranks, while the return is now only a matter of The greetings went to 169 for-, m o n o n t h e b o o k > more or less conservative parties, days, who lent a favorable ear to Hltier'B mer Ulmers in the TJnited States Prisoner," by Stefan Lorant. and notably the royalists, h a v e Jewish demands for legal recogbut none were sent to Jews. maintained excellent relations nition of their Sabbath d a y of At services Saturday morning with the Jews. Herein the Greeks rest. Philip, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry membership entitles the wife to j Eizenstatt, will become Bar Mitzdiffer from other countries, where The royal family, and especialparticipatipn without f u r t-h e r jv a h . royalists usually are reactionary ly King Constantine, who was and frequently anti-Semitic. compelled to abdicate in 1922, A special gym and swimming charge or a matron's membership j Next week Rabbi Goldstein will maintained very friendly relations To understand why Greek Jewclass for Jewish matrons is to m a y be procured for 510.00 a | s p e a k on "The Nazi and Fascist ry is looking forward with un- with the then Chief Rabbi Jacob be held on Tuesday and Thurs- year, payable at ?2.00 monthly, j challenge to American DemocMrs. Isidor Levinson is chair-1 racy." disguised satisfaction to the re- Meier, who is now the Chief Rab- day mornings at 10 o'clock, acmanof the women's activities and I bi of-the Sephardic community of turn of the monarchy one must cording to an announcement made go back to 1912 when Greece ac- Palestine. It is also a fact that by Lee Grossman, physical educa- is being assisted by Mesdames ] Move Zionist Headquarters quired the so-called^ N e w Prov- during the eleven years in which tion director of the J. C. C. The j Fred Brodkey, Julius Hornstein,; London — In accordance with inces—Macedonia and Thrace—as the New Provinces w e r e under first class will meet Tuesdays A. A. Greenberg, Hyman Green- j jberg, William Racusin, Abe Brod-j the . decision of the nineteenth a result of the Balkan "Wars. The the monarchy there w a s not a morning at the Center. (key, Sam Wolf. Paul Blotcky, Ben i World Zionist Congress, the headsingle evidence of anti-Jewish agienmity between the followers of Other classes will meet on j Shapiro, and the Misses Ray Spar! quarters of the organization deEleutherios Venizeloa, t h e best tation. Monday and Wednesday morn! partment of the World Zionist known Greek statesman, and the Accordingly a n d also because ings. "Volley ball and swimming and Bertha Guss. Lee Grossman will conduct the j Executive are sc • to be transroyalists, already existed at that of the glamour which invariably will be open to all classes Friday 51,440 homes in Omaha—every one of our residential electric gym classes, Al Oruch will teach. ferred from this city to Jerusatime. As soon, as Greece came is associated with a crowned head mornings. swimming, Rutl. Diamond will Hem. customers—will enjoy a saving in their electric bills when into;, possession of Thrace and in the m i n d s of the illiterate Interest in the special class is h a v e classes in interpretative I The liquidation of the London Macedonia, where eighty per cent masses — and unfortunately t h e . our latest voluntary rate reduction goes into effect January 1, of ±he;f Jews of the country live, majority of Greek J e w s growing rapidly. It is expected dancing, Annette Ricklin Silver- ! office, now in full progress, is that 25 matrons will attend the; man will offer a class in t a p • pected to be completed by the end . THE TOTAL SAVING WILL BE $SOO,000 A YEAR! the. jy^nizelists launched - an anti- come . under this classification—• ' ' spreading-•cal- the return of the monarchy Is be- first ^meeting* A- Center family dancing every-Tuesday at 7 p. m.'o* December, 19S5. umnies. *>f - which perhaps the ing eagerly anticipated by most Then our so-called "top" residential rate -mil be only worst-was. the ^accusation that at of Greek Jewry. A consideroble the time of the Balkan Wars the number of young people imbued a kilowatt-hour—one of the lowest top rates in the United Jews had supported the enemy. In with democratic ;ideals a r e , ' of States! Our lowest residential rate is lVj>c a kilowatt hour. 1922, during t h e Greco-Turkish course, not exactly overjoyed at War, Venizelos charged the JewB the prospect ol a restoration of Some of our customers will save enough monthly—EVERY with the same crime, this time In the royal regime. But even this MONTH—to cover the cost of several weeks' washing . . . his diplomatic correspondence. element is gradually being won See Herzbergs NELLY DOX style over to the king, for it is believed revue at the AK-SAR-BEN-ctwking Later a Venizelist government of several weeks' use of a vacuum cleaner . . . of electric tehool. Tuesday through Friday at instituted the. notorious separate and hoped that t h e return of the Orpheum theater. cooking for three or four days . . . of running & refrigerator electoral college lor the Jews of George II will mean the end of Saloniki, an Iniquitous measure to the anti-Jewish excesses which for a week or more. which the Jews raised violent ob- become so frequent here. In looking forward to the rejections. For circumstances peculiar to Greece make it .quite im- turn ol the monarchy Greek JewposBible for Jewry here to consid- ry is not forgetting the fact that er such a separate electoral col- in the recent aborptive revolution r
Almost Two Imths' Electricity Free
A Small Down Payment . . . Convenient Term* . . . Buys Herzbergs
Entertain Here! Herzbergs Special Label Fur Coats
To illustrate the savings: The customer who now pay* an average of $3 a month will save approximately $5 per year. The customer now paying $1.80 a month will save an avcragt of $3 per year. Either of these savings is almost equal to two months o£ free electricity. This total savings to the homes of Omaha will be $230,000 a year. Other savings will go to certain commercial and industrial customers and to Council Bluffs &nd rural customers.
Two and a Half Million Dollars Saved in five Years Prime buck pelts . . . Hollander SEAL DYED CONEY . . . with a two-year guarantee. Beautiful satin brocade linings . . . swagger and fitted styles.
There's DO trouble, or worry about preparations when you bring your guests to Jack Pettis' Club New Yorker. And the food, liquid refreshments, are BO perfect your guests will acclaim your choice. It's easy to relax, to thoroughly enjoy yourself when you dine and dance at the Club New Yorker. Every detail is planned to make your party a success and you'll.find the New Yorker an ideal place to entertain at any time..
The magnitude of this rate reduction can be seen when one realizes that over a period of only five years our customer* will have saved more than two and one-half million dollars in their electric bills. We are making this reduction in electric rates in face of steadily mounting taxes and other expense* because of the increased use of electricity by our customers. Also, we are confident that our customers will take advantage of this reduced rate in making even greater use of electric service in banishing drudgery and in making their hornet more comfortable, happier and more contented places in which to live.
Electricity is Heap Electricity is cheap in Omaha, but with our new rates, deetricky will be cheaper than ever before J Fine quality seal-dyed Coney coats . . . with newest 1936 collar fashions ] Self trimmed . , . and rich contrasting fur trims.
Others $56 to $595
YORKER 19th & Capitol Ave
J. E. DAVIDSON, President.
daily classes for the Hebrew Paramount publicity writer who is now working on hit first as- fore January, 1933. School, and all parents are urged German-Jewish circles regardwrote DeMille's biography- states signment -as a full-fledged scenarto. register their children as soon that DeMille is, one quarter Jew- ic writer. He created a sensation ed the order ss a serious blow to as possible. Registration may be ish on his mother's side. She was two years ago \. lien, £t his ownthe Jews since it. deprh-es them By LOUIS PEKAESKY made on week days between the Mathi'lde Beatrice . : Samuel, an expense and. on. his time, he wrote, of practically the last chance of Mr. and Mrs. Jack S. London hours of four and seven o'clock Englishwoman, who was related directed and photographed a short taking any capital o u t of GerTRIBUTE TO A JEWISH of Madison. S. D.. announce the at the synagogue. MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent to S i r Herbert Samuel. Cecil's subject "intitled "Prisoner." The many, even at a loss. GENIUS birth of a son, on/October 25, In Hitler and his pals in Berlin father was of French and Dutch film was/hailed .as sn .• t i s t i c Sioux City. The Council Bluffs Lodge No. must have gnashed their teeth, ancestry. Cecil was born at Ash- achievement by critics when it JOSEPH L. COHEN. Attorney 688 of the Independent Order of 538 Brandeis Theatre Bfdo, field, Mass., in 1881. The family Miss Jeanne Shindler returned the B'nai B'rith held a meeting cursed, acted burned up and done I home was in Washington, D. C. was shown, in Hollywood, and in every other section of the United j NOTICE OF INCORPORATION all the things that villains do to Sioux City Friday, after mak- Monday evening at t h e Eagles ! Notice is hereby p:iven that the tinLater the DeMilles moved to ing an extended visit with rela- Hall. The following delegates when they read that a Jewish ex- North Carolina and then to Pomp- State. - Roman Freulich was born i dersftrned have formed a corporation in Warsaw, Poland, 36 rears ago. I under the laws of the State of NePlans for a three-day program tives and friends i n - N e w York were chosen the regional district ile from Germany was singled out jbrsskn. The name of the corporation He came to this count;-;- in 1915 Speaking befor«."a large and in- have been made by the* A- Z. A.City. While east, Miss Shindler B'nal B'rith conference to be held for what most folks said was the j ton Lakes, N. J. j shall be Ijjicene laboratories with and entered photographic work, greatest tribute ever paid to a •• principal place of business a t Omaha, chapter and the program'includes terested audiepce,'" Dr. A. L. visited in Philadelphia and Wil-in Omaha, Sunday: Lout- H. Katj STUDIO NEWS IN BRIEF genius in Hollywood. All Southbut later deserted it to join the ; Nebraska. The general nature of th« Sachar "concluded a series of three .a Friday 'evening' service,;"dani£& mington, DeL elman, Dr. Isaac Sternhill, Nathan ern California, n o t only Holly- j Two veterans of the theatre for British forces in Palestine- and 'business to be transacted »!is!I be to manufacture and ,"--e!l chemical, mediaddresses- S u n d a y afternoon, and an open meeting. Gilinsky, Dr. Julius Moskovitz, wood, is still talking about the j more than 35 years have been Egypt during the World War. Af- ; cinal or pharmaceutical preparations: speaking on "The Credo of Jew- Friday evening, November 8, to Duy. sell, lease, own, acquire, riisThe Debra club had their an- and Millard Krasne. Alternates tremendous tribute paid to Max j teamed to play in a new Para- ter the end of the war he came i pose ish Life." and! or encumber rew.l and per; an A. Z.' A. Day service will be nual Hallowe'en costume party chosen were the Messrs. O. Hochproperty incident to thf* purDr. Sachar opened the series of hel dat Shaare ' Zion synagogue, Wednesday evening in the home man, Albert Fox, Nathan Nogg, Reinhardt at t h e Pacific Coast | mount picture. They are w n n e to California as a still photo- !; sonal poses and of this business; to addresses Friday evening, speak- with members of t h e chapter par- of Miss Dorothy Gelson. Dancing Louis Bernstein, and Sam Gross. premiere of his latest masterpiece, | Howard and D a v e Chasen . . grapher in motion pictures. He 'do all triing-H necessary or prorter to Congratulations are offered to "A Midsummer Night's Dream." sold his first s t o r . to Fox in effect the purposes for which this ing on "Weaving the Tapestry of ticipating in t h e service. ., , : and games were followed, by a Warner Brothers Studios also Sam Wood, director, who has 1S2 6. He has been a still .cam- corporatinn is organized. The mUhorJewish History."... Saturday . evej ized capita! stock Khali be fSO.COO.OO Saturday evening;-November 9> buffet supper. International A. Z. A. Day was shared in the enthusiastic acclaim been awarded a new. long-term eraman .at Universal for the,past ; and al! of said stock shall be common. ning His subject was, "Seven Who the chapter "will sponsor: a dance, observed with appropriate ser- that greeted this epoch-making | contract by Metro-Goldwyn-May- eight years.. Roman is a brother . pnr value MOfl per share and fully Built the Land."" u p a n d n o n - a s s e s s a b l e . i t shall •open-to the public, at the BelleMrs. Nathan Galinsky returned vices herd a t the Chevra B'nal event in the motion picture indus- |er. He is being widely lauded for of Jack Freulich, i.oted Universal paid commence business upon filinir of its Dr. Sachar. held the intense in- v u e b a l l r o o m . . ' • " • ' • ' . to her home: in Council Bluffs Yisroel synagogue last Sunday try. On the night of the premiere, | his direction of Irving G. Thal- portrait photographer and an un-articles vith ttip County Clerk of terest of his. audience a t all three Sunday : afternoon,'-.-an • -open after visiting here with her moth- evening, October 27, under t h e police reserves had to be called to jberg's production starring — youcle of Henry Freulich, first cam- Douglas County. Nebraska, and slip,II e'oritinue for a period of 50 years. The lectures- -wita his eloquence, his meeting will be held -and • '.ithe; er, Mrs. Anna Herzoff. sponsorship of the newly-organiz- handle t h e thousands of people i guessed it — those funny Marx eraman at Columbia studios. highest amount oC indebtedness shall vast -background and. his interest- committee in. c h a r g e - p l a n s to not exceed two-thirds of its rp.pitnl ed chapter No. 7 of the local A. who gathered for blocks in front j Brothers. Wood has directed more ing^-selection of subject matter. bring an'-out-of-town speaker to stock, but this restriction shall nnt (Copyright, l^riii, by Spyen Arts Mr. Sam Sherr of Chicago of the theatre awaiting a glimpse Z. A. Mr. Harry Trustin of OmaI than 50 featured productions and include indebtedness secured by inortfeature Syndicate) In bis lectures he displayed a address : the'meeting. • visited in .Sioux City last week ha was the principal speaker and of the hundreds of celebrities | worked with many of the foreefifres or liens. The affairs Khali be l Seen insight into Jewish life and managred by a Board of Directors of Two committees are- In charge with friends and relatives. , Mr. honored guest on this occasion. stars of the stage, screen a n d ! most stars on the s i l v e r screen not less than three members. The anhuman nature. .'.':'. of the arrangements. D a v i d Sherr is a- former Sioux Cityari. Mr. Trustin is a member of the radio, educators, bankers, schol- I during his 16 years as a leading nual meeting Khnll be on {he first . .Dj. Sacha'r's lectures were spon- Wigodsky heads. >. one.. >oommitteeWhile a resident -here he was Supreme Advisory Council of the ars, literary lights/ professional Monday of January of each year, at A • megaphone wielder—director, to which meeting the stock-holders shall sored' by the Ladies' Auxiliary of arid will be assiste'd by 'Jack Mil- prominent in local music circles. A. Z. ;A. arid gave a message of leaders, members of the 400 set, I elect a Board of Pirpetors. and thereI you ., . . It is still u n c e rt a i n Shaare Zion synagogue. . The lec- ler, and Aaron. Cornman. Joseph j upon the Board shall elect. R Presispecial interest to t h e local mem- civic officials from every city on dent. Vice-President. Secretary Slid tures were: held to the.synagogue. Goldstein, heads the committee in ' Miss Naomi Bernstein of Minne- bers. Norman Rosenthal w a s the Pacific Coast, the greatest of whether Cecil De Mille's next proTreasurer. .Any two of said officrio Mrs. S. H. Shulkin and Mrs. Les- charge of the service and 'open apolis is a guest .this month in the chairman in charge of t h e pro-the great in Hollywood who turn- 'iduction will be "Samso.-. and De; may he held by one and the same jlilah" or "Buffalo Bil." It deter. Heeger.^were In charge of the meeting, and he will be assisted | person. These articles may bo anipndgram. Other members who par-ed out to honor a Jewish exile ipends on which script Is finished home of her sister, Mrs. Eli i ed at nny retriilar or spt'ein! ruT'tine1 arrangements and ticket: sales. by Milton. Lehniar, Nathan Rosen- Robinow. from what was once a noted land of the stockholders by a two-thirds ticipated in the program w e r e i first, and there is qiute a race on : Dr. Sachar spoke before a Sioux thal and Morris Mirkeri. vote of thn outstanding stork Robert Roffman, Ben Kutler, Eu- of culture. i _ IN WITNESS AVHEUEOF. the pari. . . Benny Baker, Paramount's Nazis ' Prevent Withdrawal City audience last year, 'and in ! ties have hereunto sub-scrib^cl their • Mrs. J. Olensky spent last week gene Telpner, Herbert Rosenthal, I rising young comedian, and Marhis lectures this year, -was wel| names this 14th day of October, 1535, Vernon Fitch; and Harold Fox. Any. Capital Out of Reinhardt's stay in Hollywood jjorie Wollman have ^een wanderin Iowa City, visiting with her I Walter I,, l^are comed back to Sioux City by undaughter, Pearl, who is a student Germany • A regular meeting of the local will be only a matter of a few Mng down lover's lane. They have precedented, interest and atten! M. H. Goldberg at the university. : A. Z. A. chapter No. 7 will be days, however, as he is returning I been together all around Hollytion^ -; He was the .guest at an Berlin (JTA)-—German Jewry ;! in the presence of Lillian At. Beard held a t t h e synagogue Sunday to New York to begin work on a i wood town. Benny h a i l s from open house. Friday .evening with Mr. Jack London of Madison, afternoon, November 3, at 2:30 magnificent stage pageant, "The | Omaha, Nebraska, and Rochester, was urged by its leaders Tuesday | JOSEPH U COHEN* The aanua,l Senior . Hadassah Mr. and_Mrs. Jtf, Seff, and Satur10IS354t card party, will be held, next TuesS. D., visited in Sioux City last o'clock. All members are urged Road, of Promise," a Biblical play I New York . . . Luise Rainer, pet- night to- concentrate on leaving day, evening in^the home of Mrs. by,Franz Werfel, to be produced day,-November §, in .th^ Jewish week-end. . FRADENEURG. WEBB, BEBER, to attend. J . N . Krueger. : | He Viennese film player, is eager- Germany.: "since there is no other KLUTZN1CK & KELLEY, and by Meyer W.Weisgal at the Man- i ly looking forward to a visit from alternative left," at the first pubCommunity Center a t / 8 o'clock'. ALFRED A. FIEDLER. Attys. hattan Oper'o House late in De- I her mother, who is now enroute lic meeting devoted to emigration. Mrs.. Meyer.. A. Marks and Mrs. /Mr. Max Gelson visited in Iowa 650 Omaha Nat'! Bank BldQ, The Council Bluffs Talmud Charles Raskin, chairmen of the City last week with his daughter, cember with a cast of 500. He j from Europe to Hollywood . . . Meanwhile, the Reich GovernOF ADMINISTRATION party have • been- assisted, by. a Dorothy, who is. a student at the Torah Society will Lold a regular will return here In January to be-! Harpo Marx is one of the few act-ment issued an order which will : inNOTICE the C o u n t y Court of Douglas meeting Monday evening, Novemlarge group of Hadassah, mem- university. gin his second film undertaking iors in the world who could be un-prevent Jews wishing to leave the ! County. .Nebraska: ber 4, at eight o'clock at t h e for Warner Brothers. In the Matter of the Kstate of H a n . bers. ' . \ . nah Venn "Deceased, I derstood in any language—panto- country from taking with them Chevra B'nal Yisroel synagogue . -V.The , Inter-club council met Advance 'ticket sale for the Mrs. William Lazere, Mrs. Sol' at 618 Mynster Street. persons intere r .red in said estate 1 mime • is the only universal lan- even suoh capital as was hitherto sreAllhereby Sunday morning in the Jewish party indicate that a capacity ARE THEY JEWISH? notified that e petition has permitted under the currency regNovitsky, and Mrs. Theodore N. ' guage . . . Harpo also plays the j been filed in said Court allejrinc that Community Center, when plans crowd will attend. Proceeds will Bernard Postal writes from jsairl deceased died leaving no" last will lor the annual Carnival to be be used for the regular Hadassah Lewis spent several days in Des The Sisterhood of the Talmud New York to tell us he has been , harp masterfully* but in such an ulations. prayinp for administration upon Moines, this week, .attending the The edict, known as "Order and 'unorthodox manner that no other her estate, and that a hearinir will be . held in November were outlined projects in Palestine. Torah- will hold.- i t-.s regular informed that we are wrong in retwo-day meeting of the' District had on said petition before said roint 19S," declares that recently there I harpist can play the same harp arid discussed. Mr. E. N. Grueon the lfith day of November, IMS. Number 20 of the* National Fed- monthly meeting next Wednesday porting that Joe Penner and Cecil j after Harpo tunes it . . . has been a sudden' rise in the de-,ann skin, chairman of the Council, that if they fail to appear at said afternoon, November 6, a t 2:30 De Mille are of our faithi Well, eration of Temple Sisterhoods. mand f o r foreign bonds, which :; Court on the said ]fitri day of Nnvempresided. o'clock a t t h e Chevra B'nai Yis- we say they are on information jSSn. at n o'clock A. II. .to conemigrants are allowed to take out ; her. Small committee meetings of test said petition, the C o u r t may i ABILITY RECOGNIZED Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will Miss Harriet Rosenblum, daugh- roel synagogue at 618 Mynster from authentic sources. Joe Penof the country, owing to the in-pi-ant administration of estate the workers on the Advertising, Street. - Rabbi Jacob Cohn, new ner's own publicity writer a n d | When Carl Laemmle, president Frank K. Peek or some other suitCar, a n d Baffle committees are speak this evening at Shaare Zion ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rosen- spiritual leader of the community, the author of his biography at ! of Universal Pictures, announced crease in the number of people to able person and proceed to a settlesynagogue on "Our Brethren In blum, has been chosen a member wishing to leave the country. ment thereof. being held during the week, when will be the guest speaker. His Paramount Studios says Penner is |that he would advance employees The order therefore instructs BKTCE CRAWFORD reports of the workers are made. Ethiopia." Cantor A. Pliskin and of the glee club at Ward Belmont subject will, be "Thoughts of the a Hungarian Jew, his real name [at the studio, he meant it. Roman County Judge. the synagogue, choir will sing. college, Nashville, Tenn. custom authorities to cancel im- ii 10-2,*-S.'-St Bible.?' All members and their is Joe Pinter, arid he is a former | Freulich, former still cameraman, mediately and with retroactive Junior congregation service will begin a t l 0 : 3 0 o'clock and Madam Word has been received here of friends, are-- cordially .invited to resident and automobile plant submitted an idea for a story to effect all permits, except where worker of Detroit: Jack Cooper, Laemmle and the veteran f i l m the emigrants are able to prove ••.-••••Bella Pevsner will tell the story the engagement of "Charles M. Ur- a t t e n d . Early Friday evening services to the children. Candy, will be bach, former Sioux Cityari, to a fine Jewish boy who, until a magnate.considered it so good he that the bonds were issued bewill be held this evening at the distributed to the children by Dr.Miss Pearl Ethel Spring of Chi- Mrs. -Ben Gershun entertained couple of weeks ago wrote t h e took Freulich from his assignKecofrnizcd as West Side Congregation at 5:30 and Mrs. Joe Krigsten, honoring cago. The wedding date has notat a beautifully-appointetl Tea onpublicity f o r DeMille's pictures, ment as still cameraman on a picWHITE and LAZAR o'clock. PKACTICAI., MOREL the birth of their daughter. Monday afternoon, October 21, at tells us that both Penner and theture now in production and ad- LEON and been set. KAPLAN, Attys. P h o n e .KWiff 604 Ctty Nat*! Bank Eldg, Tomorrow morning services On Wednesday, December 1 1 , Miss Spring is the daughter of her home a t 615 Bluff Street in Iace director are lis'.ed as Jewish vanced him to the post of scenarwill begin at 9 o'clock. Reading Dr. Victor Levine, of the Creigfi- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spring. She honor of her sister-in-law. Mrs. on the studio personnel list. The ist, doubling his salary. Freulich BlEffs, IS. NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL of the law will take place at 9:30 ton university will speak at is a graduate of the Chicago Morris Gershuny of Chicago. SixIn the C o u n t y Court of Douglas o'clock. Special services for the Shaare Zion synagogue on his re-Academy of Fine Arts and also ty guests called between t h e County. .Nebraska. children will begin at 10 o'clock cent travels in Alaska. In the Matter of the Estate of Paul hours of two and five o'clock. A attended the a r t institute in ChiFhiiipp, Deceased and Rabbi Goldberg will deliver cago and Northwestern univer- yellow a n d white color scheme AH persons interested in said esa sermonette. ; was carried out. Mrs. J. Krasne tate are hereby notified that a petsity. . .." . ition has been fited in said Court, Tomorrow afternoon a t 3:30 Mr. TJrbach is the son of Mrs. poured at the tea table, and was praying for the probate of a certain The Junior Hadassah chapter Leah Urbacri. instrument .now- on file in said Court, o'clock, R a b b i Goldberg will While In Sioux assisted by Miss Rae, Bernstein, heard Madam Bella Pevsifer speak purporting- to he the last will and tesHollywood—A most revealing but he and his Yiddish Art group speak in the Beth Abraham synaCity he was associated with the M r s . ' L e o Meyerson, and Mrs. of said deceased, and that n little ' document—that booklet is- are crowding them in the aisles tement gogue on "The Art of Today." Wednesday evening on "The Sioux City Tribune and later the Lawrence Krasne. hearing- will be had on said petition Youth of Many Lands," a t their sued by the United Jewish Welbefore said Court on the- Ifith day of every night in London. George Shalus Shudas, which has been United Air Lines. " He is now sta- . Numerous other affairs are beNovember, 1935 and that if they fail donated by Mr. Abe Lebowich regular monthly meeting- held in tioned at Lindbergh field in San ing given, complimentary to Mrs.fare'Fund of Los Angeles. It con- Jessel will jest about Cinematown to appear a t said Court on the said •will be served a t the Tiphereth the Jewish Community Center. Diego, Calif. Gershuny, who, with h e r small t a i n s / a l l the contribtitors and in the "New Yorker" o n c e a 16th day .-of. November, 1935 at 9 A.'.M., to contest the probate | Israel synagogue to the adults and Miss. Dorothy Merlin presided at son, Ted Lesle, is spending the their gifts for the 1935 campaign. month henceforth. If George Giv- o'clock of said .Trill, the Court may allow and the meeting. The mute figures point to t h e ot is able to remain here, he'll probate said will and grant adminisHebrew school children. Miss Dora Kurtz, entertained month visiting at the home of her movie colony's magnanimity withtration of said e s t a t e to Margaret Plans were made for the annual legalize . . . he plans to study law brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Philipp or some other suita.ble perHebrew school sessions are be-Junior Hadassah Card party, and five couples a t a Hallowe'en party son, enter a degree of heirship, a n d ! Mrs. Ben Gershun. Mrs. Gershuny out which the fund w o u l d . h a v e at a Los Angeles university. ing held daily from 4 to 7 o'clock. the date set for November 13 in Tuesday evening in her home. been nil. Cinemalites, Gentiles, as proceed to a settlement thereof. j was formerly Miss Celia Gershun The school is under the supervi- the Warrior hotel. BRTCE CRAWFORD Miss Eva well as Jews, were by far t h e Did you know that when Louis of Council Bluffs. County .Tudg-e. sion of Rabbi Goldberg and over Orlikoff is chairman o£ the party. Mrs. Fred Foreman of Madison, most generous donors. Among the B. Mayer was little more than 14 10-25-35-3t 50 children are enrolled. Proceeds .will go toward the S. D., spent last week-end in Sioux toppers were the fifteen-hundred- he" had worked up such a lively A meeting of the Mothers' club Palestinian Fund of the Junior City with triends and relatives. " . . M r s . Max Harris and daughter, dolla'r'checks frorir J a c k Benny, Betty Lee,- spent the past week- Sam /Goldwyn, ' Louis B. Mayer, business of metal salvaging that was held Wednesday afternoon, H a d a s s a h . •• ' •,-••••_ .. end in Fremont, Nebraska, where Irving Thalberg, and Jack Warri-i he. took his father in as a partner with Mrs. Joe Gorchow, president, they visited Mrs. Harris- parents, er. Those giving one-o-o-oh! and t ' m a k e the deal legal? They empresiding. Reports of the HeMr. and. Mrs. J. Berbin, .and at- more were Irving Berlin, Harry ployed two hundred men f o r brew school were made, and sattended a Zamily reunion. isfaction over the progress of the A debating class, under the suCohn, Phil Goldstone, AI Jolson, hoisting sunken ships and salvagschool was expressed at the meet- pervision of Irvin Lunln, and the Joseph''Schenck, David Selznick, ing the metal. ing. James Lemson returned home Ernst Lubitsch, and Myron Selzauspices of the Jewish'Community Binnie Barnes* husband, S a m Tuesday following a week-end j nick. • Center, was organized last SunBY F . B. K. Joseph, owns the originU manus•visit in Chicago, Illinois. day afternoon,, and will hold its By comparison the Jewish med- cript of the "Star-Spangled Banfirst regular meeting next ^Tonical/prof esslon of this city should ner" . . .'and he's an Englishman! day evening. The group/ plans to The Council Bluffs Senior Ha- blush for shame . . . t h e i r - a l ' D r . Theodore N. Lewis,; will SHAPIN-GOLDBERG , WEDDING .Speak this evening at Mount Sinai study the .elements of,, speech, The marriage of Miss R e v a dassah Study Group entertained most .consistent ten-dollar donaThe Warners . . . pro and con: Temple : on his experiences in parallmentary law, .extemporane- Goldberg of Chicago, formerly of at an open house Monday evening tions (even f r o m the affluent) Brother Jack issues an edict—no at the home of Mrs. Nathan Nogg. Mexico this summer. .: . ' . ous speaking an.d debating,;. Council Bluffs, to Mr. Milton J . The class 1s -open to "all young Shapin of Chicago will take place A very interesting program was cause us to wo'nder whether there free pictures to execs on the lot On November 11, the Temple was an agreement among them for their home movies . . . They Brotherhood will hold its first people ifrom-theugfis; of 13 to 16. Sunday evening, November 3, at arranged by Mrs. Martin Trout- not to contribute more. wear out too many prints. On the The group will meet next Monfelt, who is t h e cultural chairregular meeting of the fall seathe Chicago Beach Hotel in Chiother hand, J. W. is most generday, a t 7:30 in the, Community Bon. The meeting will be precago. Miss Goldberg is a sister man of the Senior Hadassah. Mr. The Marx Triplets are as "off" ous with free prints for benefits, ceded by a dinner in the West Center, and those wishing to join of Mrs. Saul Suvalsky of Council Harry Mendelson of Omaha was off the screen as they are on . . . often releasing a picture before ' hotel. D r . Leon Galinsky, pres- may register at that time. Bluffs, who. is leaving Saturday the guest speaker.' H i s subject .: A class in shorthand wiir also evening to attend the wedding was "Palestine." Mrs. Leo Mey- if you follow me. Groucho is very it is commercially distributed. ident of the ..Brotherhood Those embossed, engraved, emnieet at the same hour in the and to visit her mother, Mrs. Ida erson sang a gronp. of songs, as- particular about the brand of preside a t t h e meeting. cigars he smokes.. . . has them blazoned invitations to "Midsum.'Center... ',!","...'- .'.".'..'•'"'•,'"/" '"•'"" " Goldberg. • Accompanying M r s.' sisted at the piano by Mrs. Rog-made especially for him b y a Phil- mer Night's Dream" premiere reSuvalsky will be her two sons, ers. Rabbi Jacob Cohn spoke also, adelphia concern. One day Chico turned with drooping corners to Selwin and Marvin; a n d Mrs. arid, assisted in the formation of and Harpo thoughtfully replaced the W. B. Studio marked "3 Cents two cultural groups to meet on The regular bi-monthly meeting Stella Vann of Council Bluffs. alternate Monday nights. One the select brand with a box of the Postage Due." Charles Goldberg . of Griswold, of the B'liai B'rith lodge will be cheapest stogies obtainable. That There's a rift, they say, 'twixt The Mount Sinai Temple Sister- held next, Wednesday evening in Iowa, brother of the bride, will class, will study "Jewish History," afternoon Groucho wired his cig-the houses of Warner and LeRoy. and the other group "will study hood will meet for a luncheon and the Jewish -..- Community^ • Center. also attend the wedding and "Jewish Customs and Ceremo- ar-makers to congratulate them 'Tis bruited about t h a t Son-inmeeting- this afternoon in .the Mr. Frank Margolin ^ill-preside. serve as usher. " nials," under the direction of on the improvement of their law Mervyn LeRoy may take his Temple > Annex. . M r s . William - Fonowingthe business-meeting, product! bodkins over to the original WarLazere will preside at the meet- a- new : constitution for the local SABBATH SERVICES TONIGHT Rabbi Cohn., Anyone Interested ner courtyard on, Sunset Boulein either group is asked to get in ing. Dr. Delia Galinsky is in chapter; will be presented to the Rabbi Jacob Cohen of Council Mack Gordon, the song-writer vard and perch i placard, "LeRoy charge of the program which will lodge. . . '• .. Bluffs, who commenced regular touch with Mrs. Troutfelt, phone of 300-pound bulk, has a role in Productions." Pardon us . . . 4573 J. Following the meeting, include-a talk on- Russia by RevFriday Night Sabbath Services at refreshments were served. "Collegiate." When reporting for Shakespeare has come to Hollyerend J . J . Davies; plan'i solo by Katowice,; Poland — A 1 o c a 1 t h e Chevra B'nal Yisroel synawork he brought three men along wood. Mrs, A. H . Baron and readings "by court sentenced M. Pustelnik, edi- gogue, ,618 Mynster Street, last . .-. together they will make one Mfss Miriam Blank. tor of the magazine Polonia; to a Friday evening, will speak tonight The Council Bluffs Agudas stand-in for him. We like the story t h e y tell Mrs. Morris A. Weiner and Mrs. month In j a i l , for publishing a at eight o'clock promptly on, theAchim Society will hold a reguitbont Papa Yoelson, Al Jolson's Jack- Robinson a r e in charge of caricature of Reichsfuehrer Hit topic, "Is JudaJsm a Universal lar meeting next Thursday eveSchmoos: They say Fanchon father. Al was just about to enter •" " "Oiere's a friendly qreetinq awaitinq you the moment the luncheon arrangements. ler. Religion?" Regular services will ning, November 7, at 8:30 o'clock a n d Marco Agency submitted the broadcasting room when he be conducted of interest to both at the Eagles Hall. ;.. >ou : eterthe President. Every comfort and luxury at received a long-distance call. His Elaine Barrie (John Barrymore's j young and old, and everyone is once-upon-a-time) for v a u d e ipappy's voice came over the wire, •.;towcost Finest o f food in the Coffee Shop or the cordially invited to attend. The Chevra B'nai Yisroel So- bookings. . . alas, no bids. Fran- "You were wonderful! You were ••••_ ^ i l n u t (bom. Garage directly opposite entrance ciety will hold a regular meeting cis Leder, official representative marvelous!" "But I haven't startThe Council Bluffs Talmud next Wednesday evening,. Novem- of the Movie Industry, greeted ed yet," corrected Al. There was PERCY TYRRELL A- •--.- -Torah Sunday School opened its ber 6, at eight o'clock a t the syn- President Roosevelt on his recent no answer for a moment, then, fall season Sunday morning, Oc- agogue at. 618 Mynster Street. visit .'... . but F . D. R. had no "My boy, I know. But you forget tober 27, at the Chevra B'nai Yls-i time for flicker factories. Edward the difference in time!" roel synagogue at .618 Mynstec Robinson is nibbling at a Franz Street. Classes are still being or- Spanish Jews Protest Hale masterpiece for f 60,0001 . T u n e in again . . . same time. ganized next Sunday, BO that any Geneva—The protest of Span- "You're not the type!" said Hol1935, Jewish Telegraphic child, who was unable to' attend ish Jewry against the anti-Jewish lywood to Maurice Schwartz . . - (Copyright, Afe'ency, Inc.) last Sunday, is urged to come to laws recently enacted at Nuremthe synagogue promptly at t e n berg was forwarded to Eduard O'clock - next Sunday morning, Benes, president of the .'League of November 3, for registration. Nations Council, by Ignacio, BauRabbi Jacob Cohn, who la prin- er, president of m e Jewish ComJUST our or THE NO;SE cipal of the Talmud Torah and munity of Madrid and delegate to BALTIMORE AT 14™ ST. Sunday School, announced also tne Spanish League of Nations that registration is still open for Society.
Society News
Many Attend
CHAPTER PLANS • FOR A. Z. A. DAY Sachar Series
t\i i si i zi i:
i-l • 1 1
Card Party Tuesday . By Senior Hadassah
Inter-Club Council / Meeting Is Held
Shaare Zion
United Congregation
Junior Hadassah
Debating Class
Mount Sinai
Sisterhood Meeting Be Held Today